T_J16 T J16
User Manual: T_J16
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J16 R o E [FEATURES C1gifl LED 137cadolrf Eight Silica[ SerrscrPrzbvs tluicl;ly Interchange ¬4'ittrsot Recr;libraiion Accurate Spectrsl End Cosrr;e cot'rr cliaus 11~vtrlc and US Vers"Ons Available AC or Internal Pechsrge ble Eaftery Versions Auplicafiun Moles Available BENEFITs P Easy to Pead in DNrk Areas Rugged but Accurate 1!rfspi-ble to Vany Light h{easurement Meeds Use Anywhere J16 with optional probe. J6523 J6501 J6502-A J6503 J16 PHCTOMETEC/RACICMETER The Tektronix J16 is a portable digital photometer/ radiometer capable of making a wide variety of fight measurements-in the laboratory, in the field, or on the production 11oor. A J16 System consists of a J16 mainframe, and one of eight detachable probes which can be either mounted on the J16 or on the end of an extension cable. All probes have a Hold switch which allows thedisplayed reading to be held . Eight quickly interchangeable probes are available for measuring illuminance, irradiance, luminance, lightemitting diode output, and relative intensity. Recalibration is not necessary when probes are interchanged . Connection of a probe to the J16 automatically selects the correct front panel units indicator. The 3 112 digit LED display can be easily read under low ambient conditions. All probes use silicon photodiodes individually corrected with multi-element glass fillers for maximum stability and accuracy . The optional BCD/analog output feature (Option 07) allows the user either a BCD output o1 the displayed reading or an analog signal (level) proportional to the light falling upon the sensor . The J16 can be also used with Tek MI 5010/50M30 system for interface with a GPIB system Under normal usage, the internat rechargeable nickel cadmium batteries will operate the J16 for four hours. An ac power supply is recommended far continuous operation, Power supplies or battery packs can be changed quickly by removing four screws on the J1 6's rear panel The cabinet and probes have an internal threaded socket (1/4" x 20") for convenient mounting on a tripod or optical bench. J16-TV PACKAGE J6504 J6505 The J16-TV package is an excellent transfer mechanism which provides a simple, accurate method for adjustment of monitor screen color temperature . The primary colors are measured and adi,usted to produce white color temperature balance. The J16-TV with optional J6503 or J6523 measures monitor screen brightness on both color and black and while monitors . Other applications include measurement of studio lighting, camera lighting, and illuminalion of work areas. The 16-TV package includes : J16 BatteryOperated Photometer, J6502-A Irradiance Probe, light occluder, probe extension cable, and battery charger See Application Note 58A-2926-1 for additional information. J6511 (shown) J6512A LED Adapter with extra LED Holders (included with J6505) 014-0047-00 CHARACTERISTICS J16 MAINFRAME Display-3112 digit LED readout and three LEDs automatically indicating correct units for probe in use. Metric version readout is also available (Option 02). Stability - :5 2% per year . Linearity-<_ 2% over entire range (enables single point calibration), Integration Time - ^ 100 ms . Calibration -Electrical calibration of the Jib mainframe is performed wile a calibrated voltage source or DVM traceable 1o NBS . Calibrated probes can be used with any J16 without additional calibration. POWER REQUIREMENTS Standard and Opt . 01--Has internal rechargeable NiCad batteries that require 16 hours for a lutt charge . The J16 will operate nominally four hours continuously on a charge . For continuous-operation an ac power supply is recommended . Opt. 03 and Opt. 04-AC only operation, no internal batteries . J16 used to mensure pulsed light source. Refer fo Application Note 58A-27(12-1 . To mdf:r, call yo-.'[ local TtHronlx Sales 0tlice . of call TA's #dation::1 t1,,ukatinq Center . Toll free : 16 :0-426-22110 . Ext . 99 . DIGITAL PHOTOMETER/RADIOMETER Luminance Uncorrected Red LED Grean/Yellow LED illuminance Ifradlance 16503 16523 15804 ~J6505 16501 16511 16502-AIJ6512-A" 0.1 to 19,990 Relative 0,001 to 1999 0.001 to 1999 iJS'a 0.00i to 1999 0.1 to 199,900 0 .001 to 1999 response only footcandles" footcandles!' lootcandles't microwatts/cW"' footlamberts" footlamberts" . a Relative 0 .01 to 19,990 .-:0.01 to 19,990 > 0.01 to 19,990 1 to 1,999,000 . 