T5n TAX Numbers 2956 To 3857

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Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence East 627 feet and North 528 feet to the point
of beginning, thence West 165 feet, thence North 352 feet, thence East 165 feet, thence South 352 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 1.3 acres, more or less.
Beginning 792 feet North and 49.5 feet East ofthe SW comer of the NE4 of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence
East 660 feet to a Yz" iron pin, thence North 660 feet, thence West 419.5 feet, thence S0.45'50"W 300.03 feet, thence East
236.5 feet, thence South 360 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 8.37 acres, more or less. DELETES #2706.



From the SE comer of Lot 8, Balk Jfrom the original plat of Victor, Idaho, S89.l6'W along the South side of Lot 8, 100
feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.l6'W 11 0 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence N89.l6'E 110 feet, thence South 75
feet to the point of beginning.
The 33 feet wide by 100 feet long alley way running across the Northerly end of the tract of property known as the Victor
Cheese Factory as shown on the plat of Victor, Idaho being the further described as beginning at the NE comer of Lot 8,
Blk 3, Victor Townsite, Idaho and rum1ing thence North 33 feet, thence SS9.16'W 100 feet, thence South 33 feet, thence
N89.16'E 100 feet to the point of beginning.



From the SE comer of Lot 8, Blk 3, from the original plat of Victor, Idaho S89.l6'W, along the South side of Lot 8, 66 feet
to the point ofbegiill1ing, thence S89.16'W 34 feet to an iron pin point, thence North 380 feet to a point, thence NS9.l6'E
100 feet to a point, thence South 17 feet, thence S89 .16'W 66 feet, thence South 363 feet to the point of beginning.


Begiill1ing at the NE comer ofthe W2SW4NE4 of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.00'14"E 1318.32 feet to
a \1," iron pin point, thence NS9.2S'31"W 659.56 feet to a point, thence NO.00'33"E 1317.31 feet to a point, thence
NO.00'30"E 610.32 feet to the Creek, thence along the creek S71.00'00"E 340 feet, more or less, thence S21.00'00"E 220
feet, more or less, Ss77.07'01"E 265.50 feet more or less, thence SO.OO' 14"E 240.0S feet, more or less to the point of
beginning, TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement 60 feet wide along the East side of the NW4NE4 and along the
South side ofNW4NE4 of said Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM.


From a point 1650 feet South ofan iron pinpoint being the NE comer of Sec 18 T4N R46E, BM, thence West along the
property line 1980 feet to an iron pin, thence North 300 feet to an iron pin, thence East 1980 feet to an iron pin, thence
South 300 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 13.64 acres, more or less.


Beginning at a point 511.5 feet North of the SW corner ofthe SW4 of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, thence East 462 feet, thence
North 264 feet, thence West 462 feet, thence South 264 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.8 acres, more or less.


From the W4 corner of Sec 17 T3N R45E, BM, thence N34.54' 45"E 816.59 feet to the point of beginning, thence
S85.2T 13"W 382.84 feet to a point, thence South 50.50 feet to a point, thence S70.31 'OI"E 387.23 feet to a point, thence
N44.30'20"W 68.60 feet to a point, thence N21.52'27"E 173.57 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1 acre, more or


From the SW corner of Lot 2, Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, thence N89.31'24"E 400 feet to the point of beginning, thence
N89.31 '24"E 400 feet along the South line of Lot 2 to a point, thence NO.OTI7';E 1301.78 feet more or less to the North
section line of Sec 3, thence S89.31 '47"W 405.52 feet along said section line to a point, thence SO.OTI8"E 1301.78 feet
more or less to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a right of way for ingress and egress described as follows:
Beginning at the NW corner of Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.!T 15"E 1319.00 feet along the section line
to the true point of beginning, thence N89.31 '24"E 3442.61 feet more or less, thence South 60 feet, more or less to the
North bank of the Hog Canal, thence Westerly 3442.61 feet along the North bank ofthe Hog Canal to section line to Sec 3,
thence North along the section line 60 feet, more or less to the true point Ofbegin:n:in~g~._ - - - - - - - - - -


at the NW corner of Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, and running the
. 15"E 1319 feet, thence N89.31 '24"E
2.12 feet more or less to the North bank of the Desert
3i62:'6i..f€euo the true point of beginning, thence NO.OT 16"
esert Canal, 1460.15 feet, more or less to the East section line of
Canal, thence~~ "E, along the North bank 0
Sec 34 T6N R45E, BM, thenc
eet more or less to the SE corner of Sec 34, thence N89.48'39"E 66 feet
more or less, to the NE corner of Sec ,
.03'26"E, along the East section line of Sec 3,1292.47 feet, thence
rue point of beginnmg.
THER WITH a right of way for ingress and egress
S89.31 '24"W 1524.95 feet to
described as follows: B . ing at the NW corner of Sec 3 T5N R45"
ing thence S0.1TI5"E 1319 feet
along the section' e to the point of beginning, thence N89.31 '24"E 5287.56 feet, more 0
the East section line of
Sec 3, then
outh 70 feet more or less to the North bank of the Hog Canal, thence. Westerly along t
rtl:t.lLank of the
Hog;;; aI, 5287.;;6 feet, mor~ or less to the West section line,ofSec 3, thence North along the section line 60 f~r
.JesS to the true pomt of begInn mg. DELETES #1522.
13n4) t:)1 56) =73'1 -+ 5'7clO


A portion of Sec 34 T6N R45E, BM, being further described as: From the SE corner of Sec 34, thence N89.39'30"W
675.35 feet along the township line to the point of beginning, thence N89.39'30"W 675.35 feet along the township line,
thence NO.15'43"W 625 feet to a point, thence SS9.39'30"E 30 feetto a point, thence S0.15'43"E ISO feet, thence
SS9.39'30"E 30 feet to a point, thence SO.15'43"E 62 feet to a point, thence SS9.39'30"E 212 feet to a point, thence
SO.15'43"E 70.50 feet to a point, thence S89.39'30"E 403.35 feet to a point, thence SO.15' 43"E 312.50 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 5.49 acres, more or less.

-3-ffi6- A portion of Sec 34 T6N R45E, BM, being further described as: From the SE comer of Sec 34, thence NS9.39'30"W
675.35 feet along the township line, thence NO.15'43"W 312.50 feet to the point of beginning, thence NS9.39'30"W
403.35 feet to a point, thence N0.15'43"W 70.50 feet to a point, thence NSO.39'30"W 212 feet to a point, thence
NO.15' 43"W 62 feet to a point, thence SS9.39'30"E 403.35 feet to a point, thence SO.15' 43"E 312.50 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 3.20 acres, more or less.

OelcJ"-d lD
B 0-;)'3/



Beginning 50 feet South of the NW corner of Lot 3, Blk 25, Driggs Townsite, as per the recorded plat thereof, and running
thence East 65 feet, thence South 24.25 feet, thence West 65 feet, thence North 24.25 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point 615 feet South and 560 feet West of the E4 corner of Sec 29 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence
West 150 feet, thence South 135 feet, thence East 150 feet, thence North 135 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO known
as Lots 7-8-9, Blk 9, Tetonia Townsite, as per the recorded plat thereof.


Beginning at the NW corner of Sec 8 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence S89.26'30"E 1323.73 feet, thence SO.OT32"W
1089.94 feet, thence N89.26' 13"W 1324.03 feet, thence NO.08'30"E 1090 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #2484
& #2491.


From the E4 corner of Sec 19 T4N R46E, BM, and running thence SO.02'42"E 1670.96 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence West 281.07 feet, thence S4.00'36"E 77.10 feet, thence S64.52'06"E 82.79 feet, thence S31.39' 18"E 221.80 feet,
thence S49.04'46"E 111.98 feet, thence NO.02'42"W 374.23 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.37 acres, more or


Beginning at the SW corner ofthe SE4SW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence North 1650 feet, thence East
184.8 feet, thence South 1650 feet, thence West 184.8 feet to the point of beginning.


ortion of Lot I, Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, being further described as: From the NE corner of
, ence SO.03'26"E
382.38 eet1rh:)fig-th€--8ection..J.in~e.pcin~ inning, thence SO.03'26"E 4
et along the section line to a point,
thence N89.43'06"W 1061.82 feet to a point, thence
feet to a point, thence S89.43'06"E 1062.27 feet
to the point of beginning. TOGETHER,:VITH~t a and utility easem
the SE property corner, SO.03'26"E
500 feet more or less along the secti~e co~ty road. TOGETHER WITH a right 0
for ingress and egress
described as follows: Begi~..aHl1e NW corner of Sec 3, and running thence SO.IT 15"E 1319 fee
the section line
to the true point QLbeginning, thence N89.31 '24"E 5287.56 feet, more orIess to the East section line of Sec 3,
SouthZRfeefii:!ore or less to the North bank of the Hog Canal, thence Westerly along the North t~ the West section line of S'707
Serl: thence North along the section line 60 feet, more or less to the true point of beginning.
57 S't:





From the E4 corner of Sec 19 T4N R46E, BM, and running thence SO.02'42"E 1670.96 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence West 281.07 feet, thence N4.00'36"W 124.79 feet, thence N0.35' 12"E 171.24 feet, thence NI0.14'06"E 40.48 feet,
thence N89.54'll"E 280.59 feet, thence SO.02'42"E 336.02 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.21 acres, more or



Beginning at the SW comer of Lot 2, Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, a Y:z" iron pin point, thence N89.31 '24"E 400 feet along the
South line of Lot 2 to a point, thence NO.OT 19"W 1348.09 feet to a point of the North bank of the Desert Canal, thence
S88.38'02"W 400 feet to a point, thence SO.OT 19"E 1351.41 feet along the Westline of Lot 2 to the point of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH the right of ingress and egress described as fo11ows: Beginning at the NW comer of Sec 3, and running
thence SO.ITI5"E 1319.00 feet along the section line to the true point of beginning, thence N89.31 '24"E 3042.61 feet
more or less, thence South 60 feet more or less to the North bank of the Hog Canal, thence Westerly 3042.61 feet along the
North bank of the Hog Canal to the section line of Sec 3, thence North along the section line 60 feet, more or less to the
true point of beginning.


Beginning 500 feet North of the SW comer of the SE4NW4 of Sec 23 T6N R44E, BM, and running thence East 2640 feet,
thence North 500 feet, thence West 2640 feet, thence South 500 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO: Beginning 2630 feet
East of the SW comer of the SE4NW4 of Sec 23 and running thence East 10 feet, thence North 500 feet, thence West 10
feet, thence South 500 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at Lot 7, Sec 6 T4N R46E, BM. LESS: Beginning at the NE comer of Lot 7 and running thence West 473 feet,
thence South 463 feet, thence East 473 feet, thence North 463 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO LESS: A roadway 30
feet wide beginning at the NW comer of Lot 7, and running thence East 847 feet, more or less, to the NW comer ofthe
Darby Cemetery property, thence South 30 feet, thence West 847 feet, more or less to the West section line of Sec 6,
thence North 30 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #393.


The W2SE4SW4 of Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, further described as: From the SW corner of Sec 3, and running thence
N89.39'33"E 1315.57 feet to the point of beginning, thence NO.l2' 17"W 1322.08 feet to a point, thence N89.35'28"E
658.74 feet to a point, thence SO.09'48"E 1322.87 feet to a point, thence S89.39'33"W 657.79 feet to the point of
beginning. WITH a county road of sight on the South side.


The E2SE4SW4 of Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, being further described as: From the SW corner of Sec 3, thence N89.39'33"E
1973.36 feet to the point of beginning, thence NO.09'48"W 1322.87 feet to a point, thence N89.35'28"E 658.74 feet to a
point, thence SO.OT 19"E 1323.67 feet to a point, thence S89.39'33"W 657.79 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER
WITH a county road of sight on the South side.


Commencing at the SW corner of the SW4 also described as Lot 4, of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, and running thence North
660 feet, thence East 660 feet, thence South 660 feet, thence West 660 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-

foot wide easement along the East side of the above described property to be used in common with others for ingress and
egress. Contains approximately 10 acres, more or less.

A parcel of land located in the SE4NE4 of Sec 25 T6N R44E, BM, and more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the NE comer of Sec 25, thence South along the East line of said section, 2639.15 feet to the E4 comer of
said section and the true point of beginning, thence S89.44'52"W along the East-West quarter line of said section, 283.06
feet, thence North 640.17 feet, thence S89.IT08"W 69.93 feet, thence N0.45'58"W 39.05 feet, thence N89.1T08"E 70.44
feet, thence N1.22'16"E 69.50 feet, thence N58.39'06"E 53.56 feet, thence N87.55'27"E 24.82 feet, thence N0.42'58"E
113.52 feet, thence S89.06'27"E 209.46 feet, thence South along the East line 886.47 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 5.63 acres, more or less.


Beginning 104 feet North of the SE comer of the NE4NW4 of Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, thence West 208 feet, thence North
208 feet, thence East 208 feet, thence South 208 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion ofthe NW4NW4 of Sec 31 T4N R45E, BM, being further described as: Beginning at the NW comer of Sec 31,
and running thence South 335.10 feet along the section line to a point, thence East 260 feet to a point, thence NO.00'02"W
336.49 feet to a point, thence S89.41 '35"W 260 feet along the section line to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SE comer of the SE4NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence West 465 feet, thence North
465 feet, thence East 465 feet, thence South 465 feet to the point of beginning.

~Beginning at the W4 comer of Sec 30 and running thence North 1308.94 feet along the section line to the NW comer of
Lot 2 of said section, thence South 2630.38 feet more or less to the South line of Lot 3, thence West 250 feet to the section
line, thence North 1321.44 feet to the point of beginning. LESS: From the SW comer of Lot 3 of Sec 30, North 60 feet,
d:;f5:3"O thence East 30 feet to the point of beginning, thence North 630 feet, thence East 132 feet, thence South 330 feet, thence
East 68 feet, thence South 300 feet, thence West 200 feet to the point of beginning.



de~A portion of Sec 17 and 18 T3N R45E, BM, being further described as: Beginning at the quarter comer between Section 17


and 18, thence N89.13'51"W 243.28 feet to a point, thence SO.02' 13"E 209.50 feet to a point, thence East 958.41 feetto a
#'5I.fl/3 sf point, thence Nl1.18'30"E 210.32 feet along Hwy 31 right of way to a point, thence West 756.53 feet to the point of
. beginning. DELETES #2840.



SEE TAX #6656

A portion of Sec 18 T3N R45E, BM, as: From the quarter comer common to Sec 17 & 18, thence S81.0TOl"W 1335.54
feet to the true point of beginning, thence East 1076.40 feet to a point, thence SO.02' 13"E 216.40 feet to a point, thence
West 1076.40 feet to a point, thence NO.02' 13"W 216.40 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #2815.

A portion of Sec 18 T3N R45E, BM, being further described as from the quarter corner common to Sec 17 & 18, thence




SEE TAX #6657

N89.13'51"W 243.28 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N89.13'51"W 1076.51 feet to a point, thence SO.02'13"E
223.95 feet to a point, thence East 1076.40 feet to a point, thence NO.02' 13"W 209.50 feet to the point of beginning.
A portion of Sec 7 T3N R45E, BM, as: From the SE corner of the SE4 of Sec 7, thence N84.36' 12"W 2200.96 feet to the
point of beginning, thence NI0.54'52"E 218.68 feet more or less along the center line of the county road, thence along a
194.08 foot radius curve to left with a chord bearing N22.32'OTW 170.65 feet along the center of the same road, thence
N54.48'05"W 250.18 feet along the centerline of the road, thence N27.28'18"W 231.93 feet along the centerline of the
road, thence N36.36'21"W 203.52 feet along the centerline of the road to a point on the section V. line, thence NO.33' 15"W
396.29 feet along the section V. line to a point, thence N21.02'25"E 279.40 feet along the centerline of the road to a point,
thence East 557.65 feet to a point, thence S0.35' ll"E 421.61 feet to a point, thence S89.38'01"E 257.63 feet more or less
to a point in the thread of Drake Creek, thence S 13.56' 15"W 344 feet more or less along the thread of Drake Creek, thence
S 19.11' 49"W 522.36 feet more or less along the thread of Drake Creek, thence S34.29'04"W 346.68 feet more or less
along the thread of Drake Creek to a point in the centerline of the county road, the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SE corner of the SW4SW4 of Sec 25 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence North 1320 feet, thence West
495 feet, thence South 1320 feet, thence East 495 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SE corner of the SW4SW4 of Sec 25 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence West 495 feet to the real point
of beginning, thence North 1320 feet, thence West 495 feet, thence South 1320 feet, thence East 495 feet to the real point
of beginning.


Beginning at the E4 corner of Sec 29 T4N R46E, BM, thence S89.52'56"W 1525.45 feet to the SW corner of Lot 4, thence
N0.19'04"E 1322.86 feet to the NW corner of Lot 4, thence S89.48'50"W 548.23 feet along the South line of Lot 2, thence
along the Lou Parri property on the South side of Fox Creek Road, N49.49'13"W 291.80 feet, thence N47.46'06"W 259.22
feet, thence N52.44'03"W 127.07 feet, thence N55.33'28"W 229.34 feet, thence N71.02'4TW 65.86 feet to the NW to the
West line of Lot 2, thence NO.20'04"E 844.36 feet to the NW comer of Lot 2, thence East 658.42 feet along the section
line, thence S43.23 '05"E 1910.47 feet to the North line of Lot 4, thence N89.50'19"E 852.43 feet to the NE comer of Lot
4, thence SO.I5'E 1323.99 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 82.65 acres, more or less.

SEE TAX #6725

A portion of the NW4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, as: From the C4 comer of Sec 7, NO.l9'24"E 635.30 feet along the section
14 line and West 573.46 feet to the point of beginning, thence NO.21 '28"E 492.37 feet to a point, thence West 817.74 feet
to a point, thence S48.09'51"E 468.70 feet to a point, thence N78.51' 41"E 567.95 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
10.29 acres, more or less.


Beginning at the NE comer of Lot 1, Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence West 555 feet, thence South 785 feet,
thence East 555 feet, thence North 785 feet to the point of beginning.


From the NE comer of Sec 13 T4N R44E, BM, thence S69.20'35"W 1894 feet to the point of beginning, thence
S89.50'I!"W 164.59 feet to a point, thence SI1.l9'40"W 727.99 feet to a point, thence N89.50'I!"E 309.91 feet to a
point, thence N0.11' 14"W 713.40 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 3.89 acres, more or less.


Beginning 198 feet East of the SW comer of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence North 198 feet, thence East 214.5
feet, thence North 99 feet, thence West 66 feet, thence North 214.5 feet, thence East 115.5 feet, thence South 511.5 feet,
thence West 264 feet to the point of beginning.


The West 272 feet of the NE4SW4 of Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM. Contains 8.08 acres, more or less.


Commencing at a point 572.42 feet East of the SW comer of the NW4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, and running thence
N41.00'E 132.50 feet, thence East 1978.42 feet more or less to the fence line, thence South 100 feet along the fence line,
thence West 2065.35 feet more or less along the South line of the NW4 to the point of beginning. Contains 4.64 acres,
more or less.


Beginning at the NW comer of the SW4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, and running thence East 572.42 feet, thence S41.00'W
874.51 feet, thence NO.06'49"E 660 feet along the section line to the point of beginning. LESS railroad right of way.
Contains 4.27 acres, more or less.


Beginning 115 feet West of the NE comer of Lot 7, B1k 16, Tetonia Townsite, and running thence West 15 feet, thence
South 150 feet, thence East 130 feet, thence North 90 feet, thence West 115 feet, thence North 60 feet to the point of

3069AFrom the NE comer ofSE4NE4 of Sec 6 T6N R45E, BM, thence S86.5T45"W 32.26 feet t6 the West side ofHwy 32
right of way, thence SO.13'31"E 706.09 feet to a point, thence West 160.56 feet to the true point of beginning, thence
South 200 feet to a point, thence West 227.4 feet to a point, thence diagonally Northwest 1047.5 feet more or less to a point
which is S86.5T 45"W 952.36 feet from the NE comer of SE4NE4 of Sec 6, and which point is approximately the center of
the county road, and thence N86.5T45"E along the county road 759.54 feet, more or less, to a point which is NO.l3'31"W
706.09 feet more orIess from the true point of beginning, and thence SO.13 '31"E 706.09 feet to the true point of beginning.
Contains 9.7 acres, more or less. SUBEJCT TO a county roadway of sight along the North property line. TOGETHER
WITH a 50 foot wide easement for ingress and egress to buyer's real property which is the subject of this contract of sale,
which easement's Southern boundary line is more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the true point of
beginning, as more particularly described above, and thence East 160.56 feet, to the West side ofHwy 32 right of way.

Beginning at the NE comer of Lot 6, B1k 16, Tetonia Townsite, and running thence North 5 feet, thence West 115 feet,
thence South 90 feet, thence East I 15 feet, thence North 90 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the NE comer of Lot 4, B1k 9, Tetonia Townsite, and running thence West 120 feet, thence South 50 feet,
thence East 120 feet, thence North 50 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the NW comer of Lot 4, Blk 9, Tetonia Townsite and running thence South 50 feet, thence East 30 feet,
thence North 50 feet, thence West 30 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SE comer of Lot 1, Blk 37, Tetonia Townsite, and running thence North 190 feet, thence West 157.5 feet,
thence South 190 feet, thence East 157.5 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SW comer of Lot 10, B1k 37, Tetonia Townsite, and running thence North 190 feet, thence East 157.5
feet, thence South 190 feet, thence West 157.5 feet to the point of beginning. Previously known as Lots 10-11-12 and the
North 40 feet of Jackson Ave plus Y2 vacated alleys in Blk 37, Tetonia Townsite.


Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 33 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.OTW 800 feet along the section line,
thence East 180 feet, thence SO.OTW 1651.2 feet, thence S89.3TE 950 feet, thence NO.OTE 839 feet, thence West 10 feet,
thence NO.OTE 200 feet, thence East 10 feet, thence NO.OTE 1411 feet to the section line, thence N89.3TOO"W 1130 feet
to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point 209 feet North of the NW comer of the SW4 of Sec 24 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence East 209
feet, thence South 209 feet, thence West 209 feet, thence North 209 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the NE comer of Lot I, Blk 2, Driggs Annex, and running West 83.5 feet, thence South 130 feet, thence West
66 feet, thence South 84.5 feet, thence East 149.5 feet, thence North 214.5 feet to the point of beginning.


That Northern portion of Lot 5, Blk 7, Victor Townsite containing motel cabins and being further described as: Beginning
at the NW comer of Lot 5, Blk 7, Victor, and running East 165 feet, thence South 80 feet, thence West 65 feet, thence
North 20 feet, thence West 60 feet, thence North 30 feet, thence West 40 feet, thence North 30 feet to the point of


Beginning at the SW comer of the SE4SE4 of Sec 23 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence N89.55'56"E 199.58 feet,
thence NO.02'45"E 150 feet, thence S89.55'57"W 20 feet, thence NO.13'52"E 257.96 feet, thence N51.56'54"W 225.31
feet, thence SO.20'51"E 547 feet more or less to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the NE comer of Lot I, Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence South 785 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence running West 555 feet, thence South 785 feet, thence East 555 feet, thence North 785 feet to the true
point of beginning.


Beginning at a point that is 600 feet North and thence West 363 feet and NS2.19'35"W 269.06 feet from the S4 comer of
Sec 6 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence South 336.83 feet, thence Northwest 106 feet to said forest service road, thence
North 303 feet along said forest service road to the point of beginning. Contains 0.4 acres, more or less.


Beginning at the East Center 1I16th comer of Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence N89.42'37"W 419.31 feet to the
true point of beginning, thence N89.42'37"W 192.28 feet, thence North 195.16 feet, thence S52.23'49"E 153.60 feet,
thence 9S.01 feet around a curve to the left with a radius of 172 feet and a chord bearing S69.46'22"E 96.69 feet, thence
S16.16' 17"W 71.80 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.57 acres, more or less.

De leie. d '1D
d1 &;;WD

A portion of the SE4SW4 of Sec 14 T4N R45E, being further described as: From the S4 comer of Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM,
NO.05'51"W 466.70 feetto the point of beginning, thence NO.05'51"W 859.16 feet to a point, thence SS9.52'20"W
1330.64 feet to a point, thence SO.09'OS"E1324.44 feet to a point, thence NS9.56'00"E 862.68 feet to a point, thence
NO.05'51"W 466.70 feet to a point, thence N89.56'00"E 466.70 feet to the point of beginning.


Most of the N2NE4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, as: Beginning at the NW comer of the NE4, thence S89.57'59"E 2640.98
feet along the section line to a point, the section comer, thence SOO.II '25"E 1322.69 feet along the section line to a point,
thence N89.54' I T'W 1480.79 feet along the 1I16th section line to a point, thence North 1057.56 feet to a point, thence
N89.57'59"W 1164.58 feet to a point on the quarter section line, thence North 263.52 feet along the quarter section line to
the point of beginning. Includes a 60-foot county road right of way.


A two acre parcel within the fence in the NE comer of the S2NE4SW4 of Sec 11 T4N R45E, BM, as: Connnencing at the
NE comer of the S2NE4SW4 of Sec 11, a y," iron pin, that is NO.02'14"E 1985.4 feet along the East line of the SW4 from
the South section comer, thence SO.02' 14"W 295.20 feet to an iron pin, thence N89.47'W 361.20 feet to an iron pin,
thence S89.47'E 361.20 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 66-foot county road way along the East side.


A portion of the SW4 of Sec 3 T3N R45E, BM, being the land between the Western line ofSW4 and the existing fence line
as: Beginning at the SW comer of the SW4 of Sec 3 and running thence NOO.!1 '1 T'W 1319.71 feet along the Western line
of the SW4, thence S89.16'3T'E 49.67 feet more orless to the fence line, thence SO.32' lO"W 1319.59 feet more or less
along the fence line, thence N89.12'23"W 33 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contains 1.25 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO the owner, his heirs and assignees retaining the right of ingress and egress into their property.


A strip ofland lying between the fence and the surveyed S2NE4SW4 of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, as: From the SE comer of
the NE4SW4 of Sec 2 and running thence N89.22'42"W 1321.69 feet along the South line of the NE4SW4 to the point of
beginning, a Yz" iron pin, thence N89.22'42"W 20.50 feet along the South line of the NW4SW4 to the fence line, thence
NO.!9'36"E 663.46 feet along the fence line to a Yz" iron pin, thence S89.33'05"E 12.67 feet along the North line of the
S2NW4SW4 to a Yz" iron pin, thence SO.20'59"E 663.58 feet along the East line of the NW4SW4 to the point of
beginning. Contains 0.25 acres, more or less.


Beginning at a point 98 feet South of the NW comer of Lot 3, Blk 8, Victor Townsite and running thence South 24 feet,
thence East 165 feet, thence North 24 feet, thence West 165 feet to the true point of beginning.

3088 ftBeginning at a point 133 feet North of the SW comer of Lot 2, Blk 8, Victor Townsite and running thence East 165 feet,
thence North 75 feet, thence West 165 feet, thence South 75 feet to the point of beginning.

Beginning at the SE comer of Lot 7, Blk 10, Victor Townsite, and running S89.16'W 62 feet to a y," iron pin point, thence
North 127 feet to a Yz" iron pinpoint, thence N89.16'E 62 feet, thence South 127 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point 11 feet West of the NW corner of Lot 2, Blk 10, Victor Townsite, being the true point of beginning
and running thence South 330 feet, thence East 176 feet, thence North 158 feet, thence West 72 feet, thence North 172 feet,
thence West 104 feet to the true point of beginning. DELETES #2876.


Beginning at a point II feet West of the NE corner of Lot 3, Blk 10, Victor Townsite, being the true point of beginning,
thence West 71.5 feet, thence South 330 feet, thence East 71.5 feet, thence North 330 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point S00.31 '28"E 397.04 feet along the Western line ofNW4NE4 from the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence
S89.41 '06"E 1353.36 feet to a point on the Eastern line ofNW4NE4, thence SOO.55'02"E 936.08 feet to the SE corner of
NW4NE4, thence N89.41' 12"W 667.48 feet along the Southern line ofNW4NE4 to a point, thence N04.38'23"W 596.l7
feet to a point, thence N89.41' 12"W 649.50 feet to a point on the Western line of the NW4NE4, thence N00.31 '28"W 342
feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20 acres, more or less. TOGHETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility
easement from county road 525 South, to the SE corner of the NW4NE4 of Sec 25, being 30 feet wide in the SW corner of
the NE4NE4 and 30 feet wide in the SE corner of the SW4NE4.


Beginning at a point North 1293 feet from the SW corner ofthe SE4 of Sec II T3N R45E, BM, and running North along
the section y" line 530.98 feet to an iron pin point in the county road, thence East 25.14 feet to the Hwy 33 right of way,
thence along a 1600 foot radius curve to the left on the Hwy 33 right of way with a chord bearing S28.51 '31"E 579.27 feet
to an iron pin point, thence West 149.83 feet along the South line of the NW4SE4 to a point on the West Bank of the Trail
Creek, thence along Trail Creek West Bank SI8.27'39"W 24.93 feet to an iron pin point, thence West 147 feet to the point
of beginning. /(t:pjlic£:; # Ibl./3 <{ .:{Cl.'&


All of Lot 2 South of the Rammell Mtn Rd and Lot I in Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, and the Western 540 feet of Lot 4, lying
South of Beaver Boulevard Road in the Grand Teton Estates Subdivision, Sec I T6N R45E, BM.


pek}c::d 10
.i16I s [P

Beginning at a point which is S89.55'05"W I 095.50 feet from the NE corner of Sec 17 T4N R45E, BM, running thence
South 208.71 feet, thence S89.55'05"W 208.71 feet to the point of beginning. Contains I acre, more or less. TOGETHER
WITH a perpetual easement for ingress and egress thereto 30 feet wide, the centerline of which is a line described as
follows: Beginning at a point which is S89.55'05"W 1095.50 feet and 15 feet South from the NE corner of Sec 17 T4N
R45E, BM, running thence S89.55'05"W 200 feet, running thence SO.19' II"W 1302.94 feet, thence running SO.19' II"W
feet. TOGETHER WITH a perpetual easement for ingress and egress there, 20 feet wide described as follows:
Commencing at the SW corner of the NW4SE4 of Sec 17 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence North along the section line
2640 feet, thence East along said quarter line 1320 feet to the NE comer of the SW4NE4 of said section. DELETES #2551.


From the S4 corner of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, thence NO.20' 15"W 973 feet along the C4 line and thence East 160 feet to
the point of beginning, thence S71.56'56"E 191.50 feet to the centerline of Trail Creek, thence South 62.82 feet along Trail
Creek, thence S26.45'E 80.44 feet to a point on Trail Creek, thence N66.06' 43"W 279.87 feet along the irrigation ditch,
thence N2S.00'E 89 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.52 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH an access
easement being 30 feet on each side ofa centerline running North 80 feet from the point of beginning, thence West 130
feet more or less to the county road. DELETES #3011.


From the NW corner of Sec 30 T5N R46E, BM, thence South 42 feet to the point of beginning, thence East 2105 feet more
or less to the county road right of way, thence South 58 feet, thence West 2105 feet more or less to the West line of said
Sec 30, thence North 58 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #2250.


Beginning at the NW corner of Sec 30 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence South 42 feet, thence East 2105 feet more or
less to the county road right of way, thence North 42 feet, thence West 2105 feet more or less to the West line of said
section to the true point of beginning.


Beginning 25 feet South of the NE corner of Lot 2, B1k 3, Felt Townsite, and running thence West 100 feet, thence South
25 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence North 25 feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 29 T6N R46E, BM, and running thence N89.54'00"E along the South boundary of
Sec 29, a distance of 1323.65 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N2.22' 13"E, a distance of 1333.09 feet, thence
N89.54'00"E, parallel to the South boundary of Sec 29, a distance of 1333.09 feet to a point on the South boundary of said
Sec 29, a distance of 1308.35 feet to the true point of beginning.


From the NE corner of the SW4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.20'15"E 768.50 feet along the quarter
section line to the point of beginning, thence S0.20' 15"E 416.49 feet along the quarter section line to a point, thence West
131.05 feet to a point, thence Nl1.30' 14"W 265.32 feet to a point, thence West 160 feet to a point, thence N0.20' 17"W
156.60 feet to a point, thence East 342.44 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.16 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a
county road and utility easement along the East side of said parcel. SUBJECT to a 40 foot road and utility easement being
20 feet on each side of a centerline being described as: From the NE corner of said property South 190 feet and West 30
feet to the point of beginning, thence West 80 feet, thence N30.00'OO"W 220 feet more or less to the North property line of
said parcel.


Beginning at the N4 corner of Sec 25 T4N R45E,BM, and running thence S89.56'1l"E 1350.52 feet along the Northern
line ofthe NE4 to the NE corner of the NW4NE4, thence S0.55'02"E 403.02 feet along the Eastern line of the NW4NE4 to
a point, thence N89.41 '06"W 1353.36 feet to a point on the Western line of the NW4NE4, thence N0.31 '28"W 397.04 feet
to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Northern 17 feet more or less.


Beginning at the SW corner of SE4 of Sec 28 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence East 640 feet, thence North 2640 feet,
thence West 640 feet, thence South 2640 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning 50 feet South of the NW corner of the SW4NW4 of Sec 35 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence South 1270
feet, thence East 1160 feet, thence North 970 feet, thence East 360 feet, thence North 286 feet more or less to the highway
right of way, thence West along said right of way 1520 feet more or less to the point of beginning.


That portion of the SW4NW4 that lies North and East of State Hwy 33.

3105I\Beginning at the NE corner of the NW4SE4 of Sec 23 T4N R45E, BM, and thence West 764 feet, thence South 1220 feet,
thence West 357 feet, thence South 826 feet, thence East 1141.2 feet, thence North 2046 feet to the place of beginning.
Contains 48.25 acres, more or less.
E)From the W4 corner of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, thence East 40 feet to the point of beginning, thence North along State
Hwy 33 right of way, 165 feet to the Tetonia City Limits line, thence East 10 feet to an iron pin point, thence North 40 feet
to an iron pin point, thence East 310 feet to an iron pin point, thence South 205 feet to an iron pin point, thence West 320
feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.50 acres, more or less.

From the SW corner of the NW4NW4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, NO.02'W 528 feet to an iron pin point, the point of
beginning; thence S89.07' 10"E 286 feet, thence SO.02'E 170 feet, thence N89.07' 10"W 115 feet to the North bank of the
canal, thence N60.28'W 196.58 feet to the section line, thence NO.02'W 75.73 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.93
acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 40 foot road and utility easement along the North side of the described property
for the purpose of ingress and egress for adjacent properties and utilities and a 30 foot road and utility easement along the
West side of the described property to the City of Victor and the public. V ]';:.\..c~I'B? *,. '2..- \.n'-\


Beginning at the S4 corner of Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence North 466 feet, thence West 466 feet, thence
South 466 feet, thence East 466 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5 acres, more or less.


Beginning at the SE comer of the NE4NW4 and running thence North 185 feet more or less to an established fence line,
thence West 605 feet, thence South 185 feet more or less to the South line ofthe NE4NW4, thence East 605 feet to the
point of beginning. All in Sec 31 T4N R45E, BM.


A portion of Sec 6 T3N R45E, BM, being further described as: From the SW comer of Sec 6, thence N89.41 '06"E 664.46
feet along the section line to the point of beginning, thence NO.20'46"W 1307.03 feet to a point, thence S89.36'24"E
726.21 feet to a point, thence S01.l9' 12"E 1298.26 feet to a point, thence S89.41 '06"W 748.22 feet along the section line
to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of a centerline
described as follows: From the SW comer of Sec 6, thence N89.41 '06"E 634.46 feet to the point of beginning, thence
NO.20'46"W 579.88 feet, thence N27.48'37"W 101.95 feet, thence N0.46'01"W 239.54 feet, thence Nl1.26'30"W 246.32
feet, thence N23.31 '25"W 125.69 feet, thence N36.04'56"W 216.30 feet, thence NI0.12'09"W 94.31 feet, thence
N16.31 '35"W 328 feet, thence N53.10'45"W 215.29 feet more or less to the North property line.


A portion of Sec 6 T3N R45E, BM, being further described from the SW comer of Sec 6, thence NO.20'46"W l315.24 feet
along the section line to the point of beginning, thence S89.36'24"E 1390.73 feet to a point, thence N01.l9'12"W 667.90
feet to a point, thence S89.58'34"W 1379.28 feet to a point, thence SO.20'46"E 657.62 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 21.07 acres, more or less.


A portion of Sec 6 T3N R45E, BM, being further described as: Beginning at the SW comer of said Sec 6 and running
thence NO.20'46"W 1315.24 feet along the section line to a point, thence S89.36'24"E 664.52 feet to a point, thence
S0.20'46"E 1307.03 feet to a point, thence S89.41 '06"W 664.46 feet along the section line to the point of beginning.
Contains 20 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the
centerline as follows: From the SW comer of said Sec 6, thence N89.41 '06"E 634.46 feet to the point of beginning, thence
NO.20'46"W 579.88 feet, thence N27.48'01"W 101.95 feet, thence N0.46'01"W 239.54 feet, thence Nl1.26'30"W 246.32
feet, thence N23.31 '25"W 125.69 feet, thence N36.04'56"W 80 feet more or less to the North property line. TOGETHER
WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the centerline as follows: From the ending point of
the easement on the North property line N36.04'56"W 136.30 feet, thence Nl 0.12'09"W 94.31 feet, thence N16.31 '35"W
328 feet, thence N53.10'45"W 215.29 feet more or less to the North property line.



pe.l c. kJ ro


The Northern portion of the Eastern 30 rods (495 feet) of the NE4 of Sec 12 T5N R45E, BM, being further described as
-, follows: Beginning at a point North 981.60 feet from the SE comer ofthe NE4 of Sec 12 and running N75.57'49"W
206.15 feet to a point, thence N49.15'52"W 389.19 feet to a point on the Easterline of Four Peaks Estates Subdivision,
thence North 1350.61 feet to a point on the Northern line of said NE4, thence N89.36'18"E 330 feet to a point on the

Eastern line of said NE4, thence South 1217.99 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility
easement along the Northern property line of an approximate width of 66 feet. ALSO SUBJECT to a 60-foot wide road and
utility easement along the Western property line. DELETES #2206 & #2363. Contains 14.17 acres, more or less.

The Southern portion of the Eastern 30 rods (495 feet) of the NE4 of Sec 12 T5N R45E, BM, being further described as:
Beginning at the SE comer of the NE4 of Sec 12 and running S89.33' 48"W 495 feet along the South line of said NE4 to a
point, thence North 1289.34 feet along the Eastern line of the Four Peaks Estates Subdivision to a point, thence
S49.15'52"E 389.19 feet to a point, thence S75.57' 49"E, 206.15 feet to a point on the Eastern line of said NE4.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement along the Western property line of the following described
property: The Northern portion of the Eastern 30 rods (495 feet) oftbe NE4 of Sec 12 T5N R45E, BM, being further
described as: Beginning at a point North 981.60 feet from the SE comer of the NE4 of said Sec 12 and running
N75.57'49"W 206.15 feet to a point, thence N49.15'52"W 389.19 feet to a point on the East line of Four Peaks Estates
Subdivision, thence North 1350.61 feet to a point on the Northern line of said NE4; thence N89.36' 18"E 165 feet along the
Northern line of said NE4; thence South 440 feet to a point, thence N89.36' 18"E 330 feet to a point on the Eastern line of
said NE4, thence South 1217.99 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 12.49 acres, more or less.


From the NE comer of Lot 4, Blk 10, Victor Townsite, thence South 75 feet, thence West 4.10 feet more or less to the old
fence line, thence NO.l8'20"W 75 feet along the fence line, thence East 4.50 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 322
square feet more or less. DELETES #707.


Beginning at a point 4.10 feet West of the NE comer of Lot 4, Blk 10,Victor Townsite, thence South 75 feet, thence West
25.9 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 25.5 feet to the true point of beginning.


A strip ofland 65 feet wide, lying 33 feet on each side of the centerline of the stem of the wye track of the Teton Basin
Branch of the Oregon Short Line Railroad as same as now located and staked over and across Lot 4 of Blk 4 of the
recorded plat of Raymond (now Victor), from the SE comer of Lot 4, Blk 4 of said recorded plat, thence North 168.19 feet
to the point of beginning, thence N64.48'W 182.34 feet to a point, thence North 70.06 feet to a point, thence S64.48'E
182.34 feet to a point, thence South 70.06 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the S4 comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence NO.OI' 15"W 1811.90 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence N89.30'00"E 529.63 feet to a point, thence East 278.90 feet to a point, thence NO.02'42"E 650.53 feet to a point,
thence N89.24'01 "W 809.31 feet to a point, thence SO.OI' 15"E 663.63 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH
a 60 foot road and utility easement beginning at a point N35.21 '49"E 1805.68 feet from the S4 comer of said section,

thence West 516.66 feet, thence North 344 feet, thence S89.30'00"W 60 feet, thence South 403.48 feet, thence East 535.31
feet, thence N34.12'45"E 72.56 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 12.19 acres, more or less. DELETES #2374.

The W2 of US Government Lot 3 and the Western 100 feet of the E2 of US Government Lot 3, Sec 1 T6N R45E, BM, and
a portion of the SW4, Sec 36 T7N R45E, BM, all located in Teton County, Idaho being further described as: Beginning at a
point S86.39'20"E 2080.76 feet along the section line from the NW corner of Sec I, thence SOO.52'09"W 1329.29 feet to a
point on the South line of said Lot 3, thence N86.52' 18"W 761.82 feet to the SW corner of Lot 3, thence N0.56'29"E
996.52 feet along the West line of said Lot 3 to a point on the South line of Grand Teton Estates Subdivision, thence
N68.39'00"E 111.94 feet along said subdivision to a point, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 194.92 feet and
a chord bearing N56.04'57"E 86.65 feet along said subdivision to a point, thence N43.26'52"E 335.37 feet along said
subdivision to a point, thence N43.19'04"E 104.85 feet along said subdivision to a point, thence along a curve to the right
with a radius of 157.11 feet and a chord bearing N56.02'39"E 69.22 feet along said subdivision to a point, thence
N68.46'14"E 209.61 feet along said subdivision to a point, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of209.38 feet and
a chord bearing N63.07'25"E 41.20 feet along said subdivision to a point, thence SO.52'09"W 250.91 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot road and utility easement along the Northern property line.


A portion of the E2 of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at a point N70.16'24"W 1866.06 feet from the E4 corner of
Sec 2 and running along a curve to the left with a radius of 60 feet and a chord bearing N11.55' 46"W 115.07 feet to a
point, thence North 317.54 feetto a point, thence S85.41 '21"E 412.29 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the left with a
radius of 60 feet and a chord bearing S38.09'05"E 93.52 feet to a point, thence S0.38'48"W 249.64 feet to a point, thence
SSO.15' 18"W 44S.77 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet
on each side ofthe centerline being further described as: Beginning at a point which is S89.56'00"E 409.46 feet from the
S4 corner of Sec 2 and running thence N06.24'25"E 2S0.42 feet, thence N03.26'1O"W 359.66 feet, thence N53.22'51"W
64.21 feet, thence N0.39'28"E 420.75 feet, thence N12.26'33"W 22S.74 feet, thence along a curve to the left with a radius
of 409.54 feet and a chord bearing N31.49' 17"W 291.15 feet, thence N52.38'33"W 57.97 feet, thence along a curve to the
right with a radius of 164.44 feet and a chord bearing N26.00'54"W 148.30 feet, thence N36'46"E 351.64 feet; thence
along a curve to the right with a radius of218.29 feet and a chord bearing N14.55'54"E 107.97 feet, thence N29.15'02"E
314.48 feet, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 810.64 feet and a chord bearing N25.25'38"E 99.81 feet,
thence N16.11 '07"E 200.94 feet, thence N24.11 'OO"E 192.30 feet, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 430.15
feet and a chord bearing N18.52' 15"E 79.66 feet, thence N13.33'29"E 153.58 feet, thence along a curve to the right with a
radius of 51.72 feet and a chord bearing N89.23'56"E 100.29 feet, thence S14.45'38"E 111.20 feet, thence along a curve to
the left with a radius of 62.83 feet and a chord bearing N80.13'27"E 125.19 feet, thence N04.47'09"W 57.74 feet, thence
along a curve to the right with a radius of 214.34 feet and a chord bearing N08.20' 43"E 97.39 feet, thence along a curve to

the right with a radius of 136.94 feet and a chord bearing N41.32'06"E 93.93 feet, thence N61.35'37"E 149.19 feet more or
less to the property line. ALSO KNOWN AS proposed Lot 20 of Snowy Meadows Subdivision, Div I, TC, Idaho.

Beginning at the NW corner of the NW4 of Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence South 57.2 rods, thence East 67.13
rods, thence North 57.2 rods, thence West 67.13 rods to the place of beginning. Contains 24 acres, more or less. LESS the
road right of way.


A portion of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, being further described as: Beginning at the S4 corner of Sec 10, thence NO.Ol' 15"W
1811.90 feet and N8930'00"E 529.63 feet to the true point of beginning, thence South 344 feet to a point, thence East
516.11 feetto a point, thence N34.12'45"E 415.98 feet to a point, thence West 750 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
5 acres, more or less.


A portion of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, being further described as: Beginning at the S4 corner of Sec 10 and running thence
NO.Ol' 15"W 1155.26 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S89.43'07"E 827.35 feet to a point, thence N34.10'20"E
388.37 feet to a point, thence West 516.11 feet to a point, thence North 344 feet to a point, thence S8930'00"W 529.63
feet to a point, thence SO.OI '15"E 656.64 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 11.02 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO
a 60 foot road and utility easement beginning at the NE property corner being N35.21 '49"E 1805.68 feet from the S4
corner of said section, thence West 516.66 feet, thence North 334 feet, thence S89.30'00"W 60 feet, thence South 403.48
feet, thence East 535.31 feet, thence N34.12' 45"E 72.56 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the NW corner of Lot 2, Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence East 250 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence South 435 feet, thence East 700 feet, thence North 435 feet, thence West 70 Ofeet to the true point of
beginning. Contains 7 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot non-exclusive easement beginning from the SE
corner of the above described property meandering Southerly along the West boundary line of the tillable ground to a point
where it intersects the county road to Henderson Canyon (575 S), East of the Craig Kunz Property.


A portion of the E2 of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at a point N7839'43"W 1947.13 feet from the E4 corner of
Sec 2 and running N04.47'09"W 57.74 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 18434 feet and a
chord bearing N08.20' 43"E 83.75 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 106.94 feet and a chord
bearing N4L32'06"E 7336 feet to a point, thence N61.35'37"E 109.19 feet to a point, thence N80.15'18"E 448.77 feet to
a point, thence SO 1.34' 15"W 167.82 feet to a point, thence S47.08'47"W 403.14 feet to a point, thence N68.01 '22"W
317.23 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of
centerline and further described as: Beginning at a point which is S89.56'00"E 409.46 feet from the S4 corner of Sec 2 and

running N06.24'25"E 280.42 feet, thence N03.26'10"W 359.66 feet, thence N53.22'51"W 64.21 feet, thence N0.39'28"E
420.75 feet, thence NI2.26'33"W 228.74 feet, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 409.54 feet and a chord
bearing N31.49' 17"W 291.15 feet, thence N52.38'33"W 57.97 feet, thence along a curve to the right with a radius of
165.44 feet and a chord bearing N26.00'54"W 148.30 feet, thence N0.36'46"E 351.64 feet, thence along a curve to the
right with a radius of218.29 feet and a chord bearing NI4.55'54"E 107.97 feet, thence N29.15'02"E 314.48 feet, thence
along a curve to the left with a radius of 810.64 feet and a chord bearing N25.25'38"E 99.81 feet, thence N16.l1 '07"E
200.94 feet, thence N24.11 'OO"E 192.30 feet, thence along a curve to the left a radius of 430.15 feet and a chord bearing
NI8.52' 15"E 79.66 feet, thence N13.33'29"E 153.58 feet, thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 51.72 feet and
a chord bearing N89.23 '56"E 100.29 feet, thence SI4.45'38"E 111.20 feet, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of
62.83 feet and a chord bearing N80.13'37"E 125.19 feet, thence N04.47'09"W 57.74 feet, thence along a curve to the right
with a radius of 214.34 feet and chord bearing N08.20' 43"E 97.39 feet, thence along a curve to the right with a radius of
136.94 feet and a chord bearing N41.32'06"E 93.93 feet, thence N61.35'37"E 109.19 feet to the end of the described
centerline, which point is S28.24'23"E 30 feet from the NW property of Lot 27. ALSO KNOWN AS proposed Lot 27 of
the Snowy Meadows Subdivision, Div I, TC, Idaho.

A portion of the E2 of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at a point S89.00'05"W 2196.79 feet from the E4 comer of
said Sec and running thence NI 0.11 ' 54"E 71.80 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 90.83 feet
and a chord bearing N37.31 '59"W 134.43 feet to a punt, thence N24.11 'OO"E 98.19 feet to a point, thence along a curve to
the left with a radius of 460.15 feet and a chord bearing NI8.52' 15"E 85.21 feet to a point, thence N13.33 '29"E, thence
153.58 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the right with a radius of21.72 feet and a chord bearing N89.23'56"E 4212
feet to a point, thence S 14.45'38"E 111.20 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 92.83 feet and a
chord bearing N80.13'37"E 184.96 feet to a point, thence S68.01 '02"E 317.23 feet to a point, thence Sl1.00'36"W 325.85
feet to a point, thence S79.43'00"W 129.34 feet to a point, thence N84.05'29"W 394.09 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 5.17 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the
centerline being further described as: Beginning at a point which is S89.56'00"E 409.46 feet from the S4 comer of Sec 2
and running N06.24'25"E 280.42 feet, thence N03.26'10"W 359.66 feet, thence N53.22'51"W 64.21 feet, thence
NO.39'28"E 420.75 feet, thence NI2.26'33"W 228.74 feet, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 409.54 feet and
a chord bearing N31.49' 17"W 291.15 feet, thence N52.38'33"W 57.97 feet, thence along a curve to the right with a radius
of 165.44 feet and a chord bearing N26.00'54"W 148.30 feet, thence NO.36'46"E 351.64 feet, thence along a curve to the
right with a radius of218.29 feet and a chord bearing NI4.55' 54"E 107.97 feet, thence N29.15'02"E 314.48 feet, thence
along a curve to the left with a radius of 810.64 feet and a chord bearing N25.25'38"E 99.81 feet, thence NI6.11 '07"E
200.94 feet, thence along a curve to right with a radius of 60.83 feet and a chord bearing 71.80 feet to the end of the
described centerline, which point is N79.48'06"W 30 feet from the SW property comer.


A portion of the NE4 of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, being further described as: Beginning at a point S61.44'W 760.05 feet,
thence S52.53'W 394.80 feet, thence S64.l3'W 781.30 feet, thence SO.02'W 84 feet more or less to a Y, iron pin, from the
NE corner of Sec 19, thence SO.02'00"W 316 feetto a point, thence West 50 feet to a point, thence SO.02 'OO"W 300 feet to
a point, thence S68.1TOT'W 323.20 feet to a point, thence N15.56'53"W 465.80 feet to a point, thence N74.14'39"E
l32.90 feet to a point, thence N54.23 '24"E 431.50 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 4.72 acres, more or less. ALSO
KNOWN AS Tract 18 East, Dustin Subdivision.

(3~Beginning at the NE corner of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, and running thence S61.44'W 760.05 feet, thence S52.53'W 394.8

'\J feet, thence S64.!3'W 781.3 feet, thence SO.02'W 84 feet to the true point of beginning, running thence SO.02'W 316 feet,
thence West 50 feet, thence SO.02'W 300 feet, thence S68.1O'59"W 733.2 feet, thence N14.21 '30"W 265.93 feet, thence
N68.38'40"E 225.1 feet, thence N21.21 '20"W 275 feet, thence S74.55'12"E 101.8 feet, thence N74.04'39"E 247.9 feet,
thence N54.23 '24"E 431.5 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains 3.4 acres, more or less. ALSO KNOWN AS Tract
18 West, Dustin Subdivision. SUBJECT TO a 40-foot wide road and utility easement along the North 316 feet of the East
side of said tract.

Beginning at the SE corner ofthe N2 of the East 88 rods of the S2NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence
North 300 feet, thence West 300 feet, thence South 300 feet, thence East 300 feet to the point of beginning.

~ Beginning at a point 100 feet West ofthe NE corner of Lot 1, Blk 6, Victor Townsite, thence West 65 feet, thence South 81
feet, thence East 65 feet, thence North 81 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point 100 feet South of the NE corner of Lot 1 Blk 6, Victor Townsite, that point being the true point of
beginning and running thence West 165 feet, thence South 83 feet, thence East 165 feet, thence North 83 feet to the point
of beginning. DELETES #2125.


Beginning at a point 49.5 feet East of the NW corner of the NE4 of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence East
100'2", thence South 28'3" to the point of beginning. Being more generally described as a portion of "Sessions Grocery
Store", being 100'2" by 28'3" on the NW corner of the same.


A portion of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, as: From the NE corner of Sec 10, South along the section line 420 feet to the point of
beginning, thence N88.46'29"W 225.05 feet to a point, thence South 168.19 feet along the section line to a point, thence
S87.33'03"E 225.21 feet to a point, thence North 173 feet along the section line to the point of beginning. Contains 0.88
acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 3D-foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on the North and East sides.


