TM 00561 AFC Comprehensive Guide To Reports And Data Files
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AvaTax for Communications Comprehensive Guide to Reports and Data Files Document: TM_00561_0015 Date: 11/21/2018 Avalara for Communications - Contact Information Address Avalara, Inc. 512 South Mangum Street, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina, 27701 Email Help Center Toll Free (877) 780-4848 Corporate Web Site Communications Customer Portal All trade names referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © Avalara, Inc. 2018. CONFIDENTIAL Document Revision History The Revision History log lists the date and description of the most recent revisions or versions of the document. Date Version Description 04/27/2016 06/16/2016 0001 0002 06/24/2016 0003 07/22/2016 0004 08/25/2016 0005 09/26/2016 0006 12/22/2016 02/24/2017 0007 0008 03/24/2017 0009 05/25/2017 06/27/2017 0010 0011 10/25/2017 12/21/2017 0012 0013 10/25/2018 0014 11/21/2018 0015 Initial version of document. Updated description for Transaction/Service Report (TSR) to include note that any excluded jurisdictions will appear as unknown or not be included in the report. Updated Sections 2.1.1 Transaction/Service Report, 2.1.2 No Tax Log Report, 2.2.1 Detail Log Report, 2.3.2 Tax Compliance Reports, 2.3.3 Non-Billable Compliance Amounts, 2.3.4 Billable Non-Compliance Amounts with note that SaaS Standard clients will receive a CSV version of reports in addition to the existing version. Added Section 2.1.7 Transaction Count Report, Appendix D – International NPANXX IDs, Section 2.1.2 Audit Transaction/Service Report, and Section 2.1.5 Audit Reconciliation Report. Miscellaneous updates in Sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 regarding report availability by product. Also updated column header within the International NPANXX IDs table in Section 8 – Appendix D. Updated Section 2.2.1 Detail Log Report and Section 2.4.5 Customsort Utility to reflect the addition of new columns for extended optional fields. Added Senegal to the International NPANXX IDs table in Section 8, Appendix D. Also added a new Section 2.2.2 for Bridge Conference Reports. Included alternate spelling for the country ‘Colombia’ in Sections 5 and 8. References to ‘reverse’ tax calculations in the AFC engine have been updated and renamed to reflect the current naming convention which is ‘tax inclusive’ calculations. As a result, minor references in Section 2.14 Reconciliation Report and Section 2.1.5 Audit Reconciliation have been updated. Updated report extension in Section 2.2.1 Detail Log Report as well as sample data in Section 2.1.3 No Tax Log Report. Updated Appendix A – Supported Country Codes Updated Section 2.2.1 Detail Log Report to include columns for bundled transactions in the detail log report. Updated Avalara contact information (address and support site). Updated Appendix A – Supported Country Codes and Appendix D International NPANXX IDs with 6 new countries. Updated Appendix A – Supported Country Codes and Appendix A – Supported Country Codes and Appendix D International NPANXX IDs with 4 new countries. Deleted Brazil state codes. Updated Appendix A – Supported Country Codes and Appendix D – International NPANXX IDs with 2-byte ISO codes. Table of Contents Overview ...................................................................................................................... 1 Report Descriptions......................................................................................................... 3 AFC Engine Reports ................................................................................................................ 3 Transaction/Service Report ............................................................................................... 3 Audit Transaction/Service Report ...................................................................................... 5 No Tax Log Report............................................................................................................. 7 Reconciliation Report........................................................................................................ 9 Audit Reconciliation Report............................................................................................. 11 Eztax Log (logfilename.log).............................................................................................. 13 Transaction Count Report ............................................................................................... 14 Batch Processor & Stored Procedure Reports ....................................................................... 17 Detail Log Report ............................................................................................................ 17 Bridge Conferencing Report ............................................................................................ 21 Compliance Reports ............................................................................................................. 22 Customer Billable Amounts ............................................................................................. 22 Tax Compliance Amounts ................................................................................................ 24 Non-Billable Compliance Amounts .................................................................................. 25 Billable Non-Compliance Amounts .................................................................................. 26 Billable Amounts Combined with Non-Billable Amounts .................................................. 27 Custom and Sorting Reports ................................................................................................. 28 srtcomma20 Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) ....................................................................... 28 srtcomma20l Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) ...................................................................... 30 srtcomma20ld Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) .................................................................... 32 srtcommadetail Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) .................................................................. 35 customsort Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) ......................................................................... 37 STRG Utility, (Outputfilename.ext)................................................................................... 41 Ezlogns Utility, Comma delimited log.ext, ........................................................................ 42 Ezlogcust Utility, Comma delimited log.ext ...................................................................... 43 Ezlogcustios Utility, Comma delimited log.ext.................................................................. 45 Ezlogcustpts Utility, Comma delimited log.ext ................................................................. 47 Qui ck Refer ence G ui de t o I n f o r m a t i o n a l F i l e s |i Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Ezlogcustptslnl Utility, Comma delimited log.ext.............................................................. 49 Srtcdf20 and srtcdf20p, Outputfile.ext,............................................................................ 51 Other Reports ...................................................................................................................... 53 Output_ASCIILOG.ext...................................................................................................... 53 File Descriptions ............................................................................................................ 55 Tax Type Files ....................................................................................................................... 55 tax_type.exp ................................................................................................................... 55 Zip Address to PCode Cross Reference Files .......................................................................... 57 all_adr.txt ....................................................................................................................... 57 Calculation Type Files ........................................................................................................... 59 calculationType.txt.......................................................................................................... 59 FIPS Code Cross Reference to PCode Files ............................................................................. 60 fipspcd.txt , pcdfips.txt.................................................................................................... 60 NPANXX Cross Reference to PCode Files ............................................................................... 61 npanxx7.txt..................................................................................................................... 61 Transaction/Service Pair List and Description Files ................................................................ 62 transerv.txt and transervdesc.txt , transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt...................... 62 Further information ....................................................................................................... 63 Appendix A – Supported Country Codes ............................................................................. 64 Appendix B – Supported States, Territories and Provinces ...................................................... 68 USA States and Territories .................................................................................................... 68 Canadian Provinces and Territories ....................................................................................... 69 Appendix C – AFC Sorting & Reporting Utilities..................................................................... 71 Appendix D – International NPANXX IDs ............................................................................. 73 Qui ck Refer ence G ui de t o I n f o r m a t i o n a l F i l e s | ii Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Overview AvaTax for Communications (AFC) provides clients with numerous informational reports and files which contain mappings, cross-reference tables and data that can be helpful for building and maintaining an indirect tax-integrated billing system. While the AFC engine is designed to generate some of these reports and files by default, there are many which are not automatically created; however, the data remains available and can be provided to clients if requested. Please note that changes or settings in configuration options may impact the ability of AFC to generate reports automatically. In an effort to identify reports that are generated by default versus data that remains available to create reports by request of the client, the following terms are referenced throughout this document: • • • Generated By Default: The AFC product routinely generates or creates the appropriate reports. The reports may or may not be provided to the client automatically. Received By Default: The AFC product routinely distributes or delivers the generated reports. Available Upon Request: No reports are routinely generated or distributed; however, the data to create such reports is available. A change in configuration options, settings or a formal request to Avalara can allow the report to be generated. The table below provides a high-level overview of the various reports and files available by AFC product. Please reference Section 2 Report Descriptions or Section 3 File Descriptions to determine specific details such as, if data is generated by default, distributed by default or available upon request. Overview of Report Availability By Product AFC License AFC Engine Reports Transaction/Service Report Audit Transaction/Service Report No Tax Log Report Reconciliation Report Audit Reconciliation Report EZtax Log Transaction Count Report Batch Processor & Stored Procedures Detail Log Report Bridge Conferencing Report EZtax_20 Utility Compliance Reports Customer Billable Amounts Tax Compliance Amounts Non-Billable Compliance Amounts Billable Non-Compliance Amounts Billable Amounts Combined with Non-Billable Amounts AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |1 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Overview of Report Availability By Product AFC License Custom and Sorting Reports Srtcomma20 Utility Srtcomma20l Utility Srtcomma20ld Utility Srtcommadetail Utility Customsort Utility STRG Utility Ezlogns Utility Ezlogcust Utility Ezlogcustios Utility Ezlogcustpts Utility Ezlogcustptslnl Utility Srtcdf20, srtcdf20p ASCIILOG Utility Data Files Tax_type.exp All_adr.txt Calculationtype.txt Fipspcd.txt, pcdfips.txt Npanxx7.txt Transerv.txt, transervdesc.txt, transerserdescsau.txt AFC SaaS Standard Compre he nsi ve G uide AFC SaaS Pro to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |2 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Report Descriptions AFC Engine Reports Transaction/Service Report Description By default, all clients receive the Transaction/Service Jurisdiction Report (TSR). This is the main revenue report and includes original revenue generated for jurisdictions. However, this report does not provide local level details for jurisdictions due to memory issues. Note: Any excluded taxing jurisdictions will appear as unknown or not be included in the report. Report Format and Sample Data Transaction Service Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .tsr Comma Delimited Column Headers TSR (Bundled version) – Original Format Jurisdiction, BundlePackage, BundleId, TransactionType, ServiceType, Charge TSR (Non-Bundled version) – Original Format Jurisdiction, TransactionType, ServiceType, Charge Definitions for Transaction Service Reports Column Name Jurisdiction BundlePackage BundleId TransactionType ServiceType Charge Description Area subject to its own distinct tax regulations. Numeric for bundled package. Identifier for the bundle package. Transaction Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Service Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Amount charged. Sample TSR (Bundled version) USA, 20000, 20001, 5, 6, 300.000000 USA, 20000, 20001, 16, 6, 400.000000 USA, 20000, 20001, 19, 6, 300.000000 USA, 21000, 21001, 5, 6, 272.288730 USA, 21000, 21001, 16, 6, 363.051640 TSR (Non-Bundled version) USA, 5, 6, 1300.000000 USA, 16, 6, 2900.000000 USA, 19, 6, 1300.000000 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |3 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Transaction Service Report Format and Sample Data CAN, 5, 6, 650.000000 CAN, 16, 6, 1450.000000 Availability of Reports This report is generated by the AFC Engine. