Summer Camp Guide

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The Guest Services department provides a centralized office to assist with planning, organizing, and
coordinating summer camps and conferences. This guide is an attempt to answer and clearly define how to
host a successful summer camp/conference from application to departure. For a variety of reasons, policies,
prices, and procedures in this manual may change; camp directors will be notified accordingly and are
expected to be in compliance with any changes.
Physical Location:
E.H. Hereford University Center
300 W. First Street
Suite B130
Arlington, TX 76010

Mailing Address:
Guest Services
300 W. First Street
Box 19330
Arlington, TX 76019

(817) 272-5339
Summer Camps & Conferences:
UT Arlington Forms:
UT Arlington Handbook of Operating Procedures
Guest Services Office Staff:
David Albart, Director of University Center Operations & Guest Services
T: (817) 272-2927
Kirstin Coffman, Assistant Director for Guest Services
T: (817) 272-6576
Em Rademaker, Coordinator for Guest Services
T: (817) 272-5349



Click on any of the titles below to jump to a particular section of the Summer Camp Guide.
UNIVERSITY POLICIES ............................................................................................................... 3
DEFINITION: SUMMER CAMP/ SUMMER CONFERENCE ........................................................................ 3
ATHLETIC YOUTH PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................ 3
CHILD PROTECTION POLICY .................................................................................................................... 4
MINORS IN LABORATORIES AND SIMILAR FACILITIES .......................................................................... 4
CONCEALED CARRY AND WEAPONS ON CAMPUS ............................................................................... 4
TITLE IX ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
THE CLERY ACT ........................................................................................................................................ 6
OFFICE OF MEDIA RELATIONS ................................................................................................................ 7

BEFORE THE START OF CAMPS: Planning, Organizing and Coordinating ............................. 7
ANNUAL SUMMER CAMP APPROVAL PROCESS .................................................................................... 7
LIABILITY INSURANCE .............................................................................................................................. 7
SUMMER CAMP EMPLOYEES & VOLUNTEERS ....................................................................................... 8
UNIVERSITY RECRUITMENT TOURS AND PRESENTATIONS .................................................................. 8
SUPERVISION/COUNSELOR REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................... 8
FACILITY RESERVATIONS......................................................................................................................... 9
HOUSING FACILITIES ................................................................................................................................ 9
PARTICPANTS & GUESTS WITH DISABILITIES....................................................................................... 10
DINING .................................................................................................................................................... 10
PARKING ................................................................................................................................................. 11
BILLING AND DEPOSIT ........................................................................................................................... 12

DURING AND AFTER CAMPS: Requirements and Procedures ................................................13
AGENDA/SCHEDULE .............................................................................................................................. 13
CONTACT PERSON(S) ............................................................................................................................. 13
HEALTH SERVICES .................................................................................................................................. 13
ATTENDANCE – BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................ 14
EMERGENCY ACTION PLANS – BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATION ................................................ 14
DISCIPLINE – BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................. 18
LOST AND FOUND ................................................................................................................................. 18

CONTRACT ADDENDUMS ........................................................................................................19
RESIDENCE HALL SAMPLE ADDENDUM ............................................................................................... 19
CLASSROOM USAGE SAMPLE ADDENDUM......................................................................................... 28
CAMPUS RECREATION SAMPLE ADDENDUM ...................................................................................... 29
UNIVERSITY CENTER SAMPLE ADDENDUM ......................................................................................... 31


Summer camps/conferences occur on designated dates between the spring and fall semesters and focus
primarily on guests of UT Arlington utilizing campus facilities that may include housing, dining, classroom,
meeting, and recreation space to achieve the objectives of the host division/department or outside

Guidelines for hosting noninstitutional camps and clinics on UT Arlington (UTA)’s campus:
Noninstitutional camps or clinics are regulated by NCAA Bylaw and Bylaw, Use of
Institutional Facilities for Noninstitutional Camps or Clinics - Men’s and Women’s Basketball which states:
In men’s/women’s basketball, the use of institutional facilities for noninstitutional camps or clinics that
include prospective student-athletes (see Bylaw for MBB or Bylaw for WBB) shall be
limited to the months of June, July and August or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes
days of those months (e.g., May 28-June 3) and to periods of time other than dead periods.
Therefore, for the summer of 2018, noninstitutional camps and clinics which include prospect aged studentathletes (girls 9th grade and up and boys 7th grade and up) can ONLY be hosted on UTA’s campus during
the months of June, July and August with the exception of dead periods for those sports during those
• Boys camps for specified age group (boys entering 7th grade and up) can take place anytime in June
and August, and CANNOT take place in July except for July 1-5, 5:00 pm on July 11th – 5:00 p.m. on
July 15th; 5:00 pm on July 18th – 5:00 pm on July 22rd and 5:00 pm on July 25th – 5:00 pm on July
• Girls camps for specified age group (girls entering 9th grade and up) can take place anytime in June,
July and August, except for July 13 – 22 and July 30-31.
Noninstitutional camps or clinics for younger children (8th grade and under for girls, 6th grade and under for
boys) can take place at any time on UTA’s campus.
Guidelines for hosting nonscholastic practice or competition on UT Arlington (UTA)’s campus:
Nonscholastic practice or competition is regulated by NCAA Bylaw and Bylaw,
Nonscholastic Practice or Competition – Men’s and Women's Basketball which states:
An institution [including any institutional department (e.g., athletics, recreational/intramural)] shall not host,
sponsor or conduct a nonscholastic basketball practice or competition in which men’s or women's basketball
prospective student-athletes (see Bylaw for MBB or Bylaw for WBB) participate on its
campus or at an off-campus facility regularly used by the institution for practice and/or competition by any of
the institution's sport programs. (WBB Adopted: 1/14/12; a contract signed before 6/28/11 may be
honored: MBB Adopted:4/28/11; a contract signed before 10/29/09 may be honored)
Therefore, at no time can UTA host nonscholastic practices or competitions (which includes tournament play)
if the participants are of prospect age. However, we can host these events as long as the participants are
enrolled in 8th grade or under for girls and 6th grade and under for boys.

Any non-compliance of these rules will result in cancellation of said tournament, tryout, practice
and cancellation of future tournaments.


The University of Texas at Arlington is committed to maintaining a supportive and safe educational
environment, one which seeks to enhance the well-being of all members of its community. This commitment
reflects the University's adherence to its mission, to its various policies supporting its mission, and to relevant
state and federal laws. Within that commitment, the University places importance on creating a secure
environment for children. To that end, the University has a child protection policy and procedures.
In order to ensure the safety and well-being of children, individuals, including University faculty, staff,
students, volunteers, and representatives as well as third-party vendors and their employees, representatives,
or volunteers that contract for use of University facilities, with responsibilities that involve interaction with
children, must carefully review and abide by the following policy regarding child protection.
Please see the Handbook of Operating Procedures for the full details of the policy,

UT Arlington is committed to introducing minors to interesting and challenging scientific, scholarly, or artistic
pursuits at a young age. These experiences should be handled in ways that will promote the safety of the
minors and that will not impair the normal functions of the University.
Please see the Handbook of Operating Procedures for the full details of the policy,
The Environmental Health and Safety Office is available to assist with this policy and has included additional
information on their website This includes flow
charts on what groups should follow the policy and the requirements of the policy. Please contact EH&S for
assistance at 817-272-2185.

UT Arlington is committed to providing a safe and secure learning, working, and living environment. To this
end, the University prohibits the use, possession, display or storage of any firearms, other lethal or non-lethal
weapons, simulated weapons, explosives, or fireworks on the University campus. Individuals who observe a
violation of this policy are required to report the incident immediately to UT Arlington’s Police Department so
that it can be documented and properly investigated. UT Arlington’s Police Department can be contacted at
(817) 272-3003 for emergencies and (817) 272-3381 for non-emergencies. The University’s full policy is
available here:
Pursuant to Subchapter H, Chapter 411 of the Texas Government Code, individuals licensed by the state to
carry a concealed handgun (License Holder) may carry a concealed handgun in approved areas on the
University Campus beginning August 1, 2016.
Areas of UT Arlington where carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited include the following exclusion
• Locations providing counseling and health services, which include the Social Work Building B,
Counseling and Psychological Services on the third floor of Ransom Hall, and the Student Health
Services Building.
• Locations providing childcare for minor children, which includes the Transforming Lives Child
Development Center.
• Locations primarily used for NCAA, UIL or professional sports events, which include the College Park
Center, Maverick Stadium, Allan Saxe Field, and Clay Gould Ballpark.
• The Testing Services Office located in University Hall and in Davis Hall.
• The Maverick Activities Center (MAC).
• The Physical Education Building (PEB)



University-owned residence halls when being used for summer camps and summer
Designated locations where formal disciplinary and grievance actions are conducted. Specific
locations will be identified and designated for these disciplinary and grievance hearings.
Other exclusionary areas may include leased spaces on the University Campus as determined by the
lessee, including Centennial Court Apartments, Follett Bookstore, and restaurants/shops/office space
in the College Park District.
When a polling place for public elections is located on University premises, the area will be restricted
during Election Day and while early voting is in progress.
On a case-by-case basis, any location, or specific time period the University President determines
creates a unique situation that poses a threat to the safety of the campus community.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education.
It reads: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving
Federal financial assistance."
The University of Texas at Arlington is committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free from
discrimination based on gender, including inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment
(including sexual violence, stalking, domestic violence and/or dating violence) and sexual misconduct in any
form are prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any individuals who engage in such conduct will be subject to
disciplinary action.
Complaint against a UTA student, visitor, or staff or faculty member for sexual harassment, sex
discrimination, or sexual assault, should be made to the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Coordinators, or online.
Additional information including online reporting is available at
Michelle Willbanks
701 S. Davis Dr., Suite 103
Arlington, Texas 76019
Phone: 817-272-4585
Eddie Freeman
Executive Director for Human Resources
701 S. Davis Dr., Suite 104
Arlington, Texas 76019
Phone: 817-272-2106
Antoinette Sol, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
701 Nedderman Drive, Suite 300
Arlington, Texas 76019
Phone: 817-272-5243 or 817-272-2103
Heather Snow
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
300 W. First Street, Suite 180H
Arlington, Texas 76019
Phone: 817-272-1009


