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TM 5-3895-355-14&P TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS INFORMATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PARTS INSTRUCTIONS) FOR PAVING MACHINE BITUMINOUS MATERIEL CRAWLER MOUNTED DED MODEL BSF-400 (NSN 3895-01-063-7891) WITH DETROIT DIESEL ENGINE (SERIES 53) IOWA MANUFACTURING COMPANY HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JANUARY 1981 IMPORTANT NOTICE! Federal, State and Local Safety Regulations must be complied with to prevent possible danger to person(s) or property, from accidents or harmful exposure. This equipment must be used in accordance with all operation and maintenance instructions. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Read all warning, caution and instruction signs. Know what guards and protective devices are included and see that each item is in place. Additional guards and protective devices, that may be required due to proximity to related equipment, must be installed by the user (owner) before operating. NEVER LUBRICATE OR ADJUST EQUIPMENT WHEN IT IS IN MOTION! Always establish a positive lockout of the involved power source and block parts if necessary to prevent motion before performing maintenance, cleaning, adjusting or repair work. Secure the power source lockout to prevent start-up by other persons. Wear a protective mask whenever harmful air pollution exists. Use ear plugs wherever the noise level is above established acceptable limits. SAFETY IS YOUR BUSINESS Safety, based on technical skill and years of experience, has been carefully built into your Detroit Diesel engine. Time, money and effort have been invested in making your diesel engine a safe product. The dividend you realize from this investment is your personal safety. It should be remembered, however, that power-driven equipment is only as safe as the man who is at the controls. You are urged, as the operator of this diesel engine, to keep your fingers and clothing away from the revolving "V" belts, gears, blower, fan, drive shafts, etc. An accident can be prevented with your help. a SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS CEDARAPIDS Equipment is designed with the safety of all personnel in mind. Guards, covers and shields are added whenever necessary to prevent accidental injury to operators and others working on or near the equipment. The following basic safety recommendations should be followed: 1. All guards and covers should be replaced after adjustment or maintenance of equipment. 2. Make sure handrails and walkways are on good repair and clear of tools, spare parts and obstructions. 3. Never adjust or lubricate equipment while it is operating. 4. Stand clear of hauling equipment that is dumping material into the hopper. 5. Always look around equipment before start-up to make sure no one is near moving parts, making inspection or adjustment. 6. Do not drop material or tools from walkways or ladders without being positive that no one is below. 7. Blocking under-and around plants must be suitable material and properly placed to support the structure. Periodically check blocking for signs of failure or shifting that could allow structure to fall. 8. Electricians should handle any kind of work on electrical equipment. Avoid touching any loose or misplaced electrical wires. Consider them all dangerous. 9. Mark all inflammable materials; such as, oils, greases, and gasoline. Store these materials in an incombustible building situated away from the operating plant. NO SMOKING while handling flammable material. 10. Proper clothing while on the job is important. Wear shoes with safety toes to protect your toes from falling objects. Do not wear loosely hanging clothes or neck ties on the job. This type of clothing will get caught in moving parts of the equipment and-generally hinders work. The use of hard hats and safety glasses or goggles are definite safety protective equipment and are required by many safety conscious contractors. 11. Think safety! If you have and maintain an attitude of safety on the job, then the chances of being injured are very greatly reduced. Point out hazards and instruct new employees on safety. b GUIDE TO GROUNDING SAFEGUARDS ON ELECTRICALLY POWERED EQUIPMENT 7. Each generator of engine-generator installations must have its case (frame) bonded to the neutral connection of the generator power windings. This connection we refer to as the "common generator ground". 1. Each electric drive motor must have its frame electrically bonded to its controlling starter. This is to be by a conductor of equal size to the conductors feeding power to the motor. The bonding shall be by the junction box mounting bolt at the motor end, and by a starter mounting bolt at the starter end. The bonding must be by tight connection of clean metal to clean metal. 8. The common generator ground(s) must, wherever possible, be connected to a driven or plate earth ground in accordance with Article 250, Section H, of the 1962 National Electric Code. 2. All electric motor starters on a unit (separate piece of equipment) must have their cases (enclosures) bonded to each other, and to the metal structure of the unit. 9. In addition to the earth ground at the common generator grounds(s), there must also be at least one earth ground of the driven rod type or plate type to which the metallic supporting structures of the units are bonded. When operating a group of. highly portable units, such as in a quarry installation, the portable unit or units nearest the moist earth (quarry face) and nearest the metallic mounted equipment (track mounted shovel, etc.) shall have earth grounds. 3. All individually mounted push button units (not mounted on the starter covers) must have their cases (enclosures) bonded to the starter enclosure or encloses. 4. When electric drives are used on one or more portable units (separate pieces of equipment) in an installation, the metallic supporting structures of all units used in that installation must be bonded to each other by a bonding wire having a size rating of not less than #6AWG, and equal in size to the largest power supplying conductor. It is especially important that portable units using no electric drives be bonded to electrically driven units. 10. When plugs and receptacles are used as a means of disconnecting power supplying or distributing lines, the plugs and receptacles shall have separate connections for the bonding wire(s). Wherever possible, these connections should be by separate pins rather than by the plug and receptacle cases. 5. The starter or group of starters on each unit must have their cases (enclosures) bonded to the main power supply disconnect case (enclosure). This may be by a grounding conductor or conductors in the power supply cable(s). 11. Damaged electric power supply cables and damaged electric power distribution cables are hazardous. All exposed electric power supply conductors or exposed electric terminals must be guarded against accidental contact by operating personnel. 6. The main power disconnect case (enclosure) must be bonded to the ground approved by the power supply company when electric energy is purchased, or to the generator common-ground when electric energy is being generated by one or more engine-generator sets. 12. Manufacturers of equipment using electrical products cannot be responsible for owners and operators safety unless the above recommendations are followed...Play Safe ...Electrical Currents Can Kill. c INTRODUCTION To The Owner and Operator: In this manual we have tried to provide information which will give you a clear understanding of equipment construction, function, capabilities and requirements. The details are compiled from the knowledge and experience of highly qualified people at our factory and in our field organizations. By reading and using this information we believe you can better obtain the highest degree of performance efficiency, the maximum service life from normal wear-absorption parts, and the lowest possible maintenance expense. It is our strong recommendation that all persons directly involved with the equipment, be familiar with the contents of this manual. Respectfully, IOWA MANUFACTURING COMPANY TO THE OPERATOR This manual contains instructions on the operation and preventive maintenance of your Detroit Diesel engine. Sufficient descriptive material, together with numerous illustrations, is included to enable the operator to understand the basic construction of the engine and the principles by which it functions. This manual does not cover engine repair or overhaul. Whenever possible, it will pay to rely on an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet for all your service needs from maintenance to major parts replacement. There are over 1500 authorized service outlets in the U.S. and Canada. They stock factory original parts and have the specialized equipment and personnel with technical knowledge to provide skilled and efficient workmanship. The operator should familiarize himself thoroughly with the contents of the manual before running an engine, making adjustments, or carrying out maintenance procedures. The information, specifications and illustrations in this publication are based on the information in effect at the time of approval for printing. Generally, this publication is reprinted annually. It is recommended that users contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet for information on the latest revision. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without obligation. WARRANTY The applicable engine warranty is contained in the form entitled POLICY ON OWNER SERVICE, available from authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlets. d This manual contains copyright material and published with permission of Detroit Diesel Allison, Division of General Motors Corporation: and Iowa Manufacturing Company. TM 5-3895-355-14&P TECHNICAL MANUAL HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, DC, 26 January 1981 No. 5-3895-355-14&P Operator's,. Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts Information and Supplemental 'Maintenance and Repair Parts Instructions) For PAVING MACHINE BITUMINOUS MATERIEL CRAWLER MOUNTED DED MODEL BSF-400 (NSN 3895-01-063-7891) WITH DETROIT DIESEL ENGINE (SERIES 53) IOWA MANUFACTURING COMPANY REPORTING OF ERRORS You can help improve this manual. If you find any mistake or if you know of a way to improve the procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms), or DA Form 2028-2 located in the back of this manual direct to: Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive Command, ATTN: DRSTA-MB, Warren, MI 48090. A reply will be furnished to you. NOTE This manual is published for the purpose of identifying an authorized commercial manual for the use of the personnel to whom the paving machine is issued. Manufactured by: Detroit Diesel Allison, Division of General Motors Corp. Iowa Manufacturing Company Procured under Contract Nos: DSA 700-77-C-8481 and DAAE07-79-C5795 This technical manual is an authentication of the manufacturers' commercial literature and does not conform with the format and content specified in AR 310-3, Military Publications. This technical manual does, however, contain available information that is essential to the operation and maintenance of the equipment. Part I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII, Operators Instructions for Series 53 Engine Parts Listing for Detroit Diesel Engine Equipment Operation and Maintenance Instructions Vane Pumps Service Instructions for Cyclopac Series Air Cleaners Parts Listing for Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler Mounted, Model BSF-400 Supplemental Operating, Maintenance and Repair Parts Instructions i PART I. OPERATOR'S INSTRUCTIONS For Series 53 Engines TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE DESCRIPTION Principles of Operation................................................................................................................................... General Description ....................................................................................................................................... Model Description .......................................................................................................................................... General Specifications ................................................................................................................................... Engine Model and Serial Number -Designation .............................................................................................. Built-In Parts Book ......................................................................................................................................... Cross Section Views of Engine....................................................................................................................... 4 5 6 8 9 9 10 ENGINE SYSTEMS Fuel System................................................................................................................................................... Air System ..................................................................................................................................................... Lubricating System......................................................................................................................................... Cooling System.............................................................................................................................................. 13 17 22 25 ENGINE EQUIPMENT Instrument Panel, Instruments and Controls ................................................................................................... Engine Protective Systems ............................................................................................................................ Electrical Starting System .............................................................................................................................. Hydraulic Starting System .............................................................................................................................. Cold Weather Starting Aids ............................................................................................................................ Governors ...................................................................................................................................................... Transmissions ................................................................................................................................................ 31 33 37 38 41 44 44 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Engine Operating Instructions ........................................................................................................................ A. C. Power Generator Set Operating Instructions.......................................................................................... 47 51 LUBRICATION AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance........................................................................................................ Fuel, Lubricants and Coolants ........................................................................................................................ 55 66 ENGINE TUNE-UP PRO)CEDURES Engine Tune-Up Procedures .......................................................................................................................... Exhaust Valve Clearance Adjustment ............................................................................................................ Timing Fuel Injector ....................................................................................................................................... Limiting Speed Mechanical Governor (In-Line Engines) ................................................................................. Limiting Speed Mechanical Governor (6V-53 Engine) .................................................................................... Variable Speed Mechanical Governor (In-Line Open Linkage) ....................................................................... Variable Speed Mechanical Governor (In-Line Enclosed Linkage).................................................................. Variable Speed Mechanical Governor (6V-53 Engine).................................................................................... Supplementary Governing Device Adjustment ............................................................................................... Hydraulic Governor (In-Line Engine) .............................................................................................................. Hydraulic Governor (6V-53 Engine)................................................................................................................ 77 78 80 81 86 91 95 100 105 109 112 STORAGE ..................................................................................................................................................... 113 BUILT-IN PARTS BOOK ............................................................................................................................... 117 OWNER ASSISTANCE.................................................................................................................................. 141 ALPH ABETICAL INDEX ............................................................................................................................... Page 3 143 DESCRIPTION PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The diesel engine is an internal combustion power unit, in which the heat of fuel is converted into work in the cylinder of the engine. In the diesel engine, air alone is compressed in the cylinder; then, after the air has been compressed, a charge of fuel is sprayed into the cylinder and ignition is accomplished by the heat of compression. The Two-Cycle Principle In the two-cycle engine, intake and exhaust take place during part of the compression and power strokes respectively, as shown in Fig. 1. In contrast, a four-cycle engine requires four piston strokes to complete an operating cycle; thus, during one half of its operation, the four-cycle engine functions merely as an air pump. A blower is provided to force air into the cylinders for expelling the exhaust gases and to supply the cylinders with fresh air for combustion. The cylinder wall contains a row of ports which are above the piston when it is at the bottom of its stroke. These ports admit the air from the blower into the cylinder as soon as the rim of the piston uncovers the ports as shown in Fig. 1 (scavenging). The unidirectional flow of air toward the exhaust valves produces a scavenging effect, leaving the cylinders full of clean air when the piston again covers the inlet pons. As the piston continues on the upward stroke, the exhaust valves close and the charge of fresh air is subjected to compression as shown in Fig. 1 (compression). Shortly before the piston reaches its highest position, the required amount of fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber by the unit fuel injector as shown in Fig. 1 (power). The intense heat generated during the high compression of the air ignites the fine fuel spray immediately. The combustion continues until the injected fuel has been burned. The resulting pressure forces the piston downward on its power stroke. The exhaust valves are again opened when the piston is about halfway down, allowing the burned gases to escape into the exhaust manifold as shown in Fig. I (exhaust). Shortly thereafter, the downward moving piston uncovers the inlet ports and the cylinder is again swept with clean scavenging air. This entire combustion cycle is completed in each cylinder for each revolution of the crankshaft, or, in other words, in two strokes; hence, it is a "two-stroke cycle". Fig. 1 - The Two-Stroke Cycle Page 4 Description GENERAL DESCRIPTION The two-cycle diesel engines covered in this manual have the same bore and stroke and many of the major working parts such as injectors, pistons, connecting rods, cylinder liners and other parts are interchangeable. The In-line engines, including the inclined marine models, include standard accessories such as the blower, water pump, governor and fuel pump, which, on some models, may be located on either side of the engine regardless of the direction the crankshaft rotates. Further flexibility in meeting installation requirements is achieved with the cylinder head which can be installed to accommodate the exhaust manifold on either side of the engine. The V-type engine uses many In-line engine parts, including the 3-53 cylinder head. The blower is mounted on top of the engine between the two banks of cylinders and is driven by the gear train. The governor is mounted on the rear end of the 6V-53 blower. The meaning of each digit in the model numbering system is shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The letter L or R indicates left or right-hand engine rotation as viewed from the front of the engine. The letter A,B,C or D designates the blower and exhaust manifold location on the In-line engines as viewed from the rear of the engine while the letter A or C designates the location of the oil cooler and starter on the 6V-53 engine. Each engine is equipped with an oil cooler, replaceable element type lubricating oil filter, fuel oil strainer, fuel oil filter, an air cleaner or air silencer, a governor, a heat exchanger and raw water pump or a fan and radiator, and a starting motor. Full pressure lubrication is supplied to all main bearings, connecting rod bearings, and camshaft bearings, and to other moving parts. Oil is drawn by suction from the oil pan through the intake screen and pipe to the oil pump where it is pressurized and delivered to the oil filter and the oil cooler. From the oil cooler, the oil enters oil galleries in the cylinder block and cylinder head for distribution to the main bearings, connecting rod bearings, camshaft bearings, rocker arm mechanism and other functional parts. The cooling system has a centrifugal water pump which circulates the engine coolant through the oil cooler and water jackets. The engine temperature is regulated by a thermostat(s). Fuel is drawn from the supply tank through the fuel strainer and enters a gear type fuel pump at the inlet side. Upon leaving the pump under pressure, the fuel is forced through the fuel filter into the inlet manifold where it passes through fuel pipes into the inlet side of the fuel injectors. The fuel is filtered through elements in the injectors and then atomized through small spray tip orifices into the combustion chamber. Excess fuel is returned to the fuel tank through the fuel outlet galleries and connecting lines. Air for scavenging and combustion is supplied by a blower which pumps air into the engine cylinders via the air box and cylinder liner ports. All air entering the blower first passes through an air cleaner or air silencer. The engine may be started by either a hydraulic or an electric starting system. The engine speed is regulated by a mechanical or hydraulic type engine governor, depending upon the engine application. Page 5 Description Fig. 2 - In-Line Engine Model Description, Rotation and Accessory Arrangement Page 6 Description Fig. 3 ·6V Engine Model Description, Rotation and Accessory Arrangement Page 7 Description GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Type....................................................................................... Number of cylinders ............................................................... Bore (inches) .......................................................................... Bore (mm) .............................................................................. Stroke (inches) ....................................................................... Stroke (mm) ........................................................................... Compression Ratio (nominal)(standard engines)..................... Compression Ratio (nominal)("N" engines) ............................. Total Displacement - cubic inches .......................................... Total Displacement - litres ...................................................... Number of main bearings ....................................................... 3-53 2 Cycle 3 3.875 98 4.5 114 17 to 1 21 to 1 159 2.61 4 Fig. 4. Series 53 Cylinder Arrangement Page 8 4-53 2 Cycle 4 3.875 98 4.5 114 17 to 1 21 to 1 212 3.48 5 6V-53 2 Cycle 6 3.875 98 4.5 114 17 to 1 21 to 1 318 5.22 4 Description ENGINE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER DESIGNATION Fig. 5 - Typical Model and Serial Numbers as Stamped on Cylinder Block (In-Line Engine) Fig 6 - Typical Model and Serial Numbers as Stamped on Cylinder Block (6V Engine) On the In-line engines, the model number and serial number are stamped on the right-hand side of the cylinder block in the upper rear corner (Fig. 5). The model number and serial number on the V-type engine is located on the top righthand front corner of the cylinder block, as viewed from the rear of the engine (Fig. 6). An option plate, attached to the valve rocker cover, is also stamped with the engine serial number and model number and, in addition, lists any optional equipment used on the engine (Fig. 7). With any order for parts, the engine model number and serial number must be given. In addition, if a type number is shown on the option plate covering the equipment required, this number should also be included on the parts order. Power take-off assemblies, torque converters, hydraulic marine gears, etc. may also carry name plates pertaining to the particular assembly to which they are attached. The information on these name plates is useful when ordering parts for these assemblies. Fig. 7 - Option Plate BUILT-IN PARTS BOOK The Built-In Parts Book is an anodized aluminum plate (Option Plate) that fits into a retainer on the engine valve rocker cover and contains the necessary information required when ordering parts. It is recommended that the engine user read the section on the Built-In Parts Book in order to take full advantage of the information provided on the engine option plate. Numerous exploded view type illustrations are included to assist the user in identifying and ordering service parts. Page 9 Description Cross Section Views of a Typical In-Line Engine Page 10 Description Cross Section Views of a Typical 6V-53 Engine Page 11 ENGINE SYSTEMS The Series 53 Detroit Diesel engines incorporate four basic systems which direct the flow of fuel, air, lubricating oil, and engine coolant. A brief description of each of these systems and their components, and the necessary maintenance and adjustment procedures are given in this manual. FUEL SYSTEM The fuel system (Figs. I and 2) consists of the fuel injectors, fuel pipes, fuel manifolds (integral with the cylinder head), fuel pump, fuel strainer, fuel filter and the necessary connecting fuel lines. On In-line engines, a restricted fitting is located in the cylinder head fuel return manifold outlet to maintain pressure within the fuel system. On V-type engines, this restricted fitting is located in the left-bank cylinder head. Fuel is drawn from the supply tank through the fuel strainer and enters the fuel pump at the inlet side. Upon leaving the pump under pressure, the fuel is forced through the fuel filter and into the fuel inlet manifold where it passes through fuel pipes into the inlet side of each fuel injector. The fuel is filtered through elements in the injectors and atomized through small spray tip orifices into the combustion chamber. Surplus fuel, returning from the injectors, passes through the fuel return manifold and connecting fuel lines back to the fuel tank. The continuous flow of fuel through the injectors helps to cool the injectors and remove air from the fuel system. A check valve may be installed between the fuel strainer and the source of supply as optional equipment to prevent fuel drain back when the engine is not running. Fuel Injector The fuel injector combines in a single unit all of the parts necessary to provide complete and independent fuel injection at each cylinder. The injector creates the high pressure necessary for fuel injection, meters the proper amount of fuel, atomizes the fuel and times the injection into the combustion chamber. Since the injector is one of the most important and carefully constructed parts of the engine, it is recommended that the engine operator replace the injector as an assembly if it is not operating properly. Authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlets are properly equipped to service injectors. Fig. 1 - Schematic Diagram of Typical Fuel System - In-Line Engine Fig. 2 - Schematic Diagram of Typical Fuel System - V-type Engine Page 13 Engine Systems Remove Injector An injector may be removed in the following manner: 1. Clean and remove the valve rocker cover. 2. Disconnect the fuel pipes from both the injector and the fuel connectors. 3. Immediately after removing the fuel pipes, cover the injector inlet and outlet fittings with shipping caps to prevent dirt from entering. 4. Turn the crankshaft manually in the direction of engine rotation or crank the engine with the starting motor, if necessary, until the rocker arms for the particular cylinder are aligned in a horizontal plane. CAUTION: If a wrench is used on the crankshaft bolt at the front of the engine, do not turn the crankshaft in a left-hand direction of rotation as the bolt will be loosened. Remove the starting motor and use a pry bar against the teeth of the flywheel ring gear to turn the crankshaft. 5. Remove the two rocker shaft bracket bolts and swing the rocker arm assembly away from the injector and valves. Fig. 3 - Removing Injector from Cylinder Head 6. Remove the injector clamp bolt, washer and clamp. 7. Loosen the inner and outer adjusting screws on the injector rack control lever and slide the lever away from the injector. 8. Free the injector from its seat as shown in Fig. 3 and lift it from the cylinder head. 9. Cover the injector hole in the cylinder head to keep foreign particles out of the cylinder. Install Injector Before installing an injector, be sure the beveled seat of the injector tube is free from dirt particles and carbon deposits. A new or reconditioned injector may be installed by reversing the sequence of operations given above for removal. Be sure the injector is filled with fuel oil. If necessary, add clean fuel oil at the inlet filter until it runs out the outlet filter. CAUTION: On four valve cylinder heads, there is a possibility of damaging the exhaust valves if the exhaust valve bridge is not resting on the ends of the exhaust valves when tightening the rocker shaft bracket bolts. Therefore, note the position of the exhaust valve bridge before, during and after tightening the rocker shaft bracket bolts. Do not tighten the injector clamp bolt to more than 20-25 lb-ft (27-34 Nm) torque, as this may cause the moving parts of the injector to bind. Tighten the rocker shaft bolts to 50-55 lb-ft (68-75 Nm) torque. Align the fuel pipes and connect them to the injector and the fuel connectors. Use socket J 8932-01 and a torque wrench to tighten the fuel pipe nuts to 12-15 lb-ft (16-20 Nm) torque. CAUTION: Do not bend the fuel pipes and do not exceed the specified torque. Excessive tightening will twist or fracture the flared ends of the fuel pipes and result in leaks. Lubricating oil diluted by fuel oil can cause serious damage to the engine bearings. Time the injector, position the injector rack control lever and adjust the exhaust valve clearance (cold setting) as outlined in the engine tune-up procedure. If all of the injectors have been replaced, perform a complete tune-up on the engine. Page 14 Engine Systems Fuel Pump A positive displacement gear-type fuel pump is attached to the governor or blower on the In-line engines and to the flywheel housing on the V-type engines. A spring-loaded relief valve, incorporated in the pump body, normally remains in the closed position, operating only when the pressure on the outlet side (to the fuel filter) becomes excessive due to a plugged filter or fuel line. The fuel pump incorporates two oil seals. Two tapped holes are provided in the underside of the pump body, between the oil seals, to permit a drain tube to be attached. If fuel leakage exceeds one drop per minute, the seals must be replaced. An authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet is properly equipped to replace the seals. Fuel pumps are furnished in either left or right-hand rotation, according to the engine model, and are stamped RH or LH. These pumps are not interchangeable and cannot be rebuilt to operate in an opposite rotation. Fuel Strainer and Fuel Filter A replaceable-element type fuel strainer and fuel filter (Fig. 4) are used in the fuel system to remove impurities from the fuel. The strainer removes the larger particles and the filter removes the small foreign particles. The fuel strainer and fuel filter are basically identical in construction, both consisting of a cover, shell and replaceable element. Since the fuel strainer is placed between the fuel supply tank and the fuel pump, it functions under suction; the fuel filter, which is installed between the fuel pump and the fuel inlet manifold in the cylinder head, operates under pressure. Fig. 4 - Typical Fuel Strainer and Filter Mounting Replace the elements as follows: 1. With the engine shut down, place a suitable container under the fuel strainer or filter and open the drain cock. The fuel will drain more freely if the cover nut is loosened slightly. 2. Support the shell, unscrew the cover nut and remove the shell and element. 3. Remove and discard the element and gasket. Clean the shell with fuel oil and dry it with a cloth or compressed air. 4. Place a new element, which has been thoroughly soaked in clean fuel oil, over the stud and push it down on the seat. Close the drain cock and fill the shell approximately two-thirds full with clean fuel oil. 5. Affix a new shell gasket, place the shell and element into position under the cover and start the cover nut on the shell stud. 6. Tighten the cover nut only enough to prevent fuel leakage. 7. Remove the plug in the strainer or filter cover and fill the shell with fuel. Fuel system primer J 5956 may be used to prime the fuel system. 8. Start and operate the engine and check the fuel system for leaks. Spin-On Type Fuel Filter A spin-on fuel strainer and fuel filter (Fig. 5) is used on certain engines. The spin-on filter cartridge consists of a shell, element and gasket combined into a unitized replacement assembly. No separate springs or seats are required to support the filters. Page 15 Engine Systems The filter covers incorporate a threaded sleeve to accept the spin-on filter cartridges. The word "Primary" is cast on the fuel strainer cover and the word "Secondary" is cast on the fuel filter cover for identification. No drain cocks are provided on the spin-on filters. Where water is a problem, it is recommended that a water separator be installed. Otherwise, residue may be drained by removing and inverting the filter. Refill the filter with clean fuel oil before reinstalling it. A 1" diameter twelve-point nut on the bottom of the filter is provided to facilitate removal and installation. Replace the filter as follows: 1. Unscrew the filter (or strainer) and discard it. 2. Fill a new filter replacement cartridge about two-thirds full with clean fuel oil. Coat the seal gasket lightly with clean fuel oil. 3. Install the new filter assembly and tighten it to two-thirds of a turn beyond gasket contact. 4. Start the engine and check for leaks. Fuel Tank Fig. 5 - Typical Spin-On Type Fuel Strainer Refill the fuel tank at the end of each day's operation to prevent and Fuel Filter Mounting condensation from contaminating the fuel. CAUTION: A galvanized steel tank should never be used for fuel storage because the fuel oil reacts chemically with the zinc coating to form powdery flakes which quickly clog the fuel strainer and filter and damage the fuel pump and the fuel injectors. Engine Out of Fuel The problem in restarting the engine after it has run out of fuel stems from the fact that after the fuel is exhausted from the fuel tank, fuel is then pumped from the primary fuel strainer and sometimes partially removed from the secondary fuel filter before the fuel supply becomes insufficient to sustain engine firing. Consequently, these components must be refilled with fuel and the fuel pipes rid of air in order for the system to provide adequate fuel for the injectors. When an engine has run out of fuel, there is a definite procedure to follow for restarting the engine. 1. Fill the fuel tank with the recommended grade of fuel oil. If only partial filling of the tank is possible, add a minimum of ten gallons (38 litres) of fuel. 2. Remove the fuel strainer shell and element from the strainer cover and fill the shell with fuel oil. Install the shell and element. 3. Remove and fill the fuel filter shell and element with fuel oil as in Step 2. 4. Start the engine. Check the filter and strainer for leaks. NOTE: In some instances, it may be necessary to remove a valve rocker cover and loosen a fuel pipe nut in order to bleed trapped air from the fuel system. Be sure the fuel pipe is retightened securely before replacing the rocker cover. Primer J 5956 may be used to prime the entire fuel system. Remove the filler plug in the fuel filter cover and install the primer. Prime the system. Remove the primer and install the filler plug. Page 16 Engine Systems Air System In the scavenging system used in two-cycle engines, illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7, a charge of air is forced into the cylinders by the blower and thoroughly sweeps out all of the burned gases through the exhaust valve ports. This air also helps to cool the internal engine parts, particularly the exhaust valves. At the beginning of the compression stroke, each cylinder is filled with fresh, clean air which provides for efficient combustion. The air, entering the blower from the air silencer or air cleaner, is picked up by the blower rotor lobes and carried to the discharge side of the blower. The continuous discharge of fresh air from the blower enters the air chamber of the cylinder block and sweeps through the intake ports of the cylinder liners. The angle of the ports in the cylinder liner creates a uniform swirling motion to the intake air as it enters the cylinder. This motion persists throughout the compression stroke and facilitates scavenging and combustion. Fig. 7 - Air Intake System Through Blower and Air Cleaners Engine (6V-53 Engine) Several types of air cleaners are available for use with industrial engines. The light-duty oil bath air cleaner is used on most models. However, a heavy-duty oil bath type or a dry type air cleaner may be installed where the engine is operating in heavy dust concentrations. The air cleaners are designed for fast, easy disassembly to facilitate efficient servicing. Maximum protection of the engine against dust and other forms of air contamination is possible if the air cleaner is serviced at regular intervals. The light-duty oil bath type air cleaner (Fig. 8) consists of a metal wool cleaning element supported inside of a housing which contains an oil reservoir. A chamber beneath the oil reservoir serves as a silencer for the incoming air to the blower. Air is drawn into the cleaner by the blower and passes over the top of the oil bath, where a major portion of the dirt is trapped, then up through the metal wool, where the finer particles are removed, and then down the central duct to the blower. The heavy-duty oil bath type air cleaner (Fig. 9) consists of the body and fixed filter assembly which filters the air and condenses the oil from the air stream so that only dry air enters the engine. The condensed oil is returned to the cup where the dirt settles out of the oil and the oil is recirculated. A removable element assembly removes a major part of the dust from the air stream thereby decreasing the dust load to the fixed element. An inner cup, which can be removed from the outer (oil cup), acts as a baffle in directing the oil-laden air to the element and also controls the amount of oil in circulation and meters the oil to the element. The oil cup supports the inner cup and is a reservoir for oil and a settling chamber for dirt. Service the light-duty oil bath air cleaner as follows: Fig. 6 - Air Intake System Through Blower and Engine (In-line Engine) Page 17 Engine Systems 1. Loosen the wing bolt and remove the air cleaner assembly from the air inlet housing. The cleaner may then be separated into two sections; the upper section or body assembly contains the filter element, the lower section consists of the oil cup, removable inner cup or baffle and the center tube. 2. Soak the body assembly and element in fuel oil to loosen the dirt; then flush the element with clean fuel oil and allow it to drain thoroughly. 3. Pour out the oil, separate the inner cup or baffle from the oil cup, remove the sludge and wipe the baffle and outer cup clean. 4. Push a lint-free cloth through the center tube to remove dirt or oil. 5. Clean and check all of the gaskets and sealing surfaces to ensure air tight seals. 6. Refill the oil cup to the oil level mark only, install the baffle, and reassemble the air cleaner. 7. Check the air inlet housing before installing the air cleaner assembly on the Fig. 8 - Light Duty Oil Bath Air engine. The inlet will be dirty if air cleaner Cleaner servicing has been neglected or if dustladen air has been leaking past the air cleaner or air inlet housing seals. 8. Make sure that the air cleaner is seated properly on the inlet housing and the seal is installed correctly. Tighten the wing bolt until the air cleaner is securely mounted. Service the heavy-duty oil bath air cleaner as follows: 1. Loosen the wing nuts and detach the lower portion of the air cleaner assembly. 2. Remove the detachable screen by loosening the wing nuts and rotating the screen one-quarter turn. One of the most important steps in properly cleaning the tray type oil bath air cleaner is a step that is most overlooked. Unless the filter tray is thoroughly cleaned, satisfactory performance of the engine cannot be realized. The presence of fibrous material found in the air is often underestimated and is the main cause of the malfunctioning-of heavy-duty air cleaners. This material comes from plants and trees during their budding season and later from airborne seed from the same sources. Figure 10 illustrates the severity of lugging in a tray that is 50% plugged. The solid black areas in the mesh are accumulations of this fibrous material. When a tray is plugged in this manner, washing in a solvent or similar washing solution will not clean it satisfactorily. It must be blown out with high pressure air or steam to remove the material that accumulates between the layers of screening. When a Fig. 9 - Heavy-Duty Oil Bath Air Cleaner Page 18 Engine Systems clean tray is held up to the light, an even pattern of light should be visible. It may be necessary, only as a last resort, to burn off the lint. Extreme care must be taken to prevent melting the galvanized coating in the tray screens. Some trays have equally spaced holes in the retaining baffle. Check to make sure that they are clean and open. Figure 11 illustrates a thoroughly cleaned tray. The dark spots in the mesh indicate the close overlapping of the mesh and emphasize the need for using compressed air or steam. It is suggested that users of heavy-duty air cleaners have a spare tray on hand to replace the tray that requires cleaning. Having an extra tray available makes for better service and the dirty tray can be cleaned thoroughly as recommended. Spare trays are well worth their investment. 3. Pour out the oil, separate the inner cup or baffle from the oil or outer cup, remove the sludge and wipe the baffle and outer cup clean. 4. Clean and inspect the gaskets and sealing surfaces to ensure an air tight Fig; 11 - Air Cleaner Tray (Clean) seal. 5. Reinstall the baffle in the oil cup and refill to the proper oil level with the same grade of oil being used in the engine. 6. Remove the hood and clean by brushing, or by blowing out with compressed air. Push a lint-free cloth through the center tube to remove dirt or oil from the walls. 7. Inspect the lower portion of the air cleaner body and center tube each time the oil cup is serviced. If there are any indications of plugging, the body assembly should be removed from the engine and cleaned by soaking and then flushing with clean fuel oil. Allow the unit to drain thoroughly. 8. Place the removable element in the body assembly. Install the body if it was removed from the engine for servicing. 9. Install the outer cup and baffle assembly. Be sure the cup is tightly secured to the body assembly. All oil bath air cleaners should be serviced as operating conditions warrant. At no time should more than 1/2" of "sludge" be allowed to form in the oil cup or the area used for sludge deposit, nor should the oil cup be filled above the oil level mark. The United Specialties dry-type air cleaner shown in Fig. 12 consists of a body, dust unloader and element clamped to a base. Air is drawn through the cleaner intake pipe and is automatically set into a circular motion. This positive spinning of the dirty air "throws out" the heavier particles of dust and dirt where they are collected in the dust port and then expelled through the dust unloader. Fig. 10 - Air Cleaner Tray The circular action continues even during low air intake at engine idle speeds. (Plugged) The United Specialties dry-type air cleaner should be serviced, as operating conditions warrant, as follows: Page 19 Engine Systems Fig. 12 - United Specialties Dry Type Air Cleaner 1. Loosen the clamp screw and check the dust unloader for obstruction or damage. 2. Unlock the spring clamps that hold the cleaner body to the cleaner base which is bolted to the air inlet housing. Remove the body and then remove the element from the cleaner base. 3. The paper pleated air cleaner element can be cleaned as follows: a. For a temporary expedient in the field, tap the side or end of the element carefully against the palm of your hand. CAUTION: Do not tap the element against a hard surface. This could damage the element. b. Compressed air can be used when the major contaminant is dust. The compressed air (not to exceed 100 psi or 689 kPa) should be blown through the element in a direction opposite to the normal air flow. Insert the air nozzle inside of the element and gently tap and blow out the dust with air. When cleaning the dust from the outside of the element, hold the nozzle at least 6" from the element. c. Wash the element if compressed air is not available, or when the contaminant is carbon, soot, oily vapor or dirt which cannot be removed with compressed air. d. Agitate the element in warm water containing a non-sudsing detergent. CAUTION: Do not use water hotter than your hand can stand, solvents, oil, fuel oil or gasoline. Preceding the washing, it helps to direct air (not exceeding 100 psi or 689 kPa) through the element in a direction opposite the normal air flow to dislodge as much dust as possible. Reverse flush with a stream of water (not exceeding 40 psi or 276 kPa) until the water runs clean to rinse all loosened foreign material from the element. Shake out excess water from the element and allow it to dry thoroughly. CAUTION: Do not attempt to remove excess water by using compressed air. 4. Inspect the cleaned element with a light bulb after each cleaning for damage or rupture. The slightest break in the element will admit sufficient airborne dirt to cause rapid failure of piston rings. If necessary, replace the element. 5. Inspect the gasket on the end of the element. If the gasket is damaged or missing, replace the element. 6. Install the element on the base with the gasket side of the element down against the base. Place the body over the element and base and tighten the spring clamps by hand. 7. Replace the element after 10 washings or I year of service, whichever comes first, or any time damage is noted. 8. Install the dust unloader and tighten the clamp. The Farr dry-type air cleaner, (Fig. 13) is designed to provide highly efficient air filtration under all operating conditions and is not affected by engine speed. The cleaner assembly consists of a cleaner panel with a replaceable impregnated paper filter element. The cleaner panel and replaceable filter element are held together in a steel housing with fasteners. Fig. 13 - Farr Dry Type Air Cleaner Page 20 Engine Systems The deflector vanes impart a swirling motion to the air entering the air cleaner and centrifuge the dust particles against the walls of the tubes. The dust particles are then carried to the dust bin at the bottom of the cleaner by approximately 10% bleed-off air and are finally discharged into the atmosphere. The cleaner panel is fully effective at either high or low velocities. The remainder of the air in the cleaner reverses direction and spirals back along the discharge tubes again centrifuging the air. The filtered air then reverses direction again and enters the replaceable filter element through the center portion of the discharge tubes. The air is filtered once more as it passes through the pleats of the impregnated paper element before leaving the outlet port of the cleaner housing. The cleaner panel tends to be self-cleaning. However, it should be inspected and any accumulated foreign material removed during the periodic replacement of the impregnated paper filter element. Overloading of the paper element will not cause dirt particles to by-pass the filter and enter the engine, but will result in starving the engine for air. The filter element should be replaced, as operating conditions warrant, as follows: 1. Loosen the wing nuts on the fasteners and swing the retaining bolts away from the cleaner panel. 2. Lift the cleaner panel away from the housing and inspect it. Clean out any accumulated foreign material. 3. Withdraw the paper filter element and discard it. 4. Install a new filter element. 5. Install the cleaner panel aid secure it in place with the fasteners. Air Silencer The air silencer, used on some marine engines, is bolted to the intake side of the blower housing. The silencer has a perforated steel partition welded in place parallel with the outside faces, enclosing flame-proof, felted cotton waste which serves as a silencer for air entering the blower. While no servicing is required on the air silencer proper, it may be removed when necessary to replace the air inlet screen. This screen is used to filter out any large foreign particles which might seriously damage the blower assembly. Air Box Drains During normal engine operation, water vapor from the air charge, as well as a slight amount of fuel and lubricating oil fumes, condenses and settles on the bottom of the air box. This condensation is removed by the air box pressure through air box drain tubes mounted on the side of the cylinder block. The air box drains must be open at all times. With the engine running, a periodic check is recommended for air flow from the air box drain tubes. Liquid accumulation on the bottom of the air box indicates a drain tube may be plugged. Such accumulations can be seen by removing the cylinder block air box cover(s) and should be wiped out with rags or blown out with compressed air. Then remove the drain tubes and connectors from the cylinder block and clean them thoroughly. Some engines are equipped with an air box drain check valve. Refer to the Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance section of this manual for service instructions. Crankcase Ventilation Harmful vapors which may form within the engine are removed from the crankcase, gear train and valve compartment by a continuous, pressurized ventilation system. A slight pressure is maintained within the engine crankcase by the seepage of a small amount of air from the airbox past the piston rings. This air sweeps up through the engine and is drawn off through a crankcase breather. In-line engines are equipped with a breather assembly which is mounted on the rocker cover or the flywheel housing. The 6V engines incorporate a breather assembly mounted inside of the upper engine front cover. The wire mesh pad (element) in the breather assemblies should be cleaned if excessive crankcase pressure is observed. If it is necessary to clean the element, remove the breather housing from the flywheel housing (In-line engines) and the upper engine front cover (6V engines). Wash the element in fuel oil and dry it with compressed air. Reinstall the element and the breather assembly. Page 21 Engine Systems LUBRICATING SYSTEM Fig. 14 - Typical In-Line Engine Oil Filter Mounting Fig. 15 - Typical V-Type Engine Oil Filter Mounting The Series 53 engine lubricating system, illustrated in Figs. 16 and 17, includes an oil intake screen and tube assembly, an oil pump, a pressure regulator, a full-flow oil filter or by-pass filter with by-pass valve, and an oil cooler with a by-pass valve. Lubricating oil from the pump passes from the lower front cover through short oil galleries in the cylinder block. From the block, the oil flows to the full-flow oil filter, then through the oil cooler (if used) and back into the front engine cover and cylinder block oil galleries for distribution to the various engine bearings. The drains from the cylinder head(s) and other engine parts lead back to the oil pan. Oil pressure is regulated by a pressure relief valve mounted in the engine front cover. Oil cooler and oil filter by-pass valves prevent the stoppage of oil flow if these items become plugged. Oil Filters Each engine is equipped with a full-flow type lubricating oil filter (Figs. 14 and 15). If additional filtering is required, a bypass type oil filter may also be installed. All of the oil supplied to the engine passes through the full-flow filter that removes the larger foreign particles without restricting the normal flow of oil. The by-pass filter assembly, when used, continually filters a portion of the lubricating oil that is being bled off the oil gallery when the engine is running. Eventually all of the oil passes through the filter, filtering out minute foreign particles that may be present. The lubricating oil filter elements should be replaced, each time the engine oil is changed, as follows: 1. Remove the drain plug and drain the oil. 2. The filter shell, element and stud may be detached as an assembly, after removing the center stud from the base. Discard the gasket. 3. Clean the filter base. 4. Discard the used element, wipe out the filter shell and install a new element on the center stud. 5. Place a new gasket in the filter base, position the shell and element assembly on the gasket and tighten the center stud carefully to prevent damaging the gasket or center stud. 6. Install the drain plug and, after the engine is started, check for oil leaks. Page 22 Engine Systems Fig. 16 - Schematic Diagram of Typical In-Line Engine Lubricating System Page 23 Engine Systems Fig. 17 - Schematic Diagram of Typical 6V Engine Lubricating System Page 24 Engine Systems COOLING SYSTEM One of three different types of cooling systems is used on a Series 53 engine: radiator and fan, heat exchanger and raw water pump, or keel cooling. A centrifugal type water pump is used to circulate the engine coolant in each system. Each system incorporates thermostats to maintain a normal operating temperature of 160-185°F (71-85°C). Typical engine cooling system- are shown in Figs. 18 and 19. Radiator Cooling System The engine coolant is drawn from the bottom of the radiator core by the water pump and is forced through the oil cooler and into the cylinder block. The coolant circulates up through the cylinder block into the cylinder head, then to the water manifold and thermostat housing. From the thermostat housing, the coolant returns to the radiator where it passes down a series of tubes and is cooled by the air stream created by the fan. When starting a cold engine or when the coolant is below operating temperature, the coolant is restricted at the thermostat housing(s) and a by-pass provides water- circulation within the engine during the warm-up period. Heat Exchanger Cooling System In the heat exchanger cooling system, the coolant is drawn by the circulating pump from the bottom of the expansion tank through the engine oil cooler, then through the engine the same as in the radiator and fan system. Upon leaving the thermostat housing, the coolant either passes through the heat exchanger core Fig. 18 • Typical Cooling System for In-Line Engines Page 25 Engine Systems or by-passes the heat exchanger and flows directly to the water pump, depending on the coolant temperature. While passing through the core of the heat exchanger, the coolant temperature is lowered by raw water, which is drawn by the raw water pump from an outside supply. The raw water enters the heat exchanger at one side and' is discharged at the opposite side. To protect the heat exchanger element from electrolytic action, a zinc electrode is located in both the heat exchanger inlet elbow and the raw water pump inlet elbow and extends into the raw water passage. The length of time a heat exchanger will function satisfactorily before cleaning will be governed by the kind of coolant used in the engine and the kind of raw water used. Soft water plus a rust inhibitor or a high boiling point type antifreeze should be used as the engine coolant. When foreign deposits accumulate in the heat exchanger to the extent that cooling efficiency is impaired, such deposits can, in most instances, be removed by circulating a flushing compound through the fresh water circulating system without removing the heat exchanger. If this treatment does not restore the engine's normal cooling characteristics, contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet. Fig. 19 - Typical Cooling System for V-Type Engine Page 26 Engine Systems Keel Cooling System The keel cooling system is similar to the heat exchanger system, except that the coolant temperature is reduced in the keel cooler. In this system, the coolant is drawn by the circulating pump from the bottom of the expansion tank through the engine oil cooler. From the cooler the flow is the same as in the other systems. Upon leaving the thermostat housing, the coolant is by-passed directly to the bottom of the expansion tank until the engine operating temperature, controlled by the thermostat, is reached. As the engine temperature increases, the coolant is directed to the keel cooler, where the temperature of the coolant is reduced before flowing back to the expansion tank. ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Engine Coolant The function of the engine coolant is to absorb the heat, developed as a result of the combustion process in the cylinders, from the component parts such as exhaust valves, cylinder liners and pistons which are surrounded by water jackets. In addition, the heat absorbed by the oil is also removed by the engine coolant in the oil-to-water oil cooler. For the recommended coolant, refer to Engine Coolant. Cooling System Capacity The capacity of the basic engine cooling system (cylinder block, head, thermostat housing and oil cooler housing) is shown in Table I. To obtain the complete amount of coolant in the cooling system of an engine, the additional capacity of the radiator, hoses, etc. must be added to the capacity of the basic engine. The capacity of radiators and related equipment should be obtained from the equipment supplier. Fill Cooling System Before starting an engine, close all of the drain cocks and fill the cooling system completely. If the unit has a raw water pump, it should be primed, since operation without water may cause impeller failure. COOLING SYSTEM CAPACITY CHART (BASIC ENGINE) ENGINE CAPACITY Quarts Litres 3-53 8 8 4-53 9 9 6V-53 14 13 TABLE 1 Start the engine and, after normal operating temperature has been reached, allowing the coolant to expand to its maximum, check the coolant level. The coolant level should be within 2"of the top of the filler neck. Should a daily loss of coolant be observed, and there are no apparent leaks, there is a possibility of gases leaking past the cylinder head water seal rings into the cooling system. The presence of air or gases in the cooling system may be detected by connecting a rubber tube from the overflow pipe to a water container. Bubbles in the water in the container during engine operation will indicate this leakage. Another method for observing air in the cooling system is by inserting a transparent tube in the water outlet line. Drain Cooling System The engine coolant is drained by opening the cylinder block and radiator (heat exchanger) drain cocks and removing the cooling system filler cap. Removal of the filler cap permits air to enter the cooling passages and the coolant to drain completely from the system. Drain cocks or plugs are located on each side of the 4-53 and 6V cylinder blocks. The 3-53 cylinder block has a drain cock or plug located on the side of the block opposite the oil cooler. IMPORTANT: Drain cocks or plugs on both sides of the engine must be opened to drain the engine completely. In addition to the drains on the cylinder blocks, the In-line engines have a drain cock located on the bottom of the oil cooler housing. The V-type engines have two drain cocks that must be opened when draining the system. Radiators, etc., that do not have a drain cock, are drained through the oil cooler housing drain. To insure that all of the coolant is drained completely from an engine, all cooling system drains should be opened. Should any entrapped water in the cylinder block or radiator freeze, it will expand and may cause damage. When freezing weather is expected, drain all engines not adequately protected by antifreeze. Leave Page 27 Engine Systems all of the drain cocks open until refilling the cooling system. The exhaust manifolds of marine engines are cooled by the same coolant used in the engine. Whenever the engine cooling system is drained, each exhaust manifold drain cock, located on the bottom near the exhaust outlet, must be opened. Raw water pumps are drained by loosening the cover attaching screws. It may be necessary to tap the raw water pump cover gently to loosen it. After the water has been removed, tighten the screws. Flushing The cooling system should be flushed each spring and fall. The flushing operation cleans the system of antifreeze solution in the spring and removes the summer rust inhibitor in the fall, preparing the cooling system for a new solution. The flushing operation should be performed as follows: 1. Drain the previous season's solution from the engine. 2. Refill the cooling system with soft clean water. If the engine is hot, fill slowly to prevent rapid cooling and distortion of the engine castings. 3. Start the engine and operate it for 15 minutes to circulate the water thoroughly. 4. Drain the cooling system completely. 5. Refill the system with the solution required for the coming season. Cooling System Cleaners If the engine overheats and the fan belt tension and water level are satisfactory, clean and flush the entire cooling system. Remove scale formation by using a quality de-scaling solvent. Immediately after using the solvent, neutralize the system with the neutralizer. It is important that the directions printed on the container of the de-scaling solvent be thoroughly read and followed. After the solvent and neutralizer have been used, completely drain the engine and radiator and reverse-flush before filling the cooling system. Reverse-Flushing After the engine and radiator have been thoroughly cleaned, they should be reverse-flushed. The water pump should be removed and the radiator and engine reverse-flushed separately to prevent dirt and scale deposits clogging the radiator tubes or being forced through the pump. Reverse-flushing is accomplished by hot water, under air pressure, being forced through the cooling system in a direction opposite to the normal flow of coolant, loosening and forcing scale deposits out. The radiator is reverse-flushed as follows: 1. Remove the radiator inlet and outlet hoses and replace the radiator cap. 2. Attach a hose at the top of the radiator to lead water away from the engine. 3. Attach a hose to the bottom of the radiator and insert a flushing gun in the hose. 4. Connect the water hose of the gun to the water outlet and the air hose to the compressed air outlet. 5. Turn on the water and, when the radiator is full, turn on the air in short blasts, allowing the radiator to fill between air blasts. CAUTION: Apply air gradually. Do not exert more than 30 psi (207 kPa) air pressure. Too great a pressure may rupture a radiator tube. 6. Continue flushing until only clean water is expelled from the radiator. The cylinder block and cylinder head water passages re reverse-flushed as follows: 1. Remove the thermostat and the water pump. 2. Attach a hose to the water inlet of the cylinder block to drain the water away from the engine. 3. Attach a hose to the water outlet at the top of the cylinder block and insert the flushing gun in the hose. 4. Turn on the water and, when the water jackets are filled, turn on the air in short blasts, allowing the engine to fill with water between air blasts. 5. Continue flushing until the water from the engine runs clean. If scale deposits in the radiator cannot be removed by chemical cleaners or reverse-flushing as outlined above, it may be necessary to remove the upper tank and rod out the individual radiator tubes with flat steel rods. Circulate water through the radiator core from the bottom to the top during this operation. Page 28 Engine Systems Miscellaneous Cooling System Checks In addition to the above cleaning procedures, the other components of the cooling system should be checked periodically to keep the engine operating at peak efficiency. The thermostat and the radiator pressure cap should be checked and replaced, if found defective. The cooling system hoses should be inspected and any hose that feels abnormally hard or soft should be replaced immediately. Also, check the hose clamps to make sure they are tight. All external leaks should be corrected as soon as detected. The fan belt must be adjusted to provide the proper tension, and the fan shroud must be tight against the radiator core to prevent re-circulation of air which may lower cooling efficiency. Water Pump A centrifugal-type water pump is mounted on top of the engine oil cooler housing, either on the right-hand or left-hand side of the engine, depending upon the engine model and rotation. It circulates the coolant through the cooling system. The pump is belt driven, by either the camshaft or balance shaft (In-line engines) or by one of the camshafts (V-type engines). An impeller is pressed onto one end of the water pump shaft, and a water pump drive pulley is pressed onto the opposite end. The pump shaft is supported on a sealed double-row combination radial and thrust ball bearing. Coolant is prevented from creeping along the shaft toward the bearing by a seal. The shaft and bearing constitute an assembly and are serviced as such, since the shaft serves as the inner race of the ball bearing. The sealed water pump shaft ball bearing is filled with lubricant when assembled. No further lubrication is required. Contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet if more information is needed. Raw Water Pump The raw water pump (Figs. 20 and 21) is a positive displacement pump, used for circulating raw water through the heat exchanger to lower the temperature of the engine coolant. It is driven by a coupling from the end of the camshaft. Seal failure is readily noticed by a flow of water visible at the openings in the raw water pump housing, located between the pump mounting flange and the inlet and outlet ports. These openings must remain open at all times. Fig. 20. - Raw Water Pump Used on In-Line Engine. The impeller, cam and wear plate assembly, and water seal assembly may be serviced without removing the pump from the engine as outlined below. 1. Remove the cover and gasket. 2. Note the position of the impeller blades to aid in the reassembly. Then grasp a blade on each side of the impeller with pliers and pull the impeller off of the shaft. 3. The neoprene spline seal(s) can be removed from the impeller by pushing a screw driver through the impeller from the open end. Fig. 21. - Raw Water Pump Used on V-Type Engine. Page 29 Engine Systems CAUTION: If the impeller is reuseable, exercise care to prevent damage to the splined surfaces. 4. Remove the cam retaining screw and withdraw the cam and wear plate assembly. 5. Remove the seal assembly from the pump used on a V-type engine by inserting two wires with hooked ends between the pump housing and seal with the hooks over the edge of the carbon seal. Remove the seal seat and gasket in the same way. 6. The seal may be removed from the pump used on the In-line engine by drilling two holes in the seal case and placing metal screws in the holes so that they may be grasped and pulled with pliers. Then remove the rubber seal ring. 7. Clean and inspect the impeller, cam and wear plate assembly and water seal. The impeller must have a good bond between the neoprene and the metal. If the impeller blades are damaged, worn or have taken a permanent set, replace the impeller. Reverse the wear plate if it is worn excessively and remove any burrs. Replace the seal, if necessary. 8. 9. Install the seal assembly in the pump used on a V-type engine as follows: a. If the seal seat and gasket were removed, place the gasket and seal seat over the shaft and press them into position in the seal cavity. b. Place the seal ring securely in the ferrule, and with the carbon seal and washer correctly positioned against the ferrule, slide the ferrule over the shaft and against the seal seat. Use care to ensure that the seal ring is contained within the ferrule so that it grips the shaft. c. Install the flat washer and then the marcel washer. A new seal may be installed in the pump used on the InLine engine by placing the rubber seal ring in its groove, starting the seal (with the lip facing the impeller cavity) over the shaft and tapping it into place against the seal spacer. Install the cam and wear plate assembly. NOTE: The wear plate is round and is doweled to the cam. The wear plate must be installed with the cam in the pump housing as an assembly. 10. Apply a non-hardening sealant to the cam retaining screw and the hole in the pump body to prevent any leakage. Then hold the cam with the tapped hole aligned and secure it with the screw. 11. Compress the impeller blades to clear the off-set cam and press the impeller on the splined shaft. The blades must be correctly positioned to follow the direction of rotation. 12. Install the neoprene splined seal(s) in the bore of the impeller. 13. Turn the impeller several revolutions in the normal direction of rotation to position the blades. 14. Affix a new gasket and install the pump cover. The Jabsco raw water pump is equipped with a synthetic rubber impeller. Since synthetic rubber loses its elasticity at low temperatures, impellers made of natural rubber should be installed when it is necessary to pump raw water that has a temperature below 40°F (4°C). The natural rubber impeller can be identified by a stripe of green paint between two of the impeller blades. Page 30 ENGINE EQUIPMENT INSTRUMENT PANEL, INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS The instruments (Fig. 1) generally required in the operation of a diesel engine consist of an oil pressure gage, a water temperature gage, an ammeter and a mechanical tachometer. Also, closely related and usually installed in the general vicinity of these instruments are certain controls consisting of an engine starter switch, an engine stop knob, an emergency stop knob and, on certain applications, the engine hand throttle. Torqmatic converters are equipped with an oil pressure gage and, in some instances, an oil temperature gage. These instruments are mounted on a separate panel. Oil Pressure Gage The oil pressure gage registers the pressure of the lubricating oil in the engine. As soon as the engine is started, the oil pressure gage should start to register. If the oil pressure gage does not register at least the minimum pressure listed under Running in the Engine Operating Instructions, the engine should be stopped and the cause of low oil pressure determined and corrected before the engine is started again. Water Temperature Gage The engine coolant temperature is registered on the water temperature gage. Ammeter Fig. 1 - Typical Instrument Panel An ammeter is incorporated into the electrical circuit to show the current flow to and from the battery. After starting the engine, the ammeter should register a high charge rate at rated engine speed. This is the rate of charge received by the battery to replenish the current used to start the engine. As the engine continues to operate, the ammeter should show a decline in charge rate to the battery. The ammeter will not show zero charge rate since the regulator voltage is set higher than the battery voltage. The small current registered prevents rapid brush wear in the battery-charging alternator. If lights or other electrical equipment are connected into the circuit, the ammeter will show discharge when these items are operating or the engine speed is reduced. Tachometer The tachometer is driven by the engine and registers the speed of the engine in revolutions per minute (rpm). Engine Starting Motor Switch The starting switch is mounted on the instrument panel with the contact button extending through the front face of the panel. The switch is used to energize the starting motor. As soon as the engine starts, release the switch. Stop Knob A stop knob is used on most applications to shut the engine down. When stopping an engine, the speed should be reduced to idle and the engine allowed to operate at idle for a few minutes to permit the coolant to reduce the temperature of the engine's moving parts. Then the stop knob should be pulled and held until the engine stops. Pulling on the stop knob manually places the injector racks in the "no-fuel" position. The stop knob should be returned to its original position after the engine stops. Emergency Stop Knob In an emergency or if after pulling the stop knob, the engine continues to operate, the emergency stop knob Page 31 Engine Equipment may be pulled to stop the engine. The emergency stop knob, when pulled, will trip the air shut-off valve located between the air inlet housing and the blower and shut off the air supply to the engine. Lack of air will prevent further combustion of the fuel and stop the engine. The emergency stop knob must be pushed back in after the engine stops so the air shut-off valve can be opened for restarting after the malfunction has been corrected. Throttle Control The engine throttle is connected to the governor speed control shaft through linkage. Movement of the speed control shaft changes the speed setting of the governor and thus the engine speed. Page 32 Engine Equipment ENGINE PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS MANUAL SHUT DOWN SYSTEM The manually operated emergency engine shutdown device, mounted in the air inlet housing, is used to stop the engine in the event an abnormal condition should arise. If the. engine continues to run after the engine throttle is placed in the no fuel position, or if combustible liquids or gases are accidentally introduced into the combustion chamber causing overspeeding of the engine, the shutdown device will prevent damage to the engine by cutting off the air supply and thus stopping the engine. The shutdown device consists of an air shut-off valve mounted in the air inlet housing which is retained in the open position by a latch. A cable assembly is used to remotely trip the latch. Pulling the emergency shutdown knob all the way out will stop the engine. After the engine stops, the emergency shutdown knob must be pushed all the way in and the air shut-off valve manually reset before the engine can be started again. AUTOMATIC MECHANICAL SHUTDOWN SYSTEM The automatic mechanical shutdown system illustrated in Fig. 2 is designed to stop the engine if there is a loss of oil pressure, loss of engine coolant, overheating of the engine coolant, or overspeeding of the engine. Engine oil pressure is utilized to activate the components of the system. A coolant temperature-sensing valve and an adapter and copper plug assembly are mounted on the exhaust manifold outlet. The power element of the temperature-sensing valve is placed against one end of the copper plug, and the other end of the plug extends into the exhaust manifold. Engine coolant is directed through the adapter and passes over the power element of the valve. Engine oil, under pressure, is directed through a restricted fitting to the temperaturesensing valve and to an oil pressure actuated bellows located on the air inlet housing. Fig. 2 - Mechanical Shutdown System Schematically Illustrated. Page 33 Engine Equipment The pressure of the oil entering the bellows overcomes the tension of the bellows spring and permits the latch to retain the air shut-off valve in the open position. If the oil pressure drops below a predetermined value, the spring in the bellows will release the latch and permit the air shut-off valve to close and thus stop the engine. The overspeed governor, used on certain applications, consists of a valve actuated by a se of spring-loaded weights. Engine oil is supplied to the valve through a connection in the oil line between the bellows and the temperature-sensing valve. An outlet in the governor valve is connected to the engine oil sump. Whenever the engine speed exceeds the overspeed governor setting, the valve (actuated by the governor weights) is moved from its seat and permits the oil to flow to the engine sump. This decreases the oil pressure to the bellows, thus actuating the shutdown mechanism and stopping the engine. A restricted fitting, which will permit a drop in oil pressure great enough to actuate the shutdown mechanism, is required in the oil line between the cylinder block oil gallery and the shutdown sensing devices. To be sure the protective system will function properly if an abnormal engine condition occurs, have the system checked periodically by your local Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet. Also make sure the air shut-off valves close each time the engine is shut down. Operation To start an engine equipped with a mechanical shutdown system, first manually open the air shut-off valve and then press the engine starting switch. As soon as the engine starts, the starting switch may be released, but the air shut-off valve must be held in the open position until the engine oil pressure increases sufficiently to permit the bellows to retain the latch in the open position. During operation, if the engine oil pressure drops below the setting of the pressure sensitive bellows, the spring within the bellows will release the latch and permit the air shut-off valve to close, thus stopping the engine. If the engine coolant overheats, the temperature-sensing valve will open and permit the oil in the protective system to flow to the engine crankcase. The resulting decrease in oil pressure will actuate the shutdown mechanism and stop the engine. Also if the engine loses its coolant, the copper plug will be heated up by the hot exhaust gases passing over it and cause the temperature-sensing valve to open and actuate the shutdown mechanism. Whenever the engine speed exceeds the overspeed governor (if used) setting, the oil in the line flows to the sump, resulting in a decrease in oil pressure. The oil pressure bellows then releases the latch and permits the air shut-off valve to close. When an engine is stopped by the action of the shutdown system, the engine cannot be started again until the particular device which actuated the shutdown mechanism has returned to its normal position. The abnormal condition which caused the engine to stop must be corrected before attempting to start it again. AUTOMATIC ELECTRICAL SHUTDOWN SYSTEM The automatic electrical shutdown system shown in Fig. 3 protects the engine against a loss of coolant, overheating of the coolant, loss of oil pressure, or overspeeding. In the event one of the foregoing conditions arises, a switch will close the electrical circuit and energize the solenoid switch, causing the shutdown solenoid to release the air shutdown latch and stop the engine. Operation The electrical circuit is de-energized under normal operating conditions. When the engine is started, the oil pressure switch opens when the oil pressure reaches approximately 10 psi (69 kPa) and the fuel oil pressure switch closes at approximately 20 psi (138 kPa) fuel pressure. The water temperature switch remains open. If the oil pressure drops below 10 psi (69 kPa), the oil pressure switch will close the circuit and energize the shutdown solenoid. This will activate the shutdown mechanism and stop the engine. A loss of coolant or an increase in coolant temperature to approximately 203 °F (95 ° C) will close the contacts in the water temperature switch, thus closing the electrical circuit and activating the shutdown mechanism. The water temperature switch consists of a temperature-sensing valve and a micro-switch. The valve Page 34 Engine Equipment Fig. 3. - Automatic Electrical Shut-Down System Diagram. contacts a copper plug (heat probe) which extends into the exhaust manifold outlet. Engine water is directed over the power element of the valve and should the water temperature exceed approximately 203°F (95°C), the valve will close the contacts in the micro- switch and energize the shutdown circuit. If a loss of water occurs, the heat of the exhaust gases will be transmitted through the copper plug to the temperature-sensing valve and cause the shutdown circuit to be activated. If the engine speed exceeds the high speed setting of the overspeed governor, the governor switch will close and activate the shutdown mechanism. When the engine is shut down, the decrease in speed will open the governor switch, and the decrease in oil and fuel pressures will close the oil pressure switch and open the fuel pressure switch, thus de-energizing the circuit. The cause of the abnormal conditions must then be determined and corrected before the engine is started again. Also, the air shut-off valve must be manually reset in the open position before the engine can be started. Fig. 4. - Automatic Electrical Shut-Down System Incorporating Hot Wire Relay. Some engines are equipped with an electrically operated automatic shutdown system which incorporates a hot wire relay (Fig. 4). Since the fuel pressure builds up rapidly, the fuel oil pressure switch could close before the lubricating oil pressure switch opens and stop the engine. The hot wire relay, however, delays the closing of the fuel oil pressure switch for several seconds to enable the lubricating oil pressure to build up and open the oil pressure switch contacts. When the lubricating oil pressure falls below 10 ± 2 psi (69 ± 14 kPa), the contacts in the oil pressure switch used in this system will close and current will flow through the hot wire relay to the solenoid. The few seconds required to heat the hot wire relay provides sufficient delay to avoid stopping the engine when low oil pressure is caused by a temporary condition such as an air bubble or a temporary overlap in the operation of the oil pressure switch and the fuel oil pressure switch when starting or stopping the engine. The water temperature switch, which remains open during normal engine operation, is installed in the side of the thermostat housing. The switch contacts close when the water temperature reaches approximately 205 °F (96 °C) and activate the shutdown solenoid. Page 35 Engine Equipment ALARM SYSTEM Fig. 5 - Alarm System Wiring Diagram. The alarm system shown in Fig. 5 is similar to the automatic electrical shutdown system, but uses a warning bell in place of the air shut-off valve solenoid. The bell warns the engine operator if the engine coolant overheats or the oil pressure drops below the safe operating limit. When the engine is started and the oil pressure is sufficient to open the oil pressure switch contacts (opening pressure is stamped on the switch cover), the alarm switch must be turned on manually to put the system in operation. The water temperature switch is normally open. Should the engine coolant exceed 205° ± 5° F (96° ± -15° C), the water temperature switch will close the electrical circuit and sound the alarm bell. Likewise, if the oil pressure drops below the setting of the oil pressure switch, the switch will close and cause the bell to ring. The bell will continue to ring until the engine operator turns the alarm switch off. The alarm switch must also be turned off before a routine stop since the decreasing oil pressure will close the oil pressure switch and cause the bell to ring. If the alarm bell rings during engine operation, stop the engine immediately and determine the cause of the abnormal condition. Make the necessary corrections before starting the engine again. Page 36 Engine Equipment STARTING SYSTEMS ELECTRICAL STARTING SYSTEM The electrical system on the engine generally consists of a battery-charging alternator, a starting motor, voltage regulator, storage battery, starter switch and the necessary wiring. Additional electrical equipment may be installed on the engine unit at the option of the owner. Starting Motor The starting motor has a Sprag overrunning clutch. Pressing the starting switch engages the starting motor pinion with the teeth of the flywheel ring gear and energizes the starting motor. The starting motor drives the pinion and rotates the crankshaft. When the engine begins to operate, the Sprag clutch permits the pinion to overrun on its shaft, until the starting switch is released, and prevents overspeeding the starting motor. Starter Switch To start the engine, a switch is used to energize the starting motor. Release the switch immediately after the engine starts. Alternator The battery-charging alternator provides the electrical current required to maintain the storage battery in a charged condition and to supply sufficient current to carry any other electrical load requirements up to the rated capacity of the alternator. Regulator A voltage regulator is introduced into the electrical system to regulate the voltage and current output of the batterycharging alternator and to maintain a fully charged storage battery. Storage Battery The lead-acid storage battery is an electrochemical device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy. The battery has three major functions: 1. It provides a source of electrical power for starting the engine. 2. It acts as a stabilizer to the voltage in the electrical system. 3. It can, for a limited time, furnish current when the electrical demands of the unit exceed the output of the alternator. The battery is a perishable item which requires periodic servicing. A properly cared for battery will give long and troublefree service. 1. Check the level of the electrolyte regularly. Add water if necessary, but do not overfill. Overfilling can cause poor performance or early failure. 2. Keep the top of the battery clean. When necessary, wash with a baking soda solution and rinse with fresh water. Do not allow the soda solution to enter the cells. 3. Inspect the cables, clamps and hold-down bracket regularly. Clean and re-apply a light coating of grease when needed. Replace corroded, damaged parts. 4. Use the standard, quick in-the-unit battery test as the regular service test to check battery condition. 5. Check the electrical system if the battery becomes discharged repeatedly. If the engine is to be stored for more than 30 days, remove the battery. The battery should be stored in a cool, dry place. Keep the battery fully charged and check the level of the electrolyte regularly. The Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance section of this manual covers the servicing of the starting motor and alternator. Consult an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet for information regarding the electrical system. Page 37 Engine Equipment HYDRAULIC STARTING SYSTEM (HYDROSTARTER) The hydrostarter system schematically illustrated in Fig. 6 is a complete hydraulic system for starting internal combustion engines. The system is automatically recharged after each start, and can be manually recharged. The starting potential remains during long periods of inactivity, and continuous exposure to hot or cold climates has no detrimental effect upon the hydrostarter system. Also, the hydrostarter torque for a given pressure remains substantially the same regardless of the ambient temperature. The hydrostarter system consists of a reservoir, an engine-driven charging pump, a hand pump, a piston type accumulator, a starting motor and connecting hoses and fittings. Operation Hydraulic fluid flows by gravity, or a slight vacuum, from the reservoir to either the engine-driven pump or the hand pump inlet. Fluid discharging from either pump outlet at high pressure flows into the accumulator and is stored at 3250 psi (22 383 kPa) under the pressure of compressed nitrogen gas. When the starter is engaged with the engine flywheel ring gear and the control valve is opened, fluid under pressure is forced out of the accumulator, by the expanding nitrogen gas, and flows into the starting motor which rapidly accelerates the engine to a high. cranking speed. The used fluid returns directly to the reservoir from the starter. The engine-driven charging pump runs continuously during engine operation and automatically recharges the accumulator. When the required pressure is attained in the accumulator, a valve within the pump body opens and the fluid discharged by the pump is by-passed to the reservoir. The system can be shut down and the pressure in the accumulator will be maintained. The precharge pressure of the accumulator is the pressure of the nitrogen gas with which the accumulator is initially charged. This pressure must be checked before the system pressure is raised for the initial engine start. To check the precharge pressure, open the relief valve, on the side of the hand pump, approximately 1/2 turn, allowing the pressure gage to return to zero. Close the relief valve and pump several strokes on the hand pump. The gage should show a rapid pressure rise from zero to the nitrogen precharge pressure, where it will remain without change for several additional strokes of the pump. Fig. 6 - Schematic Diagram of Hydrostarter System Showing Oil Flow Page 38 Engine Equipment Initial Engine Start Use the hand pump to raise the accumulator pressure. An accumulator pressure of 1500 psi (10 335 kPa) when the ambient temperature is above 40°F (4°C) will provide adequate cranking to start the engine. Between 40°F (4°C) and 0°F (-18°C), 2500 psi (17 225 kPa) should be sufficient. Below 0°F (-18°C), the accumulator should be charged to the maximum recommended pressure. Although the hydrostarter cranks the engine faster than other starting systems, starting aids should be used in cold weather. NOTE: Use the priming pump to make sure the filters, lines, manifolds and injectors are full of fuel before attempting to start the engine. For ambient temperatures below 40°F (4°C), use a fluid starting aid. Add the starting fluid just prior to moving the hydrostarter lever and during the cranking cycle as required. Do not wait to add the starting fluid after the engine is turning over, otherwise the accumulator charge may be used up before the engine can start. In this case, the accumulator charge must be replaced with the hand pump. With the engine controls set for start (throttle at least halfopen), push the hydrostarter control lever to simultaneously engage the starter pinion with the flywheel ring gear and to open the control valve. Close the valve quickly when the engine starts, to conserve the accumulator pressure and prevent excessive overrunning of the starter drive clutch assembly. Three different basic types of flywheel ring gears are used; no chamfer, Bendix chamfer, or Dyer chamfer on the gear teeth. Some difficulty may be encountered in engaging the -starter pinion with the Dyer chamfered ring gears. When this happens, it .is necessary to disengage and reengage until the starter pinion is cammed in the opposite direction enough to allow the teeth to mesh. Remote Control System The hydrostarter remote control system (Fig. 7) consists of a master cylinder, a pedal, a lever arm, two springs and a flexible hose. It is an independent hydraulic system using diesel fuel oil as a hydraulic fluid to actuate the hydrostarter control valve by means of the pedal operated master cylinder. The master cylinder is connected to the control valve on the hydrostarter by a flexible hose. Pressing on the pedal forces the fluid through the hose to the control valve which engages the starter pinion with the engine flywheel ring gear. Release the pedal as soon as the engine starts. Fig. 7 - Hydrostarter Remote Control System The hydrostarter motor is equipped with a control valve that incorporates a threaded valve housing plug with a 1/8" -27 tapped hole in the center for installation of the flexible hose. A 1/8"-27 pipe plug is installed when the remote control system is not used. Springs are used to return the master cylinder pedal and the hydrostarter control lever to the off position. Filling Remove the filler cap from the reservoir and add a sufficient quantity of' hydraulic fluid (a mixture of 75% diesel fuel and 25% SAE 10 or 30 lubricating oil) to fill the system. The required amount of hydraulic fluid will vary depending upon the size of the reservoir, length of hydraulic hoses and the size and number of accumulators. The reservoirs are available in 10, 12, 16 and 23 quart (9, 11, 15, 22 liters) capacities. In a 10 quart (9 liters) capacity reservoir, add approximately 8 quarts (8 liters) of hydraulic fluid, 10 quarts (9 liters) in a 12 quart (11 liters) reservoir, 14 quarts (13 liters) Page 39 Engine Equipment in a 16 quart (15 liters) reservoir or 21 quarts (20 liters) in a 23 quart (22 liters) reservoir. NOTE: When the accumulator is charged to 3000 psi (20 670 kPa) and all hoses are filled, there should be enough hydraulic fluid remaining in the reservoir to completely cover the screen in the bottom of the reservoir. Purging A by-pass valve is located on the inlet side of the hand pump. Loosen the lock nut and rotate this valve approximately one turn counterclockwise with a screw driver. Operate the hand pump for 12 to 15 complete strokes. Do not pump too rapidly. Close the by-pass valve tightly and tighten the lock nut. 1. Move the starter control lever to engage the pinion with the flywheel and open the control valve. While holding the lever in this position, operate the hand pump until the starter has turned several revolutions. Close the control valve. Loosen the swivel hose fitting at the discharge side of the engine-driven pump about two turns. Operate the hand pump to force air out until oil begins to appear at the loose fitting. Tighten the swivel hose fitting and pressurize the system with the hand pump sufficiently to start the engine. 2. Perform the initial starting instructions under Preparation for Starting Engine First Time. Then, with the engine running at least 1500 rpm, purge the engine-driven pump of air. Break the hose connection at the discharge side of the engine driven-pump until a full stream of oil is discharged from the pump. Connect the hose to the pump and alternately loosen and tighten the swivel fitting on the discharge hose until the oil leaking out, when the fitting is loose, appears to be free of air bubbles. Tighten the fitting securely and observe the pressure gage. The pressure should rise rapidly to the accumulator precharge pressure (1250 psi or 10 413 kPa at 70°F or 21°C), then increase slowly, reaching 2900 to 3300 psi (19 981 to 22 737 kPa). 