Tektronix_Computer_Products_1974_Catalog Tektronix Computer Products 1974 Catalog

Tektronix_Computer_Products_1974_Catalog Tektronix_Computer_Products_1974_Catalog

User Manual: Tektronix_Computer_Products_1974_Catalog

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Although we often forget , the
computer is still in its adolescence.
It did not appear in the business
environment until 1955 even though
it was conceived a " war baby" in the
1940's. With each step of its
development- from vacuum tube
model to transistorized version and
finally to integrated circuitry-the
computer has become smal ler and
more reliable . It also has become
cheaper and faster with larger
storage capacity.
At the same time , software has
grown from rUdimentary programming to more complex levels in an
effort to keep up with the capabilities of bigger and better computers .
" Sensory" devices , input-output
machines , have not lagged behind
either. Springing up in different
form-from teletype , card punch/
reader , paper tape punch / reader to
Graphic Display Terminals-I / O
devices have progressively filled the
gaps between programmer and
computer, helping man relate to the
computer in easier and more
complete ways.
The growing pains have not been
altogether bad. Man is using computers to solve greater quantities of
highly sophisticated problems. But

we have a ways to go. Computers
are onl y as good as the ir memory,
and memory is onl y as good as
storage space, always limited , and
often too limited . Software , too ,
needs improvement. If the programs
can 't say it then the computer can 't
do it.
Computer systems are also affected
by I/ O devi ces . Most methods
produce paper output of monumental proportions ; waste in an age
when we can no longer afford to be
wasteful. Such data is a maze of
output . Often it must be graphicall y
translated to render it usefu l, which
is a time -consum ing and expensi ve
process . Computer usage by these
means is extremely slow. A programmer must doggedly pursue his
train of thought in spite of the long
mechanical process in which
spontaneity comes to a standstill.
And users may wait days to use data
that took the computer just minutes
to produce .
The Tektron ix Computer Display
Terminals were developed to solve
these problems. No more paper
piled to the ceiling , no more bulky
files. The Graphic Display Terminal
only gives you data and copies from
an attachable Hard Copy Unit when
you want it. More important, the
terminals work in both graphic and
character modes , providing pictures
worth 1,000 words; data with meaning right from the beginning.
Finally, Graphic Display Term inals
are faster, which means a programmer can remember what he's
about while he's about it . Spontaneity is the key to developing

ideas with ease , and the terminals
let you have it by providing a
" conversational " means of
approach ing the computer.
The terminal was designed for data
which does not depend on critically
precise graphic representation , but
rather for idea representation and
interrelationships . However, the
terminal 's speed and conversational
mode have led to its use in conjunction with precision instruments
as a program perfector and preview
device .
The Graphic Display Terminal has
helped computer evolution over
some rough spots . It has strengthened computer systems at their
wea k points by speedy, pictorial
graphic and character representation of data ; it has become a true
friend and servant of the programmer, giving him in creased " idea
power" with conversational speed.
We don 't claim that the terminals
solve all of the problems all of the
time , but it can solve many of them .
Perh aps it ca n even solve some
of yours.

Solving your
Tektronix Computer Disp lay Terminals have indeed helped com puter
systems throug h some of thei r
growi ng pain s. With th ei r assistance ,
man is now able to quickly and
directly come to terms with the
computer. And this is not all just
talk ; the terminals are actually out in
the working world sol ving problems
for people like you . Term inals of
various capabi lities wo rk at far -flung
purpos es in many areas of human
Th e world of orth odontics , fo r one,
may never be the same . Dr. G.
Walker, of Unive rsity of Michigan
Dental School , using a 401 0 Computer Display Term inal , digitized
and categorized over 12,000 skull
x-rays to analyze and predi ct ave rage growth patterns for various
skull types . With this data on line , he
is able to display, on the screen , a
dig itized " average " skull type
similar to that of an orthodontal
patient. Usi ng overlays , he compares the sam e skull type as it would
look one, five or ten years late r. As a
result growth patterns are disp layed ,
providi ng va luable information and
ass istan ce to dec ide on treatm ent
programs .
At Chil dren's Hospital Medical
Center in Cinc innati, personnel in
th e intensive care wa rd use th e ever
watchfu l eye of a 40 10 terminal to
mon itor life systems of fragi le,
newborn infants. Parameters such
as body tempe rature , heart rate and
breathing are monitored at 15
minute intervals ove r an eight hour
period . When somethi ng goes
amiss , the data disp layed on the
screen and a history of what caused
the crisis is presented fo r instant
inspection by doctors on the scene .
Here is a shining examp le of equipment working to help pe ople save
lives .

The Interior Department's Bureau of
Mi nes is also moni toring-but
something very di fferent from
babies. They' re developing a system using such paramete rs as carbon
monoxide leve l, hyd roge n co nce ntration , ai r velocity, smoke detection ,
noise and tempe ratu re of c ritical
working areas to watch for hazardous mine conditions . Theirterminal
makes eve ry danger graphica ll y
clea r. Th e keyboa rd is eme rgencysimple . A horizontal sweep of the
keys shows all parameters at a
part icular station wh ile a vertical
sweep wil l plot a single parameter
at all stations . When the warning
signal beeps and lights go on , the
te rminal is there wi th the answe rs
to he lp avoid catast rophe .
The terminal is also deep underground mo nitoring and distri buti ng
natural gas for the Public Service
Company of Colorado . By keeping
a finger on the pressure and flow of
gas in the mains , the termina l mon itors the system's gas contents.
More tha n just monitoring, howeve r,
the system contains a closed loop
control that acti vates solonoids to
start motors that crank huge val ves
that control the flo w of gas . Th is
hel ps keep the flow at optimum
efficiency w ith minimum waste and
system wear.
In a time when there is no energy to
spare , planning fo r futu re powe r
syste ms becomes paramount. And
the Bonnevi ll e Powe r Adm inistration
is using computer graphics for just
this purpose . Possible power network diagrams with their associated
elect ri cal flow co nd itions are displayed on the termin al sc reen . Also
incorporated into th e planning are
switches and bus es connecting
transm ission lines at power substati ons. By studying these poss ibil ities, plus factors suc h as popu lation changes, new techno logies ,
and chang ing elect ric ity use pattern s, engineers can plan equ ipm ent
arrangements and optimize power
netwo rk locati ons . By string ing lines
in green and white , engineers are
loo king ahead to provi de eco nomi cal and rel iabl e energ y 10
years down the line .
Tektronix termin als are being used
to ma ke bu siness decision s.
Uniroyal ro lled a $1 .5 mi ll ion tire
order-but on Iy after the computer
disp lay termina l provided the information needed to make a " go "

dec ision . It's not easy to turn down
a million and a half do lla r orde r. Bu t
it' s even worse to accept it and find
out you can 't meet the promi sed
de livery date . Prior to acquiring their
terminal , Uniroyal 's massi ve data
base of an 8,000 item produ ct line
permitted only month- long producti on projecti ons . Too short a time to
make a decision about an orde r thi s
large . Enter the terminal. With a
Tektroni x 401 0 and proper software
support , Uniroyal was able to si mulate sal es, inventory and produ ction
curves . All they had to do was adjust
the c urves to reflect the increased
business and they knew they co uld
handle the order.
And computer terminals aren 't just
for adults. In Albany, New York 's,
Wildwood School , neurologicall y
impaired children have a new frien d,
the Tektroni x Graphic Termina l,
Mr. Te k, to the m. With in fin ite patience th e terminal guides a student
through relearning session s, providing a non -threatening envi ronment of two. Mr. Tek is the star of
the classroom , providing moti vation
whi le at the same time freeing
teachers to work individually with
more students ; he makes everyone
hap pie r.
These examples are not meant to
be all- encompass ing. Te ktroni x
terminals are hard at work for highl y
di vergent purposes at many, varied
custome r sites . From hig hiy sophisticated medical research to garbage
co llection routes , fr om campus
classroo ms to cor porate conference
room s, fro m li fe -savi ng to energysaving , te rminal s are helping pe opl e
so lve probl ems qu ickly , conve niently and cost- effectively . Perh aps
one co uld work for yo u, too .
The above uses of Te kt ron ix products do not mean , nor are they
mean t to imply , customer endorsement of Tektronix equipment. The
brief applications ou t lined have
been condensed f rom previ ously
pub lished articles in Tekgraphics,
a quarte rly magazine published by
the Information Display Divis ion
of Tekt ronix.


Low-cost Graphics
TTL, Alphanumerics

axes thumb-wheels position the
Graphic Cursor in the Graphic
Input Mode.
Operating Modes. Three operating
modes can be selected from the
keyboard or the computer. In Alphanumeric mode , 35 lines of 74 characters each constitute a full display
screen . For short lines of data, a
Margin 1 position after the 35th
display line moves the left margin to
screen center to display a second
column of data. In Graphic Display
mode , the terminal produces clear,
accurate vector displays in re spo nse
to computer commands. In Graphic
Input mode , operator/ comp uter
interactivity is permitted .
Terminal Design Characteristics
Display Medium
Direct View Storage CRT
Display Area
7.5 inches wide by 5.6 inches high
(19.05 cm . x 14.22 cm.)

Alphanumeric Mode
74 characters per line, 35 lines
2590 characters full screen
Character Set
63 printing characters
Character Generation
5 x 7 dot matrix
MOS Read-Only Memory
1200 Characters per Second


Despite its low price, the 4010
Computer Display Terminal is a data
handl ing tool of great capacity and
flexibility. The storage display tube
has enabled simplification of terminal circuit design, keeping th e
401 O's price low. Yet Tektronix'
pedestal minibus design opens the
way to a variety of system co ncepts.
You can start with a simple , low-cost
terminal , leaving ro om for future
expans ion, or you may en large it
with a variety of options for larg er
systems. With the 4010- 1, permanent hard copies of displayed data
can be obtai ned, using a 46 10 Hard
Copy Unit.
Physical Configurations. The keyboard and display unit may be

secured at the top of the pedestal in
a co nvenie nt free-standing model ,
or may be mounted on a desktop as
much as four feet away. Or an
extra-cost rackmount is also
The Keyboard. Data input at the
4010 conso le is through a TTY-style
keyboard, featuring 63 printing
characters (including upper case
English alphabet and numerals) , and
standard ASCII co ntrol characte rs.
Convenient rocker switches above
th e keyboard select Local or Line
operation and (on the 4010-1) produce hard copies from the 4610.
Independently-operated X and Y

Pulsating 5 x 7 dot matrix
Graphic Display Mode
Vectors only
Vector Drawing Time , 2.6 ms .
1024 X by 1024 Y addressable
1024 X by 780 Y viewable points
Graphic Input Mode
Thumb-wheel controlled cross hair
3 through 1023 X, 0 through 780 Y
Input Power
110/ 220 VAC (LOW, MED, HI)
50 to 400 Hz, 110 W
Operating Temperature
+ 10 degrees to + 40 degrees C
Physical Characteristics
Height, 41112 inches (103.41 cm .)
Width, 19 inches (48.26 cm.)
Length , 28V2 inches (72.39 cm.)
Net, 78 pounds (35.10 kg.)
Shipping, 87 pounds (39.15 kg.)

Order Information
4010 Computer Display Te rmin al

Rackmount R4010 Computer
Disp lay Term in al
Rac kmount configurat ion allows for
separation of pedestal from keyboard
and display portion of terminal in
environments where this feature is
necessary or desirable .
Rac k Dimensions
Disp lay, 15 % in ches (40 cm.)
Pedesta l drawer, 8% " (22.2 cm .)
Width , 19 inches (48 .26 cm .)
Depth , 19% inches (48 .89 cm .)
Note: Rackmounted instrument
extends 10 inches from front of rack .
4010-1 Computer Display Terminal
(Compatible with 4610 Hard Copy
Rackmount R4010-1 Computer
Display Terminal
(Compatible with 4610 Hard Copy
Details of Lease Arrangements for
the 4010 and 4010-1 Are Found on
Pages 40-41 .
Minibus Extender
Up to five peripherals can be
added to the 4010 or 4010 -1 with a
Minibus Extender.
Option 30.
The capabilities of the 4010 can
be changed to adapt to a wide variety of computer systems and tasks.
By using the right combination of
interfaces , software , and peripheral
equipment, the computer system
can be made situation-perfect.
Interfacing. The 401 0 is shipped with
a Standard Data Communication
Interface installed if no interface
option is specified. The no-charge
interface enables operation of the
40 10 with most full duplex data communication systems . Option 1 for
the 4010 is an Optional Data Communication Interface with added fea tu res for timesharing of other full or
half duplex Data Communication
system operations . Six additional
options are offered to provide for
connect ing the 4010 at the TTY Port
of the most commonly used minicomputers . For TTY Port Interface
Option s other than those listed
on Pages 24 -26, contact your
Applications Engineer.

Interfaces Ordered Separately.
When an interface is ordered as a
second inte rface with the original
order, or ordered later as a separate
item , order by the nine-digit part
number shown on Pages 25-26.
Peripheral Equipment. A number
of peripherals can be purchased to
help computer systems fit every
need , one of which is the 4610 Hard
Copy Unit. This useful product
makes permanent high-quality
paper copies of any information displayed on the 4010-1 screen in a
matter of seconds either manually
or under program control.
See Page 19 for more information.
Also available is a time and dollarsave r, the 4911 Paper Tape Reader /
Perforator Unit. This device enables
pre-punched data or programs to
be entered into the computer at non rush hour times making the system
operate more smoothly and effi Ciently. At the same time , it provides
permanent off-line data storage
space which would ordinarily clutter
up the computer 's core storage .
See Page 19 for more information.
Software. Tektroni x provides hardware to fit yo ur needs , but we won't
leave you out in the computer jungle
without a map . We know that the
equipment will just sit there unless
the right words are whispered into
its ear. Therefore , we provide an
extensive collection of software
packages for your computer

The following Plot-1 0 Software
packages are designed to be used
with the 4010 Graphic Display
Terminal: Terminal Control System ,
Advanced Graphing-II, Display Multiplexer Utility Routines , Preview ..
Routines for Calcomp Plotters, Minicomputer Software, 360/ 370
Graphics Software , Character Generation System , Decision Maker.
For further information about the
capabilities of each software package , and part numbers , see Pages
27 through 37.
Extended Performance Options.
Certain optional features are
offered which give additional range
to the 4010 terminal 's performance.
These include the Minibus Extender
(Option 30), which allows a
terminal to be connected to more
than one in terface or peripheral at a
time. Thi s increased potential
means , among other th ings, that a
terminal can communicate with more

than one computer, or have an Audio
Recorder, in addition to a Computer
interface. The Audio Recorder
Interface (Option 32) is another
Extended Performance option available which allows the use of a commercial tape recorder as off-line
data storage . This interface also enables data to be moved from the
recorder to the computer via the
4010 Graph ic Display Term inal. Another option offered is the Display
Multiplexer (Option 31) which
allows the terminal to control as
many as three storage display
monitors at once.
Terminal options numbered
Option 30 through 49 are described
as Extended Performance Options .
The addition of any Extended
Performance Option to a Tektron ix
terminal requires the use of the
Minibus Extender (Option 30) . A
Minibus Extender is included as part
of the Dual Interface Capabi li ty
(Option 36). Be su re you order
Option 30 with any Extended
Performance Option except 36.
Dual Interface capability is provided
by Option 36 . This option has three
components: Optional Data Communication Interface (Part No.
021-0074-00) , Minibus Extender
(Part No . 018-0069-00) and Access
Cover (Part No. 200-1288-01). The
TTY Port Interface should be
ordered by the option number.
Teletype Port Interfaces not listed
in this catalog are quoted upon
request. Contact your Applications Engineer.
Convenience Options. In addition
are options which are designed for
co nvenience in operating the terminal. These include a wheel kit ,
viewing hood , a copy holder, and
an access cover. For additional
information, see Page 23.
A User 's Manual (Pa rt No. 0701225-00) is supplied and a Maintenance Manual (Part No . 070-118300) is availab le at extra cost.



The Pedestal. The 4012 pedestal
contains th e Power Supply and the
Term in al Minibus. The Minibus
adaptabi lity makes the 40 12 an
extreme ly ve rsatile data-hand ling
Operating Modes. Alphanumeric
mode uses th e ful l upper and lower
case ASC II character set, or th e
TTY upper case subset. In Graphic
Disp lay mode, vecto r displays are
drawn in response to computer
commands. In Graph ic Input mode ,
the thumb-wheel co ntrolled crosshair cursor can be positioned on the
display, for ope rator/ computer

High Resolution
Upper, Lower Case

Design Characteristics
Display Medium
Direct View Storage CRT
Dis play Area
8 in ches wide by 6 inches high
(20 .32 cm . x 15.24 cm.)

Alphanum eric Mode
74 characters per lin e
351 in es per di spl ay
2590 cha racters per display
Cha rac ter Set
96 printing characters on a 7 x 9
dot Matrix
(Ful l ASCI I Code)
Graphic Display Mode
Vectors On ly
Vector Drawing Tim e 2.6 ms


Graphic Matrix
1024 X by 1024 Y addressable
1024 X by 780 Y viewab le points
The 4012 Computer Display Terminal adds key board se lect ion of
th e full ASCI I set of 96 upper and
lower case printing characters , or
the 63 character TTY subset. In
add it io n, th e 4012 offers higher reso luti on graph ics in two operationa l
modes . Another advantage of the
termin al is copying capab ility from
the 46 10 Hard Copy Unit.
The Display. The Tektroni x sto rage display tub e permits circ uit
simplification , making the 4012 easy
to operate , inexpens ive to mai ntain ,
and economical to pu rchase .
The Keyboard. Alphanumeric and
co ntrol key entri es are made directly
from the keyboard . Th e TTY upper

case subset is enab led by a special
TTY Lock Key. Character repeat
is avai lable by me rely holding a key
down . Th e graphic c ross -hair
cursor is controlled by keyboard
Physical Configurations. Th e keyboard and disp lay unit may be
secured to the top of the pedestal in
a conve ni ent free-standing model,
or may be mounted on a desktop as
much as fo ur feet away. Or, an
extra-cost rackmoun t version is
also available.