Originally known as the Campus Security Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and
Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is the landmark federal law that requires colleges and
universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The
law is tied to an institution's participation in federal student financial aid programs and it applies to most
institutions of higher education both public and private. The Clery Act is enforced by the United States
Department of Education.
The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to:
• Publish an Annual Security Report
• To have a public crime log
• Disclose crime statistics for incidents that occur on campus, in unobstructed public areas immediately
adjacent to or running through the campus and at certain non-campus facilities including Greek
housing and remote classrooms.
• Issue timely warnings about Clery Act crimes which pose a serious or ongoing threat to students and
• Devise an emergency response, notification and testing policy.
• Compile and report fire data to the federal government and publish an annual fire safety report.
• Enact policies and procedures to handle reports of missing students.
Camp directors are considered school officials who have "significant responsibility for student and campus
activities” and are referred to as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) who have the authority and the duty
to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution.
• CSA’s must ensure the following offenses are immediately reported to the UT Arlington Police
o Murder/Manslaughter
o Sex Offenses
o Robbery
o Aggravated Assault
o Burglary
o Motor Vehicle Theft
o Domestic Violence
o Dating Violence
o Stalking
o Weapons Violations
o Drug Abuse Violations
o Liquor Law Violations
o Arson
o Hate Crimes
• Once notified or aware of an issue, a CSAs must gather enough information about the crime to
ascertain where, when and what happened.
• Even if the victim does not want to report the crime to police, the CSA must immediately contact UT
Arlington Police Department, non-emergency (817) 272-3381 or emergency (817) 272-3003, to
report enough of the details so the incident can be classified and recorded properly.
o If there is an undue delay in any of this process, the University could be found in noncompliance which can result in a $35,000 fine for each instance of non-compliance.
• Employees, volunteers and interns should be trained to report all incidents of crimes to the camp
director who will follow up according to the Clery requirements.
Additional information on UT Arlington’s Clery requirements please visit


UT Arlington’s Office of Media Relations will facilitate all communication with external and student media
inquiries or statements as it relates to summer camp programs. Camp directors and university staff are
expected to refer all media questions to Media Relations for an official university comment at (817) 2722761. Visit their website for detailed information and contact information
In the event of a situation concerning the health and well-being of a camper, parent, volunteer or staff,
contact the UT Arlington Police Department at (817) 272-3381 or for emergencies at (817) 272-3003.

BEFORE THE START OF CAMPS: Planning, Organizing and Coordinating
Camp directors must submit a Request to Host a Camp/Conference (Form 7-1) for EACH camp, which can be
found on the Summer Camps & Conferences website The Request to Host a
Camp/Conference form requires a signature and can be submitted via email, fax, campus mail or in person.
Before making any arrangements the camp director must receive written confirmation from the Director of
University Center Operations & Guest Services stating that the camp has been approved.
Forms can be submitted starting October 15, 2017 for summer 2018. Camps requiring overnight housing
should submit no later than April 30, 2018, housing will be provided based on availability.

In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System
6.(11)5, External Programs must provide and maintain, during the term of the program, a policy of
comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance issued by a company authorized to conduct
business in the state of Texas naming the Board of Regents, the U.T. System, the University of Texas at
Arlington, and the officers and employees of each (“UT Parties”) as additional insureds, providing coverage
for bodily injury and death of persons and damage to property that result directly or indirectly from the
negligent or intentional act or omission of, or from the use or condition of any property, equipment,
machinery, or vehicle used, operated, or controlled by, the external program or its officers, employees,
agents, or subcontractors while on property owned by the U.T. System or a component institution.
The general liability policy must include abuse and molestation coverage or external program must
provide and maintain a separate abuse and molestation policy and name the UT Parties as
additional insureds. The limit of liability for each occurrence under the aforementioned policies
shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury, abuse, or death of a person
and one million dollars ($1,000,000) for property damage. External program and its insurer must also
agree to provide a complete waiver of subrogation in favor of the UT Parties. Additional insured status and
waiver of subrogation shall be evidenced by signed policy endorsements or policy declarations.
This insurance needs to be provided before the external program makes use of UT Arlington's facilities. The
external program must deliver to UT Arlington's Guest Services Office a certificate of insurance, policy
endorsements, and a copy of said policies establishing the existence of all insurance required to the
reasonable satisfaction of UT Arlington. External programs must provide UT Arlington thirty (30) days’ notice
prior to cancellation of any insurance policies.


Criminal Background Checks
All summer camp employees, volunteers, and interns must have successfully completed a Criminal
Background Check, within the past year, before the start date of your program. If it is not successfully
completed, the individual will not be cleared to be on UT Arlington's campus. Camp directors must not
knowingly have employees, volunteers, and interns serve as camp staff that have a history of criminal conduct
unacceptable for a university campus, including violent or sexual offenses.
All camp directors must submit a written acknowledgement, on letterhead, to the UT Arlington Guest
Services Office no later than five (5) days prior to the start of your summer program that all of your
employees, volunteers, and interns are in compliance with this requirement.
Required Training: UTS Child Protection Training
All external programs will need to comply with Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part 1, Chapter 265,
Subchapter N, Campus Program for Minors. Please refer to the Texas Department of Health Services for
detailed information on if your program must comply,
As a convenience to your program and included within the fees paid, UT Arlington will provide the camp
director with a copy of the UTS Child Protection training PowerPoint presentation, the exam, the exam key
and a certificate of completion to use for training, if needed. The camp director will be required to ask Guest
Services for the training materials. The camp director will be responsible for all of the following:
1) Ensuring their employees complete the training and pass the exam with a minimum score of 70%
2) Preparing and submitting the required report to the Texas Department of State Health Services, and
3) Submitting a written acknowledgement, on letterhead, to the UT Arlington Guest Services Office
that the above have been completed no later than five (5) business days prior to the start date of
your summer program.

It is a requirement for all overnight external sponsored camp programs with participants of age (8) – (25)
years old to include a campus tour or presentation in their schedule; however, any group may schedule a tour
or presentation regardless of participant ages. Counselors are required to be present for tours and
Campus tours and presentations are coordinated by the Dan Dipert University Welcome Center. Groups
meeting this requirement can request their preferred method (presentation or campus tour) as well as the
date and time on the Summer Camp/Conference Housing Reservation Request (Form 7-3). Camp directors
will be contacted by the Dan Dipert University Welcome Center to confirm presentation/tour details.
• Presentations are approximately 30 minutes long and can be tailored for your group. Room
reservation for presentations will be coordinated by the Dan Dipert University Welcome Center.
• Tours will last approximately 1 hour and can begin and end at your specific locations.

All summer camp programs shall have a minimum of 1:20 counselor to participant ratio for all participants
under (18) years old. Camp counselors must be (18) years or older, pass a criminal background check, pass
the UTS Child Protection training and be an employee of the camp. For overnight groups, these counselors
must stay overnight with the participants.
For overnight housing, participants must be at least (8) years old at the start of the camp to stay as an
unaccompanied minor. All participants under the age of (18) years must be supervised by a camp counselor
at all times, this includes during “free time”.


A Summer Camp/Conference Housing Reservation Request (Form 7-3) should be completed to reserve
overnight housing, linens, parking and other on campus facilities including the University Center, Maverick
Activities Center, classrooms, meeting spaces, etc. This form can be found on the Summer Camps &
Conferences website
The Guest Services Office coordinates with appropriate facility directors to schedule events in housing,
recreation, academic and meeting facilities. Reservation times and fees will be confirmed with the camp
director prior to contracting. Contracts are typically mailed in February/March and must be signed and
returned to finalize your camp reservations.
Each facility has specific policies and procedures. An addendum is included with your contract for each
facility the camp/conference utilizes. Policies for most facilities are included at the end of this document for
your reference.

Housing will be available June 1 through August 5, 2018. There is limited availability for late May please
contact the Guest Services Office for more information. More than one camp may be assigned to a floor,
wing or hall. Community space will be available to all participants on a first come first serve basis,
reservations for exclusive use of this space should be requested through the Guest Services Office. Facilities
Management attempts to schedule maintenance projects when camps are not in the residence halls, however
this is not always possible. Guest Services will attempt to minimize any inconvenience caused by
maintenance projects. For maintenance or any other unforeseen issues, Guest Services reserves the right to
change room or hall assignments.
Cancellation Charges
61 days or more prior to camp
arrival date
60 days – 8 days prior to camp
arrival date
As of 7 days prior to camp
arrival date

No charge for cancellation for all or a portion of
bedspaces, any linens and other facilities that
have been reserved.
75% guaranteed for bedspaces and any linens
and other facilities that have been reserved.
100% guaranteed for bedspaces and any linens
and other facilities that have been reserved

Check-in/Check-out Dates and Times
• Check-in after 3:00 p.m. on the camp arrival date.
• Check-out by 12:00 p.m. on the camp departure date.
• Other times may be arranged prior to the camp arrival date and must be approved by Guest Services.
Failure to abide by these times will result in additional charges.
• If late departure prevents the proper cleaning for or check-in of another camp, the camp causing any
delays is responsible for all costs associated with other arrangements including but not limited to
cleaning, housing, dining and transportation for the other camp.
• Bedspaces will be considered occupied unless keys/cards issued have been returned upon checkout,
or keys/cards have been determined as lost or damaged.
Room Assignments
• Room assignments must be made by the camp director or a designated person on the floor plan
provided by Guest Services, typically provided 2-4 weeks prior to arrival on campus.
• The maximum occupancy of a room and/or suite much be reached prior to assignments made in
additional rooms and/or suites. Exceptions include if no additional persons are available to occupy
the space, gender break down and/or age break down of participant group prevents reaching the
maximum occupancy.



Guest Services cannot guarantee single gender or age specific housing. Camp groups may share a
residence hall or portion of a residence hall with another camp.
The floor plan must be updated after check-in, this assists the staff for lockouts, equipment checkout and emergency responses.

• Linens will be provided at an additional cost of $6.00 per participant per night, with a minimum
charge of $20.00 per participant, when requested prior to the camp arrival date, if available.
• Linens consist of two sheets, blanket, pillow, pillowcase, towel, face cloth and a bar of soap per
overnight participant.
• Guests are responsible for making their own beds and returning linens to designated locations at the
end of their stay.
• Linens will be changed for groups that stay for longer than seven (7) consecutive days, if available.
Key/Card Charges
• $80 charge will be added for each metal key not returned to the hall office during the official camp
• $10 charge will be added for each access card damaged and/or not returned to the hall office during
the official camp check-out.
• $5 charge will be added for each key holder damaged and/or not returned to the hall office during
the official camp check-out.
Additional Policies
• Additional residence hall policies are included later in this document for your reference.

Most buildings on campus are accessible for those with physical disabilities, with a few exceptions. If special
housing accommodations are needed for participants with disabilities, arrangements must be made with the
Guest Services Office at the time of contracting, as space is limited in the residence halls. Please indicate the
request for accessible housing on the Summer Camp/Conference Housing Reservation Request (Form 7-3).