Beginning SO.08'09"E (South), 33 feet (2 rods) from the NE corner of the NW4NE4 of Sec 35 T5N R44E, BM, thence
N89.56'W 660 feet to a point, thence SO.08'09"E (south) 198 feet to a point, thence S89.56'E 660 feet to a point, thence
NO.08'09"W (north) 198 feet to the point of beginning.


The West·~ feet of the following described real property in TC, Idaho: Beginning at a point that is Nl.21 '30"W
672.60 feet and S89.45'E 647.65 feet from the W4 corner of Sec 30 T4N R46E, BM, and going thence NI.21 '30"W 672.6
feet, thence S89.45'E 443.65 feet, thence Southeasterly 800.07 feet to a point that is S89.45'E, a distance of 876.92 feet
from the point of beginning, thence West 876.92 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SW corner of the SW4SW4 of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence North 157 feet to the point of
beginning, thence North 110 feet, thence East 110 feet, thence South 110 feet, thence West 110 feet to the point of
beginning, TC, Idaho.


The NE 75 feet by 110 feet of Lot 5, Blk 2, of the Driggs Annex, Driggs, Idaho, being described as: Beginning at the NE
corner of Lot 5 and running thence South 75 feet, thence West 11 0 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 110 feetto the
point of beginning.


Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 5, Blk 2, Driggs Annex as per the recorded plat thereof, and running thence West 214.5
feet, thence North 107.25 feet, thence East 104.5 feet, thence South 75 feet, thence East 110 feet, thence South 32.25 feet
to the point of beginning.


A portion of the SW4SW4 of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at a point N0.20'48"W 1052.74 feet
along the section line from the SW corner of Sec 2, thence NO.20' 48"W 266.50 feet along the section line to a point, being
the NW corner of the SW4SW4, thence S89.10'42"E 462 feet along the Northern line of the SW4SW4 to a point, thence
S0.21 '26"E 261.79 feetto a point, thence N89.45' 45"W 461.98 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot
private road and utility easement along the Southern property line and 30-foot county road and utility easement along the
Western property line and B.P.A Easement. DELETES #2460.


A portion of the SW4SW4 of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at a point N0.20'48"W 786.24 feet along the section
line from the SW corner of Sec 2, thence N0.20'48"W 266.50 feet along the section line to a point, thence S89.45'45"E
461.98 feet to a point, thence SO.21 '26"E 261.79 feet to a point, thence S89.39' 12"W 462 feet to the point of beginning.

;0,5· '15-

Dccd fl In /p&

SUBJECT TO a 20-foot private road and utility easement along the Northern property line, and a 30-foot county road and
utility easement along the Western property line and RP .A. Easement.
Beginning at a point 107.25 feet West of the NE comer of Lot 1, Blk 3, Driggs Townsite, TC, ID, and running thence
South 62 feet, thence West 85 feet, thence North 62 feet, thence East 85 feet to the point of beginning.
The North 75.5 feet of Lot 8 and the North 75.5 feet of the E2 of Lot 7, Blk 2, Driggs Townsite, TC, ID as: Beginning at an
iron pin, the NE comer of Lot 8, Blk 2, Driggs Townsite and running thence South 75.5 feet, thence N89.57'W 160.88 feet,
thence North 75.5 feet, thence S89.57'Ee 160.88 feet to the point of beginning.

odcfcd 10
.d (., ;;.1;;-

. J ~ BegHming at a point 80 44.Jeet West of the SE com~~;T nt..S.,mk 2, DriggS TownSite, that pointbeing the true point of
. be¥inning,~ing-the~orth 139 feet, thenc\' v;t-8Q.43 feet. thence South 139 feet, thence East 80.43 feet to the


O tV






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 1233.50 feet, thence South 660.95 feet, thence East 1233.50 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 19 acres, more or less.


The SW4NW4 and that part of the S2SE4NW4 of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, which lies West of the Trail Creek Sprinkler
Irrigation Co on farm main line being approximately 41.7 acres, more or less. LESS: Beginning at the SE comer of the
SE4NW4 of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence North 660.95 feet, thence West 1233.50 feet, thence South 660.95
feet, thence East 1233.50 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 19 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a farm main
sprinkler easement for maintenance and access to the adjacent property. DELETES #2853.


That portion of the NW4NW4 (Lot 4) of Sec 3 T4N R45E, BM, lying North ofthe South Bates Road as: Beginning at the
NW comer of Sec 3 and running thence South 82.22 feet more or less to the right of way line of the South Bates Road, and

running thence Northeasterly along said right of way line 183 feet, more or less, to the North section line of Sec 3, and
running thence West 164 feet, more or less, along the North section line of Sec 3 to the point of beginning.

A portion of the E2SE4 of Sec 18 and the W3SW4 of Sec 17 T3N R45E, BM, as: From the SE comer of said Sec,
N89.54'08"W 1321.04 feet and NOO.02' 13"W 1081.50 feet along the W2 line of the E2SE4 to a Y:," iron pin point, the
point of beginning, thence NOO.02' 13"W 1137.99 feet to a point, thence East 1991.40 feet to a point on State Hwy 31 West
right of way, thence SI1.21 '40"W 932.04 feet along the right of way, thence West 618.72 feet to a point, thence S60.00'W
448.42 feet to a point, thence West 800 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 44.96 acres, more or less.


Beginning at the SW comer of the S2NW4 of Sec 23 T6N R45E, BM, thence West 525 feet, thence North 604 feet, thence
East 525 feet, thence South 604 feet to the point of beginning.


A 15 foot roadway on the Matkin property on the West side of Lot 3, Blk 12, Victor Townsite, being further described as:
Beginning at the NW comer of Lot 3, Blk 12, and running thence East 15 feet, thence South 222 feet to the center ofthe
canal, thence West 15 feet to the West line of Lot 3, thence North 222 feet to the point of beginning.


The South 7.5 feet of the alley running from Second Street East to the middle ofBik 12, Tetonia Townsite, as per the
recorded plat thereof.


That portion of the N2NE4 of Sec 23 T4N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at a point N89.51 '04"E 1809.06 feet along the North
line of Sec 23 from the N4 comer of Sec 23, thence N89.51 '04"E 849.09 feet to the NE comer of Sec 23, thence
SOO.07'48"W 1334.27 feet to the SE comer of the N2NE4, thence N89.58'12"W 862.93 feet along the South line of the
N2NE4 to a point, thence N00.43'33"E 1331.71 feet more or less along the fence line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT
TO a county road and utility easement along the North property line, which varies from 29 to 30 feet.


Beginning at a point 400 feet West of the SE comer of Lot 3, Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence West 28.78 feet,
thence North 209 feet, thence East 28.78 feet, thence South 209 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a Grant of
i·'Roadway Easement recorded September 01, 1987, Recorder's Instrument No. 101302, records of Teton County, Idaho.
/3210; Beginning at a point 230 feet East of the SW comer of Lot 3, Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence North 100 feet,
thence S80.26'E 212.30 feet, thence N80.00'E 140.74 feet, thence N56.00'E 130 feet, thence N43.17'28"E 60.57 feet,
thence N48.40'E 240 feet, thence South 159.63 feet, thence N89.38'37"W 180.21 feet, thence South 209 feet, thence
N89.38'37"W 497.24 feet to the point of beginning.



HegimliHg at the}lE eemer efthe SB4SW4 ef See 26 T6}1 R4SB, HM, and nH1HIDg theBee West 1320 feet, theaee Sea-tl1
330 feet, theaee Bast 1320 feet, theaes }lertiJ. 330 feet ie the lleiat efbegimliHg. Ceataias 10 aees, mere er less.
TOGEnrnR \\qTH a lleFmaaeat 60 foet easemeat for a roaa right sfway shall eJfist aleag the SeaiB. heaaaary sf the
abeve aes6TiBea llr8flerty. Saia easemeat shall be 30 feet wiae oa the above aesel'iaea llFsperty aHa 30 feet sa the adjoiaiag
property svmea proseatl)'. Deleted by tax #4462 & #4463.


Beginning at the E4 comer of Sec I T5N R44E, BM, and running thence South 575 feet, thence West 400 feet, thence
North 575 feet, thence East 400 feet to the point of beginning.


That portion of the N2NE4 of Sec 23 T4N R45E, BM, described as: Beginning at a point N89.51 '04"E 1212.16 feet along
the North line of Sec 23 from the N4 comer of Sec 23, thence N89.51 '04"E 596.90 feet along the North line of Sec 23, to a
point, thence S00.43'33"W 1331.71 feet more or less along a fence line to a point on the South line of the N2NE4, thence
N89.58' 12"W 559.86 feet along the South line of the N2NE4 to a point, thence N00.52'07"W 1329.91 feet more or less
along the fence line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Northern
property line which varies from 22 to 29 feet.


A portion of Sec 14 T6N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the SE comer of the N2SW4SW4 of Sec 14 and mnning thence
N0.45'08"E 125 feet to a point, thence S84.54'37"W 1323.41 feetto a point, thence SO.4I' 16"W 8.29 feet, thence
N89.58'09"E 1316.65 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the N4 comer of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence SO.19'24"W 268.33 feet, thence N89.06'18"W
543.05 feet, thence SO.l9'46"W 1357.64 feet, thence N89.05'55"W 30.05 feet, thence NO.21 '28"E 105 feet, thence West
758 feet, thence N2.00'OT'E 1521.21 feet, thence S89.37'49"E 1286.59 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the S2NW4 of Sec 15 T3N R45E, BM as: Beginning at a point S89.41'27"E 1319.82 feet from the SW comer
of said S2NW4, thence NOO.03' 40"E 1320.24 feet to a point, thence NO.0'39"W 165 feet to a point, thence S89.42'25"E
585.79 feet to a point, thence SOO.00'32"E 1485.41 feet to a point, thence N89.41 '27"W 587.40 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a 17.5 foot county road and utility easement along the Southern property line.


Beginning at a point 1570 feet South of the NE comer of Lot 1, also known as the NE comer of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, and
running thence West 1110 feet, thence South 785 feet, thence East 1110 feet, thence North 785 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a grantors or successors a 30 foot easement across the South 30 feet of the property.


Beginning at the SW comer of Sec 27 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence N30.09'16"E 2713.70 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence N89.52'42"E 346 feet, thence SO.! 1'04"E 96.86 feet, thence N89.33 '23"W 346 feet, thence
NO.11'04"W 100 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the NW4NW4 of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, as: Beginning at a point East 137.90 feet from the NW comer of Sec
5, thence East 620.27 feet along the Northern line of Sec 5 to a point, thence S02.05'50"E 1344.38 feet along the fence line
to a point, thence S89.16'42"W 672.49 feet along the fence line to a point, thence NOO.01'33"E 1351.95 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a connty road and utility easement along the Northern property line and 30 foot road and utility
easement along the Western property line.


Beginning at the NW comer of the SW4NE4 of Sec 2 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence South 661 feet, thence East 530
feet to the point of beginning, thence running North 208 feet, thence running East 208 feet, thence running South 208 feet,
thence West 208 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress 15 feet on each
side of the following described middle line, beginning at the NW comer ofthe SW4NE4 of Sec 2 T4N R45E, BM, and
running thence South 676 feet, thence East 180 feet more or less to the East line of the State Hwy, the true point of
beginning, thence East 558 feet.


Sec 25 T7N R44E, BM: Beginning at a point 273.9 feet South of the NE comer of Sec 25, and running thence South 208
feet, thence West 416 feet, thence North 208 feet, thence East 416 feet to the point of beginning.


From the N4 comer of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, thence SO.l9'24.4"W 1626.0265 feet to the point of beginning, thence
S89.05'54.5"E 190.2978 feet, thence S5.oI '38.2"W 179.8430 feet, thence S42.00'00.0"W 264 feet, thence S69.50'03.1"W
SEE TAX #6737
104.2953 feet, thence S2.16'1 1.0"W 27.8600 feet, thence S84.46'14.7"W 135.8577 feet, thence NO.21 '27.9"E 387.3626
, _ , feet, thence S89.05'54.5"E 573.2446 feet to the point of beginning. DELTES #2883.

(~3 ) Beginning at the NW comer of Lot 3, Blk 25, Driggs Townsite, and running thence East 23 I feet, thence Sonth 74.25 feet,



thence West 166 feet, thence North 24.25 feet, thence West 65 feet, thence North 50 feet to the place of beginning.
DELETES #948 & #949.
Beginning at a point 48 rods North and 346.5 feet West of the SE comer of the SW4NW4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, and
running thence West 165 feet, thence South 145 feet to the South bank of Trail Creek, thence S81.21 '26"E I 26.44 feet,
thence East 40 feet, thence North 164 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point which is 63.3 rods East of the NW comer of the NE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence
South 33.5 rods, thence West 18.29 rods, thence North 33.5 rods, thence East 18.29 rods to the point of beginning.


A strip ofland 100 feet wide, lying 50 feet on each side of the centerline of the main track of the Teton Basin Branch of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad as same is now located through the SE4NW4 of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, said centerline of
track being more partiCUlarly described as: Beginning at a point in the East and West centerline of Sec 25 and 623.3 feet
West of the center thereof, thence Northerly along a curve to the right having a radius of 5729.6 feet, for a distance of
1038.0 feet, thence NO.07'E for a distance of 281 feet more or less to a point in the North line of said 40 acres tract and 705
feet more or less, West of the NE comer thereof. ALSO a strip of land 100 feet wide situated in the NE4NW4 of Sec 35
T5N R45E, BM, said strip being 50 feet on each side, measured at right angles, from the hereinafter described centerline of
abandoned main track of the Teton Valley Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, as formerly constructed and
operated, and Southerly from a straight line drawn through a point in said centerline of abandoned main tract that is 908.3
feet distant Southerly, measured along said centerline of abandoned main track, from the North line of said NE4NW4 to
the South line of said NE4NW4. Said centerline of abandoned main track, hereinabove referred to is described as follows:
Beginning at a point of intersection of the North line of said NE4NW4 with said centerline of abandoned main track, said
point being 691.3 feet distant Westerly, measured along said North line, from the NE comer of said NE4NW4, thence
SO.OTE along said centerline of abandoned main track, a distance of 1400 feet to a point beyond the Southerly limits of the
strip ofland hereinabove described.


Beginning at a point S20.18'W 104.35 feet from the NE comer of Sec 12 T4N R44E, BM, thence SOO.OO'OO"E 164 feet to
a point, thence N90.00'00"W 600.80 feet to a point, thence NOO.OO'OO"E 164 feet to a point, thence N90.00'00"E 600.80
feet to the point of beginning.

Beginning at a point South 800 fee and East 204 feet from the W4 corner of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and running thence
North 145 feet, thence East 210 feet, thence South 145 feet, thence West 210 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER
WITH an easement fro ingress and egress and utilities described as follows: Beginning at a point East 100 feet from the
W4 comer of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and running thence East 314 feet, thence South 655 feet, thence West 60 feet, thence
North 595 feet, thence West 254 feet, thence North 60 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO an easement for
ingress and egress and utilities over and across the East 60 feet of the above described property.
3229 Beginning at a point South 655 feet and East 204 feet from the W4 comer of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and running thence
North 245 feet, thence East 210 feet, thence South 145 feet, thence West 210 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER


WITH an easement fro ingress and egress and utilities described as: Begiuning at a point East 100 feet from the W4 corner
of Sec 27, and ruuning thence East 314 feet, thence South 510 feet, thence West 60 feet, thence North 450 feet, thence
West 254 feet, thence North 60 feet to the point ofbegiuning. SUBJECT TO an easement for ingress and egress and
utilities over and across the East 60 feet of the above described property.

Begiuning at the W 4 corner of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and ruuning thence North 100 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence
South 100 feet, thence East 314 feet, thence South 190 feet, thence West 414 feet, thence North 190 feet to the point of
begiuning. SUBJECT TO a right of way easement for ingress and egress and utilities described as follows: Begiuning at a
point East 100 feet from the W 4 corner of Sec 27, and ruuning thence East 314 feet, thence South 190 feet, thence West 60
feet, thence North 130 feet, thence East 254 feet, thence North 60 feet to the point ofbegiuning.


Begiuning at a point South 450 feet from the W4 comer of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and ruuning thence East 414 feet,
thence South 60 feet, thence West 210 feet, thence South 290 feet, thence West 204 feet, thence North 350 feet to the point
ofbegiuning. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress and utilities described as follows: Begiuning at a
point East 100 feet from the W4 comer of Sec 27 and ruuning thence East 314 feet, thence South 450 feet, thence West 60
feet, thence North 390 feet, thence West 254 feet, thence North 60 feet to the point ofbegiuning. SUBJECT TO an
easement for ingress and egress and utilities over and across the East 60 feet to the point ofbegiuning.


Begiuning at a point South 800 feet and East 207 feet from the W4 corner of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and ruuning thence
South 250 feet, thence East 207 feet, thence North 250 feet, thence West 207 feet to the point ofbegiuning. TOGETHER
WITH an easement for ingress and egress and utilities described as follows: Begiuning at a point East 100 feet from the
W 4 comer of Sec 27, and ruuning thence East 314 feet, thence South 800 feet, thence West 60 feet, thence North 740 feet,
thence West 254 feet, thence North 60 feet to the point ofbegiuning.

3232 ABegiuning at a point South 800 feet from the W4 comer of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and ruuning thence South 250 feet,
thence East 207 feet, thence North 250 feet, thence West 207 feet to the point ofbegiuning.

Beginning at a point South 190 feet from the W4 comer of Sec 27 T5N R44E, BM, and ruuning thence East 414 feet,
thence South 260 feet, thence West 414 feet, thence North 260 feet to the point of begiuning. TOGETHER WITH an
easement for ingress and egress and utilities described as follows: Beginning at a point East 100 feet from the W4 comer of
Sec 27, and ruuning thence East 314 feet, thence South 190 feet, thence West 60 feet, thence North 130 feet, thence West
254 feet, thence North 60 feet to the point ofbegiuning.


Beginning 1582.45 feet East of the SW comer of Lot 3, Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence East 150 feet, thence
North 175 feet, thence West 150 feet, thence South 175 feet to the point of beginning.


Sec 8 T5N R46E, BM: Commencing at the NE comer of Sec 8, the true point of beginning, thence SO.11 '34"W along the
Easterly line of said section, 41.30 feet, thence N89.33'26"W 1087.06 feet, thence S02.38'21"W 21.54 feet, thence
S66.55'50"W 533.29 feet, thence N69.46'55"W394.50 feet, thence NOO.Ol'13"W 142.13 feet, thence S89.33'26"E
1949.10 feet to the true point of beginning.


Commencing at the NE comer of Sec 8 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence SO.II'34"W along the Easterly side of said
section, 41.30 feet to the true point of beginning, thence continuing SO.11 '34"W along said Easterly line 803.82 feet,
thence N89.31 '37"W 2403.60 feet to the West line of the NE4NW4, thence NO.14'53"W 843.86 feet to the North line of
said section, thence S89.33 '26"E along the Northerly line of said section 453.69 feet, thence SO.OI' 13"E 142.13 feet,
thence S69.46'55"E 394.50 feet, thence N66.55'50"E 533.29 feet, thence N02.38'21"E 21.54 feet, thence S89.33'26"E
1087.06 feet to the true point of beginning.


Beginning 412.5 feet East of the SW comer of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence North 297 feet, thence West 66
feet, thence North 214.5 feet, thence East 115.5 feet, thence South 511.5 feet, thence West 49.5 feetto the point of


A tract ofland being a portion of the' W2SE4 of Sec 14 T5N R45E, BM, more particularly described as: Commencing at
the S4 comer of Sec 14, found as described in a Comer perpetuation and Filing Record file din the office of the Clerk of
Teton County, Idaho: Thence along the South line of the SE4 of Sec 14, N89.54'40"E 49.50 feet to the intersection with
the East right of way line of US Hwy 33, where is found a \1," diameter iron pipe with plastic cap inscribed "AW ENG
2680", thence along said right of way line NOO.08'57"W 959.26 feet to the point of beginning, where is found a 5/8"
diameter steel reinforcing bar with aluminum cap inscribed" PM JORGENSEN LS 6970", thence continuing along said
right of way line, NOO.08'57"W 1000 feet to a point, where is found a 5/8" diameter steel reinforcing bar with aluminum
cap inscribed "SURVEYOR SCHERBELL LTD PLS 3990 BIG PINEY, WY", thence departing said right of way line,
S89.55' 14"E 450 feet to a point, where is found a 5/8" diameter steel reinforcing bar with aluminum cap inscribed "PM
JORGENSEN LS 6970", thence parallel with said right of way line, SOO.08'57"E 1000 feet to a point, where is found a
5/8" diameter steel reinforcing bar with aluminum cap inscribed "PM JORGENSEN LS 6970", thence N89.55' 14"W 450
feet to the point of beginning.


323~/ Sec



9 T5N R44E, BM: In Sec 9 from NW section comer, East 830 feet, thence South 575 feet to the point of beginning,
thence South 530 feet, thence West 493 feet, thence North 530 feet, thence East 493 feet to the point of beginning.

3240- A portion of the SW4 of Sec 12 T6N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the S4 comer of Sec 12, thence N88.39'19"W 2553.65
feet along the South line of said Sec 12, to a point more or less in the center of the road, thence N59.55'52"E 272.13 feet
along said road, thence N44.03 '21"E 386.63 feet along said road, thence N50.30'55"E 217.43 feet along said road, thence
N33.06'31"E 500.10 feet along said road, thence N51.36'52"E 189.02 feet along said road, thence N43.03'36"E 217.72
feet along said road, thence NOO.06'15"W 37.25 feet to the NW comer of the SE4SW4, thence S88.34'05"E 1321.57 feet
to the NE comer ofthe SE4SW4, thence SOO.26'59"W 1312 feet to the point of beginning. DELTES #2935.

Beginning at the NW comer of Teton Valley Lodge Sites, Division III, located in Sec 17 T4N R45E, BM, thence
S29.00'00"W 33.40 feet along the Western line of said subdivision to a point, thence along said Western line of said
subdivision along a curve to the left with a radius of 348 feet and a chord bearing S 14.30'00"W 174.27 feet to a point,
thence South 82.3 5 feet along the Western line of said subdivision to a point, thence along said Western line of said
subdivision along a curve to the right with a radius of234.46 feet and a chord bearing S21.00'00"W 168.04 feet to a point,
thence along said Western line of said subdivision along a curve to the left with a radius of 620.72 feet and a chord bearing
S33.45'00"W 178.14 feet to a point, thence S25.59'18"W 25 feet along the Western line of said subdivision to a point,
thence N64.00'42"W 450 feet to a point, thence NI2.28'40"E 250.53 feet to a point, thence N24.47'34"E 690 feet to a
point, thence S63.42'28"E 321.61 feet to a point, thence SOO.28'44"E 318 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SW comer of the SE4NW4 of Sec 9 T6N R45E, BM, thence North along the West line of the SE4NW4 of
Sec 9, 550 feet more or less, to the South line of a public road known as Badger Creek Road, thence Easterly along the
South line of said road 160 feet, thence South 550 feet, more or less to the South line of the said SE4NW4 of Sec 9, thence
West along said South line 160 feet, more or less to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the N4 comer of Sec 13, thence N89.44 '53"W 2487.98 feet along the North line of said Sec 13, to a point on
the Northern right of way ofthe Old Jackson Hwy, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of2767 feet and a chord
bearing S51.30'20"E 181.27 feet along said right of way to a point, thence S53.22'57"E 3883.96 feet along said right of
way to a point, thence S53.22'57"E 3883.96 feet along said right of way to a point, thence along a curve to the left with a
radius of 699.38 feet and a chord bearing S63.55'03"E 255.74 feet along said right of way to a point, thence S74.27'09"E
329.41 feet along said right of way to a point on the East line ofthe W2NE4, thence NOO.Ol' 14"E 2613.48 feet to a point,
the NE comer of the W2NE4, thence N89.44'53"W 1319.34 feet to the point of beginning. DELTES #2013.


Beginning at the NW comer of the E2 of Lot 2, Blk 3, Driggs Townsite, and running thence East 85 feet, thence South 88.5
feet, thence West 85 feet, thence North 88.5 feet to the point of beginning.


A parcel of land being on the Northeasterly side of the centerline of State Hwy 33, Project No. RS-6830 (6) Highway
Survey as shown on the plans thereof now on file in the office of the Idaho Transportation Department, Division of
Highways, and being a portion of the SE4NW4 of Sec 35 T6N R45E, BM, described as follows: Beginning at a point that
is N0.36'E 3381.9 feet and 50 feet West of the S4 comer of Sec 35, said point bears S89.24'00"W 50 feet from Station
747+29.9 of State Hwy 33, Project H.R.H. l49-F, as shown on the plans of said State Hwy 33, Project No. RS-6830 (6)
Highway SUIvey, thence Northwesterly along a curve to the left having a radius of 522.96 feet, a distance of 824.50 feet to
a point that bears SO.ll '48"W 50 feet from Station 756+33.9 of said N.R.H. l49-F Highway Survey also being a point in
the Southerly right of way line of an existing East-West county road, thence Easterly along said existing Southerly county
road right of way line of an existing North-South county road, thence Southerly along said existing Westerly county road
right of way line 526.82 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning approximately 1573 feet South of the NW comer of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence South 693 feet,
thence East 360 feet, thence North 693 feet, thence West 360 feet, more or less to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SW comer of the NW4SW4 of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence East 132 feet, thence North
102 feet, thence West 132 feet, thence South 102 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of Lots 1 & 2 ofBlk 14, Driggs Townsite, being described as: Beginning at the NE comer of said Blk 14, thence
South 157.25 feet to a point, thence N89.5TOO"W 164.50 feet to a point, thence North 157.25 feet to a point, thence
S89.5TOO"E 164.50 feet to the point of beginning.

·3249· All that certain portion of Lot 4, Blk 11 or the recorded plat of the Village of Raymond (now Victor), which lies upon the
Northwesterly side of a line which is parallel to and 150 feet measured in a Southeasterly Basin Branch of the Oregon
-\i.'1e- w
1 ..- #
Short Line Railroad as the same is now located, said portion of Lot 4 being more particularly described as: Beginning at the
55Y:1.- NW comer of said lot, thence East a long the North line thereof, for a distance of 103.8 feet, more or less to a point which
6£ 5'3 is 150 feet, measured Southeasterly at right angles from said centerline of track, thence S25.l2'W parallel to and 150 feet
from said centerline, for a distance of241 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the West line of said lot, thence North
along the West line of said lot for a distance of 216 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.


Begirming at the W4 corner of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence East 1188 feet (72 rods), thence SO.43'42"E
957 feet (58 rods), thence West 1188 feet (72 rods), thence N0.44'26"W 957 feet (58 rods) to the point ofbegirming.
Contains 26.l1 acres, more or less.


Begirming at a point 1188 feet (72 rods) East of the W4 corner of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, and rurming thence East 792 feet
(48 rods), thence South 66 feet (4 rods), thence East 16.5 feet (l rod), more or less to the railroad right of way (measures 30
feet), thence SlO.38'10"E 397.48 feet, thence S27.20'00"W 350.08 feet, thence Sl.ll'OO"E 535.29 feet, thence
S89.54'28"W 728.88 feet, thence N0.43 '42"W 1304.55 feet to the point ofbegirming. Contains 23.57 acres, more or less.
DELETES #1215.


Begirming at the SE corner of Sec 15, and rurming thence N0.41' 16"E 8.29 feet, thence S84.54'37"W 1320.86 feet to a
point, thence SO.22'03"W 542.60 feet to a point, thence S89.36'52"E 1311.14 feet to the point ofbegirming. TOGETHER
WITH a 20 foot easement over the East side of the NW4NW4 of Sec 23 and part of the SW4SW4 of Sec 14, both in
Township 6N R45E, BM, as set forth in Easement Agreement recorded April 12, 1993, Recorder's No. 112569, records of
Teton County, Idaho.


A portion of the W2NE4 of Sec 3 T3N R45E, BM, as: From the N4 comer of Sec 3, S89.30'38"E 331.90 feet along the
North section line to the true point ofbegirming, thence S89.30'38"E 331.64 feet along the North section line to a point,
thence SOO.02'29"E 2628.13 feet to a point on the South line of the NE4 to a point, thence N89.09' 14"W 331.66 feet along
the South line of the NE4 to a point, thence NOO.02'29'.'W 2626.06 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county
road and utility easement along the Northern property line.


A portion ofthe S2NE4 of Sec 13 T5N R45E, BM, as: From the N4 comer of said Sec 13, SO.00'14"E 97 rods (1600.5
feet) and N89.22'22"E 418.55 feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.22'22"E 911.77 feet, thence S1.05'W 1041.23
feet, thence S89.18'57"W 892 feet, thence NO.00'18"W 1041.71 feet to the point ofbegirming.


Begirming at a point 1617 feet South, 520 feet West and 163.3 feet South of the NE corner of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, and
rurming thence South 331.7 feet, thence East 66 feet, more or less to the West line of a right of way of Idaho State Hwy,
thence in a Northeasterly direction along said right of way 577.54 feet, thence West 423.22 feet, more or less, to the point
ofbegirming. Contains 1.86 acres, more or less.


Begirming at a point 1617 feet South of the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, and rurming thence West 528 feet, thence
South 163.3 feet, thence East 423.22 feet, more or less to the West line of a right of way ofIdaho State Hwy 31, thence in a

Northeasterly direction along said right of way to the East line of Sec 10, thence North along said section line 66 feet, more
or less, to the point of beginning. Contains 1.86 acres, more or less.
~A portion of the SE4SW4 of Sec 29 T4N R45E, BM, as: From the S4 comer of Sec 29, West 110.51 feet along the South


o ij94

line of Sec 29 to the point of beginning, that is 97 feet West of the old fence comer, thence West 382 feet to the center of
the Teton River, thence N08.00'00"W 96 feet along the center of said river, thence N60.00'00"E 220 feet along the center
of said river, thence NI2.00'00"E 90 feet along the center of said river, thence N38.30'00"E 298.09 feet along the center of
said river, thence South 527.09 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.5 acres, more or less. TOGHETHER with a 60
foot road and utility easement along the South line of the SW4SE4 and the Eastern 110.51 feet of the SE4SW4.


A portion of the SE4NE4 of Sec 18 T6N R46E, BM, as: Beginning atthe E4 comer of Sec 18, thence S89.13'54"W 644.67
feet along the South line of the NE4, thence N38.03'49"E 126.22 feet to a point, thence N49.15' 14"E 241.49 feet to a
point, thence N48.29'53"E 201.39 feet to a point, thence N67.16'02"E 250J3 feet to a point on the Eastern section line,
thence SOO.15'21"E 478.54 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 4.23 acres, more or less.


A portion of the NW4SE4 of Sec 18 T6N R46E, BM, as: Beginning at the SE comer of said NW4SE4, thence
S89.26'35"W 669.22 feet along the South line ofNW4SE4 to the fence line, thence N06.42'21"W 262.56 feet to a point,
thence N30JO' 14"E 350.87 feet to a point, thence N82.20'64"E 320.13 feet to a point, thence N64.46'24"E 135.56 feet to
a point, thence N51.50'10"E 97.89 feet to a point on the Eastern line of the NW4SE4, thence SOO.23'22"E 717.47 feet to
the point of beginning. Contains 8.85 acres, more or less.


A portion of the NE4SE4 of Sec 18 T6N R46E, BM, as: Beginning at a point S89.13'54"W 644.67 feet along the Northern
line of the SE4 from the E4 comer of Sec 18, thence S38.03'49"W 274.1 6 feet to a point, thence S51.09'54"W 565J9 feet
to a point, thence S51.50'IO"W 79.38 feet to a point on the West line of the NE4SE4, thence NOO.23'22"W 610.40 feet to
a point. The NW comer of the NE4SE4, thence N89.13'54"E 676.06 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.21 acres,
more or less.


A portion of the NE4 of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the C4 comer of Sec 21, thence NOO.00'31"EI266.32
feet along the West line of the NE4 to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.00'31"E 661.31 feet to a point, thence
S71.00'00"E 340 feet to a point, thence S21.00'00"E 220.00 feet to a point, thence S13.23'45"W 243.49 feetto a point,
thence SOO.00'33"W 111.52 feet to a point, thence N89.28'30"W 344 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains 5.002
acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility right of way described as 30 feet on
each side of the following centerline: From the NE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, N89.39"W 30 feet

to the centerline of the road right of way, thence South 1137 feet, thence S76.00'W 232 feet, thence S81.38'00"W 70 feet,
thence N75.4TOO"W 345.08 feet, thence N87.00'W 660.10 feet to the West line of the NW4NE4 of said section.

A portion of the W2NW4SE4 of Sec 7 T3N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the NW corner of said SE4 and running thence
S89.52' 49"E 660 feet along the North line of said SE4 to the NW corner of the surveyed tract filed as Instrument No.
100517 in the office of the Clerk of Teton County, Idaho: Thence S00.35' ll"E 890.07 feet more or less along the Western
line of said tract, thence West 557.65 feet more or less to the center of county road "450 West", thence S21.02'25"W
279.40 feet more or less along said centerline to the West line of said SW4, thence NOO.33' 15"W 1l52.23 feet more or less
along the West line of said SW4 to the point of beginning.


From the SW corner of the SE4NW4 of Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, thence S89.42'37"E 300 feet, thence North 1463.36 feet
and S53.22'09"E 274.89 feet along the Old Jackson Hwy right of way, to the point of beginning, thence S53.22'09"E
305.68 feet, along said right of way to a point, thence South 408.79 feet to a point, thence N61.55'56"W 278 feet to a
point, thence North 460.37 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.45 acres, more or less.

')cicfed '1D
gJ 0').0 3

)clc.fGd 1-0
Ji & ;).b<1

From the SW corner of the SE4NW4 of Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, thence S89.42'37"E 300 feet and North 1463.36 feet to
the Old Jackson Hwy right of way, the point of beginning, thence S53.22'09"E 274.89 feet along said right of way to a
point, thence South 460.37 feet to a point, thence N61.55'56"W 250 feet to a point, thence North 506.76 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 2.45 acres, more or less.
From the SW corner of the SE4NW4 of Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, thence S89A2'37"E 300 feet, thence North 1463.36 feet
and S53.22'09"E 580.57 feet along the Old Jackson Hwy right of way, to the point of beginning. Thence S53.22'09"E
350.21 feet along said right of way to a point, thence South 348.70 feet to a point, thence N61.55'56"W 318.50 feet to a
point, thence North 408.79 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.45 acres, more or less.


From the NE corner of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet and SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet to the
point of beginning, thence S89.55' 43"E 392.27 feet to a point, thence SOO.2T29"W 98.14 feet to a point, thence
S07.18'59"W 300.94 feet to a point, thence N55.55'37"W 229.60 feet to a point, thence N33.04'OrW 170.36 feet to a
point, thence N33.34'48"W 126.88 feet to a point, thence N00.28' 14"E 20 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.21
acres, more or less.


From the NE corner of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence S00.28'14"W 24.67 feet and
S89.55'43"E 392.27 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.55'43"E 208 feet to a point, thence SOO.28'02"W 439.01

feet to a point, thence S82.43'56"W 45.54 feet to a point, thence N83.26'02"W 153.81 feet to a point, thence
N55.55'37"W 55 feet to a point, thence N07.18'59"E 300.94 feet to a point, thence N00.27'29"E 98.14 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 2.22 acres, more or less.

From the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet and
S89.55'43"E 600.27 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.55'43"E 208 feet to a point, thence SOO.28'01"W 477.98
feet to a point, thence S81.06'33"W 63.34 feet to a point, thence N71.20'13"W 153.16 feet to a point, thence
N00.28'02"W 439.01 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.24 acres, more or less.

3269' From the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet and

pele JccJ 10

CoO;). '! J. (pod- q


S89.55'43"E 808.27 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.55'43"E 165 feet to a point, thence S00.24'19"E 583.09 feet
to a point, thence S47.01' 14"W 133.12 feet to a point, thence S80.00'W 80 feet to a point, thence N16.31 '59"W 208.81
feet to a point, thence N81.06'33"E 63.34 feet to a point, thence N00.28'01"E 477.98 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 2.70 acres, more or less.
From the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM; thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet and
S89.55' 43"E 973.27 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.55' 43"E 165 feet to a point, thence SOI.32' 13"E 646.83 feet
to a point, thence N53.03'50"W 78.25 feet to a point, thence N81.46'51"W 116.88 feet to a point, thence NO.24'19"W
583.09 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.36 acres, more or less.


From the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet and
S89.55'43"E 1138.27 feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.55'43"E 165 feet to a point, thence SOO.27' 59"W 604.48
feet to a point, thence SOO.28'14"W 263.17 feet to a point, thence N69.17'38"W 54.63 feet to a point, thence
N23.53'53"W 220.85 feet to a point, thence N01.32' 13"W 646.83 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.74 acres, more
or less.
3272 Apart of the NW Y. NE Y. Section 10, Township 3 North, Range 45 East, B.M., Teton County, Idaho, being further
described as: From the NE comer of said Section 10, thence N 89°50'19" W, 926.97 feet along the Northern section line
and thence S 00°00'40" E, 22.36 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence S 00°00'40" E, 347.85 feet to a point; Thence
N 89°31'46" W, 167.89 feet to a point; Thence N 00°'27'59" E, 346.69 feet to a point; Thence S 89°55'43" E, 165.00 feet
to the true point of beginning. Contains 1.33 acres more or less.

From the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet and
S89.55'43"E 1303.27 feet and S00.27'59"W 604.48 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.31 '46"E 300.27 feet to a

point, thence SOO.28' 14"W 312.23 feet to a point, thence S78.59'26"W 110 feet to a point, thence N00.28' 14"W 263.17
feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.12 acres, more or less.



From the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet and
S89.55'43"E 1303.27 feet, thence SOO.2T59"W 604.48 feet, thence S89.31 '46"E 300.27 feet to the point ofbegirming,
thence S89.31 '46"E 165.92 feetto a point, thence N82.00'05"E 132.77 feetto a point, thence S00.28' 14W 379.97 feet to a
point, thence N48.58'47"W 38.50 feet to a point, thence N67.28'24"W 137.61 feet to a point, thence S78.59'26"W 143.31
feet to a point, thence N00.28' 14"E 312.23 feet to the point ofbegirming. Contains 2.13 acres, more orless.


From the NE comer of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence N89.50'19"W 2395.03 feet, thence SOO.28'14"W 24.67 feet and
S89.55'43"E 1468.27 feet, thence SOO.00'40"E 605.66 feet, thence S89.31 '46"E 296.15 feet and N82.00'05"E 132.77 feet
to the point ofbegirming, thence N82.00'05"E 211.20 feet to a point, thence S03.21 '58"W 376.95 feet to a point, thence
S26.30'12"W 18 feet to a point, thence SOO.OT58"W 175 feet to a point, thence N48.58'47"W 240.~3 feet to a point,
thence NOO.28' 14"E 379.97 feet to the point ofbegirming. Contains 2.12 acres, more or less. 1, 5.00
aCfss, Inure 01 less. SUBlEt I lOa 6D-root fuad mid utility casernsat Q]ong the Western and Northern property lines.
StfBJEC'f 'FO a 20-fOOtIarrn lane and iuiga-tien @asemem along the South= pfaperty line. De
+0 0'104

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+S t ~


From the S4 comer of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, thence N89.54'38"E 39.24 feet along the Southern section line to the Eastern
right of way line of State Hwy 33, thence N00.44'14"W 2362.72 feet along said right of way line, thence N89.59'46"E 200
feet, thence S89.48'36"E 395.72 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S89.48'36"E 375.52 feet to a point, thence
SOO.07'53"W 579.54 feet to a point, thence N89.56'59"W 375.52 feet to a point, thence NOO.07'53"E 580.45 feet to the
point of beginning. Contains 5.00 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement as:
Beginning at the SW property comer, thence SOO.07'53"W 23.16 feet, thence S89.59'46"W 526.54 feet, thence
S00.44'14"E 413.03 feet, thence N89.56'59"W 60.01 feet, thence N00.44'14"W 472.96 feet, thence N89.59'46"E 587.46
feet, thence SOO.07'53"W 36.84 feet to the point of beginning.


From the SW comer of the SE4SE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, thence N89.54'38"E 342.37 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence NOO.08'50"E 354 feet to a point, thence N89.54'38"E 307.63 feet to a point, thence SOO.08'50"W 354
feet to a point, thence S89.54'38"W 307.63 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO
a 40-foot county road and utility easement across the Southern property line. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and
utility easement along the Western property line. DELETES #3316.


From the SW4SE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, thence N89,54'38"E 342.37 feet, thence NOO.08'50"E 954.93 feet to the true
point of beginning, thence S89.54'38"W 342.37 feet to a point, thence NOO.08'50"E 386.54 feet to a point, thence
S89.56'59"E 258.66 feet to a point, thence SOO.06' 17"W 278.85 feet to a point, thence N89.54'38"E 83.50 feet to a point,
thence SOO.08'50"W 107.06 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot
road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the centerline described as: Beginning at the SW property comer,
thence SOO.08'50"W 954.93 feet to the county road right of way.


From the SW comer ofSE4SE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, thence N89.54'38"E 650 feet, thence NOO.OS'50"E 1062 feet to
the true point of beginning, thence S89.54'38"W 391.13 feet to a point, thence NOO.06' 17"E 278.85 feet to a point, thence
S89.56'59"E 391.34 feet to a point, thence SOO.08'50"W 277.S9 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more
or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the centerline described as:
Beginning at the SW property comer, thence SOO.08'50"W 1062 feet to the county road right of way.


From the SW comer of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, thence N89.54'38"E 342.37 feet, thence NOO.08'50"E 708 feet to the true
_ point of beginning, thence NOO.08'50"E 354 feet to a point, thence S89.54'38"E 307.63 feet to a point, thence
SOO.08'50"W 354 feet to a point, thence S89.54'38"W 307.63 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.5 acres, more or
less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot road and utility easement along the Western property line. TOGETHER WITH a 30 foot road
and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the centerline described as: Beginning at the SW property comer, thence
SOO.08'50"W 708 feet to the county road right of way.


From the SW comer of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, thence NS9.54'38"E 342.37 feet, thence NOO.OS'50"E 354 feet to the true
point of beginning, thence NOO.08'50"E 354 feet to a point, thence N89.54'38"E 307.63 feet to a point, thence
SOO.OS'50"W 354 feet to a point, thence SS954'38"W 307.63 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or
less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot road and utility easement along the Western property line. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road
and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the centerline described as: Beginning at the SW property comer, thence
SOO.08'50"W 354 feet to the county road right of way.


A portion of the SE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the SW comer of the SE4SE4 of Sec 2, thence
NOO.08'50"E 954.93 feet to a point, thence S89.54'38"E 342.37 feet to a point, thence SOO.08'50"W 954.93 feet to a point,
thence SS9.54'38"W 342.37 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 7.51 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 40-foot
county road and utility easement along the Southern property line and a 30-foot road and utility easement along the Eastern
property line.


Commencing at a point N89.17'20"E 215.13 feet from the W4 comer of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM, thence N89.17'20"E
2450 feet more or less to the SE comer of the N2SW4, thence S89.45'20"W 1113 feet more or less to the SE comer of
Wallace Way Subdivision II, thence NOO.OO'OO"W 201.02 feet, thence NS9.57'W 68.10 feet, thence NOO.OO'OO"W 644
feet to the NE comer of Wallace Way Subdivision II, thence N89.57'00"W 1296 feet to the NW comer of Wallace Way
Subdivision III, thence NOO.35'44"E 477.63 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH easements as granted in
Instrument No. 111895 & 111896. SUBJECT TO easements granted in Instrument No. 95326, 96785 and 111894.
DELETES #1569.


The W2SW4 of Sec 13 T4N R44E, BM. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress described as follows: A
right of way 30 feet wide on each side of the centerline, beginning at a point that lies N89.52'23"E 629.53 feet from the
NW comer of Sec l3, T4N R44E, BM, and running thence South 840.37 feet, thence East 369.24 feet, thence S42.04'51"E
77.40 feet, thence SIO.43'25"E 514.02 feet, thence SI4.18' 13"W 377.38 feet, thence S46.16'31"W 554.39 feet, thence
S64.39' 53"W 689.17 feet, thence South 207.63 feet to the C4 line, thence West 30 feet more or less to the W4 comer of
said section.


A portion of the N2SE4 of Sec 19 T4N R46E, BM, as: From the C4 comer of Sec 19, thence SOO.OI '30"W 673.43 feetto
the true point of beginning, thence N89.55'47"E 1330.23 feet to a point, thence SOO.OI '30"W 657.36 feet to a point, thence
S89.51 '39"W 1330.23 feet to a point, thence NOO.Ol '30"E 652.50 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60
foot road and utility easement described as follows: From the SE comer of the N2SE4, thence N33.37'05"W 521.18 feet
to the true point of beginning, easement lying North of the following described line: Thence N89.51 '39"W 1026.75 feet,
continuing with easement lying East of the following line: thence NOO.Ol '30"E 284.05 feet.


Conunencing at the SE comer of Sec 15 T4N R45E, BM, thence S89.49'51"W along the section line a distance of 820.3
feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, thence N00.12'W to a fence line, a distance of 1060.8 feet, thence S89.51.5'W
along said fence line and the extension thereof, a distance of 1817.5 feet to the West line of the SE4, thence S00.10'E along
the West line of the SE4, a distance of 1061.6 feet to the section line, thence N89.49'51"E along the section line, a distance
of 1818.2 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 44.286 acres, more or less.


Section 31: N2NE4NE4 T5N R46E, BM. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot easement for ingress and egress along the Eastern
60 feet of the SW4SE4 of Sec 30 T5N R46E, BM. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress described as
follows: Beginning at the NE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 31 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence South 90 feet, thence
Northwesterly to a point that is South 60 feet and West 60 feet from the NE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 31, thence
North 60 feet, thence East 60 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO an easement for ingress and egress described as
follows: Beginning at the NW comer of the NE4NE4 of Sec 31 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence South 661.23 feet to
the North line of the S2Ne4NE4 of Sec 31, thence East 60 feet, thence North 661.23 feet, thence West 60 feet to the point
of beginning.


Sec 31: S2NE4NE4 T5N R46E, BM. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot easement for ingress and egress along the Eastern 60
feet of the SW4SE4 of Sec 30 T5N R46E, BM. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress described as
follows: Beginning at the NE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 31 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence South 90 feet, thence

Northwesterly to a point that is South 60 feet and West 60 feet from the NE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 31, thence
North 60 feet, thence East 60 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with an easement for ingress and egress
described as follows: Beginning at the NW comer of the NE4NE4 of Sec 31 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence South
661.23 feet to the North line of the S2NE4NE4 of Sec 31, thence East 60 feet, thence North 661.23 feet, thence West 60
feet to the point of beginning.

Section 31: NW4NE4 ofT5N R46E, BM. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot easement for ingress and egress along the Eastern
60 feet of the SW4SE4 of Sec 30 T5N R46E, BM. SUBJECT TO an easement for ingress and egress described as follows:
Beginning at the NE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 31 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence South 90 feet, thence
Northwesterly to a point that is South 60 feet and West 60 feet from the NE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 31, thence
North 60 feet, thence East 60 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point 49.5 feet West from the NE comer of the NE4SW4 of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, thence West 689.1 feet
to the Westerly railroad right of way line, thence SOO.OTW 501.7 feet along the right of way line, thence East 200 feet to
the Easterly railroad right of way line, thence NOO.OTE 468.7 feet along the right of way line, thence East 489.1 feet,
thence North 33 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.67 acres, more or less.


Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence N89.42'09"E 1276.64 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence N89.42'09"E 1354.82 feet, thence S00.10'46"W 2574.46 feet, thence S89.53'27"W 1354.79 feet, thence
NOO.10'46"E 2570.01 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road easement lying on the South side
ofthe following described line: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence N89.42'09"E 2631.47
feet to the N4 comer of Sec 6. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement lying on the West side of the
following described line: Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence S00.10'46"W 2574.46 feet to the
point of ending. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement lying on the North side of the following
described line: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence SOO.1 T55"W along the West section line
1383.23 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S89.18' 16"E 2210.94 feet, thence S86.34'53"E 297.95 feet, thence
N86.06'21 "E 126.25 feet more or less to the C4 line of Sec 6. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation easement being 15
feet on either side of the following described centerline, also commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM,
thence N89.42'09"E along the North section line 2461.53 feet to the true point of beginning, thence SO 1.34 ' 12"E 1441.15
feet, thence S00.14'53"W 1133.21 feet to the point of ending. ALSO SUBJECT TO a well easement consisting of a 15foot radius about well at junction of the two above mentioned irrigation easements.


A portion of the S2SE4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 6, said point being the point of
beginning, thence S89.53'27"W 1241.81 feet to a point, thence NOO.04'27"E 1321.77 feet to a point, thence N89.45'27"E
1241.82 feet to a point, thence SOO.04'27"W 1324.66 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 37.72 acres, more or less.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement being described as 30 feet on each side of the following
centerline, commencing at the NE comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence S89.59'32"E 137.90 feet along the Northern
section line of Sec 5 to the true point of beginning, thence SOO.08'02"W 1321.95 feet to a point, thence S89.17' l1"W
136.51 feet to a point. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation line easement being 15 feet on each side of the following
described centerline: Commencing at a point SOO.04 '27"W 98.90 feet from the NW property comer, thence N89.16'00"E
1241.93 feet to the Eastern property line.


Commencing at the W4 comer of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence S89.43'39"E 1319.46 feet, thence
NOO.06'41"E 894.01 feet and East 642.72 feet to the point of beginning, thence North 333.47 feet to a point, thence
S89.05'29"E 676.36 feet to a point, thence South 197.75 feet, thence N89.59'24"W 32.70 feet to a point, thence South 125
feet, thence West 643.58 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHERWITH a 60 foot road and utility easement with a
centerline as: From the E4 comer of Sec 5, thence North 245.22 feet along the section line to the point of beginning of the
road, thence N89.59'24"W 1110.00 feet, thence West 643.58 feet, thence North 720 feet to the end of the cul-de-sac in
Parcel 7. SUBJECT TO a 15-foot irrigation line and utility easement along the North line of said Parcel 8 and a 10-foot
irrigation and utility easement along the East line of said parcel. SUBJECT TO easements as disclosed on Corporation
Warranty Deed recorded 05/02/94, Recorder's No. 115979, Records of Teton County, Idaho. TOGETHER WITH a Grant
of Easement recorded 05102/94, Recorder's No. 115980, Records of Teton County, Idaho.


A portion of the NE4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the N4 comer, said point being the point of beginning,
thence N89.42'09"E 1389.64 feet to a point, thence SOO.04'27"W 628.62 feet to a point, thence S89.43'48"W 1390.78 feet
to a point, thence NOO.I 0' 46"E 627.96 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.05 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a
30-foot road and utility easement across the Eastern and Western property lines and a 30-foot county road easement across
the Northern property line.


A portion of the NE4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the N4 of Sec 6, thence SOO.I 0' 46"W 627.96 feet to
the true point of beginning, thence N89.43'48"E 1390.78 feet to a point, thence SOO.04'27"W 628.62 feet to a point, thence
S89.45'27"W 1391.93 feet to a point, thence NOO.l 0' 46"E 627.95 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot
road and utility easement across the Eastern and Western property lines. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility
easement being 30 feet on each side ofthe following described centerline: Beginning at the SE property comer, thence
NOO.04'27"E 1257.24 feet to the county road right of way.

SEE TAX #6914 & TAX #6915



located in the E2NW4 of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, and on the North side ofHwy 33, Victor to Jackson and on the
South side of Game and Trail Creeks, the boundary being further described as follows: From the N4 corner of Sec 19 T3N
R46E, BM, and running thence S25.51 '34"W 1062.51 feet, the true point of beginning, a point at Game Creek and the
county road, thence along the right of way of the county road, S41.0T08"E 338.28 feet, thence SI6.46'41"E 838.21 feet to


Commencing at the NW corner of Sec 34 T6N R45E, BM, thence SOO.09' 14"W along the section line a distance of
1276.95 feet, thence N89.44'35"E, a distance of 1965.05 feet to the point of beginning, thence along said line, a distance of
562.50 feet, thence NOO.OO'W a distance of 454.37 feet, thence N83.l1 'OO"W, a distance 0[306 feet, thence
N90.00'00"W, a distance of71 feet, thence S40.30'00"W, a distance of73.50 feet, thence SOO.OO'OO"E, a distance of
66.26 feet, thence S80.53' 15"W, a distance of 141.71 feet, thence SOO.OO'OO"E, a distance of348.63 feet to the point of
beginning. Said described tract containing 5.76 acres, more or less.


A portion of the S2S2 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: From the SW comer of Sec 6, thence S89.50'12"E 2630.05 feet to the
true point of beginning, thence NOO.OT58"E 813.70 feet to a point, thence N0I.37'48"E 505.18 feet to a point, thence
S89.58'47"E 1319.28 feetto a point, thence SOO.07'36"W 1321.69 feet to a point on the Southern section line, thence
N89.51 'OI"W 1320.49 feet along the Southern section line to the S4 corner of Sec 6, to a point, thence N89.50' 13"W
12.13 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and utility easement
along the Western property lines. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and utility easement along the Southern property lines.


A portion of the S2NE4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the C4 corner of Sec 6, said point being the point of
beginning, thence NOO.IO' 46"E 659.80 feetto a point, thence N89.53'27"E 1393.13 feet to a point, thence SOO.04'27"W
659.79 feet to a point, thence S89.53'27"W 1394.34 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 21.11 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement being described as 30 feet on each side of the following centerline:
Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 6, thence SOO.1 0'46"E 2574.46 feet more or less to the South line of the NW4.


