TOGAF ADM Guide Practitioner

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TOGAF® Series Guide
A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing
Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF® ADM

Prepared by The Open Group Architecture Forum

Copyright © 2018, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
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TOGAF® Series Guide
A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF® ADM


Document Number:


Published by The Open Group, April 2018.
Comments relating to the material contained in this document may be submitted to:
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom
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TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Part 1: Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Overview......................................................................................................... 2
1.2 How to Use this Guide with the TOGAF Framework .................................... 4
1.3 Referenced Techniques ................................................................................... 5


Definitions................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Enterprise ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Enterprise Architecture (EA) .......................................................................... 6
2.3 Practitioner ...................................................................................................... 6

Part 2: Guidance on Enterprise Architecture ....................................................................... 7

The Purpose of Enterprise Architecture .................................................................... 8
3.1 Why is it Important to Develop an Enterprise Architecture?.......................... 8
3.2 What is an Enterprise Architecture? ............................................................... 9
Introduction to the EA Landscape ................................................. 10
Introduction to Purpose ................................................................. 13
What an Enterprise Architecture Looks Like ................................ 15
3.3 How to Use an Enterprise Architecture? ...................................................... 17
Communicating with Stakeholders (Concern and
View) ............................................................................................. 17
Communicating with Implementers (Gap,
Specification, and Control)............................................................ 19
Communicating with Decision-Makers (Other Useful
Things) .......................................................................................... 20
3.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 22


Business Cycle ........................................................................................................ 23
4.1 Budget Cycle ................................................................................................ 23
Budget Planning and Architecture to Support Strategy................. 24
Budget Preparation and Architecture to Support
Portfolio ......................................................................................... 25
Budget Allocation and Architecture to Support Project ................ 25
Budget Control and Architecture to Support Solution
Delivery ......................................................................................... 26
4.2 Business Cycle Conclusion ........................................................................... 27


Coordination Across the EA Landscape and EA Team .......................................... 28
5.1 What to Expect in a Well-Run Architecture Repository & EA
Landscape ..................................................................................................... 28

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM





What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository: EA
Landscape ...................................................................................... 32
What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository:
Reference Library .......................................................................... 34
What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository:
Standards Information Base .......................................................... 36
What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository:
Requirements Repository .............................................................. 36
What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository:
Compliance Assessments .............................................................. 38
How is ADM Iteration Realized in Practice? ............................................... 40
Phase A: The Starting Point .......................................................... 41
Essential ADM Output and Knowledge ........................................ 42
Iteration ......................................................................................... 43
ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Strategy ........................... 45
ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Portfolio .......................... 46
ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Project ............................. 47
ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Solution
Delivery ......................................................................................... 47
Iteration Conclusion ...................................................................... 51
Operating in the Context of Superior Architecture ....................................... 51
Managing Multiple States (Candidate, Current, Transition, and
Target)........................................................................................................... 51
Where are ABBs? ......................................................................................... 52

Part 3: Guidance on Developing the Enterprise Architecture ........................................... 53



Approach to the ADM............................................................................................. 54
6.1 Key Activity.................................................................................................. 54
Stakeholder Engagement and Requirements
Management .................................................................................. 54
Trade-Off ....................................................................................... 55
6.2 Trade-Off Decisions ..................................................................................... 55
6.3 Phases B, C, and D – Developing the Architecture ...................................... 56
Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools ......................... 56
Develop Target, Baseline, and Gap ............................................... 56
Identify the Work to Reach the Target Considering
Cost and Value .............................................................................. 57
Resolving Impacts ......................................................................... 57
Approval ........................................................................................ 57
Minimum Needed and Look in the EA Repository ....................... 58
6.4 ADM Conclusion .......................................................................................... 58


Walk Through Architecture to Support Strategy .................................................... 59
7.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 59
7.2 Understanding Context ................................................................................. 61
7.3 Assess the Enterprise .................................................................................... 62
7.4 Define an Approach to Target State.............................................................. 63
Confirm Enterprise Change Attributes .......................................... 64
Develop Value Proposition ........................................................... 64
TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Identify and Sequence Work Packages ......................................... 64
Finalize Architecture Vision and Target Architecture .................................. 65
Conclusion .................................................................................................... 65


Walk Through Architecture to Support Portfolio ................................................... 67
8.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 67
8.2 Group Work Packages to Themes................................................................. 71
8.3 Balance Opportunity and Viability ............................................................... 73
8.4 Run Up to Budget ......................................................................................... 74
Internal Engagement...................................................................... 74
Has the Target been Reached? ...................................................... 75
8.5 Drive Confidence of Delivery....................................................................... 75
8.6 Request for Architecture Work Originating from a Random Idea
from the Wild ................................................................................................ 76
8.7 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 76


Walk Through Architecture to Support Project ...................................................... 78
9.1 Ascertain Dependencies ................................................................................ 80
Project is not a Magical Place to Swap Out
Stakeholders .................................................................................. 80
Stakeholders versus Key Players ................................................... 81
Viewpoints and Requirements....................................................... 81
Go Talk to the “Neighbors”........................................................... 82
Delivery and Acceptance Ability Assessment .............................. 82
9.2 Balance Options and Suppliers ..................................................................... 82
Performing Trade-Off.................................................................... 83
Managing the Current Approach towards
Implementing the Change ............................................................. 83
9.3 Finalize Scope and Budget ........................................................................... 84
9.4 Prepare for Solution Delivery Governance ................................................... 84
9.5 Project Request for Architecture Work Originating from the
Wild .............................................................................................................. 85


Walk Through Architecture to Support Solution Delivery ..................................... 86
10.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 86
10.1.1 Scoping .......................................................................................... 88
10.1.2 Function Purity and Solution Innovation ...................................... 88
10.1.3 Handover and Closure ................................................................... 88
10.2 Aligning Implementers ................................................................................. 88
10.3 Guiding Delivery .......................................................................................... 89
10.4 Realizing the Solution................................................................................... 91
10.5 Project Request for Architecture Work Originating from the
Wild .............................................................................................................. 91
10.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 91

Part 4: Guidance on Using an Enterprise Architecture...................................................... 92

Jumping to Phase G................................................................................................. 93
11.1 Failure Pattern: Missing the Purpose ............................................................ 93
11.2 Failure Pattern: Missing the Business Cycle ................................................ 94

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


11.2.1 Architecture after Decision ........................................................... 95
11.3 Failure Pattern: Not Doing Architecture ....................................................... 95
11.4 Managing Innovation, Creativity, and Circumstance ................................... 96

Special Cases........................................................................................................... 98
12.1 Architecture in an Agile Enterprise .............................................................. 98
12.2 Architecture for a Domain ............................................................................ 98
12.3 Architecture in Response to an Incident ....................................................... 98

Part 5: Guidance on Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture.......................................... 100

Transition Architecture: Managing Complex Roadmaps ...................................... 101
13.1 Roadmap Grouping ..................................................................................... 101
13.2 Comparing Architectures ............................................................................ 102
13.3 General Guidance ....................................................................................... 103


Phase H (Coordination and Business Cycle in Action)......................................... 105


Architecture Governance ...................................................................................... 108
15.1 What is Governed and Why? ...................................................................... 108
15.1.1 Target Architecture...................................................................... 108
15.1.2 Implementation Projects and Other Change ................................ 109
15.2 Roles, Duties, and Decision Rights............................................................. 109
15.2.1 Target Checklist .......................................................................... 110
15.2.2 Implementation and Other Change Checklist.............................. 112
15.2.3 Long-Term Compliance Reporting ............................................. 114
15.3 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 114

Part 6: Appendices........................................................................................................... 115



Partial List of Modeling Approaches .................................................................... 116


Stakeholder/Concern Matrix ................................................................................. 118
B.1 Common Stakeholder Classes .................................................................... 118
B.2 Common Concern Classes .......................................................................... 119


Sample Viewpoint Library .................................................................................... 121


Architecture Contract Template ............................................................................ 122


Another ADM Journey: Leader’s Guide Capability-Based Planning Journey ..... 124


Evolving List of Domain Architectures ................................................................ 127

TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

The Open Group

The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives
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TOGAF , an Open Group Standard

TOGAF, an Open Group Standard, is a proven enterprise methodology and framework used by
the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency.
This Document

This document is a TOGAF® Series Guide: A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise
Architecture Following the TOGAF® ADM. It has been developed and approved by The Open

About the TOGAF Series Guides

The TOGAF® Series Guides contain guidance on how to use the TOGAF framework.
The TOGAF® Series Guides are expected to be the most rapidly developing part of the TOGAF
document set. While the TOGAF framework is expected to be long-lived and stable, guidance on
the use of the TOGAF framework can be industry, architectural style, purpose, and problemspecific. For example, the stakeholders, concerns, views, and supporting models required to
support the transformation of an extended enterprise may be significantly different than those
used to support the transition of an in-house IT environment to the cloud; both will use the
Architecture Development Method (ADM), start with an Architecture Vision, and develop a
A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Target Architecture on the way to an Implementation and Migration Plan. The TOGAF
framework remains the essential scaffolding across industry, domain, and style.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

ArchiMate®, DirecNet®, Making Standards Work®, OpenPegasus®, Platform 3.0®, The Open
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A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


About the Authors
Dave Hornford, Conexiam

Dave Hornford is Conexiam’s Managing Partner and leads Conexiam’s Boston practice. Dave
serves on the board of trustees of The SABSA® Institute. He is the former Chair of The Open
Group Architecture Forum and was a key contributor to the TOGAF® 9 standard. Based in North
America, he works in a variety of industries including financial services, oil and gas, technology,
and capital-intensive industry. Typically, he helps clients develop and execute a roadmap to
Nathan Hornford, Conexiam

Nathan Hornford is a management consultant and ABACUS Certified Architect and Designer.
Nathan is based in Canada. Nathan works with all of Conexiam’s practices to provide consistent
architecture methods and tools that address the client’s change needs.
Sriram Sabesan, Conexiam

Sriram Sabesan is an Open Group Certified Distinguished Architect. Based in North America, he
specializes in technology, manufacturing, telecommunication, and financial services industries.
Sriram helps clients to develop and execute strategies in response to digital or economic
disruptions. He is actively involved in development of different Open Group standards.
Sadie Scotch, Conexiam

Sadie Scotch is an Enterprise Architect. Sadie is based in the US and is a member of Conexiam’s
Boston practice. Sadie specializes in governance, option analysis, and roadmap development.
She helps clients to develop and govern change programs to address current Enterprise priorities.
Ken Street, Conexiam

Ken Street is an Enterprise Architect. Based in Canada, he leads Conexiam’s Governance and
IT4IT™ initiatives. He is the current Vice-Chair of The Open Group Big Data project and is
active within The Open Group IT4IT™ and Open Platform 3.0™ Forums. He works primarily in
financial services and oil and gas, helping clients to develop their EA Capability, improve their
IT organization, and execute architecture-driven change programs.
Samantha Toder, Conexiam

Samantha Toder is a management consultant and ABACUS Certified Architect and Designer.
Sam is based in the US. She helps clients to develop in-house EA Capability and execute
complex transformation programs in the financial services industry.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

The Open Group gratefully acknowledges the authors and also past and present members of The
Open Group Architecture Forum for their contribution in the development of this Guide.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Referenced Documents
The following documents are referenced in this TOGAF® Series Guide:



ArchiMate® 3.0.1 Specification, an Open Group Standard (C179), August 2017, published
by The Open Group; refer to:


Architecture Project Management: How to Manage an Architecture Project using the
TOGAF® Framework and Mainstream Project Management Methods, White Paper
(W16B), August 2016, published by The Open Group; refer to:


John Carver: Reinventing your Board: A Step-by-Step White Paper to Implementing
Policy Governance, Jossey-Bass, 2006


Jeff Conklin: Wicked Problems & Social Complexity within Dialog Mapping: Building
Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems, Wiley, 2005


Donald C. Hambrick, James W. Fredrickson: Are you Sure you have a Strategy?, The
Academy of Management Executive, 15, 4; ABI/INFORM Global, November 2001


Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture, Open Group
Guide (G152), January 2016, published by The Open Group; refer to:


ISO/IEC 38500:2015: Information Technology – Governance of IT for the Organization


ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011: Systems and Software Engineering – Architecture


Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton: The Balanced Scorecard – Measures that Drive
Performance, Harvard Business Review, 70(1), Jan-Feb 1992


Philippe Kruchten: Architectural Blueprints – The “4+1” View Model of Software
Architecture, November 1995; refer to:


Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampel: Strategy Bites Back: It is Far More,
and Less, than You Ever Imagined, April 2005


TOGAF® Version 9.1, an Open Group Standard (G116), December 2011, published by
The Open Group; refer to:


World-Class Enterprise Architecture, White Paper (W102), April 2010, published by The
Open Group; refer to:


The TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability, Open
Group Guide (G168), December 2016, published by The Open Group; refer to:

TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Suggested Reading


Cuypers Ataya: Enterprise Value: Governance of IT Investments, The Business Case, IT
Governance Institute, 2006


Peter Swartz: The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World,
Currency Doubleday, 1996


Kees van der Heijden: Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation, 2nd Edition, Wiley,

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Part 1: Introduction

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM





This Guide provides guidance on using the TOGAF framework to develop, maintain, and use an
Enterprise Architecture (EA). This Guide is a companion to the TOGAF framework and is
intended to bring the concepts and generic constructs in the TOGAF framework to life. This
Guide puts forward an approach to develop, maintain, and use an EA that aligns to a set of
requirements and expectations of the stakeholders and enables predictable value creation.
It is intended to take the TOGAF concepts and show how each Practitioner can use the same
concept to (a) deliver useful EA for their Enterprise and (b) deliver improvements to EA
Capability. This point is important: use the same concept. Not the same technique, not the same
template, not the same process. The same concept. For example, evidence from prevalent
practice shows that there is not a single EA team that didn’t use a repository, whether the
repository is a file folder or a fully-fledged installation of modeling and analytic software. If you
are struggling with this point, stop and think about any preconceptions you are carrying into the
conversation. For example, while reading, if you have a reaction similar to “but a real repository
includes …”, ask yourself if this is universally true. The concept of a repository is universal; the
implementation varies.
The essential scaffolding of the TOGAF framework is the concepts. Everything else in the
TOGAF framework is either an example or a starter set to get you moving. If you do not like the
example, then you can take advantage of the modular structure of the TOGAF framework and
substitute it. Leading Practitioners and users often take this approach. This Guide is about
advising the Practitioner in making the universal structure of the TOGAF framework work.
This Guide is written for the Practitioner, the person who is tasked to develop, maintain, and use
an EA. Choice of the term Practitioner is deliberate, reflecting the role, rather than one of the
myriad job titles in an Enterprise the Practitioner may have.
This Guide is structured to provide the context, content, and rationale behind choices and steps
that an EA Practitioner can consult at any point. When effectively used, a thoughtfully
developed EA optimizes Boundaryless Information Flow™ within and between Enterprises
based on open standards and global interoperability.
This Guide is explicitly about developing, maintaining, and, most importantly, using an EA. The
range of potential Enterprises and purposes require a guide of this length to define the direction.1
Following the approach suggested in the World-Class Enterprise Architecture White Paper (see
Referenced Documents), the TOGAF standard is routinely applied to develop architectures
supporting strategy development, portfolio management, project planning and execution, and
solution development. Collective experiences reflect that there is no one right EA deliverable,
model, view, work product, or technique. Rather, the correct approach is specific to the purpose


See the definition of Enterprise in Chapter 2. The important concept to keep in mind is that the term “Enterprise” is used as a
boundary of analysis.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

of the architecture development initiative. Anyone who suggests there is a single correct
approach, model, view, work product, or technique is not providing the right advice for you to
succeed. This Guide will help you, the Practitioner, to identify the approach that is appropriate to
any particular purpose.
Developing, maintaining, and using an EA requires deep interaction with several specialized
functions such as strategy development, budgeting, benefits realization, portfolio management,
program & project management, and operational units. This Guide will:

Introduce key topics of concern


Describe the TOGAF standard concepts related to the topic


Show how it is related to developing, maintaining, and using an EA


Discuss what the Practitioner needs to know


Describe what the Practitioner should do with this knowledge

Even though this Guide has a logical structure, it is not simple task list. The depth and detail of
the steps needed to be taken by the Practitioner are specific to the purpose and are iterative. The
only variable is time spent for every step. As with all change work, listing what you need to
know is not the same as defining the level of detail in the documentation.
Key decisions are made in an Enterprise following a business cycle. An architecture should
inform and enable decision-making. Just align the delivery of architecture to the Enterprise’s
business cycle and the purpose of the architecture development initiative. The value is delivered
when the architecture is used. It is plain and simple.
This Guide is divided into six parts, as follows:
Part 1: Introduction

This part contains this introductory part and a set of definitions.
Part 2: Guidance on Enterprise Architecture

This part addresses:

What an Enterprise Architecture is and what it is used for


Coordinating EA development across the EA Landscape


Coordinating EA development with the business cycle

Part 3: Guidance on Developing an Enterprise Architecture

This part addresses:

Using the ADM


Developing an Enterprise Architecture to Support Strategy


Developing an Enterprise Architecture to Support Portfolio

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Developing an Enterprise Architecture to Support Project


Developing an Enterprise Architecture to Support Solution Delivery


Special Cases

Part 4: Guidance on Using an Enterprise Architecture

This part addresses:

What to do when you are hip-deep in solution delivery


Architecture in action (agile Enterprise, response to incident, etc.)

Part 5: Guidance on Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture

This part addresses:

Managing multiple simultaneous roadmaps


What to do when you are hip-deep in solution delivery

Part 6: Appendices

This part presents:


A list of useful tables related to frameworks, reference models, etc.

How to Use this Guide with the TOGAF Framework
The TOGAF framework provides essential universal scaffolding useful in a range of
organizations, industries, and architectural styles. This Guide is designed to fill in what is not
explicitly addressed by the TOGAF framework and provides an approach to interpret the
standard. This does not suggest that the TOGAF framework is flawed. The TOGAF framework
is designed to require interpretation or customization. It has to provide universal scaffolding.
What is common and universal between all of the different examples provided in the definition
of Enterprise? Essential scaffolding expressed as concepts.
One way to look at the TOGAF framework is that it is written for the expert theoretician – the
person who thinks about the structure and practice of EA. The TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to
Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability (see Referenced Documents) is for the person
tasked with establishing or evolving an EA Capability.
This Guide is written directly for the person who does the work: develops, maintains, and uses
an EA. The person who is not worried about the theory, and who is not worried about how to
structure or maintain an EA Capability. The person who develops, uses, and maintains a good
While this Guide assumes no detailed knowledge of the TOGAF framework, it explores the core
concepts of the TOGAF standard. It places these concepts together in the context of using them
to develop, maintain, and use an EA. This includes guidance on iteration, an EA Repository,


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

executing the ADM for the purpose of supporting Strategy, Portfolio, Project, and Solution
Delivery, and performing effective governance of the development and use of the EA practice.
This Guide follows the approach of exploring the conceptual structures in the context of making
use of them. This Guide assumes that you have established an EA Capability and have
customized the TOGAF framework for your Enterprise.2
This Guide is part of the TOGAF Library.3 Other documents in the TOGAF Library include the
TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability. The TOGAF Library
provides a complete interpretation of the TOGAF standard to establish an EA Capability,
develop the EA Capability team, and deliver a useful architecture to guide change and govern
the Enterprise change initiatives.


Referenced Techniques
References to key literature and their techniques within this Guide are intended only to be
representative. This Guide does not suggest that the referenced tools, techniques, and literature
are definitive. Other tools, techniques, and literature can readily be substituted.


For assistance customizing the TOGAF framework, see the TOGAF ® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA
Capability (see Referenced Documents), which provides in-depth commentary and guidance for executing the Preliminary Phase of
The TOGAF Library is available at

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



To share a clear understanding a few terms need to be defined distinctly from common English
usage. The terms below are distinctly defined, and capitalized wherever found. They mean
exactly these definitions and nothing else in this document.


The highest level of description of an organization used to identify the boundary encompassed
by the EA and EA Capability.


This definition is deliberately flexible and not associated with an organization’s legal
or functional boundaries. It must cover monolithic organizations and extended
organizations that include separate organizations connected by a mission or supply
chain, as well as operating entities within an organization. Consider an organization
that uses outsourced partners to provide manufacturing, logistics, and support; a multinational peacekeeping force; and a multi-billion-dollar division of a Fortune 50 firm.
All are Enterprises.

Enterprise Architecture (EA)
As the focus of this Guide is to explain the TOGAF framework and the concept of Enterprise
Architecture, it is better to define this concept in some detail. Succinct definitions tend to require
specialized knowledge to understand the nuance. See Chapter 3 for a discussion of EA.
Two concise definitions that can be used are from Gartner and DoDAF. Gartner4 defines
Enterprise Architecture as: “the process of translating business vision and strategy into effective
Enterprise change by creating, communicating, and improving the key principles and models
that describe the Enterprise’s future state and enable its evolution”. DoDAF defines architecture
as: “a set of abstractions and models that simplify and communicate complex structures,
processes, rules, and constraints to improve understanding, implementation, forecasting, and
While many in the EA profession find distinguishing the terms “architecture” and “architecture
description” useful, this document does not make any such distinction.


The person tasked to develop, maintain, and use an Enterprise Architecture.



This term reflects the role, rather than one of the myriad job titles that may apply.

See GartnerClarifies.pdf ID: G00156559, August 12, 2008.

TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Part 2: Guidance on Enterprise Architecture

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



The Purpose of Enterprise Architecture
A quick perusal of the literature will rapidly highlight that there is no consistent understanding
of what an Enterprise Architecture (EA) looks like, or how one uses an EA. Attempts to
succinctly define EA speak of fundamental concepts, elements, relationships, and properties of a
system. These attempts tend to carry a high level of specialized knowledge and often make little
sense to non-specialists. Further, it can be argued that this is the result of many commentators
focusing on the architecture they develop, with the implicit assumption that everyone should do
the same. Understanding comes from purpose.
EA is a strategic tool that presents an approach to identify and address gaps between aspirations
and reality, whatever drives the gaps. It accelerates the ability of an Enterprise to achieve its
stated objectives. The tool comes with its method to use, taxonomy to support the directions, and
resources needed to benefit from using the tool.
This chapter will address the following questions:



Why is it important to develop an Enterprise Architecture?


What is an Enterprise Architecture?


How to use an Enterprise Architecture?

Why is it Important to Develop an Enterprise Architecture?
An EA is developed for one very simple reason: to guide effective change.
All Enterprises are seeking to improve. Regardless of whether it is a public, private, or social
Enterprise, there is a need for deliberate, effective change to improve. Improvement can be
shareholder value or agility for a private Enterprise, mandate-based value proposition or
efficiency for a public Enterprise, or simply an improvement of mission for a social Enterprise.
Guidance on effective change will take place during the activity to realize the approved EA.
During implementation,5 EA is used by the stakeholders to govern change. The first part of
governance is to direct change activity – align the change with the optimal path to realizing the
expected value. The second part of governance is to control the change activity – ensuring the
change stays on the optimal path.
The scope of the improvement drives everything that is done. A methodology that serves to
validate both the objective and the change, ensuring that both are feasible, delivers the desired
value, and in a cost-effective manner. An architected approach provides a rigorous planning and
change governance methodology.


A common trap is getting into efforts to fix terminology by using a different synonym. This is always done when people have added
meaning, or special conditions, to a word. Implementation means “the process of putting a decision or plan into effect”. Feel free to
substitute transformation, change, program execution, or deployment if these words align with your preferences.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

In its simplest terms, EA must describe the future state and the current state of the Enterprise.
The description of the future state enables the right people to understand what must be done to
meet the Enterprise’s goals, objective, mission, and vision in the context within which the
Enterprise operates. The gap between the Enterprise’s current state and future state highlights
what must change. A good EA facilitates effective governance, management, risk management,
and exploitation opportunities. A list of gaps makes obvious what must change and the
implications of that change: is the proposed project in alignment with what is needed? In
alignment with priority? In alignment with the complete set of goals and objectives?
The preceding paragraphs highlight the conceptual scope of EA. This scope often leads to the
assumption that EA is only used to answer the big questions. Nothing can be further from the
truth. The same concepts, methods, techniques, and frameworks can readily be used to address
the end state, preference trade-off, and value realization for big and little questions. The essential
difference is not what you do; it is what the documented architecture looks like. The scope of the
system varies; the detailed description of elements and properties vary. All of the concepts
remain the same.


What is an Enterprise Architecture?
In short, EA provides the most effective path to realizing an Enterprise’s strategy.6 A good EA
uses a holistic approach to translate strategy into a well-defined execution path, using
appropriate analysis, planning, design, and implementation methods.
The purpose of EA is to enable the Enterprise to most effectively achieve the mission, business
strategy, and goals through cycles of planning, design, deployment, and delivery of change. An
architected approach provides a rigorous planning methodology that validates the business
objectives, ensuring that they are feasible, deliver the desired business value, and their
achievement is cost-effective.
Achieving this purpose comes from understanding the Enterprise, the context, the scope of
change, and the value that will be realized. Using EA facilitates understanding. The Enterprise is
described in consistent terms, highlighting fundamental parts and how they interact. Consistent
terms enable like-with-like comparison. Potential changes to the fundamental parts are explored
regarding the desired end-state and preferences. This understanding and analysis enable trade-off
between competing preferences and potential changes that carry different costs and different
In short, a good EA enables stakeholders to knowingly strike the right balance between any
competing set of preferences. It allows individual business units to innovate safely in their
pursuit of business value delivery. At the same time, it ensures the needs of the organization for
an integrated strategy are met, permitting the closest possible synergy across the extended


Refer to Hambrick & Fredrickson: Are you Sure you have a Strategy? and Mintzberg et al: Strategy Bites Back (see Referenced
Documents) for a very good discussion of what a strategy is. For the purposes of this Guide, Hambrick’s position is found to be best
suited. He focuses on what a strategy is used for and defines it as the central integrated, externally-oriented concept of how an
Enterprise will achieve its objectives. A definition that architecture can support.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Introduction to the EA Landscape
The TOGAF framework uses a concept of the EA Landscape to refer to the complete set of
descriptions or the EA. This Guide distinguishes EA Landscape from EA, because there will not
be a single description in a comprehensive EA Landscape. At any point in time, a typical
Enterprise will have several architectures described. Some architectures will address very
specific needs; others will be more general. Some will address detail; some will provide a big
picture. Some will address the same topics in different states (current, target, and transition), or
different periods of time. To address this complexity, the TOGAF standard provides a
framework for organizing the EA Landscape. The EA Landscape identifies the boundary of all
potential architecture, and associated constraints and guidance.
Many characteristics can be used to organize an EA Landscape. An essential concept to
recognize is that any initiative to develop and maintain EA populates part of the EA Landscape.
Over time, over multiple actions, the EA Landscape is filled and refreshed. Much of the
commentary on iteration in the TOGAF framework is designed to address this point.
Instead of considering iteration regarding re-sequencing and looping the ADM, combine the
TOGAF concept of an Architecture Project with the concept of the EA Landscape. Every
Architecture Project knowingly develops just enough of the EA Landscape to serve the need at
hand. The development is done in the context of prior architecture that guides or constrains the
current work. Each Architecture Project will create, refine, and potentially change components
in the EA Landscape.
When populated, the EA Landscape contains a description, constraints, or guidance that can be
used. Without performing repeated information gathering, analysis, review, and approval, the
Practitioner cannot proceed with confidence. Existing decisions, guidance, and constraints
inform current architecture development. Best practice limits information gathering and analysis
to the minimum necessary to address the question at hand. Effort spent on EA returns the highest
value when the EA is used. The EA cannot be used until the architect is “done”. All architecture
development must be assessed against Time-To-Market (TTM). Filling in only the required parts
of the EA Landscape, and following the constraints and guidance already in place, speeds TTM.
Four common independent characteristics frame the EA Landscape:



Breadth: The subject matter covered by an Architecture Project. Breadth is easy to find
confusing since it can refer to a wide range of subjects. Consider domain, organization,
and initiative as examples. Breadth can be a hierarchy of specific subject areas. For
example, an organization can be broken down through the organizational hierarchy.
Subjects are supple. For example, addressing a specific initiative will include all impacted
organizations, and an organization will address all impacted initiatives. Breadth is one of
the most important scoping dimensions. It provides the Practitioner the context of their


Level of Detail: The level of detail should be self-explanatory. It is easy to get carried
away to explore and elaborate continually within the scope of a domain, organization, or
initiative. As the architectures are developed, elaborate to the extent needed to answer the
question at hand. A good enough answer to support a decision or directionally guide is
sufficient to make progress. Always develop to the least detail required to address the
purpose of the Architecture Project. Always keep in mind that working on more detailed
architecture is guided and constrained by less detailed or superior architecture. Lastly, the

TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

more detail required, the longer the TTM. Detail takes time to gather, analyze, describe,
and get approved.