1 to .199,900 Metric 0 .01 to 19,990 : , ` lumnens/m' tux '' luumens/m2 (tux)°'I milliwattslmg"' candelas/m! (nits)* ' eandelas/mz nits'" response only 0 t. 02 lumnens)mY !ux "` Within 5% of NBS standard and t 1 digit in Probe-to-probe Same as 16501, Within 5% of NBS Within 5°! of NBS Same as 16511, Accuracy last place . Calibrated with a 3100°k accuracy t 5°/° except calibrated with standards and ± 1 except calibrated (induding J16) standards and t1 light source with tungsten a 656 nm filter digit in last place . digit in last place . with a 762 nm filter tungsten light source Calibrated with a Calibrated with a 3100° tungsten 3100° tungsten light source . light source. CIE photopic curve flat within t 7% `z CIE Photopic curve UV enhanced silicon. CIE photopic curve. p®Clral CIE photoplc cur' ' from 600 to 950 rim spectral curve from 600 to 710 nm tiespohse 250 to 1200 nm 450-600 i 8°/° f 50% sensitivity 8° 1~ 50% sensitiviy at 48'- off axis Acceptance Cosine 50% sensitivity at 48° off axis at 48° off axis Angle corrected (18D°) Within 2%1 peryear tab.114 a eatibilli ' Linearity Within 2% over entire range enabling single point calibration *' An additional decade ofsensitivity is included and is usable if the J16 is carefully zeroed and used at a relatively stable temperature. 0.000001 to 199.9 candelas when used with 014-0047-00 LED adapter or at 3 .8 inches source-to sensorspacing. Luminous intensity readings of higher intensity light sources may be easily made at correspondingly greater distances using the fomula : Foofcandles x dz - candelas where d is the distance from the source to the sensor in feet. (For metric readings, use luxx s = candelas where d is distance from the source to the sensor in meters.) RequestJl6 Application Note 58A-2704-1 forfurther information. A 1lcatlon Probe e Metric to U5 '~ US/Metric Conversions us to Metric Illuminance fc x 10.164 =tux tux x D .0929 = fc Luminance fl x 3.426 = nits nits x 0 .2919 = il NOTE : CIE stands for International Commission on illumination . 3 Measurements in the 450 to 950 nm range can now be made to within a ±1% uncertainty traceable to NIST, formerly NBS. Using the new standard the 16502 and 16712 were no longer flat across the range, see the Spectral Characteristics Chart. 77re 'A' version of those probes were developed to provide a flat response when measured with the new standard. For those who need new probes that match the characteristics of the on inal J6502/J6512 probes, orderJ6502Aor%512A with Option 70. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO UPGRADE AN ORIGINAL 6502 OR16512 TO ANA '° MODEL BECAUSE THEY USE A DIFFERENT DETECTOR AND GLASS. TYPICAL PROBE SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS ___°_________ 80 t79b CC+ a.0 60 >. ? > m 'N 40 a, r20 0 NOTES : CIE Photoplc Curve ~ ri y ~' a65oaA J6512A~ C vn J 5d2Af J6512a l i ce. Opt . t o` -' / { j" o c 16504 165 5 1 f 16523 16501 \ J651t m e a I~ ---\ :. J6503 / 'mm ____ - Cb 's m 1,50 600 650 700 750 800 650 900 950 1000 ,050 1100 Wavelength-Nanometers (All curve heights adjusted to 100a/o for clarity) 350 400 450 500 C iE stands far the International Commission On Illumination . Dashed lines around a curve indkare the approximate range or the Cunle. APPLICATION NOTES t Tltld `' Photometry/Radiometry primer, and standardizing CRT measurements 'Luminous Intensity and visible LED measurements w/Tektronix 116 Photometer Measuring pulsed light sources with the 116 and an oscilloscope Radiant intensity and intrared'emitfng diode. measurements Television station applications for the J16 Photometer ,. Practical lighting measurements with the Tektronix 116 :;` , TV picture monitor color temperature adjustment using the Tektronix 116 . Photographic exposure measurements with the Tektronix 116 Measuring the luminance of small areas of light with the J16 a nd 16523 Optical communications measurements Uteratuire . # 60-W-5750 58-A-2635 58-A-2702-1 58-A-2704- 1 ., 58-AX-2764-1 58-A-2912 58-A-2926-1 58-AX-3060-1 58-AX-3252 58-AX-3602 . To order, call your local Tektronix Sales Office, of call Tek's National Marketing Center . Toll free : 1-B00-426-2200, Ext. 99, PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (With Probe and Battery Pacii Installed) Dimensions mm in. 121--L6 Width Height 60 2.4 203 8 .0 Depth Ib Welghi.= ku 1 .5 3.3 Net Domestic Shipping 2 .3 5 .0 10.0 Expori-packed _ 4 .5 J16 DIGNAL J6511 Illuminance Probe Highway Illumination Lurnlrafies anti Lamps h}'arksiaticn Illumination Studio Lighting Office Lighting F Lighting Equipment E r J6502-A/J6512-A Irradiance Probes Laser Research Display Color Balancing Radiant Efficiency Infrared LED Testing Q J6503 8° Luminance Probe TV and Computer Display Screens " Work Surface Illumination f Signal Illumination E Projection Screens 4 J6523 1° Luminance Probe Roadway Lighting " TV and Computer Display Screens " Photographic Equipment Testing e Glare and Contrast Measurement A J6505 Red LEO Probe " Output of Red LEDs (600-710 nmJ J6501 Illuminance Probe t For Yellow and Green LEDs J6511 ILLUCirIINIANCE PROBE The J6511 is an illuminance probe with readout in footcandles [lumens/ml (tux) for the J6511 Option 02]. A multi-element glass filter and silicon photo-diode ensure a close match 1o the CIE photopic curve (color corrected) . The silicon-sensor recovery time is virtually instantaneous; low-light levels can be measured immediately after exposure to bright sunlight . The angular response is accurately cosine corrected, simulating an ideal 180° field-of-view defector . The lowprofile probe has a leveling indicator to ensure accurate measurements where a significant