TM 00101 AFC User Manual Telecom
User Manual:
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Page Count: 421 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Mapping
- 2.1 Transaction and Service Types
- 2.2 Valid Transaction/Service Pairings
- 2.3 Transaction Mapping Guidelines
- 2.3.1 Long Distance Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.2 Wireless Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.3 Enhanced Service Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.4 Internet Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.5 Local Service Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.6 Sales Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.7 Shipping Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.8 Natural Gas Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.9 Telephony Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.10 Cable Television Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.11 Satellite Television Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.12 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.13 Payphone Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.14 Software Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.15 Timesharing Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.16 Satellite Phone Transaction and Service Types
- 2.3.17 VPN Transaction and Service Types
- 2.4 Tax Categories
- 3. Transactions
- 3.1 Customer Information
- 3.2 Incorp
- 3.3 Company Information
- 3.4 Transaction Data
- 3.5 Taxing Jurisdiction Identification Information
- 3.6 Jurisdiction Identification Details
- 4. AFC Calculations
- 4.1 Meeting the Requirements of Specific Tax Issues
- 4.1.1 Tax Type Exemptions
- 4.1.2 Tax Adjustments
- 4.1.3 Tax Overrides
- 4.1.4 Tax Rate Brackets
- 4.1.5 Surcharges
- 4.1.6 Prorated Taxes
- 4.1.7 Discount Adjustment
- 4.1.8 Tier at Transactions
- 4.1.9 Tax on Tax Until no Effect
- 4.1.10 Historical Tax Rates
- 4.1.11 Taxed Taxes
- 4.2 Tax Logging
- 4.3 Returned Taxes
- 4.1 Meeting the Requirements of Specific Tax Issues
- 5. Utilities
- 5.1 Utility Selection
- 5.2 Specifying a Log File at Run Time
- 5.3 Log.sum File
- 5.4 General Tips When Using Utilities
- 5.5 AFC Utilities
- 5.5.1 asciilog.exe
- 5.5.2 batchsplit.exe
- 5.5.3 commerge.exe
- 5.5.4 comptnum.exe
- 5.5.5 comrpt.exe
- 5.5.6 csf20.exe
- 5.5.7 customsort.exe
- 5.5.8 ezcomprep.exe
- 5.5.9 ezlog_ns.exe
- 5.5.10 ezlogcust.exe
- 5.5.11 ezlogcustios.exe
- 5.5.12 ezlogcustpts.exe
- 5.5.13 ezlogcustptslnl.exe
- 5.5.14 EZTax_20.exe
- 5.5.15 EZTaxappend.exe
- 5.5.16 EZTaxappendf.exe
- 5.5.17 log no tax transactions
- 5.5.18 srtcdf20.exe
- 5.5.19 srtcdf20p.exe
- 5.5.20 srtcomcust20.exe
- 5.5.21 srtcomma20.exe
- 5.5.22 srtcomma20l.exe
- 5.5.23 srtcomma20ld.exe
- 5.5.24 srtcommadetail.exe
- 5.5.25 srtrev20l.exe
- 5.5.26 upsize_log.exe
- 6.1 Batch Processing Description
- 6.2 AFC CDS Input File Specifications
- 6.3 Federal or State Exclusion
- 6.4 Accumulating the Log
- 6.5 EZTax_20 Utility Specification
- 6.6 Deprecated CDF20 File Structure
- 7. The C/C++ API
- 7.1 Language Interfaces for AFC
- 7.2 Configuration
- 7.3 General Overview of AFC API Integration
- 7.4 Detailed Discussion of AFC API Integration
- 7.5 Preparing the AFC Application Programmer Interface (API) Interface
- 7.6 AFC API Function Calls
- 7.7 Sample Coding
- 7.8 API Listings
- 7.8.1 EZTaxAdjDebitJEx
- 7.8.2 EZTaxAdjDebitNEx
- 7.8.3 EZTaxAdjDebitPEx
- 7.8.4 EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxAdjDebitRevJCode deprecated)
- 7.8.5 EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxAdjDebitRevNPAN deprecated)
- 7.8.6 EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxAdjDebitRevPCode deprecated)
- 7.8.7 EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxAdjDebitRevZip deprecated)
- 7.8.8 EZTaxAdjDebitZEx
- 7.8.9 EZTaxAdjJCodeEx
- 7.8.10 EZTaxAdjNPANEx
- 7.8.11 EZTaxAdjPCodeEx
- 7.8.12 EZTaxAdjProRateJCode (EZTaxAdjProRateJCodeEx deprecated)
- 7.8.13 EZTaxAdjProRateNPAN (EZTaxAdjProRateNPANEx deprecated)
- 7.8.14 EZTaxAdjProRatePCode (EZTaxAdjProRatePCodeEx deprecated)
- 7.8.15 EZTaxAdjProRateThisJCode (EZTaxAdjProRateThisJCodeEx deprecated)
- 7.8.16 EZTaxAdjProRateThisPCode (EZTaxAdjProRateThisPCodeEx deprecated)
- 7.8.17 EZTaxAdjProRateZip (EZTaxAdjProRateZipEx deprecated)
- 7.8.18 EZTaxAdjTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxAdjRevJCode deprecated)
- 7.8.19 EZTaxAdjTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxAdjRevNPAN deprecated)
- 7.8.20 EZTaxAdjTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxAdjRevPCode deprecated)
- 7.8.21 EZTaxAdjTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxAdjRevZip deprecated)
- 7.8.22 EZTaxAdjTPPEx
- 7.8.23 EZTaxAdjZipEx
- 7.8.24 EZTaxCalcJurisdiction
- 7.8.25 EZTaxClearExclusion
- 7.8.26 EZTaxClearTSR
- 7.8.27 EZTaxClose
- 7.8.28 EZTaxCountryToPCode
- 7.8.29 EZTaxDbVersion
- 7.8.30 EZTaxDebitJEx
- 7.8.31 EZTaxDebitNEx
- 7.8.32 EZTaxDebitPEx
- 7.8.33 EZTaxDebitTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxDebitRevJCode deprecated)
- 7.8.34 EZTaxDebitTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxDebitRevNPAN deprecated)
- 7.8.35 EZTaxDebitTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxDebitRevPCode deprecated)
- 7.8.36 EZTaxDebitTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxDebitRevZip deprecated)
- 7.8.37 EZTaxDllVersion
- 7.8.38 EZTaxExit
- 7.8.39 EZTaxExitSessionEx
- 7.8.40 EZTaxFlushToLogEx
- 7.8.41 EZTaxFreeRates
- 7.8.42 EZTaxFtoPCodeEx
- 7.8.43 EZTaxGetAddressEx
- 7.8.44 EZTaxGetCustomLog
- 7.8.45 EZTaxGetCountryID
- 7.8.46 EZTaxGetCustomLogCount
- 7.8.47 EZTaxGetHandle
- 7.8.48 EZTaxGetJurisdiction
- 7.8.49 EZTaxGetLogName
- 7.8.50 EZTaxGetLogV914
- 7.8.51 EZTaxGetLogV914Count
- 7.8.52 EZTaxGetRates
- 7.8.53 EZTaxGetSession
- 7.8.54 EZTaxGetStateID
- 7.8.55 EZTaxGetTaxCatV98
- 7.8.56 EZTaxGetTaxDescription
- 7.8.57 EZTaxGetTSR
- 7.8.58 EZTaxGroupResults
- 7.8.59 EZTaxInitDirEx
- 7.8.60 EZTaxInitEx
- 7.8.61 EZTaxInitExMT
- 7.8.62 EZTaxInitV914
- 7.8.63 EZTaxInitV98
- 7.8.64 EZTaxJCodeEx
- 7.8.65 EZTaxJtoPCodeEx
- 7.8.66 EZTaxJTTypeEx (EZTaxJTType deprecated)
- 7.8.67 EZTaxJurisdiction
- 7.8.68 EZTaxMaxTaxCount
- 7.8.69 EZTaxNextAddressEx
- 7.8.70 EZTaxNextCustomerEx
- 7.8.71 EZTaxNPANEx
- 7.8.72 EZTaxNtoJCodeEx
- 7.8.73 EZTaxNTTypeEx
- 7.8.74 EZTaxOldOvrJCode
- 7.8.75 EZTaxOvrJCodeEx
- 7.8.76 EZTaxOvrNPANEx
- 7.8.77 EZTaxOvrPCodeEx
- 7.8.78 EZTaxOvrZipEx
- 7.8.79 EZTaxPCodeEx
- 7.8.80 EZTaxPrivateLine
- 7.8.81 EZTaxPrivateLineAdj
- 7.8.82 EZTaxProRateJCodeEx
- 7.8.83 EZTaxProRateNPANEx
- 7.8.84 EZTaxProRatePCodeEx
- 7.8.85 EZTaxProRateThisJCodeEx
- 7.8.86 EZTaxProRateThisPCodeEx
- 7.8.87 EZTaxProRateZipEx
- 7.8.88 EZTaxPtoFipsEx
- 7.8.89 EZTaxPtoJCodeEx
- 7.8.90 EZTaxPTTypeEx
- 7.8.91 EZTaxRestoreEx
- 7.8.92 EZTaxTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxRevJCode deprecated)
- 7.8.93 EZTaxTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxRevNPAN deprecated)
- 7.8.94 EZTaxTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxRevPCode deprecated)
- 7.8.95 EZTaxTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxRevZip deprecated)
- 7.8.96 EZTaxSessionDbVersion
- 7.8.97 EZTaxSetInvoiceModeEx
- 7.8.98 EZTaxSetInvoiceModeV98
- 7.8.99 EZTaxSetNexus
- 7.8.100 EZTaxSetStateExclusion
- 7.8.101 EZTaxSetStateNexus
- 7.8.102 EZTaxSetWorkingDir
- 7.8.103 EZTaxThisJCodeEx
- 7.8.104 EZTaxThisPCodeEx
- 7.8.105 EZTaxTPPEx
- 7.8.106 EZTaxWriteToLogEx
- 7.8.107 EZTaxWriteToLogV914
- 7.8.108 EZTaxZipEx
- 7.8.109 EZTaxZtoJCodeEx
- 7.8.110 EZTaxZtoPCodeEx
- 7.8.111 EZTaxClearSafeHarborOverride
- 7.8.112 EZTaxSetSafeHarborTAMOverride
- 8. Appendices A - G
AvaTax for Communications
Telecom User Manual
Release: 9.19.1807.1
Document: TM_00101_0055
Date: 06/25/2018
All trade names referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
© Avalara, Inc. 2018. CONFIDENTIAL
Avalara for Communications - Contact Information
Avalara, Inc.
512 South Mangum Street, Suite 100
Durham, North Carolina, 27701
Toll Free
Corporate Web Site
Comms Platform Site
All trade names referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
© Avalara, Inc. 2018. CONFIDENTIAL
Document Revision History
The Revision History log lists the date and description of the most recent revisions or versions of the
Avalara branding updates to reflect the transition to the new company and
product names have been incorporated into this document. Please see
Appendix H – Avalara Product Names
for specific changes in product
references and descriptions.
Updated with table of Tax Categories in Section 2.4; new tax type 457 in
Section 4.3.5 Tax Types
. Additional release number and version updates
throughout Section 8.
New tax type 458 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types; updated support site screenshots
Section 8.4.1 Download the Monthly update.
Section 7.8 API
table. Additional release number and version updates throughout
Section 8.
Added new tax types 459 – 462 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types; 9 new
transaction/service pairs in
Section 2.1 Transaction and Service Types
Updates in
Section 5.5.7 Customsort.exe
to command line and arguments;
Release number, version and header file updates throughout Section 8.
Added new tax type 463 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types; Release number, version
and header file updates throughout Section 8.
Release number and version updates on cover and in Section 8.2
Added new tax types, 464 – 468 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types. Added new
transaction/service pair 14/15 in
Section 2.2
. Added new country, Senegal, in
Section 2.3.9
. Release number, version and header file updates on the cover
and throughout Section 8.
Updated descriptions in Section Federal Exempt and Section 3.2
. Release number, version and header file updates on the cover and
throughout Section 8.
Added new tax type 469 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types. All references to ‘reverse’
tax calculations in the AFC engine have been updated and renamed to reflect
the current naming convention which is ‘tax inclusive’ calculations. As a
result, 16 APIs in
Section 7.8.1 API Listings
have been updated and renamed.
Added safe harbor APIs in
Section 7.8.107 EZTaxClearSafeHarborOverride
Section 7.8.108
Release number, version
and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Added new tax types 470 and 473-475 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types. Updates in
Section 3.6.2 Determining the Taxing Jurisdiction for Cellular
Section 3.6.3
Determining the Taxing Jurisdiction for VoIP
Added new
Section 3.6.4
Determining the Taxing Jurisdiction within Canada.
Release number, version
and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Release number, version and header file updates on the cover and
throughout Section 8. Also updated copyright year.
Removed references to the Locations field throughout document as well as
transaction/service pairs 7/23 and 7/88 in
Section 2.2
Transaction/Service Pairings.
Release number, version and header file
updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Updated table under Section 7.8 API Listings, updated Section 7.8.78
EZTaxPrivateLine and added Section 7.8.79 EZTAXPrivateLineAdj. Release
All trade names referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
© Avalara, Inc. 2018. CONFIDENTIAL
number, version and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section
Added new transaction/service pair 10/655 in Section 2.2 Valid
Transaction/Service Pairings
. Added new tax type 469 in
Section 4.3.5 Tax
Updates to
Section 4.7 Exclusions
Section 6.3 Federal
or State
Section 7.8.97 EZtaxSetStateExclusions
. Release number,
version and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Release number, version and header file updates on the cover and
throughout Section 8.