Graphics Input Mode
Thumb-wheel control led cross-hair
3 through 1023 X, 0 through 780 Y
Input Power
110/ 220 VAC (LOW, MED , HI )
50 to 400 Hz, 110 W
Operating Temperatures
+ 10 degrees C to + 40 degrees C
Physical Characteristics
Height, 41.5 in ches (103.4 1 cm.)
Width , 19 in ches (48.26 cm .)
Depth, 29 inches (73 .66 cm.)
Net , 90 pounds (40 .50 kg.)
Shipping , 107 pounds (48. 15 kg .)

Order Information
4012 Computer Disp lay Terminal

Rackmount R4012 Computer
Display Terminal
Rackmount configuration allows for
separation of pedestal from keyboard
and display portion of term inal in
environments where this feature is
necessary or desirable .
Rac k Dimensions
He ight:
Display, 15 % inches (40 cm .)
Pedestal drawer, 8%" (22.2 cm.)
Width , 19 inches (48.26 cm .)
Depth, 19% inches (48.89 cm .)
Note : Rac kmoun ted instrument
extends 10 inches from front of rack.
Deta ils of Lease Arrangements for
the 4012 are found on Pages 40 -41 .
Minibus Extender
Up to five peripherals can be added
to the 4012 with a minibus extender.
Option 30.
The capabili ties of the 4012 ca n
be changed to adapt to most computer systems and tasks. By using
the right combination of interfaces ,
software , and peripheral equipment, the computer system can be
made situation-perfect.
Interfacing. The 4012 is shipped with
a Standard Data Communication
Interface installed if no interface
option is specified . The no-charge
interface enables operation of the
4012 with most full duplex data communication systems . Option 1 for
the 4012 is an Optional Data Communication Interface with added features for timesharing of other ful l or
half duplex Data Communication
system operations. Si x additional
options are offered to provide for
connect ing the 4012 at the TTY Port
of the most commonly used minicomputers . For TTY Port Interface
Options other than those listed
on Pages 24-26 , contact yo ur
Appli catio ns Engineer.
Interfaces Ordered Separately.
Wh en an interface is ordered as a
second interface wit h the original
order, or ordered later as a separate
item , order by the nine-digit part
number shown on Pages 25-26.

Peripheral Equipment. A number of
peripherals can be purchased to
help comp uter systems fit every
need , one of which is the 4610 Hard
Copy Unit. This copy machine
makes permanent high-quality
paper copies of any information
displayed on the 4012 scree n in a
matter of seconds, either manually
or under program control. See
Page 19 for furt her information.

Also available is a time and dollarsaver, the 4911 Paper Tape Reader /
Perforator Unit. The 4911 enables
pre-punched data or programs to be
entered into the computer at nonrush hour times making the system
run more smoothly and effic iently.
At the same time , it provides permanent off-line data storage space
which would ordinarily clutter up the
computer's core storage. See Pag e
19 for more information .
Software. Tektron ix provides hardware to fit your needs , but won't
leave you out in the computer jungle
without a map . Therefore , we provide an extensive collection of
software packages for your
computer operation .
The following Plot-1 0 Software
packages are designed to be used
with the 4012 Graph ic Display
Terminal : Terminal Control System ,
Advanced Graphing-II , Display Multiplexer Utility Routines, Preview
Routines for Calcomp Plotters,
Mini -computer Software , 360/ 370
Graphics Software , Character Generation System , Decision Maker.
For further information about the
capabilities of each software package , and part numbers, see Pages
27 through 37.
Extended Performance Options.
Certai n optional features are offered
which give additional range to the
4012 terminal 's performance . These
include the Minibus Exte nder
(Option 30) which allows a terminal
to be connected to more than
one interface or peripheral at a
time . This increased potential
means , among other things, that a
terminal can communicate
with more than one computer, or
have an Aud io Recorder, in addition
to a Computer Interface . The Audio
Recorder Interface (Option 32)
is another. Extended Performa nce
option avail able which allows the use
of a commercial tape recorder as

off-line data storage . This interface
also enables data to be moved from
the recorder to the computer via the
4012 Graphic Display Terminal.
Another option offered is the Display
Multiplexer (Option 31) which
al lows the terminal to control as
many as three storage display
monitors at once .
Terminal options numbered
Option 30 through 49 are described
as Extended Performance Options.
The addition of any Extended
Performance Option to a Te ktron ix
terminal requires the use of the
Minibus Extender (Option 30) . A
Minibus Extender is included as part
of the Dual Interface Capability
(Option 36) . Be sure you order
Option 30 with any Extended
Pe rformance Option except 36 .
Dual Interface capability is provided
by Option 36 . This option has three
components: Optional Data Communication Interface (Part No.
021-0074-00) , Minibus Extender
(Part No. 018-0069-00) and Access
Cover (Part No. 200-1288 -01). The
additional TTY Port Interface should
be ordered by the option number.
Teletype Port Interfaces not listed
in this catalog are quoted upon request. Contact your Applications
Convenience Options. In addition
are options which are designed for
conve nience in operating the terminal. These inc lu de wheel kits ,
viewing hood , a copy holder, and
access cover. For additional
information , see Page 23.
A User s Manual (Part No. 0701460-00) is supplied and a Maintenan ce Manual (Part No. 0701461-00) is available at extra cost .


The Pedestal. The Power Supp ly
and Terminal Minibus are contained
in the pedestal. Th e Minibus contains space for up to five additional
options and / or interface cards.
Operating Modes. The 4013 offers
Alphanumeric mode, Graphic Display mode for computer outputs,
and the interactive Graphic Input

High Resolution

Design Characteristics

Display Medium
Direct View Storage CRT
Display Area
8 inches wide by 6 inches high
(20.32 cm. x 15.24 cm.)
Alphanumeric Mode
74 characters per line
351ines per display
2590 characters per display
Character Set
96 printing characters on a 7 x 9
dot Matrix
(Full ASC II Code)
88 characte r AP L set


Graphic Display Mode
Vectors On ly
Vector Drawing Time 2.6 ms
Graphic Matrix
1024 X by 1024 Y addressable
1024 X by 780 Y viewable points
APL (A Programming Language) ,
a highly inter-active problem-so lvin g language , lends itself ideally to
graphic displays of computer data.
The 4013 Computer Display Terminal gives you the choice of AP L
Language , in addition to the complete ASCII upper and lower case
characters set and the TTY subset.
The 88 symbol AP L set includes the
complete upper case italic alphabet, number set , specia l APL function symbols , and AP L compos ites.
Another advantage of the 4013
is copying capabil ity from the 4610
Hard Copy Unit.
The Display. The 40 13, like other
4010 series Terminals , has all the

advantages of the storage display
tu be such as high reso lution display
as well as other features.
The Keyboard. The 4013 keyboard
has APL symbols on the top surfaces
of the keys , and the ASCII symbo l
differences on the forward surfaces.
Graphic cross-hair cursor controls
and character repeat are also
featured on the 4013 keyboard.
Physical Configurations. The 4013
keyboard and display unit may be
secured to th e pedesta l base , or
may be detached and mounted on a
desktop as much as four feet away .
An extra-cost rackmount version
is also ava il able.

Graphics Input Mode
Thumb-wheel contro ll ed crosshair cursor
3 through 1023 X, 0 through 780 Y
Input Power
110/ 220 VAC (LOW , MED , HI)
50 to 400 Hz , 110 W
Operating Temperatures
+ 10degreesCto + 40degreesC
Physical Characteristics
Height, 41.5 in ches (103.41 cm.)
Width, 19 inches (48 .26 cm.)
Depth, 29 inches (73.66 cm.)
Net, 90 pounds (40 .50 kg.)
Shipping , 107 pounds (48. 15 kg.)
4013 Computer Display Terminal

Rackmount R4013 Computer
Di spl ay Term inal
Rackmount configuration allows for
separation of pedestal from keyboard
and display portion of terminal in
environments where this feature is
necessary or desirable.
Rack Dim ensions
Display, 15 % inches (40 cm .)
Pedestal dr.awer, 8 % " (22 .2 cm .)
Width, 19 inches (48 .26 cm .)
Depth , 19% inches (48 .89 cm .)
Note: Rackmounted instrument
extends 10 inches from front of rack.
Details of Lease Arrangements for
the 4013 are found on Pages 40-41 .
Minibus Exten der
Up to five peripherals can be added
to the 4013 with a minibus extender.
Option 30.
The capabilities of the 4013 can be
changed to adapt to most computer
systems and tasks . By using the
right combination of interfaces ,
software , and peripheral equipment ,
the computer system can be made
situ ation -pe rfect.
Interfacing. The 4013 is shipped with
a Standard Data Communication
Interface installed if no interface
option is specified. The no-charge
interface enables operation of the
4013 with most full duplex data communication systems. Option 1 for
the 4013 is an Optional Data Communication Interface with added fea tures for timesharing of other full or
half dup lex Data Comm unication
system operations. Six add itional
options are offe red to provide for
connecting the 4013 at the TTY Port
of the most commonly used minicomputers. For TTY Port Interface
Options other than those listed
on Pages 24-26, co ntact your
Applications En ginee r.
Interfaces Ordered Separately.
When an interface is ordered as a
second interface with the original
order, or as ordered later as a sep arate item , order by th e nine-dig it
part number shown on Pages 25-26.

Peripheral Equipment. A number of
peripherals can be purchased to
help computer systems fit every
need , one of which is the 4610 Hard
Copy Unit. This useful product makes
permanent high-quality paper
copies Of any information displayed
on the 4013 screen in a matter of
seconds , either manually or under
program control , depending on
storage . See Page 19 for more
Also available is a time and
dol la r-saver, the 4911 Paper Tape
Reader/ Perforator Unit. This device
enables pre-punched data or programs to be entered into the com puter at non-rush hour times making
the system operate more smoothly
and efficiently. At the same time , it
provides permanent off-line data
storage space which would ordinarily clutter up the computer's core
storage . See Page 19 for more
Software. Tektronix provides hardware to fit your n'eeds , but we won't
leave you out in the computer jungle
without a map. Therefore , we provide an extensive collection of software packages for your computer
operation .
The following Plot-10 Software
packages are designed to be used
with the 4013 Graphic Display Terminal: Terminal Control System ,
Advanced Graphing-II , Display Multiplexer Utility Routines , Preview
Routines for Calcomp Plotters ,
Mini -computer Software, 360/ 370
Graphics Software, Character Gen eration System , Dec ision Make r,
and APL Graph. For further information about th e capabi liti es of each
software package , and part num bers , see Pages 27 through 37.
Extended Performance Options.
Certain optional features are offe red whic h give addi tional range to
th e 40 13 terminal's performance.
These include the Min ibus Extende r
(Option 30) whic h allows a
terminal to be con nected to more
than one interface or perip heral at a
time. This in creased potent ia l
mea ns, among other things , that a
termina l ca n communicate wi th
more than one computer, or have an
Audio Reco rde r, in add itio n to a
Compu ter, Interface . Th e Aud io

Recorder Interface (Opt ion 32) is
another Extended Performance
option available which allows the
use of a commercial tape recorder
as off-line data storage. Th is
interface also enables data to be
moved from the recorder to the
computer via the 4013 Graphic Display Terminal. Another option
offered is the Display Multiplexer
(Option 31) which allows the
terminal to control as many as three
storage display monitors at once.
Terminal options numbered
Option 30 through 49 are described
as Extended Performance Options.
The addition of any Extended
Performance Option to a Tektronix
terminal requires the use of the
Minibus Extender (Option 30) . A
Minibus Extende r is included as part
of the Dual Interface Capability
(Option 36). Be su re you order
Option 30 with any Extended
Perforn;ance Option except 36 .
Dual Interface capability is provided
by Option 36 . This option has three
compone nts: Optional Data Communication Interface (part No.
021-0074 -00), Mi nibus Extender
(Part No. 018-0069-00) and Access
Cover (Part No. 200-1288-01) . The
additional TTY Port Interface should
be ordered by the option number.
Teletype Port Interfaces not listed
in this catalog are quoted upon
request. Contact your Applications
En gin ee r.
Convenience Options. In additio n
are options which are designed for
convenience in operating the terminal. These include wheel kits, a
viewing hood, a copy holder, and an
access cove r. For add itiona l in fo rmat ion, see Page 23.
A Use r's Manua l (Part No. 0701476-00) is supplied and a Maintenance Manua l (Part No . 070-147700) is avai lab le at extra cost.



The Pedestal. The 4014 pedestal
contains power supply and control
circuitry, character generator, plus
communication interfaces and
optional interface space .
Terminal Design Characteristics
Display Medium
Direct View Storage CRT

Big 19-inch Display, 8512
ASCII or TTY Characters

Display Area
15 inches wide by 11 inches high
(38.10 cm. x 28.04 cm .)
Alphanumeric Mode

Four Program-selectable
1. 74 characters per line with 35
lines per display.
2. 81 characters per line with 38
lines per display.
3. 121 characters per line with 58
lines per display.
4. 133 characters per line with 64
lines per display.
Character Set
96 characters (Full ASCII
upper and lower case).
63 character TTY subset.
Alphanumeric Cursor
Pulsating 7 x 9 dot matrix
Vector Mode
Vector drawing time , 5000 inches
per second.
1024 X by 1024 Y addressable
points .
1024 X by 780 Y viewable points.


4014 Enhanced Graphics Module,
Option 34

Tektronix introduces the only 19"
Computer Display Storage Terminal
in the industry, allowing over three
times more graphic and alphanumeric data display than ever
before . The 4014 offers the complete ASCII upper and lower case
character set, plus the TTY upper
case subset.
Also ava ilable is the 4014-1 Computer Display Terminal .This model
is compatible wi th the 461 0, Option
2 Hard Copy Unit which provides
permanent copies of display information.
The Display. A direct view 19 inch
storage display tube allows up to
8512 alphanumeric characters, and
four different character sizes . The

4014 has two display modes and
the option of five vector types for
graphic display .
The Keyboard. Alphanumer ic and
control key entries are made from
the keyboard , where the TTY lock
key and graphic crosshair cursor
controls are also located . Ho lding a
key down causes character repeat.
Physical Configuration. The display unit (with keyboard) is secured
to the pedestal to form a deskheight unit. An optional cable is
available to allow desktop mounting
of the display unit.

4096 X by 4096 Y add ressable
4096 X by 3120 Y displayable
points .
Dotted and dashed line vectors (four
variables) Point plot mode. Incremental plot-mode . Program control
of Writing Beam Brightness .
Interactive Graphic Mode
Thumb- wheel controlled cross-hair
3 through 1024 addressable points
through 780 addressable points
Input Power
110/ 220 VAC (LO, MED, HI)
50 to 400 Hz , 350 Watts
Physical Characteristics


150 pounds net (67.50 kg .)

Dim ensi ons
He ight, 43% inches (110.49 cm.)
Width , 20 inches (50 .80 cm .)
Length, 32Y2 inches (82.55 cm.)
Order Information
4014 Computer Display Terminal
4014-1 Computer Display Terminal
(Compatible with 4610 , Option 2
Hard Copy Unit)
Min ibus Extender
Up to five peripherals can be added
to the 4014 with a minibus extender.
Option 30.
Details of lease arrangements for
the 4014 are found on Pages 40-41 .
The capab ilities of the 4014 can be
changed to adapt to most computer
systems and tasks . By using the
right combination of interfaces software , and peripheral equipme~t ,
the computer system can be made
situation-pe rfect.
Interfacing. The 4014 is shipped with
a Standard Data Communication
Interface installed if no interface
option is specified . The no-charge
Interface enables operation of the
4014 with most full duplex data communication systems. Option 1 for
the 4014 is an Optional Data Communication Interface with added features for timesharing of other full or
half duplex Data Communication
system operations. Six additional
options are offered to provide for
connecting the 4014 at the TTY Port
of the most commonly used min icomputers . For TTY Port Interface
Options other than those listed
on ~ages 24-26, contact your
Applications En gin eer.
Interfaces Ordered Separately.
Wh en an interface is ordered as a
second interface with the origina l
order, or ordered later as a separate
Item , order by the nine-di git part
number shown on Pages 24 -26 .

Peripheral Equipment. A number
of peripherals can be purchased to
help computer systems fit every
need , one of which is the 4610
Option 2 Hard Copy Unit. ThiS'copy
machine makes permanent highquality paper copies of any information displayed on the 4014-1 screen
either manually or under program '
Also available is a time and dollarsaver, the 4911 Paper Tape Reader/
Perforator Unit. This device enables
pre-punched data or programs to
be entered into the computer at non rush hour times making the system
run more smoothly and efficiently.
At the same time , it provides permanent off-line data storage space
which would ordinarily clutter up
the computer's core storage.
See Page 19 for more information .
Software. Te ktroni x provides hardware to fit your need s, but we won 't
leave you out in the computer jungle
without a map . Th erefore , we pro Vide an extensive selection of software packages for your computer
operation .
The following Plot - 10 Software
packages are designed to be used
with the 4014 Computer Display
Term inal : Term inal Control System ,
Advanced Graphing-II , Display Mul tiplexer Utility Routines , Preview
Routines for Calcomp Plotters ,
Mini-computer Software , 360/ 370
Graphics Software , Character Generation System, Decision Maker.
For further information about the
capabilities of each software package, and part numbers, see Pages
27 through 37.
Extended Performance Options.
Certain optional features are offe red
which give additional range to the
4014 terminal 's performance. Th ese
include the Mi nibus Extender
(Option 30) which allows a terminal
to be connected to more than one
interface or peripheral at a time .
Thi s increased potential means ,
among other things , that a terminal
ca n communicate with more than
one computer, or have an Audio
Reco rder , in add ition to a Computer
Int'erface. The Audio Re corder
Interface (Option 32) is another
Extended Perform ance option avail-

able whi ch allows the use of a
commercial tape recorder as offline data storage. This interface
also enables data to be moved
fr.om the recorder to the computer
via the 4014 Graphic Display Terminal. Another option offered is
the Display Multiplexer (Option 31 )
which allows the terminal to control
as many as three storage display
monitors at once . Al so offered is
Enhanced Graphics Module (Option
34), whi ch al lows 12-bit addressabi lity (4096 X by 4096 Y) of the
display sc reen. Also , the option
allows for dotted and dashed line
vectors , incremental plot , and point
plot w ith control over plotted point
brightness, I.e ., grey scaling .
Terminal options numbered
Option 30 through 49 are described
as Extended Perfo rmance Opt io ns.
The addition of any Extended
Performance Option to a Tektroni x
terminal requires the use of the
M!n!bus btender (Option 30) . A
Minibus Extender is included as part
of the Dual Interface Capability
(Option 36). Be sure you order
Option 30 w ith any Extended
Performance Option except 36 .
Dual Interface capab ility is provided
by Option 36 . This option has three
components : Optional Data Com munication Interface (Part No .
021 -0074-00) , Minibus Extender
(Part No . 018-0069-00) and Access
Cover (Part No. 200-1288-01 ). The
additio nal TTY Port Interface should
be ordered by the option number.
Teletype Port Interfaces not listed
in this catalog are quoted upon
request. Contact your Applications
En gi neer.
Convenience Options. In addition
are options which are designed for
co nvenience in operating th e terminal. Th ese include wheel kits
viewi ng hood , and a copy hOlder'.
For additiona l information , see
Page 23.
A User's Manual (Part No.
070-1647-00) is suppl ied and a
Maintenance Manual (Part No .
070-1648-00) is available at extra
cost .