Requesting Dining
A Summer Camp/Conference Dining Request (Form 7-4) should be completed for meals in the Connection
Café or catering. This form can be found on the Summer Camps & Conferences website at
University Dining Services can work with you for various dietary needs:
• Food Service menus are generally broad enough to accommodate most diabetic diets.
• Meatless entrees are included in the daily menu. A wide array of vegetables, fruits, salads and other
non-meat items are served every day.
• University Dining Services is able to work with most special dietary needs. Please notify the Dining
Services prior to your arrival if you have specific dietary concerns.
Dates and Meal Rates
The Connection Café is open for full service during UT Arlington's 11-week summer session, June 4 – August
14, 2018. This includes the dates of June 4 - August 5, 2018 for summer overnight housing. Camps held
prior to June 4 will work directly with Dining Services to make arrangements for meals. Options including
catering and meals served in the Connection Cafe with a limited menu.
Dining Services and all dining locations will be closed on July 4.


Summer Meals
Three Meals per Day


Times Served
7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
See Above

Days Available
Monday - Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Monday - Friday
Monday - Sunday
Monday- Friday

*All meals are subject to an 8% tax if not tax exempt

Dining Contract
The Dining Services will contact the camp director directly, typically in late March/early April, to make
arrangements for your summer dining needs. For external groups, 75% of camp initial meal bill must be
received twenty one (21) days prior to camp arrival. Entire balance must be paid in full seven (7) days prior to
camp arrival at the University. UT Arlington groups will provide payment through a UT Share Cost Center
number. Final number of diners will be due to Dining Services no later than seven (7) days prior to the day of
camp’s first meal.
Connection Café Policies and Procedures
To avoid overcrowding, each camp will have a specific meal time. Dining Services will make every effort to
assign your group's time per the preferred times ranked on the Dining Request form. To make sure there is
room for the next camp, groups must exit the cafeteria after eating.
All guests must wear appropriate clothing and shoes while in the Dining facilities. Clothing should be
appropriate for mixed ages and genders and shoes such as cleats are not permitted.
Utensils, flatware, cups, bowls, trays, etc. from the Connection Café should not be removed without
permission from the Dining Services staff.

A parking permit is required for each vehicle parked on campus during the time of your camp. Parking needs
must be submitted in writing to the Guest Services Office at least seven (7) days prior to the camp check-in
date in order for parking arrangements to be made.
Virtual Parking Permits (MavPark)
Parking permits are obtained through an online registration process. The online permit registration requires
vehicle information, including license plate number and state. Camp directors are responsible for notifying
participants and/or parents that will be driving, that their license plate number will be required to register for
a permit at check-in. This will help the day of check-in, to prevent them from having to walk back to their
Participants and/or parents with a registered virtual parking permit can park in the 2018 Summer Camps &
Conferences approved lots for $2.00 per vehicle per day, including partial days parked on campus.
Virtual Permit Registration
• OVERNIGHT CAMPERS: The residence hall front office staff will register participants for virtual
parking permits during your camp check-in.

COMMUTER and DAY CAMPERS: Guest Services will provide the camp director a link for the online
permit registration. All participants and/or guest vehicles parked on campus during your camp must
have a valid permit. Camp directors are responsible for properly entering vehicle information into the
online permit registration system.


Summer Camps & Conference Approved Lots
Below are the approved lots for summer camps and conferences for summer 2018. The specific lot locations
can be found on the UTA campus map at
• Arlington Hall & Vandergriff Hall: Lot 38
o Located north of Arlington Hall.
• Lipscomb Hall: Lot LCS
o Lipscomb residential - west section of the lot.
• Kalpana Chawla (KC) Hall: Lot CN and Lot CS
o Located just north and south of KC Hall.
• Trinity House: Lot T
o Located just south of Trinity House, not including faculty/staff spaces or reserved spaces.
Also does NOT include Lot TW or Lot TS.
Additional lots and areas of campus can be reserved for summer camp parking. Camp directors can
coordinate this by submitting a written request to the Guest Services Office. Rates for non-Summer Camps &
Conferences approved lots may have an additional charge.
Drop-offs and Pick-ups
Camp participant drop-offs and pick-ups are no charge, but must follow with following guidelines or a
citation may be given.
• Participants dropped-off for day camps or overnight camps must park in a 2018 Summer Camps &
Conference approved lot, unless other locations have been arranged and approved through the PATS
Office. See approved lots above.
• Vehicles parked for camp drop-offs and pick-ups can only park in approved lots for up to (1) one
Special Event Parking
If your camp plans to have an event during your camp where additional guests or an influx of guests will be
parking on campus for a few hours during the event (i.e. award ceremony/game/concert for parents), the
camp director will need to coordinate this by submitting a written request to the Guest Services Office. Rates
for non-Summer Camps & Conferences approved lots may have an additional charge.
Current parking regulations must be followed and can be found at

Contracting occurs in February/March of each year and will include the initial camp/conference bill which will
include the total number of bedspaces, any linens and other facilities reserved. Only camps sponsored by
university departments with university funds are exempt from paying a deposit and/or full payment prior to
the start of the camp. Deposits may be reduced or waived at the discretion of UT Arlington for returning
external programs which have good credit with the University. The Guest Services Office will notify external
programs if deposits are reduced or waived.
60 days prior to
camp arrival date
As of 7 days prior to
camp arrival date

50% of the initial camp/conference bill that must be paid.
(Bedspaces, linens, other facility reservations)
100% of the initial camp/conference bill that must be paid.
(Bedspaces, linens, other facility reservations)

External programs will be responsible for a deposit of 50% of the initial camp/conference bill that must be paid
sixty (60) days prior arrival to guarantee bedspaces, linens and other facility reservations. Failure to submit the
deposit sixty (60) days prior to the arrival date will result in the loss of reserved bedspaces, any linens and other
facilities reserved.


The remaining balance of an external program’s initial camp/conference bill must be paid seven (7) days prior
to arrival. Failure to submit payment for the final balance of the initial camp/conference bill seven (7) days
prior to the arrival date may result in being denied bedspaces, any linens and other facilities reserved.
The final camp/conference bill will be issued after the departure date and will include any additional
bedspaces, linens, facilities and/or damages not assessed in the initial camp/conference bill. Final payments
are due within thirty (30) days (by the terms net 30) or by August 15 of the current calendar year,
whichever occurs earlier.

DURING AND AFTER CAMPS: Requirements and Procedures
The camp director must submit a finalized schedule of events for the camp to Guest Services no later than
the time of check-in or start of the day camp. The document should detail the daily agenda, including
meeting times and locations, activities, meal times and locations, etc. This assists the Guest Services Office
and University Police Department in the event of an emergency.

The Guest Services Office will need the contact information for the camp director and the overnight
counselor(s) staying in the residence halls. This contact information will be used by the university during any
emergencies on campus. Throughout the camp, the contact person must be able to serve as the primary
camp representative and interact with the Guest Services Office. The contact person assumes responsibility
for participants and guests while on campus and must be present at check-in, provide all necessary
documents, and be able to address any camp related problems. In addition to the Guest Services Office
contact information, camp contact information should be provided to all participants.

UT Arlington does not provide access to the on campus Health Center. External programs are responsible for
their own medical response. The UT Arlington Police Department can be contacted for assistance for nonemergencies at (817) 272-3381 or for emergencies at 911 or (817) 272-3003.

Each camp should maintain a medical log which contains a record of all camper and staff health complaints
and treatment. The medical log should list the date, name of camper/staff, complaint and treatment. The
medical log should be completed in ink.
Medication prescribed for campers should be kept in original containers bearing the pharmacy label, which
shows the date of filling, the pharmacy name and address, the filling pharmacist’s initials the name of the
patient, the name of the prescribing practitioner, the name of the prescribed medication, directions for use
and cautionary statements if any, contained in such prescription or required by law, if tablets or capsules, and
the number in the container. All over the counter medications for campers should be kept in the original
containers containing the original label, which should include the directions for use. All medication, whether
prescribed for participants, or over the counter should only be administered if it is from the original container,
and there is a written permission and necessary instructions from the parent/guardian.
A log of all medications administered at the camp should be maintained. This log should include the date, the
time the medication was administered, the name an amount of the medication dispensed the name of the
person who administered the medication, and the name of the participant. It should be completed in ink.
Medications should only be dispensed by the camp director or designee. However, the designee cannot be the
participant and must be over the age of 21.


Attendance should be taken on a daily basis, and attendance records should be maintained for the current
fiscal year plus one (1). Camp counselors should have this information readily available during the camp to
ensure all campers are accounted for.
A part of registration and/or the check-in process, the camp director should also request a list of individuals
who are authorized to pick-up a camper at the end of the day or at the end of the camp session, if an
overnight camp. The authorized pick-up list from the parent/guardian should be in writing, the authorized
pick-up person’s relationship to the camper, and their valid photo ID number. Upon dismissal, procedures
should be in place to ensure that the camper is only released to an authorized individual.

All UT Arlington day and overnight camps shall have a written emergency plan. The plan shall include
arrangements for transporting individuals from the camp to emergency facilities.
This outline is very general: it is intended to assist the camp director in developing a comprehensive
emergency plan. Each building is unique in character and in operation; any such characteristics should be
included. Please make appropriate modifications to ensure the plan is useful to your program, including
directions for leaving facilities, designated meeting areas, the use of communication systems, and emergency
response numbers. Each staff member should receive copies and training on the implementation of any
camp action plans.
Response items to include for all emergencies include:
• Identify all means of egress.
• Designate an area for all campers and staff to gather in an emergency. This area should be far
enough away from buildings and areas so as not to interfere with emergency response operations.
• At the designated area, assigned staff should conduct a roll call to assure all participants and staff is
Helpful Definitions
Emergency Information Hotline - Important information about UT Arlington campus closings and other
critical situations is available at 1-(866) 258-4913.
Emergency Telephones - UT Arlington monitors a network of emergency phones in many campus buildings
and more than 200 outdoor assistance call boxes around campus. These call boxes have a blue light on top
and are clearly marked “Assistance.” Pushing the call button activates a direct connection with the UT
Arlington Police Department that automatically pinpoints the caller’s location.
MavAlert is designed to provide rapid notification of an emergency at or adjacent to the university.
MavAlert is a simple and reliable means to quickly send messages to many people via voice message, textmessage capable cellular phones (or other digital devices) or E-mail. MavAlert does not require any hardware
or software installation by the receiving party. UT Arlington camp directors, counselors, particpants and
parents of participants that want to take advantage of this system should enroll via the following web site:
Office of Emergency Management - Emergency Management protects the lives, property, and
environment of UT Arlington’s students, faculty, staff and guests from the threat or occurrence of
emergencies resulting from natural or human made disaster. The Office of Emergency Management is a
resource for all camp directors and is available to assist in the development of written response plans. For
additional information please contact The Office of Emergency Management (817) 272-0119.