A portion of the S2NE4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the C4 corner of Sec 6, thence N00.10'46"E 659.80
feet to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.IO'46"E 658.75 feet to a point, thence N89.45'27"E 1391.93 feet to a point,
thence SOO.04'27"W 661.98 feet to a point, thence S89 .53 '27"W 1393.13 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 21.11
acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation line easement being 15 feet on each side of the following described
centerline: Commencing at a point NOO.IO'46"E 1141.54 feet from the C4 corner of Sec 6, thence N86.06'21 "E 1200.03
feet to a point, thence N89.16'01"E 195.10 feet to the Eastern property line. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot road and utility
easement across the Western property line. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility

easement being described as 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the N4 corner of
Sec 6, thence SOO.1O'46"E 2574.46 feet more or less to the South line of the NW4.

A portion of the SE4NE4 of Sec 36 T4N R44E, BM, as: From the NW corner of said SE4NE4, thence SOO.05'37"E 408.04
feet along the West line of said SE4NE4, thence S81.20'00"E 501.49 feet, thence SOO.05'37"E 402.01 feet to the true point
of beginning, thence N89.38'47"E 830.96 feet to a point on the East line of said SE4NE4, thence South 437.55 feet along
the East line of said SE4NE4 to the SW corner of said SE4NE4; Thence S89.38'47"W, 830.24 ft along the South line of
said SE1I4NE1I4 to a point; thence NOO.05'37"W 437.54 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 8.34 acres, more or less.
TOGETHER WITH a 60-foot wide non-exclusive road and utility easement as shown on recorded survey Instrument No.


A portion of the N2SW4 of Sec 12 T5n R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the C4 corner of Sec 12, thence SOO.31 '14"W 1334.35
feet to a point, thence N89 .39'56"W 495.23 feet to a point, thence NOO.30' 46"E 1331.98 feet to a point, thence
S89.56'19"E 495.42 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 15.159 acres, more or less.


A portion of Lot 1, Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 6, thence S89.42'09"W 546.99 feet to
the true point of beginning, thence SOO.04'27"W 1257.91 feet, thence S89.45'27"W 694.84 feet, thence NOO.04'27"E
1257.24 feet, thence N89.42'09"E 694.84 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.06 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO
a 30-foot county road easement across the Northern property line.


A portion of Sections 5 & 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 6, said point being the point of
beginning, thence S89.59'32"E 137.90 feet along the Northern section line of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, to a point, thence
SOO.08'02"W 1351.95 feet to a point, thence S89.17'11"W 136.51 feet to a point, thence NOO.04'27"E 95.24 feet to a
point, thence S89.45'27"W 546.99 feet to a point, thence NOO.04'27"E 1257.91 feet to a point, thence N89.42'09"E 546.99
feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.06 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot road and utility easement across
the Eastern property line and a 30-foot county road easement across the Northern property lines. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot
road and utility easement over and across the 60 feet North of the following described line: Commencing at the NE corner
of Sec 6,t hence S89.59'32"E 137.90 feet along the Northern section line of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, to a point, thence
SOO.08'02"W 1351.95 feet to a point, said point being the true point of beginning, thence S89.17' II"W 136.51 feet to a

~,Beginning at a point 540 feet West of the NE corner of the SW4NE4 of Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, and thence running West
{jI1,dGG209 feet, thence South 209 feet, thence East 209 feet, thence North 209 feet to the point of beginning.

0/ (f :f(.f2.


A portion of the NW4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6, thence N89.42'09"E 638.32
feet to the true point of beginning, thence N89.42'09"E 638.32 feet, thence SOO.! 0' 46"W 1363.36 feet, thence
S89.42'09"W 639.74 feet, thence NOO.14'21"E 1363.37 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road
easement, lying on the South side of the following described line: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM,
thence N89.42'09"E 2631.47 feet to the N4 comer of Sec 6.


A parcel of land located in the N2SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, said parcel being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the SE comer of that tract ofland described in Instrument No. 79488, of record in the Office of the Clerk of
Teton County, Idaho, and from which the NW comer of the SE4 of said Sec 11, bears North 600 feet and West 660 feet,
thence along the East line of said tract North 270 feet, thence East 330 feet, thence South 330 feet, thence West 330 feet,
thence North 60 feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the W4 comer of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, thence S89.43 '39"E 1319.46 feet and NOO.06'41 "E 894.01 feet to
the SW comer of Parcel 7, said point being the point of beginning, thence NOO.06'41"E 343.66 feet to a point, thence
S8.05'29"E 642.13 feet to a point, thence SOO.OO'OO"E 333.47 feet to a point, thence S90.00'00"W 642.72 feet to the point
of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 10-foot irrigation and utility easement on the East and West property lines and IS-foot
irrigation and utility easement on the North property line. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30
feet on each side of the following described centerline: From the E4 comer of said Sec 5, thence North along the Section
line 24.22 feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.59'24"W 1110 feet, thence West 643.58 feet, thence North 720 feet to
the end of the cul-de-sac in Parcel 7.


Beginning at the SW comer ofBlk 6, Victor Townsite per the recorded plat thereof, Teton County, Idaho and running
thence North 480 feet to a point, thence N89.l6'00"E 280.03 feet to a point, thence S56.00'00"E 88 feet to a point, thence
South 35.01 feet to a point, thence S25.09'3T'W 438.87 feet to a point, thence S89.l6'00"W 166.39 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot access easement along the Eastern property line.


A portion of the N2 of the SE4 of Sec 19 T4N R46E, BM, as: From the C4 comer of Sec 19, thence SO.OI '30"W 18.50 feet
to the true point of beginning, thence N89.55'47"E 1330.23 feet more or less along the fence line to a point, thence
SO.OI '30"W 654.93 feet to a point, thence S89.55'4TW 1330.23 feet to a point on the West line of the N2SE4, thence
NO.Ol '30"E 654.93 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement described as
follows: From the SE comer of the N2SE4, thence N33.37'05"W 521.18 feet to the true point of beginning. Easement
lying North of the following described line: Thence N89.51 '39"W 1026.75 feet, continuing with easement lying East of the
following line, thence NO.Ol '30"E 284.50 feet.


Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, thence SO.11 '52"W, a distance of910 feet to the point of
beginning, thence S90.00'00"W, a distance of 476.37 feet, thence SO. 1I '52"W, a distance of 452.14 feet, thence
S88.46'48"E, a distance of 476.45 feet, thence NO.II '52"E, a distance of 462.28 feet to the point of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement described as being 30 feet on each side of the following described
centerline: Beginning at the N4 comer of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, and running thence West 530 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence SO.1 I '52"W 480 feet, thence East 60 feet, thence S0.10'58"W 430 feet.


Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, thence NO.34'57"E 1321.96 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence N89.54'38'E 656.45 feet to a point, thence SO. 16'37"W 329.76 feet to a point, thence S89.48'22"W 658.22 feet to a
point, thence NO.34'57"E 330.98 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide
road and utility easement being 30 feet on either side of the following described centerline, commencing at the SW comer
of Sec 3 I T6N R46E, BM, thence N89.42'09"E 660 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NO.34' 57"E 660 feet to a
point, thence NO.l6'37"E 659.52 feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the NE comer of Sec I T5N R45E, BM, thence SO.I7' 55"W, a distance of 1282.92 feet to the point of
beginning, thence S0.1T55"W, a distance of 1282.92 feet, thence N89.56'42"W, a distance of 1323.38 feet, thence
NO.l6'06"E, a distance of 1286.37 feet, thence S89.4 l' 44"E, a distance of 1324.04 feet to the point of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO the following described easements: A 60 foot road and utility easement being 30
feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the NE comer of Sec I T5N R45E, BM, and running
SO.lT55"W 2565.84 feet. AND a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the following described
centerline: Commencing at a point S89.38'47"E 1324.72 feet from the N4 comer of Sec I T5N R45E, BM, thence
SO.16'06"W 2572.74 feet to a point on the East-West quarter line of Section 1. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 45 foot wide
irrigation easement being 30 feet directly North (to include irrigation canal) and 15 feet directly South of the following
described line: Commencing at the NE comer of Sec I T5N R45E, BM, thence SO.lT55"W, a distance of 1383.23 feet to
the point of beginning, thence N89.l8' 16"W, a distance of 1389.49 feet to a point which is S3.38'06"E, a distance of72.65
feet from a well with a 15 foot radius easement.

~A portion of the NW4 of Sec 6 T5NR45E, BM, as: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence
SO.IT 55"W 1363.39 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N89.42'09"E 1279.48 feet, thence SO.lO'46"W 1206.64
b <.
feet, thence S89.53'27"W 1281.96 feet, thence NO.IT55"E 1202.45 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH
,/ , "5r".""1 AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement lying 3 0 feet on each side of the following described line:
'7 Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence S0.1T55"W 2565.84 feet to the point of ending.




~. ?
;'1"; " I

5& 0

SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement lying on the North side of the following described line: Commencing at
the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence SO.lT55"W 2565.84 feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.53'27"E
2636.75 feet to the point of ending. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation easement being 15 feet on either side of the
following described centerline: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence SO.IT 55"W along the
West section line, 1383.23 feet to the true point of beginning, thence 889.18' 16"E 2210.94 feet, thence S86.34'53"E
297.95 feet, thence N86.06'21"E 126.25 feet more or less to the C4line of Sec 6.

Commencing at the NE comer of Sec I T5N R45E, BM, said point being the point of beginning, thence SO.IT55"W, a
distance of 1282.92 feet, thence N89.4T44"W, a distance of 1324.04 feet, thence NO.l6'06"E, a distance of 1286.37 feet,
thence S89.38'47"E, a distance of 1324.72 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility
easement across the Northern property line. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO the following described easements:
A 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side ofthe following centerline: Beginning at the NE comer of
Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.lT55"W 1282.92 feet. ALSO a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30
feet on each side of the following centerline: Commencing at a point 889.38'47"E 1324.72 feet from the N4 corner of Sec
I T5N R45E, BM, thence SO.16'06"W 1286.37 feet to a point.


Beginning at the NW comer of Sec 3 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.IT 15"E 50 feet to the William Kunz
property line, thence East 1320 feet along the William Kunz property line, thence North 110 feet more or less to the North
bank of Desert Canal, thence N89.53'W 360.49 feet more or less along the North bank of said canal, thence S89.08'W 990
feet more or less along the North bank of said canal, thence South 41.5 feet, thence East 27 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 3 acres, more or less.

--341"0 A portion of the SE4NE4 of Sec 36 T4N R44E, BM, as: Beginning at the NW corner of said SE4NE4 and running.

N89.38'42"E 378.05 feet to a point which is the SW comer of the Syringa Park Subdivision II, thence N89.40'26"E 860.12
feet along the South line of said subdivision to a point which is more or less in the center of Boquet Creek, thence
'" -57?> S55.21 '50"W 63.82 feet more or less along said creek, thence S07.15'26"E 133 feet more or less along said creek, thence
~S77 S66.22'20"W 140.70 feet more orless along said creek, thence S11.40' 51"E 148.87 feet more or less along said creek,
thence S65.26'00"W 57.85 feet more or less along said creek to a point, thence SI1.41 'OO"E 75.74 feet to a point, thence
S21.01 'IT'E 30 feet to a point, thence S88.40'07"W 471.18 feet to a point, thence N81.20'00"W 612.44 feetto a point on
the West line of the SE4NE4, thence NO.05'37"W 408.04 feet to the point of beginning.

'" "w


A portion of the SW4NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the W4 corner of Sec 26, said point being the
point of beginning, thence NO.12'11"E 1328.72 feet along the Western line of Sec 26 to a point, thence S89.53' 19"E

854.03 feet to a point, thence SO.14'28"W 1326.69 feet to a point, thence S89.58'30"W 853.15 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement across the East and West sides and a 50-foot road and
utility easement across the Southern property line.

Beginning at the NE comer of Lot 1, Blk 6, Victor Townsite, as per the recorded plat, and running thence South 81 feet,
thence West 165 feet, thence North 81 feet, thence East 165 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #2124 & #3130.


Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 26 T6N R45E, BM, being a steel pin with aluminum cap bearing the PLS No. 854,
thence along the West line of Sec 26, thence NO.09' 12"E, a distance of 659.75 feet to the SW comer of said N2S2SW4,
Sec 26, being the point of beginning, thence continuing along said West line of Sec 26, thence NO.09' 12"E, a distance of
659.78 feet to the NW comer of said N2S2SW4 of Sec 26, thence along the North line of said N2S2SW4 of Sec 26, thence
S89.59'05"E, a distance of 660 feet, thence SO.09' 12"W, a distance of330.02 feet, thence S89.58'27"E, a distance of 1320
feet, thence SO.09' 12"W, a distance of 330.28 feet to a point on the South line of said N2S2SW4 of Sec 26, thence along
said South line, thence N89.57'45"W, a distance of 1980 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.003 acres, more or
less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot easement for road right of way being 30 feet on each side of the
following centerline: Beginning at the NE comer of the SE4SW4 of Sec 26, thence South 330 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence running West 1320 feet.


From the N4 comer of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, thence S12.51 '24"W 2710.7 feet to the true point of beginning, a highway
Monument, thence N42.30'05"W 851.58 feet along Hwy 33 right of way curve, thence N47.51 '03"W 193.93 feet, thence
SO.OI' 14"W 754.7 feet, thence S89.44'20"E 719.4 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains 6.410 acres, more or less.
The Seller reserves an easement 25 feet in width from the Southerly right of way ofHwy 33 and along an existing access
road to the Easterly end of an existing pond, all of which are located on the property herein described: Said easement is for
the sole purpose to allow the Seller the right to establish a dry fire hydrant and to pump water from said pond when
necessary to control fire on Sellers adjacent property.


A portion of the NW4NW4 of Sec 23 T4N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 23, thence S89.57'40"E
909.43 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning, thence S89.57'40"E 210 feet further along the
Northern section line to a point, thence SO.02'21 "W 237.02 feet to a point, thence N89.57'40"W 210 feet to a point, thence
NO.02'21 "E 237.02 feetto the point of beginning. Contains 1.14 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road
and utility easement across the Northern property line.


A portion of the NW4NW4 of Sec 23 T4N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the NW comer of said Sec 23, thence
S89.57'40"E 1119.43 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning, thence S89.57'40"E 210 feet further
along the Northern section line to the NE comer of said NW4NW4 of Sec 23, thence SO.02'21"W 237.02 feet to a point,
thence N89.57' 40"W 210 feet to a point, thence NO.02'21"E 237.02 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.14 acres,
more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement across the Northern property line.



of See 6 T4N R46E, EM, as. BegiflIling at a pamt SO.22' 15"£ IWU-:lft'-feetfrom-the-NW-corner of
E~SE4 of Sec 6,-tB.ffi~:;1~.:;9 fee~;~~'~tlt SO 2fOS F. 338 ~N~{')-a-ptlint;:therrce-



.. .~~--fs@t.tQ.t~~=ng,.L:oo.tnll~4-acres,

Ill.@l'@ofless.S TTB IECTTOa40-footcountyroadandutility easement along the Western property lig",



-J ,-,"2-


From the SE comer of Sec 31 and NO.04' 14"E 999.49 feet along the section quarter line to the point of beginning, thence
N86.45'00"E 340 feet to a point, thence N34.28'15"E 369.89 feet to a point, thence S89.32'OTW 200 feet to a point,
thence South 132.80 feet to a point, thence S86.45'00"W 349.16 feet to a point, thence SO.04'14"E 170 feet to the point of


Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, thence S89.39'23"E 790.58 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence Nl.06'57"W, a distance of264 feet, thence N89.41 '3TW, a distance of330.20 feet, thence S1.09'36"E, a distance
of263.79 feet, thence S89.39'23"E, a distance of330 feet to the point of beginning. LESS the East 30.58 feet and the West
2.42 feet. DELETES #2461.


Beginning at the SE comer of the SW4SE4 of Sec 32 T6N R45E, BM, thence West 660 feet, thence North 660 feet, thence
East 660 feet, thence South 660 feet to the point of beginning.


From the SW comer of the SE4NE4 of Sec 36 T4N R44E, BM, and running North 437.55 feet to the point of beginning,
thence S89.38'4TW 830.96 feet to a point, thence NO.05'3TW 402.01 feet, thence S81.20'00"E 110.95 feet, thence
N88.40'OTE 471.18 feet, thence N2 1.0 1'17"W 30 feet, thence N68.58'43"E 227.25 feet, thence North 387.32 feet, thence
N89.40'26"E 49.50 feet, thence South 888.23 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 8.34 acres, more or less.

Dd(~cJ 16



Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89.32'08"W, a distance of659.77 feet to the true point
of beginning, thence continuing West along said line, a distance of 661.70 feet, thence SO.04' 14"W, a distance of 1317
feet, thence N89.28'38"E, a distance of 661. 71 feet, thence NO.04' 14"W, a distance of 1317 feet, thence S89.28'38"E, a
distance of 661.71 feet, thence NO.04'14"E, a distance of 1316.33 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot

wide road and utility easement lying along the South line of described tract. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility
easement being 30 feet on either side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 31 T6N
R45E, BM, and running thence NO.04' l4"E 969.44 feet along the C4line to the true point of beginning, thence
N86.45'00"E 356.46 feet along the South property line, thence N34.28' 15"E 405.57 feet to a point, thence S89.32'08"E
73.93 feet to a point on the property line, thence N89.28'38"E 1423.39 feet to a point, which is S89.28'38"W 564.31 feet
and NO.07'3T'W 1335.05 feet from the SE comer of Sec 31.

Commencing at the NE comer of the SW4 of Sec II T3N R45E, BM, thence SO.20'15"E, a distance of 495 feet to the
point of beginning, thence N89.43'00"W, a distance of363.44 feet, thence N48.42'35"W, a distance of540.69 feet, thence
S88.18'08"W, a distance of208.24 feet, thence N3.19'54"W, a distance of 142.82 feet, thence N88.57'45"W, a distance of
663.24 feet, thence SO.20'00"E, a distance of 896 feet, thence N89.12'30"E, a distance of 437.67 feet, thence
N89.32'41"E, a distance of 415.88 feet, thence S89.43'00"E, a distance of 455.53 feet, thence N0.34' 19"W, a distance of
108.42 feet, thence East, a distance of342.44 feet, thence NO.20'15"W, a distance of273.50 feet to the point of beginning,
said described tract containing 24.730 acres, more or less.


Commencing at the NE comer of the SW4 of Sec II T3N R45E, BM, thence SO.20'15"E, along the section line, a distance
of 1457.68 feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.43'00"W, a distance of342 feet, thence NO.20' 15"W, a distance of
318.07 feet, thence N89.43'00"W, a distance of 459.39 feet, thence N0.30'32"E, a distance of261 feet, thence
S89.43'00"E, a distance 455.53 feet, thence SO.11 '22"W, a distance of 48.09 feet, thence East, a distance of 160 feet,
thence S 11.30' 14"E, a distance of265.32 feet, thence East a distance of 131.05 feet, thence S0.20' 15"E, a distance of
272.69 feet to the point of beginning, said described tract containing 6.0 acres, more or less. See Boundary Adjustment
Inst. #153400, also see Annexation Plat Inst. #154416.


Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, said point being the true point of beginning, thence
S89.32'07"W, a distance of659.77 feet, thence SO.04'14"W, a distance of 1316.33 feet, thence N89.28'38"E, a distance of
664.31 feet, thence NO.07'37"W, a distance of 1315.62 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot radius culde-sac road and utility easement the radius point of which is located 60 feet East of the SW comer of described tract.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement being 30 feet on either side of the following described
centerline: Commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence NO.04'14"E 969.44 feet along the
C41ine to the true point of beginning, thence N86.45'00"E 356.46 feet along the South property line, thence N34.28'15"E
405.57 feet to a point, thence S89.32'08"E 73.93 feet to a point on the property line, thence N89.28'38"E 1423.39 feet to a
point, which is S89.28'38"W 564.31 feet and NO.07'37"W 1335.05 feet from the SE comer of Sec 31.


Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, said point being the true point of beginning, thence NO.07'37"W,
a distance of 1335.04 feet, thence S89.28'38"W, a distance of 664.31 feet, thence SI.03'06"E, a distance of 1331.07 feet,
thence N89.50'01 "E, a distance of 642.82 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot radius cul-de-sac road
and utility easement the radius point of which is located 60 feet East of the NW comer of said described tract. TOGETHER
WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility easement being 30 feet on either side of the following described
centerline: Commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, thence NO.04'14"E along the C4line, a distance of
1332.35 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N86.45'00"E, a distance of347.99 feet to a point, thence S84.57'33"E, a
distance of312.70 feet to a point, thence N89.28'38"W, a distance of 1423.39 feet to a point which is S89.28'38"W, a
distance 564.31 feet and NO.07'37"W, a distance of 1335.05 feet from the SE comer of Sec 31.


Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89.50'01 "W, a distance of 1331.07 feet, thence
S89.28'38"W, a distance of 661.71 feet, thence S1.35'02"E, a distance of 1327.20 feet, thence N89.50'01"E, a distance of
649.43 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility easement
being 30 feet on either side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM,
thence NO.04' 14"E, along the C4 line, a distance 1332.35 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N86.45'00"E, a
distance of347.99 feet to a point, thence S84.57'33"E, a distance of312.70 feet to a point, thence N89.28'38"E, a distance
of 1423.39 feet to a point which is S89.28'38"W, a distance of 564.31 feet, and NO.07'37"W, a distance of 1335.05 feet
from the SE comer of Sec 31.


Beginning at the NW comer of the SW4NW4 of Sec 12 T4N R45E, BM, thence N89.51 '28"E 648.5 feet, thence
SO.04'22"W 75 feet, thence S89.51 '28"W 648.50 feet, thence NO.04'22"E 75 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SE comer of the NW4NW4 of Sec 12 T4N R44E, BM, thence NO.06'33"E 108 feet, thence N88.41 '28"W
401.79 feet, thence S23.30'W 129 feet, thence N89.51 '28"E 452.92 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion ofthe NW4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, said point
being the point of beginning, thence N89.42'09"E 638.32 feet, thence SO.14'21 ,oW 1363.37 feet, thence S89.42'09"W
637.74 feet, thence NO.l7'55"E 1363.39 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road easement lying
on the South side of the following described line: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence
N89.42'09"E 2631.4 7 feet to the N4 comer of Sec 6. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement lying on the East
side ofthe following described line: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, thence SO.l7'55"W 2565.84
feet to the point of ending.


A portion of the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T4N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the NE corner ofNW4SE4 of Sec 11, said point
being the point of beginning, thence SO.26'58"E 378.43 feet to a point, thence S89.48'02"W 1151.06 feet to a point on the
Eastern right of way line ofHwy 33, thence N0.2T24"W 378.43 feet along said right of way line to a point on the NW4
line of Sec 11, thence N89.48'02"E 1151.11 feet along the quarter line to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point which is SO.OTW 565 feet from the W4 corner of Sec 33 T6N R45E, BM, thence N82.2TE 186 feet
to the true point of beginning, thence East 2454 feet more or less to the E4 section line ofthe SW4, thence South 780.67
feet to the SE corner of the N2SW4, thence West 2456 feet to a point which is SO.OTW 1320 feet and S89.3TE 184 feet
from the W4 corner of said Sec, thence NO.08'30"E 780.67 feet to the true point of beginning.


Beginning at the SE corner of the SW4SW4 of Sec 8 T3N R45E, BM, and running thence West 420 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence West 900 feet more or less to the SW corner of Sec 8, thence North 556 feet along the West section line,
thence East 900 feet more or less to a point directly North of the true point of beginning, thence South 556 feet to the point
of beginning. Contains 11.509 acres, more or less.


A portion of the S2SW4 of Sec 35 T4N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 35, thence East 1058.75 feet
to the true point of beginning, thence North 288.32 feet, thence S88.30'00"E 177 feet, thence SO.3TOO"W 283.70 feet to a
point on the Southern section line of Sec 35, thence West 173.89 feet along the Southern section line to the point of
beginning. Contains 1.15 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement across the Southern
property line.


Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, thence SO.OT58"W along the section line, a distance of 1182
feet to the point of beginning, thence N83.4T13"W, a distance of319.80 feet, thence N48.58'4T'W, a distance of24 feet,
thence S7.30'00"W, a distance of 223 feet, thence S84.l4'00"E, a distance of366.50 feet, thence NO.OT 58"E 207.56 feet
to the point of beginning. Contains 1.77 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 20 foot by 20 foot septic tank easement
line South of the property line, being further described as: Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 10, thence SOO.OT58"W, a
distance of 1389.56 feet to a point, thence N84.14'00"W, a distance of279.30 feet to the point of beginning of the
easement, thence S5.46'00"W,a distance of20 feet, thence N5.46'00"E, a distance of20 feet, thence S84.l4'00"E, a
distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the NW4SE4 of Sec II T3N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the C4 comer of Sec II and running South
347.25 feet, thence N89.33'26"E 65.48 feet to a 6" highway monument, thence N89.16'00"E 142.50 feet to the true point

of beginning, thenceN89.16'00"E 22.50 feet to a point, thence SO.59'00"W 116.54 feet to a point, thence S89.16'00"W
20.50 feet to a point, thence North 116.50 feet to the point of beginning. Contains .057 acres, more or less.
Beginning at the SE comer of Lot 8, Blk 3, Victor Townsite, thence S89.l6'W along the South line of Lot 8,100 feet to an
iron pin point, thence North 380 feet to a point, thence N89.16'E 100 feet to a point, thence South 380 feet to the point of
beginning. DELETES #552, #553, #2959 & #2960.

Beginning at the NW comer of Lot 3, Blk 25, Driggs Townsite, and running thence East 231 feet, thence South 74.25 feet,
thence West 166 feet, thence North 24.25 feet, thence West 65 feet, thence North 50 feet to the place of beginning.
DELETES #948 & #949.


Commencing at the NE comer of Lot 1, Bik 11, Victor Townsite, thenc.e West 165 feet, thence South 80 feet, thence East
65 feet, thence North 30 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence North 50 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #1403 &


Commencing at a point 76 feet South of the NE comer of Lot 1, B1k 11, Victor Townsite, and running thence West 100
feet, thence South 4 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence North 4 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the E2NE4 of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the NE comer of Sec 1, thence SO.l7'55"W 656.88
feet along the Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence SO.l7'55"W 626.04 feet further along the Eastern
section line to a point, thence N89.47'44"W 1324.04 feet to a point, thence NO.l6'06"E 627.77 feet to a point on the
Northern section line of Sec 1, thence S89.43'15"E 1324.37 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning.
Contains 19.06 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WiTH AND SUBJECT TO the following described easements: A 60 foot
road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the following centerline: Beginning at the NE comer of Sec 1 T5N
R45E, BM, and running thence SOO.l7'55"W 1282.92 feet. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet
on each side of the following centerline: Commencing at a point 889.38' 47"E 1324.72 feet from the N4 comer of Sec 1
T5N R45E, thence SO.l6'06"W 1286.37 feet to a point. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot road and utility easement across the
Eastern and Western property lines.


A parcel ofland located in the SE Y. of Section 31, Township 6 North, Range 45 East, B.M., Teton County, Idaho, being
further described as: Commencing at the South Y. comer of said Section31, thence S 89°47'31" E, along the southern
section line of said Section 31,704.56 feet to a point, thence N 01 °33'10" W, 382.41 feet to a point, thence N 01 °29'22"
W, 280.66 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence N 01 °29'22" W, 49.50 feet to a point; Thence N 01 °30'52" W,

580.11 feet to a point; Thence N 01 °30'52" W, 30.01 feetto a point; Thence N 89°51' 17" E, 660.90 feet to a point; Thence
S 01 °Il '56" E, 661.56 feet to a point; Thence N 89°58' 11" W, 657.33 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 9.99 acres
more or less. Subject to a 30-foot road and utility easement along the North boundary and a 60-foot wide access easement
along the west boundary line of said parcel and all other easements recorded or unrecorded.

Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89.32'07"W, a distance of 1982.83 feet to the true point
of beginning, thence continuing West along said line, a distance of 658.95 feet, thence SO.04' 14"W, a distance of 1334.63
feet, thence N86.45'00"E, a distance of 349 feet, thence N89.32'07"E, a distance of 31 0.52 feet, thence NO.04' 14"E, a
distance of 1317.67 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility
easement being 30 feet on either side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 31 T6N
R45E, BM, and running thence NO.04'14"E 969.44 feet along the C4line to the true point of beginning, thence
N86.45'00"E 356.46 feet along the South property line, thence N34.28' 15"E 40S.S7 feet to a point, thence S89.32'08"E
1423.39 feet to a point, which is S89.28'38"W 564.31 feet and NO.07'37"W 133S.05 feet from the SE comer of Sec 31.


The NW2SE4NE4 of Sec 35 T7N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the NE comer of the SE4NE4, thence S44.48'30"W
1855.46 feet to the SW comer of the SE4NE4, thence NO.26'26"W 1314.73 feet to the NW comer of the SE4NE4, thence
N89.S5'34"E 1317.72 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement for access to be used in common
with others. Beginning at the SE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 35 T7N R4SE, BM, thence North along the East line of the
NW4NE4 600 feet, more or less to the South boundary right of way line of the existing county road (Pinochle Road),
thence Westerly 33 feet more or less along the South boundary right of way line of said Pinochle Road to a point that is 33
feet West of the East line of the NW4NE4 of Sec 3S, thence South 600 feet more or less to the South line of the NW4NE4,
thence South 33 feet, thence East 33 feet to the East line of the SW4NE4, thence North 33 feet along the East line of the
SW4NE4 to the point of beginning. DELETES #3283.


A portion of the N2N2 of Sec 33 T6N R4SE, BM, as: From the N4 comer of said Sec 33 T6N R45E, BM, as: From the N4
comer of Sec 33, thence N89.32'35"W 1319 feet (record West, 80 rods) to the NW comer ofNE4NW4, the point of
beginning, thence S89.32'35"E 81.29 feet to a point on the Hwy 33 South right of way line, thence S84.41 '45"E 1200.06
feet along said right of way to a point on the East bank of the Tetonia Canal, thence S30.18'26"E 305.05 feet to a point on
the East canal bank, (record Southeasterly 66 rods), thence SO.06'52"W 312.88 feet along the canal bank, thence
SI7.44'37"E 418.24 feet along the canal East bank, thence S33.36'39"E 45.88 feet along the canal East bank, thence
SO.26'01"E 198.49 feet, (record West 33 feet), thence S0.26'01"E 198.49 feet, (record South 14 rods), to the South line of
the NE4nW4, thence S89.34' IO"W 1580.69 feet (record West 104 rods), to the SW comer of the NE4NW4, thence

N0.48'22"E 1319.25 feet to the point of beginning. (record North 80 rods) Contains 42.689 acres, more or less. DELETES

A portion of the N2NW4 of Sec 18 T5N R46E, BM, as: From the NW comer of Sec 18, thence N89.03'34"E 1282.82 feet
along the North section line to the true point of beginning, thence N89.03 '34"E 1301.49 feet along the North section line to
a point, said point being S89.03'34"W 75 feet from the N4 comer of Sec 18, thence SO.16'54"E 1341.73 feet to a point on
the South line of the N2NW4, thence S89.18'43"W 1301.43 feet along said South line of the N2NW4 to a point, thence
NO.16'54"W 1336 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road, irrigation and utility easement
being described as lying South of the following described line: Beginning at the NW comer of Sec 18, thence N89 .03 '34"E
1282.82 feet to the Western property line.


Beginning 660 feet West of the NE comer of the SW4 of Sec II and running thence South 660 feet, thence West 300 feet,
thence North 660 feet, thence East 300 feet to the point of beginning. All within Sec II T4N R45E, BM. SUBJECT TO a 4
rod non-exclusive easement over and across the most Northern portion thereof. The description is intended to start West of
an existing fence and is subject to change depending on a subsequent survey.


Beginning at a point that is N89.58'W 33 feet along the section line from the NE comer of Sec 8 T5N R44E, BM, and
running thence N89.58'W 2586.73 feet, more or less, along the section line to the N4 comer of Sec 8, thence SO.04'W
2825.84 feet more or less along the center line of Sec 8 to the common NW comer of Lots 53 & 54, Blk I, Packsaddle
Creek Estates, Div I & II, thence Northeasterly following the Northwesterly lot line of said Packsaddle Creek Estates, Div I
& II the following twelve (12) courses: (I) East 582.65 feet, thence (2) N28.36'E 499.77 feet, thence (3) N52.48'E 329.559
feet, thence (4) N28.26'E 777.61 feet, thence (5) N50.05'50"E 318.29 feet, thence (6) N48.39'E 668.84 feet to the
Northerly most comer of Lot 49, Blk I, thence (7) N88.01'W 162.77 feet, thence (8) NI8.02'30"W 160.78 feet, thence (9)
N40.04'E 308.83 feet, thence (10) N59.03'E 221.20 feet, thence (II) N34.02'E 380.62 feet, thence(12) North 32.32 feet
more or less to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point that is South 101.38 feet along the section line from the NE comer of Sec 8 T5N R44E, BM, and
running thence South 583.35 feet along said section line to the Easterly line of Caldwell Dr, as shown on the plat of
Packsaddle Creek Estates, Div I, thence following the Easterly line the following six courses: (I) S48.39'W 175.05 feet,
thence (2) N88.01'W 405.11 feet, thence (3) NI8.02'30"W 77.92 feet, thence (4) N40.04'E 261.13 feet, thence (5)
N59.03'E 224.80 feet, thence (6) N34.02'E 356.50 feet to the point of beginning.

~eginning at the section comer common to Sections 35 & 36 ofT7N R45E, and Sections I & 2 ofT6N R45E, BM, and

L//~nningthence N86.58'00"W 70.0 feet; thence NO.12'29"W 220.0 feet; thence N54.31 'OO"W 338.0 feet; thence N85.35'16"W
279.97 feet; thence N58.12'31 "E 179.71 feet; thence SI8.13'37"E 50.0 feet; thence S85.35' 15"E 787.03 feet; thence
SO.19'2T'E 445.76 feet; thence N86.56' 17"W 331.01 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.44 acres, more or less.
DELETES #2369.

Beginning at a point N86.58'00"W 943.67 feet along the section line from the SE comer of said Sec 35 T7N R45E, BM, and
rmming thence N86.58'00"W 615.47 feet; thence N88.34'45"E 452.77 feet; thence N73.54' 18"E 177.05 feet; thence
S05.00'00"W 93.23 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the section comer common to Sections 35 & 36 ofT7N R45E, and Sections I & 2 ofT6N R45E, BM and
running thence N86.58'00"W 70.0 feet; thence NOO.12'29"W 220 feet; thence N54.31 'OO"W 338 feet; thence N85.35' 16"W
279.97 feet; thence S58.12'31"W 70329 feet; thence S43.38'W 361.43 feet; thence S00.41 '30"E 93.23 feet; thence S86.58'E
864.41 feet. DELETES #2369.


A portion of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, being further described as; commencing at a point N86.58'00"W 70.00 feet
along the section line from the NE comer of said Sec 2; thence South 426.00 feet to a point; thence N86.58'00"W 600.00 feet
to a point; thence North 426.00 feet to a point on the section line; thence S86.58'00"E 600.0 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 5.86 acres, more or less.


Beginning at the NW comer of the SW4NW4 of Sec 36 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence East 990 feet; thence South 440
feet; thence West 990 feet; thence North 440 feet to the point of beginning. t'Jc g fn8C


The S2N2NW4SW4 and the N2S2NW4SW4 Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho being further described as; commencing at
the W4 comer of said Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence S0.12'25"E 330.76 feet along the Western section line to the
point of beginning; thence N89.49'36"E 1331.59 feet to a point; thence SO.09'06"E 662.22 feet to a point; thence
S89.51 '26"W 1330.95 feet to a point on the Western section line of said Sec 14; thence NO.12'25"W 661.52 feet along the
Western section line to the point of beginning; Contains 20.23 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road easement
across the Western property line and a B.P.A. power line easement across the Eastern property line.


Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence NO.34'5T'E 660.0 feet, the true point of
beginning; thence N89.42'09"E 660.0 feet to a point; thence N0.16'3T'E 329.76 feet to a point; thence S89.48'22"W 682.22
feet to a point; thence S0.34'5T'W 330.98 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.00 acres, more or less. TOGETHER

WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility easement, being 30 feet on either side of the following described
centerline; commencing at the SW corner of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence N89.42'09"E 660.0 feet to the true
point of beginning; thence N0.34'57"E 660.0 feet to a point; thence NO.l6'37"E 659.52 feet to a point; thence NO.25'39"E
l319.52 feet to the point of ending.

A portion of the N2N2 of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, being further described as follows; commencing at the SE corner
of the NW4NE4 of said Sec 21, thence NO.OI 'OO"W 190.08 feet along the Eastern line of said NW4NE4 to the point of
beginning; thence S76.00'00"W 263.27 feet to a point; thence S81.38'00"W 70.00 feet to a point; thence N75.4TOO"W 345.06
feet to a point; thence NOO.00'30"E 44.16 feet to a point; thence N77.0TOI "W 265.50 feet to a point; thence N21.00'00"W
220.00 feet to a point; thence North 27.86 feet to a point; thence S89.26'00"E 996.80 feet to a point on the Eastern line of the
NW4NE4 of said Sec 1; thence SO.OI 'OO"E 337.61 feet along the Eastern line of said NW4NE4 to the point of beginning.
Contains 7.48 acres, more or less.


From the W4 corner of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho, S89.43 '39"E 1319.46 feet; thence NO.06'41"E 234.01 feet; thence
East, 966.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 660.0 feet to a point; thence East 321.58 feet to a point; thence South
660.0 feet to a point; thence West 321.58 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot
road and utility easement with the centerline described as; from the E4 corner of said Sec 5, North 245.22 feet along the
section line to the point of beginning; thence N89.59'24"W 1110.00 feet and continuing thence West 321.58 feet.


Commencing at the W4 corner of said Sec 19 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence SO.08'49"W 331.99 feet along the Western
section line to the point of beginning; thence N89.45'00"E 662.36 feet to a point; thence SO.05' 10"W 331.91 feet to a point;
thence S89.44 '3 5"W 662.72 feet to a point on the Western section line of said Sec 19; thence NO.08' 49"E 331.99 feet along
the Western section line to the point of beginning.

See Deed No. 119821


Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence NO.02'54"W 166.72 feet to the true point of
beginning; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 1143.0 feet, and a chord bearing S73.31' 11 "W 468.75 feet to a
point; thence N89.42'58"W 310.27 feet to a point; thence NO.02'57"W 565.09 feet to a point; thence N89.50'06"E 759.90 feet
to a point; thence SO.02'54"E 435.84 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the NW section corner of Sec II T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running SO.02'E 264.0 feet to the true point of
beginning; thence SO.02'E 264.0 feet; thence S89. 13'55"E 411.47 feet; thence NO.15'09"W 264.83 feet; thence N89.20'41"W
410.45 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.5 acres, more or less. DELETES #2470.


Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec II T3N R45E, EM, TC, Idaho and running thence NO.18'05"W 420.00 feet along the
North-South quarter line to the point of beginning; thence NO.18 '05"W 120.00 feet further along the North-South quarter line
to a point; thence S87.05'06"E 364.00 feet to a point; thence SO.18'05"E 120.00 feet to a point; thence N87.05'06"W 364.00
feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road an utility easement
across the Western property line.


Beginning at the C4 corner of Sec 1 T6N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence S89.35'59"E 330.00 feet to a point; thence
SOO.08'39"W 1320.00 feet to a point; thence NS9.35'59"W 660.00 feet to a point; thence NOO.OS'39"E 660.00 feet to a point;
thence N89.35'59"W 330.00 feet to a point; thence NOO.08'39"E 660.00 feet to a point; thence S89.35'59"E 660.00 feet to the
point of beginning. Contains 25.00 acres, more or less, subject to a county road and utility easement along the Northeastern
property line.


Beginning at a point on the South line of a county road that is East 1409.75 feet, and South 19.49 feet form the N4 corner of
Sec II T4N R45E, EM, TC, Idaho, and running thence N89.50'04"E 299.61 feet to a point being the NW corner of Lot 1, Blk
I of Mountain Meadow Ranches Subdivision; thence South 364.41 feet along the West line of said Lot 1; thence S89.50'04"W
299.62 feet; thence North 364.41 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #3288.


Commencing at the NE corner of the SW4 of Sec 11 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, where found a 5/8" diameter rebar with a 1
)1,," diameter aluminum cap stamped "LS 2860"; thence N89.43'26"W along the North line of said SW4, 694.12 feet to the
Northerly extension of a North-South barbed wire fence and the true point of beginning; thence SOO.08'03"E along said fence
line and the Northerly extension thereof, 662.01 feet to the South line of the NW4NE4SW4 of said Sec 11; thence
NS9.44'35"W along said South line, 300.01 feet; thence NOO.OS'03"W 662.11 feet to the North line of the SW4 of Sec 11;
thence S89.43'26"E along said North line, 300.01 feet to the true point of beginning.


Beginning at the SW corner of the SW4 of Sec 10 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence North 660 feet to the true
point of beginning; thence North 660 feet; thence East 330 feet; thence South 660 feet; thence West 330 feet to the true point
of beginning.

SEE TAX #6708


Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence East 134.00 feet to a point on the Eastern right-ofway line of State Hwy 33, the true point of beginning; thence N5.3T29"W 183.00 feet along said right-of-way line to a point;
thence East I 06.06 feet to a point; thence South 182.12 feet to a point on the Southern section line; thence West 124.00 feet
along the Southern section line to the point of beginning. Contains 0.48 acres, more or less.
SEE TAX #6709
Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence East, 258.00 feet and thence North 182.12 feet to
the true point of beginning; thence West 106.06 feet to a point on the Eastern right-of-way line of State Hwy 33; thence
N5.3T29"W 82.28 feet along said right-of-way to a point; thence East 98.00 feet to a point; thence South 81.88 feet to the
point of beginning. Contains 0.19 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO an existing roadway easement for access to the adjacent
property to the East.


Commencing at the E4 corner of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, and running N89.28'30"W 988.85 feet along the
East/West section quarter line to the point of beginning; thence N89.28'30"W 330.27 feet further along the East/West section
quarter line to a point; thence NO.OI 'OO"W 734.33 feet to a point; thence S89.33'45"E 329.94 feet to a point; SO.02'31"E
734.84 feet to the point of beginning. Contains .567 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and utility easement
along the Northern property line. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement as described on the Ruby Parsons
Boundary Adjustment Plat as filed in the Office of the Clerk of Teton County, Idaho.


Commencing at the E4 corner of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running N89.28'30"W 658.98 feet along the
East/West section quarter line to the point of beginning; thence N89.28'30"W 329.87 feet further along the East/West
section quarter line to a point; thence NO.02'31"W 734.84 feet to a point; thence S89.33'45"E 329.86 feet to a point; thence
SO.02'31"E 735.34 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5357 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and utility
easement along the Northern property line. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement as described on the Ruby
Parsons Boundary Adjustment Plat as filed in the Office of the Clerk of Teton County, Idaho.


Commencing atthe E4 corner of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, and running N89.38'20"W 329.37 feet along the
EastlWest section quarter line to the point of beginning; thence N89.28'30"W 329.62 feet further along the East/West section
quarterline to a point; thence NO.02'31"W 735.34 feetto a point; thence S89.33'45"E 329.61 feet to a point; thence
SO.02'31"E 735.85 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.57 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and
utility easement as described on the Ruby Parsons Boundary Adjustment Plat as filed in the Office of the Clerk of Teton
County, Idaho.


Commencing at the E4 corner of Sec 21 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, said point being the point of beginning; thence
N89.28'30"W 329.37 feet to a point; thence NO.02'31"W 735.84 feet to a point; thence S89.33'45"E 329.36 feet to a point;
thence SO.02'31"E 736.35 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.57 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road
and utility easement.


From the SW cornerNE4 of Sec 14 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, S89.39'37"E 660.00 feet along the South line ofNE4 to the
point of beginning; thence NOO.04'05"W 330.42 feet to a point; thence S89.38'53"E 330.57 feet to a point; thence
SOO.00'03"W 330.35 feetto a point; thence N89.39'37"W 330.17 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.51 acres, more or
less. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide access and utility easement along the Eastern property line.


Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID, thence S89.49'31"W 1172.18 feet along the Southern section
line and thence N0.38'00"E 330.00 feet to a point; thence N89.49'31"E 330.00 feet to a point; thence SO.38'00"W 330.00 feet
to a point; thence S89.49'31"W 330.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.5 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a
60 foot wide road and utility easement being described as; from the S4 comer of Sec 2, S89.48' 31"W 40 feet to Highway 33
East right-of-way and North 30 feet to the centerline of said easement; thence along centerline of said easement being 30 feet
on each side, S89.49'31"W 1463.25 feet; thence N00.38'E 300 feet more or less to the parcels West line.

SEE TAX #6733


Commencing at the SE comer N2SE4NE4 of Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, said point being the point of beginning; thence
N89.58' 18"W 250.00 feet along the Southern line of said N2SE4NE4 to a point; thence NO.09'26"W 174.25 feet to a point;
thence S89.58' 18"E 250.00 feet to a point on the Eastern section line said Sec 1; thence SO.09'26"E 174.25 feet along the
Eastern section line to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road and
utility easement across the Eastern property line.


Beginning at the NE comer of the SE4NW4 of Sec 12 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence West 760 feet; thence
South 660 feet to the true point of beginning; thence running West 330 feet; thence running South 330 feet; thence running
East 330 feet; thence running North 330 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 40 foot easement for ingress
and egress to the above described property described as; beginning at the NE comer of SE4NW4 of said Sec 12 T4N R44E,
BM, TC, Idaho and running thence West 692 feet more or less to a point on a county road and an intersection with an existing
road, the true point of beginning; thence running Southeasterly along said existing road 966 feet more or less; thence following
an existing road Northwesterly to the above described property.


A portion of the SW4SE4 Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho being the further described as; commencing at the SE corner of
said Sec 2; thence N89.46'04"W 2302 feet and thence North 290.40 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West 201.72
feet to a point on the East line of State Hwy 33; thence N7 .11 '30"E 229.40 feet along said highway to a point; thence East 73
feet to a point; thence North 33 feet to a point; thence East 100 feet to a point; thence South 260.60 feet to the point of
beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 14 foot roadway easement across the North end of the following described property;
Beginning at a point 2402 feet West of the SE corner of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence North 264 feet;
thence West 105 feet, more or less to State Hwy 33 right-of-way; thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way line to the
South line of Sec 2; thence East along the South section line 140 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. TOGETHER
WITH an easement for ingress and egress as described below; commencing at the SE corner of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, TC,
Idaho and running thence N89.46'04"W 2302 feet; thence North 290.40 feet; thence West 201.72 feet to a point on the East
line of State Hwy R-O-W the true point of beginning; thence S07.11 '30"W 20.16 feet along said highway R-O-W; thence East
105 feet; thence North 20.16 feet; thence West 105 feet more or less to the true point of beginning.


Commencing at a point 1419 feet East of the SW corner of the NE4 of Sec 13 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence
East 231 feet; thence North 1320 feet; thence West 231 feet; thence South 1320 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 7
acres, more or less.


Commencing at the SW corner of the NW4NW4 of Sec 20 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence NO.13'33"E 574.7
feet along the Western section line to a point; thence N82.03'E 1329.55 feet to a point; thence SO.09'21"W 764.90 feet to the
SE corner of said NW4NW4; thence N89.43'32"W 1316.97 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.24 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement across the Western property line.


Commencing at the NE corner of the S2 of Lots 1 & 2 of Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, said point being the point of
beginning; thence SO.09'26"E 197.44 feet along the Eastern section line to a point; thence N88.45'W 312.09 feet to a point;
thence NO.09'25"W 190.77 feet to a point on the Northern line of the S2 of Lots 1 & 2 of said Sec 1; thence S89.58'25"E 312
feet along said Northern line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement across the
Eastern property line. SUBJECT TO a county roadway easement along the East end of the property. DELETES #1731.


Beginning at a point 49.5 feet West and 112.1 feet North of the SE corner of the SW4 of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho,
being the true point of beginning and running thence North 89.9 feet; thence West 132 feet; thence South 89.9 feet; thence
\J.~t 132 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #752, #883 and #1406.


Beginning at a point S89.59'08"E 50 feet from the S4 comer of Sec 23 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence NO.00'52"E 200
feet to a point; thence S89.59'08"E 217.66 feet to a point; thence SO.00'52"W 200 feet to a point; thence N89.59'08"W 217.66
feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning 40 feet East of the W4 comer of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence East 271 feet which is the
true point of beginning; thence East 69 feet; thence South 400 feet; thence West 69 feet; thence North 400 feet to the point of


Beginning at the SE comer of the SW4NW4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence running South 250 feet; thence
West 110 feet; thence North 250 feet; thence East 110 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement 15
feet on each side of the centerline of an existing road for ingress and egress to the above described real property. The easement
is granted over grantor's property which is described as; beginning at a point 250 feet South of the SW4NW4 of said Sec 28
and running thence South 150 feet; thence West 150 feet; thence North 150 feet; thence East 150 feet to the true point of
From the C4 comer of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thenceS89.45'03"E 34.41 feet to a point on the East State Highway
right-of-way line, the true point of beginning; thence North 230 feet more or less along said right-of-way line to a point; thence
SS9.45'03"E 354 feet to a point; thence South 230 feet to a point on the county road 50 feet South; thence N89.45'03"W 354
feet along said county road to the point of beginning. L I!!SS :# 3 92..0


Beginning at the NE comer of Sec 17 T5N R46E where is found a monument as described in a Comer Perpetuation and Filing
Record prepared by Randall S Stelzner, Idaho PLS #5715 on file in the office of the Clerk of Teton County, Idaho; thence
along the East line of Lot I, SOO.00'09"E 649.13 feet to a point; thence N89.33'32"W I 093.15 feet to an intersection with the
West line of said Lot 1; thence along said West line NOO.l5'45"E 650.13 feet to the NW comer of said Lot I where is found a
5/S" diameter rebar with an aluminum cap inscribed "AW ENG PE-LS 2860"; thence along the North line of said Lot I
S89.30'20"E I 090.15 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 16.28 acres, more orless. The basis of bearing for this
description being NOO.00'09"W along the East line of said Lot 1; the points and intersections not previously described herein
being monumented by a 5/8" diameter, 24" long rebar and aluminum cap inscribed "Todd Cedarholm ID PLS 7481."


Commencing at the W4 comer of Sec 19 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence N89.58'18"E 1321.36 feet to the point of

d:.~~ beginning; thence SO.02'44"E 662.94 feet; thence N89.59'10"W 1321.56 feet; thence NO.OI '41"W 661.97 feet to the point of
->Hh~ Al4--, beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side ofthe
. \If!I1J7'V;''''~ following described centerline; commencing at the W4 of Sec 19; thence SOO.00'37"E 661.00 feet to the point of beginning;


."1 v


thence S89.59' 10"E 1381.S6 feet to the point of ending. SUBJECT TO and reserving unto grantor and their assigns a IS-foot
irrigation and utility easement along the South and West sides. SUBJECT TO a right-of-way easement granted to Rock Road
Sprinkler Irrigation Corp recorded 12/30/66 Recorder's No. 64309, Records of Teton County; SUBJECT TO road, irrigation,
utility easement and encroachment as disclosed in record of survey by AW Engineering, project 9S-081.
"":"'Wi-Reginning at a point on the East line of Lot 1 Sec 17 TSN R46E, BM, TC, Idabo which b
. 0'09"E 649.13 feet from
the E corner of said Sec 17 where is found a monument as described in a
erpetuation and Filing Record prepared by
Stelzer, Idabo PLS #57l7 on file in the office of the C
eton County; thence along the East line of said Lot 1
670.55 feet to the SE corner of said Lot·
nce along the South line of said Lot I N89.33'32"W 1096.25 feet to
f said Lot I; thence alon t
est line of said Lot 1 NOO.15' 45"E 670.53 feet to a point, said point bears
corner of said Lot I where is found a S/8" rebar with an aluminum cap inscribed "A W
E 1093.13 feet to the point of beginning; ontams
earmg for this description being NOO.00'09"W along the East line of said Lot I; the points and corners
not pr . usly described herein being monumented by a 5/8" diameter, 24" long rebar and aluminum cap inscribed "Todd
C arholm ID PLS 7481."

The S2 of the East 88 rods of the S2NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idabo less; from the C4 corner S89.S8'30"W 794.52
feet along the Southern line of the NW4 to the true point of beginning; thence S89.S8'30"W 6S7.48 feet along the Southern
line of the NW4 to a point; thence NOO.14'29"E 662.93 feet to a point; thence S89.57'24"E 657.48 feet to a point; thence
S00.14'29"W 662.14 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at 1291.4 feet South and 47S.2 feet East from the NW section corner of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, TC, Idabo and
running thence SOI.06'00"E 390.1) feet; thence S66.42'00"E 250.0 feet; thence NOI.06'00"W 366.0 feet; thence N62.01 'OO"W
261.0 feet to the point of beginning. AKA Lot 3 Woolstenhulme Subdivision. Access to this property will be provided from a
point1485.0 feet South and 923.0 feet East from the NW section corner Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM; this point being the centerline
of the approach to the State Highway; thence running S08.12'00"W 286.5 feet along the North boundary of Lot 2.


