802101 The Wise Owl

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This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Term 1 29 January to 13 April 2018
Volume 24, No. 1
November 2017
U3A Southern Highlands Inc 9878806 ABN 82 452 155 213
P.O. Box 421 BOWRAL NSW 2576
All enquiries to telephone number 02 9990 6650 (message service only), or to our website: www.sohiu3a.org.au
Term 1, 2018
Perhaps, like me (and the rest of the world), you are surprised
to find Christmas around the corner all of a sudden, and to be
slightly overwhelmed with the busyness this time of year inevi-
tably brings!!
One of the many things to attend to is ensuring your U3A mem-
bership is renewed and up to date for the coming year, and then
making your course choices for first term once the enrolment
period is open in early December. It does seem early to be
committing to classes in February, but the time frame is neces-
sary to enable us to move smoothly into term one.
The first term of the year sometimes has a greater number of
unexplained non-attendances, so once you are notified of your
acceptance into particular courses I would encourage you to use
the ‘print your timetable’ function on the website, or to fill in
those dates on your own calendar or diary, so that when the
time comes you are reminded of the sessions you have com-
mitted to attend. Of course, life sometimes changes shape over
a few months so, if next year you find you are unable to attend
something, you could then offer apologies to the course leader
– this often forgotten courtesy not only keeps the leader in-
formed, but might allow other members on a waiting list to be
able to attend.
I have been asked by several people to remind members of a
couple of small administrative things, so here goes:
On the first day of a course, do remember to bring the cor-
rect money for the tea contribution - large notes are
difficult for the course assistants when what is re-
quired might be a 50 cent coin or a couple of dollar
When submitting EFT payments or cheques it is essential to
quote your ID number.
Thank you for being mindful of these things so helpful to those
Thanks also to those members who have been in touch during the
last several months responding to the call regarding upcoming
vacancies on the Management Committee. Nominations for the
Management Committee close on 7 February 2018, several
weeks before the AGM, so if any member is interested in nomi-
nating please be in contact with a member of the Executive to
discuss possible vacancies and requirements before this date.
All members are invited to the Annual General Meeting, to be
held at St Stephens, Mittagong on Wednesday, 21 February at
2pm. We look forward to as many as possible participating in the
‘workings’ of our U3A, and particularly extend warm encourage-
ment to new members to come and get to know committee mem-
bers, current members, and each other.
In the last week of this term, and to celebrate their work through-
out the year and the coming of Christmas, the Choir is again
offering a free concert for members to enjoy. This has become a
lovely annual treat, and I am sure they would enjoy seeing you at
2pm on Tuesday, 12 December at the Bowral Uniting Church
Following two performances in local Nursing Homes, the Busk-
ers are also keen to perform for fellow members at the Christian
Centre, Moss Vale, at 10.30am on Monday, 11 December.
Notices for the events above can be found on p. 14.
2017 has been another year of wonderful courses, both ongoing
and freshly offered. On behalf of us all I do thank our course
leaders, our many helpers, and all who have contributed to the
success of this year as it draws to a close.
I hope there is opportunity for rest and relaxation.
And joy and peace for all !!!
Warm wishes from Erica
“Peace is liberty in tranquillity” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Erica Webber President 0402 039 947 president@sohiu3a.org.au
Alec Dietsch Vice-President 4861 6530 vice-president@sohiu3a.org.au
Virginia Romney Secretary 0403 738 615 secretary@sohiu3a.org.au
Robert Ryn Treasurer 0413 201 611 treasurer@sohiu3a.org.au
Margaret Parkinson Course Co-ordinator 0417 209 412 courses@sohiu3a.org.au
Don Sigsby Co-Course Co-ordinator 4862 1197 altcourses@sohiu3a.org.au
Yvonne Kershaw Course Enrolments 4871 1068 enrolments@sohiu3a.org.au
Chris Linegar Editor 4861 5588 editor@sohiu3a.org.au
Elena Barry Member Involvement 4861 7670 support@sohiu3a.org.au
Roslyn Morgan Membership Co-ordinator 4861 5111 membership@sohiu3a.org.au
Patricia Blunt Leader Support/Venues 4861 5919 leadersupport@sohiu3a.org.au
Bruce Hall Equipment 4862 2695 equipment@sohiu3a.org.au
David Reid Hon. Auditor 4862 5522 drc3@bigpond.com
Bill Buykx Public Ocer 4862 4252 btbuykx@bigpond.net.au
Bert de Hosson Web Master 4861 1055 jeanbert2576@gmail.com
Our volunteer course leaders take no part in the random
computer selection of course participants. If you are
unsuccessful in your application please do not harass
the course leader or members of your U3A committee.
If you attend a course for which you have not been
selected, you may be asked to leave. Fully enrolled
courses have a waiting list which course leaders will
process if vacancies arise. Courses with vacancies are
notified to members by email.
Our Annual Membership Fees (1 January to 31 December)
$45 with Wise Owl downloaded from website ($22.50 if joining after 1 June)
$55 with Wise Owl delivered by Australia Post ($27.50 if joining after 1 June)
A couple at the same address should pay $100 ($45 plus $55)
to receive one copy of the Wise Owl by post ($50 if joining after 1 June).
To renew your membership simply pay the membership fee.
Payment Methods:
To pay by direct deposit, please use your bank’s internet banking facility and include our BDCU bank’s
BSB 802101, Account Number 357162, and Account Name U3A Southern Highlands Inc.
Please include your U3A ID Number and Surname in the payee’s reference box.
Alternatively, you can mail a cheque to Treasurer, PO Box 421, Bowral 2576.
Please include your U3A ID Number and Surname on the back of the cheque.
To Become a New Member:
If you have access to the internet, please go to www.sohiu3a.org.au and select Join Us.
Otherwise contact Ros Morgan on 4861 5111 or email membership@sohiu3a.org.au
to request a Membership Application Form.
Term 1 Enrolments
Term 1
Nominations for
Committee close
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
29 November to 13 December
29 January to 13 April 2018
7 February 2018
21 February 2018
1 May to 6 July 2018
23 July to 28 September 2018
15 October to 14 December 2018
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Welcome to a new session of understanding music. We’ve got a
varied diet this term, concentrating each session on specific
subjects. Session 1: Shakespeare in Music works including
Tchaikovsky’s Hamlet Overture, Romeo & Juliet Overture,
Berlioz’s Romeo and Juliet, Verdi’s Macbeth, Verdi’s Falstaff and
Verdi’s Otello. Session 2: The Symphonic Poem, exploring works
by Liszt, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Richard Strauss and Zemlinsky.
Session 3: an intensive look at Wagner’s Der Ring Des
Nibelungen. Session 4: almost certainly continuing with Der Ring
Des Nibelungen. Session 5: Solo Identities Paganini Caprices,
Bach for Solo Cello, Clarinet works, Britten’s Six Metamorphoses
After Ovid for Solo Oboe, Percussion Alone. There will be a
small charge for notes provided.
We are a group of men and women who enjoy painting and
drawing, mostly we work in our lovely modern studio. We visit
the ever changing exhibition at Bowral Art Society in our break.