Outdoor Warning Siren/Public Address - Emergency Management uses a system of outdoor warning
sirens that are activated by UT Arlington’s Police Department. Sirens are located either on, or adjacent to the
campus. Activation of these sirens is intended to direct people from outside to indoors and access local
media. UT Arlington has the ability to make public address announcements on this system. The system allows
real time messages and actual emergency instructions can be provided using the public address feature.
UT Arlington Police Department - The Emergency phone number is (817) 272-3003 or from an on campus
phone x2-3003. The Non-Emergency phone number is (817) 272-3381or from an on campus phone x23381. The UT Arlington Police Department is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are campus
emergency call boxes located throughout campus and provide a direct line to the UT Arlington Police
UT Arlington Website: - The Office of Information and Technology has prepared an
optimized website with minimal graphics to provide information to the university community during
Emergency Situations
Severe Weather Siren - (Sounds like an air-raid siren) This siren can be activated for 5 reasons: tornado in
the immediate area, severe weather with winds over 70 mph, large damaging hail, elected official or
president of the university designates siren activation for other emergencies, and system testing on the 1st
Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. (if the weather is clear).
If you are outside and hear a warning siren:
• Go inside and turn on a weather alert radio, radio, or a television for information on actions to take.
o All UT Arlington residence halls are locked 24 hours a day, access is only available to those
participants staying in that particular residence hall. Do not seek shelter in a residence hall
you do not have access to, academic and classroom buildings are typically open between
7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
• Go to the basement, if available or to the interior rooms and hallways on the lowest floor. Stay away
from glass enclosed places or areas with wide-span roofs.
• Crouch down against the floor and cover the back of your head and neck with your hands.
• If no structure is nearby, lie flat in the nearest ditch or depression and use your hands to cover your
• Remain in place until emergency personnel have given the all clear. The end of the siren does not
mean the threat has passed.
Lightning Siren - (Sounds like a train horn) A Lightning Siren identifies that there is a potential for lightning
to strike in the area and may be heard in some areas of campus especially close to the intramural fields
complex and Maverick Stadium.
Everyone should be removed from an outdoor facility when lightning is approximately ten (10) miles away
and should only resume when the storm has moved through and the closest lightning is beyond the ten (10)
mile radius. As a minimum the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) strongly recommends that by the
time the flash-to-bang count reaches 30 seconds, all individuals should be gone from the outdoor facility and
reached a safe structure or location.
If lightning is spotted or a lightning siren is heard:
• Go inside as quickly as possible.
o All UT Arlington residence halls are locked 24 hours a day, access is only available to those
participants staying in that particular residence hall. Do not seek shelter in a residence hall
you do not have access to, academic and classroom buildings are typically open between
7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
• If you are in water, get out immediately and move to a safe shelter away from the water.



If you are outside and cannot get inside, make yourself as small as possible by getting in a crouching
position, try and place your feet on tippy-toes, and put your head down as close to your knees as
possible. Cover your head with your hands. Do not lie flat.
Do not hide under trees or anything that is metal. Stay away from the tallest objects, individual
trees, standing pools of water and open areas.

Extreme Heat - Summer temperatures in Arlington will be in the mid to upper 90s with extreme highs reaching
the 100s; humidity is often high.
• Camps should have plans to ensure that all participants in outdoor activities have appropriate
hydration and rest breaks.
• Participants must be advised to increase fluid intake throughout their activities.
Flash Floods • Evacuate low-lying areas, go to higher ground.
• Avoid small rivers or streams, low spots, canyons, dry riverbeds, etc.
• Do not try to walk through flowing water more than an ankle deep.
• If in a vehicle, do not drive through a flooded area, even if it looks shallow enough to cross.
Utility Failure - If the power goes out, then:
• Call the Facilities Management Service Call Center at (817) 272-2000. If you are staying in a
residence hall, please call the residence hall office.
• Give your name, phone #, building name, floor or area affected, and room #.
• Remain in your location.
• UT Arlington staff, responders, or MavAlert will provide further instructions.
Evacuation - For many reasons, the camp may be advised to evacuate a building or area:
If advised to evacuate an area or building or area, do so immediately.
• Leave the building or area by the nearest exit and go to an area that will not impede responder
• Stand in an area far enough away that you are not affected by the event.
• UT Arlington staff and City of Arlington emergency crews may assist you in your exiting.
• Do not reenter the building until emergency personnel have given the all clear. If the evacuation
was prompted by an alarm, the end of the alarm does not mean it is okay to reenter the building or
Fire Evacuation • As you leave the building activate the fire alarm by using the closest pull station, if it is not already
sounding. Leave the building by the nearest exit and go to an area that will not impede responder
• Call 911, OR call the UT Arlington Police Department at (817) 272-3003 (x2-3003 from a campus phone)
OR use the campus emergency telephones.
• UT Arlington staff and City of Arlington emergency crews may assist you in your exiting.
• Do not reenter the building until emergency personnel have given the all clear. The end of the alarm
does not mean it is okay to reenter the building.
Active Shooter (Lockdown) If an active shooter is outside your building:
• Go to a room that locks, turn off lights, lock all windows, and stay out of sight. Silence your phone.
• Call 911 or UTA police at (817) 272-3003 (x2-3003 from a campus phone). If it is safe, stay on the
line to provide information.
• Do not leave until given instructions to do so by emergency crews or MavAlert.
If an active shooter is in the same building as you:
• If the room locks, follow the procedures above.



If the room cannot be locked, but there is a room nearby that does lock and can safely be reached
go there or exit the building if it is safe.
If an active shooter enters your room:
• Dial 911 or UTA police at (817) 272-3003 (x2-3003 from a campus phone) and give your location, if
you cannot speak, leave the line open.
• If you cannot escape, barricade the door by using anything available. Prepare to defend yourself
from the shooter. If the shooter comes into the room, throw items at them; attempt to disrupt their
• If the shooter leaves the area, immediately go to a safer place. Call 911 or UTA Police 817-272-3003
(x2-3003 from a campus phone).
Shelter-in-Place - (hazardous conditions .e.g., chemical spill, severe weather.) Shelter-in-place means to take
refuge inside a building.
• If time permits, select interior room(s) below ground floor, with the fewest windows or vents.
• If there is no time or space available, then follow instructions below.
o Stop all activities.
o Do not go outside. Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and any openings to the
Listen to building/campus broadcasted public announcements, radio, television, or MavAlert for further
Missing Person - Time is a critical factor in a search for a missing person. It is also easier when one person,
typically the camp director is in charge of the entire search to avoid confusion and wasted time.
• Report the missing person to the police. Dial 911 or UTA police at (817) 272-3003 (x2-3003 from a
campus phone).
o Provide as much information as possible:
 Missing person’s name and age
 Last place the missing person was seen
 What the missing person was wearing
 Other information that could be helpful
o Continue to respond to the situation until police arrive on the scene.
• A common practice is to move all participants to one central location to do an accurate headcount. If
near water or swimming the entire swimming area should be cleared.
• Camp director should assign staff to supervise the remaining participants and have others search
surrounding areas.
• Check attendance records to determine if the missing person was picked up by parents or made other
special arrangements. If not, contact the parents/guardian to determine if the child was picked up
without notifying the camp.
Health Care - During the course of your program the participants may experience a variety of minor injuries
or illnesses or a full medical emergency. Camp directors should have procedures in place including the
• Care of mildly ill participants.
• Procedures for Utilizing First Aid Equipment.
o Location of First Aid Kit
 Trained staff to administer first aid
• Plan for injury prevention and management.
• Procedures for reporting serious injury, in-patient hospitalization, death of a camper or staff member.
• Administration of Medications.
• Emergency Telephone Numbers.
• Emergency Procedures (step by step, including transportation method and notification of parents).
• Emergency Procedures if parents cannot be contacted.
• Emergency Procedures when off campus (ex. field trips).



Procedures for informing parents when first aid or emergency medical care has been administered to
their child.
Plan for infection control and monitoring.
Procedures for clean-up of hazardous waste spills.

All camps should have a discipline policy. The following is a guideline to assist camp directors in developing a
comprehensive discipline policy; adjustments should be made so the policy is suitable for each individual
camp. Discipline policies for overnight camps will differ from those in day camps; however all of the following
should be addressed.
• Corporal punishment is prohibited.
• No participants shall be subjected to crude or severe punishment, humiliation or verbal abuse.
• No participant shall be denied food or shelter as a form of punishment.
• The policy must contain the camps methods of discipline. Including behaviors that would warrant a
participant being sent home.
• Inappropriate disciplinary techniques shall be discussed with, and avoided by staff, volunteers and/or
• A record should be kept of participant misbehavior, noting date, time and participant/staff involved
in the incident.
• Notification of parents/guardians in case of consistent problems with the participant.

Lost and found items can be turned into the hall office located in the residence hall where the item was
found. Additional locations include the Campus Information Center (817-272-INFO) located in the E.H.
Hereford University Center or to the UT Arlington Police (817-272-2904). The same locations can be checked
for lost items. UT Arlington is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
If found item(s) are requested to be returned after a camp has departed, the item(s) can be delivered once
the cost of shipping is paid by the camp or participant.


Listed below are UT Arlington’s residence hall guidelines. It is each camp’s responsibility to review this
information with all of its participants and comply with the guidelines. UT Arlington’s Guest Services Office
reserves the right to take disciplinary action and to require dismissal from our facilities for instances where we
believe a participant's behavior adversely affects other guests and/or the University. Camps will be assessed a
fee for any damages caused and will need to seek reimbursement from an individual participants where
Air Conditioning: Air conditioning is provided in all residence hall rooms. Removing or tampering with air
conditioners is not permitted. Any problems with air conditioners should be reported to the residence hall
office or the staff member on-call.
Alcohol: Camp staff and participants are NOT allowed to consume, possess or sell alcohol in the residence
halls, even if the participant is of legal age.
Appliances/Cooking/Kitchens: Appliances with open coils or exposed heating elements are prohibited in
the residence halls including: candle/wax warmers, toasters, toaster ovens, electric grills or skillets, deep
fryers, crock pots, hotplates or hotpots, rice cookers, halogen lamps, lava lamps, neon signs, heaters or air
conditioners, extension cords, and outlet expanders. Gas and charcoal cooking is not permitted inside the
residence halls.
Approved appliances: Microwave (one per room), refrigerator (less than 4.3 cubic feet, one per double
room, or one per private room), iron (with automatic shutoff), curling/flat iron (with automatic shutoff),
blender, coffee pot (no exposed heating surface, carafe or hot plate), televisions, stereos, computers and
computer equipment, and power strips with surge protector. Electrical appliances should be used safely. Do
not have more than one (1) heavy appliance operating at one time.
Residence halls have small kitchens for participants to use. All kitchens are equipped with a sink, refrigerator,
oven/stove and microwave. All residence hall offices have a limited number of cooking equipment and
utensils available for checkout. Items stored in the kitchen are at your own risk. The kitchen or specific
appliance used should be cleaned after each use.
Cable TV: Each participant room is wired for cable; televisions and coaxial cable are not provided. Televisions
are provided in some common area spaces in each residence hall.
Common Area Space: Common area space includes both indoor and outdoor locations adjacent to the
residence hall. Common area space is for all guests to use, the camp director may reserve the space through
the Guest Services Office. Some spaces have a usage fee. Common area space should not be used for the
storage of personal items or sleeping. Furniture in common areas may not be removed by guests unless
approved by the Guest Services Office. Common area space should be clean and organized after use.
Computer Labs: Computer labs are not available to summer camp participants.
Concealed Carry and Weapons On Campus: UT Arlington is committed to providing a safe and secure
learning, working, and living environment. To this end, the University prohibits the use, possession, display or
storage of any firearms, other lethal or non-lethal weapons, simulated weapons, explosives, or fireworks on
the University campus. Individuals who observe a violation of this policy are required to report the incident


immediately to UT Arlington’s Police Department so that it can be documented and properly investigated. UT
Arlington’s Police Department can be contacted at (817) 272-3003 for emergencies and (817) 272-3381 for
Pursuant to Subchapter H, Chapter 411 of the Texas Government Code, individuals licensed by the state to
carry a concealed handgun (License Holder) may carry a concealed handgun in approved areas on the
University Campus beginning August 1, 2016.
Areas of UT Arlington where carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited include the following exclusion