Big 19-inch Display

Operating Modes. The 4015 functions in three modes. The 4015
offers Alphanumeric mode, Graphic
Display Mode for computer outputs,
and the interactive graphic input
mode. Data received may be
displayed alphanumerically or
graphically .
Terminal Design Characteristics
Display Medium
Direct View Storage CRT

Display Area
15 inches wide by 11 inches high
(38.10 cm x 28.04 cm .)
Alphanumeric Mode
Four Program-selectable
1. 74 characters per line with 35
lines per display.
2. 81 characters per line with 38
lines per display.
3. 121 characters per line with 58
lines per display.
4. 133 characters per line with 64
lines per display.
Character Set
96 characters (Full ASCII
63 character TTY subset.
88 character APL set


Alphanumeric Cursor

The 4015 Computer Display Terminal adds the powerful problemsolving APL language to the
increased display power of the 19
inch screen , along with the full
ASCII upper and lower case set and
TTY subset.
Also available is the 4015-1 Computer Display Terminal. This model
is compatible w ith the 461 0, Option
2 Hard Copy Unit which provides
permanent copies of display
The Display. The 19 inch display is
a direct view storage tube with a
capacity of up to 8512 characters .
The 4015 has four different sizes of
character display, two display
modes and five vector types for
graphic display.

The Keyboard. APL characters are
depicted on the top surfaces of the
keys, with ASCII symbol differences
on the forwa rd surfaces. The TTY
Lock key and graphic cross-hair
cursor controls are also on the keyboard . Character repeat is also
included .
Physical Configuration. The keyboard and display un it is secured
to the top of the pedestal to form a
desk-height unit. An optional cable
is available for desktop use of the
keyboard and display unit .
The Pedestal. The 4015 pedestal
contains a power supply, control
circuits , character generator, plus
communication interfaces and
option interface space.

Pulsating 7 x 9 dot matrix.
Vector Mode
Vector drawing time , 5000 inches
per second .
1024 X by 1024 Y addressable
1024 X by 780 Y viewable poi nts .
4015 Enhanced Graphics Module,
Option 34
4096 X by 4096 Y addressable
4096 X by 3120·Y displayable
Dotted and dashed line vectors (4
variables). Point plot mode. Incremental plot-mode Program control
of Writing Beam Brightness .
Interactive Graphic Mode
Thumb-wheel controlled cross-hair
3 through 1024 addressable points

othrough 780 addressable points

order, or is ordered later as a separate item , order by the nine-digit
part number shown on Pages 25-26.
Input Power
110/ 220 VAC (LO , MED, HI )
50 to 400 Hz , 350 Watts
Physical Characteristics
Height, 43112 inch es (110.49 cm.)
Width , 20 inches (50.80 cm.)
Length , 32112 inches (82.55 cm.)
150 pounds net (67.50 kg.)

Order Information
4015 Computer Display Terminal
4015-1 Computer Display Terminal
(Compatible with 46 10, Option 2
Hard Copy Unit)
Minibus Extender
Up to five peripherals can be added
to the 4015 with a minibus
Option 30
Details of lease arrangements for
the 4015 are found on Pages 40-41 .
The capabilities of the 4015 can be
changed to adapt to most computer
systems and tasks. By using the
right combination of interfaces ,
software , and peripheral equipment, th e computer system can be
made situation-perfect.
Interfacing. The 4015 is shipped with
a Standard Data Communication
Interface installed if no interface
option is specified. The no-charge
interface enables ope ration of th e
4015 with most full duplex data communication systems. Option 1 for
the 4015 is an Optional Data Communication Interface with added features for timesharing of other full or
half duplex Data Communication
system operations. Six additional
options are offered to provide for
connecting the 4015 at the TTY Port
of the most commonly used minicomputers. For TTY Port Interface
Options other than those listed
on Pages 24-26 , contact your
Applications Engineer.

Interfaces Ordered Separately.
When an interface is ordered as a
second in terface with the original

Peripheral Equipment. A number
of peripherals can be purchased to
help compu ter systems fit every
need , one of which is the 4610 ,
Option 2 Hard Copy Unit. This copy
mach in e makes permanent highqual ity paper copies of any information displayed on th e 4015-1
screen , either manually or under
program control.
Also available is a time and dolla rsaver, the 4911 Paper Tape Reader /
Perforator Unit. This device enables
pre-punched data or programs to
be entered into the compute r at
nonrush hour times making the system run more smoothly and efficie ntl y. At the same time , it provides
permanent off-li ne data storage
space which would ordinarily clutter up the computer 's core storage.
See Page 19 for more information.
Software. Tektronix provides ha rd ware to fit you r needs , but won 't
leave you out in the computer jungle
without a map . Therefore , an
extensive collection of software
packages are provided for your
computer operatio n.
The following Plot-1 0 Software
packages are designed to be used
with the 4015 Graphic Di splay Terminal: Terminal Control System ,
Advanced Graph ing-II, Di sp lay
Multiplexer Utility Routines , Preview Routines for Calcomp Plotters ,
Minicomputer Software , 360 / 370
Graphics Software, Character Generat ion System , Decision Maker,
and APL Graph. For further inform ation about th e capab ilities of each
software package , and part
numbers, see Pag es 27 throug h 37.

Extended Performance Options.
Certain optional features are
offe red which give additional range
to the 4015 terminal 's performance.
These in c lude the Minibus Extender
(Option 30) which al lows a terminal
to be connected to more than one
interface or peripheral at a time.
This increased potential means,
among other things , that a terminal
can communicate with more than
one computer, or have an Audio
Reco rd er, in addition to a Computer,
Interface . Th e Audio Recorder
Interface (Option 32) is another

Extended Performa nce option availab le which allows the use of a
commercia l type recorder as off-line
data storage. Thi s interface also
enables data to be moved from the
recorder to the compute r via the
4015 Graphic Display Termin al.
Anoth er option offered is the Di splay
Multiplexer (Option 31) which allows
the terminal to control as many as
three sto rage display monitors at
once . Also offered is Enhanced
Graphics (Option 34) which allows
12- bit addressability (4096 X by
4096 Y) of the display screen. Th e
option also allows for dotted and
dashed line vectors , incremental
plot, and point plot with control over
plotted point brightness , ie , grey
sca ling.
Te rmina l options numbered
Option 30 through 49 are described
as Extended Performance Options .
The add iti on of any Exte nd ed
Performance Option to a Tektronix
terminal requires the use of the
Minibus Extender (Option 30). A
Minibus Exte nder is included as part
of the Dual Interface Capability
(Option 36) . Be sure yo u order
Option 30 with any Extended
Perfo rm ance Option except 36.
Dual Interfac e capability is provided
by Option 36. This option has three
components: Optional Data Communication Interface (Part No .
021-0074-00), Minibus Extender
(Part No. 018 -0069-00 ) and Access
Cover (Part No . 200-1288-01) .
The addi tional TTY Port Interface
should be ordered by the option
number. Teletype Port Interfaces
not listed in this cata log are quoted
upon request. Contact your
Applications Engineer.

Convenience Options. In addition
are options which are designed for
convenience in operating the terminal. These include whee l kits,
viewing hood , and a copy holder.
For additional information, see
Page 23.
A User's Manual is supplied (Part No.
070-1649-00) and a Maintenance
Manual (Part No. 070-1650-00) is
available at extra cost.



Editing Capabilities. Insert character and line , delete character and
line , erase to end , erase page.
Editing is speeded by tab , back tab,
and repeating character keys.
Field and Data Formatting. Displayed data can be arranged to
resemble the source document.
Forms information can then be
rapidly retrieved, updated , edited ,
and entered . Visual field formats
include : inverted, bl inking , blacked,
and dim fields . Log ical formats
include : transmittable , non-transmittable, protected , non-protected,
and non-alpha fields .

Refreshed Alphanumerics

Upper and LowerCase

Interfacing. Provided by two data
communications interfaces for telephone line connection. One is the
Standard Data Commun ications
Interface supplied with the 4023 if
no interface option is specified .
Compatible with RS-232C this
interface provides switch-selectable
input/ output data rates of 110, 150,
300, 600,1200 , 4800 , or 9600 baud .
Local echo is also switch selectable .
Option 1 for the 4023 is an Optional
Data Communications Interface with
added features for timesharing or
other Data Communication system


Design Characteristics
Refreshed CRT, 12 inch diagonal

Display Area
9 inches wide by 5.5 inches high
(22 .86 cm . x 13.97 cm .)
Phosphor Type: P-4 (white)
The Tektroni x 4023 is a gene ral
purpose, alphanumeric , refreshed
terminal with all the built-in features
of a refreshed terminal-it is quiet,
bright, and buffered plus it has other
features whic h are oriented towards
rapid , error-free data base entry
and retrieval operations.

Th e 4023 can comm uni cate directly
with a computer, bypassing the
buffer; or it can comm un icate via
th e buffer . Communicating directly
to the computer is a cha racter-bycharacter process ; whereas , in
buffered commu ni cations the data
can be sent as one complete block.

The 4023 keyboard provides se lec tion of the fu ll ASCII set of 96
printing characters, or the 63 character TTY upper case subset.

Function Control and Numeric Pad.
A cluster of 12 keys to the right of
the keyboard serves a dual purpose .
Normally the se keys provide control
for ed iting, transmission, cu rsor
movement, etc . However, pressing
the NUM LOCK key located in the
bottom right corne r of the key cluster, enabl es the 12 keys to function
as a numeric pad .

The memory (buffer) of the 4023
allows space for 24 lines wi th 80
characters each , providing a total of
1920 characters . Standard term inal
features permit the cursor to be
add ressed to anyone of the 1920
character positions .

Composite Video , compatible with
standard interlaced 5251ine monitor.
Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
Cursor Type
7 by 10 dot matrix, non-destructive
remote or local control.
Character Generator
5 x 7 dot matrix
Character Size
80 mils by 120 mils (0 .80 inch wide
by 0.12 inch high)
Character Code
128 ASCI, 96 printing upper and
lower case characters .
Characters Per Line: 80
Lines Per Display : 24
Refreshed Buffer: MOS RAM

Norma l 30 foot lamberts, dim 15 foot
lamberts for backg round identification
Keyboard 64/ 96 ASCI upper and
lower case, two key roll-over , autorepeat for any keys depressed
over 0.3 second.
Input/ Output Standard Data
Communications Interface is
RS -232C compatible Full Duplex,
Serial Asynchronous , Start/Stop,
LSB first , Baud rate Transmit/ Receive se lectab le 11 0-9600 with
backpa nel swi tch , Transmiss ion
code is 128 ASCII upper/ lower case .
Power Requirements
11 5/ 230 (hi, med, 10) VAC , 50 to
400 Hz , nomina l 220 watts
Physical Characteristi cs
He ight, 13 inches (33 cm.)
Wi dth, 18 in ches (46 cm.)
Depth, 23 inches (58 cm.)
We ight
Net , 46 Ibs. (21 kg.)
Shipping , 67 Ibs. (30 kg.)
Order Options
4023 Computer Display Terminal
(Inc luding Standard Data
Comm unications Inte rface)

Opti on 1
Optional Data Communication
Option 31
Rul ing Character Set (factory
Option 32
Aud io Reco rde r Card
Details of lease arrangements for
th e 4023 are found on Pag es 40-41.
Interfacing. The 4023 is sh ip pe d
with a Stan dard Data Commu ni cation Interface insta ll ed if no interface
option is spe cif ied. Option 1 fo r the
4023 is an Optional Data Commu nication Interface w ith add ed features
for tim eshari ng or other Data
Commun icatio n syst em operatio n.

Hard Copy Compatible
The 462 3 Hard Copy Un it is designed to produce permanent high
quality, 8V2 " x 11 " copies from
the 4023 ref reshed Alp hanume ric
Installation is easy and simple. The
4623 is plug-to-plug compatible to
the 4023 and produces excellent

quality copies at the touch of a
single switch.
Co lors avai lable include red , gold ,
green and tan , matching color
options available on the 4023 terminals. Color, which must be specified
at the time of ordering, is available at
no extra charge. If no option is specified, tan wi ll be shipped.
Four channel input , which accommodates up to four 4023 's, is
standard, allowing copying capabilities (and cost-savings) from
one to four terminals.

from Tektronix, Inc.
One roll, Part No. 006- 1603-00
One carto n of 4 rolls, Pa rt No.
006-1603- 01
Standard Accessories
User's Manua l (Part No . 070-1662 00) ; one 10ft., 15 pin interconnecting cable (Part No. 012-0504-00) an d
Maintenance Manual (one mailed
free upon request with order).
Optional Accessories
Maintenance Manual
Part No . 070 - 1697-00

Cha racteristics
Copy Size
Adjusted to 8% x 11 inches for
horizontal raster display.

10 foot, 15 pin interconnect i ng cable
Part No . 012-0504-00
20 foot , 15 pin interconne cting cable
Part No. 012-0504-01

Copy Time
Approximately 18 seconds for first
copy Additional copies of the same
display take about 8 seconds each.
Remote Signa l Inputs
Remote Copy . A logic level " LO"
(ground closure) initiates a copy
Output Signal Characteristics

50 foot , 15 pi n interco nnecting cable
Part No. 012-0504-02
200 foot , 15 pin interconnecting cab le
Part No . 012-0504-03

Busy (O pen Collector. Low during
copy time.)
HCU (open collector, low when
Hard Copy power is on.)
Warmup Time: 20 minutes
Ambient Temperature
O° C to + 35 ° C is recommended
Power Sou rce
(Factory-wired options)
1OOVAC 50-60 Hz
115VAC 50-60 Hz
200VAC 50 -60 Hz
230VAC 50-60 Hz
Physical Characteristics
Height , 11 inches (27.9 cm)
Width , 16 inches (40.6 cm)
Depth , 25V2 inc hes (64.7 cm)
Wei ght
Approx imately 65 Ibs. (29.48 kg)
Order Options
4623 Ha rd Copy Un it
Option 56- go ld
Option 57-red
Opt ion 58-g ree n
Option 1-Copy Counte r (au tomatically counts co pies the 4623
One ro ll 3M Type 777 Dry Silve r
paper is included with each Hard
Copy Unit . Refills are available

Extended Performance Options.
Certain optional features are offered
which gi ve additional range to the
4023 terminal 's performance. These
include the Ruling Character Set
(factory installed , Option 31)
which allows for quick drawing of
solid horizontal and vertical lines to
resemble documents. Also offered
is the Audio Recorder Interface
(Option 32) which allows the use
of a commercial tape recorder
for off-l ine data storage . Th is inte rface also enab les data to be moved
from the recorder to the com puter
via the 4023.
Convenience Options.
In addit ion , options are available
that are designed for conven ience
in operating the termina l. One option
is the Log ic Exten der Ca rd (Part No.
067 -0659 -00), a design and mai nte nance tool that permits mon itorin g
of the terminal bus lin es via li ght
emitting diodes. It catches
mome ntary signa ls fo r moni toring
and pe rmi ts the exercising of the
va rious bus lines. Also available are
the 72 Pin Extend er Card (Part No .
067 -0696 -00 ), wh ic h allows for
extendin g any logic card outside the
termina l pedestal fo r easy acc ess ,
and the ped esta l (Part No. 0160568 -00) , wh ic h provides a base
upo n whic h to mo unt the 4023 fo r
user convenie nce.
4023 Manuals
A User's Manu al (Part No.
070- 162 1-00) is supp lied and a
Maintenance Manual (Part No.
070-1617-00) is available at extra



amplitude is 0.3V to 8V p-p; impedance is 20 Kil.
Power Req uirements
The 4632 operates on 110-115 VAC ,
or 200-230 VAC , 50-60 Hz; these
are factory wired options.
Physical Characteristics
Height, 11 inches (27.9 cm .)
Width , 16 inches (40 .6 cm .)
Length , 25.6 inches (64 .9 cm .)
Weight: Net , 651bs . (29.48 kg .)

Video Hard Copy Unit

Order Options
4632 Video Hard Copy Unit

. ........



The 4632 Video Hard Copy Unit
is designed to provide permanent
hard copies from standard composite video signals and from digital
video signals of refreshed alphanumeric/ graphic terminals. The
copies may be either high-contrast
(black and white) or grey scale
copies. Operat ion is simple and
quiet, with dry-process deve lopment
within one lightweight unit .
The copy-making process is initiated
by operating a single switch on the
top panel. High quality copies are
produced in seconds , and exit, completely dry, into a stacking tray.
The 4632 is easily interfaced into a
video system or a refreshed terminal
by a single cable . It can also be
multiplexed to provide copying capability from one to four video sources .