We listen to soft music as we work, and bring and use the medium
of our choice. Ideas and encouragement are exchanged. Some
have been painting for years, others have only recently begun.
Help is available when required. This course is assisted by
Richard Atkin.
Leader: Murray Khouri
Co-Leader: Lyndall Foldvary (4862 1906)
Email: lyndall1906@bigpond.com
When: Wednesday, 7 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Annesley Theatre Room, 2nd floor, Westwood Drive,
Numbers: 20 to 50
This course is an attempt to gain an insight into the private
aspects of the lives of very public figures, the Tudor royals, from
Henry V11 to Elizabeth 1. What was life really like for them
once they retreated to their private apartments? What did they
reveal of themselves when they shed their public persona?
Leader: Annette Hearne (0428 587 843)
Email: hannette54@gmail.com
Co-Leader: James Harper (4862 2129)
Email: jheharper@gmail.com
When: Monday, 29 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 1:30 to 4:00
Where: Bowral BDAS Workshop, Short Street, Bowral
Numbers: 15 to 19
Leader: Sandra Gillespie (4868 2396)
Email: sandrahgillespie@gmail.com
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018, 15/2, 1/3, 15/3.
Number of sessions = 4
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 60
As we approach the end of another successful year for SoHi U3A, I’m delighted to be able to report that in 2017 we have offered 261
courses with 7,589 enrolled course members. This is thanks to the time, effort and expertise of our course leaders supported by the
many volunteer course assistance teams.
While right now Term 1 feels so far away, I know it will be with us in a flash. When you read through our Term 1 Schedule, you will
see we have on offer another interesting array of 67 courses consisting of activities, inter est gr oups, discussion gr oups and men-
tally simulating courses. Our ever popular Book Club has split into 2 groups to be able to accommodate some new members.
Recently I found on an Australian Government website (www.staysmartonline.gov.au/news) information about passwords and inter-
net security that I thought was so important to those of you on computer s, that Id shar e it with you.
“Perhaps one day we will have a secure online world without passwords, but until then, we must be vigilant in protecting our infor-
mation online. Weak passwords are next to useless, with hackers able to crack your account in seconds. Predictable words, sequential
numbers, and personal information create weak passwords. Weak passwords are easy for a criminal to guess as they use automated
software that can guess thousands of passwords per second.
If you use any password on the list of Top 25 most common passwords below, or have similarly weak passwords, you are advised to
change them now!
123456; Password; 12345; 12345678; football; qwerty; 1234567890; 1234567; princess; 1234; login; welcome; solo; abc123; admin;
121212; flower; passw0rd; dragon; sunshine; master; hottie; loveme; zaq1zaq1; password1.”
Season’s Greetings
Margaret Parkinson
Due to over subscription you may not get
into all your course choices
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
We are a relatively new Book Group who enjoy reading a
variety of books which members take turns to choose, one each
month. We meet at a member’s house on the second
Wednesday of the month, from 10 am to 12 noon, and we ask
the one who chose the book to lead our discussion. This can be
quite wide ranging and cover all aspects of our chosen title. A
small charge is made each term for morning tea. Because
our group number is necessarily limited, and many members
wish to continue, we can take 2-3 new members. As we now
offer 2 Book Groups please enrol in one only.
This is the original U3A book club that generally meets on the
4th Wednesday of each month. Our Book Group reads all
different genres including some non-fiction. All members have
the opportunity to suggest books which are then selected by an
informal vote. This seems to be working and this way we get to
read both new and old books of various genres, authors and
themes to discuss and provide our thoughts. The member
generally provides an introduction to their suggested book
followed by individual and group discussion. We have a
maximum of 12, and many wish to continue, so we would
welcome 2-3 new members. As we now offer 2 Book Groups,
please enrol in one only.
The course has now entered the 18th Century and will cover
the reigns of the first four Georges. There will be a small
charge for those who stay for morning tea after the session.
There may also be a small charge for course notes.
This is a repeat of the heavily oversubscribed Term 4, 2017
course. An heroic spy to one is another's traitor. From the early
days of the Nazi Party there developed opposition. Among
them were the ‘Cambridge Five’, a group of upper class
students recruited by Sir Anthony Blunt for the NKVD which
later became the KGB. He eventually became Keeper of the
Queen’s Pictures. The most successful of the Cambridge Five
was Kim Philby who rose to the highest ranks of MI5 while
Leader: Coralie Nicholson (4872 2197)
Email: collieu3a@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Jane Courtenay (4869 4778)
Email: jane.courtenay.au@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 14 February 2018, 14/3, 11/4.
Number of sessions = 3
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Member's Home
Numbers: 10 to 12
Leader: Margaret Hansell (4862 5540)
Email: hansell760@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018, 28/2, 28/3.
Number of sessions = 3
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Member’s Home
Numbers: 10 to 12
Leader: Ken Saxby (4862 1118)
When: Friday, 2 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Bowral Uniting Church, Cnr Bendooley &
Boolwey Sts, Bowral
Numbers: 25 to 50
concurrently a Colonel in the KGB. There were others. Who were
the spies? What were their motives? What happened to them? In
his career as a book publisher Ken had dealings directly and
indirectly with people involved in spying including a friendship
with the ASIO counter espionage agent, Michael Thwaites, who
debriefed the Soviet KGB operative, Petrov following his defection
from the Soviet Embassy in Canberra in 1952.
How does Lewis Carroll’s ‘Through the Looking Glass’ relate to
chess? It is, in fact, the game which has been played for over 1500
years, with its origins in India. It is beloved of the world’s famous,
from Canute to Dickens, Shakespeare to HG Wells. Dr Johnson
said: “Chess is wonderful for concentration, but so is the possibility
of being hanged the next day.” Now it is your chance to revisit and
revitalise your game in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Beginners are welcome as tutors are willing to assist.
Experience an enjoyable afternoon at our Empire Cinema, viewing
a movie followed by coffee or tea downstairs at Coffee Culture.
Gerard continues to advise on current releases to help us choose an
interesting and varied selection for you. TERM COST is $34.50
(combined cinema and coffee). Money must be paid at time of
application for enrolment. Member s who apply but neglect to
pay prior to close of enrolment will not be accepted. If you cannot
attend a session you may deputise another U3A member to attend
in your place, BUT money cannot be refunded.
Experience an enjoyable afternoon at our Empire Cinema, viewing
a movie followed by coffee or tea downstairs at Coffee Culture.
Gerard continues to advise on current releases to help us choose an
interesting and varied selection for you. TERM COST is $34:50
(combined cinema and coffee). Money must be paid at time of
application for enrolment. Member s who apply but neglect to
pay prior to close of enrolment will not be accepted. If you cannot
attend a session, you may deputise another U3A member to attend
in your place, BUT money cannot be refunded.
Leader: Ken Wilder (4861 2792)
Email: kwbuono@acenet.com.au
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018, 7/2, 14/2, 21/2.
Number of sessions = 4
Time: 9:30 to 11:30
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 75
Leader: Adele Collins (4861 5810)
Email: adelegcau@yahoo.com.au
Co-Leader: Cheryl Tucker (4862 2257)
Email: bobncheryl@tpg.com.au
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 11
Time: 2:30 to 4:30
Where: Kazcare Room 2, 15 -17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 7 to 12
Leader: Valerie Fishburn (4861 1076)
Email: valfish@hinet.net.au
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018, 1/3, 5/4.