Figure 1: Characteristics of the EA Landscape


Time: Every architecture development project will have a planning horizon; the point in
time when you expect to reach the Target Architecture. Time creates challenges because
the future is in motion. Typically, the longer the planning horizon, the less detailed the
architecture. This is often true but does not provide a universal rule. Lastly, care must be
taken where one or more transition architectures exist before reaching the planning
horizon. The more detailed architecture must carefully conform to the guidance and
constraints active at the point in time. This can be a challenge as the guidance and
constraints change through different transition states.


Recency: Each architecture description, specification, and view were created at a point in
time. They are always built for a purpose, with an eye to the minimum information
gathering and analysis to address the question at hand. All EAs age, often gracefully or
suddenly. Recency is a hint that prior EA may need to be reviewed and either reaffirmed
or replaced. A good repository can distinguish between architecture that is under
development, architecture that has been approved, architecture that has been realized, and
architecture that has been reaffirmed. During the development period, the architecture
may be very current, but may not be valid for governance. Without approval, it should be
considered as hints only. Recency may be used as an organizing factor for historical

The essential point is to recognize that EA Landscape contents are only developed when needed.
Once approved, it constrains all further EA development and use of the EA. For a broader
discussion of time, sequence, and business cycle, see Section 5.3.7


The term “superior architecture” is used to refer the architecture created for broader scope and purpose. For the Architecture to
Support Portfolio, the Architecture to Support Strategy is the superior architecture. When traversing transition states, the reaffirmed
Target Architecture is the superior architecture.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


The dimensions of the EA Landscape help us think about the EA. Keep in mind that, in most
cases, it is easy to build a simplification that is not valid. Architecture Projects are not neat cubes
similar to what is shown in Figure 2. A real representation would look more like a sea urchin – a
consolidated center but with spikes going in all directions.

Figure 2: EA Landscape with an Architecture Project

Looking at Figure 2, the essential point is that the Architecture Project covers a specific portion
of the EA Landscape – the portion defined regarding breadth, planning horizon, and detail. Prior
work may already exist within the scope. The example does not cover the least or the most
detailed layers, nor all time periods nor subjects. Rather the example addresses a specific portion
of the landscape. The example Architecture Project will populate, or refresh, a portion of the EA
Landscape. Because there is higher-level work, all work in the Architecture Project will be
subject to the superior architecture. The example stops at a level of detail so the Practitioner will
need to constrain the level of detail. Lastly, the example is within the total planning horizon of
the Enterprise and will be constrained by what can and must be done within the planning
Complicating our lives, the superior architecture may exist either as an unrealized target,
unrealized transition, or a realized current state. It must always be kept in mind that where there
is not an explicit change in superior architecture, the current state probably remains valid. Lastly,
this Architecture Project is a subset of the potential breadth of the scope of the EA Landscape.
TTM is a key feature of useful architecture; Practitioners must stick to the scope (breadth, time,
detail) of what they have been asked. Work outside the scope may be interesting, potentially
even needed in the future, but is not within the scope of this architecture initiative.
The energy and efficacy of an EA team is diluted when it tries to be in every conversation by
trying to do too much. The construct of a TOGAF Request for Architecture Work as the entry to
Phase A exists to bound the current Architecture Project. The Request for Architecture Work
tells the EA team that, within the context of the existing EA Landscape, its Enterprise is looking
for a Target Architecture addressing a specific set of subjects at a necessary level of detail that
can be accomplished within a particular planning horizon. A substantive output of the
Architecture Project is to populate, replace, or reaffirm the contents of the EA Landscape. When


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

stakeholders accept the target, all further EA work, change planning, and change execution are
governed by the approved architecture.


Introduction to Purpose
A purpose-based EA Capability model identifies four purposes that typically frame the planning
horizon, depth and breadth of an Architecture Project, and the contents of the EA Repository.
The purpose-based EA Capability model used in this Guide was introduced in the World-Class
Enterprise Architecture White Paper (see Referenced Documents) and refined in the TOGAF®
Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability (see Referenced Documents).

Figure 3: Purposes of Enterprise Architecture

Typically, there are four broad purposes of an EA Capability:

EA to Support Strategy: Deliver EA to provide an end-to-end Target Architecture, and
develop roadmaps of change over a three to ten-year period
An architecture for this purpose will typically span many change programs or portfolios.
In this context, architecture is used to identify change initiatives and supporting portfolio
and programs. Set terms of reference, identify synergies, and govern the execution of
strategy via portfolio and programs.


EA to Support Portfolio: Deliver EA to support cross-functional, multi-phase, and multiproject change initiatives
An architecture for this purpose will typically span a single portfolio. In this context,
architecture is used to identify projects, and set their terms of reference, align their
approaches, identify synergies, and govern their execution of projects.


EA to Support Project: Deliver EA to support the Enterprise’s project delivery method
An architecture for this purpose will typically span a single project. In this context, the
architecture is used to clarify the purpose and value of the project, identify requirements to
address synergy and future dependency, assure compliance with architectural governance,
and to support integration and alignment between projects.


EA to Support Solution Delivery: Deliver EA that is used to support the solution
An architecture for this purpose will typically be a single project or a significant part of it.
In this context, the architecture is used to define how the change will be designed and
delivered, identify constraints, controls and architecture requirements to the design, and,
finally, act as a governance framework for change.

Architecture for different purposes typically creates different contents in the EA Landscape with
a different mix of characteristics. Table 1 summarizes the typical characteristics. Table 1 is
developed to represent a scenario, where a strategist uses the same concepts, methods,
techniques, and frameworks to develop EA to develop a roadmap that supports the direction of
an Enterprise. The strategist’s Architecture Project will drill down from strategy to creating a

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


portfolio that realizes the future state by supporting solution delivery. This table presents how
the strategist or the architecture Practitioner’s work addresses the four dimensions of the EA
Table 1: Purpose and EA Landscape Characterization


Level of Detail

Architecture to
Support Strategy

No pattern.

Not very detailed.


Typically, looking
ahead for a 3 to 10Some Strategy will May contain point
year period when
have a broad
constraints that are very
impact while other detailed when the value is Target.
Strategy will cover dependent upon tight
Current Architecture
a narrow subject.
to Support Strategy
Typically, more guidance tends to have a short
timeframe of
than constraint.

Architecture to
Will cover single
Support Portfolio subjects (the

Typically, not very

Architecture to
Support Project

Typically detailed.

Narrow breadth,
typically discrete
Projects within a

Typically, the need to
update and keeping
current this architecture
is highly variable.

Typically, valid for 2 Typically, the need to
to 5-year period
update and keeping
when Target.
current this architecture
Current Architecture is highly variable.

May contain discrete
constraints that are very
detailed when the value is to Support Portfolio
dependent upon tight
should be considered
past its best-before
date. A portfolio
without a view to the
future is pointless.

Will contain detailed
constraints, that may not
be fully supported by
detailed architecture
Typically, more constraint
than guidance is

Typically, valid as a
target for <2 years.

Typically, will be
retained in the EA
Will have very long- Landscape for an
lived timeframes as extended period after
transition from Target to
current (post
In the absence of an
Architecture Project, the
architecture and
associated constraints
and guidance will
continue indefinitely.


A well-run EA Landscape will maintain components, as well as associated guidance and constraints, through their lifecycle. A
typical lifecycle is to be introduced as a candidate, approved through governance as target, then convert to current following an
Implementation Project.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)



Level of Detail


Architecture to
Support Solution

Typically, very
narrow breadth.

Most detailed EA.

Typically, valid as a
target for <2 years.



Typically, will be
retained in the EA
Will have very long- Landscape for an
extended period after
Typically, only constraints lived timeframes as transition from Target to
current (post
will be developed, as
guidance will be carried
In the absence of an
forward from superior
Architecture Project, the
architecture and
associated constraints
and guidance will
continue indefinitely.
Will contain the most
detailed constraint.

What an Enterprise Architecture Looks Like
EA exists to guide and constrain change planning and work to perform the change. The scope of
work embedded in a Request for Architecture Work should identify the applicable characteristics
of the EA Landscape. Over time, through multiple Architecture Projects, the EA Landscape is
populated. This still does not tell us what actually gets written down, nor exactly what is
In short, a Practitioner will need to document three things:

Models, in the EA Landscape


Views derived from the EA Landscape


Other useful things

In short, the architecture is the set of models, the components, and their relationships that
comprise the scope of the EA Landscape under consideration. These models consistently
describe the current and Target Architecture. In a theoretical world, a single unified model is
produced. Typically, a set of models is produced. These discrete models will either have a juryrigged linkage or rely on the expertise of those using the models to leap between them. Models
can vary in formality, some strictly conforming to a semantically constrained structure, while
others are quite flexible.
The primary purpose of the models is to facilitate the architect to understand the system being
examined. Understand how it works today, understand how it can be most effectively changed to
reach the aspirations of the stakeholders, and understand the implications and impacts of the
A secondary purpose is re-use. It is simply inefficient to re-describe the Enterprise. The
efficiency of consistency is balanced against the extra energy to describe more than is needed,
and to train those who describe and read the descriptions on formal modeling. The size,
geographic distribution, and purpose of the EA team will dramatically impact the level of
consistency and formality required.9 Formal models are substantially more re-usable than
informal models. Formal models are substantially easier to extend across work teams. The

See “Managing your Enterprise Repository” in the TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability (see
Referenced Documents).

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


penalty is that formal models require semantic precision. For example, regardless of the structure
of an application in the real world, it must be represented in a model conforming to the formal
definition. This representation is possible with a good model definition.
Architecture Projects may have unique aspects. Practitioners usually lose the ability to address
Architecture Project-specific considerations in a standard representation. The reverse is also true;
flexible definitions that directly support one analysis will not be shared nor communicated with
others in the EA team. Often the unique aspects will not even be remembered by the author.
Practitioners must trade off between re-use and optimal fit, and should ensure that they are
optimizing for the entire EA team rather than personal preference.
Every model that is produced and maintained has a price in effort. When effort exceeds value,
the price will be paid by hindering an Enterprise’s ability to perform the effective change.
Unnecessary models and analysis steal from guiding effective change. Every approach to
modeling is designed to shed light on one or more aspects of the Enterprise. Typically, narrow,
special-purpose models facilitate detailed analysis while broad models facilitate inclusive
analysis. All approaches to modeling – formal/informal and broad/narrow – are trade-offs.
All EA Landscapes that support a broad range of purposes will be comprised of a set of models.
This set could be contiguous or discrete, targeted for analysis or communication. A core unified
model can provide a common bridge between discrete models. The more specific a model, the
more important it is to an analysis. The more important a model to analysis, the more important
is the need and clarity of linkage across models. Careful thought is needed to understand the
long-term need for cross-linkage. Most analyses are performed repeatedly over a period of time
for different purposes. Like informal models, jury-rigged or expertise-based linkage is a shortterm answer that prohibits effective re-use.
Models are very useful for the architect. They form consistent representations of the parts of the
world that must be understood and analyzed. Shorthand communication and consistent analysis
reduce the TTM.10 However, because models are partial representations of the whole, typically
described with a limited language that requires experience to read, and often subject to
constraints designed to show relationships, models tend to be ineffective to communicate
usefully. Consider a balance sheet; it is a great model to outline part of an organization’s
financial position. It requires skill to read and is silent on the success, margin, or lifecycle of new
products. Do not rush to deliver the models sooner than necessary.
Models are poor general communication tools. Good models are carefully constrained to exactly
tell part of a story. They will carefully control the components available and the available
relationships. They will enforce some attributes. They carefully render a complex environment
into something that represents the world in terms it can be understood, optimized, and compared.
They tend to require specialist knowledge, and often carefully constrain common terms in a way
casual consumers do not align with.11
The best communication comes down to views, and “other useful things”. Views have a
specialized role in communicating the architecture and are discussed in Section 3.3.1. The phrase
“other useful things” is purposefully open-ended. For example, it is normal to find that a high

“Oh that process, it is a P3M, don’t worry about it.”
For example, the term “strategy” is widely used; specifically within the OMG’s Business Motivation Model. A high fraction of
people who use the BMM trip over the term strategy. It holds a subordinate element in the model and the definition does not
immediately resonate with common English. The BMM strategy definition “represents the essential Course of Action to achieve Ends
– Goals in particular; it is accepted as the right approach to achieve its Goals, given the environmental constraints and risks”.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

fraction of useful communication is highlighting the value of the target state, acknowledgment of
the scope of anticipated change, or clarifying the date value is expected. Most of the effective
communication about an architecture will be “other useful things”.


How to Use an Enterprise Architecture?
An EA is developed for one very simple reason: to guide effective change. Practitioners use
models to provide a consistent analysis of complex systems. Models provide efficient long-term
representation that enables like-with-like comparison – comparison of what is, what was, and
what might be. The comparison that facilitates trade-off between potential changes that carry
different costs and different benefits. Models provide understanding to people who understand
the language, structure, and limitations of a model.
Guiding effective change is driven by who is using the architecture. Three broad communities
use the EA: stakeholders, decision-makers, and implementers. Each of these communities uses
the architecture differently.
When starting to talk about communication, the problem of terminology is the first obstacle
faced. “Stakeholder” is a useful term, and multiple frameworks and methods use the term. Be
aware of when you are carrying implied meaning from one framework, or approach, to another.
This Guide follows ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 guidance on stakeholders which focuses the
attention on those whose concerns are fundamental to the architecture, or architecturally
significant.12 Facilitating effective communication requires us to make a distinction between
other communities who are interested in the architecture. A stakeholder holds approval rights on
the target and the implementation; an implementer requires guidance and constraint; and a
decision-maker holds execution rights on change. Practitioners are advised to develop views that
address a stakeholder’s concerns. Success of an architecture rests on the clarity and focus of the
views produced. Its sole purpose is to communicate that the Target Architecture best satisfies the
complex set of requirements the Enterprise has. Practitioners are best served when they preserve
the distinction between stakeholders with approval rights and those needing most recent data
points to create appropriate views of the concerns addressed by the EA. Without clarity on
distinct roles, Practitioners complicate governance of the EA and the change projects.


Communicating with Stakeholders (Concern and View)
This Guide provides practical advice to a Practitioner on using the TOGAF framework.
Stakeholders’ concerns and views are one area where the theoretical constructs embedded in the
TOGAF standard are correct, but not directly translatable to use. The TOGAF standard takes a
formal modeling approach to understanding stakeholder, concern, and view; this has led some to
interpret that all representations of architecture are views prepared for any conceivable interest.
That interpretation is correct, just not helpful,13 considering usefulness and TTM. This Guide
will emphasize the point “do just enough to support key decisions at this moment”. Getting more


The term “stakeholder” is one where many practitioners have preconceptions. Part of the problem is formal definitions having to be
broad to ensure that they properly include all reasonably conceivable stakeholders. In this Guide where a formal definition doesn’t
provide pragmatic guidance, it will move promptly to pragmatic guidance, and leave the discussion on semantic purity to others.
The TOGAF standard definition aligns with ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011: “an individual, team, organization, or classes thereof, having
an interest in an enterprise or system”.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) definition is: “an individual, group, or organization, who may affect, be affected by, or
perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project”.
Tell the inhabitants of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory that they live in southern Canada. Technically correct, but not helpful to any
conversation with someone who knows they live in the North.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


data and providing more detail may sound appealing. The only thing an architect does not have
is time. Do the right things to the best level of detail to market the architecture, and make people
use the architecture. If there is time, pursue creating the rest of the views and elaboration if and
when necessary.
Further, stakeholders, views, and concerns are often explained in terms of a single architecture.
Consider what an EA Landscape will actually contain: Multiple discrete architectures. Separated
by purpose, detail, breadth, time, and recency. And then there is architecture states: current,
transition(s), and target. An architect’s first obligation is ensuring the architecture addresses the
preferences of the Enterprise. When the Practitioner preserves the stakeholder’s concern, the
view to communicate with the stakeholder, and how the architecture will address their concern,
something useful to govern against in addressing this obligation naturally emerges.
From a practical perspective, consider:

Stakeholder: someone who has approval rights in the Target Architecture being explored
by the current Architecture Project, and subsequently has decision rights to the suitability
of the implementation


Concern: a consistent set of subjects that capture the stakeholder’s interests and act to
consolidate requirements


View: a representation of the EA Landscape that addresses a set of stakeholder’s
concerns; either describe how the architecture addresses the concerns or demonstrate how
the associated requirements are met

The TOGAF concept of an Architecture Project provides context for both the development of
new architecture and the change to realize it. By practically constraining the use of stakeholders
to those with approval rights Practitioners enable governance, and more importantly governance
in context.
This Guide constrains the concerns to a topic and addresses the stakeholder’s power, interest,
and requirements against this topic. This approach surfaces topic-based decision rights and
provides the ability to perform a trade-off between competing requirements. The chapters
discussing a walk through the ADM for different purposes will expand on the use of concerns.
Pragmatically, most requirements will cluster in six to nine topic areas that are derived from the
Enterprise’s strategy. In fact, most concerns are consistent from one Architecture Project to
another – they cluster around the central challenges the Enterprise is trying to address, such as
agility, efficiency, IT complexity, or customer journey.
A consistent set of core concerns aligned to Enterprise priority facilitates focus on priority.
Every Architecture Project brings to the fore Enterprise priorities and is in a position to
demonstrate how this initiative is addressing the priority. Further, Practitioners are in a position
to confirm consistency of requirement within a concern, and by stakeholder. Confirming
consistency, or the lack, enhances the Practitioner’s ability to discern the set of preferences the
Enterprise is chasing.
Table 2 provides an extended TOGAF Stakeholder Map including concern and requirement.
Missing requirements within a concern can either be a gap in information gathering or a
demonstration the stakeholder is saying “this does not matter”. Knowing requirement or lack of
preference in relationship to power and interest directly facilitates trade-off. The trade-off is
performed within a concern and between the concerns.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Table 2: Sample Stakeholder Map
Concern 1

Concern 2




Stakeholder 1 High




Stakeholder 2 High




Stakeholder N Low





Views address a stakeholder’s concern about a specific architecture. In a perfect world
Practitioners are able to use a single model directly. This is a mythical happy place. It will never
be possible for a key issue such as agility or cost.
A view simply addresses a stakeholder's concern about an architecture. Often it is a potential
architecture, and the view serves to help the stakeholder’s potential target and associated change.
This allows a stakeholder to put things in context and have confidence about the target and the
When stakeholders understand the architecture, the change, and the trade-offs, implementation
governance is possible. Fail, and expect continuing issues as point answers highlighting one
potential benefit without any compensating trade-off emerge throughout the planning and
execution cycle.
When establishing the EA Capability, it is likely common classes of stakeholder were identified.
If this was done essential concerns were likely identified.14 These concerns represent the
questions that the EA Capability is expected to answer, and may be considered mandatory.
Successful high-functioning EA teams will maintain a library of viewpoints (see Appendix C)
designed to address the questions they are expected to have answers for. Each viewpoint should
identify the concern, the stakeholder(s), how the view should be constructed, and the information
required to address the question.
Viewpoints are specialized communication to stakeholders that explicitly address a concern.
Keep in mind that any associated requirements may not be satisfied by the architecture. The
view is not a demonstration that the stakeholder should be happy; rather it is a demonstration of
how the architecture addresses the concern.


Communicating with Implementers (Gap, Specification, and Control)
Implementers are typically poorly served. It is common to see implementers handed with a set of
diagrams that represent the architecture. From these diagrams the implementers are expected to
figure out the gaps they should fill, the architecture specifications they must conform to, and the
controls they must implement. Implementers are better served when they are explicitly provided
context, gap, architecture specification, and control.
The TOGAF standard identifies a very useful concept for communication with anyone
implementing the Architecture Contract. An Architecture Contract identifies the responsibility of


See Customization of Architecture Contents and Metamodel in the TOGAF ® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA
Capability (see Referenced Documents), and Appendix B.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


the implementation team to the Target Architecture’s stakeholders. The most critical items to an
implementer are:

Implementation Project context: where does the project fit within the roadmap, what
value or value dependency will the project provide?


Scope: what work packages and gaps is the Implementation Project responsible for, as
well as what gaps associated with any architecture components associated with the project
scope is the project not responsible for?


Conformance: what is the set of specific architecture specifications and controls the
Implementation Project will be assessed against?

The essential component is to fulfill the purpose of the TOGAF Architecture Contract: link the
Implementation Project to the target in terms of context, work required, and conformance test.
Most critically, stop setting the implementers up by expecting them to work out what is expected
and how the project’s design and implementation will be assessed.
John Carver’s policy governance approach15 is one of the best for a Practitioner to follow. There
are two imperative practices in Carver to follow. First, specifications should be exclusionary,
highlighting what is prohibited, rather than mandating what is permitted. Second, specification
compliance should be assessed through a reasonable interpretation test by a reasonable person.
Drafting specifications as exclusionary reduces the requirement for omniscience during
architecture development and provides the maximum opportunity for creativity during
implementation, whether the creativity comes from innovative thinking by the design team, new
technology, new third-party services, or new processes. Understanding what is prohibited,
assumes everything else is allowed. The key concept is if the architecture does not constrain a
choice, or prohibit a choice, the choice is allowed.
Given that creativity is encouraged, Practitioners cannot expect that an implementation team can
read minds and implement in the same way as envisioned. This forces the compliance
assessment to be a test of reasonable interpretation. The best practice is always to link a
specification to a requirement.16 This allows the design, or implementation, to be assessed
against a requirement/specification pair. The specification is in the context of what motivated the
specification. Following this practice, every specification exists to deliver something, and the
implementation can be value tested.
When Practitioners serve the implementation team well, the stakeholders are supported.
Practitioners provide the big picture to guide projects implicitly to value production, and
requirement/specification pairs to guide the projects explicitly to value. In both cases, the value
being produced is directly traceable.


Communicating with Decision-Makers (Other Useful Things)
The last community who must be communicated to are decision-makers. Typically, decisionmakers will have a strong overlap with stakeholders. This distinction is necessary to ensure that
the stakeholder/concern/view construct is restricted to the approval of the target. The ability to
have crisp governance of the target and approval is too important to blur the line and include
other communications.


Refer to John Carver: Reinventing your Board (see Referenced Documents).
In the case of a control, it is always associated to the risk for the same reason.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Like communicating with implementers, communication to decision-makers often falls into the
category of “other useful things”. An architecture roadmap or the strategic architecture are
empirical in nature. They are supported by conversations around “motivation statements”,
demonstrating how the scope of change aligns to goals including why each step is essential, the
foundational nature of some of the Implementation Projects, employment of an appropriate
compliance report for decision support, etc. Such conversations fall under “other useful things”.
It may not be possible to create appropriate models to support these communications.
Decision-maker communication will typically be aligned with:



Trade-off decisions









Communication about timing is typically drawn from either the Roadmap, the Implementation &
Migration Plan, or from Phase G. Timing speaks to when can the decision-maker expects
activity to start, change something, complete something, or start to obtain value.
Trade-off decisions between stakeholders need to be communicated to others in the Enterprise.
They are usually not involved in the trade-off. Communication about trade-off decisions is
typically educational, serving to explain the trade-off decision. Critical conversations on tradeoff by prior architecture and superior architecture will be held during Phase F, G, and H,
informing decision-makers.
Status conversations are about the Architecture Project. The most important status conversations
are about closing on an Architecture Vision in Phase A, resolving complex trade-off in Phases B,
C, and D, and value, effort, and dependency conclusions regarding the Roadmap’s work
packages in Phase E. The status of value realization conversations will occur in Phase H.
Depending upon the status of value, further conversations about architecture change requests, or
initiating a new Architecture Project may occur.
Decision-makers have a deep interest in the budget. During Phase F’s planning exercises some
of the most complex trade-off decisions are made. Conversations with stakeholders during
architecture and roadmap development revolve around value, effort, and risk. In Phase F spend
is brought to the fore. Further, during Phase G budget control and availability will impact all
Implementation Projects.
Best practice has decisions on non-compliance being made by stakeholders. They need to
approve the recommendation to enforce the target, grant relief, or change the architecture.
Communication about compliance is very similar to trade-off conversations. Also, when relief is
granted, further conversations about scheduling a roadmap or implementation plan update should
also occur.
Some of the most critical conversations with decision-makers are about confidence. The
confidence they should have in the Roadmap and Implementation & Migration Plan, completing

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


the change, and realizing the value. All architecture is an approximation; no Practitioner can
underestimate the importance of confidence.


In order to guide effective change, Practitioners have to understand complex systems and
analyze the possible ways to improve the complex system against a set of usually contradictory
preferences. In order to understand and analyze a complex system, good Practitioners will
represent the system in a set of models. These models are the architecture – a description of the
system in terms of components and their relationships. Over time, through multiple Architecture
Projects, the EA Landscape is populated.
Using an architecture requires translation of the models to a form that is useful to nonspecialists. Practitioners should not expect stakeholders, implementers, decision-makers, or
anyone else to understand the models’ specialized language, structure, and limitations.
Practitioners need to communicate with three broad communities: stakeholders, decisionmakers, and implementers. Each of these communities uses the architecture differently.
Stakeholders are presented with views that address their concerns. This enables stakeholders to
understand the architecture, engage in trade-off decisions, and finally approve the Target
Implementers need to understand their project. First, where their project fits within the roadmap,
and its role in producing value. Second, what work packages and gaps they are responsible for,
as well as associated gaps they are not responsible for. Third, how conformance will be assessed.
Decision-makers’ communication often falls into the category of “other useful things”, where
Practitioners communicate timing of change and value, prior decisions, status, budget, and
confidence. All Practitioners need to keep in mind that informal communication, outside the
scope of models, architectures, views, roadmaps, specification, or compliance recommendations,
are the most important communication that will be undertaken.
An effectively communicated architecture is one that provides confidence. The importance of
confidence cannot be underestimated. Confidence that the architecture and associated roadmap
of change is the guidance the Enterprise should follow. With confidence, an Enterprise’s
leadership will use the EA to direct and govern effective change.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Business Cycle
All organizations have existing change processes. The EA team needs to be aligned with the
organization’s planning, budgeting, operational, and change processes.17 The Practitioner must
understand that a theoretically perfect world where the EA team is engaged in all change cannot
be expected. In practice, the scope of the EA team will be limited to some purposes, or will only
be engaged in some changes. The TOGAF standard says you need to configure the ADM to
align to your business. This is commonly interpreted to fit the ADM as an end-to-end process as
an appendage to existing business processes. Instead, the architecture development processes
need to feed, and support, the existing change processes. This means the ADM is used to deliver
work products useful to other processes, and just enough of the ADM is used to deliver to other
Enterprise processes.


Budget Cycle
For most organizations, the budget cycle controls change in the organization. Pragmatically, the
EA team will be aligned to the budget cycle. Figure 4Figure 4 shows a timeline view, depicting
an alignment of key decisions made during a business cycle and the purpose architectures. EA
for Strategy, Portfolio, and Project need to be completed before key milestones for budget
decisions are made. EA for Solution Delivery is a continuous operation around budget control.
The key takeaway is architecture before the decision. If you are trapped trying to architect after
the decision, see Section 11.2.1.
Figure 4 provides a simplified budget cycle for structuring what is universal.:

Budget Planning identifies what is needed and what new initiatives will be started


Budget Preparation is typically a top-down and bottom-up activity – guidance about
expectations and initiatives will be provided from the top, and each department will
develop a spending request


Budgets provided are the subject of further decision-making
Allocating budgeted funds is a key step in executing change. A good budget is a financial
embodiment of the organization's priorities for the current budget cycle. Prior to allocation
to an Implementation Project everything is just an idea.



