(Studies In Big Data 26) Srinivasan S. (ed.) Guide To Applications Springer (2018)
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- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- List of Reviewers
- Part I General
- 1 Strategic Applications of Big Data
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 From Value Disciplines to Digital Disciplines
- 1.3 Information Excellence
- 1.4 Solution Leadership
- 1.4.1 Digital-Physical Mirroring
- 1.4.2 Real-Time Product/Service Optimization
- 1.4.3 Product/Service Usage Optimization
- 1.4.4 Predictive Analytics and Predictive Maintenance
- 1.4.5 Product-Service System Solutions
- 1.4.6 Long-Term Product Improvement
- 1.4.7 The Experience Economy
- 1.4.8 Experiences
- 1.4.9 Transformations
- 1.4.10 Customer-Centered Product and Service Data Integration
- 1.4.11 Beyond Business
- 1.5 Collective Intimacy
- 1.6 Accelerated Innovation
- 1.7 Integrated Disciplines
- 1.8 Conclusion
- References
- 2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications
- 3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis
- 4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language:A Survey
- 1 Strategic Applications of Big Data
- Part II Applications in Science
- 5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment
- 6 High Performance Computing and Big Data
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 High Performance in Action
- 6.3 High-Performance and Big Data Deployment Types
- 6.4 Software and Hardware Considerations for Building Highly Performant Data Platforms
- 6.5 Designing Data Pipelines for High Performance
- 6.6 Conclusions
- References
- 7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas Industry with Big Data
- 8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 The Value of Big Data for the Petroleum Industry
- 8.3 General Explanation of Terms
- 8.4 Steps to Big Data in the Oilfield
- 8.5 Future of Tools, Example
- 8.6 Next Step: Big Data Analytics in the Oil Industry
- 8.7 Big Data is the future of O&G
- 8.8 In Conclusion
- References
- 9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 A Brief Review of the Statistics of Friendship Paradoxes: What are Strong Paradoxes, and Why Should We Measure Them?
- 9.2.1 Feld's Mathematical Argument
- 9.2.2 What Does Feld's Argument Imply?
- 9.2.3 Friendship Paradox Under Random Wiring
- 9.2.4 Beyond Random-Wiring Assumptions: Why Weak and Strong Friendship Paradoxes are Ubiquitous in Undirected Networks
- 9.2.5 Weak Generalized Paradoxes are Ubiquitous Too
- 9.2.6 Strong Degree-Based Paradoxes in Directed Networks and Strong Generalized Paradoxes are Nontrivial
- 9.3 Strong Paradoxes in the Quora Follow Network
- 9.4 A Strong Paradox in Downvoting
- 9.4.1 What are Upvotes and Downvotes?
- 9.4.2 The Downvoting Network and the Core Questions
- 9.4.3 The Downvoting Paradox is Absent in the Full Downvoting Network
- 9.4.4 The Downvoting Paradox Occurs When The Downvotee and Downvoter are Active Contributors
- 9.4.5 Does a ``Content-Contribution Paradox'' Explain the Downvoting Paradox?
- 9.4.6 Summary and Implications
- 9.5 A Strong Paradox in Upvoting
- 9.6 Conclusion
- References
- 10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud
- 10.1 Context and Motivation
- 10.2 Data Deduplication Technical Design Issues
- 10.3 Chapter Highlights
- 10.4 Secure Image Deduplication Through Image Compression
- 10.5 Background
- 10.6 Proposed Image Deduplication Scheme
- 10.7 Secure Video Deduplication Scheme in Cloud Storage Environment Using H.264 Compression
- 10.8 Background
- 10.9 Proposed Video Deduplication Scheme
- 10.10 Chapter Summary
- References
- 11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Searchable Encryption Models
- 11.3 Text
- 11.4 Range Queries
- 11.5 Media
- 11.6 Other Applications
- 11.7 Conclusions
- References
- 12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Implementation Framework About MS-SHM-Hadoop
- 12.3 Acquisition of Sensory Data and Integration of Structure-Related Data
- 12.4 Nationwide Civil Infrastructure Survey
- 12.5 Global Structural Integrity Analysis
- 12.6 Localized Critical Component Reliability Analysis
- 12.7 Civil Infrastructure's Reliability Analysis Based on Bayesian Network
- 12.8 Conclusion and Future Work
- References
- Part III Applications in Medicine
- 13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data:A Case Study of Epileptic Seizure Prediction and Control
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Background
- 13.3 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos
- 13.4 Lyapunov Exponents
- 13.5 Rapid Prototyping HPCmatlab Platform
- 13.6 Case Study: Epileptic Seizure Prediction and Control
- 13.7 Future Research Opportunities and Conclusions
- Appendix 1: Electrical Stimulation and Experiment Setup
- Appendix 2: Preparation of Animals
- References
- 14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine:A Data Science Roadmap
- 15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco Use Disorder
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Method
- 15.3 Results
- 15.3.1 Top 20 Diseases in TUD and Non-TUD Patients
- 15.3.2 Top 20 Diseases in TUD Patients and Corresponding Prevalence in Non-TUD Patients
- 15.3.3 Top 15 Comorbidities in TUD Patients Across Two Hospital Visits (Second Iteration) and Corresponding Prevalence in Non-TUD Patients
- 15.3.4 Comorbidities in TUD Patients Across Three Hospital Visits (Third Iteration) and Comparison with Non-TUD Patients
- 15.4 Discussion and Concluding Remarks
- References
- 16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician
- 16.1 Part 1: The Patient-Physician Relationship
- 16.1.1 Defining Quality Care
- 16.1.2 Choosing the Best Doctor
- 16.1.3 Choosing the Best Hospital
- 16.1.4 Sharing Information: Using Big Data to Expand the Patient History
- 16.1.5 What is mHealth?
- 16.1.6 mHealth from the Provider Side
- 16.1.7 mHealth from the Patient Side
- 16.1.8 Logistical Concerns
- 16.1.9 Accessibility
- 16.1.10 Privacy and Security
- 16.1.11 Regulation and Liability
- 16.1.12 Patient Education and Partnering with Patients
- 16.1.13 Developing Online Health Communities Through Social Media: Creating Data that Fuels Research
- 16.1.14 Translating Complex Medical Datainto Patient-Friendly Formats
- 16.1.15 Beyond the Package Insert: Iodine.com
- 16.1.16 Data Inspires the Advent of New Models of Medical Care Delivery
- 16.2 Part II: Physician Uses for Big Data in Clinical Care
- References
- 16.1 Part 1: The Patient-Physician Relationship
- 13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data:A Case Study of Epileptic Seizure Prediction and Control
- Part IV Applications in Business
- 17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking
- 18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data
- 19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick Serve Restaurant Chain
- Author Biographies
- Index

Studies in Big Data 26
S.Srinivasan Editor
Guide to
Big Data
About this Series
The series “Studies in Big Data” (SBD) publishes new developments and advances
in the various areas of Big Data – quickly and with a high quality. The intent
is to cover the theory, research, development, and applications of Big Data, as
embedded in the fields of engineering, computer science, physics, economics and
life sciences. The books of the series refer to the analysis and understanding of
large, complex, and/or distributed data sets generated from recent digital sources
coming from sensors or other physical instruments as well as simulations, crowd
sourcing, social networks or other internet transactions, such as emails or video
click streams and other. The series contains monographs, lecture notes and edited
volumes in Big Data spanning the areas of computational intelligence including
neural networks, evolutionary computation, soft computing, fuzzy systems, as well
as artificial intelligence, data mining, modern statistics and Operations research, as
well as self-organizing systems. Of particular value to both the contributors and
the readership are the short publication timeframe and the world-wide distribution,
which enable both wide and rapid dissemination of research output.
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/11970
S. Srinivasan
Guide to Big Data
S. Srinivasan
Jesse H. Jones School of Business
Texas Southern University
Houston, TX, USA
ISSN 2197-6503 ISSN 2197-6511 (electronic)
Studies in Big Data
ISBN 978-3-319-53816-7 ISBN 978-3-319-53817-4 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017936371
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
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To my wife Lakshmi and grandson Sahaas

It gives me great pleasure to write this Foreword for this timely publication on the
topic of the ever-growing list of Big Data applications. The potential for leveraging
existing data from multiple sources has been articulated over and over, in an
almost infinite landscape, yet it is important to remember that in doing so, domain
knowledge is key to success. Naïve attempts to process data are bound to lead to
errors such as accidentally regressing on noncausal variables. As Michael Jordan
at Berkeley has pointed out, in Big Data applications the number of combinations
of the features grows exponentially with the number of features, and so, for any
particular database, you are likely to find some combination of columns that will
predict perfectly any outcome, just by chance alone. It is therefore important that
we do not process data in a hypothesis-free manner and skip sanity checks on our
In this collection titled “Guide to Big Data Applications,” the editor has
assembled a set of applications in science, medicine, and business where the authors
have attempted to do just this—apply Big Data techniques together with a deep
understanding of the source data. The applications covered give a flavor of the
benefits of Big Data in many disciplines. This book has 19 chapters broadly divided
into four parts. In Part I, there are four chapters that cover the basics of Big
Data, aspects of privacy, and how one could use Big Data in natural language
processing (a particular concern for privacy). Part II covers eight chapters that
viii Foreword
look at various applications of Big Data in environmental science, oil and gas, and
civil infrastructure, covering topics such as deduplication, encrypted search, and the
friendship paradox.
Part III covers Big Data applications in medicine, covering topics ranging
from “The Impact of Big Data on the Physician,” written from a purely clinical
perspective, to the often discussed deep dives on electronic medical records.
Perhaps most exciting in terms of future landscaping is the application of Big Data
application in healthcare from a developing country perspective. This is one of the
most promising growth areas in healthcare, due to the current paucity of current
services and the explosion of mobile phone usage. The tabula rasa that exists in
many countries holds the potential to leapfrog many of the mistakes we have made
in the west with stagnant silos of information, arbitrary barriers to entry, and the
lack of any standardized schema or nondegenerate ontologies.
In Part IV, the book covers Big Data applications in business, which is perhaps
the unifying subject here, given that none of the above application areas are likely
to succeed without a good business model. The potential to leverage Big Data
approaches in business is enormous, from banking practices to targeted advertising.
The need for innovation in this space is as important as the underlying technologies
themselves. As Clayton Christensen points out in The Innovator’s Prescription,
three revolutions are needed for a successful disruptive innovation:
1. A technology enabler which “routinizes” previously complicated task
2. A business model innovation which is affordable and convenient
3. A value network whereby companies with disruptive mutually reinforcing
economic models sustain each other in a strong ecosystem
We see this happening with Big Data almost every week, and the future is
In this book, the reader will encounter inspiration in each of the above topic
areas and be able to acquire insights into applications that provide the flavor of this
fast-growing and dynamic field.
Atlanta, GA, USA Gari Clifford
December 10, 2016
Big Data applications are growing very rapidly around the globe. This new approach
to decision making takes into account data gathered from multiple sources. Here my
goal is to show how these diverse sources of data are useful in arriving at actionable
information. In this collection of articles the publisher and I are trying to bring
in one place several diverse applications of Big Data. The goal is for users to see
how a Big Data application in another field could be replicated in their discipline.
With this in mind I have assembled in the “Guide to Big Data Applications” a
collection of 19 chapters written by academics and industry practitioners globally.
These chapters reflect what Big Data is, how privacy can be protected with Big
Data and some of the important applications of Big Data in science, medicine and
business. These applications are intended to be representative and not exhaustive.
For nearly two years I spoke with major researchers around the world and the
publisher. These discussions led to this project. The initial Call for Chapters was
sent to several hundred researchers globally via email. Approximately 40 proposals
were submitted. Out of these came commitments for completion in a timely manner
from 20 people. Most of these chapters are written by researchers while some are
written by industry practitioners. One of the submissions was not included as it
could not provide evidence of use of Big Data. This collection brings together in
one place several important applications of Big Data. All chapters were reviewed
using a double-blind process and comments provided to the authors. The chapters
included reflect the final versions of these chapters.
I have arranged the chapters in four parts. Part I includes four chapters that deal
with basic aspects of Big Data and how privacy is an integral component. In this
part I include an introductory chapter that lays the foundation for using Big Data
in a variety of applications. This is then followed with a chapter on the importance
of including privacy aspects at the design stage itself. This chapter by two leading
researchers in the field shows the importance of Big Data in dealing with privacy
issues and how they could be better addressed by incorporating privacy aspects at
the design stage itself. The team of researchers from a major research university in
the USA addresses the importance of federated Big Data. They are looking at the
use of distributed data in applications. This part is concluded with a chapter that
shows the importance of word embedding and natural language processing using
Big Data analysis.
In Part II, there are eight chapters on the applications of Big Data in science.
Science is an important area where decision making could be enhanced on the
way to approach a problem using data analysis. The applications selected here
deal with Environmental Science, High Performance Computing (HPC), friendship
paradox in noting which friend’s influence will be significant, significance of
using encrypted search with Big Data, importance of deduplication in Big Data
especially when data is collected from multiple sources, applications in Oil &
Gas and how decision making can be enhanced in identifying bridges that need
to be replaced as part of meeting safety requirements. All these application areas
selected for inclusion in this collection show the diversity of fields in which Big
Data is used today. The Environmental Science application shows how the data
published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is
used to study the environment. Since such datasets are very large, specialized tools
are needed to benefit from them. In this chapter the authors show how Big Data
tools help in this effort. The team of industry practitioners discuss how there is
great similarity in the way HPC deals with low-latency, massively parallel systems
and distributed systems. These are all typical of how Big Data is used using tools
such as MapReduce, Hadoop and Spark. Quora is a leading provider of answers to
user queries and in this context one of their data scientists is addressing how the
Friendship paradox is playing a significant part in Quora answers. This is a classic
illustration of a Big Data application using social media.
Big Data applications in science exist in many branches and it is very heavily
used in the Oil and Gas industry. Two chapters that address the Oil and Gas
application are written by two sets of people with extensive industry experience.
Two specific chapters are devoted to how Big Data is used in deduplication practices
involving multimedia data in the cloud and how privacy-aware searches are done
over encrypted data. Today, people are very concerned about the security of data
stored with an application provider. Encryption is the preferred tool to protect such
data and so having an efficient way to search such encrypted data is important.
This chapter’s contribution in this regard will be of great benefit for many users.
We conclude Part II with a chapter that shows how Big Data is used in noting the
structural safety of nation’s bridges. This practical application shows how Big Data
is used in many different ways.
Part III considers applications in medicine. A group of expert doctors from
leading medical institutions in the Bay Area discuss how Big Data is used in the
practice of medicine. This is one area where many more applications abound and the
interested reader is encouraged to look at such applications. Another chapter looks
at how data scientists are important in analyzing medical data. This chapter reflects
a view from Asia and discusses the roadmap for data science use in medicine.
Smoking has been noted as one of the leading causes of human suffering. This part
includes a chapter on comorbidity aspects related to smokers based on a Big Data
analysis. The details presented in this chapter would help the reader to focus on other
possible applications of Big Data in medicine, especially cancer. Finally, a chapter is
Preface xi
included that shows how scientific analysis of Big Data helps with epileptic seizure
prediction and control.
Part IV of the book deals with applications in Business. This is an area where
Big Data use is expected to provide tangible results quickly to businesses. The
three applications listed under this part include an application in banking, an
application in marketing and an application in Quick Serve Restaurants. The
banking application is written by a group of researchers in Europe. Their analysis
shows that the importance of identifying financial fraud early is a global problem
and how Big Data is used in this effort. The marketing application highlights the
various ways in which Big Data could be used in business. Many large business
sectors such as the airlines industry are using Big Data to set prices. The application
with respect to a Quick Serve Restaurant chain deals with the impact of Yelp ratings
and how it influences people’s use of Quick Serve Restaurants.
As mentioned at the outset, this collection of chapters on Big Data applications
is expected to serve as a sample for other applications in various fields. The readers
will find novel ways in which data from multiple sources is combined to derive
benefit for the general user. Also, in specific areas such as medicine, the use of Big
Data is having profound impact in opening up new areas for exploration based on
the availability of large volumes of data. These are all having practical applications
that help extend people’s lives. I earnestly hope that this collection of applications
will spur the interest of the reader to look at novel ways of using Big Data.
This book is a collective effort of many people. The contributors to this book
come from North America, Europe and Asia. This diversity shows that Big Data is
a truly global way in which people use the data to enhance their decision-making
capabilities and to derive practical benefits. The book greatly benefited from the
careful review by many reviewers who provided detailed feedback in a timely
manner. I have carefully checked all chapters for consistency of information in
content and appearance. In spite of careful checking and taking advantage of the
tools provided by technology, it is highly likely that some errors might have crept in
to the chapter content. In such cases I take responsibility for such errors and request
your help in bringing them to my attention so that they can be corrected in future
Houston, TX, USA S. Srinivasan
December 15, 2016
A project of this nature would be possible only with the collective efforts of many
people. Initially I proposed the project to Springer, New York, over two years ago.
Springer expressed interest in the proposal and one of their editors, Ms. Mary
James, contacted me to discuss the details. After extensive discussions with major
researchers around the world we finally settled on this approach. A global Call for
Chapters was made in January 2016 both by me and Springer, New York, through
their channels of communication. Ms. Mary James helped throughout the project
by providing answers to questions that arose. In this context, I want to mention
the support of Ms. Brinda Megasyamalan from the printing house of Springer.
Ms. Megasyamalan has been a constant source of information as the project
progressed. Ms. Subhashree Rajan from the publishing arm of Springer has been
extremely cooperative and patient in getting all the page proofs and incorporating
all the corrections. Ms. Mary James provided all the encouragement and support
throughout the project by responding to inquiries in a timely manner.
The reviewers played a very important role in maintaining the quality of this
publication by their thorough reviews. We followed a double-blind review process
whereby the reviewers were unaware of the identity of the authors and vice versa.
This helped in providing quality feedback. All the authors cooperated very well by
incorporating the reviewers’ suggestions and submitting their final chapters within
the time allotted for that purpose. I want to thank individually all the reviewers and
all the authors for their dedication and contribution to this collective effort.
I want to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Gari Clifford of Emory University and
Georgia Institute of Technology in providing the Foreword to this publication. In
spite of his many commitments, Dr. Clifford was able to find the time to go over all
the Abstracts and write the Foreword without delaying the project.
Finally, I want to express my sincere appreciation to my wife for accommodating
the many special needs when working on a project of this nature.
Part I General
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data ........................................ 3
Joe Weinman
2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications ............ 29
Ann Cavoukian and Michelle Chibba
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis ....................... 49
Wenrui Dai, Shuang Wang, Hongkai Xiong, and Xiaoqian Jiang
4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language:
A Survey ..................................................................... 83
Yang Li and Tao Yang
Part II Applications in Science
5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the
Environment ................................................................ 107
Hongmei Chi, Sharmini Pitter, Nan Li, and Haiyan Tian
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data ............................ 125
Rishi Divate, Sankalp Sah, and Manish Singh
7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil
and Gas Industry with Big Data .......................................... 149
Jiefu Chen, Yueqin Huang, Tommy L. Binford Jr., and Xuqing Wu
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics ................................. 175
Mark Kerzner and Pierre Jean Daniel
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora .......................................... 205
Shankar Iyer
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud ........... 245
Fatema Rashid and Ali Miri
xvi Contents
11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data
Stores......................................................................... 273
Hoi Ting Poon and Ali Miri
12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data.... 295
Yu Liang, Dalei Wu, Dryver Huston, Guirong Liu, Yaohang Li,
Cuilan Gao, and Zhongguo John Ma
Part III Applications in Medicine
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data:
A Case Study of Epileptic Seizure Prediction and Control ............ 329
Ashfaque Shafique, Mohamed Sayeed, and Konstantinos Tsakalis
14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine:
A Data Science Roadmap .................................................. 371
Tavpritesh Sethi
15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco
Use Disorder................................................................. 401
Pankush Kalgotra, Ramesh Sharda, Bhargav Molaka,
and Samsheel Kathuri
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician ................................ 415
Elizabeth Le, Sowmya Iyer, Teja Patil, Ron Li, Jonathan H. Chen,
Michael Wang, and Erica Sobel
Part IV Applications in Business
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking .................................... 451
Rimvydas Skyrius, Gintar˙
e, Igor Katin,
Michail Kazimianec, and Raimundas Žilinskas
18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data ................................. 487
S. Srinivasan
19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings
for a Quick Serve Restaurant Chain ..................................... 503
Bogdan Gadidov and Jennifer Lewis Priestley
Author Biographies .............................................................. 523
Index............................................................................... 553
List of Reviewers
Maruthi Bhaskar
Jay Brandi
Jorge Brusa
Arnaub Chatterjee
Robert Evans
Aly Farag
Lila Ghemri
Ben Hu
Balaji Janamanchi
Mehmed Kantardzic
Mark Kerzner
Ashok Krishnamurthy
Angabin Matin
Hector Miranda
P. S. Raju
S. Srinivasan
Rakesh Verma
Daniel Vrinceanu
Haibo Wang
Xuqing Wu
Alec Yasinsac
Part I

Chapter 1
Strategic Applications of Big Data
Joe Weinman
1.1 Introduction
For many people, big data is somehow virtually synonymous with one application—
marketing analytics—in one vertical—retail. For example, by collecting purchase
transaction data from shoppers based on loyalty cards or other unique identifiers
such as telephone numbers, account numbers, or email addresses, a company can
segment those customers better and identify promotions that will boost profitable
revenues, either through insights derived from the data, A/B testing, bundling, or
the like. Such insights can be extended almost without bound. For example, through
sophisticated analytics, Harrah’s determined that its most profitable customers
weren’t “gold cuff-linked, limousine-riding high rollers,” but rather teachers, doc-
tors, and even machinists (Loveman 2003). Not only did they come to understand
who their best customers were, but how they behaved and responded to promotions.
For example, their target customers were more interested in an offer of $60 worth of
chips than a total bundle worth much more than that, including a room and multiple
steak dinners in addition to chips.
While marketing such as this is a great application of big data and analytics, the
reality is that big data has numerous strategic business applications across every
industry vertical. Moreover, there are many sources of big data available from a
company’s day-to-day business activities as well as through open data initiatives,
such as data.gov in the U.S., a source with almost 200,000 datasets at the time of
this writing.
To apply big data to critical areas of the firm, there are four major generic
approaches that companies can use to deliver unparalleled customer value and
J. Weinman ()
Independent Consultant, Flanders, NJ 07836, USA
e-mail: joeweinman@gmail.com
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_1
4 J. Weinman
achieve strategic competitive advantage: better processes, better products and
services, better customer relationships, and better innovation.
1.1.1 Better Processes
Big data can be used to optimize processes and asset utilization in real time, to
improve them in the long term, and to generate net new revenues by entering
new businesses or at least monetizing data generated by those processes. UPS
optimizes pickups and deliveries across its 55,000 routes by leveraging data ranging
from geospatial and navigation data to customer pickup constraints (Rosenbush
and Stevens 2015). Or consider 23andMe, which has sold genetic data it collects
from individuals. One such deal with Genentech focused on Parkinson’s disease
gained net new revenues of fifty million dollars, rivaling the revenues from its “core”
business (Lee 2015).
1.1.2 Better Products and Services
Big data can be used to enrich the quality of customer solutions, moving them up
the experience economy curve from mere products or services to experiences or
transformations. For example, Nike used to sell sneakers, a product. However, by
collecting and aggregating activity data from customers, it can help transform them
into better athletes. By linking data from Nike products and apps with data from
ecosystem solution elements, such as weight scales and body-fat analyzers, Nike
can increase customer loyalty and tie activities to outcomes (Withings 2014).
1.1.3 Better Customer Relationships
Rather than merely viewing data as a crowbar with which to open customers’ wallets
a bit wider through targeted promotions, it can be used to develop deeper insights
into each customer, thus providing better service and customer experience in the
short term and products and services better tailored to customers as individuals
in the long term. Netflix collects data on customer activities, behaviors, contexts,
demographics, and intents to better tailor movie recommendations (Amatriain
2013). Better recommendations enhance customer satisfaction and value which
in turn makes these customers more likely to stay with Netflix in the long term,
reducing churn and customer acquisition costs, as well as enhancing referral (word-
of-mouth) marketing. Harrah’s determined that customers that were “very happy”
with their customer experience increased their spend by 24% annually; those that
were unhappy decreased their spend by 10% annually (Loveman 2003).
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 5
1.1.4 Better Innovation
Data can be used to accelerate the innovation process, and make it of higher quality,
all while lowering cost. Data sets can be published or otherwise incorporated as
part of an open contest or challenge, enabling ad hoc solvers to identify a best
solution meeting requirements. For example, GE Flight Quest incorporated data
on scheduled and actual flight departure and arrival times, for a contest intended
to devise algorithms to better predict arrival times, and another one intended to
improve them (Kaggle n.d.). As the nexus of innovation moves from man to
machine, data becomes the fuel on which machine innovation engines run.
These four business strategies are what I call digital disciplines (Weinman
2015), and represent an evolution of three customer-focused strategies called value
disciplines, originally devised by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in their inter-
national bestseller The Discipline of Market Leaders (Treacy and Wiersema 1995).
1.2 From Value Disciplines to Digital Disciplines
The value disciplines originally identified by Treacy and Wiersema are operational
excellence,product leadership, and customer intimacy.
Operational excellence entails processes which generate customer value by being
lower cost or more convenient than those of competitors. For example, Michael
Dell, operating as a college student out of a dorm room, introduced an assemble-
to-order process for PCs by utilizing a direct channel which was originally the
phone or physical mail and then became the Internet and eCommerce. He was
able to drive the price down, make it easier to order, and provide a PC built to
customers’ specifications by creating a new assemble-to-order process that bypassed
indirect channel middlemen that stocked pre-built machines en masse, who offered
no customization but charged a markup nevertheless.
Product leadership involves creating leading-edge products (or services) that
deliver superior value to customers. We all know the companies that do this: Rolex
in watches, Four Seasons in lodging, Singapore Airlines or Emirates in air travel.
Treacy and Wiersema considered innovation as being virtually synonymous with
product leadership, under the theory that leading products must be differentiated in
some way, typically through some innovation in design, engineering, or technology.
Customer intimacy, according to Treacy and Wiersema, is focused on segmenting
markets, better understanding the unique needs of those niches, and tailoring solu-
tions to meet those needs. This applies to both consumer and business markets. For
example, a company that delivers packages might understand a major customer’s
needs intimately, and then tailor a solution involving stocking critical parts at
their distribution centers, reducing the time needed to get those products to their
customers. In the consumer world, customer intimacy is at work any time a tailor
adjusts a garment for a perfect fit, a bartender customizes a drink, or a doctor
diagnoses and treats a medical issue.
6 J. Weinman
Traditionally, the thinking was that a company would do well to excel in a given
discipline, and that the disciplines were to a large extent mutually exclusive. For
example, a fast food restaurant might serve a limited menu to enhance operational
excellence. A product leadership strategy of having many different menu items, or a
customer intimacy strategy of customizing each and every meal might conflict with
the operational excellence strategy. However, now, the economics of information—
storage prices are exponentially decreasing and data, once acquired, can be lever-
aged elsewhere—and the increasing flexibility of automation—such as robotics—
mean that companies can potentially pursue multiple strategies simultaneously.
Digital technologies such as big data enable new ways to think about the insights
originally derived by Treacy and Wiersema. Another way to think about it is that
digital technologies plus value disciplines equal digital disciplines: operational
excellence evolves to information excellence, product leadership of standalone
products and services becomes solution leadership of smart, digital products and
services connected to the cloud and ecosystems, customer intimacy expands to
collective intimacy, and traditional innovation becomes accelerated innovation.In
the digital disciplines framework, innovation becomes a separate discipline, because
innovation applies not only to products, but also processes, customer relationships,
and even the innovation process itself. Each of these new strategies can be enabled
by big data in profound ways.
1.2.1 Information Excellence
Operational excellence can be viewed as evolving to information excellence, where
digital information helps optimize physical operations including their processes and
resource utilization; where the world of digital information can seamlessly fuse
with that of physical operations; and where virtual worlds can replace physical.
Moreover, data can be extracted from processes to enable long term process
improvement, data collected by processes can be monetized, and new forms of
corporate structure based on loosely coupled partners can replace traditional,
monolithic, vertically integrated companies. As one example, location data from
cell phones can be aggregated and analyzed to determine commuter traffic patterns,
thereby helping to plan transportation network improvements.
1.2.2 Solution Leadership
Products and services can become sources of big data, or utilize big data to
function more effectively. Because individual products are typically limited in
storage capacity, and because there are benefits to data aggregation and cloud
processing, normally the data that is collected can be stored and processed in the
cloud. A good example might be the GE GEnx jet engine, which collects 5000
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 7
data points each second from each of 20 sensors. GE then uses the data to develop
better predictive maintenance algorithms, thus reducing unplanned downtime for
airlines. (GE Aviation n.d.) Mere product leadership becomes solution leadership,
where standalone products become cloud-connected and data-intensive. Services
can also become solutions, because services are almost always delivered through
physical elements: food services through restaurants and ovens; airline services
through planes and baggage conveyors; healthcare services through x-ray machines
and pacemakers. The components of such services connect to each other and exter-
nally. For example, healthcare services can be better delivered through connected
pacemakers, and medical diagnostic data from multiple individual devices can be
aggregated to create a patient-centric view to improve health outcomes.
1.2.3 Collective Intimacy
Customer intimacy is no longer about dividing markets into segments, but rather
dividing markets into individuals, or even further into multiple personas that an
individual might have. Personalization and contextualization offers the ability to
not just deliver products and services tailored to a segment, but to an individual.
To do this effectively requires current, up-to-date information as well as historical
data, collected at the level of the individual and his or her individual activities
and characteristics down to the granularity of DNA sequences and mouse moves.
Collective intimacy is the notion that algorithms running on collective data from
millions of individuals can generate better tailored services for each individual.
This represents the evolution of intimacy from face-to-face, human-mediated
relationships to virtual, human-mediated relationships over social media, and from
there, onward to virtual, algorithmically mediated products and services.
1.2.4 Accelerated Innovation
Finally, innovation is not just associated with product leadership, but can create new
processes, as Walmart did with cross-docking or Uber with transportation, or new
customer relationships and collective intimacy, as Amazon.com uses data to better
upsell/cross-sell, and as Netflix innovated its Cinematch recommendation engine.
The latter was famously done through the Netflix Prize, a contest with a million
dollar award for whoever could best improve Cinematch by at least 10% (Bennett
and Lanning 2007). Such accelerated innovation can be faster, cheaper, and better
than traditional means of innovation. Often, such approaches exploit technologies
such as the cloud and big data. The cloud is the mechanism for reaching multiple
potential solvers on an ad hoc basis, with published big data being the fuel for
problem solving. For example, Netflix published anonymized customer ratings of
movies, and General Electric published planned and actual flight arrival times.
8 J. Weinman
Today, machine learning and deep learning based on big data sets are a means
by which algorithms are innovating themselves. Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo Go-
playing system beat the human world champion at Go, Lee Sedol, partly based on
learning how to play by not only “studying” tens of thousands of human games, but
also by playing an increasingly tougher competitor: itself (Moyer 2016).
1.2.5 Value Disciplines to Digital Disciplines
The three classic value disciplines of operational excellence, product leadership and
customer intimacy become transformed in a world of big data and complementary
digital technologies to become information excellence, solution leadership, collec-
tive intimacy, and accelerated innovation. These represent four generic strategies
that leverage big data in the service of strategic competitive differentiation; four
generic strategies that represent the horizontal applications of big data.
1.3 Information Excellence
Most of human history has been centered on the physical world. Hunting and
gathering, fishing, agriculture, mining, and eventually manufacturing and physical
operations such as shipping, rail, and eventually air transport. It’s not news that the
focus of human affairs is increasingly digital, but the many ways in which digital
information can complement, supplant, enable, optimize, or monetize physical
operations may be surprising. As more of the world becomes digital, the use of
information, which after all comes from data, becomes more important in the
spheres of business, government, and society (Fig. 1.1).
1.3.1 Real-Time Process and Resource Optimization
There are numerous business functions, such as legal, human resources, finance,
engineering, and sales, and a variety of ways in which different companies in a
variety of verticals such as automotive, healthcare, logistics, or pharmaceuticals
configure these functions into end-to-end processes. Examples of processes might
be “claims processing” or “order to delivery” or “hire to fire”. These in turn use a
variety of resources such as people, trucks, factories, equipment, and information
Data can be used to optimize resource use as well as to optimize processes for
goals such as cycle time, cost, or quality.
Some good examples of the use of big data to optimize processes are inventory
management/sales forecasting, port operations, and package delivery logistics.

1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 9
Fig. 1.1 High-level architecture for information excellence
Too much inventory is a bad thing, because there are costs to holding inventory:
the capital invested in the inventory, risk of disaster, such as a warehouse fire,
insurance, floor space, obsolescence, shrinkage (i.e., theft), and so forth. Too little
inventory is also bad, because not only may a sale be lost, but the prospect may
go elsewhere to acquire the good, realize that the competitor is a fine place to
shop, and never return. Big data can help with sales forecasting and thus setting
correct inventory levels. It can also help to develop insights, which may be subtle
or counterintuitive. For example, when Hurricane Frances was projected to strike
Florida, analytics helped stock stores, not only with “obvious” items such as
bottled water and flashlights, but non-obvious products such as strawberry Pop-Tarts
(Hayes 2004). This insight was based on mining store transaction data from prior
Consider a modern container port. There are multiple goals, such as minimizing
the time ships are in port to maximize their productivity, minimizing the time ships
or rail cars are idle, ensuring the right containers get to the correct destinations,
maximizing safety, and so on. In addition, there may be many types of structured
and unstructured data, such as shipping manifests, video surveillance feeds of roads
leading to and within the port, data on bridges, loading cranes, weather forecast data,
truck license plates, and so on. All of these data sources can be used to optimize port
operations in line with the multiple goals (Xvela 2016).
Or consider a logistics firm such as UPS. UPS has invested hundreds of millions
of dollars in ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation). It takes
data such as physical mapping data regarding roads, delivery objectives for each
package, customer data such as when customers are willing to accept deliveries,
and the like. For each of 55,000 routes, ORION determines the optimal sequence of
10 J. Weinman
an average of 120 stops per route. The combinatorics here are staggering, since there
are roughly 10**200 different possible sequences, making it impossible to calculate
a perfectly optimal route, but heuristics can take all this data and try to determine
the best way to sequence stops and route delivery trucks to minimize idling time,
time waiting to make left turns, fuel consumption and thus carbon footprint, and
to maximize driver labor productivity and truck asset utilization, all the while
balancing out customer satisfaction and on-time deliveries. Moreover real-time data
such as geographic location, traffic congestion, weather, and fuel consumption, can
be exploited for further optimization (Rosenbush and Stevens 2015).
Such capabilities could also be used to not just minimize time or maximize
throughput, but also to maximize revenue. For example, a theme park could
determine the optimal location for a mobile ice cream or face painting stand,
based on prior customer purchases and exact location of customers within the
park. Customers’ locations and identities could be identified through dedicated long
range radios, as Disney does with MagicBands; through smartphones, as Singtel’s
DataSpark unit does (see below); or through their use of related geographically
oriented services or apps, such as Uber or Foursquare.
1.3.2 Long-Term Process Improvement
In addition to such real-time or short-term process optimization, big data can also
be used to optimize processes and resources over the long term.
For example, DataSpark, a unit of Singtel (a Singaporean telephone company)
has been extracting data from cell phone locations to be able to improve the
MTR (Singapore’s subway system) and customer experience (Dataspark 2016).
For example, suppose that GPS data showed that many subway passengers were
traveling between two stops but that they had to travel through a third stop—a hub—
to get there. By building a direct line to bypass the intermediate stop, travelers could
get to their destination sooner, and congestion could be relieved at the intermediate
stop as well as on some of the trains leading to it. Moreover, this data could also be
used for real-time process optimization, by directing customers to avoid a congested
area or line suffering an outage through the use of an alternate route. Obviously a
variety of structured and unstructured data could be used to accomplish both short-
term and long-term improvements, such as GPS data, passenger mobile accounts
and ticket purchases, video feeds of train stations, train location data, and the like.
1.3.3 Digital-Physical Substitution and Fusion
The digital world and the physical world can be brought together in a number of
ways. One way is substitution, as when a virtual audio, video, and/or web conference
substitutes for physical airline travel, or when an online publication substitutes for
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 11
a physically printed copy. Another way to bring together the digital and physical
worlds is fusion, where both online and offline experiences become seamlessly
merged. An example is in omni-channel marketing, where a customer might browse
online, order online for pickup in store, and then return an item via the mail. Or, a
customer might browse in the store, only to find the correct size out of stock, and
order in store for home delivery. Managing data across the customer journey can
provide a single view of the customer to maximize sales and share of wallet for that
customer. This might include analytics around customer online browsing behavior,
such as what they searched for, which styles and colors caught their eye, or what
they put into their shopping cart. Within the store, patterns of behavior can also be
identified, such as whether people of a certain demographic or gender tend to turn
left or right upon entering the store.
1.3.4 Exhaust-Data Monetization
Processes which are instrumented and monitored can generate massive amounts
of data. This data can often be monetized or otherwise create benefits in creative
ways. For example, Uber’s main business is often referred to as “ride sharing,”
which is really just offering short term ground transportation to passengers desirous
of rides by matching them up with drivers who can give them rides. However, in
an arrangement with the city of Boston, it will provide ride pickup and drop-off
locations, dates, and times. The city will use the data for traffic engineering, zoning,
and even determining the right number of parking spots needed (O’Brien 2015).
Such inferences can be surprisingly subtle. Consider the case of a revolving door
firm that could predict retail trends and perhaps even recessions. Fewer shoppers
visiting retail stores means fewer shoppers entering via the revolving door. This
means lower usage of the door, and thus fewer maintenance calls.
Another good example is 23andMe. 23andMe is a firm that was set up to leverage
new low cost gene sequence technologies. A 23andMe customer would take a saliva
sample and mail it to 23andMe, which would then sequence the DNA and inform
the customer about certain genetically based risks they might face, such as markers
signaling increased likelihood of breast cancer due to a variant in the BRCA1 gene.
They also would provide additional types of information based on this sequence,
such as clarifying genetic relationships among siblings or questions of paternity.
After compiling massive amounts of data, they were able to monetize the
collected data outside of their core business. In one $50 million deal, they sold data
from Parkinson’s patients to Genentech, with the objective of developing a cure
for Parkinson’s through deep analytics (Lee 2015). Note that not only is the deal
lucrative, especially since essentially no additional costs were incurred to sell this
data, but also highly ethical. Parkinson’s patients would like nothing better than for
Genentech—or anybody else, for that matter—to develop a cure.
12 J. Weinman
1.3.5 Dynamic, Networked, Virtual Corporations
Processes don’t need to be restricted to the four walls of the corporation. For
example, supply chain optimization requires data from suppliers, channels, and
logistics companies. Many companies have focused on their core business and
outsourced or partnered with others to create and continuously improve supply
chains. For example, Apple sells products, but focuses on design and marketing,
not manufacturing. As many people know, Apple products are built by a partner,
Foxconn, with expertise in precision manufacturing electronic products.
One step beyond such partnerships or virtual corporations are dynamic, net-
worked virtual corporations. An example is Li & Fung. Apple sells products such
as iPhones and iPads, without owning any manufacturing facilities. Similarly, Li &
Fung sells products, namely clothing, without owning any manufacturing facilities.
However, unlike Apple, who relies largely on one main manufacturing partner; Li &
Fung relies on a network of over 10,000 suppliers. Moreover, the exact configuration
of those suppliers can change week by week or even day by day, even for the same
garment. A shirt, for example, might be sewed in Indonesia with buttons from
Thailand and fabric from S. Korea. That same SKU, a few days later, might be
made in China with buttons from Japan and fabric from Vietnam. The constellation
of suppliers is continuously optimized, by utilizing data on supplier resource
availability and pricing, transportation costs, and so forth (Wind et al. 2009).
1.3.6 Beyond Business
Information excellence also applies to governmental and societal objectives. Earlier
we mentioned using big data to improve the Singapore subway operations and
customer experience; later we’ll mention how it’s being used to improve traffic
congestion in Rio de Janeiro. As an example of societal objectives, consider the
successful delivery of vaccines to remote areas. Vaccines can lose their efficacy
or even become unsafe unless they are refrigerated, but delivery to outlying areas
can mean a variety of transport mechanisms and intermediaries. For this reason,
it is important to ensure that they remain refrigerated across their “cold chain.”
A low-tech method could potentially warn of unsafe vaccines: for example, put a
container of milk in with the vaccines, and if the milk spoils it will smell bad and the
vaccines are probably bad as well. However, by collecting data wirelessly from the
refrigerators throughout the delivery process, not only can it be determined whether
the vaccines are good or bad, but improvements can be made to the delivery process
by identifying the root cause of the loss of refrigeration, for example, loss of power
at a particular port, and thus steps can be taken to mitigate the problem, such as the
deployment of backup power generators (Weinman 2016).

1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 13
1.4 Solution Leadership
Products (and services) were traditionally standalone and manual, but now have
become connected and automated. Products and services now connect to the cloud
and from there on to ecosystems. The ecosystems can help collect data, analyze it,
provide data to the products or services, or all of the above (Fig. 1.2).
1.4.1 Digital-Physical Mirroring
In product engineering, an emerging approach is to build a data-driven engineering
model of a complex product. For example, GE mirrors its jet engines with “digital
twins” or “virtual machines” (unrelated to the computing concept of the same
name). The idea is that features, engineering design changes, and the like can be
made to the model much more easily and cheaply than building an actual working jet
engine. A new turbofan blade material with different weight, brittleness, and cross
section might be simulated to determine impacts on overall engine performance.
To do this requires product and materials data. Moreover, predictive analytics can
be run against massive amounts of data collected from operating engines (Warwick
Fig. 1.2 High-level architecture for solution leadership
14 J. Weinman
1.4.2 Real-Time Product/Service Optimization
Recall that solutions are smart, digital, connected products that tie over networks to
the cloud and from there onward to unbounded ecosystems. As a result, the actual
tangible, physical product component functionality can potentially evolve over time
as the virtual, digital components adapt. As two examples, consider a browser that
provides “autocomplete” functions in its search bar, i.e., typing shortcuts based
on previous searches, thus saving time and effort. Or, consider a Tesla, whose
performance is improved by evaluating massive quantities of data from all the Teslas
on the road and their performance. As Tesla CEO Elon Musk says, “When one car
learns something, the whole fleet learns” (Coren 2016).
1.4.3 Product/Service Usage Optimization
Products or services can be used better by customers by collecting data and pro-
viding feedback to customers. The Ford Fusion’s EcoGuide SmartGauge provides
feedback to drivers on their fuel efficiency. Jackrabbit starts are bad; smooth driving
is good. The EcoGuide SmartGauge grows “green” leaves to provide drivers with
feedback, and is one of the innovations credited with dramatically boosting sales of
the car (Roy 2009).
GE Aviation’s Flight Efficiency Services uses data collected from numerous
flights to determine best practices to maximize fuel efficiency, ultimately improving
airlines carbon footprint and profitability. This is an enormous opportunity, because
it’s been estimated that one-fifth of fuel is wasted due to factors such as suboptimal
fuel usage and inefficient routing. For example, voluminous data and quantitative
analytics were used to develop a business case to gain approval from the Malaysian
Directorate of Civil Aviation for AirAsia to use single-engine taxiing. This con-
serves fuel because only one engine is used to taxi, rather than all the engines
running while the plane is essentially stuck on the runway.
Perhaps one of the most interesting examples of using big data to optimize
products and services comes from a company called Opower, which was acquired
by Oracle. It acquires data on buildings, such as year built, square footage, and
usage, e.g., residence, hair salon, real estate office. It also collects data from smart
meters on actual electricity consumption. By combining all of this together, it
can message customers such as businesses and homeowners with specific, targeted
insights, such as that a particular hair salon’s electricity consumption is higher than
80% of hair salons of similar size in the area built to the same building code (and
thus equivalently insulated). Such “social proof” gamification has been shown to
be extremely effective in changing behavior compared to other techniques such as
rational quantitative financial comparisons (Weinman 2015).
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 15
1.4.4 Predictive Analytics and Predictive Maintenance
Collecting data from things and analyzing it can enable predictive analytics and
predictive maintenance. For example, the GE GEnx jet engine has 20 or so sensors,
each of which collects 5000 data points per second in areas such as oil pressure,
fuel flow and rotation speed. This data can then be used to build models and identify
anomalies and predict when the engine will fail.
This in turn means that airline maintenance crews can “fix” an engine before it
fails. This maximizes what the airlines call “time on wing,” in other words, engine
availability. Moreover, engines can be proactively repaired at optimal times and
optimal locations, where maintenance equipment, crews, and spare parts are kept
(Weinman 2015).
1.4.5 Product-Service System Solutions
When formerly standalone products become connected to back-end services and
solve customer problems they become product-service system solutions. Data can
be the glue that holds the solution together. A good example is Nike and the
Nike has a number of mechanisms for collecting activity tracking data, such as
the NikeCFuelBand, mobile apps, and partner products, such as NikeCKinect
which is a video “game” that coaches you through various workouts. These can
collect data on activities, such as running or bicycling or doing jumping jacks. Data
can be collected, such as the route taken on a run, and normalized into “NikeFuel”
points (Weinman 2015).
Other elements of the ecosystem can measure outcomes. For example, a variety
of scales can measure weight, but the Withings Smart Body Analyzer can also
measure body fat percentage, and link that data to NikeFuel points (Choquel 2014).
By linking devices measuring outcomes to devices monitoring activities—with
the linkages being data traversing networks—individuals can better achieve their
personal goals to become better athletes, lose a little weight, or get more toned.
1.4.6 Long-Term Product Improvement
Actual data on how products are used can ultimately be used for long-term product
improvement. For example, a cable company can collect data on the pattern of
button presses on its remote controls. A repeated pattern of clicking around the
“Guide” button fruitlessly and then finally ordering an “On Demand” movie might
lead to a clearer placement of a dedicated “On Demand” button on the control. Car
companies such as Tesla can collect data on actual usage, say, to determine how
16 J. Weinman
many batteries to put in each vehicle based on the statistics of distances driven;
airlines can determine what types of meals to offer; and so on.
1.4.7 The Experience Economy
In the Experience Economy framework, developed by Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore,
there is a five-level hierarchy of increasing customer value and firm profitability.
At the lowest level are commodities, which may be farmed, fished, or mined, e.g.,
coffee beans. At the next level of value are products, e.g., packaged, roasted coffee
beans. Still one level higher are services, such as a corner coffee bar. One level
above this are experiences, such as a fine French restaurant, which offers coffee
on the menu as part of a “total product” that encompasses ambience, romance, and
professional chefs and services. But, while experiences may be ephemeral, at the
ultimate level of the hierarchy lie transformations, which are permanent, such as
a university education, learning a foreign language, or having life-saving surgery
(Pine and Gilmore 1999).
1.4.8 Experiences
Experiences can be had without data or technology. For example, consider a hike
up a mountain to its summit followed by taking in the scenery and the fresh air.
However, data can also contribute to experiences. For example, Disney MagicBands
are long-range radios that tie to the cloud. Data on theme park guests can be used to
create magical, personalized experiences. For example, guests can sit at a restaurant
without expressly checking in, and their custom order will be brought to their
table, based on tracking through the MagicBands and data maintained in the cloud
regarding the individuals and their orders (Kuang 2015).
1.4.9 Transformations
Data can also be used to enable transformations. For example, the NikeCfamily
and ecosystem of solutions mentioned earlier can help individuals lose weight or
become better athletes. This can be done by capturing data from the individual on
steps taken, routes run, and other exercise activities undertaken, as well as results
data through connected scales and body fat monitors. As technology gets more
sophisticated, no doubt such automated solutions will do what any athletic coach
does, e.g., coaching on backswings, grip positions, stride lengths, pronation and the
like. This is how data can help enable transformations (Weinman 2015).
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 17
1.4.10 Customer-Centered Product and Service Data
When multiple products and services each collect data, they can provide a 360ıview
of the patient. For example, patients are often scanned by radiological equipment
such as CT (computed tomography) scanners and X-ray machines. While individual
machines should be calibrated to deliver a safe dose, too many scans from too
many devices over too short a period can deliver doses over accepted limits, leading
potentially to dangers such as cancer. GE Dosewatch provides a single view of the
patient, integrating dose information from multiple medical devices from a variety
of manufacturers, not just GE (Combs 2014).
Similarly, financial companies are trying to develop a 360ıview of their
customers’ financial health. Rather than the brokerage division being run separately
from the mortgage division, which is separate from the retail bank, integrating data
from all these divisions can help ensure that the customer is neither over-leveraged
or underinvested.
1.4.11 Beyond Business
The use of connected refrigerators to help improve the cold chain was described
earlier in the context of information excellence for process improvement. Another
example of connected products and services is cities, such as Singapore, that help
reduce carbon footprint through connected parking garages. The parking lots report
how many spaces they have available, so that a driver looking for parking need not
drive all around the city: clearly visible digital signs and a mobile app describe how
many—if any—spaces are available (Abdullah 2015).
This same general strategy can be used with even greater impact in the devel-
oping world. For example, in some areas, children walk an hour or more to a well
to fill a bucket with water for their families. However, the well may have gone dry.
Connected, “smart” pump handles can report their usage, and inferences can be
made as to the state of the well. For example, a few pumps of the handle and then
no usage, another few pumps and then no usage, etc., is likely to signify someone
visiting the well, attempting to get water, then abandoning the effort due to lack of
success (ITU and Cisco 2016).
1.5 Collective Intimacy
At one extreme, a customer “relationship” is a one-time, anonymous transaction.
Consider a couple celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary with a once-in-a-
lifetime trip to Paris. While exploring the left bank, they buy a baguette and some
Brie from a hole-in-the-wall bistro. They will never see the bistro again, nor vice

18 J. Weinman
At the other extreme, there are companies and organizations that see customers
repeatedly. Amazon.com sees its customers’ patterns of purchases; Netflix sees its
customers’ patterns of viewing; Uber sees its customers’ patterns of pickups and
drop-offs. As other verticals become increasingly digital, they too will gain more
insight into customers as individuals, rather than anonymous masses. For example,
automobile insurers are increasingly pursuing “pay-as-you-drive,” or “usage-based”
insurance. Rather than customers’ premiums being merely based on aggregate,
coarse-grained information such as age, gender, and prior tickets, insurers can
charge premiums based on individual, real-time data such as driving over the speed
limit, weaving in between lanes, how congested the road is, and so forth.
Somewhere in between, there are firms that may not have any transaction history
with a given customer, but can use predictive analytics based on statistical insights
derived from large numbers of existing customers. Capital One, for example,
famously disrupted the existing market for credit cards by building models to create
“intimate” offers tailored to each prospect rather than a one-size fits all model
(Pham 2015).
Big data can also be used to analyze and model churn. Actions can be taken to
intercede before a customer has defected, thus retaining that customer and his or her
In short, big data can be used to determine target prospects, determine what to
offer them, maximize revenue and profitability, keep them, decide to let them defect
to a competitor, or win them back (Fig. 1.3).
Fig. 1.3 High-level architecture for collective intimacy
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 19
1.5.1 Target Segments, Features and Bundles
A traditional arena for big data and analytics has been better marketing to customers
and market basket analysis. For example, one type of analysis entails identifying
prospects, clustering customers, non-buyers, and prospects as three groups: loyal
customers, who will buy your product no matter what; those who won’t buy no
matter what; and those that can be swayed. Marketing funds for advertising and
promotions are best spent with the last category, which will generate sales uplift.
A related type of analysis is market basket analysis, identifying those products
that might be bought together. Offering bundles of such products can increase profits
(Skiera and Olderog 2000). Even without bundles, better merchandising can goose
sales. For example, if new parents who buy diapers also buy beer, it makes sense to
put them in the aisle together. This may be extended to product features, where the
“bundle” isn’t a market basket but a basket of features built in to a product, say a
sport suspension package and a V8 engine in a sporty sedan.
1.5.2 Upsell/Cross-Sell
Amazon.com uses a variety of approaches to maximize revenue per customer. Some,
such as Amazon Prime, which offers free two-day shipping, are low tech and based
on behavioral economics principles such as the “flat-rate bias” and how humans
frame expenses such as sunk costs (Lambrecht and Skiera 2006). But they are
perhaps best known for their sophisticated algorithms, which do everything from
automating pricing decisions, making millions of price changes every day, (Falk
2013) and also in recommending additional products to buy, through a variety of
algorithmically generated capabilities such as “People Also Bought These Items”.
Some are reasonably obvious, such as, say, paper and ink suggestions if a copier
is bought or a mounting plate if a large flat screen TV is purchased. But many are
subtle, and based on deep analytics at scale of the billions of purchases that have
been made.
1.5.3 Recommendations
If Amazon.com is the poster child for upsell/cross-sell, Netflix is the one for a
pure recommendation engine. Because Netflix charges a flat rate for a household,
there is limited opportunity for upsell without changing the pricing model. Instead,
the primary opportunity is for customer retention, and perhaps secondarily, referral
marketing, i.e., recommendations from existing customers to their friends. The key
to that is maximizing the quality of the total customer experience. This has multiple
dimensions, such as whether DVDs arrive in a reasonable time or a streaming video
20 J. Weinman
plays cleanly at high resolution, as opposed to pausing to rebuffer frequently. But
one very important dimension is the quality of the entertainment recommendations,
because 70% of what Netflix viewers watch comes about through recommendations.
If viewers like the recommendations, they will like Netflix, and if they don’t, they
will cancel service. So, reduced churn and maximal lifetime customer value are
highly dependent on this (Amatriain 2013).
Netflix uses extremely sophisticated algorithms against trillions of data points,
which attempt to solve as best as possible the recommendation problem. For
example, they must balance out popularity with personalization. Most people like
popular movies; this is why they are popular. But every viewer is an individual,
hence will like different things. Netflix continuously evolves their recommendation
engine(s), which determine which options are presented when a user searches, what
is recommended based on what’s trending now, what is recommended based on
prior movies the user has watched, and so forth. This evolution spans a broad
set of mathematical and statistical methods and machine learning algorithms, such
as matrix factorization, restricted Boltzmann machines, latent Dirichlet allocation,
gradient boosted decision trees, and affinity propagation (Amatriain 2013). In addi-
tion, a variety of metrics—such as member retention and engagement time—and
experimentation techniques—such as offline experimentation and A/B testing—are
tuned for statistical validity and used to measure the success of the ensemble of
algorithms (Gomez-Uribe and Hunt 2015).
1.5.4 Sentiment Analysis
A particularly active current area in big data is the use of sophisticated algorithms to
determine an individual’s sentiment (Yegulalp 2015). For example, textual analysis
of tweets or posts can determine how a customer feels about a particular product.
Emerging techniques include emotional analysis of spoken utterances and even
sentiment analysis based on facial imaging.
Some enterprising companies are using sophisticated algorithms to conduct such
sentiment analysis at scale, in near real time, to buy or sell stocks based on how
sentiment is turning as well as additional analytics (Lin 2016).
1.5.5 Beyond Business
Such an approach is relevant beyond the realm of corporate affairs. For example,
a government could utilize a collective intimacy strategy in interacting with its
citizens, in recommending the best combination of public transportation based on
personal destination objectives, or the best combination of social security benefits,
based on a personal financial destination. Dubai, for example, has released a mobile
app called Dubai Now that will act as a single portal to thousands of government
services, including, for example, personalized, contextualized GPS-based real-time
traffic routing (Al Serkal 2015).

1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 21
1.6 Accelerated Innovation
Innovation has evolved through multiple stages, from the solitary inventor, such
as the early human who invented the flint hand knife, through shop invention,
a combination of research lab and experimental manufacturing facility, to the
corporate research labs (Weinman 2015). However, even the best research labs can
only hire so many people, but ideas can come from anywhere.
The theory of open innovation proposes loosening the firm boundaries to partners
who may have ideas or technologies that can be brought into the firm, and to
distribution partners who may be able to make and sell ideas developed from within
the firm. Open innovation suggests creating relationships that help both of these
approaches succeed (Chesbrough 2003).
However, even preselecting relationships can be overly constricting. A still more
recent approach to innovation lets these relationships be ad hoc and dynamic. I call
it accelerated innovation, but it can be not only faster, but also better and cheaper.
One way to do this is by holding contests or posting challenges, which theoretically
anyone in the world could solve. Related approaches include innovation networks
and idea markets. Increasingly, machines will be responsible for innovation, and we
are already seeing this in systems such as IBM’s Chef Watson, which ingested a
huge database of recipes and now can create its own innovative dishes, and Google
DeepMind’s AlphaGo, which is innovating game play in one of the oldest games in
the world, Go (Fig. 1.4).
Fig. 1.4 High-level architecture for accelerated innovation
22 J. Weinman
1.6.1 Contests and Challenges
Netflix depends heavily on the quality of its recommendations to maximize
customer satisfaction, thus customer retention, and thereby total customer lifetime
value and profitability. The original Netflix Cinematch recommendation system
let Netflix customers rate movies on a scale of one star to five stars. If Netflix
recommended a movie that the customer then rated a one, there is an enormous
discrepancy between Netflix’s recommendations and the user’s delight. With a per-
fect algorithm, customers would always rate a Netflix-recommended movie a five.
Netflix launched the Netflix Prize in 2006. It was open to anyone who wished
to compete, and multiple teams did so, from around the world. Netflix made 100
million anonymized movie ratings available. These came from almost half a million
subscribers, across almost 20,000 movie titles. It also withheld 3 million ratings to
evaluate submitted contestant algorithms (Bennett and Lanning 2007). Eventually,
the prize was awarded to a team that did in fact meet the prize objective: a 10%
improvement in the Cinematch algorithm. Since that time, Netflix has continued
to evolve its recommendation algorithms, adapting them to the now prevalent
streaming environment which provides billions of additional data points. While
user-submitted DVD ratings may be reasonably accurate; actual viewing behaviors
and contexts are substantially more accurate and thus better predictors. As one
example, while many viewers say they appreciate foreign documentaries; actual
viewing behavior shows that crude comedies are much more likely to be watched.
GE Flight Quest is another example of a big data challenge. For Flight Quest 1,
GE published data on planned and actual flight departures and arrivals, as well
as weather conditions, with the objective of better predicting flight times. Flight
Quest II then attempted to improve flight arrival times through better scheduling
and routing. The key point of both the Netflix Prize and GE’s Quests is that large
data sets were the cornerstone of the innovation process. Methods used by Netflix
were highlighted in Sect. 1.5.3. The methods used by the GE Flight Quest winners
span gradient boosting, random forest models, ridge regressions, and dynamic
programming (GE Quest n.d.).
1.6.2 Contest Economics
Running such a contest exhibits what I call “contest economics.” For example,
rather than paying for effort, as a firm would when paying salaries to its R&D
team, it can now pay only for results. The results may be qualitative, for example,
“best new product idea,” or quantitative, for example, a percentage improvement
in the Cinematch algorithm. Moreover, the “best” idea may be selected, or the best
one surpassing a particular given threshold or judges’ decision. This means that
hundreds or tens of thousands of “solvers” or contestants may be working on your
problem, but you only need to pay out in the event of a sufficiently good solution.
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 23
Moreover, because the world’s best experts in a particular discipline may be
working on your problem, the quality of the solution may be higher than if
conducted internally, and the time to reach a solution may be faster than internal
R&D could do it, especially in the fortuitous situation where just the right expert is
matched with just the right problem.
1.6.3 Machine Innovation
Technology is evolving to be not just an enabler of innovation, but the source of
innovation itself. For example, a program called AlphaGo developed by DeepMind,
which has been acquired by Google, bested the European champion, Fan Hui, and
then the world champion, Lee Sedol. Rather than mere brute force examination of
many moves in the game tree together with a board position evaluation metric, it
used a deep learning approach coupled with some game knowledge encoded by its
developers (Moyer 2016).
Perhaps the most interesting development, however, was in Game 2 of the
tournament between AlphaGo and Sedol. Move 37 was so unusual that the human
commentators thought it was a mistake—a bug in the program. Sedol stood up and
left the game table for 15 min to regain his composure. It was several moves later
that the rationale and impact of Move 37 became clear, and AlphaGo ended up
winning that game, and the tournament. Move 37 was “beautiful,” (Metz 2016)in
retrospect, the way that the heliocentric theory of the solar system or the Theory of
Relativity or the concept of quasicrystals now are. To put it another way, a machine
innovated beyond what thousands of years and millions of players had been unable
to do.
1.6.4 Beyond Business
Of course, such innovation is not restricted to board games. Melvin is a program
that designs experiments in quantum physics, which are notoriously counterintuitive
or non-intuitive to design. It takes standard components such as lasers and beam
splitters, and determines new ways to combine them to test various quantum
mechanics hypotheses. It has already been successful in creating such experiments.
In another example of the use of big data for innovation, automated hypothesis
generation software was used to scan almost two hundred thousand scientific paper
abstracts in biochemistry to determine the most promising “kinases,”—a type of
protein—that activate another specific protein, “p53”, which slows cancer growth.
All but two of the top prospects identified by the software proved to have the desired
effect (The Economist 2014).
24 J. Weinman
1.7 Integrated Disciplines
A traditional precept of business strategy is the idea of focus. As firms select
a focused product area, market segment, or geography, say, they also make a
conscious decision on what to avoid or say “no” to. A famous story concerns
Southwest, an airline known for its no frills, low-cost service. Its CEO, Herb
Kelleher, in explaining its strategy, explained that every strategic decision could be
viewed in the light of whether it helped achieve that focus. For example, the idea of
serving a tasty chicken Caesar salad on its flights could be instantly nixed, because
it wouldn’t be aligned with low cost (Heath and Heath 2007).
McDonald’s famously ran into trouble by attempting to pursue operational
excellence, product leadership, and customer intimacy at the same time, and these
were in conflict. After all, having the tastiest burgers—product leadership—
would mean foregoing mass pre-processing in factories that created frozen
patties—operational excellence. Having numerous products, combinations and
customizations such as double patty, extra mayo, no onions—customer intimacy—
would take extra time and conflict with a speedy drive through line—operational
excellence (Weinman 2015).
However, the economics of information and information technology mean that
a company can well orient itself to more than one discipline. The robots that
run Amazon.com’s logistics centers, for example, can use routing and warehouse
optimization programs—operational excellence—that are designed once, and don’t
necessarily conflict with the algorithms that make product recommendations based
on prior purchases and big data analytics across millions or billions of transactions.
The efficient delivery of unicast viewing streams to Netflix streaming
subscribers—operational excellence—doesn’t conflict with the entertainment
suggestions derived by the Netflix recommender—collective intimacy—nor does
it conflict with the creation of original Netflix content—product leadership—nor
does it impact Netflix’s ability to run open contests and challenges such as the
Netflix Prize or the Netflix Cloud OSS (Open Source Software) Prize—accelerated
In fact, not only do the disciplines not conflict, but, in such cases, data captured
or derived in one discipline can be used to support the needs of another in the
same company. For example, Netflix famously used data on customer behaviors,
such as rewind or re-watch, contexts, such as mobile device or family TV, and
demographics, such as age and gender, that were part of its collective intimacy
strategy, to inform decisions made about investing in and producing House of Cards,
a highly popular, Emmy-Award-winning show, that supports product leadership.
The data need not even be restricted to a single company. Uber, the “ride-
sharing” company, entered into an agreement with Starwood, the hotel company
(Hirson 2015). A given Uber customer might be dropped off at a competitor’s hotel,
offering Starwood the tantalizing possibility of emailing that customer a coupon for
20% off their next stay at a Sheraton or Westin, say, possibly converting a lifelong
competitor customer into a lifelong Starwood customer. The promotion could be
extremely targeted, along the lines of, say, “Mr. Smith, you’ve now stayed at our
1 Strategic Applications of Big Data 25
competitor’s hotel at least three times. But did you know that the Westin Times
Square is rated 1 star higher than the competitor? Moreover, it’s only half as far
away from your favorite restaurant as the competitor, and has a health club included
in the nightly fee, which has been rated higher than the health club you go to at the
competitor hotel.”
Such uses are not restricted to analytics for marketing promotions. For example,
Waze and the City of Rio de Janeiro have announced a collaboration. Waze is a
mobile application that provides drivers information such as driving instructions,
based not only on maps but also real-time congestion data derived from all other
Waze users, a great example of crowdsourcing with customer intimacy. In a bidirec-
tional arrangement with Rio de Janeiro, Waze will improve its real time routing by
utilizing not only the data produced by Waze users, but additional data feeds offered
by the City. Data will flow in the other direction, as well, as Rio uses data collected
by Waze to plan new roads or to better time traffic signals (Ungerleider 2015).
1.8 Conclusion
A combination of technologies such as the cloud, big data and analytics, machine
learning, social, mobile, and the Internet of Things is transforming the world
around us. Information technologies, of course, have information at their nexus,
and consequently data, and the capabilities to extract information and insight and
make decisions and take action on that insight, are key to the strategic application of
information technology to increase the competitiveness of our firms, enhance value
created for our customers, and to excel beyond these domains also into the areas of
government and society.
Four generic strategies—information excellence, solution leadership, collective
intimacy, and accelerated innovation—can be used independently or in combination
to utilize big data and related technologies to differentiate and create customer
value—for better processes and resources, better products and services, better
customer relationships, and better innovation, respectively.
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Chapter 2
Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data
Ann Cavoukian and Michelle Chibba
2.1 Introduction
The evolution of networked information and communication technologies has, in
one generation, radically changed the value of and ways to manage data. These
trends carry profound implications for privacy. The creation and dissemination of
data has accelerated around the world, and is being copied and stored indefinitely,
resulting in the emergence of Big Data. The old information destruction paradigm
created in an era of paper records is no longer relevant, because digital bits
and bytes have now attained near immortality in cyberspace, thwarting efforts
to successfully remove them from “public” domains. The practical obscurity of
personal information—the data protection of yesteryear—is disappearing as data
becomes digitized, connected to the grid, and exploited in countless new ways.
We’ve all but given up trying to inventory and classify information, and now rely
more on advanced search techniques and automated tools to manage and “mine”
data. The combined effect is that while information has become cheap to distribute,
copy, and recombine; personal information has also become far more available
and consequential. The challenges to control and protect personal information are
significant. Implementing and following good privacy practices should not be a
hindrance to innovation, to reaping societal benefits or to finding the means to
reinforce the public good from Big Data analytics—in fact, by doing so, innovation
is fostered with doubly-enabling, win–win outcomes. The privacy solution requires
a combination of data minimization techniques, credible safeguards, meaningful
individual participation in data processing life cycles, and robust accountability
measures in place by organizations informed by an enhanced and enforceable set of
A. Cavoukian () • M. Chibba
Faculty of Science, Privacy and Big Data Institute, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street,
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada
e-mail: ann.cavoukian@ryerson.ca;michelle.chibba@ryerson.ca
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_2
30 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
universal privacy principles better suited to modern realities. This is where Privacy
by Design becomes an essential approach for Big Data applications. This chapter
begins by defining information privacy, then it will provide an overview of the
privacy risks associated with Big Data applications. Finally, the authors will discuss
Privacy by Design as an international framework for privacy, then provide guidance
on using the Privacy by Design Framework and the 7 Foundational Principles, to
achieve both innovation and privacy—not one at the expense of the other.
2.2 Information Privacy Defined
Information privacy refers to the right or ability of individuals to exercise control
over the collection, use and disclosure by others of their personal information
(Clarke 2000). The ability to determine the fate of one’s personal information is
so important that the authors wish to bring to the attention of the readers, the
term “informational self-determination” which underpins the approach taken to
privacy in this chapter. This term was established in 1983 in Germany when the
Constitutional Court ruled that individuals, not governments, determine the fate of
their personal information. Since this time, in December 2013, the United Nations
General Assembly adopted resolution 68/167 (UN 2016), which expressed deep
concern at the negative impact that surveillance and interception of communications
may have on human rights. The General Assembly affirmed that the rights held by
people offline must also be protected online, and it called upon all States to respect
and protect the right to privacy in digital communication.
Information privacy makes each of us ‘masters’ of the data that identifies each
of us – as individual, citizen, worker, consumer, patient, student, tourist, investor,
parent, son, or daughter. For this, the notions of empowerment, control, choice and
self-determination are the very essence of what we refer to as information privacy.
As ‘custodians’ of our information, we expect governments and business can be
trusted with its safekeeping and proper use.
There have also been references to statements such as “If you have nothing to
hide, you have nothing to fear.” (Solove 2007) Privacy is not about secrecy. It is
about the freedom to exercise one’s right to decide who to choose to share the
personal details of one’s life with. Democracy does not begin with intrusions into
one’s personal sphere—it begins with human rights, civil liberties and privacy—all
fundamental to individual freedom.
Sometimes, safekeeping or information security is taken to mean that privacy
has been addressed. To be clear, information security does not equal privacy.
While data security certainly plays a vital role in enhancing privacy, there is an
important distinction to be made—security is about protecting data assets. It is
about achieving the goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability. Privacy related
goals developed in Europe that complement this security triad are: unlinkability,
transparency and intervenability. In other words, information privacy incorporates
a much broader set of protections than security alone. We look to the work on
2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 31
‘contextual integrity’ (Dwork 2014) that extends the meaning of privacy to a much
broader class of transmission principles that cannot be presumed unless warranted
by other context-specific parameters influenced by other actors and information
types. Privacy relates not only to the way that information is protected and accessed,
but also to the way in which it is collected and used. For example, user access
controls protect personal information from internal threats by preventing even the
possibility of accidental or intentional disclosure or misuse. This protection is
especially needed in the world of Big Data.
2.2.1 Is It Personally Identifiable Information?
Not all data gives rise to privacy concerns. An important first step for any Big
Data application is to determine whether the information involved falls under the
definition of personally identifiable information (PII). Privacy laws around the
world include a definition of personal information and it is this definition which
is integral to whether or not the rules apply. Although there are privacy laws
around the world, each with a definition of personal information, we will use the
NIST definition, where personal information (also known as personally identifiable
information) may be defined as any information, recorded or otherwise, relating
to an identifiable individual (NIST 2010). It is important to note that almost any
information (e.g. biographical, biological, genealogical, historical, transactional,
locational, relational, computational, vocational, or reputational), may become
personal in nature. Privacy laws and associated rules will apply to information
if there is a reasonable possibility of identifying a specific individual—whether
directly, indirectly, or through manipulation or data linkage.
Understanding the different forms of non-personal data helps to better understand
what constitutes personal information. One example is de-identified or anonymous
information, which will be dealt with in more detail later in this chapter. NIST
defines de-identified information as records that have had enough personal infor-
mation removed or obscured in some manner such that the remaining information
does not identify an individual, and there is no reasonable basis to believe that the
information can be used to identify an individual (NIST 2015). As an illustration,
under a U.S. law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA), a set of standards exist to determine when health-care information is
no longer ‘individually identifiable’ or de-identified (HHS 2012). If this standard
is achieved, then the health-care information would not be subject to this law
governing the privacy of health care information. Another example is the EU
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that similarly, excludes anonymous
information (EU Commission 2015). Of interest, however, is that this European
law introduces the concept of “pseudonymization” defined as the processing of
personal data in such a way as to prevent attribution to an identified or identifiable

32 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
person without additional information that may be held separately.1For research and
statistical purposes, certain requirements under the GDPR are relaxed if the personal
data is pseudonymized, which is considered an appropriate safeguard alongside
encryption (Official Journal of the European Union 2016).
Another form is when personal information is aggregated. Aggregation refers
to summary data that have been generated by performing a calculation across all
individual units as a whole. For example, medical researchers may use aggregated
patient data to assess new treatment strategies; governments may use aggregated
population data for statistical analysis on certain publicly funded programs for
reporting purposes; companies may use aggregated sales data to assist in deter-
mining future product lines. Work has also been done on privacy-preserving data
aggregation in wireless sensor networks, especially relevant in the context of the
Internet of Things (Zhang et al. 2016). By using aggregated data, there is a reduced
risk of connecting this information to a specific person or identify an individual.
Lastly, while personal information may be classified as confidential, not all
confidential information should be governed under privacy rules. Confidential
information includes information that should not be publicly available and often
holds tremendous value and importance for organizations, such as strategic business
plans, interim revenue forecasts, proprietary research, or other intellectual property.
The distinction is that while the theft or loss of such confidential information is of
grave concern for an organization it would not constitute a privacy breach because
it does not involve personal information—rather, it is business information.
The growth in Big Data applications and other information communication
technologies have added to the challenges of definition of personal information.
There are times when information architectures, developed by engineers to ensure
the smooth functioning of computer networks and connectivity, lead to unforeseen
uses that have an impact on identity and privacy. These changes present challenges
to what constitutes personal information, extending it from obvious tombstone
data (name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender) to the innocuous
computational or metadata once the purview of engineering requirements for
communicating between devices (Cameron 2013; Mayer et al. 2016).
Metadata, for example, is information generated by our communications devices
and our communications service providers as we use landline or mobile phones,
computers, tablets, or other computing devices. Metadata is essentially information
about other information—in this case, relating to our communications (Mayer
et al. 2016). Using metadata in Big Data analysis requires understanding of context.
1NIST (2015) defines ‘pseudonymization’ as a specific kind of transformation in which
the names and other information that directly identifies an individual are replaced with
pseudonyms. Pseudonymization allows linking information belonging to an individual across
multiple data records or information systems, provided that all direct identifiers are systematically
pseudonymized. Pseudonymization can be readily reversed if the entity that performed the
pseudonymization retains a table linking the original identities to the pseudonyms, or if the
substitution is performed using an algorithm for which the parameters are known or can be
2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 33
Metadata reveals detailed pattern of associations that can be far more invasive of
privacy than merely accessing the content of one’s communications (Cavoukian
2013a,b). Addresses, such as the Media Access Control (MAC) number that are
designed to be persistent and unique for the purpose of running software applica-
tions and utilizing Wi-Fi positioning systems to communicate to a local area network
can now reveal much more about an individual through advances in geo-location
services and uses of smart mobile devices (Cavoukian and Cameron 2011). Another
good example in the mobile environment would be a unique device identifier such as
an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number: even though this does
not name the individual, if it is used to treat individuals differently it will fit the
definition of personal data (Information Commissioner’s Office ICO 2013).
No doubt, the mobile ecosystem is extremely complex and architectures that
were first developed to ensure the functioning of wireless network components
now act as geo-location points, thereby transforming the original intent or what
might be an unintended consequence for privacy. As noted by the International
Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (IWGDPT 2004)“The
enhanced precision of location information and its availability to parties other
than the operators of mobile telecommunications networks create unprecedented
threats to the privacy of the users of mobile devices linked to telecommunications
networks.” When a unique identifier may be linked to an individual, it often falls
under the definition of “personal information” and carries with it a set of regulatory
2.3 Big Data: Understanding the Challenges to Privacy
Before moving into understanding the challenges and risks to privacy that arise
from Big Data applications and the associated data ecosystem, it is important to
emphasize that these should not be deterrents to extracting value from Big Data.
The authors believe that by understanding these privacy risks early on, Big Data
application developers, researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders will be
sensitized to the privacy issues and therefore, be able to raise early flags on potential
unintended consequences as part of a privacy/security threat risk analysis.
We know that with advances in Big Data applications, organizations are devel-
oping a more complete understanding of the individuals with whom they interact
because of the growth and development of data analytical tools, and systems avail-
able to them. Public health authorities, for example, have a need for more detailed
information in order to better inform policy decisions related to managing their
increasingly limited resources. Local governments are able to gain insights never
before available into traffic patterns that lead to greater road and pedestrian safety.
These examples and many more demonstrate the ability to extract insights from Big
Data that will, without a doubt, be of enormous socio-economic significance. These
challenges and insights are further examined in the narrative on the impact of Big
Data on privacy (Lane et al. 2014).
34 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
With this shift to knowledge creation and service delivery, the value of infor-
mation and the need to manage it responsibly have grown dramatically. At the
same time, rapid innovation, global competition and increasing system complexity
present profound challenges for informational privacy. The notion of informational
self-determination seems to be collapsing under the weight, diversity, speed and
volume of Big Data processing in the modern digital era. When a Big Data set is
comprised of identifiable information, then a host of customary privacy risks apply.
As technological advances improve our ability to exploit Big Data, potential privacy
concerns could stir a regulatory backlash that would dampen the data economy and
stifle innovation (Tene and Polonetsky 2013). These concerns are reflected in, for
example, the debate around the new European legislation that includes a ‘right to
be forgotten’ that is aimed at helping individuals better manage data protection
risks online by requiring organizations to delete their data if there are no legitimate
grounds for retaining it (EU Commission 2012). The genesis of the incorporation
of this right comes from a citizen complaint to a data protection regulator against
a newspaper and a major search engine concerning outdated information about the
citizen that continued to appear in online search results of the citizen’s name. Under
certain conditions now, individuals have the right to ask search engines to remove
links with personal information about them that is “inaccurate, inadequate, irrelevant
or excessive.” (EU Commission 2012)
Big Data challenges the tenets of information security, which may also be
of consequence for the protection of privacy. Security challenges arise because
Big Data involves several infrastructure layers for data processing, new types of
infrastructure to handle the enormous flow of data, as well as requiring non-
scalable encryption of large data sets. Further, a data breach may have more severe
consequences when enormous datasets are stored. Consider, for example, the value
of a large dataset of identifiable information or confidential information for that
matter, that could make it a target of theft or for ransom—the larger the dataset, the
more likely it may be targeted for misuse. Once unauthorized disclosure takes place,
the impact on privacy will be far greater, because the information is centralized and
contains more data elements. In extreme cases, unauthorized disclosure of personal
information could put public safety at risk.
Outsourcing Big Data analytics and managing data accountability are other
issues that arise when handling identifiable datasets. This is especially true in
a Big Data context, since organizations with large amounts of data may lack
the ability to perform analytics themselves and will outsource this analysis and
reporting (Fogarty and Bell 2014). There is also a growing presence of data
brokers involved in collecting information, including personal information, from
a wide variety of sources other than the individual, for the purpose of reselling
such information to their customers for various purposes, including verifying an
individual’s identity, differentiating records, marketing products, and preventing
financial fraud (FTC 2012). Data governance becomes a sine qua non for the
enterprise and the stakeholders within the Big Data ecosystem.

2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 35
2.3.1 Big Data: The Antithesis of Data Minimization
To begin, the basis of Big Data is the antithesis of a fundamental privacy principle
which is data minimization. The principle of data minimization or the limitation
principle (Gürses et al. 2011) is intended to ensure that no more personal informa-
tion is collected and stored than what is necessary to fulfil clearly defined purposes.
This approach follows through the fully data lifecycle where personal data must be
deleted when it is no longer necessary for the original purpose. The challenge to this
is that Big Data entails a new way of looking at data, where data is assigned value in
itself. In other words, the value of the data is linked to its future and potential uses.
In moving from data minimization to what may be termed data maximization
or Big Data, the challenge to privacy is the risk of creating automatic data linkages
between seemingly non-identifiable data which, on its own, may not be sensitive, but
when compiled, may generate a sensitive result. These linkages can result in a broad
portrait of an individual including revelations of a sensitive nature—a portrait once
inconceivable since the identifiers were separated in various databases. Through the
use of Big Data tools, we also know that it is possible to identify patterns which may
predict people’s dispositions, for example related to health, political viewpoints or
sexual orientation (Cavoukian and Jonas 2012).
By connecting key pieces of data that link people to things, the capability of data
analytics can render ordinary data into information about an identifiable individual
and reveal details about a person’s lifestyle and habits. A telephone number or postal
code, for example, can be combined with other data to identify the location of a
person’s home and work; an IP or email address can be used to identify consumer
habits and social networks.
An important trend and contribution to Big Data is the movement by government
institutions to open up their data holdings in an effort to enhance citizen participation
in government and at the same time spark innovation and new insights through
access to invaluable government data (Cavoukian 2009).2
With this potential for Big Data to create data linkages being so powerful, the
term “super” data or “super” content has been introduced (Cameron 2013). “Super”
data is more powerful than other data in a Big Data context, because the use of
one piece of “super” data, which on its own would not normally reveal much, can
spark new data linkages that grow exponentially until the individual is identified.
Each new transaction in a Big Data system would compound this effect and spread
identifiability like a contagion.
Indeed, to illustrate the significant implications of data maximization on privacy
we need only look at the shock of the Snowden revelations and the eventual reper-
cussions. A top EU court decision in 2015 declared the longstanding Safe Harbor
2There are many government Open Data initiatives such as U.S. Government’s Open Data at
www.data.gov; Canadian Government’s Open Data at http://open.canada.ca/en/open-data;UN
Data at http://data.un.org/; EU Open Data Portal at https://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/data/.Thisis
just a sample of the many Open Data sources around the world.
36 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
data transfer agreement between Europe and the U.S. invalid (Lomas 2015). The
issues had everything to do with concerns about not just government surveillance
but the relationship with U.S. business and their privacy practices. Eventually, a new
agreement was introduced known as the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield (US DOC 2016)
(EU Commission 2016). This new mechanism introduces greater transparency
requirements for the commercial sector on their privacy practices among a number
of other elements including U.S. authorities affirming that collection of information
for intelligence is focussed and targeted.
The authors strongly believe that an important lesson learned for Big Data suc-
cess is that when the individual participant is more directly involved in information
collection, the accuracy of the information’s context grows and invariably increases
the quality of the data under analysis. Another observation, that may seem to be
contradictory, is that even in Big Data scenarios where algorithms are tasked with
finding connections within vast datasets, data minimization is not only essential
for safeguarding personally identifiable information—it could help with finding the
needle without the haystack by reducing extraneous irrelevant data.
2.3.2 Predictive Analysis: Correlation Versus Causation
Use of correlation analysis may yield completely incorrect results for individuals.
Correlation is often mistaken for causality (Ritter 2014). If the analyses show that
individuals who like X have an eighty per cent probability rating of being exposed
to Y, it is impossible to conclude that this will occur in 100 per cent of the cases.
Thus, discrimination on the basis of statistical analysis may become a privacy issue
(Sweeney 2013). A development where more and more decisions in society are
based on use of algorithms may result in a “Dictatorship of Data”, (Cukier and
Mayer-Schonberger 2013) where we are no longer judged on the basis of our actual
actions, but on the basis of what the data indicate will be our probable actions.
In a survey undertaken by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, the researchers
found that most Americans overwhelmingly consider forms of price discrimination
and behavioral targeting ethically wrong (Turow et al. 2015). Not only are these
approaches based on profiling individuals but using personal information about an
individual for purposes the individual is unaware of. The openness of data sources
and the power of not just data mining but now predictive analysis and other complex
algorithms also present a challenge to the process of de-identification. The risks of
re-identification are more apparent, requiring more sophisticated de-identification
techniques (El Emam et al. 2011). In addition, while the concept of “nudging”
is gaining popularity, using identifiable data for profiling individuals to analyse,
predict, and influence human behaviour may be perceived as invasive and unjustified
Data determinism and discrimination are also concerns that arise from a Dic-
tatorship of Data. Extensive use of automated decisions and prediction analyses
may actually result in adverse consequences for individuals. Algorithms are not
neutral, but reflect choices, among others, about data, connections, inferences,

2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 37
interpretations, and thresholds for inclusion that advances a specific purpose. The
concern is that Big Data may consolidate existing prejudices and stereotyping, as
well as reinforce social exclusion and stratification (Tene and Polonetsky 2013;
IWGDPT 2014;FTC2016). This is said to have implications for the quality of Big
Data analysis because of “echo chambers”3in the collection phase (Singer 2011;
Quattrociocchi et al. 2016).
2.3.3 Lack of Transparency/Accountability
As an individual’s personal information spreads throughout the Big Data ecosystem
amongst numerous players, it is easy to see that the individual will have less control
over what may be happening to the data. This secondary use of data raises privacy
concerns. A primary purpose is identified at the time of collection of personal
information. Secondary uses are generally permitted with that person’s consent,
unless otherwise permitted by law. Using personal information in Big Data analytics
may not be permitted under the terms of the original consent as it may constitute a
secondary use—unless consent to the secondary use is obtained from the individual.
This characteristic is often linked with a lack of transparency. Whether deliberate or
inadvertent, lack of openness and transparency on how data is compiled and used,
is contrary to a fundamental privacy principle.
It is clear that organizations participating in the Big Data ecosystem need to
have a strong privacy program in place (responsible information management). If
individuals don’t have confidence that their personal information is being managed
properly in Big Data applications, then their trust will be eroded and they may with-
draw or find alternative mechanisms to protect their identity and privacy. The con-
sequences of a privacy breach can include reputational harm, legal action, damage
to a company’s brand or regulatory sanctions and disruption to internal operations.
In more severe cases, it could cause the demise of an organization (Solove 2014).
According to TRUSTe’s Consumer Privacy Confidence Index 2016, 92 per cent of
individuals worry about their privacy online, 44 per cent do not trust companies with
their personal information, and 89 per cent avoid doing business with companies that
they believe do not protect their privacy (TRUSTe/NCSA 2016).
Despite the fact that privacy and security risks may exist, organizations should
not fear pursuing innovation through data analytics. Through the application of
privacy controls and use of appropriate privacy tools privacy risks may be mitigated,
thereby enabling organizations to capitalize on the transformative potential of Big
Data—while adequately safeguarding personal information. This is the central
3In news media an echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information,
ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission and repetition inside an “enclosed” sys-
tem, where different or competing views are censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented.
The term is by analogy with an acoustic echo chamber, where sounds reverberate.
38 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
motivation for Privacy by Design, which is aimed at preventing privacy violations
from arising in the first place. Given the necessity of establishing user trust in
order to gain public acceptance of its technologies, any organization seeking to take
advantage of Big Data must apply the Privacy by Design framework as new products
and applications are developed, marketed, and deployed.
2.4 Privacy by Design and the 7 Foundational Principles
The premise of Privacy by Design has at its roots, the Fair Information Practices or
FIPs. Indeed, most privacy laws around the world are based on these practices. By
way of history, the Code of Fair Information Practices (FIPs) was developed in the
1970s and based on essentially five principles (EPIC n.d.):
1. There must be no personal data record-keeping systems whose very existence is
2. There must be a way for a person to find out what information about the person
is in a record and how it is used.
3. There must be a way for a person to prevent information about the person that was
obtained for one purpose from being used or made available for other purposes
without the person’s consent.
4. There must be a way for a person to correct or amend a record of identifiable
information about the person.
5. Any organization creating, maintaining, using, or disseminating records of
identifiable personal data must assure the reliability of the data for their intended
use and must take precautions to prevent misuses of the data.
FIPs represented an important development in the evolution of data privacy since
they provided an essential starting point for responsible information management
practices. However, many organizations began to view enabling privacy via FIPs
and associated laws as regulatory burdens that inhibited innovation. This zero-sum
mindset viewed the task of protecting personal information as a “balancing act”
of competing business and privacy requirements. This balancing approach tended
to overemphasize the significance of notice and choice as the primary method
for addressing personal information data management. As technologies developed,
the possibility for individuals to meaningfully exert control over their personal
information became more and more difficult. It became increasingly clear that FIPs
were a necessary but not a sufficient condition for protecting privacy. Accordingly,
the attention of privacy protection had begun to shift from reactive compliance with
FIPs to proactive system design.
With advances in technologies, it became increasingly apparent that systems
needed to be complemented by a set of norms that reflect broader privacy dimen-
sions (Damiani 2013). The current challenges to privacy related to the dynamic
relationship associated with the forces of innovation, competition and the global
adoption of information communications technologies. These challenges have been
2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 39
mirrored in security by design. Just as users rely on security engineers to ensure the
adequacy of encryption key lengths, for example, data subjects will rely on privacy
engineers to appropriately embed risk-based controls within systems and processes.
Given the complex and rapid nature of these developments, it becomes apparent that
privacy has to become the default mode of design and operation.
Privacy by Design (PbD), is a globally recognized proactive approach to privacy.
It is a framework developed in the late 1990s by co-author Dr. Ann Cavoukian
(Cavoukian 2011). Privacy by Design is a response to compliance-based approaches
to privacy protection that tend to focus on addressing privacy breaches after-the-fact.
Our view is that this reactive approach does not adequately meet the demands of the
Big Data era. Instead, we recommend that organizations consciously and proactively
incorporate privacy strategies into their operations, by building privacy protections
into their technology, business strategies, and operational processes.
By taking a proactive approach to privacy and making privacy the default setting,
PbD can have a wide-ranging impact across an organization. The approach can
result in changes to governance structures, operational and strategic objectives, roles
and accountabilities, policies, information systems and data flows, decision-making
processes, relationships with stakeholders, and even the organization’s culture.
PbD has been endorsed by many public- and private-sector authorities in the
United States, the European Union, and elsewhere (Harris 2015). In 2010, PbD
was unanimously passed as a framework for privacy protection by the International
Assembly of Privacy Commissioners and Data Protection Authorities (CNW 2010).
This approach transforms consumer privacy issues from a pure policy or compliance
issue into a business imperative. Since getting privacy right has become a critical
success factor to any organization that deals with personal information, taking
an approach that is principled and technology-neutral is now more relevant than
ever. Privacy is best interwoven proactively and to achieve this, privacy principles
should be introduced early on—during architecture planning, system design, and
the development of operational procedures. Privacy by Design, where possible,
should be rooted into actual code, with defaults aligning both privacy and business
The business case for privacy focuses on gaining and maintaining customer trust,
breeding loyalty, and generating repeat business. The value proposition typically
reflects the following:
1. Consumer trust drives successful customer relationship management (CRM) and
lifetime value—in other words, business revenues;
2. Broken trust will result in a loss of market share and revenue, translating into less
return business and lower stock value; and
3. Consumer trust hinges critically on the strength and credibility of an organiza-
tion’s data privacy policies and practices.
In a marketplace where organizations are banding together to offer suites of
goods and services, trust is clearly essential. Of course, trust is not simply an end-
user issue. Companies that have done the work to gain the trust of their customers
cannot risk losing it as a result of another organization’s poor business practices.
40 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
2.4.1 The 7 Foundational Principles
Privacy by Design Foundational Principles build upon universal FIPPs in a way
that updates and adapts them to modern information management needs and
requirements. By emphasizing proactive leadership and goal-setting, systematic
and verifiable implementation methods, and demonstrable positive-sum results, the
principles are designed to reconcile the need for robust data protection and an orga-
nization’s desire to unlock the potential of data-driven innovation. Implementing
PbD means focusing on, and living up to, the following 7 Foundational Principles,
which form the essence of PbD (Cavoukian 2011).
Principle 1: Use proactive rather than reactive measures, anticipate and prevent
privacy invasive events before they happen (Proactive not Reactive; Preventative not
Principle 2: Personal data must be automatically protected in any given IT system
or business practice. If an individual does nothing, their privacy still remains intact
(Privacy as the Default). Data minimization is also a default position for privacy, i.e.
the concept of always starting with the minimum personal data possible and then
justifying additional collection, disclosure, retention, and use on an exceptional and
specific data-by-data basis.
Principle 3: Privacy must be embedded into the design and architecture of IT
systems and business practices. It is not bolted on as an add-on, after the fact. Privacy
is integral to the system, without diminishing functionality (Privacy Embedded into
Principle 4: All legitimate interests and objectives are accommodated in a
positive-sum manner (Full Functionality—Positive-Sum [win/win], not Zero-Sum
Principle 5: Security is applied throughout the entire lifecycle of the data
involved—data is securely retained, and then securely destroyed at the end of the
process, in a timely fashion (End-to-End Security—Full Lifecycle Protection).
Principle 6: All stakeholders are assured that whatever the business practice or
technology involved, it is in fact, operating according to the stated promises and
objectives, subject to independent verification; transparency is key (Visibility and
Transparency—Keep it Open).
Principle 7: Architects and operators must keep the interests of the individual
uppermost by offering such measures as strong privacy defaults, appropriate notice,
and empowering user-friendly options (Respect for User Privacy—Keep it User-

2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 41
2.5 Big Data Applications: Guidance on Applying the PbD
Framework and Principles
While the 7 Foundational Principles of PbD should be applied in a holistic manner
as a broad framework, there are specific principles worthy of pointing out because
they are what defines and distinguishes this approach to privacy. These are principles
1 (Proactive and Preventative), 2 (By Default/Data Minimization), 3 (Embedded
in Design) and 4 (Positive-sum). Although the two examples provided below are
specific to mobile apps, they are illustrative of the Privacy by Design approach to
being proactive, focussing on data minimization and embedding privacy by default.
2.5.1 Being Proactive About Privacy Through Prevention
Privacy by Design aspires to the highest global standards of practical privacy and
data protection possible and to go beyond compliance and achieve visible evidence
and recognition of leadership, regardless of jurisdiction. Good privacy doesn’t just
happen by itself—it requires proactive and continuous goal-setting at the earliest
stages. Global leadership in data protection begins with explicit recognition of the
benefits and value of adopting strong privacy practices, early and consistently (e.g.,
preventing data breaches or harms to individuals from occurring in the first place).
Your app’s main purpose is to display maps. These maps are downloaded by a
mobile device from your central server. They are then later used on the device,
when there may be no network connection available. You realise that analytics
would be useful to see which maps are being downloaded by which users.
This in turn would allow you to make targeted suggestions to individual users
about which other maps they might want to download. You consider using
the following to identify individuals who download the maps: i) the device’s
IMEI number; ii) the MAC address of the device’s wireless network interface;
and iii) the mobile phone number used by the device. You realise that any of
those identifiers may constitute personal data, so for simplicity you decide
not to take on the responsibility of dealing with them yourself. Instead, you
decide to gain users’ consent for the map suggestions feature. When a user
consents, they are assigned a randomly generated unique identifier, solely for
use by your app. (Excerpted from Information Commissioner’s Office ICO

42 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
2.5.2 Data Minimization as the Default Through
Personal information that is not collected, retained, or disclosed is data that does
not need to be protected, managed, or accounted for. If the personal information
does not exist, then it cannot be accessed, altered, copied, enriched, shared, lost,
hacked, or otherwise used for secondary and unauthorized purposes. Privacy by
Design is premised on the idea that the starting point for designing information
technologies and systems should always be maximally privacy-enhancing. The
default configuration or settings of technologies, tools, platforms, or services offered
to individuals should be as restrictive as possible regarding use of personally
identifiable data.
When Big Data analytics involves the use of personally identifiable information,
data minimization has the biggest impact on managing data privacy risks, by
effectively eliminating risk at the earliest stage of the information life cycle.
Designing Big Data analytical systems at the front end with no collection of
personally identifiable information—unless and until a specific and compelling
purpose is defined, is the ideal. For example, use(s) of personal information should
be limited to the intended, primary purpose(s) of collection and only extended to
other, non-consistent uses with the explicit consent of the individual (Article 29
Data Protection Working Party 2013). In other cases, organizations may find that
summary or aggregate data may be more than sufficient for their needs.
Your app uses GPS location services to recommend interesting activities near
to where the user is. The database of suggested activities is kept on a central
server under your control. One of your design goals is to keep the amount of
data your app downloads from the central server to a minimum. You therefore
design your app so that each time you use it, it sends location data to the
central server so that only the nearest activities are downloaded. However,
you are also keen to use less privacy-intrusive data where possible. You design
your app so that, by default, the device itself works out where the nearest town
is and uses this location instead, avoiding the need to send exact GPS co-
ordinates of the user”s location back to the central server. Users who want
results based on their accurate location can change the default behaviour.
(Excerpted from Information Commissioner’s Office ICO 2013)
De-identification strategies are considered data minimization. De-identification
provides for a set of tools or techniques to strip a dataset of all information that
could be used to identify an individual, either directly or indirectly, through linkages
to other datasets. The techniques involve deleting or masking “direct identifiers,”
such as names or social insurance numbers, and suppressing or generalizing indirect
identifiers, such as postal codes or birthdates. Indirect identifiers may not be
2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 43
personally identifying in and of themselves, but when linked to other datasets that
contain direct identifiers, may personally identify individuals. If done properly,
de-identified data can be used for research purposes and data analysis—thus
contributing new insights and achieving innovative goals—while minimizing the
risk of disclosure of the identities of the individuals behind the data (Cavoukian and
El Emam 2014).
This is not to suggest, of course, that data should be collected exclusively in
instances where it may become useful or that data collected for one purpose may be
repurposed at will. Rather, in a big data world, the principle of data minimization
should be interpreted differently, requiring organizations to de-identify data when
possible, implement reasonable security measures, and limit uses of data to those
that are acceptable from not only an individual but also a societal perspective (Tene
and Polonetsky 2013).
2.5.3 Embedding Privacy at the Design Stage
When privacy commitments and data protection controls are embedded into tech-
nologies, operations, and information architectures in a holistic, integrative manner,
innovation and creativity are often by-products (Cavoukian et al. 2014a,b). By
holistic, we mean that broader contexts should always be considered for a proper
assessment of privacy risks and remedies. An integrative approach takes into con-
sideration all stakeholder interests as part of the development dialogue. Sometimes,
having to re-look at alternatives because existing solutions are unacceptable from
a privacy perspective spurs innovative and creative thinking. Embedding privacy
and data protection requires taking a systematic, principled approach—one that
not only relies on accepted standards and process frameworks, but that can stand
up to external reviews and audits. All of the 7 Foundational Principles should be
applied with equal rigour, at every step in design and operation. By doing so, the
privacy impacts of the resulting technology, process, or information architecture,
and their uses, should be demonstrably minimized, and not easily degraded through
use, misconfiguration, or error. To minimize concerns of untoward data usage,
organizations should disclose the logic underlying their decision-making processes
to the extent possible without compromising their trade secrets or intellectual
property rights.
The concept of “user-centricity” may evoke contradictory meanings in networked
or online environments. Through a privacy lens, it contemplates a right of control by
an individual over his or her personal information when online, usually with the help
of technology. For most system designers, it describes a system built with individual
users in mind that may perhaps incorporate users’ privacy interests, risks and needs.
The first may be considered libertarian (informational self-determination), the other,
paternalistic. Privacy by Design embraces both. It acknowledges that technologies,
processes and infrastructures must be designed not just for individual users, but
also structured by them. Users are rarely, if ever, involved in every design decision
44 A. Cavoukian and M. Chibba
or transaction involving their personal information, but they are nonetheless in an
unprecedented position today to exercise a measure of meaningful control over
those designs and transactions, as well as the disposition and use of their personal
information by others.
User interface designers know that human-computer interface can often make
or break an application. Function (substance) is important, but the way in which
that function is delivered is equally as important. This type of design embeds an
effective user privacy experience. As a quid pro quo for looser data collection
and minimization restrictions, organizations should be prepared to share the
wealth created by individuals’ data with those individuals. This means providing
individuals with access to their data in a “usable” format and allowing them to take
advantage of third party applications to analyze their own data and draw useful
conclusions (e.g., consume less protein, go on a skiing vacation, invest in bonds)
(Tene and Polonetsky 2013).
2.5.4 Aspire for Positive-Sum Without Diminishing
In Big Data scenarios, networks are more complex and sophisticated thereby
undermining the dominant “client-server” transaction model because individuals
are often far removed from the client side of the data processing equation. How
could privacy be assured when the collection, disclosure, and use of personal
information might not even involve the individual at all? Inevitably, a zero-sum
paradigm prevails where more of one good (e.g., public security, fraud detection,
operational control) cancels out another good (individual privacy, freedom). The
authors challenge the premise that privacy and data protection necessarily have to
be ceded in order to gain public, personal, or information security benefits from
Big Data. The opposite of zero-sum is positive-sum, where multiple goals may be
achieved concurrently.
Many security technologies and information systems could be designed (or
redesigned) to be effective while minimizing or even eliminating their privacy-
invasive features. This is the positive-sum paradigm. We need only look to the work
of researchers in the area of privacy preserving data mining (Lindell and Pinkas
2002). In some cases, however, this requires broadening the scope of application
from only information communication technologies (ICTs) to include the “soft”
legal, policy, procedural, and other organizational controls and operating contexts
in which privacy might be embedded.
De-identification tools and techniques are gaining popularity and there are
several commercially available products. Nonetheless, furthering research into
de-identification continues (El Emam 2013a, b). Some emerging research-level
technologies hold much promise for enabling privacy and utility of Big Data analy-
sis to co-exist. Two of these technologies are differential privacy and synthetic data.
2 Start with Privacy by Design in All Big Data Applications 45
Differential privacy is an approach that injects random noise into the results
of dataset queries to provide a mathematical guarantee that the presence of any
one individual in the dataset will be masked—thus protecting the privacy of each
individual in the dataset. Typical implementations of differential privacy work by
creating a query interface or “curator” that stands between the dataset’s personal
information and those wanting access to it. An algorithm evaluates the privacy risks
of the queries. The software determines the level of “noise” to introduce into the
analysis results before releasing it. The distortion that is introduced is usually small
enough that it does not affect the quality of the answers in any meaningful way—yet
it is sufficient to protect the identities of the individuals in the dataset (Dwork 2014).
At an administrative level, researchers are not given access to the dataset to
analyze themselves when applying differential privacy. Not surprisingly, this limits
the kinds of questions researchers can ask. Given this limitation, some researchers
are exploring the potential of creating “synthetic” datasets for researchers’ use. As
long as the number of individuals in the dataset is sufficiently large in comparison
to the number of fields or dimensions, it is possible to generate a synthetic dataset
comprised entirely of “fictional” individuals or altered identities that retain the
statistical properties of the original dataset—while delivering differential privacy’s
mathematical “noise” guarantee (Blum et al. 2008). While it is possible to generate
such synthetic datasets, the computational effort required to do so is usually
extremely high. However, there have been important developments into making the
generation of differentially private synthetic datasets more efficient and research
continues to show progress (Thaler et al. 2010).
2.6 Conclusion
There are privacy and security risks and challenges that organizations will face
in the pursuit of Big Data nirvana. While a significant portion of this vast digital
universe is not of a personal nature, there are inherent privacy and security risks
that cannot be overlooked. Make no mistake, organizations must seriously consider
not just the use of Big Data but also the implications of a failure to fully realize
the potential of Big Data. Big data and big data analysis, promise new insights
and benefits such as medical/scientific discoveries, new and innovative economic
drivers, predictive solutions to otherwise unknown, complex societal problems.
Misuses and abuses of personal data diminish informational self-determination,
cause harms, and erode the confidence and trust needed for innovative economic
growth and prosperity. By examining success stories and approaches such as Privacy
by Design, the takeaway should be practical strategies to address the question of
‘How do we achieve the value of Big Data and still respect consumer privacy?’
Above all, Privacy by Design requires architects and operators to keep the interests
of the individual uppermost by offering such measures as strong privacy defaults,
appropriate notice, and empowering user-friendly options. Keep it user-centric!
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Chapter 3
Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis
Wenrui Dai, Shuang Wang, Hongkai Xiong, and Xiaoqian Jiang
3.1 Introduction
With the introduction of electronic health records (EHRs), massive patient data have
been involved in biomedical researches to study the impact of various factors on
disease and mortality. Large clinical data networks have been developed to facilitate
analysis and improve treatment of diseases by collecting healthcare data from
a variety of organizations, including healthcare providers, government agencies,
research institutions and insurance companies. The National Patient-Centered Clin-
ical Research Network, PCORnet (n.d.), facilitates clinical effectiveness research
to provide decision support for prevention, diagnosis and treatment with the data
gathered nationwide. PopMedNet (n.d.) enables the distributed analyses of EHR
held by different organizations without requiring a central repository to collect
data. HMORNnet (Brown et al. 2012) combines PopMedNet platform to provide a
shared infrastructure for distributed querying to allow data sharing between multiple
HMO Research Network projects. Integrating PopMedNet, ESPnet achieves disease
W. Dai ()
Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of California San Diego, La Jolla,
CA 92093, USA
Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
e-mail: wed004@ucsd.edu
S. Wang • X. Jiang
Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of California San Diego, La Jolla,
CA 92093, USA
e-mail: shw070@ucsd.edu;x1jiang@ucsd.edu
H. Xiong
Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
e-mail: xionghongkai@sjtu.edu.cn
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_3
50 W. Dai et al.
surveillance by collecting and analyzing EHRs owned by different organizations in
a distributed fashion.
Although data sharing can benefit both biomedical discovery and public health,
it would also pose risks for disclosure of sensitive information and consequent
breach of individual privacy. Leakage of demographic, diagnostic, phenotypic and
genotypic information would lead to unexpected implications like discrimination by
employers and health insurance companies. To protect the individually identifiable
health information, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
(n.d.) was enacted in the United States, in which the security and privacy of pro-
tected health information (PHI) are guaranteed under the standards and regulations
specified by HIPAA Privacy Rule. It defines two methods, Expert Determination and
Safe Harbor (Lafky 2010), to meet with the de-identification standard. In practice,
the Safe Harbor method is widely adopted, where specific information should be
removed and suppressed according to a predefined checklist. However, these de-
identification standards defined by HIPAA Privacy Rule do not provide adequate
privacy protection for healthcare data, as argued by McGraw (2008). Taking
advantage of publicly available background information about an individual, it is
possible to infer sensitive information like predisposition to disease and surnames
from de-identified data. Homer et al. (2008) utilized aggregated allele frequencies
in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to re-identify individual patients in
a case group based on the reference population from the International HapMap
Project. Wang et al. (2009) extended Homer’s attack with two models to identify
patients from a smaller subset of published statistics or under limited precision
and availability of statistics. Sweeney et al. (2013) showed that most (84–97%)
patients could be exactly identified by linking their profiles in the Personal Genome
Project (PGP) with publicly available records like voter lists. Gymrek et al. (2013)
inferred the surnames from personal genome data sets by profiling Y-chromosome
haplotypes based on recreational genetic genealogy databases, which are public and
online accessible. For Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), Vaidya et al.
(2013) demonstrated the vulnerability of its querying system by making query infer-
ence attacks to infer patient-level information based on multiple correlated queries.
Privacy concerns have presented a challenge to efficient collaborative prediction
and analysis for biomedical research that needs data sharing. Patients would be
unwilling to provide their data to research projects or participate in treatments under
the insufficient privacy protection. For data custodian, data utility might be degraded
to lower the potential privacy risk, as they take responsibility for the security and
confidentiality of their data. Due to institutional policies and legislation, it is not
viable to explicitly transfer patient-level data to a centralized repository or share
them among various institutions in many scenarios. For example, without specific
institutional approval, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs requires all patient
data to remain in its server. Naive procedure for exchanging patient-level data
would also be restricted in international cross-institutional collaboration. The Data
Protection Act (1998) in the UK, in line with the EU Data Protection Directive,
prohibits transferring clinical data outside the European Economic Area, unless the
protection for data security is sufficiently guaranteed. Therefore, it is of necessity to
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 51
develop models and algorithms for cross-institutional collaboration with sufficient
protection of patient privacy and full compliance with institutional policies.
Federated data analysis has been developed as an alternative for cross-
institutional collaboration, which proposes to exchange aggregated statistics instead
of patient-level data. It enables a variety of privacy-preserving distributed algorithms
that facilitate computation and analysis with a guarantee of prediction accuracy
and protection of privacy and security of patient-level data. These algorithms are
commonly designed to perform regression, classification and evaluation over data
with different types of partition, i.e. horizontally partitioned data (Kantarcioglu
2008) and vertically partitioned data (Vaidya 2008), respectively. Horizontally
partitioned data are composed of data of different patients with the same clinical
variables. Thus, multiple institutions share the sample types of attributes for all
the patients in the federated database. Horizontally partitioned data would be
suitable for collaborative analysis and computation over patients from organizations
in different geographical areas, especially for studies of diseases that require a
large number of examples (patient-level data). On the other hand, for vertically
partitioned data, each institution owns a portion of clinical variables for the same
patients. Attributes from all the institutions are collected and aligned as a federated
database for computation and analysis. In fact, vertically partitioned data would
facilitate collaboration among organizations owning different types of patient-
level data. For example, the PCORnet clinical data research network (CDRN),
pSCANNER (Ohno-Machado et al. 2014), allows distributed analysis over data of
31 million patients that are vertically partitioned across Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, Department of Veteran Affairs, insurance companies, and health
systems. The studies of diseases can be jointly performed based on the diagnostic
information from medical centers, demographic and financial data from insurance
companies and genomic data from laboratories. Figure 3.1 provides an illustrative
example for horizontally and vertically partitioned data, respectively.
In this chapter, we review the privacy-preserving federated data analysis algo-
rithms for large-scale distributed data, especially biomedical data. To collaborate
on distributed data analysis in a privacy-preserving fashion, institutions might not
be able to explicitly share their patient-level data. Privacy-preserving federated
data analysis algorithms aim to establish global models for analysis and prediction
based on non-sensitive local statistics, e.g., intermediary results for Hessian matrix
and kernel matrix, instead of explicitly transferring sensitive patient-level data to
a central repository. Over the past few decades, a series of federated analysis
algorithms have been developed for regression, classification and evaluation of
distributed data with a protection of data privacy and security. Enlightened by the
principle of sharing model without sharing data, federated data modeling techniques
have been proposed to securely derive global model parameters and perform
statistical tests over horizontally and vertically partitioned data. In comparison
to centralized realizations, federated modeling techniques achieved equivalent
accuracy in model parameter estimation and statistical tests with no exchange of
patient-level data. Server/client and decentralized architectures have been developed
to realize federated data analysis in a distributed and privacy-preserving fashion.