Number of sessions = 3
Time: 2:00 to 4:30
Where: Bowral Empire Cinema, Bong Bong Street,
Numbers: 20 to 36
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Would you like to see a cult or classical film from the 20th
Century? Here is your opportunity. All foreign films are from
Europe, Scandanavia, Asia, Russia etc., and have English subtitles.
Most of them have been awarded prizes and categorised as ‘Art
Cinema’ and some are in black and white. A charge of $10 for the
term is payable at the first session. For more infor mation
please contact Bea 0425 268 120.
Want to be more productive with your PC or Mac? Worried about
computer security and privacy? Like to know more about the latest
developments in computer technology? If so, this course will be of
interest to you. The course combines lecture style delivery of tips,
explanations, news and suggestions with informal group
discussion in a non-threatening environment. Comprehensive
notes are provided for each session. The course is not suitable for
total beginners wanting to learn how to use a computer for the first
time nor is it intended for technical types who want to learn
programming or delve into bits and bytes and other technical
issues. Rather this course is aimed at existing PC and Mac users
who simply want to be more productive on their computer and
would also like to stay abreast of the fast developing world of
computer technology. If that's you, then you will find much here
that is interesting and rewarding. There is a charge of $5 per term
to cover afternoon teas/coffee and other incidentals.
Enjoy a game of Cribbage and a cup of coffee at the Bowral
Bowling Club. We play weekly but members are welcome to join
us when they can. There is no cost for the venue but cribbage
players are expected to join the Bowling Club as social
members at a charge of $15pa.
Leader: Debbie Angus (4872 2705)
Co-Leader: Valerie Fishburn (4861 1076)
Email: valfish@hinet.net.au
When: Wednesday, 7 February 2018, 7/3, 5/4.
Number of sessions = 3
Time: 2:00 to 4:30
Where: Bowral Empire Cinema, Bong Bong Street,
Numbers: 20 to 36
Leader: Beatrice Botvinik
Email: tobeatrice186@hotmail.com
Co-Leader: Niki Rebay (4877 2708)
Email: jimniki@exemail.com.au
When: Friday, 9 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 12:30 to 3:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman &
Rowland Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 25 to 50
Leader: Christopher Carvan (4868 3116)
Email: ccarvan@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Tom Currie (4871 3577)
Email: tdc6058@gmail.com
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 6
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Row-
land Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 50
Enjoy a morning working on your favourite craft with a group
of people who have wide experience with a number of craft
activities. There is no tutor and you will need to supply all your
own materials, however there will be plenty of encouragement
and ideas to help you.
The Course is at a basic easy level and ideal for members who
wish to stimulate and exercise their brain cells in a friendly and
gezellige group. It is meant for both non-Dutch speakers
wishing to learn something new and for Dutch speakers who
wish to expand on their childhood memories of what their
parents spoke. A primary text book will be followed as well as
readings from other sources. Cost for new members is $25 for
the text book, printing and tea break; $7 for continuing
members. For infor mation please contact Mar tin.
A friendly group of people who meet each Monday morning to
work on a project of their choice whilst enjoying one another's
company. As a group, we have many sewing skills and are
available to help with several different styles of embroidery.
Beginners are very welcome as regular members of the group
are willing to share their skills. Please bring your own scissors,
needles, pins, tape measure and any appropriate sewing items.
Small cost for tea/coffee each term payable at the first
Leader: John Blair (0405 255 426)
Email: john.blair01@bigpond.com
When: Friday, 2 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 9:30 to 11:30
Where: Bowral Bowling Club, 40 Shepherd Street,
Numbers: 8 to 32
Leader: Amanda Benscher (4861 3540)
Email: amandalouise247@hotmail.com
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 6
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Bowral Presbyterian Church Hall, Bendooley
Street, Bowral
Numbers: 6 to 15
Leader: Martin Pronk (0459 228 033)
Email: doubledutchu3a@gmail.com
When: Friday, 9 February 2018, 23/2, 9/3, 23/3, 6/4.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:30 to 12:30
Where: Kazcare Room 2, 15 -17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 12 to 20
Leader: Barbara Taylor (4861 1993)
Email: bartok@westnet.com.au
Co-Leader: Gladys Cowie (4872 1972)
Email: gladyscowie@gmail.com
When: Monday, 29 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Member’s Home
Numbers: 6 to 13
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
try is important. The basic intent is to encourage conversation in
German. During the course, we will touch on German culture,
geography, history, current affairs, and colloquial language, with a
bit of grammar thrown in when necessary. Access to a computer
connected to the internet and an email address is necessary for
dissemination of information associated with the course. There is
also a great deal of information available online which can
enhance the learning experience, and class members will be
encouraged to explore those resources.
We are pleased to welcome you to join this group of happy golfers
who are either beginners or coming back to renew their love affair
with the great game of golf. For further information call Alex.
Cost $6 per session to cover Green fees and balls.
Once again we are privileged to welcome John Abernethy, the
Managing Director of Clime Asset Management and an
acknowledged guru in his field, to give his view on the macro-
economic state of the global economy. He is a most informative
and entertaining speaker - in previous years there has been a lively
discussion with a large audience, and we expect the same on 14
In this series of 5 lectures I shall be inviting four illustrious,
historical guests to dinner. The time period covered will be from
the 18th century to the 1990s. Starting with the menu, I shall
introduce and discuss the individual, including aspects of their life,
works and achievements. The 5th session will consider how we
perceive, relate to and judge figures from the past. Members will
be encouraged to participate if they wish, by telling us about
someone they would like to have to dinner.
Leader: Thomas Smith (4862 5045)
Email: sohiu3a.german@gmail.com
When: Monday, 29 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 9:30 to 11:30
Where: Kazcare Room 2, 15 -17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 9 to 25
Leader: Alex Nicholson (4872 2197)
Email: alexandernicholson114@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 6 March 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Craigieburn, Centennial Road, Bowral;
Numbers: 4 to 8
Leader: David Reid (4862 5522)
Email: drc3@bigpond.com
When: Wednesday, 14 March 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 40 to 75
An interesting group for those undertaking family history
research. This is now an advanced group and this term we can
only welcome experienced searchers. There will be occasional
guest speakers & excursions. This course meets on the second
Thursday of the month and continues through the school
holidays but does not meet in January.
Open to all with a wish to expand their talents in this
wonderfully challenging medium. Some experience preferred
enthusiastic and helpful watercolour art members and pass on
and learn new techniques. A payment of $4 will be collected
for morning tea for the Term.
These fulfilling explorations offer gentle and mindful
movements for both women and men. Each class facilitates
healthy muscle tone, overall flexibility, increased concentration
and a calm alert mind. Relaxation techniques encompass
meditation and breathing practices. $13 per class payable at
This class is intended for those who may have studied or
learned German at some stage in the past. It is considered an
extension of ‘German for Beginners’, which has been running
for the past two years, and intends to extend the gentle progress
made by students who have attended that course. As a rough
guide to the standard required class members should be able to
formulate and answer simple questions in German.