Added Section 3.5.7 Support for India. Added 12 new tax types, 66 and 477 –
487 in
Section 4.3.5 Tax Types.
All references to ‘Customer Mode’ in the AFC
engine have been updated and renamed to reflect the current naming
convention which is ‘Invoice Mode.’ As a result, 2 APIs in
Section 7.8 API
have been updated and renamed. Added two new APIs,
7.8.65 EZTaxJTTypeEx
Section 7.8.89 EZTaxPTTypeEx
. Release number,
version and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Added note related to timestamp/invoice date passed in Section
Invoice Date
. Removed deprecated API,
and added 6 new
prorated adjustment APIs in
Section 7.8 API Listings
. Release number, version
and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Updated tax type 482 (name only). Release number, version and header file
updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
09/25/2017 0046 Updated name and description for tax type 220, added 2 new tax types 488
and 489 in
Section 4.3.5 Tax Types.
Added new APIS,
ID and
Section 7.8 API Listings
Release number, version and
header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Added new tax type 490 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types. Updated references to
support site web site address in
Section 8.4 Monthly Update Procedures.
Updated Avalara contact information (address and support site). Removed
Appendix H – Avalara Product Names
. Release number, version and header
file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Added new tax type 491 and 492 in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types. Release number,
version and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Added 6 new countries to the table in Section 2.3.9 Telephony Transaction
and Service Types
. Release number, version and header file updates on the
cover and throughout Section 8.
Added new Section 2.2.1 Additional Transaction/Service Pairings Supported in
. Release number, version and header file updates on the cover and
throughout Section 8.
02/23/2018 0051 Updated the definition for surcharge in the table of
Section 4.3.2 Returned
Tax Information
. Release number, version and header file updates on the
cover and throughout Section 8.
Updated description for transaction/service pair 24/59 and added new
transaction/service pair 25/660 in
Section 2.2
Valid Transaction/Service
. Added new transaction/service pair 24/491 in
Section 2.2.1
Additional Transaction/Service Pairings Supported in Telecom
. Added new tax
type 493 in
Section 4.3.5 Tax Types.
Release number, version and header file
updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
Added new tax types (494 through 517) in Section 4.3.5 Tax Types. Release
number, version and header file updates on the cover and throughout
All trade names referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
© Avalara, Inc. 2018. CONFIDENTIAL
Updated description in section 2.2.1 Additional Transaction/Service Pairs to
indicate U.S. use only. Updates to transaction specifications throughout
Section 3.
Release number, version and header file updates on the cover and
in Section 8.
New tax types (518 through 520) in section 4.3.5 Tax Types. Release number,
version and header file updates on the cover and throughout Section 8.
AFC Telecom User Manual| i
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Installation .................................................................................................................................. 1
Getting Started ............................................................................................................................ 1
The AFC Manual .......................................................................................................................... 1
Mapping ................................................................................................................................ 1
Transactions .......................................................................................................................... 2
VPN Transaction and Service Types ....................................................................................... 2
Tax Calculations ..................................................................................................................... 2
Utilities .................................................................................................................................. 2
The Advantage of Using Functions ........................................................................................ 2
General Product Information ................................................................................................ 4
Mapping............................................................................................................................................. 6
Transaction and Service Types .................................................................................................... 6
Valid Transaction/Service Pairings .............................................................................................. 6
Additional Transaction/Service Pairings Supported in Telecom .......................................... 29
File transervdescsau.txt ....................................................................................................... 35
Transaction Mapping Guidelines ............................................................................................... 36
Long Distance Transaction and Service Types ..................................................................... 36
Wireless Transaction and Service Types .............................................................................. 37
Enhanced Service Transaction and Service Types ............................................................... 38
Internet Transaction and Service Types .............................................................................. 38
Local Service Transaction and Service Types ....................................................................... 39
Sales Transaction and Service Types ................................................................................... 42
Shipping Transaction and Service Types .............................................................................. 43
Natural Gas Transaction and Service Types ......................................................................... 43
Telephony Transaction and Service Types ........................................................................... 43
Cable Television Transaction and Service Types .................................................................. 46
Satellite Television Transaction and Service Types .............................................................. 46
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Transaction and Service Types .................................... 47
AFC Telecom User Manual| ii
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Payphone Transaction and Service Types ............................................................................ 50
Software Transaction and Service Types ............................................................................. 51
Timesharing Transaction and Service Types ........................................................................ 51
Satellite Phone Transaction and Service Types.................................................................... 51
VPN Transaction and Service Types ..................................................................................... 51
Tax Categories ........................................................................................................................... 52
Transactions ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Customer Information ............................................................................................................... 53
Business Class Indicator ....................................................................................................... 54
Customer Number (Primary Output Key) ............................................................................ 55
Customer Type .................................................................................................................... 55
Exemption Levels ................................................................................................................. 55
Incorp ........................................................................................................................................ 55
Invoice Number ................................................................................................................... 56
JCode Exemption Levels ...................................................................................................... 56
Lifeline Flag .......................................................................................................................... 57
Service Class Indicator ......................................................................................................... 57
Service Level Number .......................................................................................................... 57
Tax Type Exemptions ........................................................................................................... 57
Optional Fields ..................................................................................................................... 58
Company Information ............................................................................................................... 60
Company Identifier .............................................................................................................. 60
Facilities Based Flag ............................................................................................................. 60
Franchise Flag ...................................................................................................................... 60
Regulated / Unregulated Flag .............................................................................................. 60
Transaction Data ....................................................................................................................... 61
Charge ................................................................................................................................. 61
Date ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Lines .................................................................................................................................... 62
Minutes ............................................................................................................................... 62
Sale Type ............................................................................................................................. 62
AFC Telecom User Manual| iii
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Service Type ........................................................................................................................ 62
Transaction Type ................................................................................................................. 62
Taxing Jurisdiction Identification Information ........................................................................... 63
The JCode Jurisdiction Identification ................................................................................... 63
NPANXX ............................................................................................................................... 66
Zip Codes ............................................................................................................................. 66
Zip Plus 4 ............................................................................................................................. 67
Canadian Postal Codes ........................................................................................................ 67
FIPS Codes ........................................................................................................................... 67
Support for India ................................................................................................................. 69
Jurisdiction Identification Details .............................................................................................. 70
Determining the Taxing Jurisdiction for Wireline ................................................................ 70
Determining the Taxing Jurisdiction for Cellular .................................................................. 74
Determining the Taxing Jurisdiction for VoIP ...................................................................... 74
Determining the Taxing Jurisdiction within Canada ............................................................ 74
AFC Calculations ............................................................................................................................... 75
Meeting the Requirements of Specific Tax Issues ..................................................................... 75
Tax Type Exemptions ........................................................................................................... 76
Tax Adjustments .................................................................................................................. 77
Tax Overrides ....................................................................................................................... 78
Tax Rate Brackets ................................................................................................................ 84
Surcharges ........................................................................................................................... 85
Prorated Taxes ..................................................................................................................... 85
Discount Adjustment ........................................................................................................... 85
Tier at Transactions ............................................................................................................. 88
Tax on Tax Until no Effect .................................................................................................... 89
Historical Tax Rates ............................................................................................................. 89
Taxed Taxes ......................................................................................................................... 89
Tax Logging ............................................................................................................................... 90
Returned Taxes ......................................................................................................................... 90
Taxes Table .......................................................................................................................... 91
AFC Telecom User Manual| iv
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Returned Tax Information ................................................................................................... 91
Returned Tax Information Using Invoice Mode ................................................................... 91
Tax Grouping ....................................................................................................................... 93
Tax Types ............................................................................................................................. 95
Nexus ................................................................................................................................. 116
Exclusions .......................................................................................................................... 116
Utilities........................................................................................................................................... 118
Utility Selection ....................................................................................................................... 119
Reporting Utilities .............................................................................................................. 119
File Management Utilities ................................................................................................. 120
Specifying a Log File at Run Time ............................................................................................ 120
Log.sum File ............................................................................................................................ 121
General Tips When Using Utilities ........................................................................................... 121
AFC Utilities ............................................................................................................................. 122
asciilog.exe ........................................................................................................................ 124
batchsplit.exe .................................................................................................................... 125
commerge.exe ................................................................................................................... 126
comptnum.exe .................................................................................................................. 127
comrpt.exe ........................................................................................................................ 129
csf20.exe ........................................................................................................................... 130
customsort.exe .................................................................................................................. 131
ezcomprep.exe .................................................................................................................. 132
ezlog_ns.exe ...................................................................................................................... 134
ezlogcust.exe ..................................................................................................................... 136
ezlogcustios.exe ................................................................................................................ 138
ezlogcustpts.exe ................................................................................................................ 140
ezlogcustptslnl.exe ............................................................................................................ 142
EZTax_20.exe ..................................................................................................................... 144
EZTaxappend.exe ............................................................................................................... 144
EZTaxappendf.exe ............................................................................................................. 145
log no tax transactions ...................................................................................................... 146
AFC Telecom User Manual| v
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
srtcdf20.exe ....................................................................................................................... 149
srtcdf20p.exe ..................................................................................................................... 151
srtcomcust20.exe .............................................................................................................. 153
srtcomma20.exe ................................................................................................................ 154
srtcomma20l.exe ............................................................................................................... 157
srtcomma20ld.exe ............................................................................................................. 160
srtcommadetail.exe ........................................................................................................... 163
srtrev20l.exe ...................................................................................................................... 165
upsize_log.exe ................................................................................................................... 170
BATCH FILE PROCESSING ................................................................................................................ 171
Batch Processing Description .................................................................................................. 171
AFC CDS Input File Specifications ............................................................................................ 173
Taxing Jurisdiction Identification Information ................................................................... 174
Customer Information ....................................................................................................... 176
Company Information ....................................................................................................... 179
Transaction Information .................................................................................................... 180
Federal or State Exclusion ....................................................................................................... 182
Accumulating the Log .............................................................................................................. 182
EZTax_20 Utility Specification ................................................................................................. 183
Deprecated CDF20 File Structure ............................................................................................ 185
The C/C++ API ................................................................................................................................ 187
Language Interfaces for AFC ................................................................................................... 187
Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 188
Filelocs.txt File ................................................................................................................... 188
Filelocs.sta File ................................................................................................................... 189
General Overview of AFC API Integration ............................................................................... 190
Detailed Discussion of AFC API Integration ............................................................................. 191
Tax Adjustments ................................................................................................................ 191
Obtaining Jurisdiction and Address Information From JCodes and PCodes ...................... 191
Obtaining Jurisdiction and Address Information From JCodes and PCodes ...................... 191
Obtaining Tax Information From Transactions .................................................................. 192
AFC Telecom User Manual| vi
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Preparing the AFC Application Programmer Interface (API) Interface .................................... 194
AFC API Function Calls ............................................................................................................. 194
Retrieving Taxes ................................................................................................................ 195
Multi-Threading ................................................................................................................. 197
Multiple Sessions ............................................................................................................... 198
Session Management ........................................................................................................ 199
Session Pooling .................................................................................................................. 200
Sample Coding ........................................................................................................................ 201
Using EZTaxGetRates to Build an Override ........................................................................ 201
API Listings .............................................................................................................................. 202
EZTaxAdjDebitJEx............................................................................................................... 210
EZTaxAdjDebitNEx ............................................................................................................. 211
EZTaxAdjDebitPEx .............................................................................................................. 212
EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxAdjDebitRevJCode deprecated).......................... 213
EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxAdjDebitRevNPAN deprecated) .......................... 214
EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxAdjDebitRevPCode deprecated) ........................ 215
EZTaxAdjDebitTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxAdjDebitRevZip deprecated) ................................... 216
EZTaxAdjDebitZEx .............................................................................................................. 218
EZTaxAdjJCodeEx ............................................................................................................... 219
EZTaxAdjNPANEx ............................................................................................................... 220
EZTaxAdjPCodeEx .............................................................................................................. 221
EZTaxAdjProRateJCode (EZTaxAdjProRateJCodeEx deprecated) ....................................... 222
EZTaxAdjProRateNPAN (EZTaxAdjProRateNPANEx deprecated) ....................................... 223
EZTaxAdjProRatePCode (EZTaxAdjProRatePCodeEx deprecated) ..................................... 224
EZTaxAdjProRateThisJCode (EZTaxAdjProRateThisJCodeEx deprecated) .......................... 225
EZTaxAdjProRateThisPCode (EZTaxAdjProRateThisPCodeEx deprecated)........................ 227
EZTaxAdjProRateZip (EZTaxAdjProRateZipEx deprecated) ................................................ 229
EZTaxAdjTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxAdjRevJCode deprecated) ........................................... 230
EZTaxAdjTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxAdjRevNPAN deprecated) ........................................... 231
EZTaxAdjTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxAdjRevPCode deprecated) ......................................... 232
EZTaxAdjTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxAdjRevZip deprecated) .................................................... 233
AFC Telecom User Manual| vii
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
EZTaxAdjTPPEx .................................................................................................................. 235
EZTaxAdjZipEx .................................................................................................................... 237
EZTaxCalcJurisdiction ......................................................................................................... 238
EZTaxClearExclusion .......................................................................................................... 239
EZTaxClearTSR ................................................................................................................... 240
EZTaxClose ......................................................................................................................... 241
EZTaxCountryToPCode ...................................................................................................... 242
EZTaxDbVersion ................................................................................................................. 243
EZTaxDebitJEx .................................................................................................................... 244
EZTaxDebitNEx .................................................................................................................. 245
EZTaxDebitPEx ................................................................................................................... 246
EZTaxDebitTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxDebitRevJCode deprecated) .................................... 247
EZTaxDebitTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxDebitRevNPAN deprecated) .................................... 249
EZTaxDebitTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxDebitRevPCode deprecated) .................................. 250
EZTaxDebitTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxDebitRevZip deprecated) ............................................. 251
EZTaxDllVersion ................................................................................................................. 253
EZTaxExit ........................................................................................................................... 254
EZTaxExitSessionEx ............................................................................................................ 255
EZTaxFlushToLogEx ............................................................................................................ 256
EZTaxFreeRates ................................................................................................................. 257
EZTaxFtoPCodeEx .............................................................................................................. 258
EZTaxGetAddressEx ........................................................................................................... 259
EZTaxGetCustomLog .......................................................................................................... 260
EZTaxGetCountryID ........................................................................................................... 261
EZTaxGetCustomLogCount ................................................................................................ 262
EZTaxGetHandle ................................................................................................................ 263
EZTaxGetJurisdiction ......................................................................................................... 264
EZTaxGetLogName ............................................................................................................ 265
EZTaxGetLogV914 .............................................................................................................. 266
EZTaxGetLogV914Count .................................................................................................... 267
EZTaxGetRates ................................................................................................................... 268
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EZTaxGetSession ................................................................................................................ 269
EZTaxGetStateID ................................................................................................................ 270
EZTaxGetTaxCatV98 .......................................................................................................... 271
EZTaxGetTaxDescription .................................................................................................... 272
EZTaxGetTSR ...................................................................................................................... 273
EZTaxGroupResults ............................................................................................................ 274
EZTaxInitDirEx .................................................................................................................... 275
EZTaxInitEx ........................................................................................................................ 276
EZTaxInitExMT ................................................................................................................... 277
EZTaxInitV914 .................................................................................................................... 278
EZTaxInitV98 ...................................................................................................................... 279
EZTaxJCodeEx .................................................................................................................... 280
EZTaxJtoPCodeEx ............................................................................................................... 281
EZTaxJTTypeEx (EZTaxJTType deprecated) ........................................................................ 282
EZTaxJurisdiction ............................................................................................................... 283
EZTaxMaxTaxCount ........................................................................................................... 284
EZTaxNextAddressEx ......................................................................................................... 285
EZTaxNextCustomerEx....................................................................................................... 286
EZTaxNPANEx .................................................................................................................... 287
EZTaxNtoJCodeEx .............................................................................................................. 288
EZTaxNTTypeEx ................................................................................................................. 289
EZTaxOldOvrJCode ............................................................................................................ 290
EZTaxOvrJCodeEx .............................................................................................................. 291
EZTaxOvrNPANEx ............................................................................................................... 292
EZTaxOvrPCodeEx .............................................................................................................. 293
EZTaxOvrZipEx ................................................................................................................... 294
EZTaxPCodeEx ................................................................................................................... 295
EZTaxPrivateLine ............................................................................................................... 296
EZTaxPrivateLineAdj .......................................................................................................... 297
EZTaxProRateJCodeEx ....................................................................................................... 298
EZTaxProRateNPANEx........................................................................................................ 299
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EZTaxProRatePCodeEx ....................................................................................................... 300
EZTaxProRateThisJCodeEx ................................................................................................. 301
EZTaxProRateThisPCodeEx ................................................................................................ 302
EZTaxProRateZipEx ............................................................................................................ 303
EZTaxPtoFipsEx .................................................................................................................. 304
EZTaxPtoJCodeEx ............................................................................................................... 305
EZTaxPTTypeEx .................................................................................................................. 306
EZTaxRestoreEx ................................................................................................................. 307
EZTaxTaxInclusiveJCode (EZTaxRevJCode deprecated) ..................................................... 308
EZTaxTaxInclusiveNPAN (EZTaxRevNPAN deprecated) ...................................................... 309
EZTaxTaxInclusivePCode (EZTaxRevPCode deprecated) .................................................... 310
EZTaxTaxInclusiveZip (EZTaxRevZip deprecated) ............................................................... 311
EZTaxSessionDbVersion ..................................................................................................... 313
EZTaxSetInvoiceModeEx .................................................................................................... 314
EZTaxSetInvoiceModeV98 ................................................................................................. 315
EZTaxSetNexus .................................................................................................................. 316
EZTaxSetStateExclusion ................................................................................................. 317
EZTaxSetStateNexus ...................................................................................................... 318
EZTaxSetWorkingDir ...................................................................................................... 319
EZTaxThisJCodeEx .......................................................................................................... 320
EZTaxThisPCodeEx ......................................................................................................... 321
EZTaxTPPEx .................................................................................................................... 322
EZTaxWriteToLogEx ....................................................................................................... 323
EZTaxWriteToLogV914 .................................................................................................. 324
EZTaxZipEx ..................................................................................................................... 325
EZTaxZtoJCodeEx ........................................................................................................... 326
EZTaxZtoPCodeEx .......................................................................................................... 327
EZTaxClearSafeHarborOverride ..................................................................................... 328
EZTaxSetSafeHarborTAMOverride................................................................................. 329
Appendices A - G ............................................................................................................................ 330
Appendix A EZTaxStruct.h ....................................................................................................... 331
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Appendix B EZTaxDefine.h ...................................................................................................... 345
Appendix C EZTaxProto.h ........................................................................................................ 395
Appendix G Monthly Update Procedure ................................................................................. 400
Download the Monthly Update ......................................................................................... 400
Important Files in Update .................................................................................................. 403
Monthly Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 403
Help Guide .............................................................................................................................. 405
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 405
FAQ’s ................................................................................................................................. 406
AFC Telecom User Manual | 1 of 401
Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Refer to the AvaTax for Communications (AFC) Installation Manual for complete instructions regarding the
installation of AFC on your specific platform.
Getting Started
There are several AFC integration methods available, each allowing for its use based on the client’s needs.
• AFC SaaS Standard: This method is provided for lower transaction-count customers, allowing for
the use of AFC to obtain tax calculations without having to maintain the program on their
• On-Site Options:
AFC's API interface: provides the user complete control over access to tax calculations
and the data returned, along with the flexibility supported by the report utilities.
• AFC SaaS Pro: AFC SaaS Pro is an XML web service used to calculate taxes. Applications send a
single transaction to the AFC SaaS web service over the Internet. The taxes are calculated and
immediately returned to the client application. Users have the capability of sending and receiving
transactions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service is ideal for adding the ability to tax
purchases made from online stores and AFC SaaS Pro customers are provided with reports for tax
compliance filing.
The AFC Manual
The AFC Manual has been configured to provide an easy and logical progression for learning AFC and its
features, as well as a quick reference (fully linked on the electronic version of the manual). From the
initial step of mapping to the final creation of reports based on the processed information, the conceptual
simplicity of AFC is fully explained.
Prior to performing tax calculations, client transactions and services must be matched, or “mapped,” to
the Valid Transaction and Service Pairings defined in AFC. Refer to Section 2 Mapping for the full
explanation of how this is accomplished.
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Once the transactions and services have been mapped, transaction records can be passed to AFC.
Section 3 Transactions explains what AFC expects for each part (or field) contained in a transaction record
and provides the definitions and reasons for selecting one of the valid options to use.
VPN Transaction and Service Types
Refer to Table 2-14 for a list of combined transaction and service types that are used with VPN
transaction types.
Tax Calculations
The AFC Engine accepts the transaction record(s) and performs the tax calculations based upon the
information within the record.
Once the taxation has been performed, Utilities can be used to provide the tax information in selected
formats that meet specific requirements and perform file management functions. The many options
available are detailed in the Utilities section of this document
The Advantage of Using Functions
Section 7 provides specific details of the expanded capabilities provided to users that integrate AFC to the
billing system using functions. Refer to the figure shown below. The billing system passes information to
AFC, as calls are being rated for billing. AFC calculates all required taxes and returns the tax information
to the billing system per transaction. In addition, AFC stores all tax data generated in its databases and
provides reports that facilitate tax filing and provide insight to the rating, billing and taxing processes.
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Figure 1-1 AFC Operation Diagram
Adjustment information is returned to the billing system and is utilized to update tax data for report
generation and compliance filing. AFC also provides facilities that allow users to insert tax overrides and
exempt a transaction from taxes at federal, state, county and local authority levels. AFC also provides the
capability to limit exemptions to a specific jurisdiction and to exempt specific taxes.
Using the AFC API is the most efficient method available for interfacing with the AFC system. Due to the
superior performance of AFC, there is very little performance difference between a system running
without taxation and one running with taxation generation by AFC.
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General Product Information
Telecom Types
Business Classifications – Allows for specification of business as CLEC or ILEC.
Service Classifications – Allows for specification of business as Primary Long Distance or Local
Franchise – Allows for the indication that company provides services sold pursuant to a franchise
agreement between the carrier and jurisdiction.
Facilities – Allows for specification of the carrier delivering the service as facilities based.
Customer Attributes
Company Identifier – Allows the AFC user to indicate a specific company that may be included in
their customer record and outputted to the tax log to identify company tax log records.
Lifeline – Allows for a customer to be designated as a Lifeline participant.
Enhanced Flexibility for Users
User reporting and organizational activities have been enhanced with the addition of user defined fields.
This empowers the user to include additional user specific information within transaction records,
thereby enhancing reports and data files once processed by the AFC Engine. Note that the Batch
Processing utility takes full advantage of the additional transaction fields.
Enhanced Capabilities for Processing Specialized Taxes
AFC maintains tax rate histories and applies them according to the transaction date. This allows for tax
calculations to process transactions that require dated tax information.
Billable Flag – Allows for the identification of a compliance only tax or fee that is used for filing
and not passed on to the user. It is noted as a non-billable item in the tax log.
Compliance Flag – Allows for the identification of a tax or fee that is a tax compliant item and that
the tax or fee should be sent to the log. The reporting utilities can identify and generate
compliance and billing reports. All existing taxes currently in AFC are compliance taxes or fees. A
charge with the compliance set to false in logic is billable but the charge would not be place into
the log for compliance or reported in compliance reports. This flag provides EZdata users with
the ability to pass non-tax charges to the customer through AFC.
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Rate at Final - Allows for a specialized application of tax brackets. Each bracket specifies the tax
rate for the “Total Tax” range that it spans. The culmination of all of the brackets results in a tax
rate “look-up” table for total transaction amounts.
Tier At Transaction - This logic flag indicates that tax will be calculated using graduated tax
brackets on a transaction basis instead of a customer invoice basis.
Tax On Tax Until No Effect - Configuration settings in EZTax.cfg determine one of two methods to
calculate Tax on Tax. If the configuration setting is left unchanged, AFC will perform a single
iteration of the tax on tax calculation.
Additional Functions to Support New Capabilities
An expanded library of functions has been created, the greatest impact of which falls on the Adjustment
and Pro-Rated activities.
Adjustment Functions – Additional functions are available to allow for adjustments of debit and
pro-rated transactions.
Pro-Rated Allowable Functions – Allow for a pro-rated percentage to be used to calculate the
taxable amount on rate tax and calculate the percentage of the line and fixed amounts. AFC
identifies taxes that are not allowed to be assessed on a percentage basis internally, and the
entire tax amount is calculated.
The Get Rates function has been added to retrieve all possible taxes when given a location by
PCode. The structure of the returned tax information is compatible with the new override
structure, so that specific changes can be applied to the existing tax data to create override
New Version Tracking
A version number has been embedded into the AFC database to ensure database compatibility between
the AFC software and the AFC database. The AFC Engine compares version numbers on session
initialization. If incompatible version numbers are detected, a message is written to the status file and
AFC system will not return a valid session handle.
Additional Tax Types
AFC now supports over 450 Tax Types to allow for highly specific tax type designation.
Increased Accuracy
The Tax Amount and Time calculations have been modified to increase accuracy and further reduce
rounding errors.
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The AFC software provides an extensive selection of Transaction and Service Types to meet your taxation
requirements with a single taxation package. The correct matching, or “mapping,” of your company
products and services to the Valid Transaction and Service Pairings defined in AFC is an essential process
that must be completed accurately for taxation to be calculated and applied properly to all transactions.
If an incorrect pairing is passed to the AFC engine then no tax is usually returned.
Avalara support is available to assist should any questions arise in determining the correct Transaction
and Service pair to use.
Transaction and Service Types
AFC stipulates a unique pair of numbers for each Transaction and Service Type. The first number defines
the Transaction Type and the second number defines the Service Type. Transaction Types and Service
Types are combined (or “paired”) to uniquely describe a Valid Transaction / Service Pair for a transaction.
Valid Transaction/Service Pairings
Table 2-1 provides a complete listing of identifiers used to define valid Transaction / Service Pairings.
Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
0 0 No Tax/No Tax
Usage of this mapping combination will ensure that no
federal, state or local taxes are returned.
1 1 Interstate/Toll
Interstate toll calls, MRC (monthly recurring charges),
and other related service
-type charges and features.
(Call originates and terminates in different states.)
1 2 Interstate/Toll-Free
Interstate and international toll-free calls, MRCs, and
other related service type charges and features. (Same
as Interstate Toll call above, however the owner of the
-free number pays all the applicable long distance
1 3 Interstate/WATS
Interstate and international WATS service charge, MRC,
and other related service type charges and features.