Design Characteristics
Standard copy size adjustment is
8112 inches by 11 inches for horizontal raster disp lay (4 :3 aspect
ratio). Copy time is approximately
18 seconds for the first copy and
about 8 seconds for additional
copies of the same display. Machine
warmup time is 20 minutes. The
recommended ambient temperature
for operation is 0° C to +35 0 C.
Input Requ irements

Input signals may be anyone of
three configurations: composite
video , video with horizontal and vertical drive , or video with composite
sync . Input video amplitude is from
0.3V to 5V. Impedance is 75 ohms ,
loop-through. Return loss is at least
46 dB. Common mode rejection is
at least 30 dB . Maximum input is 10
VDC plus peak AC . Input sync

Option 1
Copy Counter automatically counts
copies the 4632 makes .
Option 2
4-Channel multiplexer provides
copying capabilities from one to
four video sources when multiplexed
to selected configurations of display
monitors and / or scan converters.
Option 3
Setup for 625/ 50Hz field operation
Option 4
Setup for 1029/ 60Hz field operation.
Unless specified , the 4632 wi ll be
shipped set up for 525 / 60 Hz
operation .
One roll of 3M Type 777 Dry Silver
paper is included with each Hard
Copy Unit. Refills are available from
Tektronix , Inc.
One roll , Part No. 006-1603-00
One carton of 4 rolls , Part No.
Standard Accessories
Included with the 4632 are one
User's Manual , one 75-ohm terminator, and a Maintenance Manual
(one mailed free upon request
with order) .
Optional Accessories
Maintenance Manual
Part No. 070-1686-00
Interconnecting Cable, 75 Ohm,
BNC , 25 feet
Part No. 012-0157-00
10 foot, 15 pin interconnecting cable
Part No. 012-0504 -00
20 foot , 15 pin interconnecting cable
Part No . 012-0504 -01
50 foot , 15 pin interconnecting cable
Part No. 012-0504-02
200 foot, 15 pin interconnecting cable
Part No. 012 -0504-03


Scan Converter






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The 4503 Scan Converter stores
and converts analog input signals to
a television video waveform for
displaying on large screen TV
monitors. It can integrate low level Z
Axis input signals, frame freeze a
vertical frame of video , selective
erase portions of a display, store
grey levels, and operate in a variable
persistence mode .
The CRT target may be written by
XY positioning the beam at random
and writing at each point, or a series
of points by staircase stepping . The
beam may be scanned linearly, fast
or slow, with modulation of the
beam by a video signal or digital
pu!ses . Analog waveforms may be
written , preceded by a continuous
erase bar.
The 4503 is designed for use with
Tektroni x Computer Display


Terminals , allowing you to display
information on display monitors .
The Display Multiplexer Card
~Option 31 or Part No. 018-0067 -00)
IS necessary to take advantage of
this feature.
Design Characteristics

Display resolution is at least 500
lines at 50% modulation per picture
height (1000 line resolution option
available) . Line writing time is 25
f.Ls for a full screen vector; dot
writing time is 25 ns . Read storage
time is at least 30 minutes for
saturated signal, and at least
10 minutes for full grey scale.
Vertical and Horizontal Amplifiers
The 4503 has a 1 MHz bandwidth
(full screen deflection) .

The deflection factor for either axis
is 1V full screen . Input resistance
is 100K ohm; input capacitance is
150 pf or less. Common Mode
Rejection Ratio is 500: 1 DC to 10
kHz , 100:1 at 1 MHz .
Z Axis Amplifier
The Z axis amplifier controls the
writing beam intensity. It is a linear
analog input signal amplifier at 30
MHz bandwidth . Maximum signal
input amplitude is 1V to turn the
CRT beam full on. Input resistance
is 1 Mn; input capacitance is
70 pf or less . The input circuit may
be selected to accept a + 1 or - 1
volt analog signal to turn on the
CRT writing beam. A TTL HI or La
input may also be selected to turn
on the CRT writing beam .
General Characteristics
The 4503 operates on 110 or 220
VAC (La , MED , HI) , 48 to 66 Hz , and
requires 110 watts at 115V, 60 Hz.
The instrument will externally synchronize to or internally generate
any TV line rate from 525 to 1225
lines. The external sync input circuit
automatically genlocks to either
composite sync or composite video
signals from 525 to 1225 TV lines :
The composite sync out amplitude
is OV to - 4V, with a return loss of
at least 30 dB . Composite sync in
amplitude is OV to - 4V, with a
return loss of at least 40 dB at 5 MHz .
Standard Accessories

75 ohm terminator, 25-pin
connector, and instruction manual.
Order Options
4503 Scan Converter Unit
R 4503 Scan Converter Unit
Option 1, 1000 line resolution CRT
Option 2, RF modulator-TV
channels 2, 3 or 4 available, factory
adjusted for channel 3.
Option 3, Setup for 625/ 50Hz ,
Option 4, Setup for 1029/ 60 Hz,

Hard Copy Unit

The 4610 Hard Copy Unit makes
permanent copies of the information
displayed on the screen of the 4010
family of Computer Display Terminals or the 613 Storage Display
Unit. The 461 0 can be multiplexed to
provide copying capability from one

to four 401 O-series Computer Display Termin als and / or 613 Storage
Display Units.
Design Characteristics

Standard copy size adjustment is
for 8%" by 11" ; variable between
8V2" x 6" and 8%" x 14 " . Copy
time is 18 seconds for the first copy
and 10 seconds for each additional.
Power Requirements
The 4610 standard unit is designed
to operate on 115 VAC (LOW, M ED ,
HI ) at 50 to 60 Hz . A 220 VAC unit is
also available . Power consumption
is 1450 W for the first 40 seconds
after turn on, 220 W to 520 W for
normal operation , and 100 W
on standby.
Physical Characteristics
Height, 11 " (27.94 cm .)
Width , 17" (43.18 cm.)
Depth , 24" (60 .96 cm .)
Weight, Net, 691bs . (31 .05 kg .)
Shipping , 84 Ibs. (37.80 kg .)
Order Options
4610 Hard Copy Unit
4610-1 Hard Copy Unit
(operates 220V-50Hz)

Option 1 (multiplexing from
one to four 4010 series of
computer terminals)
Option 2 (compatib le with
4014-1 and 4015-1 computer
One roll 3M Type 777 Dry Silver
paper is included with each Hard
Copy Unit. Refills are available
from Tektronix, Inc.
One roll , Part No. 006-1603-00
One carton of 4 rolls , Part No.
Standard Accessories
In cluded with the 4610 are an 8 foot
detachable power cord , a 10-foot
interconnecting cable , and a User's
Optional Accessories

Copy Catcher (pulls and stacks
copies from the Hard Copy Un it).
Part No. 016-0298-00
Interconnecting Cables , 15 pin
10 foot , Part No . 012-0363-00
20 foot, Part No. 012-0363-01
50 foot , Part No. 012-0363-02
Maintenance Manual , Part No .

The 4911 Paper Tape Reader /
Perforator is a very efficient and
useful peripheral that can enhance
yo ur graphi cs capabilities.
With the appropriate interface card

Paper Tape
Reader / Perforator


inserted into the minibus extender
of the 4010 series of graphic display
terminals, the 4911 can significantly
reduce cost and on -l ine time by
entering data or programs from pre punched tape at slack computer
times . This same capability can also
expand the limited memory capacity
of a minicomputer. Programs and
data that would otherwise consume
valuable space in core storage can
be kept in permanent off-line form ,
and can be readily updated using a
401 O-series Computer Displ ay
Terminal. Data can then be entered
into the computer, using the 4911 ,
at rates up to 200 characters
per second.
Tap e loading and operati on of both
the reader and the perforator are
quick and simple through convenient grouping of front panel pushbutton controls. The 4911 Reader /
Perforator unit uses standa rd, easily
obtained one -inch paper, paper
mylar, or aluminum-mylar tapes with
a thickness range of 0.0030 to
0.0043 inch.
The 4911 requires Minibus Extender
(Option 30 or Part No. 018-0069-00).

Design Characteristics

Punch Speed
75 characters per second
Reader Speed
200 Characters per second
Tapes: Paper, aluminum , or mylar
Tape Fo rmat: Roll
Bit Format: 8 bit (8 channel)
Blank Tape Supply : 1000 feet
Power Requirements
50-60 Hz, 253 watts
Operating Temperature
+5 C to +55 C
Physical Characteristics
Height, 1OV2" (26 .67 cm.)
Width , 19" (48.26 cm.)
Depth , 20" (50.80 cm.)
Net, 43 Ibs. (19.35 kg.)
Shipping , 77 Ibs. (34.65 kg.)
4911 Reader/Perforator Unit
(including 1 roll paper tape)


High Resolution
Storage Display

For displays of exceptional density,
where high resolution is a must, the
611 Storage Display Unit is the
answer to your needs. With a stored
display, there is no problem of
flicker or drift.

The 611 is an ideal display unit for
use with the Display Multiplexer
Card. All 611 control functions,
E.rase, Write-Thru, Nonstore, and
View are remotely programmable.
The 611 is also hard copy compatible, using the 4601 Hard Copy Unit.
To use the 611 with Tektronix
Computer Display Terminals, order
the Display Multiplexer Card as
Option 31, or if ordered as a separate
item, Part No. 018-0067 -00.
Design Characteristics
The Display. The 611 uses an 11/1
(diagonal measure) flat-faced storage tube . Resolution is 4000 characters , based on a 70 x 90 mil
matri x, clearly legible; this is equivalent to 400 vertical by 300 horizontal (300 vertical by 400 horizontal
for the 611-2) stored line pairs. Dot
writing time is 5 fLS or less; erase
time is 450 ms . Viewing time is 15
minutes without loss of resolution ,
but may be extended to one hour.
Vertical and Horizontal Amplifiers.
The deflection factor is 1V full scale ,
either axis . Any of 9 adjustable initial
beam positions can be selected by
internal switches. Input Rand C is
100 kn shunted by approxi mately 70 pf.

Z Axis Amplifier. Input turn-on level
(un blanked) is + 1V; turn-off level
(blanked) is + 0.5 V or less . Input
Rand C is the same as the Vertical
and Horizontal amplifier.
Other Features. A busy signal is
provided at the rear connector to
inhibit external equipment (computer, etc .) during the erase cycle.
Requirements. The 611 operates
on 1100r220VAC (La, MED, HI),
48 to 66 Hz, and requires 250 watts
at 115 V, 60 Hz.
Physical Characteristics
Height, 11 'l'a inches (30 .23 cm .)
Width, 11 % inches (29.46 cm .)
Depth , 22% inches (57.40 cm.)
Net, 51 Ibs. (22.95 kg.)
Shipping, 62 Ibs. (27 .90 kg .)
Order Information
611 Storage Display Unit
(Vertical Format)
611-2 Storage Display Unit
(Horizontal Format)


The 633 Monochrome Picture
Monitor, when used with the 4503
Scan Converter, provides large
screen display capabilities with
excellent resol ution .

Large Screen
Video Display


The 633 is designed for measurement and qualitative evaluation of
525/ 60 and 625/ 50 standards. The
monitors have many features in
common such as a choice of 06500
or W9300 K phosphors . High resolution is maintained at full drive .
Bandwidth is 6 MHz within 0.5 dB
with 100% white amplitude.
The monitor is designed to display
50 fields/ second 625-line or 60
fields / second 525 line television
pictures . The display size is 8.8
inches by 11.7 inches with the 631
and 632 , and 11.4 inches x 15.5
inches with the 633.
The monitor is all solid-state
(except kinescope) and requires
14 inches of rack space. It can
easily be changed into a rackmount
version. A rectangular kinescope
with a polished screen face (centered horizontally), display size of
11.4 inches x 15.5 inches , and 4:3
aspect ratio is used.
The monitor has two video input
channels that can be selected from
the front panel . Also, the 633 has
both internal (displayed video) sync
capability and external sync

capability. Rear-panel input connector grounds are isolated from
the chassis . Center connector and
braid of the coaxial input cable drive
differential input amplifiers to provide rejection of common mode
signals for nondifferentia l input
All inputs to the monitor are high
impedance loop-through connected,
compensated for optimum return
loss when terminated into 75 ohms.
Remote operation of 633 controls
is provided through a rear-panel
12-way multicon plug and modification instructions are provided for
the following : Remote Contrast , Re mote Brightness , Remote Video ,
and Tally Light.
For further information and specifications , refer to the Tektroni x
Television Products Catalog.
Order Information
633 Monochrome
Picture Monitor
R633 Monochrome
Picture Monitor

Low Cost
Storage Display


The 613 Storage Display Unit is a
bright, large screen data storage
and display unit which allows satisfactory viewing under high ambient
light conditions. It may be used
whenever a substantial amount of
data is stored and presented in a

single display. The 613 storage display tube provides greater display
brightness, at lower cost, and without any flicker or drift.
All operating functions are remotely
programmable. These include View ,
Erase , Nonstore, and Cursor. View
and Erase can also be controlled manually from the front panel of the 613 .
Horizontal or vertical display formats are available. Hard copies of
stored displays can be made using
a Tektronix 461 0 Hard Copy Un it.

Design Characteristics
The Display. The 613 uses an 11 "
(diagonal measure) flat-faced CRT,
with resolution equivalent to 200
vertical by 266 horizontal line pairs.
Viewing time is normally 15 minutes; longer viewing may require
more than one erasure to clear previousl y stored data . Dot writing time
is 5 fLs or less ; erase time is 900 ms
or less .
Vertical and Horizontal Amplifiers.
The deflection factor is 1V full scale ,
either axis . Anyone of nine initial
beam positjons may be internally
selected . Input Rand C is 20 KO /
minimum , shunted by less than 60 pf.

Z Axis Amplifier. Beam turn- on
(unblanked) level is + 1 V; beam
turn-off (blanked) level is
0.5 V
or less . Input Rand C is 10 Kn
shunted by approximately 50 pf.
A TTL La input circuit may be selected to turn on the CRT writing beam.


Other Features. All 613 operating
modes (Erase , View , Nonstore,
Cursor) can be remotely controlled
by applying appropriate g rou nd
closures to the remote program
connector. All control signal inputs
are TTL compatible .
Requ irements. The 613 operates
on 110 or 220 VAC (La , MED , HI) ,
48-66 Hz, and requires 180 watts
(maximum) at 115 VAC , 60 Hz .
Physical Characteristics
Dim ensio ns
He ight, 11 Va inches (28 .32 cm.)
Width , 13 V4 inches (33. 655 cm.)
Depth , 21 inches (53. 34 cm .)
Weight: Net, 43 Ibs. (17 .35 kg.)

Order Information
613 St o rage Disp lay Mon itor
(Horizontal Display Format)
613-1 Storage Di splay Monitor
(Vertical Display Format)

plays of information from X, Y, and Z
signal inputs .
The 602 is useful in displaying
graphic (dynamic) and alphanumeric information where small display
size (3 .15 inches x 4 inches) is
acceptable and mobility is desirable.
The unit is also capable of displaying computer information in a raster
Design Characteristics

Th e 602 Display Unit is a compact ,
so lid-state instrument with excellent
re solution providing accurate dis-

Storage Display Unit


The Display. The 602 uses a 5-inch
flat-faced recta ngu lar CRT with P31
phosphor standard , P7 phosphor
optional. Standard graticule: Internal , parallax-free , variable illumination. Optional graticule: Internal
8 x 10-cm outline (no graticule
lines) . Maximum trace widt h wit hin
the display area is 14 mils at 0.5p.A
beam current.
Vertical and Horizontal Amplifiers.
The X (Horizontal) and Y (Vertical)
differential amp lifier input circuits
are isolated from ground and offer
noise-rejection capabilities to minimize noise signals common to the
inner and outer conductor of the
connecting cables.

Z Axis Amplifier. A linear Z-axi s
amplifier permits intensity modulation of the writing beam. Analog
input: DC to 1 MHz over 0.0 V to
1V range. Input Rand C is
100 ko-+- 10% paralleled by 70pF
or less .
Requ irements. The 602 operates on
90 to 136 VAC or 180 to 272 VA C,
48 to 440 Hz , 50 watts at 115 VAC ,
60 Hz.
Physical Characteristics
Heigh t, 6 inches (1 5.3 cm.)
Width, 8V2 inches (2 1.6 cm.)
Depth , 17% inches (44.1 cm.)


We ight
Net, 17V2 Ibs. (7.9 kg .)
Shipping, 221bs. (9.9 kg.)

Order Options
602 Display Unit
Option 1, Without Cabinet
Optio n 2. Interna l 8 x 1O-cm Out li ne
Option 5. Vector Display Graticule
Option 76 . P7 Phosphor

Viewing Hood
Extender Cable

Access Cover


Maintenance Manual

The access cover is an optiona l
rea r panel for the 40 10, 401 0-1 ,
4012 and 4013. It allows installat ion
of the Dual Interface configuration
in the 4010 family of terminals.

A comprehensive instruction manual
that provides a technician , with a
reasonable background in digital
electronics , the information needed
to service, on at least a boardexchange basis , the terminal. The
manu al contains sections on physical configurations, theory of operation ,calibration , electrical and
mechanical parts lists and a full set
of sc hematics .

Copy Holder
This all ows 8112 X 11 /1 copies to be
held in a nearly vertical position on
the right-hand side of the terminals.
It's compatible with the 40 10,
4010-1,4012 and 4013 .