Locations providing counseling and health services, which include the Social Work Building B,
Counseling and Psychological Services on the third floor of Ransom Hall, and the Student Health
Services Building.
Locations providing childcare for minor children, which includes the Transforming Lives Child
Development Center.
Locations primarily used for NCAA, UIL or professional sports events, which include the College Park
Center, Maverick Stadium, Allan Saxe Field, and Clay Gould Ballpark.
The Testing Services Office located in University Hall and in Davis Hall.
The Maverick Activities Center (MAC).
The Physical Education Building (PEB)
University-owned residence halls when being used for summer camps and summer
Designated locations where formal disciplinary and grievance actions are conducted. Specific
locations will be identified and designated for these disciplinary and grievance hearings.
Other exclusionary areas may include leased spaces on the University Campus as determined by the
lessee, including Centennial Court Apartments, Follett Bookstore, and restaurants/shops/office space
in the College Park District.
When a polling place for public elections is located on University premises, the area will be restricted
during Election Day and while early voting is in progress.
On a case-by-case basis, any location, or specific time period the University President determines
creates a unique situation that poses a threat to the safety of the campus community.

Conduct: All participants and guests must comply with all laws of the United States and the State of Texas,
all ordinances of Tarrant County and the City of Arlington and rules and regulations of UT Arlington.
Copyright Infringement: The unlicensed and/or unauthorized use, copying, distribution, sale, public
performance, and/or sharing of copyrighted materials are prohibited. A performance is considered public if it
is in a public space or if it is in any place where “a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of
a family and its acquaintances” are gathered. This includes but not limited to the viewing of copyrighted
movies in common areas of the residence halls and/or for large groups of people in individual living areas.
Video games are permitted to be played on televisions in residence hall common area spaces.
Counselors: All participants under the age of (18) years, must be supervised by a counselor from the camp,
this includes “free time.” All summer camp programs with any participants (17) years and under are expected
to have a minimum of 1:20 counselor to minor participant ratio. Counselors must; be (18) years or older, pass
a criminal background check, complete University of Texas System (UTS) Child Protection training, and be an
employee of the camp. Counselors must stay overnight with any minor participants.
Decorations: Decorations should not be hung in the common area spaces of the residence halls. Room
decorations should be confined to the inside of a participant’s room. Decorations on the outside of the
room/suite door other than a name decoration for each participant are prohibited. Maximum size for each


name decoration should be 8½ inches by 11 inches. Room decorations should not create a fire or health
hazard or damage the room/door and must be removed prior to check-out. No more than 10% of any
room/suite wall should be covered. Camps will be charged for any damage that occurs from nails, screws,
tape, tacks or stickers to the walls, furniture or fixtures or failure to remove decorations from the room/suite
or door. Prohibited items include: permanently affixing any item to any surface in the room/suite, displaying
in or attaching to windows, hanging or attaching items to the ceilings, sprinklers or other fire safety device.
Drapes must be made of fire retardant materials and hung using tension rods only.
Drugs: The use, manufacture, possession, sale, or distribution of any compound, mixture or preparation
which contains one or more of the substances defined as regulated or dangerous by the Texas Controlled
Substances Act, Article 4476-15, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, are prohibited on campus including the
residence halls. Smoking legal herbs, any variation or substance that is similar in effects or smell of an illegal
drug or the use/possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited in all residence halls and the property
surrounding the residence halls.
Elevators: Tampering with elevators is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to: tampering with the
control panels/card access, forcing elevator doors open or preventing them from closing, engaging in
behavior which damages the proper functioning of the elevators, including dumping liquids in an elevator. In
the event of an elevator malfunction while occupied, push the call button and wait for assistance. Elevators
should not be used to evacuate during a fire.
Emergencies: In case of an emergency, contact your live-in counselor, the residence hall office, or the on-call
staff member. Contact the UT Arlington Police Department at (817) 272-3003 or from a campus phones dial
Extermination: Residence halls are exterminated on a regular basis; it is important to maintain good
housekeeping habits in order to reduce the likelihood of a pest infestation. Living areas should be clean and
food should be kept in sealed containers. For problems with pests/insects, please contact the residence hall
Bed Bugs: The occurrence of bedbugs in community living spaces (college campuses and hotels) has become
more prevalent in recent years and UT Arlington is no exception. However, there are many protocols in place
to minimize these situations. Should you believe you have bedbugs, please report the situation to the
residence hall office or on call staff member, immediately. There will be a series of steps for the guest to
complete and a series of steps UT Arlington will complete, however notification is step one.
Failure to Comply with a University Official: All participants and guests are required to comply with a
request made by a University Official including residence hall staff, in the course of his/her duties. Any efforts
to mislead, deceive, and/or hinder a staff member in the performance of his/her duties will be seen as failure
to comply. Non-compliance includes failure to respect and cooperate with any University staff member.
Fighting: Fighting, verbal or physical, or threats of violence against another person is prohibited on campus.
Participants and guests who find themselves in a situation that they do not believe they can handle should
remove themselves from the situation, contact the residence hall office or on-call staff member, and/or the
UT Arlington Police Department.
Fire and Life Safety Equipment: Tampering with fire and life safety equipment including, but not limited
to: AED devices, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, pull stations, horns, strobes, notification devices, sprinkler
systems, control valves, fire exit doors, exit signs, smoke detectors, audio/visual aid devices, wheel chair


ramps/lifts, door closures and locks, etc. is prohibited. Violators may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the
Fire Evacuation: Each room or suite door has an evacuation map. Make sure to review your location on the
map and find the available exits. If a fire alarm sounds, all occupants should immediately evacuate the
building using the stairs and proceed as far away from the building as possible for your safety and to allow
those responding to the alarms access to the building. Do not re-enter the building unless directed by the UT
Arlington Police or appropriate UT Arlington staff member. If you have anyone that needs assistance in the
event of an evacuation, appropriate plans should be discussed and made so the emergency response team
can appropriately assist them. It is suggested that youth programs have a designated meeting place safely
away from the building in the event of a fire alarm to be able to account for all program participants.
In Arlington Hall, KC Hall and Vandergriff Hall:
Every stairwell in Arlington, KC and Vandergriff Hall is equipped with emergency telephones. If a guest is
disabled or cannot use the stairs for any reason during a fire alarm, they should make their way to a stairwell
to access an emergency phone. Once a guest has reached an emergency phone, they should push the button
to activate it and give the name of the building and their specific location to the UT Arlington Police
Department. (Please note, guests may be asked to remain in their location if they are not in immediate
Fire Prevention/Safety: The following are prohibited in or adjacent the residence halls: charcoal, candles,
incense, open flames, firecrackers/fireworks, all flammable/combustible liquids, explosives, smoking, evidence
of smoking, spray paints, gun powder, improper use of an emergency exit, failure to exit during a fire alarm,
attachments near or on a sprinkler heads or water pipes, items suspended from the ceiling, light strings hung
in windows and or doors and blocking access to a door/window. It is prohibited to cause a fire through
intention/negligence or to cause a fire alarm through negligence.
Furniture/Equipment: Furniture/equipment may not be removed from participant rooms or common area
spaces. This includes not moving suite furniture into individual bedrooms and vice versa. Participants must
have room for traffic to flow into and out of their room/suite for safety reasons. All arrangement of furniture
should be returned to its original configuration prior to the participant’s departure. Furniture must be placed
in a manner that allows the room/suite door to open without obstruction. Beds may not be bunked or lofted.
Furniture should not be stacked.
Grills: Cooking grills are located outside of each residence hall and are available for camp participants over
the age of (18) years old to use. Grilling supplies are the responsibility of the camp. Grills should not be left
unattended. Grills must be off/completely extinguished and cleaned after each use.
Guests: Camp participants are not permitted to have overnight guests that are not registered and assigned
housing through the camp director. Rooms/suites cannot be over-occupied in order to accommodate
additional participants. Visiting guests (including parents/guardians) who want to see camp participants
staying in a residence hall will not be granted access to residence hall rooms without the camp
participants/counselor/ camp director being present.
Harassment: Harassment in any form is not tolerated on the UT Arlington campus. Examples of harassment
include, but are not limited to: verbal harassment, hazing, practical jokes/pranks, damage to property,
physical assault, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or cyber harassment. If a participant feels like they are
either a victim of any type of harassment or has been a witness to any form of harassment, he/she should
contact the residence hall office, on-call staff member, or the UT Arlington Police Department.