(Same as Interstate Toll call above, but often sold as a
-pricing scheme for a designated long distance calling
1 4 Interstate/Private Line
Interstate or international private line service charge,
MRC, and other related service type charges and
features. (Charges are for a service in which the service
originates at the customer's premises and connects only
to a designated termination location
. No switching or
access to other third party lines. The private line will
cross over a state or country border.)
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
1 12
International calls that originate in the US, terminate
outside the US, and are billed to a US address.
1 14 Interstate/Late Charge
Late charge imposed on customers of interstate or
international LD services.
1 16 Interstate/900
Interstate or international 900 service charge, MRC and
other related service type charges and features. (Same
as Interstate Toll call above, but the caller of the 900
number pays for the applicable long distance charges.)
1 27 Interstate/Data
or international data service charge, MRC, and
other related service type charges and features. (This
combination is appropriate for transmissions that carry
data exclusively. Use Private Line if any component is
voice. This is a recommended mapping fo
r data
transmissions carried over DSL, ATM, T
-1, frame relay
lines and other non
-voice services. This is not for
Internet Access provided over DSL lines.)
1 54
Charges for Directory Assistance calls that cross state
1 562 Interstate/Local Loop
Local loop charge that is not part of a local exchange
service and is sold in conjunction with an interstate
private line.
1 635
Interstate/ Toll Free
Monthly recurring charge for access to a toll free
number. This represents the interstate portion.
2 1 Intrastate/Toll
Intrastate toll call, MRCs, and other related service types
charges and features. (Call originates and terminates
within the same state.)
2 2 Intrastate/Toll-Free
Intrastate toll-free calls, MRC, and other related service
type charges and features. (Same as Intrastate Toll call
above, however the owner of the toll
-free number pays
all the applicable long distance charges.)
2 3 Intrastate/WATS
Intrastate WATS service charge, MRC, and other related
service type charges and features. (Same as Intrastate
Toll call above, but often sold as a set
-pricing scheme for
a designated long distance calling area.)
2 4 Intrastate/Private Line
Intrastate private line service charge, MRC, and other
related service type charges and features. (Charges are
for a service in which the service originates at the
customer's premises and connects only to a designated
termination location. No switching or access to other
third party lines
. The private line will be entirely within a
state and not cross a state border.)
2 5 Intrastate/Local Exchange
The basic flat rate for intrastate local exchange service.
This transaction/service types will include any applicable
long distance
access line charges, or other local service-
related fees and charges. (Does not include local feature
2 14 Intrastate/Late Charge
Late charge imposed on customers of intrastate LD
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
2 16 Intrastate/900
Intrastate 900 service charge, MRC and other related
service type charges and features. (Same as Intrastate
Toll call above, but the caller of the 900 number pays for
the applicable long distance charges.)
2 27 Intrastate/Data
Intrastate data service charge, MRC, and other related
service type charges and features. (This combination is
appropriate for transmissions that carry data exclusively.
Use Private Line if any component is voice. This is a
recommended mapping for data transmissions carried
over DSL, ATM, T
-1, frame relay lines and other non-
services. This is not for Internet Access provided over
DSL lines.)
2 54
Charges for Directory Assistance calls that are contained
wholly in one state.
2 630 Intrastate/Private Line
(10% Rule)
Intrastate private line service charge, MRC, and other
related service type charges and features. (Charges are
for a service in which the service originates at the
customer's premises and connects only to a designated
termination location. The private li
ne will be entirely
within a state and not cross a state border.) Traffic on
this type of line is considered mixed use and interstate
traffic exceeds 10 percent; thus the revenues are treated
as interstate for Universal Service contribution purposes.
2 631 Intrastate/Data
(10% Rule)
Intrastate data service charge, MRC, and other related
service type charges and features. (This combination is
appropriate for transmissions that carry data exclusively.
Use Private Line if any component is voice. This is
recommended mapping for data transmissions carried
over DSL, ATM, T
-1, frame relay lines and other non-
services. This is not for Internet Access provided over
DSL lines.) Traffic on this type of line is considered mixed
use and interstate traffic
exceeds 10 percent; thus the
revenues are treated as interstate for Universal Service
contribution purposes.
2 635
Intrastate/Toll Free
Monthly recurring charge for access to a toll free
number. This represents the intrastate portion.
3 6
Other/Access Charge
Access for a service that is not already defined as a
transaction/service type. Catch
-all local access charge
Other/Local Loop
Local loop charge that is not part of a local exchange
service and does not fall within any other
transaction/service type category. (Local exchange
providers who are billing local loop charges for local
exchange services should map this charge under
transaction/service type 7-5 [Local Local Exchange].)
Other/Directory Ads
Directory advertisement charges.
3 14 Other/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the “Other” (3) transaction categories.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
3 34 Other/Conference Bridge
Charges for connecting conference participants utilizing a
conferencing bridge. This transaction should be used
when transactions are interstate or cannot be separated
from intrastate services.
Other/Equipment Rental
Charges for Rental of Equipment.
3 38 Other/Wire Maintenance
Monthly recurring charges for inside wiring maintenance
between customer phone and the local carrier's demarc
3 46 Other/PICC
This combination should be used for the charge assessed
by either a LEC
or LD company for maintaining record of
an end user’s choice of LD carrier.
3 47 Other/No Pick PICC
This combination should be used for the charge assessed
by a LEC for maintaining record that end users choose
not to declare an LD carrier. This combination will only
return the necessary State Taxes. It is important to
distinguish this transaction from
3/46 because No Pick
PICC’s are not subject to FUSF.
3 57 Other/Data Processing
Charge for the manipulation of user’s data. This is not to
be confused with the transmission of data.
3 96 Other/No Pick PICC Bundle
This combination should be used for the charge assessed
by a LEC for maintaining record that end users choose
not to declare an LD carrier. This combination will only
return the necessary State Taxes. It is important to
distinguish this transaction from
3/97 because No Pick
PICC’s are not subject to FUSF. This service type should
be used when passing bundled local service as defined in
IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
3 97 Other/PICC Bundle
This combination should be used for the charge assessed
by either a LEC or LD company for maintaining record of
an end users choice of LD carrier. It will return the
proper Federal taxes, such as USF, in addition to
necessary State Taxes, such as Sales Ta
x. This service
type should be used when passing bundled local service
as defined in IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET
Other/Directory Listing
Directory listing charges.
3 575 Other/Conference Bridge-
Charges for connecting intrastate conference participants
utilizing a conferencing bridge. This transaction should
be used when intrastate services do not include dial in or
dial out services.
3 576 Other/Conference Bridge-
Intrastate w Dial In
-minute and per-participant charges for dial-
in service
provided in conjunction with connecting conference
participants utilizing a conferencing bridge when all
participants are located within one state.
3 589
Other/Conference Bridge-
Charges for connecting interstate conference participants
utilizing a conferencing bridge.
3 593
Other/Info Svcs-Private
Physical Trans
A service providing information to private customers by
physical means such as paper.
3 594
Other/Info Svcs-Private
Electronic Trans
A service providing information to private customers by
electronic means.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
3 597 Other/Info Svcs-Public-
Electronic Trans
A service providing the passive receipt of information
other than financial account or securities trading data to
the public by electronic means.
3 598 Other/Info Svcs-Public
Physical Trans
A service providing information to the public by physical
means such as paper.
3 599
Other/E-mail Hosting
A service providing e
-mail hosting to customers.
Other/Real Property Rental
Rental of Real Property Space
3 602
A service rendered for a fee in one of the learned
3 603 Other/Online services
Access to a computer through a remote terminal that
allows retrieval of stored data created by the service
3 608 Other/Conference Bridge
Interstate w Dial-In
Per-minute and per-participant charges for dial-in service
provided in conjunction with connecting conference
participants utilizing a conferencing bridge when all
participants are located in different states.
3 614
Other/Telecom Equipment
Charge for renting telecommunications equipment.
3 632 Other/Service Contracts
An optional contract to cover repairs including parts and
labor. This type of service contract is sold at the same
time the product being covered by the service contract is
3 638
Other/Security Monitoring
A fee paid for the service of monitoring the security of
real or tangible personal property.
3 639
Other/Streaming Internet
The purchase of video via the internet. The purchaser
does not retain possession of the video.
3 644 Other/Info Svcs-Pub Elec
Trans (Fin & Securities)
A service providing the passive receipt of financial
account or securities trading data on to the public by
electronic means.
4 7 Non-Recurring/Service
One-time charge for the actual provisioning of manual
service to a phone system or account. All manual repair
services should fall into this category. (This designation
should not be used for administrative fees or service
change fees.)
4 8 Non-Recurring/Install
-time charge for the installation, administration,
modification, or termination of a telecommunication
service account or service. (Use for install
fee, change
order fees, add
-service fees, and termination
account/service fees. Not for repair/service fees.)
4 11 Non-Recurring/Activation
One-time charge for the activation of a local exchange
service account. (Local only.)
4 14
-Recurring/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the “Non-Recurring” (4) transaction categories.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
5 6 Internet/Access Charge
Charges for internet access services, MRC, and other
related service type charges and features. (Both
minute and flat fee amounts for internet access services
will be mapped to this transaction/service type.)
5 7 Internet/Service
One-time charge for manual, physical service to an
internet system or account, such as a truck roll to the
customer premise
. All manual repair services should fall
into this category.
This designation should not be used
for administrative fees or service change fees.
5 8 Internet/Install
One-time charge for the installation, administration,
modification, or termination of an internet service
account or service.
This should be used for install fee,
change order fees, add
-service fees, and termination
account/service fees, but not for repair/service fees.)
5 10 Internet/Usage
Used for internet access sales that are not a monthly
recurring charge, but are sold to customers on a per
usage basis.
5 11 Internet/Activation
One-time charge for the activation of an internet service
It is mutually exclusive of the other internet
5 29 Internet/Web Hosting
Charges for internet web hosting, MRC, and other related
service type charges and features.
5 58 Internet/Access Line
A telecommunications line purchased, used, or sold by a
provider of Internet access to provide Internet access as
long as the charges are distinguishable from other uses.
6 6 Paging/Access Charge
Basic monthly flat-rate charges for paging services.
(Mutually exclusive of the other paging charges.)
6 10 Paging/Usage
Paging charges for usage. Charges are in addition to any
services covered in the monthly access charge. (Mutually
exclusive of the other paging charges.)
6 11 Paging/Activation
One-time charges for activating a paging account.
(Mutually exclusive of the other paging charges.)
6 13 Paging/Equipment Repair
Charges for paging equipment repair and service.
(Mutually exclusive of the other paging charges.)
7 4 Local/Private Line
Local private line service charge, MRC, and other related
service type charges and features. (Charges are for a
service in which the service originates at the customer's
premises and connects only to a designated termination
location. No switching or acce
ss to other third party
lines. The private line will originate and terminate
entirely within a single city. If the private line is charged
on a basis of time and distance per call or used to make
tolls calls outside of the local calling areas for a set
eriodic/flat fee charge, then the private line should be
mapped as a toll, toll free, or WATS type of service.)
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
7 5 Local/Local Exchange
Charges for monthly recurring charge, usage, local loop,
local flat rates and other similar charges for local telecom
service. This will also include dial tone and any applicable
long distance access line charges, or other local service
related fees and c
harges. (Does not include local feature
charges. See below)
7 14 Local/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the Local (7) transaction categories.
Local/FCC Subscriber Line
Charge for recovering the cost of connecting the
customer premise to the local phone network, often
referred to as the Federal Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) or
the End User Common Line (EUCL) Charge. The FCC has
established per
-line caps for primary and secondary line
charges. Thi
s charge is not a tax or a governmental
assessment, but an authorized charge for the recovery of
cost for providing local exchange service.
Local/Number Portability
Fixed, monthly charge through which local telephone
companies may recover some
of the costs associated
with providing local number portability service. This is
not the LNP Administrative Fee.
7 21 Local/Lines
Designates the number of lines a local service customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of lines designated in the lines field.)
7 24 Local/PBX/Trunk
Designates the number of PBX trunks a local service
customer is using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of lines designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with 7/41 and 7/566.)
7 27 Local/Data
Local data service charge, MRC, and other related service
type charges and features. (This combination is
appropriate for transmissions that carry data exclusively.
Use Private Line if any component is voice. This is a
recommended mappi
ng for data transmissions carried
over DSL, ATM, T
-1, frame relay lines and other non-
services. This is not for Internet Access provided over DSL
7 30 Local/Local Feature
Charges and fee for additional feature charges of local
exchange services. (Includes services such as call waiting,
caller ID, call blocking, call forwarding, etc.)
7 40 Local/Centrex / DID
Designates the number of Centrex / Direct Inward Dialing
extensions a local service customer is using. (Taxab
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
is calculated based on the number of extensions
designated in the lines field. Used in conjunction with
7/42 and 7/587.)
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
7 41 Local/PBX Extension
Designates the number of PBX extensions a local service
customer is using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of extensions designated in the lines field. Used
in conjunction with 7/24 and 7/566.)
7 42 Local/Centrex Trunk
Designates the number of Centrex trunks a local service
customer is using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of trunks designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with 7/40 and 7/587.)
7 43 Local/Invoice
Mapping category for transactions on a per invoice basis.
(Tax is based per invoice per account per billing cycle.
Taxable amount or numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.)
