Ing Instructions

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Spring 2018

Team members:
Guocheng Wei, Jiayi Kou, Yuchen Zhang, Zhaoya Sun


Foodie is designed to help users to explore the variety of creative recipes using the
ingredients in the fridge. Foodie creates a user-friendly platform to allow users to
customize and collect recipes with their own ingredients. Foodie is aimed to replace
most recipe apps out there which, in general, are recipe-based. ​This ingredient-based
recipe app allows the users to customize their ingredients and find the right recipes for
System Requirement
Any modern web browser
Test Setup
The test server supplied by the development team will contain no initial user account,
so please create it on you own. Happy debugging!
Program Structure
The login/signup module contains the following functionalities:

Create an account with a valid email/Facebook/Google
Sign in with email and password
Change password after signed in
Reset password when user forgets password
Sign out

The search module contains the following functionalities:


Search the recipes by entering the keywords of ingredients
Search the recipes based on the ingredients user has on his/her Profile Page
Load five more new recipes each time when “More” button is clicked
Filter the results of recipes by type of Diet
Filter the results of recipes by Health Level
Display the name, calories, health tag and diet type of each recipe

The profile module contains the following functionalities:


Display of user avatar, user email and ingredients
Change avatar
Delete account
Add ingredients to list
Remove ingredients from list

Saved Recipe
The saved recipe module contains the following functionalities:

Display of save recipe information
Routing to each saved recipe

Detailed Recipe
The detailed recipe module contains the following functionalities:


Display of a picture of the recipe
Display of title, author, health labels, diet labels, views, ingredients and
nutrients of the recipe
Ability to like the recipe
Ability to save the recipe
Icon that shows which ingredients are needed
Link to the original recipe web page
Comment and reply

Basic Operation
The following explains the common end user interaction with our web application.
Scenario 1:

Sign up with email, Facebook or Google if the user doesn’t have an account
After sign up, sign in with credentials

Scenario 2:

If the user has forget his/her password, click on “Forget Password”
User will be redirected to a web page to reset his/her password
Sign in with new password

Scenario 1:

User can set or change his/her avatar photo via uploading
User can add or remove ingredients to his/her list

Scenario 2:

If the user no longer wants to keep his/her account, click on the “Delete
Account” button
Confirm by clicking “OK”

Scenario 1:

User can search the recipes by entering the keywords of ingredients
User can search the recipes based on the ingredients user has on his/her Profile

Scenario 2:
● User can click “More” button to Load five more new recipes each time
Scenario 3:
● User can filter the results of recipes by selecting the type of Diet
● User can filter the results of recipes by selecting the Health Level
Detailed Recipe
Scenario 1:

User can view all the related information of the recipe
User can click on “See Details” to be redirected to the original recipe web page
User can like the recipe by clicking on the heart icon, then he/she can also
cancel the like by clicking on the icon again
User can save the recipe by clicking on the hard drive icon

Scenario 2:

User can add comments to a recipe by clicking on the “Add Comment” button
User can reply to an existing comment by clicking on the “Reply” button
User can edit his/her comment by clicking on the “Edit” button then the user can
confirm by clicking on the “Save” button
User can like another comment by clicking on the “Like” button
User can remove his/her comment by clicking on the “Remove” button

Saved Recipe
Scenario 1:

User can view all the saved recipes
User can click on a recipe he/she would like to explore and he/she will be
redirected to the detailed recipe page of that recipe

Test Website Information
Test Accounts
No test account will be provided. You should start testing the app by creating your own user
API request:​ 5 queries per minute
Avatar File:​ png/jpg/jpeg file only, with maximum size of exactly 1 MiB
File system:​ uploaded avatar will be removed by the file system within several hours


Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.5
Linearized                      : Yes
Producer                        : Skia/PDF m66
Page Count                      : 9
EXIF Metadata provided by

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