System_V_Interface_Definition_Issue_2_Volume_2_1986 System V Interface Definition Issue 2 Volume 1986
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System V Interface Definition System V Interface Definition Issue 2 Volume II -- -- -- AT.T ISBN 0-932764-10-X Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 85-063224 Select Code No. 320-012 Copyright © 1986 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, electrical, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording in any medium, taping, by any computer or information storage and retrieval systems, etc., without prior permission in writing from AT&T. IMPORTANT NOTE TO USERS While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this document, AT&T assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions or by statements of any kind in the System V Interface Definition, its updates, supplements, or special editions, whether such errors are omissions or statements resulting from negligence, accident, or any other cause. AT&T further assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of any product or system described herein; nor any liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this document. AT&T disclaims all warranties regarding the information contained herein, whether expressed, implied or statutory, including implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. AT&T makes no representation that the interconnection of products in the manner described herein will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained herein imply the granting of license to make, use or sell equipment constructed in accordance with this description. AT&T reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function, or design. This document was set on an AUTOLOGIC, Inc. APS-S phototypesetter driven by the troff formatter operating on UNIX System V on an AT&T 3820 computer. • UNIX is a trademark of AT&T. APS-5 is a trademark of AUTOLOGIC, Inc.. How to Order To order copies of the System V Interface Definition by phone, you may call: (800) 432-6600 (Inside U.S.A.) (800) 255-1242 (Inside Canada) (317) 352-8557 (Outside U.S.A. & Canada) You must use a major credit card for orders made by phone. To order copies of the System V Interface Definition by mail, write to: AT &T Customer Information Center (CIC) Attn: Customer Service Representative P.O. Box 19901 Indianapolis, IN 46219 U.S.A. Be sure to include the address the books should be shipped to and a check or money order made payable to AT&T. Please identify the books you want to order by Select Code. Select Codes for the System V Interface Definition are: 320-011 320-012 307-127 Volume I Volume II All Volumes System V Interface Definition Page v Table of Contents Page Preface Part I Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Part II Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Part III Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Part IV Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Part V Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Part VI Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 12 13 14 15 Indexes ix A General Introduction to the System V Interface Definition General Introduction Future Directions 3 9 Base Utilities Extension Definition Introduction Commands and Utilities 19 21 Advanced Utilities Extension Definition Introduction Commands and Utilities 133 135 Administered Systems Extension Definition Introduction Commands and Utilities 231 235 Software Development Extension Introduction Library Routines Commands and Utilities 293 297 317 Terminal Interface Extension Definition Introduction Environment Library Routines Commands and Utilities 401 405 425 449 Volume II General Index Command and Function Index System V Interface Definition 455 459 Page vii Preface The System V Interface Definition specifies an operating system environment that allows users to create applications software that is independent of any particular computer hardware. The System V Interface Definition applies to computers that range from personal computers to mainframes. Applications that conform to this specification will allow users to take advantage of changes in technology and to choose the computer that best meets their needs from among many manufacturers while retaining a common computing environment. The System V Interface Definition specifies the operating system components available to both end-users and application programs. The functionality of components is defined, but the implementation is not. The System V Interface Definition specifies the source-code interfaces of each operating system component as well as the run-time behavior seen by an application program or an end-user. The emphasis is on defining a common computing environment for application programs and end-users; not on the internals of the operating system, such as the scheduler or memory manager. An application program using only components defined in the System V Interface Definition will be compatible with and portable to any computer that supports the System V Interface. While the source-code may have to be re-compiled to move an application program to a new computer system that supports the System V Interface, the presence and behavior of the operating system components as defined by the System V Interface Definition would be assured. The System V Interface Definition is organized into a Base System Definition plus a series of Extension Definitions. The Base System Definition specifies the components that all System V operating systems must provide. The Extensions to the Base System are not required to be present in a System V operating system, but when a component is present it must conform to the specified functionality. The System V Interface Definition lets end-users and application developers identify the features and functions available to them on any System V operating system. System V Interface Definition Page ix Part I A General Introduction to the System V Interface Definition Chapter 1 General Introduction 1.1 AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE The System V Interface Definition (SVID) is intended for use by anyone who must understand the operating system components that are consistent across all System V environments. As such, its primary audience is the application developer building C language application programs whose source-code must be portable from one System V environment to another. A system builder should also view these volumes as a necessary condition for supporting a System V environment that will host such applications. This publication is intended to serve the following major purposes: • To serve as a single reference source for the definition of the external interfaces to services that are provided by all System V environments. These services are designated as the Base System. This includes source-code interfaces and runtime behavior as seen by an application program. It does not include the details of how the operating system implements these functions. • To define all additional services (such as networking and data management) at an equivalent external interface level and to group these services into Extensions to the Base System. • To serve as a complete definition of System V external interfaces, so that application source-code that conforms to these interfaces and is compiled in an environment that conforms to these interfaces, will execute as defined in a System V environment. It is assumed that source-code is recompiled for the proper target hardware. The basic objective is to facilitate the writing of application program source-code that is directly portable across all System V implementations. Facilities outside of the Base System would require that the appropriate Extension be installed on the target environment. 1.2 STRUCTURE AND CONTENT 1.2.1 Partitioning into Base System and Extensions The System V Interface Definition partitions System V components into a Base System and Extensions to that Base System. This does not change the definition of System V. It is instead a recognition that some of the functionality of System V may be unnecessary in certain environments, especially on small hardware configurations. It also recognizes that different computing environments require some functions that others do not. System V Interface Definition Page 3 The Base System functionality has been structured to provide a minimal, standalone run-time environment for applications originally written in a high-level language, such as C. In this environment, the end-user is not expected to interact directly with the traditional System V shell and commands. An example of such a system would be a dedicated-use system. That is, a system devoted to a single application, such as a vertically integrated application package for managing a legal office, To execute, many applications programs will require only the components in the Base System. Other applications will need one or more Extensions. The Extensions to this Base System have been structured to provide a growth path in natural functional increments that leads to a full System V configuration. The division between Base and Extensions will allow system builders to create machines tailored for different purposes and markets, in an orderly fashion. Thus, a small business/professional computer system designed for novice single users might include only the Base System and the Basic Utilities Extension. A system for advanced business/professional users might add to this the Advanced Utilities Extension. A system designed for high-level language software development would include the Base System, the Kernel Extension and the Basic Utilities, Advanced Utilities, and Software Development Extensions. Although the Extensions are not meant to specify the physical packaging of System V for a particular product, it is expected that the Extensions will lead to a fairly consistent packaging scheme. This partitioning allows an application to be built using a basic set of components that are consistent across all System V implementations. This basic set is the Base System. Where necessary, an application developer can choose to use components from an Extension and require the run-time environment to support that Extension in addition to the Base System. Facilities or side effects that are not explicitly stated in the SVID are not guaranteed, and should not be used by applications that require portability. 1.2.2 Conforming Systems All conforming systems must support the source code interfaces and runtime behavior of the components of the Base System. A system may conform to none or some Extensions. All the components of an Extension must be present for a system to meet the requirements of the Extension. This does not preclude a system from including only a few components from some Extension, but the system would not then be said to have the Extension. Some Extensions require that other Extensions be present on a system, for example, the Advanced Utilities Extension requires the Basic Utilities Extension. This issue of the System V Interface Definition corresponds to functionality in AT&T System V Release 1.0 and System V Release 2.0. An implementation of System V may conform to the System V Release 1.0 functionality or the System V Release 2.0 functionality. All System V Release 2.0 enhancements to System V Release 1.0 are identified as such in the SVID. Page 4 System V Interface Definition 1.2.3 Organization of Technical Information For ease of use, the SVID has been divided into several Volumes containing the following Extensions: Volume 1. Base System Kernel Extension Volume 2. Basic Utilities Extension Advanced Utilities Extension Software Development Extension Administered System Extension Terminal Interface Extension Additional Volumes will define any further Extensions to System V. The SVID defines the source-code interface and the run-time behavior of the components that make up the Base System and each Extension. Components include, for example, operating system service routines, general library routines, system data files, special device files, and end-user utilities {commands}. When referred to individually, components will be identified by a suffix of the form (XX_YYY) where xx identifies the Base System or the Extension that the component is in and YYY identifies the type of the component. For example, components defined in the Operating System Service Routines section of the Base System will be identified by (BA_OS), components defined in General Library Routines of the Base System will be identified by (BA_LIB), and components defined in the Operating System Service Routines section of the Kernel Extension will be identified by (KE_OS). Possible types are OS, LIB, CMD {commands or utilities} and ENV {environment} . The definition of the Base System includes an overview followed by chapters that provide detailed definitions of each component in the Base System. Similarly, the definition of each Extension includes an overview followed by chapters that provide detailed definitions of each component in the Extension. Pages containing the detailed component definitions are labeled with the name of the component being defined. Some utilities and routines are described with other related utilities or routines, and therefore do not have detailed definition pages of their own. An alphabetical index is provided in each Volume listing all components defined in that Volume. The index points to the detailed definition pages on which a component is to be found; the header for these pages may not contain the name of the component being sought. For example, in Volume I, the entry for the function call 0 c points to the MALLOC(BA_OS) pages, because the function call 0 c is defined with the function ma 11 0 c on pages labeled MALLOC(BA_OS). System V Interface Definition Page 5 Each component definition follows the below; not all the following sections may however, they will be in the given order. USAGE, and USAGE are not considered ponent. • NAME - name of component • SYNOPSIS - summary of source-code or user-level interface • DESCRIPTION • RETURN VALUE - interface and runtime behavior value returned by the function possible error condidions • ERRORS • FILES - names of files used • APPLICATION USAGE • EXAMPLE • SEE ALSO - or USAGE - guidance on use example list of related components • FUTURE DIRECTIONS • LEVEL - same structure. The sections are listed be present in each description. If present, Sections entitled EXAMPLE, APPLICATION part of the formal definition of a com- planned enhancements see MECHANISM FOR EVOLUTION below In general, components that are utilities do not have a RETURN VALUE section. Except as noted in the detailed definition for a particular utility, utilities return a zero exit code for success, and non-zero for failure. The component definitions are similar in format to AT & T System V manual pages, but have been extended or modified as follows: • All machine-specific or implementation-specific information has been removed. All implementation-specific constants have been replaced by symbolic names, which are defined in a separate section [see Implementation-specific constants in Volume I: Part II - Base System Definition: Chapter 4 - Definitions]. When these symbolic names are used they always appear in curly brackets, e.g., {PROC_MAXl. The symbolic names correspond to those defined by the November 1985 draft of the IEEE PI003 Standard to be in aheader file; however, in this document, they are not meant to be read as symbolic constants defined in header files. • A section entitled FUTURE DIRECTIONS has been added to selected component definitions. This section indicates how a component will evolve. The information ranges from specific changes in functionality to more general indications of proposed development. • A section entitled APPLICATION USAGE or USAGE has been added to guide application developers on the expected or recommended usage of certain components. Detailed definitions of operating system services and library routines have an APPLICATION USAGE paragraph while utilities have a USAGE paragraph. While operating system services and library routines are only used by Page 6 System V Interface Definition programs, utilities may be used by programs, by end-users or by system administrators. The USAGE paragraph indicates which of these three is appropriate for a particular utility (this is not meant to be prescriptive, but rather to give guidance). The following terms are used in the USAGE paragraph: application program, end-user, system administrator, or general. The term general indicates that the utility might be used by all three: application programs, end-users and system administrators. • A section entitled LEVEL defines each component's commitment level: Level-l components will remain in the SVID and can be modified only in upwardly compatible ways. Any change in its definition will preserve the previous source-code interface and run-time behavior in order to ensure that the component remains upwardly compatible. Level-l components will remain unchanged for at least three years following entry into level-2, after which time the component may be modified in a nonupwardly compatible way or may be dropped from the SVID. Level-2 components are labeled with the starting date of this three-year period. 1.3 MECHANISM FOR EVOLUTION The SVID will be reissued as necessary to reflect developments in the System V Interface. In conjunction with these updates, the following changes may be made to the definitions: • Level-l components may be moved to Level-2. The date of their entry into Level-2 will be the date of the reissue of the SVID in which the change is made. • Level-l components will not move from one Extension into another Extension. • Components may move from existing Extensions into the Base System. Components will not move from the Base System into an Extension. • New Extensions may be introduced with completely new functionality. 1.4 C LANGUAGE DEFINITION Source-code interfaces described in the SVID are for the C language. The following two references define the C language for System V Release 1.0 and System V Release 2.0 respectively: • UNIX'IM System V Programming Guide, Issue 1, February 1982. • UNIX'IM System V Programming Guide, Issue 2, April 1984. System V Interface Definition Page 7 Chapter 2 Future Directions 2.1 NETWORK SERVICES EXTENSION The Network Services Extension will provide advanced standard interfaces to support networking applications. It is divided into three functional areas. The Open Systems Networking Interfaces section describes a protocol-independent application interface to transport services based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model [Is 7498]. The Streams I/O Interfaces section describes the operating system service routines that provide direct access to protocol modules implemented using the streams framework. The Shared Resource Environment section describes new capabilities for sharing and administering resources among interconnected machines. 2.2 OPERATING SYSTEM STANDARDS The IEEE P1OO3 working group is currently pursuing a draft standard for a portable operating system interface. The System V Interface Definition is consistent with the trial-use standard (November 1985)t with several minor exceptions. Full conformance to the IEEE standard will be strongly considered after its formal approval. 2.3 C LANGUAGE STANDARDIZATION AT & T is committed to support the standardization of the C language being pursued by ANSI X3Jll in which its representatives take a leading role. Full conformance to the ANSI standard will be strongly considered after formal approval. t 2.4 FLOATING POINT STANDARDS The IEEE P7S4 Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic will be supported by System V. The existing library routines that deal with floating point numbers and which are likely to change in order to support the IEEE P7S4 Standard belong to the following classes: t t • routines that do arithmetic operations; • routines that do input/output; • routines that manipulate floating point numbers. However these changes are hardware dependent and will appear only on the machines whose underlying floating point data representation and exception handling mechanisms are those specified by the IEEE P7S4 Standard. t System V Interface Definition Page 9 2.S GRAPHICS EXTENSION This Extension will track current industry efforts to define standards for graphics functions. One area under active consideration is the Graphical Kernel Subsystem (GKS). 2.6 TERMINAL INTERFACE EXTENSION The current Terminal Interface Extension consists of the facilities provided by the curses/terminfo package to allow application programs to perform terminalhandling functions in a way that is independent of the type of terminal acutally in use. This Extension will be enhanced to support applications on both character and bit-mapped terminals and to provide capabilities for handling windows, menus, icons, etc. which can be accessed by a keyboard or other input device, such as a mouse. Applications written in this environment will have a uniform and easily used human interface. In addition, applications which rely on curses/terminfo will be compatible with the new environment. 2.7 INTERNATIONALIZATION Where necessary, modifications will be made, in an upwardly compatible way, to existing System V components to support internationalization. In addition, new components will be added to support features not currently available in System V. These will include tools that will allow national supplements to be added to an implementation of System V. National supplements would be small packages that contained the necessary supplementary information, such as messages, databases, documentation, and devicedrivers that, when installed, would allow an implementation of System V to process different national languages and support hardware (i.e., terminals, printers) and local conventions found in different countries. System builders would be able to create national supplements using the tools provided in System V. More than one national supplement could be installed on a system at a time, resulting in a system with multiple language capabilities; however, national supplements are envisioned as self-contained, not requiring or depending on other installed national supplements. Facilities that System V will provide to support internationalization and the development of national supplements are: • Messages and text from the kernel, utilities, and application programs will be separated to enable support for national languages. • Local conventions, or environments, will be supported transparently, depending on the language selected by the user. Among the conventions that will be supported are date and time formats, collating sequences, and numeric representations. • Supplementary code-sets will be supported. This will allow use of multiple code-sets, and consequently character symbols, in addition to the ASCII codeset. Page 10 System V Interface Definition • Sixteen-bit code-sets will be supported. This will allow languages of Far Eastern countries (Japan, Republic of China, Korea, the People's Republic of China, etc.) to be used . • Language selection will be provided at the user-level to allow users of different languages to use the same system at the same time in their respective languages. Message Handling. In the future, System V will support a facility to produce messages and text in national languages. In conjunction with the Error Handling Standards defined in Volume I: Part II - Base System Definition: Chapter 7 General Library Routines, messages and text from the kernel, utilities, and applications would be stored separately. In addition, a set of administrative utilities would be provided to allow the creation of new messages and strings, as well as modification to existing ones. Local Conventions. Local conventions define the common forms and rules used to communicate information. The aim of internationalization is to provide System V applications and utilities with the capability to interact with the end-user according to these local conventions. At the same time, applications and utilities must be portable and easily adapted to other conventions (i.e., they must be shielded from any particular set of conventions). Existing utilities and interfaces will be modified to support both implicit and explicit invocation of these conventions, with the following areas targeted for support: Collating Sequence: The capability to define one or more collating sequences for a specific code-set will be provided. Utilities providing sorted output or requiring sorted input will be modified to allow invocation of different collating sequences. In addition, tools will be provided to support the definition of specific collating sequences. Character Classification: The capability to define, on a language-by-language basis, character classes will be provided. The CTYPE(BA_LlB) library will be enhanced to provide character classification in local languages. Where possible, this capability will be provided through the existing classification routines. In addition, new routines will be provided to support new capabilities (i.e., returning an indication of which code-set a particular character comes from). Date and Time Format: The capability to enter and display date and time in the local language and according to local formats will be provided. This applies to all utilities or services that operate with dateltime specifications. Numeric Representation: The capability to define the rules for numeric editing (such as decimal delimiter) will be provided. Currency Representation: The capability to specify rules and formats for editing local currency will be provided. System V Interface Definition Page 11 8th-bit Cleanup. To support code-sets in addition to ASCII, all 8-bits of a byte will be used for character encoding. For example, some existing routines or utilities reject characters with octal values greater than 1 77. Future releases will eliminate this and similar problems. Code-Set and Character Support. There are essentially two representations that make up the code-set: the external code-set and the internal code-set. The external code-set are those code-sets generated by input/output devices (i.e., terminals, printers, etc.). The most notable example is the seven-bit ASCII l codeset produced by most terminals and printers connected to System V today. The internal code-set is a transformation of the external code-set according to the rules presented in this section, and is used to represent bytes throughout the rest of System V. Normally, no part of System V, except a device-driver, will see the external code-set; however, in many cases, the external and internal encodings will be the same with only minor exceptions. The device-driver has the sole responsibility of mapping an external code-set to an internal code-set and vice-versa. The following sections describe a template for transforming externally coded characters into internally coded characters, methods of designating a particular code-set to be used, and methods of designating a particular language to be used. A Code-Set Template is a template for transforming externally coded characters into internally coded characters accessible by the System V operating system, utilities, and applications. The internal coding method discussed here is based on the ISO 2022-1982 standard for code extension techniques, which suggests the following two techniques for shifting between code-sets: • Single-shift • Locking-shift The single-shift is a single byte used to announce a temporary shift to another code-set. The byte, or bytes, immediately following the single-shift code are interpreted as part of a new code-set. Subsequent characters are interpreted as belonging to the primary code-set. 1. ASCII, as it is used here, is defined as the seven-bit code-set used for information interchange in the United States. It does not refer to the extended eight-bit ASCII code-set, sometimes known as ASCII-8, or local derivatives of the seven-bit ASCII code-set used in parts of Europe. Page 12 System V Interface Definition The ISO standard defines two single-shift characters: 1. SS2, or single-shift two, and 2. SS3, or single-shift three. The SS2 character is represented by hexadecimal 8e, while the SS3 character is represented by hexadecimal 8 f. The locking-shift technique is used to temporarily shift-in and shift-out of codesets. It consists of a pair of character sequences that allow a new code-set to be used for more than one character. While in the context of a locking-shift sequence, all characters, with the exception of single-shifted characters, are assumed to belong to the new code-set. Because of the context sensitivity of the locking-shift sequence, this method is not recommended for use in System V. Therefore, the use of the single-shift sequence is recommended to reduce the context sensitivity to as little as possible. In addition to using the single-shifts to distinguish characters, the eighth-bit will also be used to distinguish between the primary code-set and characters in one of the three supplementary code-sets. By using the combination of eighth-bit and single-shift characters, the internal coding method specifies a template for allowing four code-sets to coexist simultaneously: one primary code-set and three supplementary code-sets, with the two of the latter denoted by a single-shift character. The representations for these internal code-sets are shown below: Code-Set Set 0 (Primary code-set> Internal Representation OXXXXXXX Set 1 (Supplementary code-set #1) 1XXXXXXX - or 1XXXXXXX 1XXXXXXX Set 2 (Supplementary code-set #2) 552 1XXXXXXX - or 552 1XXXXXXX 1XXXXXXX Set 3 (Supplementary code-set #3) 553 1XXXXXXX - or 553 1XXXXXXX 1XXXXXXX Designation of the exact value of the four code-sets is performed through a codeset designation and is discussed in the following section. A Code-Set Designation will be dynamic and accessible/modifiable at the operating system, utility and application levels to satisfy the specific needs for supporting multiple code-sets. It will also reside at the file level, so files with different code-set designations can exist on the same machine. That is, one file may be encoded with one set of code-sets while another file is encoded with another set of code-sets. System V Interface Definition Page 13 Specifically, it is desirable for code-set designation to meet the following requirements: 1. Code-set designations should be supported at the file level. Each file would contain its own set of code-set designation values. 2. At file creation time, all files would be designated with a system-wide default value. 3. Code-set designations could be changed dynamically. 4. The code-set designation value should contain information about: • The width of a character in the code-set, • The specific code-set designated (e.g., DIS 8859/12, JIS 62263, etc.), 5. Code-set designation information should be transferrable with the file contents across networks. In addition to the code-set designation, a language-designation would offer the ability to designate which of several languages should be used for producing systems messages and for establishing an overall profile of the user's environment. One method under consideration for this type of designation is to use one or more exported environment variables. For example, a LANGUAGE variable would be used to denote the language (e.g., French, German, Italian, Japanese, English). This variable would also be used as an index to user profile information to determine which local conventions to use. The variable could be assigned at initiation of the login session and could also be changed at any time. In this way, languagedesignation is performed at user-level and controls the language of all system messages and text coming out of the operating system, utilities and applications, as well as particular national conventions. Handling Non-standard Code-Sets. There are several code-sets in the world that the code-set template described here cannot support. The problem centers around the use of the eighth-bit to distinguish between characters in different code-sets. Specifically, these code-sets are as follows: • The shifted-US code-set used in Japan, • The packed Hangul code-set used in Korea, • The Big 5 code-set used in the Republic of China (Taiwan), • The Chinese Code for Data Communcations also used in the Republic of China. 2. DIS 8859/1 Latin Language no. I is the newly-adopted ISO standard code-set, supporting most of the Western European characters. It is an 8-bit code-set that contains us ASCII as a subset. 3. JIS 6116 is a ISO standard code-set for supporting the Japanese language. It is a 16-bit code-set that contains both the hiragana and katakana alphabets, as well as about 7000 of the kanji ideograms. Page 14 System V Interface Definition Present plans are to provide limited support for these code-sets. Limited support means that files containing these code-sets could be stored on System V machines. No other suppport is currently planned; this implies that the mechanism for processing these files would have to be built into applications. Character Support. In some applications it will be necessary to manipulate the variable-width characters coming from the supplementary code-sets. Although some application developers may choose to develop their own facilities for supporting this, System V will provide a generic facility for manipulating internally coded eight-bit bytes to a data type that can represent characters in a consistent manner. Initially, a new data type will be defined in the C programming language to support up to 16-bits of information. In addition, routines that use this new data type will be provided to allow application developers to perform operations on them. System V Interface Definition Page 15 Part II Basic Utilities Extension Definition Chapter 3 Introduction 3.1 OVERVIEW The Basic Utilities Extension defines an environment that provides basic user-level functionality. It includes: the sh (shell) command interpreter, and shell programming aids; facilities for basic directory and file manipulation; and facilities for text file editin~ and processing. The System V Base is a prerequisite for the Basic Utilities Extension. The Advanced Utilities Extension provides the next logical expansion step up from the Basic Utilities Extension. 3.2 DESCRIPTION UTILITIES ar awk banner basename cal calendar cat cd chmod cmp col comm cp cpio cut date df + diff dirname du echo ed expr false file find grep kill line In Is mail mkdir mv nl nohup pack paste pcat pg + pr ps pwd red rm rmail rmdir rsh sed sh sleep sort spell split sum tail tee test touch tr true umask una me uniq unpack wait wc New in System V Release 2. System V Interface Definition Page 19 Chapter 4 Commands and Utilities System V Interface Definition Page 21 NAME ar - archive and library maintainer for portable archives SYNOPSIS ar option [ posname ] afi1e [name] ... DESCRIPTION The a r command maintains groups of files file. It is used to create and update library [see LD(SD_CMD)]. It can be used, however, archive file is created from printable files, the combined into a single archive files as used by the link editor for any similar purpose. If an entire archive file is printable. Archives of text files created by a r are portable between implementations of System V. When ar creates an archive file, it creates administrative information in a format that is portable across all machines. When there is at least one object file (that ar recognizes as such) in the archive, an archive symbol table is created in the archive file and maintained by ar. The archive symbol table is never mentioned or accessible to the user. (It is used by the link editor to search the archive file.) Whenever the ar command is used to create or update the contents of such an archive, the symbol table is rebuilt. The s modifier character described below forces the symbol table to be rebuilt. The argument option is a - followed by one character from the set drqtpmx which may be optionally concatenated with one or more characters to modify the action. These modifier characters are taken from the set vuab i cIs but not all modifiers make sense with all options. See below for further explanation. The argument posname is the name of a file in the archive file, used for relative positioning; see options - r and -m below. The argument a f i 1 e is the archive file. The name s are constituent files in the archive file. The meanings of the option characters are: -d -r Delete the named files from the archive file. Valid modifiers are vI. Replace the named files in the archive file. Valid modifiers are vuab i c 1. If the modifier u is used, then only those files with dates of modification later than the archive files are replaced. If an optional positioning character from the set abi is used, then the posname argument must be present, and specifies that new files are to be placed after (a) or before (b or i) posname. Otherwise new files are placed at the end. -q Quickly append the named files to the end of the archive file. Valid modifiers are vc 1. In this case ar does not check whether the added members are already in the archive. This is useful to bypass the searching otherwise done, when creating a large archive piece-by-piece. -t Print a table of contents of the archive file. If no names are given, all files in the archive are listed. If names are given, only those files are Page 22 System V Interface Definition listed. Valid modifiers are v s . The v modifier gives a long listing of all information about the files. -p -m Print the named files from the archive. Valid modifiers are v s. Move the named files to the end of the archive. Valid modifiers are vabi 1. If a positioning modifier from the set abi is present, then the posname argument must be present, and, as with the option character r, it specifies where the files are to be moved. -x Extract the named files. If no names are given, all files in the archive are extracted. The archive file is not changed. Valid modifiers are vs. The meanings of the modifier characters are: v Give verbose output. When used with the option characters d, r, q, or m, this gives a verbose file-by-file description of the making of a new archive file from the old archive (if one exists) and the constituent files. When used with x, this precedes each file with its name. c Suppress the message that is produced by default when the archive file afile is created. 1 Place temporary files in the local current working directory, rather than in the directory specified by the environment variable TMPDIR or in the default directory. s Force the regeneration of the archive symbol table even if ar is not invoked with a command which will modify the archive file contents. This command is useful to restore the archive symbol table after it has been stripped [see STRIP(SD_CMD)1. SEE ALSO LD(SD _CMD), STRIP(SD _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 23 NAME awk - pattern-directed scanning and processing language SYNOPSIS awk ] -Fe parameters ] -f [ file progfile . .. 'program' ] DESCRIPTION The a wk command executes programs written in the awk programming language, which is specialized for data manipulation. An awk program is a sequence of patterns and corresponding actions. When input is read that matches a pattern, the action associated with that pattern is carried out. The f i 1 e arguments contain the input to be read. If no files are given or the filename - is given, the standard input is used. Each line of input is matched in turn against the set of patterns in the program. The awk program may either be in a file progfile or may be specified in the command line as a string enclosed in single quotes. Each line of input is matched in turn against each pattern in the program. For each pattern matched, the associated action is executed. The a wk command interprets each input line as a sequence of fields where, by default, a field is a string of non-blank, non-tab characters. This default whitespace field delimiter can be changed by using the - Fe option, or the variable F S; see below. The command a wk denotes the first field in a line $1, the second $2, and so forth. $0 refers to the entire line. Setting any other field causes the re-evaluation of $0. Pattern-action statements in an awk program have the form: pattern { action} In any pattern-action statement, either the pattern or the action may be omitted. A missing action means print the input line to the standard output; a missing pattern is always matched, and its associated action is executed for every input line read. Patterns Patterns are special patterns or arbitrary Boolean combinations (!, /I, & &, and parentheses) of regular expressions and relational expressions. The operator ! has the highest precedence, then & & and then /I. Evaluation is left to right and stops when truth or falsehood has been determined. Page 24 System V Interface Definition AWK(BU_CMD) Boolean Operator && II Meaning negation and or Special Patterns The a wk command recognizes two special patterns, BEGIN and END. BEGIN is matched once and its associated action executed before the first line of input is read. END is matched once and its associated action executed after the last line of input has been read. (See examples 4 and 5.) These two patterns must have associated actions. Relational Expressions A pattern may be any expression that compares strings of characters or numbers. A relational expression is either an expression relational-operator expression or an expression matching-operator regular-expression The six relational operators are shown in the table below; regular expression matching operators are described later. In a comparison, if both operands are numeric, a numeric comparison is made, otherwise, a string comparison is made. ~----------------------------, Relational Meaning Operator less than < grea ter than >greater than or equal to !not equal to equal to Regular Expressions A regular expression must be surrounded by slashes. If re is a regular expression, then the pattern Irel matches any line of input that contains a substring specified by the regular expression. A regular expression comparison may be limited to a specific field by one of the two regular expression matching operators, and! . $4 Irel matches any line in with the 4th field matches the regular expression Irel. $4! Ire I matches any line in which the 4th field does not match the regular expression Ire I System V Interface Definition Page 25 AWK(BU_CMD) Regular expressions recognized by a wk are those recognized by the ed [see ED(BU_CMD)] except for \( and \) and with the addition of the special characters +, ?, I, and ( ). Below is a summary of regular expressions recognized by a wk. The special meaning of a special character can be turned off by preceding the character with a \. The special characters *, + and ? have the highest precedence, then concatenation, then alternation. All are left associative. Pattern Matched Regular Expression c \c $ [s] [AS] r* r+ r? (r) rx rlx the character c where c is not a special character. the character c where c is any character. the beginning of the string being compared. the end of the string being compared. any character in the input but newline. any character in the set s where s is a sequence of characters and/or a range of characters, c-c. any character not in the set s, where s is defined as above. zero or more successive occurrences of the regular expression r. one or more successive occurrences of the regular expression r. zero or one occurrence of the regular expression r. the regular expression r. (Grouping) the occurrence of regular expression r followed by the occurrence of regular expression x. (Concatenation) the occurrence of regular expression r or the occurrence of regular expression x. Pattern Ranges A pattern may consist of two patterns separated by a comma; in this case, the action is performed for all lines between an occurrence of the first pattern and the following occurrence of the second pattern. Variables and Special Variables Variables may be used in an awk program by assigning to them. They do not need to be declared. Like field variables, all variables are treated as string variable unless used in a clearly numeric context (see Relational Expressions). Field variables are designated by a $ followed by a number or numerical expression. New field variables may be created by assigning a value to them. Other special variables set by a wk are shown in the table below. Page 26 System V Interface Definition AWK(BU_CMD) Special Variable Sn FS FILENAME NF NR OFMT OFS ORS Meaning The string read as field n. Input field separator. Set to whitespace by default. Name of the current input file. Number of fields in the current record. Ordinal number of the current record from the start of input. Print statement output format for numbers. %.6g by default. Print statement output field separation. One blank by default. Print statement output record separator. Newline by default. Actions An action is a sequence of statements. A statement can be one of the following. Square brackets indicate optional elements. Keywords are shown in bold font. if ( expression) statement [ else statement ] while ( expression ) statement for ( expression ; expression ; expression ) statement break continue { [ statement ] ... } variable - expression print [ expression-list] [ >expression ] printf format [ , expression-list ] [ > expression] next exit ( expression ) Any single statement may be replaced by a statement list enclosed in curly braces. The statements in a statement list are separated by newlines or semicolons. The symbol # anywhere in a program line begins a comment, with is terminated by the end of the line. Statements are terminated by semicolons, newlines, or right braces. A long statement may be split across several lines by ending each partial line with a \. An empty expression-list stands for the whole input line. Expressions take on string or numeric values as appropriate, and are built using the operators + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), 1 (division), % (modulus operator), and concatenation (indicated by a blank between strings in an expression). The C language operators ++, --, +-, --, *-, 1-, and %- are also available in expressions. Variables may be scalars, array elements (denoted xli)) or fields. Variables are initialized to the null string. Array subscripts may be any System V Interface Definition Page 27 string, not necessarily numeric. String constants are surrounded by double quotes (" ... "). A string expression is created by concatenating constants, variables, field names, array elements, functions and other expressions. The expression acting as the conditional in an if statement can include the relational operators, the regular expression matching operators, logical operators, juxtaposition for concatenation and parentheses for grouping. Expression is evaluated and if it is non-zero and non-null, statement is executed, otherwise if else is present, the statement following the else is executed. The while, for, break, and continue statements are as in the C language. The print statement prints its arguments on the standard output (or on a file if >expr is present), separated by the current output field separator (see variable OFS below), and terminated by the output record separator (see variable ORS below). The printf statement formats its expression list according to format [see PRINTF(BA_lIB)]. The next statement causes the next input line to be scanned, skipping the remaining characters on the current input line. The exit statement causes the termination of the a wk program, skipping the rest of the input. The built-in function length(s) returns the length of its arguments taken as a string, or of the whole line, $0, if there is no argument. There are also built-in functions exp(x) (the exponential function of x), log(x) (natural logarithm of x), sqrt(x) (square root of x), and int(x) (truncates its argument to an integer). substr(s, p, n) returns the at most n-character substring of s that begins at position p. The function sprintf(fmt, expr, expr, .. J formats the expressions according to the PRINTF(BA_LlB) format given by fmt and returns the resulting string. EXAMPLES The following are examples of simple a wk programs: Print on the standard output all input lines for which field 3 is greater than 5. $3 > 5 Print every 10th line. (NR % 10) == 0 Print any line with a substring matching the regular expression. I(GIO)(2[0-9][a-zA-Z]*)1 Print the second to the last and the last field in each line. Separate the fields by a colon. Page 28 System V Interface Definition AWK(BU_CMD) {OFS=":";print $(NF-1), $NF} Print the line number and number of fields in each line. The 3 string~ representing the line number, the colon and the number of fields are concatenated and that string is printed. BEGIN {line = O} {line = line + 1 print line ":" NF} Print lines longer than 72 characters. length > 72 Print first two fields in opposite order separated by the OFS. { print $2, $1 } Add up first column, print sum and average. {s += $1 is", s/NR} END Print fields in reverse order: { for (i = NF; i {print > "sum is " s, " average 0; --i) print $i } Print all lines between occurrences of the strings "start" and "stop": Istart/, Istopl Print all lines whose first field is different from the previous one: $1 1= prev { print; prev = $1 } Print file, filling in page number starting at 5: IPagel { $2 = n++; } { print } command line: awk -f program n=5 input USAGE General. There are no explicit conversions between numbers and strings. To force an expression to be treated as a number add 0 to it; to force it to be treated as a string concatenate the null string ("") to it. LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 29 BANNER(BU _CMD) NAME banner - make large letters SYNOPSIS banner strings DESCRIPTION The command banner prints each argument in large letters (across the page) on the standard output, putting each argument on a separate "line". Spaces can be included in an argument by surrounding it with quotes. The maximum number of characters that can be accomodated in a line is implementation dependent; excess characters are simply ignored. SEE ALSO ECHO(BU_CMD) USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 30 System V Interface Definition BASENAME(BU_CMD) NAME basename, dirname - deliver portions of path names SYNOPSIS basename string [ suffix ] dirname string DESCRIPTION The command basename deletes any prefix ending in I and the suffix (if present in string) from string, and prints the result on the standard output. It is normally used inside substitution marks (' ') within command procedures. The command dirname delivers all but the last level of the path name in string. EXAMPLES The following example moves the named file to a file named xy z in the current directory: mv abc ~asename /p/q/xyz.c ~c" The following example will set the variable NAME to /usr/src/cmd: NAME=~irname /usr/src/cmd/xyz~' SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD) USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 31 NAME cal - print calendar SYNOPSIS cal [ [ month ] year ] DESCRIPTION The cal command prints a calendar for the specified year. If a month is also specified, a calendar just for that month is printed. If neither is specified, a calendar for the present month is printed. The argument year can be between 1 and 9999. (Note that "cal 83" refers to 83 A.D., not 1983.) The month is a number between 1 and 12. USAGE End-user. LEVEL Levell. Page 32 System V Interface Definition CALENDAR(BU _CMD) NAME calendar - reminder service SYNOPSIS calendar DESCRIPTION The command calendar consults the file calendar in the current directory and prints out lines that contain today's or tomorrow's date anywhere in the line. Month-day date formats such as "Aug. 24," "august 24," "8/24," are recognized. On weekends, "tomorrow" extends through Monday. USAGE End-user. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 33 NAME cat - concatenate and print files SYNOPSIS cat [ -8 ] file . . . DESCRIPTION The command cat reads each f i 1 e in sequence and writes it on the standard output. Thus: cat file prints the file, and: cat file1 file2 >file3 concatenates the first two files and places the result in the third. If no input file is given, or if the argument - is encountered, cat reads from the standard input file. The -8 option makes cat silent about nonexistent files. USAGE General. Command formats such as cat file1 file2 >file1 will cause the original data in f i 1 e 1 to be lost. LEVEL Levell. Page 34 System V Interface Definition NAME cd - change working directory SYNOPSIS cd [ directory ] DESCRIPTION If directory is not specified, the value of the environmental variable HOME is used as the new working directory. If directory specifies a complete path starting with /, ., or ••, directory becomes the new working directory. If neither case applies, cd tries to find the designated directory relative to one of the paths specified by the CD PATH environmental variable. cDPATH has the same syntax as, and similar semantics to, the PATH variable [see SH(BU_CMD)]. The command cd must have execute (search) permission in directory. SEE ALSO PWD(BU _CMD), SH(BU _CMD), CHDIR(BA _aS) USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 35 CHMOD(BU _CMD) NAME chmod - change mode SYNOPSIS chmod mode files DESCRIPTION The permissions of the named f i 1 e s are changed according to mode, which may be absolute or symbolic. An absolute mode is a four-octal-digit number constructed from the logical "OR" (sum) of the following modes: 4000 2000 1000 0400 0200 0100 0040 0020 0010 0004 0002 0001 set user ID on execution set group ID on execution Reserved read by owner write by owner execute (search in directory) by owner read by group write by group execute (search) by group read by others write by others execute (search) by others A symbolic mode has the form: [ who ] op permission [ op permission ] ] The who part is a combination of the letters u (user), g (group) and o (other). The letter a stands for ugo, the default if who is omitted. The argument op can be + to add permission to the file's mode, - to take away permission, or = to assign permission absolutely (all other bits will be reset). The argument permission is any combination of the letters r (read), w (write), x (execute), and s (set owner or group ID); u, g, or 0 indicate that permission is to be taken from the current mode. Omitting permission is only useful with = to take away all permissions. Multiple symbolic modes separated by commas may be given. Operations are performed in the order specified. The letter s is only useful with u or g. Only the owner of a file (or the super-user) may change its mode. In order to set set-group-ID, the group of the file must correspond to the user's current group ID. EXAMPLES The first example denies write permission to others, the second makes a file executable: chmod o-w file Page 36 System V Interface Definition CHMOD(BU _CMD) chmod +x file SEE ALSO LS(BU _CMD), CHMOD(BA_OS). USAGE General. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The command chmod will be used to specify mandatory locking (enable/disable) on a file. This will be done as follows: An absolute mode of 20#0 specifies "set-group-ID" if # is 1, 3, 5, or 7; specifies "enable mandatory locking" if # is 0, 2, 4, or 6. A symbolic mode of 1 specifies mandatory locking, + to enable, - to disable. It will not be possible to have set-group-ID set and mandatory locking enabled on a file simultaneously. LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 37 CMP(BU_CMD) NAME cmp - compare two files SYNOPSIS cmp [ -1 ] [ -s ] fi1e1 fi1e2 DESCRIPTION The command cmp compares two files. (If f i 1 e 1 is -, the standard input is used.) Under default options, cmp makes no comment if the files are the same; if they differ, it announces the byte and line number at which the difference occurred. If one file is identical to the first part of the other, then it is reported that end-of-file was reached in the shorter file (before any differences were found). Options: -1 Print the byte number (decimal) and the differing bytes (octaD for each difference. -s Print nothing for differing files; return codes only. ERRORS Exit code 0 is returned for identical files, 1 for different files, and 2 for an inaccessible or missing argument. SEE ALSO COMM(BU _CMD), DIFF(BU _CMD) USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 38 System V Interface Definition COL(BU_CMD) NAME col - filter reverse line-feeds SYNOPSIS col [ -bfpx ] DESCRIPTION The command col reads from the standard input and writes onto the standard output. It performs the line overlays implied by reverse line feeds, and by forward and reverse half-line feeds. If the -b option is given, col assumes that the output device in use is not capable of backspacing. In this case, if two or more characters are to appear in the same place, only the last one read will be output. Although col accepts half-line motions in its input, it normally does not emit them on output. Instead, text that would appear between lines is moved to the next lower full-line boundary. This treatment can be suppressed by the - f (fine) option; in this case, the output from col may contain forward half-line feeds, but will still never contain either kind of reverse line motion. Unless the -x option is given, col will convert white space to tabs on output wherever possible to shorten printing time. The ASCII control characters SO and SI are assumed by col to start and end text in an alternate character set. The character set to which each input character belongs is remembered, and on output SI and SO characters are generated as appropriate to ensure that each character is printed in the correct character set. On input, the only control characters accepted are space, backspace, tab, return, newline, SI, SO, VT, reverse line feed, forward half-line feed, and reverse half-line feed. The VT character is an alternate form of full reverse line-feed, included for compatibility with some earlier programs of this type. All other non-printing characters are ignored. The ASCII codes for the control functions and line-motion sequences mentioned above are as given in the table below. ESC stands for the ASCII "escape" character, with the octal code 033; ESC-x means a sequence of two characters, ESC followed by the character x. reverse line feed reverse half-line feed forward half-line feed vertical tab (VT) start-of-text (SO) end-of-text (sO ESC-7 ESC-8 ESC-9 013 016 017 Normally, col will remove any escape sequences found in its input that are unknown to it; the -p option may be used to force these to be passed through unchanged. The use of this option is discouraged unless the user is System V Interface Definition Page 39 COL(BU_CMD) aware of the consequences. USAGE General. Local vertical motions that would result in backing up over the first line of the document are ignored. As a result the first line must not have any superscripts. t LEVEL Levell. Page 40 System V Interface Definition COMM(BU_CMD) NAME comm - select or reject lines common to two sorted files SYNOPSIS comm [ -[123] file1 file2 DESCRIPTION The command comm reads f i 1 e 1 and f i 1 e 2, which should be ordered in ASCII collating sequence [see SORT(BU_CMD»), and produces a three-column output: lines only in f i 1 e 1; lines only in f i 1 e 2; and lines in both files. The file name - means the standard input. Flags 1, 2, or 3 suppress printing of the corresponding column. Thus c omm -12 prints only the lines common to the two files; comm -23 prints only lines in the first file but not in the second; c omm -1 23 is a no-op. SEE ALSO CMP(BU _CMD), DIFF(BU _CMD), SORT(BU _CMD), UNIQ(BU _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 41 NAME cp, In, mv - copy, link or move files SYNOPSIS cp fiIe1 [ fiIe2 ... J target In [ -f J fiIe1 [ fiIe2 ... J target mv [ -f J fiIe1 [ fiIe2 ... J target DESCRIPTION These commands respectively copy, link, or move files; f i I e 1 and tar get may not be the same. If target is not a directory, then only one file may be specified before it; if target is an existing file, its contents are destroyed, otherwise (t a r get is neither an existing file nor a directory) the file target is created. If target is a directory, then more than one file may be specified before it; the specified files are respectively copied, linked, or moved to that directory. cp If tar get is not a directory, c p copies f i I e 1 to tar get. If target exists, its contents are overwritten, but the mode, owner, and group are not changed. If target is a link to a file, all links remain (the file is changed). If target is a directory, then the specified files are copied to that directory. For each file named, a new file, with the same mode, is created in the target directory; the owner and the group are those of the user making the copy. In If tar get is not a directory, I n links f i I e 1 to tar get, that is, the name tar get is linked to the file f i 1 e 1 . If tar get exists, and its mode forbids writing, the mode is printed, and the user asked for a response; if the response begins with a y, (and the user is permitted) then the In occurs. No questions are asked and the In is done where permitted when the - f option is used or if the standard input is not a terminal. If target is a directory, then the specified files are linked to that directory. That is, files with the same names are created in the directory, linked to the specified files. mv If tar get is not a directory, mv moves (renames) f i I e 1 as directed. If target does not exist, and has the same parent as f i I e 1, f i I e 1 may be a directory: this allows a directory rename. If target is a directory, then the specified files are moved to that directory. If f i I e 1 is a file and tar get is a link to another file with links, the other links remain and target becomes a new file. Page 42 System V Interface Definition If target is a file, and its mode forbids writing, the mode is printed, and the user asked for a response; if the response begins with a y, (and the user is permitted) then the mv occurs. No questions are asked and the mv is done where permitted when the - f option is used or if the standard input is not a terminal. SEE ALSO CPIO(BU _CMD), RM(BU _CMD), CHMOD(BU _CMD). USAGE General. If file 1 and target lie on different file systems, mv may achieve the move by copying the file and deleting the original. In this case any linking relationship with other files is lost. 1 n will not link across file systems. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 43 CPIO(BU _CMD) NAME cpio - copy file archives in and out SYNOPSIS epio -0 [ aeBv ] epio -i[Bedmrtuvf] [patterns] epio -p[ad1mruv] directory DESCRIPTION The command epio - 0 (copy out) reads the standard input to obtain a list of path names and copies those files onto the standard output together with path name and status information. Output is padded to a 512-byte boundary. The command epio -i (copy in) extracts files from the standard input, which is assumed to be the product of a previous epio -0. Only files with names that match patterns are selected. The arguments patterns are simple regular expressions given in the name-generating notation of the shell [see SH(BU_CMD»). In patterns, meta-characters 1, *, and [ .. .I match the / character. Multiple patterns may be specified and if no patterns are specified, the default for patterns is * (i.e., select all files). The extracted files are conditionally created and copied into the current directory tree based upon the options described below. The permissions of the files will be those of the previous e p i 0 - 0 . The owner and group of the files will be that of the current user unless the user is super-user, which causes epio to retain the owner and group of the files of the previous epio - 0 . The command epio -p (pass) reads the standard input to obtain a list of path names of files that are conditionally created and copied into the destination directory tree based upon the options described below. Archives of text files created by e p i of System V. 0 are portable between implementations The meanings of the available options are: a B d e r t u Page 44 Reset access times of input files after they have been copied. [When option -1 (see below) is also specified, the linked files do not have their access times reset.] Input/output is to be blocked 5120 bytes to the record (does not apply to the pa s s option; meaningful only with data directed to or from character special files). Directories are to be created as needed. Write header information in ASCII character form for portability. Interactively rename files. If the user types a null line, the file is skipped. Print a table of contents of the input. No files are created. Copy unconditionally (normally, an older file will not replace a newer file with the same name). System V Interface Definition CPIO(BU_CMD) v 1 m f Verbose: causes the names of the affected files to be printed. With the t option, provides a detailed listing. Whenever possible, link files rather than copying them. Usable only with the -p option. Retain previous file modification time. This option is ineffective on directories that are being copied. Copy in all files except those in pat t ern s . EXAMPLES The first example below copies the contents of a directory into an archive; the second duplicates a directory hierarchy: Is I epio -oe >/dev/mt/Om cd olddir find . -depth -print I cpio -pdl newdir SEE ALSO AR(BU_CMD), FIND(BU_CMD), LS(BU_CMD), TAR(AU_CMD). USAGE General. Only the super-user can copy special files. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 45 NAME cut - cut out selected fields of each line of a file SYNOPSIS cut -clist [file1 file2 ... J cut -flist [-dchar] [-s] [file1 file2 ... ] DESCRIPTION The command cut cuts out columns from a table or fields from each line of a file. The fields as specified by lis t can be of fixed length, specified by character position (-c option), or the length can vary from line to line and be marked with a field delimiter character like tab (-f option). The command cut can be used as a filter; if no files are given, the standard input is used. The option qualifier list (see options -c and -f below) is a commaseparated list of integers (in increasing order), with optional - to indicate ranges; e.g., 1,4,7; 1-3,8; -5, 10 (short for 1-5, 10); or 3(short for third through last). The meanings of the options are: - c lis t The lis t following -c (no space) specifies character positions (e.g., -c 1-72 would pass the first 72 characters of each line). -flist The list following -f is a list of fields assumed to be separated in the file by a delimiter character (see -d); e.g., - f 1 , 7 copies the first and seventh field only. Lines with no field delimiters will be passed through intact (useful for table subheadings), unless - s is specified. -dchar The character following -d is the field delimiter (used with the - f option only). Default is the tab character. Space or other characters with special meaning to the command interpreter must be quoted. -s Suppresses lines with no delimiter characters when used with the - f option. Unless specified, lines with no delimiters will be passed through untouched. Either the -c or the - f option must be specified. EXAMPLES The following maps user IDs to names: cut -d: -f1,5 /etc/passwd SEE ALSO GREP(BU_CMD), PASTE(BU_CMD), SH(BU_CMD). USAGE General. Use grep to make horizontal "cuts" (by context) through a file, or paste to put files together column-wise (i.e., horizontally). To reorder Page 46 System V Interface Definition CUT(BU_CMD) columns in a table, use cut and paste. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 47 NAME date - print or set the date SYNOPSIS date mmddhhmm[yy] date [ +format ] DESCRIPTION The first form of date sets the current date and time; it is usable only by the super-user. The first mm is the month (number); dd is the day (number) of the month; hh is the hour (number, 24 hour system); the second mm is the minute (number); yy is the last 2 digits of the year and is optional. For example: date 10080045 sets the date to Oct 8, 12:45 AM. The current year is the default if no year is given. The system operates in GMT; date takes care of the conversion to and from local standard and daylight time. (The environment variable TZ specifies the local time-zone; therefore its value affects the conversion between the internal GMT clock and the local time.) In the second form, if no argument is given, the current date and time are printed. (As above, the environment variable TZ specifies the local timezone, and therefore its value affects the output.) If an argument beginning with + is given, the output of date is under the control of the user. The format for the output is similar to that of the first argument to the printf routine [see PRINTF(BA_LlB»). All output fields are of fixed size (zero padded if necessary). Each field descriptor is preceded by % and will be replaced in the output by its corresponding value. A single % is encoded by %%. All other characters are copied to the output without change. The string is always terminated with a newline character. Field Descriptors: n t m d y D H M S T j w a h r Page 48 insert a newline character insert a tab character month of year - 01 to 12 day of month - 01 to 31 last 2 digits of year - 00 to 99 date as mm/dd/yy hour - 00 to 23 minute - 00 to 59 second - 00 to 59 time as HH:MM:SS day of year - 001 to 366 day of week - Sunday - 0 abbreviated weekday - Sun to Sat abbreviated month - Jan to Dec time in AM/PM notation System V Interface Definition EXAMPLE date '+DATE: %m/%d/%y%nTIME: %H:%M:%S' generates the output: DATE: 08/01176 TIME: 14:45:05 SEE ALSO PRINTF(BA_LIB). USAGE General. It is a bad practice to change the date while the system is running multi-user. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 49 NAME df - report free disk space SYNOPSIS df [ - t ] [ file-system DESCRIPTION The command df prints out the free space Gn 512-byte units) and the number of free file slots ("inodes") available for on-line file systems. The argument file-system may be specified either by device name (e.g., /dev/dsk/Os 1) or by mounted directory name (e.g., /usr). If no f i 1 e - s y stem is specified, the free space on all of the mounted file systems is printed. The -t option causes the total allocated space figures to be reported as well. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 50 System V Interface Definition NAME diff - differential file comparator SYNOPSIS diff [ -efbh ] file1 file2 DESCRIPTION The command d iff tells what lines must be changed in two files to bring them into agreement. If f i 1 e 1 (f i 1 e 2) is -, the standard input is used. If f i 1 e 1 (f i 1 e 2) is a directory, then a file in that directory with the name f i 1 e 2 (f i 1 e 1) is used. The normal output contains lines of these forms: n 1 a n3, n4 n 1 ,n2 d n3 n 1 ,n2 c n3, n4 These lines resemble e d commands to convert f i 1 e 1 into f i 1 e 2. The numbers after the letters pertain to f i 1 e 2. In fact, by exchanging a for d and reading backward one may ascertain equally how to convert f i 1 e 2 into f i 1 e 1. As in ed, identical pairs, where n 1 - n2 or n3 n4, are abbreviated as a single number. Following each of these lines come all the lines that are affected in the first file flagged by <, then all the lines that are affected in the second file flagged by>. The -b option causes trailing blanks (spaces and tabs) to be ignored and other strings of blanks to compare equal. The -e option produces a script of a, c, and d commands for the editor ed, which will recreate f i 1 e 2 from f i 1 e 1 . The - f option produces a similar script, not useful with ed, in the opposite order. Option -h does a fast, half-hearted job. It works only when changed stretches are short and well separated, but does work on files of unlimited length. Options -e and - f are unavailable with the -h option. SEE ALSO CMP(BU _CMD), COMM(BU _CMD), ED(BU _CMD). ERRORS Exit status is: o no differences some differences 2 errors System V Interface Definition Page 51 DIFF(BU_CMD) USAGE General. Editing scripts produced under the -e or - f option may be incorrect when dealing with lines consisting of a single period. LEVEL Level 1. Page 52 System V Interface Definition NAME du - estimate file space usage SYNOPSIS du ( -ars ] ( file ... ] DESCRIPTION The command d u gives an estimate, in 512-byte units, of the file space contained in all the specified files. Whenever a directory is named, all files within it are reported; sub-directories are traversed recursively. If no f i 1 e is specified, the current directory is used. The option - s causes only the grand total (for each of the specified f i 1 es) to be given. The option -a causes a report to be generated for eac!, file. With no options, a report is given for each directory only. d u is normally silent about directories that cannot be read, files that cannot be opened, etc. The -r option will cause du to generate messages in such instances. A file with two or more links is only counted once. USAGE General. If the -a option is not used, non-directories given as arguments are not listed. Files with holes in them may get an incorrect (high) estimate. LEVEL Level I. System V Interface Definition Page 53 ECHO(BU_CMD) NAME echo - echo arguments SYNOPSIS echo [ arg ] ... DESCRIPTION The command echo writes its arguments separated by blanks and terminated by a newline on the standard output. It also understands the following escape conventions. backspace print arguments up to this point, without newline; ignore remainder of command line \ f form-feed \n newline \ r carriage return \ t tab \ v vertical tab \ \ backs lash \ 0 n n must be a 1-, 2- or 3-digit octal number; specifies the corresponding ASCII character \b \c SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD). USAGE General. The command echo is useful for producing diagnostics in command scripts and for sending known data into a pipe. Arguments containing blanks and escape sequences must be enclosed in double quotes. LEVEL Levell. Page 54 System V Interface Definition NAME ed, red - text editor SYNOPSIS ed [- ] [ -p string ] [ file ] red [- ] [ -p string ] [ file ] DESCRIPTION The command e d is a text editor. If the f i 1 e argument is given, e d simulates an e command (see below) on the named file; that is to say, the file is read into the ed buffer so that it can be edited. The option - suppresses the printing of character counts bye, r, and w commands, of diagnostics from e and q commands, and of the I prompt after a !command. The -p option allows the user to specify a prompt string. (This option is new in System V Release 2.) ed operates on a copy of the file it is editing; changes made to the copy have no effect on the file until a w (write) command is given. The copy of the text being edited resides in a temporary file called the buffer. There is only one buffer. The command red is a restricted version of e d. It will only allow editing of files in the current directory, and prohibits executing commands via !command. Attempts to bypass these restrictions result in an error message. Commands to ed have a simple and regular structure: zero, one, or two addresses followed by a single-character command, possibly followed by parameters to that command. These addresses specify one or more lines in the buffer. Every command that requires addresses has default addresses, so that the addresses can very often be omitted. In general, only one command may appear on a line. Certain commands allow the input of text. This text is placed in the appropriate place in the buffer. While ed is accepting text, it is said to be in input mode. In this mode, no commands are recognized; all input is merely collected. Input mode is left by typing a period (.) alone at the beginning of a line. e d supports a limited form of regular expression notation; regular expressions are used in addresses to specify lines and in some commands (e.g., s) to specify portions of a line that are to be substituted. A regular expression (RE) specifies a set of character strings. A member of this set of strings is said to be matched by the RE. The REs allowed by e d are constructed as follows: The following one-character REs match a single character: 1.1 An ordinary character (not one of those discussed in 1.2 below) is a one-character RE that matches itself. System V Interface Definition Page 55 ED(BU_CMD) 1.2 A backslash (\) followed by any special character is a one-character RE that matches the special character itself. The special characters are: a. ., *, [, and \ (period, asterisk, left square bracket, and backslash, respectively), which are always special, except when they appear within square brackets (II; see 1.4 below). b. "(caret or circumfleX>, which is special at the beginning of an entire RE (see 3.1 and 3.2 below), or when it immediately follows the left of a pair of square brackets ([ J) (see 1.4 below). c. $ (currency symbol), which is special at the end of an entire RE (see 3.2 below). d. The character used to bound (i.e., delimit) an entire RE, which is special for that RE (for example, see how slash (/) is used in the g command, below). 1.3 A period (.) is a one-character RE that matches any character except newline. 1.4 A non-empty string of characters enclosed in square brackets (I J) is a one-character RE that matches anyone character in that string. If, however, the first character of the string is a caret ("), the onecharacter RE matches any character except newline and the remaining characters in the string. The " has this special meaning only if it occurs first in the string. The minus (-) may be used to indicate a range of consecutive ASCII characters; for example, 10 -91 is equivalent to [01234567891. The - loses this special meaning if it occurs first (after an initial ", if any) or last in the string. The right square bracket (J) does not terminate such a string when it is the first character within it (after an initial ", if any); e.g., [Ja -fl matches either a right square bracket (J) or one of the letters a through f inclusive. The four characters listed in 1.2.a above stand for themselves within such a string of characters. The following rules may be used to construct REs from one-character REs: 2.1 A one-character RE is a RE that matches whatever the one-character RE matches. 2.2 A one-character RE followed by an asterisk (.) is a RE that matches zero or more occurrences of the one-character RE. If there is any choice, the longest leftmost string that permits a match is chosen. 2.3 A one-character RE followed by \{m\}, \{m,\}, or \{m,n\} is a RE that matches a range of occurrences of the one-character RE. The values of m and n must be non-negative integers less than 256; \{m\} matches exactly m occurrences; \{m,\} matches at least m occurrences; \{m,n\} matches any number of occurrences between m and n inclusive. Page 56 System V Interface Definition Whenever a choice exists, the RE matches as many occurrences as possible. 