proportion of the illumination comes from sources at low angles to the horizon . A 25-foot cable between the probe (J6511) and J16 allows the user 1o be out of the field of view while making measurements . J6562-A/J6512-A IRRADIAI4CE PROBE The J6502-A/J6512-A measure irradiance in microwatts/cm2 (milliwatis/m2) with Option 02). The spectral response is flat from 450 to 950 nanometers . The response is typically down 50% at 400 and 1030 nm . An optional filter holder is available for the J6502-A to mount standard 1 inch diameter customer supplied filters of up to 3/8 inch thickness . Where high intensity sources are used (over 1990 watts/cm 2 ), neutral density filters can be used to extend the range of the J16. (An NO 1 filter has 10% transmission, and ND 2 has 1 %, etc) . These filters may be held with an optional filter holder . Where the 1 sq cm sensor is not completely tilled by the source, for example with a laser beam, the reading obtained represents microwatts instead of p watts/cmz or mi ¬ liwatts x 10-" instead of milliwalts/mz (Option 02) . Small variations in sensor uniformity may add ±5% uncertainty to this measurement. The J6512-A has a low-profile defector head and sixfoot cable. Note : The J6502-A/J6512-A are calibrated for a flat response using the latest NBS standards . If you require probes that are compatible with the original J6502/ J6512, then order Option 10 on J6502-A or J6512-A. u J65B8 8° LUMINANCE PROBE The J6503 measures luminance in fool-lamberts (candelas/ml (nit) with Option 02) where light scattered or emitted by a surface must be measured . The probe is pointed at the emitting surface . The probe's response is closely matched to the CIE photopic curve, ensuring accurate results even when measuring spectrally different light sources. The acceptance angle is approximately 8 degrees, which is determined by internal field stop aperatures . Providing that the 8 degrees field is uniformly filled, the probe can be held at any distance from the source . At 21 inches from the front of the probe, the field of view is approximately three inches in diameter . The fooflambert or candelas/ml (nit) (Option 02) indicator automatically lights when the J6503 is connected. 10 LU1,61HARGE PROBE The J6523 will measure the luminance in footlamberts (candelas/m2 with Option 02) of a spot as small as 0.32 inch in diameter . By using commercially available 55-mm stackable close-up lenses, areas as small as 0.035 inch (+10 diopters) can be measured . These 55-mm lenses are physically similar to threaded 55 mm photography stores . (See Application Note 58-AX-3252 .) The 1 degree angle represents 0 .21 inch per foot of distance from the probe to the source . Thus at 10 feet, the J6523 measures a 2.1 inch diameter spot. The probe includes an optical sighting system with a 9 degree viewing field. The focusing range is 18 inches to infinity, closer with 55-mm close-up lenses . The spectral response is closely matched to the CIE photopic curve (color-corrected) for accurately measuring all commonly used light sources. The J6523 may be attached to the J16 or used with an optional probe extension cable . A standard 1/4 inch x 20 threaded socket allows i1 to be used on a tripod or an optical bench. J6505 PROBE FOR RED LEDs Note: For yellow or green LEDs use the J6501 probe, for infrared LEDs use the J6502-A probe. The J6505 measures illuminance in foot candles (lumens/M2 (tux) with Option 02), which can easily be converted into luminous intensity in candelas . (See Application Notes 58-A-2635 and 58-A-2704-1 .) An adapter supplied with the probe provides a controlled spacing between the sensor and the LED under test . The adapter excludes ambient light, and has internal baffles to prevent stray reflections during the measurement . Three inserts are supplied with the adapter to fit common sizes of LEDs (0 .080 inch, 0.125 inch, and 0.200 inch diameter) . These inserts are made of soft plastic that can be easily modified by the user. With the adapter in place, a reading of 1 footcandle of the J16 represents 100 millicandelas of luminous intensity. With a metric version of the J16/J6505 (Option 02), 1 lumen/M2 represents 10 millicandelas. In the J6505, the silicon photodiode-filter combination provides an excellent match to the photopic curve in the region 600 nm to 710 nm . This close match requires compromising in the 360 to 600 nm region, making this probe unsuitable for general illuminance measurements . For LED measurements in the yellow or green regions, the LED adapter must be used with the J6501, and the same conversion factor for luminous intensity applies . J65B1 ILLUIAINrANCE PROBE Where cosine correction is unneccessary, the standard J6701 probe is available with the same photopic correction and units as the J6511 . The J6501 can be used to measure green and yellow LEDs . To order, call your local Tektronix Sales office, at call Tek's National MarV:etlng Center . Toll free : 1-800-426-2200, Ext . 99 .
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