Synoptic Project ~ User Guide
User Manual:
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Maze Game - User Guide:
Starting a new game:
1. Select “New Game”.
2. Decide on the configuration you would like to use.
3. You can select the default maze configuration, by clicking “Select
Pre-Defined Config”. This will then load the maze game normally. If you
are using this configuration.
4. You can also create your own configuration for the maze if you choose.
This process can be started by clicking “Create New Custom Config”.
Creating a custom configuration:
Note - This process can be made easier if you plan out your maze beforehand - i.e. draw a very
basic map of rooms and the passages connecting them.
1. Confirm that you are ready to start.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to generate your maze.
3. Once you have entered all information, the game will start.

Playing the maze game:
● The game will start by showing you the current room you are in.
● The room should contain a threat, as well as any number of passages.
○ Passages will lead to other rooms.
○ There is one passage in the maze that is the exit. Entering this
passage is how you complete the game.
○ To use the exit passage, you must first find the key.
● You will need to explore the passages, and defeat any threats.
○ To use a passage, click “Change Room” and select the direction you
wish to explore.
● To defeat a threat, click “Attack Threat” and find the appropriate action for
the threat in that room.
● Once you defeat the threat in a room, you will be able to collect the
treasure in that room.
○ To collect the treasure, simply click “Collect Treasure”.
○ Most rooms will have Gold as the treasure - collect this to add to
your wealth.
○ One room in the maze will have a key, also protected by a threat.
This key will unlock the exit passage.
● You want to collect as much Gold as possible, before using the exit
passage - the more gold you have, the higher your wealth.
You can view information on the current room in the “Room Info” section - on the
right side of the page. This will update every time you change rooms.
● Here you will find the:
○ RoomID
○ Room Threat
○ Room Treasure
● You can also see your current wealth in this section.
- If at any time you wish to restart the maze, click the “Restart Game” button, and
you will be placed in a random room.
- If you would like to play a different maze, you have the option to click “New
Maze Config” - where you will be able to select a new configuration for the game.