Tradacomms Syntax Manual

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April 1995 Page 1
April 1995 Page 2
NOTE: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the advice and information given in this
manual is as accurate as possible, the Article Number Association is not liable
for any loss or damage suffered, or costs incurred, whether or not as a result of
any errors in the manual.
April 1995 Page 3
April 1995 Page 4
This manual contains the syntax (the grammar) and the data dictionary (the vocabulary) for the
TRADACOMS standard messages for direct computer to computer communications.
Section A contains the UN/GTDI syntax rules which govern how the messages are structured.
Section B lists the directory of standard data elements which make up the messages. Each data
element is identified by a 4-digit alphabetic code and the list is ordered alphabetically, for ease
of use. There is an additional reference number which identifies each element, which is used by
some systems. The data elements are also listed in name order.
Section C is a directory of the segments. These are logical groupings of related data elements.
Each TRADACOMS message is made up of a sequence of segments. The segments are
identified by a 3-digit alphabetic code. The segment directory is listed in alphabetic order of
these identifiers.
Section D contains the standard code values lists. Much of the data which is carried in
TRADACOMS messages can be standardised and coded. The use of codes allows easier
automatic processing of the communicated data. Each list is identified by a number and they are
given in numerical order.
Annex 1 contains information on the use of data narrative segments.
Annex 2 shows how the integrity of a TRADACOMS transmission can be checked without
processing the data content. This function can be performed by a Value Added Network
See Volume 1 for more detailed information on the ANA and Electronic Data Interchange. This
provides the background to the standards and the benefits which can be obtained by using them.
Volumes 2 and 3 contain the transmission structuring segments for each file format. There are
25 file formats available as this manual is issued, but there are new files under development
which may be added to Volume Three at a later date.
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Page No.
1.1 Background 5
1.2 Scope and Purpose 6
1.3 Advantages 6
1.3.1 Media Independence 6
1.3.2 Machine Independence 6
1.3.3 System Independence 6
1.3.4 Flexibility 6
1.3.5 Efficiency 7
1.3.6 Intelligibility 7
1.4 Messages and Documents 7
1.5 Syntax Rules Example 7
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 General Terminology 11
2.2.1 Data Elements and Sub-Elements 11
2.2.2 Data Element Identifiers 11
2.2.3 Segments 12
2.2.4 Data Segments 12
2.2.5 Standard Segments 12
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2.2.6 Segment Codes 12
2.2.7 Interchange Messages 12
2.2.8 Message Types 13
2.2.9 Transmission 13
2.3 Data Separators and Terminators 13
2.3.1 Segment Terminator (') 13
2.3.2 Data Element Separator (+) 14
2.3.3 Sub-Element Separator (:) 14
2.3.4 Segment Code Separator (=) 14
2.3.5 Allowable Sequences of Data and
Separators/Terminators 14
2.4 Character Set and Related Subjects 15
2.4.1 Character Set for Interchange 15
2.4.2 Character Code 15
2.4.3 Release Character 15
2.4.4 Scope of the Character Set 16
2.4.5 Character Representation 16
2.4.6 Decimal Separator (.) 16
2.4.7 Negative Numbers 16
2.5 Absence of Data 16
2.5.1 Mandatory and Conditional Data 16
2.5.2 Rules for Indicating the Absence of Data 17
2.5.3 Variable Length Data 19
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2.6 Transmission Structuring Segments 19
2.6.1 A Transmission 19
2.6.2 Start of Transmission Segment (STX) 21
2.6.3 End of Transmission Segment (END) 21
2.6.4 Interchange Messages 21
2.6.5 Message Header Segment (MHD) 22
2.6.6 Message Trailer Segment (MTR) 23
2.6.7 Formats for the Standard Segments 23
2.7 Repeated and Nested Data 23
2.7.1 Introduction 23
2.7.2 Repeating Segments 23
2.7.3 Nested Segments 24
2.7.4 Sequence Numbers 24
2.8 Batching of Messages 24
2.8.1 Batching of Messages within a Transmission
(BAT and EOB) 24
2.8.2 Batch Header Segment (BAT) 25
2.8.3 Batch Trailer Segment (EOB) 25
2.9 TRADACOMS Conventions 27
2.9.1 Single File Transmissions 27
3.1 Applicability of the Syntax Rules to Various
Interchange Environments 28
3.1.1 Introduction 28
3.1.2 Computer (or Intelligent Terminal) to
Computer (or Intelligent Terminal) 28
3.1.3 Carriage Return and Line Feed Characters 29
April 1995 Section A Page 4
3.1.4 Computer to Unintelligent Terminal
(including Facsimile and Telex) 32
3.1.5 Unintelligent Terminal to Computer 29
3.2 Advantages of the Syntax Rules over Conventional
Computer Records for Interchange Systems 29
3.2.1 Drawbacks of Conventional Layouts for
Interchange Purposes 30
3.2.2 How Syntax Rules Overcome these
Disadvantages 30
3.2.3 Absence of Data 33
3.2.4 Conclusion 33
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1.1 Background
The TRADACOMS UNGTDI Syntax Rules are a subset of the full SITPRO Syntax
Rules which were originally developed for international trade applications. The full
name for the Syntax Rules is the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
(UNECE) Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange (GTDI). The ANA now maintains this
for the benefit of TRADACOMS users in the UK.