52 W. Dai et al.
Fig. 3.1 Illustrative examples for horizontally and vertically partitioned data in federated data
analysis. Nrecords with Mcovariates are distributed across Kinstitutions. (a) Horizontally
partitioned data. The Kinstitutions have different patients sharing the same type of covariates;
(b) Vertically partitioned data. Covariates from the same patients are distributed across all the K
For regression tasks, distributed optimization was efficiently achieved using the
Newton-Ralphson method. To further improve distributed optimization in federated
models, alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) was integrated to
formulate decomposable minimization problems with additional auxiliary variables.
Inheriting the convergence properties of methods of Lagrangian multipliers, it
is robust for a variety of distributed analyses under horizontal and vertical data
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 53
partitioning. Recognizing that communication between the server and clients was
not protected, secure multiparty computation (SMC) protocols were adopted for
stronger data security and privacy. Secure protocols were widely considered for
distributed analysis like regression, classification and evaluation. The intermediary
results from multiple institutions were aggregated with secure summation, product
and reordering to support the server/client or decentralized architecture. To handle
real-world network conditions, we discussed the asynchronous optimization for
distributed optimization under server/client or decentralized architecture. To support
privacy-preserving data sharing and analysis, this paper summarizes the relevant
literature to present the state-of-the-art algorithms and applications and prospect the
promising improvements and extensions along current trend.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 3.2 overviews the
architecture and optimization for federated modeling analysis over horizontally and
vertically partitioned data. In Sect. 3.3, we review the applications in regression
and classification based on the Newton-Raphson method and ADMM framework.
Section 3.3 integrates secure multiparty computation protocols with federated
data analysis for protection of intermediary results in distributed analysis and
computation. In Sect. 3.5, we present the asynchronous optimization for general
fixed-point problem and specific coordinate gradient descent and ADMM-based
methods. Finally, Sect. 3.6 makes discussion and conclusion.
3.2 Federated Data Analysis: Architecture and Optimization
In this section, we overview the architectures and optimization methods for feder-
ated data analysis. Server/client and decentralized architectures are well established
in privacy-preserving analysis. Under these architectures, the Newton-Raphson
method and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) framework are
leveraged for distributed computation.
3.2.1 Architecture Server/Client Architecture
In the federated models, the server/client architecture has been established to
estimate global model parameters and perform statistical test over horizontally and
vertically partitioned data, as shown in Fig. 3.2. Under this architecture, federated
data modeling shares models rather than patient-level information. The server
iteratively optimizes the global model parameters based on aggregated intermediary
results that are decomposable over the clients. Each client can utilize its local data
to separately calculate corresponding intermediary results. Subsequently, instead of
sharing the sensitive patient-level data, these intermediary results are exchanged for
secure computation and analysis. Taking maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
of binary logistic regression for example, each institution calculates and exchanges

54 W. Dai et al.
Fig. 3.2 Server/client architecture for federated data analysis. Each institution only exchanges
intermediary results for the estimation of global model parameters and statistical tests. Each
institution does not communicate with the others to prevent unexpected information leakage
the partial Hessian matrix derived from its local records for horizontally partitioned
data and partial kernel matrix of its local attributes for vertically partitioned data.
Thus, federated models only exchanged aggregated intermediary results rather
than collected raw data in a central repository to make parameter estimation.
Moreover, clients will not collude to infer the raw data, as each client separately
performs the computation. These facts imply that distributed optimization can be
performed in a privacy-preserving fashion, as the raw data tend not to be recovered
from the aggregated intermediary results. It should be noted that the accuracy
of parameter estimation could be guaranteed in federated models, as aggregated
intermediary results do not lose any information in comparison to the centralized
methods. Furthermore, the security of federated models can be further improved
by integrating secure protocols and encryption methods to protect the intermediary
results exchanged between the server and clients.
For logistic regression and multinomial regression models, federated models can
also support distributed statistical tests over horizontally partitioned data, including
goodness-of-fit test and AUC score estimation (Chambless and Diao 2006). Besides
model parameters, variance-covariance matrix could be similarly obtained by aggre-
gating the decomposable intermediary results. Using global model parameters and
variance-covariance matrix, federated models were able to estimate the statistics of
logistic and multinomial regression, including confidence intervals (CIs), standard
error, Z-test statistics and p-values. Furthermore, goodness-of-fit test and AUC score
estimation can be achieved in a distributed manner. The Hosmer and Lemeshow
(H-L) test (Hosmer et al. 2013) is considered to check model fitness, where each
institution only shares its number of records with positive patient outcomes per

3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 55
Fig. 3.3 Decentralized architecture for federated data analysis. To estimate global model param-
eters and perform statistical tests, each institution exchanges intermediary results with its
neighboring institutions and updates its local model with received aggregated results
decile. Thus, patient-level information and estimate outcomes will not be exchanged
for privacy-preserving consideration. For computation of AUC score, raw data and
estimated outcomes of patients can be protected with peer-to-peer communication. Decentralized Architecture
Figure 3.3 illustrates the decentralized architecture for federated analysis over
horizontally and vertically partitioned data. Contrary to server/client architec-
tures, decentralized architectures do not require a central node (server) to collect
aggregated intermediary results from all the institutions and make global model
parameter estimation and statistical tests. Each institution only communicates with
its neighbors to exchange messages, e.g. institutions with linked health records.
To prevent leakage of patient-level information, institutions would exchange inter-
mediary results rather than raw data. At each iteration, each institution derives its
intermediary results from local data and the aggregated results from its neighbor-
ing institutions. Taking global consensus optimization under ADMM framework
(Boyd et al. 2011) for example, local model parameters are exchanged among
neighboring institutions for global consensus in applications like sparse linear
regression (Mateos et al. 2010), principal component analysis (PCA) (Schizas and
Aduroja 2015) and support vector machine (SVM) (Forero and Giannakis 2010).
Under such architecture, distributed optimization can be performed in a privacy-
preserving manner, as patient-level information would never be exchanged. It is
worth mentioning that communication cost would be reduced in the decentralized
architecture, as messages are only exchanged among neighboring institutions.
56 W. Dai et al.
3.2.2 Distributed Optimization The Newton-Raphson Method
For model parameter estimation, the Newton-Raphson method can be extended
to make distributed optimization for log-likelihood functions over multiple insti-
tutions. It is a powerful technique for finding numerical solutions to nonlinear
algebraic equations with successively linear approximations. Given twice differen-
tiable objective function f(x), the Newton-Raphson method iteratively constructs a
sequence of positions towards the stationary point xwith gradient-like optimiza-
tion. For vector inputs x,the gradient rfand Hessian matrix H(f) are computed for
first and second partial derivatives of f, respectively. At the t-th step, xis updated by
maximizing the log-likelihood function f.
In federated data modeling, to enable distributed optimization, the first and
second partial derivatives are required to be decomposable over multiple institu-
tions. Thus, the gradient and Hessian matrix can be derived from the aggregated
intermediary results separately obtained from all the institutions. The intermediary
results would vary for different tasks and data with different partition. For example,
each institution holds a portion of records Akfor horizontally partitioned data.
Consequently, the intermediary results exchanged in binary logistic regression
are AT
kkAkwith kDdiag((Ak,xk)(1 (Ak,xk))) related with logit function,
while they tend to depend on the set of records at risk for Cox regression model.
For vertically distributed logistic regression, it requires Legendre transform for
distributed dual optimization, where the kernel matrix AkAT
kis separately calculated
based on the portion of attributes Akheld by the k-th institution.
The Newton-Raphson method can achieve faster convergence towards a local
optimum in comparison to gradient descent, when fis a valid objective function.
At the meantime, distributed optimization with the Newton-Raphson method can
achieve equivalent accuracy in model parameter estimation, when compared to its
centralized realization. However, it requires separable first and second partial deriva-
tives over multiple institutions, which make the Newton-Raphson method restrictive
in some distributed optimization scenarios, e.g. distributed Cox regression. In Sect, we introduce alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for a
ubiquitous distributed optimization framework. Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) (Boyd et al. 2011) is a variant
of the augmented Lagrangian scheme that supports decomposable dual ascent
solution for the method of Lagrangian multipliers. It develops a decomposition-
coordination procedure to decompose the large-scale optimization problem into a
set of small local subproblems. Inheriting the convergence properties of the method

3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 57
of Lagrangian multipliers, ADMM is able to obtain the globally optimal solution.
In comparison to general equality-constrained minimization, ADMM introduces
auxiliary variables to split the objective function for decomposability. To be
concrete, ADMM solves the minimization problem of the summation of two convex
functions f.x/and g.z/under the constraint of Ax CBz DC:Thus, the augmented
Lagrangian function for optimal solution is formulated with dual variable .
x;z;yL.x;z;y/Df.x/Cg.z/CT.Ax CBz C/C
2jAx CBz Cj2
where is the positive Lagrangian parameter. The augmented Lagrangian function
can be iteratively solved with three steps for partially updating the primal variables
xauxiliary variables zand dual variables .Inthet-th iteration, these three steps are
conducted in a sequential manner.
1. x-minimization: partially update xby minimizing the augmented Lagrangian
function L.x;z;/with fixed zand dual variable ,orx.tC1/Dargmin
2. z-minimization: partially update zby minimizing the augmented Lagrangian
function L.x;z;/with updated xand fixed ,orz.tC1/Dargmin
3. Update dual variables with updated xand z,or.tC1/D.t/C
Here, dual variables are updated with the step size for each iteration.
According to Steps 1–3, xand zare alternately updated in each iteration based on
f.x/and g.z/. This fact implies that the minimization problem over xand zcan be
separately solved for distributed data, when f.x/or g.z/are decomposable. Since
xand zcan be derived from each other based on the dual variables , they can
be exchanged among multiple institutions for distributed optimization. Therefore,
ADMM is desirable for privacy-preserving federated data analysis, where each
institution can solve the decomposable optimization problem based on local data
and submits intermediary results for a global solution.
Under the ADMM framework, the two generic optimization problems, consensus
and sharing, are formulated for distributed analysis over horizontally and vertically
partitioned data, respectively. For horizontally partitioned data, the consensus
problem splits primal variables xand separately optimizes the decomposable
cost function f.x/for all the institutions under the global consensus constraints.
Considering that the submatrix Ak2RNkMof A2RNMcorresponds to the local data
held by the k-th institution, the primal variables xk2RM1for the Kinstitutions are
solved by
fk.Akxk/Cg.z/s:t:xkzD0; kD1; ;K:(3.3)
58 W. Dai et al.
Here, fk.Akxk/is the cost function for the k-th institution and g.z/commonly
represents the regularization term for the optimization problem. According to the
derived augmented Lagrangian function, xkis independently solved based on local
data Akand corresponding dual variables k, while zis updated by averaging xkand
k. Thus, the global model can be established by optimizing over the Kinstitutions
under the global consensus constraints.
The sharing problem is considered for vertically partitioned data, where Aand
xare vertically split into Ak2RNMkand xk2RMk1for the Kinstitutions. Auxiliary
variables zk2RN1are introduced for the k-th institution based on Akand xk. In such
case, the sharing problem is formulated based on the decomposable cost function
kD1zks:t:AkxkzkD0; kD1; ;K(3.4)
Under the ADMM framework, xkand its dual variables kcan be separately
solved, while zkis derived from the aggregated results of Akxkand k. This fact
implies that each institution can locally optimize the decomposable cost function
using its own portion of attributes and adjust the model parameters according to
auxiliary variables derived from global optimization problem. It is worth mentioning
that the global consensus constraints implicitly exist for the dual variables in sharing
3.3 Federated Data Analysis Applications
In this section, we review federated data analysis models for regression and
classification based on the Newton-Raphson method and ADMM framework.
3.3.1 Applications Based on the Newton-Raphson Method
The Newton-Ralphson method is widely adopted in federated data analysis for
generalized linear models, e.g. logistic regression, multinomial regression, and
Cox proportional hazard model, which are widely used in biomedicine. Table 3.1
summarizes the existing federated modeling techniques for distributed data with
their application scenarios, data partitioning, mechanisms for model parameter
estimation, statistical tests and communication protection.
An early federated data analysis paper in biomedical informatics introduced
the Grid binary LOgistic REgression (GLORE) framework (Wu et al. 2012). In
this work, a binary logistic regression model was developed for model parameter
estimation and statistical tests over data horizontally distributed across multiple
institutions in a privacy-preserving manner. For security and confidentiality, the
proposed model shared models rather than patient-level information. Besides model
parameter estimation, distributed algorithms were developed for H-L test and AUC

3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 59
Table 3.1 Federated modeling techniques for distributed data based on the Newton-Raphson method
Application scenario Data partitioning Parameter estimation Statistical test Communication protection
GLORE (Wu et al.
Logistic regression Horizontal MLE H-L test AUC score
IPDLR (Wu et al. 2012)Secure summation protocol
et al. 2013)
MAP N/A SINE protocol
et al. 2016)
MLE Garbled circuits
VERTIGO (Li et al.
Vertical N/A
Multi-category GLORE
(Wu et al. 2015)
Horizontal MLE H-L test AUC score
HPPCox (Yu et al.
Cox regression Horizontal MLE N/A N/A
WebDISCO (Lu et al.
60 W. Dai et al.
score estimation in GLORE. It was shown to achieve equivalent model parameter
estimation and statistical tests over simulated and clinical datasets in comparison to
centralized methods. WebGLORE (Jiang et al. 2013) provided a free web service
to implement the privacy-preserving architecture for GLORE, where AJAX, JAVA
Applet/Servlet and PHP technologies were seamlessly integrated for secure and
easy-to-use web service. Consequently, it would benefit biomedical researchers
to deploy the practical collaborative software framework in real-world clinical
Inspired by GLORE, a series of extensions and improvements have been made
for various regression tasks with different privacy concerns. Despite shedding light
on federated data analysis, GLORE still suffered from two main limitations: privacy
protection of intermediary results and synchronization for iterative distributed opti-
mization. Wu et al. (2012) considered the institutional privacy for GLORE. During
iterative optimization, sensitive information of an institution would be leaked, as
its contribution to each matrix of coefficients is known to the server. Therefore,
institutional privacy-preserving distributed binary logistic regression (IPDLR) was
developed to enhance the institutional privacy in GLORE by masking the ownership
of the intermediary results exchanged between the server and institutions. To make
all the institutions remain anonymous, a secure summation procedure was developed
to integrate all the intermediary results without identifying their ownership. At each
iteration, client-to-client communication was conducted to merge the intermediary
results on a client basis based on the random matrix assigned by the server. Thus,
the server would obtain the aggregated results without knowing the contribution
of each institution. The secure summation procedure was also employed in ROC
curve plotting to securely integrate local contingency tables derived in the insti-
tutions. Wang et al. (2013) proposed a Bayesian extension for GLORE, namely
EXpectation Propagation LOgistic REgRession (EXPLORER) model, to achieve
distributed privacy-preserving online learning. In comparison to frequentist logistic
regression model, EXPLORER made maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation
using expectation propagation along the derived factor graph. The model parameters
were iteratively updated based on partial posterior function w.r.t. the records
held by each institution (intra-site update) and the messages passing among the
server and institutions (inter-site update). As a result, EXPLORER improved the
security and flexibility for distributed model learning with similar discrimination
and model fit performance. To reduce the information leakage from unprotected
intermediary results, EXPLORER exchanged the encrypted posterior distribution
of coefficients rather than the intermediary results for model parameter estimation.
The sensitive information about individual patient would not be disclosed, as only
statistics like mean vector and covariance matrix were shared to represent the
aggregated information of the raw data. Moreover, secured intermediate information
exchange (SINE) protocol was adopted to further protect aggregation information.
To guarantee flexibility, EXPLORER leveraged online learning to update the model
based on the newly added records. It also supported asynchronous communication
to avoid coordinating multiple institutions, so that it would be robust under
the emergence of offline institution and interrupted communication. Shi et al.
(2016) developed a grid logistic regression framework based on secure multiparty
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 61
computation. In addition to raw data, the proposed SMAC-GLORE protected the
decomposable intermediary results based on garbled circuits during iterative model
learning. Secure matrix multiplication and summation protocols were presented for
maximum likelihood estimation using fixed-Hessian methods. For MLE, Hessian
matrix inversion problem was securely transferred to a recursive procedure of matrix
multiplications and summations using Strassen algorithm, while exp006Fnential
function was approximated with Taylor series expansion.
Wu et al. (2015) extended GLORE to address multi-centric modeling of multi-
category response, where grid multi-category response models were developed
for ordinal and multinomial logistic regression over horizontally partitioned data.
Grid Newton method was proposed to make maximum likelihood estimation of
model parameters in a privacy-preserving fashion. At each iteration, each institution
separately calculated partial gradients and Hessian matrix based on its own data
and the server could integrate these intermediary results to derive the global model
parameters. Thus, the proposed models could reduce disclosure risk, as patient-level
data would not be moved outside the institutions. Furthermore, privacy-preserving
distributed algorithms were presented for grid model fit assessment and AUC score
computation in ordinary and multinomial logistic regression model by extending
the corresponding algorithms for binary response models. The proposed models
were demonstrated to achieve the same accuracy with a guarantee of data privacy in
comparison to the corresponding centralized models.
Recently, Li et al. (2016) proposed a novel method that leveraged dual opti-
mization to solve binary logistic regression over vertically partitioned data. The
proposed vertical grid logistic regression (VERTIGO) derived the global solution
with aggregated intermediate results rather than the sensitive patient-level data.
In the server/client architecture, the server iterative solved the dual problem of
binary logistic regression using the Newton-Raphson method. To compute the
Hessian matrix, each institution transmitted the kernel matrix of its local statistics
to the server for merging. Dot product kernel matrix was adopted to guarantee
that the global gram matrix was decomposable over multiple institutions. For
iterative optimization, it was only required to exchange the dot products of patient
records and dual parameters between the server and institutions. This fact implies
that the patient-level information would not be revealed, when the distribution of
covariates is not highly unbalanced. Employed on both synthetic and real datasets,
VERTIGO was shown to achieve equivalent accuracy for binary logistic regression
in comparison to its centralized counterpart.
Distributed survival analysis is one of the prevailing topics in biomedical
research, which studies the development of a symptom, disease, or mortality with
distributed time-to-event data. Cox proportional hazard model (Cox 1972) is widely
concerned in survival analysis, which evaluates the significance of time-varying
covariates with a hazard function. Yu et al. (2008) proposed a privacy-preserving
Cox model for horizontally partitioned data, where affine projections of patient
data in a lower dimensional space were shared to learn survival model. The
proposed HPPCox model utilized a rank-deficient projection matrix to hide sensitive
information in raw data, as the lower dimensional projections were commonly
irreversible. Project matrix was optimized to minimize loss of information led by
these lower dimensional projections, projection matrix was optimized to simulta-

62 W. Dai et al.
neously maintain the major structures (properties) and reduce the dimensionality
of input data. Thus, feature selection could be enabled to prevent overfitting for
scenarios requiring limited training data. This model was shown to achieve nearly
optimal predictive performance for multi-centric survival analysis. O’Keefe et al.
(2012) presented explicit confidentialisation measures for survival models to avoid
exchanging patient-level data in a remote analysis system, but did not consider
distributed learning model. The work considered and compared confidentialised
outputs for non-parametric survival model with Kaplan-Meier estimates (Kaplan
and Meier 1958), semiparametric Cox proportional hazard model and parametric
survival model with Weibull distribution (Weibull 1951). The confidentialised
outputs would benefit model fit assessment with similar model statistics and
significance in comparison to traditional methods. However, the work was focused
on securely generating survival outputs, did not perform distributed model learning.
Lu et al. (2014) proposed a web service WebDISCO for distributed Cox proportional
hazard model over horizontally partitioned data. The global Cox model was
established under the server/client architecture, where each institution separately
calculated its non-sensitive intermediary statistics for model parameter estimation
in server. WebDISCO investigated the technical feasibility of employing federated
data analysis on survival data. The distributed Cox model was shown to be identical
in mathematical formulation and achieve an equivalent precision for model learning
in comparison to its centralized realization.
3.3.2 Applications Based on ADMM
In this subsection, we review the ADMM-based distributed algorithms for regres-
sion and classification with a brief overview on the convergence analysis for
ADMM-based methods. Table 3.2 summarizes the ADMM-based algorithms for
horizontally and vertically partitioned data and most of them have not been applied
in the context of biomedical informatics.
Table 3.2 Federated modeling techniques for distributed data based on ADMM
Application scenario Data partitioning
Boyd et al. (2011) Logistic regression Horizontal/Vertical
Lasso/Group Lasso Vertical
Support vector machine Vertical
Mateos et al. (2010)Linear regression Horizontal
Mateos and Schizas (2009) Recursive least-squares Horizontal
Mateos and Giannakis (2012) Recursive least-squares Horizontal
Forero and Giannakis (2010)Support vector machine Horizontal
Schizas and Aduroja (2015)Principal component analysis Horizontal
Scardapane et al. (2016)Recurrent neural networks Horizontal
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 63 Regression
Boyd et al. (2011) summarized the ADMM-based distributed `1-penalized logistic
regression model for horizontally and vertically partitioned data, respectively. For
horizontally partitioned data, model parameters were separately solved for each
institution by minimizing an `2-regularized log-likelihood function over local data.
Subsequently, auxiliary variable for global consensus was found to minimize the
combination of its `1-norm and the squared difference between the auxiliary
variable and averaged primal and dual variables. It should be noted that the
auxiliary variable could be computed for each attribute in parallel for improved
efficiency. Each institution would not leak its sensitive information, as only its local
model parameters were exchanged for global consensus. When data are vertically
distributed across multiple institutions, a Lasso problem based on the local attributes
was formulated for each institution under the ADMM framework. Aggregating the
intermediary results from all the institutions, the auxiliary variables were derived
from the `2-regularized logistic loss function. The dual variables were updated
based on the aggregated intermediary results and averaged auxiliary variables and
remained same for all the institutions. The distributed logistic regression could be
performed in a privacy-preserving manner, as local data owned by each institution
would not be inferred from the aggregated intermediary results. In both cases, the `2-
regularized minimization based on log-sum-exp. functions can be iteratively solved
using the Newton-Raphson method or L-BFGS algorithm.
Mateos et al. (2010) leveraged alternating direction method of multipliers
(ADMM) to make model parameter estimation in sparse linear regression. The
centralized Lasso model was transformed into a decomposable consensus-based
minimization problem for horizontally partitioned data. The derived minimization
problem can be iteratively solved with ADMM in a decentralized manner, where
each institution only communicates with its neighboring institutions to protect
data privacy. To balance computational complexity and convergence rate, three
iterative algorithms, DQP-Lasso, DCD-Lasso and D-Lasso, were developed based
on ADMM. DQP-Lasso introduced strictly convex quadratic terms to constrain the
model parameters and auxiliary variables for each institution and its neighbors in
augmented Lagrangian function. Thus, quadratic programming (QP) is adopted for
each institution to obtain its model parameters by minimizing the decomposable
Lagrangian function in a cyclic manner. To improve efficiency of iterative opti-
mization, DCD-Lasso introduced coordinate descent to simplify the QP process
for each institution. At each iteration, DCD-Lasso updated the model parameters
for each institution with coordinate descent rather than iteratively obtained the
exact solution to the corresponding QP problem. Furthermore, D-Lasso enabled
parallelized computation of model parameters corresponding to multiple institutions
to enhance convergence speed. D-Lasso can achieve equivalent model estimation in
comparison to DCD-Lasso without additional relaxation terms. It is demonstrated
that the model parameters locally derived by these algorithms are convergent to the
global solution to Lasso.
64 W. Dai et al.
Similar to sparse linear regression, Mateos and Schizas (2009) adopted ADMM
to develop a distributed recursive least-squares (D-RLS) algorithm for time series
data horizontally distributed across multiple institutions. The proposed algorithm
reformulated the exponentially weighted least-squares estimation to a consensus-
based optimization problem by introducing auxiliary variables for corresponding
institutions. The reformulated minimization problem was decomposed into a series
of quadratic optimization problems that were recursively solved for each institution.
Furthermore, Mateos and Giannakis (2012) improved the efficiency of D-RLS by
avoiding explicit matrix inversion in recursively solving quadratic problems for each
institution. The proposed algorithms are demonstrated to be stable for time series
data with sufficient temporal samples under the metric of means and mean squared
errors (MSE). These ADMM-based linear regression and least-squares estimation
were validated over the wireless sensor networks.
The sharing formulations have been also studied for Lasso and group Lasso
problems over vertically partitioned data. Similar to distributed logistic regression
model, sparse least-squares estimation was formulated for each institution to
independently obtain the model parameters corresponding to its own attributes.
In group Lasso, institutions would adopt various regularization parameters for `1-
regularized problem. Since the auxiliary variables were updated analytically with a
linear combination of the aggregated intermediary results and dual variables, the
computational complexity mainly depended on the decomposable `1-regularized
problem for multiple institutions. To improve the efficiency, the x-minimization for
certain institution could be skipped, when its attributes were not considered to be
involved in distributed optimization based on a threshold w.r.t. the regularization
parameters and Lagrangian multiplier. Classification
Forero and Giannakis (2010) leveraged ADMM to develop a distributed support
vector machine (DSVM) classifier for training data horizontally distributed across
multiple institutions. Introducing auxiliary variables for the local model parameters
at each node, the linear SVM classifier was decomposed into a series of convex
sub-problems over these auxiliary variables under the consensus constraints. For
each node, its local model parameters were independently derived from the corre-
sponding sub-problem. The decomposable optimization was iteratively performed
to obtain the unique optimal model parameters in a decentralized manner. Under the
ADMM framework, the global SVM classifier was trained in a privacy-preserving
fashion, as each node exchanges its locally estimated model parameters rather than
the training data it owns. To handle sequential and asynchronous learning tasks, the
linear DSVM classifier support online update for time-varying training data. The
classifier could be partially updated to adapt with the cases that training samples
were added to and removed from the training set. The ADMM-based distributed
optimization was also generalized to nonlinear SVM classifiers, where consensus
constraints on discriminant functions of local model parameters were shrunk to
a rank-deficient subspace of the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. In analogy
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 65
to generalized linear regression, ADMM was also adopted for SVM classifier
over vertically partitioned data. The centralized SVM classifier was decomposed
into a series of quadratic programming problems to separately derive the model
parameters corresponding to the attributes owned by each institution. These model
parameters were iteratively adjusted with the auxiliary variables obtained by soft
thresholding over the aggregated intermediary results and averaged dual variables.
Therefore, each institution only needs to share the aggregated intermediary results
of its attributes for each patient’s record.
Schizas and Aduroja (2015) proposed a distributed principal component anal-
ysis (PCA) framework based on ADMM under the metric of mean-square error
(MSE). An equivalent constrained optimization problem was formulated for the
classical PCA framework, where each node used local covariance matrix to sep-
arately estimate its principal eigenspace in a recursive manner. Coordinate descents
were adopted in the ADMM framework to iteratively minimize the augmented
Lagrangian function under the consensus constraints. The proposed framework
enabled distributed dimensionality reduction over horizontally partitioned data in
a privacy-preserving fashion, as each node only exchanged aggregated intermediary
results with its neighboring nodes. Under sufficient iterative optimization, the
estimated principal eigenspace is demonstrated to asymptotically converge to
the subspace spanned by the actual principal eigenvectors. For validation, the
proposed distributed PCA framework was employed in data denoising over wireless
sensor networks, where synthetic and practical evaluations showed it could achieve
enhanced convergence rate and improved performance for noise resilience.
Scardapane et al. (2016) adopted ADMM in the decentralized training of recur-
rent neural networks (RNNs) that optimized the global loss function over the data
horizontally distributed across all the nodes. The proposed distributed algorithm
was designed specifically for Echo State Networks. The decomposable optimization
under consensus constraints was formulated for each node to separately calculate
the model parameter based on the `2-regularized least-squares estimation. For each
node, its auxiliary variable for global consensus was obtained with a weighted
average of model parameters from its neighboring nodes. Thus, it was not required
to share the training data or the hidden matrix representing the current states of
neural networks among multiple nodes. Since the auxiliary variables were not
calculated based on all the nodes in the neural network, it did not necessarily depend
on a server to perform global optimization. Evaluations over large scale synthetic
data showed that the proposed distributed algorithm could achieve comparable
classification performance in comparison to its centralized counterpart. Convergence and Robustness for Decentralized Data Analysis
Ling et al. (2015) proposed a decentralized linearized ADMM (DLM) method
to reduce computational complexity and enhance convergence speed for stan-
dard ADMM. The proposed DLM method simplified the decomposable optimiza-
tion problems with linearized approximation. Thus, the computational cost for
66 W. Dai et al.
implementation based on gradient descent could be significantly reduced for appli-
cations like distributed logistic regression and least-squares estimation. It is demon-
strated that the DLM method can converge to the optimal solution with a linear rate,
when strongly convex and the Lipschitz continuity conditions are satisfied for the
decomposable cost functions and its gradients, respectively. Furthermore, Mokhtari
et al. (2016) considered quadratic approximation of ADMM-based formulation for
logistic regression model to improve the accuracy of model parameter estimation.
The proposed DQM method was shown to obtain more accurate estimates for model
parameters with a linear convergence rate in comparison to DLM.
Investigations have also been made to improve the robustness of ADMM
for various application scenarios. Wang and Banerjee (2012) introduced online
algorithm into ADMM to yield an enhance convergence rate. Goldfarb et al.
(2012) developed a fast first-order linearized augmented Lagrangian minimization
to accelerate the convergence of ADMM algorithm. Considering the insufficient
accessibility of true data values, Ouyang et al. (2013) presented a stochastic ADMM
algorithm aiming to minimize non-smooth composite objective functions.
3.4 Secure Multiparty Computation
The previous sections introduced federated technologies reducing the privacy risks
through model decomposition so that we build global models only on locally
aggregated statistics (without accessing the patient-level data). To further mitigate
the privacy risk, we need to ensure the confidentiality of transmitted summary
statistics in each institution as well. This can be achieved using Secure Multiparty
Computation (SMC), which ensures computation and communication security via
advance cryptographic protocols. Many state-of-the-art SMC schemes are based
upon the idea of translating an algorithm to a binary circuit. Scalable SMC protocols
like Yao’s garbled circuit (Yao 1982) could represent arbitrary functions with a
Boolean circuit to enable masking of inputs and outputs of each gate for sensitive
information. In federated data analysis, two architectures are widely considered to
integrate secure multiparty computation protocols, namely spoke-hub and peer-to-
peer architectures, as shown in Fig. 3.4. The spoke-hub architecture requires one or
more non-colluding institution to perform securely computation and analysis based
on the data collected from the other institutions, while the peer-to-peer architecture
allows secure exchange of encrypted data in a decentralized manner. In this section,
we will introduce some secure multiparty communication protocols for regression,
classification and evaluation tasks.
3.4.1 Regression
Fienberg et al. (2006) proposed privacy-preserving binary logistic regression for
horizontally partitioned data with categorical covariates. Secure summation and data
integration protocols were adopted to securely compute the maximum likelihood

3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 67
Fig. 3.4 Illustration of architectures for federated data analysis using secure multiparty compu-
tation (SMC) protocols. (a) Spoke-Hub architecture. The non-colluding institution is required
to perform global computation and operation based the encrypted data collected from the other
institutions; (b) Peer-to-peer architecture. All the institutions exchanged and aggregated encrypted
data with each other in a successive manner to achieve federated data analysis
and perform contingency table analysis for log-linear models. Under the categorical
covariates, the logistic regression model could be constructed from the log-linear
models in a distributed and privacy-preserving fashion. Slavkovic and Nardi (2007)
presented a secure logistic regression approach on horizontally and vertically
partitioned data without actually combining them. Secure multiparty computation
protocols were developed for the Newton-Raphson method to solve binary logistic
regression with quantitative covariates. At each iteration, multiparty secure matrix
summation and product protocols were employed to compute the gradients and
Hessian matrix. Here, the inverse of Hessian was derived by recursively performing
secure matrix product over its sub-block matrices. The proposed protocol would
protect the privacy of each institution under the secure multiparty protocols, when
the matrices of raw data are all with a dimensionality greater than one. However,
Fienberg et al. (2009) showed that it would lead to serious privacy breach when
intermediary results are shared among multiple institutions in numerous iterations,
even though they can be protected by mechanism like encryption with random
shares. Nardi et al. (2012) developed a secure protocol to fit logistic regression
over vertically partitioned data based on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE).
In comparison to previous works, it enhanced the security by that only providing
the final results for private computation, as there would be a chance to compromise
the confidentiality of raw data held by each institution from the shared intermediate
values. Two protocols were proposed for approximating logistic function using
existing cryptographic primitives including secret sharing, secure summation and
product with random shares, secure interval membership evaluation and secure
matrix inversion. The first protocol approximated the logistic function with the
summation of step functions. However, this protocol would be computationally
prohibitive for high-dimensional large-scale problems due to the secret sharing and
68 W. Dai et al.
comparison operation over encrypted data. To relieve the computational burden, the
second protocol formulated the approximation by solving an ordinary differential
equation numerically integrated with Euler’s method. Thus, the logistic regression
was iteratively fit with secure summations and products of approximation and
average derivatives of logistic function evaluated on the intermediate values.
The accuracy bound of the two approximation protocols is demonstrated to be
related with minimum eigenvalue of the Fisher information matrix and step size
for approximation. However, these protocols would be prohibitive for real-world
applications due to their high computational complexity and communication rounds.
Sanil et al. (2004) addressed privacy-preserving linear regression analysis over
vertically partitioned data. Quadratic optimization was formulated derive the exact
coefficients of global regression model over multiple institutions. Distributed
computation of regression coefficients was achieved by implementing Powell’s
algorithm under the secure multiparty computation framework. At each iteration,
each institution updated its local regression coefficients and its own subset of
search directions. Subsequently, a common vector was generated by aggregating the
products of local attributes and search directions using secure summation protocol
for computation in next iteration. Finally, the proposed algorithm obtained the global
coefficients and the vector of residuals. Thus, global linear regression could be
made based on the entire dataset collected from all the institutions without actually
exchanging the raw data owned by each institution. Moreover, basic goodness-of-fit
diagnostics could be performed with the coefficient of determination that measured
the strength of the linear relationship. However, this algorithm would be unrealistic
due to the assumption that the institution holding the response attribute should share
it with the other institutions. Karr et al. (2009) proposed a protocol for secure linear
regression over data vertically distributed across multiple institutions. The proposed
protocol was able to estimate the regression coefficients and related statistics like
standard error in a privacy-preserving manner. In distributed optimization, multiple
institutions collaborated to calculate the off-diagonal blocks of the global covariance
matrix using secure matrix products, while the diagonal blocks were obtained based
on the corresponding local attributes. The global covariance matrix was shared
among multiple institutions for secure linear regression and statistical analyses.
Moreover, model diagnostic measures based on residuals can be similarly derived
from the global covariance matrix using secure summation and matrix products
protocols. Remarkably, the proposed protocol could be generalized to a variety
of regression models, e.g. weighted least squares regression, stepwise regression
and ridge regression, under the constraint that sample means and co-variances are
sufficient statistics.
3.4.2 Classification
Naïve Bayes classifier is an effective Bayes learning method with consistent and rea-
sonable performance, which is commonly adopted as benchmark for classification
methods to be evaluated. Vaidya and Clifton (2003b) developed a privacy-preserving
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 69
Naive Bayes classifier for vertically partitioned data, where multiple institutions
collaborated to achieve classification with random shares of the global model.
In the proposed Bayes classifier, each institution is only required to share the
class of each instance, rather than the distribution of classes or attribute values.
Secure protocols were developed for training and classification under the secure
multiparty computation framework. In training, random shares of the conditionally
independent probabilities for nominal and numeric attributes were computed for
model parameter estimation. To be concrete, the probability estimates for classes
of instances given the attributes were computed for shares of nominal attributes.
For numeric attributes, mean and variance for the probability density function of
Normal distribution are required. For each class and attribute value, the shares can
be obtained from the institutions owning them. For evaluation, each new instance
was classified by maximizing its posterior probability using Bayes theorem under
the assumption of conditionally independent attribute values. Here, the probabilities
of class conditioned on attributes are derived based on the model parameters.
Furthermore, it is demonstrated that these protocols for training and evaluation are
able to securely compute shares of nominal and numeric attributes and classify the
classes, respectively. Furthermore, Vaidya et al. (2008) introduced secure logarithm
primitives from secure multiparty computation for naïve Bayes classification over
horizontally partitioned data. The model parameters for normal and numeric
attributes were directly computed based on the local counts using secure sum
protocols, as each institution held all the attributes required for classifying an
instance. Therefore, classification could be made locally for each institution.
K-means clustering is popular for cluster analysis, which partitions observations
into the clusters with the nearest means. For data vertically distributed across
multiple institutions, privacy-preserving K-means clustering (Vaidya and Clifton
2003a) was studied to perform clustering without sharing raw data. Using the
proposed K-means clustering algorithm, each institution can obtain its projection
of the cluster means and learn the cluster assignment of each record without
revealing its exact attributes. Since high dimensional problem cannot be simply
decomposed into a combination of lower dimensional problems for each institution,
cooperation between multiple institutions is required to learn the cluster that each
record belongs to. To achieve the privacy-preserving clustering algorithm, secure
multiparty computation framework using homomorphic encryption is introduced for
multiple institutions. For common distance metrics like Euclidean and Manhattan,
the distances between each record and the means of K clusters can be split over
these institutions. For security, these distances were disguised with random values
from a uniform random distribution and non-colluding institutions were adopted to
compare the randomized distances and permute the comparison results. The secure
permutation algorithm is performed in an asymmetric two-party manner according
to the permutation owned by the non-colluding institution. It should be noted that the
initial values of the K means were assigned to their local shares for the institutions to
obtain a feasible solution. As a result, non-colluding institutions would only know
the selected cluster in the permutation, while the exact attributes owned by each
institution would not be disclosed to the others.
70 W. Dai et al.
Liang et al. (2013) developed a distributed PCA algorithm to estimate the global
covariance matrix for principal components. Each institution leveraged standard
PCS algorithm to determine its principal components over the local data. These local
principal components were exchanged and collected to obtain global covariance
matrix. The proposed algorithm integrated the distributed coreset-based clustering
to guarantee that the number of vectors for communication was independent of
size and dimension of the federated data. It is demonstrated that the divergence
between approximations on projected and original data for k-means clustering can
be upper bounded. Guo et al. (2013) developed a covariance-free iterative distributed
principal component analysis (CIDPCA) algorithm for vertically partitioned high-
dimensional data. Instead of approximating global PCA with sampled covariance
matrix, the proposed CIDPCA algorithm is designed to directly determine principal
component by estimating their eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The first principal
component corresponding to the maximum eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
was derived by maximizing the Rayleigh quotient using gradient ascent method. The
iterative method is demonstrated to converge in an exponential rate under arbitrary
initial values of principal components. Subsequently, the remaining principal
components could be iteratively calculated in the orthogonal complement of the
subspace spanned by the previously derived principal components. In comparison
to previous distributed PCA methods, it is shown to achieve higher accuracy
in estimating principal components and better classification performance with a
significant reduction on communication cost. This conclusion is also validated with
a variety of studies over real-world datasets.
Du et al. (2004) studied multivariate statistical analysis for vertically partitioned
data in the secure two-party computation framework, including secure two-party
multivariate linear regression (S2-MLR) and classification (S2-MC). These prob-
lems were addressed in a privacy-preserving manner with secure two-party matrix
computation based on a set of basic protocols. A new security model was proposed
to lower security requirements for higher efficiency, where each institution was
allowed to reveal a part of information about its raw data under the guarantee that
the raw data would not be inferred from the disclosed information. To securely
perform matrix computation, building blocks for matrix product, matrix inverse and
matrix determinant were presented. Thus, S2-MLR and S2-MC could be securely
solved with these building blocks. It is demonstrated that, in the proposed two-party
multivariate statistical analysis, it would be impossible to infer the raw data owned
by each institution, when less than half of its disguised matrix is revealed.
Yu et al. (2006) proposed an efficient privacy-preserving support vector machine
(SVM) classification method, namely PP-SVMV, for vertically partitioned data. In
the proposed method, the global SVM model was constructed from local SVM
models rather than directly exchanging the local data. Thus, both local SVM models
and their corresponding local data for each institution were not disclosed. For
linear kernels, the global kernel matrix is computed by directly merging gram
matrices from multiple institutions to solve the dual problem. This result can
also be extended to ordinary non-linear kernels that can be represented by dot
products of covariates, i.e. polynomial and radial basis function (RBF) kernels.
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 71
To guarantee data and model privacy, merge of local models is performed with
secure summation of scalar integers and matrices. Experimental results demon-
strated the accuracy and scalability of PP-SVMV in comparison to the centralized
SVM over the original data. Similarly, Yu et al. (2006) presented a privacy-
preserving solution to support non-linear SVM classification over horizontally
partitioned data. It required that the nonlinear kernel matrices could be directly
calculated based on the gram matrix. Thus, widely-used nonlinear kernel matrices
like polynomial and RBF kernels can be derived from the dot products of all data
pairs using the proposed solution. Secure set intersection cardinality was adopted
as an equivalency to these dot products based on the data horizontally distributed
across the institutions. Thus, commutative one-way hash functions were utilized to
securely obtain the set intersection cardinality. The proposed method was shown to
achieve equivalent classification performance in comparison to the centralized SVM
classifiers. Mangasarian et al. (2008) constructed a reduced kernel matrix with the
original data and a random matrix to perform classification under the protection of
local data. The random kernel based SVM classifier could support both horizontally
and vertically partitioned data. Yunhong et al. (2009) proposed a privacy-preserving
SVM classifier without using secure multiparty computation. The proposed SVM
classifier built its kernel matrix by combining local gram matrices derived from
the original data owned by the corresponding institutions. It shows that local gram
matrices would not reveal the original data using matrix factorization theory, as it
is not unique for each institution to infer its covariates from local gram matrix. The
proposed classification algorithm is developed for SVM classifier with linear and
nonlinear kernels, where the accuracy of distributed classification is comparable
to the ordinary global SVM classifier. Que et al. (2012) presented a distributed
privacy-preserving SVM (DPP-SVM), where server/client collaborative learning
framework is developed to securely estimate parameters of covariates based on
the aggregated local kernel matrices from multiple institutions. For security, all
the model operations are performed on the trusted server, including service layer
for server/client communication, task manager for data validation and computation
engine for parameter estimation.
Vaidya et al. (2008) presented a generalized privacy-preserving algorithm for
building ID3 decision tree over data vertically distributed across multiple insti-
tutions. For efficient and secure classification using the ID3 decision tree, the
proposed algorithm only revealed the basic structure of the tree and the specific
institution responsible for decision making at each node, rather than the exact values
of attributes. For each node in the tree, the basic structure includes its number of
branches and the depths of its subtrees, which represented the number of distinct
values for corresponding attributes. Thus, it is not necessary for each institution
to introduce complex cryptographic protocol at each possible level to securely
classify an instance. It should be noted that the proposed algorithm only needs to
assign class attribute needs to one institution, but each interior node could learn the
count of classes. Consequently, the institution owning class attribute estimated the
distributions throughout the decision tree based on the derived transaction counts,
which would not disclose much new information. The distribution and majority class
72 W. Dai et al.
was determined based on the cardinality of set intersection protocol. Given multiple
institutions, classification of an instance was conducted by exchanging the control
information based on the decision made for each node, but not the attribute values.
To further enhance the efficiency of privacy-preserving ID3 algorithm, Vaidya
et al. (2014) developed random decision tree (RDT) framework to fit parallel and
distributed architecture. Random decision tree is desirable for privacy-preserving
distributed data mining, as it can achieve equivalent effect as perturbation without
diminishing the utility of information from data mining. For horizontally partitioned
data, the structure of RDTs was known to all the institutions that held the same
types of attributes. The RDTs were constructed by considering the accessibility of
the global class distribution vector for leaf nodes. Each institution could derive its
local distribution vector from its own data and submitted the encrypted versions for
aggregation. When the class distribution vectors were known to all the institutions
or the institution owning the RDTs, the aggregation could be directly made based
on homomorphically encrypted data. If the class distribution vectors were forced
to remain unrevealed, a secure electronic voting protocol was presented to make
decision based on the collected encrypted local vectors. For vertically partitioned
data, fully distributed trees with a specified total number were considered, so
that the sensitive attribute information for each institution was not revealed. Each
random tree was split among multiple institutions and constructed recursively using
the BuildTree procedure in a distributed fashion. It is worth mentioning that this
procedure does not require the transaction set. Subsequently, the statistics of each
node was securely updated based on the training set from multiple institutions using
additively homomorphic encryption. Similarly, instance classification was achieved
by averaging the estimated probabilities from multiple RDTs in a distributed
manner. The proposed RDT algorithm is secure, as neither the attribute values nor
the RDT structure is shared during RDT construction and instance classification.
3.4.3 Evaluation
Sorting algorithm is essential for privacy-preserving distributed data analysis,
including ranked elements query, group-level aggregation and statistical tests. In
the secure multiparty computation framework, oblivious sorting algorithm can be
implement by hiding the propagation of values in the sorting network or directly
using sorting algorithm as a basis. Bogdanov et al. (2014) investigated four different
oblivious sorting algorithms for vertically partitioned data, where two algorithms
improved the existing sorting network and quicksort algorithms and the other
two ones were developed to achieve low round count for short vectors and low
communication cost for large inputs, respectively. For short vectors, a naive sorting
protocol NaiveCompSort was presented based on oblivious shuffling of input data
and vectorized comparison of shuffled data. Given large inputs, oblivious radix
sorting protocol was developed as an efficient alternative. It leveraged binary count
sorting algorithm to rearrange the input integer vectors based on the sorted digits
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 73
in the same positions. Thus, the oblivious radix sorting protocol is efficient, as it
does not require oblivious comparisons. Furthermore, optimization methods were
proposed to improve the efficiency of the oblivious sorting algorithms. For example,
bitwise shared representation and vectorization would allow data parallelization
to reduce the communication cost and complexity for SMC. For sorting network
structure, shuffling the inputs and re-using the generated network could optimize
its implementation, while uniqueness transformation for comparison-based sorting
protocols could avoid information leakage in the sortable vector. It should be noted
that these sorting algorithms could also be generalized to support matrix sorting. The
complexity and performance analysis for all the four sorting algorithms, including
detailed running-time, network and memory usage, was also presented.
Makrietal.(2014) proposed a privacy-preserving statistical verification for
clinical research based on the aggregated results from statistical computation. It
leveraged secure multiparty computation primitives to perform evaluations for
Student’s and Welch’s t-test, ANOVA (F-test), chi-squared test, Fisher’s exact test
and McNemar’s test over horizontally partitioned data. The proposed statistical
verification could be outsourced to a semi-host third party, namely verifiers, as no
private data were exchanged during the verification process. Secure protocols based
on secret sharing were utilized to compute the means and variance. Consequently,
Student’s t-test, Welch’s test and F-test could be evaluated based on the derived
means and variance. At the meantime, chi-squared test, Fisher’s exact test and
McNemar’s test could be performed based on the frequencies in the contingency
table, which would not reveal the individual records in the group of data held by
certain institutions. The proposed mechanism is proven to protect the data security
and privacy in the semi-honest model using secure multiparty computation protocols
from Shamir’s secret sharing.
3.5 Asynchronous Optimization
In Sect. 3.2, we discussed the Newton-Raphson method and ADMM framework
for distributed optimization in federated data analysis. In these methods, all
institutions are commonly synchronized for computation at each iteration. However,
these synchronous methods would fail due to unexpected communication delay
and interruption under practical network conditions. Asynchronous optimization
algorithms have been developed to make distributed and parallel optimization
based on local updates from institutions with various delays, e.g. institutions with
different computation and processing speeds and access frequencies. Thus, server
and institutions can proceed without waiting for prerequisite information as in
synchronous methods.
74 W. Dai et al.
3.5.1 Asynchronous Optimization Based on Fixed-Point
Chazan and Miranker (1969) firstly proposed asynchronous parallel method to
solve linear systems of equations with chaotic relaxation. The proposed method
developed totally (infinite delay) and partially (bounded delay) asynchronous
parallel algorithms to improve the efficiency of iterative schemes based on limited
number of updates with a guarantee of convergence. Baudet (1978) extended totally
asynchronous chaotic relaxation to solve fixed-point problems with contracting
operators. The proposed methods were guaranteed with the sufficient condition of
contracting operators for convergence to fixed point.
Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis (1989) introduced gradient-like optimization based
on totally and partially asynchronous parallel algorithms in unconstrained and
constrained optimization problems. Totally asynchronous gradient algorithm was
studied for optimization problems with contraction mapping under the metric of
weighted maximum norm. Its convergence is guaranteed when the diagonal dom-
inance condition is satisfied for its Hessian matrix. Provided finite asynchrony for
communication and computation, the partially asynchronous parallel optimization
is shown to converge when the step size for iterative optimization is sufficiently
small in comparison to the asynchrony measure. Tseng (1991) analyzed the rate
of convergence for partially asynchronous gradient projection algorithm. Given an
objective function with Lipschitz continuous gradient, a linear convergence rate can
be achieved, when its isocost surfaces can be discriminated and upper Lipschitz
property holds for at least one of its multivalued functions. Tai and Tseng (2002)
studied the rate of convergence for strongly convex optimization problems based on
asynchronous domain decomposition methods.
Recently, Peng et al. (2016) developed an algorithmic framework AROCK for
asynchronous optimization related to non-expansive operator Twith fixed point.
Under the assumption of atomic update, AROCK randomly selected a component
of primal variables xand updated it without memory locking by using sub-operator
SDITbased on the newly updated variablesbxwithin a bounded delay.
Here itis the random variable indicating the variable for atomic writing at
time t. AROCK is demonstrated to achieve convergence under finite-dimensional
operator. It is also guaranteed to converge to the fixed point with a linear rate,
when the difference between the identity matrix and non-expansive operator is
quasi-strongly monotone. Furthermore, Peng et al. (2016) studied coordinate update
methods for specific optimization problems with coordinate friendly operators.
Remarkably, coordinate update methods could derive and leverage a variety of
coordinate friendly operators to make asynchronous realization for coordinate
descent, proximal gradient, ADMM and primal-dual methods.
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 75
3.5.2 Asynchronous Coordinate Gradient Descent
A series of partially asynchronous parallel methods have been developed for
coordinate gradient descent. Niu et al. (2011) presented an asynchronous strategy
HOGWILD! to perform stochastic gradient descent in parallel without memory
locking. The presented strategy enabled multiple processors to make gradient
updates in the shared memory. For sparse learning problem, HOGWILD! achieves
a sublinear convergence rate, as the error led by gradient update could be triv-
ial. Liu et al. (2015) proposed an asynchronous stochastic coordinate descent
algorithm AsySCD to improve parallel minimization of smooth convex functions.
When essential strong convexity condition is satisfied, the minimization can be
solved in a linear convergence rate. Later, Liu and Wright (2015) developed an
asynchronous parallel algorithm AsySPCD to minimize the composite objective
function composed of smooth convex functions using stochastic proximal coor-
dinate descent. AsySPCD considered the scenario that data were simultaneously
accessed and updated by multiple institutions. Under the relaxed optimal strong
convexity condition, the proposed algorithm can achieve a linear convergence rate.
Remarkably, both AsySCD and AsySPCD could be accelerated in a nearly linear
rate under enough number of processors (institutions). Hsieh et al. (2015) developed
a family of parallel algorithms PASSCoDe for stochastic dual coordinate descent
based on the LIBLINEAR software to efficiently solve -regularized empirical risk
minimization problems. At each iteration, PASSCoDe allowed each institution to
randomly select a dual variable to update the primal variables with coordinate
descent. Under asynchronous settings, three parallel algorithms were developed
to handle the possible violation of primal-dual relationship for -regularized min-
imization. PASSCoDe-Lock and PASSCoDe-Atomic were proposed to maintain
the primal-dual relationship with memory locking and atomic writing. PASSCoDe-
Wild achieved nearly optimal performance with no locking and atomic operations
by performing backward error analysis for memory conflicts.
3.5.3 Asynchronous Alternating Direction Method
of Multipliers
Recently, asynchronous ADMM framework with consensus constraints has been
studied for distributed optimization under practical network conditions. Similar to
SMC, two architectures have been developed to realize asynchronous optimization
under the ADMM framework. In the peer-to-peer architecture, institutions are
interconnected with their delay or inconsistency indicated by asynchronous clock,
so that optimization is made in a decentralized manner. Iutzeler et al. (2013) adopted
randomized Gauss-Seidel iterations of Douglas-Rachford operator to develop a
generalized asynchronous ADMM framework over multiple institutions. The pro-
posed asynchronous optimization methods allowed partially activation of isolated
decision variables (without involved in the active constraints) to make distributed
76 W. Dai et al.
minimization without coordinating all the institutions. Based on the monotone
operator theory, a randomized ADMM algorithm was formulated for various
institutions with different frequencies of activation. It is demonstrated to converge to
the optimal minimum under the connectivity assumption for the graph derived from
institutions. Wei and Ozdaglar (2013) proposed an asynchronous algorithm based on
ADMM for separable linearly constrained optimization over multiple institutions.
It established a general ADMM-based formulation under asynchronous settings to
iteratively determine a pair of random variables representing active constraints and
coupled decision variables and utilize them to update primal and dual variables.
Relating the iterative results under asynchronous setting to those based on all the
institutions, the proposed asynchronous algorithm is demonstrated to converge with
a rate inversely proportional to the number of iteration.
Spoke-hub architecture maintains a master node (server) to make consensus over
the primal variables distributed across multiple institutions. Zhang and Kwok (2014)
proposed an asynchronous ADMM algorithm that introduced partial barrier and
bounded delay to control asynchrony and guarantee convergence. The proposed
async-ADMM algorithm updated the local primal and dual variables for each
institution with most recent consensus variable. At the meantime, a master node
required only a partial subset of updated primal and dual variables with bounded
delay to update the consensus variable in an asynchronous manner. Under the
bounded delay, institutions with different computation and processing speed can
be properly counted for global consensus. The convergence property can be
held for a composition of non-smooth convex local objective functions. Hong
(2014) presented a generalized proximal ADMM framework to solve non-convex
optimization problems with nonsmooth objective functions in an asynchronous
and distributed manner. An incremental algorithm was developed for iterative
asynchronous optimization with varying active constraints. At each iteration, the
server updated all the primal and dual variables with the most recent gradients of
local objective functions from institutions. The consensus variables were derived
with proximal operation to compute the gradient in each institution. It should be
noted that the server only required a subset of institutions with newly-computed
gradients to update the primal and dual variables. Thus, the proposed Async-
PADMM algorithm is robust to handle the asynchrony led by communication delay
and interruption.
3.6 Discussion and Conclusion
In this chapter, we review the privacy-preserving federated data analysis algorithms
in the context of biomedical research. Federated data analysis algorithms aim to
facilitate biomedical research and clinical treatments based on large-scale healthcare
data collected from various organizations with full compliance with the institutional
policies and legislation. Federated models are developed to bring computation to
horizontally or vertically partitioned data rather than explicitly transfer them to a
central repository. Server/client and decentralized architectures are established to
3 Privacy Preserving Federated Big Data Analysis 77
estimate global model parameters and perform statistical test based on the aggre-
gated intermediary results from multiple institutions. As a result, the patient-level
data would not be inferred, when they are not distributed in an extremely unbal-
anced way. Distributed optimization for federated data analysis are achieved and
generalized by integrating the Newton-Raphson method and ADMM framework.
For generalized linear regression, the Newton-Raphson method is demonstrated to
achieve equivalent accuracy in model parameter estimation and statistical tests in
comparison to its centralized counterparts. ADMM framework splits the objective
function for distributed optimization with auxiliary variables to formulate decom-
posable cost function for multiple institutions. Since it is not necessarily required
to derive the global consensus from all the local data, ADMM is possible to
support decentralized analysis without data server. The separate estimates from the
institutions are guaranteed to converge under the consensus constraints based on
auxiliary variables. To further protect the communication among servers and clients,
secure multiparty communication protocols were adopted for the applications
like regression, classification and evaluation over distributed data. It protects the
process of computation and communication for improved data security and privacy.
Finally, asynchronous parallel optimization can be incorporated to handle real-world
network conditions and improve the efficiency for parallel computation.
Privacy-preserving federated data analysis can be further studied for improved
security and efficiency and generic formulation for practice. One major challenge
for the federated data analysis is distributed model parameter estimation and
statistical tests for vertically partitioned data. Although federated models are shown
to be effective for logistic regression models and SVM classifiers over vertically
partitioned data, an analogical formulation based on dual optimization would fail for
the analysis tasks with non-separable objective functions like the Cox proportional
hazard model. Since each institution only holds a portion of covariates, the kernel
matrix cannot be explicitly decomposed across the institutions. Under such cases,
ADMM tends to be a promising alternative. However, ADMM commonly suffers
from low convergence rate and consequent high communication cost to solve the
iterative optimization with decomposable subproblems. Two-loop recursion would
be required to solve the optimization problem based on augmented Lagrangian
functions and regularized optimization problem in the server or client side. Thus,
it is imperative to develop privacy-preserving algorithms to consider both accuracy
and efficiency for distributed analysis over vertically partitioned data.
The second challenge is the communication cost between institutions and server.
A server is required to collect the data information or computation results from
each institution and output the final results, while all the institutions collaborate in
a round robin manner without a server in the second architecture. El Emam et al.
(2013) showed that privacy risk might exist even for exchanging intermediary results
that are aggregated from a local patient cohort. Taking horizontally partitioned data
for example, there is a chance to identify sensitive patient-level data from gram
matrix for linear models or indicating variables, covariance matrix, intermediary
results from multiple iterations, or models. On the other hand, encryption methods
can prevent information leakage in exchanging data but will noticeably affect
78 W. Dai et al.
computational and storage efficiency. For example, homomorphic encryption would
significantly increase computation and storage costs, when securely outsourcing
data and computations. To protect all raw data and intermediary results, SMC-based
distributed analysis methods require a high communications cost to deploy oblivious
transfer protocols. Moreover, many existing encryption-based methods cannot be
scaled up to handle large biomedical data. As a result, proper protocol or mechanism
is crucial to balance security and efficiency in institution/server communication.
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Chapter 4
Word Embedding for Understanding Natural
Language: A Survey
Yang Li and Tao Yang
4.1 Introduction
Natural language understanding from text data is an important field in Artificial
Intelligence. As images and acoustic waves can be mathematically modeled by
analog or digital signals, we also need a way to represent text data in order to process
it automatically. For example, the sentence “The cat sat on the mat.” can not be
processed or understood directly by the computer system. The easiest way is to rep-
resent is through a sparse discrete vector f.icat;1/;.imat;1/;.ion;1/;.isit;1/;.ithe;2/g,
where iwdenotes the index of word win the vocabulary. This is called one-hot
embedding. However, there are several disadvantages for this simple model. First,
it generates high dimensional vectors whose length depends on the volume of
the vocabulary, which is usually very large. Meanwhile, the semantic relationship
between words (e.g., “sit on”) cannot be reflected by these separate counts. Due
to the subjectivity of languages, the meaning of word (phrase) varies in different
contexts. This makes it a more challenging task to automatically process text data.
A goal of language modeling is to learn the joint probability that a given word
sequence occurs in texts. A larger probability value indicates that the sequence is
more commonly used. One candidate solution to involve the relationship between
words is called “n-gram” model, where nis the hyperparameter manually chosen.
The “n-gram” model takes into consideration the phrases of nconsecutive words. In
the example above, “the cat”, “cat sat”, “sat on”, “on the”, “the mat” will be counted,
if we set nD2. The disadvantage of “n-gram” model is that it is constrained by
the parameter n. Moreover, the intrinsic difficulty of language modeling is that: a
word sequence that is used to test the model is likely to be different from all the
sequences in the training set (Bengio et al. 2003). To make it more concrete, suppose
Y. Li • T. Ya n g ( )
School of Automation, NorthWestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shanxi 710072, P.R. China
e-mail: liyangnpu@mail.nwpu.edu.cn;yangtao107@nwpu.edu.cn
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_4
84 Y. Li and T. Yang
we want to model the joint distribution of 5-word sequences in a vocabulary of
100,000 words, the possible number of combinations is 10000051D1025 1,
which is also the number of free parameters to learn. It is prohibitively large for
further processing. This phenomenon is called “the curse of dimensionality”. The
root of this curse is the “generalization” problem. We need an effective mechanism
to extrapolate the knowledge obtained during training to the new cases. For discrete
spaces mentioned above, the structure of generalization is not obvious, i.e. any
change on the discrete variables, as well as their combinations, will have a drastic
influence on the value of joint distribution to be estimated.
To solve the dilemma, we can model the variables in a continuous space, where
we can think of how training points trigger probability mass and distribute it
smoothly to the neighborhood around them. Then it goes back to the problem
of word embedding, whose concept was first introduced in Hinton (1986). Word
embedding, sometimes named as word representation, is a collective name for
a set of language models and feature selection methods. Its main goal is to
map textual words or phrases into a low-dimensional continuous space. Using
the example above, “cat” can be denoted as Œ0:1; 0:3; : : : ; 0:2Mand “mat” can
be expressed as Œ0:1; 0:2; : : : ; 0:4M, where Mis the hyperparameter. After that,
advanced NLP tasks can be processed implemented based on these real-valued
vectors. Word embedding encodes the semantic and syntactic information of words,
where semantic information mainly correlates with the meaning of words, while
syntactic information refers to their structural roles. Is a basic procedure in natural
language processing. From the high level, most of the models try to optimize a
loss function trying to minimize the discrepancy between prediction values and
target values. A basic assumption is that words in similar context should have
similar meaning (Harris 1954). This hypothesis emphasizes the bound of .w;Qw/
for common word-context pairs (word wand its contextual word Qwusually appear
together) and weaken the correlation of rare ones.
The existing word embedding approaches are diverse. There are several ways to
group them into different categories. According to Sun et al. (2015)andLaietal.
(2015), the models can be classified as either paradigmatic models or syntagmatic
models, based on the word distribution information. The text region where words
co-occur is the core of the syntagmatic model, but for the paradigmatic model
it is the similar context that matters. Take “The tiger is a fierce animal.” and
“The wolf is a fierce animal.” as examples, “tiger-fierce” and “wolf-fierce” are the
syntagmatic words, while “wolf-tiger” are the paradigmatic words. Shazeer et al.
(2016) divides the models into two classes, matrix factorization and slide-window
sampling method, according to how word embedding is generated. The former is
based on the word co-occurrence matrix, where word embedding is obtained from
matrix decomposition. For the latter one, data sampled from sliding windows is used
to predict the context word.
In this chapter, word embedding approaches are introduced according to the
method of mapping words to latent spaces. Here we mainly focus on the Neural
Network Language Model (NNLM) (Xu and Rudnicky 2000; Mikolov et al. 2013)
and the Sparse Coding Approach (SPA) (Yogatama et al. 2014a). Vector Space
4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 85
Model aims at feature expression. A word-document matrix is first constructed,
where each entry counts the occurrence frequency of a word in documents. Then
embedding vectors containing semantic information of words are obtained through
probability generation or matrix decomposition. In the Neural Network Language
Model, fed with training data, word embedding is encoded as the weights of a certain
layer in the neural network. There are several types of network architectures, such
as Restricted Boltzmann Machine, Recurrent Neural Network, Recursive Neural
Network, Convolutional Neural Network and Hierarchical Neural Network. They
are able to capture both the semantic and syntactic information. Sparse coding
model is another state-of-the-art method to get word embedding. Its goal is to
discover a set of bases that can represent the words efficiently.
The main structure of this paper is as follows: the models mentioned above
and the evaluation methods are introduced in Sect. 4.2; the applications of word
embedding are included in Sect. 4.3; conclusion and future work are in Sect. 4.4.
4.2 Word Embedding Approaches and Evaluations
Generally speaking, the goal of word embedding is mapping the words in unlabeled
text data to a continuously-valued low dimensional space, in order to capture the
internal semantic and syntactic information. In this section, we first introduce the
background of text representation. Then, according to the specific methods for
generating the mapping, we mainly focus on the Neural Network Language Model
and Sparse Coding Approach. The former is further introduced in three parts,
depending on the network structures applied in the model. In the end, we provide
evaluation approaches for measuring the performance of word embedding models.
4.2.1 Background
One of the widely used approach for expressing the text documents is the Vector
Space Model (VSM), where documents are represented as vectors. VSM was
originally developed for the SMART information retrieval system (Salton et al.
1997). Some classical VSMs can be found in Deerweste et al. (1990) and Hofmann
There are various ways of building VSMs. In scenarios of information retrieval
where people care more about the textual features that facilitate text categorization,
various features selection methods such as document frequency (DF), information
gain (IG), mutual information (MI), 2-test (CHI-test) and term strength (TS)
have different effects on text classification (Yang and Pedersen 1997). These
approaches help reduce the dimension of the text data, which could be helpful
for the subsequent processing. DF refers to the number of documents that a word
appears. IG measures the information loss between presence and absence term in
86 Y. Li and T. Yang
the document. MI is the ratio between term-document joint probability and the
product of their marginal probability. CHI-test applies the sums of squared errors
and tries to find out the significant difference between observed word frequency and
expected word frequency. TS estimates how likely a term will appear in “closely-
related” documents. In information retrieval systems, these methods are useful for
transforming the raw text to the vector space, and tremendous improvement has
been achieved for information classification. However, it does not work well alone
in applications that require both semantic and syntax information of words, since
part of the original text information is already lost in feature selection procedures.
However, various word embedding models, such as sparse coding, are built based
on the VSM.
In Deerweste et al. (1990), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is proposed to index
and retrieve the information from text data automatically. It applies SVD on the
term-document association data to gain the embedding output. Work in Landauer
et al. (1998) and Landauer and Dumais (1997) gives an explanation to the word
similarity that derives from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
After that, Landauer (2002) tries to detect the synonym through LSA. Furthermore,
Yih et al. (2012) uses LSA to distinguish between synonyms and antonyms in
the documents and its extension Multiview LSA (MVLSA) (Rastogi et al. 2015)
supports the fusion of arbitrary views of data. However, all of them have to confront
the limitation that depends on a single matrix of term-document co-occurrences.
Usually the word embedding from those models is not flexible enough, because of
the strong reliance on the observed matrix.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Bengio et al. 2003) is another useful
model for feature expression. It assumes that some latent topics are contained in
documents. The latent topic Tis derived from the conditional distribution p.wjT/,
i.e. the probability that word wappears in T. Word embedding from traditional LDA
models can only capture the topic information but not the syntactic one, which does
not fully achieve its goal. Moreover, traditional LDA-based model is only used for
topic discovery, but not word representation. But we can get the k-dimensional word
embedding by training a k-topic model, the word embedding is from the rows of
word-topic matrix and the matrix is filled by p.wjT/values.
Although both of LSA and LDA utilize the statistical information directly for
word embedding generation, there are some differences between them. Specifically,
LSA is based on matrix factorization and subject to the non-negativity constraint.
LDA relies on the word distribution, and it is expressed by the Dirichlet priori
distribution which is the conjugate of multinomial distribution.
4.2.2 Neural Network Language Model
The concept of word embedding was first introduced with the Neural Networks
Language Model (NNLM) in Xu and Rudnicky (2000) and Bengio et al. (2003).
The motivation behind is that words are more likely to share similar meaning if they
4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 87
are in the same context (Harris 1954). The probability that the word sequence W
occurs can be formulated according to the Bayes rule:
where P(W) is the joint distribution of sequence W, and htdenotes the context
words around word wt. The goal is to evaluate the probability that the word wt
appears given its context information. Because there are a huge number of possible
combinations of a word and its context, it is impractical to specify all P.wtjht/.In
this case, we can use a function ˆto map the context into some equivalent classes,
so that we have
P.wtjht/DP.wtjˆ.ht// (4.2)
where all of the words are statistically independent.
If we use the n-gram model to construct a table of conditional probability for each
word, then the last n-1 words are combined together as the context information:
where n is the number of the words considered, while 1 and 2 are the most
commonly used value. Only the successive words occurring before the current word
wtare taken into account.
Most NNLM-based approaches belong to the class of unsupervised models.
Networks with various architectures such as Restrict Boltzmann Machine (RBM),
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and
Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) can be used to build word embedding. Log-
Bilinear (LBL) model, SENNA, and Word2Vector are some of the most representa-
tive examples of NNLM.
Usually the goal of the NNLM is to maximize or minimize the function of Log-
Likelihood, sometimes with additional constraints. Suppose we have a sequence
w1;w2;:::;wnin the corpus, and we want to maximize the log-likelihood of
tnC1/in the Feed Forward Neural Network (Bengio et al. 2003). Let xbe
the embedding vector of proceeding words, so that
xDŒe.wtnC1/;:::;e.wt2/; e.wt1/ (4.4)
where e.w/represents the embedding of word w. In Feed Forward Neural Network
(without the direct edge in the structure) with one hidden layer, the layer function
can be expressed as:
yDbCU.tanh.dCWx// (4.5)

88 Y. Li and T. Yang
Fig. 4.1 The basic structure of the Feed Forward Neural Network
where Uis the transformation matrix, Wis the weight matrix of hidden layer, band
dare bias vectors. Finally, yis fed into a softmax layer to obtain the probability
of the target word, and the basic structure of this model is shown in Fig. 4.1.The
parameters in this model are .b;U;d;W/. However, since we need to explicitly
normalize (e.g. use softmax) all of the values in the vocabulary when computing
the probability for the next word, it will be very costly for training and testing
(Morin and Bengio 2005). After estimating the conditional probability in Eq. (4.3),
the total probability P.wtnC1; ::; wt1;wt/can be obtained directly by locating the
mark of the phrase that is constructed by the words that appears in the same window
(Collobert et al. 2011). The resultant probability value quantifies the normality if
such a sentence appears in the natural language (more details can be found in
Instead of using matrix multiplication on the final layer (Bengio et al. 2003;Mnih
and Hinton 2007) applies the hierarchical structure (see Sect. to reduce the
computational complexity. It constructs the Log-BiLinear (LBL) model by adding
bilinear interaction between word vectors and hidden variables on the basis of the
energy function (see Sect.
Recently, Word2Vector proposed by Mikolov et al. (2013) which contains
Skip-Gram and (Continuous Bag-of-Words) CBOW these two frameworks is very
popular in NLP tasks. It can be seen as a two-layer Neural Network Language
Model. Furthermore, applying Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) increases its
efficiency. However, we can also add the priori information into this model, Liu
et al. (2015) extends Skip-Gram by treating topical information as important priori

4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 89
knowledge for training word embedding and proposes the topical word embedding
(TWE) model, where text words and their affiliated topic (context) derived from
LDA are combined to obtain the embedding.
In the subsections below, we will introduce some basic architectures of NNLM
for word embedding. Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM)
The ability of capturing the latent features among words usually depends on the
model structure. Boltzmann Machine (BM) originates from the log-linear Markov
Random Field (MRF) and its energy function is linearly related to free parameters.
According to the statistical dynamics, energy function is useful in word embedding
generation (Mnih and Hinton 2007). Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), which
prunes the visible-visible and hidden-hidden connections, is a simplified version of
BM. A diagram of RBM is given in Fig. 4.2.
The main components of the energy function in RBM include binary variables
(hidden unites hand visible unites v), weights WD.wi;j/that establish connections
between hjand vi,biasesaifor the visible units and bjfor the hidden ones.
Specifically, the energy function is formulated as follows,
E.v; h/DvTWh aTvbTh(4.6)
During the generation process word embedding, the energy function is used as the
probability distribution as shown in Eq. (4.7).
P.v; h/DeE.v;h/=Z(4.7)
where Zis a partition function defined as the sum of eE.h;v/.
Fig. 4.2 The basic structure
of the RBM
90 Y. Li and T. Yang
Mnih and Hinton (2007) proposes three models on the basis of RBM by adding
connections to the previous status. Starting from the undirected graphical model,
they try to estimate the latent conditional distribution of words. To compute the
probability of the next word in a sequence, the energy function is defined as follows:
where vT
iRdenotes the vector that represents word wifrom the word dictionary R,
Wiin hidden units denotes the similarity between two words, and bh;bv;brare the
biases for the hidden units, words and word features respectively.
The disadvantage of this class of models is that it is costly to estimate massive
parameters during the training process. To reduce the number of parameters,
Mnih and Hinton (2007) extends the factored RBM language model by adding
connections Camong words. It also removes the hidden variables and directly
applies the stochastic binary variables. The modified energy function is as below:
Here Cidenotes correlation between word vectors wiand wt,brand bvdenotes the
word biases. This function quantifies the bilinear interaction between words, which
is also the reason why models of this kind are called Log-BiLinear Language (LBL)
models. In Eq. (4.9), entries of vector hDPt1
iRCicorrespond to the nodes
in the hidden layer, and yiDhRTvnrepresents the set of nodes in the output layer.
We can see that the syntax information is contained in the hidden layer, for Cihere
can be seen as the contribution of word ito current word n, which is like the cosine
similarity between two words. Recurrent and Recursive Neural Network
To reduce the number of parameters, we could unify the layer functions with some
repetitive parameters. By treating the text as sequential data, Mikolov et al. (2010)
proposes a language model based on the Recurrent Neural Network, the structure of
which is shown in Fig. 4.3. The model has a circular architecture. At time t,word
embedding w.t/is generated out of the first layer. Then, it is transferred together
with the output from the context layer at time t1as the new input x.t/to the
context layer, which is formulated as follows:
x.t/Dw.t/Cs.t1/ (4.10)

4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 91
Fig. 4.3 The structure of the
recurrent neural network
Fig. 4.4 The structure of the Recursive Neural Network
In each cycle, the outcomes of context layer and output layer are denoted as s.t/and
y.t/respectively. Inspired by Bengio et al. (2003), the output layer also applies the
softmax function.
Unlike Recurrent Neural Network, Recursive Neural Network (Goller and
Kuchler 1996) is a linear chain in space as shown in Fig. 4.4. To fully analyze
the sentence structure, the process iterates from two word vectors in leaf nodes
b;cto merge into a hidden output h1, which will continue to concatenate another
input word vector aas the next input. The computing order is determined either by
the sentence structure or the graph structure. Not only could hidden layers capture
the context information, they could also involve the syntax information. Therefore,

92 Y. Li and T. Yang
Fig. 4.5 (A) The structure of the Recursive Neural Network model where each node represents
a vector and all the word vectors are in the leaf nodes. (B) The structure of the MV-RNN model
where each node consists of a vector and a matrix
Recursive Neural Network can capture more information than the context-based
model, which is desirable for NLP tasks.
For the sequential text data in Recursive Neural Network, Socher et al. (2011,
2013,2012) parses the sentences into tree structures through the tree bank models
(Klein and Manning 2003; Antony et al. 2010). The model proposed by Socher
et al. (2011) employs the Recursive Neural Network, and its structure is shown
in Fig. 4.5A,
where a;b2Rd1are the word vectors, parent node p2Rd1is the hidden output,
and fDtanh adds element-wise nonlinearity to the model. W2Rd2dis the
parameter to learn.
To incorporate more information in each node, work in (Socher et al. 2012)
proposes the model of Matrix-Vector Recursive Neural Network (MV-RNN), for
which the parsing-tree structure is shown in Fig. 4.5B. Different from that in
Fig. 4.5A, each node in this parsing tree includes a vector and a matrix. The vector
represents the word vector in leaf nodes and phrase in non-leaf ones. The matrix
is applied to neighboring vectors, and it is initialized by the identity matrix Iplus
a Gaussian noise. The vectors a;b;pcapture the inherent meaning transferred in
the parsing tree, and the matrixes A;B;Pare to capture the changes of the meaning
for the neighboring words or phrases. Apparently, the drawback of this model is
the large number of parameters to be estimated. So in the work of Socher et al.
(2013), the model of Recursive Neural Tensor Network (RNTN) uses the tensor-
based composition function to avoid this problem.
In comparison, the main differences between recurrent and recursive models are
the computing order and the network structure. The structure of the former has
a closed loop dealing with the time sequence, while the latter has an open loop
tackling the spatial sequence.

4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 93 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) consists of several feature extraction layers,
which is inspired by biological process (Matsugu et al. 2003). It has already been
successfully applied in many image recognition problems. The main advantage of
CNN is that it does not depend on the prior knowledge or human efforts when doing
feature selection.
CNN can also be applied to extract latent features from text data (Collobert
and Weston 2008; Collobert et al. 2011). As shown in Fig. 4.6, three different
convolutional kernels, in three different colors, select different features from word
embedding separately. The feature vector is the combination of the max values from
the rows of the selected features.
In the models above, supervised learning is applied to train the whole neural
network, and the convolutional layer here is to model the latent feature of the
initialized word embedding. Since supervised training method is applied here, it
is able to generate word embedding suitable for the special task. Though the word
embedding is usually a by-product in this case, it still has a sound performance in
capturing semantic and syntactic information.
Fig. 4.6 The structure of CNN for feature extraction by using convolutional kernels
94 Y. Li and T. Yang Hierarchical Neural Language Model (HNLM)
There are many tricks to speed up the process of training NNLM, such as short list,
hash table for the word and stochastic gradient descent (Bengio et al. 2003). But
when facing with datasets of large scale, further improvement in model efficiency is
still needed.
Transferring the knowledge from a small portion of observed data examples to
other cases can save a lot of computational efforts, thus speeding up the learning
process. However, it is a difficult task for neural language models which involve
computing the joint probability of certain word combinations. This is because the
possible combinations of words from a vocabulary is immensely larger than the ones
from all potential texts. So it is necessary to look for some priori information before
searching all possible combinations. Based on human knowledge or statistical
information, we can cluster all the words into several classes where some similar
statistical properties are shared by the words in each class. Some hierarchical models
are constructed based on this idea (Mnih and Hinton 2008; Morin and Bengio 2005).
Hierarchical structures has a big influence on the algorithm complexity. For
example, Mnih and Hinton (2008) and Morin and Bengio (2005) reduces the
complexity of language models by clustering words into a binary tree. Specifically,
given a dictionary Vcontaining jVjwords, the speed up will be O.jVj=logjVj/
(Morin and Bengio 2005) if the tree is binary.
To determine the hierarchical structure, hierarchical word classes (lexical word
categories in a narrow sense) are needed in most cases (Rijkhoff and Jan 2007). The
way of constructing word classes is sensitive to the word distribution. Word classes
can be built based on prior (expert) knowledge (Fellbaum 1998) or through data-
driven methods (Sun et al. 2012), but they could also be automatically generated in
accordance with the usage statistics (Mnih and Hinton 2008; McMahon and Smith
1996). The prior knowledge is accurate but limited by the application range, since
there are lots of problems where expert categories are unavailable. The data-driven
methods can boost a high level of accuracy but it still needs a seed corpus which is
manually tagged. Universality is the major advantage of the automatic generation
method. It could be applied to any natural language scenarios without the expert
knowledge, though it will be more complex to construct.
By utilizing the hierarchical structure, lots of language models have been
proposed (Morin and Bengio 2005; Mnih and Hinton 2008; Yogatama et al.
2014a; Djuric et al. 2015). Morin and Bengio (2005) introduces the hierarchical
decomposition bases on the word classes that extract from the WordNet. Similar
with Bengio et al. (2003), it uses the layer function to extract the latent features, the
process is shown in Eq. (4.12).
Here xis the concatenation of the context word [same as Eq. (4.4)], biis the biases
vector, U;W;bi;xplays the same roles as in Eq. (4.5). The disadvantage is the
procedure of tree construction which has to combine the manual and data-driving
4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 95
processing (Morin and Bengio 2005) together. Hierarchical Log BiLinear (HLBL)
model which is proposed by Mnih and Hinton (2008) overcomes the disadvantage
by using a boosting method to generate the tree automatically. The binary tree with
words as leaves consists of two components: the words in the leaves which can be
represented by a sequential binary code uniquely from top to down, as well as the
probability for decision making at each node. Each non-leaf node in the tree also
has an associated vector qwhich is used for discrimination. The probability of the
predicted word win HLBL is formulated as follows
where diis tth digit in the binary code sequence for word w, and qiis the feature
vector for the ith node in the path to word wfrom the root. In each non-leaf node,
the probability of the decision is given by
where .x/is the logistic function for decision making, Cjis the weight matrix
corresponding to the context word wj, and biis the bias to capture the context-
independent tendency to one of its children when leaving this node.
There are both advantages and disadvantages of the hierarchical structure. Many
models benefit from the reduction of computation complexity, while the consuming
time on the structure building is the main drawback.
4.2.3 Sparse Coding Approach
Sparse Coding is an unsupervised model that learns a set of over-complete bases to
represent data efficiently. It generates base vectors figsuch that the input vector
x2Rncan be represented by a linear combination of them xDPk
iD1˛ii, where k
is the number of base vectors and k>n. Although there are many techniques such as
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that helps learn a complete set of basis vectors
efficiently, Sparse Coding aims to use the least bases to represent the input x.The
over-complete base vectors are able to capture the structures and patterns inherent
in the data, so the nature characteristic of the input can be seized through Sparse
To be specific, sparse Coding constructs an over-complete dictionary D2RLK
of basis vectors, together with a code matrix A2RKV, to represent Vwords in C
contents X2RLVby minimizing such function as follows:
arg min

96 Y. Li and T. Yang
where is a regularization hyperparameter and is the regularizer. It applies
the squared loss for the reconstructed error, but loss functions like L1-regularized
quadratic function can also be an efficient alternative for this problem (Schökopf
et al. 2007).
Plenty of algorithms have been proposed to extend the sparse coding framework
starting from the general loss function above. If we apply a non-negativity constraint
on A(i.e. Ai;j0), the problem is turned into the Non-Negative Sparse Embedding
(NNSE). Besides adding constraints on A, if we also requires that all entries in Dare
bigger than 0, then the problem can be transformed into the Non-Negative Sparse
Coding (NNSC). NNSC is a matrix factorization technique previously studied in
machine learning communities (Hoyer 2002).
For .A/, Yogatama et al. (2014b) designs a forest-structured regularizer that
enables the mixture use of the dimension. The structure of this model is in Fig. 4.7,
there are seven variables in the tree which describes the order that variables ‘enter
the model’. In this work, it sets the rule that a node may take a nonzero value only
if its ancestors do. For example, nodes 3 and 4 may only be nonzero if nodes 1 and
2 are also nonzero. So the regularizer for Ashows in Eq. (4.16).
where avis the vth column of A.
Faruqui et al. (2015) proposes two methods by adding restriction on the
dictionary D:
arg min
Fig. 4.7 An example of a
regularization forest that
governs the order in which
variables enter the model
4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 97
where is the regularization hyperparameter. The first method applies l1penalty on
A, so that the Function 4.17 can be broken into the loss for each word vector, which
makes it possible for parallel optimization.
arg min
Here xiand aiare the ith column vector of matrix Xand Arespectively. The second
method is to add non-negativity constraints on variables so that:
arg min
Apart from the work based on Sparse Coding, Sun et al. (2016) adds the l1regu-
larizer into Word2Vector. The challenge in this work lies in the optimization method,
for stochastic gradient descent (SGD) cannot produce sparse solution directly with
l1regularizer in online training. The method of Regularized Dual Averaging (RDA)
proposed by Lin (2009) keeps track of online average subgradients at each update,
and optimizes l1regularized loss function based on Continuous Bag-of-Words
(CBOW) Model (Mikolov et al. 2013) in online learning.
4.2.4 Evaluations of Word Embedding
Measurements for word embedding usually depend on the specific applications.
Some representative examples include perplexity, analogy precision and sentiment
classification precision.
Perplexity is an evaluation method which originates from information theory.
It measures how well a distribution or a model can predict the sample. Bengio
et al. (2003) uses the perplexity of the corpus as the target, where the lower of
the perplexity value is, the higher quality the word embedding conveys since the
information is more specific. Word or phrase analogy analysis is another important
assessment way. Work in (Mikolov et al. 2013) designs the precision of semantic
and syntactic prediction as the standard measurement to evaluate the quality of word
embedding. It is applied in phrase and word level independently. All the assessment
methods mentioned above are from the view of linguistic phenomenon that the
distance between two words in vector space reflects the correlation between them.
Besides the measurements of linguistic phenomenon, a lot of work evaluates
word embedding by using the task where they are applied. For example, if the word
embedding is used in sentiment classification, then the precision of the classification
can be used for evaluation. If it is applied in machine translation, then the precision

98 Y. Li and T. Yang
of the translation is the one that matters. This rule also holds for other tasks like
POS tagging, named entity recognize, textual entailment, and so on.
There is no best measurement method for all scenarios. The most useful way is to
combine it with the target of the task to achieve a more reasonable evaluation result.
4.3 Word Embedding Applications
There are many applications for word embedding, especially in NLP tasks where
word embedding is fed as input data or the features of the text data directly. In this
section, we will discuss how word embedding can be applied in the scenarios such as
semantic analysis, syntax analysis, idiomaticity analysis, Part Of the Speech (POS)
tagging, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, textual entailment as well as
machine translation.
The goal of syntax analysis is to extract the syntactic structure from sentences.
Recent works (Socher et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2012; Collobert and Weston 2008;
Mikolov et al. 2013) have taken the syntax information into consideration to obtain
word embedding, and the result in Andreas and Dan (2014) shows that word
embedding can entail the syntactic information directly. A fundamental problem
to syntax analysis is part of the speech tagging, which is about labeling the words
to different categories (e.g., plural, noun, adverb). It requires the knowledge of
definitions and contextual information. Part of the speech tagging is a word-level
NLP task. Collobert and Weston (2008) and Collobert et al. (2011) apply word
embedding for POS tagging and achieve state-of-the-art results. In some scenarios,
in order to figure out the syntax of text, we need to first recognize the named
entities in it. Named entity recognition aims to find out the names of persons,
organizations, time expressions, monetary values, locations and so on. Works in
Collobert and Weston (2008), Collobert et al. (2011), Zou et al. (2013), Luo et al.
(2014), Pennington et al. (2014) show the expressiveness of word embedding in
these applications.
As a subsequent task, semantic analysis (Goddard 2011) relates the syntactic
structures of words to their language-independent meanings.1In other words, it
reveals words that are correlated with each other. For example, the vector (“Madrid”
“Spain” C“France”) is close to (“Paris”). Previous approaches (Scott et al.
1999; Yih et al. 2012) mainly use the statistical information of the text. The works
in Mikolov et al. (2013), Socher et al. (2011), Huang et al. (2012), Collobert
and Weston (2008) apply the analogy precision to measure the quality of word
embedding (see in Sect. 4.2.4). It is shown that word embedding can manifest the
semantic information of words in the text. The semantics of each word can help us
understand the combinatory meaning of several words. The phenomenon of multi-
words expression idiomaticity is common in nature language, and it is difficult to be
4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 99
inferred. For example, the meaning of “ivory tower” could not be inferred from the
separate words “ivory” and “tower” directly. Different from semantic analysis and
syntax analysis, idiomaticity analysis (Salehi et al. 2015) requires the prediction on
the compositionality of the multi-words expression. Once we figure out the syntax
and semantics of words, we can do sentiment analysis whose goal is to extract the
opinion, sentiment as well as subjectivity from the text. Word embedding can act as
the text features in the sentiment classifier (Socher et al. 2012; Dickinson and Hu
In some NLP problems, we need to deal with more than one type of language
corpus. Textual entailment (Saurf and Pustejovsky 2007) is such a task that involves
various knowledge sources. It attempts to deduce the meaning of the new text
referred from other known text sources. Works in Bjerva et al. (2014) and Zhao
et al. (2015) apply word embedding into the score computing in accordance
with the clustering procedure. Machine translation is another important field in
NLP, which tries to substitute the texts in one language for the corresponding
ones in another language. Statistical information is widely used in some previous
works (Ueffing et al. 2007). Neural network models are also a class of important
approaches. Bahdanau et al. (2014) builds the end-to-end model that is based on
the encoder-decoder framework, while it is still common for machine translation
to use word embedding as the word expression (Mikolov et al. 2013; Hill et al.
2014). Furthermore, Zou et al. (2013) handles the translation task using bilingual
embedding which is shown to be a more efficient method.
According to the type of roles that it acts in the applications, word embedding
could be used as the selected feature or in the raw digital format. If word embedding
is used as the selected feature, it is usually used for the higher level NLP tasks, like
sentiment classification, topic discovery, word clustering. In linguistics tasks, word
embedding is usually used in its raw digital format, like semantic analysis, syntax
analysis and idiomaticity analysis. Based on the type of machine learning problems
involved, applications of word embedding could be divided into regression task,
clustering task and classification task. Works in Zhao et al. (2015) prove that word
embedding could make improvements for regression and classification problems
which attempt to find out the pattern of the input data and make prediction after the
fitting. Tasks like semantic analysis, idiomaticity analysis and machine translation
belong to this category. Luo et al. (2014) tries to find out the similarity between short
texts by applying a regression step in word embedding, where the resultant model
could be used for searching, query suggestion, image finding, and so on. Word
embedding is also commonly used in classification tasks like sentiment analysis
and textual entailment (Amir et al. 2015). POS tagging and named entity recognition
discussed above belong to clustering problems.
Besides word embedding, phrase embedding and document embedding are some
other choices for expressing the words in the text. Phrase embedding vectorizes
the phrases for higher level tasks, such as web document management (Sharma
and Raman 2003), paraphrase identification (Yin and Schütze 2016) and machine
translation (Zou et al. 2013). Document embedding treats documents as basic units.
It can be learned from documents directly (Huang et al. 2013) or aggregated

100 Y. Li and T. Yang
Fig. 4.8 The citation numbers of the topics in each year
by word embedding (Lin and He 2009; Zhou et al. 2015). Similar to phrase
embedding, document embedding can also be applied in sentiment analysis and
machine translation.
Figure 4.8 summarizes the application distribution of word embedding in
different NLP tasks.2We can see that word embedding stably gains its popularity
starting from 2004, as reflected though the rising curve. One of the most common
applications is semantic analysis, in which nearly half of the works of word
embedding are involved. Then it comes to the syntax analysis whose popularity
dramatically increases between 2009 and 2011. Compared with syntax and semantic
analysis, although other applications account for a much less proportion of work,
domains like machine translation, names entity recognition and sentiment analysis
receive dramatically increasing attention since 2010.
4.4 Conclusion and Future Work
In conclusion, word embedding is a powerful tool for many NLP tasks, especially
the ones that require original input as the text features. There are various types of
models for building word embedding, and each of them has its own advantages
and disadvantages. Word embedding can be regarded as textual features, so that
it can be counted as a preprocessing step in more advanced NLP tasks. Not only
can it be fed into classifiers, but it can be also used for clustering and regression
problems. Regarding the level that embedding represents, word embedding is a fine-
grit representation compared with phrase embedding and document embedding.
Word embedding is an attractive research topic worth of further exploration.
First, to enrich the information contained in word embedding, we can try to involve
various prior knowledge such as synonymy relations between words, domain
2The citation numbers are from http://www.webofscience.com.
4 Word Embedding for Understanding Natural Language: A Survey 101
specific information, sentiment information and topical information. The resultant
word embedding generated towards this direction will be more expressive. Then,
besides using words to generate embedding, we may want to explore how character-
level terms can affect the output. This is due to the reason that words themselves are
made up of character-level elements. Such morphological analysis matches the way
of how people perceive and create words, thus can help deal with the occurrences of
new words. Moreover, as data volume is fast accumulating nowadays, it is necessary
to develop techniques capable of efficiently process huge amount of text data. Since
text data may arrive in streams, word embedding models that incorporate the idea of
online learning are more desirable in this scenario. When the new chunk of data is
available, we do not need to learn a new model using the entire data corpus. Instead,
we only need to update the original model to fit the new data.
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Part II
Applications in Science

Chapter 5
Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex
Systems in the Environment
Hongmei Chi, Sharmini Pitter, Nan Li, and Haiyan Tian
5.1 Introduction
The role of big data analysis in various fields has only recently been explored.
The amount of data produced in the digital age is profound. Fortunately, the
technical capabilities of the twenty-first century is beginning to meet the needs of
processing such immense amounts of information. Data collected through social
media, marketing transactions, and internet search engines have opened up the path
to in depth, real-time quantitative research to the fields of sociology, anthropology,
and economics (Boyd and Crawford 2012).
Other fields, e.g., the medical and business fields, have been quick to recognize
the utility of rapidly collecting, storing, and analyzing vast amounts of data such
as patient records and customer purchasing patterns. Even individuals now have
the ability to track their health statistics through ever increasing access to personal
tracking devices leading to the Quantified Self Movement (Kelly 2007;Swan2013).
In the realms of environmental science and ecology the capabilities of big data
analysis remain largely unexplored. We have merely scratched the surface of possi-
bilities (Hampton et al. 2013). And yet it is in these areas that we may have the most
to gain. The complexity of environmental systems, particularly in relation to human
behavior and impact on human life, require the capabilities of modern data analysis.
H. Chi () • S. Pitter
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA
e-mail: hongmei.chi@famu.edu;sharmini.pitter@famu.edu
N. Li
Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning, 530001, China
e-mail: nli@yic.ac.cn
H. Tian
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406, USA
e-mail: haiyan.tian@usm.edu
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_5
108 H. Chi et al.
By looking at large data sets through platforms that closely resemble neural net-
works we are no longer restricted to simple 1:1 relationships between environmental
variables and effects on economic, recreational, and agricultural variables. It is now
possible to look at environmental impacts through the lens of the system. Take for
instance the combination of factors that contribute to higher intensity of hurricanes
in Florida and the impact on property distribution (coastal vs. inland). Instead of
simply asking how increased storm intensity on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind
scale is affecting property purchasing, it is now possible to understand what factors
may be leading to increased storm intensity in order to effectively produce mediation
strategies to reduce the impact high intensity storms have on the Florida economy.
These types of analysis will become increasingly necessary in order to provide
communities adequate information to prepare for and adapt to the regional effects
of climate change (Bjarnadottir et al. 2011).
In the case of agriculture a good example of the new way forward is to
pool together information regarding crop production, local/regional soil quality,
and temperature/climate variation from several farms to strategize ways to adapt
to increasing temperatures or shifting growing seasons. Companies such as the
Farmers Business Network provide access to data at a much more precise level,
allowing farmers to make informed decisions based on data sets collected region by
region, farm by farm.
In order to apply information garnered through Big Data analytics (Shiffrin 2016)
to real world issues a certain amount of interpretation is necessary. The variables
that have been considered or ignored must be taken into account in order to discern
what can and cannot be interpreted from any given dataset. For instance in the
example of GMO adoption any number of factors could have a substantial effect
on the adoption process. Just as with any implementation of a new agricultural
methodology, social interaction, economic standing, family structure, community
structure, and a plethora of other factors may have a significant effect on any one
farmer’s likelihood of adopting the method. As Big Data analysis develops these
broader impacts on decision-making will likely become clearer. However, as we
explore the interdependence of information it is important to avoid drawing direct
connections where none exist (Boyd and Crawford 2012).
In this chapter we will explore several possible applications of data analytics in
the environmental sciences as well as the data analysis tools RapidMiner, Hadoop,
and the statistical package R. The strengths of each analysis tool will be highlighted
through two case studies. We will use the examples of hurricane frequency in
Florida. The chapter will also include an environmental genomic example. Our
hope is that this information will help set the stage for others to delve deeper into
the possibilities that big data analytics can provide. Collaborations between data
scientists and environmental scientists will lead to increased analyzing capabilities
and perhaps a more accurate dissection of the complexity of the systems that
environmental scientists seek to understand. Beyond that, the simple examples
provided in this chapter should encourage environmental scientists to further their
own discovery of the analytical tools available to them.
5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment 109
5.2 Applications: Various Datasets
Data analysis is the process of examining data to uncover hidden patterns, unknown
correlations, and other useful information that can be used to make better decisions.
Data analytics is playing an ever-increasing role in the process of scientific discov-
ery. EPA and NOAA related datasets are on demand to be analyzed by using data
analysis tools. Those data are difficult to handle using traditional database systems.
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is defined as a human-engineered, complex
dynamic system of interacting sensor nodes that must combine its understanding of
the physical world with its computational and control functions, and operate with
constrained resources. These miniature sensor nodes must collectively comprehend
the time evolution of physical and operational phenomena and predict their effects
on mission execution and then actuate control actions that execute common
high-level mission goals. Rapid modern advancements in micro-electromechanical
systems (MEMS) and distributed computing have propelled the use of WSNs in
diverse applications including education, geological monitoring, ecological habitat
monitoring, and healthcare monitoring. Generally, sensor nodes are equipped
with modules for sensing, computing, powering, and communicating to monitor
specific phenomena via self-organizing protocols, since node positions are not pre-
determined. Figure 5.1 represents a general architecture for a sensor node, where the
microcontroller or computing module processes the data observed by the sensing
module, which is then transmitted to a required destination via a wireless link with
a communication module.
Some environmental applications of sensor networks include tracking the move-
ments of birds, small animals, and insects; monitoring environmental conditions that
affect crops and livestock (Greenwood et al. 2014); monitoring irrigation; the use
of macro-instruments for large-scale Earth monitoring and planetary exploration;
chemical/biological detection; precision agriculture; biological and environmental
monitoring in marine, soil, and atmospheric contexts; forest fire detection; meteo-
rological or geophysical research; flood detection; bio-complexity mapping of the
environment; and pollution study. In Sect. 5.2.1 a few of these examples have been
further explained.
5.2.1 Sample Applications
Forest fire detection: Since sensor nodes may be strategically, randomly, and densely
deployed in a forest, sensor nodes can relay the exact origin of the fire to the
end users before the fire is spread uncontrollably. Millions of sensor nodes can be
deployed and integrated using radio frequencies/optical systems. The nodes may be
equipped with effective power scavenging methods, such as solar cells, because the
sensors may be left unattended for months and even years. The sensor nodes will
collaborate with each other to perform distributed sensing and overcome obstacles,
such as trees and rocks that block wired sensors’ line of sight.

110 H. Chi et al.
Local wireless network
Web Services
Fig. 5.1 Wireless sensor networks (WSN) used in precision agriculture. These networks allow
remote monitoring of field conditions for crops and livestock
Biocomplexity mapping of the environment: This strategy requires sophisticated
approaches to integrate information across temporal and spatial scales. Advances
of technology in the remote sensing and automated data collection have enabled
higher spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution at a geometrically declining cost
per unit area. Along with these advances, the sensor nodes also have the ability
to connect with the Internet, which allows remote users to control, monitor and
observe the biocomplexity of the environment (Khedo et al. 2010a; Khedo et al.
2010b). Although satellite and airborne sensors are useful in observing large
biodiversity, e.g., spatial complexity of dominant plant species, they do not have
enough resolution to observe small size biodiversity, which makes up most of the
biodiversity in an ecosystem. As a result, there is a need for ground level deployment
of wireless sensor nodes to observe this level of biocomplexity. One example of
biocomplexity mapping of the environment is done at the James Reserve in Southern
California (Ravi and Subramaniam 2014). Three monitoring grids, each having 25–
100 sensor nodes, will be implemented for fixed view multimedia and environmental
sensor data loggers.
Flood detection: An example of flood detection is the ALERT system deployed in
the US (Basha et al. 2008). Several types of sensors deployed in the ALERT system
are rainfall, water level and weather sensors. These sensors supply information to
5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment 111
the centralized database system in a pre-defined way. Research projects, such as the
COUGAR Device Database Project at Cornell University and the Data Space project
at Rutgers, are investigating distributed approaches in interacting with sensor nodes
in the sensor field to provide snapshot and long-running queries.
Precision agriculture: Some of the benefits include the ability to monitor the
pesticide levels in soil and groundwater, the level of soil erosion, and the level of air
pollution in real-time (Lehmann et al. 2012) (Fig. 5.1).
Every day a large number of Earth Observation spaceborne and airborne sensors
from many different countries provide a massive amount of remotely sensed data
(Ma et al. 2015). A vast amount of remote sensing data is now freely available from
the NASA.
Open Government Initiative (http://www.nasa.gov/open/). The most challenging
issues are managing, processing, and efficiently exploiting big data for remote
sensing problems.
5.3 Big Data Tools
In this section we will explore the data analysis tools, RapidMiner, Apache Spark
and the statistical package R. Examples of the possible uses of RapidMiner and R
will be highlighted through two corresponding case studies. There are many open
sources for analyzing environmental big datasets.
5.3.1 RapidMiner
RapidMiner is a software platform developed by the company of the same name
that provides an integrated environment for machine learning, data mining, text
mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. It is used for business and
industrial applications as well as for research, education, training, rapid prototyping,
and application development and supports all steps of the data mining process
including results visualization, validation, and optimization. In addition to data
mining, RapidMiner also provides functionality like data preprocessing and visu-
alization, predictive analytics and statistical modeling, evaluation, and deployment.
RapidMiner also provides the ability to run real-time data analysis on a set schedule,
which is helpful in analyzing the high velocity and high volume data that is
characteristic of big data. Written in the Java Programming language, this tool offers
advanced analytics through template-based frameworks. A bonus: Users hardly have
to write any code. Offered as a service, rather than a piece of local software, this tool
holds top position on the list of data mining tools.
This chapter focuses on the usage of Rapidminer that can be used in analyzing
Florida hurricane datasets.
112 H. Chi et al.
5.3.2 Apache Spark
Spark is one of the most active and fastest-growing Apache projects, and with heavy-
weights like IBM throwing their weight behind the project and major corporations
bringing applications into large-scale production, the momentum shows no signs of
letting up. Apache Spark is an open source cluster-computing framework. Originally
developed at the University of California, Berkeley’s AMPLab.
5.3.3 R
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, developed
at Bell Laboratories. One of R’s strengths is the ease with which well-designed
publication-quality plots can be produced, including mathematical symbols and for-
mulae where needed. R provides an environment within which statistical techniques
are implemented. R can be extended easily via packages. Programming with Big
Data in R (pbdR) (http://r-pbd.org/) is a series of R packages and an environment
for statistical computing with Big Data by using high-performance statistical
computation. The significance of pbdR is that it mainly focuses on distributed
memory systems. The package pbdR can deal with big data in a timely manner.
5.3.4 Other Tools
There are many other open sources for processing big data, Weka, Apache projects:
such as MapReduce Spark. A few of tools are built on top of MapReduce, such
as GraphLab and Pegasus. All of those open sources are excellent in handling
environmental datasets.
5.4 Case Study I: Florida Hurricane Datasets (1950–2013)
5.4.1 Background
Due to its large coastal area and the warm Gulf Stream waters that surround it,
Florida is particularly vulnerable to hurricanes (Blake et al. 2007; Frazier et al.
2010). Within the past century over $450 billion of damage have occurred in Florida
as a result of hurricanes (Malmstadt et al. 2009). Hurricanes pose the greatest
meteorological threat to the state. They not only threaten property damage but
can also be costly in terms of revenue, employment, and loss of life (Belasen and
Polachek 2009; Blake et al. 2007).
5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment 113
The frequency of hurricanes in the state of Florida from the years 1950–2015
was explored. This case study seeks to highlight the utility of public database use.
Combining location data with information regarding the landfall location, intensity,
and categorization of storm events from 1950–2015 allows us to demonstrate which
areas may be the most vulnerable, and thus should invest in proper education and
infrastructure for the communities that need them most.
At this time areas of South Florida are already experiencing the effects of climate
change in the form of sea level rise and increased high tide flooding events (SFRC
Compact 2012; Wdowinski et al. 2016). It is likely that the hurricanes experienced
will be of increased intensity and frequency.
With the possibility of extreme sea level rise on the horizon for the state of Florida
over the course of the next 100 years this threat is even more severe as studies have
shown increased water level in this region will likely result in higher storm surges,
causing more damage with each major storm event (Frazier et al. 2010).
5.4.2 Dataset
Data for this case study was selected from the Atlantic HURDAT2 Database (NHC
Data Archive 2016).
A record of tropical storms, tropical depressions, and hurricanes was explored to
demonstrate the potential of analyzing large data sets in understanding the impact
of possible environmental disasters. The data utilized was sourced from the Atlantic
Hurricane Database (HURDAT2) of the National Hurricane Center (NHC). The
National Weather Service originally collected the data. This database is widely used
for risk assessment (Landsea and Franklin 2013).
Modern methods of storm data collection include observations measured from
Air Force and NOAA aircraft, ships, buoys, coastal stations, and other means
(Powell et al. 1998). Data collection in the 2000s has also been enhanced by the
use of satellite-based scatterometers, Advanced Microwave Sounding Units, the
Advanced Dvorak Technique, and aircraft-based Stepped Frequency Microwave
Radiometers (Landsea and Franklin 2013;Powelletal.2009).
The wind speed categories used are denoted in Table 5.1, which shows categories
as they are defined by the NHC. This information is available through the NHC web-
site (http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutsshws.php). Unlike the original Saffir-Simpson
scale, this modified version does not include information such as central pressure
or storm surge and only determines category based on peak maximum sustained
wind speed (Saffir 1973; Simpson and Saffir 1974; Blake et al. 2007). The scale
used has been modified over the years (Landsea et al. 2004; Schott et al. 2012).
For the purpose of this study the wind speed records reported in the HURDAT2
database were converted into modern hurricane categories. The classifications of
Tropical Depression (TD) and Tropical Storm (TS) were assigned to storm events
with sustained wind speeds of less than 39 mph and 39-73mph respectively.

114 H. Chi et al.
Table 5.1 Modified Saffir-Simpson wind scale
winds Types of damage due to hurricane winds
TD <39 mph
TS 39–73 mph
174–95 mph
64–82 kt
119–153 km/h
Very dangerous winds will produce some damage:
Well-constructed frame homes could have damage to roof,
shingles, vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap
and shallowly rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to
power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that could
last a few to several days
296–110 mph
83–95 kt
154–177 km/h
Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage:
Well-constructed frame homes could sustain major roof and siding
damage. Many shallowly rooted trees will be snapped or uprooted
and block numerous roads. Near-total power loss is expected with
outages that could last from several days to weeks
111–129 mph
96–112 kt
178–208 km/h
Devastating damage will occur:Well-built framed homes may
incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends.
Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads.
Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks
after the storm passes
130–156 mph
113–136 kt
209–251 km/h
Catastrophic damage will occur:Well-built framed homes can
sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure
and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted
and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate
residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly
months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or
157 mph or
higher 137 kt
or higher
252 km/h or
Catastrophic damage will occur:A high percentage of framed
homes will be destroyed, with total roof failure and wall collapse.
Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power
outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area
will be uninhabitable for weeks or months
Source: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutssh
5.4.3 Data Analysis
Data was selected from the HURDAT2 database based on location to limit storm
events that occurred in the state of Florida during the years 1950–2013. As expected
storms of lower sustained wind speeds are more likely to occur with category 5
hurricanes comprising less than 1% of the total storms experienced in Florida from
the year 1950–2013 (Fig. 5.2, Table 5.2).
In Fig. 5.3 wind speed is plotted against the number of storms reported for a given
sustained maximum wind speed. The average maximum sustained wind speed was
found to be approximately 45 mph.

5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment 115
Fig. 5.2 Hurricane frequency values by category from 1950–2015
Table 5.2 Number of storm
events in each category Nominal value Absolute count
TD 451
TS 348
5 5
It is also possible to determine the time of year that most storms occur by
breaking down storm frequency per month. In Fig. 5.4 this has been further broken
down by year to show the distribution of high-powered storms over time.
5.4.4 Summary
This simple example demonstrates how easily large databases can be utilized to
discover information that may be useful to the general public. In this instance the
high frequency of hurricanes occurring during the months of August and September
could affect travel and recreational tourism planning. This information becomes
even more valuable when compared to other large datasets. The low average wind
speed of the storms (Fig. 5.2) may seem surprising given the reputation of Florida

116 H. Chi et al.
5 1015202530354045505560
Wind Speed (mph)
65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
Fig. 5.3 Frequency of storms based on wind speed (mph)
Table 5.3 Key databases for environmental microbiologists
name URL Brief description
IMG http://img.jgi.doe.gov/ Comprehensive platform for annotation and analysis of
microbial genomes and metagenomes
SEED http://www.theseed.org/ Portal for curated genomic data and automated
annotation of microbial genomes
NCBI http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/A series of databases relevant to biotechnology and
biomedicine and an important resource for
bioinformatics tools and services. Major databases
include GenBank for DNA sequences and PubMed, a
bibliographic database for the biomedical literature
Pfam http://pfam.xfam.org/Database of protein families
STRING http://string-db.org/ Database of protein association networks
RDP http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/16S rRNA gene database
SILVA http://www.arb-silva.de/rRNA gene database
as being highly vulnerable to hurricanes. However, when compared to a study
conducted of the Georgia coastline, which experienced only 14 hurricane landfalls
during the same time period, we can see why Florida is viewed as highly vulnerable
to high-powered storms (Bossak et al. 2014).
Public sharing of data is something that must be addressed (Fig. 5.5). Data that
is available for research collaboration is also vital to taking advantage of the true
potential of big data analytics to solve complex environmental challenges or even
the economic impact of various solution strategies (Bjarnadottir et al. 2011).

5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment 117
1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1956 1957 1959 1960 1962 1964 1955 1966 1968
1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999
Oct Feb June July
August May Nov Dec
Fig. 5.4 Distribution of storms for a given month from 1950 to 2013
Fig. 5.5 Distribution of ABC systems across the phylogenetic tree of BALOs. The phylogenetic
tree was constructed based on their 16S rRNA sequences using the Neighbor-Joining method.
The reliability of the tree was evaluated with 1,000 replicates of bootstrapping test and only
high bootstrap value scores (>50%) were indicated on the branches. In addition, each strain is
followed by its isolation habitat, total number of ORFs, as well as absolute and relative number
of ABC systems and other information. *Clusters were identified by previous study[28]. 16s
rRNA sequences of strainsBSW 11, DB6, SEQ25 and BAL6 were extracted from their genomic
sequences according to the annotation.
118 H. Chi et al.
5.5 Case Study II: Big Data in Environmental Microbiology
5.5.1 Background
Microorganisms are found in every habitat present in nature, such as river, soil
and ocean. From the extreme environments of hydrothermal vents deep beneath
the ocean’s surface to surface soil, they are ubiquitous. As the ability to identify
organisms, isolate novel compounds and their pathways, and characterize molec-
ular and biochemical cellular components rapidly expands the potential uses of
biotechnology are also exponentially increasing (Nielsen and Lee 2012). Under
laboratory conditions, most environmental microorganisms, especially those living
under extreme conditions, cannot be cultured easily. Genomic studies of uncultured
organisms are thought to contain a wide range of novel genes of scientific and
industrial interest. Environmental genomic methods, which are analyses of mixed
populations of cultured and uncultured microbes, have been developed to identify
novel and industrially useful genes and to study microbial diversity in various
environments (Denman et al. 2015; Guo et al. 2016).
Microbial ecology examines the diversity and activity of microorganisms
in environments. In the last 20 years, the application of genomics tools have
revolutionized microbial ecological studies and drastically expanded our view on
the previously underappreciated microbial world. This section introduces genomics
methods, including popular genome database and basic computing technics that
have been used to examine microbial communities and evolutionary history.
5.5.2 Genome Dataset
Global resources have many interconnected databases and tools in order to provide
convenient services for users from different areas (Table 5.2). At the start of
2016, Integrated Microbial Genomes & Microbiomes (IMG/M) had a total of
38,395 genome datasets from all domains of life and 8077 microbiome datasets,
out of which 33,116 genome datasets and 4615 microbiome datasets are publicly
available. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the
National Institutes of Health in the United States and the European Molecular
Biology Laboratory/European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) are undisputed
leaders that offer the most comprehensive suites of genomic and molecular biol-
ogy data collections in the world. All genomes of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotic
microorganisms, and viruses have been deposited to GenBank, EMBL Bank or
DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ). Take NCBI for example, environmental micro-
biologists used NCBI literature resources—PubMed and PubMed Central, to access
the full text of peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as NCBI Bookshelf, which
has rights to the full text of books and reports. The central features of the NCBI
collection are nonredundant (NR) databases of nucleotide and protein sequences and
5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment 119
their curated subset, known as Reference Sequences or RefSeq (Pruitt et al. 2007).
The NCBI Genome database maintains genome sequencing projects, including
all sequenced microbial genomes, and provides links to corresponding records in
NR databases and BioProject, which is a central access point to the primary data
from sequencing projects. NCBI also maintains the Sequence Read Archive (SRA),
which is a public repository for next-generation sequence data (Kodama et al. 2012)
and GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus), the archive for functional genomics data
sets, which provides an R-based web application to help users analyze its data
(Barrett et al. 2009).
The NCBI’s Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) (Cock et al. 2015)is
the most popular sequence database search tool, and it now offers an option to search
for sequence similarity against any taxonomic group from its NCBI web page or do
it using your local computer. For example, a user may search for similarity only in
cyanobacteria, or within a single organism, such as Escherichia coli. Alternatively,
any taxonomic group or an organism can be excluded from the search. NCBI
BLAST also allows users to search sequence data from environmental samples,
which providing a way to explore metagenomics data. NCBI Taxonomy database
(Federhen 2012) is another useful resource for environmental microbiologists,
because it contains information for each taxonomic node, from domain kingdoms
to subspecies.
5.5.3 Analysis of Big Data
Because of an unprecedented increase in data information available in public
databases, bioinformatics has become an important part of many areas of biology,
including environmental microbiology. In the field of genetics and genomics, it
helps in digging out sequencing information and annotating genomes. Bioinfor-
matics tools, which developed on R language, help in the comparison of genetic
and genomic data and more generally in the understanding of evolutionary aspects
of molecular biology. A study case that demonstrates the basic process of analyzing
the environmental microbial genomes using various bioinformatics tools is provided
In this study (Li et al. 2015) the FASTA DNA sequencing software package was
utilized. Text-based FASTA files representing eight Bdellovibrio and like organisms
(BALOs) genomes (Fig. 5.4): Bx BSW11 (NZ_AUNE01000059.1), Bx DB6
(NZ_AUNJ01000508.1), Bx SJ (NR 028723.1), Bx SEQ25 (NZ_AUNI01000021.1),
Bx BAL6 (NZ_AUMC01000010.1), BD HD100 (NR 027553.1), BD Tiberius
(NR 102470.1), BD JSS (CP003537.1), were downloaded from NCBI (ftp://ftp.
ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/) on March 23, 2014. ABC systems in these genomes were
identified using the bacteria-specific ATP-binding cassette (ABC) systems systems
profile HMM and HMMER 3.0 hmmsearch at default settings. Sequences with a
domain independent E-value 0.01 and a score/bias ratio 10 were accepted. The
ABCdb database (https://wwwabcdb.biotoul.fr/) which provides comprehensive
120 H. Chi et al.
information on ABC systems, such as ABC transporter classification and predicted
function (Fichant et al. 2006), was used to check predicted ABC systems.
Finally, a total of 269 putative ABC proteins were identified in BALOs. The
genes encoding these ABC systems occupy nearly 1.3% of the gene content in
freshwater Bdellovibrio strains and about 0.7% in their saltwater counterparts
(Fig. 5.6). The proteins found belong to 25 ABC systems families based on
their structural characteristics and functions. Among these, 16 families function as
importers, 6 as exporters and 3 are involved in various cellular processes. Eight of
these 25 ABC system families were deduced to be the core set of ABC systems
conserved in all BALOs. All Bacteriovorax strains have 28 or less ABC systems.
To the contrary, the freshwater Bdellovibrio strains have more ABC systems,
typically around 51. In the genome of Bdellovibrio exovorus JSS (CP003537.1), 53
putative ABC systems were detected, representing the highest number among all the
BALOs genomes examined in this study. Unexpected high numbers of ABC systems
involved in cellular processes were found in all BALOs. Phylogenetic analysis (Fig.
5.6) suggests that the majority of ABC proteins can be assigned into many separate
families with high bootstrap supports (>50%). In this study, a general framework
of sequence-structure-function connections for the ABC systems in BALOs was
revealed providing novel insights for future investigations.
5.5.4 Summary
Genomic (and other “omic”) information builds the foundation for a comprehensive
analysis of environmental microbes. It becomes very important for environmental
microbiologists to know how to utilize genomic resources—databases and compu-
tational tools—to enhance their research and to gain and share known knowledge
in a useful way. One valuable option is to deposit the results of experimental
research, especially high-throughput data, to public repositories. Submission of
genomic and metagenomic sequencing and other similar data to public databases
has become mandatory. Similarly, when publishing their research papers, it is
necessary for authors to use standard database accession numbers that link with
genes, proteins, and other data sets described in the paper. Since many electronic
journals now provide hyperlinks to genomic databases, one can access relevant
data with one click. It is clear that with the development of biological databases,
research applications involving large datasets will play an increasingly important
role in environmental microbiological discovery.
5.6 Discussion and Future Work
In this chapter we have provided a basic introduction to a few available open
source tools and several applications to environmental related research for both

5 Big Data Solutions to Interpreting Complex Systems in the Environment 121
Fig. 5.6 Phylogenetic tree of all of the ABC systems in BALOs. The phylogenetic tree is constructed based on the ABC system domains of ABC systems.
Strain names are shortened for brevity on the phylogenetic tree using the Neighbor-Joining method. The branches of 9 common ABC systems families are
marked in deep green; the branches of expanded freshwater specific groups and salt water specific groups are separately marked in deep blue and light blue.
Representative families were labeled with family name followed by putative substrate in bracket. BD Bdellovibrio, Bx Bacteriovorax
122 H. Chi et al.
academic and policy related pursuits. Re-packaging complex information into useful
summaries is a major benefit of big data analysis that can serve as a jumping off
point for most researchers in a variety of fields. Yet it should be noted that it is
possible to go far beyond the types of analyses outlined herein.
Some researchers have begun to take things a few steps farther by creating
predictive analytics to measure several possible outcomes of various environmental
adaptation and policy strategies (Bjarnadottir et al. 2011; Ulrichs et al. 2015).
The complexity of nature and the environmental challenges we currently face
demand the simplification of complex systems that big data analysis provides. On an
individual level there is so much more that can be done even in something as simple
as increasing public data collection and sharing. At this point there are also many
public databases available for exploration. Both NASA and NOAA (https://azure.
microsoft.com/en-us/features/gov/noaacrada/) boast several. For example through
the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project NASA offers large
datasets comprised of continuous, global, collection of satellite imagery that are
freely available to the public (Earth Observing System Data and Information System
(EOSDIS) 2009). The NOAA Big Data Project also offers datasets of near real time
environmental data.
Finally, one of the fastest growing areas of data collection is directly from public
sources. Individuals are now able to contribute to the creation of large datasets to
increase precision in ways that were previously impossible. A great example of this
is the collection of bird migration information from amateur bird watchers. This
citizen science project, known as eBird, from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (CLO)
highlights the benefits of enlisting the public in gathering vast amounts of data and
has helped in addressing such issues as studying the effects of acid rain on bird
migration patterns. Through the eBird project CLO is able to collect over 1 million
avian observations per month.
At this time remarkable progress has already been made in terms of data
collection, storage, and analysis capabilities. However, there is still so much more
that can be explored particularly in the use of big data analytics (Kitchin 2014;
Jin et al. 2015) in the Earth Sciences. In this chapter, we just touch the basic skill
and applications for analyzing environmental big datasets. More exploration in data
analysis tools for environmental datasets is in big demand.
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Chapter 6
High Performance Computing and Big Data
Rishi Divate, Sankalp Sah, and Manish Singh
6.1 Introduction
Big Data systems are characterized by variable and changing datasets from multiple
sources across language, culture and geo-location. The data could be in various
formats such as text, video or audio files. The power of Big Data analytics
compared to traditional relational database management systems (RDBMS) or data
warehouses is the fact that multiple disparate sources of information can be quickly
analyzed to come up with meaningful insight that a customer or an internal user can
take advantage of. Companies can build products or services based on the insights
provided by Big Data analytics platforms.
Datasets themselves are growing rapidly and organizations are looking at a
minimum of 20% increase in data volumes year over year, as a result of which
Big Data systems need to be able to match up to the demand to be able to ingest,
store and process them. In a survey by VansonBourne (2015), the top two drivers for
new Big Data projects are improved customer experience and the need to get new
Any perceived slowness wherein the insight is stale; loses the appeal and the
value proposition of Big Data systems in which case customers will move to other
providers and internal users will just not trust the data. For example, once you buy
a product online from Amazon.com, you instantly get recommendations (Linden
et al. 2003) about what else to buy given your recent and past purchases, never mind
the kind of data-crunching that goes behind the scenes wherein large datasets are
analyzed by highly optimized clusters of machines.
R. Divate • S. Sah • M. Singh ()
MityLytics Inc., Alameda, CA 94502, USA
e-mail: rishi@mitylytics.com;sankalp@mitylytics.com;mksingh@mitylytics.com
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_6
126 R. Divate et al.
In addition, with the growing advent of Internet of Things (IoT) Xia et al.
(2012) and mobile phones sending and receiving data in real-time (Gartner n.d.),
performance becomes even more critical. Imagine what would happen if you fire-up
your favorite ride sharing application on your smartphone and you see information
that is a few minutes old. This is inspite of the fact that the application backend
needs to first collect location information from all cars in your city, sift out only the
ones that are available, and then present the car and model that works best for you.
All this has to happen within a few seconds for you to have enough faith to continue
using it.
Therefore, when you are starting a Big Data project, the first step is to understand
the kind of response time you are looking for; whether it is in hours, minutes,
seconds or sub-seconds.
6.2 High Performance in Action
Now that we have established the need for high performance, let us look at how to
make this happen.
6.2.1 Defining a Data Pipeline
To start with, let us define a data pipeline which is essentially how data flows through
various components in a Big Data deployment system as shown in the figure below.
Each component in the pipeline operates by splitting and replicating data up across
multiple machines or servers, analyzing each piece of data and combining the results
to either store categorized data or to come up with insight (Fig. 6.1). Events
Events are pieces of information that’s coming in from various sources often in
real-time. This could be from other databases, mobile phones, IoT devices, or user-
generated data such as instant messages. Ingestion
Once events are received it is important that they are processed and categorized
appropriately. Given that data is potentially coming at a very high rate, it is
critical that ingestion works fast and does not miss any data. Example: LinkedIn
developed Apache Kafka (Kafka Ecosystem n.d.), a messaging system specifically
designed for handling real-time data feeds and that currently processes over a trillion
messages a day.

6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 127
Streaming event processing
Batch event processing
Fig. 6.1 Data pipeline Streaming Event Processing
This component of the pipeline is specifically designed to analyze and store cate-
gorized data from the ingestion component in real-time. As data is being received,
depending on how critical it is, it may also need to be made available to customers
or end-users in a live view before it is stored in a datastore. Stream processing is
typically done on smaller sets of data. Response time is sub-second or seconds at
the most from when data is received. For example, Pinterest uses Apache Spark
(Apache Spark™–Lightning-Fast Cluster Computing n.d.), a streaming processing
framework to measure user engagement in real-time (MemSQL n.d.). Batch Event Processing
Batch event processing is used for analyzing and storing high volumes of data in
batches in a scheduled manner. In batch processing, it is assumed that the results
of processing are not needed for real-time analysis unlike stream event processing.
Batch processing can take minutes or hours depending on the size of the dataset. For
example, Netflix runs a daily job that looks through the customer base to determine
the customers to be billed that day and the amount to be billed by looking at their
subscription plans and discounts (Netflix n.d.-b).
128 R. Divate et al. Data Store
In modern Big Data systems, a data store is often used to store large datasets or
files typically across multiple machines. This is done by replicating data across the
machines without the need for expensive hardware like a RAID (Redundant Array
of Independent Disks) controller. To optimize storage performance, generally high-
performance storage like SSDs (Solid-State Drives) are used. Example: Netflix uses
the Cassandra database to lower costs, and for continuous availability and flexibility
(Datastax n.d.-a). Query/Data Warehouse Processing
This component of the pipeline is meant to be used for reporting and data analysis
(Data Warehouse n.d.). In the context of Big Data, data warehousing systems are
built upon distributed storage. Example: Facebook built Apache Hive (Apache Hive
n.d.) to allow end-users a easy-to-use interface to query their dataset which spanned
petabytes of data (Hive n.d.).
6.2.2 Deploying for High Performance
Given the difference in performance across various data processing, querying and
storage frameworks, it is first critical to understand the performance requirements
(seconds, minutes, hours) of your Big Data deployment, before actually deploying
In subsequent sections, we will discuss performance related tradeoffs based on
where you deploy your Big Data stack and the kind of applications that you will run.
6.3 High-Performance and Big Data Deployment Types
There are many different ways an enterprise can choose to deploy their Big Data
pipeline. They have an option to choose from the various cloud based configuration-
ready vendors, on-premise vendors, cloud based hardware vendors or Big Data as a
service providers.
When an enterprise has to choose among the above mentioned options they
typically weigh in several different deployment considerations that arise depending
on the type of deployment.
Broadly, these considerations can be broken down into the following:
1. Provisioning
2. Deployability
3. Configurability
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 129
4. Manageability
5. Costs
6. Supportability
The components in the Big Data stack can be deployed in either one of the
following broad categories:
1. Platform as a Service (PaaS) (Platform as a Service n.d.): Cloud based config-
ready deployment
2. Cloud-based hardware
3. On-premise
4. Big Data as a Service
We will now start outlining each of these deployments focusing on what they do
or do not offer in detail.
6.3.1 Platform as a Service (PaaS): Cloud Based Config-Ready
For someone looking to get started without spending a lot on hardware, IT teams
to monitor and troubleshoot the clusters, cloud based config-ready providers are
the best bet. The major issue seen here is the inflexibility. If problems arise on
the cluster, it becomes very hard to discover the root cause for the failure given
that various software components are pre-configured by the vendor. Another major
issue is inconsistent performance seen at various times of the day, due to the multi-
tenant nature. Since this type of solution comes with the Big Data software already
installed, the operator doesn’t have to install and configure most of the software
pieces in the data pipeline. If however, you need to have control over what version
or type of software needs to be installed, then this solution is not for you. In the
short-term, costs are lower as compared to on premise vendors and time to deploy
is quick. Example vendors include Amazon Web Services (AWS) (Amazon Web
Services n.d.) Elastic MapReduce (EMR) (AWS EMR n.d.) offering and Microsoft
Azure’s HDInsight (Microsoft Azure n.d.-a) offering.
6.3.2 Cloud-Based Hardware Deployment
This is similar to cloud based config-ready solutions except that you can pick and
choose the Big Data software stack. The vendor provides either dedicated bare
metal or virtual machines on shared hardware with varied configurations (CPU,
memory, network throughput, disk space etc). The operator needs to install and
configure the Big Data software components. That is as far as the flexibility goes
as compared to config-ready cloud-based solutions. The option to have a single
130 R. Divate et al.
tenant on dedicated bare metal machines gives more predictability and consistency.
Example vendors include Packet.net (Premium Bare Metal Servers and Container
Hosting–Packet n.d.), Internap (Internap n.d.), IBM Softlayer (SoftLayer n.d.) and
AWS EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud n.d.) and Microsoft Azure (Microsoft
Azure n.d.-b).
6.3.3 On-Premise Deployment
With this deployment type, an in house IT team procures and manages all hardware
and software aspects of Big Data clusters. Costs and security are generally the top
drivers for these kinds of deployments. If data or processing needs change, in-
house staff will have to add or remove machines and re-configure the cluster. In
the long run, on-premise deployments can be more cost effective, flexible, secure
and performant, but time to deploy is much slower compared with cloud based
6.3.4 Big Data as a Service (BDaaS)
Big Data as a Service is an up and coming offering, wherein enterprises outsource
the setup and management of the entire Big Data hardware and software stacks to a
vendor. Enterprises use the analytical capabilities of the vendor’s platform either by
directly accessing the vendor’s user interface or by developing applications on top
of the vendor’s analytics platform once the data is ingested.
Internally, BDaaS systems can comprise of:
1. Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) bundled
2. PaaS and Software as a Service (SaaS) bundled together
3. IaaS, PaaS and SaaS bundled together
The implementation of the platform itself is transparent to the enterprise and
is usually highly optimized by the vendor for costs. Time-to-deploy will be much
faster than all of the above options but costs will generally be much higher. Increase
in performance will also result in an increase in the price of these systems. Example
vendors include Qubole and Altiscale.
6.3.5 Summary
If Big Data software was given scores based on the six considerations (Provisioning,
Deployability, Configurability, Manageability, Costs, Supportability), mentioned
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 131
earlier, then generally, the cost is higher for higher scores on other factors but
performance per dollar is still pretty low.
To elaborate, the performance of the PaaS systems is generally lower per
dollar than other systems because today the systems for general availability are
still at a stage where applications are being transitioned from older systems and
the performance gain is considerable for custom built clusters. For example in
banking sectors newer BI applications realize order of magnitude gains with
customised cluster deployments. For next-generation systems, which perform real-
time analytics on high volumes of data coming in from all the devices in the
world performance considerations become paramount, which we see as the biggest
challenge for Big Data platforms going forward.
Now, that we have identified deployment types and their tradeoffs, let us look
at specific hardware and software considerations. We do not consider pure BDaaS
(Big Data as a Service) systems in our analysis, because one generally do not have
control over the kind of hardware and software combinations provided by those
types of vendors.
6.4 Software and Hardware Considerations for Building
Highly Performant Data Platforms
6.4.1 Software Considerations
The Fig. 6.2 below shows sample Big Data ingestion, processing and querying
technologies. All of the technologies shown (Hive (Apache Hive n.d.), Flume
(Apache Flume n.d.), Pig (Apache Pig! n.d.), Spark (Apache Spark™–Lightning-
Fast Cluster Computing n.d.), Hadoop-MR (MapReduce n.d.), Storm (Apache
Storm n.d.), Phoenix (Apache Phoenix n.d.) are open-sourced via the Apache
software foundation.
Let us look at what drives the requirements for software stacks. Data Ingestion Stacks
Rate of Data Ingestion
Millions of events/second corresponding to tens and sometimes hundreds of writes
per day as reported by companies such as Linkedin and Netflix (Netflix n.d.-a).
This will likely increase given the expected proliferation of sensors driven by an
IoT world. An organization hoping to handle large streams of data should plan on
systems that can handle 10s of millions of events/messages per-second.