Housekeeping: Participants are responsible for cleaning any common area space after use as well as rooms
and suites prior to check-out. Custodial issues can be reported to the residence hall office, emergencies after
hours should be reported to the RA on-call. Housekeeping will do regular cleaning of building common areas,
but bedrooms and suite areas will only be cleaned after a participant checks-out.
Housing Assignments: Camp directors are responsible for making housing assignments in the block of
rooms provided by the Guest Services Office. Bathrooms in the residence hall rooms/suites are designated as
single gender facilities. The camp director may approve exceptions (ex. husband and wife, siblings in the
same room/suite) at their discretion.
Identification: Counselors/staff are requested to wear a wristband provided by residence hall staff to easily
identify them in case of lockouts, emergencies, or situations that require assistance from the camp staff.
Illness and Injury: Should emergency medical assistance be needed, call the UT Arlington Police Department
at x2-3003 from any campus phone or (817) 272-3003 from any other phone. Please contact the residence
hall office for all emergency or non-emergency injuries.
Important Numbers: Calls made from landlines on campus do not require the entire number to be dialed to
reach the desired on campus office/staff member. If dialing from a campus phone, only the last 5 digits of the
number (example 23381) need to be dialed. If using a campus phone to reach someone off campus, dial 9
prior to the full phone number including the area code. Long distance calls are not permitted from a campus
UT Arlington Police Department:
(817) 272-3003
(817) 272-3381
Residence Hall Office Numbers (8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.):
Arlington Hall
(817) 272-7951 or 817-272-7952
KC Hall
(817) 272-9577
Lipscomb Hall
(817) 272-6825
Trinity House
(817) 272-6953
Vandergriff Hall
(817) 272-6600
Residence Hall On Call Numbers (10:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m.):
Arlington Hall
(817) 690-9360
KC Hall
(817) 690-9383
Lipscomb Hall
(817) 690-9309
Trinity House
(817) 690-9416
Vandergriff Hall
(817) 690-9314
Internet: Wireless internet access may be requested for counselors. Access will not be given to participants
(17) years and younger without approval from the camp director.
Laundry: Laundry rooms are located in each residence hall and machines are available to use at no cost. High
efficiency laundry detergent is required, but not provided.
Linens: All overnight camps who have pre-arranged for linens to be provided by UT Arlington will have the
following: two sheets, blanket, pillow and pillow case, towel, washcloth and a bar of soap. Linens will have
an extra fee per night per participant. At the time of check-out linens should be brought to the residence hall


Lockouts/Replacement Keys/Cards: A participant may temporarily or permanently lose their access
card/key. Contact the residence hall office/on call staff for assistance. Minor participants will need to bring a
counselor with them to the residence hall office to verify their identity before access will be given to a room
or additional set of access card/key will be issued. Checking out of temporary key/card is a service and should
not be abused. Replacement cost for lost items or items not returned at check-out: metal keys $80, access
card $10, plastic key chain holder $5.
Locking Your Room/Suite: For your safety and the security of your belongings, room/suite doors should be
locked at all times. If you are locked out of your room, contact the residence hall office or RA on-call when
the office is closed.
Lost and Found: There is a lost and found located at each of the residence hall offices. The campus lost and
found is located at the UT Arlington Police Department x2-2904 from a campus phone or (817) 272-2904
from any other phone. UT Arlington is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
Mail/Packages: The residence halls are not equipped to handle day to day mail or personal packages.
Limited mail service is provided through the UT Arlington Guest Services Office. If items need to be mailed it
can be sent to:
Guest Services
300 West First St.
Box 19330/Ste B130
Arlington, TX 76019
Minimum Age: All participants must meet the minimum age of (8) years old by the start date of the camp in
order to stay in the residence hall without the presence of a parent or legal guardian.
Maintenance: Report any maintenance needs to the staff at the residence hall office or on call staff member
in an emergency. Repairs will be done as soon as possible. There is a 24 hour emergency maintenance on-call
professional to assist with emergencies. We cannot guarantee that the staff assigned to complete
maintenance in the residence hall or specific rooms is the same gender as participants assigned to the specific
floors/suite/room, however staff will knock and announce before entering.
Noise/Quiet Hours: To be respectful of all occupants in the residence halls, quiet hours are 10:00 p.m. until
8:00 a.m. Noise should be kept to a low level during these times, especially around the rooms, as people may
be trying to sleep. All times outside of quiet hours are courtesy hours when participants should be
considerate of others in regards to noise. Due to the widespread impact, yelling and/or playing music out of
windows is prohibited. Participants are not allowed to practice instruments or cheer routines, in, near, or
around UT Arlington residence halls and are encouraged to reserve a designated space on campus.
Occupancy: The maximum occupancy is one (1) participant per bedspace, additional participants in a room
and/or suite is not permitted. Camp participants cannot have overnight guests.
Parking: Parking permits are required for all vehicles parked on campus. All participants parking overnight
can obtain a virtual permit at the residence hall office and will be required to provide their license plate
number. The permit is $2.00 per vehicle per day (includes partial days). Fees for parking will not be collected
at the residence hall office rather they will be added to the final invoice for the camp. Parking maps with
designated parking lots are available at each residence hall office.


Personal Property: UT Arlington assumes no responsibility for any personal belongings and is not
responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items. Rooms should be secured/locked throughout your stay and
checked thoroughly before departure. Personal property should not be left unattended in public areas.
Pets: Service animals are permitted in our facilities if documentation is provided showing that the animal is
necessary. A detailed description of the type of services the animal will provide should be included. Service
animals must be supervised at all times. Arrangements should be made with the Guest Services Office prior to
arrival. All other animals/pets are prohibited in the residence halls.
Police/Guards: The campus is patrolled by the UT Arlington Police Department in cars, on bicycles, and on
foot as a prevention and community assistance measure. Officers and Guards frequently visit the residence
halls and may complete rounds in each hall. If you need to reach the UT Arlington Police Department in the
event of an emergency and/or to report a crime in progress, call x2-3003 from a campus phone or (817) 2723003 from a cell phone. If you need assistance and it is not an emergency, call x2-3381 from a campus
phone or call (817) 272-3381 from a cell phone.
Pranks: Pranks of any kind are prohibited.
Residence Hall Office: Services provided by the residence hall office staff include: distribution of toilet paper
and trash can liners, 24 Hour assistance and lock out service for lost keys and access cards, coordination of
lost and found during your camp, checking-out recreational/kitchen equipment, communicating any
maintenance needs, providing information, and collecting participant comments.
Residence Hall Staff: Resident Assistants (RAs) and Office Assistants (OAs) are student staff members that
live and/or work in each of the residence halls. OAs staff the residence hall office during hours of operation.
RAs are on-call in the evenings and make regular rounds throughout the building. In addition to student staff
members, there is one full time Residence Hall Director on-call and will be contacted by the student staff for
any incidents needing their attention.
Room Entry: Under certain circumstances, it may become necessary for authorized University personnel or
their agents to enter a participant’s room for maintenance or other purposes. All attempts will be made to
give advance notice to the participant, if possible. We cannot guarantee that the staff assigned to enter the
suite/room is the same gender as participants assigned to the specific floors/suite/room, however staff will
knock and announce before entering. All University personnel and their agents are required to have
successfully completed a Criminal Background Check prior to working on campus.
Safety: Though we do our best to provide a safe living environment, safety is a personal responsibility as
well. Participants should always lock doors and windows, use the peephole prior to opening the door, ask for
ID from staff wanting to enter, never give a key/access card to another individual, keep a list of serial
numbers for personal belongings, know evacuation routes, and report facility concerns to the residence hall
office. Participants should be aware of their surroundings, report any suspicious persons or activities, and
avoid walking alone at night. Report any suspicious activity or for assistance call the UT Arlington Police
Department at (817) 272-3003 or x2-3003 from a campus phone.
Security: Each hall is equipped with a 24 hour card access system, exterior doors and some hallway doors
will remain locked 24 hours a day. Access cards will be issued to each participant by UT Arlington staff.
Depending on the hall, participants may also be issued a metal key(s). Room/Suite doors should be locked at
all times. Keys/Access cards are to be in the possession of and/or only used by the participant to whom they
were issued. University keys may not be duplicated or altered. Lost participant keys/access cards should be
reported to the residence hall office and a new key/access will be issued. Participants under the age of (18)


years will need to have a counselor with them to get a replacement key/access card. There will be a charge
for lost or unreturned room keys and/or access cards.
Interfering with the security system is prohibited. Violations include, but are not limited to: tampering with
locks in participant rooms and other areas, propping open exterior/suite/room doors, jamming a door open to
prevent it from opening or closing, prying doors open or shut, taping locks open, altering or duplicating
University keys, allowing non-camp participants into the residence halls, or tampering with security
Smoking/Tobacco: The use of tobacco is not permitted on campus or in the residence halls. This includes
the use of e-cigarettes.
Solicitation: UT Arlington prohibits door-to-door solicitation in the residence halls and includes, but is not
limited to anyone selling or distributing products, passing out fliers, and/or taking surveys.
Residence hall rooms are not to be used for business purposes and no public advertising of business services
is allowed within a residence hall. Prearranged sales may not occur on a regular or continuous basis.
Sports: Sporting activities are not to be conducted in any area of the residence hall. Examples include, but
are not limited to: running, bouncing and/or kicking balls and/or hacky sacks, throwing objects or use of
rollerblades, scooters, bicycles, and/or skateboards. UT Arlington provides several gaming options in the
residence hall common space; equipment can be checked out from the residence hall office.
Telephones: Telephones and landlines are not provided in residence hall rooms.
Theft and Lost Property: Theft of personal and/or public property is against the law. Please report this
immediately to the UT Arlington Police Department at (817) 272-3381 or x2-3381 from a campus phone and
then to the residence hall office. There is a lost and found located at each of the residence hall offices. The
campus lost and found is located at the UT Arlington Police Department x2-2904 from a campus phone or
(817) 272-2904 from any other phone. UT Arlington is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
Title IX: UT Arlington does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender,
sexual orientation, disabilities, genetic information, and/or veteran status in its educational programs or
activities it operates. For more information, visit For information regarding Title IX, visit For questions about Title IX, contact Michelle Willbanks, UT Arlington’s Title IX
coordinator, at
Toilet Paper: Toilet paper is provided in participant rooms and also available at the residence hall office. It
should not be misused including any type of prank.
Trash: Small liners are provided for room trash cans and additional ones are available at the residence hall
office. Please bring your trash to any of the dumpsters located outside of the residence hall. Do not place
trash in the hallways or common area trash bins located within the hall. If UT Arlington Staff/Housekeeping
are required to remove an excessive amount a trash left by participants in the residence hall, a $25 per bag
fee will be charged to the camp on their final invoice.
Trespassing: Camp participants are permitted to be in the residence halls during their contracted camp
dates. Arrival prior to or staying after these dates is not permitted.
Vandalism: Damaging, defacing and/or destroying University property or property belonging to another
participant is not allowed. Damages caused by camp participants will be the responsibility of the camp. The


Guest Services Office will charge for repairs, including but not limited to all supplies and labor. Please notify
the UT Arlington Police Department and the residence hall office if you witness vandalism.
Vending/Ice Machines: There are vending machines located in each hall. Ice machines are also available at
no charge. If large quantities of ice are needed, please do not use the UT Arlington ice machines, emptying a
machine repeatedly will cause it to malfunction.
Wheeled Equipment: Includes but is not limited to bicycles, hoverboards, rollerblades, skateboards and
scooters, may not be ridden in or on residence hall property including but not limited to courtyards,
breezeways and the seating area in the Arlington Hall circle drive.
Bicycles are not allowed inside the residence halls and must be parked and secured in bicycle racks.
Charging, storage and possession of “hover boards” within the residence hall is prohibited due to the
potential fire hazard. “Hover boards” include any kind of self-balancing scooter which is powered by a
lithium-ion battery.
Windows & Screens: Throwing, dropping, or passing objects/liquids through windows is prohibited.
Climbing through a window is prohibited, unless it is an emergency. Window screens must be kept on the
windows, in their proper location, at all times, unless it is an emergency. Nothing may be displayed in or
attached to the windows in the residence halls including, but not limited to flags, signs, stickers, foil, decals,
and window paint.