7 45 Local/High Capacity Trunk
Designates the number of High Capacity Trunks a
customer is using. High Capacity Trunks are usually
defined as T1 or greater. (Taxable amount is irrelevant
for this transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based
on the number of High Capacity trunks
designated in the
lines field. Used in conjuction with 7/580 and 7/582.)
7 84 Local/Late Charge Bundle
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the “Local” (
7) transaction categories associated
with bundled transactions. This
service type should be
used when passing bundled local service as defined in IRS
Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 85 Local/Local Exchange
Charges for monthly recurring charge, usage, local loop,
local flat rates and other similar charges for local telecom
service. This will also include dial tone and any applicable
long distance access line charges, or other local service
related fees and charges. (Does not include local feature
charges. See below). This service type should be used
en passing bundled local service as defined in IRS
Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 86 Local/FCC Subscriber Line
Fee Bundle
Charge for recovering the cost of connecting the
customer premise to the local phone network, often
referred to as the Federal Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) or
the End User Common Line (EUCL) Charge. The FCC has
established per
-line caps for primary and secondary line
charges. This charge is not a tax or a governmental
assessment, but an authorized charge for the recovery of
cost for providing local exchange service. This service
type should be used when passing bundled local service
as defined in IRS Notice 2006
-50, as it will not return
Federal Excise Tax (FET).
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
Local/Number Portability
Recovery Bundle
Fixed, monthly charge through which local telephone
companies may recover some of the costs associated
with providing local number portability service. This is
not the LNP Administrative Fee. This service type should
be used when passing bundled local service as
defined in
IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 87 Local/Lines Bundle
Designates the number of lines a local service customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
of lines designated in the lines field.). This
service type should be used when passing bundled local
service as defined in IRS Notice 2006
-50, as it will not
return FET.
7 89 Local/PBX Trunk Bundle
Designates the number of PBX trunks a local service
customer is using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of lines designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with
7/92 and 7/567.) This service type
should be used when passing bundled local service as
defined in IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 90 Local/
Local Feature Charge
Charges and fee for additional feature charges of local
exchange services. (Includes services such as call waiting,
caller ID, call blocking, call forwarding, etc.) This service
type should be used when passing bundled local service
as defined in IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 91 Local/Centrex Extension
Designates the number of Centrex / Direct Inward Dialing
extensions a local service customer is using. (Taxable
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
is calculated based on the number of extensions
designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with
/93 and 7/588.) This service type should be used when
passing bundled local service as defined in IRS Notice
2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 92 Local/PBX Extension
Designates the number of PBX extensions a local service
customer is using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of extensions designated in the lines field. Used
in conjunction with
7/89 and 7/567.) This service type
should be used when passing bundled local service as
defined in IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 93 Local/Centrex Trunk
Designates the number of Centrex trunks a local service
customer is using. (Taxa
ble amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of trunks designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with
7/91 and 7/588.) This service type
should be used when passing bundled local service as
defined in IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
7 94 Local/Invoice Bundle
Mapping category for transactions on a per invoice basis.
(Tax is based per invoice per account per billing cycle.
Taxable amount or numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.) This service type should be
used when passing bundled local service as defined in IRS
Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 95 Local/High Capacity Trunk
Designates the number of High Capacity Trunks a
customer is using. High Capacity Trunks are usually
defined as T1 or greater. (Taxable amount is irrelevant
for this transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based
on the number of High Capacity trunks
designated in the
lines field. Used in conjuction with 7/581 and 7/583.)
7 566 Local/PBX Outbound
Designates the number of voice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises through a PBX
connecting the subscriber's premises to the public
switched network.
(Taxable amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service
type. Tax is calculated based on the number of
extensions designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with 7/24 and 7/41.)
7 567 Local/PBX Outbound
Channel Bundle
Designates the number of voice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises through a PBX
connecting the subscriber's premises to the public
switched network.
(Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of extensions designated in the lines field.
Used in conjunction with 7/89 and 7/92.) This service
type should be used when passing bundled local service
as defined in IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return
7 580 Local/High Capacity
Designates the number of extensions a local customer is
using on a High Capacity Trunk. High Capacity Trunks are
usually defined as T1 or greater. (Taxable amount is
irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax is
ed based on the number of High Capacity
Extensions designated in the lines field. Used in
Conjunction with 7/45 and 7/582.)
7 581 Local/High Capacity
Extension Bundle
Designates the number of extensions a local service
customer is using on a High Capacity Trunk. (Taxable
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
is calculated based on the number of extensions
designated in the lines field. Used in c
onjunction with
/95 and 7/583.) This service type should be used when
passing bundled local service as defined in IRS Notice
2006-50, as it will not return FET.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
7 582 Local/High Capacity
Outbound Channel
Designates the number of outbound channels a local
service customer is using on a High Capacity Trunk.
(Taxable amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service
type. Tax is calculated based on the number of outbound
channels designated in the lines fie
ld. Used in
conjunction with 7/45 and 7/580.)
7 583 Local/High Capacity
Outbound Channel Bundle
Designates the number of outbound channels a local
service customer is using on a High Capacity Trunk.
(Taxable amount is irrelevant for this transaction/s
type. Tax is calculated based on the number of
extensions designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with
7/95 and 7/581.) This service type
should be used when passing bundled local service as
defined in IRS Notice 2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 587 Local/Centrex Outbound
Designates the number of outbound channels a local
service customer is using on a Centrex Trunk. (Taxable
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
is calculated based on the number of outbound channels
designated in the lines field. U
sed in conjunction with
7/40 and 7/42)
7 588 Local/Centrex Outbound
Channel Bundle
Designates the number of outbound channels a local
service customer is using on a Centrex Trunk. (Taxable
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
calculated based on the number of extensions
designated in the lines field. Used in conjunction with
/91 and 7/93) This service type should be used when
passing bundled local service as defined in IRS Notice
2006-50, as it will not return FET.
7 612 Local/FCC Subscriber Line
Fee Multi Line
Charge for recovering the cost of connecting a multi-line
customer premise to the local phone network, often
referred to as the Federal Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) or
the End User Common Line (EUCL) Charge.
The FCC has
established per
-line caps for primary and secondary line
charges. This charge is not a tax or a governmental
assessment, but an authorized charge for the recovery of
cost for providing local exchange for multi-line service.
7 613 Local/FCC Subscriber Line
Fee Multi Line Bundle
Charge for recovering the cost of connecting a multi-line
customer premise to the local phone network, often
referred to as the Federal Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) or
the End User Common Line (EUCL) Charg
e. The FCC has
established per
-line caps for primary and secondary line
charges. This charge is not a tax or a governmental
assessment, but an authorized charge for the recovery of
cost for providing local exchange multi
-line service. This
service type
should be used when passing bundled local
service as defined in IRS Notice 2006
-50, as it will not
return Federal Excise Tax (FET).
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
7 623 Local/Centrex Invoice
Mapping category for transactions on a per invoice basis.
(Tax is based on per invoice per account per billing cycle.
Taxable amount or numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.)
7 625 Local/Customer Premise
Equip Rental
Rental of equipment located at a subscriber's premises
that enable customers to access local
services as defined by the IRS as it will return FET.
7 641 Local/FCC Subscriber Line
Charge Centrex
Charge for recovering the cost of connecting the Centrex
customer premise to the local phone network, often
referred to as the Federal Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) or
the End User Common Line (EUCL) Charge. The FCC has
established per
-line caps for primary and secondary line
charges. This charge is not a tax or a governmental
assessment, but an authorized charge for the recovery of
cost for
providing local exchange service. This
transaction is intended only for taxation of the Subscriber
Line Fee (not the actual fees for Centrex services or the
line counts on Centrex systems).
7 642 Local/FCC Subscriber Line
Charge Centrex Bundle
Charge for recovering the cost of connecting the Centrex
customer premise to the local phone network, often
referred to as the Federal Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) or
the End User Common Line (EUCL) Charge. The FCC has
established per
-line caps for primary and secondary line
charges. This charge is not a tax or a governmental
assessment, but an authorized charge for the recovery of
cost for providing local exchange service. This
transaction is intended only for taxation of the Subscriber
Line Fee (not the actua
l fees for Centrex services or the
line counts on Centrex systems). This service type should
be used when passing bundled local service as defined in
IRS Notice 2006
-50, as it will not return Federal Excise
Tax (FET).
8 10 Fax/Usage
Charges for fax services, MRCs, or other related service-
type fee and charges.
Voice Mail/Access Charge
Basic monthly flat-rate charges for voice mail services.
9 10 Voice Mail/Usage
Voice mail charges for usage. Charges are in addition to
any services provided in the monthly access charge.
Voice Mail/Activation
One-time charge for activating a voice mail account.
9 14 Voice Mail/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the Voice Mail (9) transaction categories..
General sales tax rates.
General use tax rates.
10 32 Sales/Debit
Calculation of sales tax on a debit charge (prepaid
charge) that is determined by state law to be a point of
sale transaction.
10 63
Sales/Restocking Fee –
Fee charged to reimburse the cost of restocking a rented
item. The returned item cannot be modified in any form.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
10 64 Sales/Restocking Fee –
Fee charged to reimburse the cost of restocking a
purchased item. The returned item cannot be modified
in any form.
10 65 Sales/Partial Credit
A credit that is less than the full amount of the original
purchase. The reason for the credit reduction must me
due to a restocking or handling type fee.
10 103 Sales/Sales Tax and FUSF
This transaction/service pair returns Sales Tax and FUSF.
does not recommend using this combination for
any type of telecom service. However, if you feel you
provide a service that is only subject to Sales Tax and
FUSF, then you can use this transaction/service
10 565 Sales/Debit-Wireless
The Point-of-Sale (POS) purchase of prepaid, pay-as-you-
go wireless services sold by the phone carrier or a party
controlled by the phone carrier.
10 568
Sales/Central Office
Sale of tangible property to a telecommunications
provider for the provision of phone service.
10 569
Sales/Central Office
Use of tangible property to a telecommunications
provider for the provision of phone service.
10 643 Sales/Debit-Wireless
(Indirect Non-Carrier Sale)
The Point-of-Sale (POS) purchase of prepaid, pay-as-you-
go wireless services sold by a party other than the phone
carrier or a party controlled by the phone carrier.
10 655 Sales/Locked Cell Phone
Purchase of cell phone equipment restricted to a
particular cell phone network by a locking code.
11 17 Shipping/FOB Origin
Shipping charge for FOB origin transactions. (Shipping
charges only.)
11 18 Shipping/FOB Destination
Shipping charge for FOB destination transactions.
(Shipping charges only.)
12 6 Natural Gas/Access Charge
Basic flat-rate charges for natural gas services. (Non-
telecom. Natural gas only.)
12 19 Natural Gas/Consumption
Natural gas charges for consumption of natural gas.
(Non-telecom. Natural gas only.)
13 6 Cellular/Access Charge
Basic monthly flat-rate charge for cellular/wireless
13 10 Cellular/Usage
Cellular/wireless per-minute and/or per-use charges.
Charges are in addition to any monthly access or roaming
charges billed to customer.
13 11 Cellular/Activation
One-time charge for activating a cellular/wireless
13 14 Cellular/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the Cellular (13) transaction categories.
13 30 Cellular/Feature Charge
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of
services. (Includes services such as call waiting,
caller ID, call blocking, call forwarding, etc.)
13 33 Cellular/Roaming Charge
Per-use, per-minute charges for cellular use outside of
the designated service area of the providing carrier.
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Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
13 43 Cellular/Invoice
Mapping category for transactions on a per invoice basis.
(Tax is based per invoice per account per billing cycle.
Taxable amount or numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.)
13 49 Cellular/Interstate Usage
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages. Cellular/wireless per
minute and/or per
-use interstate charges. Charges are in
addition to any interstate monthly access or interstate
roaming charges billed to customer.
50 Cellular/Intrastate Usage
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages. Cellular/wireless per
minute and/or per
-use intrastate charges. Charges are in
addition to any intrastate monthly access or intrastate
roaming charges billed to customer.
13 51 Cellular/International
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that originate inside the United States and terminate
outside the United States.
13 98 Cellular/Access Number
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages or for passing transactions
for multiple line accounts. Designates the number of
access numbers assigned to an account.
13 99 Cellular/Interstate Access
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages. Designates the portion of
the basic monthly access charge that is interstate.
13 100 Cellular/Intrastate Access
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages. Designates the portion of
the basic monthly access charge that is intrastate.
13 101
Cellular/Interstate Roaming
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages. Per
-use, per-minute
charges for i
nterstate cellular use outside of the
designated service area of the providing carrier.
13 102
Cellular/Intrastate Roaming
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages. Per
-use, per-minute
charges for intrastate c
ellular use outside of the
designated service area of the providing carrier.
572 Cellular/Digital Download
The purchase of goods such as ringtones downloaded to
a cell phone.
13 577
Cellular/Enhanced Features
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of
wireless services which are separate from voice
transmission related features as defined by the FCC.
(Includes services such as voicemail, interactive voice
response, audiotext information services, and protocol
13 591
Cellular/Access Charge-No
Basic monthly flat rate charge for cellular/wireless service
that is sold without a contract.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
13 592
Access Number-
For use when carrier is passing actual traffic and not
using safe harbor percentages. Design
ates the number
of access numbers assigned to a wireless account that is
sold without a contract.
13 610
Early Termination Fees
A fee charged for early termination of Cellular service.
13 622 Cellular/Text Message
A fee charged to cellular customers for Text Messaging
14 15 International/Product
Supply of goods for consideration within countries other
than Canada, USA, and US territories.