The UNGTDI syntax has been used for the exchanged of trade data in several countries,
and was specified by H M Customs and Excise for their Period Entry Exports
interchange scheme. This and other international applications are now based on the later
UN EDIFACT (EDI for Administration, Commerce and Transport) syntax. For further
details of EDIFACT trade messages contact the ANA.
1.2 Scope and Purpose
The Syntax rules provide a method of assembling data elements within messages
interchanged between organisations.
The standards for individual data elements are provided in the Standard Data Element
Directory in Section B. The standards for the contents of interchange messages are
provided in the Message Format Specifications in Volumes 2 and 3. The syntax rules in
this Section specify how the data elements in Section B are structured into the message
formats in Volumes 2 and 3.
A full understanding of the syntax rules is necessary for the correct interpretation and
use, in practice, of the standard message formats.
The syntax rules are independent of machine, media and systems considerations, and
are, therefore, suitable for the interchange of data between computer systems, by a
telecommunications link or by physical media such as magnetic tapes or floppy discs
(diskettes). They are also independent of the structure of data within users' internal
computer systems. They are intended as a bridge between systems, for use at the point
of interchange. The sender converts from his internal record layouts and the recipient
converts into his internal layouts:
Computer A
File Layout
Convert to
Computer B
Methods for the initial capture of data (in the sender's own system) and the final output
April 1995 Section A Page 6
of data (in the recipient's own system) are, therefore, outside the scope of the syntax
rules, except possibly where the interchange does not involve computer processing at
one end of the exchange, as may happen in certain fall-back situations. These are briefly
discussed in paras. 3.1.1 to 3.1.4 at the end of this Section.
The syntax rules do not dictate the extent to which data should be validated prior to
transmission. The onus is on the sender of a message to provide accurate
information which has been correctly assembled. The recipient of a message should
carry out validation checks, however, to help ensure that invalid data does not corrupt
internal computer records.
The syntax rules only apply to the data interchanged. They do not apply to the
communications protocols and media labels within which the data is transmitted.
Privacy of data is outside the scope of the rules. Where required, encryption or other
techniques can be agreed between interchange partners. Facilities are provided,
however, for the transmission of control totals in the TRADACOMS Standards message
formats, to check the safe transmission of data.
1.3 Advantages
The advantages of using the syntax rules can therefore be summarised as follows:-
1.3.1 Media Independence
Data is structured in the same way whether it is interchanged via magnetic media or a
telecommunications link. The syntax rules help minimise the cost of changing from one
medium to another in inter-organisation exchange, and the cost to a single organisation
sending or receiving data via several types of media.
1.3.2 Machine Independence
Incompatibilities of record size and character representation between different makes of
computer are avoided. No reprogramming costs need be incurred by existing members
of an interchange application when a new member, who has a different make of
computer, joins.
1.3.3 System Independence
The rules are not influenced by the constraints of any particular system design, such as
batch, on-line, file/record design or retrieval techniques, communications techniques,
1.3.4 Flexibility
The rules allow a great deal of flexibility in the design and structuring of messages.
Changing message specifications should be less costly with data structured using the
syntax rules than with conventional records. Using table-driven programs makes
changes particularly easy to effect.
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1.3.5 Efficiency
The rules allow data to be transmitted in an economical manner (see paragraph 2.9
below). This can be important over telecommunications links.
1.3.6 Intelligibility
By using special character data separators and alpha segment codes, the syntax rules
make messages relatively easy to interpret, and thus aid tasks such as investigating
A fuller discussion of the advantages of messages designed according to the
TRADACOMS Syntax Rules over conventional computer records, for data exchange,
appears at the end of this Section, in paras. 3.2.1 to 3.2.4.