From the NW corner of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, TC, Idabo; thence South 1413.87 feet and East 70S.69 feet to the point of
beginning; thence S42.52'00"E 200 feet to a point; thence N68.58' 17"W 143.81 feet to a point; thence NOI.06'00"W 95 feet to
the point of the beginning. ( A portion of Lot 3 Woolstenhulme Subdivision)


Beginning at a point 1291.40 feet South and 475.20 feet East from the NW section corner of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, TC,
Idaho, and running thence SOl.06'00"E 390 feet; thence N66.42'00"W 230 feet; thence NOl.06'00"W 440 feet; thence
S55.46'00"E 256 feet to the point of beginning. AKA Lot 4 Woolstenbulme Subdivision.


Beginning at a point 57.2 rods South and 30.64 rods West from the NE comer of the NW section corner of Sec I T4N R44E,
BM, TC, Idaho and running thence South 55.7 rods; thence West 30.64 rods; thence North 55.7 rods; thence East 30.64 rods to
the point of beginning.


Beginning at the NE corner of the NW4 of Sec 1 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho, and running thence South 57.2 rods; thence West
30.64 rods; thence North 57.2 rods; thence East 30.64 rods to the point of beginning.

~5{)z- A portion of the E2SE4 Sec 6 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho being described as beginning at a point S00.22'15"E 2029.17 feet
Db /eh.t from the NW corner E2SE4 of Sec 6; thence S89.21 '08"E 1318.22 feet to a point; thence SOO.20'35"E 335.44 feet to a point;
:!'" . thence N89.36' 16"W 1317.97 feet to a point; thence NOO.22' 15"W 341.24 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 10.24 acres,
~.,~~. more or less. SUBJECT TO a 40 foot county road and utility easement along the Western property line.




to tJi 36

Beginning at a point S89.38'37"E 230 feet from the SW corner of Lot 3 Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence
North 100 feet; thence S80.26'00"E 212.30 feet; thence N80.00'00"E 140.74 feet; thence N56.00'00"E 130 feet; thence
N43.IT28"E 60.53 feet; thence N48.40'00"E 240 feet; thence South 368.63 feet; thence N89.38'37"W 677.45 feet to the point
of beginning. DELETES #2065 and #3210. SUBJECT TO a non-exclusive private roadway easement being described as;
beginning at the South boundary of said Lot 3 and Henderson Creek county road; thence North 15 feet; thence West 209 feet;
thence North 15 feet; thence West 468.45 feet; thence South 30 feet; thence East 677.45 feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the NW corner of Lot I of Sec 33 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, SOO.OTOO"W 799.8 feet and thence East 30 feet
from the NW comer of Sec 33· and found as described in the Corner Perpetuation and Filing Record filed in the office of the
Recorder of Teton County; thence NOl.OTOO"E 469.8 feet parallel with the West line of Sec 33 to a point of intersection with
the South line of excepted tract 2 of record in the said office with accession #109012; thence S89.3TOO"E 630.33 feet along
the said line to a point of intersection with excepted tract 1 of said records; thence SOO.OTOO"W 664.27 feet along the West
line of said tract I to a steel reinforcing rod with yellow plastic cap inscribed "AW ENG 2860": thence S89.52'00"W 480.33
feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence NOO.OTE 200 feet along the East line of said Lot 2 and Lot I to the Northeast
comer of Lot 1; thence West 150 feet along the North line of said Lot I to the comer of beginning. Contains 8.96 acres, more
or less.


Commencing at the NE comer ofSW4NE4 of Sec 2 T4N R4~, BM, TC, Idaho; thence S32.37' 14"W 112.24 feet to the point
ofbeginning;thence S00.18' 18"W 176.94 feet to a point; thence S65.40'00"W 448.05 feet to a point; thence N70.40'00"W
453.30 feet to a point; thence S77.40'00"W 1155.32 feet to a point; thence S67.46'38"W 244.82 feet to a point; thence North
50 feet to a point; thence N39.46'33"E 193.98 feet to a point; thence N35.55'23"E 187.30 feet to a point; thence N41.10'00"E
509.67 feet to a point; thence N74.00'00"E 476.91 feet to a point; thence S46.30'00"E 270 feet to a point; thence S83.40'00"E
372.50 feet to a point; thence S76.20'00"E 232 feet to a point; thence N88.00'00"E 280 feet to a point; thence S60.00'00"E
100 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.01 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road and utility
easement being 30 feet directly South of the described lines beginning at a point S89.40' 13"W 1023.44 feet from the NE
comer ofSW4NE4 of Sec 2; thence S76.20'00"E 232 feet; thence N88.00'00"E 280 feet; thence S60.00'00"E 100 feet to the
Easternmost property line.


Beginning at the NE comer of the SE4SW4 Sec 6 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence N89.19'58"W 1300.66 feet
along the North line of said SE4SW4 to a point; thence South 223.56 feet to a point; thence S89.15'58"E 1302.22 feet to a
point on the East line of said SE4SW4; thence NOO.23'53"W 223.58 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the N4 comer of Sec 34 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence East 560 feet; thence South 260 feet;
thence West 560 feet; thence North 260 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 3.348 acres, more or less.


A portion of the W2SW4SE4 Sec 7 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 7, said point being the
point of beginning; thence SS9.42'43"E 571.77 feet; thence N30.45'17"W 228.75 feet; thence NlO.54'53"E 218.68 feet;
thence N22.32'OS"W 170.65 feet; thence N54.4S'04"W 250.18 feet; thence N27.28'18"W 231.93 feet; thence N39.36'21"W
203.52 feet; thence SOO.33'15"E 1072.88 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND RESERVING TO the grantors
and their assigns a 30 foot easement for an existing irrigation pipeline and the maintenance thereof, being 15 feet on each side
of the existing line as it now lies over the Southern position of the above described property and North of an existing road
across the Southern portion of the above described property.


Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 18 T3N R45E; thence N89.54'08"W 1321.04 feet; and NOO.02'13"W 2219.49 feet to the
point of beginning; thence East 1991.40 feet; thence SI1.21 '40"W 620 feet; thence N78.38'20"W 60 feet; thence 190.52 feet
along a 253.86 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing N57.08'20"W 186.08 feet; thence N35.38'20"W 60 feet;
thence 259.44 feet along a 206.46 foot radius curve to the left, with a chord bearing N71.38'20"W 242.71 feet; thence

S72.21 '40"W 230 feet; thence 193.54 feet along a 311.80 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing N89.51 '25"W
190.45 feet; thence N72.04'30"W 379.68 feet; thence S52.46'23"W 431.86 feet; thence N61.50'50"W 310.54 feet; thence
NOO.02' 13"W 436.96 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road right-ofway and utility easement, being 30 feet on each side of the centerline commencing at the SE comer of Sec 18 T3N R45E, BM,
TC, Idaho; thence NI8.43'00"E 1704 feet to the point of beginning; thence N78.38'20"W 60 feet; thence 190.52 feet along a
253.86 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing N57.08'20"W 186.08 feet; thence N35.38'20"W 60 feet; thence
259.44 feet along a 206.46 foot radius curve to the left, with a chord bearing N71.38'20"W 242.71 feet; thence S72.21 '40"W
230 feet; thence 193.54 feet along a 311.80 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing N89.51 '25"W 190.45 feet;
thence N72.04'30"W 229.68 feet to the point of beginning. AND a 16 foot forest access easement, being 8 feet on each side of
the centerline commencing at the SE comer of said Sec 18; thence N89.54 '08"W 1313.04 feet to the point of beginning; thence
NOO.02'31"W 1782.53 feet to the point of ending.

Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 18 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, said point being the point of beginning; thence
N89.54'08"W 1321.04 feet; thence NOO.02'13"W 555.29 feet; thence S68.26'40"E 671.93 feet; thence N36.25'16"E 279.23
feet; thence N64.13' 16"E 555.44 feet; thence 160.96 feet along a 107.24 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing
S72.46'47"E 146.27 feet; thence S26.49'50"E 113.52 feet; thence 140.10 feet along a 158.45 foot radius curve to the left, with
a chord bearing S55.06'36"E 135.58 feet; thence S80.26'22"E 56.65 feet; thence SI1.21 '40"W 180.14 feet; thence 397.22 feet
along a 1291 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing SI9.40'04"W 395.66 feet; thence N89.38'03"EW 164.01 feet,
to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road right-of-way and utility easement,
being 30 feet on either side of a centerline commencing at the SE comer of said Sec 18; thence N31.15' lO"E 641.18 feet to the
point of beginning; thence N80.26'22"W 56.65 feet; thence 140.10 feet along a 158.45 foot radius curve to the right, with a
chord bearing N55.06'36"W 135.58 feet; thence N29.46'50"W 113.52 feet; thence 160.96 feet along a 107.24 foot radius
curve to the left, with a chord bearing N72.46'47"W 146.27 feet; thence S64.13'16"W 612.34 feet to the point of beginning.
AND a 16 foot forest access easement being 8 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at the SE comer of said Sec 18;
thence N89.54'08"W 1313.04 feet to the point of beginning; thence NOO.02'31"W 1782.53 feet to the point of ending.


Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 18 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence N89.54'08"W 1321.04 feet; and NOO.02'13"W
1226.91 feet to the point of beginning; thence East 450 feet; thence N600.00'00"E 214.27 feet; thence East 1177.29 feet;
thence Nl1.21 '40"E 283.13 feet; thence N78.38'20"W 60 feet; thence 190.52 feet along a 253.86 foot radius curve to the
right, with a chord bearing N57.08'20"W 186.08 feet; thence N35.38'20"W 60 feet; thence 259.44 feet along a 206.46 foot
radius curve to the left, with a chord bearing N71.38'20"W 242.71 feet; thence S72.21 '40"W 230 feet; thence 193.54 feet
along a 311.80 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing N89.51 '25"W 190.45 feet; thence N72.04'30"W 379.68
feet; thence S52.46'23"W 431.86 feet; thence N61.50'50"W 310.54 feet; thence SOO.02' 13"E 555.61 feet to the point of

beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road right-of-way and utility easement being 30 feet on
each side of a centerline commencing at the SE comer of said Sec 18, thence NI8.43'00"E 1704 feet to the point of beginning;
thence N78.38'20"W 60 feet; thence 190.52 feet along a 253.86 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing
N57.08'20"W 186.08 feet; thence N35.38'20"W 60 feet; thence 259.44 feet along a 206.46 foot radius curve to the left, with a
chord bearing N71.38'20"W 242.71 feet; thence S72.21 '40"W 230 feet; thence 193.54 feet along a 311.80 foot radius curve to
the right, with a chord bearing N89.51 '25"W 190.45 feet; thence N72.04'30"W 229.68 feet to the point of ending. AND a 16
foot forest access easement, being 8 feet on each side of the centerline commencing at the SE comer of said Sec 18; thence
N89.54'08"W 1313.04 feetto the point of beginning; thence NOO.02'31"W 1782.53 feet to the point of ending.

Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 18 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence N89.54'08"W 1321.04 feet; and NOO.02'13"W
832.22 feet and N89.46'33"E 273.49 feet to the point of beginning; thence N84.46'33"E 1036.74 feet; thence S29.46'50"E
253.65 feet; thence 160.96 feet along a 170.24 foot radius curve to the left, with a chord bearing N72.46'47"W 146.27 feet;
thence S64.13' 16"W 555.44 feet; thence N58.00'02"W 611.45 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND
SUBJECT TO a 16 foot forest access easement being 8 feet on each side of the centerline; commencing at the SE comer of
said Sec 18; thence N89.54'08"W 1313.04 feet to the point of beginning; thence NOO.02'13"W 832.22 feet; thence
N84.46'33"E 285 feet to the point of ending. AND a 60 foot wide road right-of-way and utility easement being 30 feet on each
side of a centerline commencing at the SE comer of said Sec 18; thence N31.15'10"E 641.18 feet to the point of beginning;
thence N80.26'22"W 56.65 feet; thence 140.10 feet along a 158.45 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing
N55.06'36"W 135.58 feet; thence N29.46'50"W 367.17 feet; thence S29.46'50"E 253.65 feet; thence 160.96 feet along a
107.24 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing N72.46'47"W 146.27 feet; thence S64.13' 16"W 612.34 feet to the
point of ending. AND a 15 foot utility easement being 7.5 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at the SE comer of
said Sec 18; and N31.15'IO"E 641.18 feet; and N80.26'22"W 56.65 feet; and 140.10 feet along a 158.45 foot radius curve to
the right, with a chord bearing N55.06'36"W 135.58 feet; and N29.46'50"W 367.17 feet to the point of beginning; thence
S84.46'33"W approximately 650 feet to the point of ending.


Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 18 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence N89.54'08"W 1321.04 feet; and NOO.02'13"W
555.29 feet to the point of beginning; thence NOO.02' 13"W 276.93 feet; thence N84.46'33"E 273.49 feet; thence S58.00'02"E
611.45 feet; thence S36.25'16"W 279.23 feet; thence N68.26'40"W 671.93 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH
AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road right-of-way and utility easement, being 30 feet on each side of the centerline
commencing at the SE comer of Sec 18; thence N31.15' lO"E 641.18 feet to the point of beginning; thence N80.26'22"W
56.65 feet; thence 140.10 feet along a 158.45 foot radius curve to the right, with a chord bearing N55.06'36"W 135.58 feet;
thence N29.46'50"W 113.52 feet; thence 160.96 feet along a 107.24 foot radius curve to the left, with a chord bearing
N72.46'47"W 146.27 feet; thence S64.13' 16"W 612.34 feet to the point of ending. AND a 15 foot utility easement being 7.5

feet on each side ofa centerline commencing at the SE corner of said Sec 18; thence N31.15'10"E 641.18 feet; thence
N80.26'22"W 56.65 feet; thence 140.10 feet along a 158.45 foot radius curve to the right with a chord bearing N55.06'36"W
135.58 feet; thence N29.46'50"W 113.52 feet; thence 160.96 feet along a 107.24 foot radius curve to the left with a chord
bearing N72.46'47"W 146.27 feet; thence S64.13'16"W 555.44 feet to the point of beginning; thence S36.25'16"W 279.23
feet to the point of ending. AND a 16 foot forest access easement being 8 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at the
SE corner of Sec 18; thence N89.54'08"W 1313.04 feet to the point of beginning; thence NOO.02'31"W 832.22 feet; thence
N84.46'33"E 285 feet; thence S84.46'33"W 285 feet; thence NOO.02'31"W 950.31 feet to the point of ending.

A portion of the S2 of Sec 27 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho commencing at the S4 of said Sec 27 being the point of beginning;
thence NOO.I7'51"W along the centerline, 609.39 feet; thence West 7.5 feet to a point in the thread of a creek; thence along
said thread of creek as follows; thence S82.30'00"W 53 feet; thence S63.00'00"W 126 feet; thence S74.00'00"W 61.5 feet;
thence S41.00'OO"W 30 feet; thence S36.30'00"W 57.5 feet; thence S33.00'00"W 84 feet; thence S68.00'00"W 92 feet;
thence S29.45'00"W 111 feet; thence S73.15'00"W 39 feet; thence S35.30'00"W 41 feet; thence S27.15'00"W 33.62 feet;
thence leaving said thread of creek, West 30.37 feet; thence South 183.26 feet to a point on the Southern section line; thence
S89.57'35"E along said section line 580.05 feet to the point of beginning; SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road easement along
the South boundary.


Beginning at the SE corner of Sec 15 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, and running thence North 1063.30 feet; thence West 410.15
feet; thence South 1063.30 feet; thence East 410.15 feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing atthe S4 corner of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho thence N00.10'46"E 1318.71 feet along the North-South
quarter line to the true point of beginning; thence N89.58'22"W 659.35 feet to a point; thence N89.53'27"E 659.87 feet to a
point; thence SOO.04'52"W 660.92 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 10.00 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60
foot road and utility easement being the 60 feet directly East of following described lines; beginning at a point N89.50'12"W
12.13 feet form the S4 corner of said Sec 6; thence NOO.07'58"E 813.70 feet to a point; thence NOI.37'48"E 505.18 feet to the
SE property corner; thence NOO.04'52"E 60 feet to a point. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation line easement being 15 feet on
each side of a centerline commencing at the W4 corner of said Sec 6; thence N89.53 '27"E 2523.15 feet along the East-West
quarter line; thence SOO.14'53"W 657.79 feet to the true point of beginning; thence SOO.14'53"W 660.66 feet to the Southern
property line. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road, utility and well access easement across the Southern property line.


The S2SE4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road, utility and irrigation line easement across the
Eastern property line. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement across the Southern property line. TOGETHER
WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being described as; the Southern 60 feet of the SW4SE4.

Commencing at the SE corner of Sec IS T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence NS9.54'OS"W 1321.04 feet; and NOO.02'13"W
1226.91 feet to the point of beginning; thence East 450 feet; thence N60.00'00"E 214.27 feet; thence East 1177.29 feet; thence
S 11.21' 40"W S03.92 feet; thence NS0.26'22"W 56.65 feet; thence 140.10 feet along a l5S.45 foot radius curve to the right,
with a chord bearing N55.06'36"W 135.5S feet; thence N29.46'50"W 367.17 feet; thence NOO.02' 13"W 394.69 feet, to the
point of beginning. Contains IS.54 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility
easement, being 30 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at the SE corner of said Sec IS; thence N3l.l5'1 O"E 641.18
feet, to the point of beginning; thence N80.26'22"W 56.65 feet; thence 140.10 feet along a 158.45 foot radius curve to the right
with a chord bearing N55.06'36"W 135.58 feet; thence N29.46'50"W 113.52 feet; thence 160.96 feet along a 107.24 foot
radius curve to the left, with a chord bearing N72.46'47"W 146.27 feet; thence S64.13' l6"W 612.34 feet, to the point of
ending. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 16 foot forest access easement being 8 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at the SE
corner of said Sec 18; thence N89.54'08"W 1313.04 feet to the point of beginning; thence NOO.02'31 "W 1782.53 feet to the
point of ending. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 15 foot utility easement, being 7.5 feet on each side of a centerline
commencing at the SE corner of said Sec IS; thence N89.54'08"W 1321.04 feet; thence NOO.02'13"W 832.22 feet; thence
N84.46'33"E 700 feet to the point of beginning; thence NS4.46'33"E 610.23 feet; thence S29.46'50"E 253.65 feet to the point
of ending.

Tax # 3520 is a
good legal. Not




Beginning at the NW corner of Lot 8 Aspen Grove Subdivision, No.1, TC, Idaho; said point being 1320.92 feet East along the
section line and 2799.79 feet NOO.37'01 "W from the SW corner; running thence NOO.37'Ol"W 1164.66 feet to the right-ofway line of Aspen Lane; thence 4 courses along said right-of-way line Southeasterly along the arc of a 45 foot radius curve to
the right a distance of24.57 feet (long chord bears S74.35'24"E 24.27 feet); Southeasterly along the arc of a 367.65 foot radius
curve to the left, a distance of200.75 feet (long chord bears S74.35'24"E 198.26 feet); N89.46'04"E 335.77 feet and
Southeasterly along the arc of a 489.11 foot radius curve to the right, a distance of 122.46 feet (long chord bears S83 .03 '34"E
122.14 feet) to the NW corner of Lot 1 in said Aspen Grove Sub No.1; thence 6 courses along the Westerly and Northerly
boundary S16.45'00"W 422.01 feet; S46.15'00"E 130 feet; S49.30'00"W 330 feet; S05.50'00"W 122 feet; SI4.30'00"W 271
feet; and West 300.10 feet to the point of beginning. LESS any part of Lot I Aspen Grove Subdivision as per boundary
adjustment survey recorded as Inst. No. 121039, records of Teton County, Idaho .
Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 1 Blk 1 6point being the true point of beginning; thence SOO.00'48"W 140.10 feet; thence
S89.15'5l "E 155.11 feet; thence NOO.00'26"W 140.12 feet; thence N89.l6' 17"E 155.16 feet to the true point of beginning.
Contains .50 acres, more or less.


Commencing at the NE comer of Lot 1 Blk 16; thence SOO.OO' 48"W 14.1 0 feet to the true point of beginning; thence
SOO.00'48"W 140.10 feet; thence S89.15'24"W 155.06 feet; thence NOO.00'26"W 140.12 feet; thence N89.15'51"E 155.11
feet to the true point of beginning. Contains .50 acres, more or less.


Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 2 Blk 16 point being the true point of beginning; thence SOO.OI '40"E 280.30 feet; thence
N89.15'24"E 175.07 feet; thence NOO.00'26"W 280.24 feet; thence S89.16' 17"W 175.17 feet to the true point of beginning.
Contains 1.13 acres, more or less.


Beginning at a point 274.5 feet West and 33 feet South of the NE comer ofNE4SW4 of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho
and running thence West 75 feet; thence South 78 feet; thence East 75 feet; thence North 78 feet to the point of beginning.
DELETES #2906.


A portion of the NE4SE4 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho commencing at the E4 comer of said section, said point being the
point of beginning; thence SOO.09'26"E 330 feet; thence N89.55'02"W 330 feet; thence NOO.09'26"W 330 feet; thence
S89.55'02"E 330 feet to the point of beginning; Contains 2.50 acres, more or less.


From the NE comer of the NW4SE4 of Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, N82.12'45"W 296.4 feet to a point on the Old
Jackson Hwy right-of-way and approach to the Ross home, the point of beginning; thence S73.40'30"E 394 feet to the old
fence comer; thence S01.50'58"W 775 feet along the fenceline; thence N21.41 '40"W 953.14 feet to the point of beginning;
Contains 3.4 acres, more or less.


Commencing at the NE comer of the NW4SW4 Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence N82.12'44"W 296.37 feet, to the
point of beginning; thence S21.44'40"E 953.14 feet; thence S01.50'52"W 547.51 feet; thence West 207.00 feet, more or less,
to Trail Creek; thence North along Trail Creek to the beginning of Kimball Canal, said point being N5.40'30"E 580.00 feet,
more or less; thence along Kimball Canal as follows: N26.47'00"W 330 feet, more or less; thence N19.00'00"W 500 feet,
more or less; thence North 50 feet, more or less; thence NI6.16'00"E 71.8 feet, more or less, to the highway right-of-way;
thence S73.41' 18"E 110 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Contains 5.848 acres, more or less.


A portion of Lot 5 commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 29 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho, said point being the point of beginning;
thence SOO.13'02"E 512.99 feet along the Idaho-Wyoming state line to a point; thence N45.00'59"W 505.58 feet to a point on
the centerline of Fox Creek Rd; thence N47.40'26"W 102.40 feet to a point on road centerline; thence N52.29'20"W 139.99

feet to a point on road centerline; thence N89.51 '08"E 542.41 feet along North line Lot 5 to the point of beginning; SUBJECT
TO a county road and utility easement across the Southwestern property lines. Contains 3.05 acres, more or less.

A portion of Lot 5 commencing at the SE comer of Lot 5 of Sec 29 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho, said point being the point of
beginning; thence S89.58'49"W 1531.51 feet to the SW comer of Lot 5; thence N00.17'50"E 1318.43 feet to the NW corner of
Lot 5; thence N89.51 '08"E 977.25 feet to a point; thence S52.29'20"E 139.99 feet to a point; thence S47.40'26"E 102.40 feet
to a point; thence S45.00'59"E 505.58 feet to a point on the Idaho-Wyoming state line to the point of beginning; SUBJECT
TO a county road and utility easement across the Northeastern property lines; TOGETHER WITH a 30 foot road and utility
easement being 15 feet on each side of a centerline beginning at a point S89.51 '08"W 640.15 feet from the E4 comer of said
section; thence N30.00'00"W 47 feet to a point; thence N13.00'00"W 46.50 feet to a point; thence NI6.00'00"E 52 feet to the
county road. Contains 43.19 acres, more or less.


Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 34 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence SOO.09'14"W along the section line a distance of
1276.95 feet and N89.44'35"E a distance of 1965.05 feet to the point of beginning; thence NOO.OO'OO"E 348.63 feet; thence
S80.53'15"W 364.60 feet; thence SOO.OO'OO"E 292.50 feet; thence N89.44'35"E 360 feet to the point of beginning.


From the S4 corner of Sec 29 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, West lIO.51 feet along the section line and North 377 feet to the
point of beginning; thence N51.30'00"W 93.43 feet; thence N38.30'00"E 117.46 feet; thence South 150.09 feet to the point of

~rom the S4 comer of Sec 29 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, West 110.51 feet along the South line of Sec 29 to the point

/.)C;:/~j' cd-beginning; thence North 377 feet; thence S51.30'00"E 25.41 feet; thence SI2.03'34"E 149.40 feet; thence South 215.08 feet to


the South section line; thence West 5UO feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the NE comer of the NW4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and numing thence West 500 feet; thence
South 700 feet; thence East 500 feet; thence North 700 feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence N89.42'09"E 660 feet to the true point of
beginning; thence N89.42'09"E 330.03 feet; thence N00.28'43"E 659.98 feet; thence S89.42'09"W 328.84 feet; thence
SOO.34'5T'W 660 feet to the point of beginning; TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility
easement being 30 feet on either side of the centerline commencing at the SW comer of Sec 31, thence N89.42'09"E 660 feet
to the point of true beginning; thence N00.34'5T'E 660 feet to a point.


Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence N89.42'09"E 990.03 feet to the true point of
beginning; thence N89.42'09"E 330.03 feet; thence NOO.22'29"E 659.97 feet; thence S89.42'00"W 328.84 feet; thence
SOO.28'43"W 659.98 feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 23 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence SOO.04'39"W 1015.90 feet along the Eastern
section line and thence N89.5TOO"W 60 feet to the point of beginning; thence N89.5TOO"W 710.00 feet; thence NOO.04'39"E
613.52 feet; thence S89.5TOO"E 710 feet; thence SOO.04'39"E 613.52 feet to the point of beginning; Contains 10 acres, more
or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60-foot road and utility easement being the 60 feet lying directly West to the East line of the SE4
of Sec 23. SUBJECT TO easement restrictions in the WD from Steve and Linda Hansen to Mae Hansen recorded 10/24/90
Instrument No. 106788, Records of Teton County, Idaho. ALSO SUBJECT TO easement restrictions in the WD from Mae
Hansen to Mary Maj recorded 10/23/95 Instrument No. 121693, Records of Teton County, Idaho.


Beginning at a point in Sec 6 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho, SOO.22'15"E 1014.39 feet from the NW comer ofE2SE4 of said
section; thence S89.21 '08"E 1318.71 feet; thence S00.20'35"E 338.21 feet; thence N89.21 '08"W 1318.55 feet; thence
NOO.22' 15"W 338.22 feet to the point of beginning; Contains 10.24 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 40-foot county road
and utility easement along the Western property line.


Beginning at the SE comer of the NE4SE4 of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, and running thence West 490 feet to the true
point of beginning; thence North 265 feet; thence West 164.37 feet; thence South 265 feet; thence East 164.37 feet to the true
point of beginning. Contains 1.002 acres, more or less.


Beginning at a point that is S89.0T52"W along the section line 1310.52 feet from the SE comer of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM,
TC, Idaho, rmming thence NOO.52'08"W 526.26 feet to the Southeasterly bank of Teton Creek; thence along said bank the
following 10 courses; S63.24'56"W 36.73 feet; thence S67.52'41"W 84.17 feet; thence S46.35'04"W 57.8 feet; thence
SI2.50'21"W 59.19 feet; thence S02.58'25"E 121.15 feet; thence S01.28'I7"W 55.45 feet; thence S34.39'27"W 73.16 feet;
thence S47.36'23"W 23.92 feet; thence S38.32'22"W 56.81 feet; thence S2l.31 '02"W 95.12 feet to the South line of Sec 25;
thence leaving said barnc, N89.0T52"E 298.13 feet to the point of beginning; DELETES #1790. Contains 2.200 acres, more or


Commencing at the NE comer of Sec 12 T6N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho, said point being the point of beginning; thence
SOO.OT59"W 961.03 feet along the Eastern section line to a point of roadway; thence NI2.39'09"W 74.71 feet along roadway;
thence N37.00'32"W 99.28 feet along roadway; thence N49.52'47"W 151.23 feet along roadway; thence N35.42'24"W
102.32 feet along roadway; thence N27.0T07"W 296.99 feet along roadway; thence N41.08'44"W 109.25 feet along roadway;

thence N56.49'40"W 394.08 feet along roadway; thence N51.32'47"W 126.26 feet to a point on the Northern section line of
said Sec 12; thence S89.11'54"E 889.81 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning.

A portion of Government Lot 3, Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, commencing at the SW comer of said section; thence
NOO.39'39E 1312.64 feet along the Western section line to the SW comer of Government Lot 3, the point of beginning; thence
N00.39'39"E 809.28 feet further along the Western section line to a point; thence N89.52'29"E 1308.79 feet to a point on the
East line of Government Lot 3 to the SE comer of said lot; thence S89.56' 17"W 1321.33 feet along the South line of
Government Lot 3 to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement for ingress and
egress over and across said described property, being described as a 60 foot road and utility easement, located in the N2 of said
Sec 30, being 30 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at a point East 1341.66 feet along the Southerly section line and
thence NOO.13'36"W 596.20 feet along the East line of Government Lot 4 from the SW comer of Sec 30; thence
NOO.13'36"W 2166.75 feet parallel to the West line of the E2SW4 to a point; thence N89.52'29"E 1120.67 feet parallel to the
North line of the SW4 to a point; thence South 134.56 feet to a point; thence East 200 feet to the C4 comer of Sec 30 to the
point of ending.


A portion of Government Lot 3 and a portion of the Southern 165 feet of the NW4 Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho,
commencing at the SW comer of said section; thence NOO.39'39"E 2121.91 feet along the Western section line to the point of
beginning; thence N00.39'39"E 668.36 feet further along the Western section line to a point; thence N89.52'29"E 1298.44 feet
to a point; thence SOO.13'36"E 668.30 feet to a point; thence S89.52'29"W 1308.79 feet to the point of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement for ingress and egress over and across said described property,
being described as a 60 foot road and utility easement, located in the N2 of Sec 30; being 30 feet on each side of a centerline
commencing at a point East 1341.66 feet along the Southerly section line and thence N00.13 '36"W 596.20 feet along the East
line of Government Lot 4 from the SW corner of Sec 30; thence NOO.13'36"W 2166.75 feet parallel to the West line of the
E2SW4 to a point; thence N89.52'29"E 1120.67 feet parallel to the North line of the SW4 to a point; thence South 134.56 feet
to a point; thence East 200 feet to the C4 comer of Sec 30 to the point of ending.


A portion of Government Lot 4, Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, commencing at the SW comer of said section, thence
N00.39'39"E 656.24 feet along the Western section line to the point of beginning; thence NOO.39'39"E 656.40 feet further
along the Western section line to the NW comer of Govemment Lot 4; thence N89.56' 17"E 1321.33 feet along the North line
of Government Lot 4 to the NE comer of said Lot; thence S00.13' 36"E 657.79 feet along the East line of Government Lot 7 to
a point; thence West 1331.50 feet to the point of beginning; TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement for
ingress and egress over and across said described property being described as a 60 foot road and utility easement, located in the
N2 of Sec 30, being 30 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at a point East 1341.66 feet along the Southerly section

line and thence NOO.13'36"W 596.20 feet along the East line of Government Lot 4 from the SW corner of Sec 30; thence
NOO.13'36"W 2166.75 feet parallel to the West line of the E2SW4 to a point; thence N89.52'29"E 1120.67 feet parallel to the
North line of the SW4 to a point; thence South 134.56 feet to a point; thence East 200 feet to the C4 corner of said Sec 30 to
the point of ending.

A portion of Government Lot 4 Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho commencing at the SW corner, said section point being the
point of beginning; thence N00.39'39"E 656.24 feet along the Western section line; thence East 1331.50 feet to a point on the
East line of Government Lot 4; thence SOO.13 '39"E 656.2 feet along the East line of Government Lot 4 to a point on the
Southern section line; thence West 1341.66 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH
a 60 foot road and utility easement for ingress and egress and electric cable TV and telephone utilities located within the W2 of
Sec 30, being 30 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at a point 1341.66 feet along the Southern section line and
thence N13'36"W 596.20 feet along the East line of Government Lot 4 from the SW corner of Sec 30; thence NOO.13'36"W
2166.75 feet parallel to the West line of the E2SW4 to a point; thence N89.52'29"E 1120.67 feet parallel to the North line of
the SW4 to a point; thence South 134.56 feet to a point; thence East 200 feet to the C4 corner of Sec 30, the point of ending.
ALSO SUBJECT TO a 25-foot road right-of-way easement over and across the S2NE4 of Sec 30 as granted in road right-ofway easement recorded as Instrument No. 66817.


Beginning at the SW corner of the SE4NW4 of Sec 18 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence East 1320 feet, more or less to the
SE corner of the SE4NW4 of said Sec 18; thence North 1210.77 feet, more or less along the said center section line; thence
West 1320 feet more or less to the West boundary of the SE4NE4; thence South 1210.77 feet more or less to the point of
beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress and utility placement being 60 feet wide from the county
road and running East and West along the North boundary of the NE4 of the NW4 of said section described as; the West most
60 feet of the NE4NW4 of Sec 18, and the West most 60 feet of the SE4NW4 of said section.


Commencing at the SE corner of Sec 33 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence N89.38'25"W 1951.39 feet along the Southern
section line to the point of beginning; thence N13.05'00"E 613.50 feet to a point; thence N76.55'00"W 333 feet to a point;
thence S13.05'00"W 688.89 feet to a point on the Southern section line of said section; thence S89.38'25"E 341.38 feet along
the Southern section line to the point of beginning; Contains 4.98 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility
easement along the Southern property line.


A parcel ofland situated in the N2NE4 of Sec 5 T5N R45E and the S2SE4 Sec 32 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, commencing at
the E4 corner of Sec 5; thence along the East line of Sec 5, North 389.3 feet to a point on the center line ofthe main track of
the Teton Valley Branch of the Oregon Short Line RR Co as presently constructed and operated; thence along said main track,
N32.01 'OO"W 1694.5 feet to the beginning of an increasing spiral curve to the right, having 11-30 foot chords and a spiral
angle of 6.36'; thence at right angles to said centerline S57.59'00"W 50 feet to a point 50 feet Southwesterly, measured at right
angles from said centerline of the main track, said point being on the Westerly right-of-way line of the Teton Valley Branch of
said RR Co, said point also being the true point of beginning; thence parallel with a point 50 feet Southwesterly, measured at
right angles from the centerline of the abandoned Southerly leg of wye track of said RR Co, as formerly constructed and
operated, N32.01 'OO"W 5.8 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1029.75 feet;
thence Northerly along said curve parallel with said centerline of the abandoned wye track, through an angle of5.00', an arc
distance of 89.86 feet; thence tangent to the last described curve and continuing parallel with said centerline of the abandoned
wye track, N37.01 'OO"W 8.4 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southerly, having a radius of 523.69 feet; thence
Westerly along said curve parallel with said centerline of the abandoned wye track, through an angle of90.5', and arc distance
of 823.37 feet; thence tangent to the last described curve and continuing parallel with said centerline of the abandoned wye
track, S52.54'00"W 10 feet to the beginning ofa tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of892.29 feet; thence
Southwesterly along said curve parallel with said centerline of the abandoned wye track, through a central angle of 05.44', an
arc distance of 89.29 feet, to a point 50 feet Southeasterly, measured at right angles, from tlle centerline of the abandoned wye
track of the Teton Valley Branch of said RR Co, as formerly constructed and operated; thence tangent to the last described
curve and parallel with said centerline of the abandoned main track of the Talbot Branch, S47.l0'00"W 519.2 feet; thence at
right angles to said centerline of the abandoned main track of the Talbot Branch N42.50'00"W 100 feet to a point 50 feet
Northwesterly, measured at right angles, from said centerline of the abandoned main track ofthe Talbot Branch, thence
parallel with said centerline ofthe abandoned main track of the Talbot Branch, N47.10'00"E 980.4 feet to the beginning of a
tangent curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 892.29 feet, thence Northeasterly along said curve parallel with said
centerline of the abandoned main track of the Talbot Branch, through a center angle of 43.56'23", and arc distance of 684.29
feet to a point; thence N89.59'00"E 1.43 feet more or less to a point 50 feet Westerly, measured at right angles from said
centerline of the main track of the said Teton Valley Branch, thence along said Westerly right-of-way line and parallel with
said centerline of the main track of said Teton Valley Branch SOO.OI 'OO"E 23.4 feet to a point opposite the beginning of an
increasing spiral curve to the left in said centerline of the main track, having 11-30 foot chords, and a spiral angle of 6.36';
thence Southerly concentric with said spiral curve in said centerline 336.07 feet, more or less, to the beginning of a circular
curve concave easterly, having a radius of 1482.69 feet; thence Southerly along said curve and along said right-of-way line and
parallel with said centerline of the main track, through a central angle of 18.48', an arc distance of 486.50 feet to a point
opposite the beginning ofa decreasing spiral curve to the left in said centerline of the main track, having 11-30 foot chords and

a spiral angle of 6.36'; thence Southerly concentric with said spiral curve in said centerline 336.07 feet more or less to the true
point of beginning. Contains an area of 268,708 square feet, more or less or 6.17 acres, more or less.

Commencing at the SW comer of Sec IT3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence North 1333.37 feet and S89.50'15"E 747.50 feet to
the point of beginning; thence N00.28' 17"E along a fence line 303.42 feet to a fence comer; thence East along a fence line
821.63 feet to a fence comer; thence South along a fence line 305.75 feet; thence N89.50' 15"W 824.13 feet to the point of
beginning; Contains 5.75 acres, more or less.


A portion ofthe W2NW4NW4 of Sec 25 and E2NE4NE4 of Sec 26 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho; Commencing at the NW
comer of Sec 25, said point being the point of beginning; thence S89.34'27"E 662.20 feet along the Northern section line to a
point; thence SOO.09'31"W 1322.81 feet to a point on the South line of the NW4NW4 of Sec 25; thence N89.35'35"W 661.34
feet along the South line of the NW4NW4 of said Sec 25 to the SE comer of the NE4NE4 of said Sec 26; thence N89.55'07"W
656.38 feet along the South line of the NE4NE4 of said Sec 26 to a point; thence N00.12' 13"E 1322.68 feet to a point on the
Northern section line of said Sec 26; thence S89.5TOO"E 654.49 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning.
SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement along the Northern property lines.


A portion of Sec 6 T6N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho, commencing at the W4 comer of Sec 6, thence S67.0T05"E 3272.36 feet to
the point of beginning; thence S52.00'00"E 444.10 feet; thence S28.30'OO"W 240 feet; thence N67.00'00"W 415 feet; thence
N27.30'OO"E 175 feet; thence N21.30'00"E 179.44 feet to the point of beginning; Contains 2.85 acres, more or less;
SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement being 15 feet on each side of the existing road centerline being more or less
described as; commencing at the NW property comer; thence S52.00'OO"E 130 feet to the point of beginning; thence
S26.00'00"W 200 feet; thence S 14.00'00"E 90 feet; thence S29.00'00"W 50 feet more or less, to the Southerly property line.


Commencing at the NE comer of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence SOO.26'52"W 1310.18 feet along the Eastern
section line to the point of beginning; thence SOO.26'52"W 1310.1S feet further along the Eastern section line to the E4 comer
of said Sec 13; thence NSS.51 '50"W 997.S7 feet along the South line of the NE4 of said Sec 13 to a point; thence
N00.42'28"E 1311.93 feet to a point on the North line of the SE4NE4 of said Sec 13; thence N8S.4S'35"E 991.94 feet along
the North line of the SE4NE4 to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the NE comer of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho; thence S00.31 '39"E 1306.51 feet along the Eastern
section line to the SE comer of the N2NE4 of said Sec 25; thence S89.42'00"W 1661.45 feet along the South line of the
N2NE4 to the point of beginning; thence N33.14'47"E 56 feet to a point; thence N55.2T22"E 88.80 feet to a point; thence
N30.05'51"E 167.48 feet to a point; thence N20.01 '05"E IS0.49 feet to a point; thence N09.30'37"E 86.53 feetto a point;

thence S33.03'57"W 624.01 feet to a point; thence S57.48'56"E 178.25 feet to a point; thence S89.47'40"E 113.68 feet to a
point; thence S70.48'54"E 79.59 feet to the point of beginning; SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across
a portion of the N2NE4 of said Sec 25, being 30 feet on each side of a center line commencing at the NE comer; thence
SOO.31 '39"E 1306.51 feet along the Eastern section line to the SE comer of the N2NE4 of said section 25; thence S
89.42'00"W 1661.45 feet along the South line of the N2NE4 to the point of beginning; thence N33.14'47"E 56 feet to a point;
thence N55.27'22"E 88.80 feet to a point; thence N30.05'51"E 167.48 feet to a point; thence N20.01 '05"E 180.49 feet to a
point; thence N09.30'37"E 86.53 feet to the point of ending; ALSO SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility easement
across a portion of the N2NE4 of Sec 25, being 30 feet on each side of a centerline commencing at the NE comer of said
section 25; thence SOO.31 '39"E 1306.51 feet along the Eastern section line to the SE comer of the N2NE4 of said section 25;
thence S89.42'00"W 1661.45 feet along the South line oftheN2NE4 and thence S33.14'47"W 15.39 feet to the point of
beginning; thence N59.40'48"W 77.31 feet to t a point; thence N89.47'40"W 113.68 feet to a point; thence N57.48'56"W
17825 feet to the point of ending.

A portion of sections 5 and 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho commencing at a point which bears S89.42'09"W 546.99 feet and
SOO.04'27"E 640 feet from the NE comer of Sec 6, and running thence N89.42'09"E 68423 feet; thence SOO.08'02"W 712.49
AKA REMAINING feet; thence S89.17' II"W 136.51 feet; thence NOO.04'27"E 95.24 feet; thence S89.45'27"W 546.99 feet; thence NOO.04'27"E
617.71 feet to the point of beginning; SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement along the Easterly property line.
ALSO SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement over and across the 60 feet North of the line commencing at the NE
corner of Sec 6, thence S89.59'32"E 137.9 feet along the Northern section line of Sec 5 to a point; thence SOO.08'02"W
1351.95 feet to a point being the true point of beginning; thence S89.17' l1"W 136.51 feet to a point; TOGETHER WITH a
right-of-way for ingress and egress and utilities over a 60 foot and 30 foot wide easement as designated on Heart R
Subdivision, TC, Idaho as per plat recorded 12/16/94 as Instrument No. 118465.

Commencing at the W4 comer of Sec 17 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, thence S89.51' 45"E 50.74 feet along the North line of
the S2 to the point of beginning; thence S89.51'45"E 1617.12 feet further along the North line ofthe S2 of said Sec 17 to a
point; thence South 666.84 feet to a point; thence N89.24'00"E 1233 feet to a point on the West line of a railroad right-of-way;
thence S 10.47' 12"E 1110 feet along said right-of-way to a point; thence S89.24'00"W 3078.03 feet to a point on the Eastline
of the right-of-way of State Hwy 32; thence NOO.38'46"E 1780.54 feet along said right-of-way to the point of beginning;
SUBJECT TO an irrigation pipeline right-of-way for the reserved existing buried underground irrigation pipeline;
TOGETHER WITH a 20 foot easement being 10 feet on each side of said pipeline for repair, maintenance, and replacement,
which pipeline is approximately along a line commencing at a point S68.08'54"E 1802.35 feet from the W4 corner of Sec 17;
thence SOO.22'09"W 1092.61 feet to the point of ending of service 15 acres North of East 113 of subject property for as long as

Dale R Robson and Janette Robson own said 15 acres as shown on recorded survey No. 122437, Records of Teton County,

A portion of the SE4NE4 Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho commencing at the E4 corner of Sec 26, thence S89.50'02"W
372.97 feet along the South line of the NE4 of said Sec 26 to the point of beginning; thence S89.50'02"W 107.27 feet along
the South line of the NE4 of said Sec 26; thence NOO.31 '28"W 110.60 feet to the fence corner; thence S89.14' 18"E 11 0.25 feet
to the fence corner; thence SOU3 '44"E 24.06 feet to a gate post; thence N86.40'33"W 3.19 feetto the fence corner; thence
SOO.28'56"E 84.96 feet to the point of beginning; SUBJECT TO and reserving to grantor and/or his assigns, a 20 foot access
easement along the Western property line.


Beginning at the SW corner of Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho thence running East 1341.66 feet to the true point of
beginning, being the SW corner of said parcel; thence NOO.13 '36"W 1473.99 feet; thence N89.56' 1T'E 1320.89 feet; thence
SOO.I5'49"E 1475.42 feet to the S4 corner of Sec 30; thence West 1321.84 feet to the true point of beginning.


A parcel ofland being 400 feet wide by 600 feet long in the SE corner of the SE4SE4 of Sec 23 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho
beginning at the SE corner of said Sec 23 and running N89.5TOO"W 400.00 feet; thence NOO.04'34"E 600.00 feet; thence
S89.5TOO"E 400.00 feet; thence SOO.04'39"W 600.00 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point that is 30 feet NO.OT50"E of the S4 comer of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence East 22.15
feet, thence NE 55.95 feet aronnd a curve to the left with a radius of 62.58 feet and a chord bearing N64.23' 11"E 54.11 feet,
thence N38.46'20"E 201.73 feet, thence Southwesterly 247.09 feet around a curve to the right with a radius of 470 feet and a
chord bearing S53.50'00"W 244.25 feet, thence SO.OT50"W 36.52 feet to the point of beginning.


The N2NE4SE4 of Sec 15 T3N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 15, said point being the point of
beginning, thence SOO.OO' 49"W 660.72 feet along the Eastern section line to a point, thence N89.43 '08"W 1321. 79 feet to a
point on the West line of the NE4SE4 of Sec 15, thence NO.00'21"W 661.39 feet along the West line of the NE4SE4 to a
point on the North line of the SE4 of Sec 15, thence S89.41 '23"E 1321.71 feet along the North line of the SE4 to the point of
beginning. Contains 20.06 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 36-foot county road and utility easement along the Northern
property line and a 30-foot connty road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.


The SE4SE4 and the S2NE4SE4 of Sec 15 T3N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 15 said point being the
point of beginning, thence N89.48'21"W 1322.05 feet along the Southern section line to the SW comer of the E2SE4 of Sec
15, thence NO.00'21"W 1984.17 feet along the West line of the E2SE4 to a point, thence S89.43'08"E 1321.79 feet to a point
on the Eastern section line of Sec 15, thence SO.00'49"E 1982.16 feet along the Eastern section line to the point of beginning.
Contains 60.18 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.


A portion of the SW4SW4 of Sec 6 T4N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 6, thence NO.OT09"W 496.80
feet along the West section line to a point in line with an existing fence line, the point of beginning, thence NO.OT09"W
824.35 feet further along the West section line to the NW comer of SW4SW4 of Sec 6, thence N89.50'49"E 1336.24 feet to
the NE comer ofSW4SW4 of Sec 6, thence SO.20'32"E 1322.59 feet to the SE comer ofSW4SW4 of Sec 6, thence
S89.54'30"W 859.40 feet along the South section line to a point in line with an existing fence line, thence NO.12'30"W
499.11 feet along said fence line to a fence comer, thence S89.3 8 'OO"W 481.21 feet along an existing fence line to the point
of beginning.


Beginning at a point 3 rods West and 120 feet North of the SE comer of the NW4 of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, thence running
West 165 feet, to the true point of beginning, thence West 99 feet, thence North 130 feet, thence East 264 feet, thence South
25 feet, thence West 165 feet, thence South 105 feet to the true point of beginning.


Beginning at a fence comer assumed to be the center of Sec 5 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence S89.42'21"E 1320.15 feet,
thence NO.3 3' 17"W 717 feet to a 1" iron pin in the center of the roadway, the true point of beginning, and running thence
S89.41 '59"E 1050.50 feet to the railroad right of way, thence N31.35'20"W 1254.84 feet along the railroad right of way,
thence N21.45'58"W 867.17 feet along a 2320 foot radius curve, thence West 91 feet, thence SO.35'40"E 1868.85 feet to the
point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a culinary well located on the West line of the SW comer ofthe above described
property. ALSO with a 30 foot road easement along the South side of the property and a well lot easement of a 50 foot radius
in the SW comer of the property and adjacent to the road easement. SUBJECT TO a 10-foot utility easement.


Beginning at the SE comer ofSW4SE4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence West 90 feet, thence North 250 feet,
thence East 90 feet in a Southeasterly direction 438 feet, more or less to the South section line, thence West 350 feet to the
point of beginning.


A portion of the S2 of Sec 1 T6N R44E, BM, beginning atthe C4 comer of Sec I, thence S89.35'59"E 330 feet to a point,
thence SOO.08'39"W 1320 feet to a point, thence N89.35'59"W 990 feet to a point, thence NOO.08'39"E 1320 feet to a point,
thence S89.35' 59"E 660 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the
Northeastern property line. DELETES #3470.


Beginning at the SE comer ofNW4NW4 of Sec 8 T6N R44E, BM, and running thence North 3300 feet into the W2SW4 of
Sec 5 T6N R44E, BM, thence West 300 feet, thence South 3300 feet, thence East 300 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the NE4 of Sec 10 T3N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 10, thence North 690.52 feet to the
point of beginning, thence North 171.50 feet, thence 290.25 feet along a 1113.58 foot radius curve to the left with a chord
bearing S53.39'46"W 289.43 feet, thence East 233.15 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.50 acres, more or less.


The SE4NE4 and a portion of the SW4NE4 of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, TC, as: Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 35 said
point being the point of beginning, thence N89.53'45"W 1327.76 feet along the East-West quarter line to the SW comer of the
SE4NE4 of Sec 35, thence NO.23'38"W 363.73 feet along the Western bonndary of said SE4NE4 to a point, thence
S89.00'00"W 608.08 feet along a fence line to a point, thence NO.00'25"E 419.17 feet to a point, thence West 14.21 feet to a
point, thence N0.41 '41"E 538.63 feet to a point in the North fence line, thence N89.29'25"E 573.32 feet to a point on the
Northern boundary of the S2NE4 of Sec 35, thence East 1364.77 feet along said Northern boundary to the NE comer of the

NE4 of Sec 35, thence SO.20'21"E 1318.42 feet along the Eastern section line to the point of beginning. Contains 53.56 acres,
more or less.
The SE4NE4 less the Northern 440 feet of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the E4 corner of Sec 11, thence NO.O 1'W
876.90 feet along the section line, thence S89.40'W 1320.08 feet, thence SO.00'40"W 873.34 feet to the SW corner of the
SE4NE4, thence S89.30'43"E 1320.53 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 26.53 acres, more or less.

A portion of the SW4 of Sec 6 T6N R44E, BM, as: Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 6, thence NO.l8'II"E 1297.25 feet
along the Western section line to the NW corner of the SW4SW4 of Sec 6, thence S87.57'30"E 828.94 feet to a point, thence
S8 1.27' 56"E 668.30 feet to a point, thence S42.14'27"E 217.11 feet to a point, thence S71.19' 43"E 465.28 feet to a point,
thence S3.53 '42"W 398.27 feet to a point, thence S49.01 '21 "E 362.28 feet to a point, thence S23.54'44"E 197.62 feet to a
point on the Southern section line of Sec 6, thence S88 58' 17"W 2409.86 feet along the Southern section line to the point of


A part of the E2 of Sec 7 T6n R44E, BM, as: Commencing at the SE corner of Sec 7, thence N3.05'52"E 712.35 feet along
the Eastern section line to the point of beginning, thence N71.15'08"W 604.94 feet to a point, thence N66.59' 57"W 216.51
feet to a point, thence N6.35'34"W 307.24 feet to a point, thence N85.00'41 "W 273.20 feet to a point, thence NI558'00"W
155.10 feet to a point, thence N83.54' 15"W 241.29 feet to a point, thence N50.20'07"W 146.03 feet to a point, thence
N24.lS'03"E 450.13 feet to a point, thence N13.30'45"W 199.69 feet to a point, thence N29.52'45"E 301.59 feet to a point,
thence N49.49'52"W 212.09 feet to a point, thence N16.53 '07"E 461.72 feet to a point, thence N57.50'21 "E 663.62 feet to a
point, thence N68.01 'OTE 414.64 feet to a point, thence S1.51 '20"W 1507.78 feet to a point, thence S5.1 7'30"E 724.35 feet
to a point, thence S22.33 '51"E 650.83 feet to the point ofbegilming.


A part of the NE4 of Sec 7, and a portion of the NW4 of Sec 8 T6N R44E, BM, as: From the NE corner of Sec 7, thence
S89.03 '33"W 545.25 feet along the North line of Sec 7 to a point on the Southwestern right of way line of State Hwy 33, the
point of beginning, thence along said right of way, 306.78 feet along a 5789.58 foot radius curve to the left having a central
angle 0[3.02' 10" and a chord bearing S48.12'33"E 306.74 feet to a point, thence S40.16'22"W 10 feet along said right of
way to a point, thence S49.43'38"E 703.97 feet along said right of way to a point, thence N40.16'22"E 10 feet along said right
of way to a point, thence S49.43'38"E 245.85 feet along said right of way to a point, thence S3 1.03'09"W 82.94 feet to a
point, thence SI 0.04'49"E 315.63 feet to a point, thence S89.2S'46"W 259.46 feet to a point, thence N7L13 '28"W 194.13
feet to a point, thence N77.00'59"W 232.38 feet to a point, thence S24.20'53"W 632.59 feet to a point, thence S68.01 '02"W

414.64 feet to a point, thence S57.50'21"W 663.62 feet to a point, thence N72.41 '56"W 266.94 feetto a point, thence N27.29'29"W
274.09 feet to a point, thence N31.13'12"E 547.92 feet to a point, thence N83.05'26"W 924.20 feet to a point, thence NO.21 '48"E 958.39
feet to a point, thence N1.l6'06"E 157.06 feet along the West line of the NE4 to the N4 comer of Sec 7, thence N89.03'33"E 2073.74
feet along the Northern section line of Sec 7 to the point of beginning.