Grammatical mistakes are not important, but a willingness to
Leader: Richard Hinde (4872 4487)
Email: rhinde@westnet.com.au
Co-Leader: Lois Holgate (4872 3660)
Email: lois_holgate@hotmail.com
When: Thursday, 8 February 2018, 8/3, 12/4.
Number of sessions = 3
Time: 1:00 to 2:30
Where: Mittagong RSL Club, Bessemer Street, Mittagong
Numbers: 13 to 20
Leader: Pat Glading (4883 6927)
Email: patglad@westnet.com.au
When: Friday, 2 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 7
Time: 9:30 to 12:30
Where: Bowral Presbyterian Church Hall; Bendooley
Street; Bowral
Numbers: 14 to 20
Leader: Zara Matthews
Email: zaramatthews3@gmail.com
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 9:15 to 10:30
Where: Southern Medical Centre Moss Vale, Level 1, 61
Elizabeth St, Moss Vale
Numbers: 6 to 10
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
It is well recognized that the practice of yoga supports health and
mental wellbeing. Hatha yoga uses bodily postures and breath
awareness to bring a sense of balance to mind and body. This
practical course will introduce some of the physical practices of
Hatha yoga. Each session will include tranquil limbering exercises,
beginner level asana (posture) work, breath (pranayama)
awareness techniques and deep relaxation. The session will also
touch on the philosophy that underpins Hatha yoga. Having
practiced yoga form many years Anne has recently completed a
one year Diploma of Yoga Teaching. She is keen to share her
passion for yoga with U3A. Participants will need to bring their
own yoga mat and a blanket or large beach towel to each session.
Anne can be contacted on 0407 613 495.
The Buskers a group of enthusiastic but amateur instrumentalists
who welcome any like-minded and equally (un) talented musicians
who desire to regain the instrumental skills of their younger years
and enjoy making music in a most distinctive way with a
charming, good-looking group playing every conceivable style of
music. Prospective new members should contact Kerith to let her
know their instrument of choice, as parts are composed specifically
for each player.
Lifespan development theory offers powerful insights for
understanding our development during our lifetime. This course
offers a journey of shared reflection. Each week applies Erikson’s
lifespan development theory (and other theories and research) to
children, adolescents and adults, especially older adults. Sessions
will combine input with small and whole group discussion. Key
resources for discussion are real life DVD excerpts and the movie
On Golden Pond. Each week participants will be encouraged to
reflect on how the ideas shed light on their own lives, past and
present, including the experiences of work, retirement, and
parenting and grand-parenting. There will be a $2 charge for notes.
Leader: Joanne McGrath (4862 3033)
Email: buskers62@gmail.com
When: Thursday, 8 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 75
Leader: Anne Royds
Email: anne.m.royds@gmail.com
When: Friday, 9 February 2018, 16/2, 23/2, 2/3, 9/3, 16/3,
23/3, 6/4.
Number of sessions = 8
Time: 9:30 to 11:00
Where: Kazcare Room 5, 15-17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 4 to 12
Leader: Kerith Fowles (4883 6515)
Email: keritch.fowles@bigpond.com
When: Monday, 29 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 9:30 to 11:30
Where: Christian Centre Moss Vale, Cnr Spring & Station
Sts, Moss Vale
Numbers: 16 to 40
After two trips to The Land of Fire and Ice, Iceland has become
my favourite country. This is essentially a repeat of my first
U3A presentation. Travel with me to discover the rich variety
that the forces of nature have bestowed upon a unique island.
Share my enthusiasm for volcanoes, glaciers, geysers, fjords,
and a fabulous variety of waterfalls. Discover evidence of fierce
warriors, world-expanding seafarers, achievers, elves and trolls,
but no railways, no army, and almost no crime.
This course offers an integrated and fun approach to learning
Japanese language, script and culture and is for people who
either commenced their study in 2016 or have an elementary
knowledge of Japanese including a firm command of Hiragana,
the basic script. Romanised Japanese (i.e. writing the language
using the English alphabet) will not be used. In 2018 learners
will extend their command of both the spoken language and
script and will become familiar with Katakana and some basic
Kanji (Chinese characters). No text book is required but $20
will be collected on the first day to cover course material for
the full term.
We shall use Oxford Latin Course Book 3 and photocopied
texts from various authors. A basic knowledge of Latin
grammar and vocabulary is needed for successful participation.
Leader: Neill Ustick (4869 5152)
Email: neill.ustick@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 30 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 8
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 15 to 25
Leader: Ken Travers (4869 5931)
Email: kkt1066@gmail.com
When: Monday, 5 February 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: Moss Vale Senior Citizens Hall, Queen Street,
Moss Vale
Numbers: 20 to 80
Leader: Adrienne Bradney-Smith (4871 2731)
Email: adriennebradneysmith@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 30 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 11
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Member’s Home
Numbers: 1 to 15
Leader: Meredith Van Til (4872 1697)
Email: merryvantil@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Jenny McDonell (4861 2718)
Email: jennymcd01@gmail.com
When: Friday, 2 February 2018, 9/2, 16/2, 23/2, 2/3.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 1:00 to 3:00
Where: Kazcare Room 2, 15 -17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 4 to 24
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
We shall use the Oxford Course Reader, an excellent collection
of prose and poetry.
A bowls course for bowlers who have played before or attended
the ‘Learn the art of lawn bowlscourse. A quick refresher on
the basics and then on to learn the finer points of the game of
lawn bowls. We have both men and ladies coaches ready to
instruct. Just bring yourself in flat soled shoes to our beautiful
greens situated below Mount Gibraltar. We can supply bowls.
Cost is $5 per session to assist with green maintenance. For
further information call Robin (0434 914 467).
Learn the art of lawn bowls at Bowral Bowling Club. Our Club
is situated in a beautiful setting below Mount Gibraltar. We
have both men and ladies coaches eager to instruct you in the
art of lawn bowls. Lawn bowls provides excellent exercise for
all age groups without heavy demands on the body. Come and
learn how to deliver the bowl and understand how the game is
played. Just bring yourself and make sure the soles of your
shoes are nice and flat. Bowls are supplied. Cost is $5 per
session to assist with green maintenance. For fur ther
information call Robin (0434 914 467)
U3A is programming one lunch even per term. This is an
opportunity to meet socially and enjoy good company and food
with other U3A members. Term 1 lunch will be held at Home
No.9 by Bangkok House, Shop 9, 328-332 Bong Bong Street,
Bowral (off the car park near Priceline Chemists and Oxley
Butchers behind Bong Bong Street). 2 Entrees and 4 Mains plus
Rice. Cost $30 and BYO permitted. As usual please PAY on
APPLICATION and please note that the payment of $30 is
non refundable. If unable to attend, members ar e per mitted
to get another current SoHiU3A member to go in their place
and advise Sandra Boland of the change.