1.4 Messages and Documents
An interchange message can often be considered as the equivalent of a document, for
example an invoice or an order. However, other forms of interchange messages are not
directly equivalent to conventional documents. Depending on the nature and purpose of
the interchange system, these are then equivalent to several documents or to only part of
a document, or might have no documentary equivalent at all.
1.5 Syntax Rules Example
The syntax rules can be illustrated by comparing part of a typical order document
(Figure A.1) with the equivalent interchange messages assembled according to the rules
(Figure A.2). The example messages are in standard TRADACOMS format.
April 1995 Section A Page 10
Figure A.2
CDT = 5000600003101:68100+ANY SHOP PLC+HEAD OFFICE:72 KING STREET:
FIL = 1+1+940321'
MTR = 6'
CLO = 5000600003240::68322'
ORD = 981::940321'
OLD = 1+5000100481452+5000100074326++12+10++++PRODUCT A'
OLD = 2+5000100350666+5000100068271++6+10++++PRODUCT B'
OLD = 3+5000100154073+5000100154066++4+30++++PRODUCT C'
OTR = 3+6'
MTR = 9'
CLO = 5000600003282::68347'
ORD = 982::940321'
OLD = 1+5000100769680+5000100769673++6+5++++PRODUCT K'
OLD = 2+5000100658465+5000100668136++6+8++++PRODUCT L'
OTR = 2+13'
MTR = 7'
OFT = 2'
MTR = 3'
END = 4'
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2.1 Introduction
In the following paragraphs:
a) the general terminology used within the specification of the syntax rules is
b) the character set recommended for interchange is defined
c) the basic syntax rules are specified.
These basic syntax rules are applicable for the majority of interchange applications,
including the TRADACOMS system.
2.2 General Terminology
2.2.1 Data Elements and Sub-Elements
Different organisations use different terminology to describe or define basic items of
data. In these rules, the following terms are used:-
a) Data Element
This is an item of data which has been identified separately for interchange by its
inclusion in the TRADACOMS Data Element Directory. It may consist of a
single item of data, eg. Earliest Delivery Date, in which case it is called a simple
data element, or it may consist of several items of data, eg. the data element
Unit of Ordering. This consists of the number of consumer units in a trade unit,
the ordering measure and a measure indicator. In this case it is called a
composite data element. A data element is identified by its position within a
'segment', defined below.
b) Sub-Element
This is the name given to each item of data within a composite data element. In
the example above, measure indicator is a sub-element. A sub-element is
identified by its position within a data element.
2.2.2 Data Element Identifiers
Data elements are allocated unique 4 character data element identifiers. These are used
to identify data elements in the TRADACOMS Data Element Directory, in message
specifications and in the tables used to construct and translate standard TRADACOMS
messages. They can also be used for system and program documentation. Data element
identifiers are not transmitted.
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2.2.3 Segments
a) Related data elements are grouped together within the syntax rules to form a
segment. A segment is the basic unit for the transmission of data; individual
data elements can only be transmitted within a segment. A segment can contain
one or more data elements.
b) There are two types of segment:
- Data Segments
- Standard Segments
2.2.4 Data Segments
These contain the amounts, values, names, places and other data required for
transmission. The contents of data segments are independent of the syntax rules.
2.2.5 Standard Segments
The only category of standard segments that is used in these basic syntax rules, applying
to TRADACOMS transmissions, is that of the Transmission Structuring Segments that
are used to assemble interchange transmission in a standard way. Standard segments are
provided to start and end each interchange, and to start and end each message within an
interchange. They are discussed in para. 2.6 of this Section.
2.2.6 Segment Codes
a) Segments are uniquely identified by a 3-character segment code which must be
b) Segment codes have been reserved for each of the standard segments included in
the syntax rules.
c) Segment codes are transmitted at the start of the segments they identify.
2.2.7 Interchange Messages
a) An interchange message consists of a number of segments structured in
accordance with the syntax rules, ie. it must begin with the standard message
header segment and end with the standard message trailer segment.
b) In the TRADACOMS environment all interchange messages are Data
Messages. These contain the data segments required for the message in addition
to the message header and message trailer segments. The ANA maintains
standard message specifications, which are found in Volumes 2 and 3 of this
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2.2.8 Message Types
Interchange messages are identified by a message type which is included in the standard
message header segment. A message type consists of two sub-elements:
- the message type itself. This is a 6-character alphabetic code;
- a version number. This is a single digit numeric sub-element. It is used in
connection with changes to data message specifications, to distinguish one
version of a message from another.