Most oftheNE4NE4 as: From the NE comer of Sec 6 T6N R44E, BM, as: Commencing from S1.56'51"W 89.3 feet along the Eastern
section line to the point of beginning, thence S1.56'51"W 1165.87 feet along the Eastern section lineto the SE comer of the NE4NE4 of
Sec 6, thence S89.29'47"W 931.94 feet along the South line ofthe NE4NE4 to a point, thence NI.07'22"W 720.89 feet to a point, thence
N65.20'04"E 1084.61 feet to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the W4 comer of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, thence North 1310.16 feet along the Western section line to the NW comer of
the SW4NW4 of Sec 35, thence S89.37'51"E 330.37 feet along the North line of the SW4NW4 to a point, thence SO.00'50"E 1310.59
feet to a point on the South line of the NW4 of Sec 35, thence N89.33'24"W 330.68 feet along the South line of the NW4 to the point of
beginning. TOGETHER WITH a right of way easement for ingress and egress to said property as currently exists.
Commencing at the NE comer of the SW4 of Sec II T3N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.20' 15"E 495 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence N89.43'00"W 363.44 feet, thence N48.42'35"W 540.69 feet, thence SO.20'48"E 737.95 feet, thence S89.43'00"E
425.53 feet, thence NO.34'57"W 109.66 feet, thence S89.43'00"E 342.44 feet, thence NO.20'15"W 273.50 feet to the true point of
beginning. Contains 7.54 acres, more or less. DELETES #3429. See Boundary Adjustment Inst. #153400, also see Annexation Plat
Inst. #154416.

10 '16-'1-


Commencing at the NE comer of the SW4 of Sec II T3N R45E, BM, and running thence SO.20'15"E 495 feet, thence N89.43"W 363.44
feet and thence N48.42'35"W 540.69 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S88.l8'08"W 208.24 feet to a point, thence
N03.19'54"W 142.82 feet to a point, thence N88.57'45"W 663.24 feet to a point, thence S0.20'00"E 896 feet to a point, thence
N89.12'30"E 437.67 feet to a point, thence N89.32' 15"E 415.91 feet to a point, thence N89.32' 15"E 30 feet to a point, thence
N0.20'48"W 737.95 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 17.18 acres, more or less. See Boundary Adjustment Inst. #153400, also
see Annexation Plat Inst. #154416.


A part of Lot 8, Blk 16, Driggs Townsite, commencing at a point North 94.90 feet from the SE comer ofBlk 8, and running thence
S89.52'25"W 56.75 feet to a point, thence South 2.00 feet, thence N89.57'00"W 58.75 feet to a point, thence North 4.52 feet, thence
S89.57'OO"E 115.50 feet to a point on the West line ofBlk 16, thence South 2.35 feet along the West line ofBlk 16 to the point of
beginning. Contains 0.009 acres, more or less.


Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 23 T5N R45E, BM; thence SO.08'41"E 1324.75 feet along the East line of the NW4 to
the NE corner of the SE4NW4, thence S89.46'21"W 209 feet along the North line of the SE4NW4 of Sec 23 to the point of
beginning, thence SO.08'41 "E 209 feetto a point, thence N89.46'21 "E 147.92 feet to a point on the Western right of way line
ofHwy 33, thence SO.20'07"E 2441.84 feet along said right of way line to a point on the South line of the N2SW4 of Sec 23;
thence S89.44' 15"W 1306.51 feet along the South line of the N2SW4 to a point, thence NO.00'31 "W 2651.64 feet to a point
on the North line of the S2NW4 of Sec 23, thence N89.46'21 "E 1144.17 feet along the North line of the S2NW4 to the point
of beginning. Contains 78.35 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 0.34 acre fence line encroachment on the South side of the
described parcel varying in width from 10 feet on the West end to 22 feet on the East end. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road
and utility easement across the Northern portion of the parcel, the centerline of the easement being described: From the N4
corner of Sec 23, thence SO.08'41 "E 2175.11 feet along the quarter line and West 59.15 feetto the West Hwy right of way
being the point of beginning, thence along the center of the 60 foot wide road and utility easement, thence S89.40'W 1296
feet to the Western property line.

~commenCing at the N4 corner of Sec 23 T5N R45E, BM, thence SO.08'41 "E 2785.11 feet along the East line of the W2 of

i? Sec 23, and thence S89.39'42"W 56.92 feet to a point on the Western right of way line ofHwy 33, the point of beginning,

0(::.1(. ,.~ thence S0.20'07"E 460 feet along said right of way to a point, thence S89.39'42"W 473.48 feet to a point, thence
NO.20'07"W 460 feet to a point, thence N89.39'42"E 473.48 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot wide
irrigation easement across the East side of the parcel. ;J u.J 7)if {# 55';<0 '"'",55.;z I



Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 23 T5N R45E, BM, thence SO.08'41"E 2325.11 feet along the East line of the W2 of
Sec 23, thence S89.39'42"W 58.45 feet to a point on the Western right of way line ofHwy 33, the point of beginning, thence
S0.20'07"E 460 feet along said right of way to a point, thence S89.39'42"W 473.48 feet to a point, thence NO.20'07"W 460
feet to a point, thence N89.39'42"E 473.48 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot wide irrigation easement
across the East side of said parcel.


A portion of Lot 2, Blk 9, Victor Townsite: Commencing from the NW corner of Blk 9, thence N89 .I6'00"E 200 feet to the
true point of beginning, thence N89.16'00"E 130 feetto a point, thence SOO.OO'OO"E 217 feet to a point, thence S89.00'00"W
130 feet to a point, thence NOO.OO'OO"E 217 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement to an existing
irrigation line located approximately 5 feet parallel West of the West boundary line of above described property, the intent of
easement is that both properties can use the irrigation main line.


From the NE corner of the SE4NE4 of Sec 6 T6N R45E, BM, as: thence S86.57'45"W 32.26 feet to the West side ofHwy 32
right of way said point being the point of beginning, thence SO.!3'31"E 706.09 feet to a point, thence West 160.56 feet to a
point, thence NO.13'31"W 706.09 feet to a point, thence N86.57'45"E along the county road 160.56 feet, more or less to the
point of beginning.


Commencing at a point approximately 1301.5 feet South of the NW corner of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, thence South 271.5
feet, thence East 360 feet, thence North 271.5 feet, thence West 360 feet to the point of beginning. LESS Hwy 33 right of way
on the West side of the property.


Beginning at the NE corner of the SW4NE4 of Sec 25 T4N R45E, BM, thence South 330 feet, thence West 660 feet, thence
North 330 feet, thence East 660 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the W2NE4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec 28, said point being the true
point of beginning, thence S89.03'5T'E 1306.75 feet, thence SO.06'55"W 668.31 feet, thence N89.03'5T'W 1300.67 feet,
thence NO.24'21"W 668.43 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and
utility easement commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89.03'57"E along the North line of Sec 28,
1246.75 feet, to a point on the C4line of Sec 28, thence S89.23'03"E, along the C4line, 60 feet, thence NO.06'55"E 1315.78
feet, thence N89.13 '24"W 60 feet to the East 1I16tl1 line, thence NO.06'55"E along the East 1I161h line, 13158.95 feet to the
North line of Sec 28, thence N89.03 '57"W along the North section line, 60 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion ofthe W2NE4 of Sec 28 T6n R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 28, thence S0.24'21"E 668.43
feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.03'57"E 1300.67 feet, thence SO.06'55"W 671.45 feet, thence N89.03 '57"W
1294.56 feet, thence N0.24'21"W 671.57 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot
wide road and utility easement, commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89 .03 '57"E along the North
line of Sec 28, 1246.75 feet, to the point of beginning, thence SO.06'55"W 1399.77 feet, thence East 60 feet, to a point on the
East 111 6th line, thence SO.06'55"W, along the East 111 6th line, 1233.11 feet to a point on the C41ine of Sec 28, thence
S89.23'03"E, along the C4line, 60 feet, thence NO.06'55"E 1315.78 feet, thence N89.13'24"W 60 feet to the East 1I161h line,
thence NO.06'55"E, along the East 1I16'h line, 1315.95 feet to the North line of Sec 28, thence N89.03'57"W along the North
section line 60 feet, to the point of beginning.


A portion of the W2NE4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 28, thence SO.24'21"E 1339.99
feet, to the point of beginning, thence S89.03'57"E 1294.56 feet, thence SO.06'55"W 674.64 feet, thence N89.03'57"W
1288.43 feet, thence N0.24'21"W 674.75 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot
wide road and utility easement, commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89.03'57"E, along the North
line of Sec 28, 1246.75 feet, to the point of beginning, thence SO.06'55"W 1399.77 feet, thence East 60 feet, to a point on the
East 1I16th line, thence SO.06' 55"W, along the East 1!I16th line, 1233.11 feet to a point on the C4 line of Sec 28, thence
S89.23'03"E, along the C4 line, 60 feet, thence NO.06' 55"E 1315.78 feet, thence N89.13'24"W 60 feet to the East 1I16'h line,
thence NO.06'55"E along the East 1116tl, line, 1315.95 feet to the North line of Sec 28, thence N89.03'57"W along the North
section line, 60 feet, to the point of beginning.


A portion of the W2NE4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 28, thence SO.24'21"E 2014.75
feet, to the point of beginning, thence S89.03'57"E 1288.43 feet, thence SO.06'55"W 617.50 feet, thence N89.23'03"W
1282.66 feet, thence NO.24'21"W 624.73 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot a
60 foot wide road and utility easement, commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89.03'57"E, along
the North line of Sec 28, 1246.75 feet, to the point of beginning, thence SO.06'55"W 1399.77 feet, thence East 60 feet, to a
point on the East II16'h line, thence SO.06'55"W, along the East 1I116'h line, 1233.11 feet to a point on the C4 line of Sec 28,
thence S89.23'03"E, along the C4 line, 60 feet, thence NO.06'55"E 1315.78 feet, thence N89.13'24"W 60 feet to the East
II16'h line, thence NO.06'55"E along the East 111 6th line, 1315.95 feet to the North line of Sec 28, thence N89.03'57"W along
the North section line, 60 feet, to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the E4 corner of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, thence S89.32'07"W 1321.47 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence continuing West along said line, a distance of 661.36 feet, thence SO.04' 14"W 1317.67 feet, thence N89.28'38"E
661.37 feet, thence NO.04' 14"E 1317 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH
AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility easement being 30 feet on either side of the following described
centerline: Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 31 T6N R45E, BM, and running thence NO.04'14"E 969.44 feet along the C4
line to the true point of beginning, thence N86.45'00"E 356.46 feet along the South property line, thence N34.28' 15"E 405.57
feet to a point, thence S89.32'08"E 73.93 feet to a point on the property line, thence N89.28'38"E 1423.39 feet to a point,
which is S89.28'38"W 564.31 feet and NO.07'31"W 1335.05 feet from the SE corner of Sec 31.


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, thence SO.15'45"E 2633.02 feet and S0.44'59"W 639.71 feet to the point of
beginning, thence S00.44'59"W 642.14 feet to a point, thence N89.07'30"W 1336.26 feet to a point, thence NOO.I7'31"E

659.30 feet to a point, thence S88.23'37"E 1341.67 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a
60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part of the SW4 of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, being 30 feet on each side of the
following Southern line: Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 1 and running thence N89.53'12"E 1318.16 feet along the
Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence NO. 17'32"E 1979.86 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cul-de-sac
easement. SUBJECT TO a 15 foot irrigation easement on the East and South.

A part of the SE4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, as: From the SE corner of Sec 23, thence N89.45'59"W 930 feet along the
Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence N89.45'59"W 767.13 feet further along the Southern section line to a
point, thence North 926.71 feet to a point, thence N40.42'09"E 545.20 feet to an irrigation well, thence S45.30'E 576.97 feet
to a point, thence South 938.81 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO an easement across a
part of the SE4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, as: From the SE corner of Sec 23, thence NO.14'44"W 908.84 feet along the
Eastern section line to the point of beginning, thence N89.45'59"W 938.43 feet to a point, thence N45.30'30"W 421.83 feet to
a point, thence 195.48 feet along a 170 foot radius curve to the right with a central angle of 65.52'57" and a chord bearing
S87.35'49"W 184.88 feet to a point, thence S40.42'09"W 412.74 feet to a point, thence N40.30' 16"W 60.71 feet to a point,
thence N40.42'09"E 403.46 feet to a point, thence 752.03 feet along a 170 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle
of253.27'38" and a chord bearing N87.35'49"E 272.50 feet to a point, thence S45.30'30"E 397.44 feet to a point, thence
S89.45'59"E 913.53 feet to a point on the Eastern section line, thence S00.14'44"E 60 feet along the Eastern section line to
the point of beginning.


A part ofthe SE4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, from the SE comer of Sec 23, thence N89.45'59"W 1697.13 feet along the
Southern section line to the true point of beginning; thence N89.45'59"W 940 feet further along the Southern section line to
the S4 corner of Sec 23, thence NO.00'49"W 926.71 feet along the West line of the SE4 to a point, thence S89.45'59"E
940.22 feet to a point, thence South 926.71 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO an
easement across a part of the SE4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, as: From the SE corner of Sec 23, thence N0.14'44"W 908.84
feet along the Eastern section line to the point of beginning, thence N89.45'59"W 938.43 feet to a point, thence N45.30'30"W
421.83 feet to a point, thence 195.48 feet along a 170 foot radius curve to the right with a central angle of 65 .52'57" and a
chord bearing S87.35'49"W 184.88 feet to a point, thence S40.42'09"W 412.74 feet to a point, thence N40.30' 16"W 60.71
feet to a point, thence N40.42'09"E 403.46 feet to a point, thence 752.03 feet along a 170 foot radius curve to the left having a
central angle of253.27'38" and a chord bearing N87.35'49"E 272.50 feet to a point, thence S45.30'30"E 397.44 feet to a
point, thence S89.45'59"E 913.53 feet to a point on the Eastern section line, thence S00.14'44"E 60 feet along the Eastern
section line to the point of beginning.



A tract of land in the NW4SE4 of Sec II T5N R45E, BM, commencing at the NW corner of said NW4SE4, thence
S89.53' 16"E 38.59 feet to the Easterly right of way line of State Hwy 33, as described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument
No. 27957, the true point of beginning, thence S89.53'16"E 921.41 feet, thence SOO.18'35"W 330 feet, thence N89.53'16"W
300 feet, thence NOO.l8'35"E 270 feet to the NE corner of said tract, thence N89.53' 16"W 621.11 feet to said Easterly right
of way line ofHwy 33, thence NOO.OI '55"E 60 feet to the true point of beginning.
A tract ofland in the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, commencing at the NW corner of said N2SE4, thence
S89.53' 16"E, along the North line of said N2SE4, 1384.28 feet to the true point of beginning, thence continuing S89.53' 16"E,
along the North line of said N2SE4, 363 feet, thence SOO.18'35"W 660 feet, thence S89.53' 16"E 206.56 feet, thence
SOO.l8'35"W 663.26 feet to the South line of said N2SE4, thence N89.58'0T'W, along said South line 328.27 feet, thence
NOO.18'35"E 663.73 feet, thence N89.53'16"W 241.30 feet, thence NOO.18'35"E 660 feet to the true point of beginning.
Contains 10.500 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60-foot wide easement. SUBJECT TO a 20foot wide easement for an overhead power line and water pump.


A tract of land in the NE4SE4 of Sec II and the W2NW4SW4 of Sec 12 T5N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the NW corner of
said W2NW4SW4 of Sec 12 where found a 2" diameter aluminum pipe with a 2" diameter aluminum cap stamped "A.W.
Eng.-2860", thence N89.58'22"E along the North line of said W2NW4SW4 of Sec 12, a distance of 660.69 feet, where found
a 'Ii' diameter rebar with a I \1;," diameter aluminum cap stamped "A.W. Eng.-2860", thence S00.23'32"W, along the East line
of said W2NW4SW4 of Sec 12, a distance of 661.61 feet, thence N89.53' 16"W 1561.20 feet, thence NOO.18'35"E 660 feet to
the North line of said NE4SE4 of Sec 11, thence S89.53' 16"E along the North line of said NE4SE4 of Sec 11, a distance of
901.47 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 23.674 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a right of
ingress, egress and utilities across that 60-foot wide easement.


A part of the W2SE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, as; Beginning from the S4 corner of Sec 2, thence N89.54'38"E 677.17 feet
along the Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence NO.08'50"E 1343.06 feet to a point, thence S89.56'59"E
649.05 feet to a point on the East line of the W2SE4 of Sec 2, thence SO.08'50"W 1341.47 feet along the East line of the
W2SE4 to the SE corner of the W2SE4 of Sec 2, thence S89.54'38"W 649.06 feet along the Southern section line to the point
of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Southern property line. DELETES #3318.


A part ofthe W2SE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, as: From the S4 corner of Sec 2, thence N89.54'38"E 39.24 feet along the
Southern section line to a point on the Eastern right of way line ofHwy 33, and thence N0.44' 14"W 678.15 feet along said
right of way to the point of beginning, thence N0.44' 14"W 666.59 feet further along said right of way to a point, thence
S89.56'59"E 658.68 feet to a point, thence SO.08'50"W 666.53 feet to a point, thence N89.56'59"W 648.39 feet to the point
of begilming.


A part of the W2SE4 of Sec 2 T5N R45E, BM, as: From the S4 corner of Sec 2, thence N89.54'38"E 39.24 feet to a point on
the Eastern right of way line of Hwy 33 the point of begilming, thence N0.44' 14"W 678.15 feet along said right of way to a
point, thence S86.56'59"E 648.39 feet to a point, thence SO.08' 50"W 676.53 feet to a point on the Southern section line,
thence N89.54'38"W 637.93 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and
utility easement along the Southern property line.


A portion of the N2SW4 of Sec 12 T5n R45E, BM, as: From the C4 corner of Sec 12, thence N89.56' 19"W 495.42 feet to the
true point of beginning, thence SOO.30'46"W 133l.98 feet to a point, thence N89.39'56"W 495.23 feet to a point, thence
NOO.30'17"E 1329.62 feet to a point, thence S89.56' 19"E 495.42 feet to the point of beginning.


A part of the E2SW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, as: From the S4 comer of Sec 24, thence N89.34'51"W 569.78 feet along the
Southem section line to the point of beginning, thence N89.34'51"W 569.78 feet further along the Southem section line to a
point, thence NO.22' 13"E 1650.99 feet to a point, thence S89.32'57"E 574.01 feet to a point, thence SO.31 'OI"W 1650.68 feet
to the point of beginning. Contains 21.67 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and
utility easement across a part of the E2SW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, being bounded by the following described lines: From
the S4 comer of Sec 24, thence N89.34'51"W 539.78 feet along the Southem section line to the point of beginning, thence
N89.34' 51"W 60 feet further along the Southem section line to a point, thence N0.31 'OI"E 885.39 feet to a point, thence
S89.28'59"E 60 feet to a point, thence SO.31 'OI"W 885.29 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.22 acres, more or less.


A part of the E2SW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 24, thence N89.34'5l"W 569.78
feet along the Southem section line, thence NO.31 'OI"E 825.34 feet to a point, thence S89.33 '54"E 571.89 feet to a point on
the East line of the SW4 of Sec 24, thence SO.39'49"W 825.19 feet along the East line of the SW4 to the point of beginning.
Contains 10.82 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement across a part
of the E2SW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, being bounded by the following described lines: From the S4 corner of Sec 24,
thence N89 .34' 5l"W 539.78 feet along the Southem section line to the point of beginning, thence N89.34'51"W 60 feet

SEE TAX #6826

further along the Southern section line to a point, thence N0.31 'OI"E 885.39 feet to a point, thence S89.28'59"E 60 feetto a
point, thence S0.31 'OI"W 885.29 feet to the point of beginning.

SEE TAX #6825

A part of the E2SW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, as: From the S4 corner of Sec 24, thence N0.39'49"E 825.18 feet along the
East line of the SW4 to the point of beginning, thence N89.33'54"W 571.89 feetto a point, thence NO.3I'OI"E 825.34 feet to
a point, thence S89.32'5T'E 574.01 feet to a point on the East line of the SW4 of Sec 24, thence S0.39'49"W 825.19 feet
along the East line of the SW4 to the point of beginning. Contains 10.85 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement across a part ofthe E2SW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, being bounded
by the following described lines: From the S4 comer of Sec 24, thence N89.34'51"W 539.78 feet along the Southem section
line to the point of beginning, thence N89.34'51"W 60 feet further along the Southem section line to a point, thence
N0.31 '01 "E 885.39 feet to a point, thence S89.28' 59"E 60 feet to a point, thence SO.31 '01 "W 885.29 feet to the point of


A j>GrtiGn Gftn@]>lE4NE4 GfSee 11 B]>I Ri5E, ElM, as: Eleginning at a point along the seetioR liRe ]>189.45' 14"W 1318.03
feet [rem! the NE center efNE4NE4, frl1 iWIl: pin peim, thence 80.03' 12"W 660 rect aloll:g the lil6 th lill:c to aft ifOn piR poin{,
thell:ee 889.45' 14"E 330 fueHo fill: iroll: piR poim, thcnedW.03' 12"E 660 fueHo all: iron pin poiR!, thence 1'189.45' 14"W 330
feet along the seetion lill:e te the peim efbeginning:-'f-BGETIIER WITH a 5 feet eBSemeffi for tIfldefgfoUll:d irrigatiell: lill:eB
or.ly, to proviae '.vater to the aeo\'e aeBeri1ged property frem the main lill:e to the 80ttili, 2.05 reet en efleh Bide ofthe ceffier lill:e
'"hich is degeribed fig felle "g. Beginning at fI peine! fliell:g the geetion line, thence N89. 45' 14"')/ 13105.53 feet fFomthe ]>lE'
eorll:Cf efthe NE4NE4 ef 8ee II T3J>, R45E, BM, frl1 iron pill: peiffi and fUnning theflce 80.03' 12"W 660 feet to the tme paint
'ofbegillllill:g, thence 80.03'12"W 653.36 feet more er leBB to the main line. DELETES #20')7.. D-eld>@. b'O T«K PI lto :H
#. lflf7'
3604 A part of Sec 28, 32 and 33 T7N R45E, BM, as: From the SW comer of Sec 28, thence N89.52'33"E 205.43 feet along the
Southem section line to the point of beginning, thence N67 .31' 1T'W 99.71 feet to a point, thence N0.28' 53"W 187.09 feet to
a point, thence N19.03 '42"E 339.70 feet to a point, thence S82.18'43"E 128.62 feet to a point, thence S0I.52'40"W 510.23
feet to a point, thence S 16.36' 18"E 307.68 feet to a point on the North line of the railroad right of way, thence along said right
of way, 1153.55 feet along a 5702.58 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 11.35'25" and a chord bearing
S38.49'02"W 1151.59 feet to a point, thence along said right of way S44.19'01 "W 262.20 feet to a point, thence along said
right of way N45.40'59"W 50 feet to a point, thence along said right of way, S44.19'01 "W 318.93 feet to a point, thence
N01.03'21"W 564.68 feet to a point, thence S86.58'30"E 172.21 feet to a point, thence N55.38' 51"E 845.27 feet to a point,


thence N36.16' 13"E 243.33 feet to a point, thence Nl 0.1T28"E 225.46 feet to a point, thence N26.40' 12"W 89.96 feet to a
point, thence N67.31' 17"W 60.10 feet to the point of beginning.
A part of Sec 28, 29, 32 and 33 T7N R45E, BM, as: Cortunencing at the S4 corner of Sec 29 and running thence NO.IT 44"W
1317.67 feet along the West line of the SE4 to the NW corner ofthe SW4SE4 of Sec 29, thence S89.59'0T'E 2659.40 feet
along the North line of the S2SE4 to a point on the Western section line of Sec 28, thence N89.52'32"E 1442.53 feet along the
S2SW4 of Sec 28 to a point on the East line ofthe railroad right of way, thence along said right of way, N28.53'OI"E 402.80
feet, thence 2361.37 feet along a 2760.65 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 49.00'32" and a chord bearing
N04.22'44"E 2290.03 feet to a point, thence N89.52'29"E 3438.15 feet to a point on the Eastern section line of Sec 28, thence
SO. 13'30"E 3952.93 feet along the Eastern section line to the SE corner of Sec 28, thence SO.1O'57"E 1325.14 feet along the
Eastern section line of Sec 33 to the SE corner ofthe N2NE4, thence S89.59'12"W 2627.95 feet along the South line of the
N2NE4 to the SW corner of the N2NE4 of Sec 33, thence S89.59'12"W 1313.98 feet along the South line of the NE4NW4 to
the SW corner of the NE4NW4 of Sec 33, thence S0.11 '05"E 1317.53 feet along the East line of the SW4NW4 to the SE
corner of the SW4NW4 of Sec 33, thence S89.54' 10"E 1313.97 feet along then North line ofthe SW4 to the C4 corner of Sec
33, thence S0.11 '02"E 1324.16 feet along the East line of the SW4 to the SE corner of the N2SW4 of Sec 33, thence
N89.52'42"W 2627.92 feet along the South line ofthe N2SW4 to the SW corner of the N2SW4 of Sec 33, thence sO.1l'OrE
731.64 feet along the Western section line to the SW corner of Sec 33, thence S88.20'02"W 1801.61 feet along the Southern
section line of Sec 32 to a point on the East line of the railroad right of way, thence along said right of way 588.88 feet along a
929.36 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 36.18' 19" and a chord bearing Nl1.20' 10"E 579.08 feet to a
point, thence along said right of way N06.48'59"W 650.40 feet to a point, thence along said right of way 952.35 feet along a
1200 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 45.28' 17" and a chord bearing NI5.55'09"E 927.56 feet to a point
on the North line of the SE4 of Sec 32, thence N89.56'3T'E 174.23 feet along the North line of the SE4 to SW corner oft
SE4NE4 of Sec 32, thence NO.14'00"W 1315.80 along the West line ofthe SE4NE4 to the NW corner of the SE4NE4 of Sec
32, thence S89.58'43"W 1330.03 feet along the South line ofthe NW4NE4 to the SW corner of the NW4NE4 of Sec 32,
thence NO.16'53"W 1316.62 feet along the Westline ofthe NE4 to the point of beginning. Contains 926.74 acres. LESS the
following: the county road and railroad right of way.
See TAX # 6619 &
---:%B6- From the NW4 corner of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, thence SOO.02'00"E 1145.61 feet to the point of beginning, thence
S89.21 '28"E 285.98 feet, thence N00.26'26"W 182.42 feet, thence S89.0TlO"E 156.25 feet, thence S00.26'26"W 348.61
feet, thence S89.39'39"W 439.32 feet, thence N02.02'00"W 174.39 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.37 acres, more
or less.
j} 6/:;5(

o c:ldc;d to


Beginning at the SE comer of the SE4SW4 and rwming thence North SI6 feet, that point being the point of beginning,
running thence West 26S feet, thence North 497 feet, thence East 26S feet, thence South 497 feet to the true point of
beginning. LESS hwy right of way.


A portion of Lots 2 & 3, Blk 9, Victor Townsite, as: From the NW comer of said Blk 9, thence N89.16'00"E 92 feet to the
true point of beginning, thence N89.l6'00"E 108 feetto a point, thence SOO.OO'OO"E 217 feet to a point, thence S89.16'00"W
108 feet to a point, thence NOO.OO'OO"E 217 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.54 acres, more or less.


From the N4 comer of Sec I TSN R4SE, BM, thence SOO.lS'4S"E 2633.02 feet to the point of beginning, thence
S00.44'S9"W 639.71 feet to a point, thence N88.23'37"W 1341.67 feet to a point, thence NOO.I T31"E 6S6.71 feet to a point,
thence S87.40'30"E 1347.28 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and
utility easement across a part of the SW4 of Sec I T5N R4SE, BM, being 30 feet on each side of the following described line,
commencing at the SW comer of Sec I and running thence N89.53'12"E 1318.16 feet along the Southern section line to the
point of beginning, thence NO.1 T32"E 1979.86 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cul-de-sac easement, the point of ending.
SUBJECT TO a IS-foot irrigation easement on the East.


Beginning at the S4 comer of Sec 30 T7N R4SE, BM, thence NOO.IS'49"W 147S.42 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence S89S6' 17"W 1320.89 feet, thence NOO.13 '36"W 1318.96 feet, thence N89.52'29"E 1320.03 feet, thence SOO.15' 49"E
1320.42 feet to the point ofbegilming. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot wide road and utility easement for ingress and egress as
described by survey as recorded as Instrument No. 122160 records of Teton County, Idaho, November 28, 1995.


Part of the SW4NE4 of Sec II T4N R4SE, BM, as: Beginning at a point on the East right of way line of State Hwy 33 that is
SO.25'18"E 1320.83 feet along the North-South center line of Sec 11, and N89.S4' 10"E 177.22 feet to the true point of
begilming from the N4 comer of Sec II, and running thence NO.2S' 18"W 16.67 feet along said East right of way line, thence
S89.54'06"E 1196.71 feet, thence SI.S8'04"W 742.71 feet, thence S89.54' 10"W 51S.71 feet, thence NO.2S' 18"W 680.82
feet, thence N89.48'S6"W 650.03 feet to said East right of way line ofHwy 33, thence N0.25'15"W 45.64 feet along said
right of way line to the point of beginning.


Part of the SW4NE4 of Sec II T4N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at a point on the East right of way line ofHwy 33 that is
S0.25'J8"E 1320.83 feet along the North-South center line of Sec 11, and N89.S4'JO"E 177.22 feet and SO.2S'18"E 4S.S4

feet along said right of way line to the true point of beginning, from the N4 comer of Sec 11 and running thence S89.48'56"E
650.03 feet, thence SO.25' 18"W 450 feet, thence S89.54' 10"W 450 feet, thence N0.25' 18"W 54.46 feet along said East right
of way line to the point of beginning. Contains 2.85 acres, more or less.

The NW4SE4 of Sec 24 T5N R44E, BM, as: From the E4 comer of Sec 24, thence S89.48'46"W 1328.55 feet along the North
line of the SE4 to the NE4 comer of the NW4SE4 of Sec 24, the point of beginning, thence SO.00'16"E 1328.45 feet along the
East line of the NW4SE4 to the SE comer of the NW4SE4 of Sec 24, thence S89.59'59"W 1327.88 feet along the South line
of the NW4SE4 to the SW comer of the NW4SE4 of Sec 24, thence NO.02'03"W 1324.12 feet along the West line of the SE4
to the S4 comer of Sec 24, thence N89.48'46"E 1328.55 feet along the North line of the SE4 to the point of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide non-exclusive road and utility easement along the West line of the SE4 of Sec 24 and the
West line of the NE4 of Sec 25, aforesaid Township and Range.


Beginning at the SE comer of the SW4NE4 of Sec 25 T4N R45E, BM, and running thence N89.26'26"W 331.90 feet along
the South line of said NE4, thence N0.43' 1T'W 772 feet to the county road, thence N80.40'E 332.70 feet along the county
road, thence SO.55'02"E 829.20 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the S2NE4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, as: Commencing at the C4 comer of said Sec 7, thence S89.51 '27"E
1991.96 feet to the point of beginning, thence NO.lO'42"W 1322.20 feet, thence S89.55'31"E 658.71 feet, thence SO.10'42"E
1322.98 feet, thence N89.51 '27"W 658.72 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility
easement across the S2NE4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, being 30 feet on each side of the following described center line:
Commencing at the C4 comer of Sec 7, thence N89.51 '27"W 60 feet, and NO.08'33"E 30 feet to the point of beginning,
thence S89.51 '27"E 420 feet, thence 348.96 feet along a 285.63 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing
N55.08'33"E 327.66 feet, thence N20.08'33"E 270 feet, thence 549.78 feet along a 350 foot radius curve to the right with a
chord bearing N65.08'33"E 494.97 feet, thence S69.51 '27"E 190 feet, thence 577.65 feet along a 867.28 foot radius curve to
the left with a chord bearing S88.56'18"E 567.03 feet, thence N71.58'50"E 77.43 feet to the point of ending.


Beginning at the SE corner of the SE4SE4 of Sec 7 T5N R45E. BM, thence North 660 feet, thence West 1320 feet, thence
South 660 feet, thence East 1320 feet to the point of beginning.


A parcel of/and in the SE4NW4 of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 26, where found a
highway department brass cap, thence NOO.04'51 "E along the mid section line of Sec 26, a distance of 3959.67 feet, thence

S89.55'36"W 49.77 feet to a highway department right of way monnment at Station 488+41.1 and the true point of beginning,
thence SOO.36'56"E along the Westerly right of way line ofHwy 33, a distance of214.94 feet, thence N90.00'00"W 596.97
feet to the Easterly line of the abandoned Oregon Short Line Railroad right of way, said point being on a curve concave to the
Southwest having a radius point which bears S82.39'58"W 1960.30 feet distant, thence Northwesterly 218.72 feet along said
curved right of way line, through a central angle of 06.23 '34", thence S90.00'00"E 634.61 feet to the true point of beginning.

A parcel ofland in the SE4NW4 of Sec 26 T5n R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the S4 comer of Sec 26 where found a
highway department brass cap, thence NOO.04'51"E along the mid section line of Sec 26, a distance of 3959.67 feet, thence
S89.55'36"W 49.77 feet to a highway department right of way monnment at Station 488+41.1,t hence S00.36'56"E along the
Westerly right of way line ofHwy 33, a distance of214.94 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N90.00'00"W 596.97
feet to the Easterly line of the abandoned Oregon Short Line Railroad right of way, said point being on a curve concave to the
West having a radius point which bears S82.39'58"W 1960.30 feet distant, thence Southerly 185.98 feet along said curve right
of way line, through a central angle of 05.26'09", to the beginning of a spiral curve having a central angle of 02.15' and a total
spiral length of 151.97 feet, thence Southerly 39.70 feet along said spiral curved right of way line, to a point bearing
SOl.22'42"W 39.70 feet distant from the previous point, thence S90.00'00"E 581.05 feet to said Westerly right of way line of
Hwy 33, thence NOO.OO'OO"E along said highway right of way line, 225 feet to the true point of beginning.


A part of the SW4NE4 of Sec 6 T3N R45E, BM, as: From the N4 comer of Sec 6, thence S01.20'00"E 2001.19 feet along the
West line of the NE4 to the true point of beginning, thence East 200.46 feet to a point, thence South 175 feet to a point, thence
West 249.79 feet to a point, thence N00.15'26"E 175 feet to a point, thence East 48.54 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the E4 comer of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, and running thence S00.14'44"E 910.09 feet to a point, thence
S88.28' 43"W 909.21 feetto a point, thence North 937.76 feet to a point, thence S89.46'33"E 905 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement on the East. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO an
easement across a part of the SE4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, from the SE comer of Sec 23, thence NO.14'44"W 908.84 feet
along the Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence N89.45'59"W 938.43 feet to a point, thence N45.30'30"W
421.83 feet to a point, thence 195.48 feet along a 170 foot radius non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of
65.52'57" and a chord bearing S87.35'49"W 184.88 feet to a point, thence S40.42'09"W 412.74 feet to a point, thence
N40.30' 16"W 60.71 feet to a point, thence N40.42'09"E 403.46 feet to a point, thence 223.02 feet along a 170 foot radius
non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of75.09'53" and a chord bearing N91.33'03"W 207.37 feet to a point,

thence N43.48' 15"W 376.22 feet to a point, thence N44.01 'II"E 60.04 feet to a point, thence S43.48'15"E 378.50 feet to a
point, thence 217.86 feet along a 170 foot radius non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of73.2S'38" and a
chord bearing S86.55'35"E 203.26 feet to a point, thence N49.57'05"E 413.44 feet to a point, thence SSI.46'57"E 61.28 feet
to a point, thence S49.57'05"W 425.90 feet to a point, thence 190.52 feet along a 170 foot radius non-tangent curve to the
right having a central angle of 64.12' 42" and a chord bearing S02.l3' 17"W 180.70 feet to a point, thence S45.30'30"E 397.44
feet to a point, thence S89.45'59"E 913.53 feet to a point on the Eastern section line of Sec 23, thence SO.14'44"E 60 feet
along the Eastern section line to the point of beginning.




A tract of land in the NE4 of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, as: Beginning at the N4 comer of Sec 35, point being an Idaho State
Hwy right of way monument, and described in Instrument No. 120195, thence South and parallel to the highway right of way
20.50 feet, thence East 49.50 feet to a point on the East right of way line, thence continuing East 145.5 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence East 135 feet, thence South 112 feet, thence West 135 feet, thence North 112 feet to the true point of
beginning. Contains 0.35 acres, more or less. DELETES #1042.


Beginning at the N4 comer of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, and running thence South 201.50 feet to a point, thence East 49.50 feet
to the true point of beginning, thence East 145.50 feet, thence South 112 feet, thence West 145.50 feet, thence North 112 feet
to the point of beginning.


A portion of Sec 23 T5N R45E, BM, as: Commencing at the SE comer of S2SW4, where found a railroad spike 0.3 feet
below the pavement surface, thence NOO.08'41"W 1326.09 feet to the NE comer ofS2SW4, thence S89.44'26"W along the
North line of said S2SW4, a distance of 53.06 feet to the Westerly right of way line ofHwy 33 per Teton County Recorder's
Instrument No. 27956 and the true point of beginning, thence SOO.l7'59"E along the Westerly right of way line, 660 feet,
thence S89.44'26"W 1320.89 feet, thence NOO.08' 41"W 660 feet to the North line of S2SW4, thence N89.44'26"E along the
North line of S2SW4, 1319.11 feet to the true point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot wide irrigation ditch easement
lying Westerly of and adjacent to the Easterly line ofthe hereinabove described parcel.



A part of Government Lot I, Sec 30 T4N R46E, BM, as: From the SW comer of Government Lot I, thence NO I. 11 '04"W
364 feet along the Western section line to the true point of beginning, thence NOl.II '04"W 592 feet further along the Western
section line to a point, thence East 190.38 feetto a point, thence SOO.50' 10"W 191.98 feet to a point, thence East 88.70 feet to
a point, thence SOI.11 '04"E 400 feet to a point, thence West 272.31 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 3.34 acres, more
or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Western property line. TOGETHER WITH a 10 foot

water line easement, 5 feet on each side of the following described line, from the SW comer of Government Lot 1, thence
NOl.ll '04"W 956 feet along the Western section line to the Northwestern most property comer and thence East 130 feet
more or less to the middle of an underground water line, the point of beginning, thence along said underground water line,
North 85 feet, more or less, to a point which is five feet beyond an existing well. TOGETHER WITH a 15 foot irrigation
access easement being the 15 feet directly North of the following described line: Commencing at the SE most property comer,
thence East 1030 feet more or less, to the East line of Government Lot I, of Sec 30. DELETES #3325.

3624f7 A portion of the N2S2 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, as: From the SW comer of Sec 6, thence NO.l7'55"E 1312.45 feet and
S89.58'22"E 2639.46 feet, thence NOO.04'52"E 659.35 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.04'52"E 659.36 feet to
a point on the East-West v" line of Sec 6, thence N89.53 '27"E 660.16 feet along the East-West v" line to a point, thence
SOO.04'52"W 659.36 feet, thence S89.53'27"W 660.16 feet to the point of beginning.

A portion of the S2SW4 of Sec 11 T6N R45E, BM, TC, as: Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 11, thence S89.56'29"E
2646.38 feet along the Southern section line to the S4 comer of Sec 11, thence N0.20'11"W 664.35 feet along the East line of
the SW4 to the point of beginning, thence S89.58'30"W 1510.60 feet to a point, thence NO.20' 11"W 662.14 feet to a point on
the north line of the S2SW4 of Sec 11, thence N89 .53 '29"E 1510.59 feet along the North line of the S2SW4 to a point on the
East line of the SW4 of Sec 11, thence SO.20' 11 "E 664.35 feet along the east line of the SW4 to the point of beginning.
Contains 23.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.


A portion of the S2SW4 of Sec 11 T6N R45E, BM, TC, as: Commencing at the SW comer of Sec II, thence S89.56'29"E
1135.77 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence NO.20' 11 "W 662.14 feet to a point, thence
N89.58'30"E 1510.60 feet to a point on the East line of the SW4 of Sec 11, thence SO.20' l1"E 664.35 feet along the East line
ofthe SW4 to the S4 comer of Sec 11, thence N89.56'29"W 1510.61 feet along the Southern section line to the point of
beginning. Contains 23.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road and utility easement along the Eastern
property line.
A portion of the S2SW4 of Sec 11 T6N R45E, BM, and a portion of the SE4SE4 of Sec 10 T6N R45E, BM, TC, as:
Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 10, said point being the point of beginning, thence S89.48'02"W 581.04 feet along the
Southern section line of Sec 10 to a point, thence NO.l7'24"E 508.90 feet to a point, thence N84.51 '06"E 1717.27 feet to a
point, thence SO.20' 11 "E 662.14 feet to a point on the Southern section line of Sec 11, thence N89.56'29"W 1135.77 feet

along the Southern section line of Sec 11 to the point of beginning. Contains 23.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement.

A portion of the S2SW4 of Sec 11 T6N R45E, BM, and a portion of the SE4SE4 of Sec 10 T6N R456E, BM, TC, as:
Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 11, thence N0.18'21"E 1320.99 feet along the Western section line to the NW comer of
the S2SW4 of Sec 11 to the point of beginning, thence N89.53'29"E 1120.94 feet along the North line of the S2SW4 of Sec
11 to a point, thence S0.20' 11"E 662.14 feet to a point, thence S84.51'06"W 1717.27 feet to a point, thence NO.lT24"E
810.69 feet to a point on the North line of the SE4SE4 of Sec 10, thence N89.39' 43"E 581.42 feet along the North line of the
SE4SE4 of Sec II to the point of beginning. Contains 28.88 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a
60 foot road and utility easement.

3629 7\ portion of the SE4SE4 of Sec 10 T6N R4~5E, BM, iC, as: Comn:encing at the SE comer of Sec'TO";'"1:1ren"Ce>S-~2"W
58·l..odJe~illnKQ1~_§2.11J~Jll.,S€Gtif}n·h1letolne pomt 0(6egliiruilg7tllerrC'e"S89:"t8"'eJ2"'W"'775":72rreerfiiffiier al()7i the
-Southern se.cti@u-+i£eJ;Q. the,..~OF41,,*.€lJ:-the,..'£'E4-&E4cofflee~10~·tlreITce~Ner.·r7"'1''I''E~:t3'~a"l:rrn%1'lie'wesHin","e-f.the
SE4SE4.tl1.the.N~QmeL.o£.th~&E4SE4·O'f·S·et~tO;IIierl:ceN"893'1·4"3"E~no.8?feet'1Ilohg ille'N'Onhl~SF4"of
Se(}.lO·to·.·a.p€lint;·thence.S.o.1X2~W_U1,9.~~8-feet.t@.the-F@iuNl'f.ebegi_iutpGe>ntainS""ffc.eJtratres;mofe o~SUB]ECT
TG..A.W,Q-T-B6'E'T'HER'Wr'FH·aiJMooIToad-antY1Ittlityeasement. Oelef-e{A





A part of the S2NW4 of Sec 22 T3N R45E, BM, TC, as: From the W4 corner of Sec 22, thence N89.52'10"E 1341.56 feet
along the South line of the NW4 to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.34'20"W 1303.70 feet to a point, thence
N89.53' 54"E 668.36 feet to a point, thence S00.34 '20"E 1303.36 feet to a point on the South line of the NW4 of Sec 22,
thence S89.52' 10"W 668.36 feet along the South line of the NW4 to the point afbeginning. Contains 20 acres, more or less.
TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress 20 feet wide along the North boundary of the SW4NW4 of Sec 22
T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID.


A part of the SE4 of Sec 23 T5N R44E, BM, TC, as: From the S4 comer of Sec 23, thence NO.00'49"W 926.71 feet along the
West line of the SE4 to the true point of beginning, thence NO.00'49"W 784.51 feet further along the West line afthe SE4 to a
point, thence S89.46'33"E 939.78 feet to a point, thence S43.48' 15"E 514.55 feet to a point, thence S40.42'09"W 545.20 feet
to a point, thence N89.45'59"W 940.22 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO an easement
across part of the SE4 for agricultural and irrigation maintenance, and for ingress and egress to the eight parcels, and for the
use of electric, cable TV, and telephone utilities: From the SE comer of Sec 23, thence NO.14'44"W 908.84 feet along the

Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence N89.45'59"W 938.43 feet to a point, thence N45.30'30"W 421.83
feet to a point, thence 195.48 feet along a 170 foot radius non-tangent curve to the right, having a central angle of 65.52'57"
and a chord bearing S87.35'49"W 184.88 feet to a point, thence S40.42'09"W 412.74 feet to a point, thence N40.30' 16"W
60.71 feet to a point, thence N40.42'09"E 403.46 feet to a point, thence 223.02 feet along a 170 foot radius non-tangent curve
to the right having a central angle of75.09'53" and a chord bearing N01.33'03"W 207.37 feet to a point, thence
N43.48' 15"W 376.22 feet to a point, thence N44.01 'll"E 60.04 feet to a point, thence S43.48' l5"E 378.50 feet to a point,
thence 217.86 feet along a 170 foot radius non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 73 .25' 38" and a chord
bearing S86.55'35"E 203.26 feet to a point, thence N49.5T05"E 413.44 feet to a point, thence S51.46'57"E 61.28 feet to a
point, thence S49.5T05"E 425.90 feet to a point, thence 190.52 feet along a 170 foot radius non-tangent curve to the right
having a central angle of 64.12'42" and a chord bearing S02.13'I7"W 180.70 feet to a point, thence S45.30'30"E 397.44 feet
to a point, thence S89.45'59"E 913.53 feet to a point on the Eastern section line of Sec 23, thence SO.14'44"E 60 feet along
the Eastern section line to the point of beginning.


Commencing at the C4 comer of Sec 5 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID, as: Thence NOO.I0'45"W 642.30 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence NOO.lO'45"W 660.00 feet, thence N89.56'22"E 1321.72 feet, thence SOO.OT43"E 660.00 feet, thence
N89.56'22"E 1321.14 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH 50 percent of the existing water rights
associated with the property.
Commencing at the C4 comer of Sec 5 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID, as: Thence NOO.lO'45"W 642.30 feet, thence N89.56'22"E
1321.14 feet, thence SOO.OT 43"E 650.91 feet, thence N89.41 ' 13"W 1320.61 feetto the point of commencement.
TOGETHER WITH 50 percent of the water rights associated with the property.


Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, TC, ID, as: Thence NO.34'57"E 660.00 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence N89.42'09"E 660.00 feet to a point, thence NO.16'37"E 329.76 feet to a point, thence S89.48'22"W 658.22
feet to a point, thence SO.34'57"W 330.98 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot
wide road and utility easement, being 30 feet on either side, commencing at the SW comer of Sec 31 T6N R46E, BM, thence
N89.42'09"E 660.00 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NO.34'57"E 660.00 feet to a point, thence NO.16'37"E 659.52
feet to a point.


A portion of Lot 3 of Sec 32 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID, as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence NOO.15'20"W 1471.19 feet
more or less to a point being projected along a fence line to the Eastern section line, the true point of beginning. Thence

S84.25'04"W 467.82 feet more or less along the fence line to the fence corner, thence N28.42'14"E 962.01 feet more or less
along a fence line to a point on the Eastern section line, thence SOO.15'20"E 798.29 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
4.268 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.

A part of the E2SE4 of Sec 35 T5N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 35, thence NOO.06'25"W 415.99 feet
along the Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence N77.23' 16"W 388.72 feet to a point, thence N63.11 'OI"E
52.51 feet to a point, thence N89.39'57"E 72.92 feet to a point, thence S72.36' 15"E 131.97 feet to a point, thence
N87.21 '03"E 69.50 feet to a point, thence N01.20'24"E 96.90 feet to a point, thence East 98.32 feet to a point on the Eastern
section line, thence SOO.06'25"E 232.57 feet along the Eastern section line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county
road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.
See TAX# 6625


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID, as: Thence S00.15'45"E 2633.02 feet, thence S00.44'59"W 639.71
feet, thence N88.23 '37"W 1341.67 feet to the point of beginning, thence S00.17'31"W 659.30 feet to a point, thence
S89.53'12"W 1320.78 feet to a point, thence NOO.I0'43"E 659.29 feet to a point, thence NS9.S3' 12"E 1322.0S feet to the
point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part of the
SW4 of Sec 1, commencing at the SW corner of Sec 1 and running N89.53' 12"E 1318.16 feet along the Southern section line
to the point of beginning, thence NO.I7'32"E 1979.87 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cul- de- sac easement, the point of
ending. SUBJECT TO a 15 foot irrigation easernent on the West and South.


A part of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35 T5N R44E, BM, TC, ID, as: Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 35, thence SOO.07'24"E
658.73 feet along the Eastern section line to a point, thence NS9.57'23"W 1319.34 feetto a point on the West line of the
NE4NE4 of Sec 35, thence NOO.08'07"W 659.27 feet along the West line of the NE4NE4 to the NW corner ofthe NE4NE4
of Sec 35, thence SS9.56'00"E 1319.48 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county
road and utility easement along the Northern and Eastern property lines. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide road and utility
easement across a part of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35, commencing at the NW corner of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35, thence
SS9.56'00"E 60 feet along the Northern section line to a point, thence SOO.08'07"E 659.24 feet to a point, thence
NS9.57'23"W 60 feet to a point on the West line of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35, thence NOO.OS'07"W 659.27 feet along the West
line of the NE4NE4 to the point ofbegilming.


Commencing at the W4 corner of Sec 24 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Thence NS9.54'28"E 330.74 feet to the true point of
beginning, thence N89.54'28"E 330.74 feet to a point, thence SO.09' 17"W 330.11 feet to a point, thence SS9.54'37"W 330.73

feet to a point, thence NO.09'10"E 330.09 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.51 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30
foot road and utility easement along the Northern property line. TOGETHER WITH a 30 foot road and utility easement along
the South line of the SW4NW4. SUBJECT TO AND RESERVING TO GRANTOR OR ASSIGNS a 60 foot wide road and
utility easement along the Westerly line of described tract.

A part of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35 T5N R44E, BM, TC, ID, as: Commencing from the NE corner of Sec 35, thence
SOO.07'24"E 658.73 feet along the Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence SOO.07' 24"E 660.37 feet along
the Eastern section line to the SE corner of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35, thence N89.57'23"W 1319.21 feet along the South line of
the NE4NE4 of Sec 35, thence NOO.08'07"W 660.36 feet along the West line of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35 to a point, thence
S89.57'23"E 1319.34 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Eastern
property line. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35,
commencing at the NW corner of the NE4NE4 of Sec 35, thence S89.56'00"E 60 feet along the Northern section line to a
point, thence SOO.08'07"E 659.24 feet to a point, thence N89.57'23"W 60 feet to a point on the West line ofthe NE4NE4 of
Sec 35, thence NOO.08'07"W 659.27 feet along the West line ofthe NE4NE4 to the point of beginning.


Beginning at the SW corner of the NW4SW4 of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID and running thence East 132 feet to the true
point of beginning, thence running East 97.5 feet, thence running North 209 feet more or less to Howard Avenue, thence West
along Howard Avenue 97.5 feet, thence South 209 feet more or less to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the SW corner of the NW4SW4 of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID and running thence East 229.5 feet to the true
point of beginning, running thence East 103.5 feet to the SW corner of Lot I Blk 1 of Wallace Way Subdivision, running
thence North 207 feet along the West line of said Lot 1, running thence West 103.5 feet, running thence South 209 feet to the
point of beginning.


Beginning at the SW corner of the NW4SE4 of Sec 31 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID and running thence North along the center
section line, 277 feet to the true point of beginning, thence North 277 feet, thence East 195 feet, thence South 277 feet, thence
West 195 feet to the true point of beginning.


A portion of Sec 20 T3N R46E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SW corner of Sec 20, thence East 1321.28 feet along the section
line to the true point of beginning, thence South 33.22 feet to a point, thence N88.45'41"W 185.04 feet to a point, thence
N21.03 '36"W 208.11 feetto a point, thence East 259.78 feet to a point, thence South 165 feet to the point of beginning.

TOGETHER WITH an access easement 20 feet in width and being 10 feet on each side of the following described centerline:
From the SW comer of Sec 20, thence N48.49'E 872.74 feet, thence West 10 feet to the point of beginning on the centerline,
thence South 218.16 feet, thence East 330.32 feet, thence South 165 feet, thence East 75 feet more or less to the above
described property.

A part of Block 6, City of Victor Lot Split, located in Sec II T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at a point
S89.16'00"W 20.84 feet from the SW comer ofBlk 6, thence North 480 feet to a point, thence N89.16'00"E 210.87 feet to a
point, thence SI6.55' 13"W 314.48 feet to a point, thence S64.50'23"E 137.74 feet to a point, thence S25.09'37"W 133.55 feet
to a point, thence S89.16'00"W 187.23 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO an easement located in Lots SA and 5B
ofBlk 6, Victor, Idaho, being further described as: From the SW comer ofBlk 6, City of Victor, 1973 plat, thence
N89.l6'00"E 166.39 feet to a point on the South line ofBlk 6, the true point of beginning, thence S89.l6'00"W 36.68 feet
along the South line, thence N25.09'37"E 396.81 feet, thence N89.16'00"E 36.68 feet to a point on the Northern edge of
Depot Street, thence S25.09'37"W 396.81 feet to the point of beginning.