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Transaction Service Report Availability Product AFC License AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Compre he nsi ve G uide Location Note Logging Directory Report zip file Emailed in zip file if requested. Upon request, this report can be produced and provided. to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |4 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Audit Transaction/Service Report Description By default, all clients receive the Audit Transaction/Service Jurisdiction Report (TSR). This report is produced in addition to the original TSR. Similar to the original TSR, the report contains the main revenue report and includes original revenue generated for jurisdictions. However, this report does not provide local level details for jurisdictions due to memory issues. This audit version of the TSR is in CSV format and includes two additional columns, Start Date and End Date, which contain a timestamp for the report as well as headers for each of the columns of data. Note: Any excluded taxing jurisdictions will appear as unknown or not be included in the report. Report Format and Sample Data This report is generated by the AFC Engine. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Audit Transaction Service Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data _audit.tsr.csv Comma Delimited Column Headers TSR (Bundled version) – CSV Format Jurisdiction, BundlePackage, BundleId, TransactionType, ServiceType, Charge, Start Date, End Date TSR (Non-Bundled version) – CSV Format Jurisdiction, TransactionType, ServiceType, Charge, Start Date, End Date Definitions for Audit Transaction Service Reports Column Name Jurisdiction BundlePackage BundleId TransactionType ServiceType Charge Start Date End Date Description Area subject to its own distinct tax regulations. Numeric for bundled package. Identifier for the bundle package. Transaction Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Service Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Amount charged. Timestamp (date and time) session was initiated. Timestamp (date and time) session was terminated. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |5 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Audit Transaction Service Report Format and Sample Data Sample TSR (Bundled version) – CSV Format BundleP kg BundleId USA 20000 20001 5 6 USA 20000 20001 16 6 USA 20000 20001 19 USA 20000 20002 1 USA 20000 20002 USA 20000 20002 USA 20000 20002 Jurisdiction Trans Svc Charge Start Date End Date 30 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:48 40 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:48 6 30 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:48 1 1.2 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:48 1 2 0.9 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:48 2 1 0.3 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:48 5 6 17.1 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:48 TSR (Non-Bundled version) – CSV Format Jurisdiction Trans Svc Charge Start Date End Date USA 1 1 100 07/18/16 15:37:37 07/18/16 15:37:39 USA 13 11 100 07/18/16 15:37:37 07/18/16 15:37:39 KS 1 1 100 07/18/16 15:37:37 07/18/16 15:37:39 KS 13 11 100 07/18/16 15:37:37 07/18/16 15:37:39 1 1 100 07/18/16 15:39:19 07/18/16 15:39:20 USA Availability of Reports Audit Transaction Service Report Availability Product AFC License AFC SaaS Standard Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Logging Directory Report zip file In addition to the existing report provided in original format, this audit version of the report is produced and provided in CSV format. AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts The audit version of the report name is XXXX_ audit.tsr.csv. Upon request, this report can be produced and provided in CSV format. a n d D a t a F i l e s |6 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. No Tax Log Report Description This report contains Transaction/Service data that was processed but did not generate any taxes. Report Format and Sample Data No Tax Log Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ntl Comma Delimited but fixed length Column Headers Short Format Version: If the log file is set to short (do not display OptionalAlpha1) - Company ID, Customer Number, Transaction Type, Service Type, P Code, Charges Long Format Version: If the log file is set to long (show OptionalAlpha1) - Company ID, Customer Number, Optional Alpha 1 Field, Transaction Type, Service Type, P Code, Charges Definitions for No Tax Log Report Column Name Company ID Customer Number Optional Alpha 1 field TransactionType ServiceType PCode Charges Description Input entered in the CompanyIdentifier field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the OptionalAlpha1 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Note: Only displays in long format version. Transaction Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Service Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. PCode for taxing jurisdiction Amount charged Sample Short Format Version identified company, customer number 4321, 000, 0000, identified company, customer number 4321, 000, 0001, identified company, customer number 4321, 000, 0002, 1249200, 1249200, 1249200, Long Format Version identified company, customer number 4321, True, 000, 0000, identified company, customer number 4321, True, 000, 0001, identified company, customer number 4321, False, 000, 0002, Compre he nsi ve G uide 53.27000 53.27000 53.27000 1249200, 1249200, 1249200, 53.27000 53.27000 53.27000 to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |7 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Availability of Reports This report is generated by the AFC Engine. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. No Tax Log Report Availability Product AFC License AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Logging Directory Report zip file Only generated by default if configuration options are set properly by the user. Can set to generate by default if needed. Only included if requested by customer. Also, in addition to the existing format, a CSV version of this report is available. Can set to generate by default if needed. Only included if requested by customer. Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |8 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Reconciliation Report Description The Reconciliation Report contains the same columns as the TSR and an extra column for any tax inclusive charge calculations. This report is only produced upon the request of the client. Report Format and Sample Data Reconciliation Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .rtr Comma Delimited Column Headers Jurisdiction, BundlePkg, BundleId, Trans, Svc, Charge, CalcCharge Definitions for Reconciliation Report Column Name Jurisdiction BundlePkg BundleId Trans Svc Charge CalCharge Description Input entered in the CompanyIdentifier field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Numeric for bundled package. Identifier for the bundle package. Transaction Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Service Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Amount charged. Calculated amount charged. USA, 0, 0, 10, 15, 300.000000, 300.000000 USA, 0, 0, 16, 37, 200.000000, 200.000000 CA, 0, 0, 10, 15, 300.000000, 300.000000 CA, 0, 0, 16, 37, 200.000000, 200.000000 USA, 0, 0, 10, 15, 300.000000, 300.000000 USA, 0, 0, 16, 37, 200.000000, 200.000000 CA, 0, 0, 10, 15, 300.000000, 300.000000 CA, 0, 0, 16, 37, 200.000000, 200.000000 USA, 0, 0, 10, 15, 300.000000, 300.000000 USA, 0, 0, 16, 37, 200.000000, 200.000000 Sample Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |9 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Availability of Reports This report is generated by the AFC Engine. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Reconciliation Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Location Note Logging Directory Only generated by default if configuration options are set properly by the user. Can set to generate by default if needed. Only included if requested by customer. Report is currently not available; however, the data is accessible if requested by the customer. It can be implemented or created if needed. Report zip file Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |10 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Audit Reconciliation Report Description The Audit Reconciliation Report contains the same columns as the Audit TSR and an extra column for any tax inclusive charge calculations. This audit version of the reconciliation report is in CSV format and includes two additional columns, Start Date and End Date, which contain a timestamp for the report as well as headers for each of the columns of data. This report is only produced upon the request of the client. Report Format and Sample Data Audit Reconciliation Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data _audit.rtr.csv Comma Delimited Column Headers Reconciliation Report (Bundled version) – CSV Format Jurisdiction, BundlePkg, BundleId, Trans, Svc, Charge, CalcCharge, Start Date, End Date Reconciliation Report (Non-Bundled version) – CSV Format Jurisdiction, Trans, Svc, Charge, CalcCharge, Start Date, End Date Definitions for Audit Reconciliation Report Column Name Jurisdiction BundlePkg BundleId Trans Svc Charge Description Input entered in the CompanyIdentifier field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Numeric for bundled package. Identifier for the bundle package. Transaction Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Service Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Amount charged. CalCharge Calculated amount charged. Start Date Timestamp (date and time) session was initiated. End Date Timestamp (date and time) session was terminated. Sample Reconciliation Report (Bundled version) – CSV Format Jurisdiction BundlePkg BundleId Trans Svc Charge USA 20000 20001 5 6 30 30 USA 20000 20001 16 6 40 40 USA 20000 20001 19 6 30 30 USA 20000 20002 1 1 1.2 1.2 Compre he nsi ve G uide CalcCharge to R epor ts Start Date 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:43 07/12/16 17:31:43 End Date 07/12/16 17:31:48 07/12/16 17:31:48 07/12/16 17:31:48 07/12/16 17:31:48 a n d D a t a F i l e s |11 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Reconciliation Report (Non-Bundled version) – CSV Format Jurisdiction Trans Svc Charge CalcCharge Start Date End Date USA 3 34 -100 -100 07/12/16 17:31:16 07/12/16 17:31:20 USA 13 6 50 50 07/12/16 17:31:16 07/12/16 17:31:20 USA 13 50 15 15 07/12/16 17:31:16 07/12/16 17:31:20 USA 16 6 50 50 07/12/16 17:31:16 07/12/16 17:31:20 Availability of Reports This report is generated by the AFC Engine. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Audit Reconciliation Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License Location Note Logging Directory Only generated by default if configuration options are set properly by the user. In addition to the existing report provided in original format, this audit version of the report is produced and provided in CSV format. AFC SaaS Standard Report zip file In addition to the existing report provided in original format, this audit version of the report is produced and provided in CSV format. AFC SaaS Pro The audit version of the report name is XXXX_ audit.rtr.csv. Can set to generate by default if needed. Only included if requested by customer. Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts The audit version of the report name is XXXX_ audit.rtr.csv. Report is currently not available; however, the data is accessible if requested by the customer. It can be implemented or created if needed. a n d D a t a F i l e s |12 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Eztax Log (logfilename.log) Description This report is used by reporting utilities to produce customer billing and compliance reports. Report Format EZtax Log Report Format Extension File Format .log Binary Availability of Reports This report is generated by the AFC Engine. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. EZtax Log Report Availability Product AFC License AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Logging Directory This report is currently available. This report is currently not available. This report is currently not available. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |13 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Transaction Count Report Description This report provides a breakdown of all transactions processed. Similar to the tsr report, it will append new entries to the end of the file, and is written out when the session is closed. By default this report is set to generate a detailed license report. Please refer to the AFC Transaction Count Report Summary document for additional details on this report. Report Format Transaction Count Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .rpt Comma Delimited Detail Report Column Headers Client, Platform, Module, Market, Trans, Svc, LicenseId, Authorized, Count, Start Date, End Date Definitions for Detail Transaction Count Report Column Name Description Client Module Blank by default. Will display licensed client when license validation is active. Blank by default. Will display licensed platform when license validation is active. Module Description for Transaction Count Market Market Id for Transaction Count Platform Trans Svc LicenseId Authorized Count Start Date End Date Transaction Id for Transaction Count Service Id for Transaction Count 0 by default. Will display license id when license validation is active. True by default. Will display false when license validation is active and module is not licensed for client. The number of transactions processed for Market/Trans/Svc. Timestamp (date and time) session was initiated. Timestamp (date and time) session was terminated. Detail Report Sample Client Platform Module Market Trans Svc LicenseId Long Distance 1 1 1 0 TRUE 2 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Long Distance 1 1 562 0 TRUE 48 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Long Distance 1 2 1 0 TRUE 4 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Compre he nsi ve G uide Authorized Count to R epor ts Start Date End Date a n d D a t a F i l e s |14 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Long Distance 1 2 5 0 TRUE 39 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Wireless 2 6 10 0 TRUE 1 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Wireless 2 13 6 0 TRUE 11 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Wireless 2 13 98 0 TRUE 2 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Local 3 7 20 0 TRUE 1 07/05/2016 12:41:20 07/05/2016 12:41:31 Summary Report Column Headers Client, Platform, Module, Market, LicenseId, Authorized, Count, Start Date, End Date Definitions for Summary Transaction Count Report Column Name Client Description Module Blank by default. Will display licensed client when license validation is active. Blank by default. Will display licensed platform when license validation is active. Module Description for Transaction Count Market Market Id for Transaction Count Platform LicenseId Authorized Count Start Date End Date 0 by default. Will display license id when license validation is active. True by default. Will display false when license validation is active and module is not licensed for client. The number of transactions processed for Market/Trans/Svc. Timestamp (date and time) session was initiated. Timestamp (date and time) session was terminated. Summary Report Sample Client Platform Module Market LicenseId Authorized Long Distance 1 0 TRUE Wireless 2 0 Local 3 Sales and Use Start Date End Date 93 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 TRUE 14 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 0 TRUE 61 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 4 0 TRUE 101 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 International 5 0 TRUE 325 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 Telecom Core 6 0 TRUE 136 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 VoIP 7 0 TRUE 18 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 Cable and Satellite 8 0 TRUE 14 07/05/2016 12:33:24 07/05/2016 12:33:35 Compre he nsi ve G uide Count to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |15 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Availability of Reports This report is generated by the AFC Engine. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Transaction Count Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? AFC License Available Upon Request? Location Note Working Directory The detailed report is generated by default. The file will be named the same as the log file with the extension license.rpt. If logging is disabled, the status file name will be used. If logging is disabled, the status file name will be used. The report will not be created and/or updated until the session is terminated. For example, if the log is EZTax.log, the report will be named EZTax.license.rpt and if the log is EZTax9.log then the report will be named EZTax9.license.rpt. This report is currently not available. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |16 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Batch Processor & Stored Procedure Reports Detail Log Report Description This report contains all the details of the Input file provided by the client combined with tax results. It is only available to SaaS Clients as it's not produced by AFC engine. Note: Please be aware that one input transaction may result in one or more tax results or lines of data. Report Format and Sample Data Detail Log Report Format and Sample Data Extension .csv or dtl.rpt File Format Sample Data Note: AFC SaaS Pro – {CompanyCode}_log{YYYYMMDD}.csv; AFC SaaS Standard – {InputFilename}_dtl.rpt Comma Delimited but fixed length Column Headers TelecomTransactionID, AdjustmentMethod, BillToCountry, BillToState, BillToCounty, BillToLocality, BillToZipcode, BillToZipP4, BillToFipsCode, BillToNpaNxx, BillToPCode, BusinessClass, Charge, CompanyIdentifier CountyExempt, CountyPCode, CustomerNumber, CustomerType, Date, OriginalTransactionDate*,Debit, DiscountType, ExemptionType, FacilitiesBased, FederalExempt, FederalPCode, Franchise, Incorporated, InvoiceNumber, LifeLine, TransactionLines, LocalExempt, LocalPCode, TransactionLocations, TransactionMinutes, Optional, Optional4, Optional5, Optional6, Optional7, Optional8, Optional9, Optional10, OptionalAlpha1, OriginationCountry, OriginationState,OriginationCounty, OriginationLocality, OriginatinoZipCode, OriginationZipP4, OriginationFipsCode, OriginationPCode, Regulated, Sale, ServiceClass, ServiceLevelNumber, ServiceType, StateExempt, StatePCode, TerminationCountry, TerminationState, TerminationCounty, TerminationLocality, TerminationZipCode, TerminationZipP4, TerminationFipsCode, TerminationNpaNxx, TerminationPCode, TransactionType, BundlePackage*, BundleId*, TransactionCharge*, CountryISO, State, ProvinceState*, County, Locality, PCode, TaxTypeID,TaxType, TaxLevelID, TaxLevel, Rate, CalculationType, TaxAmount, GrossSales, ExemptSaleAmount, Adjustments, NetSales, TaxDataLines, TaxDataLocations, TaxDataMinutes, Billable, Compliance, BridgeConf, ProcessingDate*, IsAdjustment*, ErrorMessage*, OptionalField1, OptionalField2, OptionalField3, OptionalField4, OptionalField5, OptionalField6, OptionalField7, OptionalField8, OptionalField9, OptionalField10 Definitions Column Name Description Telecom TransactionID AdjustmentMethod BillToCountry BillToState Transaction ID used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Adjustment setting. Bill to country for taxing jurisdiction. Bill to State for taxing jurisdiction. BillToCounty Bill to county for taxing jurisdiction. BillToLocality Bill to locality for taxing jurisdiction. BillToZipcode Bill to zip code for taxing jurisdiction. BillToZipP4 BillToFipsCode Bill to zip code plus 4 for taxing jurisdiction. Bill to Fips code for taxing jurisdiction. BillToNpaNxx Bill to NpaNxx for taxing jurisdiction. BillToPCode Bill to PCode for taxing jurisdiction. BusinessClass Charge Specification of business as CLEC or ILEC Amount Charged Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |17 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Detail Log Report Format and Sample Data CompanyIdentifer CountyExempt CountyPCode CustomerNumber CustomerType Date Debit DiscountType ExemptionType FacilitiesBased ErrorMessage* FederalExempt FederalPCdoe Franchise Incorporated InvoiceNumber IsAdjustment* Lifeline TransactionLines LocalExempt LocalPCode TransactionLocations TransactionMinutes Optional Optional4 Optional5 Optiional6 Optional7 Optional8 Optional9 Optional10 OptionalAlpha1 OriginationCountry Input entered in the CompanyIdentifier field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the CountyExempt field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. County PCode for taxing jurisdiction Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the CustomerType field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Date field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Debit transaction. Input entered in the DiscountType field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the ExemptionType field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the FacilitiesBased field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Error messages Input entered in the FederalExempt field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Federal PCode for taxing jurisdiction Input entered in the Franchise field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Incorporated field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the InvoiceNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Flag indicating whether bundle is an adjustment or tax calculation Identifier as a Lifeline participant. Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Input entered in the LocalExempt field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Local PCode for taxing jurisdiction Number of locations Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Input entered in the Optional field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional4 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional5 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional6 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional7 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional8 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional9 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional10 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the OptionalAlpha1 field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Originating country for taxing jurisdiction. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |18 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Detail Log Report Format and Sample Data OriginationState OriginationCounty OriginalTransactionDate* OriginationZipCode OriginationZipP4 Originating state for taxing jurisdiction. Originating county for taxing jurisdiction. Input entered in the Date field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Originating zip code for taxing jurisdiction. Originating zip code plus 4 for taxing jurisdiction. OriginationFipsCode Originating Fipscode for taxing jurisdiction. OriginationNpaNxx Originating NPaNxx for taxing jurisdiction. OriginationPCode Originating PCode for taxing jurisdiction. ProcessingDate* ProvinceState* Regulated Sale ServiceClass ServiceLevelNumber ServiceType StateExempt StatePCode TerminationCountry TerminationState Date bundle file processed State or province abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. Input entered in the Regulated field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Sale amount Specification of service class Input entered in the ServiceLevelNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Service Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Input entered in the StateExempt field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. State PCode for taxing jurisdiction. Termination country for taxing jurisdiction. Termination state for taxing jurisdiction. TerminationCounty Termination county for taxing jurisdiction. TerminationLocality Termination locality for taxing jurisdiction. TerminationZipCode Termination zip code for taxing jurisdiction. TerminationZipP4 TerminatinonFipsCode Termination zipc ode plus 4 for taxing jurisdiction. Termination Fipscode for taxing jurisdiction. TerminationNpaNxx Termination NpaNxx for taxing jurisdiction. TerminationPCode Termination PCode for taxing jurisdiction. TransactionType BundlePackage* BundleId* TransactionCharge* CountryISO State Transaction Type used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Bundle Transaction Type Value Bundle Service Type Value Charge for Bundle Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. PCode TaxTypeID TaxType TaxLevelID PCode for taxing jurisdiction Tax Type ID used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Tax type identifier. Tax Level ID used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |19 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Detail Log Report Format and Sample Data TaxLevel Rate CalculationType TaxAmount GrossSales ExemptSaleAmount Adjustments NetSales TaxDataLines TaxDataLocations TaxDataMinutes Billable Tax level identifier. Rate for tax. Calculation type for tax. Tax amount. Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustment calculation Net sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Number of locations. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Billable flag for tax. Compliance Compliance flag from tax record. BridgeConf Flag for transactional data related to bridge conferencing. **OptionalField1 **OptionalField2 **OptionalField3 **OptionalField4 **OptionalField5 **OptionalField6 Additional Extended Optional fields in which column headers are defined by the user upon creation of each one. **OptionalField7 **OptionalField8 **OptionalField9 **OptionalField10 *Note: BundlePackage, BundleId, TransactionCharge, ProcessingDate, IsAdjustment and ErrorMessage columns only apply to the detail log report for bundled transactions. **Note: For AFC SaaS Pro clients, the OptionalField column headers will remain until user overrides this default. Due to the level of complexity, please contact for a sample Detail Log Report which includes columns for the Extended Optional fields. Sample 248184589 248184589 248184729 0 FALSE FALSE 0 61 0.00331 TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE 0 61 0.182 TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE 0 2102300 0 0 USA 1 2102300 0 0 USA 1 2102300 0 0 1 0 0 839300 100 FALSE 0 FALSE TSY_Test FALSE 0 TRUE 0.331 100 0 1 0 0 839300 100 FALSE 0 FALSE TSY_Test FALSE 0 TRUE FALSE 0 0 1 0 0 0 FALSE 0 0 169 100 1 2/24/2016 12:00 TRUE 0 FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 585 FALSE 0 2102300 FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireline)0 Federal 0 0 0 TRUE 0 FALSE 0 0 18 100 1 TRUE 0 0 0 585 FALSE Fed Universal Service Fund 0 0 0 FALSE 0 0 TRUE 0 585 18.2 100 0 FALSE 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 839300 100 FALSE 0 FALSE TSY_Test FALSE 0 TRUE FALSE 0 0 1 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts 1 0 0 FALSE 2/24/2016 12:00 FALSE 0 0 0 0 2102300 0 Federal 0 TRUE 2/24/2016 12:00 FALSE 0 0 0 0 2102300 a n d D a t a F i l e s |20 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Detail Log Report Format and Sample Data 248184729 248184736 248184736 61 0.00331 TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE 0 61 0.182 TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE 0 61 0.00331 TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE 0 61 0.182 TRUE 0 USA 1 2102300 0 0 USA 1 2102300 0 0 USA 1 2102300 0 0 USA 1 100 0.331 100 0 1 0 0 839300 100 FALSE 0 FALSE TSY_Test FALSE 0 TRUE 18.2 100 0 1 0 0 839300 100 FALSE 0 FALSE TSY_Test FALSE 0 TRUE 0.331 100 0 1 0 0 839300 100 FALSE 0 FALSE TSY_Test FALSE 0 TRUE 0 0 169 100 FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireline)0 0 0 0 FALSE 0 0 1 0 0 0 FALSE 0 0 18 100 1 TRUE 0 0 0 585 FALSE Fed Universal Service Fund 0 0 FALSE 0 0 1 0 0 0 FALSE 0 0 169 100 1 2/24/2016 12:00 TRUE 0 FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 585 FALSE 0 2102300 FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireline)0 Federal 0 0 0 TRUE 0 FALSE 0 0 18 100 1 TRUE 0 0 0 585 FALSE Fed Universal Service Fund 0 0 TRUE 18.2 100 0 FALSE 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 TRUE Federal TRUE 2/24/2016 12:00 FALSE 0 0 0 0 2102300 0 Federal 0 TRUE 2/24/2016 12:00 FALSE 0 0 0 0 2102300 0 Federal 0 TRUE Availability of Reports This report is generated by the batch processor and stored procedures. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Detail Log Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory Report zip file This report is currently not available. Can set to generate by default if needed. Currently, it is included at the request of the customer. Only made available for clients using the new Extended format. In addition to the existing format, a CSV version of this report is available. This report is not currently generated by default; however, it can be set to generate by default if needed. Currently, it is included at the request of the customer. AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Bridge Conferencing Report The Bridge Conferencing feature is currently in development at this time. Please refrain from using this feature as well as the proposed solutions and APIs until further notice. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |21 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Compliance Reports Customer Billable Amounts Description The Customer Billable Amounts reports is summarized, fixed position customer information report primarily used by clients for Billing purposes. Produced for clients configured for standard compliance reporting. Never requested by SaaS Pro Clients. Report Format and Sample Data Customer Billable Amounts Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .csf (customer sort format) Fixed Position Column Headers Data Specification for Output (.CSF) Files Customer Number, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Amount Sign, Tax Amount, File Record Length Data Specification for Output (.CSF) Files Sorted with SrtComma20.exe and SrtComma20l.exe With –pcsf specified after input name Primary Output Key, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Amount Sign, Tax Amount, PCode, File Record Length Definitions for Customer Billable Amounts Data Specification for Output (.CSF) Files Len Positions Description Column Name Type Note Customer Number A/N 20 1-20 Defines primary output key passed from client input data Tax type A/N 6 21-26 Telecommunications tax type (see Tax Types table for listing) 0 = Federal Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Tax type identifier. Tax level identifier. 