132 R. Divate et al.
Fig. 6.2 Big Data ingestion technology
Replication for High Availability
Replication is a feature of most Big Data systems, wherein multiple copies of the
same data exist across various storage devices. Distributed software stacks such as
Kafka are very good at replication and having this feature in the software makes
it possible for data pipelines to work at a higher level of abstraction without the
need for specialized hardware such as RAID. In order to replicate efficiently one
has to establish the amount of replication levels, depending on the access patterns of
the data from different clients. Clients may include stream processing engines such
as Spark (Apache Spark™–Lightning-Fast Cluster Computing n.d.) and/or batch
processing frameworks such as Hadoop (MapReduce n.d.). A normal replication
factor is three and if needed it should be increased but this would typically mean
that more RAM and storage potentially could be needed.
Replication for Fault-Tolerance
There maybe scenarios in which one requires replication so that if data pipelines fail
then data events or messages can be retained to be accessed at a later stage. Typically
storage in the order of terabytes should be set aside for this type of fault-tolerance
given that typically a day’s worth of data would need to be accessible by a batch
processing engine.
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 133
Low Latency Processing Hooks
The message or event ingestion system should be able to provide hooks for data
processing (e.g. Storm spouts) (Apache Storm n.d.), where processing systems can
hook into. What is important here is low latency and some amount of buffering. The
amount of buffering would typically depend on the latency tolerance of the system.
So for example data processing systems that can tolerate hundreds of milliseconds
of delay should have that kind of buffering built into the event engine or in the
data processing engine. Doing some simple math, 100 milliseconds of delay with
10 million messages coming in per second translates to a million messages worth
of data being buffered, which would be amount to 200 MBytes of buffer space
assuming average message size of 200 bytes. Buffering also happens between the
storage system and the data ingestion system but that would be typically be hardware
buffering. Data Processing Stacks
Low latency (10s of milliseconds of delay) is the maximum delay that should be
planned since real-time analytics means no further delays can be tolerated. When
considering interfaces for writing to data stores, fast interfaces like Storm (Apache
Storm n.d.) bolts are key. Data Stores
A few important considerations for Data stores that are universal are:
1. Read performance—Latency and throughput for reads from the storage system.
2. Write performance—Latency and throughput for writes to the storage system.
3. Query performance—Throughput in queries/second and individual query perfor-
mance. Indexing and Querying Engine
Indexing and querying engines are increasing being used as front-ends and through
well published APIs they are being integrated into applications. They are available
on-premise as as well as a service in the cloud. Some of the examples are ELK
(ELK Stack n.d.) stack or Elastic, keen.io (Keen n.d.) and Solr their key performance
indicators are
•Latency—100 milliseconds and speed of indexing
•Throughput—A measure of how many concurrent queries can be run
•Real-Time—The responses for the system should be in real-time or near real-time
134 R. Divate et al.
•Performance with scale—How the system scales up with more queries and how
indexing performs
•Replication—An important question to ask is, are replicas real-time too
6.4.2 Getting the Best Hardware Fit for Your Software Stack
The building blocks for each component cluster of the Data pipeline software stack
are discussed in detail here. Given that Big Data systems use a distributed model,
where data storage and analytics is spread out across multiple machines connected
via a high-speed network, the discussion is framed in terms of the following
1. Compute nodes
2. Storage
3. Networking
We will be using hardware from AWS (Amazon Web Services n.d.)asan
example and will use information that is publicly available from the AWS website
(Amazon Web Services n.d.). Data Ingestion Cluster
For a Data ingestion cluster such as Kafka (Apache Kafka n.d.), a million writes per
second is a goal that is achievable with commodity machines and that is something
that happens with systems today that have up to 10s of billions of writes per day
(e.g. a social media site like Facebook or Linkedin) Here are the node types that
would be required in the different cloud providers’ offerings.
A million writes per second translates to around 80 billion writes a day,
par for the course for data processing systems in industries such as advertising
or other verticals such as finance. Given that one would need at least a day’s
worth of data to be saved on disk for retrieval from batch processing systems
one would imagine that the data ingestion cluster would need to have around
80,000,000,000 * 300 D24,000,000,000,000 D24 terabytes of storage, given that
each event or message size is on average 300 bytes. Add a 3x replication and that
amounts to 72TB of storage. So the process of choosing an instance type (EC2
Instance Types—Amazon Web Services (AWS) n.d.) for this cluster in AWS goes
something like this.
• Compute nodes
– EC2, i2.xlarge
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 135
• Storage
– Elastic Block Storage (EBS) (Amazon Elastic Block Store n.d.) or directly
attached SSD. A combination would need to be used given the large amount of
data. However with more EBS (Amazon Elastic Block Store n.d.), the access
times for log messages goes up. But it depends on how many events need to be
available in real-time. Up to a terabyte of data can be available and replicated
3x on the i2.xlarge nodes with 6 nodes that are listed here which should be
fine for most systems.
– Enhanced 1Gig or 10Gig. If the data ingestion cluster is to be co-located
with the Data processing cluster then a moderate network performance cluster
(400–500 Mbits/s) cluster that comes with the i2.xlarge system will suffice.
However the needs of the data processing cluster, which requires large
amounts of RAM (120GB per machine for a message processing system that
can keep latency at 100s milliseconds with a million messages per second)
will drive the choice towards r3.4xlarge, which in any case will mean High-
Performance (700/800 Mbits/s) networking comes with it. The cost of this
cluster would be $7.80 hour just for ingestion. The cost of data processing
cluster would be a add-on. One needs to be mindful of the resource contention
that might occur if these are in a co-located cluster, where multiple software
stacks are running at the same time. If the ingestion cluster were to be separate
from the data processing cluster then the choice would be to go with 6 nodes
of c3.8xlarge, which is somewhat of an overkill but that is AWS pricing for
you. The cost of the above c3.8xlarge cluster would be $10/hr. which amounts
to $240/day for annual costs of $86,400, which excludes costs for support,
tertiary storage and bandwidth. One could get a yearly discount of 45% if
pre-paid. So one could expect annual costs of around $50,000 for just the
ingestion cluster.
Let us now consider an on-premise cluster with the same characteristics as above.
In order to do 1 million writes per-second, we expect 6 machines with the following
configurations, but again the networking is only 1Gbps so if the Data processing
cluster is on a separate cluster then the networking will not suffice and if the data
processing cluster is co-located with the messaging cluster then more RAM will
be required, at least 120GB of RAM. So a good configuration for a non co-located
cluster would be
• Six SSD drives with 1 TB each
• 120GB of RAM
• 10Gbps Ethernet
136 R. Divate et al. Stream or Data Processing Cluster
Streaming processing engines come in different shapes, sizes and profiles. Examples
of these engines include Spark (Apache Spark™–Lightning-Fast Cluster Computing
n.d.) and Concord (n.d.).
They work with different models of execution for example micro-batches so their
needs are different. However most work in-memory and therefore require large
amounts of memory for low-latency processing. For example, an aggregate RAM
of 300GB is required to run a benchmark such as spark-perf (Databricks spark-perf
n.d.) at a scale of 1.0. Balancing resource usage of a data processing cluster with
other clusters is key to building a robust data pipeline.
Hardware Requirements for Data Processing Cluster
So if one were to go for the cheapest option in AWS (Amazon Web Services (AWS)
n.d.) which is 20 m3.xlarge nodes, which offers 300 GB of RAM and about 1.6 TBs
of storage across the cluster, then if the data storage cluster is co-located as is being
recommended by a lot of vendors, clearly the amount of total storage available is not
enough, neither is the RAM which only suffices to run the Data processing cluster. It
is also not suitable when changing over to a non-co-located Data processing cluster,
since network throughput is only about 800 Mbps.
For a co-located cluster based on RAM, CPU and disk the best configuration in
terms of cost/performance tradeoff would be r3.8xlarge nodes primarily because of
high RAM and high storage amounting to 244 GB and 640 GB respectively.
For a non co-located cluster the best node configuration would be c3.8xlarge,
given that there is 10Gbps network connectivity with that config and 64 GB of RAM
per-node so about 5 nodes would be required from a RAM perspective. Data Stores
Apache Cassandra (Cassandra n.d.), Aerospike (Aerospike High Performance
NoSQL Database n.d.), ScyllaDB (World Fastest NoSQL Database n.d.), MemSQL
(Real-Time Data Warehouse n.d.) and more come out everyday. The best hardware
fit for a given cluster depends on the specific software stack but generally veer
towards high RAM and large amounts of directly attached SSD. The vendors of
such stacks typically overprovision hardware to be on the safe side so configurations
such as 32 cores, 244 GB of RAM and 10 TB of storage per node are common. The
vendors of such stacks typically recommend co-locating the data processing cluster
with the data storage cluster for example Cassandra data nodes being co-located
with Spark workers. This results in contention for resources and requires tuning
for peak performance. It has also been observed by us while implementing projects
at large customers, that performance is dependent on the fit of the data model to
the underlying hardware infrastructure. Getting RoI (Return on investment) and
keeping TCO (Total cost of ownership) low becomes a challenge for enterprises
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 137
trying to deploy these clusters. One of the best starting points for companies looking
to deploy high performance clusters is to run benchmarking tools and figure out the
performance of their hardware in terms of the number of peak operations that their
infrastructure can support and then work backwards to profile their applications on
smaller PoC (Proof of concept) clusters to characterize the performance in terms of
peak operations and get trends. This will help IT teams to better plan, deploy, operate
and scale their infrastructure. Good tools are therefore an essential requirement for
such an exercise. Indexing and Query-Based Frameworks
There are quite a few of these frameworks available as services in the cloud and
or on-premise such as the Elastic Stack (Elastic n.d.), Keen.io (Labs n.d.) and
Solr (Apache Lucene™ n.d.). All these frameworks are heavily memory-bound.
The number of concurrent queries that can be supported typically is hundreds
of thousands with a response time of less than a second, with a cluster of 20
nodes, where each node has at least 64 GB RAM. The challenge is to keep up
the performance with more concurrent queries per second. The more the number
of replicas the faster the query response will be with higher number of concurrent
requests. At some point the number of queries per second does not improve with
more memory, at which point, one has to then go ahead and change the caching
policies on the cluster to be able to serve queries in near real-time. The key problems
that we generally observe for scale and performance are Java garbage collection,
cache performance and limitations on the size of heap memory allocated to the Java
Virtual Machine (JVM) if present. We see this area as a single most important area
of research and improvement. Batch-Processing Frameworks
Batch processing MapReduce frameworks (MapReduce Tutorial n.d.) such as
Hadoop have gained in popularity and have become more common. In order to
find the right hardware fit for these frameworks one needs to figure out the peak
performance, sustained and minimum performance using framework operations per-
second that can be executed on the cluster. This can be done by running different
types of benchmarks applications which have been categorized into I/O bound such
as disk, network, compute or RAM bound jobs in the cluster and observing the
operations per-second that can be achieved with different types of workloads. In
our tests typical configurations which offer good price-performance tradeoff for
running an application such as Terasort (O’Malley 2008) with 1 TB size results in
about 12TB of storage being needed for a replication factor of three with five nodes,
each of which has eight cores and 64GB of RAM. To maximize cluster usage and
drive down RoI time, one needs to have a good job mix in the cluster with a good
scheduling mechanism so as to prevent contention for the same resources (memory
or network).
138 R. Divate et al. Interoperability Between Frameworks
In this section we discuss the possibility of running two frameworks together,
wherein either both run on the same cluster or on different clusters. We show what
to expect with Cassandra-Spark and Kafka-Spark combinations.
Cassandra and Spark Co-Located
The recommendation today from the vendors of Spark and Cassandra namely is to
co-locate Spark and Cassandra nodes. To do so let’s examine what kind of hardware
resources, we will need:
• Both stacks use significant memory, therefore we recommend at least hundreds
of Gigabytes of memory on each node.
• Since Cassandra is a data-store, we recommend state-of-the-art SSD or NVME
(Jacobi 2015) drives and at least 1 TB storage per node.
• Spark will use significant CPU resources, given it is a processing engine,
therefore, we recommend 10s of CPUs per node.
• Based on our experiences, we recommend the peak network bandwidth of at least
1Gbps. This should suffice for the two frameworks to operate in unison given that
Spark processing should be restricted as far as possible to data stored on the same
Cassandra and Spark located on Different Machines
With this configuration, we are looking at the following requirements:
• Moderate RAM requirements, which could be as low as tens of Gigs of RAM per
• Storage requirements will still be high for Cassandra nodes and we recommend
at least 500 GB of SSD/NVME per node
• Networking requirements in this case are much higher given that data will be
continuously transferred between Spark and Cassandra, therefore we recommend
a network with peak bandwidth of at least 10 Gbps.
• In this case, we recommend tens of cores for each node on the Spark nodes and
about half of those for the Cassandra nodes.
Even with the above ballpark figures it is hard to estimate the exact capacity
of such clusters therefore one needs to have ways and means to figure out
how to estimate the capacity of such clusters from looking at existing clusters
and performing profiling to look for operation/seconds so that capacity can be
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 139
Spark and Kafka
If Spark nodes and Kafka nodes are to be deployed together then some of the
most important considerations are RAM and the contention for it and the disparate
amounts of storage required. Kafka requires moderate amounts of storage (in the
terabyte range while streaming events of size 300 bytes at a million messages per
second), while Spark typically works with in-memory data sets although some
amount of buffering maybe planned to avoid data loss. This data can be used
by batch processes or by Spark also with a small delay. There are both receiver
and receiver-less approaches to reading data from Kafka into Spark. Receiver-less
approaches typically result in lower latencies.
Therefore, Spark nodes and Kafka nodes can be co-located but one needs
to monitor RAM usage closely and take appropriate action to start buffering if
memory starts running out, so that messages are not lost. If there is sufficient
network throughput with link bonding (20-40Gbps) and redundant links then it
is best to separate the clusters. One caveat though is monitoring and effective
resource utilization so that resource managers do not schedule any network intensive
workloads on these clusters. As we will see in following sections on hyper-
converged infrastructure that there may be another way of solving this conundrum
of co-location of different clusters when planning for high performance. Summary
In Sect. 6.4.2, we have looked at how to get the best hardware fit for your software
stack and what stands out is that it is a non-trivial exercise to figure out what
hardware to start your deployment with and keep it running for high performance.
We recommend understanding the workings and limitations of each component
(ingestion/processing/query) in your data pipeline and specifically identifying the
following characteristics:
• Number of events per second or millisecond generated by each component
• Latency between components
• Overall Data volume (number of bytes ingested/stored/processed)
Given the above information, one can move on to the next stage of planning the
size of your overall production cluster (more details on how to do so are explained
in Sect. 6.5) and determining various co-location strategies.
140 R. Divate et al.
6.4.3 On-Premise Hardware Configuration and Rack
Based on the discussion so far when designing a cluster for deployment in a data-
center on-premise. The following are the options and the most preferred deployment
scenarios for each. On-Premise
1. Indexing and Query engines on one Rack
2. Spark and Cassandra on one rack
3. Kafka on another rack
Racks that are typically laid come with a redundant top-of-rack switch connected
by a leaf spine topology in a data center. The top-of-rack switches should have dual
connectivity to the servers in the rack which implement storage as well as cluster
nodes. Cassandra is rack aware so replicas are typically placed on different racks
for redundancy purposes. Enterprise Cassandra vendors such as DataStax (DataStax
n.d.-b) advise against using distributed storage so all storage should be local to the
racks. On-Premise Converged Infrastructure
Converged infrastructure offerings from companies like Nutanix (Nutanix n.d.)area
new way of providing all infrastructure elements in one chassis. Nutanix implements
it’s own virtualized infrastructure to provide compute and storage together. The
benefits are obvious, however virtualized infrastructure has challenges for high
performance computing due to multi-tenancy. The typical deployment for such
infrastructure would be to have all data pipeline stacks on one chassis in a rack
with inter-chassis replication for fault tolerance in case of rack failures.
6.4.4 Emerging Technologies Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI)
Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI) encompasses technologies such as Software
Defined Networking (SDN) (Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Definition n.d.),
Software Defined Compute (SDC) (Factsheet–IDC_P10666 2005) and Software
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 141
Defined Storage (SDS) (A Guide to Software-Defined Storage n.d.)isanew
paradigm of deploying infrastructure, where the hardware is logically separated
from the software that manages it and infrastructure can be programmatically
provisioned and deployed with a high degree of dynamic control as opposed to
statically allocating large sets of resources. This paradigm is perfectly suited for Big
Data applications since these technologies can effectively be used to dynamically
scale infrastructure based on data volumes or processing needs in an automated
manner based on defined SLA’s or performance requirements.
Software Defined Networking (SDN)
Software defined Networking is defined by technologies or switches, that allow
operators to control and setup networking flows, links or tunnels. A typical use
case of SDN is reconstructing a network topology on top of an underlying physical
topology to avoid hotspots. Vendors in this space include the Cumulus Virtual
Appliance (Better, Faster, Easier Networks n.d.) and Cisco’s (n.d.) SDN API’s on
its routers.
Software Defined Storage (SDS)
Software Defined Storage (SDS) is an approach to data storage in which the
programming that controls storage-related tasks is decoupled from the physical
storage (Virtual Storage n.d.). What this means in a Big Data context for is the
ability to provision storage dynamically as datasets increase. This could include
different storage types (such as SSD, HDD’s) that reduce hardware and storage
management costs. Application performance may or may not be directly affected
depending on how the SDS solution is affected but this is definitely a long-term
solution for scalable storage solutions. Vendors in this space include EMC’s ScaleIO
(ScaleIO/Software-defined Block Storage n.d.) solution and HP’s StoreVirtual VSA
(Virtual Storage n.d.) solution.
Software Defined Compute (SDC)
Software Defined Compute (SDC) is about adding new servers or removing servers
in a cluster on-demand as processing goes up or down automatically. This is
especially important in Big Data systems as one can start scaling up if we see
the compute performance of the cluster is going below desired levels and needs
additional resources. SDC can either be achieved by virtualization with vendors
such as VMware in a data-center or via cloud-based providers such as AWS EC2.
Since these are emerging technologies, not a whole lot of research has been done
to showcase the benefits in Big Data scenarios and we look forward to such case
studies going forward.
142 R. Divate et al. Advanced Hardware
NVME for Storage
Non-Volatile Memory Express or NVME (Jacobi 2015) is a communications
interface protocol that enables the SSD to transfer data at very high speed as
compared to the traditional SATA or SAS (Serial Attached SCSI). It makes use
of the high-bandwidth PCIe bus for communication. With faster speeds and lower
latency as compared to SATA (Wilson, R. (2015)), the time taken to access the
storage to process and shuffle the data in the Big Data deployment cluster is greatly
HyperConverged Infrastructure
This involves combining compute, storage and networking into a single chassis. As
compared to the traditional infrastructure the performance improves due to the lower
latency in transferring data among compute, storage and networking nodes. Nutanix
(Nutanix n.d.) and Hypergrid (Hyperdrive Innovation n.d.) are few of the companies
that provide hyper-converged infrastructure equipment to enterprises. Intelligent Software for Performance Management
In Sect. 6.4, we have articulated various hardware and software considerations for
determining the performance of a Big Data systems and given the sheer complexity
and number of options, we at MityLytics find there is a need for intelligent software
• Measures and reports the performance of individual Big Data jobs, compo-
nents and the data pipeline as a whole
• Makes and executes intelligent decisions about how to boost the performance
of a data pipeline by optimizing the current infrastructure or by using API’s
to provision or deprovision SDI (Software Defined Infrastructure) elements
given known or the current set of workloads
• Predicts future needs of the infrastructure based on the current performance
and resources
We are so convinced that we need this intelligent data driven analytics software
that we at MityLytics have been developing software to do exactly the above. To
us it makes total sense to use analytics to solve the performance issues of analytics

6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 143
6.5 Designing Data Pipelines for High Performance
Now, that we have outlined various considerations for high performance, let us start
by seeing about how one can start measuring performance and designing a data
pipeline so as to scale with varying dataset sizes (Fig. 6.3).
To do so, we at MityLytics typically go through the following steps in sequence
for each component in the pipeline:
1. Identify a series of steps in Big Data application that describes what you typically
need to do for that component in the Big Data pipeline; this may be a Big Data
streaming or batch job that processes incoming messages or a Hive query that
runs across large datasets. Let us call this set of steps as an application job.
2. Deploy a Big Data application on a small cluster size
3. Run an application job with a small dataset and measure time taken and
infrastructure statistics (e.g. CPU utilization, memory consumed, bandwidth
observed) across various machines in your cluster. At this point, you are just
characterising how your application behaves and not whether it meets your end
performance goal.
4. If an application is deployed on shared infrastructure, run your job multiple times
and record average statistics across all your runs.
5. Increase the size of the dataset and repeat steps 2 and 3.
6. On getting enough data points we can plan infrastructure needs for the applica-
tion as the dataset is scaled up.
Fig. 6.3 TPC-DS benchmark

144 R. Divate et al.
Fig. 6.4 Big Data performance measure
7. For example, in the graph below, we have plotted dataset size by time taken in
milliseconds to execute two Big Data queries from the TPC-DS (TPC-DS n.d.)
In this example, we see that initially, the time taken to execute these queries
is linear with increase in the data set size but as datasets increase, the time taken
increases quadratically. On closer examination of various Big Data operations, we
see that this is on account of the Big Data reduce operation (red line) shown in the
graph below (Fig. 6.4).
Similar to this example, one should aim to create similar plots for a Big Data
application job so as to be able to show how time taken and system resource
utilization increase as dataset sizes increase.
8. Once an application is deployed in production, we use our application perfor-
mance management software to ensure that the application job continues to meet
the intended levels of performance and that the underlying infrastructure is being
used efficiently.
6.6 Conclusions
As we have seen above, data analytics is key to the operation and growth of
data driven businesses and deploying high performance analytics applications
leads to topline growth. Given the importance of data analytics platforms in this
environment, it is imperative that data pipelines work in a robust manner with
Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees.
6 High Performance Computing and Big Data 145
It is of the utmost importance then, to plan the data platforms with the right
capacity planning tools so that desired levels of performance are met when the
platforms are scaled up to handle more data. Once the platforms are deployed,
it is imperative that they are continuously monitored using key metrics, which
could potentially point to degradation of performance or worse interruptions in
service, that could potentially result in loss of revenue. We at MityLytics (MityLytics
n.d.) believe that analytics is so important that we use analytics to help drive the
performance and hence the viability of analytics platforms.
What is even more desirable however, is to have software and mechanisms to fix
problems proactively. When such auto remediation is not possible, support system
tickets should be raised which can be manually remediated. The state-of-the-art
today is such that operations teams engage in trial-and-error methodologies, which
increase the time to RoI (Return on Investment) while increasing the total cost of
ownership of the data platform thereby reducing the productivity of development
and operations teams. It has also been our experience that consultants from software
vendors are tempted to be safe when designing clusters and frequently over-
provision resources resulting in increased time to RoI.
One of the most common problems deployments run into is resource contention,
since most of the software stacks are designed to be greedy so that they can
perform best when working in isolation. However, as we have seen in previous
section, in most practical scenarios distributed software systems will be working
together and sharing resources such as compute, storage and networking so it is
very important that software stacks be evaluated, when multiple components are
working in unison. In conclusion, we recommend using software tools to plan,
monitor and auto-tune in real-time and perform proactive remediation (prevention).
One should operate Big Data clusters with software that will learn, self-heal and
use tools to do capacity planning when scaling up. Development processes should
also be streamlined to incorporate planning and performance testing for scalability
as early in the development cycle as possible to bring HPC like performance to Big
Data platforms.
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Chapter 7
Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions
for the Oil and Gas Industry with Big Data
Jiefu Chen, Yueqin Huang, Tommy L. Binford Jr., and Xuqing Wu
7.1 Introduction
Obtaining a holistic view of the interior of the Earth is a very challenging task
faced by the oil and gas industry. When direct observation of the Earth’s interior
is out of reach, we depend on external sensors and measurements to produce a
detailed interior map. Inverse problems arise in almost all stages of oil and gas
production cycles to address the question of how to reconstruct material properties
of the Earth’s interior from measurements extracted by various sensors. Inverse
theory is a set of mathematical techniques to determine unknown parameters of a
postulated model from a set of observed data. Accurate parameter estimation leads
to better understanding of the material properties and physical state of the Earth’s
interior. In general, inverse problems are ill-posed due to the sparsity of the data and
incomplete knowledge of all the physical effects that contribute significantly to the
data (Menke 2012).
Recently, technological improvements in other fields have enabled the devel-
opment of more accurate sensors that produce a larger amount of accurate data
for well planning and production performance. These data play a critical role in
the day-to-day decision-making process. However, the sheer volume of data, and
the high-dimensional parameter spaces involved in analyzing those data, means
J. Chen • X. Wu ()
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004, USA
e-mail: jchen84@uh.edu;xwu7@uh.edu
Y. Huang
Cyentech Consulting LLC, Cypress, TX 77479, USA
e-mail: yueqin.duke@gmail.com
Tommy L. Binford Jr.
Weatherford, Houston, TX 77060, USA
e-mail: tommy.binford@weatherford.com
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_7
150 J. Chen et al.
that established numerical and statistical methods can scarcely keep pace with the
demand to deliver information with tangible business value. The objective of this
article is to demonstrate some scalable deterministic and statistical algorithms for
solving large-scale inverse problems typically encountered during oil exploration
and production. Especially, we like to show how these algorithms can be fit into the
MapReduce programming model (Dean and Ghemawat 2008) to take advantage of
the potential speed up. Both the model and data involved in inverse problems contain
uncertainty (Iglesias and Stuart 2014). We will address this fundamental problem by
proposing a Bayesian inversion model, which can be used to improve the inversion
accuracy in terms of physical state classification by learning from a large dataset.
7.2 Improve Classification Accuracy of Bayesian Inversion
Through Big Data Learning
Many solutions of engineering and applied sciences problems involve inversion:
to infer values of unknown model parameters through measurement. Accurate
parameter estimation leads to better understanding of the physical state of the target.
In many cases, these physical states can be categorized into a finite number of
classes. In other words, the real objective of the inversion is to differentiate the
state of the measured target; and the estimated parameters through inversion act
as state indicators or a feature set that can be used to classify the state of the
object. For example, well logging plays critical roles in meeting various specific
needs of the oil and gas industry (Ellis and Singer 2007). Interpretation of the
well logging measurement is a process of inversion. It has many applications for
structural mapping, reservoir characterization, sedimentological identification, and
well integrity evaluation. The interpretation of the inversion involves correlating
inversed parameters with properties of the system and deducing the physical state
of the system.
There exist many other situations in engineering and science problems where
we need to evaluate the physical state of a target through indirect measurement.
For example, scientists who are studying global climate change and its impact
on our planet depend on the climate data collected through measurements from
various sources, e.g., ocean currents, atmosphere, and speleothems. Researchers
categorize ocean eddies through the study and interpretation of satellite oceanog-
raphy data (Faghmous et al. 2013). All of these critical work involves inversion.
In particular, the inversed results can be categorized into a finite number of
classes. Past research of inverse problems concentrates on deducing parameters
of a model and largely ignores their functionality as a feature set and indicator
of the physical state, which is the ultimate objective for many problems. In this
article, we suggest a common Bayesian inversion model and an inference framework
that is computationally efficient for solving inverse problems. It is in our interests
to investigate and provide answers to questions on how to extend the proposed
framework to serve more general science and engineering problems that involve
categorizing the result of an inversion.
7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 151
7.2.1 Bayesian Inversion and Measurement Errors
Given a set of measurements, traditionally, parameters are estimated by analyzing
discrepancies between the expected and the actual well logging response. The anal-
ysis defines the solution as the minimizer of a criterion between two components,
the data model matching, and the regularizer. The data model matching defines
the distance metric between the observed data and forward model outputs. The
regularizer is a smoothing or sparse constraint.
What is missing from this model is the historical data matching, correction, and
expertise of the engineer, which play a pivotal role in handling uncertainties in
the data or model and minimizing systematic errors. In various fields that involve
inversion, historical data keeps accumulating in a large scale. Many of the data
sets have been studied and labeled by domain experts. However, only a small part
of the data has been studied duo to its volume, variety and variability challenge.
Under the explosive increase of the data, the massive unstructured data or so-called
Big data brings about opportunities for discovering new values and helps us to
gain more in-depth understanding of the hidden characteristics of the system. Our
proposed Bayesian inversion model will take advantage of information existed in the
large-scale dataset; learn the correlation between inversed parameters and possible
physical states; and explore the dependency relationship among direct and indirect
observed data, noise/error, and forward model. The target is to improve confidence
in justifying and predicting the physical state of the measured target.
Measurement errors pose another challenge to the inverse problem. How best to
integrate some knowledge of the measurement error into the context of a Bayesian
inversion model has been the subject of much interest (Kaipio and Somersalo 2005).
In the ideal cases that are void of any measurement errors, the data yand model
parameters uare related through the forward model yDf.u/. However, assumptions
made by the forward model may not include all factors that affect measurements.
The accuracy of observed data is also a consequence of the execution, which adds
another layer of uncertainty related to potential human errors. Uncertainty also
comes from a lack of direct measurement of the surrounding environment and
other coupling factors. The inadequate information will ultimately compromise
the accuracy of predictions made by the forward modeling, which needs to be
considered during the inverse process.
Although most parameters that characterize the physical properties are contin-
uous, it is the physical state of the subject that is being concerned for solving
the inverse problem. For example, properties of the material obtained through the
inversion for the well logging are a set of surrogate measures that can be used to
characterize the formation by its lithology, pore fluid, porosity, clay content, and
water saturation. Therefore, the potential searching area for the parameter space
is dramatically reduced when the inversion framework shifts its attention from
obtaining an accurate numerical solution for parameters of the model to estimating
the possibility of occurrence of a finite number of formation types. One of the
objectives here is to propose a unifying approach for improving categorization

152 J. Chen et al.
accuracy and confidence through inversion. Our approach will explore the common
mathematical framework that supports the new approach. Furthermore, we will
investigate the computational efficiency, scalability and practical implementations
of the proposed framework.
7.2.2 Bayesian Graphical Model
Data obtained through indirect measurement of a sensor network often has errors
and unknown interferences that can affect the assessment of the relation between
environmental factors and the outcome of measuring instruments. The precise
mathematical description of the measurement process does not exist. Under the
traditional Bayesian inversion framework, a simple way to incorporate surrogate
measurement errors into the system is to construct a Berkson error model (Carroll
et al. 2006), shown in Fig. 7.1a, if we know how to formulate the error through
a rigorous analysis and replace the deterministic fwith a stochastic function. A
solution of the Bayesian inversion is to find a probability measure of Qxgiven
the data Qyand locate the most probable point by searching the pool of points
sampled from the posterior distribution. The inversion result does not provide an
answer for the classification problem. Instead, it serves as an input for an external
classifier. Considering that the parameter space consists of a collection of random
variables, the system can be modeled as a stochastic process. Given a big data set
collected through the similar data acquisition process, it is possible for us to learn
the process autonomously. Alternatively, it is clear that any subset of the parameter
space can only represent a finite number of physical states. Following the Bayesian
approach, the posterior distribution of model parameters can be deduced given
the measurement and prior knowledge of the correlation between parameters and
corresponding physical states. In the natural environment, the occurrence of any
of those physical states can be random, and they are independent to each other.
Since the physical state is classified based on the value of the model parameters,
the parameter space can be clusterized. The number of clusters depends on the
number of physical states. The center of each cluster is chosen to be typical or
Fig. 7.1 Graphical model (a) Berkson error model (b) Dependency among .xi;Qxi;yi/,(c) Depen-
dency among .xi;Qxi;yi;Qyi/

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 153
Fig. 7.2 Resistivity vs.
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
N-D Porosity Difference (frac)
Deep Resistivity (ohm.m)
representative of the corresponding physical state. This can be generalized by an
additive model or more specifically, a mixture model mathematically represented
as p.x/DPK
kD1kpk.x/, with the kbeing the mixing weights, k>0and
PkkD1. Figure 7.2 (Xu 2013) shows four rock types (RT1–4) and the
distribution of corresponding parameters obtained by the resistivity and neutron-
density log. We can use a hierarchical mixture model to formulate the uncertainty
involved in identifying the current physical state. The mixture distribution represents
the probability distribution of observations in the overall population. The mixture
model is a probabilistic model for representing the presence of subpopulations
within an overall population (Wikipedia 2016). The mixture is usually multimodal
and can facilitate statistical inferences about the properties of the sub-populations
given only observations on the pooled population. Rather than modeling all of those
noisy details, errors can be estimated by simple statistical measures such as mean
and variance.
Let us consider three variables xi,Qxi, and yifor a physical state i.xiis the
parameter (xican be a vector) that characterizes the physical state i,yiis the indirect
measurement, and Qxiis deduced through an inversion process related to the forward
model yDf.x/. Conditional independence models will separate known from
unknown factors and we could use more general statistical measures to describe the
error. In Fig. 7.1b, fis a deterministic function, and Qxabsorbs the system uncertainty
due to unknown environmental interferences. The dependency among xi,Qxi, and yi
can be formalized as: Œyijf.xi/ and ŒQxijxi. The structure of Fig. 7.1b can be enriched
by introducing Qyfor the inclusion of surrogate measurement errors, which are the
result of the mixture of unknown environmental factors and execution errors. The
relationship among Qxi,xi,yiand Qycan be graphically represented as Fig. 7.1c. The
new dependency changes to ŒQyijf.xi/ and ŒQxijxi. The proposed dependency map can
handle both forward and inversion errors more robustly since the error model is not
explicitly constrained by the forward or inverse modeling process. In the proposed
model, it is interesting to see that Qxiis conditionally independent of Qyi, the observed
154 J. Chen et al.
surrogate measurement. This is reasonable because the uncertainty of Qxis due to
the unknown distribution of the parameter represent by xand other factors that are
ignored by the forward model f. A key statement made by the new model is that xiis
serving as the cluster center. As a statistical descriptor of the posterior distribution
of Qx,xican be learned by mining the big historical data. Advantages of the proposed
model in Fig. 7.1c are summarized as follows:
1. Historical data retrieved from well logging is important in understanding the
structure and parameter distribution of the target, where it is characterized by
a set of parameters. The structure of the target remains unchanged regardless
what logging tools have been used. However, the perceived distribution of
the parameters is different depending on what logs were used to derive those
parameters. We can use the mixture model to formulate the parameter space of
the target. Parameters that define the mixture model depends on the selected
integrated logs. It should be noted here that the conditionally independent
relationship in Fig. 7.1c removes the one-over-one mapping constraint between
Qxiand Qyi, which makes it possible to learn the mixture model of the parameter
space with any selected sets of the logs. There are two advantages brought by
the proposed model: first, the information of the distribution of the formation
parameters hidden in the historical data is kept intact since the learning process
includes all data sources; second, after the learning process, the parameters of the
mixture model are re-calibrated to be adaptive to the sensitivity of the new sets
of integrated logs while maintaining the discriminative ability for characterizing
the target.
2. The model provides much more flexibility in selecting a proper probabilistic
model for each of the subpopulation in the mixture model, which can be
optimized ahead by learning from the historical data. Just like the traditional
Bayesian inversion model, the proposed method does not impose any limitation
on the choice of probabilistic approaches towards how to select models for
each sub-component in the mixture model. Thus, the richer representation of
the probabilistic approach is kept intact in the new model.
3. Since the distribution of the well logging responses Qyiare not the target of the
learning process. It can be modeled in a nonparametric way. In the case of esti-
mating the joint distribution of multiple log responses, nonparametric statistical
inference techniques for measures of location and spread of a distribution on a
Riemannian manifold could be considered to capturing global structural features
of the high dimensional space (Pelletier 2005; Bengio et al. 2005).
4. According to the Bayesian inversion model, the solution of the inverse problem
for x0given a new measurement y0can be obtained by calculating the MAP:
p.x0jy0;ux;uy/; (7.1)
where pis the pre-learned mixture model with model parameters uxand uy.In
solving the inverse problem, we try to propagate uncertainty from a selected
set of well logging measurements to petrophysical parameters by taking into
account uncertainty in the petrophysical forward function and a priori uncertainty
in model parameters.

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 155
Fig. 7.3 Bayesian inversion
with multiple sensors
5. Since the mixture model itself can serve as a classifier, additional classification
efforts are not necessary in most cases. And each classification result will be
gauged with a probability measure.
6. Expertise and noise patterns hidden in the historical play a key role in opti-
mizing the pre-learned model. In particular, The distribution of the surrogate
measurement Qydirectly affects the estimation of the model parameters according
to the dependency relationship of the new model. In other words, both unknown
environment factors and execution errors were considered when learning model
parameters using the historical data.
7. Characterization is an art of multiple log interpretation. Figure 7.3 shows how the
proposed model can be easily extended for the multisensory integration, where
f1and f2represent forward models used for different measurement approaches.
The dependency relationship remains the same and the likelihood estimation
of observed data from different sensory modalities is subject to conditional
independence constraints in the additive model.
Figure 7.4a and b highlight the difference between the framework used by the
traditional Bayesian inversion and our proposed model optimized by big data
Another advantage inherited by the proposed model is that Bayesian approach
allows more sophisticated hierarchical structure as different priors to account for
prior knowledge, hypothesis or desired properties about the error and unknown
factors. This gives us a large range of flexibilities to regularize smoothness, sparsity,
and piecewise continuity for a finite number of states.
7.2.3 Statistical Inference for the Gaussian Mixture Model
The pdf of a Gaussian mixture model has the form
k/; (7.2)
where kis the mixing coefficient and PK
kD1kD1. We augment the model by
introducing a latent variable z, which is a K-dimensional binary random variable
that has a 1-of-Krepresentation. If xn,n2f1;:::;Ngfor Nobservations, belongs

156 J. Chen et al.
Fig. 7.4 (a) Traditional Bayesian inversion. (b) Proposed Bayesian inversion
to the kth component of the mixture, then znk D1. The distribution of zis then
in the form p.z/DQK
k. Conditional distribution of xgiven zis p.xjz/D
k/zk. The likelihood of the joint distribution of xand zis then
k/znk :(7.3)
According to Bayesian inference rules (Marin et al. 2005), given predefined hyper-
parameters 0,0,0and 0, the posterior of the conditional distribution of ukwill
uk/N.n;2=n/L.Qyjy/; (7.4)
and nD0Cn;
where Lis the likelihood function. Sampling xis expensive since repeated
evaluation of the posterior for many instances means running forward model
frequently. A random-walk Metropolis algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1, which
summarizes the Metropolis-Hastings sampling steps, an Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) method for obtaining a sequence of random samples from a posterior
distribution (Chib and Greenberg 1995).

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 157
Algorithm 1: Metroolis-Hastings algorithm for sampling p.ujQy/
input : initial value: u.0/, jump function q.u.i/ju.j//(a normal distribution is a popular
choice for the jump function q)
Initialize with arbitrary value u.0/
while length of MCMC chain <pre-defined length K do
Generate u.k/from q.u.k/ju.k1//
Generate ˛0from uniform distribution U.0; 1/
if ˛0<˛.u.k/;u.k1//then
keep u.k/
save u.k/in the chain
end Distributed Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Big Data
Although the MCMC method guarantees asymptotically exact solution for recov-
ering the posterior distribution, the cost is prohibitively high for training our
model with a large-scale and heterogeneous data set. General strategies for parallel
MCMC, such as Calderhead (2014) and Song et al. (2014), require full data sets
at each node, which is non-practical for Big data. For applications with Big data,
multi-machine computing provides scalable memory, disk, and processing power.
However, limited storage space and network bandwidth require algorithms in a
distributed fashion to minimize communication. Embarrassingly parallel MCMC
proposed in Neiswanger et al. (2013) tackles both problems simultaneously. The
basic idea is to allocate a portion of the data to each computing node. MCMC
is performed independently on each node without communicating. By the end, a
combining procedure is deployed to yield asymptotically exact samples from the
full-data posterior. This procedure is particularly suitable for use in a MapReduce
framework (Dean and Ghemawat 2008).
Embarrassingly parallel MCMC partitions data xNDfx1;:::xNginto Msubsets
fxn1;:::;xnMg. For each subset m2f1;:::;Mg, sub-posterior is sampled as:
pm./ /p./ 1
Mp.xnmj/ (7.5)
The full data posterior is then in proportion to the product of the sub-posterior, i.e.
p1:::pM./ /p.jxN/. When Nis large, p1:::pM./ can be approximated by
†M/, where OMand O
†M M
mOm!. (7.6)
158 J. Chen et al.
7.2.4 Tests from Synthetic Well Integrity Logging Data
Well integrity is critical for blocking migration of oil, gas, brine and other detrimen-
tal substances to freshwater aquifers and the surface. Any deficiencies in primary
cementing tend to affect long-term isolation performance. Wide fluctuations in
downhole pressure and temperature can negatively affect cement integrity or cause
debonding. Tectonic stresses also can fracture set cement (Newell and Carey 2013).
New wells could disturb layers of rock near fragile old wells, the “communication”
between the old and the new can create pathways for oil, gas or brine water to
contaminate groundwater supplies or to travel up to the surface (Vidic et al. 2013).
Regardless of the cause, loss of cement integrity can result in fluid migration and
impairment of zonal isolation. In an effort to minimize environmental impacts,
advanced sensing technology is urgently needed for continuously monitoring well
integrities. However, the precise interpretation of the cement log is a challenging
problem since the response of acoustic tools is also related to the acoustic properties
of the surrounding environment such as casing, mud, and formation. The quality
of the acoustic coupling between the casing, cement, mud, and formation will
alter the response as well (Nelson 1990). The analysis of the log requires detailed
information concerning the well geometry, formation characteristics, and cement
job design to determine the origin of the log response. Therefore, a fair interpretation
of an acoustic log can only be made when it is possible to anticipate the log response,
which is accomplished through forward modeling.
The goal is to differentiate set cement, contaminated cement and fluid through
multiple measurements obtained by different sonic logging tools. If the cement is
not properly set, the probability of isolation failure is high in the long term. The key
of the research is to estimate the distribution of model parameters under different
physical states of the cement. As demonstrated in Fig. 7.5, the red area is marked as
contaminated cement, and the green area represents pure cement. The gray area
indicates ambiguous cases. Blue curves show the distribution of the density for
contaminated cement and pure cement. Numbers on the first row of the axis are
the measurement. The second row shows the inversed cement density given the
measurement. Accurate estimation of the distribution of the density will improve
classification accuracy for those cases with inversed parameters fallen into the gray
We have applied the aforementioned framework with simulated data. The
simulated training data set is generated to cover a large variety of combinations
of different cement status (pure or contaminated) and fluids (water, spacer, mud).
The data is generated to simulate five cementing conditions behind the casing: pure
cement, contaminated cement, mud, spacer and water. The synthetic log used as
the ground-truth is generated with additional artificial noises. Two measurements
are used by running the forward-modeling simulator, impedance and flexural-
wave attenuation. The setting of the borehole geometry, casing parameters, and
formation properties is fixed. During the training stage, 500 samples were generated
for each cementing condition and corresponding physical properties. Parameters

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 159
Fig. 7.5 A non-uniform
distribution improves
classification accuracy
as designed
as designed
(2) (3)
20 10 20 10 20
Fig. 7.6 Improve log interpretation with the pre-learned Gaussian mixture model: (1) ground
truth; (2) log interpretation without learning; (3) log interpretation with pre-learned Gaussian
for the Gaussian mixture model are learning through MCMC sampling. Inversed
parameters, density, compressional and shear velocity, are used to differentiate those
five cementing conditions. Test result on the synthetic dataset presented in Fig. 7.6.
Figure 7.6(1) is ground truth. Figure 7.6(2) show classification result by running
an off-the-shelf classifier on inversed results obtained through traditional inversion
tool without learning. Figure 7.6(3) demonstrates the improvement in terms of
classification accuracy by applying the pre-learned Gaussian mixture model.

160 J. Chen et al.
7.3 Proactive Geosteering and Formation Evaluation
Geosteering is a technique to actively adjust the direction of drilling, often in
horizontal wells, based on real-time formation evaluation data (Li et al. 2005).
A schematic illustration of geosteering is shown in Fig. 7.7. This process enables
drillers to efficiently reach the target zone and actively respond while drilling to
geological changes in the formation so they can maintain maximal reservoir contact.
These key features of geosteering lead to increased production. Geosteering also
provides early warning of approaching bed boundaries and faults leading to a
reduction in sidetracks, thus drilling time and drilling cost are also significantly
reduced (Bittar and Aki 2015). Depending on the properties of formation and
reservoir complexity, several different types of sensors can be used for geosteering,
such as nuclear, acoustic, gamma ray, or electromagnetic (EM) measurements.
Among all these measurements, azimuthal resistivity LWD tools are widely used in
geosteering worldwide due to its azimuthal sensitivity and relatively large depth of
investigation. Azimuthal resistivity LWD tools provide, in addition to conventional
resistivity measurements, information such as distance to bed interface, relative dip
angle, and formation anisotropy. Since its introduction into well logging in the
2000s (Bittar 2002;Lietal.2005), azimuthal resistivity LWD tools have been a
key device for delivering better well placement, more accurate reserve estimation,
and efficiently reservoir draining. An azimuthal resistivity tool is comprised of a
set of antennas with different polarizations and working frequencies. All the major
oilfield service companies have developed their own designs, but all tools share the
major components, i.e., transmitters operating at different frequencies to generate
signals and receivers to make measurements of those signals. Examples of these
products are as follows: PeriScope by Schlumberger (Li et al. 2005), ADR by
Halliburton (Bittar et al. 2009), AziTrak by Baker Hughes (Wang et al. 2007) and
the GuideWave by Weatherford (Chen et al. 2014). Most of these tools can provide
depth of detection up to 20 feet (Li et al. 2005; Omeragic et al. 2005), and they have
been used to successfully place thousands of wells. We will consider as an example
the Weatherford GuideWave azimuthal resistivity tool.
A schematic diagram of the GuideWave Azimuthal Resistivity tool is shown
in Fig. 7.8. It has transmitters and receivers both along the tool axis (the Z direction)
and perpendicular to it (the X direction). This tool design is fully compensated, i.e.,
transmitters and receivers are always in pairs and symmetric to the center of the tool.
Fig. 7.7 A schematic of
geosteering using azimuthal
resistivity LWD tool: the
center bright yellow layer
represents reservoir, and the
blue line denotes the well

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 161
T8 T6 T4 T2 R6 R4 R2 R1 R3 R5 T1 T3 T5 T7
Fig. 7.8 The structure and schematic of an azimuthal resistivity LWD tool. The black arrows
denote transmitters or receivers with components along the tool axis (the Z direction), and the
red arrows denote transmitters or receivers with components perpendicular to the tool axis (the X
Fig. 7.9 The full mutual
inductance tensors of
formation solved from
receiver voltages with
xx xy xz
While rotating, transmitters are energized and the receivers voltages are measured
by electronic components. Processing algorithms in the electronic hardware reduce
the measured signals from the receiver antennas to the full mutual inductance tensor
(see Fig. 7.9) related to the resistivity tensor of the geological formation occupied by
the tool (Dupuis and Denichou 2015). These different inductance tensors are used
to generate different types of measurement curves.
Examples of these measurement curves are the ZZ curves of standard resistivity
measurement, the azimuthally sensitive ZX curves, and the XX curves with
sensitivity to anisotropy. The ZZ curves are obtained by two Z direction transmitters,
such as T1 and T2, and two Z direction receivers, such as R1 and R2, thus four
separate transmitter-receiver measurement pairs are used to determine a data point
by full compensation, which is regarded as very robust to unwanted environmental
and temperature variations. The ZZ curves have no directionality: i.e. they cannot
distinguish up from down, or left from right. The ZZ curves are used for standard
measurement of formation resistivity (Mack et al. 2002). The ZX curves are
obtained by transmitters with components along the X direction, such as T7 and
T8, and Z direction receivers, such as R3 and R4. Each data point of a ZX curve
is calculated after a full 360ıof tool rotation with respect to tool direction (the
Z axis). The ZX curves have an azimuthal sensitivity, which means they can be used
to figure out the azimuthal angle of a bed interface relative to the tool. This property
of the ZX curves makes them very suitable for figuring out the azimuth and distance
of adjacent boundaries and keeping the tool in the desired bed, or in one word,
geosteering. The XX curves are obtained by transmitters with components along
the X direction, such as T7 and T8, and X direction receivers, such as R5 and R6.
The construction of a data point of a XX curve also requires a full tool rotation
around the Z axis. The XX curves are sensitive to formation resistivity anisotropy
at any relative dip angle, thus they are the best candidates for anisotropy inversion
162 J. Chen et al.
Geosteering can be conducted by evaluating one or several azimuthally sensitive
curves or can be based on an inversion of a subset of all the measured curves. In the
latter case, we usually assume an earth model, for example a 3-layer model (Dupuis
et al. 2013), and then invert the model parameters (such as distance of tool to
interfaces, bed azimuth, and formation resistivity) by solving an inverse problem.
In recent years a new generation of EM geosteering tool with a much larger depth
of investigation has emerged on the market. This class of devices has longer spacings
between sensors compared with the aforementioned tools, and correspondingly the
working frequency can be as low as several kilohertz. GeoSphere developed by
Schlumberger is such kind of tool claiming a depth of investigation in excess of
100 feet (Seydoux et al. 2014) and the ability of optimized well landing without
pilot wells (it can cost tens of millions of dollars to drill a pilot hole) is realized.
Another new generation tool recently released by Baker Hughes (Hartmann et al.
2014), commercially named ViziTrak, can also directionally “see” the formation up
to 100 feet from the well bore. As the new generation tools can see much further
than the previous ones, the associated inverse problem becomes more challenging
and the complexity and the uncertainty greatly increase.
7.3.1 Inversion Algorithms
The process of adjusting tool position in real time relies on an inversion method
the output of which is used to generate an earth model within the constraints of
the measurements and inversion techniques. In real jobs, modeling and inversion
of azimuthal resistivity LWD measurements are usually based on a 1D parallel
layer model, i.e., all bed interfaces are infinitely large and parallel to each other.
Two different inversion schemes, a deterministic inversion method and a stochastic
inversion scheme, are introduced below. The Deterministic Inversion Method
The conventional inversion method in geosteering applications is the deterministic
approach based on algorithms fitting the model function to measured data. Deter-
ministic inversion methods can produce excellent results for distance-to-boundaries
and resolve resistivities of the layers with a good initial guess. Suppose an azimuthal
resistivity tool can produce Nmeasurements denoted by m2RN. A computational
model function SWRM!RNis used to synthesize these same measurements
based on Mmodel parameters x2RM, where the response of the model to these
parameters is denoted S.x/2RN. Results are considered of high quality when there
is good agreement between the computational model and the measured data. Such
agreement is measured by the misfit

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 163
where x,S, and mare as defined above. Define the cost function as a sum of squares
of nonlinear functions Fi.x/,iD1;:::;N,
i.x/: (7.8)
where, again, Nis the number of measurement curves. We consider the optimization
problem to iteratively find the value of the variables which minimizes the cost
function. This is a unconstrained nonlinear least-squares minimization problem.
A family of mature iterative numerical algorithms have been established to solve
this least-squares problem, such as the method of gradient descent, Gauss-Newton
method, and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (LMA). Here we apply LMA to
find the unknown parameters vector x.
Suppose the current value of the parameters vector at the kth iteration is xk.The
goal of successive steps of the iteration is to move xkin a direction such that the
value of the cost function fdecreases. Steps hkin LMA are determined by solving
the linear subproblem
.JT.xk/J.xk/CI/hkDJT.xk/.S.xk/m/; (7.9)
where J.xk/is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at xk,Iis the identity matrix with the
same dimension as JT.xk/J.xk/, and is a small positive damping parameter for
regularization, e.g. D0:001 max.diag.JTJ//. Updates to the unknown parameter
in this method can be written as
xkC1DxkChk;kD0;1;2;::: (7.10)
During optimization we can stop the iteration when
jjS.xk/mjj <
which means the data misfit is smaller than threshold 1(a small positive number), or
jjhijj <
which means the increment of parameter vector is smaller than threshold 2(also a
small positive number), or simply
i>imax ;(7.13)
which means the maximum number of iteration is reached.
In real jobs, it is usually very expensive, if not impossible, to obtain the closed
form of Jacobian. Here we use finite difference method to obtain this matrix
;iD1;2;:::;Nand jD1;2;:::;M:

164 J. Chen et al.
The above formulation shows that every iteration during optimization needs to
evaluate 2MNdata. This part can be quite expensive requiring significant
computational resources. To address this issue we employ Broyden’s rank-one
update method here for the numerical Jacobian. In Broyden’s method the Jacobian
is updated at each iteration by
Though this kind of gradient-based method is efficient and effective for any num-
ber of parameter variables, it has drawbacks that the solution is highly dependent to
the initial guess. A poor initial guess can lead the results quickly falling into a local
minimum far from the true solution. In our study, to overcome these drawbacks, a
scheme of combing the local optimization method with a global searching method
is applied for EM geosteering: we make a coarse exponential discretization for the
model space and use the global searching method to obtain initial guess for local
optimization then choose the LMA method to refine that initial guess. The Statistical Inversion Method
The aforementioned deterministic regularization methods have a few limitations.
First, it is sensitive to the choice of the distance metric and the parameter selection
of the regularizer. Second, it is hard to quantify the uncertainty of the proposed
solutions. Finally, the gradient descent based method is hard to take advantage of the
multi-core hardware platform due to computational dependencies in the algorithm.
As an alternative method to deal with uncertainty, Bayesian approach has attracted
more attentions (Knapik et al. 2011). Unlike the deterministic formulation, the
observation model or the so-called likelihood is usually built upon the forward
model and some knowledge about the errors (e.g. measurement noise). The desired
property and the prior knowledge of the uncertainty of the solution are translated
into prior distributions. Bayesian rule is used to obtain the posterior distribution
from which the solution is deduced after combining the likelihood and the prior.
Parallel sampling is also available for more complicated Bayesian inference cases.
Experiments and observations suggest physical theories, which in turn are used
to predict the outcome of experiments. Solving a forward problem is to calculate the
output (y) of a physical model (f) given its parameter set u,yDf.u/. The inverse
relationship can be written as uDQ
f.Qy/, where Q
fdefines the inverse mapping and
Qyis the observed output. The classical definition of a well-posed problem, due to
Hadamard (1923), is that the solution exits is unique and depends continuously on
data. On the contrary, most inverse problems are fundamentally underdetermined
(ill-posed) because the parameter space is large, measurements are too sparse and
different model parameters may be consistent with the same measurement. The
problem is usually solved by minimizing
.u/CR.u/, (7.16)
7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 165
where is the objective function and Rserves the role of a regularizer with
regularization constant >0. Under the least-squares criterion, the objective
function is written as kQyf.u/k2
2. This formulation limits its modeling ability with
regard to different characteristics of noise. It is also impractical to search for the
optimal solution for both uand a proper mapping Q
fwhen the forward problem is
To overcome the shortcomings of the deterministic method, a stochastic approach
generates a set of solutions distributed according to a probability distribution func-
tion. In a Bayesian context, the solution is sampled from the posterior distribution
of the model parameters ugiven the measurement y,p.ujy/p.yju/p.u/.p.u/
is the prior that describes the dependency between the model parameters and,
therefore, constrains the set of possible inverse solutions. The likelihood p.yju/
models the stochastic relationship between the observed data yand parameter set
u. The stochastic approach provides more probabilistic arguments for modeling the
likelihood and prior, and for interpreting the solution. In particular, it represents a
natural way to quantify the uncertainty of the solution via Bayesian inference.
Let’s revisit the forward model of the inverse problem. Suppose the noise is
additive and comes from external sources, then the relationship between observed
outputs and corresponding parameters of the physical system can be represented as:
QyDf.u/C; (7.17)
where represents additive noise. In classical Bayesian approaches, is a zero-mean
Gaussian random variable, N.0; 2I/. Then we have the following statistical
model instead, p.Qyju/N.Qyf.u/; 2I/. From a Bayesian point of view, suppose
the prior distribution of uis governed by a zero-mean isotropic Gaussian such that:
p.ujˇ/ N.0; ˇ2I/. By virtue of the Bayes formula, the posterior of xis given by:
p.ujQy/N.Qyf.u/; 2I/N.0; ˇ2I// . (7.18)
It is easy to show that the log likelihood of Eq. (7.18) is equivalent to use Tikhonov
regularization method for the ill-posed problems (Bishop 2006). Furthermore, the
solution of a lasso estimation can be interpreted as the posterior mode of uin the
above Bayesian model under the assumption of a Laplacian prior (Tibshirani 1996).
To search for the Bayesian solution according to Eq. (7.18), we draw samples
from the posterior probability density function. The goal is to locate the most likely
value or function uis going to be. In other words, we are looking for the most
probable point uin the posterior distribution. And usually, the point is attained as
the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator, namely, the point at which the posterior
density is maximized. In the case of a linear mapping function f, the posterior
density function can be easily derived when selecting a conjugate prior. However,
conducting Bayesian inference according to Eq. (7.18) becomes a challenge when
findicates a non-linear mapping relationship between uand y. Consequently, the
analytical solution for the posterior distribution is not always available anymore.
In practice, MCMC is one of the most popular sampling approaches to draw iid

166 J. Chen et al.
samples from an unknown distribution (Robert and Casella 2004). For solving
an inverse problem, the sampling algorithm requires repeated evaluation of the
posterior for many instances of u.
7.3.2 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and MapReduce
The random walk Metropolis algorithm as shown in Algorithm 1suffers from low
acceptance rate and converges slowly with long burning period (Neal 2011). In
practice, a burn-in period is needed to avoid starting biases, where an initial set
of samples are discarded. It is also hard to determine the length of the Markov
chain. Running MCMC with multiple chains is a natural choice when the platform
supports parallel computing (Gelman and Rubin 1992). In this section, we like to
discuss how the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and the MapReduce platform can be used
to improve the sampling performance.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) (Neal 2011) reduces the correlation between
successive sampled states by using a Hamiltonian evolution. In short, let x2Rd
be a random variable and p.x//exp.L.x//, where Lis the likelihood function.
HMC defines a stationary Markov chain on the augmented state space XPwith
distribution p.x;p/Du.x/k.p/(Zhang and Sutton 2011). A Hamiltonian function,
the sampler, is defined as
potential energy
„ƒ‚ …
kinetic energy
Anewstate.x;p/is set by the Hamiltonian dynamics
Approximation of the above system is obtained with the leapfrog method (Neal
2011). If we consider the kinetic energy part in Eq. (7.19) as a jump function, we
could use Newton’s method to approximate L.x/by a quadratic function. In other
words, we can use a local approximation to serve as the jump function. Let HLDR
be the Hessian matrix, then the Hamiltonian function is
However, since inverse of the Hessian matrix is computationally prohibitive in high-
dimensional space, we take the L-BFGS approach (Liu and Nocedal 1989), and the
Hamiltonian energy is simply (Zhang and Sutton 2011)

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 167
Input Output
Fig. 7.10 MapReduce programming mode
HMC also receives the benefit from multiple chains and MapReduce is an ideal
parallel computing platform for processing and dealing with large data sets on a
cluster. A simple MapReduce diagram is shown in Fig. 7.10 (Pal 2016). In the
MapReduce mode, a master node is responsible for generating initial starting values
and assigning each chain to different mappers. Data generated by each chain is
cached locally for the subsequent map-reduce invocations. The master coordinates
the mappers and the reducers. After the intermediate data is collected, the master
will in turn invoke the reducer to process it and return final results. In the multiple-
chain cases, the reducer will calculate the within and between chain variances to
evaluate convergence. The mean value of all chains collected by the master will be
the final result.
7.3.3 Examples and Discussions
In this part, we take the tool design of GuideWave (the first generation azimuthal
resistivity LWD tool by Weatherford) for an instance to generate tool measurements
and conduct different inversions for demonstration. It is noted that the synthetic
data are generated based on analytical EM wave solutions for 1D multi-layer model
with dipole transmitters and receivers. The effect of the borehole is considered as
negligible in forward modeling here. A field data by this tool will also be shown and
processed with these inversion methods. Tests from Synthetic Data
In the first example, we consider a three-layer model as shown in Fig. 7.11.
The resistivities of the upper, center and lower layers are 10 m, 50 m, and
1m, respectively. The central green line indicates the tool navigation trajectory.

168 J. Chen et al.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0.1
x (ft)
z (ft)
real model
Fig. 7.11 The three-layer model
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0.1
x (ft)
z (ft)
inverted model
Fig. 7.12 The inverted model by deterministic method
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Confidence interval (m ± 2 x s)
80 0.1
x (ft)
z (ft)
inverted model
Fig. 7.13 The inverted model by statistical inversion
In this case, we assume the tool dip angle is fixed as 90ı. Figures 7.12 and 7.13
show the inverted model by the deterministic and statistical methods. One can
see that when the tool is far from the top boundary (see the beginning part), the
measurements and the inversion cannot resolve the top boundary accurately. In
other words, the uncertainty involved in solving the inverse problem is high. The
reason is that the sensitivity of the measurements is relatively poor when the tool is
relatively far from a boundary. As the tool moves forward where the top boundary
bends downward, the inversion can clearly resolve both the upper and the lower
boundaries. Comparing two inverted models obtained through the deterministic
and statistical methods in this case, the results are comparable to each other. The
statistical method, however, provides quantified interpretation for the uncertainty of
the inverse problem (Fig. 7.14).

7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 169
Fig. 7.14 The inverted formation resistivities Test from Field Data
In the end, we will show a real field case. Figure 7.15 shows a model of this well
created from the conventional correlation and the inverted 3-layer model based on
resistivity measurement. This figure shows that the upper layer has lower resistivity
around 1m, and the lower layer has higher resistivity around 20 m. The tool
may penetrate or approach bed boundary three times: the first one is around X050 ft,
and second is close to X300 ft, and near X900 ft the tool penetrated into a relatively
resistive zone. We can see that this inverted 3-layer model is reasonably consistent
with the model created from the conventional correlation, and the good quality
of inversion can be also verified by the great agreements between measured and
synthetic curve values shown in Fig. 7.16.

170 J. Chen et al.
Fig. 7.15 The underground structures of a real field job. The upper one is a model created based
on conventional correlation, and the lower one is by a 3 layer inversion of azimuthal resistivity
Fig. 7.16 Comparison of measured and synthetic values of six curves: AD2 and PD2 are
amplitude attenuation and phase difference of a 2 MHz ZZ measurement, AU1 and PU1 are ampli-
tude attenuation and phase difference of a 100 kHz ZZ measurement, QAU1 and QPU1 are
amplitude attenuation and phase difference of a 100 kHz ZX measurement. Good agreements can
be observed for all the six curves, which indicate a good quality of the inversion for this field
7 Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Inversions for the Oil and Gas... 171
7.3.4 Conclusion
Most research of inverse problems centers around the development of formulas that
yield a description of the system as a function of the measured data, as well as
on theoretical properties of such formulas. Bayesian approach is mainly used as
a convenient way to estimate the measurement error and model the uncertainty
in the system. The proposed work is, foremost, an effort to investigate both
the inversion and interpretation process and build an intelligent framework for
improving classification results through inversion. A more critical issue is that
the deeper knowledge and repeatable patterns that are hidden in the big data
accumulated in the past are poorly described and studied. Even if they are used, there
is a lack of systematic approach towards inverse problems. In addition, we think the
research related to exploration of computationally efficient statistical inference on
the large scale is also instrumental in learning and understanding inverse problems.
The techniques developed in this research could have a large positive impact on
many areas of computing.
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Chapter 8
Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics
Mark Kerzner and Pierre Jean Daniel
8.1 Introduction
This paper was born as a result of attending O&G and Petrophysics shows, of
discussion with multiple smart people involved in the development and operation
of petrophysical software and energy development in general and, last but not least,
from the personal experience of the authors with oilfield related clients (Bello et al.
Mark has been involved in petrophysical software early on in his career dealing
with advanced log analysis research (Kerzner 1983) and practical software applica-
tions (Kerzner 1986). Later, he turned to Big Data software in general, and has been
teaching and implementing it for the last eight years for various clients in different
countries in the Oil & Gas, high tech companies and legal verticals.
Pierre Jean has been involved in every aspect of the well logging business from
tool research creating patents to petrophysics and tool/software integration. He is
currently working on the development of a cloud software platform for all oilfield-
related activities, including petrophysical interpretation.
When discussing the subject together we arrive at the same conclusion that Big
Data is not far away from Petrophysics and it is already there. Multiple companies,
large and small, are beginning to implement their first Big Data projects.
As these are their first explorations in the area, they are often faced with the same
problems as the designers of current Big Data systems (think Google, Yahoo, Face-
book, Twitter) faced early on (Birman 2006). Often, they may not be aware that the
M. Kerzner ()
Elephant Scale, Houston, TX, USA
e-mail: mark@elephantscale.com
P.J. Dan iel
Antaeus Technologies, Houston, TX, USA
e-mail: pdaniel@antaeus-tech.com
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_8
176 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
encountered problems have already been solved in a larger context. This also means
that even the implementation itself has already been created and likely open sourced.
Therefore, our intent is to benefit the Big Data work in the industry by
describing common problems that we see in implementing Big Data specifically
in petrophysics, and by providing guidance for such implementations.
Generally, Mark contributes to the Big Data view of things and Pierre Jean makes
sure that it can be practically tied into real life. However, since their experiences
cross over, both authors draw on their knowledge of both areas.
Finally, we are well aware that the oilfield industry is going through a deep
financial crisis with each company reducing cost to survive the downturn and at
the same time preparing for the next cycle. Actual Big Data technology developed
through intense innovation for other industry can and must help the oil and gas
companies becoming more cost effective through innovation. There has never
been so much data and information coming from so many sources without proper
software tools to integrate them. There are existing cloud applications but they
each cover a very small portion of the oilfield scheme and integration is close
to impossible task. Provided that all data information would be interpreted and
integrated, higher quality of decisions would then be expected at every level along
the decision chain.
8.2 The Value of Big Data for the Petroleum Industry
The oil and gas industry is at the brink of a digital revolution (McGrath and
Mahowald 2014) Organizations and measurements scattered across the globe are in
dire needs of better environment understanding which can be brought by enhanced
calculation capabilities, communication and collaboration within and between
companies (Industry Week 2015).
The oilfield industry is left behind the other industries in terms of access to latest
cloud software technology (Crabtree 2012). The immediate need is for the creation
of a platform in which each user can add plugins, process data, share and visualize
information (data, documents, calculation techniques and results) with other users,
teams or companies in a very secure and swift process.
This is really the first step to move from an excel-dominated world to the universe
of the Big Data analytics. For a platform to become a standard in this industry,
four necessary components need to co-exist simultaneously (Fig. 8.1). They are:
flexible and simple cost model for all companies adapted to user responsibilities,
optimized cloud databases, simplified external plugin integration from all sources,
and dashboard accessed by web interface.
Once achieved, this novel platform will bring a new level of work quality and
open the way to larger data analytics in the oil and gas industry.

8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 177
Fig. 8.1 Four components of a petrophysical software platform
8.2.1 Cost
The traditional model where software licenses are purchased for and installed on
a user’s computer is referred to as Product as a Product (PaaP). With the many
advantages offered by cloud computing the SaaS model (Wikipedia 2016), where
the software provider hosts his software on his own servers, usually in the cloud,
and offers a subscription to users of the software, is projected to grow at a rate
about five times of the traditional model. The advantages of the SaaS model to
the user are: limited capital investment in hardware, many IT functions that are
handled by the cloud provider freeing up internal resources, flexibility in changing
the system sizing (increasing or decreasing), cost advantages in cloud sourcing,
software provider savings in a single-platform development and testing that are
passed on to the user, and many other advantages. SaaS (Software as a Service)
SaaS is a business model defined in Wikipedia as Software as a Service (SaaS;
pronounced/sæs/) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is
licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. It is sometimes referred to
as “on-demand software”. SaaS is typically accessed by users via a web browser.
SaaS has become a common delivery model for many business applications,
including office and messaging software, payroll processing software, DBMS
software, management software, CAD software, development software, gamifica-
tion, virtualization, accounting, collaboration, customer relationship management
(CRM), management information systems (MIS), enterprise resource planning
(ERP), invoicing, human resource management (HRM), talent acquisition, content
management (CM), antivirus software, and service desk management. [5] SaaS has
been incorporated into the strategy of all leading enterprise software companies.
See IBM cloud strategy [5]. One of the biggest selling points for these companies
is the potential to reduce IT support costs by outsourcing hardware and software
maintenance and support to the SaaS provider.
There are significant advantages to a software provider in content delivery via
SaaS, primarily that the software always operates on a defined platform without the
necessity to design and test the software on all possible hardware and operating

178 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
Reliability is therefore increased and user issues more easily resolved. Access
to the content is commonly via an internet browser, with SSH or VPN provid-
ing security and encryption during transit over the unsecured internet. Browser
technology has incorporated many features to inhibit any corruption of the host
computer through the browser, and this approach is commonly used in many
security-conscious industries such as banking and brokerage communications. Cost Flexibility
One of the main lessons from the drop in oil prices in late 2014 is that companies
must be aware of their immutable fixed costs. With the SaaS subscription model
(Fig. 8.2), where reassignable seats are provided on a monthly basis with hardware
expense included, access to increased resources can be quickly provided and can as
quickly be scaled back as markets change. The attempt to make the user interface
simpler and more intuitive reduces the time to productive results and mitigates the
effects of staff reductions of skilled operators. Reduced IT Support
Many users do not appreciate the hidden costs included in the traditional model of
software license purchase. Only very large companies fully account for such essen-
tial services as backup, disaster recovery, physical security, proper environmental
Sass versus classic models
Classic License
feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Users required by company
Fig. 8.2 SaaS vs. classic software models

8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 179
Fig. 8.3 Traditional software licensing vs. on-demand web services
and power conditioning for on-site servers. The planning for hardware resources
requires commitments to future use. These are areas that have been recognized
as essential to the cloud acceptance and receive significant attention from all
cloud providers, allowing IT personnel to concentrate their more immediate tasks
(Fig. 8.3). As a cloud software platform provides its software on cloud providers,
software updates are provided automatically without threatening other user software
or hardware and avoiding the necessity of a lengthy user approval. Efficiency
With the organization of files into a family of searchable databases and the enhanced
collaboration in mind, the system increases the efficiency of employees. A cost
structure that encourages wider participation in the platform tools encourages the
efficiency increase. Direct transfer of log data as inputs to the workflow engine and
direct transfer of workflow outputs, together with the automatic identification of all
workflow input files and parameters enhance operator efficiency. Software designed
for state-of-the art computational efficiency reduces computation time.
8.2.2 Collaboration
Oilfield companies have been cooperating with varying success over the years
through joint ventures, shared asset projects, and client/services providers. A very
important technical aspect of this collaboration is the transmission itself of the data
and having all individuals along the chain of decision to make the right moves to
optimize an asset. The ultimate of a browser platform is to add value to the company
through a better decision process. To do so, there are different factors such as access
180 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
to knowledge and response time, ability to share the information between actors in a
timely and user friendly manner. Another aspect of an enhanced software platform is
the ability to standardize, remove siloed group, avoid data duplication, and visualize
results based on same data and workflows thus avoiding uncertainties and errors.
Actual software platforms are conflicting in the sense that platforms are either
created by large services companies whose goals are to push their own products,
large software companies with prohibitive software cost, or medium software
companies without a platform shareable in the cloud and with limited options for
internal and external workflows. In this condition, it is very difficult for the oil and
gas industry to move to the digital age of Big data analytics. Only a small fraction of
the companies, the ones with extensive financial means, can hope to make the leap.
A cloud platform must have the clear objective to correct all these issues by
providing a flexible and agile database schema ideal for cooperation, a low cost
Software as a Service (SaaS) pricing model widely employed in other industries,
an improved cooperation mechanism for external companies, and access to a wide
selection of plugins. To allow worldwide collaboration independent of operating
system, the secure platform has to be accessible from a secure intuitive browser
platform. Ideal Ecosystem
Collaboration is the cooperative effort of more than one person to achieve more
progress than the collaborators could achieve individually. It requires shared
information and the freedom to manipulate the information to achieve greater
knowledge. With cooperative ecosystems as practiced currently transfer of logs and
other file types (image, reports) discourage optimal collaboration and division of
• Sources and results of the collaboration are scattered, many intermediate dis-
carded logs are retained and source logs overwritten. The source logs and
parameters of workflows are uncertain.
• Reports are scattered on different computers, servers and local memory drives,
without easy access by all users.
• High cost of workflow seats and restricted suites of plugins limit the number of
collaborators available to work during the cycle of an asset development.
• Communication with customers or consultants requires the ability to share data,
workflow, and overall interpretation process for an enhanced collaboration using
the same tools.
To reach the Big data analytics stage, the cloud software platform should
stimulate collaboration by providing a complete integrated software platform
providing cloud databases, calculation plugin engine and browser-based dashboard
Through the platform, information represented by many file types can then be
searched, shared and manipulated. Users have available workflows and plugins for

8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 181
Fig. 8.4 Ideal ecosystem for oilfield actors
a variety of oilfield disciplines under the simplified subscription model. In this ideal
ecosystem, each employee in a company is given a specified level of access to
particular data (logs, reports, lab results, etc.) to make the best decision.
In this context, workflows developed and shared by other oilfield actors (tool
manufacturers, services companies, consultants, academics, oil operators) are acces-
sible by each authorized user, leading to enhanced shared knowledge and higher
quality of operation (Fig. 8.4). Collaboration Enhancement by Universal Cloud-based Database
Nothing inhibits evaluation of a well, for instance, more than the frustration of
searching for the relevant information which is scattered haphazardly through the
computer filing system. Well logs, for instance, may have been obtained at different
times, with depths that have been adjusted over time as more information became
available. Associated files with relevant information may be in different formats:
182 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
The needs for universal cloud-based database has never been so important with
the organization of files and logs easily searchable to allow easy finding of particular
logs, reports or parameters in a selection of wells in a field. For optimum efficiency,
It is important that there be communication and collaboration with clients and with
sources. Collaboration Enhancement by Calculation
With access to cloud technology through a lower cost subscription model, com-
panies can afford field and office personnel to use the same cloud tool as the
experts and managers. Giving multi-discipline users access to the same database
information and workflows, authorized users can view and share data and results
with the same platform.
This is part of the strategy to move the oilfield to the Big data world. If each
user in a company can collaborate and share their data, then tools to interpret and
enhance the understanding of this large flow of data will be necessary.
It is very important that very early on, there is a mechanism for checking the
data integrity. By uploading field data to a collaboration space any problems can be
recognized and analyzed by both the field and office earlier before the crew leaves
the field. Specialized workflows can validate data integrity, rationalize units and
normalize depths before time-consuming multi-well workflows are attempted.
A very important aspect of workflows and plugins is the quality and accu-
racy of the calculation. Classical software platform relies on advertisements and
conferences to be known and recognized. In the same way as quality is checked
by users in many SaaS applications through a rating and comment, this method
can be applied to the oilfield with a software platform providing the ability for
users to add comments and ratings to workflows developed internally or by oilfield
actors (services companies, tool manufacturers, consultants). The gain in quality,
efficiency and productivity is immediate since the users will use calculation modules
already proven and tested by others. Collaboration Enhancement by Low Cost Subscription Model
If Big Data has penetrated deeper into other industries when compared to the oil and
gas, it is also because the actual cost structures of current oilfield software platforms
is not adapted to the agility and flexibility required by clients.
Collaboration is inhibited when large immobilized capex and expensive annual
subscriptions for each additional module purchased by the company make it
prohibitively expensive for many users to share the same access to data, projects
and workflows.
SaaS (Software as a Service) has been applied to other sectors such as tourism,
travel, accounting, CAD software, development software, gamification, manage-
ment information systems. This model, through its lower total cost and ability to
increase and decrease the commitment, allows wider usage including lab technicians
and field operators doing more analysis before involving senior staff.
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 183
The new cost structure must start at an inexpensive basic level for those not
involved in workflow calculations, such as field personnel who only download
field information, management interested in viewing results and accounting or sales
personnel. Then more expensive models must be adapted to the job function of the
users. For instance a field personnel will not need to run thousands of workflows at
the same time while the office expert will. Collaboration Enhanced by Intuitive Browser
Interface System access via a browser allows the platform dashboard to be indepen-
dent of the operating system or user hardware. Major effort must be expended to
make the dashboard very intuitive, thus minimizing the need for lengthy software
training. The dashboard can be Google-inspired to intelligently access user profile
and preferences, select databases, search for templates views and reports, workflows
and reports. The project tree is closer to a data management system than a simple
project tree through the ability to browse for existing data, files, templates, reports,
or images present in the database.
8.2.3 Knowledge (Efficiency & Mobility)
The efficiency of an organization in which all users can use the same database and
software to interpret and/or visualize data and documents is bound to increase.
The cloud software platform developed by Antaeus Technologies is seen as an
intermediate step between actual software using virtual machines and the ability
to use Big Data system for the oilfield arena.
An intuitive interface reduces non-productive time required for training. The
full suite of workflows available for each subscription seat allows the sharing
of knowledge between all users, while each workflow is optimized for speed of
execution and display, reducing non-productive time. Workflows are available from
a number of sources and are user-rated with comments to promote workflows
found to be very satisfactory by the community of users. The innovation inherited
from other industries will minimize the non productive time spent at selecting the
right workflow while improving plugin qualities provided (tool manufacturers, oil
companies, services companies, consultants, academics). Workflow Variety
The availability of suitable workflows is essential to user efficiency and cloud
acceptance by the oilfield industry. There are many sources for workflows and
many disciplines for their application. The cloud platform must be provided with
essential workflows for many disciplines, and to provide access to the entire suite of
workflows to each subscribed seat.

184 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
Fig. 8.5 Complete set of oilfield activities
This allows a seat to be shared amongst different disciplines and users. It is
also our opinion that many in the community, e.g. academics, students, consultants,
would appreciate having a platform for the exercise of their own workflow creations
in return for the community recognition and higher visibility of their technical
Others who have invested heavily in the development of high end workflows
may have a product for which the users would pay additional for their use. For all
workflows the mechanism of the workflow has to be hidden from the users for the
protection of intellectual property, allowing users to create their own proprietary
workflows with limited, controlled dissemination. All oilfield activities can be
considered (Fig. 8.5).
8.3 General Explanation of Terms
8.3.1 Big Data
Big Data technically means that you have more data than one computer can hold.
This is not a strict definition, and it will depend on the size of this computer, but it
is safe to assume that 10 TB already falls in the Big Data category.
However, it would be wrong to limit Big Data just by size. It is also characterized
by 3 Vs, that is, volume (we just talked about it), velocity and variety. Velocity
means that a lot of data comes to us every second. Hundreds of thousands of
transactions per second and even millions are well within reach of Big Data tools.
Variety means that the data comes in different formats, and even not formatted at all.
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 185
The last aspect of Big Data is its availability. Once engineers got the tools that
allowed that to the storage and process of terabytes and petabytes of data, they got
into the habit of storing more data. One thing leads to another.
Let us look at a very simple practical example. Imagine that you design a system
capable of storing a large number of logs. You do this to help people store each man
his own copy on this own computer. That helps, your system gets noticed, and you
immediately get these requests: “We heard that you can centrally store a lot of data.
Can we please store all of our PDF documents there as well.”
Thus, by Big Data we mean all these things. The tools to handle this do exist, and
we will be describing them below. Petrophysics is uniquely positioned to benefit
from Big Data, because its typical data sizes are big (tens of terabytes) but not too
big (petabytes), which would require higher level skills. So, it is a “low hanging
For a simple introduction to Big Data and Hadoop, please see (Kerzner and
Maniyam 2016).
8.3.2 Cloud
Cloud is better to be explained as “elastic cloud.” People often think that if they
store the data in a hosting center and deliver it through the Internet, this is called
“cloud-based system.” This is a mistake. This is called “internet delivery,” and it is
as old as the Internet (circa sixties and seventies (Leiner et al. 2016). By contrast,
elastic cloud means that your resources are elastic. If you need more storage, you
can get it by a simple request, and if you need more processing power, you can get
this just as well, all in a matter of minutes. Examples of such clouds are Amazon
AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. But any systems that can scale up and
down qualifies as a cloud-based system.
What is special about cloud-based system is that they are easily available and
very economical. The best, though old, comparison, is by building your own power-
generating plant (old style), vs. buying power from a large providers (cloud-based).
Because of obvious economies of scale and flexibility and ease of access, once
cloud-based system appear, the old systems can’t compete. A good example of
cloud-based technologies are those behind Uber.
8.3.3 Browser
Everybody knows what a browser is, but not everybody appreciates the benefits
of delivering the application through it. Browser gives you an universal interface,
allows the systems to look the same on any device, and saves developers a lot of
work. As modern browser-based systems begin to more and more imitate desktop
applications, the distinctions may blur in the users’ minds, but the developers should
always keep the principle of browser delivery paramount.
186 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
In the oil and gas, browser delivery is especially important. Let us remember that
security for browser delivery has been under constant development for the last ten
years, and it can now be called, “secure browser platform”.
The aim of a secure browser platform is to allow the different actors of
the oil and gas field to work and collaborate. Current softwares offerings are
inadequate to cover all specific needs in a single framework, due to the cost of
licensing and the fact that services companies develop software for their own
workflows and measurements, thus depriving oil companies from other workflows
and measurements as they are not part of the original workflow. The missing link
is a software platform independent from main services companies with which
companies can interact altogether.
Current companies have different user profiles with very different needs. For
instance a field operator will need to run a workflow on a single well at a time
whereas an office expert needs to run workflows on hundreds or thousands wells at
once, and managers would need reports and history trend.
8.4 Steps to Big Data in the Oilfield
8.4.1 Past Steps
For the last 20 years, software and services companies have been developing PC-
based application with large number of calculation modules. The migration to the
cloud is bound to be difficult due to the inherent cost of the technical and business
legacies, the necessary support of existing systems and the requirement for data
continuity. One solution which has been put in place is the use of virtual machine in
which the PC-based application is emulated remotely with the user getting a graphic
rendering (Angeles 2014). This technology, although facilitating communication
between centers, suffers from the absolute requirement of high speed internet since
all commands are being sent back and forth to the server with an internet-hungry
rendering on the screen. Although a necessary solution for seismic due to large
volume of data and cluster-hungry processing, it is also being used for petrophysics,
geology and other domain in which this solution is far from ideal. Hence it is
extremely sensitive to the network quality and users have been complaining about
this technology for domains outside of the seismic arena. Due to these inefficiencies,
it does not help the oilfield to migrate to Big Data from the fact that users are not
fascinated in this technology.
To reach a point where all data are used efficiently, the IT department has to
be able to manage data in databases efficiently and securely, upgrade workflow
for every user concurrently, keep time and user versioning of past projects. A
central document management is key to make this happen both for structural and
non-structural information. On a logistic level, these options are effective with a
central platform system and users accessing through the network, provided that the
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 187
information is passed through the network in a an effective way. The best option is
to use user and client machines in the most intelligent way through some artificial
intelligence and machine learning.
8.4.2 Actual Step: Introduce Real Cloud Technology
The software industry is rapidly accelerating towards cloud computing. Software
packages purchased by companies under a Software as a Service (SaaS) model
accounted for 10% of software purchased in 2013. This market share increased to
30% in 2015.
Considering this rapid take-over, companies are developing cloud platforms for
multiple industries. Antaeus Technologies has set its course to provide a full cloud
collaboration platform to the oilfield industry incorporating various file formats
(DLIS, LAS, :::) and different protocols (WITSMl, PRODML, SCADA). The
primary goal is to expand the number of users of its cloud software platform
worldwide, then in a second time, connect the office personnel (technicians,
accounting, experts, managers :::) to their instrumented wells and flow stations
through the same dashboard. The users will have the ability to run processes
to optimize the decision process of the companies. The mid-term goal is to add
SCADA and MODBUS protocol integration for intelligent oilfield operations.
Antaeus cloud software platform - GeoFit - is a combination of technologies
(Daniel 2016), all inherited from the cloud industry, cross-optimized for speed and
user collaboration. It is designed as a cooperation tool inside and between compa-
nies. Its workflow engine accepts calculation modules from a variety of sources
(oil companies, services companies, consultants, tool manufacturers, academics)
supervised by an intelligent input guidance to help users navigate between multiple
Using Node.js for computational efficiency, it includes multiple wrappers for
workflows written in other languages, thus facilitating company migration. The
databases accept multiple data types, providing both user and time versioning, and
with calculations done at the server for efficiency and security. GeoFit is a full cloud
platform where communication and visualization are optimized without requiring
any installation, apart from a standard web browser on the user’s computer. The
cloud platform hosted by Amazon Web Services can also be provided on a portable
mini-server allowing the user full mobility without internet connection. What Is GeoFit?
GeoFit is a cloud based software platform providing users in the energy industry
access to a cloud database, specialized suite of calculation modules and browser
based dashboard to visualize and manipulate well data (Fig. 8.6). The heart of

188 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
Fig. 8.6 GeoFit architecture
the program is a suite of related databases which are accessed by a computation
engine to run workflows and search engines and visualization tools to manipulate
and display the contents of the database. Why Use a Universal Cloud-Based Hybrid Database?
GeoFit provides very agile fully multi-user and real-time ready relational database
performing at up to 40 Million data entries per second. There is much related
information concerning a well. The information can be in a variety of formats, for
example: well log formats (DLIS, LAS, CSV, etc); related documents that can be in
text, PDF, CSV, etc.; related files (JPEG pictures, audio or video clips, etc.).
The first issue is the access to the files appropriate to the investigation at hand.
In normal computer storage relationships are indicated by directories. Should the
files related to a log be stored in a file position related to the well, to the field, or
to the type of log? The GeoFit database answers such questions by the following
• Searchable: In the database every file and every log has keys indicating search-
able properties. Files can be found by searching for those files matching the
desired key properties. If you want to find every log in a specified field that is
a gamma-ray log created after the year 2000, this is done almost instantaneously.
Files and logs could be searched, for example, by a client name or tool
manufacturer. Organization is accomplished by the database itself and not by
the file location. Spreadsheets such as Excel are not relational databases and do
not incorporate this flexible search capability.
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 189
• Multiple data types: While specially catering to well log data, the GeoFit
database can accommodate multiple file types. This allows retrieving files related
to a well without regard to a predefined categorization. PDF, JPEG, Excel, log
files and files of many other formats can be stored and referenced.
• Multi-user: Two or more users can access a log at the same time. The system
avoids problems that could be created with two users accessing the same file.
When the source file is in the Master database the user has read-only access to
the data. Any changes or any new files created by a workflow are in a new file that
can only be saved to the user’s Project database. The system enforces that each
new file has a unique name to avoid inadvertent overwriting. Project database
files are designed for maximum flexibility in the quest for the best interpretation
and users. If users were given delete permissions by the system administrator,
they can delete project valuable files; if not given these permissions, they may
create confusion or clutter up the project. To alleviate this, project files that are
considered worthy of protection can be transferred by the administrator to the
Master database to avoid inadvertent destruction while remaining available read
• Preprocessed: It would be very inconvenient if the logs in a database were
stored in their native format, e.g. some in DLIS and some in LAS. This would
require different viewers for each format, would hide inside the formats the
information that might be useful in searching, and would require some extraction
and formatting of data that might be used in calculations. Before entry of an
item into the GeoFit database all the pertinent items in each log are extracted
and stored in the database in a uniform proprietary format. The data is stored
in a form amenable to rapid calculation and the log information is stored in
searchable keys. By this means calculations and searches are sped up by orders of
magnitude. The GeoFit viewer can then display any database log without further
transformation, and any log can be exported to other users in a standard format
by a single export application.
• Calculation access: The GeoFit workflow engine is designed to access the
database by its keys so that the selection of workflow inputs is quick and
simple. Since the workflow engine knows from the database the units and format
of the data no additional specification is necessary, and automatic conversion
between user and calculation units are made. With the data in a curve put by the
preprocessing into the form for easiest processing, the calculations are orders of
magnitude faster. The results can automatically be placed into the database in the
GeoFit format for immediate viewing or further manipulation. The identification
of the particular workflow version, the identification of the particular source logs
and the identification of the input parameters are all stored in the GeoFit entry of
every workflow calculation output file.
• Collaboration: GeoFit is supplied with three individual but interactive types of
database: a master database with controlled insertion, deletion and modification
of masterfiles, allowing their general read-only use; project databases with
190 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
shareable files to try different trial interpretations of the data; customer databases
which allow secure access by customers to selected files allowing log and report
viewing and downloading by the customer.
• Security: An administrator can assign each user an access level which determines
privileges, with multiple levels of access available. Secure files can be restricted
to only chosen viewers and users requiring very limited access can have access
to only those files selected.
• Scalability. The databases scales by building on top of Cassandra. The use of
Cassandra is hidden by the API, so to the users it looks like a relational database.
Not all the ACID properties are provided though, and they are not needed. The
important capability of Cassandra for O&G is it flexible eventual consistency,
which allows up to days of offline to be considered as a normal occurrence. If
not completely offline, but having very reduced connectivity at time is a norm in
O&G. Workflow Engine
The GeoFit workflow engine is designed for optimized performance in conjunction
with the GeoFit database.
• Intelligent input guidance: A common problem in the application of workflows is
a workflow design that favors inputs from a particular family or tool manufacturer
or the application of an inappropriate curve or parameter to a tool. To address
this problem, each GeoFit workflow or plugin contains intelligence that directs
the user to select from inputs most appropriate to the particular plugin.
• Multidisciplinary library: GeoFit provides at no additional charge an ever
increasing selection of multi discipline workflows. GeoFit also provides at no
charge third party workflows provided in return for advertisement and attribution.
There is a capability for users who develop proprietary workflows to distribute
to their customers password enabled versions of those workflows. Third party
workflows providing particular value will be provided to users at an additional
charge shared with the third party. All workflows are described in the GeoFit
form with user comments and rating.
• Computational efficiency: GeoFit-supplied plugins operate multicore in the
user’s instance and insure the full computer usage and fastest speeds of calcu-
lation. Calculations which consume a large percentage of the computer usage do
not prohibit the usage of the computer by other operators.
• Easy migration: For ease in migration from other systems, GeoFit can support
plugins written in a number of languages: C, Python, Node, Scilab, Matlab.
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 191
Software For Reliability, Security and Speed
GeoFit incorporates the latest software techniques. It incorporates Node.js using the
V8 engine. Both the display and the workflow interface directly with the database
utilizing the specialized structure of the pre-processed log formats to directly
and efficiently extract the data points. Wherever possible the data is manipulated
in Node.js to accommodate multi core processing. Event loops incorporating
single-threaded, non blocking IO allow handling a huge number of simultaneous
connections with high throughput. Node uses Google’s “V8” JavaScript engine
which is also used by Google Chrome. Code optimization and thorough testing is
made easier by designing for operation in the defined environment of the cloud,
rather than requiring a system adaptable to all operating systems and hardware
environments found in traditional sales models. The database is tightly coupled
to workflows and displays and was completely rewritten three times before a
satisfactory design was arrived at. Cloud Instantiation
As described elsewhere there are many advantages to operation in the cloud,
primarily the flexibility in changing the computational and memory resources, the
enhanced security and reliability and the cost. For us a major consideration is
the opportunity to optimize in a controlled environment allowing rapid problem
addressing and a more thorough testing. Traditionally such software was installed
on each user’s server requiring software compromises to allow operation on many
operating systems on different hardware, so testing on each instance must be done
on the customer site and problems may be specific to a particular instance. Viewing
Database entries can be viewed in a number of modes: single or multiwell views of
multiple logs, cross-plots histograms, etc. (Fig. 8.7) The viewer allows such editing
features as formation definition, splicing, depth modification, etc. Searches of the
database for the well selection can be shown and other format files selected for
viewing. The individual views (2-d, crossplots, etc.) can be extracted in a form
suitable for insertion into reports (JPEG, SVG). Plot colors can be easily modified
and color preferences (default, company, project, user or customer) can be easily
created and utilized. Templates for common groupings are easily created
Communications Remote connectivity is essential in the oil industry. The
exchange of information with field offices over the internet is an everyday occur-
rence. Because many oilfields are in remote places the issue of connectivity over
poor or nonexistent internet lines deserves attention. Often connections that are slow
or spotty are blamed on faulty software while the true source of the problem is a

192 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
Fig. 8.7 GeoFit main screen
poorly configured firewall or internet connection. In this case effort to improve the
internet connection can pay big dividends. GeoFit addresses this issue in a number
of ways:
• Internet quality: GeoFit continually monitors the internet quality and displays on
the dashboard a measurement of the quality. If there is no connectivity the user is
alerted so that corrective actions can be taken and time is not spent trying to fix
nonexistent other problems.
• Maximum utilization of bandwidth: If the internet connection is present but
the quality is low (e.g. dropped packets requiring multiple retransmissions)
GeoFit detects this and automatically takes steps to reduce the transmission of
information not necessary for the active display. This makes the best use of
the bandwidth available. This adaptive adjustment is not done for high quality
• Portable Server: There are some cases where an internet connection is so
unreliable that alternatives are required. The GeoFit platform can be deployed in
a portable server providing full functionality (Fig. 8.8). If an internet connection
should be occasionally available then the portable server can synchronize with
the company database. Selected files can be downloaded to the portable server
before deployment and workflows run and the results viewed on those files and
any additional files collected in the field. There are additional security measures
incorporated into the portable server to protect the code and data stored, but the
ability to limit the totality of files initially loaded provides additional security in
deployment to high-risk areas

8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 193
Fig. 8.8 Portable server for
limited internet connectivity
8.4.3 Structure Your Data Before You Go Big Project Structure
The project tree is very generic in the sense that it contains all required level for
a field study with the option to select worldmap, basin, field, planned and actual
well, borehole, activities and container with data created by users or inherited from
DLIS/LAS/ASCII files. The project tree has the intrinsic data management ability
with the selection of files based on their finality like data, core, plot or document
such as reports or videos. Without changes of project tree view, the user can quickly
visualize all document types contained at each level of the well hierarchy. This is
particularly useful when the user tries to locate the field drilling report or the latest
mud content used in wireline operation. It can also be useful for the accountant to
understand cost discrepancy between operations. The experts will want to research
through a machine learning process if existing operation history could enhance
further drilling and completion operation in another field.
Saving all tool parameters saved and stored in the database at each run is the
ability to monitor the tool quality, apply preemptive measure to avoid field failure.
Having a project tree containing all objects in the database with easy access to tool
parameters benefits the quality process of all services companies. It is possible at
that point to run Big Data process to fully understand the root of the issues which
could very well be linked to the field petrophysical environment or an electronic
component reacting to an environment parameter (pressure, temperature, radiation.)
over time and over runs. This solution is absolutely impossible to solve if the user
is searching at a very limited number of runs and datasets.
For a geoscience expert, having the ability to access reports, images and cores in
the same project tree quickly when visualizing and processing data in a wellbore,
locating quickly all reports, images or cores from the project tree enhances the
quality of the interpretation. This level of integration is necessary for an enhanced
decision cycle.
194 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
8.4.4 Timestamping in the Field
Data filtering based on time, tool, location, user, version, and other main metadata
attached to the project itself. Through the time period selection, the user has the
ability to select the period for which he/she would like to visualize the changes in
production data, tool run, etc :::. By selecting a particular date, project tree and all
visualization graphics can selectively show data and results at that particular date.
Saving all data and metadata versus time allows propagating the right propaga-
tion of parameters along the workflows. For instance an important aspect is the depth
of the reservoir. if the kelly bushing (KB) is different from one run to the next, then
the measured depth and true vertical depth will be different. if the software platform
cannot handle the changes in metadata such as KB, mistakes will be introduced in
the processing and wrong depth will be calculated for the reservoir.
The fact that all data and metadata are timestamped will increase the quality of
the workflows since the parameters in the workflow will be for the particular run
in the well. It also opens the door to the field of data analytics with the ability
to monitor specific parameters over runs. For example monitoring Rmf over time
provides the petrophysics with information to the well porosity and permeability.
Having metadata linked to runs also increases the chance to fully understand
a tool failure or issue in a well since the right environment is known versus the
measurement. For instance a tool has failed continuously without the engineering
center finding the quality issues. If the problem is due to special environment
encountered by the tool while drilling or logging, it is very hard to diagnosticate
the main reasons by looking at a single case. With access to past environments for
each similar tool, a complete review of all possible reasons become possible through
big data analytics processes.
8.5 Future of Tools, Example
For a new software platform to be adopted by users and management at every
level in a company, the learning curve must be very fast in the order of a day
training. A company like Apple has been successful thanks to the inherent simplicity
of its application keeping the complexity in the background of the interface.
Advantage of Google and Android is the simplicity to create and share new
applications between users creating a whole world of opportunities and access to
knowledge previously impossible to apprehend. The software platform developed
by Antaeus Technologies is following the same principles of simplicity for the users,
extensibility and evolutionary functionalities in the background, incorporating the
latest cyber-security for data, workflow and results.
The software design is based on the principle on “for but not with” meaning
that the design is not preventing further evolution. Excellent ideas which require
additional work are not prevented in the future, while not necessary in the current
version for the platform to work properly.
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 195
The visualization graphics are being developed with time and real-time data as
a major requirement. All views are created through a data-driven graphics language
developed for time related information, enhancing the experience and capability of
the user to comprehend the flow of data from all origins.
Users in a single team might not be allowed to work directly on the company
reference database. In this case, a subset of the database (based on field, well, or
zones) can be shared by selected members of a team and publish once approved by
the data manager.
To achieve the actual cost efficiency required by the oil and industry to survive
during this downturn, the technology has to be extremely optimized. Regarding
database, a very strong option to manage speed and security is the use of an database
on linux system. Through an optimized process, we obtained a search query in
very large and complex file in the order of tens of microseconds per row of data
for multiple selected channels. Security has been designed by security experts with
years and proven records of data security over browser based platform. In the same
line, workflows have the options to have plugins inside the platform, in a separate
controller isolated from the platform or run on a remote server.
The scalability of the platform is two-fold, at the database level with the option to
select a small computer box as well as using a AWS-type of server, but although at
the workflow level with the option to send lengthy processing to high power server
for increased efficiency. This is an important factor for a company mid to long term
growth. Considering the effort to migrate information, the company has to be certain
that there will be no limitation as to the size of the database and the use of the
software by its users. The platform developed by Antaeus is being designed with
the concept that any users with specific profiles can access and use the platform, in
the field without network or connected to localized network, main company intranet
network or external network database such as AWS (Amazon web server).
TIME: Overall process time is an important factor to the company effectiveness.
Workflows run by users can be lengthy and occupy most of the processing power
of a server. To avoid any latency time, Antaeus platform can run a workflow with
plugins run on different servers for processing time efficiency. Another reason for
loss of time is the amount of data shared on the network. This amount of data can
be optimized, lowering the requirement on high network bandwidth. The last main
reason to waste time in a project is a lack of collaboration due to system inability
to share data, workflow and results. Antaeus is developing a true multi-user, multi-
well, realtime architecture in which data, workflows and results can be shared within
a group on a team dedicated workspace before publishing to the company database.
The same dedicated space can be shared also with partners to accelerate project
Data integration from different origins is a key part of the software platform
to achieve digital oilfield through the integration of sensors from any sensors at
the rig or the field and wellbore data from logging tools. To be complete, digital
oilfield required processing link between data and modeling to ensure adapted
model prediction and adapted decisions. Data and metadata are linked through time
196 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
in the database, integrating these information allows better quality of data, strong
decision process and higher return on investment.
The database is collocated at the server level with calculation modules. The
user sends request to the server which are handled through an asynchronous,
non blocking and concurrent event based language, thus utilizing intrinsically the
computational power of the server. The graphics is handled by the client, limiting
response delay generated in virtual machines by low network bandwidth. The
graphical language is a powerful data driven graphics, developed around the notion
of streaming and realtime data. The workflow engine run at the server level can
integrate language such as python, Matlab, scilab or C. From a security point of
view, plugins can be locally in the server or a separate dedicated server isolated
from the software platform with only input/output/parameter accessible.
This overall system creates and optimized cloud server/client platform with
operations shared between the server and the client for optimum network usage
and client experience.
8.6 Next Step: Big Data Analytics in the Oil Industry
In this section, we set up the major considerations for planning your Big Data
8.6.1 Planning a Big Data Implementation Planning Storage
The standard platform for Big Data implementations is Hadoop. The description of
the technology that eventually became Hadoop was initially published by Google,
in 2003–2004.
When I travel and have to explain to my Uber driver what is Hadoop, I usually
tell them: “Hadoop is that glue that keep Uber together. Imagine all the millions
of drivers and riders, and the size of the computer that does it. So it is not one
computer, but many, working together, and Hadoop is that glue that makes sure
they work together, registering drivers and riders and all the rest.” This explanation
always works. Incidentally, Uber has recently made public their architecture stack
(Lozinski 2015).
Hadoop gives you two things: unlimited storage and unlimited computation (Fig.
8.9). More precisely, it is limited only by the size of the cluster, that is, by the
number of servers that are tied together using the Hadoop software. One better call
is Apache Hadoop, because Hadoop is an Apache trademark.
Keep in mind that there are many Big Data projects and products, but Hadoop is
the most popular, so it will serve as a base of our first explanation.

8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 197
Fig. 8.9 Two faces of Hadoop: storage and processing
As an example, let us plan a Hadoop cluster. Practically, here are the steps you
would go through. For example, if you plan 1 GB ingestion per day, this means that
you need to prepare 3 GB of raw storage per day, since Hadoop replicates all data
three times. So, 1 GB becomes 3 GB.
Next, Hadoop wants 25% of storage to be allocated to temporary storage, needed
to run the jobs. This turns our 3 GB intro approximately 5 GB. Finally, you never
want to run at full storage capacity, and you would want to leave at least 50% of
your storage in reserve. This makes 5 GB into 10 GB.
Thus, every GB of data requires 10 GB of raw hard drive storage. This is not a
problem, however, since at the current storage prices of about 5 cents per gigabyte,
you can store 10 GB for 50 cents. A terabyte (TB) would then be $500. As a
consequence, a petabyte (PB) would be $500,000. A petabyte, however, is a very
large amount of information, equivalent to a thousand large laptops. An enterprise
big enough to need this much data is usually big enough to be able to afford it.
This is illustrated in the Table 8.1 below. Planning CPU Capacity
Usually, as a rule of thumb, once you have enough storage capacity in your cluster,
the CPUs that come with the servers hosting the hard drives provide sufficient
processing power. In your estimates, processing would include the need to process
all the incoming data on time, and accounting for ingest spikes.

198 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
Table 8.1 Planning Hadoop storage capacity
Average daily ingest 1TB
Replication 3
Daily ‘raw data’ 3TB
Node raw storage 24 TB (12 2TB)
Map Reduce temp space 25% 6 TB
‘Raw space’ available per node 18 TB (raw–mr reserve)
One node can store data for 6 days (18/3)
1 year worth of data (flat growth) 1TB3365 (ingest replication days)
1 year (5% growth per month) 1095 TB (1 PB C)
61 nodes needed (1095/18)
1 year (10% growth per month) 110Cnodes
However, you may face a chicken-and-egg problem. If your cluster is very CPU-
intensive, like image processing applications, it may require more than the standard
processor. You will either know this up-front, or you will see this after you build
your cluster and load it. Luckily, clusters are grown by adding, not replacing, the
hardware. So if you cluster does not cope, you will increase the size, but not throw
it away to buy a new one.
The cost of processing is thus included in the planning for storage above. Planning Memory Requirements
Modern cluster are very memory-hungry, especially with the latest fashion of in-
memory computing. The results is that RAM sizes from 128 GB to 256 GB per
server are common. Many production clusters that we work with are in the thousands
of nodes, with 50–100 TB of RAM total.
The petrophysics clusters for Hadoop and for NoSQL will likely be much more
modest, starting from one-machine cluster for development, and extending to 5–10
servers when they go into the first acceptance testing and production.
The real-world petrophysics application will also present a unique problem, not
found in the regular Hadoop/Big Data deployments: network may be plentiful in the
office, but not so in the field, where it may be limited and unreliable.
The cost of memory is also included in the planning for storage above.
More details on Big Data and Hadoop capacity planning can be found in
(Sammer 2012).

8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 199
Fig. 8.10 Eventual consistency – Starbucks analogy
8.6.2 Eventual Consistency
Consistency is one area that needs to be addressed before we can announce that our
O&G application is ready for the real world. Consistency can be strong or eventual.
A good example of eventual consistency is provided by a Starbucks coffee shop
line, and this analogy is one that is very often used, see, for example in (Jones 2015).
At Starbucks, you submit your order, and the baristas make your coffee, with many
people involved. They exchange messages and do not use strongly coupled chain
of events. The results is that you may have to wait longer for your coffee than the
guy who was after you in line, and getting the coffee itself may require a retry.
But eventually you will get yet. This is good enough for you, and it is scalable for
Starbucks, and that is exactly the point (Fig. 8.10).
First of all, what is consistency? Databases provide good example of strong
consistency: their transaction are atomic (all or nothing), consistent (no inconsistent
states are visible to the outside clients), isolated (multiple processes can do updates
independently) and durable (data is not lost).
That is all true because of the databases reside on one server. In the world of
Big Data, multiple servers are used to store the data, and the ACID properties we
just described are not guaranteed. The only one where Big Data systems, such as
NoSQL, shine is durability. They don’t lose data.
The real question to discuss is consistency. Instead of providing the strong
consistency of SQL databases, Big Data systems usually provide what is call
200 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
eventual consistency. The data will be correct, with the passage of time. How much
time? Sometime the data is propagated through the cluster in a second.
In the extreme case, however, the consistency will be preserved if one of the data
centers where the data is located is out of circulation for up to ten days. We are
talking about Cassandra, of course. Cassandra was designed to be able to tolerate
large periods of outage for large parts of it, and then reconcile automatically when
the cut-off data center comes back online.
It is exactly this kind of eventual consistency, with very relaxed limitations,
that the O&G system will have to provide. In doing so, they can learn from the
technologies already developed, tested, and put in practice by the Big Data architect.
Cassandra’s eventual consistency can be an especially useful example. You do
not have to borrow the code, but you certainly study and re-apply the eventual
consistency architectural principles. How that can be achieved is addressed in the
immediately following section.
8.6.3 Fault Tolerance
Once your system has more than one computer, you have a cluster. And once you
have a cluster, some of the computers will fail or will be in the process of failing.
Out of 10,000 servers, one fails every day.
This poses two problems. First, if we lose a server, we must make sure that in our
unlimited storage there is not definicenty, and that we have not lost any data.
This kind of fault tolerance, the fault tolerance of data, is achieved in Hadoop
by replicating all data three times. The replication factor is configurable, first as a
default on the cluster, and then as a per-file settings. The replication is going block
by block, not file by file, and block are well distributed on the cluster, so that the
loss of any server does not lead to the loss of data. Instead, the storage master finds
under-replicated blocks and creates more copies of the same data, using good blocks
on other servers (Fig. 8.11). Thus the Hadoop storage is self-healing.
In other areas, such as NoSQL, the designers follow the simple principles. For
example, in Cassandra data replication is left to each individual server. All servers
are imagined as forming a logical ring, and a copy of the data is stored first on the
primary server chosen by the hashing algorithm, and then on two next servers on
the ring.
This solution is know to work very well, helping with a few aspects of the system
• Data loss is prevented: if a server fails, we have more copies of the same data;
• Data locality is preserved: if you have multiple copies of the data, you may be
able to find a copy that is local to your server that is running the computations,
and not a remote data copy on the network;
• Computations efficiency and good overall throughput. The efficiency is ensured
by locality, and good overall throughput by minimizing network traffic.

8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 201
Fig. 8.11 Data replication in HDFS
The designers of Big Data O&G systems, in addition to using tools which already
implemented replication, will do well to use the same principles where required by
the O&G specifics, and not provided by current tools. How this can be done is
explained in the section immediately following.
The second part of fault tolerance implies that your system continues to function
even if some of the servers that constitute it fail. This is achieved in Hadoop by
having standby, or failover server, which will kick in immediately on the failure
of the primary server for a specific function. The function may be storage or
processing, or any other part of the workflow.
As Amazon Web Services design courses teach, “Plan for failure, and nothing
fails.” (Varia 2011). In other words, failure should be considered part of the
primary design path. The question is not “if my component fails” but “when this
component fails.” This is achieved by decoupling the system, using message passing
to communicate the tasks, and by having elastic fleet of servers on standby.
All these principle should be used by O&G designers, who are either building
on top of the existing Big Data tools, or building their own fault tolerance using the
storage and processing fault tolerance ideas developed in Big Data.

202 M. Kerzner and P.J. Daniel
Fig. 8.12 Jenkins logo
8.6.4 Time Stamping in Big Data
Time stamping and hash stamping is useful in all areas of Big Data. For example,
the version control system Git uses hash stamps throughout, to minimize changes
that it need to transfer on the network while pushing and pulling the changes to and
from remote locations.
Jenkins, a CI (Continuous Integration) and Deployment tool (Fig. 8.12), com-
putes the hash stamp of every artifact that it creates. Then it does not have to re-do
any build that it has already done in another build pipeline.
HBase, a NoSQL solution on top of Hadoop, uses timestamps for a crucial step
of finding the latest correct value of any field. HBase allows any writer to just write
the data, without any locks that would ensure consistency but ruin performance.
Then, when a request for reading the data comes, HBase compares the timestamps
on multiple field values written by multiple servers, and simply chooses the latest
value as the correct one. Then it updates the other values.
Cassandra is doing the same time comparison, and also fixing the old, incorrect,
or corrupt data values. These lessons can be implemented in O&G, and we show in
the next section.
8.7 Big Data is the future of O&G
A secure browser platform has intrinsic functionalities in terms of knowledge
collaboration once connected to big data database. The collaboration is at multiple
level, internally and externally. Internally by creating a workspace shared by a team
and linked to the main database through publish/synchronize action, the ability
for every user to share the same workflows and results. Externally by allowing
companies to interact either at the workflow level or data themselves. A services
companies has a strong interest in developing plugins that his clients will use,
because the client will be able to make a full use of the data taken in the wellbore.
On the other side, an oil company will have access to a larger number of workflows,
and thus a larger number of services companies to choose from for a logging work.
In the same way, a tool manufacturer interest is having client hearing about
the full potential of a tool, and what better way than promoting it through the
full capability of the tool measurements. A consultant strength results in the data
processing to get the maximum knowledge out of information from measurements
8 Big Data in Oil & Gas and Petrophysics 203
taken on wellbore. Another aspect of the collaboration is the ability to interact
faster with the academic work, accelerating the spread of new techniques and
8.8 In Conclusion
As we have shown above, Big Data is the future of O&G, so now let us summarize
the steps that the industry needs to take.
1. Standardize data storage approach. O&G industry is not there yet.
2. With that, you will be able to scale, and move into cloud-based databases.
3. People with a mental block of “my data never goes into the cloud!” thinking will
soon be converted. The same situation happened in health and in legal tech, and
by now all of them are happily using compute clouds (Kerzner 2015–2016).
4. Scalability will be achieved through cloud-provided scalability.
5. Customer separation will be achieved by each customer working within their own
cloud account.
6. Cloud will also allow for multiple clients to inter-operate when this is required.
7. Learning Big Data implementation principles is a must of O&G Big Data system
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Chapter 9
Friendship Paradoxes on Quora
Shankar Iyer
9.1 Introduction
The “friendship paradox” is a statistical phenomenon occurring on networks that
was first identified in an influential 1991 paper by the sociologist Feld (1991). That
paper’s title declares that “your friends have more friends than you do,” and this
pithy and intuitive articulation of the core implication of the friendship paradox is
now one of the most popularly recognized discoveries of the field of social network
analysis. Despite its name, the “friendship paradox” is not really a paradox. Instead,
it is a term for a statistical pattern that may, at first glance, seem surprising or
“paradoxical”: in many social networks, most individuals’ friends have more friends
on average than they do. The simplest forms of the friendship paradox can, however,
be explained succinctly: compared to the overall population, a person’s friends are
typically more likely to be people who have a lot of friends rather than people who
have few friends.
That explanation of the mechanism underlying the friendship paradox may make
the phenomenon seem “obvious,” but in the wake of Feld’s paper, researchers
identified several nontrivial ramifications of the phenomenon for behavior on real-
world social networks. Feld himself pointed out that this phenomenon may have
psychological consequences: if people tend to determine their own self-worth by
comparing their popularity to that of their acquaintances, then the friendship para-
dox may make many people feel inadequate (Feld 1991). Meanwhile, D. Krackhardt
independently identified that the friendship paradox has important implications for
marketing approaches where customers are encouraged to recommend products to
their friends; essentially, these approaches may be more lucrative than is naively
expected, because the friends of the original customers tend to be people who
S. Iyer ()
Quora, Inc., Mountain View, CA 94041, USA
e-mail: siyer.shankar@gmail.com
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_9
206 S. Iyer
are better connected and more influential (Krackhardt 1996). This is a line of
investigation that continues to be actively pursued in marketing research (Seeman
and Singer 2013). The friendship paradox was also found to have implications
for designing immunization strategies to combat epidemics spreading in social
contact networks. Cohen et al. showed that, with limited immunization resources
and incomplete knowledge of the network, it is more effective to immunize
randomly chosen acquaintances of randomly chosen people than the randomly
chosen people themselves (Cohen et al. 2003). The enhanced effectiveness of such
a strategy is again due to the greater connectivity of those acquaintances, and their
commensurately greater risk of contracting and transmitting the epidemic. This idea
was later turned on its head by N.A. Christakis and J.H. Fowler, who pointed out
that those acquaintances make better sensors for recognizing the early stages of an
outbreak, since they tend to get infected sooner (Christakis and Fowler 2010).
In the past decade, the widespread usage of online social networks and the vast
quantities of data that usage generates have enabled the study of the friendship
paradox in new contexts and on unprecedented scales. For example, in 2011,
researchers at Facebook found that 92.7% of active Facebook users (where an
“active” user was defined to be someone who had visited Facebook in a particular
28-day window in the spring of 2011 and who had at least one Facebook friend)
had fewer friends than the mean friend count of their friends (Ugander et al.
2011). Similarly, researchers have studied the network of people following one
another on Twitter. The Twitter follow network is a directed network, where follow
relationships need not be reciprocated. Such a directed network allows for the
existence of four different types of degree-based friendship paradoxes:
• Most people have fewer followers than the mean follower count of people whom
they follow.
• Most people have fewer followers than the mean follower count of their
• Most people follow fewer people than the mean number followed by people
whom they follow.
• Most people follow fewer people than the mean number followed by their
All four of these paradoxes have been shown to occur empirically (Hodas et al.
Researchers have also extended the core friendship-paradox idea to quantities
other than friend count or degree, showing that, in various social networks, the
average neighbor of most people in the network scores higher according to some
other metric. Hodas et al. have shown, for instance, that for most people on Twitter,
the people whom they follow are more active on average and see more viral content
on average (Hodas et al. 2013). Very recently, Bollen et al. combined sentiment and
network analysis techniques to show that a “happiness” paradox holds in the mutual-
follow network on Twitter: if we define a network which contains a link whenever a
pair of Twitter users follow one another, then for most people in this network, their
neighbors are on average happier than they are, at least according to the sentiment
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 207
encoded in their tweets (Bollen et al. 2016). These types of phenomena have been
called “generalized friendship paradoxes” by Eom and Jo, who identified similar
phenomena in academic collaboration networks (Eom and Jo 2014).
Hodas, Kooti, and Lerman have also emphasized the point that, in many
social networks, even stronger versions of the friendship paradox and generalized
friendship paradoxes occur. For example, not only do most Twitter users have
fewer followers than the mean follower count of their followers, they also have
fewer followers than the median follower count of their followers. This stronger
phenomenon (which Hodas et al. refer to as the “strong paradox,” in contrast
to the “weak paradox” in terms of the mean) holds for all four of the degree-
based paradoxes in directed networks and also for generalized paradoxes. As some
examples of the latter, Hodas et al. show that most people on Twitter are less active
and see less diverse content than most of the people whom they follow (Hodas et al.
2014). Similar observations have been made before: the 2011 Facebook study cited
above found that 83.6% of active Facebook users had fewer friends than the median
friend count of their friends, and indeed, Feld pointed out in this seminal 1991
paper that the strong paradox held empirically in real-world high school friendship
networks (Ugander et al. 2011; Feld 1991; Coleman 1961). Therefore, the important
contribution of Hodas et al. was not simply to observe that the strong paradox
holds in online social networks like Twitter. Instead, their key observation was that,
when distributions of quantities over people in a social network follow heavy-tailed
distributions (where the mean is higher than the median due to the presence of rare,
anomalously large values), the existence of the weak paradox is usually guaranteed
by the statistical properties of the distribution. The strong paradox, in contrast, is
not. Hodas et al. demonstrate this empirically by showing that the weak paradox
often survives random reshufflings of the network that destroy correlations between
degree and other quantities, but the strong paradox usually disappears. As such, the
existence of a strong paradox reveals something about behavioral correlations on
the actual network that the weak paradox does not (Hodas et al. 2014).
In the present work, we take these developments in the study of the friendship
paradox and examine their implications for Quora, an online knowledge repository
whose goal is “to share and grow the world’s knowledge.” Quora is structured in
a question-and-answer format: anyone with a Quora account can add a question
about any topic to the product. Quora product features are then designed to route
the question to people who have the knowledge required to answer it. This can
happen through a question being automatically recommended to an expert in their
“homepage feeds,” through the question asker or other participants on Quora
requesting an answer from a particular individual, or through various other mecha-
nisms. Frequently, these mechanisms lead to questions on physics being answered
by physics professors, questions on music theory being answered by professional
musicians, questions on politics and international affairs being answered by policy
experts and journalists, etc. Processes also exist for merging duplicate questions
or questions that are phrased differently but are logically identical. The goal is for
there ultimately to be a single page on Quora for each logically distinct question,
ideally with one or more high-quality, authoritative answers. Each such page can
208 S. Iyer
then serve as a canonical resource for anyone who is interested in that knowledge.
People can discover answers that may interest them by reading their homepage
feeds (where content is automatically recommended to them), by searching for
something they specifically want to learn about, or through several other product
features. People can refine Quora’s recommendations for them by following topics
and questions that interest them, following people whose content they value reading,
or simply by providing feedback on answers through “upvoting” or “downvoting.”
People “upvote” an answer when they consider it to be factually correct, agree
with the opinions expressed in the answer, or otherwise find it to be compelling
reading; people “downvote” answers that they deem to be factually wrong or low
quality. Several of the core interactions on Quora (including following, upvoting,
and downvoting) generate rich relationships between people, topics, and questions.
Many of these relationships can be represented as networks, and the existence of
various strong paradoxes in these networks may reveal important aspects of the
Quora ecosystem.
9.1.1 Organization of the Chapter and Summary of Results
The rest of this chapter is devoted to exploring contexts in which variants of the
friendship paradox arise on Quora and to exploring the consequences of these
paradoxes for the Quora ecosystem. Before diving into the data however, we will
briefly review some of the statistics of the friendship paradox in Sect. 9.2, with an
emphasis on why strong paradoxes are special and can reveal important aspects of
how Quora works.
Then, in Sects. 9.3–9.5, we will explore three different sets of paradoxes on
•Section 9.3—Strong Paradoxes in the Quora Follow Network: We first study
the network of people following one another on Quora and show that the strong
versions of all four of the directed-network paradoxes occur.
•Section 9.4—A Strong Paradox in Downvoting: We next turn our attention to
a less traditional setting for the friendship paradox: the network induced by a
specific, negative interaction between people during a given time period. More
specifically, we will study a network where a directed link exists for each unique
“downvoter, downvotee pair” within a given time window; in other words, a link
exists from person A to person B if person A downvoted at least one of person B’s
answers during the time window. We will show that, for most “sufficiently active”
downvotees (where “sufficiently active” means that they have written a few
answers during the time window), most of their “sufficiently active” downvoters
get downvoted more than they do.
•Section 9.5—A Strong Paradox in Upvoting: Finally, we will show that, for
answerers on Quora who have small numbers of followers, the following property
holds: for most of their upvoted answers, most of the upvoters of those answers
have more followers than they do.
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 209
Each of these incarnations of the friendship paradox is worth studying for different
reasons. The paradoxes in the follow network, which we explore in Sect. 9.3,
are the “canonical” manifestations of the friendship paradox in directed networks.
Measuring and interpreting these paradoxes is a natural precursor to studying
paradoxes in less familiar contexts in Sects. 9.4 and 9.5, and it also allows us the
opportunity to develop methodologies that are useful in those later analyses. The
paradox in downvoting, which we study in Sect. 9.4, is a variant of the friendship
paradox in a context that has been rarely explored: a network representing negative
interactions. Furthermore, because it occurs in such a context, the downvoting
paradox turns the usually demoralizing flavor of the friendship paradox (“your
friends are more popular than you are on average”) on its head: it may offer some
consolation to active writers that the people in their peer group who downvote them
typically receive just as much negative feedback themselves. Finally, the paradox
in upvoting, which we discuss in Sect. 9.5, has potential practical benefits for the
distribution of content that is written by people who have yet to amass a large
following. Their content may ultimately win more visibility because this paradox
After exploring each of these paradoxes and their implications in detail in
Sects. 9.3–9.5, we conclude in Sect. 9.6 by recapping our results and indicating
interesting avenues for future investigation.
9.2 A Brief Review of the Statistics of Friendship Paradoxes:
What are Strong Paradoxes, and Why Should We
Measure Them?
Our ultimate goal in this chapter is to understand what various versions of the strong
paradox can tell us about the Quora ecosystem. As a precursor to studying any
specific paradox however, we will first explore the statistical origins of friendship-
paradox phenomena in general. We will begin by reviewing traditional arguments
for the friendship paradox in undirected networks. In doing so, we will show how
recent work has put Feld’s original argumentation on stronger mathematical footing
and explained why weak and strong friendship paradoxes in degree are ubiquitous in
undirected social networks. We will also explore why weak generalized paradoxes
are often inevitable consequences of the distributions of quantities in a social
network. In contrast, we will argue that the following types of friendship-paradox
phenomena are not statistically inevitable:
• Strong degree-based paradoxes in directed networks.
• Strong generalized paradoxes in undirected or directed networks.
The existence of these types of paradoxes depends upon correlations between degree
and other quantities, both within individuals and across links in the social network.
Thus, these phenomena reveal the impact of these correlations on the network
structure, and that network structure can, in turn, reveal nontrivial aspects of the
functioning of the Quora ecosystem.

210 S. Iyer
9.2.1 Feld’s Mathematical Argument
We now return to Feld’s 1991 paper (Feld 1991). In that paper, Feld presented a
mathematical argument for the existence of the friendship paradox in which he
compared the mean friend count over people in a social network to the mean
friend count over neighbors. Suppose a social network contains Nnodes (each node
represents a person) and has degree distribution p.k/. Here, p.k/is the fraction of
people in the network with degree k(i.e., with exactly kfriends or neighbors - we
will use the terms degree, friend count, and neighbor count interchangeably when
discussing undirected networks). The mean degree in this network is just:
Meanwhile, in the distribution of degree over neighbors, each node with degree k
gets represented ktimes; hence, the degree distribution over neighbors is:
and the mean degree of neighbors is:
hknbriD 1
In Eqs. (9.1)–(9.3) above, the sums over kand k0are over all possible degrees in the
network; if self-loops and multiple links between individuals are prohibited, then
these indices will range from 0(representing isolated nodes) to N1(representing
nodes that are connected to all others in an N-node network). From Eq. (9.3), we
find that:
hkiDVa r .k/
This demonstrates that hknbri>hkiwhenever there is non-zero variance (i.e.,
Va r .k/>0)ofkin the degree distribution p.k/(Feld 1991).
9.2.2 What Does Feld’s Argument Imply?
The argument above is clearly a mathematically valid statement about the two
means hkiand hknbri, but it is important to reflect carefully on what it implies. It
is, in fact, easy to construct examples of networks where the degree distribution has

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 211
Fig. 9.1 Example network
where no one has fewer
friends than any of their
friends. Inspired by similar
examples given by Lattanzi
and Singer (2015)
Fig. 9.2 Example network
where most people have more
friends than the mean number
of friends of their friends.
Reproduction of an example
given by Feld (1991)
non-zero variance, but where no one has a lower degree than the average degree of
his or her neighbors. Figure 9.1 provides an example, inspired by similar examples
given by Lattanzi and Singer (Lattanzi and Singer 2015). Here, as is mathematically
guaranteed, hknbri>hki(specifically, hknbriD29
8and hkiD32
9for the network
in Fig. 9.1), but there is no one in the network to whom it would be possible to
accurately say, quoting Feld, that “your friends have more friends than you do.”
Figure 9.2 provides another example, actually provided by Feld himself in his 1991
paper, where most people have more friends than the mean friend count of their
friends (Feld 1991).
These examples highlight a tension between Feld’s argument and the intuitive
conception of what the friendship paradox means. This tension exists because Feld’s
argument actually compares the following two calculations:
• Iterate over each person in the network, write down his or her degree, and take
an average over the list.
• Iterate over each friendship pair in the network, write down the degree of each of
the people involved, and take an average over the list.
In the process of comparing these two quantities, we actually never directly compare
the degree of a person to the degrees of his or her neighbors, and the fact that
hknbri>hkidoes not, by itself, put any guarantees on these ratios. Dating back
to Feld however, people have empirically measured these ratios and found that most
people in many real-world social networks are in the “weak-paradox condition” in
terms of degree: in other words, their degree is lower than the mean degree of their
neighbors (Feld 1991; Ugander et al. 2011; Hodas et al. 2013). Thus, there is an
explanatory gap between Feld’s argument and this paradox.