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: thence SOO.15'45"E 2633.02 feet, thence S00.44'59"W 1928.42 feet
and N89.41 '59"W 1331.03 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.52'12"W 1319.47 feetto a point, thence NOO.1O'43"E
659.95 feet to a point, thence N89.53' 12"E 1320.78 feet to a point, thence SOO.IT31"W 659.95 feet to the point of beginning.
SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part of the SW4 of Sec 1 T5N
R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Being 30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 1 and
rmming thence N89.53' 12"E 1318.16 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence NO.IT 32"E
1979.87 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cul-de-sac easement, the point of ending. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER
WITH a 25 foot utility and in'igation easement on the West. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER IWHT a IS foot irrigation
easement on the North.


A portion of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 24, thence South 998.85
feet along the Eastern section line to the point of beginning, thence South 323.01 feet further along the Eastern section line to
a point on the South line ofthe NE4SE4 of Sec 24, thence S89.55'49"W 1348.80 feet along the South line of the NE4SE4 of
Sec 24, thence S89.55'49"W 1348.80 feet along the South line of the NE4SE4 to a point on the West line of the NE4SE4 of
Sec 24, thence NO.04'57"E 323.01 feet along the West line of the NE4SE4 to a point, thence N89.55'49"E 1348.33 feet to the
point of beginning. Contains 10.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road, utility and irrigation easement along the

Eastern property line, a 60 foot road, utility and irrigation easement starting at the SW corner and extending 60 feet North.
Also a 20 foot irrigation easement along the Western property line.

A part oitR@ }lE4 SE-4 of 36624 14N K45E, 8M, Ie, ID as: filUm the £4

of Sec 24, thence South 72.67 feet along the
er alon the Eastern section Ime to a point,
eet to a pom on
aleng the WcstlinnITThe NE4SE4 to the N W corner of the NCZi3EI Elf gee 24~.t~J>J'@"§4'28"E 64-:z16feehlengthe
NQHR liRe of~@ gE4 te :a point, tilellcll Sgg :II '05"E 289 72 feet to a paint, thence 3ll5.30 30"E 107. I 8 feet to a POInt, mence
,...gS6.36'31"E 215.98 feet to !%Jlpeim, ta@He@ gg".~"':lg"E 311.92 feet to a point, thence S8S.3Q'Qa"E 360 Q2 feet to IRe point
gf ll@gillffiflg. SUBJECT TO a eelIDty [Sail allG utility casemell'htiong the Eastern property line. SUBJECT TO a~oot wid>;
-iTrigatron easement along the Western property lme.
1£1/ Z.
5, I 3

D.eJ.e-n4 -to



A part of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the E4 corner of Sec 24, thence South 352.49 feet along the
Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence South 646.36 feet further along the Eastern section line to a point,
thence S89.55'49"W 1348.33 feet toa point on the West line of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24, thence NOO.04'57"E 646.36 feet
along the West line of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24 to a point, thence N89.55'49"E 1347.40 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
20 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line. SUBJECT TO a 20
foot wide irrigation easement along the Western property line.


A part of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the E4 corner of Sec 24, thence South 72.67 feet along the
Eastern section line of Sec 24 to a point, thence N85.30'00"W 360.02 feet to a point, thence N86.36'20"W 311.72 feet to a
point, thence N86.36'31"W 215.98 feet to a point, thence N88.30'30"W 107.18 feet to a point, thence N88.21 '05"W 289.72
feet to a point on the North line of the SE4 of Sec 24, thence N89.54'28"E 1282.44 feet along the North line of the SE4 of Sec
24 to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.
Beginning 318 feet South of the E4 corner of Sec 6 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID, and running thence South 80 feet more or less to
the North boundary of the City of Felt, thence West 272 feet, thence North 80 feet more or less to a point directly West of the
point of beginning, thence East 272 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement to use, repair, and replace
existing waterline situated on and across the grantor's retained property located immediately to the North of the above
described property, specifically described as follows: Beginning at the E4 corner of Sec 6 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID and
running thence South 318 feet, thence West 417.4 feet, thence North 318 feet, thence East 417.4 feet to the point of beginning.

189.09 feet to a point, thence S07.39'30"E 99.93 feet to a point, thence S25.55'03"E 188.41 feet to a point, thence
S01.53'05"W 252.67 feet to a point, thence S 14.04'33"E 217.93 feet to a point, thence S33.41' 15"W 148.45 feetto a point,
thence N40.45'00"W 370 feet to a point, thence N09.15'00"W 250 feet to a point, thence N35.00'00"W 240 feet to a point,
thence N01.00'00"E 320.00 feet to a point, thence N48.00'00"W 175.00 feet to a point, thence S24.37'20"W 145.02 feet to a
point, thence S55.06' 10"W 225.39 feet to a point, thence S41.18'21"E 215.79 feetto a point, thence SI7.52'13"E 245.79 feet
to a point, thence S29.24'54"W 179.35 feet to a point, thence S22.29'20"E 141.45 feet to a point, thence S49.00'00"E 490
feet to a point, thence S23.30'00"E 150 feet to a point, thence S03.36'08"E 442.40 feet to the North line of the SE4SE4 of
said section, thence S89.21 '39"W 1102.92 feet along the NOlih line of said SE4SE4, thence N01.04'17"E 1317.28 feet along
the West line of the NE4SE4 to the NW corner ofthe NE4SE4 of Sec 22, thence S89.13'34"W 1324.80 feet along the North
line of the SE4 to the C4 corner of Sec 22, thence S0.59'47"W 1314.11 feet along the East line of the SW4 to the SE comer of
the N2SW4 of Sec 22, thence S89.21 '39"W 2645.98 feet along the South line ofthe N2SW4 to the SW comer of the N2SW4
of Sec 22, thence NO.50'44"E 1307.79 feet along the Western section line of Sec 22 to the point of beginning. Contains
Together with a 30 foot access easement across a part of the SE4SE4 of Sec 22 T7N R44E, BM, TC, ID being 30 feet on each
side of the following described centerline: From the SE comer of Sec 22 and running S89.29' 45"W 696.94 feet along the
Southern section line to the true point of beginning, thence N34.40' 17"E 258.16 feet to a point, thence N50.35'50"E 369.94
feet to a point, thence N38.42'57"E 158.94 feet to a point, thence N03.36'08"W 750 feet more or less to the point of ending
which lies N89.21 '39"E 1102.92 feet from the NW comer of the SE4SE4 of Sec 22.
Together with a 30 foot access easement across a part ofthe S2SW4 of Sec 22 T7N R44E, BM, TC, ID being the 30 feet
directly East of the following described line: Commencing at the SW comer of Sec 22 and running thence NOO.50'44"E
1307.79 feet to the point of ending.
Together with a 30 foot access easement along the North and East property lines of the above described retained parcel.
Subject to a 30 foot access easement being the 30 feet directly East of the following described line: Commencing at the SW
comer of the N2SW4 of Sec 22 and running thence NOO.50' 44"E 2065.04 feet to the Southern property line of the above
described parcel one.


A portion of the NW4NW4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 2S, thence
S89.03'5T'E 1276.75 feet to the point of beginning, thence S0.15'59"E 209 feet, thence N89.03'57"W 209 feet, thence
NO.l5'59"W 209 feet, thence S89.03'57"E 209 feetto the point of beginning. Contains 1.0 acre, more or less.


A part of Sec 21 and 22 T7N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the E4 comer of Sec 21, thence S89.39'43"W 1317.79
feet along the South line of the NE4 to the SW comer of the E2NE4 of Sec 21, thence N0.56'14"E 148.77 feet along the West
line of the E2NE4 to a point on the North field line, then along the field line, thence N62.10'58"E 273.43 feet to a point,
thence N51.59' 16"E 142.74 feet to a point, thence N61.19'54"E 153.50 feet to a point, thence N27.06'57"E 91.59 feet to a
point, thence N37.54'05"E 168.10 feet to a point, thence N47.17'13"E 164.74 feet to a point, thence N61.16'37"E 166.37 feet
to a point, thence N70.39'51"E 178.09 feet to a point, thence S61.50'12"E 291.79 feet to a point, thence S81.03'29"E 175.96
feet to a point, thence S58.35'09"E 184.69 feet to a point, thence N82.51 '23"E 295.41 feet to a point, thence S81.19' 16"E
89.48 feet to a point, thence S36.39'38"E 124 feet to a point, thence S81.35'21"E 103.32 feet to a point, thence N42.53'06"E
143.73 feet to a point, thence N05.15'08"W 142.06 feet to a point, thence NI 0.44'04"E 126.07 feet to a point, thence
N39'51'43"E 174.13 feet to a point, thenceN76.0S'16"E 179.68 feet to a point, thenceN64.16'40"E201.74 feet to a point,
thence N70.14'37"E 154.74 feet to a point, thence S85.59'41"E 282.03 feet to a point, thence N44.01 '46"E 158.32 feet to a
point, thence N62.36'46"E 127.81 feet to a point, thence S83.15'52"E 170.50 feet to a point, thence N72.33'37"E 171.04 feet
to a point, thence N44.19'28"E 217.23 feet to a point, thence N49.00'38"E 90.29 feet to a point, thence N75.37'23"E 105.04
feet to a point, thence N52.2S'53"E 82.51 feet to a point, thence N61.27'27"E 162 feet to a point, thence N77.32' 56"E 110.42
feet to a point, thence N29.46'22"E 125.59 feet to a point, thence N40.45'08"E 206.48 feet to a point, thence N86.51 '08"E
239.02 feet to a point, thence S77.20'09"E 152.24 feet to a point, thence S61.54'54"E 119.94 feet to a point, thence
S77.35.52"E 120.09 feet to a point, thence SOO.l2' 19"E 333.38 feet to a point, thence S20.38'24"E 68.52 feet to a point,
thence S50.54'23"E 102.18 feet to a point, thence S22.11 '08"E 87.81 feet to a point, thence S87.30'55"E 232.60 feet to a
point, thence S72.32'33"E 101.99 feet to a point, thence N64.07'59"E 128.99 feet to a point, thence N02.00'57"W 420.70 feet
to a point, thence NI1.01' 18"W 199.74 feetto a point; thence N01.41 '12"E 158.14 feet to a point, thence N41.03 '09"E 77.03
feet to a point, thence S87.53'40"E 77.34 feet to a point, thence S71.49'29"E 164.59 feet to a point, thence S54.44'28"E
161.07 feet to a point, thence N88.52'16"E 48.94 feet to a point, thence NI7.48' 19"E 45.00 feet to a point, thence
NI9.24'47"W I 08.47 feet to a point, thence N39.53' 17"E 105.37 feet to a point, thence N69.21 'O"E 149.58 feet to a point,
thence S37.14'50"E 112.13 feet to a point, thence S0l.13 '29"W I 13.20 feet to a point, thence S02.23'30"W 324.11 feet to a
point, thence S04.30'03"W 499.47 feet to a point, thence SI7.44'36"W 294.01 feet to a point, thence S03.3T08"W 240.22
feet to a point, thence SI8.04'22"W 135.92 feet to a point, thence SI9.20' 52"E 294.73 feet to a point, thence S28.15'42"E


That portion of the S2SE4 of Sec 22 T7N R44E, BM, TC, ID lying East ofthe field and being further described as:
Commencing at the SE comer of Sec 22 and running NOl.08'46"E 1320.45 feet to the NE comer of said S2SE4, thence
S89.21 '39"W 220.06 feet to the field line, thence along the field line S02.27' 19"E 749.34 feet, thence S38.42'57"W 164.13
feet to a point, thence S50.35'50"W 369.94 feet to a point, thence S34.40' 17"W 258.16 feet to the section line, thence
N89.29'45"E 696.94 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 9.27 acres, more or less. BUT TOGETHER WITH THE
Together with a 30 foot access easement across a part of the SE4SE4 of Sec 22 T7N R44E, BM, TC, ID being 30 feet on each
side ofthe following described centerline: From the SE comer of Sec 22 and running thence S89.29' 45"W 696.94 feet along
the Southern section line to the true point of beginning, thence N34.40' 17"E 258.16 feet to a point, thence N50.35 '50"E
369.94 feet to a point, thence N38.42'57"E 158.94 feetto a point, thence N03.36'08"W 750 feet more orless to the point of
ending which lies N89.21 '39"E 1102.92 feet from the NW comer of the SE4SE4 of Sec 22.
Together with a 30 foot access easement across a part of the S2SW4 of Sec 22 T7N R44E, BM, Te, ID being the 30 feet
directly East of the following described line, commencing at the SW corner of Sec 22 and rnnning NOO.50' 44"E 1307.79 feet
to the point of ending.
Together with a 30 foot access easement along the North and East property lines of the above described retained parcel.
Subject to a 30 foot access easement being the 30 feet directly East of the following described line: Commencing at the SW
comer of the N2SW4 of Sec 22 and running thence NOO.50'44"E 2065,04 feet to the Southern property line of the above
described parcel one.


A part of the E2 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along
the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet along the Southern section line to a point on the East line of the
railroad right of way, thence NI227'34"E 2156.53 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.14'00"W 198.69 feet to a
point, thence N53.20'31"E 144.40 feet to a point, thence S70.58' 11"E 155.44 feet to a point, thence S70.58' 11"E 29.25 feet
to a point, thence S79.37' 18"E 258.16 feet to a point, thence S04.15'26"E 330.61 feet to a point, thence 259.70 feet along a
400.88 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle 0[37.07'02" and a chord bearing S68.33'31"W 255.18 feet to a
point, thence N53.28'48"W 411.36 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide
common road and underground utility easement across a part ofthe E2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID being bounded

by the following described lines: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern
section line to a point on the East line of the railroad right of way, thence N35.56'59"E 2280.05 feet to the point of beginning,
thence N70.18' 40"W 170 feet to a point, thence 386.37 feet along a 370.88 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle
of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing S79.50'40"W 369.14 feet to a point, thence S50.00'00"W 280 feet to a point, thence 423.37
feet along a 387.03 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 62.40'31" and a chord bearing S 18.39' 45"W 402.58
feet to a point, thence 33.34 feet along a 23.97 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 79.40'22" and a chord
bearing S52.30'42"E 30.72 feet to a point, thence 259.02 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle
of247.20'53" and a chord bearing S31.19'34"W 99.86 feet to a point, thence 585.16 feet along a 447.03 foot radius curve to
the right having a central angle of75.00'00" and a chord bearing NI2.30'00"E 544.27 feet to a point, thence N50.00'00"E
280 feet to a point, thence 448.88 feet along a 430.88 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a
chord bearing N79 .50' 40"E 428.85 feet to a point, thence S70.18' 40"E 170 feet to a point, thence S 19.41 '20"W 60 feet to the
point of beginning.
SEE TAX #6744
3656 A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along
the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet along the Southern section line to a point on the East line ofthe
railroad right of way, thence N21.41 '31"E 1275.58 feet to the true point of beginning, thence 545.89 feet along a 417.03 foot
radius curve to the right having a central angle of75.00'00" and a chord bearing NI2.30'00"E 507.75 feet to a point, thence
N50.00'00"E 280 feet to a point, thence S45.00'00"E 184.34 feet to a point, thence SI5.00'00"W 570.07 feet to a point,
thence N86.19'33"W 280.58 feet to a point, thence S65.00'00"W 30 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide common road and underground utility easement across a part of the E2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N
R45E, BM, TC, ID being bounded by the following described lines: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W
933.05 feet along the South section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on
the East line of the railroad right of way, thence N35.56'59"E 2280.05 feet to the point of beginning, thence N70.18'40"
Wl70 feet to a point, thence 386.37 feet along a 370.88 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a
chord bearing S79.50'40"W 369.14 feet to a point, thence S50.00'00"W 280 feet to a point, thence 423.37 feet along a 387.03
foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 62.40'31" and a chord bearing S 18.39' 45"W 402.58 feet to a point,
thence 33.34 feet along a 23.97 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of79.40'22" and a chord bearing
S52.30'42"E 30.72 feet to a point, thence 259.02 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of
247.20'53" and a chord bearing S31.19'34"W 99.86 feet to a point, thence 585.16 feet along a 447.03 foot radius curve to the
right having a central angle of75.00'00" and a chord bearing NI2.30'00"E 544.27 feet to a point, thence N50.00'00"E 280
feet to a point, thence 448.88 feet along a 430.88 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord

bearing N79.50'40"E 428.85 feet to a point, thence S70.18'40"E 170 feet to a point, thence S19.41 '20"W 60 feet to the point
of beginning.

Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 29 T6N R46E, BM, ID and thence N89.54'00"E along the South boundary of Sec 29, a
distance of 1323.35 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N02.22' 13"E 940.15 feet, thence East 288.06 feet, thence South
60 feet, thence West 32.50 feet, thence South 879.10 feet, thence S89.54'00"W 296.55 feet to true point of beginning.
DELETES #2431.


A portion of the S2NE4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the C4 corner of Sec 7, thence S89.51 '27"Ee
32.05 feet, thence 577.65 feet along a 867.28 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S88.56' 18"E 567.03 feet,
thence N71.58'50"E 77.43 feet, thence S0.10'42"E 630.91 feet, thence N89.51 '27"W 672.63 feet to the point of beginning.
SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement across the S2NE4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, TC,
ID being 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the C4 corner of Sec 7, thence
N89.51 '27"W 60 feet, and NO.08'33"E 30 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.51 '27"E 420 feet, thence 348.96 feet
along a 285.63 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing N55.08'33"E 327.66 feet, thence N20.08'33"E 270 feet,
thence 549.78 feet along a 350 foot radius curve to the right with a chord bearing N65.08'33"E 494.97 feet, thence
S69.51 '27"E 190 feet, thence 577.65 feet along a 867.28 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S88.56' 18"E
567.03 feet, thence N71.58'50"E 77.43 feet to the point of ending.

3659 A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence SO.02'53"E along
SEE TAX #6796 the section line 1321.73 feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.42'00"E 1266.68 feet, thence S03.46'52"E 361.82 feet,
thence 104.01 feet along a 283.78 feet radius curve to the right with a chord bearing SI8.37'03"E 103.43 feet, thence 153.52
feet along a 769.58 foot radius curve to the right with a chord bearing S02.24' 10"E 153.26 feet, thence 242.32 feet along a
1678.73 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S0.49'23"E 242.11 feet, thence N74.54'22"W 1380.66 feet, thence
NO.02'53"W 488.10 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a dedicated 60 foot road and
utility easement as shown on the record of survey recorded in Teton County, ID, as Instrument No. 127865.
3660 A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec 25, thence SO.02'53"E along
the section line 1809.83 feet to the point of beginning, thence S74.54'22"E 1380.66 feet, thence 310.63 feet along a 610.38
foot radius curve to the right with a chord bearing S09.37' 17"W 307.29 feet, thence S24.12'03"W 320 feet, thence
N79 .26' 55"W 1169.65 feet, thence NO.02' 53"W 740.19 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT

TO a dedicated 60 foot road and utility easement shown on the record of survey recorded in Teton County, ID, as Instrument
No. 127865.
A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence SO.02'53"E along
the section line 2550.02 feet to the point of beginning, thence S79.26'55"E 1169.65 feet, thence 55.25 feet along a 213.12 foot
radius curve to the right with a chord bearing S31.37'41"W 55.10 feet, thence S39.03'20"W 200 feet, thence 115.09 feet
along a 206.84 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S23.06'53"W 113.61 feet, thence 125.74 feet along a 505.83
foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing SO.03'08"W 125.42 feet, thence S07.04'09"E 40 feet, thence 111.30 feet
along a 135 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S30.41 ' 14"E I 08.17 feet, thence 72.67 feet along a 211.33 foot
radius curve to the right with a chord bearing S44.27' 13"E 73.32 feet, thence S34.36'07"E 112.04 feet, thence 336.98 feet
along a 640.29 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S49340'45"E 333.10 feet, thence S64.45'22"E 130 feet,
thence S78.4T26"W 72.77 feet, thence N68.51 '44"W 271.20 feet, thence N71.23 '41"W 176.70 feet, thence S78.52'58"W
331.96 feet, thence S86.11 '38"W 179.19 feet, thence N07.41 '44"W 450.87 feet, thence West 438.92 feet, thence NO.02'53"W
682.92 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a dedicated 60 foot road and utility easement
shown on the record of survey recorded in Teton County, ID, as Instrument No. 127865.
3662 A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID, as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence SO.02'53"E along
the section line 3232.94 feet to the point of beginning, thence East 438.92 feet, thence S07.41' 44"E 450.87 feet, thence
S86.11 '38"W 500 feet, thence NO.02'53"W 480 feet to the point ofbegilming. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a
dedicated 60 foot road and utility easement shown on the record of survey recorded in Teton County, ID, as Instrument No.
127865 .


.~lob3 A portion of the SW4SW4 of Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NW corner of said SW4SW4, thence S8938'37"E
362.15 feet along the North line of said SW4SW4 to the true point of beginning, thence S38.41 '09"E 266.46 feet to a point
more or less in the middle of the roadway, thence N67.32' 18"E 74 feet more or less along said roadway to a point, thence
N57.18'18"E 326.84 feet more or less along said roadway to a point on the North line of said SW4SW4, thence N89.38'37"W
510 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a shared access easement for ingress and egress over the following
described property: Beginning at a point S89.38'37"E 362.15 feet and S38.41 '09"E 266.46 feet from the NW corner of the
SW4SW4 of Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID the true point of beginning, and running thence S67.32'18"W 30 feet, thence
N38.41 '09"W 60 feet, thence N67.32' 18"E 30 feet, thence S38.41 '09"E 60 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #3200.


Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 5 T5n R46E, BM, TC, ID as: Thence SO.II , 52"W, a distance of 450 feet to the point of
beginning, thence S90.00'00"W, a distance of 424.62 feet, thence S44.49'45"W, a distance of73.82 feet, thence S0.10' 58"W,
a distance of 407.65 feet, thence N90.00'00"E, a distance of 476.3 7 feet, thence NO.II' 52"E, a distance of 460 feet to the
point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement described as being 30 feet on
each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the N4 corner of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID and running
thence West 530 feet to the true point of beginning, thence SO. I 1'52"W 480 feet, thence East 60 feet, thence SO. I 0' 58"W 430


A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along
the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East line
of the railroad right of way, thence N38.05'52"E 807.90 feet to the true point of beginning, thence North 562.29 feet to a
point, thence S86.19'33"E 280.58 feet to a point, thence South 494.93 feet to a point, thence S80.00'00"W 284.32 feet to the
point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND RESERVING TO grantor and assigns an easement for underground utility crossing
the North 15 feet of the property. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a common road easement as: A 60 foot wide
common road and underground utility easement across a part of the E2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID being bounded
by the following described lines: From the Se comer of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along the South section line,
thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East line of the railroad right of way,
thence N35.56'59"E 2280.05 feet to the point of beginning, thence N70.18'40"W 170 feet to a point, thence 386.37 feet along
a 370.88 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of59.41'20" and a chord bearing S79.50'40"W 369.14 feet to a
point, thence Ss50.00'00"W 280 feet to a point, thence 423.37 feet along a 387.03 foot radius curve to the left having a central
angle of 62.40'31" and a chord bearing S 18.39'45"W 402.58 feet to a point, thence 33.34 feet along a 23.97 foot radius curve
to the left having a central angle of79.40'22" and a chord bearing S52.30'42"E 30.72 feet to a point, thence 259.02 feet along
a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of247.20'53" and a chord bearing S31.19'34"W 99.86 feet to a
point, thence 585.16 feet along a447.03 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of75.00'00" and a chord bearing
NI2.30'OO"E 544.27 feet to a point, thence N50.00'00"E 280 feet to a point, thence 448.88 feet along a 430.88 foot radius
curve to the right having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing N79.50'40"E 428.85 feet to a point, thence
S70.18'40"E 170 feet to a point, thence S19.41 '20"W 60 feet to the point of beginning.


A part of the NW4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID as: From the N4 corner of Sec 6, thence SOO.lO'46"W 1287.23 feet along
the East line of the NW4 to the true point of beginning, thence S00.10'46"W 1287.23 feet further along the East line of the
NW4 to the C4 comer of Sec 6, thence S89.53'27"W 1354.79 feet along the South line of the NW4 to a point, thence

NOO.1O'46"E 1285 feet to a point, thence N89.47'47"E 1354.81 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county
road and utility easement along the Eastern and Southern property line. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation easement
being 15 feet on either side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM,
TC, ID, thence S0.17'55"W along the West section line 1383.23 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S89.18' 16"E
2210.94 feet, thence S86.34' 53"E 297.95 feet, thence N86.06'21"E 126.25 feet more or less to the C4line of Sec 6. ALSO
SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation easement being 15 feet on either side of the following described centerline: Also,
commencing at the NW comer of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID, thence N89.42'09"E along the North section line 2461.53
feetto the true point of beginning, thence S 1.34' 12"E 1441.15 feet, thence S0.14'53"W 1133.21 feet to the point of ending.
ALSO SUBJECT TO a well easement consisting of a 15 foot radius well at junction of the two above mentioned irrigation
easements. DELETES #3390.

A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: From the E4 corner of Sec 25, thence SO.27'41"E 1264.65 feet
along the Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence SOO.27' 41 "E 356.94 feet to a point, thence N69.39' 10"W
826.66 feet to a point, thence N56.10'22"W 387.87 feet to a point, thence S78.47'26"W 58.01 feet to a point, thence
N64.45'22"W 130 feet to a point, thence 336.98 feet along a 640.29 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of
30.09'15" and a chord bearing N49.40'45"W 333.10 feetto a point, thence N55.23'53"E 86.73 feet to a point, thence
S83.45'00"E 172.71 feet to a point, thence 56.29 feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of
32.15'00" and a chord bearing N80.07'30"E 55.55 feet to a point, thence N64.00'00"E 473.26 feet to a point, thence 35.78
feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of20.30'00" and a chord bearing N53.45'00"E 35.59 feet
to a point, thence N43.30'00"E 40.75 feet to a point, thence 78.10 feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the left having a
central angle of 44.45'00" and a chord bearing N21.07'30"E 76.13 feet to a point, thence N01.15'00"W 37.29 feet to a point,
thence 61.12 feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of35.01 '00" and a chord bearing
NI8.45'30"W 60.17 feet to a point, thence N36.16'00"W 40.02 feet to a point, thence 233.99 feet along a 100.85 foot radius
curve to the right having a central angle of 132.56'00" and a chord bearing N30.12'00"E 184.92 feet to a point, thence
S83.20'00"£ 258.39 feet to a point, thence 67.78 feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of
38.50'00" and a chord bearing S63.55'00"E 66.49 feet to a point, thence S44.30'00"E 66.46 feet to a point, thence 81 feet
along a 100 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 46.24'33" and a chord bearing S21.17'44"E 78.80 feet to a
point, thence S01.54'33"W 181.61 feetto a point, thence S06.39' 17"W 378.18 feet to a point, thence S00.49'29"W 324.38
feet to a point, thence East 329.32 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a dedicated 60 foot
county road and utility easement as shown on record of survey recorded August 6,1997, Recorder's Instrument No. 127865,


1D ~\\c:8"Vb

Records of Teton County, Id. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot private road and utility easement as shown
on record of survey, recorded August 6, 1997, Recorder's Instrument No. 127865, Records of Teton County, ID.
Beginning at a point 360 feet South of the NE corner of the NW4 of Sec II T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID and running South 600
feet, thence running West 726 feet, thence running North 600 feet, thence running East 726 feet to the point of beginning.


A part ofthe NW4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 6, thence S00.10'46"W 1287.23
feet along the East line of the NW4 to a point, thence S89.47'47"W 1354.81 feet to a point, thence NOO.IO'46"E 1285.01 feet
to a point on the Northern section line, thence N89.42'09"E 1354.82 feet along the Northern section line to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road and utility easement along the Northern property line. ALSO SUBJECT TO a
30 foot road and utility easement along the Eastern property line. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 30 foot irrigation easement, being 15
feet on each side ofthe following described centerline: Also, commencing at the NW corner of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID,
thence NS9.42'09"E along the North section line 2461.53 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S1.34' 12"E 1441.15 feet,
thence SO.14'53"W 1133.21 feet to the point of ending.


A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 25, thence S0.31 '39"E
1306.51 feetto the point of beginning, thence SO.31 '39"E 1306.51 feet, thence S0.27'41"E 564.65 feet, thence West 275.19
feet, thence N01.54'33"E IS1.61 feet, thence SI feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing
N21.17'44"W 7S.80 feet, thence N44.33'00"W 66.46 feet, thence 67.78 feet along a I 00 foot radius curve to the left with a
chord bearing N63.55'00"W 66.49 feet, thence NS.44'39"W 1014.36 feet, thence N7S.00'00"W Sl1.87feet, thence
N3.46'52"W 361.S2 feet, thence N89.42'00"E 1359.70 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER
WITH a dedicated 60 foot county road and utility easement as shown on record of survey recorded August 6, 1997,
Recorder's Instrument No. 127865, Records of Teton County, Id. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot private
road and utility easement as shown on record of survey, recorded August 6, 1997, Recorder's Instrument No. 127865, Records
of Teton County, ID.
A part of Sec 7 and S T6N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NE corner of Sec 7, thence S03.03'48"W 850.32 feet along the
Eastern section line to a point in the center of the county road, the point of beginning, thence along the centerline of the
county road, 333.27 feet along a 397.68 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 48.00'56" and a chord bearing
N57.02'20"E 323.60 feet to a point on the Southern right of way line of State Hwy 33, thence S49.43'3S"E 23S.72 feet along
said right of way to a point, thence S31.03 '09"W 82.94 feet to a point, thence S 10.04' 49"E 315.63 feet to a point, thence

S89.25'45"W 259.46 feet to a point, thence N71.13'28"W 194.13 feet to a point, thence S81.46'01"W 268.87 feet to a point,
thence S24.29'05"W 186.04 feet to a point, thence N59.30'00"W 782.03 feet to a point, thence N30.00'00"E 565.00 feet to a
point in the center of the county road, thence S33.16'36"E 105.19 feet along the centerline of the county road to a point,
thence along the centerline of the county road 533.66 feet along a 1424.01 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle
of21.28'20" and a chord bearing S59.15'50"E 530.55 feet to a point, thence along the centerline of the county road 200.96
feet along a 397.68 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of28.57' 12" and a chord bearing S84.28'36"E 198.83
feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road and utility easement along the Northern property lines.

A part of Sec 6 and 7 T6N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NE comer of Sec 7, thence S89.03'33"W 1054.89 feet along the
Northern section line to a point in the center of the county road, the true point of beginning, thence S33.16'36"E 542.50 feet
along the centerline of the county road to a point, thence S30.00'00"W 565.00 feet to a point, thence S59.30'00"E 782.03 feet
to a point, thence S24.29'05"W 347.57 feet to the point, thence S68.01 '02"W 414.64 feet to a point, thence S57.50'21"W
663.62 feet to a point, thence N72.41 '56"W 266.94 feet to a point, thence N27.29'29"W 274.09 feet to a point, thence
N31.13'12"E 547.92 feet to a point, thence N83.05'26"W 924.20 feet to a point, thence NOO.21 '48"E 958.39 feet to a point,
thence N80.32'21"E 122.57 feet to a point, thence N27.01 '33"E 297.23 feet to a point, thence N82.19'02"E 1081.46 feet to a
point on the centerline of the county road, thence S33.16'36"E 150.26 feet along the centerline of the county road to the point
of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot county road easement along the Northeastern property boundary. SUBJECT TO a 30
foot road access easement being 15 feet on each side of the North property line, the centerline described as follows:
Commencing at a point North 3540.57 feet and West 229.22 feet from the SE comer of Sec 7, thence S68.01 '02"W 414.64
feet to a point, thence S57.50'21"W 663.62 feet to the point of ending. DELETES #3572.


A part ofthe W2NE4 of Sec 5 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec 5, thence SOO.06' 44"E
2052.72 feet and thence N85.24'32"E 496.32 feet to the tme point ofbeginning, thence N04.32' 15"W 33.86 feet to a point,
thence N43.02'41"E 838.58 feet to a point, thence N70.16'56"E 263.46 feet to a point, thence SOO.37'46"E 669.28 feet to a
point, thence S85.24'32"W 827.73 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement along the
Southern property line.


A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: From the E4 corner of Sec 25, thence SO.27'41"E 564.65 feet to the
point of beginning, thence SO.27'41"E 700 feet, thence West 329.32 feet, thence N0.49'29"E 324.38 feet, thence
N06.39'1T'E 378.18 feet, thence East 275.19 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60

foot private road and utility easement as shown as shown on a record of survey, recorded August 6, 1997, Recorder's
InstrumentNo. 127865, Records of Teton County, ID.


SEE TAX #6877


A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: From the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence SI9.36'II"E 3094.96 feet to
the true point of beginning, thence S73.15'32"E 219.36 feet to a point, thence S57.45'00"E 100 feet to a point, thence
S44.12'39"E 257.40 feet to a point, thence S88.30'00"E 337.59 feet to a point, thence S64.00'00"W 473.26 feet to a point,
thence 56.29 feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of32.15'00" and a chord bearing
S80.0T30"W 55.55 feet to a point, thence N83.45'00"W 172.71 feet to a point, thence S55.23'53"W 86.73 feet to a point,
thence N34.36'07"W 112.04 feet to a point, thence 72.67 feet along a 211.33 foot radius curve to the left having a central
angle of 19.42' 12" and a chord bearing N44.2T 13"W 72.32 feet to a point, thence 111.30 feet along a 135 foot radius curve
to the right, having a central angle of 47.14' 10" and a chord bearing N30AI' 14"W 108.17 feet to a point, thence
N07.04'09"W 40 feet to a point, thence 125.74 feet along a 505.83 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of
14.14'34" and a chord bearing NOO.03'08"E 125.42 feet to a point, thence 115.09 feet along a 206.84 foot radius curve to the
right having a central angle of31.52'55" and a chord bearing N23.06'53"E 113.61 feet to a point, thence N39.03'20"E 65.48
feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a dedicated 60 foot road and utility easement as
shown on a record of survey, recorded August 6, 1997, Recorder's Instrument No. 127865, Records of Teton County, ID.
SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot private road and utility easement as shown on a record of survey, recorded
August 6, 1997, Recorder's Instrument No. 127865, Records of Teton County, ID.
A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as, From the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence SI9.36'11"E 3094.96 feet to
the point of beginning, thence N39.03'20"E 134.52 feet to a point, thence S88.00'00"E 786.41 feet to a point, thence 154.76
feet along a 100.85 footradius curve to the left having a central angle of 87.55'27" and a chord bearing S07.41 '43"W 140.02
feet to a point, thence S36.16'00"E 40.02 feet to a point, thence 61.12 feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the right having a
. central angle of 35.01 '00" and a chord bearing SI8.45'30"E 60.17 feet to a point, thence SOL 15'00"E 37.29 feet to a point,
thence 78.10 feet along a 100 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 44.45'00" and a chord bearing
S21.0T30"W 76.13 feet to a point.
A part ofthe SE4SE4 of Sec 20 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 20, thence N89.41 '44"W 664.02 feet
along the Southern section line and thence NO.22'22"E 33.22 feet to a point on the Northern right of way line ofHwy 33, the
true point of beginning, thence N89.18'41"W 139.02 feet along Hwy 33 to a point, thence N85.34'22"W 125.63 feet along

Hwy 33 to a point, thence NO.25'44"E 1060.53 feet to a point, thence S89.41 '44"E 263.30 feet to a point, thence SO.22'22"W
1070.49 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 6.47 acres, more or less. DELETES #1886 & #2197.

3677 A portion of the E2 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, ID as: From the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence SI9.36'II"E 3094.96 feet,
thence N39.03 '20"E 134.52 feet to the point of beginning, thence 55.25 feet along a 213.12 foot radius curve to the left with a
chord bearing N31.37'41 "E 55.10 feet, thence N24.12'03"E 320 feet, thence 310.63 feet along a 610.38 foot radius curve to
SEE TAX #6878
the left with a chord bearing N09.37' 17"E 307.29 feet, thence 242.32 feet along a 1678.73 foot radius curve to the right with a
curve to the right with a chord bearing N00.49'23"W 242.11 feet, thence 153.52 feet along a 769.58 foot radius curve to the
left with a chord bearing N2.24' 10"W 153.26 feet, thence 104.01 feet along a 283.78 foot radius curve to the left with a chord
bearing NI8.37'03"W 103.43 feet, thence S78.00'00"E 811.87 feet, thence S08.44'39"E 1014.36 feet, thence N83.20'00"W
258.39 feet, thence 79.22 feet along a 100.85 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S74.09' 43"W 77.20 feet,
thence N88.00'00"W 786.41 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a dedicated 60 foot
county road and utility easement as shown on a record of survey, recorded August 6,1997, Recorder's No. 127865, Records
of Teton County, ID.

A part of the SE4SE4 of Sec 20 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 20, thence N89.41 '44"W 1275.32 feet
along the Southern section line and thence N0.42'32"E 46.75 feet to a point on the East line of the railroad right of way, the
true point of beginning, thence N0.42'32"E 1056.99 feet along the railroad right of way to a point, thence S89.41 '44"E 341.53
feet to a point, thence S0.25' 44"W 1060.53 feet to a point on the Northern right of way line ofHwy 33, thence N85.34'22"W
61.80 feet along Hwy 33 to a point, thence N89.52'20"W 285.05 feet along the Hwy 33 to the point of beginning. Contains
8.35 acres, more or less.


A part of the SE4SE4 of Sec 20 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 20, thence N89.41 '44"W 429 feet
along the Southern section line and thence NO.05'45"W 31.65 feet to a point on the North right of way line ofHwy 33, the
true point of beginning, thence N89.18'41 "W 234.76 feet along Hwy 33 to a point, thence NO.22'22"E 280.77 feet to a point,
thence S89.41 '44"E 232.35 feet to a point, thence SO.05'45"E 282.35 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.51 acres, more
or less.


A portion of the W2 of Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 30, thence SO.15'49"E
2465.75 feet along the East line of the W2 to the point of beginning, thence S0.15'49"E 651.75 feet further along the East line
of the W2 to a point, thence S89.09'24"W 1320.53 feet to a point, thence NO. 13'36"W 668.30 feet to a point, thence

N89.52'29"E 1320.03 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a road and utility easement fro
ingress, egress, and electric cable TV and telephone utilities, located within the W2 of Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID, being
30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at a point East 1341.66 feet along the Southern
section line and thence NO. 13 '36"W 596.20 feet along the East line of Government Lot 4 from the SW comer of Sec 30,t
hence NO.13'36"W 2166.75 feet parallel to the West line of the E2SW4 to a point, thence N89.52'29"E 1120.67 feet parallel
to the North line of the SW4 to a point, thence South 1134.56 feet to a point, thence East 200 feetto the C4 corner of Sec 30,
the point of begimling.
A part ofthe SE4SE4 of Sec 7 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE4 of Sec 7, thence N89.42'43"W 578.59 feet along the
Southern section line to the true point of beginning, thence N89.42'43"W 217.80 feet further along the Southern section line
to a point, thence North 300 feet to a point, thence S89.42'43"E 217.80 feet to a point, thence South 300 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Southern property line. DELETES #3291.

A part of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NW comer of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30, thence
Commencing at the NW comer of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30, thence North line of the SE4NE4 to the true point of beginning,
thence N89.59'15"E 660.19 feet further along the North line of the SE4NE4 to the NE corner of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30,
thence SOO.l5' 12"E 667.70 feet along the Eastern section lineto a point, thence N89 .49' 49"W 1320.69 feet to a point on the
West line of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30, thence NOO.13' 49"W 326.99 feet along the West line of the SE4NE4 to a point, thence
N89.59' 15"E 660.20 feet to a point, thence NOO.l3 '49"W 336.50 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road
and utility easement being the 30 feet directly East of the following described line: Commencing at the NW corner of the
SE4NE4 of Sec 30, thence SOO.l3' 49"E 336.50 feet to the point of ending.


A part of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the NW corner of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30, thence
N89 .59' 15"E 660.20 feet along the North line of the SE4NE4 of Sec 30 to a point, thence SOO.l3' 49"E 336.50 feet to a point,
thence S89.59' 15"W 660.20 feet to a point on the West line of the SE4NE4ofSec 30, thence NOO.13'49"W 336.50 feet along
the West line of the SE4NE4 to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot road and utility easement along the Western
property line.
Beginning 272 feet East of the NW comer of the NE4SW4 of Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: thence East 261 feet more or
less to the West boundary of Lot 12, Twin Spruce Subdivision II, thence South 1325 feet, thence West 261 feet, thence North
1325 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point 265 feet NOO.00'30"W of the SE comer of the NE4SE4 of Sec 35 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID, and running
thence West 452.08 feet, thence North 46.38 feet, thence East 452.07 feet, thence SOO.00'30"E 46.38 feet to the point of
beginning. Being part of Lot 1 Blk 1 Gregg Subdivision.


A part of Government Lot 2 of Sec 36 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the S4 comer of Sec 36, thence S86.36'53"E
1320.5 I feet along the Southern section line and thence NOO.18'32"E 85.45 feet along the East line of Government Lot 2 to
the true point of beginning, thence N81.01 '35"W 1560.72 feet to a point, thence N36.26'03"E 294.37 feet to a point on the
North line of Government Lot 2 of Sec 36, thence N89.28'23"E 1045.20 feet along the North line of Government Lot 2 to the
NE comer of Government Lot 2 of Sec 36, thence S00.18'32"W 1228.10 feet along the East line of Government Lot 2 to the
point of beginning.


A part of Government Lots 2 & 3 of Sec 1 T6N R45E, and a part of Government Lot 2 of Sec 36 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as:
From the N4 corner of Sec 1, thence S86.36' 53"E 1158.02 feet along the Northern section line of Sec 1 to the true point of
beginning, thence S01.24'28"W 396.04 feet to a point, thence S56.34'09"W 397.26 feet to a point, thence N30.14'53"W
1601.38 feet to a point, thence N46.12'49"E 166.60 feetto a point, thence 94.22 feet along a 77.12 foot radius curve to the left
having a central angle of 70.00'03" and a chord bearing Nl1.12'47"E 88.47 feet to a point, thence N23.47' 14"W 94.79 feetto
a point, thence S51.01 '35"E 1580.72 feet to a point on the East line of Government Lot 2 of Sec 36, thence SOO.18'32"W
85.45 feet along the East line of Government Lot 2 of Sec 36 to a point on the Southern section line of Sec 36, thence
N86.36'53"W 164.49 feet along the Southern section line of Sec 36 to the point of beginning. Contains 20 acres, more or less.


A part of Government Lots 2 & 3 of Sec 36 T7N R45E, and a part of Government Lots 2 & 3 of Sec 1 T6N R45E, BM, TC,
ID as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 1, thence S86.38'63"E 1156.02 feet along the Northern section line of Sec 1 and
thence S01.24'28"W 396.04 feet and thence S56.34'09"W 397.25 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S56.34'09"W
726.47 feet to a point, thence NI7.25'22"W 1692.80 feet to a point, thence N44.55'05"E 38.75 feet to a point, thence 69.44
feet along a 151.66 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of26.14'01" and a chord bearing N58.02'06"E 88.84
feet to a point, thence N71.09'08"E 137.98 feet to a point, thence 87.43 feet along a 200.88 foot radius curve to the left having
a central angle of24.56' 17" and a chord bearing N58.40'57"E 88.74 feet to a point, thence N46.12'49"E 24.01 feet to a point,
thence S30.14'53"E 1601.38 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20 acres, more or less.


A part of Government Lots 2 & 3 of Sec I T6N R45E, and a part of Government Lot 3 of Sec 36 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as:
Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec I, thence S86.36'63"E 1156.02 feet along the Northern section line of Sec I, and thence
SOI.24'28"W 396.04 feet and thence S56.34'09"W 1123.72 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S56.34'09"W 269 feet
to a point on then Westline of Government Lot 3 of Sec 1, thence SOO.50' 19"W 95.63 feet along the West line of
Government Lot 3 to the SE comer of Government Lot 3 of Sec I, thence N86.49'60"W 661.82 feet along the South line of
Government Lot 3 of Sec I to a point, thence NOO.55'56"E 1679.80 feet to a point, thence 45.89 feet along a 209.38 foot
radius curve to the left having a central angle of 12.33 '32" and a chord bearing N51.l1' 51"E 45.80 feet to a point, thence
N44.55'05"E 309.72 feet to a point, thence SI7.25'22"E 1692.50 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 21.75 acres, more or


Beginning at a point that lies N86.58'00"W 1690.21 feet along the section line and S55.13'20"W 317.73 feet from the NE
comer of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID and rwming thence S55.13'20"W 95 feet, thence S66.09'00"W 180.20 feet, thence
S58.17'00"W 153.06 feet, thence 41.51 '06"W 192.20 feet, thence S39.24' 13"W 364.88 feet, thence SO 1.1 I '04"E 516.18 feet,
thence S88.10'37"E 853.61 feet, thence S87.32'54"E 230 feet, thence North 300 feet, thence N22.09'40"W 956.34 feet to the
point ofbegimling. Contains 21.22 acres, more or less.


Beginning at a point that lies N86.58'00"W 670 feet along the section line from the NE comer of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC,
ID and rulming thence N87.02' 10"W 270.74 feet, thence N02.52'34"E 93.36 feet, thence S73.55'32"W 176.82 feet, thence
S88.34'45"W 452.77 feet, thence N86.58'00"W 131.07 feet, thence S55.13 '20"W 317.73 feet, thence S22.09'40"E 956.34
feet, thence N57.26'07"E 1090.45 feet, thence NOO.02'30"E 425.99 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.74 acres, more
or less.


Beginning at a point that lies N86.58'00"W 670 feet along the section line and SOO.02'30"W 425.99 feet from the NE comer
of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID and running thence S57.26'07"W 1090.45 feet, thence South 300 feet, thence S87.32'54"E
1252.99 feet, thence NOlth 922.90 feet, thence N86.58'00"W 333.30 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20 acres, more or


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Beginning at a point that lies N86.58'00"W 70 feet from the NE comer of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Running thence
South 426 feet, thence N86.58'00"W 266.70 feet, thence South 329.62 feet, thence N84.18'39"E 39.04 feet to a point of
curvature, thence 23.28 feet along a curve to the right having a central angle of26.40'37" and a radius of 50 feet and a chord
that bears S82.21 '02"E 23.07 feet, thence S69.00' 44"E 55.11 feet to a point of curvature, thence 612.72 feet along a curve to

the left, said curve having a central angle of 35.06'22" a radius of 1000 feet and a chord that bears S86.33 'SS"E 603 .18 feet,
thence N75.52'S4"E 139.84 feet, thence NOO.06'03"E 372.14 feet, thence N37.40'55"W 77.61 feet, thence N42.55' 13"W
431.46 feet, thence N46.24'55"W 337.89 feet, thence SOO.l2'29"E 220 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 12.04 acres,
more or less.
~ Beginning at a point that lies N86.58'00"W 70 feet along the section line and South 426 feet, and N86.58'00"W 266.70 feet

DeLehd '1"0
J:l; U /]71

and South 329.62 feet from the NE corner of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID and running thence South 593.28 feet, thence
S87.32'54"E 404.99 feet, thence N04.30'00"E 527.27 feet to a point on a curve, thence Westerly along the curve a distance of
340.95 feet, said curve having a central angle of 19.32'07" a radius oflOOO feet and a chord that bears N78.46'47"W 339.31
feet to a point of tangency, thence N69.00'44"W 55.11 feet to a point of curvature, thence 23.28 feet along said curve to the
left said curve having a central angle of26.40'37" a radius of 50 feet, and a chord bearing N82.21 '02"W 23.07 feet, thence
S84.18'39"W 39.04 feet to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point that lies N86.5T31 "E 174.30 feet along the section line and S42.55' 13"E 431.46 feet and S37.40'55"E
77.16 feet and SOO.06'03"W 606.96 feet, thence N87.46'19"W 445.53 feet, thence N04.30'00"W 527.27 feet to a point on a
curve, thence Easterly along curve for a distance of271.76 feet, said curve having a central angle of 15.34' IS" a radius of
1000 feet and a chord bearing N83.40'02"E 270.93 feet, thence N75.52'53"E 139.84 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
5.42 acres, more or less.


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: thence SOO.IS'45"E 1320.07 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence SOO.15'45"E 659.02 feet, thence N88.0T07"W 1341.55 feet, thence NOO.12'30"E 643.69 feet, thence S88.46'06"E
133S.78 feet to the true point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement
across a part of the N2 of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID being 30 feet on each side of the following described line:
Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 1 and running SO.lS' 45"E 1979.09 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cul-de-sac
easement, the point of ending. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH an irrigation and canal easement on the North
varying in width from 50 to 100 feet. Contains 20.00 acres, more or less.


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: thence SOO.IS'45"E 2633.02 feet and N87.40'30" 1347.28 feet to
the point of beginning, thence SOO.IT31 "W 656.71 feet to a point, thence S89.53' 12"W 1322.08 feet to a point, thence
NOO.lO'43"E 660.59 feet to a point, thence S89.56'42"E 1323.37 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part of the SW4 of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID being

30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 1 and rnnning thence N89.53'12"E
1318.16 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence N0.17'32"E 1979.87 feet to the center of a 60
foot radius cul-de-sac easement, the point of ending. SUBJECT TO a 25-foot utility and irrigation easement on the West.
SUBJECT TO a 15-foot irrigation easement on the West.

From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: thence SOO.15'45"E 2633.02 feet and S00.44'59"W 1281.85 feet to
the point of beginning, thence S00.44'59"W 646.57 feet to a point, thence N89.41 '59"W 1331.03 feetto a point, thence
NOO.I7'31"E 659.95 feet to a point, thence S89.07'30"E 1336.26 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part of the SW4 of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID being
30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 1 and running N89.53' 12"E
1318.16 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence N0.17'32"E 1979.87 feet to the center of a 60
foot radius cul-de-sac easement, the point of ending. SUBJECT TO a 15-foot irrigation easement on the North and on the


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: thence SOO.15'4S"E 2633.02 feet, thence S00.44'S9"W 1928.42
feet, thence N89.41 '59"W 1331.03 feet to the point of beginning, thence SOO.I7'31"W 660.61 feet to a point, thence
S89.S3' 12"W 1318.16 feet to a point, thence NOO.IO'43"E 660.60 feet to a point, thence N89.S3' 12"E 1319.47 feet to the
point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part of the
SW4 of Sec 1 TSN R4SE, BM, TC, ID being 30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the SW
corner of Sec 1 and rullling thence N89.S3' 12"E 1318.16 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning,
thence NO.I7'32"E 1979.87 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cul-de-sac easement, the point of ending. SUBJECT TO a
IS-foot utility easement on the West. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement on the South.


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 TSN R4SE, BM, TC, ID as: thence SOO.IS'4S"E 2633.02 feet and S00.44'59"W 1928.42 feet to
the point of beginning, thence S00.44' S9"W 651.06 feet to a point, thence S89.S3' 12"W 132S.86 feet to a point, thence
NOO.I7'31"E 660.61 feet to a point, thence S89.41 'S9"E 1331.03 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part ofthe SW4 of Sec 1 TSN R4SE, BM, TC, ID being
30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 1 and running thence N89.S3'12"E
1318.16 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning, thence NO.I7'32"E 1979.87 feet to the center of a 60
foot radius cul-de-sac easement, the point of ending. SUBJECT TO a 15 foot irrigation easement on the East. SUBJECT TO a
30 foot county road and utility easement on the South.


From the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: thence SOO.l5'45"E 2633.02 feet, thence S00.44'59"W 2579.48 feet
and N89.53' l2"E 1432.18 feet to the point of beginning, thence N02.13'53"W 651.26 feet to a point, thence East 1240.58 feet
to a point, thence SOO.17'55"W 648.37 feetto a point, thence S89.53' l2"W 1211.85 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT
TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across a part ofthe SE4 of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC,
being 30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the SE corner of Sec 1 and running S89.53' l2"W
1211. 85 feet along the Southern section line and N02.13' 53 "W 1841.24 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cuI-de-sac
easement, the point of ending. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 30 foot county road and utility easement on the


Beginning at the SW corner of the NW4SW4 of Sec 36 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID and running thence North 880 feet, thence
East 990 feet, thence South 880 feet, thence West 990 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement for
ingress and egress and utilities, 30 feet wide along the most Westerly boundary of the NW4SW4 and the SW4NW4 of Sec 36.


Begilming 880 feet North of the SW corner of the NW4SW4 of Sec 36 T6N R45E, BM, TC, ID, the true point of beginning
and running thence North 880 feet, thence East 990 feet, thence South 880 feet, thence West 990 feet to the true point of
beginning. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress, and utilities, 30 feet wide along the most Westerly
boundary of the SW4NW4 of Sec 36.