2.2.9 Interchange Transmission
a) All the data to be transmitted between two organisations at one time is referred
to as an interchange transmission. An interchange can contain a single message
or many messages. The standard Start of Transmission segment is used to
identify the start of the data being transmitted. The standard End of
Transmission segment is used to denote the end of the data being transmitted.
b) The only restriction imposed by the syntax rules on the number of messages
included in an interchange transmission is that the message count on the end of
transmission segment cannot exceed 99,999. There are no restrictions on the
number of different types of message which can be included in a transmission.
However see paragraph 2.9 below.
c) The syntax rules do not themselves specify the order in which messages should
be transmitted within an interchange transmission, but the standard messages are
all grouped within TRADACOMS-designated files and within each file a
message sequence is specified. The sender can forward a number of designated
files, one after another, in an order of his choosing, unless participants in an
exchange application agree otherwise. The conventional format of interchange
transmissions is described in 2.9.
d) Participants can agree restrictions on the number of files or messages in a
transmission if they so wish. See paragraph 2.9.
2.3 Data Separators and Terminators
2.3.1 Segment Terminator (')
Each segment is terminated by a segment terminator, the apostrophe (or single quote) (')
eg. .......... 123'
April 1995 Section A Page 14
2.3.2 Data Element Separator (+)
a) Data elements within a segment are separated from each other by a data element
separator, a plus (+)
eg. ..........+ABC+123
b) The last data element in a segment is terminated by the segment terminator. A
data element separator is not required.
2.3.3 Sub-Element Separator (:)
a) Sub-elements with a composite data element are separated from each other by a
sub-element separator, the colon (:)
eg. ..........+5530:KG+.....
b) The last sub-element within a composite data element is terminated by a data
element separator. A sub-element separator is not required.
2.3.4 Segment Code Separator (=)
A segment code is separated from the data within a segment by a segment code
separator, an equals sign (=)
eg. IRF=8728511+810320'
2.3.5 Allowable Sequences of Data and Separators/Terminators
The logic of the syntax rules allows only the sequences of data, separators and
terminators indicated in the following table (Figure A.3).
Figure A.3
Can only be followed by item(s) ticked
End of
Segment Code
Data Element
April 1995 Section A Page 15
2.4 Character Set and Related Subjects
2.4.1 Character Set for Interchange
In the TRADACOMS environment the character set for data is restricted to:
Blank Space Ampersand & Asterisk *
Open Bracket ( Close Bracket ) Comma ,
Hyphen - Full Stop . Solidus /
Percent %
The numerals zero to 9.
The upper case alphabet A to Z.
The following characters are reserved for control purposes within the syntax rules and
their use in data should be avoided wherever possible:
Apostrophe ' Plus sign + Colon :
Equals = Padding Character ^
2.4.2 Character Code
The coded representation of each allowable character for the various transmission media
is discussed in Section E of Volume 1.
2.4.3 Release Character
The question mark, ?, is reserved for use within the syntax rules as a release character.
The release character is provided for use where separator or terminator characters
(ie. =:'+) have to be transmitted as part of a data element or sub-element. Where a
question mark is itself included in data it must also use the release character function.
It is strongly recommended that the five characters =:'+? be excluded from data elements
and sub-elements wherever possible. It should be possible to avoid the use of the
release character by replacing these characters in data by another character without any
loss of meaning. For example, an apostrophe could be replaced by a space (O'REILLY
would be transmitted as O REILLY).
The release character must be inserted in a transmission immediately preceding each
occurrence in data of any of the five characters =:'+?. It signifies that the next single
character is not to be interpreted as a data separator, terminator or release character. For
Data required 736 + 834 = 1570
Data transmitted 736? + 834? = 1570
The release character is not counted as part of the length of any data element or sub-
April 1995 Section A Page 16
element within which it is transmitted. Release characters can be inserted by the
computer so that data can be input and output without any special manual requirements,
except where messages are manually structured or interpreted.
2.4.4 Scope of the Character Set
The full recommended character set including the special characters +=:' applies only to
the data content of the transmission. Requirements for telecommunication protocols,
media labels, etc., are outside the scope of this recommendation. They are dealt with in
Section E of Volume 1 of this manual.
2.4.5 Character Representation
Character formats are recommended within these syntax rules. Binary, packed decimal
or other forms of hardware/software-dependent representation must not be used for
interchange as these features are not available, or are not dealt with in the same way, on
all makes of computer.