212 S. Iyer
9.2.3 Friendship Paradox Under Random Wiring
One simple candidate explanation for closing this gap is to consider what happens
in a network with degree distribution p.k/and purely random wiring between nodes.
Such a network can be constructed through the “configuration model” approach of
Newman: assign the nodes in the network a number of “stubs” drawn randomly
from the degree distribution p.k/and then randomly match the stubs (Newman
2003). Then, if we repeatedly randomly sample a node in this network and then
randomly sample a neighbor of that node, the degree distribution over the neighbors
will obey the distribution (9.2). Again assuming non-zero variance in the original
degree distribution p.k/, the neighbor degree distribution pnbr.k/is clearly shifted
towards higher values of k, making both the weak and strong paradoxes in terms of
degree seem very plausible.
The weakness in this line of argumentation is that real-world social networks
are not randomly wired. Instead, empirical networks exhibit across-link correlations
such as assortativity, the tendency of people of similar degree to link to one another
more often than would be expected by random chance. Assortativity generically
tends to reduce the gap in degree between a person and his or her neighbors, and
thus, generically tends to weaken the friendship paradox.
9.2.4 Beyond Random-Wiring Assumptions: Why Weak
and Strong Friendship Paradoxes are Ubiquitous
in Undirected Networks
Very recently, Cao and Ross have proved a relationship between the degree distribu-
tion of X, a randomly selected individual from a network, and the degree distribution
of Z, a randomly selected neighbor of X, without making any assumptions about
random wiring or absence of assortativity. Specifically, these authors have proven
that the degree of Z, which we denote by kZ, is “stochastically larger” than the degree
of X, which we denote by kX. This means that, for any degree k, the following
property holds (Cao and Ross 2016):
If we let kmed refer to the median of the overall degree distribution p.k/and set
kDkmed in Eq. (9.5), then we can see that P.kZkmed/1
2. Thus, the median of
the neighbor degree distribution is at least as large the median of the overall degree
Returning to Fig. 9.2, Feld explained away this counterexample to the friendship
paradox by arguing that it represents a very fine-tuned situation and that there is no
reason to expect these improbable situations to be realized in empirical networks.
Cao and Ross’ work puts this type of argumentation on sounder mathematical
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 213
footing. In large networks, perhaps there are regions where the local topology of
the network happens to align such that some nodes do not experience the friendship
paradox; overall though, we can usually expect the weak and strong degree-based
paradoxes to prevail in undirected networks.
9.2.5 Weak Generalized Paradoxes are Ubiquitous Too
Hodas et al. have advanced an argument that we should also expect the weak
generalized paradoxes to occur very generically in undirected and directed social
networks. The reason for this is that distributions of quantities in social networks
(e.g., content contribution or activity in an online social network) often follow
heavy-tailed distributions. These are distributions where the mean is larger than the
median due to the presence of rare but anomalously large values that skew the mean.
If a person Pin the social network has nneighbors, that means the mean of some
quantity yover those nneighbors has nopportunities to sample an extreme value
in the heavy tail. Meanwhile, Ponly has one opportunity to sample an extreme
value. Therefore, it is statistically likely that the mean of yover neighbors of Pwill
be greater than the value of yfor P. As such, we should expect a large number of
people in the social network to be in the weak generalized paradox condition, just
because of structure of the distribution of y(Hodas et al. 2014).
9.2.6 Strong Degree-Based Paradoxes in Directed Networks
and Strong Generalized Paradoxes are Nontrivial
In contrast to the case with weak generalized paradoxes, Hodas et al. show that
strong paradoxes are not guaranteed by the form of heavy-tailed distributions.
These authors make their case empirically by studying real data from two online
networking products, Twitter and Digg. First, they show that both weak and
strong degree-based paradoxes occur on these products and that weak and strong
generalized paradoxes do too. As an example of the degree-based paradoxes, for
the majority of Twitter users, most of their followers have more followers than they
do; as an example of the generalized paradoxes, for the majority of Twitter users,
most of the people whom they follow tweet more frequently than they do. Next,
Hodas et al. randomly permute the variable under consideration over the network.
In the case of the paradox in follower count, this destroys the correlation between
indegree (follower count) and outdegree (followee count). In the case of the paradox
in tweet volume, this destroys the correlations between people’s degrees and their
content contribution. In both cases, the weak paradox survives the scrambling, but
the strong paradox disappears: it is no longer the case, for example, that for most
people in the scrambled network, most of their followees tweet more frequently than

214 S. Iyer
they do. This shows that the strong paradoxes depended upon correlations between
degree and other quantities in the network (Hodas et al. 2014).
Another way to see this is to return to our random-wiring assumption and imagine
what would happen if we looked for a paradox in a quantity yby sampling a node in
our network, sampling a follower of that node, and then comparing the values of y
across that link. Under the random-wiring assumption, we would sample followers
in proportion to their outdegree. If the joint distribution of outdegree and yin the
network is p.kout;y/, we would expect the joint distribution of outdegree and yfor
the follower to obey:
where hkoutiis the mean outdegree in the whole network. If yis a metric that is
positively correlated with the number of people an individual follows, then we
can expect the marginal distribution of yover followers to shift to higher values
compared to the overall distribution of y. In these circumstances, we might expect
the typical follower to have a higher value of y, at least within the random-wiring
assumption. On the other hand, ycould be anti-correlated with outdegree, and this
could lead to an “anti-paradox” instead. These possibilities emerge even before
we relax the random-wiring assumption and allow correlations across links. These
correlations introduce effects like assortativity, which can compete with the within-
node correlations between degree and other metrics, enriching and complicating the
picture. Thus, the strong paradoxes are not inevitable consequences of the distribu-
tions of individual degrees or quantities in the network, and these phenomena can
reveal nontrivial features of how the network functions.
9.3 Strong Paradoxes in the Quora Follow Network
9.3.1 Definition of the Network and Core Questions
We now begin our actual analysis of friendship paradoxes on Quora by analyzing
the network of people following one another. On Quora, one person (the “follower”)
follows another person (the “followee”) to indicate that he or she is interested in
that person’s content. These follow relationships then serve as inputs to Quora’s
recommendation systems, which are designed to surface highly relevant content to
people in their homepage feed and digests. The network generated by these follow
relationships is a classic example of a directed network, and as we noted in the
introduction, a directed network allows for four different degree-based friendship
paradoxes. We will now confirm that all four of these paradoxes occur on Quora.
In this analysis, we consider the follow relationships between all people who
visited Quora at least once in the 4 weeks preceding June 1, 2016 and who had at
least one follower or followee who made a visit during that four-week period. For

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 215
each of 100,000 randomly chosen people in this group who had at least one follower
and one followee, we ask the following questions:
• What is the average follower count (i.e., average indegree) of their followers?
• What is the average followee count (i.e., average outdegree) of their followers?
• What is the average follower count (i.e., average indegree) of their followees?
• What is the average followee count (i.e., average outdegree) of their followees?
In all of these cases, the “average” can be either a mean or a median over neighbors,
and we compute both to see how they differ, but our claims about the existence of
strong paradoxes are always on the basis of medians. Note that the followers and
followees that we include in each average must also have visited Quora in the 4
weeks preceding June 1, 2016, but need not have both incoming and outgoing links.
For the 100,000 randomly chosen people themselves, requiring them to have both
followers and followees allows us to actually pose the question of whether they
experience the paradox with respect to both types of neighbors.
9.3.2 All Four Degree-Based Paradoxes Occur in the Quora
Follow Network
In Table 9.1, we report median values of degree over the 100,000 randomly sampled
users as well as median values of the averages over their neighbors. The “mean
follower” row in Table 9.1 reports the results of the following calculation:
Table 9.1 This table reports statistics for the degrees of 100,000 randomly sampled people in the
follow network
Typical values of degree
Follower count (indegree) Followee count (outdegree)
Person [6.0, 6.0,6.0] [9.0, 9.0,9.0]
Mean follower [35.0, 35.5. 36.0] [72.7, 73.5, 74.2]
Median follower [17.0, 17.0, 17.5] [42.0, 42.0, 42.5]
Mean followee [104.7, 106.3, 108.0] [63.8, 64.4, 65.0]
Median followee [51.0, 52.0, 52.0] [32.0, 33.0, 33.0]
The “person” row shows the median values of indegree (follower count) and outdegree (followee
count) over these randomly-sampled people. Meanwhile, the “mean follower” and “mean fol-
lowee” rows show the “typical” (i.e., median) value of the mean degree of the neighbors of the
randomly sampled people. Finally, the “median follower” and “median followee” rows show the
“typical” (i.e., median) value of the median degree of the neighbors of the 100,000 randomly
sampled people. Since we subsample the full population in these estimates, we also report a 95%
confidence interval around each of our estimates, computed using the “distribution-free” method
(Hollander et al. 1999). The estimates themselves are in bold

216 S. Iyer
1. For each of the 100,000 randomly sampled users, compute the mean degree
(indegree or outdegree) over his or her followers.
2. Compute the median of those 100,000 means. This gives the “typical” value of
the mean degree.
The data in Table 9.1 implies that all four directed-network paradoxes occur,
because the “typical” values of the averages over neighbors are greater than the typ-
ical values for the randomly-chosen people. Table 9.1 is not completely conclusive
though, because we have computed statistics over the randomly-chosen people and
their neighbors independently, ignoring correlations in degree across links. We can
remedy this by computing statistics for differences in degree across the links. We
do this in Table 9.2, which shows directly that all four variants of directed-network
friendship paradoxes occur. For example, a typical followee of a typical individual
gets followed by 28 more people and follows 9.5 more people than that individual
(note that fractional values like 9.5 are possible, because if someone has an even
number of neighbors, it is possible for the computed median to be the midpoint
between two integers).
Table 9.2 shows that the typical gap between the degree of a randomly selected
person and his or her neighbors is greater when computed in terms of the mean
over neighbors (i.e., when measuring a weak paradox). As we argued in Sect. 9.2,
this is because the mean is more affected by extreme values: when we take a mean
over >1neighbors, we are giving the mean more opportunities to be inflated by
someone with an exceptionally large degree. Consequently, the statement that most
people have lower degree than the mean over their neighbors is generally weaker
than the statement that most people have lower degree than the median over their
neighbors (Hodas et al. 2014). Table 9.2 shows that all four paradoxes survive when
we take the median over neighbors and thus measure the “strong” paradox.
Table 9.2 This table reports statistics for the differences in degree between 100,000 randomly
sampled people in the follow network and their neighbors
Typical values of differences in degree
Follower count (indegree) Followee count (outdegree)
Mean follower—person [16.0, 16.4, 16.7] [49.4, 50.0, 50.7]
Median follower—person [2.0, 2.5,2.5] [20.0, 20.0, 20.5]
Mean followee—person [75.0, 76.2, 77.3] [35.3, 35.8, 36.2]
Median followee—person [27.5, 28.0, 28.0] [9.0, 9.5, 10.0]
The “mean follower—person” and “mean followee—person” rows show the typical (i.e., median)
values of the difference between the mean degree of the neighbors of P and the degree of P for
each of the randomly sampled people P. Meanwhile, the “median follower—person” and “median
followee—person” rows show the typical (i.e., median) values of the difference between the median
degree of the neighbors of P and the degree of P for each of the randomly sampled people P.
Compared to Table 9.1, averaging over differences better captures correlations in degree across
links in the network. Since we subsample the full population in these estimates, we also report
a 95% confidence interval around each of our estimates, computed using the “distribution-free”
method (Hollander et al. 1999). The estimates themselves are in bold

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 217
9.3.3 Anatomy of a Strong Degree-Based Paradox in Directed
Before proceeding to look at more exotic paradoxes, we pause to dissect the impact
that within-node and across-link correlations have on the paradoxes in the follow
network. These paradoxes are ultimately consequences of positive correlations
between indegree and outdegree: people who are followed by more people also tend
to follow more people. We can verify that these correlations exist by tracking how
the distribution of indegrees changes as we condition on people having larger and
larger outdegrees. We do this in Fig. 9.3.
To see how across-link correlations impact the paradoxes, we can calculate how
strong the paradox would be under a random-wiring assumption, which ignores
these correlations. Then, we can compare against reality. To demonstrate this, we
focus upon the following paradox: most people have fewer followers than most of
their followers. The follow network can be characterized by a joint distribution of
indegrees and outdegrees p.kin;kout/, which gives the probability that a person has
kin followers and follows kout people. The joint distribution encodes the within-node
correlations between indegree and outdegree that we see in Fig. 9.3. Suppose that
the wiring between nodes is completely random. Now, imagine repeatedly sampling
a random person in the network and then sampling a random follower of that
Fig. 9.3 This plot shows percentiles of the overall indegree distribution in the follow network
vs. ranges of outdegree. We show the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the distribution. As we
consider people who follow more and more people, the distribution of follower counts shifts to
higher and higher values. This reveals strong positive correlations between indegree and outdegree
in the follow network

218 S. Iyer
person. Based on the argumentation from Sect. 9.2, we would expect that the joint
distribution of indegrees and outdegrees for that person would look like:
Using our empirical distribution p.kin;kout/and Eq. (9.7), we can compute
the expected distribution pfwr.kin;kout/under the random-wiring assumption. In
practice, we actually calculate the expected marginal distribution over followers of
just the variable kin and then calculate the complementary cumulative distribution
of this variable:
pfwr.kin k/DX
kout X
In Fig. 9.4, we plot four complementary cumulative distributions of kin:
Fig. 9.4 This plot shows four distributions of indegree. We plot complementary cumulative
marginal distributions, which show probabilities that the indegree is at least the value on the
x-axis. In blue, we show the real distribution of follower count (indegree) over 100,000 sampled
people in the follow network who had at least one follower or one followee. In green, we show the
distribution over 100,000 sampled people who had at least one follower and one followee. In red,
we show the real distribution of indegree over followers that we find if we repeatedly randomly
sample an individual with at least one follower and one followee and then randomly sample one
of that person’s followers. In purple, we show the inferred distribution of indegree over followers
that we would expect if we apply the random-wiring assumption in Eq. (9.8) to our empirical data
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 219
1. In blue, we plot the distribution over 100,000 randomly sampled people from the
network (i.e., people with at least one follower or one followee).
2. In green, we plot the distribution over 100,000 randomly sampled people from
the network who had at least one follower and one followee.
3. In red, we plot the distribution that we find if we adopt a two-step sampling
procedure where we repeatedly randomly sample someone with at least one
follower and one followee, randomly sample a follower of that person, and
measure that follower’s indegree.
4. In purple, we measure the distribution implied by the random-wiring assumption
from Eqs. (9.7) and (9.8).
The two-step sampling distribution is shifted outward from distribution 1 (i.e., the
overall distribution). For all but the lowest indegrees, the two-step sampling
distribution is also shifted outward from distribution 2, with the behavior at low
indegrees arising from the fact that we have required all people included in
distribution 2 to have at least one follower. The fact that the median of the two-
step sampling distribution is shifted outward from the median of distribution 2 is
consistent with the observation of the paradox in Table 9.2. However, note that
the two-step sampling distribution is not shifted out as far as distribution 4, the
distribution computed via the random-wiring assumption. This indicates that the
paradox is indeed weakened, but not fully destroyed, by correlations in degree across
9.3.4 Summary and Implications
In this section, we have established that all four strong degree-based friendship
paradoxes occur in the network of people following one another on Quora. We have
previously argued that strong friendship paradoxes rely on correlations between
quantities in the network. In this case, the relevant correlations are between
indegree (i.e., follower count) and outdegree (i.e., followee count). These within-
node correlations outcompete across-link correlations (i.e., assortativity) to result in
strong friendship paradoxes.
It is worth noting that this need not have worked out this way. It is possible
to imagine a product where indegree and outdegree are anti-correlated. Suppose a
hypothetical product contains two very different types of users: there are consumers
who follow many producers but do not receive many followers themselves, and there
are producers who have many followers but do not follow many people themselves.
In a situation like this, it is possible to devise scenarios where most people have more
followers than most of their followers. Maybe a scenario similar to this is actually
realized in online marketplaces, where buyers purchase from various merchants but
do not sell to many people themselves and where merchants sell their goods to many
buyers without patronizing many other merchants.
220 S. Iyer
Nevertheless, in the Quora context, it is perhaps not very surprising that indegree
and outdegree are strongly correlated, as seen in Fig. 9.3. People who attract many
followers are typically active writers, who are likely to be sufficiently engaged with
Quora that they follow many other writers too. This, in turn, makes the existence
of strong paradoxes in the follow network less surprising, but it is still important to
examine this set of “canonical” friendship paradoxes before moving on to more
exotic examples. Moreover, the technology that we developed in this section to
probe the origins of these standard paradoxes will be very useful in dissecting the
less familiar paradoxes to come.
9.4 A Strong Paradox in Downvoting
9.4.1 What are Upvotes and Downvotes?
Although the network of people following one another on Quora provides valuable
input into the product’s recommendation systems, in practice, people end up seeing
content originating from outside their follow network as well. This can be because
they follow topics or directly follow questions, or because they access content
through non-social means like search. In other words, the network of people
following one another is not synonymous with the actual network of interactions
on Quora. In this section, we show that friendship-paradox phenomena also exist
in “induced networks” of real interactions on the product. We focus on a specific
interaction, the downvote, for which we identify the special variant of the friendship
paradox that we referred to in the Introduction as the “downvoting paradox.”
Before proceeding, we should clarify what a downvote is. On any Quora answer,
any person who has a Quora account has the opportunity to provide feedback by
either “upvoting” or “downvoting” the answer. To understand what a “downvote”
represents in the system, it is helpful to first understand what an “upvote” is. An
upvote typically signals that the reader identifies the answer as factually correct,
agrees with the opinions expressed in the answer, or otherwise finds the answer to
be compelling reading. Upvotes are used as one of a large number of signals that
decide where the answer gets ranked, relative to other answers to the same question,
on the Quora page for that question. Upvotes are also a signal that the reader values
the type of content represented by the answer, and therefore, can serve as one of
many features for Quora’s recommendation systems. Finally, upvotes serve a role in
social propagation of content: if someone upvotes an answer (without using Quora’s
“anonymity” feature), that person’s followers are more likely to see that piece of
content in their homepage feeds or digests. We will explore this role of the upvote
in much greater detail in Sect. 9.5.
In many ways, the “downvote” is the negative action that complements the
“upvote.” People cast downvotes on answers to indicate that they believe the answer
to be factually wrong, that they find the answer to be low quality, etc. Downvotes are
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 221
used as negative signal in ranking answers on a question page, and they also signal
that the reader is not interested in seeing further content of this type. Meanwhile,
in contrast to the upvote, they do not serve a social distribution function: that is, a
follower of someone who downvotes an answer is, naturally, not morelikelytosee
that answer in homepage feeds or digest.
There is another way that downvotes differ fundamentally from upvotes. In cases
where upvoters do not use Quora’s “anonymity” feature, writers can directly see
who has upvoted their answers, but the identity of their downvoters is hidden from
them. This is true even if the downvoter has not elected to “go anonymous” on the
piece of content that he or she is downvoting. This is one of the features that makes
downvoting a compelling setting to look for friendship paradoxes: in the ordinary
settings in which friendship paradoxes are explored, the public nature of the social
ties encoded in the network has implications for the growth of the network. For
example, on networks such as Twitter or Quora, information about who is following
whom is public, increasing the odds that any particular follow relationship will be
reciprocated. The inherently hidden nature of downvoting precludes these types
of dynamics, so it is interesting to explore the ramifications of this fundamental
difference for friendship paradoxes.
Another reason that downvoting is a compelling setting for exploring this
phenomenon is simply that downvoting represents a negative interaction between
two individuals. Networks representing negative interactions show several important
structural differences with networks representing positive interactions (Harrigan and
Yap 2017). Friendship paradoxes, as the term “friendship” itself suggests, have
relatively rarely been explored in these types of contexts.
9.4.2 The Downvoting Network and the Core Questions
We are now prepared to define the downvoting network that we study in this section.
Our network represents all non-anonymous downvotes cast (and not subsequently
removed) on non-anonymous answers written (and not subsequently deleted) in the
four-week period preceding June 1, 2016. Note that the conclusions that we reach
are not peculiar to this particular four-week window, and we have checked that they
hold in other four-week windows as well; we will see one such example of another
time window later in this section.
In our network, we draw a directed link for every unique “downvoter, downvotee
pair” within the four-week window. In any downvoting interaction, the “downvo-
tee” is the person who wrote the answer that received the downvote, and the
“downvoter” is the person who cast that downvote. A directed link exists between
two nodes in our network if the downvoter (who is represented by the origin node)
downvoted even a single non-anonymous answer written by the downvotee (who
is represented by the target node) within the four-week window. In other words,
just through the network structure, we cannot tell if a given link represents one
or multiple downvotes from a particular downvoter to a particular downvotee. We
present a cartoon version of this network in Fig. 9.5.

222 S. Iyer
Fig. 9.5 A cartoon illustration of the downvoting network, representing the downvotes within a
four-week period on Quora. A directed link exists between two nodes if the person represented
by the origin node (the “downvoter”) cast at least one downvote on any answer by the person
represented by the target node (the downvotee) during the four-week period. In this diagram, the
nodes in green represent all the unique downvoters of a particular downvotee, who is represented
by the node in red
Here are the core questions that we pose about this network:
1. The downvotee !downvoter question: For most downvotees, did most of their
downvoters receive more or fewer downvotes than they did?
2. The downvoter !downvotee question: For most downvoters, did most of their
downvotees receive more or fewer downvotes than they did?
Note that these questions amount to asking whether two versions of the strong
paradox exist in the downvoting network. This is because we ask if most of the
neighbors of most downvotees or downvoters score more highly according to a
metric (namely, the total number of downvotes received).
9.4.3 The Downvoting Paradox is Absent in the Full
Downvoting Network
In Tables 9.3 and 9.4, we report data that addresses the “downvotee !downvoter”
and “downvoter !downvotee” questions in the full downvoting network. Table 9.3
reports statistics for the typical values of the number of downvotes received by each
party; meanwhile, Table 9.4 reports statistics for the typical values of differences
between the number of downvotes received by the average neighbor and the
individual in question. As in Sect. 9.3, the statistics reported in Table 9.4 better
capture the impact of correlations across links in the downvoting network.
Tables 9.3 and 9.4 reveal that the analog of the strong paradox is present in the
answer to the “downvoter !downvotee” question: the typical downvotee of most
downvoters gets downvoted more than the downvoter. However, in the “downvotee
!downvoter” case, the paradox is absent: for most downvotees, most of their
downvoters get downvoted less than they do.

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 223
Table 9.3 This table reports the typical number of downvotes received by people and their
average “neighbors” in the “downvotee !downvoter” and “downvoter !downvotee” questions
Typical values of downvotes received
Downvotee !downvoter Downvoter !downvotee
Mean for downvotee 1.0 40.0
Mean for downvoter 0.2 0.0
Median for downvotee 1.0 30.0
Median for downvoter 0.0 0.0
Consider the “downvotee !downvoter” column. The “mean over downvotee” and “median over
downvotee” rows here are identical because they correspond to iterating over each downvotee in
the network, taking a mean or median over a single value (the number of downvotes received
by that downvotee), and then taking a median of those values over the downvotee in the network.
Meanwhile, the “mean for downvoter” and “median for downvoter” rows are different because they
correspond to iterating over each downvotee in the network, taking a mean or median over each
downvotee’s downvoters, and then taking a median over downvotees to compute a typical value
of the average over downvoters. The statistics in the “downvoter !downvotee” are analogous,
with the roles of downvotees and downvoters in the computation reversed. Note that these are
population values over the entire downvoting network
Table 9.4 This table reports the typical differences in the number of downvotes received by
people and their average “neighbors” in the “downvotee !downvoter” and “downvoter !
downvotee” questions
Typical values of differences in downvotes received
Downvotee !downvoter Downvoter !downvotee
Mean downvoter–downvotee 1.0 39.0
Median downvoter–downvotee 1.0 29.0
Consider the “downvotee !downvoter” column. The “mean downvoter–downvotee” and “median
downvoter–downvotee” rows correspond to the following calculations: (1) iterate over each
downvotee in the network, (2) compute the mean or median number of downvotes received by
the downvotee’s downvoters, (3) subtract the number of downvotes received by the downvotee,
and (4) take a median of the difference from step 3 over all downvotees. The statistics in the
“downvoter !downvotee” are analogous, with the roles of downvotees and downvoters in the
computation reversed except in the order in which we compute the difference. In other words, we
continue to subtract the number of downvotes received by downvotees from the number received
by downvoters, rather than reversing the order of the subtraction. Note that these are population
values over the entire downvoting network
From one perspective, the fact that the paradox does not occur in the “downvotee
!downvoter” case may be unsurprising. It may be the case that most downvotees
get downvoted for understandable reasons (e.g., they write controversial or factually
incorrect content). Consequently, we may expect them to get downvoted more
frequently than their downvoters. However, it is useful to think about what it would
mean if the analog of this paradox was absent in the follow network. In that context,
the analogous situation would be if, for most people, most of their followers have
fewer followers than they do. As we saw in the previous section, the strong positive
correlations between indegree and outdegree actually produce the opposite trend:

224 S. Iyer
we showed that most people who have both followers and followees have fewer
followers than most of their followers. We now examine how the correlations
between downvoting and being downvoted produce a different outcome in the
downvoting network.
Consider the joint distribution over people in the downvoting network of four
•kin: the number of unique downvoters of the person (i.e., that person’s indegree
in the downvoting network).
•din: the number of downvotes the person received, which should respect din kin.
•kout: the number of unique downvotees of the person (i.e., that person’s outdegree
in the downvoting network).
•dout: the total number of downvotes the person cast, which should respect
dout kout.
We call this joint distribution p.kin;din;kout;dout/. Now, imagine choosing a
downvotee and then following a random incoming link out to a downvoter of
that downvotee. If we adopt a random-wiring assumption, then we ought to reach
downvoters in proportion to the number of distinct people whom they downvoted,
which is kout. We expect the distribution of the four variables over the randomly
sampled downvoter to follow:
This shifts the distribution to higher values of kout.Ifkout and din are positively
correlated, we might expect the typical downvoter of most downvotees to get
downvoted more than the downvotee.
We probe correlations between kout and din in Fig. 9.6 by bucketing downvoters
by their values of kout and then plotting percentiles of the distribution of din. The plot
shows that, over a large range of kout, the majority of downvoters actually receive no
downvotes at all (i.e., they have din D0and are “undownvoted downvoters”). This
reveals a type of anti-correlation that is at play in the downvoting network: a typical
person who has kout >0(i.e., they have downvoted someone) is actually more likely
to have kin Ddin D0than to have kin >0. We actually could have anticipated this
from Table 9.3 above: the typical downvoter of most downvotees is an undownvoted
downvoter, which trivially means that this downvoter gets downvoted less than the
In Fig. 9.7, we follow the logic that led to Fig. 9.4 to plot four complementary
cumulative distributions of din:
1. In blue, we plot the overall distribution of din in the downvoting network,
including all downvoters and downvotees.
2. In green, we plot the distribution of din over downvotees in the network.

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 225
Fig. 9.6 This plot shows percentiles of the number of downvotes an individual received vs. ranges
of the number of unique people that individual downvoted. We show the 25th, 50th, and 75th
percentiles of the distribution. This plot shows that, over a large range of unique downvotee counts,
the median number of downvotes received is zero. In other words, the distribution is strongly
affected by the presence of “undownvoted downvoters”
3. In red, we plot the distribution that arises from repeatedly randomly sampling
a downvotee, randomly sampling a downvoter of that downvotee, and then
measuring din for the downvoter.
4. In purple, we plot the distribution of din over downvoters that we would expect
from the random-wiring assumption in Eq. (9.9).
Here, the random-wiring assumption actually predicts an inward shift of the median
of the distribution of din over downvoters (relative to the overall distribution 1). This
inward shift survives in distribution 3 (which takes into account correlations across
links through applying the two-step sampling procedure to the actual network). This,
in turn, helps to explain the strong anti-paradox that we observe in Table 9.4.
9.4.4 The Downvoting Paradox Occurs When The Downvotee
and Downvoter are Active Contributors
Let us now ask why, in terms of real behavior on the product, it may be more
likely for the typical downvoter of most downvotees to not receive any downvotes.
One possible explanation is that there is a barrier to receiving downvotes that does

226 S. Iyer
Fig. 9.7 This plot shows four distributions of the number of downvotes received. We plot
complementary cumulative marginal distributions, which show probabilities that the number of
downvotes received by an individual is at least the value on the x-axis. In blue, we show the
real distribution of downvotes received over all people in the downvoting network, including both
downvoters and downvotees. In green, we show the real distribution of downvotes received over
people who received at least one downvote (i.e., over all downvotees). In red, we show the real
distribution of downvotes received over downvoters that we find if we repeatedly randomly sample
a downvotee and then a randomly sample a downvoter of that downvotee. In purple, we show the
inferred distribution of downvotes received over downvoters that we would expect if we apply the
random-wiring assumption in Eq. (9.9) to our empirical data
not exist for casting downvotes: in particular, to receive downvotes, it is necessary
to actually write answers. This motivates posing the “downvotee !downvoter”
and “downvoter !downvotee” questions again, but just for people who are active
answer writers.
We now pursue this line of investigation and show that, when we condition on
content contribution, both sides of the downvoting paradox hold. In particular, we
revise the two questions as follows:
1. The downvotee !downvoter question: For most people who wrote at least
nanswers and who received downvotes from people who also wrote at least n
answers, did most of those downvoters receive more or fewer total downvotes
than they did?
2. The downvoter !downvotee question: For most people who wrote at least n
answers and who downvoted people who also wrote at least nanswers, did most
of those downvotees receive more or fewer total downvotes than they did?
Note that, as before, we are always referring to non-anonymous answers and non-
anonymous downvotes here, even if sometimes omit the adjectives for convenience.
In Tables 9.5 and 9.6,wefixnD3and results for the revised questions. These
results reveal that both sides of the downvoting paradox now hold.

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 227
Table 9.5 In this table, we report statistics that we obtain when we repeat the calculations that led
to Table 9.3 but restrict our attention to downvotees and downvoters who contributed at least nD3
non-anonymous answers during the four-week window that our downvoting network represents
Typical values of downvotes received
Downvotee !downvoter Downvoter !downvotee
Mean for downvotee 4.0 54.7
Mean for downvoter 13.8 2.0
Median for downvotee 4.0 30.0
Median for downvoter 8.0 2.0
These are population values over all downvoting pairs in the downvoting network that satisfy the
content-contribution condition. Note that the variable that we compare between downvoters and
downvotees is still total downvotes received, not just downvotes received from active contributors
Table 9.6 In this table, we report statistics that we obtain when we repeat the calculations that led
to Table 9.4 but restrict our attention to downvotees and downvoters who contributed at least nD3
non-anonymous answers during the four-week window that our downvoting network represents
Typical values of differences in downvotes received
Downvotee !downvoter Downvoter !downvotee
Mean downvoter—downvotee 5.0 44.5
Median downvoter—downvotee 2.0 23.0
These are population values over all downvoting pairs in the downvoting network that satisfy the
content-contribution condition. Note that the variable that we compare between downvoters and
downvotees is still total downvotes received, not just downvotes received from active contributors
We now study the “anatomy” of the “downvotee !downvoter” side of the
paradox, under the content-contribution condition. Note first that the content-
contribution condition motivates revising the definitions of the four variables in
Eq. (9.9):
•kin: the number of unique downvoters of the person who have written at least n
•din: the number of downvotes the person received, which should still respect din
•kout: the number of unique downvotees of the person who have written at least n
•dout: the total number of downvotes the person cast, which should still respect
dout kout.
If we study correlations between kout and din for just those people with n3,we
find that, consistent with the existence of the strong paradox in the “downvotee !
downvoter” analysis, a strong positive correlation is evident. We plot this in Fig. 9.8.
Note that kout for each node now just refers to the number of people whom the
downvoter downvoted who wrote at least three answers. We can now probe the
impact that the correlations in Fig. 9.8 have upon the downvoter distribution of
din by plotting the analog of Fig. 9.7, but with the content-contribution condition.
We do this in Fig. 9.9 and observe that the distribution of din over downvoters

228 S. Iyer
Fig. 9.8 This plot, like Fig. 9.7, shows percentiles of the number of downvotes an individual
received vs. ranges of the number of unique people that individual downvoted. The difference with
respect to Fig. 9.7 is that we have imposed the content-contribution threshold that we discuss in the
text. This means that all people considered for this plot contributed at least nD3non-anonymous
answers during the four-week window represented by the downvoting network. Furthermore,
the number of “threshold unique downvotees” for each individual only counts those downvotees
who also satisfy the content-contribution criteria. Meanwhile, the number of “overall downvotes
received” still includes all downvotes received from any downvoter, not just those who satisfy the
content-contribution threshold
now shifts outward as expected. Moreover, we observe that the random-wiring
assumption works extremely well in this context: this means that the outward shift
of the distribution is approximately what we would expect from the within-node
correlations seen in Fig. 9.8, with correlations across links playing a minor role.
9.4.5 Does a “Content-Contribution Paradox” Explain
the Downvoting Paradox?
We now consider a possible explanation for the “downvotee !downvoter” side
of the downvoting paradox: that the typical downvoter of the typical downvotee
contributes more content. If this is the case, then maybe the downvoter generally
gives himself or herself more opportunities to be downvoted, and consequently, we
should not be surprised that downvoter typically gets downvoted more. Table 9.7
shows that this “content-contribution paradox” actually occurs: for most downvotees
who wrote at least three recent answers and got downvoted by someone who also

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 229
Fig. 9.9 This plot, like Fig. 9.7, shows four distributions of the number of downvotes received. We
plot complementary cumulative marginal distributions, which show probabilities that the number
of downvotes received by an individual is at least the value on the x-axis. In blue, we show the
real distribution of downvotes received over all people in the downvoting network, including both
downvoters and downvotees. In green, we show the real distribution of downvotes received over
people who received at least one downvote (i.e., over all downvotees). In red, we show the real
distribution of downvotes received over downvoters that we find if we repeatedly randomly sample
a downvotee and then a randomly sample a downvoter of that downvotee. In purple, we show the
inferred distribution of downvotes received over downvoters that we would expect if we apply
the random-wiring assumption in Eq. (9.9) to our empirical data. The difference with respect to
Fig. 9.7 is that we have imposed the content-contribution threshold that we discuss in the text.
Thus, the distributions are computed over people who contributed at least nD3non-anonymous
answers during the four-week window represented by the downvoting network. Furthermore, when
we randomly sample a downvotee and then a downvoter, we require that both parties satisfy the
threshold. However, the number of downvotes received still includes all downvotes received from
any downvoter, not just those who satisfy the content-contribution threshold
wrote at least three recent answers, most of those downvoters wrote at least four
more recent answers than they did. Moreover, comparing Tables 9.6 and 9.7,we
see that the ratio of downvotes to recent answers may actually be lower for the
Does this “content-contribution paradox” fully account for the downvoting
paradox? To determine this, we can see if the downvoting paradox survives the
following procedure: in each unique downvoting pair of the dataset, in place of the
actual number of downvotes received by the downvoter, assign the number of
downvotes received by a randomly chosen person who wrote the same number of
recent public answers. Then, we can redo the calculations for the “downvotee !
downvoter” side of the downvoting paradox in this “null model” and check if the
paradox still occurs. If so, then that would support the argument that the content-
contribution paradox explains the downvoting paradox.

230 S. Iyer
Table 9.7 In this table, we report statistics that we obtain when we repeat the calculations that led
to Table 9.6, including imposition of the content-contribution threshold
Typical values of differences in answers written
Downvotee !downvoter Downvoter !downvotee
Mean downvoter–downvotee 8.0 28.7
Median downvoter–downvotee 4.0 17.0
However, the variable that we compare between downvoters and downvotees is now the number of
non-anonymous answers contributed during the four-week window represented by the downvoting
network. Note that these are population values over all downvoting pairs in the downvoting network
that satisfy the content-contribution condition
To check if this is the case, we have followed up on the analysis in this section by
running the “null-model” analysis on a later snapshot of the downvoting network,
representing the 4 weeks preceding October 1, 2016. We show the results in
Fig. 9.10. In this plot, we show the paradox calculation for various values of the
content-contribution threshold nin the real downvoting network, as well as in the
null model described above. This analysis reveals three things:
1. The “downvotee !downvoter” side of the downvoting paradox is not a
peculiarity of a particular snapshot of the downvoting network, since it occurs
in this later snapshot as well. The “downvoter !downvotee” side of the paradox
also occurs in this later snapshot, although that data is not represented in this plot.
2. The “downvotee !downvoter” side of the downvoting paradox is not a
peculiarity of a specific content-contribution threshold n. In the plot, the paradox
gets stronger as ngrows.
3. More to the current point, the content-contribution paradox in terms of recent
answers composed does not fully account for the downvoting paradox, since the
paradox disappears under the null model.
A follow-up suggestion might be that, if recent content-contribution volume cannot
account for the paradox, then maybe historical content-contribution volume does:
namely, maybe the downvoters in the “downvotee !downvoter” side of the paradox
receive more downvotes because they have more answers over their entire history
on Quora. Figure 9.10 provides evidence against this possibility too, by presenting
data for a null model with respect to historical answers.
One weakness of the null-model analysis above might be that, for high values of
content-contribution volume, we may not have sufficient examples of people who
contributed precisely that number of answers. This could make it difficult to get a
good estimate of the distribution of number of downvotes received over people who
contribute a specific number of answers, and that could, in turn, compromise the
randomization process employed by the null model. To check if this is a problem,
we have rerun the null models while treating everyone with more than ntrecent or
historical answers equivalently. In other words, in any downvoter, downvotee pair
where the downvoter has at least ntanswers, we assign that person a number of
downvotes received by someone else who also wrote at least ntanswers, irrespective

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 231
Fig. 9.10 This plot compares the “downvotee !downvoter” side of the downvoting paradox (the
blue line) to two null models. In the red line, for each downvotee, downvoter pair in the downvoting
network, we match the downvoter to someone who contributed the same number of recent public
answers and use that person’s downvote count instead. In the green line, we do the same type
of matching, but with someone who has the same number of historical public answers. This plot
shows that recent and historical content-contribution volume alone cannot explain the downvoting
paradox. The plot also shows that the downvoting paradox is not a peculiarity of a particular choice
of the content contribution threshold n. Note that this plot, unlike all the others in this section, is for
a later snapshot of the downvoting network (representing the 4 weeks preceding October 1, 2016)
and shows that the paradox is not a peculiarity of any one time window. Two points about the
null-model data: (1) It may be surprising that fractional values appear. This can happen because,
if a downvotee has an even number of downvoters, then the median downvote count may fall
between two integers. (2) The error bars on the null-model data are computed by repeating the null
model analysis 100 times and then taking 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of those 100 samples; more
sampling would have been ideal, but this is a slow calculation, and the current level of sampling
already shows that the actual observations (i.e., the blue line) are unlikely to be explained by either
null model
of the precise number of answers. The paradox disappears for various choices of nt,
so the conclusions that we draw from Fig. 9.10 appear to be robust to this issue.
Thus, content-contribution volume alone does not seem to account for the
downvoting paradox, despite the fact that a “content-contribution paradox” also
occurs in the downvoting network.
9.4.6 Summary and Implications
We now discuss the implications of the observations in this section. First of all, the
absence of the “downvotee !downvoter” side of the downvoting paradox in the full
downvoting network provides an example of why the strong generalized paradox is
232 S. Iyer
not statistically guaranteed in social networks. Strong generalized paradoxes may
or may not occur in any given network, depending upon the interplay of within-node
and across-link correlations between degrees and metrics in the network. Thus, our
data reinforces the point of Hodas, Kooti, and Lerman that strong paradoxes reflect
behavioral correlations in the social network (Hodas et al. 2014).
Meanwhile, the fact that both sides of the downvoting paradox occur once we
condition on sufficient content contribution indicates that strong versions of the
friendship paradox can occur in networks representing negative interactions. This is
relatively unexplored territory, since most studies of the friendship paradox are set
in networks representing positive interactions (e.g., friendship in real-world social
networks or follow relationships in online networks). Moreover, this observation
shows that paradoxes also occur when the interactions are largely hidden from the
participants. This matters because one possible explanation of the paradox would
be retaliation: people who downvote often are also likely to get downvoted more
because people downvote them to “get even.” These explanations are implausible
in the Quora context, because the identity of downvoters is hidden. Meanwhile,
explanations in terms of more content contribution on the part of downvoters are also
insufficient, based on our argumentation in this section. This leaves the intriguing
possibility that the actual explanation lies in a correlation between downvoting and
composing controversial content. A deeper natural-language study may be needed
to assess whether such a correlation exists, whether it accounts for the downvoting
paradox, or whether the actual explanation is something altogether different (e.g.,
more subtle explanations in terms of content contribution may still work, an example
being a situation where being a downvoter is correlated with getting more views on
your historical content).
Finally, we note that the setting of these strong paradoxes in a network represent-
ing negative interactions reverses the usually demoralizing nature of the friendship
paradox: Feld’s 1991 paper announced that “your friends have more friends than you
do,” and he noted that this statistical pattern could have demoralizing consequences
for many people (Feld 1991). In contrast, when analogs of the paradox occur in
networks representing negative interactions, that means that the people who interact
negatively with you are usually just as likely to be the recipients of negative
interactions themselves. This may provide some comfort to participants in online
social communities.
9.5 A Strong Paradox in Upvoting
9.5.1 Content Dynamics in the Follow Network
In this section, we turn our attention to upvoting and, in particular, to its role
as a social distribution mechanism. When a person on Quora casts an upvote
on an answer, that answer then has an increased chance to be seen by that

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 233
person’s followers in their homepage feeds, digest emails, and certain other social
distribution channels. As such, a plausible route for a piece of content to be
discovered by a sequence of people on Quora is the one depicted in Fig. 9.11.Inthis
network diagram, each node represents a person on Quora, and the links represent
follow relationships. Recall that one person (the “follower”) follows another (the
“followee”) because the follower is interested in the content contributed by the
followee. In Fig. 9.11, we depict a situation in which the person represented by
the node with an “A” has written an answer. A follower of this author reads the
answer in homepage feed and upvotes it. This first upvoter’s followers then have
an increased chance of encountering the answer for social reasons, and one of them
finds the answer in a digest email and upvotes it. This allows the answer to propagate
to the second upvoter’s followers, and a third person finds the answer in feed and
upvotes it. This is a purely social or viral pathway for content to propagate through
We take this opportunity to introduce the notion of an “upvote distance”: since
the first upvoter in Fig. 9.11 is a direct follower of the answer author, once that
upvote is cast, the answer reaches distance dD1from the author. Until then, we
say it is at distance dD0(i.e., still with the author). After the third upvote is
cast, because it would take three hops along directed links to get back to the answer
author, we say that the answer is at distance dD3. Since this is a purely social or
viral pathway for propagation, the answer sequentially moves from distance dD0
to 1to 2to 3.
Fig. 9.11 Network diagram representing, in cartoon form, a fully social way for content to
propagate in the Quora follow network. Each node represents a person, and each arrow represents a
follow relationship. The person represented by the center node (indicated with an “A”) has written
a non-anonymous answer and then three people read and upvote the answer for social reasons. The
upvote plays a social distribution role at each step of this process. See the text for further discussion

234 S. Iyer
But content on Quora also has the opportunity to be discovered via non-social
channels. A prominent one is search: people can find answers on Quora by issuing a
relevant query to an external search engine like Google or Bing or by using Quora’s
internal search engine. Moreover, people can be shown content in their homepage
feeds and digest emails for non-social reasons (e.g., because they follow a relevant
topic), so these parts of the product are themselves only partially social. Yet another
non-social channel for content discovery is to navigate directly to a topic page of
interest and read content specifically about that topic.
Figure 9.12 illustrates how these non-social channels may impact the dynamics
of content. As before, the person indicated with an “A” has written an answer. In
this case however, the first person to discover and upvote the answer does so via
internal search. This first upvoter happens to follow someone who directly follows
the answer author, but does not directly follow the answer author. As such, the
answer hops out to distance dD2without ever having been at distance dD1;this
“leapfrogging” is possible because internal search is not a social means of discovery
and does not rely upon the follow graph. On the basis of the first upvoter’s action
though, that person’s followers are more likely to see the answer, and a second
person finds the answer in homepage feed for this social reason and upvotes it.
Thus, the answer reaches a distance of dD3through a combination of social and
non-social means. The third upvoter in this cartoon scenario is a direct follower of
the answerer who encounters the answer in a digest email; this person’s upvote is
Fig. 9.12 Network diagram representing, in cartoon form, a content propagation pathway that
mixes social and non-social channels. Each node represents a person, and each arrow represents a
follow relationship. The person represented by the center node (indicated with an “A”) has written
a non-anonymous answer. A person discovers the answer via search. This person happens to be a
second-degree follower of the author (i.e., a follower of a direct follower of the author). Thus, the
answer hops out to distance dD2and does so without ever having been at distance dD1,since
search is a non-social pathway for propagation. See the text for further discussion
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 235
at dD1, since he or she directly follows the author. The fourth and final upvoter
finds the answer on a topic page. There actually is no path back from this person
to the answer author, so it is less clear what distance to assign to this upvote.
Nevertheless, this fact highlights an important aspect of the non-social channels
of content discovery: through them, answer authors can reach audiences that they
could never reach through purely social distribution.
9.5.2 Core Questions and Methodology
The fundamental question that we want to address in this section is the following:
when an answer receives an upvote, does the upvoter who casts that upvote typically
have more or fewer followers than the answer author? Furthermore, how does the
answer to this question vary with the number of followers of the answer author and
with the network distance of the upvote? We will see below that, in many practically
relevant cases, the following property holds: for most answer authors, for most of
their non-anonymous answers that get non-anonymous upvotes, most of the non-
anonymous upvoters have more followers than they do. This is a strong variant of
the friendship paradox that can have very important consequences for how content
dynamics play out in the Quora ecosystem.
To address the questions above, we will track all answers written on Quora in
January 2015 and track all upvotes cast on these answers until near the end of
October 2016. In this section, as in Sect. 9.4), we always mean that we look at
data for non-anonymous, non-deleted answers and non-anonymous upvotes (that
were not removed after being cast) on those answers, but we sometimes drop the
adjectives for brevity. To each answer, we attach the number of followers the answer
author had when the answer was composed, and to each upvote, we attach the
number of followers the upvoter had when the upvote was cast. Furthermore, to
each upvote, we attach the network distance from the upvoter to answer author
when the upvote was cast. Now, it is important to note that the underlying network
changed significantly between January 2015 and October 2016, with many more
people joining Quora and many new follow relationships being added. We take
these dynamics seriously and update the underlying network as we assign distances
/ follower counts to each upvote. Our overall procedure is as follows:
1. Construct the follow network including people who signed up before January 1,
2015 and the links between them.
2. Iterate day-by-day from the start of the answer cohort (January 1, 205) to the end
of the observation period. For each day, perform two actions:
(a) Update the network by adding a node for new people who signed up and
adding a link for new follow relationships.
(b) Compute the follower count for the upvoter and the distance between the
upvoter and answer author for each upvote that was cast during that day (and
was not subsequently removed) on the January 2015 cohort of answers.
236 S. Iyer
3. Look at all upvotes or at some relevant subset of upvotes (e.g., those cast at
distance d) and ask:
(a) For each answer, what is the median follower count of the upvoters?
(b) For each answer author, what is the median over answers of the median
upvoter follower count?
(c) For each answer author, what is the ratio of the answer to question (b) to the
author’s follower count when the answer was composed?
(d) What is the median over the ratios in question (c)? If this median ratio
exceeds 1, then the strong paradox holds.
We implement these calculations using the NetworkX Python package (Hagberg
et al. 2008).
There are a number of subtleties to consider in the procedure outlined above.
Here are the most important ones:
•What links should we include in the network? In Sect. 9.3 above, we kept
only links between people who had been active on Quora within a four-week
window. Similarly, in this setting, we may want to avoid including all links, so as
to not compute artificially short paths through people who do not actively engage
with the product. In our analysis, we only add a link to the follow network if
the person being followed has added a non-deleted, non-anonymous answer or
non-anonymously upvoted a non-deleted answer since joining Quora. If that is
not the case, then we defer adding the link until that person takes one of those
actions. The interested reader can refer to our blog post, where we check how
pruning links affects the results of this analysis; the high-level takeaway is that it
does not dramatically affect the results (Iyer 2015).
•Within a given day of the calculation (see step 2 in the procedure above),
should we update the network or compute distances first? Both options
introduce some amount of error. To see why, consider a scenario where someone
finds an answer by an author that he or she has not yet followed and upvotes it.
In fact, the answer is so compelling that the reader also follows the answerer.
Later in the day, the reader visits feed, sees new content by the person whom
he or she just followed, and upvotes that too. Suppose we treat this scenario
within the “update-first” protocol where we update the graph before computing
distances. In this case, we would miss the fact that the original upvote happened
when the network distance between upvoter and answerer was greater than 1, and
possibly substantially greater. We end up underestimating the upvote distance.
Alternatively, suppose we use the “compute-first” protocol where we compute
distances before updating the graph. In this case, we miss out on the fact that
the second upvote likely happened because the reader was a first-degree follower
of the author. We end up overestimating the upvote distance. In the calculations
reported in this chapter, we always use the “update-first” protocol, but we check
robustness to changing the protocol in the blog post (Iyer 2015).
•What should we do about link removal? On Quora, people can stop following
others whose content no longer interests them. Our analysis only includes links
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 237
that survived when the analysis was performed for the last time (in November
2016) and does not consider links that existed in the past that were subsequently
removed. Link removal is relatively rare compared to link addition (a very rough
estimate is that it happens about 4–5% as often) and substantially harder to track
in our dataset. Furthermore, we consider it very unlikely that link removal would
qualitatively change the results because of the robustness of the findings to other
structural modifications to the network, such as the two discussed above. For
these reasons, we have not checked robustness to this issue directly; however, we
cannot completely exclude the possibility that people who take the time to curate
their networks through link removal represent unusually important nodes in the
9.5.3 Demonstration of the Existence of the Paradox
We first quote results for the paradox occurring over all upvotes. For most answer
authors from January 2015, for most of their answers written during that month that
subsequently received upvotes, most of those upvotes came from people who had
at least 2 more followers than the answer author. This means that a strong paradox
occurs, but this paradox may not seem very dramatic. To see why this paradox may
actually have practical implications for content dynamics, we need to look deeper,
and in particular, we need to look at the strength of the paradox for answer authors
who had few followers themselves. For example, for answer authors who had 1–9
followers when composing their answers, for most of their upvoted answers, the
median upvoter on those answers had around five times as many followers as they
did. This suggests that these answers could typically be exposed to larger audiences
from these upvotes.
The potential impact is made clearer by incorporating network structure into the
analysis: in Fig. 9.13, we plot the output of the procedure from Sect. 9.5.3,broken
down by order-of-magnitude of the follower count of the answerer and by network
distance from the upvoter to the answerer. The plot shows that, for answer authors
who had 1–9 followers, when their answers were upvoted by people at distance
dD1on the network, the median follower count of the upvoters on those answers
was around 6.9 times their own. The effect is actually more dramatic at dD2, with
the median follower count of the dD2upvoters on most answers being around
29.6 times the follower count of the answer authors. For these answer authors, the
typical ratio remains above 1 all the way out to dD6, which is the largest distance
that we study. Meanwhile, the paradox also holds for authors with tens of followers
out to distance dD3, again peaking at dD2with a typical ratio of around 3.4.
The practical consequence of this version of the strong friendship paradox is
the following: answers by people with low follower counts initially face a stark
funnel for social distribution. However, if these answers can get upvoted through this
stark funnel or circumvent the funnel through non-social means, then future social
propagation may be easier. This may help content written by these people to reach

238 S. Iyer
Fig. 9.13 For the January 2015 cohort of answers, this plot tracks “typical” ratio of the follower
count of the upvoter to the follower count of the answer author vs. the network distance between
the upvoter and the answer author at the time of the upvote. Here, “typical” refers to the median
over answers of the median within each answer; see the procedure outlined in Sect. 9.5.2 for more
details. This plot demonstrates the existence of the strong paradox for answer authors with low
follower counts, which has potentially beneficial consequences for distribution of content by these
readers who are further from them in the follow network. These benefits are possible
because the upvoters in these situations are typically much better followed than the
answer author. We can make the claim about typicality because we have measured a
strong paradox. We emphasize again that strong paradoxes are not bound to occur:
it could have been the case that the typical upvoter of an author with few followers
has a comparable or lower number of followers than the answer author. This would
curtail the answer’s opportunities for social propagation, even if it was discovered
by some other means.
We should briefly comment on the behavior in Fig. 9.13 for answers by people
with many followers. In these cases, we see a sharp drop off of the ratio at each
network distance. This makes sense, because the distance of an upvoter from a
highly-connected author tells us something about the upvoter. If someone is several
hops away from a highly-connected author that means that they have not followed
that author, they have not followed anyone who follows that author, etc. This means
that they are unlikely to be very active participants in the online community, and
therefore, are unlikely to have many followers themselves. This selection effect gets
more dramatic with each step away from a highly-connected author, so the sharp
decay of the red and purple curves in Fig. 9.13 is completely expected.

9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 239
Fig. 9.14 For answers written in January 2015 by answer authors with 1–9 followers at the time of
answer composition, this plot shows the distribution of upvotes received in the first 4 weeks after
the answer received its first upvote, broken down by the follower count of the first upvoter. The plot
includes those answers that received upvotes from people who had follower counts in the stated
ranges. We plot complementary cumulative distributions, which show the fractions of answers that
received at least the number of upvotes on the x-axis. The outward shift of the distribution with the
order-of-magnitude of follower count of the first upvoter suggests that the upvoting paradox may
assist in answer distribution, but we point out important caveats in the text
9.5.4 Can We Measure the Impact of the Paradox?
We now ask if we can measure the potential impact of the paradox reported in this
section. One way that we might probe this is the following:
1. Consider all answers written in January 2015 by people with 1–9 followers at the
time of answer composition.
2. For those answers that received upvotes (by 4 weeks before the cutoff time of
the analysis, which was November 1, 2016), record the follower count of the first
upvoter at the time the upvote was cast.
3. Measure how many upvotes the answer received in the 4 weeks beginning at the
time of that first upvote.
4. Look at the distribution of number of upvotes received, broken down by the
order-of-magnitude of followers of the first upvoter.
We report the results of this analysis in Fig. 9.14.
As the order-of-magnitude of the follower count of the first upvoter grows in
Fig. 9.14, the distribution shifts outward. This suggests that the upvoting paradox
could actually boost distribution of answers from people with few followers, as
described above. However, it is important to treat this observation with care: there
are many confounding effects here. For instance, it might be the case that people
240 S. Iyer
with many followers are better at recongizing content that will be successful at
Quora, and as such, their early upvote simply reveals preexisting qualities of the
answer that make it more likely to attract attention, rather than directly causing that
Meanwhile, we should also point out a surprising observation that may naively
seem at tension with Fig. 9.14. For the answers represented in the figure, in those
cases where the first upvoter had 1–9 followers, the mean number of upvotes
received within 4 weeks of the first upvote was almost twice as large as the mean
number received in cases where the first upvoter had thousands of followers. This
is because there were more cases where answers in the former category received
very large numbers of upvotes. This too could be due to a type of correlation: the
mere fact that the first upvoter on an answer was someone with very few followers
might reveal that this answer was one that had the opportunity to be seen by people
who are less engaged with the product. In turn, this might mean that the answer was
one that received wide topic-based distribution or that was very popular via search.
In these cases, maybe we should not be surprised that the answer went on to receive
many upvotes.
We cannot completely remove these confounding effects via the type of observa-
tional analysis that we have done in this section. Nevertheless, the outward shift of
the distributions in Fig. 9.14 should serve as further motivation for trying to ascertain
the actual impact of the upvoting paradox, perhaps through an appropriately-
designed controlled experiment.
9.5.5 Summary and Implications
In this section, we have shown that the following variant of the strong friendship
paradox holds: for most answer authors with low follower counts, for most of their
answers, most of their distance dupvoters have more followers than they do. This
holds for a large range of dfor people with the lowest follower counts. We have
demonstrated this friendship paradox for the January 2015 cohort of answers in
Fig. 9.13, but our findings are not peculiar to this group of answers. The interested
reader can find relevant data for other sets of answers in a related blog post entitled
“Upvote Dynamics on the Quora Network” (Iyer 2015).
This variant of the paradox is special for a number of reasons. First, the analysis
takes into account dynamics of the underlying network, whereas most studies of the
friendship paradox focus upon static snapshots of a social network. Secondly, the
paradox does not fit neatly into either the standard or generalized paradox categories.
The metric being compared is a form of degree (specifically, indegree or follower
count), but the links of the network that get considered in the comparison are subject
to a condition: that an upvote happened across the link. Furthermore, the same link
can count multiple times if one person upvotes another many times. Finally, this
paradox generalizes the notion of a “link” itself to consider followers of followers
(i.e., dD2upvoters), followers of followers of followers (i.e., dD3upvoters),
etc. Studies of the friendship paradox for anything other than first-degree neighbors
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 241
have been rather rare, although Lattanzi and Singer have recently touched upon this
subject (Lattanzi and Singer 2015).
Most importantly though, this variant of the friendship paradox highlights how
the friendship paradox, or variants thereof, can have practical ramifications for
the fate of content on online social networks. People with low follower counts
would have quantitatively lower opportunity for their content to win visibility if this
paradox did not occur. This issue could actually be more acute in social networks
other than Quora, where people do not have the opportunity to win visibility for
non-social reasons. In products where distribution is purely social, the existence of
this type of paradox (or something similar) may be vital for new participants to be
able to attract an audience. Therefore, we hope that this study will inspire inquiry
into similar phenomena in other online social products.
9.6 Conclusion
The “friendship paradox,” the statistical pattern where the average neighbor of a
typical person in a social network is better connected than that person, is one of the
most celebrated findings of social network analysis. Variants of this phenomenon
have been observed in real-world social networks over the past 25 years, dating back
to the work of Feld (Feld 1991). In recent years, the availability of large volumes of
data collected from online social networks has ushered in a new era of theoretical
and empirical developments on this phenomenon. There has been theoretical work
aimed at clarifying when and how certain variants of the friendship paradox occur,
putting the original work of Feld on stronger mathematical footing (Cao and Ross
2016; Lattanzi and Singer 2015). There has also been empirical work that points out
that the friendship paradox occurs for metrics other than friend count or degree, so
that the average neighbor of most individuals in many social networks scores higher
according to several metrics, for example activity or content contribution in that
network (Eom and Jo 2014; Hodas et al. 2013; Bollen et al. 2016). Finally, there has
been work that clarifies that, when analyzing friendship paradoxes, not all averages
are created equally (Hodas et al. 2014). The so-called strong paradox (where the
median neighbor of most individuals in a network scores higher on some metric)
can often teach us much more about the functioning of the network than the weak
paradox (where only the mean neighbor of most individuals scores higher on that
In this chapter, we have applied these recent developments to the study of various
realizations of the friendship paradox on Quora, an online knowledge-sharing
platform that is structured in a question-and-answer format. We have identified three
different incarnations of the strong paradox in networks that represent core parts of
the Quora ecosystem. First, in Sect. 9.3, we have analyzed the network of people
following one another on Quora. We have confirmed that the four “canonical”
degree-based paradoxes in directed social networks all occur in the follow network.
Next, in Sect. 9.4, we studied the network induced by people downvoting one
242 S. Iyer
another during a four-week period and found that, for most sufficiently active writers
who got downvoted, most of the sufficiently-active writers who downvoted them got
downvoted just as frequently. Finally, in Sect. 9.5, we found that, for writers with
low follow counts, most of their upvoters have many more followers than they do.
We noted the potential benefits that this phenomenon has for the distribution of
content written by people who have yet to amass a large following on Quora.
Our results in Sect. 9.3 represent the first published measurements of the standard
degree-based paradoxes on Quora, and investigating these paradoxes is a natural
and necessary precursor to examining more exotic variants of the phenomenon.
However, it is the more exotic paradoxes that we study in Sects. 9.4 and 9.5 that,
we believe, point the way to important future studies. As we have mentioned above,
the “downvoting paradox” in Sect. 9.5 occurs in a context that is relatively rarely
examined in research on the friendship paradox: a network representing adversarial
or negative interactions. Our analysis of the downvoting paradox motivates many
follow-up questions. For example, to what extent is the downvoting paradox
explained by an increased tendency of downvoters to produce controversial content
themselves? Furthermore, downvoting on Quora represents a very particular type
of negative interaction. The identity of downvoters is hidden from downvotees and
this can have important consequences for the behavior of these parties: downvoters
may feel freer to give negative feedback if they are not publicly identified, and
the downvotees cannot retaliate against any specific individual if they believe that
they have been downvoted. Does something like the downvoting paradox survive if
the underlying product principles are different (e.g., if the identity of downvoters
is public), or would such a situation fundamentally alter the dynamics? We may
be able to address these questions by analyzing friendship paradoxes in networks
representing other types of negative interactions in online or real-world social
Meanwhile, we have noted that the paradox in upvoting that we demonstrate in
Sect. 9.5 can have direct practical consequences for the fate of content on Quora.
This underscores why the friendship paradox should not be thought of as merely
a sampling bias. It actually matters that the typical upvoter of a typical piece of
content by a relatively undiscovered writer is not a typical person from the full
population. The fact that this typical upvoter is more highly followed than that
typical person may help new writers be discovered and win influence in the network.
We hope that this study motivates researchers to study the role that strong friendship
paradoxes play in content propagation on online social networks. There has been
recent work on how various versions of the friendship paradox can influence
opinion spreading and adoption on social networks, but as far as we know, the role
that friendship paradoxes play in the discovery of individual pieces of content is
relatively unexplored (Jackson 2016;Lermanetal.2016). As we have mentioned
above, the role that these phenomena play may be especially important in products
that employ purely social means of content distribution and discovery.
9 Friendship Paradoxes on Quora 243
Acknowledgements Some of the data that is presented in this chapter was initially shared publicly
through two posts on Quora’s data blog, entitled Upvote Dynamics on the Quora Network and
Friendship Paradoxes and the Quora Downvoting Paradox (Iyer 2015; Iyer and Cashore 2016a).
M. Cashore, who was an intern on Quora’s data team during the winter of 2015, collaborated
with the present author on early stages of the research for Friendship Paradoxes and the Quora
Downvoting Paradox and coauthored a forthcoming article summarizing some of the findings from
Sects. 9.3 and 9.4 in the 2016 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association’s Joint Statistical
Meeting (Iyer and Cashore 2016b). The present author would also like to thank K. Lerman and Y.
Singer for stimulating discussions about their work and B. Golub for informing him about the
recent work of Cao and Ross (Cao and Ross 2016). Finally, the author thanks the Quora data team
for reviewing the work reported in this chapter: within the team, the author is particularly indebted
to W. Chen for reviewing important parts of the code for Sect. 9.4 and to W. Chen, O. Angiuli, and
Z. Kao for introducing him to the “distribution-free” method for computing confidence intervals
on percentile metrics, which was useful in Sect. 9.3 (Hollander et al. 1999).
Bollen, J., Goncçalves, B., van de Leemput, I., & Ruan, G. (2016). The happiness paradox: your
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networks and populations. Physical Review Letters, 91(24), 247901.
Coleman, J. S. (1961). The adolescent society. New York: Free Press.
Eom, Y.-H., & Jo, H.-H. (2014). Generalized friendship paradox in complex networks: The case
of scientific collaboration. Scientific Reports, 4, 4603.
Feld, S. L. (1991). Why your friends have more friends than you do. American Journal of
Sociology, 96(6), 1464–1477.
Hagberg, A. A., Schult, D. A., & Swart, P. J. (2008, August). Exploring network structure,
dynamics, and function using NetworkX. In Proceedings of the 7th Python in Science
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Iyer, S. (2015). Upvote dynamics on the quora network. Data @ Quora (data.quora.com).
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Chapter 10
Deduplication Practices for Multimedia
Data in the Cloud
Fatema Rashid and Ali Miri
10.1 Context and Motivation
With the advent of cloud computing and its digital storage services, the growth of
digital content has become irrepressible at both enterprise and individual levels.
According to the EMC Digital Universe Study (Gantz and Reinsel 2010), the global
data supply had already reached 2.8 trillion Giga Bytes (GB) in 2012, with the
expectation that volumes of data are projected to reach about 5247 GB per person
by 2020. Due to this explosive growth of digital data, there is a clear demand from
CSPs for more cost effective use of their storage and network bandwidth for data
A recent survey (Gantz and Reinsel 2010) revealed that only 25% of the data in
data warehouses are unique. According to a survey (Anderson 2017), currently only
25 GB of the total data for each individual user are unique and the remainder are
similar shared data among various users. At the enterprise level (Adshead 2017), it
was reported that businesses hold an average of three to five copies of files, with
15–25% of these organizations having more than ten. This information points to
massive storage savings that can be gained, if CSPs store only a single copy of
duplicate data.
A major issue hindering the acceptance of cloud storage services by users has
been the data privacy issue, as the user no longer have physical control of their data
that now reside at the cloud. Although some CSPs such as Spider Oak, Tresorit,
and Mozy allow users to encrypt the data using your own keys, before uploading
it to the cloud, many other CSPs, such as popular Dropbox require access to the
plaintext data, in order to enable deduplication services. Although many of these
service providers, who do not allow encryption of data at the client site using users’
F. Rashid • A. Miri ()
Department of Computer Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
e-mail: fatema.rashid;Ali.Miri@ryerson.ca
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_10
246 F. Rashid and A. Miri
keys, do encrypt the data themselves during transmission, this data either would be
accessible at the server end, exposing the data to both internal and external attacks
(Kovach 2017).
In the next section, we will discuss some of technical design issues pertaining to
data deduplication.
10.2 Data Deduplication Technical Design Issues
In this section, we will briefly discuss common types of deduplications used in
practice, based on methods used or where and how they take place.
10.2.1 Types of Data Deduplication
• Hash-Based: Hash-based data deduplication methods use a hashing algorithm to
identify duplicate chunks of data after a data chunking process.
• Content Aware: Content aware data deduplication methods rely on the structure
or common patterns of data used by applications. Content aware technologies are
also called byte-level deduplication or delta-differencing deduplication. A key
element of the content-aware approach is that it uses a higher level of abstraction
when analyzing the data (Keerthyrajan 2017). In this approach , the deduplication
server sees the actual objects (files, database objects etc.) and divides data into
larger segments of typical sizes from 8 to 100 MB. Since it sees the content of the
data, it finds segments that are similar and stores only bytes that have between
objects. That is why it is called a byte-level comparison.
• HyperFactor: HyperFactor is a patent pending data deduplication technology
that is included in the IBM System Storage ProtecTIER Enterprise Edition V2.1
software (IBM Corporation 2017). According to Osuna et al. (2016), a new data
stream is sent to the ProtecTIER server, where it is first received and analyzed by
HyperFactor. For each data element in the new data stream, HyperFactor searches
the Memory Resident Index in ProtecTIER to locate the data in the repository that
is most similar to the data element. The similar data from the repository is read.
A binary differential between the new data element and the data from the
repository is performed, resulting in the delta difference which is stored with
corresponding pointers.
10.2.2 Deduplication Level
Another aspect to be considered when dealing with any deduplication system is the
level of deduplication. Data deduplication can take place at two levels, file level or
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 247
block level. In block level deduplication, a file is first broken down into blocks (often
called chunks) and then the blocks are compared with other blocks to find duplicates.
In some systems, only complete files are compared, which is called Single Instance
Storage (SIS). This is not as efficient as block level deduplication as entire files have
to be stored again as a result of any minor modification to it.
10.2.3 Inline vs Post-Processing Data Deduplication
Inline data deduplication refers to the situation when deduplication is performed as
the data is written to the storage system. With inline deduplication, the entire hash
catalog is usually placed into system memory to facilitate fast object comparisons.
The advantage of inline deduplication is that it does not require the duplicate data to
actually be written to the disk. If the priority is high-speed data backups with optimal
space conservation, inline deduplication is probably the best option. Post-processing
deduplication refers to the situation when deduplication is performed after the
data is written to the storage system. With post-processing, deduplication can be
performed at a more leisurely pace, and it typically does not require heavy utilization
of system resources. The disadvantage of post processing is that all duplicate data
must first be written to the storage system, requiring additional, although temporary,
physical space on the system.
10.2.4 Client- vs Server-Side Deduplication
Client side deduplication refers to the comparison of data objects at the source
before they are sent to a destination (usually a data backup destination). A benefit
of client side deduplication is that less data is required to be transmitted and
stored at the destination point. A disadvantage is that the deduplication catalog
and indexing components are dispersed over the network so that deduplication
potentially becomes more difficult to administer. If the main objective is to reduce
the amount of network traffic when copying files, client deduplication is the
only feasible option. On the other hand, server-side deduplication refers to the
comparison of data objects after they arrive at the server/destination point. A benefit
of server deduplication is that all the deduplication management components are
centralized. A disadvantage is that the whole data object must be transmitted over
the network before deduplication occurs. If the goal is to simplify the management
of the deduplication process server side deduplication is preferred. Among many
popular vendors such as DropBox, SpiderOak, Microsoft Sky Drive, Amazon S3,
Apple iCloud and Google Drive, only SpiderOak performs server-side deduplication
(Xu et al. 2013).
248 F. Rashid and A. Miri
10.2.5 Single-User vs Cross-User Deduplication
Single User: Deduplication can be done by a single user, where the redundancy
among his/her data is identified and removed, but single-user data deduplication
is not very practical and does not yield maximum space saving. To maximize the
benefits of data deduplication, cross user deduplication is used in practice. This
technique consists in identifying the redundant data among different users and
then removing the redundancy by saving a single copy of the data. According
to (Anderson 2017), 60% of data can be deduplicated on average for individual
users by using cross-user deduplication techniques. In order to save bandwidth,
CSPs and users of their services are inclined to apply client-side deduplication
where similar data is identified at the client side before being transmitted to cloud
storage. However, the potential benefit of data deduplication in terms of storage
space and storage cost can also have some associated drawbacks. In February 2012,
DropBox disabled client-side, cross-user deduplication due to security concerns
(Xu et al. 2013).
10.3 Chapter Highlights
The highlights of this chapter can be summarized as follows.
• We will introduce a secure image deduplication scheme in cloud storage envi-
ronments through image compression, that consists of a partial encryption and a
unique image hashing scheme embedded into the SPIHT compression algorithm.
This work initially appeared in part in Rashid et al. (2014).
• We will introduce a secure video deduplication scheme in cloud environments
using H.264 compression, which consists of embedding a partially convergent
encryption along with a unique signature generation scheme into a H.264 video
compression scheme. This work initially appeared in part in Rashid et al. (2015).
10.4 Secure Image Deduplication Through Image
In this chapter, a novel compression scheme that achieves secure deduplication of
images in the cloud storages is proposed (Rashid et al. 2014). Its design consists
of embedding a partial encryption along with a unique image hashing into the
SPIHT compression algorithm. The partial encryption scheme is meant to ensure
the security of the proposed scheme against a semi-honest CSP whereas the unique
image hashing scheme is meant to enable classification of the identical compressed
and encrypted images so that deduplication can be performed on them, resulting in
a secure deduplication strategy with no extra computational overhead incurred for
image encryption, hashing and deduplication.

10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 249
10.5 Background
The scheme proposed in this chapter is compromised of three components, namely,
image compression, partial image encryption, and image hashing. For our scheme,
we have used the SPHIT algorithm (Said and Pearlman 2017) for image compres-
sion, which is a variant of the EZW algorithm. The EZW algorithm (Shapiro 1993)
has the property that the bits in the bit stream are generated in order of importance,
yielding a fully embedded code. For partial encryption of the image, we need to
utilize data produced during the compression process. Cheng and Li (2000) indicates
some of the specific data as significant information which is vital for decompressing
the image. Hence by encrypting only this partial information can improve security of
the compressed images. We, therefore, use some of the basic concepts presented in
Cheng and Li (2000). In Yang and Chen (2005), Yang and Chen introduced an image
hash scheme which is based on the knowledge of the locations of the significant
wavelet coefficients of the SPIHT algorithm. In our work, we have adapted this
scheme, by utilizing the wavelet coefficients of the SPIHT compression algorithm
to generate the image hash.
10.6 Proposed Image Deduplication Scheme
The design of the proposed approach for cross-user client side secure deduplication
of images in the cloud involves three components, namely, an image compression
scheme, a partial encryption scheme, and a hashing scheme as shown in Fig. 10.1.
Typically, on the user’s side, the user will process the image by applying image
compression, partial encryption, and will calculate the hash signature of the image,
in that order. Next, he/she will only send the hash signature to the CSP. On the
CSP side, the CSP will compare the received image hash against all the signatures
already present in the cloud storage. If a match is not found, the CSP will instruct
the user to upload the image. Otherwise, the CSP will update the image metadata
and then will deduplicate the image by saving only a single, unique copy.
Fig. 10.1 Image
deduplication process
250 F. Rashid and A. Miri
10.6.1 Image Compression
We propose to utilize image compression in order to achieve image deduplication.
The reason for doing so is that the images are compressed anyways for efficient
storage and transmission purposes. In fact, applying the compression first and
encrypting the compressed information next, one can save computation time and
resources. As discussed above, the SPIHT algorithm (Said and Pearlman 2017)is
used for image compression since it produces an embedded bit stream from which
the best images can be reconstructed (Singh and Singh 2011). In addition, it uses
an embedded coding method which makes it a suitable scheme for progressive
optimal transmission that produces fine compression ratios. It also uses significant
information sets to determine tree structures, and its execution relies upon the
structure of the zero trees of the EZW algorithm. The SPIHT compression algorithm
is independent of any keys or other form of user input. Hence, it is suitable for
deduplication of identical images compressed by different users, as these identical
images should appear identical in the compressed or encrypted form to the CSPs.
Furthermore, this algorithm involves the use of chaos theory or random permutation
from the users side, adding to the security of the system.
The SPIHT algorithm is based on the fact that there is a correlation between
the coefficients that are in different levels of the hierarchy pyramid (bands) of the
underlying structure. It maintains this information in the zero trees by grouping
insignificant coefficients together. Typically, each 22block of coefficients at the
root level of this tree structure corresponds to further trees of coefficients. Basically,
the SPIHT algorithm can be in three phases, namely, initialization, sorting, and
refinement phases.
• Initialization phase: Let Coef(i,j) denote the coefficient at node (i,j).ForCoef(i,j),
three coefficient sets are further defined: O(i,j) the set of coordinates of the
children of node (i,j) when this node has children; D(i,j) the set of coordinates
of the descendants of the node (i,j); and the set of coordinates of all coefficients
at the root level. Then L.i;j/DD.i;j/O.i;j/is the set of descendants of the
tree node, except for its four direct offspring. Starting at threshold T,anysetof
coefficients Sis said to be significant (with respect to that threshold) if there is a
coefficient in Sthat has a magnitude at least equal to T. Three lists are maintained
by the algorithm, namely (1) LIS the list of insignificant sets—which contains the
coordinates of the roots of insignificant sub trees—this list is further divided into
two types of coefficients: D(i,j) and L(i,j);(2)LIP the list of insignificant pixels—
which contains the coordinates of those coefficients which are insignificant with
respect to the current threshold, T—these are insignificant coefficients that are
not part of any of the sets of coefficients in LIS; and (3) LSP the list of significant
pixels—which contains the coordinates of those coefficients which are significant
with respect to the current threshold, T.
At the beginning of the algorithm, threshold Tis selected such that T
i;jjCoef.i;j/j<2T. The initial state of list is set in a specific manner, i.e.
LIP maintains Hthe set of coordinates of tree roots, LIS maintains the set D(i,j),
where (i,j) are coordinates with descendants in H, and LSP is empty.
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 251
• Sorting phase: The algorithm identifies the significant coefficients by dividing the
D(i,j) sets into two subsets, namely the set L(i,j) and the set O(i,j) of individual
coefficients, and by putting each significant coefficient into the LSP list with
respect to the current threshold level.
• Refinement phase: This step consists of the refinement of the significant coef-
ficients of the list LSP from the previous pass in a binary search fashion. After
each pass, the threshold is decreased by a factor of 2and the whole process starts
again. The algorithm ends when the desired bit rate is achieved.
A description of the SPIHT algorithm is available in Said and Pearlman (1996).
10.6.2 Partial Encryption of the Compressed Image
We propose to partially encrypt the compressed image (obtained from the image
compression step) before uploading it to cloud storage. The reason for doing
so is to ensure the security of the data from the CSP or any malicious user.
Encrypting only a part of the compressed image will reduce the amount of data
to be encrypted, thereby reducing the computational time and resources (Cheng
and Li 2000). In order to satisfy the basic requirement of cross user deduplication,
i.e. identical images compressed by different users should appear identical in the
compressed/encrypted form, we propose to use convergent encryption (Thwel and
Thein 2009) to encrypt the coefficients generated by the SPIHT algorithm since
such a scheme will allow the CSP to classify the identical compressed and encrypted
Typically, the output of the SPIHT compression algorithm is a stream of encoded
wavelet coefficients along with the zero trees for the structure of the coefficients.
It contains the sign bits, the refinement bits, the significance of the pixels, and the
significance of the sets. Thus, to correctly decompress the image, the decompression
algorithm must infer the significant bits accurately. In this regard, it was suggested
in Cheng and Li (2000) that only the significant information be encrypted. This
information is determined by the significant information of the pixels in the highest
two levels of the pyramid as well as in the initial threshold for the SPIHT algorithm.
As an example, if the root is of dimension 88, then the (i,j) coordinates are
encrypted if and only if 0i;j<16, and there is no need to encrypt the significant
information belonging to subsequent levels, i.e. the pixels in the third, fourth, or
sixth level of the pyramid. This is due to the fact that the coefficients in those levels
will be reconstructed with the help of the information obtained from the coefficients
belonging to the highest two levels of the pyramid.
Using the information obtained from the coefficients at the highest two levels of
the pyramid, the states of the above-mentioned lists (i.e. LIS,LIP,LSP) will also
be initialized. From these levels, the states of these lists will constantly be changed,
depending upon the subsequent levels. But if the initial information is not correctly
derived, these lists will be pruned to errors and the image will not be decompressed
252 F. Rashid and A. Miri
accurately. Hence, by having the user encrypt only the significant information of the
highest two levels of the pyramid of the compressed image generated by the SPIHT
algorithm before uploading it to the cloud storage, the image will be prevented from
being decompressed by the CSP. The reason is that without the knowledge of the
significant information from the highest two levels, the CSP will not be able to know
the initial states of the above-mentioned lists, hence will not be able to decompress
the image.
The convergent encryption algorithm (Thwel and Thein 2009) uses the content of
the image to generate the key to be utilized by the users for encryption purpose, thus
it is expected that two identical images will generate identical keys, thus identical
ciphertext or cipher images. More precisely, the user constructs a SHA-3 hash of
the significant information Sig_Info of the coefficients belonging to the highest two
levels of the pyramid and use it as the key for encryption, i.e.
Using Eq. (10.1), identical encrypted significant information of the first two levels
of the pyramid (hence identical ciphertext) will be produced from two identical
compressed images, irrespective of the fact that these images have been encrypted
by different users. Using this key, the users will perform symmetric encryption on
the significant information as shown in Eq. (10.2)
This way, the CSP will be able to determine the match between identical images
from different users without having to process the images in plaintext form.
10.6.3 Image Hashing from the Compressed Image
In previous steps, the image has been compressed (using the SPIHT algorithm) and
only the significant information of the highest two levels of the pyramid has been
encrypted. In order for the CSP to perform client side deduplication on the image,
there has to be a unique identity (referred to as image hash) for each image. This step
consists in generating such image hash. The image hash is generated by the user and
sent to the CSP for performing the client side deduplication. In case of a redundant
image, the CSP will only set the pointers of the image ownership to the new user and
will not request the image to be sent again. Using this hash, the CSP will be able
to identify and classify the identical images without the necessity to possess the
original image in plaintext format. Indeed, the CSP will need to scan through the
already stored hashes in the cloud storage to find the matches rather than scanning
the entire images. It should be noted that by doing so, the CSP will be able to remove
the redundant images and store only a single unique copy of the image. The CSP
only has the knowledge of the compressed image and its partially encrypted version,
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 253
and the original image cannot be reconstructed from these elements in any case. It
is worth mentioning that the image hash generation will not involve any additional
computational or storage overhead since the coefficients generated by the SPIHT
algorithm are known. In addition, the image deduplication performed in this way
will be secured against the CSP since all the significant information are encrypted.
Typically, the sorting pass of the SPIHT algorithm identifies the significant map,
i.e. the locations of the significant coefficients with respect to a threshold. The
binary hash sequence (where 1denotes a significant coefficient and 0denotes a
non significant coefficient) is then designed based on this significance map and on
the fact that the first four highest pyramid levels under the first three thresholds are
more than enough to be used as the signature of the image (Yang and Chen 2005).
In addition, the use of the convergent encryption is meant to ensure that the same
ciphertext is obtained for the same coefficients in the plaintext format.
10.6.4 Experimental Results
Experiments were conducted by keeping in mind the following three require-
ments: (1) using the SPIHT compression algorithm, the deduplication of the
image should be performed accurately, i.e. should not be faulty and the proposed
scheme should not identify two different images as identical, and even minor
alterations should be trapped; a failure to this requirement will enable the CSP
to eliminate one of the images and keep only one single copy of the two images
which appear to be identical but are actually not; (2) the proposed scheme should
be secure enough against the semi-honest CSP since the CSP is not given access
to the compressed image and thus cannot decompress it; the CSP can identify the
identical images from different users only through the significant maps of the image
generated by the SPIHT algorithm;and (3) the proposed scheme should be efficient
in terms of computation, complexity and storage overheads. Experimental Settings
First, some altered images from one single image are generated. For this purpose,
six classic images are considered: Lena, bridge, mandrill, goldhill, pepper, and
clock, all represented in gray scale format. Ten different kinds of altered images are
introduced for each single classic image and 10 versions of that particular classic
image are generated, yielding a total of 126 images (i.e. 120 altered images added
to the six original images). The reason for using a large number of altered images is
to demonstrate the affects of compression on different kinds of alterations. The first,
second, and third altered images are obtained by changing the brightness, contrast,
and gamma levels of the original image respectively. The fourth altered image
is obtained by compressing the original image first (using a JPEG compression
algorithm), then decompressing it. The fifth altered image is obtained by applying
254 F. Rashid and A. Miri
the rotations of the original image on the standard angular positions of 90, 180
and 270ırespectively. The sixth altered image is obtained by applying a 2D median
filtration on the original image. The seventh altered image is obtained by introducing
a Poisson noise in the original image. The Poisson noise is a type of noise which
is generated from the content of the data itself rather than by adding some artificial
noise. The eighth altered image is constructed by rescaling the original image, i.e.
by converting the unit eight pixel values into double data type. Rescaling can also
be done to convert the image pixels into an integer of 16 bits, single type or double
type. The ninth altered image is obtained by applying a rectangular shear on both
sides of the original image; and the tenth altered image is obtained by removing the
noise from the original image using the Weiner filter.
Next, the Computer Vision Toolbox and Image Processing Toolbox of MATLAB
are used for applying the above-mentioned alterations to the original images. For
our experiments, we have also developed a MATLAB implementation of the SPIHT
compression algorithm described in Said and Pearlman (2017). Deduplication Analysis
As stated earlier, one of the main requirements of the proposed scheme is that it
should be robust enough to identify the minor changes between two images even
if they are in the compressed form, i.e. it is desirable that the signature of the
image generated from the SPIHT compression algorithm be different even when the
original image has been slightly altered (hence, producing a different image). The
results showing the percentage of dissimilarity between the signature of the original
image and that of the altered image (obtained as described above) are captured in
Tables 10.1 and 10.2, for images data coded at a rate of 0.50 bpp and 0.80 bpp
respectively, on two dimensions, namely 256256 and 512512. In Table 10.1,itis
observed that the difference between the signatures is lesser for the commonly used
alterations (namely brightness, gamma correction, contrast and rotation changes)
compared to the uncommon and severe alterations. These alterations are often
performed by the users on the images but they do result in an entirely different
appearance of the image. Although the images do not appear to change to a great
extend for a human eye, the uncommon alterations (i.e. median filtration, noise
insertion and removal, shearing and rescaling) are causing significant changes in the
signature of the image. As shown in Table 10.1, the percentage difference between
the original and altered image increases significantly for the severe alterations. As
far as the dimensions are concerned, the percentage change between the signatures
tends to decrease slightly as the image dimension increases. The same trend is
maintained in the case the images data are coded at a rate of 0.80 bpp as shown
in Table 10.2. The rest of the 63 images have been tested on 0.80 bpp to ensure
that the images exhibit the same patterns when generating the signatures at different
rates as well. As shown in Table 10.2, the percentage of change for the commonly
used alterations are less than that observed for the severe alterations, including at
higher compression rates.

10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 255
Table 10.1 % difference between significant maps of the original and altered images at 0.05 bpp
Brightness 6:8 5:7 6:4 4:8 5:3 4:2
Gamma 5:5 3:9 6:3 4:5 5:7 4:8
Contrast 6:3 6:2 6:0 4:9 6:7 4:6
Rotation 6:4 4:4 5:1 4:3 7:1 5:7
JPEG 0 0 0 0 0 0
Median filtra-
tion 13:3 9:6 29:6 19:8 26:2 30:8
Noise removal 11:4 8:2 30:5 24:66 26:3 30:1
insertion 29:1 24:2 28:8 24:18 27:1 30:9
Shearing 29:8 15:1 46:8 33:0 48:1 35:2
Rescaling 29:2 19:1 28:8 18:75 26:5 36:7
Table 10.2 % difference between significant maps of the original and altered images at 0.08 bpp
Brightness 7:5 7:1 7:4 6:0 9:5 6:2
Gamma 8:2 7:8 9:15 6:7 10:4 6:3
Contrast 7:5 7:7 7:7 5:3 10:6 5:1
Rotation 7:12 6:42 6:9 6:25 8:0 6:2
JPEG 0 0 0 0 0 0
Median filtra-
tion 19:6 7:5 28:8 19:0 20:2 11:5
Noise removal 23:0 7:6 28:7 15:4 23:4 7:2
insertion 14:4 7:8 28:4 19:9 15:6 6:8
Shearing 29:8 17:3 30:8 21:3 30:1 18:5
Rescaling 14:4 7:8 27:5 19:7 15:5 7:1
The alterations that have been introduced into the original images are also
analyzed to determine how much these alterations affect the images’ signatures.
The results are captured in Fig. 10.2.InFig.10.2, it is observed that the shearing
process has drastically changed the mathematical content of the image, producing a
compressed image data significantly different from the original one. The same trend
prevails in terms of difference between the compressed image data and the original
data, when the other alteration techniques are utilized, namely noise insertion,
rescaling, noise removal, and median filtration, in this order. It is observed that
when alterations such as rotation, gamma, and contrast are used, their impact on the
images’ signatures are not that significant. In the case of JPEG compression, it is

256 F. Rashid and A. Miri
% of dissimilarity between the significant
maps of the original and altered images
Noise Insertion
Noise Removal
Median Filtration
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Fig. 10.2 Percentage of dissimilarity caused by the different alterations
50 100 150
Angular Rotation
% of dissimilarity between significant
200 250 300
Fig. 10.3 Percentage of dissimilarity caused by the different rotations
observed that the significant maps of the original images and that of the compressed
images are similar. This is attributed to the fact that the significant maps of the
original image are produced by a compression algorithm as well. Thus, in all the
trials with different dimensions and compression rates, the percentage of change in
the case of the JPEG compression is 0.
Angular rotations are among the most commonly performed alterations per-
formed by the users on the images before uploading them in the cloud storage (Yang
and Chen 2005). In this work, angular rotations are performed and their impact on
the images’ signatures are captured in Fig. 10.3.InFig.10.3, it can be observed that
as the image moved away from its initial reference point, the images’ signatures
start to change progressively, then increases drastically, resulting to a percentage
of dissimilarity between the signature of the original image and that of the altered

10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 257
image of about 4.6% (resp. 5.4 and 7.1%) when the angular position of 90ı(resp.
180ıand 270ı) are applied. This confirms a normal behavior of the signatures since
the image itself changes in appearance as it is rotated. Performance Analysis
The deduplication process of our proposed scheme also deserves some analysis to
determine its performance in terms of computational overheads generated from the
users’ part. Due to the fact that the compressed images’ data have been used to
produce the unique hashes of the images for deduplication purpose, there is no
other algorithm than the SPIHT compression algorithm that has been involved in the
proposed scheme for generating the images’ signatures. The SPIHT compression
algorithm is invoked by the users to generate their compressed images before
uploading them to the cloud storage. For doing so, the users needed to calculate the
images’ signatures from the lists LIS,LIP, and LSP) that have been generated during
the compression process under the first three threshold levels. The performance
of the deduplication process can be judged by quantifying the time taken for the
signatures of the images generation versus the time taken for the generation of the
above-mentioned lists.
Let T1be the time (measured in seconds) taken by the user to calculate the
images’ signatures from the lists; let T2(also measured in seconds) be the time taken
by the SPIHT algorithm to generate the three lists under all the threshold levels, not
including the time taken to perform the binary encoding and decoding steps.
In Tables 10.3 and 10.4, T1 is the time consumed in calculating the signatures,
T2 is the time taken by the compression algorithm to calculate the three lists under
all the threshold levels and The third column shows how much percent of T2 is
T1. T2 is not the total time taken by the compression algorithm since that includes
Table 10.3 Performance in terms of time for 0.80 bpp
Pepper (256256) Pepper (512512)
T1 (s) T2 (s) T1% of T2 T1 (s) T2 (s) T1% of T2
Original 0:094 0:58 16:21 0:035 2:137 1:64
Brightness 0:093 0:593 15:68 0:062 2:418 2:56
Gamma 0:046 0:608 7:57 0:031 2:496 1:24
Contrast 0:078 0:562 13:88 0:046 2:465 1:87
JPEG 0:062 0:546 11:36 0:031 2:122 1:46
Rotation 0:078 0:546 14:29 0:035 2:106 1:66
Median filtration 0:015 0:39 3:85 0:015 1:544 0:97
Noise insertion 0:031 0:421 7:36 0:078 1:763 4:42
Noise removal 0:031 0:406 7:64 0:062 1:607 3:86
Shearing 0:031 0:53 5:85 0:036 1:934 1:86
Rescaling 0:031 0:421 7:36 0:031 1:591 1:95

258 F. Rashid and A. Miri
Table 10.4 Performance in terms of time for 0.50 bpp
Goldhill (256256) Goldhill (512512)
T1 (s) T2 (s) T1% of T2 T1 (s) T2 (s) T1% of T2
Original 0:031 0:953 3:25 0:031 3:198 0:96
Brightness 0:031 0:952 3:25 0:093 3:494 2:66
Gamma 0:031 0:998 3:10 0:031 3:635 0:85
Contrast 0:031 0:936 3:31 0:031 3:588 0:86
JPEG 0:046 0:936 4:91 0:031 3:167 0:97
Rotation 0:015 0:952 1:57 0:031 3:182 0:97
Median filtration 0:062 0:593 10:45 0:015 2:184 0:68
Noise insertion 0:015 0:593 2:52 0:046 2:168 2:12
Noise removal 0:015 0:53 2:83 0:015 2:163 0:69
Shearing 0:031 0:577 5:37 0:062 2:434 2:54
Rescaling 0:109 0:562 19:39 0:046 2:168 2:12
some binary encoding and decoding as well. Tables 10.3 and 10.4 shows that the
time taken to calculate the signatures is significantly low compared to that taken by
the SPIHT algorithm to generate the data for the signatures. This was expected
since the work carried out by the user on his/her own machine, i.e. performing
the compression and extracting the signatures already generated by the SPIHT
algorithm, is expected to last for a relative small amount of time (or CPU cycles).
Thereby, some storage space is saved by performing the image deduplication. At a
compression rate of 0:50 bpp, it is also be noticed that for all the images of 256256
dimensions (resp. 512 512 dimensions), T2is more than 10 times (resp. 90 times)
the value of T1in average. Therefore, as the dimension of the image increases,
the time T1tends to decrease to further refine the performance of the reduplication
process. The same observations prevail when the images data are compressed at a
rate of 0:80 bpp. In this case, T2is more than 10 times (resp. 56 times) the value of
T1in average for the images of 256 256 dimensions (resp. 512 512 dimensions).
As far as the compression efficiency is concerned, the SPIHT compression algorithm
is not affected by the encryption and image hashing steps since these steps are
performed only after the image compression has been completed. This way, the
image deduplication is achieved with the help of the image compression.
10.6.5 Security Analysis
The setup of the proposed scheme allows the user to only upload the images data
generated during the image compression step (it should be noted that a part of it
is encrypted by the user) and the unique hash of the image calculated by the user.
The CSP should not be able to decompress the image from the received compressed
image data.
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 259
The security of the proposed scheme depends upon the partial encryption of the
wavelet coefficients. The significant information in encrypted form is required in
order to correctly decompress the image. The decoder of the SPIHT algorithm keeps
track of the order of execution of the encoder; the lists and image mask are both
required for the most recent iteration of the encoder. From there on, the SPIHT
algorithm starts to decode/decompress the image in the exactly reverse order of
what the encoder has done until this process terminates.
In Cheng and Li (2000), it has been proved that the size of the important part is
at least 160 bits if at least two sorting passes are performed by the EZT compression
algorithm. Therefore, for an exhaustive search, an attacker would need at least
2160 tries before heading to a conclusion. For example, considering the Lena image
with 512 512 dimension, only the significant coefficients in the first two largest
sub bands are required to be encrypted. These are the coefficients in the 16 16
sub band with 88be the root level according (Cheng and Li 2000). We have
calculated the size of the indicated data to be encrypted. The size of the two lists
to be encrypted comes to 768 bytes in total. In addition, the mask of the image
indicating if the pixels in the 16 16 sub bands are significant or not also needs to
be encrypted. The size of the mask is 575 bytes compared to that of the complete
mask for 512 512 pixels, which is 26000 bytes. Therefore, the partial encryption
is indeed very efficient since the encrypted part is significantly less compared to the
entire image data.
As far as convergent encryption is concerned, each user has his own key for the
decryption of the image, which is kept secret from the CSP. Due to the deduplication
requirements, the users cannot be allowed to choose different keys (using a public
or private key model) for encryption purpose. The keys generated for two different
users for the same image through convergent encryption are exactly the same.
Hence, we assume that the users of the same cloud storage will not collude with
the CSP, otherwise the security of the proposed scheme may be compromised.
10.7 Secure Video Deduplication Scheme in Cloud Storage
Environment Using H.264 Compression
In this section, a secure scheme is proposed that achieves cross user client side video
deduplication in cloud storage environments. Since in Venter and Stein (2012),
it is claimed that a major part of the digital data these days is composed of
videos and pictures, we are focusing on the video deduplication in this section. Its
design consists of embedding a partial convergent encryption along with a unique
signature generation scheme into a H.264 video compression scheme. The partial
convergent encryption scheme is meant to ensure that the proposed scheme is
secured against a semi-honest CSP; the unique signature generation scheme is meant
to enable a classification of the encrypted compressed video data in such a way that
the deduplication can be efficiently performed on them. Experimental results are
provided, showing the effectiveness and security of our proposed schemes.

260 F. Rashid and A. Miri
10.8 Background
H.264 is an object-based algorithm that makes use of local processing power to
recreate sounds and images (Richardson 2011). The H.264 algorithm (Al Muhit
2017) is a block-based motion compensation codec most widely used for HD videos.
Its working is based on frames, which can be further grouped into GOP and thus
can yield high deduplication ratios for your scheme. A selective encryption of the
H.264 compressed video is proposed in Zhao and Zhuo (2012) and it works on the
GOP level and on various types of videos. These characteristics makes this selective
encryption scheme very suitable for our video deduplication scheme. The signature
generation is inspired by the method proposed in Saadi et al. (2009), but this method
is modified to fit our requirements. In Saadi et al. (2009), the scheme proposed is
used for watermarking which is not useful for deduplication, therefore, it is used
only for signature extraction purposes in our scheme.
10.9 Proposed Video Deduplication Scheme
The design of the proposed approach for secure deduplication of videos in the cloud
storage involves three components: H.264 video compression scheme, signature
generation from the compressed videos, and selective encryption of the compressed
videos as shown in Fig. 10.4.
First, the user compresses the original video using the H.264 compression
algorithm. Second, he/she calculates the signatures based on the GOP from the
output bit stream. Third, he/she encrypt the important parts of the DCT coefficients
and motion vectors according to the type of the videos. After these processing steps
on the original video, it will be uploaded in the cloud storage. The CSP will then
check for the identical GOPS with the help of the signatures and encrypted data.
If identical GOPs are detected, the CSP will delete the new data and update the
metadata for this particular data already in the cloud storage. In this way, the CSP
will save huge space by performing cross-user video deduplication in the cloud
storage. The detailed description of the proposed scheme follows.
Original Video
via H.264 at
GOP level
of GOPs
Encryption of
Upload in the
Fig. 10.4 Proposed secure video deduplication scheme
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 261
10.9.1 H.264 Video Compression
The first part of our video deduplication scheme is to compress the original video
sequence. The compression algorithm should be strong and efficient enough to
produce highly compressed, retrievable and smaller in size version of the video. We
use the H.264 compression algorithm (Richardson 2011). This algorithm includes a
prediction step, a transform step, and an entropy coding step.
• The prediction step: The coded video sequence generated by the H.264 algorithm
is made of a sequence of coded pictures. Each picture is divided into fixed size
macro blocks. It should be noted that macro blocks are the basic building blocks
in the H.264 algorithm. Each macro block is a rectangular picture area made of
16 16 samples for the luma component and the associated 88sample regions
for the two chroma components. The luma and chroma samples of a macro block
are used for prediction purpose. They are either spatially predicted or temporally
predicted by the algorithm and the resulting residual is divided into blocks. These
blocks are then transformed, quantized and encoded in the final stages.
The macro blocks of the picture are further grouped into slices, which
themselves divide the above regions of the picture that are eligible to be decoded
independently. Each slice is a sequence of macro blocks. It is processed following
a raster scan, i.e. from top-left to bottom-right. The slices can be used for error
resilience since the partitioning of the picture allows a spatial concealment within
the picture and the start of each slice provides a resynchronization point at which
the decoding process can be reinitialized (Richardson 2011). The slices can also
be used for parallel processing since each frame can be encoded and decoded
independently of the other frames of the picture. The robustness of the algorithm
can be further strengthen by separating the more important data (such as macro
block types and motion vector values) from the less important ones (such as inter
residual transform coefficient values).
The two types of fundamental frames used are, namely (1) the I slice—i.e. a
frame in which all macro blocks are coded using the intra prediction. It is the
most important type of frame used by all versions of the algorithm; (2) the P
frame—i.e. a frame in which the macro blocks can also be coded using the inter
prediction with at most one MCP signal per block;
It should be noted that the intra-picture prediction can be performed in two
types of intra coding modes: the intra 44and the intra 16 16 modes. In the
intra 44mode, each 44luma block is predicted from spatially neighboring
samples. In the intra 16 16 mode, the whole 16 16 luma component of the
macro block is predicted with four prediction modes, namely, vertical, horizontal,
DC, and plane.
The inter-picture prediction in P frames is another prediction method that can
be utilized by the H.264 algorithm. It involves the use of Pmacro blocks with
luma block sizes of 16 16,16 8,816, and 88samples. For each 8
8partition, this method can be used to decide on whether or not that partition
should be further partitioned into smaller sizes of 84,48,or44luma
samples and corresponding chroma samples.
262 F. Rashid and A. Miri
• The transform step: This includes the transform, scaling, and quantization sub-
steps. In the H.264 algorithm, an integer transform such as the 44DCT is
applied to 44blocks instead of larger 88blocks as used in previous standard
methods. The inverse transform of H.264 uses simple exact integer operations so
that mismatches are avoided and the decoding complexity is minimized. For the
luma component in the intra 1616 mode and the chroma components in all intra
macro blocks, the DC coefficients of the 44transform blocks undergo a second
transform, so that the lowest-frequency transform basis functions cover the entire
macro block (Richardson 2011). A quantization parameter (QP) is then used for
determining the quantization of the transform coefficients. The quantization step
size is controlled logarithmically by this QP in such a way that the decoding
complexity is reduced and the bit rate control capability is enhanced (Stutz and
Uhl 2012).
• The entropy coding: In the H.264 algorithm, two entropy coding are supported:
the CAVLC and the CABAC. The CABAC has better coding efficiency compared
to the CAVLC, but yields a higher complexity. In both of these modes, the syntax
elements are coded using a single infinite-extent codeword set (referred to as
Exp-Golomb code).
In our proposed video deduplication scheme, the videos are divided into GOP
based on similarity; where each GOP is made of I frames and P frames. The H.264
algorithm is used with the following specifications: the GOP size is set to 15 frames,
where the first frame is always the I frame used as reference for the subsequent
14 frames, which are all P frames.
10.9.2 Signature Generation from the Compressed Videos
The generated signature captures the content dependent robust bits from the macro
blocks generated by the H.264 Compression algorithm. These bits are then used
to authenticate or identify one GOP from another, hence, they are treated as
the signature of the GOP. The signature calculation is done in parallel with the
compression algorithm as the GOPs are being generated by the H.264 algorithm.
The signature generation is carried out in the compressed domain, and the
signatures are generated from the information produced in the transform domain of
the H.264 compression algorithm. The content dependent robust bits are extracted
from the macro blocks and are further used as the signature for authenticating the
compressed video. It should be noted that in our use of the H.264 algorithm, the I
and P frames are the minimum types of the frames that should be present for the
algorithm to work.
Indeed, the video is first broken down into GOPs, which are authenticated
individually by hashing the features extracted from their I frames and P frames. The
hash is then considered as the digest digital signature for all the frames in the GOP.
The digital signature is composed of the features extracted from the intra 16 16,
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 263
intra 44and inter 44MBs. The I slices are composed of intra coded MBs in
which each intra 1616 and intra 44luma regions are predicted from the previous
16 16 and 44coded MBs of the same I frame.
For the intra 44and inter 44, the quantized DC coefficients and the first
two quantized AC coefficients in the zig zag scan order (surrounding the only DC
coefficient value) for every 44MB are pull out as the signature data. Then, for
every intra 16 16, all the nonzero quantized Hadamard transform coefficients and
the first two quantized AC coefficients in the zig zag scan order (also surrounding
the only DC coefficient value) for every 16 16 MB are pull out as the signature
data. The signature is calculated for each MB in a frame until the end of the
GOP is reached. Meanwhile, these signatures are saved in a buffer and when the
algorithm signals IDR, the signatures for all the MBs for all the frames in the GOP
are hashed by using SHA2-256, producing a 256 bit long signature for each GOP.
Finally, the signatures for all the GOPs are calculated and transmitted along with the
video. The CSP will compare these signatures against the ones already stored in the
cloud storage in order to identify any possible duplicated parts of the videos. The
deduplication at the GOP level will further increase the deduplication ratios since it
is less likely that identical entire videos by different users will be uploaded in the
cloud as opposed to parts of the videos.
10.9.3 Selective Encryption of the Compressed Videos
Assuming that the compressed videos have been produced by the H.264 algorithm,
and the signatures have been generated by the users, the next step consists of
encrypting the compressed videos so that it will not be possible for the CSP to
access the plain videos.
We have used the partial encryption scheme proposed in Zhao and Zhuo (2012),
with some modifications applied on it in order to fulfill the requirements of cross-
user deduplication. The partial encryption is carried out in the compressed domain
and therefore is well in line with the signature generation process since that is
also performed in the compressed domain. Typically, since the video is split into
GOPs, the encryption is performed at the GOP level. This encryption scheme
is content-based since user dependent variables are not involved in its process.
Content-based encryption ensures that the same encrypted videos will be obtained
for the same plain videos by different users, which is the basic requirement for
cross-user deduplication.
The encryption process starts by first generating the compressed bit stream for the
video. First, the user classifies the video into six different categories, namely high,
medium and low intensity motion (for complex texture) and high, medium and low
intensity motion (for non-complex texture) by utilizing the information generated
in the intra prediction mode, DCT coefficients, and motion vectors (as described
earlier). It is assumed that if the I frame of a GOP is complex in texture, the
corresponding P frames will also be complex in texture. For the motion intensity, the
264 F. Rashid and A. Miri
motion vectors of the P frames are taken into account. Second, the user organizes the
GOPs of the above mentioned six classes. Basically, the user calculates the average
of nonzero coefficients and the average number of intra 44prediction for the I
frames. For the P frames, the average of the suffix length of the MV keywords and
the corresponding variance are calculated. These values are then compared against
the threshold values given by the CSP to all the users of that cloud. The users will
use these threshold values to classify their videos and start the encryption process.
The details of the classification of the videos are beyond the scope of our current
research, but can be found in Zhao and Zhuo (2012). The partial encryption then
follows after the video classification step.
The compressed video has already been broken into GOPs for the purpose
of signature generation. This same set of GOPs is used for partial encryption
as follows. The DCT coefficients and intra prediction modes in every GOP are
encrypted according to the texture of the video. In doing so, the I frames are
considered as crucial for the decoding of the P frames in the sense if errors occurred
in the I frames or if these frames are tampered (even slightly), the decoding of the
P frame will be affected for any GOP. Therefore, all the intra prediction modes
are encrypted, no matter what the texture or motion intensity of the video is. For
complex texture videos, all the nonzero DCT coefficients, except for the trailing
ones are encrypted because of the fact that the videos will have a large number
of high band DCT coefficients. For non-complex texture videos, only the first three
low band DCT coefficients are encrypted. For motion intensity purpose, the user will
encrypt the motion vectors of the P frames. In case of the complex texture video,
the user will encrypt the motion vector difference in all the P frames, i.e. the first
70% and then the first 30% of the P frames respectively for high, medium and low
intensity videos for each GOP. In case of the non-complex texture video, the user
will encrypt the motion vector difference in all the P frames, i.e. the first 70% and
then the first 30% of the P frames respectively for high, medium and low intensity
videos for each GOP.
In our scheme, the convergent encryption (Wang et al. 2010) is employed to
derive the key for partial encryption from the content of the compressed video
rather than getting the key chosen by the users individually. Therefore, for the
same content, the same key will be generated without the users knowing each other.
Thus, different users will have the same key as well as the same encrypted videos,
irrespective of the knowledge of each other keys. This will make it easier for the
CSP to compare the encrypted parts of the videos and perform deduplication in case
of duplicated videos without actually decrypting or decompressing the video data.
The convergent encryption steps are described as follows. Let us assume that
user partially encrypts the video data as described earlier and the video is complex
textured, with medium motion intensity. Then three data sets are to be encrypted,
namely, INTRA PRED D.All the intra prediction modes in a GOP/,
NZ DCT D.All non zero DCT coefficients in a GOP/and
PER MVD D.% of the MVDs in a GOP/. The user will calculate the
keys K1,K2, and K3as follows: K1DSHA2 .INTRA PRED/,K2D
SHA2 .NZ DCT/and K3DSHA2.PER MVD/;then will perform the following

10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 265
AES.K2; NZDCT/and Enc.PER MVD/DAES.K3; PER MVD/. In this way,
for every vector and for every MB of any two identical GOPs, the encrypted data
will appear to be similar. The CSP will then be able to compare the GOPs without
breaching the privacy and security of the uploaded data while storage space will
be maximized through cross-user deduplication. Once the video and the signatures
are uploaded by the user to the cloud, the CSP will compare the signatures of the
compressed video for deduplication purposes. If the signatures match, the new
copy is discarded and the metadata is updated. Depending upon the resource and
security requirements, the CSP can compare the encrypted parts of the videos after
the signature matches, in order to ensure that the two GOPs are identical before
deleting the data. Since convergent encryption is applied, the same plain videos
would result is the same cipher videos, thus enabling cross-user deduplication in
the presence of a semi-honest CSP.
10.9.4 Experimental Results
The experiments have been conducted by keeping in mind the following require-
ments: (1) some digital space must be saved by applying the H.264 compression
algorithm and deduplication; (2) the compression algorithm must be efficient
in terms of computation, complexity and storage overheads; (3) the signature
generation step must be robust enough to identify the GOPs for deduplication;
and (4) attacks from external users are much more straightforward than those from
internal users. Therefore, our goal is to show that our proposed scheme is secure
against a semi-honest CSP. The use of partial encryption and signature generation
done at the user end is therefore analyzed thoroughly for security and efficiency
In order to analyze the security and efficiency of our proposed scheme, we tested
it on six different video sequences, namely Akiyo, Foreman, Claire, Grandma, and
Highway. The specifications of all of these video sequences are well known and are
presented in Table 10.5. We have chosen these videos for our testing because they
belong to different classes of videos (Thomas et al. 2007). Foreman and Highway
Table 10.5 Video sequence
information Video Size of Avg size of
sequence video (MB) Total GOPs GOP (KB)
Akiyo 1.17 20 53.33
Grandma 3.07 58 54.9
Mobile 2.80 20 154.66
Foreman 0.944 14 60.74
Claire 1.33 33 42.10
Highway 6.14 134 49.45

266 F. Rashid and A. Miri
Table 10.6 Deduplication performance of the video sequences
% of space
saved for 100%
of GOPs
% of space
saved for 25%
of GOPs
% of Space
saved for 50%
of GOPs
% of space
saved for 75%
of GOPs
Video sequence
Akiyo 26:65 53:33 79:99 100
Grandma 25:92 51:85 77:78 100
Mobile 27:61 55:23 82:85 100
Foreman 22:5 45:02 67:53 100
Claire 27:06 51:12 75:17 100
Highway 26:98 53:96 80:94 100
are classified as non-complex textured and medium intensity videos. Grandma,
Akiyo and Claire are classified as non-complex textured and low intensity motion
videos. Each video sequence is first encoded into the QCIF, and then the frames
are extracted. The videos are then input into the H.264 compression algorithm with
a GOP size of 15. The first frame is the I frame and the rest of the frames are
P frames, which implies an IPPP format. The QP value is set to 28. The algorithm
works on 44,16 16 MB modes for I and P frames. The rate of compression for
H.264 is set to 30 Hz. The details of the algorithm can be found at (Al Muhit 2017).
The system configuration for the experiment is an Intel Core i3 processor with
2.40 GHz frequency and 4 GB RAM. The underlying operating system is 64 bits. We
implemented our scheme in MATLAB version R2014a. Finally, different methods,
all implemented in MATLAB, were used for the extraction and processing of QCIF
videos, as well as the extraction of the frames.
Video deduplication is the most important requirement which we need to fulfill.
The deduplication aspect of our scheme is captured in Table 10.6.Wehave
calculated the amount of space saved in cloud storage for the case where the CSP
practices cross-user deduplication at the GOP level for 25,50 ,75 and 100%of
GOPs in our experiments. From the results shown in Table 10.6, it can be observed
that for complex textured videos such as mobile, the percentage of digital space
saved is higher than that of the non-complex textured video. This is attributed to the
fact that these videos are larger in size (i.e. there is more information for complex
textured videos) on the disk than the others. As more and more GOPs are replicated,
the space savings increase at the cloud storage end. The CSP will simply need to
update some metadata for the GOP, indicating that this particular GOP had also
belonged to this user in addition to some other users. The size of the metadata is
very nominal compared to the space saved by simply storing a single copy of the
GOP rather than a copy for each user. Moreover, for CSPs with large storage, the
metadata space is negligible because of its textual nature. For videos that are large in
size and high motion intensity, it can be seen that there are substantial space savings
as in case of the Highway video. The percentage of space saved increases as more
and more GOPs are identical. When the entire video is the same, 100% of the space
is saved. It can also be noted that the amount of space saved increases as the size

10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 267
of the video increases, which is very favourable for a cloud computing setup since
users try to upload large videos at times. Videos uploaded to the cloud by different
users are often not exactly identical, but at times cropped at the beginning or at the
end. Unlike images, the brightness and colour of videos are not often modified by
users, but videos can be changed in length by simply cropping some parts of them.
This explains why our scheme is based on GOPs so that the deduplication ratios can
be improved as much as possible.
The second requirement of our scheme is that the inclusion of the deduplication
process should not incur any extra overhead on the process of uploading the
videos in the cloud storage from the user’s end, i.e. the proposed scheme should
be computationally cost-effective in terms of resources at the user’s end. We are
proposing to use the H.264 compression algorithm as the basis of all our further
computations. Since videos are compressed anyways before being uploaded in
the cloud, the computational overhead in reduced to a great extend. The user is
calculating the signatures from the information produced from the compression
algorithm. The encryption is also carried out on the information generated by the
compression algorithm. Therefore, the performance efficiency should be determined
in terms of how much time the user spent on these two actions. From Table 10.7,it
can be observed that the average time to encode the videos is much higher than that
to calculate the signature. In case of the Highway video sequence, the average time
to compress the video is 165:65 s and the average time to calculate the signature at
the GOP level is 0:0603 s, which is nominal compared to the time to encode. It can
also be noticed that as the size of the video increases (from foreman to highway),
the number of GOPs naturally increases, but the time taken to encode and the PNSR
also depends on the nature of the video. The mobile video sequence is complex
in texture and smaller in size, but took the highest time to encode. The time taken
(and consequently the number of CPU cycles used) to compare the signatures is
also insignificant in the case of large cloud storages since the size of the signature
is merely 256 bits. For instance, as can be seen from Table 10.7, the size of the
actual signature for the grandma video is 1568745 bytes, which has been reduced
Table 10.7 Compression
performance of the video
time to
of sig
Avg time to
calculate hash
of sig (s)
Video sequence
Akiyo 146:685 39:9 0:0524 1536480
Grandma 173:846 39:3 0:0480 1568745
Mobile 220:54 35:21 0:0632 1743569
Foreman 160:66 37:7 0:0832 1812960
Claire 166:38 41:5 0:068 1463256
Highway 165:65 39:4 0:0603 1722373
268 F. Rashid and A. Miri
to 256 bits by the SHA hash. These signatures will be transmitted along with the
compressed videos, but because of their size, they do not incur any overhead in
terms of bandwidth consumption.
For the grandma video, a total of 58 signatures need to be transmitted with an
approximate size of 14848 bits, which again is negligible for the user. The signatures
are also calculated at the GOPs level, i.e. for each GOP, a 256 bits signature is
generated, which is very small compared to the original size of the GOP. Depending
upon the computational capacity of the cloud and security and efficiency tradeoff,
the signatures can be calculated for each frame rather than at the GOP level, and
each frame signature can be checked for deduplication. The time taken to calculate
those signatures is also negligible, even at the user’s end. For the CSP, the benefit
comes when he/she has to compare the signatures (256 bits) rather than the GOPs
themselves (e.g. 53:33 KB). The size of the video to be stored also gets reduced
after compression, which is also a benefit for the CSP in terms of storage savings.
The proposed scheme is designed in such a way that the performance of the H.264
compression algorithm is not affected by the signature calculation and the partial
encryption because these methods are applied on top of the information generated
by the H.264 compression algorithm. The performance of the H.264 compression
algorithm is shown in Table 10.7 in terms of PSNR. The performance of our
proposed scheme can be judged from the results depicted in Tables 10.6 and 10.7.
We have also quantified the time consumed in the partial encryption of each
GOP. In our proposed video deduplication scheme, the partial encryption presented
in Zhao and Zhuo (2012) is adopted and adjusted to meet the requirements of cross-
user deduplication. Therefore, we have considered the same experimental settings
used in Zhao and Zhuo (2012), in terms of number of frames in GOPs, compression
rate, and QP factor. We conducted the experiment on a few samples and obtained
almost similar results as the ones shown in Zhao and Zhuo (2012) in terms of time
consumed for partial encryption. Indeed, the Foreman video took 0:44019 s, the
Highway video took 2:26 s, the Akiyo video took 0:354 s and the mobile video
took 1:308 s. From these results, it is clear that the time taken to perform partial
encryption increases as the size of the video increases (the Highway video being
the largest of all) and this time tends to increase for videos with complex texture
since they have more information to encrypt. Overall, the time taken to encrypt the
partial compressed information is negligible compared to the time taken to encode
the video. Moreover, considering the tradeoff between security and efficiency, this
amount of time can be overlooked when it comes to cloud computing.
10.9.5 Security Analysis
The setup of the proposed scheme allows the user to only upload the video data
generated during the H.264 compression step, and at the same time, to partially
encrypt the video and generate the unique hash of each GOP. The CSP should
not be able to decompress the video from the received compressed data, which
10 Deduplication Practices for Multimedia Data in the Cloud 269
is partially encrypted. The security of the proposed scheme depends upon the
partial encryption of the DCT coefficients and motion vectors. We have used the
convergent encryption, which utilizes the 256 bits hash of the data as the key for
the AES encryption. The possibility of AES encryption being compromised is very
seldom since it requires a computational complexity of 2126:1 to recover the key.
The security of the SHA-256 bits is very strong since it requires a computational
complexity of minimum 2178 to be attacked in case of differential attacks. The
perceptual quality of the videos is too bad if decrypted by the CSP since he does
not have access to the required video compression information in order to accurately
recover the video. Due to the deduplication requirement, the users cannot be allowed
to choose different keys or a public/ private key model for the encryption step.
The keys generated for two different users for the same GOP through convergent
encryption are exactly the same. Hence, it is assumed that the users of the same
cloud storage will not collude with the CSP, otherwise the security of the proposed
scheme could be compromised.
10.10 Chapter Summary
In the first part of this chapter, we have presented a novel secure image dedu-
plication scheme through image compression for cloud storage services purpose.
The proposed scheme is composed of three parts, namely: SPIHT compression
algorithm, partial encryption, and hashing. Experimental results have shown that
(1) the proposed scheme is robust enough to identify minor changes between two
images even if they are in the compressed form; (2) the proposed scheme is secured
against the semi-honest CSP since the CSP does not have access to the compressed
images, but can identify the identical images from different users only through
the significant maps of these compressed images; (3) the proposed POR and POW
schemes are efficient.
In the second half, we have proposed a secure video deduplication scheme
through video compression in cloud storage environments. The proposed scheme is
made of three components: H.264 video compression scheme, signature generation
from the compressed videos, and selective encryption of the compressed videos. The
compressed video obtained from the H.264 algorithm is partially encrypted through
convergent encryption, in such a way that the semi-honest CSP or any malicious
user cannot have access to it in plain, hence ensuring the security of the video
data from the CSP or any malicious user. Experimental results have shown that:
(1) For complex textured videos, the percentage of digital storage space saved by
the CSP practicing cross-user deduplication using our scheme is higher than that
of the non-complex textured video; (2) For videos that are large in size and high
motion intensity, there are substantial space savings for the CSP practicing cross-
user deduplication using our scheme; (3) the average time taken to encode the videos
is much higher than that taken to calculate the signature; (4) the proposed scheme
is secured against the semi-honest CSP since the CSP does not have access to the
video compression information required for the recovery of the video.
270 F. Rashid and A. Miri
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Chapter 11
Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over
Encrypted Data Stores
Hoi Ting Poon and Ali Miri
11.1 Introduction
It is only recently, with the rapid development of Internet technologies, the
emergence of Internet of things and the appetite for multimedia that Big Data began
to capture the attention of companies and researchers alike. Amidst the constant
reminder of the importance of Big Data and the role of data scientist would have on
our future, there is also a growing awareness that the availability of data in all forms
and in large scale would constitute an unprecedented breach of security and privacy.
While much progress were made in the past decade, a practical and secure big
data solution remains elusive. In response to the privacy concerns, anonymization
techniques, through removal of personally identifiable information such as names
and identification numbers from customer data, have been in use by many com-
panies such as Facebook and Netflix. Yet, many studies have shown that they do
not provide reliable protection. For instance, a study by MIT (How hard is it to
‘de-anonymize’ cellphone data? n.d.) showed that knowing a person’s location four
times in a year is enough to uniquely identify 95% of users in a set of 1.5 million
cellphone usage records. In genomics, short subsequences of chromosomes were
found to be enough to identify individuals with high probability (Gymrek et al.
2013). The anonymized Netflix Prize dataset was famously deanonymized using
publicly available information (Narayanan and Shmatikov 2008). In all cases, the
conclusion seems to be that reliable anonymization could well be infeasible since
information about individuals is so widely available and easily accessible largely
due to the Internet.
H.T. Poon • A. Miri ()
Department of Computer Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
e-mail: hoiting.poon@ryerson.ca;Ali.Miri@ryerson.ca
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_11
274 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
As an alternative to anonymization, encryption has well defined security prop-
erties and had endured under the scrutiny of academics and security professionals.
Rather than maintaining seemingly non-identifying information in plain, all data is
encrypted with mechanisms in place to perform the required functionalities. Much
of the difficulty in securing distributed computation and data storage is due to the
fact that strong encryption tends to require significant computations, which in turn
reduces the throughput of the system. Nonetheless, there have been a growing body
of work on the topic of processing of encrypted data, that holds promise on what a
secure encrypted big data system may one day be.
In this chapter, we will look at some recent works on enabling search over
encrypted data. Their common objective is to enable data to be stored and queried
in encrypted form at numerous facilities, which may not be in the organizations
control since data centers tend to be expensive to maintain and cloud solutions are
fast becoming the standard. We will also briefly present the topic of homomorphic
encryption, which has been a very active area of research due to the breakthrough
work on the first fully homomorphic encryption scheme. The ability to perform
computations in encrypted form has significant ramification in secure distributed
computing, increasing end node security and privacy.
11.2 Searchable Encryption Models
Since Google popularized MapReduce in the early 2000s, search has been rec-
ognized as a central function of many big data systems. Similarly, research into
encrypted data processing also began with search. Searchable encryption schemes
generally involve up to three parties:
• Data Owner
• Storage Provider
The Data Owner has access to the secret/private key to decrypt the data set and
is considered to be trusted. Users are parties other than the data owner that add
material to the encrypted data set or that search over it. Users do not have the ability
to decrypt or obtain information without obtaining Data Owner’s authorization.
The encrypted data set is stored in an untrusted storage server, such as a cloud
service provider (e.g. Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure). While it is accepted that
legitimate service providers will perform the required protocols and encryptions
without fault to ensure their business operation, it is also conceivable that they
may wish to perform analysis on the information available to them, such as the
search patterns, to acquire additional knowledge on their clients that may benefit
them. This is termed the honest but curious model, where a non-malicious entity
follows the required protocols but desires to learn more on the protected data set.
In addition to the storage provider, users are also generally considered to be honest
but curious. More complicated schemes have also been proposed which consider the
11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 275
malicious settings where the storage provider or users may deliberately manipulate
the protocols and data to compromise the data security. Other models also exist
where researchers propose solutions to mitigate information leakage resulting from
colluding users and cloud operators. For our discussion, we will restrict to the honest
but curious model for cloud storage providers and users.
Searchable encryption schemes can be classified into four categories, denoted by
• Private/Private: A private keyword search scheme that allows the data owner
possessing the secret key to search over an encrypted data set placed by the data
owner without compromising or decrypting the data.
• Public/Private: A keyword search scheme that allows the data owner possessing
the secret key to search over an encrypted data set consisting of content submitted
by various users without compromising or decrypting the data.
• Private/Public: A keyword search scheme that allows any authorized user to
search over an encrypted data set placed by the data owner without compromising
or decrypting the data.
• Public/Public: A public keyword search scheme that allows any authorized user
to search over an encrypted corpus consisting of content submitted by various
users without compromising or decrypting the data.
In a completely private scenario, the data owner is the sole party performing
searches and providing the encrypted data set. As the security risk is limited to
the storage provider, this setting also entails the most efficient solutions using
symmetric encryption. In a private/public setting, where other users may search
over a private collection, an extension of the completely private solutions may be
used. Where public contribution to the encrypted data set is required, asymmetric
encryption is used to maintain secrecy.
To provide a better understanding of searchable encryption, this chapter will
begin by describing some classic and recent works in the context of textual
information for the aforementioned categories.
11.3 Text
Many sensitive and confidential information are stored in texts. Documents con-
taining medical records, financial spreadsheets, business transactions, credit card
records and customer information are among the most cited that require privacy
protections. One of the central needs of text processing systems is search.
For our discussions, we will focus on conjunctive keyword search, which deals
with queries for multiple keywords linked with an AND relationship. While English
is assumed in our discussions, the techniques can easily be extended to other natural

276 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
Fig. 11.1 Private/private search scheme
11.3.1 Private/Private Search Scheme: Cloud Document
The simplest scenario is the case where the data owner uploads data to a third party
server and wishes to selectively access the data while hiding the content from the
server. A typical example would be a student uploading his assignments and notes
to a cloud storage host such as DropBox so that he may easily access the documents
at home or at school. Another example would be an executive uploading its merger
and acquisition records to their cloud hosted systems. In both cases, the data owner
is to be the only person searching and generating the encrypted data (Fig. 11.1). Encrypted Indexes
Indexing has been one of the most efficient approaches to search over data.
The technique can also be extended to encrypted data.
An Index works by first parsing a data set for keywords and then generating a
table that maps the keywords to the data. Consider a document set with three books
with the following keywords:
Book A ‘Horror’,‘Fiction’
Book B ‘World War’,‘Biography’
Book C ‘World War’, ‘Pandemic’, ‘Fiction’
Parsing the document set would result in the following index:
‘Horror’ A
‘Fiction’ A,C
‘World War’ B,C
‘Biography’ B
‘Pandemic’ C
Extending the approach to encrypted data consists simply of hashing and
encrypting the keys and entries in a manner that is consistent with the index
structure. The data set itself is symmetrically encrypted using a separate secret key.