Budget control is ongoing financial and benefits realization of an Implementation Project

See Process Model in the TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability (see Referenced Documents).

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Figure 4: Business Cycle and Architecture by Purpose

Keep in mind that the simple unidirectional model allows us to see the interplay between key
decision milestones. This Guide uses the phrase “Architecture to Support” deliberately. The
change process executes with or without a functioning EA team. The pragmatic question is what
an EA team can do to guide effective change.
As mentioned earlier in this Guide, it is best to tie everything to the budget cycle. The
importance of good EA on guiding and constraining the change decisions is naturally noticed
and highlighted. When there is no practical input from a good EA team before the decision an
organization needs to take is made, the decision is still made. It might even be a good choice, but
it was a less informed choice.
Keep in mind that in all EA the stakeholders, decision-makers, and implementers require
effective support ahead of the decision. Good architecture that informs decision is infinitely
more valuable than perfect architecture that follows decision and execution.


Budget Planning and Architecture to Support Strategy
The linkage between budget planning and Architecture to Support Strategy is a natural fit, that
like many associations is not always correct. Part of the challenge is use of the term “strategy”.
Often the term is implicitly associated with the organization’s strategy. Then without warning
the same term is used for something far more specific, like the staff compensation strategy. At its
most basic, a strategy is simply a “central integrated, externally-oriented concept of how to
achieve the objectives”.18
Like “stakeholder”, a good definition encompasses a broad range of potential cases, without
narrowing down to effective guidance. From an EA perspective, Practitioners are supporting
strategy when exploring a longer-term target, and work will be used to identify a set of change
initiatives. Guide the terms of reference for the initiatives so that the organization can direct and
control execution through a portfolio of work. Typically, this type of work will align with budget
planning, where the organization plans to spend on new initiatives or newly identified things.
Table 1 identified that this work is typically only sufficiently detailed to provide guidance over a
three to ten-year period and that the guidance will be valid for short periods of time. This is


Refer to Hambrick & Fredrickson: Are you Sure you have a Strategy? (see Referenced Documents).


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

where organizations switch priority – the important element to recognize is the longer-term
target is rarely shifting; what is shifting is where priority is placed.
Good Practitioners know they are supporting strategy when the priority pendulum slows; when
the organization is able to balance between two or more competing impulses. Effective guidance
helps the organization understand what is required for the complete set of its needs.


Budget Preparation and Architecture to Support Portfolio
The linkage between budget preparation and Architecture to Support Portfolio is one of the
strongest linkages available. Given a set of change objectives, the organization is embarking on
what is a good approach – what work must be funded, what work can be deferred, and what
work should be deferred. Some of the most powerful guidance to effective change an EA team
can provide is to support portfolio planning and investment decision.
Providing Architecture to Support Portfolio requires working outside the corporate planning and
execution cycle. When everyone else is executing on this year’s budget, the EA team must be
working on next year’s budget; they have to be ready with a roadmap at the start of the budget
preparation process.
The key questions every portfolio and budgeting process struggles with is a priority. Most
portfolio and budget cycles are swamped in noise and cheerleading. They desperately need to
know what work, in what areas must go forward and why. What work can be safely deferred?
What work must proceed as a package?
Some of the highest value work a Practitioner can provide is supporting portfolio and budget
However, it requires the roadmap to be available as the initial budget materials are being
prepared, with an ongoing update from trade-off during the budget discussions. TOGAF Phase E
and Phase F align directly to this use of Architecture to Support Portfolio. Phase E prepares the
architecture roadmap for the budgeting process; work with all decision-makers in the budget
preparation to finalize the Target Architecture, and the Implementation & Migration Plan.
A key use of the EA is to sustain a well-considered target. Budget and capacity to change
determine what is planned for realization.


Budget Allocation and Architecture to Support Project
Architecture to Support Project is the first time you can see that work to effect change is about to
be done. Before the release of funding to an Implementation Project, no change is going to
happen. The classic alignment of this purpose in Phase F is the development of an
Implementation Project business case or Implementation Project charter.
Architecture work facilitates the organization’s final decision-making about the use of funding
and other scarce change resources. The tendency of implementation teams to focus exclusively
on the creation of tactical business value needs to be balanced with the roadmap purpose and
value against the target. It is common for implementation teams to sacrifice substantive
organization value to provide what might be considered “decorative” features to the operational
team the implementers work with.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Balancing the bottom-up change needs with broader initiative needs is an important role. Will
the organization’s priorities and values be realized by a particular Implementation Project? If so,
the organization’s budget allocation process should release the funds. If not, parochial
departmental interests are capturing scarce organizational improvement resources. Ensuring
delivery of value is one of the most important reasons to perform Architecture to Support
Project. If bottom-up business case justification built end-to-end efficiency, agility, or eliminated
the need for transformation projects, no one would need the profession of EA.
The other role is ensuring completeness. Far too many projects build metaphorical half bridges;
building everything but the last piece to cross the obstacle. The justification is usually to “make
progress”. Bluntly, an organization is not making progress when it embarks on a change it will
not finish. The organization is simply wasting resources.

Figure 5: Half a Bridge

The TOGAF concept of the Architecture Contract provides the linkage between the value and
the implementation through the target. The Architecture Contract provides traceability in terms
of context, the complete work required, and conformance tests. Focusing attention on what will
produce value and enabling architecture-supported governance is a chief outcome from
Architecture to Support Project.


Budget Control and Architecture to Support Solution Delivery
Architecture to Support Solution Delivery is directly aligned with work to implement effective
change.19 In the business cycle, the budget control provides ongoing financial control and
benefits realization. Architecture to Support Solution Delivery is directly aligned to the
governance of the Implementation Project. Enabling direct association of spend with benefits
realization is the contribution to the budget cycle.
Architecture to Support Solution Delivery is dependent on traceability through the EA
Landscape. Definition of acceptable boundaries for design and implementation, as well as
boundaries for design and delivery, facilitate procurement and third-party contracting.
Similar to Architecture to Support Project, Architecture to Support Solution Delivery will use
the TOGAF concept of an Architecture Contract to constrain design and implementation choices
tightly to value.


This Guide is cognizant of repeated efforts to draw distinctions between “Enterprise Architecture” and “Solution Architecture”,
which seems to be driven by some attempts to associate EA to big thoughts and big initiatives. In practice it is a distinction that drives
no changes in an effective EA team’s organization and approach. This Guide treats it as a distinction without a practical difference.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Most Architecture to Support Solution Delivery will be performed in the TOGAF ADM Phase
G. The need to fully iterate the ADM makes little sense when there is a superior architecture that
develops the outline of the target, the stakeholders, a roadmap, and an implementation plan. If
you are not getting value, you are creating busy-work and self-confusion about the ADM.


Business Cycle Conclusion
The business cycle is one of the core business activities that an EA team must align to. It
provides a common reference point that is central to how an organization plans, authorizes, and
executes change. Performing process alignment and alignment to other Enterprise frameworks is
one of the central activities of establishing an EA Capability. For a broader discussion of other
alignments, see the TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability
(see Referenced Documents). This Guide uses the business cycle as a simplification of the
myriad of business activities that an EA team supports, to align with the practical work
requirements of a Practitioner.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Coordination Across the EA Landscape and EA Team
This chapter will address the following questions:



What to expect in a well-run Architecture Repository & EA Landscape


How is ADM iteration realized in practice?


How to work in the context of superior architecture


How are multiple states managed (candidate, current, transition, and target)?

What to Expect in a Well-Run Architecture Repository & EA

In order to provide concrete examples of working in a repository, this Guide presents a
few screenshots using a modeling tool. These represent one way that the challenges of
a managing an EA Landscape can be met. As outlined in Section 1.3, this Guide does
not mean to suggest that the referenced tool, techniques, and literature are definitive.
These examples are intended to illustrate the TOGAF concepts. Other tools and
techniques are available.

The TOGAF standard identifies a broad set of materials that will be contained within the
Architecture Repository. As a Practitioner, you will be directly concerned with the EA
Landscape, Reference Library, Standards Information Base, Requirements Repository, and the
Compliance Assessments in the Governance Log. Typically, these are implemented by a
modeling and analytic tool, and a file repository.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Figure 6: TOGAF Architecture Repository

A high-functioning EA team cannot deliver without using modeling and analytic software. Some
Practitioners sketch diagrams casually as initial steps in understanding a system, or explaining
one. Maintenance of a collection of sketches is not practical. It does not matter where they use a
marker and 11” x 17” paper or spend hours connecting objects in drawing software, these
sketches are not modeling and do not provide a meaningful contribution to the EA Landscape.
Further, the gaps and errors inherent in casual sketching preclude considering the sketches as a
Do not confuse the guidance about managing an EA Landscape and EA Repository with
commentary on effective communication. Most things an EA Capability needs to represent are
complex. Visualization of complex situations to support the Practitioner, the stakeholder, and
others that need to be communicated with is critical. Hand sketches are one of the most powerful
communication tools available to a Practitioner. Beyond ideation it is a serious error to present
poorly thought-out visualizations to stakeholders and decision-makers. This Guide strongly

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


recommends the inclusion of information visualization skills in any EA team to address the
needs of different communities – decision-makers, implementers, and stakeholders. One of the
most significant challenges to developing a high-functioning EA team is overcoming poor
information management and information presentation practice.
A significant factor that results in a well-run sustainable EA Repository is the ruthless
minimization of information gathered and maintained. Any information that is not required for
the current Architecture Project, or supports minimal traceability, should not be captured. EA
teams routinely drown in an information overload after capturing and maintaining extraneous
information – information that is typically only useful for more detailed architecture analysis or
implementation. Good Practitioners will not confuse ruthless minimization of work with
skipping necessary work: all stakeholders’ concerns must be addressed. Leading Practitioners
will understand that stakeholder management is necessary and attention to non-key stakeholders
is rarely on the critical path.
The three most powerful components of an EA Repository are the Architecture Requirements
Specification, controls, and gaps. Managing the transition from levels of detail can be greatly
simplified when, instead of modeling for the sake of building a comprehensive end to end
model, its integrity is preserved, avoiding incomplete analysis for areas of the architecture where
sufficient detail is not available. When there is sufficient detail to guide and constrain, the
Practitioner’s work is done.
The test of sufficiency is a function of fitness for purpose. Best practice governance has the
architect demonstrate that the views produced for the stakeholders and any constraints and
guidance are derived from the architecture. Stakeholders approve views, not architecture
More detail is always available to be captured and represented in the architecture model;
additional model kinds; additional refinement. When a Practitioner models for the sake of
modeling, there is no endpoint. The test of success is whether the stakeholder’s concern can be
addressed. As an example, the Enterprise is attempting to improve agility – can the view
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the stakeholder that this Target Architecture and all associated
change delivers agility? When sufficient information is gathered, and analyzed to demonstrate
agility, the Practitioner is done. When the implementer can be provided with a list of gaps that
need to be filled, Architecture Requirements Specifications, and controls that must be followed,
the Practitioner is done. Do not do the work that comes after the decision, or activity that you are
currently architecting to support.
A high-functioning EA team will be supported by modeling and analytic software, as well as a
document management system. Whether these software functions are provided in a single suite
or a set of software tools is not material. A Practitioner requires the linkage between any models
and documentation, as well as a space to perform necessary analysis to develop their candidate
What is produced is either a work product that is actively consumed or the intermediate work
products the Practitioner needs to produce the requested work product. Table 3 provides a
summary of work products that are actively consumed by key Enterprise processes.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Table 3: Partial List of Work Product Alignment with Key Processes

Architecture to
Support Strategy

Architecture to
Support Portfolio

Architecture to
Support Project

Architecture to Support
Solution Delivery

Phase A Work

Key deliverable

Key deliverable

Often not used

Limited use

Before framing of a
strategic planning

Before start of budget Activity to produce a
vision overlaps with
candidate architecture
and roadmap

Refresh before
initiation of program

Phase E Work

During strategic
planning session


During strategic
planning session

Primary use is early in
implementation cycle (via
internal providers or
execution partners)

Technique may be
used at initiation of
business case
Key deliverable

Before project
Before start of budget initiation and
finalization of
Refresh as required in planning
business case
program budgeting
Primary use is
Primary use is
creation of
acceptance of target
and definition of gap Architecture

Before engagement of
execution partners (including
internal providers)

Before start of budget Limited use
Can be used as an
Refresh as required in Refresh as required to input to projects with
program budgeting
support budgeting
multiple interactive
and program

Before engagement of
execution partners (including
internal providers)

Phase F Work
Contract &

Likely not used

Key deliverable

& Migration

Likely not used

Limited use

Key deliverable

Primary use is creation of
Architecture Requirements

Primary use is identification
of required change, and
preferences of how to execute
change, to manage solution
delivery partner selection and

Before completion of Before engagement and
project initiation

During portfolio

Key deliverable

Key deliverable

Before project start

Before engagement and

Refresh as required to
support budgeting
and program

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Architecture to
Support Strategy

Architecture to
Support Portfolio

Architecture to
Support Project

Architecture to Support
Solution Delivery

Phase G Work

Likely not used

Likely not used

Key deliverable

Key deliverable

At key points in
project that allow
reporting to
stakeholders and
obtaining decisions
for non-conformance

At key points in project that
allow reporting to
stakeholders and obtaining
decisions for nonconformance

Phase H Work

Before governance
review, framing a
strategic planning
session and program

Limited use

Limited use

Key deliverable
Before governance
review and program

Scope of significant
architecture change
and value often does
Refresh as required to not cleanly align to
support program

Scope of significant
architecture change and value
often does not cleanly align to
solution deployment


Successful Practitioners will strictly follow the first step of the architecture development phases
(Phase B, Phase C, and Phase D) that says to select appropriate viewpoints. In order to select
viewpoints, the Practitioner needs to know the stakeholder and concern. From these, the
viewpoint that addresses the stakeholder/concern pair will identify the information necessary to
address the stakeholder’s concern. Any information that is not required information to address a
stakeholder concern should not be gathered and analyzed. Extra information is pointless.20
When the Practitioner focuses on effective communication with stakeholders, implementers, and
decision-makers, pointless activity is eliminated.


What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository: EA Landscape
One of the most challenging aspects of a well-run repository is managing transitions over time.
In most simple terms, every architecture will exist in up to four states. The current state is what
exists in the Enterprise today; this baseline provides the reference for all change. The target
state21 is what stakeholders have approved; this state provides the reference for governing all
change activity. Transition states are partially realized targets between the current state in the
target state. The candidate state is what has been developed by the EA team but has not been
approved for a status sufficient to govern change.
In practice, transition and candidate states create the most complexity in an EA Repository.
Conceptually exploring gaps is easy; only look at what changed between the current and target
states. Consider the four characteristics of the EA Landscape: breadth, depth, time, and recency.
Now mix in multiple states. Now mix in that as time progresses the architecture can change.
Now mix in that different Architecture Projects can work on the same subject at different times


At several points in this Guide, and other papers from the same authors, there are very statements about effective architecture
practice. These statements are drawn from the experience of the authors and reviewers. Gathering, maintaining, and analyzing
pointless information is no different than establishing an EA team for the wrong purpose. Eventually, it will be fatal for the EA team.
Earlier this Guide used the term “end state”. In reality, there is no end state for an Enterprise, unless it is terminating its operations.
The Guide also used “future state” to indicate lapse of time to achieve and experience the improvement. From this point onward this
Guide will use “target state” to indicate that it is the foreseeable best case scenario the Enterprise is striving to achieve. Having
achieved, the same concepts and approach for trade-off can be applied or fine-tuned to new scenarios.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

and different levels of detail. Variability is the nub of the information management problem. To
be able to see the best set of required changes, the Practitioner must ruthlessly minimize the
information maintained, and maximize the use of decision records.

Figure 7: Example EA Repository

Figure 7 is a screenshot from an EA Repository. A common current state description of the
architecture is maintained in the repository. This common current state is periodically updated
and used as the basis of all gap analysis. The governance test is that the current state reasonably
represents what is. The repository also contains a consolidated target state and several transition
states. When Architecture Projects come to a close, their architecture descriptions are moved
into the consolidated target state. As the current state, the consolidated target is used in all gap
analysis. While there is variance between transition states in the consolidated target, the
Practitioner is in a position to assess whether the current project is moving towards the
Enterprise’s preference.
Architecture under development creates an additional information management challenge. For
every Architecture Project, create a separate container in the EA Repository. This container
allows the Practitioner freely to explore candidate target state options, different trade-off
decisions, and impacts without affecting any other Practitioner’s work. A well-run EA
Landscape will perform its modeling and analysis to support the decisions/questions at hand
only to the extent necessary and nothing more. These Practitioners understand and execute with
the notion that more detailed work would come from another architecture cycle, post-decision to
discuss implementation. Figure 8 has separate architectures for an Architecture Project exploring
a Portfolio, Project, and Solution Delivery.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Figure 8: Multiple Candidate Architectures

Figure 7 and Figure 8 provide an example. Different EA modeling and analytic software, or even
a different approach in an EA tool, would have different screenshots. The essential component is
ensuring that the EA Repository supports different states, and provides flexibility for an architect
to explore a potential future without impacting any other architect’s work.
Supporting documents maintained must clearly identify their state. Without this ability, the
Practitioner is pragmatically uncertain whether the document they are looking at is relevant,
valid, or useful. They must readily allow the Practitioner to determine their recency. In practice,
a candidate or target, or distantly realized current state architecture might be useful to the
Practitioner. Usefulness is predicated on the “self-identification” of state and timeline. Without
such markers, each supporting document is nothing but noise.


What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository: Reference Library
The Reference Library provides guidelines, templates, patterns, and other forms of reference
material that can be leveraged in order to accelerate the creation of new architectures for the
The Reference Library of a well-run EA Repository is filled with accelerators. Accelerators
speed time to market. A recurrent theme in this Guide is ensuring sufficient architecture work is
produced to support decisions and actions about the Enterprise’s change activity. The most
precious resource in change activity is time.
There is a broad set of reference materials used by a Practitioner. Broadly there will be two sets
of reference material distinguished on whether they are directly used in architecture
development, or provide background material. The first are materials that are used within the EA
Landscape. These will include reference models, reference architectures, and patterns. These
reference materials provide proven approaches. Proven approaches are accelerators, as they do
not need to be explored with the same rigor as a novel approach. For example, the IT4IT
Reference Architecture and APQC’s Process Classification Framework.22 In both cases there is
no need to invent a novel set of processes. This type of reference material provides a complete
starter set, simplifies communication, and enables re-use within the EA team. Each Practitioner
will use the same terms to describe a problem. Figure 9 provides an example of reference
material available in an EA Repository to improve architecture development.


American Productivity and Quality Center; refer to:


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Figure 9: Reference Material in Modeling and Analytic Tool

Patterns, and other Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs), are typically indistinguishable to a
Practitioner from other reference material in the EA Landscape. Whether brought in from
reference sources, or created inside the organization, they provide a consistent and known way
of approaching a problem.
The second set are documentary reference materials. This material may include white papers,
discussions of EA Landscape reference material, templates, stock material, and guides. Again,
reference material is an accelerator. Communication between Practitioners is improved when
they have access to consistent background thinking. Communication outside the EA team is
improved with consistency.
Figure 9 is a screenshot showing different reference architectures, and reference models, as
discrete architectures. Maintaining discrete architectures allows the architect to be able to
compare how the reference architecture was used in the current candidate or target against the
base reference material. In longer-lived repositories, it is common to find multiple overlapping
reference architectures. Consider an organization that uses APQC’s Process Classification
Framework as a base reference model. Should they implement a mainstream ERP, they will
likely have work produced in the ERP vendor’s process classification and the system integrator’s
process classification. Later, when the same organization adopts the IT4IT Reference
Architecture, they will likely have another process classification.
Maintaining each of these has a clear reference in the modeling, and analytic software will allow
future architects to understand the decisions made during architecture development and
implementation governance, especially when only part of a reference is brought into architecture
development and maintained in the architecture. This Guide acknowledges the need to integrate
an architecture tool with tools supporting planning, solution delivery, solution validation, etc. A
Practitioner may have to refer to documentation in such tools on occasion or provide appropriate
traceability. The family of tools and integration is beyond the scope of this Guide.
Reference architectures, planning data, analytic data, etc. are normally supported by detailed
documentation managed in a document management system. A Practitioner concerned with the
purpose and rationale for complete or partial use of such data will seek the supporting
documents, to use them appropriately for modeling or analysis. Do not get swayed by looking at

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


whether the Practitioner is likely to read them when creating the links to the document
management system.


What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository: Standards Information Base
In a well-run EA Repository, the standards information base will perform two functions. First, it
provides a repository for the standards that the architecture must comply to. Second, it provides
a repository for the standards imposed on all implementations by the architecture. The
distinction is critical. One is used to test the architecture; the second is used to test an
In practice, these two sets of standards have to be separated. A simple example is provided by
the PCI standards. An Enterprise that uses credit cards is subject to PCI standards. No Enterprise
with a good EA will simply place PCI standards in a repository for an implementation to comply
with. The question of how to comply is inappropriate for an implementation team. The
compliance with PCI may be as simple as a standard derived from the EA that requires the use of
a third-party payment processor ensuring that PCI subject information is not in the hands of the
Enterprise. The latter is a standard derived from the EA.
It is common to extend the standards information base to include selected products and thirdparty services. This pragmatic choice simplifies the governance of Implementation Projects
where, in addition to an architecture requirement specification or control, there exists a product
or service that conforms. To further the example above, rather than the Architecture
Requirements Specification requiring the use of the third-party payment processor, a specific
third-party payment processor can be placed in the standards information base.
Where specific products and services are placed in the standards information base, it is best
practice to trace those choices directly to the Architecture Requirements Specification or control
that brought these products and services to life. Without traceability to the architecture, product
or service selection can be viewed as an arbitrary choice. One of the traps of architecting through
product and service standards is the lack of traceability to the requirement or risk. When there is
simply the specification of a product or service as an arbitrary choice, the governance process is
dramatically complicated because alternative products or services can be considered on criteria
other than those that lead to an architecture supported decision.


What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository: Requirements Repository
Managing requirements to the entire EA Landscape is one of the most complex activities facing
the Practitioner. The first challenge is simply the breadth of detail; the second challenge is the
overlapping nature of managing requirements across the EA; the third challenge is maintaining
the repository over time; and potentially the fourth is integrating with other repositories.
One thing that is important to consider is that requirements appear radically different depending
upon the purpose of the architecture and the level of detail. As an extreme example, Practitioners
with experience in solution delivery architecture and implementation may not recognize
requirements for architecture developed to support strategy as requirements. Practitioners used to
implementation tend to be looking for very granular requirements to express statements of need.
Be agile, be efficient, integrate the new division, and protect the market-leading differentiators
are all examples of key requirements for Architecture that supports Strategy and Portfolio.
Leading practices find that a large number of requirements for Architecture that supports
Portfolio and Project are normally captured in the form of scores. Ask the stakeholders to assess


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

the required efficiency, maturity, automation of a process, application, service or capability;
score the required business fit or technical fit of applications; and score the preferred lifespan of
the infrastructure. Best practice is to use a scale of one to five to capture their assessments. All of
these scores are requirements; they clearly state the preferences of the stakeholders.
An important question in any requirements repository is whether these are architectural
requirements or implementation requirements. The distinction can be fine, but it is a distinction
with a very large difference. One of the tests that can be used for distinguishing between
architecture and implementation design is whether the description can only be done one way, or
can it be realized multiple ways. The former tends to be architecture, while the latter is
implementation design. When an Architecture Repository is integrated with a requirements
repository for implementation, use appropriate integration options to maintain traceability and
Many architecture requirements are remarkably long-lived. Especially when the requirement is
articulating aspects of the Enterprise that differentiate it. When does a market leader who leads
through customer experience want to relax the requirement requesting best-in-class customer
experience? The real challenge for the Practitioner is translating market-leading customer
experience into clear architecture specifications applied to components in the architecture.
Herein lies one of the mental challenges when architecting for different purposes – the line
between a requirement and a specification may be in who stated it. A requirement into a
portfolio architecture aimed at market-leading customer experience may result in an architecture
specification requiring that the information object “customer preference” be a common
information object to the CRM, customer portal, and service desk. That specification reads like a
requirement to the architect supporting solution delivery of the new CRM.
Requirements from higher in the organization also tend to be discussed using different names. It
is common to speak of objectives and mandates, and treat them with special reverence.
Likewise, the distinction between types of requirement – functional versus non-functional,
business requirements versus technical requirements – is treated very seriously. In the final
analysis, whether a requirement is a mandate, a non-functional requirement, or a business
requirement, from the perspective of a Practitioner it is a statement of need that will be
addressed in the context of the superior architecture and the set of objectives provided by all
One central activity Practitioners typically are not comfortable doing is assessing the validity of
requirements. When the Practitioner has a well-described strategy, a portfolio that identifies
gaps, and gap-filling work packages, it becomes easy to look at a requirement being injected in
the project or solution delivery architecture and assess whether this requirement is in
conformance with what the Enterprise priority is or whether this requirement conflicts with the
superior architecture. Consider a portfolio initiative focused on improving agility for customer
experience: this portfolio will identify a set of projects explicitly designed to improve some
aspect of the customer experience and improve the ability of the Enterprise to change. As time
progresses close to execution, it is common for requirements not aligned with the project’s
purpose to be injected into the process. The central element of requirements management is good
governance. Practitioners are guardians of the statements of value.
When Practitioners have a good architecture identifying the target and transition steps along the
way, requirements, and architecture specifications, may vary over time; be different in the target
and the transition architectures. Imagine a portfolio roadmap that deliberately sacrifices
customer experience for agility in the first transition. Then in the second transition the priority

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


switches and agility is sacrificed for customer experience. The conformance test to architecture
requirement, and guidance on priority, switches. This Guide deliberately uses the term
“sacrifice” because inherent in this requirements repository is clarity of precedence and priority.
When clarity of precedence and priority is not available, data to guide trade-off early in the cycle
is absent, hindering progress. Just as the assessment of precedence and priority shifts context to
other decisions where a set of preferences are well defined and is closer to the organization most
suited to make the choice.
Explicitly link the architecture specification to requirements, and trace the requirements to a
stakeholder/concern pair to track the value and preference. This traceability is used in
governance to assess how well the design and implementation choices address the stakeholder’s
value preferences.
Best practice EA Repositories facilitate traceability at every step of the architecture to the
direction and priorities of the Enterprise. Practitioners are delivering some of the highest value
when they are engaged in requirements management and trade-off. All smart stakeholders want
all, want more, and for free. All smart stakeholders know they can’t have it all, nor can they have
it for free. What stakeholders don’t know – and what the role of the Practitioner is – is to assist
the stakeholders in understanding what they have to give up in order to realize different sets of
A Practitioner with a well-run EA Repository is in a position to maintain a comprehensive set of
requirements in context. Requirements in context enable the Practitioner to work actively for the
preferences of the stakeholders rather than architecting to a subset of the preferences of the
stakeholders; or worse a set of preferences that the Practitioner personally prefers.