The organization reserving the facility is responsible for the actions of all their guests within the University
facility. The organization will be held accountable for any and all damages. In addition, the organization
is responsible for enforcing University polices with their guests.
The buildings at The University of Texas at Arlington are smoke-free. Smoking is not permitted at any
time on campus.
The organization scheduling space is not permitted to transfer the reserved space to another
organization or group.
The person responsible for the event should check the room upon taking possession to look for items
that are broken or any other obvious damage and report said damage to the Guest Services Office. This
will protect the organization from having charges levied against them to repair said damages. If, in the
course of the event, damage does occur, it should be reported to the Guest Services Office.
If an organization leaves the facility in such condition as to require additional cleaning by University
personnel, the organization will be charged for time and materials for the extra cleaning. Damage to any
room, space, and/or equipment by an organization will result in appropriate charges on a time and
material basis for replacement or repair of the damage to University property.
CANDLES AND FALAMMABLE MATERIALS such as hay, excelsior, etc. are not allowed in the University
University furniture and equipment may not be moved or removed from the premises.
Food may not be brought into the University facilities without prior approval from the Director of Dining
Services and may not be served in the class rooms. Food must be served in vending areas or hallways.
Should an organization obtain permission to bring its own refreshments, the organization will assume
responsibility for leaving the area in the condition in which they found it or be subject to a time and
materials charge.
WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT. Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages be “brown
bagged” or otherwise carried into or out of the University facility. With respect to the possession and
consumption of alcoholic beverages, State law will be strictly enforced at all times on all property of The
University of Texas at Arlington.
The University of Texas at Arlington is not responsible for items lost, left, or stolen in the University
Organizations are expected to comply with all laws of the United States and the State of Texas, all
ordinances of the County of Tarrant and the City of Arlington, all Rules and Regulations as set out by the
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, and all regulations of the University of Texas at


Recreational facilities available are the Maverick Activities Building (MAC), Physical Education Building (PEB),
The Green at College Park, and Campus Recreation Fields Complex.
A. The Licensee is responsible for the compliance of all laws of the United States and the State of Texas, all
ordinances of the County of Tarrant and the City of Arlington, all Rules and Regulations as set out by the
Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, and all regulations of the University of Texas at
Arlington, the Department of Campus Recreation. The Licensee may be asked to leave prior to the end
of their scheduled event time without a reduction in rental fee if the Licensee is not in compliance with
any of the above.
B. In accordance with the University of Texas System Regent's Rules 6.(11)5, the Licensee must provide a
policy of comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance issued by a company authorized
to conduct business in the state of Texas naming the Board of Regents, the U.T. System, the University
of Texas at Arlington, and the officers and employees of each as additional insureds, providing coverage
for bodily injury and death of persons and damage to property that result directly or indirectly from the
negligent or intentional act or omission of, or from the use or condition of any property, equipment,
machinery, or vehicle used, operated, or controlled by, the licensee or its officers, employees, agents, or
subcontractors while on property owned by the U.T. System or a component institution. The limit of
liability for each occurrence shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury or
death of a person and one million dollars ($1,000,000) for property damage.
C. The Licensee scheduled in one facility is not eligible to use other facilities without prior arrangements
and approval by The Department of Campus Recreation. The Licensee will be responsible for the
additional facility usage fees.
D. The Licensee is responsible for all actions of its participants and all equipment used by participants.
E. Signs, posters, booths, pamphlets, books, literature, etc. cannot be displayed without prior approval of
the Associate Director of Campus Recreation and should be agreed upon when making the reservation
F. The Licensee must have one (1) counselor aged eighteen (18) years or older for every twenty (20)
participants aged seventeen (17) years and under. The counselor(s) must remain in the scheduled facility
during the duration of the event and will serve as the main point of contact for the Campus Recreation
staff to address any issues.
G. Opening and closing times will be strictly enforced and set-up and clean-up should be factored in to
your reserved time.
H. Food and drink will not be sold or served without the prior permission of the Associate Director of
Campus Recreation and should be agreed upon when making the reservation request.
I. Any merchandise sold in the facility or surrounding areas will be subject to a fifteen percent (15%)
charge on gross income, and all sales must be approved with the Associate Director of Campus
Recreation and should be agreed upon when making the reservation request.
J. Furniture and equipment cannot be moved without prior permission of the Associate Director of
Campus Recreation.
K. Lighting, projection, and sound equipment must be requested for with the Associate Director of Campus
Recreation and should be agreed upon when making the reservation request.
L. Tobacco is prohibited on campus.
M. The Licensee is responsible for the cost incurred with clean-up, repairing any damages to the facility, and
replacing damaged equipment. Licensor will not collect monies for any additional charges during or at
the end of the event. The amount of additional charges will be reflected in the camp final bill presented
to the Licensee.
N. If the Licensee exceeds their reserved time by more than thirty (30) minutes will be charged for an
additional hour. For every hour thereafter, the Licensee will be charged at double the hourly rate for the
particular facility (ies) rented.
O. The Department of Campus Recreation or The University of Texas at Arlington is not responsible for any
accident, injury, or loss incurred while using the facilities.
P. All vehicles on campus require a parking permit.


Q. UT Arlington is committed to providing a safe and secure learning, working, and living environment. To
this end, the University prohibits the use, possession, display or storage of any firearms, other lethal or
non-lethal weapons, simulated weapons, explosives, or fireworks on the University campus. Individuals
who observe a violation of this policy are required to report the incident immediately to UT Arlington’s
Police Department so that it can be documented and properly investigated. UT Arlington’s Police
Department can be contacted at (817) 272-3003 for emergencies and (817) 272-3381 for nonemergencies.
Pursuant to Subchapter H, Chapter 411 of the Texas Government Code, individuals licensed by the state
to carry a concealed handgun (License Holder) may carry a concealed handgun in approved areas on the
University Campus beginning August 1, 2016.
Areas of UT Arlington where carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited include the following exclusion

Locations providing counseling and health services, which include the Social Work Building B,
Counseling and Psychological Services on the third floor of Ransom Hall, and the Student Health
Services Building.
• Locations providing childcare for minor children, which includes the Transforming Lives Child
Development Center.
• Locations primarily used for NCAA, UIL or professional sports events, which include the College
Park Center, Maverick Stadium, Allan Saxe Field, and Clay Gould Ballpark.
• The Testing Services Office located in University Hall and in Davis Hall.
• The Maverick Activities Center (MAC).
• The Physical Education Building (PEB).
• University-owned residence halls when being used for summer camps and summer conferences.
• Designated locations where formal disciplinary and grievance actions are conducted. Specific
locations will be identified and designated for these disciplinary and grievance hearings.
• Other exclusionary areas may include leased spaces on the University Campus as determined by
the lessee, including Centennial Court Apartments, Follett Bookstore, and
restaurants/shops/office space in the College Park District.
• When a polling place for public elections is located on University premises, the area will be
restricted during Election Day and while early voting is in progress.
• On a case-by-case basis, any location, or specific time period the University President determines
creates a unique situation that poses a threat to the safety of the campus community.


1. LICENSED SPACE: Licensor grants to Licensee the use of that portion of the E.H. Hereford University
Center set forth herein subject to terms and conditions of this agreement, for the purpose of: Educational
The space that Licensee is entitled to use consists of the following areas and facilities:
This agreement does not entitle Licensee or the Licensee’s employees, agents, or invitees to occupy, enter, or
use any area, facility, or equipment not specifically described herein.
3. FEE TERMS: Licensee agrees to pay Licensor $ as consideration of Licensee’s use of the space described in
paragraph one for the purpose specified in paragraph one and the following equipment, personnel, and
Licensee agrees to pay Licensor $100 per hour as consideration for use of the leased space outside the stated
hours of this agreement. Requests and use of additional space, equipment or other materials may result in
an additional charge.
4. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If a non-University user charges those attending an event any admission or
registration fee, or accepts donations from those in attendance, the user shall make a complete accounting
of all funds collected and of the actual costs of the event. If the funds collected exceed the actual costs of the
event, then the non-university user shall be required to remit such excess funds to the University of Texas at
Arlington as an additional charge for the use of the University Center. A complete, certified accounting of all
funds collected and of actual complete, certified costs of the event shall be submitted to the Director,
University Center Operations within thirty (30) days after the event is held. The University reserves the right to
audit all records pertaining to income and expenses, to prescribe methods of collection, and to participate in
audits of funds at the point of receipt.
5. INSURANCE: During the term of this agreement a policy of comprehensive general liability and property
damage insurance issued by a company authorized to conduct business in the state of Texas naming the
Board of Regents, the U.T. System, the University of Texas at Arlington, and the officers and employees of
each as additional insureds, providing coverage for bodily injury and death of persons and damage to
property that result directly or indirectly from the negligent or intentional act or omission of, or from the use
or condition of any property, equipment, machinery, or vehicle used, operated, or controlled by, the renter or
its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors while on property owned by the U.T. System or a
component institution. The limit of liability for each occurrence shall not be less than one million dollars
($1,000,000) for bodily injury or death of a person and one million dollars ($1,000,000) for property damage.
This insurance needs to be provided before the licensee makes use of University facilities. The licensee shall
deliver to University, upon University’s request, evidence establishing the existence of all insurance required
by this Agreement. Such evidence shall be satisfactory to University in all respects.
6. NOTICE OF EVENT REQUIREMENTS: Licensee shall provide Licensor at least ten (10) days before the
period specified in this agreement, a fully detailed written outline of all event requirements, including stage,
tables, and chair requirements, audio visual requirements and all other such information, et cetera, as may be
required of the Licensor concerning the event covered by this agreement.
7. PARKING: Parking will be arranged through the Guest Services Office for parking during their
camp/conference. Participants must use assigned lot or lots as provided by the Guest Services Office.
Participants that fail to use assigned lot or lots may be subject to parking citations, booting, or towing. The