1 = State Tax level A/N 1 27 2 = County 3 = City 4 = Un-incorporated Tax amount sign A 1 28 Tax amount N 11.5 29-39 File record length Format "+" or "-" Format "99999999999" zerofilled, 5 decimal places (no decimal point) Numeric Tax amount. 39 Definitions for Data Specification for Output (.CSF) Files Sorted with SrtComma20.exe and SrtComma20l.exe With –pcsf specified after input name Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |22 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Customer Billable Amounts Report Format and Sample Data Len Positions Description Column Name Type Note Primary output key A/N 20 1-20 Defines primary output key passed from client input data A/N 6 21-26 Telecommunications tax type (see Tax Types table for listing) Tax type identifier. Tax type 0 = Federal Tax level identifier. 1= State Tax level A/N 1 2 = County 27 3 = City 4 = Un-incorporated Tax amount sign A 1 28 Tax amount N 11.5 29-39 Format "99999999999" zerofilled, 5 decimal places (no decimal point) P Code N 9 40-48 Permanent Code File record length Format "+" or "-" Numeric Tax amount. PCode for taxing jurisdiction 48 Availability of Reports This report is generated by srtcomma20l. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Customer Billable Amounts Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory This report is generated by default. Report zip file Clients configured for compliance reporting receive this report by default. It is generated as the batch of transactions are processed. This report is currently not available; however, the data is accessible if requested by the customer. AFC SaaS Pro Compre he nsi ve G uide Emailed in zip file if requested. to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |23 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Tax Compliance Amounts Description This is the primary Compliance file and provides a summarized, standard billable tax report. Clients configured for compliance reporting receives it by default in comma delimited format. SaaS pro clients receives it monthly (Assumed Date method 0 unless specified). Report Format and Sample Data Tax Compliance Amounts Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ssf Comma Delimited Column Headers Country, State, Locality, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes Definitions for Tax Compliance Amounts Comma Delimited SSF File Format Column Name Country State Description Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Gross Sale Exempt Adjustments Taxable Measure Minutes Tax amount. Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustment calculation. Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Sample USA,,,, 6, 0, 0.030000, 29881.866905, 996062.252444, 0.000000, 0.000000, 996062.252444, 14859213.000000 USA,,,, 7, 0, 0.007600, 10116.132171, 1331070.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1331070.000000, 20410578.000000 USA,,,, 18, 0, 0.031400, 11145.492379, 354952.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 354952.000000, 5446827.000000 USA, AL, , , 16, 1, 0.067000, 969.972210, 14477.196802, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14477.196802, 220238.671875 USA, AZ, , , 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014 USA, AZ, , , 10, 1, 0.012500, 9.068400, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578 USA, AZ, , , 12, 1, 0.011000, 7.980192, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578 USA, AZ, APACHE, , 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014 USA, AZ, APACHE, , 1, 2, 0.027000, 0.435283, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014 USA, AZ, APACHE, SPRINGERVILLE, 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.705320, 14.106400, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14.106400, 214.620010 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |24 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Availability of Reports This report is generated by srtcomma20l. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Tax Compliance Amounts Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory Report zip file This file is not generated when the [-cl] command line option is used. Clients configured for compliance reporting receive this report by default. It is generated as the batch of transactions are processed. In addition to the existing format, a CSV version of this report is available. Reports are generated by default going forward with assumption of Date Method 0. Reports are generated on a monthly basis. AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Non-Billable Compliance Amounts Description This summarized, comma delimited report is generated only for non-billable amounts. Report Format Non Billable Amounts for Compliance Report Format and Sample Data Extension File format .nba .ssf Availability of Reports This report is generated by srtcomma20l. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Non Billable Amounts for Compliance Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Working Directory This file is not generated when the [-cl] command line option is used. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |25 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Non Billable Amounts for Compliance Report Availability AFC SaaS Standard Report zip file AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Clients configured for compliance reporting receive this report by default. It is generated as the batch of transactions are processed. In addition to the existing format, a CSV version of this report is available. Reports are generated by default going forward with assumption of Date Method 0. Reports are generated on a monthly basis. Billable Non-Compliance Amounts Description Summarized Comma delimited report generated only for non-compliance taxes (Transactions that do not require compliance within a jurisdiction). Report Format Billed Non-Compliance Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format .nca .ssf Availability of Reports This report is generated by srtcomma20l. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Billed Non-Compliance Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Location Note AFC License Working Directory AFC SaaS Standard Report zip file This file is generated only if there are transactions in the AFC log that do not require compliance with a jurisdiction. Clients configured for compliance reporting receive this report by default. It is generated as the batch of transactions are processed. In addition to the existing format, a CSV version of this report is available. Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |26 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Billed Non-Compliance Report Availability AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. This report is currently not available; however, the data is accessible if requested by the customer. Billable Amounts Combined with Non-Billable Amounts Description It contains aggregated compliance-related data from multiple files (SSF, NBA, NCA). Mainly used by our compliance department. Report Format Billable Amounts Combined with Non-Billable Amounts Report Format Extension File Format .scl .ssf Availability of Reports This report is generated by the Combine SSF utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Billable Amounts Combined with Non-Billable Amounts Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory Report zip file Clients may configure this report if needed. This report is currently not available; however, the data is accessible if requested by the customer. Clients may request to have this report configured if needed. AFC SaaS Pro Compre he nsi ve G uide Emailed in zip file if requested. to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |27 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Custom and Sorting Reports The Custom Sort Utility is designed to allow clients to produce taxation reports which are sorted and summarized using client-specified fields and/or options. The utility is restricted to fields available in the AvaTax for Communications (AFC) transaction log, which can be affected by configuration settings in the EZtax.cfg. This utility uses the AvaTax for Communications (AFC) API library. srtcomma20 Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) Description Produces a comma-delimited file for compliance filing. User selects sort criteria and preferences. Generates a outputfilename.ssf file for tax compliance filing.Sorted and condensed by PCode, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate. Also generates outputfilename.csf file for customer billing. Sorted and condensed by Customer Number, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount. Report Format and Sample Data Srtcomma20 Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ssf, .csf Comma Delimited Column Headers Country, State, Locality, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes Definitions for srtcomma20 Comma Delimited SSF File Format Column Name Description Country Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount. Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Gross Sale Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |28 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Srtcomma20 Utility Report Format and Sample Data Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Taxable Measure Adjustment calculation Minutes Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Sample USA,,,, 6, 0, 0.030000, 29881.866905, 996062.252444, 0.000000, 0.000000, 996062.252444, 14859213.000000 USA,,,, 7, 0, 0.007600, 10116.132171, 1331070.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1331070.000000, 20410578.000000 USA,,,, 18, 0, 0.031400, 11145.492379, 354952.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 354952.000000, 5446827.000000 USA, AL, , , 16, 1, 0.067000, 969.972210, 14477.196802, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14477.196802, 220238.671875 USA, AZ, , , 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014 USA, AZ, , , 10, 1, 0.012500, 9.068400, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578 USA, AZ, , , 12, 1, 0.011000, 7.980192, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578 USA, AZ, APACHE, , 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014 USA, AZ, APACHE, , 1, 2, 0.027000, 0.435283, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014 USA, AZ, APACHE, SPRINGERVILLE, 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.705320, 14.106400, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14.106400, 214.620010 Availability of Reports This report is generated by the srtcomma20 Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Srtcomma20 Utility Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory Report zip file The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. Can request one extra report by using any of this utility/format. Report will be generated for every batch of transactions as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. Can request one extra report with each API call by using any of this utility/format. The report will be generated monthly as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |29 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. srtcomma20l Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) Description Same as srtcomma20 but the .ssf file also contains the number of lines. Report Format and Sample Data Srtcomma20l Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ssf Comma Delimited Column Headers Country, State, Locality, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Lines PCode,, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Lines Definitions for srtcomma20l SSF File Format Key without -p option Column Name Description Country Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Gross Sale Tax amount. Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Taxable Measure Adjustment calculation. Minutes Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Lines Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Sample USA,,,, 6, 0, 0.030000, 29881.866905, 996062.252444, 0.000000, 0.000000, 996062.252444, 14859213.000000, 0 USA,,,, 7, 0, 0.007600, 10116.132171, 1331070.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1331070.000000, 20410578.000000, 0 USA,,,, 18, 0, 0.031400, 11145.492379, 354952.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 354952.000000, 5446827.000000, 0 USA, AL, , , 16, 1, 0.067000, 969.972210, 14477.196802, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14477.196802, 220238.671875, 0 USA, AZ, , , 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014, 0 USA, AZ, , , 10, 1, 0.012500, 9.068400, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578, 0 USA, AZ, , , 12, 1, 0.011000, 7.980192, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578, 0 USA, AZ, APACHE, , 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014, 0 USA, AZ, APACHE, , 1, 2, 0.027000, 0.435283, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014, 0 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |30 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Srtcomma20l Utility Report Format and Sample Data USA, AZ, APACHE, SPRINGERVILLE, 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.705320, 14.106400, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14.106400, 214.620010, 0 srtcomma20l SSF File Format Key with -p option Column Name Description PCode Tax type identifier. Tax Type Tax level identifier. Tax Level Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount. Gross Sale Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Adjustment caluculation. Taxable Measure Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Minutes Lines Sample 0, 6, 0, 0.030000, 29881.866905, 996062.252444, 0.000000, 0.000000, 996062.252444, 14859213.000000, 0 0, 7, 0, 0.007600, 10116.132171, 1331070.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1331070.000000, 20410578.000000, 0 0, 18, 0, 0.031400, 11145.492379, 354952.