What to Expect in a Well-Run EA Repository: Compliance Assessments
Most EA Repositories are missing the most important component of a compliance assessment:
gaps, Architecture Requirements Specifications, controls, and views that address concerns
stakeholders find interesting. A well-run EA Repository will contain all of the components
necessary to perform effective compliance assessments as well as the compliance assessments.
The first step of compliance assessment is clarity on what compliance will be assessed against.
Best practice compliance assessments are tightly linked with the TOGAF concept of an
Architecture Contract. The Architecture Contract identifies what an Implementation Project is
expected to deliver and the set of constraints the project operates under. Without clearly
documented expectations and constraints the Practitioner has failed the implementation team.
A well-run EA Repository will contain the equivalent of an Architecture Contract for every
Implementation Project. See Appendix D for an example of an Architecture Contract. With
clarity on expectation and constraint, compliance may be assessed.
TOGAF Phase G identifies two areas where compliance is assessed. The first is the scope of the
project. Second is the actual implementation, whether designed or the performance change.
Phase H contains a further value-based compliance assessment.
The first assessment in Phase G considers the scope of the Implementation Project compared to
the gap, or work package, expected to be filled. The work package identifies which gaps are
going to be filled. The singular purpose of the work package is clarifying the work necessary to
address the gaps in the architecture. Good roadmaps developed as part of an Architecture Project
support portfolio will house well described work packages. Well described work packages are


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

clear about gaps being filled, and the implementation strategy, or approach, of how the gap will
be addressed. Where there is no architectural significance, no good Practitioner will bother
constraining an Implementation Project with unnecessary guidance or constraint through the
implementation strategy. Where the approach to addressing the gap is significant, a good
Practitioner will always provide the appropriate guidance of constraint.
Performing scope, and implementation approach, compliance is the first step in protecting value.
A good EA will provide clarity about the best path to maximized value for the Enterprise.
Typically, maximized value to the Enterprise will not align with parochial preferences of the
Implementation Project sponsor, or the implementation team. Frankly, if there was alignment,
there would not be a need for an EA team. It follows that assessing the scope of an
Implementation Project is the first place to protect value. Waiting until the project is funded and
underway is indistinct from developing architecture after the decision; see Chapter 15.
The second Phase G compliance assessment confirms whether specific Architecture
Requirements Specifications have been followed. The TOGAF concept of an Architecture
Requirements Specification identifies what must be, what must be done, and what is prohibited.
It provides the set of constraints on more detailed architecture development, design, and
Phase H’s compliance assessment is based on value realization. Typically, expected value will
not be realized for a significant period of time after an Implementation Project has declared
victory. Using the linkage provided by the Architecture Contract, recurrent value realization
assessments can be performed. Maintaining the linkage from specification to stakeholder
expectation facilitates consistent review.
Although a well-run EA Repository will be focused on demonstration of realizing value,
traditionally most attention is placed on rule-following compliance. While rule-following is
important, it tends to struggle with a consistent demonstration of value, unless it is assumed the
value of following the rule is self-evident. Rule-following compliance assessment is common
where the Architecture Requirements Specification eliminates all design and implementation
choice. Focusing assessment on rule-following is also most likely to be tied to requests for relief
from the rule because the total cost of the rule is not in alignment with available value; see
Chapter 15.
Best practice is to go beyond simple compliance with the statement, to include compliance with
intent. The purpose is again to protect the expected value of the Target Architecture. When a
constraint is connected to a stakeholder requirement, the compliance assessment is able to assess
how well the design and implementation choices deliver on expected value. Compliance
assessments that indicate the implementation will fail to enable expected value are key inputs to
future architecture development.


An Architecture Requirements Specification can be delivered through different levels of detail and in multiple ways. For clarity,
this Guide distinguishes use of an architecture specification to address a stakeholder requirement, from a control to address a risk. The
semantic distinction is used to assess for value. Typically, stakeholder requirements have an up-side, where risks have a downside.
This Guide typically divides architecture specification into four types: Principle, used to provide guidance on how to think about the
decision; Pattern, used to provide a reusable approach to the decision; Standard, used to specify a correct approach to the problem,
and Rule, used to specify a correct answer and eliminate any decision. The level of constraint required determines the type used by the

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



How is ADM Iteration Realized in Practice?
An often-misunderstood element of the TOGAF framework is the ADM and the concept of
iteration. The TOGAF ADM graphic provides a stylized representation that is often
misinterpreted as a linear waterfall process model. This approach leads to some of the most
confusing diagrams and explanations. The TOGAF ADM is a logical method that places key
activity steps together for the purpose of understanding relationship of activity and clarifying
information flow. The classic TOGAF crop-circle diagram is a stylized path that demonstrates
essential information flow.
The TOGAF ADM should not be understood as a processes model. The ADM graphic is a
stylized representation showing essential information flows and is not a representation of activity
The important thing to realize is every time the EA team is undertaking any activity within the
scope of the ADM it is executing a Phase and developing the contents of the EA Landscape. For
example, if a Practitioner is working on roadmap development, the Practitioner is exercising the
steps in the TOGAF ADM Phase E (Opportunities and Solutions). The Practitioner needs to
consume the mandatory inputs and produce the mandatory outputs. This applies to all ADM
Start with recognizing that the inter-dependent nature of developing a Target Architecture
requires considering the entire architecture, resulting gaps, and resulting work to clear the gap
simultaneously. No Practitioner can consider a change, without considering the impact on all
other domains, the resulting set of gaps, and the resulting set of work to clear the gap.
Unfortunately, describing that level of interaction is not practical. To address the complexity, the
TOGAF framework provides an ADM phase for each essential output. Best practice ensures
Practitioners use effective information inputs and produce useful outputs.
Depending on what a Practitioner is requested to develop, an architecture for the Practitioner’s
work plan will vary. Consider the impact on which phases of the ADM would be used for the
following requests:



Given that the organizational design, customer interface, and processes are to be left
unmodified, what other changes would allow “moving to the cloud”?


What changes are required to switch from more than 50 independent organizations
pursuing small projects, to an integrated company capable of organizing, and controlling,
construction projects 100 times larger than the current average?


What changes are required to the core claims platform to allow a 300% growth in
customers and transactions, and enable continuous change to policy terms?


Given that the ERP and current Finance & HR processes will be kept, what are the
minimum changes to support allocating labor to capital projects?


How to integrate the acquisition with the minimum change, while sustaining both the
current high-efficiency processes and the unique capability from the acquisition?


How to enable a third-party developer’s agile approach, and Microservices, on the
customer intimacy project?


How to modernize a particular platform without impacting anyone outside IT?
TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Each of these requests has been addressed using the TOGAF framework, and the techniques.
Each started with a different purpose, and each traversed a distinct path that used a different
configuration of the TOGAF ADM.
The only exception is Phase A; the Practitioner must start with Phase A. An Architecture Project
must be initiated.


Phase A: The Starting Point
All architecture development needs to start with Phase A. Without the set-up inherent in Phase A
Practitioners can expect to slide off-course and fail to deliver useful architecture.
The set-up essentials of Phase A are:

Define the scope of the Architecture Project
What problem are you solving? In terms of the EA Landscape (breadth and planninghorizon) and in terms of purpose, which will tend to confirm the necessary level of detail?
Be completely clear where in the business cycle this architecture will be used.


Identify stakeholders, concerns, and associated requirements
Explore the EA Repository for superior architecture constraints and guidance. Do the
Stakeholder Map. Be completely clear which stakeholders must be served and what they
are worrying about.


Assess the capability of the EA team
Take a hard look at the EA team and confirm the ability of the team to deliver on this
architecture development project. A good EA team covers gaps in experience, skill, and
bias to deliver the architecture that is useful, overcoming weaknesses of few members of
the team.

The completion essentials of Phase A:

Key stakeholder agreement on a summary of the target and the work to reach the
Perform sufficient architecture development in all domains to enable you to communicate
to the key stakeholders how the problem you have been assigned can be addressed and the
scope of change to reach their articulated preferences. Be clear on the target, the value of
the target, and the work to change.

Frankly, Phase A is routinely skipped, or skimmed. Good Practitioners know the key
stakeholders agree on the summary target, the value, and the effort of change before any detailed
work is undertaken. If key stakeholders won’t agree at the outset, they are unlikely to agree after
the Practitioners have performed a lot of work detailing what they do not want, delivered
insufficient value, or will not agree to change.
Completing the outputs of Phase A requires exploring all of the domains – whether the
exploration is to understand what should change, or where change is not an option to determine
the impact of retaining current architecture.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Practitioners should not be surprised if there are multiple potential targets after the initial
exploration. Having more than one approach to addressing the problem is acceptable to key
stakeholders. It facilitates better trade-off when performing more detailed analysis. Keep in mind
that until the target is finalized, the Practitioner is exploring the best potential future, not selling
a particular future.


Essential ADM Output and Knowledge
A summary of the essential outcome and output is provided in Table 4. Keep in mind that the
essential output is what stakeholders, sponsor, and boss’ boss’ boss wants. No-one wants an
architecture; they want guidance on planning and executing an effective change. Practitioners
use an architected approach to providing the best available guidance on effective change. The
essential outcomes and outputs are derived from the objectives of the phase – the statement of
why a Practitioner should perform this activity.
What the Enterprise values and consumes is typically different than what the Practitioner
produces. Practitioners deliver an essential output. It is provided as views, roadmaps,
architecture specifications, controls, and other useful things. Architecture is developed, and the
EA Landscape populated. To do this, Practitioners require a set of essential knowledge. The
Enterprise consumes effective guidance about and the ability to govern change.
Read Table 4 in conjunction with Table 3 to confirm whether for a particular purpose the output
of the phase is already in existence, needs to be created, or is extraneous to the current
Architecture Project. Good Practitioners will adjust their work accordingly. Table 4 lists only
key outputs and outcomes. For an exhaustive list, refer to the TOGAF standard. In order to
achieve these outcomes, the Practitioner may have to perform more activities or create more
deliverables than those listed in the table below. The intent is to keep the focus on what is
pursued, not what is done.
Table 4: Essential ADM Outputs, Outcomes, and Required Knowledge


Output & Outcome

Essential Knowledge

Phase A: Architecture

Sufficient documentation to get
permission to proceed.

The scope of the problem being addressed.

Those who have interests that are fundamental to the
Permission to proceed to develop a problem being addressed. (Stakeholders & Concerns)
Target Architecture to prove out a What summary answer to the problem is acceptable to the
summary target.
stakeholders? (Architecture Vision)
Stakeholder priority and preference.
What value does the summary answer provide?


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Output & Outcome

Essential Knowledge

Phase B, Phase C, &
Phase D

A set of domain architectures
approved by the stakeholders for
the problem being addressed, with
a set of gaps, and work to clear the
gaps understood by the

How does the current Enterprise fail to meet the
preferences of the stakeholders?
What must change to enable the Enterprise to meet the
preferences of the stakeholders? (Gaps)
What work is necessary to realize the changes, that is
consistent with the additional value being created? (Work
How stakeholder priority and preference adjust in
response to value, effort, and risk of change. (Stakeholder

Phase E: Opportunities A set of work packages that
& Solutions
address the set of gaps, with an
indication of value produced and
effort required, and dependencies
between the work packages to
reach the adjusted target.

Dependency between the set of changes. (Work Package
& Gap dependency)
Value, effort, and risk associated with each change and
work package.
How stakeholder priority and preference adjust in
response to value, effort, and risk of change.

Phase F:
Implementation and
Migration Plan

An approved set of projects,24
containing the objective and any
necessary constraints, resources
required, and start and finish dates.

Resources available to undertake the change.

Phase G:

Completion of the projects to
implement the changes necessary
to reach the adjusted target state.

Purpose and constraints on the implementation team.
(Gap, Architecture Requirement Specification, Control)

Phase H: Architecture
Change Management

Direction to proceed and start
developing a Target Architecture
that addresses perceived, real, or
anticipated shortfalls in the
Enterprise relative to stakeholder

Gaps between approved target, or preference, and
realization from prior work. (Value Realization)


How stakeholder priority and preference adjust in
response to value, effort, and risk of change. (Stakeholder

How stakeholder priority and preference adjust in
response to success, value, effort, and risk of change.
(Stakeholder Requirements)

Changes in preference or priority. (Stakeholder

The ADM provides a model of activity that supports producing the essential output by producing
one or more work products. The central question determines whether there is a need for the
essential purpose of a phase on a particular Architecture Project. If so, you will enter the phase at
some point in time. If the essential purpose is not needed or has already been addressed, then this
Architecture Project does not enter the phase.


Do not fixate on definition of the term “project” or what a project is. It is just an organizing effort for work to achieve an
understood outcome. Your organization’s internal definition of a project, and the label used, will be unlikely to align with anyone
else’s. My assistant refers to booking a flight as a project.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Most commentary in the TOGAF standard on the iteration of the ADM is designed to address
the point that if the Practitioner does not have the information at hand in the EA Landscape, the
information must be produced. These commentaries speak in terms of activity rather than output.
Instead of considering iteration in terms of re-sequencing and looping the ADM, the Practitioner
should explore the EA Landscape. If the information required, in terms of subject, detail, time,
and recency is available – move on. If not, produce the material required. To produce material,
the Practitioner is exercising a TOGAF ADM phase.
As an example, see the stylized Gantt chart in Figure 10. This figure provides a process-oriented
view of executing the ADM. The Gantt shows the inter-dependent nature of EA requires all
ADM phases that develop a candidate architecture and test it for acceptance to be open
simultaneously. The ADM phases stay open to address the information required; once it is
provided they close. Also, regardless of where the Practitioner is in time or purpose or
Architecture Project, if the Business Architecture is being developed the Practitioner is
executing Phase B. Executing Phase B is all about addressing the stakeholder concerns from the
perspective of the Business Architecture domain, identifying the gaps in the Business
Architecture, and looking at impacts across the EA Landscape. The figure highlights that many
of the steps in the ADM phases can be executed simultaneously. Good Practitioners will explore
impacts and address stakeholder concerns across the entire architecture.25

Figure 10: Stylized Architecture Development Gantt Chart

Consider the different purposes and a cascade through time as shown in Figure 4. When the plan
in the stylized Gant chart in Figure 10 is applied to each purpose, it becomes clear that the
Practitioner continually revisits the required phases, at the appropriate level of detail.
Most of the normal problem-solving models provide linear approaches with step gates. The
linear approach helps us understand the process, and may represent the business cycle stage
gates. However, they do not represent how people actually solve problems. Figure 11 is derived
from Jeff Conklin’s Wicked Problems & Social Complexity within Dialog Mapping (see
Referenced Documents), and outlines a standard linear problem solving progression and how
professionals typically address a problem. Testing the concept and potential implementation
interactively is a best practice. Iteratively considering whether the high-level direction makes
sense in terms of execution, and does execution make sense in terms of high-level direction?

This does not suggest that one person does it all. Developing an EA is a team sport with specialist positions. Following the analogy,
the team has to play the same game at the same time.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Figure 11: Problem Solving Approach (Derived from Conklin’s “Wicked Problems”)

All iteration is driven by the information needs of the current project. The process created is not
dependent upon the work the EA Capability undertakes to produce, but the timing of completion.
The essential question is when an EA Capability must deliver specific work products. Table 3
provides a summary of work products that are actively consumed by key Enterprise processes.


ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Strategy
The path to developing an Architecture to Support Strategy is a configured journey through the
ADM. This path follows this journey:

Understand context


Perform assessment and analysis


Define approach to target state


Finalize Architecture Vision/target state

The processes iterate through the ADM to deliver an architecture that clarifies a Target
Architecture roadmap of change over a three to ten-year period. The roadmap will identify
change initiatives and support portfolio and programs. It will set terms of reference for the
initiatives and identify synergies. A key use is governing the execution of strategy via portfolio
and programs.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Figure 12: Sample Project Plan to Develop Architecture to Support Strategy


ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Portfolio
The path to developing an Architecture to Support Strategy is a configured journey through the
ADM. This path follows this journey:

Group work packages to themes


Balance opportunity and viability


Run up to budget


Drive confidence of delivery

Figure 13 provides a sample project plan to provide Architecture to Support Portfolio. This
project plan is explored in Chapter 8.
The processes iterate through the ADM to deliver an architecture that refers to a single
portfolio.26 The boundary and purpose of the portfolio are derived from the superior architecture.
It will identify projects that comprise the portfolio. The project terms of reference and approach
are identified. A key use is governing the execution of projects within the portfolio.


For the purpose of this discussion, this Guide uses “portfolio” to refer a collection of projects that work to a common outcome.
Whether a Practitioner’s organization uses initiative, portfolio, program, or some combination will be determined by the
organization’s approach to change, how it has structured its PMO, and how the Enterprise strategy is structured. It is not in the scope
of this Guide to pursue the theoretical distinctions between appropriate use of these terms.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Project
The path to developing an Architecture to Support Strategy is a configured journey through the
ADM. This path follows this journey:

Ascertain dependencies


Balance options and suppliers


Finalize scope and budget


Prepare for solution delivery governance

Figure 14 provides a sample project plan to provide Architecture to Support Strategy. This
project plan is explored in Chapter 9.
The processes iterate through the ADM to deliver an architecture that refers to a single project.
The boundary and purpose of the project are derived from the superior architecture. The EA will
identify discrete gaps and work packages that have been packaged into a project that delivers
measurable value on the architecture roadmap. Further, the measures of compliance with the
architecture are provided. Architecture for this purpose will create the Architecture Contract. A
key use is ensuring value realization of the Implementation Project.


ADM Plan for Architecture to Support Solution Delivery
The path to developing an Architecture to Support Strategy is a configured journey through the
ADM. This path follows this journey:

Align implementers


Guide delivery


Realizing the solution

Figure 15 provides a sample project plan to provide Architecture to Support Solution Delivery.
This project plan is explored in Chapter 10.
The processes iterate through the ADM to deliver an architecture that facilitates solution
delivery. (See Section 4.1.4 for a discussion of the distinction between Enterprise and Solution
Architecture.) This architecture is used to constrain how the change will be designed and
delivered. It will clarify the purpose, gaps, and expected value that constrain all design and
implementation. It will provide the controls and architecture requirements used to test
conformance. It directly facilitates governance of implementation and operational change in the
context of value realization.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Figure 13: Sample Project Plan to Develop Architecture to Support Portfolio


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Figure 14: Sample Project Plan to Develop Architecture to Support Project

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Figure 15: Sample Project Plan to Develop Architecture to Support Solution Delivery


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Iteration Conclusion
At the start of this chapter, this Guide suggested that many Practitioners interpret the TOGAF
ADM as a process model. If you did and continue to carry that notion, stop and think. The
classic TOGAF diagram of the ADM is not an activity diagram. The TOGAF ADM is a logical
method that places key activity steps together for the purpose of linking activity and information
flow to produce specific outputs.
The important thing to realize is every time a Practitioner undertakes any activity within the
scope of the ADM it is developing the contents of the EA Landscape. It is developing the EA
Landscape through iteration. The phase being executed is the appropriate domain. If you remain
stuck on trying to put the ADM in a one-pass linear order, you will draw bizarre looping phase
diagrams. Think of the steps as a checklist.


Operating in the Context of Superior Architecture
The superior architecture always guides and constrains the development of more detailed
architecture. As a quick summary, superior architecture is the less detailed approved target that
overlaps in terms of breadth. This quick summary is complicated by the different states the
superior architecture may actually exist in the EA Landscape.
The superior architecture may not perfectly align to detail, breadth, time-horizon, and recency.
Further, the superior architecture may be in some mixture of current, transition, and target state.
Practitioners must treat the superior architecture as guides and constraints to current architecture
development. Stakeholders have already approved the superior architecture in the EA
Landscape; barring a material change, the Practitioner accepts prior work as cornerstones to
build a current workaround.
Where there is a material change, both the current Architecture Project and the changes to the
superior architecture must be properly approved and published through the governance process.


Managing Multiple States (Candidate, Current, Transition, and
The Practitioner must track transition states across two characteristics: the first being time, and
the second being a conformance test. Theoretically, it might be preferable to use transitions to
track the value resting places and changes in conformance. Good practice is to architect to value
resting states; a state where the Enterprise can receive value if all change activity is suspended.
However, the pressure of the budget cycle forces us to use time is a pragmatic transition marker.
Tracking to change in conformance facilitates the Implementation Project and operational
change governance. To the extent possible, minimize transition states.
When considering transition states, the Practitioner needs to keep in mind the distinction
between an Architecture Requirements Specification and an implemented system. Using the EA
Repository as a CMDB confuses implementation record keeping and architecture. Practitioners
have to keep in mind that many implementations or operational changes are not architecturally
significant. See Chapter 15 for a discussion of the different roles involved in developing and
using architecture.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Where are ABBs?
The TOGAF concept of the Architecture Building Block (ABB) is the effective Practitioner’s
friend. A good ABB facilitates time-to-market and completeness. As with most TOGAF
definitions, knowing that an ABB is “a constituent of the architecture model that describes a
single aspect of the overall model” doesn’t immediately tell us what they look like in an EA
An ABB will look like whatever it must be to describe part of the overall architecture – efforts to
carefully define the contents and structure of this concept will flounder on the variability and
scope of what can be described within an EA Landscape. A building block is part of a greater
whole that accelerates the effective description of the candidate architecture.
In some cases, it will be a re-usable description of part of the architecture; using it again enables
the Practitioner to simply adopt a known successful way to address a problem. In this case, the
ABB is complete in all regards, providing a complete description, and constraints that address
repeated requirements. In other cases, it will not have the constraints and specifications
predefined. In this latter case, the components of the description will be complete, but the detail
will vary depending upon the requirements.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Part 3: Guidance on Developing the Enterprise Architecture

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Approach to the ADM
The TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) is the core of the TOGAF standard.
This method sets the TOGAF framework apart from every other EA framework because it
contains the “how”.
The path through and around the ADM phases to develop architectures for different purposes is
not simple nor linear. The level of detail and specificity of each architecture is different. For
instance, to develop an Architecture to Support Strategy, all that is needed is to follow a path
from Phase A through Phase D at the strategic level. Not all the steps are executed, but logical
entities that drive Business, Applications, and Technology Architectures are captured and
defined. Architecture to Support Strategy provides an end-to-end view of the Enterprise and a
candidate roadmap to achieve target state. The governance model, as articulated in the TOGAF®
Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability (see Referenced Documents), is
leveraged to trace the rest of the architectures and their alignment to target state.


Key Activity
All architecture development has a set of consistent key activity that is essentially unchanged for
different purposes.


Stakeholder Engagement and Requirements Management
The TOGAF framework places requirements management and stakeholder engagement at the
center of architecture development. Practitioners develop EA in accordance with the preferences
and priorities of their organization’s stakeholders. Architecture is never sold to a stakeholder.
stakeholder preferences are never manipulated.
Stakeholders own the architecture and the value preference and priority the architecture is
expected to enable. Practitioners must completely submerge their preferences, biases, and
priorities. Practitioners must act for their stakeholders.
This is one of the most difficult activities a Practitioner must perform. Good Practitioners are
passionately engaged in the future of their organization, as well as participating in defining and
realizing the target state. Practitioners typically perform several roles: they will act as Subject
Matter Experts (SMEs) and agents for their stakeholders in addition to developing architecture –
see Chapter 15 for a discussion of roles. As an SME, the Practitioner is a source of expert
advice. As an agent, the Practitioner may speak on behalf of a stakeholder. In order to be
successful when performing these roles, the good Practitioner must understand when they are
acting in a different role and behave appropriately.
Effective requirements management is dependent upon clear traceability from the organization’s
vision, mission, business model, and strategies through the most detailed statement of
requirement. In order to perform this, the Practitioner must carefully distinguish between direct


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

effective support and loose association. Things that do not best enable the complete set of
stakeholder preferences are distractions from the main chance.
When engaging with stakeholders, Practitioners must maintain the complete set of every
stakeholder’s preference, and the implications of those preferences. Success requires abandoning
absolute and entering the realm of satisficing. Bluntly, if there is a single obvious best answer,
the organization’s stakeholders do not need an architecture.
Effective engagement is based upon effective communication. Effective communication is based
on the concept of view and viewpoint. Different stakeholders have different concerns about the
architecture. These concerns must be addressed and represented effectively to the stakeholder to
enable the stakeholder to approve the Target Architecture (see Table 2).


One of the most valuable activities a Practitioner will perform during architecture development
is facilitating the stakeholders’ trade-off decision. Facilitating trade-off is often more valuable
than finalizing an architecture description. Good architecture addresses complex problems.
Complex problems27 do not have clear, unambiguous best answers. Instead, they have reasonable
Trade-off requires a compromise between one stakeholder’s preferences as well as between
different stakeholders’ preferences. Effective trade-off requires understanding value preference
and priority as well as the scope of change necessary to realize the target.
As a rule, stakeholders underperform when that trade-off stands beyond their span of control or
span of interest. In particular, stakeholders underperform when the trade-off involves the
preferences of different stakeholders. Stakeholders typically overemphasize the institutional role
and preferences of their portion of the organization.
Practitioners are most valuable facilitating trade-off between stakeholders and across
organizational boundaries. This facilitation allows different stakeholders to effectively measure
preferences, priorities, and costs that they do not intuitively understand. Best practice EA finds
the best fit across competing preference, priority, and value. In facilitating the trade-off
discussion, chase down all impacts and think through the end game needs. Work with the
Enterprise risk management process to surface requisite dimensions. Think through all transition
states. Leverage the architecture tool to handle the complexities of the EA Landscape and to
accelerate the process.
Practitioners should not underestimate the value their organization receives from facilitation of
trade-off across organizational boundaries.


Trade-Off Decisions
The most common interpretations of trade-off are “a balance achieved between two desirable but
incompatible features; a compromise” and “losing one quality, aspect, or amount of something
in return for gaining another quality, aspect, or amount”. In developing an Enterprise
Architecture, trade-offs are never about compromises, but about a question of when or the
context. When the context or the objective of the Enterprise is poorly analyzed, some choices


Refer to Jeff Conklin’s Wicked Problems & Social Complexity within Dialog Mapping (see Referenced Documents).

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


will appear obvious or low-cost. Jumping to employ those choices as a viable candidate will
result in sub-optimal achievement of the target or total failure of the initiative.
For example, when a Practitioner is exploring a candidate target architecture and discovers what
appears to be an obvious improvement without a champion, they are likely to be jumping to a
decision that is based on poor analysis. When faced with such circumstances, the Practitioner
should look for the hidden value. Hidden value will never be described in terms of the obvious
cost savings.


Phases B, C, and D – Developing the Architecture
Practitioners often find it surprising that the steps outlined in the TOGAF standard to develop
architecture in Phases B, C, and D are identical. The steps are identical because the approach to
developing an architecture, confirming the work product developed fits, and confirming
approval are identical. These steps are also mandatory. Steps can be skipped, but the final
outcome could be at risk.
What changes from purpose to purpose, domain to domain, project to project, and EA team to
EA team is the level of detail, precision, and formality. All Practitioners should use the steps as a


Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools
Avoid rework. Practitioners test with the following questions:



Given a set of stakeholders and concerns, what information do you need to know about
the system being examined to address their concerns?


Given a set of information, how will you model, represent, capture, and analyze it?


Are there reference models that allow you to skip to gathering and analyzing rather than


What information is missing from the EA Landscape right now?

Develop Target, Baseline, and Gap
Just enough for the purpose. If the current state is accepted, the only reason to describe the
baseline is to develop gaps. If stakeholders, or SMEs, dispute the current state, especially its
fitness to objective, then describing current state to get an alignment is useful. Otherwise, let us
re-iterate: only to the extent necessary to determine gaps.
Consider the limitation of restricting description to where there is a gap. If part of the EA
Landscape will have no change, and is not needed for traceability, what useful reason is there for
a Practitioner to spend time describing it?
A recurrent question is how to describe the current state. Frankly, use the exact same techniques
as the candidate. Description using the same technique at the same level of detail enables
identification of gaps. A gap is simply everything that changes.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Identify the Work to Reach the Target Considering Cost and Value
Without understanding the work required to reach the target, stakeholders will approve the
impossible. Why wouldn’t they want telepathy helmets and self-manufacturing products if they
were free and easy?
The Practitioner is accountable for guarding value. A target provides an increase in value, at a
cost of change. If you do not have an understanding of the work to reach the target, how can a
Practitioner represent to a stakeholder that any target is a good idea and addresses the
organization’s preferences?


Resolving Impacts
Resolving impacts across the EA Landscape is one of the most important steps in managing the
EA Landscape. The Practitioner explores the impact of their candidate architecture against other
candidate architectures, transition states, the target state, and in-flight Implementation Projects.
The Practitioner also works with the Enterprise risk management process to assess impact to the
Enterprise’s risk. Altogether, this is one of the most complex activities for an engaged highfunctioning EA team. It requires a functioning EA Repository and solid analytic and reporting
software. Every organization is a set of constantly changing interconnected parts. All
architecture descriptions are approximations.
In practical terms, the more complex the EA Landscape is, the more difficult, and the more
necessary, resolving impacts is. Practitioners attempting to manage an EA Landscape without an
effective model and analytic tooling will struggle to resolve impacts. All impacts need to be
resolved in terms of value expectation which is based upon clear traceability from the work
required to realize the Target Architecture through the gap to the expected value.
Without care and attention to addressing the impacts across the architecture landscape in all of
its states, the Practitioner cannot have confidence that their candidate architecture best serves the
Manage the information volume down to the minimum and constantly chase the minimum set of
concerns that visibly support value in the eyes of key stakeholders.