2.4.6 Decimal Separator (.)
a) An implied decimal separator or point is used in the TRADACOMS system.
b) Thousands must not be indicated by any form of separator (such as commas).
2.4.7 Negative Numbers
a) A negative number is indicated by a leading minus sign.
eg. SEG=..... +-1250+.... is correct.
b) In many cases the need for negative numbers can be avoided through the use of
data elements such as the Credit Line Indicator used in TRADACOMS invoice
Notes: Provision should be made in translation tables for negative numbers using
leading minus signs in messages where the totals could become negative
if the credit values exceed the normal debit ones. For example,
statement totals could be negative if credit adjustments exceeded new
2.5 Absence of Data
2.5.1 Mandatory and Conditional Data
a) Within a segment, data elements are specified as mandatory or conditional.
b) Mandatory data elements are those which must always be transmitted, eg. the
message type on a standard message header segment or the invoice number and
date in an invoice message.
c) Conditional data elements are those which need to be transmitted only in a
April 1995 Section A Page 17
particular set of circumstances, depending on the nature of the goods, the mode
of transport, etc., eg. a special price indicator in an order message.
d) Segments must also be designated as mandatory or conditional within each
message type.
e) A mandatory segment may consist entirely of conditional data elements. At least
one of these must be transmitted for this type of segment.
f) Within a composite data element, individual sub-elements are also designated as
mandatory or conditional and, similarly, if all are conditional within a mandatory
data element, at least one sub-element must be transmitted.
2.5.2 Rules for Indicating the Absence of Data
a) Where no data exists for a conditional segment, the segment must not be
b) Where no data is required for one or more data elements in a segment, which
precede another data element for which data is required, the data element
separator is used to indicate the absence of data:-
i) If there are 5 data elements, AAAA, BBBB, CCCC, DDDD and EEEE
in a segment with the segment code SEG and data is only required for
SEG = data for AAAA + data for BBBB + data for CCCC ++ data for
no data for DDDD
ii) Similarly, if data is only required AAAA, BBBB and EEEE:
SEG = data for AAAA + data for BBBB +++ data for EEEE'
├── no data for CCCC
└── no data for DDDD
c) Where no data is required for one or more data elements at the end of a segment,
two options are available:
i) The preferred option is to use the segment terminator to truncate the
segment following the last data element for which data is required:
April 1995 Section A Page 18
eg. Using the example shown in b) above, the following can be transmitted
if data is only required for AAAA and BBBB:
SEG = data for AAAA + data for BBBB'
ii) Alternatively, data element separators can be used to indicate positively
the absence of data for each data element.
eg. Using the above example, if data is only required for AAAA and BBBB:
SEG = data for AAAA + data for BBBB +++'
│ └──── no data for EEEE
│ └────── no data for DDDD
└──────── no data for CCCC
Note: Users' programs should cater for both these techniques, as each is valid.
d) The absence of data for one or more conditional sub-elements within a
composite data element is indicated using similar principles to those described
above. A data element separator is inserted following the last sub-element for
which data is required. The absence of data for one or more sub-elements which
precede another, for which data is required, is indicated by the sub-element
i) If a data element contains 4 sub-elements, K, L, M and N and only the
first 2 are required:
....+ data for K: data for L +....
ii) In the same example, if data is only required for K and N:
....+ data for K:::data for N +....
│└────── no data for M
└─────── no data for L
e) A typical use of conditional sub-elements is for data elements defined as
containing both a code and a clear language version, eg. transmission sender.
The rules allow either or both the sub-elements to be transmitted in a consistent
April 1995 Section A Page 19
....+ 123:ABC CO+........................
....+ 123 +...................................
....+ :ABC CO+............................
are valid ways of constructing a data element which can contain a code and/or a
clear language sub-element.
2.5.3 Variable Length Data
a) Separators allow the omission of leading zeros in numeric items and trailing
spaces in alphanumeric items for those data elements defined as "variable
length" in the Data Directory.
For example:
i) RTL = .............+ ABC LTD'
ii) OLD = .............+ 930:KG+..............
OLD = .............+ 12100:KG+...........
b) Where variable length data is interchanged, the sender may elect to transmit, in
accordance with the syntax rules and without reference to the recipient, either the
actual number of characters used or any number of characters up to and
including the maximum number of characters. Where the maximum number of
characters is transmitted, the following rules apply:
i) Numeric data should be right-aligned with leading zeros or spaces to pad
the data to its maximum length, but there must be one zero before the
decimal separator for amounts less than one.
ii) Alphabetic/alphanumeric data should be left-aligned with trailing spaces
used to pad the data to its maximum length.