2.4 The concatenation of REs is a RE that matches the concatenation of the strings matched by each component of the RE. 2.5 A RE enclosed between the character sequences \ ( and \) is a RE that matches whatever the unadorned RE matches. 2.6 The expression \n matches the same string of characters as was matched by an expression enclosed between \( and \) earlier in the same RE. Here n is a digit; the sub-expression specified is that beginning with the n-th occurrence of \ ( counting from the left. For example, the expression "\(.*\)\1$ matches a line consisting of two repeated appearances of the same string. Finally, an entire RE may be constrained to match only an initial segment or final segment of a line (or both). 3.1 A circumflex (") at the beginning of an entire RE constrains that RE to match an initial segment of a line. 3.2 A currency symbol ($) at the end of an entire RE constrains that RE to match a final segment of a line. The construction ,..entire RE$ constrains the entire RE to match the entire line. The null RE (e.g., / /) is equivalent to the last RE encountered. To understand addressing in ed it is necessary to know that at any time there is a current line. Generally speaking, the current line is the last line affected by a command; the exact effect on the current line is discussed under the description of each command. Addresses are constructed as follows: 1. The character • addresses the current line. 2. The character $ addresses the last line of the buffer. 3. A decimal number n addresses the n-th line of the buffer. 4. addresses the line marked with the mark name character x. which must be a lower-case letter. Lines are marked with the k command described below. 5. x A RE enclosed by slashes (/) addresses the first line found by searching forward from the line following the current line toward the end of the buffer and stopping at the first line containing a string matching the RE. If necessary, the search wraps around to the beginning of the buffer and continues up to and including the current line, so that the entire buffer is searched. 6. A RE enclosed in question marks (1) addresses the first line found by searching backward from the line preceding the current line toward the beginning of the buffer and stopping at the first line containing a string System V Interface Definition Page 57 matching the RE. If necessary, the search wraps around to the end of the buffer and continues up to and including the current line. 7. An address followed by a plus sign (+) or a minus sign (-) followed by a decimal number specifies that address plus (respectively minus) the indicated number of lines. The plus sign may be omitted. 8. If an address begins with + or -, the addition or subtraction is taken with respect to the current line; e.g, -5 is understood to mean. -5. 9. If an address ends with + or -, then 1 is added to or subtracted from the address, respectively. As a consequence of this rule and of rule 8 immediately above, the address - refers to the line preceding the current line. Moreover, trailing + and - characters have a cumulative effect, so - - refers to the current line less 2. 10. For convenience, a comma (,) stands for the address pair 1,$, while a semicolon (;) stands for the pair .,$. Commands may require zero, one, or two addresses. Commands that require no addresses regard the presence of an address as an error. Commands that accept one or two addresses assume default addresses when an insufficient number of addresses is given; if more addresses are given than such a command requires, the last one(s) are used. Typically, addresses are separated from each other by a comma (,). They may also be separated by a semicolon (;). In the latter case, the current line (.) is set to the first address, and only then is the second address calculated. This feature can be used to determine the starting line for forward and backward searches (see rules 5. and 6. above). The second address of any twoaddress sequence must correspond to a line that follows, in the buffer, the line corresponding to the first address. In the following list of ed commands, the default addresses are shown in parentheses. The parentheses are not part of the address; they show that the given addresses are the default. It is generally illegal for more than one command to appear on a line. However, any command (except e, f, r, or w) may be suffixed by 1, n, or p in which case the current line is either listed, numbered or printed, respectively, as discussed below under the 1, n, and p commands. ( . )a The append command reads the given text and appends it after the addressed line; the current line becomes the last inserted line, or, if there were none, the addressed line. Address 0 is legal for this command: it causes the "appended" text to be placed at the beginning of the buffer. The maximum number of characters that may be entered from a terminal is 256 per line {including the newline character}. Page 58 System V Interface Definition ( . )c The change command deletes the addressed lines, then accepts input text that replaces these lines; • is left at the last line input, or, if there were none, at the first line that was not deleted. ( • , . )d The delete command deletes the addressed lines from the buffer. The line after the last line deleted becomes the current line; if the lines deleted were originally at the end of the buffer, the new last line becomes the current line. e file The edit command causes the entire contents of the buffer to be deleted, and then the named file to be read in; • is set to the last line of the buffer. If no file name is given, the currently-remembered file name, if any, is used (see the f command). The number of characters read is typed; the name file is remembered for possible use as a default file name in subsequent e, r, and w commands. If file is replaced by !, the rest of the line is taken to be a command whose output is to be read. Such a command is not remembered as the current file name. E file The E (edit) command is like e, except that the editor does not check to see if any changes have been made to the buffer since the last w command. f file If file is given, the file-name command changes the currentlyremembered file name to file; otherwise, it prints the currentlYremembered file name. ( 1 , $ ) g / RE/command list In the global command, the first step is to mark every line that matches the given RE. Then, for every such line, the given command list is executed with. initially set to that line. A single command or the first of a list of commands appears on the same line as the global command. All lines of a multi-line list except the last line must be ended with a \; a, i, and c commands and associated input are permitted. The. terminating input mode may be omitted if it would be the last line of the command list. An empty command list is equivalent to the p command. The g, G, v, and V commands are not permitted in the command list. ( 1 , $ ) G/RE/ In the interactive global command, the first step is to mark every line that matches the given RE. Then, for every such line, that line is printed, • is changed to that line, and anyone command (other than one of the a, c, i, g, G, v, and V commands) may be input and System V Interface Definition Page 59 is executed. After the execution of that command, the next marked line is printed, and so on; a newline acts as a null command; an & causes the re-execution of the most recent command executed within the current invocation of G. Note that the commands input as part of the execution of the G cQmmand may address and affect any lines in the buffer. The G command can be terminated by an interrupt signal (ASCII DEL or BREAK). h The help command gives a short error message that explains the reason for the most recent ? diagnostic. H The help command causes ed to enter a mode in which error messages are printed for all subsequent ? diagnostics. It will also explain the previous ? if there was one. The H command alternately turns this mode on and off; it is initially off. ( . )i The insert command inserts the given text before the addressed line; • is left at the last inserted line, or, if there were none, at the addressed line. This command differs from the a command only in the placement of the input text. Address 0 is not legal for this command. The maximum number of characters that may be entered from a terminal is 256 per line (including the newline character). ( • , •+1 ) j The join command joins contiguous lines by removing the appropriate newline characters. If exactly one address is given, this comm~nd does nothing. ( • ) kx The mark command marks the addressed line with name x, which must be a lower-case letter. The address 'x then addresses this line; • is unchanged. ( . , . )1 The list command prints the addressed lines in an unambiguous way: a few non-printing characters (e.g., tab, backspace) are represented by (hopefully) mnemonic overstrikes. All other non-printing characters are printed in octal, and long lines are folded. An 1 command may be appended to any other command other than e, f, r, or w. ( • , • ) ma The move command repositions the addressed line(s) after the line addressed by a. Address 0 is legal for a and causes the addressed line(s) to be moved to the beginning of the file. It is an error if address a falls within the range of moved lines; • is left at the last line moved. Page 60 System V Interface Definition ( • , • )n The number command prints the addressed lines, preceding each line by its line number and a tab character; . is left at the last line printed. The n command may be appended to any other command other than e, t, r, or w. ( • , • )p The print command prints the addressed lines; • is left at the last line printed. The p command may be appended to any other command other than e, t, r, or w. For example, dp deletes the current line and prints the new current line. p The editor will prompt with a • for all subsequent commands. The P command alternately turns this mode on and off; it is initially off. q The quit command causes ed to exit. Q The editor exits without checking if changes have been made in the buffer since the last w command. file The read command reads in the given file after the addressed line. If no file name is given, the currently-remembered file name, if any, is used (see e and t commands). The currently-remembered file name is not changed unless file is the very first file name mentioned since e d was invoked. Address 0 is legal for r and causes the file to be read at the beginning of the buffer. If the read is successful, the number of characters read is typed; • is set to the last line read in. If file is replaced by!, the rest of the line is taken to be a command whose output is to be read. Such a command is not remembered as the current file name. ( $ )r · , . ) sl RElreplacementl or • , • ) sl RElreplacementlg or • , • ) sl RElreplacementln n - 1-512 The substitute command searches each addressed line for an occurrence of the specified RE. In each line in which a match is found, all (nonoverlapped) matched strings are replaced by the replacement if the global replacement indicator g appears after the command. If the global indicator does not appear, only the first occurrence of the matched string is replaced. If a number n appears after the command, only the n-th occurrence of the matched string on each addressed line is replaced. It is an error for the substitution to fail on all addressed lines. Any character other than space or newline may be used instead of I to delimit the RE and the replacement; . is left at the last line on which a substitution occurred. System V Interface Definition Page 61 ED(BU_CMD) An ampersand (&.) appearing in the replacement is replaced by the string matching the RE on the current line. The special meaning of &. in this context may be suppressed by preceding it by \. As a more general feature, the characters \n, where n is a digit, are replaced by the text matched by the n-th regular sUbexpression of the specified RE enclosed between \( and \). When nested parenthesized subexpressions are present, n is determined by counting occurrences of \ ( starting from the left. When the character % is the only character in the replacement, the replacement used in the most recent substitute command is used as the replacement in the current substitute command. The % loses its special meaning when it is in a replacement string of more than one character or is preceded by a \. A line may be split by substituting a newline character into it. The newline in the replacement must be escaped by preceding it by \. Such substitution cannot be done as part of a g or v command list. ( . , . ) ta This command acts just like the m command, except that a copy of the addressed lines is placed after address a (which may be 0); • is left at the last line of the copy. u The undo command nullifies the effect of the most recent command that modified anything in the buffer, namely the most recent a, c, d, g, i, j, m, r, S, t, v, G, or V command. ( 1 , $ ) v I REI command list This command is the same as the global command g except that the command list is executed with. initially set to every line that does not match the RE. ( 1 , $ )VIREI This command is the same as the interactive global command G except that the lines that are marked during the first step are those that do not match the RE. ( 1 , $ ) w file The write command writes the addressed lines into the named file. The currently-remembered file name is not changed unless file is the very first file name mentioned since e d was invoked. If no file name is given, the currently-remembered file name, if any, is used (see e and f commands); • is unchanged. If the command is successful, the number of characters written is typed. If file is replaced by!, the rest of the line is taken to be a command whose standard input is the addressed lines. Such a command is not remembered as the current file name. ( $ )= The line number of the addressed line is typed; • is unchanged by this command. Page 62 System V Interface Definition I command The remainder of the line after the ! is sent to the command interpreter to be interpreted as a command. Within the text of that command, the unescaped character "is replaced with the remembered file name; if a I appears as the first character of the command, it is replaced with the text of the previous command. Thus, I I will repeat the last command. If any expansion is performed, the expanded line is echoed; • is unchanged . •+1 ) An address alone on a line causes the addressed line to be printed. A newline alone is equivalent to • + Ip; it is useful for stepping forward through the buffer. If an interrupt signal (BREAK) is sent, ed prints a ? and returns to its command level. If the closing delimiter of a RE or of a replacement string (e.g., /) would be the last character before a newline, that delimiter may be omitted, in which case the addressed line is printed. The following pairs of commands are equivalent: s/slls2 slslls2lp glsl glsllp 1s1 1s11 If changes have been made in the buffer since the last w command that wrote the entire buffer, ed warns the user if an attempt is made to destroy the editor buffer via the e or q commands. It prints? and allows the user to continue editing. A second e or q command at this point will take effect. The - command-line option inhibits this feature. ERRORS ? for command errors. ?file for an inaccessible file. The hand H (help) commands for detailed explanations). FILES ed.hup work is saved here if the terminal is hung up. SEE ALSO GREP(BU_CMD), SED(BU_CMD), SH(BU_CMD). USAGE General. A ! command cannot be subject to a g or a v command. The sequence \0 in a RE does not match a newline character. System V Interface Definition Page 63 If the editor input is coming from a command file (Le., ed file < ed-cmdfile), the editor will exit at the first failure of a command that is in the command file. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The option - will be replaced by -5, in order to conform to the syntax standard. The old form of the option will continue to be accepted for some time. LEVEL Levell. Page 64 System V Interface Definition EXPR(BU_CMD) NAME expr - evaluate expression SYNOPSIS expr expression DESCRIPTION The command expr evaluates an expression and writes the result on the standard output. Terms of the expression must be separated by blanks. Characters special to the command interpreter must be escaped. Note that 0 is returned to indicate a zero value, rather than the null string. Strings containing blanks or other special characters should be quoted. Integer-valued arguments may be preceded by a unary minus sign. The operators are listed below. Characters that need to be escaped are preceded by \. The list is in order of increasing precedence, with equal precedence operators grouped within {} symbols. The symbol arg represents an argument. arg \1 arg returns the first arg if it is neither null nor 0, otherwise returns the second argo arg \& arg returns the first arg if neither arg is null or 0, otherwise returns o. \> -, \<, \< -, !- } arg returns the result of an integer comparison if both arguments are integers, otherwise returns the result of a lexical comparison. arg { -, \>, arg { +, - } arg addition or subtraction of integer-valued arguments. arg { \., /, % } arg multiplication, division, or remainder of the integer-valued arguments. arg: arg The matching operator : compares the first argument with the second argument which must be a regular expression. Regular expression syntax is the same as that of ed, except that all patterns are "anchored" (i.e., begin with A) and, therefore, A is not a special character, in that context. Normally, the matching operator returns the number of characters matched (0 on failure). Alternatively, the \C .. \) pattern symbols can be used to return a portion of the first argument. EXAMPLES 1. a='expr Sa + l' adds 1 to the variable a. 2. For $a equal to either "/usr/abc/file" or just "file" System V Interface Definition Page 65 expr $a : '.*/\(.*\)' \/ $a returns the last segment of a path name (i.e., file). Watch out for / alone as an argument: expr will take it as the division operator. 3. A better representation of example 2. expr //$a : '.*/\(.*\)' The addition of the / / characters eliminates any ambiguity about the division operator and simplifies the whole expression. 4. expr , , .* $VAR returns the number of characters in $VAR. SEE ALSO ED(BU_CMD), SH(BU_CMD). ERRORS As a side effect of expression evaluation, expr returns the following exit values: o if the expression is neither null nor 0 1 if the expression is null or 0 2 for invalid expressions. USAGE General. After argument processing [see SH(BU_CMD)], expr cannot tell the difference between an operator and an operand except by the value. If $a is -, the command: expr $a looks like: expr as the arguments are passed to expr (and they will all be taken as the operator). The following works: expr X$a X= LEVEL Levell. Page 66 System V Interface Definition NAME file - determine file type SYNOPSIS file [ -f lfile ] file ... DESCRIPTION The command f i 1 e performs a series of tests on each specified f i 1 e in an attempt to classify it. If it appears to be a text file, f i 1 e examines an initial segment and makes a guess about its language. (The answer is not guaranteed to be correct.) If an argument is an executable ("a.out") file it is identified as such, and any other available information is reported. If the - f option is given, the next argument is taken to be a file containing the names of the files to be examined. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 67 NAME find - find files SYNOPSIS find path-name-list expression DESCRIPTION The command find recursively descends the directory hierarchy for each path name in the path-name-list (i.e., one or more path names) seeking files that match a boolean expression written in the primaries given below. In the following descriptions, the argument n is used as a decimal integer where +n means more than n, -n means less than nand n means exactly n. The expression argument is made up of: -name file True if file matches the current file name. The argument syntax of sh [see SH(BU_CMD)] may be used if escaped (especially note (, ? and .». -permonum True if the file permission flags exactly match the octal number onum [see CHMOD(BU_CMD)] If onum is prefixed by a minus sign, more flag bits (017777) [see STAT(BA_OS)] become significant and the flags are compared. -type c True if the type of the file is c, where c is b, c, d, p, or f for block special file, character special file, directory, fifo (named pipe), or plain file respectively. -linksn True if the file has n links. -useruname True if the file belongs to the user uname. If uname is numeric and does not appear as a login name in the /etc/passwd file, it is taken as a user ID. -group gname True if the file belongs to the group gname. If gname is numeric and does not appear in the /etc/group file, it is taken as a group ID. -size n[c] True if the file is n "blocks" long (block - 512 bytes). If n is followed by a c, the size is in characters. -atime n True if the file has been accessed in n days. The access time of directories in path-name-Iist is changed by find itself. -mtime n True if the file has been modified in n days. -ctime n True if the file inode has been changed in n days, -exec cmd True if the executed cmd returns a zero value as exit status. The end of cmd must be punctuated by an escaped semicolon. A command argument {} is replaced by the Page 68 System V Interface Definition current path name. -ok cmd Like -exec except that the generated command line is printed with a question mark first, and is executed only if the user responds by typing y. -print Always true; causes the current path name to be printed. -newer file True if the current file has been modified more recently than the argument file. -depth Always true; causes descent of the directory hierarchy to be done so that all entries in a directory are acted on before the directory itself. This can be useful when find is used with cpio [see CPIO(BU_CMD)] to transfer files that are contained in directories without write permission. (expression) True if the parenthesized expression is true (parentheses must be escaped if they are special to the command interpreter). The primaries may be combined using the following operators (in order of decreasing precedence): 1) The negation of a primary (! is the unary not operator). 2) Concatenation of primaries (the and operation is implied by the juxtaposition of two primaries). 3) Alternation of primaries (-0 is the or operator). EXAMPLE To remove all files named tmp or ending in accessed for a week: find / ' ( -name -exec rm {} ' ; tmp -0 -name • xx that have not been ' •• xx' ') -atime +7 FILES /etc/passwd /etc/group SEE ALSO CHMOD(BU_CMD), CPIO(BU_CMD), SH(BU_CMD), TEST(BU_CMD), STAT(BA_OS). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 69 GREP(BU_CMD) NAME grep - search a file for a pattern SYNOPSIS grep [ options ] expression [ files ] DESCRIPTION The command 9 rep searches the input f i 1 e s (standard input default) for lines matching a pattern. Normally, each line found is copied to the standard output. The patterns are limited regular expressions in the style of ed. The following options are recognized: -v -c -i -1 -n -s All lines but those matching are printed. Only a count of matching lines is printed. Ignore upper/lower case distinction during comparisons. (This option is new in System V Release 2.) Only the names of files with matching lines are listed (once), separated by newlines. Each line is preceded by its relative line number in the file. The error messages produced for nonexistent or unreadable files are suppressed. In all cases, the file name is output if there is more than one input file. Care should be taken when using characters in expression that may also be meaningful to the command interpreter. It is safest to enclose the entire expression argument in single quotes ' ... '. ERRORS Exit status is 0 if any matches are found, 1 if none, 2 for syntax errors or inaccessible files {even if matches were found}. SEE ALSO ED(BU _CMD), EGREP(AU_CMD), SED(BU_CMD). USAGE General. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The functionality of egrep and fgrep [see EGREP(AU_CMD)] will eventually be provided in grep, and those two commands discontinued. LEVEL Levell. Page 70 System V Interface Definition KILL(BU_CMD) NAME kill - send signal to a process SYNOPSIS kill [ -signal ] PID DESCRIPTION The command kill sends the specified signal to the specified processes (or process groups). If process number 0 is specified, all processes in the process group are signaled. Process numbers can be found by using ps [see PS(BU_CMD»). The argument signa 1 must be specified as a numeric value; these values are implementation dependent. (See FUTURE DIRECTIONS below.} If no signal is specified, ki 11 sends SIGTERM (terminate). This will normally kill processes that do not catch or ignore the signal. The specified process(es) must belong to the user unless the user is superuser. Further details are described in KILL(BA_OS). SEE ALSO PS(BU_CMD), KILL(BA_OS), SIGNAL(BA_OS). USAGE General. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The command ki 11 will be changed to use symbolic names rather than numeric values of signals. The old form will continue to be accepted for some time. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 71 LlNE(BU_CMD) NAME line - read one line SYNOPSIS line DESCRIPTION The command line copies one line (up to a newline) from the standard input and writes it on the standard output. It returns an exit code of 1 on EOF and always prints at least a newline. It is often used within command scripts to read from the user's terminal. SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 72 System V Interface Definition NAME Is - list contents of directory SYNOPSIS ls [ options ] [ file ••• ] DESCRIPTION For each f i 1 e, if it is directory 1 s lists the contents of the directory; if it is a file, 1 s repeats its name and gives any other information requested. The output is sorted alphabetically by default. When no f i 1 es are specified, the current directory is listed. When several arguments are given, the arguments are first sorted appropriately, but files appear before directories and their contents. Note that the following options are new in System V Release 2: -m, -n, -q, and -x. -C, -F, -R, There are three major listing formats. The default format is to list one entry per line; the options -c and -x enable multi-column formats; and the -m option enables stream output format in which files are listed across the page, separated by commas. In order to determine output formats for the -c, -x, and -m options, 1 s uses the environmental variable COLUMNS to determine the number of character positions available on one output line. If this variable is not set, the terminfo database is used to determine the number of columns, based on the environmental variable TERM. If this information cannot be obtained, 80 columns is assumed. There are a large number of options: -C Multi-column output with entries sorted down the columns. -F Put a slash (/) after each filename if that file is a directory and put an asterisk (*) after each filename if that file is executable. -R Recursively list subdirectories encountered. -a List all entries; usually entries whose names begin with a period (.) are not listed. -c Use time of last modification of the i-node (file created, mode changed, etc.) for sorting (-t) or printing (-1). -d If an argument is a directory, list only its name (not its contents); often used with -1 to get the status of a directory. -f Force each argument to be interpreted as a directory and list the name found in each slot. This option turns off -1, -t, -s, and -r, and turns on -a; the order is the order in which entries appear in the directory. -g The same as -1, except that the owner is not printed. System V Interface Definition Page 73 -i For each file, print the inode number in the first column of the report. -1 List in long format, giving mode, number of links, owner, group, size in bytes, and time of last modification for each file (see below). If the file is a special file, the size field will instead contain the major and minor device numbers rather than a size. -m Stream output format; files are listed across the page, separated by commas. -n The same as -1, except that the owner's UID and group's GID numbers are printed, rather than the associated character strings. -0 The same as -1, except that the group is not printed. -p Put a slash (/) after each filename if that file is a directory. -q Force non-printing characters (in file names) to be displayed as the character (?). -r Reverse the order of sort to get reverse alphabetic or oldest first as appropriate. - s Give size of each file in 512-byte units. -t Sort by time modified (latest first) instead of by name. -u Use time of last access instead of last modification for sorting (with the option) or printing (with the -1 option). -t -x Multi-column output with entries sorted across rather than down the page. The mode printed under the -1 option consists of 10 characters that are interpreted as described below. The first character is: d b c p if the entry if the entry if the entry if the entry if the entry is is is is is a directory; a block special file; a character special file; a fifo (named pipe) special file; an ordinary file. The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three bits each. The first set refers to the owner's permissions; the next to permissions of others in the user-group of the file; and the last to all others. Within each set, the three characters indicate permission to read, to write, and to execute the file as a program, respectively. For a directory, "execute" permission is interpreted to mean permission to search the directory for a specified file. The permissions are indicated as follows: r w x Page 74 if the file is readable; if the file is writable; if the file is executable (also see below); System V Interface Definition if the indicated permission is not granted. The group-execute permission character is given as s if the file has setgroup-ID mode; likewise, the user-execute permission character is given as s if the file has set-user-ID mode. These are given as S (capitalized) if the corresponding execute permission is NOT set. (See, however, FUTURE DIRECTIONS below') FILES to get user IDs for 1 s -1 and 1 S - 0 . I etc/passwd I etclgroup to get group IDs for 1 S -1 and 1 S -g. lusr/liblterminfo/*l* terminfo terminal information database SEE ALSO CHMOD(BU _CMD), FIND(BU _CMD). USAGE General. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The group execute permission will be shown as 1 if mandatory locking is enabled for the file. It will not be possible to set-group-ID without also turning on group execute permission; therefore the group execute permission character will have one of the following values: -, x, s, or I; (S will not be possible). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 75 MAIL(BU _CMD) NAME mail, rmail - send or read· mail SYNOPSIS mail -epqr ] [ -f file mail - t ] name rmail [ - t ] name •.• DESCRIPTION The command ma i 1 without arguments prints a user's mail, message-bymessage, in last-in first-out order. For each message, the user is prompted with a ?, and a line is read from the standard input to determine the disposition of the message: + d P s [file] w [file] m [name ... ] q EOF x 1command • Go on to next message. Same as . Delete message and go on to next message. Print message again. Go back to previous message. Save message in the named file (mbox is default). Save message, without its header, in the named file (mbox is default). Mail the message to the named users (names are user login names; the default is the user). Put undeleted mail back in the mailfile and stop. (Usually control-D') Same as q. Put all mail back in the mailfile unchanged and stop. Escape to the command interpreter to execute command. Print a command summary . The optional arguments alter the printing of the mail: -e -p -q -r -ffile causes mail not to be printed. An exit value of 0 is returned if the user has mail; otherwise, an exit value of 1 is returned. causes all mail to be printed without prompting for disposition. causes ma i 1 to terminate after interrupts. Normally an interrupt only causes the termination of the message being printed. causes messages to be printed in first-in, first-out order. causes ma i 1 to use file (e.g., mbox) instead of the default mailfile. When names (user login names) are given, ma i 1 takes the standard input up to an end-of-file (or up to a line consisting of just a.) and adds it to each user's mailfile. The message is preceded by the sender's name and a postmark. Lines in the message that begin with the word "From" are preceded with a >. The -t option causes the message to be preceded by all users the ma i 1 is sent to. If a user being sent mail is not recognized, or if ma i 1 is interrupted during input, the file dead .letter will be saved to allow editing and resending. Note that this is regarded as a temporary file in that Page 76 System V Interface Definition MAIL(BU_CMD) it is recreated every time needed, erasing the previous contents of dead. letter. To denote a recipient on a remote system, name is the user's login name prefixed by the system name and an exclamation mark. Everything after the first exclamation mark is interpreted by the remote system. In particular, if name contains additional exclamation marks, it can denote a sequence of machines through which the message is to be sent on the way to its ultimate destination. For example, specifying a!b!cde as a recipient's name causes the message to be sent to user b!cde on system a. System a will interpret that destination as a request to send the message to user cde on system b. This might be useful, for instance, if the sending system can access system a but not system b, and system a has access to system b. The mailfile may also contain the first line: Forward to person which will cause all mail sent to the owner of the mailfile to be forwarded to person. This is especially useful to forward all of a person's mail to one machine in a multiple machine environment. In order for forwarding to work properly the mailfile should have "mail" as group ID, and the group permission should be read-write. The command rma i 1 only permits the sending of mail. FILES /etc/passwd $HOME/mbox dead. letter to identify sender and locate persons saved mail unmailable text USAGE General. LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 77 NAME mkdir - make a directory SYNOPSIS mkdir dirname ••• DESCRIPTION The command mkd i r creates the specified directories. Standard entries, ., for the directory itself, and •• , for its parent, are made automatically. The command mkdir requires write permission in the parent directory. ERRORS The command mkd i r returns exit code 0 if all directories were successfully made; otherwise, it prints a diagnostic and returns non-zero. SEE ALSO RM(BU _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 78 System V Interface Definition NL(BU_CMD) NAME nl - line numbering filter SYNOPSIS nl [-htype] [-btype] [-ftype] [-vstart#] [-iincr] [-p] [-lnum] [-ssep] [-wwidth] [-nformat] [-ddelim] [ file ] DESCRIPTION The command n 1 reads lines from the named f i 1 e or the standard input if no f i 1 e is named and reproduces the lines on the standard output. Lines are numbered on the left in accordance with the command options in effect. n 1 views the text it reads in terms of logical pages. Line numbering is reset at the start of each logical page. A logical page consists of a header, a body, and a footer section. Empty sections are valid. Different line numbering options are independently available for header, body, and footer (e.g., no numbering of header and footer lines while numbering blank lines only in the body). The start of logical page se-.ctions are signaled by input lines containing nothing but the following delimiter character(s): Line Start of \:\:\: \:\: \: header body footer Unless otherwise specified, nl assumes the text being read is in a single logical page body. Options may appear in any order and may be intermingled with an optional file name. Only one file may be named. The options are: -btype Specifies which logical page body lines are to be numbered. Recognized type s and their meaning are: a, number all lines; t, number lines with printable text only; n, no line numbering; pstring, number only lines that contain the regular expression specified in string. Default type for logical page body is t (text lines numbered). -htype Same as -btype except for header. Default type for logical page header is n (no lines numbered). -ftype Same as -btype except for footer. Default for logical page footer is n (no lines numbered). -p Do not restart numbering at logical page delimiters. -vstart# The initial value used to number logical page lines. Default is 1. System V Interface Definition Page 79 -iincr The increment value used to number logical page lines. Default is 1. -ssep The character(s) used in separating the line number and the corresponding text line. Default sep is a tab. -wwidth The number of characters to be used for the line number. Default width is 6. -nformat The line numbering format. Recognized values are: In, left justified, leading zeroes suppressed; rn, right justified, leading zeroes supressed; rz, right justified, leading zeroes kept. Default forma t is rn (right justified). -Inum The number of blank lines to be considered as one. For example, -12 results in only the second adjacent blank being numbered (if the appropriate -ha, -ba, and/or -fa option is set). Default is 1. -dxx The delimiter characters specifying the start of a logical page section may be changed from the default characters (\:) to two user-specified characters. If only one character is entered, the second character remains the default character (:). No space should appear between the -d and the delimiter characters. To enter a backslash, use two backslashes. EXAMPLE The command: nl -v10 -i10 -dl+ fiIe1 will number filel starting at line number 10 with an increment of ten. The logical page delimiters are !+. USAGE General. SEE ALSO PR(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 80 System V Interface Definition NOHUP(BU _CMD) NAME nohup - run a command immune to hangups and quits SYNOPSIS nohup command [ arguments ] DESCRIPTION The command nohup executes command with the signals SIGH UP and SIGQUIT ignored. If output is not re-directed by the user, both standard output and standard error are sent to nohup. out. If nohup. out is not writable in the current directory, output is redirected to $HOME/nohup. out. EXAMPLE It i~ frequently desirable to apply nohup to pipelines or lists of commands. This can be done only by placing pipelines and command lists in a single file; this procedure can then be executed as command, and the nohup applies to everything in the file. USAGE General. SEE ALSO SH(BU _CMD), SIGNAL(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 81 NAME pack, pcat, unpack - compress and expand files SYNOPSIS pack [ - ] [ - f ] name •.. pcat name .•. unpack name .•• DESCRIPTION The command pack attempts to store the specified files in a compressed form. Wherever possible (and useful), each input file name is replaced by a packed file name.z with the same access modes, access and modified dates, and owner as those of name. The option -f will force packing of name. This is useful for causing an entire directory to be packed even if some of the files will not benefit. If pack is successful, name will be removed. Packed files can be restored to their original form using unpack or pcat. The command pack uses Huffman (minimum redundancy) codes on a byte-by-byte basis. If the - argument is used, an internal flag is set that causes the number of times each byte is used, its relative frequency, and the code for the byte to be printed on the standard output. Additional occurrences of - in place of name will cause the internal flag to be set and reset. The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of the input file and the character frequency distribution. Because a decoding tree forms the first part of each file, it is usually not worthwhile to pack files smaller than three blocks, unless the character frequency distribution is very skewed, which may occur with printer plots or pictures. Typically, text files are reduced to 60-75% of their original size. Load modules, which use a larger character set and have a more uniform distribution of characters, show little compression, the packed versions being about 90% of the original size. The command pack returns a value that is the number of files that it failed to compress. No packing will occur if: the file appears to be already packed; the file name has more than {NAME_MAX}-2 characters; the file has links; the file is a directory; the file cannot be opened; the file is empty; no disk storage blocks will be saved by packing; a file called name.z already exists; the .z file cannot be created; Page 82 System V Interface Definition an I/O error occurred during processing. The last segment of the file name must contain no more than {NAME_MAX}-2 characters to allow space for the appended .z extension. The command pca t does for packed files what cat does for ordinary files, except that pca t cannot be used as a filter. The specified files are unpacked and written to the standard output. Thus to view a packed file named name.z use: pcat name.z (or pca t name) To make an unpacked copy, called abc, of a packed file named name. z (without destroying name. z) use the command: pc at name >nnn The command pca t returns the number of files it was unable to unpack. Failure may occur if: the file name (exclusive of the .z) has more than {NAME_MAX}-2 characters; the file cannot be opened; the file does not appear to be the output of pack. The command unpack expands files created by pack. For each file name specified in the command, a search is made for a file called name.z (or just name, if name ends in .z). If this file appears to be a packed file, it is replaced by its expanded version. The new file has the .z suffix stripped from its name, and has the same access modes, access and modification dates, and owner as those of the packed file. The command unpack returns a value that is the number of files it was unable to unpack. Failure may occur for the same reasons that it may in pca t, as well as for the following: a file with the "unpacked" name already exists; the unpacked file cannot be created. USAGE General. SEE ALSO CAT(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 83 NAME paste - merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of one file SYNOPSIS paste file 1 fi1e2 . . . paste -d1ist file1 fi1e2 paste -s [-d1ist] fi1e1 fi1e2 DESCRIPTION In the first two forms, paste concatenates corresponding lines of the given input files f i 1 e 1 , f i 1 e 2, etc. The file-name - means standard input. It treats each file as a column or columns of a table and pastes them together horizontally (parallel merging) . In the last form above (- s option), paste combines subsequent lines of the input file (serial merging). In all cases, lines are glued together with the tab character, unless the -d option is used (sec below). Output is to the standard output, so that paste can be used as the start of a pipe, or as a filter, if - is used in place of a file name. Without the -d option, the newline characters of each but the last file (or last line in case of the - s option) are replaced by a tab character. When this option is used, a character from the 1 i s t immediately following -d replaces the default tab as the line concatenation character. The list is used circularly, Le., when exhausted, it is reused. In parallel merging (Le., no -s option), the lines from the last file are always terminated with a newline character, not from the 1 i s t. The list may contain the special escape sequences: \0 (newline), \t (tab), \\ (backslash), and \0 (empty string, not a null character>. Quoting may be necessary, if characters have special meaning to the command interpreter. EXAMPLES 1s I paste - - - list directory in four columns paste -s -d"\t\n" file combine pairs of lines into lines USAGE General. SEE ALSO CUT(BU_CMD), GREP(BU_CMD), PR(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 84 System V Interface Definition NAME pg - file perusal filter for soft-copy terminals SYNOPSIS pg [-number] [-p string] [+/pattern/] [files ..• ] [-cefns] [+linenumber] DESCRIPTION The command pg is a filter that allows the examination of f i 1 e s one screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal. (The file name - and/or null arguments indicate that pg should read from the standard input.) Each screenful is followed by a prompt. If the user types a carriage return, another page is displayed; other possibilities are enumerated below. This command is different from previous paginators in that it allows the user to back up and review something that has already passed. The method for doing this is explained below. In order to determine terminal attributes, pg scans the terminfo data base for the terminal type specified by the environmental variable TERM. If TERM is not defined, the terminal type dumb is assumed. The command line options are: -number An integer specifying the size (in lines) of the window that pg is to use instead of the default. (On a terminal containing 24 lines, the ciefault window size is 23). -p string Causes pg to use string as the prompt. If the prompt string contains a ""d", the first occurrence of ""d" in the prompt will be replaced by the current page number when the prompt is issued. The default prompt string is " : " . -c Home the cursor and clear the screen before displaying each page. This option is ignored if clear_screen is not defined for this terminal type in the terminfo data base. -e Causes pg not to pause at the end of each file. -f Normally, pg splits lines longer than the screen width, but some sequences of characters in the text being displayed (e.g., escape sequences for underlining) generate undesirable results. The - f option inhibits pg from splitting lines. -n Normally, commands must be terminated by a newline character. This option causes an automatic end of command as soon as a command letter is entered. -s Causes pg. to print all messages and prompts in standout mode (usually inverse video). System V Interface Definition Page 85 PG(BU_CMD) +linenumber Start up at linenumber. +/patternl Start up at the first line containing the regular expression pattern. The responses that may be typed when pg pauses can be divided into three categories: those causing further perusal, those that search, and those that modify the perusal environment. Commands which cause further perusal normally take a preceding address, an optionally signed number indicating the point from which further text should be displayed. This address is interpreted in either pages or lines depending on the command. A signed address specifies a point relative to the current page or line, and an unsigned address specifies an address relative to the beginning of the file. Each command has a default address that is used if none is provided. The perusal commands and their defaults are as follows: (+O or This causes one page to be displayed. The address is specified in pages. (+0 I With a relative address this causes pg to simulate scrolling the screen, forward or backward, the number of lines specified. With an absolute address this command prints a screenful beginning at the specified line. (+1) d or "D Simulates scrolling half a screen forward or backward. The following perusal commands take no address . • or "L Typing a single period causes the current page of text to be redisplayed. $ Displays the last windowful in the file. Use with caution when the input is a pipe. The following commands are available for searching for text patterns in the text. The regular expressions described in ED(BU_CMD) are available. They must always be terminated by a , even if the -n option is specified. i/patternl Search forward for the i th (default i =1) occurrence of pa ttern. Searching begins immediately after the current page and continues to the end of the current file, without wrap-around. i "pattern" i?pattern? Search backwards for the i th (default i =1) occurrence of pa ttern. Searching begins immediately before the current page and Page 86 System V Interface Definition continues to the beginning of the current file, without wrap-around. (The ,. notation is useful for terminals that do not properly handle the 1.) After searching, pg will normally display the line found at the top of the screen. This can be modified by appending m or b to the search command to leave the line found in the middle or at the bottom of the window from now on. The suffix t can be used to restore the original situation. The user of pg can modify the environment of perusal with the following commands: in Begin perusing the it h next file in the command line. The i is an unsigned number, default value is 1. ip Begin perusing the i th previous file in the command line. unsigned number, default is 1. i w Display another window of text. If i is present, set the window size to i is an i. s filename Save the input in the named file. Only the current file being perused is saved. The white space between the s and filename is optional. This command must always be terminated by a newl ine, even if the -n option is specified. h Help by displaying an abbreviated summary of available commands. q or Q Quit pg. !command The argument command is passed to the command interpreter, whose name is taken from the SHELL environmental variable. If this is not available, the default command interpreter is used. This command must always be terminated by a newline, even if the -n option is specified. At any time when output is being sent to the terminal, the user can hit the QUIT key (normally control-\) or the interrupt (BREAK) key. This causes pg to stop sending output, and to display the prompt. The user may then enter one of the above commands in the normal manner. Unfortunately, some output is lost when this is done, due to the fact that any characters waiting in the terminal's output queue are flushed when the quit signal occurs. If the standard output is not a terminal, pg acts just like the cat command, except that a header is printed before each file (if there is more than one). FILES lusr/lib/terminfol*l* terminfo terminal information database System V Interface Definition Page 87 USAGE End-user. While waiting for terminal input, pg responds to BREAK, DEL, and QUIT by terminating execution. Between prompts, however, these signals interrupt pg's current task and place the user in prompt mode. These signals should be used with caution when input is being read from a pipe, since an interrupt is likely to terminate the other commands in the pipeline. If terminal tabs are not set every eight positions, undesirable results may occur. When pg is used as a filter with another command that changes the terminal 110 options, terminal settings may not be restored correctly. SEE ALSO ED(BU_CMD), GREP(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. New in System V Release 2. Page 88 System V Interface Definition PR(BU_CMD) NAME pr - print files SYNOPSIS pr [ options ] [ files ] DESCRIPTION The command pr prints the named files on the standard output. If f i 1 e is -, or if no files are specified, the standard input is assumed. By default, the listing is separated into pages, each headed by the page number, a date and time, and the name of the file. By default, columns are of equal width, separated by at least one space; lines which do not fit are truncated. If the -s option is used, lines are not truncated and columns are separated by the separation character. If the standard output is associated with a terminal, error messages are withheld until pr has completed printing. The below options may appear singly, or may be combined in any order: +k Begin printing with page k (default is 1). - k Produce k - col umn output (default is 1). This option should not be used with -m. The options -e and - i are assumed for multi-column output. -a Print multi-column output across the page. This option is appropriate only with the -k option. -m Merge and print all files simultaneously, one per column (overrides the -k option). -d Double-space the output. -eck Expand input tabs to character positions k+ 1, 2.k+ 1, 3.k+ 1, etc. If k is 0 or is omitted, default tab settings at every eighth position are assumed. Tab characters in the input are expanded into the appropriate number of spaces. If c (any non-digit character) is given, it is treated as the input tab character (default for c is the tab character). -ick In output, replace white space wherever possible by inserting tabs to character positions k+ 1, 2.k+ 1, 3.k + 1, etc. If k is 0 or is omitted, default tab settings at every eighth position are assumed. If c (any non-digit character) is given, it is treated as the output tab character (default for c is the tab character). -nck Provide k-digi t line numbering (default for k is 5). The number occupies the first k + 1 character positions of each column of normal output or each line of -m output. If c (any non-digit character) is given, it is appended to the line number to separate it from whatever follows (default for c is a tab). System V Interface Definition Page 89 -wk Set the width of a line to k character positions for multi-column output (default is 72). -ok Offset each line by k character positions (default is 0). The number of character positions per line is the sum of the width and offset. -1 k Set the length of a page to k lines (default is 66). If k is less than what is needed for the page header and trailer, then the option - t is in effect; that is, header and trailer lines are suppressed in order to make room for text. -h header Use header as the header to be printed instead of the file name. -p Pause before beginning each page if the output is directed to a terminal (pr will ring the bell at the terminal and wait for a carriage return). -f Use form-feed character for new pages (default is to use a sequence of line-feeds). Pause before beginning the first page if the standard output is associated with a terminal. -r Print no diagnostic reports on failure to open files. -t Print neither the five-line identifying header nor the five-line trailer normally supplied for each page. Quit printing after the last line of each file without spacing to the end of the page. -se Separate columns by the single character e instead of by the appropriate number of spaces (default for e is a tab). EXAMPLES • Print f i 1 e 1 and headed by "file list": f i 1 e 2 as a double-spaced, three-column listing pr -3dh "file list" file1 file2 • Write file 1 on file2, expanding tabs to columns 10, 19,28, ... : pr -e9 -t file2 USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 90 System V Interface Definition NAME ps - report process status SYNOPSIS ps [ options DESCRIPTION The command ps prints certain information about active processes. Without options, information is printed about processes associated with the current terminal. The output consists of a short listing containing only the process-ID, terminal identifier, cumulative execution time, and the command name. Otherwise, the information that is displayed is controlled by the selection of options. The options using lists as arguments can have the list specified in one of two forms: a list of identifiers separated from one another by a comma, or a list of identifiers enclosed in double quotes and separated from one another by a comma and! or one or more spaces. The options are: -e -d -a -f -1 -n namelist Print information about all processes. Print information about all processes, except process group leaders. Print information about all processes, except process group leaders and processes not associated with a terminal. Generate a full listing. (See below for meaning of columns in a full listing). Generate a long listing. See below. The argument will be taken as the name of an alternate system name 1 i s t file in place of the default. - t termlist Restrict listing to data about the processes associated with the terminals given in t e r m1 i st. Terminal identifiers maybe specified in one of two forms: the device's file name (e.g., tty04) or if the device's file name starts with tty, just the digit identifier (e.g., 04). -p proC/ist Restrict listing to data about processes whose process-ID numbers are given in proc1ist. -u uidlist Restrict listing to data about processes whose user-ID numbers or login names are given in u i d 1 i st. In the listing, the numerical-user-ID will be printed unless the - f option is used, in which case the login name will be printed. -g grplist Restrict listing to data about processes whose process group leaders are given in g r p 1 i st. System V Interface Definition Page 91 The column headings and the meaning of the columns in a ps listing are given below; the letters f arid I indicate the option (full or long) that causes the corresponding heading to appear; all means that the heading always appears. Note that these two options determine only what information is provided for a process; they do not determine which processes will be listed. F (J) s 0) UIO (f,J) PIO (aU) PPJD (f,J) (f,J) C (J) PRJ (J) NI AOOR (J) (J) SZ WCHAN STIME TrY TIME CMO (aU) (aU) (ail) Flags (octal and additive) associated with the process. The state of the process. The user ID number of the process owner; the login name is printed under the -f option. The process ID of the process; it is possible to kill a process if you know this datum. The process ID of the parent process. Processor utilization for scheduling. The priority of the process; higher numbers mean lower priority. Nice value; used in priority computation. The memory address of the process. The size in blocks of the core image of the process. 0) The event for which the process is waiting or sleeping; if blank, the process is running. (f) Starting time of the process. The controlling terminal for the process. The cumulative execution time for the process. The command name; the full command name and its arguments are printed under the -f option. A process that has exited and has a parent, but has not yet been waited for by the parent, is marked defunct. Under the option -f, ps tries to determine the command name and arguments given when the process was created by examining memory or the swap area. Failing this, the command name, as it would appear without the option -f, is printed in square brackets. FILES /etc/passwd supplies UID information USAGE General. Things can change while ps is running; the snap-shot it gives is only true for an instant, and may not be accurate by the time it is displayed. LEVEL Levell. Page 92 System V Interface Definition NAME pwd - working directory name SYNOPSIS pwd DESCRIPTION The command pwd prints the path name of the working (current) directory. ERRORS "Cannot open .. " and "Read error in .. " indicate possible file system trouble. USAGE General. SEE ALSO CD(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 93 RM(BU_CMD) NAME rm, rmdir - remove files or directories SYNOPSIS rm [ -fri ] file rmdir dir DESCRIPTION The command rm removes the entries for one or more files from a directory. If an entry was the last link to the file, the file is destroyed. Removal of a file requires write permission in its directory, but neither read nor write permission on the file itself. If a file has no write permission and the standard input is a terminal, its permissions are printed and a line is read from the standard input. If that line begins with y the file is deleted, otherwise the file remains. No questions are asked when the option - f is given or if the standard input is not a terminal. If a designated file is a directory, an error comment is printed unless the optional argument -r has been used. In that case, rm recursively deletes the entire contents of the specified directory, and the directory itself. If the option - i (interactive) is in effect, rm asks whether to delete each file, and, under -r, whether to examine each directory. The command rmdir removes entries for the named directories, which must be empty. ERRORS It is forbidden to remove the file 00 in order to avoid the consequences of inadvertently doing something like: rm -r 0* USAGE General. SEE ALSO UNLlNK(BA_aS). LEVEL Levell. Page 94 System V Interface Definition NAME sed - stream editor SYNOPSIS sed [ -n ] [ -e script ] [ -f sfile ] [ files ] DESCRIPTION The command sed copies the named file s (standard input default) to the standard output, edited according to a script of commands. The - f option causes the script to be taken from file sf i Ie; these options accumulate. If there is just one -e option and no -f options, the flag -e may be omitted. The -n option suppresses the default output. A script consists of editing commands, one per line, of the following form: [ address [, address]] function [arguments] In normal operation, sed cyclically copies a line of input into a pattern space (unless there is something left after a D command), applies in sequence all commands whose addresses select that pattern space, and at the end of the script copies the pattern space to the standard output (except under -n) and deletes the pattern space. Some of the commands use a hold space to save all or part of the pattern space for subsequent retrieval. An address is either a decimal number that counts input lines cumulatively across files, a $ that addresses the last line of input, or a context address, i.e., a/regular expression/ in the style of the ed command modified as follows: In a context address, the construction \?regular expression?, where ? is any character, is identical to /regular expression/. Note that in the context address \.xabc\.xdefx, the second x stands for itself, so that the regular expression is abcxdef. The escape sequence \n matches a newline embedded in the pattern space. A period. matches any character except the terminal newline of the pattern space. A command line with no addresses selects every pattern space. A command line with one address selects each pattern space that matches the address. A command line with two addresses selects the inclusive range from the first pattern space that matches the first address through the next pattern space that matches the second. (If the second address is a number less than or equal to the line number first selected, only one line is selected.) Thereafter the process is repeated, looking again for the first address. Editing commands can be applied only to non-selected pattern spaces by use of the negation function! (below). System V Interface Definition Page 95 SED(BU_CMD) In the following list of functions the maximum number of permissible addresses for each function is indicated in parentheses. The argument text consists of one or more lines, all but the last of which end with \ to hide the newline. Backslashes in text are treated like backslashes in the replacement string of an s command, and may be used to protect initial blanks and tabs against the stripping that is done on every script line. The argument r f i 1 e or the argument wf i 1 e must terminate the command line and must be preceded by exactly one blank. Each wfile is created before processing begins. There can be at most 10 distinct wf i 1 e arguments. (1) a\ text Append. Place text on the output before reading the next input line. (2) b label Branch to the: command bearing the label. If label is empty, branch to the end of the script. (2) c\ text (2) H (1) i \ text (2) 1 Change. Delete the pattern space. With 0 or 1 address or at the end of a 2-address range, place text on the output. Start the next cycle. Delete the pattern space. Start the next cycle. Delete the initial segment of the pattern space through the first newline. Start the next cycle. Replace the contents of the pattern space by the contents of the hold space. Append the contents of the hold space to the pattern space. Replace the contents of the hold space by the contents of the pattern space. Append the contents of the pattern space to the hold space. Insert. Place text on the standard output. List the pattern space on the standard output in an unambiguous form. Non-printing characters are spelled in two-digit ASCII and long lines are folded. Copy the pattern space to the standard output. Replace the pattern space with the next line of input. Append the next line of input to the pattern space with an embedded newline. (The current line number changes.) Print. Copy the pattern space to the standard output. Copy the initial segment of the pattern space through the first newline to the standard output. Quit. Branch to the end of the script. Do not start a new cycle. rfile Read the contents of r f i 1 e. Place them on the output before reading the next input line. Page 96 System V Interface Definition U)~regular expression/replacement/flags Substitute the replacement string for instances of the regular expre s s ion in the pattern space. Any character may be used instead of I. For a fuller description see ED(BU_CMD). The value of flags is zero or more of: o n- 1 - 512. Substitute for just the n th occurrence of the regular expression. g Global. Substitute for all nonoverlapping instances of the regular expression rather than just the first one. p Print the pattern space if a replacement was made. w wfile Write. Append the pattern space to wf i 1 e if a replacement was made. (2)t label Test. Branch to the: command bearing the label if any substitutions have been made since the most recent reading of an input line or execution of a t. If label is empty, branch to the end of the script. (2)w wfile Write. Append the pattern space to wfile. (2) x Exchange the contents of the pattern and hold spaces. (2) y/string 1/string2/ Transform. Replace all occurrences of characters in string 1 with the corresponding character in string2. The lengths of string 1 and string2 must be equal. (2)! function Don't. Apply the function (or group, if function is () only to lines not selected by the address (es) . (0) : 1 abe 1 This command does nothing; it bears a 1 abe 1 for band t commands to branch to. (1) Place the current line number on the standard output as a line. (2) { Execute the following commands through a matching } only when the pattern space is selected. (0) An empty command is ignored. (0) # If a # appears as the first character on the first line of a script file, then that entire line is treated as a comment, with one exception. If the character after the # is an 'n', then the default output will be suppressed. The rest of the line after #0 is also ignored. A script file must contain at least one noncomment line. USAGE General. System V Interface Definition Page 97 SED(BU_CMD) SEE ALSO A WK(BU _CMD), ED(BU _CMD), GREP(BU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 98 System V Interface Definition NAME sh, rsh - shell, the standard/restricted command interpreter SYNOPSIS sh [ flags ] [ args ] rsh [ flags ] [ args ] DESCRIPTION The command sh is a command interpreter that executes commands read from a terminal or a file. The command r s h is a restricted version of the standard command interpreter s h; it is used to set up login names and execution environments whose capabilities are more controlled than those of the standard shell. See Invocation below for the meaning of flags and other arguments to the shell. Definitions A blank is a tab or a space. A name is a sequence of letters, digits, or underscores beginning with a letter or underscore. A parameter is a name, a digit, or any of the characters *, @, #, ?, $, and !. Commands A simple-command is a sequence of non-blank words separated by blanks. The first word specifies the name of the command to be executed. Except as specified below, the remaining words are passed as arguments to the invoked command. The command name is passed as argument 0 [see EXEC(BA_OS)]. The value of a simple-command is its exit status if it terminates normally, or (octal) 200+status if it terminates abnormally [see SIGNAL(BA_OS) for a list of status values). A pipeline is a sequence of one or more commands separated by I. The standard output of each command but the last is connected by a "pipe" [see PIPE(BA_OS)] to the standard input of the next command. Each command is run as a separate process; the shell waits for the last command to terminate. The exit status of a pipeline is the exit status of the last command. A list is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by ;, &., &.&., or 1I, and optionally terminated by ; or &.. Of these four symbols, ; and &. have equal precedence, which is lower than that of &.& and 1 I· The symbols &.&. and 1 1 also have equal precedence. The symbol ; causes sequential execution of the preceding pipeline; the symbol &. causes asynchronous execution of the preceding pipeline (i.e., the shell does not wait for that pipeline to finish). The symbol &.&. (I I ) causes the list following it to be executed only if the preceding pipeline returns a zero (non-zero) exit status. An arbitrary number of new lines may appear in a list, instead of semicolons, to delimit commands. A command is either a simple-command or one of the following. Unless otherwise stated, the value returned by a command is that of the System V Interface Definition Page 99 last simple-command executed in the command. for name [in word ... J do list done Each time a for command is executed, name is set to the next word taken from the in word list. If in word ... is omitted, then the f or command executes the do list once for each positional parameter that is set (see Parameter Substitution below). Execution ends when there are no more words in the list. case word in [ pattern [ I pattern] ... ) list ;; ] ... esac A case command executes the list associated with the first pattern that matches word. The form of the patterns is the same as that used for file-name generation (see File Name Generation) except that a slash, a leading dot, or a dot immediately following a slash need not be matched explicitly. if list then list [ elif list then list] ... [ else list] fi The list following if is executed and, if it returns a zero exit status, the list following the first then is executed. Otherwise, the list following eli f is executed and, if its value is zero, the list following the n~xt then is executed. Failing that, the else list is executed. If no else list or then list is executed, then the if command returns a zero exit status. whi 1 e list do list done A while command repeatedly executes the while list and, if the exit status of the last command in the list is zero, executes the do list; otherwise the loop terminates. If no commands in the do list are executed, then the while command returns a zero exit status; un til may be used in place of wh i 1 e to negate the loop termination test. ( list) Execute list in a sub-shell. {list; } list is simply executed. (The semi-colon may be replaced by a newline.) name () {list;} (New in System V Release 2.) Define a function which is referenced by name. The body of the function is the list of commands between {. and } . (The semi-colon may be replaced by a newline.) Execution of functions is described below (see Execution). The following words are only recognized as the first word of a command and when not quoted: if then else elif fi case esac for esac for while until do done { } Comments A word beginning with # causes that word and all the following characters up to a newline to be ignored. Page 100 System V Interface Definition Command Substitution The standard output from a command enclosed in a pair of grave accents (") may be used as part or all of a word; trailing newlines are removed. Parameter Substitution The character $ is used to introduce substitutable parameters. There are two types of parameters, positional and keyword. If the parameter name is a single digit (0 - 9), it is a positional parameter; otherwise, the name must be a legal name as defined above, and gives a keyword parameter. Positional parameters may be assigned values by set. Keyword parameters (also known as variables) may be assigned values by writing: name =value [ name =value ] ... Pattern-matching is not performed on value. There cannot be a function and a variable with the same name. {parameter} The value, if any, of the parameter is substituted. The braces are required only when parameter is followed by a letter, digit, or underscore that is not to be interpreted as part of its name. If parameter is • or @, all the positional parameters, starting with $ 1, are substituted (separated by spaces). Parameter $ 0 is set from argument zero when the shell is invoked. $ {parameter: -word} If parameter is set and is non-null, substitute its value; otherwise substitute word. $ {parameter: =word} If parameter is not set or is null set it to word; the value of the parameter is substituted. Positional parameters may not be assigned to in this way. $ {parameter: ?word} If parameter is set and is non-null, substitute its value; otherwise, print word and exit from the shell. If word is omitted, the message "parameter null or not set" is printed. $ {parameter: +word} If parameter is set and is non-null, substitute word; otherwise substitute nothing. $ In the above, word is not evaluated unless it is to be used as the substituted string, so that, in the following example,. pwd is executed only if d is not set or is null: echo $ {d: -'pwd'} If the colon (:) is omitted from the above expressions, the shell only checks whether parameter is set or not. System V Interface Definition Page 101 SH(BU_CMD) The following parameters are automatically set by the shell: # ? S The number of positional parameters in decimal. Flags supplied to the shell on invocation or by the set command. The decimal value returned by the last synchronously executed command. The process number of this shell. The process number of the last background command invoked. The following parameters are used by the shell: HOME The default argument (home directory) for the cd command. PATH The search path for commands (see Execution below). The user may not change PATH if executing under rsh. CDPATH The search path for the cd command. The syntax and usage is similar to that of PATH. MAIL If this parameter is set to the name of a mail file, then the shell informs the user of the arrival of mail in the specified file. In System V Release 2, the user is informed only if MAIL is set and MAILPATH is not set. MAILCHECK (New in System V Release 2.) This parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the shell will check for the arrival of mail in the files specified by the MAILPATH or MAIL parameters. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). If set to 0, the shell will check before each primary prompt. MAILPATH (New in System V Release 2.) The symbol : separated list of file names. If this parameter is set, the shell informs the user of the arrival of mail in any of the specified files. Each file name can be followed by % and a message that will be printed when the modification time changes. The default message is "you have mail ". PS1 Primary prompt string, by default "$ ". PS2 Secondary prompt string, by default "> ". IFS Internal field separators, normally space, tab, and newline. SHACCT (New in System V Release 2.) If this parameter is set to the name of a file writable by the user, the shell will write Page 102 System V Interface Definition an accounting record in the file for each shell procedure executed. SHELL (New in System V Release 2.) When the shell is invoked, it scans the environment (see Environment below) for this name. If it is found and there is an 'r' in the file name part of its value, the shell becomes a restricted shell. The shell gives default values to PATH, PS 1, PS2, MAILCHECK and IFS. Blank Interpretation After parameter and command substitution, the results of substitution are scanned for internal field separator characters (those found in IFS) and split into distinct arguments where such characters are found. Explicit null arguments (" " or ") are retained. Implicit null arguments (those resulting from parameters that have no values) are removed. File Name Generation Following substitution, each command word is scanned for the characters *, ?, and [. If one of these characters appears the word is regarded as a pattern. The word is replaced with alphabetically sorted file names that match the pattern. If no file name is found that matches the pattern, the word is left unchanged. The character • at the start of a file name or immediately following a /, as well as the character / itself, must be matched explicitly. * Matches any string, including the null string. Matches any single character. [ ••• ] Matches anyone of the enclosed characters. A pair of characters separated by - matches any character lexically between the pair, inclusive. If the first character following the opening "[" is a "I" any character not enclosed is matched. ? Quoting The following characters have a special meaning to the shell and cause termination of a word unless quoted: &. < > newline space tab A character may be quoted (i.e., made to stand for itself) by preceding it with a \. The pair \newline is ignored. All characters enclosed between a pair of single quote marks ("), except a single quote, are quoted. Inside double quote marks (""), parameter and command substitution occurs and \ quotes the characters \, " ", and $. " $ *" is equivalent to "$ 1 $ 2 ••• ", whereas "$@" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" ••• System V Interface Definition Page 103 Prompting When used interactively, the shell prompts with the value of PS 1 before reading a command. If at any time a newline is typed and further input is needed to complete a command, the secondary prompt (i.e., the value of PS2) is issued. Input/Output Before a command is executed, its input and output may be redirected using a special notation. interpreted by the shell. The following may appear anywhere in a simple-command or may precede or follow a command and are not passed on to the invoked command; substitution occurs before word or digit is used: word . > > word < <[ - 1word <&.digit < &. - Use fiie word as standard input (file descriptor 0). Use file word as standard output (file descriptor 1). If the file does not exist it is created; otherwise, it is truncated to zero length . Use file word as standard output. If the file exists output is appended to it (by first seeking to the end-offile); otherwise, the file is created. The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as word. or to an end-of-file. The resulting document becomes the standard input. If any character of word is quoted, no interpretation is placed upon the characters of the document; otherwise, parameter and command substitution occurs, (unescaped) \newline is ignored, and \ must be used to quote the characters \, $, ., and the first character of word. If - is appended to < <, all leading tabs are stripped from word and from the document. Use the file associated with file descriptor digit as standard input. Similarly for the standard output using >&.digit. The standard input is closed. Similarly for the standard output using >&'-. If any of the above is preceded by a digit, the file descriptor which will be associated with the file is that specified by the digit (instead of the default 0 or 1). For example: ••• 2>&'1 associates file descriptor 2 with the file currently associated with file descriptor 1. The order in which redirections are specified is significant. The shell evaluates redirections left-to-right. For example: ••• 1 > xxx 2>&1 Page 104 System V Interface Definition first associates file descriptor 1 with the file xxx. It associates file descriptor 2 with the file associated with file descriptor 1 (i.e., xxx). If the order of redirections were reversed, file descriptor 2 would be associated with the terminal (assuming file descriptor 1 had been) and file descriptor 1 would be associated with file xxx. If a command is followed by &. the default standard input for the com- mand is the empty file /dev/null. Otherwise, the environment for the execution of a command contains the file descriptors of the invoking shell as modified by input/output specifications. Redirection of output is not allowed in the restricted shell. Environment The environment is a list of name-value pairs that is passed to an executed program in the same way as a normal argument list. The shell interacts with the environment in several ways. On invocation, the shell scans the environment and creates a parameter for each name found, giving it the corresponding value. If the user modifies the value of any of these parameters or creates new parameters, none of these affects the environment unless the export command is used to bind the shell's parameter to the environment (see also set -a). A parameter may be removed from the environment with the un set command (new in System V Release 2). The environment seen by any executed command is thus composed of any unmodified name-value pairs originally inherited by the shell, minus any pairs removed by unset, plus any modifications or additions, all of which must be noted in export commands. The environment for any simple-command may be augmented by prefixing it with one or more assignments to parameters. Thus: TERM= 123 cmd (export TERM; TERM=123; cmd) (where cmd uses the value of the environmental variable TERM) are equivalent as far as the execution of cmd is concerned. If the -k flag is set, all keyword arguments are placed in the environment, even if they occur after the command name. The following first prints a=b c and c: echo a=b set -k echo a=b c c Signals The INTERRUPT and QUIT signals for an invoked command are ignored if the command is followed by &.; otherwise signals have the values inherited by the shell from its parent (but see also the trap command below). System V Interface Definition Page 105 Execution Each time a command is executed, the above substitutions are carried out. If the command name matches one of the Special Commands listed below, it is executed in the shell process. If the command name does not match a Special Command, but matches the name of a defined function (functions are new in System V Release 2), the function is executed in the shell process (note how this differs from the execution of shell procedures). The positional parameters $ 1, $ 2, ••• are set to the arguments of the function. If the command name matches neither a Special Command nor the name of a defined function, a new process is created and an attempt is made to execute the command via an exec routine [see EXEC(BA_OS)1. The variable PATH defines the search path for the directory containing the command. Alternative directory names are separated by a colon (:). Note that the current directory is specified by a null path name, which can appear immediately after the equal sign or between the colon delimiters anywhere else in the path list. If the command name contains a / the search path is not used; such commands will not be executed by the restricted shell. Otherwise, each directory in the path is searched for an executable file. If the file has execute permission but is not an executable ("a.out") file, it is assumed to be a file containing shell commands. A sub-shell is spawned to read it. A parenthesized command is also executed in a sub-shell. The following is new in System V Release 2: The location in the search path where a command was found is remembered by the shell (to help avoid unnecessary ex e c calls later). If the command was found in a relative directory, its location must be redetermined whenever the current directory changes. The shell forgets all remembered locations whenever the PATH variable is changed or the hash -r command is executed (see below). Special Commands Except as specified, input/output redirection is not permitted for these commands in System V Release 1. In System V Release 2, such redirection is permitted; file descriptor 1 is the default output location. No effect; the command does nothing. returned . A zero exit code is • file Read and execute commands from file and return. The search path specified by PATH is used to find the directory containing file. break [ n ] Exit from the enclosing for or wh i 1 e loop, if any. If n is specified break n levels. continue [ n ] Resume the next iteration of the enclosing for or wh i 1 e loop. Page 106 System V Interface Definition If n is specified resume at the n-th enclosing loop. cd [ arg ] Change the current directory to argo The variable HOME is the default argo The variable CDPATH defines the search path for the directory containing argo Alternative directory names are separated by a colon (:). The default path is null (specifying the current directory). Note that the current directory is specified by a null path name, which can appear immediately after the equal sign or between the colon delimiters anywhere else in the path list. If arg begins with a / the search path is not used. Otherwise, each directory in the path is searched for argo The cd command may not be executed by r sh. echo [ arg ... ] (Not a Special Command in System V Release 1.) Echo arguments. 'See ECHO(BU_CMD) for usage and description. eval [ arg ... ] The arguments are read as input to the shell and the resulting command(s) executed. exec [ arg ... ] The command specified by the arguments is executed in place of this shell without creating a new process. Input/output arguments may appear and, if no other arguments are given, cause the shell input/output to be modified. exi t [ n ] Causes a shell to exit with the exit status specified by n. If n is omitted the exit status is that of the last command executed (an end-of-file will also cause the shell to exit.) export [ name ... ] The given names are marked for automatic export to the environment of subsequently-executed commands. If no arguments are given, a list of all names that are exported in this shell is printed. Function names may not be exported. hash [ - r ] [ name ... ] (New in System V Release 2.) For each name, the location in the search path of the command specified by name is determined and remembered by the shell. The - r option causes the shell to forget all remembered locations. If no arguments are given, information about remembered commands is presented. pwd (Not a Special Command in System V Release 1.) Print the current working directory. See PWD(BU_CMD) for usage and description. read [ name ... ] One line is read from the standard input and the first word is assigned to the first name, the second word to the second name, etc., with leftover words assigned to the last name. Only the characters in the variable IFS are recognized as delimiters. The System V Interface Definition Page 107 return code is 0 unless an end-of-file is encountered. readonly [ name ... ] The given names are marked readonly and the values of the these names may not be changed by subsequent assignment. If no arguments are given, a list of all readonly names is printed. return [ n ] (New in System V Release 2.) Causes a function to exit with the return value specified by n. If n is omitted, the return status is that of the last command executed. set [ --aefhkntuvx [ arg ... ] ] -a -e -f -h - k -n -t -u -v -x (New in System V Release 2.) Mark variables which are modified or created for export. Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero exit status. (New in System V Release 2.) Disable file name generation (New in System V Release 2.) Locate and remember function commands as functions are defined (function commands are normally located when the function is executed). All keyword arguments are placed in the environment for a command, not just those that precede the command name. Read commands but do not execute them. Exit after reading and executing one command. Treat unset variables as an error when substituting. Print shell input lines as they are read. Print commands and their arguments as they are executed. Do not change any of the flags; useful in setting $ 1 to -. Using + rather than - causes these flags to be turned off. These flags can also be used upon invocation of the shell. The current set of flags may be found in $-. The remaining arguments are positional parameters and are assigned, in order, to $ 1 , $ 2, •••. If no arguments are given the values of all names are printed. shift [ n ] The positional parameters from $n + 1 ... are renamed $ 1 .... If n is not given, it is assumed to be 1. test Evaluate conditional expressions. See TEST(BU _CMD) for usage and description. times Print the accumulated user and system times for processes run from the shell. Page 108 System V Interface Definition t rap [ arg ] [ n ] ... The command arg is to be read and executed when the shell receives signat(s) n. (Note that arg is scanned once when the trap is set and once when the trap is taken,) Trap commands are executed in order of signal number. Any attempt to set a trap on a signal that was ignored on entry to the current shell is ineffective. If arg is absent all trap(s) n are reset to their original values. If arg is the null string this signal is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. If n is 0 the command arg is executed on exit from the shell. The trap command with no arguments prints a list of commands associated with each signal number. type [ name ... ] (New in System V Release 2.) For each name, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as a command name. ul imi t [ - f n ] If the - f n option is used, then a size limit of n blocks is imposed on files written by the shell and its child processes (files of any size may be read). If n is omitted, the current limit is printed. If no option is given, "-f" is assumed. umask [ nnn ] The user file-creation mask is set to nnn [see UMASK(BA_OS)1. If nnn is omitted, the current value of the mask is printed. unset [ name ... ] (New in System V Release 2,) For each name, remove the corresponding variable or function. The variables PATH, PS 1, PS2, MAILCHECK and IFS cannot be unset. wait[n] Wait for the specified process and report its termination status. If n is not given all currently active child processes are waited for and the return code is zero. Invocation If the shell is invoked through an exee routine [see EXEC{BA_OS)] and the first character of argument zero is -, commands are initially read from fete/profile and from $HOME/. profile, if such files exist. Thereafter, commands are read as described below. The flags below are interpreted by the shell on invocation only; note that unless the -e or -s flag is specified, the first argument is assumed to be the name of a file containing commands, and the remaining arguments are passed as positional parameters to that command file: -e string If the -e flag is present commands are read from string. -s If the -s flag is present or if no arguments remain commands are read from the standard input. Any remaining arguments specify the positional parameters. Shell output (except for Special Commands) is written to file descriptor 2. System V Interface Definition Page 109 -i -r If the -i flag is present or if the shell input and output are attached to a terminal, this shell is interactive. In this case TERMINATE is ignored (so that ki 11 0 does not kill an interactive shell) and INTERRUPT is caught and ignored (so that wa i t is interruptible). In all cases, QUIT is ignored by the shell. If the -r flag is present the shell is a restricted shell. The remaining flags and arguments are described under the set command above. Rsh Only rsh is used to set up login names and execution environments whose capabilities are more controlled than those of the standard shell. The actions of r share identical to those of s h, except that the following are disallowed: changing directory [see CD(BU_CMD»), setting the value of PATH, specifying path or command names containing / , redirecting output (> and > ». The restrictions above are enforced after . prof i 1 e is interpreted. When a command to be executed is found to be a shell procedure, r s h invokes s h to execute it. Thus, it is possible to provide to the end-user shell procedures that have access to the full power of the standard shell, while imposing a limited menu of commands; this scheme assumes that the end-user does not have write and execute permissions in the same directory. The net effect of these rules is that the writer of the • profile has complete control over user actions, by performing guaranteed setup actions and leaving the user in an appropriate directory (probably not the login directory). EXIT STATUS Errors detected by the shell, such as syntax errors, cause the shell to return a non-zero exit status. If the shell is being used non-interactively execution of the shell file is abandoned. Otherwise, the shell returns the exit status of the last command executed (see also the ex i t command above>. FILES fete/profile $HOME/.profile /dev/null USAGE General. (Not for System V Release 1.) If a command is executed, and a command with the same name is installed in a directory in the search path before the Page 110 System V Interface Definition directory where the original command was found the shell will continue to exec the original command. Use the hash command to correct this situation. t (Not for System V Release 1.) If the current directory or the one above it is moved pwd may not give the correct response. Use the cd command with a full path name to correct this situation. t SEE ALSO CD(BU _CMD)t ECHO(BU _CMD)t PWD(BU _CMD)t TEST(BU _CMD)t UMASK(BU _CMD)t DUP(BA_OS)t EXEC(BA_OS)t FORK(BA_OS)t PIPE(BA_OS)t SIGNAL(BA_OS)t SYSTEM(BA_OS)t ULlMIT(BA_OS)t UMASK(BA_OS)t WAIT(BA_OS). LEVEL Lev~l 1. System V Interface Definition Page 111 SLEEP(BU _CMD) NAME sleep - suspend execution for an interval SYNOPSIS sleep time DESCRIPTION The command sleep suspends execution for time seconds. It is used to execute a command after a certain amount of time, as in: (sleep 105; command)& or to execute a command every so often, as in: while true do command sleep 37 done USAGE General. SEE ALSO ALARM(BA_OS), SLEEP(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 112 System V Interface Definition SORT(BU_CMD) NAME sort - sort and/or merge files SYNOPSIS sort [-emu] [-dfinr] [-btx] [-ooutput] [-ykmem] [+pos1 [-pos2]] [files] [-zrecsz] DESCRIPTION The command so r t sorts lines of all the named files together and writes the result on the standard output. The standard input is read if - is used as a file name or no input files are named. Comparisons are based on one or more sort keys extracted from each line of input. By default, there is one sort key, the entire input line, and ordering is lexi-:ographic by bytes in machine collating sequence. The following options alter the default behavior: -c Check that the input file is sorted according to the ordering rules; give no output unless the file is out of sort. -m Merge only, the input files are already sorted. -u Unique: suppress all but one in each set of lines having equal keys. -oou tpu t The argument given is the name of an output file to use instead of the standard output. This file may be the same as one of the inputs. There may be optional blanks between - 0 and output. -ykmem The amount of main memory used by the sort has a large impact on its performance. Sorting a small file in a large amount of memory is a waste. If this option is omitted, sort begins using a system default memory size, and continues to use more space as needed. If this option is presented with a value, kmem, sort will start using that number of kilobytes of memory, unless the administrative minimum or maximum is violated, in which case the corresponding extremum will be used. Thus, -yO is guaranteed to start with minimum memory. By convention, -y (with no argument) starts with maximum memory. - zr ecs z The size of the longest line read is recorded in the sort phase so buffers can be allocated during the merge phase. If the sort phase is omitted via the -c or -m options, a popular system default size will be used. Lines longer than the buffer size will cause sort to terminate abnormally. Supplying the actual number of bytes in the longest line to be merged (or some larger value) will prevent abnormal termination. The following options override the default ordering rules. System V Interface Definition Page 113 -d "Dictionary" order: only letters, digits and blanks (spaces and tabs) are significant in comparisons. -f Fold lower case letters into upper case. -i Ignore characters outside the ASCII range 040-0176 in non-numeric comparisons. -n An initial numeric string, consisting of optional blanks, optional minus sign, and zero or more digits with optional decimal point, is sorted by arithmetic value. The -n option implies the - b option (see below). Note that the -b option is only effective when restricted sort key specifications are in effect. -r Reverse the sense of comparisons. When ordering options appear before restricted sort key specifications, the requested ordering rules are applied globally to all sort keys. When attached to a specific sort key (described below), the specified ordering options override all global ordering options for that key. The notation +pos 1 -pos2 restricts a sort key to one beginning at po s 1 and ending at po s 2 . The characters at positions po s 1 and po s 2 are included in the sort key (provided that po s 2 does not precede po s 1 ). A missing - po s 2 means the end of the line. Specifying po s 1 and po s 2 involves the notion of a field, a minimal sequence of characters followed by a field separator or a newline. By default, the first blank (space or tab) of a sequence of blanks acts as the field separator. All blanks in a sequence of blanks are considered to be part of the next field; for example, all blanks at the beginning of a line are considered to be part of the first field. The treatment of field separators can be altered using the options: -tx Use x as the field separator character; x is not considered to be part of a field (although it may be included in a sort key). Each occurrence of x is significant (e.g., xx delimits an empty field). -b Ignore leading blanks when determining the starting and ending positions of a restricted sort key. If the -b option is specified before the first +pos 1 argument, it will be applied to all +pos 1 arguments. Otherwise, the b flag may be attached independently to each +pos 1 or - po s 2 argument (see below). The arguments pos 1 and pos2 each have the form m.n optionally followed by one or more of the flags bdfinr. A starting position specified by +m.n is interpreted to mean the n+ 1 st character in the m+ 1 st field. A missing .n means .0, indicating the first character of the m+ 1 st field. If the b flag is in effect n is counted from the first non-blank in the m + 1 s t field; +m. 0 b refers to the first non-blank character in the m+ 1 s t field. A last position specified by -m.n is interpreted to mean the nth character (including separators) after the last character of the mth field. A missing Page 114 System V Interface Definition SORT(BU_CMD) .n means .0, indicating the last character of the rnth field. If the b flag is in effect n is counted from the last leading blank in the rn+ 1 st field; -rn.1b refers to the first non-blank in the rn+ 1 st field. When there are mUltiple sort keys, later keys are compared only after all earlier keys compare equal. Lines that otherwise compare equal are ordered with all bytes significant. EXAMPLES Sort the contents of inf i 1 e with the second field as the sort key: sort +1 -2 infile Sort, in reverse order, the contents of in f i 1 e 1 and in f i 1 e 2, placing the output in ou t f i 1 e and using the first character of the second field as the sort key: sort -r -0 outfile +1.0 -1.2 infile1 infile2 Sort, in reverse order, the contents of in f i 1 e 1 and in f i 1 e 2 using the first non-blank character of the second field as the sort key: sort -r +1.0b -1.1b infile1 infile2 Print the password file sorted by the numeric user ID (the third colonseparated field): sort -t: +2n -3 /etc/passwd Print the lines of the already sorted file in f i 1 e, suppressing all but the first occurrence of lines having the same third field (the options -um with just one input file make the choice of a unique representative from a set of equal lines predictable): sort -urn +2 -3 infile ERRORS Sort comments and exits with non-zero status for various trouble conditions (e.g., when input lines are too long), and for disorder discovered under the -c option. When the last line of an input file is missing a newline character, sort appends one, prints a warning message, and continues. USAGE General. SEE ALSO COMM(BU _CMD), JOIN(AU _CMD), UNIQ(BU _CMD). LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 115 SPELL(BU _CMD) NAME spell - find spelling errors SYNOPSIS spell [ files ] -v -b -x +loca1 file DESCRIPTION The command s p ell collects words from the named f i 1 e s and looks them up in a spelling list. Words that neither occur among nor are derivable (by applying certain inflections, prefixes, and/or suffixes) from words in the spelling list are printed on the standard output. If no f i 1 e s are named, words are collected from the standard input. Under the -v option, all words not literally in the spelling list are printed, and plausible derivations from the words in the spelling list are indicated. Under the -b option, British spelling is checked. Besides preferring centre, colour, programme, speciality, travelled, etc., this option insists upon -ise in words like standardise. Under the -x option, every plausible stem is printed with .. for each word. Under the +loca1 file option, words found in local file are removed from s p elI' s output. The argument 10 cal _ t"i 1 e is the name of a user-provided file that contains a sorted list of words, one per line. With this option, the user can specify a set of words that are correct spellings (in addition to s p ell' s own spelling list) for each job. USAGE End-user. FUTURE DIRECTIONS In order to the command syntax standard, the + 1 0 cal _ f i 1 e option will be changed to the form - flo cal _ f i 1 e. The old form will continue to be accepted for some time. LEVEL Levell. Page 116 System V Interface Definition SPLlT(BU _CMD) NAME split - split a file into pieces SYNOPSIS split [ -n ] [ file name ] ] DESCRIPTION The command s p 1 i treads f i 1 e and writes it in n -1 in e pieces (default 1000 lines) onto a set of output files. The name of the first output file is name with aa appended, and so on lexicographically, up to zz (a maximum of 676 files). The argument name cannot be longer than {NAME_MAX}-2 characters. If no output name is given, x is default. If no input file is given, or if - is given in its stead, then the standard input file is used. USAGE General. SEE ALSO CSPLlT(AU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 117 SUM(BU_CMD) NAME sum - print checksum and block count of a file SYNOPSIS sum [ -r ] file DESCRIPTION The command sum calculates and prints a checksum for the named file, and also prints the space used by the file, in 512-byte units. The option - r causes an alternate algorithm to be used in computing the checksum. The algorithms used are uniform across all System V implementations, so that the same checksum is obtained for the same file, independent of the hardware and implementation. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 118 System V Interface Definition NAME tail - deliver the last part of a file SYNOPSIS tail [ ±[number][lbc[f] ] ] [ file] DESCRIPTION The command ta i 1 copies the named file to the standard output beginning at a designated place. If no file is named, the standard input is used. Copying begins at distance +number from the beginning, or -number from the end of the input (if number is null, the value 10 is assumed). The arguments numb e r is counted in units of lines, blocks, or characters, according to the appended option 1, b, or c. When no units are specified, counting is by lines. With the - f {"follow"} option, if the input file is not a pipe, the program will not terminate after the line of the input file has been copied, but will enter an endless loop: it sleeps for a second and then attempts to read and copy further records from the input file. Thus it may be used to monitor the growth of a file that is being written by some other process. For example, the command: tail -f fred will print the last ten lines of the file f red, followed by any lines that are appended to fred between the time tai 1 is initiated and killed. As another example, the command: tail -15cf fred will print the last 15 characters of the file f red, followed by any lines that are appended to fred between the time tail is initiated and killed. USAGE General. Tails relative to the end of the file are saved in a buffer, and thus are limited in length. Various kinds of anomalous behavior may happen with character special files. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 119 NAME tee - join pipes and make copies of input SYNOPSIS tee [ - i ] [ -a ] [ f i 1 e ] ... DESCRIPTION The command tee transcribes the standard input to the standard output and makes copies in the f i 1 e s. The - i option ignores interrupts; the -a option causes the output to be appended to the f i 1 e s rather than overwriting them. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 120 System V Interface Definition NAME test - condition evaluation command SYNOPSIS test expr [ expr ] DESCRIPTION The command test evaluates the expression expr and, if its value is true, returns a zero (true) exit status; otherwise, a non-zero (false) exit status is returned; t est also returns a non-zero exit status if there are no arguments. The following primitives are used to construct expr: -r file true if f i 1 e exists and is readable. -w file true if f i 1 e exists and is writable. -x file true if f i 1 e exists and is executable. -f f i 1 e true if f i 1 e exists and is a regular file. -d f i 1 e true if f i 1 e exists and is a directory. -c f i 1 e true if f i 1 e exists and is a character special file. - b f i 1e true if f i 1 e exists and is a block special file. -p f i 1 e true if f i 1 e exists and is a named pipe (fifo). -u f i 1 e true if f i 1 e exists and its set-user-ID bit is set. -g file true if file exists and its set-group-ID bit is set. -s f i 1 e true if f i 1 e exists and has a size greater than zero. -dfildes] true if the open file whose file descriptor number is fildes (t by default) is associated with a terminal device. - z s1 true if the length of string s 1 is zero. -0 51 true if the length of the string 51 is non-zero. s 1 == 52 true if strings 5 1 and 52 are identical. 51!- s2 true if strings s 1 and 52 are not identical. 51 true if 51 is not the null string. n 1 -eq n 2 true if the integers n 1 and n 2 are algebraically equal. Any of the comparisons -ne, -gt, -ge, -It, and -Ie may be used in place of -eq. These primaries may be combined with the following operators: unary negation operator. -a binary and operator. System V Interface Definition Page 121 TEST(BU_CMD) -0 binary or operator (-a has higher precedence than -0). ( expr ) parentheses for grouping. Notice that all the operators and flags are separate arguments to test. Notice also that parentheses are meaningful to sh and, therefore, must be escaped. In the second form of the command (i.e., the one that uses [), rather than the word t est) , the square brackets must be delimited by blanks. USAGE General. SEE ALSO FIND(BU _CMD), SH{BU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 122 System V Interface Definition TOUCH(BU _CMD) NAME touch - update access and modification times of a file SYNOPSIS touch [ -amc ] [ mmddhhmm[yy] ] file DESCRIPTION The command touch causes the access and modification times of each f i 1 e to be updated. The f i 1 e is created if it does not exist. If no time is specified the current time is used. The -a and -m options cause touch to update only the access or modification times respectively (default is -am). The -c option silently prevents touch from creating the f i 1 e if it did not previously exist. The return code from touch is the number of files for which the times could not be successfully modified (including files that did not exist and were not created). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 123 NAME tr - translate characters SYNOPSIS tr [ -cds ] [ string1 [ string2 ] ] DESCRIPTION The command t r copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. Input characters found in string 1 are mapped into the corresponding characters of string2. Any combination of the options -cds may be used: -c Complements the set of characters in string 1 with respect to the universe of characters whose ASCII codes are 001 through 377 octal. -d Deletes all input characters in string 1 • -s Squeezes all strings of repeated output characters that are in s t r i n g 2 to single characters. The following abbreviation conventions may be used to introduce ranges of characters or repeated characters into the strings: [ a-z] Stands for the string of characters whose ASCII codes run from character a to character z, inclusive. [ a*nl Stands for n repetitions of a. If the first digit of n is 0, n is considered octal; otherwise, n is taken to be decimal. A zero or missing n is taken to be huge; this facility is useful for padding string2. The escape character \ may be used to remove special meaning from any character in a string. In addition, \ followed by 1, 2, or 3 octal digits stands for the character whose AsaI code is given by those digits. The following example creates a list of all the words in f i 1 e 1 one per line in f i 1 e 2, where a word is taken to be a maximal string of alphabetics. The strings are quoted to protect the special characters from interpretation by the command interpreter; 012 is the ASCII code for newline. tr -cs "[A-Z][a-z]" "[\012*]" cfile1 >file2 USAGE General. The command tr does not handle ASCII NUL in string2; it always deletes NUL from input. string 1 or LEVEL Levell. Page 124 System V Interface Definition NAME true, false - provide truth values SYNOPSIS true false DESCRIPTION The command true does nothing, and returns exit code zero. The command fa 1 s e does nothing, and returns a non-zero exit code. They are typically used to construct command procedures. For example, while true do command done USAGE General. SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 125 UMASK(BU _CMD) NAME umask - set file-creation mode mask SYNOPSIS umask [ 000 ] DESCRIPTION The user file-creation mode mask is set to 000. The three octal digits refer to read/write/execute permissions for owner, group, and others, respectively [see CHMOD(BU_CMD)]. The value of each specified digit is subtracted from the corresponding "digit" specified by the system for the creation of a file. For example, umask 022 removes group and others write permission (files normally created with mode 777 become mode 755; files created with mode 666 become mode 644). If 000 is omitted, the current value of the mask is printed. USAGE General. SEE ALSO CHMOD(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 126 System V Interface Definition NAME uname - print name of current system SYNOPSIS uname [ -snrvma ] DESCRIPTION The command uname prints the current system name on the standard output file. The options cause selected information returned by UNAME(BA_OS) to be printed: -s print the system name (default). This is a name by which the system is known in the local installation. -n print the nodename. The nodename may be a name by which the system is known to a communications network. -r print the operating system release. -v print the operating system version. -m print the machine hardware name. -a print all the above information. USAGE General. SEE ALSO UNAME(BA_0S). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 127 NAME uniq - report repeated lines in a file SYNOPSIS uniq [ -udo [ +n ] [ -n ] ] [ input [ output ] ] DESCRIPTION The command uniq reads the input file comparing adjacent lines. In the normal case, the second and succeeding copies of repeated lines are removed; the remainder is written on the output file. The arguments i npu t and ou tpu t should always be different. Note that repeated lines must be adjacent in order to be found [see SORT(BU_CMD)1. If the -u flag is used, just the lines that are not repeated in the original file are output. The -d option specifies that one copy of just the repeated lines is to be written. The normal mode output is the union of the -u and -d mode outputs. The - 0 option supersedes -u and -d and generates an output report in default style but with each line preceded by a count of the number of times it occurred. The n arguments specify skipping an initial portion of each line in the comparison: - n The first n fields together with any blanks before each are ignored. A field is defined as a string of non-space, non-tab characters separated by tabs and spaces from its neighbors. +n The first n characters are ignored. Fields are skipped before characters. USAGE General. SEE ALSO COMM(BU _CMD), SORT(BU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 128 System V Interface Definition WAIT(BU_CMD) NAME wait - await completion of process SYNOPSIS wait [ pid ] DESCRIPTION With no argument, wa i t waits until all processes started with &. have completed, and reports on abnormal terminations. If a numeric argument pid is given, and is the process id of a background process, then wa i t waits until that process has completed. Otherwise, if pi d is not a background process, wa i t waits until all background processes have completed. USAGE General. SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD), WAIT(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 129 WC(BU_CMD) NAME wc - word count SYNOPSIS we [ -1 we [ files ] DESCRIPTION The command we counts lines, words, and characters in the named files, or in the standard input if no f i 1 e s appear. It also keeps a total count for all named files. A word is defined as a maximal string of characters delimited by spaces, tabs, or new lines. The options 1, w, and e may be used in any combination to specify that a subset of lines, words, and characters are to be reported. The default is -lwe. When f i 1 e s are specified on the command line, their names will be printed along with the counts. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 130 System V Interface Definition Part III Advanced Utilities Extension Definition Chapter 5 Introduction S.l OVERVIEW The Advanced Utilities Extension is intended to be the next expansion step after the Basic Utilities Extension. The System V Base System and Basic Utilities Extension are prerequisites for this Extension. S.2 DESCRIPTION UTILITIES at + batch + cancel chgrp chown cron crontab + csplit cu dd dircmp + ** egrep ** ex + fgrep ** id join logname lp lpstat mail x + mesg newgrp news od passwd shl + stty su tabs tar tty uucp uulog uuname uupick uustat uuto uux vi + wall who write New in System V Release 2. Level 2: December 1, 1985. System V Interface Definition Page 133 Chapter 6 Commands and Utilities System V Interface Definition Page 135 NAME at, batch - execute commands at a later time SYNOPSIS at time [ date ] [ + increment at -r job ... at -1 [ job ] ... batch DESCRIPTION The commands at and batch read commands from standard input to be executed at a later time. The command a t allows you to specify when the commands should be executed, while jobs queued with batch will execute when system load level permits. The option - r removes jobs previously scheduled with at. The -1 option reports all jobs scheduled for the invoking user. Standard output and standard error output are mailed to the user unless they are redirected elsewhere. The environment variables, current directory, umask, and ulimit are retained when the commands are executed. Open file descriptors, traps, and priority are lost. Users are permitted to use at if their name appears in the file /usr/1ib/cron/at. allow. If that file does not exist, the file /usr/1ib/cron/at. deny is checked to determine if the user should be denied access to a t. If neither file exists, only root is allowed to submit a job. If only at. deny exists and is empty, global usage is permitted. The allow/deny files consist of one user name per line. The time may be specified as 1,2, or 4 digits. One and two digit numbers are taken to be hours, four digits to be hours and minutes. The time may alternately be specified as two numbers separated by a colon, meaning hour:minute. A suffix am or pm may be appended; otherwise a 24-hour clock time is understood. The suffix zulu may be used to indicate GMT. The special names noon, midnight, now, and next are also recognized. An optional date may be specified as either a month name followed by a day number (and possibly year number preceded by a comma) or a day of the week (fully spelled or abbreviated to three characters). Two special "days", today and tomorrow are recognized. If no date is given, today is assumed if the given hour is greater than the current hour and tomorrow is assumed if it is less. If the given month is less than the current month (and no year is given), next year is assumed. The optional increment is simply a number suffixed by one of the following: minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. (The singular form is also accepted.) Thus legitimate commands include: Page l36 System V Interface Definition at at at at 0815am Jan 24 8:15am Jan 24 now + 1 day 5 pm Friday The commands at and batch write the job number and schedule time to standard error. The command batch submits a batch job. It is almost equivalent to "at now", but not quite. For one, it goes into a different queue. For another, "at now" does not work: it is too late (and results in an error message). The option -r removes jobs previously scheduled by at or batch. The job number is the number reported at invocation by at or batch. Job numbers can also be obtained by using the -1 option. Only the super-user is allowed to remove another user's jobs. EXAMPLES The at and batch commands read from standard input the commands to be executed at a later time. It may be useful to redirect standard output within the specified commands. This sequence can be used at a terminal: batch spell filename >outfi1e EOT This sequence, which demonstrates redirecting standard error to a pipe, is useful in a command procedure (the sequence of output redirection specifications is significant): batch «I spell filename 2>&1 >outfi1e I mail loginid To have a job reschedule itself, a t can be invoked from within the procedure. FILES /usr/1ib/cron/at. allow - list of allowed users /usr/1ib/cron/at. deny - list of denied users USAGE General. SEE ALSO CRON(AU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. New in System V Release 2. System V Interface Definition Page 137 CHOWN(AU _CMD) NAME chown, chgrp - change owner or group SYNOPSIS chown owner file chgrp group file DESCRIPTION The command c hown changes the owner of the f i 1 e s to own e r. The owner may be either a decimal user ID or a login name found in the password file. The command chgrp changes the group ID of the f i 1 e s to group. The group may be either a decimal group ID or a group name found in the group file. If either command is invoked by other than the super-user, the set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits of the file mode will be cleared. FILES /etc/passwd /etc/group USAGE General. SEE ALSO CHMOD(BU _CMD), CHOWN(BA _OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 138 System V Interface Definition CRON(AU_CMD) NAME cron - clock daemon SYNOPSIS /ete/eren DESCRIPTION The command eren executes commands at specified dates and times. Regularly scheduled commands can be specified according to instructions found in crontab files; users can submit their own crontab file via the crentab command. Commands which are to be executed only once may be submitted via the a t command. A history of all actions taken by cron are recorded in a system log file. USAGE Administra tor. Since eren never exits, it should only be executed once. This is best done by running it from the initialization process. SEE ALSO AT(AU_CMD), CRONTAB(AU_CMD), SH(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 139 CRONTAB(AU _CMD) NAME crontab - user crontab file SYNOPSIS crontab [file] crontab -r crontab -1 DESCRIPTION The command cron tab copies the specified file, or standard input if no file is specified, into a directory that holds all users' crontabs. The - r option removes a user's crontab from the crontab directory. The option -1 will list the crontab file f the invoking user. Users are permitted to use crontab if their names appear in the file lusr/1ib/cron/cron.a11ow. If that file does not exist, the file lusr/1ib/cron/cron. deny is checked to determine if the user should be denied access to crontab. If neither file exists, only root is allowed to submit a job. If only cron. deny exists and is empty, global usage is permitted. The allow/deny files consist of one user name per line. A crontab file consists of lines of six fields each. The fields are separated by spaces or tabs. The first five are integer patterns that specify the following: minute (0-59), hour (0-23), day of the month (I -31), month of the year (1-12), day of the week (0-6 with O-Sunday). Each of these patterns may be either an asterisk (meaning all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number or two numbers separated by a minus sign (meaning an inclusive range). Note that the specification of days may be made by two fields (day of the month and day of the week). If both are specified as a list of elements, each one is effective independent of the other. For example, 0 0 1,15 • 1 would run a command on the first and fifteenth of each month, as well as on every Monday. To specify days by only one field, the other field should be set to • (for example, 0 0 • • 1 would run a command only on Mondays). The sixth field of a line in a crontab file is a string that is executed by the command interpreter at the specified times. A percent character in this field (unless escaped by \) is translated to a newline character. Only the first line (up to a % or end of line) of the command field is executed by the command interpreter. The other lines are made available to the command as standard input. The command cron supplies a default environment, defining the environmental variables HOME, LOGNAME, and PATH. NOTE: If standard output and standard error are not redirected, any generated output or errors will be mailed to the user. Page 140 System V Interface Definition CRONTAB(AU _CMD) FILES lusr/1ib/cron/cron. allow list of allowed users lusr 11 ibl cronl cron. deny list of denied users USAGE General. The new crontab file for a user overwrites an existing one. SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD), CRON(AU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. New in System V Release 2. System V Interface Definition Page 141 CSPLlT(AU _CMD) NAME csplit - context split SYNOPSIS csplit [-s] [-k] [-fprefix] file arg1 [ ••. argn] DESCRIPTION The command csplit reads file and separates it into n+l sections, argn. By default the sections are defined by the arguments arg 1... placed in xxOO ... xxnn (nn may not be greater than 99). These sections get the following pieces of f i Ie: 00: 01: From the start of f i I e up to (but not including) the line referenced by arg 1. From the line referenced by arg 1 up to the line referenced by arg2. n+ 1: From the line referenced by a r gn to the end of f i Ie. If the f i I e argument is a - then standard input is used. The options to c s p lit are: - s c s p lit normally prints the character counts for each file created. If the -s option is present, cspli t suppresses the printing of all character counts. -k c spl it normally removes created files if an error occurs. If the - k option is present, c s p lit leaves previously created files intact. -fprefix If the -f option is used, the created files are named pr efixOO ... prefixn. The default is xxOO ... xxn. The arguments (arg1 ... the following: Irexpl argn) to csplit can be a combination of A file is to be created for the section from the current line up to (but not including) the line containing the regular expression rexp. (Regular expressions as in ED(BU_CMD) are accepted.) The current line becomes the line containing rexp. This argument may be followed by an optional + or - some number of lines (e.g., /Page/-S). %rexp% This argument is the same as Irexp/, except that no file is created for the section. I ine no A file is to be created from the current line up to (but not including) the line number line _ no. The current line becomes line no. Page 142 System V Interface Definition {num} Repeat argument. This argument may follow any of the above arguments. If it follows a rexp type argument, that argument is applied n um more times. If it follows lnno, the file will be split every lnno lines (num times) from that point. Enclose all rexp type arguments that contain blanks or other characters meaningful to the shell in the appropriate quotes. Regular expressions may not contain embedded newlines. The command c s p 1 i t does not affect the original file; it is the user's responsibility to remove it. EXAMPLES This example creates four files, cobolOO ... cobolOS: cs~lit -fcobol file /parS./ /par16./ '/procedure division/' After editing the split files, they can be recombined as follows: cat cobolO[0-3] > file Note that this example overwrites the original file. This example would split the file at every 100 lines, up to 10,000 lines: csplit -k file 100 {99} The -k option causes the created files to be retained if there are less than 10,000 lines; however, an error message would still be printed. csplit -k prog.c '%main('" '/"}/+1' {20} Assuming that prog. c follows the normal C coding convention of ending routines with a } at the beginning of the line, this example will create a file containing each separate C routine (up to 21) in prog. c. ERRORS An error is reported if an argument does not reference a line between the current position and the end of the file. USAGE General. SEE ALSO ED(BU_CMD), SH(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 143 NAME cu - call another system SYNOPSIS cu -e] [-s speed] [-1 [-n] te 1no cu [-s speed] cu [ - h ] [-d] 1 ine] [ -h ] [-t] [-d] [ -0 [-h] [-d] [-0 : -e] -1 line [-0 : -e] systemname DESCRIPTION The command cu calls up another system, which will usually be a System V system, but may be a terminal, or a non-System V system. It manages an interactive conversation, with possible transfers of ASCII files. The third form above, using systemname, is new in System V Release 2. The command cu accepts the following options and arguments: -s speed Specifies the transmission speed. The default value is "Any" speed which will depend on the order of the lines in the system devices file. -11 in e Specifies a device name to use as the communication line. This can be used to override the search that would otherwise take place for the first available line having the right speed. When the -1 option is used without the - s option, the speed of a line is taken from the devices file. When the -1 and - s options are both used together, c u will search the devices file to check if the requested speed for the requested line is available. If so, the connection will be made at the requested speed; otherwise, an error message will be printed and the call will not be made. If the specified device is associated with an auto dialer, a telephone number must be provided. Use of this option with systemname rather than te1no is not allowed (see systemname below). -h Emulates local echo, supporting calls to other computer systems which expect terminals to be set to half-duplex mode. -t Used to dial an ASCII terminal which has been set to auto answer. Appropriate mapping of carriage-return to carriagereturn-line-feed pairs is set. -d Causes diagnostic traces to be printed. -0 Designates that odd parity is to be generated for data sent to the remote system. -e Designates that even parity is to be generated for data sent to the remote system. Page 144 System V Interface Definition -n (New in System V Release 2.) For added security, will prompt the user to provide the telephone number to be dialed rather than taking it from the command line. te1no When using an automatic dialer, the argument is the telephone number with equal signs for secondary dial tone or minus signs placed appropriately for delays of 4 seconds. systemname A uucp system name may be used rather than a telephone number; in this case, cu will obtain an appropriate direct line or telephone number from a system file. Note: the systemname option should not be used in conjunction with the -1 and -s options as cu will connect to the first available line for the system name specified ignoring the requested line and speed. After making the connection, cu runs as two processes: the transmit process reads data from the standard input and, except for lines beginning with -, passes it to the remote system; the receive process accepts data from the remote system and, except for lines beginning with -,passes it to the standard output. Normally, an automatic DC3/DCl protocol is used to control input from the remote so the buffer is not overrun. Lines beginning with - have special meanings. The transmit process interprets the following user initiated commands: terminate the conversation. - I escape to an interactive command interpreter on the local system. -lcmd. execute cmd on the local system -$cmd. run cmd locally and send its output to the remote system for execution. -%cd change the directory on the local system. (N ew in System V Release 2.) -%take from [to] copy file from (on the remote system) to file to on the local system. If to is omitted, the from argument is used in both places. - %pu t from [to] copy file from (on local system) to file to on remote system. If to is omitted, the from argument is used in both places. --line send the line -1 ine to the remote system. -%break transmit a BREAK to the remote system (which can also be specified as - %b). -%nostop toggles between DC3/DCl input control protocol and no input control. This is useful in case the remote System V Interface Definition Page 145 system is one which does not respond properly to the DC3 and DC 1 characters. The receive process normally copies data from the remote system to its standard output. The use of -%put requires STTY(AU_CMD) and CAT(BU_CMD) on the remote side. It also requires that the current erase and kill characters on the remote system be identical to these current control characters on the local system. Backslashes are inserted at appropriate places. The use of - %take requires the existence of echo and caton the remote system. Also, tabs mode [see STTY(AU_CMD)] should be set on the remote system if tabs are to be copied without expansion to spaces. When cu is used on system X to connect to system Y and subsequently used on system Y to connect to system Z, commands on system Y can be executed by using --. For example, uname can be executed on Z, X, and Y as follows (the response is given in brackets): uname [ Z ] - [X] 1uname [ X ] - - [ Y] 1uname [ Y ] In general, - causes the command to be executed on the original machine; -causes the command to be executed on the next machine in the chain. EXAMPLES To dial a system whose telephone number is 9 1 201 555 1212 using 1200 baud (where dial tone is expected after the 9): cu -s 1200 9=12015551212 If the speed is not specified, "Any" is the default value. To log in to a system connected by a direct line: cu -1 /dev/ttyXX or cu -1 ttyXX To dial a system with the specific line and a specific speed: cu -s 1200 -1 ttyXX To dial a system using a specific line associated with an auto dialer: cu -1 cu1XX 9=12015551212 To use a system name: cu systemname ERRORS Exit code is 0 for normal exit, otherwise, -1. Page 146 System V Interface Definition USAGE End-user. SEE ALSO CAT(BU _CMD), ECHO(BU _CMD), STTY(AU _CMD), UNAME(BU _CMD), UUCP(AU _CMD). LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 147 NAME dd - convert and copy a file SYNOPSIS dd [option=value] ... DESCRIPTION The command dd copies the specified input file to the specified output with possible conversions. The standard input and output are used by default. The input and output block size may be specified to take advantage of raw physical 110. Option if=file of=file ibs=n obs=n bs=n cbs=n skip=n seek=n count=n conv=ascii ebcdic ibm lcase ucase swab noerror sync Values input file name; standard input is default output file name; standard output is default input block size n bytes (default 512) output block size (default 512) set both input and output block size, superseding i b s and obs; also, if no conversion is specified, it is particularly efficient since no in-core copy need be done conversion buffer size skip n" input blocks before starting copy seek n blocks from beginning of output file before copying copy only n" input blocks convert EBCDIC to ASCII convert ASCII to EBCDIC slightly different map of ASCII to EBCDIC map alphabetics to lower case map alphabetics to upper case swap every pair of bytes do not stop processing on an error pad every input block to ibs several comma-separated conversions Where sizes are specified, a number of bytes is expected. A number may end with k, b, or w to specify multiplication by 1024, 512, or 2, respectively; a pair of numbers may be separated by x to indicate a product. The option cbs is used only if as c i i or e b cd i c conversion is specified. In the former case cbs characters are placed into the conversion buffer, converted to ASCII, and trailing blanks trimmed and newline added before sending the line to the output. In the latter case ASCII characters are read into the conversion buffer, converted to EBCDIC, and blanks added to make up an output block of size cbs. After completion, dd reports the number of whole and partial input and output blocks. EXAMPLE This command will read an EBCDIC tape blocked ten 80-byte EBCDIC card images per block into the ASCII file x: Page 148 System V Interface Definition dd if=/dev/rmt/Om of=x ibs=800 cbs=80 conv=ascii,lcase Note the use of raw magtape. The command dd is especially suited to 110 on the raw physical devices because it allows reading and writing in arbitrary block sizes. USAGE General. New-lines are inserted only on conversion to ASCII; padding is done only on conversion to EBCDIC. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 149 DIRCMP(AU _CMD) NAME dircmp - directory comparison SYNOPSIS dircmp [ -d ] [ -s ] dir1 dir2 DESCRIPTION The command dircmp examines dir 1 and dir2 and generates various tabulated information about the contents of the directories. Listings of files that are unique to each directory are generated for all the options. If no option is specified, a list is output indicating whether the file names common to both directories have the same contents. -d Compare the contents of files with the same name in both directories and output a list telling what must be changed in the two files to bring them into agreement. The list format is described in DIFF(BU_CMD). -s Suppress messages about identical files. USAGE General. SEE ALSO CMP(BU _CMD), DIFF(BU _CMD). LEVEL Level 1. Page 150 System V Interface Definition NAME egrep, fgrep - search a file for a pattern SYNOPSIS egrep options expression ] [ files fgrep options strings ] [ files DESCRIPTION The egrep and fgrep commands search the input files (standard input default) for lines matching a pattern. Normally, each line found is copied to the standard output. The patterns used by egrep are full regular expressions; fgrep patterns are fixed strings. The following options are recognized: -v -x -c -i -1 -n -e -f All lines but those matching are printed. (Exact) only lines matched in their entirety are printed (fgrep only). Only a count of matching lines is printed. Ignore upper/lower case distinction during comparisons. Only the names of files with matching lines are listed (once), separated by newlines. Each line is preceded by its relative line number in the file. expression (egrep only.) Same as a simple expression argument, but useful when the expression begins with a file The regular expression (egrep) or strings list (fgrep) is taken from the f i 1 e. In all cases, the file name is output if there is more than one input file. Care should be taken when using characters in expression that may also be meaningful to the command interpreter. It is safest to enclose the entire expression argument in single quotes ' ... '. fgrep searches for lines that contain one of the strings separated by newlines. egrep accepts regular expressions as in \ ) , with the addition of: 1. 2. 3. 4. ED(BU_CMD), except for \ ( and A regular expression followed by + matches one or more occurrences of the regular expression. A regular expression followed by? matches 0 or 1 occurrences of the regular expression. Two regular expressions separated by I or by a newline match strings that are matched by either. A regular expression may be enclosed in parentheses () for grouping. The order of precedence of operators is II, then .? +, then concatenation, then I and newline. System V Interface Definition Page 151 ERRORS Exit status is 0 if any matches are found, 1 if none, 2 for syntax errors or inaccessible files (even if matches were found). USAGE General. Lines are limited to BUFSIZ characters; longer lines are truncated. (BUFSIZ is defined in /usr/include/stdio.h.) FUTURE DIRECTIONS The functionality of egrep and fgrep will eventually be provided in GREP(BU _CMD), and these two commands discontinued. SEE ALSO ED(BU _CMD), GREP(BU _CMD), SED(BU _CMD). LEVEL Level 2: December 1, 1985. Page 152 System V Interface Definition NAME ex - text editor SYNOPSIS ex [ [ file ] [ -v ] [ -r ] [ -R ] [ +command ] [ -1 ] DESCRIPTION The command ex is a line oriented text editor, which supports both command and display editing [see VI(AU_CMD)1. The command line options are: Suppress all interactive-user feedback. processing editor scripts. This is useful in -v Invokes vi -r Recover the named files after an editor or system crash. If no files are named a list of all saved files will be printed. -R Readonly mode set, prevents accidentally overwriting the file. +command Begin editing by executing the specified editor search or positioning command. -1 LISP mode; indents appropriately for lisp code; the () {} [ [and ]] commands in vi are modified to have mean- ing for lisp. The f i 1 e argument (s) indicates files to be edited, in the order specified. The name of the file being edited by ex is the current file. The text of the file is read into a buffer, and all editing changes are performed in this buffer; changes have no effect on the file until the buffer is written out explicitly. The alternate file name is the name of the last file mentioned in an editor command, or the previous current file name if the last file mentioned became the current file. The character '%' in filenames is replaced by the current file name, and the character '#' by the alternate file name. Th~ named buffers a through z may be used for saving blocks of text during the edit. If the buffer name is specified in upper case, the buffer is appended to rather than being overwritten. The read-only mode can be cleared from within the edit by setting the noreadon1y edit option (see Edit Options below). Writing to a different file is allowed in read-only mode; in addition, the write can be forced by using '!' (see the wr i t e command below). When an error occurs e x sends the BEL character to the terminal (to sound the bell) and prints a message. If an interrupt signal is received, ex returns to the command level in addition to the above actions. If the editor input is from a file, ex exits at the interrrupt. (The bell action may be disabled by System V Interface Definition Page 153 the use of an edit option, see below.) If the system crashes, ex attempts to preserve the buffer if any unwrtten changes were made. The command line option -r is used to retrieve the saved changes. At the beginning, ex is in the command mode, which is indicated by the ':' prompt. The input mode is entered by append, insert, or change commands; it is left (and command mode re-entered) by typing a period '.' alone at the beginning of a line. Command lines beginning with the double quote character "" are ignored. (this may used for comments in an editor script.) Addressing Dot '.' refers to the current line. There is always a current line; the positioning may be the result of an explicit movement by the user, or the result of a command that affected multiple lines (in which case it is usually the last line affected). n The nth line in the buffer, with lines numbered sequentially from 1. $ The last line in the buffer. % Abbreviation for "1,$", the entire buffer. +n -n An offset relative to the current line. (The forms '.+3', '+3', and '+++' are equivalent.) /pat/ ?pat? 'x Line containing the pattern (regular expression) pat, scanning forward (! /) or backward (??). The trailing / or ? may be omitted if the line is only to be printed. If the pattern is omitted, the previous pattern specified is used. Lines may be marked using single lower case letters (see the mark command below); 'x refers to line marked x. In addition, the previous current line is marked before each non-relative motion; this line may be referred to by using' for x. Addresses to commands consist of a series of line addresses (specified as above), separated by ',' or ';'. Such address lists are evaluated left-toright. When ';' is the separator, the current line is set to the value of the previous address before the next address is interpreted. If more addresses are given than the command requires, then all but the last one or two are ignored. Where a command requires two addresses, the first line must precede the second one in the buffer. A null address in a Page 154 System V Interface Definition EX(AU_CMD) list defaults to the current line. Command names and abbreviations abbrev append args change copy delete edit file global insert join list map mark move ab a ar c co d e f gv kma m next number preserve print put quit read recover rewind set shell source substitute unabbrev undo n #nu pre p pu q re re rew se sh so s una u unmap version visual write xit yank (window) (escape) (lshift) (rshift) (resubst) (scroll) (Hne no) uom ve vi w x ya z ! < > & AD s Command descriptions In the following, 1 ine is a single line address, given in any of the forms described in the Addressing section above; range is a pair of line addresses, separated by a comma or semicolon (see the Addressing section for the difference between the two); count is a positive integer, specifying the number of lines to be affected by the command; flags is one or more of the characters '#', 'p', and '1'; the corresponding command to print the line is executed after the command completes. Any number of '+' or '-' characters may also be given with these flags. When count is used, range is not effective; only a line number should be specified instead, to indicate the first line affected by the command. (If a range is given, then the last line of the range is taken as the starting line for the command.) These modifiers are all optional; the defaults are as follows, unless otherwise stated: the default for 1 ine is the current line; the default for range is the current line only (.,.); the default for count is 1; the default for f lags is null. When only a line or a range is specified (with a null command), the implied command is pr in t; if a null line is entered, the next line is printed (equivalent to ' . + 1 p') ab word rhs Add the named abbreviation to the current list. In visual mode, if word is typed as a complete word during input, it is replaced by the string rhs. line a Enters input mode; the input text is placed after the specified line. System V Interface Definition Page 155 EX(AU_CMD) If line 0 is specified, the text is placed at the beginning of the buffer. The last input line becomes the current line, or the target line, if no lines are input. ar The argument list is printed, with the current argument inside '[' and 'J'. range c count Enters input mode; the input text replaces the specified lines. The last input line becomes the current line; if no lines are input, the effect is the same as a delete. range co line flags A copy of the specified lines (range) is placed after the specified destination line; line 0 specifes that the lines are to be placed at the beginning of the buffer. range d buffer count The specified lines are deleted from the buffer. If a named buffer is specified, the deleted text is saved in it. The line after the deleted lines becomes the current line, or the last line if the deleted lines were at the end. e +line file Begin editing a new file. If the current buffer has been modified since the last write, then a warning is printed and the command is aborted. This action may be overridden by appending the character '!' to the command (" e l f i 1 e"). The current line is the last line of the buffer; however, if this command is executed from within visual, the current line is the first line of the buffer. If the + 1 in e option is specified, the current line is set to the specified position, where line may be a number (or $) or specified as "/pat" or "?pat". f Prints the current file name and other information, including the number of lines and the current position. range g /pat/ cmds First marks the lines within the given range that match the given pattern. Then the given command(s) are executed with '.' set to each marked line. Cmds may be specified on multiple lines by hiding newlines with a backslash. If cmds are omitted, each line is printed. Append, change, and insert commands are omitted; the Visual terminating dot may be omitted if it ends cmds. commands are also permitted, and take input from the terminal. The global command itself, and the undo command are not allowed in cmds. The edit options autoprint, Page 156 System V Interface Definition EX(AU_CMD) auto indent and report are inhibited. range v /pat/ cmds This is the same as the global command, except that cmds is run on the lines that do not match the pattern. line i Enters input mode; the input text is placed before the specified line. The last line input becomes the current line, or the line before the target line, if no lines were input. range j count flags Joins the text from the specified lines together into one line. White space is adjusted to provide at least one blank character, to if there was a period at the end of the line, or none if the first following character is a ')'. Extra white space at the start of a line is discarded. Appending the command with a '!' causes a simpler join with no white space processing. range 1 count flags Prints the specified lines with tabs printed as '''I' and the end of each line marked with a trailing '$'. (The only useful flag is '#', for line numbers.) The last line printed becomes the current line. map x rhs The rna p command is used to define macros for use in vis ua 1 mode. The first argument is a single character, or the sequence '#n', where n is a digit, to refer to the function key n. When this character or function key is typed in vis u a 1 mode, the action is as if the corresponding rhs had been typed. If '!' is appended to the command map, then the mapping is effective during insert mode rather than command mode. Special characters, white space, and newline must be escaped with a control-V to be entered in the arguments. line rna x (The letter k is an alternative abbreviation for the mark command.) The specified line is given the specified mark x, which must be a single lower case letter. (The x must be preceded by a space or tab.) The current line position is not affected. range m line Moves the specified lines (range) to be after the target line. The first of the moved lines becomes the current line. n The next file from the command line argument list is edited. Appending a '!' to the command overrides the warning about the buffer having been modifed since the last write (discarding any changes). The argument list may be replaced by specifying a new System V Interface Definition Page 157 one on this command line. range nu count flags (The character '#' is an alternative abbreviation for the number command,) Prints the lines, each preceded by its line number. (The only useful flag is 'I',) The last line printed becomes the current line. pre The current editor buffer is saved as though the system had just crashed. This command is for use in emergencies, for example when a write does not work, and the buffer cannot be saved in any other way. range p count Prints the specified lines, with non-printing characters printed as control characters in the form '''x'; DEL is represented as '''?'. The last line printed becomes the current line. line pu buffer Puts back deleted or "yanked" lines. A buffer may be specified; otherwise, the text in the unnamed buffer {where delted or yanked text is placed by default} is restored. q Causes termination of the edit. If the buffer has been modified since the last write, a warning is printed and the command fails. This warning may be overridden by appending a '!' to the command {discarding changes}. line r file Places a copy of the specified file in the buffer after the target line {which may be line 0 to place text at the beginning}. If no f i 1 e is named the current file is the default. If there is no current file then f i 1 e becomes the current file. The last line read becomes the current line; in visual the first line read becomes the current line. If file is given as "!string" then string is taken to be a system command, and passed to the command interpreter; the resultant output is read in to the buffer. A blank or tab must precede the '!'. ree file Recovers f i 1 e from the save area, after an accidental hangup or a system crash. rew The argument list is rewound, and the first file in the list is edited. Any warnings may be overridden by appending a'!'. Page 158 System V Interface Definition EX(AU_CMD) se parameter With no arguments, the set command prints those options whose values have been changed from the default settings; with the parameter a 11 it prints all of the option values. Giving an option name followed by a '1' causes the current value of that option to be printed. Th~ '1' is necessary only for Boolean valued options. Boolean options are given values by the form 'se option' to turn them on, or 'se nooption' to turn them off; string and numeric options are assigned by the form 'se option-value'. More than one parameter may be given; they are interpreted left to right. See Edit Options below for further details about options. sh The user is put into the command interpreter [usually s h; see SH(BU_CMD)]; editing is resumed on exit. so file Reads and executes commands from the specified file. Such so commands may be nested. range s Ipat/repll options count flags On each specified line, the first instance of the pattern pat is replaced by the string repl. (See Regular Expressions and Replacement Strings below.) If options includes the letter 'g' (global), then all instances of the pattern in the line are substituted. If the option letter 'c' (confirm) is included, then before each substitution the line is typed with the pattern to be replaced marked with ,A, characters; a response of 'y' causes the substitution to be done, while any other input aborts it. The last line substituted becomes the current line. una word Delete word from the list of abbreviations. u Reverses the changes made by the previous editing command. For this purpose, global and visual are considered single commands. Commands which affect the external environment, such as wri te, edit and next, cannot be undone. An undo can itself be reversed. unm x The macro definition for x is removed. ve Prints the current version of the editor. line vi type count Enters visual mode at the specified line. The type is optional, System V Interface Definition Page 159 EX(AU_CMD) and may be '.' or '.', as in the z command, to specify the position of the specified line on the screen window. (The default is to place the line at the top of the screen window.) A count specifies an initial window size; the default is the value of the edit option window. The command Q exits visual mode. [For more infor· mation, see VI(AU_CMD)] range w file Writes the specified lines (the whole buffer, if no range is given) out to f i 1 e, printing the number of lines and characters written. If f i 1 e is not specified, the default is the current file. (The command fails with an error message if there is no current file and no file is specified.) If an alternate file is specified, and the file exists, then the write will fail; it may be forced by appending a '!' to the command. An existing file may be appended to by appending '> >' to the com· mand. If the file does not exist, an error is reported. If the file is specified as '!string', then string is taken as a system command; the command interpreter is invoked, and the specified lines are passed as standard input to the command. The command wq is equivalent to a w followed by a q; wq I is equivalent to w I followed by q. x Writes out the buffer if any changes have been made, and then On any case) quits. range ya buffer count Places the specified lines in the named buffer. If no buffer is specified, the unnamed buffer is used (where the most recently deleted or yanked text is placed by default). line z type count If type is omitted, then count lines following the specified line (default current line) are printed. The default for count is the value of the edit option window. If type is specified, it must be '.' or '.'; a '.' causes the line to be placed at the bottom of the screen, while a '.' causes the line to be placed in the middle. The last line printed becomes the current line. command The remainder of the line after the '!' is passed to the system com· mand interpreter for execution. A warning is issued if the buffer has been changed since the last write. A single '!' is printed when the command completes. The current line position is not affected. Page 160 System V Interface Definition Within the text of command '%' and '#' are expanded as filenames, and '!' is replaced with the text of the previous 'I' command. (Thus 'I!' repeats the previous '!' command.) If any such expansion is done, the expanded line will be echoed. rangel command In this form of the 'I' command, the specified lines (there is no default; see previous paragraph) are passed to the command interpreter as standard input; the resulting output replaces the specified lines. range < count Shift the specified lines to the left; the number of spaces to be shifted is determined by the edit option s h if t wid t h. Only white space (blanks and tabsHs lost in shifting; other characters are not affected. The last line changed becomes the current line. range > count Shift the specified lines to the right, by inserting white space (see previous paragraph for further details). range & options count flags Repeats the previous substitute command, as if '&' were replaced by the previous 's/pat/rep1/'. (The same effect is obtained by omitting the '/pat/rep1/' string in the substitute command.) "0 (control-D) Control-D (ASCII EOT) prints the next n lines, where n is the value of the edit option s c rolL line = Prints the line number of the specified line (default last line). The current line position is not affected. Regular Expressions Regular expressions are interpreted according to the setting of the edit option magic; the following assumes the setting magic. The differences caused by the setting nomagic are described below. The following constructs are used to construct regular expressions: char An ordinary character matches itself. The following characters are not ordinary, and must be escaped (preceded by '\') to have their ordinary meaning: '''' at the beginning of a pattern; '$' at the end of a pattern; ,*, anywhere other than the beginning of a pattern; '.', '\', '[', and' " anywhere in a pattern. When at the beginning of a pattern, matches the beginning of the line. System V Interface Definition Page 161 $ When at the end of a pattern, matches the end of the line. matches any single character in the line. \< Matches the beginning of a "word". That is, the matched string must begin in a letter, digit, or underline, and be preceded by the beginning of the line or a character other than the above. \> Matches the end of a "word" (see previous paragraph). [string] Matches any single character in string. Within.string, the following have special meanings: a pair of characters separated by '-' defines a range (e.g., '[a-z]' defines any lower case letter); the character '''', if it is the first one in string, causes the construct to match characters other than those specified in s t r in g. These special meaning can be removed by escaping the characters. * Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding regular expression. Matches the replacement part of the last substi tute command. \C.