3. After the pressure has stabilized near 3000 psi (20 670 kPa), examine all of the high pressure hoses, connections and fittings for leaks. 4. The engine-driven pump must by-pass oil to the reservoir when the accumulator pressure reaches 2900 to 3300 psi (19 981 to 22-737 kPa). To determine whether the pump by-pass valve is operating properly, remove the reservoir filler cap, disconnect the pump by-pass hose at the reservoir, and hold the hose over the open reservoir filler spout. An occasional spurt of oil may be emitted from the hose prior to by-passing. When the by-pass valve opens, a full and continuous stream of oil will flow from the hose. Reconnect the hose to the reservoir and install the filler cap. 5. Fill the reservoir to the proper level. The hydrostarter remote control system may be purged of air as follows: 1. Fill the master cylinder with fuel oil. 2. Loosen the hose fitting at the hydrostarter control valve. 3. Actuate the master cylinder pedal until all of the air is discharged from the system and a solid stream of fuel oil is being discharged with each stroke. NOTE: Replenish the fluid in the master cylinder as required during the purging operation. 4. Tighten the hose fitting and check for leaks. LUBRICATION AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Inspect the system periodically for leaks. Primarily, examine the high pressure hoses, connections, fittings and the control valve on the starter. Make certain that the oil level in the reservoir is sufficient to completely cover the screen at the bottom of the tank. Make this check after the accumulator is charged and the engine driven pump is by-passing oil to the reservoir. Every 2000 hours, or as conditions warrant, drain the reservoir and remove the screen. Flush out the reservoir and clean the screen and filler cap. Then reinstall the screen. Remove the bowl and element from the filter in the engine-driven pump supply hose. Wash the bowl and element in clean fuel oil and reassemble the filter. Release the pressure and drain the remaining hydraulic fluid from the system by disconnecting the hoses from the hydrostarter components. Then reconnect all of the hydraulic hoses. WARNING: The oil pressure in the system must be released prior to servicing the hydrostarter motor or other components to prevent possible injury to personnel or equipment. NOTE: Make sure all hoses and fittings are clean before any connections are made. Fill the hydrostarter system with new clean fluid. Page 40 ENGINE EQUIPMENT Lubrication Remove the hydrostarter from the engine every 2000 hours for lubrication, Before removing the hydrostarter, release the pressure in the system by means of the relief valve in the hand pump. Then remove the three bolts which retain the starting motor to the flywheel housing. Remove the starting motor without disconnecting the hydraulic oil hoses. This will prevent dirt and air from entering the hydraulic system. Apply a good quality, lightweight grease on the drive clutch pinion to make sure the clutch will slide freely while compressing the spring. Also apply grease to, the fingers of the clutch fork and on the spool of the clutch yoke engaged by the fork. This lubrication period may be reduced or lengthened according to the severity of service. Remove the pipe plug from the starting motor drive housing and saturate the shaft oil wick with engine oil. Then reinstall the plug. After lubricating, install the starting motor on the flywheel housing and recharge the accumulator with the hand pump. On engines equipped with a hydraulic remote control system, lubricate the shaft in the master cylinder through the pressure grease fitting every 2000 hours. Cold Weather Operation Occasionally, when an engine is operated in regions of very low temperatures, the starter drive clutch assembly may slip when the starter is engaged. If the clutch slips, proceed as follows: 1. Release the oil pressure in the system by opening the relief valve in the hand pump. WARNING: The oil pressure in the system must be released prior to servicing the hydrostarter motor or other components to prevent possible injury to personnel or equipment. 2. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the starting motor. 3. Remove the three retaining bolts and lock washers and withdraw the starting motor from the flywheel housing. 4. Disassemble the starting motor. 5. Wash the hydrostarter drive clutch' assembly in clean fuel oil to remove the old lubricant. 6. When the clutch is free, apply SAE 5W lubricating oil. 7. Reassemble the starting motor and reinstall it on the engine. Then attach a tag to the starter noting the lubricant used in the clutch. 8. Recharge the accumulator with the hand pump. Marine Application In addition to the normal hydrostarter lubrication and maintenance instructions, the following special precautions must be taken for marine installations or other cases where equipment is subject to salt spray and air, or other corrosive atmospheres: 1. Clean all exposed surfaces and apply a coat of zinc-chromate primer, followed by a coat of suitable paint. 2. Apply a liberal coating of Lubriplate, type 130-AA, or equivalent, to the following surfaces. a. The exposed end of the starter control valve and around the control shaft where it passes through the clutch housing. b. The exposed ends of the hand pump cam pin. 3. Operate all of the moving parts and check the protective paint and lubrication every week. Consult an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet for any information relating to the hydrostarter system. COLD WEATHER STARTING AIDS In a diesel engine, the fuel injected into the combustion chamber is ignited by the heat, of the air compressed into the cylinder; However, when starting an engine in extremely cold weather, a large part of the energy of combustion is absorbed by the pistons and cylinder walls, and in overcoming the high friction created by the cold lubricating oil. Page 41 Engine Equipment When the ambient temperature is low, it may be necessary to use an air heater or a starting fluid to assist ignition of the fuel. NOTE: Starting aids are NOT intended to correct for a low battery, heavy oil or other conditions which cause hard starting. They are to be used only when other conditions are normal, but the air temperature is too cold for the heat of compression to ignite the fuel-air mixture. FLUID STARTING AID The fluid starting aid (Fig. 8) is designed to inject a highly volatile fluid into the air intake system at low ambient temperatures to assist in igniting the fuel oil injected. The fluid is contained in suitable capsules to facilitate handling. The starting aid consists of a cylindrical capsule container with a screw cap, inside of which a sliding piercing shaft operates. A tube leads from the capsule container to a hand operated pump and another tube leads to the atomizing nozzle threaded into a tapped hole in the air inlet housing. Fig. 8 - Typical Fluid Starting Aid The capsule container should be mounted in a vertical position and away from any heat. Start the engine, using the fluid starting aid, as follows: 1. Remove the threaded cap and insert a fluid capsule in an upright position within the container. WARNING: The starting fluid is toxic and inflammable. Use caution when handling. 2. Pull the piercing shaft all the way out and install and tighten the cap on the container. 3. Push the piercing shaft all the way down. This will rupture the capsule and fill the container with the starting fluid. 4. Move the engine throttle to the maximum speed position. 5. Engage the starter and at the same time pull the pump plunger all the way out. Push the plunger in slowly, forcing the starting fluid through the atomizing nozzle into the air intake. Continue to push the pump in until the engine starts. If the plunger is not all the way in when the engine starts, push it in slowly until it locks in the IN position. 6. Unscrew the cap and remove the capsule. Do not leave the empty capsule in the container. 7. Replace the cap on the capsule container and make sure the piercing shaft is all the way down. Service The cold weather fluid starting aid will require very little service. Replace the piston seal packing if the pump leaks. If there is an excessive resistance to pumping, the nozzle may be plugged. Remove the nozzle and clean it. PRESSURIZED CYLINDER STARTING AID Start the engine during cold weather, using the "Quick Start" starting aid system (Fig. 9) as follows: 1. Press the engine starter button. 2. Pull out the "Quick Start" knob for one or two seconds, then release it. 3. Repeat the procedure if the engine does not start on the first attempt. Page 42 Engine Equipment Fig. 9 - Quick-Start Assembly CAUTION: Do not crank the engine more than 30 seconds at a time when using an electric starting motor. Always allow one minute intervals between cranking attempts to allow the starting motor to cool. Service Periodically perform the following service items to assure good performance: 1. Remove the fluid cylinder and lubricate the valve around the pusher pin under the gasket with a few drops of oil. 2. Lubricate the actuator cable. 3. Actuate the valve with the cable to distribute the oil on the cable and allow the oil to run down through the valve. 4. Remove any dirt from the orifice by removing the air inlet housing fitting, the orifice block and the screen. Then blow air through the orifice end only. 5. Assemble and tighten the air inlet housing fitting to the actuator valve and tube. 6. Check for leakage of fluid (fogging) on the outside of the engine air inlet housing by actuating the starting aid while the engine is stopped. If fogging occurs, disassemble and retighten the air inlet housing fitting to the housing. WARNING: Do not actuate the starting aid more than once with the engine stopped. Over- loading the engine air box with this high volatile fluid could result in a minor explosion. 7. Check the fluid cylinder for hand tightness. Page 43 Engine Equipment GOVERNORS Horsepower requirements of an engine may vary continually due to the fluctuating loads; therefore, some means must be provided to control the amount of fuel required to hold the engine speed reasonably constant during such load fluctuations. To accomplish this control, one of three types of governors is used on the engines. Installations requiring maximum and minimum speed control, together with manually controlled intermediate speeds, ordinarily use a limiting speed mechanical governor. Applications requiring a near constant engine speed under varying load conditions, that may be changed by the operator, are equipped with a variable speed mechanical governor. The hydraulic governor is used where uniform engine speed is required under varying load conditions with a minimum speed droop. Lubrication The mechanical governors are lubricated by oil splash from the engine gear train. Oil entering the governor is directed by the revolving governor weights to the various moving parts requiring lubrication. The hydraulic governor is lubricated by oil under pressure from the engine. Service Governor difficulties are usually indicated by speed variations of the engine. However, speed fluctuations are not necessarily caused by the governor and, therefore, when improper speed variations become evident, the unit should be checked for excessive load, misfiring or bind in the governor operating linkage. If none of these conditions are contributing to faulty governor operation, contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet. TRANSMISSIONS POWER TAKE-OFF ASSEMBLIES The front and rear power take-off units are basically similar in design, varying in clutch size to meet the requirements of a particular application. The power take-off unit is attached to either an adapter (front power take-off) or the engine flywheel housing (rear power take-off). Clutch Adjustment These instructions refer to field adjustment for clutch facing wear. Frequency of adjustment depends upon the amount and nature of the load. To ensure a long clutch facing life and the best performance, the clutch should be adjusted before slippage occurs. When the clutch is properly adjusted, a heavy pressure is required at the outer end of the hand lever to move the throwout linkage to the "over center" or locked position. Adjust the clutch as follows: 1. Disengage the clutch with the hand lever. 2. Remove the inspection hole cover to expose the clutch adjusting ring. Rotate the clutch, if necessary, to bring the adjusting ring lock within reach. 3. Remove the clutch adjusting ring spring lock screw and lock from the inner clutch pressure plate and adjusting ring. Then, while holding the clutch drive shaft to prevent the clutch from turning, turn the clutch adjusting ring counterclockwise as shown in Fig. 10 and tighten the clutch until the desired pressure on the outer end of the hand lever, or at the Fig. 10 ·Adjusting Clutch Page 44 Engine Equipment Clutch Diameter 8" 10" *11 1/2" 11 1/2" *Twin Disc Clutch Hand Lever Length 15 1/2" 15 1/2" 15 3/8" 20" Pressure PSI kPa 55 379 80 552 100 689 105 724 Torque Ib-ft Nm 56-63 76-85 87-94 113-127 129 175 112-120 152-163 TABLE 1 clutch release shaft (Fig. 11), is obtained as shown in Table 1. When properly adjusted, the approximate pressure required at the outer end of the hand lever to engage the various diameter clutches is shown in the table. These specifications apply only with the hand lever which is furnished with the power take-off. A suitable spring scale may be used to check the pounds pressure required to engage the clutch. However, a more accurate method of checking the clutch adjustment is with a torque wrench as shown in Fig. 11. To fabricate an adapter, saw the serrated end off of a clutch hand lever and weld a 1-1/8" nut (across the hex) on it as shown in Fig. 11. Then saw a slot through the nut. When checking the clutch adjustment with a torque wrench, engage the clutch slowly and note the amount of torque immediately before the clutch engages (goes over center). The specified torque is shown in Table 1. CAUTION: The thrust load on the bronze clutch release bearing should be kept at an absolute minimum. Therefore, the hand lever should be positioned on the shaft as near the 12 o'clock or 6 o'clock position as possible. The 9 and 3 o'clock positions are to be avoided. Fig. 11 - Checking Clutch Adjustment with a Torque Wrench and Adapter Make a final clutch adjustment with the engine running as follows: 1. Start the engine and operate it at idling speed (approximately 500 rpm) with the clutch disengaged. The speed will be sufficient to move the segments out to the operating position. 2. Check the pressure required to engage the clutch. The engagement pressure should be the same as that following the adjustment. If the clutch engages at a lower pressure, the adjustment was probably made against the unworn portion of the facing. 3. Stop the engine and readjust the clutch, making sure all disc segments are properly positioned. inspection hole cover. Install the TORQMATIC CONVERTERS The Torqmatic converter is a self contained unit which transfers and multiplies the torque of the prime mover. This unit transmits the power through the action of oil instead of through gears and in addition to multiplying the torque also acts as a fluid coupling between the engine and the equipment to be powered. The converter will automatically adjust the output torque to load requirements. There are various combinations of Torqmatic converters with features such as: an automotive or industrial flange on the shaft, a hydraulically operated lock-up clutch, a manual input disconnect clutch, and an accessory drive for either a governor or tachometer. Check the oil level daily. If the converter is equipped with an input disconnect clutch, additional checks and service will be necessary daily or at intervals determined by the type of operation. Adjust the disconnect clutches as outlined under power take-off clutch adjustment. Contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet for service on Torqmatic converters. Page 45 Engine Equipment The Warner hydraulic marine gear assembly consists of a hydraulically operated multiple disc clutch in combination with a hydraulically actuated reversing gear train, an oil pressure regulator, an oil sump independent of the engine oil system and an oil cooler mounted on the engine. Oil pressure for the operation of the marine gear is provided by an oil pump incorporated within the gear housing and driven continuously while the engine is running. The oil is delivered under pressure from the pump to a combination marine gear control valve and pressure regulator valve. The pressure regulator valve maintains constant pressure over a wide speed range and the control valve directs the oil under pressure to either the forward or reverse piston cylinder. The operating oil pressure range for the marine gear at operating speed is 120 to 140 psi (827 to 965 kPa) and the maximum oil temperature is 225°F (107°C). Minimum oil pressure is 100 psi (689 kPa) at idle speed (600 rpm). Shifting from forward to reverse drive through neutral may be made at any speed; however, it is advisable to shift at low speeds, below 1000 engine rpm, to avoid damage to the engine, reverse gear or shaft. The marine reverse and reduction gear is lubricated by pressure and splash. The quantity of oil in the marine gear will vary with the inclination of the engine and must be properly maintained to the full mark on the dipstick to ensure satisfactory operation. It is recommended that vessels utilizing a marine gear have-a suitable locking device or brake to prevent rotation of the propeller shaft when the vessel is not under direct propulsion. If the marine gear is not in operation and the forward motion of the vessel causes the propeller shaft to rotate, lubricating oil will not be circulated through the gear because the oil pump is not in operation. Overheating and damage to the marine gear may result unless rotation of the propeller shaft is prevented. Consult an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet for major repairs or reconditioning of the marine gear. Page 46 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENGINE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS PREPARATION FOR STARTING ENGINE FIRST TIME Before starting an engine for the first time, carefully read and follow these instructions. Attempting to run the engine before studying these instructions may result in serious damage to the engine. NOTE: When preparing to start a new or overhauled engine or an engine which has been in storage, perform all of the operations listed below. Before a routine start (at each shift), see Daily Operations in the Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance Chart. Cooling System Install all of the drain cocks or plugs in the cooling system (drain cocks are removed for shipping). Open the cooling system vents, if the engine is so equipped. Remove the filler cap and fill the cooling system with clean, soft water or a protective solution consisting of high boiling point type antifreeze, if the engine will be exposed to freezing temperatures. Refer to Engine Coolant. Keep the liquid level about two inches below the filler neck to allow for fluid expansion. Use a quality rust inhibitor if only water is used in the cooling system. Close the vents, if used, after filling the cooling system. On marine installations, prime the raw water cooling system and open any sea cocks in the raw water pump intake line. Prime the raw water pump by removing the pipe plug or electrode provided in the pump outlet elbow and pour water in the pump. CAUTION: Failure to prime the raw water pump may result in damage to the pump impeller. Lubrication System The lubricating oil film on the rotating parts and bearings of a new or overhauled engine, or one which has been in storage, may be insufficient for proper lubrication when the engine is started for the first time. It is recommended that the engine lubricating system be charged with a pressure prelubricator, set to supply a minimum of 25 psi (172 kPa) oil pressure, to ensure an immediate flow of oil to all bearings at the initial engine start-up. The oil supply line should be attached to the engine so that oil under pressure is supplied to the main oil gallery. With the oil pan dry, use the prelubricator to prime the engine with sufficient oil to reach all bearing surfaces. Use heavyduty lubricating oil as specified under Lubricating Oil Specifications. Then remove the dipstick, wipe it with a clean cloth, insert and remove it again to check the oil level in the oil pan. Add sufficient oil, if necessary, to bring it to the full mark on the dipstick. Do not overfill. If a pressure prelubricator is not available, fill the crankcase to the proper level with heavy-duty lubricating oil as specified. Then pre-lubricate the upper engine parts by removing the valve rocker covers and pouring lubricating oil, of the same grade and viscosity as used in the crankcase, over the rocker arms. Turbocharger Disconnect the turbocharger oil inlet line and pour approximately one pint of clean engine oil in the line, thus making sure the bearings are lubricated for the initial start. Reconnect the oil line. Air Cleaner If the engine is equipped with oil bath air cleaners, fill the air cleaner oil cups to the proper level with clean engine oil. Do not overfill. Transmission Fill the transmission case, marine gear or torque converter supply tank to the proper level with the lubricant specified under Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance. Fuel System Fill the fuel tank with the fuel specified under Diesel Fuel Oil Specifications. Page 47 Operating Instructions If the unit is equipped with a fuel valve, it must be opened. To ensure prompt starting, fill the fuel system between the pump and the fuel return manifold with fuel. If the engine has been out of service for a considerable length of time, prime the filter between the fuel pump and the injectors. The filter may be primed by removing the plug in the top of the filter cover and slowly filling the filter with fuel. In addition to the above, on an engine equipped with a hydrostarter, use a priming pump to make sure the fuel lines and the injectors are full of fuel before attempting to start the engine. NOTE: The fuel system is filled with fuel before leaving the factory. If the fuel is still in the system when preparing to start the engine, priming should be unnecessary. Lubrication Fittings Fill all grease cups and lubricate at all fittings with an all purpose grease. Apply lubricating oil to the throttle linkage and other moving parts and fill the hinged cap oilers with a hand oiler. Drive Belts Adjust all drive belts as recommended under Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance. Storage Battery Check the battery. The top should be clean and dry, the terminals tight and protected with a coat of petroleum jelly and the electrolyte must be at the proper level. NOTE: When necessary, check the battery with a hydrometer; the reading should be 1.265 or higher. However, hydrometer readings should always be corrected for the temperature of the electrolyte. Generator Set Where applicable, fill the generator end bearing housing with the same lubricating oil as used in the engine. A generator set should be connected and grounded in accordance with the applicable local electrical codes. CAUTION: The base of a generator set must be grounded. Clutch Disengage the clutch, if the unit is so equipped. STARTING Before starting the engine for the first time, perform the operations listed under Preparation For Starting Engine First Time. Before a routine start, see Daily Operations in the Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance Chart. If a manual or an automatic shutdown system is incorporated in the unit, the control must be set in the open position before starting the engine. The blower will be seriously damaged if operated with the air shut-off valve in the closed position. Starting at air temperatures below 40°F (4°C) requires the use of a cold weather starting aid. See Cold Weather Starting. The instructions for the use of a cold weather fluid starting aid will vary dependent on the type being used. Reference should be made to these instructions before attempting a cold weather start. WARNING: Starting fluid used in capsules is highly inflammable, toxic and possesses anesthetic properties. Initial Engine Start (Electric) Start an engine equipped with' an electric starting motor as follows: Set the speed control lever at part throttle, then bring it back to the desired no-load speed. In addition, on mechanical governors, make sure the stop lever on the governor cover is in the run position. Then press the starting motor switch firmly. If the engine fails to start within 30 seconds, release the starting switch and allow the starting motor to cool a few minutes before trying again. If the engine fails to start after four attempts, an inspection should be made to determine the cause. CAUTION: To prevent serious damage to the starter, if the engine does not start, do not press the starting switch again while the starting motor is running. Initial Engine Start (Hydrostarter) Page 48 Operating Instructions Pressure Gage Reading Ambient Temperature psi 1500 2500 3300 Above 40°F (4.4°C) 40 - 0°F (4.4 to -18°C) Below 0°F (-18°C) kPa 10 342 17 237 22 753 Table 1 An engine equipped with a hydrostarter may be started as follows: Raise the hydrostarter accumulator pressure with the hand pump until the gage reads as indicated in Table 1. Set the engine controls for starting with the throttle at least half open. NOTE: During cold weather add starting fluid at the same time the hydrostarter motor lever is moved. Do not wait to add the fluid after the engine is turning over. Push the hydrostarter control lever to simultaneously engage the starter pinion with the flywheel ring gear and to open the control valve . Close the valve as soon as the engine starts to conserve the accumulator pressure and to avoid excessive over-running of the starter drive clutch assembly. RUNNING Oil Pressure Observe the oil pressure gage immediately after starting the engine. If there is no pressure indicated within 10 to 15 seconds, stop the engine and check the lubricating oil system. The minimum oil pressure should be at least 18 psi (124 kPa) at 1200 rpm. The oil pressure at normal operating speed should be 40-60 psi (276-414 kPa). Warm- Up Run the engine at part throttle and no-load for approximately five minutes, allowing it to warm-up before applying a load. If the unit is operating in a closed room, start the room ventilating fan or open the windows, as weather conditions permit, so ample air is available for the engine. Clutch Do not engage the clutch at engine speeds over 1000 rpm. Inspection While the engine is running at operating temperature, check for coolant, fuel or lubricating oil leaks. Tighten the line connections where necessary to stop leaks. Engine Temperature Normal engine coolant temperature is 160-185°F (71- 85°C). Crankcase If the engine crankcase was refilled, stop the engine after normal operating temperature has been reached, allow the oil to drain back into the crankcase for approximately twenty minutes and check the oil level. Add oil, if necessary, to bring it to the proper level on the dipstick. Use only the heavy duty lubricating oil specified under Lubricating Oil Specifications. Cooling System Remove the radiator or heat exchanger tank cap slowly after the engine has reached normal operating temperature and check the engine coolant level. The coolant level should be near the top of the opening. If necessary, add 'clean soft water or a high boiling point type antifreeze (refer to Engine Coolant). Marine Gear Check the marine gear oil pressure. The operating oil pressure range for the marine gear at operating speed is 120 to 160 psi (827 to 1103 kPa) and minimum oil pressure is 100 psi (689 kPa) at idle speed (600 rpm). Turbocharger Make a visual inspection of the turbocharger for leaks and excessive vibration. Stop the engine immediately if there is an unusual noise in the turbocharger. Page 49 Operating Instructions Avoid Unnecessary Engine Idling During long engine idling periods, the engine coolant temperature will fall below the normal operating range. The incomplete combustion of fuel in a cold engine will cause crankcase dilution, formation of lacquer or gummy deposits on the valves, pistons and rings and rapid accumulation of sludge in the engine. NOTE: When prolonged engine idling is necessary, maintain at least 800 rpm. STOPPING Normal Stopping 1. Release the load and decrease the engine speed. Put all shift levers in the neutral position. 2. Allow the engine to run at half speed or slower with no load for four or five minutes, then move the stop lever to stop to shut down the engine. Emergency Stopping If the engine does not stop after using the normal stopping procedure, pull the "Emergency Stop" knob all the way out. This control cuts off the air to the engine. Do not try to restart again until the cause for the malfunction has been found and corrected. CAUTION: The emergency shutdown system should never be used except in an emergency. Use of the emergency shutdown can cause oil to be sucked past the oil seals and into the blower housing. The air shut-off valve, located on the blower air inlet housing, must be reset by hand and the "Emergency Stop" knob pushed in before the engine is ready to start again. Fuel System If the unit is equipped with a fuel valve, close it. Fill the fuel tank; a full tank minimizes condensation. Exhaust System Drain the condensation from the exhaust line or silencer. Cooling System Drain the cooling system if it is not protected with antifreeze and freezing temperatures are expected. Leave the drains open. Open the raw water drains of a heat exchanger cooling system. Crankcase If the engine crankcase was refilled, stop the engine after normal operating temperature has been reached, allow the oil to drain (approximately 20 minutes) back into the crankcase and check the oil level. Add oil, if necessary, to bring it to the proper level on the dipstick. Use only the heavy-duty lubricating oil specified under Lubricating Oil Specifications. Transmission Check and, if necessary, replenish the oil supply in the transmission. Clean Engine Clean and check the engine thoroughly to make certain it will be ready for the next run. Refer to Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance and perform all of the daily maintenance operations. Also perform the operations required for the number of hours or miles the engine has been in operation. Make the necessary adjustments and minor repairs to correct difficulties which became apparent to the operator during the last run. Page 50 Operating Instructions ALTERNATING CURRENT POWER GENERATOR SET OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS These instructions cover the fundamental procedures for operating an alternating current power generator set (Fig. 1). The operator should read these instructions before attempting to operate the generator set. Never operate a generator set for a short (15 minute) interval - the engine will not reach normal operating temperature in so short a period. Avoid operating the set for extended periods at no- load. Ideally, operate the set for one hour with at least 40% load (generator rating). When a test must be made with a line load of less than 40% of the generator rating, add a supplementary load. Connect the supplementary load to the load terminals of the control cabinet circuit breaker so that the generator can be "loaded" whenever the breaker is closed. Make certain that the supplementary load is such that it can be controlled to permit a reduction in the load should a normal load increase occur while the set is operating. Locate the supplementary load outside the engine room, if desirable, to provide adequate cooling. Loading the generator set to 40% of the generator rating and operating it for one-hour intervals will bring the engine and generator to normal operating temperatures and circulate the lubricants properly. Abnormal amounts of moisture, carbon and sludge are due primarily to low internal operating temperatures which are much less likely to occur when the set is tested properly. PREPARATION FOR STARTING Before attempting to start a new or an overhauled engine or an engine which has been in storage, perform all of the operations listed under Preparation for Starting Engine First Time. Before a routine start, see Daily Operations in the Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance Chart. In addition to the Engine Operating Instructions, the Fig. 1 - Location of Controls on Power Generator Set Page 51 Operating Instructions following instructions also apply when operating an alternating current power generator set. 1. Before the first start, check the generator main bearing oil reservoir. If necessary, add sufficient lubricating oil, of the same grade as used in the engine crankcase, to bring it to the proper level on the sight gage. 2. Check the interior of the generator for dust or moisture. Blow out dust with low pressure air (25 psi or 172 kPa maximum). If there is moisture on the interior of the generator, it must be dried before the set is started. Refer to the appropriate Delco Products Maintenance bulletin. 3. The air shut-off valve located in the air inlet housing must be in the open or reset position. 4. Refer to Fig. 1 and place the circuit breaker in the off position. 5. If the generator set is equipped with synchronizing lamps, place the lamp switch in the off position. 6. Turn the voltage regulator rheostat knob counter- clockwise to its lower limit. 7. Make sure the power generator set has been cleared of all tools or other objects which might interfere with its operation. STARTING If the generator set is located in a closed space, start the ventilating fan or open the doors and windows, as weather permits, to supply ample air to the engine. The engine may require the use of a cold weather starting aid if the ambient temperature is below 40°F (4°C). Refer to Cold Weather Starting Aids. Press the throttle button and turn the throttle control (Fig. 1) counterclockwise to a position midway between run and stop. Then press the starting switch firmly. If the engine fails to start within 30 seconds, release the starting switch and allow the starting motor to cool a few minutes before trying again. If the engine fails to start after four attempts, an inspection should be made to determine the cause. CAUTION: To prevent serious damage to the starter, if the engine does not start, do not press the starting switch again while the starting motor is rotating. RUNNING Observe the engine oil pressure gage immediately after starting the engine. If there is no oil pressure indicated within 10 to 15 seconds, stop the engine and check the engine lubricating system. If the oil pressure is observed to be normal, increase the throttle setting to cause the engine to run at its synchronous speed. PREPARING GENERATOR FOR LOAD After the engine is warmed up (or the oil pressure has stabilized) prepare the generator set for load as follows: 1. Bring the engine up to the rated speed. 2. Turn the instrument switch to the desired position. 3. Turn the voltage regulator rheostat knob slowly in a clockwise direction to raise the voltage, while watching the voltmeter, until the desired voltage is attained. 4. If the generator set is equipped with a frequency meter, adjust the engine speed with the vernier throttle knob until the desired frequency is indicated on the meter. 5. Make sure all power lines are clear of personnel, then place the circuit breaker control in the on position. NOTE: Perform Step 5 only if the generator set is not being paralleled with an existing power source. If it is being paralleled with a power source already on the line, read and follow the instructions under Paralleling before turning the circuit breaker control to the on position. PARALLELING If the load conditions require an additional unit to be placed on the line, the following instructions will apply to power generator sets of equal capacity, with one generator set in operation on the line. 1. Prepare the generator set to be paralleled as outlined under Preparation For Starting, Starting, Running and Items 1through 4 under Preparing Generator for Load. 2. Check the voltmeter (Fig. 1); the voltage must be the same as the line voltage. Adjust the voltage regulator rheostat control if the voltages are not the same. 3. Place the synchronizing lamp switch, of the generator set to be paralleled, in the on position. Page 52 Operating Instructions 4. Turn the vernier throttle knob until both units are operating at approximately the same frequency as indicated by the slow change in the brilliancy of the synchronizing lamps. 5. When the synchronizing lamps glow and then go out at a very slow rate, time the dark interval. Then, in the middle of this interval, turn the circuit breaker control to the on position. This places the incoming generator set on the line, with no load. The proper share of the existing load must now be placed on this generator. 6. The division of the kilowatt load between the alternating current generators operating in parallel depends on the power supplied by the engines to the generators as controlled by the engine governors and is practically independent of the generator excitation. Divide the kilowatt load between the generators by turning the vernier throttle knob counterclockwise on the incoming generator and clockwise on the generator that has been carrying the load (to keep the frequency of the generators constant) until both ammeters read the same, indicating that each generator is carrying its proper percentage of the total K.W. load. 7. The division of the reactive KVA load depends on the generator excitation as controlled by the voltage .regulator. Divide the reactive load between the generators by turning the voltage regulator rheostat control on the incoming generator (generally clockwise to raise the voltage) until the ammeters read the same on both generator sets and the sum of the readings is minimum. NOTE: The generator sets are equipped with a resistor and current transformer connected in series with the voltage coil of the regulator (cross-current compensation) which equalizes most but not all of the reactive KVA load between the generators. 8. When the load is 80 per cent power factor lagging (motor and a few lights only), turn the vernier throttle knob on the incoming generator until the ammeter on that unit reads approximately 40 per cent of the total current load. 9. Rotate the voltage regulator rheostat control on the incoming generator clockwise to raise the voltage until the ammeters read the same on both units. NOTE: If a load was not added during paralleling, the total of the two ammeter readings should be the same as the reading before paralleling. Readjust the voltage regulator rheostat on the incoming generator, if necessary. 10. To reset the load voltage, turn the voltage regulator rheostat controls slowly on each unit. It is necessary to turn the controls the same amount and in the same direction to keep the reactive current equally divided. Power generator sets with different capacities can also be paralleled by dividing the load proportionately to their capacity. STOPPING The procedure for stopping a power generator set or taking it out of parallel is as follows: 1. Turn off all of the load on the generator when stopping a single engine unit. 2. Shift the load from the generator when taking it out of parallel operation by turning the vernier throttle knob until the ammeter reads approximately zero. 3. Place the circuit breaker control in the off position. 4. Turn the voltage regulator rheostat control in a counterclockwise direction to the limit of its travel. 5. Press the throttle button and turn the throttle control to stop to shut-down the engine. NOTE: When performing a tune-up on a generator set that will be operated in parallel with another unit, adjust the speed droop as specified in Engine Tune-Up. Page 53 LUBRICATION AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE To obtain the best performance and long life from a Detroit Diesel engine, the Operator must adhere to the following schedule and instructions on lubrication and preventive maintenance. The daily instructions pertain to routine or daily starting of an engine and not to a new engine or one that has not been operated for a considerable period of time. For new or stored engines, carry out the instructions given under Preparation for Starting Engine First Time under Operating Instructions. The time intervals given in the chart on the following page are actual operating hours or miles of an engine. If the' lubricating oil is drained immediately after an engine has been run for some time, most of the sediment will be in suspension and, therefore, will drain readily. All authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlets are prepared to service engines with the viscosity and grade of lubricants recommended on the following pages. Page 55 Preventative Maintenance Page 56 Preventive Maintenance Item 1 Check the oil level daily before starting the engine. Add oil, if necessary, to bring it to the proper level on the dipstick. Select the proper grade of oil in accordance with the instructions in the Lubricating Oil Specifications. It is recommended that new engines be started with 100 hour oil change periods. The drain interval may then be gradually increased, or decreased, following the recommendations of an independent oil analysis laboratory or the oil supplier (based upon the oil sample analysis) until the most practical oil change period has been established. Item 2 Install new engine oil filter elements and gaskets each time the engine oil is changed. Check for oil leaks after starting the engine. If the engine is equipped with a governor oil filter, change the element every 1,000 hours. Item 3 Check the coolant level daily and maintain it near the top of the heat exchanger tank or the radiator upper tank. Clean the cooling system every 1,000 hours or 30,000 miles using a good radiator cleaning compound in accordance with the instructions on the container. After the cleaning operation, rinse the cooling system thoroughly with fresh water. Then fill the system with soft water, adding a good grade of rust inhibitor or a high boiling point type antifreeze (refer to Engine Coolant). With the use of a proper antifreeze or rust inhibitor, this interval may be lengthened until, normally, this cleaning is done only in the spring or fall. The length of this interval will, however, depend upon an inspection for rust or other deposits on the internal walls of the cooling system. When a thorough cleaning of the cooling system is required, it should be reverse-flushed. If the cooling system is protected by a coolant filter and conditioner, the filter element should be changed every 500 hours or 15,000 miles. Item 4 Inspect all of the cooling system hoses at least once every 500 hours or 15,000 miles for signs of deterioration. Replace the hoses if necessary. Items 3 and 4 Items 1 and 2 Page 57 Preventive Maintenance Item 5 Inspect the exterior of the radiator core every 1,000 hours or 30,000 miles and, if necessary, clean it with a quality grease solvent such as mineral spirits and compressed air. Do not use fuel oil, kerosene or gasoline. It may be necessary to clean the radiator more frequently if the engine is being operated in extremely dusty or dirty areas. Item 6 Every 500 hours drain the water from the heat exchanger raw water inlet and outlet tubes. Then remove the zinc electrodes from the inlet side of the raw water pump and the heat exchanger. Clean the electrodes with a wire brush or, if worn excessively, replace with new electrodes. To determine the condition of a used electrode, strike it sharply against a hard surface; a weakened electrode will break. Drain the cooling system, disconnect the raw water pipes at the outlet side of the heat exchanger and remove the retaining cover every 1,000 hours and inspect the heat exchanger core. If a considerable amount of scale or deposits are present, contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet. Item 5 Item 7 Check the prime on the raw water pump; the engine should not be operated with a dry pump. Prime the pump, if necessary, by removing the pipe plug provided in the pump inlet elbow and adding water. Reinstall the plug. Item 8 Keep the fuel tank filled to reduce condensation to a minimum. Select the proper grade of fuel in accordance with the Diesel Fuel Oil Specifications. Open the drain at the bottom of the fuel tank every 500 hours or 15,000 miles to drain off any water or sediment. Item 9 Install new elements every 300 hours or 9,000 miles or when plugging is indicated. A method of determining when elements are plugged to the extent that they should be changed is based on he fuel pressure at the cylinder head fuel inlet manifold and the inlet restriction at the fuel pump. Item 6 Page 58 Preventive Maintenance In a clean system, the maximum pump inlet restriction must not exceed 6 inches of mercury. At normal operating speeds (1800-2800 rpm), the fuel pressure is 45 to 70 psi (310 to 483 kPa). Change the fuel filter elements whenever the inlet restriction (suction ) at the fuel pump reaches 12 inches of mercury at normal operating speeds and whenever the fuel pressure at the inlet manifold falls to 45 psi (310 kPa). Item 10 Remove the dirty oil and sludge from the oil bath-type air cleaner cups and center tubes every 8 hours or less if operating conditions warrant. Wash the cups and elements in clean fuel oil and refill the cups to the level mark with the same grade of heavy duty oil as used in the engine. The frequency of servicing may be varied to suit local dust conditions. It is recommended that the body and fixed element in the heavy-duty oil bath type air cleaner be serviced every 500 hours, 15,000 miles or as conditions warrant. Clean or replace the element in the dry-type air cleaner when the restriction indicator instrument indicates high restriction or when a water manometer reading at the air inlet housing indicates the maximum allowable air inlet restriction (refer to the Air Inlet Restriction chart in the Trouble Shooting section). Refer to the instructions in the Air System section for servicing the dry-type air cleaner. Item 11 With the engine running, check for flow of air from the air box drain tubes every 1,000 hours or 30,000 miles. If the tubes are clogged, remove, clean and reinstall the tubes. The air box drain tubes should be cleaned periodically even though a clogged condition is not apparent. If the engine is equipped with an air box drain tank, drain the sediment periodically. If the engine is equipped with an air box drain check valve, replace the valve every 500 hours or 15,000 miles. Item 9 Item 12 Clean the externally mounted crankcase breather assemblies every 1,000 hours or 30,000 miles. This cleaning period may be reduced or lengthened according to severity of service. Clean the internally mounted breather pads at time of engine overhaul, or sooner if excessive crankcase pressure is observed. Item 10 Item 11 Page 59 Preventive Maintenance Remove the crankcase breather from the engine and wash the steel mesh pad (element) in fuel oil and dry it with compressed air. Reinstall the breather assembly. Clean the breather cap, mounted on the valve rocker cover, in clean fuel oil every time the engine oil is changed. Item 13 Inspect the blower screen and gasket assemblies every 1,000 hours or 30,000 miles and, if necessary, clean the screens in fuel oil and dry them with compressed air. Reinstall the screen and gasket assemblies with the screen side of the assemblies toward the blower. Inspect for evidence of blower seal leakage. Item 14 The electrical starting motor is lubricated at the time of original assembly. Oil can be added to the oil wicks, which project through each bushing and contact the armature shaft, by removing the pipe plugs on the outside of the motor. The wicks should be lubricated whenever the starting-motor is taken off the engine or disassembled. The Sprag overrunning clutch drive mechanism should be lubricated with a few drops of light engine oil whenever the starting motor is overhauled. Item 15 Lubricate the alternator bearings or bushings with 5 or 6 drops of engine oil at the hinge cap oiler every 200 hours or-6;000 miles. Some alternators have a built-in supply of grease, while others use sealed bearings. In these latter two cases, additional lubrication is not necessary. Item 12 The slip rings and brushes of an alternator can be inspected through the end frame assembly. If the slip rings are dirty, they should be cleaned with 400 grain or finer polishing cloth. Never use emery cloth to clean slip rings. Hold the polishing cloth against the slip rings with the alternator in operation and blow away all dust after the cleaning operation. Item 13 Item 14 Page 60 Preventive Maintenance Item 17 Item 15 Item 15 If the slip rings are rough or out of round, replace them. Inspect the terminals for corrosion and loose connections and the wiring for frayed insulation. Item 16 Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell of the battery every 100 hours or 3,000 miles. In warm weather, however, it should be checked more frequently due to a more rapid loss of water from the electrolyte. The electrolyte level should be maintained in accordance with the battery manufacturer's recommendations. Item 17 Lubricate the tachometer drive every 100 hours or 3,000 miles with an all purpose grease at the grease fitting. At temperatures above +30°F (-1 C), use a No. 2 grade grease. Use a No. I grade grease below this temperature. Item 18 Lubricate the throttle control mechanism every 200 hours or 6,000 miles with an all purpose grease. At temperatures above +30°F (-1°C), use a No. 2 grade grease. Use a No. 1 grade grease below this temperature. Lubricate all other control mechanisms, as required, with engine oil. Item 19 There is no scheduled interval for performing an engine tune-up. As long as the engine performance is satisfactory, no tune-up should be needed. Minor adjustments in the valve and injector operating mechanisms, governor, etc. should only be required periodically to compensate for normal wear on parts. Item 20 New drive belts will stretch after the first few hours of operation. Run the engine for 15 seconds to seat the belts and readjust the tension. Then check the belts and retighten the fan drive, pump drive and battery-charging alternator drive belts after 1/2 hour or 15 miles and again after 8 hours or 140 miles of operation. Thereafter, check the tension of the drive belts every 200 hours or 6,000 miles and adjust, if necessary. Page 61 Preventive Maintenance Too tight a belt is destructive to the bearings of the driven part; a loose belt will slip. Replace all belts in a set when one is worn. Single belts of similar size should not be used as a substitute for a matched belt set; premature belt wear can result because of belt length variation. All belts in a matched set are within .032 " of their specified center distances. NOTE: When installing or adjusting an accessory drive belt, be sure the bolt at the accessory adjusting pivot point is properly tightened, as well as the bolt in the adjusting slot. Adjust the belt tension so that a firm push with the thumb, at a point midway between the two pulleys, will depress the belt 1/2" to 3/4". If a belt tension gage such as BT-3373FA or equivalent is available, adjust the belt tension as Item 20 outlined in the chart. Item 21 Lubricate the overspeed governor, if it is equipped with a hinge-type cap oiler or oil cup, with 5 or 6 drops of engine oil every 500 hours. Avoid excessive lubrication and do not lubricate the governor while the engine is running. Item 22 If the fan bearing hub assembly is provided with a grease fitting, use a hand grease gun and lubricate the bearings with one shot of Texaco Premium RB grease, or an equivalent Lithium base multi-purpose grease, every 20,000 miles (approximately 700 hours). Every 75,000 miles or 2500 hours, clean, inspect and repack the fan bearing hub assembly with the above recommended grease. At a major engine overhaul, remove and discard the bearings in the fan hub assembly. Pack the hub assembly, using new bearings, with Texaco Premium RB grease or an equivalent Lithium base multi-purpose grease. Check the shutdown system every 300 operating hours or each month to be sure it will function when needed. Item 24 On engines equipped with a hydrostarter, refer to the Hydraulic Starting System in the section on Engine Equipment for preventive maintenance and lubrication. Item 25 To clean either the hair or polyurethane type air compressor air strainer element, saturate and squeeze it in fuel oil, or any other cleaning agent that would not be detrimental to the element, until dirt free. Then dip it in lubricating oil and squeeze it dry before placing it back in the air strainer. For replacement of the air strainer element, contact the nearest Bendix Westinghouse dealer; replace with the polyurethane element, if available. Item 26 There is no scheduled interval for performing an inspection on the turbocharger. As long as the turbocharger is operating satisfactorily and there is no appreciable loss of power, no vibration or unusual noise and no oil leaks, only a periodic inspection is necessary. Page 62 Preventative Maintenance When service is required, contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet. Item 27 The power generator requires lubrication at only one point the ball bearing in the end frame. If the bearing is oil lubricated, check the oil level in the sight gage every 300 hours; change the oil every six months. Use the same grade of oil as specified for the engine. Maintain the oil level to the line in the sight gage. Do not overfill. After adding oil, recheck the oil level after running the generator for several minutes. If the bearing is grease lubricated, a new generator has sufficient grease for three years of normal service. Thereafter, it should be lubricated at one year intervals. To lubricate the bearing, remove the filler and relief plugs on the side and the bottom of the bearing reservoir. Add grease until new grease appears at the relief plug opening. Run the generator a few minutes to vent the excess grease; then reinstall the plugs. The following recommended: greases, or their equivalents, are Item 25 Keystone 44H........................... Keystone Lubrication Co. BRB Lifetime ............................ Socony Vacuum Oil Co. NY and NJ F926 or F927.......... NY and NJ Lubricant Co. After 100 hours on new brushes, or brushes in generators that have not been in use over a long period, remove the end frame covers and inspect the brushes, commutator and collector rings. If there is no appreciable wear on the brushes, the inspection interval may be extended until the most practicable period has been established (not to exceed six months). To prevent damage to the commutator or the collector rings, do not permit the brushes to become shorter than 3/4 inch. Keep the generator clean inside and out. Before removing the end frame covers, wipe off the loose dirt. The loose dirt and dust may be blown out with low pressure air (25 psi or 172 kPa maximum). Remove all greasy dirt with a cloth. Lubricate all of the power take-off bearings with an all purpose grease such as Shell Alvania No. 2, or equivalent. Item 27 Page 63 Preventive Maintenance Lubricate sparingly to avoid getting grease on the clutch facing. Open the cover on the side of the clutch housing (8" and 10" diameter clutch) and lubricate the clutch release sleeve collar through the grease fitting every 8 hours. On the 111/2" diameter clutch, lubricate the collar through the fitting on the side of the clutch housing every 8 hours. Lubricate the clutch drive shaft pilot bearing through the fitting in the outer end of the drive shaft (8" and 10 " diameter clutch power take-offs) every 50 hours of operation. One or two strokes with a grease gun should be sufficient. The clutch drive shaft pilot bearing used with the 11-1/2" diameter clutch power take-off is prelubricated and does not require lubrication. Lubricate the clutch drive shaft roller bearings through the grease fitting in the clutch housing every 50 hours under normal operating conditions (not continuous) and more often under severe operating conditions or continuous operation. Lubricate the clutch release shaft through the fittings at the rear of the housing every 500 hours of operation. Lubricate the clutch levers and links sparingly with engine oil every 500 hours of operation. Remove the inspection hole cover on the clutch housing and lubricate the clutch release levers and pins with a hand oiler. To avoid getting oil on the clutch facing, do not over lubricate the clutch release levers and pins. Check the clutch facing for wear every 500 hours. Adjust the clutch if necessary. Item 29 Check the oil level in the Torqmatic converter and supply tank daily. The oil level must be checked while the converter is operating, the engine idling and the oil is up to operating temperature (approximately 200°F or 93 °C). If the converter is equipped with an input disconnect clutch, the clutch must be engaged. Check the oil level after running the unit a few minutes. The oil level should be maintained at the proper level on the dipstick. If required, add hydraulic transmission fluid type "C-2" (Table 1). Do not overfill the converter as too much oil will cause foaming and high oil temperature. The oil should be changed every 500 hours of operation. Also, the oil should be changed whenever it shows traces of dirt or effects of high operating temperature as evidenced by discoloration or strong odor. If the oil shows metal contamination, contact an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet as this usually requires disassembly. Under severe operating conditions, the oil should be changed more often. The converter oil breather, located on the oil level indicator (dipstick), should be cleaned each time the converter oil is changed. This can be accomplished by allowing the breather to soak in a solvent, then drying it with compressed air. OIL RECOMMENDATIONS Prevailing Ambient Temperature Above -10°F (-230C) Below --10°F(--23°C) Recommended Oil Specification Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Type C-2. Hydraulic Transmission Fluid, Type C-2. Auxiliory preheat required to raise temperature in the sump to a temperature above -10°F. (-23°C) TABLE 1 Page 64 Preventive Maintenance Item 30 The full-flow oil filter element should be removed, the shell cleaned and a new element and gasket installed each time the converter oil is changed. Lubricate the input clutch release bearing and ball bearing every 50 hours with an all purpose grease through the grease fittings provided on the clutch housing. This time interval may vary depending upon the operating conditions. Over-lubrication will cause grease to be .thrown on the clutch facing, causing the clutch to slip. Item 30 WARNER MARINE GEAR: Check the oil level daily. Start and run the engine at idle speed for a few minutes to fill the lubrication system. Stop the engine. Then immediately after stopping the engine, check the oil level in the marine gear. Bring the oil level up to the proper level on the dipstick. Use the same grade of lubricating oil that is used in the engine. Do not overfill. Change the oil every 200 hours. After draining the oil from the unit, clean the removable oil screen thoroughly before refilling the marine gear with oil. TWIN DISC MARINE GEAR: Check the marine gear oil level daily. Check the oil level with the engine running at low idle speed and the gear in neutral. Keep the oil up to the proper level on the dipstick. Use oil of the same heavy-duty grade and viscosity that is used in the engine. Change the oil every 200 hours. Remove and clean the oil inlet strainer screen after draining the oil and before refilling the marine gear. The strainer is located in the sump at the lower end of the pump suction line. When refilling after an oil drain, bring the oil up to the proper level on the dipstick (approximately 5 quarts or 4.74 litres). Page 65 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications DETROIT DIESEL FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The quality of fuel oil used for high-speed diesel engine operation is a very important factor in obtaining satisfactory engine performance, long engine life, and acceptable exhaust. Fuel selected should be completely distilled material. That is, the -fuel should show at least 98 percent by volume recovery when subjected to ASTM D-86 distillation. Fuels marketed to meet Federal Specification VV-F-800 (grades DF1 and DF-2) and ASTM Designation D-975 (grades 1-D and 2-D) meet the completely distilled criteria. Some of the general properties of VV-F-800 and ASTM D-975 fuels are shown below. FEDERAL SPECIFICATION & ASTM DIESEL FUEL PROPERTIES Residual fuels and domestic furnace oils are not considered satisfactory for Detroit Diesel engines: however, some may be acceptable. (See "DETROIT DIESEL FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS.") NOTE: Detroit Diesel Allison does not recommend the use of drained lubricating oil as a diesel fuel oil. Furthermore, Detroit Diesel will not be responsible for any engine detrimental effects which it determines resulted from this practice. All diesel fuel oil contains a certain amount of sulfur. Too high a sulfur content results in excessive cylinder wear due to acid build-up in the lubricating oil. For most satisfactory engine life, fuels containing less than 0.5% sulfur should be used. Fuel oil should be clean and free of contamination. Storage tanks should be inspected regularly for dirt, water or wateremulsion sludge, and cleaned if contaminated. Storage instability of the fuel can lead to the formation of varnish or sludge in the tank. The presence of these contaminants from storage instability must be resolved with the fuel supplier. DETROIT DIESEL FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS Detroit Diesel Allison designs, develops, and manufactures commercial diesel engines to operate on diesel fuels classified by the ASTM as Designation D-975 (grades I-D and 2-D). These grades are very similar to grades DF-I and DF-2 of Federal Specification VV-F-800. Residual fuels and furnace oils, generally, are not considered satisfactory for Detroit Diesel engines. In some regions, however, fuel suppliers may distribute one fuel that is marketed as either diesel fuel (ASTM D-975) or domestic heating fuel (ASTM D-396) sometimes identified as furnace oil. In this case, the fuel should be investigated to determine whether the properties conform with those shown in the "FUEL OIL SELECTION CHART" presented in this specification. The "FUEL OIL SELECTION CHART" also will serve as a guide in the selection of the proper fuel for various applications. The fuels used must be clean, completely distilled, stable, and non-corrosive, DISTILLATION RANGE, CETANE NUMBER, and SULFUR CONTENT are three of the most important properties of diesel fuels that must be controlled to insure optimum combustion and minimum wear. Engine speed, load, and ambient temperature influence the selection of fuels with respect to distillation range and cetane number. The sulfur content of the fuel must be as low as possible to avoid excessive deposit formation, premature wear, and to minimize the sulfur dioxide exhausted into the atmosphere. To assure that the fuel you use meets the required properties, enlist the aid of a reputable fuel oil supplier. The responsibility for clean fuel lies with the fuel supplier as well as the operator. During cold weather engine operation, the cloud point (the temperature at which wax crystals begin to form in diesel fuel) should be 10°F (6°C) below the lowest expected fuel temperature to prevent clogging of the fuel filters by wax crystals. At temperatures below -20°F (-29°C), consult an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison service outlet, since particular attention must be given to the cooling system, lubricating system, fuel system, electrical system, and cold weather starting aids for efficient engine starting and operation. FUEL OIL SELECTION CHART NOTE: When prolonged idling periods or cold weather conditions below 32°F (0°C) are encountered. the use of lighter distillate fuels may be more practical. The same consideration must be made when operating at altitudes above 5,000 ft. Page 66 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications DETROIT DIESEL FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS All diesel engines require heavy-duty lubricating oils. Basic requirements of such oils are: Lubricating Quality High Heat Resistance Control of Contaminants LUBRICATING QUALITY. The reduction of friction and wear by maintaining an oil film between moving parts is the primary requisite of a lubricant. Film thickness and its ability to prevent metal-to-metal contact of moving parts is related to oil viscosity. The optimums for Detroit Diesel engines are SAE 40 or 30 weight. HIGH HEAT RESISTANCE. Temperature is the most important factor in determining the rate at which deterioration or oxidation of the lubricating oil will occur. The oil should have adequate thermal stability at elevated temperatures, thereby precluding formation of harmful carbonaceous and/or ash deposits. CONTROL OF CONTAMINANTS. The piston and compression rings must ride on a film of oil to minimize wear and prevent cylinder seizure. At normal rates of consumption, oil reaches a temperature zone at the upper part of the piston where rapid oxidation and carbonization can 'occur. In addition, as oil circulates through the engine, it is continuously contaminated by soot, acids, and water originating from combustion. Until they are exhausted, detergent and dispersant additives aid in keeping sludge and varnish from depositing on engine parts. But such additives in excessive quantities can result in detrimental ash deposits. If abnormal amounts of insoluble deposits form, particularly on the piston in the compression ring area, early engine failure may result. Oil that is carried up the cylinder liner wall is normally consumed during engine operation. The oil and additives leave carbonaceous and/or ash deposits when subjected to the elevated temperatures of the combustion chamber. The amount of deposits is influenced by the oil composition, additive content, engine temperature. and oil consumption rate. DETROIT DIESEL LUBRICATING OIL SPECIFICATIONS OIL QUALITY OIL QUALITY is the responsibility of the oil supplier. (The term oil supplier is applicable to refiners, blenders, and rebranders of petroleum products, and does not include distributors of such products.) There are hundreds of commercial crankcase oils marketed today. Obviously, engine manufacturers or users cannot completely evaluate the numerous commercial oils. The selection of a suitable lubricant in consultation with a reliable oil supplier, observance of his oil drain recommendations (based on used oil sample analysis and experience) and proper filter maintenance, will provide the best assurance of satisfactory oil performance. Detroit Diesel Allison lubricant recommendations are based on general experience with current lubricants of various types and give consideration to the commercial lubricants presently available. RECOMMENDATION Detroit Diesel engines have given optimum performance and experienced the longest service life with the following oil performance levels having the ash and zinc limits shown: Former Military API Letter Code Identification Service Classification SAE Grade MIL-LCC/SC 40 or 30 • 2104B/1964MS * Supplement 1** CB 40 or 30 • *Military Specification MIL-L-2104B is obsolete and new developed products can no longer be qualified to meet this performance level. However, many lubricants formulated to meet the performance criteria of MIL-L-2104B/1964MS are still being marketed. Detroit Diesel engines have given optimum performance and experienced the longest service life using MIL-L-2104B/1964MS lubricants. The majority of MIL-L-2104B/1964MS lubricants have a sulfated ash content between 0.55 and 0.85 percent by weight. **Supplement I oils have a history of very satisfactory performance in Detroit Diesel engines. Supplement 1oils have a relatively low ash content. However, the Supplement I oil specification is obsolete and new products cannot be qualified to meet this performance level. Some older formulations are still distributed and used by Detroit Diesel engine customers. • SAE 40 grade oil has performed satisfactorily and is recommended in Detroit Diesel engines. Obviously, the expected ambient temperatures and engine cranking capability must be considered by the engine owner/operator when selecting the proper grade of oil. Only when the ambient temperatures and engine cranking capabilities result in difficult starting should SAE 30 grade oil be used. ASH LIMIT The sulfated ash (ASTM D-874) limit of all the lubricants recommended or selected as alternates for use in Detroit Diesel engines shall not exceed 1.000 percent by weight, except lubricants that contain only barium detergent-dispersant salts where 1.500 percent by weight is allowed. Lubricants having a sulfated ash content between 0.55 and 0.85 percent by weight have a history of excellent performance in Detroit Diesel engines. Lubricants having a sulfated ash content greater than 0.85 percent by weight are prone to produce greater deposit levels in the ring belt and exhaust valve areas of the engine. Page 67 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications ZINC CONTENT The zinc content, as zinc diorganodithiophosphate. Of all the lubricants recommended or selected as alternates for use in Detroit Diesel engines shall be a minimum of 0.07 percent by weight. However, where EMD or RR oils are used in marine service applications, the minimum zinc content is not required. ALTERNATE LUBRICANT SELECTIONS ***Some lube suppliers have superseded the obsolete MIL-L-2104B oils with either MIL-L-2104C, MIL-L-46152, or' Universal lubricants. Generally, all of the above oil performance levels contain a higher sulfated ash content than the older MIL-L-2104B/1964MS lubricants. Ring belt and exhaust valve deposits are usually greater when higher ash lubricants are used. Excessive deposit formation in these areas may result in stuck rings and/or guttered valves. MIL-L-2104C. MIL-L-46152, or Universal lubricants may be used if they meet the sulfated ash and zinc limits shown elsewhere in this specification and sufficient evidence of satisfactory performance in Detroit Diesel engines has been provided to the customer by the oil supplier. LUBRICANTS NOT RECOMMENDED The following lubricants are NOT recommended because of a history of poor performance in Detroit Diesel engines: Former Military or Industry Accepted Identification MIL-L-2104B/1968MS MIL-L45199B (Series 3) All Multigrade Oils API Letter Code Service Classification CC/SD CD Comment on Performance Excessive ash deposits formed Excessive ash deposits formed Numerous History of poor performance MULTIGRADE OILS Detroit Diesel does NOT recommend the use of multigrade oils. Recent investigations with some multigrade oils indicate they do NOT, generally, exhibit the antiscuffing and antiwear properties obtained from straight SAE 40 and 30 grade oils operating in the same service applications. Neither fuel or oil consumption rates were improved using multigrade lubricants. Detroit Diesel engines literally create their own environment after they have been started and warmed up. It is during the operational mode under load that the straight SAE 40 and 30 grade lubricants have provided more satisfactory service than multigrade oils. Detroit Diesel will continue to investigate the performance of multigrade oils. SYNTHETIC OILS The performance of single grade (e.g., SAE 4U or J0) synthetic oils is comparable to the performance of single grade mineral base oils. However, where low viscosity lubricants are required for cold starting, synthetic multigrade oils have shown significantly improved performance over mineral base multigrade oils. Multigrade synthetic oils are not as satisfactory as single grade mineral or synthetic SAE 40 or 30 oils where the latter can be used. If a lubricant meets MIL-L-2104B or MIL-L-2104C oil performance requirements and the sulfated ash and zinc limits shown elsewhere in this specification, it qualifies for use in Detroit Diesel engines. The base stock may be either mineral or synthetic. It is the performance level (i.e., MIL-L-2104B) and properties (i.e., ash and zinc contents) that are significant. Refer to MIL-L46167 Arctic Lube Oil Section of this specification. COLD WEATHER OPERATION Cold weather starting will be facilitated when immersion type electrical coolant heaters can be used. Other practical considerations, such as the use of batteries, cables and connectors of adequate size, generators or alternators of ample capacity, proper setting of voltage regulators, ether starting aids, oil and coolant heater systems, and proper fuel selection will accomplish starting with the use of SAE 40 or SAE 30 oils. For complete cold weather starting information, consult an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison service outlet. Ask for Engineering Bulletin No. 38 entitled, Cold Weather Operation of Detroit Diesel Engines. MIL-L-46167 ARCTIC LUBE OILS FOR NORTH SLOPE & OTHER EXTREME SUB-ZERO OPERATIONS The-MIL-L-46167 specification was published by the Military on 15 February, 1974. Federal Test Method 354 of Federal Test Standard 791 is an integral test requirement of MIL-L-46167. Lubricants that have passed the oil performance requirement limits of Method 354 may be used where continuous sub-zero temperatures prevail and where engines are shut down for periods longer than eight (8/ hours. The lubricants that have shown the best performance when subjected to Method 354 evaluation may be described as multigrades having a synthetic base stock and low volatility characteristics. These lubricants are not comparable to the performance of SAE 40 or 30 oils after the engine has started and is operating at normal engine temperature conditions. For this reason, MIL-L46167 lubricants should be considered only as a last resort when engine cranking is a severe problem and auxiliary heating aids are not available. Page 68 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications EMD OR RR OILS Lubricants specified by Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corporation (EMD) are special lubricants. Generally, these may be described as SAE 40 fluids that possess low Viscosity Index (VI) properties and do not contain any or very low concentrations of zinc ingredients. They are identified by industry as EMD or railroad (RR) oils. They are an approved option for Series 149 engines in all marine appilications and for all other model Detroit Diesel engines used for auxiliary power in marine service applications. OIL CHANGES Oil change intervals are dependent upon the various operating conditions of the engines and the sulfur content of the diesel fuel used. Oil drain intervals in all service applications may be increased or decreased with experience using a specific lubricant, while also considering the recommendations of the oil supplier. Generally, the sulfur content of diesel fuels supplied throughout the U.S.A. and Canada are low (i.e., less than 0.5 per cent by weight-ASTM D-129 or D-1552 or D-2622). Fuels distributed in some overseas locations may contain higher concentrations of sulfur, the use of which will require reduced lube oil drain intervals. Highway Trucks & Inter-City Buses (Series 53, 71, and 92 Naturally Aspirated and Turbo-charged Engines) For highway trucks and buses, used for inter-city operation, the oil change interval is 100,000 miles. The drain interval may be extended beyond this point if supported by the results obtained from used lube oil analysis; it is recommended that you consult with your lube oil supplier in establishing any drain interval exceeding 100,000 miles. City Transit Coaches and Pick-Up and Delivery Truck Service (Series 53, 71, and 92 Naturally Aspirated and Turbocharged Engines For city transit coaches and pick-up and delivery truck service. the oil change interval is 12,500 miles. The oil drain interval may be extended beyond 12,500 miles if supported by used oil analyses. Industrial and Marine (Series 53, 71, and 92 Naturally Aspirated and Turbo-charged Engines) Series 53, 71, and 92 engines, in industrial and marine service, should be started with 150-hour oil change periods. The oil drain intervals may be extended if supported by used oil analyses. Large Industrial and Marine (Series 149 Naturally Aspirated and Turbocharged Engines) The recommended oil change period for naturally aspirated Series 149 engines is 500 hours, while the change period for turbocharged Series 149 engines is 300 hours. These drain intervals may be extended if supported by used oil analyses. Used Lube Oil Analysis Warning Values The presence of ethylene glycol in the oil is damaging to the engine. Its presence and need for an oil change and for corrective maintenance action may be confirmed by glycol detector kits which are commercially available. Fuel dilution of the oil may result from loose fuel connections or from prolonged engine idling. A fuel dilution exceeding 2.5 percent by volume indicates an immediate need for an oil change and corrective maintenance action. Fuel dilution may be confirmed by ASTM D-322 test procedure performed by oil suppliers or independent laboratories. In addition to the above considerations, if any of the following occur, the oil should be changed: 1. The viscosity at 1000 F. of a used oil sample is 40 percent greater than the viscosity of the unused oil measured at the same temperature (ASTM D-445 and D-2161). 2. The iron content is greater than 150 parts per million. 3. The pentane insolubles (total contamination) exceed 1.00 percent by weight (ASTM D-893). 4. The total base number (TBN) is less than 1.0 (ASTM D-664). Note: The sulfur content of the diesel fuel used will influence the alkalinity of the lube oil. With high sulfur fuels, the oil drain interval will have to be shortened to avoid excessive acidity in the lube oil. LUBE OIL FILTER ELEMENT CHANGES Full-Flow Filters A full-flow oil filtration system is used in all Detroit Diesel engines. To insure against physical deterioration of the filter element, it should be replaced at a maximum of 25,000 miles for on-highway vehicles or at each oil change period, whichever occurs first. For all other applications, the filter should be replaced at a maximum of 500 hours or at each oil change period, whichever occurs first. By-Pass Filters Auxiliary by-pass lube oil filters are not required on Detroit Diesel engines. Page 69 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications NEW ENGINE OIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM A relatively new engine oil classification system has been introduced to industry that describes the criteria required to meet each performance level. A simplified cross-reference of oil and current commercial and military specifications is shown below. CROSS-REFERENCE OF LUBE OIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS API Code Letters CA CB CC CD t SA SB SC SD SE Comparable Military or Commercial Industry Spec. MIL-L-2104A Supplement I MIL-L-2104B (see Note below) MIL-L-45199B (Series 3) MIL-L-46152 (supersedes MIL-L-2104B for Military only) MIL-L-2104C (supersedes MIL-L-45199B for Military only) none none 1964 MS oils - Auto passenger car 1968 MS oils - Auto passenger car 1972 MS oils - Auto passenger car NOTE: MIL-L-2t04B lubricants are currently marketed and readily available for commercial use. MIL-L-2104B lubricants are obsolete for Military service applications only. t Oil performance meets or exceeds that of CC and SE oils. Oil performance meets or exceeds that of CD and SC oils. Consult the following publications for complete descriptions: 1. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Report J-183a. 2. Federal Test Method Standard 791a. PUBLICATION AVAILABLE SHOWING COMMERCIAL "BRAND" NAME LUBRICANTS A list of "brand" name lubricants distributed by the majority of worldwide oil suppliers can be purchased from the Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA). The publication is titled, EMA Lubricating Oils Data Book for Heavy-Duty Automotive and Industrial Engines. The publication shows the brand names, oil performance levels, viscosity grades, and sulfated ash contents of most "brands" marketed. ENGINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 111 EAST WACKER DRIVE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601 STATEMENT OF POLICY ON FUEL AND LUBRICANT ADDITIVES In answer to requests concerning the use of fuel and lubricating oil additives, the following excerpt has been taken from a policy statement of General Motors Corporation: "It has been and continues to be General Motors policy to build motor vehicles that will operate satisfactorily on the commercial fuels and lubricants of good quality regularly provided by the petroleum industry through retail outlets. " Therefore, Detroit Diesel Allison does not recommend the use of any supplementary fuel or lubricant additives. These include all products marketed as fuel conditioners, smoke suppressants, masking agents, reodorants, tune-up compounds, top oils, break-in oils, graphitizers, and friction-reducing compounds. NOTE: The manufacturer's warranty applicable to Detroit Diesel engines provides In part that the provisions of such warranty shall not apply to any engine unit which has been subject to misuse, negligence or accident. Accordingly, malfunctions attributable to neglect or failure to follow the manufacturer's fuel or lubricating recommendations may not be within the coverage of the warranty. SERVICE AND INSPECTION INTERVALS Generally, operating conditions will vary for each engine application, even with comparable mileage or hours and, therefore, maintenance schedules can vary. A good rule of thumb for piston, ring, and liner inspections, however, would be at 45,000 miles or 1500 hours for the first such inspection and at 30,000 miles or 1000 hour intervals thereafter. Page 70 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications ENGINE COOLANT Engine coolant is considered as any solution which is circulated through the engine to provide the means for heat transfer from the different engine components. In general, water containing various materials in solution is used for this purpose. The function of the coolant is basic to the design and to the successful operation of the engine. Therefore, coolant must be carefully selected and properly maintained. COOLANT REQUIREMENTS A suitable coolant solution must meet the following basic requirements: I. Provide for adequate heat transfer. 2. Provide a corrosion resistant environment within the cooling system. 3. Prevent formation of scale or sludge deposits in the cooling system. 4. Be compatible with the cooling system hose and seal materials. 5. Provide adequate freeze protection during cold weather operation. The first four requirements are satisfied by combining a suitable water with reliable inhibitors. When operating conditions dictate the need for freeze protection, a solution of suitable water and a permanent antifreeze containing adequate inhibitors will provide a satisfactory coolant. CORROSION INHIBITORS A corrosive inhibitor is a water soluble chemical compound which protects the metallic surfaces of the cooling system against corrosive attack. Some of the more commonly used corrosion inhibitors are chromates, borates, nitrates, nitrites and soluble oil. WATER Any water, whether of drinking quality or not, will produce a corrosive environment in the cooling system. Also, scale deposits may form on the internal surfaces of the cooling system due to the mineral content of the water. Therefore, water selected as a coolant must be properly treated with inhibitors to control corrosion and scale deposition. To determine if a particular water is suitable for use as a coolant when properly inhibited, the following characteristics must be considered: the concentration of chlorides, sulfates, total hardness and dissolved solids. Chlorides and/or sulfates tend to accelerate corrosion, while hardness (percentage of magnesium and calcium present) causes deposits of scale. Total dissolved solids may cause scale deposits, sludge deposits, corrosion or a combination of these. Chlorides, sulfates, magnesium and calcium are among but not necessarily all the materials which make up dissolved solids. Water, within the limits specified in Tables 1 and 2 of Fig. 1, is satisfactory as an engine coolant when proper inhibitors are added. Fig 1. Water Characteristics Page 71 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications Depletion of all types of inhibitors occurs through normal operation. Therefore, strength levels must be maintained by the addition of inhibitors at prescribed intervals. Always follow the supplier's recommendations on inhibitor usage and handling. Chromates Sodium chromate and potassium dichromate are two of the best and most commonly used water system corrosion inhibitors. However, the restrictive use of these materials, due to ecology considerations, has de-emphasized their use in favor of non-chromates. Care should be exercised in handling these materials due to their toxic nature. Chromate inhibitors should not be used in permanent type antifreeze solutions. Chromium hydroxide, commonly called "green slime", can result from the use of chromate inhibitors with permanent type antifreeze. This material deposits on the cooling system passages, reducing the heat transfer rate (Fig. 2) and results in engine overheating. Engines which have operated with a chromate-inhibited water must be chemically cleaned before the addition of permanent antifreeze. A commercial heavy-duty de-scaler should be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation for this purpose. Soluble Oil Soluble oil has been used as a corrosion inhibitor for many years. It has, however, required very close attention relative to the concentration level due to adverse effects on heat transfer if the concentration exceeds 1% by volume. For example: 1 1/4% of soluble oil in the cooling system increases fire deck temperature 6% and a 2 1/2% concentration raises fire deck temperature up to 15%. Soluble oil is not recommended as a corrosion inhibitor. Non-chromates Non-chromate inhibitors (borates, nitrates, nitrites, etc.) provide corrosion protection in the cooling system with the basic advantage that they can be used with either water or a water and permanent antifreeze solution. INHIBITOR SYSTEMS An inhibitor system (Fig. 3) is a combination of chemical compounds which provide corrosion protection, pH control and water softening ability. Corrosion protection is discussed under the heading Corrosion Inhibitors. The pH control is used to maintain an acid-free solution. The water softening ability deters formation of mineral deposits. Inhibitor systems are available in various forms such as coolant filter elements, liquid and dry bulk inhibitor additives, and as an integral part of permanent antifreeze. Fig. 2 - Heat Transfer Capacity Coolant Filter Elements Replaceable elements are available with various chemical inhibitor systems. Compatibility of the element with other ingredients of the coolant solution cannot always be taken for granted. Problems have developed from the use of the magnesium lower support plate used by some manufacturers in their coolant filters. The magnesium plate will be attacked by solutions which will not be detrimental to other metals in the cooling system. The dissolved magnesium will be deposited in the hottest zones of the engine where heat transfer is most critical. The use of an aluminum or zinc support plate in preference to magnesium is recommended to eliminate the potential of this type of deposit. High chloride coolants will have a detrimental effect on the water softening capabilities of systems using ion-exchange resins. Accumulations of calcium and magnesium ions removed from the coolant and held captive by the zeolite resin can be released into the coolant by a regenerative process caused by high chloride content solutions. Page 72 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications Inhibitor or Inhibitor System Sodium chromate Potassium dichromate Perry filter elements: 5020 (type OS) S-453 (Spin-on) 5030 (type OS) S-331 (Spin-on) 5070 (type OS) S-473 (Spin-on) Lenroc filter element Fleetguard filter elements: DCA (canister) DCA (Spin-on) (Eth. Gly.) DCA (Spin-on) (Meth. Prop.) AC filter elements: DCA (canister) DCA (Spin-on) Luber-Finer filter elements: LW-4739 (canister) LFW-4744 (spin-on) Nalcool 2000 (liquid) Perry LP-20 (liquid) Sy-Cool (liquid) Lubercool (liquid) Dowtherm cooling system condition *Dowtherm 209, or equivalent. Corrosion Inhibitor Type Complete Inhibitor System Chromate Chromate No No Inhibitor Compatibility Ethylene Glycol Base Water Antifreeze Yes No Yes No Chromate Chromate @Non-chromate @Non-chromate # Non-chromate # Non-chromate Non-chromate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Non-chromate Non-chromate Non-chromate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Non-chromate Non-chromate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Non-chromate Non-chromate Non-chromate Non-chromate Non-chromate Non-chromate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Non-chromate Yes @Perry "Year Around" formula. Yes *Methoxy Propanol Base Antifreeze No No Yes Yes # Perry "Universal" formula. Fig. 3 - Coolant Inhibitor Chart Bulk Inhibitor Additives Commercially packaged inhibitor systems are available which can be added directly to the engine coolant or to bulk storage tanks containing coolant solution. Both chromate and non-chromate systems are available and care should be taken regarding inhibitor compatibility with other coolant constituents. Non-chromate inhibitor systems are recommended for use in Detroit Diesel engines. These systems can be used with either water or permanent antifreeze solutions and provide corrosion protection, pH control and water softening. Some non-chromate inhibitor systems offer the additional advantage of a simple on-site test to determine protection level and, since they are added directly to the coolant, require no additional hardware or plumbing. All inhibitors become depleted through normal operation and additional inhibitor must be added to the coolant at prescribed intervals to maintain original strength levels. Page 73 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications Always follow the supplier's recommendations on inhibitor usage and handling. NOTE: Methoxy Propanol base permanent antifreeze (such as Dowtherm 209, or equivalent) must be re-inhibited only with compatible corrosion inhibitor systems. ANTIFREEZE When freeze protection is required, a permanent antifreeze must be used. An inhibitor system is included in this type of antifreeze and no additional inhibitors are required on initial fill if a minimum antifreeze concentration of 30% by volume is used. Solutions of less than 30%, concentration do not provide sufficient corrosion protection. Concentrations over 67% adversely affect freeze protection and heat transfer rates (Fig. 4). Methoxy Propanol base antifreeze is not recommended for use in Detroit Diesel engines due to the presence of fluoroelastomer (Viton '0') seals in the cooling system. Before installing ethylene glycol base anti-freeze in an engine previously operated with Methoxy Propanol, the entire cooling system should be drained, flushed with clean water and examined for rust, scale, contaminants, etc. If deposits are present, the cooling system must be chemically cleaned with a commercial grade heavy-duty de-scaler. Ethylene glycol base antifreeze is recommended for use in Detroit Diesel engines. Methyl alcohol antifreeze is not recommended because of its effect on the non-metallic components of the cooling system and because of its low boiling point. The inhibitors in permanent antifreeze should be replenished at approximately 500 hour or 20,000 mile intervals with a non-chromate inhibitor system. Commercially available inhibitor systems may be used to re-inhibit antifreeze solutions. Sealer Additives Several brands of permanent antifreeze are available with sealer additives. The specific type of sealer varies with the manufacturer. Antifreeze with sealer additives is not recommended for use in Detroit Diesel engines due to possible plugging throughout various areas of the cooling system. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS All Detroit Diesel engines incorporate pressurized cooling systems which normally operate at temperatures higher than non-pressurized systems. It is essential that these systems be kept clean and leak-free, that filler caps and pressure relief mechanisms be correctly installed at all times and that coolant levels be properly maintained. WARNING: Use extreme care when removing a radiator pressure control cap from an engine. The sudden release of pressure from a heated cooling system can result in a loss of coolant and possible personal injury (scalding) from the hot liquid. 1. Always use a properly inhibited coolant. Page 74 Fuel, Oil and Coolant Specifications 2. Do not use soluble oil. 3. Maintain the prescribed inhibitor strength. 4. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations on inhibitor usage and handling. 5. If freeze protection is required, always use a permanent antifreeze. 6. Re-inhibit antifreeze with a recommended non-chromate inhibitor system. 7. Do not use a chromate inhibitor with permanent antifreeze. 8. Do not use Methoxy Propanol base antifreeze in Detroit Diesel engines. 9. DO NOT mix ethylene glycol base antifreeze with Methoxy Propanol base antifreeze in the cooling system. 10. Do not use an antifreeze containing sealer additives. 11. Do not use methyl alcohol base antifreeze. 12. Use extreme care when removing the radiator pressure control cap. Page 75 ENGINE TUNE-UP PROCEDURES There is no scheduled interval for performing an engine tune-up. As long as the engine performance is satisfactory, no tune-up should be needed. Minor adjustments in the valve and injector operating mechanisms, governor, etc. should only be required periodically to compensate for normal wear on parts. Three types of governors are used. Since each governor has different characteristics, the tune-up procedure varies accordingly. The three types are: 1. Limiting speed mechanical. 2. Variable speed mechanical. 3. Hydraulic. The mechanical engine governors are identified by a name plate attached to the governor housing. The letters D.W.L.S. stamped on the name plate denote a double-weight limiting speed governor. A single-weight variable speed governor name plate is stamped S.W.