4010, 4010-1 Maintenance Manual
Part No. 070 - 1183-00

Copy HolderPart No . 016-0291-00

4012 Maintenan ce Manual
Part No. 070 -1 461 -00

Viewing Hood
The Viewing Hood is des igned to
shade the screens of the 40 10,
4010-1 , 4012 and 4013 Computer
Display Terminals in high ambient
light locations.
Viewing HoodPart No. 016-0304 -00

4013 Mai ntenance Manua l
Part No. 070-1477-00
4014/ 4014- 1 Maintenance Manua l
Part No. 070-1648-00
4015/4015-1 Mai ntena nce Manual
Part No. 070-1650-00
4023 Maintenance Man ual
Part No. 070 - 1461-00
Minibus Extender

This circuit card allows up to five
additional interfaces, options and / or
pe ri phe rals suc h as the Audio
Reco rde r Interface, Dual Interface
and / or th e 49 11 to be plugged into
the termin al. If mo re tha n one interface ca rd of any type is goi ng into
th e term in al, the Minibus Extende r
is requ ired . The Minibus Extender
is comp atible with the 4010 ,4010-1 ,
401 2,401 3,4 01 4,401 4- 1,4015,and
the 4015 - 1.
Min ibu s Extender Opti on 30, Part No. 018 -0069-00

Access CoverPart No. 200-1288-01


Desk Top Mounting Kit
This kit allows for modifying the
4014 , 4014 -1 ,4015 and 4015- 1
Compu ter Disp lay Terminals so th e
display portion can be separated
from the pedestal and placed on a
desk top. The in terconnecting cable
is 10 feet long.
Desk Top Mounting KitPart No. 01 2-0511-00
Wheel Kits
Th ese provide wheels for the rea r
legs on the 401 0,4010-1, 40 12 and
40 13 Computer Di splay Termi nal.
40 10,401 0- 1 Wheel KitsPart No. 040-0604 -00
4012 , 401 3 Whe el Ki tsPart No. 040 -0653 -00

4014 , 4014 - 1, 4015 , 40 15- 1
Wheel KitsPa rt No . 040 -0714 -00

Display Multiplexer Card
The 401 O-Series Display Multiplexer card furnishes display and
control information for one to three
remote storage display monitors .
By equipping the 401 O-series
Terminal with four Display Multiplexer cards , as many as 12 remote
monitors can be used.
The Display Multiplexer is designed
to operate with the Tektronix scan
converter, 603 , 611 or 613 Storage
Display Unit.
The multiplexer allows monitors to
be addressed either simultaneously
or individual ly. It has adjustable X
and Y signals , and can supply full
screen deflection signals from 1 to
10 vo lts.
Order Information
Display Multiplexer Card
(with one cable). Option 31 when
ordered with terminal , Part No.
018-0067 -00 when ordered as a
second option or separately.

Multi p lexer-Monitor Interco nnectin g cabl e, 20 ft ., connects
add itional moni tors to displ ay
mul tiplexer card .
Part No. 012-05 11 -00




Computer Interfaces. Through
these interfaces , the 401 O-series
terminal can communicate directly
to your computer or mini-computer,
or remotely by data-communications. TTY Port Interfaces which
communicate directly with minicomputers are available, as well as
interfaces for data-communication
with large time-shared computers,
for both basic and more complex
functions .
Standard Data Communications
Interface. This is the standard interface which is included with each
401 O-series terminal, unless another
interface is selected . Th is interface
incorporates the basic data communication control needed to get the
401 O-series terminal " online " to a
computer. The standard Data Communications Interface is full y compatib le with RS-232C and its CCITT
equivalent. It features full duplex
communication, and "local echo"
on / off control. Data communication
rates are selectable from 150-9600
baud , and have separate control of
transmit and receive rates. Typically
this interface connects the 4010series Terminal , through a modem ,
down the phone lines to a large
time shared computer, but it may
also be easily connected directly to
a computer's Data Commun ication
Interface (RS-232C).
Design Characteristics

Bit format
1 start bit, 8 data bits (least significa nt bit first) , and two stop bits . The
8th data bit is normally held low.
Bit Rates (baud)
150,300,600,1200, 2400,4800,
Commun ications Mode
Fu ll Duplex
Loca l Echo , with on-off control
Electrica l Conne cti ons
RS- 232C Compatible

Hardware In c lu ded
One 4010 series Terminal interface
board, Part No. 021 -0065-00 , 10foot inter-connecting cab le, and
interface manual.
Optional Data Communications
Interface. In a complex communications environment, extra interface
performance capabilities may be
requi red for the 401 O-series te rmi nal.
The Opt ional Data Communications
Interface has add itional flexibility
and convenience to match these
more sophisticated data communications requirements . External
switches for select ing from the five
operating modes , and for separate
transm it and receive bit rates , are
located at the rear panel of the
4010 series terminals . Bes ides
the standard transmit and receive
data rates (110-9600 baud), two
positions are available so the user
can select other data rates determined by positioning internal components. This interface features
even parity, and a loop through
mode that enables a complete terminal check-out from the keyboard.
Strap-selectable characters are
available for communication line
function control required by the
user's system.
Design Characteristics
Bit Fo rmat
1 start bit , 7 data bits (least signifi cant bit first ) and 1 parity or data
bit , 2 stop bits.

Data Rates (baud)
2400, 4800, 9600 or two user
selected data rates can be programmed in place of 110 and 1800
baud setti ngs, or externa lly sup pl ied
clock from Data Set ca n be used .
Commun ic ati ons Modes
Fu ll Dup lex wi th out local echo of
characters .
Full Du plex with local echo of
characte rs.
Half Dup lex; co ntro l characters
signal the tra nsmitti ng directi on.
Half Duplex; contro l characters
signal transmitti ng directions and
enable receiver (Bl ankin g).
Half Duplex; supervisory chann el s
signal the transmitt ing directions.

Electrical Connections
Fully Compatible with EIA RS-232C
or its CCITT equivalent.
Hardwa re In c luded
One 401 O-Series Term inal plug-in
interface board, Part No. 021 -007400 , control panel and 1O-foot interconnecting cable with 25 -pin
Order Information
50-ft. Optional Intercon necting
Cable Length
Part No. 012-0400-01
Audio Recorder Interface. Almost
any commercial audio tape recorder
with sufficient audio bandwidth can
be made a useful part of your
401 O-series terminal· system, by the
use of the 401 O-series Audio Recorder Interface Card .
Design Characteristics
Aud io Input (from recorder)
Signal frequency must be consistent
with selected baud rate, -+-5% .
Aud io Output (to recorder)
Data rate baud is selectable, and is
relative to data rate recorded versus
audio tape speed (in inches per
Load requirem ents, 4.70.
Physical Characteristics
Fits into 401 O-se ries Te rmi nal
mi nibus co nnecti on
Order Information
401 O-series Audio Recorder
Interface Card
Optio n 32


2741 Correspondence Code/APL
Interface. The 2741 Correspondence Code/ APL Interface operates
in any data communications environment with APL or standard 2741
correspondence code character
sets, including IBM environments.


The2741 interfacefeaturesexternally switchab le data commun ication rates-134.5,300 ,600, 1200
baud. It operates, typically with
modems, such as Bell types 103 or
113 data sets. It is fully software
supported by the PLOT-1 0 APL
GRAPH software packages as well
as TSO implementations of PLOT-1 0
Terminal Control System, Advanced
Graphics and Deci sion Maker.
Design Characteristics
Data Format 9 bit word , serialasynchronous. Start, stop and parity
bit inclusive.
Transmit/Receive Rates (baud)
134.5,300,600, 1200
Electrical Connections
EIA RS-232C Compatible
Hardware Included
One terminal plug in board, switch
panel, 10ft. interconnecting cab le
and interface manual.
Order Options
Ordered as the interface for the
Option 15
Ordered as the second interface
with the original order or ordered
later as separate item :
Part No. 021 -0 119-01
4010-Series TTY Port Interfaces.

TTY Port interfaces allow for direct,
high-speed access to a minicomputer, usi ng the existing teletype
controller hardware.

The console teletype can be
To take advantage of the terminal's
speed, a fast clock signal is supplied to the TTY input/ output
buffers by the terminal's interface .
Thi s allows data transfer to the
terminal at an optimum rate (1000characters-per-seco nd), and by
turning this clock signa l on and off
the terminal ca n "FLAG " data when
it is busy.
On Line-Selects the 401 O-series
terminal for high speed alphanumerics or interactive graphics.
Local-Selects the conso le teletype
for hard copy, and paper tape
input/ output.
Design Characteristics
Communications Mode
High Speed, seria l asynchronous
Character Format
7 data bits + 1 optional data or
parity bit, start and stop bits
Transmit Bit Rate
Selectable, 11 to 300 kilo baud
(bits per second) (Maximum baud
rate determined by specific
Receive Bit Rate
Selectable, 11 to 300 kilo baud
(bits per second) (maximum baud
rate determined by specific
Character Receive Rate
1000 characters/ sec maxi mum
(flagged) dependent on terminal
TTY Port Interfaces
Interface Option 2
(DEC PDP-11 with KL-11 Controller)
Part No. 021-0068-00
Interface Option 3
(DEC PDP-8/ i, 8/ 1, 12, 15)
Part No. 021-0067-00
Interface Option 4
(Data General Nova , Super Nova,
Nova 800, 1200/ Nova 1200) , 1220
Part No . 021-0072-00
Interface Option 6
(Hewlett-Packard 2100 Series , and
others with 12531 BorC
I/ O controller)
Part No . 021-0071-00

I nterface Option 16
(DEC PDP-11 with DL-11 Controller
and PDP 11 l OS)
Part No. 021-0068-01
Interface Option 17
(DEC PDP 8/ e with Module M8650)
Part No. 021-0066-01
Additional Interfaces may be available upon request. Contact your
Tektronix Applications Engineer for
avai labi lity and quotations.
Order Options
An interface ordered with the
terminal is ordered by the Option
number. When ordered as a second
interface with the original order, or
ordered later as a separate item ,
order by the nine-digit part number.
Hardware Included
Appropriate Interface module, 16 ft.
interconnect cable with appropriate
connectors and Interface Manual.

Optional Interconnecting Cable
Part No.
Option 2 (DEC PDPII w/ KL-11
50 ft . 012-0294-00
Option 3 (DEC PDP 8/ i, 81, 12, 15)
50 ft.
Option 4 (Data General Nova,
SuperNova, 800, 1200)
50 ft.
012 -0256-03
Option 6 (HP 2100 Series, others
with 12531 Card)
50 ft.
Option 15 (2741 Correspondence
Code/ APL Interface)
50 ft.
Option 16 (DEC PDP11 w/ DL-11
50 ft . 012-0429-01
Option 17 (DEC PDP 8e
with / 8560 Module)
50 ft.


System Configurations Chart

IBM 360







IBM 370




1. Remote Computer
2 . Local Computer
3. Data Communications Interface
(Phone Line -Modems)
4. TTY Interface
5 . Terminals: 4010, 4010-1,
4012 , 4013 , 4014,4014-1,
4015 , 4015 - 1,4023
6. Hard Copy Units : 4610,
4610 Option 2, 4623
7.4911 Paper Tape Reader Punch
8. Commercial Tape Recorder
9. Audio Recorder Interface
10. Display Multiplexer
11. 611 , 613 Monitors or 4503
Scan Converter.


Hard Copy Unit



4014 -1

4610, Option 2




continued next page

to software
Interface Terminal Software


OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15
OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15
OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15


OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15
OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15
OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15


OPT. 1, STD., OPT. 15
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD .
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.


360-370 Graphics Software', Terminal Control System Implementation for IBM
with TS0 3 , Advanced Graphing-II', Character Generation System' , Display
Multiplexer Utility Routines', Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters' , Decision
Maker Implementation for IBM with TS0 3
same as above
same as above plus APL GRAPH Implementation for APLj360
360-370 Graphics Software', Terminal Control System Implementation for IBM
with TS0 3 , Advanced Graphing-W, Character Generation System' , Display
Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters' , Decision
Maker Implementation for IBM with TS0 3
same as above plus APL GRAPH Implementation for APLj360
360-370 Graphics Software ', Terminal Control System Implementation for IBM
with TS0 3 , Advanced Graphing-W, Character Generation System' , Display
Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters', Decision
Maker Implementation for IBM with TS0 3
same as above
same as above plus APL GRAPH Implementation for APLj360
360-370 Graphics Software ' , Terminal Control System Implementation for IBM
with TS0 3 , Advanced Graphing-II', Character Generation System' , Display
Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters' , Decision
Maker Implementation for IBM with TS0 3
same as above plus APL GRAPH Implementation for APLj360
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-II', Character Generation System' ,
Display Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters'
same as above
same as above
same as above
same as above
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-II ' , Character Generation System',
Display Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters'
same as above
same as above plus APL GRAPH
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-W, Character Generation System',
Display Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters'
same as above plus APL GRAPH
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-W, Display Multiplexer Utility
Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters' , Character Generation
System' , Decision Maker Implementation for DEC PDP-10
same as above
same as above plus APL GRAPH
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-W, Display Multiplexer Utility
Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters', Character Generation
System' , Decision Maker Implementation for DEC PDP-10
same as above plus APL GRAPH
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-W, Character Generation System',
Display Multiplexer Utility Routines', Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters'
same as above
same as above plus APL GRAPH

Software Hierarchy Chart

CDC 6600



with KL8
DEC PDP 8/i,
8/1, 12

Plot 10/ Decision Maker .. . ..... 32
Plot 10/ Advanced Graphing-II . . 33
Plot 10/ Terminal Control System 33
Plot 1O/ Terminal Control
System Implementation
for IBM with TSO . ....... . .. 34
Plot 10/ Character Generation
System . . . .. ... . ... . . . .... 34
Plot 10/ 360-370 Graphics
Software . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . 34
Plot 1O/ Display Multiplexer
Utility Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Plot 1O/ Preview Routines
for CalComp® Plotters . ... . . . 35
Plot 10/ Minicomputer Software . 36
Plot 10/ APL Graph . . .. .. .. . . . 36
Dataform .... .. . .. ... .... . . . 37

with DL-11

Nova, Super Nova,
Nova 800, Nova
1200 with no
operating system
2100A, 2114,
with no operating

to software
Interface Terminal Software
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-II', Character Generation System' ,
Display Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters'
same as above plus APL GRAPH

OPT. 1, STD.


OPT.1 , STD .
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD .
OPT.1 , STD .


OPT. 1, STD.
OPT. 1, STD.


OPT. 2


OPT. 2
OPT. 2
OPT. 2
OPT. 2


OPT. 17
OPT. 17
OPT. 17
OPT. 17
OPT. 17
OPT. 17


Terminal Control System Implementation for PDP-11 with
DOS (062-1529-01, 062-1529-03); ALS 062-1432-01 4
same as above
same as above
same as above
same as above
ALS 062-1430-01 4
same as above
same as above
same as above
same as above

OPT. 3
OPT. 3
OPT. 3


ALS 062-1430-01 4
same as above
same as above
same as above
same as above

OPT. 16


OPT. 16
OPT. 16
OPT. 16
OPT. 16
OPT. 16


OPT. 4
OPT. 4
OPT. 4
OPT. 4
OPT. 4


OPT. 6
OPT. 6
OPT. 6
OPT. 6
OPT. 6
OPT. 6


Terminal Control System Implementation for PDP-11 with
DOS (062-1529-01, 062-1529-03); ALS 062-1432-01 4
same as above
same as above
same as above
The combinations of computer,
same as above
interface, terminal and software
compatibi lity shown on these charts
ALS 062-1427-01
do not ref lect al/ possibilities .
same as above
Please contact your Applications
same as above
En gineer for further information
same as above
concerning your system.
same as above
(1) Capable of running under
ALS 062-1428-01 4
OS-M FT , OS-MVT, and
same as above
(2) Needs the Terminal Control
same as above
System for Implementati on
same as above
(3) Operates only under OS-MVT -TSO
(4) Access Level Software written in the
same as above
native language of the machine

Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-II', Character Generation System"
Display Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters'
same as above
same as above plus APL GRAPH
Terminal Control System, Advanced Graphing-II', Character Generation System' ,
Display Multiplexer Utility Routines' , Preview Routines for CalComp Plotters'
same as above plus APL GRAPH

Displays provide you with answers
or the ability to get answers today.
No more poring through piles of
papers, analyzing data , charting
and recharting to arrive at a solution .


Fi ve years' experience in comp uter
graphics has resulted in a useful ,
stable software product line ,
designed to help yo u produce informative computer graph ics . This
software makes maximum use of
the graphic capabilities of Tektroni x
terminals . .
Tektroni x graphic software is collecti ve ly named Plot-1 O. All Plot -10
software permits our terminals to be
used to develop new graphic applications, and to enhance those
which exist. In addition, th e Dataform software package has been
added to the product line, to support our 4023 Refreshed Alphanumeric Terminal.

Along with a full line of software
products, Tektroni x also offers a
variety of software support servi ces,
with a staff of software analysts at
the Beaverton headq uarters, and at
regional offices around the United
States , Europe and Japan .
Te ktroni x software documentation is
available to all of our terminal users .
For detailed information , contact
your nearest Tektroni x Appl ications
Engineer or Systems Anal yst. Software should be ordered through
your nearest Tektroni x Field Office ,
using the part numbers listed in
the software descriptions.

Plot-10jDecision Maker. The
PLOT -1 a/ Decision Maker software
system is a series of FORTRAN IV
subroutines that supply the terminal
user with interactive graph ic anal ysis, forecasting , and report generation capabilities. The subroutines
are divided into four groups : (1) th e
option select mode, (2) the data
manipulation mode, (3) the analysis
and forecasting mode and (4) the
report generation mode . Th e option
select mode allows the user to
choose the correct mode , from the
other three groups of subroutin es,
for what he desires to do next.
The Data Manipulation Mode is
chosen by the user when he wi shes
to work with his data. He may
generate statistics about a particular
group of data. He also has the abi lity
to enter new data , modify, ad d to
or delete existing data, combine
data mathematically, and apply
seasonal patterns to his data. Data
may be graphically reviewed at the
terminal at any time , and the user
may, at his option , zoom in on a
particular series of data for closer
inspection. Alphanumeric lists of
any or all of the data may be generated for filing and inspection
The Analysis Forecasting Mode is
selected when the user has his data
ready to analyze . The data may be
graphically inspected using the
graphic cross-hair cursor. A judgmental techn iq ue is available for
analysis of data, making use of the
experience and judgment of the
user. Data may bef)aired with a
lead ing series to isolate turnin g
points . Several other techniqu es are
available for separation, computation and correlation of data. In this
mode, the user also has the option
to graph or tabulate his data at any
The Report Generation Mod e provides the facility of creating finished
report pages that may be saved and
used later to speed up the report
generation process. Graphs may be
placed anywhere on the report page
screen and modified to user specifications . Labels may be added to the
graphs and the graphs and labels
may be repositioned or deleted at
any time. A dot matrix is availabl e to
aid in the positioning of the graphs
and labels, and the report page may

be saved at any time during its
The PLOT - 1O/ Dec ision Make r
package is built around the concept
of a Work Fil e and a Report Fi le.
User data (derived from the Data
Manipulation Mode or Ana lysisForecasting Mode) is stored under
an unique name in a "file segment "
within the Work Fi le . Report pages ,
generated in the Report Generation
Mode , are saved under an unique
page number in the Report File.
User input rega rd ing fu nctio ns to
be performed is accomplished
throu gh the " menu selection " process , in which a series of words are
written on the screen and the desi red
option is chosen from them , using
the cross-hair cursor. This process
eliminates many of the problems
previously associated with interactive te ch ni ques by eliminating the
need to memorize keyword
The PLOT -1 O/ Decision Maker is
designed to give the terminal user
graphic analysis and forecasting
capabi lities without requiring him to
do any programming. All of his
intermediate and final results can be
saved and viewed at any time , and
can be combined into report pages
for co nc ise presentation of the
various results.
A number of different documents
is available to supplement th e
PLOT-10/ Decision Maker package.
The Prim er gives a more general
overview of the pa ckage , demonstrating many of the features in an
easy-to-read form. Th e User's
Manual gives an in-depth description of all of the avai lable options
and a guide to the usag e of the
package . The System 's Manual is
designed to aid the individual who
has the res ponsibility for maintaining
and / or extending the Decision
Maker package at his installation.

