Submission Guide CAB201 2018 S2

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CAB201 Programming Principles - Semester 2, 2018
Submission Guide for Assignment: Space Race Game
For this assignment, you are required to submit a zip file via Blackboard containing two items. If
you are working as a pair only one person will submit the assignment. The first item is a folder
containing all of your Visual Studio files for the Space Race Game .
The contents of this folder should look similar to this:
Do not submit just the .cs files. You must submit the folder which contains the .sln file and all folders
and files contained within as a single zip file.
The second item is the completed Statement of Completeness. A template with instructions is
provided with this file on Blackboard. This statement of completeness will need to accurately state
the functionality which has been implemented. There will be a penalty of 5 marks (loss of 5 marks)
for a non-submitted statement of completeness, and a penalty of 1/2 mark for each inaccurate
statement to a maximum of 4 marks. This means you will need to leave time for comprehensively
testing your program.
You need to fill in the template provided. Please rename the file to “Statement-Of-
Completeness_{SID1}_{SID2}” where SID1 is the student number of the first person working on the
assignment, and SID2 is the second person in the pair. If only one person worked on the assignment,
“_{SID2}” will be left out. This template is to be place with your Space Race folder that contains the
.sln file.
The structure of this folder should look like:
Rename the folder containing the two items “CAB201-Assignment-2018-S1_{SID1}_{SID2} replacing
the {SID} indicators as explained above and then zip this folder. You should then upload the zip file to
The submission link which is the actual title, has the following image beside it:
CAB201 Major Project Submission Link
If you have not used Blackboard before to submit an assignment, it is recommended that you read
the online information, Submit assignments with Blackboard assignment tool
Final Check:
After you have zipped (compressed) your project folder, copy the zip file to another location on your
computer and then extract the project folder from the zip file and click on the Solution file. Open
Solution Explorer window and check that your .cs files do not have a short-cut link, see screenshot
on next page where ConsoleInterface.cs has a short-cut link to actual file location which is not
within the project folder of the Console Class. At the bottom of this page is the MessageBox error
that results when attempting to Build this project.
This check will ensure that the tutors will be able to run your program, after they have extracted the
project folder from your submitted zip file.
This all may sound like a “no-brainer” but students have in the past submitted a zip file with some
files missing such as the actual source code (the .cs files) and in their place was a shortcut link to the
real source file. So when the tutor tries to run your program, it fails as the source file cannot be
You must test your program in one of the CAB201 labs prior to submission. Markers will attempt
to compile and run your code in that environment only. It is your responsibility to ensure that your
code compiles and runs on PCs in the QUT computer labs of CAB201 as the target platform. Code
that does not compile will not receive any marks. Plan for time to test your submission.
It is recommended that you upload your file to Blackboard from a lab at QUT and well before the
deadline. Inability to access Blackboard from home is not a sufficient reason for submitting the
assignment late.
This is the MessageBox if one tries to Build the Console Class
This is the Error obtained if one tries to Start the Console Class
Shortcut to
actual file

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