11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 277
Hk(‘Horror’) Ek.A/
Hk(‘Fiction’) Ek.A;C/
Hk(‘World War’) Ek.B;C/
Hk(‘Biography’) Ek.B/
Hk(‘Pandemic’) Ek.C/
Suppose a user wishes to upload a document collection, DDfD1;D2;:::;Dng.
It is first parsed for a list of keywords, kwj, which may include document content or
meta-data such as date and department. An index is generated mapping keywords to
documents such that I.kwj/Dfda;db;:::;dng, where diD1if kwjis a keyword for
the ith document and diD0otherwise. The index is then encrypted and uploaded
to the cloud server:
I.HK.kwj// DfEK.da;db;:::;dn/g;(11.1)
where HK./ is a cryptographic hash function and Ek./ is a symmetric encryption
algorithm such as AES. Briefly, cryptographic hash functions are mapping H.x/W
C!D, where x2C,jCjjDjand where it is computationally infeasible
to determine any information about xgiven H.x/. Common cryptographic hash
functions include SHA-2, SHA-3 and BLAKE.
For the discussed example, the encrypted index would be
Hk(‘Horror’) Ek.100/
Hk(‘Fiction’) Ek.101/
Hk(‘World War’) Ek.011/
Hk(‘Biography’) Ek.010/
Hk(‘Pandemic’) Ek.001/
To perform a search for a set of keywords kw0Dfkw1;kw2;:::;kwqg, the data
owner computes their hashes, HK.kw0/, using the secret key and sends them to the
cloud server. The cloud server looks up entries in the index tables corresponding to
HK.kw0/and return the encrypted index entries to the data owner. The data owner
then decrypts and finds the intersection of index entries and identifies the matching
DK.I.HK.kw1/// &DK.I.HK.kw2/// &DK.I.HK.kwq///; (11.2)
where & is a bitwise AND operation. Suppose a query was made for all biographies
from World war veterans, a search for ‘World War’ and ‘Biography’ would require
Hk(‘World War’) and Hk(‘Biography’) to be sent to the cloud server. Ek.011/ and
Ek.010/ would respectively be returned to the data owner, who identifies B as the
matching results from 011&010 D010.

278 H.T. Poon and A. Miri Bloom Filters
While indexes provide a reliable and familiar approach to searching encrypted
data, the need for decryption and encryption during search can be computationally
expensive for certain applications. As an alternative, Bloom filters offer similar
level of performance without the need for decryption and requires only one round
of communication, but, unlike indexing, results can contain false positives. While
generally undesirable, false positives can provide some level of privacy protection
(Goh 2003).
Bloom filters are space-efficient probabilistic data structure used to test whether
an element is a member of a set. A Bloom filter contains mbits and hash functions,
Hi.x/, are used to map elements to the m-bits in the filter. All bits in the filter
are initially set to zeros. To add an element, a, to the filter, we compute Hi.a/for
iD1to , and set the corresponding positions in the filter to 1. For example, for
D2and mD5, to add ‘Happy’ to the filter, we compute H1(‘Happy’)D1and
H2(‘Happy’)D4. Setting the position 1and 4, the Bloom filter becomes 1; 0; 0; 1; 0.
To test for membership of an element, b, in a sample Bloom filter, we compute
Hi.b/for iD1to , the element is determined to be a member if all corresponding
positions of the sample Bloom filter is set to 1. For example, ‘Happy’ would be a
member of the Bloom filter, 1; 1; 0; 1; 1.
While Bloom filters have no false-negatives, it can falsely identify an element as
member of a set. Given hash functions, nitems inserted and mbits used in the
filter, the probability of false positives is approximately pD.1 en=m/.
Applying Bloom filters for search consists of viewing the keywords associated
with a document as a set and individual keywords as its members. Using the
same example as in previous section, Book A would need to add ‘Horror’ and
‘Fiction’ to its filter. Suppose D2,mD5,H1(‘Horror’)D1,H2(‘Horror’)D
4,H1(‘Fiction’)D2and H2(‘Fiction’)D4, Book A’s keyword filter would be
1; 1; 0; 1; 0. Proceeding similarly for the remaining documents yield the following
Bloom filters analogous to the index table in previous section:
Book A 11010
Book B 01101
Book C 11011
To search for ‘World War’ and ‘Biography’, we would construct a query filter
where H1(‘World War’), H2(‘World War’), H1(‘Biography’) and H2(‘Biography’)
are set and send it to the server. Suppose, the query filter is 01101, the server
identifies all filters with the 2nd, 3rd and 5th bits set and returns Book B as the
Using Bloom filters for encrypted data proceeds in the same manner except
members of filters consist of encrypted keywords. That is, to add ‘Happy’ to a filter,
we first compute its keyed cryptographic hash, Hk(‘Happy’). Then, we hash the

11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 279
result and set the filter bits as before using H1.Hk(‘Happy’)) and H2.Hk(‘Happy’)).
To perform a search, we construct a query using the cryptographic hash of keywords
under search as members. Since the cloud server does not have access to k, it cannot
perform searches without data owner’s authorization.
Note that if the file names also require privacy, a small lookup table matching
numerical identifiers to file names can be stored privately by the data owner. The
matching numerical identifiers can then be used in place of file names on the cloud
server. A sample file name to identifier table is as follows:
Book A 83546
Book B 15378
Book C 43879
When compared to the encrypted indexes approach, the use of Bloom filters will
generally lead to a much smaller storage requirement at the cost of having false
11.3.2 Private/Public Search Scheme: Cloud Document
Storage Extended
Suppose you wish to allow certain users to search your documents (Fig. 11.2), the
previous solutions can be extended to achieve this goal .
Consider the encrypted indexes based search scheme, a user wishing to search
data owner’s documents can simply send the queried keywords to the data owner.
The data owner computes the encrypted keywords and either forward them to the
server or return them to the user. The server then processes the query as in the private
scenario and return the results to the user. Figure 11.3 illustrates the technique.
The Bloom filter based scheme can also be extended by having the data owner
process all user query requests prior to sending the query filter to the server.
Note that the encrypted keyword set or the query filter generated from encrypted
keywords constitute a trapdoor, i.e. data that can be used to search the data set but
reveal no information on the keywords. This hides the keywords being searched for
from the cloud server.
Fig. 11.2 Private/public search scheme

280 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
Fig. 11.3 Extension of an
encrypted private storage to
allow third party searches
Fig. 11.4 Public/private search scheme
One advantage of this setup is that it allows an access control mechanism to be
in place where the data owner can authorize and revoke user access to the data set.
Consider a multi-national corporation with offices in many nations, but needs to
share documents between its employees. The corporation’s master server(s) may be
considered data owners and its employees are users. Depending on their roles, they
may not be able to search for certain keywords. The simple extension discussed in
this section would allow the data owner to process all query requests as opposed to
a non-interactive model.
11.3.3 Public/Private Search Scheme: Email Filtering System
At a time when email was the primary method of communication online, Boneh
et al. (2004) proposed a system that would allow emails to be securely stored on
an untrusted email server while allowing selective retrieval of messages based on
keywords. In this setting, the users are entities sending emails to the data owner
and the cloud server is the untrusted email server. Since there are many users, we
have public contribution of encrypted data and private search by the data owner
(Fig. 11.4).
The usefulness of the system, shown in Fig. 11.5, is demonstrated in a scenario
where certain emails sent by various people may be urgent and required immediate
attention from the recipient. Hence, rather than waiting for a email retrieval request,
the recipient may be immediately alerted to the urgent matter, all while maintaining
the secrecy of the email contents.
The construction is based on public key encryption, which facilitates the key
management in the considered scenario, where a single public key may be used
by all users wishing to encrypt and send emails to the recipient. In particular, the
authors noted that the scenario implies that an Identity-Based Encryption is required.

11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 281
Fig. 11.5 Email filtering system Identity-Based Encryption (IBE)
Identity-Based Encryption schemes allow any arbitrary strings to be used to generate
a public key. With traditional public key encryption, different parties must go to
trusted certificate authorities to obtain the public key of the intended recipient to
encrypt a message. The main advantage of IBE is that parties can effectively forego
this process by using the recipient’s identity, such as his email address, as the public
key to encrypt messages. To decrypt the messages, the recipient must obtain the
corresponding private key from a trusted authority. Note that the trusted authority in
IBE is a key escrow, that is, it can generate private keys for any users in the system
and must be considered highly trusted. It is interesting to note, however, that in a
system with a finite number of users, the key escrow can be removed once all users
have obtained their private keys. Furthermore, the ability to generate public keys
from arbitrary strings also enable the use of attributes in public key, where access
to private key may depend upon. For example, emails sent to support@abc.com
may be encrypted using ‘support@abc.com,lvl=2,Exp=09Oct2016’ to signify that
the email is valid only for level 2 support staff and until October 9th. If the party
requesting the private key fails to meet either condition, the private key would not
be issued.
The most efficient IBE schemes today are based on bilinear pairings over elliptic
curves (Boneh and Franklin 2001). Due to its importance in the literature as the
basis of many solutions on searchable encryption, we’ll include the basic scheme
here to illustrate the operations. Interested reader is encouraged to refer to Boneh
and Franklin (2001) for detailed description.
An Identity-Based Encryption based on bilinear pairings, generally Weil or Tate
pairings, consists of the following four algorithms:
•Setup—Select two large primes, pand q, two groups, G1and G2of order qand
a generator, P2G1. Two cryptographic hash functions, H.a/Wf0; 1g!G1
and H.b/WG2!f0; 1gand a bilinear map eWG1G1!G2are also selected.
A master secret s2Zqis held by the authority responsible for generating private
keys. The public key, Psis set to sP. The public parameters of the scheme are:
282 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
•Private Key Generation—Given a party’s ID, the corresponding private key is
generated as dID DsH1.ID/.
•Encryption—Given a message, m, to be sent to recipient with identity, ID,the
recipient’s public key is first computed as H1.ID/. Then, we compute gID D
e.H1.ID/; Ps/and the ciphertext is set to cDEIBE;H1.ID/DfrP;m˚H2.gr
where r2Z
•Decryption—Given a ciphertext, cDu;v, the message can be retrieved by
computing v˚H2.e.dID;u//.
Setup and Private Key Generation are generally performed by the key escrow
authority. Encryption is performed by message senders and Decryption is per-
formed by recipients. IBE is a probabilistic encryption algorithm. The use of
randomness allows different encryption of the same plaintext to result in different
ciphertexts. The security of IBE is based on the discrete log problem in elliptic
curves and the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Assumption. The former states that, given P
and sP, it is computationally infeasible to determine s. The latter states that, given
P,sP, it is computationally infeasible to determine e.P;P/s. An IBE-Based Secure Email Filtering System
We first provide a high level description of the email filtering system, which also
involves four algorithms:
•KeyGen—Generates public and private key, Apub and Apriv.
•PEKS(Apub,W)—Computes a searchable encryption of the keyword, W,forthe
recipient with public key, Apub.
•Trapdoor(Apriv,W)—Computes a trapdoor for the keyword, W, for the recipient
with private key, Apriv.
•Test(Apub,S,TW)—Tests if the keywords used to generate the searchable
encryption, SDPEKS.Apub;W0/, and the trapdoor, TWDTrapdoor.Apriv;W/
Suppose a user wishes to filter for the keyword ‘urgent’, it generates the
public and private keys using KeyGen. Then, to allow filtering for the keyword,
the user computes Trapdoor(Apriv,‘urgent’), and place the result on the mail
server. Emails sent to the user would contain the encrypted email and a series of
keywords encrypted using the recipient’s public key, fE.email/kPEKS.Apub;W1/k
PEKS.Apub;W2/:::g. Suppose W2D‘urgent’, the mail server would first compute
Test(Apub,PEKS.Apub;W1/,T‘urgent0) to find that W1¤‘urgent’. Then, Test(Apub,
PEKS.Apub;W2/,T‘urgent0) would reveal that W2D‘urgent’ and that the email is
urgent while protecting the content of the email and the non-matched keyword W1.
One of the advantages of this approach is that it’s non-interactive. Once the recipient
has generated the trapdoor for the keyword filters, the incoming emails may be
filtered even if the recipient is offline.

11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 283
To implement the filtering system using IBE, the various parameters are chosen
as follows:
•AprivDa, where a2Z
qis randomly chosen, and Apub DfP;aPg
•PEKS(Apub,W/DfrP;H2.e.H1.W/; r.aP///g, where r2Z
qis randomly chosen
•Test(Apub,S,TW/D‘Match’ if H2.e.TW;A// DB, where SDfA;Bg
As seen, the recipient acts as the key escrow authority using the master secret,
a, to generate private keys for identities that are keywords he wish the email server
to filter for. The email server is given these private keys. Any users wishing to send
emails to the recipient can encrypt using the public keys assigned to the keywords.
PEKS(Apub,W) is equivalent to an IBE encryption of the message, mD0.Giventhe
private keys for the specified keywords, the email server can decrypt only PEKS./
corresponding those keywords, allowing matching. Since the content of the email is
encrypted separately, the security of the scheme is achieved.
11.3.4 Public/Public Search Scheme: Delegated Investigation
of Secured Audit Logs
Waters et al. (2004) considered a distributed system where multiple servers,
belonging to the same organization, are generating audit logs while in operation
(Fig. 11.7). The servers are off-site, e.g. in the cloud, and raise privacy and security
concerns. Third parties, such as a consulting firm’s investigators, wishing to access
the audit log may do so but only records that are relevant to their investigation.
Hence, we have public generation of encrypted data, i.e. the audit logs, by the off-
site servers destined for the data owner, which is the organization. We also have
public search of the encrypted data by the investigators, the users. Figure 11.6
illustrates the scenario.
Two solutions, one based on symmetric encryption and one based on public key
encryption, are described, combining some of the techniques from previous sections.
Fig. 11.6 Public/public search scheme

284 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
Fig. 11.7 Audit records, with keywords and meta-data such as user and time (Waters et al. 2004) Symmetric Scheme
The symmetric scheme provides an efficient and practical solution for searching and
delegating audit log queries. Symmetric encryption has well established security
properties and is generally very efficient. In addition, cryptographic hash functions
provide an equally efficient tool for one-way mapping of data.
Suppose there are nservers generating audit logs, each server holds a secret key,
Siand encrypts its log entries, m, using symmetric encryption algorithm, Ek.m/,
where kis randomly generated for each entry. For each keyword, wi, the server
aiDHS.wi/; biDHai.r/; ciDbi˚.KjCRC.K//; (11.4)
where Hk0./ is a keyed cryptographic hash functions with the key k0. That is, we
compute the hash of the keyword using the server’s secret key. Then, the result is
used as the key to hash a random value, r. The final result is XOR’ed with the
symmetric encryption key used on the log entry. CRC.K/provides a mean to verify
if the decrypted symmetric key is correct, i.e. the keywords match. The encrypted
log entry is stored as:
fEK.m/; r;c1:::cng:(11.5)
To delegate log investigations, a search capability ticket, dw, must be issued,
as shown in Fig. 11.8. Suppose all logs of the class ‘Security’ is required, the
organization computes dw;iDHSi.‘Security0/for each audit log server and gives

11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 285
Fig. 11.8 Delegation of log auditing to investigators through search capability tickets (Waters
et al. 2004)
them to the investigator. To obtain the log entries with the specified keyword at
server i, the server computes pDHdw;i.r/where ris the random value stored with
each encrypted entry. Then, it computes p˚cifor each cilisted. If the result of the
form K0jHis such that HDCRC.K0/, a match is found and the encrypted log entry,
EK.m/, is decrypted using K0.
Despite the scheme’s efficiency, it can be problematic in the event of a compro-
mise of a server secret. Since each individual log server (encrypted data generator)
maintain its own secret key, SJ, to provide keyword search capability for any
keywords, compromise of any server’s secret would allow an attacker to gain search
capability of any keywords he chooses for that server. Asymmetric Scheme
The asymmetric solution addresses this issue by using IBE to provide search
capability similar to Sect. 11.3.3. In addition to simplifying key management,
asymmetric encryption facilitates the protection of private keys by reducing the
number of parties that must learn them. However, asymmetric encryption are also
computationally more expensive than symmetric encryption.
Recall from Sect., a master secret, s, is held by the trusted private key
generating authority in IBE. In our scenario, this would be the organization, i.e. the
data owner. To encrypt a log entry, a server chooses a random secret symmetric
encryption key, k, and encrypts the entry to produce, Ek.m/. For each keyword, wi,
the server computes the IBE encryption of KjCRC.K/using H1.wi/as the public key
to produce ciDEIBE;H1.wi/.mDKjCRC.K//. The encrypted log entry is stored as:
286 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
fEK.m/; c1:::cng:(11.6)
To delegate investigations to authorized parties, the data owner must first
generate and assign search capability tickets, dw, for the required keywords, wi.
Each ticket, dwDsH1.wi/, represents the private key for the keyword. To identify
matching log entries, the server attempts to decrypt each ciusing dw. If the result
is of the form K0jCRC.K0/, that it contains a valid CRC, then, EK.m/is decrypted
using K0and retained as a match.
Note that the last step of matching records in both schemes has a possibility of
false positive. Namely, it is possible that an invalid K0, by chance, is followed by a
valid CRC. However, even if a false positive occurs, the decryption of log entry
using an invalid key would result in random data unrelated to the actual log entry,
preserving the security of the schemes.
11.4 Range Queries
Suppose we wish to retrieve audit logs during a time period in which we believe
an online attack had occurred, that is we wish to do “Select * from SecLogs where
time >2014/04/10 and time <2014/04/13” where the time element may be as in
Fig. 11.7. It would have been impractically inefficient to do a keyword search for
every single possible time value in the interval using the scheme in Sect. 11.3.4.
A recent proposal, however, generated significant interest by showing that it is
possible to preserve the ordering after encryption, thus enabling the possibility of
performing numerical value comparisons of plaintexts in encrypted form.
11.4.1 Order Preserving Encryption
Order preserving encryption (OPE) (Agrawal et al. 2004) centers on the idea that,
given a plaintext space Pand a ciphertext space C,
p1>p2H) c1>c2(11.7)
8p1;p22Pand c1DE.p1/; c2DE.p2/2C:(11.8)
The encryption scheme does not rely on any mathematical hard problem, but
instead generates a random mapping from plaintext to ciphertext through the use
of a pseudo-random function. Boldyreva et al. (2009) later improves the efficiency
by providing a technique to generate the encryption mappings on-the-fly without
having to reproduce the entire mapping from the key each time.
11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 287
The security guarantee is that an attacker would not learn the plaintexts pi
besides the order. While there has been significant interest and adaptation of order
preserving encryption, it should be noted that the scheme has been shown to leak
information, up to half the bits of plaintexts, under certain conditions (Boldyreva
et al. 2011).
Adapting OPE to range queries is straightforward. For the example of audit
loginFig.11.7, encrypt all time elements using OPE and all keywords using
the scheme in Sect. 11.3.4. To search for logs on 2014/04/10, we must search
for time >2014/04/09 and time <2014/04/11. For ADE.2014=04=09/ and
BDE.2014=04=11/ and an encrypted log record, fE.Log/; E.keywords/; E.time/g,
a match is identified if
11.5 Media
The growing importance of media cannot be understated. It is estimated that, by
2019, 80% of the world’s bandwidth would be consumed by media. Currently, at the
end of 2015, the number sits at 70%, with Netflix and Youtube combining for over
50% of data sent over the Internet. Naturally, the need to process videos, audios or
images in a secure and privacy-aware manner will be of growing interest in coming
years. While studies in encrypted media processing is still at its infancy, there exists
some interesting and working solutions. As with texts, investigations began with
11.5.1 Keyword Based Media Search
The simplest approach to adapt existing text-based searchable encryption to
media is through a meta-data only media search. Consider a set of images,
IDfI1;I2;:::;Ing, we first extract a list of keywords for each image. This
extraction process can be manual, i.e. a person assigning keywords such as ‘Man’,
‘bird’, ‘table’, ‘HighRes’, or it may be done through artificial intelligence (AI) and
image recognition systems.
Once all images have been assigned keywords, all text-based solutions discussed
in Sect. 11.3 apply as is by considering the image set as the document set. This is
achievable because the search mechanism for the text-based solutions are all based
on extracted keywords and the documents are encrypted separately from the search
mechanism, be it an index, Bloom filters or IBE encrypted keywords. The reason
for the separation is because searching data content on-the-fly is computationally
expensive, even when unencrypted, since each file must be scanned as a whole
if no pre-processing was performed. Due to the security guarantees of standard

288 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
Fig. 11.9 Keywords-based image filtering system based on IBE
symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithm, processing of encrypted data is
often impossible or very computationally intensive.
Figure 11.9 shows a media filtering system based on the Email filtering system
in Sect. 11.3.3. The system depicts a image bank that receives images from various
sources. Occasionally, some images may contain sensitive or personally identifiable
information that requires blurring before being placed in the image bank. The data
owner would like to maintain privacy and prevent the host server from learning the
image contents. However, due to the quantity of images received, the data owner
would like an automatic sorting system that would facilitate post-processing upon
decryption. The depicted system achieves this by requiring each user encrypts their
images using a symmetric encryption algorithm and encrypts a series of keywords
using IBE to describe the image.
11.5.2 Content Based Media Search
Searching for images based on its content is a far more challenging task. Generally,
images are first processed to produce feature vectors, analogous to keywords in
documents, using algorithms such as SIFT (Lowe 1999). Then, the Euclidean
distance between feature vectors provides a mean to measure the similarity between
different images. However, doing so in encrypted domain is generally impossible
with standard encryption algorithms. We’ll describe two recently proposed solu-
tions, one based on OPE and one based on homomorphic encryption.

11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 289 Media Search Using OPE
Nister and Stewenius (2006) introduced a highly cited technique for searching
through a database of images. The idea was that feature vectors extracted using
popular extraction algorithms can be arranged into clusters and each cluster can be
thought of as a visual word. This opens up the possibility of using well studied
text-based solutions for content-based image search. In particular, it was shown
that using an vocabulary tree can efficiently process searches in extremely large
In Lu et al. (2009), Lu described an adaptation of the technique to enable secure
searches on encrypted images. The solution considers the visual words as keywords
for images and builds a visual word to image index. Unlike with text, the goal of the
index is not provide a simple mapping to all images containing a visual word, but
rather to enable comparison between a query image and the images in the database.
Suppose we are given a database of nimages, feature vectors are first extracted
and using k-means clustering to separate into sets of visual words. Figure 11.10
illustrates the process. Then, the feature cluster frequencies are counted to produce
an index mapping visual words to image along with the word’s frequency, as shown
in Fig. 11.11.
All visual word frequency values are encrypted using OPE, E.wi/. Then,
borrowing the notion of inverse document frequency (IDF), each encrypted value
is further scaled by
Fig. 11.10 Vocabulary tree
generation using k=3 means
Fig. 11.11 Visual word to
image index with frequencies Word ID
Image ID
Word frequency w1w2wNi

290 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
IDF Dlog.M
/; (11.10)
where Mis the total number of images in the database and Niis the number of
images containing the visual word, i. The scaling factor, IDF, skews the frequency
values such that less common and more distinctive visual words carry more weight
in determining similarity matches. The resulting index is stored on the cloud server.
The similarity of a query image and an image in the database is deter-
mined by the similarity between their visual word frequency patterns. Given a
visual word frequency list of a query image, we encrypt the values using OPE,
E.Q1/; E.Q2/;:::E.QV/, and scale the values by IDF. Note that Vrepresents the
total number of visual keywords in the database. To compare against the word
frequency of a database image, E.D1/; E.D2/;:::E.DV/, the Jaccard similarity is
iD1min.E.Qi/; E.Di//
iD1max.E.Qi/; E.Di// (11.11)
Due to the use of OPE, the order of the encrypted frequencies and thus the results
of min./ and max./ functions are preserved. The computed similarity reflects that
computed over plaintext. Therefore, the matching can be performed server side.
In addition to protecting the frequency values, the use of OPE also protects their
distribution, which may reveal information on the image content, by flattening it. Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic encryption allows computations to be carried out on ciphertexts,
where the results would decrypt to the corresponding computation on plaintexts. For
example, an additively homomorphic scheme would have the following property:
This feature allows for third parties to perform computations without exposing
confidential information. An additive homomorphic scheme may also allow multi-
plication with plaintexts to be performed by
E.m1/m2DE.m1m2/; (11.13)
where m2is in plain. Until recently, most homomorphic encryption algorithms are
either additive or multiplicative, but not both. Gentry (2009), in 2009, described
the first fully homomorphic encryption algorithm which supports both addition
and multiplication over ciphertext, opening the door to many applications and a
dramatic increase in interest on computing over encrypted data. After many years of

11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 291
improvements, fully homomorphic encryption algorithms can now run in relatively
reasonable time. However, its computational cost remains much higher than all
popular encryption algorithms, limiting its use in practise.
Recall that content-based image search typically relies on euclidean distances
between feature vectors as a measure of similarity. That is to compute
Since the square root operator applies to all values, it is easy to see that using
the squared Euclidean distance is equally valid as a distance measure. Naturally,
computing the summation is possible using fully homomorphic encryption although
at a high computational cost. To do so, the data owner encrypts the features FD;ifor
each image Djand uploads to server. To perform a query for image, Q, the data
owner encrypts all features, FQ;i, of the query image and uploads to the server. The
server computes distjDPn
iD1.FQ;iFDj;i/2for all images in the database and
returns distj’s to data owner. The smallest distance values are identified as matches
by decrypting the results.
Additive homomorphic encryption, such as Paillier cryptosystem (Paillier 1999),
can also be used to query an image in plaintext against an encrypted image database,
by exploiting the following property:
Since FQ;iis in plain, the first term is available. With E.FDj;i/as ciphertext, the
second term can be computed using Eq. (11.13). The third term can be uploaded
with the features during setup. The server can then compute the encrypted distance
without interacting with data owner. The encrypted distance must then be sent back
to the data owner for decryption. It should be noted, however, that the ability to
perform similarity search using images in plain allows the server to infer that the
matched encrypted image retrieved is close to the query image presented.
11.6 Other Applications
While conjunctive keyword searches remain the central functionality required for
many secure data outsourcing applications, researchers have also investigated more
specialized searches and functionalities. Examples include:
• Ranking of search results
• Fuzzy search
• Phrase search
292 H.T. Poon and A. Miri
• Similarity search for texts
• Privacy-protected recommender system
• Copyright management
• Signal Processing
The ability to rank search results can increase the relevance and accuracy
of matches particularly in large databases. Fuzzy searches offer a more user
friendly and intelligent search environment. Phrase search deals with sequential data
processing, which may find use in genomics, where individuals’ DNA’s may post
a privacy risk. Even virus detection (Poon and Miri 2016) has been suggested to
identify the increasing amount of malware that may remain dormant in cold storage.
Aside from search, the ability to compute over encrypted data presented by
homomorphic encryption could lead to secure outsourcing of computation. In
addition to enabling a remote server to store and search over encrypted data without
revealing their content, it may even manipulate the data in meaningful ways without
learning its content. A sample application would be privacy-protected recommender
system. Suppose a recommender system has identified that users belonging to
certain clusters are interested in certain products, a customer may send his feature
sets, which may include previously view products and set preferences, in encrypted
form and have the recommendation be computed by the server and sent back in
encrypted form without learning what products he had viewed or his preferences.
Homomorphic encryption has also been suggested as a way to protect user
privacy while managing digital rights of encrypted media. In particular, the use
of watermarks and a simple detection algorithm consisting of the computation of
correlation between the watermark and an image can be performed in a similar
manner as described in Sect.
11.7 Conclusions
In this chapter, we gave an overview of the most important works in searchable
encryption along with some of the more recent works and the relationships
between them. Classic keyword search techniques such as encrypted indexes, IBE
and Bloom filters continue to form the basis of many works in literature today.
Recent years have also seen the development of order preserving encryption and
fully homomorphic encryption, which generated significant interest in the research
community. While the sample applications discussed in this chapter were described
in simple scenarios, it is not difficult to imagine the applications in larger scale. For
example, sentimental analysis on private Twitter feeds could well be encrypted with
searchable keyword tags. Recommender systems could provide recommendations
without revealing users’ interests, by using homomorphic encryption.
As the world continues to become more connected and the amount of data
generated continues to climb, the need for privacy and security will equally become
more important. Much of the difficulties in adapting cryptographic techniques to
11 Privacy-Aware Search and Computation Over Encrypted Data Stores 293
Big Data lies in their relatively high computational cost for today’s technology.
As our computational power increases and algorithms improve, the cryptographic
techniques developed today may well form the basis of a secure big data system in
the future.
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Chapter 12
Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation
Based on Big Data
Yu Liang, Dalei Wu, Dryver Huston, Guirong Liu, Yaohang Li, Cuilan Gao,
and Zhongguo John Ma
12.1 Introduction
12.1.1 Motivations of Big-Data Enabled Structural Health
Civil infrastructure, such as bridges and pipelines, is the mainstay of economic
growth and sustainable development; however, the safety and economic viability of
civil infrastructure is becoming an increasingly critical issue. According to a report
of USA’s Federal National Bridge Inventory, the average age of the nation’s 607,380
Y. Liang ()•D.Wu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga,
Chattanooga, TN 37403, USA
e-mail: yu-liang@utc.edu;dalei-wu@utc.edu
D. Huston
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA
G. Liu
Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA
Y. Li
Department of Computer Science, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA
C. Gao
Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga,
TN 37403, USA
Z.J. Ma
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
TN 37996, USA
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_12
296 Y. Liang et al.
bridges is currently 42 years old. One in nine of those bridges is rated as structurally
deficient. According to the report of United States Department of Transportation,
the U.S. oil and gas pipeline mileages has reached 158,329 miles till 2014. A new
analysis of oil and gas pipeline safety in the United States reveals that nearly 300
incidents have occurred per year since 1986.
On the other hand, a prompt and accurate detection of infrastructure deficiency,
such as bridge collapse and pipeline leaking, is extremely challenging. In this
work, a multiscale structural health monitoring and measuring system (Catbas
et al. 2012;Yeetal.2012) based on Hadoop Ecosystem (Landset et al. 2015),
denoted as MS-SHM-Hadoop for simplicity, is proposed. By integrating sensor
technology, advanced wireless network, data-mining based on big-data platform,
and structural mechanics modeling and simulation, MS-SHM-Hadoop is equipped
with the following functions: (1) real-time sensory data acquisition, integration,
and analysis (Liang and Wu 2014,2016; Liang et al. 2013a,b); (2) quantitative
measurement of the deficiency of nation-wide civil infrastructure; (3) identification
of civil infrastructure’s structural fault and quantitative prediction of their life
expectancy according to the long-term surveillance about the dynamics behavior
of civil infrastructure.
To monitor and manage civil infrastructure effectively, wireless sensor networks
(WSNs) have received extensive attention. A WSN is generally comprised of
multiple wireless smart sensor nodes (WSSNs) and a base station which can be
a computer server with ample computation and storage resources. Featured with
low cost in installation and maintenance and high scalability, the WSSNs have
been deployed on the Golden Gate Bridge by UC Berkeley in 2006 (Kim et al.
2007) and recently on Jindo Bridge in Korea through a collaborative research
among Korea, US, and Japan (Jang et al. 2010). Researchers have also demonstrated
enthusiasm using wireless smart sensors to monitor full-scale civil bridge structures
in Lynch et al. (2006) and Pakzad (2008). Full-scale deployment of WSN on real
bridge structure is transformative because the employment of wired sensor network
still dominates SHM projects. Challenges lay the availability of power supply and
mature damage monitoring algorithms.
Heterogeneous and multi-modal data about the structural health of civil infras-
tructures has been collected. Although there have been some work that adopted
data management systems and machine learning techniques for structural moni-
toring, few platforms have been investigated to integrate full spectrum input data
seamlessly. In Sofge (1994) neural network based techniques are used for modeling
and analyzing dynamic structural information for recognizing structural defects.
In Guo et al. (2014), to avoid the need of a large amount of labeled real-world
data as training data, a large amount of unlabeled data are used to train a feature
extractor based on the sparse coding algorithm. Features learned from sparse coding
are then used to train a neural network classifier to distinguish different statuses
of a bridge. The work in Roshandeh et al. (2014) presents a layered big data
and a real-time decision-making framework for bridge data management as well
as health monitoring. In Nick et al. (2015), both supervised and unsupervised
learning techniques for structural health monitoring are investigated by considering
acoustic emission signals. A data management civil infrastructure based on NoSQL

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 297
Fig. 12.1 Three major inputs for MS-SHM-Hadoop
database technologies for bridge monitoring applications was proposed in Jeong
et al. (2016b). Cloud service platform is also deployed to enhance scalability,
flexibility and accessibility of the data management system (Jeong et al. 2016a).
12.1.2 Overview of the Proposed MS-SHM-Hadoop
The three major inputs for MS-SHM-Hadoop is shown in Fig. 12.1. Sensory data
includes the cyclic external load and structural response, and surrounding environ-
mental conditions. Supporting information refers to all civil infrastructure related
information, such as bridge configuration database (National Bridge Inventory),
pipeline safety information (the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin-
istration Inventory), transportation status (National Transit Database), and weather
conditions (National Climatic Data Center). Structural configurations include the
geometric formulation of civil infrastructure and construction material description.
The joint consideration of big-data and sensor-oriented structural health moni-
toring and measuring is based on the following considerations: (1) Many critical
aspects of civil infrastructure performance are not well understood. The reasons
for this include the extreme diversity of the civil infrastructure, the widely varying
conditions under which civil infrastructure serve, and the lack of reliable data
needed to understand performance and loads. Meanwhile, as sensors for civil
infrastructure structural health monitoring are increasingly employed across the
country, massive information-rich data from different kinds of sensors are acquired
and transmitted to the racks of civil infrastructure management administration
database. (2) There exists high-degree correlations among civil infrastructure’s data,
which can be effectively discovered by data mining over big-data platform.
The MS-SHM-Hadoop has the following capabilities: (1) real-time processing
and integration of structure-related sensory data derived from heterogeneous sensors
298 Y. Liang et al.
through advanced wireless network and edge computing (EC); (2) highly efficient
storage and retrieval of SHM-related heterogeneous data (i.e., with varies of format,
durability, function, etc.) over a big-data platform; (3) prompt while accurate
evaluation about the safety of civil structures according to historical and real-time
sensory data.
The following issues in the MS-SHM-Hadoop need to be investigated:
(1) research samples screening: survey the nation-wide civil infrastructure’s
information databases, characterize and screen representative research samples
with low safety levels; (2) performance indicators (PIs) determination: evaluate
and determine proper multiple PIs to predict civil infrastructure performance in a
quantitative manner; (3) data fetching and processing: fetch relevant sensor data
from Hadoop platform, according to PIs requirement, and process raw sensor data
into load effects and load spectrum (Sohn et al. 2000) through edge computing
technology; (4) multi-scale structural dynamic modeling and simulation: based
on historical data of sample civil infrastructure, establish finite element (FE) and
particle models for global structural analysis and local component fatigue analysis
(Zhu et al. 2011); (5) evaluation of the impact of innovative civil infrastructures
construction methods on infrastructure performance by instrumenting two new
bridges in Tennessee. Civil infrastructure construction, design, and materials have
changed over time, and these changes may affect civil infrastructure performance.
For example, accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is a new process in bridge
construction and may affect bridge performance (He et al. 2012). These two
new bridges can also serve as a testing bed for the proposed activities in this
project. (6) Civil infrastructure performance evaluation: assess civil infrastructure’s
performance by PIs of global structure and local critical components (Frangopol
et al. 2008).
The implementation of MS-SHM-Hadoop involves the following cutting-edge
technologies: (1) machine learning including classification, clustering, regression,
and predictive analysis, based on general civil infrastructure information (e.g.,
age, maintenance management, and weather conditions, etc.), sensory data, and
structural configurations (e.g., infrastructure material, length, etc.), Bayesian net-
work and stochastic analysis; (2) structural dynamic analysis; (3) signal processing
for external load and structure response; (4) multi-scale strategy ranging from
nationwide civil infrastructure survey to specific components’ structural reliability
analysis; and (5) Hadoop ecosystem deployed in edge computing server to achieve
high-scalability including acquisition, fusion, normalization of heterogeneous sen-
sory data, and highly scalable and robust data analysis and information query.
12.1.3 Organization of This Chapter
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: Sect. 12.2 describes the archi-
tecture and flowchart of MS-SHM-Hadoop; Sect. 12.3 introduces the acquisition
of sensory data and the integration of structure-related data; Sect. 12.4 presents
nationwide bridge survey; Sect. 12.5 investigates the global structural integrity

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 299
of civil infrastructure according to structural vibration; Sect. 12.6 investigates the
reliability analysis about localized critical component; Sect. 12.7 employs Bayesian
network to investigate civil infrastructure’s global integrity according to compo-
nents’ reliability, which is obtained in Sect. 12.6; and Sect. 12.8 concludes the paper.
12.2 Implementation Framework About MS-SHM-Hadoop
12.2.1 Infrastructure of MS-SHM-Hadoop
Figure 12.2 shows the infrastructure of MS-SHM-Hadoop, which consists of
the following three modules: the sensor grid (SG) module, the data processing
and management (DPM) module based on Hadoop platform, and the reliability
evaluation (RE) module based on structural dynamics modeling and simulation.
A more detailed description about each module is given below.
The sensor grid (SG) module mainly acquires, pre-processes the raw sensory data
and then transmits it to the data processing and management (DPM) module. Mobile
computing gateway (denoted as MC for simplicity) coordinates with each other
through a wireless network. SensorCtrl is the control-module that tunes the sensor’s
configurations for better observation of the area-of-interest, which is located through
structural analysis (RE module).
The Hadoop-enabled data processing and management (DPM) module mainly
integrates, transforms, classifies, and stores the data with high fault-tolerance
Fig. 12.2 Infrastructure of MS-SHM-Hadoop
300 Y. Liang et al.
and scalability. Based on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapRe-
duce high-performance parallel data processing paradigm (Landset et al. 2015),
R-Connector and Mahout (Landset et al. 2015) provide powerful statistics and
machine learning capability; Inspired by big-table techniques (including row-key,
column-key, and time-stamp), HBase (Landset et al. 2015) efficiently accesses
large-scale heterogeneous real-time or historical data; Flume (Landset et al. 2015)
collects, aggregates, and moves large amounts of streaming data (i.e., the sensory
data about civil infrastructure status) into Hadoop from variety of sources; Hive
(Landset et al. 2015) provides a data warehouse infrastructure to manage all
the data corresponding to civil infrastructure’s serviceability; Pig (Landset et al.
2015) offers MapReduce-enabled query and processing; Sqoop (Landset et al.
2015) supports the ingestion of log data, which is related to civil infrastructure
design and operation such as civil infrastructure configuration (e.g., National Bridge
Inventory, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Inventory),
transportation status (e.g., National Transit Database), and weather conditions (e.g.,
NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center). In this work, InfoSys manages the external
log data. VIBRA stores the cyclic external force load (or vibration signals), which is
applied by the wind or vehicles, and the corresponding structural response. StConD
component stores the structure configuration (i.e., geometry configuration and
mesh) of civil structure. EnvD (Environmental data component) keeps circumstance
parameters such as temperature, moisture, etc. SenD is a database component that
keeps the configurations (e.g., location, brand, mechanism, maintenance schedule,
etc.) of sensors attached to the civil infrastructure.
Based on structural dynamics theory and signal processing techniques, the RE
module mainly uses historical or real-time sensory data to identify the global
(or infrastructure-wise) or component-wise structural faults. In addition, Bayesian
network is employed to formulate the integrity analysis according to components’
structural reliability.
The DPM and the RE modules are deployed in an edge computing (EC) server
to facilitate data storage and processing while decreasing the data transmission
cost from multi-modal sensors and increasing system agility and responsiveness.
Multi-modal sensors, MC gateway, 3G/4G base stations, and end devices used by
operators/users will form a network edge. EC is pushing the frontier of computing
applications, data, and services away from centralized nodes to a network edge
(Ahmed and Ahmed 2016). It enables analytics and knowledge generation to occur
at the source of the data (Mäkinen 2015). An EC platform reduces network latency
and offer location-aware and context-related services by enabling computation and
storage capacity at the edge network (Luo et al. 2010; Nunna et al. 2015;Wuetal.

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 301
Fig. 12.3 Flowchart of multiscale structural health evaluation: (a) nationwide civil infrastructure
survey; (b) global structural integrity analysis; (c) localized structural component reliability
analysis (The bridge pictures are derived from mnpoliticalroundtable.com)
12.2.2 Flowchart of the MS-SHM-Hadoop
Figure 12.3 shows the systematic approach of the implementation of MS-SHM-
Hadoop system. Based on the acquired sensory data and civil infrastructure related
log data, a multiscale structural health monitoring and measurement consist of
the following stages: (Stage 1) nationwide civil infrastructure database survey
using machine learning techniques; (Stage 2) global structural integrity analysis
using signal processing, and structure dynamics; and (Stage 3) localized structural
component reliability analysis using stochastic methods, or multiscale modeling and
With reference to Fig. 12.2, it can be observed that: Stage 1 is implemented in
the Sensor Grid (SG) module and partially in the Data Processing and Management
(DPM) module; Stage 2 is implemented in the DPM module; and Stage 3 is
implemented in the Structure Evaluation module.
By surveying the nation-wide civil infrastructure’s status on a big-data platform
or other information systems, Stage 1 aims to obtain a preliminary characterization
of the safety level of major bridges in United States from the National Bridge Inven-
tory (NBI) database and pipelines from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration Inventory. NBI involves dimensions, location, type, design criteria,
traffic, structural and functional condition, and lots of other information. A general
screening and prioritization analysis based on weighting/loading consideration can
be performed to determine relatively low safety level aging civil infrastructure.
The serviceability of a civil infrastructure is qualitatively determined by a number
of overall factors, such as, the year-of-build, structure configuration, construction
302 Y. Liang et al.
material, weather conditions, traffic flow intensity and life cycle cost. In this project,
clustering analysis is employed to categorize the civil infrastructure according to
their serviceability.
Stage 2 aims to evaluate quantitatively the global structural health status of
targeted infrastructure that are characterized with low safety level from Stage 1.
Global structural integrity analysis consists of the following intensive data-based
structural dynamics: (1) extraction the measured structural resonance frequencies
from the time-history sensory data via Fast Fourier transformation (FFT) for the
targeted infrastructure; (2) computation of the fundamental natural frequency (e.g.,
the 10 lowest natural frequencies) of the infrastructure using finite-element method
(FEM), which gives the upper bound of the solution; (3) computation of the
fundamental natural frequency of the infrastructure using node-based finite-element
method (NS-FEM), which gives the lower bound of the solution; (4) evaluation of
the discrepancy about fundamental natural frequencies between the measured and
computed ones; (5) establishment of the relationship between the discrepancy of
the fundamental natural frequencies and the healthy status of the infrastructure; and
(6) based on the distribution of discrepancy obtained using sufficient large number
of sensors deployed over the span of infrastructure, the possible zones with heavy
damages and degradations are identified.
Following the time-domain or frequency-domain algorithm, Stage 3 aims to
obtain a precise description about the serviceability of local components in the
heavily damaged zones identified in Stage 2. This is to provide the remaining
service life of the infrastructure, as well as prepare possible strategies for life-
prolongation. With the load effects from sensors and computational value from
FE analysis, structural performance indicators can be calculated respectively in
local scale and global scale. Proper assessment theory, such as neuro-fuzzy hybrid
method (Kawamura and Miyamoto 2003) or DER&U method (Zhao and Chen
2001), can be evaluated and utilized. Finally the structural performance evaluation
results can be updated to the management system of structural administration to
provide professional support for decision making (Catbas et al. 2008).
12.3 Acquisition of Sensory Data and Integration
of Structure-Related Data
Table 12.1 lists representative sensors in the proposed system needed to acquire
the following information: external load; structure’s response to external load; and
environmental circumstance parameters. To provide a localized monitoring data
analysis we adopt a mobile computing (MC) gateway that collects the raw sensory
data, pre-processes and sends them to the DPM module via a wired or wireless
network. The MC provides real-time analysis on the situation at a specific location
on the infrastructure. The MC is carried by a robot or unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) to collect the acquired data from the sensors covering a specified area on

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 303
Table 12.1 List of sensors
Monitoring data category Sensor type Data to be collected
External loading and
structural response
Accelerometer Proper acceleration
Displacement transducer Structural displacement
Strain gage Strain of the structure
Laser doppler vibrometer Vibration amplitude and
GPS station Location of structure and time
Thermometer Temperature and humidity
Anemometer and
Wind speed and direction
Traffic flow CCD camera Vehicle type, throughput, velocity
Weight in motion Weight of the still/moving
the infrastructure. The MC also communicates with the DPM module where further
extensive analysis of the collected data is performed. For large-scale monitoring,
multiple MCs can be deployed based on the structure of a infrastructure and
communicate with each other to acquire more data from sensors and broaden the
monitoring analysis.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play a big role in monitoring the infrastructure
health, where data is collected and sent to the data processing management module
(Wu et al. 2011,2014,2015a). Despite the benefits that WSNs can provide, such as,
high scalability, high deployment flexibility of deployment, and low maintenance
cost, sensors suffer from computational and energy limitations, which need to be
taken into consideration for extended, reliable and robust monitoring.
Energy-efficient sensors are crucial for accurate long-duration monitoring in
SHM systems. On the one hand, to accurately capture the random process of
structural mechanics and detect the potential damage of complex structures in
real time, both long-term and real-time monitoring of these structures by sensor
networks are needed. On the other hand, sensors usually have very limited energy
supply, for example, powered by battery, which is consumed by different modules in
the sensors, including the sensing module, the on-board data processing and storage
module, and the communication module. Therefore, development of methods and
strategies for the optimization of sensors’ energy consumption is imperative. Also,
the proposed system may incorporate various energy-harvesting devices which can
capture and generate power from ambient energy sources, such as vibration, strain,
wind, solar, and thermal. Civil infrastructure are ideally suited to harvest such types
of energy (Gupta et al. 2014). For example, sensors with piezoelectric materials
can be mounted to infrastructure based on their structural information to harvest
vibrational energy.
In the proposed SHM system, the parameters to be monitored are heterogeneous,
such as temperature, wind, acceleration, displacement, corrosion, strain, traffic,
etc. These parameters have different spatial and temporal properties, for example,
304 Y. Liang et al.
different variation speeds and locations. Depending on the nature of the monitored
parameters, some sensors may work continuously while others may work in the
trigger mode. Based on these observations, sampling rate in data acquisition and
duty cycles (Ye et al. 2002) in wireless networking is optimized in different types of
12.4 Nationwide Civil Infrastructure Survey
As the major task of the data processing and management (DPM) module, nation-
wide civil infrastructure survey is dedicated to classifying the nationwide civil
infrastructure according to their life-expectancy. Hadoop Ecosystem (Landset et al.
2015) and deep learning (LeCun et al. 2010) are two enabling techniques for
nationwide civil infrastructure survey.
12.4.1 The Features Used in Nationwide Civil Infrastructure
A variety of accurate features can be used in nationwide civil infrastructure survey.
Material erosion, cyclic and random external loads, and the corresponding structural
responses are the major causes of civil infrastructure’s aging. A quantitative investi-
gation about the dynamic behavior of civil infrastructure helps to extract the features
for structural health. The following governing equation (Hulbert 1992), Petyt (2015)
shows the linear dynamics of infrastructure:
ŒMfRugCŒCfPugCŒKfugDfLtrafficgCfLwindgCfLself _weightg:(12.1)
where ŒM,ŒC, and ŒKare mass, damping and stiffness matrices respectively (ŒCD
˛ŒMCˇŒK/;fRug,fPugand fugare acceleration, velocity, and displacement vectors,
respectively; external load effects fLself weightg,fLtrafficgand fLwindgare self-weight
of bridge, traffic load, and aerodynamic load incurred by wind, respectively. Load
effects are stochastic due to random variations in space and time. The Turkstra load
combination (add up the peak values) (Naess and Rúyset 2000) and Ferry Borges-
Castanheta load combination (time-scale) (Thoft-Christensen and Baker 1982)are
two applicable strategies to model the uncertainty combination of load.
For small or medium scale civil infrastructure, traffic load (fLtrafficg), which is
determined by the traffic velocity, density, and vehicle/load weight, often dominates
the external load effects. For large-scale long span civil infrastructure like suspen-
sion bridges and cable-stayed bridges, wind load (fLwindg) dominates the external
loads. fLwindgconsists of two degree-of-freedom: lift (or drag) force and moment.

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 305
They are formulated due to the applied force and the corresponding aerodynamic
derivatives (Simiu and Scanlan 1986):
Lwindlift D1
Lwindmoment D1
In the above equations, is air mass density; Uis mean wind velocity; Bis the width
of bridge’s girder; kDB!=Uis the reduced non-dimensional frequency where !is
the circular frequency; hand P
hare the wind-induced displacement and its derivative;
˛and P˛are structure’s rotation and its derivative; A
iand H
i.iD1; 2; 3; 4/ are the
aerodynamic derivatives, which are computed from the results obtained by the wind
tunnel experiments (Simiu and Scanlan 1986).
The above discussion about the wind-induced load only focuses vortex induced
response (Simiu and Scanlan 1986). Those uncommon aerodynamic phenomenon
such as buffeting response (i.e., random forces in turbulent wind) and flutter (i.e.,
self-excited forces in smooth turbulent wind) (Simiu and Scanlan 1986) are not
investigated in this work. The dynamic behavior of civil infrastructure caused by
extreme weather or environmental conditions is not covered in this work either.
Figure 12.4 shows the features to be used to measure civil infrastructure’ life-
expectancy. Structural dynamics features include civil infrastructure’ structural
configuration (e.g., mass, damping and stiffness matrices), and cyclic external
load-effect/structural response (derived from in-house sensors or National Transit
Database). The weather information can be derived from NOAA’s National Climatic
Data Center. The accessory civil infrastructure’ information such as age, main-
tenance policy, and construction budgets can be found in related databases, such
as, the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) database. Particularly, Nationwide Bridge
Sufficiency rating provides training data (fttps://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/).
Fig. 12.4 Classification of features involved in nationwide civil infrastructure survey

306 Y. Liang et al.
Table 12.2 Sample bridge data from the National Bridge Inventory Database (updated by 2012)
built Structure Material ADT Status SR
1914 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Steel 660 Structurally
1940 Tee beam Concrete 210 Structurally
1965 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Steel 170 Structurally
1941 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Steel 1320 Structurally
1975 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Wood 80 Structurally
1952 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Concrete 1080 Functionally
1984 Culvert Concrete 50 Functionally
1940 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Steel 1530 Functionally
1950 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Steel 650 Functionally
1946 Tee beam Concrete 4350 Functionally
1982 Stringer/multi-beam or girder Prest. concrete 1010 Good
1999 Box beam or girders Prest. concrete 420 Excellent
1993 Culvert Concrete 1020 Not applicable 78:8
1988 Culvert Concrete 1670 Not applicable 99:4
1970 Culvert Concrete 990 Not applicable 99:4
ADT (ton/day) average daily traffic, SR Sufficiency rate
AsshowninTable12.2, the National Bridge Inventory Database uses a series of
general features, which include material and structural types, climatic conditions,
highway functional classes, traffic loading, precipitation, and past preservation
history (where data are available) etc., to specify the life-expectancy of bridges.
Only five features are presented here. As a measurement of bridges’ life-expectancy,
sufficiency rating scales from 100% (entirely sufficient bridge) to 0% (deficient
12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 307
12.4.2 Estimation of the Life-Expectancy of Nationwide Civil
Infrastructure Using Machine Learning Method Overview of Machine-Learning-Enabled Life-Expectancy
The goal of the statistical analysis of the Life-expectancy of civil infrastructure
using empirical models (statistical evidence based) is to identify our target civil
infrastructure that are in risk of short service life. To estimate the life expectancy
based on statistical analysis, the following three tasks need to be completed at
(1) Definition of the end of functioning life. Various definitions of end-of-life may
be applied. For instance, National Bridge Inventory Database uses Sufficiency
Rating, which takes four rationales. If we use sufficiency rating as the definition
of end-of-life, we may use the threshold of the end-of-life as sufficiency rating
first drops to or below 50%onascalefrom100% (entirely sufficient bridge) to
0% (deficient bridge).
(2) Selection of general approaches. Three general life estimation approaches that
are common in the current literature are: (a) condition based approach, (b) age-
based approach, and (c) hybrid approach. As we will have a large amount
of time series data from sensors, a condition-based approach may be more
appropriate. Civil infrastructure are periodically monitored with respect to their
condition. As such, deterioration models can be readily developed. For instance,
if a performance threshold is set at which point a bridge “failure” is considered
to occur, then the lifetime is the time from construction or last reconstruction to
the time when the threshold is first crossed. Combining two approaches may be
preferred as we have large amount of all different types of data.
(3) Model Selection. From the literature review (Melhem and Cheng 2003), three
potential models may be applied in this project: (a) Linear or non-linear
regression models, which fits continuous, deterministic model type with direct
interpretations of model fit and parameter strength. These regression models
are commonly used due to their simplicity, clarity of results, and ability to be
calibrated with widely available statistical software such as SAS and R. Linear
regression methods are only appropriate when the dependent variable has linear
explanatory variables, which may not necessarily be the case for highway asset
performance behavior over time. Furthermore, such models are deterministic
estimate that may not reflect the true value of condition or service life that
could be expected. On the other hand, for non-linear models, it is difficult to
develop a set of significant independent variables, while providing a higher
good of fit metric such as R2. (b) Markov chain-based model fits a continuous,
probabilistic, fully-parametric survival curve to a Markov Chain estimate.
A Markov chain is a transition probability based solely on the present state not
on the past state of civil infrastructure, stochastic process with a finite, integer
number of possible, no-negative states that is used to predict the probability

308 Y. Liang et al.
of being in any state after a period of time. (c) Artificial neural networks are
non-linear, adaptive models that can predict conditions based on what it has
“learned” from the historical data. The approach updates posterior means by
applying weighted averages based on previous estimates. Typically the weights
are based on the number of observations. Such models have been found work
well with noisy data and relatively quick [53]. (d) Deep learning models, which
provides a more accurate and powerful formulation about hypothesis functions. Weibull Linear Regression Model
The use of a Weibull model is justified by past findings in the literature, comparing
model fit statistics of alternative distributions and validating the prediction against
the non-parametric methods such as Kaplan-Meier estimate. The lifetime factors
to be investigated may include material and structural types, climatic conditions,
highway functional classes, traffic loading, precipitation and past preservation
history where data are available. Table 12.3 provides a demo output of estimated
average life times with 90% confidence interval for the Sufficiency Rate ranging
from 40 to 80.
As our preliminary results, Table 12.2 provides a sample of data of 15 bridges
located on the highways of Tennessee from the National Bridges Inventory
Database. Estimation of the lifetime function is a regression analysis of life-
expectancy T on the covariates (factors). Only six variables are presented here.
A parametric fitting with Weibull distribution will be carried out using SAS
procedure “lifereg”. This procedure handles both left-censored observations and
right-censored observations and includes checks on the significance of the estimated
parameters. Based on the significance (P-value or associated t-statistics) associated
with each covariate (lifetime factor) and the estimated parameters, a final model of
lifetime can be determined after the variable selection procedure. Using the final
lifetime model, we can obtain the targeted bridges with short lifetime via prediction
of life-expectancy of the new bridges with sensor data. Table 12.3 provides a demo
output of estimated average life times with 90% confidence interval for Sufficiency
Rate ranging from 40 to 80.
Table 12.3 Weibull regression models predictions of bridge life
Weibull model parameters
Sufficiency rate Expected life (years) %90 CI and statistics
40 42 [15, 65] Scale factor ˛D57:04
50 58 [22, 96] Shape factor ˇD2:73
60 64 [27, 84] Model statistics
70 71 [34, 123] Log-likelihood function at
convergence D1043.6
80 83 [56, 183] Restricted log-likelihood
function D1903.5
End-of-life is age when sufficiency rating drops to or below 50%
12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 309 Markov Chain Models
Markov chains can be used to model condition ratings based on the data from large
numbers of infrastructure systems using transitional probabilities. Jiang (2010)used
Markov chains to model the condition of bridge substructures in Indiana. Table 12.3
shows the transitional probabilities for concrete bridge substructures. In this case,
the transitional probabilities change as the bridge ages. Each entity in the table
indicates the probability that a bridge that is currently in a certain state will remain
in that state next year.
Using the transition matrix, the Markov models were then calibrated by min-
imizing the Root Mean Sum of Errors (RMSE) while holding the median life
prediction constant and changing the baseline ancillary survival factors. Advantages
of Markov-based models include a probabilistic estimate, sole dependence on
current conditions (i.e., minimal data needed if the transition probabilities known),
flexibility in modifying state duration, and efficiency for dealing with larger
networks. Neural Network Models
Neural networks are a class of parametric models that can accommodate a wider
variety of nonlinear relationships between a set of predictors and a target variable.
Being far more complicated than regression models or a decision tree, neural
network models have much stronger prediction and classification capability.
Building a neural network model involves two main phases: (1) configuring the
network model and (2) iteratively training the model. Deep Learning Models
The goal of nationwide civil infrastructure survey is to identify those target infras-
tructure systems that are in risk of short service life. Most of previous work adopted
supervised machine learning methods (Agrawal and Kawaguchi 2009; Morcous
2006; Robelin and Madanat 2007) such as linear and nonlinear regression, Markov
Chain (Jiang 2010), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Zhou and Yang 2013)
to estimate civil infrastructure’s life expectancy according to hand-crafted features.
This work emphatically investigates a deep learning algorithm (LeCun et al. 2015),
which automatically formulates constructive features without supervision from raw
input data.
Figure 12.5 shows a flowchart of deep learning enabled nationwide civil infras-
tructure survey. Compared with many other classifiers, a deep learning algorithm
has the following advantages: (1) little or no human supervision is needed; (2) some
un-interpretable yet constructive features (or intermediate representation) can be
directly derived from raw data; (3) less training data is required (this advantage is
very important in the addressed project because the archived real world sensory

310 Y. Liang et al.
Feature Extracon (age,
structure, material, traffic
load, rainfall)
Deep Learning
Esmated Life
Informaon System
Fig. 12.5 Flow-chart of deep-learning-centric nation-wide infrastructure survey (the original
pictures referred in the figure are derived from images.google.com)
data for highly deficient civil infrastructure is limited); (4) the mid layers of deep
networks can be repurposed from one application to another, and this advantage is
the motivation for using hybrid deep learning method (HDL) (Wang et al. 2009;Wu
et al. 2015b) that arises by merging multiple different deep learning algorithms to
handle heterogeneous raw input data.
To efficiently and accurately classify the observed civil infrastructure, a hybrid
deep-learning (HDL) algorithm is investigated in this work. HDL is featured with
the following techniques: (1) Multiple data with heterogeneous modalities, such
as raw streams of sensory data, i.e., audio/video data, images, textual information
like operational data, city-open-data, environment factors, and other hand-crafted
data, is exploited so as to give a panoramic and full-spectrum description about
the status of targeted civil infrastructure. (2) HDL is equipped with different deep-
learning algorithms, at least at the lower levels, to learn the features from multiple
input data with heterogeneous modality. Convolutional neural network (CNN)
(LeCun et al. 2010) is used to learn spatial features from visual media such as
video and images because it demonstrates superior performance (high accuracy and
fast training speed) on matrix-oriented feature-learning. Recurrent Neural Network
(RNN) (Sak et al. 2014) is employed to learn temporal features from streaming
data such as acoustic signal or vibration signals because RNN exhibits dynamic
temporal behavior (enabled by the directed cycle inside RNN). Deep Boltzmann
machine (DBM) (Salakhutdinov and Hinton 2009) specializes on learning the high-
level features from textual information such as weather conditions, traffic status, and
maintenance policy, etc. (3) Deep learning algorithms always learn the upper-level
features from lower ones (LeCun et al. 2015), and the input data with heterogeneous
modality eventually fuse at upper layers with somewhat homogeneous modality.
Therefore, the HDL can use a unified deep learning algorithm such as DBM in the
feature-learning of upper levels.
12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 311 Champion Model Selection
In real-world applications, variance of models can be jointly used to predict
civil infrastructure’ life expectancy. First, we will select a champion model that,
according to an evaluation criterion, performs best in the validation data; second,
we will employ the champion model to score new data.
12.4.3 Techniques to Boost Nationwide Civil Infrastructure
To boost the performance of the nationwide civil infrastructure survey, various tech-
niques such as missing data handling, variable transformation, data management
optimization, and dimensionality reduction, etc. are employed in this work. Imputation and Transformation of Variables
Most of the software packages such as “WeibullReg” in R or “lifereg” in SAS can
handle missing data. However if there is a relatively large amount of missing data
in the input data of statistical model, some data imputations are required so that all
observed value can be explored during model training.
Besides imputation, Variable transformation techniques can improve the quality
of data. Optimization of Data Management
The proposed project employs discrete Hash-tables to formulate the correlation
among data, control the data partitioning to optimize data placement, and use in-
memory technology (Robelin and Madanat 2007).
Using word-count problems as a benchmark and Amazon EC2 as the com-
puting platform, Table 12.4 demonstrates that Apache Spark, an implementation
of Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) that enables users to explicitly persist
intermediate results in memory and control their partitioning to optimize data
placement, is 40 times faster than Hadoop. Dimensionality Reduction
The data involved in sensor-oriented structural analysis is always extremely high-
dimensional (Tran et al. 2013). As one of our preliminary achievements, a rank
revealing randomized singular value decomposition (R3SVD) (Ji et al. 2016)was

312 Y. Liang et al.
Table 12.4 Time cost of Spark (with in-memory) vs. Hadoop (without in-memory) on word-count
Time on spark (s) Time on Hadoop (s)
File size (B) 1st count 2nd count 3rd count 1st count 2nd count 3rd count
1486. 0.7923488 0.268379 0.5591409 35. 35. 37.
214144. 0.7908732 1.040815 0.8181214 40. 38. 39.
491430. 0.5838947 0.570067 0.5644267 40. 41. 41.
674570. 0.7753005 1.310154 0.6197348 40. 41. 40.
1573150. 1.076778 0.9380654 1.096354 43. 40. 41.
proposed to reduce the dimensionality of dataset by adaptive sampling. As a
variance of primary component analysis (PCA), R3SVD uses local statistical errors
to estimate global approximation error.
The preliminary investigations (Ji et al. 2013; Liu and Han 2004) demonstrated
that R3SVD scales well to extremely big matrices and us efficient with minimal
sacrifices in accuracy due to the following reasons: (1) R3SVD is based on statistical
sampling, which is also applicable to incomplete or noisy data. (2) R3SVD is able
to obtain low-accuracy approximation quickly, which is particularly suitable for
many applications where high-accuracy solutions are not necessary but fast decision
making is, on the other hand, of most importance. (3) R3SVD is trivially naturally
As illustrated in Fig. 12.6,R3SVD algorithm with adaptive sampling dominates
its rivals such as general randomized SVD algorithm [57–59] from the point of
view of stability and timing performance [60] [61] [55] [62]. Next step we intend to
transplant R3SVD into sensor-oriented structural analysis for civil infrastructure.
12.5 Global Structural Integrity Analysis
The global structural integrity analysis module aims to provide further structural
integrity analysis of the deficient civil infrastructure identified in Sect. 12.5.The
objectives are itemized as follows: (1) to apply the big-data and perform quantitative
analysis of global structural integrity of targeted bridges; (2) to provide guidelines
for more intensive and predictive examination of the civil infrastructure at compo-
nent level to be carried out at Sect. 12.7; and (3) to feed back to the database with
integrity analysis results for future uses.

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 313
s rows
Big matrix
Select p more rows
( p<<m )
Error in Frobenius Norm
Samples of S
Results 2
Uniform Non-Replacement Sampling
Uniform Replacement Sampling
Weighted Replacement Sampling
Adaptive Selection Sampling
70 80 90 100
x 1013
(a) Original
(b) Proposed
( k<s<<m )
The approximate first k
right singular vectors of A
Assess the
quality of Hk
Compute variance of
subspace distances
Fig. 12.6 (a) Rank-Revealing Randomized SVD using Adaptive Sampling. Additional prows are
selected to ensure the quality of the approximated top-kright singular vectors Hkby computing
the variance of subspace distances. (b) Adaptive sampling leads to more stable and accurate
approximation of top-512 singular vectors. A single run of adaptive sampling with a few additional
testing rows yields significantly smaller errors than multiple runs of sampling with different
strategies (uniform non-replacement, uniform-replacement, and weighted-replacement [55, 62])
314 Y. Liang et al.
12.5.1 Rational: Big-data and Inverse Analysis
Assessments of the structural integrity from measured data of health monitoring
systems are typical inverse problems, with responses of the structure as inputs and
the properties (e.g., integrity) of the structure as outputs. Such an inverse problem is
in general ill-posed in nature (Liu and Han 2004). Various regularization techniques
have been developed to overcome the ill-posedness, and it is understood that the
sensitivity from input to output is a critical factor for any regularization technique
to be effective. The use of big-data has clearly an important advantage, as the
problem can be made over-posed with more types of inputs available to choose
from, and hence improves the sensitiveness (Liu and Han 2004). Inverse analysis
can be performed using either time-history data (Liu et al. 2002), and frequency
response data (Jiang et al. 2008), or combinations of the two (Ishak et al. 2001).
The big-data from a monitoring system are generally rich in time-history records of
responses, which can be transferred to frequency responses via standard Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) techniques. For effective assessment of slender structures like
bridge, the global structural integrity relates well to the lowest natural frequencies
or to the frequency responses in the lower frequency range. Therefore, we propose
to conduct quantitative assessment of target civil infrastructure by using frequency
response data that can be extracted from our big-data system.
12.5.2 Proposed Major Tasks and General Procedures
As illustrated by Fig. 12.7a, the proposed procedure for quantitative analysis of
global structural integrity of targeted civil infrastructure consists of three major
tasks: (1) data query for the response records of the targeted civil infrastructure, (2)
computer analysis of the rich record data, and (3) assessment on the integrity level of
the civil infrastructure using the data. In this study, a small number (e.g., 6) of lowest
natural frequencies are chosen to establish global structural integrity indicators of
the characteristics of the civil infrastructure. Data Query for the Measured Global Characteristics
of the Targeted Civil Infrastructure
To obtain the actual global characteristics of the targeted civil infrastructure,
the following analysis is performed. (1) Based on the data made available for
querying in Sect. 12.5, civil infrastructure systems under monitoring are selected
for qualitatively integrity assessments. (2) A query is then made to the database for
civil infrastructures that have high possibility of short life, and a list of targeted
civil infrastructure is created, in the order of urgency. (3) For each targeted civil
infrastructure system, a query is next made for the major excitation events that may

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 315
Historical measured
data (including
f i
Vibration sensory data:
from accelerometers,
vibrometers, and strain
Vibration sensory data:
from accelerometers,
vibrometers, and strain
( measured response
f i
( measured response
(Integrity Level)
E(f i
) ( expected measured
response frequency)
= ( f i – f i )/ f i
f i (upper-bound
of natural frequency,
derived from FEM)
f i= ( f i f i
f i (lower-bound of
natural frequency, derived
from node-smoothed FEM)
= diff (E(f i ), f i )/ E(f i
(theoretical natural frequency)
(Integrity Level)
) /2
Fig. 12.7 Global structural integrity analysis with reference to: (a) theoretical response frequency;
and (b) historical measured response frequency
have happened to the civil infrastructure system. Such events include earthquake,
wind storms, and major traffic loading at levels closest to the level used in
the design of the civil infrastructure system. (4) For each targeted infrastructure
system and each major event, the detailed health monitoring data related to the
global responses and behavior are extracted. The data includes the time-history of
accelerometers, vibrometers, and strain gauges installed at various locations on the
civil infrastructure system. (5) Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is next performed to
the time-history data to obtained frequency response data (fM
i, if this is not readily
available in the database). (6) Estimate the lowest few fundamental frequencies of
the civil infrastructure system from the frequency response data.
316 Y. Liang et al. Computer Analysis of the Same Characteristics of Infrastructure
Next, we perform computer analysis to numerically predict the values of lowest
few fundamental frequencies, which consists the following detailed procedures.
(1) Query for proper the finite element mesh from the database. Because our purpose
is to compute the lowest fundamental frequencies, a coarse global mesh is sufficient.
(2) Query next for material properties, considering the aging and erosion effects.
(3) Query also for data on the supports of the civil infrastructure, considering
the possible movements and consolidation of the foundations (Wang et al. 2002).
(4) Perform the finite element method (FEM) to obtain the FEM values of the
lowest fundamental frequencies (fFEM
i), which provides the upper bounds of the
natural frequencies of the bridge (Quek and Liu 2003). (5) Perform the node-
based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) to obtain the NS-FEM values of
the lowest fundamental frequencies (f.NSFEM/
i), which provides the lower bounds
of the natural frequencies of the civil infrastructure (Liu et al. 2009). (6) As a
reference, query may also be made for the lowest natural frequencies when the civil
infrastructure system is initially designed. Assessment of the Integrity Level of Civil Infrastructure
Finally, we assess the integrity of the civil infrastructure by comparing these lowest
fundamental frequencies obtained from the monitoring data, and FEM and NS-FEM
analyses, as what is illustrated in Fig. 12.7. First, we define the numerical error
indicator for the computed natural frequencies:
which gives a good indication on how accurate the numerical value is. Note that the
numerical error can be reduced if finer mesh is used. Therefore, if the error is too
big we can use a fine mesh to reduce the error gap. In general, the average of both
FEM and NS-FEM value gives a good approximation (Liu and Trung 2010)
i/=2 (12.4)
where the superscript Ndenotes the numerical natural frequency. The integrity level
in terms of the rate of frequency reduction (ILF) is defined as:
where the superscript Mdenotes the measured natural frequency. We know that
a degradation of a bridge structure may lead to a reduction of some fundamental
frequencies. In addition, we have a general understanding that the frequency is

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 317
related to the square-root of the stiffness of the structure of the bridge. The integrity
level in terms of the rate of stiffness reduction (ILK) indicators can then be
defined as:
In the end, a criterion (e.g., 10% reduction) can be set to categorize the civil
infrastructure into the list of civil infrastructure to be further studied in detail in
Sect. 12.7.
As illustrated in Fig. 12.7b, integrity analysis can be made by comparing the
newly observed response signals with the historical response signals.
12.6 Localized Critical Component Reliability Analysis
Different from Sect. 12.6, this section mainly focuses on the measurement of
structural component deterioration.
12.6.1 Deep-Learning-Enabled Component Reliability
Figure 12.8 shows the infrastructure of component reliability analysis. Just as the
nationwide civil infrastructure survey, the deep learning technique is employed to
digest the input data with heterogeneous modality so as to obtain the reliability
of structural components. Component reliability involves two strategies: structural
reliability analysis and observation-oriented method. The former is derived from the
probabilistic evaluation of load-effect (denoted as S) resistance (denoted as R). The
Fig. 12.8 Infrastructure for component reliability analysis

318 Y. Liang et al.
latter is derived from the direct observation about component using optical-electro
sensors (e.g., hyper-spectral image cameras and moisture meters).
Structural reliability is conventionally measured by reliability index, ˇ, which
is determined by the limit state function ZDRS. Structural component failure
occurs whenever Z<0.IfRand Sfollows Gaussian distributions, the reliability
index (Hasofer 1974) is a function of the mean and standard deviation of Z,
namely, ˇDN
S/. Commonly used numerical methods
to calculate reliability index include Monte Carlo simulation (Jirutitijaroen and
Singh 2008) (random sampling to artificially simulate a large number of experi-
ments and observe the results), first-order reliability method (Cizelj et al. 1994)
(approximating limit-state function with a first-order function), response surface
method (Huh 2000) (approximating the unknown explicit limit state functions by
a polynomial function), Latin hypercube simulation (Jirutitijaroen and Singh 2008),
genetic search algorithm (Samaan and Singh 2002), and subset simulation algorithm
(Au and Beck 2001).
The crack density and size inside or outside the structural component are also
an index to evaluate the reliability of structural component. Hyper-spectral and
3D point cloud image processing (Fernandes et al. 2010) technique and concrete
moisture measurement are commonly used techniques to probe crack size and
As an example, Fig. 12.9a, b shows a distressed concrete bridge column, first as
a digital 2-D image and then as a 3-D color point cloud. Figure 12.9c shows how the
point cloud imports into a Building Information Modeling (BIM) database, which
can then help with an automated concrete repair decision-making tool.
Fig. 12.9 Distressed concrete bridge column: (a) original digital photograph; (b) 3D color point
cloud from LIDAR; (c) point cloud imported into building information modeling database (MD)

12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 319
12.6.2 Probe Prolongation Strategies via Simulating Crack
Initialization and Growth
Fatigue failure is a complex and progressive form of local damage which is
significantly influenced by many factors such as magnitude and frequency of the
loads causing fluctuating stress, temperature, environment, geometrical complex-
ities, material imperfections and discontinuities (Aygul 2012). Durability of the
civil infrastructure is mainly dominated by the fatigue behavior of those critical
components of the civil infrastructure system.
In this work, both time-domain and frequency-domain finite-element-based
(FEM) (Liang et al. 2013c,2002; Liang 2013) fatigue analyses are investigated to
measure the life expectancy of bridge component under random cyclic external load.
The former is implemented by formulating the transient solution to the dynamics
of structure. The latter formulates the random cyclic load and structural response
using Power Spectral Density (PSD) (Halfpenny 1999). Numerically, frequency-
domain approaches are more efficient because they do not need to solve the
dynamics equation at each time step. However, frequency domain approaches are
not applicable for cyclic loads that are too irregular.
Crack generation and crack growth give us a more in-depth understanding about
the fatigue behavior of material. Figure 12.10a–c shows our preliminary results in
crack generation and growth using extended FEM (X-FEM) (Liang et al. 2008),
molecular dynamics (MD) (Mohan et al. 2012), and smoothed particle methods
(Monaghan 1992). Our future work will focus on the application of generalized
smoothed particle methods in the modeling and simulation of component fatigue,
based on which a potential life prolongation strategy will be discussed.
(a) (b) (c)
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 12.10 Modeling and simulation of crack generation and growth: (a)growthofplanarcrack
(X-FEM); (b) deformation of nano-wire (MD); (c) crack generation in concrete block (smooth
particle method)

320 Y. Liang et al.
12.7 Civil Infrastructure’s Reliability Analysis Based
on Bayesian Network
Bayesian network (Torres-Toledano and Sucar 1998) is a probabilistic graphical
model that represents a set of random variables (nodes) and their conditional
dependencies (arcs) via a directed acyclic graph (DAG). As one of the major
contributions of this work, Bayesian network is employed to formulate the reliability
of civil infrastructure systems according to components’ reliability examined in the
previous section (or Sect. 12.7).
As illustrated in Fig. 12.11a, b, Bayesian network for civil infrastructure has
the following features: (1) Each node represents a structural component and takes
discrete value to describe the serviceability (e.g. whether or not the component
still functions, or the life expectancy of component, etc.). (2) The topology of
Bayesian network is determined according to components’ qualitative relationship.
Two nodes should be connected directly if one affects or causes the other, with the
arc indicating the direction of effect. (3) Once the topology of Bayesian network
is specified, the inter-component dependency can be quantified. As its creative
contribution, the inter-component interactions are jointly formulated according to
mechanical interaction (e.g., pin and hanger) and statistical correlation (e.g., two
pins not directly related).
It is extremely computationally costly to construct the Bayesian network of a
civil infrastructure system constituted of tens of thousands of components. Multiple
techniques are introduced to reduce the computing complexity. For example,
Bayesian Network nodes are classified into essential and non-essential components,
only those essential ones will be considered in integrity analysis. The inter-
component dependency is either derived from mechanical interaction or “inferred
causal interactions” (statistical correlation), and those insignificant inter-component
Fig. 12.11 (a) Civil infrastructure’s components; (b) Bayesian network for the civil infrastructure
12 Civil Infrastructure Serviceability Evaluation Based on Big Data 321
correlation are ignored. In addition, sub-system, a self-contained system within a
larger one, can be considered to formulate the Bayesian network into hierarchy
12.8 Conclusion and Future Work
This work developed a framework to construct a multi-scale structural health
monitoring system based on Hadoop Ecosystem (MS-SHM-Hadoop) to monitor
and evaluate the serviceability of civil infrastructure. MS-SHM-Hadoop is a multi-
scale reliability analysis system, which ranges from nationwide civil infrastructure
survey, global structural integrity analysis, to structural components’ reliability
analysis. As one of its major technical contribution, this system employs Bayesian
network to formulate the integral serviceability of a civil infrastructure system
according to components’ serviceability and inter-component correlations. Enabled
by deep learning and Hadoop techniques, a full-spectrum, sustainable, and effective
evaluation can be made to cover nationwide civil infrastructure.
Acknowledgements This work is jointly sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
with proposal number 1240734 and UTC THEC/CEACSE 2016 Grant Program.
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Part III
Applications in Medicine

Chapter 13
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos
and Big Data: A Case Study of Epileptic
Seizure Prediction and Control
Ashfaque Shafique, Mohamed Sayeed, and Konstantinos Tsakalis
13.1 Introduction
Mathematical models have enabled us to understand the universe we live in and to
a great extent manipulate behaviors of physical, chemical and biological systems.
While the accuracy of a model in an application is debatable, the fact that a
fairly accurate model helps predict the system’s behavior is not. This was clearly
demonstrated by Pierre-Simon Laplace with his concept of universal determinism
(Simon et al. 1951). In his 1778 work, Laplace ingeniously explained the motions
of the known celestial bodies in his time (sun, moon, and planets) with Newton’s
laws of motion and reduced the study of planets to a set of differential equations.
A century later, Henri Poincaré developed what is known as state-space—a set
of system states defined over time. This helped study the evolution of a physical
system over time by characterizing the system based on laws of physics with
the application of differential equations (Poincaré 1992). It is during this work
that Poincaré observed the phenomenon of sensitivity to initial conditions. While
studying the classical three-body problem involving the earth, the sun, and the moon,
he found that they have orbits that are non-periodic, yet their periods are neither
stable nor unstable. In other words, the periods are bounded within a region in
their state-space, neither escaping to infinity nor settling to a fixed-point. However,
as Poincaré pointed out, knowledge of the initial conditions of the states do not
allow for their long-term predictability. Thus breaking away from Laplace’s work
of universal determinism. This point in time is regarded as the birth of Chaos
Theory, although it would take another century for this field of science to become
A. Shafique • M. Sayeed () • K. Tsakalis
Arizona State University, 650 E. Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA
e-mail: ashfaque@asu.edu;msayeed@asu.edu;tsakalis@asu.edu
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_13

330 A. Shafique et al.
A nonlinear dynamical system is said to be chaotic when it is sensitive to
differences in initial conditions, is topologically mixing and has dense periodic
orbits. The high sensitivity to initial conditions is often referred to as the butterfly
effect in pop culture. These minuscule differences in initial conditions may appear
due to noise or machine accuracy in computation and can yield widely diverging
outcomes for such nonlinear chaotic dynamical systems. Long-term prediction thus
becomes impossible in general. Chaotic systems need not be complex in nature, they
can be completely deterministic, implying that their future states are completely
predictable with no stochasticity involved. Therefore, the study of mathematics that
deals with deterministic systems with chaotic behavior is known as Chaos Theory
and was first formalized by Edward Lorenz in 1963 (Lorenz 1963). In Lorenz’s own
words he summed up chaos as:
Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does
not approximately determine the future.
Ever since, Lorenz’s discovery of chaotic phenomena in weather modeling, the
field of chaos theory has exploded into many aspects of science and engineering.
Chaos theory is used in cryptography by computer scientists, creating population
models in biology, studying turbulence in fluid mechanics. In economics, it is
utilized to predict stock market behavior but has had mixed results due to the
tremendous complexity of such systems. Feedback, where humans anticipate and
react to changes in the market by buying or selling stocks, exacerbates this
complexity in stock market behavior. In astronomy, chaos has been used to describe
the motion of many planetary bodies and in particular to better predict asteroid paths
and whether or not they may come in contact with Earth. And, in more recent years
it has been applied in the prediction and/or control of human brain dynamics. While
this list of applications is by no means comprehensive, it does provide us with a
notion of how ubiquitous chaos is in our modern lives.
One such interest in modeling brain dynamics through chaos theory is in the
search of a remedy for epilepsy. Epilepsy is a chronic, noncommunicable medical
condition that results in seizures affecting a wide range of mental and physical
functions in humans. It is the fourth most common neurological disorder after
stroke and Alzheimer’s, and affects at least 50 million people worldwide and an
estimated 2.4 million people are diagnosed with epilepsy each year (World Health
Organization 2016). Currently, antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are the principal form
of chronic epilepsy treatment. However, in addition to the lack of efficacy for
complete seizure control, there also is a substantial morbidity associated with the
use of AEDs in patients, especially when polypharmacy is required. The goal of
epilepsy management is to make the patient completely seizure free, with or without
minimal side effects from the anti-epileptic treatment. While surgical removal of the
seizure focus is an important and effective therapeutic intervention for some of the
people with uncontrollable epilepsy, because of multiple foci, seizure foci located
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 331
within non-resectable areas of the brain and possible post-operative complications,
resective surgery is unlikely to ever replace chronic treatment as the primary mode
of epilepsy management in the large majority of patients with epilepsy.
There are an estimated 0.4 million Americans whose epilepsy cannot be treated
with AEDs or surgery (Citizens for Research in Epilepsy 2016). Currently, there
are only two FDA-approved devices for treatment. One is a neurostimulator called
RNS System developed by NeuroPace to reduce the frequency of seizures and is
an implantable device (Food and Drug Administration 2015). The other is a vagus
nerve stimulator developed by Cyberonics; this device is implanted in the chest
to prevent seizures and has been FDA approved since the 90s. Both these devices
claim to capture a patient’s unique seizure patterns and apply appropriate electrical
stimulation. The RNS worked only in a subset of patients and could provide only
a 50% or more reduction in the rate of seizures 2 years post implant. None of
these treatments have provided a cure for the disease and even their effectiveness
is limited (Miller 2014). Hence, there is a great need to develop a wearable device
that can make this a treatable disease. Quite a number of research efforts, over
the past two decades, have been carried out in combining control engineering and
physiological functioning of the brain to develop theoretical and computational
models combined with experiments on animals for epileptic seizure prediction and
intervention (Tsakalis and Iasemidis 2004). One of the key impediments to the
advances in this field comes from the fact that recording, analyzing and modeling
brain activity is a data intensive task. Until recently our resources were largely
limited by the computational tools available to us. Recent advances in Big Data
analytics are driving seemingly impossible tasks from the past, towards fruition
The dawn of the internet era and a decade of technological advancement in com-
putational hardware and software along with new developments in modeling and
simulations in science and engineering has ushered in an exciting and challenging
problem of creating, mining and handling large data sets. Now, every discipline,
from the arts and social sciences, to science and engineering, is seeing an explosion
of data (National Science Foundation 2016). In particular two recent flagship
initiatives standout—the European Human Brain Project (Human Brain Project
2016) and the United States’ The Brain Initiative project (The White House 2014).
These are mega size research projects focused on accelerating progress towards a
multilevel understanding of the human brain, better diagnosis and treatment of brain
diseases, and brain-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
(Human Brain Project 2016). The BRAIN 2025 Report states, theory, modeling, and
statistics will be essential to understanding the brain. The computational validation
of theory and models requires an easy to use, high-performance rapid prototyping
platform for complex data analysis, control, and visualization (National Institute of
Health 2014). Thus, the task of solving the brain dysfunction, epilepsy, is being
reformulated as a big data problem under the banner of these large scale projects.
As part of our current work, we have developed a framework titled HPCmatlab
332 A. Shafique et al.
(based on Matlab) which enables us to perform big data analytics on a high-
performance computational platform that enables multi-scale modeling, simulation,
data analyses and intuitive visualization of not only the specific problem of epilepsy
management but any other field of research involving large data sets.
This book chapter focuses on the process of developing nonlinear systems
analysis methods, particularly by utilizing the Lyapunov exponent, in order to treat
epilepsy with the help of a big data analytics tool HPCmatlab. In the following
sections, we discuss in more detail—the background of epilepsy as a disease; past
and current work done in the field, information about HPCmatlab and parallel
computational tools; Nonlinear systems, chaos theory, and Lyapunov exponents;
a case study of epilepsy management utilizing Lyapunov exponents. Finally, we
conclude the chapter with some remarks about possible future directions to be taken
in this topic.
13.2 Background
This section dives a little deeper into the topics introduced previously. First, we
start with a historical treatment of epilepsy and move into the current practices of
its management. The engineering approach to curing epilepsy is not a new one,
however, advances in computational technology is allowing for better, more accurate
treatment methods. These include development of efficient algorithms, data capture
and storage techniques and analysis platforms for the challenges resulting from
Big Data. The discussion is then followed by one on massively parallel computing
within the context of the computational tool—HPCmatlab and Big Data. These
topics may seem disjoint at first and quite correctly may be so, however, from our
work we show that great strides can be made when supercomputing tools are utilized
in cybernetics problems such as the treatment of epilepsy from an engineering
13.2.1 Epilepsy
The World Health Organization depicts that epilepsy affects 50 million people
worldwide and annual new cases are between 30 and 50 per 100,000 people in
the general population (World Health Organization 2016), making it the fourth
most common neurological disorder after migraine, stroke, and Alzheimer’s (Hirtz
et al. 2007). Although Epilepsy occurs in all age groups, the highest incidence
rates are among children and the elderly (Forsgren 1990). The known factors that
cause epileptogenesis in humans are traumatic brain injuries, central nervous system
infections, brain tumors and genetic abnormalities amongst many others (Annegers
et al. 1996). Currently antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are the principal form of chronic
epilepsy management; however, they are ineffective on 30% of the patients (Dodson
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 333
and Brodie 2008). Thus there are nearly 15 million people worldwide who need a
more efficient means of treatment.
Epilepsy manifests itself in patients as epileptic seizures. Seizures in epileptic
patients occur due to synchronous neural firing in the cerebral cortex. It has been
found that these paroxysmal electrical discharges may begin in a small neighbor-
hood of the brain, in which case they are called partial seizures or focal seizures
with single or multiple foci. Or, they may begin simultaneously in both cerebral
hemispheres in which case they are classified as primary generalized seizures (Engel
2013). After the onset of a seizure, partial seizures may remain localized and
cause relatively mild cognitive, psychic, sensory, motor relapses or may spread
to other regions of the brain and cause symptoms similar to generalized seizures.
Generalized seizures at their onset bring about altered states of consciousness
and can also have a variety of motor symptoms, ranging from a minimal loss of
motor action or brief localized body jerks to heavy convulsive actions known as
tonic-clonic activity. Immediately after the seizure, the patient may lose complete
consciousness and wake up a few minutes later, never realizing what they went
The ancient Greeks thought of epilepsy as a disease that was “given by the
Gods” to the patient. The Latin word Epilepsia is a translation of the Greek
term Epilambanein which means “to take hold of, or seize” (Temkin 1994). This
was primarily due to the fact that seizures would come and go, in a seemingly
unpredictable fashion. For some patients, it happens hundreds of times a day and
for others, once every few years. The definition of epilepsy is to have two or more
unprovoked seizures (World Health Organization 2016). This elusive property of
seizures is what makes them difficult to treat. The long-standing clinical practice
of temporal or frontal lobectomy is still the most successful means of treatment;
however, not everyone is a candidate for such a procedure, especially if their
focus sites are in critical brain function areas. Patients with seizures who cannot
be treated with AEDs and are not candidates for lobotomies are termed to have
refractory epilepsy. This leaves little choice but to look for viable alternative means
of treatment with stimulations such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Vagus Nerve
Stimulation (VNS), Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) etc.
In their study, Tassinari et al. (2003) and Boroojerdi et al. (2000) have reported
on how TMS had affected seizure rates to decrease. Also, Lulic et al. (2009)have
shown promising results for VNS in patients with refractory epilepsy. Similarly,
DBS, principally of thalamic structures, has been reported to reduce seizure
frequency in humans (Hodaie et al. 2002). In a focal model of epilepsy, such stimu-
lations have been shown to result in seizure elimination in 48% and improvement in
seizures in 43% of patients (Good et al. 2009). However, there is still plenty of room
for research in the control of this “divine” disease. One such area for study is the
stimulation parameters for seizure control. As Kuncel and Grill (2004)haveshown
that there is a total of 12,964 possible combinations of stimulation parameters. Of
these, certain frequencies and intensities have been identified as “safe”, to be used
in neurostimulators, such as those developed by NeuroPace and Cyberonics.
334 A. Shafique et al.
An endeavor to control the occurrence of seizures must begin with identifying
them accurately and in a timely fashion. Ever since its discovery in the 1920s by
Hans Berger (Niedermeyer and da Silva 2005), the Electroencephalogram (EEG)
has been utilized to diagnose conditions of the brain including seizures (Thiel et al.
2013). Primarily, a trained electroencephalographer would notice changes in the
EEG and be able to diagnose that a seizure is occurring. Also in cases of partial
seizures, they would mark the focal electrodes. However, this method has a major
limitation in the fact that a timely intervention either by the use of drugs or electrical
stimuli via DBS cannot be made effective since the seizure is identified only when
a visible change occurs in the EEG, not prior to seizure initiation. To this end,
research has progressed greatly in the last few decades, aided by mathematical tools
commonly used in the engineering principles of signal processing to help detect and
even in some cases predict seizures.
In the late 1980s, Iasemidis and colleagues have reported on such mathematical
methods that utilize nonlinear systems theory to assess the state of the brain
(Iasemidis et al. 1988). In their work they analyzed EEG data from epileptic
patients to compute the Short Term Maximum Lyapunov Exponent (STLmax). It was
shown that as the brain transitions from interictal (between seizures) to preictal
(immediately before seizure) to ictal (during a seizure) and then to postictal (after
a seizure) and back to interictal states, the nonlinear dynamics of the brain changes
from a chaotic to a more ordered and back to a chaotic state. Lasemidis et al. (2000)
shows how the choice of different parameters in the STLmax algorithm can be tuned
to reveal the change of the state of the brain from chaos to order in the order of
minutes or even hours. These detection/prediction algorithms implied that finally,
it would be possible to think of a real time intervention strategy minutes before a
seizure occurs.
The problem of control of epileptic seizures has been approached by different
researchers in two major ways. Open-loop control is where a stimulation is applied
periodically or in some cases the patient initiates the stimulator whenever they
get the “aura” of an impending seizure. Closed-loop control techniques involve
monitoring of EEG data and using them in a feedback loop to provide stimulus if and
when necessary. Chakravarthy et al. (2008) have shown that the control of synchrony
in a neural mass model of the brain can be achieved via simple feedback control
utilizing a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller; such a design methodology for PI
controllers using an optimization procedure is described in Shafique and Tsakalis
(2012). Following results from these simulations, it was shown that epilepsy is when
the internal feedback mechanism of a pathological brain is disrupted and that it can
be restored via an additional feedback path through the use of electrical stimulation.
Likewise, Kalitzin et al. (2010) have reported that application of a periodic burst of
stimulus can help predict seizures better and be used to control them; in a sense this
can be thought of as an observability problem, where the chance of predicting the
seizures is increased through minute stimulations. To achieve closed loop feedback
control, sensory information about the system’s states is necessary. One of the
most prominent ways to achieve this is by the use of observers, a.k.a filters. Aram
et al. (2013) uses a neural mass model based on that by Jansen and Rit (1995) and
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 335
implemented an Unscented Kalman Filter to estimate model parameters to be used
eventually for control. Even with the advent of these new tools, control of epileptic
seizures still remains an open ended question and the search for the “holy grail”, the
best prediction and control scheme, continues.
13.2.2 Parallel Computing
Recent decades have seen rapid technological advancements in both computing
hardware and software. However, the past dependance on hardware to improve
performance of applications has stalled, since the physical limit of the number
of transistors that can be packed on a single processor chip is reached. And, the
current trend towards multi-core and many-core processors (also called accelerators
such as GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi co-processors), will continue to progress rapidly.
Interestingly, these single computer systems can now offer enormous computational
muscle, in the teraflops to tens of teraflops (FLOPS-floating point operations
per second), with the help of accelerators that they can outperform a parallel
supercomputer only a couple of decades earlier. Current generation of top ranked
supercomputers are usually in the tens to hundreds of petaflops peak theoretical
performance (TOP 500 2016). These supercomputers, are also referred to as high
performance computing (HPC) systems or clusters. These clusters, small or big, are
built using commodity processors—CPUs and GPGPUs (general purpose GPUs),
memory and storage devices and networked together using sophisticated usually
proprietary interconnects with high bandwidth and low latency.
These HPC systems are complex and require advanced knowledge of both the
hardware and programming models. Parallel programming for such systems usually
involves two main paradigms—distributed memory and shared memory. Distributed
memory programming requires explicit message passing using the message passing
interface (MPI) standard application programming interface (API) (MPI Forum
2016) for internode communication. The shared memory programming model uses
threads for intranode local memory accesses (within a node of a large cluster
or your multicore/many-core computer) using POSIX threads (pthreads) (IEEE
2004) or OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) standards API (OpenMP 2016), and the
OpenCL (Open Computing Language) standard (OpenCL 2016) for heterogeneous
architecture platforms i.e., nodes with accelerators. The shared memory parallel
programming model using OpenMP, a directive-based approach is the simplest
to program. However, large shared memory systems are very expensive to build
and are not scalable. Hence, most of the systems, whether they are small, medium
or large petaflops machines, are commodity distributed memory systems. The de-
facto programming model of choice for such distributed memory systems is explicit
message passing for communication between processes using MPI. The MPI
standard defines a language independent API for both point-to-point, collective,
one-sided communication and parallel I/O between processes (MPI Forum 2016).
Over the period of more than two decades MPI has evolved and offers a truly
336 A. Shafique et al.
high performance, scalable and portable solution for distributed memory parallel
programming. Parallel application development on such platforms is traditionally
performed using low level programming languages such as Fortran, C and C++ with
the above mentioned APIs.
Given the challenges with application development, data storage and distribution,
scientific and other communities have now evolved to using flagship applications,
centralized data repositories, and compute/analytics platforms. Many approaches
that allow ease of programming usually involve domain specific languages (DSL).
Matlab (or it’s clone Octave) is a popular DSL for matrix programming or numerical
computing. While, Matlab is a commercial software package from Mathworks it’s
use is widespread in both academia and industry. Being an interpreted language,
performance is usually sacrificed for ease of programmability. In particular, for big
data applications, it may not even be an ideal platform for developing applications
except for algorithm testing and rapid prototyping. The HPCmatlab platform used
in this research study addresses some of the challenges and shortcomings.
13.2.3 Challenges
Traditionally scientific computing has been at the forefront of data driven knowledge
discovery, both in terms of the amount of data generated from modeling and
simulations and the data aggregated from observations for analysis. Numerous
computational science and engineering examples exist that are all noticeably big
data applications. These are commonly referred to as e-science applications. These
applications have the characteristics of big data—the 3V’s or 4V’s namely Volume,
Velocity, Variety and/or Value. Although, e-science has developed and applied
techniques for data capture, storage, searching, sharing, analysis, and visualization,
it does not fully address the current or future challenges of Big Data (Chen and
Zhang 2014). Given the amount of data or information generated is growing expo-
nentially and the state of the art analysis tools are inadequate for realistic problems
(to solve in real time) or their relatively slow evolution. Other important challenges
with Big Data analysis include inconsistent and incomplete data sets, data security,
scalability and timelines (Kouzes et al. 2009). Usually, given the diversity of tools
and information gathering techniques, appropriate data preprocessing techniques
including data cleaning, data integration, data transformation and date reduction,
need to be applied to remove noise and correct inconsistencies (Han et al. 2011).
One of the major drawbacks of current system architectures is the persistent
bottleneck from slower I/O (Input/Output) units at multiple levels (a) network
communication in case of distributed computing (b) storage—both network attached
storage (NAS) or local hard drive and (c) memory hierarchy, compared to the speed
at which floating point operations can be performed. Usually. this is aggravated for
big data applications as they are I/O intensive. Some of these are discussed and
addressed in the context of the present application of EEG data for epileptic seizure
prediction and control. Moreover, these challenges become somewhat tractable with
parallel computing.
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 337
13.2.4 Current State of Art
Most certainly Big Data has become the buzz word because of the power of social
networks and the overall potential being touted of e-commerce based on data
mining. Unfortunately, the current techniques and technologies to capture, curate,
analyze and visualize Big Data are varied and far from meeting the needs of different
disciplines. While the techniques employed actually rely on advances already
made in statistics, signal processing, optimization, artificial neural networks, deep
machine learning and visualization etc., the tools being developed and employed to
address Big Data issues are recent. These tools, depending on the application are
broadly classified under, batch processing (or offline analysis e.g., Apache/Map-
Reduce, Dryad, Apache-Mahout etc.,), Stream processing (or online/real time
analysis e.g., Storm, Splunk, S4 etc.,) and, interactive analysis—Dremel (Google)
and Drill (Apache) (Chen and Zhang 2014). Briefly, Map-Reduce is based on
the divide and conquer strategy with Apache’s Hadoop implementation providing
the Hadoop kernel, Map/Reduce and Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS)
infrastructure. Applications that are suited to the Map-Reduce paradigm are the only
suitable candidates that can use it productively. Only one particular scientific domain
namely bioinformatics is well suited and seem to be exploiting it.
The Dryad tool (currently unavailable) uses data flow graph processing for imple-
menting parallel and distributed programs on clusters. A Dryad application runs
as a computational directed graph, with vertices corresponding to computational
programs and edges forming the communication channels. A report comparing
it’s performance and use for scientific applications highlights several limitations
are presented in Salsa Group (2010). Apache Mahout provides machine learning
techniques for large-scale and intelligent data analysis applications on top of
Hadoop platform via the Map/reduce framework. The real-time stream processing
big data tools Storm, Splunk, S4 etc., mentioned above promise scalable, fault-
tolerant and easy to use platforms. These tools, to the best knowledge of the authors,
have not been used extensively for any real scientific applications. Similarly, the
interactive tools, Dremel (now called BIGQUERY) and Drill offer scalability and
support for different query languages, data formats and data sources. They offer
large-scale ad hoc querying of data with capability to process petabytes of data and
trillions of records in seconds (Chen and Zhang 2014).
While these tools and platforms certainly take away some of the complexity and
challenges with big data, they have many limitations and should be carefully chosen
for particular application needs. Nevertheless, HPCmatlab provides the needed
functionality for HPC platforms with a very flexible and robust environment for
Big Data analysis.

338 A. Shafique et al.
13.3 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos
Adynamical system is represented mathematically as a set of differential equations.
The function that describes a dynamical system and establishes the time dependence
of its states is generally represented in the form
where, x,uand trepresent the state, input and time variables respectively. If
the system is time-invariant then tis no longer a variable and is dropped from
the function. In this case the system is said to be autonomous. Sometimes an
output equation will be added and the whole description is said to be a state-space
representation of the dynamical system. Due to the nature of differential equations
(difference equations in discrete time systems), dynamical systems exhibit memory;
that is, the value of the current states would depend on its past values. For instance,
a swinging pendulum is a system where the current states, position and velocity of
the pendulum, relies on knowledge of its past states. For most real-world systems,
the differential equations that describe their behavior are nonlinear in nature. As an
example, Eq. (13.2) describes the motion of a pendulum with force input at its pivot.
Lsin./ DTmax
Here, (output) is the angle between the pendulum rod and the vertical and P
the corresponding higher order derivatives (angular velocity and acceleration). cis
the coefficient of friction, mis the mass of the pendulum, assumed to be centered
at the end of the rod of length L.Tis the applied torque and is normalized to the
maximum applicable value, Tmax (dependent on the maximum torque of a motor).
Typically, for the pendulum, the states are considered to be the angle and its
angular velocity P
. As can be seen in this case, the non-linearity in the model appears
from the presence of the sine term on the system output ; however non-linearity
can appear in any other mathematical form for other systems. The validity of the
model is also in question; we can have models that represent a system “closely” but
never perfectly. This is one of the fundamental limitations of modeling real-world
systems. The science of modeling is a juggling act between time and money spent
in creating an “accurate” model versus the benefits of the increased accuracy. Albert
Einstein’s statement aptly captures it:
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as
they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 339
The state space (for discrete-time systems) or phase space ( for continuous time
systems) describes the set of values that the states in a system can take. For instance,
in the case of the pendulum, if the two states were represented on the two axes of
a coordinate system, then a ring centered about Œ0; 0 would describe the phase-
space plot of the system. At no point in time can the pendulum have values for
states outside the ring. Certain classes of systems exhibit a behavior in which the
phase-space is such that a large set of initial conditions will lead to the state-space
trajectory converging to a point or an area; the region of initial conditions that do
so is called a basin of attraction. Regions of phase-spaces with such behavior are
called attractors. The four types of attractors are described in brief:
• Fixed-point: A fixed point attractor is one that comes out of a system whose
eigenvalues are in the left-half-plane (stable systems). Typically systems that
lose energy have fixed-point attractors; e.g. a pendulum with friction will always
converge to the bottom position (D0,P
D0), if there is no force input. The
phase-space will show trajectories converging to the fixed-point from all local
initial conditions (angular position and velocity). Intuitively—no matter where
we start the pendulum off, after a certain amount of time, the bob will come to
rest at the vertical downwards position.
• Limit Cycle: A limit cycle appears from systems whose states display periodic
behavior. The trajectory takes the shape of a ring. A good example is the oscillator
circuit used to generate tuning frequencies in a radio.
• Limit Torus: A limit torus, like a limit cycle has a periodic trajectory. However,
in this case the system exhibits more than one natural frequency and any two
of these frequencies being an irrational ratio makes for the trajectory to take the
shape of a torus in the phase-space. An example would be an oscillator with two
sinusoids where the frequencies form an irrational fraction.
• Strange attractor: Strange attractors are “strange” simply because the trajectories
neither converge entirely into a fixed-point, nor do they escape like an unstable
system, nor form a periodic orbit of a concentric nature and the trajectories are
not quite on the same plane. The trajectories are locally bounded but never
overlap. Nearby trajectories would seem to escape from each other, yet the
distance cannot grow beyond a specific value. The dimension of these attractors
are also fractal in nature due the trajectories not being on the same plane.
A strange attractor is the cornerstone of a chaotic system’s phase-space. The
Lorenz attractor (Fig. 13.3) is an example of such an attractor.
David Ruelle and Takens are credited to have introduced the term strange attractors
after Ruelle studied the Lorenz attractor in depth (Ruelle and Takens 1971). It is
worth mentioning that not all dynamical systems would have attractors in their phase
space. Having briefly introduced the concept of phase-space and attractors, we now
move on to its relevance to chaotic systems. In the following, state-space and phase-
space are used interchangeably with the assumption that the reader understands that
state-space is meant for systems described by discrete time systems and phase-space
for continuous ones.

340 A. Shafique et al.
Edward Lorenz’s discovery of chaotic behavior came as a culmination of two
centuries of research in systems theory and mathematics. He found that using the
same equations, the computer solution with rounding in three digits versus six,
produced solutions that were entirely different from each other (Oestreicher 2007).
This is known as sensitive dependence to initial conditions and is one of the building
blocks of chaos theory. In his 1972 paper titled “Predictability: Does the Flap of a
Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?” (Edward 1972), Lorenz
popularized the notion of the Butterfly effect. That the insignificant effect of the
flapping of a butterfly’s wings can lead to a tornado in another part of the world, all
because a slight variation in the initial conditions was brought about, was the gist
of the publication. However, a formal definition of chaos would not be put forward
until much later when Robert Devaney laid out the three essential properties for a
system to be chaotic (Hasselblatt and Katok 2003):
• Sensitivity to initial conditions.
• Topological mixing.
• Dense periodic orbits.
Figure 13.1 shows the effect of sensitivity to initial conditions. The output was
generated from the differential equations of a Lorenz system, which is a nonlinear
dynamical system comprised of three states. The initial conditions for states Œx;z
-4 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (seconds)
= 1
= 1.0001
= 1.001
Fig. 13.1 Plot of the yvariable from the Lorenz equation. The initial conditions, y0, were chosen as
1, 1.0001 and 1.001. As can be seen, even the slightest variation in initial conditions can make the
output of yvary greatly over a 50 s evolution of time; even though they start off being similar near
the beginning of the simulation. No noise was added to this data to emphasize that the sensitivity
is indeed to initial conditions and not any external influence. The values for the parameters were
D45:92,D16 and ˇD4, while the initial conditions for states other than ywere fixed to
x0D0and z0D1:05

13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 341
0.8 20.8 40.8 6
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 13.2 Six iterations of a set of states Œx;ypassed through the logistic map. (a)theblue plot
(legend 1) shows the first iterate (initial condition), which essentially forms a circle. Plots in
(a)–(c), show the first to the sixth iteration of the circular initial conditions. It can be seen that
mixing occurs as we progress in iterations. The sixth iteration shows that the points are almost
completely scattered in the phase space. Had we progressed further in iterations, the mixing would
have been homogeneous and irreversible. The logistic map has equation xkC1D4xk.1 xk/.In
order to expand the state-space of the logistic map into two dimensions, a second state, y,was
created as ykC1DxkCyk,ifxkCyk<1and ykC1DxkCyk1otherwise. The yvariable being
depicted modulo one at each step makes the points fold over within the unit square, otherwise the
points may have escaped the region. This modulo operation implies that in (b)and(c) the points
near the top and bottom edge are in fact closer to each other than they appear; this is because the
operation creates a cylinder parallel to the xaxis
were kept the same while that for ywas varied between Œ1; 1:0001; 1:001. As can
be seen from the figure, in a short time the state yevolved with a rather significant
Topological mixing, implies that the system will evolve over time such that an
open set in its state-space will eventually overlap with any other given region in the
state-space. Mixing is a non-reversible process. Turbulence in fluids is an example
of a chaotic system; the analogy allows us to imagine how two fluids can interact
within a volume. As an example, Fig. 13.2 shows how a set of points bounded in
Œ0; 1 evolves over six iterations of the Logistic Map, another example of a chaotic
system. As is evident from the images, the process of mixing smears the blue circle
from the first iteration into almost a blur in the closed region. after just six iterations.
Finally, dense periodic orbits refer to the state-space trajectory of a system.
The informal meaning or intuition of dense periodic orbits can be attained by
thinking of trajectories in the state-space that can be arbitrarily close to each other.
Figure 13.3 shows the trajectory of the Lorenz attractor in three-dimensional space.
The solutions to the equation were computed numerically using MATLAB and only
50 s worth of data are presented. This is why the “dense” nature of the orbits is not
apparent, however longer simulations would have produced an output whereby the
trajectories would seem to overlap each other; trajectories never overlap in a chaotic
attractor. More data would not imply that the attractor would necessarily grow (or
shrink) in size, only that the trajectories would show more density. It is perchance
that the shape of the Lorenz attractor looks similar to that of a “butterfly”, finding
another coincidence to the coining of the term “The Butterfly Effect”.

342 A. Shafique et al.
40 20 0-20 -40
-40 40 20
Fig. 13.3 A diagram of the Lorenz attractor. This plot was generated via a 3-D plot in MATLAB.
The Lorenz equations were solved using MATLAB ode45 tool with a step-size of 0:001 s. The
simulation was run for 50 s. It is worth noting that the picture could be made to look dense as a
chaotic attractor should be by simply allowing for much more time evolution of the trajectory. For
this simulation the values for the parameters were the same as used in Fig. 13.1
So far, we have given conditions and their examples of how chaos comes about.
We now look at two systems that show chaotic behavior. Equation (13.3) describes
the logistic map in two dimensions. The logistic map, is an example of how chaos
can arise from a simple system, i.e. complex systems are not a necessity for chaotic
phenomena. It must also be noted that the logistic map, a discrete-system that
is represented by difference equations, can display chaoticity with a single state
variable(xk); ykis artificially created in this example for the purpose of visualization
in Fig. 13.2 and is not considered a true second state of the system.
xkC1D4xk.1 xk/; (13.3)
ykC1DxkCyk;if xkCyk<1
xkCyk1; otherwise (13.4)
On the other hand we have Eq. (13.5) which describes the Lorenz system. According
to the Poincarè-Bendixson theorem, unlike discrete systems, continuous systems
must have at least three dimensions in their phase-space to produce chaotic behavior.
The lorenz system is a result of Edward Lorenz’s work on weather prediction and
forms the basis of a mathematical model that describes atmospheric convection.
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 343
By inspection, it is apparent that this system is also deterministic; that is, knowing
the exact initial conditions, we can tell the output after a certain time. This stands
as an example that deterministic systems too can become chaotic under certain
conditions. For the Lorenz system, those conditions are the values for the parameters
,and ˇ(refer to Fig. 13.1 for a set of values for these parameters).
PyDx. z/y
PzDxy ˇz
A description of chaotic system behavior is incomplete without comparing it to
random or stochastic systems. It is imperative to understand the difference between
chaotic systems and stochastic ones and be able to separate the two from given data.
While a detailed discussion is irrelevant in our work, it suffices to say that in order to
differentiate between a chaotic output and a stochastic output we need to start with
a test state in the trajectory of the two systems and find a nearest neighbor to their
respective test states in a nearby trajectory and measure the difference in the two
states after a few discrete time evolutions. A chaotic system will have a difference
which increases exponentially over time; the time evolution of the differences in a
stochastic system, however, will be randomly distributed.
This has been but a concise introduction to the topic of systems theory and chaos.
Dynamical systems, nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos are by themselves
topics of their own, creating enormous interest in the scientific community. A more
detailed description of these topics is out of the scope of this chapter and would lose
focus from our subject matter—the treatment of epilepsy and the role of chaos as
applied to its solution based on principles of mathematics and engineering. For a
more detailed study of nonlinear systems and chaos, the avid reader is referred to an
excellent book chapter in Socolar (2006).
13.4 Lyapunov Exponents
For dynamical systems, the Lyapunov exponent is a quantity that characterizes the
separation rate of two nearest neighbor trajectories in the phase-space of the system.
Nearest neighbor trajectories are found based on a distance metric, euclidean
distance for example. Mathematically, the Lyapunov exponent can be described by
the following linearized approximation
where, ıL0is the initial separation of the nearest neighbors and ıL.t/is their distance
after time evolution t.InEq.(13.6), is the lyapunov exponent along the direction
being considered. In a dynamical system, there will be as many lyapunov exponents
344 A. Shafique et al.
as there are dimensions in its phase-space. The lyapunov exponent in each case
represents the separation rate in the directional orientation of the initial separation
vector ıL0.
Of this spectrum of lyapunov exponents, one in particular is of utmost interest
in the study of chaotic systems—the maximum lyapunov exponent (Lmax). Its
importance is due to the fact that Lmax being positive is an indication of a system
being chaotic. However, for a chaotic attractor to be present, the overall dynamics
must be dissipative; i.e. the system must be globally stable and the sum of all the
lyapunov exponents must be negative (Rosenstein et al. 1993). The larger Lmax is,
the more chaotic the system. A system being more chaotic simply implies that the
rate of separation is higher. This has been characterized as the lyapunov time for
chaotic systems and is strictly dependent on its dynamics. Electrical circuits that
are chaotic have very short lyapunov times (milliseconds) versus the solar system
which has lyapunov time in the order of millions of years.
Given a system model with nequations, computing the spectrum of lyapunov
exponents is achieved by solving all the equations for a set of nearby initial condi-
tions and allowing them to expand through the equations. The growth of the vectors
defined by the initial conditions is measured and at every time evolution a Gram-
Schmidt Reorthonormalization procedure is performed to ensure that the vectors
maintain proper phase-space orientation and do not all lean towards the direction of
the most rapid growth (Wolf et al. 1985). The rate of the growth of these vectors can
then be used to compute all the lyapunov exponents. However, there are cases when
a mathematical model of a system is not available, only experimental data. In those
cases, particularly to estimate the chaoticity of a system, only Lmax is required and
can be estimated using the method described in the following sections.
13.4.1 Numerical Computation of Lyapunov Exponents
It has been shown in Iasemidis et al. (1988) that EEG in humans and animals
are not random stochastic signals as they were thought of in the past. Rather,
they can be described as electrical activity generated by a chaotic oscillator that
is part of the brain’s mechanism. Figure 13.4 is a graphical representation in three
dimensions of an attractor generated from EEG data of an epileptic animal. This data
is proof that the epileptic attractor is strange in nature. As such, the chaoticity of a
strange attractor can be quantified by means of its Maximum Lyapunov Exponent
(Lmax). In the absence of a dynamical model (state equations), computing the
Lyapunov exponent means relying on Takens embedding theorem which allows
a single observed variable to be expanded into a higher dimensional state-space.
The Lyapunov exponent is then computed as a mean logarithmic deviation of the
trajectories in the higher dimensional space over time. The following describes a
few notable algorithm’s that can achieve just that.

13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 345
-400 -200 0
400 600
500 0-500
400 0
Fig. 13.4 Strange attractors from an epileptic animal EEG. (a) shows the attractor during an
interictal epoch of 10 s whereas (b) shows the same for an ictal epoch. These attractors were
created using 10 s of EEG data from the same first channel, expanding it into seven dimensions
using Takens embedding theorem methodology and then compressing into three dimensions, using
orthogonal projection, for visual representation. The Trajectories may seem like they cut each other
in 3D but that will not be the case in higher dimensions of embedding. The attractor at seizure
seems to occupy more volume indicating that the trajectories separate from each other more. This
intuition will be corroborated with data presented later. The axis limits in both images are the same
for X,Yand Z The Wolf Algorithm
The first step in computing the Lyapunov exponent is to create a delayed vector
of observed values from a time series. Takens (1981) has shown that this delayed
signal contains within them all the state variables of the system. In the case of the
EEG, this method can be used to reconstruct the multidimensional state space of the
brain’s electrical activity from each EEG channel. For example, if x.t/is a n1
dimensional vector of duration Trecorded from an EEG channel and sampled every
Tsseconds, then N
Xi.t/is the npdimensional reconstructed signal such that
Xi.t/DŒx.ti/; x.tiC/;:::;x.tiC.p1/ / (13.7)
where, is the delay between successive components of N
Xi.t/and it rarely, if ever,
is the same as Ts. If a phase space plot of the npdimensional vector N
to be created, then it would look like that of a strange chaotic attractor (Iasemidis
et al. 1988). For reference, such an attractor is shown in Fig. 13.4. The complexity
of this attractor is measured by its dimension Dand Iasemidis et al have shown that
for a sinusoidal attractor, the value of D= 1 and for that of a chaotic attractor, such
as those found in EEGs of epileptic patients, to be within DDŒ2:5; 2:7.
A description of how Dcan be estimated from time series data via its state
space correlation dimension is given by Grassberger et al. (1991). The measure
of chaoticity of these attractors can be defined via either their Kolmogorov Entropy
(Grassberger et al. 1991) or their Lyapunov exponents (Grassberger and Procaccia

346 A. Shafique et al.
X (tj)X (tj)+ Δt)
X (ti)+ Δt)
X (ti)
Fig. 13.5 Diagram of a single evolution of the perturbed fiducial trajectory in time t. The fiducial
trajectory is the one associated with time ti
1983). As mentioned previously, an attractor is defined as chaotic if the largest of
all its Lyapunov exponents (Lmax) is positive.
The method for choosing p, the embedding dimension of the state space of the
signal x.t/, was proposed by Takens (1981)tobep.2 DC1/. Although the
dimension of an attractor can be fractal, that of the embedded signal, p, cannot.
It is worthwhile to mention that the brain is a nonstationary system and as such
never reaches steady state; so its value for D is never constant. This is why the time
window of TD10 s is chosen so as to better satisfy the assumption of stationarity
for the signal. While the embedding dimension should be changed from epoch to
epoch, the value of pD7is kept fixed for pre-ictal, post-ictal and interictal stages.
The justification is that the existence of irrelevant information in dimensions higher
than 7 might not influence the estimated dynamical measure by a great degree and
also the reconstruction of the state space with high psuffers more from the short
length of moving windows that are used to handle non-stationary data (Iasemidis
et al. 1988).
Originally, Wolf had proposed an algorithm to estimate Lmax from stationary data
(Wolf et al. 1985), however, later, Iasemidis et al. modified this algorithm to compute
what is known as the average short-term maximum Lyapuonv exponent (STLmax)for
non-stationary EEG data on short time windows (Lasemidis et al. 2000). STLmax can
be calculated as follows:
STLmax D1
where, ıN
Xi;j.0/ DN
X.tj/is the displacement vector at time ti, i.e. a perturbation
of the fiducial orbit at ti, and ıN
X.tjCt/is the evolution
of this perturbation after time t(Fig. 13.5). In other words, tis the time over
which ıN
Xi;j.0/ is allowed to evolve in the state space. When the evolution time, t,
is given in seconds, STLmax has units in bits/sec. Nais the number of local Lyapunov
exponents that are estimated within a duration Tof the data segment. This gives us
the following relation between T, the length of a segment of data, and tthe evolve
TD.N1/tNat.p1/ (13.9)
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 347 The Rosenstein and Kantz Algorithm
The principal flaw in Wolf’s algorithm was in the reselection process wherein after
every evolve time, t, a new candidate for the nearest neighbor to the fiducial
trajectory is selected. This process lends itself to increased error in the presence
of even the slightest amount of noise in the data; rendering the Wolf method useless
to any real data. In the 1990s two other groups formulated new methods to estimate
the Lyapunov exponent in order to circumvent this error (Rosenstein et al. 1993;
Kantz 1994).
In the Rosenstein et al. (1993) method, Takens embedding theorem is applied to
reconstruct the state-space in higher dimensions. Then an initial fiducial trajectory is
chosen along with its nearest neighbor trajectory. The average divergence between
two points, one on the fiducial and another on its nearest neighbor trajectory, L.t/,
at time t, is computed using the following equation,
where, Cis a constant that normalizes the initial separation. In order to compute Lmax
numerically, the trajectories are allowed to evolve over the entire finite data set of
time T. Then the log distance versus evolution time is plotted and the gradient of the
initial part of the log distance curve is evaluated as the Lmax for one trajectory pair.
Similarly, for the rest of the data set, the process is repeated by moving forward, a
number of samples at a time, in the phase-space and computing an estimate for Lmax.
The average of all such Lmax values is the final result from the Rosenstein algorithm.
TheKantz(1994) algorithm, also starts from computing the expanded phase-
space trajectory. However, unlike the Rosenstein algorithm, instead of selecting
a single nearest neighbor to track, the Kantz algorithm chooses a radius around
the fiducial and computes the average of how all the trajectories within the radius
separates from the fiducial. The log distance vs evolve time is plotted and like the
Rosenstein algorithm, the gradient at the beginning of the plot is the value for Lmax.
This uses an exponentially greater number of trajectories and thus is more robust to
perturbations in the signal. It must be noted that the first few points in the evolution
is discarded since the maximal Lyapunov exponent at that time has not overtaken
the other stable Lyapunov exponents.
Figure 13.6, shows how these two methods are employed in computing Lmax for
a Lorenz attractor. The data was sampled at 100 Hz. The log distance curve in both
cases was allowed to evolve for 500 samples. The straight line has a gradient that
is the estimate of Lmax. The Kantz algorithm correctly estimates the value for Lmax
at 1.4877. The Kantz algorithm, for its higher reliability in estimating Lmax, is what
we utilize in our work.

348 A. Shafique et al.
-4 -6
0 100 200 300 400 500
Evolve (samples)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Evolve (samples)
Fig. 13.6 Time vs log distance curves of the (a) Rosenstein and (b) Kantz algorithm applied to
data from a Lorenz attractor sampled at 100 Hz. The straight lines show the fit that is used and
its gradient is the value for Lmax. The value for Lmax from (a)and(b) respectively are 1:3870 and
1:4877.1:5 is the theoretical value; thus Kantz algorithm works better in this case
13.5 Rapid Prototyping HPCmatlab Platform
Matlab is an ideal platform for prototyping, design explorations, and algorithm
development, for modeling and simulations. However, to retain its appeal of ease
of programming, Mathworks offers limited parallel computing capability through
its Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) to enable intranode simple loop-based
parallelism, and a separate Distributed Computing Server (DCS) for internode
distributed computing using MPI. Both of these require a separate license and the
DCS license is rarely purchased even at large institutions as it is prohibitively
expensive. In addition, the performance of DCS is unsatisfactory and provides
limited functionality in terms of point-to-point and collective communication calls
only. The user is thus limited to using only these functions (Guo et al. 2016).
To address the limitations of Matlab without the DCS license and challenges
associated with big data applications, the HPCmatlab framework enables shared
memory and distributed memory parallelism using POSIX threads and MPI. In
addition, it supports parallel I/O using MPI I/O and Adaptable IO System (ADIOS)
(Liu et al. 2014). As noted earlier parallel I/O is extremely important for Big Data
applications and currently not supported in Matlab. Our novel approach is based
on MEX (Matlab EXecutable Engine) API (Mathworks 2016). It enables Matlab
programs to interact with functions or programs written in other languages such as
Fortran, C and C++. We have tried to retain the semantics of the POSIX, MPI and
OpenCL API standards in HPCmatlab. So any code translation or transformation
from prototype development to a programming language such as Fortran or C
is almost trivial. The HPCmatlab framework currently offers several advantages
including performance compared to Mathworks offering (for details see Guo et al.
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 349
The ease of use of Matlab is a key factor that has enabled its success. However,
HPCmatlab emphasizes the use of standard APIs providing greater functionality
and control in the hands of the user, rather than defining another new API like
most tools including Matlab, in order to simplify and ease the burden of parallel
programming. It serves multiple purposes—(a) put the control in the hands of the
application developer and (b) the effort put in learning the standards for parallel
programming will payoff in the long run (as you do not have to learn a new API
for another programming package/tool) and (c) enable parallel programming use
become main stream as Matlab has a large user base.
13.5.1 Bigdata and Matlab
The big data trend is likely to continue in the near future with increasing digitization
of information. The Mathworks Inc. realizes this opportunity and outlines key
features of its product offering at this URL (The Mathworks 2016). A set of tools
i.e., functions are available, namely, memmapfile to map a file, or a portion of a file,
to a MATLAB variable in memory, matfile to access MATLAB variables directly
from MAT-files on disk, using MATLAB indexing commands, without loading the
full variables into memory and, datastore function to access data that doesn’t fit into
memory. All these functions allow one to perform in-core (memory) or out-of-core
(disk) computations and are limited to a single multicore processor. It offers limited
parallel computing capabilities through its PCT and DCS toolboxes. It supports
accelerators, mainly NVIIDA GPU’s using the CUDA toolkit, which again is not
a standard. In addition, there is limited GPU computing capability, only a few GPU
enabled functions, few multithreaded intrinsic functions, distributed arrays using
PCT or DCS to work with large datasets that do not fit in a single computer’s
memory. Thus, very limited parallel computing capability is enabled via these tools
to simplify the ease of use and other reasons.
However, it provides builtin functions to the popular Map-Reduce paradigm
(Dean and Ghemawat 2010), using Hadoop platform (Apache Software Foundation
2016), which does not provide good performance. It offers many algorithms for
analysis in its Statistics, Machine Learning and Neural Network Toolbox. On
the visualization front limited functionality is available via the Image Processing
Toolbox using blockproc function in PCT. Currently no large volume rendering of
datasets or real time visualization is possible. Thus, although a ubiquitous numerical
computing platform, support for large scale parallel computing with big data is
currently lacking in Matlab.