14 25 International/USA Inbound
International calls inbound to the USA that are
billed to
an international address. Outbound international calls
should be mapped as Interstate/International Toll calls
[1/12]. (Call must be billed to a non-USA address.)
14 658 International/Product -
India Interstate Supply
Supply of goods for consideration within India in which
the location of the supplier and the place of supply occur
in different states or territories.
14 659 International/Product -
India Intrastate Supply
Supply of goods for consideration within India in which
the location
of the supplier and the place of supply occur
in the same state or territory.
15 7 Telephony/Service
All telephone service in countries other than the USA,
Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
15 624
Wireless Service
All wireless telephone service in countries other than the
USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
15 627 Telephony/Internet Access
All Internet Access in countries other than Canada, USA
and US territories.
15 629
All Messaging Services in countries other than Canada,
USA and US territories.
15 656 Telephony/Service - India
Interstate Supply
Telephone service in India in which the location of the
supplier and the place of supply occur in different states
or territories.
15 657 Telephony/Service - India
Intrastate Supply
Telephone service in India in which the location of the
supplier and the place of supply occur in the same state
or territory.
16 6
Cable Television/Access
Charge (Alias Basic Service)
Basic monthly flat
charge for cable television service.
16 8 Cable Televsion/Install
One-time charge for the installation of any cable
television service.
16 13
Cable Televsion/Equipment
Charges for cable equipment repair and service.
16 14
Cable Televsion/Late
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the Cable (16) transaction categories.
16 35 Cable Televsion/Premium
Premium monthly flat
-rate charge for cable television
premium channel(s) service.
16 36 Cable Televsion/Pay Per
View Service
Pay per view monthly charges for cable television pay per
view service.
16 37
Cable Televsion/Equipment
Equipment (box/switch) monthly charges for cable
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
16 39 Cable Televsion/TV Guide
Charge for TV Guide Sourcing publication for cable
television services.
16 584
Cable Televsion/Digital
Channel Tier
Charge for cable television digital tier service.
16 610
Cable Television
Early Termination Fees
A fee charged for early termination of Cable Television
16 615
Television/Equipment Sales
Sales of cable television equipment.
16 654
Cable Television/
Equipment Rental Basic
Equipment (box/switch) monthly charges for cable
television that provide basic service only.
18 6
Satellite Televsion/Access
Charge (Alias Basic Service)
Basic monthly flat-rate charge for satellite television
18 8 Satellite Televsion/Install
One-time charge for the installation of any satellite
television service.
18 13
Charges for
satellite equipment repair and service.
18 14
Satellite Televsion/Late
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the Satellite (18) transaction categories.
18 35
Televsion/Premium Service
Premium monthly flat rate charge for satellite television
premium channel(s) service.
18 36
Satellite Televsion/Pay Per
View Service
Pay per view monthly charges for satellite television pay
per view service.
18 37
Equipment (box/switch) mont
hly charges for satellite
18 39
Satellite Televsion/TV
Charge for TV Guide Sourcing publication for satellite
television service.
VoIP/Access Charge
Basic monthly flat rate for VoIP service.
Charge for installation of VoIP services.
19 11 VoIP/Activation
One-time charges for activating a VoIP account.
(Mutually exclusive of the other VoIP charges.)
19 13 VoIP/Equipment Repair
Charge for repair of equipment necessary to make VoIP
19 14 VoIP/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the VoIP (19) transaction categories.
19 21 VoIP/Lines
Designates the quantity of numbers a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of lines designated in the lines field.) This service
type will return E911 at the landline rate regardless of
whether it is paired with the VoIP or VoIPA transaction
19 30 VoIP/Feature Charge
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of VoIP
services. (Includes services such as call waiting, caller ID,
call blocking, call forwarding, etc.)
19 37 VoIP/Equipment Rental
Charge for renting equipment necessary to make VoIP
phone calls.
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Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
19 41 VoIP/PBX Extension
Designates the number of VoIP PBX extensions a VoIP
service customer is using. Taxable amount is irrelevant
for this transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based
on the number of extensions designated in the lines field.
Used in conjunction with 19/566 and 19/578.
19 43 VoIP/Invoice
Mapping category for transactions on a per invoice basis.
(Tax is based per invoice per account per billing cycle.
Taxable amount or numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.)
19 48 VoIP/Wireless Access
This will tax similar to Cellular/Access Charge. Federal
and State USF are applied, but at the wireless safe harbor
19 49 VoIP/Interstate Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that cross
state lines but do not leave the United
19 50 VoIP/Intrastate Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that do not cross state lines.
19 51 VoIP/International Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that originate inside the United States and terminate
outside the United States.
19 52 VoIP/Wireless Lines
Designates the quantity of numbers a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount and number of lines are
irrelevant for this service type. Tax is calculated based on
the number of transactions passed. For two lines you
would pass two transactions.) This service type will return
E911 at the wireless rate regardless of whether it is
paired with the VoIP or VoIPA transaction type.
19 53 VoIP/LNP
Fixed, monthly charge associated with transferring an
existing phone number to a VoIP service provider.
19 566 VoIP/PBX Outbound
Designates the number of voice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises through a VoIP
PBX connect
ing the subscriber's premises to the public
switched network. Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of outbound channels designated in the lines
field. Used in Conjunction with 19/41 and 19/578.
19 577 VoIP/Enhanced Features
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of VoIP
services which are separate from voice transmission
related features as defined by the FCC. (Includes services
such as voicemail, interactive voice response,
information services, and protocol processing.)
19 578 VoIP/PBX
Designates the number of PBX trunks a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of trunks desi
gnated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with 19/41 and 19/566.)
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
19 579 VoIP/PBX High Capacity
Designates the number of High Capacity Trunks a
customer is using. Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated ba
sed on the
number of High Capacity Trunks designated in the lines
field. Used in conjunction with 19/580 and 19/582.
19 580 VoIP/High Capacity
Designates the number of VoIP extensions a VoIP service
customer is using on a High Capacity Trunk.
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
is calculated based on the number of extensions
designated in the lines field.)Designates the number of
VoIP extensions a VoIP service customer is using on a
High Capacity Trunk. Taxable
amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of extensions designated in the lines field. Used
in conjunction with 19/579 and 19/582.
19 582 VoIP/High Capacity
Outbound Channel
Designates the number of v
oice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises through a VoIP
High Capacity Trunk connecting the subscriber's premises
to the public switched network. Taxable amount is
irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax is
calculated b
ased on the number of outbound channels
designated in the lines field. Used in conjunction with
19/579 and 19/580.
19 596
VoIP/Access-Local Only
Basic monthly flat rate charge for Local Only Service VoIP.
19 635 VoIP/Toll Free Number
Monthly recurring charge for access to a VoIP toll free
VoIPA/Access Charge
Basic monthly flat rate for VoIP service.
Charge for installation of VoIP services.
20 11 VoIPA/Activation
One-time charges for activating a VoIP account.
(Mutually exclusive of the other VoIP charges.)
20 13 VoIPA/Equipment Repair
Charge for repair of equipment necessary to make VoIP
20 14 VoIPA/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the VoIPA (20) transaction categories.
20 21 VoIPA/Lines
Designates the quantity of numbers a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of lines designated in the lines field.) This service
type will return E911 at the landline rate regardless of
whether it is paired with the VoIP or VoIPA transaction
20 30 VoIPA/Feature Charge
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of VoIP
services. (Includes services such as ca
ll waiting, caller ID,
call blocking, call forwarding, etc.)
20 37 VoIPA/Equipment Rental
Charge for renting equipment necessary to make VoIP
phone calls.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
20 41 VoIPA/PBX Extension
Designates the number of VoIP PBX extensions a VoIP
service customer is
using. Taxable amount is irrelevant
for this transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based
on the number of extensions designated in the lines field.
Used in conjunction with 20/566 and 20/578.
20 43 VoIPA/Invoice
Mapping category for transactions on a per invoice basis.
(Tax is based per invoice per account per billing cycle.
Taxable amount or numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.)
20 48 VoIPA/Wireless Access
This will tax similar to Cellular/Access Charge. Federal
and State USF are applied, but at the wireless safe harbor
20 49 VoIPA/Interstate Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that cross state lines but do not leave the United
20 50 VoIPA/Intrastate Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that do not cross state lines.
20 51 VoIPA/International Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that originate inside the United States and terminate
outside the United States.
20 52 VoIPA/Wireless Lines
Designates the quantity of numbers a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount and number of lines are
irrelevant for this service type. Tax is calculated based on
the number of transactions
passed. For two lines you
would pass two transactions.) This service type will return
E911 at the wireless rate regardless of whether it is
paired with the VoIP or VoIPA transaction type.
20 53 VoIPA/LNP
Fixed, monthly charge associated with transferring an
existing phone number to a VoIP service provider.
20 566 VoIPA/PBX Outbound
Designates the number of voice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises through a VoIP
PBX connecting the subscribers premises to the public
switched network. Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of outbound channels designated in the lines
field. Used in conjunction with 20/41 and 20/578.
20 577 VoIPA/Enhanced Features
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of VoIP
services which are separate from basic transmission
services. (Includes services such as voicemail, interactive
voice response, audiotext information services, and
protocol processing.)
20 578 VoIPA/PBX
Designates the number of PBX trunks a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of trunks designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with 20/41 and 20/566.)
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
20 579 VoIPA/PBX High Capacity
Designates the number of High Capacity Trunks a
customer is using. Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of High Capacity Trunks designated in the lines
field. Used in conjunction with 20/580 and 20/582.
20 580 VoIPA/High Capacity
Designates the number of VoIP extensions a VoIP service
customer is using on a High Capacity Trunk. Taxable
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
is ca
lculated based on the number of extensions
designated in the lines field. Used in conjunction with
20/579 and 20/582.
20 582 VoIPA/High Capacity
Outbound Channel
Designates the number of voice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises
through a VoIP
High Capacity Trunk connecting the subscriber's premises
to the public switched network. Taxable amount is
irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax is
calculated based on the number of High Capacity
Outbound Channels designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with 20/579 and 20/580.
20 596
VoIPA/Access-Local Only
Basic monthly flat rate charge for Local Only Service VoIP.
20 635 VoIPA/Toll Free Number
Monthly recurring charge for access to a VoIP toll free
21 21 Payphone/Lines
Line charges for provisioning of service to a coin
operated phone. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of lines designated in the lines field.)
21 49 Payphone/Interstate Usage
Charges for calls that cross state boundaries from a coin
operated phone.
21 50 Payphone/Intrastate Usage
Charges for calls that do not cross state boundaries from
a coin operated phone.
Payphone/Local Usage
Charges for local calls from a coin operated phone.
21 56 Payphone/Provisioning
MRC related charges for the provisioning of service to a
coin-operated phone.
24 59 Software/Licensed
An agreement for the use of software for a specified
period. Transferrable to the customer by physical means,
which the customer retains.
24 60
Maintenance Agreement
A contract that covers the contract holder for the
expense of maintaining and updating software.
24 61
Software/Report on CD or
Paper Form
Report generated and provided to end user delivered on
CD or paper.
24 595 Software/Downloaded
Licensed Software
An agreement for the use of software for a specified
Transferable to the computer by electronic
24 636 Software/Remotely
Accessed Software
A service that provides access and usage of software that
remains in the possession of the seller and is remotely
accessed by a customer. If data is manipulated
by the
software, it is user created data.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
25 62
Access to a computer through a remote terminal that
allows retrieval of stored data created by the user.
25 646 Timesharing/Information
Retrieval (Provider Data)
Access to a computer through a remote terminal that
allows retrieval of stored data created by the service
25 660 Timesharing/No Retrieval-
Disaster Recovery
Access to a computer through a remote terminal for the
purposes of data storage. Retrieval only
for disaster
58 563 Dark Fiber Lease/Facilities
Lease of Dark Fiber installed on property owned by the
58 564 Dark Fiber Lease/Non-
Lease of Dark Fiber installed on property not owned by
the lessor.
58 604
Dark Fiber Lease
Facilities/Local Svc
Lease of Dark Fiber installed on property owned by the
lessor used for local telecommunications service
58 605
Dark Fiber Lease/Non-
Facilities-Local Svc
Lease of Dark Fiber installed on property not owned by
the lessor used for local telecommunications service
59 6
VoIP Nomadic/Access
Basic monthly flat rate for VoIP service.
VoIP Nomadic/Install
Charge for installation of VoIP services.
59 11 VoIP Nomadic/Activation
One-time charges for activating a VoIP account.
(Mutually exclusive of the other VoIP charges.)
59 13
VoIP Nomadic/Equipment
Charge for repair of equipment necessary to make VoIP
59 14 VoIP Nomadic/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the VoIP Nomadic transaction categories.
59 21 VoIP Nomadic/Lines
Designates the quantity of numbers a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of lines designated in the lines field.)
59 30 VoIP Nomadic/Feature
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of VoIP
services. (Includes services such as call waiting, caller ID,
call blocking, call forwarding, etc.)
59 37
VoIP Nomadic/Equipment
Charge for renting equipment necessary to make VoIP
phone calls.
59 41 VoIP Nomadic/PBX
Designates the number of VoIP PBX extensions a local
service customer is using. Taxable amount is irrelevant
for this transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based
on the number of extensions designated in the lines field.
Used in conjunction with 59/566 and 59/578.
59 43 VoIP Nomadic/Invoice
Mapping category for transactions on a per invoice basis.