Without approval by the stakeholders, no implementation governance is possible, and no
governance of more detailed architecture is possible. Without approval, the Practitioner has a
documented opinion. Stakeholders, SMEs, implementers, and decision-makers also have
Real approval is complex. Real approval should be complex. The Practitioner is assisting their
organization select the best possible path against a set of competing preferences over time. They
have taken the time to explore options and impacts.
With an approved Target Architecture, the future is defined, traceability to the objective is
available, and trade-off has been performed. Good architecture trade-off explores options, cost,
and benefits to reach the optimal answer for an organization. Often that answer is a compromise
between competing interests.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Minimum Needed and Look in the EA Repository
Practitioners start and finish with the contents of the EA Repository.
Whenever analysis, or reporting, is needed, the first stop is the EA Repository. Practitioners
should apply the following tests:

Is the information that will address the question at hand already available?


Is there a superior architecture that guides and constrains the task at hand?


What is the minimum information needed to cover shortfalls in the EA Repository?

It does not matter whether the EA Repository is a well-structured modeling and analysis tool or a
collection of presentations, start with the EA Repository. Gather and analyze the minimum to
address the question at hand. Questions that do not have a clear line of site to understanding the
system to address a stakeholder concern are beside the point. Good Practitioners are not
paralyzed by the potential analysis that could be done; they perform the analysis that must be


ADM Conclusion
The TOGAF ADM sets the TOGAF framework apart from every other EA frameworks because
it contains how to develop and use effective EA. It is not a simple nor a linear path around the
ADM phases to develop the architectures for different purposes. It is, however, filled with tasks
that are mandatory. Again, to skip tasks undertakes risks.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Walk Through Architecture to Support Strategy


The objective of this architecture is to define an end-to-end Target Architecture and a roadmap
to achieve it constrained by the planning horizon (normally three to ten years). This architecture
will drive creation of several targeted change initiatives, define the boundary conditions for
governance, and acceptance criteria for value reporting. Activities to develop this architecture
will iterate the ADM at least once at the Enterprise level and once for the EA Capability.
On most occasions, EA initiatives are triggered in the middle of a business cycle. It is most
likely performed by an Enterprise that has been operating for many years. A logical point to start
the architecture work is to understand the rationale for EA work. Table 5 summarizes how the
ADM phases are executed and to what outcome. The content of the table is discussed in detail in
the rest of this chapter.
Table 5: Summary Table: ADM Phases and Architecture to Support Strategy

Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Understand Context

Partial Strategic Level Phase H
Enterprise context:
 Review any existing roadmap
 Understand/infer gaps
 (Background) Request for Architecture Work
Partial Strategic Level Phase A
Enterprise context:
 Goals, objectives, initiatives, competitive, and tactic analysis
 Reaffirm planning horizon
 Operating model
 Existing governance and risk management model
 Stakeholder and concern identification
Context specific for the EA Capability:
 EA Capability model
 Customized EA process model
 Content model & (industry) reference architectures
 Approach to covering EA Landscape

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Perform Assessment
and Analysis

Partial Strategic Level Phases B, C, and D
Enterprise context:
 Assess current and target operational levels for process, business terms,
information systems (pplication, data, technology, etc.), and capabilities
 Assess current and target levels for business and extended context,
specific to the Enterprise
 Identify candidate ABBs (optional)
 Document and define the gulf between current and target
Partial Capability Level Phases B, C, and D
Enterprise context:
 Assess current and target operational challenges, engagement with
partners and suppliers
 Organizational structure and stakeholder matrix
 Reaffirm value proposition of the Enterprise
Context specific for the EA Capability:
 Revise EA content model
 Revise EA Repository
Partial Strategic Level Phase A
Enterprise context:
 Identify and analyze gaps
 Identify viewpoints
Partial Strategic Level Phase G
Enterprise context:
 Compliance review
 Completeness and confidence assessment


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Define Approach to
Target State

Partial Strategy Level Phases B, C, and D
Enterprise context:
 Define specification and work packages for each gap
 Identify capabilities to improve
 Create candidate organization model
 Create candidate operating model
 Populate requirements management (or EA Repository)
Partial Strategy Level Phase A
Enterprise context:
 Develop Architecture Vision
 Develop Architecture Definition
 Reaffirm vision, definition, work package, operating model, and
organization model for relevance
Context specific for the EA Capability:
 Revise EA governance model
 Revise EA engagement Model
Partial Strategy Level Phase E
Enterprise context:
 Assess impact of differentiating processes
 Identify options to close gaps
Partial Strategic Level Phase G
Enterprise context:
 Risk and compliance review
 Finalize stakeholder matrix

Finalize Architecture
Vision/Target State


Partial Strategic Level Phase F
Enterprise context:
 Complete roadmap
 Define governance model
 Complete architecture definition and specification

Understanding Context
Implicit roadmaps and direction have been used to execute the current year’s initiatives. Most of
them are meant to address a gap. Most likely the progress or the impact concerns triggered the
need for architecture work. Document such concerns and initiatives as the draft Request for
Architecture Work. Those concerns are probably valid even now.
When approaching Architecture for Strategy, achieving the goals of the Architecture Vision
phase is arguably the most important step for achieving a proper rollout of the next phases of the
ADM as well as setting the stage for success for subsequent architectures. An implicit constraint
to developing the strategic architecture is the duration of planning horizon. The Target
Architecture should be commensurate with the ability of the Enterprise to look into the future,

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


competition, investment strengths, etc. Another aspect is the existing models for governance and
risk management. It may not be defined or stated explicitly. It is the fastest path to getting the
efforts off the ground. If the EA Capability has not documented the model, spend the time to get
it done.
The scope of a strategy architecture usually involves a wide breadth, a shallower depth, and a
long timeframe. In order to define what is inside and outside the scope of the baseline and Target
Architecture efforts, the following must be defined:

The breadth, depth, and timeframe of the architecture landscape


The level of detail to be covered in each of the architecture domains


The partitioning characteristics of the architecture


The known constraints


The architectural assets to be leveraged, such as assets available elsewhere in the industry
like frameworks, system models, etc.

As always, stay on top of what creates value for the Enterprise – meaning match the architecture
to the problem at hand. The scope will limit the architecture to exactly what is needed to achieve
the goals and no more.
A key deliverable to this step is the creation of a Stakeholder Map which should clearly state the
stakeholder concerns, requirements, and viewpoints as well as their classification and level of
involvement. Other inputs from gaining an understanding of stakeholders are cultural factors,
which can help the EA team understand how to present and communicate the proposed
This step is very important to strategy architecture since having a clear understanding of
stakeholder needs, interests, visions, etc. will dictate how strategy architecture is understood by
its sponsors and guide the EA team to act accordingly.
From a strategy perspective, it is important to ask whether the context of a business aligns with
the mission. Do the capabilities match to the project scope? Are we carrying baggage from a
previous project or from a different part of the company that is outside the confines of the
architecture? Knowing the context of the work can help fine-tune the vision of the strategy
Finally, validate that the models specified by the EA Capability to analyze processes, engage
with stakeholders, and deliver the architecture are relevant and current.


Assess the Enterprise
This is the core of the effort required to deliver Architecture to Support Strategy. Working across
the breadth of the Enterprise, identify, define, and articulate as clearly as possible the operational
state. This analysis covers business processes, information systems, technology, business terms,
security, service providers, customer satisfaction, etc. For each of these, gather the desired
operational state that would enable the Enterprise to achieve most or all of its objectives.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Completing the assessment may require use of techniques like Strategy Map or Five Forces. The
outcome from such exercise will change the strategy statements and objectives. When the initial
analysis does not provide the growth amplification expectations of the stakeholder, employ these
techniques to guide the stakeholder to explore new ways to play in the market. The architecture
being delivered is driving a change, but the analysis is just a path to identify a right change to
introduce. Some or all work products created while developing the architecture may not go into
the Architecture Repository or become a deliverable.
The assessment should be performed to address key concerns of the stakeholders. If the
Enterprise is chasing agility, assess for current and desired28 agility levels. If it is after
operational stability, assess current and desired. If the need is the ability to replace suppliers with
ease, assess it. It is perfectly acceptable to state that one or more capabilities or information
systems or processes are not needed in the desired state. Likewise, it is acceptable to move a
capability or service from being a differentiator from competition to “on par” with competition.
These are indirect statements of direction the Enterprise is planning to take. Validate that the
value proposition, objectives, and the assessment values for the desired state are consistent.
What the Enterprise is after is defined in the context and Request for Architecture Work. It is
likely that stakeholders may state new concerns to be assessed. Refine and finalize the Request
for Architecture Work after assessments. Remember that the goal is to capture just enough data
to identify the gaps. How the outcome of each process, application, service, or capability
measures against the concern is sufficient to complete the assessment. Going after who made the
application or what version is deployed in the data center are noise and should be avoided.
The chasm between current state and desired state is the chasm the Enterprise has to cross to
achieve its objectives. The chasm has to be acknowledged and agreed upon by all stakeholders.
In order to communicate what concerns were assessed across what capabilities, processes,
information systems, etc., identify appropriate viewpoints. Validate that the team performing the
assessment followed the documented EA processes and consulted requisite and relevant SMEs
and stakeholders.
In order to provide confidence to the stakeholders of the completeness of analysis and resultant
development of the target state and roadmap, have a detailed trail of the personnel consulted.
Employ any of the standard techniques like interviews, surveys, inspections to gather the current
and target state information. For each of these techniques, there are well researched metrics for
the number of stakeholders and SMEs to be consulted. Completeness and confidence in the
assessment is the Achilles heel of this architecture.


Define an Approach to Target State
With all the data gathered, look at the whole picture: where the Enterprise wants to go, the forces
acting on the Enterprise from outside and within, resources it possesses, and finally the structural
and behavioral changes needed. Each providing new specification. Each refining the view of the
gaps. Some of the requirements may be not vetted against the desired state. As long as it is not in
violation of the desired state and the objectives, it is a candidate that needs to be recorded.


Use of the term “desired” is intentional to communicate the fact that it is difficult for a human to foresee and consider change
parameters in the future. Until a consensus is reached across key decision-makers, data gathered during assessment is an opinion or a
wish. Once confirmed, it becomes a candidate target state. Once funded or signed off, it becomes the target state.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


An architect adds most value in correlating the facts, and identifying a potentially new operating
model, organization model, and capabilities the Enterprise should invest and improve upon.


Confirm Enterprise Change Attributes
This step looks at how to implement an architecture taking the organization culture into
consideration when assessing the business units and overall Enterprise in terms of their transition
capabilities and skill sets. These assessments should be documented in an Implementation Factor
Assessment and Deduction Matrix so that it can be used as an archive and record of decisions
taken. Culture is very important to strategy architecture since strategies are long term, and often
culture is set for the long term. Getting these two in sync is paramount to building a successful
architecture. Other components of this step that are relevant to the strategy architecture include
assessing the context that shaped the need for the strategy and performing a gap analysis of the
Architecture Vision to the candidate architecture.


Develop Value Proposition
It is important that not only the value proposition for strategy architecture be understood by
stakeholders but also the effort needed is accepted in its entirety. Consent and understanding
should be manifested in a simple solution concept diagram that illustrates the major components
of the solution and how the solution will positively impact the business. Since the value
proposition is specific to stakeholder interests and concerns, it is important to pay close attention
in this step as well-defined value propositions are key to strategy architecture success. For any
architecture, sub-steps involve:

Risk Assessment – leverage risk management processes to determine the level of risk
appropriate to the vision


Determine Value – link value to work packages as they pertain to stakeholders or
stakeholder groupings


Determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – can be associated with concerns, risk
assessment, and value
Determining the KPIs is necessary in the strategy architecture in connection to

Determining the value proposition and how it is linked to various stakeholders and deliverables
will help formulate very high-level definitions of the baseline and target environments from
multiple points of view. Strategy is all about high-level concepts, but agreement on these
concepts is key for a successful vision to be formulated and adhered to.


Identify and Sequence Work Packages
Logically group the various activities into work packages. This way the missing business
capabilities can be assessed and, in the solutions column, proposed solutions for the gaps and
activities that might orient towards a new development can be recommended. This step allows us
to prepare for solution delivery, as the new developments might already hint at using external
service providers.
Having done the sequencing and sifting down to relevant architecture requirements, the
candidate roadmap and candidate Target Architecture are ready to construct the Architecture


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Vision. Create the initial version of the roadmap by consolidating the work packages from the
previous steps while keeping in mind that this roadmap will link to subsequent phases. At the
broadest level, the roadmap should define where the business wants to go, how it will get there,
and by which means. Keeping an eye on the sufficient level of detail needed for this roadmap to
be implemented should forbid the architecture to transition to different results.


Finalize Architecture Vision and Target Architecture
Tie-up any loose ends or mismatch in work packages and capabilities; resolve the impacts to the
candidate architecture, and resolve impacts across the Target Architecture by performing
stakeholder concern trade-off analysis. The roadmap should be significant in breadth for clear
outcomes but shallow enough in depth to outline work packages without going into too much
detail. The transition and migration plan must likewise demonstrate a minimum activity
necessary to realize the roadmap. It is key to take the context of the Enterprise into account when
formulating the implementation plan since there will be different approaches to consider
depending on the business.
Sub-steps to follow for both of these points include:



Context Assessment – assess the roadmap components and work packages in the context
of the capability, value, and risk assessment


Describe Candidate Transition Architecture – where there are significant points being
changed in the Target Architecture along the roadmap, create a transition architecture that
supports new models, identify building blocks to be used in the transition, identify views
that address stakeholder concerns, and identify specifications


Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture – determine the impact and interact with risk
management to create a plan for the transition


Perform Trade-off Analysis – interact with the requirements management process to
update requirements and with risk management to update risk based on these trade-offs


Have the Target State Approved by the Appropriate Stakeholder(s) – you do not have a
roadmap until the organization has signed up to do the work. Without an agreement to do
the required work you only have an intention to change

Communicate the Architecture Vision and populate the governance model and process with
stakeholders, review cycle, and objectives. Ensure that stakeholders and decisions-makers
understand, agree with, and provide the license to proceed with populating the EA Landscape.
This license to proceed with the stated vision, Target Architecture, and the roadmap constrains
and guides all future architecture work. Creation of a value chain, strategy map, or balanced
scorecard can be completed meaningfully when the Architecture to Support Strategy is ready.
A list of duplicative efforts that require rationalization and a graph of sustain and improvement
capabilities are populated into the roadmap. The stakeholders have successfully directed the
creation of the architecture and have populated the governance details for further detailing and

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


implementation of the architecture. This is the superior architecture29 that will guide and direct
the Architecture to Support Portfolio.
Success is measured by alignment on the target state and clear understanding by the decisionmakers and stakeholders of the effort required to achieve the target state.


Superior architecture is an architecture that constrains, guides, and directs population of the EA Landscape within the scope of the
Request for Architecture Work. Architecture to Support Strategy is the superior architecture for Architecture to Support Portfolio.
Architecture to Support Portfolio is the superior architecture for the Architecture Project. The Architecture Project is the superior
architecture for Architecture to Support Solution Delivery.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Walk Through Architecture to Support Portfolio


Almost all EA engagements, external or with an in-house EA team, are initiated for an
Enterprise that has been in existence for a while. Whether explicitly initiated or acknowledged,
an architecture is in place and solutions are being delivered against that architecture. Even when
the Architecture to Support Strategy has been created for the first time, there are ongoing efforts
and their impact that will have to be accounted for.
The primary objective of Architecture to Support Portfolio is to identify projects, identify
dependencies and synergies, and prioritize and initiate the projects. From that perspective, it
would appear that all of the work is confined to Phase F to complete the architecture work and
transition to solution delivery work.
The Enterprise’s solutions are delivered on a continuum. This continuum is split into four
phases, all focused on achieving the objective to meet stated goals. These phases are:

Stay on par with other players in the market for a given capability


Maintain the edge a capability has over other players


Create new differentiations in capabilities


Create new markets and revenue streams

Once a new capability or a differentiation in a capability is achieved, the incremental advantage
will have to be maintained.

Figure 16: Capability and Project Continuum

It is imperative that Architecture to Support Portfolio takes into account an existing implicit or
explicit Target Architecture and the impact driven by in-flight projects. Hence, in true sense, this
work starts in Phase H of the ADM. The work is considered complete when all the specifications
that constrain the Architecture to Support Project are defined, understood, and signed off. In
other words, the need to perform Phase A for the solution delivery projects that are triggered by
the portfolio is complete.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


In doing to so, the architecture provides a data-driven approach to reduce the possibility of one
set of decision-makers netting the majority of the available budget because of the way it has
been in the past. This is achieved by developing appropriate models, like-to-like comparison,
and incremental exploration of the EA Landscape to assess impacts and dependencies.
It is imperative that the Architecture to Support Portfolio concludes at least 30 days before the
budget preparation. A best practice is to is offset this work by at least a quarter (three months)
from the business cycle of the Enterprise.
Questions answered by this effort are:

Is the architecture recent and current enough to guide decisions?


What is the confidence that the allocated budget drives the Enterprise closer to target


Are the controls on risks sufficient enough to trigger and guide viable alternate actions?


How often is the solution delivered to be inspected to assure general correctness of


How to identify and initiate changes when any of the trade-off criteria are impacted?

When pivoting on program and project management concepts, a portfolio can include
operational improvement efforts; not a clearly defined end-date for closure. The intrinsic value
of the Enterprise is elevated when related and cohesive parts of the EA Landscape are improved.
From an EA point of view, a portfolio addresses improvement of the intrinsic value and
reduction of risk factors.
Table 6 summarizes the activities and use of appropriate steps from the ADM phases. The
content of the table is discussed in detail in the rest of this chapter.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Table 6: Summary Table: ADM Phases and Architecture to Support Portfolio

Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Group Work Packages Partial Strategic Level Phase H
to Themes
 Enterprise context:
(Section 8.2)
 In-flight projects and gaps
 Current fiscal year roadmap
Context specific for the EA Capability:
 Goals
 Request for Architecture Work
Partial Strategic Level Phase A
Enterprise context:
 Updated strategic architecture
 Updated roadmap
Context specific for the EA Capability:
 Work package and themes
 Stakeholder priority trade-off
 Updated architecture specifications
 Traceability matrix for value proposition
Partial Strategic Level Phase G
Enterprise context:
 Perform architecture compliance reviews
 Risk assessment

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Balance Opportunity
and Viability
(Section 8.3)

Partial Capability Level Phases B, C, and D
For each capability or project in the portfolio:
 Elaborate specifications to estimate effort size
 Identify reference architectures and market benchmarks
 Identify candidate ABBs
 Identify Solution Building Blocks (SBBs) (optional)
Partial Capability Level Phase E
For each project in the portfolio:
 Identify solution providers
 Readiness assessment
 Gather estimates
 Assess viability and fitness of solution options
Partial Capability Level Phase F
For each capability in the portfolio:
 Initial/draft Implementation and Migration Plan
 Draft governance plan
Partial Project Level Phase A
For each project in the portfolio:
 Candidate proof-of-concept work packages (as needed)
 Draft success measures

Run Up to Budget
(Section 8.4)

Partial Capability Level Phase A
For each capability or project in the portfolio:
 Update roadmap
 Update risk matrix
 Update work package and architecture specification
Partial Capability Level Phase F
For each project in the portfolio:
 Populate governance and approval plan
Partial Capability Level Phase G
For each project in the portfolio:
 Finalize governance model and plan


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Drive Confidence of
(Section 8.5)

Partial Enterprise Level Phase F
Enterprise context:
 Initiate completion of architecture work
 Define target transition architectures
 Finalize effort and resource estimates
 Define variance measures in project-specific governance model
 Update risk matrix
Context specific for the EA Capability:
 Revise EA governance
 Revise EA engagement model
 Revise EA organization model


Group Work Packages to Themes30
The minimum dataset required to initiate this effort is:

Current fiscal year’s roadmap (to the extent available)


List of in-flight projects and relationship to objectives


Strategic architecture (gaps, work package, and candidate roadmap) for the next fiscal
year, from Architecture to Support Strategy


Catalog of stakeholders, decision-makers, and implementers


Risk catalog


The backlog from the current fiscal year is not of concern, as the Architecture to
Support Strategy has accounted for them.

Given the context surrounding the Enterprise and the EA project, develop a Baseline
Architecture from the current state architecture created by the superior architecture (Architecture
to Support Strategy). The Baseline Architecture is not a physical thing. It is a point of reference
in time, defining a metric and a measure to enable value reporting. The baseline is a collective


Terms like “initiative”, “portfolio”, and “program” carry organizational connotations and often derail us from communicating the
message. Most of the definitions derive from investment management concepts, which essentially states portfolio as a mix of assets
that matches the objectives balancing risks against performance.
As defined by the Project Management Institute: “A portfolio is a collection of programs, projects, and/or operations managed as a
group. The components of a portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or even related, but they are managed together as a group
to achieve strategic objectives.” And: “A program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits
not available from managing them individually.”
According to Robert G. Cooper: “Portfolio is a dynamic collection of new and existing product or service development efforts, to
allocate, de-prioritize, or regroup resources in response to dynamic opportunities, multiple goals, and strategic considerations,
interdependence among projects, and multiple decision-makers and locations.”
All of these definitions do not explicitly address the continuity and connectedness of the efforts in the context of an Enterprise. In
order to stay away from such limitations, this Guide resorted to using “theme” to indicate that work packages should be grouped in
such a way as to enable populating neighbors in the EA Landscape. One theme may populate the Operational Excellence capability
landscape while another may populate the Financial Controls capability.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


view that provides credit for value added by in-flight projects. All value assessment and tradeoff shall be performed against the baseline.
The Baseline Architecture groups the in-flight projects against the new objectives defined in the
Target Architecture. It is possible that in-flight projects may not align cleanly with the Target
Architecture. When a project aligns to more than one objective, assigning credit from such an
effort to all objectives to create the baseline will not impact the value reporting. The impact of
gaps between current state and Target Architecture will invariably outweigh.
Using the Architecture Vision as reference and the list of work packages, develop a set of
themes, if not previously defined by Architecture to Support Strategy (prior architecture work).
It may be necessary to create multiple baselines, one for each theme. Themes are defined by
factoring the current and target organizational structure, productivity, differentiation, and scaling
objectives. The organization structure articulates stakeholders, decision-makers, and
implementers, their interests and concerns. As the work packages are moved across themes,
perform an assessment of impact to stakeholders, decision-makers, and implementers. The
resulting grouping of the work packages can be suboptimal due to dependency on pending
organizational change.
When performing EA activity for the first time in the Enterprise it is safe to assume that there
were no target transition architectures that were used to create projects in the current year. The
Target Architecture and gaps were inferred by whoever drove the budget preparation and budget
allocation. Many of the in-flight projects could have a target completion date that extends
beyond the next couple of business cycles. Altering the course of these initiatives takes time and,
hence, suboptimal architectures in the first go around of the architecture effort. Revisit the gaps
list created by the Architecture Project and work packages, and make appropriate adjustment due
to in-flight projects and any inferred roadmap for the current fiscal year. Prioritizing, estimating,
and sequencing of this list is the scope of work for the Architecture to Support Portfolio.
To identify the prioritization of the effort, build Table 7. Populating the table forms the basis for
performing further elaboration of the EA Landscape. Any cell in this table without data conveys
that the architecture is not complete.
Table 7: Work Package Grouping







Magnitude of

The importance of a work package is carried over from the strategic architecture. The last three
columns will be populated as the architecture is developed further. As noted earlier, the work
package to “theme” association is made using the lens of improving intrinsic value of the
Enterprise, populating cohesive parts of the EA Landscape.
Analysis of the mapping between portfolio themes and stakeholder concerns identifies the subset
of stakeholders to engage for each portfolio. For each portfolio, reaffirm that there are no
changes in the internal and external forces that created the work package. Identify resources
required and track the resources that cross organizational boundaries. It is typical for most


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

organizations to require an elaborate process to move resources. Identification of such a need
changes the dependencies and priorities of the work packages.
Using the stakeholder concerns from prior architecture work and the new grouping of the work
packages, perform a trade-off analysis to quantify the changes to gaps and cascading impact on
time to achieve the target state. Identify any new risks and develop appropriate controls. Using
Table 7 and the mapping of work package to objectives via gaps, reaffirm that the value
proposition delivered by the portfolio is aligned to the objectives.
The work packages carry an attribute to identify whether they are new or a carry-over from the
current fiscal year’s effort. From now on, the merits of the work package in shortening the path
to target state drives decisions to invest. Continuation of the current efforts may be factored in,
but they are not a determining factor. Now, a reasonable candidate Architecture Vision for each
theme, and hence, a portfolio is created.


Balance Opportunity and Viability
The analysis and architecture development so far has been heavily focused on an inside-out
approach. It is time to seek help outside the Enterprise. For the kind of changes being driven,
potentially accelerating solutions might be available in the market – within the same industry
vertical or otherwise. Technological developments and environmental changes might present
new options to meet the needs of the work packages. Considering business cycles of suppliers,
partners, and the Enterprise, it may be prudent to initiate identification of implementers now.
These implementers are not decisions-makers or stakeholders. It is not good practice to include
them in the stakeholder matrix.
Develop the Business, Information Systems, and Technology Architecture specifications to the
extent needed to scout the market for options. The focus is more on identifying the motivations
behind the solutions than identifying a solution. If the purpose is to transmit information
digitally, identify whether imaging is not an acceptable option. This still leaves the option to
innovate, if needed, the right fit at the solution delivery stage. A related question would be: is the
transmission of data for record-keeping purposes or transaction management purposes? Such a
motivation identifies attributes of the building blocks and potential reuse of solutions already
employed in the Enterprise. Assess the solution options more from an exclusion point of view,
rather than narrowing down to “the solution”.
In elaborating the architecture, new risks and dependencies will arise, and so should appropriate
controls. Develop a matrix of options, risks, and controls to enable viability analysis and tradeoff with stakeholders. Keep populating the requirements management function with data from
such elaborations. Identify the list of standards and reference architecture that can be leveraged
or imposed as limiting conditions on the solution. Identification of such standards and
architectures amplifies and drives specificity of the (constraints) architecture specification from
the superior architecture. It may also provide an accelerated path to solution. Capture all possible
attributes to inform trade-off analysis.
It is time to reach into the EA Repository for viewpoints, views, appropriate building blocks, and
reference architectures to develop an approach to address the gaps. The viewpoints should
provide a point of reference to the EA Landscape that is relevant for the stakeholder and
decision-maker. Continuously validate that specifications for all work packages in the theme are
elaborated equally, to the extent possible and necessary to decide the priority and resource needs.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Identify pockets where a solution may have to be invented. In such a case, create new work
packages to perform proof-of-concept validations before scaling out. Understand that proof-ofconcept work is actually implementation, not architecture. Architecture work is identifying the
placeholder required to allocate appropriate funds and mitigate unknowns. The main focus of the
Architecture to Support Portfolio is to maximize the mileage gained with available resources.
The second objective is to identify conditions under with projected mileage gain is achievable.
The third is to identify barriers to achieve the goal and build efforts to diminish the impact of
such barriers. The final objective is to provide assurance of investment to reward ratio being
unaltered. Populate the list of projects required to meet these four objectives.
Gather effort and resource estimates for all work packages. Revisit the dependencies across work
packages. Identify the importance and impact of the work packages. The ability to authenticate
the identity of the person carrying a ticket will vary with context. An Enterprise may have the
same need for more than one scenario or portfolio. Or, in the case of boarding an aircraft,
multiple agencies may have to be involved. Such work packages have high importance and
impact, requiring early investments in the overall improvement cycle.
Perform an opportunity analysis factoring viable options to approach the solution. Remember,
the focus is driving a baseline estimate and assurance of achievability of the target. The
validation of the portfolio and the trade-off is focused on grouping by theme, related impact, and
importance assessment. The decisions driven here impact the distribution of limited resources
across the investment continuum.