Description of the software routines ,
overlay techniques , and programming considerations are outlined in
thi s manual .
Th e Decisio n Maker package comes
complete with the Terminal Control
System (TCS ) and Advance d
Graphing-II software included. Th is
allows the user to enjoy the programming capabilities of TCS and
Adva nced Graphing-II (described
elsewhere in this catalog) , in addition to the interactive capabilities of
the Decision Maker.
Decision Maker Implementation
for IBM with TSO
FORTRAN IV, IBM Basic Assembler
Langu age
User's Manual and 9-track
Magnetic Tape
Part No. 062 -1 575-03
Decision Maker Implementation
for DEC PDP -10
User's Manual and DEC Tape
Part No . 062-1576-03
User's Manual and 7-track
Magnetic Tape (FAI LSAF E)
Part No. 062-1576-04
Plot-1 0/ Advanced Graphing-II.
The Advanced Graphing-II software package , written in FORTRAN
IV , is extremely versatile , and will·
prove helpful in computer graphing
to a wide range of users . It is constructed using TCS , and therefore
benefits from th e many strong fea tures of that software package. By
all owing th e user to see and find
relationships in a mass of computer
data , this software package maintains the same concept of " pencil
and paper " replacement. Adva nced
Graphing-II relieves the user of the
major burden in plotting arra ys of
data , in cl uding axis generation ,
scaling , and labeling ta sks.
Advanced Graphing- II provides
th e tool s to do graph in g for use rs on
various levels. First , a full com plement of routines is available to allow
an experienced programmer or
analyst to deve lop complete speci alized graphs . Next, a programmer
can, with minimum effort, do plotting
with a series of default conditions.
With Advanced Graphing-II, the
user can define his window specifications so that different graphs can

be generated at different locations
on the screen. Use r data may be
displayed in a variety of graphic
formats on carte sian, semi- log , loglog , and time series coord inate
systems .
Advanced Graphing-II soft wa re requires the Terminal Control System
package for operation .
Advanced Graphing-II
User's Manual and Source Card
Part No. 062-1530-02
Plot 10/ Terminal Control System.
The Terminal Control System
(TCS) software package is a group
of FORTRAN IV sub routines . TCS
forms the base for the fullest use
of both the graphic and alphanumeric terminal capabilities of the
4010 family of Computer Display
Terminals. Th is software package is
designed to be modular as we ll as
system-independent. It has user
acceptance and is implemented on
a variety of computers .
TCS is a tool to make your graphic
terminal a more useful medium of
information disp lay. It is designed to
be as close to a "pe ncil and paper "
replaceme nt as possible and can
do comp lex line drawi ng with wi ndowing and c li pping. The windowing
techniques were espec iall y designed for easy use. Th ey allow you
to review all , or any part of complex
drawings at any position on th e
terminal screen.
Normal alphanumeric formatting
fun ct ions such as setting tabs and
margins are supported by TCS.
Rou tines are also included for support of specific terminal fun ctions ,
suc h as erasing the scree n and
homing the alphanumeric cursor
to a spe cific position .
An extremely useful terminal feature
is the ability to input graphic coordinates, using the graphic cross-hair
cursor. TCS provides straightfor-


ward suppo rt for this function , allowing the user to input points in the
particular coordinate system he
is using.


TCS can be a valuab le tool in creating new graphic application programs, and in interfacing existing
application programs , such as incremental plot previewing. TCS can
be included in your FORTRAN
library for ea sy access by all users.
Experienc ed programmers may
work at the basic terminal leve l, and
facilities are provided for even the
occasional user to operate easi ly
at the conceptual level.
Alth ough core requirements va ry
between systems , it has been found
that 2K to 4K words is an average
requirement. Al l I/ O done by TCS
uses two subroutines . These are
system-dependent, and must be
written by the user, according to the
specifications outlined in the im plementation notes supplied with
TCS. Their function is simpl y to
input and output ASC II characters.
A specific implementation of TCS
is available for DEC PDP-11 users
under DOS. This implementation
offers comp lete access to TCS subroutines in Fortran and acce ss to a
major portion of TCS in assembly
language. For further inform ation ,
seethe Plot-10/ Mini Computer
software section in this catalog.
Another implementation of TCS is
avai lable for IBM Systems with TSO.

Terminal Control System
Standard FORTRAN Subroutine
Package, 401 O-Series
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1474-01
User's Manual and Source Card
Part No. 062-1474-02

Plot-10/Terminal Control System.
Implementation for IBM with TSO.
The implem entation and use of TCS
for IBM with TSO is comp letely
compatible with the description
of TCS given in the preceeding
section . The implementation
package contains all of the IBM
Job Control language (JCl)
statements , FORTRAN IV subroutines , and installation notes
necessary to bring TCS up on the
IBM system using TSO. The user
first creates a partitioned data set
from cards , and punches the indicated JCl. This deck is then used to
actua ll y create the TCS library of
subroutines . Inc lud ed in the installation notes are minor changes to
the TCAM message control program
necessary to support the Tektronix
family of graphic terminals.
The TCS implementation for TSO
can be used on any IBM OS/ 360370 with standard TSO. This implementation contains routines and
documentation required to support
any of the Tektronix family of
graphic computer terminals.
Terminal Control System Implementation for IBM with TSO
User's Manual and Source Card
Part No. 062-1495-02
Plot-1 O/ Character Generation
System. To provide flexibility in
character generation and display
beyond that provided by the terminal's hardware character generator,
Tektronix has developed the Character Generation System. Thi s
system is des igned to use the
facilities offered in TCS .
Th is package of FORTRAN IV

subroutines al lows the software
generation and display of com plex
character sets. Two character sets
are initially defined and provid ed
for the user. The first is a simpl e,
minimum stroke character set whi ch
contains upper case characters,
numbers and a few special ch aracters. Th e second is a more compl ex
set which contains both upper and
lower case characters, as well as
numbers, and a large group of
specia l characters which represe nt
all the printable characters in th e
ASCII chart.
The Character Generation System
also includes two utility rout ines ,
one for scaling and one for rotation
of characters.
A stand alone program is al so
supplied in the Character Generation System that allows the term ina l
user to define his own set of characters if he has needs that can not be
fulfilled by the two provided se ts.
IMPORTANT: Th e Character Ge neration System software pa ckage
requires Termin al Control System
for implementation .

Character Generation System
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1494-01
User's Manual and Source Card
Part No . 062-1494-02
Plot-10/ 360-370 Graphics Software. Th e Plot-1 0/ 360-370 Graphics
Software is written in IBM 's Basic
Assembler l anguage , and is designed to operate on an IBM Mode l
360 or 370 with OS and MFT , MVT ,
or MVT wi th TSO . Use of this soft ware is simil ar to the IBM Basic
Telecommunications Access
Method , in that the software hand les
terminal operations. The programmer who designs an app li cation may
ca ll the Tektronix software routines
that su it his purpose , while th e sa me
software may be used by the systems programmer designing a teleprocessing monitor.
The software developed to support
Tektroni x Graphic Computer Terminals in the System 360-370 environment falls into two general
categories. The modules in the first
category direct input/output operations. Routines in the second group
perform special , single funct ions to

totals above . An additional requirement of 1 .5K bytes of dynamic storage is used during execution for
transient initialization routines .
360-370 Graphics Software
User's Manual and Magnetic Tape
Source Program
Part No . 062 -1437-03

Software that's logical, helpful and
complete. Tektronix is committed to
giving you a/l the tools to do the iob .

Plot 10/Display Multiplexer
Utility Routines. The recent growth
of graphics has stimulated the desire
for multiple display capabilities with
Tektroni x terminals. Tektronix has
a Display Multiplexer Card available ,
which permits the use of remote
monitors with any of the 401 O-series
computer terminals . The Display
Multiplexer Utility Routines provide
versatility in controlling those
multiple displays .
This package includes a series of
FORTRAN subroutines, using TCS ,
to permit individual or multiple
addressing of numerous monitors in
a system , and / or the terminal itself.
It offers control of all remote monitors , including erasing any individual
screen , generating hard copies , and
initiating transmission of data from
a scan converter to a video screen.
IMPORTANT: the Display Multiplexer Ut ility Rout ines require Terminal Control System for operation .

assist the program mer in writing a
term inal application . Th e I/ O
modules are written on two levels.
Level 2 routines are called by an
application programmer to do character or graphic inputs and outputs .
Use of the leve l 2 calls invokes the
internal , or level 1 modules . The
level on e rout ines do the actual input
and output, and perform control
function s.
Term inal Input and Output operations are accomplished with IBM 's
execute channel program software
when the package is running under
OS , and TCAM TGET's and TPUT's
when th e package is running under
TSO . Th e software modules that
prepare and check data for transmission , or hand le in put, are
included in the Tektron ix software

system . Th e user interfaces to the
system through a number of
function-oriented calls . The software
supports the principal programmi ng
languages commonly used on
System 360 -370 including
FORTRAN , BAL, PL/ 1, and Cobol .
The minimum core requirement for
basic alphanumerics is 4K bytes .
For basic graphing, the minimum
requirement is 5K bytes. The maximum requirement for the entire
system, including optional utility
routines for axis generation and windowing , is 13K bytes . Each terminal
referenced wi ll add 308 bytes to the

Display Multiplexer Utility Routines
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1524-01
User's Manual and Source Card
Part No. 062-1524-02
Plot-10 / Preview Routines For
Calcomp Plotters. The Preview
Routines for CalComp ® Plotters are
a set of FORTRAN subroutines desi gned to support the Tektroni x 401 0
family of Computer Display Termi nals in previewing plots normally
made on a CalComp plotter device.
This allows viewing of plots for correction before drawing them on a
plotter device . The routines were
designed to interactively display
information normally available to a
plotter, in a variety of ways .
Th e Preview Routines are designed
to make fu ll use of the windowing
capabilities provided in TCS . This


facilitates the previewing of large
plots as a whole, or "windowi ng in "
on more complex secti ons of plots.
The software is designed to interface naturall y with existing CalComp
Incremental Plotter software routines . It also allows alteration of
programs to go fro m normal ly passive plotting to the interactive plotting capabilities of th e Tektronix
40 10 terminal family.
IMPORTANT: Preview Routines for
CalComp Pl otters require Termin al
Control System for implementation.
Preview Routines for CalComp
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1526-01
User's Manual and Source Card
Part No . 062-1526-02


software. Specifically, DEC PDP-11
users with DOS may take advantage of the PLOT -1 O/ Terminal Control System Implementation for
PDP-11 with DOS.
Plot-10/ Minicomputer Software
for 401 O-Series Terminals
Data General Nova, Super Nova,
Nova 800, and Nova 1200 Routines
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No . 062-1427-01
Hewlett-Packard 2114, 2116,
2100A Routines
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1428-01
DEC PDP-8, 8/E , 8/1 , 8/ L,
12 Routines
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1430-01
DEC PDP-11 Routines
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1432-01

Plot-1 0 /M inicomputer Software.
Tektronix provides terminal software
support for minicomputers using
teletype port interfaces. Th ese softwa re packages provide basic alphanumeric and graphics input/output
routines. They are coded in the
native Assembly Language for each
mini computer, and usually emp loy
FORTRAN compatib le subroutine
linkages. This minicompu ter software is designed for mini compu ters
with no operating systems.

Varian 620/1 , 620 / L, 620 / R, 620 / F
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1431-01

Four basic software routines are
provided with eac h PLOT-1 0 Minicomp uter Software package . Subroutines are suppli ed for input and
output of the 128 ASCII characters.
A simple plot routine wi ll draw vectors w ith no windowing or c lipping
available , and a routine is suppl ied
to perform graphic input.

User's Manual and DEC tape
Part No. 062-1529-03

Dependin g on the minicomputer,
between 150 and 200 words of storage are required for anyone of th e
PLOT-10 minicomputer software

Th e APL GRAPH package works
using a "virtu al window" concept.
Lin es and points are plotted in two
dimensions in an arbi trary space,
which is then projected onto the
face of the terminal. Thi s projection
is onto a so-called "screen window ,"
which may be posi ti oned anywhere
on the face of th e terminal sc reen.

For those minicomputer users with
larger system co nfigurations, consider our Term inal Control System

Plot-10 / TCS for 4010-Series
Implementation for PDP-11 with
User's Manual and Paper Source
Part No. 062-1529-01

Plot-10/APL Graph. APL (A Programming Language) provides an
extreme ly flexible language for
computer graphics. Tektroni x has
implem ented a group of functions
to exploit the advantages of APL for
computer graphics.

The plotting package is divided into
four major sectors: Utility, Vector
Plotting , Alphanumerics, and X-Y
Plotting .

The Utility section includes fun ctions to properly initiali ze and terminate a sess ion at the terminal. Th e
unique properties of the termin al
are supported , in c ludin g erasing of
the sc re en, ringing of the aud ibl e
bell , and ha rd copy generation . In
doing vector plotting, window
boundaries can be defined within
whic h th e vectors are to be drawn .
The vectors ge nerated can be
located accord in g to absolut e coordinate locations , or relati ve to previously drawn vectors. Scaling and
rotation can be done autom atica ll y.
KCM and KIN are two functi ons
which allow vector drawin g in cen timeters and inches respecti ve ly.
This section also co ntains support
of the graphics cursor input facility
avai lable on the 4013 and 4015 .
A complete group of functi ons is
provided for alphanumeric s handling. These include functi ons to
generate a new line, carriage return ,
lin e feed, back space, and home . In
this section are functions to generate a new page , set up both horizontal and vertical tabs , and define
software margins.
Plotting functions are available to
graph X- Y coordinates on cartes ian ,
semi-log , log-log , or polar coordinate systems . These graphs mayor
may not contai n grids for data accuracy . Functions are also availabl e
for drawing date-time and stock
market (Hi gh , Low, Volume) graphs .
For business uses , functions are
availab le to generate pie charts and
histograms . This section also contains a function which allows curve
fitting w ith plotted results .
Thi s software package all ows th e
end user to so lve problems from the
extremely simp le to the extreme ly
complex. Th is can be done interactively in a straig ht forward
For IBM users, there is a 2741 interface available that supports the
standard function package .

and formatting routines are provided in the easy-to-use ANSI
FORTRAN subroutines.

Products and solutions, not for a
select few, but for many diverge nt
purposes-from medical research to
energy exploration, from business
data to educational applicationssoftware and hardware provide a
better way to do it.

APL GRAPH Standard Function
User's Manua l and Paper Source
Part No . 062-1 527-0 1
Implementation for APL 360
A special imp leme ntati on of th e
APL GRAPH software is available
for users of APL\360 . This software
package contains all of the functions described under the AP L
GRAPH software package , along
with the changes to APL\360 to support the 4013 and 4015 Graphic
Display Terminals.

This APL GRAPH implementat ion is
provided on magnetic tape as a
normal work space dump tape
along with the required changes to
APL\ 360 . Th is imp lementation wi ll
support the 4013 and 4015 Computer
Display Termina ls under AP L\ 360.

APL GRAPH Implementation for
APL\ 360
User's Manual and 9-track
Magnetic Source Tape
Part No. 062-1528-03
Dataform. The Dataform software
package has been designed to
assist the application programmer
in his use of the 4023 A lphanumeric
Terminal . Full functional control

The 4023 functions that are supported by Dataform are numerous .
Dataform can clear the display,
clear the input fields only, and initi ate hard copies by the 4623 Hard
Copy Unit. It can also read the cur rent character location , or position
the cursor to a spec ified line and
space . It can read the entire con tents of the display buffer, or the
display buffer input fields only.
Dataform can also control the
Rulings mode , permitting the entry
or deletion of optional special characters in displaying horizontal or
vertical lines. It can encode and set
display format control characte rs ,
instructing the terminal to treat
these characters as 4023 display
fields .
In addition to functional control,
Dataform provides the application
programmer the means to manage
all of the terminal features , and to
structure the data to be input or displayed . The principal vehicle for
structuring data exchange is called
a FORM , which is a co llection of
field definitions , and associated text
and subformats. The Dataform
package provides several software
tools to read, display, interpret, and
modify forms . These routines free
the application programmer from
the task of manipulating characters
to control the routine setup and use
of the terminals , allowing him to
concentrate on the appl ication
being developed .
Te rmina l input and output operations are loca lized in Dataform to
two subroutines to assure ease of
implem entation . Th ese rout ines are
not provided in the standard Dataform package due to the system
dependencies of terminal input;
output, but a detailed explanation of
these subroutines' structure is
inc luded in the imp lementation
Implementation for 4023 Terminal
User's Manual and Sou rce Card
Part No . 062 -1573 -02


Data Communications Interface
(RS -232C Compatible)
Part No. 021-0033-00
TTY Port Interfaces
DEC PDP 8/ i, 8/ 1, 12 Interface
Part No. 021-0034-00
Data General Nova , Super Nova ,
Nova 800 and Nova 1200
Part No . 021-0035-00
Hewlett-Packard 2100 series , and
others with 123531 Card
Part No. 021-0036-00
DEC PDP-11 with KL- 11 Cont rol ler
Part No. 021-0040-00
DEC PDP-11 with DL- 11 Contro ll er,
and PDP-11 / 05
Part No. 021-0040-01


The 4002A Di sp lay Terminal offers
three graphic modes (vector, point
plot, and incremental plot) for
graphic display flexibility. In alph anu me ri c operation , both upper and
lowe r case alphabets are offered,
with th e full ASCI I character set of
96 printing characters, plu s th e TTY
upper case su bset.
Display Unit. The disp lay scree n
is a direct-view storage CRT, with
space for up to 39 1ines of alphanumeric text, each wit h up to 85
stand ard -size characters per lin e.
Located below the storage display
is a refreshed one- line Sc ratch Pad
display, wi th space for as many as
84 characters.
The Keyboard. Control and character key entri es are made through
a teletypewrite r-style keyboard , wi th
an adjacent co ntrol panel whic h
sets termi nal ope rating co nditio ns.