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 354952.000000, 5446827.000000, 0 100, 16, 1, 0.067000, 969.972210, 14477.196802, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14477.196802, 220238.671875, 0 125300, 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014, 0 125300, 10, 1, 0.012500, 9.068400, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578, 0 125300, 12, 1, 0.011000, 7.980192, 725.472000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 725.472000, 11037.642578, 0 125400, 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.806080, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014, 0 125400, 1, 2, 0.027000, 0.435283, 16.121600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.121600, 245.280014, 0 125500, 1, 1, 0.050000, 0.705320, 14.106400, 0.000000, 0.000000, 14.106400, 214.620010, 0 Availability of Reports This report is generated by the srtcomma20l Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Srtcomma20l Utility Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory Report zip file The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. Can request one extra report by using any of this utility/format. Report will be generated for every batch of transactions as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |31 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Can request one extra report with each API call by using any of this utility/format. The report will be generated monthly as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. srtcomma20ld Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) Description Same as srtcomma20l but the .ssf file also contains Discount and Calculation Types. Report Format and Sample Data Srtcomma20ld Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ssf, Comma Delimited Fixed Length Column Headers Country, State, Locality, Tax Type, Tax Level, Adjustment Type, Calculation Type, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Lines PCode,, Tax Type, Tax Level, Adjustment Type, Calculation Type, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Lines Definitions for srtcomma20ld SSF File Format without -p option Column Name Description Country Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Adjustment Type Tax level identifier. Input entered in the AdjustmentType field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Calculation Type Calculation type for tax. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount. Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Gross Sale Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |32 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Srtcomma20ld Utility Report Format and Sample Data Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Adjustment calculation Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Taxable Measure Minutes Lines Sample USA, , , , 18, 0, 0, 1, 0.091000, 470.360800, 5168.800000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 5168.800000, 0.0, 0 USA, , , , 55, 0, 0, 1, 0.033761, 132.343120, 3920.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 3920.000000, 3840.0, 0 USA, , , , 169, 0, 0, 1, 0.002430, 12.560184, 5168.800000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 5168.800000, 0.0, 0 USA, , , , 170, 0, 0, 2, 0.018333, 0.293328, 80.000000, 50.320000, 0.000000, 29.680000, 0.0, 0 USA, CA, , , 9, 1, 0, 1, 0.001100, 0.704000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 USA, CA, , , 10, 1, 0, 1, 0.007200, 4.823194, 669.888000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 669.888000, 0.0, 0 USA, CA, , , 19, 1, 0, 1, 0.024300, 15.552000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 USA, CA, , , 21, 1, 0, 1, 0.001600, 1.024000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 USA, CA, , , 22, 1, 0, 1, 0.015500, 9.920000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 USA, CA, , , 23, 1, 0, 1, 0.002700, 1.728000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 Definitions for srtcomma20ld SSF File Format Key with -p option Column Name Description PCode PCode for taxing jurisdiction Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Discount Type Calculation Type Adjustment Type Calc Type Tax level identifier. Input entered in the DiscountType field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Calculation type for tax. Adjustment type for tax. Calculation type for tax. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount. Gross Sale Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Adjustment calculation Taxable Measure Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Minutes Lines Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Sample 253500, 9, 1, 0, 1, 0.001100, 0.704000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 253500, 10, 1, 0, 1, 0.007200, 4.823194, 669.888000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 669.888000, 0.0, 0 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |33 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Srtcomma20ld Utility Report Format and Sample Data 253500, 19, 1, 0, 1, 0.024300, 15.552000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 253500, 21, 1, 0, 1, 0.001600, 1.024000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 253500, 22, 1, 0, 1, 0.015500, 9.920000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 253500, 23, 1, 0, 1, 0.002700, 1.728000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 253500, 44, 1, 0, 1, 0.007200, 3.817705, 530.236821, 0.000000, 0.000000, 530.236821, 480.0, 0 253500, 60, 1, 0, 1, 0.001500, 0.960000, 640.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 640.000000, 0.0, 0 253500, 232, 1, 0, 1, 0.002700, 1.367765, 506.579556, 0.000000, 0.000000, 506.579556, 480.0, 0 Availability of Reports This report is generated by the srtcomma20ld Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Srtcomma20ld Utility Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. Report zip file Can request one extra report by using any of this utility/format. Report will be generated for every batch of transactions as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. Can request one extra report with each API call by using any of this utility/format. The report will be generated monthly as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |34 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. srtcommadetail Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) Description Same as srtcomma20 but the .ssf file includes Tax Type and Tax Level descriptions. Report Format and Sample Data Srtcommadetail utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ssf Comma Delimited Column Headers Country, State, Locality, PCode, Tax Type, Tax Type Description, Tax Level, Tax Level Description, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes Definitions for srtcommadetail SSF File Format Key Column Name Description Country Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. PCode PCode for taxing jurisdiction Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax Type Description Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax Level Description Tax level identifier Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Gross Sale Tax amount. Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Adjustment calculation Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Taxable Measure Minutes Description for tax type. Description for tax level identifier. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |35 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Srtcommadetail utility Report Format and Sample Data Sample USA, , , , 0, 6, Federal Excise Tax, 0, Federal, 0.030000, 63.946941, 2131.564739, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2131.564739, 2376516.0 USA, CA, , , 253500, 9, P.U.C. Fee, 1, State, 0.001100, 0.072776, 66.159998, 0.000000, 0.000000, 66.159998, 155916.0 USA, CA, , , 253500, 10, E911 Tax, 1, State, 0.006500, 0.450252, 69.269518, 0.000000, 0.000000, 69.269518, 155916.0 USA, CA, , , 253500, 19, State High Cost Fund, 1, State, 0.024300, 1.607688, 66.159998, 0.000000, 0.000000, 66.159998, 155916.0 USA, CA, , , 253500, 21, CA Teleconnect Fund, 1, State, 0.001600, 0.105856, 66.159998, 0.000000, 0.000000, 66.159998, 155916.0 USA, CA, , , 253500, 60, CA High Cost Fund A, 1, State, 0.001500, 0.099240, 66.159998, 0.000000, 0.000000, 66.159998, 155916.0 USA, CO, , , 427200, 13, State Universal Service Fund, 1, State, 0.029000, 0.026172, 0.902500, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.902500, 1920.0 USA, CO, DENVER, , 442100, 4, District Tax, 2, County, 0.001000, 0.000211, 0.210945, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.210945, 246.0 Availability of Reports This report is generated by the srtcommadetail Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Srtcommadetail Utility Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. Report zip file Can request one extra report by using any of this utility/format. Report will be generated for every batch of transactions as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. Can request one extra report with each API call by using any of this utility/format. The report will be generated monthly as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |36 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. customsort Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) Description The customsort utility is designed to allow clients to produce taxation reports which are sorted and summarized using client-specified fields and/or options. In other words, it's a one-stop shop where clients can generate a specific report in available base format (utility) and can include sort on additional fields. It works from data available in the log file, so it doesn't include original revenue and has no record of failed transactions. Available base formats are as follows: SRTCOMMA20L, SRTCOMMA20L-P, SRTCOMMA20LD, EZLOGCUST, EZLOGCUSTPTS Report Format and Sample Customsort utility Report Format Extension File Format Sample Data .csv, .xls Comma Delimited Definitions Token Description OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT Format to be used for output / reports BASE The base format to be used. OPTION User supplied option. ALGORITHM Algorithm for calculating net taxable sale amount. CALCULATED_VALUE_PRECISI ON DEFAULT_EXT Precision to be used in reports for calculated floating point. DATA_DIR Directory specify where the EZtax data resides. WORKING_DIR Working directory for custom sort. Precision to be used in reports for calculated floating point. *OptionalField1 *OptionalField2 *OptionalField3 *OptionalField4 *OptionalField5 *OptionalField6 Additional Extended Optional fields in which column headers are defined by the user upon creation of each one. Please note these additional optional columns only apply to AFC SaaS Pro. *OptionalField7 *OptionalField8 *OptionalField9 *OptionalField10 *Note: AFC SaaS Pro clients will have to add the columns to the report and the new column header names will appear in the report after they have been renamed by the user. These additional optional columns are not available for AFC SaaS Standard or AFC On Prem clients. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |37 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Configuration File Sample - srtcomma20l ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// base_srtcomma20l.cfg //// OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT: EZtax_{%y%m%d} BASE: srtcomma20l OPTION: NBA_FILE OPTION: NCA_FILE OPTION: NO_DELETE_LOG OPTION: NO_HEADER CALCULATED_VALUE_PRECISION: 6 DEFAULT_EXT: ssf DELIMITER: ',' DATA_DIR: C:\BillSoft\EZTax\Data WORKING_DIR: E:\Logs\customsort Configuration File Sample - srtcomma20l-p ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// base_srtcomma20l_p.cfg //// OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT: EZtax_{%y%m%d} BASE: srtcomma20l-p OPTION: NBA_FILE OPTION: NCA_FILE OPTION: NO_DELETE_LOG OPTION: NO_HEADER CALCULATED_VALUE_PRECISION: 6 DEFAULT_EXT: ssf DELIMITER: ',' DATA_DIR: C:\BillSoft\EZTax\Data WORKING_DIR: E:\Logs\customsort Configuration File Sample - srtcomma20ld ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT: EZtax_{%y%m%d} BASE: srtcomma20ld OPTION: NBA_FILE OPTION: NCA_FILE OPTION: NO_DELETE_LOG OPTION: NO_HEADER CALCULATED_VALUE_PRECISION: 6 DEFAULT_EXT: ssf DELIMITER: ',' DATA_DIR: C:\BillSoft\EZTax\Data WORKING_DIR: E:\Logs\customsort Configuration File Sample - ezlogcust ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT: EZtax_{%y%m%d} BASE: ezlogcust OPTION: NBA_FILE OPTION: NCA_FILE OPTION: NO_DELETE_LOG OPTION: NO_HEADER CALCULATED_VALUE_PRECISION: 6 DEFAULT_EXT: rpt DELIMITER: ',' DATA_DIR: C:\BillSoft\EZTax\Data WORKING_DIR: E:\Logs\customsort Configuration File Sample - ezlogcustpts ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT: EZtax_{%y%m%d} BASE: ezlogcustpts OPTION: NBA_FILE OPTION: NCA_FILE OPTION: NO_DELETE_LOG OPTION: NO_HEADER CALCULATED_VALUE_PRECISION: 6 DEFAULT_EXT: rpt DELIMITER: ',' DATA_DIR: C:\BillSoft\EZTax\Data WORKING_DIR: E:\Logs\customsort Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |38 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Custom Sort (Full Example) Configuration File Sample ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ext_srtcomma20l.cfg //// OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT: EZtax_{%y%m%d} BASE: srtcomma20l FIELD: P_CODE FIELD: CUST_NO FIELD: INV_NO OPTION: NBA_FILE OPTION: NCA_FILE OPTION: NO_DELETE_LOG OPTION: HEADER CALCULATED_VALUE_PRECISION: 6 DEFAULT_EXT: csv DELIMITER: ',' Sample Input File Request Type Date BillTo BillTo Country ISO State BillTo County BillTo Loc ality BillTo Transac tion Servic e Customer Invoic e ZipCode Charge Type Type Number Number CalcTaxes 20160315 USA FL Brevard Cocoa Beach 32931 50 19 6 Customer 1 987654 CalcTaxes 20160315 USA FL Brevard Cocoa Beach 32931 15 19 50 Customer 1 123456 CalcTaxes 20160315 USA CA San Francisco San Francisco 94102 50 13 6 Customer 2 4567890 CalcTaxes 20160315 USA CA San Francisco San Francisco 94102 15 13 50 Customer 2 4567890 CalcTaxes 20160315 USA NY New York New York 10001 50 16 6 Customer 3 1234 CalcTaxes 20160315 USA NY New York New York 10001 25 16 36 Customer 3 5678 Sample Output Files EZtax_160405.rpt Custom Sort Processing Metrics --------------------------------------------------------------------------Start Time : Tue Apr 05 10:53:57 2016 End Time : Tue Apr 05 10:53:57 2016 Taxes Input Metrics --------------------------------------------------------------------------Records: 22 File: C:\BILLSOFTONLINE\KML\KML\EZTax\EZTax.log Taxes Output Metrics --------------------------------------------------------------------------Summarized Records : 19 File: EZtax_160405_ssf.csv Non-billable Records : 3 File: EZtax_160405_nba.csv Non-compliance Records : 0 File: EZtax_160405_nca.csv Total Summarized Records : 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Report EZtax_160405_nca.csv Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |39 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. EZtax_160405_nba.csv EZtax_160405_ssf.csv Availability of Reports This report is generated by the customsort Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. customsort Utility Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. Report zip file Can request one extra report by using any of this utility/format. Report will be generated for every batch of transactions as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. Can request one extra report with each API call by using any of this utility/format. The report will be generated monthly as requested. This report will be available soon for SaaS clients in specific base formats. AFC SaaS Pro Emailed in zip file if requested. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |40 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. STRG Utility, (Outputfilename.ext) Description Fixed Length outputfilename.ssf file for tax compliance filing. Sorted and condensed by PCode, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate Report Format and Sample Data STRG Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ssf Comma Delimited Column Headers PCode, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount Sign, Tax Amount, File Record Length Definitions for STRG SSF File Format Key Column Name Description Length Positions PCode PCode for taxing jurisdiction 9 1-9 Tax Type Tax type identifier. 