Task Submission Instructions

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Robotics Competition
IIT Bombay
Task 1 Submission Instructions
Teams must upload the solutions to Task 1 as follows:
In this task, you will be submitting a single .zip file only.
After completing a sub-task, let’s say Task 1B, copy only the “Code” folder (which
contains all your modified final scripts for Task 1B)from Task 1B folder to a new
destination folder.
Rename this “Code” folder (at new destination) as “Task 1B”.
Repeat the above two steps for Task 1A. Make sure all your modified scripts are in
Task 1A” and “Task 1B” folders (for the respective sub-tasks) that reside at the new
destination folder location.
In below Figure 1, a destination folder (HC_Task1) contains Task 1A and Task 1B
folders with all the mandatory files to be submitted for Task 1 submission. Note:
Your Task 1 will be evaluated only if all the mandatory files are submitted.
Following should be the folder structure.
Figure 1
Robotics Competition
IIT Bombay
Create a .zip file of this new destination folder (HC_Task1 as in Figure 1) and name it
as HC#<TeamID>.zip. For example, if your Team ID = 9999, the .zip file name will be
Upload the HC#<TeamID>.zip file on the portal. You can view all your submissions, so
kindly download your submitted file from portal to verify the above steps. If anything is
missing, please change it and re-upload the HC#<TeamID>.zip file before the deadline.
Deadline: HC#<TeamID>.zip for Task 1 is to be uploaded on or
before Wednesday, November 28, 2018 11:59 pm.
You have got sufficient amount of time, so kindly follow a schedule for balancing your time
with the Task 1 along with your curriculum activities. This will help you complete your Task
1 well before the deadline.
NOTE: If there are any changes in these submission instructions, we will post the
update on Piazza only. So, please stay tuned there !
…Best Wishes ! …

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