\) A regular expression may be enclosed in escaped parentheses; this serves only to identify them for substitution actions. A concatenation of two regular expressions is a regular expression that matches the concatenation of the strings matched by each component. When nomagic is set, the only characters with special meanings are ,", at the beginning of a pattern, '$' at the end of a pattern, and '\'. The characters '.', '*', or', and" lose their special meanings, unless escaped by a '\'. Replacement Strings The character '&' ('\&' if nomagic is set) in the replacement string stands for the text matched by the pattern to be replaced. The character ,-, ('\ -, if noma 9 i c is set) is replaced by the replacement part of the previous substitute command. The sequence '\n', where n is an integer, is replaced by the text matched by the pattern enclosed in the nth set of parentheses '\ (' and '\)'. The sequence '\ u' ('\ 1 ') causes the immediately following character in the replacement to be converted to upper-case (lower-case), if this character is a letter. The sequence '\U' ('\L') turns such conversion on, until the sequence '\E' or '\e' is encountered, or the end of the replacement string is reached. Edit Options The command ex has a number of options that modify its behavior. These options have default settings, which may be changed using the set command (see above). Options may also be set at startup by Page 162 System V Interface Definition EX(AU_CMD) putting a set command string in the environmental variable EXINIT, or in the file • exrc in the HOME directory, or in • exrc in the current directory. Options are Boolean unless otherwise specified. autoindent, ai If autoindent is set, each line in insert mode is indented (using blanks and tabs) to align with the previous line. (Starting indentation is determined by the line appended after, or the line inserted before, or the first line changed,) Additional indentation can be provided as usual; succeeding lines will automatically be indented to the new alignment. Reducing the indent is achieved by typing control-D one or more times; the cursor is moved back shiftwidth spaces for each control-D. (A ,A, followed by a control-D removes all indentation temporarily for the current line; a '0' followed by a control-D removes all indentation.) autoprint, ap The current line is printed after each command that changes buffer text. (Autoprint is suppressed in globals,) autowrite, aw The buffer is written (to the current file) if it has been modified, and a next, rewind, or I command is given. beautify, bf Causes all control characters other than tab, newline and formfeed to be discarded from the input text. directory, dir The value of this option specifies the directory in which the editor buffer is to be placed. If this directory is not writeable by the user, the editor quits. edcompatible, ed Causes the presence of g and c suffixes on substitute commands to be remembered, and toggled by repeating the suffixes. ignorecase, ic All upper case characters in the text are mapped to lower case in regular expression matching. Also, all upper case characters in regular expressions are mapped to lower case, except in character class specifications. lisp Autoindent mode, and the {} [[ in vi sual are suitable modified for lisp code. ]] commands list All printed lines will be displayed with tabs shown as 'AI', and the end of line marked by a '$'. System V Interface Definition Page 163 magic Changes interpretation of characters in regular expressions and substitution replacement strings (see the relevant sections above). number, nu Causes lines to be printed with line numbers. paragraphs, para The value of this option is a string, in which successive pairs of characters specify the names of text-processing macros which begin paragraphs. (A macro appears in the text in the form , • XX', where the '.' is the first character in the line.) prompt When set, command mode input is prompted for with a ':'; when unset, no prompt is displayed. redraw The editor simulates an intelligent terminal on a dumb terminal. (Since this is likely to require a large amount of output to the terminal, it is useful only at high transmission speeds'> remap If set, then macro translation allows for macros defined in terms of other macros; translation continues until the final product is obtained. If unset, then a one-step translation only is done. report The value of this option gives the number of lines that must be changed by a command before a report is generated on the number of lines affected. scroll The value of this option determines the number of lines scrolled on a control-D, and the number of lines displayed by the z command (twice the value of scroll). sections The value of this option is a string, in which successive pairs of characters specify the names of text-processing macros which begin sections. (See paragraphs option above.) shiftwidth, sw The value of this option gives the width of a software tab stop, used during auto indent, and by the shift commands. showmatch, sm In vi sua 1 mode, when a ) or } is typed, the matching ( or { is shown if it is still on the screen. slowopen, slow In visual mode, prevents screen updates during input to improve throughput on unintelligent terminals. Page 164 System V Interface Definition tabstop, ts The value of this options specifies the software tab stops to be used by the editor to expand tabs in the input file. terse When set, error messages are shorter. window The number of lines in a text window in vi sual mode. wrapscan, ws When set, searches (using 'II' or '11') wrap around the end of the file; when unset, searches stop at the beginning or the end of the file, as appropriate. wrapmargin, wm In visual mode, if the value of this option is greater than zero (say n), then a newline is automatically added to an input line, at a word boundary, so that lines end at least n spaces from the right margin of the terminal screen. writeany, wa Inhibits the checks otherwise made before write commands, allowing a write to any file (provided the system allows it). FILES lusr/lib/terminfo/*l* terminfo terminal capability database $HOME/.exrc editor initialization file .I.exrc editor initialization file USAGE End-user. The undo command causes all marks to be lost on lines that were changed and then restored. The z command prints a number of logical rather than physical lines. More than a screen-ful of output may result if long lines are present. Null characters are discarded in input files and cannot appear in resultant files. SEE ALSO VI (AU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 165 ID(AU_CMD) NAME id - print user and group IDs and names SYNOPSIS id DESCRIPTION The command i d writes a message on the standard output giving the user and group IDs and the corresponding names of the invoking process. If the effective and real IDs do not match, both are printed. USAGE General. SEE ALSO LOGNAME(AU _CMD), GETUID(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 166 System V Interface Definition JOIN(AU _CMD) NAME join - join two files on identical-valued field SYNOPSIS join [ options ] file1 file2 DESCRIPTION The command j 0 i n performs an "equality join" on the files f i 1 e 1 and f i 1 e 2. If f i 1 e 1 is -, the standard input is used in its place. A field must be specified for each file as the -"join field", on which the files are compared. There is one line in the output for each pair of lines in f i 1 e 1 and f i 1 e 2 that have identical join fields. The output line normally consists of the common field, then the rest of the line from f i 1 e 1, then the rest of the line from f i 1 e 2. This format can be changed by using the - 0 option (see below). The files f i 1 e 1 and f i 1 e 2 must be sorted in increasing ASCII collating sequence on the fields on which they are to be joined, normally the first in each line. The default input field separators are blank, tab, or newline. In this case, multiple separators count as one field separator, and leading separators are ignored. The default output field separator is a blank. Some of the options below use the argument n. This argument should be a 1 or a 2 referring to either f i 1 e 1 or f i 1 e 2, respectively. The following options are recognized: -an In addition to the normal output, produce a line for each unpairable line in file n, where n is 1 or 2. -es Replace empty output fields by string s. -jnm Join on the mth field of file n. If n is missing, use the mth field in each file. Fields are numbered starting with 1. -01 i s t Each output line comprises the fields specified in 1 i s t, each element of which has the form n. m,1 where n is a file number and m is a field number. The common field is not printed unless specifically requested. -to Use character 0 as a separator, for both input and output. Every appearance of 0 in a line is significant. USAGE General. Filenames that are numeric may cause conflict when the - 0 option is used right before listing filenames. SEE ALSO AWK(BU _CMD), COMM(BU _CMD), SORT(BU _CMD), UNIQ(BU_CMD). System V Interface Definition Page 167 JOIN(AU _CMD) LEVEL Levell. Page 168 System V Interface Definition LOGNAME(AU_CMD) NAME logname - get login name SYNOPSIS logname DESCRIPTION The command logname returns the user's login name. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 169 LP(AU_CMD) NAME lp, cancel - send!cancel requests to an LP line printer SYNOPSIS lp [-c] [-ddest] [-m] [-tti tIe] [-w] files cancel [ids] [-nnumber] [-ooption] [-s] [printers] DESCRIPTION The command lp arranges for the named files and associated information (collectively called a request) to be printed by a line printer. If no file names are mentioned, the standard input is assumed. The file name stands for the standard input and may be supplied on the command line in conjunction with named files. The order in which files appear is the same order in which they will be printed. lp associates a unique ID with each request and prints it on the standard output. This ID can be used later to cancel (see cancel) or find the status [see LPSTAT(AU_CMD)] of the request. The following options to lp may appear in any order and may be intermixed with file names: -c Make copies of the f i I e s to be printed immediately when I p is invoked. Normally, f i I e s will not be copied, but will be linked whenever possible. If the -c option is not given, then the user should be careful not to remove any of the f i I e s before the request has been printed in its entirety. It should also be noted that in the absence of the -c option, any changes made to the named f i Ie s after the request is made but before it is printed will be reflected in the printed output. -ddest Choose de s t as the printer or class of printers that is to do the printing. If des t is a printer, then the request will be printed only on that specific printer. If de s t is a class of printers, then the request will be printed on the first available printer that is a member of the class. Under certain conditions (printer unavailability, file space limitation, etc,), requests for specific destinations may not be accepted [see LPSTAT(AU_CMD)1. By default, dest is taken from the environmental variable LPDEST (if it is set). Otherwise, a default destination (if one exists) for the computer system is used. Destination names vary between systems [see LPSTAT(AU_CMD)1. -m Send mail [see MAIL(BU_CMD)] after the files have been printed. By default, no mail is sent upon normal completion of the print request. Page 170 System V Interface Definition LP(AU_CMD) -nnumber Print number copies (default of 1) of the output. -ooption Specify printer-dependent or class-dependent options. Several such options may be collected by specifying the - 0 key letter more than once. -s Suppress messages from lp such as "request id is ... ". -ttitle Print t i t 1 e on the banner page of the output. -w Write a message on the user's terminal after the f i 1 e s have been printed. If the user is not logged in, then mail will be sent instead. The command cancel cancels line printer requests that were made by the lp command. The command line arguments may be either request ids (as returned by lp) or printer names [for a complete list, use LPSTAT(AU_CMD).] Specifying a request id cancels the associated request even if it is currently printing. Specifying a printer cancels the request which is currently printing on that printer. In either case, the cancellation of a request that is currently printing frees the printer to print its next available request. USAGE General. SEE ALSO LPSTAT(AU _CMD), MAIL(BU_CMD), LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 171 NAME lpstat - print LP status information SYNOPSIS Ips tat [options] DESCRIPTION The command Ipstat prints information about the current status of the LP line printer system. If no options are given, then Ips tat prints the status of all requests made to LP(AU_CMD) by the user. Any arguments that are not options are assumed to be request ids as returned by Ip [see LP(AU_CMD)]. The command Ips tat prints the status of such requests. The options may appear in any order and may be repeated and intermixed with other arguments. Some of the key letters below may be followed by an optional 1 i s t that can be in one of two forms: a list of items separated from one another by a comma, or a list of items enclosed in double quotes and separated from one another by a comma and/or one or more spaces. For example: -u "user 1, user2, user3" The omission of a l i s t following such keyletters causes all information relevant to the keyletter to be printed, for example: lpstat -0 prints the status of all output requests. -a[ 1 i s t] Print acceptance status of destinations for output requests. 1 i s t is a list of intermixed printer names and class names. -cl 1 i s t] Print class names and their members. 1 i s t is a list of class names. -d Print the system default destination for output requests. -o[ 1 i s t] Print the status of output requests. 1 i s t is a list of intermixed printer names, class names, and request ids. -p[ 1 i s t] Print the status of printers. 1 i s t is a list of printer names. -r Print the status of the LP request scheduler -s Print a status summary, including the status of the line printer scheduler, the system default destination, a list of class names and their members, and a list of printers and their associated devices. -t Print all status information. -u[ 1 i s t] Print status of output requests for users. login names. 1 i s t is a list of -v[ 1 i s t] Print the names of printers and the path names of the devices associated with them. 1 i s t is a list of printer names. Page 172 System V Interface Definition LPSTAT(AU _CMD) USAGE General. SEE ALSO LP(AU_CMD}. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 173 MAILX(AU_CMD) NAME mailx - interactive message processing system SYNOPSIS maiIx [options] [name ..• ] DESCRIPTION The command ma i Ix provides a comfortable, flexible environment for sending and receiving messages electronically. When reading mail, ma i 1 x provides commands to facilitate saving, deleting, and responding to messages. When sending mail, mai Ix allows editing, reviewing and other modification of the message as it is entered. Incoming mail is stored in a standard file for each user, called the system mailbox for that user. When maiIx is called to read messages, the mailbox is the default place to find them. As messages are read, they are marked to be moved to a secondary file for storage, unless specific action is taken, so that the messages need not be seen again. This secondary file is called the mbox and is normally located in the user's HOME directory (see MBOX, in ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below for a description of this file). Messages remain in this file until specifically removed. On the command line, options start with a dash (-) and any other arguments are taken to be destinations (recipients). If no recipients are specified, ma i 1 x will attempt to read messages from the mailbox. Command line options are: Test for presence of mail. The command maiIx prints nothing and exits with a successful return code if there is mail to read. -e -f [filenamel - F Read messages from filename instead of mailbox. If no filename is specified, the mbox is used. Record the message in a file named after the first recipient. Overrides the "record" variable, if set (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) . -hnumber The number of network "hops" made so far. This is provided for network software to avoid infinite delivery loops. -H Print header summary only. -i Ignore interrupts. See also "ignore" (ENVIRONMENT VARI- ABLES). -n Do not initialize from the system default M file. -N Do not print initial header summary. -raddress Pass address to network delivery software. All tilde commands are disabled. Page 174 System V Interface Definition -ssubject Set the Subject header field to subject. -uuser Read user's mailbox. This is only effective if user's mailbox is not read protected. When reading mail, ma i Ix is in command mode. A header summary of the first several messages is displayed, followed by a prompt indicating maiIx can accept regular commands (see COMMANDS below). When sending mail, ma i Ix is in input mode. If no subject is specified on the command line, a prompt for the subject is printed. As the message is typed, ma i I x will read the message and store it in a temporary file. Commands may be entered by beginning a line with the tilde (-) escape character followed by a single command letter and optional arguments. See TILDE ESCAPES for a summary of these commands. At any time, the behavior of ma i Ix is governed by a set of environmental variables. These are flags and valued parameters which are set and cleared via the set and unset commands. See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below for a summary of these parameters. Regular commands are of the form [ command] [ msgIist] [ arguments] If no command is specified in command mode, print is assumed. In input mode, commands are recognized by the escape character, and lines not treated as commands are taken as input for the message. Each message is assigned a sequential number, and there is at any time the notion of a 'current' message, marked by a '>' in the header summary. Many commands take an optional list of messages (msglist) to operate on, which defaults to the current message. A msglist is a list of message specifications separated by spaces, which may include: n $ * n-m user /string :c d n o r u Message number n. The current message. The first undeleted message. The last message. All messages. An inclusive range of message numbers. All messages from user. All messages with string in the subject line (case ignored). All messages of type c, where c is one of: deleted messages new messages old messages read messages unread messages Note that the context of the command determines whether this type of message specification makes sense. System V Interface Definition Page 175 MAILX(AU _CMD) Other arguments are usually arbitrary strings whose usage depends on the command involved. File names, where expected, can be specified with metacharacters understood by the command interpreter. Special characters are recognized by certain commands and are documented with the commands below. At start-up time, ma i Ix reads commands from a system-wide file to initialfile ize certain parameters, then from a private start-up ($HOME/ • mailrc) for personalized variables. Most regular commands are legal inside start-up files, the most common use being to set up initial display options and alias lists. The following commands are not legal in the I, Copy, edit, followup, Followup, hold, start-up file: mail, preserve, reply, Reply, shell, and visual. Any errors in the start-up file cause the remaining lines in the file to be ignored. COMMANDS The following is a complete list of ma i I x commands: I command Escape to the command interpreter. See "SHELL" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) . # comment Null command (comment). This may be useful in .mailrc files. Print the current message number. ? Prints a summary of commands. a lias alias name ... group alias name ... Declare an alias for the given names. The names will be substituted when alias is used as a recipient. Useful in the .maUrc file. alternates name ... Declares a list of alternate names for the user's login. When responding to a message, these names are removed from the list of recipients for the response. With no arguments, alternates prints the current list of alternate names. See also "allnet" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). cd [directory] c hdir [directory] Change directory. If directory is not specified, $HOME is used. copy [filename] copy [msglist] filename Copy messages to the file without marking the messages as saved. Otherwise equivalent to the save command. Page 176 System V Interface Definition MAILX(AU _CMD) Copy [msglist] Save the specified messages in a file whose name is derived from the author of the message to be saved, without marking the messages as saved. Otherwise equivalent to the Save command. delete [msglist] Delete messages from the mailbox. If "autoprint" is set, the next message after the last one deleted is printed (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). discard [header-field .. .1 ignore [header-field .. .1 Suppresses printing of the specified header fields when displaying messages on the screen. Examples of header fields to ignore are "status" and "cc." The fields are included when the message is saved. The Print and Type commands override this command. dp [msglist1 d t [msglist] Delete the specified messages from the mailbox and print the next message after the last one deleted. Roughly equivalent to a delete command followed by a print command. echo string ... Echo the given strings (like ECHO(BU _CMD).) edit [msglistJ Edit the given messages. The messages are placed in a temporary file and the "EDITOR" variable is used to get the name of the editor (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). Default editor is ed. exit xit Exit from ma i 1 x, without changing the mailbox. No messages are saved in the mbox (see also quit). file [filename] folder [filename] Quit from the current file of messages and read in the specified file. Several special characters are recognized when used as file names, with the following substitutions: % the current mailbox. %user the mailbox for user. # the previous file. & the current mbox. Default file is the current mailbox. folders Print the names of the files in the directory set by the "folder" variable (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). System V Interface Definition Page 177 followup [messagel Respond to a message, recording the response in a file whose name is derived from the author of the message. Overrides the "record" variable, if set. See also the Followup, Save, and Copy commands and "outfolder" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) . FOllowuP [msglistl Respond to the first message in the msglist, sending the message to the author of each message in the msglist. The subject line is taken from the first message and the response is recorded in a file whose name is derived from the author of the first message. See also the f ollowuP, Save, and Copy commands and "outfolder" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). from [msglist 1 Prints the header summary for the specified messages. group alias name .. . alias alias name .. . Declare an alias for the given names. The names will be substituted when alias is used as a recipient. Useful in the .mailrc file. headers [messagel Prints the page of headers which includes the message specified. The "screen" variable sets the number of headers per page (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). See also the z command. help Prints a summary of commands. hold [msglistl pr eserve [msglistl Holds the specified messages in the mailbox. if sir mail-commands else mail-commands endif Conditional execution, where s will execute following mail-commands, up to an else or endif, if the program is in send mode, and r causes the mail-commands to be executed only in receive mode. Useful in the .mailrc file. ignore header-field .. . discard header-field .. . Suppresses printing of the specified header fields when displaying messages on the screen. Examples of header fields to ignore are "status" and "cc." All fields are included when the message is saved. The Print and Type commands override this command. list Prints all commands available. No explanation is given. Page 178 System V Interface Definition MAILX(AU _CMD) mail name ... Mail a message to the specified users. mbox [msglist1 Arrange for the given messages to end up in the standard mbox save file when mailx terminates normally. See MBOX (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) for a description of this file. See also the exit and quit commands. next [message] Go to next message matching message. A msglist may be specified, but in this case the first valid message in the list is the only one used. This is useful for jumping to the next message from a specific user, since the name would be taken as a command in the absence of a real command. See the discussion of msglists above for a description of possible message specifications. pipe [msglist] [command] [msglist1 [command] Pipe the message through the given command. The message is treated as if it were read. If no arguments are given, the current message is piped through the command specified by the value of the "cmd" variable. If the "page" variable is set, a form feed character is inserted after each message (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). preserve [msglist] hold [msglist] Preserve the specified messages in the mailbox. Print [msglist] Type [msglist1 Print the specified messages on the screen, including all header fields. Overrides suppression of fields by the ignore command. print [msglist1 type [msglist1 Print the specified messages. If "crt" is set, the messages longer than the number of lines specified by the "crt" variable are paged through the command specified by the PAGER environment variable. The default command is pg. (See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). quit Exit from ma i 1 x, storing messages that were read in mbox and unread messages in the mailbox. Messages that have been explicitly saved in a file are deleted. Reply [msglist] Respond [msglist1 Send a response to the author of each message in the msglist. The subject line is taken from the first message. If "record" is set to a file name, the response is saved at the end of that file (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) . System V Interface Definition Page 179 reply [message] respond [message] Reply to the specified message, including all other recipients of the message. If "record" is set to a file name, the response is saved at the end of that file (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). Save [msglist] Save the specified messages in a file whose name is derived from the author of the first message. The name of the file is taken to be the author's name with all network addressing stripped off. See also the Copy, followup, and Followup commands and "outfolder" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). save [filename] save [msglist] filename Save the specified messages in the given file. The file is created if it does not exist. The message is deleted from the mailbox when maiIx terminates unless "keepsave" is set (see also ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES and the exit and quit commands). set set name set name-string set name-number Define a variable called name. The variable may be given a null, string, or numeric value. set by itself prints all defined variables and their values. See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES for detailed descriptions of the mai Ix variables. shell Invoke an interactive command interpreter (see also SHE L L (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES» . size [msglist] Print the size in characters of the specified messages. source filename Read commands from the given file and return to command mode. top [msglist1 Print the top few lines of the specified messages. If the "toplines" variable is set, it is taken as the number of lines to print (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). The default is 5. touch [msglist] Touch the specified messages. If any message in msglist is not specifically saved in a file, it will be placed in the mbox upon normal termination. See exit and quit. Type [msglist] Print [msglist] Print the specified messages on the screen, including all header fields. Page 180 System V Interface Definition MAILX(AU _CMD) Overrides suppression of fields by the ignore command. type [msglist1 print [msglist] Print the specified messages. If "crt" is set, the messages longer than the number of lines specified by the "crt" variable are paged through the command specified by the PAGER variable. The default command is pg. (See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). undelete [msglist1 Restore the specified deleted messages. Will only restore messages deleted in the current mail session. If "autoprint" is set, the last message of those restored is printed (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). name ... Causes the specified variables to be erased. If the variable was imported from the execution environment (i.e., an environment variable) then it cannot be erased. un~et version Prints the current version and release date. visual [msglistJ Edit the given messages with a screen editor. The messages are placed in a tempqrary file and the VI SUAL variable is used to get the name of the editor (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). write [msglist1 filename Write the given messages on the specified file, minus the header and trailing blank line. Otherwise equivalent to the save command. xit exit Exit from mailx, without changing the mailbox. No messages are saved in the mbox (see also quit). z[+1-1 Scroll the header display forward or backward one screen-full. The number of headers displayed is set by the "screen" variable (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). TILDE ESCAPES The following commands may be entered only from input mode, by beginning a line with the tilde escape character (-). See "escape" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) for changing this special character. - I command Escape to the command interpreter. Simulate end of file (terminate message input). mail-command - mail-command System V Interface Definition Page 181 MAILX(AU _CMD) Perform the command-level request. Valid only when sending a message while reading mail. -? -A Print a summary of tilde escapes. Insert the autograph string "Sign" into the message (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) . -a Insert the autograph string "sign" into the message (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) . -b name ... Add the names to the blind carbon copy (Bcc) list. -c name ... Add the names to the carbon copy (Cc) list. -d Read in the dead.letter file. See "DEAD" for a description of this file. -e Invoke the editor on the partial message. (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) See also EDITOR (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). - f (msglist) Forward the specified messages. The messages are inserted into the message, without alteration. -h Prompt for Subject line and To, Cc, and Bcc lists. If the field is displayed with an initial value, it may be edited as if it had just been typed. - i string Insert the value of the named variable into the text of the message. For example, - A is equivalent to - m (msglist) Insert the specified messages into the letter, shifting the new text to the right one tab stop. Valid only when sending a message while reading mail. -p Print the message being entered. -q Quit from input mode by simulating an interrupt. If the body of the message is not null, the partial message is saved in dead. letter. See DEAD (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) for a description of this file. -r filename - <.filename - > >, to help distinguish it from a layer. A layer is a shell which has been bound to a virtual tty device (;dev/sxt/*). The virtual device can be manipulated like a real tty device using stty and ioctl ( ). [See STTY(AU_CMD) and IOCTL(BA_OS) respectively.] Each layer has its own process group ID. Definitions A name is a sequence of characters delimited by a blank, tab or newline. Only the first eight characters are significant. The names (1) through (7) cannot be used when creating a layer. They are used by shl when no name is supplied. They may be abbreviated to just the digit. Commands The following commands may be issued from the shl prompt level. Any unique prefix is accepted. crea te [ name] Create a layer called name and make it the current layer. If no argument is given, a layer will be created with a name of the form (#) where # is the last digit of the virtual device bound to the layer. The shell prompt variable PS 1 .isset to the name of the layer followed by a space. A maximum of seven layers can be created. block name [ name ... ] For each name, block the output of the corresponding layer when it is not the current layer. This is equivalent to setting the sttyoption loblk within the layer. delete name [ name ... ] For each name, delete the corresponding layer. All processes in System V Interface Definition Page 193 SHL(AU_CMD) the process group of the layer are sent the SIGHUP signal. help (or 1) Print the syntax of the s h 1 commands. layers [ -I ] [ name ... ] For each name, list the layer name and its process group. The -1 option produces a long listing. If no arguments are given, information is presented for all existing layers. resume [ name] Make the layer referenced by name the current layer. If no argument is given, the last existing current layer will be resumed. toggle Resume the layer that was current before the last current layer. unblock name [name ... ] For each name, do not block the output of the corresponding layer when it is not the current layer. This is equivalent to setting the sttyoption -lob1k within the layer. quit Exit shl. All layers are sent the SIGH UP signal. name Make the layer referenced by name the current layer. FILES Idev/sxt/* Virtual tty devices USAGE General. SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD), STTY(AU_CMD), IOCTL(BA_OS), SIGNAL(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. New in System V Release 2. Page 194 System V Interface Definition NAME stty - set the options for a terminal SYNOPSIS stty [ -a ] [ -g ] [ options DESCRIPTION The command s t ty sets certain terminal 110 options for the device that is its standard input; without arguments, it reports the settings of certain options; with the -a option, it reports all of the option settings; with the -g option, it reports current settings in a form that can be used as an argument to another stty command. Detailed information about the modes listed in the first five groups below may be found in IOCTL(BA_OS). Options in the last group are implemented using options in the previous groups. Note that many combinations of options make no sense, but no sanity checking is performed. The options are selected from the following: Control Modes parenb (-parenb) enable (disable) parity generation and detection. parodd (-parodd) select odd (even) parity. csS cs6 cs7 cs8 select character size. o hang up phone line immediately. number Set terminal baud rate to the number given, if possible. (All speeds are not supported by all hardware interfaces.) hupcl (-hupcl) hang up (do not hang up) modem connection on last close. hup (-hup) same as hupcl (-hupcl). cstopb (-cstopb) use two (one) stop bits per character. cread (-cread) enable (disable) the receiver. clocal (-clocal) assume a line without (with) modem control. loblk (-loblk) block (do not block) output from a non-current layer. Input Modes System V Interface Definition Page 195 ignbrk (-ignbrk) ignore (do not ignore) break on input. brkint (-brkint) signal (do not signal) INTR on break. ignpar (-ignpar) ignore (do not ignore) parity errors. parmrk (-parmrk) mark (do not mark) parity errors. inpck (-inpck) enable (disable) input parity checking. istrip (-istrip) strip (do not strip) input characters to seven bits. inlcr (-inlcr) map (do not map) NL to CR on input. igncr (-igncr) ignore (do not ignore) CR on input. icrnl (-icrnl) map (do not map) CR to NL on input. iuclc (-iuclc) map (do not map) upper-case alphabetics to lower case on input. ixon (-ixon) enable (disable) START/STOP output control. Output is stopped by sending an ASCII DC3 and started by sending an ASCII DC 1. ixany (-ixany) allow any character (only OCt} to restart output. ixoff (-ixoff) request that the system send (not send) START/STOP characters when the input queue is nearly empty/full. Output Modes opost (-opost) post-process output (do not post-process output; ignore all other output modes). olcuc (-olcuc) map (do not map) lower-case alphabetics to upper case on output. onlcr (-onlcr) map (do not map) NL to CR-NL on output. ocrnl (-ocrnl) map (do not map) CR to NL on output. Page 196 System V Interface Definition onocr (-onocr) do not (do) output CRs at column zero. onlret (-onlret) on the terminal NL performs (does not perform) the CR function. of i l l (-of ill) use fill characters (use timing) for delays. of de 1 (-ofdel) fill characters are DELs (NULs). crO cr1 cr2 cr3 select style of delay for carriage returns. nlO n11 select style of delay for line-feeds. tabO tab1 tab2 tab3 select style of delay for horizontal tabs. bsO bs1 select style of delay for backspaces. ffO ff1 select style of delay for form-feeds. vtO vt1 select style of delay for vertical tabs. Local Modes isig (-isig) enable (disable) the checking of characters against the special control characters INTR, QUIT, and SWTCH. icanon (-icanon) enable (disable) canonical input (ERASE and KILL processing). xcase (-xcase) canonical (unprocessed) upper/lower-case presentation. echo (-echo) echo back (do not echo back) every character typed. echoe (-echoe) echo (do not echo) ERASE character as a backspace-spacebackspace string. Note: this mode will erase the ERASEed character on many CRT terminals; however, it does not keep track of column position and, as a result, may be confusing on escaped characters, tabs, and backspaces. echok (-echok) echo (do not echo) NL after KILL character. System V Interface Definition Page 197 lfkc (-lfke) the same as echok (-echok); obsolete. echonl (-echonl) echo (do not echo) NL. noflsh (-noflsh) disable (enable) flush after INTR, QUIT, or SWTCH. Control Assignments control-character c set control-character to c, where controlcharacter is erase, kill, intr, qui t, swtch, eof, eol, min, or time (min and time are used with -icanon). If c is preceded by a caret ("), then the value used is the corresponding CTRL character (e.g., "" d" is a CfRL-d); ""1" is interpreted as DEL and "" -" is interpreted as undefined. line i set line discipline to i (0 < i < 127). Combination Modes evenp or parity enable parenb and cs7. oddp enable parenb, cs7, and parodd. -pari ty, -evenp, or -oddp disable parenb, and set csS. raw (-raw or cooked) enable (disable) raw input and output (no ERASE, KILL, INTR, QUIT, SWTCH, EOT, or output post processing). nl (-nl) unset (set) icrnl, onlcr. In addition inlcr, igncr, ocrnl, and onlret. -nl unsets lcase (-lcase) set (unset) xcase, iuclc, and olcuc. LCASE (-LCASE) same as lcase (-lcase). tabs (-tabs or tabS) preserve (expand to spaces) tabs when printing. ek reset ERASE and KILL characters back to normal # and @. sane resets all modes to some reasonable values. Page 198 System V Interface Definition USAGE End-user. SEE ALSO IOCTL(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 199 NAME su - become super-user or another user SYNOPSIS su [ - ] [ name [ arg . . . ] ] DESCRIPTION The command s u allows one to become another user without logging off. The default user name is root (i.e., super-user). To use su, the appropriate password must be supplied (unless one is already root). If the password is correct, su will execute a new environment with the real and effective user ID set to that of the specified user. The new command interpreter will be the optional. program named in the specified user's password file entry, or the default if none is specified. Normal user ID privileges can be restored by entering EOT (control-D). Any additional arguments given on the command line are passed to the command interpreter. The following statements are true only if the command interpreter named in the specified user's password file entry is sh [see SH(BU_CMD)1. If the first argument to su is a -, the environment will be changed to what would be expected if the user actually logged in as the specified user. Otherwise, the environment is passed along with the possible exception of PATH. All attempts to become another user using su are logged. FILES /etc/passwd system's password file /etc/profile system's profile $HOME/.profile user's profile USAGE General. SEE ALSO SH(BU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 200 System V Interface Definition TABS(AU_CMD) NAME tabs - set tabs on a terminal SYNOPSIS tabs [ tabspec ] [ +mn ] [ -Ttype ] DESCRIPTION The command tabs sets the tab stops on the user's terminal according to the tab specification tabspec, after clearing any previous settings. Three types of tab specification are accepted for tabspec: "canned," repetitive, arbitrary. If no tabspec is given, the default value is -8, i.e., "standard" tabs. The lowest column number is 1. Note that for tabs, column 1 always refers to the leftmost column on a terminal, even one whose column markers begin at 0. - code Gives the name of one of a set of "canned" tabs. The legal codes and their meanings are as follows: -a 1,10,16,36,72 Assembler, IBM System/370, first format -a2 1,10,16,40,72 Assembler, IBM System/370, second format -c 1,8,12,16,20,55 COBOL, normal format -c2 1,6,10,14,49 COBOL compact format (columns 1-6 omitted). -c 3 1,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58,62,67 COBOL compact format (columns 1-6 omitted), with more tabs than -c 2. This is the recommended format for COBOL. -f 1,7,11,15,19,23 FORTRAN -p -s -u 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61 PLII 1,10,55 SNOBOL 1,12,20,44 UNIVAC 1100 Assembler In addition to these "canned" formats, three other types exist: -n n1,n2, ... A repetitive specification requests tabs at columns 1+n, 1+2*n, etc. Of particular importance is the value -8: this represents the "standard" tab setting, and is the most likely tab setting to be found at a terminal. Another special case is the value -0, implying no tabs at all. The arbitrary format permits the user to type any chosen set of numbers, separated by commas, in ascending order. Up to 40 numbers are allowed. If any number (except the first one) is preceded by a plus sign, it is taken as an increment to be added to the previous value. Thus, the tab lists System V Interface Definition Page 201 TABS(AU _CMD) 1,10,20,30 and 1,10,+ 10, + 10 are considered identical. Any of the following may be used also; if a given flag occurs more than once, the last value given takes effect: -Ttype +mn The command tabs usually needs to know the type of terminal in order to set tabs and always needs to know the type to set margins. The argument type is a terminal name. If no -T flag is supplied, tabs searches for the environmental variable TERM. If no type can be found, tabs tries a sequence that will work for many terminals. The margin argument may be used for some terminals. It causes all tabs to be moved over n columns by making column n+ 1 the left margin. If +m is given without a value of n, the value assumed is 10. For a TermiNet, the first value in the tab list should be 1, or the margin will move even further to the right. The normal (leftmost) margin on most terminals is obtained by + mO. The margin for most terminals is reset only when the +m flag is given explicitly. Tab and margin setting is performed via the standard output. USAGE End-user. LEVEL Levell. Page 202 System V Interface Definition TAR(AU_CMD) NAME tar - file archiver SYNOPSIS tar [ option] [ file ... DESCRIPTION The command tar creates archives of files; it is often used to save files on (and restore from) magnetic tape. Its actions are controlled by the option argument. The option is a string of characters containing at most one function letter and possibly one or more modifiers. Other arguments to the command are f i 1 e s (or directory names) specifying which files are to be archived or restored. In all cases, appearance of a directory name refers to the files and (recursively) subdirectories of that directory. The function portion of the option is specified by one of the following letters: r The named f i 1 e s are written on the end of the archive. x The named f i 1 e s are extracted from the archive. If a named file matches a directory whose contents had been written onto the archive, this directory is (recursively) extracted. If a named file in the archive does not exist on the system, the file is created with the same mode as the one in the archive, except that the set-user-ID and set-group-ID modes are not set unless the user is super-user. If the files exist, their modes are not changed except as described above. The owner, group, and modification time are restored Of possible) . If no f i 1 e s argument is given, the entire content of the archive is extracted. Note that if several files with the same name are in the archive, the last one overwrites all earlier ones. t The names of all the files in the archive are listed. u The named f i 1 e s are added to the archive if they are not already there, or have been modified since last written into the archive. This option implies option r. c Create a new archive; writing begins at the beginning of the archive, instead of after the last file. This option implies the r option. The following characters may be used in addition to the letter that selects the desired function: v Normally, tar does its work silently. The v (verbose) modifier causes it to type the name of each file it treats, preceded by the option letter. With the t option, v gives more information about the archive entries than just the name. w Causes tar to print the action to be taken, followed by the name of the file, and then wait for the user's confirmation. If a word beginning with y is given, the action is performed. Any other input means "no". This modifier is invalid with the t option. System V Interface Definition Page 203 TAR(AU_CMD) f Causes tar to use the next argument as the name of the archive instead of the default, which is usually a tape drive. If the name of the file is -, tar writes to the standard output or reads from the standard input, whichever is appropriate. Thus, tar can be used as the head or tail of a pipeline. The command tar can also be used to move directory hierarchies with the command: (cd fromdir; tar cf - .) I (cd todir; tar xf -) Causes tar to use the next argument as the blocking factor for tape records. The default is 1, the maximum is 20. This option should only be used with (raw) magnetic tape archives (see f above). The block size is determined automatically when reading tapes (options x and t) . . 1 Tells tar to report if it cannot resolve all of the links to the files being archived. If 1 is not specified, no error messages are printed. This modifier is valid only with the options c, r, and u. m Tells tar not to restore the modification times. The modification time of the file will be the time of extraction. This modifier is invalid with the t option. o Causes extracted files to take on the user and group identifier of the user running the program rather than those on the archive. This modifier is valid only with the x option. ERRORS The command tar reports bad option characters and read/write errors. It also reports an error if enough memory is not available to hold the link tables. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 204 System V Interface Definition NAME tty - get the name of the terminal SYNOPSIS tty [ -s ] DESCRIPTION The command tty prints the path name of the user's terminal. The -s option inhibits printing of the terminal path name, allowing one to test just the exit code. ERRORS Exit codes: 2 o if invalid options were specified, if standard input is a terminal, otherwise. An error is reported if the standard input is not a terminal and -s is not specified. USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 205 UUCP(AU_CMD) NAME uucp, uulog, uuname - system-to-system copy SYNOPSIS uucp [ options ] source-files destination-file uu10g [ -s system uuname [ -1 ] DESCRIPTION uucp The command u u c p copies files named by the sour c e - f i 1 e arguments to the destination-file argument. (Note that some uucp options are new to Release 2; see the options paragraph below for details'> A file name may be a path name on your machine, or may have the form: system-namelpath-name where system-name is taken from a list of system names that uucp knows about. The destination system-name may also be a list of names such as system-namelsystem-namel ... lsystemnamelpath-name in which case, an attempt is made to send the file via the specified route to the destination. Care should be taken to ensure that intermediate nodes in the route are willing to forward information. The shell metacharacters 1, ., and l ... J appearing in path-name will be expanded on the appropriate system. Path-names may be one of: (1) a full path-name. (2) a path-name preceded by -name where name is a login name on the specified system and is replaced by that user's login directory. Note that if an invalid login is specified, the default will be to the public directory (PUBDIR). (3) a path-name specified as -/dest, where the destination dest is appended to PUBDIR. NOTE: This destination will be treated as a file name unless more than one file is being transferred by this request or the destination is already a directory. To ensure that it is a directory, follow the destination with a 'I'. For example, -/danl as the destination will make the directory,PUBDIR/dan if it does not exist and put the requested file(s) in that directory. (4) Page 206 anything else is prefixed by the current directory. System V Interface Definition UUCP(AU _CMD) If the result is an erroneous path-name for the remote system, the copy will fail. If the destination-file is a directory, the last part of the source-file name is used. The command u u c p gives universal read and write permissions and preserves execute permissions across the transmission. The following options are interpreted by uucp: -c Do not copy local file to the spool directory for transfer to the remote machine {default}. -c Force the copy of local files to the spool directory for transfer. -d Make all necessary directories for the file copy {default}. -f Do not make intermediate directories for the file copy. - j Output the job identification ASCII string on the standard output. This job identification can be used by u us tat to obtain the status or terminate a job. (This option is new to System V Release 2.) -m Send mail to the requester when the copy is completed. -nuser Notify user on the remote system that a file was sent. -r Do not start the file transfer; just queue the job. (This option is new to System V Release 2.) uulog The command uulog queries a log file of uucp or uuxqt transactions. If the - s option is specified, then uulog prints information about file transfer work involving system system. uuname The command uuname lists the uucp names of known systems. The -1 option returns the local system name. USAGE General. The domain of remotely accessible files can {and for obvious security reasons, usually should} be severely restricted. SEE ALSO MAIL(BU_CMD), UUSTAT(AU_CMD), UUX(AU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 207 UUSTAT(AU _CMD) NAME uustat - uucp status inquiry and job control SYNOPSIS uustat [ options ] DESCRIPTION The command uusta t will display the status of, or cancel, previously specified uucp commands, or provide general status on uucp connections to other systems. Notall combinations of options are valid. Only one of the following options can be specified with u us tat: List the jobs queued for each machine. Kill the uucp request whose job identification is jobid. The killed uucp request must belong to the person issuing the uusta t command unless that user is the superuser. - r jobid Rejuvenate jobid. The files associated with jobid are touched so that their modification time is set to the current time. This prevents the cleanup daemon from deleting the job until the jobs modification time reaches the limit imposed by the daemon. -q -k jobid The options below may not be used with the ones listed above; however, these options may be used singly or together: -s sys -u user Report the status of all uucp requests for remote system sys. Report the status of all uucp requests issued by user. When no options are given, u us tat outputs the status of all requests issued by the current user. uucp USAGE General. SEE ALSO UUCP(AU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 208 System V Interface Definition NAME uuto, uupick - public system-to-system file copy SYNOPSIS uuto [ -p ] [ -m ] source-files destination uupick [ -s system DESCRIPTION uuto The command uuto sends source-files to destination. The command uuto uses the UUCP(AU_CMD) facility to send files, while it allows the local system to control the file access. A source-file name is a path name on the user's machine. Destination has the form: "system I user" where system is taken from a list of system names that uucp knows about [see uuname in UUCP(AU_CMD).1 The argument user is the login name of someone on the specified system. Two options are available: -p -m Copy the source file into the spool directory before transmission. Send mail to the sender when the copy is complete. The files (or subtrees if directories are specified) are sent to a public directory (PUBDIR) on system. Specifically, the files are sent to the directory PUBDIR/receive/user/fsystem, where user is the recipient, and fsystem is the sending system. The recipient is notified by ma i 1 of the arrival of files. uuplck The command uupick may be used by a user to accept or reject the files transmitted to the user. Specifically, uupick searches PUBDIR on the user's system for files sent to the user. For each entry (file or directory) found, one of the following messages is printed on the standard output: from system: dk dirname ? from system: file file-name ? The command u u pic k then reads a line from the standard input to determine the disposition of the file. The user's possible responses are: Go on to next entry. d Delete the entry. m [ dir ] Move the entry to named directory d i r. If d iris not specified as a complete path name a destination relative to the current directory is assumed. If no destination is given, the default is the current directory. System V Interface Definition Page 209 a [ dir ] Same as rn except moving all the files sent from s y s tern. p Print the content of the file to standard output. q Stop and exit. EOT {control-OJ Same as q. I command Escape to the command interpreter to execute command. * Print a usage summary for uu to. The command uupick invoked with the -s system option will only search for files (and list any found) sent from system. USAGE General. SEE ALSO MAIL(BU _CMD), UUCP(AU _CMD), UUSTAT(AU _CMD), UUX(AU _CMD), LEVEL Levell. Page 210 System V Interface Definition NAME uux - remote command execution SYNOPSIS uux [ options ] command-string DESCRIPTION The command u ux will gather zero or more files from various systems, execute a command on a specified system, and then send the standard output of the command to a file on a specified system. The command-string is made up of one or more arguments that are similar to normal command arguments, except that the command and any file names may be prefixed by system-name!. A null system-name is inte.rpreted as the local system. The following statements are relevant if preter. SH(BU_CMD) is the command inter- The metacharacter • will not give the desired result. The redirection tokens > > and << are not implemented. A file name may be specified as for uucp: it may be a full path name, a path name preceded by -name (which is replaced by the corresponding login directory), a path name specified as - Idest (dest is prefixed by PUBDIR), or a simple file name (which is prefixed by the current directory). See UUCP(AU_CMD) for the details. As an example, the command uux "Idiff usgl/usr/dan/file1 pwbal/a4/dan/file2 >I-/dan/file.diff" will get the file 1 and file2 files from the "usg" and "pwba" machines, execute d iff, and put the results in f i 1 e . d iff in the local PUBDIR/dan directory. (PUBDIR is the uucp public directory on the local system.) The execution of commands on remote systems takes place in an execution directory known to the uucp system. All files required for the execution will be put into this directory unless they already reside on that machine. Therefore, the non-local file names (without path or machine reference) must be unique within the u ux request. The following command will not work: uux "aldiff bl/usr/dan/xyz cl/usr/dan/xyz >Ixyz.diff" because the file xy z will be copied from the b system as well as the c system, causing a name conflict. The command uux "aldiff al/usr/dan/xyz cl/usr/dan/xyz >Ixyz.diff" System V Interface Definition Page 211 will work (provided d iff is a permitted command), because the local file xyz (which is not copied) does not conflict with the copied file xyz from the c system. Any characters special to the command interpreter should be quoted either by quoting the entire command- string or quoting the special characters as individual arguments. The command u ux will attempt to get all files to the execution system. For files that are output files, the file name must be escaped using parentheses. For example, the command uux alcut -f1 bl/usr/file \(cl/usr/file\) gets lusr/file from system "b", sends it to system "a", performs a cut command on that file, and sends the result of the cut command to system "c". The command u ux will notify the user (by maiO if the requested command on the remote system was disallowed. This notification can be turned off by the -n option. The response comes by mail from the remote machine. The following options are interpreted by uux: The standard input to command-string. u ux is made the standard input to the -j Output the job identification ASCII string on the standard output. This job identification can be used by u us tat to obtain the status or terminate a job. (This option is new to Release 2.) -n Do not notify the user if the command fails. USAGE General. Note that, for security reasons, many installations will limit the list of commands executable on behalf of an incoming request from u ux. Many sites will permit little more than the receipt of mail via uux. Only the first command of a pipeline [see SH(BU_CMD)] may have a system-name!. All other commands are executed on the system of the first command. SEE ALSO UUCP(AU_CMD), UUSTAT(AU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 212 System V Interface Definition NAME vi - screen-oriented (visual) display editor SYNOPSIS vi [ -r file file ... ] [ -1 ] [ -wn ] [ -R ] [ +command ] DESCRIPTION Vi (visual) is a display-oriented text editor. It is based on the underlying line editor EX(AU _CMD): it is possible to switch back and forth between the two, and to execute e x commands from within vi. When using vi, the terminal screen acts as window into the file being edited. Changes made to the file are reflected in the screen display; the positioI'. of the cursor on the screen indicates the position within the file. The environmental variable TERM must give the terminal type; the terminal must be defined in the terminfo database. As for ex, editor initialization scripts can be placed in the environmental variable EXINIT, or the file • exrc in the current or home directory. Options The following options are interpreted by vi: -rfile Recover file after an editor or system crash. If file is not specified a list of all saved files will be printed. -1 set LISP mode (see Edit Options below). -wn Set the default window size to n. -R Read only mode; the readonly flag is set, preventing accidental overwriting of the file. + command The specified ex command is interpreted before editing begins. VI COMMANDS General Remarks See EX(AU_CMD) for the complete description of visual mode of the editor is described here. ex. Only the At the beginning, vi is in the command mode; the input mode is entered by several commands used to insert or change text. In input mode, ESC (escape) is used to leave input mode; in command mode, it is used to cancel a partial command; the terminal bell is sounded if the editor is not in input mode and there is no partially entered command. The last (bottom) line of the screen is used to echo the input for search commands (/ and ?), for ex commands (:), and system commands 0). It is also used to report errors or print other messages. System V Interface Definition Page 213 VI(AU_CMD) An interrupt (BREAK or DEL) typed during text input, or during the input of a command on the bottom line, terminates the input (or cancels the command) and returns the editor to command mode. During command mode an interrupt causes the bell to be sounded; in general the bell indicates an error (such as unrecognized key). Lines displayed on the screen containing only a ,-, indicate that the last line above them is the last line of the file (the ,-, lines are past the end of the file). On a terminal with limited local intelligence, there may be lines on the screen marked with an '@': these indicate space on the screen not corresponding to lines in the file. (These lines may be removed by entering a 'control-R', forcing the editor to retype the screen without these holes.) Command Summary Most commands accept a preceding number as an argument, either to give a size or position (for display or movement commands), or as a repeat count (for commands that change text). For simplicity, this optional argument will be referred to as count when its effect is described. The following operators can be followed by a movement command, in order to specify an extent of text to be affected: c, d, y, <, >, !, and =. The region specified is from the current cursor position to just before the cursor position indicated by the move. If the command operates on lines only, then all the lines which fall partly or wholly within this region are affected. Otherwise the exact marked region is affected. In the following, control characters are indicated in the form 'AX', which stands for 'control-X'. The intended ASCII character name is also given. Unless otherwise specified, the commands are interpreted in command mode and have no special effect in input mode. AD (STX) Scrolls backward to display the window above the current one. A count specifies the number of windows to go back. Two lines of overlap are kept if possible. AD (EOT) Scrolls forward a half-window of text. A count gives the number of (logical) lines to scroll, and is remembered for future AD and AU commands. In input mode, backs shiftwidth spaces over the indentation provided by auto indent or "T. "E (ENQ) Scrolls forward one line, leaving the cursor where it is if possible. "F (ACK) Scrolls forward to display the window below the current one. A count specifies the number of windows to go Page 214 System V Interface Definition forward. Two lines of overlap are kept if possible. AG (BEL) Prints the current file name and other information, includ- ing the number of lines and the current position. (Equivalent to the ex command f.) AU (BS) Moves one space to the left (stops at the left margin). A count specifies the number of spaces to back up. (Same as h.) In input mode, backs over the last input character without erasing it. J (LF) Moves the cursor down one line in the same column. A count specifies the number of lines to move down. (Same as "N and j.) AL (FF) Clears and redraws the screen. (Used when the screen is scrambled for any reason.) AM (CR) Moves to the first non-white character in the next line. A count specifies the number of lines to go forward. "N (SO) Same as AJ and j. A "p (DLE) Moves the cursor up one line in the same column. A count specifies the number of lines to move up. (Same as k.) AR (DC2) Redraws the current screen, eliminating the false lines marked with '@' (which do not correspond to actual lines in the file). AT (DC4) In input mode, if at the beginning of the line or preceded only by white space, inserts shiftwidth white space. This inserted space can only be backed over using AD. AU (NAK) Scrolls up a half-window of text. A count gives the number of (logical) lines to scroll, and is remembered for future AD and AU commands. AV (SYN) In input mode, quotes the next character to make it possible to insert special characters (including ESC) into the file. "W (ETB) In input mode, backs up one word; the deleted characters remain on the display. "Y (EM) Scrolls backward one line, leaving the cursor where it is if possible. "( (ESC) Cancels a partially formed command; sounds the bell if there is none. In input mode, terminates input mode. When entering a command on the bottom line of the screen (ex command line or search pattern with \ or 1), System V Interface Definition Page 215 terminates input and executes command. SPACE Moves one space to the right (stops at the end of the line). A count specifies the number of spaces to go forward. (Same as I.) An operator which passes specified lines from the buffer as standard input to the specified system command, and replaces those lines with the standard output from the command. The! is followed by a movement command specifying the lines to be passed (lines from the current position to the end of the movement) and then the command (terminated as usual by a return). A count preceding the ! is passed on to the movement command after !. Doubling! and preceding it by a count causes that many lines, starting with the current line, to be passed. Precedes a named buffer specification. There are named buffers 1-9 in which the editor places deleted text. The named buffers a-z are available to the user for saving deleted or yanked text. $ Moves to the end of the current line. A count specifies the number of lines to go forward. (e.g., 2$ goes to the end of the next line.) % Moves to the parenthesis or curly brace which matches the parenthesis or brace at the current cursor position. & Same as the ex command & (repeats previous substitute command). When followed by a " returns to the previous context, placing the cursor at the beginning of the line. (The previous context is set whenever a non-relative move is made.) When followed by a letter a-z, returns to the line marked with that letter (see the m command), at the first non-white character in the line. When used with an operator such as d to specify an extent of text, the operation takes place over complete lines. (See also '.) When followed by a " returns to the previous context, placing the cursor at the character position marked. (The previous context is set whenever a non-relative move is made.) When followed by a letter a-z, returns to the line marked with that letter (see the m command), at the character position marked. When used with an operator such as d to specify an extent of text, the operation takes place from the exact marked Page 216 System V Interface Definition place to the current position within the line. (See also '.) (( Backs up to the previous section boundary. A section is defined by the value of the sections option. Lines which start with a formfeed ("L character) or { also stop [(. If the option lisp is set, stops at each ( at the beginning of a line. n Moves forward to a section boundary (see ([). Moves to the first non-white position on the current line. ( Moves backward to the beginning of a sentence. A sentence ends at a . ! or ? which is followed by either the end of a line or by two spaces. Any number of closing ) ] " and • characters may appear between the . ! or ? and the spaces or end of line. A count moves back that many sentences. If the lisp option is set. moves to the beginning of a LISP s-expression. Sentences also begin at paragraph and section boundaries (see ( and [[ below). Moves forward to the beginning of a sentence. A count moves forward that many sentences. (See (.) Moves back to the beginning of the preceding paragraph. A paragraph is defined by the value of the paragraphs option. A completely empty line, and a section boundary (see [[ above), are also taken to begin paragraphs. A count specifies the number of paragraphs to move backward. Moves forward to the beginning of the next paragraph. A count specifies the number of paragraphs to move forward. (See (.) Requires a count; the cursor is placed in that column (if possible). + Moves to the first non-white character in the next line. A count specifies the number of lines to go forward. (Same as "M,) Reverse of the last f F t or T command, looking the other way in the current line. A count is equivalent to repeating the search that many times. Moves to the first non-white character in the previous line. A count specifies how many lines to move back. Repeats the last command which changed the buffer. A count is passed on to the command being repeated. / Reads a string from the last line on the screen, interprets it as a regular expression, and scans forward for the next System V Interface Definition Page 217 occurrence of a matching string. The search begins when return is entered to terminate the pattern; it may be terminated with an interrupt (or DEL). When used with an operator to specify an extent of text, the defined region is from the current cursor position to the beginning of the matched string. Whole lines may be specified by giving an offset from the matched line (using a closing / followed by a +n or -n). Regular expressions are described in EX(AU_CMD). o Moves to the first character on the current line. Os not interpreted as a command when preceded by a non-zero digit.) Begins an e x command. The:, as well as the entered command, is echoed on the bottom line; It is executed when the input is terminated by entering a return. Repeats the last single character find using f F t or T. A count is equivalent to repeating the search that many times. < An opera tor which shifts lines left one s h i f t wid t h. May be followed by a move to specify lines. A count is passed through to the move command. When repeated « <), shifts the current line (or count lines starting at the current one). > An operator which shifts lines right one shiftwidth. (See <.) If the 1 i s p option is set, then reindents the specified lines, as though they were typed in with lisp and autoindent set. May be preceded by a count to indicate how many lines to process, or followed by a move command for the same purpose. I. (See I,) ? Scans backwards, the reverse of A Appends at the end of line. (Same as Sa.) B Backs up a word, where a word is any non-blank sequence, placing the cursor at the beginning of the word. A count gives the number of words to go back. c Changes the rest of the text on the current line. (Same as cS.) Page 218 D Deletes the rest of the text on the current line. dS.) E Moves forward to the end of a word, where a word is any non-blank sequence. A count gives the number of words to (same as System V Interface Definition go forward. F Must be followed by a single character; scans backwards in the current line for that character, moving the cursor to it if found. A count is equivalent to repeating the search that many times. G Goes to the line number given as preceding argument, or the end of the file if no preceding count is given. H Moves the cursor to the top line on the screen. If a count is given, then the cursor is moved to that line on the screen, counting from the top. The cursor is placed on the first non-white character on the line. If used as the target of an operator, full lines are affected. I Inserts at the beginning of a line. (Same as J Joins the current line with the next one, supplying appropriate white space: one space between words, two spaces after a period, and no spaces at all if the first character of the next line is ). A count causes that many lines to be joined rather than two. L Moves the cursor to the first non-white character of the last line on the screen. A count moves to that line counting form the bottom. When used with an operator, whole lines are affected. M Moves the cursor to the middle line on the screen, at the first non-white position on the line. N Scans for the next match of the last pattern given to / or ?, but in the reverse direction; this is the reverse of n. o Opens a new line above the current line and enters input mode. P Puts the last deleted text back before/above the cursor. The text goes back as whole lines above the cursor if it was deleted as whole lines. Otherwise the text is inserted just before the cursor. tiJ May be preceded by a named buffer specification ("x), to retrieve the contents of the buffer. Q Quits from vi and enters ex command mode. R Replaces characters on the screen with characters entered, until the input is terminated with ESC. S Changes whole lines (same as cc). A count changes that many lines. System V Interface Definition Page 219 VI(AU_CMD) Page 220 T Must be followed by a single character; scans backwards in the current line for that character, and if found, places the cursor just after that character. A count is equivalent to repeating the search that many times. U Restores the current line to its state before the cursor was last moved to it. W Moves forward to the beginning of a word in the current line, where a word is a sequence of non-blank characters. A count specifies the number of words to move forward. X Deletes the character before the cursor. A count repeats the effect, but only characters on the current line are deleted. Y Places (yanks) a copy of the current line into the unnamed buffer (same as yy). A count copies that many lines. May be preceded by a buffer name to put the copied line(s) in that buffer. ZZ Exits the editor, writing out the buffer if it was changed since the last write. (Same as the e x command x.) a Enters input mode, appending the entered text after the current cursor position; A count causes the inserted text to be replicated that many times, but only if the inserted text is all on one line. b Backs up to the beginning of a word in the current line. A word is a sequence of alphanumerics, or a sequence of special characters. A count repeats the effect. c Deletes the specified region of text, and enters input mode to replace it with the entered text. If more than part of a single line is affected, the deleted text is saved in the numeric buffers. If only part of the current line is affected, then the last character to be deleted is marked with a $. A count is passed through to the move command. d Deletes the specified region of text. If more than part of a line is affected, the text is saved in the numeric buffers. A count is passed through to the move command. e Moves forward to the end of the next word, defined as for b. A count repeats the effect. f Must be followed by a single character; scans the rest of the current line for that character, and moves the cursor to it if found. A count repeats the find that many times. h Moves the cursor one character to the left. (Same as "u.) A count repeats the effect. System V Interface Definition VI(AU_CMD) Enters input mode, inserting the entered text before the cursor. (See a.) Moves the cursor one line down in the same column. (Same as AJ and AN.) k Moves the cursor one line up. (Same as Ap.) Moves the cursor one character to the right. SPACE.) (Same as m Must be followed by a single lower case letter x; marks the current position of the cursor with that letter. The exact position is referred to by 'x; the line is referred to by 'x. n Repeats the last / or ? scanning commands. o Opens a line below the current line and enters input mode; otherwise like O. p Puts text after lbelow the cursor; otherwise like P. r Must be followed by a single character; the character under the cursor is replaced by the specified one. (The new character may be a newline.) A count replaces each of the following count characters with the single character given. s Deletes the single character under the cursor, and enters input mode; the entered text replaces the deleted character. A count specifies how many characters from the current line are changed. The last character to be changed is marked with a $, as for c. t Must be followed by a single character; scans the rest of the line for that character. The cursor is moved to just before the character, if it is found. A count is equivalent to repeating the search that many times. u Reverses the last change made to the current buffer. If repeated, will alternate between these two states, thus is its own inverse. When used after an insert which inserted text on more than one line, the lines are saved in the numeric named buffers. w Moves forward to the beginning of the next word, where word is the same as in b. A count specifies how many words to go forward. x Deletes the single character under the cursor. With a count deletes that many characters forward from the cursor position, but only on the current line. y Must be followed by a movement command; the specifed text is copied (yanked) into the unnamed temporary buffer. System V Interface Definition Page 221 If preceded by a named buffer specification, "x, the text is placed in that buffer also. z Redraws the screen with the current line placed as specified by the following character: return specifies the top of the screen, . the center of the screen, and - the bottom of the screen. A count may be given after the z and before the following character to specify the new screen size for the redraw. A count before the z gives the number of the line to place in the center of the screen instead of the default current line. USAGE General. SEE ALSO EX(AU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 222 System V Interface Definition NAME wall - write to all users SYNOPSIS /ete/wa11 DESCRIPTION The command wa 11 reads its standard input until an end-of-file. It then prints this message on the terminals of all users currently logged-in, preceded by: Broadcast Message from login-id The sender must be super-user to override any protections the users may have invoked [see MESG(AU_CMD)1. USAGE Administrator. The command wall is used to warn all users, typically prior to shutting down the system. SEE ALSO MESG(AU_CMD), WRITE(AU _CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 223 WHO(AU_CMD) NAME who - who is on the system SYNOPSIS who [ options ] [ file who am i who am I DESCRIPTION The command who can list the user's name, terminal line, login time, elapsed time since activity occurred on the line, and the process-ID of the command interpreter for each current system user. It examines the /etc/utmp file to obtain its information. If file is given, that file is examined instead. The command who with the am i or am user. I option identifies the invoking Except for the default -s option, the general format for output entries is: name [state] [exit] line time activity pid [comment] With options, who can list logins, logoffs, reboots, and changes to the system clock, as well as other processes spawned by the ini t process. These options are: -u This option lists only those users who are currently logged in. The name is the user's login name. The line is the name of the line as found in the directory /dev. The time is the time that the user logged in. The act i v it y is the number of hours and minutes since activity last occurred on that particular line. A dot (.) indicates that the terminal has seen activity in the last minute and is therefore "current". If more than twenty-four hours have elapsed or the line has not been used since boot time, the entry is marked old. This field is useful when trying to determine whether a person is working at the terminal or not. The pid is the process-ID of the user's login process. -T This option is the same as the -u option, except that the s tat e of the terminal line is printed. The s tat e describes whether someone else can write to that terminal. A + appears if the terminal is writable by anyone; a - appears if it is not. The super-user can write to all lines having a + or a - in the s tat e field. If a bad line is encountered, a ? is printed. -1 This option lists only those lines on which the system is waiting for someone to login. The name field is LOGIN in such cases. Other fields are the same as for user entries except that the s ta t e field does not exist. Page 224 System V Interface Definition WHO(AU_CMD) -H This option will print column headings above the regular output. (This option is new in System V Release 2.) -q This is a quick who, displaying only the names and the number of users currently logged on. When this option is used, all other options are ignored. (This option is new in System V Release 2.) -p This option lists any other process which is currently active and has been previously spawned by ini t. -d This option displays all processes that have expired and not been respawned by ini t. The exi t field appears for dead processes and contains the termination and exit values of the dead process. This can be useful in determining why a process terminated. -b This option indicates the time and date of the last reboot. -r This option indicates the current run-l eve 1 of the ini t process. -t This option indicates the last change to the system clock. -a This option processes let c I u tmp or the named f i 1 e with all options turned on. -s This option is the default and lists only the name, 1 ine, and time fields. FILES letc/utmp Idev/tty* USAGE General. LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 225 WRITE(AU _CMD) NAME write - write to another user SYNOPSIS write user [ terminal ] DESCRIPTION The command wr i t e copies lines from the user's terminal to that of another user. When first called, it sends the message: Message ) ... from sender-login-id (ttynn) date to the user addressed. When it has successfully completed the connection, it also sends two bells to the sender's terminal to indicate that what the sender is typing is being sent. The recipient of the message should write back, by typing wr i t e sender-login-id, on receipt of the initial message. Whatever each user types (except for command escapes, see below) is printed on the other user's terminal, until an end-of-file or an interrupt is sent. At that point wr i t e writes "EOT" on the other terminal and exits. The recipient can also stop further messages from coming in by executing "mesg nil. To write to a user who is logged in more than once, the terminal argument may be used to indicate which terminal to send to (e.g., ttyO 0); otherwise, the first writable instance of the user found in /etc/utmp is assumed and an informational message is written. A user may deny or grant write permission by use of the me s g command. Certain commands disallow messages in order to prevent interference with their output. However, if the sender has super-user permissions, messages can be forced onto a write-inhibited terminal. If the character I is found at the beginning of a line, wr i te calls the command interpreter to execute the rest of the line as a command. ERRORS The following errors are reported: the user addressed is not logged on. the user addressed denies write permission [see MESG(AU_CMD»). the user's terminal is set to me S g n and the recipient cannot respond. the recipient changes permission (mesg n) after wri te had begun. FILES /etc/utmp USAGE End-user. Page 226 System V Interface Definition WRITE(AU _CMD) SEE ALSO MESG(AU_CMD), WHO(AU_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 227 Part IV Administered Systems Extension Definition Chapter 7 Introduction 7.1 OVERVIEW The Administered System Extension mostly comprises utilities used for system administration. Many of these are in fact restricted to the super-user. The System V Base, the Kernel Extension, the Basic Utilities Extension, and the Advanced Utilities Extension, are prerequisites for the Administered System Extension. 