Th e 4002A ope rates on 110 or 220
VAC (HI , MED, La), at 50 to 60 Hz.,
and req ui res 250 watts operatin g
power. It is designed to ope rate
between + 10 ° C and + 40° C. It is
19.375 inches high, 19 in ches wid e,
and 34 .875 inches deep. Net weig ht
is 130 Ibs.; shippi ng weight is 1871bs.
Order Information
4002A Graphic Computer
Terminal without Interface

DEC PDP-8e with Module M8650
Part No . 021-0047-01
Add iti ona l interfaces may be availab le. Contact yo ur App li cat ions Engi nee rfor avai labil ity and quotati ons .
Plot-10 Minicomputer Software.
DEC PDP-8, 8/ e, 8/ i, 8/ 1,
12 Routines
Use r's Manual and Paper Source
Tape , Part No. 062-1400-01
DEC PDP-11 Routines
User's Manual and Paper Sou rce
Tape, Part No. 062-1402-01
DEC PDP-4, 7, 9, 15 with Advanced
Monitor Routines
User's Manual and Pape r Source
Tape, Part No. 062-1 399 -01
DEC PDP-9, 15 with Background /
Foreground Monitor Routines
User's Manual and Paper Source
Tape , Part No. 062-1404-01
Hewlett-Packard 2114, 2115,
2116 Routines
User's Manual and Pape r Source
Tape , Part No. 062-1398-01
Data General Nova, Super Nova,
Nova 800, Nova 1200 Routines
User's Manual and Pape r Source
Tape , Part No. 062-1397-01
DEC PDP-11 Fortran Compatible
Rout ines
User' s Manual and Paper Source
Tape, Part No. 062-1476-01
The 4601 Hard Copy Unit provides
permanent copy capab ility to the

4002A Computer Di splay Terminal
and the 611 Storage Di splay Un it.
Convenient , economical , high reso lution copies of alphanumeri c
or graphi c displ ays are provid ed on
3M Type 777 Dry-Sil ve r Pap er.
A pushbutton on the 4601 front panel
initiates copy-making , or copying
may be started under program
co ntrol.
Design Characteristics
Standard copy size, factory adjusted , is fo r 8112" by 11 ". Copy time
is 18 seco nd s fo r th e first copy and
10 seconds for each subsequen t
Power Requirements
The 4601 standa rd unit is design ed
to operate on 11 5 VAC (La , MED ,
HI ) at 50 to 60 Hz. A 220 VAC unit is
also avai lab le.
Physical Characteristics

Height, 10 112 in ches (26.67 cm .)
Width , 16 112 in ches (41.91 cm.)
Depth , 23 inches (58.42 cm.)
Weight: Net , 691bs. (31 .05 kg .)
Shipping, 84 Ibs. (37.80 kg .)
Order Information
4601 Hard Copy Unit
4601-1 Hard Copy Unit
(operates on 220V, 50-60 Hz)
Option 1, Blue Cabinet
(In strum ent set up for use wi th type
611 Di sp lay Unit)
One roll 3M Type 777 Dry Sil ve r
Pape r is included with each Hard
Copy Unit. Refill s may be purcha se d
from Tektroni x, In c.
On e roll , Part No. 006-1603-00
One carton of 4 roll s, Part No.
006-1603- 01
Standard Accessories
In clud ed witli the 4601 are two
6-foot interco nnecting cab les, one
8-foot detachable power cord, one
Use r's Manual (Part No. 070-1 393 00) and a Maintenance Manual
(Part No. 070-1343-00, mai led free
upon request with orde r) .
Optional Accessories
Copy Catcher (automatically
catches copies from 4601)
Part No . 016-0298-00


General terms of sale and warranty
Orders should be placed with your
Tektronix Field Office listed on
Pages 47-48.
Tektronix , Inc. offers many different
terms of sale in order to meet varied
purchasing objectives and to assist
in financial planning. Any of the
following terms may be arranged
with an Applications Engineer.
Net 30 Days
Tektronix, Inc. standard terms of
sale are NET 30 days, which is to
agree that payment will be due thirty
days following the date of shipment.
Extended Terms of Sale
Extended terms of 60 to 120 days
are available on the same single
payment basis as standard terms.
Since the cost of extended terms is
not included in catalog prices , a
service charge is added to the catalog price. The amount of the service
charge depends upon the number of
days the terms are extended.
Rental Agreement
Certain Information Display products
are available under an operating
rental program where the customer
pays only for use and maintenance
of the equipment on a monthly basis.
Rental terms are NET 15 days. The
minimum fixed term of this rental
agreement is 12 months, with automatic renewal on a month-to-month
basis thereafter, until cancellation.
Equipment rented on this program is
maintained by Tektronix, Inc. during
the term of the agreement.
Lease Agreement
All new catalog products are available under the standard Tektronix
lease program. Accessories and
parts are not available unless they
are associated with the products
being leased. Customers may provide their own maintenance or
contract maintenance service from

A standard lease term of 12, 18,24,
30 and 36 months is offered. Longer
terms are negotiable. Under a Lease
Agreement, the customer pays for
the use of the product for the term of
agreement. It is not a month-tomonth rental . .. it is a noncancellable fixed-term agreement
requiring no advance payment. At
the expi ration of the term there is the
opportunity to update the instruments , to renew the existing lease
agreement, orto return the equipment at the expense of Tektronix,
Inc. The customer may exercise an
option to purchase the equipment at
any time during the term of the
agreement, provided he gives thirty
days' written notice . A portion of the
monthly installments (50%-not to
exceed 75% of catalog value) will
be credited toward the purchase
Conditional Sales Contract
This program provides monthly
installment payment terms while
Tektronix products are in use by the
Accessories and parts are not available unless they are associated with
the products being purchased. New
and used products may be purchased with a deduction for applicable quantity discounts .
An advance payment equal to at
least 10% of the purchase price of
the equipment desired is required
for a Conditional Sales Contract.
Installment terms covering the balance of the contract price are available for 6, 12, 18,24,30 or 36
months . Minimum balance amounts
may be financed , ranging from $200
for six months to $2000 for th irty-six
months . Longer terms of 48 to 60
months are available by quotation
for fi nanced balances of more than
$10,000. There are no maximum
finance balances.
All products carry the standard 100
warranty. The customer is responsible for the equipment and applicable property taxes, licenses , etc.
Upon completion of the term of
agreement and prescribed payments, the customer owns the

All Tektronix instruments are warranted against defective materials
and workmanship for one year.
Additionally, all Tektronix Computer
Display Terminals and related computer peripheral equipment are fully
warranted against any trouble for
the first 90 days. Any equipment
trouble occurring to your Tektroni x
computer terminal or related prod ucts during the 90 day period will
be repaired by Tektronix personnel
at no charge.
Questions regarding warranty
should be discussed with your
Applications Engineer.
All prices , quotations and shipments
are FOB Beaverton, Oregon, unless
otherwise specified.
Unless otherwise specified , shjpment will be made via the most
economical method. Surface and
air shipments will be insured at full
valuation unless your order instructs
otherwise .
Information in this publication
supersedes all previously published
material. Specification and price
change privi leges reserved .
Tektronix Field Services
There are field services available
through Tektronix Field Offices
and Overseas Representatives. It is
our intent to consistently provide
unequaled product service and support. These are available through
local offices staffed by employees
of Tektronix, Inc.

Application Engineers
Your Application Engineer is fully
prepared to respond to yourtechnical and business requirements. He
has a strong technical background
and has extensive product and business training.
Systems Analysts are located at
Tektronix' field offices to help you,
too. They are experts in analyzing
systems and software, and can
advise you about which Tektronix'
products best fit your needs.

A ppl ications
Perhaps th e answers you need in a
specif ic application can be obtained
fas ter and easier through use of
your Tektroni x instrument. Your
Applications Engineer ca n help you
find out , and if use of your instrument is indicated , help you with
procedu res. He may also be able to
sugges t many time-saving uses for
your instrument in routine checks
and measurements.
Customer O rdering
Working closely with your Applications Engineer when preparing a
purchase order for Tektronix
products can assure you of more
efficient delivery of you r new equipment. Incorrect combinations of
instru me nts ordered together, in complete orders , etc. ca n cause
you r order to be delayed at th e
factory resultin g in unn ecessary
idle time for you . Also , due to
sepa rate and individual instrlJment
release dates , some products are
ready for ship ment well ahead of
others . If a " no partial" order is
received at the factory, the enti re
shipment will be held until delivery
of all items is possible .
Tektroni x, Inc ., willingly assumes
much of the re sponsibility for continued efficient operation of the
instruments it manufactures. If you
should experience a stubborn maintenance problem , your local servi ce
center will gladly help you isolate
th e cause. Oft en a telephone ca ll w ill
help you get your instrument back
in operation with minimum delay.
Product Service-Reconditioning
To help assure adequate product
service and maintenance facilities
for our customers , Tektronix, Inc.
has estab lished Field Offices and
Service Cen ters at strategic points
throug hout the United States and
overseas. Contact your Applications
En gineer for details concerningwa rran ty-e mergency repai rsrepair parts-scheduled maintenance-recond itioning and overhaul
-pi ck up and de li very-mainte -

nance con trac ts-on site se rvice for
fixed installations-other services
available through these loca l offices
and centers.
Emergency Repair

Servic e

This service wi ll help you in situations where products req uire immediate attention. If your Tektronix
product malfunctions , or if you want
a particular characteristic optimized ,
just bring it to your local service
center. Work starts when you arrive .
In most cases we will solve the problem immediate ly and get you on
yo ur way in a matter of minutes.

If you require service , replacement
parts , a wa rranty question resolved ,
or other help , please notify the
Tektronix facility through which you
ordered yo ur instrument . They will
process all orders when needed to
restore an instrument to operating
condition . Th ey will also arrange fo r
fast service with necessary recalibration or repair work on your

Repair Parts
Repa ir and replacement parts se rvice is geared directly to th e field ;
therefore , all requests for repairs
and replacement parts should be
directed to the Tektronix Fi eld Office
or se rvice center in your area. This
procedure will assure you the fastest
possib le service. Ple ase include
instrument type number and serial
number with all requests for parts
or service . Please do not return
instruments or parts before receiving
directions. Scheduled Maintenance ,
Reco nditioning and OverhaulProper, scheduled maintenance will
enable yo ur Tektronix product to
deli ver many years of dependable
Your older Tektron ix products can
be reconditioned or complete ly
overhauled , restoring them to catalog specifications. Our service
centers are equipped to clean and
completely overhaul , both elec tri ca ll y and mechanically, all
Tektronix products.

General Information-Customers
Outside the United States
To provide you with personal assistance in ordering as we ll as servicing
products , we have establ ished Fi eld
Offices and te chnica ll y qu ali fied
Tektronix distributors in many countries throughout the world. Th e
Tektronix office or d istributor in your
country will be pleased to help you
select the in strument that best suits
your requirements in performance ,
and provide you with prompt ord ering service.

Europe: Datate k N.v. ; (P.O . Box
7718 , Schiphol Airport (East) , The
Netherlands. Telephone : 020452155. Telex : 16565. Cable:
Datatek Holland .
Japan : Son y/ Tektron ix Corporatio n;
9-31, Kitashinagawa-5 , Shinagawa Ku , Tokyo 141 (P.O. Box 14, Heneda
Airport , Tokyo 149). Telephone:
445-0221 (Area 03/ Tokyo). Telex:
02422850 . Cable: SONYTEK Tokyo.
Canada : Te ktroni x Canada Ltd .;
900 Selkirk Street , Pointe Claire 730,
Quebec . Telephone: (5 14) 697-5340.
Telex : 05821-570.
Australia : Te kt roni x Australia Pty.
Limited , Sydney ; 80 Waterloo Road ,
North Ryde , N.S.W . 2113 .
Telep hone : 888-7066 . Telex:
AA 24269. Cable : TE KTRONI X
Australia , 128 Gilles Street.
East European customers requesting information should co ntact:
Austria: Rohde & Schwarz-Tektronix Gmb H & Co . K.G., Prinz
Eugen Strasse 70 , 1040, Wien ,
Austria. Telephone : Vienna 653704.
Telex: 13933.
Countries with no Tektronix
Distributor or Tektronix Field
Offices Please address your
inquiries and orders to:
Tektroni x, In c.
Export Marketing Department
P.O . Box 500
Beaverton , Oregon 97005 USA




A friendly, relaxed environment
on a 300-acre, parklike setting,
Tektronix provides a favorable atmosphere for creating products
that work for you.

Making it work
for you

Tektronix is a relatively young
company , being just 27 years old. It
grew from a handful of employees
working in one small garage-like
building. The original lone item they
were producing was an oscilloscope , a model which was even
then the best of its kind. Sales for
the fi rst profitable year, 1948,
totaled a humble $257 ,000.
Today Tektronix has over 11,500
employees designing and manufacturing more than twenty different
products including oscilloscopes,
information display products,
automated measuring systems, television products, calculators, and
spectrum analyzers. All this brought
in a healthy total sales of nearly
$200 million for 1973.
The home office located in Beaverton, Oregon has surpassed its
original one small building many
times over, until today it is no less
than a 300-acre industrial park with
over 2 million square feet dedicated
to design and manufacturing. Field
offices and service centers are
now worldwide.
What kind of company is this that
has sprung up like Topsy? In two
words: people oriented. Every company is made up of human beings,
but not every company continues to
remember that. Tektronix does. Its
attitude toward people makes it the
kind of company it is today.
Four basic tenets, set down by the
founders, have molded and guided
Tektronix' growth. " First , the indi vidual has dignity and importance .

Second , people are honest in a total
sense. Third, each person wants to
do a good job, and fourth, no one
has ever really found the limits of
human ability." With this positive
attitude , Te ktronix has become a
company based on trust , responsibility and respect.
It encourages its employees to think
and to go beyond the limits of
normal " workaday" jobs , to do the
very best they can. Tektronix,
therefore , is based on change.
Because when people have an
atmosphere in which to think unrestrictedly, change comes naturally.
Tektronix might have the looseness
born of a short rulebook , but that
doesn't mean its employees have
easy jobs or get nothing done. It
means they have the freedom to go
beyond what the job calls for. This
makes Tektronix a rather unusual
company , but from the standpoint of
management it was the only way to
go . They knew that highly technical
work done by very competent
people was touchy to direct. They
decided a heavy, rule -encrusted
organization would only get in the
Instead, people and management
learned to work in an informal,
mutually-helpful environment which
gives results surpassing a more
structu red approach.
With unnecessary formalization out
of the way, the workers can get
down to prob lem -solving and
product-manufacturing, which is a
difficult business in itself. In the first
place, it is hard to create any technicall y precise instrument, and in
the second place, putting precision
to the acid test of mass production
is a little like trying to perform one
delicate brain operation a mi nute. It
is a challenge, requiring th e patience of Job and the industry
of an ant.

Every drawing board idea is given
tests on the engineering level which
would be labeled abusive in some
circles. Hours are spent working and
reworking the original concept to
the point where it can be handed
over to meticulous assembly personnel. Then , more hours of
exhaustive testing occur to make
sure that everything performs to
perfection , all adding up to products
with quality and reliability on jobs
throughout the world.
But it doesn't end there. Tektronix
also backs up each product with
after sales service that 's hard to
match anywhere. This includes
instruction, installation , and maintenance service whenever, wherever
you need it.
Tektronix and the people that work
there are interested in giving you ,
the customer, the very best that can
be produced. It is no doubt a difficult goal, and it may sound like a lot
of talk, but when people direct their
energy toward some common goal,
It shows In the end.


Quality products
from a solid foundation

Tektronix is a company genuinely
interested in creating answers to
your problems . These answers take
the form of state-of-the -art
products , wh ich become that way
purposely, not accidently. Care is
taken every step of the way, by every
member of the Tektroni x team . By
the time you plug in the finish ed
produ ct, you can feel confident
it will solve your problems .


The creation of a Tektronix display
product begins in many placesbusiness environments, research
centers, universities , or the minds of
engineers , marketing specialists or
executives . When the problem is
identified and a need established ,
our engineers go off and invent
solutions. These solutions are introduced into the world only after being
rigorously tested and reworked and
then tested and reworked some
more until every kink is smoothed
out and every tangle is unraveled.
Each Tektroni x product is tested to
its own specifications . To give a
good example of what goes on
behind the testing room door, let's
look at the fate of sample Tektronix
4010 terminals .
On the engineering level , terminals
are environmentally tested both
operationally and non-operationally
to insure that they are adaptable to

varied conditions. First, they go to
the ovens for heat tests which put
the terminals through 40 hours of
temperature fluctuations ranging
from 10 ° to 40 ° C while a computer
exercises them to make sure nothing is burning up or freezing out.
Next, a humidity test simulates near
desert (5%) to rainforest (80%)
conditions , again under computer
scrutiny, and then , as if to add insult
to injury, the terminals are taken
"flying. " Operationally they must
withstand pressures from sea level
to 15,000 feet , while non-operationally (to assure they can fly to
your door) they must go upwards
around 50 ,000 feet.
A set of mechanical tests then does
all it can to "shock, shake , and
ship " the guinea pig terminals. First ,
they are dropped three times from a
height of about three feet on x, y,
and z axis , which puts about a 20g
strain on them. As if that were not
enough , they are given a thorough
shaking on two and then three axes
for about one half hour while a
computer exercises them to make
sure nothing goes amiss.
Tektronix even impersonates the
postal system by putting the terminal
testees in shipping containers and
taking them through the " traffic
simulator" which bounces them
around like a truck. This almost
abusive testing takes about a week
to complete , but when it is allover,
each product is what it is-highly
reliable even under the most
adverse conditions.
After the engineers ' ideas are tested
and refined , products are handed
over to manufacturing personnel,
who turn each protoype to mass

production multiplicity. To insure
that none of the quality is lost inbetween , Tektronix has developed a
unique assembly line . Taking wo rds
of wisdom to heart, that too many
cooks spoil the broth, fewer people
assemble each single product than
is normally the case in production
lines . Each person is encourag ed to
learn how "the whole thing " works ,
so they know what they are doing
with each wire and screw they put
in. It may be slower, but inevitably
more care is taken and a better job
is done .
Tektronix has set up more than an
assembly line. It has organized a
group of craftsmen who take pride
in creating products with the spark
of excellence.
Tektronix information display
products don't just go from workbench to shipping room. They are
again exhaustively tested by a series
of computer-programmed exercises
aimed at every parameter of the
circuit board, the cables, and the
unit . To eliminate chances of
failure , they are worked for 200
continuous hours at 40 ° C after
which they are again given two more
rigorous computer tests. Only then
does Tektronix give you the finished
product-well known for reliability
and quality.


