Toolkit Manual

User Manual:

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3D User Interface Toolkit
Getting Started
1. Import the Unity Package (Assets Import Package Custom Package …)
2. Add four new layers:
a. TK3DUI-Selected
b. TK3DUI-SelectedHover
c. TK3DUI-NotSelectedHover
d. TK3DUI-Interaction
3. Change Collision Matrix, so that the layer TK3DUI-Interaction only collides with itself (Edit
Project Settings Physics…)
4. Delete the Main Camera from the scene
5. Drag the Prefab (Toolkit3DUI Prefabs Toolkit3DUI.prefab) into the scene
Pinch Gesture
This gesture is used to drag widgets, trigger a selection or change the mode of interaction. The user
must touch his thumb tip with his index fingertip.
Palm Gesture
This gesture is used to open the hand menu or start the selection. The user must turn his palm in the
direction of his face.
Selectable Object Script
This script can be attached to any object that should be selectable and interactable with the toolkit.
The developer can add it to existing or new objects in the scene and it will work with the toolkit. The
object needs a collider for the selection (we suggest using box colliders if the object should be scaled
because box colliders behave better than other colliders with non-uniform scaling).
State Machine
The following state machine shows how the user can switch between the different states of the
toolkit. Tools and functions can be selected from the hand menu. The hand menu can be opened
with a palm gesture. The selection mode can be opened and closed with a palm gesture.
The widgets can be found Toolkit3DUI HeadAnchoredWidgets
The widgets have methods OpenWidget() and CloseWidget() to open and close the widgets
The method SetActive(bool value) can also be used to open and close the widget.
o value = true Open the widget
o value = false Close the widget
The values from the widgets are provided by UnityEvents
The hand menu can be found under Toolkit3DUI Attachment Hands Attachment Hand
(Left) Palm HandMenu
The entries in the hand menu can be adjusted from the inspector
Under Toolkit3DUI Settings are several settings to change the appearance of the whole
Toolkit3DUI Settings VisualFeedbackSettings can be used to enable and disable several
kinds of visual feedback
Toolkit3DUI Settings AuditoryFeedbackSettings can be used to enable and disable
several kinds of auditory feedback and adjust the volumes of different sounds
Toolkit3DUI Settings ColorSettings can be used to adjust all colors that are used in the
All changes that are made to the settings affect the whole toolkit. For example, if the
background color for widgets is changed, this changes the color for all widgets in the toolkit.

Navigation menu