Leader: Meredith Van Til (4872 1697)
Email: merryvantil@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Jenny McDonell (4861 2718)
Email: jennymcd01@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 6 March 2018, 13/3, 20/3, 27/3, 3/4
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Kazcare Room 2, 15 -17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 8 to 20
Leader: Robin Staples (0434914467)
Email: srstaples@tpg.com.au
When: Thursday, 1 March 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 6
Time: 2:30 to 4:00
Where: Bowral Bowling Club, 40 Shepherd Street, Bowral
Numbers: 1 to 60
Leader: Robin Staples (0434914467)
Email: srstaples@tpg.com.au
When: Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 6/3, 13/3, 20/3, 27/3, 3/4.
Number of sessions = 6
Time: 2:30 to 4:00
Where: Bowral Bowling Club, 40 Shepherd Street, Bowral
Numbers: 1 to 60
1999 saw the end of the Soeharto era in Indonesia. This took place
during the South East Asian financial crisis and the economic
demise of the country. In 1998 major rioting took place in Jakarta
and over a few days many thousands were killed or assaulted and
billions of dollars in damage occurred to the city. This talk outlines
from an expatriate's point of view, through living in Jakarta at the
time, events surrounding this period in history, the experience of
evacuating Indonesia during the rioting, its cause and what
Benefits of meditation to our physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual wellbeing are now commonly recognised. This meditation
series will incorporate mindfulness, breath exercises, guided
meditations, energy body work and music. Jayanti is a
Psychologist and registered energy therapist. She weaves together
the traditions from the east and the west, psychology and
spirituality, to assist in bringing more peace, joy and love into our
lives and relationships. This healing takes place in an environment
of loving acceptance and fun. For more information, contact
Jayanti 0412 611361.
Mindfulness is a deep practice, a way to peace. The more we use it
in our daily lives the more we increase our capacity for peace and
well-being. This course offers the opportunity to practise practical
ways to introduce mindfulness into our daily lives to achieve
peace, understanding and compassion for ourselves and others.
Leader: Sandra Boland (0414 614 567)
Email: sandraboland@bigpond.com
When: Thursday, 15 February 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 12:15 to 2:15
Where: Shop 9, 328-332 Bong Bong Street, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 40
Leader: Bruce Hansell (4862 5540)
Email: hansell760@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 7 February 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 60
Leader: Chrystabel Carter (4861 1110)
Email: chrystabel@bigpond.com
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 6
Time: 2:30 to 4:00
Where: Kazcare Room 5, 15-17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 12 to 20
Leader: Jennifer Pittman (4883 6414)
Email: jenny.pittman@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 8
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Kazcare Room 5, 15-17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 10 to 20
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Being mindful is a way of living, a way to peace. It can be
practised at any time - while eating, walking, being with family.
The aim of the course is to learn ways to take care of ourselves so
we can cultivate joy and peace in our lives. The course is for
beginners and experienced practitioners. It is non-sectarian and
introduces practical skills for use in daily life.
Mindfulness and Meditation skills help us to develop resilience and
flexibility for everyday life in our responses to life’s tribulations.
Research indicates that through the practice of Mindfulness we can
bring balance and compassion to our experiences of pain, stress and
anxiety as well as a greater capacity for enjoyment of life in the
present moment. Charlotte is a Therapist and Counsellor. She also
holds an advanced certificate for the psychotherapeutic model of
ACT Mindfully and is a practitioner of Mindfulness Based Stess
Reduction. All are welcome to this class in Mindfulness
For two hours each fortnight we will engage in discussion of a
piece drawn from the Opinion and Editorial pages of leading news
media in the previous week. Members of the group will be
expected, at least once over a year, to select an Op-Ed piece;
analyse it and/or the issues raised in it; make a brief presentation on
these; prepare questions to focus discussion of the piece; and
facilitate an interactive discussion on these. Members of the group
will be expected to contribute to discussions in a non-combative
manner and it is hoped that members will hone their skills of
critical analysis and public presentation in this way. Co-Leaders:
Marcus McInnes (4872-3551 and Ian Bowie (4861-5451).
If you like to paint with oil or acrylic paints you are welcome to
join this friendly group. Members must provide their own materials
Leader: Jennifer Pittman (4883 6414)
Email: jenny.pittman@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 7 February 2018, 14/2, 21/2, 28/2.
Number of sessions = 4
Time: 12:30 to 2:30
Where: Kazcare Room 5, 15-17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 10 to 20
Leader: Charlotte Rathbone (0401 547 296)
Email: Charlotte.rathbone8@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 30 January 2018, 6/2, 6/3, 13/3, 20/3, 27/3,
3/4, 10/4.
Number of sessions = 8
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Moss Vale Senior Citizens Hall, Queen Street, Moss
Numbers: 10 to 25
Leader: Marcus McInnes (4872 3551)
Email: jandm.mcinnes@bigpond.com
When: Friday, 9 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Bowral Baptist Church Hall, 13 Merrigang Street,
Numbers: 8 to 12
and decide on their own projects but we share our ideas and
experience in a helpful and informal atmosphere. Odourless
solvents must be used.
This course is based on participants reading and discussing a
work of a famous French author. Participants should be able to
read easily from the work and take part in simple discussion
about it. The course is meant to be enjoyable and a coffee break
is rigorously observed. The entire class will be conducted in
French. Any new members wishing to enrol should contact the
Leader or Co-leader.
A fun afternoon in the fresh air, where the goal is to toss hollow
metal balls underhand to stop as close as possible to a small
wooden ball. It's just for fun, social contact and a wee bit of
exercise. Petanque is the French game of boules, popular
throughout the world. We play on Berrima Boules Court
situated in front of the old tennis court shelter shed in the
Market Place. This is a public court so we may join with others
or them with us as we play. Play is from 2.00 - 3.30 pm after
which we adjourn for afternoon tea to one of Berrima's cafes.
There are two fortnightly Petanque clubs on alternate
Wednesdays so please enrol in only one of the two.
Same as Petanque Club 1 but on the alternate Wednesday.
Please enrol in only one of the two fortnightly Petanque Clubs.
Leader: George Morgan (4861 5111)
Email: georgemorgan8@bigpond.com
Co-Leader: Goff Scott-Mitchell (4861 4410)
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 11
Time: 1:30 to 4:00
Where: Bowral BDAS Workshop, Short Street, Bowral
Numbers: 12 to 16
Leader: Annie Chabert-McKay
Email: achabert@bigpond.com
Co-Leader: Brenda Kemp (4862 1126)
Email: kemp.france@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 11
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Kazcare Room 4, 15-17 Kirkham Road, Bowral
Numbers: 8 to 13
Leader: John Blair (0405 255 426)
Email: john.blair01@bigpond.com
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 6
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: Berrima Boules Park, Bryan Street, Berrima
Numbers: 6 to 12
Leader: John Blair (0405 255 426)
Email: john.blair01@bigpond.com
When: Wednesday, 7 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: Berrima Boules Park, Bryan Street, Berrima
Numbers: 6 to 12
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Enjoy a game of Pinochle and a cup of coffee at the Bowral
Bowling Club. Pinochle is a popular American trick-taking card
game similar to 500 and bridge. We play weekly but members
are welcome to join us when they can. There is no cost for the
venue but players are expected to join the Bowling Club as
social members at a cost of $15pa.