Licensor does not assume any responsibility for fees associated with failure to comply with parking rules and
for food and beverages on, in, or about the premises covered by this agreement. Prior approval must be
granted by the third party food services provider contracted with the University of Texas at Arlington.
Licensor reserves the sole and exclusive right to sell on, in, or about the premises covered by this agreement
any soft drinks, food, or other merchandise of any sort, and no free samples of any merchandise whatsoever
shall be given away by Licensee without the written consent of Licensor. Licensee will not sell or allow beer,
wine, or any liquors of alcoholic nature to be sold, given away, or consumed upon said premises without
prior consent of Licensor and then only in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by Licensor
and in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas including the Rules and Regulations of the Board of
Regents of The University of Texas System and including the rules and regulations of the E.H. Hereford
University Center within The University of Texas at Arlington, regarding the sale and use of alcoholic
beverages. All concessions and alcoholic beverages can be arranged through the in-house caterer of The
University of Texas at Arlington. That caterer is Aramark and they can be reached at 817-272-2304.
11. ADVERTISING: Licensee agrees that all news releases, handbills, advertisements, television and radio
announcements, or other media utilized to inform the public of the event shall include the following
“The use of the E.H. Hereford University Center at The University of Texas at Arlington does not imply
endorsement of the event or the sponsoring organization by The University of Texas at Arlington.”
12. SIGNS & DISPLAYS: Licensee agrees no signs, messages, or other materials will be posted, displayed,
distributed, or announced in or adjacent to the University Center without written prior approval of Licensor.
Such materials must not be fastened to any part of the facility except in spaces provided for this purpose or
on easels provided and must not be permitted to interfere with crowd movement and safety. Tapes, tacks,
nails, and pins may not be used in or on any University Center walls or surfaces. Leaning items on or against
University Center walls is not permitted. Therefore, users must make arrangements with the Assistant
Director about methods of putting up any decorations before the event takes place.
13. TOBACCO: The University of Texas at Arlington prohibits the use of tobacco products on campus.
Smoking and smoke-free tobacco are not permitted on any property owned by The University of Texas at
Arlington. The policy applies to employees, students, visitors, and guests and prohibits tobacco use in
buildings, parking lots, and outdoor areas.
14. COPYRIGHT: Licensee agrees to pay all costs including performing rights fees incurred as a result of use
in conjunction with the event covered by this agreement, of music, including encores, and any other material
whether performed by live artists or reproduced from recorded sources. Licensee further agrees to indemnify
and hold harmless and defend Licensor, its officers, or employees from and against any and all claims,
demands, or suits that may be made or brought against them with respect to the performance of any
materials performed under this agreement.
15. ADA: It is the responsibility of the Licensor to exercise reasonable effort in assuring that facilities are
accessible to people with disabilities in a manner consistent with the guidelines of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, provided that Licensee uses reasonable effort to determine and report to Licensor any special
needs that may exist. Licensee must ensure that program activities covered under this agreement are
consistent with the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes, if necessary, the provision


of auxiliary services, such as sign language interpreters. Any such services provided by the Licensor will be
reimbursed by the Licensee. Animals are not allowed in the building, with the exception of service animals.
16. POLICY AGAINST DISCRIMINATION: In compliance with all laws of the State of Texas no person shall
be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program
or activity sponsored or conducted by the Licensee, on any basis prohibited by applicable law, including, but
not limited to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or handicap.
17. PUBLIC SAFETY: Licensee agrees that at all times it will conduct its activities with regard to public safety,
and will observe and abide by all applicable regulations and requests by duly authorized governmental
agencies. If Licensor determines that a proposed event poses a potential hazard to public safety, the event
may be canceled or denied. All portions of the sidewalks, entries, doors, passages, vestibules, halls, corridors,
stairways, passageways, and all ways of access to public utilities of the premises shall be kept unobstructed
by the Licensee and shall not be used for any purpose other than ingress to or egress from the premises by
the Licensee. If it is deemed, either by the Licensor or the Licensee, that an extra security presence is
necessary for the event(s) specified in this agreement, then said presence must be obtained through the
Police Department of The University of Texas at Arlington; they can be reached at 817-272-3381. All related
expenses for said security presence will be accommodated by the Licensee.
18. DAMAGING MATERIALS: Licensee agrees not to bring onto the premises any material, substances,
equipment, or object which is likely to endanger the life of or to cause bodily injury to any persons on the
premises or which is likely to constitute a hazard to property thereon without prior approval of Licensor.
19. REFUSAL OF MATERIALS: The Licensor shall have the right to prohibit the use of any damaging or
dangerous materials, substances, equipment, or objects to be brought onto the premises and the further
right to require immediate removal there from if found thereon on the part of Licensee.
20. GLITTER, CONFETTI, & CANDLES: The use of glitter and confetti is not allowed. Candles and flammable
materials such as hay, excelsior, et cetera are not allowed in the E.H. Hereford University Center.
21. DAMAGE & CLEANLINESS: The Licensee, the Licensee’s guests, and/or participants involved in
damaging the Licensor’s property shall be jointly and severely responsible and liable to the Licensor for any
and all losses, damages, or thefts caused by Licensee, Licensee’s guests and/or participants including, without
limitation, replacement of costs for damages to any and all equipment and furnishings. As such, the Licensee
is liable for all damages resulting from participant utilization of the services and facilities provided by the
Licensor. The Licensee is responsible for the use of Licensor’s equipment rented or borrowed for the event.
Damage to such equipment resulting from the negligence on the part of the Licensee will be repaired or
replaced at Licensor’s option and at the Licensee’s expense.
The Licensee is responsible for the general cleanliness of facilities, furniture and equipment. If the facility,
furniture or equipment is left in such a condition to require additional cleaning above normal trash removal
and equipment and furniture take down, the personnel and materials required to remedy the condition shall
be at the expense of the Licensee.
22. PERIPHERY EQUIPMENT: The Licensee may not install or operate any equipment, fixture, or device nor
operate or permit to be operated any engine, motor, or any other machinery or use gas, electricity, or
flammable substances in the licensed space except with prior written approval from the Licensor. All
electrical, steam, water, and wash water connections must be made by Licensor’s employees or agents and
all house equipment must be operated by Licensor’s employees or agents. No equipment, device, or fixture
may be used which in the opinion of Licensor endangers the structural integrity of the facility.
23. EVACUATION OF FACILITIES: Should it become necessary in the judgment of the Licensor to evacuate
the premises for any reason of public safety, evacuation shall be accomplished under exclusive control of
Licensor. The Licensee may, following evacuation, re-establish use of the premises for sufficient time to
complete presentation of its activity without additional Use Fee providing such time does not interfere with


use of the premises by another Licensee. If it is not possible to complete presentation of the activity, all fees
shall be forfeited, prorated, or adjusted at the discretion of the Licensor. Licensee hereby waives any claim of
damage or compensation from the Licensor.
24. OCCUPANCY CAPACITY: The Licensee shall not admit to said premises a larger number of persons than
the premises will accommodate or that can safely and freely move about in said areas. For the event agreed
herein, that number shall be ##.
25. PROPERTY/REMOVAL OF PROPERTY: Licensor is not responsible for items lost, left or stolen. Licensee
agrees that all materials which are not the property of Licensor shall be removed from the premises before
the expiration of the event(s) agreed upon in this document. Licensor shall be authorized to remove at the
expense of the Licensee all materials remaining in licensed space at the termination of said event(s). Licensee
shall be responsible for payment of storage costs for such material and Licensee agrees Licensor shall in no
way be responsible for any loss, damage, or claims against material removed or stored under this provision.
Licensee agrees that Licensor will have first lien on such materials for payment of costs accrued for removal
and storage. University Center furniture and equipment may not be moved or removed from the premises.
26. INDEMNIFICATION: Licensee agrees to protect, indemnify, save, and hold harmless Licensor from any
and all claims, demands, and causes of action on account of any loss, damage, or injury (including death), to
persons or property arising directly or indirectly from, or in connection with, the use of the leased premises
herein provided, and caused by the intentional act or acts or the negligent acts or omissions of Licensee or its
agents, servants, employees, or invitees. Ordinary wear and tear to the leased premises expected.
All participants are under the direct and complete supervision and control of the Licensee. As such, the
Licensee is liable for all damages resulting from participant utilization of the services and facilities provided by
the Licensor. The Licensee must have one (1) counselor aged eighteen (18) years or older for every twenty
(20) participants aged seventeen (17) years and under. The counselor(s) must remain in E.H. Hereford
University Center during the duration of the event and will serve as the main point of contact for the
University Center staff to address any issues.
27. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS: Licensee shall comply with all laws of The United
Sates and The State of Texas, all ordinances of The County of Tarrant and The City of Arlington, all Rules and
Regulations as set out by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System for the governance of The
University of Texas at Arlington, and all regulations of the E.H. Hereford University Center; and Licensor will
require that Licensee’s agents, servants, employees, or invitees comply. Licensee shall be responsible for
payment of all licenses, permits, fees, registrations, taxes, assessments, and charges of every kind and
character levied or required by any Federal, State, or local law, ordinance, or regulation in connection with or
because of any act or activity engaged in by Licensee or Licensee’s agents, servants, employees, or invitees
within the premises or facilities described herein, and to protect, indemnify, save, and hold harmless Licensor
from any and all liability for same.
28. CONTROL OF FACILITY AND RIGHT TO ENTER: In permitting the use of premises and facilities
described herein, Licensor does not relinquish custody and control thereof, and does hereby specifically retain
the right to enforce any and all appropriate laws, rules, and regulations applicable to said premises.
Representatives of Licensor may enter any of the premises and facilities described herein at any time and on
any occasion without any restriction whatsoever. All facilities, including the area which is the subject of this
agreement, shall at all times be under charge and control of the Licensor.
29. OCCAPANCY INTERUPTION: In case the premises covered by the agreement or the building of which
such premises or a part be destroyed or damaged by fire or any other cause, or if any other casualty or
unforeseen occurrence or other causes shall render the fulfillment of this contract by Licensor impossible,
then the term of this contract shall end and Licensee shall be liable to pay any fees and charges only to the
time of such termination and Licensee hereby waives and releases any claim for damages or compensation on
account of such termination.


30. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party hereto shall be liable or responsible to the other for any loss or damage
or for any delays or failure to perform due to causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited
to, acts of God, strikes, epidemics, war, riot, flood, fire, sabotage, a terrorist event, or any other
circumstances of like character.
a. A Building Supervisor is on duty at all times and may be called by using a wall radio located on each level
of the University Center. There are directions for use at each wall radio station.
b. The person responsible for the event should check the room(s) immediately upon taking possession. Look
for items that are broken or any other obvious signs of damage; report any issues immediately to the Building
c. Event rooms are normally kept closed and locked at all times. Upon arrival, please use a wall radio to
contact the Building Supervisor and request that reserved room(s) be opened.
d. It is strongly suggested that technical equipment be tested well before the beginning of an event.



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