-V.S. Normally, when performing a tune-up on an engine in service, it is only necessary to check the various adjustments for a possible change in the settings. However, if the cylinder head, governor or injectors have been replaced or overhauled, then certain preliminary adjustments are required before the engine is started. The preliminary adjustments consist of the first four items in the tune-up sequence. The procedures are the same except that the valve clearance is greater for a cold engine. To tune-up an engine completely, all of the adjustments are made by following the applicable tune-up sequence given below after the engine has reached the normal operating temperature. Since the adjustments are normally made while the engine is stopped, it may be necessary to run the engine between adjustments to maintain normal operating temperature. Tune-Up Sequence for Mechanical Governor CAUTION: Before starting an engine after an engine speed control adjustment or after removal of the engine governor cover, the serviceman must determine that the injector racks move to the no-fuel position when the governor stop lever is placed in the stop position. Engine overspeed will result if the injector racks cannot be positioned at no fuel with the governor stop lever. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adjust the exhaust valve clearance. Time the fuel injectors. Adjust the governor gap. Position the injector rack control levers. Adjust the maximum no-load speed. Adjust the idle speed. Adjust the buffer screw. Adjust the throttle booster spring (variable speed governor only). Adjust the supplementary governing device (if used). Tune-Up Sequence for Hydraulic Governor 1. Adjust the exhaust valve clearance. 2. Time the fuel injectors. 3. Adjust the fuel rod. 4. Position the injector rack control levers. 5. Adjust the load limit screw. 6. Adjust the speed droop. 7. Adjust the maximum no-load speed. NOTE: Use new valve rocker cover gasket(s)after each tune-up. Page 77 Engine Tune-Up EXHAUST VALVE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT The correct exhaust valve clearance at normal engine operating temperature is important for smooth, efficient operation of the engine. Insufficient valve clearance can result in loss of compression, misfiring cylinders, and eventually burned valve seats and valve seat inserts. Excessive valve clearance will result in noisy operation, especially in the low speed range. Whenever the cylinder head is overhauled, the exhaust valves reconditioned or replaced, or the valve operating mechanism is replaced or disturbed in any way, the valve clearance must first be adjusted to the cold setting to allow for normal expansion of the engine parts during the engine warm-up period. This will ensure a valve setting which is close enough to the specified clearance to prevent damage to the valves when the engine is started. All of the exhaust valves may be adjusted, in firing order sequence, during one full revolution of the crankshaft. Refer to the General Specifications at the front of the manual for the engine firing order. TWO CYLINDER VALVE HEADS Cold Engine 1. Place the speed control lever in the idle speed position. If a stop lever is provided, secure it in the no-fuel position. 2. Remove the loose dirt from the valve rocker cover(s) and remove the cover(s). 3. Rotate the crankshaft, manually or with the starting motor, until the injector follower is fully depressed on the cylinder to be adjusted. CAUTION: If a wrench is used on the crankshaft bolt, do not turn the engine in a left-hand direction of rotation as the bolt will be loosened. Fig 1. Adjusting Valve Clearance (Two-Valve Cylinder Head) 4. Loosen the exhaust valve rocker arm push rod lock nut. 5. Place a .012" feeler gage, J 9708, between the valve stem and the rocker arm (Fig. 1). Adjust the push rod to obtain a smooth pull on the feeler gage. 6. Remove the feeler gage. Hold the push rod with a 5/16"wrench and tighten the lock nut with a 1/2 "wrench. 7. Recheck the clearance. At this time, if the adjustment is correct, the .010" gage will pass freely between the end of the valve stem and the rocker arm and the .012" gage will not pass through. 8. Check and adjust the remaining valves in the same manner as outlined above. Hot Engine Maintaining normal engine operating temperature is particularly important when making the final valve clearance adjustment. If the engine is allowed to cool off before setting any of the valves, the clearance, when running at full load, may become insufficient. 1. With the engine at normal operating temperature (160-185°F or 71-85°C), recheck the exhaust valve clearance with feeler gage J 9708. At this time, if the valve clearance is correct, the .008"gage will pass freely between the end of the valve stem and the rocker arm and the .010"gage will not pass through. Readjust the push rod, if necessary. 2. After the exhaust valve clearance has been adjusted, check the fuel injector timing. Page 78 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 2 - Adjusting Valve Clearance (Four-Valve Cylinder Head) Cold Engine 1. Place the speed control lever in the idle speed position. If a stop lever is provided, secure it in the no-fuel position. 2. Remove the loose dirt from the valve rocker cover(s) and remove the cover(s). 3. Rotate the crankshaft until the injector follower is fully depressed on the cylinder to be adjusted. CAUTION: If a wrench is used on the crankshaft bolt, do not turn the engine in a lefthand direction of rotation as the bolt will be loosened. 4. Loosen the exhaust valve rocker arm push rod lock nut. 5. Place a .027" feeler gage, J 9708, between the end of one valve stem and the rocker arm bridge (Fig. 2). Adjust the push rod to obtain a smooth pull on the feeler gage. 6. Remove the feeler gage. Hold the push rod with a 5/16"wrench and tighten the lock nut with a 1/2 " wrench. 7. Recheck the clearance. At this time, if the adjustment is correct, the .025" gage will pass freely between the end of one valve stem and the rocker arm bridge and the .027" gage will not pass through. Readjust the push rod if necessary. 8. Check and adjust the remaining exhaust valves, in the same manner as above. Hot Engine Maintaining normal engine operating temperature is particularly important when making the final valve clearance adjustment. If the engine is allowed to cool off before setting any of the valves, the clearance, when running at full load, may become insufficient. 1. With the engine at normal operating temperature (160-185°F or 71-85°C), recheck the exhaust valve clearance with gage J 9708. At this time, if the valve clearance is correct, the .023" gage should pass freely between the end of one valve stem and the rocker arm bridge and the .025" feeler gage should not. Readjust the push rod, if necessary. 2. After the exhaust valve clearance has been adjusted, check the fuel injector timing. Page 79 Engine Tune-Up TIMING FUEL INJECTOR Injector Timing Dimension Tool Number *35 35 40 45 S40 S45 S50 L40 N40 N45 N50 1.508 1.484 1.484 1.484 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 1.460 J 8909 J 1242 J 1242 J 1242 J 1853 J 1853 J 1853 J 1853 J 1853 J 1853 J 1853 *Reefer Car To time a fuel injector properly, the injector follower must be adjusted to a definite height in relation to the injector body. All of the injectors can be timed, in firing order sequence, during one full revolution of the crankshaft. Time Fuel Injector After the exhaust valve clearance has been adjusted, time the fuel injector as follows: 1. Place the speed control lever in the idle speed position. If a stop lever is provided, secure it in the no-fuel position. 2. Rotate the crankshaft, manually or with the starting motor, until the exhaust valves are fully depressed on the particular cylinder to be timed. CAUTION: If a wrench is used on the crankshaft bolt at the front of the engine, do not turn the crankshaft in a left-hand direction of rotation or the bolt will be loosened. Fig. 3 - Timing Fuel Injector 3. Place the small end of the injector timing gage (see table for correct timing gage) in the hole provided in the top of the injector body, with the flat of the gage toward the injector follower as shown in Fig. 3. 4. Loosen the push rod lock nut. 5. Turn the push rod and adjust the injector rocker arm until the extended part of the gage will just pass over the top of the injector follower. 6. Hold the push rod and tighten the lock nut. Check the adjustment and readjust, if necessary. 7. Time the remaining injectors as outlined above. 8. If no further engine tune-up is required, use a new gasket(s) and install the valve rocker cover(s). Page 80 Engine Tune-Up LIMITING SPEED MECHANICAL GOVERNOR AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENT IN-LINE ENGINES The double-weight limiting speed governor is mounted on the rear end plate of the engine and is driven by a gear that extends through the end plate and meshes with either the camshaft gear or the balance shaft gear, depending upon the engine model. After adjusting the exhaust valves and tithing the fuel injectors, adjust the governor and position the injector rack control levers. NOTE: Before proceeding with the governor and injector rack adjustments, disconnect any supplementary governing device. After the adjustments are completed, re-connect and adjust the supplementary governing device. Adjust Governor Gap With the engine stopped and at operating temperature, adjust the governor gap as follows: 1. Remove the high-speed spring retainer cover. 2. Back out the buffer screw (Fig. 8) until it extends approximately 5/8" from the lock nut. 3. Start the engine and adjust the idle speed screw (Fig. 7) to obtain the desired engine idle speed. Hold the screw and tighten the lock nut to hold the adjustment. NOTE: The recommended idle speed for non-EPA certified engines is 500-600 rpm, but may vary with special engine applications. 4. Stop the engine, clean and remove the governor cover and the valve rocker cover. Discard the gaskets. 5. Start and run the engine, between 800 and 1000 rpm by manual operation of the injector control tube lever. CAUTION: Do not overspeed the engine. 6. Check the gap between the low-speed spring cap and the high-speed spring plunger with a .0015 " feeler gage. If the gap setting is incorrect, reset the gap adjusting screw (Fig. 1). If the setting is correct, the .0015" movement can be seen by placing a few drops of oil into the governor gap and pressing a screw driver against the gap adjusting screw. Movement of the cap toward the plunger will force the oil from the gap in the form of a small bead. Fig. 2 Positioning the Rear Injector Rack Control Lever Fig. 1 Adjusting Governor Gap Page 81 Engine Tune-Up 7. Hold the gap adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. 8. Recheck the gap and readjust if necessary. 9. Stop the engine and, using a new gasket, install the governor cover. The governor cover should be placed on the housing with the pin of the speed control lever projecting into the slot of the differential lever. 10. Install screws and lock washers finger tight. Pull the cover away from the engine and tighten the screws. This step will properly locate the cover on the governor housing. Position Injector Rack Control Levers The position of the injector racks must be correctly set in relation to the governor. Their position determines the amount of fuel injected into each cylinder and ensures equal distribution of the load. Properly positioned injector rack control levers with the engine at full-load will result in the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Speed control lever at the full-fuel position. Governor low-speed gap closed. High-speed spring plunger on the seat in the governor control housing. Injector racks in the full-fuel position. Adjust the rear injector rack control lever first to establish a guide for adjusting the remaining injector rack control levers. 1. Disconnect any linkage attached to the speed control lever. 2. Turn the idle speed adjusting screw until 1/2"of the threads (12-14 threads) project from the lock nut, when the nut is against the high-speed plunger. CAUTION: A false fuel rack setting may result if the idle speed adjusting screw is not backed out as noted above. NOTE: This adjustment lowers the tension of the low-speed spring so it can be easily compressed. This permits closing the low speed gap without bending the fuel rods or causing the yield mechanism springs to yield or stretch. 3. Back out the buffer screw approximately 5/8", if it has not already been done. 4. Loosen all of the inner and outer injector rack control lever adjusting screws (Fig. 2). Be sure all of the levers are free on the injector control tube. 5. Move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position. Turn the inner adjusting screw down on the rear injector rack control lever until a step-up in effort is noted. This will place the rear injector rack in the full-fuel position. Turn down the outer adjusting screw until it bottoms lightly on the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws. This should result in placing the governor linkage and control tube assembly in the same positions that they will attain while the engine is running at full-load. Fig. 3 - Checking Rotating Movement of Injector Control Rack Fig. 4 - Checking Injector Rack "Spring' Page 82 Engine Tune-Up 6. To be sure of the proper rack adjustment, hold the speed control lever in the full-fuel position and press down on the injector rack with a screw driver or finger tip and note "rotating" movement of the injector control rack (Fig. 3) when the speed control lever is in the maximum speed position. Hold the speed control lever in the maximum speed position and, using a screw driver, press downward on the injector control rack. The rack should tilt downward (Fig. 4) and when the pressure of the screw driver is released, the control rack should "spring" back upward. If the rack does not return to its original position, it is too loose. To correct this condition, back off the outer adjusting screw slightly and tighten the inner adjusting screw slightly. The setting is too tight if, when moving the speed control lever from the no-speed to the maximum speed position, the injector rack becomes tight before the speed control lever reaches the end of its travel (as determined by the stop under the governor cover). This will result in a step-up in effort required to move the speed control lever to the end of its travel. To correct this condition, back off the inner adjusting screw slightly and tighten the outer adjusting screw slightly. NOTE: Overtightening of the injector rack control lever adjusting screws during installation or adjustment can result in damage to the injector control tube. The recommended torque of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lbs (3-4 Nm). IMPORTANT: The above step should result in placing the governor linkage and control tube assembly in the same position that they will attain while the engine is running at full load. 7. To adjust the remaining injector rack control levers, remove the clevis pin from the fuel rod and the injector control tube lever, hold the injector control racks in the full-fuel position by means of the lever on the end of the control tube. Turn down the inner adjusting screw on the injector rack control lever of the adjacent injector until the injector rack has moved into the full-fuel position and the inner adjusting screw is bottomed on the injector control tube. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly on the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws. 8. Recheck the rear injector rack to be sure that it has remained snug on the ball end of the injector rack control lever while adjusting the adjacent injector. If the rack of the rear injector has become loose, back off, the inner adjusting screw slightly on the adjacent injector rack control lever. Tighten the outer adjusting screw. When the settings are correct, the racks of both injectors must be snug on the ball end of their respective rack control levers. Fig. 5 - Adjusting Maximum No-Load Engine Speed (Type A) Fig. 6 - Governor Spring Assemblies Page 83 Engine Tune-Up 9. Position the remaining injector rack control levers as outlined in Steps 6 and 7. 10. Connect the fuel rod to the injector control tube lever. 11. Turn the idle speed adjusting screw in until it projects 3/16" from the lock nut to permit starting the engine. Tighten the lock nut. 12. Use a new gasket and replace the valve rocker cover. Adjust Maximum No-Load Engine Speed All governors are properly adjusted before leaving the factory. However, if the governor has been reconditioned or replaced, and to ensure the engine speed will not exceed the recommended no-load speed as given on the engine option plate, set the maximum no-loadspeed as follows: TYPE A GOVERNOR SPRINGS (Fig. 6): 1. Loosen the lock nut (Fig. 5) and back off the high-speed spring retainer approximately five turns. 2. With the engine at operating temperature and no-load on the engine, place the speed control lever in the full-fuel position. Turn the high-speed spring retainer IN until the engine is operating at the recommended no-load speed. The best method of determining the engine speed is with an accurate tachometer. 3. Hold the high-speed spring retainer and tighten the lock nut. TYPE B GOVERNOR SPRINGS (Fig. 6): 1. Start the engine and after it reaches normal operating temperature, remove the load from the engine. 2. Place the speed control lever in the maximum speed position and note the engine speed. 3. Stop the engine and, if necessary, adjust the no-load speed as follows: a. Remove the high-speed spring retainer, high-speed spring and plunger. CAUTION: To prevent the low-speed spring and cap from dropping into the governor, be careful not to jar the assembly while it is being removed. b. Remove the high-speed spring from the high-speed spring plunger and add or remove shims (Fig. 6) as required to establish the desired engine no-load speed. NOTE: For each .010" shim added, the engine speed will be increased approximately 10 rpm. c. Install the high-speed spring on the plunger and install the spring assembly in the governor housing. Install the spring retainer in the governor housing and tighten it securely. d. Start the engine and recheck the engine no-load speed. Repeat the procedure as necessary to establish the noload speed. Adjust Idle Speed With the maximum no-load speed properly adjusted, adjust the idle speed as follows: 1. With the engine running at normal operating temperature and with the buffer screw backed out to avoid contact with the differential lever, turn the idle speed adjusting screw (Fig. 7) until the engine is operating at approximately 15 rpm below the recommended idle speed. NOTE: The recommended idle speed for non-EPA certified engines is 500-600 rpm, but may vary with special engine applications. 2. Hold the idle speed adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. Fig. Adjusting Engine Idle Speed Page 84 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 8 - Adjusting Buffer Screw 3. Install the high-speed spring cover and tighten the two bolts. Adjust Buffer Screw With the idle speed properly set, adjust the buffer screw as follows: 1. With the engine running at normal operating temperature, turn the buffer screw in (Fig. 8) so it contacts the differential lever as lightly as possible and still eliminates engine roll. NOTE: Do not increase the engine idle speed more than 15 rpm with the buffer screw. 2. Recheck the maximum no-load speed. If it has increased more than 25 rpm, back off the buffer screw until the increase is less than 25 rpm. 3. Hold the buffer screw and tighten the lock nut. Page 85 Engine Tune-Up LIMITING SPEED MECHANICAL GOVERNOR AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENT The limiting speed mechanical governor is mounted at the rear of the engine, between the flywheel housing and the blower (Fig. 1). The governor is driven by the right blower rotor drive gear. The left blower rotor drive gear is driven by a shaft, that passes through the governor housing, from the engine gear train. There are two types of limiting speed governor assemblies. The difference in the two governors is in the spring mechanism (Fig. 7). One has a long spring mechanism, the other has a short spring mechanism. After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel injectors, adjust the governor and position the injector rack control levers. NOTE: Before proceeding with the governor and injector rack adjustments, disconnect any supplementary governing device. After the adjustments are completed, re-connect and adjust the supplementary governing device. Adjust Governor Gap With the engine stopped and at operating temperature, adjust the governor gap as follows: 1. Remove the high-speed spring retainer cover. 2. Back out the buffer screw (Fig. 9) until it extends approximately 5/8" from the lock nut. CAUTION: Do not back the buffer screw out beyond the limits given, or the control link lever may disengage the differential lever. 3. Start the engine and loosen the idle speed adjusting screw lock nut. Then adjust the idle screw (Fig. 8) to obtain the desired engine idle speed. Hold the screw and tighten the lock nut to hold the adjustment. NOTE: The recommended idle speed for non-EPA certified engines is 500-600 rpm, but may vary with special engine applications. 4. Stop the engine, clean and remove the governor cover and the valve rocker covers. Discard the gaskets. 5. Start and run the engine, between 800 and 1000 rpm, by manual operation of the differential lever. CAUTION: Do not overspeed the engine. 6. Check the gap between the low-speed spring cap, and the high-speed spring plunger with a .0015 " feeler gage. If the gap setting is incorrect, reset the gap Fig. 1 - Limiting Speed Governor Mounting Fig. 2 - Adjusting Governor Gap Page 86 Engine Tune-Up adjusting screw (Fig. 2). If the setting is correct, the .0015" movement can be seen by placing a few drops of oil into the governor gap and pressing a screw driver against the gap adjusting screw. Movement of the cap toward the plunger will force the oil from the gap in the form of a small bead. 7. Hold the gap adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. 8. Recheck the gap and readjust if necessary. engine. Cylinders are numbered starting at the front of the engine on each cylinder bank. Adjust the No. 3L injector rack control lever first to establish a guide for adjusting the remaining injector rack control levers. 1. Disconnect any linkage attached to the speed control lever. 2. Turn the idle speed adjusting screw until 1/2" of the threads (12-14 threads) project from the lock nut when the nut is against the high-speed plunger. 9. Stop the engine and, using a new gasket, install the governor cover. CAUTION: A false fuel rack setting may result if the idle speed adjusting screw is not backed out as noted above. Position Injector Rack Control Levers The position of the injector racks must be correctly set in relation to the governor. Their position determines the amount of fuel injected into each cylinder and ensures equal distribution of the load. Properly positioned injector rack control levers with the engine at full-load will result in the following: 1. Speed control lever at the maximum speed position. NOTE: This adjustment lowers the tension of the low-speed spring so it can be easily compressed. This permits closing the low speed gap without bending the fuel rods or causing the yield mechanism springs to yield or stretch. 3. Back out the buffer screw approximately 5/8", if it has not already been done. 4. Remove the clevis pin from the fuel rod and the right cylinder bank injector control tube lever. 2. Governor low-speed gap closed. 3. High-speed spring plunger on the seat in the governor control housing. 4. Injector fuel control racks in the full-fuel position. 5. Loosen all of the inner and outer injector rack control lever adjusting screws on both injector control tubes. Be sure all of the injector rack control levers are free on the injector control tubes. 6. Move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position; hold it in that position with light finger pressure. Turn the inner adjusting screw on the Fig. 4 ·Checking Rotating Movement of Injector Control Rack Fig. 3 - Positioning No. 3L Injector Rack Control Lever The letters R or L indicate the injector location in the right or left cylinder bank, viewed from the rear of the Page 87 Engine Tune-Up No. 3L injector rack control lever down as shown in Fig. 3 until a slight movement of the control tube lever is observed or a step-up in effort to turn the screw driver is noted. This will place the No. 3L injector in the full-fuel position. Turn down the outer adjusting screw until it bottoms lightly on the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws. The setting is too tight if, when moving the speed control lever from the no-speed to the maximum speed position, the injector rack becomes tight before the speed control lever reaches the end of its travel (as determined by the stop under the governor cover). NOTE: Overtightening of the injector rack control lever adjusting screws during installation or adjustment can result in damage to the injector control tube. The recommended torque of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lbs (3-4 Nm). IMPORTANT: The above step should result in placing the governor linkage and control tube assembly in the same position that they will attain while the engine is running at full-load. 7. To be sure of the proper rack adjustment, hold the speed control lever in the maximum speed position and press down on the injector rack with a screw driver or finger tip and note "rotating" movement of the injector control rack (Fig. 4) when the speed control lever is in the maximum speed position. Hold the speed control lever in the maximum speed position and, using a screw driver, press downward on the injector control rack. The rack should tilt downward (Fig. 5) and when the pressure of the screw driver is released, the control rack should "spring" back upward. This will result in a step-up in effort required to move the speed control lever to the end of its travel. To correct this condition, back off the inner adjusting screw slightly and tighten the outer adjusting screw slightly. 8. Remove the clevis pin from the fuel rod and the left bank injector control tube lever. 9. Insert the clevis pin in the fuel rod and the right cylinder bank injector control tube lever and position the No. 3R injector rack control lever as previously outlined in Step 6 for the No. 3L injector rack control lever. 10. Insert the clevis pin in the fuel rod and the left cylinder bank injector control tube lever. Repeat the check on the 3L and 3R injector rack control levers as outlined in Step 7. Check for and eliminate any deflection which may occur at the bend in the fuel rod where it enters the cylinder head. 11. To adjust the remaining injector rack control levers, remove the clevis pin from the fuel rods and the injector control tube levers, hold the injector control racks in the full-fuel position by means of the lever on the end of the control tube, and proceed as follows: If the rack does not return to its original position, it is too loose. To correct this condition, back off the outer adjusting screw slightly and tighten the inner adjusting screw slightly. a. Turn down the inner adjusting screw of the injector rack control lever until the screw bottoms (injector control rack in the full-fuel position). b. Turn down the outer adjusting screw of the injector rack control lever until it bottoms on the injector control tube. c. While still holding the control tube lever in the fullfuel position, adjust the inner and outer adjusting screws to obtain the same condition as outlined in Step 7. Tighten the screws. CAUTION: Once the No. 3L and No. 3R injector rack control levers are adjusted. do not try to alter their settings. All adjustments are made on the remaining control racks. NOTE: Overtightening of the injector rack control tube lever adjusting screws during installation or adjustment can result in damage to the injector control tube. The recommended Fig. 5 - Checking Injector Control Rack Spring Page 88 Engine Tune-Up torque of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lbs (3-4 Nm). 12. When all of the injector rack control levers are adjusted, recheck their settings. With the control tube lever in the full-fuel position, check each control rack as in Step 7. All of the control racks must have the same "spring" condition with the control tube lever in the fullfuel position. 13. Insert the clevis pin in the fuel rod and the injector control tube levers. 14. Turn the idle speed adjusting screw in until it projects 3/16" from the lock nut to permit starting the engine. 15. Use new gaskets and replace the valve rocker covers. 2. With the engine at operating temperature and noload on the engine, place the speed control lever in the maximum speed position. Turn the high-speed spring retainer in (Fig. 6) until the engine is operating at the recommended no-load speed. Use an accurate hand tachometer to determine the engine speed. The maximum no-load speed varies with the full-load operating speed. 3. Hold the spring retainer and tighten the lock nut. TYPE B GOVERNOR SPRINGS (Fig. 7): 1. Start the engine and after it reaches normal operating temperature, remove the load from the engine. Adjust Maximum No-Load Engine Speed All governors are properly adjusted before leaving the factory. However, if the governor has been reconditioned or replaced, and to ensure the engine speed will not exceed the recommended no-load speed as given on the engine option plate, set the maximum no-load speed as follows: TYPE A GOVERNOR SPRINGS (Fig. 7): 1. Loosen the lock nut with a spanner wrench and back off the high-speed spring retainer several turns. Then start the engine and increase the speed slowly. If the speed exceeds the required no-load speed before the speed control lever reaches the end of its travel, back off the spring retainer a few additional turns. Fig. 7 - Governor Spring Assemblies Fig. 6 - Adjusting Maximum No-Load Engine Speed Page 89 Engine Tune-Up 3. Stop the engine and, if necessary, adjust the no-load speed as follows: a. Remove the high-speed spring retainer with tool J 5895 and withdraw the high-speed spring and plunger assembly. CAUTION: To prevent the low-speed spring and cap from dropping into the governor, be careful not to jar the assembly while it is being removed. b. Remove the high-speed spring from the highspeed spring plunger and add or remove shims as required to establish the desired engine no-load speed. NOTE: For each .010"in shims added, the engine speed will be increased approximately 10 rpm. c. Install the high-speed spring on the plunger and install the spring assembly in the governor housing. Install the spring retainer in the governor housing and tighten it securely. The maximum no-load speed varies with the full-load operating speed desired. d. Start the engine and recheck the no-load speed. Repeat the procedure as necessary to establish the no-load speed required. Adjust Idle Speed With the maximum no-load speed properly adjusted, adjust the idle speed as follows: 1. With the engine running at normal operating temperature and with the buffer screw backed out to avoid contact with the differential lever, turn the idle speed adjusting screw (Fig. 8) until the engine is operating at approximately 15 rpm below the recommended idle speed. NOTE: The recommended idle speed for nonEPA certified engines is 500-600 rpm, but may vary with special engine applications. If the engine has a tendency to stall during deceleration, install a new buffer screw. The current buffer screw uses a heavier spring and restricts the travel of the differential lever to the off (no-fuel) position. 2. Hold the idle screw and tighten the lock nut. 3. Install the high-speed spring retainer cover and tighten the two bolts. Adjust Buffer Screw With the idle speed properly set, adjust the buffer screw as follows: 1. With the engine running at normal operating temperature, turn the buffer screw in (Fig. 9) so it contacts the differential lever as lightly as possible and still eliminates engine roll. NOTE: Do not increase the engine idle speed more than 15 rpm with the buffer screw. 2. Recheck the maximum no-load speed. If it has increased more than 25 rpm, back off the buffer screw until the increase is less than 25 rpm. 3. Hold the buffer screw and tighten the lock nut. Fig. 9 - Adjusting Buffer Screw Fig. 8 - Adjusting Engine Idle Speed Page 90 Engine Tune-Up VARIABLE SPEED MECHANICAL GOVERNOR (OPEN LINKAGE) AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENT IN-LINE ENGINES After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel injectors, adjust the governor (Fig. I) and the injector rack control levers. Preliminary Governor Adjustments 1. Clean the governor linkage and lubricate the ball joints and bearing surfaces with clean engine oil. Adjust Variable Speed Spring Tension 1. Adjust the variable speed spring eye bolt until 1/8" of the threads project from the outer lock nut .(Fig. 2). 2. Tighten both lock nuts to retain the adjustment. NOTE: This setting of the eye bolt will produce approximately 7% droop in engine speed from noload to full-load. 2. Back out the buffer screw until it projects 9/ 16" from the boss on the control housing. Position Injector Rack Control Lovers The position of the injector control racks must be correctly set in relation to the governor. Their position Fig. 2 - Adjusting Governor Spring Eye Bolt Fig. 1 - Variable Speed Open Linkage Governor Mounted on Engine 3. Back out the booster spring eye bolt until it is flush with the outer lock nut. Page 91 Engine Tune-Up determines the amount of fuel injected into each cylinder and ensures equal distribution of the load. Adjust the rear injector rack control lever first to establish a guide for adjusting the remaining levers. 1. Clean and remove the valve rocker cover. Discard the gasket. 2. Disconnect the fuel rod at the stop lever. 3. Loosen all of the inner and outer injector rack control lever adjusting screws. Be sure all of the injector rack control levers are free on the injector control tube. 4. Move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position. 5. Adjust the rear cylinder injector rack control lever adjusting screws (Fig. 3) until both screws are equal in height and tight on the injector control tube. 7. Loosen the nut which locks the ball joint on the fuel rod. Hold the fuel rod in the full-fuel position and adjust the ball joint until it is aligned and will slide on the ball stud on the stop lever (Fig. 4). Position the shutdown cable clip and tighten the fuel rod lock nut to retain the adjustment. 8. Check the adjustment by pushing the fuel rod toward the engine and make sure the injector control rack is in the full-fuel position. If necessary, readjust the fuel rod. 9. Manually hold the rear injector rack in the full-fuel position, with the lever on the injector control tube, and turn the inner adjusting screw of the adjacent injector rack control lever down until the injector rack moves into the full-fuel position. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly on the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws. 6. Move the rear injector control rack into the full-fuel position and note the clearance between the fuel rod and the cylinder head bolt. The clearance should be 1/32 " or more. If necessary, readjust the injector rack adjusting screws until a clearance of at least 1/32" to 1/16" exists. Tighten the adjustment screws. NOTE: Overtightening of the injector rack control lever adjusting screws during installation or adjustment can result in damage to the injector control tube. The recommended torque of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lbs (3-4 Nm). 10. Recheck the rear injector rack to be sure that it has remained snug on the ball end of the rack control lever while adjusting the adjacent injector rack. If the rack of the rear injector has become loose, back off the inner adjusting screw slightly on the adjacent injector rack control lever and tighten the outer adjusting screw. When the settings are correct, the racks of both injectors must be snug on the ball end of their respective control levers. Fig. 3 - Adjusting Injector Rack Control Lever Adjusting Screws Fig. 4 - Adjusting Fuel Rod Length Page 92 Engine Tune-Up 11. Position the remaining injector rack control levers as outlined in Steps 9 and 10. Adjust Maximum No-Load Speed 1. With the engine running, move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position. Use an accurate tachometer to determine the no-load speed of the engine. NOTE: Do not overspeed the engine. is 500 rpm. However, the idle speed may vary with special engine applications. 3. Hold the idle speed adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. Adjust Buffer Screw 1. With the engine running at idle speed, turn the buffer screw in (Fig. 7) so that it contacts the stop lever as lightly as possible and still eliminates engine roll. 2. Loosen the lock nut and adjust the maximum speed adjusting screw (Fig. 5) until the required no-load speed is obtained. NOTE: Do not raise the engine idle speed more than 20 rpm with the buffer screw. Check the maximum no-load speed to make sure it has not increased over 25 rpm by the buffer screw setting. 3. Hold the adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. Adjust Engine Idle Speed Adjust Governor Booster Spring 1. Make sure the stop lever is in the run position and place the speed control lever in the idle position. The governor booster spring is used on some engines to reduce the force necessary to move the speed control lever from the idle speed position to the maximum speed position. Adjust the booster spring as follows: 2. With the engine running at normal operating temperature, loosen the lock nut and turn the idle speed adjusting screw (Fig. 6) until the engine idles at the recommended speed. The recommended idle speed 1. Move the speed control lever to the idle speed position. 2. Reduce the tension on the booster spring, if not Fig. 6 - Adjusting Idle Speed Fig. 5 - Adjusting Maximum No-Load Engine Speed Page 93 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 7 - Adjusting Buffer Screw previously performed, to the minimum by backing off the outer lock nut (Fig. 8) until the end of the booster spring eye bolt is flush with the end of the nut. 3. Adjust the eye bolt in the slot in the bracket so that an imaginary line through the booster spring will align with an imaginary center line through the speed control shaft. Secure the lock nuts on the eye bolt to retain the adjustment. Fig. 8 - Adjusting Booster Spring Adjust Engine Speed Droop 4. Move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position and note the force required. To reduce the force, back off the inner lock nut and tighten the outer lock nut to increase the tension on the booster spring. The adjustment of the spring tension as outlined under Adjust Variable Speed Spring Tension will result in approximately 7% droop from the maximum no-load speed to the full-load speed. This is the optimum droop setting for most applications. However, the droop may be changed as necessary for a particular engine application. NOTE: Before tightening the lock nuts, reposition the booster spring as in Step 3. 1. Lower the speed droop by increasing the spring tension. The setting is correct when the speed control lever can be moved from the idle speed position to the maximum speed position with a constant force, while the engine is running, and when released it will return to the idle speed position. 2. Raise the speed droop by decreasing the spring tension. Page 94 NOTE: A change in the variable speed spring tension will change the maximum no-load speed and the engine idle speed which must also be readjusted. Engine Tune-Up VARIABLE SPEED MECHANICAL GOVERNOR (ENCLOSED LINKAGE) AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENT IN-LINE ENGINES The single-weight variable speed governor is mounted on the rear end plate of the engine and is driven by a gear that extends through the end plate and meshes with either the camshaft gear or the balance shaft gear, depending upon the engine model. After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel injectors, adjust the governor and position the injector rack control levers. NOTE: Before proceeding with the governor and injector rack adjustments, disconnect any supplementary governing device. After the adjustments are completed, reconnect and adjust the supplementary governing device. Adjust Governor Gap With the engine stopped and at operating temperature, adjust the governor gap as follows: 1. Disconnect any linkage attached to the governor levers. 2. Back out the buffer screw until it extends approximately 5/8" from the lock nut. 3. Clean and remove the governor cover and valve rocker cover. Discard the gaskets. 4. Place the speed control lever (Fig. 1) in the maximum speed position. 5. Insert a .006" feeler gage between the spring plunger and the plunger guide as shown in Fig. 1. If required, loosen the lock nut and turn the gap adjusting screw in or out until a slight drag is noted on the feeler gage. 6. Hold the adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. Check the gap and readjust if necessary. 7. Use a new gasket and install the governor cover as follows: a. Place the cover on the governor housing, with the Fig. 1 - Checking Governor Gap Fig. 2 - Positioning the Rear Injector Rack Control Lever Page 95 Engine Tune-Up pin in the throttle shaft assembly entering the slot in the differential lever. b. Install the four cover screws and lock washers finger tight. c. Pull the cover assembly in a direction away from the engine, to take up the slack, and tighten the cover screws. NOTE: This step is required since no dowels are used to locate the cover on the housing. Position Injector Rack Control Levers The position of the injector control rack levers must be correctly set in relation to the governor. Their position determines the amount of fuel injected into each cylinder and ensures equal distribution of the load. Properly positioned injector control rack levers with the engine at full-load will result in the following: 1. Speed control lever at the maximum speed position. 2. Stop lever in the RUN position. 3. Injector fuel control racks in the full-fuel position. Adjust the rear injector rack control lever first to establish a guide for adjusting the remaining levers. 1. Loosen all of the inner and outer injector rack control lever adjusting screws (Fig. 2). Be sure all of the levers are free on the injector control tube. 2. Move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position. Fig. 3 - Checking Rotating Movement of Injector Control Rack. 3. Move the stop lever to the RUN position and hold it in that position with light finger pressure. Turn the inner adjusting screw of the rear injector rack control lever down until a slight movement of the control tube is observed or a step-up in effort to turn the screw driver is noted. This will place the rear injector rack in the full-fuel position. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly on the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws. This should result in placing the governor linkage and control tube in the respective positions that they will attain while the engine is running at full load. NOTE: Overtightening of the injector rack control lever adjusting screws during installation or adjustment can result in damage to the injector control tube. The recommended torque of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lbs (3-4 Nm). Fig. 4 - Checking Injector Control Rack "Spring" 4. To be sure of proper rack adjustment, hold the stop lever in the RUN position and press down on the injector rack with a screw driver or finger tip and note "rotating" movement of the injector control rack (Fig. 3). Hold the stop lever in the RUN position and, using a screw driver, press downward on the injector control rack. The rack should tilt downward (Fig. 4) and, when the pressure of the screw driver is released, the control rack should "spring" back upward. If the rack does not return to its original position, it is too loose. To correct this condition, back off the outer adjusting screw slightly and tighten the inner adjusting screw. The setting is too tight if, when moving the stop lever from the STOP to the RUN position, the injector rack becomes tight before the stop lever reaches the end of its travel. This will result in a step-up in effort Page 96 Engine Tune-Up required to move the stop lever to the RUN position and a deflection in the fuel rod (fuel rod deflection can be seen at the bend). If the rack is found to be too tight, back off the inner adjusting screw slightly and tighten the outer adjusting screw. 5. To adjust the remaining injector rack control levers, remove the clevis pin from the fuel rod and the injector control tube lever, hold the injector control racks in the full-fuel position by means of the lever on the end of the control tube. Turn down the inner adjusting screw on the injector rack control lever of the adjacent injector until the injector rack has moved into the full-fuel position and the inner adjusting screw is bottomed on the injector control tube. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly on the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws. 6. Recheck the rear injector rack to be sure that it has remained snug on the ball end of the rack control lever while adjusting the adjacent injector rack. If the rack of the rear injector has become loose, back off the inner adjusting screw slightly on the adjacent injector rack control lever and tighten the outer adjusting screw. When the settings are correct, the racks of both injectors must be snug on the ball end of their respective control levers. 7. Position the remaining injector rack control levers as outlined in Steps 4, 5 and 6. 8. When all of the injector rack control levers are adjusted, recheck their settings. With the control tube lever in the full-fuel position, check each control rack as in Step 4. All of the control racks must have the same "spring" condition with the control tube lever in the full-fuel position. 9. Insert the clevis pin in the fuel rod and the injector control tube levers. 10. Fig. 5 - Locating of Shims and Stops Use a new gasket and replace the valve rocker cover. Adjust Maximum No-Load Speed All governors are properly adjusted before leaving the factory. However, if the governor has been reconditioned or replaced, and to ensure the engine speed will not exceed the recommended no-load speed as given on the option plate, the maximum no-load speed may be set as follows: Start the engine and, after it reaches normal operating temperature, determine the maximum no-load speed of the engine with an accurate tachometer. Then stop the engine and make the following adjustments, if required. 1. Refer to Fig. 8 and disconnect the booster spring and the stop lever retracting spring. 2. Remove the variable speed spring housing and the variable speed spring retainer located inside of the housing. 3. Refer to Table 1 and determine the stops or shims required for the desired full-load speed. Do not use more than four thick and one thin shim. A split stop can only be used with a solid stop (Fig. 5). 4. Install the variable speed spring retainer and housing and tighten the two bolts. 5. Connect the booster spring and stop lever spring. Start the engine and recheck the maximum no-load speed. 6. If required, add shims to obtain the necessary operating speed. For each .001 " in shims added, the operating speed will increase approximately 2 rpm. IMPORTANT: If the maximum no-load speed is raised or lowered more than 50 rpm by the Full Load Speed STOPS SHIMS RPM Solid Ring Split Ring 2575-2800 0 0 As Required 2101-2575 1701-2100 1 1 0 1 As Required As Required 1200-1700 1 2 As Required TABLE 1 Page 97 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 6 ·Adjusting Idle Speed installation or removal of shims, recheck the governor gap. If readjustment of the governor gap is required, the position of the injector racks must be rechecked. NOTE: Governor stops are used to limit the compression of the governor spring which determines the maximum speed of the engine. Adjust Idle Speed With the maximum no-load speed properly adjusted, adjust the idle speed as follows: 1. Place the stop lever in the RUN position and the speed control lever in the IDLE position. 2. With the engine running at normal operating temperature, back out the buffer screw to avoid contact with the differential lever. 3. Loosen the lock nut and turn the idle speed adjusting screw (Fig. 6) until the engine is operating at approximately 15 rpm below the recommended idle speed. The recommended idle speed is 550 rpm, but may vary with special engine applications. 4. Hold the idle speed adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. Fig. 7 - Adjusting Buffer Screw Adjust Buffer Screw 1. With the engine running at normal operating temperature, turn the buffer screw in (Fig. 7) so that it contacts the differential lever as lightly as possible and still eliminates engine roll. NOTE: Do not increase the engine idle speed more than 15 rpm with the buffer screw. 2. Hold the buffer screw and tighten the lock nut. Adjust Booster Spring With the engine idle speed adjusted, adjust the booster spring as follows: 1. Move the speed control lever to the idle speed position. 2. Refer to Fig. 8 and loosen the booster spring retaining nut on the speed control lever. Loosen the lock nuts on the eye bolt at the opposite end of the booster spring. 3. Move the spring retaining bolt in the slot of the speed control lever until the center of the bolt is on or slightly over center (toward the idle speed position) of an imaginary line through the bolt, lever shaft and eye bolt. Hold the bolt and tighten the lock nut. 4. Start the engine and move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position and release it. The lever should return to the idle speed position. If it does not, reduce the tension on the booster spring. If it does, continue to increase the spring tension until the point is reached where it will not return to idle. Then reduce Page 98 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 8 - Adjusting Booster Spring the spring tension until the lever does return to idle and tighten the lock nuts on the eye bolt. This setting will result in the minimum force required to operate the speed control lever. 5. Connect the linkage to the governor levers. Page 99 Engine Tune-Up VARIABLE SPEED MECHANICAL GOVERNOR AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENT The variable speed mechanical governor assembly is mounted at the rear of the 6V engine, between the flywheel housing and the blower (Fig. 1). The governor is driven by the right-hand blower rotor drive gear. After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel injectors, adjust the governor and position the injector rack control levers. NOTE: Before proceeding with the governor and injector rack adjustments, disconnect any supplementary governing device. After the adjustments are completed, reconnect and adjust the supplementary governing device. Adjust Governor Gap With the engine stopped and at normal operating temperature, adjust the governor gap as follows: 1. Disconnect any linkage attached to the governor levers. 2. Back out the buffer screw until it extends approximately 5/8" from the lock nut. Fig. 1 - Variable Speed Governor Mounting 3. Clean and remove the governor cover and the valve rocker covers. Discard the gaskets. 4. Place the speed control lever in the maximum speed position. 5. Insert a .006" feeler gage between the spring plunger and the plunger guide as shown in Fig. 2. If required, loosen the lock nut and turn the adjusting screw in or out until a slight drag is noted on the feeler gage. 6. Hold the adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. Check the gap and readjust if necessary. 7. Use a new gasket and install the governor cover. Position Injector Rack Control Levers The position of the injector control racks must be correctly set in relation to the governor. Their position determines the amount of fuel injected into each cylinder and ensures equal distribution of the load. Properly positioned injector rack control levers with the engine at full-load will result in the following: 1. Speed control lever at the maximum speed position. Fig. 2 - Adjusting Governor Gap Page 100 Engine Tune-Up 2. Fig. 3 - Positioning No. 3L Injector Rack Control Lever Stop lever in the RUN position. 3. Injector fuel control racks in the full-fuel position. The letters R or L indicate the injector location in the right or left cylinder bank, viewed from the rear of the engine. Cylinders are numbered starting at the front of the engine on each cylinder bank. Adjust the No. 3L injector rack control lever first to establish a guide for adjusting the remaining levers. 1. Remove the clevis pin from the fuel rod and the right cylinder bank injector control tube lever. 2. Loosen all of the inner and outer injector rack control lever adjusting screws on both injector control tubes. Be sure all of the injector rack control levers are free on the injector control tubes. 3. Move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position. 4. Move the stop lever to the run position and hold it in that position with light finger pressure. Turn the inner adjusting screw of the No. 3L injector rack control lever down (Fig. 3) until a slight movement of the control tube is observed, or a step-up in effort to turn the screw driver is noted. This will place the No. 3L injector rack in the full-fuel position. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly on Fig. 4 - Checking Rotating Movement of Injector Control Rack the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws. NOTE: Overtightening the injector rack control lever adjusting screws during installation or adjustment can result in damage to the injector control tube. The recommended torque of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lb (3-4 Nm). The above steps should result in placing the governor linkage and control tube in the respective positions that they will attain while the engine is running at full load. 5. To be sure of proper rack adjustment, hold the stop Fig. 5 - Checking Injector Control Rack "Spring” Page 101 Engine Tune-Up lever in the run position and press down on the injector rack with a screw driver or finger tip and note the "rotating" movement of the injector control rack (Fig. 4). Hold the stop lever in the run position and, using a screw driver, press downward on the injector control rack. The rack should tilt downward (Fig. 5) and when the pressure of the screw driver is released, the control rack should "spring" back upward. If the rack does not return to its original position, it is too loose. To correct this condition, back off the outer adjusting screw slightly and tighten the inner adjusting screw. The setting is too tight if, when moving the stop lever from the stop to the run position, the injector rack becomes tight before the governor stop lever reaches the end of its travel. This will result in a step-up in effort required to move the stop lever to the run position and a deflection in the fuel rod (fuel rod deflection can be seen at the bend). If the rack is found to be too tight, back off the inner adjusting screw slightly and tighten the outer adjusting screw. 6. Remove the clevis pin from the fuel rod and the left bank injector control tube lever. 7. Insert the clevis pin in the fuel rod and the right cylinder bank injector control tube lever and position the No. 3R injector rack control lever as previously outlined in Step 4 for the No. 3L control lever. 8. Insert the clevis pin in the fuel rod and the left bank injector control tube lever. Repeat the check on the 3L and 3R injector rack control levers as outlined in Step 5. Check for and eliminate any deflection which may occur at the bend in the fuel rod where it enters the cylinder head. 9. To adjust the remaining injector rack control levers, remove the clevis pin from the fuel rods and the injector control tube levers, hold the injector control racks in the full-fuel position by means of the lever on the end of the control tube and proceed as follows: a. Turn down the inner adjusting screw of the injector rack control lever until the screw bottoms (injector control rack in the full-fuel position). b. Turn down the outer adjusting screw of the injector rack control lever until it bottoms on the injector control tube. c. While still holding the control tube lever in the full-fuel position, adjust the inner and outer adjusting screws to obtain the same condition as outlined in Step 5. Tighten the screws. CAUTION: Once the No. 3L and No. 3R injector rack control levers are adjusted, do not try to alter their settings. All adjustments are made on the remaining control racks. 10. When all of the injector rack control levers are adjusted, recheck their settings. With the control tube lever in the full-fuel position, check each control rack as in Step 5. All of the control racks must have the same "spring" condition with the control tube lever in the full-fuel position. 11. Insert the clevis pin in the fuel rods and the injector control tube levers. 12. Use new gaskets and install the valve rocker covers. Adjust Maximum No-Load Speed All governors are properly adjusted before leaving the factory. However, if the governor has been reconditioned or replaced, and to ensure the engine speed will not exceed the recommended no-load speed as given on the engine option plate, the maximum no-load speed may be set as follows: Start the engine and after it reaches normal operating temperature, determine the maximum no-load speed of the engine with an accurate tachometer. Then stop the engine and make the following adjustments, if required. 1. Refer to Fig. 9 and disconnect the booster spring and the stop lever retracting spring. 2. Remove the variable speed spring housing and the spring retainer, located inside of the housing, from the governor housing. 3. Refer to Table I and determine the stops or shims required for the desired full-load speed. A split stop can only be used with a solid stop (Fig. 6). 4. Install the variable speed spring retainer and housing and tighten the two bolts. Fig. 6 - Location of Shims and Stops Page 102 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 7 - Adjusting Idle Speed Full-Load Speed Stops Solid 1 1 0 1200-2100 2100-2500 2500-2800 Shims* Split 1 0 0 As Required As Required As Required *Maximum amount of shims .325" 5. TABLE 1 Connect the booster spring and the stop lever spring. Start the engine and recheck the maximum no-load speed. 6. If required, add shims to obtain the necessary operating speed. For each .001 1"in shims added, the operating speed will increase approximately 2 rpm. IMPORTANT: If the maximum no-load speed is raised or lowered more than 50 rpm by the installation or removal of shims, recheck the governor gap. If readjustment of the governor gap is required, the position of the injector racks must be rechecked. NOTE: Governor stops are used to limit the compression of the governor spring, which determines the maximum speed of the engine. Adjust Idle Speed With the maximum no-load speed properly adjusted, adjust the idle speed as follows: 1. Place the stop lever in the run position and the speed control lever in the idle position. Fig. 8 - Adjusting Buffer Screw 2. With the engine running at normal operating temperature, back out the buffer screw to avoid contact with the differential lever. 3. Loosen the lock nut and turn the idle speed adjusting screw (Fig. 7) until the engine is operating at approximately 15 rpm below the recommended idle speed. The recommended idle speed is 550 rpm, but may vary with special engine applications. 4. Hold the idle speed adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. Adjust Buffer Screw 1. With the engine running at normal operating temperature, turn the buffer screw in (Fig. 8) so that it contacts the differential lever as lightly as possible and still eliminates engine roll. NOTE: Do not raise the engine idle speed more than 15 rpm with the buffer screw. 2. Hold the buffer screw and tighten the lock nut. Adjust Booster Spring With the idle speed adjusted, adjust the booster spring as follows: 1. Move the speed control lever to the idle speed position. 2. Refer to Fig. 9 and loosen the booster spring Page 103 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 9 - Adjusting Booster Spring retaining nut on the speed control lever. Loosen the lock nuts on the eye bolt at the opposite end of the booster spring. 3. Move the spring retaining bolt in the slot of the speed control lever until the center of the bolt is on or slightly over center (toward the idle speed position) of an imaginary line through the bolt, lever shaft and eye bolt. Hold the bolt and tighten the lock nut. 4. Start the engine and move the speed control lever to the maximum speed position and release it. The speed control lever should return to the idle position. If it does not, reduce the tension on the booster spring. If the lever does return to the idle position, continue to increase the spring tension until the point is reached that it will not return to idle. Then reduce the tension until it does return to idle and tighten the lock nut on the eye bolt. This setting will result in the minimum force required to operate the speed control lever. 5. Connect the linkage to the governor levers. Page 104 Engine Tune-Up SUPPLEMENTARY GOVERNING DEVICE ADJUSTMENT ENGINE LOAD LIMIT DEVICE Engines with mechanical governors may be equipped with a load limit device (Fig. 1) to reduce the maximum horsepower. This device consists of a load limit screw threaded into a plate mounted between two adjacent rocker arm shaft brackets and a load limit lever clamped to the injector control tube. The load limit device is located between the No. 2 and No. 3 cylinders of a three or four cylinder engine or between the No. 1 and No. 2 cylinders of each cylinder head on a V-type engine. However, when valve rocker covers with a breather are used, the load limit device is installed between the No. 1 and No. 2 cylinders on in-line engines and between the No. 2 and No. 3 cylinders on V-type engines to avoid interference with the rocker cover baffles. When properly adjusted for the maximum horsepower desired, this device limits the travel of the injector control racks and thereby the fuel output of the injectors. Fig. 1 - Engine Load Limit Device Adjustment After the engine tune-up is completed, make sure the load limit device is properly installed as shown in Fig. 1. Make sure the counterbores in the adjusting screw plate are up. The rocker arm shaft bracket bolts which fasten the adjusting screw plate to the brackets are tightened to 50-55 lb-ft (68-75 Nm) torque. Then adjust the load limit device, on each cylinder head, as follows: 1. Loosen the load limit screw lock nut and remove the screw. 2. Loosen the load limit lever clamp bolts so the lever is free to turn on the injector rack control tube. 3. With the screw out of the plate, adjust the load limit screw lock nut so the bottom of the lock nut is 7/8" from the bottom of the load limit screw (Fig. 1) for the initial setting. 4. Loosen the load limit lever clamp bolts so the lever is free to turn on the injector rack control tube. 4. Thread the load limit screw into the adjusting screw plate until the lock nut bottoms against the top of the plate. 5. Hold the injector rack control tube in the full-fuel position and place the load limit lever against the bottom of the load limit screw. Then tighten the load limit lever clamp bolts. 6. Check to ensure that the injector racks will just go into the full-fuel position -- readjust the load limit lever if necessary. 7. Hold the load limit screw to keep it from turning, then set the lock nut until the distance between the bottom of the lock nut and the top of the adjusting screw plate corresponds to the dimension (or number of turns) stamped on the plate. Each full turn of the screw equals .042", or .007" for each flat on the hexagon head. NOTE: If the plate is not stamped, adjust the load limit screw while operating the engine on a dynamometer test stand and note the number of turns required to obtain the desired horsepower. Then stamp the plate accordingly. 8. Thread the load limit screw into the plate until the lock nut bottoms against the top of the plate. Be sure the nut turns with the screw. 9 Hold the load limit screw to keep it from turning, then tighten the lock nut to secure the setting. Page 105 Engine Tune-Up The throttle delay mechanism is used to retard full-fuel injection when the engine is accelerated. This reduces exhaust smoke and also helps to improve fuel economy. The throttle delay mechanism (Fig. 2) is installed between the No. I and No. 2 cylinders on three cylinder engines, between the No. 2 and No. 3 cylinders on four cylinder engines, or between the No. 1 and No. 2 cylinders on the rightbank cylinder head of V-type engines. It consists of a special rocker arm shaft bracket (which incorporates the throttle delay cylinder), a piston, throttle delay lever, connecting link, oil supply plug, ball check valve and U-bolt. A yield lever and spring assembly replaces the standard lever and pin assembly on the rear end of the injector control tube on In-line engines (Fig. 3). A yield lever replaces the standard operating lever in the governor of the 6V-53 engine (Fig. 4). Operation Oil is supplied to a reservoir above the throttle delay cylinder through a special plug in the drilled oil passage in the rocker arm shaft bracket (Fig. 2). As the injector racks are moved toward the no-fuel position, free movement of the throttle delay piston is assured by air drawn into the cylinder through the ball check valve. Further movement of the piston uncovers an opening which permits oil from the reservoir to enter the cylinder and displace the air. When the Fig. 2 - Throttle Delay Cylinder Fig. 3 - Throttle Delay Yield Lever (In-Line Engine) engine is accelerated, movement of the injector racks toward the full-fuel position is momentarily retarded while the piston expels the oil from the cylinder through a .016" orifice. To permit full accelerator travel, regardless of the retarded injector rack position, a spring loaded yield lever or link assembly replaces the standard operating lever connecting link to the governor. Inspection When inspecting the throttle delay hydraulic cylinder, it is important that the check valve be inspected for wear. Replace the check valve if necessary. Fig. 4 - Throttle Delay Yield Lever (6V Engine) Page 106 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 5 - Adjusting Throttle Delay Cylinder To inspect the check valve, fill the throttle delay cylinder with diesel fuel oil and watch for check valve leakage while moving the engine throttle from the idle position to the full fuel position. Adjustment Whenever the injector rack control levers are adjusted, disconnect the throttle delay mechanism by loosening the U-bolt which clamps the lever to the injector control tube. After the injector rack control levers have been positioned, the throttle delay mechanism must be re-adjusted. With the engine stopped, proceed as follows: 1. Refer to Fig. 5 and insert gage J 23190 (.454" setting) between the injector body and the shoulder on the injector rack. Then exert a light pressure on the injector control tube in the direction of full fuel. 2. Align the throttle delay piston so it is flush with the edge of the throttle delay cylinder. 3. Tighten the U-bolt on the injector control tube and remove the gage. 4. Move the injector rack from the no-fuel to full-fuel to make sure it does not bind. Page 107 Engine Tune-Up ADJUSTMENT OF MECHANICAL GOVERNOR SHUTDOWN SOLENOID Fig. 6 - Typical Speed Governor Lever Position Fig. 7 - Typical Limiting Speed Governor Lever Position When a governor shutdown solenoid is used on an engine equipped with a mechanical governor, the governor stop lever must be properly adjusted to match the shutdown solenoid plunger travel. The solenoid plunger can be properly aligned to the governor stop lever as follows: 1. Remove the bolt connecting the rod end eye (variable speed governor), or the right angle clip (limiting speed governor) to the stop lever (Figs. 6 and 7). Align and clamp the lever to the shutdown shaft in such a way that, at its mid-travel position, it is perpendicular to the solenoid plunger. This assures that the linkage will travel as straight as possible. The solenoid plunger has available 1/2" travel which is more than adequate to move the injector control racks from the full-fuel to the complete no-fuel position and shutdown will occur prior to attaining complete travel. 2. With the stop lever in the run position, adjust the rod end eye or right angle clip for minimum engagement on the solenoid plunger when the connecting bolt is installed. The oversize hole in the eye or clip will thereby permit the solenoid to start closing the air gap, with a resultant build-up of pull-in force prior to initiating stop lever movement. 3. The bolt through the rod end eye or the right angle clip should be locked to the stop lever and adjusted to a height that will permit the eye or clip to float vertically. The clearance above and below the eye or clip and the bolt head should be approximately 1/32 " minimum. NOTE: The lock nut can be either on top of or below the stop lever. 4. Move the lever to the stop position and observe the plunger for any possible bind. If necessary, loosen the mounting bolts and realign the solenoid to provide free plunger motion. Page 108 Engine Tune-Up HYDRAULIC GOVERNOR AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENT The hydraulic governor is mounted on the 3 and 4-33 engines as shown in Fig. 1. The terminal lever return spring and the fuel rod are attached to an external terminal shaft lever. The maximum fuel position of the governor load limit is determined by the internal governor terminal lever striking against a boss that projects from the governor cover. Adjust engines having a hydraulic governor assembly after adjusting the exhaust valve clearance and timing the fuel injectors. Adjust Fuel Rod and Injector Rack Control Levers 1. Adjust the inner and outer adjusting screws (Fig. 2) on the rear injector rack control lever until both screws are equal in height and tight on the control tube. Check the clearance between the fuel rod and the cylinder head casting (below the bolt) for at least 1/16" clearance when the injector rack is in the full-fuel position and the rack adjusting screws are tight. If the fuel rod contacts the bolt or cylinder head casting, readjust the screws to obtain the 1/16" clearance. NOTE: Overtightening the injector rack control lever adjusting screws during installation or adjustment can result in damage to the injector control tube. The recommended torque of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lbs (3-4 Nm). 2. Remove the governor terminal lever return spring. 3. Remove the fuel rod end bearing or ball joint from the terminal shaft lever and the terminal lever from the terminal shaft. 4. Place the terminal lever on the terminal shaft so that the hole for attaching the fuel rod end bearing or ball joint is in line vertically above the terminal lever shaft at one half the arc of travel. Do not tighten the clamping bolt. 5. Hold the injector rack control tube and the terminal lever in the full-fuel position and adjust the length of the fuel rod until the end bearing or ball joint will slide freely into the hole of the terminal lever as shown in Fig. 3. Tighten the lock nut to retain the ball Fig. 1-Hydraulic Governor mounted on Engine Fig. 2-Adjusting Height of Rack Control Lever Adjusting Screws. Page 109 Engine Tune-Up Fig. 3 - Adjusting Length of Fuel Rod Fig. 4 - Adjusting Droop Bracket joint or end bearing and the terminal lever clamping bolt securely. NOTE: It will be necessary to slide the terminal lever partially off of the shaft to attach the fuel rod end bearing or ball joint to the terminal lever. 6. Hold the terminal lever in the full-fuel position and loosen the inner adjusting screw 1/8 of a turn and tighten the outer adjusting screw 1/8 of a turn to retain the adjustment. This is done to prevent the governor from bottoming the injector racks, since there is no load limit screw on this governor. 7. Remove the clevis pin between the fuel rod and the injector control tube lever. NOTE: Cover the cylinder head oil drain back hole, located under the control lever, when removing the fuel rod clevis pin to prevent its loss and possible damage to the engine. 8. Manually hold the rear injector in the full-fuel position and turn down the inner rack control lever adjusting screw of the adjacent injector until the injector rack of the adjacent injector has moved into the full-fuel position and the inner adjusting screw is bottomed on the injector control tube. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly on the Fig. 4 Adjusting Droop Bracket injector control tube. Then alternately tighten both the inner and outer rack control lever adjusting screws. 9. Recheck the rear injector fuel rack to be sure that it has remained snug on the ball end of the rack control lever while adjusting the adjacent injector. If the rack of the rear injector has become loose, back off slightly on the inner adjusting screw on the adjacent injector rack control lever. Tighten the outer adjusting screw. When the settings are correct, the racks of both injectors must be snug on the ball end of their respective rack control levers. 10. Position the remaining rack control levers as outlined in Steps 8 and 9. 11. Insert the clevis pin between the fuel rod and the injector control tube lever. 12. Install the terminal lever return spring. Adjust Speed Droop The purpose of adjusting the speed droop is to establish a definite engine speed at no load with a given speed at rated full load. The governor droop is set at the factory and further adjustment should be unnecessary. However, if the governor has had major repairs, the speed droop should be readjusted. The best method of determining the engine speed is with an accurate hand tachometer. Page 110 Engine Tune-Up Full Load 50 cycles 1000 rpm 60 cycles 1200 rpm 50 cycles 1500 rpm 60 cycles 1800 rpm TABLE 1 No-Load 52.5 cycles 1050 rpm 62.5 cycles 1250 rpm 52.5 cycles 1575 rpm 62.5 cycles 1875 rpm If a full-rated load can be established on the engine and the fuel rod, injector rack control levers and load limit have been adjusted, the speed droop may be adjusted as follows: I. Start the engine and run it at approximately onehalf the rated no-load speed until the lubricating oil temperature stabilizes. NOTE: When the engine lubricating oil is cold, the governor regulation may be erratic. The regulation should become increasingly stable as the temperature of the lubricating oil increases. Figure 5 - Adjusting Maximum Engine Speed 2. Stop the engine and remove the governor cover. Discard the gasket. 3. Loosen the lock nut and back off the maximum speed adjusting screw (Fig. 5) approximately 5/8" 4. Refer to Fig. 4 and loosen the droop adjusting bolt. Move the droop bracket so that the bolt is midway between the ends of the slot in the bracket. Tighten the bolt. 5. With the throttle in the run position, adjust the engine speed until the engine is operating at 3% to 5% above the recommended full-load speed. 6. Apply the full-rated load on the engine and readjust the engine speed to the correct full-load speed. 7. Remove the rated load and note the engine speed after the speed stabilizes under no-load. If the speed droop is correct, the engine speed will be approximately 3% to 5% higher than the full-load speed. If the speed droop is too high, stop the engine and again loosen the droop bracket retaining bolt and move the droop adjusting bracket in toward the engine. Tighten the bolt. To increase the speed droop, move the droop adjusting bracket out, away from the engine. The speed droop in governors which control engines driving generators in parallel must be identical, otherwise, the electrical load will not be equally divided. Adjust the speed droop bracket in each engine governor to obtain the desired variation between the engine no-load and full-load speeds shown in Table 1. The recommended speed droop of generator sets operating in parallel is 50 rpm (2-1/2 cycles) for units operating at 1000 and 1200 rpm and 75 rpm (2-1/2 cycles) for units operating at 1500 rpm and 1800 rpm full load. This speed droop recommendation may be varied to suit the individual application. Adjust Maximum No- Load Speed With the speed droop properly adjusted, set the maximum no-load speed as follows: 1. Loosen the maximum speed adjusting screw lock nut and back out the maximum speed adjusting screw three turns. 2. With the engine operating at no-load, adjust the engine speed until the engine is operating at approximately 8% higher than the rated full-load speed. 3. Turn the maximum speed adjusting screw (Fig. 5) in lightly until contact is felt with the linkage in the governor. 4. Hold the maximum speed adjusting screw and tighten the lock nut. 5. Use a new gasket and install the governor cover. Page 111 Engine Tune-Up HYDRAULIC GOVERNOR AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENT 6V-53 Engine Fig. 1 - Hydraulic Governor Mounting Fig. 2 - Hydraulic Governor Controls The hydraulic governor Is mounted between the blower and the rear end plate as shown in Fig. 1. The vertical control link assembly is attached .to the governor operating lever and the bell crank lever on the governor drive housing (Fig. 2). After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel injectors, adjust the governor as follows: 1. Disconnect the vertical control link assembly from the governor operating lever. 2. Loosen all of the injector rack control lever adjusting screws. 3. While holding the bell crank lever (on the governor drive housing) in a horizontal position (full-fuel), set the No. 3 injector rack control levers on each bank to full-fuel. 4. Position the remaining rack control levers to the No. 3 control levers. 5. Remove the governor cover. Discard the gasket. 6. To determine the full-fuel position of the terminal lever, adjust the load limit screw to obtain a distance of 2" from the outside face of the boss on the governor sub-cap to the end of the screw. 7. Adjust the operating lever (on the governor) so that it is horizontal, or slightly below (as close as the serrations on the shaft will permit) when the shaft is rotated to the full-fuel position, or clockwise when viewed from the front of the engine. 8. Loosen the lock nut and adjust the length of the vertical link assembly, attached to the bell crank lever, to match the full-fuel position of the governor operating lever and the injector rack control levers. This length should be approximately 6-5/16". Tighten the lock nut. 9. With the governor operating lever held in the full-fuel position, turn the load limit screw ((Fig. 1) inward until the injector racks just loosen on the ball end of the control levers, to prevent the injector racks from bottoming. 10. Release the governor operating lever and hold the adjusting screw while tightening the lock nut. 11. Use new gaskets and install the governor cover and the valve rocker covers. Page 112 STORAGE PREPARING ENGINE FOR STORAGE When an engine is to be stored or removed from operation for a period of time, special precautions should be taken to protect the interior and exterior of the engine, transmission and other parts from rust accumulation and corrosion. The parts requiring attention and the recommended preparations are given below. It will be necessary to remove all rust or corrosion completely from any exposed part before applying a rust preventive compound. Therefore, it is recommended that the engine be processed for storage as soon as possible after removal from operation. The engine should be stored in a building which is dry and can be heated during the winter months. Moisture absorbing chemicals are available commercially for use when excessive dampness prevails in the storage area. To protect an engine for a temporary period of time, proceed as follows: 1. Drain the engine crankcase. 2. Fill the crankcase to the proper level with the recommended viscosity and grade of oil. 3. Fill the fuel tank with the recommended grade of fuel oil. Operate the engine for two minutes at 1200 rpm and no load. NOTE: Do not drain the fuel system or the crankcase after this run. 4. Check the air cleaner and service it, if necessary, as outlined under Air System. 5. If freezing weather is expected during the storage period, add a high boiling point type antifreeze solution in, accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Drain the raw water system and leave the drain cocks open. 6. Clean the entire exterior of the engine (except the electrical system) with fuel oil and dry it with air. 7. Seal all of the engine openings. The material used for this purpose must be waterproof, vaporproof and possess sufficient physical strength to resist puncture and damage from the expansion of entrapped air. An engine prepared in this manner can be returned to service in a short time by removing the seals at the engine openings, checking the engine coolant, fuel oil, lubricating oil, transmission, and priming the raw water pump, if used. When an engine is to be removed from operation for an extended period of time, prepare it as follows: 1. Drain and thoroughly flush the cooling system with clean, soft water. 2. Refill the cooling system with clean, soft water. 3. Add a rust inhibitor to the cooling system (refer to Corrosion Inhibitor under Cooling System). 4. Remove, check and recondition the injectors, if necessary, to make sure they will be ready to operate when the engine is restored to service. 5. Reinstall the injectors in the engine, time them, and adjust the valve clearance. 6. Circulate the coolant through the entire system by operating the engine until normal operating temperature is reached (160-185 F or 71-85 °C). 7. Stop the engine. 8. Remove the drain plug and completely drain the engine crankcase. Reinstall and tighten the drain plug. Install new lubricating oil filter elements and gaskets. 9. Fill the crankcase to the proper level with a 30-weight preservative lubricating oil MIL-L-21260, Grade 2 (P10), or equivalent. 10. Drain the engine fuel tank. 11. Refill the fuel tank with enough rust preventive fuel oil such as American Oil Diesel Run-In Fuel (LF Page 113 Storage 4089), Mobil 4Y17, or equivalent, to enable the engine to operate 10 minutes. 12. Drain the fuel filter and strainer. Remove the retaining bolts, shells and elements. Discard the used elements and gaskets. Wash the shells in clean fuel oil and insert new elements. Fill the cavity between the element and shell about two-thirds full of the same rust preventive compound as used in the fuel tank and reinstall the shell. 13. Operate the engine for 10 minutes to circulate the rust preventive throughout the engine. 14. Refer to Air System and service the air cleaner. 15. MARINE GEAR a. Drain the oil completely and refill with clean oil of the proper viscosity and grade as is recommended. Remove, clean or replace the strainer and replace the filter element. b. Start and run the engine at 600 rpm for 5 minutes so that clean oil can coat all of the internal parts of the marine gear. Engage the clutches alternately to circulate clean oil through all of the moving parts. 16. TORQMATIC CONVERTER a. Start the engine and operate it until the temperature of the converter oil reaches 150°F (66 0 C). b. Remove the drain plug and drain the converter. c. Remove the filter element. d. Start the engine and stall the converter for twenty seconds at 1000 rpm to scavenge the oil from the converter. Due to lack of lubrication, do not exceed the 20 second limit. e. Install the drain plug and a new filter element. f. Fill the converter to the proper operating level with a commercial preservative oil which meets Government specifications MIL-L-2 1260, Grade 1. Oil of this type is available from the major oil companies. g. Start the engine and operate the converter for at least 10 minutes at a minimum of 1000 rpm. Engage the clutch; then stall the converter to raise the oil temperature to 225 0 F (107 °C). CAUTION: Do not allow the oil temperature to exceed 225 F (107°C). If the unit does not have a temperature gage, do not stall the converter for more than thirty seconds. h. Stop the engine and permit the converter to cool to a temperature suitable to touch. i. Seal all of the exposed openings and the breather with moisture proof tape. j. Coat all exposed, unpainted surfaces with preservative grease. Position all of the controls for minimum exposure and coat them with grease. The external shafts, flanges and seals should also be coated with grease. 17. POWER TAKE-OFF a. With an all purpose grease such as Shell Alvania No. 2, or equivalent, lubricate the clutch throwout bearing, clutch pilot bearing, drive shaft main bearing, clutch release shaft, and the outboard bearings (if so equipped). b. Remove the inspection hole cover on the clutch housing and lubricate the clutch release lever and link pins with a hand oiler. Avoid getting oil on the clutch facing. c. If the unit is equipped with a reduction gear, drain and flush the gear box with light engine oil. If the unit is equipped with a filter, clean the shell and replace the filter element. Refill the gear box to the proper level with the oil grade indicated on the name plate. 18. TURBOCHARGER The turbocharger bearings are lubricated by pressure through the external oil line leading from the engine cylinder block while performing the previous operations above and no further attention is required. However, the turbocharger air inlet and turbine outlet connections should be sealed off with moisture-resistant tape. 19. HYDROSTARTER SYSTEM Refer to Hydraulic Starting System in the section on Engine Equipment for the lubrication and preventive maintenance procedure. 20. Apply a non-friction rust preventive compound, to all exposed parts. If it is convenient, apply the rust preventive compound to the engine flywheel. If not, disengage the clutch mechanism to prevent the clutch disc from sticking to the flywheel. Page 114 Storage CAUTION: Do not apply oil, grease or any wax base compound to the flywheel. The cast iron will absorb these substances which can "sweat" out during operation and cause the clutch to slip. 21. Drain the engine cooling system. 22. The oil may be drained from the engine crankcase if so desired. If the oil is drained, reinstall and tighten the drain plug. 23. Remove and clean the battery and battery cables with a baking soda solution and rinse them with fresh water. Do not allow the soda solution to enter the battery. Add distilled water to the electrolyte, if necessary, and fully charge the battery. Store the battery in a cool (never below 32 °F or 0°C) dry place. Keep the battery fully charged and check the level and the specific gravity of the electrolyte regularly. 24. Insert heavy paper strips between the pulleys and belts to prevent sticking. 25. Seal all of the openings in the engine, including the exhaust outlet, with moisture resistant tape. Use cardboard, plywood or metal covers where practical. 26. Clean and dry the exterior painted surfaces of the engine. Spray the surfaces with a suitable liquid automobile body wax, a synthetic resin varnish or a rust preventive compound. 27. Cover the engine with a good weather-resistant tarpaulin or other cover if it must be stored outdoors. A clear plastic cover is recommended for indoor storage. The stored engine should be inspected periodically. If there are any indications of rust or corrosion, corrective steps must be taken to prevent damage to the engine parts. Perform a complete inspection at the end of one year and apply additional treatment as required. PROCEDURE FOR RESTORING AN ENGINE TO SERVICE WHICH HAS BEEN IN EXTENDED STORAGE 1. Remove the covers and tape from all of the openings of the engine, fuel tank, and electrical equipment. Do not overlook the exhaust outlet. 2. Wash the exterior of the engine with fuel oil to remove the rust preventive. 3. Remove the rust preventive from the flywheel. 4. Remove the paper strips from between the pulleys and the belts. 5. Remove the drain plug and drain the preservative oil from the crankcase. Re-install the drain plug. Then refer to Lubrication System in the Operating Instructions and fill the crankcase to the proper level with the recommended grade of lubricating oil. 6. Fill the fuel tank with the fuel specified under Diesel Fuel Oil Specifications. 7. Close all of the drain cocks and fill the engine cooling system with clean soft water and a rust inhibitor. If the engine is to be exposed to freezing temperatures, add a high boiling point type antifreeze solution to the cooling system (the antifreeze contains a rust inhibitor). 8. Install and connect the battery. 9. Service the air cleaner as outlined under Air System. 10. POWER GENERATOR Prepare the generator for starting as outlined under Operating Instructions. 11. MARINE GEAR Check the Marine gear; refill it to the proper level, as necessary, with the correct grade of lubricating oil. 12. TORQMATIC CONVERTER a. Remove the tape from the breather and all of the openings. b. Remove all of the preservative grease with a suitable solvent. c. Start the engine and operate the unit until the temperature reaches 150°F (66°C). Drain the preservative oil and remove the filter. Start the engine and stall the converter for twenty seconds at 1000 rpm to scavenge the oil from the converter. CAUTION: A Torqmatic converter containing preservative oil should only be operated enough to bring the oil temperature up to 150°F (66 0 C). d. Install the drain plug and a new filter element. Page 115 Storage e. Refill the converter with the oil that is recommended Maintenance. under Lubrication and Preventive 13. POWER TAKE-OFF Remove the inspection hole cover and inspect the clutch release lever and link pins and the bearing ends of the clutch release shaft. Apply engine oil sparingly, if necessary, to these areas. 14. HYDROSTARTER a. Open the relief valve on the side of the hand pump and release the pressure in the system. b. Refer to the filling and' purging procedures outlined in Hydraulic Starting System. Then, drain, refill and purge the hydrostarter system. 15. TURBOCHARGER Remove the covers from the turbocharger air inlet and turbine outlet connections. Refer to the lubricating procedure outlined in Preparation for Starting Engine First Time. 16. After all of the preparations have been completed, start the engine. The small amount of rust preventive compound which remains in the fuel system will cause a smoky exhaust for a few minutes. NOTE: Before subjecting the engine to a load or high speed, it is advisable to check the engine tune-up. Page 116 Page 117 Built-in Parts Book Progress in industry comes at a rapid pace. In order for the engine manufacturer to keep pace with progress he needs a versatile product for the many models and arrangements of accessories and mounting parts needed to suit a variety of equipment. In addition, engine refinements and improvements are constantly being introduced. All of this dynamic action must be documented so that the equipment can be serviced if and when it's needed. It is fully documented in the manufacturer's plant and in dealer Parts Departments with Master Files and adequate supporting records. But, what about YOU the user of this equipment? You have neither the time nor the inclination to ferret out specific part number data. What is the answer?-It is Detroit Diesel's exclusive BUILT-IN PARTS BOOK which is furnished with each engine. It takes the form of an "Option Plate" mounted on the rocker cover of the engine. With it, ordering parts becomes as simple as A, B, C. You have merely to provide the Dealer with ... A. The "Model" number B. The "UNIT" number C. The "TYPE" number From that much information, the dealer with his complete records on all engine models, can completely interpret your parts requirements. Page 118 Built-In Parts Book What is this "built-in" book? It is a photo etched aluminum plate that fits into a holding channel on the engine rocker cover. ON THE RIGHT SIDE of the plate is shown the model number, number and the related governor setting. Page 119 serial Built-In Parts Book All engine components are divided into groups of functionally related parts. A complete listing of the twelve major groups and their many sub-groups is shown below. Page 120 Built-In Parts Book Within each of these sub-groups, various designs of similar equipment are categorized as "Types" and identified by a Type Number. The Distributor/Dealer has an Index for each engine model. The Index lists all of the "Standard" and "Standard Option" equipment for that model. NOTE The Distributor/Dealer uses his model index to interpret the standard equipment. The plate, therefore, lists only the non-standard or choice items. So, from the plate, give the dealer the A-Model No. B-Unit No. *C-Type No. *(If not shown, indicate "NONE". The dealer knows the "standard" for the model). Page 121 Built-In Parts Book FOR READY REFERENCE, Transfer the information on the Option Plate to this record. OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION: Each fuel and lube oil filter on your engine has a decal giving the service package part number for the element. It is advisable to have your own personal record of these part numbers by filling in the chart provided below: AIR CLEANER If dry-type, indicate make and number of filter element: Wet type, indicate capacity qts. Page 122 Built-In Parts Book CYLINDER HEAD P 628 Page 123 Built-In Parts Book CONNECTING ROD, PISTON AND LINEAR CAMSHAFT AND GEAR (V-ENGINE) P 629 IDLER GEAR Page 124 Built-In Parts Book ACCESSORY DRIVE FOR BELT DRIVEN ACCESSORY (DRIVE HUB TYPE) ACCESSORY DRIVE FOR DIRECT DRIVEN ACCESSORY (CAMSHAFT GEAR) Page 125 Built-In Parts Book Page 127 Built-In Parts Book Page 128 Built-In Parts Book Page 129 Built-In Parts Book Page 130 Built-In Parts Book OIL PUMP AND REGULATOR Page 131 Built-In Parts Book OIL FILTER OIL COOLER P 637 Page 132 Built-In Parts Books Page 133 Built-In Parts Book FRESH WATER PUMP THERMOSTAT (6V-53 P 639 Page 134 Built-In Parts Book Page 135 Built-In Parts Book FAN MOUNT HEAT EXCHANGER P 641 Page 136 Built-In Parts Book Page 137 Built-In Parts Book Page 138 Built-In Parts Books Page 139 Owner Assistance OWNER ASSISTANCE The satisfaction and goodwill of the owners of Detroit Diesel engines are of primary concern to the Detroit Diesel Allison Division, its distributors and their dealers. As an owner of a Detroit Diesel engine, you have a complete network of over 2300 Detroit Diesel Allison Distributors and Dealers in the U.S. and Canada, plus many outlets worldwide that are prepared and anxious to meet your parts and service needs: Expert service by trained personnel. Emergency service 24 hours a day. Complete parts support, including reliabilt components. Sales teams to help determine your power requirements. Product information and literature. We recognize, however, that despite the best intentions of everyone concerned, misunderstandings may occur. Normally, any such situation that arises in connection with the sale, operation or service of your engine will be handled by the distributor or dealer in your area (check the Yellow Pages for the Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet nearest you). To further assure your complete satisfaction, we have developed the following three-step procedure to be followed in the event you have a problem that has not been handled satisfactorily. Step One - Discuss your problem with a member of management from the distributorship or dealership. Frequently, complaints are the result of a breakdown in communication and can quickly be resolved by a member of management. If you have already discussed the problem with the Sales or Service Manager, contact the General Manager. If your problem originates with a dealer, explain the matter to a management member of the distributorship with whom the dealer has his service agreement. Step Two - When it appears that your problem cannot readily be resolved at the distributor level without additional assistance, contact the Detroit Diesel Allison Regional Office nearest you listed below: Eastern Region Suite 202 10 Parsonage Road Edison, New Jersey 08817 Phone: (201) 246-5074 Regional Manager: S. F. Zappia Service Manager: D. P. Friedrich Southeastern Region 5730 Glenridge Drive, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Phone: (404) 252-3310 Regional Manager: L. R. Kirby Service Manager: B. D. Robison, Jr. Great Lakes Region Garrison Place 19855 Outer Drive Dearborn, Michigan 48124 Phone: (313) 565-0411 Regional Manager: A. W. Christy Service Manager: R. Schwaller Midwestern Region Suite 618 2021 Spring Road Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 Phone: (312) 654-6619 Regional Manager: C. O. Zimmerman Service Manager: T. F. Chope Southwestern Region Suite 130 2655 Villa Creek Drive Dallas, Texas 75234 Phone: (214) 241-7721 Regional Manager: F. A. Skells Service Manager: W. C. Kaphengst Northwestern Region Suite 250 20380 Town Center Lane Cupertino, California 95014 Phone: (408) 255-7700 Regional Manager: W. C. Edwards Service Manager: J. P. Miles Page 141 Owner Assistance Western Region Suite 823 Crocker Bank Building 15760 Ventura Blvd. Encino, California 91436 Phone: (213) 981-7300 Regional Manager: G. J. Dunneback Service Manager: W. K. Clark, Jr. Prior to this call, have the following information available: Name and location of distributor or dealer. Type and make of equipment. Engine model and serial number. Engine delivery date and accumulated miles or hours of operation. Nature of problem. Chronological summary of unit's history. Step Three - If you are still not satisfied, present the entire matter in writing or by phone to the Home Office: Diesel Operations - J. E. Fisher, Manager Customer Services, Detroit Diesel Allison, 13400 W. Outer Drive, Detroit, Michigan 48228, Phone (313) 592-5608. Canada Operations - E. A. Kobe, Manager of Product Service, Diesel Division, General Motors of Canada, Ltd., P.O. Box 5990, 847 Highbury Avenue, London, Ontario N6A 4L6, Phone (519) 455-7110. If at this point your problem is still not resolved to your satisfaction, call or write J. P. Lewis, Manager, Diesel Engine Service, Diesel Operations (313) 592-7279; D. F. Downham, Sales Manager, Diesel Operations (313) 592-7276. When contacting the Regional or Home Office, please keep in mind that ultimately your problem will likely be resolved at the distributorship or dealership utilizing their facilities, equipment and personnel. Therefore, it is suggested that you follow the above steps in sequence when experiencing a problem. Page 142 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Subject Page Subject Page A Accessory Drive .................................................. Adjustments: ....................................................... Injector Timing ................................................ Mechanical Governor Shutdown Solenoid.. Power Take-Off.......................................... Valve Clearance ........................ ............... .. Air Compressor .................................. .......... Air System: Air Box Drains ........................................... Air Cleaners ............................................... Air Silencer ................................................ Crankcase Ventilation ..................... ......... Alarm System .......................... .................... Assistance--Owner ......................... .............. E 125 80 108 44 78 139 Engine Coolant .................................... Engine Cross-Section Views ...... ......... Engine Model Description Chart .......... Engine out of Fuel .............................. Engine Protective Systems.................. Electrical Starting System.................... F 71 10 6 16 33,128 37 21 17 21 21 36 141 Fan Mounting .......... ........................... Filters: Fuel Oil .......................................... Lubricating Oil ................................ Fuel Oil Specifications ........................ 135 15,127 22,132 66 Fuel System: Injector............................................ Pump.............................................. Strainer and Filter ........................... 13 15, 126 15, 127 B Blower Assembly and Drive........................... 129 Breathers ................................. .................... 133 Built-In Parts Book...................... .................. 9, 117 G C Camshaft and Gears ..................................... Cold Weather Starting Aids .......................... Connecting Rod .................... ...................... Cooling System: General Description ........... ................. General Specifications ........................ Governors ........................................... 124 41 124 Antifreeze .................................................... 74 Coolant Filter ................................................ 72 Cooling System Capacity ........................ 27 Corrosion Inhibitor .................... ............... 71 Flushing ..... ............................................. 28 Heat Exchanger Cooling........................... 25, 136 Radiator Cooling ........................................ 25 Radiator Cooling....................................... 25 Raw Water Pump ..................................... 29 Crankshaft .................................................... 123 Cylinder Head ............................................... 123 D Description, General .................................... Description, Model ........................................ 5 6 5 8 44 H Heat Exchanger................................... Hydraulic Pump ....................... ........... Hydraulic Starting System .................... 136 139 38 I Idler Gear ........................................... Injector and Controls .............................. Instruments and Controls ..................... 124 127 31 L Liner ................................................ ... Lubricating Oil Specifications .............. Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance Lubrication Chart..................................... Lubricating System .............................. Page 143 124 67 55 56 22 Index ALPHABETICAL INDEX Subject Page M Maintenance, Preventive............................... Marine Gear.................................................. Model and Serial Number.............................. Subject Page Storage: Preparation....................................... Restoration....................................... 113 115 55 46 9 T O Oil Cooler ..................................................... 132 Oil Filter ........................................ ............... 132 Oil Pump and Regulator................................ 131 Operating Instructions: .................................. Cold Weather Starting ............................. 41 Engine ..................................................... 47 Power Generator Set ................................ 51 Preparation for First Start ................................. 47 Owner Assistance ......................................... 141 P Piston ........................................................... Power Take-Off ............................................ Preventive Maintenance................................ Principles of Operation.................................. 124 44 55 4 S Shutdown Systems ....................................... Specifications: Fuel Oil ............................... .................... General .................................................... Lubrication Oil .......................................... Starting Systems: Electrical ............................. .................... Hydraulic............................................. ..... Tachometer Drive ............................... Thermostat ............... .......................... Torqmatic Converter .......................... Transmissions ........................................ Tune-Up Procedures: Engine.............................................. Exhaust Valve Clearance Adjustment Hydraulic Governor: Line Engine ...................................... 6V Engine ........................................ Mechanical Governor: Limiting Speed (In-Line Engine) ....... Limiting Speed (6V Engine) . .................. Variable Speed (Open Linkage)........ Variable Speed (Enclosed Linkage) .. Variable Speed (6V Engine) ............. Supplementary Governing Device ....... Engine Load Limit................................ Governor Shutdown Solenoid .............. Throttle Delay Mechanism ........................ Timing Fuel Injector............................. 138 134 45 44 81 86 91 95 100 105 105 108 106 80 Valve Operating Mechanism................ 126 77 78 109 112 33,137 66 8 67 37 38 W Water Pump ...................................... Page 144 29,134 PART II. PARTS LISTING FOR DETROIT Diesel Series 53 Engine GENERAL INFORMATION General Information All engine components are divided into twelve major groups of functionary related parts. A list of the groups appears in the index of this manual. Within each group different design of similar equipment are shown, each group uses a type number. The type number in one group has no relationship to the type number of another group. All optional material type numbers are shown on the engine Option Plate. The plate is shown in the illustration below. The names and type numbers of optional equipment built into the unit at the factory are listed on, this plate, along with the unit model, serial number and custom specification (if any). Material not listed on the Option Plate is standard equipment. (Copies of the information, on the Option Plate Work Sheet, are furnished to distributors for their files.) To locate a part establish the group where the part is used (see index page). Turn to the page listed for that group. Locate the part on the illustration. Locate the item number in the parts list and the part number will be listed along with an item description. The quantity column is the number of times the part is used in the assembly shown. YOUR PARTS ORDER WILL BE HANDLED MORE EFFICIENTLY IF: 1. The following information is provided for the item ordered: A. Group in the parts book in which it is listed B. Quantity desired C. Item part number D. Complete item description E. Complete unit model identification and serial number 2. "TYPE" rather than "WRITE" the above information MISCELLANEOUS Unless otherwise specified, standard bolts in the parts list are hexagon head. Other standard parts are described in detail. The information and illustrations in this publication are based on the information in effect at the time of printing. ENGINE OPTION PLATE I TABLE OF CONTENTS GROUP NAME GROUP NO. 1.1000 1.1OOOA 1.2000 1.2000A 1.3000 1.3000A 1.3000C 1.3000D 1.4000A 1.5000A 1.6000 1.7000 1.7000B 1.8000 1.800OA 2.1000A 2.2000 2.3000A 2.4000 2.5000A 2.8000A 2.9000 3.1O00A 3.3000A 3.4000 4.1000A 4.1000B 4.1000C 4.2000A 4.4000A 4.6000A 4.7000A 5.1000 5.2000A 5.2000B 5.2000C 5.3000A 5.3000B 5.4000A 6.100A 6.2000A 7.3000A 11.1000A Cylinder Block Air Box Drains Cylinder Head Engine Lifter Bracket Crankshaft Crankshaft Front Cover Crankshaft Pulley Crankshaft Pulley Belt Flywheel Flywheel Housing (SAE #3) Connecting Rod and Piston Camshaft and Gear Train Accessory Drive (Hydraulic Pump) Valve Operating Mechanism Rocker Cover Fuel Injector (N-45) Fuel Pump Fuel Filter Fuel Manifold Connections Fuel Lines Governor Hydraulic Injector Controls Air Cleaner Adaptor Air Inlet Housing Blower Oil Pump Oil Distribution System Oil Pressure Regulator Oil Filter Oil Cooler Dipstick Oil Pan Fresh Water Pump Water Outlet Elbow Thermostat Water By-Pass Tube Radiator Water Connections Fan Exhaust Manifold Exhaust Muffler Flange Starting Motor Engine Mount II TYPE 29 63 23 190 20 119 111 176 327 349 61 31 203 30 38 76 180 157 48 360 1002 279 211 140 114 49 235 9 226 230 253 584 145 67 72 318 64 135 290 217 234 174 510 PAGE NO. 2 3 5 6 8 10 8 3 12 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 25 25 27 29 30 32 34 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 45 45 45 46 47 48 50 50 51 52 DETROIT DIESAL ENGINE MODEL 353 FRONT, LEFT HAND VIEW REAR, RIGHT HAND VIEW III CYLINDER BLOCK (GROUP NO. 1.1000) (FIG. NO. 1) 1 CYLINDER BLOCK (GROUP NO. 1.1000) FIG/ITEM 1-1 3-1 8-1 3-2 * * 1-12 1-2 * 3-4 * * * 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5196490 5116142 5198209 5116199 5146437 3231135 141346 5146900 114981 5145009 5121182 5150131 5121316 5121366 5121459 454813 103321 5116354 5116373 180120 103321 5116380 5150023 186618 103320 5116357 Block Assy. Cap, Main Bearing Bearing Set, Camshaft Bolt, Main Bearing Cap Elbow, Air Box Drain Tee Tee, 1/4" Inv. Fl. Pin, 3/16" x 1/2" Dowel Pin, 3/8" x 1-1/8" Dowel Draincock, 1/8" Plug, 1/8" Pipe Plug, 1/4" Pipe Plug, 7/16" Cup Plug, 5/8" x 13/32" Plate Assy. Nut, Plug 3/8" - 24 Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 7/8" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket Cover Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 3/4" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket Cover (Plain) Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 5/8" Lockwasher, 5/16" Gasket * Not Shown 2 QTY. 1 3 1 6 1 1 4 4 1 7 1 2 2 1 8 13 AR 1 1 6 6 1 1 2 2 1 AIR BOX DRAINS (GROUP 1.1000A) FIG/ITEM * * * PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5132286 137421 137397 Tube Elbow, 1/4" Inv. Fl. Tube 90 Deg. Nut, 1/4" Inv. Fl. Tube QTY. 1 1 1 * Not Shown CRANKSHAFT PULLEY BELT (GROUP NO. 1.3000D) FIG/ITEM * PART NO. DFSCRIPTIDN 5131395 Belt Set (2 Belts) (41.00" L., .500" W.) * Not Shown 3 QTY. 1 CYLINDER HEAD (GROUP NO. 1.2000) (FIG. NO. 2) 4 CYLINDER HEAD (GROUP NO. 1.2000) FIG/ITEM 22-2 2-2 2-2 2-12 * * * * * * * 10-1 * 2-9 2-8 2-11 2-11 2-11 2-11 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 PART NO 5198203 5198655 5154453 5145009 5199527 5116361 5131961 5121182 5151449 5144425 5116262 5121252 5111467 5139997 5119293 5121254 5116290 5121207 5116122 5116292 5121263 5136610 179839 103321 5116242 DESCRIPTION Head Assy. Plug, Fuse Plug, 3/8" - 16 Special Plug, 1/8" Pipe Tube Kit (Includes Ring 5160037) Insert, Exhaust Valve Guide, Exhaust Valve Plug, 1/4" Pipe Plug, 13/16" Cup Special Adaptor, Fuse Plug (Outside of Head Assy.) Adaptor, Cylinder Head Governor Control Link Adaptor, Cylinder Head Governor Control Link Seat, Exhaust Valve Spring Plug, 7/8" Dia. Cup Stn. Stl. Nozzle Gasket Ring, Seal (End Water Hole) Ring, Seal (Center Water Hole) Ring, Seal (Oil Hole) Ring, Seal Bolt, 5/8" - 11 x 6-1/4" (12 Pt. Hd.) Cover (Use 3/8" - 16 x 1" Bolt) Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket * Not Shown 5 QTY. 1 1 4 2 3 12 12 6 3 1 1 1 12 3 4 3 4 4 2 1 8 1 2 2 1 ENGINE LIFTER BRACKET (GROUP NO. 1.2000A) FIG/ITEM * * * -1 * * * PART NO. 5100428 5164294 179839 5119379 9409028 103341 103321 DESCRIPTION Bracket (Front R.H.) Spacer, 1/8" Thick Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1" AA Lock Bracket (Also Fig 5 Item 2) (Rear) Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1" Washer, 318" Flat Washer, 3/8" Lock *Not Shown 6 QTY. 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 (FIG. NO. 3) (FIG. NO. 4) 7 CRANKSHAFT (GROUP NO. 1.3000) FIG/ITEM PART NO. 33-4 3-5 4-2 4-2 4-3 6-4 3-6 3-6 3-6 5116447 444687 5116224 5198503 5148314 5198502 5116224 5116229 5128917 5196852 3-65 199477 * 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-3 3-3 3-1 3-2 3-9 3-10 5196851 5195928 5196660 5196661 5196662 5116197 5196755 5196756 141346 5149149 5195935 5116199 5116195 127559 DESCRIPTION Crankshaft Assy. Plug, 1/8" Pipe Seal Seal, Single Lip O.S. - Use with 5198502 Sleeve Seal Sleeve (Use with 5198503 Seal) Seal Seal (Single Lip, Standard) Seal (Double Lip, Standard) Seal (Single Lip, O.S., Use with 519685 Sleeve) Seal (Double Lip, O.S., Use with 519685 Sleeve) Sleeve (With O.S. Oil Seal) Shell Set (Std.) Shell Set (.002" U.S.) Shell Set (.010" U.S.) Shell Set (.020" U.S.) Washer Washer (.005" O.S.) Washer (.010" O.S.) Pin, 3/16" x 1/2" Dowel (Std.) Pin, 7/32" x 1/2" Dowel (O.S.) Cap (Std.) Bolt Gear Key, 1/4" x 3/4" Woodruff QTY. 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 AR AR 4 4 4 4 4 AR AR 4 AR 4 8 1 1 * Not Shown CRANKSHAFT PULLEY (GROUP NO. 1.3000C) FIG/ITEM 3-13 3-11 3-12 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5116484 5180291 5180629 Pulley (5.38" Dia., 2 Grooves) Retainer (Washer) Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-3/4" L. 8 QTY. 1 1 1 CRANKSHAFT FRONT COVER (GROUP NO. 1.3000A) (FIG. NO. 5) (FIG. NO. 5) 9 CRANKSHAFT FRONT COVER (GROUP NO. 1.3000A) FIG/ITEM 5* 5-1 5-1 * 5-2 6* * 6-1 6-2 5-3 6-3 6-4 PART NO. 5101347 5146900 186622 179844 9414322 103321 5197415 5145009 5146648 186282 103321 5121082 5116386 5116224 DESCRIPTION QTY. Cover Assy., Engine Front Upper Pin, 3/8" x 1-1/8" Dowel Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-1/4" Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-5/8" Washer, 3/8" I.D. x .744 O.D. x .63 Thick Lockwasher, 3/8" Cover Assy., Engine Front Lower Plug, 1/8 Pipe Plug, 1/2 Pipe Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 3-1/4" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket, Upper Gasket, Lower Seal 1 2 9 4 13 13 1 1 7 7 7 1 1 1 * Not Shown 10 FLYWHEEL HOUSING (SAE #3) (GROUP NO. 1.5000A) (FIG. NO. 7) 11 FLYWHEEL (GROUP NO. 1.4000A) FIG/ITEM PART NO. 7- 5119495 7-2 7-1 7-15 9412018 5116301 5126671 DESCRIPTION Flywheel Assy. (Sae #3, Non-Chamfered) Includes 5116301 Gear Bolt, Lock (2-1/4" L.) Gear (Sae #3-126 Teeth) Plate, Scuff QTY. 1 6 1 1 FLYWHEEL HOUSING (SAE #3) (GROUP NO. 1.5000A) FIG/ITEM 7-3 * * 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-5 7-16 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-8 * 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 * PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5132260 5145011 5145012 9409126 5101779 9414215 427588 5170489 103321 5123802 5121334 5122281 179857 122408 5150568 103323 5117061 5116411 186625 103320 5116391 5130995 Housing, (Sae #3) (Also Fig 5 Item 3) Plug, 3/8" Pipe Plug, 1/2" Pipe Bolt, 5/16 - 18 x 2-1/2 Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 7/8" Bolt, 3/8 - 16 x 2-1/2 Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 2-1/2 Bolt, 3/8 - 24 x 3 9-16 Lock Lockwasher, 3/8" Shim, Flywheel (Hsg. to End Plate) Gasket Cover Bolt, 7/16" - 14 x 7/8" Bolt, 1/2" - 13 x l" Washer, (7/16" Copper) Lockwasher, 1/2" Gasket Cover Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 7/8" Lockwasher, 5/16" Gasket Gasket * Not Shown 12 QTY. 1 1 1 2 1 4 6 3 AR 1 1 2 2 8 2 8 2 2 4 4 2 1 CONNECTING ROD & PISTON (GROUP NO. 1.6000) FIG/ITEM PART NO. -1 5122262 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 5197852 839103 5150140 5116181 5195929 -6 -6 -6 -7 5196664 5196665 5196666 5198877 -8 -11 -12 -13 -14 -14 -15 5198822 5116189 5116181 5180250 5132803 5101016 5121256 DESCRIPTION Rod Assy. (Includes Cap and Orifice Not Sold Separately) Bolt, 3/8" - 24 x 2.76" L. Nut (3/8" - 24 Hex.) Nozzle Bushing Shell Set (Standard) (Shell Sets Have (1) Upper and (1) Lower Shell) Shell Set (.002" U,S.) Shell Set (.010" U.S.) Shell Set (.020" U.S.) Piston Assy. (Contains (1) 5116181 Bushing and (1) 5180250 Retainer (Series "N") Ring Set (Sufficient Rings for One Cylinder) Pin Bushing Retainer Liner (Standard) Liner (.010" O.S., O.D.) Seal 13 QTY. 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3 AR 1 CAMSHAFT & GEAR TRAIN (GROUP NO. 1.7000) (FIG. NO. 8) (FIG. NO. 9) 14 CAMSHAFT & GEAR TRAIN (GROUP NO. 1.7000) FIG/ITEM 8-2 8-3 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 8-13 8-14 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 99-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 PART NO. 5126929 5151277 5198209 5198980 5198470 5198471 3116198 9409028 5106223 5134388 5121071 5121073 5121108 218217 5150087 5119277 9409028 5133387 5133388 218217 5150087 5121077 5172734 181360 103321 5135227 5196793 5132504 5124458 5157244 DESCRIPTION QTY. Camshaft Assy. Plug (1/2" Drive) Bearing Set Std. Bearing Set (Std. I.D., .010" O.S. O.D.) Bearing Set (.010" U.S., I.D., Std. O.D.) Bearing Set (.020" U.S., I.D., Std. O.D.) Washer Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1" Seal, Oil (Front) Slinger Spacer Shaft Pulley Key, 3/16 x 5/8" Woodruff Nut Weight Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1" Lock Gear (R.H. Helix) Gear (L.H. Helix) Key, 3/16" x 5/8" Woodruff Nut Spacer Retainer Bolt, 3/8" - 24 x 3/4" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gear Assy., Idler Bearing Washer (Thrust) Hub Bolt 1 2 1 AR AR AR 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 15 ACCESSORY DRIVE (HYDRAULIC PUMP) (GROUP NO. 1.7000B) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 * -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. 5123814 179839 103321 5168852 5170450 5140814 5143616 103375 5188848 5117061 5145091 122408 103323 179858 103322 Adapter, Hydraulic Pump Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1" Washer, 3/8" Lock Gasket, Hyd. Pump to Adapter Plate Spacer Coupling Pin, 3/32" x 1-1/4" Gear, Hyd. Pump Drive Gasket Bolt, Special Bolt, 1/2" - 13 x 1" Washer, 1/2" Lock Bolt, 7/16" - 14 x 1" Washer, 7/16" Lock 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 * Not Shown 16 VALVE OPERATING MECHANISM (GROUP NO. 1.8000) (FIG. NO, 10) (FIG. NO. 11) 17 VALVE OPERATING MECHANISM (GROUP NO. 1.8000) FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-7 11-8 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 * 5135268 5135267 5179954 5150318 5150311 5150312 5123700 5150314 5123711 5116072 5151272 5116128 5119198 5128640 5151601 5108918 5108919 5123250 5150303 5115087 5195220 3 3 3 3 3 9 15 9 6 3 3 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11-18 11-19 11-20 10-2 10-3 * 10-4 * 10-5 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 * 10-9 5116125 443603 103319 5199323 5131961 5198529 5131973 5199912 5116361 5196752 5144019 5135262 5123330 5125922 5116341 Arm Assy., Rocker Exhaust R.H. Arm Assy., Rocker Exhaust L.H. Arm Assy., Rocker Injector Bushing Bushing Clevis Bushing Pin (Clevis End) Pin (Bridge End) Shaft Assy. Plug Bracket Bolt Rod, Push Locknut Spring Seat (Valve and Injector) Seat Retainer (Snap Ring) Follower Assy. (Includes Roller Set) Roller Set (Standard) (Includes Roller W/Bushing and Pin) Guide Bolt, 1/4" - 20 x 3/4" Lockwasher, 1/4" Valve Guide Kit, Valve Guide and Seal Seal, Valve Guide (Use with 5131961) Installer, Exhaust Valve Seal Insert (Standard) Insert (.010" Oversize on O.D.) Spring (Red and Green Stripe) Bridge Cap Seat (.150" Thick) Lock (Halves) * Not Shown 18 9 3 6 6 12 12 12 12 AR 12 AR 12 6 12 12 24 ROCKER COVER (GROUP NO. 1.8000A) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 -4 PART NO. 18C001 5147994 5100104 1528732 DESCRIPTION Cover (IMCO Special) Gasket Screw Assy Cap - Oil Filler & Breather 19 QTY. 1 1 4 1 FUEL INJECTOR (N-45) (GROUP NO. 2.1000A) FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION -1 5228773 -5 5229649 -2 -3 -4 5121259 5150250 180130 Injector Assy. (Includes P.N. 5229649 thru 5228594) Service Kit: (1) Seal Ring, (2) AR Filter Cap Gaskets, (2) Filter Elements & (2) Shipping Caps Clamp Washer Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 2" 20 QTY. 3 AR 1 1 1 FUEL PUMP (GROUP NO. 2.2000) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 PART NO. 5146341 5146337 141195 5134560 3719219 5230007 5174975 147481 5181747 5181746 5174973 103709 5184530 5174971 5161003 5131685 5195078 5150193 5154216 DESCRIPTION Pump Assy. No Serviced; Use Part No. 5199560 Body Pin, 1/4" x 5/8" Dowel Cover Bolt, i/4" - 20 x 3/4" (With Lockwasher) Seal Gear Ball, 1/8" Dia. Steel Shaft Assy. (Includes Gear) Shaft Assy. (Includes Gear and Ball) Valve Pin, 5/32" x 1" Straight Spring Plug Gasket Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 3/4" (With Nyloc Insert) Overhaul Kit, Fuel Pump (Includes Items 17, 6, 8, 10, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 Gasket Coupling 21 QTY. 1 1 2 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 AR 1 1 FUEL FILTER (GROUP NO. 2.3000A) (FIG. NO. 12) (FIG. NO. 13) 22 FUEL FILTER (GROUP NO. 2.3000A) FIG/ITEM 12-1 12-2 12-2A 12-3 12-4 12-4 12-5 12-6 * * * * ** 1313-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12 13-13 PART NO. DESCRIPTION AC-T-60 5574961 5574161 103647 5121182 5145011 6435793 6435794 5575197 444692 186619 133341 103321 AC-T-58 5573261 5574123 5574126 5574120 5574124 5574122 5574125 5574161 5574118 1503537 5121182 103647 Strainer Assy. (Fuel) Element (6", Felt Sock Type)(AC-T-553) Gasket Only Draincock, 1.4" Plug, 1/4" Pipe Plug, 3/8" Pipe Bolt Gasket Decal (With AC-T-60 Strainer) Plug, 1/4" Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-1/2" Washer, 3/8" Flat Lockwasher, 3/8" Filter Assy. (4") Element (4")(AC-TP-509) Seat Seal Retainer (Ring) Spring Seat, Spring (Washer) Shell Assy. Gasket Screw Gasket Plug, 1/4" Pipe Draincock, 1/4" * Not Shown 23 QTY. 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 (FIG. NO. 14) 24 FUEL MANIFOLD CONNECTIONS (GROUP NO. 2.4000) FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 14-1 5116204 14-2 5152138 * 5152148 Pipe Assy. (Inlet & Outlet) (Qty. is two times Cylinder Count) Connector (Quantity is two times Cylinder Count) Washer (Quantity is two time Cylinder Count) QTY. 6 6 6 * Not Shown FUEL LINES (GROUP NO. 2.5000A) FIG/ITEM 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 * * 14-7 14-9 14-8 14-10 * * * 14-11 14-12 14-13 14-14 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5121149 442323 143338 5177623 5160388 3224539 5134897 442323 193004 5112241 110502 120217 110633 5129623 442323 193004 5127911 Tube Assy. (Dev. L. 39.76") Connector, 3/8" Inv. Fl. Tube Elbow, 3/8" Inv. Fl. Tube 45 Deg. Clip, 3/8" Tube Clip, 3/8" Tube 1-3/8" Long Clip, 3/8" Tube Tube Assy. (Dev. L. 36.90") Connector, 3/8" Inv. Fl. Tube Elbow, 3/8" Inv. Fl. Tube 90 Deg. Clamp Bolt, #10 - 24 x 3/4" Lockwasher, #10 Med Nut, #10 - 24 Hex. Tube (Dev. L. 12.68") Connector, 3/8" Inv. Fl. Tube Elbow, 3/8" Inv. Fl. Tube 90 Deg. Elbow, Restricted (.070") * Not Shown 25 QTY. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 GOVERNOR HYDRAULIC (GROUP NO. 2.8000A) (FIG. NO. 15) 26 GOVERNOR HYDRAULIC (GROUP NO. 2.8000A) FIG/ITEM 15 15-1 15-2 15-3 * * 15-4 15-4 15-5 * 15-6 15-7 15-8 * * * 15-9 15-9 15-9 15-9 5-10 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-14 15-15 15-16 15-17 15-18 15-19 15-20 15-21 15-21 15-22 15-22 15-22 15-23 15-24 15-25 15-26 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5136998 5199864 5197603 3249110 192484 114492 5197105 444687 5197052 5197066 5197080 5197846 5197065 5197059 5197078 5197060 5197013 5199196 5194069 5194495 5197015 5197016 5197014 5197046 100659 446142 5198332 137171 5197045 5197084 5197065 5197060 5197019 5197062 3304053 5194070 120614 5198398 5198397 5197010 5157328 Governor Assembly Cover Screw #10 - 32 x 1" W/Lock Washer Gasket' Screw, 1/4" - 28 x 1-1/4" Nut, 1/4" - 28 Hex (Thin) Housing Assembly Plug 1/8" Pipe, Hex Soc. Hd. Plug Gasket Shaft Pin, Roll Seal Bushing 1-7/8" L. Bushing 1-1/2" L. Plug, Cup Lever Stop Washer, 1/4" Copper Nut 1/4" - 28 Hex Stop Lever Clip, Spring Fork Bracket, Droop (Includes Pin) Screw #10 - 32 x 3/8" Washer #10 Flat Plate, Lever Support Pin, 3/32" x 1" Cotter Shaft 1-11/32" L. Shaft 2-3/8" L. Seal Plug, Cup Piston Pin, Piston 2-1/4" L. Screw #10 - 32 x 1-1/4" Washer #10 Copper Nut, #10 - 32 Hex Spring Ball Head Assembly Plunger Bearing - Continued - 27 QTY. 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GOVERNOR HYDRAULIC (GROUP NO. 2.8000A) 2.8000 A (Continued) FIG/ITEM 15-27 15-28 15-29 * * * 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-31 15-32 15-33 15-34 * PART NO. DESCRIPTION 274271 5198627 5197066 5197068 5197067 5197056 5192760 5197847 132188 3307753 3249119 3249118 5197058 3249147 Ring, Retaining Plunger Kit Gasket Spring (Inner) Spring (Outer) Plug 11/16" - 16 Base Pin #2 x 5/8" Tapper Dowel Screw #12 - 24 x 1/2" Ring Gear Gear (Includes Bushing) Bushing Stud * Not Shown 28 QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 INJECTOR CONTROLS (GROUP NO. 2.9000) FIG/ITEM -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 * * * * * * PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5195968 5116264 9422203 5150259 5116267 142486 5116266 5116265 5115322 5176228 2090519 213546 120380 5146554 5129913 114493 Tube Assy. Bracket Bolt, 1/4" - 20 x 5/8" (12 Pt. Hd.) Shaft (1-1/16" L.) Lever Pin, 1/8" x 3/4" Groove Spacer Spring Lever Screw Arm Bolt, 1/4" - 20 x 1" Lockwasher, 1/4" Plate Screw Nut, 5/16" - 24 Hex. Lock * Not Shown 29 QTY. 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 AIR CLEANER ADAPTOR (GROUP NO. 3.1000A) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 -4 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5122195 186625 103320 5124405 Adaptor Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 7/8" Washer, 5/16" Lock Gasket 30 QTY. 1 4 4 1 AIR INLET HOUSING (GROUP NO. 3.3000A) (FIG. NO. 16) 31 AIR INLET HOUSING (GROUP NO. 3.3000A) FIG/ITEM 16 16-1 16-1 16-1 16-1 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 16-7 16-8 16-9 16-10 16-11 16-12 16-13 16-14 16-15 16-16 16-17 16-18 * 16 -19 16-19 16-19 16-19 16-20 16-21 16-22 16-23 16-24 16 -25 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5121181 5157244 179847 179851 103341 103321 5116383 5121182 5124405 5116456 273436 5116444 103341 273436 5182977 5111904 5112787 5114727 5143836 179803 120380 5114974 5122623 5146239 3796374 140855 110730 124925 5186687 3290569 123298 120380 121902 5196053 Housing Assembly Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-3/4" Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 2" Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 3" Washer, 3/8" Flat Washer, 3/8" Lock Housing Plug, 1/4" Pipe Gasket Valve Pin, 1/8" x 11/16" Roll Shaft Washer, 3/8" Flat Pin, 1/8" x 11/16" Roll Seal Ring Spring (Valve, Internal) Spring (Latch, R.H. Helix) Latch Bushing - Eccentric Bolt, 1/4" - 20 x 1-3/4" Washer, 1/4" Lock Handle Cam Wire, Assembly (90" L.) Guide Screw, #8 - 32 x 5/16" Hex, Socket Washer, 3/8" Lock Nut, 3/8" - 24 Hex Plate, Instruction Clip Bolt, 1/4" - 28 x 3/8" Washer, 1/4" Lock Nut, 1/4" - 28 Hex Screen * Not Shown 32 QTY. 1 4 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BLOWER (GROUP NO. 3.4000) (FIG. NO. 17) 33 BLOWER (GROUP NO. 3.4000) FIG/ITEM 1717-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9 17-10 * * 17-12 17-12 17-12 17-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-28 * 17-17 17-18 * 17-20 17-21 * * 17-22 17-23 17-24 17-25 17-26 17-27 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5139305 5119391 141242 5139297 5134179 5116170 9409062 5127077 9409034 5119194 5119195 9409018 5121403 5116164 5116165 5116166 5116167 5116168 5134914 5139299 5145009 117297 5142266 9433110 5121464 5116150 5131913 5198041 5198684 5119433 5116295 5119429 5119394 5119395 5119433 Blower Asm. Housing (Includes Pins) Pin, 3/8" x 7/8" Dowel Rotor Assy. Plate Spacer Bolt, 1/4" - 20 x 1" Washer, 25/64 I.D. Bolt, 3/8" - 24 x 7/8" Gear (R.H. Helix) Gear (L.H. Helix) Bolt, 5/16" - 24 x 7/8" Washer, 21/64" x 1" x 3/16" Shim (.002") Shim (.003") Shim (.004") Shim (.005") Spacer Plate, Front Plate, Rear Plug, 1/8" Pipe Screw, 5/16" - 18 x 1-3/4" Fil. Hd. Seal (Lip Type) Bolt, 7/16 - 14 x 6-11/16" Bolt (10-3/16" L.) Bolt (10-11/16" L.) Washer (7/16") (Flat) Blower Installation Kit Repair Kit Not Serviced, Use 5198683 Kit Gasket (To End Plate) Gasket (To Block) Cover Plate, Reinforcement (Large) Plate, Reinforcement (Small) Gasket * Not Shown 34 QTY. 1 1 4 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 AR AR AR AR 2 1 1 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 AR AR 1 1 1 2 2 1 (FIG. NO. 18) 35 OIL PUMP (GROUP NO. 4.1000A) FIG/ITEM 1818-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5116110 193942 5195714 5195685 145067 5144375 Pump Assy. Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 1-5/8" (AA Lock) Rotor Set (Includes Inner and Outer Rotors) Cover Screw, #6 x 3/8" Drive Gear QTY. 1 6 1 1 2 1 OIL PRESSURE REGULATOR (GROUP NO. 4.1000C) FIG/ITEM 18-6 18-7 18-8 18-9 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5126436 5177777 5113657 5177773 Spring Valve Plug Gasket QTY. 2 2 2 2 36 OIL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (GROUP NO. 4.1000B) FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION -1 5126211 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 5119425 5127175 179816 103320 5126456 5152385 274558 Pipe (Includes Support 5125947 Not Serviced Separately) Flange Seal Ring Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 3/4" Lockwasher, 5/16" Screen Assy. Screen Nut, 5/16" - 24 Hex, Lock 37 QTY. 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 OIL FILTER (GROUP NO. 4.2000A) (FIG. NO. 19) 38 OIL FILTER (GROUP NO. 4.2000A) FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 19- 5134393 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 * 19-9 19-10 19-10 19-11 19-12 * 19-13 19-14 * * * 19-17 19-18 * 19-19 19-20 5574978 5574906 5570480 5100818 4544557 5573711 5187308 5187309 5120602 122366 5187310 6437298 5154538 5130740 5198303 5133431 5134477 5134456 450865 5134920 5575213 454906 103341 103321 5121205 Filter Assy. Not Serviced; For Replacement Use Assembly (5100 757) Element (6") (AC-PF-147) Shell (Includes Plug) Plug Adapter Plug, 1/4" Pipe Gasket Spring Retainer Retainer (Snap Ring) Nut, 5/8" - 18 Hex. Gasket, Retainer Gasket Washer Stud Valve Kit Valve Spring Retainer Screw Rnd. Hd. Gasket Decal Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-1/2" Washer, 3/8" Flat Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket * Not Shown 39 QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 OIL COOLER (GROUP NO. 4.4000A) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 * -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 8501328 5150155 5154215 5119451 103647 179830 186270 103320 5123413 186622 179847 103321 5152904 5119286 Core Assy. (6 Plate) Gasket, Inner Gasket, Outer Housing Draincock, 1/4" Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 3" Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 3-1/2" Lockwasher, 5/16" Adaptor Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-1/4" Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 2" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket (Ring) Gasket (Strip) 40 QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 8 1 4 2 AR 3 1 DIPSTICK (GROUP NO. 4.6000A) FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION -1 5109253 -2 -3 -4 5121062 5109621 137401 Dipstick (X-12", Y-.94", Z-10.54") Not Svcd. Use 5146680 Guide (1-1/8" L.) Adaptor (8.50" L.) (Also Fig 5 Item 6) Nut, 1/2 Inv. Fl. Tube 41 QTY. 1 1 1 1 OIL PAN (GROUP NO. 4.7000A) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 * -4 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5146360 5148437 5116256 5145012 5142549 Pan Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 1" Gasket Plug, 1/2" - 14 Hex. Skt. Plug, 3/4" Pipe Sq. Skt. * Not Shown 42 QTY. 1 20 1 3 1 FRESH WATER PUMP (GROUP NO. 5.1000) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 * PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5144685 5144688 5145009 5119283 5148436 5119282 904827 5113800 5130959 5144503 186625 103320 5133107 5197279 Pump Assy. (Also Fig 5 Item 4) Body Plug, 1/8" Pipe Cover Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 3/4" Gasket Shaft Assy. Impeller Seal Pulley Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 7/8" Lockwasher, 5/16" Gasket Replacement Kit, Impeller Insert *Not Shown 43 QTY. 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 AR (FIG. NO. 20) 44 WATER OUTLET ELBOW (GROUP NO. 5.2000A) FIG/ITEM 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5116409 186619 103321 5116092 Flange, (2-1/2" L.) Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-1/8" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket QTY. 1 2 2 1 THERMOSTAT (GROUP NO. 5.2000B), FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION 2020-18 * * * * 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 33041379 5123247 5145014 5115214 108608 103321 5116242 5119426 186618 103320 5128139 Thermostat Assy. Housing Plug, 3/8" Pipe Plug, 1/2" Pipe Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 2-1/8" Lockwasher, 3/8" Gasket Flange Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 5/8" Lockwasher, 5/16" Gasket QTY. 1 1 2 2 2 AR 1 1 2 AR 1 * Not Shown WATER BY-PASS TUBE (GROUP NO. 5.2000C) FIG/ITEM PART NO, DESCRIPTION 20-10 20-11 20-12 20-13 * 20-14 20-15 20-16 5108944 5119425 5144702 5184301 5142549 186625 103320 5169721 20-17 5186840 Tube Flange Connector Seal Ring Plug, 3/4" Pipe Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 7/8" Lockwasher, 5/16" Hose, 7/8" I.D. x 1.74" L. Std. Length Hose; Cut to Length Shown Clamp, 1" Dia. Hose * Not Shown 45 QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 RADIATOR (GROUP NO. 5.3000A) FIG/ITEM! PART NO. DESCRIPTION * * * * * * * * 5122879 103647 5145010 181360 103321 5135963 5126065 5126064 * * 5126066 5131200 * 5126062 * * * * * * * 5126061 181360 186627 103341 103321 117049 5197822 Radiator Assembly Draincock Plug, 1/4" Pipe Bolt, 3/3" - 24 x 3/4" Washer, 3/8" Lock Shell Assembly Support, Radiator Shell (Upper, Blower Side) Support, Radiator Shell (Upper, Exhaust Side) Support, Radiator Shell (Upper, Blower Side) Support, Radiator Shell (Upper, Exhaust Side) Support, Radiator Shell (Lower, Exhaust Side) Support, Radiator Shell (Lower, Blower Side) 1 Bolt, 3/8" - 24 x 3/4" Bolt, 3/8" - 24 x 1" Washer, 3/8" Flat Washer, 3/8" Lock Nut, 3/8" - 24 Hex Cap * Not Shown 46 QTY. 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 6 AR 9 1 WATER CONNECTIONS (GROUP NO. 5.3000B) FIG/ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION * 5119026 * * * * 179819 103320 5116357 5199777 * 5186841 Elbow, Not Serviced, Use 5138275 Plus (2) 5145014. Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 1-1/8" Lockwasher, 5/16" Gasket Hose (17/8" I.D. x 4-3/4") Std. Length Hose, Cut to Length Shown Clamp, 1-9/16" - 2-1/2" Dia. Hose * Not Shown 47 QTY. 1 2 2 1 1 2 FAN (GROUP NO. 5.4000A) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5162837 179824 103320 5122869 5116477 905619 5148420 126868 186619 186282 103321 186612 103341 5125022 Blade, 22-5 Blade, Suction Bolt, 5/16" - 18 x 1-3/4" Lockwasher, 5/16" Pulley Assy. Bracket Shaft Assy. Pulley (4.30”Dia.) Support Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-1/8" Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 3-1/4" Lockwasher, 3/8" Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 1-3/8" Washer, 3/8" Flat Cap & Spacer Assy. (Includes Cap P, N. 5125021) 48 QTY. 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 3 3 1 (FIG. NO. 21) 49 EXHAUST MANIFOLD (GROUP NO. 6.1000A) FIG/ITEM 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5130330 113175 5188273 127855 5116205 5112899 Manifold Plug, 1/8" Pipe Washer (Dished, 1-1/4" O.D.) Nut, 7/16" - 20 Gasket Stud, 7/16" x 2-3/32" L. OTY. 1 1 4 4 1 4 EXHAUST MUFFLER FLANGE (GROUP NO. 6.2000A) FIG/ITEM * 21-11 * * * PART NO. DESCRIPTION 51108632 5108377 103321 1145447 5109158 Flange (Customer Furnished) Gasket Lock Wash 3/8 Nut 3/8" - 24 Hex (Brass) Stud 3/8 - 16-3/8 - 24 x 1-1/2" L. * Not Shown 50 QTY. 1 1 4 4 4 STARTING MOTOR (GROUP NO. 7.3000A) FIG/ITEM -1 -2 -2 -3 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1113216 9418228 223435 103325 Motor Assy., 12 V., C.W., Grd. Sprag Bolt, 5/8" - 11 x 1-3/4", 12 Pt. Bolt, 5/8" - 11 x 1-3/4" Lockwasher, 5/8" 51 QTY. 1 1 2 3 ENGINE MOUNT (GROUP NO. 11.1000A) FIG/ITEM -1 * * * * PART NO. DESCRIPTION 5123945 186283 454933 103321 103322 Support Bolt, 3/8" - 16 x 3-1/2" Bolt, 7/16" - 14 x 1-1/8" Washer, 3/8" Lock Washer, 7/16" Lock * Not Shown 52 QTY. 1 4 4 4 4 PART III. EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS PAVING MACHINE SECTION 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Page Section 2 - General Information Inspection on arrival .................................................................................................................... Instructions for moving paver ...................................................................................................... Dimensions and specifications ............................................... ..................................................... Loading and unloading paver .......................................... ........................................................... Paver function and application .......................................... .......................................................... 3 3 5&6 5 7 Section 3 - Tractor and Drives Engine data ............................................................... ................................................................. Paver instruments ....................................................................................................................... Engine controls ........................................................... ................................................................ Main clutch ........................................ ......................................................................................... Transmission........................................ ....................................................................................... Brakes ....................................................................................................................................... Feed clutches ............................................................................................................................. 9 9 10 12 & 14 13 & 14 15 15 Section 4 - Electrical System Generator -120 Volt AC system ................................................................................................... 17 Generator -12 Volt DC system .................................................................................................... 18, 21 & 22 Main panel components ............................................................................................................. 19 Trouble Shooting - general .......................................................................................................... 23 Trouble Shooting - 12 VDC systems ........................................................................................... 23 - 26 Trouble Shooting - 120 VDC systems .......................................................................................... 27 Wiring Diagrams - paver systems .............................................................................................. 29 & 30 Section 5 - Hydraulic System.. ........................................................................................................ 31 - 46 Section 6 - Material Feed System Hopper wings ............................................................................................................................... Feed clutches .............................................................. ............................................................... Slat conveyors and spreader screws .......................................... ................................................ Manual and automatic controlling................................................................................................. Hopper gate adjustment............................................................................................................... 47 47 48 50 51 (Continued on following page) Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Subject Page Section 7 - Screed System Raising and lowering screed ................................................. ........................................................ 53 Mat thickness control ..................................................................................................................... 54 Crown adjustment ......................................................................................................................... 56 Attachments (for reduced or extra width paving) ........................................................................... 57 - 59 Pull arms ................................................................. ..................................................................... 59 & 60 Strike-off plates ........................................................... ................................................................. 60 - 62 Procedure for assembling and attaching screed extensions ....................... ................................... 62 - 66 Screed heater - general information .............................................................................................. 67 & 68 Screed heater - operation & trouble shooting .................................. .............................................. 69 & 70 Vibrators (compaction) ..................................................... ............................................................ 71 Quick-change bottom surface ................................................ ....................................................... 71 Section 8 - Operating the Paver Operator's control switches ......................................................................................................... Pre-start check (daily requirement) ........................................... .................................................. Starting - traveling - stopping .............................................. . .................................................... Parking and hauling paver .................................................. ........................................................ Engine angularity restrictions ................................................ ...................................................... Reversing slat conveyor to release jammed object .............................. ....................................... Operating vibrators when paver is stopped ..................................... ............................................ Burnishing electric clutch & brake facing to improve operation .................................................... 73 & 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 Section 9 - Paving Technique Planning the paving job ....................................... .................................................................. Paving procedure ........................................................................................................................ Conditions encountered ..................................................... ......................................................... Asphaltic materials data .............................................................................................................. Trouble shooting chart - paving ................................................................................................. 79 79 - 84 84 - 86 86 - 88 89 Section 10 - Cleaning and Lubricating Cleaning paver ........................................................................................................................... Lubrication .................................................................................................................................. 91 92 - 96 Section 11- Mechanical Maintenance (Refer to separate Table of Contents) ......................................... ................................................ 97 & 98 Section 12 - Purchased Component Vendor Instructions ......................... ................................... 133 Page 2 SECTION II GENERAL INFORMATION Identification Of Paver Components Figure 1 INSPECTION UPON ARRIVAL 1. As soon as the paver arrives it should be thoroughly inspected for visible damage. 2. Check the freight bill or packing list against all parts packed in boxes shipped with the paver. 3. Install all parts which were removed for shipment. Some of these will be found inside the paver tool box. (See Figure 1) INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOVING PAVER Explicit instructions covering the proper procedure for moving the paver under it's own power are printed inside the protective cover for the operator's console. These instructions should be studied before any attempt is made to start the engine and move the paver in either direction. Page 3 Paver Serial Number Location Figure 2 Identification Of Paver Components Figure 3 Diesel Fuel Tank - LH Side of Paver Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir - RH Side Figure 4 Figure 5 Page 4 DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS Capacities: Mat Width ..........................................................................................................................6'to 10' standard Mat Width ......................................................................................................................... 10' to 20'optional (For paving widths over 20' - consult factory) Mat Thickness.................................................................................................................................... to 10" Paving Speeds............................................................................................................. 11 FPM to 132 FPM Travel Speed ....................................................................................................................... Up to 3.8 MPH Hopper Capacity .............................................................................................................................10 Tons Weight: Standard width paver (diesel engine) . 24,000 lbs. Extensions to 20' paving widths..................................................................................................... 2225 lbs. Overall Dimensions: (Also see page 8) Length ............................................................................................................................................... 16'-5" Width (without extension)................................................................................................................... 10'-3" Height (to top of engine)................................................................................................................... 8'-1½ /" Ground Clearance to Screws.............................................................................................................. 4 5/8" Supply Tank Capacities: Engine Fuel ................................................................................................................................ 33 gallons Hydraulic System Oil .................................................................................................................. 10 gallons Screed Heater Fuel (Oil) .......................................................................................................... 12.5 gallons Figure 6 - Correct Lifting Points (Four) LOADING AND UNLOADING PAVER The self-propelled paver can be loaded or unloaded by constructing a ramp or by using a dock or a platform. CAUTION! Be sure all support methods used will safely carry the full weight of the paver. The Diesel driven unit weights 24,000 lbs. If a crane with 30,000 lbs. lifting capacity is available it can be used to load or unload the paver. Attach lifting cables at the four points shown in Figure 6. SHIPPING BRACE & FASTENER REMOVAL Important! Before attempting to move the paver either by hoisting or driving be sure all shipping blocks, cables, braces, and other fasteners have been completely removed. CLEARANCE FOR UNLOADING & TRAVEL The clearance from ground level of the paver to the bottom of its spreader screws is 45/8". All loading and unloading ramps must be built so that the spreader screws will not drag and be damaged at any point. In traveling, care must be taken not to bring the screws into contact with any firm object. IMPORTANT! Before attempting to start the paver engine and to move it under its own power, read and comply with all instructions given under "Pre-Start Check" in Section 8 - Operation. Instructions for moving the paver are also printed inside the protective cover of the operator's console. SCREED ELEVATION FOR UNLOADING AND TRAVEL (For explanation of the term "Screed" read following page.) The screed must always be raised for unloading or travel. Normally it will be suspended by two safety cables for this type of paver movement. (Refer to Screen Section 7 for details.) When the paver is to be loaded and transported a lengthy distance, provide smooth wood blocks for three point support on the truck bed. Lower the screed to these blocks, located at each end and at the center. Important! Never rest the screed bottom on bolts, rivets, nails, etc. which could scratch and gouge the bottom surface. TRAVEL SPEED The paver has a top travel speed of approximately 3.8 MPH. It can be driven from one paving location to another when practical. If considerable traveling is done the track rollers should be lubricated properly at least twice daily. (See Lubrication Instructions, Section 10.) Page 5 MODEL BSF-400 ASPHALT PAVER DIMENSIONS TOP VIEW-FIGURE 7 SIDE VIEW-FIGURE 8 Page 6 Figure 9. Material Flow Diagram FUNCTION AND APPLICATION The Cedarapids crawler mounted paver is designed to lay a uniform high density mat of asphalt material on highways, roadways, airport-runways, parking lots and driveways. It is cap able of performing jobs having strict control specifications and high production requirements. The paver will level and compact asphalt material up to 10 inches in depth, with mat widths varying from 6 to 20 feet. Mat depth and width variations are accomplished by adjustment of feed controls and by arrangement and adjustment of the finishing and compacting device called the "Screed." OPERATING PRINCIPLE The uniformly mixed, hot asphalt material is dumped by truck loads onto the hopper of the paver at a rate suitable for spreading and finishing. During this unloading process the paver contacts the rear wheels of the truck and pushes the vehicle ahead with it's own power as the paving progresses. The hot material from the hopper is metered by two separate slat conveyors to the two spreading screws which are at the rear of the tractor unit and ahead of the screed. The feed of material may be either manually or automatically regulated to obtain a properly proportioned distribution. The attached "screed" assembly which is a full floating unit drawn by the tractor, "rides up" on the asphalt to the degree set on the adjustable controls and in so doing varies the thickness and contour of the mat deposited beneath it. The screed controls can be adjusted either manually or automatically to create a new surface which is minus the undesirable irregularities of the old. The screed unit which performs the "ironing" job on the asphalt is equipped with electric vibrators which assist in the initial compaction and smoothing of the high density mat. Final compaction of the newly laid asphalt mat is accomplished by separate rolling equipment according to established compaction specifications. The paver screed can be fitted with special attachments for paving of highway shoulders which are not simple extensions of the roadway. Numerous cut-off and beveling attachments meet the need for varying width and contour requirements. The screed is equipped with an oil or gas fired heater which is operated prior to paving in order to bring the screed temperature up to the temperature of the asphalt, so that no sticking and dragging will occur. The raising and lowering of the full floating screed for either paving or travel is done hydraulically by toggle switch control. Page 7 SECTION III Tractor and Drives Figure 1. Instrument Panel - (Protective Cover In Unlocked Position) ENGINE DATA The paver engine is a GMC Model 3-53N Diesel with 4 Valve Head, Specification No. 5033-7201, Rating: 74 HP @ 2000 RPM, Compression Ratio: 21 to 1, Injectors: N-45, Governor Setting: 2100 RPM-Full Load, 2200 RPM Max. Hi Idle, 500 RPM Lo Idle, with selected custom features. This engine complete with custom features is supplied by Hicklin GM Diesel Corporation, Des Moines, Iowa per Iowa Manufacturing Company Specification No. 45924-008-02. ENGINE SPEED The GM 3-53 diesel engine is equipped with a speed governor which should be set at 2000 RPM when the engine is at full throttle. Important! Engine speed should not vary more than 3% regardless of load. Engine speed is directly proportional to the output of the Frequency Meter (Figure I above) which indicates the speed of the 120 VAC belt driven generator unit (Section IV). At the 2000 RPM engine speed, the generator will produce a 61 cycle reading on the Frequency Meter. When the meter is at 61 cycles the engine speed (at full throttle and no load) may be considered correct. PAVER INSTRUMENTS All paver instruments are mounted in the lockable enclosure on top of the engine housing. (Figure 1) A description of the instrument functions follows. A. Oil Pressure Gauge: Indicates engine oil pressure (Refer to engine manufacturers manual for details). B. Engine Fuel Level Gauge: Indicates level of Diesel fuel in the 33 gallon supply tank. Gauge markings are in quarter-tank increments. Gauge sensor in tank is shown in Figure 3, page 18. C. Water Temperature: Indicates temperature of coolant flowing through engine block and radiator. D. Ammeter: Verifies proper function of the 12 VDC battery charging circuit. Power is supplied by the belt driven generator unit on the side of the engine (See Section IV). At full throttle the ammeter reading should be positive, indicating a charging of the battery. E. Voltmeter: Indicates voltage output of belt driven AC generator unit which as 120 VAC rating. (See Section IV). With Engine at full throttle voltage must not be less than 120 V. nor more than 135 V. F. Frequency Meter: Indicates speed (in cycles per second) of 120 VAC generator. When the engine is at full throttle the meter should show no less than 59 CPS nor more than 61 CPS. G. Hour-tachometer: Indicates engine speed on dial and registers the number of engine operating hours accumulated (on counter) since paver left factory. This combination tachometer and time recording instrument operates whenever oil pressure developed by engine operation closes a pressure switch. (See wiring diagram in Section IV). Page 9 ENGINE CONTROLS 1. Control Key Switch: The three-position key-operated control switch (See Figure 1) located on the engine housing instrument panel is a master switch which makes all other engine and paver control switches operative. At the ON position (vertical) the engine starter solenoid switch and control switches for brakes, lights flashers, feed clutches and hydraulic solenoids are operative. At the OFF position, nothing electrical is operative except the indicating meters on the instrument panel. It does not stop engine operation! The switch is spring loaded for the START position and must be held in that' position to start the engine, in the manner of automobile engine starting. 2. Fuel Cut-off Lever This lever stops the flow of fuel to the engine injectors to stop operation. It is located on the side of the engine housing (See Figure 2). Figure 2. Diesel Engine - Left Side 3. Emergency Stop Lever This lever trips an air shutter to the Closed position, thereby cutting off all air flow to the engine fuel system which brings engine operation to a positive stop. It is located on the side of the engine housing (See Figure 2). IMPORTANT! When ever the Emergency Stop Lever is used it is necessary that the spring loaded air shutter be reset manually, otherwise the engine cannot be restarted. The louvered engine cover on the left side must be raised to reach the reset point. (See Figure 2). If at anytime the engine cannot be started, be sure to see that the air shutter is properly reset for operation, as the air shutter may have been tripped without the knowledge of the operator. 4. Speed Governor: An adjustable speed governor located on the side of the engine maintains the correct operating speed at the full throttle setting. (See Figure 3) Correct engine speed is 2000 RPM. 5. Engine Throttle Solenoid: An electric solenoid unit mounted on the engine moves the throttle. mechanism from Idle to Full Throttle setting. (See Figure 3) The solenoid is actuated by a toggle switch on the operator's console. A spring returns the throttle to Idle when the solenoid is not energized. (Refer to the Soft Start information in the paragraphs covering the Control Console in Section 8). Figure 3. Diesel Engine - Right Side Page 10 Figure 4. Travel & Conveyor Drive Arrangements Page 11 Figure 5. Friction Clutch- Main Drive Figure 6. Dual Throw-Out Control For Main Drive Clutch Page 12 Figure 7. 24 Speed Transmission-Manual Shifts TRANSMISSION The paver transmission will permit movement in either forward or reverse directions at 24 different speeds ranging from 11 to 336 feet per minute. The four highest speeds (153 thru 336 FPM) are for travel only, not for paving! The top travel speed at full throttle is 4 miles per hour (aprox.) All movement is accomplished with the engine either at IDLE speed or FULL throttle (2000 RPM). -There is no other engine speed adjustment. The transmission has three shift levers (See Figure 7).. 1. Direction Lever Two positions: Forward, Reverse 2. Range Lever Four positions: 1st (Low Speed), 2nd, 3rd, 4th (High Speed) 3. Speed Lever Six Positions: 1st (Low Speed), 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th (High Speed) By selecting combinations of shift lever positions as shown on the Speed Selection Plate (Figure 8) the paver speed is determined by the operator. The Selection Plate decal is located on. The top surface of the engine cover for convenient reference. An electrical system limit switch is operated by a shaft extension from the Direction Lever gearbox. When the direction lever is shifted into REVERSE, the switch contacts are opened so that the material feed conveyors and the screed vibrator units cannot operate when the paver is moving in reverse. WARNING! Do not stand in the hopper to shift the paver transmission levers. This is dangerous, due to the possibility of slat conveyor movement. Page 13 Figure 10. Location Gauge & Limit Switch Of Controls, Figure 8. 24-Speed Transmission Selection Plate (This plate is located on the top of the engine cover) MAIN CLUTCH A main clutch, which is part of the engine assembly, is manually engaged and disengaged by means of the levers on the side of the engine (See Figure 9). The clutch lever shaft extends through the engine housing so that one of the levers is accessible on each side, for operator convenience. TRANSMISSION OIL FLOW GAUGE Indicates that oil is flowing from pump unit to spray nozzle in the top of the transmission case. Gauge glass will appear clear when engine is stopped and dark when engine is running and oil is flowing. (See Figure 10) Figure 9. Detroit Diesel Engine (Cover TO SHIFT TRANSMISSION Removed) With Engine running: 1. Disengage main clutch. IMPORTANT! The transmission is not synchro mesh. If easy engagement cannot be achieved, momentarily engage clutch to change gear tooth alignment then disengage clutch and try shifting again. Never force a shift lever! 2. Check the TRAVEL toggle switches on the operator's console to be sure they are in the BRAKE position. 3. Shift the Direction Lever. 4. Shift the Range Lever. 5. Shift the Speed Lever. 6. Just before moving the paver, engage the Main Clutch. PAVER TRACK CLUTCHES The electro magnetic clutch for each of the two track drives is operated by toggle switch from the paver console. These switches are labeled "L.H. Track" and "R.H. Track". When a switch is moved to the "Travel" position the clutch discs (Figure 11) for that track are magnetically engaged and that side of the paver moves. When both clutches are engaged the paver travels in a straight line. An electrical interconnection of clutch and throttle solenoid circuits is used to produce a "Soft Start" movement of the paver for a smooth take-off after each stop. Complete instructions covering the care and adjustment of the electric clutches are contained in Mechanical Maintenance Section 11. Page 14 Figure 11. Location Of Clutch For RH Track PAVER BRAKES The electro-released brake for each of the two tracks is operated by toggle switch from the paver console. These switches are labeled "L.H. Track" and "R.H. Track". When a switch is moved to the "Brake" position, the armature plate on the input shaft of the track gear case is magnetically attracted to the stationary friction plate on the gear case. This locks the shaft so that no movement of the track can occur. Each track brake operates independent of the other. (See Figure 12). Figure 12. Location Of Brake For LH Track Depending upon the condition of the 12 VDC Battery, the electric brakes can be released whenever the control key switch is in the ON position. When all power is OFF, both brakes are locked ON. Complete instructions covering the care, clearance checking, and repair of the electric brake are contained in the Mechanical Maintenance Section 11. ASPHALT FEED CLUTCHES (Slat and Screw Conveyors) The two slat conveyors and the two screw conveyors which combine functions to move asphalt from the hopper to the area ahead of the trailing screed, are operated by means of two electromagnetic clutches. Each clutch starts or stops the movement of one side of the feed system (Right hand or Left hand). By chain and sprocket connection, one slat conveyor and one screw conveyor operate simultaneously to feed one side. (See Figure 13) Each clutch is operated by means of a toggle switch on the operator's console. Complete information on the care and adjustment of electric clutches is contained in the Mechanical Maintenance Section 11) Figure 13. Electric Clutches For Material Conveyors Page 15 SECTION IV Electrical System Figure 1. 12 VDC & 120 VAC Generators Detroit Diesel Engine GENERATOR - 120 VOLT AC Two belt driven electrical power producing units are used on the paver, one for 12 volt DC current and one for 120 volt AC current. (See Figure 1) The 120 volt AC generator is capable of supplying 26 amperes when the paver engine is at full throttle. This power is used for the screed vibrators and the plug-in electric service outlet. There is no power output unless the Throttle switch on the console is at Full or Soft Start position. 'When the paver is under load, the voltmeter should read not less than 115 volts. During no-load operation it should read no more than 130 volts. The cycle readings on the frequency meter should be no less than 59 or more than 61. If cycles and voltage are not within this range, first check V-belt tension, clutch slippage, and then adjust governor to increase or decrease RPM if necessary. (See engine speed paragraph in Section 2.) 120 VOLT AC PLUG-IN OUTLET A plug-in type power supply outlet (receptacle) is provided on the paver for convenient availability of 120 Volt AC current. This makes possible the use of small power tools such as drills and grinders for maintenance or repair work, and provides a power source for extra lighting with plug-in extension cord, etc. Figure 2. Main Panel - L.H. Side Of Engine Housing The outlet is located inside the engine housing enclosure. It is necessary to remove the L.H. engine housing panel to make the plug-in connection. (See Figure 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR 120 VOLT AC SYSTEM A circuit breaker for the 120 volt AC electrical system is located in the main power panel on the left side of the engine housing. (See Figure 2) It must be manually reset. 12 VOLT STORAGE BATTERY The paver battery is an Electric Storage Battery Co. No. 6TN-23, Military Part No. MS-35000-3. It is rated as follows: Ampere hour capacity (20 hour rate) 100 AH Cold cranking (300 Ampere discharge @ 400 F), 5 Sec. Voltage 7.20 volts, Minutes run to 6V-1.25 minutes. The battery is contained in a wood-lined metal box in the LH sub-deck area of the tractor. (See Figure 3) Page 17 GENERATOR: (12 VDC) - See Figure 1 The generator, driven by pulley and V-belt arrangement from the engine's electrical accessory drive shaft, is dependent upon correct engine speed to produce the required voltage. This unit supplies 12 Volt DC current for the paver Control System and battery charging. In standard automobile fashion the battery supplies current for engine starter, ignition, lights, horn, screed heater, etc. It also supplies current to release the paver brakes (magnetic). It is therefore vitally important that the battery be kept in top efficiency condition at all times so that a full 12 volts are delivered to all control circuits! A battery with bad cells will draw so much generator current and lower its available voltage so much that clutch coils and solenoid coils will not "pull in" properly. This allows clutches to slip and burn rapidly. IMPORTANT! Do not start a paver by jumping an unsatisfactory battery! Replace the battery with one in top condition so that when the engine is idling the electric clutches and brakes work properly. CAUTION! The generator is equipped with a voltage regulator which includes rectifier and isolation diodes. When charging or installing a battery be sure proper polarity is observed. Ground polarity of the battery and ground polarity of the generator must be the same. Reversal of polarity will destroy the diodes in the generator voltage regulator! Figure 3. 12 Volt Battery Location - LH Walkway Removed Figure 4. Location Of 12 VDC Circuit Breakers CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR 12 VOLT DC SYSTEM There are eight circuit breakers for the 12 volt DC electrical system. Four of them require manual reset after overload cut-off. Four are automatic reset units. These automatic breakers have no overload indicator to show their status. The circuit breaking function simply repeats until the overload situation in that circuit is corrected. The circuit, rating and location of each breaker is as follows: Circuit Rating Reset Location Throttle Solenoid ....................................................... 15A ...........................................................Manual.......................................................Instru. Panel Travel Clutches ......................................................... 15A ...........................................................Manual.......................................................Instr. Panel Feed Clutches ........................................................... 15A ...........................................................Manual.......................................................Instr. Panel Screed Burner ........................................................... 30A ...........................................................Manual.......................................................Instr. Panel Gauge Lights............................................................. IOA............................................................Auto...........................................................Instr. Box Front Flood Lights ..................................................... 15A ...........................................................Auto...........................................................Instr. Box Conveyor Flood Lights............................................... 15A ...........................................................Auto...........................................................Instr. Box Rear Flood Lights ...................................................... 5SA ...........................................................Auto...........................................................Instr. Box RE-SETTING CIRCUIT BREAKERS IMPORTANT! Whenever a circuit breaker is tripped by an overload do not reset the breaker until a thorough check has been made to locate the cause of the overload. The tell-tale odor of over-heated electrical equipment and discolored or melted wire insulation often help to locate a trouble source. It is best that someone with good electrical system knowledge perform this trouble check and reset the breaker. Page 18 Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 Item No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 MAIN ELECTRIC PANEL COMPONENTS Figure 5 12 Volt D.C. Systems Description Terminal Strips - 12 VDC Systems Spare Relay RH Track Clutch Relay - R7 LH Track Clutch Relay - R6 Engine Throttle Solenoid Relay - R4 Horn Relay - R3 RH Brake Relay - R8 LH Brake Relay- R5 LH Conveyor Clutch Relay - R12 RH Conveyor Clutch Relay - R13 Bleeder for Conveyor Clutch Circuits Bleeder for Track Clutch and Brake Circuits Ground Terminal 12 Volt A.C. Systems Description Duomatic Screed Control Relay - R10 (Wired only when option is purchased) Screed Vibrator System Relay- R 11 Plug-in Outlet Circuit Breaker (Manual Reset) Terminal Strip - 120 VAC Systems Ground Terminal Page 19 Electrical Details - RH Side Of Frame Figure 6 120 VAC Outlet - LH Side Of Engine Compartment Figure 8 Adjustment Of Brake Release Current Figure 7 Screed Burner Solenoid Valves & Switch Figure 9 Page 20 Top View of Screed Junction Box Figure 10 Wiring Color Code For Pulsator Figure 12 Rear View Of Screed Junction Box - RH Figure 11 Screen Cable Disconnect & Lights Figure 13 VOLTAGE REGULATOR FOR 12 VDC GENERATOR The Motorola Model RA Generator which supplies current for the 12 volt D.C. control system, track clutches, brake release, hydraulic solenoids, lights and horn is equipped with a special type 8RF2011A voltage regulator which has a high voltage supression feature. Motorola Type R3-1 and Type R3-2 Regulators cannot be used on paver generators as they will not last in this application. Page 21 ATTACHMENT OF A.C. TAP TO D.C. GENERATOR The hourmeter-tachometer on the instrument panel which indicates engine speed and records the number of hours of engine operation derives its tachometer function from an alternating current (A.C.) tap on the 12 V.D.C. generator. The A.C. tap must be applied to a diode lead on the 12 V.D.C. generator, using an effective heat sink to prevent destruction of the diode. In the event that a new 12 V.D.C. generator is installed, transfer the A.C. tap kit from the old unit to the new in the following manner. 1. Form tight loop on stripped end of cable assembly and slip over lead of diode as shown in Figure 14. 2. Solder-cable assembly to diode lead. CAUTION Use long nose pliers as heat sink to prevent damage to diode. (See Figure 14) 3. Remove all nuts and washers (and connectingwires, if generator is already installed) from insulating fiber washer on terminal. 4. Mount terminal insulator to REGULATOR TERMINAL and secure with nut, lockwasher and flat washer (supplied in Kit). Align terminal insulator as shown in Figure 16. Reconnect all connecting wires to terminal. 5. Connect terminal of newly soldered cable assembly to A.C. lockwasher and nut provided. 6. tap on terminal insulator and secure with Use keps nut removed from generator on REGULATOR TERMINAL of generator. Leave A.C. tap. Figure 14 Figure 16 Figure 15 Figure 17 Page 22 ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING To ease troubleshooting and repair of electrical problems, it is necessary to have a reliable AC-DC volt-ohm meter and to have a thorough understanding of the meter and how the paver electrical system operates. Instructions on proper use of the volt-ohm meter are usually furnished with the instrument and should be read carefully before first use. Improper use can quickly render the meter inoperative. The paver electrical system is made up basically of two different voltage supplies: 12 volts DC and 120 volts AC. The 12 VDC circuit is powered by a 12 volt battery. It is recharged by a Motorola generator with built-in voltage regulator. (IMPORTANT: Regulator must be an R3-3 or 8RF201 IA with high voltage suppression feature.) The 120 volt AC circuit supplies power for the screed vibrators and the AC convenience outlet. Output of the AC generator should be 130 volts - 61 hz with no load applied. Double check the frequency by "taching" the generator shaft. Speed should be 3660 RPM. TROUBLESHOOTING METHOD When the following troubleshooting guide is used, check out the possibility of a defective unit listed by substituting a spare or by interchanging two identical units to see what change in operation (if any) occurs. Refer to the schematic diagram when making voltage checks listed in the following charts. Wire numbers referred to are shown on the schematic. All voltages should be 12 volts DC, unless otherwise specified. A voltage at one point, but not at the following point indicates that there is difficulty in that area. The numbers listed will suggest the area of remedy such as loose connections, broken wire, switch in wrong position, relay missing, dirty contacts, etc. When taking a voltage reading, the first number listed in the chart is for the positive meter lead, and the second number listed is for the negative meter lead. For example: Check 17 to 3 Positive meter lead on 17 Negative meter lead on 3 IMPORTANT FIRST STEP! DC POWER To begin checks, make sure there is 12 VDC from I to 3. Turn DC power switch to ON and check for 12 VDC from 17 to 3. All circuit breakers are to be ON and 12 VDC should be present on load side of breakers. If not, check for a faulty breaker. TROUBLESHOOTING STARTING CIRCUIT DC power switch held in start position. Track switches in brake position. Engine does not start Voltage check: (1) 13 to 3 - defective start-stop switch (2) 2 to 3 - defective R2 relay - voltage present indicates faulty starter or starter solenoid Page 23 TROUBLESHOOTING THROTTLE CIRCUIT Engine does not throttle up in full throttle position Voltage checks: (1) 48 to 3 - defective throttle switch or open wire 48 to relay R4 (2) 4 to 3 - defective throttle breaker or breaker tripped - if tripped, check for bind in throttle linkage (3) 5 to 3 - defective R4 relay or relay socket - if voltage is present on throttle solenoid, check for faulty solenoid Throttle works in full but not in soft-start One or both track switches in travel FWD-REV limit switch in FWD. Voltage checks: (1) 46 to 3 - defective FWD-REV limit switch (2) 47 to 3 - defective R6 and/or R7 relay or relay socket (3) 48 to 3 - defective soft-start side of throttle switch TROUBLESHOOTING TRAVEL CIRCUIT Brakes do not release Track switches in neutral position. Voltage checks: (LH side) (1) 35 to 3 - if present, LH track switch is defective or 35 is shorted to 12 VDC (2) 25 to 3 - defective R5 relay or relay socket (3) Check for approximately 6 VDC from 26 to 27 - if not, adjust 5 ohm resistor until 6 VDC is present or release begins (4) Check for 6 VDC from 26 to 27 on brake coil - if present, check for defective brake coil - coil should have 3 ohms resistance Voltage check: (RH side) (1) 38 to 3 - if present, RH track switch is defective or 38 shorted to 12 VDC (2) 31 to 3 - defective R8 relay or relay socket (3) Check for approximately 6 VDC from 32 to 30 - if not, adjust 5 ohm resistor until 6 VDC is present or release begins (4) Check for 6 VDC from 32 to 30 on brake coil - if present, check for defective brake coil - coil should have 3 ohms resistance Brakes do not energize Track switches in brake position Voltage checks: (LH side) (1) 35 to 3 - defective LH track switch (2) 27 to 3 - defective R5 relay or relay socket (3) Check for 6 VDC from 27 to 26 - defective or misadjusted 5 ohm resistor (4) Turn travel circuit breaker OFF to see if permanent magnet in brake works (1) (2) (3) (4) Voltage checks: (RH side) 38 to 3 - defective RH track switch 30 to 3 - defective R8 relay or relay socket Check for 6 VDC from 27 to 26 - defective or misadjusted 5 ohm resistor Turn travel circuit breaker OFF to see if permanent magnet in brake works. (CONTINUED) Page 24 TRAVEL CIRCUIT - Continued Clutches do not pull in Track switches in travel position. Voltage checks: (LH side) (1) 36 to 3 - defective LH travel switch (2) Relay R6 should be energized - if not, check for bad relay coil or socket, or lack of continuity from 39 to 3. (3) 21 to 3 - defective R6 relay contact or socket (4) Check for defective clutch coil - should have 3.5 ohm resistance for standard torque and 1 ohm resistance for hi-torque (1) (2) (3) (4) Voltage checks: (RH side) 37 to 3 - defective RH travel switch Relay R7 should be energized - if not, check for faulty relay, socket, or lack of continuity from 39 to 3 23 to 3 - defective R7 relay contact or socket Check for defective clutch coil - should have 3.5 ohm resistance TROUBLESHOOTING FEED CIRCUIT LH Feed Conveyor does not run LH feed conveyor switch in MANUAL. FWD-REV limit switch in FORWARD. Voltage checks: (1) 46 to 3 - defective FWD-REV limit switch (2) 52 to 3 - defective LH conveyor switch (3) Relay R12 should be energized - if not, check for defective R12 relay coil or socket (4) 56 to 3 - defective R12 relay contact (5) If voltage present - check for defective clutch coil LH Feed Conveyor runs in MANUAL but not in AUTO. FWD-REV limit switch in FORWARD. One or both track switches in travel. Voltage checks: (1) 47 to 3 - defective R6 and/or R7 relay contact (2) 51 to 3 - defective LH conveyor switch or defective diode (3) 52 to 3 - defective or tripped LH feed limit switch RH Feed Conveyor does not run RH feed conveyor switch in MA NUA L. FWD- REV limit switch in FOR WA RD. Voltage checks: (1) 46 to 3 - defective travel switch (2) 54 to 3 - defective RH conveyor switch (3) Relay R13 should be energized - if not, check for defective R13 relay coil or socket (4) 58 to 3 - defective R13 relay contact (5) If voltage present - check for defective clutch coil RH Feed Conveyor runs in MANUAL but not in AUTO. FWD-REV limit switch in FORWARD. One or both track switches in travel. Voltage checks: (1) 47 to 3 - defective R6 and/or R7 relay contact (2) 53 to 3 - defective RH conveyor switch or defective diode (3) 54 to 3 - defective or tripped RH feed limit switch Page 25 TROUBLESHOOTING HYDRAULIC SOLENOIDS Should be 12 VDC from 45 to 3. Screed does not go up Screed lift switch held in UP position Voltage checks: (1) 63 to 3 - defective switch (2) 63 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil Screed does not go down Screed lift switch held in DOWN position Voltage checks: (1) 64 to 3 - defective switch (2) 64 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil Hopper Wings do not go up Hopper wing switch in UP position Voltage checks: (1) 65 to 3 - defective switch (2) 65 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil Hopper Wings do not go down Hopper wing switch held in DOWN position. Voltage checks: (1) 66 to 3 - defective switch (2) 66 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil TROUBLESHOOTING DC BURNER ON SCREED Burner Motor and Pulsator do not run Burner breaker ON. Burner-spray down switch in BURNER position. Voltage checks: (1) 115 to 3 - defective burner breaker or wiring from meter box (2) 116 to 3 - defective burner switch (3) Check for good ground on entire system Burner motor checkout (motor does not run) Voltage checks: (a) 116 to 3 at motor - open motor cable (b) Check for defective burner motor Pulsator checkout (No spark across ignitor points) Points adjusted properly. High tension lead from coil to one point in place. Voltage checks: (a) 118 to 3 - defective burner switch (b) 119 to 3 - if the same as 118 to 3 - pulsator is not working. If no voltage is present - check coil resistance (1.5 ohm)-if coil is okay, make sure wire 119is not grounded. If not - replace pulsator. No fuel at nozzle of burner Check for 12 VDC at fuel oil solenoid (Wire #118). If present, check for defective solenoid. If solenoid is working check for defective fuel pump. Page 26 TROUBLESHOOTING VIBRATOR CIRCUIT Disengage main clutch. FWD-REVY limit switch in FOR WARD, one or both track switches in TRAVEL, engine at FULL throttle, vibrator switch ON, AC main breaker ON. Vibrators do not work DC Control Section Voltage checks: (If relay R 11 does not pull in) (1) 46 to 3 - defective FWD-REV limit switch (2) 47 to 3 - defective R6 and/or R7 relay contact or socket (3) 50 to 3 - defective vibrator switch (4) Check wire #3 on relay R 11 coil for good ground - if so, defective relay coil AC Power Section Voltage checks: (Relay RI I does pull in) On following checks, voltage is to be 120 VAC (1) 200 to 3 - see AC generator section (2) 201 to 3 - defective AC main breaker (3) 210 to 3 - defective RI 1 relay contact (4) 210 to 3 in both screed junction boxes - open wiring from meter box One Vibrator does not operate - all others are normal 120 VAC Voltage checks: (Vibrator 1 used as an example) (1) 210 to 3 at Pin 1 on Vibrator 1 autotransformer - open 210 wire from terminal block (2) Make sure Pin 4 of Vibrator 1 autotransformer has a good connection to ground (Wire #4) (3) 211 to 3 (while rotating knob from 0 to max.) - voltage should go from 0 VAC to 120 VAC - if not, output autotransformer is bad (4) 211 to 3 at vibrator (vibrator has good ground) - open wiring (5) Check for bad vibrator coil Page 27 Operator’s Console Figure 18 Instrument Panel Figure 19 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 SECTION V Hydraulic System (FOR OPERATION OF SCREED LIFT & HOPPER WINGS) TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Subject Page (1) Hydraulic System - General Description .............................................................33 (2) Fluid Level .........................................................................................................33 (3) Inspection For Leakage ......................................................................................34 (4) Filter Element Change .......................................................................................34 (5) Filter Condition Gauge .......................................................................................34 (6) Hydraulic Fluid Change ......................................................................................34 (7) Hydraulic Pump..................................................................................................34 (8) Toggle Switches and Electrical Connections ......................................................35 (9) Solenoid Valves - General..................................................................................36 (10) Solenoid Coil Testing By Substitution.................................................................36 (11) Manual Testing Of Solenoid Valve .....................................................................37 (12) Preparation For Dismantling Valve Bank............................................................38 (13) Dismantling Valve Bank .....................................................................................38 (14) Dismantling Solenoid Valve ...............................................................................38 (15) Hydraulic Holding Valve .....................................................................................40 (16) Pressure Relief Valve.........................................................................................40 (17) Throttle Valve ....................................................................................................41 (18) Hydraulic Cylinders ............................................................................................41 (19) Screed Lift Cables..............................................................................................43 (20) Hose and Tube Id6ntification..............................................................................43 (21) Hose Assembly ..................................................................................................43 (22) Hose Couplings..................................................................................................44 Hydraulic Throttle Shooting Chart...................................................................44 & 45 Schematic Diagram - Paver Hydraulic System ...................................................46 Page 31 Representative Drawing of Hydraulic System Components Figure 1 Top View of Valve Bank Figure 2 Page 32 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM - General (Figures 1 & 2) (1) The hydraulic pump which maintains the flow of hydraulic fluid through the paver system is a direct driven unit. The engine must be at full throttle in order to develop the pump speed required for satisfactory fluid delivery. The pump draws fluid from the reservoir and circulates it through the solenoid bank and filter unit back to the reservoir. The solenoid operated hydraulic valves which make up the valve bank are controlled by toggle switches on the operator's console. These spool type valves direct the flow to and from the various hydraulic cylinders which operate the Screed Lift and Hopper Wings. When a spool is shifted to direct flow to a cylinder, pressure builds in that system sufficient to move the cylinder piston and operate the assembly. A pressure relief valve attached to the reservoir limits the build-up of system pressure to approximately 1500 P.S.I. any time the free return of fluid is restricted by diversion to a cylinder. A holding valve in the screed lift system locks the screed hydraulically at any degree of elevation so that it cannot creep downward due to its weight. Pump pressure is required to unlock this valve and the screed should be lowered with the engine running fast enough to prevent a jerky descent of the screed due to intermittent "unlocking" of the holding valve. A throttle valve in the screed lift system limits the speed of screed descent to a safe rate. A filter condition gauge on the filter unit in the fluid return line to the reservoir gives a visible indication of the renewable element's condition. This gauge indicates the relative pressure required to force returning fluid through the 10 micron element. The gauge is only intended for this purpose and does not show paver system operating pressures. (For recommended gauge readings see "Filter Gauge Readings" paragraph, Item 5) A by-pass feature is included in the filter assembly so that a clogged element cannot stop the return flow of hydraulic fluid to the reservoir and interrupt system operation. Important! The paver should not be operated with a clogged filter as an accelerated wearing of vital working parts may occur and their service life will be shortened. RH Sub-deck Area - (Walkway Removed) Figure 3 The components which make up the hydraulic system will perform efficiently and have a long service life if the following basic service requirements are consistently met. (2) Fluid Level Check - (Figure 5) Maintain hydraulic fluid supply in reservoir at sight glass level. Fluid capacity with all lines, components, and reservoir properly filled is approximately 10 gallons. Use Texamatic Type F automatic transmission fluid only! Do not substitute other fluids. IMPORTANT - All fluid being added to the reservoir must be completely free of foreign particles and contaminants. All maintenance work performed on the system must be accomplished without introducing any solid particles which can find their way into vital operating components. RH Sub-deck Area - (Walkway Removed) Figure 4 Page 33 (3) Inspection For Leakage. - During each day's run the operator should take the time to make a visual check of the exposed parts of the system for evidence of fluid leakage. Early detection of a leak will prevent extensive loss of fluid and unnecessary down-time. Figure 5 - Line Filter & Filter Condition Gauge (4) Filter Element Change - (Figure 5.) The 10 micron filter element on the side of the fluid reservoir should be changed after the first month of operation or when gauge reading indicates a filtering restriction as explained in Paragraph (5). Subsequent element changes should be made each 250 engine hours to assure good fluid passage. (5) Filter Gauge Readings - A new filter element produces a reading of less than 5 when the engine is at full throttle, the hydraulic fluid is hot (150° F or above) and no hydraulic component is being operated. As the element becomes restricted by contaminants from hours of normal paver operation the gauge reading will rise. When the reading stays above 15 at all times during operation, with the same conditions as listed above, the filter element is badly restricted and should be changed! Do not take a gauge reading when any of the hydraulic cylinders are being operated. (6) Hydraulic Fluid Change - The fluid reservoir should be drained completely, flushed clean and re-filled with fresh fluid at least once a year. When the reservoir is empty the fill screen and the large 100 mesh suction strainer which are both attached to the cover should also be cleaned. Back-flush the strainer by forcing cleaning solvent thru the suction pipe in the cover. (See Figure 6.) Use clean hydraulic fluid to rinse all components after they are cleaned with solvent. Figure 6 - Reservoir - Exploded View (7) Hydraulic Pump - The hydraulic pump is capable of delivering 10 to 12 G.P.M. of hydraulic fluid to the valve bank at the required pressure when the paver engine speed is 2000 r.p.m. At slower speeds the pump output flow rate and pressure capability is reduced. The pump requires no adjustment, however, V-belt driven units will lose efficiency if belt tension is not correct and slippage around the pulleys occurs. Belt tension should be checked at regular intervals. The pump must be able to build 1,200 PSI pressure on a test gauge installed in the pressure line to the valve bank when engine is at full throttle and screed switch is held in "UP" position. (Pressure relief valve must be working properly). Replace or repair a pump which cannot maintain this pressure. Page 34 (8) Toggle Switches and Electrical Connections - A common cause of hydraulic system problems is electrical failure due to a broken wire, loose connection, or an inoperative toggle switch. When a single hydraulic function fails to occur while another works normally it is wise to check the wiring and switch details first before performing more complex troubleshooting work. Figure 7 - Paver Control Console The recommended way to make a fast accurate check of the hydraulic system electrical components and the valve units they control is as follows: A - With paver engine stopped, set Control Key Switch to ON. B - Using a small probe such as an Allen wrench (See Figure 8) exert finger pressure on the manual operating pin of the solenoid valve for the troublesome system. (Refer to Figure 2 for correct coil location). Have the correct switch toggle moved back and forth through all positions and feel for the "throw" of the valve plunger and spool. If a definite back and forth movement is felt it is unlikely that any electrical or solenoid trouble is causing the problem. If no movement can be felt in that solenoid, but can be felt in other solenoids you test, proceed as follows: The entire solenoid valve control system is 12 Volt D.C. and can be worked on safely. When a suspected system has been checked out as described in paragraph above and found to be bad, make the following elementary checks of the wiring in order to restore a troublesome system to normal operation. With the paver engine stopped and the Control Key Switch ON, 1 - Disconnect the hot wire from the coil at the quick connector. 2 - With the console toggle switch set to operate the troublesome function of the system, make a quick, light, brushing contact of the hot wire with the ground wire screw to which the ground wire of the coil is connected. There should be a visible sparking if electrical current is flowing to the end of the wire. Figure 8 - Method Of Probe Testing Solenoid Valves CAUTION: If a firm steady grounding contact is made the control system overload protector will function and will have to be re-set. (a) If there is a spark, check the ground wire connection of the coil for a break or loose connection. (b) If there is no spark, proceed with Step 3. 