350 A. Shafique et al.
13.5.2 Parallel Computing and HPCmatlab
The HPCmatlab platform seeks to address some of the above limitations to enable
large number of Matlab users to carry out big data computations, analysis and visu-
alization in an already familiar environment of Matlab (or Octave). As mentioned
earlier, the two main parallel programming models and HPC hardware architectures
are either shared or distributed memory with addition of the accelerator hardware.
Message passing programs reflect the underlying architectures distributed address
space. In MPI, programmers must explicitly partition the data and use message
passing to communicate between processors that own data and those that require
data. Although intuitive, distributed memory programming can be difficult and an
error prone process for complex and adaptive applications.
The main features of the framework v1.0 are shown above in Fig. 13.7. It provides
all basic MPI communication routines for performing point to point, collective and
one-sided communication. A Pthreads based interface is also provided for shared
memory parallelism or a hybrid MPI-Pthreads approach to carryout large scale
computations. The Pthreads module can be used to parallelize Matlab functions
after translating them to C language program. At the minimum it provides same
functionality as Matlab‘s parfor command to parallelize for loop iterations but can
also be used to exploit task based functional parallelism (if available in an applica-
tion). For many scientific applications I/O is a potential source of bottleneck. The
framework provides parallel I/O capability using Adaptable IO System (ADIOS).
Fig. 13.7 Shows current features available in HPCmatlab’s v1.0 computational framework

13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 351
Fig. 13.8 Performance comparison of MPI point to point (left) and collective communication
(right) in native C language program, HPCmatlab and, Matlab DCS (reproduced from Guo et al.
ADIOS is an easy-to-use package for fast, scalable and portable parallel IO with a
simple, transparent, and flexible mechanism to define how to read, write or process
data in simulations (Liu et al. 2014). A similar tool called HPCoctave based on free
GNU open source Octave (Watson 2014) provides similar functionality. For details
about HPCmatlab framework (v1.0) implementation, specific use, and performance
results see Guo et al. (2016).
In general, the performance of parallel applications depends on the communi-
cation overhead. Briefly, for completeness, the performance of our framework is
shown in Fig. 13.8. It is very close to a C based MPI program for both point-to-
point and collective communication operations. The performance of Matlab DCS is
relatively poor and does not show good scalability. Parallel Computation of Lyapunov Exponents
Extensive offline investigations are required to optimize the model parameters and
decide the level and location of electrical stimulation. Our choice of Kantz algorithm
for computation of Lyapunov exponents of the chaotic dynamical system was
presented earlier. The flowchart in Fig. 13.9 shows the algorithm and it’s parallel
implementation using Matlab’s parfor and MPI in HPCmatlab. These computations
are naturally parallel and lend themselves easily to rapid prototyping for this appli-
cation. In the implementation, Lyapunov exponents are calculated over windows
of 10 s of data. Note, a single EEG recording can be as long as 178 h (1 week).
These segments overlap with an offset of 2 s between two consecutive segments.
The computations over 10 channels of EEG data (iteration counter i) are parallelized
using parfor, a loop based parallelism mechanism provided in Matlab. But this

352 A. Shafique et al.
Fig. 13.9 Flowchart showing the Kantz algorithm. The repetitions in iand jare to emphasize the process taking place in the parallel implementation, both in
online and offline execution of the code. iis the iterate for the number of channels parallelized using parfor with nbeing the maximum number of channels. j
is the iterate of epochs, parallelized using HPCmatlab with MPI. For offline computation, the value is limited by the amount of data stored on the disk. For the
online case, however, it can go on as long as data is being collected

13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 353
Fig. 13.10 Speedup plot
showing scalability of parallel
seizure prediction and control
code used for the computation
of Lyapunov exponents. The
actual speedup value should
be multiplied by a factor of
10 to account for the use of
10 parfor threads
limits the computation to just one node with multiple cores in a cluster. This, loop
level coarse-grained parallelization over channels was used as the first step towards
parallelization. It was found inadequate for the large number of offline computations
needed for parameter optimizations. So, HPCmatlab was used to divide the EEG
data as work segments (jiterate) or epoch among MPI processes. Each MPI process
calculates the Lyapunov exponent for its part of data segments (10 s) in the EEG
data file and at the end, result from all processes are gathered in one single array
on the root process. This has resulted in a hybrid programming model where data
segments are distributed on different nodes via MPI and parfor is used within a
node to parallelize the computation on ten different channels. Figure 13.10 shows
very good scaling performance of HPCmatlab for this application. The application
scaling performance and MPI point-to-point (Fig. 13.8) benchmarking results were
obtained on the Gordon cluster at San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) using
Matlab version 2014b and HPCmatlab v1.0. Epilepsy as a Big Data Problem
Undoubtedly, epilepsy management is a big data problem as several studies already
refer to it as such (Ben-Menachem 2016; Devinsky et al. 2016; The Neurology
Lounge 2016). The recommended protocol for clinical management of epilepsy
requires prolonged inpatient monitoring of brain activity using EEG (ambulatory or
video telemetry) to accurately access each patient’s day-to-day event pattern (The
Neurology Lounge 2016). In addition, new devices allow monitoring of clinical
and subclinical seizure activity at home, resulting in large volumes of data which

354 A. Shafique et al.
Table 13.1 Table shows the volume of data generated in our study over a 1 week period compared
against extrapolations of other studies in the same period of time in column 4
Example studies
Sampling rate
Data volume
Time taken
Our study 512 10 0.18 0.0927
Case 1, Lantz et al. (2003)500 125 2.2 1.132
Case 2, Staba et al. (2002)10,000 16 5.63 2.898
Case 3, Holmes et al. (2004)1,000 256 9.01 4.6369
Case 4, Blanco et al. (2011)32,556 144 165.04 84.9139
Our simple study with low sampling rate and low channels generate 180 GB of data compared to
the biggest volume in case 4, which is extrapolated to 165 TB. The study truncated their volume
to 12 TB to keep data processing manageable. The fifth column shows how much time it takes in
our study to compute Lmax for 10 s of data and how long it will take in the case of the other studies
(extrapolated) using a 6 core Intel Xeon processor running 6 Matlab parfor workers
is interrelated with other disease markers for personalized treatments. Table 13.1
above, highlights some interesting studies showcasing the volume of EEG data and
the computation time needed for 10 s of EEG data analysis on a desktop computer.
13.6 Case Study: Epileptic Seizure Prediction and Control
As described in Sect. 13.2.1, epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by
seizures which are recurrent perturbations of normal brain function. Of the 2.2
million troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, 100,000 are estimated to
develop post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) (Citizens for Research in Epilepsy 2016).
The CDC estimates 5.1 million adults and children combined, in the US, have
been diagnosed of epilepsy as of 2016 (1.6% of total US population) (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention 2016). The total indirect and direct cost of epilepsy
in the United States is estimated to be $15.5 billion yearly. This estimate is based
on a reported cost of $12.5 billion in 1995 converted to 2004 dollar value using
Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Approximately 60% of new onset epilepsy cases
respond to existing antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) but 30% are pharmaco-resistant,
having seizures that cannot be fully controlled with available medical therapy or
without unacceptable side effects (Dodson and Brodie 2008). Thus, there are at least
15 million people world-wide for whom the development of more effective epilepsy
treatment paradigms would be greatly beneficial.
The use of electrical stimulation presents itself as an attractive alternative for
the treatment of epilepsy but the development of effective stimulation strategies
and the mechanisms of operation are still not well understood. In addition to the
extremely high complexity of brain operation and the variety of seizure types,
there are only limited modes of data collection that can be used, both because of
physical constraints and because of ethical regulations. The net result is that we
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 355
are currently lacking a solid and widely acceptable model of seizure development,
including seizure precursors or predicting mechanisms. As a few examples of the
variety of models we cite Howbert et al. (2014), showing how using spectral power
features from pre-ictal and inter-ictal data in a logistic regression classifier can
improve chances of seizure prediction in dogs with focal epilepsy (Mormann et al.
2003), where phase synchronization between different regions of the brain using
intracranial EEG recordings from 18 patients, shows a characteristic decrease from
a few minutes to several hours before a seizure. On the other hand, using a maximum
“Short-Time Lyapunov” exponent metric, Iasemidis et al. (2004) have observed
an increasing entrainment in minutes to hours before a seizure in human EEG
data. In Kalitzin et al. (2010) and Suffczynski et al. (2008), the authors showed
that prediction and detection of seizures can be facilitated by using low levels of
stimulation and examining the properties of the identified input-output dynamical
system. In a completely different approach, Kramer et al. (2011) describes a new
portable method of seizure detection using motion sensors, that can prove very
useful in clinical practice; 91% of seizures were detected within a median period
of 17 s for tonic-clonic seizures.
One conclusion drawn from the collection of these studies is that the modeling
of epilepsy can potentially involve a variety of metrics computed from real-time
signals. The volume of the data can increase very rapidly when we consider the
number of electrodes used (10 in a simple rodent study but beginning from 32 all
the way up to 256 in most modern systems involving human subject studies) and
the frequency of sampling (from 240 Hz of the earlier EEG sampling rates to tens
of kHz that may appear in some relatively modern studies). And, while the intent
and the paradigm followed by each investigator is to use one metric as a seizure
predictor or detector, the possibility that the computational algorithm may require
some form of tuning for different cases clearly demonstrates the need for extremely
high computing capabilities aka, HPC. Finally, a great variety in the data can be
found from simultaneous acquisition of EEG data with ambient data, muscle motion
data and video data that, at the very least, can relate the observed electrical signals
to the clinical behavior of the subject. The variety of metrics, the volume of data
and its varying types is what has made the treatment of epilepsy a big data problem
in recent years. In our work, we have focused on one type of data, i.e. EEG only.
From our work, we have seen that the use of Kantz algorithm enhances the results
for Lmax computation not only in simulated chaotic data but also in real EEG data
collected from animals. Figure 13.11 shows a comparison of the three different
methods applied to the same set of EEG data. A seizure as marked visually by
inspecting EEG is seen to occur at about 13 min. The plot shows Lmax over time,
where Lmax, for each channel, was computed for 10 s of data moving forward in time
with a 2 s overlap. It is interesting to observe that during the seizure, while the Kantz
algorithm shows a distinct peak, in the Lmax time profile, that from the Wolf shows
none and from the Rosenstein algorithm shows a drop but it is not consistent over
many other seizures. Also, the Rosenstein algorithm seems to be more susceptible
to noise as is evidenced by the differing value of one channels compared to the rest;
this channel had more noise in it in the EEG data. At this point it would be prudent

356 A. Shafique et al.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (minutes)
(Bits/sec) L
(Bits/sec) L
Fig. 13.11 Comparison of Lmax vs time, where Lmax is estimated from (a)Kantz,(b) Rosenstein,
(c) Wolf algorithm. Clearly the one computed from Kantz shows a distinct shape during the seizure
at time 13 min. The blue vertical line marks the beginning of the seizure
to mention that the intuition gained about the shape of the epileptic attractor during
interictal and ictal epochs (refer to Fig. 13.4) does support the idea that during the
seizure, Lmax would have a higher value since the trajectories seem to separate from
each other more in Fig. 13.4b than in Fig. 13.4a. Another interesting observation is
that the Lmax profile drops from its mean level of roughly 30 bits/sec to a lower
value almost 5 min prior to the seizure start in the case of the Kantz algorithm; this
in turn can become useful as a seizure precursor measure and be used to stimulate
in order to attempt a seizure abortion. The caveat to using the Kantz algorithm in
such a setting is that it requires almost 200 times more computation due to using a
neighborhood of nearby trajectories compared to the one trajectory used in the Wolf
and Rosenstein algorithms. Without the use of super-computing platforms offline
data analysis would take days to weeks and online computations would be infeasible
in the absence of accelerators.
The consideration of seizure suppression or seizure reduction by means of
electrical stimulation only adds to our challenge. The more “traditional” line of
work looks at the injection of a stimulus at the epileptic focus. Here, it is important
to model the effect of the different type of stimuli on the observed brain behavior.
For example, Beverlin and Netoff (2013) shows that it is possible to either extend
or truncate the tonic or clonic phases of the seizure by changing the frequency
of stimuli. Mina et al. (2013) shows that deep-brain stimulation (DBS) strongly
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 357
reduced the sustained epileptic activity of the focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) for
low-frequency (LFS, <2Hz) and high-frequency stimulation (HFS, >70Hz)
while intermediate-frequency stimulation (IFS, around 50 Hz) had no effect. Our
own studies and preliminary results (further discussed below) also indicate that one
needs to consider multiple stimulation points and durations to account for varying
effectiveness of the stimulation. The development and maintenance of such “control
efficacy” maps adds new dimension to the seizure control problem.
The difficulties in designing and implementing effective seizure-suppressing
controllers motivated a new look at the problem; one that integrates our collec-
tive experience in physiology, nonlinear signal processing and adaptive feedback
systems. The brain is not an unstructured, random collection of neurons guided
by statistics. Thus, there is no need for brain models to be so. Our approach was
to consider “functional models” of the epileptic brain, i.e. networks of elements
that have feedback internal structure, perform high level operations, and produce
a seizure-like behavior when they fail. In our work with such theoretical models
we have shown that “seizure” suppression can be well achieved by employing a
feedback decoupling control strategy (Tsakalis et al. 2005). The implementation of
such theoretical models required only weak knowledge of their detailed structure
and was guided by two principles: (a) synchronization between elements increases
as the coupling between them gets stronger (also observed in experimental EEG data
from epileptic rats and humans), and (b) the pathology of hyper-synchronization in
the network lies primarily in its elements’ internal feedback connections. These
principles were introduced to explain the transitions from normal to epileptic
behavior as well as the triggering of epileptic seizures caused by external stimuli
(e.g., strobe lights).
Based on our prior work on seizure prediction we have found that measures
of spatial synchronization of dynamics, in particular the behavior of Lyapunov
exponents of critical brain sites, provide a good characterization of the transition
to seizures and can be utilized in the reliable issuance of warnings on impending
seizures. Results from our most recent project shows that the maximum Lya-
punov exponents show pronounced and persistent drops prior to seizures (refer to
Figs. 13.11 and 13.12a). This observation is consistent in epileptic subjects although
it is not deterministically followed by a seizure at all times. As such, and in view
of our postulated models in Chakravarthy et al. (2008), it can be interpreted as an
increased seizure susceptibility state of the brain. This may not be entirely useful as
a prediction measure, especially since in epileptic subjects such periods do arise
frequently, compared to healthy subjects where they do not occur at all, but it
creates the possibility of being used as an appropriate signal for feedback control
and stimulation.
While seizures can be predicted with good sensitivity and specificity (Iasemidis
et al. 2004), the question remains if we can intervene effectively to change the
brain dynamics and prevent a seizure from occurring. Results from our work
shows that the applied electrical stimulation dynamically disentrains the brain sites.
This constitutes evidence that electrical stimulation can actually change the spatio-
temporal dynamics of the brain in the desired direction (Fig. 13.12b), and hence

358 A. Shafique et al.
Fig. 13.12 Plots of maximum Lyapunov exponents computed using Kantz algorithm on all 10
channels of a rodent; the thick black line is the mean of the Lmax from the channels. The Lmax was
computed using 10 s of data, sampled at 512 Hz, every 2 s moving in time. (a) Shows a seizure
event at time 126 h 25 min and 26 s from the beginning of recording. The red vertical line marks
the beginning of the seizure. As can be seen the Lyapunov drops a little a few minutes before the
seizure, then at the seizure, rises to a higher value than its mean. (b) Shows the effect of stimulation
on F3-RA electrodes was started based on a drop of mean Lyapunov after a certain threshold. As
can be seen stimulation gradually pulled the Lyapunov exponent back up to average levels before
the drop occurred. Two channels show Lmax profiles that seem spurious, these are the electrodes
that were stimulated and at that moment were in open circuit. Refer to Sect. 13.7 for explanation
and location of the electrodes
has been used as actuation in a control scheme for epileptic seizure prevention in
our most recent work. This work entails an expansion to our proof-of-concepts for
the development of an efficacious controller for the epileptic brain using adaptive
spatially distributed control. The developed controller (online) is to be validated
in vivo. Our main thrust includes multivariable stimulation with guidance from
focus localization techniques and multivariable modeling that we have recently
developed, and the use of pulse-train-modulated signals for implementation of a
realistic adaptive stimulation.
During the course of the ongoing study we have shown that impulsive electrical
stimulation does desynchronize the rat’s epileptic brain dynamics, provided that
the stimulus duration and the electrode location is chosen wisely, i.e., based on
a prior “control efficacy” experiment (Fig. 13.14). So our choice of electrical
stimulation as a control input appears to be a viable candidate. For a realistic and
feasible implementation of the desired effect, the input to the system is a biphasic
control signal with its pulse-width or pulse-number modulated to accomplish the
desynchornization of the brain dynamics. Figure 13.13 shows the efficacy of
applying stimulation to a particular epileptic rat over a 10 week period. In this
study, the animal was labeled Rat 13 and was allowed 4 weeks of rest after Status
Epilepticus (SE) was induced so that the seizure frequency stabilizes. This was
followed by 5 weeks of baseline recording and on the sixth week stimulation was
applied to a set of electrodes every time a “seizure warning” was generated by
the computer system when it detected a drop of Lmax beyond a threshold. The
case of 5 min stimulation had an adverse effect and seemed to have increased both
seizure length and average seizure rate per week. However, weeks 7 through 9 were

13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 359
180 4
140 3
100 2
60 1
(a) (b)
Seizure length (seconds)
Fig. 13.13 (a) Box and whisker plot of seizure lengths for Rat 13 over the course 10 weeks
preceded by 4 weeks of rest after status epilepticus induction. The black dots indicate the mean
of each box. (b) Average number of seizures per day for the same rat over the same 10 week period
of experimentation. Here week essentially imply a recording file which in general is never exactly
168 h. The first 5 weeks were baseline recording, thus no stimulation was provided. Week 10 was
another case of no stimulation but this was recorded 5 weeks after the end of the week 9 file. No
stimulation was provided during those 5 weeks and it can be seen that the seizure lengths and the
seizure rate per week both had started to increase gradually. Refer to Sect. 13.7 for explanation and
location of the electrodes
followed by stimulations of 10 min or more and as Fig. 13.13a, b shows, both the
seizure lengths and the average seizure frequency started coming down. Following
week 9, the rat was given a period of stimulation cessation in order to see if any
plasticity effects of the stimulation would wear out. Sure enough after 4 weeks, the
tenth week of recording showed that the seizure length and frequency both went up
slightly. While we do recognize that results from only one animal is not statistically
relevant, it does shine light on our conjecture that controlling seizures will require
proper tuning of stimulation length and possibly more parameters in the stimulation
Another potential difficulty in the design of a seizure control system arises from
the multivariable nature of this stimulation as well as its relation to the energy of the
stimulus. The following figure (Fig. 13.14) shows a characterization of the stimulus
efficacy (as a binary decision over a week-long set of experiments), when the
stimulation is applied across a given electrode pair. The top triangular part shows the
result after a 2 min stimulation to each electrode pair while the lower triangular part
shows same for 15 min. It is quite apparent that stimulation of arbitrary electrodes
may not bring the desired effect. The same is true if the duration (i.e., energy) of
the stimulus is not high enough as given by the stimulation current, pulse width,
frequency etc.
A partial direction towards the selection of an appropriate pair of electrodes
for stimulation may be obtained by analyzing the EEG data for focus localiza-
tion, using the GPDC method of Baccalá and Sameshima (2001), as refined by

360 A. Shafique et al.
Fig. 13.14 Plot of effect of stimulation on electrode pairs (“control efficacy”). Upper triangle
shows effect of 2 min stimulation on each pair. Lower triangle shows same for 15 min. A box color
of grey indicates no effect whereas white indicates Lyapunov increase due to stimulation. It can be
seen that 2 min stimulation has little effect in bringing the Lyapunov up whereas 15 min stimulation
is quite capable of doing so. Refer to Sect. 13.7 for explanation and location of the electrodes
Vlachos et al. (2013). This method can provide an indication of the brain site that is
the most likely candidate for a focus, and hence a good first choice for stimulation.
However, the drawback of this method is that the results are (so far) based on the
analysis of averaged short-term data. Long term effects and possible plasticity have
been observed in the work of Iasemidis et al. (2009), and therefore further analysis
of the data is necessary to provide quantifiable relationships. Another direction that
we are currently investigating is what follows from the result shown in Fig. 13.12b,
where stimulation of a particular site with a fixed amount of time will start to
produce disentrainment as is validated by the Lmax profile being pulled back to
its mean level over time; the mean level in this case is the level before which it
dropped sharply. These experiments are long, in the order of weeks, thus analysis
of results and producing meaningful interpretations take quite a while. Added to
the difficulty is when an animal will cease due to health issues. In such cases the
experiments have to be restarted with a new animal. Mortality rates for animals
are typically between 40–60%. Another miscreant to the mortality rate is headcap
breakage, whereby during a seizure a rat would violently hit the cage walls and
the recording headcap will break off; in such cases euathanizing the animal is the
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 361
only remaining option. In the following sections we describe the experimental setup
utilized to gather data and provide both offline and online stimulation as well as how
the animals are made epileptic.
13.7 Future Research Opportunities and Conclusions
As the ability to predict leads to the possibility of control, research in control of
seizures is expected to flourish in the near future, much to the benefit of the epileptic
patients. Investigations in stimulation and control of the brain have attracted the
attention of the academic community, and medical device companies have started
off designing and implementing intervention devices for various neurodegenerative
diseases (e.g. stimulators for Parkinsonian patients) in addition to the existing ones
for cardiovascular applications (e.g. pacemakers, defibrillators). For epilepsy, there
is currently an explosion of interest in academic centers and medical industry, with
clinical trials underway to test potential prediction and intervention methodology
and devices for FDA approval.
Electromagnetic stimulation and/or administration of anti-epileptic drugs at the
beginning of the preictal period, to disrupt the observed entrainment of normal brain
with the epileptogenic focus, may result in a significant reduction of the number and
severity of epileptic seizures. Our underlying hypothesis is that an epileptic seizure
will be prevented if an external intervention successfully resets the brain prior to
the seizure’s occurrence. Preliminary results from our experiments have shown that
both the length of seizures and the rate can be lowered by such means. However, it
is very important to investigate the parameters that lead to maximum efficacy and
minimum side effects of such an intervention.
We have shown that a successful and robust controller should be correcting the
pathological part of the system, that is where the coupling between brain sites
increases excessively, a situation the existing internal feedback in the brain cannot
compensate for. To this end, we have shown how Lmax computed using the tuned
Kantz algorithm can be treated as a synchronization measure (output) of interest.
A possible future direction in this work will entitle generating dynamical system
models from the applied stimulus (input) to the Lyapunov exponents. The inputs,
as always, will be time modulated with a biphasic impulse train since this is the
type of signal that gave us better decoupling results so far. A parameterization
of these signals in terms of their duration, frequency, and location should also be
considered in order to eventually develop a comprehensive input-output model from
the average stimulus power to the output of interest. It is worth mentioning that the
measure of synchronization can include, but not be limited to Lyapunov exponents
computed from EEG and other biomarkers such as heart rate, pulse oxygen levels,
body temperature, etc. Using such disparate data as potential markers, undoubtedly
presents significant challenges and complexity resulting in all issues related to
big data, namely, volume, velocity, variety and value being addressed. Tools such
as HPCmatlab suited for HPC platforms ameliorate and enable such problems
362 A. Shafique et al.
to be tractable. Future compute platforms will be heterogeneous and comprise
accelerator devices such as GPU’s and FPGA’s. Standard API’s like MPI, POSIX
threads, and OpenCL provide a uniform underlying approach to distributed memory,
shared memory and accelerated computing. Overall, the scientific community has
embraced these approaches and the trend will continue in the near future towards
new uses of accelerated and reconfigurable computing with completely new or
modified algorithms tuned to these platforms.
The method exploited in our work involving the reliable computation of Lya-
punov exponents can be utilized in generating a highly accurate automated seizure
detection system. A reliable seizure detection mechanism will aid medical prac-
titioners and patients with epilepsy. The established practice is to admit patients
into the hospital, once identified with epilepsy, and record long-term EEG data.
Trained technicians and doctors then have to sift through hours of patient data in
order to identify the time of seizures to make their diagnosis. Typically, the number
of epileptic patients admitted, at a time, in a hospital can become overwhelming
owing to the fact that epilepsy is such a common neurological disorder. Technicians
and doctors simply cannot keep up with the volumes of EEG generated in such short
periods of time. Studies show that about 30% of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients
have undiagnosed seizures due to this labor-intensive process that is prone to human
error (Claassen et al. 2004). Untimely detection of seizures increase the morbidity
of patients and can lead to mortality in certain cases. It also means that the patients
have to stay in the hospital longer, thus adding to cost. With some fine-tuning the
envisioned automated seizure detection mechanism will help alleviate much of that
burden equipped with its high true positive and low false positive detection rates.
Based on the above, we expect that the envisioned active real-time seizure
detection and feedback control techniques will mature into a technology for
intervention and control of the transition of the brain towards epileptic seizures and
would result in a novel and effective treatment of epilepsy. The “heavy machinery”
of computing Lyapunov exponents is a significant overhead to be paid, as compared
to existing linear measures, in order to improve the reliability of seizure detection
and prevention. Computational power is definitely a great concern, especially if the
technology is to be applied in a portable fashion so that patients can go on with their
day-to-day lives without interference. Considerations must be taken into account
of how the devices can perform big data operations while at the same time being
small enough to be portable. The ultimate goal is to provide a seizure-free epileptic
brain capable to function “normally”, with minimum time-wise and power-wise
intervention and side effects with the help of these advancements. We envision that
this technology will eventually enable a long anticipated new mode of treatment for
other brain dynamical disorders too, with neuromodulation, anti-epileptic drugs and
electromagnetic stimuli as its actuators.
Acknowledgements The authors work was supported by the National Science Foundation, under
grant ECCS-1102390. This research was partially supported through computational resources
provided by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is
supported by National Science Foundation grant number ACI-1053575.
13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 363
Appendix 1: Electrical Stimulation and Experiment Setup
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) protocols in several “animal models” of epilepsy
have shown some effectiveness in controlling epileptic seizures with high frequency
stimulation targeting the subthalamic nucleus, anterior thalamic nucleus, caudal
superior colliculus, substantia nigra, and hippocampus (Vercueil et al. 1998; Lado
et al. 2003). All these investigators used stimulation parameters in the following
ranges: frequency from 50–230 Hz, bipolar constant current pulses (30–1000 s)
at current intensities from 0.1 to 2 mA. In contrast, low frequency (between 1 and
30 Hz) stimulation resulted in increase of seizure susceptibility or synchronization
of EEG. The electrical stimulation we used in our experiments had a pulse width of
300 s at a current intensity ranging from 100–750 A and pulse-train duration of
10–20 min. Considering possible induced tissue damage by electrical stimulus,
the maximum current intensity of 750 A falls under the safe allowable charge
density limit of 30 C/cm2as reported by Kuncel and Grill (2004) for deep brain
stimulation; given the size of the stimulating electrode and pulse parameters chosen.
While these specific values of the stimulation parameters are being utilized in our
work, their optimization can become a project on its own right and is not considered
at this point.
The stimulation is applied between pairs of electrodes (amygdalar, hippocampal,
thalamic, frontal) according to the localization analysis results, whenever a seizure
warning is issued by our seizure warning algorithm or in the case of the offline
stimulation in an open-loop manner for a fixed duration on various pairs of elec-
trodes. A stimulation switching circuitry was developed in-house for the purpose
of stimulating two sites at will. This equipment consisted of an Arduino Mega and
printed circuit board containing electronic switches. Figure 13.15 shows a sketch of
hardware setup used for all experiments.
The Intan RHD2000 development board and its 16 channel amplifier was setup
as the EEG acquisition machine. The rats used in our study have 10 EEG channels,
a ground and a reference channel. We collect EEG data from 10 electrodes located
in different parts of the rat brain (see Fig. 13.16). The EEG channels go through a
switch board into the Intan EEG data acquisition system. The Intan board has an
amplifier that conditions the signal so that its 16 bit ADC has sufficient resolution
in the EEG waveforms which are typically in the 100s of V range. Once digitized,
the data is collected in an FPGA buffer until a MATLAB program polls it from the
buffer over USB. The MATLAB code operates every 2 s and it brings in 2 s worth
of data that are sampled from the ADC at 512 Hz from all channels. On MATLAB,
either the offline fixed stimulation code or the seizure warning algorithm decide
on when and how to stimulate and those parameters are sent over emulated Serial
Port (USB Virtual COM port) to an Arduino MEGA. The MEGA then commands
the stimulator to provide stimulation on its output port. The amplitudes are fixed
using analog knobs and are not programmable. Another function of the Arduino is
to command the switch board so that it disconnects a chosen pair of electrodes from
the rat to the EEG board and connects them to the stimulator so that the stimulation

364 A. Shafique et al.
Fig. 13.15 Block diagram showing the experimental setup used. The Switching circuit is con-
trolled by the Arduino Due which in turn gets commands from the MATLAB program running
on the computer. The switching circuit enables us to stimulate any pair of electrode at will. The
stimulation signal is generated from the A-M systems stimulator
signal can pass through to the rat brain. Once stimulation needs to be switched
off, the Arduino commands the stimulator to switch off and reconnects the EEG
channels to the rat electrodes.
Appendix 2: Preparation of Animals
The animals used in this study were male Spraque Dawley rats, weighing between
200–225 g, from Harlan Laboratories. All animal experimentation used in the study
were performed in the Laboratory For Translational Epilepsy Research at Barrow
Neurological Institute (BNI) upon approval by the Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee (IACUC). The protocol for inducing chronic epilepsy was described
previously by Walton and Treiman (1988). This procedure generates generalized
convulsive status epilepticus (SE). Status epilepticus was induced by intraperitoneal
(IP) injection of lithium chloride (3 mmol/kg) followed by subcutaneous (SC)
injection of pilocarpine (30 mg/kg) 20–24 h later. Following injection of pilocarpine,
the EEG of each rat were monitored visually for clinical signs of SE noted
behaviorally by the presence of a Racine level 5 seizure (rearing with loss of balance,
Racine 1972). At EEG Stage V (approximately 4 h after pilocarpine injection) SE
was stopped using a standard cocktail of diazepam 10 mg/kg, and Phenobarbital
25 mg/kg, both IP. The rats were then kept under visual observation for 72 h within
which all measures were taken to stop them from deceasing. In the event that none
of the methods to keep them alive worked, the animals were euthanized.

13 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Chaos and Big Data: A Case Study of... 365
Fig. 13.16 Diagram of surgical placement of electrodes in the rat’s brain (top view)
After SE was successfully induced in the animals, they were allowed 5 weeks for
the seizure frequency to stabilize. Following this 5 week period, the animals were
taken into surgery and an electrode array, as shown in Fig. 13.16, were implanted
into their brain. Not including the reference and ground connections, each rat had
10 electrodes implanted. After surgery, each animal was allowed a week before
being connected to an EEG machine. The referential voltages from each of the 10
electrodes mentioned was then recorded using an EEG machine (Intan RHD2000
development board).
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Chapter 14
Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation
Medicine: A Data Science Roadmap
Tavpritesh Sethi
14.1 Introduction
Living systems are inherently complex. This complexity plays out as health and
disease states over the lifetime of an organism. Deciphering health has been
one of the grand endeavors of humanity since times immemorial. However, it
is only in the recent decades that a disruptive transformation of healthcare and
its delivery seems imminent. Like other disciplines, this transformation is being
fueled by exponentially growing Big-data. This has sparked a widespread move
for transitioning to Next-generation medicine which aims at being Preventive,
Predictive, Personalized, Participatory, i.e., P4 (Auffray et al. 2009) and Precise
(Collins and Varmus 2015). However, this also requires a major upgrade of our
scientific methods and approach. Our current model of medical discovery has
evolved over the past 500 years and relies upon testing pre-stated hypotheses
through careful experimental design. This approach of “hypothesis-driven medical
discovery” has been instrumental in advancing medicine and has consistently led
to breakthroughs in newer treatments, vaccines, and other interventions to promote
health over the past 500 years. However, for the first time, medicine is at a threshold
where the rate of data-generation has overtaken the rate of hypothesis generation by
clinicians and medical researchers. It has been estimated that biomedical Big-data
will reach 25,000 petabytes by 2020 (Sun 2013) largely attributable to digitization
of health-records and the pervasive genomic revolution. Therefore, a new paradigm
of “data-driven medical discovery” has emerged and is expected to revolutionize
T. Sethi ()
Department of Computational Biology, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology,
New Delhi, India
Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
e-mail: tavpriteshsethi@iiitd.ac.in
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_14
372 T. Sethi
the next hundred years of medicine (Kohane et al. 2012). The biggest challenge
in this direction will be to incorporate the complex adaptive properties of human
physiology into Big-data technologies.
Genomics has been the poster child of the Big-data movement in medicine as the
cost of sequencing has been falling faster than the limits imposed by Moore’s law
(NHGRI 2016). However, the genomics revolution has also taught us a sobering
lesson in science. The scientific community realized that Big-data is a necessary
condition, but not a sufficient condition for translation to bedside, community or
policy. Even before the advent of genomics era, there were glaring gaps in our
understanding of biology and it was hoped that Big-data would fill these gaps. On
the contrary, what followed was quite the opposite. The more Big-data we generated,
more we realized our lack of understanding of the complexity of living systems.
Following conventional statistical approaches, the predictive power of genomics
was found to be low for common diseases and traits. This is the well-known problem
of missing heritability, which arises partly due complex (and often unpredictable)
biological interactions and partly due to limitations of currently available statistical
techniques. For example, Type II Diabetes, a complex disease, the number is
estimated to be around 10% (Ali 2013). This is because the genetic code in DNA,
which was thought to be a major health determinant is now known to be just one of
the layers of the multiscale influences. These layers include the Exposome consisting
of sum-total of environmental exposures (Miller 2014), the Microbiome consisting
of resident micro-organisms (Turnbaugh et al. 2007) and even the heath influences
spreading upon Social-networks (Christakis 2007), in addition to other “omics”
operating in an individual such as transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics
(Fig. 14.1a). These layers can be thought as “Russian doll” hierarchies with DNA
(genome) as the blueprint for dictating the RNA (transcriptome) which further
gets translated into proteins (proteome) and metabolites (metabolome). This is a
simplified picture of the hierarchical organization with feedback loops and more
“omics” layers added each day. Therefore, with these characteristics, the current
approaches of Big-data analytics are not sufficient by themselves to tackle the
challenges of Next-generation medicine. The rich complexity, multiscale nature and
interactions between these scales necessitates a Data-science roadmap incorporating
the distinguishing features of Biomedical Big-data as presented in Table 14.1.
The aim of this chapter is to propose a Data-science roadmap for knowledge-
generation from Big-data through a combination of modern machine learning
(data-driven) and statistical-inference (hypothesis-driven) approaches. The roadmap
is not a comprehensive one, and could be one of the many possible approaches
that could be geared towards the final objective of delivering better clinical
(Personalized,Predictive) and community (Preventive, Predictive, Participatory)
care through Big-data.

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 373
Fig. 14.1 Eric Topol’s vision is to synthesize various layers of information ranging from
environmental exposures (exposome) to the individual’s genetic blueprint (genome) to enable the
Next-generation medicine (a). The CAPE roadmap (b) proposed in this chapter serves as a Data-
science blueprint for executing such a vision. With the explosion of data across genetic, cellular,
organismal and supra-organismal layers, there is an immediate need for such roadmaps and CAPE
is one of these directions discussed in this chapter. (Permission to use the image authored by Eric. J
Topol obtained from the publisher, Elsevier under License Number 3967190064575, License date
Oct 13, 2016)
Table 14.1 Challenges in biomedical big-data that make it unique
Unique challenges in
healthcare big-data
(D) and generative
physiology (P)
Corresponding challenge
in conventional
Non-exhaustive list of possible
1. Heterogeneity (P,
Variety Large scale observational studies
(Hripcsak et al. 2016), Patient
Aggregation (Longhurst et al. 2014),
Stratified Medicine (Athey and Imbens
2016; Sethi et al. 2011)
2. Messy (D) Veracity Imputation (Longford 2001), Natural
Language Processing (Doan et al.
3. Bedside Potential
Value Machine Learning (Rothman et al.
2013; Dinov et al. 2016)
4. Inter-connected (P) Not defined as a
Omics (Topol 2014), Graphs and
Networks (Barabási et al. 2011)
5. Dynamically
Adaptive (P)
Not defined as a
Complex Adaptive Systems (Kottke
et al. 2016; Coveney et al. 2016)
6. Multiscale
Integration (P)
Not defined as a
Multiscale Modeling (Walpole et al.
7. Data Privacy &
Open Data
Not defined as a
Cybersecurity, Citizen-science (Follett
and Strezov 2015)

374 T. Sethi
14.1.1 The CAPE Roadmap
The four guiding principles of the CAPE roadmap proposed in this chapter are
(1) Capture Reliably (2) Approach Systemically (3) Phenotype Deeply and (4)
Enable Decisions (Fig. 14.1b). While the sequence is not strictly important, Data-
science initiatives built around healthcare Big-data will find it naturally applicable.
Therefore, the chapter addresses each of these principles in sequence while building
upon the preceding ones and presenting case studies. The purpose of the case studies
is to introduce the reader to examples illustrating the real-world impact of Big-data
driven Data-science in healthcare.
14.2 Capture Reliably
Biomedical data are notoriously messy. Unless data quality is ensured, the maxim
of “garbage in- garbage out” may constrain the scientific and clinical utility of
Big-data in healthcare. Very often the measurements are missing, incorrect, or
corrupted. In addition to measurement errors in structured data, biomedical data
is also messy because a large fraction of it is unstructured. It is estimated that up to
80% of healthcare data resides in the form of text notes, images and scans (Sun
2013), yet contains highly valuable information with respect to patients’ health
and disease. Hence reliable capture of big-data is one of the most crucial step in
successful execution of healthcare applications. Ensuring reliable capture not only
involves ensuring the fidelity of existing systems such as Electronic Health Records
(EHRs) and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) but also in newer technologies
such as mHealth. While challenges of the former (such as interoperability of EMRs)
need to be addressed at a healthcare policy level, the latter offers a different set
of scientific challenges. mHealth leverages mobile devices such as mobile phones
and tablet computers for recording health parameters through sensors and wireless
technologies. This has led to the recent surge in health-tracking and wellness
monitoring (Steinhubl et al. 2015). If captured reliably, these could reveal key
factors in regulation of health and disease thus enabling Precision and P4 medicine.
14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 375
The scientific potential of this approach is already being evaluated and has sparked
interest in personal “individualomes” (Snyder 2014) i.e., longitudinal tracking of
multiple variables reflecting an individual’s health. Further, consensus guidelines
on collection and analysis of temporally tracked data have started emerging in order
to establish its scientific validity (Wijndaele et al. 2015). However, in the current
scenario, most wellness tracking and home monitoring devices are not certified to
be research-grade. Important features such as sampling rates and filters are often not
specified and vendors typically do not seek approvals from regulatory agencies such
as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Therefore, from the standpoint of reliable capture, the key open challenges in
healthcare are (i) creating data standards, and (ii) developing tools that can recover
data from noisy and/or missing measurements.
14.2.1 Biomedical Data Quality and Standards
Mining of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is one of the most promising directions
for Precision medicine. Defining medical ontologies such as International Classifi-
cation of Diseases (ICD) has been a key enabling feature in this direction. Despite
this enforcement of ontologies, the lack of interoperability has led to siloing of Big-
data. Typically, in any Biomedical Big-data project, data harmonization and dealing
with messy data alone take up to 80% of the time and effort thus leading to initiatives
such as those being implemented for cancer (Rolland et al. 2015) and HIV (Chandler
et al. 2015). These approaches are expected to evolve as more Individualome data
such as genomes and environmental exposures become available. It is anticipated
that harmonization of such multidimensional data sources would require expertise
from diverse domains and hence and would be possible to be achieved only through
community efforts. Community efforts to create open-source frameworks such as
the R Language for Statistical Programming, Python, Hadoop and Spark are already
revolutionizing data-science. In a similar fashion, a major role of the open-source
movement for sharing of codes and API’s for reliable. Secure and inter-operable
capture of healthcare data is anticipated (Wilbanks and Topol 2016; Topol 2015).
In addition, reliable capture must also ensure implementation of better data-security
standards and mechanisms for protecting the privacy of individuals.
14.2.2 Data Sparsity
Sparsity is a double-edged sword in data-science. While sparsity is important for
removing redundancy, efficient storage and transmission of data (e.g. Telemedicine),
it should not be induced at the cost of completeness of data. Many times, biomedical
data suffer from both the problems at the same time. While some variables might
be redundantly represented, others might not have acceptable fidelity. The latter
376 T. Sethi
kind of sparsity in observations is more often observed and may result from
factors which are technical (such as missing data) or human (such as inaccurate
recording, corrupted data, textual errors, etc.). Data-science approaches to deal with
the latter problem include variable removal, data imputation and data reconstruction.
However, data-scientists are advised to inspect the possible generative mechanisms
of such missing data through statistical tests and assumptions must be tested. For
example, a naïve assumption may be about data Missing Completely At Random
(MCAR). Simple statistical computations to check whether the missing values are
distributed uniformly across all samples and groups of data must be applied before
imputing the data. As an illustrative example, this assumption may be invalidated
if data missingness was coupled with the generative process. This leads to a non-
random pattern in the missingness of data. One of the simplest and most common
form of non-random missingness in healthcare data is the monotone pattern.A
monotone pattern of missingness arises in situations such as patient drop-out or
death in longitudinal data (Fig. 14.2). More complex patterns such as stratification
of missing data by sub-groups arise when a sub-set of patients is more prone to drop-
out or yield erroneous measurements. While imputation with a central tendency
(mean/median/mode) may suffice in the MCAR scenario, missing data with struc-
ture might need more sophisticated techniques such as k-nearest neighbors, Robust
Least Squares Estimation with Principal Components (RLSP), Bayesian Principal
Component Analysis and multiple imputation (Hayati et al. 2015). Sophisticated
algorithms for testing the assumptions and performing imputations are available in
most of the standard statistical software such as R, Stata, SPSS etc.
14.2.3 Feature Selection
While on one hand, data-imputation aims to recover missing data, on the other
hand many datasets suffer the problem of redundancy in data. In such datasets,
it is desirable to induce a sparsity of variables and preserve only the ones that
may be of relevance to the data-science question. This procedure of selecting
relevant features is most useful in the presence of multi-collinearity (some features
being a linear combination of others) or even nonlinear relationships in the data.
The presence of linear and nonlinear correlations between variables makes it a
mathematically underdetermined system. Further, Occam’s razor suggests that most
parsimonious models should be selected and adding variables often leads to over-
fitted models. In many such Big-data problems, traditional methods of statistics for
dimensionality reduction such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multi-
dimensional Scaling (MDS) are sufficient to reduce the dimensionality using linear
transformations to an orthonormal basis. However, in other Big-data situations
such as genomics, where the number of features can run into millions per patient,
specific statistical and machine learning approaches are often required. Briefly, such
feature selection methods can be classified into (i) Filter (ii) Wrapper and (iii)
Embedded approaches and the interested reader is referred to (Wang et al. 2016)for

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 377
`Viral Load_Relative_Delta`
`IFN Gamma_Relative_Delta`
`IFN Gamma_Absolute_Delta`
`IL-12 p40_Relative_Delta`
`IL-12 p70_Absolute_Delta`
`IL-12 p70_Relative_Delta`
`IL-12 p40_Absolute_Delta`
`TNF Alpha_Absolute_Delta`
`TNF Alpha_Relative_Delta`
`IFN Alpha_Relative_Delta`
`IFN Alpha_Absolute_Delta`
`Viral Load_Absolute_Delta`
`TNF Alpha`
`NS1 Ag Units`
`Viral load`
`IL-12 p40`
`TLC per ml`
`IFN Alpha`
`IL-12 p70`
`IFN Gamma`
# Missing Data
Fig. 14.2 Undesirable Sparsity and Desirable Sparsity in Biomedical Big-data. (a)showsthe
monotone pattern of missing data with patients dropping out over the length of the study,
hence invalidating the statistical assumption of Missing Completely at Random (MCAR). (b,
c) Deliberate induction of sparsity of variables in the data (feature selection) by using machine
learning algorithms such as Boruta. The example shows a run of variable selection carried out by
the author for selecting variables important for predicting Dengue severity (b) and recovery (c)
from Severe Dengue illness (Singla et al. 2016)
378 T. Sethi
an excellent review for bioinformatics applications. Filter approaches are the easiest
to implement and are computationally efficient. These include selection of variables
through statistical measures such as correlation-coefficients (for regression) and
tests of statistical significance (for classification). However, filter-based approaches
suffer from the problem of multiple hypothesis testing (Farcomeni 2008)asthe
number of variables becomes large, hence leading to sub-optimal models. Wrapper-
based approaches address this problem in a more direct manner by selecting the
subset of variables which minimizes model error. However, these are computa-
tionally expensive. A popular wrapper algorithm for feature selection is Boruta
(Miron and Witold 2010) which is a machine learning wrapper around Random
Forest algorithm for feature selection. This algorithm is centered around the concept
of Variable Importance. While Random Forest generates variable importances, it
does not test for the statistical significance of these importance measures. Boruta
algorithm fills this gap by statistical significance testing of variable importances
against permuted (shadow) datasets and has been shown to be one of the most robust
methods of feature selection in the toolkit currently available (Fig. 14.2b,c).
14.2.4 State-of-the Art and Novel Algorithms
A third scenario of data sparsity and need for reliable capture exists in the biological
signals such as ECG, EEG and images such as MRI and CT scans. These signals
are often corrupted by noise, are compressed thus resulting in loss of fidelity
(lossy compression) and are subject to technological limitations, sensor failure,
machine breakdown etc. Therefore, a challenging problem in data science is to
reconstruct the original signal such as an MRI image or an ECG signal from its
lossy version. Such reconstruction might be critical in settings such as Intensive
Care Units (ICUs) where loss of signal often results from sensors dislodging
secondary to patient movements. A similar situation could often arise with wellness
trackers in the community settings. While until about a decade ago, it was thought
impossible to recover the original signal from such under-sampled data (because
of the restrictions imposed by the Shannon-Nyquist criterion) (Jerri 1977), recent
research (Ravishankar and Bresler 2015) has proved that such reconstruction is
possible because most signals have little contribution from higher order terms. Thus,
regularization approaches can be leveraged to perfectly reconstruct the underlying
signal. This branch of signal processing called Compressed Sensing (CS) has
proven to be of immense value in image reconstruction and in physiological signals
(Ravishankar and Bresler 2015) and is finding applications in Biomedical Big-data.
Another state-of-the-art approach for signal reconstruction is using deep learning
and autoencoders. Briefly, autoencoders are a special class of neural networks where
the original data are re-constructed in the output layer while the hidden layers
learn the features and representations of the input signals. A full discussion on
autoencoders is beyond the scope of this chapter and the interested reader is referred
to (Goodfellow et al. 2016).

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 379
14.2.5 Physiological Precision and Stratified Medicine
The final case for reliable capture of data stresses upon the physiological hetero-
geneity of health and disease. The original classification of diseases was based
mostly upon signs, symptoms and pathological features of a disease. However, it
is being realized that many different mechanisms lead to similar pathophysiological
outcomes and hence manifestations of diseases. This is especially valid for chronic
multifactorial disorders such as Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular
disorders which have common underlying themes such as inflammation (Arron et al.
2015). With the advent of Big-data and data-science technologies, it is now possible
to address this heterogeneity and imprecise disease classification. This understand-
ing was instrumental in for the proposition of the Precision Medicine Initiative
(Collins et al. 2015). Development of state-of-the-art computational mathematical
techniques of clustering multidimensional data (Hinks et al. 2015) are being used
for characterization of individuals on millions of features and provide a precision
to diagnosis. Evidently, active development of unsupervised clustering methods is
one of the most important advances in this direction. Data-driven aggregation of
patients based upon multivariate similarity measures derived from data has led to the
approach is known as Stratified Medicine (Fig. 14.3a). These algorithms of patient
stratification and aggregation attempt to define pure-subclasses by minimizing the
ratio of within-group to between-group variability. In most medical conditions
stratified so far (e.g. breast cancer), the discovered clusters are expected to have
differential disease evolution or response to therapy (Nielson et al. 2015).
On the mathematical side, most clustering algorithms rely upon the notion
of a dissimilarity measure. This may range from simple distance metrics such
as Euclidean (2-norm), Manhattan (taxicab norm) and Mahalanobis metrics to
Fig. 14.3 Stratified Medicine. Human physiology integrates the diverse layers mentioned in Fig.
14.1 to produce complex health and diseased phenotypes. (a) Our understanding of this integration
and the physiological network is sparse. (b) Application of data-science to recapitulate physio-
logical integration may create a more complete understanding of physiology and stratification of
diversity. This stratification is helping doctors in tailoring of therapies to sub-groups of patients
(see text)
380 T. Sethi
dissimilarities obtained through machine learning algorithms such as unsupervised
Random Forests (Breiman 2001). For the healthcare data-scientist, the choice of
distance metric may prove to be critical. Often, this choice is dictated by the type
of the variables (numerical, categorical or mixed) and the presence of noise in the
data. Following the choice of a metric and the application of a clustering algorithm,
cluster quality inspection and visualization algorithms such as Multidimensional
Scaling (MDS), Partitioning around Medoids (PAM) further help the data-scientist
in making an informed choice on the strata that may exist in a particular disease.
In addition to standard clustering algorithms, newer methods and approaches have
focused on clustering complex data of arbitrary shapes and include multivariate
density based clustering (Ester et al. 1996), Self-organizing maps (Kohonen 1982),
Message passing between the data-points (Frey and Dueck 2007) and Topological
Data Analysis (Nielson et al. 2015).
14.2.6 The Green Button: A Case Study on Capture Reliably
Principle of the CAPE Roadmap
Tailoring of medical decisions, practices and products are the goals of precision
medicine and personalized medicine. As discussed in the preceding section, strati-
fied medicine is a key step towards this goal. Green Button (Longhurst et al. 2014)is
an example of stratification applied to Big-data that resides in the Electronic Health
Records (EHRs). Since every patient is unique, this proposition aims at creating
patient cohorts “on the fly” by matching characteristics across millions of patient
records present in the EHRs. This would enable the new paradigm of practice-
based evidence combined with the current paradigm of evidence-based practice.
Such an approach would also complement Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs),
the current gold standard in medical knowledge discovery. RCTs apart from being
prohibitively expensive, also suffer from over-estimation of statistical effect sizes
because of stringent patient selection criteria. Often, such criteria are not met by
routinely seen patients and hence the conclusions of most of RCTs fail to generalize
to the routine clinical settings. The Green Button proposes to minimize such bias by
allowing the creation of patient aggregates at the point-of-care in the clinic itself thus
enabling generalization and bed-side application. Additionally, the Green Button
approach inherently demands inter-operability of EHRs, and secure data-sharing by
the formation of hospital-networks such as PCORnet (Fleurence et al. 2014), thus
pushing for data-standards in the biomedical community.

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 381
14.3 Approach Systemically
Dense inter-connectivity, regulatory phenomena, and continuous adaptations dis-
tinguish biological systems from mechanical and physical systems. Therefore,
reductionist approaches, while immensely successful in physical systems (e.g. auto-
mobiles and space-crafts), have met with limited success in biology and medicine.
Hence, holistic approaches to biomedical data with interdisciplinary application of
mathematics, computer science and clinical medicine are required. This understand-
ing led to the birth of Systems Biology and to the recent fields of Networks Medicine
and Systems Medicine. The umbrella term of Systems Medicine is proposed to be
the next step for healthcare advancement and has been defined by (Auffray et al.
2009)as,“the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts,
research, and practice. This involves iterative and reciprocal feedback between clin-
ical investigations and practice with computational, statistical, and mathematical
multiscale analysis and modeling of pathogenetic mechanisms, disease progression
and remission, disease spread and cure, treatment responses and adverse events,
as well as disease prevention both at the epidemiological and individual patient
level. As an outcome Systems Medicine aims at a measurable improvement of patient
health through systems- based approaches and practice”.
Therefore, this section reviews the most common approaches that are being
applied to achieve a holistic and data-driven systems medicine.
14.3.1 Networks Medicine
In the Networks Medicine paradigm, the states of health, disease, and recovery
can be thought of as networks of complex interactions and this approach has
recently gained much popularity in biomedical Data-science (Barabási et al. 2011).
A network is data structure with variables represented as ‘nodes’ and connections

382 T. Sethi
between objects represented as ‘edges’. Therefore, the network representation is
not only an excellent tool for visualizing complex biological data but also serves
as a mathematical model for representing multivariate data. It has been found that
most biological networks display a common underlying pattern called scale free
behavior which has been discovered and re-discovered multiple times and in various
contexts such as Economics, Statistics and Complexity Science (Newman 2005). It
has been variously described as the Pareto Principle, 80–20 principle and Power-
law distribution and simply reflects the absence of a single characteristic scale
in biological networks. Intuitively, this implies that the distribution of number of
connections of nodes falls exponentially (monotonically on a log-log scale) as a
function of node-frequency (Fig. 14.4b) leading to a very small number of nodes
sharing most of the share of edges in the network. This picture is consistent with
many of the known natural and societal phenomena.
In the context of evolutionary development of function, it has been proposed that
scale free behavior emerges because of “preferential attachment” of new functions
to already well-developed components of the network, thus implying a “rich get
richer” scenario. Being a quantifiable property, this strategy has been exploited
to target the key components of a network, reveal communities, interactions and
the spread of information, and interventions that may disrupt this communication.
This strategy has found recent uses in effective understanding of drug development
(Rodriguez-Esteban 2016) and for understanding community health dynamics
(Salvi et al. 2015).
Fig. 14.4 Scale free property of complex networks. Most complex networks including those
encountered in healthcare and biology display the presence of hubs at each scale of the network.
These hubs are important in understanding not only technological networks such as (a)TheInternet
but also biological networks. (b) Illustration of the power law distribution of degree-connectivity
that defines a scale free network
14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 383
14.3.2 Information Theory for Biology
In mid-nineteenth century, Ludwig Eduard Boltzman revolutionized the study of
physical systems by abstracting away the microscopic properties of a system into a
macroscopic quantity called Thermodynamic Entropy,
Almost a century later, Claude Shannon proposed the theory of information
(Shannon 1948) to calculate the information content of any system and proposed
the famous equation,
H.X/D.1/ Xn
iD1pi logpi
The two concepts and equations share a deep theoretical relationship through
the Landauer Principle (Landauer 1961), that connects thermodynamic entropy
with change in information content of a system. Since physiological and cellular
functioning essentially involves information transfer through mediators such as
neural tracts or chemical messengers, the concept of entropy and information has
found applications designing Big-data applications in biology at a fundamental
level (Rhee et al. 2012). For example, quantification of entropy and complexity of
a heart-beat patterns has profound applications in critical care settings with a lower
complexity of inter-beat intervals shown to be a risk factor for a higher five-year
mortality and a poor prognosis after critical events such as an ischemic heart attack
(Mäkikallio et al. 1999).
14.3.3 Agent Based Models
Agent Based Models (ABMs) are a class of computational models that are par-
ticularly suited for holistic modeling of a system in the presence of interactions
and rules. These models are based upon the theory of planned behavior and
allow autonomous entities (called agents) to interact in space-time, hence allowing
collective dynamics of the system to emerge. ABMs allow learning from data
in a fashion like societal interactions i.e., peer-to-peer interaction where each
agent can be thought of as an individual with a set of rules to enable decisions
while interacting. The set of rules are updated every time an interaction occurs
in accordance to the perceived gain or loss to the individual. Combined with the
principles of behavioral psychology (such as reward and punishment) this leads to
a powerful tool in the arsenal of data-science known as Reinforcement Learning,
which has been applied to healthcare at clinical (e.g. optimal planning to prevent
sepsis in Intensive Care Units), (Tsoukalas et al. 2015) as well as community levels
(Fig. 14.5).

384 T. Sethi
Fig. 14.5 Agent Based Modeling for Behavioral adoption of critical health practices in the State
of Bihar (a) (Aaron Schecter). This example simulation run (b) shows the conversion rate in a
community as a function of advisors and influencers in the local community. Such models are
expected to be extremely useful for modifying community behavior towards adoption of better
health practices in the community
14.3.4 Prevalence of Symptoms on a Single Indian Healthcare
Day on a Nationwide Scale (POSEIDON): A Case
Study on Approach Systemically Principal of the CAPE
This case study (Salvi et al. 2016) illustrates application of Networks Analysis
upon a unique patient data resource of 2,04,912 patients collected on a single
day across India by Chest Research Foundation, Pune, India. The purpose of
the study was to get a snapshot of “what ails India”. India is amongst the
countries with highest disease burden in the world as per its Annual Report,
2010 and an epidemiologic transition from infectious to life-style disorders has
been documented. The methodology adopted for the POSEIDON study was to
conduct a one-day, point prevalence study, across India using an ICD-10 compliant
questionnaire. In addition to the standard statistical approaches, ta Networks based
approach to understand the global structure of the “Symptome” of India was carried
out by the author of this chapter. Data were divided by decades of age to dissect the
change in network structure across the different age groups of the Indian population.
Edges were derived based upon significance achieved by the Fisher’s exact test, a
standard test applied to test for associations. Since a weighted network analysis
gives better information about the community structure, the negative log of p-value
was used as weights for pairwise associations of symptoms in each age group.
Mapequation algorithm (Rosvall and Bergstrom 2008) was then used to detect
community structure (modularity) in the network and the dynamics of the modules
were represented as alluvial diagram (Rosvall and Bergstrom 2008). As can be
seen in the association network (Fig. 14.6) each symptom/disease is represented

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 385
Fig. 14.6 Association Networks and Alluvial Mapping for quantitative insights. In the POSEI-
DON case study (a) Diseases (nodes) formed communities which merged together (right).
(b) These communities were found to change across the age groups of the population in the
visualization in the form of an alluvial mapping of 2,04,912 Indian OPD patients (the POSEIDON
study, Salvi et al. 2015)
as a node and each pair of symptoms/diseases was tested for association. Force-
directed and Kamada-Kawai algorithms of graph layout were then used to visually
inspect the structure of these networks which were found to be strikingly different
between young and elderly age groups (Fig. 14.6a). Further, the dynamic nature
of these community patterns was represented through an alluvial mapping that
showed the change in communities represented as flow of streamlines. It was seen
that the respiratory group of comorbidities (blue, thick streamline in the figure)
was most prevalent across all age groups. Most interestingly, the Circulatory (red)
streamline was seen to merge with Endocrine (purple) comorbidities later in life.
This was confirmed to be due to Diabetes being most common comorbid endocrine
disorder in this age. Hence, a data-driven merger of nodes represented the co-
morbid association of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Similarly, a merger
of Female Genitalia (violet) with Anemia (sky-blue) was seen in the reproductive
age group, anemia due to menstrual disorders being hugely prevalent in this age

386 T. Sethi
group in women of India. Interestingly, the reader may note that the violet and sky-
blue streamlines parted ways after 40–50 age group thus signifying disassociation
of anemia with reproductive disorders after menopause. In addition to Systemic
Approach, this example also highlights the importance of data-visualization in Big-
data analytics and the emerging need to devise new methods of visualizing complex
multivariate data to enable intuitive grasp of Big-data.
14.4 Phenotype Deeply
While “Approaching Systemically” addresses the breadth and scope of Big-data,
there is an equally important need for deep phenotyping of healthy individuals and
patients. Hence, the next CAPE principle, Phenotyping Deeply aims to discover
meaningful “patterns within noise” and to exploit these for understanding the
healthy and disease states. In contrast to gross changes in summary statistics (such as
average measurements), pre-disease states are often characterized by subtle changes
in dynamical behavior of the system (such as change in variability, fractal behavior,
long-range correlations etc.). As an example, the human body is made up of about
30 trillion cells consisting roughly of about 200 cell-types arranged into tissues
that perform orchestrated physiological functions. Despite sharing the same genetic
code, there is enormous functional and phenotypic variability in these cells. Further
each cell-type population (tissue) has considerable amount of heterogeneity within
the tissue itself. Most cellular level experiments ignore this variation which is often
summarized into average properties (e.g. gene expression) of the cell-population. It
was only the advent of single cell sequencing technology that has now shed light
into enormous diversity and distinct functional sub-types even within a cellular
14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 387
population. In a manner reminiscent of scale-free networks, similar heterogeneity
(noisiness) of function exists at the phenotypic and physiological levels, heart rate
variability being a prominent example.
14.4.1 Principal Axes of Variation
Since it is impossible to measure the entire physiology of an individual with the
available technologies, a natural question that a biomedical data-scientist faces is
“where to start with deep phenotyping of an individual?” The answer may lie in a
combination of expert driven and data-driven approaches. Leveraging the key net-
work players may be combined with expert-knowledge of human physiology and the
disease in question. In most scientific approaches to Big-data, it is prudent to form
scientific hypothesis which may be tested through Big-data analytics. One of such
scientific hypothesis consistently validated is the existence of physiological axes that
form the core of many complex disorders (Ghiassian et al. 2016). These axes (also
called endophenotypes, endotypes or shared intermediate patho-phenotypes) can be
thought of as major relay stations for the development of a multitude of diseases
including complex diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (Ghiassian
et al. 2016). At the cellular level, such key axes of health-regulation are found to be
(i) inflammation, (ii) fibrosis, and (iii) thrombosis. Similarly, at the physiological
level, systems which are known to integrate regulatory influences and maintain
homeostasis are expected to be strong candidates for deep-phenotyping approaches.
Since Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is a natural choice for being an integrator
of physiological networks, its quantification through Heart Rate Variability may be
one of the key factors in untangling the complexity of diseases as discussed before
and in the following case study.
14.4.2 Heart Rate Variability: A Case Study on Phenotype
Deeply Principle of the CAPE Roadmap
A large majority of the automatic and unconscious regulation of human physi-
ological functions happens through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The
nerve supply from ANS controls some of the most vital physiological processes
including heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, digestion, sweating etc. through
rich nerve supply bundled into two opposing components that dynamically balance
out each other. These components are the sympathetic component (‘fight or flight’)
response and the parasympathetic component (“rest and digest”) respectively. Thus,
the assessment of sympathetic and parasympathetic components can yield insights
into the delicate dynamical balance of this physiological axis. Interestingly, this
axis has been shown to be perturbed early in the presence of a variety of diseases

388 T. Sethi
and these perturbations can be measured non-invasively through heart beat intervals
(Task Force for Heart rate variability 1996). The beating of the heart is not a
perfectly periodic phenomenon as it constantly adapts to the changing demands
of the body. Therefore, the heart rate exhibits complex behavior even at rest and
this variation in the rhythm of the heart is known as heart rate variability (HRV).
An illustration of inter-beat intervals time series obtained from an ECG is depicted
in Fig. 14.7. One of the most significant uses of heart rate variability is in the
prediction of a devastating and often fatal blood stream infection (sepsis) in the
newborn children admitted to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In the study conducted
by (Fairchild et al. 2013), the heart rhythm showed lower complexity (as evidenced
by a fall in entropy) by up to 72 h before clinical recognition of sepsis. A pervasive
application of this technique can therefore allow a window of early recognition in
which newborn babies could be treated for sepsis. This was further validated in a
clinical trial to test for the clinical value of this test and the results supported the
predictive value of these features in decreasing the deaths due to sepsis by about 5%
(Fairchild et al. 2013).
The lack of popularity of deep phenotyping stems from the highly mathematical
nature of such patterns. However, it is anticipated that interdisciplinary application
of mathematics and computer science shall be the driving force for next-generation
medicine. Thus, adequate mathematical training and comfort with computational
tools cannot be over-emphasized for the development of Big-data and Data-science
for medicine. The mathematical features of interest in HRV are defined under three
broad types, i.e. Time Domain,Frequency Domain and Nonlinear Features (Task
Force for Heart rate variability 1996).
(a) Time domain analysis involves calculating the summary statistics and include,
i. Mean of the Normal RR intervals given by:
ii. SDNN:SDNN is the standard deviation of the NN time series calculated as:

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 389
Fig. 14.7 Heart Rate Variability. (a) Heart rate time series is derived from peak-to-peak time
difference in R waves from normal QRS complexes in an ECG. The heart accelerates when these
intervals get shorter and vice versa. A few such events are marked. Even within healthy individuals
(b–d) there is a considerable heterogeneity of physiological patterns that needs to be deciphered
through methods of data-science such as pattern mining

390 T. Sethi
iii. SDSD. This is the standard deviation of the differences from successive RR
intervals given as:
iv. SDANN: This is the standard deviation of the average of NN intervals over a
short duration of time (usually taken over 5 min periods) (4).
v. RMSSD: Root mean squared differences over successive NN intervals and is
given by:
vi. NN50: It is the count of beats with successive differences more than 50
vii. pNN50: It is the percentage of NN50 in the total NN intervals recorded (4)
and is calculated as:
pNN50 DNN50
(b) Frequency domain analysis aims to discover the hidden periodic influences and
i. Fourier transform: It is a theoretically well founded algorithm developed
from first principles of mathematics (8) and uses sines and cosines as “basis”
functions for calculation of power associated with each frequency
where, fnn
2;:::; N

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 391
The power spectrum is defined by the following equations:
N2jRR0j2;at zero frequency
N2jRRnj2CjRRNn2;at n D1;2;:::;N
N2hˇˇRRN=2ˇˇ2i;at Nyquist critical frequency
The application of Fourier transform in HRV has given many insights of
physiological relevance. It was found first from the Fourier spectrum that heart
rate had at least two distinct modes of oscillation, the low frequency (LF) mode
centered between 0.04–0.15 Hz and the high frequency (HF) mode centered between
0.15 Hz–0.40 Hz and was found from experiments in animals and humans that HF
component arose from parasympathetic control of the heart. This has been found to
be associated with the breathing frequency, hence also known as Respiratory Sinus
Arrhythmia (RSA).
(c) Nonlinear analyses of HRV for complexity quantification include:
i. Poincare plot: In this method, time-delayed embedding of a signal is
accomplished by reconstructing the phase space by using the lagged values
of the signals. Poincare plots analysis is one of the simplest and a popular
methods of phase space reconstruction of cardiac inter-beat (RR) interval
series where RR(n) is plotted against RR(n Cd).
ii. Fractal analysis using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis: Fractal structures
are self-similar structures which exhibit the property of long range correla-
tions. Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) is a robust method of fractal
analysis and its use for physiological signals and is described in the (Task
Force for Heart rate variability 1996)
iii. Entropies: As discussed earlier Entropy methods such as Shannon Entropy,
Approximate entropy and Sample Entropy (analyze the complexity or irreg-
ularity of the time series. Mathematically, these entropy measures represent
the conditional probability that a data of length Nhaving multiple patterns
of length m, within a tolerance range r, will also have repeated patterns of
length mC1. For example, sample entropy is defined as:
SampEn .m;r;N/Dlog C.mC1; r/

392 T. Sethi
14.5 Enable Decisions
Until recently, medical knowledge discovery has solely relied upon the rigor
of statistical approaches like hypothesis testing. With the availability of Big-data,
complementary paradigms of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have
emerged. These approaches place more emphasis upon predictive modeling rather
than hypothesis testing. Therefore, in contrast to traditional statistics, the data-drive
paradigm takes a more flexible approach in the beginning, relaxing the assumptions
about data such as parametric distributions. This relaxation of assumptions is
countered by rigorous testing of predictive power of the models thus learnt through
cross-validation and testing sets. The most popular approaches to machine learning
include Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forests (RF), Shallow and Deep
Neural Networks. Although many doubts are raised about flaws and spurious results
of many such approaches, machine learning approaches have consistently out-
performed statistical modeling in many clinical situations because of better handling
of nonlinearity in these data (Song et al. 2004). Although statistical approaches
are more rigorous, these have often led to fishing for significance without clinical
translation. A meta-analysis of published findings shows that fishing for p-values
has led to a proliferation of scientific studies which are either false or non-
reproducible (Ioannidis 2005). In this situation, machine learning approaches can
bring sanity by emphasizing predictive value rather than mere statistical support for
the proposed hypotheses. Therefore, these approaches have a definite potential if
applied in a robust manner. The key algorithms that are particularly important from
the standpoint of the CAPE approach are discussed below.

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 393
Fig. 14.8 Going Beyond Association networks to Enable Decisions through Causal Networks.
A causal model on the POSEIDON data is shown and can help data-scientist s and clinicians
in making informed decisions. This example shows the probability of tuberculosis in an Indian
patient presenting in the OPD with Lymph Node enlargement, in the absence of Anemia. Notice
that a particular Indian state (code 26) is associated with a higher probability of tuberculosis than
other states if everything else is held constant
14.5.1 Causal Modeling Through Bayesian Networks
Bayesian Networks (BN) are Probabilistic Graphical Models that extend the
argument on “Approach Systemically” and enable decisions. Unlike association
networks where the edges might merely represent indirect or spurious relation-
ships, Bayesian Networks discover direct causal relationships through conditional
probabilities and repeated application of the Bayes Rule. Thus, BNs are one of the
most advanced analytical tools for enabling causal decisions (Pearl 2010). Having
adjusted for the possibility of spurious relationships, BNs are typically sparser than
association networks and hence combining feature reduction, systemic approach and
decision making, all in a single algorithm. Moreover, these reduce the possibility of
false relationships by fitting a joint multivariate model upon the data in contrast
to finding pairwise associations as done for association networks. Further, these
models allow statistical inference to be conducted over the nodes of interest, thus
enabling actionable decisions and policy thus making these one of the tools of choice
for community health models. An example of a Bayesian Network constructed
upon the POSEIDON data described earlier is shown in Fig. 14.8. Notice that this
network allows the data-scientist to take actionable decisions based on quantitative
inferences in contrast to pattern-mining for associations.
394 T. Sethi
14.5.2 Predictive Modeling
When the goal is not to find causal structure, Random Forests (Breiman 2001),
Support Vector Machines (Cortes and Vapnik 1995) and Neural Networks Hinton
et al. (2006) are the most common classes of machine learning models that are
employed in complex datasets. A full discussion on each of these is beyond the
scope of this chapter. In clinical situations, the litmus test of predictive models
is “generalizability”, i.e. optimal performance against a different clinical sites and
sources of patient and subjects’ data. This requires machine learning models to be
trained on real-life clinical data with all the complexity such as class-imbalance,
missingness, stratification and nonlinearity and avoidance of synthetic pure data
14.5.3 Reproducibility of Data Science for Biomedicine
Reproducibility is one of the biggest challenges of Biomedical Data-science. Hence
there are global efforts to create standards for predictive modeling and machine
learning to enable reproducibility. One of such standards is Transparent reporting
of a multivariable prediction model for individual prognosis or diagnosis (TRIPOD)
(Collins et al. 2015) formulated under the Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency
Of health Research (EQUATOR) consortium. TRIPOD provides guidelines and a
checklist of twenty-two criteria that must be met by a well conducted predictive
modeling study for medicine. From the data-science perspective, the key criteria
are to clearly specify (i) data missingness, (ii) handling of predictors, (iii) type of
model (iv) validation strategy, (v) model performance and model comparison (vi)
model recalibration, (vii) limitations of the study. It is expected that such initiatives
will improve the generalizability of predictive models and would help these to be
adopted across laboratories and clinics.
14.5.4 SAFE-ICU Initiative: A Full Spectrum Case Study
in Biomedical Data-Science
Intensive Care Units are one of the biggest source of biomedical Big-data. However,
the application of Data-science to Biomedical Big-data is relatively nascent. At All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India an end-to-end initiative based
upon the CAPE principles for Pediatric Intensive Care Units has been launched. The
overarching goal of this initiative is to create a Sepsis Advanced Forecasting Engine
for ICUs (SAFE-ICU) for preventing mortality due to killer conditions such as
sepsis. Delay in recognition of sepsis in the ICUs can be devastating with a mortality
as high as 50% in developing countries like India. The CAPE principles for SAFE-
ICU have been built from the ground-up with in-house design and customization of
pipelines for reliable capture and analysis of Big-data (Fig. 14.9). Multi-parameter

14 Big Data to Big Knowledge for Next Generation Medicine: A Data Science... 395
Fig. 14.9 (a) While traditional statistics likes to deal with neat data (analogous to library
catalogue), Big-data often starts with messy data (analogous to Einstein’s messy desk). The
emerging role of Data-science is analogous to Einstein’s brain that synthesizes these two into
new knowledge. Full Spectrum demonstration of the CAPE principles through SAFE-ICU (b). In-
house pipelines for warehousing Big-data from Pediatric ICU. Lean prototyping of the pipelines
was initially carried out using Raspberry Pi (c) and finally deployed on a server. Reliable capture
was ensured by deploying alert mechanisms (c). The reliably captured data were then structured
using text mining (d) followed by exploratory data analysis of the multivariate time series (d).
These time series include clinically relevant features such as Heart Rate, Oxygen Saturations,
Respiratory Rates, Pulse Rate, Blood Pressure, End Tidal CO2etc. These data are integrated with
laboratory investigations and treatment charts entered by clinicians and have led to the creation of
a unique pediatric intensive care Big-data resource
monitoring data are being warehoused using open-source platforms such as Spark,
Python and Rand are documented for reproducibility using markdown docu-
mentation. Text-mining upon unstructured files such as treatment notes has been
carried out and structured data is being warehoused alongside the multiparameter
monitoring data for building graphical models. A unique Pediatric ICU resource
of over 50,000 h of continuous multivariate monitoring data followed by deep-
phenotyping using mathematical and computational analyses has been generated
and models are being developed and tested with the aim improving delivery of care
and saving lives.
396 T. Sethi
14.6 Conclusion
It has been projected that by 2017, United States alone will face a shortage of about
190,000 trained professionals who would be trained at the interface of data-science
and respective domain expertise. This number is expected to be even higher for
healthcare professionals as bridging medicine with mathematics is undoubtedly
a challenging endeavor. However, over the past decade, common themes have
emerged in biomedical science which have led to this proposal of the CAPE
roadmap of Capture Reliably, Approach Systemically, Phenotype Deeply and
Enable Decisions. This roadmap is enabling us in the identification of blind-spots in
the application of Data-science to medicine and other data-science initiatives may
find a similar utility of this roadmap. Finally, the need of the hour for biomedical
data-science is to develop many such roadmaps and adopt principles that may be
critical for bedside translation of Big-data analytics.
Acknowledgements I acknowledge the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance for supporting the
SAFE-ICU project at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Indraprastha Institute
of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi), New Delhi, India. I also express deep gratitude to
Dr. Rakesh Lodha, Professor-in-charge of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at AIIMS for providing
an immersive clinical environment and constant clinical feedback upon Data-science experiments
for creating a SAFE-ICU. I also acknowledge the mentorship of Prof. Charles Auffray and Prof.
Samir K. Brahmachari and analytics support provided by Mr. Aditya Nagori.
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Chapter 15
Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed
with Tobacco Use Disorder
Pankush Kalgotra, Ramesh Sharda, Bhargav Molaka, and Samsheel Kathuri
15.1 Introduction
Every fifth adult in the United States of America uses tobacco products (Control and
Prevention 2012). Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in
the world (Rutten et al. 2008). According to a report by US Department of Health
and Human Services and CDC in 2014, nearly half a million patients die annually
due to the disorders caused by the use of tobacco in USA (US Department of Health
and Human Services 2014).
The primary addictive substance in the tobacco products is nicotine. The tobacco
products are addictive in nature and there is no quick fix solution to control
its use (Rigotti 2002). The dependence on tobacco causes tobacco use disorder
(TUD) and several other diseases. Tobacco use disorder is highly related to many
health disorders (Merikangas et al. 1998). It is related to anxiety disorders such
as post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorder and obsessive–compulsive
disorder (Morissette et al. 2007). It is also related to coronary heart disease, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, and tuberculosis (Critchley and
Capewell 2003; Lin et al. 2008).
The presence of other conditions in addition to an important disease (index
disease) is known as comorbidity (Feinstein 1970). The distinction in the concep-
tualization of comorbidity is made in different ways by Valderas and colleagues
(Valderas et al. 2009). In one conceptualization, the co-occurrence of the diseases is
considered. However, in another conceptualization, the chronology or the sequence
of disease development is considered.
P. Kalgotra () • R. Sharda • B. Molaka • S. Kathuri
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74074, USA
e-mail: pankush@okstate.edu;ramesh.sharda@okstate.edu;bhargav.molaka@okstate.edu;
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_15
402 P. Kalgotra et al.
Past studies have largely focused on finding comorbidities in TUD patients
based on their co-occurrences. However, the research on finding the comorbidities
developed over time in TUD patients is rare. In this study, we adopt the second
conceptualization briefed by Valderas and colleagues, and discover time-based
comorbidities in TUD patients. Discovering comorbidities over time can provide
additional understanding on how different diseases develop sequentially in TUD
patients and help physicians take preemptive actions to prevent the future diseases.
We use Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) of the TUD patients to find time-
based comorbidities. During a hospital visit, a patient can develop multiple diseases.
Thus, when multiple diseases are diagnosed in a patient over multiple hospital visits,
this makes the data multidimensional and time-variant (MDTV). Due to MDTV
nature of the Electronic Medical Records, the traditional data mining techniques
might not be useful for the analysis. The novel temporal machine learning methods
are required (Gubbi et al. 2013). The methods should be able to synchronize
multidimensional data events and generate meaningful patterns. In this paper, we
adapt traditional sequence analysis to find time-based comorbidities. SA is an
efficient way to analyze time-ordered data (Agrawal and Srikant 1995; Srikant and
Agrawal 1996). It can find sequential patterns in the time-ordered transactional
First, we describe our approach to prepare multidimensional time variant events
in a form to be able to perform sequence analysis (SA). Then we adapt the sequence
analysis to find time-based comorbidities in the TUD patients.
In the next section, we describe the dataset used to study the comorbidities in
TUD patients followed by the preparation of data. We also present the step-by-step
process to find comorbidities over time. In the following section, we describe the
results. Finally, we conclude by discussing the results.
15.2 Method
15.2.1 Data Description and Preparation
We obtained dataset from the Cerner Corporation, a major Electronic Medical
Records (EMR) provider. The database is housed in the Center for Health Systems
Innovation (CHSI) at Oklahoma State University. The database contains EMRs on
the visits of more than 50 million unique patients across US hospitals (1999–2014).
In this paper, we focused on EMRs of the patients diagnosed with the Tobacco Use
Disorder (TUD). The step-by-step process followed to prepare and analyze the data
is presented in Fig. 15.1.
First of all, information about the patients, hospitals, types of visits and diseases
developed by the patients were synchronized for further analyses. The diseases
were recorded according to the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth
Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). Next, the emergency and in-patients

15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco Use Disorder 403
Process as in Table 15.1/
Figure 15.2
• Patients information after
tobacco use disorder is
• Patients visiting the
hospital at-least twice
• Tobacco use disorder is
diagnosed at least twice
• In-patient and emergency visits only
• Hospitals from West South-Central US
states (AR, LA, OK and TX)
Progression analysis to find
comorbidities of diseases
across the hospital visits
Patients with Tobacco
Use Disorder
Patients without
Tobacco Use Disorder
• Patients visiting the
hospital at-least twice
Progression analysis to find
comorbidities of diseases
across the hospital visits
Fig. 15.1 Data preparation and analysis flowchart
were extracted for further analysis. To minimize the differences in comorbidities
across regions, we only used hospital visits from the West South-Central region of
United States (AR, LA, OK and TX).
To find the unique comorbidities in the Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD) patients,
we compare the comorbidities in the patients who were never diagnosed with TUD
(non-TUD). We first perform independent analyses on two types of patients (TUD
and non-TUD) and then compare the results.
To prepare the dataset containing information about TUD patients, we considered
their hospital visits starting from the time they were diagnosed with TUD. We also
made sure that a patient visited the hospital at least twice and TUD was diagnosed
at least in two visits. These steps were taken to reduce the sample bias as TUD may
not be a prevalent disease in a patient. If TUD is diagnosed at least twice, the disease
progressions are the indicative evidence of the TUD effect.
After cleaning and preparing the dataset of TUD patients, the final dataset
contained information about 25,330 patients. The average number of hospital visits
404 P. Kalgotra et al.
by a patient in the sample was 3.87. The dataset comprised of 56% females; 75%
Caucasians, 19% African–American, 2.5 % Hispanics, 2.5% Native Americans and
less than 0.2% Asians.
As discussed earlier, we compared the comorbidities in TUD patients with non-
TUD patients. Similar to the dataset prepared for TUD patients, we extracted non-
TUD patients from the pseudo-population who visited hospitals at least twice. The
dataset contained information for 172,500 patients with 2.69 as average number
of hospital visits. It comprised of 62% females; 62% Caucasians, 28% African-
American, 6.4 % Hispanics, 1.9% Native Americans and 0.6% Asians. Finally, to
find and compare the comorbidities across the hospital visits in TUD and non-TUD
patient, we present a process below to prepare data for the sequence analysis.
15.2.2 Data Preparation Process for Sequence Analysis
As our aim is to prepare data for sequence analysis, the EMR dataset is required to be
converted to a transactional dataset. To do so, the time-ordered dataset is separated
into different buckets. This process is called sessionizing the events or signals. The
concept of a session is highly used in web analytics to connect a series of user events
online. A session is defined in multiple ways by the researchers in web analytics
(Gayo-Avello 2009; Spiliopoulou et al. 2003). To define a few, a sequence of events
or queries are considered as one session if (1) these occur within a specific time,
for example, one hour; (2) no more than time tpasses between successive events.
This time tis known as the “period of inactivity” or the “timeout threshold”; and (3)
the collections of signals to complete a particular task are considered. In a particular
MDTV case, any of the following approach can be followed to sessionize the signals
generated by the signals.
The steps followed to sessionize the EMRs and find the progressions in the
diseases across hospital visits are presented in Table 15.1. The process is illustrated
with an example in Table a–d (Fig. 15.2). To illustrate the process, we use a
hypothetical dataset containing a patient (P) who visited the hospital three times
(Visit No.) as presented in Table a (Fig. 15.2). On his first visit, the patient
developed two diseases (A and B); on the second visit, two new unique diseases
were diagnosed (C and D); and on the third visit, E and F were developed. Our aim
is to find disease associations over hospital visits as in Fig. 15.2.
To create a sessionized dataset appropriate for creating paths or sequences of
diseases as in Table d (Fig. 15.2), we first divided the dataset into three buckets, each
having information about a visit as shown in Table b (Fig. 15.2). The left join of first
visit dataset with the second visit dataset is performed, and its output is further left
joined with the third visit dataset. In our hypothetical dataset, we have three visits.
However, one can extend the analysis to any number of visits. The resultant table
from multiple joins is presented in Table c (Fig. 15.2), in which each combination
of the diseases is labeled by a different session. Finally, the dataset is converted as
in Table d (Fig. 15.2) by appending different visits. This dataset is now appropriate
for sequence analysis.

15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco Use Disorder 405
Table 15.1 Steps to prepare data for disease progressions
Step 1: For n patients (iD1 to n) with v visits and k diseases in each visit, the dataset contains
ij (jD1tov)
ijk (kD1tom)
Step 2: A separate dataset for each visit is extracted; a total of v number of datasets are
resulted: (Pi,V
ij (jD1),D
ijk (kD1tom)
), (Pi,V
ij (jD2),D
ijk (kD1tom)
)::: Pi,V
ij (jDv),D
ijk (kD1tom)
Step 3: The dataset with JD1 is left joined with JC1. The resultant dataset contains (Pi,(V
Dijk (kD1tom)
ijk (kD1tom)
)(jD2) ::: (Vij,D
ijk (kD1tom)
)(jDv)). In each join, Djk ¤
Step 4: Each record is assigned a unique session. Total number of sessions per patient are
1Ci, where C is count of diseases in a visit i.
Step 5: A union of Pi,V
Kand SSare taken as (Pi,V
ij (jD1),D
ijk (kD1tom),
S(1 to s))U(P
Vij (jD2),D
ijk (kD1tom)
,S(1 to s))U ::: (Pi,V
ij (jDv),D
ijk (kD1tom)
,S(1 to s))
Step 6: The Sequence Analysis is run to find the comorbidities over time.
Step 7: The number of comorbidities are adjusted by calculating the number of patients
following the specific disease path from the result of Step 3.
The dataset prepared in Table d (Fig. 15.2) is the input for sequence analysis.
The sessions in Table d (Fig. 15.2) are analogous to the transactions in the sequence
mining method. The sequence analysis can be run to discover common sequence
patterns. As the same disease can be repeated over time, the adjustment in the
number of pair-wise combinations is made to find the comorbidities over hospital
As the process involves joining of multiple large tables, it becomes difficult for
the traditional data mining tools to analyze the data. Therefore, we used Teradata
Aster, a Big Data platform. To run the analysis, the nPath function of Teradata Aster
was used. This function is able to create paths with a session/transaction sorted by
the time.
15.3 Results
The process described above is used to find comorbidities developed over time.
We analyze maximum of three hospital visits. We first find common comorbidities
in TUD patients and then compare with the non-TUD patients. The results of the
sequence analysis to find time-based comorbidities are presented below in four sub-
1. Top 20 diseases in TUD and non-TUD patients as in Figs.15.3 and 15.4
2. Top 20 diseases in TUD patients and corresponding prevalence in non-TUD
patients as in Fig. 15.5.
3. Top 15 comorbidities in TUD patients across two visits as in Fig. 15.6 and
corresponding prevalence in non-TUD patients as listed in Table 15.2.

406 P. Kalgotra et al.
Time-based comorbidity Analysis
Patient Visit No. Disease
P2 D
P3 E
P3 F
Patient Visit_1 Disease
Patient Visit_2 Disease
P2 D
Patient Visit_3 Disease
P3 E
P3 F
Patient Visit_1 Disease_1 Session
P1 A 2 C 3 E S1
P1 B 2 C 3 E S2
P1 A 2 D 3 E S3
P1 B 2 D 3 E S4
P1 A 2 C 3 F S5
P1 B 2 C 3 F S6
P1 A 2 D 3 F S7
P1 B 2 D 3 F S8
Patient Visit Disease Session
P1 A S1
P2 C S1
P3 E S1
P1 B S2
P2 C S2
P3 E S2
P1 A S3
P2 D S3
P3 E S3
P1 B S4
P2 D S4
P3 E S4
P1 A S5
P2 C S5
P3 F S5
P1 B S6
P2 C S6
P3 F S6
P1 A S7
P2 D S7
x3 F S7
x1B S8
x2D S8
x3 F S8
Table d
Table c
Table b
Table a
Visit_2 Visit_3Disease_2 Disease_3
Fig. 15.2 Chronological comorbidities
4. Given comorbidities across two visits, top 5 comorbidities during third visit
and corresponding prevalence in non-TUD patients as listed in Table 15.3 and
Fig. 15.6.

15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco Use Disorder 407
Fig. 15.3 Twenty most common disorders in TUD patients
Fig. 15.4 Twenty most common disorders in non-TUD patients
15.3.1 Top 20 Diseases in TUD and Non-TUD Patients
The most prevalent diseases in TUD patients are Hypertension, Abdominal pain,
Anxiety state, Long term use of opiate analgesic and Chest pain. Other chronic
disorders are also common such as diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), urinary tract infection and coronary atherosclerosis. The list of
top twenty diseases based on the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth

408 P. Kalgotra et al.
Fig. 15.5 Twenty most common disorders in TUD patients and corresponding prevalence in non-
TUD patients
491.21 V12.51
Visit 1-2 Visit 3
401.9- Hypertension 250.00-Diabetes mellitus 272.4-Hyperlipidemia
414.01-Coronary atherosclerosis 428.0-Congestive heart failure 496-Chronic airway obstruction
V58.67- Long-Term use of Insulin V45.81- Aortocoronary bypass V58.69- Long-term use of other medications
786.50-Chest Pain 789.00-Abdominal pain 412-Old myocardial infarction
414.00-Coronary atherosclerosis 786.05-Shortness of breath 311-Depressive disorder unspecified
338.29-Other chronic pain 443.9-Peripheral vascular disease 300.00-Anxiety disorder
427.31-Unspecified atrial fibrillation 530.81- Gastro-esophageal reflux disease without esophagitis
491.21-Obstructive chronic bronchitis with exacerbation
V12.51-Personal history of venous thrombosis and embolism
V45.82- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Fig. 15.6 Common comorbidities in the TUD patients over three hospital visits

15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco Use Disorder 409
Table 15.2 Common disease associations across two hospital visits
Comorbidity – Pair of ICD-9 codes (diseases) across first two hospital visits
Tob Patient Count – Number of tobacco use disorder patients having a comorbidity across first two hospital visits.
% of Tobacco Patients – Percent tobacco use disorder patients having a comorbidity across first two hospital visits.
Non-Tob Patient Count – Number of patients without tobacco use disorder having a comorbidity across first two hospital visits.
% of Tobacco Patients – Percent patients without tobacco use disorder having a comorbidity across first two hospital visits.
S. No. Comorbidity Tob Patient Count % of Tobacco Patients Non-Tob Patient Count % of Non-tob Patients
1401.9 ↔ 250.00 1959 7.73 12128 7.03
2401.9 ↔ 272.4 1865 7.36 11645 6.75
3401.9 ↔ 496 1542 6.09 3605 2.09
4401.9 ↔ 414.01 1399 5.52 7488 4.34
5401.9 ↔ 530.81 1169 4.62 7385 4.28
6401.9 ↔ 428.0 908 3.58 7090 4.11
7272.4 ↔ 250.00 839 3.31 6308 3.65
8272.4 ↔ 414.01 788 3.11 4559 2.64
9250.00 ↔ 496 641 2.53 1874 1.09
10 414.01 ↔ 496 639 2.52 1612 0.93
11 414.01 ↔ 250.00 612 2.42 4122 2.39
12 496 ↔ 428.0 501 1.98 2171 1.26
13 250.00 ↔ 428.0 493 1.95 4675 2.71
14 414.01 ↔ 428.0 487 1.92 3612 2.09
15 272.4 ↔ 428.0 458 1.81 3720 2.16
Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) are presented in Fig. 15.3.The
proportion of patients with a particular disease can be observed.
The most prevalence diseases in non-TUD patients include hypertension, dia-
betes mellitus, urinary tract infraction, hyperlipidemia, abdominal pain and others.
A list of twenty diseases with the proportion of patients can be observed in Fig. 15.4.
It is interesting to see that some diseases such as hypertension, diabetes,
hyperlipidemia and others are not unique to TUD patients. Hence, these diseases
cannot be related to the tobacco use.
15.3.2 Top 20 Diseases in TUD Patients and Corresponding
Prevalence in Non-TUD Patients
To find the diseases related to tobacco use, we compared the prevalence of top
twenty diseases in TUD patients, observed in previous section, with the non-TUD
patients. In Fig. 15.5, the proportion of diseases in TUD patients is plotted against
the non-TUD patients. Blue colored bars represent proportion of TUD patients and
red colored bars represent proportion of non-TUD patients. We clearly see that some
diseases are highly prevalent only in TUD patients and not in non-TUD patients such
as abdominal pain, anxiety and depressive disorders, chest pain, backache, chronic
pain syndrome and chronic airway obstruction. However, it is even more interesting
to observe that diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia,
gastroesophageal reflux and urinary tract infection are not unique to TUD patients.
It indicates that these disorders might not be related to TUD.