A parcel of land in the SW4 of Sec 24 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the SE corner of said SW4, thence
S89.3l '56"W along the South line of the SW4, 1702 .64 feet, thence NOO.04 '26"E 905.20 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence S89.33' l2"W 519.20 feet to the Southeasterly line of the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport, said point to be referred to as
"point A", thence N48.16'35"E along said Southeasterly line of the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport, 128.46 feet, thence
N89.33' l2"E 423.43 feet, thence SOO.04'26"W 84.75 feet to the true point of beginning. Encompassing an area of 0.92 acres,
more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide ingress, egress and utilities easement, being more particularly described as
follows: Beginning at the hereinabove described "point A", thence S89.09'OT'W along the Southeasterly line of the DriggsReed Memorial Airport, 244.20 feet, thence S42.l2' 40"E 60 feet to a point on a line parallel with and 60 feet Southeasterly
line of the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport, thence N48.09'07"E along said parallel line, 243.75 feet to an angle point in said
parallel line, thence continuing along said parallel line, N48.16'35"E 68.29 feet to the Southerly line of the hereinabove
described parcel, thence S89.33' l2"W along said Southerly line of the hereinabove described parcel, 90.95 feet to the point of


A parcel of land in the SW4 of Sec 24 T5N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Connnencing at the SE corner of said SW4, thence
S89.31 '56"W along the South line of SW4, 1702.64 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.04'26"E 905.20 feet,
thence N89.33'12"E 39.55 feet, thence SOO.16'16"W 425.30 feet, thence N89.30'35"E 22.17 feet, thence SOO.06'17"W
479.91 feet to the South line of the SW4, thence S89.31 '56"W along the South line of said SW4 60 feetto the true point of
beginning. Encompassing an area of 1.04 acres, more or less.


A portion of the NE4SE4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the Victor city control corner located as the
intersection of Main Street and the Southerly lines of blocks 15 & 16 (said point being S37.31 '40"W 26.55 from the true C4
corner of Sec 11), thence South 348.59 feet, thence N89.16'00"E 65.48 feet to a 6" concrete highway right of way monument,
said point being the point of beginning, thence N89.16'00"E 165 feet, thence SO.59'00"W 116.54 feet, thence S89.16'00"W
163 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way of State Hwy 33, thence North, along said right of way 116.50 feet, to the point
of beginning. Contains 0.44 acres, more or less. DELETES #2859 & #3442.


A portion of the NW 4SE4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the Victor city control center located at the
intersection of Main Street and the Southerly lines of blocks 15 & 16 (said point being S37.31 '40"W 26.55 feet from the true
C4 corner of Sec 11), thence South 465.09 feet, thence N89.16'00"E 228.48 feet, thence S89.59'32"E 92.31 feet to a point on
a fence line, said point being the point of beginning, thence S89.59'32"E 77.50 feet, thence N30.35'34"E 10 feet, thence
S68.03'42"E 117.73 feet, more or less to a point on the Westerly line of the Airport Addition, thence along said line 83.07 feet
along a 60 foot radius curve to the left, with a chord bearing S58.23'39"E 76.59 feet, thence S46.27'27"E 53.93 feet, thence
S04.14' 56"W 181.82 feet to a point on the North line of the Amadon Subdivision, thence along said line N85.45'04"W
261.20 feet to a point on a fence line, thence N04.36'49"W along said fence line, 275.54 feet, to the point ofbegilming.
Contains 1.62 acres, more or less.


A portion of the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Connnencing at the Victor city control center located at the
intersection of Main street and the Southerly lines of blocks 15 & 14 (said point beingS37.31' 40"W 26.55 feet from the true
C4 corner of Sec II), thence South 465.09 feet, thence N89.16'00"E 228.48 feet to the true point of beginning, thence
NO.59'00"E 116.54 feet, thence North 138.04 feet, more or less to a point on the Western boundary of the Airport Addition to
the city of Victor, thence along said line S46.27'27"E 385.14 feet, thence 25 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the left with a
chord bearing S6.4 7' 48"E 24.82 feet, thence N68.03 '42"W 117.73 feet, thence S30.35'24"W 10.00 feet, thence
N89.59'32"W 169.82 feet to the point ofbegilming. Contains 0.82 acres, more or less.



A portion of the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the Victor city control center located at the
intersection of Main street and the Southerly lines of blocks 15 & 14 (said point being S37.31 '40"W 26.55 feet from the true
C4 corner of Sec ll), thence South 7l1.35 feet, thence S85.45'04"E 605.08 feet, to a point on the North line of the Amadon
Subdivision said point being the point of beginning, thence N4.14'56"E 181.82 feet to a point on the Westerly line of the
Airport Addition, thence along said line S46.27'27"E 246.75 feet, thence 30.12 feet along a 525.03 foot radius curve to the
left with a chord bearing S27.40'36"E 30.11 feet, thence N85.45'04"W 206.89 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.46
acres, more or less.


A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along
the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East line
of the railroad right of way, thence N48.39'39"E 1037.09 feet to the true point of beginning, thence North 494.93 feet to a
point, thence S86.19'33"E 346.28 feet to a point, thence 197.84 feet along a 550.69 foot radius curve to the left having a
central angle of20.35'03" and a chord bearing S09.23'48"W 196.78 feet to a point, thence SOO.53'44"E 222.75 feet to a
point, thence S80.00'00"W 321.81 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement as
described in this exhibit.


A portion of the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the Victor city control center located at the
intersection of Main Street and the Southerly lines of Blocks 15 & 16 (said point being S37.31 '40"W 26.55 feet from the true
C4 corner of Sec ll), thence South 348.59 feet, thence N89.16'00"E 65.48 feet to a 6" concrete highway right of way
monument said point being the point of beginning, thence North 251.76 feet, thence N1S.15'25"E 36.22 feet to a point on the
Westerly line of the Airport Addition to the City of Victor, thence S46.27'27"E along said line 211.95 feet, thence South
138.04 feet, thence SS9.16'00"W 165.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.S2 acres, more or less. DELETES #1461.


A portion of the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T3N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: Commencing at the Victor city control center located at the
intersection of Main Street and the Southerly lines of blocks 15 & 16 (said point being S37.31 '40"W 26.55 feet from the true
C4 corner of Sec 11), thence South 348.59 feet, thence N89.16'00"E 65.48 feetto a 6" concrete highway right of way ll6.50
feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.16'00"E along a fence line 163.00 feet, thence SS9.59'32"E along a fence line
92.31 feet to a point on a fence line, thence S4.36' 49"E along said fence line 275.54 feet to a point on the North line of the
Amadon Subdivision, thence N85.47' 51"W along said North line 211.57 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of


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State Hwy 33, thence along said right of way following a curve with a chord bearing NI4.29' 41"W 265.52 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 1.42 acres, more or less.

Part of Government Lot 4 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NW corner of Sec 1, thence S89.55' 15"E 1010.87 feet
along the Northern section line and thence SOO.08'37"E 390 feet to the true point of beginning, thence SOO.08'37"E 112.35
feet to a point, thence N71.40'00"W 423.79 feet to a point, thence 1500.83 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the left
having a central angle of28.48'21" and a chord bearing N45.35'49"E 149.24 feet to a point, thence S67.00'00"E 320.88 feet
to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and
utility easement for ingress and egress to the lot, described above and for the use of electric, cable TV and telephone utilities,
running across part of Government Lot 1 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID being 30 feet on each side of the following described
centerline: From the NW comer of Sec 1, thence S89.55' 15"E 760 feet along the Northern section line to the point of
beginning, thence SOO.04' 45"W 110.00 feet to a point, thence 313.74 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the right having a
central angle of 59.55' 15" and a chord bearing S30.02'23"W 299.64 feet to a point, thence S60.00'00"W 120 feet to a point,
thence 314.16 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 60.00'00" and a chord bearing
S30.00'00"W 300 feet to the point of ending.


A part of Government Lot 4 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NW corner of Sec 1, thence S89.55'15"E 760 feet
along the Northern section line to a point, thence S89.55' l5"E 250.87 feet further along the Northern section line to a point,
thence SOO.08'37"E 390 feet to a point, thence N67.00'00"W 320.88 feet to a point, thence 162.92 feet along a 300 foot
radius curve to the left having a central angle of 31.06'54" and a chord bearing NI5.38' 12"E 160.92 feet to a point, thence
NOO.04'45"E 110 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a road and utility easement
as described in this exhibit. SUBJECT TO a 30 foot conntyroad and utility easement across the North side of the property.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement for ingress and egress to the lot, described above
and for the use of electric, cable TV and telephone utilities, running across part of Government Lot 1 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM,
TC, ID being 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: From the NW corner of Sec 1, thence S89.55'15"E
760 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning, thence SOO.04'45"W 110.00 feet to a point, thence 313.74
feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.55'15" and a chord bearing S30.02'23"W 299.64
feet to a point, thence S60.00'00"W 120 feet to a point, thence 314.16 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the left having a
central angle of 60.00'00" and a chord bearing S30.00'00"W 300 feet to the point of ending.

A part of Govemment Lot 4 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NW corner of Sec 1, thence SOO.10'19"E 394.17 feet
along the Western section line to the true point of beginning, thence N40.00'00"E 116.43 feet to a point, thence S60.00'00"E
398.05 feet to a point, thence 100.47 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 19.11 ' 17" and a
chord bearing S28.46'56"W 100 feet to a point, thenceN62.00'00"W 420.65 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00
acre, more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement for ingress and egress to the
lot, described above and for the use of electric, cable TV and telephone utilities, running across part of Government Lot 1 Sec
1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID being 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: From the NW corner of Sec 1,
thence S89.55' 15"E 760 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning, thence SOO.04' 45"W 11 0.00 feet to a
point, thence 313.74 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.55' 15" and a chord bearing
S30.02'23"W 299.64 feet to a point, thence S60.00'00"W 120 feet to a point, thence 314.16 feet along a 300 foot radius curve
to the left having a central angle of 60.00'00" and a chord bearing S30.00'00"W 300 feet to the point of ending.

A part of Government Lot 4 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NW corner of Sec 1, thence S45.00'00"W 90 feet to
the true point of beginning, thence S67.30'00"E 356.76 feet to a point, thence 151.43 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the
right having a central angle of28.55' 14" and a chord bearing S31.5T25"W 149.82 feet to a point, thence N57.30'00"W
372.24 feet to a point, thence N45.00'00"E 90 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00 acre, more or less. TOGETHER
WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement for ingress and egress to the lot, described above and for the
use of electric, cable TV and telephone utilities, running across part of Government Lot 1 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID being
30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: From the NW corner of Sec 1, thence S89.55' 15"E 760 feet along
the Northern section line to the point of beginning, thence SOO.04'45"W 110.00 feet to a point, thence 313.74 feet along a 300
foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.55' 15" and a chord bearing S30.02 '23"W 299.64 feet to a point,
thence S60.00'00"W 120 feet to a point, thence 314.16 feet along a 300 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of
60.00'00" and a chord bearing S30.00'00"W 300 feet to the point of ending.

~A part of Government Lot 4 Sec 1 T4N R45E, BM, TC, ID as: From the NW corner of Sec 1, thence SOO.10'19"E 394.17 feet

" ~d
yc:le ~!W4 eHlse 17 T61'! R4 4B, 13M, Te, Idahoe bsmg fur'.her deseribed as Let 2: Bsgiooiflg at the NW earner ef
See 17, theBes Sellth l00G feet, theBes Bast 3G.3 feet ta aD iraB fliB flam!, theBes Bast 466.7G feet Ie aD iren fliB flaiat beiBg
the we fleiBt afbegiBBiBg, theBee Bast 29S.2 feet, theaes SBllth 29S.2 feet, theBes Weet 29$.2 feet, theBes Narth 29$.2 feet Ie
the fleiBt efbegin:liBg. See tax #4368.
3737 A part of Sec 5 T5nR46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 corner of Sec 5, thence S89.43'39"E 1319.46 feet along the South
line of the NW4 and thence NOO.06'41"E 234.oI feet to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.06'41"E 660.00 feet to a
point, thence East 320.72 feet to a point, thence South 660.00 feet to a point, thence West 322.00 feet to the point of
beginning. SUBJECT TO a 10 foot irrigation and utility easement along the Western property line. TOGETHER WITH a 60
foot road and utility easement across a part of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, TC, ID for ingress and egress to the parcel described
above, and for the use of (but nor limited to) electric, telephone, and cable TV utilities, being bounded by the following
described lines: From the W4 corner of Sec 5, thence S89.43'39"E 1319.46 feet along the South line of the NW4 and thence
NOO.06'41"E 234.01 feet and thence East 1287.58 feet to the true point of beginning, thence South 30 feet to a point, thence
West 913.62 feet to a point, thence around a cul-de-sac easement 314.16 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a
central angle of 300.00'00" and a chord bearing North 60 feet to a point, thence East 240.04 feet to a point, thence North
578.04 feet to a point, thence around a cul-de-sac easement 314.16 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a
central angle of 300.00'00" and a chord bearing East 60 feet to a point, thence South 578.04 feet to a point, thence East
613.58 feet to a point, thence South 30 feet to the true point of beginning. SOMETIMES known as Parcel 5 ofIndian Ridge

A part of the S2S2NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the C4 corner of Sec 26 and running S89.58'30"W .
1123.36 feet along the South line of the NW4 and thence N00.14'29"E 331.36 feet to the true point of beginning, thence
S89.58'30"W 328.64 feet to a point, thence NOO.l4'29"E 331.56 feet to a point, thence S89.57'24"E 328.64 feet to a point,
thence SOO.14'29"W 331.17 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 100 foot BPA
power line easement across the Western part ofthe property. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and
utility easement being 30 feet on each side ofthe following described line: Commencing at a point S89.58'30"W 1123.36 feet
from the C4 corner of Sec 26 along the South line of the NW4 of Sec 26 and thence NOO.14'29"E 391.36 feet to the point of

SEE TAX #6879

A part of the SW4SE4NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the C4 comer of Sec 26 and running
S89.58'30"W 794.52 feet along the South line of the NW4 and NOO.14'29"E 330.97 feet to the true point of beginning, thence
N89.5T24"W 328.84 feet to a point, thence NOO.14'29"E 331.17 feet to a point, thence S89.5T24"E 328.84 feet to a point,
thence SOO.14'29"W 331.17 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the following described line:
Commencing at a point S89.58'30"W 1123.26 feet from the C4 comer of Sec 26 along the South line of the NW4 of Sec 26
and thence NOO.14'29"E 391.36 feet to the point of ending.


A part of the SW4SE4NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the C4 comer of Sec 26 and running
S89.58'30"W 794.52 feet along the South line of the NW4 to the true point of beginning, thence S89.58'30"W 328.84 feet
further along the South line of the NW4 of Sec 26 to a point, thence NOO.14'29"E 331.36 feet to a point, thence S89.5T24"E
328.84 feet to a point, thence SOO.l4'29"W 330.97 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO a 48 foot county road and utility easement along the Southern property line. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and
utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a point S89.58'30"W 1123.36 feet
form the C4 comer of Sec 26 along the South line of the NW4 of Sec 26 and thence NOO.14'29"E 391.36 feet to the point of


A tract ofland in the SE4NE4 of Sec 27 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SE comer of SE4NE4, thence
N89.54'32"W along the South line of SE4NE4 276.91 feet to the true point of beginning, thence continuing N89.54'32"W
along the South line ofSE4NE4 334.49 feet, thence N01.14' 14"E 131.33 feet, thence S89.54'32"E 329.00 feet, thence
SOl.09'23"E 131.33 feet. Encompassing an area of 1.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO an easement for county road
purposes over the Southerly 25.00 feet thereof. SUBJECT TO an easement to maintain the irrigation ditch(s) on the property.


A part of the E2SE4SW4 of Sec 1 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 comer of Sec 1, thence NOO.09'56"W 984.38
feet along the East line of the SW4 to the true point of beginning, thence S89.50'06"W 626.99 feet to a point, thence
NOO.09' 54"W 344.35 feet to a point on the North line of the SE4SW4 of Sec 1, thence S89.50' 15"E 627.00 feet along the
North line of the SE4SW4 to the NE comer of the SE4SW4 of Sec 1, thence SOO.09'56"E 340.76 feet along the East line of
the SW4 to the point of beginning. Contains 4.93 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along
the Northern and Eastern property lines. SUBJECT TO a 20 foot access easement being 10 feet on each side of the following
described centerline: From the NE comer of the SE4SW4 of Sec 1, thence N89.50' 15"W 586.60 feet along the North line of

pclc1cd 'To

the SE4SW4 to the point of beginning. thence N31.28'08"E 329.83 feet to a point, thence S17.42'59"E 66.04 feet to the
Southern property line.

A part of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 24, thence
SO.38'51"W 438.28 feet along the East line of the NW4 of Sec 24 to a point, thence N89.18'20"W 1330.58 feetto a point on
the West line of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24, thence N0.49'37"E 439.20 feet along the West line of the NE4NW4 to a point on the
Northern section line of Sec 24, thence S89 .15' 57"E 1329.21 feet along the Northern section line to the point of beginning.
Contains 13.39 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being bounded by the following
described lines: Commencing at the SW corner of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24, thence N0.49'37"E 878.41 feet along the West line
of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24 to a point, thence S89.18'20"E 60.00 feet to a point, thence S0.49'37"W 878.32 feet to a point on
the South line of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24, thence N89.23'06"W 60.00 feet along the South line of the NE4NW4 to the point of
beginning. TOGETHER with a 20 foot wide access easement along the South line ofthe N2NE4 of Sec 23 T6N R45E, BM,
TC, and along the Western 20 feet of the South line of the NW4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho. TOGETHER
WITH a 60 foot wide access easement being the Northern 60 feet of the SW4NW4 of Sec 24 T6n R45E, EM, TC, Idaho.


A part of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 24, thence S0.38'51"W 438.28
feet along the East line of the NW4 to the true point of beginning, thence SO.38'51"W 438.28 feet fnrther along the East line
of the NW4 of Sec 24 to a point, thence N89.20'43"W 1331.96 feet to a point on the West line of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24,
thence N0.49'37"E 439.20 feet along the West line of the NE4NW4 to a point, thence S89.18'20"E 1330.58 feet to the point
of beginning. Contains 13.41 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being bounded by
the following described lines: Commencing at the SW corner of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24, thence N0.49'37"E 878.41 feet
along the West line of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24 to a point, thence S89.18'20"E 60 feet to a point, thence S0.49'37"W 878.32
feet to a point on the South line of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24, thence N89.23'06"W 60 feet along the South line of the NE4NW4
to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 20 foot wide access easement along the South line of the N2NE4 of Sec 23
T6NR45E, BM, and along the Western 20 feet of the South line of the NW4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide access easement being the Northern 60 feet of the SW4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM,
TC, Idaho.


A part of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 24, thenceS0.38'51"W 876.56
feet along the East line of the NW4 to the true point of beginning, thence S0.38'51 "W 438.28 feet fnrther along the East line
of the NW4 to the SE corner of the NE4NW4 of Sec 24, thence N89.23'06"W 1333.34 feet along the South line of the

NE4NW4 to the SW corner ofthe NE4NW4 of Sec 24, thence N0,49'37"E 439.20 feet along the West line ofthe NE4NW4
of Sec 24 to a point, thence S89.20'43"E 1331.96 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 13,42 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO a 60 foot road and utility easement along the Western property line. TOGETHER WITH a 20 foot wide access
easement along the South line of the N2NE4 of Sec 23 T6N R45E, BM, and along the Western 20 feet of the South line of the
NW4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide access easement being the Northern 60
feet of the SW4NW4 of Sec 24 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho.

A portion of the SW4 of Sec 14 and the SE4 of Sec 15 T6n R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 14,
thence S89.57'42"W 2651.87 feet to the SW corner of Sec 14, thence N89.22'22"W 150.00 feet, more or less, to a point on
the thread of the Teton River, thence along the thread of the Teton River N74.15'W 805.00 feet, thence along the thread ofthe
Teton River NI8,41'W 1180.48 feet to a point on the South 1I16th line of Sec 15, thence S89.22'25"E 1302.90 feet to the
South 1I16tl1 corner on the West line of Sec 14, thence S89.56'56"E 2664.98 feet to the South 1I16'h corner on the C4line of
Sec 14, thence S0.33'54"W 1320.09 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the SW4 of Sec 14 and the SE4 of Sec 15 T6N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec
14, thence NO.33'54"E 2640.17 feet to the C4 corner of Sec 14, said point being the point of beginning, thence S0.33'54"W
1320.09 feet to the South 1/16th corner on the center line of Sec 14, thence N89.56'56"W 2664.98 feet to the South 1I16th
corner on the West line of Sec 14, thence N89.22'25"W along the South 1I16'h line of Sec 15, 1302.90 feetto a point on the
thread of the Teton River, thence along the thread of the Teton River N18.4l'W 849.52 feet, thence along the thread of the
Teton River N53.40"W 327.00 feet, thence along the thread of the Teton River S76.20'W 650.00 feet, thence along the thread
of the Teton River N62.20'W 235 feet, thence along the thread of the Teton River N30.08'49"W 453.71 feet to a point on the
C4line of Sec 15, thence S89.22'28"E 2904.45 feet to the W4 corner of Sec 14, thence S89.5l '37"E 2678.10 feet to the point
of beginning.


A part of the SE4SW4 of Sec 14 T4n R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 corner of Sec 14, thence S89.56'00"W 700.05
feet along the Southern section line to the true point of beginning, thence S89.56'00"W 233.35 feet further along the Southern
section line to a point, thence NOO.05'5l"W 466.70 feet to a point, thence N89.56'00"E 233.25 feet to a point, thence
SOO.05'5l"E 466.70 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Southern
property line.


Beginning at a point in Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N2W2E2SE4NW4. TOGETHER WITH an easement
30 feet in width being further described as: Beginning at the SE corner of the SE4NW4 and running thence West 660 feet to
the true point of beginning, thence running North 660 feet, thence EasSlO feet, thence South 660 feet, thence West 30 feet to
the point of beginning


A part of the SE4SW4 of Sec 36 T7N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 corner of Sec 36, thence N02.52'03"W 28.73
feet to a point which is more or less at a fence corner and thence more or less along said fence line, thence NOO.03'34"W
367.64 feet to the true point of beginning, thence S89.58'18"W 382.89 feet to a point which is more or less in a fence line,
thence more or less along a fence line, thence N35.32'43"W 236.97 feet to a point, thence N89.58' 18"E 520.46 feet to a point
which is more or less in a fence line, thence more or less along a fence line SOO.03 '34"E 192.88 feet to the point of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH all appurtenant water rights.
replaced by 6774
A part of the NW4SW4 of Sec 24 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 comer of Sec 34, thence S89.56'40"E 444.02
feet along the North line of the SW4 to the true point of beginning, thence S89.56'40"E 871.28 feet further along the North
line of the SW4 to the NE comer of the NW4SW4 of Sec 34, thence SOO.l5'39"E 377.68 feet along the East line of the
NW4SW4 of Sec 34 to a point, thence West 43.67 feet to a point, thence S81.48' l7"W 231.83 feet to a point, thence
N89.29'08"W 149.99 feet to a point, thence S85.06'25"W 214.20 feet to a point, thence N51.34'39"W 106.87 feet to a point,
thence N28.28'21"W 218.31 feet to a point, thence N15.57'38"W 177.00 feet to the point of beginning.



A part of Government Lot 3 Sec 3 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the NE corner of Government Lot 3 of Sec
3, thence S00.30' 40"W 1177.39 feet along the East line of Government Lot 3 of Sec 3 to a point, thence N45.08'38"W 255.00
feet to a point, thence N29.06'02"W 614.99 feet to a point, thence N02.21 '53"E 94.02 feet to a point, thence N22.53'26"E
157.68 feet to a point, thence N07.57'48"W 104.67 feet to a point, thence N75.09'01"W 377.02 feet to appoint, thence
N88.24' 13"W 514.17 feet to a point on the West line of Government Lot 4 of Sec 3, thence NOO.25'51"E 7.07 feet along the
West line of Government Lot 3 to the NW comer of Government Lot 3 of Sec 3, thence S89.58'03"E 1317.99 feet along the
Northern section line of Sec 3 to the point of beginning. Contains 10.012 acres, more or less.


A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet
along the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East
line of the railroad right of way, thence N11.20'10"E 579.08 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N06.48'59"W 429.93
feet to a point, thence N65.00'00"E 480.92 feet to a point, thence South 562.29 feet to a point, thence S80.00'00"W 390.77

feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide connnon road and underground utility
easement across a part of the following described lines: From the SE comer of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along
the South section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East line of
the railroad right of way, thence N35.56'59"E 2280.05 feet to the point of beginning, thence N70.18'40"W 170.00 feet to a
point, thence 386.37 feet along a 370.88 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing
S79.50'40"W 369.14 feet to a point, thence S50.00'00"W 280.00 feet to a point, thence 423.37 feet along a 387.03 foot radius
curve to the left having a central angle of 62.40'31" and a chord bearing S 18.39' 45"W 402.58 feet to a point, thence 33.34
feet along a 23.97 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle 0[79.40'22" and a chord bearing S52.30'42"E 30.72 feet
to a point, thence 259.02 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of247.20'53" and a chord
bearing S31.19'34"W 99.86 feet to a point, thence 585.16 feet along a 447.03 foot radius curve to the right having a central
angle of 75.00'00" and a chord bearing NI2.30'00" 544.27 feet to a point, thence N50.00'00"E 280.00 feet to a point, thence
448.88 feet along a 430.88 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing N79.50'40"E
428.85 feet to a point, thence S70.18'40"E 170.00 feet to a point, thence S19.41 '20"W 60.00 feet to the point of beginning.

A parcel ofland in the S2SW4 and the SW4SE4 of Sec 32 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Beginning at the SW comer of
SW4SE4 where found a 5/8" diameter rebar with a 2" diameter aluminum cap stamped "AW. Eng.-LS2860"; thence
S89.44'47"E along the South line of SW4SE4, a distance of 1317.72 feet to the SE comer of SW4SE4 where found a 5/8"
diameter rebar with a 2" diameter aluminum cap stamped "AW. Eng.-LS2860"; thence NOl.l 0'23"W along the East line of
SW4SE4, a distance of 1306.69 feet to the NE comer of SW4SE4, thence N89.39'37"W along the North line of SW4SE4 a
distance of 1317.31 feet to the NW comer of SW4SE4, thence N89.40'07"W along the North line of the SE4SW4 of Sec 32, a
distance of 1311.13 feet to the NW comer of SE4SW4, where found a 5/8"diameter rebar with a 2" diameter aluminum cap
stamped "AW. Eng.-LS2860"; thence N89.34'48"W along the North line of the SW4SW4 of Sec 32, a distance of 168.39
feet to the median line of the Teton river, thence along said median line, the following courses and distances: S13.49'13"E
121.27 feet, S30.IT54"W 297.16 feet, S40.l5' 14"W 65.51 feet, S22.28'35"W 143.98 feet, S09.00'14"W 109.66 feet,
S39.4Tl8"E 106.10 feet, S83.03'42"E 230.69 feet, N84.40'46"E 64.32 feet, S89.0T53"E 153.81 feet, S70.3T29"E 45.84
feet, S55.18'22"E 184.79 feet, S32.16'37"E 105.17 feet, S22.36'00"E 87.64 feet, S28.4T50"E 133.47 feet, S30.09'13"E
88.47 feet, S32.42'22"E 69.17 feet to the South line of the SE4SW4, thence S89.43' 13"E along the South line of the
SE4SW4, a distance of795.46 feet to the point of beginning.


A part of the SW4SE4 of Sec 28 T6n R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Connnencing at the SE comer of the SW4SE4 of Sec 28,
thence N89.33'43"W 90.00 feet along the Southern section line to a point, thence NOO.06'57"E 262.24 feet to a point on the

Southern boundary of the county road right of way, thence along right of way, 13.19 feet along a 770.00 foot radius curve to
the right having a central angle of 00.58'52" and a chord bearing S76.48'28"E l3.19 feet to a point, thence along said right of
way S76.19'02"E 79.37 feetto a point on the East line ofthe SW4SE4 of Sec 28, thence SOO.06' 57"W 241.14 feet along the
East line of the SW4SE4 of Sec 28 to the point of beginning. Contains .52 acres, more or less .



SW4SE4 BfSee 28 TaR R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE comer of Sec 28, thence N89.33'43"W 1400.00
:fe@talBug-the-Souilierrroectionlitre to the true point of beginning, thence N89.33'43"W 1001.65 feet further along the
Southem section l~oiat on the Southeastern boundary of the county road right of way, thence along said right of way,
N#M~eet tB a jl8im, thence along said right of way 62.44 feet along a 270.00 foot radius curve to the right
having a central angle of l3.14'57" and a chord bearing N62.22'00"E 62.30 feet to a point, thence along said right of way,
N58.59'28"E 186.79 feet to a point, thence along said right of way 205.63 feet along a 370.00 foot radius curve to the right
having a central angle of31.50'32" and a chord bearing N74.54'44"E 202.99 feet to a point, thence along said right of way
S89.10'00"E 70.50 feet to a point, thence along said right of way 147.60 feet along a 630.00 foot radius curve to the left
having a central angle of l3.25'25" and a chord bearing N84.01' 17"E 147.26 feet to a point, thence along said right of way
N77.24'35"E 52.11 feet to a point, thence along said right of way, 339.90 feet along a 770.00 foot radius curve to the right
having a central angle of 25.11'31" and a chord bearing S89.56'40"E 337.14 feet to a point, thence SOO.06'57"W 262.24 feet
to a point on the Southern section line, thence N89.33'43"W 51.35 feet to the point of beginning. V€l<2Wct ·to 5152.4 -I D2'~
A part of the SE4NW4 of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 comer of Sec 26, thence SOO.04'51 "W 2655.39
feet along the East line of the W2 and thence West 45.71 feet and thence North 250.00 feet to the true point of beginning,
thence West 264.00 feet to a point, thence North 630.00 feet to a point, thence East l32.00 feet to a point, thence South
330.00 feet to a point, thence East l32.00 feet to a point, thence South 300 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.82 acres,
more or less. DELETES #


A part of the SE4NW4 of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec 26: thence
SOO.04'51"W 2655.39 feet along the East line of the W2, and thence West 45.71 feet and thence North 550.00 feet to the true
point of beginning, thence West 132.00 feet to a point, thence North 330.00 feet to a point, thence East l32.00 feet to a point,
thence South 330.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00 acre, more or less.


From the N4 corner of Sec 26 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Thence SOO.04'51"W 2655.39 feet along the East line of the W2
and thence West 45.71 feet to the true point of beginning, thence West 264.00 feet, thence North 120.00 feet, thence East
264.00 feet, thence South 120.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains .73 acres, more or less.


A part of the SE4SW4 of Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 corner of Sec 14, thence S89.56'00"W 466.70
feet along the Southern section line to the true point of beginning, thence S89.56'00"W 233.35 feet further along the Southern
section line to a point, thence NOO.05'51"W 466.70 feet to a point, thence N89.56'00"E 233.25 feet to a point, thence
SOO.05'5l"E 466.70 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Southern
property line.


A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet
further along the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on
the East line of the railroad right of way, thence N33.25'17"E 1413.72 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NI5.0'00"E
570.07 feet to a point, thence S45.00'00"E 419.73 feet to a point, thence S19.41 '20"W 293.18 feet to a point, thence
N86.19'33"W 346.28 feet to a point, thence S19.41 '20"W 293.18 feet to a point, thence N86.19'33"W 346.28 feet to the
point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide county road and utility easement across a part of the E2 of Sec 32 T7N
R45E, BM, TC, Idaho being 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence
S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along the South section line to the point of beginning, thence N27.27' 17"E 352.35 feet to a point,
thence 293.85 feet along a 593.88 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of28.21 '01" and a chord bearing
N13.16'47"E 290.87 feet to a point, thence NOO.53'44"W 342.65 feet to a point, thence 197.84 feet along a 550.69 foot radius
curve to the right having a central angle of20.35'03" and a chord bearing N09.23'48"E 196.78 feet to a point, thence
N19.41 '20"E 886.78 feet to a point, thence 246.47 feet along a 705.64 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of
20.00'46" and a chord bearing N29.41 '43"E 245.22 feet to the point of ending.

3762· Beginning at a point 280 feet South of the NW corner ofNW4, that point being the true point of beginning, thence running
SEE TAX #6848 East 272 feet, thence South 160.5 feet, thence West 272 feet, thence North 160.5 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES

A part of the NW4 of Sec 30 and a part of Governrnent Lot 4 of Sec 19 T5n R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SW corner of
Sec 19, thence NOO.Ol '57"W 238.49 feet along the Western section line to a point more or less in the middle of the Teton

of Government Lot 4 of Sec 19, thence S89.45'27"E 1284.97 feet along the North line of Government Lot 4 to the NE comer
of Government Lot 4 of Sec 19, thence SOO.OT 19"E 1320.07 feet along the East line of Government Lot 4 to the SE comer of
Sec 19, thence S89.44'53"E 1303.33 feet along the Southern section line of said Sec 19 to the N4 comer of Sec 30, thence
SOO.l3' 10"W 2641.30 feet along the East line of the NW4 to the C4 comer of Sec 30, thence N89.44' 13"W 871.35 feet along
the South line of the NW4 of Sec 30 to a point more or less in the middle of the Teton River, thence more or less along the
thread of the Teton River N07.3T46"E 158.80 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread ofthe Teton River
N41.20'38"E 283.34 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River N02.59'54"E 127.89 feet to a
point, thence more or less along the thread ofthe Teton RiverN52.4T59"W 256.95 feet to a point, thence more or less along
the thread of the Teton River N88.32'05"W 93.98 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River
S51.45'48"W 83.43 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River SIO.30'33"W 192.18 feet to a
point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River S48.1T 40"W 121.42 feet to a point, thence more or less along
the thread of the Teton River S82.40'53"W 80.43 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River
N59.1T21"W 182.06 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River N44.20' 49"E 204.86 feet to a
point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River N28.58'41"E 112.25 feet to a point, thence more or less along
the thread of the Teton River N21.43' 10"W 159.76 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River
N03.40' 16"W 260.53 feet to a point, thence more or.less along the thread of the Teton River N62.06'55"W 113.99 feet to a
point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River N88.31 '03"W 252.87 feet to a point, thence more or less along
the thread of the Teton River N59.16'30"W 109.95 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River
N02.44'39"E 88.32 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread ofthe Teton River NOO.54'41"E 370.69 feet to a
point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River NI0.33'11"W 435.88 feet to a point, thence more or less along
the thread of the Teton River N67.41' 13"W 223.75 feet to a point, thence N06.36'41"E 374.02 feet to a point, thence more or
less along the thread of the Teton River N51.40'06"W 128.22 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton
River N81.5T05"W 80.01 feet to a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River S67.05'28"W 178.32 feet to
a point, thence more or less along the thread of the Teton River N75 .34'21"W 118.22 feet to a point, thence more or less
along the thread of the Teton River N36.41 '32"W 96.46 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 126.81 acres, more or less.

Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Driggs First Addition, according to the official recorded plat thereof, Teton County, Idaho. Also the
South 8 Y2 feet of a vacated alley from 4th East Street running along the North boundary of Lot 9, Block 1, Driggs First
Addition to the East end of Lot 9, as vacated by Instrument No. 97830, on 11113/85, Official Records of Teton County, Idaho.
SUBJECT TO the existing easements for roads, highways, ditches, canals, laterals, power and transmission lines, also zoning,
building and subdivision ordinances of the City of Driggs and Teton County, Idaho.

A part of Block 6, City of Victor Lot Split, located in Sec II T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SW corner of Block 6,
thence N89.16'00"E 166.39 feet and thence N25.09'37"E 133.55 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N64.50'23"W
137.74 feet to a point, thence NI6.55' 13"E 314.48 feet to a point, thence N89.16'00"E 90.00 feet to a point, thence
S56.00'00"E 88.00 feet to a point, thence SOO.00'02"E 35.01 feet to a point, thence S25.09'37"W 305.32 feet to the point of


A part of the S2S2NW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the C4 corner of Sec 26 and running S89.58'30"W
1123.36 feet along the South line of the NW4 and thence NOO.14'29"E 331.36 feet to the true point of beginning, thence
S89.58'30"W 331.56 feet to a point, thence NOO.14'29"E 331.56 feet to a point, thence S89.57'24"E 328.64 feet to a point,
thence SOO.14'29"W 331.17 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 100 foot BPA
power line easement across the Western part of the property. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and
utility easement being 30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a point S89.58'30"W 1123.36 feet
from the C4 corner of Sec 26, along the South line of the NW4 of Sec 26, and thence NOO.14'29"E 391.36 feet to the point of
ending. DELETES #3279.


A portion of Lot 1 of Sec 8 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the NW corner of Sec 8, thence S89.55'07"E
along the North line of Sec 8, 3382.17 feet to the NE corner of the Brent and Eileen Hannnond property said point being the
point of beginning, thence South 275.00 feet, thence S89.55'07"E 32.64 feet, thence North 275.00 feet, thence N89.55'07"W
32.64 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of Lot 1 of Sec 8 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the NW corner of Sec 8, thence S89.55'07"E
along the North line of Sec 8, 3414.81 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.55'07"E 321.59 feet, thence South 132.05
feet, thence S88.52'12"W 321.66 feet, thence North 138.85 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00 acre, more or less.


Begimling at a point 50 feet East of the NW corner ofthe SE4SE4 of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence
East 652 feet, thence South 240 feet, thence West 652 feet, thence North 240 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 3.599
acres, more or less.


Beginning at a point 50 feet East of the SW corner of the SE4SE4 of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence
East 652 feet, thence North 400 feet, thence West 652 feet, thence South 400 feet to the point of beginning.


A part of the NW4NE4 of Sec 25 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 comer of Sec 25, thence SOO.02'53"E 993.21
feet along the West line of the NE4 to the true point of beginning, thence S87.22'48"E 127.87 feet to a point, thence 99.63
feet along a 473.59 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 12.03' 12" and a chord bearing S81.12' 12"E 99.45
feet to a point, thence S75 .19'36"E 150.00 feet to a point, thence 94.92 feet along a 310.87 foot radius curve to the right
having a central angle of 17.30'40" and a chord bearing S66.34'16"E 94.55 feet to a point, thence S57.48'56"E 378.48 feet to
a point, thence S48.00'00"E 40.94 feet to a point on the South line of the NW4NE4 of Sec 25, thence S89.42'00"W 806.50
feet along the South line ofthe NW4NE4 to the SE comer of the NW4NE4 of Sec 25, thence NOO.02'53"W 38.52 feet along
the West line of the NE4 to the point ofbegiIming. Contains 4.07 acres, more or less.
See Tax #5728


A part of the S2NE4 of Sec 26 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 comer of Sec 26, thence SOO.02'53"E l321.73
feet along the West line of the NE4 to the NW comer of the S2NE4 and thence N89.42'00"E 806.60 feet along the North line
of the S2NE4 to the true point of beginning, thence N89.42'00"E 460.18 feet further along the North line of the S2NE4 of Sec
25 to a point, thence 104.01 feet along a 83.78 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of21.00'00" and a chord
bearing SI8.3T03"E 103.43 feet to a point, thence 153.52 feet along a 769.58 foot radius curve to the right having a central
angle ofl1.25'47" and a chord bearing S02.24'10"E 153.6 feet to a point, thence 97.04 feet along a 1678.73 foot radius curve
to the left having a central angle of 03.18'44" and a chord bearing S01.39'22"W 97.03 feetto a point, thence 39.07 feet along
a 74.28 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 30.08' 15" and a chord bearing NI5.04'07"W 38.82 feet to a
point, thence N30.08' 15"W 488.02 feet to a point, thence 39.68 feet along a 17.28 foot radius curve to the left having a central
angle of 17.51 '45" and a chord bearing N39.04'07"W 39.52 feet to a point, thence N48.00'00"W 323.90 feet to the point of
begilming. Contains 3.06 acres, more or less. See Tax #6631


Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 4 of Sec 20 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Thence North 17.5 rods, thence West 117.5
rods, thence South 17.5 rods, thence East 117.5 rods to the point of beginning, a part of Lot 1 of Sec 29 and a part of the NW4
of Sec 29 T5n R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 29, thence S0.26'02"E 730.37 feet along the
East line of Sec 29, thence N89.53'27"W 1938.75 feet to a point, thence NO.26'02"W 730.37 feet to a point on the North line
of Sec 29, thence S89.53'27"E 1938.57 feet along the North line of Sec 29 to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot
county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.


A part of Lot 1 of Sec 29 and a part of the NW4 of Sec 29 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the NE corner of Sec 29,
thence SO.26'02"E 730.37 feet along the East line of Sec 29 to the point of beginning, thence SO.6'0"E 449.38 feet further

along the Eastern section line to a point, thence N89.53 '27"W 1938.75 feet to a point, thence N0.26'02"W 449.38 feet to a
point, thence S89.53'27"E 1938.75 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement
along the Eastern property line.

The South portion of the SE4SW4 of Sec 32 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SE corner of the SW4 of Sec
32, thence N89.32'OTW along the South line of the SW4, 1330.30 feet to the SW corner of the SE4SW4, thence NO.26'19"E
along the West line ofthe SE4SW4, 757.20 feet, thence S81.40'18"E 1340.78 feet to a point on the East line of the SW4,
thence SO.13 '03"W 573.77 feet along the East line of the SW4 to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 15-foot private road
easement along the Eastern property line. TOGETHER WITH a 20-foot right of way being the 20 feet West of the C41ines of
Sec 32 and Sec 5 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho. ALSO TOGETHER WITH a 15 foot utility easement being 7.50 feet one each
side of the following described centerline: From the SE corner ofthe SW4 of Sec 32, thence NOO.13 '03"E 573.7 feet along
the East line of said SW4 to the NE corner of parcel as described above and thence N81.40' 18"W 790.00 feet along the North
line of the above described parcel to the true point of beginning, thence N51.00'00"W 697.71 feet to the point of ending.


Beginning at a point NO.13'03"E 573.77 feet from the SE corner ofSJSW4 of Sec 32 T4n R45E, BM, TC, Idaho, that point
being thelloint of beginning, thence NO.l3'03"E 757.80 feet to a point, thence N89.34'48"W 1325.16 feet to a point, thence
S0.26' 19"W 574.42 feet to a point, thence S81.40' 18"E 1340.78 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 20.284 acres, more
or less.


A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet
along the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East
line of the railroad right of way, thence N03.36'45"E 996.66 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N06.48'59"W 220.47
feet to a point, thence 437.04 feet along a 1200.0 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of20.52'02" and a chord
bearing N03.37'01"E 434.63 feet to a point, thence S70.00'00"E 418.76 feet to a point, thence 327.54 feet along a 417.03 foot
radius curve to the left having a central angle of 45.00'00" and a chord bearing S02.30'00"E 319.18 feet to a point, thence
S65.00'00"W 450.92 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide common road
and underground utility easement across a part of the E2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE corner of
Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along the South section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the
Southern section line to a point on the East line of the railroad right of way, thence N35.56'59"E 2280.05 feet to the point of
beginning, thence N70.18'40"W 170.00 feet to a point, thence 386.37 feet along a 370.88 foot radius curve to the left having a
central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing S79.00'00"W 280.00 feet to a point, thence 423.37 feet along a 387.03 foot

radius curve to the left having a central angle of 62.40'31" and a chord bearing S 18.39' 45"W 402.58 feet to a point, thence
33.34 feet along a 23.97 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 79.40'22" and a chord bearing S52.30'42"E
30.72 feet to a point, thence 259.02 feet along a 60.00 footradius curve to the right having a central angle of247.20'53" and a
chord bearing S31.19'34"W 99.86 feet to a point, thence 585.16 feet along a 447.03 foot radius curve to the right having a
central angle of 75.00'00" and a chord bearing NI2.30'00"E 544.27 feet to a point, thence N50.00'00"E 280.00 feet to a
point, thence 448.88 feet along a 430.88 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing
N79.50'40"E 428.85 feet to a point, thence S70.18'40"E 170.00 feet to appoint, thence S19.41 '20"W 60.00 feet to the point
of beginning.

A part ofthe SE4SE4 of Sec II T3n R45E, BM, City of Victor, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SE corner of Sec ll, thence
N89.29'07"W 369.50 feet along the Southern section line to a point, thence NI2.45'00"W 293.32 feet to a point, thence
N44.00'00"E 120.00 feet to a point on the Southern right of way line of the Old Jackson Highway, thence S46.00'00"E
487.73 feet along said right of way to a point on the Eastern section line, thence SOO.O l'OI"E 36.92 feet along the Eastern
section line to the point of beginning. Contains 2.07 acres, more or less.


A part ofthe S2NE4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the C4 corner of Sec 7, thence S89.51 '27"E
360.00 feet to the point of beginning, thence NO.08'33"E 30.00 feet, thence 348.96 feet along a 285.63 foot radius curve to the
left with a chord bearing N55.08'33"E 327.66 feet, thence N20.08'33"E 270.00 feet, thence 549.78 feet along a 350.00 foot
radius curve to the right with a chord bearing N65.08'33"E 494.97 feet, thence S69.51 '27"E 157.95 feet, thence South 626.82
feet, thence N89.51 '27"W 959.33 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and
utility easement across the S2NE4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho being 30 feet on each side of the following described
centerline: Commencing at the C4 corner of Sec 7, thence N89.51 '27"W 60.00 feet, thence NO.08'33"E 30.00 feet to the point
of beginning, thence S89.51 '27"E 40.00 feet, thence 348.96 feet along a 285.63 foot radius curve to the left with a chord
bearing N55.08'33"E 327.66 feet, thence N20.08'33"E 270.00 feet, thence 549.78 feet along a 350.00 foot radius curve to the
right with a chord bearing N65.08'33"E 494.97 feet, thence S69.51 '27"E 190.00 feet, thence 577.65 feet along a 867.28 foot
radius curve to the left with a chord bearing S88.56' 18"E 567.03 feet, thence N71.58'50"E 77.43 feet, to the point of ending.

~ A tract ofland in the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW corner of said NW4SE4,
~ J
thence S89.58'07"E along the South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 45.02 feet to the Easterly right of way line of State
c e
Hwy 33, as described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 27957, and the true point of beginning, thence NOO.Ol '55"E
along said right of way line 373.32 feet to the SW corner of the five acre remainder parcel described and shown on the Record

Dc I

of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 130081; thence S89.53' 16"E along the South line of said NW4SE4,
thence N89.58'07"W along the South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 584.05 feet to the true point of beginning.
Encompassing an area of 5.000 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a private 60-foot wide easement
for ingress, egress and utility purposes as described as shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's
Instrument No. 131145.

A tract ofland in the NW4SE4 of Sec II T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer of said NW4SE4,
thence S89.58'07"E along the South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 45.02 feet to the Easterly right of way line of State
Hwy 33 as described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 7957; thence NOO.Ol '55"E along said right of way line
373.32 feet to the SW comer of the five acres remainder parcel described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton
County Recorder's Instrument No. 130081, thence S89.53' 16"E along the South line of said five acre parcel 584.05 feet to the
true point of beginning, thence continuing S89.53'16"E along the South line of said five acre parcel 3.74 feet to the SE comer
of said five acre parcel, thence NOO.18'35"E along the Eastline of said five acre parcel, 292.63 feet, thence S89.53' 16"E
263.95 feet, thence SOO.18'35"W 325.94 feet, thence N89.53' 16"W 296.52 feet, thence NOO.O! '55"E 33.3! feet to the true
point of beginning. Encompassing an area of2.000 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot wide overhead power line and
water pump easement as described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No.
123943. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a private 60 foot wide easement for ingress, egress and utility purposes as
described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 131145.


A tract ofland in the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer of said NW4SE4,
thence S89.58'07"E along the South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 45.02 feet to the Easterly right of way line of State
Hwy 33, as described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 27957, thence continuing S89.58'07" E along the South
line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 584.05 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.Ol '55"E 339.19 feet, thence
S89.53' 16"E 418.54 feet, thence SOO.l8'35"W 338.60 feet to the South line of said NW4SE4, thence N89.58'OT'W along the
South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 416.90 feet to the true point of beginning. Encompassing an area of3.250 acres,
more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a private 60 foot wide easement for ingress, egress and utility purposes
as described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 131145.


A tract ofland in the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer of said NW4SE4,
thence S89.58'0T'E along the South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 45.02 feet to the Easterly right of way line of State
Hwy 33, as described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 27957, thence continuing S89.58'07"E along the South line

of said NW4SE4, a distance oflOOO.95 feet to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.18'35"E 338.60 feet, thence
S89.53' 16"E 257.43 feet, thence SOO.l8'35"W 338.24 feet to the South line of said NW4SE4, thence N89.58'OT'W along the
South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of257.43 feet to the true point of beginning. Encompassing an area of2.000 acres,
more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a private 60 foot wide easement for ingress, egress and utility purposes
as described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 131145.

A tract ofland in the NW4SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E; BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer of said N2SE4,
thence S89.58'07"E along the South line of said N2SE4, a distance of 45.02 feet to the Easterly right of way line of State Hwy
33, as described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 27957, thence NOO.Ol '55"E along said right of way line 373.32
feet to the SW comer of the five acre remainder parcel described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County
Recorder's Instrument No. 130081, thence S89.53' 16"E along the South line of said five acre parcel 616.79 feet to the SE
comer of said five acres parcel, thence NOO.l8'35"E along the East line of said five acre parcel 292.63 feet, thence
S89.53'16"E 263.95 feet to the true point of beginning, thence continuing S89.53'16"E 434.34 feet, thence SOO.18'35"W
325.94 feet, thence N89.53'16"W 434.34 feet, thence NOO.18'35"E 325.94 feet to the true point of beginning. Encompassing
an area of3.250 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot wide overhead power line and water pump easement as
described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 123943. TOGETHER WITH
AND SUBJECT TO a private 60 foot wide easement for ingress, egress and utility purposes as described and shown on the
Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 131145.


3785 A tract ofland in the NE4SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer of the NW4SE4
of Sec 11, thence S89.58'07"E along the South line of said NW4SE4, a distance of 45.02 feet to the Easterly right of way line
of State Hwy 33 as described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 27957, thence NOO.Ol '55"E along said right of way
line 373.32 feet to the SW comer of the five acre remainder parcel described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton
County Recorder's Instrument No. 130081, thence S89.53' 16"E along the South line of said five acre parcel 616.79 feet to the
SE comer of said five acres parcel, thence NOO.l8'35"E along the East line of said five acre parcel 292.63 feet, thence
S89.53'16"E 698.29 feet to the true point of beginning, thence continuing S89.53'16"E 267.29 feet to the NW corner of the
five acre remainder parcel of the 350 North 20 West Minor Subdivision as recorded under Teton County Recorder's
Instrument No. 125473, thence SOO.18'35"W along the West line of said remainder parcel 35.94 feet, thence N89.53' 16"W
267.29 feet, thence NOO.18' 35" SUBJECT TO a 20 foot wide overhead power line and water pump easement as described and
shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 123943. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT

TO a private 60 foot wide easement for ingress, egress and utility purposes as described and shown on the Record of Survey
under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 131145.

A tract of land in the N2SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer ofN2SE4, thence
S89.58'07"E along the South line of said N2SE4, a distance of 45.02 feet to the Eastem right of way of State Hwy 33, as
described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 27957, thence continuing S89.58'07"E along the South line of said
N2SE4, a distance of 1258.38 feet to the true point of beginning,. thence NOO.l8'35"E 338.24 feet, thence S89.53' 16"E 322.18
feet to the West line of the five acre remainder parcel of the 350 North 20 West Minor Subdivision as recorded under Teton
County Recorder's Instrument No. 15473, thence SOO.18'35"W along said West line of said remainder parcel 337.78 feet to
the South line of said N2SE4, thence N89.58'OT'W along the South line of said N2SE4, a distance of322.18 feet to the true
point of beginning. Encompassing an area of 2.500 acres, more or less. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a private 60foot wide easement for ingress, egress and utility purposes as described and shown hereon.


A tract ofland in the SW4SE4 of Sec 11 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer of said NW4SE4,
thence S89.58'07"E along the South line of said NW4SE4 45.02 feet to the Easterly right of way line of State Hwy 33, as
described in Teton County Recorder's Instrument No. 27957, thence NOO.Ol '55"E along said right of way line 725.96 feet to
the SW corner of the Jerry Carter property described in the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's Instrument No.
123943, thence SOO.18'35"W along the West line of said Rex Rigby remainder parcel60.00 feet to the SW corner of said Rex
Rigby remainder parcel, thence continuing SOO.18'35"W 9.63 feet, thence N89.53'16"W 616.79 feet to the Easterly right of
way line ofHwy 33, thence NOO.Ol '55"E along said Easterly right of way line ofHwy 33, a distance of 352.63 feet to the true
point of beginning. Encompassing an area of 5.000 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 20-foot wide easement for an
overhead power line and water pump as described and shown on the Record of Survey under Teton County Recorder's
Instrument No. 123943.


Beginning 358 feet South of the E4 corner of Sec 6 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Thence South 40 feet more or less to the
North boundary of the City of Felt, thence West 272 feet, to the true point of beginning, thence West 145.4 feet, thence South
40 feet, thence East 145.4 feet, thence North 40 feet to the true point of beginning.


A part of Sec 5 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 corner of Sec 5, thence S89.43'39"E 1319.46 feet along the
South line of the NW4 and SOO.06' 41"W 383.75 feet to a point in a fence line and S89.20'07"E 957.26 feet along said fence
line to the true point of beginning, thence North 628.98 feet to a point, thence East 321.58 feet to a point, thence South 63.71

feet to a point in a fence line, thence N89.20'07"W 321.60 feet along said fence line to the point of beginning. Contains 4.59
acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement across a part of Sec 5 T5N R46E,
BM, TC, Idaho for ingress and egress to the parcel described above and for the use of but not limited to, electric, telephone
and cable TV utilities, being bounded by the following described lines: From the W4 corner of Sec 5, thence S89.43'39"E
1319.46 feet along the South line ofthe NW4 and thence NOO.06'41"E 234.01 feet and thence East 1287.58 feet to the true
point of beginning, thence South 30.00 feet to a point, thence West 913.62 feet to a point, thence around a cul-de-sac
easement 314.16 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 300.00' 00" and a chord bearing North
60 feet to a point, thence East 240.04 feet to a point, thence North 587.04 feet to a point, thence around a cul-de-sac easement
314.16 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 300.00'00" and a chord bearing East 60.00 feet
to a point, thence South 578.04 feet to a point, thence East 613.58 feet to a point, thence South 30.00 feet to the point of
beginning. SOMETIMES known as Parcel 4 of Indian Ridge Development.