Run Up to Budget


Internal Engagement
Other than line of business leaders, personnel from the office of the financial controller and
Project Management Office (PMO) are key to driving the budget. The objectives of these two
teams are fundamentally different, but converge once a year – the time of budget preparation.
The convergence is around the trend on variance to budget. Enterprises develop guidance on
year-on-year funding and budget trend based on statistical data, without any qualification for the
value delivered. It is normal for the delivery or execution teams to ask for more than is needed or
to keep the same level of ask, without sufficient demand, for fear of losing funding.
Another factor that could arise is the conflict due to gaps in the agility expectation of the service
consumer (say sales team) and that of the service provider (say licensing and pricing team). Such
a conflict creates duplication of capabilities and service in the guise of a different objective or
effort name. Preparing for the budget, the EA team works to eliminate variations from such
“opinions” or “duplications” of the past using gaps and work packages.
It is highly likely for the superior architecture to recommend organizational changes as well. In
this case, the Human Resource (HR) team is going to play a more critical role in budget
preparation than ever before. It is not the responsibility or the function of the EA team to drive
decisions. EA has to frame the conversation and the directions to identify the right resources to
lead and drive change. It is imperative that the engagement of all concerned internal teams –
mainly HR, PMO, and finance – is key to the success of delivering the Architecture to Support


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Has the Target been Reached?
Having driven confidence in reducing sources of artificial variance to budget, next to tackle is
accuracy of the estimates. When the changes require a reasonable number of proof-of-concept
efforts to be done or require employment of specialized services, veracity of the estimates would
be questioned. In order to drive the level of confidence, it would appear that more time, more
analysis, or more iterations are needed. Other than time, here is a short checklist that will
indicate that it is time to stop iterating:

For each “theme”, have the work packages been classified into a capability continuum (a
work package cannot address both Sustain and Improve)?


Are the dependencies and cascading impact of work packages acknowledged by decisionmakers and implementers?


Is there a contiguous elaboration and exploration of EA Landscape?


Have the mitigations and controls for risks (unknown events) been added to the portfolio?


Is there a blend of operational excellence and fitness for purpose within each theme?


Are there any recency concerns?


Is a raw estimate and contingency factor available (% buffer to account for market and
external trends)?


Is the ratio of growth in breadth of coverage architecture specification to depth of
coverage diminishing between iterations?


Is the variation in estimates between current and previous iteration less than the
contingency factor?


How many of the efforts are one-time executions to support transformations?

The point of diminishing returns is met when positive responses are given to either (8) or (9)
above. Mostly during the first two to three years after initiating an architecture-driven planning
cycle, the EA team will run out of time before (8) or (9) could be met. Plan for recommending a
discretionary spending bucket.
To complete the architecture work, update the architecture roadmap, risk matrix, architecture
definitions, and specifications to the extent needed and necessary. As needed, consult and
conduct reviews with SMEs and stakeholders to validate the direction. For each theme, define
the governance plan and model that is acceptable to stakeholders and decision-makers.


Drive Confidence of Delivery
Useful architecture drives change and simplifies decision-making. The objective of budget
preparation is to drive confidence of estimates, confidence of delivery against the roadmap, and
garner the resources required to drive change. The set of prioritized work packages grouped by
themes that traces to objectives drives confidence in responses to the “why” and “what”
questions. The set of estimates that is backed by variance control drives confidence to the “how”
and “how much” questions. Creating a set of project governance that reduces the chances of
execution decisions delaying the time to target state serves the final objective of this architecture
– balancing innovation and considered controls.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Develop just enough views, models, and specifications to support the budget request. These
documents are supported by a matrix of accountable parties for delivery and accountable parties
for acceptance, usage, and sign-off. Success measures are articulated in value terms – controls in
cost measures, and risks and outcome in value measures.
Initiate activities to complete the architecture work. This involves populating the appropriate
project vision documents, project architecture definitions, project stakeholder list,
communication plan, and conditions that govern trade-off. Populate the data required by
monitoring the system for each project, should the project be approved for execution. Populate
the dependency matrix in accordance with the boundaries set for each project and the “theme”.
The Architecture Project cannot be completed until the Architecture to Support Project is
delivered. Initiating the effort at this stage communicates the decisions at the strategy level that
can be revisited in the future. The last validation is to define that the operating model (recoverydriven or engagement and continuity-driven) is aligned to the business model.


Request for Architecture Work Originating from a Random Idea
from the Wild
In a well-run, creative organization many good ideas are not derived from gaps identified in the
architecture. In these organizations, a Request for Architecture Work comes from someone with
a good idea for improving the organization.
With a request from the wild, the Practitioner will typically engage with a strong champion and
identify holes in the EA Landscape. There is little need to worry about bumping shoulders with
other identified gaps and work packages. However, the champion often will have a limited, or
myopic, view of the stakeholder’s preferences and concerns.
The Practitioner must take care to stay within the context of the wild architecture development
relying on the mission, vision, and strategy of the Enterprise. Requests from the wild should be
expected to challenge the status quo. The inherent creativity is welcomed by good Practitioners.
Without much guidance from the strategy or portfolio to constrain the architecture development,
Practitioners must ensure that identification of the correct stakeholders is completed and that the
concerns reflect the stakeholder’s preferences and priorities – see Phase A: The Starting Point.
Not all champions are stakeholders, and all Architecture Projects are subject to superior
There is a need for critical thinking around the preparation required to insert the architecture
developed in response to a receipt of a Request for Architecture Work from the wild at the
optimal point in the sequence of work within the Enterprise’s roadmap, or implementation plan.
Well executed, the organization is able to balance creativity and innovation with the benefit
derived from clear understanding of dependency to value realization.
While most Requests for Architecture work from the wild are for Architecture to Support Project
and Architecture to Support Solution Delivery, strong champions will drive a portfolio initiative.


Conduct periodic value assessment and reporting to communicate lessons learned and whether
the portfolio created is delivering organic change, radical innovation, or maintains the status quo.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Implementation Projects deliver value a few quarters after the project is closed. It is the
responsibility of those managing the portfolio to track and report value. Add to the portfolio an
explicit backlog item to monitor and report value realized.
In the event this architecture is supporting a merger, acquisition, or divestiture activity, include
explicit recommendations to tackle the impact of technology in easing the business operations,
asset, and risk accounting.
Success is measured by alignment by the decision-makers on a number of concurrent streams,
total resources required over the planning horizon period, and trade-off criteria.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Walk Through Architecture to Support Project
In this context, the architecture is used to clarify the purpose and value of the project, identify
requirements to address synergy and future dependency, assure compliance with architectural
governance, and to support integration and alignment between projects.
This chapter describes development of architecture for one project within a portfolio. The effort
starts with identifying the context, the superior architecture that defines the visions, the scope,
and the value the project should deliver. Without initial exploration about where the project sits
inside of the EA Landscape, Architecture to Support Project is in a volatile state. It is the
responsibility of the Practitioners working in the Architecture Project to gather hints of
uncovered barriers to the project. The project lies inside the roadmap at some linear point in a
sequence of work packages. There are many hints from the roadmap alone of where to see
danger ahead and who to ask about any unknown warning signs.
The purpose is to highlight the level of detail, time, and breadth during the ADM cycle phases
for developing an EA as a focus of support to project architecture and governance. Most of the
effort happens in the context of Phase F.
Table 8 summarizes the activities and use of appropriate steps from the ADM phases. The
content of the table is discussed in detail in the rest of this chapter.
Table 8: Summary Table: ADM Phases and Architecture to Support Project

Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase


Partial Capability Level Phase A
Program context:
 Verify recency
 Validate stakeholders, outcomes, timeline
 Define project context in EA Landscape
Partial Capability Level Phases B, C, and D
Enterprise context:
 Assess the readiness of the Enterprise to absorb proposed solution
 Assess the ability of the solution provider to deliver the solution
 Ascertain the scope of change of the Implementation Project
Program context:
 Elaborate architecture definition
 Elaborate architecture specification
 Define approach to minimize dependencies
 Define risk controls


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Balance Options and

Partial Capability Level Phases B, C, and D
For each capability:
 Define the solution boundary and conditions for integration
 Validate continuity in EA Landscape
 Create domain-specific work packages
Partial Capability Level Phase E
For each project in the portfolio:
 Identify candidate ABBs and SBBs
 Gather estimates
 Develop project timelines
 Trade-off impact with superior architecture
 Update roadmap
 Update risk matrix
 Update work package and architecture specification

Finalize Scope and

Partial Capability Level Phase F
For each project in the portfolio:
 Finalize estimates and timeline
 Update Enterprise roadmap
 Populate governance and approval plan
Partial Capability Level Phase G
For each project in the portfolio:
 Perform architecture review
 Confirm stakeholder approval
Level Phase A
For each project in the portfolio:
 Candidate proof-of-concept work packages (as needed)
 Candidate Statement of Work
 Finalize stakeholder list
 Draft success measures

Prepare for Solution
Delivery Governance

Partial Program Level Phase F
Program context:
 Initiate completion of architecture work
 Define target Solution Architectures
 Finalize effort and resource estimates
 Define variance measures in project-specific governance model
 Update risk matrix

For Architecture to Support Project, the critical focus points are:

— What is the origin for the receipt of a Request for Architecture Work?

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


— Where will I have overlap? Who are my neighbors (EA Landscape)?
— Where do I look (EA Landscape: depth, breadth, detail)?
— Are my stakeholders/portfolio guidance still relevant (recency)?

Domain-specific stakeholders’ concerns and architecture elaboration:
— Viewpoints/Stakeholder Map
— What do I need to know/solve for?
— Resolve impacts across architectures


Finalizing the target transition architecture and its value:
— Creation of requirements and specifications
— Securing a Request for Architecture Work for the solution delivery architecture


Ascertain Dependencies
Throughout the entirety of the ADM, it is recommended to have a close look at the superior
architecture in the EA Landscape. It is possible that Practitioners of superior architecture have
already specified a list of things which the Practitioners of the preceding architectures are able to
pull down to include as new inserts of an architecture description.
There is not much need to explore a reason to do architecture when the purpose of the project
has already been specified within a roadmap. The Practitioner may find that they already have a
sufficient Architecture Vision from the work that has been done in the portfolio architecture.
However, the Practitioner must take responsible action to confirm the Architecture Vision along
with a number of portfolio-level Target Architecture components to assess the impact of recency
(see Section 3.2.1).
Assessing recency is the pulse of the Architecture Project. It will involve looking “bottom-up” at
the current work in the EA Landscape to assess the impacts of recency to prior EA. Look at the
set of Architecture Visions from the Architecture to Support Portfolio. The following set of
questions will guide assessing the impacts of recency to prior EA work for the purpose of use:

What EA is parallel in development?


Which targets are in the process of being realized?


Which targets have been approved?


What is effect of recency on prior EA?

After prior EA work has been reviewed, reaffirmed, or replaced, the effect of recency is reset
and mitigates the risk to the Architecture Project significantly.


Project is not a Magical Place to Swap Out Stakeholders
Who are the complete set of stakeholders across the architecture? The stakeholders in the
portfolio level will need to be reaffirmed.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

It is common to find organizational leaders, who at the starting of an Architecture Project, feel a
strong need to replace the stakeholders identified in their superior architecture with stakeholders
which have a high enough power to block or advance a project but not the architecture (see the
TOGAF standard, Classify Stakeholder Positions, Section 24.3.2).
This will introduce new project-specific concerns into the architecture. It cannot be stressed
enough, to hold on to the distinction between the stakeholders that have high power in the
Architecture Project and those that have high power only in relation to the Implementation
Project. At the end of the day, the Practitioner addresses the concerns of the empowered
stakeholders holding the key to the success of the Architecture Project because they have the
power to shape any Implementation Project in order to conform with the approved target. It may
be useful to identify the project-specific stakeholders’ concerns if we can solve for both and get
something for free. Solving for an Implementation Project-specific concern is what can be called
a “nice-to-have”.


Stakeholders versus Key Players
Look at the previous Stakeholder Map from the portfolio. Assess recency. Map the complete set
of stakeholders of the Architecture Project against their known concerns.
Do not include an Implementation Project-specific set of stakeholders (otherwise known as key
players to the Architecture Project) in the Stakeholder Map. If desired, map the key players to
any additional Implementation Project-specific concerns separately. Having more than one set of
key stakeholders completely blocks the ability to perform trade-off.


Viewpoints and Requirements
The most important piece before doing any work; knowing what you need to know. Once you
have a complete set of views which describe the stakeholders’ concerns, you know exactly what
you need to do, or at the very least, where to go look to find out what needs to be done.
When selecting viewpoints from the viewpoint library or developing new viewpoints, ask if the
viewpoint represents the complete set of stakeholder concerns to the Architecture Project. Are all
the stakeholders’ classes representative of those which own the approval rights around the
Target Architecture and decision rights around the Implementation Project?
Are the concerns consolidated and constrained into topic areas derived from the Enterprise’s
strategy, which will be consistent across Architecture Projects?
Does the viewpoint give a point of reference for what you need to know and where to look in the
EA Landscape?
Once the Practitioner knows what information is needed and where to find it, it is safe to
continue doing work without the fear of stepping on a figurative land mine.
Review the Architecture Repository for resources, especially architecture specifications,
requirements, and work packages from the superior architectures to address the stakeholders’
concerns for the Architecture Project.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Go Talk to the “Neighbors”
In developing a candidate architecture, the key to success is to be aware of the neighbors of the
Architecture Project in the EA Landscape and to assess the “neighborhood” for recency. How
much room is there for the Architecture Project until there would be an overlap or collide with
another one?31 When must you go and have a conversation with the neighborhood and assess
their work for recency?
To add complexity, what is the current status of the neighboring architectures? Are the
neighboring Architecture Projects approved, in transition, or becoming realized? You may not
have to worry about rubbing shoulders with a neighboring Architecture Project until one of them
enters a transition state.
Have the necessary conversations with the neighbors periodically to make the process of
resolving impacts across Architecture Projects easier. The later these conversations with the
“neighbors” takes place, the more likely the Practitioner will incur harder decisions, which
would have been easily avoided; such as de-scoping decisions. The Practitioner must check the
candidate architecture’s flexibility to withstand the volatile environment shared with other
Architecture Projects undergoing a number of transitional states.


Delivery and Acceptance Ability Assessment
This is an opportune time to assess the readiness of the organization to actually start to execute
and realize the change. It involves identifying whether the work packages cover the necessary
changes to business processes, operating procedure, training, and everything that has to happen
once the solution is delivered. The assessment is narrowly focused to test the scaffolding the
neighbors should have in place. A second set of assessment is the ability of the solution delivery
team, internal or external, to deliver to the needs of the architecture specification. The project
manager and the product owner are fully aware of the trade-off criteria to retain value; aware of
dependencies from the neighbors to this effort and from this project to others; and the risks and
controls to mitigate them.


Balance Options and Suppliers
Architecture to Support Project is to answer a set of problems in a box; the answers are expected
to stay within the box. The Practitioner must elaborate all domain architectures just enough to
assure that the architecture is addressing all of the work. The project cannot move forward until
it is proven that the project will be a success. Gather the estimates of all resources required to
deliver the project. All of the bridge will be built, not just some of the bridge. Remember, the
focus is to clarify and confirm the purpose and value of the project. Part of the bridge does not
serve any purpose or add any value.
The up-side is the Practitioners involved in the Implementation Project have blinders on that
only allows them to see the distance from where they are standing to the horizon. The horizon is
the work needed before implementation begins. In the context of the Implementation Project, the
Practitioner’s line of sight is always the horizon, including the distance to get there. It is already
understood what “success” will look like, standing on the horizon. What is the work that will
take us there?


Is the Architecture Project in the Mojave Desert of the EA Landscape or in Abu Dhabi?


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Performing Trade-Off
As the saying goes “you can’t step in the same river twice”; the water’s always changing, always
flowing. Without discovery of where the candidate Target Architecture stands before finalization
within the EA Landscape, it is harder to guide projects from running off waterfalls and large
Only until the Practitioner looks “downstream” are they in a position to perform a trade-off,
resolve impacts across the Target Architecture, and choose the smoothest course. Doing a
consistent reconnaissance of the EA Landscape will enlighten the Practitioner to where the
project can avoid disaster further down the river.
In order to perform, the Practitioner is chasing the barriers to deliver and realize value. This is
too early to define the architecture for solution delivery. This is definitely not the place to define
and design the solution. Implementation is not architecture. The architecture is assuring
resilience to risks and guidance to implementers. Any recommendations of ABBs and SBBs to
accelerate value realization and improve conformance are identified and included in an
architecture specifications.
If it is discovered that the Implementation Project’s candidate Target Architecture is impacting
or will be impacted by a finalized Target Architecture of another project in-flight, always assess
recency, confirm, and do a trade-off analysis. Keep in mind that when doing a trade-off analysis
and resolving impacts across the Target Architecture that the Implementation Project is already
heavily constrained and may need to mold a path down the river around the other projects that
have been approved and have taken root along the river bank. Then, given any new discoveries
to the Implementation Project, if any, create the architecture specifications for the
Implementation Project to assure avoidance of overlap and conflict.


Managing the Current Approach towards Implementing the Change
Once impacts have been resolved, create the views necessary to convey to the stakeholders that
their concerns have been addressed with the necessary constraints and guidance developed prior
to initiation of solution delivery for it to be successful.
The Practitioner’s analysis of the Target Architecture cannot have assessed every circumstance,
or change option possible. There will always be an infinite number of things to discover about
the Architecture Project. The Practitioner’s job is to show that a sufficient level of scrutiny led to
the deliverables of the Architecture Project for the solution delivery architecture to succeed. The
Practitioner should only assess to the extent of avoiding major cliffs. Once you start assessing
the Architecture Project for all the subtle bumps, you have exceeded the sufficient level of
scrutiny and are wasting valuable resources.
Prove to the stakeholders that when the Architecture Project is consumed by the solution
delivery architecture, their requirements have been met and changes to the Enterprise will be
guided and constrained efficiently. Identify and secure approval for the resources necessary to
begin allocating the budget for the solution delivery architecture to begin.
The Practitioner will know that the Architecture Project is a success upon receipt of the Request
Architecture Work for solution delivery.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Finalize Scope and Budget
Implementation planning (Phase F) is the most critical piece in executing a walk through the
ADM for the Implementation Project. Practitioners must rationalize for their Architecture
Project what resources are required.
Package the project’s architecture specifications, which includes the subsequent controls that
mitigate the identified Implementation Project’s risks. The package is then handed off to the
Implementation Practitioner. It is the responsibility of the Architecture Project Practitioner to set
up the Implementation Practitioner with everything they need to implement the project
If one or more work packages have not already been assigned to the Implementation Project, do
so and seek approval. Be familiar with which gaps the work package(s) are filling and the
purpose of their sequence in the roadmap. It may also be necessary to be familiar with the work
packages the project will not be filling. Identify the risks within the work packages and
subsequently within the Implementation Project.
Architect the “package” for the purpose of the Implementation Project. Create architecture
specifications to the extent that an Architecture Project will not go off the rails on a crazy train.
On the other hand, the railroads must not be easily scoured or constrained to the point of
inflexibility of the volatile environment of the EA Landscape. Keep the Implementation Project
on the tracks while maintaining the railways of the Architecture Project.
The Practitioner should package the architecture specifications including the principles,
requirements, and controls within the context of the light shining down from the Architecture
Vision of the portfolio, in the review of the Stakeholder Map, and the undertakings of the EA
Refine the estimates and timeline for the project within the acceptable variance limits of the
Enterprise. Cascade the update to project scope, trade-offs, and timelines to the Enterprise
roadmap. Consult the requisite SMEs and stakeholders, and complete the architecture review.
Populate the governance and approval plan for the solution delivery effort.


Prepare for Solution Delivery Governance
The maximum value is to be delivered by the Architecture Practitioner to the Enterprise in this
step. Having finalized the scope and budget, make sure that the backlog information is complete
for the project; trade-off, and decision criteria for the product owner, product manager, scrum
master, or the project manager (whatever the role and title is) and the Implementation
Practitioner is fully defined and understood; decision-makers and organizational leaders are fully
aware of the barriers they must work to remove.
Any outstanding proof-of-concept work at this time should be limited to understanding an
approach to the solution, not the architecture. Provide sufficient measurement criteria, indicators
to warn of any variances, escalation, and deployment of SMEs, and implementation governance.
Initiate steps to close the Architecture Project. The Architecture Project’s scope is limited to
change management and governance. From that aspect, the project is not completed. This is also
the time the architecture team and most of the Practitioners withdraw themselves from the
limelight and pass the baton to Implementation Practitioners. Provide any required support for


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

the Implementation Practitioners to defend the project during budget allocation. The work is not
complete until the budget is allocated and the Implementation Project charter is signed.


Project Request for Architecture Work Originating from the Wild
The most common Requests for Architecture Work from the wild are for Architecture to Support
Project. The central question for the Practitioner is to identify the proposed project’s alignment
to expected value and the opportunity cost for the organization. See Section 8.6 for a discussion.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Walk Through Architecture to Support Solution Delivery


The success of this architecture and its outcome are driven by the degree of coordination
between Architecture Practitioner and the Implementation Practitioner. The Architecture
Practitioner hands over a well constrained, yet with sufficient room for creativity and innovation,
box to the Implementation Practitioner. It is the duty of the Implementation Practitioner to not
break the box or to morph its shape or appearance. It is the duty and responsibility of the
Architecture Practitioner to define the context of this box within the EA Landscape, defining all
of the push and pull forces. The candidate Architecture Project is now the Target Architecture.
Note that there will be minimal discussion on Phase G in Table 9. All of these activities occur in
the context of Phase G. The table informs how activities in other phases enable delivery of the
solution and drive closure to an Architecture Project. Actual closure is triggered from Phase H,
either identifying a new effort or signaling achievement of target state.
Table 9 summarizes the activities and use of appropriate steps from the ADM phases. The
content of the table is discussed in detail in the rest of this chapter.
Table 9: Summary Table: ADM Phases and Architecture to Support Solution Delivery

Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Align Implementers

Partial Capability Level Phase A
Project context:
 Verify recency
 Reaffirm stakeholders, outcomes, timeline
 Communicate value proposition
Partial Capability Level Phase B, C, D
Program context:
 Elaborate architecture specification
 Reaffirm risk controls
 Communicate SBBs
Partial Project Level Phase G
Program context:
 Initiate project governance


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Guide Delivery

Partial Project Level Phases B, C, and D
Project context:
 Continuously update EA Landscape
 Refine SBBs and solution boundaries
 Monitor controls
EA Capability specific context:
 Update EA Repository (contents and models)
 Update standards and reference architectures
 Distribute resources
Partial Capability Level Phase E
Project context:
 Analyze impact of trade-off with superior architecture
 Update risk matrix
Partial Capability Level Phase G
Project context:
 Conduct stakeholder review
 Obtain architecture approval
 Validate alignment of solution to vision

Realizing the Solution

Partial Project Level Phase H
Program context:
 Assess solution for gaps
 Assess risk closure
 Update Enterprise roadmap
Partial Project Level Phase F
Project context:
 Baseline transition state architecture
 Complete lessons learned
 Close architecture work
Partial Enterprise Level Phase H
Program context:
 Assess changes to Enterprise roadmap
 As required, create backlog for architecture work
EA Capability specific context:
 Engage stakeholders
 Update EA roadmap

Simple guidance for the Implementation Practitioner is to keep an eye on the target of the
superior architecture. Be absolutely clear what the architecture is trying to optimize and what it
is being asked to deliver. It may be tempting to remove all sub-optimization choices in the
current delivery cycle. Refrain. Validate that sub-optimization is intentional and future work will
address such concerns. All it takes is one bad driver to upset miles of traffic. Understand that the
Solution Architecture is one of the many concurrently moving parts in the Enterprise.
A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Top concerns to be addressed in developing and delivering this architecture are covered in the
following sections.






What are the conditions under which a change can be triggered to architecture work?


Having identified the neighbors and their interactions, what is the frequency of interaction
and integration?


What can and cannot give?


Are the stakeholders and portfolio guidance still relevant (recency)?

Function Purity and Solution Innovation

Are there multiple solution providers in this project? And who is providing what solution?


What kind of detail is needed in the viewpoints to align solution providers and the
superior architecture?


How to drive integration across SBBs?


How to select the best solution that aligns with the overall operating model (custom inhouse, custom managed service, standardized managed service, standardized in-house)?


What does governance mean in this context?

Handover and Closure

When does the engagement end?


What is the appropriate value report?


What are the lessons learned and impact to gaps in EA?

Aligning Implementers
It is imperative that the Architecture Practitioner and Implementation Practitioner verify that the
bottom-up view of the architecture aligns well on the “recency” measure. The next step is to
validate the recency measure of the lateral set of architectures. The Architecture Project defines
the boundary conditions to limit the impact to the overall architecture, accounting for all tradeoff choices that would be made by the implementation architect. This doesn’t mean that there
cannot be changes to how each solution interacts with another. The impact does not require
reprinting all of the training manuals and redoing the training schedule for the users of the
In most cases, there would be more than one player; a solution provider and a solution consumer.
The dynamic nature of business could ask for changes to the solution proposed mid-stream. The
Architecture Project and hence the Solution Architecture clearly define the conditions that could
trigger a change, stakeholder review, and architecture approval. A sizeable fraction of the
projects will involve more than one solution implementer. Develop the architecture to identify,


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

clarify, constrain, and liberate each of the solution implementers from the other. The Solution
Architecture articulates conditions for integration and acceptance of the total solution.
In-house or third-party solution implementers deliver against this architecture. When supplied by
a third party, the onus is still on the in-house team to validate, integrate, and accept the solutions.
At the end of the day, the consumers and end-users do not care who supplied the solution. Their
question is: “Does this meet my expectations, does what it says, available as stated and
defined?” Make sure that architecture, the governance plan and implementer are totally aligned
on value proposition, conditions for trade-off, and the stakeholder matrix.
If the solution delivery project is validating a concept, the primary outcome is unearthing all
points of failure; the secondary outcome is feasibility of the idea; and the tertiary outcome is
scalability of the idea to meet usage demands. If the solution delivery project is building a
bridge, its primary objective is enabling transportation under most environmental conditions; its
secondary objective is to set terms of use. The variances across the solution delivery project are
so vast that this Guide cannot provide a sufficient set of examples to emphasize alignment with
neighbors and completing the bottom-up view.
There is the least amount of work done in Phase A. It is all about affirming scope, stakeholders,
currency, and value proposition.