7.2 DESCRIPTION UTILITIES acctcms acctcom acctconl acctcon2 acctdisk acctmerg accton acctprcl acctprc2 acctwtmp chargefee ckpacct clri ** devnm diskusg ** dodisk fsck fsdb fuser fwtmp grpck init ipcrm ipcs killall labelit lastlogin link mkfs mknod monacct mount mvdir ncheck ** nice prctmp prdaily prtacct pwck runacct sal sa2 sadc sadp sar setmnt shutacct startup sync sysdef timex turnacct umount unlink volcopy whodo wtmpfix Level 2: December 1, 1985. 7.3 SPECIAL PROCESSES This section is intended to provide some background information about the system process spawner Onit), and about how a user is logged in (getty and login). The description here is a general one; there may be minor differences between different implementations of System V. System V Interface Definition Page 231 7.3.1 INIT The init process is invoked at system initialization, as one of the steps in the boot procedure; its primary role is to create processes according to entries in the file I etc/inittab. One kind of entry in this file specifies how the getty program (see "Getty" section below) is to be executed on the individual terminal lines available for users to log in. Other entries control the initiation of autonomous processes required by any particular system. The system administrator communicates with the init process by execilting the ini t command [see INIT(AS_CMD)1. Ot is important to keep in mind die distinction between the two; here init refers to the special system process, while ini t refers to the command that allows communication with the special system process.> Init considers the system to be in a particular run-level at any given time. A runlevel can be viewed as a software configuration of the system, where each configuration is defined by the collection of processes that are to be spawned. The specification of the run-levels (that is, the specification of the processes to be spawned by init) is defined in the /etc/ini ttab file. There are eight allowed run-levels, 0 -6 and s (or S). The run-level may be changed when the administrator runs the ini t command. When it is invoked at system initialization, the first thing the init process does is to look for the / etc / i nit tab file and see if there is an entry of the type in i tde f au 1 t. If there is, init uses the run-level specified in that entry as the initial run-level to enter. If this entry is not in / etc/ini ttab, then init requests that the user enter a run-level from the virtual system console, /dev/console. The run-level s (S) corresponds to the SINGLE USER level. This is the only runlevel that does not require the existence of a properly formatted /etc/ini ttab file. If /etc/ini ttab doesn't exist, then by default init enters the SINGLE USER level. (Note: Since other run-levels may also be configured for single-user, the SINGLE USER level need not be the only level in which only one user is allowed on the system.> The levels 0 through 6 have no special meaning; they are defined by the entries in the /etc/inittabfile. Whenever a new run-level is entered, init scans the /etc/ini ttab file and processes all entries corresponding to that run-level. In addition, entry to and exit from the SINGLE USER level results in some special actions, as follows: 1. When the SINGLE USER level is entered in the boot sequence, letc/inittab is scanned for any entries of the type sys ini t. These entries are processed before any other actions in state "s". 2. The first time init leaves the SINGLE USER level, it scans letc/inittab for special entries of the type boot and bootwai t. Entries of this type, for which the specified run-level matche~ the new run-level to be entered, are Page 232 System V Interface Definition performed before any normal processing of letc/inittab takes place. In this way any special initialization of the operating system, such as mounting file systems, can take place before users are allowed onto the system. In a normal operating environment (multi-user), the / etc / in i t t a b file is usually set up so that init will create a process for each terminal on the system. After it has spawned all of the processes specified by the /etc/ini ttab file, init waits for one of its child processes to die, a powerfail signal, or until a request is made via the ini t command. to change the system's run-level. When one of the above three conditions occurs, init re-examines the /etc/inittab file. New entries can be added to this file at any time; however, init still waits for one of the above three conditions to occur. (To get an immediate response the ini t command may be invoked with the option q in order to force init to re-examine the / etc/ini ttab file. When init is requested to change run-levels, all processes defined in the current run-level, that are undefined in the target run-level, are terminated. This is done by first sending the signal SIGTERM (which serves as a warning for processes that catch it), and, after a brief delay, sending the signal SIGKILL. If init finds that it is continuously respawning an entry from /etc/inittab (more frequently than some specified rate), it will assume that there is an error in the command string, generate an error message on the system console, and refuse to respawn this entry until either some time has elapsed or it receives a directive from the ini t command. This prevents init from eating up system resources when someone makes a typographical error in the / etc / in i t t a b file or a program is removed that is referenced in /etc/ini ttab. 7.3.2 GETIY Getty is a program that is invoked by the init process, to allow a user to login on a terminal line. It is thus the getty process that the user encounters when logging in to the system. The actions of getty are controlled by entries in the file /etc/gettydefs. These entries specify what line speed should be used initially, what the login message should look like, what the initial tty settings are, and what speed to try next should the user indicate that the speed is inappropriate (by typing a BREAK character). If a null character (or framing error) is received, it is assumed to be the result of the user pushing the "break" key. This will cause getty to attempt the next speed in a sequence defined in /etc/gettydefs. Finally, the login command is called to allow the user to complete logging in. 7.3.3 LOGIN The login process is invoked by the getty process, as described above, at the beginning of each terminal session. It is the means by which the user is identified to the system. System V Interface Definition Page 233 If the user has a password, login asks for it, and verifies its correctness. If system echoing has been enabled, it is turned off during the typing of the password. (However, echoing will continue to occur if local echo has been enabled). If the login is not completed successfully within a certain period of time (e.g., one minute), the user may be disconnected. After a successful login, the user-ID, the group-ID, the working directory, and the command interpreter, are initialized. Page 234 System V Interface Definition Chapter 8 Commands and Utilities System V Interface Definition Page 235 ACCT(AS_CMD) NAME accton, acctwtmp, chargefee, ckpacct, dodisk, lastlogin, monacct, prdaily, prtacct, shutacct, startup, turnacct - miscellaneous accounting and support commands SYNOPSIS lusr/1ib/acct/accton file] lusr/1ib/acct/acctwtmp "reason" lusr/1ib/acct/chargefee login-name number lusr/1ib/acct/ckpacct [ blocks lusr/1ib/acct/dodisk [ files lusr/1ib/acct/1ast1ogin lusr/1ib/acct/monacct number lusr/1ib/acct/prdai1y [ -1 [ -c ] [ mmdd lusr/1ib/acct/prtacct file "heading" lusr/1ib/acct/shutacct [ "reason" ] lusr/1ib/acct/startup lusr/1ib/acct/turnacct on I off I switch DESCRIPTION The accounting software provides utilities to collect data on: process accounting, connect accounting, disk usage, command usage, summary command usage, and users' last login. The runnacct [see RUNACCT(AS_CMD)] and monacct commands use the utilities listed here to produce daily and monthly summary files and reports that can be printed using prdai1y; they use a number of intermediate files and support utilities that can also be used to tailor-make new accounting systems. Many of these utilities produce or manipulate "total accounting" (tacct) records which can be summarized by acctmerg [see ACCTMERG(AS_CMD)] and printed using prtacct. The command accton without parameters turns process accounting off. If f i 1 e is given, a c c t on will turn accounting on. The argument f i 1 e must be the name of an existing file (normally lusr/adm/pacct), to which the system appends process accounting records [see ACCT(KE_OS)J. The command acctwtmp writes a utmp structure in record to its standard output. The record contains the current time and a string of characters that describe the reason. A record type of ACCOUNTING is assigned. The argument reason must be a string of (11 or less) characters, numbers, $, or spaces. For example, the following are suggestions for use in startup and shutdown procedures, respectively: Page 236 System V Interface Definition ACCT(AS_CMD) acctwtmp "acctg on" » /etc/wtmp acctwtmp "acctg off" » /etc/wtmp The command chargefee is invoked to charge a number of units to login-name. An ASCII taeet record is written to /usr/adm/fee, to be merged with other accounting records by acctmerg. The command ckpacct is typically initiated via cron It periodically checks the size of /usr/adm/pacct. If the size exceeds blocks, 1000 by default, turnacct will be invoked with argument switch. If the number of free disk blocks in the / u s r file system falls below 500, ckpacct will automatically turn off the collection of process accounting records via the off argument to turnacct. The accounting will be activated again on the next invocation of ckpacct when at least this number of blocks is restored. The command dodisk is typically invoked by cron to perform the disk accounting functions. By default, it will do disk accounting on the special files in /etc/checklist. If files are used, they should be the special file names of mountable filesystems; disk accounting will be done on these filesystems only. The command lastlogin is invoked today cp total previous total acctcms -s today previous total >total acctcms -a -s today USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO ACCT(AS _CMD), ACCTCON(AS _CMD), ACCTMERG(AS _CMD), ACCTPRC(AS _CMD), FWTMP(AS_CMD), RUNACCT(AS_CMD), ACCTCOM(AS_CMD), ACCT(KE_OS). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 239 ACCTCOM(AS_CMD) NAME acctcom - search and print process accounting file(s) SYNOPSIS acctcom [ [ options ] [ file ] ] ••• DESCRIPTION The command acctcom reads file, the standard input, or /usr/adm/pacct, in the form produced by ACCT(KE_OS) and writes selected records to the standard output. Each record represents the execution of one process and shows the COMMAND NAME, USER, TTYNAME, START TIME, END TIME, REAL (SEC), CPU (SEC), MEAN SIZE(K), and optionally, F (the fork/exec flag: 1 for fork without exec), STAT (the system exit status), HOG FACTOR, KCORE MIN, CPU FACTOR, CHARS TRNSFD, and BLOCKS R!W (total blocks read and written). The command name is prepended with a # if it was executed with super-user privileges. If a process is not associated with a known terminal, a ? is printed in the TTY NAME field. If no f i 1 e s are specified, and if the standard input is associated with a terminal or /dev/null, /usr/adm/pacct is read; otherwise, the standard input is read. If any f i 1 e arguments are given, they are read in their respective order. Each file is normally read forward, i.e., in chronological order by process completion time. The options are: -a -b -f -h -i -k -m -r -t -v -1 line -uuser -ggroup Page 240 Show average statistics about the processes selected. The statistics will be printed after the output records. Read backwards, showing latest commands first. This option has no effect when the standard input is read. Print the fork/exec flag and system exit status columns in the output. Instead of mean memory size, show the fraction of total available CPU time consumed by the process during its execution (the "hog factor"). Print columns containing total blocks read and written. Instead of memory size, show total kcore-minutes. Show mean core size (the default). Show CPU factor (user time! (system-time + user-time). Show separate system and user CPU times. Exclude column headings from the output. Show only processes belonging to terminal / dev / line. Show only processes belonging to user that may be specified by: a user 10, a login name that is then converted to a user 10, a # which designates only those processes executed with super-user privileges, or ? which designates only those processes associated with unknown user IDs. Show only processes belonging to group. The group may be System V Interface Definition ACCTCOM(AS _CMD) -stime -etime -Slime -Etime -npattern -q -oofile -Hfactor -Osec -Csec -Ichars designated by either the group ID or group name. Select processes existing at or after time, given in the format hr [ : min [ : sec] ] . Select processes existing at or before time. Select processes starting at or after time. Select processes ending at or before time. Using the same time for both -S and -E shows the processes that existed at time. Show only commands matching pattern that may be a regular expression as in ED(BU_CMD) except that + means one or more occurrences. Do not print any output records, just print the average statistics as with the -a option. Copy selected process records in the input data format to ofile; suppress standard output printing. Show only processes that exceed factor, where factor is the "hog factor" as explained in option -h above. Show only processes with CPU system time exceeding sec seconds. Show only processes with total CPU time, system plus user, exceeding sec seconds. Show only processes transferring more characters than the cutoff number given by chars. FILES fetc/passwd fetc/group /usr/adm/pacct USAGE Administra tor. SEE ALSO ACCT(KE _OS), ACCT(AS _CMD), ACCTCMS(AS _CMD), ACCTCON(AS _CMD), ACCTMERG(AS_CMD), ACCTPRC(AS _CMD), FWTMP(AS _CMD), RUNACCT(AS_CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 241 ACCTCON(AS _CMD) NAME acctcon 1, acctcon2, prctmp - connect-time accounting SYNOPSIS /usr/1ib/acct/acctcon1 [ options ] /usr/1ib/acct/acctcon2 /usr/1ib/acct/prctmp DESCRIPTION The command acctcon 1 converts a sequence of login/logoff records read from its standard input to a sequence of session records, one per login session. Its input should normally be redirected from /etc/wtmp. The record format is ASCII, giving device, user ID, login name, prime connect time (seconds), non-prime connect time (seconds), session starting time (numeric), and starting date and time. The options are: -p Print input only, showing line name, login name, and time (in both numeric and date/time formats). -t Acctcon 1 maintains a list of lines on which users are logged in. When it reaches the end of its input, it emits a session record for each line that still appears to be active. It normally assumes that its input is a current file, so that it uses the current time as the ending time for each session still in progress. The - t flag causes it to use, instead, the last time found in its input, thus assuring reasonable and repeatable numbers for non-current files. -1 file File is created to contain a summary of line usage showing line name, number of minutes used, percentage of total elapsed time used, number of sessions charged, number of logins, and number of logoffs. This file helps track line usage, identify bad lines, and find software and hardware oddities. Various events during logoff each generate logoff records, so that the number of logoffs is often three to four times the number of sessions. file File is filled with an overall record for the accounting period, giving starting time, ending time, and the count and type of various acctwtmp [see accounting records produced by -0 ACCT(AS _CMD)]. The command acctcon2 expects as input a sequence of login session records (as produced by acctcon 1 ), and converts them into total accounting records. The argument Prctmp can be used to print the session record file as produced by acctcon 1. EXAMPLES These commands are typically used as shown below. The file ctmp can be used by acctprc 1 [see ACCTPRC(AS_CMD»): Page 242 System V Interface Definition ACCTCON(AS _CMD) acctcon 1 - t -1 +1n +2 >ctmp acctcon2 ctacct FILES letc/wtmp USAGE Administrator. The command wtmpf ix [see FWTMP(AS_CMD)] can be used to correct for the confusion caused by date changes. SEE ALSO ACCT(AS_CMD), ACCTCMS(AS_CMD), ACCTCOM(AS_CMD), ACCTMERG(AS_CMD), ACCTPRC(AS_CMD), FWTMP(AS_CMD), RUNACCT(AS_CMD), ACCT(KE_OS). LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 243 ACCTMERG(AS_CMD) NAME acctmerg - merge or add total accounting files SYNOPSIS /usr/lib/acct/acctmerg [ options ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION The command acctmerg reads its standard input and up to nine additional files, all in the total accounting (tacet) format or an ASCII version thereof. It merges these inputs by adding records whose keys (normally user 10 and name) are identical, and expects the inputs to be sorted on those keys. Options are: -a - i -p -t -u -v Produce output in ASCII version of tacct. Input files are in ASCII version of taeet. Print input with no processing. Produce a single record that totals all input. Summarize by user 10, rather than user 10 and name. Produce output in verbose ASCII format, using more precise notation for floating point numbers. EXAMPLES The following sequence is useful for making "repairs" to any file kept in this format: acctmerg -v file2 (edit f i 1 e 2 as desired) acctmerg -i file1 USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO ACCT(AS _CMD), ACCTCMS(AS_CMD), ACCTCOM(AS _CMD), ACCTCON(AS__CMD), ACCTPRC(AS_CMD), FWTMP(AS_CMD), RUNACCT(AS_CMD), ACCT(KE_OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 244 System V Interface Definition ACCTPRC(AS_CMD) NAME acctprc 1, acctprc2 - process accounting SYNOPSIS /usr/lib/acct/acctprc1 [ctmp] /usr/lib/acct/acctprc2 DESCRIPTION The command acctprc 1 reads input in the form produced by ACCT(KE_OS), supplies login names corresponding to user IDs, then writes for each process an ASCII line giving user ID, login name, prime CPU time (tics), non-prime CPU time (tics), and mean memory size (in memory segment units). A memory segment of the mean memory size is a unit of measure for the number of bytes in a logical memory segment on a particular processor. For example, this measure could be in 64-byte units on one machine and in 512-byte units on another. If ctmp is given, it is expected to contain a list of login sessions, in the form described in ACCTCON(AS _CMD), sorted by user ID and login name. If this file is not supplied, it obtains login names from the password file. The information in c tmp is used to distinguish among different login names that share the same user ID. The command acctprc2 reads records in the form written by acctprc 1, merges and sorts them by user ID and name, then writes them to the standard output as total accounting records. These commands are typically used as shown below: acctprc1 >ptacct ctmp ,< =+ 0 p f B W D I absolute address convert from i-number to i-node address convert to block address directory slot offset address arithmetic quit save, restore an address numerical assignment incremental assignment decremental assignment character string assignment error checking flip flop general print facilities file print facility byte mode word mode double word mode escape to the command interpreter System V Interface Definition Page 253 FSDB(AS_CMD) The print facilities generate a formatted output in various styles. The current address is normalized to an appropriate boundary before printing begins. It advances with the printing and is left at the address of the last item printed. The output can be terminated at any time by typing the delete character. If a number follows the p symbol, that many entries are printed. A check is made to detect block boundary overflows since logically sequential blocks are generally not physically sequential. If a count of zero is used, all entries to the end of the current block are printed. The print options available are: i d o e c b print print print print print print as as as as as as i-nodes directories octal words decimal words characters octal bytes The f symbol is used to print data blocks associated with the current inode. If followed by a number, that block of the file is printed. (Blocks are numbered from zero.) The desired print option letter follows the block number, if present, or the f symbol. This print facility works for small as well as large files. It checks for special devices and that the block pointers used to find the data are not zero. Dots, tabs, and spaces may be used as function delimiters but are not necessary. A line with just a new-line character will increment the current address by the size of the data type last printed. That is, the address is set to the next byte, word, double word, directory entry or i-node, allowing the user to step through a region of a file system. Information is printed in a format appropriate to the data type. Bytes, words and double words are displayed with the octal address followed by the value in octal and decimal. A • B or • D is appended to the address for byte and double word values, respectively. Directories are printed as a directory slot offset followed by the decimal inumber and the character representation of the entry name. I-nodes are printed with labeled fields describing each element. The following mnemonics are used for i-node examination and refer to the current working i-node: mode link count user ID number group ID number file size a # data block numbers (O - 12) a t access time mt modification time ma j major device number min minor device number md 1n uid gi d sz Page 254 System V Interface Definition EXAMPLES 386i prints i-number 386 in an i-node format. becomes the current working i-node. In=4 changes the link count for the working i-node to 4. In=+1 increments the link count. .by 1. fc prints, in ASCII, block zero of the file associated with the working i-node. 2i.fd prints the first 32 directory entries for the root i-node of this file system. dSi.fc changes the current i-node to that associated with the 5th directory entry (numbered from zero) found from the above command. The first logical block of the file is then printed in ASCII. S12B.pOO prints the superblock of this file system in octal. This now = 2 i . a 0 b • d 7 3 changes the i-number for the seventh directory slot in the root directory to 3. This example also shows how several operations can be combined on one command line. d7.nm= changes the name field in the directory slot to the given string. Quotes are optional when used with nm if the first character is alphabetic. a2b.pOd prints the third block of the current i-node as directory entries. USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO FSCK(AS _CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 255 NAME fuser - identify processes using a file or file structure SYNOPSIS /etc/fuser [-ku] files [-] [[ -ku] files] DESCRIPTION The command f use r lists the process IDs of the processes using the f i 1 e s specified as arguments. For block special devices, all processes using any file on that device are listed. The process 10 is followed by c, p or r if the process is using the file as its current directory, the parent of its current directory (only when in use by the system), or its root directory, respectively. If the -u option is specified, the login name, in parentheses, also follows the process 10. In addition, if the -k option is specified, the SIGKILL signal is sent to each process. Only the super-user can terminate another user's process [see KILL(BA_OS»] Options may be respecified between groups of files. The new set of options replaces the old set, with a lone dash canceling any options currently in force. The process IDs are printed as a single line on the standard output, separated by spaces and terminated with a single new line. All other output is written on standard error. EXAMPLES fuser -ku /dev/dsk/1s? will terminate all processes that are preventing disk drive one from being unmounted if typed by the super-user, listing the process 10 and login name of each as it is killed. fuser -u /etc/passwd will list process IDs and login names of processes that have the password file open. fuser -ku /dev/dsk/1s? -u /etc/passwd will do both of the above examples in a single command line. USAGE Administrator. The command fuser works with a snapshot of the system tables, which is true only for an instant. It is possible that other processes begin accessing the specified file(s) after this snapshot is taken. SEE ALSO KILL(BA _OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 256 System V Interface Definition NAME fwtmp, wtmpfix - manipulate connect accounting records SYNOPSIS /usr/lib/acct/fwtmp [-ic] /usr/lib/acct/wtmpfix [files] DESCRIPTION fwtmp The command fwtmp reads from the standard input and writes to the standard output, converting binary records of the type found in / etc/wtmp to formatted ASCII records. The ASCII version is useful to enable editing bad records or general purpose maintenance of the file. The argument -ic is used to denote that input is in ASCII form, and output is to be written in binary form. wtmpflx The command wtmpf ix examines the standard input or named files in wtmp format, corrects the time/date stamps to make the entries consistent, and writes to the standard output. A - can be used in place of f i 1 e s to indicate the standard input. If time/date corrections are not performed, acctcon 1 will fault when it encounters certain date-change records. Each time the date is set, a pair of date change records are written to /etc/wtmp. The first record is the old date denoted by the string old time placed in the line field and the flag OLD_TIME placed in the type field of the structure. The second record specifies the new date and is denoted by the string new time placed in the line field and the flag NEW _ TIME placed in the type field. The command wtmpf ix uses these records to synchronize all time stamps in the file. In addition to correcting time/date stamps, wtmpf ix will check the validity of the name field to ensure that it consists solely of alphanumeric characters or spaces. If it encounters a name that is considered invalid, it will change the login name to INVALID and write a diagnostic to the standard error. In this way, wtmpfix reduces the chance that acctcon 1 will fail when processing connect accounting records. FILES /etc/wtmp USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO ACCT(AS_CMD), ACCTCMS(AS_CMD), ACCTCOM(AS_CMD), ACCTCON(AS__CMD), ACCTMERG(AS_CMD), ACCTPRC(AS _CMD), RUNACCT(AS _CMD), ACCT(KE _OS). System V Interface Definition Page 257 LEVEL Levell. Page 258 System V Interface Definition NAME init - change system run level SYNOPSIS /etc/init [0123456sq] DESCRIPTION The command in i t is used to direct the actions of the in i t process, which is the system process spawner. (The ini t command provides the ini t process with certain directives; it is important to keep in mind the distinction between the two.) The system is in a particular run-1 eve 1 at any given time. The processes spawned by the ini t process for each of these run-1eve 1 s is defined in the / etc / in itt a b file. The system can be in one of eight run-levels, 0-6 and s (or S). The run-level is changed when the System Administrator runs the ini t command. If the run-level s (S) is specified, the init process goes into the SINGLE-USER level. This is the only run-level that does not require the existence of a properly formatted /etc/ini ttab file. (If that file does not exist, then by default the SINGLE USER level is entered.) If a run -1 eve 1 of 0 through 6 is specified, the in i t process enters the corresponding run-1 eve 1. The following arguments are accepted by ini t: 0-6 tells ini t to place the system in one of the levels 0-6. run- q (or Q) tells init to re-examine the /etc/inittab file. It is often used after that file has been changed, in order to check its correctness. s (or S) tells ini t to enter the SINGLE-USER level. When this level change is effected, the virtual system terminal, /dev/conso1e, is changed to the terminal from which the command was executed. FILES /etc/inittab USAGE Administra tor. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 259 IPCRM(AS_CMD) NAME ipcrm - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id SYNOPSIS ipcrm [ options DESCRIPTION The command ipcrm will remove one or more specified message, semaphore or shared memory identifiers. The identifiers are specified by the following options: -q msqid removes the message queue identifier msqid from the system and destroys the message queue and data structure associated with it. -m shmid removes the shared memory identifier shmid from the system. The shared memory segment and data structure associated with it are destroyed after the last detach operation. - s semid removes the semaphore identifier semid from the system and destroys the set of semaphores and data structure associated with it. -Q -M msgkey removes the message queue identifier, created with key msgkey, from the system and destroys the message queue and data structure associated with it. shmkey removes the shared memory identifier, created with key shmkey, from the system. The shared memory segment and data structure associated with it are destroyed after the last detach. -s semkey removes the semaphore identifier, created with key semkey, from the system and destroys the set of semaphores and data structure associated with it. The details of the removes are described in MSGCTL(KE_OS), SHMCTL(KE_OS), and SEMCTL(KE_OS). The identifiers and keys may be found by using IPCS(AS_CMD). SEE ALSO IPCS(AS_CMD), MSGCTL(KE_OS), MSGGET(KE_OS), MSGOP(KE_OS), SEMCTL(KE _OS), SEMGET(KE_OS), SEMOP(KE_OS), SHMCTL(KE_OS), SHMGET(KE_OS), SHMOP(KE_OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 260 System V Interface Definition IPCS(AS_CMD) NAME ipcs - report inter-process communication facilities status SYNOPSIS ipcs [ options DESCRIPTION The command ipcs prints certain information about active inter-process communication facilities. Without options, information is printed in short format for message queues, shared memory, and semaphores that are currently active in the system. Otherwise, the information that is displayed is controlled by the following options: -q Print information about active message queues. -m Print information about active shared memory segments. -s Print information about active semaphores. If any of the options -q, -m, or -s are specified, information about only those indicated will be printed. If none of these three are specified, information about all three will be printed. -b Print biggest allowable size information. (Maximum number of bytes in messages on queue for message queues, size of segments for shared memory, and number of semaphores in each set for semaphores.) See below for meaning of columns in a listing. -c Print creator's login name and group name. See below. -0 Print information on outstanding usage. (Number of messages on queue and total number of bytes in messages on queue for message queues and number of processes attached to shared memory segments.) -p Print process number information. (Process ID of last process to send a message, process ID of last process to receive a message on message queues, process ID of creating process, process ID of last process to attach or detach on shared memory segments) See below. -t Print time information. (Time of the last control operation that changed the access permissions for all facilities. Time of last msgsnd and last msgrcv operations on message queues, last shmat and last shmdt operations on shared memory, last semop operation on semaphores.) See below. -a Use all print options. -c, -0, -p, and -t.) -c (This is a shorthand notation for -b, corefile Use the file corefile in place of Idev/kmem. -N namelist The argument will be taken as the name of an alternate System V Interface Definition Page 261 IPCS(AS_CMD) name 1 i s t file, instead of the default. The column headings and the meaning of the columns in an ipcs listing are given below; the letters in parentheses indicate the options that cause the corresponding heading to appear; all means that the heading always appears. Note that these options only determine what information is provided for each facility; they do not determine which facilities will be listed. T (all) Type of the facility: ID q message queue; m shared memory segment; s semaphore. (all) The identifier for the facility entry. KEY (all) The key used as an argument in calls to msgget, semget, or shmget to create the facility entry. (Note: The key of a shared memory segment is changed to IPC_PRIVATE when the segment has been removed until all processes attached to the segment detach it.) MODE (all) The facility access modes and flags: The mode consists of 11 characters, interpreted as follows. The first character is: S if a process is waiting on a msgsnd operation; D if the associated shared memory segment has been removed. It will disappear when the last process attached to the segment detaches it; if the corresponding condition is not true. The second character is: R if a process is waiting on a msgrcvoperation; C if the associated shared memory segment is to be cleared when the first attach operation is executed; if the corresponding condition is not true. The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three !>its each. The first set refers to the owner's permissions; the next to permissions of others in the user-group of the facility entry; and the last to all others. Within each set, the first character indicates permission to read, the second character indicates Page 262 System V Interface Definition permission to write or alter the facility entry, and the last character is currently unused. The permissions are indicated as follows: r if read permission is granted; w if write permission is granted; a if alter permission is granted; if the indicated permission is not granted. (Thus the first character in a set of three can either be r or -; the second character can be w, a, or -; the last character can only be -.) OWNER (aU) The login name of the owner of the facility entry. GROUP (aU) The group name of the group of the owner of the facility entry. CREATOR (a,c) The login name of the creator of the facility entry. CGROUP (a,c) The group name of the group of the creator of the facility entry. CBYTES (a,o) The number of bytes in messages currently outstanding on the associated message queue. QNUM (a,o) The number of messages currently outstanding on the associated message queue. QBYTES (a,b) The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages outstanding on the associated message queue. LSPID (a,p) The process ID of the last process to send a message to the associated queue. LRPID (a,p) The process ID of the last process to receive a message from the associated queue. STIME (a,t) The time the last message was sent to the associated queue. RTIME (a,t) The time the last message was received from the associated queue. System V Interface Definition Page 263 criME (a,t) The time when the associated entry was created or changed. NAITCH (a,o) The number of processes attached to the associated shared memory segment. SEGSZ (a,b) The size of the associated shared memory segment. CPID (a,p) The process ID of the creator of the shared memory entry. LPID (a,p) The process ID of the last process to attach or detach the shared memory segment. ATiME (a,t) The time the last attach was completed to the associated shared memory segment. DTiME (a,t) The time the last detach was completed on the associated shared memory segment. NSEMS (a,b) The number of semaphores in the set associated with the semaphore entry. OTiME (a,t) The time the last semaphore operation was completed on the set associated with the semaphore entry. SEE ALSO MSGOP(KE_OS), SEMOP(KE_OS), SHMOP(KE_OS). USAGE Things can change while ipcs is running; therefore the status it reports may no longer be accurate at the time it is seen. LEVEL Levell. Page 264 System V Interface Definition KILLALL(AS_CMD) NAME killall - kill all active processes SYNOPSIS /etc/ki11a11 [ signal DESCRIPTION The command kill a 11 is a procedure used to kill all active processes not directly related to the calling procedure. The command kill a 11 is chiefly used to terminate all processes with open files so that the mounted file systems will be un busied and can be unmounted. The command kill a 11 sends signa 1 to all remaining processes not belonging to the above group of exclusions. If no signal is specified, SIGKILL is used. USAGE Administra tor. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 265 LlNK(AS_CMD) NAME link, unlink - exercise link and unlink system calls SYNOPSIS /etc/link file1 file2 /etc/unlink file DESCRIPTION The commands link and unlink perform their respective system calls on their arguments, without any error checking. These commands may only be executed by the super-user. USAGE Administra tor. SEE ALSO LINK(BA_OS), UNLlNK(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 266 System V Interface Definition MKFS(AS_CMD) NAME mkfs - construct a file system SYNOPSIS /etc/mkfs blocks/cyl] special blocks[:i-nodes] [gap /etc/mkfs special proto [gap blocks/cyl] DESCRIPTION The command mkf s constructs a file system by writing on the special file according to the directions found in the remainder of the command line. The command waits 10 seconds before starting to construct the file system. If the second argument is given as a string of digits, mkf s builds a file system with a single empty directory on it. The size of the file system is the value of blocks interpreted as a decimal number. This is the number of 512-byte units the file system will occupy. The boot program is left uninitialized. If the second argument is a file name that can be opened, mkf s assumes it to be a prototype file proto, and will take its directions from that file. The prototype file contains tokens separated by spaces or new-lines. The first token is the name of a file to be copied onto block zero as the bootstrap program. The second token is a number specifying the size of the created file system in physical disk blocks. Typically it will be the number of blocks on the device, perhaps diminished by space for swapping. The next token is the number of i-nodes in the file system. The next set of tokens comprise the specification for the root file. File specifications consist of tokens giving the mode, the user ID, the group ID, and the initial contents of the file. The syntax of the contents field depends on the mode. The mode token for a file is a 6-character string. The first character specifies the type of the file. (The characters -bed specify regular, block special, character special and directory files respectively.) The second character of the type is either u or - to specify set-user-ID mode or not. The third is g or - for the set-group-ID mode. The rest of the mode is a 3 digit octal number giving the owner, group, and other read, write, execute permissions. Two decimal number tokens come after the mode; they specify the llser and group IDs of the owner of the file. If the file is a regular file, the next token is a path name whence the contents and size are copied. If the file is a block or character special file, two decimal number tokens follow which give the major and minor device numbers. If the file is a directory, mkf s makes the entries and then reads a list of names and (recursively) files specifications for the entries in the directory. The scan is terminated with the token $. If a prototype is used, there is an upper limit on the size of a file that can be initialized. This limit is implementation dependent, but is at least 64K bytes. A sample prototype specification follows: System V Interface Definition Page 267 MKFS(AS_CMD) Istand/di skboot 4872 110 d--7553 1 usr d--755 3 1 sh ken ---755 3 1 Ibin/sh d--75561 $ bO cO b--6443 100 c--6443 100 $ $ USAGE Administra tor. LEVEL Levell. Page 268 System V Interface Definition MKNOD(AS_CMD) NAME mknod - build special file SYNOPSIS /etc/mknod name c I b major minor /etc/mknod name p DESCRIPTION The command mknod makes a directory entry and corresponding i-node for a special file. The command mknod can also be used to create FIFOs (named pipes) (second case in SYNOPSIS above). The first argument is the name of the entry. In the first case above, the second argument is b if the special file is block-type (disks, tape) or c if it is character-type (other devices). The last two arguments are numbers specifying the major device type and the minor device (e.g., unit, drive, or line number), which may be either decimal or octal (any number with a leading zero). The assignment of major device numbers is specific to each system. The command mknod may only be used by the superuser, to make special files. USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO MKNOD(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 269 NAME mount, umount - mount and dismount file system SYNOPSIS /etc/mount [ special directory [ -r ] ] /etc/umount special DESCRIPTION The command mount announces to the system that a removable file system is present on the device special. The directory must exist already; it becomes the name of the root of the newly mounted file system. These commands maintain a table of mounted devices. If invoked with no arguments, mount prints the table. The option -r indicates that the file is to be mounted read-only. Physically write-protected and magnetic tape file systems must be mounted in this way or errors will occur when access times are updated, whether or not any explicit write is attempted. The command umoun t announces to the system that the removable file system previously mounted on device special is to be removed. ERRORS The command mount issues a warning if the file system to be mounted is currently mounted under another name. The command umoun t reports an error if the special file is not mounted or if it is busy. The file system is busy if it contains an open file, a user's working directory, or another mounted file system. FILES /etc/mnttab mount table USAGE Administra tor. Some degree of validation is done on the file system; however, it is generally unwise to mount garbage file systems. SEE ALSO SETMNT(AS _CMD), MOUNT(BA_OS), UMOUNT(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 270 System V Interface Definition NAME mvdir - move a directory SYNOPSIS /etc/mvdir dirname name DESCRIPTION The command mvd i r moves directories within a file system. The argument d i rname must be a directory; name must not be an existing file. If name is a directory, then dirname is moved to name/dirname provided no such file or directory already exists. Neither name may be a sub-set of the other (/x/y cannot be moved to /x/y/z, nor vice versa). Only the super-user can use mvdir. USAGE Administra tor. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 271 NAME ncheck - generate names from i-numbers SYNOPSIS /etc/ncheck [ -i file-system ] i-numbers [ -a -s DESCRIPTION The command ncheck with no argument generates a path-name vs. inumber list of all files on a set of default file systems. Names of directory files are followed by /.. The - i option reduces the report to only those files whose i-numbers follow. The -a option allows printing of the names /. and / .. , which are ordinarily suppressed. The -s option reduces the report to special files and files with set-user-ID mode; it is intended to discover concealed violations of security policy. A file system may be specified. ERRORS When the file system structure is improper, ?? denotes the "parent" of a parentiess file and a path-name beginning with •.• denotes a loop. USAGE Administra tor. SEE ALSO FSCK(AS_CMD). LEVEL Level 2: December 1, 1985. Page 272 System V Interface Definition NICE(AS_CMD) NAME nice - run a command at low priority SYNOPSIS nice [ -increment ] command DESCRIPTION The command nice executes command with a lower CPU scheduling priority. The increment is a positive integer less than {NZERO}; if it is not given, the default is half of that (rounded up). The super-user may run commands with priority higher than normal by using a negative increment, e.g., n ice - - 2. An increment larger than the maximum is equivalent to the maximum. The command nice returns the exit status of the subject command. USAGE General, except for super-user restriction stated above. SEE ALSO NICE(KE_OS). LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 273 PWCK(AS_CMD) NAME pwck, grpck - password/group file checkers SYNOPSIS /etc/pwck [file] /etc/grpck [file] DESCRIPTION The command pwck scans the password file and notes any inconsistencies. The checks include validation of the number of fields, login name, user ID, group ID, and whether the login directory and optional program name exist. The default password file is /etc/passwd. The command grpck verifies all entries in the group file. This verification includes a check of the number of fields, group name, group ID, and whether all login names appear in the password file. In addition, group entries in /etc/group with no login names are flagged. The default group file is /etc/group. FILES /etc/group /etc/passwd USAGE Administra tor. LEVEL Level 1. Page 274 System V Interface Definition RUNACCT(AS_CMD) NAME runacct - run daily accounting SYNOPSIS lusr/lib/acct/runacct [mmdd [state]] DESCRIPTION The command runacct is the main daily accounting procedure. It is normally initiated via cron. The command runacct processes connect, fee, disk, and process accounting files. It also prepares summary files for p r d ail y or billing purposes. Unless otherwise specified, files named here reside in the directory lusr/adm/acct/nite. The command runacct takes care not to damage active accounting files or summary files in the event of errors. It records its progress by writing descriptive diagnostic messages into the file act i v e . When an error is detected, a message is written to Idev/console, mail is sent to the users root and adm, and runacct terminates. The command runacct uses a series of lock files to protect against re-invocation. The files lock and lock 1 are used to prevent simultaneous invocation, and the file lastdate is used to prevent more than one invocation per day. The command runacct breaks its processing into separate, restartable states using statefile to remember the last state completed. It accomplishes this by writing the state name into statefile. The command runacct then looks in statefile to see what it has done and to determine what to process next. The states are executed in the following order: SETUP Move active accounting files into working files. WTMPFIX Verify integrity of letc/wtmp file, correcting date changes if necessary. CONNECTl Produce connect session records [see ACCTCON(AS_CMD»). CONNECT2 Convert session records into total accounting records. PROCESS Convert process accounting records into total accounting records. MERGE Merge the total connect and process accounting records. FEES Convert output of chargefee into total accounting records and merge with the above (connect and process) total accounting records. System V Interface Definition Page 275 RUNACCT(AS_CMD) DISK Merge disk total accounting records with the above (connect, process, and fee) total accounting records. This merge forms the daily total accounting records. MERGETACcr Merge the daily total accounting records with the summary total accounting records in lusr/adm/acct/sum/tacct. CMS Produce command summaries in internal format. USEREXIT Any installation-dependent accounting programs can be included here. CLEANUP into the Write ASCII command summaries lusr/adm/acct/sum/rprtxxxx [see prdaily ACCT(AS_CMD»). Remove temporary files and exit. file in To restart runacct after a failure, first check the active file for diagfix up any corrupted data files such as nostics, then pacct\f (CWor\f (Cwwtmp. The lock files and lastdate file must be removed before runacct can be restarted. The argument mmdd is necessary if runacct is being restarted, and specifies the month and day for which runacct will rerun the accounting. Entry point for processing is based on the contents of s tat e f i 1 e; to override this, include the desired s tat e on the command line to designate where processing should begin. FILES lusrlsrc/cmd/acct/nite/active lusrlsrc/cmd/acct/nite/lock lusrlsrc/cmd/acct/nite/lockl lusrlsrc/cmd/acct/nite/lastdate lusrlsrc/cmd/acct/nite/statefile lusr/adm/acct/sum/rprtxxxx lusr/adm/acct/sum/tacct lusr/adm/pacct letc/wtmp USAGE Administrator. Normally runacct should not be restarted in the SETUP state. SETUP should be run manually and restart should be done by: runa c c t mmdd WTMPFIX SEE ALSO ACCT(AS_CMD), ACCTCMS(AS_CMD), ACCTCOM(AS _CMD), ACCTCON(AS _CMD), ACCTMERG(AS_CMD), ACCTPRC(AS_CMO), CRON(AU _CMD), FWTMP(AS _CMO), Page 276 System V Interface Definition RUNACCT(AS_CMD) ACCT(KE_OS). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 277 NAME sal, sa2, sadc - system activity report package SYNOPSIS lusr/lib/sa/sade [t n] [ofile] lusr/lib/sa/sa1 [t n] lusr/lib/sa/sa2 [-i see] [ options [-s time] [-e time] DESCRIPTION System acti~ity data can be accessed at the special request of a user [see SAR(AS_CMD)] and automatically on a routine basis as described here. The operating system contains a number of counters that are incremented as various system actions occur. These include CPU utilization counters, buffer usage counters, disk and tape 110 activity counters, TTY device activity counters, switching and system-call counters, file-access counters, queue activity counters, and counters for interprocess communications. The commands sade, sa 1, and sa2, are used to sample, save, and process this data. The command sade, the data collector, samples system data n times every t seconds and writes in binary format to 0 f i 1 e or to standard output. If t and n are omitted, a special record is written. This facility is typically used at system boot time to mark the time at which the counters restart from zero.. The utility sa 1, a variant of sade, is used to collect and store data in the binary file lusr/adm/sa/sadd where dd is the current day. The options t and n cause records to be written n times at an interval of t seconds, (once if the options are omitted). The utility sa2, a variant of sar, writes the day's system activity report in the file Ius r I a dml s a I s a r dd. The options are explained in SAR(AS_CMD). FILES lusr/adm/sa/sadd daily data file lusr I adml sal sardd daily report file USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO SAR(AS_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 278 System V Interface Definition NAME sadp - disk access profiler SYNOPSIS sadp [ -th ] [ -d device[-drive] ] s [ n ] DESCRIPTION The command sadp reports disk access location and seek distance, in tabular or histogram form. It samples disk activity once every second during an interval of s seconds. This is done repeatedly if n is specified. The argument dr i ve specifies the disk drives and it may be: a drive number in the range supported by device, or two numbers separated by a minus (indicating an inclusive range), or a list of drive numbers separated by commas. The -d option may be omitted, if only one device is present. The - t option {default} causes the data to be reported in tabular form. The -h option produces a histogram of the data on the printer. Default is -to USAGE Administrator. LEVEL Levell. Optional. System V Interface Definition Page 219 SAR(AS_CMD) NAME sar - system activity reporter SYNOPSIS sar [ options] sar options [-f file] [-0 file] t [-s time] [ n ] [-e time] [-i sec] DESCRIPTION In the first form above, the sar command, in the first instance, samples cumulative activity counters in the operating system at n intervals of t seconds. If the - 0 option is specified, it saves the samples in f i 1 e in binary format. The default value of n is 1. In the second form, with no sampling interval specified, sar extracts data from a previously recorded file, either the one specified by the -f option or, by default, the standard system activity daily data file /usr/adm/sa/sadd for the current day dd. The starting and ending times of the report can be bounded via the -s and -e time arguments of the form hh[:mm[:ss1]. The -i option selects records at sec second intervals. Otherwise, all intervals found in the data file are reported. In either case, subsets of data to be printed are specified by option: -u Report CPU utilization (the default): %usr, %sys, %wio, %idle - portion of time running in user mode, running in system mode, idle with some process waiting for block I/O, and otherwise idle. -b Report buffer activity: bread/s, bwrit/s - transfers per second of data between system buffers and disk or other block devices; lread/s, Iwrit/s - accesses of system buffers; %rcache, %wcache - cache hit ratios, e. g., 1 - bread/lread; pread/s, pwrit/s - transfers via raw (physical) device mechanism. -d Report activity for each block device, e. g., disk or tape drive. When data is displayed, the device specification d s k - is generally used to represent a disk drive. The device specification used to represent a tape drive is machine dependent. The activity data reported is: %busy, avque - portion of time device was busy servicing a transfer request, average number of requests outstanding during that time; r+w/s, blks/s - number of data transfers from or to device, numb~r of bytes transferred in 512-byte units; avwait, avserv - average time in ms. that transfer requests wait idly on queue, and average time to be serviced (which for disks includes seek, rotational latency and data transfer times). -y Report TTY device activity: rawch/s, canch/s, outch/s - input character rate, input character rate processed by canon, output character rate; Page 280 System V Interface Definition rcvin/s, xmtin/s, mdmin/s rates. receive, transmit and modem interrupt -c Report system calls: scali/s - system calls of all types; sread/s, swrit/s, forkls, exec/s - specific system calls; rchar/s, wchar/s - characters transferred by read and write system calls. -w Report system swapping and switching activity: swpin/s, swpot/s, bswin/s, bswot/s - number of transfers and number of 512-byte units transferred for swapins and swapouts (including initial loading of some programs); pswch/s - process switches. -a Report use of file access system routines: iget/s, namei/s, dirblkls. -q Report average queue length while occupied, and % of time occupied: runq-sz, %runocc - run queue of processes in memory and runnable; swpq-sz, %swpocc - swap queue of processes swapped out but ready to run. -v Report status of process, i-node, file, record lock and file header tables: proc-sz, inod-sz, file-sz, lock-sz, fhdr-sz - entries/size for each table, evaluated once at sampling point; ov - overflows that occur between sampling points for each table. -m Report message and semaphore activities: msg/s, sema/s - primitives per second. -A Report all data (all options effective). EXAMPLES To see today's CPU activity so far: sar To watch CPU activity evolve for 10 minutes and save data: sar -0 temp 60 10 To later review disk and tape activity from that period: sar -d - f temp FILES /usr/adm/sa/sadd daily data file, where dd are digits representing the day of the month. USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO SA 1(AS_CMD). System V Interface Definition Page 281 SAR(AS_CMD) LEVEL Levell. Page 282 System V Interface Definition NAME setmnt - establish mount table SYNOPSIS /etc/setmnt DESCRIPTION The command setmnt creates the /etc/mnttab table, which is needed for both the mount and umount [see MOUNT(AS_CMD)] commands. The command s e tmn t reads standard input and creates a mnttab entry for each line. Input lines have the format: filesys node where filesys is the name of the file system's special file and node is the root name of that file system. Thus filesys and node become the first two strings in the / etc / mn t tab entry. FILES /etc/mnttab USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO MOUNT(AS _CMD). LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 283 SYNC(AS_CMD) NAME sync - flush system buffers SYNOPSIS sync DESCRIPTION The command sync executes the sync system source routine. If the system is to be stopped, sync must be executed to ensure file system integrity. It will flush all previously unwritten system buffers out to disk, thus assuring that all file modifications up to that point will be saved. USAGE Administrator. SEE ALSO SYNC(BA_OS). LEVEL Levell. Page 284 System V Interface Definition SYSDEF(AS_CMD) NAME sysdef - system definition SYNOPSIS /etc/sysde£ [ opsys [ master ] ] DESCRIPTION The command sysde£ analyzes the named operating system file (or the default one if none is specified) and extracts configuration information. The master file contains the hardware and software specifications. (The default master file is used if one is not specified.) This includes all hardware devices as well as system devices and all tunable parameters. USAGE Administrator. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 285 NAME timex - time a command; report process data and system activity SYNOPSIS timex [options] command DESCRIPTION The given command is executed; the elapsed time, user time and system time spent in execution are reported in seconds. Optionally, process accounting data for the command and all its children can be listed or summarized, and total system activity during the execution interval can be reported. The output of timex is written on standard error. The options are: -p List process accounting records for command and all its children. Suboptions f, h, k, m, r, and t modify the data items reported, as defined in ACCTCOM(AS_CMD). The number of blocks read or written and the number of characters transferred are always reported. -0 Report the total number of blocks read or written and total characters transferred by command and all its children. -s Report total system activity (not just that due to command) that occurred during the execution interval of command. All the data items listed in SAR(AS_CMD) are reported. USAGE General. SEE ALSO ACCTCOM(AS_CMD), SAR(AS_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Page 286 System V Interface Definition VOLCOPY(AS_CMD) NAME volcopy, labelit - copy file systems with label checking SYNOPSIS letc/vo1copy [options] specia12 vo1name2 fsname specia11 vo1name1 letc/1abe1it special [ fsname volume [ -n ] ] DESCRIPTION volcopy The command vo1copy makes a literal copy of the file system using a blocksize matched to the device. The options are: -a invoke a verification sequence requiring a positive operator response instead of the standard delay before the copy is made - s (default) invoke the DEL if wrong verification sequence. Other options are used only with tapes: -bpidensity bits-per-inch -feetsize size of reel in feet -ree1num beginning reel number for a restarted copy, -buf use double buffered 110. The program requests length and density information if it is not given on the command line or is not recorded on an input tape label. If the file system is too large to fit on one reel, vo1copy will prompt for additional reels. Labels of all reels are checked. Tapes may be mounted alternately on two or more drives. If vo1copy is interrupted, it will ask if the user wants to quit or wants to escape to the command interpreter. In the latter case, the user can perform other operations (e.g.: 1 abe 1 it) and return to vo 1copy by exiting the command interpreter. The f sname argument represents the file system name on the device (e.g.: root, u 1) being copied. The s p e cia 1 should be the physical disk section or tape (e.g.: Idev/rdskl 1 s5, Idev/rmt/Om, etc.). The volname is the physical volume name and should match the external label sticker. Such label names are limited to six or fewer characters. The argument volname may be - to use the existing volume name. The arguments specia11 and volname 1 are the device and volume from which the copy of the file system is being extracted. The arguments specia12 and volname2 are the target device and volume. labellt System V Interface Definition Page 287 VOLCOPY(AS_CMD) The command 1 abe 1 i t can be used to provide initial la bels for unmounted disk or tape file systems. With the optional arguments omitted, labe 1 i t prints current label values. The -n option provides for initial labeling of new tapes only (this destroys previous contents). USAGE Administrator. LEVEL Levell. Page 288 System V Interface Definition NAME whodo - who is doing what SYNOPSIS /etc/whodo DESCRIPTION The command whodo produces merged t reformatted t and dated output from the WHO(AU _CMD) and PS(BU_CMD) commands. FILES /etc/passwd USAGE General. SEE ALSO PS(BU_CMD)t WHO(AU_CMO). LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 289 Part V Software Development Extension Chapter 9 Introduction 9.1 OVERVIEW The Software Development Extension provides facilities for the compilation and maintenance of C language software. Principal components are the C compiler cc and its related utilities, the program development aids yacc and lex, and the Source Code Control System (sees) utilities. The System V Base, the Basic Utilities Extension, and the Advanced Utilities Extension are prerequisites for the Software Development Extension. 9.2 DESCRIPTION UTILITIES admin as # cc cftow chroot cpp cxref delta dis # env get ld lex lint lorder m4 make nm prof prs rmdel sact sdb size strip time tsort unget val what xargs yacc ROUTINES The following routines were defined in Volume 1. They must be present (that is, compilation of programs that use these routines must be supported) to satisfy the requirements of the Software Development Extension. (See the "C Libraries" section below for a discussion of library specification.) System V Interface Definition Page 293 Operating System Service Routines abort access alarm calloc chdir chmod chown clearerr dup exit fclose fcntl fdopen feof ferror mush fileno fopen fread free freopen fseek fstat ftell fwrite getcwd getegid geteuid getgid getpgrp getpid getppid getuid ioctl close creat execl execle execlp execv execve execvp fork lseek mount open _exit sync kill link lockf ++ mallinfo + malloc mallopt + mknod pause pclose pipe popen realloc rewind setgid setpgrp setuid signal sleep stat stime system time times ulimit umask uname unlink ustat utime wait read umount write General Routines _tolower _toupper abs advance asctime atof atoi atol bsearch clock compile crypt drand48 encrypt erand48 frexp ftw getenv Page 294 hsearch isalnum isalpha isascii isatty iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit jrand48 lcong48 ldexp lfind + memchr memcmp memcpy memset mktemp modf mrand48 ntand48 perror * putenv + qsort rand seed48 setjmp setkey srand srand48 ssignal ** strcpy strcspn strlen strncat strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn strtod + strtok strtol swab tdelete tfind + toascii tolower toupper System V Interface Definition getopt gmtime gsignal ** hcreate hdestroy localtime longjmp lrand48 lsearch memcepy step strcat strehr stremp tsearch " ttyname twalk tzset Stdio Routines ctermid fgete fgets fprintf fpute fputs fscanf getc getchar gets getw printf putc putchar puts putw seanf setbuf setvbuf + sprintf tempnam tmpfile tmpnam ungetc vfprintf + vprintf + vsprintf + Math Routines acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh erf erfe exp fabs floor fmod gamma hypot jO jI jn log log10 matherr pow sin sinh sqrt tan tanh yO yl yn In addition to the above, the following library routines must also be present. These routines are defined in this volume. Additional Routines a641 assert endgrent endpwent endutent fgetgrent fgetpwent getgrgid getgrnam getlogin getpass getpwent getpwnam getpwuid System V Interface Definition getutid getutline 164a MARK # monitor # nlist putpwent pututline setgrent setpwent setutent sgetl sputl utmpname Page 295 getgrent • •• # + getutent Level 2: January 1, 1985 . Level 2: December 1, 1985. Optional. New in System V Release 2. 9.3 C LIBRARIES The standard C library is automatically included {that is, searched to resolve undefined external references}. This includes all of the "Operating System Service Routines", "General Routines", and the "Stdio Routines" listed above. Inclusion of other libraries requires specific loader options on the C compiler c c command line. For example, the mathematical library {"Math Routines" above} is searched by including the option -1m on the command line: cc fi1e.c -1m Notes on other libraries: • The lex library (cc option -11) is required for the compilation of programs generated by lex [see LEX(SD_CMD)1. • The object file library (c c option -11 d) contains routines used for the manipulation of object files. The only such routines required for this Extension are sput1 and sget1 [see SPUTL(SD_LIB»). • The yacc library (cc option -ly) facilitates the use of yacc [see YACC(SD_CMD)1. Page 296 System V Interface Definition Chapter 10 Library Routines System V Interface Definition Page 297 A64L(SD _LIB) NAME a641, 164a - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string SYNOPSIS long a64l char *s; ( S ) char *164a ( 1 ) long 1 ; DESCRIPTION These routines are used to maintain numbers stored in base-64 ASCII characters. This is a notation by which long integers can be represented by up to six characters; each character represents a "digit" in a radix-64 notation. The characters used to represent 'digits' are • for 0, / for 1, 0 through 9 for 2-11, A through Z for 12-37, and a through z for 38-63. The routine a64l takes a pointer to a null-terminated base-64 representation and returns a corresponding long value. If the string pointed to by s contains more than six characters, a 6 41 will use the first six. The routine 164a takes a long argument and returns a pointer to the corresponding base-64 representation. If the argument is 0, l64a returns a pointer to a null string. APPLICATION USAGE The value returned by 164a may be a pointer into a static buffer, the contents of which would therefore be overwritten by each call. LEVEL Levell. Page 298 System V Interface Definition ASSERT(SD _LIB) NAME assert - verify program assertion SYNOPSIS #include void assert (expression) int expression; DESCRIPTION The ass e r t macro is useful for putting diagnostics into programs. When it is executed, if expression is false (zero), assert prints assertion nnn failed: expression, file xyz, line on the standard error output and aborts. In the error message, xyz is the name of the source file and nnn the source line number of the ass e r t statement. SEE ALSO ABORT(BA_OS). APPLICATION USAGE Compiling with the preprocessor option -DNDEBUG or with the preprocessor control statement #define NDEBUG ahead of the #include statement will stop assertions from being compiled into the program. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 299 GETGRENT(SD _LIB) NAME getgrent, getgrgid, getgrnam, setgrent, endgrent, fgetgrent - get group file entry SYNOPSIS #include #include struct group *getgrent struct group *getgrgid (gid) int gid; struct group *getgrnam (name) char *name; void setgrent void endgrent struct group *fgetgrent (f) FILE *f; DESCRIPTION The routines getgrent, getgrgid and getgrnam each return pointers to an object with the following structure containing the broken-out fields of a line in the / etc/ group file. Each line contains a 'group' structure, defined in the header file. The structure contains at least the following members: char int char *gr _name; gr_gid; **gr_mem; /* the name of the group */ /* the numerical group ID */ /* array of pointers to member names */ The routine getgrent when first called returns a pointer to the first group structure in the file; thereafter, it returns a pointer to the next group structure in the file; so, successive calls may be used to search the entire file. The routine getgrgid searches the file until a numerical group id matching 9 i d is found, and returns a pointer to the particular structure in which it was found. The routine getgrnam searches the file until a group name matching name is found, and returns a pointer to the particular structure in which it was found. If an end-of-file or an error is encountered on reading, these functions return a NULL pointer. The routine setgrent effectively rewinds the group file to allow repeated searches. The routine endgrent may be called to close the group file when processing is complete. Page 300 System V Interface Definition GETGRENT(SD _LIB) The routine fgetgrent returns a pointer to the next group structure in the file f; this file must have the format of /etc/group. RETURN VALUE A NULL pointer is returned on end of file or an error. FILES /etc/group SEE ALSO GETLOGIN(SD _LIB), GETPWENT(SD _LIB). APPLICATION USAGE All information may be contained in a static area, so it should be copied if it is to be saved. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 301 GETLOGIN(SD_LIB) NAME getlogin - get login name SYNOPSIS char *getlogin ( ); DESCRIPTION The routine get login returns a pointer to the login name as found in the file / etc/u tmp. It may be used in conjunction with the routine getpwnam [see GETPWENT(SD_LIB)] to locate the correct password file entry when the same user ID is shared by several login names. If get login is called within a process that is not attached to a terminal, it returns a NULL pointer. The correct procedure for determiping the login name is to call get login and if it fails to call getpwuid. RETURN VALUE Returns a NULL pointer if name is not found. FILES /etc/utmp SEE ALSO GETGRENT(SD_LIB), GETPWENT(SD_LIB). APPLICATION USAGE The return value may point to static data whose content would therefore be overwritten by each call. LEVEL Levell. Page 302 System V Interface Definition GETPASS(SD _LIB) NAME getpass - read a password SYNOPSIS char .getpass (prompt) char .prompt; DESCRIPTION The routine getpass reads up to a newline or an EOF from the file /dev/tty, after prompting on the standard error output with the nullterminated string prompt and disabling echoing. A pointer is returned to a null-terminated string of at most 8 characters. If /dev/tty cannot be opened, a NULL pointer is returned. An interrupt will terminate input and send an interrupt signal to the calling program before returning. FILES /dev/tty APPLICATION USAGE The return value points to static data whose content is overwritten by each call. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 303 GETPWENT(SD _LIB) NAME getpwent, getpwuid, getpwnam, setpwent, endpwent, fgetpwent - get password file entry SYNOPSIS #include #include struct passwd *getpwent struct passwd *getpwuid (uid) int uid; struct passwd *getpwnam (name) char *name; void setpwent void endpwent struct passwd *fgetpwent (f) FILE *f; DESCRIPTION Each of the routines getpwent, getpwuid and getpwnam returns a pointer to a structure containing the broken-out fields of a line in the jet c j pas s wd file. Each line in the file contains a 'passwd' structure, declared in the < pwd . h> header file. The structure contains at least the following members: char char int int char char *pw name; *pw passwd; pw uid; pw_gid; *pw dir; *pw shell; - j* j* j* j* j* j* login name *j encrypted password *j numerical user id *j numerical group id *j initial working directory command interpreter */ *j The routine getpwen t when first called returns a pointer to the first passwd structure in the file; thereafter, it returns a pointer to the next passwd structure in the file; so successive calls can be used to search the entire file. The routine getpwuid searches the file until a numerical user 10 matching uid is found, and returns a pointer to the particular structure in which it was found. The routine getpwnam searches the file until a login name matching name is found, and returns a pointer to the particular structure in which it was found. If an end-of-file or an error is encountered on reading, these functions return a NULL pointer. The routine setpwent effectively of rewinds the password file to allow repeated searches. Page 304 System V Interface Definition GETPWENT(SD _LIB) The routine endpwent may be called to close the password file when processing is complete. The routine fgetpwent returns a pointer to the next passwd structure in the file f, which must have the format of /etc/passwd. RETURN VALUE A NULL pointer is returned on end of file or error. FILES /etc/passwd SEE ALSO GETLOGIN(SD_LIB), GETGRENT(SD_LIB). APPLlCAT~ON USAGE All information may be contained in a static area, so it should be copied if it is to be saved. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 305 GETUT(SD _LIB) NAME getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - access utmp file entry SYNOPSIS #inc1ude struct utmp *getutent struct utmp *getutid (id) struct utmp *id; struct utmp *getut1ine (line) struct utmp *1 ine ; void putut1ine (utmp) struct utmp *utmp; void setutent void endutent void utmpname char *fi1e; (file) DESCRIPTION Each of the routines getutent, getutid and getut1ine returns a pointer to a structure, which is defined in the header file < U tmp . h>. The structure contains at least the following members: char char char short short ut user[]; ut id[]; ut 1ine[]; ut pid; ut type; - /* /* /* /* /* User login name */ /etc/inittab id */ Device name */ Process id */ Type of entry */ In addition, (at least) the following type values for u t _ type are defined: EMPTY, RUN_LVL, BOOT_TIME, OLD_TIME, NEW_TIME, INIT _ PROCESS, LOGIN_PROCESS, USER_PROCESS, DEAD _ PROCESS, ACCOUNTING. The routine getutent reads in the next entry from the /etc/utmp file. If the file is not already open, it opens it. If it reaches the end of the file, it fails. The routine get uti d searches forward from the current point in the /etc/utmp file; if the ut type value of the structure id is RUN LVL, BOOT TIME, OLD TIME or NEW TIME, then it stops when-it finds an entry with a ut=type matching the ut_type of the structure ID. If the ut type value is INIT PROCESS, LOGIN PROCESS, USER PR-OCESS, or DEAD PROCESS, then it stops when it finds an entry- whose type is one of these four and whose u t i d field matches the u t i d field of i d. If the end of file is reached without a match, getutid fails. Page 306 System V Interface Definition GETUT(SD _LIB) The routine get u t 1 in e searches forward from the current point in the /etc/utmp file until it finds an entry of the type LOGIN PROCESS or USER PROCESS which also has a ut line value matching that of 1 in e:- If the end of file is reached without match, get u t 1 in e fails. a The routine pututline writes out the supplied /etc/utmp structure into the /etc/utmp file. It uses getutid to search forward for the proper place if it finds that it is not already at the proper place. It is expected that normally the user of pu t u t 1 in e will have searched for the proper entry using one of the above routines. If so, pututline will not search. If pututline does not find a matching slot for the new entry, it will add a new entry to the end of the file. The routine setutent resets the input stream to the beginning of the file. This should be done before each search for a new entry if it is desired that the entire file be examined. The routine endutent closes the currently open file. The routine u tmpname allows the user to change the name of the file examined by these routines, from / etc/u tmp to any other file. Usually, this other file will be /etc/wtmp. If the file does not exist, this will not be apparent until the first attempt to reference the file. (This is because u tmpname does not open the file. It just closes the old file if it is currently open and saves the new file name.) RETURN VALUE A NULL pointer is returned upon failure to read, whether for permissions or having reached the end of file, or upon failure to write. FILES /etc/utmp /etc/wtmp APPLICATION USAGE The most current entry is saved in a static structure. Multiple accesses require that it be copied before further accesses are made. Each call to either get uti d or get u t 1 in e sees the routine examine the static structure before performing more 110. If the contents of the static structure match what it is searching for, it looks no further. For this reason, to use getutline to search for multiple occurrences, it would be necessary to zero out the static after each success, or getutline would just return the same pointer over and over again. There is one exception to the rule about removing the structure before further reads are done. The implicit read done by pututline (if it finds that it is not already at the correct place in the file) will not hurt the contents of the static structure returned by the getutent, getutid, or get u t 1 in e routines, if the user has just modified those contents and passed the pointer back to pututline. System V Interface Definition Page 307 GETUT(SD _LIB) The sizes of the arrays in the structure can be found using the s i z eo f operator. LEVEL Levell. Page 308 System V Interface Definition MARK(SD _LIB) NAME MARK - profile within a function SYNOPSIS #define MARK #include void MARK (name) DESCRIPTION The macro MARK will introduce a mark called name that will be treated the same as a function entry point. Execution of the mark will add to a counter for that mark, and program-counter time spent will be accounted to the immediately preceding mark or to the function if there are no preceding marks within the active function. The identifier name may be any combination of letters, numbers or underscores. Each name in a single compilation must be unique, but may be the same as any ordinary program symbol. For marks to be effective, the symbol MARK must be defined before the header file is included. This may be defined by a preprocessor directive as in the synopsis, or by a command line argument, i.e: cc -p -DMARK foo.c If MARK is not defined, the MARK (name) statements may be left in the source files containing them and will be ignored. EXAMPLE In this example, marks can be used to determi~e how much time is spent in each loop. Unless this example is compiled with MARK defined on the command line, the marks are ignored. #include foo( ) { int i , j; MARK ( loop1); for (i 0; i < 2000; i++) MARK ( loop2 ) ; for (j 0; j < 2000; j++) { } System V Interface Definition Page 309 MARK(SD _LIB) SEE ALSO PROFIL(KE_OS), MONITOR(SD_LlB), PROF(SD_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Optional. (Requires the profil system service routine). Page 310 System V Interface Definition MONITOR(SD_LIB) NAME monitor - prepare execution profile SYNOPSIS #include void monitor (lowpc, highpc, buffer, bufsize, nfunc) int (*lowpc) ( ), (*highpc) ( ); WORD *buffer; int bufsize, nfunc; DESCRIPTION The routine moni tor is an interface to the prof i 1 system service routine [see PROFIL(KE_OS)]; lowpc and highpc are the addresses of two functions; buffer is the address of a (user supplied) array of bufsize WORDs (WORD is defined in the header file). The monitor routine arranges to record a histogram of periodically sampled values of the program counter, and of counts of calls of certain functions, in the buffer. The lowest address sampled is that of lowpc and the highest is just below hiqhpc; lowpc may not equal 0 for this use of monitor. At most nfunc call counts can be kept; only calls of functions compiled with the profiling option -p of c c are recorded. An executable program created by using the -p option with c c a.utomatically includes calls for the monitor routine with default parameters; therefore moni tor need not be called explicitly except to gain fine control over profiling. For the results to be significant, especially where there are small, heavily used routines, it is suggested that the buffer be no more than a few times smaller than the range of locations sampled. To profile the entire program, it is sufficient to use extern int etext(); monitor «int (*)(»2, bufsize, nfunc); etext, buf, The routine etext lies just above all the program text. To stop execution monitoring and write the results, use moni tor « int (*)(» 0 , ( int (*)(» 0 , 0,0,0); The prof command [see PROF(SD_CMD)] can then be used to examine the results. The name of the file written by monitor is controlled by the environmental variable profdir. If PROFDIR is not set, then the file 'mon. out' is created in the current directory. If PROFDIR is set to the null string, then no profiling is done and no output file is created. Otherwise, the value System V Interface Definition Page 311 MONITOR(SD _LIB) of PROFDIR is used as the name of the directory in which to create the output file. If PROFDIR is dirname, then the output file is named 'dirnamelpid. mon. out', where pid is the program's process 10. (When moni tor is called automatically by using the -p option of cc, the file created is 'dirnamelpid.progname', where progname is the name of the program.> FILES mon.out SEE ALSO PROFIL(KE_OS), CC(SD_CMD), PROF(SD_CMD). LEVEL Levell. Optional. (Requires the prof i 1 system service routine.> Page 312 System V Interface Definition NLlST(SD _LIB) NAME nlist - get entries from name list SYNOPSIS #include int nlist (file-name, nl) char -file-name; struct nlist -nl; DESCRIPTION The routine n lis t examines the name list in the executable file whose name is pointed to by file-name, and selectively extracts a list of values and puts them in the array of ntist structures pointed to by nl. The name list nl consists of an array of structures containing names of variables, types and values. The list is terminated with a null name; that is, a null string is in the name position of the structure. Each variable name is looked up in the name list of the file. If the name is found, the type and value of the name are inserted in the next two fields. The type field will be set to 0 unless the file was compiled with the -9 option of cc. If the name is not found, both entries are set to O. This function is useful for examining the system name list kept in the namelist file. In this way programs can obtain system addresses that are up to date. RETURN VALUE Returns -1 upon error; otherwise returns O. All value entries are set to 0 if the file cannot be read or if it does not contain a valid name list. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 313 PUTPWENT(SD _LIB) NAME putpwent - write password file entry SYNOPSIS #include int putpwent (p, f) struct passwd .p; FILE .f; DESCRIPTION The routine putpwent is the inverse of getpwent. Given a pointer to a password structure created by getpwent (or getpwuid or getpwnam), putpwent writes a line on the file f, which must have the format of /etc/passwd. RETURN VALUE Returns a non-zero value if an error was detected during its operation, otherwise returns O. SEE ALSO GETPWENT(SD _LIB). LEVEL Levell. Page 314 System V Interface Definition SPUTL(SD _LIB) NAME sputl, sgetl - access long integer data in a machine-independent fashion. SYNOPSIS void sputl (value, buffer) long value; char *buffer; long sgetl (buffer) char *buffer; DESCRIPTION The routine sputl takes the four bytes of the long integer value and places them in memory starting at the address pointed to by bu f fer. The ordering of the bytes is the same across all machines. The routine s get 1 retrieves the four bytes in memory starting at the address pointed to by buffer and returns the long integer value in the byte ordering of the host machine. The combination of s pu t 1 and s get 1 provides a machine-independent way of storing long numeric data in a file in binary form without conversion to characters. A program which uses these functions must be compiled with the object file library, by using the -11 d option of c c . LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 315 Chapter 11 Commands and Utilities System V Interface Definition Page 317 ADMIN(SD _CMD) NAME admin - create and administer sees files SYNOPSIS admin [ -n ] [ -i[name] ] [ -rrel ] [ -t[name] ] [ -fflag[flag-val] ] [ -dflag[flag-val] ] [ -alogin ] [ -elogin ] [ -m[mrlist] ] [ -%[comment] ] [ -h ] [ -z ] file DESCRIPTION The command admin is used to create new sees files and change parameters of existing ones. Arguments to admin, which may appear in any order, consist of options, which begin with -, and named files (note that sees file names must begin with s. ). If a named file does not exist, it is created, and its parameters are initialized according to the specified options. Parameters not initialized by an option are assigned a default value. If a named file does exist, parameters corresponding to specified options are changed, and other parameters are left as is. If a directory is named, admin behaves as though each file in the directory were specified as a named file, except that non-sees files Oast component of the path name does not begin with s.) and unreadable files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard input is read; each line of the standard input is taken to be the name of an sees file to be processed. Again, non-sees files and unreadable files are silently ignored. The options are as follows. Each is explained as though only one named file is to be processed since the effects of the options apply independently to each named file. -n This option indicates that a new sees file is to be created. -ilnamel The name of a file from which the text for a new sees file is to be taken. The text constitutes the first delta of the file (see - r option for delta numbering scheme). If the i option is used, but the file name is omitted, the text is obtained by reading the standard input until an end-of-file is encountered. If this option is omitted, then the sees file is created empty. Only one sees file may be created by an admin command on which the i option is supplied. Using a single admin to create two or more sees files requires that they be created empty (no - i option). Note that the - i option implies the -n option. -rrel The release into which the initial delta is inserted. This option may be used only if the -i option is also used. If the - r option is not used, the initial delta is inserted into release 1. The level of the initial delta is always 1 (by default initial deltas are named 1.1). Page 318 System V Interface Definition ADMIN(SD _CMD) -tlname] The name of a file from which descriptive text for the sees file is to be taken. If the - t option is used and admin is creating a new sees file (the -n and/or -i options also used) t the descriptive text file name must also be supplied. In the case of existing sees files: (I) a - t option without a file name causes removal of descriptive text {if any} currently in the sees filet and (2) a -t option with a file name causes text {if any} in the named file to replace the descriptive text {if any} currently in the sees file. This option specifies a flag t and t possiblYt a value for the flag t to be placed in the sees file. Several f options may be supplied on a single admin command line. The allowable flags and their values are: b Allows use of the - b option on age t command to create branch deltas. cceil The highest release {i.e. t "ceilingtt} t a number less than or equal to 9999 t which may be retrieved by a get command for editing. The default value for an unspecified c flag is 9999. ffloor The lowest release {i.e., "floor"}, a number greater than 0 but less than 9999, which may be retrieved by age t command for editing. The default value for an unspecified f flag is 1. dSID The default delta number (SID) to be used by a get command. i[str] Causes the "No id keywords" message issued by get or de 1 ta to be treated as a fatal error. In the absence of this flag, the message is only a warning. The message is issued if no sees identification keywords (see get) are found in the text retrieved or stored in the sees file. j Allows concurrent get commands for editing on the same SID of an sees file. This allows multiple concurrent updates to the same version of the sees file. llist A list of releases to which deltas can no longer be made (get -e against one of these "locked" releases fails). The list has the following syntax: ::-
I ,
::- RELEASE NUMBER I a The character a in the list is equivalent to specifying all releases for the named sees file. n Causes de 1 ta to create a "null" delta in each of those releases {if any} being skipped when a delta is System V Interface Definition Page 319 ADMIN(SD _CMD) made in a new release (e.g., in making delta 5.1 after delta 2.7, releases 3 and 4 are skipped). These null deltas serve as "anchor points" so that branch deltas may later be created from them. The absence of this flag causes skipped releases to be non-existent in the sees file, preventing branch deltas from being created from them in the future. qtext User definable text substituted for all occurrences of the %Q% keyword in sees file text retrieved by get. mmod Module name of the sees file substituted for all occurrences of the %M% keyword in sees file text retrieved by get. If the m flag is not specified, the value assigned is the name of the sees file with the leading s. removed. ttype Type of module in the sees file substituted for all occurrences of %Y% keyword in sees file text retrieved by get. v[pgm] Causes de 1 ta to prompt for Modification Request (MR) numbers as the reason for creating a delta. The optional value specifies the name of an M R number validity checking program. (If this flag is set when creating an sees file, the m option must also be used even if its value is null). -dflag Causes removal (deletion) of the specified flag from an sees file. The -d option may be specified only when processing existing sees files. Several -d options may be supplied on a single admin command. See the - f option for allowable flag names. (The llist flag gives a list of releases to be "unlocked". See the - f option for further description of the I flag and the syntax of a list.} -a login A login name, or numerical group ID, to be added to the list of users which may make deltas (changes) to the sees file. A group ID is equivalent to specifying all login names common to that group ID. Several a options may be used on a single admin command line. As many logins, or numerical group IDs, as desired may be on the list simultaneously. If the list of users is empty, then anyone may add deltas. If login or group ID is preceded by a ! they are to be denied permission to make deltas. -elogin A login name, or numerical group ID, to be erased from the list of users allowed to make deltas (changes) to the sees file. Specifying a group ID is equivalent to specifying all login names common to that group ID. Several e options Page 320 System V Interface Definition ADMIN(SD _CMD) may be used on a single admin command line. -y[comment] The comment text is inserted into the sees file as a comment for the initial delta in a manner identical to that of de 1 tao Omission of the -y option results in a default comment line being inserted in the form: date and time created yylMMIDD HH:MM:SS by login The -y option is valid only if the - i and/or -n options are specified (Le. t a new sees file is being created). -m[mrlist] The list of Modification Requests (MR) numbers is inserted into the sees file as the reason for creating the initial delta in a manner identical to de 1 tao The v flag must be set and the MR numbers are validated if the v flag has a value (the name of an MR number validation program). Diagnostics will occur if the v flag is not set or MR validation fails. -h Causes admin to check the structure of the sees filet and to compare a newly computed check-sum (the sum of all the characters in the sees file except those in the first line) with the check-sum that is stored in the first line of the sees file. Appropriate error diagnostics are produced. This option inhibits writing on the filet so that it nulJifies the effect of any other options supplied. It is only meaningful when processing existing files. -z The sees file check-sum is recomputed and stored in the first line of the sees file (see -h, above). Note that use of this option on a truly corrupted file may prevent future detection of the corruption. FILES All sees file names must be of the form s .file-name. New sees files are given read-only permission mode (see chmod). Write permission in the pertinent directory iS t of courset required to create a file. All writing done by admin is to a temporary x-filet called x .file-namet [see GET(SD_CMD)]t created with read-only mode if the admin command is creating a new sees filet or with the same mode as the sees file if it exists. After successful execution of admint the sees file is removed (if it exists)t and the xfile is renamed with the name of the sees file. This ensures that changes are made to the sees file only if no errors occurred. The command admin also makes use of a transient lock file (called z .file-name)t which is used to prevent simultaneous updates to the sees file by different users. See GET(SD_CMD) for further information. SEE ALSO DELTA(SD _CMD)t GET(SD _CMD)t PRS(SD_CMD)t WHAT(SD _CMD). USAGE General. System V Interface Definition Page 321 ADMIN(SD _CMD) sees files be writeable by the owner only, and that sees files themselves be read-only. The mode of the directories allows only the owner to modify sees files contained in the directories. The mode of the sees files prevents any modification at all except by sees commands. It is recommended that directories containing LEVEL Levell. Page 322 System V Interface Definition AS(SD_CMD) NAME as - common assembler SYNOPSIS as [-0 objfile] [-m] [-V] file-name DESCRIPTION The as command assembles the named file. The following options may be specified in any order: -oobjfile Put the output of the assembly in objfile. By default t the output file name is formed by removing the suffix t if there is onet from the input file name and appending a suffix. -m Run the m4 macro pre-processor on the input to the assembler. -V Write the version number of the assembler being run on the standard error output. SEE ALSO CC(SD_CMD)t LD(SD_CMD)t M4(SD_CMD). USAGE General. The command cc is the recommended interface to the assembler. The as command may not be present on all implementations of System V. If the -m option (m4 macro pre-processor invocation) is used t keywords for m4 [see M4(SD_CMD)] cannot be used as symbols (variables t functions t labels) in the input file since m4 cannot determine which are assembler symbols and which are real m4 macros. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The -Y option is reserved for future use. It will be used to allow the user to specify the directories where the m4 preprocessor t and the file of predefined macros are located. Users will also be able to specifYt by means of the TMPDIR environmental variablet the directory in which any temporary files are to be created. These additions are part of the effort to eliminate hard-coded pathnames from the compilation system. LEVEL Levell. Optional. System V Interface Definition Page 323 CC(SD_CMD) NAME cc - C compiler SYNOPSIS cc [ options] file ••• DESCRIPTION The c c command is the interface to the C compilation system. The system conceptually consists of a preprocessor, compiler, optimizer, assembler, and link-editor. The cc command processes the supplied options and then executes the various tools with the appropriate arguments. The suffix of a file-name argument indicates how the file is to be treated. Files whose names end with • c are taken to be C source programs, and may be preprocessed, compiled, optimized, and link-edited. The compilation process may be stopped after the completion of any pass if the appropriate options are supplied. If the compilation process is allowed to complete the assembly phase, then an object program is produced; the object program for a source file called xyz. c is created in a file called xyz. o. However, the • 0 file is normally deleted if a single C program is compiled and loaded all at one go. In the same way, arguments whose names end with • s are taken to be assembly source programs, and may be assembled and link-edited. Files with names ending in • i are taken to be preprocessed C source programs and may be compiled, optimized, assembled, and link-edited. Files whose names do not end in • c, • s, or • i are handed to the link-editor. By default, if an executable file is produced (Le., the link-edit phase is allowed to complete), the file is called a. out. This default name can be changed with the - 0 option (see below). The following options are interpreted by c c: -c Suppress the link edit phase of the compilation, and do not remove any object files that are produced. -f Include floating-point support for systems without an automatically included floating-point implementation. This option is ignored on systems that do not need it. -9 Cause the compiler to generate additional information needed for the use of sdb. -ooutfile Use the name outfile, instead of the default a. out, for the executable file produced. This is a link-editor option. -p Arrange for the compiler to produce code that counts the number of times each routine is called; also, if link editing takes place, a profiled version of the standard C library is linked, and monitor [see MONITOR(SD_LIB)] is automatically called. Amon. out file will then be produce at normal termination of execution of the program. An Page 324 System V Interface Definition execution profile can then be generated by use of prof. -q This option is reserved for specification of implementation specific profiling directives. -E Run only epp on the named C programs and send the result to the standard output. -F This option is reserved for implementation specific optimization directives. -0 Do compilation phase optimization. This option will not affect files. -p Run only epp on the named C programs and leave the result on corresponding files suffixed . i. This option is passed to epp. -s Compile and do not assemble the named C programs, and leave the assembler-language output on corresponding files suffixed • s. -wc,argl[,arg2 ... ] Hand off the argument[s] argi to phase c where c is one of [p02a1] indicating preprocessor, compiler, optimizer, assembler, or link editor, respectively. For example, -Wa, -m passes -m to the assembler phase. The ee command also recognizes the options -C, -D, -I, and -u, and passes them (and their associated arguments) directly to the preprocessor without using the -W option. Similarly, the loader options -a, -1, - 0 , -r, -s, -u, -L, and -v are recognized and passed directly to the loader. See CPP(SD_CMD) and LD(SD_CMD) for descriptions of these options. Other arguments are taken to be C-compatible object programs, typically produced by an earlier ee or pee run, or perhaps libraries of C-compatible routines, and are passed directly to the link-editor. These programs, together with the results of any compilations specified, are linked (in the order given) to produce an executable program with the name a. ou t (unless the - 0 link-editor option is used). The standard C library is automatically available to the C program. Other libraries (including the math library) must be specified explicitly using the -1 option with e e; see LD(SD _CMD) for details. FILES fi1e.e fi1e.i fi1e.o fi1e.s a.out input file preprocessed C source file object file assembly language file link-edited (executable) output SEE ALSO CPP(SD_CMD), LD(SD_CMD), PROF(SD_CMD), SDB(SD_CMD), EXIT(BA_OS), MONITOR(SD_LIB). System V Interface Definition Page 325 USAGE General. Arbitrary length variable names are allowed in the C language, starting with System V Release 2. Since the c c command usually creates files in the current directory during the compilation process, it is typically necessary to run the c c command in a directory in which a file can be created. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The -y option is reserved for future use. It will be used to allow the user to specify the directories searched by the various components of c c. Users will also be able to specify, by means of the TMPDIR environmental variable, the directory in which any temporary files are to be created. These additions are part of the effort to eliminate hard-coded pathnames from the compilation system. LEVEL Levell. Page 326 System V Interface Definition CFLOW(SD _CMD) NAME cflow - generate C flowgraph SYNOPSIS cf10w [-r] [-ix] [-i ] [-dnum] files DESCRIPTION The command cf10w analyzes a collection of C, YACC, LEX, assembler, and object files and attempts to build a graph charting the external references. Files suffixed in • y, .1, • c, and • i are YACC'd, LEX'd, and Cpreprocessed (bypassed for • i files) as appropriate, and then run through the first pass of lint. (The -I, -D, and -U options of the C-preprocessor are also understood by c flow.) Files suffixed with • s are assembled and information is extracted (as in • 0 files) from the symbol table. The output of all this processing is collected and turned into a graph of external references which is displayed upon the standard output. Each line of output begins with a reference (i.e., line) number, followed by a suitable amount of indentation indicating the level. Then the name of the global (normally only a function not defined as an external or beginning with an underscore; see below for the - i inclusion option) a colon and its definition. For information extracted from C source, the definition consists of an abstract type declaration (e.g., char .), and, delimited by angle brackets, the name of the source file and the line number where the definition was found. Definitions extracted from object files indicate the file name and location counter under which the symbol appeared (e.g., t ext) . Once a definition of a name has been printed, subsequent references to that name contain only the reference number of the line where the definition may be found. For undefined references, only < > is printed. The following options are interpreted by c flow: -r Reverse the "caller:callee" relationship producing an inverted listing showing the callers of each function. The listing is also sorted in lexicographical order by callee. -ix Include external and static data symbols. The default is to include only functions in the flowgraph. -i Include names that begin with an underscore. The default is to exclude these functions (and data if -ix k; used). -dnum The num decimal integer indicates the depth at which the flowgraph is cut oft'. By default this is a very large number. Attempts to set the cutoff depth to a non-positive integer will be ignored. SEE ALSO CC(SD _CMD), LEX(SD_CMD), LINT(SD _CMD), YACC(SD _CMD). USAGE General. System V Interface Definition Page 327 CFLOW(SD _CMD) Files produced by 1 e x and ya c c cause the reordering of line number declarations which can confuse cf low. To get proper results, feed cflow the yacc or lex input. LEVEL Levell. Page 328 System V Interface Definition NAME chroot - change root directory for a command SYNOPSIS /etc/chroot newroot command DESCRIPTION The command chroot executes the given command, relative to the new root. The meaning of any initial slashes (/) in path names is changed for a command and any of its children to newroot. Furthermore, the initial working directory is newroot. This command is restricted to the super-user. Notice that: chroot newroot command >x will create the file x relative to the original root, not the new one. The new root path name is always relative to the current root: even if a chroot is currently in effect, the newroot argument is relative to the current root of the running process. SEE ALSO CHDIR(BA _OS) USAGE General. The user should exercise caution when referencing special files in the new root file system. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 329 CPP(SD_CMD) NAME cpp - the C language preprocessor SYNOPSIS LIBDIR/cpp [ option ..• ] [ ifile [ ofile ] ] DESCRIPTION The command cpp is the C language preprocessor, which is invoked as the first pass of any C compilation using the c c command. Thus the output of c pp is designed to be in a form acceptable as input to the next pass of the C compiler. LIBDIR is usually Ilib. The cpp command optionally accepts two file names as arguments; if i 1 e and 0 f i 1 e are respectively the input and output for the preproces- sor. They default to standard input and standard output if not supplied. The following options to cpp are recognized: -p Preprocess the input without producing the line control information used by the next pass of the C compiler. -c By default, cpp strips C-style comments. If the -c option is specified, all comments (except those found on cpp directive lines) are passed along. -Uname Remove any initial definition of name, where name is a reserved symbol that is predefined by the particular preprocessor. -Dname -Dname-de! Define name as if by a # de fin e directive. If no =d e f is given, name is defined as 1. The - D option has lower precedence than the -U option. That is, if the same name is used in both a -u option and a -D option, the name will be undefined regardless of the order of the options. -Idir Change the algorithm for searching for #include files whose names do not begin with / to look in d i r before looking in the directories on the standard list. Thus, #include files whose names are enclosed in "" will be searched for first in the directory of the file with the #include line, then in directories named in - I options, and last in directories on a standard list. For #include files whose names are enclosed in <>, the directory of the file with the #include line is not searched. Two special names are understood by cpp. The name _LINE_ is defined as the current line number (as a decimal integer) as known by cpp, and _FILE_is defined as the current file name (as a C string) as known by cpp. They can be used anywhere (including in macros) just as any other defined name. Page 330 System V Interface Definition CPP(SD_CMD) All epp directives start with lines begun by I. Any number of blanks and tabs are allowed between the I and the directive. The directives are: Idef ine name token-string Replace subsequent instances of name with token-string. Idefine name( arg, ••• , arg ) token-string Notice that there can be no space between name and the (. Replace subsequent instances of name followed by a (, a list of commaseparated set of tokens, and a ) by token-string, where each occurrence of an arg in the token-string is replaced by the corresponding set of tokens in the comma-separated list. When a macro with arguments is expanded, the arguments are placed into the expanded token-string unchanged. After the entire token-string has been expanded, epp re-starts its scan for names to expand at the beginning of the newly created token-string. lundef name Cause the definition of name (if any) to be forgotten from now on. No additional tokens are permitted on the line after name. line 1 ude ''filename'' line 1 ude Include at this point the contents of filename (which will then be run through epp). When the notation is used, filename is only searched for in the standard places. See the - I option above for more detail. No additional tokens are permitted on the line after the final" or >. I I i n e integer-constant ''filename'' Causes epp to generate line control information for the next pass of the C compiler. Integer-constant is the line number of the next line and filename is the file where it comes from. If ''filename'' is not given, the current file name is unchanged. No additional tokens are permitted on the line after the final ". lendif Ends a section of lines begun by a test directive (I if, Ii f d e f, or lifndef). Each test directive must have a matching lendif. No additional tokens are permitted on the line. lifdef name The lines following will appear in the output if and only if name has been the subject of a previous Idefine without being the subject of an intervening lundef. No additional tokens are permitted on the line after name. lifndef name The lines following will not appear in the output if and only if name has been the subject of a previous Ide fin e without being the subject of an intervening lundef. No additional tokens are permitted System V Interface Definition Page 331 CPP(SD_CMD) on the line after name. # i f constant -expression Lines following will appear in the output if and only if the constantexpression evaluates to non-zero. All binary non-assignment C operators, the ?: operator, the unary -, I, and @ operators are all legal in constant-expression. The precedence of the operators is the same as defined by the C language. There is also a unary operator defined, which can be used in constant-expression in these two forms: def ined (name) or defined name. This allows the utility of #ifdef and #ifndef in a #if directive. Only these operators, integer constants, and names which are known by cpp should be used in constant-expression. In particular, the sizeof operator is not available. #else The else part of an #ifdef, #ifndef, or #if. The lines preceding are ignored, and the lines following (upto the #endif) are included in the output if the test is false. The test directives and the optional # e 1 s e directives can be nested. EXAMPLE In order to test whether either of the two symbols abc and de! are defined, use #if defined (abc) I I defined (def) SEE ALSO CC(SD_CMD) .. USAGE General. The recommended way to invoke cpp is through the cc command. See M4(SD_CMD) for a general macro processor. Include directives should avoid using hard-coded path-names: for example, #include should be used, rather than #include "/usr/include/file.h" FUTURE DIRECTIONS The option -y is reserved for future use. It will be used to specify a directory to be used instead of the standard list, when searching for # inc 1 u de files. Users will also be able to specify, by means of the TMPDIR environmental variable, the directory in which any temporary files are to be created. LEVEL Levell. Page 332 System V Interface Definition NAME cxref - generate C program cross-reference SYNOPSIS cxref [ options ] files DESCRIPTION The command cxref analyzes a collection of C files and attempts to build a cross-reference table. Information from #define lines is included in the symbol table. A listing is produced on standard output of all symbols (auto, static, and global) in each file separately, or with the -c option, in combination. Each symbol contains an asterisk (*) before the declaring reference. In addition to the -D, -I, and -u options (which are identical to their interpretation by cc) the following options are interpreted by cxref: -c Print a combined cross-reference of all input files. -wnum Width option which formats output no wider than num (decimal) columns. This option will default to 80 if num is not specified or is less than 51. -0 file -s Direct output to named file. Operate silently; does not print input file names. SEE ALSO CC(SD_CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 333 DEL TA(SD _CMD) NAME delta - make a delta (change) to an sees file SYNOPSIS delta -rSID -s -m[mrlist] ] [ -y[comment] -n] [ -p ] -glist file •.. DESCRIPTION The command del t a is used to permanently introduce into the named sees file changes that were made to the file retrieved by get (called the g-file, or generated file). The del t a command makes a delta to each named sees file. If a directory is named, del ta behaves as though each file in the directory were specified as a named file, except that non-sees files (last component of the path name does not begin with s.) and unreadable files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard input is read; in this case the -y option (see below) is required on the command line; if the -m option (see below) would normally be required, then it too is required on the command line. Each line of the standard input is taken to be the name of an sees file to be processed. The de 1 ta command may issue prompts on the standard output depending upon certain keyletters specified and flags [see ADMIN(SD_CMD)] that may be present in the sees file (see -m and -y keyletters below). Lines beginning with an SOH ASeII character (binary 001) cannot be placed in the sees file unless the SOH is escaped. This character has special meaning to sees and will cause an error. Keyletter arguments apply independently to each named file. -rSID Uniquely identifies which delta is to be made to the sees file. The use of this keyletter is necessary only if two or more outstanding gets for editing (get -e) on the same sees file were done by the same person (login name). The SID value specified with the -r keyletter can be either the SID specified on the get command line or the SID to be made as reported by the get command [see GET(SD_CMD)J. A diagnostic results if the specified SID is ambiguous, or, if necessary and omitted on the command line. -s Suppresses the issue, on the standard output, of the created delta's SID, as well as the number of lines inserted, deleted and unchanged in the sees file. -0 Specifies retention of the edited g-file (normally removed at completion of delta processing). -gUst Specifies a list [see GET(SD_CMD) for the definition of list] of deltas which are to be ignored when the file is accessed Page 334 System V Interface Definition at the change level (SID) created by this delta. -m[mrlist] If the sees file has the v flag set [see ADMIN(SD_CMD)] then a Modification Request (MR) number must be supplied as the reason for creating the new delta. If -m is not used and the standard input is a terminal, the prompt MRs? is issued on the standard output before the standard input is read; if the standard input is not a terminal, no prompt is issued. The MRs? prompt always precedes the comments? prompt (see -y keyletter). MRs in a list are separated by blanks and/or tab characters. An unescaped new-line character terminates the MR list. Note that if the v flag has a value, it is taken to be the name of a program which will validate the correctness of the MR numbers. If a non-zero exit status is returned from MR number validation program, delta terminates. (It is assumed that the MR numbers were not all valid.) -y[comment] Arbitrary text used to describe the reason for making the delta. A rtull string is considered a valid comment. If -y is not specified and the standard input is a terminal, the prompt comments? is issued on the standard output before the standard input is read; if the standard input is not a terminal, no prompt is issued. An unescaped new-line character terminates the comment text. -p Causes de 1 ta to print (on the standard output) the sees file differences before and after the delta is applied in d i f f format [see DIFF(BU_CMD)]. SEE ALSO ADMIN(SD _CMD), GET(SD_CMD), PRS(SD _CMD), RMDEL(SD _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 335 NAME dis - disassembler SYNOPSIS dis [-0] files [-V] [-L] [-F function ] [-1 string DESCRIPTION The dis command produces an assembly language listing of each of its f i 1 e arguments, each of which may be an object file or an archive of object files. The listing includes assembly statements and an octal or hexadecimal representation of the binary that produced those statements. The following options are interpreted by the disassembler and may be specified in any order. -0 Will print numbers in octal. Default is hexadecimal. -V Version number of the disassembler will be written to standard error. -L Invokes a lookup of C source labels in the symbol table for subsequent printing. - F function Disassembles only the named function in each object file specified on the command line. This option may be specified a number of times on the command line. -1 string Will disassemble the library file specified as string. For example, the command dis -1m will disassemble the math library. SEE ALSO AS(SD_CMD), CC(SD_CMD). USAGE General. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The -s option is reserved for future use. It will be used to specify symbolic disassembly. LEVEL Levell. Optional. Page 336 System V Interface Definition NAME env - set environment for command execution SYNOPSIS env [-] [ name=value ] [ command ] DESCRIPTION The command env obtains the current environment, modifies it according to its arguments, then executes the command with the modified environment. Arguments of the form name=value modify the execution environment: they are merged into the inherited environment before the command is executed. The - option causes the inherited environment to be ignored completely, so that the command is executed with exactly the environment specified by the arguments. If no command is specified, the resulting environment is printed, one namevalue pair per line. SEE ALSO SH(BU _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 337 GET(SD_CMD) NAME get - get a version of an sees file SYNOPSIS get list ] [ -r [ ] -m [ ] -c cutoff ] [ -e SID ] -x list ] [ -k ] [ -1 [p] [ -n ] [ -g ] [ -t ] file ] ] [ [ -b ] -p ] -i -s 000 DESCRIPTION The command get generates an ASCII text file from each named sees file according to the specifications given by its keyletter arguments, which begin with -. The arguments may be specified in any order, but all key letter arguments apply to all named sees files. If a directory is named, get behaves as though each file in the directory were specified as a named file, except that non-sees files (last component of the path name does not begin with so) and unreadable files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard input is read; each line of the standard input is taken to be the name of an sees file to be processed. Again, non-Sees files and unreadable files are silently ignored. The generated text is normally written into a file called the g-fi1e whose name is derived from the sees file name by simply removing the leading So; (see also FILES, below). Each of the keyletter arguments is explained below as though only one sees file is to be processed, but the effects of any keyletter argument applies independently to each named file. -rSID The sees Identification string (SID) of the version (delta) of an sees file to be retrieved. Table 1 below shows, for the most useful cases, what version of an sees file is retrieved (as well as the SID of the version to be eventually created by de 1 ta if the -e keyletter is also used), as a function of the SID specified. -ccutoff Cutoff date-time, in the form: YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]] No changes (deltas) to the sees file which were created after the specified cutoff date-time are included in the generated ASCII text file. Units omitted from the date-time default to their maximum possible values; that is, -c7502 is equivalent to -c750228235959o Any number of non-numeric characters may separate the various 2-digit pieces of the cutoff date-time. This feature allows one to specify a cutoff date in the form: "-c77/2/2 9:22:25". -e Indicates that the get is for the purpose of editing or making a change (delta) to the sees file via a subsequent use of del tao The -e keyletter used in a get for a particular version (SID) of the sees file prevents further gets for editing Page 338 System V Interface Definition GET(SD _CMD) on the same SID until de 1 ta is executed or the j (joint edit) flag is set in the sees file. Concurrent use of get -e for different SIOs is always allowed. If the g- f i 1 e generated by get with an -e keyletter is accidentally ruined in the process of editing it, it may be regenerated by re-executing the get command with the -k keyletter in place of the -e keyletter. sees file protection specified via the ceiling, floor, and authorized user list stored in the sees file are enforced when the -e key letter is used. -b Used with the -e keyletter to indicate that the new delta should have an SID in a new branch as shown in Table 1. This keyletter is ignored if the b flag is not present in the file or if the retrieved de 1 ta is not a leaf de 1 tao (A leaf de 1 ta is one that has no successors on the sees file tree.) Note: A branch de 1 ta may always be created from a nonleaf delta. -ilist A list of deltas to be included (forced to be applied) in the creation of the generated file. The list has the following syntax: ::-
I ,
::- SID I SID - SID SID, the sees Identification of a delta, may be in any form shown in the "SID Specified" column of Table 1. Partial SIOs are interpreted as shown in the "SID Retrieved" column of Table 1. -xlist A list of deltas to be excluded (forced not to be applied) in the creation of the generated file. See the -i keyletter for the list format. -k Suppresses replacement of identification keywords (see below) in the retrieved text by their value. The -k keyletter is implied by the -e keyletter. -I[p] Causes a delta summary to be written into an 1- f i 1 e. If -lp is used then an 1-fi1e is not created; the delta summary is written on the standard output instead. See FILES for the format of the 1-fi1e. -p Causes the text retrieved from the sees file to be written on the standard output. No g - f i 1 e is created. All output which normally goes to the standard output goes to standard error instead, unless the -5 key letter is used, in which case it disappears. System V Interface Definition Page 339 GET(SD_CMD) -s Suppresses all output normally written on the standard output. However, fatal error messages (which always go to standard error) remain unaffected. -m Causes each text line retrieved from the SCCS file to be preceded by the SID of the delta that inserted the text line in the SCCS file. The format is: SID, followed by a horizontal tab, followed by the text line. -0 Causes each generated text line to be preceded with the %M% identification keyword value (see below). The format is: %M% value, followed by a horizontal tab, followed by the text line. When both the -m and -0 keyletters are used, the format is: %M% value, followed by a horizontal tab, followed by the -m keyletter generated format. -g Suppresses the actual retrieval of text from the SCCS file. It is primarily used to generate an 1- f i 1 e, or to verify the existence of a particular SID. -t Used to access the most recently created ("top") delta in a given release (e.g., -rt), or release and level (e.g., -rl.2). For each file processed, get responds (on the standard output) with the SID being accessed and with the number of lines retrieved from the SCCS file. If the -e keyletter is used, the SID of the delta to be made appears after the SID accessed and before the number of lines generated. If there is more than one named file or if a directory or standard input is named, each file name is printed (preceded by a new-line) before it is processed. If the -i keyletter is used included deltas are listed following the notation "Included"; if the -x keyletter is used, excluded deltas are listed following the notation "Excluded" . TABLE I. Determination of sees Identification String SID* Specified -b Keyletter Other Conditions none* none* no yes R defaults to mR R defaults to mR mR.mL mR.mL mR.(mL+I) mR.mL.(mB+I).1 R R R R R no no yes yes R> mR R-mR R> mR R-mR R < mR and R does not exist Trunk succ.# in release > R mR.mL mR.mL mR.mL mR.mL hR.mL** R.I*** mR.(mL+I) mR.mL.(mB+I).1 mR.mL.(mB+I).1 hR.mL. (mB+ 1).1 R.mL R.mL.(mB+I).1 R Page 340 SID Retrieved SID of Delta to be Created Usedt System V Interface Definition GET(SD_CMD) R.L R.L R.L no yes R.L.B R.L.B R.L.B.S R.L.B.S R.L.B.S no yes no yes and R exists No trunk succ. No trunk succ. Trunk succ. in release ~ R No branch succ. No branch succ. No branch succ. No branch succ. Branch succ. R.L R.L R.L R.(L+}) R.L.(mB+l).l R.L.(mB+l).1 R.L.B.mS R.L.B.mS R.L.B.S R.L.B.S R.L.B.S R.L.B. (mS+ 1) R.L.(mB+l).l R.L.B. (S+ 1) R.L.(mB+l).l R.L.(mB+l).l "R", "L", "B", and "S" are the "release", "level", "branch", and "sequence" components of the SID, respectively; "m" means "maximum". Thus, for example, "R.mL" means "the maximum level number within release R"; "R.L. (mB+ 1).1" means "the first sequence number on the new branch (i.e., maximum branch number plus one) of level L within release R". Note that if the SID specified is of the form "R.L", "R.L.B", or "R.L.B.S", each of the specified components must exist. ** "hR" is the highest existing release that is lower than the specified, nonexistent, release R. *** This is used to force creation of the first delta in a new release. Successor. # The -b keyletter is effective only if the b flag is present in the t file. An entry of - means "irrelevant". :I: This case applies if the d (default SID) flag is not present in the file. If the d flag is present in the file, then the SID obtained from the d flag is interpreted as if it had been specified on the command line. Thus, one of the other cases in this table applies. * IDENTIFICATION KEYWORDS Identifying information is inserted into the text retrieved from the sees file by replacing identification keywords with their value wherever they occur. The following keywords may ~e used in tlte text stored in an sees file: Keyword %M% %1% %R% %L% %8% %S% %D% %H% %T% %E% Value Module name: either the value of the m flag in the file, or if absent, the name of the sees file with the leading s. removed. sees identification (SID) (%R%.%L%.%B%.%S%) of the retrieved text. Release. Level. Branch. Sequence. Current date (YY IMM/DD). Current d~te (MM/DD/YY). Current time (HH:MM:SS). Date newest applied delta was created (YY/MM/DD). System V Interface Definition Page 341 GET(SD _CMD) %G% %U% %Y% %F% %P% %Q% %C% Date newest applied delta was created (MM/DD/YY). Time newest applied delta was created (HH:MM:SS). Module type: value of the t flag in the sees file. sees file name. Fully qualified sees file name. The value of the q flag in the file. Current line number. This keyword is intended for identifying messages output by the program such as "this should not have happened" type errors. It is not intended to be used on every line to provide sequence numbers. The 4-character string @(#) recognizable by what. A shorthand notation for constructing what strings. %W% - %Z%%M% %I% Another shorthand notation for constructing what (SD_CMD) strings. %A% == %Z%%Y% %M% %I%%Z% %Z% %W% %A% FILES Several auxiliary files may be created by get. These files are known generically as the g - f i 1 e , 1- f i 1 e , p - f i 1 e, and z - f i 1 e . The letter before the hyphen is called the tag. An auxiliary file name is formed from the sees file name: the last component of all sees file names must be of the form s.module-name, the auxiliary files are named by replacing the leading s with the tag. The g- f i 1 e is an exception to this scheme: the g-file is named by removing the s. prefix. For example, S .xyz. c, the auxiliary file names would be xyz. c, 1. xyz . c, p. xyz . c, and z . xyz . c, respectively. The g - f i 1 e, which contains the generated text, is created in the current directory (unless the -p keyletter is used). A g - f i 1 e is created in all cases, whether or not any lines of text were generated by the get. It is owned by the real user. If the -k keyletter is used or implied it is writeable by the owner only (read-only for everyone else); otherwise it is read-only. Only the real user need have write permission in the current directory. The 1- f i 1 e contains a table showing which deltas were applied in gemerating the retrieved text. The 1- f i 1 e is created in the current directory if the -I keyletter is used; it is read-only and it is owned by the real user. Only the real user need have write permission in the current directory. Lines in the 1- f i 1 e have the following format: a. A blank character if the delta was applied; • otherwise. b. A blank character if the delta was applied or was not applied and ignored; • if the delta was not applied and was not ignored. c. A code indicating a "special" reason why the delta was or was not applied: "I": Included. Page 342 System V Interface Definition GET(SD _CMD) d. e. f. g. h. L "X": Excluded. "C": Cut off (by a -c keyletter). Blank. sees identification (SID). Tab character. Date and time (in the form YY IMM/DD HH:MM:SS) of creation. Blank. Login name of person who created delta. The comments and MR data follow on subsequent lines, indented one horizontal tab character. A blank line terminates each entry. The p-file is used to pass information resulting from a get with an -e keyletter along to de 1 tao Its contents are also used to prevent a subsequent execution of get with an -e keyletter for the same SID until de 1 ta is executed or the joint edit flag, j, is set in the sees file. The pfile is created in the directory containing the sees file and the effective user must have write permission in that directory. It is writeable by owner only, and it is owned by the effective user. The format of the p-file is: the gotten SID, followed by a blank, followed by the SID that the new delta will have when it is made, followed by a blank, followed by the login name of the real user, followed by a blank, followed by the date-time the get was executed, followed by a blank and the -i keyletter argument if it was present, followed by a blank and the -x key letter argument if it was present, followed by a new-line. There can be an arbitrary number of lines in the p - f i 1 e at any time; no two lines can have the same new delta SID. The z - f i 1 e serves as a lock-out mechanism against simultaneous updates. Its contents are the binary process ID of the command (Le., get) that created it. The z - f i 1 e is created in the directory containing the sees file for the duration of get. The same protection restrictions as those for the p-file apply for the z-file. The z-file is created read-only. SEE ALSO ADMIN(SD _CMD), DELT A(SD_CMD), PRS(SD_CMD), WHAT(SD _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Level 1. System V Interface Definition Page 343 NAME ld - link editor for object files SYNOPSIS 1d [ options] file ... DESCRIPTION The 1 d command combines several object files into one, performs relocation, resolves external symbols, and supports symbol table information for symbolic debugging. In the simplest case, the names of several object programs are given, and 1 d combines them, producing an object module that can either be executed or, if the - r option is specified, used as input for a subsequent 1 d run. The output of 1 d is left in a. ou t. By default this file is executable if no errors occurred during the load. If any input file f i 1 ename, is not an object file, 1d assumes it is an archive library. If any argument is a library, it is searched at the point it is encountered in the argument list. Only those routines defining an unresolved external reference are loaded. The library (archive) symbol table is searched to resolve external references which can be satisfied by library members. The ordering of library members is unimportant, unless there exist multiple library members defining the same external symbol. The following options are recognized by 1 d: -e epsym Set the default entry point address for the output file to be that of the symbol epsym. -Ix Search the library which has the abbreviation x (e.g., -1m to search the math library). A library is searched when its name is encountered, so the placement of a -1 option is significant. -ooutfile Produce an output object file by the name outfile. The name of the default object file is a. ou t . -r Retain relocation entries in the output object file. Relocation entries must be saved if the output file is to become an input file in a subsequent 1 d run. The link editor will not complain about unresolved references, and the output file will not be made executable. -s Strip all symbolic information from the output object file. -u symname Enter symname as an undefined symbol in the symbol table. This is useful for loading entirely from a library, since initially the symbol table is empty and an unresolved reference is needed to force the loading of the first routine. -L dir Change the algorithm of searching for the library x to look in dir before looking in the default library directories. This option is effective only if it precedes the -1 option on the command line. Page 344 System V Interface Definition LD(SD_CMD) -v Output a message giving information about the version of Id being used. FILES "a.out" output file SEE ALSO AR(BU_CMD), CC(SD_CMD), STRIP(SD_CMD). USAGE General. When the link editor is called through CC, a startup routine is linked with the user's program. This routine calls exit ( ) after execution of the main program. If the user calls the link editor directly, then the user must ensure that the program always calls exit ( ) rather than falling through the end of the entry routine. The symbols etext, edata, and end are reserved and are defined by the link editor. It is erroneous for a user program to redefine them. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The option -Y is reserved for future use. It will be used to specify a directory to be used instead of the standard list, when searching for libraries. Users will also be able to specify, by means of the TMPDIR environmental variable, the directory in which any temporary files are to be created. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 345 LEX(SD_CMD) NAME lex - generate programs for simple lexical analysis of text SYNOPSIS lex [ -ctvn ] [ file ] DESCRIPTION The command 1 ex generates programs to be used in lexical processing of character input and may be used as an interface to yacc. The input fi1e(s), which contain lex source code, contain a table of regular expressions each with a corresponding action in the form of a C program fragment. Multiple input f i 1 es are treated as a single file. When 1 ex processes fi1e(s), this source is translated into a C program. Normally lex writes the program it generates to the file lex. yy. c. If the -t option is used, the resulting program is written instead to the standard output. When the program generated by lex is compiled and executed, it will read character input from the standard input and partition it into strings that match the given expressions. When an expression is matched, the input string was matched is left in an external character array yy1ex and the expressions corresponding program fragment, or action, is executed. During pattern matching the set of patterns will be searched for a match in the order in which they appeared in the lex source and the single longest possible matchwill be chosen at any point in time. Among rules that match the same number of characters, the rule given first will be matched. The program generated by 1 ex, e.g., 1 ex. yy. c, should be compiled and loaded with the 1 e x library (using the -11 option with c c. The option -c indicates C language actions and is the default, -t causes the program generated to be written instead to standard output, -v provides a one-line summary of statistics of the finite state machine generated, -n will not print out the - summary. Certain table sizes for the resulting finite state machine can be set in the definitions section: %pn %nn %en %an %kn %on number of positions is n number of states is n number of parse tree nodes is n number of transitions is n number of packed character classes is n size of the output array is n The use of one or more of the above automatically implies the -v option, unless the -n option is used. The general format of lex source is: {definitions} %% {rules} %% Page 346 System V Interface Definition {user subroutines} The definitions and the user subroutines may be omitted. The first % % is required to mark the beginning of the rules (regular expressions and actions); the second % % is required only if user subroutines follow. Any line in the source beginning with a blank is assumed to contain only C text and is copied to lex. yy. c; if it precedes % % it is copied into the external definition area of the 1 ex. yy . c file. Anything included between lines containing only % { and %} is copied unchanged to lex. yy. c and the delimiter lines are discarded. Anything after the third % % delimiter is copied to lex. yy. c. Definitions Definitions must appear before the first % % delimiter. Any line in this section not contained between % { and %} lines and beginning in column 1 is assumed to define a 1 ex substitution string. The format of these lines is name substitute The name must begin with a letter and be followed by at least one blank or tab. The substitute will replace the string {name} when it is used in a rule. The curly braces do not imply parentheses; only string substitution is done. Rules The rules in 1 e x source files are a table in which the left column contains regular expressions and the right column contains actions and program fragments to be executed when the expressions are recognized. re whitespace action re whitespace action Because the regular expression, (re) , portion of a rule is terminated by the first blank or tab, any blank or tab used within a regular expression must be quoted (its special meaning escaped). That is, it must appear within double quotes, square brackets or must be preceded by a backslash character. The program fragment which is the action associated with a particular re may extend across several lines if it is enclosed in curly braces: re whitespace program statement program statement } Regular Expressions The 1 e x command supports the sets of regular expressions recognized by ed and awk, and some additional expressions. Some characters have special meanings when used in an re and are called regular expression operators. Below is a table of expressions supported by lex. System V Interface Definition Page 347 LEX(SD _CMD) Regular Expression Pattern Matched the character c where c is not a special character. the character c where c is any character. the character c where c is any character except \. the beginning of the line being compared. the end of the line being compared. any character in the input but newline any character in the set s where s is a sequence of characters andlor a range of characters, c-c. any character not in the set s, where s is defined as above. zero or more successive occurrences of the regular expression r. one or more successive occurrences of the regular expression r. zero or one occurrence of the regular expression r. the regular expression r. (Grouping) the occurrence of regular expression r followed by the occurrence of regular expression x. (Concatenation) the occurrence of regular expression r or the occurrence of regular expression x. the occurrence of regular expression r only when the program is in start condition (state) s. the occurrence of regular expression r only if it is followed by the occurence of regular expression x. (Note this is r in the context of x and only r is matched.) the substitution of S from the Definitions section. m through n successive occurrences of the regular expression r. c \c "c n $ [s] ("s] r* r+ r? (r) rx rlx r r/x IS} rIm,n} The notation r{m,n} in a rule indicates between m and n instances of regular expression r. It has higher precedence than I, but lower than *, ?, +, and concatenation. The character at the beginning of an expression permits a successful match only immediately after a new-line, and the character $ at the end of an expression requires a trailing new-line. A Page 348 System V Interface Definition LEX(SD _CMD) The character I in an expression indicates trailing context; only the part of the expression up to the slash is returned in yytext, but the remainder of the expression must follow in the input stream. An operator character may be used as an ordinary symbol if it is within double quotes, "c"; preceded by \, \c; or is within square brackets, [c1. Two operators have special meaning when used within square brackets. A - denotes a range, [c-c], unless it is just after the open bracket or before the closing bracket, [-c] or [c-] in which case it has no special meaning. When used within brackets, ... has the meaning "complement or' if it immediately follows the open bracket, [A C], elsewhere between brackets, rcA], it stands for the ordinary character .... The special meaning of the \ operator can be escaped only by preceding it with another \. Actions The default action when a string in the input to a lex.yy.c program is not matched by any expression is to copy the string to the output. Because the default behavior of a program generated by 1 ex is to read the input and copy it to the output, a minimal lex source program that has just %% will generate a C program that simply copies the input to the output unchanged. A null C statement, the statement ';', may be specified as an action in a rule. Any string in the lex.yy.c input that matches the pattern portion of such a rule, will be effectively ignored or skipped. Three special actions are available, L REJECf, and ECHO. The action I means that the action for the next rule is the action for this rule. ECHO prints the string yytext on the output. Normally only a single expression is matched by a given string in the input. REJECT means "continue to the next expression that matches the current input" and causes whatever rule was second choice after the current rule to be executed for the same input. Thus, it allows multiple rules to be matched and executed for one input string or overlapping input strings. For example, given the expressions xyz and yz and the input xyz, normally only one pattern, xyz would match and the next attempted match would start at z. If the last action in the xyz rule is REJECT, both this rule and the yz rule would be executed. °, The lex command provides several routines that can be used in the output(c), and lex source program: yymoreO, yyless(n), input unput(c). The function yymoreO may be called to indicate that the next input string recognized is to be concatenated onto the end of the current string in yytext rather than overwriting it in yytext. yyless(n) returns to the input some of the characters matched by the currently successful expression. The argument "n" indicates the number of initial characters in yytext to be retained; the remaining trailing characters in yytext are returned to the input. System V Interface Definition Page 349 inputO returns the next character from the input. input returns 0 on end of file. unput(c) pushes the character c back onto the input stream to be read later by inputO. output(c) writes the character c on the output. To perform custom processing when the end of input is reached, a user may supply their own yywrapO function. yywrapO is called whenever lex.yy.c reaches an end-of-file. If yywrapO returns a one, lex.yy.c continues with the normal wrap-up on end of input. The default yywrapO always returns a one. If the user wants lex.yy.c to continue processing with another source of input, then a yywrapO must be supplied that arranges for the new input and returns a zero. These routines may be redefined by the user. The external names generated by 1 ex all begin with the prefix yy or YY. The program generated by lex is named yylexO; if the user does not supply a main routine, the default mainO routine calls yylexO. If the user supplies a mainO routine, it should call yylexO. EXAMPLE [0-9] D %% if printf("IF statement\n "); [a-z]+ printf("tag, value %s\n",yytext}; O{D}+ printf("octal number %s\n",yytext); {D}+ printf("decimal number %s\n",yytext}; printf("unary op\n"); "++" printf("binary op\n"); "+" "/." { loop: while (inputO !- '.'); switch (inputO) { case I I': break; case '.': unput('.'); default: go to loop; } FILES lex.yy.c. SEE ALSO CC(SD_CMD), YACC(SD_CMD). USAGE General. Page 350 System V Interface Definition LEX(SD_CMD) LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 351 LlNT(SD_CMD) NAME lint - a C program checker SYNOPSIS lint [ options ] file DESCRIPTION The command 1 in t attempts to detect features of the C program files that are likely to be bugs, non-portable, or wasteful. It also checks type usage more strictly than the compilers. Among the things that are currently detected are unreachable statements, loops not entered at the top, automatic variables declared and not used, and logical expressions whose value is constant. Moreover, the usage of functions is checked to find functions that return values in some places and not in others, functions called with varying numbers or types of arguments, and functions whose values are not used or whose values are used but none returned. The options are described below. Note, however, that the options -c and - 0 are new to System V Release 2. Arguments whose names end with . c are taken to be C source files. The following behavior is new in System V Release 2. Arguments whose names end with . 1 n are taken to be the result of an earlier invocation of lint with either the -c or the - 0 option used. The . 1 n files are analogous to • 0 (object) files that are produced by the c c command when given a . c file as input. Files with other suffixes are warned about and ignored. The command 1 in t will take all the • c, . 1 n, files, and 11 i b1x(specififed by -Ix), and process them in their command line order. By default, 1 in t appends the standard C lint library to the end of the list of files. However, if the -p option is used, the portable C lint library (llib-port .1n) is appended instead. When the -c option is not used, the second pass of 1 in t checks this list of files for mutual compatibility. When the -c option is used, the . 1 n files and the lint libraries are ignored. Any number of 1 int options may be used, in any order, intermixed with file-name arguments. The following options are used to suppress certain kinds of complaints: -a Suppress complaints about assignments of long values to variables that are not long. -b Suppress complaints about break statements that cannot be reached. (Programs produced by lex or yacc will often result in many such complaints). -h Do not apply heuristic tests that attempt to intuit bugs, improve style, and reduce waste. Page 352 System V Interface Definition -u Suppress complaints about functions and external variables used and not defined, or defined and not used. (This option is suitable for running 1 in t on a subset of files of a larger program). -v Suppress complaints about unused arguments in functions. -x Do not report variables referred to by external declarations but never used. The following arguments alter 1 in t 's behavior: -Ix Include additional lint library x (e.g., -1m for the math library). -n Do not check compatibility against either the standard or the portable lint library. -p Attempt to check portability. -0 Cause 1 in t to produce a . 1 n file for every . 0 file on the command line. These . 1 n files are the product of 1 in t 's first pass only, and are not checked for inter-function compatibility. -0 lib Cause lint to create a lint library with the name lib. The -c option nullifies any use of the - 0 option. The lint library produced is the input that is given to 1 in t 's second pass. The - 0 option simply causes this file to be saved in the named lint library. To produce the lint library without extraneous messages, use of the -x option is suggested. The -v option is useful if the source file(s) for the lint library are just external interfaces. These option settings are also available through the use of "lint comments" (see below). The -0, -U, and -I options of cpp [see CPP(SD_CMD)] are also recognized as separate arguments. (The following is new to System V Release 2.) The -g and -0 options of These options are ignored, but, by recognizing these options, 1 in t 's behavior is closer to that of the c c command. Other options are warned about and ignored. The preprocessor symbol "lint" is defined to allow certain questionable code to be altered or removed for 1 in t . Therefore, the symbol "lint" should be thought of as a reserved word for all code that is planned to be checked by o c are also recognized as separate arguments. lint. Certain conventional comments in the C source will change the behavior of lint: /*NOTREACHEO*/ at appropriate points stops comments about unreachabie code. (This comment is typically placed just after calls to functions like exit. /*VARARGSn*/ suppresses the usual checking for variable numbers of arguments in the following function declaration. The data types of the first System V Interface Definition Page 353 n arguments are checked; a missing n is taken to be O. /*ARGSUSED*/ turns on the -v option for the next function. /*UNTUBRARY*/ at the beginning of a file shuts off complaints about unused functions and function arguments in this file. This is equivalent to using the -v and -x options. The command 1 in t produces its first output on a per-source-file basis. Complaints regarding included files are collected and printed after all source files have been processed. Finally, if the - 0 option is not used, information gathered from all input files is collected and checked for consistency. At this point, if it is not clear whether a complaint stems from a given source file or from one of its included files, the source file name will be printed followed by a question mark. The behavior of the - 0 and the - 0 options allows for incremental use of lint on a set of C source files. Generally, lint is invoked once for each source file with the - 0 option. Each of these invocations produces a • In file which corresponds to the .0 file, and prints all messages that are about just that source file. After all the source files have been separately run through 1 in t, it is invoked once more (without the - 0 option), listing all the . 1 n files with the needed -Ix options. This will print all the inter-file inconsistencies. This scheme works well with make; it allows make to be used to 1 in t only the source files that have been modified since the last time the set of source files were checked by 1 in t. SEE ALSO CC(SD_CMD), CPP(SD_CMD), MAKE(SD_CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Level 1. Page 354 System V Interface Definition LORDER(SD _CMD) NAME lorder - find ordering relation for an object library SYNOPSIS lorder file ... DESCRIPTION The input is one or more object or library archive files [see AR(BU_CMD)]. The standard output is a list of pairs of object file names, meaning that the first file of the pair refers to external identifiers defined in the second. The output may be processed by tsort to find an ordering of a library suitable for one-pass access by the link editor ld Note that ld is capable of multiple passes over an archive in the portable archive format and does not require that lorder be used when building an archive. The usage of the lorder command may, however, allow for a slightly more efficient access of the archive during the link edit process. EXAMPLE The following example builds a new library from existing . 