This is a course for anybody who would like to be moved to
happiness, laughter, love, faith, disappointment, grief – or as
Emily Dickinson said: “if I feel physically as if the top of my
head were taken off, I know that is poetry.” Each session
members are invited to choose two poems on a specific theme.
Class members will read the poems of their choice, and share
the reasons for that choice. Poems may be from any source, and
may include one poem of your own creation. Please bring your
own tissues.
You are invited to share in the delights of poetry. You do not
need to be an expert, just come along and listen to some of the
most beautiful expressions of the English language. For each
meeting we choose a topic, and members are invited, if they
wish, to suggest two poems that they love on that topic. Some
of the braver members even bring along their own
compositions! Members read their poems, and share their
reasons for their choice. Come along, far from the madding
crowd, and for two hours be transported to wonderland.
This lively and enlightening course will explore political ideas
from Plato, to Machiavelli, to the enlightenment, to the 20/21st
centuries. Furthermore, during the lecture/discussion sessions,
various political notions will be considered and relevant
questions addressed. For example: What is the difference (if
any) between Liberalism and Conservatism? Does Left wing
equal communism and Right wing equal capitalism? If not,
what do they mean? What is Realpolitik, anarchism,
nationalism, democracy, totalitarianism, etc?
Leader: John Blair (0405 255 426)
Email: john.blair01@bigpond.com
When: Friday, 2 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: Bowral Bowling Club, 40 Shepherd Street, Bowral
Numbers: 4 to 24
Leader: Glenn Dalton (4861 6984)
Email: elizabethdalton8@gmail.com
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 6
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Kazcare Room 4, 15-17 Kirkham Road, Bowral
Numbers: 10 to 16
Leader: Richard Hastings (0417 431 114)
Email: richard.hastings2@bigpond.com
Co-Leader: Josephine Young (4883 7499)
Email: josephineyoung@ozemail.com.au
When: Tuesday, 6 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Member’s Home
Numbers: 7 to 16
This course will examine the history of South Africa and its
immediate neighbours from before white settlement to the
present. This is a complex region with many groups having
conflicting views on historical events and how the complex
issues facing the region should be dealt with. We will look at
some of the current historical research which forces those who
were educated in pre-1994 South Africa to rethink what were
once seen as irrefutable facts.
Bob Lawton was Section Manager for Cross Country Skiing and
Biathlon at the Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, Canada in
1988 and General Manager of the Australian Team at the 1992
Games in Albertville, France. The Winter Olympic Games will
be held in South Korea in February 2018 with the site less than
50 kilometres from North Korea. Given the tensions on the
Korean Peninsular the saying, “We live in interesting Times”, is
perhaps appropriate. Australia is now a significant player in the
Winter Olympics. This presentation will outline significant
moments in the Winter Olympic Games and the Australian
participation in them.
There are over 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide of all ages and
occupations, and almost 100 live in the Southern Highlands. How
and why do they give their time and energy to voluntary service.
David McCosh, just back from a visit to Timor Leste with a team
of 11 other Rotarians, will give an illustrated overview of the
purpose, history, challenges, achievements, social activities and
friendships of this remarkable organisation, with special
reference to the Clubs of the Southern Highlands.
Leader: Bill Dow (4683 1695)
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018, 8/2, 15/2, 22/2, 1/3, 8/3,
Number of sessions = 7
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: Kazcare Room 4, 15-17 Kirkham Road, Bowral
Numbers: 12 to 23
Leader: James Saville (4889 4675)
Email: saville@acenet.com.au
When: Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 6/3, 13/3, 20/3.
Number of sessions = 4
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 75
Leader: Robert Lawton (4862 2063)
Email: rlawton41@gmail.com
When: Wednesday, 14 February 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 30 to 60
Leader: David McCosh (4871 2288)
Email: dnr.mccosh@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 27 March 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 60
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
This is a class where you bring along current or unfinished
stitching and enjoy the company of others who have the same
interests. The class meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday each month.
Perhaps you can share your skills with others. Morning tea, a
natter and time to finish your special projects. A small charge will
be made for morning tea at the beginning of term.
The focus of Socrates Cafe is to provide a venue for U3A
members to learn, discuss, reflect and enquire about important life
or current/problem issues of a philosophical nature. It is
enlightening to get a range of views based on experience, interest
or research and your views, experience and opinion will be most
welcome. Each session will provide discussion on a topic
suggested by members at previous sessions. All members of the
group must be prepared to discuss/question and contribute to the
selected topics. A variety of facilitation methods will be used to
obtain Socratic objectives. Cost of morning tea and biscuits, or
plunger coffee/tea, to be determined with payment $5.00 at
first session.
Cryptic Crosswords for fun, entertainment and erudition. This is a
beginners course for sentence sleuths and 'clever dicks' who
would delight in the simple 8 forms of clues the Setters use to
guide you to a solution. The course is based on Solving Cryptic
Crosswords for Dummies (not a compulsory textbook) and paying
respect to Dick Honor's previous mentorship. Cost for this course
is $7 for printing and refreshments.
Leader: Ilma Cunnew (4883 6391)
Email: cunnew.ronald@gmail.com
When: Friday, 2 February 2018, 16/2, 2/3, 16/3, 6/4.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Kareela Park, 56 Quarry Road, Bundanoon
Numbers: 3 to 7
Leader: Bruce Cowan (4855 2697)
Email: bctwin44@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Anthony Bailey (4862 2989)
Email: anthonybailey090@gmail.com
When: Friday, 2 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 9:30 to 11:30
Where: Annesley Theatre Room, 2nd floor, Westwood Drive,
Numbers: 10 to 26
Leader: Martin Pronk (4862 3804)
Email: doubledutchu3a@gmail.com
When: Friday, 2 February 2018 and then fortnightly.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Kazcare Room 2, 15 -17 Kirkham Rd, Bowral
Numbers: 12 to 24
Have you thought of joining the enthusiastic group of dancers
who have enjoyed Scottish Country Dancing for over 10 years
now? This 'Ballroom Dance of Scotland' provides mental
stimulation and gentle exercise with social interaction which
'seniors' are encouraged to do to 'stay active'. It is enjoyed by
both men and women. Come and experience the happy social
spirit - no special dress is required, just soft soled flat shoes. A
small charge will be collected at the beginning of the term for
morning tea.
There’s something for everyone in playing SCRABBLE. If You
Like Playing the Game of Scrabble with like-minded people and
making new friends with lots of laughs and smiles along the
way, then this is for you! Led by George Khamis of the NSW
Scrabble Association Committee, this course is run in
conjunction with the Mittagong Scrabble Club (part of the
Southern Highlands Scrabble League). Individual help and
advice is given by experienced scrabble players to new social
players whilst they are playing. There will be a charge of $2 per
session to cover Scrabble resource materials and access to
professional boards. Tea/coffee is available for purchase at
the RSL cafe.