The NE4SW4 of Sec 27 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho less tracts I & 2, Record of Survey No. 103920, parcels 3 & 4, Record of
Survey No. 107591, and Tax #1692, being further described as follows: Commencing at the NE corner of the SW4 of Sec 27
T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho said point being the point of beginning, thence SO.11 '56"W 1315.15 feet, to the SE corner of the
NE4SW4, thence S89.31 '27"W 739.65 feet to the SE corner of tax #1692, thence N0.20'34"E 160.00 feet to the NE corner of
tax #1692, thence S89.31 '27"W 13.43 feet to the SE corner of tract 2, Record of Survey No. 103920, thence NO.19'56"W
395.70 feet to the NE corner of tract 2, Record of Survey No. 103920, thence S89.33'23"W 70.00 feet to the SE corner of
tract I, Record of Survey No. 103920, thence NO.20'09"W 207.5 feet to the NE corner of tract 1, Record of Survey No.
103920, thence S89.33'25"W 105 feet to the SE corner of parcel 3, Record of Survey No. 107591, thence NO.IT 10"W
256.59 feet to the corner of parcel 2, Record of Survey No. 107591, thence N89.52'42"E 74.00 feet to the SE corner of parcel
4, Record of Survey No. 107591, thence NO.1 T04"W 294.96 feet to a point on the North line of the SW4, thence
N89.2T26"E 863.94 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 24.85 acres, more or less.


A portion of the SE4 of Sec 2 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 2, thence S89.46'04"E
258.00 feet to the point of beginning, thence S89.46'04"E 99.92 feet, thence NO.II '09"E along a fence line, 291.04 feet to a
fence corner, thence S89.4T 15"W 23.25 feet more or less along a fence line to a point on the West line of the property
described in Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No. 120133, thence South .64 feet to the SE corner of said property
described in Deed No. 120133, thence S89.4T 15"W 173.22 feet t6 the Eastern right of way line of State Hwy 33, thence
S5.lT23"W more or less, along said right of way line 25.28 feet, thence East 98 feet to a fence corner, thence South 264.10
feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH a 14 foot roadway easement across the North end of the following

described property: Commencing at the S4 corner of Sec 2, thence S89.46'04"E 258.00 feet, and North along a fence line
182.22 feet to the point of beginning, thence North along said fence line 81.88 feet, thence West 98 feet to the Eastern right of
way line ofHwy 33, thence S5.37'59"W more or less along said right of way line 82.28 feet, thence East 106.08 feet to the
point of beginning.

A portion of Lot IB of the Lot Split Survey Plat Recorder's No. 93846 of Block 2 of the Teton Peaks View Subdivision
Division No. I, Teton County, Idaho, as per the recorded plat thereof being further described as: Tract I, Northern 136 feet on
the Western side Lot IB, from the SW corner of Teton Peaks View Subdivision, North 724 feet to the NW corner of Lot lA,
the point of beginning, thence North 136 feet to the NE corner of Lot lB, thence East 305 feet, thence South 136 feet, thence
West 305 feet to the point of beginning.


All property in Teton County, Idaho lying: (I) North ofthe extended South boundary line of Lot 13 Blk 4 Div III Teton Valley
Lodge Sites, (II) South of the extended boundary line of Lot 2 Blk 4 Div I Teton Valley Lodge Sites, (III) West of the center
line of the Teton River, (IV) East of the East boundary lines of Lots 8 through 13 Elk 4 Teton Valley Lodge Sites, Div III and
Lots 2 through 7 Elk 4 Teton Valley Lodge Sites Div I.


All of the property in Teton County, Idaho, lying: (I) North of the extended South boundary line of Lot 3 Blk 2 Teton Valley
Lodge Sites Div I, (II) South of the extended North boundary line of Lot 7 Blk 2 Teton Valley Lodge Sites, Div II, (III) West
of the Center line of the Teton River and (IV) East of the East boundary lines of Lot 3 Blk 2 Teton Valley Lodge Sites, Div I
and Lots 4 through 7 Blk 2, Teton Valley Lodge Sites, Div II.


A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet
along the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East
line of the railroad right of way, thence N40.27'49"E 1884.55 feet to the true point of beginning, thence N45.00'00"W 604.07
feet to a point, thence 417.63 feet along a 400.88 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.41' 20" and a chord
bearing N79.50'40"E 398.99 feet to a point, thence S70.18'40"E 200 feet to a point, thence S19.41 '20"W 456.82 feet to the
point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide county road and utility easement across a part of the E2 of Sec 32 T7N
R45E, BM, TC, Idaho being 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence
S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along the South section line to the point of beginning, thence N27.27'17"E 352.35 feet to a point,
thence 293.85 feet along a 593.88 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of28.21 '01" and a chord bearing
N13.16'4T'E 290.87 feet to a point, thence N00.53'44"W 342.65 feet to a point, thence 197.84 feet along a 550.69 foot radius

curve to the right having a central angle of20.35'03" and a chord bearing N09.23'48"E 196.78 feet to a point, thence
N19.41 '20"E 886.67 feet to a point, thence 246.47 feet along a 705.64 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of
20.00'46" and a chord bearing N29.41 '43"E 245.22 feet to the point of ending. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60
foot wide common road and underground utility easement across a part of the E2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho
being bounded by the following described lines: From the SE corner of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along the
South section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.58 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East line of the
railroad right of way, thence N36.56'59"E 2280.05 feet to the point of beginning, thence N70.18'40"W 170.00 feet to a point,
thence 386.37 feet along a 370.88 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing
S79.50'40"W 369.14 feet to a point, thence S50.00'00"W 280.00 feet to a point, thence 423.37 feet along a 387.03 foot radius
curve to the left having a central angle of 62.40'31" and a chord bearing S 18.39' 45"W 402.58 feet to a point, thence 33.34
feet along a 23.97 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 79.40'22" and a chord bearing S52.30'42"E 30.72 feet
to a point, thence 259.02 feet along a 60 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of247.20'53" and a chord
bearing S31.19'34"W 99.86 feet to a point, thence 585.16 feet along a 447.03 foot radius curve to the right having a central
angle of75.00'00" and a chord bearing N12.30'00"E 544.27 feet to a point, thence N50.00'00"E 280.00 feet to a point, thence
448.88 feet along a 430.88 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 59.41 '20" and a chord bearing N7950'40"E
428.85 feet to a point, thence S70.18' 40"E 170.00 feet to a point, thence S 19.41 '20"W 60 feet to the point of beginning.

A part ofthe N2 of the NE4 of Sec 35 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the NE corner of Sec 35, thence SOo.oo'orw
607.25 feet along the Eastem section line to the true point of beginning, thence SOo.oo'orw 715.72 feet further along the
Eastern section line to the SE corner of the N2NE4 of Sec 35, thence S89.49'48"W 1826.34 feet along the South line of the
N2NE4 to a point, thence NOO.04'46"E 715.73 feet to a point, thence N89.49'48"E 1825.36 feet to the point of beginning.
SUBJECT TO a 30-foot county road and utility easement along the Southern property line. TOGETHER WITH all water
rights appurtenant thereto. Contains 30.0 acres, more or less.


A part of the N2NE4 of Sec 35 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 35, thence SOO.04'46"W 788.52
feet along the West line of the NE4 to the true point of beginning, thence N89.49'48"E 816.89 feet to a point, thence
SOO.04'46"W 533.25 feet to a point on the South line of the N2NE4 of Sec 35, thence S89.49'48"W 816.89 feet along the
South line of the N2NE4 of Sec 35, thence NOO.04'46"E 533.25 feet along the West line of the NE4 to the point of beginning.
SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Western property line. Contains 10.0 acres, more or less.


A part ofthe N2NE4 of Sec 35 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the NE corner of Sec 35, thence SOO.00'03"W
607.25 feet along theEastern section line to a point, thence S89.49'48"W 1825.36 feet to a point, thence SOO.04'46"W 182.48
feet to a point, thence S89.49'48"W 816.89 feet to a point on the West line of the NE4 of Sec 35, thence NOO.04' 46"E 788.52
feet along the West line of the NE4 to the N4 corner of Sec 35, thence N89.48'14"E 2641.42 feet along the Northern section
line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Western property line. TOGETHER
WITH all water rights appurtenant thereto. Contains 40.21 acres, more or less.


A part of the S2NW4SW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 corner of Sec 26, thence running
SOO.12' l1"W 1076.72 feet along the Western section line to the true point of beginning, thence S89.58'25"E 673.04 feet to a
point, thence NOO.12'23"E 80.14 feet to a point, thence S89.58'25"E 655.60 feet to a point, thence SOO.l2'23"W 332.24 feet
to the SE corner of the NW4SW4 of Sec 26, thence N89.58'09"W 1328.62 feet along the South line of the NW4SW4 to the
SE corner of the NW4SW4 of Sec 26, thence NOO.12' l1"E 252.00 feet along the Western section line to the point of
beginuing. Contains 8.89 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Western property
line. SUBJECT TO a 100 foot BPA power line easement 50 feet on each side of the existing power line.


A part of the S2NW4SW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 comer of Sec 26 and running SOO.12'00"W
664.36 feet along the Western section line to the NW corner of the S2NW4SW4 the true point of beginning, thence
S89.58'25"E 1328.66 feet along the South line of Fox Creek Ranchettes Subdivision to the SW corner of said subdivision,
thence SOO.l2'23"W 332.22 feet to a point, thence N89.58'25"W 655.60 feet to a point, thence SOO.l2'23"W 80.14 feet to a
point, thence N89.58'25"W 673.04 feet to a point on the Western section line of Sec 26, thence NOO.12' l1"E 412.36 feet
along the Western section line to the point ofbeginuing. Contains 11.37 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and
utility easement along the Western property line. SUBJECT TO a 100 foot BPA power line easement 50 feet on each side of
the existing power line.


A part of the NE4NW4 of Sec 25 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the N4 comer of Sec 25, thence
S00.31 '28"E 307.23 feet along the East line of the NW4 of Sec 25 to a point, thence N89 .56' Il"W 354.48 feet to a point,
thence NOO.31 '28"W 307.23 feet to a point, thence S89.56' II"E 354.48 feet to the point ofbeginuing. Contains 2.50 acres,
more or less.


A part of the NE4NW4 of Sec 25 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 25, thence S00.31 '28"E 307.23
feet along the East line ofthe NW4 to the true point of beginning, thence SOO.31 '28"E 307.23 feet further along the East line

of the NW4 of Sec 25 to a point, thence N89.56' 11"W 354.48 feet to a point, thence NOO.31 '28"W 307.23 feet to a point,
thence S89.56' II"E 354.48 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and utility easement along the Eastern
property line. SUBJECT TO a 10-foot road and utility easement along the Western property line. Also known as parcel 2B.
Contains 2.50 acres, more or less.

A part ofthe S2NE4 of Sec 11 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the E4 corner of Sec 11, thence S89.48'02"W 1340.93
feet along the South line of the NE4 t the true point of beginning, thence S89.48'02"W 1139.13 feet further along the South
line of the NE4 to a point on the Eastern right of way line of State Hwy 33, thence along said right of way N00.31' 58"W
482.22 feet to a point, thence N89.59'20"E 484.47 feet to a point, thence NOO.00'40"W 289.34 feet to a point, thence East
162.61 feet to a point, thence S00.19'28"E 179.55 feet to a point, thence East 515.71 feet to a point, thence SO.57'43"W
588.47 feet to a point. Contains 15.05 acres, more or less.


Commencing at the N4 corner of Sec 34 T5N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Running thence SO.Ol '20"E 2643.39 feet to the C4
corner of Sec 34, thence NS9.5S' 10"E 1317.27 feet, thence NO.Ol' 14"W 383.06 feet, thence S86.26'58"W 306.04 feet, thence
N11.15'00"W 380.00 feet, thence N16.15'00"W 203.00 feet, thence N0.54'29"W 242.64 feet, thence N89.25'00"E 213.10
feet, thence North 10.43 feet, thence East 353.34 feet, thence N16.27'36"W 504.06 feet, thence S85.29'40"W 441.21 feet,
thence N50.1O'42"W 89.13 feet, thence N77.21' 16"W 95.88 feet, thence S86.33'46"W 142.49 feet, thence S60.52'47"W
87.41 feet, thence S26.23'21 "W 107.44 feet, thence eS17.58'24"W 74.33 feet, thence NO.02'57"W 1147.23 feet, thence
SS9.58'OS"W 409.40 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 52.98 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide existing
connty road easement.


A portion of the NE4NE4 of Sec 16 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as shown on the record of survey parcel division parcels 1-9
being further described as: Commencing at a point that lies SOO.04' 15"E along the section line 533.00 feet from the NE corner
of Sec 16, thence SOO.04' 15" along the section line 1038.00 feet, thence N89.40'00"W 1113.76 feet, thence NOO.04' 15"W
1036.77 feet, thence N89.43'48"E 1113.75 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 26.54 acres, more or less.


The NW4SE4 and a portion of the SW4NE4 of Sec 16 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as shown on the record of survey parcel
division parcels 14 & 15 being further described as: Commencing at a point that lies SOO.04'39"E along the East line of the
NW4 section line 2227.33 feet from the N4 corner of Sec 16, thence SS9.43'26"E 1237.63 feet, thence South 1732.86 feet,
thence N89.43' 16"W 1235.28 feet to the SW corner of the NW4SE4, thence NOO.04'39"W 1732.81 feet to the point of

beginning. Contains 49.18 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and utility easement along the North side of the
described property.

A portion of the SE4NW4 of Sec 16 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as shown on the Record of Survey, parcel division parcel 16
being further described as: Commencing at a point that lies SOO.04'39"E along the East line of the NW section line 1320.00
feet from the N4 corner of said Sec 16, thence SOO.04'39"E 880.00 feet, thence N89.43'37"W 1320.76 feet, thence
NOO.03'15"W 880.00 feet, thence S89.43'37"W 1320.40 feet t the point of beginning. Contains 26.68 acres, more or less.


A part of the NE4NW4 of Sec 14 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 comer of Sec 14, thence N89.41'16"W 235.00 feet along the Northern
section line, the true point of beginning, thence South 242 feet to a point, thence N89.41' 17"W 270.00 feet to a point, thence North 242 feet to a point,
thence S89.41' 17"E 270.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.50 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along
the Northern property line.


A part of the NE Y. NW Y. section 14, T3N, R45E, B.M., Teton County, Idaho. Being further described as: Commencing at the NY. comer of said
section 14; thence SOoo03'45"E 330.00 feet along the east line ofthe NW Y. of said section 14 to a point; Thence N89°41' 16"W 1167.01 feet to a
point; Thence NOooOI '31"W 56.21 feet to a point; Thence N89°40' 17"W 3.02 feet to a point; Thence NOoo03'45" 273.79 feet to a point on the
northern section line of said section 14; ThenceS89°41' 16"E 665.00 feet along the northern section line of said section 14 to a point; Thence South
242.00 feet to a point; Thence S89°41 ' 17"E 270 feet to a point; Thence North 242.00 feet to a point on the northern section line of said section 14;
Thence S89°41' 16"E 235.00 feet along the northern section line of said section 14 to the point of beginning. Contains 7.36 acres more or less. Subject
to a county road and utility easement along the northern and eastern property lines.


A part of the NW4SW4 of Sec 14 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW corner of the NW4SW4 of Sec 14, thence NOO.04'45"E 175
feet along the Western section line of said Sec 14 to a point, thence S89.48'45"E 250.00 feet to a point, thence SOO.04'45"W 175 feet to a point on the
South line of the NW4SW4 of Sec 14, thence N89.48'45"W 250.00 feet along the South line of the NW4SW4 of Sec 14 to the point of beginning.
Contains 1.00 acre, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Western property line.


A part of the N2SW4 of Sec 14 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 comer of Sec 14 and running SOO.04'45"W 680.75 feet along the Western
section line to the true point of beginning, thence S89.48' 45"E 1346.58 feet to a point, thence SOO.11 ' 19"W 647.27 feet to a point on the South line of
the N2SW4 of Sec 14, thence N89.48'45"W 1095.34 feet along the South line of the N2SW4 of Sec 14 to a point, thence NOO.04'45"E 175.00 feet to a
point, thence N89.48'45"W 250:00 feet to a point on the Western section line of Sec 14, thence NOO.04'45"E 472.27 feet along the Western section
line to the point of beginning. Contains 19.00 acres, more or less.


- 3813

A part of the N2SW4 of Sec 14 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the W4 comer of Sec 14, thence S89.52'0T'E
2618.13 feet along the North line of SW4 of Sec 14 to a point on the Westem right of way line of State Hwy 33, thence along
said right of way SOO.10'59"W 1000.58 feet to a point, thence N89.48'45"W 1270.34 feet to a point, thence NOO.II' 19"E
317.27 feet to a point, thence N89.48'45"W 1346.58 feet to a point on the Westem section line of Sec 14, thence
NOO.04'45"E 680.75 feet along the Westem section line to the point of beginning. Contains 50.24 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Northem and Westem property lines.

ApartgftheSW4SW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SW comer of Sec 26 and running NOO.12'1l"E

,,<,,,,,L 200.44 fe~talong the Western section lilleto the true point of beginning, thence NOO.l2' 11"E 678.28 feet further along the


Westem section line to a point, thence S895S;09"E650,00 feetto a poillt. thence NOO.12' It::E450.00 feetto a point on the
\' '-' /\ \, North line of the SW4SW4 of Sec 26, thellceS8958'09"E 43 [s7Ieet along the Nor!hline ofthe SW4SW4 of Sec 26 to a
.~ ... ?
point, thence SOO.l2'1J:'W-1329:77 feetto a point, thence N89.54'58"W53~.75 feet to a point, thence NOO.12' 11"E 201.32
feet to apoint,thence S89.59'35"W 542.12 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 23.80 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a
county road and utility easement along the Westem most property line.

A part of the NE4SE4 of Sec 36 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE comer of the NE4SE4 of Sec 36, thence
S89.37'02"W 428.13 feet along the South line of the NE4SE4to the true point of beginning, thence S89.37'02"W 896.75 feet
further along the South line of the NE4SE4 to the SW comer of the NE4SE4 of Sec 36, thence NOO.09' 49"W 794.57 feet
along the West line of the SE4NE4 to a point, thence N89.37'24"E 910.87 feet to a point, thence S0051' 18"W 794.65 feet to
the point of beginning. Contains 16.59 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement in the
Southeastem comer ofthe property.


A part of the NE4SE4 of Sec 36 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE comer of the NE4SE4 of Sec 36, thence
S89.37'02"W 100.00 feet along the South line of the NE4SE4 to the true point of beginning, thence S89.37'02"W 328.13 feet
further along the South line ofthe NE4SE4 of Sec 36 to a point, thence NOO.51' 18"E 794.65 feet to a point, thence
N89.37'24"E 414.68 feet to a point on the Eastem section line of Sec 36, thence SOO.06'53"E 358.83 feet along the Eastem
section line of Sec 36 to a point, thence S89.37'02"W 100.00 feet to a point, thence SOO.06'53"E 435.60 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 6.69 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Southem property


A part of the N2SW4 of Sec 1 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as the parcel of land described in Record of Survey Instrument No.
121222 as recorded in the office of the Clerk of Teton County, Idaho, less the following described tract ofland: From the SW
corner of Sec 1, North 1337.37 feet along the Western section line to the SW corner of the NW4SW4 and S89.50'15"E 747.50
feet along the South line of the N2SW4 to the true point of begilming, thence NOO.28' 17"E 303.42 feet along a fence line to a
point, thence East 409.63 feet along a fence line to a point, thence South 304.58 feet to a point on the South line of the
N2SW4 of Sec 1, thence N89.50' 15"W 412.13 feet along the South line of the N2SW4 to the point of beginning. Contains
2.88 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 30-foot road and utility easement along the Southern property line.


A part of the N2SW4 of Sec 1 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SW corner of Sec I, North 1337.37 feet along the
Western section line to the SW corner of the NW4SW4 and S89.50'15"E 747.50 feet along the South line of the N2SW4 to
the true point of beginning, thence NOO.28' 17"E 303.42 feet along a fence line to a point, thence East 409.63 feet along a
fence line to a point, thence South 304.58 feet to a point on the South line of the N2SW4 of Sec 1, thence N89.50'15"W
412.13 feet along the South line of the N2SW4 to the point of beginning. Contains 2.87 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a
30-foot road and utility easement along the Southern property line.


A part of the SE4SW4 of Sec 6 T3n R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 corner of Sec 6, thence S89.39'53"W 363 feet
along the Southern section line and thence N01.l9'58"W 600.00 feet to an iron pin point, the true point of beginning, thence
S82.01 '09"W 75.47 feet to an iron pin accepted as the point ofbegilming of the Bates property, thence N82.50'40"W 121.18
feet along the North line of said property to a point more or less at a fence corner, thence NI2.40'00"W 90.20 feet more or
less along a fence line to a point more or less at a fence corner, thence N74.51 '58"E 482.79 feet to a point, thence
S09.39'03"E 85.12 feet to a point, thence S63.05'41 "W 297.80 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road
and utility easement along the Eastern property line.


A part of Government Lot 5 of Sec 5 T4n R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SE corner of Government Lot 5 of
Sec 5, and runningN89.55'02"W 489.50 feet along the South line of Government Lot 5 of Sec 5 to a point, thence
N00.38' 45"W 443.53 feet to a point, thence S89.55'02"E 493.07 feet to a point on the Eastern section line of Sec 5, thence
SOO.ll '05"E 443.50 feet along the Eastern section line to the point of beginning. Contains 5.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT
TO a county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line.


Those portions of the SW4 of Sec 1 and the SE4 of Sec 2 T4N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho lying South of the centerline of the
county road and Twin Creek Road as: Commencing at the SW corner of Sec 1, thence East 875.00 feet more or less, to the

centerline of the county road, thence N31.00'W 310.00 feet more or less along the centerline of the county road, thence
275.73 feet along a 282.11 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing N59.00'W 264.88 feet, thence continuing along
the centerline N87.00'W 130.00 feet, thence 181.38 feet along a 173.21 foot curve to the right with a chord bearing N57.0'W
173.21 feet, thence N27.00'W 110.00 feet to the intersection of the county road with Twin Creek Road, thence S79.00'W
170.0 feet more or less along the centerline of Twin Creek Road, thence S48.30'W 340.00 feet more or less along said
centerline, thence S47.00'W 296.5 feet more or less to the intersection of said centerline with the Southerly line of Sec 2,
thence East along the section line, 700 feet to the point of beginning. Contalns 12.27 acres, more or less.

Beginning at the N4 corner of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence SOO.l5' 45"E 666.33 feet to a point,
thence N88.46'06"W 1330.40 feet to a point, thence NOO.12'30"E 646.63 feet to a point, thence S89.36'54"E 1324.72 feet to
the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot wide road and utility easement across apart of the
N2 of Sec 1 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho being 30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the N4
corner of Sec 1 and rurming SO.15' 45"E 1979.09 feet to the center of a 60 foot radius cul-de-sac easement, the point of
ending. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 30-foot county road and utility easement on the North.


A part ofthe E2NE4 of Sec 24 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the NE corner of Sec 24, thence SOO.02' 44"W 1484.33
feet along the Eastern section line to a point on the North edge of concrete of the Trail Creek Irrigation Canal, the true point of
beginning, thence SOO.02'44"W 1154.57 feet further along the Eastern section line to the SE corner of the E2NE4 of Sec 24,
thence N89.41'1O"W 1316.65 feet along the South line of the E2NE4 to the SW corner of the E2NE4 of Sec 24, thence
NOO.02'01"E 1772.27 feet along the West line of the E2NE4 to a point on the North edge of concrete of the Trail Creek
Irrigation Canal, thence along said concrete edge S60.55'40"E 56.47 feet to a point, thence along said concrete edge 68.55
feet along a 147.87 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of36.33'33" and a chord bearing S73.13'13"E 67.93
feet to a point, thence along said concrete edge S86.30'00"E 85.00 feet to a point, thence along said concrete edge
N88.00'00"E 108.00 feet to a point, thence along said concrete edge S76.45'00"E 72.00 feet to a point, thence along said
concrete edge 81.37 feet along a 179.06 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of26.02'13" and a chord bearing
S63.46'06"E 80.67 feet to a point, thence along said concrete edge S50.45'00"E 334.00 feet to a point, thence along said
concrete edge 79.66 feet along a 553.91 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 08.14'25" and a chord bearing
S54.52'48"E 79.59 feet to a point, thence along said concrete edge S59.00'00"E 145.00 feet to a point, thence along said
concrete edge 78.71 feet along a 685.12 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 06.34'58" and a chord bearing
S62.27'31"E 78.67 feet to a point, thence along said concrete edge S65.54'24"E 382.41 feet to the point of beginning.
TOGETHER WITH a right of way easement for ingress and egress to the above described property pursuant to easement

granted under Deed Granting Easement recorded February 6, 1995, Instrument No. 119017, Record's of Teton County, Idaho
and a Common Driveway and Utility Easement recorded February 6, 1995, Instrument No. 119018, Record's of Teton
County, Idaho, said right of way easement is particularly described as follows: From the NE comer of Sec 24 T3N R45E, BM,
TC, Idaho, SOO.02'44"W 621.62 feet to the true point of beginning on the South highway right of way line, thence
SO.02'44"W 623.10 feet, thence 160.51 feet along a 80.00 foot radius curve to the right with a chord bearing S57.31 '22"W
134.91 feet, thence S25.00'00"W 25.72 feet, thence S55.00'00"W 1052.03 feet, thence SO.02'44"W 56.65 feet to the South
property line, thence along said property line, N65.45'00"W 72.73 feet, thence leaving said property line N55.00'00"W
146.86 feet, thence 207.69 feet along a 70.00 foot radius curve to the right with a chord bearing N30.00'00"E 139.47 feet,
thence S65.00'00"E 31.258 feet, thence 40.13 feet along a 20.00 foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing
N57.31 '22"E 33.73 feet, thence N13.03'26"E 177.66 feet, thence NO.02'45"E 469.00 feet, thence S46.26'23"E 27.58 feet to
the point of beginning. From the NW comer of Sec 19 T3N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho, SOO.02'44"W 621.62 feet to the true point
of beginning on the South of highway right of way, thence SO.02'44"W 861.70 feet along the section line, thence East 33.60
feet more or less to the property line, thence N1.06'E 440.00 feet, thence NI.32'21"E 42.00 feet, thence North 335.90 feet to
the highway right of way, thence N44.04'58"W 61.08 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 50-foot canal and road
easement along the North side.

Commencing at the SE comer of the NW4SE4 of Sec 3 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho said point being the point of beginning,
thence N89.30'03"W 2101.69 feet to a point on a fence line, thence along said fence line as follows: N46.30'39"E 328.14
feet, thence N70.05' 59"E 399.15 feet, thence N65.19'30"E 1036.30 feet, thence S84.52'00"E 9.93 feet, thence S69.21'22"E
75.28 feet, thence N72.31 '53"E 142.08 feet, thence N89.41 '32"E 328.78 feet to a point on the East line of the NW4SE4,
thence SO.OT 55"E along said line 829.62 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #885.


A part of the SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SE comer of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet
along the Southern section line, thence S88.20'02"W 868.56 feet further along the Southern section line to a point on the East
line of the railroad right of way, thence NI9.50'09"E 311.66 feet to the true point of beginning, thence 275.74 feet along a
929.36 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 16.59'59" and a chord bearing N01.41 'OO"E 274.73 feet to a
point, thence N80.00'00"E 996.90 feet to a point, thence SOO.53'44"E 119.90 feet to a point, thence 252.06 feet along a
593.88 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of24.19'04" and a chord bearing Sl1.15'48"W 250.17 feet to a
point, thence S85.00'00"W 946.44 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a 60 foot wide county road and utility
easement across a part of the E2 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho being 30 feet on each side of the following described
centerline: From the SE comer of Sec 32, thence S88.20'02"W 933.05 feet along the South section line to the point of

beginning, thence N27.2T 17"E 352.35 feet to a point, thence 293.85 feet along a 593.88 foot radius curve to the left having a
central angle of28.21 '01" and a chord bearing NI3.16'47"E 290.87 feet to a point, thence N00.53'44"W 342.65 feet to a
point, thence 197.84 feet along a 550.69 foot radius cmve to the right having a central angle of20.35'03" and a chord bearing
N09.23'48"E 196.78 feet to a point, thence N19.41 '20"E 886.67 feet to a point, thence 246.47 feet along a 705.64 foot radius
cmve to the right having a central angle of20.00'46" and a chord bearing N29.41 '43"E 245.22 feet to the point of ending.

The N2S2E2E2SE4NW4 of Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Beginning at a point NOO.05' 15"W 329.81 feet from the
C4 corner of Sec 14, thence S89.50'40"W 333.07 feet to a point, thence NOO.06'39"W 329.90 feet to a point, thence
N89.51 '38"E 333.15 feet to a point, thence SOO.05'51"E 329.81 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road
and utility easement being 50 feet along the Eastern property line.


Beginning at the C4 corner of Sec 14 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Thence S89.49'41"W 332.99 feet to a point, thence
NOO.06'39"W 329.90 feet to a point, thence N89.50'40"E 333.07 feet to a point, thence SOO.05' 15"E 329.81 feet to the point
of beginning. Contains 2.52 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement being 50 feet along the
Eastern line and being 10 feet along the Southern property line.


Beginning at the W4 corner of Sec 25 T5N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running N89.1 '20"E 215.13 feet to the NW corner of
Calico Sky Subdivision Phase I, thence S00.35'44"W 477.63 feet along the West boundary of Calico Sky to the SW corner of
said Calico Sky Subdivision, thence West 50.13 feet more or less to a point (the NW corner of Wallace Way Subdivision
Phase III), thence North 27.63 feet more or less to a point (the NE corner of the Dalley property), thence West 165 feet more
or less to the West line of Sec 25, thence North along said West section line 450 feet more or less to the point of beginning.
DELETES #1568 & #2274.


A part of the E2SW4 of Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SW corner of Sec 30, thence East 1341.66 feet along
the Southern section line to the SW corner oftheE2SW4 and thence N00.13 '36"W 656.20 feet along the West line of the
E2SW4 to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.13'36"W 817.79 feet fmther along the West line of the E2SW4 of Sec 30
to a point, thence N89.56' I T'E 1320.89 feet to a point on the East line of the SW4 of Sec 30, thence S00.15'49"E 813.23 feet
along the East line of the SW4 of Sec 30 to a point, thence S89.44'25"W 1321.40 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT
TO AND TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement as described below: A 60 foot road and utility easement for
ingress, egress, and electric cable TV, and telephone utilities, located within the W2 of Sec 30 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho,
being 30 feet on each side of the following described center line: Commencing at a point East 1341.66 feet along the Southern

section line and thence NO.13 '36"W 596.20 feet along the East line of Government Lot 4 from the SW corner of Sec 30,
thence NO.13'36"W 2166.75 feet parallel to the West line of the E2SW4 to a point, thence N89.52'29"E 1120.67 feet parallel
to the North line of the SW4 to a point, thence South 134.56 feet to a point, thence East 200.00 feet to the C4 corner of Sec
30, the point of ending.

A part of the E2NW4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 32, thence SOO.I7'25"E 700.00
feet along the East line of the NW4 to the true point of beginning, thence SOO.l7'25"E 654.75 feet further along the East line
of the NW4 of Sec 32 to a point, thence N52.10'29"W 432.32 feet to a point, thence 449.20 feet along a 496.05 foot radius
curve to the right having a central angle of 51.53 '04" and a chord bearing N26.13'57"W 434.01 feet to a point, thence
N89.42'35"E 30.00 feet to a point, thence N89.58'54"E 500.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.26 acres, more or
less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement as described in this exhibit.

~ A part of the SW4NE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 32, thence SOO.I7'25"E 1316.62
feet to the NW corner of the SW4NE4, the true point of beginning, thence N89.58' 10"E 1330.03 feet along the North line of
_.",/z~,rthe SW4NE4 to the NE corner of the SW4NE4 to a point, thence 276.77 feet along a 1590.00 foot radius curve to the left
having a central angle of 09.58'25" and a chord bearing N33.48'38"W 276.42 feet to a point, thence 188.18 feet along a
345.54 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of31.12' 10" and a chord bearing N54.23' 55"W 185.86 feet to a
point, thence 93.33 feet along a 300.00 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 17.49'31" and a chord bearing
N61.05'14"W 92.96 feet to a point, thence N52.10'29"W 67.68 feet to a point, thence NOO.I7'25"W 38.13 feet to a point.
Contains 6.78 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement as described in this


A part of the SW4NE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 32, thence S00.17'25"E 1316.62
feet along the West line of the NE4 to the NW corner of the SW4NE4 and thence N89.58'10"E 1330.03 feet along the North
line of the SW4NE4 to the NE corner of the SW4NE4, the true point of beginning, thence SOO.14'32"E 622.63 feet along the
East line of the SW4NE4 of Sec 32 to a point, thence S85.04' 15"W 792.78 feet to a point, thence 250.00 feet along a 1590
foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 09.00'32" and a chord bearing N24.l9' 10"W 249.74 feet to a point,
thence N62.30'32"E 1003.36 feet to a point. Contains 8.50 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a
road and utility easement as described in this exhibit.


A part ofthe SW4NE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the E4 corner of Sec 32, thence S89.56'05"W 1721.74
feet along the South line of the NE4 to a point on the Western railroad right of way line, the true point of beginning, thence
S89.56'05"W 411.44 feet further along the South line ofthe NE4 of Sec 32 to a point, thence 33.31 feet along a 120.00 foot
radius curve to the right having a central angle of 15.54'09" and a chord bearing N55.02'56"E 33.20 feet to a point, thence
121.47 feet along a 120.00 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 58.00'00" and a chord bearing N34.00'00"E
116.35 feet to a point, thence 248.55 feet along a 949.38 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 15.00'00" and a
chord bearing N02.30'00"W 247.84 feet to a point, thence 272.37 feet along a 1590.00 foot radius curve to the left having a
central angle of 09.48'54" and a chord bearing NI4.54'27"W 272.04 feet to a point, thence N85.04' 15"E 792.78 feet to a
point on the East line of the SW4NE4 of Sec 32, thence SOO.14'32"E 280.74 feet along the East line of the SW4NE4 to a
point on the Northwestern railroad right of way line, thence along said railroad right of way S44.19'01"W 434.19 feet to a
point, thence along said railroad right of way, 134.80 feet along a 1050.00 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle
of 07.21 '21" and a chord bearing S40.38'21"W 1347.71 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 9.25 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement as described in this exhibit.


A part of the W2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Form the E4 corner of Sec 32, thence S89.56'05"W 1783.58
feet along the South line of the NE4 to a point on the Western railroad right of way line, the true point of beginning, thence
along said railroad right of way line, 803.22 feet along a 1100.00 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of
41.50' 15" and a chord bearing SI4.06'09"W 785.50 feet to a point, thence along said railroad right of way, S06.51 '57"E
354.00 feet to a point, thence West 413.06 feet to a point, thence 70.38 feet along a 1578.56 foot radius curve to the left·
having a central angle of 02.33' 17" and a chord bearing N08.43 '22"W 70.38 feet to a point, thence 338.94 feet along a 776.79
foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of25.00'00" and a chord bearing N02.30'00"E 336.26 feet to a point,
thence NI5.00'00"E 673.49 feet to a point, thence 67.22 feet along a 120.00 foot radius curve to the right having a central
angle of32.05'51" and a chord bearing N31.02'56"E 66.35 feet to a point, thence N89.56'05"E 349.60 feet to the point of
beginning. Contains 8.96 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement as
described in this exhibit.


A part of the W2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 corner of Sec 32, thence N88.19'30"E 187.43 feet
along the Southern section line and thence Nll.00'00"E 515.19 feet to the true point of beginning, thence 508.19 feet along a
1578.56 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 18.26'44" and a chord bearing NOI.46'39"E 506 feet to a point,
thence East 413.23 feet to a point on the Western boundary of the railroad right of way, thence along said railroad right of way
128.01 feet along a 729.36 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 10.03'23" and a chord bearing S01.47'50"E

127.85 feet to a point, thence N81.48'52"W 491.71 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.47 acres, more orless.
SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement as described in this exhibit.

A part of the W2SE4 of Sec 32 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 corner of Sec 32, thence N88.19'30"E 187.43 feet
along the Southern section line to the true point of beginning, thence NI1.00'00"E 515.19 feet to a point, thence S81.48'52"E
491.71 feet to a point on the Western boundary of the railroad right of way, thence along said railroad right of way, 462.53
feet along a 729.36 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle of 36.20'04" and a chord bearing S21.23'53"W 545.81
feet to a point on the Southern section line of Sec 32, thence S88.19'30"W 419.25 feet along the Southern section line to the
point of beginning. Contains 5.17 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WITH a road and utility easement as
described in this exhibit.


A part of the SW4SW4 of Sec 26 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SW corner of Sec 26 and running S89.54'48"E
542.12 feet along the Southern section line to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.12'11"E 201.32 feet to a point, thence
N89.59'35"E 539.75 feet to a point, thence SOO.12' l1"W 202.20 feet to a point on the Southern section line of Sec 26, thence
N89.54'48"W 539.75 feet along the Southern section line to the point of beginning. Contains 2.50 acres, more or less.
SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Southern property line.


Beginning at the N4 corner of Sec 34 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence East along the North section line of Sec
34,560 feet to the true point of beginning, running thence East along said North section line, 376 feet, thence South 1320 feet
more or less to the South line of the NW4NE4 of Sec 34, thence West along South line 936 feet more or less to the SW corner
of said NW4NE4, running thence North 1060 feet more or less to a point 260 feet South of the N4 corner of Sec 34, thence
East 560 feet, thence North 260 feet to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH all appurtenant water rights from Fox


A part of the N2NE4SW4 of Sec 6 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 corner of Sec 6 and runningN89.58'45"E
767.00 feet further along the North line of the SW4 to a point, thence SO.10' l1"W 374.78 feetto a point, thence S89.58'45"W
767.00 feet to a point, thence NOO.! 0' II"E 374.78 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 6.60 acres, more or less. SUBJECT
TO a 30 foot ilTigation line easement being 15 feet on each side of the following described line: from the W4 corner of Sec 6
and running N89.58'45"E 2523.15 feet along the North line ofthe SW4 to the true point of beginning, thence S00.20' 12"W
374.79 feet to the Southern property line. TOGETHER WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement being bounded by the
following described lines: From the W4 corner of Sec 6 and running thence N89.58'45"E 1308.46 feet along the North line of

the SW4 and thence SOO.06'16"E 657.78 feet and thence N89.58'45"E 603.02 feet to the true point of beginning, thence
NOO.l 0' 11"E 283.00 feet to a point, thence N89.58' 45"E 60.00 feet to a point, thence SO. 10' II"W 283.00 feet to a point,
thence S89.58'45"W 60.00 feet to the point of beginning.

A portion of the NW4SW4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM; TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the W4 corner of Sec 28, thence
N89.50'00"E 1320.00 feet, thence South 250.00 feet to the point of beginning, thence South 150.00 feet, thence S89.50'00"W
110.00 feet, thence North 150.00 feet, thence N89.50'00"E 110.00 feet to the point of beginning.


A portion of the NW4SW4 of Sec 28 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the W4 corner of Sec 28, thence
N89.50'00"E 947.50 feet to the point of beginning, thence N89.60'00"E 262.50 feet, thence South 400.00 feet, thence
S89.50'00"W 105.00 feet, thence South 200 feet, thence S89.50'00"W 157.50 feet, thence North 600 feet to the point of


A part of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24 T4N R45E, BM, Te, Idaho as: From the E4 corner of Sec 24, thence South 352.49 feet along
the Eastern section line to the true point of beginning, thence South 646.3 6 feet further along the Eastern section line to a
point, thence S89.55'49"W 1348.33 feet to a point on the West line of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24, thence NOO.04'57"E 646.36
feet along the West line of the NE4SE4 of Sec 24 to a point, thence N89.55'49"E 1347.40 feet to the point of beginning.
SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Eastern property line. ALSO SUBJECT TO a 20-foot wide
irrigation easement along the Western property line. DELETES #3649. LESS a portion of the NE4SE4 Sec 24 T4N R45E,
BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the E4 corner of Sec 24, thence South 998.85 feet to the point of beginning, thence
S89.55'49"W 531.94 feet, thence North 8.32 feet, thence S89.54'06"E 531.94 feet, thence South 6.76 feet to the point of


A part of Government Lot 1 of Sec 30 T4N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the NW corner of Sec 30, thence
S89.34'47"E 1322.03 feet along the Northern section line to the NE corner of Government Lot 1 of Sec 30, thence
S00.42'48"E 988.06 feet along the East line of Government Lot 1 of Sec 30 to a point, thence N89.16'27"W 1041.71 feet to a
point, thence NOl.l1 '04"W 403.45 feet to a point, thence West 88.70 feet to a point, thence NOO.50'10"E 191.98 feet to a
point, thence West 190.38 feet to a point on the Western section line of Sec 30, thence N01.11 '04"W 389.24 feet along the
Western section line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO county road and utility easements along the Northern and
Western property lines. SUBJECT TO a 10 foot water line easement 5 feet on each side of the following described line: From
the SW comer of Government Lot 1, thence NOl.ll '04"W 956.00 feet along the Western section line and thence East 130 feet

more or less to the middle of an underground water line, the point of beginning, thence along said underground water line
North 85 feet, more or less, to a point which is five feet beyond existing well. SUBJECT TO a 15-foot irrigation access
easement along the Southern property line. TOGETHER WITH all appurtenant water rights of record.
Beginning at the SE corner of Government Lot 3 of Sec 2 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running N89.46'38"W 320.S2 feet,
thence N33.14'1O"E 601.81 feet, thence S01.01 '46"W 515.89 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.899 acres, more or

A part of the SW4NW4 of Sec 34 T7N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the W4 corner of Sec 34, thence
N00.10'57"W 1325.14 feet along the Western section line to the NW comer of the SW4NW4 of Sec 34, thence S89.51 '43"E
149.45 feet along the North line of the SW4NW4 of Sec 34 to a point, thence SOO.10'57"E 868.56 feet to a point, thence
S89.56'50"E 149.32 feet to a point, thence S31.17'03"E 106.63 feet to a point, thence S58.13'21 "E 104.94 feet to a point,
thence S07.40'46"E 88.17 feet to a point, thence S04.43' 12"W 199.72 feet to a point, thence SI5.57'38"E 24.65 feet to a
point on the South line of the NW4 of Sec 34, thence NS9.56'40"W 444.02 feet along the South line of the NW4 to the point
of begilming.


A part of the NW4NE4 of Sec 36 T6N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 corner of Sec 36 and running S89.34'28"E
484.75 feet along the Northern section line to the true point of beginning, thence eSS9.34'28"E 836.00 feet to the NE corner
of the NW4NE4 of Sec 36, thence S00.26'47"W 1318.67 feet along the East line of the NW4NE4 to the SE corner of the
NW4NE4 of Sec 36, thence N89.35'19"W 836 feet along the South line of the NW4NE4 of Sec 36 to a point, thence
NOO.26' 47"E 1318.88 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 25.31 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and
utility easement along the Southern property line.


Beginning at the NW corner of the SE4 of Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence SO.0'58"E 631.80 feet to the
North edge of the State Hwy right of way to the point of beginning, thence S46.22' 15"E IS18.58 feet, thence NO.00'29"E
along the 11l6 line 486 feet, thence West 165 feet, thence N5.40'33"E along the Trail Creek 580.04 feet more or less, thence
along the center of Trail Creek more orless the following: S75.10'23"W 99.35 feet, thence NS1.35'23"W 284.69 feet, thence
N45.22' 17"W 187.78 feet, thence N32.03' IS"W 455.96 feet, thence N49.49'37"W 82.5 feet to the Y, section line, thence
SOO.00'58"E 22S.70 feet to the point of beginning. DELETES #2612.


A parcel ofland in the W2SE4 of Sec 13 T3N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the SW corner of said W2SW4 of Sec 13, thence NOO.OT21"E along the West line of said W2SE4 of Sec 13,
a distance of 201 0.92 feet to the Northeasterly right of way line of State Hwy 33, the true point of beginning, thence
S46.14'37"E along said right of way line 119.47 feet, thence N49.32'20"E 133.79 feet, thence S87.56'56"E 95.00 feet, thence
N24.1 0'35"E 34.51 feet, thence S61.34'33"E 231.33 feet, thence S78.51 '23"E 205.38 feet, thence N22.15' 19"E 60.35 feet to
the median line of Trail Creek, thence along the median line of Trail Creek the following courses: N50.54'02"W 51.13 feet,
thence N23.43'13"W 73.46 feet, thence N03.39'32"W 126.81 feet, thence N22.30'58"W 36.29 feet, thence N57.36'40"W
120.89 feet, thence S82.33'37"W 94.01 feet, thence S71.3T34"W 106.16 feet, thence S84.08'26"W 175.77 feet, thence
N69.58'31"W 172.73 feet to the West line of said W2SE4 of Sec 13, thence SOO.OT01"W along the West line of said W2SE4
of Sec 13, a distance of258.22 feet to the true point of beginning. Encompassing an area of 4.1 acres, more or less.
TOGETHER WITH a 30 foot wide easement for ingress and egress purposes lying Southeasterly and Southerly ofthe
following described lines: Connnencing at the SW corner of said W2SE4 of Sec 13, thence NOO.OT21"E along the West line
of said W2SE4 of Sec 13 a distance of2010.92 feet to the Northeasterly right of way line of State Hwy 33, thence
S46.14'37"E along said right of way line, 119.47 feet to the true point of beginning of this line description: thence
N49.32'20"E 133.97 feet, thence S87.56'56"E 95.00 feet to the terminus of this line description.


A part of the SE4SW4 of Sec 36 T7N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the S4 comer of Sec 36, thence N02.52'03"W 28.73
feet to a point which is more or less at a fence comer, the true point of beginning, thence more or less along a fence line
N88.13' 53"W 64.50 feet to a point, thence more or less along a fence line N47.48' 11"W I 00.94 feet to a point, thence more
or less along a fence line N44.1 T09"W 132.27 feet to a point, thence more or less along a fence line N37.0T52"W 195.44
feet to a point, thence more orless along a fence line N35.32'43"W 57.95 feet to a point, thence N89.58' 18"E 382.89 feet to a
point which is more or less in a fence line, thence more or less along said fence line, SOO.03 '34"E 367.64 feet to the point of
beginning. TOGETHER WITH all appurtenant water rights.


A part ofthe NE4NE4 of Sec 30 T4N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: Commencing at the SW comer of the NE4NE4 of Sec 30 and
running NOO.13'29"W 800.00 feet along the West line of the NE4NE4 of Sec 30, thence N89.59' 15"E 326.52 feet to a point,
thence SOO.13'29"E 800.00 feet to a point on the South line of the NE4NE4 of Sec 30, thence S89.59' 15"W 326.52 feet along
the South line of the NE4NE4 to the point of beginning. Contains 6.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and
utility easement along the Southern propeliy line.


A part of the SW4 of Sec 8 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the SW corner of Sec 8, thence N00.12'47"W 383.29 feet
along the Western section line to the Eastern right of way line ofIdaho State Hwy 32 and thence N00.28'47"E 1673.53 feet
along said right of way to the true point of beginning, thence NOO.28'47"E 211.40 feet further along said right of way to a
point, thence N89.l2'07"E 203.71 feet to a point, thence N00.4T53"W 94.30 feet to a point, thence S85.2TOT'E 1177.48 feet
to a point, thence S43.52'44"E 471.54 feet to a point, thence N85.48'55"W 1709.32 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
10.83 acres, more or less.


A part of the NW4NW4 of Sec 17 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the W4 corner of Sec 17, thence NOl.22'28"E
1360.51 feet along the Western section line and thence N89.4 3' 54"E 22.89 feet to a point on the Eastern right of way line of
State Hwy 32, the true point of beginning, thence along said right of way, NOO.15'51"E 26.00 feet to a point more or less 10
feet North of a fence line, thence S89.56'21"E 1147.57 feet more or less parallel with said fence line to a point, thence
SOl.22'28"W 19.42 feet to a point, thence S89.43'54"W 1147.23 feet to the point of beginning. Contains .60 acres, more or
less. RESERVING HOWEVER, in Grantors, their heirs and assigns, the right to '14 use of the irrigation pipeline running along
said strip with a access thereto for irrigation of Grantors adjoining property to the North of the conveyed property.


Beginning at the N4 corner of Sec 26 T6N R45E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence East 54 feet, thence South 24 feet more
or less to the fence corner, thence South 280 feet, the true point of beginning, thence South 130 feet, thence East 335 feet,
thence North 130 feet, thence West 335 feet to the point of beginning.


T7N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho: All those portions of Sects 15, 16, 20 and 21 described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner
of Sec 15 T7N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho and running thence East 5313.6 feet to the SE comer of Sec 15, thence North 2626.12
feet to the E4 corner of Sec 15, thence S89.39'00"W 682.81 feet, thence S76.19'00"W 3315.67 feet, thence S66.30'00"W
339.75 feet, thence S59.10'00"W 77l.43 feet, thence S70.l5'00"W 535.08 feet, thence NI6.55'39"W 86l.57 feet, thence
N89.46'30"W 474.22 feet, thence S45.08'26"W 820.11 feet, thence S40.04' 13"W 136l.80 feet, thence S86.19' 15"W 1224.00
feet, thence N69.4T28"W 660.29 feet, thence S40.0'00"W 1110.00 feet, thence S62.40'39"W 99l.41 feet, thence
SO.l9'47"W 526.61 feet, thence S66.383'08"E 377.94 feet, thence S46.4T56"E 491.39 feet to the East line of Sec 20, thence
S38.34'02"E 688.32 feet to the South line of the NW4 of Sec 21, thence N89.39'53"E 38l.77 feet, thence N49.22'10"E
663.87 feet, thence Nl.08'23"E 882.51 feet, thence N89.43'28"E 2631.33 feet, thence NO.5T24"E 1309.11 feet, thence
N89.4T04"E 13 13.54 feet more or less to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, water, water rights,
ditches, ditch rights, easements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto.


The E2SE4 of Sec 15 T7N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho that lies South of the center line of the existing county road being further
described as: Connnencing at the SE corner of Sec 15, thence S89.35'33"W 1328.40 feet along the Southern section line of
the SW corner of the E2SE4 of Sec 15, thence NOO.l7'20"E 2467.64 feet along the West line of the E2SE4 of said Sec 15 to a
point on the centerline of the existing county road, thence along said centerline N76.27' 45"E 384.59 feet to a point, thence
along said centerline N74.59'39"E 76.64 feet to a point, thence along said centerline, N73.33'51"E 155.24 feet to a point,
thence along said centerline N78.4T49"E 50.42 feet to a point on the North line of the SE4 of Sec 15, thence N89.38' 14"E
682.81 feet along the North line of the SE4 to the E4 corner of Sec 15, thence S00.1T13"W 2626.12 feet along the Eastern
section line to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO a county road and utility easement along the Northern property lines.


A part of the NW4NE4 of Sec 36 T6N R44E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 comer of Sec 36 and muning thence
S89.34'28"E 484.75 feet along the Northern section line and S00.26'47"W 1110.46 feet to the point of beginning, thence
S89.35' 19"E 209.00 feet to a point, thence SOO.26' 47"W 208.42 feetto a point on the South line of the NW4NE4 to a point,
thence NOO.26'4T'E 208.42 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a county road and
utility easement along the Southern property line.


A part of the NW4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, TC, Idaho as: From the N4 comer of Sec 7, thence N89.37'49"W 1286.59 feet
along the Northern section line and thence S02.00'0T'W 753.51 feet to the true point of beginning, thence East 765.60 feet to
a point, thence S00.19'46"W 872.72 feet to a point, thence N89.05' 54"W 30.05 feet to a point, thence NOO.21 '28"E 105.00
feet to a point, thence West 758 feet to a point, thence N02.00'07"E 767.70 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER
WITH a 60 foot road and utility easement across a part of the NW4 of Sec 7 being the 60 feet directly East of the following
described line: From the N4 corner of Sec 7, thence N89.37' 49"W 1286.59 feet along the Northern section line to the true
point of beginning, thence S02.00'07"W 753.51 feet to the point of ending.


A part of the NW4 of Sec 7 T5N R46E, BM, TC, IdallO as: From the N4 comer of Sec 7, thence N89.3T49"W 886.07 feet
along the Northern section line to the true point of beginning, thence South 383.79 feet to a point, thence East 340.87 feet to a
point, thence SOO.19'46"W 366.68 feet to a point, thence West 765.60 feet to a point, thence N02.00'0T'E 753.51 feet to a
point on the Northern section line of Sec 7, thence S89.37' 49"E 400.52 feet along the Northern section line to the point of
beginning. Contains 10.00 acres, more or less. SUBJECT TO a 62.98-foot county road and utility easement along the
Northern property line. SUBJECT TO a 60-foot road and utility easement along the Western property line.


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