6 10-15 Tax Level Tax level identifier. 1 16 Tax Rate Rate for tax. 8 17-24 1 25 11.5 26-36 Tax Amount Sign Tax Amount File Record Length 36 Sample 0 1 2 3 1.23457E+35 -----------------------------------------------------------000000000000006000003000+00098418707 000000000000007000000580+00018387113 000000000000018000003180+00081599822 000000000000031000000039+00001000752 Availability of Report This report is generated by the STRG Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. STRG Utility Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |41 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. STRG Utility Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note AFC SaaS Standard This report is currently not available. AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Ezlogns Utility, Comma delimited log.ext, Description Generates a comma-delimited file for customer billing. Sorting and reporting is done at the customer level. Sorted and condensed by Customer Number, PCode, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Calculation Type. Report Format and Sample Data Ezlog ns Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .rpt Comma Delimited Column Headers Country, State, County, Locality,, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes Definitions for Ezlog ns Column Name County Description Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Country State Sample Data USA 6 Tax Type Tax type identifier. 6 Tax Level Tax level identifier. 0 Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount. Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Gross Sale o.030000 29881.866905 996062.252444 Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. 0 Adjustments Taxable Measure Adjustment calculation Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. 0 Minutes Compre he nsi ve G uide 996062.252444 14859213 to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |42 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Availability of Report This report is generated by the Ezlogns Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. EZlog ns Utility Report Availability Product Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC License Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. This report is currently not available. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Ezlogcust Utility, Comma delimited log.ext Description Same as Ezlogns plus Lines, Locations and Customer number Report Format and Sample Data Ezlogcust Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .rpt Comma Delimited Column Headers Country, State, County, Locality,, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Calculation Type, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Lines, Locations, Customer Number Definitions for Ezlogcust Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |43 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Column Name Country State County Locality Tax Type Tax Level Tax Rate Calculation Type Tax Amount Gross Sale Exempt Adjustments Taxable Measure Minutes Lines Locations Customer Number Description Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax type identifier. Tax level identifier. Rate for tax. Calculation type for tax. Tax amount Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustment calculation Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Number of locations Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Sample USA, , , , 6, 0, 0.030000, RATE, 0.892576, 29.752527, 0.000000, 0.000000, 29.752527, 0.000000, 1, 1, 2143278889 USA, TX, , , 9, 1, 0.001670, RATE, 0.049687, 29.752527, 0.000000, 0.000000, 29.752527, 0.000000, 1, 0, 2143278889 USA, TX, , , 13, 1, 0.036000, RATE, 1.035438, 28.762179, 0.000000, 0.000000, 28.762179, 0.000000, 1, 0, 2143278889 USA, TX, , , 26, 1, 0.012500, RATE, 0.367089, 29.367090, 0.000000, 0.000000, 29.367090, 0.000000, 1, 0, 2143278889 USA, TX, DALLAS, DALLAS, 1, 1, 0.062500, RATE, 1.863693, 29.819089, 0.000000, 0.000000, 29.819089, 0.000000, 1, 0, 2143278889 USA, TX, DALLAS, DALLAS, 1, 3, 0.010000, RATE, 0.298022, 29.802214, 0.000000, 0.000000, 29.802214, 0.000000, 1, 0, 2143278889 USA, TX, DALLAS, DALLAS, 4, 3, 0.010000, RATE, 0.283838, 28.383766, 0.000000, 0.000000, 28.383766, 0.000000, 0, 0, 2143278889 USA, TX, DALLAS, DALLAS, 10, 3, 0.620000, PER_LINE, 0.620000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1, 0, 2143278889 USA, TX, DALLAS, DALLAS, 51, 3, 1.350000, PER_LINE, 1.350000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1, 0, 2143278889 USA, , , , 6, 0, 0.030000, RATE, 0.210216, 7.007192, 0.000000, 0.000000, 7.007192, 5.100000, 0, 0, 2143278889B Availability of Report This report is generated by the Ezlogcust Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. EZlogcust Utility Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. This report is currently not available. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |44 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Ezlogcustios Utility, Comma delimited log.ext Description Same as Ezlogcust plus includes Invoice Number, Optional, Service Level Number Report Format and Sample Data Ezlogcustios Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .rpt Comma Delimited Column Headers Invoice Numeber, Optional, Service Level Number, Country, State, County, Locality, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Customer Number Definitions for Ezlogcustios Column Name Invoice Number Optional Service Level Number Country Decription Input entered in the InvoiceNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the ServiceLevelNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount Gross Sale Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Numeric Taxable Measure Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Minutes Customer Number Number of lines used for calculating the tax in perline taxes. Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Sample 6, 8, 7, USA, AL, AUTAUGA, AUTAUGAVILLE, 1, 1, 0.040000, RATE, 0.720000, 18.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 18.000000, 275.940002, 54, 18, BillSoft Inc. 6, 8, 7, USA, AL, AUTAUGA, JONES, 1, 2, 0.020000, RATE, 0.320000, 16.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 16.000000, 245.280014, 48, 16, BillSoft Inc. 6, 8, 7, USA, AL, AUTAUGA, PRATTVILLE, 1, 3, 0.025000, RATE, 0.050000, 2.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000, 30.660000, 6, 2, BillSoft Inc. 6, 8, 7, USA, AL, AUTAUGA, AUTAUGAVILLE, 1, 3, 0.030000, RATE, 0.060000, 2.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000, 30.660000, 6, 2, BillSoft Inc. 6, 8, 7, USA, , , , 6, 0, 0.030000, RATE, 14.312928, 477.097605, 0.000000, 0.000000, 477.097605, 5825.416504, 1140, 380, BillSoft Inc. 6, 8, 7, USA, AL, , , 8, 1, 0.060000, RATE, 2.200486, 36.674766, 0.000000, 0.000000, 36.674766, 551.879822, 108, 36, BillSoft Inc. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |45 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. 6, 8, 7, USA, AL, BALDWIN, , 10, 2, 0.690000, PER_LINE, 4.140000, 2.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000, 30.660000, 6, 2, BillSoft Inc. Availability of Report This report is generated by the EZlogcustios Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. EZlogcustios Utility Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. This report is currently not available. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |46 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Ezlogcustpts Utility, Comma delimited log.ext Description Same as Ezlogcust plus includes Pcode, Transaction type and Service Type Report Format and Sample Data EzlogcustptsUtility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .rpt Comma Delimited Column Headers PCode, Optional, Service Level Number, Country, State, County, Locality,Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Customer Number Definitions for Ezlogcustpts Column Name Description PCode PCode for taxing jurisdiction Optional Service Level Number Input entered in the Optional field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the ServiceLevelNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Country Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount Gross Sale Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Adjustment calculation. Taxable Measure Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Minutes Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Customer Number Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Sample 0, 1, 1, USA,,,, 6, 0, 0.030000, 0.128824, 4.294140, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.294140, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 1, USA,,,, 18, 0, 0.072805, 0.291220, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 1, USA,,,, 31, 0, 0.000730, 0.002920, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 2, USA,,,, 6, 0, 0.030000, 0.128824, 4.294140, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.294140, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 2, USA,,,, 18, 0, 0.072805, 0.291220, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 2, USA,,,, 31, 0, 0.000730, 0.002920, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 3, USA,,,, 6, 0, 0.030000, 0.128824, 4.294140, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.294140, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 3, USA,,,, 18, 0, 0.072805, 0.291220, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 3, USA,,,, 31, 0, 0.000730, 0.002920, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 4, USA,,,, 18, 0, 0.072805, 0.291220, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 1, 4, USA,,,, 31, 0, 0.000730, 0.002920, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. 0, 2, 1, USA,,,, 6, 0, 0.030000, 0.120000, 4.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 61.320000, BillSoft, Inc. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |47 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Availability of Report This report is generated by the Ezlogcustpts Utility. EZlogcustpts Utility Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. This report is currently not available. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |48 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Ezlogcustptslnl Utility, Comma delimited log.ext Description Same as Ezlogcustpts plus the number of lines and locations are also included. Report Format and Sample Data Ezlogcustptslnl Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .rpt Comma Delimited Column Headers PCode, Optional, Service Level Number, Country, State, County, Locality,Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Gross Sale, Exempt, Adjustments, Taxable Measure, Minutes, Lines, Location Definitions for Ezlogcustptslnl Column Name Description PCode PCode for taxing jurisdiction Optional Service Level Number Input entered in the Optional field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Service ID used in the input transaction or derived out of the bundle if a bundle transaction was used. Country Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. Locality Locality name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Tax amount Gross Sale Gross sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Exempt Exempt sale amount from tax record. Adjustments Adjustment calculation Taxable Measure Taxable measure used for calculating the tax. Minutes Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Customer Number Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Lines Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Location Number of locations Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |49 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Sample 0, 0, 0, USA, , , , 6, 0, 0.030000, 2.462930, 82.097663, 0.000000, 0.000000, 82.097663, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 6, 2 0, 0, 0, USA, , , , 18, 0, 0.089000, 1.157000, 13.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 13.000000, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 0, 0, 0, USA, , , , 31, 0, 0.000000, 0.000000, 13.000000, 13.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 1210800, 0, 0, USA, KS, , , 13, 1, 0.048700, 1.458565, 29.949999, 0.000000, 0.000000, 29.949999, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 1284800, 0, 0, USA, KS, SALINE, , 10, 2, 0.750000, 2.250000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 3, 0 1284900, 0, 0, USA, KS, SALINE, SALINA, 1, 1, 0.053000, 2.039814, 38.487064, 0.000000, 0.000000, 38.487064, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 1284900, 0, 0, USA, KS, SALINE, SALINA, 1, 2, 0.010000, 0.384871, 38.487064, 0.000000, 0.000000, 38.487064, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 1284900, 0, 0, USA, KS, SALINE, SALINA, 1, 3, 0.007500, 0.288653, 38.487064, 0.000000, 0.000000, 38.487064, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 2502500, 0, 0, USA, NY, , , 5, 1, 0.025000, 0.925712, 37.028499, 0.000000, 0.000000, 37.028499, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 2502500, 0, 0, USA, NY, , , 45, 1, 0.003750, 0.138857, 37.028499, 0.000000, 0.000000, 37.028499, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 0, 0 2604000, 0, 0, USA, NY, NEW YORK, , 10, 2, 1.000000, 3.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, BillSoft, Inc. , 3, 0 Availability of Report This report is generated by the Ezlogcustptslnl Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. EZlogcustptslnl Utility Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Working Directory The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. This report is currently not available. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |50 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Srtcdf20 and srtcdf20p, Outputfile.ext, Description Same as srtcomma20 but in CDF format. Report Format and Sample Data Srtcdf20 and srtcdf20p Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .ssf, .csf Fixed Length Column Headers PCode, ,Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount Sign, Tax Amount, File Record Length Customer Number, TaxType, Tax Level, Tax Amount Sign, Tax Amount, File Record Length Definitions for Srtcdf20 and srtcdf20p Column Name Description Length PCode PCode for taxing jurisdiction. 9 1-9 Tax Type Tax type identifier. 6 10-15 Tax Level Tax level identifier. 1 16 Tax Rate Rate for tax. 8.5 17-24 Tax Amount Sign Numeric Tax Amount Tax amount File Record Length Column Name Customer Number Positions 1 25 11.5 26-36 36 Description Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Length Positions 9 1-9 6 21-26 Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. 1 27 Tax Amount Sign Numeric 12 28-39 Tax Amount Tax Amount 50 40-69 File Record Length 39 or 89 Sample 0 1 2 3 1234567890123456…. -----------------------------------------------------------000000000000006000003000+00098418707 000000000000007000000580+00018387113 000000000000018000003180+00081599822 000000000000031000000039+00001000752 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |51 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Availability of Report This report is generated by the Srtcdf20 and srtcdf20p Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. Srtcdf20 and srtcdf20p Utility Report Availability Product AFC License AFC SaaS Standard Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? Location Note Working Directory Report zip file The referenced utility can be used to generate this report. CDF users or clients may request reports in this format. AFC SaaS Pro This report is currently not available. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |52 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Other Reports Output_ASCIILOG.ext Description This report deposits the contents of the logfilename.log to an ASCII version of the log file. Report Format and Sample Data ASCIILog Utility Report Format and Sample Data Extension File Format Sample Data .csv Comma Delimited Column Headers Country, State, County, City, Tax Type, Tax Level, Tax Rate, Tax Amount, Charges, Exemptions, Adjustments, Net Sales, Minutes, Invoice Number, Service Level Number, Optional, Lines, Locations, Calculation Type, Customer Number Definitions for ASCIILog Column Name State Description Three-character country code for taxing jurisdiction. State abbreviation for taxing jurisdiction. County County name for taxing jurisdiction. City City name for taxing jurisdiction. Tax Type Tax type identifier. Tax Level Tax level identifier. Tax Rate Rate for tax. Tax Amount Charges Tax amount Amount charged. Input entered in the ExemptionType field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Adjustment calculation Net sale amount. This field is used for srtcomma20ld and srtcommadetail reports. Number of minutes used for calculating the tax in per-minute taxes. Input entered in the InvoiceNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the ServiceLevelNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Input entered in the Optional field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Number of lines used for calculating the tax in per-line taxes. Number of locations. Calculation type for tax. Country Exemptions Adjustments Net Sales Minutes Invoice Number Service Level Number Optional Lines Locations Calculation Type Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |53 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Input entered in the CustomerNumber field of the TelecomTransaction or SalesUseTansaction. Customer Number Sample USA, PA, , , 9, 1, 0.002662, 0.851840, 320.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 320.000000, 0.000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, RATE, 93368917:1608205 USA, PA, BERKS, KEMPTON, 14, 1, 0.050000, 46.583018, 931.660350, 0.000000, 0.000000, 931.660350, 240.000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, RATE, 93368917:1608206 USA, CA, , , 10, 1, 0.007200, 4.317632, 599.671134, 0.000000, 0.000000, 599.671134, 240.000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, RATE, 93368917:1608204 USA, PA, BERKS, KEMPTON, 1, 1, 0.060000, 55.899620, 931.660350, 0.000000, 0.000000, 931.660350, 240.000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, RATE, 93368917:1608206 Availability of Reports This report is generated by the ASCIILog Utility. Please reference the table below for additional details regarding availability of reports by product. ASCIILog Utility Report Availability Product AFC License Generated by Default? Received by Default? Available Upon Request? AFC SaaS Standard Location Note Working Directory Report zip file This report can be created by using the ASCIILog utility. This report is not currently generated by default; however, it can be set to generate by default if needed. Currently, it is included at the request of the customer. Please note this report is not recommended for larger clients. This report is currently not available; however, the Detail Log report is available to SaaS Pro clients and is considered equivalent in content. Emailed AFC SaaS Pro Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |54 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. File Descriptions Tax Type Files tax_type.exp Description Tax types are used by AFC to identify the specific tax to which the tax liability applies. With the large number of taxes that exist in the telecommunications world, having the tax identified along with the description, category and reference helps both in billing / customer service and in compliance filing. The numeric tax type value is also used for specified exemptions and in Rate and Logic overrides. The tax category is used for grouping taxes and for category based exemptions. Refer to Section 4.3.5 Tax Types in the AFC User Manual for more detailed information on tax types. File Format and Sample Tax_Type.exp File Format and Sample Data File Name File Format Sample Data tax_type.exp tab delimited Sample Column Name TAX_TYPE Description Reference TAX_CAT_ID Description Numeric identifier for the tax Description of the tax Reference to the high level application of the tax. Reference DESCRIPTION 1 Telecom Tax 2 Sales and Use Tax 3 Both Telecom and Sales and Use Tax Tax Category identifier TAX_CAT_ID DESCRIPTION 0 NO CATEGORY DESCRIPTION 1 SALES AND USE TAXES 2 BUSINESS TAXES 3 GROSS RECEIPTS TAXES 4 EXCISE TAXES 5 CONNECTIVITY CHARGES 6 REGULATORY CHARGES 7 E-911 CHARGES Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |55 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. 8 UTILITY USER TAXES 9 RIGHT OF WAY FEES 10 COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TAX 11 CABLE REGULATORY FEES 12 RESERVED 13 VALUE ADDED TAXES File Availability and Location tax_type.exp File Availability and Location Product AFC License Platform/Package Unix Location in Installation/Download Package tax_type.exp is at root level in package All other files are in the db subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory tax_type.exp is at root level in package All other files are located in /eztax_db9. This is at the root of the Integrated File System (IFS). Windows AS/400 It is copied to the EZTAX_DB9 installation library. all_adr.txt - ALL_ADR The name on the left is the text file name. The name on the right is the physical file name. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro All files are in the txt subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |56 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Zip Address to PCode Cross Reference Files all_adr.txt Description The address to PCode cross-reference file has all jurisdictions recognized by AFC listed along with the corresponding PCode. The Zip Begin and Zip End has different meaning depending on the jurisdiction level. • • • • Country Level: Zip Begin/End represent the ID for the country. Refer to {Appendix A} for more information on country codes. State/Province Level: Zip Begin/End represent the ID for the state/province. County Level: Zip Begin/End represent the ID for the county. City Level: Zip Begin/End represent the 5 digit (USA/Brazil) or 6 digit Canadian zip code range for that City. File Format and Sample all_adr.txt File Format and Sample File Name File Format Sample Data all_adr.txt Comma delimited Sample Column PCode Alternate Country State County City Zip Begin Zip End Description Numeric persisted code for tax jurisdiction Flag indicating if the address is an alternate address Alternate DESCRIPTION 0 Primary Tax Jurisdiction 1 Alternate Tax Jurisdiction Country ISO (3 bytes) State Abbreviation (2 bytes) County Name City or Locality Name Start of the zip code range End of the zip code range Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |57 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. File Availability and Location all_adr.txt File Availability and Location Product AFC License Platform/Package Unix Windows AS/400 Location in Installation/Download Package all_adr.txt is in the db subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory all_adr.txt is located in /eztax_db9. This is at the root of the Integrated File System (IFS). It is copied to the EZTAX_DB9 installation library as: all_adr.txt - ALL_ADR The name on the left is the text file name. The name on the right is the physical file name. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro All files are in the txt subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |58 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Calculation Type Files calculationType.txt Description For the Telecommunication tax calculations, there are different rules on not only what is taxed but also how it is taxed. This table provides descriptions for all calculation types. For additional details, please reference the table below. File Format and Sample calculationType.txt File Format and Sample File Name File Format Sample Data CalculationType.txt Comma delimited Sample DATA_TYPE_ID DESCRIPTION Numeric Value for Calculation Type Please reference table provided below for Calculation Type descriptions. Calculation Type Rate Fixed Amount Per Minute Per Access Line Self-Taxing Rate (Cable) Per Bracket Fixed on Tier Tax Applicability Taxable Measure is multiplied by Rate Fixed taxes represent a fixed tax that applies to the product being taxed. Number of Minutes is multiplied by Rate Number of Lines is multiplied by Rate Taxable Measure is multiplied by Self-Taxing Rate Number of Lines is multiplied by Rate based on tax bracket for line count Sale Amount is multiplied by Rate based on tax tier for sale amount File Availability and Location calculationType.txt File Availability and Location Product Platform/Package AFC License Unix Windows AS/400 AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Location in Installation/Download Package calculationType.txt is in the db subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory calculationType.txt is located in /eztax_db9. This is at the root of the Integrated File System (IFS). All files are in the txt subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |59 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. FIPS Code Cross Reference to PCode Files fipspcd.txt , pcdfips.txt Description AFC provides support for using a 10 digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code to define the taxing jurisdiction. The fipspcd.txt file provides a cross reference for the PCode associated with a given FIPS code. There will never be a single FIPS code cross referenced to more than one PCode. The pcdfips.txt provides a cross reference for the FIPSs code(s) associated with a given PCode. There may be multiple FIPs codes that are associated with a single PCode. File Format and Sample fipspcd.txt , pcdfips.txt File Format and Sample Data File Name File Format Sample Data fipspcd.txt, pcdfips.txt tab delimited with summary row at beginning of file Sample Column Name Fips Code PCode Description 10 digit fips code Numeric persisted code for tax jurisdiction Column Name PCode Fips Code Description Numeric persisted code for tax jurisdiction 10 digit fips code File Availability and Location fipspcd.txt , pcdfips.txt File Availability and Location Product Platform/Package AFC License Unix Windows AS/400 AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Location in Installation/Download Package fipspcd.txt and pcdfips.txt are in the db subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory fipspcd.txt and pcdfips.txt are located in /eztax_db9. This is at the root of the Integrated File System (IFS). All files are in the txt subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |60 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. NPANXX Cross Reference to PCode Files npanxx7.txt Description AFC provides support for using the 6 digit North America Numbering Plan Area – Local Exchange (NPANXX) code to define the taxing jurisdiction. As a convenience, the NPA-NXX lookup and cross-reference table supports country codes for the NPANXX value. Refer to {Appendix A} for more information on country codes. File Format and Sample npanxx7.txt File Format and Sample File Name File Format Sample Data npanxx7.txt comma delimited Sample Column Name NPANXX Description 6 digit NPA-NXX value Also supports numeric country code (values 0 – 999) Numeric persisted code for tax jurisdiction PCode File Availability and Location npanxx7.txt File Availability and Location Product AFC License Platform/Package Unix Location in Installation/Download Package Npanxx7.txt is at root level in package All other files are in the db subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory Npanxx7.txt is located in /eztax_db9. This is at the root of the Integrated File System (IFS). Windows AS/400 It is copied to the EZTAX_DB9 installation library as: npanxx7.txt - NPANXX7 The name on the left is the text file name. The name on the right is the physical file name. AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro All files are in the txt subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |61 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Transaction/Service Pair List and Description Files transerv.txt and transervdesc.txt , transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt Description AFC maps product to transaction type/service type pairs. The transaction type is a high level grouping such as VoIP or Cellular. The service type is a more granular breakdown such as Access Charge. These files provide the t/s pair information for reference and importation into the billing or invoice application. File Format and Sample transerv.txt and transervdesc.txt , transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt File Format and Sample File Name File Format Sample Data Telecom Filename: transerv.txt and transervdesc.txt Sales and Use Filename: transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt comma delimited – column size is fixed Sample Column Name Alternate Description Indicates whether the t/s pair is an alternate name for an existing t/s pair Alternate DESCRIPTION Blank A Market Market Name Trans Type Trans Desc Service Type Service Desc Long Description Primary T/S Pair Alternate T/S Pair Numeric Market Id Description of Market Numeric Transaction Type Description of Transaction Value Numeric Service Type Description of Service Value Additional field provided in the transervdesc.txt and transervdescsau.txt – represents a description of the application for the t/s pair. File Availability and Location transerv.txt and transervdesc.txt , transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt File Availability and Location Product AFC License Platform/Package Location in Installation/Download Package Unix transerv.txt, transervdesc.txt, transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt are in the db subdirectory. Windows AS/400 All files are in the txt subdirectory transerv.txt, transervdesc.txt, transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt are located in /eztax_db9. This is at the root of the Integrated File System (IFS). Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |62 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. transerv.txt and transervdesc.txt , transervsau.txt and transervdescsau.txt File Availability and Location Product Platform/Package AFC SaaS Standard AFC SaaS Pro Location in Installation/Download Package All files are in the txt subdirectory All files are in the txt subdirectory Further information Please contact with any questions or if additional assistance is needed in accessing information files. Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |63 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Appendix A – Supported Country Codes In tax calculation calls, Avalara recommends that you use the 3-byte ISO (International Organization for Standardization) code for Country. The 3-byte ISO is required for exclusion lists. Name ANDORRA ANTIGUA ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BARBADOS BELGIUM BELIZE BERMUDA BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BULGARIA CAMBODIA CANADA CAYMAN ISLANDS CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COSTA RICA CROATIA CURACAO CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR ESTONIA FIJI FINLAND 3-Byte ISO Code AND ATG ARG AUS AUT AZE BHS BHR BRB BEL BLZ BMU BOL BIH BGR KHM CAN CYM CHL CHN COL CRI HRV CUW CYP CZE DNK DMA DOM ECU EGY SLV EST FJI FIN 2-Byte ISO Code AD AG AR AU AT AZ BS BH BB BE BZ BM BO BA BG KH CA KY CL CN CO CR HR CW CY CZ DK DM DO EC EG SV EE FJ FI Compre he nsi ve G uide PCode 5510000 5250000 4481300 4481400 4481500 4481600 5420000 5450000 4481700 4481800 5240000 5180000 4481900 5380000 4482000 4482100 4482200 5520000 5350000 5101400 5101500 5101600 5101700 5540000 5101800 5101900 5102000 5270000 5280000 5102100 5410000 5290000 5102200 5105400 5105500 to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |64 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Name FRANCE GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUYANA HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN KENYA KUWAIT LATVIA LEBANON LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MALAYSIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MOROCCO NAMIBIA NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND 3-Byte ISO Code FRA DEU GHA GRC GRD GTM GUY HND HUN ISL IND IDN IRL ISR ITA JAM JPN KEN KWT LVA LBN LTU LUX MYS MUS MEX MAR NAM NLD NZL NIC NGA NOR OMN PAN PNG PRY PER PHL POL 2-Byte ISO Code FR DE GH GR GD GT GY HN HU IS IN ID IE IL IT JM JP KE KW LV LB LT LU MY MU MX MA NA NL NZ NI NG NO OM PA PG PY PE PH PL Compre he nsi ve G uide PCode 5105600 5105700 5105800 5127400 5300000 5310000 5320000 5108500 5108600 5138400 5148400 5108700 5108800 5370000 5108900 5330000 5109000 5109100 5460000 5109200 5390000 5109300 5109400 5210000 5113200 5113300 5113400 5113500 5113600 5113700 5340000 5158400 5114500 5470000 5115300 5115400 5530000 5115500 5360000 5115600 to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |65 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Name PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF MALTA REUNION ISLAND ROMANIA RUSSIA SAUDI ARABIA SERBIA SINGAPORE SLOVAK REPUBLIC SLOVENIA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH KOREA SPAIN ST KITTS AND NEVIS ST VINCENT SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAIWAN TANZANIA THAILAND TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TURKEY UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNSUPPORTED COUNTRY URUGUAY VENEZUELA VIETNAM ZAMBIA 3-Byte ISO Code PRT QAT MLT REU ROU RUS SAU SRB SGP SVK SVN ZAF KOR ESP KNA VCT SWE CHE TWN TZA THA TTO TUR UGA UKR ARE GBR USA UNS URY VEN VNM ZMB 2-Byte ISO Code PT QA MT RE RO RU SA RS SG SK SI ZA KR ES KN VC SE CH TW TZ TH TT TR UG UA AE GB US XX UY VE VN ZM PCode 5115700 5480000 5200000 5220000 5123900 5124000 5490000 5400000 5124100 5178400 5124200 5124300 5168400 5124400 5230000 5260000 5124500 5124600 5124700 5124800 5124900 5125000 5125100 5125200 5125300 5500000 5125400 0 5190000 5125500 5127200 5127300 5105900 Below is the preferred Country and State abbreviation to be used for US Territories. PCode Name 5340001 AMERICAN SAMOA Country and State Abbreviation USA,AS Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |66 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. PCode Name 5340002 FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA 5106100 GUAM 5340003 MARSHALL ISLANDS 5340004 NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 5340005 PALAU 5115900 PUERTO RICO 5340006 US VIRGIN ISLANDS Country and State Abbreviation USA,FM USA,GU USA,MH USA,MP USA,PW USA,PR USA,VI Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |67 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Appendix B – Supported States, Territories and Provinces USA States and Territories ID Abbreviation Name 1 AL Alabama 2 AK Alaska 3 AZ Arizona 4 AR Arkansas 5 CA California 6 CO Colorado 7 CT Connecticut 8 DE Delaware 9 DC Washington, D.C. 10 FL Florida 11 GA Georgia 12 HI Hawaii 13 ID Idaho 14 IL Illinois 15 IN Indiana 16 IA Iowa 17 KS Kansas 18 KY Kentucky 19 LA Louisiana 20 ME Maine 21 MD Maryland 22 MA Massachusetts 23 MI Michigan 24 MN Minnesota 25 MS Mississippi 26 MO Missouri 27 MT Montana 28 NE Nebraska 29 NV Nevada 30 NH New Hampshire 31 NJ New Jersey 32 NM New Mexico 33 NY New York 34 NC North Carolina 35 ND North Dakota Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |68 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. ID Abbreviation Name 36 OH Ohio 37 OK Oklahoma 38 OR Oregon 39 PA Pennsylvania 40 RI Rhode Island 41 SC South Carolina 42 SD South Dakota 43 TN Tennessee 44 TX Texas 45 UT Utah 46 VT Vermont 47 VA Virginia 48 WA Washington 49 WV West Virginia 50 WI Wisconsin 51 WY Wyoming 52 GU Guam 53 PR Puerto Rico 54 AS American Samoa 55 FM Fed St of Micronesia 56 MH Marshall Islands 57 MP Northern Mariana Islands 58 PW Palau 59 VI US Virgin Islands Canadian Provinces and Territories Id Abbv. Name 1 AB Alberta 2 BC British Columbia 3 MB Manitoba 4 NB New Brunswick 5 NL or NF Newfoundland 6 NT Northwest Territories 7 NS Nova Scotia 8 ON Ontario 9 PE Prince Edward Island 10 QC or PQ Quebec 11 SK Saskatchewan Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |69 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Id Abbv. Name 12 YT Yukon Territory 13 NU Nunavut Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |70 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Appendix C – AFC Sorting & Reporting Utilities The format of compliance files may be that of any of the available AvaTax for Communications (AFC) sorting and reporting utilities listed in the table below. Method Date Method 0 Date Method 1 Description This method gathers all transactions that were sent to our server during the previous month by looking at start time field for each transaction and generate the compliance files from that data on the first of every month or requested date. AFC uses date method 0 to generate compliance reports, unless specified by client. This method processes data based on invoice date. We gather all transactions that have an invoice date of the previous month and generate the compliance files from that data on the first day of every month. Example • Reporting Scenario 1: Throughout the month of January 2013, you submit several transactions to the web service for taxation at the time each sale occurs. The system will generate the January 2013 compliance reports on February 1st, 2013 for all the transactions received in January, irrespective of invoice date. • Reporting Scenario 2: Throughout the month of January 2013, you submit several transactions to the web service for taxation with an invoice date of January 2013. On February 1st, 2013, the system will gather all transactions with an invoice date of January 1st through January 31st 2013 and generate the compliance data. • Compre he nsi ve G uide Reporting Scenario 3: You send a transaction with an invoice date of January 15th past February 1st when AFC runs your compliance reports, this transaction will never show up on any report. You will need to submit a request to our network services to rerun your data for January in order to capture January data sent past February. Additional charges apply to rerun, or provide subsequent compliance reports for the month. Alternatively, you may request your compliance reports to be generated on a specific day of the month in order to give you enough time to complete processing tax calculations for your billing cycle. Please contact in order to set up these preferences. to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |71 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Method Date Method 2 Description This method processes data based on an optional10 field. The client will fill in the optional10 field with the year and month (YYYYMM format) that they want the transaction to show up in their compliance files. When AFC runs the compliance reports, it only includes transactions from the previous month, based upon optional10 field. Compre he nsi ve G uide Example • Reporting Scenario 4: Throughout the month of January 2013, you submit several transactions to the web service for taxation at the time each sale occurs. Each transaction must include the value 201301 in the Optional10 field. The system will generate the January 2013 compliance reports on February 1st, 2013 and include the taxes for all transactions with a 201301 value in the Optional10 field. It is important to note that if you send transactions with 201301 in the optional10 field, after the compliance report is run on February 1, they will be provided in any compliance reports. In this case, you should record the transaction as 201302 or a future period for them to be reported upon. • Reporting Scenario 5: On February 1st 2013, you process a batch for all January 2013 transactions. Each transaction must have a 201301 value in the Optional10 field. You should request your reports to be generated on the 2nd day of the month beforehand. The system will generate your January 2013 compliance reports on the 2nd day of the month and include the taxes for all transactions with a 201301 value in the Optional10 field. • Reporting Scenario 6: On February 15th, you process an adjustment for a transaction that took place on January 15th 2013. The Date field of the transaction must have the date of the original transaction (January 15th) in order to get the appropriate tax adjustments back, but the Optional10 field of the transaction must have a value of 201302 since the adjustment was handled during February. The tax adjustment will be included in your February 2013 compliance reports. to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |72 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. Appendix D – International NPANXX IDs In tax calculation calls, Avalara recommends that you use the 3-byte ISO (International Organization for Standardization) code for Country. The 3-byte ISO is required for exclusion lists. NPANXX Country ID Country Name 3-Byte ISO Code 2-Byte ISO Code Country Code PCode 2 ARGENTINA ARG AR 54 4481300 3 AUSTRALIA AUS AU 61 4481400 4 AUSTRIA AUT AT 43 4481500 5 AZERBAIJAN AZE AZ 994 4481600 6 BARBADOS BRB BB 809 4481700 7 BELGIUM BEL BE 321 4481800 8 BOLIVIA BOL BO 591 4481900 9 BULGARIA BGR BG 359 4482000 10 CAMBODIA KHM KH 855 4482100 12 CHINA CHN CN 86 5101400 13 COLOMBIA COL CO 57 5101500 14 COSTA RICA CRI CR 506 5101600 15 CROATIA HRV HR 385 5101700 16 CYPRUS CYP CY 357 5101800 17 CZECH REPUBLIC CZE CZ 42 5101900 18 DENMARK DNK DK 45 5102000 19 ECUADOR ECU EC 592 5102100 20 ESTONIA EST EE 372 5102200 22 FIJI FJI FJ 679 5105400 23 FINLAND FIN FI 358 5105500 24 FRANCE FRA FR 331 5105600 25 GERMANY DEU DE 49 5105700 26 GHANA GHA GH 233 5105800 27 ZAMBIA ZMB 260 5105900 29 HONDURAS HND HN 504 5108500 30 HUNGARY HUN HU 36 5108600 31 INDONESIA IDN ID 62 5108700 32 IRELAND IRL IE 353 5108800 33 ITALY ITA IT 39 5108900 34 JAPAN JPN JP 81 5109000 35 KENYA KEN KE 254 5109100 36 LATVIA LVA LV 371 5109200 37 LITHUANIA LTU LT 370 5109300 38 LUXEMBOURG LUX LU 352 5109400 40 MAURITIUS MUS MU 230 5113200 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |73 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. NPANXX Country ID Country Name 3-Byte ISO Code 2-Byte ISO Code Country Code PCode 41 MEXICO MEX MX 52 5113300 42 MOROCCO MAR MA 212 5113400 43 NAMIBIA NAM NA 264 5113500 44 NETHERLANDS NLD NL 31 5113600 45 NEW ZEALAND NZL NZ 64 5113700 47 NORWAY NOR NO 47 5114500 49 PANAMA PAN PA 507 5115300 50 PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG PG 675 5115400 51 PERU PER PE 51 5115500 52 POLAND POL PL 48 5115600 53 PORTUGAL PRT PT 351 5115700 54 ROMANIA ROU RO 40 5123900 56 RUSSIA RUS RU 7 5124000 57 SINGAPORE SGP SG 65 5124100 58 SLOVENIA SVN SI 386 5124200 59 SOUTH AFRICA ZAF ZA 27 5124300 60 SPAIN ESP ES 349 5124400 61 SWEDEN SWE SE 46 5124500 62 SWITZERLAND CHE CH 41 5124600 63 TAIWAN TWN TW 886 5124700 64 TANZANIA TZA TZ 255 5124800 65 THAILAND THA TH 66 5124900 67 TURKEY TUR TR 90 5125100 68 UGANDA UGA UG 256 5125200 69 UKRAINE UKR UA 380 5125300 70 UNITED KINGDOM GBR GB 44 5125400 71 URUGUAY URY UY 598 5125500 73 VENEZUELA VEN VE 58 5127200 74 VIETNAM VNM VN 84 5127300 75 GREECE GRC GR 30 5127400 76 ICELAND ISL IS 352 5138400 77 INDIA IND IN 356 5148400 78 NIGERIA NGA NG 566 5158400 79 SOUTH KOREA KOR KR 410 5168400 80 SLOVAK REPUBLIC SVK SK 703 5178400 82 UNSUPPORTED COUNTRY UNS XX 99 5190000 83 REPUBLIC OF MALTA MLT MT 356 5200000 84 MALAYSIA MYS MY 60 5210000 85 REUNION ISLAND REU RE 690 5220000 86 ST KITTS AND NEVIS KNA KN 659 5230000 Compre he nsi ve G uide to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |74 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc. NPANXX Country ID Country Name 3-Byte ISO Code 2-Byte ISO Code Country Code PCode 87 ANTIGUA ATG AG 268 5250000 88 BELIZE BLZ BZ 501 5240000 89 DOMINICA DMA DM 809 5270000 90 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM DO 809 5280000 91 EL SALVADOR SLV SV 503 5290000 92 GRENADA GRD GD 809 5300000 93 GUATEMALA GTM GT 502 5310000 94 GUYANA GUY GY 592 5320000 95 JAMAICA JAM JM 809 5330000 96 NICARAGUA NIC NI 505 5340000 97 ST VINCENT VCT VC 809 5260000 98 CHILE CHL CL 56 5350000 99 PHILIPPINES PHL PH 63 5360000 100 ISRAEL ISR IL 972 5370000 101 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BIH BA 387 5380000 102 LEBANON LBN LB 961 5390000 103 SERBIA SRB RS 381 5400000 104 EGYPT EGY EG 20 5410000 105 BAHAMAS BHS BS 124 5420000 106 BRAZIL BRA BR 55 5430000 107 SENEGAL SEN SN 686 5440000 108 BAHRAIN BHR BH 973 5450000 109 KUWAIT KWT KW 965 5460000 110 OMAN OMN OM 968 5470000 111 QATAR QAT QA 974 5480000 112 SAUDI ARABIA SAU SA 966 5490000 113 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARE AE 971 5550000 114 115 116 117 ANDORRA CAYMAN ISLANDS PARAGUAY CURACAO AND CYM PRY CUW AD 376 345 595 599 5510000 5520000 5530000 5540000 Compre he nsi ve G uide KY PY CW to R epor ts a n d D a t a F i l e s |75 of 75 Copyright 2018 Avalara, Inc.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No Author : Alicia Combs Company : Avalara, Inc. Create Date : 2018:11:21 10:41:28-05:00 Modify Date : 2018:11:21 10:45:55-05:00 Source Modified : D:20181121153645 Language : EN-US Tagged PDF : Yes XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c015 91.163280, 2018/06/22-11:31:03 Metadata Date : 2018:11:21 10:45:55-05:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat PDFMaker 19 for Word Document ID : uuid:874fa8db-a55d-4481-93e9-0e564bf0e427 Instance ID : uuid:d23c5c7a-fd32-4bbc-a6a4-43fe1e0991a3 Subject : 14 Format : application/pdf Title : Creator : Alicia Combs Producer : Adobe PDF Library 19.8.103 Page Layout : OneColumn Page Count : 81EXIF Metadata provided by