Guiding Delivery
Any SBB delivered by solution suppliers will have to be integrated with the rest of the
ecosystem of the Enterprise. Until the solution is delivered and evaluated against future work
(transition architecture n+1), it will not be clear that some of the current work could become an
SBB. Do not work to create a building block. Assess and refine once the solution is delivered
and put to work.
In terms of architecture styles and patterns available at the time of writing, you may consider
each Microservice or an aggregation of Microservices (SOA service) as an SBB.
When the superior architecture indicates availability of ABBs and SBBs, reach into the
Enterprise Repository to reuse and conform to the architecture. When the ABBs point to
implementations outside the Enterprise, guide industry collaboration and context-specific tradeoff to guide development and delivery of Enterprise-specific SBBs.
Critical to success of architectures is retaining the ownership of integrating solution blocks
within the Enterprise. Delegating the responsibility to any other party will lead to project
management and governance issues, resulting in failed architecture.
Architecture to Support Solution Delivery is where all realizations and regulatory compliance
needs are met. Naturally, the next critical long-term success factor for the Enterprise is
identification of core information and data that should be retained in-house. The superior
architecture should define the “core” for the Enterprise. All other datasets need not be retained,
mastered, or controlled by the Enterprise. This choice drives other decision points in the
operating model. Should the solution be treated as a black box for the Enterprise (a managed
service) or specialized in-house or an expert team employed? Superior architectures need not
resolve this choice. The choice and selection of solution provider is made at the time of
developing and delivering the solution. Some of the solution provider choices may be
constrained by the Enterprise’s preference to restrict the number of suppliers. The Practitioner

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


should not feel compelled to use a solution provider just because a constraint exists. Priority is
fitness to deliver and accelerate time-to-market.
Choice of integration, definition of “core” information, and managed service versus in-house
decisions guide the level of granularity needed to describe the architecture.
Populate the EA Landscape continuously; as each decision is made, the level of granularity of
the architecture is arrived at, and interactions across solution blocks are defined. Quantifying and
documenting the resource required by each solution block may not be the direct concern of the
Implementation Practitioner or the Architecture Practitioner. Attributes like cost to procure, cost
to deliver, and cost to operate are required by the Enterprise planning organization. It is a
sensible option to capture these attributes within the EA tool. Financial investment data for each
solution delivery project aids and reduces time to complete the trade-off analysis, roll-up and
roll-down of budget, among other benefits.
It is not the recommendation of this Guide that resource allocation data for solution delivery
projects be mastered in the EA tool or the EA team to take responsibility. This Guide is calling
out a dataset that enables the Practitioner to be productive and purposeful. The source of truth
for resource allocation should be determined by the Practitioner, following the guidance set by
the Enterprise. A good content model and EA tool are normally capable of capturing this data
point at the lowest level of granularity, and enable roll-up and trade-off analysis. It is the
position of this Guide to use an EA tool to do the computations that inform and impact trade-off
analysis, instead of using other methods to speed up the time to inform trade-off.
Another set of trade-offs and constraints that impact this architecture is the existence of solution
families in the Enterprise. The choice of a supplier or technology for data hosting services or
ERP package constrains other building blocks that can be employed in the project and
sometimes across the Enterprise. Take an assessment of such solution families from the superior
architecture. When not available, the Implementation Practitioner and the Architecture
Practitioner should spend time identifying, analyzing, and escalating impact of choices on large
functional areas like Enterprise resource management and planning.
Even though the Architecture Project defines the boundary and the interface, change is bound to
happen. Continuous interaction with the Architecture Practitioner and Implementation
Practitioner is required to proactively mitigate barriers.
The objective is to develop the architecture to the extent needed to govern the solution being
delivered. Do not feel compelled to define the solution as well. Define and employ viewpoints
necessary to communicate, guide, and govern the Solution Architecture. Monitor
implementation risks and the controls being implemented for Enterprise risks. Every trade-off
and implementation choice made impacts and potentially modifies the Target Architecture.
Governing the selections impacts the gap in the Target Architecture, the roadmap, and therefore
the Architecture to Support Portfolio of the following fiscal year.
Work performed to deliver the solution mainly spans Phases B, C, D, and E. Innovations,
research, and alternatives considered and employed follow the steps in Phase E. It is just that
they do not go through rigorous architecture control. The alternatives are constrained by the
architecture specification. Hence, it is a question of the ability to operate within constraints and
not about controlling the selection. Specification created by following the steps in Phases B, C,
and D assures appropriate selection.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Realizing the Solution
Contractually, this is the post-rollout, warranty period. Depending on the solution delivery
method used in the Enterprise, this may be a parallel path to Guiding Delivery. It is the period of
putting the solution in the hands of the beneficiaries (customers, end-users, support personnel,
partners, etc.). The engagement of the Architecture Practitioner comes to a conclusion or shifts
gear only when the solution is put to use. Depending on the appetite of the Enterprise, successful
usage may be defined as the first 30, 60, or 90 days.
At the end of this period, the Architecture Practitioner initiates a gap analysis between the
realized architecture and the Baseline Architecture to be used for solution delivery. It is only at
the end of this analysis that a determination can be made about releasing key resources – the
project manager, the implementation architect, supplier representative, technology resources
reserved for developing the solution, etc. Closure of the Architecture Project is achieved as soon
as the Implementation Practitioner accepts the superior architecture. However, the oversight
provided by the Architecture Practitioner is retained until the solution delivery completion
criteria are met.
Use the basis provided by the Architecture Project to report the value realized from time to time.
Document the lessons learned, mainly the gaps in the description of the superior architecture that
were filled while delivering the Solution Architecture. Document controls and constraints that
accelerated overall delivery of the solution.
Update the cascading impact of the project to the EA Landscape and roadmap. As needed,
validate, close and update the Enterprise backlog.


Project Request for Architecture Work Originating from the Wild
Requests for Architecture Work from the wild for Architecture to Support Solution Delivery are
typically not done. Instead, there is a fully-baked Implementation Project with a proposed
solution. In this case the Practitioner has to assess the fully-baked solution against the superior
architecture. This becomes more of fitment analysis with its own political implication. See
Section 8.6 and Table 10: Example of Summary Governance Reporting for a broader discussion
and assessment reporting example.


Many Architecture Practitioners fail in their role when supporting solution delivery. It is quite
normal to confuse their role with SME, auditor, stakeholder, and proxy for the Enterprise
stakeholder and decision-maker. Review Chapter 11 and Section 15.2.
The realized solution is the new baseline. It is the basis for evolving and analyzing the roadmap
to the Target Architecture. All the development that happened in the Enterprise, and the
industry, that were kept away from impacting solution delivery is added to the assessment set.
This assessment is the next critical activity the Architecture Practitioner performs. It is this work
that justifies closure of the current Architecture Project, Implementation Project, and resources.
It also justifies the Request for Architecture Work for the next set of initiatives to achieve the
target transition state (n+1). Involve all stakeholders, decision-makers, and implementers to
complete the assessment, and gain the sign-off to close the effort.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Part 4: Guidance on Using an Enterprise Architecture


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Jumping to Phase G
Many Practitioners will be regularly faced with their organization “Jumping to G”. Many
organizations select leadership on their ability to get things done. This creates a bias to action.
Enabling effective change requires balancing predictable planned change with innovation and
Organizations that jump to Phase G will jump either because of organizational preference for
visible action or execution failure by the EA team. In both cases, good Practitioners will respond
to their organizational culture or to their failures. It is outside the scope of this Guide for
Practitioners to discuss effective engagement and Enterprise processes; see the TOGAF®
Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability (see Referenced Documents).
The chapter will address classic failure patterns:

Missing the purpose


Missing the business cycle


Not doing architecture

This chapter will also identify how the Practitioner addresses unpredictable change resulting
from innovation, creativity, and circumstance.
An EA is developed for one very simple reason: to guide effective change. Guiding effective
change involves serving decision-makers and implementers. Architecture to Support Strategy,
Portfolio, and Project are focused on supporting decision-makers and are directly tied to
planning stages in the business cycle. Architecture to Support Solution Delivery is primarily
aimed at implementers. When the Practitioner does not provide timely support for strategy,
portfolio, and project, the organization will continue to make decisions using the information at
hand on the day the decision must be made.
Without a good Target Architecture to Support Strategy, Portfolio, and Project, the organization
has jumped to Phase G. Typically this happens for two reasons: misalignment and missing the
Actual misalignment is outside the scope of this Guide. For advice on the alignment of the EA,
see the TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability (see
Referenced Documents).
Most examples of misalignment in the industry are actually Practitioners missing purposes other
than solution deployment.


Failure Pattern: Missing the Purpose
As clearly articulated earlier in this Guide, different purposes require different architecture. The
actual work product and analysis project to produce a view demonstrating to a change leader

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


how a candidate architecture addresses agility for the purpose of strategy is radically different
than for the purpose of solution deployment. Practitioners must adapt the basic structure and
concepts to different purposes. Too much advice masks the essential differences by using terms
such as high-level or aspirational or conceptual or logical. A good Practitioner will know how to
distinguish high-level work for the purpose of strategy from high-level work for the purpose of
solution delivery.
Every stakeholder and every concern are addressed in every purpose.
Practitioners miss the purpose when they tell themselves stories about breadth, depth, and
timeframe. As discussed in Section 3.2.1, there is a set of rough guidelines regarding breadth,
level of detail, and planning horizon. Further, regardless of the exact parts of the EA Landscape
that must be addressed by any particular architecture development project, a Practitioner will
find themselves without clean edges.
Architecture to support a purpose is typically aligned to support different points in the business
cycle, and required to inform different decisions, as all work must be aligned to the purpose at
hand. This may change the key work product’s essential purpose, but is unlikely to substantially
change which components in the architecture must be analyzed.


Failure Pattern: Missing the Business Cycle
Most leaders are interested in receiving effective advice about complex decisions. Usually, the
Practitioners are waiting for an invitation to a planning process that will never come. Leaders
may be surrounded by parochial champions who wish to pitch their pet projects. In response,
they actively seek to reduce involvement in planning processes to those who provide useful,
balanced advice and those they wish to hold accountable for the change.
Delivering architecture to support the business cycle requires being ahead of decisions. The
Practitioner works ahead of the planning cycle (see Figure 4). For many Practitioners, working
ahead of the planning cycle is an uncomfortable position. They must be focused on preparing for
activities that no one else is thinking about.
For example, Architecture to Support Portfolio facilitates the budget process for an organization
that operates an annual budget process. With such a cycle, the budget finalization is likely done
near the end of the third quarter. This requires the budget planning to be done near the end of the
second quarter, which requires the first draft of the candidate Target Architecture and candidate
roadmap to be available for the second quarter. Stakeholders and decision-makers are then able
to use the candidate architecture and candidate roadmap in planning and preparing their budget
submission and defending their submission in any resulting budget negotiations. The Practitioner
then needs to understand their candidate material is used, stretched, and changed through the
entire budget preparation and negotiation. In short, the Practitioner is involved in iterating
through Phase E and F through the second and third quarter.
Practitioners who are unfamiliar with the give-and-take typical in most organizations’ planning
processes will wait for clarity or decision. Both are only available at the end of the planning
process, not in the middle. As a result, the Practitioner has missed their place in the business


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Architecture after Decision
This Guide is designed to assist Practitioners to deliver useful architecture. Architecture
produced after decisions is not only late but may cause conflict. At best, the architecture will
validate the decision. Given the decision has already been made by leaders with the authority to
make the decision, validation is pointless. At worst, the architecture will demonstrate the leaders
made the wrong decision. It is technically useful to gain this knowledge and perform a course
correction. The damage to the EA team and wasted time and effort executing the next steps
following the decision are unlikely to be compensated by a better decision.
Practitioners adept at establishing value will be keenly aware of the impact time has on almost
every value calculation. Lastly, Practitioners adept at estimating the cost of change will be
keenly aware of how expensive misfires are on the ability of an organization to execute an
effective change.
Few activities a Practitioner can perform are as dangerous as architecting after decision.


Failure Pattern: Not Doing Architecture
Practitioners will often fulfill multiple roles in the architecture development and change process.
Chapter 15 identifies stakeholder, SME, architect, implementer, and auditor as the essential roles
in architecture development. Practitioners will typically act as an agent for the stakeholder,
making decisions by proxy through their understanding of the set of stakeholders’ preferences.
Many Practitioners, by way of their growth path, would have expert knowledge in specific
domains; they will tend to provide advice and guidance as SMEs to stakeholders, other
architects, and implementers. Some Enterprise’s structure may demand a Practitioners to act as
implementer. An implementer normally pays attention to details like product selection,
configuration challenges, assuring quality and repeatability, etc. These tasks are often
sufficiently time-consuming that the Practitioner does not have time to perform architecture.
Many EA teams fall into the trap of performing implicit architecture. The Practitioner is so busy
acting as a stakeholder’s agent, SME, and implementer that the architecture is never described
and approved by a stakeholder. A work product that is really implementation design, and
implementation specification and standards definition is provided as the end result of the
“Architecture Project”. These work products are the end result – they are not architecture.
Chapter 15 will discuss the need to deeply review implementation work products that exist
unsupported by architecture description, views, and architecture specification. Bluntly, what
evidence can a Practitioner provide that the implementation is in conformance with the
architecture, provides the best available approach to addressing the stakeholders’ preferences
and the organization’s mission, vision, value proposition, and objectives? The only choice is
compliance by assertion.
Compliance by assertion is rife with personal bias and “tourist dashboard decisions”.
Practitioners deliver value not by tripping over the correct implementation but by facilitating the
complete set of stakeholders to understand the implications of their preferences in the context of
the Enterprise’s mission, vision, value propositions, and objectives. Whether this is done on the
easy path by preparing views addressing concerns or by facilitating trade-off between competing
decisions is immaterial. The absence of understanding means the architecture, and the value it
enables, is fragile. The moment the Practitioner is unengaged on landscape, there can be no

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


expectation that the value will be sustained by operational teams and future implementation
teams who are unaware of either preference, priority, or traceability to value.
Without an architecture, the Enterprise has no choice but to jump to Phase G – completely
unprepared, with no ability to exercise implementation governance.
Not performing architecture to support decision-makers and implementers is the most pernicious
practice a Practitioner can perform.


Managing Innovation, Creativity, and Circumstance
Top-down direction and planning provides part of the answer for a nimble organization. It
provides the guidelines, constraints, and clarity required to make tactical decisions. Sometimes
the correct decision is to embark on unplanned change.
Whether the Practitioner has arrived at implementation of change unprepared because of a
failure or because of a good deliberate decision, the Practitioner still needs to provide useful
support of the change activity. Stakeholders simply have to have less confidence that the project
will deliver the expected value with the expected cost and the projected time. The range of
unknown ones precludes high confidence.
This lack of confidence simply means the architecture has more uncertainty, or risk, associated
with realizing the organization’s objectives. At this point, Practitioners have to focus all of their
energy on risk mitigation.
Pragmatically the Practitioner is going to be constantly performing a risk management function.
Rather than diving into the details of implementation the Practitioner needs to find and expose
uncertainty associated with the objective to provide tactical governance support. Every project
will have some form of benefits statement. Every organization has some form of strategy. The
Practitioner simply has to connect the dots without the benefit of any intermediate stepping
stones. The important distinction here is that the Practitioner is not expected to correct the
project regarding benefits statement and realization plan. The Practitioner is expected to mitigate
uncertainty regarding realizing the benefits stated in the project.
TOGAF Phase G provides a step for this activity where the Practitioner provides guidance to the
Implementation Project. The Practitioner must walk a line between guiding and performing
implementation.32 Implementers are expected to live within the constraints of the project;
Practitioners are expected to look at the context of the project. The most valuable actions when
the organization jumps to Phase G are identical to addressing rapid implementation methods
such as agile. The Practitioner must focus on the scope of the Implementation Project,
facilitating good decision-making in the context not of project benefits realization but of
Enterprise benefits realization, and ensuring the stakeholders and implementers understand the
implications of their choices regarding Enterprise benefits not driving them to make different
choices. This is a very fine distinction and is it a reiteration of not fixing the project but ensuring
stakeholders and implementation teams understand what can honestly be expected in terms of
value and benefit.
Innovation and creativity are at the fore when an organization jumps to Phase G. Thoughtful
architecture development providing guidance and constraints at the required level of detail will


For a discussion of the different roles a Practitioner may play, see Section 11.3 and Section 15.2.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

be missing. When the Practitioner’s organization is in a hurry they are focused on receiving
value through differentiation and experimentation. Typically, a sustained efficiency gain is not
achieved without clarifying dependency. Practitioners should expect that organizations in a hurry
are usually fully aware of the difficulty sustaining experiments across time and when scaled.
Hence, the Practitioner must focus on value realization. Bluntly, this is not different than a more
thoughtful approach: The stakeholders’ preference and priority drives the architecture
In terms of the TOGAF ADM phases, the Practitioner will be running constant micro-iterations
exploring discrete statements of value through to the implementation, with the purpose of
clarifying the value expected and what in the implementation creates uncertainty. In order to
perform this, the Practitioner will have to focus all attention on a narrow set of concerns on the
critical path to value realization.
When the organization Jumps to Phase G, the Practitioner will routinely need to act as the
stakeholders’ agent. Practitioners must be keenly aware of the danger acting as both the architect
and the stakeholders’ agent. Care must be taken to guard against tunnel vision, personal bias, and
“tourist dashboard decisions”. Specialized reporting against the narrow set of concerns on the
critical path to value and the Implementation Project form the control that mitigates lack of
preparation and failing to separate duties.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Special Cases


Architecture in an Agile Enterprise
There has been a great deal of conversation about aligning to agile implementation methods. Ink
has been spilled trying to align the phases of the ADM to these development methods. All of this
conversation has blurred the line between implementation and architecture. The TOGAF
standard aligns to agile development in Phase G. Full stop.
A good Architecture to Support Portfolio, or Project, will identify what products the Enterprise
needs, the boundary of the products, and what constraints a product owner has. In short, a good
architecture defines the Enterprise’s backlog.
Architecture to Support Project and Solution Delivery will have a set of constraints that limit the
choices of the agile team. These constraints are where an individual product must bend to
Enterprise issues and the parochial preference of a product owner is not valid.
Then Phase G, Implementation Governance: the Practitioner serves the stakeholders guarding
the mission, vision, goals, and investment roadmap. In short, guarding Enterprise value.


Architecture for a Domain
A common failure path is for domain architects to work to a different purpose, or pretend that
they are working on a different Architecture Project than the rest of the team. A domain33 must
fit into the whole of the EA. Also, the rest of the EA must fit with a domain. Anything else is a
tourist dashboard decision (see Section 6.2).
A distinct domain is security. A security architecture only exists in reference to other domains
and is best considered a concern. Practitioners will always address their stakeholders’ security34
and risk concerns.


Architecture in Response to an Incident
Something happened, and the organization’s response is to fix it.
As a starting point the Practitioner should understand risk as the effect of uncertainty on
reaching objectives, risk appetite, and risk tolerance. Achieving all objectives is uncertain, and
an Enterprise’s response is driven by risk tolerance and risk appetite.
The risk appetite provides guidance balancing the amount of risk taken to achieve an expected
outcome. Risk appetite is typically expressed as a boundary on a risk/business impact and


See Appendix F.
For a detailed discussion, read the referenced Open Group Guide: Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF ® Enterprise


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

likelihood grid, or qualitative measures. For example, the Enterprise will risk $x for $y reward
this year, or has zero tolerance for loss of life. A well understood risk appetite defines both the
level of risk the organization is willing to accept as well as its strategy in defining this level. For
risks above this acceptable level, it defines the strategy used for mitigation. Strategy for risk in
excess risk appetite is typically transference or avoidance.
Risk tolerance addresses deviations from what is expected. In short, what to do when the
Enterprise’s uncertainty is exceeded. The most common expression of uncertainty is failure to
achieve expectations. At this point, the Enterprise is certain it will not achieve its objectives.
An incident changes the stakeholders’ preferences with regard to risk. This is a change in
requirement, and the architecture must adjust. The central role of the Practitioner is to provide
solid advice on what changes to the target, and the associated work to achieve the change will
reach an acceptable certainty of reaching the stakeholders’ objective. Practitioners should not be
surprised when there are few changes that have an acceptable cost, and the stakeholder is faced
with the option of cancelling the objective or cancelling the change.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Part 5: Guidance on Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Transition Architecture: Managing Complex Roadmaps
Until now, this Guide made the effort and process simple by describing most of the concepts
using a linear time scale. It gave an impression that creating a well aligned set of work packages
vectored by business cycle and planning horizon gives you potential transition states and a near
linear roadmap. Recall this simple statement made in Chapter 5 in the context of the EA
Repository: “Baseline provides reference for all change. The target state is what stakeholders
have approved. Transition states are partially realized targets between current state and target
state. Mix the four characteristics of the EA Landscape: breadth, depth, time, and recency. Mix
the different Architecture Projects that can work on the same subject at different times and at
different levels of detail.” That’s the only hint to indicate real-world complexity.
In addition to characteristics, other organizational factors that add to complexity are:

Advancements and changes outside the Enterprise


Shared services


Collaboration with suppliers and partners, including portfolio ownership model


Impenetrable dependencies


Multiple geopolitical boundaries (fiscal calendars, regulations, cultures)


Varying rate of maturity and growth of teams


EA team model (federated, centralized, etc.)


Availability of multiple solutions or announcement of end-of-life for products currently in

This is the reality. One Enterprise roadmap gets broken down into segment, portfolio, or
geography. The Enterprise will be pursuing more than one concurrent goal, say efficiency and
retooling. For each business cycle, the roadmap is revisited to make adjustments, bottom-up and
at times top-down. This is a clear use-case that drives the need for a good EA Repository: a
repository that maintains the integrity of the current state and target state, but allows creation of


Roadmap Grouping
Start with one version that supports the initial strategy. Flesh out the repository from strategy to
project. Upon acceptance of the portfolio, create versions as necessary. Once the candidate
versions are accepted, baseline both current and Target Architectures. Create multiple baselines
of the current transitional state. Create copies of the architecture, one per variable, concern, or a
related group of variables.
Use the same planning horizon to showcase the impact and outcome. The moment planning
horizons change, analysis becomes complex and results in loss of continuity for most decisions.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Each distinct parent roadmap – say if there is a separate roadmap for European Union
Operations and Australian Operations – name and identify them as such. Employ appropriate
naming and versioning concepts for and derived roadmaps of those created for what-if analysis.
Make it intuitive to identify discarded alternatives.


Comparing Architectures
The point of creating separate roadmaps is to align the scope of each Architecture Project. When
the Enterprise has any one of the characteristic or organizational factors identified earlier in this
chapter, it would make sense to create a separate Architecture Project and roadmap to deal with
this complexity.
Employing a standard reference architecture for process, business terms, applications, etc.,
supports cross-project and cross-roadmap analysis. Using a standard model provides the
flexibility required to map across implementation models of the solution suppliers. It also helps
in evaluating bids and offers from potential suppliers. This is another place where use of ABBs
would come in handy. Implementation and use of ABBs across projects can be analyzed with
Basing all of the architectures on an implementation-neutral reference model allows impact of
modifications to a specific architecture to be identified easily. As shown in Figure 17, the EA
Repository tool could provide support to identify the change, whether it is to one of the attributes
of an architectural component or a modification to the catalog of components. While working
with a federated team, uses of such a tool and use of common reference models can go a long
way to coordinate and communicate the impact of architecture changes. Within the roadmap, it
is better to keep the analysis patterns consistent.

Figure 17: Using Repository for Managing Roadmaps – I


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

This same concept of comparing architectures can be used to create and analyze year-over-year
modifications to the architecture. In Figure 18, the EA Repository tool in use allows the
Practitioner to trace a change to the baseline or the revised version.

Figure 18: Impact Analysis of Architectures

When creating the roadmap, pay attention to impact of change. Any change, when introduced,
will tarnish the efficiency, overall throughput, and sometimes call for duplicative investments.
Such short-term negative impacts can mask deviations from the roadmap. Inject appropriate
markers to identify any unintended sub-optimization or deviations from the roadmap. The value
and outcome map should present the time to value and gain/loss at the end of the planning


General Guidance
A work package or an architecture specification that intersects more than one Architecture
Project or change effort also introduces complexity. The environment for every Enterprise is
highly dynamic, forcing a need for trade-off and expert judgment every so often. Implementation
Projects are invariably insulated from all impact from developments in the external environment.
Complexity happens because every transitional state is a fully functional and operational state
for the Enterprise. The architecture and roadmap evolve to stay abreast or ahead of such external
When starting afresh, the Practitioner potentially has the benefit of working with the limited set
of information about the landscape. As the landscape is populated from ongoing Architecture
Projects, continually pay attention to ruthless abstraction of detail. Set your biases and baggage
aside. Set the stakeholder preference aside. It is all about the least and absolute necessary
information to guide a choice. Keep the dataset consistent. Eliminate noise and distortions when
performing analysis of architectures.
Common traps while creating roadmaps include incorrect scoping. The Architecture Project may
exclude certain functions from the scope. Earlier chapters of this Guide explicitly warned you

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


not to stray away from the charter of the Architecture Project. The fine-print is that, if you
identify a need, a gap, call it out – don’t work on developing the architecture. It is the
responsibility of the Practitioner to call out the dependency and document its existence and the
disposition of the gap in the roadmap. Such deferred items will become its own roadmap. When
developing architecture for this gap at a later date, make sure that you operate in a fixed block of
time (same end dates as related roadmaps), not a fixed block of duration (say three years for each


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Phase H (Coordination and Business Cycle in Action)
An EA is developed for one very simple reason: to guide effective change. The change can be
materialized only when it is adequately supported with resources. Every Enterprise has a
business cycle that plans and allocates resources, normally one fiscal year. The fiscal year dates
are inflexible and decisions will be made with the data available and reasonable judgment.
If the EA Capability has been requested by the Enterprise, it is an acknowledgement of the fact
that “implicit” architecture and the resulting judgments that drove investments and changes are
not delivering what the Enterprise wants. It is likely that the EA effort was kicked off after the
budget allocation for the current business cycle or with very limited time to influence the
decisions of the current business cycle. Do not waste time in the current cycle. Stay happy with
the “implicit acknowledgement” and focus on building the data for the next cycle. Though not
stated, the sponsor is looking to protect “future” decisions with EA. The moment the Practitioner
realizes they are late for the next cycle, shift the time investment to refurbish the résumé of the
entire team (see Section 11.2).
Phase H demands the Practitioner to identify the bottom-up drivers for change; change due to
improvements in available technologies or conditions controlling the operations or environment
of the Enterprise; and initiate the architecture work for the next target transition state (top-down
driver). This does not mean that the Practitioner need to flesh out everything that is covered by
the charter for the EA Capability or the budget.
Earlier chapters impressed upon “just enough architecture” and characteristics of the EA
Landscape. Understand the capacity and capability of the team to scope the work. Remember,
the definition of “Enterprise” is fungible and used to control the scope of analysis. If this is the
first pass in developing the Architecture to Support Strategy, scope the effort accordingly.
Define and distribute the work packages in proportion to the capability and readiness of the
Enterprise. All of these are aimed at one thing – influencing and garnering the resources in the
next cycle.
Tying everything to the budget cycle simply highlights the importance of good EA in guiding
and constraining the change decisions. When there is no practical input from a good EA team
before the decision an organization needs to take is made, the decision is still made. It might
even be a good choice, but it was a less informed choice.
The moment there is awareness that data was available, but late, irrespective of the quality of the
decision made, the EA team loses its relevance. It is a fail-fail scenario resulting in questioning
the value and purpose of the EA team.
Depending on the size of the Enterprise (irrespective of the scope of the EA work), budget
preparation may start two to four months before the start of the fiscal year. The Practitioner, the
Implementation Project architect, and the Implementation Project manager need to play the role
of SME to assess the ability of the implementation team to complete all the work packages at
least two to four weeks before the start of budget preparation date.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Other than the first year of operation of the EA team, most subsequent architecture work is
initiated from Phase H. Phase H provides ongoing review of value realization and monitoring of
change. Change and failure to realize value provide entry points to the ADM. Never be late –
four weeks before the start of budget planning is too late. The EA team needs to be aligned with
the organization’s planning, budgeting, operational, and change processes. Figure 19 shows a
timeline view, depicting an alignment of key decisions made during a business cycle and the
purpose architectures.

Figure 19: Business Cycle and Architecture by Purpose

Once the Practitioner’s communication informs and influences the budget planning, the path
forward is set. This superior architecture governs and constrains the rest of the activities.
The second most important activity is supporting budget control. The architect of the
Architecture Project is the agent for the stakeholder for the implementation team; the architect is
also the SME for the portfolio manager in validating the progress earned to value. It is common
to see a Practitioner tripped by the duality of role in the budget control phase to lose focus on the
budget planning activities. Never forget that the sole purpose of the Practitioner is to influence
and guide change – not to get into the detail of implementation.
The EA team is intentional about every effort, irrespective of the name used – process
improvement, operations, Keep-The-Lights-On (KTLO), growth, transformation, etc. Every
effort and idea contributes to the Target Architecture. Even through the superior architecture
constrains the Architecture to Support Portfolio and Project, nothing is committed and accepted
as the next transition state until resources (budget) are allocated. Random ideas from the wild
(see Section 8.6) will find their way into the process. The Practitioner watches like a hawk to
identify such interesting work packages and triggers a review, trade-off, and governance of the
“new” portfolio. Unless sufficient insight is gained about the “behavioral” patterns of the
organization, it is difficult to discern “pet projects” and “random ideas” disguised as “bottomup” effort from a legitimate initiative to bridge a gap. Perform a simple sniff test – is the
architecture specification trying to accomplish more than one thing; stakeholder trade-off – are
the concerns aligned or being accepted for lack of time to analyze. Create a change request and
leave a bread crumb to revisit and stabilize the architecture in the next cycle.
Understand how the Enterprise employs discretionary funds; use them wisely. A practical
approach would be guiding allocation of such discretionary funds for exploratory work
packages, until the alignment to roadmap could be rationalized and included in the portfolio.
Acceptance of such requests is an explicit change to the Target Architecture. Avoid as much as


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

possible. Follow the change management processes. No exceptions. The role being played by the
Practitioner at this stage is more of a mediator and negotiator, applying the architectural
knowledge. At the end of the day, the Practitioner is responsible and accountable for the stability
and integrity of the architecture.
At the time of finalizing the allocation of funds, good architecture will speak for itself. The
Practitioner need not be in the room to guide the decision. When the allocation happens, the
decision-makers are validating that the project manager, portfolio manager, and the
implementation architect fully understand and agree to deliver the outcome in conformance to
the architecture. The decision-makers are already convinced of the need for the project and its
outcome. If the Practitioner enters a scenario requiring change to the architecture, it is too late.
The foundation is faulty. The Architecture Project and the Implementation Project cannot
proceed. Go back to the architecture specifications and stakeholder concerns. Be prepared to
face the consequence of incomplete work.
If the Practitioner had followed everything in this document up until Chapter 12, everything
mentioned in this chapter should appear to be a foreign concept. Otherwise, start over with this

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Architecture Governance
ISO/IEC 38500:201535 defines governance as: “a system that directs and controls the current and
future state”. The process by which direction and control are provided should imbibe equality of
concern and transparency, protecting the rights and interests of the organization.
Governance is a decision-making process, with a defined structure of relationships to direct and
control the Enterprise in order to achieve stated goals. The key difference between governance
and management rests on the cornerstone of fiduciary and sustainable responsibility.
Most discussion on governance confuses management and governance. John Carver’s Policy
Governance is written to support public agencies, where there are often competing priorities and
strong distinctions between those who pay and those who benefit. It is one of the best pieces of
guidance a Practitioner can get. Lastly, John’s work clearly distinguishes between governance
and management. The parallels to EA governance are striking.
The development and use of EA must be governed. To define a customized governance
approach, let us start to define the following:



What is to be governed?