410 P. Kalgotra et al.
Table 15.3 Comorbidities in tobacco and non-tobacco patients across three hospital visits
The top row of each sub-table describes the comorbidity across first two hospital visits. Top five associated diseases diagnosed in third
visit are listed given the comorbidity across first two visits. Blue colored column in every table represents percentage of patients with
tobacco use disorder. Red colored column in every table represents percentage of patients without tobacco use disorder.
ICD9 – Diagnosis Code
Tob – Percentage of TUD patients having third visit and diagnosed with a disease given first two diagnoses.
Ntob - Percentage of non-TUD patients having third visit and diagnosed with a disease given first two diagnoses.
Table4a. 401.9 ↔ 250.00
V58.69 12.67 7.56
V58.67 10.76 9.08
V45.81 9.90 9.31
786.50 9.05 6.08
789.00 8.10 5.70
Table4b. 401.9 ↔ 272.4
V45.81 15.16 13.91
V45.82 11.98 7.90
412 11.65 9.48
414.00 11.54 11.32
V12.51 10.44 3.24
Table4c. 401.9 ↔ 496
491.21 14.55 10.68
V45.81 12.97 10.10
786.05 11.15 8.93
311 10.18 8.01
338.29 10.06 2.93
Table4d. 401.9 ↔ 414.01
V45.82 19.29 15.19
V45.81 19.15 18.20
412 16.83 12.90
786.50 13.27 8.07
414.00 12.59 12.56
Table4e. 401.9 ↔ 530.81
V58.69 11.21 8.42
300.00 10.60 6.19
786.50 10.45 6.83
789.00 10.45 7.04
V45.81 9.52 8.64
Table4f. 401.9 ↔ 428.0
V45.81 16.36 14.04
491.21 15.43 4.28
786.05 13.57 7.40
427.31 12.64 26.15
414.00 11.90 11.18
Table4g. 250.00 ↔ 428.0
491.21 17.59 4.42
V45.81 15.96 15.02
V45.82 14.01 8.22
786.05 13.68 8.17
V58.67 13.03 11.07
Table4h. 496 ↔ 428.0
V45.81 18.53 14.08
427.31 17.25 26.34
491.21 15.97 11.04
V45.82 14.38 6.69
414.00 14.06 10.33
Table4i. 250.00 ↔ 272.4
V45.81 13.19 14.38
V58.69 12.73 7.78
V45.82 12.04 8.19
443.9 11.81 5.87
412 11.11 10.02
Table4j. 496 ↔ 250.00
V45.81 14.59 11.31
491.21 13.79 10.71
786.05 11.67 9.87
443.9 10.08 5.54
V45.82 9.81 5.78
Table4k. 272.4 ↔ 414.01
V45.82 25.44 18.26
V45.81 24.94 20.76
412 20.91 14.85
414.00 19.90 14.85
786.50 14.86 8.36
Table4l. 414.01 ↔ 250.00
V45.82 21.53 15.37
V45.81 20.96 19.64
412 15.01 13.32
414.00 14.73 12.98
443.9 12.46 8.14
Table4m. 414.01 ↔ 428.0
V45.81 21.00 18.00
V45.82 18.86 12.78
412 18.86 13.08
414.00 16.73 13.14
786.05 16.01 9.40
Table4n. 272.4 ↔ 428.0
V45.81 21.13 20.33
412 16.98 13.32
414.00 16.60 16.67
V45.82 15.85 9.72
491.21 13.96 4.36
Table4o. 414.01 ↔ 496
V45.82 21.90 13.12
V45.81 21.33 17.96
412 17.00 11.88
491.21 14.12 8.98
786.50 13.83 5.39
15.3.3 Top 15 Comorbidities in TUD Patients Across Two
Hospital Visits (Second Iteration) and Corresponding
Prevalence in Non-TUD Patients
Here, we describe fifteen most common comorbidities or pairs of diseases across
first two hospital visits in TUD patients. In addition, we also compare the comorbidi-
15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco Use Disorder 411
ties in non-TUD patients. The percentages of patients having a specific comorbidity
in both categories of patients are listed in Table 15.2. In addition, the same
comorbidities can be seen in the inner circle of Fig. 15.6. Across first two hospital
visits of TUD patients, the most common comorbidity is hypertension and diabetes
mellitus. More than 7% TUD patients were diagnosed with hypertension and
diabetes mellitus across first two visits. However, this comorbidity is common
in non-TUD patients as well with 7% patients developing it. Similarly, there are
other comorbidities listed in Table 15.2 where there is no difference in TUD
and non-TUD patients such as hypertension and Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
without esophagitis, hypertension and Congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus
and hyperlipidemia and several others.
However, there are comorbidities that are unique in TUD patients. The comor-
bidity such as hypertension and chronic airway obstruction is more common in
TUD patients than non-TUD. Similarly, pairs of diabetes mellitus and chronic
airway obstruction, diabetes mellitus and chronic airway obstruction, and coronary
atherosclerosis and chronic airway obstruction are more prevalent in TUD than non-
TUD. The prevalence of each pair-wise combination of diseases can be seen in Table
15.2. In addition, the inner circle of Fig. 15.6 shows the comorbidities represented
by the connections between the diseases.
15.3.4 Comorbidities in TUD Patients Across Three Hospital
Visits (Third Iteration) and Comparison with Non-TUD
In our sample, about 51% TUD and 33% non-TUD patients visited hospitals at least
three times. To find the comorbidities across the first three visits, we report the most
prevalent diseases during third hospital visit given the second iteration comorbidities
reported in the previous section and Table 15.2. Given the top comorbidities across
first two visits as described in Table 15.2, we report the top five diseases during
the third visit. Different sub-tables of Table 15.3 list different diseases during third
hospital visit with the two-visit comorbidities. We report unique diseases observed
during third visit and compare their prevalence in non-TUD patients.
Given the comorbidity including hypertension and diabetes mellitus (401.9 $
250.00) across first two visits, about 12% of patients who visited hospitals at
least thrice get affected by the long-term use of medication (ICD-9 code: V58.69)
and 10% patients are reported long-term use of insulin (V58.67). Similarly, other
diseases developed during the third visit in presence of specific comorbidities can
be interpreted from different sub-tables of Table 15.3.
Other unique diseases diagnosed in TUD patients during the third visit include
old myocardial infarction, coronary atherosclerosis, shortness of breath, unspecified
depressive disorder unspecified, chronic pain, peripheral vascular disease, anxiety
disorder, unspecified atrial fibrillation, pneumonia, obstructive chronic bronchitis
412 P. Kalgotra et al.
with exacerbation, personal history of venous thrombosis and embolism and
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. These diseases can also be seen
in the outer circle of Fig. 15.6.
The prevalence of each comorbidity is compared with the non-TUD patients
in the red columns of Table 15.3. It is quite interesting to observe that some
comorbidities are common in both TUD and non-TUD patients across first two visits
but there are differences during the third visit. For instance, there is no difference
in TUD and non-TUD patients with respect to the first reported comorbidity across
two visits in Table 15.2 (401.9 $250.00) i.e. hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
However, during third visit, long-term use of medication has more impact on TUD
patients than the non-TUD patients. Similarly, other comorbidities can be observed
in different sub-tables of Table 15.3 where there are large differences between two
types of patients.
15.4 Discussion and Concluding Remarks
We presented a method to find time-based comorbidities from the electronic medical
records. Specifically, comorbidities in the patients diagnosed with Tobacco Use
Disorder (TUD) across three visits were discovered. To assess the validity of our
results, we compared the results with a sample of patients who never developed
Tobacco Use Disorder. To find time-based comorbidities, the traditional sequence
mining method was adapted. First, the pair-wise combination of diseases across two
hospital visits were found. Second, their relationships with other diseases in the
third hospital visits were analyzed. In a way, we discovered triangles or clusters
containing three diseases across three hospital visits.
We found several interesting results that can be very helpful to the medical
community. We found several comorbidities that are not unique in TUD patients
across two visits. However, it was very interesting to observe that during third
visit, such comorbidities lead to different types of comorbidities. This indicates
that different comorbidities have different long-term effect on the patient’s health
condition. The information on chronological comorbidities can help physicians take
preemptive actions to prevent future diseases.
We restricted our analysis to find comorbidities over time. However, it will be
more interesting to see the impact of a specific comorbidity on health over time. For
instance, it is possible that some specific time-based comorbidities can lead to death
of a patient but not others. Classifying such cluster of diseases will be a part of our
future research.
In our paper, we focused on TUD patients. However, this process can be applied
to patients of any other primary diagnosis. Moreover, the application of our process
is not limited to the healthcare problems. It is a generalized process and can be
applied to any multidimensional and time-variant (MDTV) problem.
The contributions of this paper are two-fold. First, we contribute to the methodol-
ogy literature by presenting a generalized process to prepare MDTV data to be able
to perform sequence analysis. Second, we contribute to the problem of comorbidity
15 Time-Based Comorbidity in Patients Diagnosed with Tobacco Use Disorder 413
literature by adapting the sequence analysis. We enhance the understanding about
the time-based comorbidities in TUD patients.
Acknowledgments We are thankful to Cerner Corporation, which has shared the electronic
medical records data through the Center for Health Systems Innovation to enable us to carry out
this analysis.
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Chapter 16
The Impact of Big Data on the Physician
Elizabeth Le, Sowmya Iyer, Teja Patil, Ron Li, Jonathan H. Chen,
Michael Wang, and Erica Sobel
The practice of medicine has historically been a very unilateral process. Physicians
go through a great deal of training to possess near exclusive knowledge of human
health and illness. They are trained to collect information from patients on a
subjective level, combine this with objective data in the form of the physical
exam, laboratory values, and imaging studies and then independently process this
information into a diagnosis with a recommended course of treatment for the patient.
Patients have been traditionally expected to accept and follow this recommendation,
trusting that their physician has been adequately trained and is giving the best
recommendation for their health without having any particular knowledge of the
condition or treatment themselves. As the age of technology and now big data has
evolved, this process and relationship is undergoing dramatic changes. While the
advances are remarkable, the amount of information generated can be overwhelming
and ultimately stifling to individual physicians. As such, a whole other realm of
technology is being created to assist in analyzing this data, ensuring that physicians
are utilizing it to the highest potential, and adhering to the most proven treatment
regimens. As technology has evolved to support a deeper understanding of illness,
E. Le • S. Iyer ()•T.Patil
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System, Palo Alto, CA 94550, USA
e-mail: elizabeth.le@va.gov;sowmya.iyer@va.gov;teja.patil@va.gov
R. Li • J.H. Chen
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94305, USA
e-mail: ronl@stanford.edu;ronc101@stanford.edu
M. Wang
University of California, San Francisco, CA 94720, USA
e-mail: Michael.wang4@ucsf.edu
E. Sobel
Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center, Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA
e-mail: erica.m.sobel@kp.org
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_16
416 E. Le et al.
so has a multitude of new types and ways to collect data. Data is being both
passively and actively collected in every aspect of life, from specific biometric data
including glucose readings and blood pressure to everyday data including tracking
an individual’s daily steps and calorie counts for each meal eaten. Increasingly, these
once ordinary activities of daily life are being analyzed as components of health
and living, and becoming a portion of the medical chart. Social engagement and
interaction with the health system is also growing and changing in directions never
before anticipated or experienced. Patients now have the opportunity to directly
compare their doctors and hospitals. Information about medical conditions and
healthcare is more readily available to consumers than ever before. Historically,
one would have had to speak to a physician to learn about their condition and
treatment. Now, anyone can simply “Google” their symptoms and be provided with
a list of diagnoses and potential treatments. Patients seek to learn more about the
therapies being recommended, as well as form communities of individuals with
similar diagnoses to compare treatment plans and lend support. With increasing
adoption of electronic health records (EHRs), and increasing innovation in areas of
big data and healthcare, the ways that physicians interact with patients, approach
diagnosis and treatment, and strive for improved performance at an individual and
a health system level are evolving. This chapter will discuss many of the big data
applications that practicing physicians and their patients encounter.
16.1 Part 1: The Patient-Physician Relationship
16.1.1 Defining Quality Care
Consumers in the healthcare economy strive to be cared for by the “best” doctors
and hospitals, in particular as society increasingly moves towards individualized,
consumer-centered healthcare. However, physicians and hospitals are not chosen
based solely on the quality of care they provide. Geography and health insurance
often play a big role in pairing patients with physicians. Beyond this, patients
largely depend on word of mouth recommendations to infer quality of care (Tu and
Lauer 2008). The result is a system in which patients choose healthcare providers
based on subjective and non-standardized metrics. The challenge lies not only in
quantifying quality, but then making that information transparent to the consumer.
A data science solution can lend rigor and clarity to answering the question: With
whom and where can I get the best care?
A general guideline for what can be considered a data science solution to
assessing healthcare quality contains two major criteria. First, the methods must
process large amounts of data from multiple sources, and second, the relevant results
of the analysis must be presented in an accessible, interpretable and thus usable
manner. This work is done in the belief that it can lead to better health decisions.
However, quantifying healthcare quality is incredibly challenging as so many vari-
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 417
ables affect physician and hospital success. Factors to be considered include facets
of patient experience, availability of appointments/access, treatment outcomes, and
complication rates. Some measures are more easily quantifiable than others, and
determining how heavily each factor should be weighed is quite subjective. Several
tools have been recently developed to allow healthcare consumers to compare and
contrast physicians and hospitals on key objective measures.
16.1.2 Choosing the Best Doctor
The Internet has given consumers an immense amount of new information regarding
products and services. One may be tempted to cite online review sites such as
Yelp.com as a big data solution for connecting patients with the best physicians.
These online review forums report patient satisfaction through individual anecdotal
experience in an open text format and a self reported star rating of overall
experience. It is interesting to note that multiple studies have shown a strong positive
correlation between a hospital’s patient experience scores and strong adherence
to clinical guidelines and better outcomes (Chaterjee 2015). Still, while patient
satisfaction is an important measure of quality care and correlates well with other
measures of success, patient satisfaction is only one metric. Additionally, not only
is the data sourced through a single method, online review forums do not analyze
nor present the data in an optimized manner.
Health Grades, Inc. (Denver, CO, USA), a data science company, compiles
quality metrics on individual physicians as well as hospitals. The physician rating
is comprised of demographic information about the individual (i.e. education,
specialty, board certification, malpractice claims) and a separate patient satisfaction
survey. While the survey portion has a free text Yelp-like review segment, it
improves upon this model by standardizing the reviews through a series of questions.
Patients rank the physician on a scale of 1–5 stars. Some questions include: level
of trust in a physician’s decisions, how well a physician listens and answers
questions, ease of scheduling urgent appointments, and how likely the patient is
to recommend this physician to others. Unlike Yelp, this scale provides more
quantitative information about the patient experience in a standardized and thus
comparable format. Despite this comparative data, a weakness of the Health Grades
system is that it does not recommend any doctor over another and has no outcomes
data. Therefore, two physicians with similar education and patient satisfaction
scores will appear equal even if one physician has much higher complication rates
than another. In addition, there is no single algorithm or composite score to compare
physicians to one another, and the results are not customized to the patient. Instead,
it is a platform through which demographic information about the physician and
patient satisfaction review results are easily accessed.
A more personalized data science solution has been put forth by Grand Rounds,
Inc. (San Francisco, CA, USA) which uses a multivariate algorithm to identify top
physicians. The proprietary “Grand Rounds Quality Algorithm” uses clinical data
418 E. Le et al.
points from 150 million patients in order to identify “quality verified” physicians
(Freese 2016). 96% of practicing physicians in the United States (770,000) have
been evaluated by the Grand Rounds Quality Algorithm (Grand Rounds n.d.).
The algorithm scores variables such as physician’s training, publications, affiliated
institution, procedural volumes, complication rates and treatment outcomes. These
and other non disclosed variables are combined to create a composite quality score.
The algorithm takes into account the quality score as well as location, availability,
insurance networks and expertise in specialty topics. Finally, patient characteristics
derived from the patient medical record (i.e. languages spoken) are also included
in order to then match the individual patient to a “quality verified” physician. As
a result, the recommended cardiologist for one patient will not necessarily be the
best for their family member or friend. The great benefit of this model is that it
synthesizes a massive amount of information on a vast number of physicians, and
then works to individualize the results for each patient.
The major criticism of the Grand Rounds model is that the proprietary algorithm
is not transparent. It is not known what data sources the company uses nor how it
extracts individual physician level outcomes data. The exclusion criteria used and
how different variables are weighted in the algorithm is also unknown. As a result
of this lack of transparency, the model has not been externally validated.
16.1.3 Choosing the Best Hospital
Compared to physician quality metrics, patients have more options when examining
hospital quality using tools such as Health Grades, U.S. News World Report, and
Leap Frog. As an example, Health Grades evaluates hospitals in three segments:
clinical outcomes, patient experience and safety ratings. The clinical outcomes
results are derived from inpatient data from the Medicare Provider Analysis and
Review (MedPAR) Database, as well as all payer state registries (Healthgrades
2016a, n.d.). From these databases it presents either mortality rate or complication
rate for 33 conditions and procedures including heart failure, sepsis, heart valve
surgery, and knee replacement. Each of the 33 conditions has a prediction model
which takes into account confounding variables such as patient age, gender and
relevant comorbidities. Using logistic regression, Health Grades then compares the
health care systems actual mortality/complication rate against their own predicted
mortality/complication rate for that condition in that hospital. Finally, hospitals
are presented to the patient as “below expected”, “as expected” or “better than
expected”. The second segment reports patient satisfaction based on the Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) (Health-
grades 2016b, n.d.). HCAHPS data is available from the Centers of Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS). It is a 32 question survey administered to recently
discharged patients with questions focusing on factors including doctor and nurse
communication, pain control, hospital cleanliness and noise levels, post discharge
instructions, and whether they would recommend this hospital to others. The final
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 419
segment, patient safety, is constructed from Medicare claims (Healthgrades 2016c,
n.d.). Health Grades has chosen fourteen patient safety indicators (PSI) such
as catheter related bloodstream infections, development of pressures ulcers and
mortality rates in post surgical patients. Like the clinical outcomes segment, Health
Grades calculates predicted complication rates for each hospital. The predicted
complication rates are adjusted for complexity of cases using the Medicare Case
Mix Index. So hospitals with more complicated cases are given higher predicted
rates of PSI. The actual rates are then compared to the predicted and the hospital
is ranked either “below expected”, “as expected” or “better than expected” for each
PSI. Health Grades presents its final results in a user-friendly format with simple
graphics using star ratings and pie charts.
The major benefits of the Health Grades model are that the methodology and
data sources are transparent and results are displayed in a user-friendly manner.
However, there are also many limitations, both with the statistical analysis and with
the final product. For instance, comparing a hospital’s actual complication rate to a
predicted complication rate is fraught with statistical challenges. Even though the
predicted complication/mortality rates are corrected for age and comorbidities, it is
very hard for a logistic regression to take into account all confounding variables.
This is especially true because patient’s comorbidities are not always accurately
reflected in the billing data. Billing data is also significantly delayed, thus present
day analysis is often carried out on data from several years ago. In addition, the
results for each hospital are not generalizable to every condition or patient. Since
patients can only see data regarding 33 conditions, this leaves out information on
less common diseases or rare surgeries. In addition, data from some patients, such
as those who are discharged to hospice or have metastatic cancer, are not included
in the Health Grades outcomes analysis. Aside from issues of generalizability, there
is a notable limitation of the final product application. While the Health Grades
platform provides a report card for individual hospitals, it does not offer an easy
way to compare multiple institutions.
Today patients have many more tools for making a data driven decisions in
choosing their healthcare provider. However many challenges still exist both for
determining physician and hospital quality, and for matching patients and healthcare
providers in an optimal manner. In an ideal future state, treatment outcomes data
at a physician, department and institutional level would be available and sourced
directly from the electronic medical record as opposed to deduced from billing
data. Additionally, treatment outcomes, patient satisfaction and safety metrics would
be available at faster turnaround times. If available, the applications could extend
beyond patient’s using data to select physicians and allow providers themselves
to have more real time feedback on their individual performance, which could
ultimately influence practice patterns.
420 E. Le et al.
16.1.4 Sharing Information: Using Big Data to Expand
the Patient History
The practice of medicine is undergoing a cultural shift in which the paternalism
ingrained in the patient-physician relationship is no longer expected, and patients
are increasingly and rightfully becoming partners in their medical care. At the same
time, technology has advanced to create near limitless access to information and data
generation, further supporting the patient bid for greater autonomy. From creating
communities and promoting patient advocacy to increasing use of shared decision-
making (Shay and Lafata 2015), patients are playing larger and larger roles in their
Despite this shift, one area in which patients still have surprisingly little input
is with regards to their health data. Currently a patient’s history, whether obtained
directly from the patient or their care-taker, in verbal or written form, resides within
an electronic health record (EHR) controlled by the physician or medical system.
In the most common EHRs, patients may at most be able to view their health
data but do not have the ability to add to or edit their record. As patients become
more engaged and involved in their care, it follows that they should have more
direct input and ownership over their health data. This increasing responsibility and
management over personal health data has the potential to lead to increasing patient
activation, a concept in which patients have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to
become more effectual managers of their own health (Hibbard et al. 2004). Studies
of patient activation, a cornerstone in the management of chronic disease (Clark
2003), have demonstrated improvement in healthy behaviors (Rask et al. 2009)
and overall health outcomes (Dentzer 2013; Greene and Hibbard 2012). Giving
patients ownership over their health data should therefore help promote activation
for improved health outcomes.
16.1.5 What is mHealth?
What will this expansion and shared ownership in patient health data look like?
Where will this data come from? How will it enter the electronic record? How
will it be used? Alongside this change in the patient-physician partnership has
been a rapid expansion in healthcare oriented devices and applications, or “apps,”
giving rise to the field of mobile health (mHealth). mHealth describes mobile
technologies used in healthcare diagnostics, monitoring, and systems support, and
currently encompasses monitoring for the collection of individual biometric and
environmental data, personal emergency response systems (PERS), telemedicine,
mobile medical equipment, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tracking, health
and fitness software, mobile messaging, and electronic medical records. mHealth
has developed and flourished under the jurisdiction of the medical establishment,
with remote patient monitoring (RPM) of chronic conditions, most prominently
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 421
using telehealth, capturing the largest portion of the mHealth market. As it stands,
telehealth services are projected to cover 3.2 million patients in 2018, up from
250,000 in 2013 (Japsen 2013). The next frontier in mHealth is shifting from a
focus on physician-collected data via RPM to patient-collected data using consumer
targeted devices and applications.
16.1.6 mHealth from the Provider Side
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) has largely developed within integrated health-
care systems and institutions with the goal of better managing chronic conditions.
Two leading examples of RPM are with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Care Coordination/Home Telehealth (CCHT) program and Partners Healthcare in
Boston, both of which have demonstrated substantial improvements in patient health
care and utilization (Agboola et al. 2015 and Darkins et al. 2008).
Since 2003 the VHA, within the Office of Telehealth Services, has used the
CCHT program to help veterans with chronic medical issues including diabetes,
congestive heart failure, hypertension, posttraumatic stress disorder, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, and other chronic conditions coordinate their
care as well as receive remote patient monitoring. The home telehealth devices
are configured to communicate health status including symptoms as well as
capture biometric data. This data is transmitted and remotely monitored by a
care coordinator working in conjunction with the patient’s primary care provider.
For the VHA, one of the primary goals of monitoring has been to reduce use of
institutional medical care, particularly for veterans who may live remotely, and
instead promote patient activation, self-management, and the earlier detection of
complications. For patients with chronic illnesses enrolled in CCHT, monitoring
has resulted in a 25% reduction in bed days of care, 19% reduction in hospital
admissions, and high overall rates of patient satisfaction. By 2010, over 70,000
veterans have been enrolled in CCHT with plans for expansion to cover more.
Partners Healthcare (Partners Healthcare, Boston, MA, USA), a private inte-
grated health system, has been using its own RPM system to improve outcomes in
patients with heart failure. The Connected Cardiac Care Program (CCCP) provides
home telemonitoring combined with nursing intervention, care coordination and
education for patients with heart failure. Telemonitoring consists of the daily
transmission of weight, heart rate, pulse and blood pressure by patients with the
program demonstrating a significantly lower rate of hospitalization for up to 90 days,
and decreased mortality within the first four months after enrollment at discharge.
This model has thrived on strong institutional leadership as well as the overarching
goal of activating and engaging patients in greater self-care through technology.
These examples demonstrate how data gathered from patients remotely can be
used to drive real time clinical decisions and improve healthcare outcomes. Still,
they represent a model of provider driven data collection. This data is reliant on large
teams of care coordinators, often nursing based, for interpretation and use, and does
422 E. Le et al.
not have the benefit of further analytics to distill and detect trends. The emerging
frontier in health related data generation will come from the hands of patients
and their caregivers, from data captured on consumer marketed devices including
smartphones and wearable devices, and processed with sophisticated analytics to
better support provider workflow.
16.1.7 mHealth from the Patient Side
In the U.S., smartphone ownership has increased from 35% of adults in 2011, to
64% of adults in 2014, with 62% of smartphone owners using their smartphone to
look up information about a health condition within the past year (Smith 2015). 34%
of adults have downloaded an app meant to support healthy living, and one in five
have downloaded and regularly use an mHealth app (Witters and Agrawal 2014).
Widespread ownership and use of smartphones is now evolving into ownership
and use of wearable devices, including fitness trackers and smartwatches. A recent
report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers has shown that over 20% of American adults
now own a wearable device with the market share of these devices increasing each
year (PwC 2014).
The rapid innovation in mobile consumer devices, including smartphones and
wearables enabled to capture biometric and health-related data, and the increasing
accessibility of these devices and apps has allowed consumers to capture their own
health related data, or patient-generated health data (PGHD). PGHD encompasses
health-related data including history, symptoms, biometric, and environmental data
that is created, recorded, gathered, or inferred by or from patients or their care
partners to help address a health concern (Shapiro et al. 2012). It is unique because
patients determine with whom it will be shared. Use of consumer targeted mHealth
devices and applications has allowed for greater capture of patient selected and
controlled data, in contrast to provider-selected variables traditionally employed in
remote patient monitoring.
With the generation of such large volumes of raw data, a new industry has
emerged to determine how to best integrate and translate PGHD in a clinically
useful manner into EHRs. One of the main pillars in emerging technologies is in
the design and use of ecosystem-enabling platforms intended to bridge the divide
between humans and technology (Gartner 2016). One particular platform-enabling
technology as it relates to healthcare is seen in the Internet of Things (IoT). The
IoT is an emerging concept that at its simplest is considered solutions generated
from interconnected devices, and is used to describe “the range of new capabilities
brought about by pervasive connectivity :::involving situations where network
connectivity and computing capability expand to objects, sensors, and everyday
items that exchange data with little to no human involvement” (Metcalf et al. 2016).
As it pertains to health, the IoT promotes a user-focused perspective in how data
is managed and information exchanged, particularly between consumers and their
devices, allowing consumers to engage in greater self-monitoring and management.
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 423
The IoT is an opportunity to passively transmit data from consumer devices, which
can then be transformed into big data using sophisticated analytics, and ultimately
translated into information and insights that can aid in improving individual health.
Further spurring innovation in PGHD is Stage 3 of the meaningful use electronic
health record incentive program by the Office of the National Coordinator for
Health Information Technology, which has placed a high priority on bringing
PGHD into the EHR (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services 2013).
Stage 3 specifies that EHRs should “provide 10% of patients with the ability
to submit patient-generated health information to improve performance on high
priority health conditions, and/or to improve patient engagement in care.” With this
mandate, several companies including eClinicalWorks (Westborough, MA, USA)
and Apple, Inc. (Cupertino, CA, USA) have begun to build and deploy solutions,
using platforms like the Internet of Things, to seamlessly integrate and translate
PGHD captured by consumer devices into EHRs and create analytics to support
clinical decision-making.
eClinicalWorks, a leading ambulatory EHR vendor, is integrating data from
wearable devices into its Health & Online Wellness personal health record healow®
with the goal of enhancing patient engagement in their health (Caouette 2015a).
To date 45 million patients have access to their health records through healow®.
According to a survey conducted online by Harris Poll and commissioned by
eClinicalWorks, 78% of patients with wearable devices using them more than once
a month feel that their physicians would benefit from access to the information
collected (Caouette 2015b). Using its cloud platform, the Internet of Things,
third party hardware platforms can collect, store, and analyze PGHD from home
monitoring and wearable devices. These devices can include activity trackers,
weight scales, glucometers, and blood pressure monitors. The healow®IoT contains
analytics and dashboards designed to provide patients and physicians with high yield
data culled from PGHD for more informed clinical decision-making. Though still
early, this partnership has the promise to use big data to improve patient care using
patient owned devices.
Although not a traditional corporation in the field of healthcare, Apple has been
leveraging its existing technologies to collect, capture, and integrate PGHD. Apple
has been rapidly evolving its HealthKit app, initially launched in 2014, into a
platform to allow health data interoperability. It has partnered with numerous EHRs
and over 900 health devices and apps and continues to expand its partnerships
and potential applications. Working with large centers like Duke, Stanford, and
most recently, in its largest patient integration of more than 800,000 patients,
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Apple’s HealthKit allows for the centralization and
transmission of data from consumer devices to healthcare operating platforms
(Higgins 2015). Given the potential for large amounts of unfiltered data to be
transmitted, HealthKit incorporates flow sheets to keep PGHD separate from other
data and allows providers to specify the frequency of data transmission. As there
are no clear recommendations for how PGHD is to be incorporated or handled once
within EHRs, healthcare systems like Duke have created modified consents so that
patients understand that the PGHD data transmitted has no guarantee to be viewed
424 E. Le et al.
or acted upon in a real time manner so as to avoid creating a false sense of security
for patients (Leventhal 2015). Ultimately though, in contrast to the current state of
health data in the EHR, patients retain control their PGHD, deciding to whom and
what data is transmitted.
In one of the most promising published applications of mHealth and big data
in clinical care, Apple’s HealthKit has recently been used in a pilot to improve
the management of pediatric diabetics in Stanford’s outpatient clinics. Stanford
partnered with Apple, a major glucose monitoring company Dexcom (San Diego,
CA, USA), and its EHR vendor Epic (Verona, WI, USA) to automatically integrate
patient glucose readings into its EHR and provide analytics to support provider
workflow and clinical decision making (Kumar et al. 2016). Prior processes to input
data from continuous glucose monitoring devices into the EHR have required either
manual entry or custom interfaces, both of which limit widespread applicability and
also impose a time delay variable, as data is only available to providers at clinic
visits. Using the prior mentioned technologies, the study investigators were able
to establish a passive data communication bridge to link the patient’s glucometer
with the EHR via the patient/parents smartphone. In this setting the patient wears
an interstitial glucose sensor connected to a transmitter which sends blood glucose
readings by Bluetooth connection to the Dexcon Share2app on the patient’s Apple
mobile device. The Dexcom Share2 app then passively shares glucose values, date,
and time with the HealthKit app, which transmits the data passively to the Epic
MyChart app. The MyChart patient portal is a part of the Epic EHR and uses
the same database so that the PGHD glucose values are populated into a standard
glucose flow sheet in the patient’s chart. Importantly, this communication bridge
results in the passive integration of the patient’s data into the chart but can only
occur when a provider places an order in the patient’s electronic chart and the
patient accepts the request within their MyChart app, placing ultimate control of
the data with the patient/parent. Hesitations on the part of providers to accept
integration of PGHD into the EHR have often centered on concerns over receiving
large and potentially unmanageable volumes of data, which may lead to increasing
liability and unrealistic patient expectations, as well as to what degree data is
actionable (National eHealth Collaborative 2013). Providers have also expressed
concern about the financial impact of using staff and physician time to review
the data. The study investigators addressed these concerns by creating an analytic
report to triage patients and identify actionable trends between office visits based on
home glucose readings, supporting rather than hindering provider workflow. This
report was not meant to replace real-time patient/parent monitoring and thus verbal
and written notification was used to establish patient/parent expectations regarding
only intermittent provider monitoring. The report was generated every two weeks
to identify trends, such as episodic nocturnal hypoglycemia, rather than provide
real time glucose monitoring. When viewed by the provider, these reports could
also be shared and discussed with the patient/parent via MyChart to create an
ongoing dialogue for care between visits. In this study, several actionable trends
including nocturnal hypoglycemia in a toddler and incorrect carbohydrate counting
in a teenager were identified leading to improvements in overall glycemic control
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 425
between office visits. Additionally, participants were noted to express gratitude
that actionable trends were brought to their attention and there was no report of
frustration regarding lack of contact for specific hypo or hyperglycemic episodes,
further highlighting the importance of early expectation management.
This pilot study, thus far the only study to demonstrate automatic integration of
PGHD into the EHR, demonstrated that integration using widely available consumer
technology is not only possible, but when combined with smart and intuitive
analytics can improve provider workflow for reviewing data and communicating
with patients leading to better care for patients. Notably, this workflow did not
require any institution-level customization or a specific EHR vendor. Additionally,
other companies like Microsoft Health and Google Fit are both in the midst of
developing similar patient-generated data platforms making it likely that any mobile
device, not specifically Apple devices, may be able to be configured to perform
16.1.8 Logistical Concerns
The enormous promise of consumer devices and integrated health data platforms to
revolutionize health care is two-fold in the goal of the establishment of the patient
as an owner and active user of their health care data, and in the implementation of
big data to support physician workflow and clinical decision-making. Inherent in the
development and adoption of any new technologies, particularly within health care,
are the logistics of addressing accessibility, privacy, security, and liability.
16.1.9 Accessibility
Despite rapidly expanding ownership and usage of mobile devices, economic
disparities and technological literacy both stand as potential barriers to accessibility.
Use of new technologies is most often associated with younger and more financially
stable demographic categories. This is particularly seen in the wearable devices
market, where approximately half of consumers are between the ages of 18–34
and one-in-three have a household income of greater than $100,000 (Nielsen
2014). However, approximately two thirds of Americans now own a smartphone
of some sort with 10% owning a smartphone without any other form of high-
speed internet access at home, making them heavily dependent on their smartphone
(Smith 2015). Those who tend to be most heavily dependent on a smartphone for
online access include younger adults, those with low household incomes and levels
of educational attainment, and non-whites. This implies that shifting technology
toward smartphones may still be a reasonable strategy to cover diverse demographic
groups. Interestingly, as they relate to health, consumers have indicated that they
are not willing to pay much for wearable devices but would be willing to be
426 E. Le et al.
paid to use them (PwC 2014). This may signal a more broad interest in wearable
technologies for health independent of financial status, and may offer an opportunity
for insurers, providers, and employers to step in and potentially level the playing
field for patients. In fact, consumers have noted that they are more willing to try a
wearable technology provided by their primary care doctor’s office than they are for
any other brand or category (PwC 2014).
16.1.10 Privacy and Security
With regards to privacy and security, health care providers must address HIPAA
requirements and malpractice issues while developers must pay attention to stan-
dards for product liability including Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules to protect patients (Yang and Silverman
2014). In the United States, it is generally held that an individual’s medical record
is owned by the provider or institution that retains the record, not the individual
patient the record describes. Patients are however still covered by privacy provisions
included in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
of 1996, that ensures the confidential handling and security of protected health
information (PHI) (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2013). With
increasing use of mHealth technologies, Congress has expanded the use of HIPAA
through the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health
(HITECH) Act (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2009), which
sets forth requirements for mandatory breach notifications. Despite this, HIPAA
coverage as it pertains to mHealth technologies remains complex. When a patient’s
health data is in the possession of health providers, health plans, or other “covered
entities”, it is protected under HIPAA. When it is transmitted among individuals or
organizations that are not covered entities under HIPAA, it is not protected (Fisher
2014). For example, if a patient checks their heart rate and the data is recorded on
their mobile device, it is not covered by HIPAA. However, if those readings are sent
to their physician for use in clinical care, the data becomes HIPAA protected. This
and many other scenarios will need to be identified and clarified to ensure data from
mHealth apps and devices incorporated into health care are appropriately protected.
Patients themselves are becoming more and more aware of privacy concerns and
even within the context of traditional methods for health information transfer (fax,
electronic transfer), more than 12% of patients noted withholding health information
from a health care professional due to privacy concerns (Agaku et al. 2014).
Inspection of 600 of the most commonly used and rated English-language mHealth
apps showed that only 30.5% had a privacy policy, and that bulk of these policies
required college-level literacy to understand and were ultimately irrelevant to the
app itself instead focusing on the developer (Sunyaev et al. 2015). More stringent
attention from developers with regards to mHealth data privacy will be needed to
both protect data and ensure consumer confidence in their devices.
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 427
Given the nature of mHealth technologies, data from mobile devices (that are
themselves easily lost or stolen), is transmitted to cloud-base platforms over wireless
networks that themselves are prone to hacking and corruption. Even prior to the
expansion of mHealth devices, examples of lost or stolen patient data have already
populated new cycles. In 2012, Alaska’s Medicaid program was fined $1.7 million
by HHS for possible HIPPA violations after a flash drive with patient health
information was stolen from the vehicle of an employee (U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services 2012). Interestingly, health hacking has also become increasing
prevalent given the relative ease of hacking medical systems and devices, and the
increasing worth of health care data. It is estimated that health care data is currently
more lucrative than credit card information for fraudulent purposes (Humer and
Finkle 2014). As more patients, providers, and healthcare organizations use mobile
health technologies to augment and conduct patient care, more attention to security
features and protocols will be needed to ensure privacy.
16.1.11 Regulation and Liability
The regulation of mHealth as it relates to medical licensure and liability is a complex
issue without clear guidelines or answers. In the current state, mHealth devices
and apps may be regulated in a piecemeal fashion by several agencies. Potential
regulatory agencies may include the Federal Communications Commission, Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Office for the
Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and National
Institute of Standards and Technology, each with a unique role. These agencies
can help create standards for mHealth technology, authorize carriers for access and
transition of information from devices connected to networks, ensure appropriate
use of information by health providers, and regulate advertising related to the app
use (Yang and Silverman 2014). The FDA has expressed it will focus on the subset
of mobile apps that are intended to be used as an accessory to a regulated medical
device or transform a mobile platform into a medical device using attachments,
display screens, sensors, and other methods (U. S. Department of Health and Human
Services 2015). In essence, as part of its risk-based approach to cover apps with the
potential to cause the most harm, it will focus its attention to mHealth apps that
transform consumer devices into medical devices but leave the large majority of
other health apps unregulated.
Aside from unclear regulatory domains, jurisdiction, and liability also poses an
issues for mHealth technology. When providers use health apps to communicate
with other providers in different locations, issues regarding the cross-jurisdictional
practice of medicine may arise. As most medical silencing requirements are state
specific, there exist over 50 different sets of requirements. Telemedicine has led the
way in helping to clarify cross-jurisdictional practice (State Telehealth Laws and
Medicaid Program Policies: A Comprehensive Scan of the 50 States and District
of Columbia 2016), but more clarity will be needed as data from mHealth devices
428 E. Le et al.
is potentially transmitted and acted upon across state lines. Additionally, without a
clear standard of care with respect to the use of mHealth technologies, coverage of
malpractice laws come into question. Traditional malpractice liability is based on a
physician-patient relationship with direct contact and care. Given mHealth can be
used to capture and monitor health data using a patient’s own device or application,
it is unclear what a physician’s liability would be if patient injury resulted from
faulty or inaccurate information from the patient’s device. As such malpractice in
the setting of use of mobile health technologies remains an open question.
Advancements in mobile health technologies promise to make healthcare more
accessible and to more effectively engage patients in their medical care, strengthen-
ing the patient-provider relationship. Applying a big data approach with thoughtful
analytics to the massive amounts of data generated, captured, and transmitted on
mobile devices can not only supply providers with additional information, but also
present that information in such a way to enhance provider workflow. Given the
rapid growth of mobile health technologies and their increasing integration into
health records and use in clinical decision-making, more attention will be needed
to clarify privacy, security, and regulatory concerns.
16.1.12 Patient Education and Partnering with Patients
The meeting of a physician and patient is the start of a therapeutic relationship, but
much of the work that happens to improve health occurs beyond the appointment
time. Whether a physician meets a patient in the clinic, hospital, nursing home,
or any other care setting, for the physician’s recommendations to be successfully
implemented by the patient there has to be a trusting partnership. Physicians are the
experts in medicine and patients are the experts in their own lives, so both parties
must be engaged for meaningful changes to occur.
Much research has been done in the areas of patient engagement, activation,
and the patient-physician partnership. Patient engagement includes both the patient
activation to participate in care, and the resulting positive health behaviors from
this motivation (Hibbard and Greene 2013). Patient engagement has been linked
to participating in more preventative activities including health screenings and
immunizations, adherence to a healthy diet, and regular physical exercise. Patients
who are very activated are two or more times more likely than their less activated
counterparts to prepare for doctor visits, look for health information, and know
about the treatment of their conditions (Hibbard and Greene 2013; Fowles et al.
2009; Hibbard 2008). Patient engagement in the therapeutic process has been
studied and encouraged in specific areas such as chronic condition management
and adverse event reporting, but the degree to which patients are able to be engaged
in their healthcare in the current age of social media and Google is unprecedented.
As electronic health records are creating accessible mobile platforms, all patients,
not just those with chronic conditions, are able to engage in their healthcare on a
basic level to schedule appointments, ask questions to medical staff, and initiate
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 429
medication refills online. Despite the fact that not all patients have the technical
knowledge, health awareness, and engagement to interact with their physicians in
this manner between appointments, this is still becoming an increasingly common
way that patients and their caregivers are getting engaged with their medical care.
Understanding the role that patient engagement plays in the physician-patient
interaction and disease treatment and management sets the stage for understanding
the new ways patients can now engage in their healthcare through online access
to medical information. A 2013 study in the journal Pediatrics sums up what
many physicians perceive in the current age of medical care, that “Dr Google is,
for many Americans, a de facto second opinion” (Fox 2013). The Pew Research
Center has studied health information online since 2000. The latest national survey
in 2014 showed that 72% of adults search online for health issues, mostly for
specific conditions and their treatments. Meanwhile, 26% say they have used online
resources to learn about other people’s health experiences in the past 12 months,
and 16% have found others with the same health concerns online in the past year
(Fox 2014). Caregivers and those with chronic health conditions are most likely to
use the internet for health information. Health professionals are still the main source
of health information in the US but online information, especially shared by peers,
significantly supplements the information that clinicians provide (Fox 2014). Many
survey respondents report that clinicians are their source of information for technical
questions about disease management, but nonprofessionals are better sources of
emotional support (Fox 2013).
16.1.13 Developing Online Health Communities Through
Social Media: Creating Data that Fuels Research
PatientsLikeMe Inc. (Cambridge, MA, USA) and the rare disease community exem-
plify the use of social media to both connect people with similar health conditions,
and provide real-time data feedback to healthcare providers, healthcare systems,
pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies. This feedback is unique in
that it collects large amounts of patient-level data to help in the development of new
care plans for specific patient populations.
PatientsLikeMe allows users to input and aggregate details on symptoms,
treatments, medications, and side effects of various illness, connect to support
groups dedicated to challenging health conditions, and creates a platform that
can potentially set the stage for clinical trials and medical product development
(Sarasohn-Kahn 2008; Wicks et al. 2010). Patients who choose to enter their
personal health data on the site are actively choosing to use their personal health
information in a way that is different than the traditional method of encapsulating
health information in the electronic health record, to be seen and used privately
between the physician and patient. For example, those with Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis (ALS) may choose to share personal information about their symptoms,
treatments, and outcomes with the ALS community within PatientsLikeMe. These
community-level symptoms and treatments are aggregated and displayed so that
users can discuss the data within the site’s forums, messages, and comments
430 E. Le et al.
sections. A study of PatientsLikeMe’s data sampled 123 comments (2% of the
total commentary posted) and noted that group members sought out answers to
particular questions guided by this data, offered personal advice to those who could
benefit, and made relationships based on similar concerns and issues. This study
illustrated that individual patients who shared their personal health data benefitted
by participating in conversations that may help with self-management of their
disease. (Frost and Massagli 2008). In addition to individual patients benefitting
from their usage of the site, PatientsLikeMe allows pharmaceutical companies to
partner with patients to design clinical trials and research studies (PatientsLikeMe
Services n.d.). Since 2007, PatientsLikeMe has achieved many milestones in
patient-centered and patient-directed research. For example, in 2007 a study on
excessive yawning in ALS patients was conducted in which the symptom was listed
on the ALS page and each user had to rate the severity of the symptom experienced.
This quickly created a method to evaluate the symptom in the context of the person’s
medications and disease course and ultimately data from the PatientsLikeMe users
helped to identify that the excessive yawning was more likely a symptom of
emotional lability associated with the disease state rather than a drug side effect, or
a side-effect of respiratory issues with ALS. Soon after, it was found that the impact
of the research extended beyond its clinical scope. While the potential physical pain
of yawning in ALS patients may have been the impetus to study this issue, based
on discussions on the site it came to light that people with ALS had lost friends
due to the misinterpretation that the yawning represented lack of interest and was a
sign of rudeness. With this study, patients/families and healthcare professionals are
now better able to understand and be more sympathetic to this symptom, physicians
can warn patients of this symptom, and researchers have a greater impetus to find
a treatment for the emotional lability likely causing yawning (Wicks 2007). The
example highlights the invaluable nature of user input in helping to guide research
in a more patient-centered manner.
The rare disease community has also been a remarkable testament to the power
of online communities for sharing healthcare data and furthering medical practice.
When new findings are published as case reports in academic journals, the process
relies on clinicians in various parts of the world to see those articles and recall
the specific symptomatology at the time needed to make a diagnoses - a process
that can take many years to diagnose individuals with the same rare diseases. With
common online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, parents of kids with
rare diseases and people who have rare conditions are taking matters into their
own hands to find and share more information. Patients and families are turning to
social platforms to promote greater collaboration between patients, caregivers, and
healthcare industry professionals.
Bertrand Might is a child with the first known case of NGLY-1 deficiency, a
very rare illness that was not diagnosed until he was nearly 4 years old (Might and
Wilsey 2014). His journey to diagnosis is extraordinary because of the hard work
of his parents, a couple who epitomize a new perspective and the shift occurring in
the work of clinical diagnosis. After years of moving from one genetic specialist to
the next looking for an explanation for their son’s condition, researchers at Duke
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 431
finally gave the family an uncertain diagnosis about a rare new enzyme deficiency.
Bertrand’s parents blogged and documented his journey including evaluations,
symptoms, visits to specialists, wrong diagnoses, and ultimately the gene mutations
leading to his condition. A second patient with Bertrand’s condition was discovered
after a clinician came across this blog and realized that the two children likely shared
the same enzyme deficiency. Yet another patient was identified when parents on
another continent came across the blog after searching for similar symptoms and
were motivated to have sequencing of the NGLY-1 mutation performed on their
child. Now, 14 children from around the world have been diagnosed with this defi-
ciency (Might and Wilsey 2014). Compared to how diseases have traditionally been
discovered and disseminated through medical literature, this innovative new way of
using social media to fuel recognition of symptoms and prompt genetic data analysis
is quite rapid, often leading to a more timely diagnosis for those with extremely rare
conditions. The implications of this phenomenon extend beyond the rapid diagnosis
of rare diseases. Often rare-disease communities prompt pharmaceutical companies
to consider researching and developing treatment options, support creating patient
registries and push for clinical trials, and attend FDA meetings to advocate for the
approval of new therapeutic options (Robinson 2016).
16.1.14 Translating Complex Medical Data
into Patient-Friendly Formats
The value of data from online sources comes from the aggregation of opinions on
a specific topic, such that the sum of different user input is more powerful than a
single person’s comment. A current example of a site making big data useable for
patients and physicians alike is iodine.com.
16.1.15 Beyond the Package Insert: Iodine.com
Since 1968, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required that certain
prescription medications contain package inserts that consist of usable consumer
medication information (CMI). The suggested CMI includes the name and brand
name of the medication, use, contraindications, how to take the medication, side
effects, and gene years, the FDA’s recommendations have supported changes to the
package insert (Food and Drug Administration 2006).
Expanding upon this concept, Iodine.com (San Francisco, CA, USA) was
founded in 2013 and currently offers free medication information for more than
1000Cdrugs. This information is compiled from FDA drug side effect data
and augmented with user input on drug side effects from Google Consumer
Surveys (GCS) (Iodine 2014), creating a experience that has been called the “yelp
of medicine” (Sifferlin 2014). Ultimately, these medication-related experiences
become part of a growing database that can guide new insights into how drugs work
432 E. Le et al.
in the real world. There are many other sources of drug information on the internet
for consumers including drugs.com, medlineplus.gov, rxlist.com, webmd.com,
and mayoclinic.org, but these sites lack the peer-to-peer recommendations that
Iodine.com provides. Medication side effect profiles provided for physicians and
that are listed in the drug package inserts are notoriously long, listing all side effects
regardless of incidence frequency from less than a 1% chance of occurring to
frequent side effects. This type of information is hard for consumers to interpret, and
impossible for physicians to memorize, so often patients are prescribed medications
with minimal guidance: only important contraindications such as “don’t take with
alcohol” or “take on an empty stomach” are communicated. Most physicians also
do not have first-hand experience with these drugs, and so are unfamiliar with which
side effects truly occur most often.
Iodine.com helps to fill the void that is common in traditional prescribing
practices by adding personalization. The data for iodine.com is collected from a
variety of sources including traditional medical research literature and pharma-
ceutical product labels, center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data,
non-research sources of data like insurance claims formularies, pharmacist reports,
patient reported data from more than 100,000 Americans on Google Consumer
Surveys, and social data sharing health experiences extracted from many other sites
(Iodine Data n.d.).
Iodine users also complete online reviews of their medications, and this
community-generated content contributes to the data on the site. The data from
these sources covers 1000Cmedications, and offers data subclassified by age,
gender, and medical condition. This subcategorization allows users to see how
similar populations experience and feel about different medications. This unique
aspect, the user experience, is a valuable addition to the information provided by
medical research literature primarily because medical research often has limited
generalizability based on the study design and exclusion criteria. Results of
medical studies can often only be extrapolated to populations similar to the study
populations, which often exclude older adults and those with complex medical
conditions limiting generalizability. These exclusions exist to make study results
easier to interpret, but a consequence of such stringent exclusion criteria is that a
large percentage of complex patients (precisely the ones for which clinicians most
need guidance) do not have a lot of evidence-based management guidelines. If large
amounts of data on patient experience can be captured from this complex population
of older adults, this can help guide clinical decision making (Bushey 2015).
Despite the potential for significantly expanding the database of medication use
and effects, there is a one major limitation of Iodine.com: validity. There is no
mechanism for confirming the self-reported data within the system. The integrity of
the reviews is potentially quite variable. In an attempt to combat this, the company
manually reviews all of the user input. Iodine.com reports that the site rarely receives
reviews that are not legitimate, but if detected, these reviews are removed. They
also check data trends to see if the patterns of reviews are consistent with known
population side effects (Bushey 2015).
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 433
16.1.16 Data Inspires the Advent of New Models of Medical
Care Delivery
The life of a physician is typically a delicate balance between the time demands
of seeing patients, extensive medical documentation of encounters, and billing
and coding. Through all of this, certain interventions such as behavioral health
discussions rarely occur due to low provider knowledge and confidence, insufficient
support services, and little feedback from patients that behavior interventions are
needed and are effective (Mann et al. 2014). There are several companies that have
recognized the need to identify and engage high risk patients through technological
solutions with the goal to yield behavioral change. Two such companies are
Ginger.i.o and Omada health.
Ginger.io (San Francisco, CA, USA) offers a mobile application for patients
with various mental health conditions to have a personalized health coach. It allows
users to communicate through text or live video sessions with a licensed therapist
specializing in anxiety and depression, and has 24/7 access to self care tools through
its app. The company combines mobile technology with health coaches, licensed
therapists, consulting psychiatrists, and medical providers to create an interface
that is technology based, but with a human element. The app collects both active
data through regular mood surveys, and passive data through mobile phone data
on calling, texting, location, and movement. This passive data can generate a
norm for the user’s regular patterns. Once regular patterns are known, changes in
communication and movement can help predict depression or changes in mental
health (Feldman 2014). The active and passive data in addition to in-app activities
to build skills around managing mood changes are synthesized into personalized
reports that can be shared with the person’s doctor and the Ginger.i.o care team.
Accessible mental health care is challenging in the US for a variety of reasons-
availability of providers, cost and cost sharing limitations by insurance companies,
distance to care, and availability of appointments (Cunningham 2009). This type
of mobile platform can help narrow this gap and provide timely and convenient
behavioral care when needed through mobile devices (Ginger.io Evidence N.d.).
Ginger.io combines its data with behavioral health research data from the National
Institutes of Health and other sources to help provide insights from the aggregate
data. One particularly interesting insight is that a lack of movement from a user
could signal that a patient feels physically ill and irregular sleep patterns may
precede an anxiety attack. (Kayyali et al. 2013)
Omada Health (San Francisco, CA, USA) is an innovative company that offers
“digital therapeutics,” which are evidence-based behavioral treatment programs that
are cost-effective and potentially more accessible than traditional programs. Their
16-week program, Prevent, offers a targeted intervention to individuals who are at
high risk for chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. Each participant
is paired with a personal health coach and online peer group for regular feedback
and support. This program includes weekly lessons about nutrition, exercise, and
psychological barriers. In 2016, a study was published examining long term clinical
434 E. Le et al.
outcomes of the Prevent Pilot and the effects of the program on body weight and
Hemoglobin A1C, a marker of blood sugar control in diabetics. The 187 pre-diabetic
participants who completed the four core lessons achieved an average of 5.0% and
4.8% weight loss at 16 weeks and 12 months, respectively and had some reduction
in their A1C level at final measurement (Sepah 2015).
The type of behavioral change program developed by Omada health would
require extensive staff and resources if replicated in person, rather than administered
online. The benefits of these online interventions include increased access to care,
convenience to patients by using mobile health delivery systems and avoiding travel
time, and increased patient engagement in their healthcare. Potential limitations
of these types of online behavioral intervention technology (BIT) programs are
technological barriers, lack of engagement due to the design of the program, and
issues with translating the program into actionable behavior change. Ideally, human
support should complement BIT use, so that together all potential barriers are
addressed and individuals can gain the maximum potential benefits from these
behavioral change programs (Schueller et al. 2016).
16.2 Part II: Physician Uses for Big Data in Clinical Care
16.2.1 The Role of Big Data in Transforming How Clinicians
Make Decisions Imagine the Following Scenario
An elderly man, Mr. Williams, develops a fever, back pain, and nausea, and is
admitted to the local hospital where he is diagnosed with a kidney infection. He tells
his physician that he has several other medical conditions, such as heart disease and
diabetes, and was hospitalized several times in the past year for different infections,
although they were at another hospital where medical records are not available.
The physician chooses to start him on ciprofloxacin, which is an antibiotic that she
typically uses to treat kidney infections. She also faxes a form to the other hospital to
request records, although the request would not be processed until the following day.
In the middle of the night, the physician receives a page from the nurse saying
that Mr. Williams’ heart rate is elevated. She walks over to his room to examine him,
and notices that he is a bit anxious about being in the hospital. This was actually the
fifth time she was woken up that night; the last four times were all for patients who
were anxious and needed something to help them calm down. She takes a minute to
scan Mr. Williams’ chart and does not notice anything else that looked worrisome,
so instructs the nurse to give him an anti-anxiety medication and goes back to sleep.
The following morning, Mr. Williams develops a high fever and becomes
confused. The physician, now more concerned, looks through his chart and notices
that his heart rate had continued to increase throughout the night. She diagnoses him
with sepsis and immediately starts intravenous fluids and switches his antibiotic to
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 435
piperacillin/tazobactam, which is the antibiotic that she usually uses if ciprofloxacin
is not working. However, he continues to worsen throughout the day and is later
transferred to the intensive care unit. That afternoon, the medical records from the
other hospital are faxed over, which consist of 50 printed pages of progress notes,
discharge summaries, medication lists, and lab reports. Although the physician’s
shift had ended two hours ago, she spends the time looking through the faxed charts
because she is particularly worried about Mr. Williams (she had taken care of a
patient with a kidney infection who ended up dying in the hospital just two weeks
ago). After pouring through the pages of records, she finally notices a line of text in a
lab report that is a critical piece of information: two months ago at the other hospital,
Mr. Williams had developed another kidney infection and his urine at the time grew
out a bacteria that was resistant to both ciprofloxacin and piperacillin/tazobactam.
She remembers that meropenem would be the antibiotic of choice in this situation,
but takes the extra time to look it up in her online reference since she has not used
that medicine in over a year. At 5 pm, almost 24 h after Mr. Williams was admitted
to the hospital, the physician starts him on the correct antibiotic. He eventually
recovers, but was weakened because of the prolonged hospital stay and had to be
discharged to a nursing home.
The above hypothetical scenario is not uncommon in modern hospitals. Although
the resources needed to treat Mr. Williams’ kidney infection were readily available
and his physician did her best to care for him, the limitations in the process by
which medical decisions are made in healthcare led to missed opportunities that
may have improved the care that he received in the hospital. He could have received
the correct antibiotic much earlier, and his sepsis could have been recognized and
acted upon sooner. Clinical decisions are often made in situations of uncertainty
with incomplete information and sometimes inconsistent levels of expertise. As
demonstrated in the scenario with Mr. Williams, many decisions are heavily
influenced by the experiences of the individual physician, which can lead to high
variability in cost and quality of care (Institute of Medicine 2012). Existing clinical
knowledge is often inconsistently applied, with compliance with evidence-based
guidelines ranging from 20%–80%. Additionally, most clinical decisions including
common diseases such as heart attacks, lack strong evidence from clinical research
studies (Institute of Medicine 2012) with only 11% of clinical practice guideline
recommendations supported by high quality evidence (Tricoci et al. 2009). This
section will describe the potential for big data to address these gaps and transform
how decisions are made in healthcare.
The methods by which physicians are currently trained to make medical deci-
sions are not very different from those utilized one hundred years ago. Physicians
undergo a long and arduous training process that heavily relies upon developing
the individual’s knowledge base and experience. The amount of data available for
today’s physicians to process, however, far exceeds the capacity of any individual
and is increasing at a rapid rate. Advances in medical research have not only given
us many more diagnostic and treatment options for long-standing diseases, but have
also defined new diagnoses that add to the already expansive medical vocabulary.
As our understanding of disease grows more granular, the management of patients is
436 E. Le et al.
becoming increasingly complex. A physician in the intensive care unit will manage
a range of 180 activities per patient per day (Institute of Medicine 2012). This
rapidly accumulating knowledge base has allowed us to reimagine what medicine
can accomplish, but also means that today’s physicians are required to know and
do more than ever before to deliver the standards of care that we now expect from
modern healthcare systems. The cognitive tools that physicians are given, however,
have not advanced at the same rate, thus creating a critical need for newer tools to
help physicians make clinical decisions.
The promise of big data to address this need is driven by the increasing wealth
of clinical data that is stored in the electronic medical record (EMR). Information
such as patient histories, laboratory and imaging results, and medications are all
stored electronically at the point of care. This critical mass of data allows for
the development of clinical decision support computational tools that interact with
the EMR to support physicians in making clinical decisions. The development of
clinical decision support is an evolving field with different computational models
that include earlier systems using probabilistic and rule-based models and newer
data driven approaches that more effectively harness the power of big data.
16.2.2 Probabilistic Systems
The diagnosis of disease follows a Bayesian model. When approaching a new
patient, a trained physician will come up with a list of potential diagnoses in order
of likelihood, and adjust the probabilities of those diagnoses being present based
on new information from the examination and diagnostic tests. A patient coming
to the emergency room with chest pain could have anything from a heart attack
to a muscle strain, but additional relevant information such as the character of the
pain and the presence of elevated serum levels of cardiac enzymes will increase
the posterior probability of the diagnosis being a heart attack and decrease that of
the diagnosis being a muscle strain. Physicians use this mental model to diagnose
diseases, but will often be affected by psychological biases. In the case of Mr.
Williams, his physician mistakenly assigned a higher posterior probability to the
diagnosis of anxiety as the cause of his elevated heart rate overnight, likely because
she had just seen several other patients with anxiety. This phenomenon, known as the
availability heuristic, is a common reason for misdiagnosis and physicians become
increasingly susceptible to it when exhausted with data and tasks that exceed what
can be processed by an individual person.
Probabilistic clinical decision support systems use computers to simulate the
Bayesian model with which physicians are trained to think. For a presenting
symptom, a computer can start by considering the prior probabilities of the
differential diagnosis, which is typically based on the known prevalence of those
conditions, and modify the posterior probabilities in a sequential approach based
on new inputted data, such as symptoms and diagnostic test results (Shortliffe and
Cimino 2014). These clinical decision support systems require a knowledge base of
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 437
estimated conditional probabilities of a set of diseases for the pieces of data that are
entered. VisualDx (Rochester, NY, USA) is an example of a commercially available
probabilistic clinical decision support system that is designed to help users create a
differential diagnosis at the point of care that is not affected by human error such
as recall bias. A user can enter combinations of clinical data such as symptoms
and laboratory results to generate lists of likely diagnoses that are ordered by their
posterior probabilities.
16.2.3 Rule-Based Approaches
Rule-based clinical decision support systems rely on encoded concepts in a knowl-
edge base that are derived from content experts to simulate recommendations that
experts might provide. The knowledge base can include probabilistic relationships
such as those between symptoms and diseases, and medications and side effects.
For example, a commonly used rule-based clinical support system is the drug
interaction alert system that is built into many modern EMRs. The system alerts
the physician if a new medication ordered has an adverse interaction with an
existing medication that the patient is taking. When the medication is ordered in
the EMR, the action is then analyzed against a previously encoded knowledge base
of all known medication interactions, which then triggers an alert. Knowledge bases
can be created for specific diseases to create tools such as early disease detection
systems. For example, many hospitals now use EMR embedded clinical decision
support tools to detect severe sepsis, which is a life-threatening physiologic state
that patients can develop when they have an infection. These alerts are powered
by algorithms designed based on probabilistic rules derived from sepsis treatment
guidelines (Rolnick et al. 2016). Such a clinical decision support system may have
been able to help Mr. Williams’ physician recognize earlier that he had sepsis based
on clinical data in the EMR that the physician did not otherwise notice, or could
have initiated an alert when the physician ordered the first antibiotic that his previous
urine culture grew a resistant antibiotic.
16.2.4 Data Driven Approaches
Rule-based and probabilistic models, which comprise the majority of existing clini-
cal decision support systems that are in use, rely on manually curated knowledge
bases that are applied to clinical data in a top down approach. They act on,
rather than use the data in the EMR to generate insights into clinical decisions.
The paradigm of clinical decision support is now evolving towards a data driven
approach, which employ machine learning techniques to mine EMR data for new
knowledge that can guide clinical decisions. Rather than relying on a pre-formed
knowledge base, a data driven approach seeks to “let the data speak for itself”
438 E. Le et al.
by extracting patterns and insights from the data generated by everyday clinical
practice. The most direct approach is to attempt discovery of new knowledge
that can guide clinical decisions. This approach is particularly powerful for the
majority of clinical decisions that do not have an existing evidence base in the
form of clinical trials or guidelines, but for which many “natural experiments”
occur in regular practice. Efforts are underway to develop systems that would allow
physicians to generate real-time, personalized comparative effectiveness data for
individual patients using aggregate EMR data (Longhurst et al. 2014). For example,
there may have been thousands of other patients who share Mr. Williams’ specific
clinical history who were treated at the same hospital. His physician could query
the EMR to find out how this cohort of patients responded to certain treatments
in order to choose the most effective treatment for him. Reliable conclusions can
be challenging due to confounding by indication, but can somewhat be mitigated
by causal inference methods that risk adjust for different clinical factors (e.g.,
propensity score matching) as has been demonstrated through established methods
in retrospective observational research.
Another example of an emerging data driven approach is known as collaborative
filtering. Traversing the hierarchy of medical evidence, we first look to randomized
controlled trials to guide our medical decision making, followed by observational
studies, before accepting consensus expert opinion, or finally our own local expert
(consultant) opinions and individual anecdotal experience. With only 11% of
clinical practice guideline recommendations backed by high quality evidence and
only about a quarter of real-world patients even fitting the profile of randomized
controlled trial inclusion criteria, it should not be surprising that the majority
of medical decisions we have to make on a daily basis require descending the
entire hierarchy to individual experience and opinion. For a practicing clinician,
the established norm is to consult with other individual local experts for advice.
The advent of the EMR, however, enables a powerful new possibility where we can
look to, not just the opinion, but the explicit actions of thousands of physicians
taking care of similar patients. Right or wrong, these practice patterns in the
collective community reflect the real world standard of care each individual is
judged against. More so, these may reflect latent wisdom in the crowd, with clinical
practices refined through years of hard won experience, but which never before
had a fluid mechanism to disseminate through conventional social and publication
channels. Such an approach can represent an entirely new way of generating
and disseminating clinical practice knowledge and experience, owing heavily to
methodology established in product recommender systems for companies such
as Netflix and Amazon. Active research is underway to help discern how such
approaches can separate the wisdom of the crowd from the tyranny of the mob, and
the potential impacts of integrating such dynamic information into a physician’s
point of care decision making process (Chen et al. 2016). When the computer
systems are trained to recognize established standards of care through readily
available clinical data, they will be able to seamlessly anticipate clinical needs even
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 439
without being asked. This will translate endpoint clinical big data into a reproducible
and executable form of expertise and, deploying this right at the point-of-care, can
close the loop of a continuously learning health system.
16.2.5 Challenges and Areas of Exploration
Significant challenges remain in the development and adoption of clinical decision
support. Although the EMR stores clinical data electronically, much of the data
is not in a format that is easily readable by computers. Inherently structured data
such as medication lists and laboratory values are often the sources for data used in
existing rule-based clinical decision support systems. The promise of data driven
machine learning approaches to clinical decision support, however, require the
use of data in the unstructured, free text narratives that comprise the majority of
valuable, actionable EMR data generated by clinicians. The question of how to
structure large amounts of clinical data into reliable variables that can then be used
by computational tools remains one of the “grand challenges” of clinical decision
support (Sittig et al. 2008). Natural language processing, which is a technique that
has been used in other applied fields of computer science, is being explored as a
way to translate clinician generated text into encoded data (Liao et al. 2015). How
this data can then be organized into meaningful groups, or phenotypes, that can
be analyzed is an area of active research. For example, EMR phenotypes can be
used to create electronic cohorts of patients around specific disease states, either
at the point of care to generate real time comparative effectiveness data for clinical
decision support, or for the creation of electronic cohorts that can be used for clinical
research (Xu et al. 2015).
The infrastructure for how clinical data is stored and shared is also in need of
change to accommodate a data driven healthcare system. In our example with Mr.
Williams, a critical piece of clinical data, the urine culture results, was actually
located in another hospital and had to be faxed over as printed text to be read by the
physician. Any clinical decision support system would be limited by the amount
of clinical data available to analyze. Currently, electronic clinical data is stored
throughout disparate EMR systems that are owned by individual healthcare delivery
systems and often not shared electronically. Although the Health Information
Technology and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), which was enacted as part of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, includes standards for EMR
interoperability that envision a system where clinical data can be shared electron-
ically among clinicians across the country in real time, issues such as privacy,
misaligned financial incentives, and the lack of technological infrastructure continue
to remain as barriers to adoption (Ball et al. 2016). Regional health information
exchanges are beginning to have some success in allowing for data sharing among
health systems, although the scope remains limited (Downing et al. 2016). Further,
insights are needed to understand how to successfully scale implementation of
clinical decision support systems into clinical enterprises. Issues such as physician
440 E. Le et al.
workflow integration, system usability, and alignment with financial incentives of
healthcare delivery systems all need to be considered. Nevertheless, in spite of
these challenges, the convergence of the need for improved healthcare quality, an
unprecedented amount of available clinical data, and the rapid development of
powerful analytical tools is pushing the healthcare system to a tipping point and
into an era of big data.
16.2.6 Using Big Data to Improve Treatment Options
One of the greatest promises of big data as it relates to medical care is in precision or
personalized medicine. These terms are often used interchangeably, with precision
medicine emerging more recently and persisting as the preferred term to describe
the concept of taking individual variability into account in creating prevention and
treatment plans (National Academies Press 2011). Precision medicine has existed
for at least a century with the most prominent example seen in blood typing to
more safely guide blood transfusions (Collins and Varmus 2015). Additionally,
complete sequencing of the human genome at the beginning of this century
has led to a wealth of data towards the better understanding of disease states,
developmental variability, and human interaction with pathogens (Lander et al.
2001). More recently, precision medicine has come to define a framework to
combine huge databases of patient health data with OMICS, primarily genomics
but also proteomics, metabolomics, and so on, to facilitate clinical decision-making
that is “predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory” (P4 Medicine) (Hood
and Flores 2012). The overarching hope for precision medicine is to be able to select
therapies for predictable and optimal responses, and identify potential side effects
to therapies based on a patient’s genetic makeup and individual characteristics.
In his 2015 State of the Union Address, President Obama announced details
about the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI), a $215 million research effort
intended to be at the vanguard of precision medicine (The White House 2015).
Funds have been invested into the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National
Cancer Institute (NCI), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to pioneer a
new model of patient data-powered research intended to accelerate the pace of
biomedical discoveries. The PMI’s initial focus is on cancer treatment, but long-
term goals emphasize preventive care and disease management.
The Precision Medicine Initiative encourages collaboration between the public
and private sectors to accelerate biomedical discoveries using technology to analyze
large health datasets alongside advances in genomics. This ambitious goal, while
simple in framing, in practicality will require an immense amount of oversight
and regulation alongside the actual research components to ensure the safety,
privacy, and security of data used. As such, the NIH is tasked with building a
voluntary national research cohort of over one million Americans to collect a broad
collection of data including medical records, genetic profiles, microbes in and on the
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 441
body, environmental and lifestyle data, patient-generated information, and personal
device and sensor data. The ONC is specifically tasked with developing standards
for interoperability, privacy, and secure data exchange across systems. Additional
provisions within the PMI have been included to protect privacy and address other
legal and technical issues. In sum, the Precision Medicine Initiative will help support
and also make practical the transition into the era of precision medicine.
Currently, the best examples of precision medicine can be seen in the field of
oncology, where patients increasingly undergo extensive molecular and genetic
testing so that physicians can chose treatments best suited to improve survival and
reduce side effects (Kummar et al. 2015). One particularly encouraging advance-
ment in targeted oncology has been with the treatment of metastatic melanoma,
which prior to 2011 was thought of as a rapidly fatal condition with a prognosis
usually under one year (Jang and Atkins 2013). Studies of melanoma biology and
immunology revealed that almost 50% of melanomas harbor mutations in BRAF,
mainly at codon 600. Ipilimumab and vemurafenib, two BRAF Val600 selective
inhibitors, demonstrated significant tumor response with improved progression-free
survival. Despite this promising initial response, patients often suffered disease pro-
gression at a median of 5–7 months due to multiple resistance mechanisms within
the tumors. It was then discovered that some patients with BRAF Val600 mutations
were able to obtain more durable responses with the addition of certain immunother-
apies like high-dose interleukin 2. While further studies are still needed to ascertain
the extent of downstream mutations and optimal combination therapies for greater
survival (Robert et al. 2015), targeted therapies like the BRAF V600 selective
inhibitors remain the goal in increasing precision medicine in oncologic care.
While targeted therapies are being designed to treat tumors, testing for somatic
germ line mutations is also being employed to assess risk and stratify management
decisions for certain types of cancer. The most well known mutations, BRCA1
and BRCA2, can be tested in breast cancer patients to identify optimal surgical,
radiotherapeutic, and drug choices for patients (Trainer et al. 2010). When tested
in patients without cancer, identification of these mutations can significantly alter
an individual’s knowledge of their risk profile and affect downstream management
of cancer screening and prevention (U.S. Preventative Services Task Force 2014).
Studies are currently being undertaken to examine the potential benefits versus
harms of BRCA genetic testing at the population level (Gabai-Kapara et al. 2014).
With respect to the management of chronic diseases, precision medicine has
already yielded some concrete improvements in patient health. In 2014, direct
and indirect mental health expenditures exceeded those of any organic health
condition including cardiovascular disease and diabetes (Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality 2014). Treatment of mental health conditions, particularly
refractory conditions, can be exceedingly challenging and is often based on trial and
error with various medications. The field of pharmacogenomics has developed to
identify genetic differences in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles
of individuals, and stratify their likely responses to different drugs. This can not
only lead to more effective drug use but also mitigate adverse effects and potentially
deliver cost savings to the health care system. The GeneSight Psychotropic test
442 E. Le et al.
was developed to provide clinicians with a composite phenotype for each patient
applied to the known pharmacology of certain psychiatric medications (Winner
et al. 2013). A recent study showed that pharmacogenomic-guided treatment with
GeneSight doubled the likelihood of response for patients with treatment resistant
depression, and identified patients with severe gene-drug interactions enabling them
to be switched to genetically preferable medication regimens. A later study showed
that use of GeneSight in medication selection resulted in patient exposure to fewer
medications with greater adherence and an overall decrease in annual prescription
costs (Winner et al. 2015). These examples exemplify the improvements in indi-
vidual clinical care that can come about as a result of the collaboration between
informatics, research, and clinical medicine.
Harnessing big data can also transform the way physicians apply research to
their daily practice. Clinical research has traditionally relied on time-consuming
acquisition of data and human driven analysis to conduct studies. However, this
exposes them to only a fraction of published data. Furthermore, clinically relevant
research then is distributed through published journals that often take weeks to
months at minimum to disseminate to clinicians. True changes in practice patterns
take 17 years on average to then be fully implemented (Morris et al. 2011). Well
designed EHR interfaces could one day intelligently match publications to clinical
situations, significantly augmenting physicians’ ability to apply new published
evidence at the point of medical decision making. Meanwhile real-time aggregation
of data at smaller levels such as a city or county can lead to timely public health
Despite the huge promise of big data in precision medicine, some of the largest
issues to be addressed include variability and reliability of information (Panahiazar
et al. 2014). Health records can potentially provide fragmentary information if the
health record is not complete and there is not systematic quality control for data
elements gathered to ensure data accuracy. Additionally, with such a large amount
of information being gathered and inputted from various sources, issues with
incongruent formatting and lack of interoperability exist. Several different strategies
are being employed to address this, from platforms such as the Internet of Things
to loop in data from devices to semantic web technologies to make information
interpretable for search and query and integration. Data must additionally be
standardized and processed to ensure high quality input.
The limits of what data may be captured, in particular, has potential for
controversy. For example, healthcare organizations that wish to reduce healthcare
costs may wish to see patients’ credit card data to assess their risk for disease based
on things such as travel history or food, alcohol, and tobacco purchases. However,
further discussion is needed to determine where the boundaries of this big data
“creep” may lie. Meanwhile, as the pure volume of data available exceeds what
providers can process in a reasonable timeframe, physicians will increasingly rely
on big data analytics to augment their clinical reasoning. Already, robust decision
support systems are being developed with IBM’s Watson to help clinicians match
advanced molecular therapies with an individual’s tumor (Parodi et al. 2016). Future
providers and patients will need to determine the role of increasingly powerful clin-
ical decision support without inappropriately making it a clinical decision maker.
16 The Impact of Big Data on the Physician 443
Moving away from traditional fee-for-service payment models and historic
medical disease management techniques is necessary to facilitate innovation and
incorporation of big data into medical care. In many current health systems, payers
and providers are incentivized differently and care is influenced by what will be
covered by insurance and what will not, rather than all stakeholders focusing on
high quality effective care (Kayyali et al. 2013). Political and financial pressures
are already improving the landscape for standardized data. In some cases, this has
taken the form of interoperability and led to immediate clinical benefit. Kaiser
Permanente has fully integrated their electronic EHR HealthConnect, to allow
information to cross over all health care settings, inpatient and outpatient, and across
all facilities. The integrated system has shown improved outcomes in heart disease
management and has created an estimated $1 billion savings from reduced office
visits and redundant diagnostic tests (Kayyali et al. 2013). Meanwhile, the Health
Observational Healthcare Sciences and Informatics collaborative has aggregated
over 680 million records across Australia and many countries in Asia and has
been working on the early identification of adverse drug reactions (Duke 2015).
In other cases, larger institutions are intentionally curating more robust databases
to drive advanced analytics. Both the VA and the NIH are creating databases with
one million or more patients with a specific emphasis on combining large genomic
datasets with clinical datasets (VA 2016, National Institutes of Health 2016). These
two movements will ultimately create richer, standardized datasets to drive higher
quality big data analytics.
This chapter is intended to be an overview of the applications of big data as they
interface with a physician’s practice. Currently, healthcare data is derived from a
multitude of sources including those internal to a health system like electronic health
records, computerized order entry systems, and data from devices and sensors.
External sources including billing records from insurance companies, pharmacies,
social media, and mobile and wearable consumer devices are becoming more and
more prominent. The acquisition and aggregation of data from these new sources,
ranging from standardized biometric data to highly variable patient captured data,
adds both a wealth of potentially actionable health information as well as a layer
of complexity related to systems interoperability, privacy and security concerns,
and legal and regulatory challenges. Despite these challenges, promising examples
of big data applications have emerged in both the public and private sector to
transform the patient-physician relationship, expand knowledge of patient health
factors, activate and engage patients in their health care, strengthen evidence-
based physician decision-making, and accelerate research for more individualized
patient care. Currently, much work is needed to create mechanisms to translate
data and data-informed insights into useable data that can directly affect patient
care and drive quality improvement in healthcare (Neff 2013). While the technical
aspects of big data applications may be out of the scope of knowledge for many
physicians, every aspect of medicine and health care will soon be influenced by the
transformative potential of big data to achieve high quality, efficient, and effective
patient-centered care.
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Part IV
Applications in Business

Chapter 17
The Potential of Big Data in Banking
Rimvydas Skyrius, Gintar˙
e, Igor Katin, Michail Kazimianec,
and Raimundas Žilinskas
17.1 Introduction
The emergence of the notion of Big Data (BD) has created substantial value
expectations for organizations with huge collections of data. Banks, as all the other
organizations, recognize the value potential contained in big data. Despite the fact
that the term “Big Data” had emerged relatively recently, the concept of big data or
vast collections of digital data has been around since the early days of computing;
one might just remember all the comparisons of capacity of some new digital storage
media with the contents of Library of Congress. The advances in IT and growing
media capacity gradually ensured that larger and larger collections of data could
be processed relatively easily and with low costs. This can be named the supply
side of drivers of interest in BD (Bholat 2015), while the demand side is driven by
the economic entities needs to enhance productivity and profits by using valuable
insights from data analysis.
According to Turner et al. (2013), for financial services companies with no
physical products to manufacture, data—the source of information—is one of
arguably their most important assets, and the approach of Big Data Analytics (BDA)
is especially promising and differentiating. As advances in business intelligence
technologies spawned data mining in the last decade of the twentieth century, the
following wave of big data analytical methods and applications found industries like
banking, with billions of transactions recorded in the data bases, ripe and ready for
advanced analytics. The current issue is to which extent these data assets may be
leveraged to produce value and gain competitive advantage.
R. Skyrius () • G. Giri¯
e • I. Katin • M. Kazimianec • R. Žilinskas
Vilnius University, Vilnius, LT-10222, Lithuania
e-mail: rimvydas.skyrius@ef.vu.lt;gintare.giriuniene@ef.vu.lt;igor@getweb.lt;
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_17
452 R. Skyrius et al.
As Hopperman and Bennett (2014) indicate, banks, like any other organization,
require big data handling solutions that are cost-effective, easy to manage, and
provide high business value. However, due to the industry specifics, information
activities in banks have features that reflect their requirements for precision, data
protection and risk management.
This chapter is based mostly on literature research and professional experiences
in dealing with information activities and challenges in banking. The statements
and conclusions presented in this chapter are of inductive nature; however, several
directions of possible empirical research have emerged in the course of writing this
The structure of the chapter is laid out according to the chosen logic of presenting
the materials, and is organized as follows: the first subchapter discusses informing
activities in banking business, including prevailing types of information systems,
organizational culture in banks, and analytical information needs. The second
subchapter relates Big Data prospects to banking activities, naming risks of doing
and not doing Big Data analysis. It also discusses data collection and quality
issues, potential directions of information discovery, encompassing possible risks,
customer management and operations management. In the end of second subchapter
there’s a specific section assigned to Big Data issues in banking supervision, which
covers several industry-wide Big Data-related issues, as opposed to approaches used
by separate banks. The third subchapter discusses in more detail certain Big Data
approaches, methods and instruments, as they are or may be used in banking. The
fourth subchapter presents managerial implications regarding the use of Big Data
in banking, concentrating on people issues and traits of intelligence culture. The
chapter ends with conclusions and suggestions for research directions.
17.2 Informing Activities in Banking
17.2.1 The Nature of Bank Information Activities
Banking activities create an information environment that is rich with transaction
data, and there is a long-term experience of handling this data with precision and
caution. Over time, computer technologies and information systems have become
the principal platforms of banking operations. Banking, as a largely data- and
information-driven business, has substantial experience in managing transaction
records: while in other types of business an entity’s behavior did not leave much data
on record in pre-digital times, in banking everything or nearly everything performed
by the customers or personnel had to be recorded by definition. The powerful
transaction processing systems are commonplace, and, as banking transactions have
largely become commoditized, these systems cannot adequately serve as the basis
for differentiation and subsequent competitive advantage. This incurs a need for
analytical applications as one of the possible sources of such advantage, and this, at
least in part, explains a current wave of interest in BD from the banking community.
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 453
As BD in its most cited general definitions relates to extraction of important
insights and valuable information from vast and often chaotic data, in banking
a significant part of the raw data is well-organized, cleaned and checked for its
provenance. Following the same definitions of BD, it should carry one or more
of the three key features—volume,velocity and variety. The volumes of recorded
structured data in banking are traditionally high, while data velocity and the
potential speed of reaction are offset by risk avoidance behaviors. Regarding the
data variety, although unstructured data is collected through surveys, interviews and
other channels, the dominating mode of sense extraction revolves around structured
data sets implemented as relational databases (Bholat 2015). The multitude of def-
initions of Big Data is rather confusing, but for practical purposes the following set
of questions, narrowing down the path of condensed potential value, could be useful:
What constitutes BD for a certain situation or activity?
What part of it is accessible?
What part of it is useful?
What part of it is processable?
What part of produced results is comprehensible?
What part of results is valuable?
A commonly encountered problem for banks is that the data very often sits
in large, disparate legacy systems. Making data science tools work with legacy
platforms and databases sitting in silos is a huge challenge. However, a feature of
analytics in big companies is coexistence strategy: combining the best of legacy
databases and data warehouses with tools of new analytic environments.
According to Cloudera white paper (Cloudera 2015), four main factors have
driven the need for financial services companies to collect, store and analyze
massive volumes of data:
1. Commoditization and digitization of financial products and services. Customers
could work online with most of banks services.
2. Increased activity. The ease and affordability of executing financial transactions
via online vehicles has led to ever-increasing activity and expansion into new
3. New data sources. The digital revolution has led to new sources of data
that are complex to ingest, such as data from derivative trading platforms,
social media, blogs and other news feeds. This information, if combined with
individual financial transactions and history, can help to paint a holistic picture
of individuals, families, organizations, and markets.
4. Increased regulations. In recent years, federal stress tests have increased the
demand for predictability and integrated solutions for capital asset management.
A similar, although not exactly the same list of factors influencing the use of Big
Data approaches in banking, was presented in (Patwardhan 2016):
• Banking is becoming commoditized; a good information system does not provide
competitive advantage, but good intelligence and analytics have more potential
here (an assumption, based on examples from other industries);
454 R. Skyrius et al.
• Cost of storing and analyzing data is falling;
• Alternative solutions (cloud etc) not always viable because of security require-
• The most acute applications (fraud and money laundering detection, sanctions
and blacklists, monitoring of key financial indicators, enhanced account man-
agement) require top-grade analytics.
According to Deutsche Bank white paper (Deutsche Bank 2014), the drivers of
Big Data technology in the financial industry are:
1. Explosive data growth
Devices used in banking transactions grow in numbers and variety. The
range of types of data to be analyzed is growing as well; many systems (e.g.,
insurance claims systems) store textual information that later can be combined
with structured data on transactions.
2. Regulations
Information from disparate data sets may require integration to understand
certain events, manage risk or comply with regulations. The time window for
liquidity estimation has shrunk to nearly real-time or at least same day, following
Basel requirements. The scale of electronic trading also places significant strain
on data capture and analytics.
3. Fraud detection and security
A number of banks (e.g., Morgan Chase) have started to identify risky
individual behavior and possible rogue traders. Also, more data is used for
analysis, whereas earlier just limited samples have been in use.
4. Customer insight and marketing analytics
The 360ıcustomer view is potentially helpful where the services have been
competing with the offerings by new entrants—PayPal, Amazon, Google etc.
These institutions have managed to snatch a portion of services that traditionally
belong to banking sector, so a more complete understanding of customers’
interests and preferences is vital in ensuring customer loyalty, and external data
from social platforms and the like may play an important role.
Deloitte, a consultancy, Deloitte (2016) presents an almost similar set of drivers
for Big Data analytics: regulatory reform; operational efficiency; and customer
profitability. Summarizing, the drivers for BD analytics in banking can be grouped
as presented in Table 17.1.
As in any other industry, over time banking has experienced its share of mergers
and acquisitions. For information activities, this has meant that well-tuned and
reliable core systems had to be joined in some way to act as one system, although
the systems could be vastly different. A final solution, often being some kind of
compromise, may undermine the stability and clarity of information infrastructure
and standards, further complication the intent to utilize Big Data approaches.

17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 455
Table 17.1 Drivers of Big Data approaches in banking
External Regulations Better overall transparency, growing velocity for liquidity
Market forces 360-degree customer view, competitive intelligence
External risks Insights require top-grade analytics
Growth of
external data
Potentially useful sources of social information
Internal Operational
Standard commoditized services to be run in a near-optimal mode
Internal risks Demand for predictability, detection of rogue traders
Growth of
internal data
Growth of the numbers and variety of devices used in banking
transactions The Corporate Culture of Banks
Banks possess a specific type of corporate culture that exerts influence on all infor-
mation activities, including BD analysis. This culture is conditioned by the specifics
of the banking activities—banks are conservative institutions acting in a rather
competitive environment, where risk management has priority over opportunities,
and control over creativity, including opening the systems to integrate their data
with external content. The use of external data by banks will be discussed further in
this chapter.
The practical actions in implementing BD solutions, suggested by PriceWater-
houseCoopers study (PwC 2013) are largely aimed at cultural issues: concentration
on a specific business problem or a class of problems; development of a policy
for data creation, access and sharing; coordination of skills and efforts; business
insight-driven approaches. According to Wilcock (2013), the pinnacle of analytical
thinking is to have a widespread “insight-driven culture”. Other sources in (Wilcock
2013) define insight-driven as “real-time use of complex analytics to keep a
picture of the changing business context, adjusting business models and driving
operational decisions”. Analytical thinking requires ongoing training, both formal
and informal, to refine inquiring skills to detect problems and discover their primary
root causes, as well as to keep up with the latest trends. Rewarding positive
behaviors and discovered insights from the beginning should be promoted; non-
crucial mistakes should not be penalized (Wells 2008). Healthy analytical culture,
which is an important part of corporate culture, is created when BI programs focus
on people before technology, and can be described by terms like enthusiasm, belief,
confidence, support and competence. Such culture can hardly be created to a plan,
but it can be shaped from existing culture.
456 R. Skyrius et al.
17.2.2 Analytical Information Needs in Banks
For banks, the need for analytical activities is probably more expressed than in other
types of business, largely due to the reliability requirements, fierce competition and
needs to survive in unstable economic environment. This requires a 360-degree view
not only in dealing with customers, products and operations, but in all other activity
aspects as well. In bank management there are leaders whose positions are largely
defined by data and analytics, e.g. chief risk officers.
In retrospect, banks have been quite proficient at performing analytics at product
or transaction level; as structured internal data dominates, it is easily queried and
analyzed by standard tools (Fuller 2015). While the pool of source data somewhat
limits the scope of analysis, the strict provenance requirements positively affect
data quality. While banks have historically been good at running analytics at a
product level, such as credit cards, or mortgages, very few have done so holistically,
looking across inter-connected customer relationships that could offer a business
opportunity—say, when an individual customer works for, supplies or purchases
from a company that is also a client of the bank. The current advent of Big
Data approaches has had less effect on banking and financial services in general,
as compared to other data-rich sectors, such as information and communications
industry (Bholat 2015). However, judging by the recent rise of interest in Big
Data technologies from the side of financial institutions, the situation seems to be
Banks also should not be easy to research on analytical issues because of the
often strategical importance and low publicity of analytical applications, despite
the fact that their operations are commoditized, and core systems do not serve as
a primary source for strategic advantage. The experience of earlier innovations in
the field, e.g. introduction of ATM terminals or early e-banking systems, has shown
that early adopters do create competitive advantage for a short time. Eventually,
other market participants catch up, and innovation becomes a commonplace com-
modity that is virtually compulsory to conduct business. The issue of sustainable
competitive advantage is no less important in the case of Big Data in banking—
on one hand, there is a seemingly vast potential of discovery of important trends
and relations that can be turned into competitive action. On the other hand, there
are serious limitations stemming out from regulated industry, commoditized core
activities, responses to same competitive threats, to name a few, and such limitations
reduce the space for innovation.
The principal areas of analytical information needs in banks, as indicated by PwC
– Risk management, encompassing fraud detection, financial crime prevention,
customer due diligence, compliance and other risk-related issues;
– Customer management, including development of a single view of a customer,
flexible segmentation, satisfaction analysis;
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 457
– Operations management including product development, launch and tailoring,
predictive models and forecasts in trading, support for internal intelligence
There are many quite enthusiastic voices on the potential value of BD in banking,
presenting the business opportunities to be discovered as a proven fact. While
we support the point that there is certain (and often rather substantial) insight
potential to be discovered, we advise that the discovery of such potential is a
tricky and daunting task, based on a profound understanding of own information
needs, organizational culture, discovery skills and last but not least—advanced
information technology to support analytical activities and refining answers to
important business questions.
17.3 Big Data and Banking Activities
17.3.1 Tradeoffs of Big Data Analytics
Banks seek for more powerful and flexible technologies to provide insights into
their operations, customers or risk management. The banking sector has been
doing this for decades, if not centuries; on the other hand, banks as a largely
information-based business have to consider important innovations in information
technologies and information management to deal with competitive threats or
sources of competitive advantage. The current period, marked by the advent of
big data, draws attention to the new sources of data and information, as well as
technologies and approaches to effectively utilize them. While the number of banks
with real implementations of big data projects is rather small (Hopperman and
Bennett 2014), initial expectations are giving way to more structurized approaches,
defining possible areas of application and benefits, and there’s growing clarity of
what can be achieved with BD approach. The Forbes report (Marr 2015)shows
that, since 2011, substantially more companies are treating their data as a strategic
corporate asset. The initial excitement about the possibilities presented by big data
is shifting more towards strategic approach, defining which data initiatives will have
the biggest and most immediate impact.
By using data science to collect and analyze Big Data, banks can improve,
or reinvent, nearly every aspect of banking. It is worth noting that out of three
principal areas of value creation, as indicated earlier—risk management, customer
management, and operations management, the latter two areas are present in every
other business, while risk management has a place of special importance in banking
activities, and will be discussed in more detail in this chapter.
Risks of not doing Big data analysis:
• Failure to detect important changes starting to happen;
• Substandard informing impairs sustainable competitive advantage;
458 R. Skyrius et al.
• Rising costs of non-compliance;
• No single view on the customer leading to customer frustration and churn;
• Risk of losing market to newcomers in the banking business, e.g. Facebook and
PayPal entering the payments market; peer-to-peer financing; crowd funding.
Risks of doing Big data analysis:
• Big Data approach is novel and is more like blazing the trail than going a well-
known path; it might require substantial investment with hard-to-prove returns;
• Risk, driven by expectations of discovery, to engage into many analytical
directions at once and waste attention and effort; the danger of becoming stuck
in “analysis paralysis” (Heskett 2012);
• The findings might be unrelated to business questions or be false positives
(discovered relations and rules that are statistically valid yet are wrong or make
no sense at all); Ziff-Davis study (2016) points to, albeit rhetorically, hundreds
of business questions presented to data scientists that might lead to tens of
discoveries and few, if any, improvements; put differently, there certainly is
hidden stuff in data; not all of it is meaningful, not all of meaningful stuff is
useful, and the useful stuff is difficult to discover;
• Sophistication of technology does not match the intelligence sophistication in
the organization; without proper intelligence culture, acceptance is likely to
encounter obstacles; the results of Big Data analysis will have limited trust if
different groups of people engage in analysis and use of results.
Some sources (e.g., Kaisler et al. 2013) put Big Data just beyond the reach of
today’s technology, implying that it is a moving target, and its proper utilization is
never to be achieved largely due to the permanent growth of the 3 V’s: Volume,
Velocity, and Variety. On the other hand, some doubts may arise whether the
proper or complete utilization of BD is really a feasible goal. If the BD analysis
provides information that is proved valuable to current or future practice, this result
is probably far more important.
17.3.2 Data Collection and Integration
Traditionally, data collection in banks has not presented any significant problems—
as a transaction-based business, banks collect records largely using own resources;
the provenance of the collected data is rather clear. Additional issues with data
collection and quality emerge with factors that disturb the standard data collection
activities—mergers, global activities, multitude of service channels. One of the key
challenges in BD is integration of data variety, emerging from multitude of sources
and formats (Hashem et al. 2015). Some sources (Davenport and Dyche 2013)say
that unstructured data in financial services is sparse—most of the records come in
a structured format: transaction records, website clicks, responses to messages and
offers, to name a few.
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 459
The study performed by IBM Institute for Business Value (IBM Institute for
Business Value 2012) about the sources of big data used by financial organizations
reveals the fact that most of early big data efforts relate to usage of internal data, such
as transactions, logs, and event data. This suggests that banks act very pragmatically
in big data adoption activities, and prefer focusing on their own well-structured data
that has been collected for years, but has never been analyzed. The survey also shows
that banks are less enterprising in terms of less structured data. Thus banks report
about collection and analysis of social media data, images, emails, sensors data, and
even audio that is produced in abundance in retail banks’ call centers, but are still
behind their peers in other industries.
Kaisler et al. (2013) name the challenges of internal data collection:
• How do we decide which data is irrelevant versus selecting the most relevant
• How do we ensure that all data of given type is reliable and accurate? Or, maybe
just approximately accurate?
• How much data is enough to make an estimate or prediction of the specific
probability and accuracy of a given event?
• How do we assess the “value” of data in decision making? Is more necessarily
To the above, we may add an issue of required data granularity—level of detail,
at which data is collected and stored. Jacobs (2009) suggests that as BD in banks
contains mostly temporal data (with time stamps), its volume swiftly increases. And
temporal dimension is important, for it usually has to be ordered—for instance,
to examine time series. So, another challenge emerges regarding whether all data
should be time stamped.
Kaisler et al. (2013) provide other challenges or tradeoffs:
• Data input and output processes—access and processing, e.g., joining tables of
related data incurs huge performance costs;
• Data volume growth in number of records, versus data variety expansion in
adding new attributes and other data fragments;
• Structured versus unstructured data—problems of translation between structured
and limited data tables, and unlimited data sources of unstructured data;
• Data ownership issues, especially regarding social data; e.g., who owns a
person’s Facebook data—a person or Facebook;
• Security—amassed personal data may be rather sensitive and make its objects
• Distributed data and distributed processing—communication between nodes may
significantly increase performance degradation.
A special subject of discussion is the value potential created by information
from external sources. According to (Hopperman and Bennett 2014), internal and
traditional external data feeds will not satisfy the analytical requirements: multi-
channel data, social platforms, location information and other available sources of
potential interest will contribute to the competitive advantage. Another consultancy,
460 R. Skyrius et al.
Cap Gemini (Cap Gemini Consulting 2014) indicates that less than half of banks
analyze customers’ external data available from alternative channels—social media,
online behavior and others. When appending third-party data from external sources
(Daruvala 2013), the risk discrimination models experienced a substantial improve-
ment in their predictive power.
The importance of external data that is collected beyond the boundaries of
bank operations is still a controversial issue, although some sources (e.g., PwC
2013) state: “While financial services companies are, for the most part, not yet
buying third-party Big Data information, we recommend moving in that direction—
especially for capabilities such as sentiment analysis.” Bholat (2015) provides
several examples of using heterogeneous external data to have a deeper understand-
ing of banking industry and financial markets, and stresses that there are certain
technical and legal challenges in blending different data collections. Technical
challenges mostly amount to format, coding and naming differences, while legal
challenges typically emerge when the use of external data is restricted only to
purposes explicitly expressed in legislation.
Inability to overcome data integration and consolidation issues across various
data silos has been a great challenge for enterprise organizations for years, and
banks are not an exception, especially in cases of banks’ acquisitions and mergers
that result in a number of new internal data sources as a subject for integration.
Integration of big data raises even more complex problems. Thus, data type variety
imposes requirements for new infrastructure components like Hadoop, NoSQL,
real-time streaming, visualization, etc. However, it is in these very technologies that
financial organizations are behind their peers in other industries in the most cases,
as is stated by IBM Institute study.
17.3.3 Data Quality Challenges
The quality of raw data has been an issue with every generation of information
technologies and systems, and with the growing importance of analytical insights,
the role of data quality has nowhere to go but to grow further. As the most common
guidelines for data quality have been more or less agreed upon (e.g., Wand and
Wang 1996; Kahn et al. 2002; Dyche 2004; Hoorn and van Wijngaarden 2010), in
the context of Big Data it is worth looking whether there are significant differences
or novel criteria that apply to Big Data, as opposed to data in general. The literature
analysis did not reveal any significant differences between requirements for Big
Data and those for data in general. According to Cai and Zhu (2015), big data quality
faces the following challenges:
• The diversity of data sources, data types and data structures increases the
difficulty of data integration
• Due to data volumes, its quality cannot be estimated within a reasonable amount
of time
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 461
• Due to fast data updates, data timeliness is rather short-lived
• There are no unified and approved international data quality standards
A likely specific challenge for banking data is data provenance (Ram and Liu
2008). Data provenance covers the history of data—its origin, mode of record,
events that have happened to data in its lifecycle. Many of generic data quality
features, such as truthfulness, completeness or currency, are related to provenance.
In the context of banking activities, provenance requirements are largely covered
by regulations on banking activities and internal rules of banking entities, and are
expected to be far more stringent than in other types of business. The research
on data provenance is an interesting and developing area with specific conflicting
criteria—e.g., a separate information system is required to manage provenance
information, and with growing volumes of recorded transactions, the related
provenance information further boosts the volumes to be recorded and managed.
The quality of analysis results is a separate important issue which, while subject
to the generic requirements for data quality, aims at the completeness of the context
in which the results are presented. A professional study by SurfWatch Labs (2014)
presents several quality requirements that make analysis results actionable:
•Comprehensive—need to be joined into a model that provides the fullest picture
and is easily distilled into useful intelligence.
•Accurate—any potential data fault or bias should be disclosed and processed
•Relevant—applicable, easily integrated and flexible.
•Timely—reflects fresh trends, be it threats or opportunities.
•Tailored—data should be presented towards a specific purpose
Certainly the quality of source data is one of the most important factors for
the quality of analysis results, influencing accuracy, relevance and timeliness
in the above list. In addition, other higher-level issues like comprehensiveness
and trust add up—the technology path from source data to analysis results may
have deficiencies of its own that distort the results. The shortcomings of the
analysis process may include incomplete data sets, incorrect rules, erratic analytical
assumptions, to name a few. To our opinion, the production of analysis results
satisfies complex information needs and is attributed to advanced informing, and
it cannot be easily automated for the above risks that require human guidance and
17.3.4 Discovery and Detection
The goal of Big Data analysis is expected discovery of important information,
possibly with adequate context, including important dimensions of what are the
drivers behind discovered important information and how do they behave. In many
462 R. Skyrius et al.
cases this refers to asking the right questions. According to Marr (2015), companies
are not asking for more data, but rather the right data to help solve specific problems
and address certain issues.
Many sources present Big Data analytics as being data-driven, and another
important issue related to Big Data comes up—how data-driven and question-driven
approaches relate. This point has been argued in Skyrius et al. (2016): data-driven
approaches see the availability of data and analytical functions as the primary
driving factors for producing insights, whereas question-driven (or issue-driven, or
problem-driven) approaches stress the primary role of well-pointed questions aimed
at certain insights.
The expectations of discovery of important results in Big Data in banking may
be grouped around the three directions, as stated earlier: risk management, customer
and product management, and internal operations management. A report on the
use of Big Data by PriceWaterhouseCoopers consultancy (PwC 2013) provides a
structure of key expected benefits in the three areas:
1. Risk management and regulatory reporting:
– Detection of enterprise risk across risk dimensions;
– Regulatory reporting with reinforced agility for changing regulations.
2. Customer data monetization:
– Customer centricity: development of a single view of the customer;
– Customer risk analysis: analysis of behavior profiles, spending habits and
cultural segmentation;
– Customer retention: analysis of internal customer logs and activity in social
media to detect dissatisfaction early.
3. Transactions and operations:
– New products and services: use of social media to effectively define marketing
– Algorithmic trading and analytics: large volumes of historical data feed
predictive models and forecasts; analytics performed on complex securities
using related data from different sources;
– Organizational intelligence: use of employee collaboration analytics; BD
culture of innovation empowers employees.
All three above areas are intertwined, and it is not uncommon that some
interesting facts from one area find explanations in related areas. This is why a
cross-functional analytical climate is one of the prime preconditions for the value
of intelligence and analytics, and a specific type of intelligence culture has to
be developed to boost the value of analytics. For banking activities, this is quite
important to realize because of often-conservative and restrained corporate culture
prevailing in banks.
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 463 Risks
Banking, as an activity with increased risk sensitivity, has to deal with huge variety
of risks from all aspects of activity—internal and external, from customers, com-
petitors or partners, market forces or economic policies, etc. Bank policy manuals
contain hundreds of named risk sources. Risk management is a high-priority focus
for banks, compared to customer data analytics or internal operations intelligence.
Proactive and reactive approaches have to be combined with proper definition and
redefinition of the monitoring scope. The advent of Big Data approaches, on one
hand, creates conditions to radically improve awareness and detection of risks.
On the other hand, there is a constant tradeoff between tried-and-tested methods
of monitoring and discovery, and required agility to avoid losing the focus on
constantly changing environment.
The holistic approach to risk detection and awareness is no simple task: the mul-
titude of monitored entities from single customer credit risk to global economics,
data sources with different formats and provenance, multiple regulations and rules,
number of involved participants and stakeholders. Clearly, Big Data analytics are no
magic pill for all risk management information needs, but industry cases show that
well-pointed business questions and adequate analytical approaches lead to success
stories. In an example, presented by Toos Daruvala from McKinsey consultancy
(Daruvala 2013), a large US bank had their Ginni coefficient (ability to discriminate
between good and bad risks) in the 40–45% range. After developing a 360-degree
view of the customer from the internal cross-silo data, and integrating it with
external third-party data, they improved the Ginni up to 75%. Another example,
provided by Daruvala (2013), describes a bank with scarce data on customers that
decided to use data of the local telecom company. It appeared that the telecom data
on paying behavior is a great predictive indicator for credit behavior with the bank.
CapGemini (Cap Gemini Consulting 2014) has pointed to one more possible source
of risk management benefit—FICO expansion (FICO is a credit score model used in
the US) by integrating it with demographic, financial, employment, and behavioral
data. In this way, use of additional data sources, including CRM systems or social
platforms, might increase awareness by revealing important facts like a gambling
problem or an expensive purchase. In anti-money laundering activities, advanced
statistical methods coupled to text mining of unstructured data may reveal hidden
links between money movement and account location, detecting patterns that attract
attention and invite a closer look.
In the context of risk detection, the advanced informing in banking in the form
of early warning is of prime importance. The regular assessment of the financial
stability and identification of early warning indicators informing about the risks
in the banking system is one of the most important challenges for the banks
administration, supervision of banks, and deposit insurance. The efficiency and
stability of the banking system ensure a rational distribution of capital resources
in the economy, and regulators therefore aim to prevent banking system crises and
their associated adverse feedback effects on the whole economy.
464 R. Skyrius et al.
It is important to note that the criminal sources of risk—money launderers,
fraudsters and others—often are rather advanced users of technologies, and their
skills develop surprisingly fast, so the above mentioned analysis tools and methods
have to maintain required agility to catch up with advanced sources of risk. As
well, in contrary to the customer management which centers on customers and
aims to achieve a “360-degree view”, risk management has numerous axis units,
some of whom are rather vague and keep changing. This draws significant agility
requirements for risk analytics. Customers
The management of customers, services and products does not differ that much from
other business activities, as compared to risk management that is specific to banking
activities. There are, however, some features specific to banking.
A large proportion of the current Big Data projects in banking revolve around
customers—driving sales, boosting retention, improving service, and identifying
needs, so the right offers can be served up at the right time. The strict nature of
banking records allows monitoring so-called customer journeys through assorted
contact points like e-banking websites, tellers at physical branches, ATMs, contact
centers (Davenport and Dyche 2013). The monitoring of such journeys supports
better understanding and prediction of customer behavior in issues like attrition or
accepting offers for additional services. By detecting many more patterns in the
data than was previously possible, it is easier to detect fraud. Analysts can trace
behaviors that allow retail banks to sell additional products by detecting important
changes in lifestyle that might warrant the offering of new savings accounts and
mortgages (The Banker Editorial 2013). The “next best offer”, as well as cross-
selling and upselling, may be targeted at micro-segments by combining past buying
behavior, demographics, sentiment analysis and CRM data.
A white paper by Evry Innovation Lab (n.d.) reveals five fundamental use cases
for acquiring, developing and retaining customers that we briefly observe below.
Sentiment analytics is used when examining customers’ feedbacks gathered
through social media to understand what customers think of company’s products
and services as well as to identify key customers for raising the word-of-mouth
marketing. Tools for performing sentiment analytics are capable to process vast
amounts of social media data and logs. Thus Barclays derived actionable insights
from real-time social media analytics after the launch of the new mobile banking
app. The app did not allow young app users under 18 to perform money trans-
fers. After negative comments were caught by sentiment analysis tools, Barclays
improved the app quickly and added access for 16- and 17-year-olds.
Customer 360-degree view provides much better understanding of the customer
as a whole and provides new marketing opportunities. IBM Institute for Business
Value (IBM n.d.) underlines several important tasks regarding Customer 360.
Customer profiling allows sending out personalized marketing messages. Even
a very small personalization activity can improve customer engagement, security
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 465
and loyalty. HDFC Bank increased the number of credit card activations as well as
reduced cost per acquisition of each customer by personalized messages to every of
the customer lifecycle segments that the bank had identified.
Analysis of the product use by the customer creates understanding of the product
engagement and helps to position and sell products better. Bank of Austria takes
actions for a product renewal when they recognize a specific customer behavior
related with the product cancelation.
Determining the customer churn is one of the most important tasks of every
organization with customer-centric strategy, as the cost of keeping the customer is
lower than the cost of acquiring a new customer. With the use of predictive models,
Tatra Bank showed well in decreasing customer churn from credit card holders.
The bank established highly personalized retention campaigns for their customer
Customer segmentation is known as finding a grouping of customers, where cus-
tomers of the same group have common characteristics or behaviors. Understanding
these groups is crucial for revealing customer needs. With the use of new Big Data
processing technologies, the segmentation, being already well-adopted by many
organizations, can be performed faster and with better quality level. Segmentation
is used in establishing marketing and loyalty programs as well as in optimizing
pricing strategy. For example, The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) creates loyalty
programs based on customer’s card usage habits and then offers customer-oriented
products and gifts. Fifth Third Bank uses analytics-based product pricing engine to
help acquire new customers. Using analytics the bank runs scenarios on how varying
price points influence customer acquisition and deposit levels. Thus the bank makes
price predictions when interest rates will rise in the future, and creates scenarios
how to attract customers when rates are changed.
By analyzing market basket and finding patterns between the products, orga-
nizations can create next best offer. For banks to survive in the very competitive
environment, they need to offer tailored products or bundles of products and
services. Usually customers have several banks with different products in each
bank. Using bundles, based on preferences, banks can shift customer utilization and
revenue significantly.
Big Data helps by taking a holistic view of the entire customer journey and
experiences on each channel. This can be used to find patterns of usage that lead
to better sales, or channels resulting in higher costs. From this knowledge, banks
can optimize their communication with the customer and provide relevant content.
Bank of China has created an online banking platform to examine data from various
channels and to provide the right content at the right channel. The online platform
integrates customer facing systems such as branch, phone, mobile and web services
for Bank of China’s 100 million customers.
While banks have historically been good at running analytics at a product level,
such as credit cards, or mortgages, very few have done so holistically, looking across
inter-connected customer relationships that could offer a business opportunity—
say when an individual customer works for, supplies or purchases from a company
that is also a client of the bank. The evolving field of data science facilitates this
466 R. Skyrius et al.
seamless view, provided that the data silos for different functional areas are opened
to facilitate customer-centered data integration. The importance of cross-silo data
integration as a prime concern for financial institutions is supported by Brian Yurcan
in Banks, Big Data ::: (SAS Institute Inc. and Bank Systems & Technology 2012). Operations
Although the majority of analytical effort in banking deals with outside world, be
it risk sources or consumer relations, the use of Big Data approaches may be as
well directed inwards for help in managing operations—streamlining operations,
maintaining efficiency and monitoring internal risks, to name a few. Monitoring
of internal risks deserves separate attention, as the recent example of Wells Fargo
bank has shown (McCoy 2016). The inadequate monitoring practices, coupled to
sales incentives, have led to mass opening of deposit and credit card accounts
unauthorized by the customers. This has resulted in huge restitution fees and fines
for the bank.
The discoveries in the area of operations help innovating new business models,
products and services by utilizing data obtained from actual use of products and
services to improve their development or to create innovative after-sales service
offerings. Big Data analytics may influence organizational structure by consolidat-
ing analytical competences and thus reinforcing intelligence culture component. For
repeating actions of mass nature, use of Big Data analytics may lead to replacing or
supporting human decision making with automated algorithms to unearth insights
that would otherwise remain hidden (automatic warnings and alerts—e.g., flagging
risk sources for additional attention).
17.3.5 Big Data Approaches in Banking Supervision
One of the key areas for risk management in banking business crosses the
boundaries of individual banks and deals with banking supervision, executed by
central banking authorities and deposit insurance funds. The regular assessment
of financial stability and identification of early warning indicators is one of the
most important challenges for the banks administration, supervision of banks, and
deposit insurance. The efficiency and stability of the banking system ensure a
rational distribution of capital resources in the economy. Regulators therefore aim
to prevent banking system crises and their associated adverse feedback effects
on the whole economy. Very important is the continuous and forward-looking
assessment of a stability of the banking system which is used to set up early-
warning indicators, values, and their potential impact on both regional banking and
international financial markets.
The analytical information needs in banking supervision create approaches that
differ from those in separate banks. As research shows, the principal features of
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 467
Big Data—volume, velocity and variety—are not much evident in the information
environment of central banks and banking supervision (Bholat 2015). Data volumes
are moderate, mostly structured and with strictly predefined formats because their
primary sources are financial statements from the banks and aggregate data from
statistics institutions. Because of relaxed urgency of collecting and processing this
data, the velocity is not high. Although correspondence, surveys and interviews are
recorded and collected, formal processing of this data uses predominantly structured
sources in the form of relational tables, reducing variety. A few other features of
the information environment in banking supervision include deductive approaches,
extensive use of macroeconomic modeling, specific models for monitoring and
testing—stress tests and the like.
Various resources—institutions, people, competencies, methods and technologies—
have been developed to strengthen banking supervision in the form of monitoring
and early warning systems. The early warning systems, enabling to alert on
upcoming instability and to absorb them, are important not only to banking, but
to the entire economy. The stability of the banking system is based on the macro-
economic, financial and structural factors. The market price of the assets, the key
factors of the business cycle and monetary market are the principal indicators for
the early warning system.
The banking sector can be very vulnerable by the financial market liberalisation
and the competitive nature of banks, when banks take unmeasured new risks that
often violate the balance of assets and liabilities. The lack of banking supervision
and regulatory policy in these circumstances may also deepen these issues, because
the banks are not enough limited to take the new risks. In addition, weaknesses in
accounting, inadequate disclosure of information about the state of banks, lack of
the adequate legal systems contribute to deepening the problem, because it allows to
hide the extent of the banking problems. Supervision authorities or deposit insurance
institutions sometimes fail to quickly identify problems of banks in order to take a
prompt corrective action. Therefore, problems of all or part of the banking sector
can grow and can affect the whole economy.
For banks, banking supervisory authorities, as well as deposit insurance institu-
tions it is very important to understand and evaluate the key indicators to estimate the
state of banks, its trends and to forecast the direction of a possible behaviour in the
future, assessing not only the internal data of a bank, but a large quantity of various
types of environmental data as well. The management of banks and supervisory
authorities must regularly receive information on the status and trends in the banking
business, suggestions for early action to be taken to improve the situation in order
to avoid reaching the critical level. One of the most important roles goes to the early
warning systems (EWS). These systems assist users to assess their relevant internal
and environmental changes in an early phase and, on account of their origin and
the potential impact on, set out the relevant steps to avoid the adverse impact. The
weaknesses of such system or inappropriate assessment of its results may have a
negative impact not only on a specific bank, but on the banking sector or even the
economy as a whole.
468 R. Skyrius et al.
EWS, like one of the supervision instruments, is closely linked to big data
systems. The EWS based on the big data technologies is ensuring a maximum
reliable and accurate information about potential threats or upcoming contingencies,
that ensures the right assessment of the risk and its possible impact, and the finding
of methods for the risk mitigation. EWS makes it possible to process and evaluate
the warning signals, qualitatively assess the risk, make the reasonable decisions,
take the prompt corrective actions and manage the situations (O’Brien 2010).
The information activities of EWS are best described by the following features
(Žilinskas and Skyrius 2009):
• The activities require predominantly external data;
• Moderate volumes of raw data; their structure is predetermined, and there might
be no structure at all (free form data);
• Strongly expressed influence of macroeconomic context on both analysis and
decision making.
The banking sector worldwide is regulated by different sets of rules, although
the logic of these rules is quite common. According to Basel Core Principles
for Effective Banking Supervision (Bank for International Settlements 2012),
supervising authorities use a variety of tools, including, but not limited to:
(a) Analysis of financial statements and accounts;
(b) Business model analysis;
(c) Horizontal peer reviews;
(d) Review of the outcome of stress tests undertaken by the bank; and
(e) Analysis of corporate governance, including risk management and internal
control systems.
European Banking Authority (2014) publishes the results of European Union-
wide stress tests that cover up to 12,000 data points for each EU bank, amounting
to over one million data points covering banks’ composition of capital, risk
weighted assets (RWAs), profit and loss, exposures to sovereigns, credit risk and
securitization. The Federal Reserve System in the USA provides the banking
supervision examiners with CAMELS rating system covering six components of
a bank’s condition: capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity
and sensitivity to market risk.
Over the last two decades, the world banking system has experienced a sub-
stantial share of instability and global crises. The recent experiences somewhat
contradict with the resources globally assigned for banking supervision. The rules
for supervision are based on long-time experience and cover the most important
aspects of banking activities. However, several questions arise when dealing with the
recent experiences in global banking. The monitoring approaches are still far from
being perfect, and are uninsured against missing important discoveries. As well,
Big Data approaches seem to have potential to deal with deficiencies in monitoring
activities, but they are not of much help if not properly coupled to human expertise.
The financial crisis of 2007–2008 rather painfully pointed out the need to
introduce more powerful instruments of disclosure by financial companies of their
data to supervision authorities. Bholat (2015) has presented several steps taken
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 469
by the Bank of England on improving analysis of supervisory data: reporting of
large exposures on a counterparty-by-counterparty basis on Common Reporting
(COREP) templates; security-by-security reporting of insurers’ assets; and the
reporting of transactional derivatives data according to European Market Infrastruc-
ture Regulation (EMIR). These steps lead to using much more granular data, where
Big Data approaches are starting to show importance. The resulting growth of data
volumes might generate a need for a qualitatively new approach for analyzing the
economic and financial system (Varian 2014).
17.4 Big Data Analysis Methods and Instruments in Banking
The volume and variety of Big Data potentially creates many ways to analyze it.
However, over time, a set of most appropriate methods for analyzing Big Data
has crystallized. For structured data, tools of multidimensional analysis (pivot
tables, OLAP in various incarnations) and data mining approaches (rule detection,
cluster analysis, machine learning etc.) prevail, while for unstructured data—free
text, graphics, audio and video—different approaches are required. Tools like text
mining, sentiment analysis, audio and speech analytics, video analytics, social
media analytics are designed specifically for unstructured data (Gandoli and Haider
2015). Many definitions of Big Data state the inadequacy of traditional processing
methods to deal with it either because of problems in algorithm scaling or need
for different approaches (Kaisler et al. 2013; Deutsche Bank 2014). The recent
emergence of non-relational databases like NoSQL or MongoDB has provided
assistance in dealing with heterogeneous data collections.
The uneven sophistication of analytical solutions, as well as their uneven
expected business value, has prompted researchers and industry analysts to relate
sophistication to business value. In some sources (e.g., Everest Group Report 2014),
the sophistication dimension reflects the suggested maturity of solutions and covers
four stages—reporting, descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive
analytics. While most analytical solutions for today lie in the area of reporting and
descriptive analytics, with business value that is considered to be below average, it
is projected that emerging areas of predictive and prescriptive analytics will have a
considerably higher business impact.
The staging model raises several issues. The very separation of various informing
modes as distinct stages with different business value probably aids in understanding
the dynamics of development of analytical methods, but it neglects the ways these
methods work together, supporting different aspects of informing. As well, there
should be differences in reliability of methods—reporting and descriptive analytics
may be simple to use and understand, but they can assist in detecting important
issues, and their reliability leaves little doubt, while the reliability of advanced meth-
ods is often complicated to verify, mostly because of their complexity. The attempts
to “softwarize” complex analytical functions like predictive and prescriptive ana-
lytics are another issue under discussion. The implied automation of complex
470 R. Skyrius et al.
information functions like insight-building and decision support leaves doubts
whether in non-standard situations such solution would be feasible; there are many
critical voices over the IT capability to automatically reason, present meaningful
queries or interpret results. The more advanced predictive and prescriptive analytics
use sophisticated methods, use or generate rules where the presence of human
analysts is recognized by most sources, especially in practitioners’ comments.
Several examples of attempts to automate the fulfillment of complex information
needs are a set of technologies called Complex Event Processing, or CEP (Luckham
and Frasca 1998; Hasan et al. 2012), Meaning-Based Computing, or MBC (Huwe
2011), optimizing real-time business intelligence (Walker 2009). If we look closer
at, for example, the case of CEP, to the author‘s opinion, several important problems
come up that might impair its adoption (Skyrius 2015):
• The combinations of signals are related to the business rules or knowledge struc-
tures in expert systems. Known combinations are based on available experience;
unknown combinations are hard to evaluate, and a “black swan” problem arises—
how to recognize a new important phenomenon.
• Does the performance of a system intended to recognize important signal
combinations depend on the repetition ratio of the combinations?
• How the multiple and often overlapping signal combinations are going to be
interpreted? Is it the task of people or software?
• If the number of events and signals is rather high, on what principles the volume
of information presented to the users will be reduced? Is it going to be grouped,
aggregated, or distilled into some initial sense?
17.4.1 Big Data Processing Methods: Data Mining, Text
Mining, Machine Learning, Visualization
The principal goal of Big Data processing is refining and extraction of important
information, or discovery hidden meanings, leading to important information. Gan-
domi and Haider (2015) present a collection of Big Data methods and techniques
both for structured and unstructured data. For structured data, the techniques are
categorized into two groups, based primarily on statistical methods: regression
techniques and machine learning techniques. Although historically the banks have
been dealing mostly with structured data collections, a recent rising interest in
using unstructured data sources attracts more attention to appropriate methods
and techniques. For unstructured data, different classes of data require different
1. Text analytics:
–Information extraction, capturing structured data in unstructured text by entity
recognition and relation extraction; recognized types of entities are “loaded”
with semantic relationships between them;
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 471
–Text summarization, producing summaries of documents and other text collec-
tions by using extractive summarization, based on text unit (word) statistics,
and abstractive summarization, using NLP (Natural Language Processing)
and extracting semantics from the text;
–Question answering (e.g., Apple Siri, IBM Watson) that uses complex NLP
techniques to extract question sense and formulate or select best possible
–Sentiment analysis that evaluates polarity of a sentiment in a document or
statement; sentiment analytics are typically associated with public sources and
free-text format, although they as well may use internal data of past consumer
feedback and written messages.
2. Audio analytics:
–LVCSR (Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition) systems that use
automatic speech recognition, also known as speech-to-text, and predefined
–Phonetics-based systems that decode sounds or phonemes and formulate
sequences of decoded phonemes.
3. Video analytics: although still in its immature phase, they are more and more
used in surveillance, monitoring customer flow, studying buying behaviors; both
analysis of video content and use of meta information about the video content
are used.
4. Social media analytics: uses repositories of various content—social networks,
blogs, microblogs, social news and syndication, media sharing, wikis and other;
the subject of analysis is content (mostly user-created) as well as structure
(relations between participants of a virtual platform); the analysis of structure
may produce social graphs that reflect only connections, and activity graphs that
reflect the intensity of exchange.
In can be noted that for all types of unstructured data analysis, eventually
some kind of structured data is produced, and this makes possible to apply known
algorithms for processing and discovery.
Another important Big Data processing aspect deals with a relation “theory-
empirics”. For banks, until recent times the dominant approach to analysis has
been of deductive nature, starting from a general theory or assumption, and using
empirical data to test it. With data volumes growing, an alternative approach—
induction—starts from data and then attempts to discover general dependencies that
eventually could be elevated to the status of theory, or universal rules at least. In
practice, the two exploratory approaches are often mixed, and a third form called
abduction has emerged (Bholat 2015). In this case, discovered patterns in the data
define the path for the best explanation without looking for generalized theoretical
claims. The widely used term “data-driven” has its roots in induction approaches;
however, as stated before, many situations that require Big Data analysis are of a
“question-driven” kind, or have a business question emerging in the first place.
472 R. Skyrius et al. Visualization
As one of the essential features of BD technologies is reduction of data volumes to
comprehensible sets of aggregated information, visualization is one of the key tools
in presenting these sets, managing attention and extending analytical capabilities.
An offshoot of the Big Data emergence is advanced data visualization with ability
to present huge, complex data sets in ways that can be read by non-experts. The
goal of visualization can be defined as to join together business questions or
assumptions, analysis algorithms and consistent visual representation to effectively
manage and stimulate user attention. As complex discovery algorithms push the
discovery logic away from the users, visualization aids the user perception of
analysis process and results (Fayad et al. 2002). As well as data analysis itself,
visualization can serve exploratory needs (without a hypothesis, assumption or
clear question) or confirmatory needs (having a certain question or assumption in
mind). It is unclear whether banking activities draw some specific requirements to
visualization; the literature analysis did not reveal such specifics, and the existing
cases of visualization application in banking show the use of the same tools used
A certain business situation might require combining different methods, tools and
approaches. For example, anti-money laundering activities might use the following
• Text Analytics: The capability to extract data from text files in an automated
fashion can unlock a massive amount of data that can be used for transaction
• Web analytics and Web-crawling: These tools can systematically scan the Web
to review shipment and custom details and compare them against corresponding
• Unit price analysis: This statistic-driven approach uses publicly available data
and algorithms to detect if unit prices exceed or fall far below global and regional
established thresholds.
• Unit weight analysis: This technique involves searching for instances where
money launderers are attempting to transfer value by overstating or understating
the quantity of goods shipped relative to payments.
• Network (relationship) analysis of trade partners and ports: Enterprise analytics
software tools can identify hidden relationships in data between trade partners
and ports, and between other participants in the trade life cycle. They can also
identify potential shell companies or outlier activity.
• International trade and country profiling analysis: An analysis of publicly
available data may establish profiles of the types of goods that specific countries
import and export, flagging outliers that might indicate trade-based money
laundering activity.
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 473
17.4.2 Analytical Platforms
According to a study by Ziff-Davis (2016), the important attributes of a modern
robust analytics platform contain:
•Agility—providing the users with required tools to perform independent analytics
without the assistance of IT function
•Intelligence—built-in automation to support users’ guidance towards required
•Mobility—modern analysis tools have to support contemporary mobile devices
in a consistent and transparent way
•Trust—with the multitude of data sources of uneven provenance, governance of
data sources is expected to provide an adequate level of confidence and data
Apache Hadoop is one of the widest-known software platforms that support
distributed applications for large data volumes. Although, as said before, banks
traditionally base their information activities mostly on internal data, the rising
interest for making use of external data creates an important issue for banks to
organize data from different heterogeneous sources. Big data tools and methods
help to integrate big amounts of data—structured and unstructured, using different
data sources together. The core of the solution for this issue is to use big data hub
or so called Hadoop cluster, which includes Apache Hadoop, HDFS file system and
software to organize cluster and arm users with different tools for convenient use
of data. Introduction of an enterprise data hub build on Apache Hadoop at the core
of information architecture promotes the centralization of all data, in all formats,
available to all business users. It mains full fidelity and security on lower capital
expenditure compared to traditional data management technologies.
The enterprise data hub serves as a flexible repository to land all of an organiza-
tion’s unknown-value data, whether for compliance purposes, for advancement of
core business processes like customer segmentation and investment modeling, or for
more sophisticated applications such as real-time anomaly detection. It speeds up
business intelligence reporting and analytics to deliver markedly better throughput
on key service-level agreements.
One of the most important tasks, which could be solved applying big data hub
to bank infrastructure, is the consolidation of many different data types, from
many different sources, into a single, central, active repository. Due to Hadoop
architecture, this repository is horizontally scalable and could change its size by
adding or removing machines to cluster and these machines don’t have special
requirements. Other key features are accessibility and continuity of data in the hub.
In many organizations, a lack of a unified view of their information resources
is created by the variety of different systems to support their diverse data-driven
goals—e.g., data warehouse for operations reporting, storage systems to keep
data available and safe, specialized massively parallel databases for large-scale
analytics, archives for cost-effective backup, and systems for finding and exploring
474 R. Skyrius et al.
information with the ease of a web search engine. Banks, like other businesses, take
advantage of new channels and technologies (for example, mobile) and external data
sources, especially on customer analytics (marketing research). An open, integrated
approach to unifying these systems around a central data hub allows each to share
data more easily among the others for analyses that span formats, structures, and
lines of business. As well, data hub usage helps to serve more data than previously
was possible. Hadoop complements traditional architecture with a high-visibility,
integrated into single view of all data, and a Hadoop data hub includes solutions
• Security and governance
• Resource isolation and Management
• Chargeback and showback capabilities
A Hadoop big data hub consists not only from Hadoop itself and HDFS file
system as storage, security and administration components, such as Yarn, Cloudera
manager and Cloudera navigator. In addition, it includes tools not only for data
processing or batching, but for data search, tools for analytic, statistics, for machine
learning applications and others. Hadoop hub or cluster applies MapReduce pro-
gramming model, which gives the opportunity to work with data parts in parallel
on all cluster machine simultaneously. Table 17.2 presents a list of Enterprise Data
Hub technologies, listed by Cloudera in a 2015 white paper (Cloudera 2015).
MapReduce mechanism on Hadoop cluster gives the opportunity to run task
on all cluster machines in parallel. In this way, a wide range of tasks—data
manipulation, statistics, analytics, search, distributed pattern-based searching, dis-
tributed sorting, graph algorithms, inverted index construction, document clustering,
machine learning, statistical machine translation and others could be solved.
However, all these tasks should be developed using MapReduce specifics. Moreover,
data mining methods can be used this way—for example, the well-known K-Means
algorithms are successfully ported to MapReduce model.
On top of Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce framework there is a set of high
level applications that simplify data manipulating for non-programmers and non-IT
people. They have been designed for analytics, and some of this software extends
Hadoop and MapReduce opportunities. Enterprise data hub offers Impala and
Apache Spark—the next-generation, open-source processing engine that combines
batch, streaming, and interactive analytics on all the data in HDFS using in-
memory capabilities—fully integrated with the storage and applications layers of
existing data infrastructure to provide fast, complete transformation, calculation,
and reporting at a fraction of the cost.
Apache HBase—Hadoop’s distributed, scalable, NoSQL database for big data—
provides real-time storage of massive data and more descriptive data to enable
analysis at much greater scale.
Tools like Apache Mahout provide the opportunity to use a variety of machine
learning algorithms: Collaborative Filtering, Classification, Clustering, Dimension-
ality Reduction and others. It also makes possible to use custom algorithms.

17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 475
Table 17.2 Technologies included in an enterprise data hub
Name Description
An open-source software framework for storage and large-scale processing
of large data sets on clusters of industry-standard hardware
HDFS The distributed file system and primary storage layer for Hadoop
MapReduce The batch processing engine in Hadoop
The first and most sophisticated management application for Hadoop and the
enterprise data hub
The first fully integrated data security and governance application for
Hadoop-based systems, providing full discoverability, lineage, and
encryption with key management
Hadoop’s massively-parallel-processing SQL query engine
Apache Spark The next-generation, open-source processing engine that combines batch,
streaming, and interactive analytics on all the data in HDFS via in-memory
The full-text, interactive search and scalable, flexible indexing component of
YARN A Hadoop-sub-project that allows resource dynamism across multiple
processing frameworks
Apache Sentry The open-source, role-based access control system for Hadoop
Apache HBase Hadoop’s distributed, scalable, NoSQL database for big data
Apache Flume Hadoop’s service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large
amounts of log data
Apache Hive Open-source software that makes transformation and analysis of complex,
multi-structured data scalable in Hadoop
Source: Cloudera (2015)
Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing.
This tool could be used on Hadoop HDFS and other data storage environments
like Cassandra, HBase, and S3. A useful feature of Spark is that it also can
work on structured data, using Spark SQL module. It’s MLib library for machine
learning algorithms contains logistic regression and linear support vector machine
(SVM), classification and regression tree, random forest and gradient-boosted
trees, recommendation via alternating least squares (ALS), clustering via k-means,
bisecting k-means, Gaussian mixtures (GMM), and power iteration clustering, topic
modeling via latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), survival analysis via accelerated
failure time model, singular value decomposition (SVD) and QR decomposition,
principal component analysis (PCA), linear regression with L1,L
2, and elastic-
net regularization, isotonic regression, multinomial/binomial naive Bayes, frequent
item set mining via FP-growth and association rules, sequential pattern mining
via PrefixSpan, summary statistics and hypothesis testing, feature transformations,
model evaluation and hyper-parameter tuning. As well, Spark contains two libraries
for stream data and data stored in graphs.
The numerous successful applications of Hadoop hub include fraud detection,
risk management, contact center efficiency optimization, customer segmentation for

476 R. Skyrius et al.
Fig. 17.1 A generic discovery process using Hadoop technology. Source: authors
optimized offers, customer churn analysis, sentiment analysis, customer experience
analytics. A generic discovery process using Hadoop technology is presented in
Fig. 17.1, where a set of data sources is loaded into Hadoop file system (HDFS) and
then submitted to a set of rules in an algorithm presented by an analyst to answer
certain business questions. Using software tools (Pig, Hive) and/or languages
(Java, Python), the algorithm is “translated” for interpretation and execution in a
MapReduce model; the result is a set of values.
Below we present an example set of procedures to be used in financial institutions
for fraud detection.
17.4.3 Examples of Fraud Detection
In order to detect financial crime, a range of various techniques is used. However, the
core of any system for crime detection is constructed around behavioural profiling.
Detection of unusual account activity becomes possible by profiling and tracking
individual account behaviour—from initial client onboarding, to the monitoring of
transactions and management of customers. The most accurate results are achieved
through a combination of behavioural profiling, scenarios of real-time detection, as
well as predictive analytics. By using Big Data, financial institutions are now able
to provide such services on a scale that simply wasn’t possible several years back.
In contrast to point solutions that focus only on a single step in the entire process or
provide a simple score, financial institutions integrate multiple different capabilities
in order to enable to take on fraud throughout the whole claim lifecycle (see Fig.

17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 477
Decision forest
pattern mining
neural network
False positive
True positive
False negative
Risk ranking
Case Management
Report Dashboards
Fraud Management Actions
Feature selection
(Gain ratio)
Sampling (Bootstrap)
Basic features Derived
Realtime trans DB
Transaction DB
Sequenial patterns
Statistic features Customer profile
Profile DBHistoric trans DB
Investigative data
Known fraudsters
Documents and
Web interactions
External sources
Social media
Watch lists
Big data
Overnight processing
Fig. 17.2 Fraud investigation and evaluation process. Source: authors, based on Wei et al. (2013)
It should be noted that all fraud investigation systems used in financial insti-
tutions consist of four tiers: database, data pre-processing, modelling, as well as
alerting, based on the mining process. Data resources are located by the database
tier which then connects them in order to retrieve any related data. Relevant data on
the detection of fraud related to online banking is collected from heterogeneous data
sources which include historical transaction data, investigative data, line-business
applications, as well as external and unstructured sources.
The pre-processing tier controls the accumulation of real-time transactions,
maintenance of historical data, data preparation for model training and prediction.
In addition to the latter, it is also in charge of the basic feature and deriving
feature selection function. The data pre-processing stage includes two major tasks:
feature selection and data sampling. The sampling process is necessary prior to the
application of any data mining models, due to the fact that data on online banking
transactions is highly imbalanced. An increasing concern for many companies is
the ability to detect fraudulent actions, and, by using big data analysis, much more
fraudulent actions can be detected and reported.
In order to detect fraud patterns, financial institutions developed two different
approaches. During the first approach, third party data warehouse (that could contain
information on transactions carried out by a number of companies) is tapped by the
bank which then uses the analytics programs of big data in order to identify the fraud
478 R. Skyrius et al.
patterns. These patterns can then be cross-referenced with the database of the bank
to locate any internal trouble signs. During the second approach, fraud patterns are
identified strictly based on the internal information of the bank. Banks mostly use
the so-called “hybrid” approach.
The investigation of fraudulent activities should begin during the underwriting
process. Fraud detection can be significantly improved by using big data in order
to track factors such as how often an account is accessed by the user from a
mobile device or computer, how quickly is the username and password typed in
by the user, as well as the geographical location from which the account is usually
accessed by the user. Attention should also be paid to the fact that the policy is
being purchased for fraudulent purposes in right time in order to be able to generate
warnings and notifications to the underwriters, agents or automated processes.
Automated alerts received by intake specialists, as well as automated processes
make the ability to pose additional, targeted questions to suspicious claimants
easier, and this can discourage the claimants from filing their claims. Fraud risk
insights enable specialists and digitally based processes to promptly implement the
next-best action, including the routing of suspicious claims to investigators. These
rules and notifications can be one of the elements of the claim intake process at a
single or multiple points. The rules and alerts provide support to responses as new
information is gathered and accesses the system.
It is important to mention that big data is not a new measure used to fight
fraudulent activities—financial institutions have been using various data sources for
quite a while in order to evaluate fraud risk, control correct connections to bank
accounts and similarly use not only internal, but also external data. External data
sources are particularly essential as they make fraud attempts everywhere visible to
the bank. When external sources identify a known fraud threat, the bank must learn
about this threat before it comes knocking at the bank’s door. When a score, reason
code or a flag are used in the course of fraud detection and prevention processes by
the bank personnel or bank systems, the latter are probably already leveraging big
data coming from a large billion-record database.
Fraud techniques and methods change constantly; therefore, as stated by Smith
and Awad (2015), it is necessary for financial institutions to continuously upgrade
their tools used for stopping fraud without obstructing the flow of account applica-
tions and transactions that are considered to be “good”. The stage during which a
transaction will be flagged by fraud prevention and detection systems of institutions
as a potential fraud depends on the involved individual’s or organization’s risk
profile, and the defences that the financial institutions have in place at any point
in time must be flexible enough in order to respond to the evolving financial crime
typologies. For instance, it sends the bank a notification when a transaction from a
device is carried out for the first time by the credit card holder. However, if several
transactions are carried out from different devices in the course of a day, then the
generated data is a reasonable justification to be suspicious and raise an alarm.
Valid card holders are usually immediately notified by banks and, in some cases,
online transactions may even be blocked. Big data makes it easier to detect unusual

17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 479
Transaction Set
(basic features – derived features) Contrast Vector
Rough Set
Feature Selection by
Gain Ratio
Sampling by
Pattern Mining
Fraud Pattern
Genuine Pattern
Classifier l
Classifier k
Real Time
Transactions Risk Scoring
Contrast features
Contrast pattern
Contrast modeling
Fig. 17.3 The basic model for identifying contrast patterns in banking. Source: Wei et al. (2013)
transactions. For instance, the bank will receive red flags if the same credit card is
used to carry out two transactions at different cities within a short period of time
(see Fig. 17.3).
The system described by Wei et al. (2013) is comprised of four stages: con-
trast feature mining, contrast pattern discovery, multiple method-based contrast
modelling and risk scoring by contrast. Stage one of the system focuses mainly
on the pre-processing of data. First of all, banking transactions of customers are
used to form a sequence for each customer, which is then used for generating
contrast vector per each transaction. Afterwards, basic features and contrast vector
(derived features) are combined to form the set of raw features. In order to obtain the
training set, bootstrap sampling is adopted for carrying out under-sampling. Then an
information gain ratio is used for the selection of significant features whose weights
are higher than the indicated threshold. And finally, a rough set for the discretization
of the selected attributes is introduced. Stage two is the fundamental step to mine
contrast patterns. Firstly, pattern borders are created for both fraud and genuine
sets by using the border-setting algorithm Max-miner (Bayardo 1988). Processes
of border-differentiation and validation are carried out to continuously output the
contract patterns. During stage three, a model group powered by the pattern output
480 R. Skyrius et al.
in the previous stage is built. A cross-coverage test is performed in order to select the
best union of pattern set that would be an effective representative of the classification
power among all the patterns. Sample sets of the cross-coverage test will be divided
into multiple parts, generating one model per single part. This enables to obtain
multiple models to carry out the risk scoring. The last and final stage is the prediction
of real time. Multiple models provide scores for a single transaction, which are then
aggregated by considering the weight of each model. The weight is decided by the
rate of coverage in the cross-coverage test. The transaction receives a final score
whose value indicates its risk level.
The access to large amounts of customer data from various different sources
(social media, logs, call centre conversations, etc.) can potentially help banks to
identify abnormal activities, for example, if a credit card holder posts the status on
Facebook while travelling by plane, any credit card transaction carried out during
that particular time period is considered to be abnormal and can be blocked by the
bank. Online banking detection systems should have high accuracy and detection
rate, as well as a low false positive rate for producing a small and manageable
amount of alerts in the business of complex online banking.
Big data analysts use all available big data tools for combating Anti-Money
Laundering (AML), for the identification of fraud and development of preventive
tools for detecting suspicious activities, for example, for detecting abnormal cash
flows between several different accounts, for identifying cash transactions that are
close to their limit, and for detecting a large number of accounts opened within
a short period of time, or finding accounts that are suddenly left without any
transactions. Thus, most banks use data modelling and neural network interaction
in order to detect fraud and to adhere to AML guidelines. AML specialists check
documents filled by other bank employees who work directly with customers. The
aim of Anti-Money Laundering specialists is to select the necessary information
from the entire big data flow. Banks usually assign communication managers
for each company, who identify whether the company is active and prepared for
analysis. If there is lack of data, inspections are carried out whether the company is
active, “frozen”, bankrupt or suspended. Also, in addition to the inspection of big
data, documents are also checked by reviewing their mutual compatibility. If it is
determined that the company halted its operational activities and is no longer active,
such information is marked and the company is no longer inspected for the purposes
of anti-money laundering prevention (see Fig. 17.4).
Specialists check all the information, whether the information and documents
are in order and whether big data provides all the necessary information in order
to evaluate if the company’s cash flows from and into the bank account reflect the
business model and if the company is able to carry out illegal activities. The aim is
to check each company, have all the necessary information and make sure that this
is reflected in the big data database when representatives of the state supervisory
authorities perform inspections on whether the bank is carrying out anti-money
laundering prevention. However, in order to reach the desired result, data of a single
company is checked by an average of four specialists at once. It takes 5 min to an
hour and a half to inspect the big data database of one company, depending on the
company’s size and its activities.