0 files. ar -cr library 'lorder *.0 I tsort' SEE ALSO AR(BU_CMD), LD(SD_CMD), TSORT(SD_CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 355 M4(SD_CMD) NAME nn4 -- nnacro processor SYNOPSIS m4 [ options ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION The connnnand m4 is a nnacro processor intended as a front end for Ratfor, C, and other languages. Each of the argunnent files is processed in order; if there are no files, or if a file nanne is -, the standard input is read. The processed text is written on the standard output. The options and their effects are as follows: -s Enable line sync output for the C preprocessor (i.e., #line directives). This option nnust appear before any file nannes and before the following options. -Dname[=va/] Defines name to valor to null in vats absence. -Uname undefines name. Macro calls have the fornn: name (arg1 ,arg2, . . . , argn) The (nnust innnnediately follow the nanne of the nnacro. If the nanne of a defined nnacro is not followed by a (, it is deenned to be a call of that nnacro with no argunnents. Potential nnacro nannes consist of alphabetic letters, digits, and underscore ,where the first character is not a digit. Leading unquoted blanks, tabs, and new-lines are ignored while collecting argunnents. Left and right single quotes are used to quote strings. The value of a quoted string is the string stripped of the quotes. When a nnacro nanne is recognized, its argunnents are collected by searching for a nnatching right parenthesis. If fewer argunnents are supplied than are in the nnacro definition, the trailing argunnents are taken to be null. Macro evaluation proceeds nornnally during the collection of the argunnents, and any connnnas or right parentheses which happen to turn up within the value of a nested call are as effective as those in the original input text. After argunnent collection, the value of the nnacro is pushed back onto the input streann and rescanned. The connnnand m4 nnakes available the following built-in nnacros. They nnay be redefined, but once this is done the original nneaning is lost. Their values are null unless otherwise stated. define Page 356 the second argunnent is installed as the value of the nnacro whose nanne is the first argunnent. Each occurrence of $n in the replacennent text, where n is a digit, is replaced by the n-th Systenn V Interface Definition M4(SD_CMD) argument. Argument 0 is the name of the macro; mlssmg arguments are replaced by the null string; $ # is replaced by the number of arguments; $ * is replaced by a list of all the arguments separated by commas; $@ is like $*, but each argument is quoted (with the current quotes). undefine removes the definition of the macro named in its argument. de fn returns the quoted definition of its argument(s). It is useful for renaming macros, especially built-ins. pushdef like define, but saves any previous definition. popdef removes current definition of its argument(s), exposing the previous one, if any. if de f if the first argument is defined, the value is the second argument, otherwise the third. If there is no third argument, the value is null. sh i f returns all but its first argument. The other arguments are quoted and pushed back with commas in between. The quoting nullifies the effect of the extra scan that will subsequently be performed. t changequote change quote symbols to the first and second arguments. The symbols may be up to five characters long. the command change quote without arguments restores the original values (i.e., ''). change com change left and right comment markers from the default # and new-line. With no arguments, the comment mechanism is effectively disabled. With one argument, the left marker becomes the argument and the right marker becomes new-line. With two arguments, both markers are affected. Comment markers may be up to five characters long. divert The command m4 maintains 10 output streams, numbered 0-9. The final output is the concatenation of the streams in numerical order; initially stream 0 is the current stream. The di vert macro changes the current output stream to its (digit-string) argument. Output diverted to a stream other than 0 through 9 is discarded. undi vert causes immediate output of text from diversions named as arguments, or all diversions if no argument. Text may be undiverted into another diversion. Undiverting discards the diverted text. divnum returns the value of the current output stream. dnl reads and discards characters up to and including the next new-line. System V Interface Definition Page 357 M4(SD_CMD) ifelse has three or more arguments. If the first argument is the same string as the second, then the value is the third argument. If not, and if there are more than four arguments, the process is repeated with arguments 4, 5, 6 and 7. Otherwise, the value is either the fourth string, or, if it is not present, null. incr returns the value of its argument incremented by 1. The value of the argument is calculated by interpreting an initial digitstring as a decimal number. decr returns the value of its argument decremented by 1. eval evaluates its argument as an arithmetic expression, using 32-bit arithmetic. Operators include +, ., /, %, (exponentiation), bitwise & , I, ", and ; relationals; parentheses. Octal and hex numbers may be specified as in C. The second argument specifies the radix for the result; the default is 10. The third argument may be used to specify the minimum number of digits in the result. len returns the number of characters in its argument. index returns the position in its first argument where the second argument begins (zero origin), or -1 if the second argument does not occur. substr returns a substring of its first argument. The second argument is a zero origin number selecting the first character; the third argument indicates the length of the substring. A missing third argument is taken to be large enough to extend to the end of the first string. trans 1 it transliterates the characters in its first argument from the set given by the second argument to the set given by the third. No abbreviations are permitted. incl ude returns the contents of the file named in the argument. sinclude is identical to include, except that it says nothing if the file is inaccessible. syscmd executes the system command given in the first argument. No value is returned. sysval is the return code from the last call to syscmd. maketemp fills in a string of XXXXX in its argument with the current process ID. m4exit causes immediate exit from m4. Argument 1, if given, is the exit code; the default is O. m4wrap argument 1 will be pushed back at final EOF; example: m4wrap('cleanup( ) ') Page 358 System V Interface Definition errprint prints its argument on the diagnostic output file. , dumpdef prints current names and definitions, for the named items, or for all if no arguments are given. traceon with no arguments, turns on tracing for all macros (including built-ins). Otherwise, turns on tracing for named macros. traceoff turns off trace globally and for any macros specified. Macros specifically traced by traceon can be untraced only by specific calls to traceoff. SEE ALSO CC(SO_CMO), CPP(SO_CMO). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 359 MAKE(SD _CMD) NAME make - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs SYNOPSIS make [ -e ] [-f makefile] [-p] [-i] [ - t ] [ -q ] [ name ... [-k] [-s] [-r] [-n] DESCRIPTION The options are interpreted as follows: Description file name. The argument makefile is assumed to be the name of a description file. A file name of - denotes the standard input. -p Print out the complete set of macro definitions and target descriptions. -i Ignore error codes returned by invoked commands. This mode is entered if the fake target name .IGNORE appears in the description file. -k Abandon work on the current entry if it fails, but continue on other branches that do not depend on that entry. -s Silent mode. Do not print command lines before executing. This mode is also entered if the fake target name .SILENT appears in the description file. -r Do not use the built-in rules. -n No execute mode. Print commands, but do not execute them. Even lines beginning with an @ are printed. -e Environmental makefiles. -t Touch the target files (causing them to be up-to-date) rather than issue the usual commands. -q Question. The make command returns a zero or non-zero status code depending on whether the target file is or is not up-to-date. variables override assignments within The following target names may be defined in the makefile, and are interpreted as follows: .DEFAULT If a file must be made but there are no explicit commands or relevant built-in rules, the commands associated with the name .DEFAULT are used if it exists. •PRECIOUS Dependents of this target will not be removed when quit or interrupt are hit. •SILENT Same effect as the -s option . Page 360 System V Interface Definition MAKE(SD _CMD) •IGNORE Same effect as the -i option . The command m executes commands in makefile to update one or more target names. The argument name is typically a program. If no -f option is present, makefile, Makefile, and the SCCS files s .makefile, and s .Makefile are tried in order. If makefile is -, the standard input is used. More than one -fmakefile argument pair may appear. The command make updates a target only if its dependents are newer than the target. All prerequisite files of a target are added recursively to the list of targets. Missing files are deemed to be out-of-date. The argument ma kef i 1 e contains a sequence of entries that specify dependencies. The first line of an entry is a blank-separated, non-null list of targets, then a :, then a (possibly null) list of prerequisite files or dependencies. Text following a ; and all following lines that begin with a tab are commands to be executed to update the target. The first line that does not begin with a tab or # begins a new dependency or macro definition. Commands may be continued across lines with thesequence. Everything printed by make (except the initial tab) is passed directly to the command interpreter as is. The symbols # and new-line surround comments. The following makefile says that pgm depends on two files a. 0 and b .0, and that they in turn depend on their corresponding source files (a. c and b. c) and a common file inc 1. h: pgm: a. 0: b. 0: a . 0 b . 0 c c a . 0 b . 0 -0 incl. h a. c cc -c a. c incl. h b. c cc -c b. c pgm Command lines are executed one at a time. The first one or two characters in a command can be the following: -, @, -@, or @-. If @ is present, printing of the command is suppressed. If - is present, make ignores an error. A line is printed when it is executed unless the -s option is present, or the entry .SILENT: is in ma kef i 1 e, or unless the initial character sequence contains a @. The -n option specifies printing without execution; however, if the command line has the string $ (MAKE) in it, the line is always executed (see discussion of the MAKEFLAGS macro under Environment). The - t /dev/null member and array elements as variablelnumberl. Pointers may be dereferenced by using the form pointenOI. Combinations of these forms may also be used. F77 common variables may be referenced by using the name of the common block instead of the structure name. Blank common variables may be named by the form .variable.. A number may be used in place of a structure variable name, in which case the number is viewed as the address of the structure, and the template used for the structure is that of the last structure referenced by sdb. An unqualified structure variable may also be used with various commands. Generally, sdb will interpret a structure as a set of variables. Thus, s db will display the values of all the elements of a structure when it is requested to display a structure. An exception to this interpretation occurs when displaying variable addresses. An entire structure does have an address, and it is this value sdb displays, not the addresses of individual System V Interface Definition Page 375 elements. Elements of a multidimensional array may be referenced as variablelnumberllnumberl ••• , or as variablelnumber,number, .. .l. In place of number, the form number;number may be used to indicate a range of values, • may be used to indicate all legitimate values for that subscript, or subscripts may be omitted entirely if they are the last subscripts and the full range of values is desired. As with structures, s db displays all the values of an array or of the section of an array if trailing· subscripts are omitted. It displays only the address of the array itself or of the section specified by the user if subscripts are omitted. A multidimensional parameter in an F77 program cannot be displayed as an array, but it is actually a pointer, whose value is the location of the array. The array itself can be accessed symbolically from the calling function. A particular instance of a variable on the stack may be referenced by using the form procedure:variable,number. All the variations mentioned in naming variables may be used. Number is the occurrence of the specified procedure on the stack, counting the top, or most current, as the first. If no procedure is specified, the procedure currently executing is used by default. It is also possible to specify a variable by its address. All forms of integer constants which are valid in C may be used, so that addresses may be input in decimal, octal or hexadecimal. Line numbers in the source program are referred to as file-name:number or procedure:number. In either case the number is relative to the beginning of the file. If no procedure or file name is given, the current file is used by default. If no number is given, the first line of the named procedure or file is used. While a process is running under sdb, all addresses refer to the executing program. Commands The commands for examining data in the program are: Page 376 t Print a stack trace of the terminated or halted program. T Print the top line of the stack trace. Print the value of variable according to length 1 and format m. A numeric count c indicates that a region of memory, beginning at the address implied by variable, is to be displayed. The length specifiers are: b one byte h two bytes (half word) 1 four bytes (long word) System V Interface Definition Legal values for mare: c d u o x s a p character decimal decimal, unsigned octal hexadecimal Assume variable is a string pointer and print characters starting at the address pointed to by the variable. Print characters starting at the variable's address. This format may not be used with register variables. pointer to procedure disassemble machine-language instruction with addresses printed numerically and symbolically. The length specifiers are only effective with the formats c, d, u, 0 and x. Any of the specifiers, c, I, and m, may be omitted. If all are omitted, s db choses a length and a format suitable for the variable's type as declared in the program. If m is specified, then this format is used for displaying the variable. A length specifier determines the output length of the value to be displayed, sometimes resulting in truncation. A count specifier c tells sdb to display that many units of memory, beginning at the address of variable. The number of bytes in one such unit of memory is determined by the length specifier I, or if no length is given, by the size associated with the variable. If a count specifier is used for the s or a command, then that many characters are printed. Otherwise successive characters are printed until either a null byte is reached or 128 characters are printed. The last variable may be redisplayed with the command .I. linenumber? 1m variable:? 1m Print the value at the address from a.out or I space given by linenumber or variable (procedure name), according to the format 1m. The default format is 'i'. variable -1m linenumber -1m number-1m Print the address of variable or linenumber, or the value of number, in the format specified by 1m. If no format is given, then Ix is used. The last variant of this command provides a convenient way to convert between decimal, octal and hexadecimal. variable!value Set variable to the given value. The value may be a number, a character constant or a variable. The value must be well defined; expressions which produce more than one value, such as structures, are not allowed. Character constants are denoted 'character. Numbers are viewed as integers unless a decimal point or System V Interface Definition Page 377 SDS(SD _CMD) exponent is used. In this case, they are treated as having the type double. Registers are viewed as integers. The variable may be an expression which indicates more than one variable, such as an array or structure name. If the address of a variable is given, it is regarded as the address of a variable of type into C conventions are used in any type conversions necessary to perform the indicated assignment. x Print the machine registers and the current machine-language instruction. The commands for examining source files are: e procedure efile-name e directory/ e directory file-name The first two forms set the current file to the file containing procedure or to file-name. The current line is set to the first line in the named procedure or file. Source files are assumed to be in directory. The default is the current working directory. The latter two forms change the value of directory. If no procedure, file name, or directory is given, the current procedure name and file name are reported. /regular expression/ Search forward from the current line for a line containing a string matching regular expression as in ED{BU_CMD). The trailing / may be deleted. ?regular expression? Search backward from the current line for a line containing a string matching regular expression as in ED{BU_CMD). The trailing? may be deleted. p Print the current line. z Print the current line followed by the next 9 lines. Set the current line to the last line printed. w Window. Print the 10 lines around the current line. number Set the current line to the given line number. Print the new current line. The commands for controlling the execution of the source program are: count r args count R Run the program with the given arguments. The r command with no arguments reuses the previous arguments to the program while the R command runs the program with no arguments. An argument beginning with < or > causes redirection for the Page 378 System V Interface Definition SDB(SD_CMD) standard input or output, respectively. If count is given, it specifies the number of breakpoints to be ignored. Iinenumber c count Iinenumber C count Continue after a breakpoint or interrupt. If count is given, the program will stop when count breakpoints have been encountered. With the C command, the signal which caused the program to stop is reactivated; with the c command, it is ignored. If a line number is specified then a temporary breakpoint is placed at the line and execution is continued. The breakpoint is deleted when the command finishes. (It may not be possible to set breakpoints in some places, e.g., with shared libraries') s count S count Single step the program through count lines. If no count is given then the program is run for one line. S is equivalent to s except it steps through procedure calls. I Single step by one machine-language instruction. With the I command, the signal which caused the program to stop is reactivated; with the i command, it is ignored. k Kill the program being debugged. proced ure (arg 1,arg2, .. .> procedure(arg 1,arg2, .. .> / m Execute the named procedure with the given arguments. Arguments can be integer, character or string constants or names of variables accessible from the current procedure. The second form causes the value returned by the procedure to be printed according to format m. If no format is given, it defaults to d. linen umber b commands Set a breakpoint at the given line. If a procedure name without a line number is given (e.g., "proc:"), a breakpoint is placed at the first line in the procedure even if it was not compiled with the -g option. If no linen umber is given, a breakpoint is placed at the current line. (It may not be possible to set breakpoints in some places, e.g., with shared libraries') If no commands are given, execution stops just before the breakpoint and control is returned to s db. Otherwise the commands are executed when the breakpoint is encountered and execution continues. Multiple commands are specified by separating them with semicolons. If k is used as a command to execute at a breakpoint, control returns to s db, instead of continuing execution. B Print a list of the currently active breakpoints. System V Interface Definition Page 379 SDB(SD _CMD) linenumber d Delete a breakpoint at the given line. If no linenumber is given then the breakpoints are deleted interactively. Each breakpoint location is printed and a line is read from the standard input. If the line begins with a y or d then the breakpoint is deleted. D Delete all breakpoints. Print the last executed line. Miscellaneous commands: !command The command is interpreted by the command interpreter. new-line If the previous command printed a source line, then advance the current line by one line and print the new current line. If the previous command displayed a memory location, then display the next memory location. end-of-file Scroll. Print the next 10 lines of instructions, source or data depending on which was printed last. (The end-of-file character is usually control-D.} < filename Read commands from filename until the end of file is reached, and then continue to accept commands from standard input. When sdb is told to display a variable by a command in such a file, the variable name is displayed along with the value. This command may not be nested; < may not appear as a command in a file. " string Print the given string. The C escape sequences of the form \character are recognized, where character is a nonnumeric character. q Exit the debugger. FILES a.out core SEE ALSO CC(SD_CMD), ED(BU _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 380 System V Interface Definition SIZE(SD _CMD) NAME size - print section sizes of object files SYNOPSIS size [-0] [-x] [-V] files DESCRIPTION The size command produces section size information for each section in the loaded object files. The sizes of the loaded sections are printed along with the sum of these sizes. If an archive file is input to the size command, the information for all archive members is displayed. Numbers will be printed in decimal unless either the -0 or the -x option is used, in which case they will be printed in octal or in hexadecimal, respectively. The - V flag will supply the version information on the size command. SEE ALSO CC(SD_CMD), LD(SD_CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 381 STRIP(SD_CMD) NAME strip - strip symbolic information from an object file SYNOPSIS strip [-xl [-rl [-Vl file ... DESCRIPTION The strip command strips the symbolic information from object files or archives of object files. The amount of information stripped from the symbol table can be controlled by using any of the following options: -x Do not strip static or external symbol information. -r Do not strip static or external symbol information, or relocation information. - V Print the version of the strip command, on the standard error output. If there is any relocation information in the object file and any symbol table information is to be stripped, strip will report an error and terminate without stripping file unless the -r flag is used. SEE ALSO AR(BU _CMD), CC(SD _CMD), LD(SD_CMD). USAGE General. The purpose of this command is to reduce the file storage overhead taken by the object file. LEVEL Levell. Page 382 System V Interface Definition TIME(SD _CMD) NAME time - time a command SYNOPSIS time command DESCRIPTION The command is executed; after it is complete, time prints the elapsed time during the command, the time spent executing system code, and the time spent in execution of the user code. Times are reported in seconds. The times are printed on standard error. USAGE General. When time is used on a multi-processor system the sum of system and user time could be greater than real time. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 383 TSORT(SD _CMD) NAME tsort - topological sort SYNOPSIS tsort [ file ] DESCRIPTION Tsort produces on the standard output a totally ordered list of items consistent with a partial ordering of items mentioned in the input f i 1 e. If no f i leis specified, the standard input is understood. The input consists of pairs of items (nonempty strings) separated by blanks. Pairs of different items indicate ordering. Pairs of identical items indicate presence, but not ordering. SEE ALSO LORDER(SD _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 384 System V Interface Definition UNGET(SD _CMD) NAME unget - undo a previous get of an sees file SYNOPSIS unget [-rSID] [-s] [-n] files DESCRIPTION Unget undoes the effect of a get -e done prior to creating the intended new delta. If a directory is named, unget behaves as though each file in the directory were specified as a named file, except that non-SeeS files and unreadable files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard input is read with each line being taken as the name of an sees file to be processed. Keyletter arguments apply independently to each named file. -rSID Uniquely identifies which delta is no longer intended. (This would have been specified by get as the new delta). The use of this key letter is necessary only if two or more outstanding gets for editing on the same sees file were done by the same person (login name). An error is reported if the specified SID is ambiguous, or if it is necessary and omitted on the command line. -s Suppresses the printout, on the standard output, of the intended delta's SID. -0 Causes the retention of the file that was obtained by get, which would normally be removed from the current directory. SEE ALSO DELTA(SD_CMD), GET(SD _CMD), SACT(SD _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 385 VAL(SD_CMD) NAME val - validate sees file SYNOPSIS val val -s] [ -rSCCS ] [ -mname ] [ -ytype ] file DESCRIPTION The command va 1 determines if the specified f i 1 e is an sees file meeting the characteristics specified by the options. The arguments may appear in any order. val has a special argument, -, which causes reading of the standard input until an end-of-file condition is detected. Each line read is independentlY processed as if it were a command line argument list. val generates diagnostic messages on the standard output for each command line and file processed, and also returns a single 8-bit code upon exit as described below. The options are defined as follows. The effects of any option apply independently to each named file on the command line. -s Silences the diagnostic message normally generated on the standard output for any error that is detected while processing each named file on a given command line. - rSID SID -mname name is compared with the sees %M% keyword in f i 1 e . - y type t yp e is compared with the sees %Y% keyword in f i 1 e . (sees Identification String) is an sees delta number. A check is made to determine if the SID is ambiguous (e. g., - r 1 is ambiguous because it physically does not exist but implies 1.1, 1.2, etc., which may exist) or invalid (e. g., - r 1.0 or - r 1.1.0 are invalid because neither case can exist as a valid delta number). If the SID is valid and not ambiguous, a check is made to determine if it actually exists. The 8-bit code returned by val is a disjunction of the possible errors, i. e., can be interpreted as a bit string where (moving from left to right) set bits are interpreted as follows: bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit Page 386 == missing file argument; == unknown or duplicate keyletter argument; 2 == corrupted sees file; 3 == cannot open file or file not sees; 4 == SID is invalid or ambiguous; 5 == SID does not exist; 6 == %Y%, -y mismatch; 7 == %M%, -m mismatch; 0 1 System V Interface Definition Note that val can process two or more files on a given command line and in turn can process multiple command lines (when reading the standard input). In these cases an aggregate code is returned - a logical OR of the codes generated for each command line and file processed. SEE ALSO ADMIN{SD _CMD), DELT A{SD _CMD), GET{SD _CMD), PRS{SD _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 387 WHAT(SD _CMD) NAME what - identify sees files SYNOPSIS what [-s] files DESCRIPTION The command wha t searches the given files for all occurrences of the pattern that the get command substitutes for %Z% (@(#» and prints out what follows until the first ", >, new-line, \, or null character. For example, if the C program in file f.c contains char ident [ ] tion" ; "@(#)identification informa- and f.c is compiled to yield f.o and a.out, then the command what f.c f.o a.out will print f.c: identification information f.o: identification information a.out: identification information Wha t is intended to be used in conjunction with the sees get command, which automatically inserts identifying information, but it can also be used where the information is inserted manually. There is only one option (new in System V Release 2): -s Quit after finding the first occurrence of pattern in each file. ERRORS Exit status is 0 if any matches are found, otherwise 1. SEE ALSO GET(SD _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. Page 388 System V Interface Definition XARGS(SD _CMD) NAME xargs - construct argument list(s) and execute command SYNOPSIS xargs [options] [command[initia1-arguments]] DESCRIPTION Xargs combiries the fixed initial-arguments with arguments read from standard input to execute the specified command one or more times. The number of arguments read for each command invocation and the manner in which they are combined are determined by the options specified. If command is omitted, echo is used. Arguments read in from standard input are defined to be contiguous strings of characters delimited by one or more blanks, tabs, or new-lines; empty lines ate always discarded. Blanks and tabs may be embedded as part of an argument if escaped or quoted. Characters enclosed in quotes (single or double) are taken literally, and the delimiting quotes are removed. Outside of quoted strings a backslash (\) quotes the next character. Each argument list is constructed starting with the in i t i a 1arguments, followed by some number of arguments read from standard input (Exception: see -i). Options -i, -1, and -n determine how arguments are selected for each command invocation. When none of these options are code~, the initial-arguments are followed by arguments read continuously from standard input until an internal buffer is full, and then command is executed with the accumulated args. This process is repeated until there are no more args. When there are conflicts (e.g., -1 vs. -n), the last option has precedence. The recognized options are: -lnumber Command is executed for each non-empty number lines of arguments from standard input. The last invocation of command will be with fewer lines of arguments if fewer than number remain. A line is considered to end with the first new-line un 1 e s s the last character of the line is a blank or a tab; a trailing blankltab signals continuation through the next non-empty line. If number is omitted, 1 is assumed. Option -x is forced. -irep/str Insert mode: command is executed for each line from standard input, taking the entire line as a single arg, inserting it in ini tia1-arguments for each occurrence of rep1str. A maximum of 5 arguments in initial-arguments may each contain one or more instances of rep1str. Blanks and tabs at the beginning of each line are thrown away. Constructed arguments may not grow larger than 255 characters, and option -x is also forced. {} is assumed for rep1str if not specified. System V Interface Definition Page 389 XARGS(SD _CMD) -nnumber Execute command using as many standard input arguments as possible, up to number arguments maximum. Fewer arguments will be used if their total size is greater than s i z e characters, and for the last invocation if there are fewer than number arguments remaining. If option -x is also invoked, each numb e r arguments must fit in the s i z e limitation, else xargs terminates execution. -t Trace mode: The command and each constructed argument list are echoed to standard error just prior to their execution. -p Prompt mode: The user is asked whether to execute command each invocation. Trace mode (-t) is turned on to print the command instance to be executed, followed by a ? •• prompt. A reply of y (optionally followed by anything) will execute the command; anything else, including just a carriage return, skips that particular invocation of command. -x Causes xargs to terminate if any argument list would be greater than s i z e characters; -x is forced by the options -i and -1. When neither of the options -i, -1, or -n are coded, the total length of all arguments must be within the size limit. -ssize The maximum total size of each argument list is set to s i z e characters; s i z e must be a positive integer less than or equal to 470. If -s is not coded, 470 is taken as the default. Note that the character count for s i z e includes one extra character for each argument and the count of characters in the command name. -eeofstr Eofstr is taken as the logical end-of-file string. Underscore (_) is assumed for the logical EOF string if -e is not invoked. The option -e with no eofstr coded turns off the logical EOF string capability (underbar is taken literally). Xargs reads standard input until either end-of-file or the logical EOF string is encountered. Xargs will terminate if either it receives a return code of -1 from, or if it cannot execute, command. (Thus command should explicitly exit with an appropriate value to avoid accidentally returning with -1.) EXAMPLES The following will move all files from directory $1 to directory $2, and echo each move command just before doing it: Is $1 I xargs -i -t mv $1/0 $2/0 The following will combine the output of the parenthesized commands onto one line, which is then echoed to the end of file log: Page 390 System V Interface Definition XARGS(SD _CMD) (logname; date; echo $0 $.) I xargs > > log The user is asked which files in the current directory are to be archived and archives them into arc h (1.) one at a time, or (2.) many at a time. 1. Is I xargs -p -1 ar r arch 2. Is I xargs -p -1 I xargs ar r arch The following will execute with successive pairs of arguments originally typed as command line arguments: echo $. I xargs -n2 diff SEE ALSO ECHO(BU _CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 391 YACC(SD_CMD) NAME yacc - a compiler-compiler SYNOPSIS yaee [ -vd1t ] grammar DESCRIPTION The yaee command provides a general tool for describing the input to a program. More precisely, yaee converts a context-free grammar into a set of tables for a simple automaton which executes an LR(I) parsing algorithm. The grammar may be ambiguous; built-in precedence rules are used to break ambiguities. The output file,, must be compiled by the C compiler to produce a program yyparse. This program must be loaded with the lexical analyzer function, . yy 1 ex, as well as ma i nand yye r r 0 r, an error handling routine. These routines must be supplied by the user (however, see the description of the yaee library below); lex is useful for creating lexical analyzers usable by yaee. If the -v option is used, the file y. ou tpu t is prepared, which contains a description of the parsing tables and a report on conflicts generated by ambiguities in the grammar. If the -d option is used, the fiie y. tab. h is generated with the #define statements that associate the yaee-assigned "token codes" with the userdeclared "token names". This allows source files other than to access the token codes. If the -1 option is used, the code produced in will not contain any #line constructs. This should only be used after the grammar and the associated actions are fully debugged. Runtime debugging code is always generated in under conditional compilation control. By default, this code is not included when is compiled. However, when yaee's -t option is used, this debugging code will be compiled by default. Independent of whether the -t option was used, the runtime debugging code is under the control of YYDEBUG, a preprocessor symbol. If YYDEBUG has a non-zero value, then the debugging code is included. If its value is zero, then the code will not be included. The size and execution time of a program produced without the runtime debugging code will be smaller and slightly faster. Yacc Library The yaee library liby.a facilitates the initial use of yaee by providing the routines: main 0 yyerror(s) char *s; These routines may be loaded by using the -ly option with ee. mainO just calls yyparseO. yyerrorO simply prints the string (error Page 392 System V Interface Definition message) s when a syntax error is detected. YACC SPECIFICATIONS The yacc user constructs a specification of the input process; this includes rules describing the input structure. code to be invoked when these rules are recognized, and a low-level routine to do the basic input. Ya c c then generates the (integer-valued) function yyparse; it in turn calls yylex, the lexical analyzer, to obtain input tokens. A structure recognized (and returned) by the lexical analyzer is called a terminal symbol, here referred to as a token (literal characters must also be passed through the lexical analyzer, and are also considered tokens). A structure recognized by the parser is called a nonterminal symbol. Name refers to either tokens or nonterminal symbols. Every specification file consists of three sections: declarations, grammar rules, and programs, separated by double percent marks ("%%"). The declarations and programs sections may be empty. If the latter is empty. then the preceding %% mark separating it from the rules section may be omitted. Blanks. tabs and newlines are ignored, except that they may not appear in names or multi-character reserved symbols. Comments are enclosed in /* ... */. and may appear wherever a name is legal. Names may be of arbitrary length, made up of letters, dot ".", underscore "_", and non-initial digits. Upper and lower case letters are distinct. Names beginning in "yy" should be avoided. since the y a c c parser uses such names. A literal consists of a character enclosed in single quotes. The C escape sequences (e.g., '\n') are recognized. Declarations The following declarators may be used in the declarations section: % token Names representing tokens must be declared; this is done by writing %token namel name2 ... in the declarations section. Every name not defined in this section is assumed to represent a nonterminal symbol. Every nonterminal symbol must appear on the left side of at least one grammar rule. % start The start symbol represents the largest, most general structure described by the grammar rules. By default, it is the left hand side of the first grammar rule; this default may be overridden by declaring: %start symbol System V Interface Definition Page 393 % left %right %nonassoc Precedence and associativity rules attached to tokens are declared using these keywords. This is done by a series of lines, each beginning with one of the keywords %left, %right, or %nonassoc, followed by a list of tokens. All tokens on the same line have the same precedence level and associativity; the lines are in order of increasing precedence or binding strength. %left denotes that the operators on that line are left associative, and %right similary denotes right associative operators. %nonassoc denotes operators that may not associate with themselves. (A token declared using one of these keywords need not be declared by %token as well.) %prec Unary operators must, in general, be given a precedence. In cases where a unary and binary operator have the same symbolic representation, but need to be given different precedences, the keyword %prec is used to change the precedence level associated with a particular grammar rule. %prec appears immediately after the body of the grammar rule, before the action or closing semicolon (see Grammar Rules below), and is followed by a token name or a literal. It causes the precedence of the grammar rule to become that of the following token name or literal. % union By default, the values returned by actions and the lexical analyzer are integers. Other types, including structures, are supported: the ya c c value stack is declared to be a union of the various types of values desired. Ya c c keeps track of types, and inserts appropriate union member names so that the resulting parser will be strictly type-checked. The declaration is done by including a statement of the form: %union { body of union Alternatively, the union may be declared in a header file, and a typedef used to define the variable YYSTYPE to represent this union. The header file must be included in the declarations section, by using a "#include" construct within %{ and %} (see below). Union members must be associated with the various names. The construction < name> is used to indicate a union member name; if this follows one of the keywords %token %left, %right, and %nonassoc, the union member name is associated with the tokens listed. % type This key word is used to associate union member names with Page 394 System V Interface Definition nonterminals, in the form: %type a b ... Other declarations and definitions can appear in the declarations section, enclosed by the marks "%{" and "%}". These have global scope within the file, so that they may be used in the rules and programs sections. Grammar Rules The rules section is comprised of one or more grammar rules. A grammar rule has the form: A:BODY; A represents a nonterminal name, and BODY represents a sequence of zero or more names and literals. The colon and the semicolon are yacc punctuation. If there are several successive grammar rules with the same left hand side, the vertical bar 'I' can be used to avoid rewriting the left hand side; in this case the semicolon must occur only after the last rule. The BODY part may be empty to indicate that the nonterminal symbol matches the empty string. The ASCII NUL character (0 or '\0') should not be used in grammar rules. With each grammar rule, the user may associate actions to be performed each time the rule is recognized in the input process. These actions may return values, and may obtain the values returned by previous actions. In addition, the lexical anlayzer can return values for tokens, if desired. An action is an arbitrary C statement, and as such can do input or output, call subprograms, and alter external variables. An action is one or more statements enclosed in curly braces "{" and "}". Certain pseudovariables can be used in the action: a value can be returned by assigning it to $$; the variables $1, $2, ... , refer to the values returned by the components of the right side of a rule, reading from left to right. By default, the value of a rule is the value of the first element in it. Actions may occur in the middle of a rule as well as at the end; an action may access the values returned by symbols (and actions) to its left, and in turn the value it returns may be accessed by actions to its right. Internal rules to resolve ambiguities are: 1. In a shift/reduce conflict, the default is to do the shift. 2. In a reduce/reduce conflict, the default is to reduce by the grammar rule that occurs earlier in the input sequence. In addition, the declared precedences and associativities (see Declarations Section above) are used to resolve parsing conflicts as follows: System V Interface Definition Page 395 YACC(SD _CMD) 1. A precedence and associativity is associated with each grammar rule; it is the precedence and associativity of the last token or literal in the body of the rule. If the %prec keyword is used, it overrides this default. Some grammar rules may have no precedence and associativity. 2. When there is a reduce/reduce conflict, or there is a shift/reduce conflict and either the input symbol or the grammar rule has no precedence and associativity, then the two rules given above are used. 3. If there is a shift/reduce conflict, and both the grammar rule and the input symbol have precedence and associativity associated with them, then the conflict is resolved in favor of the action (shift or reduce) associated with the higher precedence. If the precedences are the same, then the associativity is used; left associative implies reduce, right associative implies shift, and nonassociative implies error. Conflicts resolved by precedence are not counted in the shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts reported by yacc. The token name "error" is reserved for error handling. This name can be used in grammar rules; in effect, it suggests places where errors are expected, and recovery might take place. When an error is encountered, the parser behaves as if the token "error" were the current lookahead token, and performs the action encountered. The lookahead token is then reset to the token that caused the error. If no special error rules have been specified, the processing halts when an error is detected. In order to prevent a series of error messages, the parser, after detecting an error, remains in error state until three tokens have been successfully read and shifted. If an error is detected when the parser is already in error state, no message is given, and the input token is quietly deleted. The statement yyerrok; in an action resets the parser back to its normal mode; it may be used if it is desired to force the parser to believe that an error has been fully recovered from. The statement yyclearin; in an action is used to clear the previous lookahead token; it may be used if a user-supplied routine is to be used to find the correct place to resume input. Programs The programs section may include the definition of the lexical analyzer yy 1 e x, and any other functions, for example those used in the actions Page 396 System V Interface Definition YACC(SD _CMD) specified in the grammar rules. yylex is an integer-valued function, which returns the token number, representing the kind of token read. If there is a value associated with that token, it should be assigned to the external variable yy 1 va 1. The parser and yylex must agree on these token numbers in order for communication between them to take place. The numbers may be chosen by yacc, or chosen by the user. In either case, the "#define" construct of C is used to allow yylex to return these numbers symbolically. If the token numbers are chosen by yacc, then literals are given the numerical value of the character in the local character set, and other names are assigned token numbers starting at 257. A token may be assigned a number by following its first appearance in the declarations section with a nonnegative integer. Names and literals not defined this way retain their default definition. All token numbers must be distinct. The end of the input is marked by a special token called the endmarker. The endmarker must have token number 0 or negative. {these values are not legal for any other token.} All lexical analyzers should return 0 or negative as a token number upon reaching the end of their input. If the token upto, but excluding, the endmarker form a structure which matches the start symbol, the parser accepts the input. If the endmarker is seen in any other context, it is an error. ERRORS The number of reduce-reduce and shift-reduce conflicts is reported on the standard error output; a more detailed report is found in the y.output file. Similarly, if some rules are not reachable from the start symbol, this is also reported. FILES y.output SEE ALSO LEX(SD_CMD). USAGE General. LEVEL Levell. System V Interface Definition Page 397 Part VI Terminal Interface Extension Definition Chapter 12 Introduction 12.1 OVERVIEW The Terminal Interface Extension (Tn consists of the facilities provided by the curseslterminfo package to allow application programs to perform terminalhandling functions in a way that is independent of the type of the terminal actually in use. Currently, the curseslterminfo package supports asynchronous character terminals. The System V Base, the Basic Utilities Extension, the Advanced Utilities Extension, and the Software Development Extension are prerequisites for the Terminal Interface Extension. The components of the Terminal Interface Extension are new in System V Release 2. 12.2 DESCRIPTION DATA FILES lusr/lib/terminfol? 1* UTILITIES tic System V Interface Definition tput Page 401 LIBRARY ROUTINES General Routines addch addstr attroff attron attrset baudrate beep box cbreak clear clearok clrtobot clrtoeol def-'prog_mode deCshell_mode delay_output delch deleteln delwin doupdate echo endwin erase erasechar fix term ** flash flushinp getch getstr gettmode ** getyx hasjc hasjl idlok inch initscr insch insertln intrflush keypad killchar leaveok longname move mvaddch mvaddstr mvdelch mvgetch mvgetstr mvinch mvinsch mvprintw mvscanw mvwaddch mvwaddstr mvwdelch mvwgetch mvwgetstr mvwin mvwinch mvwinsch mvwprintw mvwscanw newpad newterm newwin nl nocbreak nodelay noecho nonl noraw overlay overwrite pnoutrefresh prefresh printw raw refresh reset-'prog_mode reset _shell_mode resetterm ** resetty saveterm ** savetty scanw scroll scrollok set_term setscrreg standend standout subwin touchwin typeahead unctrl waddch waddstr wattroff wattron wattrset wclear wclrtobot wclrtoeol wdelch wdeleteln werase wgetch wgetstr winch winsch winsertln wmove wnoutrefresh wprintw wrefresh wscanw wsetscrreg wstandend wstandout Terminfo Level Routines mvcur putp Page 402 setterm ** setupterm tparm tputs vidattr vidputs System V Interface Definition Termeap Compatibility Routines tgetent ** tgetflag ** tgetnum ** tgetstr ** tgoto ** tputs •• Level 2: December 1, 1985. 12.3 DEFINITIONS The following environment varirables are used by the components of the TI extension. See SH(BU _CMD) for information on the shell environment. TERM The environmental variable TERM usually contains a user's current terminal type and can be set by the user. TERMINFO The environmental variable TERMINFO, if set, contains the place(s) where local terminal descriptions can be found. TERMINFO can be set by the user. If it is set, any program using CURSES(TI_LlB) will check the TERMINFO location for a terminal's description before checking lusr/lib/terminfo, the standard location for terminal descriptions. See CURSES(TI_LlB) for further information. LINES and COLUMNS The environmental variables LINES and COLUMNS, if set, contain the number of lines and number of columns, respectively, on a terminal screen and can be set by the user. If defined, the values of these variables, LINES and COLUMNS, will override the screen size values given in a terminal's terminfo description. See CURSES(TI_LlB) for further information. 12.4 TRADEMARKS Tektronix is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc. TeleVideo is a registered trademark of TeleVideo Systems, Inc. VT100 is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. LSI is a trademark of Lear Siegler, Inc. HP is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Co. Tektronix 4010 is a registered trademark of Tektronic, Inc. Beehive is a trademark of Beehive International. Ann Arbor is a trademark of Ann Arbor Terminals, Inc. Teleray is a trademark of Research, Inc. Micro-Term, ACT, and MIME are trademarks of Micro-Term, Inc. Concept is a trademark of Human Designed Systems, Inc. Teletype is a trademark of AT&T Teletype Corporation. System V Interface Definition Page 403 Chapter 13 Environment System V Interface Definition Page 405 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) NAME terminfo - terminal capability database SYNOPSIS lusr/lib/terminfol?l* DESCRIPTION The terminfo database describes terminals, by giving a set of capabilities which they have, by describing how operations are performed, by describing padding requirements, and by specifying initialization sequences. Entries in terminfo consist of a number of comma-separated fields. White space after each comma is ignored. The first entry for each terminal gives the names which are known for the terminal, separated by vertical bar (D characters. The first name given is the most common abbreviation for the terminal, the last name given should be a long name fully identifying the terminal, and all others are understood as synonyms for the terminal name. All names but the last should be in lower case and contain no blanks; the last name may well contain upper case and blanks for readability. Terminal names (except for the last, verbose entry) should be chosen using the following conventions. The particular piece of hardware making up the terminal should have a root name chosen, for example, "tty4424". Modes that the hardware can be in, or user preferences, should be indicated by appending a hyphen and an indicator of the mode. The following suffixes should be used where possible: Suffix -w -am -nam -n -na -np - rv Meaning Wide mode (more than 80 columns) With auto. margins (usually default) Without automatic margins Number of lines on the screen (e.g., -60) No arrow keys (leave them in local) Number of pages of memory (e.g., -8p) Reverse video To avoid conflicts with the naming conventions used in describing the different modes of a terminal (e.g., -w), it is recommended that a terminal's root name not contain hyphens. Further, it is good practice to make all terminal names used in the terminfo database unique. Capabilities In the table below, "Variable" is the name by which the programmer (at the terminfo level) accesses the capability. "Capname" is the short name used in the text of the database, and is used by a person updating the database. The "Termcap Code" is the two letter code that corresponds to the old termcap capability name. Capability names have no hard length limit, but an informal limit of 5 characters has been adopted to keep them short. Whenever possible, names are Page 406 System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) chosen to be the same as or similar to the ANSI X3.64-1979 standard. Semantics are also intended to match those of the specification. All string capabilities listed below may have padding specified, with the exception of those used for input. Input capabilities, listed under the Strings section of the table below, are denoted by the string key_ at the beginning of their variable name. (G) indicates that the string is passed through tparmO with parms as given (#;). (*) indicates that padding may be based on the number of lines affected . d'Icates tel h .th parameter. (#;) 10 Variable Capname Termcap Code Description transparent_underline xon_xoff bw am xsb xhp xenl eo gn hc km hs in da db mir msgr os eslok xt hz ul xon bw am xb xs xn eo gn hc km hs in da db mi ms os es xt hz ul xo cubl wraps from colO to last column Terminal has automatic margins Beehive (fl-escape, f2"'ctrl C) Standout not erased by overwriting Newline ignored after 80 cols Can erase overstrikes with a blank Generic line type (e.g. dialup, switch) Hardcopy terminal (Reserved) Has extra "status line" Insert mode distinguishes nulls Display may be retained above screen Display may be retained below screen Safe to move while in insert mode Safe to move in standout modes Terminal overstrikes Escape can be used on the status line Destructive tabs, magic smso char Cannot print tildes Underline character overstrikes Terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking Numbers: columns init_tabs lines lines _oCmemory magic_cookie~litch padding_baudJate virtual_terminal width_statusJine cols it lines 1m xmc pb vt wsl co it li 1m sg pb vt ws Number of columns in a line Tabs initially every # spaces Number of lines on screen or page Lines of memory if > lines, O-varies # of blank chars left by smso or rmso Lowest baud where padding is needed (Reserved) # of columns in status line Dooleans: autoJeft_margin autoJight _margin (Reserved) ceol_standout~litch eat_newline~litch erase_overstrike generic _type hard_copy has_meta _key has_statusJine insert_null~litch memory_above memory_below move jnsert_mode move _standou t _mode over_strike statusJine_esc_ok (Reserved) tilde~litch System V Interface Definition Page 407 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) Strings: back_tab bell carriageJeturn change_scrollJegion clear_all_tabs clear_screen clr_eol clr_eos column_address command_character cursor_address cursor_down cursor_home cursor jnvisible cursor-'eft cursor_mem_address, cursor_normal cursorJight cursor_to-'l cursor_up cursor_visible delete_character delete-'ine dis _sta tus -'ine down_half-'ine enter _alt _charset _mode enter_blink_mode enter_bold_mode enter _ca _mode enter_delete_mode enter_dim _mode enter jnsert_mode enter"protected _mode enter _reverse_mode enter_secure _mode enter_standout_mode enter_underline_mode erase_chars exit _alt_charset_mode exit_attribute_mode exit_ca_mode exit_delete_mode exit jnsert_mode exit_standout_mode exit_underline_mode flash_screen formjeed Page 408 cbt bel cr csr tbc clear el ed hpa cmdch cup cudl home civis cubl mrcup cnorm cufl II cuul cvvis dchl dll dsl hd smacs blink bold smcup smdc dim smir prot rev invis smso smul ech rmacs sgrO rmcup rmdc rmir rmso rmul flash ff bt bl cr cs ct cl ce cd ch CC cm do ho vi Ie CM ve nd II up vs dc dl ds hd as mb md ti dm mh im mp mr mk so us ec ae me te ed ei se ue vb ff Back tab Audible signal (bell) Carriage return (*) change to lines #1 through #2 (G) Clear all tab stops Clear screen and home cursor (*) Clear to end of line Clear to end of display (*) Horizontal position absolute (G) Term. settable cmd char in prototype Cursor motion to row #1 col #2 (G) Down one line Home cursor (if no cup) Make cursor invisible Move cursor left one space Memory relative cursor addressing Make cursor appear normal (undo vs/vi) Non-destructive space (cursor right> Last line, first column (if no cup) Upline (cursor up) Make cursor very visible Delete character (*) Delete line (*) Disable status line Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed) Start alternate character set Turn on blinking Turn on bold (extra bright) mode String to begin programs that use cup Delete mode (enter) Turn on half-bright mode Insert mode (enter) Turn on protected mode Turn on reverse video IPode Turn on bla.nk Jlloqe (chars invisible) Begin standout mode Start underscore mode Erase #1 characters (G) End alternate character set Turn off all attributes String to end programs that use cup End delete mode End insert mode End standout mode End underscore mode Visible bell (may not move cursor) Hardcopy terminal page eject (*) System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) from _statusJine init_Istring init_2string init_3string initJile iniU)rog insert_character insertJine insert"'padding key_a 1 key-a 3 key_b2 key_cl key_c3 key_backspace key-catab key-clear key-ctab key-dc key_dl key_down key_eic key_eol key_eos keyJO keyJI keyJ2 keyJ3 keyJ4 keyJ5 keyJ6 key]7 keyJ8 keyJ9 keyJIO key-home keyjc keyjl keyJeft keyJI key_npage key"'ppage key_right key_sf key_sr key_stab key_up keypad Jocal keypad_x mit fsl isl is2 is3 if iprog ichl ill ip kal ka3 kb2 kcl kc3 kbs ktbc kclr kctab kdchl kdll kcudl krmir kel ked kfO kfl kf2 kf3 kf4 kf5 kf6 kf7 kfS kf9 kflO khome kichl kill kcubl kll knp kpp kcufl kind kri khts kcuul rmkx smkx System V Interface Definition fs il is i3 if iP ic al ip KI K3 K2 K4 K5 kb k; kC kt kD kL kd kM kE kS kO kl k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 k8 k9 ka kh kI kA kl kH kN kP kr kF kR kT ku ke ks Return from status line Terminal initialization string Terminal initialization string Terminal initialization string Name of file containing is Path name of program for init Insert character Add new blank line (*) Insert pad after character inserted(*) Upper left of keypad Upper right of keypad Center of keypad Lower left of keypad Lower right of keypad Sent by backspace key Sent by clear-all-tabs key Sent by clear screen or erase key Sent by clear-tab key Sent by delete character key Sent by delete line key Sent by terminal down arrow key Sent by rmir or smir in insert mode Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key Sent by function key fO Sent by function key fl Sent by function key f2 Sent by function key f3 Sent by function key f4 Sent by function key f5 Sent by function key f6 Sent by function key f7 Sent by function key f8 Sent by function key f9 Sent by function key fl 0 Sent by home key Sent by ins char/enter ins mode key Sent by insert line Sent by terminal left arrow key Sent by home-down key Sent by next-page key Sent by previous-page key Sent by terminal right arrow key Sent by scroll-forward/down key Sent by scroll-backward/up key Sent by set-tab key Sent by terminal up arrow key Out of "keypad transmit" mode Put terminal in "keypad transmit" mode Page 409 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) labJO labJI labJ2 labJ3 labJ4 labJ5 labJ6 labJ7 labJ8 labJ9 labJI0 meta_off meta_on newline pad_char parm_dch parm_deleteJine parm _down_cursor parmjch parmjndex parm jnsertJine parmJeft _cursor parm _right_cursor parmJindex parm _up_cursor pkey_key pkeyJocal pkey_xmit print_screen prtr_non prtr_off prtr_on repea t _char reset_1 string reset _2string reset _3string resetJile restore_cursor row _address save_cursor scroll Jorward scrollJeverse set_attributes set_tab set_window tab to_sta tus _line underline_char up_halfJine Page 410 lfO Ifl If2 10 If4 If5 If6 1f7 1f8 If9 IflO rmm smm nel pad dch dl cud ich indn il cub cuf rin cuu pfkey pftoc pfx mcO mc5p mc4 mc5 rep rsl rs2 rs3 rf rc vpa sc ind ri sgr hts wind ht tsl uc hu 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 la mo mm nw pc DC DL DO IC SF AL LE RI SR UP pk pi px ps pO pf po rp rl r2 r3 rf rc cv sc sf sr sa st wi ta ts uc hu Labels on function key fO if not fO Labels on function key fl if not fl Labels on function key f2 if not f2 Labels on function key f3 if not 0 Labels on function key f4 if not f4 Labels on function key f5 if not f5 Labels on function key f6 if not f6 Labels on function key f7 if not f7 Labels on function key f8 if not f8 Labels on function key f9 if not f9 Labels on function key flO if not flO (Reserved) (Reserved) Newline (like cr followed by If) Pad character (rather than null) Delete #1 chars (G*) Delete #1 lines (G*) Move cursor down #1 lines (G*) Insert #1 blank chars (G*) Scroll forward #1 lines (G) Add #1 new blank lines (G*) Move cursor left #1 spaces (G) Move cursor right #1 spaces (G*) Scroll backward #1 lines (G) Move cursor up #1 lines (G*) Prog funct key #1 to type string #2 Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2 Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2 Print contents of the screen Turn on the printer for #1 bytes Turn off the printer Turn on the printer Repeat char #1 #2 times (G*) Reset terminal completely to sane modes Reset terminal completely to sane modes Reset terminal completely to sane modes Name of file containing reset string Restore cursor to position of last sc Vertical position absolute (G) Save cursor position Scroll text up Scroll text down Define the video attributes #1-#9 (G) Set a tab in all rows, current column Current window: lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4 Tab to next 8 space hardware tab stop Go to status line, column #1 Underscore one char and move past it Half-line up (reverse 112 linefeed) System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) A Sample Entry The following entry, which describes the Concept-l 00, is among the more complex entries in the terminfo file. concept100 I c100 I concept I c1041 c100-4p I concept 100, am, bel=AG, blank='EH, blink='EC, clear=AL$<2*>, cnorm=\Ew, cols#80, cr=AM$<9>, cub1=AH, cud1=AJ, cuf1=\E=, cup='Ea%p1%' '%+%c%p2%' '%+%c, cuu1=\E;, cvvis='EW, db, dch1='E AA$<16*>, dim=\EE, d11=\E AB$<3*>, ed='E AC$<16*>, el='E AU$<16>, eo, flash='Ek$<20>'EK, ht=\t$<8>, i11=\E AR$<3*>, in, ind=AJ, • ind=AJ$<9>, ip=$< 16*>, is2='EU'Ef'E7'ES'E8'El'ENH'EK'E'200'Eo&'200\Eo\47\E, kbs=Ah, kcub1='E>, kcud1='E<, kcuf1='E=, kcuu1='E;, kf1=\ES, kf2='E6, kf3='E7, khome=\E?, lines#24, mir, pb#9600, prot=\EI, rep='Er%p1%c%p2%' '%+%c$<.2*>, rev='ED, rmcup='Ev $<6>'Ep\r'n, rmir=\E'200, rmkx='Ex, rmso='Ed'Ee, rmul='Eg, rmul='Eg, sgrO=\EN'200, smcup=\EU'Ev 8p'Ep'r, smir='EAp, smkx='EX, smso='EE\ED, smul='EG, tabs, ul, vt#8, xenl, Entries may continue onto multiple lines by placing white space at the beginning of each line except the first. Lines beginning with "#" are taken as comment lines. Capabilities in terminfo are of three types: boolean capabilities which indicate that the terminal has some particular feature, numeric capabilities giving the size of the terminal or the size of particular features, and string capabilities which give a sequence which can be used to perform particular terminal operations. Types of Capabilities All capabilities have names. For instance, the fact that the Concept has automatic margins (i.e., an automatic return and linefeed when the end of a line is reached) is indicated by the capability am. Hence the description of the Concept includes am. Numeric capabilities are followed by the character '#' and then the value. Thus cols, which indicates the number of columns the terminal has, gives the value '80' for the Concept. Finally, string valued capabilities, such as el (clear to end of line sequence) are given by the two- to five-character capname, an '-=', and then a string ending at the next following ','. A delay in milliseconds may appear anywhere in such a capability, enclosed in $ < .. > brackets, as in el-\EK$ < 3 > , and padding characters are supplied by t pu t sO [see CURSES(TI_LIB)] to provide this delay. The delay can be either a number, e.g., '20', or a number followed by an '*', i.e., '3*'. A ,*, indicates that the padding required is proportional to the number of lines affected by the operation, and the amount given is the per-affected-unit padding required. (In the case of insert character, the factor is still the number of lines affected. This is always one unless the terminal has xenl and the software uses it.> When a ,*, is specified, it is sometimes useful to give a delay of the form '3.5' to specify a delay per unit System V Interface Definition Page 411 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) to tenths of milliseconds. (Only one decimal place is allowed.) If the terminal has xon defined, the padding information is advisory and will only be used for cost estimates or when the terminal is in raw mode. A number of escape sequences are provided in the string valued capabilities for easy encoding of characters there. Both \E and \e map to an ESCAPE character, AX maps to a control-x for any appropriate x, and the sequences \n, \1, \r, \t, \b, \1, and \s give a newline, linefeed, return, tab, backspace, formfeed, and space. Other escapes include \" for A, \\ for \, \, for comma, \: for :, and \0 for null. (\0 will produce \200, which does not terminate a string but behaves as a null character on most terminals.) Finally, characters may be given as three octal digits after a \. Sometimes individual capabilities must be commented out. To do this, put a period before the capability name. For example, see the second ind in the example above. Note that capabilities are defined in a left-to-right order and therefore, a prior definition will override a later definition. Basic Capabilities The number of columns on each line for the terminal is given by the cols numeric capability. If the terminal is a CRT, then the number of lines on the screen is given by the lines capability. If the terminal wraps around to the beginning of the next line when it reaches the right margin, then it should have the am capability. If the terminal can clear its screen, leaving the cursor in the home position, then this is given by the clear capability. If the terminal overstrikes (rather than clearing a position when a character is struck over) then it should have the os capability. If the terminal is a printing terminal, with no soft copy unit, give it both hc and os. (os applies to storage scope terminals, such as Tektronix 4010 series, as well as hard copy and APL terminals.) If there is a code to move the cursor to the left edge of the current row, give this as cr. (Normally this will be carriage return, control M.) If there is a code to produce an audible signal (bell, beep, etc) give this as bel. If the terminal uses the xon-xoff flow-control protocol, like most terminals, specify xon. If there is a code to move the cursor one position to the left (such as backspace) that capability should be given as cubl. Similarly, codes to move to the right, up, and down should be given as cull, cuul, and cudl. These local cursor motions should not alter the text they pass over; for example, 'cull-\s' would not normally be used, because the space would erase the character moved over. A very important point here is that the local cursor motions encoded in terminfo are undefined at the left and top edges of a CRT terminal. Programs should never attempt to backspace around the left edge, unless bw is given, and never attempt to go up locally off the top. In order to scroll text up, a program will go to the bottom left corner of the screen and send the ind (index) string. Page 412 System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) To scroll text down, a program goes to the top left corner of the screen and sends the ri (reverse index) string. The strings ind and ri are undefined when not on their respective corners of the screen. Parameterized versions of the scrolling sequences are indn and rin which have the same semantics as ind and ri except that they take one parameter, and scroll that many lines. They are also undefined except at the appropriate edge of the screen. The am capability tells whether the cursor sticks at the right edge of the screen when text is output, but this does not necessarily apply to a cufl from the last column. The only local motion which is defined from the left edge is if bw is given, then a cubl from the left edge will move to the right edge of the previous row. If bw is not given, the effect is undefined. This is useful for drawing a box around the edge of the screen, for example. If the terminal has switch selectable automatic margins, the terminfo file usually assumes that this is on; i.e., am. If the terminal has a command which moves to the first column of the next line, that command can be given as nel (newline). It does not matter if the command clears the remainder of the current line, so if the terminal has no cr and If it may still be possible to craft a working nelout of one or both of them. These capabilities suffice to describe hardcopy and "glass-tty" terminals. Thus the model 33 Teletype is described as 331tty331ttylmodel 33 teletype, bel=AG, eols#72, er=AM, eud1=AJ, he, ind=AJ, os, while the Lear Siegler ADM-3 is described as adm3: lsi adm3, am, bel=AG, elear=AZ, eols#80, er=AM, eub1=AH, eud1=AJ, ind=AJ, lines#24, Parameterized Strings Cursor addressing and other strings requiring parameters in the terminal are described by a parameterized string capability. For example, to address the cursor, the cup capability is given, using two parameters: the row and column to address to. (Rows and columns are numbered from zero and refer to the physical screen visible to the user, not to any unseen memory,) If the terminal has memory relative cursor addressing, that can be indicated by mrcup. The parameter mechanism uses a stack and special % codes to manipulate it in the manner of a Reverse Polish Notation calculator. Typically a sequence will push one of the parameters onto the stack and then print it in some format. Often more complex operations are necessary. Binary operations are in postfix form with the operands in the usual order. That is, to get x-5 one would use n%gx%{5}%-". System V Interface Definition Page 413 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) The % encodings have the following meanings: %% %d %3d %03d %c %s outputs '%' print popO print popO use leading print popO print popO %p[l-9] %P[a-z] %g[a-z] %'c' %{nn} %1 push ith parm set variable [a-z] to popO get variable [a-z] and push it push char constant c push integer constant nn push strlen(popO) %+%%* %1 %m %& o/~ %" %-%> %< %!% %i arithmetic (%m is mod): push (pop 0 op PoP 0 ) bit operations: push(popO op popO) logical operations: push (pop 0 op pop 0 ) unary operations push (op popO) add 1 to first two parms (for ANSI terminals) %? expr %t then part %e elsepart %; as a decimal number in a field at least 3 spaces wide zeros to fill as a character as a character string if-then-else, %e elsepart is optional. else-irs are possible: %: c 1 %t bi :oe c2 b2 %~ c 3 %t b3 %e b4; (Cl are conditlOns, bl are bodIes) :at Consider the Hewlett-Packard 2645, which, to get to row 3 and column 12, needs to be sent \E&aI2c03Y padded for 6 milliseconds. Note that the order of the rows and columns is inverted here, and that the row and column are printed as two digits. Thus its cup capability is "cup-\E&a%p2%2dc%p 1%2dY$ < 6 > ". The Micro-Term ACT-IV needs the current row and column sent preceded by a AT, with the row and column simply encoded in binary, "cup-"T%pl %c%p2%c". Terminals which use "%c" need to be able to backspace the cursor (cubt), and to move the cursor up one line on the screen (cuut). This is necessary because it is not always safe to transmit \0, AD, and \r, as the system may change or discard them. (The library routines dealing with terminfo set tty modes so that tabs are never expanded, so \t is safe to send. This turns out to be essential for the Ann Arbor 4080.) A final example is the LSI ADM-3a, which uses row and column offset by a blank character, thus "cup-\E-%pl %'\s'%+%c%p2%'\s'%+%c". After sending '\E-', this pushes the first parameter, pushes the ASCII value for a space (32), adds them (pushing the sum on the stack in place of the two previous values) and outputs that value as a character. Then the same is done for the second parameter. More complex arithmetic is possible using the stack. Page 414 System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) Cursor Motions If the terminal has a fast way to home the cursor (to very upper left corner of screen) then this can be given as home; similarly a fast way of getting to the lower left-hand corner can be given as II; this may involve going up with cuul from the home position, but a program should never do this itself (unless II does) because it can make no assumption about the effect of moving up from the home position. Note that the home position is the same as addressing to (0,0): to the top left corner of the screen, not of memory. (Thus, the \EH sequence on Hewlett-Packard terminals cannot be used for home without losing some of the other features of the terminal.) If the terminal has row or column absolute cursor addressing, these can be given as single parameter capabilities bpa (horizontal position absolute) and vpa (vertical position absolute). Sometimes these are shorter than the more general two parameter sequence (as with the HP2645) and can be used in preference to cup. If there are parameterized local motions (e.g., move n spaces to the right) these can be given as cud, cub, cuf, and cuu with a single parameter indicating how many spaces to move. These are primarily useful if the terminal does not have cup, such as the Tektronix 4025. Area Clears If the terminal can clear from the current position to the end of the line, leaving the cursor where it is, this should be given as el. If the terminal can clear from the current position to the end of the display, then this should be given as ed. The ed capability is only defined from the first column of a line. (Thus, it can be simulated by a request to delete a large number of lines, if a true ed is not available.