Why should something be governed?


When and who should decide on the recommended alternatives?

What is Governed and Why?
Two distinct things must be governed. First, the development of the Target Architecture.
Second, all change within the scope of the Target Architecture. Without the first, the Practitioner
cannot support their organization’s leadership directing and controlling change. Without the
latter, there was no point in developing a good target that provides an organization’s best
achievable course forward.
Central to the definition of governance is “directs and controls”. Typically, the Practitioner and
implementer are directed, and both are controlled by the stakeholder. This chapter will use the
terms direct and control for focus.


Target Architecture
The TOGAF standard provides a key concept to govern the Target Architecture: the Architecture
The Architecture Project is used to direct and control the EA team to address issues in the
Enterprise. An Architecture Project starts with a Request for Architecture Work. The primary
control is Architecture Project management using the Statement of Architecture Work. For a


ISO/IEC 38500:2015: Information Technology – Governance of IT for the Organization.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

broader discussion of controlling the development of the Target Architecture, see the
Architecture Project Management White Paper.36
In short, the Practitioner is directed to develop an architecture within a controlled scope. Within
that controlled scope, the Practitioner is directed to the stakeholder’s preferences. Preferences
are expressed in terms of objective, priority, and specification. Best practice requirements
management chases objective and priority as the baseline. The governance test will ask whether
the Practitioner is addressing the stakeholder’s concerns.


Implementation Projects and Other Change
The TOGAF standard provides two key concepts to govern Implementation Projects and other
change: the Architecture Contract and the Architecture Requirements Specification.
The Architecture Contract is used to direct and control the implementation team to work towards
a deliberant future. Regardless of the document structure an Architecture Contract takes in a
Practitioner’s organization it will contain the same directional elements and provide a means to
test compliance.
The Architecture Requirements Specification is used to direct and control the creativity of the
implementation team. Every Architecture Requirements Specification enables control of the
implementation team. Design, implementation, and other change choices can be tested against
the Architecture Requirements Specification.
In short, the implementation team is directed to create changes with intentional value-based
outcomes. Best practice governance enables the organization to control value realization.


Roles, Duties, and Decision Rights
Decision rights about the Target Architecture, relief, and enforcement are always vested in the
architecture’s stakeholders. The most common failure pattern is to confuse roles.
Each role is involved in the governance of developing and using architecture, with different
accountability and decision rights. The roles are:

Stakeholder: owner of the architecture
Provides priority, preference, and direction. All decision rights about the Target
Architecture, and any relief from and enforcement of the target, are vested in the


Stakeholder Agent: representative of the stakeholder


Subject Matter Expert: possesses specialized knowledge about some aspect of the
Enterprise or the environment in which it operates
Provides knowledge, advice, and validation of interpretation.


Implementer: responsible for performing all change activity


Architecture Project Management: How to Manage an Architecture Project using the TOGAF ® Framework and Mainstream Project
Management Methods (see Referenced Documents).

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Scope of change is not relevant. Transformative capital projects and incremental
operational changes are changes performed by an implementer. All decision rights about
proposed implementation choices, such as design, product selection, and change sequence,
are vested with the implementer.

Architect: developer of the Target Architecture
Provides recommendations when non-compliance with the target is determined.


Auditor: performs systematic reviews of both the target and implementation
Best performed at multiple stages to capture errors before the cost of correction exceeds
potential value realization. All decision rights about compliance during the development
of the architecture and implementation are vested with the implementer. Auditing can be
performed within a formal structure such as an architecture governing board or by a peer
reviewer. Auditing can also be self-performed but the role being performed needs to be
clear in the mind of the individual and that they are acting in accordance with the role.

In many organizations, the Practitioner will fill the role of stakeholder agent, subject matter
expert, and implementer. This typically occurs when the organization does not use architecture
to direct and control change. Instead, the organization attempts to use skilled thoughtful
individuals to make tactical decisions. The value is illusionary.
The governance process does not have to be a heavyweight bureaucracy. It is simply based on
demonstrating sufficient traceability that the organization can have confidence in the target being
the best path to reaching the Enterprise’s preferences. With confidence, the Enterprise will
enforce the target in deliberate change activity.


Target Checklist
Use the following checklist to execute architecture governance. Good Practitioners understand
that only stakeholders can approve architecture. A good governance process will require the
Practitioner to demonstrate the following when assessing a Target Architecture:

Were the correct stakeholders

If yes, proceed.
If no, direct the architect to engage with the stakeholders
appropriate to the scope of the architecture being developed.


Were constraints and guidance
from the superior architecture
taken into account?

If yes, proceed.
If no, direct the Practitioner to perform their job and take into
account guidance and constraints from the superior
architecture. Where the Practitioner identifies a conflict, obtain
a recommendation on whether to grant relief from the superior
architecture or enforce the superior architecture. This decision
must be made by the superior architecture stakeholders.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Do appropriate SMEs agree
with the facts and interpretation
of the facts in the architecture? If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner has to do their job and engage with the
SMEs. Where the Practitioner identifies a conflict with, or
between, SMEs, develop a recommendation for the
stakeholders that they should have limitations in confidence.



Do any constraints or guidance
produced reflect the views
produced for stakeholders and
any underpinning architecture
models and analysis?


Do the views produced for the
stakeholders reflect their
concerns and reflect any
underpinning architecture
models and analysis?


If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner needs to do their job and develop
appropriate views that are consistent with analysis.

If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner needs to do their job and develop
appropriate views.


Do the stakeholders understand Yes/No
the value, and any uncertainty
in achieving the value, provided If yes, proceed.
by reaching the target state?
If no, the Practitioner needs to do their job and develop
appropriate views, and other work products, then return to the


Do the stakeholders understand Yes/No
the work necessary to reach the
target state and any uncertainty If yes, proceed.
(risk) in successfully
accomplishing the work?
If no, the Practitioner needs to do their job and develop
appropriate work products and return to the stakeholders.


Do the stakeholders understand Yes/No
any limitations in confidence
they should have in the Target If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner needs to do their job and develop
appropriate guidance on the limitations in confidence and
return to the stakeholders.


Have the stakeholders approved Yes/No
the views?

If the answer to the last question is yes, the governance process is done. The architecture,
associated view, architecture specifications, controls, and work packages are ready for
publication in the EA Repository as an approved Target Architecture.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


If the answer to the last question is no, then there is a decision on whether the Practitioner should
rework the architecture or the Architecture Project should be cancelled. Reworking the
architecture typically requires the Practitioner to finally embrace the stakeholder’s preferences.
Rework may require more advanced trade-off.


Implementation and Other Change Checklist
When the architecture is being used, changes to the Enterprise are guided and constrained. Two
factors impact governance of change. First, organizations operate in a dynamic environment, and
the analysis of the Target Architecture cannot have assessed every circumstance or change
option possible. Second, the target was produced for a purpose and may not have been
developed to the level of detail required for the current use. The governance process requires
flexibility. When non-compliance is identified, the Enterprise must either change the
architecture, provide temporary relief from constraint, or enforce the architecture. If relief is not
temporary, the Enterprise has chosen the worst available option: changing the target without
bothering with analysis and approval.
Two governance roles are often performed by the Practitioner: the auditor and the architect.
Compliance assessment is an auditor role. When non-compliance is identified, the architect
needs to produce an impact assessment and recommendation on what to do. The
recommendation will have three choices: First, enforce compliance; second, provide temporary
relief; and third change the Target Architecture.
The choice in the recommendation will be driven by the impact assessment. Practitioners must
assess impact on the same terms as the target was developed. Assessing on any other terms
invalidates the assessment and recommendation.
Implementation governance assesses compliance. Compliance assessment needs to be done soon
enough that course correction is viable. As identified in the walk-through chapters, compliance
assessment against value and operational change are as important as project-driven change.
This checklist is designed to assist the Practitioner understand what must be demonstrated during
the governance process to address a non-compliance report:

Did the organization embarking
on a change reasonably
interpret the Target
Architecture’s guidance and

If yes, their interpretation should be accepted as compliance
and any issues addressed through a change to the architecture.
This is a key point. Good architecture can have multiple
implementation choices, and the implementer is not required to
adhere to opinion. If the implementation choice is a reasonable
interpretation, it should be judged compliant.
If no, proceed.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Do appropriate SMEs agree
with the facts and interpretation
of the facts in the impact
If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner has to do their job an engage with the
SMEs. Where the Practitioner identifies a conflict with, or
between, SMEs, develop a report for the stakeholders
identifying what limitations in confidence they should have in
the impact assessment.


Do appropriate SMEs agree
with the recommendation to
enforce the target, grant timebound relief, or change the


Do the views and other
materials produced for the
stakeholders reflect the impact
assessment and reflect any
underpinning architecture
models and analysis?



If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner has to do their job and engage with the
SMEs. Where the Practitioner identifies a conflict with, or
between, SMEs, develop a report identifying what limitations
in confidence the stakeholder should have in the compliance

If yes, proceed to the stakeholders for approval.
If no, the Practitioner has to do their job.


Do the stakeholders understand Yes/No
any limitations in confidence
they should have in the impact If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner has to do their job and provide the
appropriate work products that highlight the impact of
limitations in confidence and return to the stakeholders.


Do the stakeholders understand
the impact on prior expected
value, and any change in
certainty in achieving the value,
provided by reaching the target


If yes, proceed.
If no, the Practitioner has to do their job and provide the
appropriate work products that highlight the impact on
expected value, and on uncertainly in reaching the expected
value and return to the stakeholders.

Have the stakeholders approved Yes/No
the recommendation to enforce
the target, grant relief, or
change the architecture?

If the answer to the last questions is yes, the organization should action the recommendation.
How this is actioned is context and organization-specific. Where compliance is enforced, the
governance process should look for evidence of a course correction to the Implementation
Project. Lastly, where relief is provided, the Practitioner should ensure that future compliance

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


assessment and reporting take place to review time-bound relief. Without this step, the
Enterprise has simply agreed to change the Target Architecture without the bother of approval.
If the answer is no, the stakeholder has spoken. A Practitioner can make the choice to try and
convince the stakeholder through expanded information provided to the stakeholder. One of the
common mistakes is that the Practitioner either switched terms of assessment from those used to
develop the target, or failed to embrace the stakeholder’s preferences when developing the
impact assessment.


Long-Term Compliance Reporting
The chapters discussing walk-throughs for Architecture to Support Strategy, Portfolio, and
Project all included assessments of in-flight change and consider using summary reporting with
a high visual impact. Below is an example of reporting against constraints, expected value, and
known gaps. In all cases, the assessment will return either not applicable, conformance, or nonconformance. Good Practitioners will look for binary tests: compliance and con-compliance
(Red/Green) where possible. Where binary testing is not possible, a 1-to-3 scale
(Red/Yellow/Green) should provide sufficient range to provide a summary report.
Table 10: Example of Summary Governance Reporting
(Architecture Principle,
Specification, or


(Best done in terms of
the Enterprise’s
mandatory concerns)


Current state: assess what
the Enterprise has


Fails to Deliver

Not Applicable

Implementation Project:
assess project, design, and


Not Applicable


Roadmap, portfolio, or
program: assess plans and

Not Applicable


Leaving Open

The Practitioner serves the Enterprise’s stakeholders regardless of where they are employed in
an organization. This requires the Practitioner to identify with and guard the stakeholders’
preferences. Good Practitioners use their position in front of decisions and outside of the change
program to guard value. In practice, a high fraction of governance is informal, with the
Practitioner thinking as the stakeholders’ agent and deciding when to push for compliance. For
every change initiative, understanding and guarding the Enterprise’s expected value is the most
important and arguably the only job of architecture governance.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Part 6: Appendices

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Partial List of Modeling Approaches
Table 11 provides a list of modeling approaches. These examples are provided as a starting point
for a Practitioner who needs to consistently describe some part of an Enterprise.
The EA community is filled with involved discussions of the distinction between language,
notation, model kind, and model type. Such fine-grained distinctions are normally not useful.
What is useful is describing something consistently.
These approaches may have a formal or informal metamodel, notation, or supporting method.
Table 11: List of Useful Modeling Methods
Reference Model &
Reference Architecture
4+1 architectural view model37

Can be used in Architecture to Support Solution Delivery. The
four views of the model are logical, development, process,
physical view, and use-case.
Provides a nice simplified list of what you need to know and

The ArchiMate Standard

Excellent fit for Architecture to Support Solution Delivery.
Good fit for Architecture to Support Project.

Business Model Canvas38

Use is entirely driven by the scope of the value proposition.
Commonly used for Architecture to Support Portfolio and
Architecture to Support Project.

Business Motivation Model (BMM)39

Simplified is useful for Architecture to Support Project.
Can be used for Architecture to Support Portfolio BMCs.

Business Process Model and Notation

Can be used for Architecture to Support Solution Delivery.

Kaplan Strategy Map41

Good for representing final strategy.

Limited fit for analysis required in architecture.


Refer to Kruchten: Architectural Blueprints – The “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture (see Referenced Documents).
Refer to Kaplan and David: The Balanced Scorecard (see Referenced Documents).


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

Reference Model &
Reference Architecture

Very useful in looking at a governance model of an Enterprise.
Use is driven by the scope being described.
Commonly used for Architecture to Support Portfolio and
Architecture to Support Project.

A3 Thinking42

Useful in summarizing Architecture to Support Project.

Unified Modeling Language (UML) 43

Good fit for Architecture to Support Solution Delivery.
In particular, useful in providing a standard way to visualize the
design of a system.



A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Stakeholder/Concern Matrix
We recommend that a set of standardized classes of stakeholders, concerns, and associated
viewpoints are maintained for each architecture purpose. This follows the advice of aligning the
EA Capability with the questions that are expected to be answered.44 This appendix provides a
partial list of common stakeholders, concerns, and their alignment. These examples are provided
as a starting point for a Practitioner who needs to address common questions.
Table 12 shows the relationships between the stakeholder classes and concerns for a single
architecture purpose.


Common Stakeholder Classes

Senior Leaders are those with responsibility for management and oversight
This responsibility includes approving and realigning strategic initiatives, tracking a
portfolio of projects, ensuring transformative benefits are realized, and meeting
operational business goals.


Program/Portfolio Managers are those with responsibility for management and
oversight of strategic initiatives
This responsibility includes approving and realigning projects, tracking project progress,
and ensuring project benefits are realized.


Business Requirements Owners are those responsible for identifying and expressing
business requirements
Typically, these stakeholders are responsible for some aspect of business operation.


Implementers are those responsible for developing, integrating, and deploying the


Risk Owners are those interested in risk


Business Partners are those who are engaged to provide services sustaining a customer
value proposition
Note: The architecture may not be provided to business partners, but must be evaluated
from their perspective.


Customers are those who consume products and services
Note: The architecture may not be provided to members, but must be evaluated from their


See Customization of Architecture Contents and Metamodel in the TOGAF ® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA
Capability (see Referenced Documents).


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Common Concern Classes

Agility: what is the ability of the architecture to adapt to future unanticipated change?


Efficiency: how does some aspect of the architecture contribute to efficiency of


Differentiation: how does some aspect of the architecture address enable differentiation?


Value: what is the value of the architecture?


Value Proposition: how does some aspect of the architecture address a value proposition?


Change Cost: what is the impact of a change to the architecture in terms of cost of


Change Impact: what is the impact, or scope, of a change to the architecture?


Alignment: to what extent is the architecture aligned with priorities?


Feasibility: what is the probability the architecture will be realized and sustained?


Dependability: how will the architecture consistently deliver value and operate safely?


Control: how will we protect assets in the architecture?


Specification: what needs to be built?


Security: will the architecture consistently address the risks and opportunities embedded
in operations?


Confidence: what confidence can be placed in the target?


Customer Intimacy: is the Enterprise delivering products and services the customers
want? What is the confidence that the new product or service will be liked by them?


Scalability: Can the architecture and the Enterprise handle the range of demands and
growth cycles?


Business Continuity: Does the architecture provide the appropriate level of continuity
needs relative to the Enterprise’s needs?

For each intersection, a viewpoint is created the identifies the necessary information and
communication required to address the concern. (See Appendix C.)

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM




Business Requirements









Risk Owners





Business Partner

























Business Continuity





Customer Intimacy



Portfolio Managers











Change Impact


Change Cost


Senior Leaders



Value Proposition

Table 12: Stakeholder Responsibility (Portfolio)



TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Sample Viewpoint Library
We recommend that a Viewpoint Library is maintained to identify the standard concerns,
stakeholders, and the information required to address the question. The information is typically
drawn from one or more models. How the view should be constructed is purpose-specific.
Table 13 shows the relationship between the stakeholder classes and concerns:
Table 13: Viewpoint Library (Portfolio)


View Construction

Information Required

Value Proposition
Change Cost
Change Impact

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Architecture Contract Template
This template is maintained to standardize communication from an architecture to a solution
delivery team.
Table 14 shows the relationship between the stakeholder classes and concerns.
Table 14: Solution Delivery Notebook


Solution Summary

This section provides the summary of the solution.
Central is:
 What set of gaps in the architecture does
the solution address?
 Who are the stakeholders, relevant inbound
requirements, and relevant specifications
that address the requirements?
 What are the risks, and the relevant
controls that address the risks?

Solution Concept Diagram

Describes the central problem and how the solution
addresses the problem.

Stakeholder Catalog

Identifies key stakeholders, their requirements, and
any associated architecture specifications that
constrain the design and implementation.
This allows any design and implementation to be
tested against stakeholder requirements by tracing
the design and implementation to the requirement
through the architecture specification.

Risk Catalog

Identifies the risks applicable to the solution and the
mitigating controls.
This allows the design and implementation to be
tested against risk though the mitigating control.

Gap Catalog

Lists gaps that are addressed by the work package.
This identifies what is in scope of the project and
what is not in scope. Keep in mind there will
routinely be additional gaps that are not addressed
by a project that will need to be identified as such.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)




This section provides the summary for testing the
design and implementation against the architecture
and provides the basis of architecture governance.
Specification conformance will be tested against:
Requirement/specification pair
Risk/control pair

Implementation Strategy

Identifies the preferred approach to addressing the
gaps or work packages, where a preferred approach
will improve value realization.

Architecture Specification

Identifies all the specifications that address a
Specifications can be of many different types.
Note that the specification can apply to anything in
the architecture, but always traces to a requirement.


Identifies all the controls that mitigate a risk.
Note that the control can apply to anything in the
architecture, but always traces to a risk.


This section provides the summary of the Target
Architecture using appropriate diagrams, catalogs,
and matrices.
This section is provided for reference.
Business Architecture
Information Architecture
Application Architecture
Infrastructure Architecture
Security Architecture
Other specialized domain
architecture depending on
the specific organization

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Another ADM Journey: Leader’s Guide CapabilityBased Planning Journey
This Guide has focused on aligning use of the TOGAF standard to support four primary
purposes driving the development of an EA. The journeys described in Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10
provide purpose-specific journeys.
Practitioners will face many journeys through the ADM.
Table 15 is from the TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability
(see Referenced Documents). It outlines a customized journey through the TOGAF ADM that is
optimized for an EA Capability; it is easily adapted to other capability-based planning
Architecture Projects.
As always, Practitioners identify the information they need to know to answer the question at
hand. These answers either inform the next question and/or support a decision. Effective
iteration of the ADM is not linear.
Table 15: Mapping EA Capability Development with ADM Phases

Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Enterprise Context and EA

Partial Strategic Level Phase B
Enterprise context:
 Goals, objectives, initiatives, competitive, and tactic analysis
 Operating model (partners, suppliers)
 Explore what-if scenarios and scorecards
EA context specific for the EA Capability:
 Goals

Business Objectives for the EA


Capability Level Phase A
For the EA Capability:
 Provide initial goals and objectives
 Select a reference EA Capability and maturity model
 Candidate EA Capability
 Candidate operating model
 EA Capability gap and priority roadmap

TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Architecture Governance

Partial Segment/Capability Level Phase B
For the Enterprise:
 Enterprise Risk Management Model
 Governance Model
For the EA Capability:
 Risk Management Model
 Governance Model
 Extend candidate operating model to include EA governance
 Initial Architecture Partition Model
 Trace to EA Capability goals

Alignment with Other

Partial Capability Level Phase B & Partial Phase C (Data)
For the Enterprise:
 Reference models for key frameworks
 Capability assessment of key frameworks
For the EA Capability:
 Framework touch-points
 Extend candidate operating model to include other
 Extend EA governance and EA risk management
 Initial EA Content Framework aligned to other frameworks
and EA governance
 Candidate architecture partition model
 Trace to EA Capability goals
 EA Capability and key framework gap and priority roadmap

Customization of Architecture
Contents and Metamodel

Capability Level Phase C (Data)

Organization Model for the EA

Partial Capability Level Phase B

For the EA Capability:
 EA Content Framework
 EA Content Metamodel
 Viewpoint Library
 Architecture Repository Model
 Trace to EA Capability goals
 Initial EA Content Framework and Architecture Repository

For the EA Capability:
 EA organizational model
 Select reference EA skills framework
 Initial alignment with Enterprise job titles and roles
 Initial accountability matrix for EA Content Framework and
initial Architecture Repository
 Organizational gap and priority roadmap

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



Mapping to TOGAF ADM Phase

Process Model

Partial Capability Level Phase B
Capability Level Phase C (App) and Capability Level Phase D
For the Enterprise:
 Process model highlighting touch-points between EA
Capability and Enterprise processes the EA Capability
 Performance matrix for key processes and organization
 Accountability matrix for EA Content Framework and
For the EA Capability:
 Process model
 Architecture Repository application model
 Matrix for EA Content Framework and Architecture
Repository Applications Architecture
 Process and Architecture Repository gap and priority

Create the EA Capability

Capability Level Phase E
Create a roadmap highlighting development of the EA Capability by
changes in the:
 Organizational model
 Process model
 EA Content Framework
 Architecture Repository
For the EA Capability:
 Trace roadmap to EA Capability goals

Establishing and Evolving the
EA Capability

Capability Level Phase F and Capability Level Phase G
For the Enterprise:
 Transition the EA Capability Roadmap to an Implementation
& Migration Plan
For the EA Capability:
 Execute the Implementation & Migration Plan to build the
EA Capability the Enterprise desires


While this has been stressed in the guide, align to processes the EA Capability is expected to support based upon its purpose. Do not
align to those it could support. Worst practice is to fret over linkage to processes the EA Capability could support.


TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)


Evolving List of Domain Architectures
As the ecosystem in which an Enterprise operates and information technology evolves, specialty
domain architectures will evolve. Table 16 documents a partial list of domain architectures and a
short note about the domain. The list or the note about the domain should not be considered
authoritative or comprehensive.
Table 16: Partial List of Domain Architectures
Domain Architecture

Short Note about the Domain Architecture

Business Architecture

Focuses on business motivations and business operations, linking
customers, products, services, finances, suppliers, and partners. The
linkages, relationships, and operational aspects are elaborated using the
Enterprise’s goals, objectives, strategies, business processes, and
capabilities along with its rules and controls.

Security Architecture

An approach that clearly addresses the necessities and potential risks
involved in a certain scenario or environment. It also specifies when and
where to apply controls to eliminate or mitigate the barriers to attain the
objectives, including sustainability and continuity of business.

Service Architecture

An approach to describe the purpose and method of interaction to get an
outcome for the buyer/user. Includes clear articulation of the service
availability, location, access control, response expectations, and usage

Human Machine
Information Systems

An approach to study and optimize the effort and understanding required by
humans to work with machines and applications.

This is a logical grouping describing processes that are automated. The
description includes information accessed and produced, infrastructure used
to host applications that automates the processes, communicates across
applications, or stores information. This is composed of all information,
data, application, infrastructure, communications, and integration


A structural design and approach to help users (humans and machines)
understand where data (text, audio, video, binaries) is, how to find it, what
to expect, and how to use it to improve quality of decisions.

Data Architecture

A description of policies, rules, or standards that govern which data is
collected, how it is stored, arranged, integrated, and put to use. Organization
of data is normally expressed in models.

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM


Domain Architecture


Short Note about the Domain Architecture


Describes the behavior of a solution (automated or manual) applied to solve
a business problem, how the solution interacts with other such solutions,
and its users. It also describes how the solutions are organized, including its
structural and behavioral elements.


A description of elements without which core business operations cannot
take place. In generic terms, includes buildings and space for parking,
power supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, dining area
and restrooms (in other words facilities). In the information technology
context, covers bare metal computing devices like servers, routers, switches,
and disks.


A network of people and machines that connects separate components of an
organization. The primary focus of this architecture is to enable flow of
information across the organization and rest of the world. Normally includes
telephony, video conferencing, and automated response systems.


A description of tools and techniques applied to enable applications to
interact with each other using appropriate communications and
infrastructure architecture. Its focus is on setting rules of engagement
between applications including protocols and method, compliant with risk
and security architecture.

TOGAF® Series Guide (2018)

ADM cycle phases.......................... 78
Architecture Building Block (ABB)
.................................................... 52
Architecture for Strategy ................ 61
Architecture Project ........................ 10
Architecture Repository ................. 28
Architecture Requirements
Specification .............................. 36
Architecture Vision ........................ 61
Candidate Transition Architecture . 65
completeness .................................. 26
compliance assessment ........... 38, 112
conformance ................................... 20
context assessment ......................... 65
culture ............................................. 64
EA Capability Model...................... 13
EA Landscape................................. 10
EA Repository .................................. 4
Enterprise ......................................... 6
Enterprise Architecture..................... 6
Human Resource (HR) ................... 74
Implementation & Migration Plan.. 21
implementation planning ................ 84
Implementation Project .................. 23
in-flight projects ............................. 72
Keep-The-Lights-On (KTLO) ...... 106

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)64
Phase A .......................................... 41
Phase F ........................................... 84
Phase G .......................................... 38
Phase H .......................................... 67
portfolio themes ............................. 72
Practitioner ....................................... 6
Project Management Office (PMO)74
Recency .......................................... 11
reference architectures ................... 35
Request for Architecture Work ...... 15
resolve impacts ............................... 65
risk appetite .................................... 98
Roadmap ........................................ 21
sacrifice .......................................... 38
scope................................................. 8
Stakeholder Map ............................ 62
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) ..... 54
superior architecture ....................... 12
Target Architecture ........................ 13
Time-To-Market (TTM)................. 10
TOGAF ADM ................................ 27
TOGAF Architecture Contract ....... 20
TOGAF Stakeholder Map .............. 18
trade-off .......................................... 55
trade-off analysis ............................ 65

A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ® ADM



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