3 - If the hot wire does not spark when tested as described in Step 2 above, loosen the four screws in console switch panel and carefully tilt the panel to make the switch terminals and wiring accessible. Using a short piece of single conductor insulated wire with ends bared, jumper from the center terminal to each of the outer terminals of the switch which operates the troublesome unit. As this is done a second person should be making the spark test with the loose hot wire at the solenoid. (a) If there is a spark at the solenoid hot wire when one combination of switch terminals is jumpered the toggle switch is defective and should be replaced. (b) If there still is no spark at the solenoid hot wire despite the switch terminal jumpering, proceed with Step 4. 4 - If no sparking occurs at the solenoid hot wire when the switch terminals are jumpered, carefully touch the short jumper wire to the center terminal of the switch and make a quick, light, brushing contact of the wire with a bare area of the console case. (a) If sparking occurs at the console case the cause of unit failure is probably an "open" or break Page 35 in the wiring from the operator's console to the junction box or from the junction box to the solenoid valve. If a visual check of the junction box does not disclose any broken wire, consult a qualified electrician. (Use paver electrical manual) (b) If no sparking occurs at the console case, the problem is more complex and a qualified electrician should be consulted. Figure 9 - Solenoid Valve - Cross Section (9) Solenoid Valves - All of the 4-way solenoid operated directional valves used on the paver are identical units (See Figures 9 and 10). They are double acting valves with spring return of the spool to the neutral position. The operation of each valve is controlled by a double throw toggle switch on the operator's console. When one of the switch contacts is closed, a 12 V.D.C. valve coil is energized and the spool position is shifted by the plunger to connect internal porting so that hydraulic fluid under pressure flows to one end of the hydraulic cylinder(s). Fluid displaced by the moving cylinder piston flows through aligned ports of the same solenoid valve to the reservoir. When the toggle switch is moved to the opposite position, the opposite coil is energized and the spool is shifted to reverse the pressure and return flow ports so that the cylinder moves in an opposite direction. When the switch is at the central "OFF" position the spool is centered in the valve body by coil spring action and all ports connected to cylinders are closed so that no flow to or from the cylinders can occur. (10) Solenoid Coil Testing by Substitution - If a coil is suspected to be the cause of a hydraulic system's failure, exchange the questionable coil with an adjacent coil which is known to be functioning properly. METHOD: (See Figure 10) A - Remove Nut (1) and Sleeve (2) from each coil. B - Grasp Coil (3) and twist gently back and forth while pulling unit away from valve body. C - When both coils are clear of their tubes (6) slip the good coil onto the tube of the inoperative system and the questionable coil onto the tube of the functioning system. Install the sleeves and nuts. D - Do not change the wiring connections. Operate the toggle switches with the exchange of coils in mind. Example: If the screed lift was inoperative and the hopper wing coil is substituted, operate the Hopper Wing toggle switch to test the screed lift system (and vice versa). If the substitute coil will not operate the screed lift system, but the coil removed from it will operate the hopper wing system, then the screed lift valve may be jammed internally so that it cannot be operated electrically. Put coils back in original locations and make a manual actuation test as outlined in Paragraph (11). If the substitute coil operates the troublesome system properly, interchange only the hot wire of each coil (quick disconnect type). See if the substitute coil will still operate the valve when connected to the troublesome system's wiring circuit. If the system again works properly, the suspected coil is truly defective and should be replaced. If the system fails to work with the original wiring or if the suspected coil operates the other system, a bad toggle switch or a broken wire are the actual cause of the failure. Refer to Paragraph (8). Page 36 Figure 10 - 4 Way Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Valve - Exploded View (11) Manual Test Operation of Solenoid Valve - If a properly tested substitute coil and electrical wiring system fails to operate a valve, a means is provided for manual shifting of the spool which may be temporarily jammed. (See Figures 9 & 11). METHOD: Use a ¼ ” diam. X 1 ½ ” long steel pin or similar tool which will enter the bore of the valve tube. With the paver engine at full throttle, and all hydraulic system toggle switches in the OFF of center position, depress the pin in the bore of the valve tube so that it contacts and moves the plunger, pin, and spool toward the opposite end of the valve. The first 1/8” movement will require nearly 25 pounds of force. As long as the valve is held manually depressed the cylinder operated by the valve receives hydraulic fluid. If the spool has been jammed by dirt particles the flushing action of flow through the valve may permanently correct the problem and normal operation can be resumed. Do not use unreasonable pressure for manual shifting! If the spool cannot be manually shifted or fails to return by spring action to the OFF position, the valve should be completely dismantled, inspected, cleaned, and test operated. (See following paragraph) If manual shifting succeeds in operating the system, try electrical operation again to see whether the coil’s magnetic force is strong enough to consistently move and hold the plunger. Figure 11 - Manual Operation of Solenoid Valve Page 37 (12) Preparation For Dismantling Valve Bank - When it is necessary to detach and dismantle any of the valves which make up the Valve Bank Assembly (Figure 12) it is necessary that the bank be disconnected from hydraulic hoses, unbolted from the mounting brackets and moved to a totally clean work bench area free of wind borne particles and surface dirt. The detached unit should also be plugged and washed clean externally before any dismantling is started. Always support screed before uncoupling. METHOD: A - Remove electric coils according to Paragraph (10). If no coil exchange is to be made mark each coil and each valve tube assembly from which it is taken so that a correct return will be assured. Remove the coils and lay them in a safe area leaving the hot wires connected. If a coil change is to be made mark the hot wire number on the valve tube to assure correct connection of the new coil. B - Mark each hose and it's companion fitting on the valve bank with a code that will assure correct re-coupling when the bank is installed. It is possible to accidentally connect hoses improperly if they are not marked. (Should marking be forgotten or erased, refer to system diagrams Figures 1 and 2 for correct connection details.) C - Disconnect hoses properly as described in Paragraph (22). As each hose is loosened plug the exposed end with a clean plastic plug or wrap with a clean cloth cover and fasten securely. Do the same to the open fitting on the valve bank. Do not leave any open hydraulic connector unprotected against wind borne particles. D - Unbolt and remove the valve bank. Important! Scrub and rinse the exposed surfaces of the entire valve bank to remove all dirt particles before the assembly is placed on a clean working surface and dismantled. (13) Dismantling Valve Bank - The dismantling job must be performed in a clean area with tools that are free of loose dirt particles. As the internal valve parts are removed they should be placed on a lint and particle free surface. METHOD. (See Figure 12) A - If a Throttle Valve (20) is to be inspected or cleaned unscrew it from the Holding Valve (19). Be sure to retain O Ring (22). B - If Holding Valve (19) is to be inspected or cleaned remove Cap Screws (24) and Lockwashers (28). C - Remove Tie Bolt (25) and separate the valves. Be sure to retain all O Rings (23) which seal the bodies against leakage. D - See individual valve dismantling details, Paragraphs (14), (15), (16), and (17). IMPORTANT - When assembling valve bank, tighten screws alternately, evenly, and with not more than 150 inch pounds of torque. It is important that the machined contact surfaces and O rings make a leakfree contact without excessive screw tightness which can warp bodies and cause binding of the spool. (14) Dismantling Solenoid Valve (See Figure 10). A - Unscrew and remove Hex Nut (1). B - Remove Sleeve (2). C - Carefully pull Coil (3) off tube Assembly (6). Never use a pry tool against the plastic wire protector. D - Place housing (14) in a vise exerting only slight jaw pressure on the rough sides of the body casting to keep it from turning when tube is unscrewed. Have the tube assemblies (6) horizontal so that loose parts will not fall out. E - Using the special spanner wrench (15) provided in the paver tool box carefully unscrew the tube (6) from the body (14). Note: It may be necessary to remove the paint and some metal from the spanner wrench pins to make them fit the tube holes. F - When the tube is removed, the loose parts; plug (9), pin (10), and plunger (8), can be emptied from the tube interior. G - Push pin (5) out of tube. H - Remove spring (11) from housing. I - If spool (13) is to be removed, both coil and tube assemblies should be removed first. Then pull out the retainer (12) from each end of the spool and work spool (13) carefully out of housing (14). Important! The matched spool and housing are precision parts which fit together with very little clearance. When removing or installing spool, gently work it in or out with the fingers by small increments being careful not to bind it. Never use force other than a gentle tap with the plunger (8). Clean all parts except electric coils in a good solvent being certain to flush all particles out of the housing, spool, tube, etc. Re-lubricate parts with clean hydraulic fluid. Re-use O Ring seals only if they are in near new condition, otherwise a steady loss of hydraulic fluid will occur. Spool (inside the body) should be free of binding when moved laterally. Free movement should not be affected by a 360°rotation of the spool while it is being moved laterally. If spool movement is not free a replacement valve is recommended. Page 38 Figure 12 - Exploded View Of Valve Bank Ref. No. 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 33 Part Description 4-Way Solenoid Holding Valve Valve Throttle Plug, Banking O-Ring O-Ring Capscrew Bolt, Tie Capscrew Nut Lockwasher Bracket Quantity 2 1 1 2 3 6 4 3 4 2 4 2 Figure 13 - Hydraulic Valve Bank Assembled Page 39 (15) Holding Valve - (See Figure 14) The holding valve is a double acting check valve assembly with a floating piston for power unseating of the two spring loaded check valves. When pressure is applied to one of the actuating ports the spring loaded check valve on the pressure side of the housing is unseated and fluid passes to the hydraulic cylinder. The piston is moved by the same pressure to mechanically lift the opposite check valve off its seat, permitting the return flow from the cylinder to pass through the valve to the reservoir. When there is no pressure applied to either actuating port, both check valves are seated and no flow to or from the cylinder can occur. The cylinder piston is therefore locked in position and the unit it is powering is "held." The holding valve can be dismantled and checked internally or repaired as follows: A - Unscrew and remove Plugs (4). B - Remove Springs (2) and Check Valves (9). IMPORTANT! Each Check Valve (9) must be reassembled in its match fit Cage (8). Keep these parts separated from the duplicate set on the opposite side of the valve so that no accidental interchange can occur. C - Using a short length of rod small enough in diameter to pass through the bore of one of the Cages (8) carefully drive the Floating Piston (5) against the opposite Cage to force it out of the housing. The piston will follow the cage out of the housing. D - Carefully re-install the piston in its bore, with the opposite cage downward. Use the rod again to drive the piston against the cage until it is also clear of the body. Inspect the piston and the bore of the housing for scratches, score marks, or particles which may have caused a binding or jamming of the piston. Test the piston in the bore for completely free movement, turning it through several revolutions slowly as it is drawn back and forth. There should be no indication of binding. Inspect check valves and cages at the contact area for nicks, scratches, and fluid erosion grooves which can permit fluid passage. Do NOT attempt to re-machine these parts. Obtain replacements. IMPORTANT! When replacing cages be sure to use reliable O Rings (3) and Back Up Rings (7) and arrange them in the proper order as shown in Figure (14). IMPORTANT! When re-attaching the assembled valve to the valve bank, tighten mounting screw evenly and use not more than 150 inch pounds of tightening force. Uneven or excessive tightening can distort the housing and bind the piston in its bore making the valve erratic or inoperative. (16) Pressure Relief Valve (See Figure 15) The system pressure relief valve is a spring loaded ball type assembly which is externally adjustable. A new valve is adjusted by the manufacturer to limit system pressure to approximately 1200 PSI. Dis-assembly: The valve can be dismantled for inspection, cleaning and part replacement. (Refer to Figure 15) (1) Unscrew and remove CAP (A). (2) Loosen and remove LOCKNUT (B). (3) Unscrew and remove ADJUSTING SCREW (C). (4) Unscrew and remove HOUSING (E) from BODY (F). (5) Push out SPRING (D), GUIDE (G) and BALL (H). Page 40 Figure 15 - Pressure Relief Valve - Cross Section (6) Inspect all parts for wear, burrs, etc. Be sure all gaskets and seals are in good condition. Replace if questionable. (7) Before re-assembling, clean all parts thoroughly so that no foreign particles are introduced into the valve and hydraulic system. Re-setting Relief Pressure IMPORTANT! To re-set the valve for 1500 PSI relief, proceed as follows: (a) Back-off (counterclockwise) adjusting screw (C) so that the valve will by-pass fluid at low pressure. (b) Install an accurate pressure gauge in the gauge port at the rear corner of the engine radiator shroud. (c) Run engine at Full speed. (d) Hold hopper wing switch at UP position and turn valve adjusting screw (C) inward (clockwise) to slowly raise gauge pressure to 1500 PSI. Hold screw (C) and tighten locknut (B). Re-check gauge for 1500 PSI after tightening locknut. (e) Hold hopper wing switch at DOWN position to re-check relief setting. Repeat test several times. (f) Install valve cap (A). (17) Throttle Valve - (See Figure 16) - Throttle valves are used in the "down" phase of the screed lift system and in both phases of the optional truck hook system. The throttle valve in a two directional line allows unrestricted flow in one direction and metered or restricted flow in the opposite direction. In the case of the screed lift, the flow in the RAISE direction is unrestricted while the return flow in the LOWER direction is restricted by a 3/32" DIAM. orifice. This permits the screed to raise at moderate speed but to descend at a slower safe rate. A drilled poppet is the only moving part. The valve can be easily disconnected for examination of the orifice for presence of foreign matter. The orifice can be probed clear using a piece of 1/16" diam. wire. If probing succeeds in clearing a blockage the valve should then be removed from the line and flushed clean of particles. Figure 16 - Throttle Valve - Cross Section (18) Hydraulic Cylinders - (See Figures 17 & 18) The hydraulic cylinders used on Cedarapids pavers are selected for efficient service and maximum durability. Very little trouble is normally experienced unless the hydraulic fluid is contaminated by foreign particles which find their way into cylinders and cause rapid seal wear. Heavy duty wiper type seals for the exposed rods help to minimize contamination. These parts should be maintained in top condition. If severe contamination of the hydraulic fluid has occurred and it is likely that a large quantity of particles has reached the cylinders, it is wise to flush them thoroughly with a suitable solvent. Replace seals when worn so that leakage is not a threat to efficient system operation. A worn piston seal will permit leakage of fluid around the seal from the pressure to the discharge side of the cylinder. The result is sluggish movement of the piston rod or a failure to maintain rod position. Seal replacement is the only solution. Page 41 Figure 17 Figure 18 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Description Piston Piston Tube, 2nd Stage Tube, 1st Stage Case Head Head *Piston Ring *Piston Ring *O-Ring Quantity Item Description Quantity 1 11 *O-Ring 1 1 12 *O-Ring 1 1 13 *Back Up Washer 1 1 14 *O-Ring 1 1 15 *Back Up Washer 1 1 16 *U-Cup and Load O-Ring 1 1 17 *U-Cup and Load O-Ring 1 1 18 *Seal, Wiper 1 1 19 *Seal, Wiper 1 1 *NOTE: These Parts Purchased as a Repair Kit Page 42 Figure 19 - Tilting Hopper Wings Figure 20 - Screed Lift Cylinder - Cut-away View (19) Screed Lift Cables - Raising and lowering of the heavy screed assembly is accomplished through an arrangement of hydraulic cylinders, flexible cables, and pulleys. (See Figure 20). Because of the mechanical portion of the system which is for the most part hidden from the operator's view, it is wise to examine the cylinder operated pulley through the under side opening in any event of uneven screed movement. This will eliminate unnecessary hydraulic system trouble-shooting in the event the actual cause is the binding or jamming of a cable. (20) Hose and Tube Identification - Each hose and tube is identified with a tag on one end as shown in Figure 21. The number shown 38-34 corresponds with the last four numbers of the hose or tube assembly part number 5032201-38-34. Figure 21 (21) Hose Assembly - The rubber-covered wire braid hoses used throughout the hydraulic system will give trouble-free service and long life if properly maintained. Periodically check hose position to make sure they are not rubbing against moving parts or supported on sharp steel edges. The hose end fittings are (no skive) re-usable hose fittings, to make it possible to repair the hose on the job site. Replace rubber-covered hose as follows: (1) Disassemble fitting nipple by turning it out of hose socket. (2) Disassemble hose socket by turning it off the rubber hose. (3) Clean steel socket and nipple. (4) Dip ends of new hose into hoze-oil lubricant and then thread the socket onto the rubber hose. Do not cut inner or outer covering for assembly. (5) Thread nipple to socket. (6) Clean fitting and interior of hose. CAUTION: Flush hose with solvent before installing into system. Page 43 (22) Hose Couplings - The swivel nut at the end of each hose assembly is a free turning part which holds the nipple tightly against the companion fitting. There will be some binding as the nut bears tight against the flare of the nipple. Always hold the Hex Collar of the nipple stationary as the swivel nut is tightened or loosened. This prevents damage to the hose. Figure 22 - Hose Assembly HOW TO USE THE TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE ON PAGE 45 1. In the "Troubles" listed across the top of the following page, find the symptom which most closely describes the actual problem with the paver hydraulic system. 2. Follow the guide line downward from that problem to the circled No. . Then follow the guide line to the right hand column where a probable cause and remedy is listed. The cause shown for No. will be the most common occurrence and the remedy will often require the easier checking and corrective work. A remedy may be given outright, or may be a reference to manual pages and paragraphs which give complete details on function, maintenance, test, or repair of the component part suspected of malfunction. 3. If the No. cause is not the actual problem proceed to the No. on that same vertical guide line and-make the check or correction suggested. If that also fails to produce the solution proceed to No. etc. As the circled number of a cause and remedy goes higher, the work required for making the check and correction usually increases. The higher numbered possibilities are also less common in occurrence. For these reasons it is wise to start with and progress numerically. Page 44 TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDE FOR BSF-400 PAVER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Page 45 Schematic Diagram-BSF-400 Paver Hydraulic System Figure 23 Page 46 SECTION VI Asphalt Spreading System (Feed) MATERIAL FEED SYSTEM The feed system is arranged to give the operator good control of material movement and distribution. From his seat almost directly over the spread-screws, the operator has an unobstructed view of material distribution ahead of the screed. Electric Clutches - R.H. Walkway Removed Figure 3 Material Flow Diagram Figure 1 HOPPER WINGS The two hinged hopper wings which can be raised and lowered hydraulically to permit complete emptying of the large hopper should be operated after each supply truck has pulled away and cleared the hopper area. They should never be raised when a truck is at the paver. (See Figure 2) The hydraulic cylinders which raise each of the hopper wings are powered from the same hydraulic pressure line and one will normally preceed the other in reaching the fully raised and fully lowered attitude. Tilting Hopper Wings Figure 2 Page 47 Electric Clutches - L.H. Walkway Removed Figure 4 ASPHALT FEED CLUTCHES (Slat and Screw Conveyors) The two slat conveyors and the two screw conveyors which combine functions to move asphalt from the hopper to the area ahead of the trailing screed, are operated by means of two electromagnetic clutches. Each clutch starts or stops the movement of one side of the feed system (Right hand or Left hand). By chain and sprocket connection, one slat conveyor and one screw conveyor operate simultaneously to feed one side. (See Figures 3 and 4) Each clutch is operated by means of a toggle switch on the operator's console, or by an auxiliary switch on the paver deck beneath the operator's seat. (The auxiliary switch is for the convenience of the screed man when he chooses to control the feed manually for some special requirement). Complete information on the care and adjustment of electric clutches is contained in the Mechanical Maintenance Section 11) Slat Conveyors and Spreading Screws (Screed Removed) Figure 5 SLAT CONVEYORS IMPORTANT! The slat conveyors are Two slat conveyors move material from the bottom of built to run in only one direction. When the receiving hopper through parallel tunnel areas to each the paver is shifted into Reverse gear for of the two spreading screws which operate in conjunction backing, a micro switch at the gear box is with the slat conveyors. The depth of material moved is actuated to open the conveyor clutch varied by manual adjustment of fixed gates located at the circuits so that no reverse movement of head end of each tunnel. (See Figure 5) the slats can occur. This limit switch Slat speed is fixed, unless an optional two-speed (Section 8, Figure 4) must always be transmission unit is purchased to permit a 30% speed kept in adjustment! shift when required. With the fixed speed arrangement the drive may be either the high or the low range. SPREADING SCREWS Each slat conveyor and its companion spreading screw The two spreading screws which operate in conjunction are controlled by electric clutch action. The clutches can with the slat conveyors receive material as it is brought be engaged manually by toggle switch movement at the through the tunnel areas near the center of the tractor operators console, or can be controlled automatically by a unit. The opposing pitch of the screw blades forces the material depth feeler if the console toggle switch is set at material outward toward the ends of the screed. A set of AUTO. (See details of automatic operation in following special blades on each spreader screw at its inner end paragraphs covering conveyors). has a reverse slant which assures placement of adequate material in the center area. Agitators at the outer end of each screw perform a stirring function to prevent material compaction by the screws against the retaining blades. Spreader screws are offered in two diameters for different feeding rates; 12" diameter for lower volume feeding and 14" diameter for higher volume feeding. Whenever extreme wear reduces the diameter of a screw by ½ the tips should be built up or the blades refaced to the original O.D. (See Maintenance Section 11). When less than 10 ft. wide paving is done, the end flight of the screw on the cut-off side is uncoupled by sliding a key outward. When uncoupled the outer flight no longer moves material. (See Figure 5). Bottom View of Tractor Assembly Figure 6 Page 48 When extra wide paving is done, the spreader screws must be extended to match the extensions added to the screed. Screw extensions are 12" Long (See Figure 7) and each includes a drive shaft extension for coupling purposes. Retaining Plate used with Screed Extension Figure 9 Screw Conveyor Extensions (Uncoupled) Figure 7 EXTENDING SPREADER SCREWS When screed extensions are added and screws are to be extended, proceed as follows: 1. Remove nut and bolt which holds agitator section and slide agitator off the shaft. 2. Assemble as many screw extensions as needed. (See Figures 7 and 8). 3. Slide the socket end of the new assembly onto the drive shaft and install the bolt and nut. Always use hardened bolts which have maximum shear strength. 4. Install the agitator on the end of the outer extension shaft. Paving with Extensions - No Retaining Plate Figure 10 MATERIAL RETAINING PLATE When screed extensions are added a Retaining Plate should be attached to the pull arm to prevent material from spilling forward. With the retaining plate placed as close to the screw as possible, material moves outward to the end of the screw and the material depth sensor works more effectively to keep just the right amount of material ahead of the screed. (See Figure 9). Paving with Extensions and Retaining Plate Figure 11 Page 49 MANUAL OPERATION OF MATERIAL FEED The two parallel but separate material feed systems are controlled by toggle switches on the operators console. These switches engage and disengage electric clutches. (See Figures 3 and 4). The switches are three position; MANUAL-OFF-AUTO. When the paver is in Forward gear with engine running each feed system combination of one slat conveyor and one screw conveyor will operate whenever the toggle switch is set to MANUAL. The operator must observe the feed and operate the switch to keep material ahead of the screed but not flowing over the mold board. AUTOMATIC OPERATION OF MATERIAL FEED The depth feeler assembly can be quickly set for automatic operation as follows: (See Fig. 12 & 13) 1. Loosen the control arm clamp so that it is loose on the switch shaft. 2. Lower the arm to within A" of the positive stop which keeps it from swinging farther downward. (A spacer can be used to hold the 1/16 setting). 3. Turn the switch shaft until an audible click indicates that the internal contacts have closed, then while holding that setting, tighten the clamp on the control arm. 4. Start engine and move feed switch on the console to AUTO. 5. Manually raise and lower control arm to make sure switch starts and stops conveyor at the point set. 6. To set the depth of material desired, move the Extension which is clamped to the Control Arm. When the extension is moved closer to the switch a higher level of material at that point will Adjustable Material Depth Control Switch with Feeler Arm - RH Assembly Shown Figure 12 Recommended Setting Of Control Assemblies Figure 13 Page 50 be maintained. When the Extension is moved farther from the switch a lower level of material will be maintained. IMPORTANT! This adjustment should be made during an actual paving run so that the efficiency of the setting can be tested. Different materials will require different settings of the Extension, as there is a great variation in the way materials move. WARNING! Do not set extensions unless the Console Feed Switch is in the OFF position. Adjusting RH Hopper Gate Height Figure 15 Schematic Side View Of Material Feed System Figure 16 Range of Depth Feeler Switch Location Figure 14 TO ADJUST HOPPER GATES A hopper gate for each half of the material conveying system regulates the depth of material moved from the hopper to the spreader screw. The height of each gate is adjusted separately by manual turning of the gate shaft which operates a pinion gear to drive the rack attached to the gate (See Figure 15). Correct adjustment of the gates is important to good paving. Best paving results are achieved when the material level is approximately even with, or slightly below the tops of the spreader screws. If material is deep near the center of the screed and there is very little near the ends, the gates are too high. If material is deep at the ends of the screed and there is very little near the center, the gates are too low. This tell-tale "material profile" is the best way for an operator to judge the gate settings. (See Figure 17). Usually a lower gate setting will produce a smoother run than too high a gate setting. Comparison Of Gate Height To Material Feed Figure 17 Page 51 SECTION VII Screed System pre-heated, asphalt does not stick to the metal as the first strike-off and smoothing begins. The flat screed bottom can be bent at its midpoint so that the single plane becomes two connected planes which can be adjusted into a slight V-shape or into a slight inverted-V (^) shape. Such adjustment produces a positive (^) or a negative (V) crowning contour on the mat for the specified water drainage requirement. The contour adjustment linkage is called the crown adjustment. (See Figure 9) Floating Screed Assembly Figure 1 SCREED PRINCIPAL The screed is a free floating attachment to the paver which strikes-off and smooths the fresh asphalt after it is spread by the screws. It is attached to the tractor unit by means of two pull arms which are free to pivot at the pull points located close to the forward end of the tractor. (See Figure 1). The height of the two pull-points for the screed, and the angle of the screed bottom in relation to the pull arms, are the factors which control the amount of asphalt deposited on a roadway. The handwheels at the ends of the screed which change the angle of "screed bottom to pull arm," are the operator's means of making adjustments of asphalt deposit (mat thickness) whenever necessary. Cross-section thru Screed and Material Figure 2 The screed is equipped with electric vibrators which help to obtain the initial compaction of the fresh mat. It is also equipped with a heater which is capable of bringing the temperature of the screed up to the temperature of the asphalt supply prior to paving start-up. When the screed is Cut-away View - L.H. Screed Lift Cylinder Figure 3 RAISING AND LOWERING SCREED The raising and lowering of the screed is accomplished by two double acting hydraulic cylinders connected to the screed by cable and pulley arrangement (See Figure 3). Cylinder movement is controlled by a toggle switch on the console which operates a hydraulic system flow control valve. When the engine is at full throttle and the console toggle switch is moved to UP, the screed will be raised to its maximum elevation. When the switch is moved to DOWN the screed will slowly descend to the ground. The rate of descent is limited by a flow valve so that the screed will not sustain damage and personnel in the area will not be endangered. When the toggle switch i. in the central position the existing screed elevation is held by a hydraulic holding valve. Page 53 To Support Screed for Travel 1. Short Distance Travel - The screed lift hydraulic system includes a locking or holding valve which will maintain any screed elevation established by the operator with a centering of the console switch toggle. The paver can travel short distances safely with the screed hydraulically "held" in the raised position. 2. Long Distance Travel - Safety cables are provided for long distance travel. It is recommended that for all travel other than short on-the-job paver movement, the safety cables be attached to the support hooks. To hook the cables, raise screed to upper limit until cables can be hooked. Then lower screed until slack can be observed in both lifting cables. To Support Screed for Maintenance Work thicker mat is produced. When the rear edge of the screed is raised, a thinner mat is produced. (See Figures 4 and 5) Mat thickness at each end of the screed is controlled independently so that a tapered mat can be laid in order to level or to super-elevate a roadway. The pull point height adjustment is made prior to the paving job start-up when the normal mat thickness for that job has been established. (A Table of pull point heights recommended for various mat thickness is shown in following paragraphs). It should be noted that a difference in materials used for paving will have a great affect on all adjustments of pull points and handwheels. IMPORTANT! Whenever the screed is to be worked-on while it is elevated, use the safety cables to support its weight. Never rely upon the hydraulic lock feature to keep the screed elevated when personnel are in the screed area. Effect of Handwheel Adjustment on Screed Figure 5 A foot operated lock keeps the handwheel adjustment fixed. The operator must step on the pedal and release the lock before the handwheel can be turned. When released the lock engages automatically. Each end of the long screed can be adjusted so that the mat thickness is far from equal when measured at each edge. (See Figure 6) Making Mat Thickness Adjustment - R.H. Side Figure 4 MAT THICKNESS CONTROL (MANUAL) The thickness of the material deposit or mat left by the paver is determined by two factors; (1) The height of the screed pull points on the tractor unit. (2) The screed angle in relation to the pull arm. The screed angle adjustment, made by turning the handwheel at each end of the screed, is the intended manual control of mat thickness during a paving run. When the handwheels are turned to force the rear edge of the screed downward, a HANDWHEEL GAUGE AND SCALE A gauge and scale on each handwheel screw serve as a reference for the operator. The vertical scale, graduated in inches, is fixed to the pull arm. The disc type gauge is held in place on the handwheel screw by means of a setscrew and can be moved up or down, to establish the desired reference. It is marked to show 12 equal divisions of one complete turn. (See Figure 7) Page 54 ing job is to be started, or when an extensive thickness change is to be made on a job, the operator can adjust the handwheels to the reference marks and start-off very close to the mat thickness desired, if he has recorded reference close to the new requirement. Without a reference he must guess at the setting and make corrections on the first several feet of the new mat. Eventually an operator's reference record will cover most of the common mat thicknesses and types of material used Change of material specifications will usually cause a different screed behavior and a different handwheel setting, even though the mat thickness is a common one. To obtain a smooth mat, the screed adjustment controls should be gradually changed, one notch at a time, and the screed should travel a few feet before an additional adjustment is made. This will allow the screed the proper distance of travel required to seek the new level of operation. Handwheels Set to Level Inclined Roadway Figure 6 The scale is graduated vertically from a central zero marking. The graduations may be in inches, with increments of 1/4¼ ", 3" each way from the zero, so that the total range is 6". Or the graduations may be in turns of the handwheel, with increments of 1 turn, 12 turns each way from zero, so that the total range is 24 turns. The disc-like gauge which is attached to the handwheel screw has 12 equally space markings which can be indexed from the edge of the vertical scale to show the division of 1 turn. The scale reading is taken by holding a small straight edge upward against the bottom of the gauge disc and across the scale face. When an operator has established the best hand wheel setting for paving a specific thickness with a specific material, he will zero the two gauge and scale readings then tighten the gauge setscrews. He then makes a record of the conditions and gauge settings for future reference. Whenever a new pav- Page 55 Screed Man Making Handwheel Adjustment Figure 8 MAT CROWN ADJUSTMENT The flat screed bottom can be flexed as its center area to produce a finished mat having a positive or negative crown for water drainage. (See Figure 10) For 10 ft. wide paving the maximum positive crown is 2". The maximum negative crown is 3/4". Screed Bottom with Crowning Arms Figure 10 Crown adjustment is accomplished by means of four crowning arms which are located on top of the screed but are bolted to the screed bottom. A turn buckle adjustment joining each pair of crowning arms permits screed bottom flexing in either direction. A separate adjustment is made for the leading edge and for the trailing edge, so that the "lead" crown is slightly higher than the trailing or "finish" crown. As material moves under the screed during paving this differential between crowns increases the density of the surface and imparts a smooth texture. NOTE: The crown adjustment is one of the more important adjustments on the paver. Mat imperfections can often be corrected by changing the adjustment of the lead crown! Screed Bottom with Crowning Arms Figure 9 Two gauges on the screed provide a crown referencing ability for the operator. A more accurate fine-adjustment gauge is located on the rear crown turnbuckle screw. (See Figure 11). Crown Adjustment Gauges Figure 11 Page 56 START-UP ADJUSTMENT The initial crown adjustments should be made when the screed is on the wood blocks at the starting point and has been heated to paving temperature. Stretch a taut string line between the ends of the hot screed at both front and rear edges. Adjust the crown turnbuckles (Figures 10 and 11 ) alternately a little at a time and use a ruler to measure the distance from the exact center of the screed bottom to the taut string line. Use the front and rear gauges as rough references only! Set the front crown 1/16" higher than the specified rear crown to start the paving. FINAL ADJUSTMENT The final crown adjustment is made when the paving has been started and the actual mat crown can be accurately checked by taut string line. The front crown can be varied slightly in order to obtain the very best mat surface. The front crown will always be higher than the rear crown. The final adjustment is always made after checking the actual asphalt mat when enough has been laid to be certain the screed has stabilized. The lead crown is normally 1/16" above the finish crown. If any change is made in the final (trailing edge) crown adjustment the front (leading edge) crown setting must be made simultaneously to maintain the 1/16" differential. The Dual Adjustment Assembly, which links the two turnbuckles by the chain and sprocket method permits separate or simultaneous adjustment of the two crown settings. If only one crown needs adjusting, the coupling of the assembly can be disengaged from the sprocket so that each crown turnbuckle can be adjusted separately. (See Figure 11) Two gauges on the screen provide a crown referencing ability for the operator. An indicator on the rear turnbuckle shaft also provides means of determining fine adjustments. (See Figure 11) Screed Side Plate & Bevel Guide Plate Figure 12 and follow the contour of the base surface. If the operator wishes to restrict the downward movement of the plate, he adjusts the screw (C) which limits the travel of the support arm, and adjusts the chain (H) or chain anchor handle (E). When bleeding material to the outside, the side plate is raised until the end of the support arm passes over center. The chain is hooked to the screed end plate to hold the assembly in the elevated position. (See Figures 14 & 15) When the screed is to be raised, the support-arm adjusting screws (C) should be adjusted to hold the side plates in line with the screed bottom. The chain (H) is adjusted so that the rear end of the side plate cannot drop downward as the screed is raised. INSTALLING ATTACHMENTS Side Plates (Refer to Figures 12 thru 1 5) A side plate assembly is attached to each end of the screed to limit the movement pf material. These plates (A) are bolted to a support arm (B) attached to the screed. Both parts can move in parallel planes so that when desirable, the side plate can rest upon Adjusting Side Plate Chain Anchor Figure 13 Page 57 Typical 36” Retaining Plate Arrangement Figure 16 Swinging Side Plate to Vertical Position & Anchoring to Permit Material Bleeding Figure 14 Disengaging Coupling to Stop Screw End Section Figure 17 ceeds two, an extra brace is added. (See Figure 16). Method of Attaching Chain for Bleeding Figure 15 Bevel Guide Plates (Refer to Figure 12) Bevel guide plates can be bolted to the side plates in order to produce a beveled edge on the mat as the material is deposited. The degree of bevel is 450°. The bevel depths available are 1½ /2" and 3". Cut-off Shoes (Refer to Figure 18) Standard cut-off shoes which fit the paver extensions reduce the paving width in varying amounts in 112" increments, down to the minimum of 10 ft. They slide under the side plates and are bolted in place. Bolt holes are spaced 1 /2" apart. Retaining Plates Material retaining plates must be used ahead of extended screw conveyors whenever the mat extension exceeds 2 ft. These plates prevent the forward spread of material so that the screws are handling a uniform depth all the way out to the ends (See Section 6, Figures 10 & 11). When up to 4 ft. of extension is added to one end of the screed a retaining plate support angle is attached to the screed pull arm and when the number of plates ex- (1) To install cut-off shoe, block up screed to shoeheight. (2) Raise side plate and slide cut-off shoe "G" under screed as much as required for desired mat width reduction. (See Figure 19) (3) Bolt cut-off shoe to side plate. (Shoe fits either end of screed.) (4) Release lock (J) on spreader screw to allow tip screw section (H) to become idle. To prevent material from being fed onto the top of the cut-off shoe and spilling onto the road base, fashion pieces Page 58 Screed Pull-point Height Adjustment Figure 20 Cut-Off Shoe Installed on L.H. Side Plate Figure 18 Typical pull point settings: Distance from base Mat Depth 16 3/4" (High) 31/2" or thicker 14 1/4" (Normal) 1/2" to 3 1/2" inclusive 13" (Low) Minimum to 1 1/2" 10 1/2" (Lowest) Minimum to 3/4" (optional) Laying Reduced Width Mat Using Cut-off Shoe Figure 19 of wood to block off that area between screed moldboard and the tractor. IMPORTANT NOTE! Always remove cut-off shoe before raising screed. SCREED PULL ARM POSITIONS The long screed pull arms which are attached to the crawler frame with a ball-joint connection provide maximum floating action, allowing screed to minimize irregularities found in the grade or base material. 1. The screed pull-arms. can be raised or lowered by moving the ball-joint connection up or down or by rotating it and lining up bolt holes. With the usual type of material and mat thickness encountered, the distance of 141/¼ inches from center of joint to the ground, as shown in Figure 20 and the chart following it. In nearly all types of material, the straighter the pull on the screed, the more satisfactory it will operate. The most critical settings are with low stability sandy mixes. 2. If the screed tends to sink and ride on the trailing edge, due to unstable mix, or if a very thick mat is required, the long screed pull arms can be raised to improve the mat. 3. When the paver is required to lay a very thin mat, the screed pull arms can be lowered to give the screed better flotation and more initial density to the mat. 4. Two bolts in each ball-joint connection are sufficient for all positions. 5. When the pull points are too low and the front of the screed is tilted up, in order to maintain the correct mat thickness, the following wear and op- Page 59 ing edge of the screed is not in contact with the mat being laid. Vibrators connected to the screed bottom support will not be operating efficiently as the full screed plate width is not being utilized. Mat appearance and texture will change with only slight movement of the screed adjusting hand wheels. f. Loose or worn screed. 7. Correct pull point settings become a matter of experience. Locating center line of pull points 14 1/4" from the ground has proven satisfactory for most paving jobs. Settings listed will normally cover the necessary adjustments when laying both stable and unstable mixes. The softer and more unstable the material, the more important it becomes to have the screed flat with the mat. NOTE: Unstable mixes can be caused by too much asphalt in the mix, poor gradation, poor quality asphalt, excessive temperature, moisture in the material and insufficient dust. IMPORTANT: Both pull points must be located equal distance from the ground. Effect of Pull-point Height on Screed Wear Figure 21 erational difficulties will be encountered. a. Premature wear on the trailing edge of the the screed. b. A tendency for the screed to climb each time the paver starts with normal hand wheel setting. Poor control of mat thickness will exist and good transverse joints will be difficult' to make. c. Possible tearing of the mat because of excessive ironing effect of the screed. d. Loose or worn screed. 6. When the pull points are too high and the front of the screed is tilted down, in order to maintain the correct mat thickness, the following wear and operational difficulties will be encountered. a. Premature wear on the leading edge of screed and possibly deformation of the strike-offs because of the excessive pressures exerted against it when operating in this manner. b. Bumpy, wavy road caused by the screed riding on its leading edge. c. Tendency for screed to dip each time the paver starts with normal hand wheel setting. d. Tearing the mat, caused by the "digging in" action of screed. e. Loss of compaction will result as the trail- Flat Strike-off Installed on Screed Figure 22 STRIKE-OFF The strike-off located ahead of the screed plate, is a metering, pre-compactor, and pre-screeding device, that when properly positioned provides the exact amount of material to the screed. It also absorbs wear which would otherwise take place on the leading edge of the screed bottom. If this strike-off is not properly adjusted and maintained, it can cause operational difficulties. Page 60 justment for the mat texture while paving. Never lower strike-offs below screed bottom. Important! Always make strike-off adjustments when screed and asphalt are hot. If the asphalt is cold, adjusting bolts and brackets will bend before the strike-off moves and the entire adjustment assembly is damaged. 4. Whenever strike-offs are to be re-adjusted, it is best to lower both sides, then use the top adjusting nut at each of the four adjustment points to pull the strikeoffs up to the desired gauge readings. This is a uniform movement of the strike-offs and Checking Height of Flat Strike-off Figure 23 Adjusting Height of Strike-off Figure 24 ZEROING AND ADJUSTING STRIKE-OFFS 1. After strike-offs are properly assembled to sereed. lower strike-offs until flush with screed bottom. Use the template straight edge to check position of strike-offs. See Figure 23. 2. Then, adjust gauges to "0" setting with gauge pointers. 3. Raise strike-offs above screed bottom according to the chart. (Shown below.) Make the final adHeight of Flat Strike-off "+1/16" 1/4" - 0" 3/16" + 1/16" 3/8" + 1/8" 3/8" __- 1/16" Cross-section - Flat Strike-off Assembly Figure 25 Characteristics of Asphalt Standard (Normal Mat Conditions) Aggregate Size; Sand to 1" Minus Aggregate Mat Thickness: 1¼ " to Maximum Thickness Alternate (Fines Materials with Thin Mat) Aggregate Size: Fines to 1/4" minus sand Mat Thickness: Minimum 1/2" to 1" mat **Alternate (Coarse Materials with Thick Mat) *Aggregate Size: 1" minus 1½ ”maximum Recommended Mat Thickness: 2" to maximum thickness *Pavers have laid top size material of 3" minus, however accelerated wear can be expected. **Only if tearing due to flats in aggregate. With flat plate strike-off it is possible to raise to 1½ ",therefore, no strike-off effect. Page 61 Flat Strike-off Adjusted Too Low Figure 26 RESULTS OF IMPROPER STRIKE-OFF When the strike-offs are too low the following wear and operational difficulties will be encountered. (See Figure 26). 1. Insufficient amount of material will be metered to the screed. Therefore, in order to maintain mat thickness, it is necessary to tip the front of the screed up. Continued operation of the screed in this manner may cause wear on the trailing edge of the screed. 2. Fines will collect at the front edge of the screed directly behind the strike-offs which will build up and cause tearing and voids in the mat. The strike-off will frequently catch and drag large stone, with the result that a streak is made in the mat. When this occurs often, stop paving, raise the strike-off, and try again. When the strike-offs are too high the following wear and operational difficulties will be encountered. (See Figure 27). 1. Too much material will be metered to the screed. Therefore, in order to maintain a relatively thin mat thickness, it is necessary to tip the front of the screed down with the hand wheel adjustments. With the screed in this position for any length of time, rapid wear on the leading edge of the screed will occur. 2. Poor mat textures and low compaction of the mat will prevail under these conditions. 3. Erratic control of the screed will be noticeable when making minor adjustments. Flat Strike -off Adjusted Too High Figure 27 Paving With Extended Screed Figure 28 EXTENSION OF SCREED The screed length can be extended in order to lay a mat wider than 10 ft. Mat widths up to and including 20 ft. can be laid. Screed extensions come in various widths and can be attached to either end of the screed. Each 6", 12" and 24" extension is supplied complete with cover, moldboard extension, and adjustable strike-off extension. 12 Inch Extension On LH End Of Screed Figure 29 All parts of the extension are shipped loose and must be assembled in the field. Some careful work is required to align each extension bottom to the screed bottom, the moldboard extension to the moldboard, and the strike-off plate extension to the strike-off plate. A double set of shim packs is supplied with each extension so that an adjusted shim pack can be kept inside the extension at its proper corner location. (See Figure 30). The lengthy job of fitting the extension bottom to the screed bottom need not be repeated each time the extensions are installed. Re-installation of the two correct shim packs will quickly restore alignment and no time is lost. The moldboard shims can also be attached at their respective locations to save time aligning the extension moldboard. A step by step procedure for assembly and installation of an extension is shown on the following pages. Page 62 ASSEMBLY OF SCREED EXTENSION 1. Run a ½ " NC tap through the screw holes for strike-off plate to clean out paint and dirt. (The special screws are not locally available.) 5. Install the two Adjusting Bolt assemblies using * a hex nut above the bracket and one below. 2. Install the Support. Tighten the two flat-head * socket screws. 6. Run a ½ /2" NC tap through the screw hole in each Adjusting Bolt assembly to clean out paint and dirt. 3. Install the Bracket and the Height Gauge. 7. Install the Strike-Off Plate using all of the special parts shown in Illustration 8, arranged exactly as shown! Tighten Shoulder Screws. 4. Install a Gauge Pointer on each of the two Adjusting Bolts. 8. Arrange the Seal and the three Washers on each Shoulder Screw as shown above Page 63 ASSEMBLY OF SCREED EXTENSION - cont. 9. Install the capscrews which attach the Strike* off Plate to the Adjusting Bolts. Tighten the screws. 11. Use gauge tool to check accuracy of Gauge and Pointer read-out when strike-off plate is raised. 10. Adjust Strike-off Plate flush with screed extension bottom, then adjust Gauge zero (0) even with top of Pointer. 12. Install the Back Cover. Tighten the screws. INSTALLATION OF SCREED EXTENSION 1. Remove Screed Plate. 3. Set extension with bottom tight against and nearly flush with screed bottom. Make up approximate shim packs for top bolts. 2. Remove Plate from heat duct. 4 Install the four bolts in the lower positions. * Draw up a loose tension. (finger tightness) Page 64 INSTALLATION OF SCREED EXTENSION - Continued 5 Suspend screed on its safety cables. Check across the two bottom surfaces with straight edge to align flush. 6. Adjust the two shim packs to align the bottom surfaces and draw all six bolts very tight. Recheck alignment. 7. Re-check alignment. 8 Fit Moldboard Extension into place between strike-off plate and extension. 9. Install bolts and tubular spacers. 10. Add shims at all top bolt positions as necessary * to align the moldboard and the moldboard extension. Tighten all three bolts. 11. Use a straight edge and adjust the extention strike-off plate exactly in line with the adjacent strike-off plate 12 Install the Heat Duct Deflector whenever an extension longer than 1 foot is added. For 1 foot extension leave duct cover plate off. Page 65 INSTALLATION OF SCREED EXTENSION - Continued 13. Install screed plate. Use hex head screws at rear and flat head screws at front, where the side plate requires clearance 14. Install the extension cover Extension With Adjusted Shim Packs Attached Figure 30 IMPORTANT! When extensions are removed from the screed always attach the correct shim pack at the correct point of use so that you will nlot have to delay the job by re-figuring the two packs. Merely use the former shim pack and the alignment will be correct. (See Figure 30). When more than one extension is used at one end of the screed, be sure to mark each extension for reinstallation in the same order as before. Mark the extension attached to the screed as No. 1, the second from the screed, No. 2, etc. This will keep the adjusted shim packs correct for straight bottom alignment. The bottom of an outer extension should be checked for wear frequently particularly when over lap paving is done. An extension is always recommended for use at the point of overlap so that the short length of bottom section will absorb the extra wearing tendency of the overlap operation. Page 66 Cut-away Of Screed Showing Heating System Figure 31 Cross-section Showing Heat Flow Thru Screed Figure 32 SCREED HEATER The fuel oil or LP gas fired screed heating system is switch operated at the burner unit. Fuel ignition is automatic and fan operation is continuous. The fan forces the hot fumes of combustion downward through the flame chamber and into a distributor duct which extends to each end of the screed. The heat passes across the entire screed bottom surface, then travels upward through the curved hollow moldboard assembly to vents along its upper edge.(See Figures 31 and 32). The main purpose of the heater is to raise the temperature of a cold screed to approximately 3000 F. before first contact with the hot asphalt mix. This assures a non-sticking flow of material along the moldboard and screed bottom and imparts a smoother more uniform mat surface texture. When paving begins the heater is usually shut off, as the hot asphalt material will normally maintain the proper screed temperature. If material delivered to the paver hopper has cooled too much, the surface texture of the mat may be improved by running the screed heater. The excessive cooling of material may be caused by delays in hauling, however, if the material was dumped into the truck at too low a temperature a correction must be made at the mixing plant to restore efficient production of a high quality mat. The temperature recommended for material delivered to the paver is 2500 F. minimum when medium and high penetration asphalt is used. The minimum is 3000 F. for low penetration (40 to 50) asphalts. Many mat defects can be caused by incorrect material temperature at the time of paving. Usually a screed bottom will be heated sufficiently by running the heater for 20 to 30 minutes. When the screed is hot enough, close the burner fuel valve but leave the switch at ON to keep the blower motor running for at least 15 minutes to dissipate the heat. On oil fired units also open the vent door at the top to speed the cooling. Excessive heat can cause the screed to warp. Do Not Heat the Screed Above 3500°! IMPORTANT: When specifications require heat on the material at all times the heater should be set as low as possible. A check for accumulation of asphalt in the heat vent holes the moldboard can be made by placing a hand near these openings behind the top of the moldboard and checking the full length for even exhaust of warm air. These vents become plugged when material is carried too high over the conveyor screws and falls between the moldboard and backing plate. A stiff wire can be used to clean small accumulations of material, or the moldboard can be removed for cleaning. Periodically remove the screed plate as described in the Maintenance Section 11 and clean the inside of the screed plate and heat duct of all asphalt, sand the fine material which has sifted in over a period of time. Failure to keep the inside of screed plate clean will cause uneven distribution of heat to a cold screed and consequently lead to tearing of the mat surface when the paving operation begins. Page 67 Rear View Of Screed And Burner Assembly Figure 33 12VDC SCREED HEATER OPERATION AT ENGINE IDLE SPEED 12 VDC screed heater system can be put into operation as soon as the paver engine is running at Idle speed for warm-up. This permits the simultaneous warm-up of both engine and screed in preparation for paving. At the end of the paving run when the paver is to be spray cleaned and lubricated with fuel oil, the engine speed can be reduced to Idle while the screed heater motor is being used to operate the fuel oil pump. PULSATOR AND COIL The 12 V.D.C. ignition system for the oil fired screed heater includes a pulsator unit which interrupts the flow of D.C. current to the ignition coil in order to create a sparking at ignition electrodes. The pulsator is mounted inside the box which houses the auto. transformer for the right hand vibrators. (See Figure 33) The ignition coil is mounted on the inner side of the fuel oil pump and fan housing, under the heater cover. (See Figure 35) CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR 12 V.D.C. SCREED HEATER SYSTEM A burner system power switch on the instrument panel is also the circuit breaker for the system. If the switch trips to OFF automatically during operation, look for the cause of the overload before re-setting. A second burner system power switch for ground level accessibility is located on the R.H. junction box for the screed. (See Figure 33) A third switch in the screed heater system is described in the following paragraph. SOLENOID VALVES Two solenoid operated shut-off valves and a selector switch are used to direct fuel oil flow to burner or to spray nozzle. A manual shut-off valve is provided in each feed line. They are intended as positive shut- in case of eventual solenoid valve leakage. Normally they should remain fully open. The toggle type selector switch has three positions - OFF, BURNER & SPRAYDOWN. (See Figure34) Right Side View Of Burner Figure 34 Page 68 Exploded View of Screed Heater Figure 35 TO OPERATE SCREED HEATER (OIL FIRED) 1. Set engine operation at idle speed. 2. Close air vent cover & adjustable air damper. 3. Open the supply tank valve. (If closed) 4. Open burner feed valve. (If closed) 5. Set solenoid selector switch to BURNER. 6. Push burner switch to ON (*) at instrument panel. Turn junction box burner switch to ON. 7. Check sight hole in flame chamber for flame. 8. Adjust air damper on burner to obtain bright, clean fire. (Approximately 1/3 to 1/2 open.) To Turn Burner Off 1. Set solenoid selector switch to OFF. 2. Open air vent cover. 3. Run burner blower for approximately 15 minutes or until fumes and heat are dissipated in screed. 4. Turn junction box burner switch to OFF (*). Pull instrument panel switch to OFF. 5. Close air vent cover at end of day's run to prevent moisture from entering screed. (*) NOTE: Burner will re-light quicker when switch has been at "OFF' for two or three minutes, and air damper is closed. Burner Nozzle & Ignition Electrodes Figure 36 To Use Spray Hose 1. Run engine at idle speed. 2. Open supply tank valve. (If closed) 3. Open spray hose valve. (If closed) 4. Set solenoid selector switch to Spray Down. 5. Push burner switch ON at instrument panel. 6. Turn junction box burner switch to ON. Page 69 Top View of Screed Junction Box Figure 37 Trouble and Remedies for Oil Burner 1. No Oil Spray and No Ignition (a) Check instrument panel switch for ON. It is also the system circuit breaker and may have tripped immediately by an overload. (b) Check junction box burner switch for ON. (c) Check solenoid valve selector switch (located close to valves on RH side of burner). It has three positions, BURNER-OFF-SPRAY DOWN. (d) Check wiring to switches. There should be 12 volts DC at the power terminal. (Refer to electrical trouble shooting data in Section 4.) 2. Oil Spray but No Ignition (a) Turn burner switch to OFF. (b) Remove burner cover and check for contact of ignition coil wire to electrode contact strip. (c) Remove electrode assembly. Clean electrode points and insulator and determine if insulator is cracked or broken. Check setting of electrode points to specifications in Figure 35. (d) Check wiring from switch to pulsator and from pulsator to coil. (Refer to Electrical Section 4.) (e) Re-install electrode assembly in burner. Install cover. Turn burner switch to ON. If there is still no ignition, check pulsator. (Refer to Burner Electrical System Troubleshooting Instructions in Section 4.) 3. Ignition but No Spray from Burner Nozzle (a) Be sure hand valve in burner fuel line is open. (b) Check fuel oil tank for level. Be sure sediment filter element is not plugged. (c) Turn burner switch ON and make sure fan is running. Turn solenoid selector switch to SPRAY DOWN and squeeze spray nozzle lever to see if normal spraying occurs. (Be sure hand valve in hose line is open.) (d) If normal spraying occurs turn switch to BURNER and check at burner solenoid wire terminals for 12 VDC with voltmeter. If no voltage, the toggle switch or wiring is faulty. (e) If 12 VDC is present, turn switch to OFF. Disconnect burner fuel line at shut-off valve. Hold a container in such a way that a spurt of oil can be safely caught. With pump running, jog switch to BURNER position. If no oil spurts into container, solenoid valve is inoperative. (f) If oil spurts from valve, re-connect fuel line. Clean burner nozzle and the strainer ahead of it. Note: Pump must develop 100 PSI pressure in feed line for proper operation. Replace pump if gauge installed in feed line does not show 100 PSI. Page 70 SCREED VIBRATORS The electric vibrators on the screed which help with the initial compaction and smoothing of a high density mat are operated by toggle switch Figure 38 Adjusting Screed Vibrator Intensity from the control console. The vibrators will only operate when the paver is at full throttle and either Track Switch is in the Travel position . This prevents extra compaction in one place on the mat when the paver is temporarily stopped. (Note: Vibrators can be test-operated when paver is not moving by first moving the clutch lever on the side of the engine housing to DISENGAGED position. Transmission must be in FORWARD.) The operating intensity of each unit can be varied to produce more or less vibration. An adjusting knob is located on the variable transformer connected to each vibrator (See Figure 38). A recommended start-up setting is 3/4 of the range between zero and the highest dial marking. SCREED MAINTENANCE It is important that the screed be kept in good condition so that wear, looseness, or breakage of parts does not begin to produce poor paving results before a noticeable defect exists. The hand wheel assemblies which adjust the screed angle must be kept in good condition. Crown adjustment and spring hanger bolts must be kept tight. There are numerous places where wear can be compensated by shimming and adjusting. See Maintenance Section 11 for details. Screed Bottom With Crowning And Pull Arms Figure 39 QUICK-CHANGE SCREED BOTTOM: The asphalt finishing surface of the full floating screed should be kept in good condition. The quickchange bottom features makes replacement of this vital part relatively easy. If all paving is done with the correct adjustment of the pull arm "pull-point" and strike-off, and without extensive bridging when mat overlap is required, the screed bottom will wear uniformly. If either the leading or trailing edge does wear first, the bottom can be reversed to interchange the leading and trailing edges. Always replace the screed bottom before it wears completely through! Quick-change Screed Bottom With Frame And Crowning Arms Figure 40 Page 71 SECTION VIII Operating the Paver Paving with Operator in Right Hand Seat Position Figure 1 CONTROL SWITCHES Movement of the paver and all paving function is controlled from the operator's console (See Figure 1). This electrical unit is mounted on a support which can be picked up and shifted from one side of the paver to the other along with operator's seat. The electrical cable is long enough to reach both positions. All of the operators controls are toggle switches except the main clutch and the transmission shift levers. The individual switch functions are follows: (Refer to Figure 2). 1. Horn Switch: Used mainly to signal truck drivers and crew members. The horn switch is two position; ON-OFF with spring loading to OFF. 2. Duo-matic Switch: Used as main power switch for automatic screed control system (when purchased). If the system is not supplied the switch is not connected. 3. Throttle Switch: Adjusts engine speed to the following, (a) Idle speed (center position) (b) Immediate full throttle (forward position) (c) Gradual full throttle if travel switches are in TRAVEL position so that a Soft Start of paver movement occurs (rear position). The switch has three positions; FULL-IDLE-SOFT START. 4. Vibrator Switch: Starts and stops screed vibrators used for initial compaction, if the paver is moving forward. The switch has two positions; ON-OFF. 5. Track Switches (Right Hand and Left Hand): Engage electric clutches in paver track drive system and electric brakes. Each track has its own control switch so that the paver can be turned by operating only one track drive. The machine pivots on the opposite track. If an abrupt turn is to be made the switch for the pivot track can be Operator's Control Console Figure 2 Page 73 moved to the BRAKE position and the paver turns sharply. If both switches are moved to the BRAKE position the paver stops instantly. In its center position the switch is OFF. Each switch has three positions: TRAVELOFF-BRAKE. 6. Screed Lift Switch: Raises, holds, or lowers screed assembly by hydraulic power. In the center position, the screed position is held hydraulically locked so that no downward creep can occur. The switch is three position; UP-HOLD-DOWN with spring return to HOLD. 7. Feed Switches (Right and Left Hand): These two switches individually start and stop each pair of combined slat and screw conveyors which feed material ahead of each half of the screed. Conveyor operation can be controlled manually with the operator observing the amount of feed, or it can be done automatically using two auxiliary "feeler switches" which are operated by material build-up near the ends of the screws. Each type of operation engages or dis-engages the electric clutches which drive the conveyors. Each switch has three positions; MANUAL-OFF-AUTOMATIC. Adjustable Material Depth Control Switch with Feeler Arm - R.H. Assembly Shown Figure 3 NOTE: The conveyors will not run unless the paver transmission shift lever for travel direction .is in the FORWARD position. (See Figure 4) A limit switch actuated by the transmission opens the conveyor electrical circuit when the paver is shifted for reverse travel. Main Clutch and Transmission Shift Levers Figure 4 8. Hopper Wing Switch: The two hopper wings are raised or lowered by operation of this toggle switch. It controls valves in the hydraulic system which direct the action of two hydraulic cylinders connected to the wings. The wings are raised when material at the sides of the hopper needs to be moved toward the slat conveyors. The switch is three-position; UP-OFF-DOWN, with spring return to off. (NOTE: The movement of hopper wings is normally irregular because a single hydraulic pressure line powers both cylinders and the wing offering the least resistance moves first). 9. Truck Hook Switch: Used as control switch for hydraulically powered truck hook system (when purchased). If system is not supplied the switch is not connected. 10. Screed Heater Switches: Three switches are used to control operation of the oil fired screed heater and oil spray-down unit which is mounted on the screed. The burner pump and fan motor is controlled by the burner power switch and circuit breaker on the instrument panel, and the ground level burner switch on the screed junction box. The selection of burner operation or oil spray for clean-up and lubrication is made by setting the 3-position toggle switch on the side of the burner housing. The switch has three positions, OFF - BURNER - SPRAY DOWN. It controls two solenoid operated valves in the fuel oil distribution lines. Page 74 Three small hand-operated shut-off valves in the fuel oil distribution lines are provided as positive shut-off means in the event of leakage through solenoid valves, etc. They are normally open. See Screed Section 7 for screed heating and fuel oil spray details. PRE-START CHECK (DAILY REQUIREMENT) Before starting a paver for a regular run the operator should check the following details personally. 1- Engine oil level. It will be somewhat below hot oil level, (Dipstick gauge). 2 - Transmission oil level (14" on Dipstick). 3 - Engine fuel level. 4 - Coolant supply. (Radiator). 5 - Hydraulic fluid level (Reservoir sight gauge). 6 - Battery water level. 7 - Screed Heater fuel level. 8 - V-Belt Tightness and condition. 9 - Engine air filter condition. (Especially Diesel.) 10 - Air Filter Hose for loose clamps or leaks. Before starting a paver for a regular run, the operator should make sure that the following requirements have been attended to: 1 - Oil level in both transfer cases is adequate. 2 - Grease fittings have been attended as recommended for daily lubrication requirement. TO START ENGINE: The following procedure is recommended for start-up of a paver in preparation for a paving run. 1 - Disengage main clutch. 2 - Turn main control key switch to ON. 3 - Set both Track switches to BRAKE. Set all other switches on console to OFF. 4 - Start engine by turning and holding the key switch to ON. (Also see Engine Operator's Manual). 5 - Check to make sure the transmission oil pump is operating in the following way: (a) Look at the oil line Sight Glass on the top of the transmission. (Section 3, Fig. 10) With the main clutch disengaged and the transmission pump not turning the sight glass will be clear, indicating no oil flow. (b) Engage the Main Clutch. (c) Look at the sight glass to be sure it is darkened by the oil flow which indicates that the pump is working properly to lubricate the upper gears and bearings of the transmission. Selection Plate for 24-Speed Transmission Figure 5 PAVER TRAVEL (NOT PAVING) With the engine idling and main clutch disengaged; 1. Move both Track Switches to BRAKE position, and Follower Switch to OFF position. 2. Set the three transmission levers to produce the speed and direction of movement you wish. (If gears do not mesh, jog main clutch and try again). (a) Range Lever - #1 (slowest) through #4 (fastest). (b) Direction Lever - Forward or Reverse. (c) Speed Lever - #1 (slowest) through #6 (fastest). 3. Engage main clutch. 4. If slow movement is desired, as for unloading the paver or moving through a narrow area, leave the Throttle Switch at idle and move the track switches to TRAVEL. Steer the paver by moving the switch of the pivot track to OFF or BRAKE depending upon how sharp a turn is needed. 5. When fast movement is desired, move the Throttle Switch to SOFT START and move both Track Switches to TRAVEL. Steer the paver by moving the switch of the pivot track to OFF or BRAKE depending on how sharp a turn is needed. Page 75 STOPPING PAVER A paver is normally stopped by moving both Track Switches to the OFF (center) position. If an emergency stop is required, move both track switches all the way forward to BRAKE position. CAUTION! An operator should be braced for sudden stoppage if brakes are applied when the paver is moving at top speed. PARKING AND HAULING PAVER - IMPORTANT! When a paver is to be parked on any degree of slope, both tracks should be adequately blocked at the downhill end to prevent downhill movement! The electric brakes should not be used as parking brakes! When a paver is loaded for transport, regardless of distance to be moved, both tracks must be blocked adequately at each end, or the paver chained down to prevent it from rolling. Do not rely upon the electric brakes to hold a paver during transit. ANGULARITY RESTRICTIONS The constant need for proper engine lubrication makes it necessary to restrict the slope at which the paver may operate. These restrictions which are imposed by the engine manufacturers are as follows: 1. Paving Uphill (See Figure 6) - Do not exceed a 53% slope (28°). 2. Paving Downhill (See Figure 7) - Do not exceed a 36%o slope (20°). 3. Paving With One End of Screed Elevated (See Figure 8) - Do not exceed a 57% slope (30°). NOTE: The angularity shown represents the engine operating restriction only! If a paver is to operate near this slope limitation some satisfactory method of holding the paver on the slope must be devised by the owner. CLEANING PAVER It is important that the paver be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day's operation. A long spray nozzle hose is attached to the heater fuel oil supply valve and will reach any part of the paver for spray cleaning and lubricating. (See Figure 9. Refer to Maintenance Section for details.) Every time the paver is cleaned, the tracks should be sprayed with fuel oil. There is enough lubricant in the fuel oil to keep the track pins from rusting and binding. TIGHTENING NEW TRACKS IMPORTANT ! A new paver or one having a new set of tracks will require daily tightening of the tracks until all link pins have "worn in" and stretching of the track no longer occurs. When this initial stretching stops it will only be necessary to check and tighten the tracks occasionally. (See Section 11) Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Cleaning paver with Screed Heater Fuel Spray Accessory Figure 9 Page 76 OPERATING CAUTION When a paver has been out of service for a lengthy period, such as during the Winter months, be sure to clear the hopper of all items such as shovels, tools, and personnel before starting the engine! Under certain conditions rust will build up on feed clutch surfaces to the extent that slat and screw conveyor movement will take place even when both Feed Switches are OFF. As soon as the rust wears away, operation becomes normal. Always start the paver after a long shut down with the main clutch disengaged, track switches at BRAKE, both Feed Switches OFF, and the hopper cleared. Main Electrical Panel Figure 10 REVERSING DIRECTION OF SLAT CONVEYOR TO RELIEVE JAMMED OBJECT 1. Remove cover of main electrical panel on the front of the engine to expose the paver wiring. (See Figure 10) 2. Connect a jumper wire between terminals No. 45 & No. 46 at any convenient point. (This eliminates the function of the limit switch on the transmission.) 3. Start the engine and run at IDLE speed. 4. Shift the transmission Direction Lever to REVERSE. (The limit switch opens but the circuit remains unbroken due to the jumper wire.) 5. Move the appropriate console switch for the conveyor involved to the MANUAL position just long enough to move the slat conveyor in the reverse direction and release the jammed object. Do not run it longer so that the chain starts to ride-up on the sprockets due to reversed tension. The slat bars can also catch on the return rails if the chain happens to be quite slack. 6. Stop the engine. Shut-off all power and remove the jumper wire. VIBRATOR OPERATION WITH PAVER STOPPED Whenever it is desirable to operate the vibrators when the paver is stationary, proceed as follows: 1. Disengage main clutch. 2. Shift transmission into FORWARD gear. (This will close the circuit limit switch.) 3. Set engine throttle switch to FULL. 4. Set one of the two track switches to TRAVEL. 5. Set vibrator switch to ON. IMPORTANT! When test operating the vibrators, set the screed bottom on a flat surface with no stones or similar objects under it so that the bottom is not scored and scratched as the bottom vibrates. Page 77 BURNISHING TRACK CLUTCH & BRAKE FACINGS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE The facing material on the two electric track clutches and on the two electric track brake assemblies can become glazed from operation so that excessive slippage occurs. Poor clutch operation will result in both R.H. & L.H. drives slipping, or in one track consistently failing to keep up with the other so that an abnormal amount of steering is required to maintain a straight course. Poor brake operation will result in an inability to hold position on uphill paving run. When poor performance of a clutch or brake is suspected, the unit in question should first be 'checked for armature "hang-up" on the drive pins, oil on the friction faces, improper electrical function, or worn-out friction faces. (See details of dimension checking in preceding paragraphs.) Slippage can also be due to an overload condition. The drive train and tracks should be inspected for mechanical binding. If none of the above factors seem to be the cause of clutch slippage, the performance of the clutches may be improved by carrying out a burnishing operation to remove "glaze" from the friction surfaces. (The same effect cannot be obtained by using a solvent, as during an oil removal effort, nor by "roughing-up" the friction surfaces by hand!) Burnishing Track Clutches (1) Move paver to where center of main frame front edge is in direct contact-with a suitable immovable object, which can safely withstand the full force of paver drive power. IMPORTANT! Be sure that no truck hook or other part of the paver will make contact and be damaged by the full force of the paver drive. The tracks should be resting on hard dry soil or other dry surface which will not break-up or be badly damaged by the full force of the paver drive. (2) When paver is in place, arrange electric system so that brakes will be on when the Track switches are at the Travel position. (For early model paver brakes the brake coil must be energized. For pavers with electrically released brakes the coil must be de-energized.) (3) Arrange track speed controls for high speed travel. (4) Move the track switches to the center position (neutral). (5) Move throttle switch to Full position. (6) Intermittently move one track switch to Travel position then back to neutral so that the clutch is momentarily engaged and the clutch surfaces heat-up rapidly to above their normal operating temperature. (150 F - approx.). IMPORTANT! The clutch should not smoke from intense heating. Repeat this procedure on the opposite track. After both clutches have reached the elevated temperature continue the procedure for at least five minutes at a slower rate so that the temperature is maintained but not exceeded. Both clutches are then burnished at the same time by alternate switch actuation. Burnishing Track Brakes (1) Arrange track speed controls for high speed travel. (2) With track switches at Brake position, move throttle switch to Full position. When engine is warmed up for operation move both track switches to Travel and when paver has attained its maximum forward speed, move one track switch to Brake then back to Travel as quickly as possible. When this is done fast enough, the brake does not "grab", but does make sufficient contact to the heat surfaces. Caution! The operator should however, be braced for sudden deceleration. Repeat this procedure until the brake is hotter than during normal operation (I 500 to 2000 F) but not smoking. Then repeat the same burnishing effort on the opposite brake. (NOTE: If this procedure presents a problem, the same effect can be obtained by blocking-up the paver so that both tracks are completely off the ground, and there is no actual paver movement). (3) When the brakes have cooled completely, test paver steering to see that normal operation of the brakes has been restored. Page 78 SECTION IX PLANNING THE PAVING JOB PLANNING THE PAVING JOB The careful planning of a paving job is essential to fast, efficient, and low cost operation. Some of the planning factors related to general paving are covered in the following paragraphs: (a) Material Delivery - The steady delivery of hot material to the paver will often have a bearing on how a multiple width mat will be divided. The accessibility of roadway to the delivery trucks could possibly override the advantages gained by laying portions of the mat in the more desirable way from the standpoint of paver operation. (b) Two or More Different Mat Widths - When two or more mats of different widths are laid, the narrow mat which requires the use of a cut-off shoe should be laid first. The final mat can then be laid at full screed width without the complication of cut-off parts. (c) Matching One Mat to Another - When matching one mat to another use a 6" or 1 foot screed extension on the joining end. This will provide a small separate screed bottom surface to absorb the extra wear that occurs when the slight overlap for matching is made. The extra wear would otherwise take place on one tip of the long screed bottom and destroy its uniformity. (d) Straight Center Crown Requirement - When it is necessary to maintain a straight crown in the middle of a wide multiple mat roadway, it is best to lay the crown section first, then match the adjoining mats to it. (e) Narrow Roadways requiring Multiple Mats When planning to pave a narrow roadway which does not have a shoulder area for screed overhang past the cut-off shoe, pave the narrow mat first with the screed overhang on the inside. If this road is to have a crown, the cut-off will be made at the center for both mats with the shoe actually riding on the first mat when the second mat is laid. (f) Overlapping Mats - Do not overlap mats extensively unless it is required. If required, keep the overlap to the minimum requirement. Excessive overlap can cause a bridging and tearing of the mat. If a large overlap is required use a cut-off shoe to block material from coming too far under the screed in the overlap area. It is the excess material allowed to build up under a screed that eventually supports the end of the screed to cause bridging and holes in the mat. It also causes very rapid wearing of the screed bottom in the area that is supporting most of the screed weight. (g) Maximum Stone Size in Material - The intended mat thickness must be at least 11/2 times the dimension of the largest stone size in the material. Fewer problems will be experienced if the mat is twice or three times thicker than the largest stone dimension. Example: If the roadway specification calls for a 3" thick rolled mat, the largest stone used in the material should not exceed 11/2" to 2"! If 1" stone can be the maximum size it will cause fewer problems than the larger stone. Positioning Screed for Paving Start-up Figure 1 PAVING (a) Move the paver into position so that the steering guide marker is aligned and the screed can be lowered to the exact point at which the mat is to begin. Move both Track Switches to the BRAKE position when the paver is in place. (b) Make a careful check of the screed to make sure it is ready for paving. Extensions, cut-off shoes, etc., should be properly installed. Crown adjustment should be checked with stringline as a start-up setting. Strike-off should be accurately measured and adjusted. (c) Set wood support blocks under the ends and center of the screed at the correct mat thickness height and level for proper screed take-off when paving begins. With engine at full throttle unhook screed safety cables and lower screed to blocks allowing both lift cables to go completely slack before moving screed lift switch to center (HOLD) position. (d) Raise each hopper gate to the 1/4 open position for start-up. When paving starts adjust them as necessary. See Figure 4. Page 79 (e) For manual adjustment of mat thickness control, turn each handwheel until no load is felt on the screw. Turn the handwheels clockwise until a load is felt, then turn them an additional 1/3 revolution in the same direction to set a slight screed angle for start-up. (f) Make a visual check of engine speed by reading the Frequency Meter. If the engine speed is holding at 2000 RPM the frequency will be steady at 61 cycles (Adjust engine speed governor if necessary to obtain this reading). (g) Set throttle switch at IDLE and engage the main clutch. (h) With engine at IDLE speed, start screed heater. Heater should run from 20 to 30 minutes in order to bring the temperature of the screed bottom to approximately 3000 F. CAUTION! Do not heat the screed above 3500 F as warping can result. (i) When screed temperature is satisfactory move solenoid valve selector switch to OFF position. This will allow burner fan to dissipate the heat. Also open upper vent door. (j) When intense heat is eliminated stop fan motor by turning junction box burner switch to OFF. (k) Disengage main clutch. (l) Shift transmission Direction Lever to FORWARD. (m) Shift transmission Range Lever and Speed Lever to produce the paving speed selected. This selection should be based primarily on the rate at which hot material can be delivered to the paving site. A chart showing paving speeds for 1" mat thickness, as related to tonnage of material required, is shown near the end of this Section. (New operators should use slow speed for gaining first experience). (n) Set both Track Switches to BRAKE position. When the first truck arrives with material, the paving operation can be started as follows: (o) Have truck back-up to within 1" (approx.) of the paver push rollers. IMPORTANT! The trucks should never be allowed to bump the paver, as this will cause marks on the finished mat as paving progresses. Using Guide Marker, Reference Line and Cut-off Shoe Figure 2 Have the trucker set his brake so that the truck will not roll away from the paver when the material is dumped. IMPORTANT! Do not allow material to be spilled in front of the paver. If this occurs, shovel the spillage into the hopper. Do not attempt to bulldoze it with the front of the paver! Material will jam up the return side of the slat conveyors and pack into the track links. If material is left in front of the tracks it may cause waves in the mat. (p) Dump material Into Paver Hopper. (q) When ready to pave, engage master clutch. (r) Set engine Throttle Switch to FULL position. (s) Move both Feed Switches to the MANUAL position. When the slat conveyors have fed the material to the spreader screws and it is spread across the full length of the screed to the proper depth, move the Feed Switches to OFF. (t) Set Vibrator Switch to ON. (Vibrators will not start until paver moves forward. Adjust the four Vibrator Intensity Control Knobs on the transformers to about 3/4 range to start. When some mat is laid readjust the vibrator intensity for the best mat surface appearance. Once properly set, little or no additional adjustment will be necessary). (u) Set engine throttle switch to SOFT START position. (v) Set both Track Switches to TRAVEL simultaneously to start paver movement and operate the Feed Switches manually to keep the material spread ahead of the screed. Page 80 (w) Correct the direction of paver movement by moving 'the Track Switch of the pivot track to OFF momentarily. (x) After some experience is gained with manual feed control, set both Feed Switches to AUTO. and observe the level of material maintained by the two depth sensors. If necessary, stop paving and re-set each sensor by loosening the control arm and sliding it inward or outward to maintain a different material height on the screws. Adjusting Right Hand Hopper Gate Figure 3 MATERIAL CONTROL Adjust hopper gates, Figure 3, so the material flows almost constantly to the spreader screws. The spreader screws should be kept a little more than half covered with material (Refer to Material Feed, Section 6) (1) The ends of the spreader screws should not be filled too full. This causes the material to pack against the end plates and in some cases may spill over the sides. IMPORTANT: When operating with automatic feed control, never starve the screw conveyors to the extent that there is not enough material in the screws for the cut-off switches to operate. It is important to check to see that material does not build up in switches and control arms, causing improper operation. KEEP CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. (2) When too much material is carried in the spreader screws, excessive wear will occur on the screws, and the material will spill over the end plates and screed moldboard. (3) When operating under manual control the operator will have to watch the material level across the length of the screed because uneven or excessive amounts of material cause a poor appearing and wavy mat. ADJUSTMENT OF HOPPER GATES The material gates, Figure 4, located to the rear of the hopper, control the flow of material to the spreader screws. (1) Gates should be regulated so that the spreader screws operate 80% (minimum) of the time. Comparison of Gate Height to Material Feed Figure 4 (2) When bleeding out material on one side of paver, the operator should and may have to adjust the gate on that side to increase the amount of material flowing to the spreader screws. Switch from automatic to manual feed. OPERATING SUGGESTIONS (1) Mat Thickness - The screed man should check the depth being laid at each side of the mat and make whatever adjustments necessary to maintain a uniform depth of mat. (2) The adjustment of the screed control should not be made too rapidly. The screed should always be allowed to seek the new level of operation. (3) The operator should make sure that the proper amount of material is being fed to the spreader screws. (4) The operator should check the speed the paver is traveling. The paver should move fast enough to lay the material without delaying the trucks, and not so fast that he has to wait for trucks. (5) The operator should never run the slat conveyors out of material and starve the spreader screws, but he should allow the hopper to empty out to some extent before the next truck dumps its material. Page 81 (6) When controlling the paver, the operator should be careful not to push either right or left toggle switch all the way forward. This would apply the brakes and cause over correction and an impression on the finished mat. Quickly dis-engage and re-engage track clutches as many times as becomes necessary to correct the direction of paver movement. NOTE: One of the most common mistakes made by a new operator is overcontrol in steering. A quick snap of one switch to OFF is all that is necessary to correct the direction of the paver. (7) IMPORTANT: Clutches should be inspected after the first week of operation and every 30 days thereafter. Selecting Proper Operating Speeds The paver should not travel any faster than necessary. The operation should run smooth at all times. Even though the paver will travel at speeds that exceed the production of the mixing plant, the operator will not gain by running at the faster speed. Always operate at a constant speed, and let the production of the mixing plant determine this speed. If necessary higher paver speeds can be used to expedite the unloading of a backlog of trucks which may be caused when the paver is making a joint or similar time-consuming operations. (1) Operating Speed Ranges (Refer to Material Feed, Section 6) When operating at high speed ranges, it may be necessary to adjust the rheostat controls for the screed vibrators; increasing the amplitude of the two outside, middle, or all four vibrators. Correct operating speed of paver should be selected to handle the output from asphalt plant without long delays between trucks (2) Job specifications may determine the paver speed. Laying a Wide Mat When the paver is required to lay mats of extreme widths or an extra deep mat, the following adjustments and changes must be made. (1) Make sure screed plate extensions and screws are assembled according to recommended procedure. See Installation Of Attachments, Section 7. (2) Measure screw conveyor diameter, and weld screw up to its original diameter (14" Standard Auger) if necessary. Also, check paddles on screw conveyor (14" Diameter standard, and reweld if necessary. (3) Check to make sure strike-offs are positioned correctly on front of screed plate. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. (See Screed Section 7.) (4) Usually it is necessary to lower the gates to feed more material to the ends of the screed. (5) Install material retaining plates, so that spreading screws readily move the mix to the outer ends of screed. This keeps a full supply in front of the screed extensions, rather than letting it flow away from in front of the screws. Also, with retainer plates it is possible to maintain a low but uniform level of material in the moldboard area, and consequently better movement off the moldboard into the screws and better operation of the automatic depth sensors. CAUTION: Avoid too much material in spreader screws as excess material will not roll off the moldboard efficiently. Adjust depth control feelers to maintain desired level of material. CROWN ADJUSTMENT Some of the conditions that can be corrected by proper front crown adjustments are loose edges with sandy streaks in the center of the mat, or tight edges with a marking in the center of the mat. (See Figure 5) Loose mat edges for approximately the last 18" on each side, and a tight sandy center strip indicates too much crown. To correct this condition, back off the front crown adjusting nut until the front crown is only 1/16" greater than the rear crown or less. Then Page 82 Edges Loose - Decrease Front Crown Center Loose - Add More Front Crown Effect of Crown on Mat Uniformity Figure 5 add front crown by turning the nut 1/6th turn at a time until the mat has the desired appearance. Adjustment should be made slowly, waiting each time for the effects of the new setting. Tight mat edges and a marking or looseness at the center of the mat indicates a need for more front crown. Add crown to the front edge of the screed 1/6-th turn of the adjusting nut at a time, waiting each time for the effects of the new setting, until the mat has the desired appearance. The rear crown adjustment should not be changed unless a new or different degree of crown is desired in the finished mat. Front crown adjustment does not affect the road crown, it only helps to get proper distribution of material under the screed. The front crown must always be adjusted after the rear crown adjustment is correct. The initial crown settings are 1/16 to 1/8" more in the front crown than in the rear crown. For example: The rear crown setting is for 1/4" crown in the road, therefore the front crown would be 1/16"more or 5/16”total. Final adjustment must be made when the paver is actually laying mat. This eliminates the possibility of crown error and enables the operator to observe the quality of the surface. If the density and texture are not uniform, adjustment of the lead crown differential should be made to determine whether the mat can be improved by this simple change in screed attitude. Matching Mats In any paving operation where two or more mats are joined together, this procedure is called matching a joint (Figure 6). The joint may be either parallel or transverse, depending upon the phase of operation. When matching any joint the operator should always have sufficient thickness so when the mat is rolled it will be the same depth as adjoining mat. Extra thickness depends upon how thick a mat is being laid. Example: a 4" black base mat may require 5" of fresh material in order to measure 4" after final rolling. A 1½ 2" mat may require only 13,14" of material. (1) Parallel Joints-The "CEDARAPIDS" Bituminous Paver is designed to match one mat to another mat by overlapping the previously laid mat. The amount of overlay will depend some upon skill of the operator. (Refer to Figure 6.) The operator should also consider the following examples when laying mats with parallel joints. (a) Match the mats when possible before the asphalt sets up. If it is possible to do this, the roller should be kept away from the first mat approximately 6" to 1'. Page 83 Then roll the joint when rolling the second mat. (b) When laying one mat some distance ahead, so that the material sets up or traffic causes compaction the second mat should be thick enough to allow for compaction. The full width of this mat should be rolled. (c) When matching a previously rolled mat, allow for the compaction of the roller. The screed should never ride on the first mat. (Refer to Figure 6) (d) Roll the mat joint as soon as possible behind the paver. (e) When it is important to maintain a straight crown in the middle of a wide road, it is usually desirable to lay the middle mat first. (f) When paving narrow roads that do not give sufficient clearance on the shoulder for the screed on the cut-off side, the operator can lay the first mat the narrow width. When a crown is to be maintained in the center of the road, match with cut-off shoe riding the previously laid mat. (g) When matching one mat with another, a 6" or 1' extension should be used on the side of the matching joint, if possible. This will allow the usual wear experienced when overlapping to take place on the short extension rather than on one end of the screed plate. (2) Transverse Joints-When making a transverse joint, the operator should take into consideration whether or not the material will set up before the paver is returned to make this joint. (a) If the joint will be made before the asphalt sets up, the roller should not roll the last two yards of the mat. (b) When making the joint, raise the screed and back up, so the entire screed will rest on the mat. (c) Then lower the screed, fill up the screw conveyor with material and start normal operation. (d) The screed should be adjusted to the same position as when this mat was ended. Screed can be adjusted while resting on mat. (e) When a transverse joint is being made to a compacted mat, the same procedure is followed, and the operator should allow for the roller compaction of the new mat. Ending A Mat When ending a mat of asphaltic paving where a transverse joint will be made, a vertical edge should be left to accomplish a good bond in the transverse joint. Ending A Mat Figure 7 There are several methods that are used to end a mat to insure a good transverse joint. (1) One of the simplest methods used is to use a piece of paper about 3' wide and a little longer than the width of the mat. (a) The operator should run the slat conveyors and spreader screws until all the material is used up. (b) Stop the slat conveyors and spreader screws. Operate screed lift enough to snug lift cables and partly support the screed, then move the paver forward until the screed has cleared the mat. (c) Raise the screed and move the paver forward to allow working room. (d) Rake the material evenly across the width of the mat. (e) Lay paper across the width of mat, Figure 7 (f) Rake the material evenly onto the paper the same thickness as the mat. CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED IN PAVING The following information is designed to aid the operator when faced by various conditions that are encountered during paving operations. While it would be impossible to cover all conditions, the following are the most common in everyday operation. General Inspect the road ahead of the paver; watch for grade changes, and adjust screed thickness controls gradually to compensate for these changes in grade. (1) Mat thickness cannot be held to a fine measurement. Material will be thinner over high spots and thicker over low spots. Always maintain a level surface. 84 (2) When resurfacing, specifications may call for a mat too thin to cover the high spots, thus the screed will drag. The operator should watch for such high spots and have them bladed down be- fore paving. Extreme trouble will be experienced if large stone has been used in the material. This is an important reason why the mat should be at least 1 1/2 times the largest stone size. (3) When laying a binder course on a base with holes, best results will be obtained by filling these holes with binder ahead of the paver. (4) Screed should be adjusted to follow the contour of intersections when laying city pavements. More material may be required to obtain this contour. (5) Never cover catch basins. Always decrease mat thickness if basins are lower at intersections, to give proper slope for collecting water. When paver travels care should be taken not to hook the screed on any rigid object which could damage the strike-off plate or other parts of the assembly. (6) When changing to faster speeds the screed operator should make any adjustments necessary to maintain proper mat thickness. (7) When resurfacing city streets, the operator should watch for manholes. (a) Mark the pavement at one side of the manhole so it can be uncovered after paver passes. (b) When necessary, the screed thickness control should be changed to allow more material to cover manhole. (c) If crawler is in line with manhole, adjust thickness control to correct the rising of paver. (d) If manhole is more than an inch high, a few shovels full of material will enable the crawler to climb over it. (e) When material covers manhole, it should be cleaned off before roller passes over it. Mat Conditions There are various conditions that will affect the finished mat or surface. These conditions are usually an indication of improper adjustment, operation, temperature, crown or material. When these conditions are evident, they can be eliminated by proper corrections made by the operator. (1) Proper Crown Adjustment - The leading edge or front of the screed should be set with a crown of at least 1/16”more than the trailing edge or rear of the screed. When making final adjustment on mat, do not turn the hex nut more than of a turn at a time. Observe results and make further correction if needed. (a) If the mat is loose or coarse in the center and the edges are firm, there is not enough crown on the leading edge of the screed. (b) If a sandy line is present in the center of the mat and the edges are loose, this indicates too much crown on the leading edge of the screed. It can also be due to an incorrect strike-off plate adjustment. (2) Voids in Mat - When any form of holes show up across the mat surface, these may be due to any of the following: (a) Material in the form of lumps that are rich in asphalt will not break up and pass under the screed. This starves the mat. (b) Any foreign object in the material that will not pass under the screed also starves the mat. (c)Material partially set up due to long hauls is the most common cause of tearing. A mix that is short of solvents also acts the same as a cold load. NOTE: To correct this type of tearing to the mat surface, first try to remove the cause. When it is impossible to hold the heat in the material due to long hauls, a higher plant mixing temperature should be used. Also, covering loads and insulating truck bodies will help hold the heat. Adding heat to the screed helps to smooth out the mat, because material will not stick to a hot screed. (3) Tearing of Mat Surface - This tear looks like some object has been dragging or scuffing the surface. This is caused by material sticking to the screed and building up. Heat to the screed will generally take care of this condition. If this condition is not cleared up by heating the screed, the screed should be raised and cleaned. Asphalt containing excess moisture will not lay properly. (a) If tears appear along the edges of the mat, there is too much material being forced out against the end plate. Adjust gates and automatic feed control to cut down the amount of material in front of the screed. (b) If the screed surface is rough, or rusty, this condition will also cause tearing. to the mat surface. Also swab or spray screed plate at end of each day's operation. (c) When mix gradation is low in small sizes of aggregates, the mix will cause an open- type surface texture. When this is not desirable in the mix, a sufficient amount of smaller aggregate sizes should be added. Page 85 (d) Always be careful not to overheat the screed when material requires a heated screed. Overheating may warp the screed. (4) Cracks in the Mat -When cracks show up across the mat in various places, this is caused by the material being unworkable and dry. It is not being compacted properly under the screed. This can be corrected by one of the following: (a) Increase the intensity of the vibrators. (b) Add heat to the screed or change the specifications. (c) Screed tear marks should not be confused with roller cracks, although they are similar in appearance. Roller cracks are the result of too much rolling. APPLICATION OF ASPHALTIC MATERIALS a. Equipment and Temperature Control -Whether or not a job is successful, depends in large measure upon the way the asphaltic materials are incorporated into the road surface. Good work requires good equipment and skillful operation. b. Experience has demonstrated that the best results in asphalt construction are obtained when the work is done in summer temperatures. c. Practically all asphaltic materials are applied at higher than atmospheric temperatures, which necessitates heating in most cases. d. Temperature of Use - Following is a table of temperature limits which should govern the use of various asphaltic materials. These temperatures will insure a sufficiently liquid condition for the use which each material is to serve. Temperature ASPHALTIC MATERIAL F Asphaltic Cements . ........................................................................................................ 275-350 SC-O ............................................................................................................................... 50-120 SC-1 ................................................................................................................................ 80-125 SC-2 ................................................................................................................................ 150-200 SC-3 ................................................................................................................................ 175-250 SC-4................................................................................................................................. 175-250 SC-5................................................................................................................................. 200-275 MC-0. ............................................................................................................................... 50-120 MC-1 ................................................................................................................................ 80-125 MC- .................................................................................................................................. 150-200 MC-3. ............................................................................................................................... 175-250 MC-4 ................................................................................................................................ 175-250 MC-5 ................................................................................................................................ 200-275 RC-0 ............................................................................................................................... 50-100 RC-1 ............................................................................................................................... 80-125 RC-2 .............................................................................................................................. 100-175 RC-3 ............................................................................................................................... 150-200 RC-4 ............................................................................................................................... 175-250 RC-5 .............................................................................................................................. 200-275 Emulsified Asphalt .......................................................................................................... 50-120 e. General Conditions Prior to Placement of Plant Mix - Plant mixtures should only be laid upon a base which is dry, or at least free from standing water and only when weather conditions are suitable. Prior to the delivery of mixture on the work, the prepared base should be cleaned of all loose or foreign material. f. Spreading Asphalt Mixtures - All hot-laid mixtures should be delivered on the work at temperatures which will permit ready, spreading without segregation of aggregate or asphalt. For several types they are: (1) Asphaltic surface course ......................................................................................... (2) Asphaltic concrete base course ......................................................................................... (3) Stone-filled sheet asphalt surface course ........................................................................... (4) Sheet asphalt binder course ......................................................................................... (5) Cold-laid asphalt surface 225 to 325°F 285 to 325°F 250 to 350°F 225 to 350°F course ............................................................. 50 to -50°F NOTE: The desired temperature should be set by the engineer for the particular mix employed. A variation of 20°F from this temperature, but within limits, may be permitted. Temperature of Mix (1) Mix temperature requirements will vary with the type of work being done, time of day, air temperature, type of asphalt being used, and distance material is hauled. By temperature testing and observation an operator can learn to tell whether the mix temperature should be increased or decreased to fit his particular job conditions. (2) Usually the asphalt plant can produce the asphaltic mixture at temperatures below that which is determined by the paver operator to be best. Keep the temperature of the mix at the correct point to assure good mixing and coating of the aggregate particles in the plant as well as proper workability in placing on the road. (3) From experience with the "CEDARAPIDS" Paver, the temperature that is usually recommended is a minimum of 250°for the medium and high penetration asphalts and a minimum of 300°for low penetration asphalts, such as 40 or 50 penetration. NOTE: Many mat defects can be traced to incorrect temperature of mix at the Paver. Page 86 Silicone Additive for Hot Mixed Asphaltic Concrete Excellent results have been obtained by adding a Silicone fluid to liquid asphalt prior to mixing with aggregate. This additive is Dow Corning 200 Fluid 1,000 CS manufactured by Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, Michigan. With the addition of a few ounces of this silicone into the asphalt tanks, very definite improvement was noticed in overcoming difficulty of spreading some types of hot asphalt paving mixtures. When critical conditions such as foaming, flushing, flatting of loads are occurring, and complete drying is border line this silicone additive will considerably improve the laying of mix by the paver. Basically, silicone additive improves the laying characteristics of certain type of surface, or fine aggregate type mixes. Improvement is also noted where there is a predominance of native or natural sand materials used in a blended state, and also where drying of fines to eliminate internal moisture is borderline. Experience to date indicates coarse aggregate mixes (base and binder) do not respond as readily as fine aggregate surface mixes. No claim is made that silicones provide a cure- all for all surface course laydown problems. Silicone will not replace drying of the aggregates but does provide some desirable reactions when critical conditions are encountered. Usually, the two main problems observed when lay-down was unsatisfactory before adding silicone were: (a) Some slumping of the mix in the truck. (b) Behavior of the Paver such as you get when there is moisture in the mix. Both of these conditions changed to satisfactory after adding silicone. No detrimental effects to the quality of the asphaltic concrete was found in jobs reported. They passed all standard tests. Tests were made by the State Highway Commissions before and after treatment and mix was always within specifications. It is important that the correct quantity of silicone be thoroughly mixed in the asphalt, and good results have been obtained by diluting two (2) ounces of silicone in two (2) gallons of kerosene or No. 1 diesel fuel. Then add this mixture to a 10,000 gallon tank of asphalt. This is equivalent to about two (2) parts per million (PPM) content. Some contractors add this to the asphalt transport trucks before it is pumped into the storage tanks at the plant. This helps provide the necessary mixing when pumped to the storage tanks. Some State specifications require that silicone be added at the refinery and be thoroughly mixed by mechanical means. Dow Corning Corporation definitely specifies #200 Fluid Q 1000 CS (Centistrokes) viscosity for use with hot asphaltic mixes. Even though other viscosities are available, the 1000 CS viscosity should be used! Iowa Manufacturing Company does not stock or sell this product, but will supply upon request the addresses and phone numbers of Dow Corning Branch Offices, where this product can b( purchased. Mat Surface Before Adding Silicone Compound Compound Figure 8 Mat Surface After Adding Silicone Figure 9 87 Page 88 TROUBLE-SHOOTING CHART Page 89 SECTION X CLEANING and LUBRICATING PAVER Cleaning Paver It is extremely important that the paver be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day's operation!. A spray nozzle with 15 foot hose is attached to the pressure side of the screed heater fuel system. This permits the operator to reach all areas of the paver which require cleaning and lubricating. Method: (1) Run engine at IDLE speed. (2) Set valve selector switch to SPRAY-DOWN (3) Push panel circuit breaker to ON (4) Turn junction box burner switch to ON (5) Depress hose line valve lever Clean all parts of the paver which come in con- tact with asphalt. The track and track rollers, hop- per, slat conveyors, spreader screws, screed, drive chains, etc. all require cleaning at the end of each day. This holds true even if the paver was actually used only a short time. Many paver troubles can be traced to improper cleaning! Fuel oil on the slat conveyors and tracks provides the needed lubrication which prevents rapid wear. The spray should reach all track link pins so that there is no squeaking as the paver moves. The slat conveyors should be operated during the spraying to be sure that all of the slats and chain are reached. IMPORTANT! Keep oil spray away from all electrical boxes, motors, generators, starters, etc. Do not spray paver when it is parked on an asphalt mat! Move it to the side of the road where drainage of oil and dissolved asphalt will not damage anything. In addition to spray cleaning of the paver the following clean up practices should be routine. 1. Check for accumulation of asphalt in the heat vent holes along the top of the moldboard. This check can best be made by feeling the exhaust of hot air when the heater is being operated (the upper vents become plugged when asphalt spills over the moldboard when a material level too high above the screw is allowed to build up. Use a stiff wire to clean out accumulated asphalt. Cleaning Paver with Screed Heater Fuel Spray Accessory Figure 1 2. Periodically remove the screed plate as de- scribed in Screed Section 7 and clean the interior of all asphalt, sand, and fine material. Failure to keep the inside of the screed plate clean will cause uneven distribution of heat to the screed bottom and possible tearing of the mat surface. TRUCK ROLLERS Two rollers located on the front of the hopper are lubricated before assembly and require no further lubrication. However, these rollers should be cleaned often during operation to eliminate material build-up. Page 91 LUBRICATION - GENERAL SUGGESTIONS PROPER LUBRICATION: Proper Lubrication helps obtain top equipment performance and minimum down-time from worn out bearings. Make it a daily practice. Be sure to comply with all lubrication instructions on the following Lubrication Chart. Do not neglect any area or detail! TOO MUCH GREASE: Too Much Grease pumped into bearing housings can overheat bearings and reduce their service life. Use good judgment. TOO MUCH LUBRICANT PRESSURE The use of too much pressure when lubricating a sealed bearing can blow-out the soft seal ring. Once the seal is blown, the bearing has no grease retention ability and no protection against the entry of dirt into the race area. Rapid failure results! When using a hand operated grease gun, stop pumping as soon as the easy stroking begins to change to a hard pumping requirement. When using a pressurized grease system, develop a "feel" for the correct pressure of gun against fitting for automatic pressure relief in case the bearing be- comes filled. SELECTION OF LUBRICANTS: Texaco Lubricants are recommended on the lubrication chart following. Use only recommended lubricants. GOOD HABITS: Cleanness when lubricating is vital! The grit which is always present around grease fittings and oil reserves can destroy a good bearing surface rapidly if it is forced inside with the lubricap. When using a grease gun, wipe the nozzle clean before use. Wipe grease fittings absolutely clean before each application or keep them covered with the special plastic Lubricaps which are on each paver fitting when it leaves the factory. Keep lubricaps clean while they are off the fittings. Leave an excess of grease on each fitting. Don't wipe it off until the next greasing. It protects the fitting. Use grease gun with cartridge type supply unit for positive elimination of dirt and abrasive particles in the new grease. Plastic Lubricap for Bearing Grease Fittings Figure 2 COLOR CODED LUBRICAPS Lubricaps can be installed on all fittings to keep the area around the grease fittings free from dirt and dust. This Neoprene cap is easily removed and replaced. These inexpensive Lubricaps are available in quantities and can be ordered for placement on equipment in the field. Lubricaps are available in colors, so the customer can establish a coding system for different types and time intervals of lubrication. Grease guns and lubricant containers with matching color coding make correct lubricating routines easier. Correct lubrication practices and continued use of the Lubricaps will insure the customer a longer bearing life, as well as eliminate many hours of unnecessary down time. It is important that the lubrication requirements be thoroughly under- stood and followed. SCHOOL YOUR LUBRICATION MAN. Page 92 LUBRICATION DETAIL (a) Bearing Inspection Anti-friction bearing assemblies should be checked immediately after stopping the paver, whenever possible, as their failure is most easily detected by a high operating temperature. If a bearing is too hot to be touched, it is either running without any lubricant; with too much, or has failed. (b) Transmission The main transmission for the "CEDARAPIDS" Bituminous Paver has a capacity of 17 quarts and should be lubricated with Texaco Multigear or Universal Gear Lubricant EP 90. It is important that the operator check for a flow of oil through the sight gauge each day and check the level of the transmission when making general lubrication inspections. The transmission should be flushed with Rando AA oil every 1,000 hours or seasonally. (See lubrication chart.) (c) Transfer Gear Cases There are two transfer gear cases, one located on each side of the paver. Both have a capacity of 91/ quarts. Use Texaco Multigear or Universal Gear Lubricant EP 90. The same instructions for flushing and checking should be followed as for the main transmission. (See lubrication chart.) (d) Hydraulic System The system has a capacity of 10 gallons. Use Texaco Rando HD-C Oil. When filling the reservoir tank it is important that the fluid is allowed time to flow and fill the system. Every 1,000 hours this system must be drained, the strainer washed, and refilled with recommended lubricant. (See Section 5 for complete details). (e) Slat Conveyor Bearings Each of the two slat conveyors have four bearings. Two are mounted at the front of the paver and two at the back. The lubrication of these bearings is important. They should be lubricated every 8 hours of operation with Texaco Marfak O lubricant. (1) To lubricate front slat conveyor bearings, remove front hopper cover plate. (See lubrication chart.) (2) To lubricate rear slat conveyor bearings, see lubrication chart. (f) Conveyor Drive Chains The four conveyor drive chains should be lubricated once each week to minimize wear. To reach the chains connecting each conveyor drive shaft to the countershafts, remove the rear deck plate on each side of the engine. The two chains connecting the countershafts to the conveyor shafts are located directly beneath the rear end of the engine and are readily accessible. Lightly coat all chain links with Texaco EP90 Universal Gear Lubricant. (Also used in the paver gear cases). (g) Track Assembly (1) Crawler Track Link Pins - Spray fuel oil over crawler tracks when cleaning paver at the end of each day's operation to lubricate link pins and keep them from squeaking. (2) Paver tracks are driven from the transfer cases with heavy duty chains and sprockets, that require cleaning and lubricating at the end of the day's operation. Remove the two rear deck plates and spray fuel oil over the chain and sprocket using the wash-off hose from the heater fuel tank. This will normally keep the asphaltic material soft so that it falls off during the following day's operation. Failure to spray the chain can result in the asphaltic material building up in the chain and on the sprockets until the chain becomes so tight it will cause the chain to break. CAUTION: When spraying chain and sprockets, use care not to spray the electric clutch on transfer case. (3) Lower roller and track roller and pivot shaft assemblies are equipped with grease fittings to lubricate the pivot pins and each roller with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every 8 hours of operation. (See lubrication chart). (4) Track rear sprocket or front idler - Once each year remove the fill plugs and install grease fitting. Add Texaco Marfak O lubricant until new lubricant appears at opposite pipe plug hole. Re- move fitting and replace both pipe lugs. (See illustrations in Maintenance Section II) (h) Spreader Screw Bearings All bearings for the spreader screws have grease fittings which are easily accessible and should be' lubricated every 8 hours of operation. It is important these fittings be cleaned before lubricant is applied. Use Texaco Marfak O lubricant. (See lubrication chart). (i) Travel and Feed Clutches - All travel and feed clutch bearing assemblies must be disassembled and repacked with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every season. Page 93 (j) Screed Adjusting Mechanism and Pull Arms Ball joint housings on screed adjusting mechanisms and pull arms are equipped with grease fittings to lubricate the ball joints with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every 8 hours of operation. (See lubrication chart). (k) Pulleys For Screed Lift Cables There are two pulleys for each screed lift cable and each has a grease fitting. The fitting of the enclosed pulley is not in plain sight. All four fittings should be greased once each month (1) Power Unit The diesel engine that powers the paver must be properly lubricated and maintained to insure the dependable and smooth performance needed in a paving operation. An individual instruction manual is provided, carefully outlining intervals of time to lubricate, clean air filter, and change oil along with other points of preventative maintenance. More frequent replacement or cleaning of air filter will be required in dusty conditions. Page 94 ASPHALT PAVER LUBRICATION CHART ITEM REQUIRING LUBRICANT LOCATION LUBRICATION RECOMMENDED A LUBRICATING INSTRUCTIONS Refer to Lubrication Requirements in Engine Instruction Manual. Keep filled to show ”on dipstick. Sight glass must show oil flow during operation. Seasonally, drain, back-flush filter screen EP90 Universal Gear and case. Drain and re-fill with fresh lubricant (See Instruction (Flush with Rando AA Manual - Section 11 for details}. Keep filled to level hole. Seasonally, drain, flush and re-fill with EP90 Universal Gear fresh lubricant. (Flush with Rando AA One pump of gun each day. Marfak # 0 One pump of gun each week. Marfak # 0 Each day spray all track pins. Spray all slat conveyor chains Incomplete loops). Remove deck plates and spray both track drive chains. (Use oil spray accessories from screed heater system]. Fuel Oil F Track Pins, Slat Conveyor Chains, Track Drive Chains G Track and Feed Clutch Bearings: Seasonally wash out and repack bearings and lube chamber. Replace grease seals (See Instruction Manual - Section 11). Marfak # 0 H Track Sprockets and Track Idlers: Seasonally remove plugs, install temporary fitting, add grease until fresh grease extrudes from opposite hole. Remove plugs. Marfak # 0 Lubricant* B Oil) Lubricant* C Oil) D E Engine: TEXACO Main Transmission: Power Transfer Cases: General Grease Lubricated Bearings and Pivot Points: (Requiring Daily Lubrication) General Grease Lubricated Bearings and Pivot Points: (Requiring Weekly Lubrication) K Conveyor Drive Chains: Once each week coat all conveyor drive chains lightly. EP 90 Universal Gear Lubricant *IMPORTANT NOTE: Never mix brands of lubricant in paver gear cases. Chemical inter-action can occur to produce harmful, non-lubricating compounds. If uncertain of lubricant in a gear case, drain, flush and re-fill. DON'T JUST ADD MORE LUBRICANT! (See Over) Page 95 ASPHALT PAVER LUBRICATION CHART (See Over) Page 96 SECTION XI Mechanical Maintenance TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Page Crawler Tracks .......................................................................................................... Adjusting tension ................................................................................................. Replacing track assembly .................................................................................... Replacing oscillating roller ................................................................................... Drive chain take-up .............................................................................................. Replacing track sprockets ........................................ ........................................... Lubricating track sprocket and track idler bearings .................. ............................ Replacement of huck-bolted sprockets .............................. .................................. 99-102 99 100 100 101 101 101 102 Track Drive Transfer Cases ...................................................................................... Checking for wear ............................................... ................................................ internal inspection and adjustment ................................. ..................................... Case repair ..................................................... .................................................... 103-108 103 104 107 Slat Conveyors .................................................... ..................................................... 109-110 Slat turn-over ................................................... ................................................... 109 Slat chain take-up ............................................... ................................................ 109 Conveyor drive chain take-up .............................................................................. 109 Replacing liners under slat conveyors .............................. ................................... 110 Screw Conveyors ......................................................................................................110 & 111 Restoring screws to original diameter .............................. .................................... Refacing screws with Ni-hard liners ................................ ..................................... 110 110 Electric Clutches - travel and feed ...........................................................................112 & 113 Inspection of clutches .......................................................................................... Adjustment of clutches ........................................... ............................................. Replacing worn-out clutch parts ........................................................................... 112 112 113 Screed Assembly ...................................................................................................... 114-116 Removing quick-change bottom ................................... ....................................... 114 Installing new bottom ............................................ .............................................. 114 Checking bolts .................................................. .................................................. 114 Handwheel screw maintenance ...........................................................................115 & 116 Vibrator Control Knob Installation & Tight ening .................................................... Page 97 117 TABLE OF CONTENTS Continued Electrically Released Track Brakes ......................................................................... General information ............................................................................................ Armature clearance ............................................................................................. Wear pattern ....................................................................................................... Replacing worn-out parts ..................................................................................... Brake electrical module........................................................................................ 117-119 117 118 118 118 119 Main Clutch (manually Operated) ............................................................................120 & 121 Clutch adjustment ............................................................................................... 121 Engine Power Take-off Assembly ............................................................................ 121 24 Speed Transmission (Manually Shifted) ............................................................ 122-128 Component part description ................................................................................ 122-127 Assembly of parts on bevel pinion shaft .............................................................. 123 Replace of transmission oil pump......................................................................... 127 Transmission oil line filter ....................................................................................127 & 128 125 Volt A.C. Generator ............................................................................................128 & 129 Loss of voltage .................................................................................................... Maintenance .................................................... ................................................... V-belt tension .................................................... .................................................. 128 128 129 12 Volt D.C. Generator .............................................................................................. 129 Seasonal Paver Overhaul Recommendations.......................................................... 130 Page 98 CRAWLER TRACKS The most expensive mistake the owner of any track type piece of equipment can make is to assume that such an uncomplicated mechanism as a crawler track needs no care. An effective service life is built into the track, but without proper care its life will be shortened. The track, rollers, sprockets and take up idlers should be inspected at least once a week. Lubrication should be according to recommendations. Everytime the paver is cleaned, the track should be sprayed with fuel oil. There is enough lubricant in the fuel oil to keep the track pins from rusting and binding. Track tension is most important. The tension de- termination method shown in Figure 2 is a guide. Proper track tension depends on the type of laying operation. When the base is sandy there tends to be a buildup on the track bushings. This material will pack and the track tension will increase. The drive sprocket will jump in the track and cause excessive strain on the rear track sprocket bearings and front idler bearings. If the tracks are too tight, there is unnecessary strain on the drive assembly and the engine will lug excessively, and fuel consumption will be high. A very loose track has a tendency to come off when the machine pivots or backs up an incline. Even if it does not come off a loose track still may cause wear on the rollers, sprocket teeth and track. Loose track will tend to whip at travel speeds, which will cause severe impact loads on all running gear parts and allow additional movement of the contacting surfaces, which consequently increases wear to all parts. IMPORTANT! A new paver or one having a new set of tracks will require daily tightening of the tracks until all link pins have "worn in" and stretching of the track no longer occurs. When this initial stretching stops it will only be necessary to check and tighten the tracks occasionally. Method of Adjusting Track Tension: 1. Drive the paver to a point where the front end overhangs the track support surface enough to allow the movement of a long handled wrench engaging the track adjusting Nut "B" on each side of the paver (See Figure 3). 2. Loosen the locknut and turn Adjusting Nut "B" in the normal way to tighten or loosen. Bottom View of Tractor Assembly Figure 1 Measuring Track. Tension Figure 2 3. Take a measurement of the sag in each track (See Figure 2) and adjust the tension accordingly to arrive at the 67/g" dimension shown. Be sure to measure at the lowest point of track sag. 4. Tighten the locknuts after making an adjustment. Tension Pre-load: A minimum tension on the track is set at the factory by adjustment of the "pre-load". The spring is partly compressed by the Cap which is drawn to within 2" or 2¼ ¥4" of the Base Plate (See Figure 3) by adjustment of the stud Hex Nuts "C". This Portion of the tension assembly requires no further adjustment! If a spring or other parts are replaced, adjust the Pre-load to this specified dimension. Page 99 Track Tension Adjustment (Factory assembly view) Track Link and Pin Detail Figure 3 Figure 4 CAUTION! Always take the proper precautions when making such an adjustment where parts are subjected to strong spring tension. Replacing Crawler Track Assembly (1) Removing Crawler Assembly: (Figure 4) a. Elevate paver to allow adequate working area under the hopper. b. Release tension on track assembly. c. Drive the roll pins out of each end of one of the track pins. d. Drive track pin out of crawler link. e. Attach a cable to the "broken" track and pull track off track frame. (2) Replacing Crawler Assembly: One complete track is shipped in two sections for ease of handling. One section of the track will have one (1) more link than the other section. Couple these two sections together with track pin for one complete track assembly. a. Place blocking of sufficient height on top of track frame to support tracks level with upper roller assembly. b. Attach cable to one end of the track assembly and pull tracks over top of track frame until loose ends of track are under track frame toward the hopper end. c. Couple the two ends of tracks together with track pin. d. Drive roll pin into each end of track pin. e. Adjust track to the recommended tension. f. Release and remove jacks that elevated paver. Oscillating Track Roller (Partially dismantled) Figure 5 Replacing Oscillating Roller Assembly (Figure 5) Three sets of oscillating track roller assemblies are part of each track assembly. When bushings and rollers require replacement, these assemblies can quickly be removed from the track frame by the following procedures: IMPORTANT: Operating paver with worn track roller bushings will cause wavy surfaces on the laid mat, and unsatisfactory transverse joints, erratic depth control and marks on mat when paver stops. (1) Elevate machine until it is possible to loosen track take-up assembly allowing track to hang free. (2) Remove the complete oscillating roller assembly by removing the four nuts "A" which hold it to the track frame. (3) To further disassemble the rollers from the oscillating assembly, remove bolt and lock, Items "B" and "C." Then, push shaft through the roller. Page 100 (4) Press out worn bushings "D." Examine bore of roller to be sure that the bore is clean and free from wear marks. (5) Press the new bushings into the rollers, being careful not to damage or distort the bushing while it is being pressed into position. NOTE: On earlier model pavers, seals were installed on each end of roller. When installing seals in these assemblies, turn the lip of seals toward the outer edge of roller. (6) Position roller in oscillating bracket and install shafts through bracket and rollers. Assemble both roller shafts so grease fittings are on the same side of bracket. Assemble the shaft lock "C." (7) Assemble the oscillating roller assembly into track frame making sure grease fittings are turned to the outside of track. (8) Lubricate with Texaco Marfax O until lubricant extrudes from assembly. (9) After replacing all roller bushings the paver must be operated at slower travel speeds. Do not travel paver in excess of 129 feet per minute for the first 10 miles. This will only pertain to traveling with the screed raised. During "break in" period lubricate frequently. After "break in" lubricate every day as recommended in lubrication chart. Track Drive Chain Take-up (Figure 6). To tighten the right or left drive chain "P" between the transfer Gear Case "Q" and drive sprocket "R" use the following procedure. (1) Loosen bolts "S" that hold transfer gear case "Q" in place. (2) Loosen the jam nuts on adjusting screws "U" (four), then turn the screws downward to raise the transfer case. When the chain tension is correct and the case is parallel to the frame, slip shims "T" under each side of the case to retain the new position. The chain should have M" deflection on the slack side. (3) Unscrew the four adjusting screws "U" so that they do not touch the frame and tighten their jam nuts to keep them in place. (4) Tighten bolts "S" to hold the transfer case solidly in place. Re-check chain tension to be sure it did not change. Crawler Track Drive Detail - R.H. Figure 6 REPLACING TRACK DRIVE SPROCKETS Track drive sprockets are made up of a hub assembly and two bolted-on tooth sections. When the sprocket teeth are worn, these removable sections can be replaced in order to restore the sprocket teeth to new condition. When attaching the new parts apply Locktite Sealant (Grade B) to the capscrew threads to help prevent loosening. Sprocket tooth sections can be replaced without disconnecting the track. TRACK SPROCKET AND IDLER BREARING LUBRICATON IMPORTANT! Once each seasons remove both grease plugs from the hubs of the two track sprockets and the two track idlers. (see Figures 7 and 8). Install a grease fitting in the upper hole. Pump in fresh grease until it is extruded steadily from the bottom hole. Replace hole plugs. Cross-section thru Track Sprocket Figure 7 Cross-section thru Track Idler Figure 8 Page 101 Cross-section Thru Track Drive Sprocket Assembly Showing Factory and Field Methods of Sprocket Attachment Figure 9 REPLACEMENT OF TRACK DRIVE & CHAIN SPROCKETS WHICH WERE HUCK-BOLTED TO HUB The two-piece drive sprockets are attached to their hub assembly at the factory by means of "Huck Bolt" fasteners. These special bolts, which employ a high pressure swaging principal for application of the "nut" element, cannot be unfastened, but must be burned off when replacement of the sprocket halves is required. (See Figure 9) The special fastener is used at this point to prevent any loosening of sprockets. When sprockets become worn and must be replaced, use shoulder bolts of the correct length and hex nuts, in place of the Huck Bolts. Important! Be sure that the bolt shoulder does not contact the hex nuts when tightened. Use flat washers under the bolt head, if necessary, to prevent this occurrence. When all bolts are tightened evenly, tack weld each nut to its bolt so that no loosening of the bolts is possible. (See Figure 9) Do not apply too much weld so that the bolt is overheated and stretched. CHAIN SPROCKETS The chain sprockets are also attached to the hub at the factory by means of "Huck Bolts". These special fasteners must be burned off and replaced by shoulder bolts when a new chain sprocket is required. Again it is recommended that the hex nuts be tack welded to the bolts after tightening, so that there is no chance of loosening during operation. Page 102 Page 102 Checking Shaft Bearings For Looseness Figure 10 CHECKING & ADJUSTING TRACK DRIVE TRANSFER CASES The two transfer cases for the track drive system can best be protected against shock loading and subsequent bearing wear by keeping the tracks and the drive chains properly tightened and well lubricated. When a paver is operated with loose tracks and drive chains, shock loading occurs each time the travel clutches and brakes are engaged. The tapered roller bearings and gears on the output shaft, and the ball bearings and pinion on the stub shaft, are subjected to extreme stress each time the paver starts and stops. Extreme drive loading also occurs when tracks and drive chains are allowed to accumulate a coating of hardened asphalt. It is important that they be spray cleaned and lubricated thoroughly with fuel oil after each days operation so that the asphalt remains soft and drops off during subsequent operation. When excessive loading is allowed to occur due to inadequate spray cleaning, the drive chains are stretched and develop the looseness that increases shock loading. It is recommended that the tension of the drive chains be checked after each week of operation. When correctly tightened a drive chain can just barely be deflected by hand. It should not be drawn up "drum tight". It is also recommended that anytime a loose chain is to be tightened, the output shaft of that transfer case be carefully checked for looseness. This can be done as follows: (1) With paver engine stopped and track brakes Off, turn the clutch rotor on the transfer case so that there is an equal amount of slack in the drive chain on both sides of the sprocket. (2) Using a pry bar and some blocking as shown in Figure 10, put some upward pressure on the output shaft and see if any vertical movement of the shaft is noticeable. Exert some end wise pressure on the shaft in both directions and see if any horizontal movement of the shaft is noticeable. The output shaft bearings are pre-loaded at assembly and there should be no movement possible in any direction. If there is noticeable movement it is strongly recommended that the transfer case be repaired or adjusted so that a part failure does not occur during operation. The cost of inspection, adjustment, replacement, or field repair during an out-ofservice maintenance period is far less than the cost of a break-down during paving. Page 103 L.H. Transfer Case (Current Model) - Exploded View Figure 11 TRANSFER CASE INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT A.- Remove the transfer case from the paver and move it to a shop area where the unit can be opened, cleaned and inspected internally without risk of contamination from wind borne dust, etc. B.- Before opening a transfer case clean the outside surfaces of all loose dirt. C.- Remove the case cover. Drain the oil and flush the interior with solvent to remove all oil and residue. D.- Inspect the gears for their wear patterns. (See Figure 13) Pay particular attention to the wear patterns of gears (29) and (37), Figures 11 and 12, as the drive loading is greatest on these gears. If any gears in the case show signs of improper wear or if there is a looseness of any shaft or bearing, the case should be dismantled and checked for the following requirements: (1) All bearings must be tight in the case or retainer. If they are loose due to an out-of-round bore, a new bearing will not correct the looseness. Pay particular attention to output shaft area. (Bearings 34 and 39). (2) All bearings must be in good condition. Worn bearings cannot maintain the high degree of shaft alignment required. (3) All shafts must be rigidly fixed in a parallel attitude. (4) Input shaft should not have more than .003”end float. (See Step E) (5) Tapered roller bearings on output shaft must be accurately pre-loaded. (See Step H) (6) Oil seals must be in good condition so that a rapid loss of oil does not occur. E.- If necessary, make a micrometer check at the two critical points on each bearing retainer (3) and (15) for the input shaft (12). See Figure 16 for correct dimensions. In the event they are worn out- of-tolerance replace the retainers. Adjust the clearance of the tapered bearings (6) and (7) on input shaft (12). This is done by adjusting shim kit (4) so that the shaft has .001" to .003" end float. (Important! The installation of new bearings will help assure trouble-free performance.) F. - Carefully check the two stub shafts for vertical looseness. If there is looseness in shafts(22) or (28)replace the ball bearings (20) and (26). (There is no ball bearing adjustment.) However, before installing new bearings at these points check. The bores of the housing for size, roundness, and axial alignment. (See Figures 17 and 18 for correct Page 104 L.H. Transfer Case (Current Model) - Cross Section View Figure 12 Item 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Part Description Cover, Mounting Shim Kit Seal, Oil Roller Bearing Roller Bearing Shaft, Input Pinion, Input Snap Ring Cover, Mounting Cover, Bearing Ball Bearing Gear, Drive Shaft, Stub Gear, Driven Cover, Bearing Cover, Bearing Ball Bearing Gear, Intermediate Shaft, Stub Gear, Drive Retainer, Bearing Shim Kit Roller Bearing Gasket Spacer, Output Shaft Gear, Output Shaft, Output Roller Bearing Gasket Seal, Oil Carrier, Bearing Page 105 Start Rolling Torque Test Rotation Figure 14 Examples Of Gear Tooth Wear Patterns Figure 13 Reading Rolling Torque Test Scale Figure 15 dimensions.) This should be done with machinists gauges or micrometers. When bores are oversize or out-of-round, a shock loading occurs during operation and new bearings are quickly ruined. Refer to paragraph J headed "Case Repair" which follows. Important! Leave the stub shaft (28) out of the case until after the rolling torque check is made on the output shaft as described in Step I. G.- Check the bore of the housing for correct diameter, roundness, and axial alignment at the points where output shaft bearings (34) and (39) are installed. It is vitally important that these bores be correct as shown in Figures 17 and 18. If they do not conform to specifications, refer to Step J covering case repair. H.- Adjust the clearance of the tapered bearings (34) and (39) to produce a .014" pre-load. This is done by adjusting shim pack (33) so that all end float is just barely eliminated, then removing .014" from shim pack (33) and again tightening the bearings retainer screws. NOTE: When normal deflection of the transfer case walls occurs, the pre-load will actually be considerably less than .014". The rolling torque check described in the following paragraph should be made to verify that an accurate pre-load has been set. I.- Make a rolling torque check of the output shaft pre-load in the following manner: (1) Remove pinion shaft assembly (28) from the case so that output shaft (38) will be free to rotate. Page 106 (2) Install the chain sprocket on the output shaft. (3) Obtain a 10 ft. length of strong cord (50 lb. test) and a reliable hand-held spring scale such as the one supplied with each paver Duo-matic system for ade line tensioning. (0 to 100 lbs. capacity). (4) Tie one end of the cord to a sprocket and tooth, then wind several wraps around the sprocket hub and attach the spring scale hook. (5) Pull on the scale to tighten the cord and use your free hand to start rotation of the sprocket. (See Figure 14) Observe the amount of pull required to keep the sprocket turning.(See Figure 15)If the pre-load is correct, a pull of 16 to 24 lbs. will be required. (This equals 40 to 60 inch pounds of torque; 16 to 24 x 2.5" radius of sprocket hub). If more than 24 lbs. of pull is required, add some shim thickness to loosen the pre-load. If less than 16 lbs. is required, remove some shim thickness. CASE REPAIR J.- It is vitally important that all bearing bores in the transfer case be in "new part" condition in order for bearings and shafts to be accurately aligned and rigidly held. If a bore is worn over-size or out-of- round by an old bearing, a replacement bearing will fail rapidly. This is due to the shock loading which results from a hammering action and from misalignment of the shaft. If parts have failed in a case, or severe mismatch of gear teeth has produced a poor "wear pattern" the case bores should be checked by a machinist, using micrometers, dial indicators, etc. The factory dimensions given in Figures 16 thru 18 will provide the necessary checking details. If serious discrepancies are found, the case should be replaced, or field re-built to new condition. Bearing retainers and carriers as shown in Figure 16 must also have accurate bore and diameter. Re- place any ones that do not conform to specified tolerances. Removable Bearing Supports Figure 16 Page 107 Transfer Case - Side View Figure 17 Transfer Case - Top View Figure 18 Note: Case bores must be axially aligned with mating bores. Page 108 Slat Conveyor Chain Tightener (Four Used) Figure 19 SLAT CONVEYORS Inverting Slat Bars The right and left slat conveyors consist of a series of bars, linked together by two continuous chains attached to the end of the bars. Either the right or left slat conveyor can be turned over to allow use of the other side as follows: (1) Loosen chain (refer to following paragraph). (2) Remove pin from chain link and break chain. (3) Turn slat conveyor over and replace. (4) Couple chain. (5) Tighten chain. Slat Conveyor Take-up To adjust chain (Refer to Figure 19): (1) Remove hopper end cover plate "B" from intake end of hopper "A". (2) Loosen lock-nut "C" and tighten take-up. (3) To loosen chain, loosen take-up nut "D". (4) Tighten locknut "C" after proper adjustment. IMPORTANT! Care should be taken that the two chains of each conveyor are tightened equally. The chain will be properly tightened when 1" sag is present between return track and front sprockets. CAUTION: DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN. THIS WILL CAUSE EXCESS WEAR ON CHAIN. Also be sure that chain cover guards are in good repairs for maximum protection to the chain from the feed materials. (5) When chain is properly tightened, replace hopper end cover plate before operating. Slat Conveyor & Spreader Screw Drive Chain Take-up (Refer to Figure 20) The right slat conveyor and spreader screw and the left slat conveyor and spreader screw are driven by individual chain drives. To tighten chain (be sure engine is not running): (1) Remove bolts "A" that holds cover plate "B" in place. (2) Remove cover plate "B". (3) Loosen bolts "C" that hold Idler shaft take-up plates "D" in place. NOTE: Idler shaft take-up plates are slotted for chain adjustment. To tighten chains, slide idler shaft take-up plates forward and tighten bolts. When slots are used up in plates, slide plates back, tighten bolts "C" and make the following adjustments: (4) Loosen nuts "E" that hold take-up plates "F”in place. (5) Make chain adjustment with bolt "H". (6) If the limit of adjustment is reached before the chains are tight, back off bolts "H" to relieve tension of carriage bolts "E". (7) Shift carriage bolts E to the adjacent hole in Support "G" to obtain maximum adjustment, then readjust bolts "H". (8) With sprockets "J" and "K" in line, tighten nuts "E". (9) Check tightness at opening "L". When both chains are properly adjusted, there should be a deflection of approximately 1/2" on each chain. It is important to maintain this tightness at all times! (10) Replace cover plate "B". (11) If chain "M" is too loose (dragging on deck) break chain and remove link or /2 link until properly adjusted. This chain can run looser than those in Step 9. Conveyor Drive Chain Tighteners Figure 20 Page 109 Slat Conveyor Liner Detail Figure 21 Replacing Slat Conveyor Liners (Refer to Figure 21) IMPORTANT! Before replacing liners, operator should advance the slat conveyor to the position where five chain links instead of the normal three, are in contact with the top of the rear slat conveyor sprockets. This will allow more working space for breaking the chain. To remove liners: (1) Elevate paver to allow safe and adequate working area under the hopper. (2) Remove hopper end cover plate "B". (3) Remove clamp "C" that holds center cover plate "D" in place. (4) Remove center cover plate "D", and side covers "A". (5) Raise flow control gates "E" for additional clearance. (6) Loosen slat conveyor chain "F". (Refer to first paragraph of slat conveyor instructions for proper procedure in loosening chain.) (7) Break both slat conveyor chains "F”at rear sprocket, by removing two cotter pins and pins on each chain extension link. (8) Remove slat conveyor "G" by sliding it forward and out the bottom opening at the front of the hopper. NOTE: It is only necessary to remove the top section of the slat conveyor. Leave the bottom section in place. (9) Loosen and remove flat head bolts "H" that hold the liner plates "J" in place. (10) Slide front liner plate "J" forward and out the top of hopper to remove. (11) Rear plates are also removed by sliding them forward and out top of hopper. (12) To replace liner plates, reverse removal procedure. IMPORTANT! The right and left slat conveyors have one front, two center and one rear liner plates. Each plate can be removed individually, and it is not necessary to remove the front plate when only replacing the rear plate. Build-up Of Worn Screw Conveyor Figure 22 RESTORING WORN SPREADING SCREWS TO ORIGINAL DIAMETER (1) When effective diameter of spreader screws is less than 11/2" for 12" original screw diameter or 131/2" for 14" original screw diameter, remove and build up by hard facing with welding rod. (See Figure 22) (2) Add hard surface weld in a spiral direction only when rebuilding the spreader screws. Welding in this manner considerably reduces drive load incurred when rebuilt screws are reinstalled, and allows for most efficient feed control. NOTE: It is recommended that an extra set of spreader screws be available for use while repairs are being made. (3) The paddles on the screw shafts which move material inward toward the center of the screed should also be built-up with weld to their original diameter. RE-FACING WORN SCREW CONVEYORS When screw conveyors are severely worn they can be re-faced with special contoured liners made from Ni-hard alloy. The application of these liners restores the screw to near new condition. To apply genuine CEDARAPIDS Ni-hard liners to a screw conveyor section proceed as follows: (1) Remove screw conveyor from paver. (2) Clean screw sections as much as possible, particularly in the weld areas. Page 110 Formed Ni-hard Liner For Screw Conveyors Figure 23 (3) Using several C-clamps attach the pieces of liner to the screw face starting at the drive shaft end as shown in Figure 24. By starting at this end, the main wear surface of the section will be covered and any small area not covered will be at the discharge end. Adjust liner pieces to extend about 1/8" above the edges of the screw flight as shown in Figure 27. Be sure that the first piece applied is accurately aligned so that the remaining liners will fit properly along the flight. (4) Using only a low hydrogen weld rod make a continuous weld along the inside edge ("A" Figures 24 and 27). Make welds at each of the two Pockets ("B" Figures 25 and 27). On the first and last liners of each flight make a weld at the exposed edge ("C" Figure 26) for extra strength. NOTE: The small cracks which develop in the liners from the welding process are normal and should not be considered defects. Making Hub Weld Figure 24 Filling Weld Pockets Figure 25 Welding Liner Edge Figure 26 Cross-section Thru Screw Flight & Liner Figure 27 Page 111 Electric Clutches - RH Side Figure 28 ELECTRIC CLUTCHES - TRAVEL & FEED Inspection The life span of the clutches will be increased by making a thorough periodic inspection. The operator should be familiar with the operation of these clutches. He should assume the responsibility of inspecting and maintaining each clutch as follows: (1) Check to see that clutches are free from oil and grease. (2) Clean clutches with oil-free solvents. (3) Keep clutches covered by walkways. IMPORTANT! Keep walkways in place except when servicing. (4) Check electrical wiring for all clutches to see if there are any loose connections or broken wires. (5) Maintain a minimum opening of .046" (3/64") between the Armature "C" and Rotor "B". (See Figure 29) This dimension should be checked simultaneously at 3 points, 120°apart. All present paver clutches have a Scribe Line on the OD of the field "A" for assembly purposes, align the inward edge of the outer pole of the Rotor "B" with this Scribe Line visually to a tolerance of plus 1/32" minus .000". This setting will provide proper clearance internally between the Rotor and the field. (6) Pavers in the field without Scribe Line maintain the measurement of 3/4" .008" between the outer edge of the Field Mounting Flange "A" and edge of Rotor "B". CAUTION: If dimension is less or Field "A" is rubbing against Rotor "B", DO NOT MOVE MACHINE. Make the following adjustments to eliminate clutch damage. Feed Clutch Adjustment (Refer to Figure 29) NOTE: Travel clutch is identical except for hub detail. (1) To adjust clutch for .046" (3/64") opening, loosen set screws "P" on Hub "F” and move Hub until proper measurement of .046" is reached between Rotor "B" and Armature "C". Check this measurement at three points around the circumference of the clutch. Tighten set screws "P" and be sure Armature "C" slides free on pin "Q". (2) To adjust clutch for alignment to the Scribe Mark within + 1 / 32" minus .000”, remove bolts "G" that hold Drive Assembly "H" in place. Detach Drive Assembly "H". Free Lock Washer "J" from Nut "K" and remove Nut "K". Remove Washer "J" and "L". Remove Chain from Sprocket "M". Use Bearing Puller to remove Hub and Armature Assembly from Shaft. Remove Two Set Screws "N”that hold Taper-lok Bushing "E" and Rotor Hub "D" in place. CAUTION: DO NOT DETACH Hub "D", from Rotor "B" for this particular clutch adjustment. LEAVE HUB "D" INPLACE. (3) By adjusting Taper-lok Bushing "E" the alignment of the Rotor "D" can be obtained. Before assembling Rotor Hub "D" to Tapered Bushing "E", rinse mating parts and shaft with solvent to remove any oil film on parts to be assembled. (4) Assemble Rotor and Taper-lok Bushing on shaft and tighten set screws "N" to 800-inch lbs. wrench-torque on screws. After tightening, rap bushing with hammer to seat it into hub. Tighten set screws again. Repeat alternate hammering and screw tightening until 800-inch lbs. wrench-torque can no longer move the screws. Page 112 Method Of Measuring Wear Of Electric Clutch Figure 30 Cross-section Thru Electric Feed Clutch (Travel clutch identical except for hub) Figure 29 IMPORTANT! Use a machinists dial gauge on the face of Rotor "B" to be sure that surface is running true as it is turned through 360° of rotation. This will assure 100% contact of the friction face with the friction face of Armature "C". If the dial gauge indicates more than .010" total variation, Bushing "E" must be tapped on the side that will true-up the Rotor, and the set screws re-tightened to hold the alignment. If the Rotor is not adjusted in this way and fails to run true, serious clutch slippage will result. CAUTION: DO NOT POUND ON POLES OF ROTOR. (5) When clutch is assembled and drive is in place, check .046" opening between Armature "C" Rotor "B". Make adjustment if necessary. (6) For other alignment checks, refer to separate clutch manual. NOTE: Care should be taken to keep clutch clean when assembling. Side View Of Clutch Showing Wear-check Dimensions Figure 31 Travel Clutch Adjustment Refer to Feed Clutch adjustment details in preceding paragraphs. The travel clutch is identical except for the hub area. Use Figure 29. When To Replace Worn Out Armature & Rotor The clutch armature-rotor set is completely worn-out when 9/32" of the combined friction faces has been worn away. When this occurs the two parts must be replaced in order to avoid a breakdown at a critical time. The simple and accurate wear check is made by measuring the combined thickness of the Rotor "B" and Armature "C", when the movable armature is pressed tight against the rotor. (See Figures 30 and 31) When both parts are new, dimension "W" will be 2 1/8". When completely worn-out, "W" will be 1 27/32". Be sure that the armature is held tight against the rotor when the measurement is taken. Page 113 Supporting Crowning Arms For Screed Bottom Removal Figure 32 SCREED UNIT Removing Quick-Change Screed Bottom (Refer to Figure 33) 1) Adjust screed crown to "O" crown. Then place wood blocks as shown in Figure 32, Item "Z" to support crowning mechanism. These blocks must extend under both front and rear crowning arms and on both right and left hand side of screed. This will hold frame level and allow studs to align with support frame bolts. (2) Remove walk-way (3) Remove Strike-off bolts No. 1 and No. 5. (4) Remove Screed bottom GRIPCO Nuts No. 2. (5/8”GRIPCO Corrosion Resist - Center Lock). (5) Remove crown guage pointers No. 3 (in comparison to properly tightened frames) to deform the spring hangers. If spring should be deformed, straighten or replace before attaching new screed bottom. Loose or deformed spring hangers can be a cause for poor screed control. (2) Install crown gauge pointers No. 3. (3) Position new screed bottom so that studs align with holes in the screed frame. Then, lower screed unit onto Screed Bottom and fasten with GRIPCO Center Lock Corrosion Resist Nuts. Before tightening GRIPCO Nuts, push screed bottom as far forward as possible. Then, tighten Screed Bottom fastening nuts to 90 Ft./lbs. torque. (4) Install strike-offs to screed bottom. Check to make sure that strike-offs are not gouging or locking against mold board. Also check for excessive clearance between strike-offs and mold board. If clearance is excessive, tack weld a 1/4" rod of required length to top of strike-offs. Failure to properly seal this area will allow asphalt to seep into screed bottom making the change in the screed bottom more time-consuming. (5) Install walkway. CAUTION: If screed bottom is to be reversed the inside of screed must be thoroughly clean, to insure proper seating of frame to screed bottom, and consequently obtain the maximum tightness with fastening studs and nuts. Location Of Screed Hinge Bolt Figure 34 Screed Bottom and Frames-Exploded View Figure 33 Install Screed Bottom as follows: (1) Check tightness of bolts No. 4 that fasten frame spring hangers to top frame. If screed frames are operated with loose fastening bolts, it will take only one-half the load SCREED BOLTS The bolts which attach the screed bottom to the frame and the frame tc the pull arms must be kept tight at all times. When bolts become loose and the screed bottom is no longer rigidly held, waves may appear in the finished mat. Check all screed bolts frequently for tightness. In the event that the hinge bolts (Figure 34) Page 114 become worn, they should be replaced so that no Swivel Nut Adjustment (Refer to Figure 36) play develops at that critical point to produce a The pull arm couplings are slotted Swivel Nuts (4) waviness in the mat. Hinge bolts are made with "1/2' which utilize the ball and socket principle. The UNC pulling bolt hole to aid in bolt removal (See Figure 35). socket is made up of the pull arm (1) and Cap (7) with four Shim Packs (3) used for adjustability. Adjustment of the Shim Pack thickness changes the amount of "squeeze" exerted on the slotted Swivel Nut (4) and the corresponding tightness of fit against the Screw (2) threads. Whenever looseness is felt, first check the four Capscrews (6) for tightness. If they are tight, remove them and Cap (7). Remove an equal amount of Shim Pack (3) stock from the four packs and reassemble. Replace worn Swivel Nuts (4) when adjustment no longer corrects looseness. Detailed Of Screed Hinge Bolt In-place Figure 35). HANDWHEEL SCREW MAINTENANCE Both handwheel screw assemblies should be kept in good operating condition so that they hold the screed rigidly at the desired setting. Looseness at the two pull arm coupling points or at the two screed coupling points will allow free up and down movement of the screed and corresponding waves in the mat surface. There must never be more than three notches of play (free handwheel movement, without affect on the screed). Ball Coupling (Refer to Figure 37) Normally handwheel screw looseness will be due to clearance at the two Swivel Nuts (4). It can, however, be due to badly worn ball bearings at the lower end coupling point. If it is determined that the screed couplings are at fault, refer to following paragraphs for replacement instructions. Detail Of Screed Handwheel Screw And Pull-arm Swivel Nut Coupling Figure 36 Page 115 Handwheel Coupling With Ball Bearing & One-piece Bearing Housing Figure 37 REPLACEMENT OF BALL BEARING IN HANDWHEEL COUPLING (See Figure 37) The handwheel screw ball bearing (5) with one piece bearing housing (3) is a non-adjustable coupling arrangement. In the event of ball bearing wear the bearing (5) for each handwheel screw (1) should be replaced as follows: (Refer to the above illustration for numbered items.) A. Remove the screed end plate. Drive out wedge keys and remove the small access late under the screed walkway to expose the hold-down screws (6). B. Remove the four capscrews (6) which attach the housing (3) to the deck plate. C. Remove the four capscrews (10) which secure the upper ball joint. Remove cap (I 1) so that the entire handwheel screw assembly can be lifted off the screed. D. Unscrew and remove retaining screw (7) and washers (8). E. Pull the screw shaft (1) out of the ball bearing (5). F. Turn ball bearing (5) 900 in the housing so that it can be aligned with the slots in the housing and driven out the bottom opening. G. Replace the snap ring (2) on the screw shaft if necessary. H. Install the new ball bearing and re-assemble all parts by reversing the dismantling procedure. I. Pump bearing chamber full of grease. Page 116 Electric Brake For Right Hand Crawler Track Figure 40 Tightening Vibrator Control Knob Figure 38 VIBRATOR CONTROL KNOB INSTALLATION The black plastic knob which adjusts the intensity of vibration for each vibrator, is equipped with a neporene friction washer to prevent vibration from rotating the knob during the paving operation. To correctly assemble a knob to a transformer, remove walkway cover and loosen the allen setscrews in knob, and push knob with washer tightly against dial on control box, while holding opposite end of shaft. (See Figure 38) Lock Allen setscrews tightly to the shaft. Rotate knob to check for sufficient resistance to insure that the knob will remain in any desired position. IMPORTANT! If the shaft "bottoms" in control knob before the required friction is obtained between washer and dial, it will be necessary to loosen the setscrews at- the back of the rheostat inside the housing, and to move the shaft farther into the rheostat to reduce the amount of shaft in the knob. Relock setscrews Vibrator Rheostat, Dial And Knob Figure 39 Cut-away Showing Electric Brake Components Figure 41 ELECTRICALLY RELEASED BRAKES The two electrically released brake assemblies are of the dry friction disc type. Braking force is applied by permanent magnets in the stationary ring which attracts the movable disc attached to the gear reducer shaft. The brake is released when electric current is passed through a coil surrounding the permanent magnets to neutralize their magnetic fields. The movable disc on the shaft is moved away from the stationary ring by small coil springs and is then free to revolve. Electric current for brake operation is controlled by toggle switch from the operator's console. (Continued) Page 117 Detail Of Drive Pin Safety Wiring Figure 43 DRIVE PIN SAFETY WIRING Whenever the safety wire on brake drive pins (9) is removed, it should be restored before the brake is again operated. See details in Figure 43. Detail Of Brake Auto-gap Drive Pin Figure 42 (Refer to Figures 41 & 42 for Part Identification) The magnet ring (3) is bolted to the paver track drive gear case, with the case input shaft extension (16) passing through the ring but not attached to it. This ring contains the permanent magnets and the windings of the electro magnet. Its outer face includes the friction surface (4). Armature (2) is the movable disc which is loosely held by four drive pins (9) and coil springs. These pins project from hub (7) which is keyed to the input shaft extension from the gear case. The armature (2) is free to move laterally along the shaft but is slaved to the shaft by the drive pins. The permanent magnets therefore draw the armature tight against the friction face (4) of the stationary magnet ring (3). This prevents any movement of the armature and consequently any rotation of the gear case shaft. Small coil springs on the drive pins (9) are compressed when the armature is held by the permanent magnets. When the brakes are to be released the operator moves the console toggle switch to Neutral or Travel. Electric current then energizes the electro magnetic coil in the magnet ring (3) and neutralizes the magnetic attraction of the permanent magnets. The coil springs on the drive pins force the armature (2) away from the frictioi face on the magnet ring and the armature and gear case shaft are then free to rotate. When the brake switch is at Neutral or Travel there must always be a clearance between the armature and the magnet ring friction face. As the friction faces wear from repeated application of the brake, the gap between them increases. The desired gap of 1/16" should be maintained by adjustment of the armature hub (7) and its taper-lock bushing (8) on shaft (16). Brake Armature Clearance Automatic wear adjustment, or armature followup, is provided by allowing the armature to slide freely axially on the drive pins. (See Figure 42). This provides maximum armature life with a minimum amount of care and attention. As the friction surfaces "wear in" the armature advances on the pins so full contact with magnet is maintained at all times. Wear Pattern Wear grooves appear on the armature and magnet surfaces after extended service, (Figure 41). This is a normal wear condition and will not impair functioning of the unit or cause it to lose torque. In fact, a new brake may require burnishing, or running-in, before maximum rated torque may be developed. Never machine the armature or magnet contact surfaces to remove grooving or scoring. Remachining the face of a worn armature is never recommended. But a worn magnet face should always be machined if it is to be used with a replacement armature. In refacing a worn magnet: (1) machine only enough material to clean up the entire face of the magnet; (2) hold face within .005" of parallel with the mounting plate; and (3) undercut the molded facing material .002" to .004" below the pole faces. WHEN TO REPLACE WORN ARMATURE AND ROTOR The brake armature-rotor set is completely worn out when 9/32" of the combined friction faces has been worn away. When this occurs the two parts must be replaced in order to avoid brake slippage at a critical time. Page 118 BRAKE ELECTRICAL MODULE The electrically released brake system includes a plug-in relay and E.M.F. bleeder module located in the main electric panel. The relay is for ON-OFF power application by remote control switch. The bleeder is for electromotive force dissipation when the power contacts open. (See Figure 47) Adjustment of the brake release point is covered by Figure 48. Method Of Measuring Wear Of Electric Brake Figure 44 The simple and accurate wear check is made by measuring the combined thickness of Magnet (3) and Armature (2) when the armature is pressed tight against the magnet. (See Figures 44 & 45) When both parts are new, dimension Y will be 3-1/16". When completely worn-out, Y will be 2-3/4". Be sure that the console switch is at, BRAKE so that the armature is held tight against the rotor when the measurement is taken. Location Of Brake Relays & E.M.F. Bleeder Figure 47 Side View Brake Showing Wear-check Dimension Figure 45 Cross-section Thru Electric Brake Magnet Assembly Figure 46 Page 119 Variable Resistor For Brake Release Adjustment Figure 48 Figure 49 COMPOPNENT PARTS IDENTIFICATION - TWIN DISC C-110 CLUTCH Ref. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Hub & Back Plate Adjusting Yoke Finger Lever Lever Pin Cotter Pin Adjusting Lock Pin Adjusting Lock Pin Spring Sliding Sleeve Lever Link Qty. 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 8 Ref. No 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Description Qty Lever Link Pin 8 Cone Collar 1 Bolt 2 Nut 2 Cotter Pin 8 Washer (Collar) 4 Driving Plate (3 Segments Each) 1 Floating Plate 1 Release Spring 6 COMPONENT PART IDENTIFICATION - POWER TAKE-OFF ASSEMBLY (FIGURE 50) Ref. No. Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 Driving Ring Yoke, Throw Out Key Grease Line Lockwasher Locknut Bearing Shaft, Clutch Handle Key Bell Housing Bearing Cover Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Ref. No 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 120 Description Qty Shaft Seal, Oil Gasket Instruction Plate,Clutch Adjustment Snap Ring Clutch, Twin Disc Model C-110 (See above parts identification list) Fitting, Grease Fitting, Grease Lube Line - Shaft Bearing Lube Line - Yoke Throw Out Bearing Capscrew (Nylock) 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 Clutch Adjustment (See Figure 49) (a) Shift 24 Speed Transmission to Neutral. Stop engine and remove ignition key. (b) Remove inspection door from Bell Housing (11). Dis-engage clutch. (c) Rotate clutch by means of generator V-belt until Lock Pin (6) is accessible. (d) Pull out Lock Pin (6) and insert wire or nail to hold it disengaged. (e) Hold generator V-belt so that Shaft (15) cannot turn. (f) Turn the Yoke and Sleeve Assemblies (2) & (8) clockwise to reduce slippage when clutch is engaged, or counterclockwise to increase clearance when clutch is dis-engaged. (g) Release Lock Pin (6) to hold the setting, but be sure the Pin enters one of the locking grooves. Power Take-off & Clutch Assembly for GM Diesel Engine Figure 50 Page 121 Cross-section View Of 24 Speed Manual Shift Transmission - (View A-A, Figure 52) Figure 51 Page 122 COMPONENT PART DESCRIPTIONS - 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION (FIGURE 51) Item No. 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 *18 19 *19A 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 37 Description Main Housing Housing Cover Bevel Pinion Ball Bearing Lockscrew, Idler Shaft Driven Gear, Ist Snap Ring Snap Ring Sliding Clutch Driven Gear, 2nd Driven Gear, 3rd Driven Gear, 4th Washer Sliding Gear, 5th and 6th Bearing Shim Kit Ball Bearing, Snap Ring Type Bearing Shim Kit Snap Ring Ball Bearing Pinion and Shaft Drive Pinion, 2nd Drive Pinion, 3rd Spacer Drive Gear, 4th Drive Gear, 5th Spacer Drive Gear, 6th Ball Bearing Sliding Gear, High Countershaft Sliding Gear, Forward & Reverse Sliding Gear, Low & Intermediate Qty. Item No 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kit 1 1 Kit 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 67 69 70 71 *72 73 86 87 93 94 95 97 98 Description Ball Bearing Ball Bearing Drive Gear, High Drive Gear, Intermediate Input, Shaft Ball Bearing Oil Seal Gasket Bearing Retainer Breather Breather Extension Gasket, Main Housing Gasket Bearing Cover Elbow, Male Tubing,1/2" Ball Bearing Gauge, Sight Oil Pump with Coupling Lube Line, 3/8" OD Fitting, Lube Spray Gasket, Oil Pump Bearing Cover Shim Kit Plug, 3/" Pipe Magnetic Filter, Cartridge Elbow Connector, Male Nipple Plug, Expansion Gear Spacer Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 As Req. 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Assembly Of Parts On Bevel Pinion Shaft (Item No. 4) (a) To prevent bearing "float", pre-assemble the double set of ball bearings (9) for gears (12) & (13) near the center of the shaft. Determine how many shims from Kit (18) are required between the bearing sets to keep them confined between the two snap rings you install on the pinion shaft. Remove all parts but keep the required shims with the bearings and snap rings for the assembly sequence. (b) To prevent shaft "float", pre-assemble ball bearing (19) onto shaft (4) and install snap ring (20) to retain it. With the bearing pressed tight against the shoulder of the shaft, determine how many shims from Kit (72) must be slipped between the bearing and the snap ring to fill the gap. Lay aside the excess shims. Remove the bearing and install the shims between the shaft shoulder and the bearing to be sure there is no bearing float when the snap ring is again in place. Leave these parts on the shaft for the following Step (c) procedure. (c) To prevent shaft "float", hold the shaft (4) (with bearing, shims and snap ring installed as in Step b) in place inside the housing with the bearing snap ring tight against the housing counterbore. Install gasket (58) and bearing cover (59) and tighten at least three of its retaining screws. Attempt to move the shaft laterally back and forth to feel if "float" exists. If it does, add enough shims from Kit (19A) between the bearing snap ring and the housing shoulder to eliminate all float. Do not add too many shims so that gasket (58) is not properly compressed to prevent oil leakage when cover (59) is on tight. Remove all parts but keep the required number of shims with the bearing for the assembly sequence. Page 123 End View Cut-away of 24 Speed Manual Shift Transmission (View B-B, Figure 51) Figure 52 COMPONENT PART DESCRIPTIONS - 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION (FIGURE 52) Item No. Description Qty. Item No 9 Plastic Ball 3 50 Lockwasher, Ball Bearing 2 5 Shift Lever, Fwd-Rev. 1 51 Cover, Bearing Mounting 2 5A Shift Lever, Range 1 52 Oil Seal 2 5B Shift Lever, 6-Speed 1 53 Ball Bearing 2 21 Micro Switch 1 54 Spacer 1 47 Breather 1 55 Bevel Gear 1 48 Extension . . 1 56 Gasket Kit 1 49 Locknut, Ball Bearing 2 91 Output Shaft Page 124 Description Qty. 1 Cross-section View of 24 Speed Manual shift Transmission (View C-C, Figure 51) Figure 53 COMPONENT PART DESCRIPTIONS - 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION (FIGURE 53) Item No. Description 1 Housing, Fwd-Rev. Shift 1A Housing, Range Shift 2 Gasket 7 Lockscrew, Idler Shaft 10 Shaft, Fwd-Rev. 10A Shaft, Range 10B Shaft, Low & Intermediate 11 Shift Fork, Fwd-Rev. 12 Oil Seal 12A Expansion Plug 13 Detent Ball 13A Shift Fork, High 14 Detent Spring 14A Shift Fork, Low & Intermediate 17 Capscrew 17A Detent Ball 18 Retaining Screw 21 Capscrew Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Item No 21A 23 24 24A 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 45 71 95 Description Micro Switch Jam Nut Retaining Screw Expansion Plug Detent Spring Ball Bearing Shaft, Idler Gear Idler Gear, Reverse Ball Bearing Sliding Gear, High Countershaft Sliding Gear, Fwd-Rev. Sliding Gear, Low & Intermediate Ball Bearing Gasket Cover for Bearing Expansion Plug Page 125 Qty. 1 2 1 2 I 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 Side & End View Cross-sections Of 6 Speed Shift Lever Module Figure 54 126 COMPONENT PART DESCRIPTIONS - 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION (FIGURE 54) Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Description Housing Gasket Gasket, Shifter Cover Cover, Shifter Shift Lever, Six Speed Spring, Shift Shaft Washer, Shift Cap Cap, Shift Housing Ball, Shift Lever Shifter Shaft, 5th & 6th Shifter Shaft, 3rd & 4th Shifter Shaft, 1st & 2nd Shifter Dog, 5th & 6th Fork, 5th & 6th Fork, 3rd & 4th Shifter Dog, 1st & 2nd Fork, 1st & 2ND Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Item No 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 37 Description Plug Plunger, Locking Spring Ball Pin Expansion Plug Retainer, Spring Spring Nut Pin, Groove Boot, Cover Clamp, Boot Collar, Shifter Stop Pin, Roll Qty. 1 4 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 REPLACEMENT OF TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP The paver is equipped with an oil pump on front end of transmission. (Item 65, Figure 51)This pump provides positive lubrication circulation to gears and bearing in the main transmission. If it should be necessary to replace pump, it is important that it be properly mounted. Failure to follow this assembly procedure can result in premature failure of the pump. METHOD: 1. Check condition of upper shaft bearings in transmission. A slight lateral movement of shaft should be possible if bearings and shah are in acceptable operating condition. 2. Inspect pump coupling for wear and make sure it will slide freely on pump shaft. Also, inspect driving slot for coupling in transmission shaft. Replace parts if worn. 3. Assemble pump to transmission and only finger tighten bolts. Fill pump with the recommended transmission lubricant. 4. Attach lube lines to pump. Do not completely tighten lines so that the pump will be free to align itself to the transmission while rotating. 5. Start engine and engage clutch. While pump is operating , tighten mounting capscrews evenly and progressively. 6. Tighten lube lines securely. 7. TRANSMISSION OIL LINE FILTER A fine mesh filter screen is used ahead of the oil supply line of the transmission pump to keep the foreign particles from damaging the pump. This filter is a cartridge type unit which is screwed into the transmission housing. The oil pump suction line fitting is then screwed into the center of the filter cartridge. (Item 86, Figure 51) If an oil pump in apparent good condition fails to maintain a good flow of oil through the sight glass, a plugged filter screen may be responsible. If this is suspected, back-flush the strainer and transmission case as follows: 1. Disconnect the suction line to the pump and attach a hose and funnel so that flushing solution can be poured into the line. 2. Drain the transmission oil, then re-install the drain plug. 3. Pour a quantity of Texaco Rando AA flushing solution into the gear case through the pump suction line to back-flush the filter screen. Fill the case to a point above the normal oil level (on dipstick) and allow several hours for the solution to dissolve the oil residue. (Continued) Page 127 Transmission Oiling system - Exploded View Figure 55 4. Drain the flushing solution. 5. With the drain plug removed, pour some additional fresh solution into the pump lines as a final flushing of the screen. 6. Re-attach line. Replace drain plug. Fill case to proper level with Texaco #EP90 Universal Gear Lubricant (about 17 quarts) and test pump for proper flow through sight glass. NOTE: The filter screen flushing procedure is recommended as a seasonal lubrication requirement in keeping with good equipment maintenance programs. Where normally gear cases are drained, flushed, and re-filled with fresh lubricant for an upcoming season, this procedure varies only in that the flushing solution is poured into the case through the pump suction line so that the filter screen back-flush occurs automatically. LOSS OF GENERATOR VOLTAGE (125 V.A.C.) Occasionally, Winpower 3600 RPM generator will lose its residual magnetism and fail to produce AC power. This is very unusual, unless the generator has been dis-assembled, or has received a severe jolt. In such a case it will be necessary to "flash the field" in order for the generator to again produce power. To 'flash the field" a step-down transformer with a nominal 125 V.A.C. primary winding and a 12 to 30 volt secondary winding can be used. A 12.6 volt filament transformer will also do the job. (See Figure 56). The transformer primary should have a cord with a plug for a 125 V.A.C. wall receptical. The Method Of Flashing 125 V AC Generator Figure 56 secondary should have extension leads with insulated probes. METHOD: With the generator rotating at proper speed, plug the transformer into any "Hot" 125 VAC outlet and touch the probes to L1 & L2 connections at the junction box on the generator. A momentary contact is all that is required. GENERATOR MAINTENANCE Little maintenance is required other than routine inspection and cleaning. The bearings are prelubricated and will be a long life item unless damaged by accident or excessive driving belt tension. The interior of the generator should be clean and unobstructed. Slip rings and brushholders should be kept free from dirt, oil, and moisture. If compressed air is available it can be used effectively for cleaning. Page 128 failure of the unit. When available use a pencil type belt tension gauge to accurately set the tightness. (See Figure 57). If no gauge is available, use a straight edge and a measuring tape (See Figure 58) and estimate a tightness that does not stretch the belt. 12 V DC GENERATOR MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT! The voltage regulator used on the Motorola Model RA Generator must be Type 8RF201 1A with high voltage suppression feature. Do not substitute R3-1 or R.32 Regulators as neither type will last in this application. Checking Belt Tension Using Pencil Type Gauge Figure 57 GENERATOR V-BELT TENSION It is important to keep the generator V-Belt at the proper tension. A loose belt will slip when the generator load is high and it will fail to produce the required current when most needed. An overly. tight belt will cause very rapid wearing of bearings in the generator and pre-mature Motorola 12 Volt DC Generator Figure 59 V-BELT TENSION - When installing a generator be sure the pulley is in line with the motor drive pulley. Tighten the V-belt by putting pressure on the fan end of the housing. Do not apply pressure to the voltage regulator end! The belt should be just tight enough so that the driven pulley will not slip when an attempt is made to turn the fan by hand. (See Figure 60). Checking Belt Tension With Straight Edge & Tape Figure 58 Page 129 (g) Clean out the heater fuel tank. (h) Clean out the heater; check the igniter tip and porcelain. Be sure blower fan is tight. Set tips as outlined in manual. Check and clean out pump. Be sure the transformer is working. WARNING: Cover must be over transformer at all times. Correct Alignment of Generator Pulley Figure 60 SEASONAL OVERHAUL Iowa Manufacturing Company strongly recommends that each paver be given a seasonal overhaul if it has accumulated at least 500 operating hours during that season. By so doing the paver owner prepares for the next season by eliminating many of the potential break-down possibilities in advance. The following procedures are recommended for conditioning the CEDARAPIDS Paver for the coming season. 1. Separate the screed from the tractor unit by unbolting the arm at the pivot points, loosen the screed lifting cables and unplug the electric cable at the quickdisconnect. (a) Remove the moldboard from the screed. (b) Check all holes that allow heat to enter the moldboard chambers to see that they are open. (c) Check all Eriez Vibrators for the proper setting. Follow procedure as outlined in Section 7. (d) Check all wiring and connections to make sure they are not broken or bare. Take care to check the heavy crossover cable. (e) Check the screed plate thickness and look for cracks. (f) Disassemble the depth control screws and socket. Clean out and check for wear and excessive looseness in these sockets, which could cause a wavy mat. 2. Check over all wiring on the tractor, looking for loose or bare wire. Tighten all connections on: (a) Relays (b) Toggle switches (c) Limit switch on the reverse shifter bar (d) Depth control limit switches (e) Manual override switch (f) Check the 125 volt generator V-belt drive and mounting. Check pulley set screws for tightness. (g) Check the 12 VDC Generator V-belt drive and mounting. Check pulley set screws for tightness. 3. Refer to the engine manufacturer's manual for all periodic maintenance instructions. Strict compliance with these instructions will help assure steady and efficient operation of the vital power plant. 4. Drain and flush the transmission and transfer cases and fill with the correct quantity and type of oil. 5. Check electric clutches - make sure each clutch is getting the proper amount of current. This should be a minimum of 11.4 volts when machine is in operation. Make sure all clutch settings are maintained as noted in Electric Clutch Paragraphs, this Section. 