The search for the Northwest Passage started in the early 16th
Century to find a short sailing route from Europe to Cathay in
Asia the fabulous source of spices and other riches. The most
famous expedition was by Sir John Franklin who set off in 1845
with 128 men and was never seen again. The recent discovery of
the wrecks of Franklin’s ships, Erebus and Terror, after 170
years by Parks Canada has renewed interest in the Search for the
Northwest Passage. The search is a story of endeavour and
perseverance against overwhelming odds. It took another 350
years before a possible route was mapped and another 50 years
before the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific was achieved
by Roald Amundsen in 1906.
Leader: Helen M Wales (4861 6471)
Email: eilidhmarg@hotmail.com
When: Thursday, 1 March 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 7
Time: 10:30 to 12:30
Where: Bowral Uniting Church, Cnr Bendooley & Boolwey
Sts, Bowral
Numbers: 23 to 50
Leader: Maureen Menon (4871 2919)
Email: memaureen2@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 20/2, 6/3, 20/3, 10/4.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:30
Where: Mittagong RSL Club, Bessemer Street, Mittagong
Numbers: 5 to 30
Leader: Alec Dietsch (4861 6530)
Email: alec.dietsch@ozemail.com.au
When: Tuesday, 30 January 2018, 6/2, 13/2, 20/2.
Number of sessions = 4
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: East Bowral Comm. Centre, Boardman & Rowland
Roads, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 65
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
The harmony choir welcomes people who love to sing and
experience the real joy of making music together. Previous
choral experience and the ability to read music, although
preferable, are not essential. We will be singing a wide variety of
music ranging in styles from traditional and folk to music from
the shows and some just for fun. A $10 charge (which covers
music) will be collected at the first session.
This course is a continuation of the Spanish Course that has been
run over the past few years. It provides an overview of Castillian
Spanish to give an understanding of the language as used in
everyday situations, covering elements of reading, writing,
speaking and translating plus some understanding of grammar.
In addition Spanish culture, geography, history, literature and
current affairs are touched on to provide a better understanding
of Spain particularly for those intending to travel through the
country. New students to the course are welcome but it is
preferable that they have a fundamental knowledge of the
Spanish language. They will need to purchase the book ‘Living
Spanish - A Grammar Based Course’. It is also recommended
that a Spanish dictionary be purchased such as Collins Spanish
Dictionary & Grammar’.
Bat and ball-isthenics for fun and fitness, coordination and table
tennis skills. Beginners welcome. Gym shoes or similar are
required, and loose fitting comfortable clothing. Please bring
your own bat; balls are provided. $3 per term will be charged for
a tea break.
Leader: Heather Tredinnick (4861 6990)
Email: heather.tredinnick@gmail.com
When: Tuesday, 30 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: Bowral Uniting Church, Cnr Bendooley & Boolwey
Sts, Bowral
Numbers: 30 to 70
Leader: Margaret Williams (4861 2604)
Email: burradoo@hotmail.com
Co-Leader: Rodney Farrow (4861 7135)
Email: rodhf@bigpond.com
When: Monday, 29 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 2:00 to 4:00
Where: Kazcare Room 4, 15-17 Kirkham Road, Bowral
Numbers: 5 to 16
Leader: Yvonne Kershaw (4871 1068)
Email: ykershaw5@bigpond.com
Co-Leader: David McCosh (4871 2288)
Email: dnr.mccosh@gmail.com
When: Monday, 29 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 3:30 to 5:30
Where: Loseby Park Community Hall, Park Road, Bowral
Numbers: 20 to 30
Bat and ball-isthenics for fun and fitness, coordination and table
tennis skills. Beginners welcome. Gym shoes or similar are
required, and loose fitting comfortable clothing. Please bring your
own bat; balls are provided. $3 per term will be charged for a tea
Lively discussions on current affairs. Topics cover issues in the
news and matters of the times. No subject is barred and everyone
is encouraged to participate. Many in the group continue informal
discussions afterwards at the Kookabar Café. Co-Leaders are
Allan Jones and Peter Collyer
Join this newly formed ‘Travel Club’ to expand your travel
horizons by sharing and learning from the travel experiences of
other members. Contributions by members might include short
reports or longer talks, amusing tales, audio-visual presentations,
news items, discussions, advice sought or given…all on a topic
dear to our hearts - TRAVEL. We can all benefit from other
members’ experiences and knowledge.
Have you ever wondered why Bundanoon was originally called
Jordan's Crossing? What does Bundanoon mean? Why has
Bundanoon been such an attraction to tourist for 150 years? All
these questions and more will be answered with our walk in
Bundanoon. Our walk, guided by our knowledgeable guides from
the Bundanoon History Group, starts at the History Shed which is
opposite the Memorial Hall, then takes us to the key features
around the town. To enjoy this walk you do need to be able to
walk for 90 minutes. Afterwards, there is an opportunity to
Leader: Yvonne Kershaw (4871 1068)
Email: ykershaw5@bigpond.com
Co-Leader: Keith Henshall (4878 5423)
Email: shenshall8@gmail.com
When: Thursday, 1 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 11
Time: 2:45 to 4:45
Where: Loseby Park Community Hall, Park Road, Bowral
Numbers: 19 to 30
Leader: John Deck (4861 4898)
Email: johndeck@bigpond.com
Co-Leader: Allan Jones (4862 3652)
When: Monday, 29 January 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 9:30 to 11:00
Where: Bowral Uniting Church, 28 Bendooley Street, Bowral
Numbers: 22 to 30
Leader: Ken Travers (4869 5931)
Email: kkt1066@gmail.com
When: Monday, 19 February 2018, 12/3, 9/4.
Number of sessions = 3
Time: 2:30 to 4:30
Where: Member’s Home
Numbers: 4 to 16
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Don’t forget to let your COURSE LEADER know if you are
unable to attend a session as an act of courtesy and because
catering and seating arrangements may be
adjourn to one of several splendid cafes in the vicinity for
morning tea. Walkers will be asked to sign an attendance sheet/
waiver prior to commencing the walk. Chris can be contacted
on 0400 407 502.
Offered again because of rain cancellation in Term 4, 2017 and
a repeat of that heavily subscribed in Term 3. To unearth the
early settlement of Moss Vale put on your dark glasses as we
sleuth through a timeline walk looking for clues. Along with
diverse architecture we meet some surprising characters from
the past. Our guide, Judithe, will lead us south of the green
railway bridge as we discover early settlement and a rapidly
developing commercial Hub. We will gather outside the first
council chambers at 10am. proclaiming grandly N H Throsby
Mayor at 1A Throsby Street (plenty of street parking). We will
stop part way through the walk for tea and coffee in the park. It
will take approx 90 mins so please allow 2 hours in case of
questions. We hope to offer another course of the Northern side
of the Railway Bridge later. Walkers will be asked to sign an
attendance sheet/waiver prior to commencing the walk. Chris
can be contacted on 0400 407 502.
Mansfield Reserve is a lovely area on the outskirts of Bowral
and an easy walk suitable for anyone who can walk for 60
minutes. We will saunter through the magnificent 80 acres
experiencing wonderful views of its treasured forest and
grasslands. As we climb the hill (optional) we will have
wonderful views over the Retford Park Estate. This is an easy
gentle walk - getting up the driveway is the hardest part. There
is parking inside for 7 cars. Please leave the parking places
inside for those less able. Morning tea provided - please bring
$2 for morning tea. Walkers will be asked to sign an
attendance sheet/waiver prior to commencing the walk. Chris
can be contacted on 0400 407 502.