> Insert/Delete Line If the terminal can open a new blank line before the line where the cursor is, this should be given as ill; this is done only from the first position of a line. The cursor must then appear on the newly blank line. If the terminal can delete the line which the cursor is on, then this should be given as dll; this is done only from the first position on the line to be deleted. Versions of ill and dll which take a single parameter and insert or delete that many lines can be given as it and dl. If the terminal has a settable destructive scrolling region (like the VT100) the command to set this can be described with the csr capability, which takes two parameters: the top and bottom lines of the scrolling region. The cursor position is, alas, undefined after using this command. It is possible to get the effect of insert or delete line using this command - the sc and rc (save and restore cursor) commands are also useful. Inserting lines at the top or bottom of the screen can also be done using ri or ind on many terminals without a true insert/delete line, and is often faster even on terminals with those features. To determine whether a terminal has destructive scrolling regions or nondestructive scrolling regions, create a scrolling region in the middle of the screen, place data on the bottom line of the scrolling region, move the cursor System V Interface Definition Page 415 TERMINFOCTI_ENV) to the top line of the scrolling region, and do a reverse index ri followed by a delete line dll or index indo If the data that was originally on the bottom line of the scrolling region was restored into the scrolling region by the dll or ind, then the terminal has non-destructive scrolling regions. Otherwise, it has destructive scrolling regions. If the terminal has the ability to define a window as part of memory, which all commands affect, it should be given as the parameterized string wind. The four parameters are the starting and ending lines in memory and the starting and ending columns in memory, in that order. If the terminal can retain display memory above, then the da capability should be given; if display memory can be retained below, then db should be given. These indicate that deleting a line or scrolling a full screen may bring non-blank lines up from below or that scrolling back with ri may bring down non-blank lines. Insert/Delete Character There are two basic kinds of intelligent terminals with respect to insert/delete character which can be described using term info. The most common insert/delete character operations affect only the characters on the current line and shift characters off the end of the line rigidly. Other terminals, such as the Concept 100 and the Perkin Elmer Owl, make a distinction between typed and untyped blanks on the screen, shifting upon an insert or delete only to an untyped blank on the screen which is either eliminated, or expanded to two untyped blanks. Users can determine the kind of terminal they have by clearing the screen and then typing text separated by cursor motions. Type "abc def' using local cursor motions (not spaces) between t.he "abc" and the "def'. Then position the cursor before the "abc" and put the terminal in insert mode. If typing characters causes the rest of the line to shift rigidly and characters to fall off the end, then the terminal does not distinguish between blanks and untyped positions. If the "abc" shifts over to the "def' which then move together around the end of the current line and onto the next during the insert, then this is the second type of terminal, and the description should be given the capability in, which stands for "insert null. While these are two logically separate attributes (one line vs. multiline insert mode, and special treatment of untyped spaces) we have seen no terminals whose insert mode cannot be described with the single attribute. The terminfo database can describe both terminals which have an insert mode, and terminals which send a simple sequence to open a blank position on the current line. Give as smir the sequence to get into insert mode. Give as rmir the sequence to leave insert mode. Now give as ichl any sequence needed to be sent just before sending the character to be inserted. Most terminals with a true insert mode will not give ichl; terminals which send a sequence to open a screen position should give it here. (If the terminal has both, insert mode is usually preferable to ichl. Both should not be given unless the terminal actually requires both to be used in combination.) If post insert padding is needed, give this as a number of milliseconds in ip (a string Page 416 System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) option}. Any other sequence which may need to be sent after an insert of a single character may also be given in ip. If the terminal needs both to be placed into an 'insert mode' and a special code to precede each inserted character, then both smir/rmir and ieht can be given, and both will be used. The ieh capability, with one parameter, n, will repeat the effects of ieht n times. It is occasionally necessary to move around while in insert mode to delete characters on the same line (e.g., if there is a tab after the insertion position). If the terminal allows motion while in insert mode the capability mir cna be given to speed up inserting in this case. Omitting mir will affect only speed. Some terminals (notably Datamedia's) must not have mir because of the way their insert mode works. Finally, debt can be specified to delete a single character, deh with one parameter, n, to delete n characters and delete mode by giving smde and rmde to enter and exit delete mode (any mode the terminal needs to be placed in for deht to work). A command to erase n characters (equivalent to outputting n blanks without moving the cursor) can be given as eeb with one parameter. Highlighting, Underlining, and Visible Bells If the terminal has one or more kinds of display attributes, these can be represented in a number of different ways. One display form should be chosen as standout mode, representing a good, high contrast, easy-on-theeyes, format for highlighting error messages and other attention getters. (If there is a choice, reverse video plus half-bright is good, or reverse video alone.) The sequences to enter and exit standout mode are given as smso and rmso, respectively. If the code to change into or out of standout mode leaves one or even two blank spaces on the screen, as the TeleVideo 912 and Teleray 1061 do, then xme should be given to tell how many spaces are left. Codes to begin underlining and end underlining can be given as smul and rmul, respectively. If the terminal has a code to underline the current character and move the cursor one space to the right, such as the Micro-Term MIME, this can be given as ue. Other capabilities to enter various highlighting modes include blink (blinking), bold (bold or extra bright), dim (dim or half-bright), invis (blanking or invisible text), prot (protected), rev (reverse video), sgrO (turn off all attribute modes), smaes (enter alternate character set mode), and rmaes (exit alternate character set mode). Turning on any of these modes singly mayor may not turn off other modes. If there is a sequence to set arbitrary combinations of modes, this should be given as sgr (set attributes), taking nine parameters. Each parameter is either 0 or non-zero, as the corresponding attribute is on or off. The nine parameters are, in order: standout, underline, reverse, blink, dim, bold, blank, protect, and alternate character set. Not all modes need be supported by sgr, only those for which corresponding separate attribute commands exist. System V Interface Definition Page 417 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) Terminals with the "magic cookie" glitch (xmc) deposit special "cookies" when they receive mode-setting sequences, which affect the display algorithm rather than having extra bits for each character. Some terminals, such as the Hewlett-Packard 2621, automatically leave standout mode when they move to a new line or the cursor is addressed. Programs using standout mode should exit standout mode before moving the cursor or sending a newline, unless the msgr capability, asserting that it is safe to move in standout mode, is present. If the terminal has a way of flashing the screen to indicate an error quietly (a bell replacement) then this can be given as flash; it must not move the cursor. If the cursor needs to be made more visible than normal when it is not on the bottom line (to make, for example, a non-blinking underline into an easier to find block or blinking underline) give this sequence as evvis. If there is a way to make the cursor completely invisible, give that as civis. The capability enorm should be given which undoes the effects of both of these modes. If the terminal needs to be in a special mode when running a program that uses these capabilities, the codes to enter and exit this mode can be given as smeup and rmeup. This arises, for example, from terminals like the Concept with more than one page of memory. If the terminal has only memory relative cursor addressing and not screen relative cursor addressing, a one screensized window must be fixed into the terminal for cursor addressing to work properly. This is also used for the Tektronix 4025, where smeup sets the command character to be the one used by terminfo. If the terminal correctly generates underlined characters (with no special codes needed) even though it does not overstrike, then the capability ul should be given. If overstrikes are erasable with a blank, then this should be indicated by giving eo. Keypad If the terminal has a keypad that transmits codes when the keys are pressed, this information can be given. Note that it is not possible to handle terminals where the keypad only works in local (this applies, for example, to the unshifted Hewlett-Packard 2621 keys). If the keypad can be set to transmit or not transmit, give these codes as smkx and rmkx. Otherwise the keypad is assumed to always transmit. The codes sent by the left arrow, right arrow, up arrow, down arrow, and home keys can be given as keubl, keufl, keuul, keudl, and khome, respectively. If there are function keys such as ro, fl, ... , flO, the codes they send can be given as kfO, kfl, •••, kflO. If these keys have labels other than the default ro through flO, the labels can be given as 110, Ifl, •••, IflO. The codes transmitted by certain other special keys can be given: kll (home down), kbs (backspace), ktbe (clear all tabs), kctab (clear the tab stop in this column), kelr (clear screen or erase key), kdehl (delete character), kdll (delete line), krmir (exit insert mode), kel (clear to end of line), ked (clear to end of screen), kiehl (insert character or enter insert mode), kill (insert line), knp (next page), kpp (previous page), kind (scroll forward/down), kri (scroll Page 418 System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) backward/up), khts (set a tab stop in this column). In addition, if the keypad has a 3 by 3 array of keys including the four arrow keys, the other five keys can be given as kat, ka3, kb2, kcl, and ke3. These keys are useful when the effects of a 3 by 3 directional pad are needed. Strings to program function keys can be given as pfkey, pfloe, and pfx. Each of these strings takes two parameters: the function key number to program (from 0 to 10) and the string to program it with. Function key numbers out of this range may program undefined keys in a terminal dependent manner. The difference between the capabilities is that pfkey causes pressing the given key to be the same as the user typing the given string; pfloe causes the string to be executed by the terminal in local; and pfx causes the string to be transmitted to the computer. Tabs and Initialization If the terminal has hardware tabs, the command to advance to the next tab stop can be given as bt (usually control I). A "backtab" command which moves leftward to the next tab stop can be given as ebt. By convention, if the terminal modes indicate that tabs are being expanded by the computer rather than being sent to the terminal, programs should not use ht or ebt even if they are present, since the user may not have the tab stops properly set. If the terminal has hardware tabs which are initially set every n spaces when the terminal is powered up, the numeric parameter it is given, showing the number of spaces the tabs are set to. This is normally used to determine whether to set the mode for hardware tab expansion, and whether to set the tab stops. If the terminal has tab stops that can be saved in nonvolatile memory, the terminfo description can assume that they are properly set. If there are commands to set and clear tab stops, they can be given as tbe (clear all tab stops) and hts (set a tab stop in the current column of every row). Other capabilities include isl, is2, and is3, initialization strings for the terminal, iprog, the path name of a program to be run to initialize the terminal, and if, the name of a file containing long initialization strings. These strings are expected to set the terminal into modes consistent with the rest of the terminfo description. They must be sent to the terminal each time the user logs in and be output in the following order: run the program iprog, output isl; is2; set tabs using tbe and hts; print the file if; and finally output is3. See the USAGE section below. Most initialization is done with is2. Spec.'.·l terminal modes can be set up without duplicating strings by putting the common sequences in is2 and special cases in isl and is3. A pair of sequences that does a harder reset from a totally unknown state can be analogously given as rsl, rs2, rf, and rs3, analogous to is* and if. These strings should be output when the terminal gets into a wedged state. Commands are normally placed in rs* and rf only if they produce annoying effects on the screen and are not necessary when logging in. For example, the command to set a terminal into 80-column mode would normally be part of is2, but on some terminals it causes an annoying glitch of the screen and is not normally needed since the terminal is usually already in 80 column mode. Therefore, the command is System V Interface Definition Page 419 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) usually placed in rsl, not is2, for those terminals. If a more complex sequence is needed to set the tabs than can be described by using tbc and bts, the sequence can be placed in is2 or if. Delays Certain capabilities control padding in the tty driver. These are primarily needed by hard copy terminals. Delays embedded in the capabilities cr, ind, cubl, fI', and tab can be used to set the appropriate delay bits in the tty driver. If pb (padding baud rate) is given, these values can be ignored at baud rates below the value of pb. Status Line If the terminal has an extra "status line" that is not normally used by software, this fact can be indicated. If the status line is viewed as an extra line below the bottom line, into which one can cursor address normally (such as the Heathkit h19's 25th line, or the 24th line of a VT100 which is set to a 23-line scrolling region), the capability bs should be given. Special strings to go to the beginning of the status line and to return from the status line can be given as tsl and fsl. {fsl must leave the cursor position in the same place it was before tsl. If necessary, the sc and rc strings can be included in tsl and fsl to get this effect.> The parameter tsl takes one parameter, which is the column number of the status line the cursor is to be moved to. If escape sequences and other special commands, such as tab and el, work while in the status line, the flag eslok can be given. A string which turns off the status line (or otherwise erases its contents) should be given as dsl. If the terminal has commands to save and restore the position of the cursor, give them as sc and rc. The status line is normally assumed to be the same width as the rest of the screen, e.g., cols. If the status line is a different width (possibly because the terminal does not allow an entire line to be loaded) the width, in columns, can be indicated with the numeric parameter wsl. Miscellaneous If the terminal requires other than a null (zero) character as a pad, then this can be given as pad. Only the first character of the pad string is used. If the terminal can move up or down half a line, this can be indicated with bu (half-line up) and hd (half-line down). This is primarily useful for superscripts and subscripts on hardcopy terminals. If a hardcopy terminal can eject to the next page (form feed), give this as fI' (usually control L). If there is a command to repeat a given character a given number of times (to save time transmitting a large number of identical characters) this can be indicated with the parameterized string rep. The first parameter is the character to be repeated and the second is the number of times to repeat it. tparm (repea t _ char, ' x' , 10) is the same as Thus, 'xxxxxxxxxx' . Page 420 System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) If the terminal has a settable command character, such as the Tektronix 4025, this can be indicated with cmdch. A prototype command character is chosen which is used in all capabilities. This character is given in the cmdch capability to identify it. Terminal descriptions that do not represent a specific kind of known terminal, such as switch, dialup, patch, and network, should include the gn (generic) capability so that programs can complain that they do not know how to talk to the terminal. If the terminal uses xon/xoft' handshaking for flow control, give xon. Padding information should still be included so that routines can make better decisions about costs, but actual pad characters will not be transmitted. If the terminal has more lines of memory than will fit on the screen at once, the number of lines of memory can be indicated with 1m. A value of Im#O indicates that the number of lines is not fixed, but that there is still more memory than fits on the screen. Media copy strings which control an auxiliary printer connected to the terminal can be given as mcO: print the contents of the screen, mc4: turn off the printer, and mcS: turn on the printer. When the printer is on, all text sent to the terminal will be sent to the printer. It is undefined whether the text is also displayed on the terminal screen when the printer is on. A variation mcSp takes one parameter, and leaves the printer on for as many characters as the value of the parameter, then turns the printer off. The parameter should not exceed 255. All text, including mc4, is transparently passed to the printer while an mcSp is in effect. System V Interface Definition Page 421 TERM.NFO(T._ENV) Special Cases The working model used by terminfo fits most terminals reasonably well. However, some terminals do not completely match that model, requiring special support by terminfo. These are not meant to be construed as deficiencies in the terminals; they are just differences between the working model and the actual hardware. Terminals which can not display tilde characters, such as certain Hazeltine terminals, should indicate hz. Terminals which ignore a linefeed immediately after an am wrap, such as the Concept 100, should indicate xenl. Those terminals whose cursor remains on the right-most column until another character has been received, rather than wrapping immediately upon receiving the right-most character, such as the VT100, should also indicate xenl. If el is required to get rid of standout (instead of writing normal text on top of it), xhp should be given. Those Teleray terminals whose tabs turn all characters moved over to blanks, should indicate xt. This capability is also taken to mean that it is not possible to position the cursor on top of a "magic cookie"; therefore, to erase standout mode it is instead necessary to use delete and insert line. The Beehive Superbee terminals which do not transmit the escape or control C characters, should specify xsb, indicating that the f1 key is to used for escape and f2 for control C. Similar Terminals If there are two very similar terminals, one can be defined as being just like the other with certain exceptions. The string capability use can be given with the name of the similar terminal. The capabilities given before use override those in the terminal type invoked by use. A capability can be cancelled by placing xx@ to the left of the capability definition. For example, the entry tty4424-2:Teletype 4424 - displ func grp ii rev@, sgr@, smul@, use=tty4424, defines a Teletype 4424 terminal that does not have the rev, sgr, and smut capabilities, and hence cannot do highlighting. This is useful for different modes for a terminal, or for different user preferences. More than one use capability may be given. FILES lusr/lib/terminfol?l* Compiled terminal description database Page 422 System V Interface Definition TERMINFO(TI_ENV) SEE ALSO CURSES(TI_LlB), PRINTF(BA_LIB), TIC(TI_CMD). USAGE Administrator and Application Program. As described in the Tabs and Initialization section above, a terminal's initialization strings, isl, is2, and is3, if defined, must be output before a curses program is run. An available mechanism for outputting such strings is the TPUT(TI_CMD) command. A sample program which performs such initialization follows: eval 'tput iprog' tput isl tput is2 if [ -n "'tput tab'" ] then stty tabs else stty -tabs fi tabs cat -s '''tput ir" tput is3 echo "\r\c" A terminal's reset strings, rsl, rs2, and rs3, may be output in a similar manner. The most effective way to prepare a terminal description is by imitating the description of a similar terminal in terminfo and to build up a description gradually, using partial descriptions with VI(AU_CMD) to check that they are correct. To easily test a new terminal description ihe environment variable TERMINFO can be set to the pathname of a directory containing the compiled description and programs will look there rather than in lusr/lib/terminfo. To get the padding for insert line right a severe test is to comment out XOD, edit a copy of a large file at 9600 baud with VI(AU _CMD), delete 16 or so lines from the middle of the screen, then hit the 'u' key several times quickly. If the terminal messes up, more padding is usually needed. A similar test can be used for insert character. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The ability to output a terminal's initialization strings or reset strings through the specification of a single argument will be incorporated into TPUT(TI_CMD). System V Interface Definition Page 423 TERMINFO(TI_ENV) The capabilities of terminfo will be enhanced to include a way to specify mandatory padding; to define additional function keys; to support additional % codes within the string capabilities; and to support line drawing alternate character sets. LEVEL Levell. Page 424 System V Interface Definition Chapter 14 Library Routines System V Interface Definition Page 425 CURSES(TI_LlB) NAME curses - CRT screen handling and optimization package SYNOPSIS #inc1ude DESCRIPTION The curses library routines give the user a method of updating screens with reasonable optimization. A program using these routines must be compiled with the -1 cur s e s option of c c. In order to initialize the routines, the routine in its c r 0 must be called before any of the other routines that deal with windows and screens are used. The routine endwinO should be called before exiting. To get characterat-a-time input without echoing (most interactive, screen oriented-programs want this), the following sequence should be used: ini tscrO; cbreakO; noechoO; Most programs would additionally use the sequence: non1(); intrf1ush(stdscr, FALSE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); Before a curses program is run, a terminal's tabs stops should be set and its initialization strings, if defined, must be output. See TERMINFO(TI_ENV) for further details. The curses library permits manipulation of data structures called windows which can be thought of as two-dimensional arrays of characters representing all or part of a CRT screen. A default window called stdscr is supplied, and others can be created with newwinO. Windows are referred to by variables declared as "WINDOW *". These data structures are manipulated with routines described below, among which the most basic are move 0 and addchO. (More general versions of these routines are included with names beginning with w, allowing one to specify a window. The routines not beginning with W affect s t d s c r.) Then ref res h 0 is called, telling the routines to make the user's CRT screen look like stdscr. The characters in a window are actually of type chtype, so that other information about the character may also be stored with each character. Special windows called pads may also be manipulated. These are windows which are not constrained to the size of the screen and whose contents need not be completely displayed. In addition to drawing characters on the screen, video attributes may be included which cause the characters to show up in such modes as underlined or in reverse video on terminals that support such display enhancements. On input, curses is also able to translate arrow and function keys that transmit escape sequences into single values. The video attributes and input values use names such as A_REVERSE and KEY_LEFf. The environment variables LINES and COLUMNS may also be set to override termin/o's idea of how large a screen is. These may be used in a Page 426 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LlB) Teletype 5620 layer, for example, where the size of a screen is changeable. If the environment variable TERMINFO is defined, any program using curses will check for a local terminal definition before checking in the standard place. For example, if TERM is set to .... tty 4 4 2 4 ' " then the compiled terminal definition is found in lusr/lib/terminfo/t/tty4424. (The "t" is copied from the first letter of "tty4424" to avoid creation of huge directories.> However, if TERMINFO is set to SHOME/myterms, curses will first check SHOME/myterms/t/tty4424, and if that fails, will then check lusr/lib/terminfo/t/tty4424. This is useful for developing experimental. definitions or when write permission in lusr/lib/terminfo is not available. The integer variables LINES and eOLS are defined in and will be filled in by ini tscrO with the size of the screen. The constants TRUE and FALSE have the values 1 and 0, respectively. The curses routines also define the WINDOW * variable cur s cr which is used for certain low-level operations like clearing and redrawing a garbaged screen. curscr can be used in only a few routines. If the window argument to clearokO is curscr, the next call to wrefreshO with any window will cause the screen to be cleared and repainted from scratch. If the window argument to wrefreshO is curscr, the screen in immediately cleared and repainted from scratch. This is how most programs would implement a "repaint-screen" function. Routines Many of the following routines have two or more versions. The routines prefixed with w require a window argument. The routines prefixed with p require a pad argument. Those without a prefix generally use stdscr. The routines prefixed with mv require x and y coordinates to move to before performing the appropriate action. The mv routines imply a call to move before the call to the other routine. The upper left corner is always (0,0), not (1,1). The routines prefixed with mvw take both a window argument and x and y coordinates. The window argument is always specified before the coordinates. In each case, win is the window affected and pad is the pad affected; pad are always of type WINDOW. Option setting routines require a boolean flag bf with the value TRUE or FALSE; bf is always of type bool. The variables ch and attrs below are always of type chtype. The types WINDOW, bool, and chtype are defined in . All other arguments are integers. win and See the RETURN VALUE section for information on the values returned by the routines described below. System V Interface Definition Page 427 CURSES(TI_LlB) Overall Screen Manipulation initscrO The first routine called should almost always be ini tscrO. This will determine the terminal type and initialize all curses data structures. in its c r 0 also arranges that the first call to ref res h 0 will clear the screen. If errors occur, ini tscrO will write an appropriate error message to standard error and exit. If the program wants a indication of error conditions, newtermO should be used instead of ini tscrO. endwinO A program should always call endwinO before exiting or escaping from curses mode temporarily. This routine will restore tty modes, move the cursor to the lower left corner of the screen and reset the terminal into the proper non-visual mode. To resume after a temporary escape, call refreshO or doupdateO. SCREEN -newterm(type, outfd, infd) char -type; FILE -outfd, -infd; A program which outputs to more than one terminal should use newtermO for each terminal instead of ini tscrO. A program which wants an indication of error conditions, so that it may continue to run in a line-oriented mode if the terminal cannot support a screenoriented program, would also use this routine. The routine newtermO should be called once for each terminal. It returns a variable of type SCREEN - which should be saved as a reference to that terminal. The arguments are the type of the terminal to be used in place of TERM, a file pointer for output to the terminal, and another file pointer for input from the terminal. The program must also call endwinO for each terminal being used when it is done running. SCREEN -set_term(new) SCREEN -new; This routine is used to switch between different terminals. The screen reference new becomes the new current terminal. The previous terminal is returned by the routine. This is the only routine which manipulates SCREEN pointers; all other routines affect only the current terminal. Window and Pad Manipulation refreshO wrefresh(win) WINDOW ·win; These routines must be called to get any output on the terminal, as other routines merely manipulate data structures. wrefreshO copies the named window to the physical terminal screen, taking into Page 428 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LIB) account what is already there in order to do optimizations. refreshO is the same, using stdscr as a default screen. Unless lea v e 0 k 0 has been enabled, the physical cursor of the terminal is left at the location of the window's cursor. NOTE: refresh is a macro. wnoutrefresh(win) *win; doupdate( ) These two routines allow multiple updates with more efficiency than wr e f res h 0 alone. In addition to all of the window structures, curses keeps two data structures representing the terminal screen: a physical screen, describing what is actually on the screen, and a virtual screen, describing what the programmer wants to have on the screen. WINDOW The routine wr e f res h () works by first calling wnoutrefreshO, which copies the named window to the virtual screen, and then calling doupdateO, which compares the virtual screen to the physical screen and does the actual update. If the programmer wishes to output several windows at once, a series of calls to wrefreshO will result in alternating calls to wnoutrefreshO and doupda te 0, causing several bursts of output to the screen. By first calling wnoutrefreshO for each window, it is then possible to call doupda te 0 once, resulting in only one burst of output, with probably fewer total characters transmitted and certainly less CPU time used. *newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x) int nlines, ncols, begin y, begin x; Create a new window with the-given number-of lines, nlines, and columns, nco 1 s. The upper left corner of the window is at line begin y, column begin x. If either nl ine s or ncol s is zero, they will be defaulted to- LINES - begin_yand eOLS begin x. A new full-screen window is created by calling n eww i ~ (0,0,0,0). WINDOW mvwin(win, y, x) *win; int y, x; Move the window so that the upper left corner will be at position (x, y). If the move would cause the window to be off the screen, it is an error and the window is not moved. WINDOW *subwin(orig, nlines, ncols, begin_x) WINDOW *orig; int nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x; Create a new window with the given number of lines, nlines, and columns, ncols. The window is at position (begin y, WINDOW System V Interface Definition Page 429 CURSES(TI_LlB) begin x) on the screen. (This position is relative to the screen, and not to the window 0 rig.) The window is made in the middle of the window orig, so that changes made to one window will affect both windows. When using this routine, often it will be necessary to call touehwinO before calling wrefreshO. delwin(win) .win; Deletes the named window, freeing up all memory associated with it. In the case of overlapping windows, subwindows should be deleted before the main window. WINDOW .newpad(nlines, neols) int nlines, neols; Creates a new pad data structure. A pad is like a window. except that it is not restricted by the screen size, and is not necessarily associated with a particular part of the screen. Pads can be used when a large window is needed, and only a part of the window will be on the screen at one time. Automatic refreshes of pads (e.g. from scrolling or echoing of input> do not occur. It is not legal to call refreshO with a pad as an argument; the routines prefreshO or pnoutrefreshO should be called instead. Note that these routines require additional parameters to specify the part of the pad to be displayed and the location on the screen to be used for display. WINDOW prefresh(pad, pminrow, pmineol, sminrow, smineol, smaxrow, smaxeol) WINDOW .pad; int pminrow, pmineol, sminrow, smineol, smaxrow, smaxeol; pnoutrefresh(pad, pminrow, pmineol, sminrow, smineol, smaxrow, smaxeol) WINDOW .pad; int pminrow, pmineol, sminrow, smineol, smaxrow, smaxeol; These routines are analogous to wr e f res h 0 and wnoutrefreshO except that pads, instead of windows, are involved. The additional parameters are needed to indicate what part pminrow and pmineol of the pad and screen are involved. specify the upper left corner, in the pad, of the rectangle to be displayed. sminrow, smineol, smaxrow, and smaxeol specify the edges, on the screen, of the rectangle to be displayed in. The lower right corner in the pad of the rectangle to be displayed is calculated from the screen coordinates, since the rectangles must be the same size. Both rectangles must be entirely contained within their respective structures. Output Page 430 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LlB) These routines are used to "draw" text on windows. addch(ch) chtype ch; waddch(win, ch) WINDOW .win; chtype ch; mvaddch(y, x, ch) int y, x; chtype ch; mvwaddch(win, y, x, ch) WINDOW .win; int y, x; chtype ch; The character ch is put into the window at the current cursor position of the window and the position of the window cursor is advanced. Its function is similar to that of pu t c ha r . At the right margin, an automatic newline is performed. At the bottom of the scrolling region, if scrollokO is enabled, the scrolling region will be scrolled up one line. If ch is a tab, newline, or backspace, the cursor will be moved appropriately within the window. A newline also does a clrtoeolO before moving. Tabs are considered to be at every eighth column. If ch is another control character, it will be drawn in the AX notation. Calling winchO after adding a control character will not return the control character, but instead will return the representation of the control character. Video attributes can be combined with a character by or-ing them into the parameter. This will result in these attributes also being set. (The intent here is that text, including attributes, can be copied from one place to another using inchO and addchO') See standoutO below. NOTE: addch, mvaddch, and mvwaddch are macros. addstr(str) char .str; waddstr(win, str) WINDOW .win; char .str; mvaddstr(y, x, str) int y, x; char .str; mvwaddstr(win, y, x, str) WINDOW .win; int y, x; char .str; System V Interface Definition Page 431 CURSES(TI_LIB) These routines write all the characters of the null terminated character string str on the given window. It is equivalent to calling wad d c h () once for each character in the string. NOTE: addstr, mvaddstr, and mvwaddstr are macros. attroff(attrs) int attrs; wattroff(win, attrs) WINDOW *win; int attrs; attron(attrs) int attrs; wattron(win, attrs) WINDOW *win; int attrs; attrset(attrs) int attrs; wattrset(win, attrs) WINDOW *win; int attrs; standend ( ) wstandend(win) WINDOW *win; standout( ) wstandout(win) WINDOW *win; These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. These attributes can be any combination of A _ STANDOUT, A_REVERSE, A BOLD, A DIM, A BLINK, and A UNDERLINE. These constants are defined iIi" and can be combined with the C I (or) operator. The current attributes of a window are applied to all characters that are written into the window with waddchO. Attributes are a property of the character, and move with the character through any scrolling and insert/delete line/character operations. To the extent possible on the particular terminal, they will be displayed as the graphic rendition of characters put on the screen. attrset(attrs) sets the current attributes of the given window to a ttrs . a ttroff(a ttrs) turns off the named attributes attron(attrs) without turning on or off any other attributes. turns on the named attributes without affecting any others. standoutO is the same as attron (A STANDOUT). standendO is the same as attrset(O), that is,it turns off all attributes. NOTE: Page 432 attroff, attron, and attrset are macros. System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LlB) beep( ) flash( ) These routines are used to signal the terminal user. beepO will sound the audible alarm on the terminal, if possible, and if not, will flash the screen (visible bell), if that is possible. flashO will flash the screen, and if that is not possible, will sound the audible signal. If neither signal is possible, nothing will happen. Nearly all terminals have an audible signal (bell or beep), but only some can flash the screen. box(win, vert, hor) WINDOW *win; chtype vert, h~r; A box is drawn around the edge of the window. vert and hor are the characters the box is to be drawn with. If vert and hor are 0, then appropriate default characters will be used. erase ( ) werase(win) WINDOW *win; These routines copy blanks to every position in the window. NOTE: era s e is a macro. clear( ) wclear(win) WINDOW *win; These routines are like eraseO and weraseO, but they also call clearokO, arranging that the screen will be cleared completely on the next call to wrefreshO for that window and repainted from scratch. NOTE: c 1 ear is a macro. clrtobot( ) wclrtobot(win) WINDOW *win; All lines below the cursor in this window are erased. Also, the current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive, is erased. NOTE: clrtobot is a macro. clrtoeol ( ) wclrtoeol(win) WINDOW *win; The current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive, is erased. NOTE: clrtoeol is a macro. delay_output(ms) int ms; Insert ms millisecond pause in output. It is not recommended that System V Interface Definition Page 433 CURSES(TI_LIB) this routine be used extensively since padding characters are used rather than a CPU pause. delch( } wdelch(win} WINDOW *win; mvdelch(y, x} int y, x; mvwdelch(win, y, x} WINDOW *win; int y, x; The character under the cursor in the window is deleted. All characters to the right on the same line are moved to the left one position and the last character on the line is filled with a blank. The cursor position does not change (after moving to y, x, if specified). {This does not imply use of the hardware delete character feature.} NOTE: delch, mvdelch, and mvwdelch are macros. deleteln( } wdeleteln(win} WINDOW *win; The line under the cursor in the window is deleted. All lines below the current line are moved up one line. The bottom line of the window is cleared. The cursor position does not change. {This does not imply use of the hardware delete line feature.} NOTE: deleteln is a macro. getyx(win, y, x} WINDOW *win; int y, x; The cursor position of the window is placed in the two integer variables y and x. This is implemented as a macro, so no & is necessary before the variables. NOTE: getyx is a macro. insch(ch} chtype ch; winsch(win, ch} WINDOW *win; chtype ch; mvinsch(y, x, ch} int y, x; chtype ch; mvwinsch(win, y, x, ch} WINDOW *win; int y, x; chtype ch; Page 434 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LlB) The character chis inserted before the character under the cursor. All characters to the right are moved one space to the right, possibly losing the rightmost character on the line. The cursor position does not change, (after moving to y, x, if specified). (This does not imply use of the hardware insert character feature.} NOTE: insch, mvinsch, and mvwinsch are macros. insertln( winsertln(win) WINDOW *win; A blank line is inserted above the current line and the bottom line is lost. (This does not imply use of the hardware insert line feature.} NOTE: insertln is a macro. move(y, x) wmove(win, y, x) WINDOW *win; int y, x; The cursor associated with the window is moved to the given location. This does not move the physical cursor of the terminal until ref res h 0 is called. The position specified is relative to the upper left corner of the window, which is (0,0). NOTE: move is a macro. overlay(srcwin, dstwin) *dstwin; overwrite(srcwin, dstwin) WINDOW *srcwin, *dstwin; These routines overlay srcwin on top of dstwin, that is, all text Scrwin and dstwin are in srcwin is copied into dstwin. not required to be the same size. The copy starts at (0,0) on each window. The difference is that overlayO is non-destructive (blanks are not copied) while overwri teO is destructive. WINDOW *srcwin, printw(fmt [, arg] ..• ) char *fmt; wprintw (win, fmt [, arg] ••• ) WINDOW *win; char *fmt; mvprintw(y, x, fmt [, arg] •.. ) int y, x; char *fmt; mvwprintw(win, y, x, fmt [, arg] .•. ) WINDOW *win; int y, x; char *fmt; These routines are analogous to pr intf. The string which would be System V Interface Definition Page 435 CURSES(TI_LlB) output by printfO is instead output using waddstrO on the given window. scroll(win) WINDOW *win; The window is scrolled up one line. This involves moving the lines in the window data structure. As an optimization, if the window is stdscr and the scrolling region is the entire window, the physical screen will be scrolled at the same time. touchwin(win) WINDOW *win; Throwaway all optimization information about which parts of the window have been touched, by pretending that the entire window has been drawn on. This is sometimes necessary when using overlapping windows, since a change to one window will affect the other window, but the records of which lines have been changed in the other window will not reflect the change. Input The following routines are used to obtain input from windows. getch ( ) wgetch(win) WINDOW *win; mvgetch(y, x) int y, x; mvwgetch(win, y, x) WINDOW *win; int y, x; A character is read from the terminal associated with the window. In nodelay mode, if there is no input waiting, the value ERR is returned. In delay mode, the program will hang until the system passes text through to the program. Depending on the setting of c b rea k (), this will be after one character, or after the first newline. Unless noechoO has been set, the character will also be echoed into the designated window. If keypadO is TRUE, and a function key is pressed, the token for that function key will be returned instead of the raw characters. Possible function keys are defined in with integers beginning with 0401, whose names begin with KEY • If a character is received that could be the beginning of a function-key (such as escape), curses will set a timer. If the remainder of the sequence does not come in within the designated time, the character will be passed through, otherwise the function key value will be returned. For this reason, on many terminals, there will be a delay after a user presses the escape key before the escape is returned to the program. (Use by a programmer of the escape key for a single character function is discouraged,) Page 436 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LlB) NOTE: getch, mvgetch, and mvwgetch are macros. getstr(str) char *str; wgetstr(win, str) WINDOW *win; char *str; mvgetstr(y, x, str) int y, x; char *str; mvwgetstr(win, y, x, str) WINDOW *win; int'o y, x; char *str; A series of calls to getchO is made, until a newline and carriage return is received. The resulting value is placed in the area pointed at by the character pointer str. The user's erase and kill characters are interpreted. NOTE: getstr, mvgetstr, and mvwgetstr are macros. flushinp( ) Throws away any typeahead that has been typed by the user and has not yet been read by the program. inch ( ) winch(win) WINDOW *win; mvinch(y, x) int y, x; mvwinch(win, y, x) WINDOW *win; int y, x; The character, of type chtype, at the current position in the named window is returned. If any attributes are set for that position, their values will be OR'ed into the value returned. The predefined constants A CHARTEXT and A ATTRIBUTES, defined in , cap be used with the &,- (logical and) operator to extract the character or 'attributes alone. NOTE: inch, winch, mvinch, and mvwinch are macros. scanw(fmt [, arg] ... ) char *fmt; wscanw(win, fmt [, arg] •.• ) WINDO~ *win; char *fmt; mv~canw(y, x, fmt [, arg] ... ) int y, x; System V Interface Definition Page 437 CURSES(TI_L1B) char *fmt; mvwscanw(win, y, x, fmt [, arg] ... ) WINDOW *win; int y, x; char *fmt; These routines correspond to scanf. wgetstrO is called on the window, and the resulting line is used as input for the scan. Output Options Setting These routines set options within curses that deal with output. All options are initially FALSE, unless otherwise stated. It is not necessary to turn these options off before calling endwin(). clearok(win, bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf; If bf is TRUE, the next call to wrefreshO with this window will clear the screen completely and redraw the entire screen from scratch. This is useful when the contents of the screen are uncertain, or in some cases for a more pleasing visual effect. idlok(win, bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf; If enabled (bf is TRUE), curses will consider using the hardware insert/delete line feature of terminals so equipped. If disabled (bf is FALSE), curses will very seldom use this feature. (The insert/delete character feature is always considered,) This option should be enabled only if the application needs insert/delete line, for example, for a screen editor. It is disabled by default because insert/delete line tends to be visually annoying when used in applications where it isn't really needed. If insert/delete line cannot be used, curses will redraw the changed portions of all lines. leaveok(win, bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf; Normally, the hardware cursor is left at the location of the window cursor being refreshed. This option allows the cursor to be left wherever the update happens to leave it. It is useful for applications where the cursor is not used, since it reduces the need for cursor motions. If possible, the cursor is made invisible when this option is enabled. setscrreg(top, bot) int top, bot; wsetscrreg(win, top, bot) WINDOW *win; int top, bot; Page 438 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LlB) These routines allow the user to set a software scrolling region in a window. top and bot are the line numbers of the top and bottom margin of the scrolling region. (Line 0 is the top line of the window.) If this option and scrollokO are enabled, an attempt to move off the bottom margin line will cause all lines in the scrolling region to scroll up one line. Only the text of the window is scrolled. (Note that this has nothing to do with use of a physical scrolling region capability in the terminal, like that in the VT100. If idlokO is enabled and the terminal has either a scrolling region or insert/delete line capability, they will probably be used by the output routines.) scrollok(win, bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf; This option controls what happens when the cursor of a window is moved off the edge of the window or scrolling region, either from a newline on the bottom line, or typing the last character of the last line. If disabled, the cursor is left on the bottom line. If enabled, wrefreshO is called on the window, and then the physical terminal and window are scrolled up one line. (Note that in order to get the physical scrolling effect on the terminal, is is also necessary to call idlokO') nl ( ) nonl( These routines control whether newline is translated into carriage return and linefeed on output, and whether return is translated into newline on input. Initially, the translations do occur. By disabling these translations, curses is able to make better use of the linefeed capability, resulting in faster cursor motion. NOTE: n 1 is a macro. Input Options Setting cbreak ( ) nocbreak( These two routines put the terminal into and out of CBREAK mode. In this mode, characters typed by the user are immediately available to the program and erase/kill character processing is not performed. When out of this mode, the teletype driver will buffer characters typed until a newline or carriage return is typed. Interrupt and flow control characters are unaffected by this mode. Initially the terminal mayor may not be in CBREAK mode, as it is inherited. Most interactive programs using curses will set this mode. def_proC]_mode( ) def_shell_mode( ) saveterm( ) System V Interface Definition Page 439 CURSES(TI_LIB) Save the current terminal modes as the "program" (in curses) or "shell" (not in curses) state for use by the reset prog modeO and reset shell modeO routines. This is done automatically by initscrO. NOTE: The savetermO routine is being replaced by de f prog mode 0, which provides the same functionality. sav;term{) is included here for compatibility and is supported at level 2. echo ( ) noecho( These routines control whether characters typed by the user are echoed by getchO as they are typed. Initially, characters typed are echoed. Authors of most interactive programs prefer to do their own echoing in a controlled area of the screen, or not to echo at all, so they disable echoing. Echoing by the tty driver is always disabled. intrflush(win, bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf; If this option is enabled, when an interrupt key is pressed on the keyboard (interrupt, break, quit) all output in the tty driver queue will be flushed, giving the effect of faster response to the interrupt, but causing curses to have the wrong idea of what is on the screen. Disabling the option prevents the flush. The default for the option is inherited from the tty driver settings. The window argument is ignored. keypad(win, bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf; This option enables the keypad of the user's terminal. If enabled, the user can press a function key (such as an arrow key) and getchO will return a single value representing the function key, as in KEY LEFT. (See Function Keys below') If disabled, curses will not treat -function keys specially and the program would have to interpret the escape sequences itself. If the keypad in the terminal can be turned on (made to transmit) and off (made to work locally), turning on this option will cause the terminal keypad to be turned on when wgetchO is called. nodelay(win, bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf; This option causes getchO to be a non-blocking call. If no input is ready, getchO will return ERR. If disabled, getchO will hang until a key is pressed. raw( ) noraw( ) Page 440 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LIB) The terminal is placed into or out of raw mode. Raw mode is similar to CBREAK mode, in that characters typed are immediately passed through to the user program. The differences are that in RA W mode, the interrupt, quit, suspend and flow control characters are passed through uninterpreted, instead of generating a signal. The behavior of the BREAK key depends on other bits in the tty driver that are not set by curses. reset_prog_mode( ) reset_shell_mode( ) fixterm( ) resetterm ( ) Restore the terminal to "program" (in curses) or "shell" (out of curses) state. These are done automatically by endwinO and doupdateO after an endwinO, so they would normally not be called before. NOTE: The f ixtermO routine is being replaced by reset prog modeO and the resettermO routine is being replaced-by re;et shell modeO. fixtermO and resetterm 0 are included here for compatibility and are supported at level 2. resetty( ) savetty( ) These routines save and restore the state of the terminal modes. savettyO saves the current state in a buffer and resettyO restores the state to what it was at the last call to savettyO. typeahead(fd) int fd; Curses does "line-breakout optimization" by looking for typeahead periodically while updating the screen. If input is found, the current update will be postponed until refreshO or doupdate ( ) is called again. This allows faster response to commands typed in advance. Normally, the input FILE pointer passed to newtermO, or stdin in the case that ini tscrO was used, will be used to do this typeahead checking. The typeaheadO routine specifies that the file descriptor f d is to be used to check for typeahead instead. If f d is -1, then no typeahead checking will be done. Environment Queries baudrate( ) Returns the output speed of the terminal. The number returned is in bits per second, for example 9600, and is an integer. erasechar ( ) The user's current erase character is returned. System V Interface Definition Page 441 CURSES(TI_LlB) has ic ( ) -True if the terminal has insert- and delete-character capabilities. has il ( ) -True if the terminal has insert- and delete-line capabilities, or can simulate them using scrolling regions. This might be used to check to see if it would be appropriate to turn on physical scrolling using scrollokO. killchar( ) The user's current line kill character is returned. char *longname( ) This routine returns a pointer to a static area containing a verbose description of the current terminal. The maximum length of a verbose description is 128 characters. It is defined only after the call to ini tscrO or newtermO. The area is overwritten by each call to newtermO and is not restored by set termO, so the value should be saved between calls to newter;O if longnameO is going to be used with multiple terminals. Terminfo Level Routines These low level routines must be called by programs that need to deal directly with the terminfo database to handle certain terminal capabilities, such as programming function keys. For all other functionality, curses routines are more suitable and their use is recommended. Initially, setuptermO should be called. (Note that setuptermO is automatically called by ini tscrO and newtermOJ This will define the set of terminal dependent variables defined in TERMINFO(TI_ENV). The terminfo variables lines and columns are initialized by setupterm 0 as follows. If the environment variables LINES and COLUMNS exist, their values are used. If the above environment variables do not exist and the program is running in a window, the current window size is used. Otherwise, the values for line s and columns specified in the terminfo database are used. The header files and should be included to get the definitions for these strings, numbers, and flags. Parameterized strings should be passed through tparmO to instantiate them. All terminfo strings (including the output of tparmO) should be printed with tputsO or putpO. Before exiting, reset shell modeO should be called to restore the tty modes. Programs whlch use cursor addressing should output enter ca mode upon startup and should output exi t ca mode before ~xiting (Programs desiring shell escapes should call reset shell modeO and output exit ca mode before the shell is called - and -should output ente-r ca mode and call reset_prog_modeO after returning from the shell.) Page 442 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LIB) setupterm(term, fildes, errret) char .term; int fildes; int .errret; setterm(term) char .term; Read in the terminfo database, initializing the terminfo structures, but do not set up the output virtualization structures used by curses. The terminal type is the character string term; if term is null, the environment variable TERM will be used. All output is to file descriptor fildes. If errret is given, then setuptermO will return OK or ERR and store a status value in the integer pointed to by errret. A status of 1 in errret is normal, 0 means that the terminal could not be found, and -1 means that the terminfo database could not be found. If errret is NULL, setuptermO will print an error message upon finding an error and exit. Thus, the simplest call is setupterm « char .) 0, 1, (int .) 0), which uses all the defaults. NOTE: The settermO routine is being replaced by setuptermO. The call setupterm(term, 1, (int .) 0) provides the same functionality as setterm(term). settermO is included here for compatibility and is supported at level 2. char *tparm( str, p1, p2, ... , p9) char .str; int p1, p2, p3, p4, pS, p6, p7, pS, p9; Instantiate the string str with parms pi. A pointer is returned to the result of s tr with the parameters applied. tputs(str, affcnt, putc) char .str; int affcnt; int (.putc)(); Apply padding info to the string str and output it. str must be a terminfo string variable or the return value from tparmO, tgetstrO, or tgotoO. affcnt is the number of lines affected, or 1 if not applicable. putcO is a putchar like routine to which the characters are passed, one at a time. putp(str) char .str; A routine that calls tputs (str, 1, putchar). vidputs(attrs, putc) int attrs; int (.putc) ( ) ; Output the string to put the terminal in the video attribute mode attrs, which is any combination of the attributes listed below. The characters are passed to the putchar like routine putc. System V Interface Definition Page 443 vidattr(attrs) int attrs; Like vidputsO, except that it outputs through putchar. mvcur(oldrow, oldcol, newrow, newcol) int oldrow, oldcol, newrow, newcol; Low level cursor motion. Termcap Compatibility Routines These routines were included as a conversion aid for programs that use the termcap library. Their parameters are the same and the routines are emulated using the terminfo database. tgetent(bp, name) char -bp, -name; Look up termcap entry for name. The emulation ignores the buffer pointer bp. tgetflag(id) char id[2]; Get the boolean entry for i d • tgetnum(id) char id[2]; Get numeric entry for i d • char -tgetstr(id, area) char id[2]; char --area; Return the string entry for i d . the returned string. t pu t sO should be used to output char -tgoto(cap, col, row) char -cap; int col, row; Instantiate the parameters into the given capability. The output from this routine is to be passed to tpu t sO. tputs(str,affcnt,putc) char *str; int affcnt; int (-putc) ( ) ; (See tputs 0 under Termlnfo Level Routines above.> Miscellaneous unctrl(c) chtype c; This macro expands to a character string which is a printable representation of the character c. Control characters are displayed in the "'X Page 444 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LlB) notation. Printing characters are displayed as is. NOTE: unctrl is a macro, which is defined in . gettmode( No-op. NOTE: gettmodeO is included here for compatibility and is supported at level 2. Attributes The following video attributes, defined in , can be passed to the routines attronO, attroffO, and attrsetO. A_STANDOUT A_UNDERLINE A_REVERSE A_BLINK A_DIM A_BOLD Terminal's best highlighting mode Underlining Reverse video Blinking Half bright Extra bright or bolq A_CHARTEXT A_ATTRIBUTES Bit-mask to extract a character Bit-mask to extract attributes Function Keys The following function keys, defined in , might be returned by getchO if keypadO has been enabled. Note that not all of these may be supported on a particular terminal if the terminal does not transmit a unique code when the key is pressed or the definition for the key is not present in the terminfo database. Name Value Key name KEY_BREAK KEY_DOWN KEY_UP KEY_LEFf KEY_RIGHT KEY_HOME KEY_BACKSPACE KEY_FO KEY_F(o) KEY_DL KEY_IL KEY_DC KEY_IC KEY_EIC KEY_CLEAR 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 0407 0410 (KEY _FO+(n» 0510 0511 0512 0513 0514 0515 Break key The four arrow keys ... System V Interface Definition Home key (upward+left arrow) Backspace Function keys; space for 64 keys is reserved. Delete line Insert line Delete character Insert char or enter insert mode Exit insert char mode Clear screen Page 445 CURSES(TtLIB) KEY_EOS KEY_EOL KEY_SF KEY_SR KEY_NPAGE KEY_PPAGE KEY_STAB KEY_crAB KEY_CATAB KEY_ENTER KEY_SRESET KEY_RESET KEY_PRINT KEY_LL 0516 0517 0520 0521 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 0530 0531 0532 0533 KEY_AI KEY_A3 KEY_Bl KEY_CI KEY_C3 0534 0535 0536 0537 0540 Clear to end of screen Clear to end of line Scroll 1 line forward Scroll 1 line backwards (reverse) Next page Previous page Set tab Clear tab Clear all tabs Enter or send Soft (partial) reset Reset or hard reset Print or copy Home down or bottom (lower left) Keypad is arranged like this: Al up A3 left B2 right Cl down C3 Upper left of keypad Upper right of keypad Center of keypad Lower left of keypad Lower right of keypad RETURN VALUE All routines return the integer OK upon successful completion and the integer ERR upon failure, unless otherwise noted in the preceding routine descriptions. Routines that return pointers always return (type .) NULL on error. SEE ALSO TERMINFO(TI_ENV). USAGE Application Program. The header file automatically includes the header files and . FUTURE DIRECTIONS The curses routines will be enhanced to define additional function keys; and to support line drawing alternate character sets. The tgetstr ( id, area) routine will be enhanced to store the string entry returned for id in the buffer pointed to by area and advance area. LEVEL Levell: All routines except fixtermO, gettmodeO, resettermO, savetermO, settermO, and the termcap compatibility routines. Page 446 System V Interface Definition CURSES(TI_LIB) Level 2: December 1. 1985 for fixtermO. gettmodeO. resettermO. savetermO. settermO. and the termcap compatibility routines. System V Interface Definition Page 447 Chapter 15 Commands and Utilities System V Interface Definition Page 449 TIC(TI_CMD) NAME tic - terminfo compiler SYNOPSIS tic [ -v[n] ] file DESCRIPTION The command tic translates a terminfo file from the source format into the compiled format. The results are placed in the directory /usr/lib/terminfo. The compiled format is necessary for use with the library routines described in CURSES(TI_LlB). The argument file contains one or more terminfo terminal descriptions in source format [see TERMINFO(TI_ENV) 1. The option -v (verbose) causes tic to output trace information showing its progress. The optional integer n is a number from 1 to 10, inclusive, indicating the desired level of detail of information. If n is omitted, the default level is 1. If n is specified and greater than 1, the level of detail is increased. The command tic compiles all terminfo descriptions in the given file. Each description in the file describes the capabilities of a particular terminal. When a use - entry_name field is discovered in the terminal entry currently being compiled, tic duplicates the capabilities in entry_name for the current entry, with the exception of those capabilities that are explicitly defined in the current entry. If the environment variable TERMINFO is set, the compiled results are placed there instead of /usr /1 ib/terminfo. Total compiled entries cannot exceed 4096 bytes. The name field cannot exceed 128 bytes. FILES /usr/lib/terminfo/?/* Compiled terminal description database SEE ALSO CURSES(TI_LlB), TERMINFO(TI_ENV). USAGE Administra tor. When an entry, e.g. entry _name_ 1, contains a use-entry_name_2 field, any cancelled capabilities in entry_name_2 must also appear in en try _ name _ 1 before use- for these capabilities to be cancelled in entry _name_ 1. LEVEL Levell. Page 450 System V Interface Definition TPUT(TI_CMD) NAME tput - query terminfo database SYNOPSIS tput [ -Ttype ] capname DESCRIPTION The command tput uses the terminfo database to make the values of terminal-dependent capabilities and information available to the shell [see SH(BU_CMD)]. The command tpu t outputs a string if the attribute is of type string, or an integer if the attribute is of type integer. If the attribute is of type boolean, tpu t simply sets the exit code (0 for TRUE if the terminal has the capability, 1 for FALSE if it does not), and produces no output. -Ttype indicates the type of terminal. Normally this option is unnecessary, as the default is taken from the environment variable TERM. capname indicates the attribute from the terminfo database. [See TERMINFO(TI_ENV). EXAMPLES tput clear Echo clear-screen sequence for the current terminal. tput cols Print the number of columns for the current terminal. tput -T450 cols Print the number of columns for the 450 terminal. bold='tput smso' offbold='tput rmso' Set the shell variables "bold" to begin standout mode sequence and "offbold" to end standout mode sequence for the current terminal. This might be followed by a prompt, e.g.: echo "${bold}Name: ${offbold}'c" tput hc Set exit code to indicate if the current terminal is a hardcopy terminal. FILES lusr/lib/terminfol?l* Compiled terminal description database RETURN VALUE If capname is of type boolean, a value of 0 is returned for TRUE and 1 for FALSE. If capname is of type string or integer, a value of 0 is returned upon successful completion. System V Interface Definition Page 451 TPUT(TI_CMD) Any other value returned indicates an error t for example t the specification of a bad capname O.e. terminfo does not support a capability named capname). t SEE ALSO STTY(AU_CMD)t TERMINFO(TI_ENV). USAGE Application Program. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The command tput will be enhanced to support capnames of type string which require the specification of one or more parameters (which are the arguments to capname). The command tpu t will be enhanced to output a terminaPs initialization strings or reset strings through the specification of a single argument. LEVEL Levell. Page 452 System V Interface Definition Indexes General Index Idev/null 105, 111, 241 letc/checklist 237, 252 letc/gettydefs 233 letc/group 68-69, 138, 242, 275, 300-301 letc/inittab 232-233, 260 letc/mkfs 268 letc/mnttab 248, 271, 284 letc/passwd 68-69, 115, 138, 192, 242, 246,249,275,290,304-305, 314 letc/profile 109, 111, 190 letc/shutdown 238 letc/unlink 267 letc/utmp 224-226, 302, 306-307 letc/wtmp 237-238, 243-244, 258, 276277, 307 lusr/adm/acct/sum 237 lusr/lib/cron/at.allow 136-137 lusr/lib/cron/at.deny 136-137 usr/lib/cron/cron.allow 140-141 usr/lib/cron/cron.deny 140-141 lusr/liblterminfo 403, 406, 422-423, 427, 450 A active processes 91, 109,225,266 Administered System Extension 231 Advanced Utilities Extension 4, 19, 133, 231, 293, 401 ANSI 9,407 arbitrary length variable names 326 archives 22-23, 44-45, 203-204, 336, 341, 355, 363-365, 381-382, 391 assembly source programs 324 associativity rules 394 8 Base System 3-7, 11, 19, 133, 231, 293, 401 Basic Utilities Extension 4, 19, 133, 231, 293, 401 block addresses 254 boot time 224, 232, 279, 306 breakpoint 379-380 broadcast message 223 c C compiler 293, 296, 324-326, 330-332, System V Interface Definition 392 C language 3-4, 7, 9, 15, 28, 293, 326327, 330, 332, 349 C language preprocessor 324, 330-332, 356-360 C libraries 293, 296, 325 C program 293, 324-325, 333, 346, 352, 364-365, 375, 388, 392 changing directory 35, 106-107, 110, 145, 176, 329, 378 child processes 109, 233 compilation 293, 296, 309, 323-326, 330, 392 compile a C program 324-326 compress file 82 context-free grammar 392 copying file 42-45, 119-120, 145, 148, 158, 206,209 copying file-system 288 current directory 23, 31, 33, 44, 53, 55, 73, 81, 93, 106-108, Ill, 136, 163, 189-190. 206, 209-211, 213, 255-257, 312,326, 342, 367, 378, 385, 391 curses library 403, 426-447, 450 curses routines 426-447, 450 curses/terminfo package 10, 401 cursor motion 412-413, 415-416, 431, 434-438, 444 D debugger 375 default file systems 252, 273 default input field separators 168 disassemble 336, 377 disk accounting 236-237, 249, 276-277 disk block 82, 237, 249, 254, 268, 281 E EBCDIC 148-149 ebcdic conversion 148-149 editor 51, 55-64, 95-98, 153-166, 177, 181-183, 186,213-222,325,344-345, 355,438 environmental variable 35, 73, 85, 87, 105, 140, 163, 170, 175, 190, 202, 213, 311, 323, 326, 332, 345, 360, 362, 367,403 escape sequences 39, 54, 84, 85, 95, 380, Page 455 393,412,420,426,436,440 executable file 36, 67, 73-74, 106, 121, 313, 324, 344, 375 execute permissions 35-36, 74-75, 106, 110, 207, 268 execution monitoring 311-312, 325, 367368 F floating point standards 9 Fortran77 375 function keys 157, 419, 424, 426, 436, 440, 442, 445-446 G group id 36, 68, 75, 77, i38, 167, 189, 193, 234, 241-242, 255, 268, 275, 300, 321 H Huffman code 82 login session records 243 login-id 223 login-name 236-237 M mandatory locking 37, 75 mounted file systems 50, 233, 248, 266, 271 moving a file 42 N namelist file 91, 263, 313 Network Services Extension 9 numeric group id 68 numeric user id 68, 115, 243 o object file 22, 296, 300, 3 I 5, 327, 338, 344, 352, 355, 367,375,381-382 object file library 296, 3 15, 347, output redirection 104- I 05, 137, 324, 326363, 365355, 365 378-379 p i-node 73, 247, 249, 252-256, 268, 270, 282 init process 224-225, 231-233, 260, 306307 input redirection 104-105, 378-379 intelligent terminals 164, 416 internationalization 10 K Kernel Extension 4-5, 10, 231 L Level I, definition 7 Level 2, definition 7 lex library 296, 346 lexical analyzer 346-351, 392-393, 395397 link a file 22, 42-45, 53, 68, 74, 82, 94, 170, 204, 252, 255-256, 267, 324-325, 347-348, 359 link editor 22, 325, 344-345, 355 link-edit phase 324 login process 91-92, 224, 231, 233, 236, 241,246, 257-258, 302, 306-307 Page 456 parent directory 42, 78, 257 parent process 92, 257 password file I 15, 138, 189, 200, 246, 249, 257,275,302,304-305,314 path-name 102, 106, 110-1 I I, 206-207, 273, 329 pattern-matching 24-26, 28-29, 55-57, 70, 103, 15 I - 152, 347-348 permIssIons 4, 35-36, 44, 68-69, 74-75, 77-78, 94, 106, 110, 126, 188-189, 207, 226, 247, 251, 262, 264, 268, 307,321-322, 342,427 pipeline 88, 99, 204, 2 I 2 preprocessor 299, 309, 323-325, 330-322, 356-359 precedence rules 394, 396 process accounting 236-238, 241, 246, 258, 276-277, 287, 306 prompt string 55, 85, 102, 303 R raw device 149,252,281 reading mail 76,174-175,182 reduce-reduce conflicts 395-396 System V Interface Definition regular expression 24-26, 28-29, 44, 55, 65, 70, 79, 86, 95, 97, 142-143, 151, 154, 159, 161-162, 164, 21~ 242, 346-350, 378 removing directory 94 removing file 94 restricted shell 99, 103, 105-106, 11 0 root file system 252, 256, 268, 271, 284, 288, 329 run-level 225, 232-233, 260 s SCCS 293, 318-322, 334-335, 338-343, 369-372, 374, 385-388 sending mail 76-77, 170, 174-175, 182, 207, 209 shell 4,19,44,87,99,101-111,143,176, 180,193,206,403,440-442,451 shift/reduce conflicts 395-396 signal 60, 63, 71, 79, 81, 87-88, 99, 106, 109, Ill, 154, 194, 196, 233, 257, 266, 303, 385, 396, 412, 433, 441 sizeof operator 308, 332 Software Development Extension 4, 293, 401 sort 11, 113-115, 384 Source Code Control System 293, 318322, 334-335, 338-343, 369-372, 374, 385-388 source program 293, 324, 346-347, 349350, 364, 375, 378-379 standard C library 296, 325, 352 standard error 81, 89, 136-137, 141, 205, 249, 257-258, 287, 299, 303, 323, 336, 340, 366, 382-383, 390, 397, 428 string matching 24-25, 55-58, 62, 103, 151, 162,218,346-351,378 struct group 300 struct nlist 313 struct passwd 304, 314 struct utmp 306 super-user 36, 44-45, 48, 71, 137-138, 192, 200, 203, 223-224, 226, 231, 241, 257, 267, 272, 274, 329 system administration 231 system clock 48, 224-225 system initialization 232-233, 238 system name 127 system process spawner 231, 260 system shutdown 238 termcap database 406, 444, 446-447 terminal descriptions 406-424, 442, 450452 Terminal Interface Extension 10,401 terminal names 406, 422 terminal settings 88, 195, 201 terminal tabs 88, 197, 201-202, 419-420, 422-423, 426 terminal type 10, 85, 202, 213, 226,401, 403, 416, 422, 428, 443, 451 terminfo database 73, 75, 88, 165, 213, 406-424, 442-445, 451 total accounting records 236, 243, 245246, 249, 276-277 u user id 36, 46, 68, 75, 92, 115, 138, 167, 172, 189, 200, 203, 224, 238, 241, 243, 245-246, 249, 255, 268, 275, 302, 304, 306-307, 321, 371 user login name 68, 76-77, 92, 138, 169, 172, 176, 192, 206, 209, 211, 224, 238, 241, 243, 246, 249, 275, 302, 321, 343 user process 71. 92. 167, 224. 231-233, 241-242. 246,257, 306-307 T System V Interface Definition Page 457 Command and Function Index A a64l function 298 abort function 299 acctcms command 238, 239-240, 242, 244-246, 258, 278 acctcom command 238-239, 241-242, 244-246, 258, 278, 287 acctcon 1 command 238-239, 242, 243244, 245-246, 258, 276, 278 acctcon2 command 238-239, 242, 243244, 245-246, 258, 276, 278 acctdisk command 249-250 acctmerg command 236-239, 242, 244245, 246, 258, 278 accton command 236-238 acctprcl command 238-239, 242, 244-245, 246, 258, 278 acctprc2 command 238-239, 242, 244-245, 246, 258, 278 acctwtmp command 236-238, 243 addch function 426, 431 addstr function 431-432 admin command 318-322, 334-335, 343, 372,387 alarm function 112 ar command 22-23, 45, 345, 355, 382 as command 323, 336 assert function 299 at command 136-137, 139 attroff function 432, 445 attron function 432, 445 attrset function 432, 445 awk command 24-29,97, 168, 347 B banner command 30, 171 basename command 31 batch command 136-137 baudrate function 441 beep function 433 box function 433 c cal command 32 calendar command 33 calloc function 5 cancel command 170-171, 208, 213-214, System V Interface Definition 216 cat command 34, 83, 88, 143, 146·147, 423 cbreak function 426, 436, 439 cc command 177-178, 182-183, 220, 293, 296, 309, 311-313, 315, 323, 324·326, 332-333, 336, 345, 351, 353-354, 359, 361-365, 366, 368, 375, 380-382, 392, 426 cd command 35, 45, 93, 102, 107, 110111, 175,204 cHow command 327-328 chargefee command 236-238, 277 chdir function 35, 329 chgrp command 138 chmod command 36-37, 43, 68-69, 75, 126, 138 chmod function 37 chown command 138 chroot command 329 ckpacct command 236-238 clear function 433 clearok function 427, 433, 438 clri command 247 clrtobot function 433 clrtoeol function 431, 433 cmp command 38,41,51, 150 col command 39-40 comm command 38,41,51,115,128,168 cp command 42-43, 239 cpio command 43, 44-45, 69 cpp command 325-326, 330-332, .153, 354, 359 cron command 137, 139, 140-141, 237238, 276, 278 crontab command 139, 140-141 csplit command 117, 142-143 cu command 144-147 cut command 46-47,84,212 cxref command 333 D date command 48-49 dd command 148-149 defyrog_mode function 439-440 deCshell_mode function 439-440 delay_output function 433-434 delch function 434 deleteln function 434 Page 459 delta command 322, 334-335, 338-343, 372-374, 385, 387 delwin function 430 devnm command 248 df command 50 diff command 38,41,51-52, 150, 211-212, 335 dircmp command 150 dirname command 31 dis command 14,336 diskusg command 238, 249-250 dodisk command 236-238, 249 doupdate function 428,429, 441 du command 53 dup function III E echo command 54, 107, 389-391, 423 echo function 440 ed command 26, 51, 55-64, 65-66, 70, 86, 88, 95, 97, 142-143, 151-152, 177, 184, 197,242,347,378,380 egrep command 70, 151-152 endgrent function 300-301 endpwent function 304-305 endutent function 306-308 endwin function 426, 428, 438, 441 env command 337 erase function 433 erasechar function 441 ex command 153-166, 213, 215-216, 218, 220, 222 exec function Ill, 241 expr command 65-66 F false command 125 fgetgrent function 300-301 fgetpwent function 304-305 fgrep command 70, 151-152 file command 67 find command 68-69 fixterm function 441, 446-447 flash function 433 f1ushinp function 437 fork function Ill, 241 fsck command 247,251-253, 256, 273 fsdb command 247,254-256 fuser command 257 fwtmp command 238-239, 242, 244-246, 258-259, 278 Page 460 G get command 319, 321-322, 334-335, 338-343, 374, 385, 387 getch function 436-437, 440, 445 getgrent function 300-301, 302, 305 getgrgid function 300-301 getgrnam function 300-30 I getlogin function 301, 302, 305 get pass function 303 getpwent function 301-302, 304-305, 314 getpwnam function 302, 304-305, 314 getpwuid function 302, 304-305, 314 getstr function 437 gettmode function 445, 446-447 getuid function 167 getutent function 306-308 getutid function 306-308 getutline function 306-308 getyx function 434 grep command 46-47, 64, 70, 84, 88, 97, 152 grpck command 275 H hasJc function 442 hasJI function 442 id command 167 idlok function 438, 439 inch function 431, 437 init command 231-233, 260 initscr function 426-427, 428,441-442 insch function 434-435 insertln function 435 intrflush function 426, 440 ioctl function 193-195, 199 ipcrm command 261 ipcs command 261, 262-265 J join command 60, 157, 168 K keypad function 426, 436, 440, 445 kill command 71 killall command 266 killchar function 442 System V Interface Definition L 164a function 298 labelit command 249, 288-289 lastlogin command 236·238 Id command 22·23, 323, 325-326, 344345, 355, 366, 381·382 leaveok function 429, 438 lex command 293, 296, 327-328, 346-351, 352, 364-365, 392, 397 line command 72 link command 252, 255-256, 267 lint command 327, 352·354 In command 42·43 logname command 140, 167, 169, 374, 391 longname function 442 lorder command 355, 384 Ip command 170-171,172·173 Ipstat command 170-171, 172·173 Is command 37,45, 73-75, 185, 187, 391 M m4 command 323, 332, 356-359 mail command 76-77, 102, 136·137, 141, 170·171,207,209-210,212,276 mail x command 174-187 make command 360-365 MARK function 309-310, 368 mesg command 188, 223, 226-227 mkdir command 78 mkfs command 268-269 mknod command 270 monacct command 236·238 monitor function 311-312,367-368 mount command 233, 248, 266, 271, 284, 288 move function 426, 435 mv command 31, 42-43 mvaddch function 431 mvaddstr function 431-432 mvcur function 444 mvdelch function 434 mvdir command 272 mvgetch function 436-437 mvgetstr function 437 mvinch function 437 mvinsch function 434-435 mvprintw function 435-436 mvscanw function 437-438 mvwaddch function 431 mvwaddstr function 431-432 System V Interface Definition mvwdelch function 434 mvwgetch function 436-437 mvwgetstr function 437 mvwin function 429 mvwinch function 437 mvwinsch function 434-435 mvwprintw function 435-436 mvwscanw function 438 N ncheck command 247, 273 newgrp command 189 newpad function 430 news command 190 newterm function 428, 441-442 newwin function 426, 429 nice command 274 nl command 79-80 nl function 439 ntist function 313 nm command 366 nocbreak function 439 nodelay function 440 noecho function 426, 436, 440 nohup command 81 nonl function 426, 439 noraw function 440-441 o od command 191 overlay function 435 overwrite function 435 p pack command 82-83 passwd command 192, 304-305, 314 paste command 46-47, 84 pcat command 82-83 pg command 85·88, 179, 181, 184-185, 187 pipe function III pnoutrefresh function 430 pr command 80, 84, 89-90 prctmp command 243-244 prdaily command 236-238, 276·277 prefresh function 430 printf function 28 printw function 435-436 prof command 309-312, 325-326, 367-368 prs command 322, 335, 343, 369-372, 373, Page 461 387 prtacct command 236-238 ps command 71,91-92 putchar function 431 putp function 442, 443 putpwent function 314 pututline function 306-308 pwck command 275 pwd command 35, 93, 101, 108, Ill, 304, 314 R raw function 440-441 red command 55 refresh function 426, 428, 429-430, 435, 438,441 reset--prog_mode function 441, 442 reset_shell_mode function 441,442 resetterm function 441, 446-447 resetty function 441 rm command 43,69, 78, 94, 365 rmail command 76-77 rmdel command 335, 369, 373 rmdir command 94 rsh command 99-111 runacct command 236-239, 242, 244-246, 258, 276-278 sh command 19,31,35,44,46,54,64,66, 68-69,72,81,99-111, 122, 125, 129, 139, 141, 143, 159, 179, 183, 186, 189, 194, 200, 211-212, 269, 337, 365, 403, 451 shl command 193-194 shutacct command 236-238 signal function III size command 381 sleep command I 12 sort command 41, I 13-115 spell command 116 split command 117 sprintf function 28 sputl function 315 standend function 432 standout function 431, 432 startup command 236-238 strip command 23, 382 stty command 146-147,193-194, 195-199, 423, 452 su command 200 subwin function 429-430 sum command 118 sync command 285 sysdef command 286 system function III T s sa I command 279, 283 sa2 command 279, 283 sact command 374, 385 sadc command 279 sadp command 280 sar command 279,281-283,287 saveterm function 439-440, 446-447 savetty function 441 scanw function 437-438 scroll function 436 scrollok function 431, 439, 442 sdb command 324, 326, 375-380 sed command 64, 70, 95-98, 152 set_term function 428, 442 setgrent function 300-301 setmnt command 248, 271, 284 setpwent function 304-305 setscrreg function 438-439 setterm function 443, 446-447 setupterm function 442, 443 setutent function 306-308 sgetl function 315 Page 462 tabs command 201-202 tail command II 9 tar command 45, 203-204 tee command 120 test command 121-122 tgetent function 444 tgetflag function 444 tgetnum function 444 tgetstr function 443, 444, 446 tgoto function 443, 444 tic command 246, 423, 450 time command 383 timex command 287 touch command 123 touchwin function 430, 436 tparm function 407, 420, 442, 443 tput command 423, 451-452 tputs function 411, 442,443,444 tr command 124 true command 125 tsort command 349, 384 tty command 205 turnacct command 236-238 System V Interface Definition typeahead function 441 u ulimit function III umask command 109, Ill, 126, 136 umask function III umount command 271, 284 uname command 68, 127, 146-147 unctrl function 444-445 unget command 374, 385 uniq command 41, 115, 128, 168 unlink command 267 unpack command 82-83 utmpname function 306-308 uucp command 145, 147, 184, 206-207, 208-212 uulog command 206-207 uuname command 206-207, 209 uupick command 209-210 uustat command 207, 208, 210, 212 uuto command 209-210 uux command 207,210,211-212 v who command 224-225, 290 whodo command 290 winch function 431, 437 winsch function 434-435 winsertln function 435 wmove function 435 wnoutrefresh function 429, 430 wprintw function 435-436 wrefresh function 427, 428-429, 430, 433, 438-439 write command 226-227 wscanw function 437-438 wsetscrreg function 438-439 wstandend function 432 wstandout function 432 wtmpfix command 244, 258-259, 277 x xargs command 389-391 y yacc command 293, 296, 327-328, 346, 351-352, 364-365, 392-397 val command 386 vi command 153, 160, 166, 184, 186-187, 213-222,423 vidattr function 444 vidputs function 443, 444 volcopy command 249-250, 288-289 w waddch function 431, 432 waddstr function 431-432, 436 wait command 99, 109-111, 129 wait function III wall command 223 wattroff function 432 watt ron function 432 wattrset function 432 wc command 130 wclear function 433 wclrtobot function 433 wclrtoeol function 433 wdelch function 434 wdeleteln function 434 werase function 433 wgetch function 436, 440 wgetstr function 437, 438 what command 322, 388 System V Interface Definition Page 463
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