17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 481
Preparation for
case analysis
Case type
In active client Ready for quality
Account is able to
close Quality control
Case analysis is
Blocking account
Fig. 17.4 Big data collection for AML prevention. Source: authors, based on Agu et al. (2016)
It should be emphasized that the inspection process is the same or very similar for
all the companies. Low-risk companies require much less time to inspect their big
data compared to average or high-risk companies, therefore companies are divided
according to their risk level. Each company has individual risk signs. For example,
a company that sells coffee and carries out transactions with Sierra Leone or often
withdraws large amounts of cash from its bank account will look suspicious and
will be immediately noticed by a big data analyst. However, such circumstances
will not automatically mean that the company is carrying out money laundering,
if the company declares that its main supplier is registered in that country. In this
case, the company would be classified as high-risk; however, transactions in its bank
account would not be frozen. Thus, it can be stated that each business area has its
own risk signs; however, some of them are generic, such as money transfers from/to
high-risk countries, especially tax havens, large amounts of cash deposited to or
withdrawn from bank accounts, excessively high bank account turnover compared
to the company’s activities, etc. Big data must be sufficiently large, as the main areas
that anti-money laundering prevention specialists focus on are supplier allocation,
and the nature of the purchased products or raw materials (there is a risk of
transactions between companies who have the same owner, between companies that
are very different, etc.). As mentioned previously, transactions of large amounts of
cash are most often thought to be illegal business, as it is quite hard to trace cash
movements. Possible risk signs are encountered continuously and errors are often
sent to big data analysts.
482 R. Skyrius et al.
17.5 Managerial Implications
Big Data is intended to serve the information needs mostly attributed to busi-
ness intelligence, and before that—decision support. Decision support deals with
specific, often unique problems; business intelligence adds monitoring for better
informing and avoidance of surprises. BD adds to the picture by utilizing internal
and external data to create value through analysis. Taken together, all of them
serve advanced informing to satisfy complex information needs by producing well-
enough insights and preventing surprises. BD function alone won’t solve business
problems; it can only assist in solving them together with other approaches—
intelligence culture, advanced information management (including many types of
information that is not Big Data or produced from Big Data); information and sense
integration; trust management.
As banks embrace Big Data, the other key challenges are engaging the right
people to solve problems by using the right tools and producing trusted and
actionable insights. Some management positions, like chief risk officer, are specific
to banking and largely defined by analytics; evidently, a permanent collaborative
dialogue between the business users and the data scientists is required.
The discussions on the competencies required to effectively extract value from
Big Data analytics predominantly accentuate technical and analytical skills, while
the ability to ask well-pointed business questions is seldom considered a prime com-
petency. Meanwhile, analytical techniques help in finding patterns and relationships,
but the causality has to be explained by smart people. Some sources (Fuller 2015)
argue that skills required by data scientists for BD analysis are not exclusively within
the formal domain, and hermeneutical skills are going to have an important role.
The concept of BD embraces powerful technology innovations that work in
tandem with (or feed) organization’s intelligence network that joins together people
whose main function is to produce insights. Importance of human issues is stressed
by many sources dealing with BD adoption and value creation (CapGemini, p. 5;
Fuller 2015; Challenges and opportunities white paper, p. 11; :::). Analytical or, in
a broader sense—intelligence culture is a unifying term for human issues affecting
all kinds of analytical innovations. We can suggest a framework for defining
intelligence culture from earlier work (Skyrius et al. 2016), which essentially ties
together the features proposed by many sources:
•Cross-functional intelligence activity: decentralized and horizontal nature with-
out functional borders.
•Synergy of virtual teamwork: shared information, insights, mental models; the
permeating and participative nature of intelligence community.
•Lessons as experience and proof of value; lessons from earlier success stories as
well as failures, mistakes; decision-making best practices.
•Intelligence community that is motivated, sustainable and growing; self-
reinforcing installed base—when users contribute, the user base and the value
of system increases; role of change agents and intelligence leadership in an
17 The Potential of Big Data in Banking 483
•Balance of centralized and decentralized intelligence conventions and functions;
expandable with universal standards, preventing eventual lock-in.
•Technology management: simple and useful tools whose benefits (faster data
access, easier analytical functions) have been communicated clearly from the
beginning; the IT platform stimulates use by being simple, shared and open; easy
feed, exchange and use of information and insights. Although BD uses advanced
complex technology, a Forrester study (Hopperman and Bennett 2014) states that
“financial institutions require solutions that are cost-effective, easy to manage,
and highly flexible :::”.
An IDC Big Data White paper (IDC 2013) states that in setting the analytics
strategy, an enterprise-wide approach to handle Big Data is required, and the key
role goes to the business management, while IT is less involved. The creation of
inter-silo channels for insight sharing will require some balancing of interests, and
companies that have found out how to communicate more transparently without
destroying the practical advantages of silos and departments will have a competitive
advantage. This point is also supported by Katherine Burger in Banks, Big Data :::
(SAS Institute Inc. & Bank Systems & Technology 2012).
A Ziff-Davis white paper (Ziff-Davis 2016) presents an example how insights
are gained internally by crossing functional boundaries. A dip in revenues, detected
by finance department, is most likely related to a drop of sales, which gets the
marketing department to look into their side of business and leads to a discovery
of rising customer churn. In its own turn, the key drivers for churn are pricing
and customer satisfaction, so a predictive model for churn propensity is developed.
The analytic initiative shifts to customer service department, who use the model
to identify the most likely candidates for churn. Further operationalization of the
developed model into a contact center application allows customized incentive
offers at the time of contact, taming the churn rise. The model, together with data
on its actual impact, may be further operationalized with new indicators on churn
and customer satisfaction and their relation to sales and accounting data. Thus, the
analytics chain has completed a full circle, solving a business problem, gaining new
insights and upgrading the intelligence activities. It has to be noted here that the
ongoing addition of new indicators to the monitoring environment, if unmanaged,
might produce an information overload if not contained in manageable boundaries
that prevent attention fragmentation.
Espinosa and Armour (2016) present a coordination framework for Big Data
analytics, where they describe a “self-fueling” dynamic cycle of coordination
effectiveness, and state that “successful organizations were able ignite this cycle
and achieve continuous improvement over time”. To our opinion, this approach
largely overlaps with intelligence culture regarding creation and self-sustainability
of intelligence community.
484 R. Skyrius et al.
17.6 Conclusions and Implications for Further Research
The potential and use of Big Data in banking has features that are common to most,
if not all businesses: efficient internal operations, cost control, product and service
management; customer data use by CRM and other related environments, to name
a few. Proper Big Data analytics, like all intelligence and analytic activities, should
assist managers and decision makers in concentrating their attention on key issues,
instead of scattering this attention over many irrelevant issues.
The specific features of banking activities, however, lead to specific areas
for using Big Data approaches, and risk management in all forms dominates in
this aspect. The permanently morphing risks require flexible analytics leading to
emergence of requirements for BDA agility and intelligence culture. On the other
hand, the use of predominantly reliable internal sources of data and information
in banks, together with reliable time-tested IT platforms is one of the foundation
factors for reliable analytics.
Engaging in Big Data should weigh the risks of not doing Big Data analytics
versus the risks of doing it. Additional research is required to develop criteria
and metrics for supporting decisions regarding the adoption of BDA methods
and techniques. Return-on-investment approaches may be of limited use, so the
evaluation of possible benefits might be expected to move towards estimating
analytical agility and adoption of intelligence culture.
This work is based mostly on literature research and professional experiences in
dealing with information activities and challenges in banking. The statements and
conclusions presented in this chapter are of inductive nature; however, empirical
research is needed to test at least the most important of the statements. The direc-
tions of empirical research should include, but be not limited to, the following:
• Research on sources and factors that influence analytical agility to adapt to
changing circumstances and maintain competencies for quality insights.
• Research on factors building and strengthening cross-functional intelligence and
analytical culture.
• Research on data and information quality, encompassing heterogeneous informa-
tion integration and sense management.
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Chapter 18
Marketing Applications Using Big Data
S. Srinivasan
18.1 Introduction
Marketing their products and services is an important activity for a business.
Businesses spend enormous sums of money for marketing expenses. With the
advancements in technology, today much of the expenditure is spent on electronic
media than print media. According to the CMO Council, a global organization of
Chief Marketing Officers, marketers around the world spent $1.6 trillion in 2014
and it is expected to rise to $2.1 trillion by 2019. Spending for digital advertising is
growing rapidly at the rate of 16.1% in 2014. Many Chief Marketing Officers expect
to spend over 75% of their marketing budget on digital marketing (CMO Council
2016). The use of smartphones has grown very rapidly in all the developed countries.
According to data from Statista, smartphone use is expected to increase from 1.5
billion units deployed in 2014 to 2.5 billion units deployed by 2019. Marketers have
taken note of this widespread availability and they are spending billions of dollars
on mobile marketing. Knowing how people use their mobile phones, much of the
mobile marketing is focused on Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The expected
share of online spending through SEM is 47% which accounts for several billion
dollars of revenue for businesses.
The growth in marketing expenditures is global in nature. In developed markets
such as North America, Europe and Japan, there is a significant push towards
mobile marketing. In ten of the developing markets—Brazil, Russia, India, China,
Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, South Africa, Argentina and Mexico—the growth
of digital marketing is expected to be huge. In both markets print media continues
to be significant, with nearly 40% of the market share. One reason for this is that
people perceive that it takes significant effort to produce print media and get it to
S. Srinivasan ()
Jesse H. Jones School of Business, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX 77004, USA
e-mail: srinis@tsu.edu
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_18
488 S. Srinivasan
the potential customer. Unlike a digital medium advertising, print medium keeps
the document in sight and it reinforces the saying “out of sight, out of mind.”
Moreover, technologies such as QR (Quick Response) codes and NFC (Near Field
Communications) have made it possible for the user to get more information on the
product using the print media by scanning the QR codes. The QR codes require
an app to interpret the image captured using a smartphone. On the other hand,
NFC enables the user to tap their smartphone against the print media in order to
go directly to the website relevant to the advertising. Thus, print media is playing
an important role in marketing in spite of the ease of use with digital marketing.
Businesses measure the cost of marketing using Cost Per Impression (CPI) when it
comes to non-digital marketing. In measuring CPI, marketing items such as pens,
shirts and caps cost $0.002 on average whereas online marketing results in a cost
of $0.0025 per impression. Thus, print media continues to be a good alternative to
catch consumer attention.
The discussion above points to the diversity of means available to reach
individuals. However, in order to know who might benefit most from sending the
marketing materials, it is essential to have a wealth of data. Such data come from
multiple sources such as email, social media postings and website interactions. All
these sources must be scanned regularly and timely information accumulated in
order to send the right materials to an individual. This is made possible through
tools such as Hadoop available to process very large volumes of data.
In this chapter we will highlight the following marketing approaches that benefit
from using Big Data. These are: multi-touch attribution, granular audience targeting,
forecasting, predictive analytics and content marketing. We will look into these
aspects in greater detail in the following sections.
18.2 Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA)
Attribution refers to identifying a source for bringing in a customer to a business.
This technique has been practiced by businesses for hundreds of years where the
business gathers information from the customer as to what brought them to their
business so that they could thank that source. Usually, the attribution results in
no more than an acknowledgement of the source. However, from a marketing
perspective when one notices repeatedly that a particular source was responsible
for introducing a customer to a business, then that source is co-opted as a partner.
This gives greater incentive to the source for finding more new customers for the
business. This is greatly facilitated by digital marketing where it is easy to track the
places a customer visited prior to coming to a business. The initial entrée in this
regard occurs digitally through a visit to the business’ website. The business is then
able to provide all the information that the potential customer needs and eventually
convert the visitor to a customer. As is clear from this scenario, the customer might
have visited multiple sites. Many businesses pay attention only to the last-touch,
meaning the site that the customer visited prior to settling down on a particular

18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data 489
business. It is much easier to use the last-touch model because it is easy to measure.
But with today’s advances in technology we are able to measure all factors that
facilitate a consumer in making a purchase decision after reviewing several types
of information. With Big Data, it is possible to gather data that would show multi-
touch. Once again, the goal here is to see how Big Data could be analyzed to see
which among the many sites had a significant impact on a prospective customer
(Shao 2011).
MTA is practiced primarily for market engagement. As we saw above, a “touch”
is an interaction with an individual. There are three different ways in which MTA is
practiced. The first way is to provide equal weight for all touches since no interaction
converted the individual into a customer. The second way is time-dependent. In this
approach the largest credit is given to a touch that resulted in having a customer. All
other touches along the way are assigned decreasing credits. The third approach is
described as the U-shaped model, whereby the first and last touches are each given
40% of the credit and the remaining 20% of the credit is divided among all the other
interactions the individual had on the way to becoming a customer for a business.
Typically, businesses can gather the necessary data from Google Analytics, their
own web analytics, CRM software such as Salesforce and the feedback from their
own marketing teams. Google Analytics provides Multi-Channel Funnel reports.
All these reports directly pertain to customer conversions from web browsing
or other forms of referral. The five different reports from Google Analytics are:
Overview Report, Assisted Conversions Report, Top Conversion Path Report, Time
Lag Report (very useful in that it shows how long it took for a person to become a
customer) and Path Length Report (shows how many interactions the customer had
prior to becoming one). The following table illustrates the use of Google Analytics
in this regard. Note that Google Analytics can record any number of conversion
paths that a customer takes (Table 18.1).
Google Analytics will show the above conversion path as follows:
In the above illustration, Item 1 is the first interaction and Item 6 is the last
interaction before the user became a customer. Each of the above exposures to
product information is known as an ‘interaction’ in Multi-Channel Funnel reports.
What is important here is to note that the customer might take different paths before
becoming a customer. It is up to the business to monitor customer activities and keep
their interest in the product live.
Table 18.1 Possible steps in
conversion path 1.ViewDisplayAdbybusiness
2. Read a blog post via Twitter or Facebook
3. Click on a Paid Search Ad placed by business
5. Click on a generic search result
6. Visit directly website of business
7. Purchase the product

490 S. Srinivasan
Display Social
Search Display Organic
Search Direct
Fig. 18.1 Conversion Path stages
In analyzing channel conversion, Google Analytics uses both Default Channel
Labels (some of these are shown in Fig. 18.1) or Custom Channel Labels (the unique
ones the customer uses). In order to understand customer search patterns for a
product, the Custom Channel Labels are divided further into Branded Keywords
or Non-Branded Keywords. This information is useful to the business to know so
that they could modify their web pages to reflect the non-branded keywords so that
they appear in customer searches directly.
In the discussion above we have highlighted some of the benefits of using Google
Analytics in order to benefit from the Big Data available there. Many individuals
have developed specialized software that will help tune their Google Analytics
report to be more useful to them (Kaushik 2010). Much of this is available for users
easily. What is important to note here is that it is becoming increasingly important to
use multi-touch attribution model to identify all modes the users are using to gather
information before they make a purchase decision. This is illustrated by the results
of car rental campaign results shown by R. Berman in (Berman 2015) where over
13 million consumers were exposed to over 40 million ads over a two-month period.
Consumers were exposed to eight different channels of ads. Based on the analysis of
this campaign data, Berman concludes that there was a 4-fold increase in conversion
rate because of the campaign. This shows the power of MTA.
18.3 Granular Audience Targeting
Traditionally in marketing, data is gathered about the number of consumers a
business was able to attract based on a marketing campaign. In this section we
show the power of granular audience targeting based on the availability of consumer
preferences gathered from multiple sources. Thus, Big Data becomes a powerful
tool in marketing to target the right people for the marketing campaign. The
success of any marketing campaign is measured by the number of new customers
acquired. Today, consumers have a variety of choices from TV, radio, online sources,
social media, print media and recommendations from friends. With the widespread
availability of wireless media at a good rate of speed in US, we find that younger
people in the age group of 18–24 rely on the social media and recommendations
from friends more (Reichheld 2003). Generally, people under the age of 40 tend to
use wireless media more. People under the age of 40 are easy to reach by social
media. Since people using social media identify their preferences on various issues
quite easily, sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are able to
capture plenty of data on personal preferences. When these are analyzed it is easy to

18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data 491
Table 18.2 Generations as percentage of the US population
Cohort Birth year Age in 2020
Population (in
% of Population
in 2020
Matures Prior to
75C23,173 6.9
Baby Boomer 1946–1954 66–74 75,560 22.6
Generation X 1955–1980 40–65 60,836 18.2
Millennials/Generation Y 1981–2001 19–39 89,792 26.9
Generation Z/iGen Post 2001 <19 84,537 25.3
Source: CRMTrends.com and US Census Bureau
identify the segment of the population under 40 that is more likely to pay attention
to advertising material sent to them on matters of interest. This is granular audience
targeting (Table 18.2).
The US population can be grouped as follows:
This data shows that people under the age of 40 will be nearly half of the
population and so it makes more sense for advertisers to concentrate on this
population. As mentioned earlier, people have many sources that they can tap into in
getting information about the products of services that they are interested in at any
point. Marketers will be able to succeed better if they can target their ad spending
on the population that is more likely to view it carefully (Berry 1997). This is where
granular marketing succeeds because an organization has wasted its resources if it
sends advertising material to people who ignore it.
Big Data helps in the ability to analyze data from multiple sources by combining
them in different ways and finding the right mix of parameters that would fit with
the advertising goal of an organization. Thus, Big Data enables the advertisers to use
multiple types of media to bring their informational material to the attention of the
prospective customer. Here, in combination with today’s technology, Big Data helps
to personalize the information delivered to an individual through multiple sources
such as email, web pages, banner ads and social media communication. This type
of personalization of ad materials is a benefit of granular audience targeting. In
order to perform this type of granular targeting, the business must have access to
granular interest data that will help with audience segmentation. Then they will
be able to engage with such a segmented group with interest in their product or
service. Facebook allows businesses to import CRM data of their target audiences.
Moreover, Facebook enables businesses to segment their target audience based on
behavioral, demographic and socio-economic traits. These are all essential steps a
business should take in order to target the right group of people. At the same time,
if the wrong type of material is sent to these prospects then they become disengaged
quickly with their future ads.
Granular audience targeting requires having the information needed to know
the people’s interests before they are sent material relevant to their interests. It
is possible to do this when data from multiple sources is gathered to identify the
interests and pitch the right type of products or services to such people. Big Data
helps in this regard in analyzing data from multiple sources quickly and developing
492 S. Srinivasan
actionable intelligence. Hadoop is one such tool available for rapid data processing
of all related data, both structured and unstructured. Hadoop is the open source
implementation by Apache Software of the Google technology MapReduce. This
information would help the business place the right advertisement for the right
group. In coming with up such information speed is of essence. Hadoop has the
ability to process different types of data and Spark is even faster in processing
real time data because it has the capability to handle data in fast memory. Once
this information is gathered, then the business has to focus on ad placement so
that it attracts a large number of audience. Thus, ad placement in a web page is
an optimization problem. This reasoning shows the importance of mathematical
processing in order to have the right information for ad placement. This is classically
illustrated by the use of Big Data by Red Roof Inn to target the right customers.
This hotel chain has many of its hotels near major airports. It leveraged data from
flight cancellations which average 1–3% daily. This results in nearly 25,000–90,000
stranded passengers daily needing overnight accommodation. Also, it gathered
weather information and combined it with hotel and airport information to know
passengers at which airports would need hotel accommodation. It was able to use
social media data to know who is at which airport and target them with an ad for
overnight stay. Since this is timely from the user perspective, Red Roof Inn was able
to benefit. Because of this granular targeting, Red Roof Inn realized a 10% business
increase from 2013 to 2014. A look back at the weather data shows that the winter
of 2013/2014 was one of the harshest in history causing many flight cancellations.
Thus, the algorithmic approach that combines data from severe weather, time of
day, flight cancellations, number of stranded passengers, knowing who they are
from social media data and targeting them with a room to stay overnight is not
only helping the hospitality industry but also helping the travelers.
Another important part of granular audience targeting is the need to keep the
customer engaged during the entire process of their pre-customer status. Visitor
experience in this period is very critical and it is supported primarily by rapid
response with the necessary information that the visitor is searching for. In
order to meet the rapid response requirements to the right demographic, in-cache
processing of information regarding visitor searches, product and inventory updates
and location-based recommendations are essential. This should be supported by
high availability of the system. Cloud computing facilitates this aspect of granular
audience targeting. An example of such an approach is the decision by Spotify
recently to use their vast Big Data sources to identify the right demographic for
choice of people’s musical interest and send them targeted ads. Spotify collects
various types of information on its nearly 70 million users. It is now leveraging
that data in a new way. In order to target the ads to the right people, Spotify shares
data such as age, gender, location and musical preferences with their advertisers.
In real time the advertisers consider this data and choose a particular demographic
where they want their ad targeted. By this anonymization process the advertisers
are not getting any data that pertains to people. Instead, they are getting general
demographic information that enables them to target their ads to a specialized
audience. Spotify then uses this information to place the ads to the right audience.
People’s privacy is protected by this process because the advertisers do not get any
18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data 493
details about people in this demographics but select the demographics that they
want to target with their musical product and notify Spotify, which in turn uses that
information to send the suitable ad to the listener.
Does the need for granular advising override people’s desire to keep their
information private? The clear answer is no. However, people feel helpless in that
they need the services in order to be connected to others and the service providers
who provide the service for free, gather the data that they need in order to monetize
the data. This ability to gather specific data that Facebook has exploited for many
years is exactly what supports granular advertising. The study by Turow et al. show
that people are aware of what they are giving up but since they do not have a say in
the way their data is used, they are more resigned to it than accept it as a valid trade
off (Turow et al. 2015).
18.4 Forecasting
Advertisers want to target the right audience for their marketing campaign. One
way to do this is to forecast based on available data from multiple sources about
prospective customer interests. In this section we will look at some of the forecasting
techniques available for such use. Forecasting is essential in business in order
to know future demand and be prepared for it. For example, utility companies
generating electricity cannot meet future demand if they did not plan for that
and have the necessary infrastructure to generate and carry that electricity to the
places where it will be needed. This is usually achieved using statistical techniques
such as regression analysis and curve smoothing based on charts drawn based on
existing data and future prediction. With Big Data, the technique of forecasting is
significantly enhanced because the forecaster now has access to more data and can
base the predictions on more reliable data (Myerholtz 2014). For example, in 1974,
US electric utilities predicted a 7% annual growth in demand and built new systems
for the anticipated demand. However, the annual growth rate was 2% instead of 7%
and so the utilities had excess capacity (Barnett 1988). Unfortunately, electricity
once generated cannot be stored and must be consumed. This industry was hurt
badly because of poor forecasting based on limited data at that time. However, today
the businesses have access to a very large amount of data and so they could base their
forecast on a better set of input.
The question arises as to how Big Data could be used with forecasting demand.
As mentioned earlier, if assumptions are flawed in making the forecast then the
forecast would not be of much help. In forecasting demand one should take into
account all potential drivers of demand. By gathering data on this aspect from
social media communications such as twitter feeds and Facebook posts, the business
would be in a better position to see what those drivers would be in the future. This
analysis would also help the business know what the barriers to entry would be
for any competitor in the future. Sometimes business forecasts fail to take into
account how easy it would be for a competitor to enter the market and take away

494 S. Srinivasan
market share after a business had invested significant sums of money to lure new
customers. The classic example illustrating this aspect is in the telecommunications
sector. This sector was decentralized in 1982 with the breakup of AT&T into
seven regional Bell Telephone companies. For years the telephone companies were
making their forecasts related to demand for long distance phone calls based on
historical trend lines in revenue. This was true when there was a single monopoly
but when seven different companies compete, then the trend lines are not a good
predictor of future demand. As can be seen from today’s explosive growth in mobile
services, telephone companies that invested heavily in land lines would suffer the
consequences. This example shows how Big Data would be able to help a business
use the right type of data in forecasting future demand.
Another technique used in forecasting is to divide the total demand scenario into
smaller components that would be homogeneous (Barnett 1988). Based on Barnett’s
description, the key steps in developing a good forecast are:
1. Define the market.
2. Divide total industry demand into its main components.
3. Forecast demand drivers in each segment and project how they are likely to
4. Conduct sensitivity analyses to understand the most critical assumptions.
5. Gauge risks to the baseline forecast.
In defining the market, it is important to know how product substitutions would
have adverse consequences on demand. We illustrate the importance of proper
forecast using the case of large appliances. Market demand shows that this market is
divided into three categories: appliances for new homes under construction, replace-
ment of existing appliances, and appliance penetration in existing homes. Often
such data is available from government census data or from industry associations.
Gathering such data is essential in order to perform the forecast analysis. With Big
Data, this data collection can be even more granular by taking into account the age
of existing appliances and the age of consumers. With targeted marketing new types
of appliances can enter the marketplace. The following statistical data shows that
this a large market segment and benefit greatly from proper forecast (Table 18.3 and
Fig. 18.2).
We provide data below on the South Korean company LG Electronics which has
been growing steadily in the American Appliance market (Table 18.4).
Table 18.3 2013 global net
sales of home appliances Item Details
Household appliances $16.6 billion
Automatic washers 10.03 million units
Electric ovens 677,000 units
Refrigerators 10.96 million units
Total # of units for all appliances 64.61 million units

18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data 495
Haier Group
Midea Group
Gree Electric
Corp. (USA)
Bosch &
Appliance revenue (in billions of dollars)
Fig. 18.2 2013 global net sales of home appliances. Source: Statista 2016
Table 18.4 LG electronics
appliance sales in US Year Revenue from appliance sales (in billions of dollars)
2011 $10.08
2012 $10.21
2013 $10.74
2014 $14.25
2015 $14.05
Source: Statista 2016
Analysis of the statistical data presented above shows that businesses can
enhance their forecasts by using all related data that is available from a Big Data
In the above paragraphs we have emphasized the importance of forecasting
demand. The examples provided show that a wrong forecast unnecessarily diverts
the resources of a business to the wrong sector thereby causing disruption in the
areas where services are needed. The goal of forecasting is to develop the resources
ahead of the demand so that the business can be prepared when demand arises
(Chase 2013). The primary inputs for forecasting are the trend and the demographic
that would need the product or service. In order to project this properly a business
must be able to identify the population that would require their product or service.
Thus, targeting the right group becomes a specialized form of a recommendation
engine. It is important to note that the data about user preference are structured
and simple and often comes from a variety of sources. Hence, the processing tool
should be capable of handling such data but also process them rapidly in order to
derive benefits for the business. One such tool is Spark, which is similar to Hadoop,
except that it is used with in-memory processing and thereby providing up to 10
times the speed of Hadoop in processing.
496 S. Srinivasan
To emphasize the importance of reliable forecast, let us consider the data from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows (BLS 2000). It shows that people under the age
of 35 spent significant sums of money on categories such as housing, transportation,
apparel and food. In order to be able to meet such a need, the respective industries
must plan ahead by many years to have the necessary infrastructure and stock
to meet the demand. By using data from multiple sources such as social media
postings and emails, housing demand can be predicted and inventory built for such
a need in the right places. In order to achieve this the housing industry must look
into data from numerous sources many years ahead of time. Once the inventory
in a particular place is developed they do not have the ability to move it to a new
location. Thus, proper forecasting becomes essential and it is greatly facilitated by
having relevant data from multiple related sources. Transportation is viewed from
two different types. It deals with the transportation infrastructure and the need to
move goods. Transportation infrastructure is also constrained in a similar way like
housing because it cannot be moved to a different location once it is developed for
a particular location. The transportation need to move goods produced to a place
where it will be consumed is slightly less restrictive in this matter. Without too
much difficulty it could be moved to a different location where there is need but
still good forecasting is essential to have all other related infrastructures available.
Apparel and food have some flexibility in that some minor changes are possible after
a forecast is followed. Once again, these industries also depend on having extensive
data about the potential consumers of apparel and food to have the right type of food
available in the places where they are needed in the future.
As a practical example of the need to have the right data we gather some
information from the McKinsey Global Reports. In one of its reports, McKinsey
points out that businesses store 235 terabytes of data, which is quite large. To
provide some baseline for the reader to judge this size, the entire US Library of
Congress collection is 15 terabytes in size. In 2011, it studied the behavior patterns
of Chinese consumers and concluded that people in the age group 55–65 tended
to be more conservative in their purchases and were not particular about certain
well-known brands. Their 2016 study shows that there has been a significant shift
in consumer behavior of people in the age group 55–65 and they prefer well-known
brands more now. This change in behavior shows that businesses need to take into
account customer attitudes as well in forecasting.
18.5 Predictive Analytics
This approach is gaining momentum in marketing as an important tool. As a
technique, many companies have been using predictive analytics for many years
using varying levels of success. With the availability of Big Data, predictive
analytics usage is significantly enhanced. Before we delve into this topic let us start
with a definition of this concept. For this purpose, we use the SAS definition which
states that “Predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and machine
18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data 497
learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical
data.” In using this definition, we are emphasizing the need to have all related data.
This approach shows how automation is needed in following through with actions
and how machine learning will be used in this approach. We will include examples
of how predictive analytics helped some businesses. Some of the areas in which
predictive analytics can make a difference are: fraud detection, forecasting and risk
In order to perform predictive analytics, the business needs extensive data about
its customers. Often such data are available within the business in multiple units.
So, as a first step, the business must bring together all related data to get a profile
of the customer. Today, many third parties gather extensive data on people’s web
searches and others specialize in gathering social media data. Moreover, with so
many users using mobile devices, there is extensive geolocation data. All such data
must be gathered and combined effectively. The best use of predictive analytics is
in retaining existing customers and thus prevent churn. After all, it is lot cheaper to
retain an existing customer than to acquire a new customer. With this in mind we
will look at the ways predictive analytics could be used by various businesses.
Predictive analytics approach is good for fraud detection, enhancing operations
and reducing risk. In fraud detection, the ability to combine data from multiple
sources becomes essential. Also, speed of processing such data is critical to avoiding
fraud. For example, when an applicant opens a new account with the same employer
phone number from multiple sources, the financial institution has the ability to
check that the phone number provided matches something that is already used by
someone else. This in itself would not flag fraud since a business might have many
employees. However, when the same employee uses the same phone number in
multiple branches of the same institution then it would raise a simple flag. When
the information relating to the account opener’s work or home address is combined
and the place where the account is not related to either of them, then it raises a
larger scrutiny. This is when the financial institution suspects that the account opener
may use the account in fraudulent ways. Predictive analytics comes into play here
by combining even more data from the social media and emails that the account
opener had indicated in other communications their ulterior motives. Predictive
analytics thus helps identify a fraudster. In the case of enhancing operations,
predictive analytics is used to forecast demand so that appropriate inventory could
be maintained in places where they will be needed. For example, airlines, hotels
and car rental companies can leverage data from multiple sources to know where
the demand is likely to be occurring and the respective organization could lure a
customer with an enticing offer.
Predictive analytics is good at answering the question “what is next?”. It does
not focus on trying to find out “why things failed?”. In exploring this further, it is
better to look at the experience of both the retail sector and airlines sector. Both
these sectors have a rich collection of customer engagement data. Retail sector
uses the data it has about its customers from a variety of sources such as purchase
history, coupon usage, reacting to sales promotions, social media communications
and emails. These data are combined with their loyalty program to offer more
498 S. Srinivasan
products that the customer would want. This is a direct result of predictive analytics
pointing out the customers’ preferences on products. For example, Best Buy found
out from its analysis of sales data that 7% of the customers are responsible for
43% of the sales. This has enabled Best Buy to focus on their most lucrative
customers and redesign their stores to place products in most preferred places by
these customers (Cognizant 2011). Thus, retail industry is more customer-centric
in its use of predictive analytics information. However, airlines industry seems
less customer-centric because it does not offer many privileges to its profitable
customers. Globally, airlines industry transports 3 billion passengers annually. Many
large airlines have customer data for 30 years. By suitably grouping passengers into
cohorts they are able to offer better pricing that attracts appropriate cohorts. Airlines
gather data pertaining to travel as business or pleasure. Airlines could use this data to
offer more privileges to its business customers because they are the most profitable
to the airlines. However, they don’t seem to offer any attractive packages such as
easy upgrades, priority boarding, seats with more leg room, airport lounges or better
food choices. This observation is made in light of the fact that loyal customers form
the backbone for a business. Often loyal customers want better service and their
loyalty is not tied to price sensitivity. Predictive analytics facilitates gathering more
data about their loyal customers and taking care of their preferences.
Businesses that benefit most from predictive analytics are in the following
sectors: hotels, airlines, cruise lines, restaurants, car rental companies and online
travel agencies. Of these, online travel agencies and cruise lines tend to depend
heavily on some middle men and in the other sectors the people are able to make
their booking directly using the internet. In this case the predictive analytics should
take into account the role of the middle men in promoting their sector. As we
discussed earlier, the hotel industry has access to a large volume of data from
several sources. That is valid only up to getting the customer to the hotel. In
order to achieve repeat visits, the individual properties are responsible to make the
customer experience extremely appealing. Major brands are able to take care of
attracting the customer but it is up to the individual property to make the customer
experience memorable. Data related to this is gathered by the individual properties
through surveys. Additional customer satisfaction data is available from third party
rating sites. Thus, gathering all such data becomes essential in order to address any
customer concerns.
18.6 Content Marketing
Marketers have adapted their toolsets to where consumers go. When internet became
popular in the mid-1990s, marketers adapted their techniques from print and TV
media to the internet. Google revolutionized people’s capability to search all the
information stored in the internet. Even though mobile technology attracted people’s
attention in early 2000, its use in search capability did not become quite popular
until 2012 when 4G technology was available. In order to use the mobile phones
18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data 499
for search, people needed greater download speeds and that is what 4G enabled.
Because of this change in people’s search habits, marketers had to adjust their
techniques once more to meet the consumer needs. The introduction of Smartphones
in 2007 revolutionized the search capabilities significantly and this required the
marketing content to adapt itself to be fully available on the mobile devices. Thus
started the content marketing revolution. In this regard, it is important to note that the
following are some of the important metrics used in content marketing: page views,
downloads, visitors, time on page and social chatter. Data for these are available
from tools such as Google Analytics (Rancati and Gordini 2014).
Traditionally marketing has focused on a “broadcast” mentality whereby content
is made available and the potential customer will seek out what they want. However,
with the advancements in technology and the ability to gather relevant consumer
preferences, businesses are armed with the knowledge of which customer needs
what type of information about the product being marketed. Technology today
allows the marketer to cater to this need by exploiting the information gathered
about consumers. This is where content marketing differentiates itself by providing
the relevant content in an interactive manner, thus enabling the consumer to go
as deep as they need in order to understand the product features. Instead of
assuming that all consumers would need certain type of information, content
marketing helps the business understand that different consumers would need
different type of information and it is something that they can pull from the set of
available information (An 2016). This is further illustrated by the examples that we
provide below about the importance of interactive content being critical to content
The main thrust of content marketing is to keep the content brief. Otherwise,
the users tend to skip the details. People prefer video content and value the
recommendations of their friends via social media. Ability to get video content to
mobile devices is greatly facilitated today by the availability of higher bandwidth
and greater speeds. Content marketing approach is focused on creating very small
length videos that can be viewed quickly on smart phones. Also, engaging users
on social media is essential and in this context brevity is very important. We
now describe some successful applications of content marketing approach by some
global brands. Car manufacturer Peugeot, a global brand, had good success with
interactive content. Peugeot had 223,000 page views per publication concerning
Peugeot cars. Also, 35% of all visits came through mobile devices. Peugeot created
seamlessly accessible content across multiple platforms such as mobile, tablet
and desktop. Their interactive digital experience known as e-motion provides for
an immersive brand experience that engages customers effectively. According to
Peugeot, e-motion reaches 92,000 visitors. Another major brand, Target, used for
their content marketing its #MadeforU interactive system. This system was heavily
used by college students moving into a dorm where they wanted to customize their
dorm room. Target created various items that the students could select from and
personalize their dorm room. This has been a major success for Target. Target,
which has 22 million followers on Facebook, created this microsite to address the
college students. Results show that females tweeted more about this than the males.
500 S. Srinivasan
This information helps Target with the knowledge as to which demographics likes
their products more. Thus, content marketing is a good source for finding out the
proper audience for new products and services.
Another example of the use of content marketing is from eBay. eBay tried
out a content marketing approach to see which of its many postings attract more
customers. Using its Facebook page the company was able to find that the following
three postings were the top postings for potential customers:
1. Interesting listings (i.e., rare and fascinating listings)
2. Viral products (i.e., products with social traction)
3. Guides (i.e., selection from eBay Guides platform)
Metrics show that some postings had an increase of 225% in click-throughs.
Posts with high-engagement showed a 200% increase in interest. These are all
attributable to content marketing. Content marketing requires the ability to gather
related data from social media and use it for greater impact (Pulizzi 2010). So, Big
Data is essential for the success of content marketing (duPleiss 2015).
18.7 Weaving Big Data in Applications
The power of Big Data lies in its ability to process very large volumes of data
quickly. It is important to note that in marketing applications the advertiser is
expected to target the right content for the right consumer at the right time. Big
Data facilitates this by gathering data from multiple sources, especially social media
where people disclose plenty of details about their preferences. The technological
advancements enable the gathering of social media data quickly. At the same time
additional information is needed about the location where the person is at a given
time and what they have expressed in other media such as email. Such information
is also brought in as part of the Big Data (Brown 2011). Geo location information
is obtained from the mobile device of the individual. Now that a business that
processed this Big Data quickly is able to know much about the preferences of
an individual and send that consumer the targeted ad that addresses their immediate
need. This ability to know the need and make the product information available to
the consumer makes it very beneficial to the consumer and that person is able to
favorably react to the ad containing the information that they are in need of at that
time. This is called weaving Big Data knowledge to meet the consumer expectation.
Big Data is known for its ability to process data that comes in large quantities
(volume), at a rapid rate (velocity), and in different types (variety). Google’s
Map/Reduce technology that was implemented as an open source software by
Apache Software as Hadoop made it possible to handle such data rapidly. Cloud
computing technology enabled the business to have all the necessary computing
resources to process such volumes of data. These aspects made the start-ups to
focus on their techniques and ideas and let cloud computing make the infrastructure
available to them. This confluence of technology and business processes made
18 Marketing Applications Using Big Data 501
it possible to provide the useful applications to the users. In this environment
when mobile technology grew rapidly, the marketers were able to make available
the relevant content about various products to the consumers using the various
marketing techniques discussed earlier.
We conclude this chapter with remarks about Big Data. Much of the required data
come from organizational data warehouses. This data refers to both the customers
and the various products that the business sells. In order to derive actionable
information from this extensive data, businesses use sophisticated tools such as
Hadoop and Spark. One major concern that arises when combining data from
multiple sources is the threat to individual privacy. Businesses will have to develop
policies to protect the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) even though it is not
directly used when targeted ads are directed to individuals. Often the data gathered
includes credit card information of the users. Such data are governed by Payment
Card Industry (PCI) requirements. The very fact both PII and PCI information are
involved calls for greater privacy protection. In this regard, the Spotify approach
seems to be less threatening for privacy since the identities of individuals are never
shared with the advertisers. Instead, the ads targeted by the advertisers towards a
specific population are then directed by Spotify to those groups. If other advertisers
could adapt this model to their advertisement model, then there will be less of a
threat to individual privacy.
18.8 Summary
In this chapter we have looked at various marketing approaches based on the
use of Big Data to identify the right population. It has been pointed out that
sending the right content to the right individual at the right time is critical. Today’s
advertisement approach varies significantly from the old model of print ad where
it was impossible to target a specific group. Technology today provides the ability
to target individuals appropriately with the right content. Moreover, the users tend
to use mobile devices extensively and so the targeted ad must be delivered to
the mobile devices. The advent of cloud computing enables the advertisement
approaches to be personalized and the right content sent to the individual. Surveys
have shown that people prefer video content with an interactive feature so that
they could get details on what they are interested. This is possible using cloud
and each user can explore the topic to the level of detail that they desire. In the
above paragraphs we have discussed how target marketing, predictive analytics,
forecasting, content marketing and Big Data applications are all trying to leverage
the knowledge gained from people’s preferences and show them the relevant
information. These approaches do not specifically have a built-in process for privacy
502 S. Srinivasan
An, M. (2016). Future of content marketing, hubspot.https://research.hubspot.com/reports/the-
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Chapter 19
Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide
to Using) Ratings for a Quick Serve Restaurant
Bogdan Gadidov and Jennifer Lewis Priestley
19.1 Introduction
Many businesses, including restaurants, have access to data generated every day
from customers on sites like Yelp, but do not take advantage of the data. This
has been true for two main reasons. First, the rise of social media data is a recent
phenomenon and the tools, skills and technology available to translate this data into
meaningful information is evolving, but is still relatively nascent. Second, previous
research has indicated that reviews of restaurants in the lowest price points have
limited relevance. We challenge this premise.
In this chapter, we seek to answer the question—Does Yelp Matter in the Quick
Serve Restaurants Sector? Within the context of this study, we also explore oper-
ational performance differences between company-owned and franchised outlets,
the most frequently used terms associated with 5-star restaurants versus 1-star
restaurants and provide future researchers with a guide on how to use the R
Programming language to extract reviews for further analysis.
19.2 Literature Review
19.2.1 The Rise of Social Media Data
The Gartner Group defines the concept of “dark data” as “the information assets
organizations collect, process and store during regular business activities, but
B. Gadidov () • J.L. Priestley
Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA
e-mail: bgadidov@kennesaw.edu;jpriestl@kennesaw.edu
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4_19
504 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
generally fail to use for other purposes :::” (Gartner 2016). The term is derived
conceptually from dark matter in physics—matter which is known to exist but
cannot be experienced directly.
Dark data has historically not been recognized as having value because
(a) it was not viewed as data (e.g. security video files), (b) it was recognized as
data, but too unstructured and therefore too difficult to translate into meaningful
information (e.g., text narratives from surveys) or (c) it was truly “dark” and the
target organization was not aware of its existence. Until recently, data derived from
social media outlets met all of these conditions.
Because successful utilization of analytics to improve the decision making
process is limited to the data available (Halevy et al. 2009), the information
embedded in dark data can be massively valuable. Researchers are now able to
leverage new and evolving analytical techniques (e.g., machine learning, natural
language processing and text mining) and scripting languages (e.g., R, Python)
which enable access to and translation of this social media-generated dark data
into information. This relatively new phenomena of extracting and leveraging social
media analysis for organizational decision making is no longer a marginal “nice to
have”, but rather a central informational asset.
Economic sectors across the U.S. economy are increasingly extracting previously
“dark data” from outlets such as Yelp and Twitter to inform their decision making.
For example, rather than waiting for impressions to be driven by traditional media
or advertising, CEOs increasingly use Twitter as a medium through which to
have direct communication with their customers—sometimes millions of them at
the same time. They can then receive immediate feedback reflected in responses,
retweets and “likes” (Malhotra and Malhotra 2015).
One sector where social media analysis has become particularly critical is the
restaurant sector. This is true because “Restaurants are a classic example :::where
the consumer has to make a decision based on very little information” (Luca 2011).
The largest restaurant review site is Yelp with 135 million monthly visitors, followed
by Open Table with 19 million monthly visitors (Open Table 2016).
Restaurants, particularly chains of restaurants which engage in national and
large-scale regional advertising and product launches, can benefit from the immedi-
acy of customer feedback from sites like Twitter and Yelp.
This chapter will examine the specific role of Yelp reviews for a national quick
serve restaurant chain.
19.2.2 The Quick Service Restaurant Sector
The quick service restaurant sector plays a significant role in the US economy. In
2015, 200,000 fast food restaurants generated revenue of over $200 billion. Industry
estimates indicate that 50 million Americans eat in a quick serve restaurant every
single day. This sector also represents an important source of employment across
the country—with over four million people employed in quick serve restaurant
19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 505
franchises in 2015, and one in three Americans worked in this sector at one point
during their lives (Sena 2016). While the food is often highly processed and
prepared in an assembly line fashion, customers of these restaurants have placed
value on consistency of service, value for money and speed (National Restaurant
Association 2014).
However, quick service restaurant failures are almost epidemic. Although a
relatively modest 26 percent of independent restaurants failed during the first year
of operation, quick service restaurants fail at substantively higher rate—failure of
franchise chains have been reported to be over 57% (Parsa et al. 2014). Failures of
quick serve restaurants—like any small businesses—create negative externalities on
local economies in the form of unemployment and lost local spending power.
While this failure rate has been attributed to macro factors like economic
growth, federal and state legislation of minimum wage rates, new and different
forms of competition, as well as to micro factors like access to capital, location,
owner incompetence and inexperience (Gregory et al. 2011) only recently has any
meaningful attention been paid to the role of online customer reviews (e.g., Hlee
et al. 2016; Taylor and Aday 2016; Remmers 2014).
Although some researchers have indicated that reviews do not matter in the quick
service restaurant sector because of the low per ticket price point (Vasa et al. 2016),
this chapter challenges part of the premise of that perspective.
First, in 2016, there were millions of reviews associated with quick serve
restaurants on Yelp. This is an indication that some customers are willing to provide
feedback related to fast food experiences. Importantly, this is consistent with the
point that other researchers have demonstrated that satisfaction with a restaurant
experience is strongly related to perceived, rather than to absolute, value for price
paid—across the range of price points (e.g., King 2016; Dwyer 2015). Second,
the study highlighted in this chapter, provides some initial evidence for correlation
between the number of guests, sales and numeric ratings on Yelp for a quick serve
restaurant. Both of these points provide at least directional evidence that analysis
of Yelp reviews for the quick serve restaurant sector could improve operational
performance and provide meaningful feedback regarding customer experiences,
thereby helping to mitigate the high rate of outlet failure.
19.3 Analysis of Numeric and Text Reviews in Yelp
The current study examined both numeric and text reviews for over 2000 locations
of a quick serve restaurant chain across the United States. The results associated
with the numeric and text results are provided in the following sections.

506 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
19.3.1 Description of Numeric Ratings
Numeric ratings taken from Yelp can range from 1–5 stars, where 1 star represents
the worst possible rating and 5 stars represents the highest possible rating. Ratings
are aggregated at the business (restaurant) level, and can be pulled by calling for
the specific rating parameter in the code provided. Unfortunately, only the current
numeric ratings can be extracted—meaning that researchers cannot extract ratings
at specified past periods to ascertain changes in ratings over time.
Using these ratings, comparisons are made at the state level, and the GMAP
procedure in SAS is used to create illustrative maps. Furthermore, data is used to
compare franchise owned to non-franchise (corporate) owned restaurants. Trans-
action data is used for the non-franchise locations, to assess whether the numeric
ratings of restaurants correlate to the number of sales, number of customers, or
total order size. The transaction data set includes over 4.7 million transactions at
over 400 non-franchise locations of this restaurant chain from January through June
2015. A sample of the transaction data can be seen in Table 19.1 below.
In Table 19.1, the variables from the restaurant are provided: the date of the
transaction, the store (restaurant location) ID, the order number, the number of
guests served, the number of items ordered and to total ticket value are provided. The
StoreID column was used to identify the phone number of the location, which in turn
was used to differentiate a franchise versus non-franchise location. This transaction
data was a separate component to the analysis and obtained directly from the quick
serve restaurant company. This information is not found publicly through Yelp, and
is not readily available for reproduction of analysis performed in this chapter.
Table 19.1 Sample of transaction dataset
DateOfBusiness StoreID Order number GuestCount ItemCount NetSales
1/2/2015 20115 Order #214 1 1 1.99
1/2/2015 20116 Order #215 115 26.17
1/2/2015 20117 Order #216 1 5 15.65
1/2/2015 20118 Order #217 1 4 6.29
1/2/2015 20119 Order #218 1 1 1.29
1/2/2015 20120 Order #219 1 1 1
1/2/2015 20121 Order #219 1 1 1.39
1/2/2015 20122 Order #221 1 1 1
1/2/2015 20123 Order #222 1 8 11.68

19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 507
19.3.2 Comparison Between Non-Franchise and Franchise
Limited formal research has been conducted evaluating the differences in online
customer reviews between corporate owned and franchised outlets in the quick serve
food sector. Research from the hospitality sector, indicate that franchised outlets
typically outperform corporate owned outlets (e.g., Lawrence and Perrigot 2015).
This study found evidence that the reverse could be true in the quick serve food
Corporate owned locations for this restaurant chain are located primarily in
Southeastern and Midwestern states. A total of 462 locations for which there is
also transaction data were found on Yelp. These locations spanned 17 states, and
the average rating is calculated at the state level. A map of the U.S. with these 17
states highlighted is shown in Fig. 19.1 below. Note that the numbers within the
states represent the sample size of restaurant chains drawn from these states, while
the color code represents the average rating within the state; dark blue represents
the highest rated states followed by cyan followed by orange, which represents the
lowest rated states.
Fig. 19.1 Map of average rating by state for non-franchise locations

508 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
Fig. 19.2 Map of average rating by state for franchise locations
It is important to note in the figure above that the sample size for some of the
states is small. Results from these states should be considered to be directional rather
than statistical: Wyoming, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas.
None of the states in Fig. 19.1 have an average rating below 3, which will draw a
sharp contrast to the map in Fig. 19.2 below. The map in Fig. 19.2 shows the average
rating of restaurant chains for franchised locations and displays the average ratings
in the same 17 states as the above map in Fig. 19.1.
The three colors used in Fig. 19.1 represent the same intervals in Fig. 19.2,but
there is now a fourth color used—red—which represents states with an average
rating below 3 stars. Nearly half the states have an average rating of less than 3 for
the franchised locations.
Many franchise locations perform worse than their non-franchise counterparts in
each state. This is true of states such as Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and
Utah. Each of these states is colored differently between Figs. 19.1 and 19.2, and
the coloring in Fig. 19.2 shows a lower average rating of non-franchise locations as
compared to franchise locations in these states. Indiana, for example, has an average
rating of over 3.4 for its franchise locations (blue coloring in Fig. 19.1), but has an
average rating of under 3 for its non-franchise locations (red coloring in Fig. 19.2).
A more detailed state level comparison between the average rating of non-franchise
and franchise locations is shown in Fig. 19.3.

19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 509
Average Rating
Fig. 19.3 Comparison of average ratings between franchise and non-franchise locations
To better ascertain the state-by-state differences in average ratings between
franchise and non-franchise locations, Fig. 19.3 below shows a bar graph illustrating
these differences. It should be noted that states which have single digit sample sizes
in either Fig. 19.1 or Fig. 19.2 are not included in this graph. For example, a state
like Texas which has 106 franchise restaurants and performed very poorly (average
rating less than 3) only has six non-franchise locations for comparison. While the
six non-franchise locations have an average rating greater than 3.4, it is difficult to
draw statistically meaningful conclusions with this imbalance in sample sizes.
It can be seen that only franchise locations in Georgia, North Carolina, and
Alabama perform better than their non-franchise counterparts, and the differences
are rather small. There are some rather large differences in favor of the non-franchise
locations in states such as Indiana, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio, and Utah, which
is confirmed in Fig. 19.3.
The differences in the means between franchise and non-franchise locations can
be tested using a two-sample t-test. The sample sizes for the states in Fig. 19.3 are
generally large enough (most have at least 30) to make meaningful comparisons.
The standard deviations for the testing groups were found to be sufficiently similar
to allow for the use of a pooled standard deviation.
The test statistic for a two-sample t-test:
test statistic DxNF xF
nNF C1

510 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
Table 19.2 Results for comparisons between non-franchise and franchise locations
State Non-franchise average rating Franchise average rating Test statistic
IN 3.45 2.81 2.87***
PA 3.65 3.07 2.06**
OH 3.37 2.97 1.79*
KY 3.36 2.86 1.66*
UT 3.19 2.71 1.51
MI 3.19 3.01 1.50
GA 3.42 3.55 0.60
FL 3.38 3.29 0.51
NC 3.05 3.11 0.28
TN 3.33 3.32 0.04
*p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
where s Dp.nNF 1/sNF2C.nF1/sN2
nNF CnF2
In the equations above,
xNF and
xFrepresent the mean rating of the non-franchise
and franchise locations in a given state, respectively, nNF and nFrepresent the
number of non-franchise and franchise locations in a given state, respectively and
finally, sNF and sFrepresent the standard deviation of ratings for non-franchise and
franchise locations in a given state, respectively.
The results of the tests are shown in Table 19.2. The test statistics can be used to
calculate a corresponding p-value by using a t-distribution with the corresponding
degrees of freedom (nNF CnF2). The differences in average ratings are
statistically significant for Indiana and Pennsylvania. The differences in the average
rating between non-franchise and franchise locations in Ohio, Kentucky, and Utah
are not statistically significant, but given the relatively large differences (0.4, 0.5,
and 0.48, respectively), may be considered to be practically significant.
The remaining states in Table 19.2 have relatively small differences between the
non-franchise and franchise locations, and the corresponding p-values suggest that
there is no evidence of a statistically significant difference.
These results provided the quick serve company with insight they had not previ-
ously understood—specifically that there were differences in customer perceptions
and experiences between non-franchise and franchised restaurants.
These findings were quick, inexpensive and easy to extract.

19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 511
Table 19.3 Correlations between ratings and number of guests
State Correlation with number of guests Correlation with average check amount
OH 0.43** 0.03
PA 0.42** 0.11
MI 0.31* 0.16
AL 0.23 0.05
UT 0.23 0.11
GA 0.22 0.13
NC 0.18 0.03
KY 0.06 0.37*
IN 0.01 0.09
FL 0.02 0.08
TN 0.15 0.29
*p < 0.1, **p < 0.05
19.3.3 Analysis of Ratings and Transaction Data
The second stage of the analysis was to determine if the ratings of restaurants in a
state had any impact on the number of guests or the total amount of dollars spent at
a restaurant outlet.
Table 19.3 contains the correlations between numeric ratings (i.e., 1–5) and the
number of guests which visited the restaurant, where correlations measures the
strength of the linear relationship between the two variables. It can range between
1 and C1, with negative values indicating a negative association between the
variables, and positive values indicating a positive association. Correlations closer to
1orC1 indicate strong correlation while values near 0 indicate weak correlation.
There is moderately positive correlation between the ratings and number of
guests in states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. For all other states, the
correlations are weak. This may indicate that, at least in these three states, Yelp does
“matter” for customers selecting a quick serve restaurant option.
There was little correlation found with the average check amount. This is likely
due to the limited scale of the check values.
19.3.4 Analysis of All U.S. Locations
Analysis of numeric ratings was completed at the state level, regardless of whether
the location was a franchise or non-franchise restaurant. The map of results is shown
in Fig. 19.4.
Almost every state is represented in this map, except for Rhode Island, Vermont
and New Hampshire, where no restaurant outlets were located with reviews on Yelp.
Again, the numbers on the states represent the sample size of restaurants drawn from
that state and the colors reflect the average numeric ratings.

512 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
Fig. 19.4 Map of average rating by state across United States
The Midwest and Mountain states have the lowest ratings on average, with many
of these states in red, signifying an average Yelp rating of less than 3.0 stars. States
in the Southeast and Northeast regions generally have higher numeric Yelp ratings
than the Midwest and Mountain states. These two regions exhibit states with similar
average ratings, with numerous blue and cyan states in the Southeast and Northeast,
signifying average ratings of 3.2 or greater. The Pacific Coast states, including
Alaska and Hawaii all have average numeric ratings of slightly above 3.0 stars.
19.3.5 Description of Text Reviews
In addition to the numeric values that are included in a Yelp review, records also
include a substantive amount of text. Yelp reviews can include up to 5000 characters.
This is in contrast to the 140 character limit for Twitter. Whereas numeric ratings,
once extracted, can be analyzed using relatively traditional statistical techniques
like t-tests and correlations, text analysis requires a new generation of analytical

19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 513
While options for text analytics can include concepts like polarity and sentiment
analysis (Wang et al. 2016), frequency analysis of terms and associated word clouds
are fairly straight forward, communicative and simplistic options.
A word cloud is simply a spatial image of extracted words where the size of the
word indicates its frequency or importance in a text narrative.
Word clouds were generated from the Yelp text reviews for the quick serve
franchises in the current study. An example of a word cloud from all reviews is
shown in Fig. 19.5 below. The larger the font displaying the word, the more common
the word among the reviews.
In the study, word clouds were created to compare franchise locations to non-
franchise locations, similar to the comparisons in the actual numeric ratings of the
restaurants. Results showed that the word clouds generally had the same pattern,
with many customers talking about food items. Word clouds were also created to
compare reviews based on the rating of the restaurant (i.e., 1-star rated to 5-star
rated restaurant locations).
For restaurants rated 5 stars, it was observed that the most common terms referred
to the friendliness of the staff and cleanliness of the restaurant. This is potentially
an extension of previous research related to what customers value at quick serve
restaurants—service (which may include friendliness of staff), value and speed
(Sena 2016). For a customer to give a 5 star review to a quick serve restaurant there
is likely something that greatly exceeded their expectations—see Fig. 19.6 below.
Fig. 19.5 Word Cloud created from Yelp reviews

514 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
Fig. 19.6 Word cloud for restaurants rated 5 stars
The word clouds shown measure the frequency of single words, but it is also
possible to plot combinations of words, referred to as n-grams. In an n-gram, the
frequency of “n” consecutive words is measured and then plotted in a word cloud.
While not used in this study, a bigram or trigram word cloud is also another simple
alternative method for generating word clouds (Garcia-Castro 2016).
Simple word cloud analysis presents quick serve restaurants with an inexpensive
and convenient way to ascertain the most frequently occurring words associated
with highly rated restaurants versus poorly rated restaurants. This is a potentially
powerful method to assess the effectiveness of messaging and advertising for
quick serve restaurant chains—to determine which menu items are most frequently
mentioned in reviews, and whether those mentions are associated with low ratings
or high ratings.
19.3.6 Caution Related to Analysis of Reviews
There is no question that some percentage of reviews on Yelp, like any other
social media site, are “fake”. This is true because either the owner/manager of
the restaurant is providing his own “glowing” reviews or because competitors are
unfairly “slamming” the restaurant in an effort to drive traffic to their own restaurant.

19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 515
Researchers engaged in examining questions related to falsified reviews have
found that roughly 16% of restaurant reviews on Yelp are fake. They also found
that restaurants are more likely to commit review fraud when its reputation is weak,
i.e., when it has few reviews, or it has recently received genuine bad reviews in an
effort to “balance out” the ratings. Restaurants are also more likely to be victims
of unfavorable fake reviews when they face increased competition. However, these
same researchers found that chain and quick serve restaurants are less likely to have
fake reviews on Yelp (Luca and Zervas 2015).
While fake reviews do not negate the value of performing analysis of numeric
ratings and text comments for restaurants, researchers should be mindful of their
presence—particularly when sample sizes are small (Lim and Van Der Heide 2015).
19.4 Guide to Using R to Extract Yelp Data
In addition to providing’ research results related to a study in the quick serve
restaurant sector, this chapter is also written as an instructional “how to” guide for
researchers and practitioners to access and extract Yelp data.
In the current study, the programming language R is used to connect to the Yelp
API (Application Program Interface). The Yelp API allows researchers to search
and query Yelp for information about rated businesses. In the current study, the R
packages used for working with the Yelp API are stringr, httr, jsonlite, and RCurl.
The first step in connecting to the API is creating an account on Yelp. Creating
an account provides the researcher with access to the Yelp developers’ page (https://
www.yelp.com/developers). To initialize access through R, the researcher needs to
generate a unique consumer key, consumer secret, token, and token secret. These
elements are analogous to a password to connect to Yelp’s API. A sample of what
these tokens look like is shownin Fig. 19.7 below (Yelp Developers Search API
2015). Some of the characters in the tokens are shaded out in the figure due to the
nature of the data, but notice that these tokens can be generated freely by creating
an account on Yelp.
Fig. 19.7 Consumer tokens from Yelp API
516 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
To create the connection with the API, two lines of code are needed in R. The
first of the two lines takes the consumer key and consumer secret, and registers an
application. The second of the two lines takes the token and token secret, and creates
a signature which can then be used to generate requests from the Yelp API. This
process can be thought of as a “handshake” between the R console and Yelp API.
Sample code is shown below:
myapp Doauth_app(“YELP”, keyDconsumerKey, secretDconsumerSecret)
signature Dsign_oauth1.0(myapp, tokenDtoken, token_secretDtoken_secret)
Once the connection is made, the researcher can now search Yelp for a par-
ticular business. This is accomplished through identification of the desired search
parameters. The general form of the URL string is http://api.yelp.com/v2/search/.
Then, depending on specified parameters such as location, name, or category of the
business, the URL string is expanded to contain these search criteria.
In the example of searching for the quick serve restaurant used in this analysis,
the search string is created as follows:
yelpurl <- paste0(“http://api.yelp.com/v2/search/?locationD”, city, “&termD
The location input into the search string took the variable “city”. Notice that
the term “city” does not appear in quotes in the search string. This is because it
was not static, and varied throughout the process. In order to obtain results for this
quick serve restaurant nationally, a list of approximately 2000 U.S. cities is used as
arguments in this search string. With each iteration, a different city is passed into
this line of code, retrieving results when searching that city. The second part of the
search string, coined “term”, is the name of the quick serve restaurant. Since the
name of the actual restaurant will remain anonymous throughout this analysis, the
term “restaurant_name” will signify where the researcher should input the name of
the business of interest.
Each time a given search string is passed through the API, the results are
restricted to only 20 search results returned for each iteration. While this is a
challenge, there is an alternative to using a list of thousands of cities to perform
the search. Specifically, there is an optional “offset” feature which can be used;
instead of passing a list of cities through the search strings, the offset parameter can
be utilized to retrieve the first 20 search results in the first iteration, followed by the
21st to 40th search results in the second iteration, and so on. Either way, a loop is
required to either cycle through a list of cities, or through all the search results. In
using the former option, the results should be stripped of duplicates. This is true
because frequently searching neighboring cities may yield the same business in the
returned search results. Up to 25,000 calls can be made through the Yelp API daily.
Once the search string is built for each iteration, the “GET” function can be used
in R. The relevant and required arguments in this function include the search string
(called “yelpurl”) and the signature variable from above. Sample code is shown
data DGET(yelpurl, signature)
datacontent Dcontent(data)

19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 517
yelp.json Djsonlite::fromJSON(toJSON(datacontent))
yelp.df Dyelp.json$’businesses’
The first line creates an R object which contains the data pulled from Yelp for the
given search string. The second through fourth lines of the code above transform the
data into a structured file which is more readily analyzable. After the fourth line of
code, the object “yelp.df” is a data.frame, which in R is similar to a matrix or table
of data. Importantly, this is where the data converts from being “unstructured” to
becoming “structured”.
The next line of code allows the user to specifically choose the desired attributes
about the business or restaurant of interest. For example, if the researcher wants the
phone number, rating, name and indicator of whether the business is closed or open,
then the following line of code can be used:
ScrapeOutput Dyelp.df[1:20, c(“phone”, “rating”,“name”,“is_closed”)]
In this line of code, the researcher needs to select which parameters should be
kept from the list of returned parameters from the scrape. Parameters should be
listed in quotations just as they appear above (such as “phone” or “rating”). It is
useful to get the name of the business, as sometimes search results yield names of
different businesses, which can then be removed. Additional parameters which can
be selected are shown below in Fig. 19.8. A more comprehensive list of all search
parameters, including location data such as the longitude and latitude coordinates of
the business, can be found on the Yelp website under the “Developers” section.
Fig. 19.8 Sample parameters available through Yelp API

518 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
The first step is to collapse all the separate reviews gathered from the previous
section into one string of words (McNeill 2015). The next step is to use built in
functions to make all the letters lowercase, remove any punctuation, and erase extra
whitespace which appears in the reviews. Some sample code which performs these
actions is shown below:
r1 <- paste(nonfranchise, collapseD“”)
review_source <- VectorSource(r1)
corpus <- Corpus(review_source)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removePunctuation)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, stripWhitespace)
In analyzing the text reviews, it is also useful to suppress common terms which
are not of interest. For example, pronouns such as “I”, “my”, or “we” are not
typically of interest. There is a built-in function in the tm package which contains
“stopwords”. Stopwords is an already built list of 174 terms which include common
pronouns and verbs typically ignored in analysis. Some of these terms are shown in
Fig. 19.9 below.
It is also useful to add to this list. For example, in searching for a restaurant, it
is not of particular interest to see the term “food” appear in a review. To add to this
list, one can use the concatenate feature in R to append more words to the existing
list of stopwords. A sample line of code which adds the words “food”, “get”, and
“will”, followed by code to apply the stopwords, is shown below.
mystopwords <- c(stopwords(“english”), “food” ,“get”, “will”)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removeWords, mystopwords)
The remaining code pertains to finding the frequency of the individual terms after
all unwanted terms have been removed. In the last line, the wordcloud function in R
takes the top words with their corresponding frequencies to plot them. The number
of words which are to be included can be adjusted, as the code shown below will
take the top 50 words.
Fig. 19.9 List of stopwords in text mining library of R

19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 519
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)
dtm2 <- as.matrix(dtm)
frequency <- colSums(dtm2)
frequency <- sort(frequency, decreasingDTRUE)
words <- names(frequency)
wordcloud(words[1:50], frequency[1:50],colorsDbrewer.pal(8, “Dark2”))
The second part of this analysis involves using the text reviews given by
customers. As described above, the “snippet_text” parameter can be returned to
view written comments by customers of the business. However, this only contains
the first text review of a business on Yelp. As a result if there are multiple reviews,
the remaining reviews are ignored. To work around this, R can be used to perform
an HTML scrape. To perform the HTML scrape in R, the httr and XML packages
are needed. For the HTML scrape, it is necessary to view the source code behind
the web page. This can be done by “right clicking” on a web page and selecting
the “View Page Source” option. When doing this, a new page will open with the
HTML code. In looking at this page, one needs to find where the comments start. For
example, in Fig. 19.10 below, the text “Start your review of” signifies that comments
will begin (the name of the quick serve restaurant in this study is blacked out, but
would appear in place of the black box). Once this is identified, there are a series of
R functions which can be used to parse this information and translate it into a data
frame for analysis.
To create the HTML scrape, the “url” parameter (shown in Fig. 19.8)mustbe
returned from the original Yelp API call. This parameter contains the URL of the
business of interest. Using this parameter, the HTML functions can be used to
go to this specific webpage, and retrieve each of the individual comments left by
customers. Some sample code is provided below. In this code, the dataset “test”
contains the URL of each individual restaurant searched, along with a corresponding
phone number and state to uniquely identify the location. A for loop is run for
each URL in the dataset, to iterate through all of them and output the reviews
for each individual business which is searched. The functions “htmlParse” and
“xpathSApply” are needed to turn the HTML source code into a data frame in R
which can then be manipulated by the user. The “grep” function is also required
to find the specific location on the webpage where the comments begin. Refer to
the example in Fig. 19.10, where the words “Start your review” signify a new
review. The “grep” function is used to locate where on the page this begins, and
Fig. 19.10 Sample view of HTML source code
520 B. Gadidov and J.L. Priestley
the subsequent line begins retrieving results only once this string has been located.
The “grep” function is also useful in removing lines which contain something other
than a review. For instance, as part of each review, there is a line which asks if the
review was helpful. By using the statement “-grep(‘Was this review helpful’)”, all
lines containing this statement can be removed. Ultimately, the lines selected in this
code should each reflect a separate review from a customer. The “cbind” function
(column bind) is used to append the individual phone and state identifier to each
review. The “rbind” function at the end is used to append results from each iteration
to create one master data frame object which contains all the reviews for searched
businesses. Notice that in the code below, a “#” symbol reflects a comment in R,
which is ignored in processing of code. Sample code is shown below here:
finaldata <- NULL # initialize a data frame named finaldata
for (i in 1:nrow(test))f# data frame test contains the url, phone and state for
tempurl <- test$url[i] # tempurl is the url in each iteration
doc <- htmlParse(tempurl) # htmlParse function
y <- xpathSApply(doc,’//p’, xmlValue, encodingD“UTF-8”) # turns result into a
n <- grep(’Start your review’, y) # grep is used to search for strings
y2 <- y[-c(1:n, (length(y)-2):length(y))] # further subset results
y3 <- y2[-grep(’Was this review helpful’, y2)] # further subsetting
y4 <- cbind(y4, as.character(test$phone[i]), as.character(test$state[i])) # com-
bine data
finaldata <- rbind(finaldata, y4)g# append results
Select SAS Code
SAS v9.4 was also used in this project. Specifically, SAS was used for the
statistical analysis as well as the creation of the maps. Sample SAS code is shown
below for creating the maps. The format for creating the ranges for the state colors
is shown, followed by the PROC GMAP function which creates a map using one of
the default maps (maps.us) in the SAS maps library. To put the sample size labels on
the state, an annotate option is available within the GMAP procedure, which uses a
separate dataset that contains the labels for the states.
proc format;
value rating_format low-3D’< 3.0’
3.0-3.2 D’3.0-3.19’
3.2-3.4 D’3.2-3.39’
3.4-high D’> 3.4’;
proc gmap dataDdataset mapDmaps.us; format average_rating rating_format.;
id state;
choro average_rating/ discrete coutlineDblack annotateDmaplabel;
19 Does Yelp Matter? Analyzing (And Guide to Using) Ratings for a Quick... 521
19.5 Conclusion
This study sought to determine whether ratings on Yelp are relevant to a quick
serve restaurant’s performance, with particular attention paid to differences between
franchised and non-franchised outlets. Both numeric ratings and text reviews were
analyzed. The numeric ratings indicated that non-franchise locations of restaurants
for this company generally performed better in terms of Yelp ratings relative to the
franchise locations. Results were plotted in a series of maps to highlight differences
by state.
Given the volume of reviews, combined with the detected variation between
franchised and non-franchised outlets and the correlation between numeric ratings
with the number of guests, this study also provided evidence for the position that
Yelp reviews are relevant to operational performance and evaluation of customer
satisfaction in the quick service restaurant sector. This is contrary to previous
Overall, accessing information from review sites like Yelp can provide practi-
tioners with quick, inexpensive (effectively free), valuable information regarding
operational productivity, customer perceptions, efficacy of messaging and advertis-
ing. The flexibility provided to researchers by Yelp to extract specific data related
to location, time period, identified words related to products or menu items, allows
for the translation of previously “dark data” into meaningful information to improve
decision making.
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fraud.http://people.hbs.edu/mluca/fakeittillyoumakeit.pdf. Accessed 2 September 2016.
Malhotra, A., & Malhotra, C. (2015). How CEOs Can Leverage Twitter.http://sloanreview.mit.edu/
article/how-ceos-can-leverage-twitter/. Accessed 3 September 2016.
McNeill, M. (2015). Text Mining in R: How to Find Term Frequency.https://deltadna.com/blog/
text-mining-in-r-for-term-frequency/. Accessed 3 October 2015.
National Restaurant Association (2014). Restaurant Industry Forecast.https://www.restaurant.org/
Downloads/PDFs/News-research/research/RestaurantIndustry Forecast2014.pdf. Accessed 3
September 2016.
Open Table (2016). Our Story.https://www.opentable.com/about/. Accessed 3 September 2016.
Parsa, H.G., van der Rest, J.P., Smith, S., Parsa, R., & Buisic, M. (2014). Why Restaurants
Fail? Part IV The Relationship between Restaurant Failures and Demographic Factors. Cornell
Hospitality Quarterly October 2014.
Remmers, M. (2014). 5 Ways to Get More Diners with Yelp: Leveraging the Online Review Site
Can Maximize Your Restaurant’s Exposure.https://www.qsrmagazine.com/outside-insights/5-
5ways-get-more-diners-yelp/. Accessed 3 September 2016.
Sena, M. (2016). Fast Food Industry Analysis 2016—Cost & Trends.https://www.franchisehefran-
chisehelp.com/industry-reports/fast-food-industry-report. Accessed 3 September 2016.
Taylor, D., & Aday, J. (2016). Consumer generated restaurant ratings: A preliminary look at
OpenTable.com. Journal of New Business Ideas & Trends, 14(1), 14–22.
Vasa, N., Vaidya, A., Kamani, S., Upadhyay, M., & Thomas, M. (2016). Yelp: Predicting
Restaurant Success.http://www-scf.usc.edu/~adityaav/Yelp-Final.pdf. Accessed 3 September
Wang, Q., Wu, X., Xu, Y. (2016). Sentiment Analysis of Yelp’s Ratings Based on Text Reviews.
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Yelp’s Ratings Based on Text Reviews.pdf. Accessed 20 October 2016.
Yelp Developers Search API. (2015). https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v2/
search_api. Accessed 1 August 2015.

Author Biographies
Dr. Tommy L. Binford Jr. holds a B.S. in physics and mathematics (1998) and
an M.S. in physics (2000) from Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX)
where he performed research on low-temperature superconducting materials. He
completed a Ph.D. in computational and applied mathematics at Rice University
(Houston, TX) in 2011. In 2000, he joined the oil industry to work in research and
development. He is Senior Staff Scientist at RD&E of Weatherford International
studying, supporting, and developing logging-while-drilling technology. His current
interests include resistivity modeling, sensor development, computational electro-
magnetics, modeling and inversion, numerical optimization, and high-performance
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4

524 Author Biographies
Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as one of the world’s leading privacy experts.
She is presently the Executive Director of Ryerson University’s Privacy and
Big Data Institute. Dr. Cavoukian served an unprecedented three terms as the
Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. There she created Privacy
by Design, a framework that seeks to proactively embed privacy into design,
thereby achieving the strongest protection possible. In 2010, International Privacy
Regulators unanimously passed a Resolution recognizing Privacy by Design as an
international standard. Since then, PbD has been translated into 39 languages.
Dr. Cavoukian has received numerous awards recognizing her leadership in
privacy, most recently as a Founder of Canada’s Digital Economy.
In her leadership of the Privacy and Big Data Institute at Ryerson University,
Dr. Cavoukian is dedicated to demonstrating that Privacy can and must be included,
side by side, with other functionalities such as security and business interests. Her
mantra of “banish zero-sum” enables multiple interests to be served simultane-
ously – not one, to the exclusion of another.
Dr. Jiefu Chen received the B.S. degree in engineering mechanics and the M.S.
degree in dynamics and control from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian,
China, in 2003 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from Duke University, Durham, NC, in 2010.

Author Biographies 525
He was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke
University, as a Research Assistant from September 2007 to December 2010.
He was a Staff Scientist with Advantage R&D Center, Weatherford International,
Houston, TX, from March 2011 to August 2015. Since September 2015, he has
been with University of Houston, Houston, TX, where he is currently an Assistant
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include
computational and applied electromagnetics, multiphysics modeling and inversion,
electronic packaging, subsurface wireless communication, and well logging.
Dr. Jonathan H. Chen M.D., Ph.D. is an Instructor in the Stanford Department of
Medicine. After a Ph.D. in Computer Science, he completed training in Internal
Medicine and a VA Research Fellowship in Medical Informatics. He continues
to practice medicine with research interests in data-mining electronic medical
records for insights into medical decision making. With the support of an NIH Big
Data 2 Knowledge Career Development Award, he is systematically extracting the
collective wisdom of practicing clinicians from electronic health records. This will
translate endpoint clinical data into an executable form of expertise in a closed loop
learning health system.
Dr. Hongmei Chi is an Associate Professor of Computer & Information and
Sciences at the Florida A&M University. She currently teaches graduate and
undergraduate courses in data mining and Cyber Security and researches in areas
of big data and applied security. Dr. Chi has published many articles related to data
science, parallel computing, and cyber security research and education. Her web
page is www.cis.famu.edu/~hchi.

526 Author Biographies
Michelle Chibba is a Strategic Privacy/Policy Advisor at the Privacy and Big Data
Institute, Ryerson University. She was Director, Policy Department and Special
Projects at the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario,
Canada (IPC). During her 10-year tenure at the IPC, she was responsible for
conducting research and analysis as well as liaising with a wide range of stake-
holders to support proactively addressing privacy and technology issues affecting
the public, otherwise known as Privacy by Design. Michelle received a master’s
degree from Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.), with a focus on ethics and
international business. She is a frequent speaker on Privacy by Design and emerging
data privacy/technology issues and has written a number of publications on privacy
and technology.
Dr. Wenrui Dai received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering
from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China in 2005, 2008, and
2014. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Biomedical
Informatics, University of California San Diego. His research interests include
learning-based image/video coding, image/signal processing and predictive mod-

Author Biographies 527
Rishi Divate, Co-founder and Vice President of Engineering, MityLytics Inc. Rishi
co-founded MityLytics in 2015 and is responsible for the development of the
MityLytics product. Prior to MityLytics, Rishi spent over 16 years of product
development and professional services experience at companies such as Sumo
Logic, HP, ArcSight, Oracle and Spinway. Rishi has led enterprise software and
SaaS deployments in the high performance, security, analytics, middleware and
database areas for a variety of customers including Fortune 500 and mid-sized
companies, startups, universities and government agencies in North America,
Europe and Asia. He has been a session speaker at industry conferences such
as Oracle Open World and ArcSight Protect. Rishi received an M.S. degree in
computer science from the University of Houston and a B.Engg degree in computer
engineering from the University of Pune.
Bogdan Gadidov is a Ph.D. candidate student at Kennesaw State University.
He also completed his Master’s degree in Applied Statistics at Kennesaw State
University prior to enrolling in the Ph.D. program. His undergraduate degree is in
Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech. Prior to enrolling in graduate school,
he worked for a year as an implementation engineer at Noble Systems, which
specializes in telecommunication solutions for call centers. While at Kennesaw
State University, he has enjoyed teaching undergraduate courses in algebra and
elementary statistics as a graduate teaching assistant. In 2014, he was awarded
as a SAS Analytics Student Poster Winner by the SAS Institute at their yearly
Analytics conference for presenting on risk model validation following an internship
at SunTrust bank.

528 Author Biographies
Dr. Cuilan Gao is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Tennessee
at Chattanooga (UTC) in USA. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in statistics from
the University of Mississippi in USA in 2010. After graduation, she had been
working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Biostatistics
at St. Jude Children Research Hospital in Memphis in USA from 2010 to 2012,
where she developed statistical methods and conducted the design and analyses of
laboratory-based experiments, including genetics and genomic studies for pediatric
brain tumors. After joined UTC in 2012, she continues her research interests in
statistical methods on computational biology, analysis of high dimensional data and
large scale data sets. Dr. Gao is also an experienced collaborator and award–winning
teacher. She had wide collaborations with researchers from cancer research, public
health and computers science etc. She won the 2016 Alumni Outstanding Teacher
award across the University of Tennessee system.
Dr. Gintar˙
e, Ph.D. is a lecturer of Business Management Systems
at Vilnius University in Lithuania. She was educated at Kaunas University of
Technology where she took her first degree in Management followed by a Ph.D. in
Economics which she completed in 2014. Her research interests lie in accounting,
audit and information systems, and she is an author of five handbooks and more than
thirty scientific papers.

Author Biographies 529
Dr. Yueqin Huang received her B.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering
from Jimei University, China in 2005, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from Xiamen University, China in 2007 and 2011, respectively. During
her Ph.D. studies, she spent two years as a visiting scholar in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Following her graduation, Dr. Huang worked as an Assistant Professor for one
year in Department of Electronic Science at Xiamen University and continued her
research in forward and inverse modeling in seismic and electromagnetic wave
applications. Since 2015, Dr. Huang has been the owner and a Research Scientist
of Cyentech Consulting LLC, Cypress, TX. Her research interests include ground
penetrating radar, modeling and inversion of resistivity well logging, and signal
Dr. Dryver Huston has been an engineering faculty member at the University
of Vermont since 1987. He has over thirty years of experience in developing
and implementing systems for assessing the performance and health of structural
systems, along with electromechanical and precision instrument design. Current
research projects include developing methods for monitoring and mapping under-
ground utilities, ground penetrating radar methods for detecting buried landmines,
developing intrinsic shape sensing networks for inflatable structures, monitoring

530 Author Biographies
bridges during accelerated construction, flood scour effect measurements, self-
healing wiring systems, soft robotic systems for patient handling and avian lung
based extracorporeal oxygenators. Dr. Huston has a PhD (1986) and MA (1982)
from Princeton University in Civil Engineering and a BS (1980) from the University
of Pennsylvania in Mechanical Engineering.
Dr. Sowmya S. Iyer, M.D., MPH is a Geriatric Medicine physician at the Palo
Alto Veterans Affairs Medical Center and a Clinical Assistant Professor (Affiliated)
of Medicine at Stanford University. She earned her undergraduate degree in Music
and MD at the University of Louisville. She then completed her Internal Medicine
residency at Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center. She completed her
Masters in Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley and her clinical
fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at Stanford University. Her professional interests
include improving dementia care throughout health systems, quality improvement,
medical education, and medical journalism.
Dr. Shankar Iyer is a Staff Data Scientist at Quora. He works closely with the
company’s Core Product and Quality Team to conduct data analyses that directly
inform product decisions. He also leads the Quora Data Science Team’s research
efforts. Prior to joining Quora in 2013, Shankar completed a Ph.D. in theoretical
condensed matter physics at the California Institute of Technology, where he studied
phase transitions in quantum materials.

Author Biographies 531
Pierre Jean has twenty years of oil and gas experience from research scientist to
project manager and Asia business manager. Pierre started his career with two M.Sc.
degrees, the first one in theoretical physics and the second in microelectronics. He
has worked at developing new oil and gas measurement tools (optics, sonic, mass
spectrometer, and high pressure), integrating software and real-time measurement at
Daniel Industries, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, Weatherford and Schlum-
berger. In the last 5 years before creating Antaeus Technologies, Pierre Jean was
software business manager at Schlumberger in Asia - where he grew the business
from $500K to 8M over 2.5 years with a very limited team - and in 2014 moved
to further develop the software business in North America for Schlumberger. This
worldwide technical and business experience gave Pierre Jean the right hindsight as
to the market needs in various regions of the world.
Dr. Xiaoqian Jiang is an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical
Informatics, UCSD. He received his PhD in computer science from Carnegie Mellon
University. He is an associate editor of BMC Medical Informatics and Decision
Making and serves as an editorial board member of Journal of American Medical
Informatics Association. He works primarily in health data privacy and predictive
models in biomedicine. Dr. Jiang is a recipient of NIH K99/R00 award and he won
the distinguished paper award from AMIA Clinical Research Informatics (CRI)
Summit in 2012 and 2013.

532 Author Biographies
Pankush Kalgotra is a doctoral candidate majoring in Management Science and
Information Systems at Oklahoma State University (OSU). His research interests
include healthcare analytics, network science, dark side of IT and neuroimaging in
Information Systems. He has more than five years of experience with Data Mining,
Texting Mining, Sentiment Analysis and Big Data Analytics. He is proficient in
using and teaching Teradata Aster, a Big Data Platform. He is a SAS®certified
Predictive Modeler and has been awarded with SAS Student Scholar award in 2013
and SAS Student Ambassador Award in 2014. His team won the SAS Shootout
competition in 2014. For his teaching effectiveness, he received Spears School of
Business Outstanding Graduate Teaching Associate Award in 2015 and selected as
a teaching mentor by the Institute for Teaching and Learning in 2016. He was also
awarded the Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in 2015 and 2016.
Dr. Igor Katin, Ph.D. is a lecturer with Department of Economic Informatics,
Faculty of Economics at Vilnius University, Lithuania. He gained his Ph.D. from
Informatics Engineering Department of Vilnius University, Institute of Mathematics
and Informatics. His research and teaching interests include big data analytics, data
mining, software systems and modeling, IT technologies, game theory, local and
global optimization.

Author Biographies 533
Samsheel Kumar Kathuri is a Graduate Student in Management Information
Systems majoring in Data Analytics at Oklahoma State University. He is enthu-
siastic and a result-oriented professional, well-versed in analyzing the data and
implementing high-impact strategies to target new business opportunities. Over
the past 5 years he is been deeply involved in Data Analytics, Business Analysis,
Business Intelligence and Reporting. He has worked for 4 years at Tata Consultancy
Services and over 1 year as a Graduate Research Assistant at Oklahoma State
University. Samsheel was one of the overall winners at ’2016 Teradata Analytics
Challenge’ for the work on Health Analytics. He has been offered a position as
aData Science, Senior Consultant at CVS Health. He is looking forward for a
learning oriented career in the field of Health Analytics.
Dr. Michail Kazimianec, Ph.D. is a lecturer with the Department of Economic
Informatics, Faculty of Economics at Vilnius University, Lithuania. He received his
Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
His current research and teaching interests include business intelligence automation
technologies and application of predictive analytics as well as of big data analytics
in business intelligence.

534 Author Biographies
Mark Kerzner is an experienced/hands-on Big Data architect. He has been
developing software for over 20 years in a variety of technologies (enterprise, web,
HPC) and for a variety of verticals (healthcare, O&G, legal, financial). He currently
focuses on Hadoop, Big Data, NOSQL and Amazon Cloud Services. Mark has been
doing Hadoop training for individuals and corporations; his classes are hands-on
and draw heavily on his industry experience.
Mark stays active in the Hadoop/Startup communities. He runs Houston Hadoop
Meetup. Mark contributes to a number of Hadoop-based projects.
Dr. Elizabeth Le, M.D. is a practicing academic Hospitalist at the Palo Alto
Veterans Affairs Medical Center and a Clinical Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of
Medicine at Stanford University. She earned her MD at the University of California,
Los Angeles and completed an Internal Medicine Residency at the University of
California, San Francisco. Current interests include medical education and training
at the residency level. Elizabeth currently lives in the Bay Area with her husband
and two rambunctious young children.

Author Biographies 535
Dr. Nan Li is an Associate Professor of Key Laboratory of Environment Change
and Resources Use in Beibu Gulf at Guangxi Teachers Education University. He
currently teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Marine Microbial Ecology
and Genome Data Mining and researches in areas of microbial ecology and bioin-
formatics. Dr. Li has published many articles related to mining information from
huge genomic data, evolutionary analysis and microbial diversity. He researchgate
website profile is https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nan_Li12?ev=hdr_xprf.
Dr. Ron C. Li M.D. is an internal medicine resident at Stanford. He has interests
in applied clinical informatics, with a focus on the implementation science of
informatics and digital health tools in healthcare systems. He plans on continuing
his training as a clinical informatics fellow to better understand how to study and
implement innovations that improve the way clinicians make medical decisions and
engage with patients.

536 Author Biographies
Yang Li received his B.S. degree in Information Security from Northwestern
Polytechnical University in 2014. He currently is a Ph.D. student in the same
His research interests include Natural Language Processing (word embedding,
sentiment analysis, topic model), Deep Learning, etc.
Dr. Yaohang Li is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science
at Old Dominion University. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award in 2009.
Dr. Li’s research interests are in Computational Biology, Monte Carlo Methods, and
Scientific Computing. He received the Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science
from the Florida State University in 2003 and 2000, respectively. After graduation,
he worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a research associate for a short
period of time. Before joining ODU, he was an associate professor in the Computer
Science Department at North Carolina A&T State University.

Author Biographies 537
Dr. Yu Liang is currently working at the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering of University of Tennessee at Chattanooga as an Associate Professor.
His funded research projects cover the following areas: modeling and simulation,
high-performance scientific and engineering computing, numerical linear algebra,
the processing and analytics of large-scale sensory data, and computational mechan-
ics. His research work has appeared in various prestigious journals, book and
book chapters, and refereed conference, workshop, and symposium proceedings.
Dr. Liang is serving in the International Journal of Security Technology for Smart
Device (IJSTSD), Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications (JMRA), and
Current Advances in Mathematics (CAM) as an editorial board member. . Dr. Liang
has a PhD in Computer Science (1998) from Chinese Academy of Sciences, a PhD
in Applied Mathematics (2005) from University of Ulster, and a BS (1990) from
Tsinghua University.
Dr. Guirong Liu received Ph.D. from Tohoku University, Japan in 1991. He
was a PDF at Northwestern University, USA from 1991–1993. He is currently a
Professor and Ohio Eminent Scholar (State Endowed Chair) at the University of
Cincinnati. He authored a large number of journal papers and books including
two bestsellers: “Mesh Free Method: moving beyond the finite element method”
and “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: a Meshfree Particle Methods.” He is the
Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computational Methods, Associate
Editor of IPSE and MANO. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including
the Singapore Defence Technology Prize, NUS Outstanding University Researcher
Award and Best Teacher Award, APACM Computational Mechanics Awards, JSME

538 Author Biographies
Computational Mechanics Awards, ASME Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics
Award, and Zienkiewicz Medal from APACM. He is listed as a world top 1% most
influential scientist (Highly Cited Researchers) by Thomson Reuters in 2014, 2015
and 2016.
Dr. Z. John Ma, P.E, F.A.S.C.E., received his Ph.D. degree in civil engineering
from University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1998. He currently serves at the University
of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) as a professor in the College of Engineering’s
civil and environmental engineering department. Dr. Ma has conducted research
in the area of evaluation of ASR-affected structures; as well as reinforced and
prestressed concrete structures including the investigation of shear behavior of thin-
web precast bridge I-girders and the development of connection details and durable
closure-pour materials for accelerated bridge construction. He has been awarded
the NSF CAREER, ASCE Tennessee Section Outstanding Engineering Educator,
ASCE Raymond C. Reese Research Prize, and ASCE T.Y. Lin Awards. He is an
Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering and Journal of Bridge
Engineering. He has also served as a member on several professional technical
committees within ASCE, ACI, PCI, and TRB.
Dr. Ali Miri has been a Full Professor at the School of Computer Science, Ryerson
University, Toronto since 2009. He is the Research Director, Privacy and Big Data
Institute, Ryerson University, an Affiliated Scientist at Li Ka Shing Knowledge

Author Biographies 539
Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, and a member of Standards Council of Canada, Big
Data Working Group. He has also been with the School of Information Technology
and Engineering and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics since 2001,
and has held visiting positions at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical
Sciences, Toronto in 2006, and Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France in 2007, and
Alicante and Albecete Universities in Spain in 2008. His research interests include
cloud computing and big data, computer networks, digital communication, and
security and privacy technologies and their applications. He has authored and co-
authored more than 200 referred articles, 6 books, and 6 patents in these fields.
Dr. Miri has chaired over a dozen international conference and workshops, and had
served on more than 80 technical program committees. He is a senior member of
the IEEE, and a member of the Professional Engineers Ontario.
Bhargav Molaka is a Graduate Student in Management Information Systems with
a concentration in Business Analytics at Oklahoma State University. He is also a
Statistical Analyst at University Assessment and Testing Center, OSU. Bhargav
is a SAS Certified Business Analyst, Base and Advanced Programmer with a
specialization in data mining and 4 years of professional experience in Business
intelligence, ETL, and Data Analysis. Bhargav is one of the Overall Winners of
Teradata University Network’s Student Analytics Challenge at Teradata Partners
Conference, 2016. He was awarded for their Big Data Project on Health Analytics
which was done using Teradata Aster, App Center. Recently, he has been offered the
position of Senior Credit Analyst from Bluestem Brands, Inc.

540 Author Biographies
Dr. Teja Suhas Patil M.D. is a hospitalist at the VA Palo Alto Health Case System
and a clinical instructor of medicine at Stanford University. She has a B.S. in
Cell Biology and Biochemistry from the University of California, San Diego and a
Masters in Public Health from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her special
interest is in medical education.
Dr. Sharmini Pitter received her Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Stanford
University in 2014. During her graduate study, she conducted research in the
Department of Environmental Earth System Science in collaboration with the
Stanford Archaeology Center. Her dissertation research focused on the link between
changes in the paleoenvironment, cultural technology, and agricultural decision-
making during the Neolithic period of Turkey. Her research interest focus is on
the connections between variables in complex social and environmental systems.
Dr. Pitter is currently Project Coordinator for the FAMU Florida IT Career Alliance
(FITC), a program that focuses on recruitment, retention, graduation, and career
placement of the next generation of Florida’s technology workforce.

Author Biographies 541
Hoi Ting Poon is a graduate student in Computer Science at Ryerson University,
Toronto, where he is currently a Ph.D. candidate. He also holds a degree in Electrical
Engineering and has authored various works in areas related to information security.
His research interests include information security, cryptography, authentication
systems, Cloud computing, searchable encryption, security in embedded systems
and applications of homomorphic encryption in addressing security and privacy
issues. He is a student member of the IEEE.
Dr. Jennifer Lewis Priestley, Ph.D. is a Professor of Applied Statistics and Data
Science at Kennesaw State University, where she is the Director of the Center for
Statistics and Analytical Services. She oversees the Ph.D. Program in Advanced
Analytics and Data Science, and teaches courses in Applied Statistics at the
undergraduate, Masters and Ph.D. levels. In 2012, the SAS Institute recognized Dr.
Priestley as the 2012 Distinguished Statistics Professor of the Year. She served as
the 2012 and 2015 Chair of the National Analytics Conference. Prior to receiving
her career in academia, Dr. Priestley worked for Accenture, Visa EU, MasterCard
and AT&T. She has authored articles on Binary Classification, Risk Modeling,
Applications of Statistical Methodologies for Problem Solving, and Data Science

542 Author Biographies
Dr. Fatema Rashid is currently working as a Visiting faculty in Ryerson University
School of Continue Education, Computer Science Department, Toronto, Canada.
She is also working as an Information Management Analyst in an IT oriented firm in
Toronto. She completed her Ph.D. from Ryerson University in 2015 with the thesis
chiefly focused on Big Data Security in Cloud computing and different strategies to
save storage space in clouds. She also completed her MS from Ryerson University
in 2009 with major in Inverse Biometrics for user Authentication.
Sankalp Sah, Founding Engineer, MityLytics Inc. Sankalp was the first engineering
hire at MityLytics and is responsible for leading the development of product
features for Big Data batch, streaming and query processing technologies. He has
over eight years of software development experience in the field of large scale
system development and networking. He has worked on products like the Ericsson’s
Converged Packet Gateway (CPG) which have been deployed in the world’s first
LTE offerings from Verizon, TeliaSonera and MetroPCS to name a few. Whilst
at Ericsson (formerly Redback Networks) he worked on an in house network
processing chipset that featured thousands of cores to enable products to scale from
100 Gbps to 1 Tbps. He has also been involved in the mobile handset market with
Samsung Electronics, where he helped commercialize phones for the Japan, Brazil
and the US market. Sankalp has a Bachelor’s degree from the Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) and a Master’s degree in computer engineering from Texas A&M.

Author Biographies 543
Dr. Mohamed Sayeed (Ph.D. CE North Carolina State University, 2003) is a
computational scientist and a faculty associate at Arizona State University. His area
of expertise is in Advanced Computing/Cyber Infrastructure hardware and software
for scientific computing including high performance computing, high throughput
computing, accelerated, grid and cloud based computing. His research and teaching
involves interdisciplinary scientific computing using high performance computing.
The current research and tool development efforts are to lower the barriers to use
of parallel computing including efforts for automatic parallelization using machine
learning techniques. His research interests are parallel computing for big data
computation and analytics, dynamical systems modeling, parallel numerical linear
algebra, numerical methods, machine learning, inverse modeling and optimization.
Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi (M.B.B.S., Ph.D.) is an Assistant Professor of Computa-
tional Biology at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Delhi
and a Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Early Career Fellow at All India
Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. He is a clinician and
a Data-scientist. With a bridge-expertise in medicine and computer science, he
works on developing actionable models for healthcare and his areas of research
interests include social networks, machine learning and time series analysis for
critical-care and community-health settings. He is a recipient of the MIT-India
Young Innovator Award for developing an exquisitely sensitive technology for

544 Author Biographies
early detection of small airway disease and Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance
Early\vadjustf\pagebreakgCareer award for supporting his ongoing research on
developing machine learning and artificial intelligence models for early detection of
sepsis in pediatric abd neonatal Intensive Care Units at AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
Dr. Ashfaque B. Shafique (Ph.D. EE Arizona State University, 2016) graduated
from Arizona State University with specialization in control theory. His research
involves the detection and control of Epileptic seizures through the use of control
theory, chaos theory and signal processing. Additional interests are in control
systems and their deployment trough embedded controllers, adaptive control, robust
control, system identification and chaos theory. He has worked on various projects
involving the application of control theory, namely the design of discrete-time
PID controllers through frequency loop-shaping. He has also worked on system
identification and control of VTOL model aircrafts and model heating problems.
Dr. Ramesh Sharda is the Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Programs,
Watson/ConocoPhillips Chair and a Regents Professor of Management Science
and Information Systems in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State
University. He has coauthored two textbooks (Business Intelligence and Analytics:
Systems for Decision Support, 10th edition, Prentice Hall and Business Intelligence:

Author Biographies 545
A Managerial Perspective on Analytics, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall). His research
has been published in major journals in management science and information
systems including Management Science, Operations Research, Information Systems
Research, Decision Support Systems, Decision Science Journal, EJIS, JMIS, Inter-
faces, INFORMS Journal on Computing, ACM Data Base and many others. He is a
member of the editorial boards of journals such as the Decision\vadjustf\pagebreakg
Support Systems, Decision Sciences, and Information Systems Frontiers. He is
currently serving as the Executive Director of Teradata University Network and
received the 2013 INFORMS HG Computing Society Lifetime Service Award.
Manish Singh, Co-founder, CEO and CTO, MityLytics Inc. Manish co-founded
MityLytics in 2015 and is responsible for business and technology strategy and
execution at MityLytics. Manish has 17 years product development experience
at various Silicon Valley based enterprise software product companies namely
GoGrid (acquired by Datapipe), Netscaler (acquired by Citrix), Ascend (acquired by
Lucent) and Redback Networks (acquired by Ericsson). He has developed revenue
generating features and products used in datacenters at Google, Amazon and several
financial companies. He received an M.S. degree in computer science from the
University of Houston and a B.S. degree in computer science from Banaras Hindu
Dr. Rimvydas Skyrius, Ph.D., is a Professor and head of the Economic Informatics
department at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania. He received his Ph.D. in
Operations Research and Computer Applications from ASU-Moscow Institute in

546 Author Biographies
1986, and his Master’s degree from the University of Vilnius in 1978. His principal
research areas are IT-based decision support in business and management, business
intelligence and management information needs, and he has published a monograph,
a number of articles and conference papers on the subject, as well as co-authored
several textbooks in the field.
Dr. Erica Sobel, DO, MPH is a hospital medicine physician at Kaiser Permanente
Santa Clara Medical Center. She earned her DO at Touro University California and
completed her Internal Medicine Residency at Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical
Center. Erica completed her Masters in Public Health at the University of California,
Berkeley. Her professional interests include medical education and health policy.
Dr. S. Srinivasan is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research as well
as the Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at the Jesse H. Jones (JHJ)
School of Business at Texas Southern University (TSU) in Houston, Texas, USA.
He is the Director of Graduate Programs at the JHJ School of Business. Prior to
coming to TSU, he was Chairman of the Division of International Business and
Technology Studies at Texas A & M International University in Laredo. He spent
23 years at the University of Louisville (UofL) in Kentucky where he started the
Information Security Program as a collaborative effort of multiple colleges. He was
Director of the InfoSec program until 2010 when he left for Texas. The program was

Author Biographies 547
designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance
Education by the US National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland
Security. He successfully wrote several grant proposals in support of the InfoSec
Program. His two books on Cloud Computing are “Security, Trust, and Regulatory
Aspects of Cloud Computing in Business Environments” and “Cloud Computing
Basics”. His area of research is Information Security. He is the Editor-in-Chief for
the Southwestern Business Administration Journal. He has taught Management of
Information Systems and Computer Science courses. He spent his sabbatical leaves
from UofL at Siemens in their R & D facility in Munich, Germany; UPS Air Group
in Louisville, KY; and GE Appliance Park in Louisville, KY. Besides these industry
experiences, he has done consulting work for US Army, IBM and a major hospital
company in Louisville, KY. He is currently a Cybersecurity Task Force member of
the Greater Houston Partnership.
Dr. Haiyan Tian is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of
Southern Mississippi. Her research interests include ordinary and partial differential
equations, applied analysis, computational mathematics, numerical analysis, and
mathematical modeling. She is also actively involved in math education and since
eight consecutive years she receives from the US Department of Education, through
Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning, funding for hosting the USM Summer
Math Institute for mathematics teachers. Her webpage is https://www.usm.edu/
Dr. Konstantinos Tsakalis (Ph.D. EE University of Southern California, 1988)
is currently a Professor and Undergraduate Program Chair of the Department of

548 Author Biographies
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University. His
expertise is in the theory and applications of control systems, adaptive control,
system identification and optimization. He has worked on the integrated system
identification and controller design and the implementation of high-performance
multivariable controllers for semiconductor manufacturing applications. He has
also worked on the application of robust control theory, system identification and
optimization principles in various industrial problems in collaboration with Honey-
well and EPRI. More recently, his activities include power system and biomedical
applications, and in particular, prediction and control of epileptic seizures. His
educational objectives are to provide students with an operational understanding
and hands-on experience with modern system identification and feedback controller
design techniques and implementation of embedded control systems.
Dr. Michael Wang M.D. graduated from Harvard College with a BA in Biochem-
istry. He then obtained his MD from Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of
Medicine before completing his residency in Internal Medicine at Alameda Health
System in Oakland, CA. He is currently a clinical informatics fellow at UCSF with
an interest in natural language processing, learning health systems, underserved
medicine, and genomics.
Dr. Shuang Wang received the B.S. degree in applied physics and the M.S. degree
in biomedical engineering from the Dalian University of Technology, China, and
the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of

Author Biographies 549
Oklahoma, OK, USA, in 2012. He was worked as a postdoc researcher with
the Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI), University of California, San
Diego (UCSD), CA, USA, 2012–2015. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the
DBMI, UCSD. His research interests include machine learning, and healthcare data
privacy/security. He has published more than 60 journal/conference papers, 1 book
and 2 book chapters. He was awarded a NGHRI K99/R00 career grant. Dr. Wang is
a senior member of IEEE.
Joe Weinman is the author of the seminal Cloudonomics: The Business Value
of Cloud Computing (Wiley, 2012) which remains a top-selling book in Cloud
Computing over 4 years after publication, and Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market
Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile, and the Internet of Things
(Wiley CIO, 2015), which was the Amazon #1 Hot New Release in Computers &
Technology. These books have been translated into 3 Chinese editions. He is also the
contributing editor for Cloud Economics for IEEE Cloud Computing magazine, and
has been named a “Top 10 Cloud Computing Leader,” among many other accolades.
Dr. Dalei Wu received the B.S. and M.Eng. degrees in Electrical Engineering
from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2001 and 2004, respectively, and the
Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Lincoln, NE, USA, in 2010. From 2011 to 2014, He was a Postdoctoral Research
Associate with the Mechatronics Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical

550 Author Biographies
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. Since
August 2014, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC).
His research interests include intelligent systems, networking, and cyber-physical
Dr. Xuqing Wu earned a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from University
of Science and Technology Beijing in 1995. He also earned a Master of Science
in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta in 1999 and Master of
Science in Computer Science from the Carleton University in 2001. Dr. Wu received
his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Houston in 2011.
Dr. Wu worked as a software engineer from 2001 to 2007. Dr. Wu finished his
2-years Postdoc Fellowship at the University of Houston. Dr. Wu was a research
and data scientist of the Schlumberger-Doll research center before he joined the
University of Houston as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information
& Logistics Technology in 2015. Dr. Wu has been actively involved in research areas
of Big Data, Predictive Modeling and Forecasting, High Performance Computing,
Mobile and Cloud Computing, Probabilistic Multi-Physics Modeling, and Scientific
Dr. Tao Yang received the M.S. degree in Computer Science and the Ph.D. degree
in Automation Control Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an, China, in 2009 and 2012 respectively. From 2009 to 2010, he was a

Author Biographies 551
visiting Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Ohio State
University. Before his current position, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at
the Department of Computer Science in Xi’an JiaoTong University.
He is currently an Associate Professor in Northwestern Polytechnical University.
His current research interests include data mining methodologies, machine learning
algorithms and information security, etc.
His research has been supported by NSFC, National Aerospace Science Founda-
tion of China, and Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation, etc.
He has served as an executive at Bell Labs, AT&T, and HP, and was most
recently Senior Vice President at Telx (recently acquired by Digital Realty). He
currently serves on the advisory boards of several technology companies. He has
a BS and MS in Computer Science from Cornell University and UW-Madison,
respectively, and has completed executive education at the International Institute
for Management Development in Lausanne. He has been awarded 22 patents in a
variety of technologies such as cloud computing, distributed storage, homomorphic
encryption, TCP/IP multicasting, mobile telephony, and pseudoternary line coding.
Dr. Hongkai Xiong received the Ph.D. degree in communication and information
system from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China, in 2003.
Since then, he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering, SJTU,
where he is currently a full Professor. His research interests include source
coding/network information theory, signal processing, computer vision and machine
learning. He has published over 170 refereed journal/conference papers. He is the
recipient of the Best Student Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE Visual Communication
and Image Processing (IEEE VCIP’14), the Best Paper Award at the 2013 IEEE
International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting
(IEEE BMSB’13), and the Top 10% Paper Award at the 2011 IEEE International
Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (IEEE MMSP’11). In 2014, he was
granted National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar and Shanghai
Youth Science and Technology Talent as well. He served as TPC members for
prestigious conferences such as ACM Multimedia, ICIP, ICME, and ISCAS. He
is a senior member of the IEEE (2010).

552 Author Biographies
Dr. Raimundas Žilinskas, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor with the Department of
Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics at Vilnius University, Lithuania. He
gained his Ph.D. degree from Vilnius University. His research and teaching interests
include Business Intelligence, Information Systems Strategies, and Early Warning
Accelerated innovation, 7–8
contest economics, 22–23
contests and challenges, 22
machine innovation, 23
Adaptable IO system (ADIOS), 352–353
ADMM. see Alternating direction method of
multipliers (ADMM)
Agent Based Models (ABMs), 385–386
ALERT system, 110–111
Alternating direction method of multipliers
distributed optimization, 56–58
DLM method, 65–66
DSVM, 64–65
federated modeling techniques, 62
PCA framework, 65
regression, 63–64
RNNs, 65
Amazon Web Services (AWS), 136
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS),
Analogy precision, 97
23andMe, 11
Antaeus platform, 196–198
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), 334–335
Anti-Money Laundering (AML), 482–483
Apache Spark, 112
Apple products, 12, 196, 425, 426
Apple’s HealthKit, 425–426
Application programming interface (API),
Approximate entropy, 393
AsySCD algorithm, 75
AsySPCD algorithm, 75
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) systems, 120
Attractors, 341
Azimuthal resistivity LWD tools
deterministic inversion method, 164–166,
HMC, 168
inverted formation resistivities, 171
MapReduce, 169
measured vs. synthetic data, 171, 173
measurement curves, 163
real field data, 171, 172
statistical inversion method, 166–168, 170
structure and schematics, 163
three-layer model, 169–170
BDA, 463
audio analytics, 473
banking supervision, 468–471
CEP, 472
customers, 466–468
data collection, 460–462
data integration and consolidation
issues, 462
expected benefits, 464
fraud detection, 478–483
operations, 468
quality challenges, 462–463
risks, 465–466
robust analytics platform, 475–478
social media analytics, 473
text analytics, 472–473
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Srinivasan (ed.), Guide to Big Data Applications, Studies in Big Data 26,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53817-4
554 Index
Banking (cont.)
tools, 471
tradeoffs, 459–460
uneven expected business value, 471
video analytics, 473
visualization, 474
implications, 484–485
information activities
analytical activities, 458–459
corporate culture, 457
definitions, 455
drivers, 456–457
factors, 455–456
transaction processing systems, 454
Bank of Austria, 467
Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST),
Basin of attraction, 341
Batch event processing, 129
Bayesian graphical model, 154–157
Bayesian inversion accuracy
graphical model, 154–157
measurement errors, 153–154
mixture model, 157–159
Bayesian Networks (BN), 395
Bayes learning method, 68–69
Behavioral intervention technology (BIT)
programs, 436
Big Data analytics (BDA), 463
audio analytics, 473
banking supervision
deposit insurance, 469
efficiency and stability, 468
EWS, 469–470
features, 468–469
financial crisis, 470–471
resources, 469
supervision authorities, 469–470
CEP, 472
customers, 466–468
data collection, 460–462
data integration and consolidation issues,
expected benefits, 464
fraud detection
AML, 482–483
credit card holders, 480–481
cross-coverage test, 482
data resources, 479
fraud investigation and evaluation
process, 478–479
fraud patterns, 479–480
fraudulent activities, 480
high-risk companies, 483
low-risk companies, 483
pattern borders, 481
pre-processing tier, 479
real time prediction, 482
track factors, 480
high performance computing (see High
performance computing)
oil industry
eventual consistency, 201–202
fault tolerance, 202–203
planning storage, 198–200
operations, 468
quality challenges, 462–463
risk management, 465–466
robust analytics platform
Apache Hadoop, 475–476
Apache Mahout, 476
Apache Spark, 477
attributes, 475
enterprise data hub, 476–478
social media analytics, 473
text analytics, 472–473
tools, 471
tradeoffs, 459–460
uneven expected business value, 471
video analytics, 473
visualization, 474
Big Data as a Service (BDaaS), 132
BLAST. see Basic local alignment search tool
BM. see Boltzmann machine (BM)
Boltzmann machine (BM), 89
Border-setting algorithm, 481
BRAF Val600 mutations, 443
BRCA1 mutations, 443
BRCA2 mutations, 443
Browser, 187–188
BuildTree procedure, 72
Butterfly effect, 342, 343
Byte-level deduplication. see Content aware
data deduplication methods
Care Coordination/Home Telehealth (CCHT)
program, 423
Cassandra database, 130, 138, 140, 142, 192,
202, 204
CIDPCA algorithm. see Covariance-free
iterative distributed principal
component analysis (CIDPCA)
Cinematch algorithm, 22
Civil infrastructure serviceability evaluation
Index 555
Bayesian network, 322–323
cloud service platform, 299
data management civil infrastructure,
global structural integrity analysis
big-data and inverse analysis, 315, 317
computer analysis, 318–319
data query, 317
historical measured response frequency,
317, 318
integrity level assessment, 319
theoretical response frequency, 317, 318
localized critical component reliability
deep learning technique, 320–321
infrastructure for, 320
probe prolongation strategies, 312–322
mobile computing, 304–305
MS-SHM-Hadoop (see Multi-scale
structural health monitoring system
based on Hadoop Ecosystem
nationwide civil infrastructure survey
(see Nationwide civil infrastructure
neural network based techniques, 298
supervised and unsupervised learning
techniques, 298
WSN, 298, 305
Client side deduplication, 249
Cloud-based hardware deployment, 131–132
Cloud computing, 6, 7, 187, 494, 502
Cloud storage services
data deduplication
client side deduplication, 249
content aware, 248
hash-based data deduplication methods,
HyperFactor, 248
inline data deduplication, 249
level of deduplication, 248–249
post-processing deduplication, 249
secure image deduplication scheme
(see Secure image deduplication
secure video deduplication scheme
(see Secure video deduplication
server-side deduplication, 249
single-user vs cross-user deduplication,
data privacy, 247
CNN. see Convolutional neural network
Code of Fair Information Practices (FIPs), 38
Collective intimacy, 7
high-level architecture, 18
recommendation engine, 19–20
sentiment analysis, 20
target segments, 19
upsell/cross-sell, 19
diseases in TUD and non-TUD patients,
407, 409–411
hospital visits in TUD and non-TUD
patients, 407, 410–413
prevalence of diseases in TUD and
non-TUD patients, 407, 410–411
three hospital visits with non-TUD patients,
408, 410–414
Complex event processing (CEP), 472
Compressed sensing (CS), 380
Connected Cardiac Care Program (CCCP), 423
Content aware data deduplication methods,
Content based media search, 290–293
Content marketing, 500–502
Convolutional neural network (CNN), 93
Corporate/business strategies
customer relationships, 4
innovation process, 5
processes, 4
products and services, 4
Covariance-free iterative distributed principal
component analysis (CIDPCA)
algorithm, 70
Cox proportional hazard model, 61–62
Curse of dimensionality, 84
Customer intimacy, 5–6
Customer segmentation, 467
Data deduplication
client side deduplication, 249
content aware, 248
hash-based data deduplication methods,
HyperFactor, 248
inline data deduplication, 249
level of deduplication, 248–249
post-processing deduplication, 249
secure image deduplication scheme (see
Image deduplication scheme)
secure video deduplication scheme (see
Video deduplication scheme)
server-side deduplication, 249
single-user vs cross-user deduplication, 250
556 Index
Data ingestion cluster, 136
Data-science roadmap
ABMs, 385–386
capture reliably
biomedical data, 376
data quality and standards, 377
data sparsity, 377–379
feature selection, 378–380
Green Button approach, 382
mHealth leverages mobile devices,
physiological precision, 381
state-of-the-art approach, 380
Stratified Medicine, 381–382
challenges, 374–375
enable decisions, 394
Bayesian Networks, 395
predictive modeling, 396
reproducibility, 396
SAFE-ICU, 396–397
Eric Topol’s vision, 374–376
information theory, 385
networks medicine, 383–384
phenotypic and physiological levels
cellular population, 388–389
heart rate variability, 389–393
pre-disease states, 388
principal axes of variation, 389
POSEIDON study, 386–388
transcriptomics, proteomics and
metabolomics, 374–375
DataSpark, 10
Data stores, 135
DCD-Lasso algorithm, 63
Decentralized architectures, 55
Decentralized linearized ADMM (DLM),
Deep brain stimulation (DBS), 336, 365
Deep learning models
localized critical component reliability
analysis, 320–321
nationwide civil infrastructure survey,
Degree-based friendship paradoxes, 208
Delta-differencing deduplication. see Content
aware data deduplication methods
Deterministic inversion method, 164–166
Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), 393
Deutsche Bank, 456
Dexcom Share2 app, 426
Diabetes mellitus, 411, 413
Digital disciplines
accelerated innovation, 7–8 (see also
Accelerated innovation)
collective intimacy, 7 (see also Collective
information excellence, 6 (see also
Information excellence)
solution leadership, 6–7 (see also Solution
Disney MagicBands, 16
Distributed recursive least-squares (D-RLS)
algorithm, 64
D-Lasso algorithm, 63
Document embedding, 99–100
Domain specific languages (DSL), 338
Downvoting, strong paradox
anti-correlation, 226, 227
complementary cumulative distributions,
content-contribution paradox, 230–234
core questions, 223–224
definition, 222
“downvotee r downvoter” questions, 224,
225, 228, 229
“downvoter r downvotee” questions, 224,
225, 228
joint distribution, 226
non-anonymous answers, 228, 229
undownvoted downvoters, 226, 227
vs. upvoting, 223
DQP-Lasso algorithm, 63
Early warning systems (EWS), 469–470
Earth Science Data and Information System
(ESDIS) Project, 122
eBird project, 122
Edge computing (EC), 300, 302
Elastic block storage (EBS), 137
Electroencephalogram (EEG), 336
Electronic health record (EHR)
data-science roadmap, 376–377, 382
patient-physician relationship, 422,
Electronic medical records (EMRs)
data-science roadmap, 376
TUDs (see Tobacco use disorder (TUD))
Email filtering system, 282–285
Environmental datasets, 112, 122
Environmental microbiology, 117–118
big data analysis, 119–120
genome dataset, 118–119
AEDs, 334–335
big data problem, 355–356
closed-loop control, 336–337
Index 557
control efficacy experiment, 360–362
DBS, 336
EEG, 336
electrical stimulation, 356–357,
functional models, 359
incidence rates, 334
Kantz algorithm, 347, 357–360
long-standing clinical practice, 335
mortality rates, 362–363
open-loop control, 336
PTE, 356
real-time signals, 357
seizures, 335, 358–359
spatial synchronization, 359
Spraque Dawley rats, 366–367
STLmax algorithm, 336
VNS, 335
European Banking Authority, 470
Eventual consistency, 201–202
EXpectation Propagation LOgistic REgRession
(EXPLORER) model, 60
Experience Economy framework, 16
Facebook, 208, 209
Fault tolerance, 202–203
Feed forward neural network, 87–88
FIPs. see Code of Fair Information Practices
Fisher’s exact test, 73
Florida hurricane datasets, 116–117
data analysis, 114–116
dataset, 113–114
Ford Fusion’s EcoGuide SmartGauge, 14
Friendship paradox
degree-based friendship paradoxes,
Facebook, 208, 209
Feld’s mathematical argument, 212–213
generalized friendship paradoxes, 209
immunization strategies design, 208
marketing approaches, 207
psychological consequences, 207
Quora Follow Network (see Quora Follow
random wiring, 214
strong paradox (see Strong paradox)
Twitter, 208, 209
weak paradox, 209
generalized paradoxes, 215
in undirected networks, 214–215
Fuzzy searches, 294
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, 413
Gaussian mixture model, 157–159
GDPR. see General Data Protection Regulation
GE Flight Quest, 5, 22
GE GEnx jet engine, 6–7, 15
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
31, 32
Generalized friendship paradoxes, 209
architecture, 189–190
main screen, 194
properties, 190–192
workflow engine, 192–193
GeoSphere, 164
Geosteering, 162–164, 166
Global structural integrity analysis
big-data and inverse analysis, 315, 317
computer analysis, 318–319
data query, 317
historical measured response frequency,
317, 318
integrity level assessment, 319
theoretical response frequency, 317, 318
Google 616 Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo, 21,
Grand Rounds Quality Algorithm, 419–420
Grid binary LOgistic REgression (GLORE)
framework, 58, 60
GuideWave Azimuthal resistivity tool,
Hadoop, 198–199, 475–478
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), 168–169
Hash-based data deduplication methods, 248
Hash stamping, 204
HBase, 204
HDFC Bank, 467
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
(HCUP), 50
Health Grades model, 420–421
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA),
50, 428–429
Heart rate variability (HRV)
ANS, 389
ECG, 390–391
frequency domain analysis, 392–393
nonlinear analyses, 393
time domain analysis, 390, 392
Hierarchical Log BiLinear (HLBL) model, 95
558 Index
Hierarchical neural language model (HNLM),
High performance computing (HPC), 337
advanced hardware, 144
data pipeline
defining, 128–130
designing, 145–146
deployments, 130–133
hardware considerations, 136–141
intelligent software, 144
on-premise hardware configuration, 142
performance management, 144
scaling up, 143, 147
SDI, 142–143
software considerations, 133–136
HMC. see Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
HNLM. see Hierarchical neural language
model (HNLM)
Homomorphic encryption, 292–294
Hosmer and Lemeshow (H-L) test, 54
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS),
Hurricane Frances, 9
HyperFactor, 248
Hypertension, 409, 411–414
IDC Big Data White paper, 485
Ideal ecosystem, for oilfield actors, 182–183
Identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme,
Idiomaticity analysis, 98–99
Image deduplication scheme
deduplication analysis, 256–259
experimental settings, 255–256
image compression, 252–253
image hashing, 254–255
partial image encryption, 253–254
performance analysis, 259–260
security analysis, 260–261
Information excellence, 6
digital-physical substitution and fusion,
dynamic, networked and virtual
corporations, 12
exhaust-data monetization, 11
governmental and societal objectives, 12
high-level architecture for, 9
long-term process improvement, 10
resource optimization, 8–10
Inline data deduplication, 249
Integrated disciplines, 24–25
International Mobile Equipment Identity
(IMEI), 33
International Working Group on Data
Protection in Telecommunications
(IWGDPT 2004), 33
Internet of Things, 25
Inverse problems, 151–152, 166, 172
Inverse theory, 151
Jenkins, 204
Kafka nodes, 141
Kelly bushing (KB), 196
Keyword based media search, 289–290
K-means clustering, 69
Language modeling, 83
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), 86
Latent semantic analysis (LSA), 86
LDA. see Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (LMA), 165
LMA. see Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Localized critical component reliability
deep learning technique, 320–321
infrastructure for, 320
probe prolongation strategies, 312–322
Low cost subscription model, 184–185
LSA. see Latent semantic analysis (LSA)
Lyapunov exponents
epileptic animal EEG, 346–347
Kantz algorithm, 349–350
linearized approximation, 345–346
maximum lyapunov exponent (Lmax), 346
parallel computation, 353–355
Rosenstein algorithm, 349–350
Wolf algorithm, 347–348
Machine translation, 99
MapReduce, 112, 152, 159, 168, 169, 502
audience targeting
cloud computing, 494
products/services, 493–494
social media, 492–493
Index 559
Spotify, 494–495
US population, 493
visitor experience, 494
Barnett’s description, 496
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 498
demand for, 495–496
Hadoop, 497
home appliances, 496–497
McKinsey Global Reports, 498
regression analysis and curve
smoothing, 495
Spark, 497
MTA, 490–492
predictive analytics, 498–500
weaving Big Data, 502–503
Marketing analytics, 3
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method,
158, 159, 161, 167, 168
Matrix-vector recursive neural network
(MV-RNN), 92
Max-miner algorithm, 481
McDonald, 24
MCMC method. see Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) method
content based media search, 290–293
keyword based media search, 289–290
Media Access Control (MAC), 33
Melvin program, 23
Message passing interface (MPI), 337
Metroolis-Hastings algorithm, 159
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS),
Missing completely at random (MCAR), 378,
MityLytics, 144, 145, 147
Mobile health (mHealth)
CCHT program, 423
jurisdiction and liability, 429–430
mobile technologies, 422
Partners Healthcare, 423–424
from patients, 424–427
regulation of, 429
RPM, 422–423
VHA, 423
Modified Saffir-Simpson wind scale, 114
Monotone pattern, 378–379
Multidimensional and time-variant (MDTV)
data, 406
Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS), 378–380,
Multi-scale structural health monitoring
system based on Hadoop Ecosystem
civil infrastructure performance evaluation,
civil infrastructures construction methods,
impact evaluation, 300
cutting-edge technologies, 300
data fetching and processing, 300
features, 299–300
flowchart of, 303–304
functions, 298
infrastructure of, 301–302
multi-scale structural dynamic modeling
and simulation, 300
performance indicators determination, 300
pipeline safety information, 298
research samples screening, 300
sensory data, 299
supporting information systems, 299
Multi-touch attribution (MTA), 490–492
Multiview LSA (MVLSA), 86
MV-RNN. see Matrix-vector recursive neural
network (MV-RNN)
MyChart app, 426
Naive Bayes classifier, 68–69
Named entity recognition, 98
National Bridge Inventory Database, 308
National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI) Genome database, 118–119
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 442, 445
Nationwide civil infrastructure survey
data management, 314
dimensionality reduction, 315, 316
features, 306–308
imputation, 314
life-expectancy estimation
champion model selection, 313
deep learning models, 312–313
Markov chain models, 310, 312
neural networks, 312
statistical analysis, 309–310
Weibull linear regression model, 310,
National Bridge Inventory Database, 308
variable transformation techniques, 314
Netflix, 4, 7, 18–20, 22, 24, 129
Prize dataset, 275
Neural mass model, 336
560 Index
Neural network language model (NNLM),
Neural networks, 396
Newman configuration model, 214
Newton-Raphson method
Cox proportional hazard model, 61–62
distributed optimization, 56
federated modeling techniques, 58, 59
generalized linear models, 58
GLORE framework, 58, 60
WebDISCO, 62
WebGLORE, 60
NGLY-1 deficiency, 432–433
“n-gram” model, 83
NikeCecosystem, 15
NNLM. see Neural network language model
Nonlinear systems
batch processing, 339
cardiovascular applications, 363
challenges, 338
chaos theory
dense periodic orbits, 343–344
dynamical system, 340
logistic map, 343–344
Lorenz system, 344–345
phase space, 341, 344
random/stochastic systems, 345
real-world systems, 340
sensitive dependence, 342
sensitivity to initial conditions, 342–343
state space, 341
topological mixing, 343
Dryad tool, 339
AEDs, 334–335
closed-loop control, 336–337
control efficacy experiment, 360–362
DBS, 336
EEG, 336
electrical stimulation, 356–357,
functional models, 359
incidence rates, 334
Kantz algorithm, 347, 357–360
long-standing clinical practice, 335
mortality rates, 362–363
open-loop control, 336
PTE, 356
real-time signals, 357
seizures, 335, 358–359
spatial synchronization, 359
Spraque Dawley rats, 366–367
STLmax algorithm, 336
VNS, 335
API, 351
big data, 351
DCS, 350
parallel computing, 352–356
POSIX threads and MPI, 350
Lyapunov exponents
epileptic animal EEG, 346–347
Kantz algorithm, 349–350
linearized approximation, 345–346
maximum lyapunov exponent (Lmax),
Rosenstein algorithm, 349–350
Wolf algorithm, 347–348
Map-Reduce, 339
parallel computing, 337–338
stream processing, 339
Non-negative sparse coding (NNSC), 96
Non-negative sparse embedding (NNSE), 96
Null-model analysis, 232
Office of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC),
Oilfield Big Data
azimuthal resistivity LWD tools
deterministic inversion method,
164–166, 170
HMC, 168
inverted formation resistivities, 171
MapReduce, 169
measured vs. synthetic data, 171, 173
measurement curves, 163
real field data, 171, 172
statistical inversion method, 166–168,
structure and schematics, 163
three-layer model, 169–170
Bayesian inversion accuracy
graphical model, 154–157
measurement errors, 153–154
mixture model, 157–159
Antaeus platform, 196–198
cloud computing, 189–195
eventual consistency, 201–202
fault tolerance, 202–203
implementation planning, 198–200
Index 561
PC-based application, 188–189
project structure, 195
timestamping, 196, 204
Omni-channel marketing, 11
One-hot embedding, 83
On-premise deployments, 132
On-Road Integrated Optimization and
Navigation (ORION), 9
Open Government Initiative, 111
Operational excellence, 5
Opower, 14
Order preserving encryption (OPE), 288–289,
Partitioning around Medoids (PAM), 382
Part of the speech tagging, 98
PASSCoDe-Atomic, 75
PASSCoDe-Lock, 75
Patient-generated health data (PGHD)
Apple’s HealthKit, 425–426
Dexcom Share2 app, 426
eClinicalWorks, 425
ecosystem-enabling platforms, 424–425
EHRs, 425
health-related data, 424
Microsoft Health and Google Fit, 427
MyChart app, 426
Patient safety indicators (PSI), 421
PatientsLikeMe, 431–432
Payment card industry (PCI), 503
PbD. see Privacy by Design (PbD)
pbdR, 112
PCA. see Principal component analysis (PCA)
PCORnet, 382
Perplexity, 97
Personally identifiable information (PII), 31,
Petrophysical software platform
collaboration, 181–185
components, 179
cost, 179–181
knowledge, 185–186
Phrase embedding, 99
Phrase searches, 294
Phylogenetic analysis, 120–121
clinical decision support
challenges, 441–442
data driven approach, 439–441
fever, back pain, and nausea, 436–438
probabilistic systems, 438–439
rule-based approach, 439
treatment, 442–445
patient–physician relationship
accessibility, 427–428
Ginger.io, 435
hospital quality, examination, 420–421
Iodine.com, 433–434
logistics, 427
mHealth (see Mobile health (mHealth))
Omada health, 435–436
online communities, 431–433
patient engagement, 430–431
patient history, 422
privacy and security, 428–429
quality care, 418–419
“quality verified” physician, identifying,
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 131
Poincarè-Bendixson theorem, 344
Post-processing deduplication, 249
Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE), 356
Powell’s algorithm, 68
Precision agriculture, 111
Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI), 442–445
Predictive analytics, 15, 498–500
Prevalence of Symptoms on a Single Indian
Healthcare Day on a Nationwide
Scale (POSEIDON) study, 386–388
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 464
Principal component analysis (PCA), 65, 70,
95, 378–380
Privacy by Design (PbD)
Big Data challenges
antithesis of data minimization, 35–36
correlation versus causation, 36–37
lack of transparency/accountability,
outsourcing, 34
public health authorities, 33
security challenges, 34
customer trust, 39
FIPs, 38
7 Foundational principles
default/data minimization, 40, 42–43
embedded in design, 40, 43–44
positive-sum manner, 40, 44–45
proactive and preventative, 40, 41
respect and user-centric, 40
security, 40
visibility and transparency, 40
information privacy
aggregation, 32
confidential, 32
contextual integrity, 31
GDPR, 31, 32
562 Index
Privacy by Design (PbD) (cont.)
informational self-determination, 30
metadata, 32–33
NIST definition, 31
PII, 31
pseudonymization, 31
safekeeping/security, 30
Privacy-preserving federated data analysis
distributed optimization, 56–58
DLM method, 65–66
DSVM, 64–65
federated modeling techniques, 62
PCA framework, 65
regression, 63–64
RNNs, 65
decentralized, 55
server/client, 53–55
asynchronous optimization
coordinate gradient descent, 75
fixed-point algorithms, 74
spoke-hub architecture, 76
horizontally and vertically partitioned data,
51, 52
Newton-Raphson method
Cox proportional hazard model, 61–62
distributed optimization, 56
federated modeling techniques, 58, 59
generalized linear models, 58
GLORE framework, 58, 60
WebDISCO, 62
WebGLORE, 60
patient-level data, 51
secure protocols, 53
CIDPCA algorithm, 70
ID3 decision tree, 71–72
K-means clustering, 69
Naïve Bayes classifier, 68–69
PCA algorithm, 70
RDT framework, 72
regression, 66–68
S2-MLR and S2-MC, 70
sorting algorithms, 72–73
spoke-hub and peer-to-peer
architectures, 66, 67
SVM model, 70–71
Privacy-preserving support vector machine
(PP-SVMV), 70–71
Privacy-protected recommender system, 294
Proactive geosteering. see Geosteering
Product as a Product (PaaP), 179
Product leadership, 5–6
Proportional-integral (PI) controller, 336
Protected health information (PHI), 428
Quantified self movement, 107
Quick serve restaurants
failure rate, 507
social media data, 505–506
source of employment, 506–507
Yelp reviews
analysis, 516–517
correlations, 513
fast food experiences, 507
non-franchise and franchise locations,
numeric ratings, 508, 513
R programming language (see Yelp
U.S. locations, 513–514
word clouds, 515–516
Quora Follow Network
goal, 209
strong paradox
core questions, 217
definition, 209
in downvoting, 222–234
strong degree-based paradoxes, 211,
strong generalized paradoxes, 211,
in undirected networks, 214–215
in upvoting, 235–242
Radial basis function (RBF) kernels, 70, 71
Random decision tree (RDT) framework, 72
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 382
Randomized singular value decomposition
(R3SVD), 315
Rank search, 294
RapidMiner, 111
RBM. see Restricted Boltzmann machine
RDA method. see Regularized dual averaging
(RDA) method
Real-time process, 8–10, 135
Recurrent neural network, 90–91
Recursive neural network, 91–92
Recursive neural tensor network (RNTN), 92
Index 563
Regularized dual averaging (RDA) method, 97
Reinforcement learning, 385–386
Remote patient monitoring (RPM), 422–423
Remote sensing data, 111
Rent neural networks (RNNs), 65
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA), 393
Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), 89–90
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), 467
R packages, 112
Sample entropy, 393
SDC. see Software defined compute (SDC)
SDI. see Software defined infrastructure (SDI)
SDN. see Software defined networking (SDN)
SDS. see Software defined storage (SDS)
Searchable encryption schemes
categories, 277
data owner, 276
fuzzy searches, 294
homomorphic encryption, 292–294
content based media search, 290–293
keyword based media search, 289–290
phrase searches, 294
privacy-protected recommender system,
rank search, 294
storage provider, 276
symmetric encryption, 277
text processing systems (see Text processing
users, 276
Secure browser platform, 188
Secure multiparty computation (SMC)
CIDPCA algorithm, 70
ID3 decision tree, 71–72
K-means clustering, 69
Naïve Bayes classifier, 68–69
PCA algorithm, 70
RDT framework, 72
regression, 66–68
S2-MLR and S2-MC, 70
sorting algorithms, 72–73
spoke-hub and peer-to-peer architectures,
66, 67
SVM model, 70–71
Secure two-party multivariate classification
(S2-MC), 70
Secure two-party multivariate linear regression
(S2-MLR), 70
Semantic analysis, 98
Sensor networks
biocomplexity mapping, 110
flood detection, 110–111
forest fire detection, 109
precision agriculture, 110–111
Sentiment analytics, 466
Sentiment classification precision, 97–98
Sepsis Advanced Forecasting Engine for ICUs
(SAFE-ICU) Initiative, 396–397
Sequence analysis (SA), 406–408
Server/client architecture, 53–55
Server-side deduplication, 249
Shannon entropy, 393
Short term maximum Lyapunov exponent
(STLmax) algorithm, 336
Signal reconstruction, 380
Single instance storage (SIS), 249
Single-user vs. cross-user deduplication, 250
SMC. see Secure Multiparty Computation
Software defined compute (SDC), 143
Software defined infrastructure (SDI), 142–143
Software defined networking (SDN), 143
Software defined storage (SDS), 143
Solution leadership
cable company, 15–16
connected products and services, 17
customer-centered data integration, 17
customers’ financial health, 17
digital-physical mirroring, 13
Experience Economy framework, 16
experiences, 16
long-term product improvement, 15–16
predictive analytics and maintenance, 15
product-service system solutions, 15
product/service usage optimization, 14
real-time product/service optimization, 14
transformations, 16
Spark nodes, 141
Sparse coding approach (SPA), 84–85, 95–97
SPIHT algorithm, 252–253
Statistical inversion method, 166–168
Stratified medicine, 381–382
Streaming event processing, 129
Strong degree-based paradoxes
anatomy of, 219–221
in directed networks, 215–216
typical values of degree, 217–218
typical values of differences in degree, 218
Strong paradox
core questions, 217
definition, 209
in downvoting, 222–234
strong degree-based paradoxes, 211,
564 Index
Strong paradox (cont.)
strong generalized paradoxes, 211,
in undirected networks, 214–215
in upvoting, 235–242
Support vector machine (SVM), 70–71, 396
Syntax analysis, 98
Text processing systems
order preserving encryption, 288–289
private/private search scheme
Bloom filters, 280–281
encrypted indexes, 278–279
flow diagram, 278
private/public search scheme
advantage, 282
Bloom filter based scheme, 281
email filtering system, 282–285
flow diagram, 281–282
public/public search scheme
asymmetric scheme, 287–288
flow diagram, 285
symmetric scheme, 286–287
Textual entailment, 99
Thermodynamic entropy, 385
Time stamping, 204
Tobacco use disorder (TUD)
data preparation
analysis flowchart, 404–405
non-TUD patients, 405–406
sequence analysis, 406–408
time-based comorbidities
diseases in TUD and non-TUD patients,
407, 409–411
hospital visits in TUD and non-TUD
patients, 407, 410–413
prevalence of diseases in TUD and
non-TUD patients, 407, 410–411
three hospital visits with non-TUD
patients, 408, 410–414
Topical word embedding (TWE) model, 89
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 335
TRUSTe’s Consumer Privacy Confidence
Index 2016, 37
Twitter, 208, 209
Unscented Kalman filter, 337
Unsupervised clustering methods, 381
Upvoting, strong paradox
content dynamics, 235–237
core questions, 237–239
definition, 222
NetworkX Python package, 238
order-of-magnitude, 239
potential impacts, 241–242
practical consequences, 240
upvoted answers, 239
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), 335
Value disciplines
customer intimacy, 5–6
operational excellence, 5
product leadership, 5–6
Vector space model (VSM), 85–86
Vertical grid logistic regression (VERTIGO),
Veterans Health Administration (VHA), 423
Video deduplication scheme
experimental results, 267–270
flow diagram, 262
H.264 video compression scheme, 262–264
partial convergent encryption scheme,
security analysis, 270–271
unique signature generation scheme,
ViziTrak, 164
VSM. see Vector space model (VSM)
Weak paradox, 209
generalized paradoxes, 215
in undirected networks, 214–215
WebDISCO, 62
Weibull linear regression model, 310, 311
Welch’s test, 73
Well integrity, 152, 160
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 109–110,
298, 305
Withings Smart Body Analyzer, 15
Word embedding
applications, 98–100
evaluations, 97–98
goal, 84
LDA, 86
LSA, 86
models, 100–101
NNLM, 86–95
SPA, 95–97
VSM, 85–86
Word representation, 84
Index 565
Wrapper-based approach, 380
WSN. see Wireless sensor network (WSN)
Yelp API
account creation, 517
business/restaurant of interest, 519–520
consumer key and secret, 518
HTML source code, 521–522
registers, 518
SAS v9.4, 522
search string, 518–519
“snippet_text” parameter, 521
stopwords, 520–521
token and token secret, 518
Yelp reviews
analysis, 516–517
correlations, 513
fast food experiences, 507
non-franchise and franchise locations,
numeric ratings, 508, 513
R programming language
account creation, 517
business/restaurant of interest, 519–520
consumer key and secret, 518
HTML source code, 521–522
registers, 518
SAS v9.4, 522
search string, 518–519
“snippet_text” parameter, 521
stopwords, 520–521
token and token secret, 518
U.S. locations, 513–514
word clouds, 515–516
Yelpurl, 518–519
Ziff-Davis white paper study, 460, 475, 485