From engineering, manufacturing
and testing to marketing and sales,
the entire Tektronix team works
together to build you quality

Tektronix Field Offices

Huntsville 35801
Suite 51 , 3322 S. Memonal Parkway
Phone (205) 881-2912 , Telex 59-4422

" Ph oe nix 85034
2643 E. University Drive
Suite 113
Phone (602) 244-9795, Telex 66-7401
Tu cson Area : Enterprise 383

"Orla nd o 32803
1040 Woodcock Road
Phone (305) 894-3911 , Telex 56-4465
From the Cape Kennedy Area:
Pensacola 32503
Suite 130, 4900 Bayou Blvd .
Phone (904) 476-1897, Telex 70-2430

"Atla nta 30341
Suite 3, 2251 Perimeter Park
Phone (404) 451-7241, Telex 54-9508

"Concord 94520
2339A Stanwell Circle
Phone (415) 687-8350 , Telex 335-344
From Oakland, Berkeley , Richmond,
Albany and San Leandro : 254-5353


" I rvi ne 92705
16601 Hale Avenue
Ph one (714) 556-8680, Telex
From Los Angeles: (213) 778-5225

tChicago Service Center
Unit E
175 Randall Rd,
Elk Grove Village 60007
Phone (31 2) 956-1774
Telex 28-2577

tSanta Ana 92705
Suite E, 1420 So , Village Way
Phone (714) 541-4162
Santa Clara 95050
3000 Scott Blvd.
Phone (408) 249-5500
Pal o A lto 94303
3750 Fabian Way
Ph one (415) 326-8500, Telex 34-8411
(Info . Disp . Prod . 415-321-7728)
tMountain View Service Center
2133B Leghorn Street
Mountain View 94040
Phone (415) 967-2863
"Sa n Diego 92111
6841 Convoy Court
Phone (714) 292-7330 , Telex 69-5025
San Jose
Suite 1 B, 280 Martin Avenue
Santa Clara 95050
Phone (408) 296-3010, Telex 34-6439
"Va n Nu ys 91406
16930 Sherman Way
Phone (213) 987-2600, Te lex 65-1426
From L.A . call: 873-6868

"" Denver

6801 So. Yosemite S1.
Englewood 80110
Phone (303) 771-8012 , Telex 4-5798

" Milford 06460
#20 Commerce Park Road
Phone (203) 877 -1494, Telex 9-9338

1541 Elmhurst Rd ,
Elk Grove Village 60007
Phone (312) 593-2830, Telex 72-6347

' Field Office / Service Center
tService Center

" SI. Paul 55112
3775 North Dunlap Street
Phone (61 2) 484 -7255, Telex 29-7095

"I ndi anapol is 46219
6121 East 30th Street
Phone (317) 546-2408 , Telex 27-348

"Kansas City
Suite 101 , 6025 Lamar
Mission 66202
Phone (913) 432- 1003 , Telex 4-2321

New Orleans
3004 34th Street
Metrairie , La. 70001
Phone (504) 837-8454

" Baltimore
1526 York Road
Luthervi lie 21093
Phone (301) 825-9000, Telex 87-804
From Harrisburg , Lancaster and
York Area call: ENterpri se 1-0631
(Info. Disp . Prod. 301-821-9390)
• Roc kvi ll e 20850
1335 Piccard Dr ive
Phone (301) 948-7151, Telex 89-8349

*B ost on

244 Second Avenue
Waltham 02154
Phone (617) 890-4550, Telex 92-3446
From Providence: (401) 739-4771
(In fo . Disp . Prod. 617-890-5950)

" Detroi t

22132 West Nine Mile Road
Southfield 48075
Phone (313) 358-3122, Telex 23-0692

Dayton 45439
501 Progress Road
Phone (513) 293-4175, Telex 2-88225




11331 Natural Bridge Road
Bridgeton 63044
Phone (314) 731-4696 , 7, Telex 44-851

New Jersey
" Springfield 07081
964 South Springfield Avenue
Phone (201) 379-1670 , Telex 13-8259

New Mexico
"A lbuquerque 87108
1258 Ortiz Drive , S.E.
Phone (505) 268-3373, Telex 66-0421
Southern N.M . Area: ENterprise 678

"Oklahoma City 73105
Suite 201
800 N.E . 63rd
Phone (405) 848-3361, Telex 74-7227

8845 S.W. Center Court
Tigard 97223
Phone (503) 639-7691 , Telex 36-0205
t Factory Serv ice Center
Tektronix Industrial Park
Beaverton 97005
Phone (503) 644-0161, Telex 36-0485

New York

" Fort Lauderdale 33311
1871 West Oakland Park Blvd.
Phone (305) 731-1220, Telex 51-4474
Also serves Puerto Rico and
U.S. Virgin Islands
From Miami: 944-6948


678 Troy Road
Latham 12110
Phone (518) 785-3353 , Telex 145-402
Buffalo 14225
965 Maryvale Drive
Phone (716) 633-7861 , Telex 91-385
" End icott
3214 Watson Blvd.
Endwell 13760
Phone (607) 748-8291, Telex 932-421

FI. Washington 19034
165 I ndiana Avenue
Phone (215) 542-1440 , Telex 84-6338
tPhiladelphia Service Center
1030 W, Germantown Pike
Norristown 19401
Phone (215) 539-5540, Telex 84-6482
" Pittsburgh
3834 Northern Pi ke
Monroeville 15146
Phone (412) 351-3345, Telex 86-761

" Lo ng Island
125 Mineola Avenue
Roslyn Heights, L.I. 11577
Phone (516) 484-2300, Telex 96-1328


" Poughkeepsie 12603
One Old Mill Road
Phone (914) 462-4670, Telex 96-8414

" Houston 77036
5750 Bintliff Drive
Suite 217
Phone (713) 783-1910, Telex 77-5494

"Syrac use 13211
1 Northern Concourse
North Syracuse 13212
Phone (3 15) 455-6661 , Telex 937-239

"Dallas 75240
4315 Alpha Road
Phone (2 14) 233-7791, Telex 73-0570

San Antonio 78228
Suite 100, 4415 Piedras S1., West
Phone (512) 736-2641 2, Telex 76-7456
From Austin Area:

ENterprise 9915

North Carolina
tGreensb o ro 27405
1011 Homeland Avenue
P.O. Box 6526
Phone (9 19) 274-4647, Telex 57-4416
Raleigh 27612
3717 Nalional Drive
Suite 116
Phone (91 9) 782 -5624

"C leveland 44 129
5689 Pearl Road
Phone (216) 884-6558 , Telex 98-5217
Colu mbus
Suite 5,12 West Selby Blvd.
Worthington 43085
Phone (614) 888-4040, Telex 24-5497

" Salt Lake City 84115
65 West 2950 South
Phone (801) 484-8501 , Te lex 388-365

Hampto n 23366
1929 Coliseum Drive
Phone (703) 826-4020, Telex 82-3409

" Seatt le 98188
410 Baker Blvd.
An dover I ndu strial Park
Phone (206) 243-2494 , Telex 32-488


Tektronix International Offices
Tektronix Datatek N.V., P.O. Box 7718, Schiphol Airport (East), The Netherlands
Telephone: 020-452155, Telex-16565, Cable-Datatek Holland
Datatek maintains a warehouse of United States-made instruments,
accessories and parts to support these distribu tors in fill ing customer orders.
Tec hnical support of custome rs and distributors is also avai lable fr om this facility.
Equi pamentos Tecnicos, Lda.
Rua Serpa PinlO 39
(P.O. Box 6319)
Phone 6917

West Berlin
Rohde & Schwarz
1 Berli n 1
Ern sl-Reule r-Plalz , 10
Phone (031 1) 3414036
Telex 0181636

Eastronics Ltd.
11 Rozanis Street
(P.O. Box 39300)
Tel Aviv
Phone 440-466 , Te lex 033-638
Cable : EASTRONIX Tel Aviv

Equi pamentos Tecnicos
(Mozambique) Lda.
Av . 24 de Julho, 1847
(P.O. Box 310)
Lourenco Marques
Ph one 2260 1
Cable: EOUIPAL -Lourenco Marques

East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania
and Uganda)
Engineering & Sales Co., Ltd.
Bankhouse . Government Road
(P.O. Box 46658)
Nairobi , Kenya
Pilone 26815

Inlo O/Y
11, Meritullinkatu
(P.O. Box 10153)
Phone 11123
CABLE : INTO , Helsinki

Silverslar Spa, Ltd.
Via del Gracchi No. 20
20146 Milano
Phone 4996 (12 lines)
Telex 32634 SILSTAR Milano
Cable: SILVERSTAR Mi lano

Morgenstierne & Co A/S
Konghellegl.3 .
(P .O. Box 6688 Rodelokka, Oslo 5)
Phone (02) 372940, Telex 1719
Cable: MOROF Oslo

Federal Republic of Germany
Rohd e & Schwarz
Verl riebs GmbH
2 Hamburg 50
Grosse Bergslrasse 213-2 17
(P .O. Box 1226)
Phone(1411) 381466
Telex 0 213 749

Marios Dalleggio
Repre se ntations
2, Alopekis Sireel
Alhens 139
Phone 710.669, Telex 216435
Telex An swe r Code : DALM GR
Cable: DALMAR Alh ens

Projec ts
(P.O. Box 5281)
Phone 251680 , Telex 20466LE
Cab le : PROJECTS Beirul

Equipamentos de
Laboratorio Lda.
Estrada lisboa - Sintra Amadora
P.O. Box 1100 (Casal de Garolo)
Phone 97 02 51, Telex 1702
Cable : EOUILAB , Lisboa

Ira n
Berkeh Company Ltd.
20 Salm Road
Roosevelt Avenue
Teh ran
Phone 828294 & 83156'4
Cab le: BERKEHKAR, Tehran

F. Pignal,
Materiel Radio En Gras
21 / 29 Boulevard Girardol
(P.O. Box 86)
Casablan ca
Phone 702-61
Cable: PIRADIO Casablanca

Republi c of South Africa
Prate a Physical & Nuclear
Inslrumenlalion (Ply) Lt d.
(P.O. Box 7793)
Phone 838-8351 , Telex J7337
Cable: MANLU

C.R. Mares, SA
Valencia 333
Barcelona (9)
Phone 257.62 .00, Telex 54676
Cable : SERAM Barcelona

Selection Internationale
17, Rue Kamel
Phone 243 .891 & 241 .066
Cable : INTERSEL TU nis
M. Suheyl Erkman
Necalibey Cad No . 207 Galala
Phone 441546
Cable: INGMESUER Inslalbul
Titova 51
61000 Ljubljana
Phone 311-233 & 320 -241 ,
Telex 31 184
Baird and Tatl oc k (Zambia) Lid.
Chandwe Musonda Road
(P.O. Box 1038)
Phone 75315/ 6, Te lex 4277
Cable: PIPETTE , Lusaka

International Field Offices

Tektronix Australi a Ply. Limited
80 Walerloo Road
North Ryde. N.S.W. 2113
Phone 888-7066, Telex AA 24269
Cable: TEKTRONIX Auslralia
128 Gilles Sireel
Rohde & Schwarz-Tektroni x
GmbH & Co. K.G.
Prinz Eugen Slrasse 70
1040, Wien , Austria
Ph one Vienna 653704, Telex 13933

TEKTRONIX , nv, sa
Av . J. Cesar-Iaan 2
Brussel 1150 Bruxelies
Teleph one 02171 .98.48
Tektroni x Canada Ltd .
900 Selkirk Sireel (Home Ollice)
Poinle Claire 730 , Ouebec
Phone (5 14) 697-5340
Telex 05821-570
Denm ark
Tekl ronix A/S
DK 2880 Dagsvaerd
Kragshojve j 29
Ph one (0 1) 98 7711, Telex 16482

Z. I. Courtaboeul, B. P. 13
91401 Orsay
Phone 907 78 27
Telex TEKFRANS 69 332 F
Cable: TEKFRANS Orsay
Sony /Tektronix Corporation
9-31, Kitashinagawa - 5,
Tokyo 141
(P .O. Box 14, Heneda Airporl,
Tokyo 149)
Phone 445 -0221 (Area 03/ Tokyo)
Telex 02422850
Cable: SONYTEK Tokyo

The Neth erlands
Teklroni x Holland N .V.
Verkoopkantoor Voorschoten
Leidseweg i 6 (p. B. 39)
Phone 01717-6946, Telex 31737
Tektronix AB
161 20 Bromma 20
Phone 08/ 98 1340
Telex 17831 Tek swed S
Cable: TEKTROSWED Siockholm

Tektronix Internation al A.G .
GubeJstrasse 11
(P.O. Box 57)
CH -6301 Zug
Phone 042 21 91 .92, Telex 78808
United Kingdom
Tektroni x U.K. Limited
Beaverton House
36-38 Coldharbour Lane
(P.O. Box 69)
Harpenden , Hert s
Phone Harpenden 61251
Telex 25559
Cable: TEKTRONI X Harpenden

International Distributors and Representatives
Supplied and Supported by Tektronix, Inc. , P.O, Box 500,
Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.A. 97005
Telephone: (503) 644-0161, Telex: 36-0485 , Cable: TEKTRONIX
Coasin A.A.
Virrey del Pino 4071
Buenos Ai res
Phone 52-3 185, 51-9363 &
52-4368, Telex 012-2284
Cable: COAS IN, Bu enos Aires

Industria E Comercio
A mbriex S.A.
Rua Cea ra, 104 2 ° e 3 ° ands .
Rio de Janeiro, GB
Ph one 264-7406
Maurice Roche Lim ited
P.O. Box 61
Cable: LAXAPANA Colombo
Equi pos Indust r iales SAC .1.
Moneds 812 - 01. 912
(Cas ilia 13550)
San l iago
Phone 716882 & 382 942

Manuel Truj illo Venegas
e Hijo Llda.
Carrera 20 No. 37 -33
Aparlado Aereo 53747
Bogota 2, D.E.
Ph one 32-06-79 & 45-23-04
Cable: TRUVEHIJO Bogola

Proleco Coasin Cia Ltda.
Aparlado 228A
Phone 52-6759
Hong Kong
Gilman & Co. Lid ..
Engineering Dept.
(P.O. Box 56)
8th Floor, Alexandra House
Des Voeux Road , Central
Phone H-22701', Telex HX 3358
Cable: GILMAN Hong Kong
Hindi tro n Services Private Ltd.
69A Nepean Sea Road
Bombay 6
Phone 365344 , Telex 2594
Cable: TEKH IND Bombay

M-C International
Room 516, Bando Bldg .
(I.P.O. Box 1355)
Seou l
Phone 22-4316, 22-6891,
22-0811 &28-1415
Telex 7872428 S
Cable: EMCEE KOREA Seoul
Mecomb Mal aysia Send irian
2, Lorang 13/ 6A, Seclion 13
(P.O. Box 24)
Petaling Jaya
Phone 53570, 53478
Tecnicos Argo stal , S.A.
Av. Jalisco 180
Mexico 18, D.F.
Phone 5-15-85-80, Telex 017 -7 4208
New Zealand
W. & K. McLean , Ltd.
103-105 Felton Malhew Avenue
Glen Innes
(P.O. Box 3097)
Auck land
Ph one 587-039 & 587-037
Cable: KOSFY Auckland

Pak-Land Corporati on
Central Commercial Area
Iqbal Road
P.E.C.H. Sociely
Karachi 29
Phone 417315 & 418094
Cable: PAKLAND Pakislan

Importaciones y
Represen taciones
Electron icas , S.A.
Franklin D. Roosevelll05
Phone 27 -2076
Cable: IRE ING, Lima
Phili ppine Elecl ronic
Industries, Inc.
2129 Pasong Tamo Sireel
(P.O. Box 498)
Makati Commercial Center
Makati , Rizal
Phone 80-72-41 / 42/ 43/ 44
Cable: PHILECTRON , Makali

Mechanical & Combustion
Enginee rin g Co. Ply. Ltd.
No. 12 Jalan Kilang
Redhi ll Induslrial Eslale
(P.O. Box 46 , Alexandra
Singapore 3
Ph one 647151

Ta iwan
Heighten Trad ing Co. Ltd.
(P.O. Box 1408)
Republic 01 China
Phone 5 18324, 51837 2, 517517
Cable : HEIGHTEN Taipe i
G. Simon Radio Co. Ltd.
30, Patpong Avenue , Suriwong
Phone 30991-3
Cable: SIMONCO Bangkok

Coasin Uruguaya S.A .
Cerrito 617-4 °
Mon tevi deo
Phone 9-79-78
Cable: COAUR Monlevideo
Coasin C.A.
Edilicio Egu skl
Avenida Havana Y Valpara iso
Los Caobos
Apartado Po sial 50939
Caracas 105
Phone 728662 Y 72311
Cable: INSTRUVEN , Caracas


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