(Tax is based per invoice per account per billing cycle.
Taxable amount or numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.)
59 49 VoIP Nomadic/Interstate
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that cross state lines but do not leave the United
59 50
VoIP Nomadic/Intrastate
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that do not cross state lines.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
59 51
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
calls that originate inside the United States and terminate
outside the United States.
59 53 VoIP Nomadic/LNP
Fixed, monthly charge associated with transferring an
existing phone number to a VoIP service provider.
59 566 VoIP Nomadic/PBX
Outbound Channel
Designates the number of voice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises throu
gh a VoIP
PBX connecting the subscriber's premises to the public
switched network. Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of outbound channels designated in the lines
field. Used in conjunction with 59/41 and 59/578.
59 577 VoIP Nomadic/Enhanced
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of VoIP
services which are separate from basic transmission
services. (Includes services such as voicemail, interactive
voice response,
audiotext information services, and
protocol processing.)
59 578 VoIP Nomadic/PBX
Designates the number of PBX trunks a VoIP customer is
using. (Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax is calculated based on the
number of tru
nks designated in the lines field. Used in
conjunction with 59/41 and 59/566.)
59 579 VoIP Nomadic/PBX High
Designates the number of High Capacity Trunks a
customer is using. Taxable amount is irrelevant for this
transaction/service type. Tax
is calculated based on the
number of High Capacity Trunks designated in the lines
field. Used in conjunction with 59/580 and 59/582.
59 580 VoIP Nomadic/High
Capacity Extension
Designates the number of VoIP extensions a VoIP service
customer is using on
a High Capacity Trunk. Taxable
amount is irrelevant for this transaction/service type. Tax
is calculated based on the number of extensions
designated in the lines field. Used in conjunction with
59/579 and 59/582.
59 582
VoIP Nomadic/High
Capacity Outbound
Designates the number of voice grade communications
channels leaving a subscriber's premises through a VoIP
High Capacity Trunk connecting the subscriber's premises
to the public switched network. Taxable amount is
irrelevant for this tra
nsaction/service type. Tax is
calculated based on the number of outbound channels
designated in the lines field. Used in conjunction with
59/579 and 59/580.
59 635
VoIP Nomadic/Toll Free
Monthly recurring charge for access to a VoIP Nomadic
toll free number.
60 10 Satellite Phone/Usage
Satellite per minute and/or per use charges. Avalara has
added this combination for development and testing
Avalara plans that the combination will be
available for use in tax production approximately the first
of the year.
VPN/Interstate MPLS
Charge for Interstate Virtual Private Network using MPLS.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
VPN/Intrastate MPLS
Charge for Intrastate Virtual Private Network using MPLS.
61 650 VPN/MPLS Intrastate
One-time charge for the activation of an intrastate virtual
private network (VPN) using multiprotocol label switching
(MPLS). It is mutually exclusive of the other VPN charges.
61 651 VPN/MPLS Install
One-time charge for the installation, administration,
modification, or termination of a virtual private network
(VPN) using multiprotocol label switching (MPLS). This
should be used for install fee, change order fees, add
service fees, and ter
mination account/service fees, but
not for repair/service fees.
61 652 VPN/MPLS Service
One-time charge for manual, physical service to a virtual
private network (VPN) using multiprotocol label switching
(MPLS), such as a truck roll to the customer premis
e. All
manual repair services should fall into this category.
designation should not be used for administrative fees or
service change fees.
61 653 VPN/MPLS Interstate
One-time charge for the activation of an interstate virtual
private network (VPN) using multiprotocol label switching
(MPLS). It is mutually exclusive of the other VPN charges.
64 648 Conferencing/Intrastate
with FCC Jurisdiction
Per-minute and per-participant charges for dial-in service
provided in conjunction with conn
ecting conference
participants utilizing a conferencing bridge when all
participants are located within one state. Intended to be
used to return Federal charges with the State charges.
64 649 Conferencing/Interstate
without FCC Jurisdiction
Per-minute and per-participant charges for dial in service
provided in conjunction with connecting conference
participants utilizing a conferencing bridge when all
participants are located in different states. Intended to
be used to return State charges for conferen
cing without
Federal charges.
65 6
VoIP/Access Charge
Basic monthly flat rate for non-interconnected VoIP
65 11 Non-Interconnected
One-time charges for activating a non-interconnected
VoIP account. (Mutually
exclusive of the other VoIP
65 14 Non-Interconnected
VoIP/Late Charge
Category for late charges that were originally taxed using
one of the “Non
-Interconnected VoIP” transaction
65 30 Non-Interconnected
VoIP/Feature Charge
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of non-
interconnected VoIP services. (Includes services such as
call waiting, caller ID, call blocking, call forwarding, etc.)
65 43 Non-Interconnected
Mapping category for non-interconnected VoIP
actions on a per invoice basis. (Tax is based per
invoice per account per billing cycle. Taxable amount or
numbers of lines are irrelevant for this
transaction/service type.)
65 49 Non-Interconnected
VoIP/Interstate Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
-interconnected VoIP calls that cross state lines but
do not leave the United States.
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Table 2-1 Valid Transaction / Service Pairs
Trans Type
Svc Type
65 50 Non-Interconnected
VoIP/Intrastate Usage
Portion of MRC, or per-minute charges, attributable to
-interconnected VoIP calls that do not cross state
65 51 Non-Interconnected
VoIP/International Usage
Portion of MRC, or per
-minute charges, attributable to
-interconnected VoIP calls that originate inside the
United States and terminate outside the United States.
65 577 Non-Interconnected
VoIP/Enhanced Features
Charges and fees for additional feature charges of non-
interconnected VoIP services which are separate from
basic transmission services. (Includes services such as
voicemail, interactive voice response, audio text
information services, and protocol processing.)
Additional Transaction/Service Pairings Supported in Telecom
Note: These Transaction/Service pairings are available for use in the U.S only.
Table 2-2 Transaction and Service Types
Trans Type
Svc Type
24 491 Software/Canned Software
Software written for multiple users.
Transferable to the computer by
physical means, which the customer
24 492 Software/Modified Charges
Charges to modify canned software for
a specific user.
24 493 Software/Modified Software
Software modified for a specific
purpose for a specific user.
Transferable to the computer by
physical means which the customer
24 494 Software/Custom Software
Software written for a specific purpose
for a specific user. Transferable to the
computer by physical means which the
customer retains
24 495 Software/Canned Software-Load and
Software written for multiple users.
Transferable to the computer by
physical means which the software
provider retains after installation.
24 496 Software/Custom Software-Load and
Software written for a specific purpose
for a specific user. Transferable to the
computer by physical means which the
software provider retains after
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Table 2-2 Transaction and Service Types
Trans Type
Svc Type
24 497 Software/Licensed Software-Load and
An agreement for the use of software
for a specified period. Transferable to
the computer by physical means which
the software provider retains after
24 498 Software/Modified Software-Load and
Software modified for a specific
purpose for a specific user.
Transferable to the computer by
physical means which the software
provider retains after installation.
24 499 Software/Downloaded Custom
Software written for a specific purpose
for a specific user. Transferable to the
computer by electronic means.
24 500 Software/Downloaded Canned
Software written for multiple users.
Transferable to the computer by
electronic means.
24 502 Software/Modified Software-Download
Software modified for a specific
purpose for a specific user.
Transferable to the computer by
electronic means.
24 503 Software/Software Set Up-Optional-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering pre-written
software transferred by physical means
that is retained by the user. The user
has the option of installing the software
24 504 Software/Software Set Up-Optional-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. This covers custom
software no matter the means
transferred. The user has the option of
installing the software themselves.
24 505 Software/Software Set Up-Optional-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering pre-written
software transferred by electronic
means. The user has the option of
installing the software themselves.
24 506 Software/Software Set Up-Optional-
Load and Leave
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering pre-written
software transferred by physical means
that is retained by the seller. The user
has the option of installing the software
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Table 2-2 Transaction and Service Types
Trans Type
Svc Type
24 507 Software/Software Set Up-Optional-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering modified software
transferred by physical means that is
retained by the user. The user has the
option of installing the software
24 508 Software/Software Set Up-Mandatory-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering pre-written
software transferred by physical means
that is retained by the user. The user
does not have the option of installing
the software themselves.
24 509 Software/Software Set Up-Mandatory-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. This covers custom
software no matter the means
transferred. The user does not have the
option of installing the software
24 510 Software/Software Set Up-Mandatory-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering pre-written
software transferred by electronic
means. The user does not have the
option of installing the software
24 511 Software/Software Set Up-Mandatory-
Load and Leave
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering pre-written
software transferred by physical means
that is retained by the seller. The user
does not have the option of installing
the software themselves.
24 512 Software/Software Set Up-Mandatory-
Charges for the set up and installation
of software into the purchaser’s
equipment. Covering modified software
transferred by physical means that is
retained by the user. The user does not
have the option of installing the
software themselves.
24 513 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 514 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
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Table 2-2 Transaction and Service Types
Trans Type
Svc Type
24 515 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 516 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 517 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 518 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training
24 519 Software/Computer Consulting-
Optional-Load and Leave
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 520 Software/Computer Consulting-
Mandatory-Load and Leave
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 521 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 522 Software/Computer Consulting-
Charges often considered design and
planning for software but not to include
actual training.
24 523 Software/Computer Training-Optional-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for canned software and the customer
has a choice on whether to take the
24 524 Software/Computer Training-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for canned software and the customer
does not have a choice on whether to
take the course.
24 525 Software/Computer Training-Optional-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for custom software and the customer
has a choice on whether to take the
24 526 Software/Computer Training-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for custom software and the customer
does not have a choice on whether to
take the course.
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Table 2-2 Transaction and Service Types
Trans Type
Svc Type
24 527 Software/Computer Training-Optional-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for pre-written software transferred
electronically and the customer has a
choice on whether to take the course.
24 528 Software/Computer Training-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for pre-written software transferred
electronically and the customer does
not have a choice on whether to take
the course.
24 529 Software/Computer Training-Optional-
Load and Leave
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for pre-written software transferred by
a medium kept by the purchaser and
the customer has a choice on whether
to take the course.
24 530 Software/Computer Training-
Mandatory-Load and Leave
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for pre-written software transferred by
a medium kept by the purchaser and
the customer does not have a choice
on whether to take the course.
24 531 Software/Computer Training-Optional-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for modified software and the
customer has a choice on whether to
take the course.
24 532 Software/Computer Training-
Charges for training the purchaser on
the use of new software. The training is
for modified software and the
customer does not have a choice on
whether to take the course.
25 533 Timesharing/Timesharing - Off-Site Use
of CPU - General Rule
Access to computer through a remote
terminal that allows computations.
25 534 Timesharing/CPU Located out of State
Access to computer through a remote
terminal that allows computations.
29 128
Books-Educational/College & Trade
Books used specifically for students of
college and trade school.
32 106 Electronic Equipment & Computer
Hardware/General Rule
Covers any electronic equipment or
computer hardware not otherwise
32 174
Electronic Equipment & Computer
Hardware/Monitors Less Than 4 Inches
Monitors or Device and Monitors with a
viewing screen of less than 4 inches.
32 175
Electronic Equipment & Computer
Hardware/Monitors Between 5-14
Monitors or Device and Monitors with a
viewing screen of between 5-14 inches.
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Table 2-2 Transaction and Service Types
Trans Type
Svc Type
32 176
Electronic Equipment & Computer
Hardware/Monitors Between Than 15-
34 Inches
Monitors or Device and Monitors with a
viewing screen of between 15-34
32 177
Electronic Equipment & Computer
Hardware/Monitors Greater Than 35
Monitors or Device and Monitors with a
viewing screen of greater than 35
34 106 General Merchandise/General Rule
Any tangible personal property not
otherwise considered in any other
transaction type/service type.
34 230 General Merchandise/Coupon Books
Books that have coupons enclosed to
use as discounts at various
34 232
General Merchandise/Non-Lead Based
34 574 General Merchandise/Fixture
Tangible personal property that is
installed in real property and qualifies
as a fixture of the real property.
36 247 Magazines/Subscription-Annually-
Delivered by US Mail
A publication with a soft cover and
indexed articles published once a year
delivered by Second Class Mail or
36 250 Magazines/Subscription-Quarterly-
Delivered by US Mail
A publication with a soft cover and
indexed articles published every three
months delivered by Second Class Mail
or below.
36 361 Magazines/Digital Product – Retail
A magazine publication transveyed
electronically and sold online on a per
copy basis.
36 362 Magazines/Digital Product –
A magazine publication transveyed
electronically and sold online as part of
a subscription to the magazine.
42 361 Newspaper/Digital Product - Retail
A newsprint publication transveyed
electronically and sold online on a per
copy basis.
42 362 Newspaper/Digital Product -
A newsprint publication transveyed
electronically and sold online as part of
a subscription to the newspaper.
44 387
Rentals & Leasing/Movie Rentals--
Private Use--Digital Download
Movies rented for private viewing
transveyed by electronic means
47 414 Services Printing/Printing Services
Charges for printing or imprinting items
unto tangible personal property
provided directly or indirectly by the
47 415 Services Printing/Copying Services
Charges for duplicating customer
provided materials to another
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Table 2-2 Transaction and Service Types
Trans Type
Svc Type
48 416 Services Professional/Credit Card
Processing Fee-Part of Sale
A fee charged by the vendor to recover
credit card processing cost. The fee is
charged as part of the sale.