6. Remove the slat and screw conveyors. (a) The liners for the slat conveyor may need replacing. (b) If the chain of the slat conveyor is starting to show wear it may be reversed. (c) Check the conveyor sprockets if they show excess wear, replace at this time. (d) Check all the roller bearings and tighten all hold down bolts. (e) The outboard bearing for the screw conveyor may need replacing. (f) Hardface the screw conveyor. An extra hardfaced screw conveyor should be kept in stock. As the one on the machine starts to show wear, it should be replaced and built back up with hardface. Page 130 7. Remove track, upper lower, and oscillating rollers. Replace all track roller shafts that show wear. The rollers can be rebushed if the bore is not damaged. It the bore is damaged either a new roller is needed or a salvage operation can be performed by boring the roller oversize and pressing in a steel sleeve. For bore sizes, consult Iowa Manufacturing Company, Service Engineering Department. (a) Check the sprockets and shoes. (b) Clean out the guard around the track drive chain. (c) Check the bolts which hold the flange drive sprocket to the rear track drive sprocket. Make sure they are S.A.E. bolts with a double jam nut and tightened properly. 8. Drain hydraulic fluid reservoir. Clean tank and suction filter. Re-fill with fresh fluid. (See Section 5) Page 131 SECTION XII Purchased Component Vendor Instructions Page 133 PART IV. VANE PUMPS V100, V200, V300, V400 V500, AND V2P SERIES TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I II III IV V VI VII Page INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of Manual ..................................................................................................... B. General Information ................................................................................................... 2 2 DESCRIPTION A. General ............................... ...................................................................................... . B. Assembly and Construction ................... .................................................................... C. Flow Control and Relief Valve ................ ................................................................... D. Application ............................. ................................................................................... 4 4 4 4 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION A. Pumping Cartridge ..................................................................................................... B. Hydraulic Balance ...................................................................................................... C. Pressure Plate ........................................................................................................... D. Flow Control and Relief Valve ................ ................................................................... 4 5 5 5 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. Installation Drawings .................................................................................................. B. Drive Connections ..................................................................................................... C. Shaft Rotation ............................. .............................................................................. D. Piping and Tubing ......................... ............................................................................ E. Hydraulic Fluid Recommendations ............................................................................. F. Overload Protection.................................................................................................... G. Port Positions............................................................................................................. H. Start-Up...................................................................................................................... 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 SERVICE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE A. Service Tools ............................................................................................................. B. Inspection ................................................................................................................... C. Adding Fluid To The System .................. .................................................................. D. Adjustments ............................. ................................................................................. E. Lubrication ................................................................................................................. F. Replacement Parts ......................... ........................................................................... G. Trouble-Shooting........................................................................................................ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 OVERHAUL A. General ................................ ..................................................................................... B. Disassembly ............................. ................................................................................. C. Inspection and Repair ................................................................................................ D. Assembly ................................................................................................................... 10 10 10 11 TESTING................................................................................................................................. 11 1 Section I - INTRODUCTION A. PURPOSE OF MANUAL This manual has been prepared to assist the users of Vickers balanced vane type hydraulic single pumps in properly installing, maintaining and repairing their units. In the sections which follow, the single pumps are described in detail, their theory of operation is discussed and instructions are given for their proper installation, maintenance and overhaul. The general series of models covered are V100, V200, V300, V400, V500 and V2P. The information given applies to the latest design configurations listed in Table I. Earlier designs are covered only insofar as they are similar to the present equipment. B. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Related Publications - Service parts information and installation dimensions are not contained in this manual. The parts catalogs and installation drawings listed in Table I are available from any Vickers Mobile Division Application Engineering office, or from: Vickers Mobile Hydraulics Division Product Service Department P.O. Box 302, Troy, Michigan 2. Model Codes - There are many variations within each basic model series, which are covered by variables in the model code. Table II is a complete breakdown of the code covering these units. Service inquiries should always include the complete unit model number, which is stamped on the pump cover. MODEL SERIES V100 V200 V300 V400 V500 V2P TABLE I PARTS CATALOGS AND INSTALLATION DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. PARTS INSTALLATION (See Table II) CATALOG DRAWING -10 M-2031-S M-152060 -12 M-1771-S M-190082 -11 M-2033-S M-128797 M-127065 -10 M-1262-S M-236696 -10 M-2002-S M-289405 Figure 1 2 TABLE II - MODEL CODE BREAKDOWN 3 Section II - DESCRIPTION As the rotor is driven by the driveshaft, the vanes generate fluid flow by carrying fluid around the elliptical ring contour (see section m). Fluid enters the cartridge through the inlet port in the body and is discharged through the pressure plate to the outlet port in the cover. A. GENERAL Pumps in this series are used to develop hydraulic fluid flow for the operation of Mobile equipment. The positive displacement pumping cartridges are the rotary vane type with shaft side loads hydraulically balanced. The flow rate depends on the pump size and the speed at which it is driven. C. FLOW CONTROL AND RELIEF VALVE V200 pumps are available with an integr Flow Control and Relief Valve in the pump cover. This limits the fluid flow in the system to a maximum prescribed rate and prevents excessive pressure build-up. Fluid not required in the system is recirculated to tank. All units are designed so that the direction of rotation, pumping capacity and port positions can be readily changed to suit particular applications. B. ASSEMBLY AND CONSTRUCTION D. APPLICATION The V200 series pump illustrated in cutaway in Figure 1 is representative of all single pumps in this series. The unit consists principally of a ported body and cover, a drive shaft supported by two ball bearings, a pumping cartridge and a pressure plate. The components of the cartridge are an elliptical ring, a slotted rotor splined to the drive shaft and twelve vanes fitted to the rotor slots. Pump ratings in GPM as shown in the model coding are at 1200 RPM. For ratings at other speeds, methods of installation and other application information, Vickers Mobile Division Application engineering personnel should be consulted. Section III - PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Radial movement of the vanes and turning of the rotor cause the chamber between the vanes to increase as the vanes pass the inlet sections of the ring. This results in a low pressure condition which allows atmospheric pressure to force fluid into the chambers. (Fluid outside the inlet is at atmospheric pressure or higher.) A. PUMPING CARTRIDGE As mentioned in Section II;, fluid flow is developed in the pumping cartridge. The action of the cartridge is illustrated in Figure 2. The rotor is driven within the ring by the driveshaft, which is coupled to a power source. As the rotor turns, centrifugal force on the vanes causes them to follow the elliptical inner surface of the ring. Figure 2 4 This fluid is trapped between the vanes and carried past the large diameter or dwell section of the ring. As the outlet section is approached, the ring diameter decreases and the fluid is forced out into the system. System pressure is fed under the vanes, assuring their sealing contact against the ring during normal operation. B. HYDRAULIC BALANCE The pump ring is shaped so that the two pumping chambers are formed diametrically opposed. Thus, hydraulic forces which would impose side loads on the shaft cancel each other out. C. PRESSURE PLATE The pressure plate seals the pumping chamber as shown in Figure 3. A light spring holds the plate against the cartridge until pressure builds up in the system. System pressure is effective against the area at the back of the plate, which is larger than the area exposed to the pumping cartridge. Thus, an unbalanced force holds the plate against the cartridge, sealing the cartridge and providing the proper running clearance for the rotor and vanes. Figure 3 This condition usually occurs only at low drive speeds. The large spring chamber is connected to the pressure port through an orifice. Pressure in this chamber equalizes pressure at the other end of the relief valve spool and the light spring holds the spool closed. Pump delivery is blocked from the tank port by the spool land. D. FLOW CONTROL AND RELIEF VALVE 3. When pump delivery is more than the flow rate determined by the orifice plug, a pressure build-up forces the spool open against the light spring. Excess fluid is throttled past the spool to the tank port as shown in Figure 4B. 1. Maximum pump delivery and maximum system pressure are determined by the integral flow control and 'relief valve in a special outlet cover used on some V200 pumps. This feature is illustrated schematically in Figure 4. An orifice in the cover limits maximum flow. A pilotoperated type relief valve shifts to divert excess fluid delivery to tank, thus limiting the system pressure to a prescribed maximum. 4. If pressure in the system builds up to the relief valve setting (Figure 4C), the pilot poppet is forced off its seat. Fluid in the large spring chamber flows through the spool and out to tank. This flow causes a pressure differential on the spool, shifting it against the light spring. All pump delivery is thus permitted to flow to tank. 2. Figure 4A shows the condition when the total pump delivery can be passed through the orifice. Figure 4 5 Section IV- INSTALLATION and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. INSTALLATION DRAWINGS NOTE These pumps must be driven in the direction of the arrows cast on the pump ring. If it is desired to change the direction of drive rotation, it is necessary to reverse the ring. (See Section VI-B-D and Figure 9. ) B. DRIVE CONNECTIONS CAUTION CAUTION Vickers pump shafts are designed to be installed in couplings, pulleys, etc., with a slip fit or very light tap. Pounding can injure the bearings. Shaft tolerances are shown on the pump installation drawings. (See Table I.) Never drive a pump in the wrong direction of rotation. Seizure may result, necessitating expensive repairs. D. PIPING AND TUBING 1. All pipes and tubing must be thoroughly cleaned before installation. Recommended methods of cleaning are sand blasting, wire brushing and pickling. 1. Direct Mounting - A pilot on the pump mounting flange (Figure 5) assures correct mounting and shaft NOTE For instructions on pickling refer to Vickers instruction sheet M-9600. 2. To minimize flow resistance and the possibility of leakage, only as many fittings and connections as are necessary for proper installation should be used. 3. The number of bends in tubing should be kept to a minimum to prevent excessive turbulence and friction of oil flow. Tubing must not be bent too sharply. The recommended radius for bends is three times the inside diameter of the tube. Figure 5 and shaft alignment, provided the pilot is firmly seated in the accessory pad of the power source. Care should be exercised in tightening all flange mounting screws to prevent misalignment. E. HYDRAULIC FLUID RECOMMENDATIONS The oil in a hydraulic system serves as the power transmission medium. It is also the system's lubricant and coolant. Selection of the proper oil is a requirement for satisfactory system performance and life. Oil must be selected with care and with the assistance of a reputable supplier. If gaskets are used between flanges, they should be installed carefully so as to lay flat. Shaft keys and couplings must be properly seated to avoid slipping and possible shearing. 2. Indirect Drive - Chain, spur gear or vee belt pulley drives may also be used with these pumps. Flat belt drives are not recommended because of the possibility of slipping. TWO IMPORTANT FACTORS IN SELECTING AN OIL ARE: 1. Antiwear Additives - The oil selected must contain the necessary additives to insure high anti-wear characteristics. To prevent excessive side loads on the pump bearings, it is important to check for correct alignment and guard against excessive belt or chain tension. 2. Viscosity - The oil selected must have proper viscosity to maintain adequate lubricating film at system operating temperature. C. SHAFT ROTATION SUITABLE TYPES OF OIL ARE: Vickers pumps are normally assembled for righthand (clockwise) rotation as viewed from the shaft ends. A pump made for lefthand rotation is identified by an "L" in the model code (See Table II). 1. Crankcase Oil meeting API service classification MS. The MS (most severe) classification is the key to proper selection of crankcase oils for Mobile hydraulic systems. 6 130°F with any of these light weight or diluted oils. 2. Antiwear Type Hydraulic Oil - There is no common designation for oils of this type. However, they are produced by all major oil suppliers and provide the antiwear qualities of MS crankcase oils. OTHER FACTORS IN SELECTING AN OIL ARE: 1. Viscosity - Viscosity is the measure of fluidity. In addition to dynamic lubricating properties, oil must have sufficient body to provide adequate sealing effect between working parts of pumps, valves, cylinders and motors, but not enough to cause pump cavitation or sluggish valve action. Optimum operating viscosity of the oil should be between 80 SSU and 180 SSU. During sustained high temperature operation viscosity should not fall below 60 SSU. 3. Certain Other Types Of Petroleum Oils are suitable for Mobile hydraulic service if they meet the following provisions: (a) Contain the type and content of antiwear impounding found in MS crankcase oils or have passed pump tests similar to those used in developing the antiwear type hydraulic oils. (b) Meet the viscosity recommendations shown in the following table. (c) Have sufficient chemical stability for Mobile hydraulic system service. 2. Viscosity Index - Viscosity index reflects the way viscosity changes with temperature. The smaller the viscosity change the higher the viscosityindex. The viscosity index of hydraulic system oil should not be less than 90. Multiple viscosity oils, such as SAE 10W-30, incorporate additives to improve viscosity index (polymer thickened). Oils of this type generally exhibit both temporary and permanent decrease in viscosity due to the oil shear encountered in the operating hydraulic system. Accordingly, when such oils are selected, it is desirable to use those with high shear stability to insure that viscosity remains within recommended limits. The following types of oil are suitable if they meet the above three provisions: Series 3 Diesel Engine Oil Automatic Transmission Fluid Types A, F and DEXRON Hydraulic Transmission Fluid Types C-1 and C-2 The following table summarizes oil types recommended for use with Vickers equipment in Mobile hydraulic systems by viscosity and service classification. Hydraulic System Operating Temperature Range (Min. * to Max.) 0°F to 180°F 0°F to 210°F 50°F to 2100F SAE Viscosity Designation 10W 10W-30** 20-20W 3. Additives - Research has developed a number of additive agents which materially improve various characteristics of oil for hydraulic systems. These additives are selected to reduce wear, increase chemical stability, inhibit corrosion and depress the pour point. The most desirable oils for hydraulic service contain higher amounts of antiwear compounding. American Petroleum Institute (API) Service Classification MS MS MS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS * Ambient Start Up Temperature ** See paragraph on Viscosity Index Where special considerations indicate a need to depart from the recommended oils or operating conditions, see your Vickers sales representative. OPERATING TEMPERATURE CLEANLINESS The temperatures shown in table are cold start-up to maximum operating. Suitable start-up procedures must be followed to insure adequate lubrication during system warm-up. Thorough precautions should always be observed to insure that the hydraulic system is clean: 1. Clean (flush) entire system to remove paint, metal chips, welding shot, etc. ARCTIC CONDITIONS 2. Filter each change of oil to prevent introduction of contaminant into the system. Arctic conditions represent a specialized field where extensive use is made of heating equipment before starting. If necessary, this, and judicious use of SAE 5W or SAE 5W-20 oil in line with the viscosity guide lines shown in the table, may be used. Dilution of SAE 10W (SM) oil with maximum of 20% by volume of kerosene or low temperature diesel fuel is permissible. During cold startup, avoid high speed operation of hydraulic system components until the system is warmed up to provide adequate lubrication. Operating temperature should be closely monitored to avoid exceeding a temperature of 3. Provide continuous oil filtration to remove sludge and products of wear and corrosion generated during the life of the system. 4. Provide continuous protection of system from entry of airborne contamination. 5. During usage, proper oil filling and servicing of filters, breathers, reservoirs, etc., cannot be overemphasized. 7 F. OVERLOAD PROTECTION A relief valve must be installed in the system, unless it is an integral part of the pump. The relief valve limits pressure in the system to a prescribed maximum and protects the components from excessive pressure. The setting of the relief valve depends on the work requirements of the system and the maximum pressure ratings of the system components. G. PORT POSITIONS The pump cover can be assembled in four positions with respect to the body. A letter in the model code (Table II) identifies the cover position as shown in Figure 6. Disassembly and assembly procedures are in Section VI-B and D. Figure 6 initially purge the air from the system. Failure to prime within a reasonable length of time may result in damage due to lack of lubrication. Inlet lines must be tight and free from air leaks. However, it may be necessary to crack a fitting on the outlet side of the pump to purge entrapped air. H. START-UP With a minimum drive speed of 600 RPM, a pump should prime almost immediately if provision is made to Section V - SERVICE, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE C. ADDING FLUID TO THE SYSTEM A. SERVICE TOOLS When hydraulic fluid is added to replenish the system, it should always be poured through a fine wire screen - 200 mesh or finer. It is important that the fluid be clean and free of any substance which could cause improper operation or wear of the pump or other hydraulic units. Therefore, the use of cloth to strain the fluid should be avoided to prevent lint getting into the system. No special tools are required to service these pumps. B. INSPECTION Periodic inspection of the fluid condition and tube or piping connections can save time-consuming breakdowns and unnecessary parts replacement. The following should be checked regularly. D. ADJUSTMENTS 1. All hydraulic connections must be kept tight. A loose connection in a pressure line will permit the fluid to leak out. If the fluid level becomes so low as to uncover the inlet pipe opening in the reservoir, extensive damage to the pump can result. In suction or return lines, loose connections permit air to be drawn into the systems, resulting in noisy and/or erratic operation. 2. Clean fluid is the best insurance for long service life. Therefore, the reservoir should be checked periodically for dirt or other contaminants. No periodic adjustments are required, other than to maintain proper shaft alignment with the driving medium. E. LUBRICATION Internal lubrication is provided by the fluid in the system. Lubrication of the shaft couplings should be as specified by their manufacturers. F. REPLACEMENT PARTS If the fluid becomes contaminated the system should be thoroughly drained and the reservoir cleaned before new fluid is added. Only genuine replacement parts manufactured or sold by Vickers should be used. These are identified in the parts catalogs listed in Table I. 3. Filter elements also should be checked and replaced periodically. A clogged filter element results in a higher pressure drop. This can force particles through the filter which would ordinarily be trapped, or can cause the by-pass to open, resulting in a partial or complete loss of filtration. G. TROUBLE-SHOOTING Table IV lists the common difficulties experienced with vane pumps and hydraulic systems. It also indicates the probable causes and remedies for each of the troubles listed. It should always be remembered that many apparent pump failures are actually the failures of other parts of the systems. The cause of improper operation is best diagnosed with adequate testing equipment and a thorough understanding of the complete hydraulic system. 4. A pump which is running excessively hot or noisy is a potential failure. Should a pump become noisy or overheated, the machine should be shut down immediately and the cause of improper operation corrected. 8 TROUBLE PUMP NOT DELIVERING FLUID TABLE IV - TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY DRIVEN IN THE WRONG DIRECTION The drive direction must be changed OF ROTATION immediately to prevent seizure. Figure 9 shows the correct ring position for each direction of rotation. COUPLING OR SHAFT SHEARED OR Disassemble the pump and check the shaft DISENGAGED and cartridge for damage. (See Section VI.) Replace the necessary parts. FLUID INTAKE PIPE IN RESERVOIR Check all strainers and filters for dirt and RESTRICTED sludge. Clean if necessary. FLUID VISCOSITY TOO HEAVY TO PICK UP PRIME AIR LEAKS AT THE INTAKE PUMP NOT PRIMING Completely drain the system. Add new filtered fluid of the proper viscosity. Check the inlet connections to determine where air is being drawn in. Tighten any loose connections. See that the fluid in the reservoir is above the intake pipe opening. Check the minimum drive speed which may be too slow to prime the pump. RELIEF VALVE STUCK OPEN (MODELS WITH INTEGRAL RELIEF VALVE ONLY). Disassemble the pump and wash the valve in clean solvent. Return the valve to its bore and check for any stickiness. A gritty feeling on the valve periphery can be polished with crocus cloth. Do not remove excess material, round off the edges of the lands or attempt to polish the bore. Wash all parts and reassemble the pump. Disassemble the pump. Check for dirt or metal chips. Clean the parts thoroughly and replace any damaged pieces. If necessary flush the system and refill it with clean fluid. Use a pressure gauge to correctly adjust the relief valve. Replace pump cartridge. VANE(S) STUCK IN THE ROTOR SLOT(S) INSUFFICIENT PRESSURE BUILD-UP PUMP MAKING NOISE SYSTEM RELIEF VALVE SET TOO LOW WORN PARTS CAUSING INTERNAL LEAKAGE OF PUMP DELIVERY PUMP INTAKE PARTIALLY BLOCKED AIR LEAKS AT THE INTAKE OR SHAFT SEAL. (OIL IN RESERVOIR WOULD PROBABLY BE FOAMY) PUMP DRIVE SPEED TOO SLOW OR TOO FAST COUPLING MISALIGNMENT 9 Service the intake strainers. Check the fluid condition and, if necessary, drain and flush the system. Refill with clean fluid. Check the inlet connections and seal to determine where air is being drawn in. Tighten any loose connections and replace the seal if necessary. See that the fluid in the reservoir is above the intake pipe opening. Operate the pump at the recommended speed. Check if the shaft seal bearing or other parts have been damaged. Replace any damaged parts. Realign the coupled shafts. Section VI - OVERHAUL NOTE Complete cartridges are available in service kits for rebuilding these pumps. Refer to the catalogs listed in Table I for part numbers. A. GENERAL Plug all removed units and cap all lines to prevent the entry of dirt into the system. During disassembly, pay particular attention to identification of the parts, especially the cartridges, for correct assembly. Pump bearings are pressed in the bodies or on the shafts and should not be removed unless defective. Figure 7 is an exploded view which shows the proper relationship of the parts for disassembly and assembly. Figure 1 can be referred to for the correct assembled relationship of the parts. B. DISASSEMBLY 1. Disassembly of basic pump - See Figure 7. If a mounting flange or foot bracket is used, remove it before dismantling the pump. Clamp the pump body in a vise (not too tightly), cover end up, and remove the four cover screws. Note the position of the cover port with respect to the body port before lifting off the cover and "O" ring. (See paragraph 2 for disassembly of flow control covers.) Remove the pressure plate and spring and note the position of the ring for correct reassembly. Lift off the ring and remove the locating pin. Separate the vanes from the rotor and remove the rotor from the shaft. Turn the pump body over and remove the shaft key and the snap ring which retains the outer bearing. Tap with a soft hammer on the splined end of the shaft to force the shaft out of the body. Support the bearing inner race and press the shaft out of the bearing. Pull the shaft seal out of the body with a suitable hooked tool and press out the inner bearing. 2. Disassembly of Flow Control and Relief Valve Covers - See Figure 7. If a screen is used in the cover, remove the plug and pull out the screen. Do not remove the orifice plug unless it is necessary. Check whether there is a plug at each end of the relief valve bore. If the bore is blind, remove the plug and the snap ring to release the valve and spring as shown in the inset view, Figure 7. If the bore is through the cover, remove only the one plug to release the spring and valve. Leave the snap ring and the other plug in the cover. 2. Check the wearing surfaces of the body, pressure plate, ring and rotor for scoring and excessive wear. Remove light score marks by lapping. Replace any heavily scored or badly worn parts. 3. Inspect the vanes for burrs, wear and excessive play in the rotor slots. Replace the rotor if the slots are worn. 4. Check the bearings for wear and looseness. Rotate the bearings while applying pressure to check for pitted or cracked races. 5. Inspect the oil seal mating surface on the shaft for scoring or wear. If marks on the shaft cannot be removed by light polishing, replace the shaft. 6. Check the relief valve sub-assembly for free movement in the cover bore. Remove burrs from the valve by polishing, but do not round off the corners of the lands. Do not attempt to rework the valve bore. If the bore is damaged, replace the cover. D. ASSEMBLY Coat all parts with hydraulic fluid to facilitate assembly and provide initial lubrication. Use small amounts of petroleum jelly to hold "O" rings in place during assembly. IMPORTANT During handling and shipping of the precision machined cartridge parts, it is possible to raise burrs on the sharp edges. All sharp edges on the parts of a new cartridge kit should be stoned prior to installation. 1. Assembly of Flow Control Cover - See Figure 7. If the cover has a through bore, insert the valve in the bore, small land first. Then install the spring and pipe plug. For models with the blind bore, first install the spring, then the valve, with the hexagon head end first. Follow this with the snap ring (being certain it is firmly seated in the groove) and the pipe plug. Install the screen and the plug which retains it. 2. Assembly of Pump - See Figure 7. Begin assembly by pressing the shaft into the front bearing while supporting the bearing inner race. Next, press the inner bearing into the body, using a driver which contacts the outer race only. Be certain both bearings are firmly seated. C. INSPECTION AND REPAIR 1. Discard the used shaft seal and all "O" rings. Wash the metal parts in mineral oil solvent, blow them dry with filtered compressed air and place them on a clean surface for inspection. 10 NOTE Before assembling the shaft seal, determine the correct position of the sealing lip. (See Figure 8.) Double lip seals are assembled with the spring toward the pumping cartridge. Single lip seals have two pressure holes, which are assembled toward the shaft end of the pump. Figure 7 11 Figure 8 Press the seal firmly in place and lubricate the lip with petroleum jelly or other grease compatible with the system fluid. Slide the drive shaft into the body until the bearing is seated, Tap lightly on the end of the shaft if necessary. Install the snap ring. Install the new “O” rings in the body and cover. Insert the ring locating pins in the body and assembly the ring so that the arrow on the perimeter points in the proper direction of rotation. Check the assembly against Figure 9. Install the rotor on the shaft and inset the vanes in the rotor slots. Be certain the radius edges of the vanes are toward the cam ring. Figure 9 Place the pressure plate on the locating pins and flat against the ring. Use a small amount of petroleum jelly or grease to stick the spring in the recess In the pressure plate. Carefully install the cover with the outlet port in the correct position. Tighten the cover screws to the torque shown in Figure 8. Turn the shaft through by hand to insure that there is no internal binding. Install the shaft key. Assemble the pump to its mounting flange or foot mounting. If a gasket is used, be certain it is flat to avoid misalignment of the shaft. Section VII - TESTING Vickers Mobile Division application engineering personnel should be consulted for test stand circuit requirements and construction. If test equipment is available, the pump should be tested at the recommended speeds and pressures shown on the installation drawings (see Table I). 12 PART V 1 2 3 4 PART VI. PARTS LISTING FOR PAVING MACHINE, BITUMINOUS MATERIAL CRAWLER MOUNTED MODEL BSF-400 Serial Numbers 35627 thru 35633 inclusive Contract No. DSA-700-77-C8481 Serial Numbers 36955 thru 36964 inclusive Contract No. DAAE07-79-C5795 SECTION INDEX DESCRIPTION Components Index ........................................................................................................... SECTION 1 Track ................................................................................................................................ 2 } Main Frame ..................................................................................................................... Hopper Wings .................................................................................................................. Tractor Accessories (Emblems and Attachments ............................................................. Hoods, Covers and Walkways ........................................................................................ Acoustic Details - Hood, Covers and Walkways ............................................................... Operators Seat ................................................................................................................ Operator Remote Control - Main Clutch and Forward - Reverse Shifter ........................... 3 Conveyors, Slat and Screw.............................................................................................. 4 Screed.............................................................................................................................. 5 Power Mounting and Drives ............................................................................................. Power Mounting Parts Air Cleaner and Exhaust System Alternator and Drive Generator and Drive Automatic Throttle Control Power Take Off 24 Speed Transmission, Clutch and Drive Shaft Clutch, Transfer Case and Brakes Standard Conveyor Drive Hydraulic ......................................................................................................................... 6 7 Electrical ......................................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 1 COMPONENTS COMPONENTS REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DESCRIPTION Track Main Frame Hopper Wings Tractor Accessories Hoods, Covers, and Walkways Acoustic Details Operators Seat Slat Conveyor Skirtboards and Covers - Slat Conveyor Screw Conveyor Remote Adjustable Screw Control Screed Screed Pull Arms Oil Burner Screed Lift Power Mounting and Drive Hydraulic Components Base Electrical Parts Screed Electrical Parts SECTION 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 SECTION 2 TRACK REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PART NUMBER 5036BV03 50368V02 5036BD56 5036BD56A 5036A43C 5036BD27 7238-127 5036BD29 7010-045 7012-030 7014-009 5036BP09 7238-135 5036BP10 7010-022 7014-005 5036BD49 5036BD50 7010-025 7010-022 45890-102-19 7014-020 5036BD13 5036BD51 7010-013 7014-003 7014-018 45500-750-05 45500-750-02 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Frame, Track - Left Hand 1 Frame, Track - Right Hand 1 Track Link Assembly (27 Links) 2 Track Link Assembly (26 Links) 2 Link, Track 106 Pin 106 Pin, Roll 5/16" x 1-1/2" 212 Trunnion 2 Capscrew, 3/4" x 2-1/4" Hex Head NC 8 Nut, 3/4" Hex NC 8 Lockwasher, 3/4" 8 Bar, Side Yoke 4 Pin, Roll 5/16" x 3-1/2" 4 Bar, Guide 4 Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-1/2" Hex Head NC 16 Lockwasher, 1/2" 16 See Take Up Idler - Section 2 2 See Rear Sprocket - Section 2 2 See Upper Roller - Section 2 2 See Lower Roller - Section 2 2 See Track Roller and Pivot Shaft - Section 2 6 Beam - See Main Frame - Section 1 Guard - Left Hand (Not Shown) 1 Guard - Right Hand (Shown) 1 Capscrew, 1/2" x 2-1/4" Hex Head NC 2 Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-1/2" Hex Head NC 4 Locknut, ½ " NC 6 Lockwasher, 1/2" 6 See Track Spring - Section 2 2 Anchor 2 Cover, Guard 2 Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NC 2 Lockwarsher. 3/8" 2 Washer, 3/8" Flat 2 Wrench, Track Adjusting 2 Wrench, Track Frame (Not Shipped With Paver Available From Factory) 2 NOTE: Quantities Shown are for Both Tracks. TRACK SPRING REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5036BP06 5036BP07 5036BP05 5036BP08 7017-029 7008-342 7017-036 Base Spring, Outer Cap Spring, Inner Nut, 5/8" Jam NC Bolt, 1½ " x 17" NC Nut, 1½ " Jam NC NOTE: Quantities are shown for one assembly only. QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 8 1 2 REAR SPROCKET REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 4A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9704-050-01 5036BD53-02 5036BD54-01 7455-013 7014-023 45890-102-17 7258-013 7258-004 5036B059 5036BD06-02 7048-046 7048-047 7048-048 45200-040 50368D07 7049-003 7017-038 7394-103 7010-023 7017-051 7014-005 7024-001 5036B004 Split Sprocket Assembly Hub Sprocket, Tooth Section Screw, Shoulder 3/4" x 1-1/2" Washer, 3/4" Locknut, 5/8" NC Cone, Timken Cup, Timken Sprocket Cap Shim, .020" Shim, .007" Shim, .005" Seal, Oil Plate Washer, Timken Nut, 1-3/4" Jam NC Capscrew, 5/8" x 2-1/4" Hex Head NF Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-3/4" Hex Head NC Nut, 5/8" Jam Hex NF Lockwasher, 1/2" Plug, '1/8" Pipe Shaft See Track - Section 2 QUANTITY 1 1 1 6 6 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 6 12 6 12 2 1 NOTE: Quantities listed are for one assembly only. LITHO IN U.S.A TAKE-UP IDLER REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 -5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5036BD26-02 9701-020 7376-005 7376-001 50368D10-02 7048-014 7048-015 7048-016 45200-008 7010-021 7014-005 7024-001 Idler, Track Shaft Cone, Timken Cup, Timken Cap Shim, .020" Shim, .0071's Shim, .005" Seal, Oil Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-1/4" Hex Head NC Lockwasher, 1/2" Plug, 1/8" Pipe NOTE: Quantities listed are for one assembly only. QUANTITY 1 1 2 2 2 As Req. As Req. As Req. 2 8 8 2 UPPER ROLLER REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5036BD38A 45030-003-03 7051-003 5036BD041 50368016A 50368D60 7010-127 7014-005 7012-027 *Roller, With Bushing *Bushing Alemite, Fitting 67 1/2° Washer Shaft Spacer, Roller Capscrew, ½ " x 3¼ " Hex Head NC Lockwasher, " Nut, ½ " Hex NC Frame - See Track Frame - This Section Nipple, Alemite Extension 3/4" 7053-001 *NOTE: Items 1 and 2 are press fitted. NOTE: Quantities listed are for one assembly only. QUANTITY 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOWER ROLLER REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 5036BD37C 45030-003-04 5036BD41 50368032 7010-109 7012-025 7014-003 7051-001 *Roller, With Bushing *Bushing (Only) Washer Shaft Capscrew, 3/8" x 4" Hex Head NC (Not Shown) Nut, 3/8" Hex (Not Shown) Lockwasher, 3/8" (Not Shown) Grease Fitting, 1/8" Frame - See Track Frame - This Section NOTE: Quantities listed are for one assembly only. *NOTE: Items #1 and 2 are press fitted to make Item #1. QUANTITY 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 TRACK ROLLER PIVOT SHAFT REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5036BD39A 45030-003-03 503BD41 5036BD23 5036BD43 5036BD21 5036BD20 5036BD19 7010-034 7010-034 7012-029 7014-007 7014-005 *Roller, With Bushing *Bushing (Only) Washer Shaft Lock Bracket Shaft Flat Capscrew, 5/8" x 2" Hex Head NC Capscrew, 5/8"x 2" Hex Head NC Nut, 5/8 " Hex NC Lockwasher, 5/8" Lockwasher, 1/2" Frame-See Track Frame- This Section Fitting, Alemite 1/8" x 45° 7051-002 NOTE: Quantities listed are for one assembly only. *NOTE: Item #1 and 2 are press fitted. QUANTITY 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 SECTION 3 MAIN FRAME REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9704-000-01 9701-568 5036AK04 5036KD09 5036K012 5036AD10 5036AD11 40504-001-05 5036KD10 5036KD11 5036AK05 5036AK06 5036AK07 7072-149 7072-197 5036AD33 5036AD35 Frame, Main Plate, Insp. Conveyor Chain Plate, Side Angle, Buffer Screed Angle, Buffer Screed Clamp, Gate - Center Clamp, Gate - Outside Pipe, 3/4" x 1-15/16" Cover, Plate Cover, Plate Angle, Side - Far Side Angle, Side - Near Side Angle, Corner Bolt, Carriage 5/8" x 2" Bolt, Carriage 5/8" x 1-3/4" Guard Guard See Walking Beam - This Section See Beam Roller - This Section See Gate - This Section 13 14 15 16 17 18 QUANTITY 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 12 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 WALKING BEAM REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 PART NUMBER 5036AD17 5036BD17 5036BD18 7011-139 DESCRIPTION Walking Beam Washer Washer Pin, Cotter ½ " x 4" QUANTITY 1 3 3 3 BEAM ROLLER ASSEMBLY REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 5036AD32 41218-037-00 7130-105 4 5 7017-027 7302-013 Tube Shaft Setscrew, Socket Type 1/2" x 1-1/4 "NC - Cone Point Nut, Jam 1/2" - NC Bearing NOTE: Quantities shown are for one Assembly only. QUANTITY 1 1 4 4 2 GATE REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PART NUMBER 5036AD12 5036AD25 1201B08BA 5036AD36 5036AD13 5036AD14 7131-050 40812-002-04 5036AD15 5036AD16 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Gate 1 Gate 1 Rack 4 Shim As Req. Shaft 2 Pinion 4 Setscrew, ¼ " x ½ a" Socket Head Cup Point NC 4 Key, 3/16" x 3/16" x 2¼ " 4 Block 6 Clamp 2 Frame - See Main Frame - Section 3 ACCESSORY TOOL NOT SHIPPED WITH PAVER. AVAILABLE FROM FACTORY. 45500-024-01 Wrench, Gate Adjusting 1 HOPPER WINGS REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 9704-000-06 9704-000-05 5036VG12 45090-002-43 5 6 5036VC09 41005-075 9700-907 7010-015 45890-102-16 9704-000-11 7430-007 7430-105 7010-104 7014-003 7131-080 7017-025 7017-034 Wing, Hopper - Right Hand 1 Wing, Hopper - Left Hand 1 Bracket, Cylinder Mount 2 Cylinder, Hopper Wing - See Form # 14011 - This Section 2 Pin, Rod 2 Rod, Hinge 2 Flat, Guard 6 Capscrew, 3/8" x 1½ " NC 12 Locknut, ½ " Hex NC 12 Guard, Front 2 Fitting, Straight ½ " MP x ½ " 37° 2 Fitting, 90°1/2" NPT x 3/8" 37° 2 Capscrew, 3/8" x 3-3/4" NC 4 Lockwasher, 3/8" 4 Setscrew, 3/8" x 1" NC 4 Nut, 3/8" Jam NC 4 Nut, 1¼ " Jam NC 4 See Hopper Wing-Hydraulic Circuit - Section 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 QUANTITY CYLINDER-HOPPER WINGS REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 45090-002-43 45090-524-24 45090-524-23 45090-524-22 45090-524-21 45090-536-07 45090-539-03 45090-539-02 45090-524-08 45090-524-07 45090-512-58 45090-512-59 45090-512-53 45090-511-31 45090-512-54 45090-511-32 45090-526-38 45090-526-39 45090-526-36 45090-526-37 Cylinder - Complete Piston Piston Tube, 2nd Stage Tube, 1st Stage Case Head Head *Piston Ring *Piston Ring *O-Ring *O-Ring *O-Ring *Back Up Washer *O-Ring *Back Up Washer *U-Cup and Load O-Ring *U-Cup and Load O-Ring *Seal, Wiper *Seal, Wiper *NOTE: These parts may be purchased as a repair kit by ordering Part Number 45090-526-35. QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TRACTOR ACCESSORIES TRACTOR ACCESSORIES REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5036KD20 7072-052 7056-011 7014-003 7014-018 5036KD18 5036KD19 5036KD14 40503-050 9701-810 9704-450-09 45515-004-01 45515-004-02 7435-134 45890-102-25 7014-016 9704-450-17 46000-004-04 7472-023 4418-017 4418-087 4418-319 4418-129-09 4418-320 4418-135-01 4418-135-02 4418-305 4418-306 4418-304 4418-135-18 4418-307 4418-308 4418-135-28 4418-312 4418-147 4418-197 7435-134 45890-102-25 7014-016 4418-010 4418-310 4418-314 4418-313 4418-315 4418-309 4418-311 4418-303 40503-004-00-02 7061-004 7085-004 7027-002 4418-335 Bracket, Guide Marker Bolt, Carriage 3/8" x 1" NC Nut, 3/8" Wing NC Lockwasher, 3/8" Washer, 3/8" Flat Support, Guide Marker - Right Hand Support, Guide Marker - Left Hand Marker, Guide Pipe, 1/2" x 50" Rail, Hand Brace. Shipping (remove for operation) Extinguisher, Fire Bracket, Fire Extinguisher Screw, 1/4" x 5/8" Round Head Cadium Locknut, 1/4"-20 Washer, 1/4" Flat Box, Tool (Military) Padlock, with Two Keys Screw, Tapping 3/8" -16 x 3/4" Plate, Serial Emblem, Cedarapids Plate, Tie Down Points Emblem Strike-off Adjustment Plate, Lifting Point Emblem, Patent Emblem, Lubrication Plate, Lift Here Plate, Lift Here Plate, Throw Out Collar Plate, Fill with Diesel Fuel Only Plate, Tie Down Here Plate, Tie Down Here Emblem, Paver Speed Plate, Safety Cable Emblem, Cedarapids Emblem, Slow Moving Vehicle Screw, 1/4" x 5/8" Round Head Cadium Locknut, 1/4"-20 Washer, 1/4" Flat Emblem, Cedarapids Plate, Battery Caution Plate, Clutch - Right Hand Plate, Clutch - Left Hand Plate, Do Not Stand in Hopper Plate, Stand Clear Hopper Plate, Ear Protection Plate, Stop Pipe. 1/2" x 4" TBE Elbow, 1/2" Pipe at 90 degrees Street Elbow. 1/2" Pipe at 90 degrees Plug, Magnetic Plate, Identification QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 HOODS, COVERS AND WALKWAYS REF. NO. PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9704-300-29 9704-300-30 9704-300-31 9704-300-32 9704-300-33 9704-300-34 9704-300-35 9704-300-36 45775-282-03 46000-004-05 46000-004-07 41733-003-01 9704-300-37 9704-300-72 9704-300-73 9704-300-75 5036KN03 9704-300-76 45890-252-07 DESCRIPTION Shell, Radiator Hood, Rear Cover, Transmission Cover, Six Speed Hood, Center Panel, Side Cover, End Panel, Electric Box Boot, Shifter Lock, With Keys Hasplock, With Padlock & Keys Tape, Sponge 1" x 2" Brace, Transmission Cover Cover, Vandal Cover, Clutch Angle, Hood Support Angle, Walkway Support Walkway, Floor Plate Bolt, 5/16" Washer Head NF QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 0.7 1 2 2 2 2 4 29 ACOUSTIC MATERIAL HOODS, COVERS, WALKWAYS REF. NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9704-300-66 9704-300-67 9704-300-84 9704-300-88 9704-300-89 9704-300-90 9704-301-76 9704-301-77 9704-301-78 9704-301-79 Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, Acoustic Material, QUANTITY Side Panel Center Hood Walkway Hood Hood Hood End Cover Transmission Cover Transmission Cover Transmission Cover Transmission Cover 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPERATORS SEAT STANDARD REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 PART NO. 5036MD01 5036iNID01-01 5036MD01-02 5036MD02 DESCRIPTION Seat Assembly Cushion, Seat Cushion, Back Rest Pedestal QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 SLAT CONVEYOR SLAT CONVEYOR REF.NO 1 2 3 4 5 { 6 7 { 8 9 10 { 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 { { PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9701-610 9701-611 5036EE02 5036EE03 5036ED05 F0115FGA Plate - Right Hand (Not Shown) Plate - Left Hand (Shown) Guard - Left Hand Guard - Right Hand Sprocket and Shaft Flange Bearing - 1-15/16" Bore - See Form # 1001 This Section Capscrew, Grade 5, 1/2" x 1-1/2" Hex NC Capscrew, Grade 5, 1/2" x 3/4" Hex NC Locknut, 1/2" NC Washer, 1/2" Flat Sprocket Plate Flange Bearing - 1-7/16" Bore - See Form # 1001 This Section Bolt, Plow 3/8" x 1-1/2" Locknut, 3/8" NC Flat Bolt, Adjusting Shaft Idler, Front Bar, Flight Plate, Baffle Track, Return Bolt, #3 Plow 1/2" x 1-1/4" Locknut, 1/2" Track, Hanger See Slat Conveyor Chain - This Section See Main Frame - Section 3 See Slat Conveyor Liner - This Section Bolt, Carriage 3/4" x 2" Nut, 3/4" Hex Jam NC Skirtboards and Covers - Slat Conveyors For BSF-400 and BSF-420 - This Section For BSF-2 - See Main Frame - Section 1 7383-070 7383-071 45890-102-19 7014-020 4431-513-01 5036ED06 F0107FGA 7445-011 45890-102-17 5036ED07 5036ED08 41213-029-08 4430-021-01 4430-009 5036EE01-01 5036AG01-01 7445-010 45890-102-19 5036AG01-02 5036ED24 7072-172 7017-030 QUANTITY 1 1 2 2 2 4 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 16 16 4 4 2 4 46 2 4 12 20 6 4 16 ANTI-FRICTION BEARING FLANGE TYPE REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 3 4 5 F0100FGA F0100FG 7041-004 Variable 7131-046 FLANGE TYPE - 1" BORE Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 1/4" x 1/4" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 F0103FGA F0103FG 7041-007 Variable 7131-046 FLANGE TYPE - 1-3/16" BORE Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 1/4" x 1/4" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 FO1O6FGA F0107FG 7041-010 Variable 7131-074 FLANGE TYPE - 1-3/8" BORE Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 3/8" x 3/8" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 F0107FGA F0107FG 7041-011 Variable 7131-074 FLANGE BEARING - 1-7/16" BORE Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 3/8" x 3/8" Socket Head Cup Point -Continued- QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 ANTI-FRICTION BEARINGS-Flange Type - Continued REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FLANGE TYPE - 1-5/8" BORE 2 3 4 5 F0110FGA F0111FG 7041-014 Variable 7131-074 Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 3/8" x 3/8" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 FLANGE TYPE - 1-11/16" BORE 2 3 4 5 F0111FGA F0111FG 7041-015 Variable 7131-074 Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 3/8" x 3/8" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 FLANGE TYPE - 1-3/4" BORE 2 3 4 5 F0112FGA F0111FG 7041-016 Variable 7131-074 Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 3/8" x 3/8" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 FLANGE TYPE - 1-15/16" BORE 2 3 4 5 F011FGA F0115FG 7041-019 Variable 7131-074 Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 3/8" x 3/8" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 FLANGE TYPE - 2-3/16" BORE 2 3 4 5 FO203FGA F0203FG 7041-023 Variable 7131-087 Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 7/16" x 7/16" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 FLANGE TYPE - 2-7/16" BORE 2 3 4 5 F0207FGA F0207FG 7041-024 Variable 7131-087 Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 7/16" x 7/16" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 FLANGE TYPE - 2-15/16" BORE 2 3 4 5 F0215FGA F0215FG 7041-025 Variable 7131-100 Bearing - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Setscrew, 1/2" x 1/2" Socket Head Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 SLAT CONVEYOR CHAIN REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 5036ED24 50005-502-08 50005-502-07 50005-502-09 4 5 7238-168 Slat Conveyor Chain Link, Roller With Bushing and Roller - Plain Link, Attaching Includes 2 Side Bars and Pins Link, Roller With Bushing and Roller Slotted Bar, Flight - See Slat Conveyor - This Section Pin, Roll QUANTITY 4 92 SLAT CONVEYOR LINER ASSEMBLY REF.NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION I 2 3 4 5 6 7 5036ED18 5036ED19 5036ED20 5036ED21 7016-003 7012-025 7014-003 Liner, Front Curved Liner, Front Flat Liner, Rear Flat Liner, Rear Curved Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Flat Head NC Nut, 3/8" Hex NC Lockwasher, 3/8" Spring NOTE: 1 Set Shown QUANTITY 2 2 2 2 40 40 40 GREASE PIPING SLAT CONVEYOR GREASE PIPING SLAT CONVEYOR REF.NO. PART NUMBER 1 QUANTITY Run #1 - Slat Conveyor Front Shaft Bearing Grease Piping 7061-001 40500-001-08-01 7085-001 40500-007-0.8-01 7084-001 7051-002 45000-251-01 7095-035 7014-001 2 Elbow, Street 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 1-1/2" Elbow, Pipe 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 7-1/2" Coupling, Pipe 1/8" Fitting, Grease 1/8" x 45° Clamp, Tube Bolt, Stove 1/4" x 1/2" NC Lockwasher, 1/4" 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Run #2 - Slat Conveyor Rear Shaft Outer Bearing Grease Piping 7061-001 40500-002-00-01 7085-001 40500-007-08-01 7085-001 40500-008-00-01 7084-001 7051-002 7000E23B 7095-035 7014-001 45000-251-01 3 DESCRIPTION Elbow, Street 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 2" Elbow, Pipe 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 7-1/2" Elbow, Pipe 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 8" Coupling, Pipe 1/8" Fitting, Grease 1/8" x 45° Base, Tube Clamp Bolt, Stove 1/4" x 1/2" NC Lockwasher, 1/4" Tube, Clamp 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Run #3 - Slat Conveyor Rear Shaft Inner Bearing Grease Piping 7061-001 40500-002-00-01 7085-001 40500-008-08-01 7085-001 40500-013-00-01 7084-001 7051-002 45000-251-01 7000E23B 7095-035 7014-001 Elbow, Street 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 2" Elbow, Pipe 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 8-1/2" Elbow, Pipe 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 13" Coupling, Pipe 1/8" Fitting, Grease 1/8" x 45° Clamp, Tube Base, Tube Clamp Bolt, Stove 1/4" x 1/2" NC Lockwasher, 1/4" 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SKIRTBOARD AND COVERS SLAT CONVEYOR REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5036AD09-01 5036AK13 5036AD05 5036AD07 Cover, Front Skirtboard, Front Skirtboard, Rear Cover, Center See Main Frame - Section 3 QUANTITY 2 2 4 1 GREASE PIPING SCREW CONVEYOR REF.NO. 1 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 40500-004-00-01 7061-001 40500-008-00-01 7084-001 7051-003 45000-251-01 7000E23B 7095-035 7014-001 Grease Piping, Screw Conveyor Inner Bearing Nipple, 1/8" x 4" Elbow, Pipe 1/8" x 90° Nipple, 1/8" x 8" Coupling, Pipe 1/8" Fitting, Grease 1/8" x 67° Clamp, Tube Base, Tube Clamp Bolt, Stove 1/4" x 1/2" NC Lockwasher, 1/4" QUANTITY 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 SCREW CONVEYOR 14" DIAMETER LEFT HAND SIDE SHOWN -RIGHT SIDE TYPICAL- SCREW CONVEYOR 14" DIAMETER - PARTS LIST NO REF.NO. 1 2 PART NUMBER 5036DD21-01 { 5036DD22-01 7010-020 { 7014-005 3 4 5 6 7 8 F011SFGA { { 9 { 10 { 9700-608 5036BD41 7445-013 45890-102-19 5036FD03 5036FJO2 5036FJ03 7383-109 7014-007 7012-029 5036FJ04 5036FJ05 11 12 13 14 15 { { 47445-003 45890-102-19 5036FD14 5036FD22 40500-015-00-01 7084-001 7051-002 17 19 21 22 7051-001 9701-735 . DESCRIPTION *Flange - Left Hand (Shown) *Flange - Right Hand (Opposite Side-Not Shown) Capscrew, 1/2" x 1" Hex Head NC Lockwasher, 1/2" Flange Bearing - 1-15/16" Bore - See Form # 1001 For BSF-2 Paver - See Section 12 For Any Other Paver - See This Section Plate, Seal Washer Bolt, Plow 1/2" x 1/2" Locknut, 1/2" Sprocket, With Shaft *Screw - Left Hand (Shown) *Screw - Right Hand (Opposite Side-Not Shown) Capscrew, Grade 5, 5/8" x 3-3/4" Hex NC Lockwasher, 5/8" Nut, 5/8" Hex NC *Screw - Left Hand (Shown) *Screw - Right Hand (Opposite Side-Not Shown) *Hanger, Bearing - Left Hand (Shown) *Hanger, Bearing - Right Hand (Opposite SideNot Shown) Bolt, Plow 1/2" x 2p." Locknut, 1/2" Shaft Agitator Pipe, 1/8" x 15" Coupling Fitting, Grease 1/8" x 45° See Remote Adjustable Screw Control - This Section See Grease Piping - This Section Fitting, Grease 1/8" Cover, Screw *NOTE: Right and Left Hand is determined by facing direction of paver travel. QUANTITY 1 1 8 8 4 4 4 8 8 2 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 REMOTE ADJUSTABLE SCREW CONTROL REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 7383-038 2 3 5036PGB03 40721-032 9700-202 5036PGB04 5036PGB05 7009-155 5036LF09 7018-001 Capscrew, Grade 5, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NC Heat Treated 1 Support, Switch 1 Tubing (Used With Basic Screed 1 Tubing (Used With 5' Extensions 1 Bolt, Tightening 1 Control Arm 1 Capscrew, 1/4" x 5/8" Hex Head NF 2 Extension, Arm 1 Setscrew, 1/4" x 1/2" NC 1 Limit Switch and Cable For BSF-2 Paver - See Terminal Box and Screw Control - Section 11 For BSF-2H or BSF-4 Paver - See Screed Electrical - Section 8 For BSF-3R Paver - See Electric Power and Control Tractor - Section 11 For BSF-400, BSF-420 and BSF-520 Paver - See Base Electric Parts - Section 8 4 5 6 7 { NOTE: Left Hand Assembly shown, quantities shown are for one assembly. QUANTITY SECTION 5 SCREED PULL ARMS STANDARD REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 PART NUMBER 9701-130 9701-130 5036ND02-01 5036ND02-02 7051-002 DESCRIPTION *Arm, Screed - Left Hand *Arm, Screed - Right Hand Cap Shim, Trunnion zap Fitting, Alemite 1/8" - 45 *NOTE: Right and Left Hand is Determined by Facing Direction of Paver Travel. QUANTITY 1 1 2 8 1 SCREED OPTIONAL CURVE STRIKE-OFF AVAILABLE SCREED REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART NUMBER { 9701-699 { 9701-700 7012-027 5036NH21 7472-026 7012-025 5036NH07 7017-036 9701-192 9701-193 7 8 8A 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 { 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 { 25 26 27 28 29 24 30 31 32 33 { 34 35 { 9700-559 9701-199 45335-500-07 5036NK02-01 5036NH12 5036NH49 9701-249 5036NJ04 5036NH38 5036N025 5021DE01 41700-114-24 5036NU03 5036ND22 5036ND21 5036ND23 5036RUB15 5036RUF04 7383-070 7014-005 5036NU13 5036NU06 7012-029 5036RUB06 5036NH46 45890-103-02 7012-034 9701-509 7010-023 9700-404 9704-405 5036NH04 DESCRIPTION See Screed Pull Arms - This Section See Screed Adjusting Mechanism - This Section Moldboard, Models BSF-2, BSF-3R, BSF-400 and BSF-420 Moldboard, Models BSF-2H, BSF-4 and BSF-520 Nut, 1/2" Hex NC Washer Screw, 3/8" x 1¼ " Swage Form Nut, 3/8" NC Bolt, 1½ " x 6" Hex Head NC Nut, 1½ " *Stair - Right Hand (Not Shown) *Stair - Left Hand (Shown) See Screed Vibrator BSF-2 and BSF-3R - Section 11 BSF-2H, BSF-4, BSF-520, BSF-420 and BSF-400 Section 8 See Burner Oil Lines - This Section Liner, Burner Stack With Insulation Hand Rail Clamp Guard Gauge, Crown Back Plate, Gauge Crown Frame, Screed Seal Plate, Mounting Walkway Key, Stud Insulation Panel, Inner Plate, End Duct, Heat Clip Gauge, Strike-Off Height Bar and Bolt Adjusting Capscrew, Grade 5, ½ " x 1½ " Hex Head NC Lockwasher, ½ " Support, Strike-Off Adjust Pointer, Strike-Off Gauge Nut, 5/8" Hex NC Bracket, Adjusting Bolt, 3/4" x 2¼ " Hardened Locknut, 3/4" Hex NC Nut, 1¼ " Hex NC Arm, Crown Adjusting Capscrew, Grade 5, ½ " x 1" Hex Head NC *Frame, Screed - Right Hand (Not Shown) *Frame, Screed - Left Hand (Shown) Link, Outside See Crown Adjusting Mechanism - This Section -Continued- QUANTITY 1 1 20 20 14 14 2 4 1 1 - 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 2 1 8 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 4 16 16 4 4 8 1 1 8 SCREED - Continued REF.NO. PART NUMBER 36 37 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58. 59 60 61 5036NH05 5036NH06 7017-030 9701-042 9701-043 9701-044 9701-045 7010-157 7014-025 9700-199 7012-032 5036RD06B 5036RD07B 7010-021 7014-020 7014-005 7012-027 9700-197 9700-195 7389-056 7010-035 7014-007 5036NB03 7014-023 5036NB04 9704-900-11 7455-002 7453-601 5036NU05 5036RUB07 5036RUF02 5036RUF03 5036NH02-07 9701-063 45500-036-06 45500-020-06 62 63 5036RUG02 5036RUG03 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Link, Center Bolt, 3/4" x 2-3/4" Hex Head NC Nut, 3/4" Jam *Plate, Side - Right Hand (Not Shown) *Plate, Side - Left Hand (Shown) *Arm, Support - Right Hand (Not Shown) *Arm, Support - Left Hand (Shown) **Capscrew, 1" x 3k" Hex Head NC **Washer, 1" Flat **Spacer **Nut, I" Hex NC *Shoe, Cut-Off 12" (Not Shown) *Shoe, Cut-Off 24" (Shown) Capscrew, ½ " x 1i" Hex Head NC Washer, ½ " Flat Lockwasher, ½ " Nut, ½ " Hex NC *Plate, End - Right Hand (Not Shown) *Plate, End - Left Hand (Shown) Capscrew, Grade 5, 5/8" x 2" Flat Head Capscrew, 5/8" x 2¼ " Hex 'Head NC Lockwasher, 5/8" Anchor, Chain Adjustment Washer, 3/4" Flat **Handle **Handle Screw, Shoulder Washer, 5/8" Compression Type Washer Seal *Strike-Off Flat 60" *Strike-Off Flat 60" Indicator, Crown Screed, Bottom Gauge, Strike-Off Wrench, 5/16" Allen OPTIONAL'CURVED STRIKE-OFFS AVAILABLE *Strike-Off, Curved - Right Hand *Strike-Off, Curved - Left Hand *NOTE: Right and Left Hand is determined by direction of paver travel. **NOTE: Items 40, 41, 42, 43, 50 and 51 are included by Ordering Hardware Package, Part Number 9701-369. 8 8 16 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 6 12 6 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 DUAL CROWN ADJUSTING MECHANISM REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PART NUMBER 5036QL02 9700-179 5036QL04 9700-429 5036QLO5 5036NH06 45890-103-02 9700-161 50005-020 50005-020-01 50005-020-03 5036QL14 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { 5036QL13 9700-181 9700-180 7253-050 7010-021 7014-005 7012-027 9700-109 9700-183 45500-750-06 DESCRIPTION Turnbuckle, Front Turnbuckle, Rear Drawbolt - Right Hand Thread - Front Drawbolt - Right Hand Thread - Rear Drawbolt - Left Hand Thread' Bolt, 3/4" x 2-3/4" Locknut, 3/4" Jam NC Chain Package Chain, Roller Link, Offset Coupler Link, Connecting Spreader See Screed - This Section Angle, Clip Sprocket Collar, Adjusting Ring, Retaining Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-1/4" Hex NC Lockwasher, 1/2" Nut, 1/2" Hex NC Lock Gauge Wrench QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 1 5.1' 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 SCREED ADJUSTING MECHANISM SCREED ADJUSTING MECHANISM REF.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15A 15B 15C 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 { PART NUMBER 5036ND31 7131-052 40800-002 9704-550-41 5036ND54-01 7018-022 9700-395 5036ND18 5036ND51 5036ND30 5036ND32-01 5036ND56 5036ND33-01 5036ND19 5036NH13 4431-550-02 4431-550-01 7041-026 7051-001 7253-040 5036NH26 7383-230 7014-022 7383-080 7383-076 45890-102-19 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Handwheel 2 Setscrew, ¼ " x 3/4" Socket Head Cup Point 2 Key, ¼ " Square x 2" 2 Screw, Screed Adjusting 2 Indicator 2 Setscrew, 3/8" x 5/8" Square Head 2 Scale 2 Shim, 1/16" As Req. Shim, 1/32" As Req. Cap 2 Nut 2 Bracket 2 Lock 2 Lever, Step Latch 2 Spring, Compression 2 Bearing - Complete 2 Bearing 2 Ball Bearing 2 Grease Fitting, 1/8" 2 Ring, Snap 2 Gasket, Bottom 2 Lockscrew, Grade 5, 5/8" x 1;" NC 2 Washer, 5/8" Flat 4 Capscrew, Grade 5, ½ " x 4" NC 4 Capscrew, Grade 5, ½ " x 3" NC 4 Locknut, ½ " NC 8 BURNER AND OIL LINE REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PART NUMBER 9704-500-63 45251-006-05 45251-001-76 50030-001-21 45191-004-05 40500-002-08-02 45251-006-07 45251-006-06 45251-006-03 5036ND26A 45186-002-03 50030-001-21 7431-003 7061-002 7107-002 7431-008 7430-004 7304-001 40500-000-12-01 5036ND62 7435-139 7014-016 7012-023 9704-550-61 DESCRIPTION Spray Hose - Complete Extension Valve, Shut-Off Hose, 3/8" ID Clamp, 3/8" Hose Nipple, Half 1/8" x 2 1/2" O-Ring O-Ring Nozzle, Cap Tank, Fuel Strainer, Fuel Hose, 3/8" ID x 22" Connector, 3/8" Hose x ¼ " NPT Elbow, ¼ ," 900 St. Bushing, 3/8" x i" Pipe Reducer Connector, 3/8" Hose x 3/8" - 370 Fitting, ¼ " MP x 3/8" - 370 St. Reducer, 1/4" x 1/8" NPT Nipple, 1/8" NPT Bracket, Tank Mounting Screw, Machine ¼ " x 1¼ " NC Washer, ½ " Flat Nut, ¼ " Hex NC Walkway See Screed Oil Burner - This Section QUANTITY 1 1 1 As Req. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 SCREED OIL BURNER SCREED OIL BURNER REF.NO 1 2 PART NUMBER { 3 4 5 { 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 { { 9704-550-62 9700-881 7010-077 7007-064 45652-507-02 9704-550-25 45652-508-02 7435-139 7439-006 7440-012 45652-529-01 4431-451-01 7010-006 7014-002 46098-400-09 47436-098 7439-003 45652-511-06 45652-528-01-01 7010-013 7014-003 45252-003-02 40500-002-00-01 45652-518-02 40500-001-08-01 45652-518-01 45652-516-03 9704-550-48 7435-135 7439-006 7014-016 9704-600-60 9704-550-28 46176-006-01 46200-009-03 9704-550-43 9704-500-29 9704-600-58 45345-001-05 9704-600-59 DESCRIPTION Screed Oil Burner - Complete Cover Capscrew, ¼ "-20 x ½ " Washer, ¼ " Housing Manifold Band, Shutter Screw, ¼ " x ¼ " Round Head Lockwasher, ¼ " Nut, ¼ "-20 Wheel, Blower Standoff, Motor Capscrew, 5/16" x 3/4" Lockwasher, 5/16" Motor Screw, #10-32 x 3/4" Lockwasher, #10 Coupling Pump, Fuel Unit Capscrew,. 3/8" x 1" Lockwasher, 3/8" Valve, Solenoid Nipple, 1/8" NPT x 2" Valve, Shut Off Nipple, 1/8" NPT x 1½ " Valve, Shut Off 900 Line, Fuel Oil Electrode Oil Pipe - See Form # 14390 This Section Screw, ¼ " x 3/4" Round Head Lockwasher, ¼ " Washer, ¼ " Flat Coil Switch - Complete Bracket Coil, Ignition Switch Name Tag Insulator Cable to Pulsator Spirap Wire, Coil to Switch Liner, With Insulations - See Screed - This Section QUANTITY 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.3' 1 ELECTRODE AND OIL PIPE REF.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-550-48 45652-533-12 45652-505-27 45652-505-24 7435-098 Electrode and Oil Pipe - Complete Bracket Rod, Negative Electrode Electrode Screw, #10-24 x 3/4" Round Head NC - Cadium Plated Lockwasher, #10 - Cadium Plated Wire, Ignition Pipe, Oil Nut, Fixture Washer, 3/8" Flat Cone, Air Adapter, Nozzle Nozzle, Tip 1.35 GPH @ 70° Setscrew, -10-24 x 1/2" Lockwasher, #10 - Cadium Plated Nut, #10-24 NC - Cadium Plated Setscrew, #10-24 x 1/4" { 7439-003 9704-600-05 9700-504 9700-571 7014-018 45652-513-02 45652-512-05 45652-512-15 7131-039 7439-003 7440-009 7131-035 { QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCREED LIFT LEFT HAND SCREED LIFT SHOWN RIGHT HAND TYPICAL SCREED LIFT REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5036CL03 9701-145 9704-450-03 45090-002-32 5032-176-03 5032-176-04 5032-176-05 40510-000-12 5036CD04-01 5036CD12 5036CD21 9704-100-03 9704-100-04 7014-028 7014-023 7017-030 5036CF07 7010-047 7262-009 7430-006 7430-007 7430-013 40539-005-08-01 7051-001 7051-003 Housing, Screed Lift Baffle, Screed Lift Housing Support, Operator Seat Cylinder - See Form # 11023 - This Section Shroud Support, Sheave Pin Spacer, 12" XH Pipe x 3/4" Sheave Shaft, Sheave Shaft, Cable Anchor Cable, Screed Lift Cable, Safety Washer, 1-3/8"' Flat Washer, 3/4" Flat Nut, 3/4" Jam NC Screed, Hook Capscrew, 3/4" x 2-3/4" NC Shackle Fitting, Straight 3/8" MP x ½ " 37° Fitting, Straight ½ " MP x ½ " 37° Fitting, Straight 3/8" FP x ½ " 37° Nipple, 3/8" XH Pipe x 5½ " Fitting, Grease Fitting, Grease See Auxiliary Hydraulic Circuit - Section 7 See Screed Lift Hydraulic Circuit 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 - Section 7 CYLINDER - SCREED LIFT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45090-002-32 45090-500-07 45090-527-11 45090-529-04 45090-524-16 Cylinder - Complete Body, Cylinder Rod, Piston Guide, Piston Rod Piston Nut, 7/8" Hex NF *O-Ring *O-Ring *O-Ring *Washer, Back-Up *Washer, Back-Up *Ring, Retaining *Wiper, Rod Pin, Clevis Hitch Pin Clip 45090-512-31 45090-512-29 45090-512-14 45090-511-14 45090-511-13 45090-512-33 45090-513-05 45090-509-10 45090-511-38 *NOTE: NOTE: These parts can be ordered as a complete packing kit, Part Number 45090-526-20. Quantities shown are for one (1) assembly. QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 12" SCREED EXTENSION WITH ADJUSTABLE STRIKE - OFFS 12’’SCREED EXTENSION WITH ADJUSTABLE STRIKE - OFFS REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 PART NUMBER { 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 { { 18 19 20 20A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 { DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 9701-741 5036-603-01 5036RWF02 5036RWF04 7383-070 7014-005 7455-002 7453-601 5036NU05 5036RUB07 7389-044 Extension, 12" Moldboard 1 Extension, 12" Screed 1 Strike-Off, 12" Flat 1 Bolt, Adjusting 2 Capscrew, Grade 5, 1/2" x 1-1/2" Hex NC 2 Lockwasher, 1/2" 2 Screw, Shoulder 2 Washer, Spring 4 Washer, Special Flat 2 Seal 2 Capscrew, Grade 5, 1/2" x 1" Flat Head Socket Type NC 2 7012-029 Nut, 5/8" Hex NC 4 5036RMF06 Support 1 5036RMF07 Bracket, Adjusting 1 7010-016 Capscrew, 3/8" x 1-3/4" Hex NC 4 7014-003 Lockwasher, 3/8" 4 7012-025 Nut, 3/8" Hex NC 4 7014-018 Washer, 3/8" Flat 4 5036RUB15 Gauge, Strike-Off 2 5036NU06 Pointer, Strike-Off Gauge 2 7010-087 Capscrew, 1/4" x 5/8" Hex NC 4 7014-001 Lockwasher, 1/4" 4 5036RMF04 Cover 1 5036RMFO9 Cover, Screed Extension 1 5036RWG02 *Strike-Off, 12" Curved 1 9701-804 Guard 1 HARDWARE FOR MOUNTING SCREED EXTENSIONS TOGETHER 7010-025 Capscrew, 1/2" x 2-1/4" Hex NC 3 7383-078 Capscrew, Grade 5, 1/2" x 3-1/2" Hex NC 3 7014-005 Lockwasher, 1/2" 3 7012-027 Nut, 1/2" Hex NC 3 9700-816 Shim, 1/4" As Req. 9700-815 Shim, #10 Gauge As Req. 9700-814 Shim, #20 Gauge As Req. 5036RF08 Spacer 3 7383-078 Capscrew, Grade 5, 1/2" x 3-1/2" Hex NC 6 7453-602 Washer, 1/2" Belleville 12 7012-027 Nut, 1/2" Hex NC 6 7012-029 Nut, 5/8" Hex NC 4 See Screed - Section 5 See Screw Conveyor - Section 4 See Screw Extensions - This Section NOTE: *NOTE: NOTE: Quantities shown are for one complete assembly. Curved Strike-Off, available from factory. Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 21 thru 30 may be purchased by ordering Part Number 9701-763 Hardware Package. SCREW EXTENSIONS LEFT HAND SIDE SHOWN -RIGHT SIDE TYPICAL- REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5032-12!e-17 5032-125-18 5032-125-19 Screw, Section - Right Hand Screw, Section - Left Hand Shaft, Stub See Screw Conveyor - Section 4 QUANTITY 1 1 2 HEAT DUCT EXTENSION REF.NO. 1 2 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5036RF09 Extension, Heat Duct See Screed - Section 5 QUANTITY 1 MATERIAL RETAINING PLATES MATERIAL RETAINING PLATES REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 { PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 9700-514 9700-225 9700-350 9700-352 5036RY04 9704-700-31 7010-022 7014-005 7012-027 7072-101 0119A04 7014-020 Plate, Material 2 Brace 1 Angle, Retainer 1 Support, Brace 2 Bar, Clamp 1 Hardware Package (Includes Items 5 thru 13) Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-1/2" NC 4 Lockwasher, 1/2" 11 Nut, 1/2" Hex NC 11 Bolt, Carriage 1/2" x 1-1/4" NC 5 Bolt, Carriage 1/2" x 5-1/2" 2 Washer, 1/2" Flat 2 See Screed Pull Arms - BSF-2H and BSF-4 - This Section See Screed Pull Arms - BSF-2 and BSF-3R Section 5 See 5' Screw Extension - BSF-2H and BSF-4 Section 4 SECTION 6 POWER MOUNTING AND DRIVE COMPONENTS STANDARD CONVEYOR DRIVE TWO SPEED CONVEYOR DRIVE POWER MOUNTING AND DRIVE COMPONENTS REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DESCRIPTION Power Mounting Parts Air Cleaner and Exhaust System Alternator and Drive Generator and Drive Automatic Throttle Control Power Take Off 24 Speed Transmission, Clutch and Drive Shaft Clutch, Transfer Case and Brakes Standard Conveyor Drive Two Speed Conveyor Drive (Optional) POWER MOUNTING PARTS POWER MOUNTING PARTS POWER MOUNTING PARTS REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 45924-008-02 Power Mounting Make - GMC Diesel Model # 3-53 2 45080-001-07 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 41733-003-02 5036GD21A 46325-002-09 50030-002-01 50030-002-01 50030-002-02 7431-004 7431-008 7431-006 7430-002 7430-017 7430-019 45191-501-08 7430-022 7430-007 45191-250-07 9704-302-06 7024-002 45191-004-28 7296-006 7296-005 45865-003-03 45865-002-17 5008U20U 5008U20T 46026-004-03 46026-016-03 9701-416 50036-070-00 45191-503-13 45191-503-15 9704-302-05 9704-300-50 9704-300-51 9704-300-52 5036GF10 5036GF11 5036GF12 5036GF31 Pump, Hydraulic - See Form # 12560 This Section Tape, Anti Squeak 1/8" x 1½ " Strap, Tank Relay, Magnetic Continuous Hose, ¼ " ID x 5'-6" Hose, ¼ " ID x 24" Hose, 3/8" ID x 4'-6" Hose End, 3/8" NPT Rigid Male Hose End, 3/8" NPT Sy. Female Hose End, ¼ " Swivel Female Connector, ¼ " Tube ¼ " Pipe Elbow, 90°¼ " Tube x ¼ " Pipe Elbow, 90°3/8" Tube x 3/8" Pipe Elbow, 90°3/8" Fitting, 90°½ " MP x ½ " 37° Fitting, Straight ,½ " MP x ½ " 37° Fitting, Straight 1" MP x 1" Hose Sender, Fuel Plug, ¼ " NPT Clamp, Hose Terminal, Stud Type - Negative Terminal, Stud Type - Positive Sensor, Temp Sending Sensor, Oil Pressure Sending Cable, Battery Cable, Battery - Starter Bushing, Male Fiber Locknut, Conduit Hose - Complete Hose, ½ " ID x 70" Male Pipe End Swivel Fitting JIC 37° Tank, Modified Fuel Bracket, Engine Mount Bracket, Engine Mount Bracket, Relay Mount Shim, 1/8" Shim, 1/16" Shim, 1/32" Support, Engine - Rear QUANTITY 1 31 32 33 34 35 36 -Continued- 1 3.0' 3 2 5.5' 2.0' 4.5' 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 As Req. As Req. As Req. 1 POWER MOUNTING PARTS - Continued REF.NO. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 5036GF31-01 5036GD20A 5008U25J 5008U26B 5008U27D-01 5008U27D-02 5008U27D-03 7024-003 45890-252-07 7838-038 7009-026 7010-035 7016-075 7504-050 7084-004 7024-004 7107-007 7509-007 45045-002-02 5036GFG01 Spacer, Rear Support Mount, Fuel Tank Box, Battery Lid, Battery Box Liner, Bottom Liner, Side Liner, Side Plug, 3/8" NPT Bolt, Washer Head 5/16" NF Capscrew, Grade 5, 3/8" x 1" NC Capscrew, 5/8" x 1-3/4" NF Capscrew, 5/8" x 2¼ " NC Capscrew, 3/4" x 2-3/4" Flat Head NC Capscrew, #8-32 x 3/8”NC Coupling, ½ " NPT Plug, ½ " NPT Bushing, 3/4" NPT x ½ " NPT Clamp, Vinyl Cover 13/16" Hold Down Anchor, Hold Down See 24 Speed Transmission - This Section See Power Take-Off - This Section See Coupling and Sheave - This Section 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 12 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 HYDRAULIC PUMP REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 45080-001-07 45080-500-17 45080-504-01 45080-507-05 45080-506-05 45080-502-07 45080-504-09 45080-521-05 45080-501-20 45080-512-06 45080-511-02 45080-513-10 45080-517-08 45080-525-02 45080-525-03 Pump Assembly Ring Snap Bearing Shaft Key Kit, Seal Bearing Body Bolt Pin Cartridge Kit Plate, Pressure Spring Cover Capscrew,-Cover QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 AIR CLEANER AND EXHAUST SYSTEM REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 45690-001-21 45690-001-21-01 9704-301-23 50030-004-10 50030-004-10 45191-004-62 45710-001-06 45915-004-08 45710-002-02 46185-001-15 50125-004-01 9704-301-28 40516-005-12-0! 40716-018 9704-301-27 9704-301-26 9704-301-25 7061-011 Air Cleaner - See Form v 14513 - This Section 1 Sand, Air Cleaner Mounting 2 Elbow, 90°Tubing 1 Hose, Rubber 4" ID x 7" 0.6' Hose, Rubber 4" ID x 4" 0.3' Clamp, Hose 4" 5 Muffler, Exhaust 1 Cap, Rain 1 Clamp, Muffler 2 Clamp, Exhaust 2 Tubing, Flexible Exhaust 1.6' Support, Exhaust 1 Nipple, 3" NPT x 5-3/4" TBE 1 Tube, 16 Ga. 3½ " OD x 18" 1 Shield, Heat 1 Gasket, Exhaust 2 Screen, Air Cleaner Inlet 1 Elbow, 90°Street 3" NPT 2 AIR CLEANER REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45690-001-21 * 45690-001-21-03 45690-001-21-04 &5690-001-21-05 45690-001-21-06 45690-001-21-07 Air Cleaner - Complete Body Element Kit, Nut and Gasket Clamp Baffle Cup, Dust *NOTE: QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Body is not a service item. The manufacturer recommends replacement of entire cleaner if body is damaged. ALTERNATOR AND DRIVE REF.NO. 1 1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PART NUMBER 5204-400-87 46150-506-07 46150-506-08 46150-506-09 46150-508-02 5032-308-02 7010-013 7014-018 7014-003 7010-264 40540-005-08 7014-005 7012-027 7441-041 9704-402-56 *NOTE: **NOTE: DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Alternator, Motorola Diode, Isolation **Diode, Positive *Diode, Negative Sheave, Alternator Bracket, Mounting Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" NC Washer, 3/8" Flat Lockwasher, 3/8" Capscrew, ½ " x 8" NC Pipe, ½ " x 5½ " Lockwasher, ½ " Nut, ½ " Hex V-Belt (Matched Set) Harness - See Base Electric Parts - Section 8 Negative Diode (Black Stamped Part Number), Positive Diode (Red Stamped Part Number). 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 GENERATOR AND DRIVE REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 { { { { 15 { 16 { PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 46150-001-75 01B04-002-03 7401-018 7118-031 9704-300-41 5036GE29 5032-301-15 5032-301-21 5032-301-22 7389-024 7007-140 Generator - See Winpower Manual - This Section Sheave Bushing Belt Support, Mounting Bracket, Adjusting Clip, Generator Mounting Bracket, Rear Bracket, Front Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Socket Flat Head NC Washer, 3/8" Shakeproof See Coupling and Sheave - This Section Capscrew, 3/8" x 5/8" NC Lockwasher, ¼ ” Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" NC Lockwasher, 3/8" Washer, 3/8" Flat Capscrew, Grade 5, 3/8" x 1½ " N C Lockwasher, 3/8" Washer, 3/8" Flat Capscrew, 3/8" x 1¼ " NC Nut, 3/8" Hex NC Lockwasher, 3/8" Washer, 3/8" Flat Capscrew, ½ " x 1¼ " NC Nut, ½ " Hex NC Lockwasher, ½ " 7010-087 7014-001 7010-013 7014-003 7014-018 7383-040 7014-003 7014-018 7010-014 7012-025 7014-003 7014-018 7010-021 7012-027 7014-005 QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Model No. FM3V2-B/3 INSTRUCTION MANUAL INTRODUCTION The information in this manual covers revolving field type alternators using static excitation. This type of excitation will be discussed in detail in later paragraphs of this manual. The information contained should be studied carefully and the instruction book kept at hand for ready reference. Read very carefully the paragraphs on proper use and maintenance. The equipment described is the result of careful engineering design and manufacturing techniques. It has been thoroughly inspected and tested before shipment. Carefully inspect on delivery for evidence of shipping damage. If damage has occurred it should be noted on the freight bill in order that acclaim can be filed to recover the cost of the damage. If the damage appears to be of a major nature, the fault should be corrected before using. If you wish to contact your dealer or the factory, make sure you mention the model and serial number as listed on the nameplate on the side of the alternator. Winpower alternators are designed to deliver voltage and current identical to that of a normal power line. Equipment that can be operated on normal power can also be operated by the alternator, provided the capacity of the alternator is not exceeded. It should be remembered that the power line, for all practical purposes, is backed by an unlimited generator. Promptly fill in and return the guarantee card enclosed in the front of the manual. ALTERNATOR The alternator is a revolving field type, using a static system for excitation and control of the voltage regulation. The section below describes the static excitation. The rotor in a two pole machine must revolve at 3600 RPM for 60 hertz current and at 3000 RPM for 50 hertz. Frequency varies in direct relation to the speed of rotation. The governor of the driving engine or tractor will therefore determine the variation in frequency. An unstable governor or one that droops in speed excessively under load will result in excessive frequency variation. A droop at 5% in speed will result in a frequency variation of 3 hertz. This variation is of little consequence for most equipment to be powered. The driving engine should have sufficient power to maintain speed under load. The best of governors cannot control an overloaded engine. WHAT IS STATIC EXCITATION? The word "static" means without motion; thus, the term "static excited" means that the control system which provides the current for the electro-magnetic field is provided without the use of an out-moded revolving DC armature. Commutators and commutator brushes with the inherent problem of sparking and maintenance are eliminated. The use of a mechanical voltage regulator with vibrating or multiple moving contacts is also eliminated. -2- Direct current is required for the electro-magnetic field. A single coil is wound in the alternator stator (the stationary winding) to provide the current for the base field. This coil is entirely separate from the main winding and is at right angles in mechanical position. The AC voltage generated in this coil is fed to a full wave silicon diode bridge to provide rectified direct current for the base field. As the field is the rotating component, the current connection is accomplished by the use of slip rings and brushes. The base field is connected to ring #1 (nearest to the bearing) and ring #3. The base field is designed to provide magnetic lines of force required to generate rated voltage with no load on the alternator. In order to maintain close voltage regulation as the load is varied, a control field is used. The control circuit consists of an additional full wave bridge, in series with one load line, and a control winding on the field poles. The control field is connected to ring #1 and ring #2. When a load is connected to the alternator, this current is rectified and fed through the control field winding. By this means, the total strength of the field is varied in relation to the load. The description of static excitation opened with the statement that "static" is-defined as without motion. In later paragraphs the revolving field has been discussed. To avoid confusion, a word of explanation is in order. There must be some relative motion between the coils which generate voltage and the magnetic field which causes the voltage to be produced. In a revolving field generator, the winding that produces the voltage is stationary and the field poles revolve. The reverse is true in the case of a revolving armature generator; the field is stationary and the voltage producing winding rotates. LOAD CONNECTION Standard connection for 2000 watt, single voltage alternators use duplex grounding type receptacles. Special applications, to be used as part of other equipment, may provide a plate to accept conduit fittings. Short leads are brought out for connection. Larger capacity machines are provided with an outlet box enclosing a terminal strip for connection. Optional panels are available for capacities above 2000 watts. These are designed to be installed in the field. A voltage indicator, a circuit breaker, 15 ampere duplex receptacle and a 50 ampere receptacle are included in the special panels. The voltage indicator uses a color band of red and green in place of a numbered scale. Voltage and frequency are correct in the green portion of the color band. MAINTENANCE Little maintenance is required other than routine inspection and cleaning. The bearings are pre-lubricated and will be a long life item unless damage by accident or excessive driving belt tension. The interior of the alternator should be clean and unobstructed. Slip rings and brushholders should be kept free from dirt, oil and moisture. If compressed air is available it can be used effectively for cleaning. SHEAVE & BELT ALIGNMENT LOW OUTPUT VOLTAGE POSSIBLE CAUSE Low Speed High line loss. Indicated by lower voltage at load than at generator terminals. Shorted or grounded field coil. In some cases one coil only, that is shorted or grounded, will reduce voltage to approximately one half of rating. Defective compound field circuit. Field connected to Rings #1 and *2. Defective control field bridge. Excessive speed Clogged ventilating inlet and/or outlet. Excessive heat from other equipment Overload Poor Brush Contact: Brushes tight in holder. Weak Brush Spring Tension Film on Collector Rings caused by corrosive or dirty atmosphere. Defective Rectifier Bridge (See illustration for method of checking bridge.) Openifield circuit (See illustration for method for checking.) Grounded or shorted field coil(s) (See illustration for method.) Loss of residual magnetism. This is a condition brought about by some unusual condition. It will always occur after disassembly. Defective Stator: Shorted winding. This can be identified by the use of a "growler" at a competent rewinding shop Grounded winding. Check by test lamp from stator winding to frame Open winding circuit. Check all circuits for continuity IE: S2 to S1, S4 to L1. REMEDY 1. Check for overload on the engine. 2. Defective governor. Check governor spring ension, tight or defective throttle lever and joints. 3. Defective engine. Increase size of line wiring. Might also be the result of loose connections which will be indicated by excessive heating at the loose connections. See information for testing field circuits. See information for testing field circuits. See information on-testing bridge assemblies. HIGH OUTPUT VOLTAGE Check governor linkage, spring tension, etc. Governor linkage must be free from dirt & gum. EXCESSIVE HEATING Clean. Make sure interior is unobstructed.Construct baffle or some means to direct heat in another direction. Reduce load. NO OUTPUT VOLTAGE Clean Brushholder. Brush should move freely in holder. Brush spring tension should snap brush into contact with ring when lifted and released. Clean rings with fine sandpaper during rotation. Caution: Tape sandpaper to stiff cardboard for safety. Replace defective bridge assembly. Find assembly number under DIODE ASSEMBLY in parts list. Replace Rotor Assembly. Replace Rotor Assembly. See note under field assembly for procedure to restore magnetism. Replace the Stator. See illustration for testing method. (Include generator model and serial number on the order.) Step by Step Check List 1. Check alternator shaft speed. Should be 3600 RPM, 60 hertz at full load. 2. Check voltage output at terminal ends of Lines L1 and L2. If volt-age is correct at this point, make a progressive check from this point through the wiring system. 3. Check brush contact to rings. Brushes and holders should be free from dirt. Brush should snap back when lifted and released. Using caution to prevent scratching the ring or chipping the brush, a thin knife edge can be inserted for lifting the brush. 4. Inspect all wiring for loose or broken connection. Look for loose or broken solder joints. If a solder joint needs repairing on a diode, use a hot iron to accomplish repair quickly. Blow on the joint for quick cooling. Diodes can be destroyed by prolonged heat. 5. Check diodes. (See method outlined under Bridge Assemblies). Isolate all brushes from the rings by inserting heavy paper under the brush. Remove one quick disconnect clip from the base field bridge. This will isolate all parallel circuits. 6. Before removing the paper insulation from under brushes, check out the rotor as outlined under Field Assembly. If voltage is correct at no load but drops excessively on load, and correct speed is maintained, suspect the control field or the control field connections. 7. When the voltage at correct speed is very low at no load and approximately 50% of rating on load, the base stator winding may be open. Check for a circuit between the brown leads connected to the base field bridge. Disconnect one lead before making check. BRIDGE ASSEMBLIES (TYPICAL) 1. Base Field Rectifier Bridge Assembly 2. Negative Control Field Rectifier Bridge Assembly 3. Positive Control Field Rectifier Bridge Assembly Caution: When replacing diodes a solider connection is required. It is very important that the solder joint is made quickly. Use a hot iron and remove immediately when the solder flows. The diode can be destroyed by prolonged heat. Check the diode with the ohmmeter before installing. Check for Defective Diode 1. 2. 3. Disconnect all external wiring from both AC and DC circuit. (Carefully mark the point of connection of each wire to assure proper re-connection). A diode that is in good order will conduct current in one direction and block in the opposite. The conducting direction is marked on the case by an arrow and by a color band on the smaller Use an ohmmeter (or a 1.5 volt flash light battery and bulb as illustrated) to check the current direction. Connect positive at the base of the arrow and negative at the end to which the arrow points. (See illustration) A diode that conducts in both directions or neither direction is defective. Alternate means for testing a diode if an ohmmeter is not available. BRUSHHOLDER ASSEMBLY Models rated at 2000 watts and under use one bracket assembly 2 as shown in solid lines. Models above that rating have two brushes on rings #1 and #2 (numbering from end of shaft) and use added bracket 1 as shown in dotted lines. Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When replacing brushes, the most simple method is to disconnect the entire bracket assembly by removing the screw at each end. The bracket can then be tilted forward for easy access to the brushholder caps. A-745 Brushholder bracket (right) A-746 Brushholder bracket (left) B-701 Brushholder B-791-A Cap B-701-B Clip 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Y-114 S-6096 *2005 #1110 #2652 Brush Clamp Screws Lock Washer Screw - Self tapping FIELD ASSEMBLY Resistance of Field Circuits at 25°C -(77°F) Model FM3V2-B/3 FM2V2-B FM4V2-B FM4V2-C FM6V2-C Base Field (Ring #1 to 3) 43 to 53 ohms 32 to 42 ohms 43 to 53 ohms 43 to 53 ohms 47 to 57 ohms Control Field (Ring #1 to 2) Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm Less than 1 ohm Note: When ordering replacement field assemblies, be sure to include model and serial number from nameplate on alternator frame. TESTING A FIELD CIRCUIT Make sure that all brushes are not in contact with the slip rings. If the alternator has not been disassembled, paper inserted between the brush and slip ring will serve as insulation. The complete brushholder bracket can be removed if this procedure is preferred, by removing the screws and nuts at each end of the bracket. The brush gear may use one bracket or two brackets, depending on the capacity of the alternator. When two are used, both must be insulated or disconnected. To measure the resistance of the base field, touch the ohmmeter leads to ring #1 and #3 as shown in the illustration. Measure from rings #1 and #2 for the control field. A resistance appreciably lower than shown on the table indicates shorted turns in one or both field coils. The resistance of less than one ohm on the control field is too low to measure accurately with the average ohmmeter. A complete circuit between rings should be indicated. A high resistance would indicate a broken connection. A grounded field circuit can be identified by connecting the meter from the slip rings to the rotor shaft. NOTE: Occasionally an alternator will lose residual magnetism. It is very unusual unless the alternator has been disassembled, in which case it will be necessary to "flash the field" on the first start. (continued) FIELD ASSEMBLY (Continued) A step down transformer with a nominal 125 volt primary winding and from 15 to 30 volt secondary can be used for this purpose. The primary should have a cord with a plug for a wall receptacle. The secondary should have extension leads with insulated probes. With the alternator operating, plug into the wall outlet and insert the probes momentarily into the 125 volt convenience outlet. For equipment not furnished with the outlet, touch the probes to the connection of L1 and L2. A momentary contact is all that is required. The transformer assembly can be purchased from the factory at a nominal cost if not available locally. STATOR ASSEMBLY Note: When ordering replacement stator assemblies be sure to include the model and serial number from the nameplate on the side of the generator. The stator assembly has a winding to develop voltage for the base field. The lead extensions from this winding are colored brown. Connection from this winding is to the base bridge. A single, two pole winding is used for two wire, single voltage models. This winding connects to the control (Series) field bridge. The control bridge is divided into a positive and a negative side and is in series with the load. (See bridge assembly illustration) Three wire, dual voltage models use two identical, two pole windings. Each winding generates 125 volts. The voltage from either line to neutral is, therefore, 125. From L1 to L: the winding is in series for 250 volt output. When a fault in the stator is suspected each individual winding should be checked. The resistance of 'the separate windings will be low, less than one ohm, but a complete circuit should be indicated. IE: #S1 to #S2, #S4 to #L1. The various windings should also be checked for ground. For this purpose connect an ohmmeter from a bare spot on the frame to one lead of each coil. A meter deflection indicates a grounded winding. When all stator leads are disconnected, there should be no circuit from one winding to any other. If a circuit is indicated, the winding is shorted. If any of the above conditions are indicated, the stator assembly must be replaced. PARTS LIST FM3V2-B/3 (IOWA MFG. CO.) 46150-001-75 FIND NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 G-5208-9 G-5285-2 D-59 11099 A-722-5 S-6242 G-4799-3 A-726-3 A-746 A-745 B-701 B-701-1 B-701-2 Y-114 S-6096 G-5298-3 G-5297-3 EE-2171 J-545 J-546 4074-2 4074-4 A-727 V-1059 V-1085 EE-910 S-6982-1 Stator Frame Assembly Rotor Assembly Bearing Retaining Ring Drive End Bell Bearing Retainer Bearing End Bell Assembly End Bell Brushholder Bracket Brushholder Bracket Brushholder Brushholder Cap Brushholder Clip Brush Clamp Rectifier Assembly (Neg.) Rectifier Assembly (Pos.) Rectifier Assembly (Shunt) Board, Insulating Bushing Screw 1/4-20 x 7-1/2 Screw 1/4-20 x 6-1/2 Fan End Hood Handy Box Cover Cover Plage Wiring Diagram E-7374 PARTS DRAWING E-8594 PL-01229 REQ'D/UNIT 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 E-8594 E-8594 E-7 E-7374 AUTOMATIC THROTTLE CONTROL AUTOMATIC THROTTLE CONTROL REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 { PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5036XG21 7436-093 7439-003 7014-043 46205-001-12 7012-046 9704-300-85 5036XG23 5036XG24 5036XG25 7011-001 5036XG26 7025-001 7014-001 5036XG27 7072-054 7012-025 7010-014 7014-003 45870-001-19 5036XG01-08 7010-087 7012-023 7014-017 7010-015 5036XG01-10 5036XD12 7435-071 7026-003 7012-045 7438-007 Bracket, Solenoid Screw, #10-32 x 3/8" Lockwasher, #10 Washer, 3/16" Flat Solenoid Nut, 5/16" NF Coupler, Threaded Link, Throttle Pin, Lower Link Pin, Upper Link Pin, Cotter 3/32" x 1" Lever, Throttle Capscrew, ¼ " x 3/4" Nylok Socket Head Lockwasher, ¼ " Bracket, Idler Stop Bolt, Carriage 3/8" x 1½ " NC Nut, 3/8" Hex NC Capscrew, 3/8" x 1¼ " NC Lockwasher, 3/8" Spring Clamp, Bowden Wire Capscrew, ¼ " x 5/8" NC Nut, ¼ " NC Washer, 5/16" Flat Capscrew, 3/8" x 1½ " NC Lever, Fuel Stop Collar Set Screw, #8-32 x ¼ " Capscrew, 1/4" x 1¼ " Socket Head NF Nut, ¼ " NF Washer, ¼ " Shakeproof QUANTITY 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 POWER TAKE-OFF DIESEL ENGINE POWER TAKE-OFF DIESEL ENGINE REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 { 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 { 13 14 { 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 { PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45550-019-06 45550-002-17 40800-002 45550-024-01 7017-051 7033-008 7030-008 7166-005 5036GD23 5036GF61 40800-001-04 5010W02A 7383-038 7014-003 45134-001-14 5010W05-01 7010-033 7012-029 7014-007 5010W07 45200-021 5010W08 4418-091 7010-077 7014-001 7253-048 45550-110-02 Ring, Driving Yoke, Throw-Out Key, ¼ " Square x 2" Line, Lube Nut, 5/8" Jam NF Lockwasher Locknut Bearing Shaft, Clutch Handle, Clutch Key, 1/4" Square x 1¼ " Housing, Bell Capscrew, Grade 5, 3/8" x 1" NC Lockwasher, 3/8" Bearing Cover Capscrew, 5/8" x 1-3/4" NC Nut, 5/8" Hex NC Lockwasher, 5/8" Shaft Seal, Oil Gasket, Plate Adjusting Plate, Clutch Adjusting Capscrew, ¼ " x ½ " NC Lockwesher, ¼ " Ring, Snap Clutch, Twin Disc - Model C-110 - See Form # 14963 - This Section See Generator and Drive - This Section Fitting, Grease 1/8" Straight Line, Lube 12" Line, Lube 10" Lockscrew, Grade 5, 3/8" x 1%" NC 7051-001 5036GMM02 5036BMM03 7383-263 QUANTITY 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 9 9 1 1 6 6 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 8 TWIN DISC CLUTCH MODES C - 110 REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45550-110-02 45550-004-13 45550-002-08 45550-002-18 45550-005-02 45550-014-37 45550-014-36 45550-014-11 45550-010-16 45550-013-07 45550-013-15 45550-016-01 45550-014-42 45550-013-31 45550-007-08 45550-020-03 45550-014-44 45550-018-02 45550-022-10 45550-008-06 45550-010-06 Clutch Without Driving Ring - Complete Hub and Back Plate Adjusting Yoke Assembly - Complete Adjusting Yoke Finger Lever Lever Pin Cotter Pin Adjusting Lock Pin Adjusting Lock Pin Spring Sliding Sleeve Assembly - Complete Sliding Sleeve Lever Link Lever Link Pin Cone Collar Bolt Nut Cotter Pin Washer (Collar) Driving Plate (3 Segments Each) Floating Plate Release Spring QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 2 2 8 4 1 1 6 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION, CLUTCH & DRIVE SHAFT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 7264-037 4430-006-01-01 7131-076 45200-027 7166-011 5036DD19 5036DF06 45200-033 7012-047 7014-003 5036DF02 5036DD32 7009-007 5036DF03 7009-005 7014-003 See Generator and Drive - This Section See Coupling and Sheave - This Section See Electric Clutch - This Section See Clutch Transfer Case and Brakes - This Section See 24 Speed Transmission - This Section See Six Speed Shifter - This Section See Range Shift - This Section. See Forward and Reverse Shift - This Section Key Flange Setscrew, 3/8" x 1½ " NC Seal, Oil Bearing Spacer Spacer Seal, Oil Nut, 5/8" NF Lockwasher, 3/8" Coupling Washer Capscrew, 3/8" x 11/4" NF See Spicer Universal Joint - This Section Capscrew, 3/8" x 3/4" NF Lockwasher, 3/8" QUANTITY 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 8 8 2 2 8 2 8 8 COUPLING AND SHEAVE REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 45476-001-02 45476-502-04 4431-038-01 4430-008-01 40803-002-12 40802-002-08 7131-074 7131-077 *Coupling - Complete With Bolts *Bolt Set (Only) Flange Sheave Key, 1/2" x 1/2" x 2-3/4" Key, 3/8" x 3/8" x 2 1/2)'" Setscrew, 3/8" x 3/8" NC Setscrew, 3/8" x 5/8" NC QUANTITY 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 ELECTRIC CLUTCH - 12 VOLT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45003-504-02 45551-263-01 45552-258-01 45003-501-01 7341-009 7010-006 7014-002 50360G02 45003-502-02 7264-037 Field Assembly, Inside Mounted 12 Volt Rotor Armature Hub, Rotor Bushing, Taperlock 2" Bore Capscrew, 5/16" x 3/4" Lockwasher, 5/16" Pin, Clutch Drive Spring, Follow Up Key, 1/2" x 1/2" x 2" Round End NOTE: Quantities shown are for one clutch assembly only. QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 20 20 4 4 1 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 45775-009-03 45775-255-03 45775-256-23 45775-257-17 45134-001-24 45775-262-46 45775-251-22 7252-068 7253-059 45775-266-02 45775-251-23 45775-251-24 45775-251-25 45775-262-04 45775-251-10 45775-267-01 45134-001-26 45775-261-02 45134-001-14 45775-257-06 45775-251-11 45775-251-12 45775-258-02 45775-251-13 45775-251-14 45775-258-03 45775-251-15 45134-001-27 45775-257-07 45775-268-01 45134-001-25 45775-251-47 45775-257-36 45775-251-17 45775-251-18 45134-001-21 7166-011 45775-251-19 45775-251-20 45775-257-35 45134-001-20 45200-021 45775-259-04 45775-260-02 45775-280-01 45775-281-01 7030-006 7033-006 45775-256-10 Transmission - Complete Main Housing Housing Cover Bevel Pinion Ball Bearing Lockscrew, Idler Shaft Driven Gear, 1st Snap Ring Snap Ring Sliding Clutch Driven Gear, 2nd Driven Gear, 3rd Driven Gear, 4th Washer Sliding Gear, 5th and 6th Bearing Shim, #13 Standard Ball Bearing, Snap Ring Type Snap Ring, #10 Standard Ball Bearing Pinion and Shaft Drive Pinion, 2nd Drive Pinion, 3rd Spacer, 2-1/4" ID x 2-3/4" OD x 3-3/8" Drive Gear, 4th Drive Gear, 5th Spacer, 2-1/4" ID x 2-3/4" OD x 2-1/8" Drive Gear, 6th Ball Bearing, Snap Ring Type Idler Shaft Reverse Idler Ball Bearing Sliding Gear, High Countershaft Sliding Gear, Forward & Reverse Sliding Gear, Low & Intermediate Ball Bearing Ball Bearing Drive Gear, High Drive Gear, Intermediate Input, Shaft Ball Bearing Oil Seal, National Gasket Bearing, Retainer Breather Breather Extension Locknut, Ball Bearing Lockwasher, Ball Bearing Mounting Cover - Continued - QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION - Continued REF.NO. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 84 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 98 PART NUMBER 45200-183 45130-002-06 45130-001-09 45775-258-04 45775-251-21 45775-259-30 45775-259-07 45775-259-08 45775-256-07 45775-305-02 45775-295-02 7166-015 45775-302-01 45775-253-03 45775-254-04 45775-295-04 45775-264-04 45775-259-09 45775-256-11 45775-267-04 7027-003 45775-262-48 7007-024 7100-007 7009-008 7014-003 7012-047 7009-006 7007-024 7100-008 7009-007 45775-296-02 7061-003 45775-255-20 45775-255-19 5036DD02-03 45775-257-10 7028-061 45720-003-18 40502-002-08-01 45775-276-12 45775-251-48 45775-258-12 DESCRIPTION Oil Seal, National Cup, Bearing Cone, Bearing Spacer, 2-3/8" ID x 3" OD x 1-5/8" Bevel Gear Gasket Kit Gasket, Main Housing Gasket Bearing Cover Elbow, Male Tubing, 1/2" Ball Bearing Gauge, Sight Oil Pump With Coupling Coupling, Pump Only Lube Line, 3/8" OD Fitting, Lube Spray Gasket, Oil Pump Bearing Cover Shim Kit - Bevel Bearing Plug,'3/4" Pipe Magnetic Capscrew, '5/16" x 7/8" Hex Head NC Lockwasher, 5/16" Internal Teeth Washer, 5/16" Brass Capscrew, 3/8" x 1-1/2" Hex Head NF Lockwasher, 3/8" Nut, 3/8" Hex NF Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NF Lockwasher, 5/16" Internal Teeth Washer, 3/8" Brass Capscrew, 3/8" x 1-1/4" Hex Head NF Filter, Cartridge Elbow, 3/8" Street See Range Shift - This Section See Six Speed Shifter - This Section See Forward and Reverse - This Section Output Shaft Dowel Connector, Male Nipple, 3/8" x 2-1/2" Plug, Expansion Gear, 33T Spacer QUANTITY 2 2 2 1 1 Kit 1 1 1 2 As Req. 8 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 Kit 1 4 4 4 6 16 14 11 4 12 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 THE FOLLOWING PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH COMPLETE 24 SPEED TRANSMISSION 100 101 102 103 104 105 7010-034 7012-029 7014-007 5036DD53-01 40504-008-08-01 7061-005 Capscrew, 5/8" x 2" Hex Head NC Nut, 5/8" Hex NC Lockwasher, 5/8" Stick, Dip Nipple, 3/4" x 8-1/2" Pipe Elbow, 3/4" Street 4 4 4 1 1 1 RANGE SHIFT RANGE SHIFT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PART NUMBER 45775-255-20 45775-255-13 45775-259-46 45775-259-11 45775-256-30 45775-269-02 45775-270-01 45775-262-03 45775-273-01 45775-252-0145775-257-38 45775-257-37 45775-276-01 45775-271-04 45775-271-14 45775-274-02 45775-270-03 45775-277-01 45775-260-03 45250-020-04 7011-064 7064-016 7010-013 45775-276-02 45775-270-04 7007-031 45775-278-03 45775-282-01 45775-261-04 7014-003 DESCRIPTION Range Shifter Assembly Housing, Range Shift Gasket, Range Shift Housing Gasket,-Shifter Cover Cover, Shifter Shift Lever, Range Spring, Shift Shaft Washer, Shift Cap Cap, Shift Housing Ball, Shift Lever Shifter Shaft, High Shifter Shaft, Low and Intermediate Expansion Plug, 1-1/8" Fork, High Fork, Low and Intermediate Plunger, Interlock Spring Ball Retainer, Spring Plug, 1/2" Pipe Pin, Cotter 1/8" x 2" Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-3/4" Hex Head NF Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NC Expansion Plug, 1-1/4" Spring Lockwasher, Internal Teeth 1-1/4" OD Nut, 3/4" Hex Jam NF Boot, Cover Clamp, Boot Lockwasher, 3/8" QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 8 8 2 2 2 1 1 8 6 SPEED SHIFTER 6 SPEED SHIFTER REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 45775-255-19 45775-255-04 45775-259-10 45775-259-11 45775-256-09 45775-269-01 45775-270-01 45775-262-03 45775-273-01 45775-252-01 45775-257-11 45775-257-12 45775-257-13 45775-272-01 45775-271-01 45775-271-02 45775-272-02 45775-271-03 7011-064 7024-003 45775-274-01 45775-270-05 45775-277-01 45775-275-01 45775-276-01 7010-013 7009-006 45775-260-03 45775-270-04 7017-052 7007-031 45775-275-03 45775-282-01 45775-261-04 7014-003 45775-265-06 7238-116 Six Speed Shifter - Complete Housing Gasket Gasket, Shifter Cover Cover, Shifter Shift Lever, Six Speed Spring, Shift Shaft Washer, Shift Cap Cap, Shift Housing Ball, Shift Lever Shifter Shaft, 5th and 6th Shifter Shaft, 3rd and 4th Shifter Shaft, 1st and 2nd Shifter Dog, 5th and 6th Fork, 5th and 6th Fork, 3rd and 4th Shifter Dog, 1st and 2nd Fork, 1st and 2nd Pin, Cotter 1/8" x 2" Plug, 3/8" American Standard Pipe Plunger, Locking Spring Ball Pin, 1/4" x 1" Interlock Expansion Plug, 1-1/8" Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NC Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NF Retainer, Spring Spring Nut, 3/4" Jam NF Lockwasher, Internal Teeth 1-1/4" OD Pin, Groove Boot, Cover Clamp, Boot Lockwasher, 3/8" Collar, Shifter Stop Pin, Roll 1/4" QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 3 4 10 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 14 1 1 FORWARD AND REVERSE SHIFT FORWARD AND REVERSE SHIFT REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 5036DD02-03 45775-255-06 45775-259-12 45775-259-11 45775-256-30 45775-269-03 45775-270-01 45775-262-03 45775-273-01 45775-252-01 45775-257-16 45775-271-06 45200-184 45775-277-01 45775-270-04 45775-262-47 7065-016 7010-013 7014-003 7009-006 46200-001-13 7017-052 45775-260-03 45775-282-01 45775-261-04 Forward and Reverse Shift - Complete Housing Gasket, Housing Gasket, Shifter Cover Cover, Shifter Shift Lever, Forward and Reverse Spring, Shift Shaft Washer, Shift Cap Cap, Shift Housing Ball, Shift Lever Shifter, Shaft Fork, Forward and Reverse Seal, Oil Ball Spring Capscrew, 1-1/2" Socket Head NC Capscrew, 1-1/2" x 1-3/4" Hex Head NF Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NC Lockwasher, 3/8" Capscrew, 3/8" x 1" Hex Head NF Micro-Switch Nut, 3/4" Jam NF Retainer, Spring Boot, Cover Clamp, Boot QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 SPICER UNIVERSAL JOINT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5036DF03 Spicer Universal Joint Assembly, Complete 1 Flange Yoke Sleeve Yoke Assembly Dust Cap Steel Washer Cork Washer Shaft Sub-Assembly Journal & Bearing Kit Journal Cross Assembly Bearing Assembly Snap Ring Zerk Nipple Journal Gasket 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 8 2 8 45377-500-01 45377-500-02 45377-501-01 45377-502-01 45377-502-02 45377-503-01 45377-504-01 45377-505-01 45377-506-01 45377-507-01 45377-508-01 45377-509-01 Quantities shown are for One Assembly Only. QUANTITY CLUTCH, TRANSFER CASE AND BRAKES CLUTCH, TRANSFER CASE AND BRAKES REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45775-009-04 45775-009-05 See Transfer Case - Right Hand - This Section See Transfer Case - Left Hand - This Section See Electrically Released Brake - This Section See Electric Clutch - This Section Flange Bushing Key Flange Setscrew, 3/81' x ½ i NC Key - See Electric Clutch - This Section Seal, Oil Bearing Spacer Spacer Capscrew, ½ ”x 1;½ " NC Nut, ½ " Hex NC Lockwasher, ½ i" Flange Chain Sprocket, Transfer Case - Standard Sprocket, Transfer Case - Slow Down Plate, Retaining Capscrew, ½ ”x 1 ½ ”NF Lockwasher, ½ " Setscrew Nut, 5/8" Jam NC Capscrew, 3/4" x 3" NC Lockwasher, 3/4" For BSF-420 Paver - See Two Speed Transmission, Hydraulic Motor, Clutch and Drive Shaft This Section For BSF-400 Paver - See 24 Speed Transmission, Clutch and Drive Shaft - This Section See Track Drive - Section 2 4430-007-01 7340-017 5036DD51 4430-006-01-02 7131-076 45200-027 7166-011 5036DD19 5036DF06 7010-022 7012-027 7014-005 4430-003-01 5036DD55 9700-055 9700-054 9700-056 7009-014 7014-005 (7018-050 7017-029 (7010-048 7012-009 QUANTITY 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 8 8 8 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 8 8 16 16 TRANSFER CASE TRANSFER CASE REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 45775-009-04 45775-009-05 7026-016 7014-003 45775-256-35 45775-267-16 45200-191 45130-002-04 45130-001-08 7009-007 45775-256-31 45775-259-53 1000-177 45775-257-01 45775-251-03 45775-261-01 45775-256-34 7026-017 7033-0.10 7030-010 45775-256-33 45134-001-21 45775-251-01 45775-257-02 45775-251-04 45775-256-37 45775-256-32 45134-001-22 45775-251-05 45775-257-03 45775-251-31 7009-014 7014-005 45775-260-09 45775-267-15 7306-001 7306-016 45775-258-01 45775-251-02 45775-257-45 45130-001-05 45130-002-03 45200-181 45775-256-36 7052-019 7027-002 7061-003 7107-008 Transfer Case, Complete - Right Hand Transfer Case, Complete - Left Hand Capscrew, 3/8" x 1-3/4" Hex Socket Head NF Lockwasher, 3/8" Cover, Mounting Shim Kit Seal, Oil Cup, Roller Bearing Cone, Roller Bearing Capscrew, 3/8" x 1-1/4" Hex Head NF Cover, Housing Gasket, Housing Housing, Main Shaft, Input Pinion, Input Snap Ring Cover, Mounting Capscrew, 3/8" x 2" Hex Socket Head NF Lockwasher Locknut Cover, Bearing Ball Bearing Gear, Drive Shaft, Stub Gear, Driven Cover, Bearing Cover, Bearing Ball, Bearing Gear, Intermediate Shaft, Stub Gear, Drive Capscrew, 1/2" x 1-1/2" Hex Head NF Lockwasher, 1/2" Retainer, Bearing Shim Kit Cup, Roller Bearing Cone, Roller Bearing Spacer, Output Shaft Gear, Output Shaft, Output Cone, Roller Bearing Cup, Roller Bearing Seal, Oil Carrier, Bearing Breather, Alemite Plug, 1/2" Pipe - Magnetic Drain Elbow, 3/8" x 90° Reducer, Bushing 3/8" x 3/4" - Continued - QUANTITY 1 1 8 50 1 As Req. 2 2 2 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 16 16 1 As Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 TRANSFER CASE - Continued REF.NO. 47 48 PART NUMBER 7024-004 7024-005 DESCRIPTION Plug, 1/2" Pipe Plug, 3/4" Pipe QUANTITY 2 1 THE FOLLOWING PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH COMPLETE TRANSFER CASE. 49 50 51 52 53 54 7018-050 7017-029 7010-048 7014-009 5036DD36 5036DD44 5036DD43 5036DD47 5036DD37 5036DD41 5036DD42 5036DD48 Setscrew, 5/8" x 3" Square Head Nut, 5/8" Jam Hex NC Capscrew, 3/4" x 3" Hex Head NC Lockwasher, 3/4" Shim, Short 20 Gauge Shim, Short 16 Gauge Shim, Short 10 Gauge Shim, Short 7 Gauge Shim, Long 20 Gauge Shim, Long 16 Gauge Shim, Long 10 Gauge Shim, Long 7 Gauge 4 4 8 8 As Req. As Req. As Req. As Req. As Req. As Req. As Req. As Req. ELECTRICALLY RELEASED BRAKE 12 VO LT REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 45003-506-13 7025-006 7014-002 45003-500-02 45003-502-03 50020-001-02 45003-505-01 45003-503-01 10 45003-500-01 Magnet, 12 Volt Capscrew, 5/16" x 3/4" Socket Head NC Lockwasher, 5/16" Washer, Retaining Spring Locking Wire Armature Pin Flange For BSF-2 - See Drives - This Section For BSF-520, BSF-2H, BSF-420 or BSF-400 See Transfer Case, Clutch and Brake This Section For BSF-620 or BSF-4 - See Drives - This Section Ring, Retaining QUANTITY 1 6 6 4 12 3.0' 1 4 1 ELECTRIC CLUTCH - 12 VOLT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45003-504-02 45551-263-01 45552-258-01 45003-501-01 7341-009 7010-006 7014-002 50360G02 45003-502-02 7264-037 Field Assembly, Inside Mounted 12 Volt Rotor Armature Hub, Rotor Bushing, Taperlock 2" Bore Capscrew, 5/16" x 3/4" Lockwasher, 5/16" Pin, Clutch Drive Spring, Follow Up Key, 1/2" x 1/2" x 2" Round End NOTE: Quantities shown are for one clutch assembly only. QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 20 20 4 4 1 STANDARD CONVEYOR DRIVES STANDARD CONVEYOR DRIVES REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5036DD06 7010-031 7012-029 7014-007 5036DD07 7072-102 1206B10 7445-001 F0115PGA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7445-002 7012-027 7014-005 7014-020 7153-027 7012-008 7017-030 5036DD08 1387A39E 1387A30F 40803-b03 7131-077 5036DD23 7024-001 5036DD24 7010-020 7014-005 7014-020 5036DD16 7254-033 5036DD38 9701-132 40500-002-00-01 40500-005-08-01 7051-002 7085-001 7000E23B 7014-018 Frame Capscrew, 5/8" x 1¼ " NC Nut, 5/8" Hex NC Lockwasher, 5/8" Plate, Take-Up Bolt, Carriage ½ " x 1i½ " NC Lug, Adjusting Bolt, Plow #3 I-" x 1-3/4" NC Pillow Block Bearing - 1-15/16" Bore - See Form # 1003 - This Section Bolt, Plow #3 2" x 2" NC Nut, ½ " Hex NC Lockwasher, ½ " Washer, ½ " Flat Bolt, Adjusting 3/4" x 8½ " NC Nut, 3/4" Square NC Nut, 3/4" Jam NC Shaft and Sprocket Sprocket, Standard Sprocket, Speed Up Key, ½ " Square x 3" Setscrew, 3/8".x 5/8" NC Shaft, Idler Plug, 1/8" Pipe Plate Capscrew, ½ ”x 1" NC Lockwasher, l" Washer, ½ '" Flat Sprocket, With Bushing Bushing (Only) Chain, #100 Roller Counter Drive Chain, #120 Roller Conveyor Drives Nipple, Pipe 1/8" x 2" Nipple, Pipe 1/8" x 5½ " Fitting, Alemite 1/8" @45° Elbow, 900 Pipe 1/8" Base, Tube Clamp Washer, 3/8" Flat Main Frame - See Main Frame - Section 3 Fitting, Hydraulic Straight 1/8" See Transmission, Clutch and Drive Shaft This Section 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27A 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 7051-001 QUANTITY 1 5 5 5 2 8 2 4 4 8 20 20 16 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 ANTI-FRICTION BEARING ASSEMBLIES REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION F0100PGA F0100PG 7041-004 Variable 7131-046 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1" BORE Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 1/" x 1/4" Cup Point QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1-3/16" BORE 1 2 3 5 F0103PGA F0103PG 7041-007 Variable 7131-046 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Set Screw, 1/4"x1/4" Socket Head, Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1-3/8" BORE 1 2 5 F0106PGA F107PG 7041-010 Variable 7131-074 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 3/8" x 3/8" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1-7/16" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 F0107PGA F0107PG 7041-011 Variable 7131-074 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 3/8" x 3/8" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1-5/8" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 FOIIOPGA FO11PG 7041-014 Variable 7131-074 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 3/8" x 3/8" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1-11/16" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 F0111PGA F0111PG 7041-015 Variable 7131-074 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 3/8" x 3/8" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1-3/4" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 F0112PGA F011lPG 7041-016 Variable 7131-074 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 3/8" x 3/8" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 1-15/16" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 F011SPGA F011SPG 7041-019 Variable 7131-074 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 3/8" x 3/8" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 2-3/16" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 F0203PGA F0203PG 7041-023 Variable 7131-087 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 7/16" x 7/16" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 2-7/16" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 F0207PGA F0207PG 7041-024 Variable 7131-087 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw - 7/16" x 7/16" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 PILLOW BLOCK TYPE - 2-15/16" BORE 1 2 3 4 5 F0215PGA F0215PG 7041-025 Variable 7131-100 Bearing Assembly - Complete Bearing Housing Bearing and Collar Grease Fitting Socket Head Set Screw 1/2" x 1/2" Cup Point 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 7 HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Hydraulic Reservoir, Filter and Relief Valve Hydraulic Lines-Hopper Wings Hydraulic Lines-Screed Wings Hydraulic Valve Bank SECTION 7 7 7 7 OPTIONAL EXTRA EQUIPMENT 5 If this Section is Missing from Your Parts Manual this mean the Truck Hook was Not Purchased: Truck Hook Hydraulic Circuit 10 HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR, FILTER & RELIEF VALVE HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR, FILTER & RELIEF VALVE REF.NO. PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5036QT05 40504-011-02-01 40540-001-02-01 40540-002-00-01 40500-001-08-01 45080-510-21 45080-510-05 45259-006-35 45191-250-15 7430-002 7430-007 7430-046 45720-769-05 7390-050 7061-001 7061-005 7085-005 7084-001 9704-650-60 5036QT03 5036QT04 45080-510-20 7060-004 7027-003 7061-007 7107-015 45080-510-22 45080-001-21 DESCRIPTION Brace, Filter Nipple, 3/4" Pipe x 11-1/8" Nipple, 2" Pipe x 1-1/8" Nipple, ½ " Pipe x 2" Nipple, 1/8" Pipe x 1½ " Filter, Oil Filter, Oil Fill and Air Cap Valve, Relief - See Form - 11159 - This Section Fitting, 3/4" MP x 1" Hose Fitting, Str. ¼ " MP x ¼ " 370 Fitting, Str. ½ " MP x ½ " 370 Fitting, Str. ¾ " MP x ½ " 370 Reducer, Pipe ½ " x ¼ " Tee, Pipe ½ " Elbow, 90ºStreet 1/8" Pipe Elbow, 90ºStreet 3/4" Pipe Elbow, 90º3/4" Pipe Coupling, Pipe 1/8" Reservoir Cover, Reservoir Gasket, Reservoir Strainer, Oil Gauge, Oil Window Plug, Pipe Magnetic Elbow, 90ºStreet 1I" Pipe Bushing, Pipe 1¼ " x 3/4" **Element, Filter **Gauge **NOTE: Items 27 and 28 are furnished with Item # 6. QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HYDRAULIC RELIEF VALVE ASSEMBLY REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45259-006-35 45259-506-11 45259-508-14 45259-502-16 45259-513-04 45259-533-01 45259-509-06 45259-506-10 45259-508-40 45259-516-13 45259-517-05 45259-517-06 Relief Valve - Complete Assembly Housing "O"-Ring Gasket, Body Relief Seat Ball Spring Body "O"-Ring Adjusting Screw Jam nut Acorn Cap QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HYDRAULIC LINES HOPPER WINGS REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 7551-043-33-01 50035-043-00 45191-503-86 45191-503-81 7552-037-33 50036-037-00 45191-503-15 7552-088-35 50036-088-00 45191-503-15 45191-503-47 40540-102-00-01 45720-770-10 7430-022 7430-007 7390-003 Hose - Complete Hose, 3/8" ID x 43" Swivel Fitting JIC 37º Swivel Fitting JIC 37º Hose - Complete Hose, '" ID 37" Swivel Fitting JIC 37º Hose - Complete Hose, ½ " ID x 88" Swivel Fitting JIC 37º 90ºElbow With SAE 37ºNut Pipe, ½ " x 8'-6" Tee, ½ " Pipe Fitting, 90º1/2" MP x ½ ”37º Fitting, ½ " MP x ½ " 37º Elbow, 90º ½ " Pipe See Hydraulic Line-Screed Lift - This Section See Reservoir - This Section See Valve Bank - This Section Pump - See Power Mounting - Section 6 Cylinder - See Hopper Wings - Section 3 QUANTITY 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 HYDRAULIC LINES SCREED LIFT HYDRAULIC LINES SCREED LIFT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 7552-065-35 50036-065 45191-503-15 45191-503-47 7552-028-33 50036-028 45191-503-15 7552-041-35 50036-041 45191-503-15 45191-503-47 7552-080-34 50036-080-00 45191-503-15 45276-002-04 7550-068-33 50039-068 45191-503-85 7552-080-35 50036-080 45191-503-15 45191-503-47 50030-007-02 Hose - Complete Hose, ½ " ID x 65" Fitting, ½ " Hose x ½ " 37º Fitting, 90º½ " Hose x ½ " 37º Hose - Complete Hose, ½ " ID x 28" Swivel Fitting ½ " H x ½ " 37º Hose - Complete Hose, ½ " ID x 41" Swivel Fitting JIC 37º 90ºElbow With SAE 37ºNut Hose - Complete Hose, ½ " ID x 80" Swivel Fitting JIC 37º Hose End 370 JIC Swivel 45ºEll. Hose - Complete Hose, ¼ " ID x 68" Fitting, ¼ " Hose x i" 37ºJIC Hose - Complete Hose, ½ " ID x 80" Swivel Fitting JIC 37º 90ºElbow With SAE 37ºNut Hose, 881 1" x 62" See Reservoir - This Section See Valve Bank - This Section Pump - See Power Mounting - Section 6 Cylinder - See Screed Lift - Section 5 QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5.2’' HYDRAULIC VALVE BANK REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 45252-005-01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 45090-001-36 45090-001-42 45090-503-11 45259-508-14 45259-508-47 7430-255 7430-278 7430-292 7383-227 7010-084 7010-095 7014-002 7012-024- Valve, 4-Way Solenoid - See Form # 13575 - This Section Valve, Holding - See Form # 12617 - This Section Valve, Throttle Valve, Banking O-Ring O-Ring Fitting, Str. ½ " '0' x ½ " 37º Fitting, 90º2½ " '0' x 2" 37º Fitting, Tee ½ " 'P' x 2" 37ºx ½ " 37º Capscrew, Grade 5, 5/16" x 5-1/2" Hex Head NC Capscrew, 5/16" x 5/8" NC Capscrew, 5/16" x 21/4 " NC Lockwasher, 5/16" Nut, 5/16" Hex NC QUANTITY 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 3 4 4 11 3 4-WAY SOLENOID VALVE REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 45252-005-01 45090-511-36 45090-510-07 46176-004-03 45259-508-30 45090-509-13 45090-531-08 45259-508-17 45090-535-05 45090-503-09 45090-509-14 45090-506-15 45090-540-02 45720-779-39 45259-508-14 7010-097 7012-024 45090-250-11 4-Way Solenoid Valve - Complete Nut Sleeve Coil O-Ring Pin Tube O-Ring Plunger Plug Pin Spring Retainer Plug, Banking O-Ring Capscrew, 5/16" x 2-3/4" Hex Head NC Nut, 5/16" Hex NC Bracket, Mounting *Spool *Body Wrench, Spanner 45500-015-03 QUANTITY 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 As Req. 2 2 2 1 1 1 NOTE: Quantities shown are for one assembly. *NOTE: Body and Spool are not available as separate items-purchase complete assembly. HOLDING VALVE SCREED LIFT REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 45090-001-36 45259-508-44 45090-506-17 45259-508-34 45090-503-10 45090-524-27 45090-500-19 45090-512-55 45090-536-10 45090-544-02 Holding Valve Attachment - Complete O-Ring Spring O-Ring Plug Piston Body Back-Up Ring Cage Check 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 SECTION 8 BASE ELECTRIC PARTS BASE ELECTRIC PARTS REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-402-33 9704-402-52 See Meter Box - This Section See Control Console - This Section See Control Box Parts - This Section See Pad, Brake - Right Hand - This Section See Pad, Brake - Left Hand - This Section Receptacle, 30A Screw Washer, Shakeproof Terminal Box Screw, #10-32 x 1¼ 41 Lockwasher, #10 Nut, 410-32 Hex Terminal Block Switch, Limit Hub, ½ " Hub, 1" Lights Horn Bushing, Fibre 1" Locknut, 1" See Generator and Drive - Section 6 See Hydraulic Assemblies - Section 7 See Screed. Electrical - This Section See Electric Clutch and Brake - Section 6 Engine Harness - See Power Mounting Parts Section 6 See Electrical Cables - This Section Forward-Reverse Limit Switch - See 9704-402-40 9704-402-41 46300-003-10 7435-132 7438-025 9704-401-16 7435-102 7439-003 7440-023 46260-001-10 46200-001-17 46026-023-01 46026-023-03 46270-252-06 46010-001-12 46026-004-03 46026-016-03 QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 METER BOX MILITARY PAVER-VSF-400 REF.NO. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-402-33 9704-402-34 9704-402-32 46225-003-02 46225-001-07 45865-001-23 46225-002-07 45865-002-16 45865-003-04 45915-012-04 46200-010-05 46200-003-75 46165-002-72 46165-001-41 46270-004-04 46270-002-37 46270-005-03 46270-001-36 46165-001-40 46165-004-79 46260-001-78 46260-001-10 435-060 440-007 7438-021 7435-076 7440-008 7438-022 7504-055 Meter Box - Complete Box Meter Panel Frequency Meter AC Voltmeter Hour Tachometer Ammeter Oil Pressure Meter Water Temperature Meter Fuel Level Meter Push-Pull Switch Ignition Switch Circuit Breaker 30A Circuit Breaker 30A Socket, Panel Light Bulb, Panel Light Socket, Gauge Light Bulb, Gauge Light Circuit Breaker 10A Circuit Breaker 15A Bus Bar Terminal Block Screw, #6-32 x 9/16" Round Head NC Nut, #6-32 Shakeproof, -6 Screw, -8-32 x 9/16" Round Head NC Nut, -8-32 Shakeproof, -8 Screw, #8-32 x 3/4" Binding Head QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 1 4 4 4 10 10 10 8 CONTROL CONSOLE CONTROL CONSOLE REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-402-52 5036JJC12 9704-401-63 46200-009-06 46200-009-08 46200-009-21 46200-009-11 46200-009-18 46200-009-08 46955-001-35 5036JG09-01 5036JJC04 7014-017 7056-026 4418-296 9704-402-51 46026-016-03 Control Console - Complete With Cover Cover Box, Console Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Diode Support, Console Yoke, Console Mount Washer, 5/16" Flat Nut, 5/16" Wing Instruction Decal Cable, Control Console to Rear Junction Box Locknut QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 CONTROL BOX PARTS REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-402-53 4418-220 5036JG02-04 46313-001-01 46313-002-19 7435-134 7435-132 7438-025 7504-037 7438-021 7440-007 7504-069 7438-023 7440-023 46295-001-01 See Control Box Panel - This Section Decal Ground Plate Duplex, Outlet Cover, Outlet Screw, ¼ "-20 x 5/8" Screw, ¼ "-20 x -½ " Lockwasher, ¼ " Screw, #6-32 x ½ " Lockwasher, #6 Nut, #6-32 Screw, #10-32 x 3/4" Lockwasher, #10 Nut, #10-32 Hole Covers, a" CDT QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 6 2 2 2 9 9 9 2 CONTROL BOX PANEL CONTROL BOX PANEL REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-402-53 9704-401-05 46325-002-16 46325-001-52 9800-019 46960-002-54 46955-001-35 46165-002-93 46260-001-10 46260-001-04 46015-001-13 56000-003-01 45345-001-02 7504-052 438-022 7504-037 438-021 Panel - Complete Panel, Mounting Relay Relay Module, Bleeder Resistor Diodes Break, 30A Terminal Block Terminal Block Socket, Octal Panduit, 1/2" x 1-1/4" Tape, Double-Sided Screw, #8-32 x 1/2" Lockwasher, #8 Screw, #6-32 x 1/2" Lockwasher, #6 QUANTITY 1 1 2 9 2 8 8 1 2 1 11 6.0’ 6.0’ 6 6 34 34 Not Shown 15 9704-402-55 Control Box Wire Harness - Complete 1 PAD, BRAKE REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-402-40 9704-402-41 9704-400-72 46960-002-70 46260-001-14 7435-061 7438-021 7440-007 Pad, Brake - Right Hand - Complete Pad, Brake - Left Hand - Complete Pad, Mounting Resistor Terminal Block Screw, #6-32 Lockwasher, -#6 Nut, #6-32 QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 ELECTRICAL CABLES ELECTRICAL CABLES REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-402-54 9704-400-84 9704-402-42 9704-402-43 9704-402-49 9704-400-78 9704-402-46 9704-402-47 9704-402-44 9704-402-45 9704-402-48 9704-402-50 Conduit, Meter Box to Control Box Conduit, A.C. Generator to Control Box Cable, Control Box to Right Hand Brake Cable, Control Box to Left Hand Brake Cable, Control Box to Rear Junction Box Cable, Control Box to Screed Receptacle Cable, Right Hand Lights to Junction Box Cable, Left Hand Lights to Junction Box Cable, Limit Switch to Junction Box - Right Hand 1 Cable, Limit Switch to Junction Box - Left Hand Cable, Junction Box to Solenoid Bank Cable, Control Box to Forward-Reverse Limit Switch See Control Console - Cable-Console to Junction Box - This Section QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ELECTRICAL PARTS - SCREED REF.NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 9704-600-57 9704-600-56 9704-600-52 4 9704-600-53 Cable, 10/4 to Paver Cable, Left Hand to Right Hand Box See Screed Electrical Box - Right Hand - This Section See Screed Electrical Box - Left Hand - This Section See Electrical Cables - This Section See Vibrator - Form # 7513 - This Section Limit Switch - See Base Electrical Parts - This Section Junction Box - See Base Electrical Parts - This Section Receptacle - See Base Electrical Parts - This Section See Screed Oil Burner - Section 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 46950-001-11 QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 4 SCREED ELECTRICAL BOX REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9704-600-51 46245-251-11 5036PDG02 46260-001-05 9704-600-06 9800-643 9800-738 9800-626 Box Auto-Transformer Washer, Rubber Terminal Block Pulsator - See Form # 14356 - This Section Plate Plate Cover QUANTITY 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 PULSATOR REF.NO. PART NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9704-600-06 46960-002-65 46960-002-30 46960-002-63 46960-002-47 46960-002-64 46180-001-18 46180-001-22 46955-002-01 46955-002-07 46955-001-37 46955-003-02 DESCRIPTION Pulsator - Complete Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Capacitor Capacitor Transistor Transistor Diode Heat Sink QUANTITY 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 SCREED VIBRATOR SCREED VIBRATOR REF.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 46950-001-11 46950-520-01 46950-505-03 46950-510-02 46950-521-01 Vibrator - Complete Base Casting Cover Armature Assembly E-Frame Assembly Spring (a) Bottom (b) Top Spacer, Spring Clamp, Spring Support, End Hammer Assembly Rod, Tie Bar, Strike Shim, Strike Bar Shim, End Support Pads, Impact Grommet, Capscrew - Cover Seal, Neoprene 46950-501-05 46950-501-06 46950-504-02 46950-506-02 46950-522-01 46950-523-01 46950-524-01 46950-525-01 46950-518-02 46950-518-03 46950-526-01 46950-513-10 41733-003-03 *QUANTITY 1 1 2 2 1 1 14 6 2 1 2 2 As Req. As Req. Set of 4 4 4.6' *NOTE: Quantities Shown are for One vibrator Only. When Ordering always give Eriez Model Number and Serial Number. PART VII SUPPLEIMNTAL OPERATING, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR PAIRTS INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAVING MACHINE, BITUMINOUS MATERIAL, CRAWLER-MOUNTED DIESEL-ENGINE-DRIVEN TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I GENERAL Purpose Scope Description Operational Concept Procurement Status Equipment Publications Personnel and Training Logistics Assistance Warranty Reporting Section II MAINTENANCE Maintenance Concept Maintenance Allocation Chart Modifications Equipment Improvement Recommendations Equipment Readiness Reporting Maintenance Expenditure Limits Shipment and Storage Destruction to Prevent Enemy Use Fire Protection Basic Issue Items List Maintenance and Operating Supply List Special Tools and Equipment Maintenance Forms and Records Section III Paragraph 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 Page 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 6 6 6 7 7 REPAIR PARTS SUPPLY General Prescribed Load List Authorized Stockage List Requisitioning Repair Parts Submitting Requisitions i TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) APPENDIXES A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R PAGE Equipment Publications Warranty Guidelines Maintenance Allocation Chart Modification Procedure Basic Issue Items List Items Troop Installed Or Authorized List Prescribed Load List/Authorized Stockage List Sample Format, DA Form 2765, Part Number Request Sample Format, MILSTRIP Request (NSN) Sample Format, MILSTRIP Request (NON-NSN) Sample Format, MILSTRIP Request (NON-NSN Manual) Cross Reference Part Number List Maintenance And Operating Supply List Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services Operator/Crew PMCS Organizational PMCS Cleaning And Lubricating Paver Lubrication Detail Asphalt Paver Lubrication Chart Index For Engine Repair Parts ii A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 F-1 G-1 H-1 I-1 J-1 K-1 L-1 M-1 N-1 O-1 P-1 Q-1 R-1 SECTION I GENERAL 1-1. Purpose. To provide User and Support personnel supplemental maintenance and repair parts instructions that have special application for the Paving Machine - Model BSF-400. 1-2. Scope. This publication applies to Department of the Army Units, Organizations and Activities that use and/or support the Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler - Mounted. 1-3. Description. The Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler Mounted is designed to lay a uniform high density mat of asphalt material, on highways, roadways, airport runways, parking lots, and driveways. It is capable of performing jobs having strict control specifications and high production requirements. The paver will level and compact asphalt material up to 10 inches in depth with mat widths varying from 6 to 20 feet. Mat depth and width are accomplished by adjustment of feed controls and by arrangement and adjustment of the finishing and compacting device called the "screed." 1-4. Operational Concept. The uniformly mixed hot asphalt material is dumped by truck onto the hopper of the paver at a rate suitable for spreading. The paver contacts the rear wheels of the truck and pushes the vehicle ahead as the paving progresses. The hot material is metered by two separate slat conveyors to the two spreading screws at the rear of the tractor and ahead of the screed where the feed of material may be manually or automatically regulated for proper distribution. The screed rides up on the asphalt to the degree set on the adjustable controls and varies the thickness and contour of the mat deposited beneath it. The screed unit is equipped with electric vibrators which assist in the initial compaction and smoothing of the high density mat. Final compaction is accomplished by separate rolling equipment. Numerous cut-off and leveling attachments meet the need for varying width and contour requirements. The screed is equipped with an oil fired heater which is operated prior to paving, in order to bring the screed temperature up to the temperature of the asphalt so that no sticking or dragging will occur. Raising and lowering of the full floating screed for paving or travel is done hydraulically by toggle switch control. 1-5. Procurement Status. The procurement contract number is IDA 700-77- C-8481 and was awarded on 15 August 1977. Additional Pavers were procured under Contract Number DAAE07-79-C-5795, dtd 29 Jun 79. 1 1-6. Equipment Publications . a. Initially two sets of the manufacturer's commercial publications will be overpacked and shipped with each paver (reference Appendix a). b. Additional commercial manuals may be obtained by requisitioning from Defense Construction Supply Center (DCSC). Requisitions to DCSC should be prepared in the same manner as for part numbered repair parts, using the Federal Supply Code for manufacturer's FSCM and manual numbers listed in Appendix A. If DD Form 1348-6 is used, mail it direct to Commander, DCSC, ATTN: DCSC-OSR, Columbus, OH 43215. c. If additional assistance is required, contact the address in paragraph 1-10 of this publication. 1-7. Personnel and Training. a. MOS Requirements: (1) Operator: 62H20, Concrete/Asphalt Equipment Operator. (2) Organizational Maintenance: 62B20, Construction Equipment Repairman. (3) Direct and General Support Maintenance: 62B30, Construction Equipment Repairman; 63G20, Fuel and Electrical Systems Repairman, 44B20 Metal Body Repairman. b. New Equipment Training: New Equipment Training Teams (NETTs) are available to major field commands. Requests for NETTs should be forwarded to Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command (TARCOM), ATTN: DRSTA-MLT, Warren, MI 48090. Training teams should be requested only when trained personnel are not available in the command to operator and/or maintain the paving machine. 1-8. Logistics Assistance . a. Tank-Automotive Command Field Maintenance Technicians (FMTs) stationed at CONUS and OCONUS installations will be fully qualified and available to furnish on-site training and or assistance concurrent with receipt of the paving machine. b. Assistance can be obtained by contacting the Logistics Assistance Office listed in Appendix B of AR 700-4. 2 1-9. Warranty. The paving machine contractor warrants the products furnished under this contract according to the terms and conditions described in the equipment publications and Appendix B of this publication. All warranties furnished to the paving machine contractor by subcontractors of assemblies or components utilized in the manufacture of the end item will be extended to the Government. See Appendix B for warranty guidelines. 1-10. Reporting. You can improve this publication by recommending improvements, using DA Form 2028 (Recommend Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and mail direct to Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSTA-MBA(S), Warren, MI 48090. 3 SECTION II MAINTENANCE 2-1. Maintenance Concept. The paving machine will not require any new or special maintenance considerations. All maintenance functions can be accomplished within the current maintenance concepts established for construction equipment. a. Operator/Crew Maintenance: Operator and crew maintenance is limited to daily preventive maintenance checks and services. b Organizational Maintenance: Organizational maintenance consists of scheduled preventive maintenance services, minor repairs and adjustments. c. Direct Support Maintenance: Direct support maintenance consists of repairs on-site or in a direct support unit's shops. Repairs are accomplished with a minimum of tools and test equipment; the assemblies and end items thus repaired are returned to their users. d. General Support Maintenance: General support maintenance overhauls selected assemblies and repairs items designated by the area support command for return to stock. e. Depot Maintenance: Depot maintenance overhauls end items and selected major assemblies when they are required to satisfy overall Army requirements. Overhaul of the end item may also be performed by contract with the manufacturer. 2-2. Maintenance Allocation Chart. Maintenance will be performed as necessary by the category indicated in the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) (Appendix C) to retain or restore serviceability. All authorized maintenance within the capability of a using organization will be accomplished before referring the item to support maintenance. Higher categories will perform the maintenance functions of lower categories when required or directed by the appropriate Commanders. Using and support units may exceed their authorized scope and functions in the MAC when approval is granted by the next higher support maintenance Commander. 2-3. Modifications . Modifications will be accomplished by the end item manufacturer after TARCOM approves the field campaign or modification plan. See Appendix D. 4 2-4. Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR) . submitted in accordance with TM 38-750. Equipment Improvement Recommendations will be 2-5. Equipment Readiness Reporting . Readiness Reporting will be accomplished as required by the current TM 38750. 2-6. Maintenance Expenditure Limits. The average life expectancy for the paver is 12 years. PECENT OF REPAIR YEAR 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 20% 10% 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 2-7. Shipment and Storage. a. Shipment and Storage. Refer to TB 740-94-2 for procedures covering preservation of equipment for shipment and storage. b. Administrative Storage. Refer to TM 740-90-1 for instructions covering administrative storage of equipment. 2-8. Destruction to Prevent Enemy Use. Refer to TM 7593-244-3 for procedures covering destruction of equipment to prevent enemy use. 2-9. Fire Protection. a. A hand operated fire extinguisher may be installed at the discretion of the using unit. b. Approved hand-portable fire extinguishers are listed in TB 5-4200-200-10. 2-10. Basic Issue Items List (BILL) . See Appendixes E and F for a list of items which accompany the end item or are required for operation and/or operator's maintenance. 2-11. Maintenance and Operating Supply List . See Appendix M for a list of maintenance and operating supplies required for initial operation. 2-12. Special Tools and Equipment . No special tools or equipment are required for operation and maintenance of the paving machine. 2-13. Maintenance Forms and Records. required by the current TM38-750. Operational, maintenance, and historical records will be maintained as 5 SECTION III REPAIR PARTS SUPPLY 3-1. General. a. The basic policies and procedures in AR 710-2, AR 725-50 and DA CIR70)-27 are applicable to repair parts management for construction equipment. b. Manufacturer's parts manuals are furnished with paver instead of Department of the Army Repair Parts and Special Tool List (RPSTL). c. National Stock Number (NSNs) are initially assigned only to PLL/ASL parts and major assemblies, i.e., engines, transmissions, etc. Additional NSNs are assigned by the supply support activities as demands warrant. d. Automated Processing (AUTODIN) of Federal Supply Code Manufacturer (FSCM) part number requisitions, without edit fair matching NSNs and exception data, is authorized. e. Proper use of project codes and weapon systems designator codes on parts requisitions is essential. f. Repair parts are available from commercial sources and may be purchased locally in accordance with AR 711-2 and AR 734-110. g. Initial Prescribed Load List (PLL) and Authorized Stock List (ASL) will be distributed by US Army TankAutomotive Materiel Readiness Command (TARCOM), ATTN: DRSTA-FH. 3-2. Prescribed Load List (PLL). The PLL distributed by TARCOM is an estimated 15 days supply recommended for initial Blockage at organizational maintenance. Management of PLL items will be governed by the provisions of AR 7102 and local command procedures. Selection of PLL parts for shipment to CONUS/OCOOIUS units is based upon the receiving Command's recommendation after their review of the TARCOM prepared list. Organizations and activities in CONUS/OCONUS will establish PLL stocks through normal requisitioning process. 3-3. Authorized Stockage List (ASL) . The ASL distributed by TARCOM is an estimated 45 days supply of repair parts for support units and activities. The ASL parts will be shipped according to the recommendations of the receiving commands, after they have reviewed the initial list distributed by TARCOM. Support units and activities in CONUS/OCONUS will establish ASL stocks through normal requisitioning process. 6 3-4. Requisitioning Repair Parts . a. Using Units/Organizations: Requisitions (DA Form 2765 Series) will be prepare(d according to AR 710-2 and local command directives. Units in CONUS will use Project Code "BGW" In block 19. Units OCONUS will enter in block 19 Project Code "JZC", see Appendix H. b. Support Units and Activities: (1) General: All MILSTRIP requisitions (DD Form 1348 Series) prepared for repair parts support will include distribution and Project Codes, see Appendixes I, J, and K. (2) Distribution Code: Supply customers in CONUS will use code "F" in card column 54. Customers OCONUS will use the appropriate code from Appendix P, Paragraph P-31(1) AR 725.50. (3) Project Codes: The applicable Project Code will be entered in card columns 57-59 of requisitions for NSN parts, whether CONUS or OCONUS customers. Project Code "BGW1" will be used by CONUS customers when requisitioning part numbered parts. Supply customers OCONUS will use Project Code "JZC" for part numbered parts. 3-5. Submitting Requisitions . a. Using Units and Organizations will submit DA Form 2765 Series requisitions to designated support units or activities in accordance with local procedures. b. Support units and activities will forward MILSTRIP requisitions for NSN parts through the Defense Automated Addressing System (DAAS) to the managing Supply Support Activity. Requisitions for part numbered part will lie forwarded through DAAS to the Defense Construction Supply Center (DCSC). NOTE: When the manufacturer's part number and Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) exceed the space in card columns 8 through 22 of A02/AOB requisitions, prepare an A05/AOE requisition (DD Form 1348-6) and mail it to Commander, Defense Construction Supply Center, ATTN: DCSC-OSR, Columbus, Ohio 43215. 7 APPENDIX A REFERENCES A-1. Publications Logistic Assistance Program .........................................................................................................AR 700-4 Material Management for Using Units, Support Units and Installations ......................................................................................................AR 710-2 Requisitioning Receipt, and Issue System .....................................................................................AR 725-50 Indexes should be consulted frequently for latest changes of revisions of references and for new publications relating to material covered in this publication. Index of Administrative Publications..............................................................................................DA PAM 310-1 Index of Blank Forms ....................................................................................................................DA PAM 310-2 Index of Doctrinal Training and Organization Publications.............................................................DA PAM 310-3 Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals (Types 7, 8, and 9), Supply Bulletins and Lubrication Orders ..................................................DA PAM 310-4 A-2. Forms. Refer to TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS), for instructions on the use of maintenance forms pertaining to the materiel. A-3. Other Publications. The following publications contain information pertinent to the major item and associated equipment. a. Camouflage. Camouflage ..................................................................................................................................FM 5-20 b. Decontamination. Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Decontamination....................................................TM 3-220 Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense....................................................................................FM 21-40 c. General. Utilization of Engineer Construction Equipment.............................................................................TM 5-331b Basic Cold Weather Manual..........................................................................................................FM 31-70 Northern Operations......................................................................................................................FM 31-71 Operation and Maintenance of Ordnance Materiel in Cold Weather (0°to -65°F) ..........................FM 9-207 Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use ..................................................TM 750-244-3 A-1 APPENDIX A REFERENCES d. Maintenance and Repair Inspection, Care and Maintenance of Antifriction Bearings ............................................................TM 9-214 Welding Theory and Application....................................................................................................TM 9-237 Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers Approved for Army Users..........................................................TB 5-4200-200-10 e. Administrative Storage. Administrative Storage of Equipment ............................................................................................TM 740-90-1 Preservation of USAMECOM Mechanical Equipment for Shipment and Storage...................................................................................................................TB 740-97-2 A-2 APPENDIX B WARRANTY GUIDELINES 1. A warranty period of 12 months applies to the Paving Machine, Model BSF-400, manufactured by IOWA Mfg. Co. after delivery to the Government. This warranty applies to the end item, components and all supplies furnished under the contract. 2. Using units may not contact their local dealer. You must mail DA Form 2407 to the Maintenance Directorate, TARCOM, at the following address: US Army Tank-Automotive Material Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSTA-MVB, Warren Michigan 48090. To expedite actions you may call the information to AUTOVON 273-3349, 3439, or 3387 with the information from your DA 2477, section 1, block 1 through 11, blocks 16, 17, 18 and 20. 3. General information: a. DA Form 24)7 (prepared in accordance with warranty claim actions in TM 38-750) will be used to submit warranty claims actions for end items when components, parts or assemblies are defective and are covered by a manufacturer's warranty. End items under warranty are identified by a decal plate and/or warranty statement included in the operator's and maintenance manual for the end item. All warranty actions settled or unsettled will be reported to the National Maintenance Point (NMP) on DL Form 2407. For warranties settled locally the DA Form 2407 will contain a statement "For Information Only" in block 35. b. Maintenance activities in support of organizational maintenance are the responsible points of contact between the originator of warranty claims and the National Maintenance Point (US Army Tank-Automotive Material Readiness Command, DRSTA-MVB, AUTOVON 273-3349, 273-3439, 273-3.387, Warren, Michigan 48090, which serves as the DL Representative with the contractor. in warranty matters. NOTE: In certain instances, the originating organization and the support activity are one and the same. c. Before you take your equipment to a dealer for repair, whether or not it was necessary for you to go through the NMP (TARCOM), check with your local procurement office to see if a funds commitment document is needed. Sometimes, even though the majority of the repairs are covered by the warranty, there may be a small charge for normal maintenance costs, i.e., oil filters, oil, etc. Further, the cause of damage could be determined by the dealer to be directly related to "operator abuse." In that case, the Government may be obligated to pay for teardown services even if the repairs are no longer desired, or for the complete cost if repairs are to be completed by the dealer. B-1 APPENDIX B d. When the equipment is given to the dealer for repairs, find out how long the work will take, the extent of the problem, if possible, and the charges, if any, which may be involved. Leave the name and telephone number of the person to be contacted for pickup of the equipment and specifically state that he should be called as soon as the repairs are finished. In addition, state he should be telephoned if unexpected problems, costs and/or delays are encountered. Get the name and telephone number of the Service Manager, for any required follow-up purpose". e. When you arrive to pick up your equipment after completion of services, make certain that you know exactly what repairs were performed and/or parts replaced. This is required for overall problem trend evaluation by the IMP and must be identified upon completion of warranty services. f. Telephone the NMP at TARCOM, AUTOVON 273-3349, 273-3439, and/or 273-3383 if: (1) Your equipment requires repairs and you cannot obtain these services using the procedures listed above. (2) The length of time required for repairs may seriously hamper your mission, or if the dealer's overall response to your requirements are not satisfactory. (3) You have any questions regarding warranty procedures - either in general or about a specific job. Do not wait until your problems become critical. g. Do not attempt to conduct negotiations regarding a breach of warranty. This is a function of the Contracting Officer, through the NMP at TARCOM. B-2 APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALIOCATICN CHART FOR Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler Mtd. Section I. INTRODUCTION 1. General: This Maintenance Allocation Chart designates responsibility for performance of Maintenance functions to specific Maintenance categories. 2. Maintenance functions: a. Inspect: To determine the serviceability of an item by comparing its physical, mechanical and/or electrical characteristics with established standards through examination. b. Test: To verify serviceability and detect incipient failures by measuring the mechanical or electrical characteristics of an item and comparing those characteristics with prescribed standards. c. Service: Operations required periodically to keep an item in proper operating condition, i.e., to clean (decontaminate), to preserve, to drain, to paint, or to replenish fuel, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or compressed air supplies. d. Adjust: To maintain, within prescribed limits, by bringing into proper or exact position, or by setting the operating characteristics to specified parameters. e. Align: To adjust specified variable elements of an item to bring about optimum or desired performance. f. Calibrate: To determine and cause corrections to be made or to be adjusted on instruments or test measuring and diagnostic equipment used in precision measurement. Consists of comparisons of two instruments, one of which is a certified standard of known accuracy, to detect and adjust any discrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument being compared. g. Install: The act of emplacing, seating, or fixing into position an item, part, or module (component or assembly) in a manner to allow the proper functioning of an equipment or system. h. Replace: The act of substituting a serviceable like type part, subassembly, or module (component or assembly) for an unserviceable counterpart. i. Repair: The application of maintenance services or other maintenance actions to restore serviceability to an item by correcting specific damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a part, subassembly, module (component or assembly), end item, or system. C-1 APPENDIX C j. Overhaul: That maintenance effort (service/action) necessary to restore an item to a completely serviceable/operational condition as prescribed by maintenance standards (i.e., DMWR) in appropriate technical publications. Overhaul is normally the highest degree of maintenance performed by the Army. Overhaul does not normally return an item to like new condition. k. Rebuild: Consists of those services/actions necessary for the restoration of unserviceable equipment to a like new condition in accordance with original manufacturing standards. Rebuild is the highest degree of materiel maintenance applied to Army equipment. The rebuild operation includes the act of returning to zero those age measurements (hours/miles, etc) considered in classifying Army equipments/components. 3. Column entries: Columns used in the Maintenance allocation chart are explained below: a. Column 1, Group Number: Column 1 lists group numbers, the purpose of which is to identify components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules with the next higher assembly. b. Column 2, Component/Assembly: Column 2 contains the noun names of components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules for which maintenance is authorized. c. Column 3, Maintenance Functions: Column 3 lists the functions to be performed on the item listed in Column 2. d. Column 4. Maintenance Category: Column 4 specifies, by the listing of a "work time" figure in the appropriate subcolumn(s), the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform the function listed in Column 3. This figure represents the active time required to perform that maintenance function at the indicated category of maintenance. If the number or complexity of the tasks within the listed maintenance function vary at different maintenance categories, appropriate "work time" figures will be shown for each category. The number of manhours specified by the "work time" figure represents the average time required to restore an item (assembly, subassembly, component, module, end item or system) to a serviceable condition under typical field operating conditions. This time includes preparation time, troubleshooting time, and quality assurance/quality control time in addition to the time required to perform the specific tasks identified for the maintenance functions authorized in the Maintenance Allocation Chart. e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment: Column 5 specifies by code those common tool sets (not individual tools) and special tools, test, and support equipment required to perform the designated function. f. Column 6, Remarks: Column 6 contains an alphabetic code which leads to the remark in Section IV, Remarks, which is pertinent to the item opposite the particular code. C-2 APPEDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE: ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 01 0100 Engine Engine Assembly Engine Mounts 0101 Cylinder Block Cylinder Sleeve Cylinder Head 0102 0103 Flywheel Replace 0104 Pistons & Connecting Rods Replace Repair Replace Rocker Arms Valve Springs Valve Exhaust Camshaft, Bearings & Gears 0106 Oil Cooler Oil Pan F H D 2.0 0.1 16.0 21.0 48.0 3.0 Test Replace Repair Replace Replace Repair Overhaul Replace Replace Replace 0105 O 1,2,3,4 Test Service Replace Repair Overhaul Replace Crankshaft Main Bearings Drive Pulley Rings & Bearings C (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP 5.0 4.0 20.0 3.0 1,2,3,4 4.0 4.0 8.0 5.0 4.0 1,2,3,4 2.0 3.0 1,2 3.0 2.0 .5 Replace Test Replace Adjust Replace Repair .5 1,2 1,2 .8 .3 2.0 1.0 2.0 Replace 4.0 Service Replace Replace Repair .2 1,2 1.0 1.5 1.0 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-3 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY Oil Pump Oil Pressure Regulator Oil Filter Assembly Oil Filter Element 0108 Exhaust Manifold 02 0200 Clutch Clutch Assembly Drive Ring Clutch Housing 0200 Throwout Fork Bearings Clutch Lever Shaft / Linkage C Replace Repair Adjust Replace Service Replace Replace O F H D (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP .8 2.0 .2 .5 .5 1.0 .5 Replace Replace 1.0 1.0 Replace Repair Replace Replace Repair 8.0 4.0 8.0 6.0 2.0 Service Replace .5 6.0 1,2,3,4 1,2 Service Adjust Replace Repair 03 Fuel System 0301 Fuel Injector Test Replace 0302 Fuel Pump Replace Repair 1.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1,2 1.0 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-4 1,2 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 0304 0305 Air Cleaner C Service Replace Repair 0.4 Air Cleaner Element Replace 0.5 Blower Air Intake Service Replace Repair Adjust Replace Repair Air-Shut Down O F H (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP D 1 1.0 .5 0.3 1,2 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-5 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 0306 Tank Fuel Lines & Fittings 0308 Governor Engine Speed Controls & Linkage 0309 04 0401 05 0501 Fuel Filters Fuel Filter Element 0505 Service Replace Repair Replace O H .2 D 1,2 1.5 1.0 1.0 Test Adjust Replace Repair Adjust Replace Service Replace F 0.5 0.5 1.0 1,2 2.0 .1 .4 .2 1 .5 Exhaust System Muffler Exhaust Pipes 1 Replace Repair 1.0 1.0 Cooling System Radiator Thermostat Hoses & Clamps 0504 C (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP Water Pump Fan Assembly Fan Guard Fan Belts Service Replace Repair Replace Replace .2 1,2 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 Replace Repair 2.0 Replace Repair Replace Repair Inspect Adjust Replace 1.0 1,2 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-6 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 06 0601 Electrical System Alternator Generator Generator & Alternator Drive Pully 0603 0607 C O F H D (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP 1,2,5 Test Replace Repair Test Replace Repair Inspect Repair .1 .5 1.5 .1 .5 1.0 .1 .1 Alternator & Generator Drive Belts Inspect Adjust Replace Starting Motor Test Replace Repair .1 .5 Replace Replace .5 .7 1,5 Test Replace .1 .3 1,5 Replace Repair .2 .4 1,5 Instrument Panel Accessories 0608 Circuit Breakers 0609 Head, Tail, & Conveyor Lights .1 .2 .2 1,2,5 1.5 0610 Flasher Limit Switches Screed Lift Switch Replace Replace Replace .2 .2 .2 1,5 0611 Horn Assembly Replace .3 1,5 0612 Batteries Storage Inspect Test Replace Service 0.1 1,5 .3 0.5 0.2 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-7 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 0613 Replace Repair 0.4 0.5 Screed Wiring Replace Repair Replace Repair Replace Repair .5 .5 .2 .5 .5 .5 Chassis Wiring 0700 O Battery Cables Cross Over Cable 07 C F Transmission Transmission Assembly 1,2 Test Service Replace Repair Overhaul 1.0 0.5 10.0 20.0 30.0 Shifters Replace Repair 2.0 5.0 0719 Transfer Case Replace Repair Overhaul 3.0 7.0 Replace 3.0 Replace Repair Replace Repair 2.0 1.0 15 1501 Electrical Brake 4202 1,2 15.0 Frame & Towing Attachments Platforms Drivers Seat 42 D 1,5 0705 0725 H (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP 1.0 1.5 Electrical Equipment (Not in other groups) Electrical Controls Screed Vibrators Vibrator Transformer Screed Vibration Adjusting Controls 1,2 1,2,5 Replace Replace 2.0 .2 Replace Repair 1.0 2.0 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-8 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 43 4301 4302 4305 Oil Filter & Air Cap Oil Filter Element Oil Strainer, Reservoir Lines & Fittings Hydraulic Pump Solenoid Valve Holding Valve, Screed Lift Cylinder, Hopper Lifts Cylinder, Screed Lift 6004 F Pump Fuel Burner Assembly Nozzle Adapter Electrodes Blower Wheel Hose & Fittings H D 1,2 Replace Replace Replace Replace Repair .7 .4 .5 .5 Replace Repair 1.5 Replace Repair Replace Repair Replace Repair Replace Repair Replace Repair .5 1.0 1,2 3.0 1,2 1.5 .3 .5 .5 1.5 .6 1.5 .7 1.5 Heating Unit & Burner Fuel Lines Fuel Strainer 6005 O Hydraulic System Relief Valve 60 C (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP 1,2 Replace Repair Replace .6 Replace Repair Replace Adjust Replace Replace Replace Repair .5 1.5 .4 .2 .3 .4 .4 .5 1.0 .5 .3 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-9 1 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 6006 Motor Assembly Replace 6007 Fuel Tank Replace Repair 73 7303 Screed & Controls Dual Crown Adjusting Mech Screed Screed Adjusting Mech Hopper Wings Screed Pull Arms 7305 O F H .3 Main Drive Track Sprocket, Shaft & Bearings D 1 1.5 1.0 1,2 Asphalt Equipment Components Chain, Offset Coupler 7304 C (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP 1,2 Adjust Service Replace Repair Adjust Service Replace Repair Service Adjust Replace Repair Overhaul Service Replace Repair .5 .2 2.0 2.0 .2 .1 .5 1.0 .3 .5 1.0 3.0 8.0 .2 .5 1.0 Service Replace Repair Replace .1 Inspect Service Adjust Replace Repair .1 1 .5 1.5 .4 1,2,3,4 Replace Repair .2 .3 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-10 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY Chain Front Idler Track Spring 7305 Take Up Idler & Bearings Upper & Lower Rollers Beam Roller Assembly Guards: Housing & Covers 7307 Feeding & Conveyor Frames Slat Conveyor Slat Conveyor Liner Assembly Slat Conveyor Chain 7309 Screw Feeder or Conveyor Screw Conveyor Bearings & Seals Guards & Covers C O Adjust Replace Repair Replace Repair Replace .1 1.0 Service Replace Repair Service Replace Replace Repair Replace Repair .1 F H (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP D 2.0 1.0 1.5 .5 1,2 1.0 1.0 .1 .5 .3 .4 .2 .8 1,2 Service Adjust Replace Repair .2 .2 1.0 1.0 Replace Repair Service Replace Repair 1.0 1.0 .1 1.0 1.0 1 Service Replace Repair Replace Repair .2 1.0 1.0 .2 .5 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-11 (6) REMARKS APPENDIX C Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Paving Machine, Bituminous Material, Crawler, Mtd. (1) (2) (3) (4) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY 7309 Grease Fittings & Piping Chain: Sprocket Bearings & Idler Shaft: Bearings Drive Sprocket: & Chain Screw Extension Remote Screw Control Material Retaining Plates 7313 Screed Vibrator Agitator Screed Extender Screed Shim Pack Screed Strik Off Screed Adjusting Cables 76 7638 C Service Replace .1 Service Adjust Replace Repair .1 Service Replace Repair Service Replace Repair Adjust Repair Service Replace Repair .1 Adjust Replace Repair Adjust Replace Repair Adjust Adjust Replace Repair Replace O H D 1,2 .2 .1 2.0 1.0 .4 .8 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .2 .4 .2 .4 1,2 .6 .1 .6 .8 .1 .2 .4 .6 .5 Fire Fighting Equipment Portable Fire Extinguisher F (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP 1 Replace .2 *The subcolumns are as follows: C--operator/crew O--organizational F--direct support H--general support D--depot **Work times are included in DMWR C-12 (6) REMARKS MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR PAVING MACHINE, BITUMINOUS MATERIAL CRAWLER MTD., DED APPENDIX C SECTION III - TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS TOOL OR TEST EQUIPMENT REFERENCE MAINTENANCE NATIONAL / NATO CODE CATEGORY NOMENCLATURE STOCK NUMBER Unless otherwise noted all maintenance functions can be accomplished with the tools contained in the following common two sets. 1 O, F, H Shop Equip Contact Maint. 4940-00-294-9518 TRD MTD (SC 4940-97-CLE-05) 1 O, F, H Shop Equip Org Repair, 4940-00-294-9516 Light TRK MTD (SC 494097-CL-E04 1 O, F, H Tool Kit Automotive Maint, 410-00-754-0654 Org Maint Common #1 (SC 4910-95-CL-A72) 1 O, F, H Tool Kit Automotive Maint, 5180-00-177-7033 Org Maint Common #2 (SC 4910-95-CL-W26) 1 O, F, H Shop Equip Auto Maint and 4910-00-754-0653 Repair Org Maint Supp #1 (SC 4910-95-CL-A73) 1 O, F, H Shop Equip Welding Field 3470-00-357-7268 Maint (SC 3470-95-CLA08) 1 O, F, H Tool Set, Veh Full Tracked 4940-00-7541-0743 Sugg #2 SC 4940-95-CLA08 2 F, H Shop Equip Gen Purp 4940-00-287-4894 Repair Semitrir MTD (SC 4940-97-CL-E03) 2 F, H Tool Kit Automotive, Fuel 4910-00-754-0655 and Elec Sys Repair (SC 4910-95-CL-A50) 2 F, H Tool Kit, Master Mechanic 5180-00-699-5273 and Equip Maint and Repair (SC 5180-90-CLE05) C-13 TOOL NUMBER T10138 T13152 W32593 W33004 W32867 T16714 W65747 T10549 W32456 W45060 MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR PAVING MACHINE, BITUMINOUS MATERIAL CRAWLER MTD., DED APPENDIX C SECTION III - TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS TOOL OR TEST EQUIPMENT REFERENCE MAINTENANCE CODE CATEGORY NOMENCLATURE 2 F, H Shop Set, Fuel and Elec Sys Field Maint Basic (SC 4910-95-CL-A01) 2 F, H Shop Set, Fuel and Elec Sys Field Maint Basic Sup #2 (SC 4910-95-CL-A65) 2 Shop Equip Machine Shop, Field Maint Basic (SC 3470-95-CL-A02) 2 Measuring Lay Out Tool Set, Mach (SC-5280-95CL-A02) 2 Tool Kit Body And Fender Repair 3 Wrench Set Socket, ¾ ” Drive Hex Type 4 O, F, H Wrench Torque, ¾ ” Drive 500 lb Cap 5 O, F, H Multimeter C-14 NATIONAL / NATO STOCK NUMBER 4910-00-754-0714 TOOL NUMBER T30414 4910-00-390-7775 T30688 3470-00-754-0708 T15644 5280-00-511-1950 W44512 5180-00-754-0643 W33689 5310-00-754-0743 W65747 5120-00-542-5577 Y84966 6625-00-999-7465 M80242 APPENDIX D CCE MANUFACTURER FIELD CAMPAIGNS AND MODIFICATION PROCEDURES D-1 APPENDIX E BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST (1) (2) (3) (4) MFR PART NO. MFR FED CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT OF ISSUE 45500-020-06 45500-036-06 45500-750-06 31245 31245 31245 Wrench, Allen 5/16” Gage, Strike Off Wrench, Crown Adj E-1 EA EA EA (5) QUANTITY FURNISHED W/EQUIP 1 1 1 APPENDIX F (1) SMR CODE ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED LIST (3) (4) DESCRIPTION NATIONAL STOCK UNIT NUMBER REF No & MFR USABLE OF CODE ON CODE MEAS NOTE: The following items are overpacked with the paver. (2) 7520-00-559-9618 Case, Cotton (81349) Duck: MIL-B-11743 7510-00-889-3494 Log Book Binders MIL-B-43064 (5) QTY AUTH EA 1 EA 1 NOTE: The following items are authorized but not issued with the paver. 4210-00-889-2221 Extinguisher, Fire Dry Chemical EA 1 4930-00-277-9525 Grease Gun, Hand EA 1 4930-00-204-2550 Adapter, Grease Gun Coupling, Rigid EA 1 4930-00-288-1511 Adapter, Grease Gun Coupling, Flex EA 1 F-1 APPENDIX G INITIAL RECOMMENDATION PRESCRIBED LOAD LIST (PLL) AUTHORIZED STOCKAGE LIST (ASL) END ITEM: Paving Machine, Bituminous MFR PART NO: NSN: N/A SMR CODE NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER MAKE: 3895-01-063-7891 PART NUMBER FSCM MODEL: IOWA Mfg Co BSF-400 SERIAL NUMBER RANGE DATE 5627 TO 35633 PART DESCRIPTION Mar 80 QTY OF PARTS REQ’D FOR NO. OF END ITEMS PLL ASL U/M 1-5 PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ 2940-00-019-8087 2910-00-890-2436 2910-00-792-8985 4930-01-038-9307 3030-00-865-2470 3030-00-421-1553 3030-00-529-0466 3030-00-668-7201 5977-01-089-6783 4330-00-073-0371 2940-00-129-9757 5574978 5573261 5574961 45652-512-15 5131395 5139228 B66 MS39277-040 45652-505-24 1551 P11-8159 72582 70040 72582 31245 72582 72582 24161 96906 31245 02249 18265 Element, Oil Filter Element, Fuel Filter Secondary Element, Fuel Filter Primary Nozzle, Screed Burner Belt Set, Crankshaft Pulley Belt Set, Water Pump Belt, Generator Drive Belt Set, Alternator Drive Electrode, Screed Burner Element, Hyd System Oil Filter Element, Air Cleaner PAGE 1 OF 1 $1.32 .51 1.59 1.50 3.55 2.11 5.66 4.00 1.70 4.11 7.81 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1-5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6-20 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 21-50 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 APPENDIX H APPENDIX SAMPLE FORMAT - DA FORM 2765 PART NUMBER REQUEST (CONUS Requester) (OCONUS) Requester) H-1 APPENDIX I SAMPLE FORMAT - MILSTRIP REQUISITION FOR Card Column Description of Data 1-3 Document Identifier Code 4-6 7 8-22 23-24 25-29 30-43 44 45-50 51 52-53 54-56 Routing Identifier Code Media/Status Code NSN Unit of Issue Quantity Document Number Demand Code Supplementary Address Signal Code Fund Code Distribution Code CC-54 57-59 60-61 62-64 65-66 CC-55-56 Project Code Priority Code Required Delivery Date Advice Code I-1 (NSN) Mandatory Entry for CCE A∅A - CONUS A∅1 - Overseas "F" for CONUS; see AR 725-50 for OCONUS Weapon System Code APPENDIX J SAMPLE FORMAT - MILSTRIP REQUISITION FOR Card Column Description of Data 1-3 Document Identifier Code 4-6 7 8-22 23-24 25-29 30-43 44 45-50 51 52-53 54-56 Routing Identifier Code Media/Status Code FSCM and Part Number Unit of Issue Quantity Document Number Demand Code Supplementary Address Signal Code Fund Code Distribution Code CC-54 57-59 60-61 62-64 65-66 CC-55-56 Project Code Priority Code Required Delivery Date Advice Code J-1 (NON-NSN) Mandatory Entry for CCE A∅B - CONUS A∅2 - Overseas Always S9C "F" for CONUS; see AR 725-50 for OCONUS Weapon System Code APPENDIX J (CONT'D) Card Column 67-69 70 Description of Data Mandatory Entry for CCE Blank Identification code applicable to entry in cc 71-80. A - Technical order or Technical Manual. B - End Item Identification C - Noun Description D- Drawing or Specification No. 71-80 Reference Identification J-2 Identification of reference specified in cc 70 APPENDIX E SAMPLE FORMAT - MILSTRIP REQUISITION FOR DD FORM 1 JAN 71 1348-6 (NON-NSN)(MANUAL) NON-NSN REQUISITION (MANUAL) K-1 APPENDIX K INSTRUCTIONS This form will only be used in those cases where the manufacturer’s code and part number exceed the spaces allocated in card columns 8 - 22 of the requisition. Card Column Description of Data Mandatory Entry for CCE 1-3 Document Identifier Code A∅E - CONUS A∅5 - OCONUS 4-6 Routing Identifier Code Always S9C 7 Media Status Code 8 - 22 FSCM and Part Number 23-24 Unit of Issue 25-29 Quantity 30-43 Document Number 44 45-50 Leave Blank Enter In Block 1 under Identification Data Demand Code Supplementary Address 51 Signal Code 52-53 Fund Code 54-56 Distribution Code CC 54 CC 55-56 57-59 Project Code 60-61 Priority Code 62-64 Required Delivery Date 65-66 Advice Code 67-80 "F for CONUS. (See AR 725-50 for OCONUS) Weapon System Code Blank IDENTIFICATION DATA - Lower half of DD Form 13418-6, complete Blocks 1 thru 9. K-2 APPENDIX L CROSS REFERENCE PART NUMBER LIST Iowa P/N 45003-500-02 45033-501-01 45003-502-02 45003-502-03 45093-503-01 45033-504-02 45003-505-31 45003-505-13 45080-001-07 45090-001-36 45090-002-32 45090-002-43 45090-503-11 45090-526-20 45090-526-35 45130-091-95 45130-001-08 45130-001-09 45130-002-03 45130-002-04 45130-002-06 45134-001-14 45134-001-20 45134-001-21 45134-001-22 45134-001-24 45134-001-25 45134-001-26 45134-001-27 45200-008 45200-021 45200-040 45200-181 45200-183 45200-184 45200-191 45252-005-01 45259-508-14 45259-508-47 45377-504-01 45476-001-02 45550-003-31 45550-019-06 45550-022-10 45551-263-01 45552-258-01 45652-505-24 Iowa FSCM Prime P/N 31245 “ “ “ “ ” “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 748-0329 540-0004 830-0008 800-3042 5301-101-01 5204-451-14 5303-111-001 DX11576A V230-8-1C549 3011A XB265 C1301656D 4022030 XA605 990-90003448 42687 385 476 42620 382A 472A 3310 3210 3308 3309 3313 (433343309) 5207 3310G 3307G 450286 50145S 55147S 55088S 50350S 50230S 63X1345 7107-256 3-8 2-118 5-153X DB7493 X117C8 6187A 6314G 5204-751-02 315380 SC5813 L-1 Prime FSCM 63810 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 62983 07983 17913 16294 07488 17913 16294 60038 “ “ “ “ “ 43334 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 81596 “ “ “ “ “ 73680 07988 02697 “ 72447 76474 61208 “ “ 63810 18967 34181 APPENDIX L CROSS REFERENCE PART NUMBER LIST Iowa P/N 45652-512-02 45652-512-15 45652-528-01 45652-529-01 45865 002-16 45865-003-04 46098-400-09 46150-oo0-75 46165-001-40 46165-001-41 46165-002-72 46165-004-79 46200-001-13 46200-003-75 46200-009-06 46200-009-08 46200-009-11 46200-009-18 46205-001-12 46225-001-07 46225-002-07 46225-003-02 46260-001-10 46955-001-35 50005-020-01 50005-080-01 7033-006 7048-014 7048-015 7048-016 7048-046 7048-047 7048-048 7118-031 7166-005 7166-11 7166-015 7238-127 7258-004 7258-013 7306-001 7306-016 7376-001 7376-005 7441-041 45)8)-510-22 “ 45690-001-21-03 Iowa FSCM Prime P/N 31245 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 1-3/8LX1/SFNPT 1-35GPH J2BC100-3 AA524-316-1 6464910 6402618 B122-1061 FM3V2B3 30055-10 CDM15-1 CDM35-1 30055-15 1LS 1 95582 1TL1-2 2TL1-1 1TL1-6 2TL1-3 SA2263-12 AEA33353 6474386 6717-134 20-141 1N2071A ANS1-40CONN ANS1-80CONN W05 K21820 K21807 K21805 K22420 K22407 K22405 B66 7506 3209 3L13 59-062-312-1500 6420 6454 3920 3982 59425 59175 3V400 (MS 39277-40) 1551 DP-752-10 P11-8159 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ L-2 Prime FSCM 71895 “ 99166 60399 70040 “ 94506 66127 13445 82647 “ 13445 91929 13445 91929 91929 91929 91929 78388 94916 70040 16127 71785 04713 84233 “ 52676 “ “ “ “ “ “ 24161 43334 “ “ 22599 60038 “ “ “ “ “ 24161 02249 50590 18265 APPENDIX M APPENDIX _________ MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLY LIST NOMENCLATURE: Paving Machine, Bituminous MFR PART NO: NSN: N/A (1) COMPONENT APPLICATION Engine Crankcase (2) MFR PART NO. OR NAT’L STOCK NO. 9150-00-188-9858 MAKE: 3895-01-063-7891 MODEL: IOWA Mfg Co BSF-400 SERIAL NUMBER RANGE DATE 5627 TO 5633 (3) DESCRIPTION Oil, Lubricating OE/HDO 30 MIL-L-2104 (4) QTY REQ F/INITIAL OPN 14 qt. Mar 80 (5) QTY REQ F/8 HRS OPN * (6) NOTES 5 gal. 9150-00-186-6668 Oil, Lubricating OE/HDO10 MIL-L-2104 Fuel Tank, Engine 9150-00-286-5296 Diesel Fuel, DF2 33 gal. * 55 gal. Drum Cooling System 6850-00-181-7933 Anti-Freeze, Permanent MIL-A-46153 13 qt. * 50-50-solution Hydraulic System 9150-00-843-1636 Automotive Trans Fluid (Dexron Type F) 10 gal. * Fuel Tank Screed Heater 9140-00-247-4365 Fuel Oil 12.5 gal. * M-1 5 gal. * As Required APPENDIX M APPENDIX _________ MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLY LIST NOMENCLATURE: Paving Machine, Bituminous MFR PART NO: NSN: N/A (1) COMPONENT APPLICATION Transmission (2) MFR PART NO. OR NAT’L STOCK NO. 9150-01-035-5392 MAKE: 3895-01-063-7891 MODEL: IOWA Mfg Co BSF-400 SERIAL NUMBER RANGE DATE 5627 TO 5633 (3) DESCRIPTION Oil, Lubricating G080W/90 MIL-L-2105C (4) QTY REQ F/INITIAL OPN 17 qt. Mar 80 (5) QTY REQ F/8 HRS OPN * (6) NOTES 1 qt. 5 gal. 55 gal. 9150-01-035-5393 9150-01-035-5394 Transfer Case Left & Right 9150-01-035-5392 Oil, Lubricating G080W/90 MIL-L-2105C 19 qt. * 1 qt. Conveyor Drive Chains 9150-01-035-5392 Oil, Lubricating G080W/90 MIL-L-2105C * * 1 qt. Bearings, Pivots Fittings, General Application 9150-00-190-0905 GAA Grease, MIL-G-10924 * * * As Required M-2 APPENDIX N PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES Maintenance Forms and Records Every mission begins and ends with the paperwork. There isn't much of it, but you have to keep it up. The forms and records you fill out have several uses. They are a permanent record of the services, repairs, and modifications made on your vehicle. They are reports to organizational maintenance and to your commander. And they are a checklist for you when you want to know what is wrong with the vehicle after its last use, and whether those faults have been fixed. For the information you need on forms and records, see TM 38-750. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services 1. Do your before (B) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE just before you operate the vehicle. CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Pay attention to the 2. DURING checks and services (D) of PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE will be performed while the equipment and/or its component systems are in operation. 3. Do your after (A) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE right after operating the vehicle. Pay attention to the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. 4. Do your weekly (W) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE weekly. 5. Do your monthly (M) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once a month. 6. If something doesn't work, troubleshoot it with the instructions in this manual or notify your supervisor. 7. Always do your PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE in the same order so it gets to be a habit. Once you've had some practice, you'll spot anything wrong in a hurry. 8. If anything looks wrong and you can't fix it, write it on your DA Form 2404. If you find something seriously wrong, report it to organizational maintenance RIGHT NOW. 9. When you do your PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE, take along the tools you need to make all the checks. You always need a rag or two. A - Keep it clean: Dirt, grease, oil, and debris only get in the way and may cover up a serious problem. Clean as you work and as needed. Use dry cleaning solvent (SD-2) on all metal surfaces. Use soap and water when you clean rubber or plastic material. WARNING Dry cleaning solvent, used to clean parts is potentially dangerous to personnel and property. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100°F - 138°F. N-1 APPENDIX N B - Bolts, nuts, and screws: Check them all for obvious looseness, missing, bent or broken condition. You can't try them all with a tool, of course, but look for chipped paint, bare metal, or rust around bolt heads. If you find one you think is loose, tighten it, or report it to organizational maintenance if you can't tighten it. C - Welds: Look for loose or chipped paint, rust, or gaps where parts are welded together. If you find a bad weld, report it to organizational maintenance. D - Electric wires and connectors: Look for cracked or broken insulation, bare wires, and loose or broken connectors. Tighten loose connectors and make sure the wires are in good shape. E - Hoses and fluid lines: Look for wear, damage, and leaks, and make sure clamps and fittings are tight. Wet spots show leaks, of course. But a stain around a fitting or connector can mean a leak. If a leak comes from a loose fitting or connector, tighten it. If something is broken or worn out, report it to organizational maintenance. 10. It is necessary for you to know how fluid leakage affects the status of your vehicle. The following are definitions of the types/classes of leakage an operator or crew member needs to know to be able to determine the status of his/her vehicle. Learn, then be familiar with them and REMEMBER - WHEN IN DOUBT, NOTIFY YOUR SUPERVISOR! Leakage Definitions for Crew/Operator PMCS Class I Seepage of fluid (as indicated by wetness or discoloration) not great enough to form drops. Class II Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not enough to cause drops to drip from item being checked/inspected. Class III Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being checked/inspected. CAUTION EQUIPMENT OPERATION IS ALLOWABLE WITH MINOR LEAKAGES (CLASS I OR II). OR COURSE, CONSIDERATION MUST BE GIVEN TO THE FLUID CAPACITY IN THE ITEM/SYSTEM BEING CHECKED/INSPECTED. WHEN IN DOUBT, NOTIFY YOUR SUPERVISOR. N-2 OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES APPENDIX N N-3 OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES APPENDIX N N-4 OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES APPENDIX N N-5 OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES APPENDIX N N-6 OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES APPENDIX N N-7 OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES APPENDIX N N-8 OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES APPENDIX N N-9 APPENDIX O Cleaning and Lubricating Paver CLEANING PAVER It is extremely important that the paver be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day's operation! A spray nozzle with 15 foot hose is attached to the pressure side of the screed heater fuel system. This permits the operator to reach all areas of the paver which require cleaning and lubricating. Method: (1) Run engine at IDLE speed. (2) Set valve selector switch to SPRAY-DOWN (3) Push panel circuit breaker to ON (4) Turn junction box burner switch to ON (5) Depress hose line valve lever Clean all parts of the paver which come in contact with asphalt. The track and track rollers, hopper, slat conveyors, spreader screws, screed, drive chains, etc. all require cleaning at the end of each day. This holds true even if the paver was actually used only a short time. Many paver troubles can be traced to improper cleaning! Fuel oil on the slat conveyors and tracks provides the needed lubrication which prevents rapid wear. The spray should reach all track link pins so that there is no squeaking as the paver moves. The slat conveyors should be operated during the spraying to be sure that all of the slats and chain are reached. IMPORTANT! Keep oil spray away from all electrical boxes, motors, generators, starters, etc. Do not spray paver when it is parked on an asphalt mat! Move it to the side of the road where drainage of oil and dissolved asphalt will not damage anything. In addition to spray cleaning of the paver the following clean up practices should be routine. 1. Check for accumulation of asphalt in the heat vent holes along the top of the moldboard. This check can best be made by feeling the exhaust of hot air when the heater is being operated (the upper vents become plugged when asphalt spills over the moldboard when a material level too high above the screw is allowed to build up. Use a stiff wire to clean out accumulated asphalt. 2. Periodically remove the screed plate as described in Screed Section 7 and clean the interior of all asphalt, sand, and fine material. Failure to keep the inside of the screed plate clean will cause uneven distribution of heat to the screed bottom and possible tearing of the mat surface. Cleaning Paver with Screed Heater Fuel Spray Accessory Figure 1 TRUCK ROLLERS Two rollers located on the front of the hopper are lubricated before assembly and require no further lubrication. However, these rollers should be cleaned often during operation to eliminate material build-up. 0-1 APPENDIX 0 LUBRICATION - GENERAL SUGGESTIONS PROPER LUBRICATION: Proper Lubrication helps obtain top equipment performance and minimum down-time from worn out bearings. Make it a daily practice. Be sure to comply with all lubrication instructions on the following Lubrication Chart. Do not neglect any area or details. TOO MUCH GREASE: Too Much Grease pumped into bearing housings can overheat bearings and reduce their service life. judgment. Use good TOO MUCH LUBRICANT PRESSURE The use of too much pressure when lubricating a sealed bearing can blow-out the soft seal ring. Once the seal is blown, the bearing has no grease retention ability and no protection against the entry of dirt into the race area. Rapid failure results! When using a hand operated grease gun, stop pumping as soon as the easy stroking begins to change to a hard pumping requirement. When using a pressurized grease system, develop a "feel" for the correct pressure of gun against fitting for automatic pressure relief in case the bearing becomes filled. SELECTION OF LUWRICANTS: Texaco Lubricants are recommended on the lubrication chart following. Use only recommended lubricants. GOOD HABITS: Cleanness when lubricating is vital! The grit which is always present around grease fittings and oil reserves can destroy a good bearing surface rapidly if it is forced inside with the lubricant. When using a grease gun, wipe the nozzle clean before use. Wipe grease fittings absolutely clean before each application or keep them covered with the special plastic Lubricaps which are on each paver fitting when it leaves the factory. Keep lubricaps clean while they are off the fittings. Leave an excess of grease on each fitting. Don't wipe it off until the next greasing. It protects the fitting. Use grease gun with cartridge type supply unit for positive elimination of dirt and abrasive particles in the new grease. Plastic Lubricap for Bearing Grease Fittings Figure 2 COLOR CODED Lubricaps Lubricaps can be installed on all fittings to keep the area around the grease fittings free from dirt and dust. This Neoprene cap is easily removed and replaced. These inexpensive Lubricaps are available in quantities and can be ordered for placement on equipment in the field. Lubricaps are available in colors, to the customer can establish a coding system fir different types and time intervals of lubrication. Grease guns and lubricant containers with matching color coding make correct lubricating routines easier. Correct lubrication practices and continued use of the Lubricaps will insure the customer a longer bearing life, as well as eliminate many hours of unnecessary down time. It is important that the lubrication requirements be thoroughly understood and followed. SCHOOL YOUR LUBRICATION MAN . O-2 APPENDIX P Lubrication Detail (a) Bearing Inspection Anti-friction bearing assemblies should be checked immediately after stopping the paver, whenever possible, as their failure is most easily detected by a high operating temperature. If a bearing is too hot to be touched, it is either running without any lubricant; with too much, or has failed. (b) Transmission The main transmission for the “CEDARARAPIDS” Bituminous Paver has a capacity of 17 quarts an should be lubricated with Texaco Multigear of Universal Gear Lubricant EP 90. It is important that the operator check for a flow of oil through the sight gauge each day and check the level of the transmission when making general lubrication inspections. The transmission should be flushed with Rando AA oil every 1,000 hours or seasonally. (See lubrication chart.) (c) Transfer Gear Cases There are two transfer gear cases, one located on each side of the paver. Bother have a capacity of 9-1/2 quarts. Use Texaco Multigear or Universal Gear Lubricant EP 90. The same instructions for flushing and checking should be followed as for the main transmission. (See lubrication chart.) (d) Hydraulic System The system has a capacity of 10 gallons. Use Texaco Rando HD-C Oil. When filling the reservoir tank it is important that the fluid is allowed time to floe and fill the system. Every 1,000 hours this system must be drained, the strainer washed, and refilled with recommended lubricant. (See Section 5 for complete details.) (e) Slat Conveyor Bearings Each of the slat conveyors have four bearings. Two are mounted at the front of the paver and two at the back. The lubrication of these bearings is important. They should be lubricated every 8 hours of operation with Texaco Marfak O lubricant. (1) To lubricate front slat conveyor bearings, remove front hopper cover plate. (See lubrication chart.) (2) To lubricate rear slat conveyor bearings, see lubrication chart. (f) Conveyor Drive Chains The four conveyor drive chains should be lubricated once each week to minimize wear. To reach the chains connecting each conveyor drive shaft to the countershafts, remove the rear deck plate on each side of the engine. The two chains connecting the countershafts to the conveyor shafts are located directly beneath the rear end of the engine and are readily accessible. Lightly coat all chain links with Texaco EP90 Universal Gear Lubricant. (Also used in the paver gear cases). (g) Track Assembly (1) Crawler Track Link Pins - Spray fuel oil over crawler tracks when cleaning paver at the end of each day's operation to lubricate link pins and keep them from squeaking. (2) Paver tracks are driven from the transfer cases with heavy duty chains and sprockets, that require cleaning and lubricating at the end of the day's operation. Remove the two rear deck plates and spray fuel oil over the chain and sprocket using the wash-off hose from the heater fuel tank. This will normally keep the asphaltic material soft so that it falls off during the following day's operation. Failure to spray the chain can result in the asphaltic material building up in the chain and on the sprockets until the chain becomes so tight it will cause the chain to break. CAUTION: When spraying chain and sprockets, use care not to spray the electric clutch on transfer case. (3) Lower roller and track roller and pivot shaft assemblies are equipped with grease fittings to lubricate the pivot pins and each roller with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every 8 hours of operation. (See lubrication chart). (4) Track rear sprocket or front idler - Once each year remove the fill plugs and install grease fitting. Add Texaco Marfak O lubricant until new lubricant appears at opposite pipe plug hole. Remove fitting and replace both pipe lugs. (See illustrations in Maintenance Section II) (h) Spreader Screw Bearings All bearings for the spreader screws have grease fittings which are easily accessible and should be lubricated every 8 hours of operation. It is important these fittings be cleaned before lubricant is applied. Use Texaco Marfak O lubricant. (See lubrication chart). (i) Travel and Feed Clutches - All travel and feed clutch bearing assemblies must be disassembled and repacked with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every season. P-1 APPENDIX P (j) Screed Adjusting Mechanism and Pull Arms Ball joint housings on screed adjusting mechanisms and pull arms are equipped with grease fittings to lubricate the ball joints with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every 8 hours of operation. (See lubrication chart). (k) Pulleys For Screed Lift Cables There are two pulleys for each screed lift cable and each has a grease fitting. The fitting of the enclosed pulley is not in plain sight. All four fittings should be greased once each month. (1) Power Unit The diesel engine that powers the paver must be properly lubricated and maintained to insure the dependable and smooth performance needed in a paving operation. An individual instruction manual is provided, carefully outlining intervals of time to lubricate, clean air filter, and change oil along with other points of preventative maintenance. More frequent replacement or cleaning of air filter will be required in dusty conditions. P-2 APPENDIX Q ASPHALT PAVER LUBRICATION CHART LOCATION A ITEM REQUIRING LUBRICATION Engine: B Main Transmission: C Power Transfer Cases: D E F Bearings and Pivot Points Bearings and Pivot Points: Chains. Track Drive Chains G Bearings H Track Idlers: K Conveyor Drive Chains: LUBRICATING INSTRUCTIONS TEXACO LUBRICANT RECOMMENDED Refer to Lubrication Requirement In Engine Instruction Manual. Keep filled to show I/4" on dipstick. Sight glass must show oil flow during operation. Seasonally, drain, back-flush filter screen and case. Drain and re-fill with fresh lubricant (See instruction Manual - Section 11 for details). Keep filled to level hole. Seasonally, drain, flush and re-fill with fresh lubricant. One pump of gun each day. one pump of gun each week. Each day spray all track pins. Spray all slat conveyor chains (complete loops). Remove deck plates and spray both track drive chains. (Use oil spray accessories from screed heater system). Seasonally wash out and repack bearings and lube chamber. Replace grease seals (See Instruction Manual - Section 11). Seasonally remove plugs, install temporary fitting, add grease until fresh grease extrudes from opposite hole. Remove plugs. Once each week coat all conveyor drive chains lightly. *IMPORTANT NOTE: Never mix brands of lubricant in paver gear cases. Chemical inter-action can occur to produce harmful, non-lubricating compounds. If uncertain of lubricant in a gear case, drain, flush and re-fill. DON'T JUST ADO MORE LUBRICANTI Q-1 APPENDIX Q ASPHALT PAVER LUBRICATION CHART Q-2 APPENDIX R Index For Engine Repair Parts DETROIT DIESEL ENGINE MODEL 5033-7001 ENGINE STANDARD AND OPTION EQUIPMENT GROUP NAME GROUP NO. Cylinder Block Air Box Drains Cylinder Head Engine Lifter Bracket Crankshaft Crankshaft Front Cover Crankshaft Pulley Crankshaft Pulley Belt Flywheel Flywheel Housing (SAE #3) Connecting Rod and Piston Camshaft and Gear Train Accessory Drive (Hydraulic Pump) Valve Operating Mechanism Rocker Cover Fuel Injector (N-45) Fuel Pump Fuel Filter Fuel Manifold Connections Fuel Lines Governor Hydraulic Injector Controls Air Cleaner Adaptor Air Inlet Housing Blower Oil Pump Oil Distribution System Oil Pressure Regulator Oil Filter Oil Cooler Dipstick Oil Pan Fresh Water Pump Water Outlet Elbow Thermostat Water By-Pass Tube Radiator Water Connections Fan Exhaust Manifold Exhaust Muffler Flange Starting Motor Engine Mount 1.1000 1.1000A 1.2000 1.2000A 1.3000 1.3000A 1.3000C 1.3000D 1.4000A 1.5000A 1.6000 1.7000 1.7000B 1.8000 1.8000A 2.1000A 2.2000 2.3000A 2.4000 2.5000A 2.8000A 2.9000 3.1000A 3.3000A 3.4000 4.1000A 4.1000B 4.1000C 4.2000A 4.4000A 4.6000A 4.7000A 5.1000 5.2000A 5.2000B 5.2000C 5.3000A 5.3000B 5.4000A 6.100A 6.2000A 7.3000A 11.1000A QUICK REFERENCE ON REPLACEMENT ELEMENTS TYPE MFG. PACKAGE PART NO. Fuel Strainer AC T-553 (DDAD #5574961) Fuel Filter AC TP-509 (DDAD #5573261) Lube Oil Filter AC PF-147 (DDAD #5574978) Air Cleaner Donaldson P114159 R-1 PARTS BOOK TYPE NO. 29 63 23 1.90 20 119 111 176 327 349 61 31 203 30 38 76 127 157 48 360 1002 121 211 140 114 49 235 9 226 230 253 584 145 67 72 318 64 135 290 217 234 174 510 TM 5-3895-355-14&P By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: E. C. MEYER General, United States Army Chief of Staff J. C. PENNINGTON Major General, United States Army The Adjutant General Distribution: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25B, Operator and Organizational Maintenance requirements for Paver Bituminous. * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1993 O - 342-421/63427 PIN: 048084-000
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