Leader: Christine Vandine (4872 1607)
Email: chris.g.vandine@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Glen Vandine (4872 1607)
Email: glen.vandine@gmail.com
When: Friday, 13 April 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 10:00 to 11:30
Where: History Shed, Bundanoon
Numbers: 12 to 25
Leader: Christine Vandine (4872 1607)
Email: chris.g.vandine@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Glen Vandine (4872 1607)
Email: glen.vandine@gmail.com
When: Friday, 23 March 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: 1A Throsby Street, Moss Vale
Numbers: 10 to 25
Become part of a group that enjoys discovering their joy in writing.
We will often listen and enjoy the writing of others. This term we
will have one major task exploring a period of personal history.
There is often homework! Come and celebrate your skills.
Are you someone who says, “I was never good at maths at
school”? Then could you imagine you might actually ENJOY it?
Certainly Maths was not everyone's favourite subject in Year 10
(Intermediate) nor did it seem very relevant. So maybe it’s time to
have a new, more mature look at it while, at the same time, getting
the little grey cells moving. We will dwell on only a couple of
topics and what we study will depend on the group to a large
extent. This will not be a pressure course; on the contrary, we will
have FUN and we will go SLOWLY.
Leader: Christine Vandine (4872 1607)
Email: chris.g.vandine@gmail.com
Co-Leader: Glen Vandine (4872 1607)
Email: glen.vandine@gmail.com
When: Friday, 6 April 2018.
Number of sessions = 1
Time: 10:00 to 11:30
Where: Mansfield Reserve, Mansfield Road, Bowral
Numbers: 12 to 25
Leader: Liz Pattinson (4869 1020)
Email: pattinsons@yahoo.com.au
When: Wednesday, 31 January 2018, 14/2, 28/2, 14/3, 28/3.
Number of sessions = 5
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Sturt Cottage, Range Rd, Mittagong
Numbers: 10 to 15
Leader: Bert de Hosson (4861 1055)
Email: jeanbert2576@gmail.com
When: Friday, 2 February 2018 and then weekly.
Number of sessions = 10
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Where: Kazcare Room 4, 15-17 Kirkham Road, Bowral
Numbers: 15 to 25
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Tuesday 12 December 2017
Bowral Uniting Church
Bendooley Street, Bowral
U3A Members and Friends very welcome
to the
Station Street, Mittagong
on Wednesday, 21 February, 2018
Please remember
to renew your
membership before
sending in your
application for
term 1
Some of the Buskers at their recent
performance at Harbison. They also
braved the thunder and lightening to
entertain the residents at Anthem.
Monday 11 December, 2017
10.30 am
at the Christian Centre, cnr Spring and Station Sts,
Moss Vale
U3A members warmly welcome
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Members should be aware that U3A Southern Highlands Inc (U3A) has Public Liability Insurance to cover U3A, its members or
invitees, in the event they are sued for negligence by causing damage to property or injury to persons at the site on which the U3A activity
occurs only. Members are not covered by an accident policy.
The negligence would have to be proven, and the insurance company would be involved in defending the action. Insurance companies gen-
erally defend such actions with vigour. Members needing accident insurance should make individual arrangements. A more comprehensive
explanation is available on our U3A website:
www.sohiu3a.org.au by going to the NSW Network link and Insurance in the list on the right hand side of the page.
Each U3A member and guest has a duty of care to act safely and responsibly.
U3A offers courses to members presented by members for
mutual education and learning experiences. The offering of
any course does not imply the course content is necessarily
endorsed or recommended by U3A. No financial, legal or
health decisions should be made solely on the basis of course
Members who find course material confronting in
any way should feel free to leave any class at any
Please be aware that not all
courses show a charge for
that much enjoyed cuppa.
This is usually a nominal
charge of 50 cents per
session, so if you hope to
enjoy that welcome brew
please bring along a few gold
coins to cover costs.
Course Enrolment
Please enrol in courses online if you have access to the internet at www.sohiu3a.org.au
Otherwise, please use the form on Page 16.
Enrolments close: 9 pm Wednesday 13 December 2017
To enrol using the form:
Write the numbers 1, 2, 3, up to 10 in the columns according to your preference. You may apply for
five (5) normal courses and five (5) one-day courses.
Please do not enrol in courses if there is a strong possibility that you will be unable to attend. To do
so may prevent another member from attending.
You must prepay for certain courses. These are clearly indicated in the course description
and marked on the enrolment form with ****. Payment methods are listed on page 2. Postal pay-
ments should be sent to the attention of Enrolments.
Direct all enrolment enquiries to Yvonne Kershaw on 4871 1068 or email:
Please make changes to your personal details (address, email address, phone
number, etc.) online at www.sohiu3a.org.au. Alternatively, advise Ros Morgan on
4861 5111 or email: membership@sohiu3a.org.au
This information is for University of the Third Age members only and may not be used for any other purpose.
Please NUMBER your choices in order of preference YOUR telephone number:
Please Print Names and ID Numbers
ENROLMENT FOR ____________________________________/___________________________________________
Detach and Post to Enrolments, U3A Southern Highlands Inc., PO Box 421, BOWRAL 2576
Person 1 Person 2
* * * *
PRINT Initials *
1 2
PRINT Initials*
1 2
All you need is Ears, etc
Art in the Afternoon
Behind Closed Doors
Book Lovers' Circle
Bookworms Book Group
Britain since the Conqueror
British Spies in the 20th Century
Chess Club
Cinema On Thursday ****
Cinema On Wednesday ****
Computers Coffee and Chat
Cribbage Club
Decoupage and Craft
Double Dutch
Embroidery Plus
Family History
Fun With Watercolour
Gentle Yoga for Body and Soul
Give Golf A Go
Global Economy - An Expert View
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!
Hatha Yoga
The Highland Buskers
How People Develop Through Life
Iceland - A Traveller's Perspective
Japanese: Spoken and Written
Latin (Level 3)
Latin (Level 4)
Learn the Art of Lawn Bowls
Lawn Bowls: Taking the next step
Lunch Out Together ****
Mayhem in Jakarta
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation: Introduction
Mindfulness Meditation : Practical, etc.
News in Review
Painting with Oils
Panorama of French
Petanque Club 1
Petanque Club 2
Pinochle Club
Poetry Live
Poetry on Tuesday
Politics beyond Spin
A Revisionist History of Southern Africa
Rings of Ice
Rotary- An Extraordinary Organisation
Scottish Country Dance for Seniors
Scrabble for Fun
The Search for the Northwest Passage
Sew and Yarn in Bundanoon
Socrates' Cafe
Solving Cryptic Crosswords
Southern Highlands U3A Choir
Table Tennis on Monday
Table Tennis on Thursday
Talking Points
Travel Club - Armchair Adventures
Wingecaribee Walks: Beautiful Bundanoon
Wingecarribee Walks: Mansfield Reserve
Wingecarribee Walks: Magnificent Moss Vale
Writing For Pleasure
Year 10 Maths Revisited

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