48 417 Services Professional/Credit Card
Processing Fee-Separate Sale
A fee charged by the vendor to recover
credit card processing cost. The fee is
charged as a separate sale.
48 420 Services Professional/Protection &
Security Services
A fee paid for the service of protecting
or securing real or tangible personal
48 434 Services Professional/Advertising
Fees paid for the services used
generally to advertise a company's
message in printed form
48 439 Services Professional/Background
Music Services
Services that provide music for a fee to
various businesses to create further
48 447 Services Professional/Telephone
Answering Service
Fee charged to answer phones and take
messages on behalf of an individual or
48 557 Services Professional/Service-
Information Systems Services
Charge for the manipulation of user’s
data. This is not to be confused with
the transmission of data.
50 473
Services Repair/Repair Parts - General
Parts used to regain the function of or
extend the operational life of an item.
57 560 Digital Goods/Download from Internet
The purchase of goods such as music,
books, or phone ringtones downloaded
from the internet.
57 561 Digital Goods/Download to Phone
The purchase of goods such as
ringtones downloaded to a cell phone.
57 609 Digital Goods/Streaming Video
The purchase of video via the internet.
The purchaser does not retain
possession of the video.
File transervdescsau.txt
A file named transervdescsau.txt is present in the database directory in each month’s update. This file
contains all of the valid transaction type/service type pairs, with the description of those types and of the
pairing. It is a fixed format file, though there are spaces and commas between some of the fields for
readability. It is described in the table below.
transervdesc.txt File Format Key
Alternate Flag
Market Number
Market Name
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transervdesc.txt File Format Key
Transaction Type Number
Transaction Type Description
Service Type Number
Service Type Description
Long Description
148-end of line
Transaction Mapping Guidelines
Long Distance Transaction and Service Types
The long distance transaction and service types provide the ability to tax 1+, 0+, 800, 900, WATS and
private lines for both interstate and intrastate calls. The capability to tax access charges, late charges,
services, installations and International USA Inbound transactions is also provided.
Refer to Table 2-3 for a list of combined transaction and service types that are used for taxing long
distance transactions.
Table 2-3 Long Distance Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
1 – Interstate
1 – Toll
2 – Toll-Free
3 – WATS
4 – Private Line
12 – International Toll
14 – Late Charge
16 – 900
27 – Data
54 – Directory Assistance
562 – Local Loop
635 – Toll Free Number
2 – Intrastate
1 – Toll
2 – Toll-Free
3 – WATS
4 – Private Line
5 – Local Exchange
14 – Late Charge
16 – 900
27 – Data
54 – Directory Assistance
630 – Private Line (10% Rule)
631 – Data (10% Rule)
635 – Toll Free Number
3 – Other
6 – Access Charge
6 – Local Loop
9 – Directory Ads
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Table 2-3 Long Distance Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
14 – Late Charge
34 – Conference Bridge
37 – Equipment Rental
38 – Wire Maintenance
46 – PICC
47 – No Pick PICC
57 – Data Processing
96 – No Pick PICC Bundle
97 – PICC Bundle
570 – Directory Listing
575 – Conference Bridge- Intrastate
576 – Conference Bridge-Intrastate w
589 – Conference Bridge-Interstate
593 – Info Svcs-Private Physical Trans
594 – Info Svcs-Private Electronic
597 – Info Svcs-Public-Electronic
598 – Info Svcs-Public Physical Trans
599 – E-mail hosting service
600 – Real Property Rental
602 – Services-Professional
603 – Online Services
608 – Conference Bridge Interstate w
614 – Telecom Equipment Rental
632 – Service Contracts
638 – Security Monitoring Services
639 – Streaming Internet Video
644 – Info Svcs-Pub Elec Trans (Fin &
4 – Non-recurring
7 – Service
8 – Install
8 – Local Install
11 – Local Activation
14 – Late Charge
14 – International
25 – USA Inbound
Wireless Transaction and Service Types
Refer to Table 2-4 for a list of combined transaction and service types that are provided for taxing cellular
and PCS long distance transactions.
Table 2-4 Wireless Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
13 – Cellular
6 – Access Charge
10 – Usage
11 – Activation
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Table 2-4 Wireless Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
14 – Late Charge
30 – Feature Charge
33 – Roaming Charge
49 – Interstate Usage
50 – Intrastate Usage
98 – Access number
99 – Interstate Access Charge
100 – Intrastate Access Charge
101 – Interstate Roaming
102 – Intrastate Roaming
572 – Digital Download
577 – Enhanced Features
591 – Access Charge-No Contract
592 – Access Number-No Contract
610 – Early Termination Fees
622 – Text Message
Enhanced Service Transaction and Service Types
These transaction and service types allow the taxing of internet, paging, FAX, and voice mail
services. Refer to Table 2-5 for a list of combined transaction and service types that are typically
used for taxing enhanced service transactions.
Table 2-5 Enhanced Service Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
6 – Paging
6 – Access Charge
10 – Usage
11 – Activation
13 – Equipment Repair
8 – Fax
10 – Usage
9 – Voice mail
6 – Access Charge
10 – Usage
11 – Activation
14 – Late Charge
Internet Transaction and Service Types
The federal government and most states do not tax Internet usage. AFC will determine this based upon
the jurisdiction information provided. If taxable, AFC applies the appropriate taxes for the given
Refer to Table 2-6 for a list of combined transaction and service types that are used for taxing Internet
Table 2-6 Internet Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
5 – Internet
6 – Access Charge
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29 – Web Hosting
58 – Access Line
Local Service Transaction and Service Types
Local Service mapping demands special attention because more than one Transaction/Service Type is
required to generate all of the necessary rated and per line taxes. Refer to Table 2-7 for a list of
combined transaction and service types that are associated with local service.
Table 2-7 Local Service Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
7 – Local
4 – Private Line
5 – Local Exchange
14 – Late Charge
20 – FCC Subscriber Line Fee
20 – Number Portability Recovery
21 – Lines
24 – PBX/Trunk
27 – Data
30 – Local Feature Charge
40 – Centrex / DID Extension
41 – PBX Extension
42 – Local Trunk(Alias as Local Centrex)
43 – Invoice
45 – High Capacity Trunk
84 – Late Charge Bundle
85 – Local Exchange Bundle
86 – FCC Subscriber Line Fee Bundle
86 – Number Portability Recovery Bundle
87 – Lines Bundle
89 – PBX Trunk Bundle
90 – Local Feature Charge Bundle
91 – Centrex Extension Bundle
92 – PBX Extension Bundle
93 – Centrex Trunk Bundle
94 – Invoice Bundle
95 – High Capacity Trunk Bundle
566 – PBX Outbound Channel
567 – PBX Outbound Channel Bundle
580 – High Capacity Extension
581 – High Capacity Extension Bundle
582 – High Capacity Outbound Channel
583 – High Capacity Outbound Channel Bundle
587 – Centrex Outbound Channel
588 – Centrex Outbound Channel Bundle
612 – FCC Subscriber Line Fee Multi Line
613 – FCC Subscriber Line Fee Multi Line
623 – Centrex Invoice
625 – Customer Premise Equip Rental
641 – FCC Subscriber Line Charge Centrex
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Table 2-7 Local Service Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
642 – FCC Subscriber Line Charge Centrex
The following transaction/service combinations should be passed to AFC in order to capture all local
Required Transactions to Return Rated Charges
Taxation of Local Exchange starts with passing five required transactions.
1. Local / Local Exchange (7/5) – Charges for the monthly recurring charge, usage, local loop, local
flat rates, and other similar charges for local telecom service. (Due to unique Federal Taxation
the FCC Subscriber Line Fee and Local Number Portability must be distinguished.)
2. Local / FCC Subscriber Fee (7/20) – Charge for assessing the carrier's subscriber line charge to a
local service customer.
3. Local / LNP (7/20) – Fixed monthly charge through which local telephone companies may recover
some of the costs associated with providing local number portability service. (Both the 7/05 and
7/20 are sent in with the corresponding charge. The lines fields must be set to zero.)
4. Local / Invoice (7/43) – This combination returns taxes assessed on a per-invoice basis. The
charge and lines fields are irrelevant and must be set to zero. Pass one transaction for each
5. Local / Data (7/27) - Local data service charge, MRC, and other related service type charges and
features. (This combination is appropriate for transmissions that carry data exclusively. Use
Private Line if any component is voice. This is a recommended mapping for data transmissions
carried over DSL, ATM, T-1, frame relay lines and other non-voice services. This is not for Internet
Access provided over DSL lines.)
Required Transactions to Return Per-Line Charges
Not all of the necessary telecom taxes are returned using transaction/service combinations that return
rated charges. There exist per-line taxes, such as E911, that are returned using line transactions. It is
necessary to select one of the basic categories depending on the customer. These line transactions fall
into one of the following the three categories.
1. Local / Lines (7/21) – Designates the number of lines a local service customer is using.
This can be for either a residential or business customer who has a simple wire line
connection into the premises.
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2. Local / High Capacity Trunk (7/45) – Designates the number of High Capacity Trunks a
customer is using. High Capacity Trunks are usually defined as T1 or greater. (The taxable
amount for the 7/21 and 7/45 transactions are irrelevant and must be populated with a
zero dollar amount. Only the lines data should be populated with the total number of
lines or high capacity trunks to be taxed.)
3. Business Customers with PBX or Centrex
In some cases, a business customer may have a PBX or Centrex instead of one or two
lines. This situation requires two transactions to be passed into the system in order to
return the proper per line taxes.
Some jurisdictions assess per-line taxes, such as E911, on the number of PBX or Centrex
trunks used. Others assess per-line taxes on the number of PBX or Centrex DID
Extensions. These taxes are usually assessed at a reduced rate. Still others assess taxes
on both. (For example, they may assess the TRS on the trunk, but want an E911 for each
a. Business Customers with PBX require these two transactions to handle taxation:
Local / PBX Trunk (7/24) – Designates the number of PBX trunks a local service
customer is using. The lines field of the 7/24 transactions should be populated with
the number of PBX trunks to be taxed.
Local / PBX Extensions (7/41) – Designates the number of PBX extensions a local
service customer is using. The lines field of the 7/41 transactions should be
populated with the number of PBX extensions to be taxed. (The taxable amount for
the 7/24 and 7/41 transactions are irrelevant and must be populated with a zero
dollar amount.)
b. Business Customers with Centrex require these two transactions to handle taxation:
Local / Centrex Trunk (7/42) – Designates the number of Centrex trunks a local
service customer is using. The lines field of the 07/42 transactions should be
populated with the number of Centrex trunks to be taxed.
Local / Centrex DID Extensions (7/40) – Designates the number of Centrex extensions
a local service customer is using. The lines field of the 7/40 transactions should be
populated with the number of Centrex extensions to be taxed. (The taxable amount
for the 7/42 and 7/40 transactions are irrelevant and must be populated with a zero
dollar amount.)
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Sales Transaction and Service Types
The transaction type “Sales” and the service type “Product” is provided for the taxing the sale of finished
goods. All of the sales tax rates for the various states, counties and localities in the United States are
The transaction type “Sales” and the service type “Use” is provided for taxing the use of products. All of
the sales tax rates for the various states, counties and localities in the United States are provided.
At this time, AFC does not handle sales tax exceptions. If a transaction is
supplied to AFC using this transaction and service type, sales taxes will be
applied based upon the jurisdiction. If sales taxes do not apply to the
specified transaction, it is the user’s responsibility to determine this and
not pass the transaction to AFC.
Refer to Table 2-8 or a list of combined transaction and service types that are associated with Sales.
Table 2-8 Sales Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
10 – Sales
15 – Product
31 – Use
32 – Debit
63 – Restocking Fee – Rental
64 – Restocking Fee – Purchase
65 – Partial Credit
103 – Sales Tax and FUSF
565 – Debit-Wireless
568 – Central Office Equipment –
569 – Central Office Equipment – Use
643 – Debit-Wireless (Indirect Non-
Carrier Sale)
Debit Transactions
Debit transactions involve two transaction types; one at the time of sale as prepayment for the service,
the other at the times of use following the purchase.
The time of sale payment should be processed using the Sales/Debit (10/32) transaction. The
transactions that follow the sale as the time on the card is expended will be either the Interstate Call (1/1)
transaction or the Intrastate Call (2/1) transaction.
When using API’s, the initial Sales/Debit transaction of the prepaid calling card would be processed
through the normal API calls such as EZTaxPCodeEx. The Toll call transactions would be processed
through the Debit API calls.
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Shipping Transaction and Service Types
Shipping Taxes are provided for the United States, its counties and localities. Refer to for a list Table 2-9
of combined transaction and service types that are associated with shipping taxes.
Table 2-9 Shipping Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
11 – Shipping
17 – FOB Origin
18 – FOB Destination
Natural Gas Transaction and Service Types
Refer to Table 2-10 for a list of combined transaction and service types that are associated with Natural
Gas taxes.
Table 2-10 Natural Gas Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
12 – Natural gas
6 – Access Charge
19 – Consumption
Telephony Transaction and Service Types
Refer to the table below for combined transaction and service types that are associated with Telephony
Telephony Transaction and Service Types
Transaction Types
Service Types
15 – Telephony
7 – Service
624 – Wireless Service
627 – Internet Access
629 – Messaging Services
Refer to the table below for a list of countries which should use the Telephony/Service T/S pair.
Countries Using Telephony/Service
ISO Code
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Countries Using Telephony/Service
ISO Code
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Countries Using Telephony/Service
ISO Code