2.6 Transmission Structuring Segments
NB The normal rules for indicating the absence of conditional data, specified in
subsection 2.5, apply to these standard segments.
2.6.1 A Transmission
a) The data transmitted at one time between two organisations is a transmission.
Standard segments are provided to denote the start and the end of the data
within a transmission.
b) The first segment in all transmissions must be the Start of Transmission
segment which has the segment code STX.
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c) The last segment in all transmissions must be the End of Transmission segment
which has the segment code END.
d) A transmission can therefore be depicted as:-
┌── STX segment
│ <
│ >
│ data
│ <
│ >
└── END segment
Figure A.4 Example STX Segment
STX=ANA:1+123:ABC CO+:XYZ CO+811206:121500+A143+B26+ASYS+A'
where STX is the segment code
ANA:1 identifies version 1 of the TRADACOMS Syntax Rules
123:ABC CO identifies the sender of the message in code and plain language
:XYZ CO identifies the recipient of the messages in plain language only
811206:121500 811206 is the transmission date
121500 is the time of transmission
A143 is the sender's reference for the transmission
B26 is the recipient's reference for the transmission, if known to the
ASYS is an application reference
A is a transmission priority code if required
Note: 1. The data element specifications for this and all other standard segments are
contained in the TRADACOMS Data Element Directory and message
specifications in this manual.
2. When using STX for transmissions across Value Added Networks, it is
recommended that the user manual is consulted as each has used the elements
in STX to achieve network addressing and control features. These are specific
usages of the elements defined in this segment and will have to be respected if
that service is used
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2.6.2 Start of Transmission Segment (STX)
a) Mandatory information included in this segment identifies:
- the syntax rules being used
- the sender and recipient of the transmission
- the date of transmission
- the sender's reference for the transmission
b) Conditional information which can be included in the segment consists of:
- the time of transmission
- the recipient's reference for the transmission
- an application code (this would enable a recipient to identify, at the STX
level, whether the transmission contained data for an import application,
an export application, an accounting application, etc.). The application
reference may also be used to indicate whether a transmission is 'live' or
'test' in status. In this case, the reference abbreviations given in Code
Values List 16 should be used
- priority code
c) Figure A.4 contains an example of an STX segment in which all the conditional
data is illustrated.
2.6.3 End of Transmission Segment (END)
a) This segment contains one data element, in which a count of the number of
messages in a transmission must be provided.
b) The count includes all data messages in the transmission, to a maximum of
99,999 messages.
eg. END = 1' indicates a transmission consisting of 1 message
END = 25' indicates a transmission consisting of 25 messages
2.6.4 Interchange Messages
a) With the exception of the standard segments STX and END used to delimit a
transmission, all data must be interchanged within a message.
b) All messages begin with a Standard Message Header segment which has the
segment code MHD. All messages must end with the Standard Message
Trailer segment which has the segment code MTR.
c) A transmission can consist of one message or any number of messages.
d) A transmission containing one message can therefore be depicted as:
┌─── STX segment
April 1995 Section A Page 22
│ ┌── MHD segment
│ │ <
│ │ >
│ │ data
│ │ <
│ │ >
│ └── MTR segment
└─── END segment
e) A transmission containing more than one message can be depicted as:
┌─── STX segment
│ ┌── MHD segment )
│ │ < )
│ > )
│ │ data ) Repeated for each message
│ │ < )
│ │ > )
│ └── MTR segment )
└─── END segment
2.6.5 Message Header Segment (MHD)
a) The MHD segment contains two mandatory data elements:
- A Message Reference
This can be any unique reference allocated by the sender. In
TRADACOMS messages this takes the form of a consecutive count of
messages within a transmission.
- A Message Type
This consists of two sub-elements, the message type itself and a number
to distinguish the different versions of a message which can arise due to
amendments to the message specification.
b) An example of an MHD segment is:
MHD = 12 + ORDERS:4'
This identifies a data message of type ORDERS, that contains data relating to
the fourth version of the specification for ORDERS, and that it is the 12th
message in the transmission.
April 1995 Section A Page 23
2.6.6 Message Trailer Segment
a) This segment contains one mandatory data element, which is a count of the
number of segments comprising the message.
b) The count includes both the MHD and MTR segments and data segments
included in the message.
eg. MTR = 7' indicates that a message consists of 7 segments
2.6.7 Formats for the Standard Segments
The standard formats for segments MHD and MTR are illustrated in all the message
formats in Volumes 2 and 3. The segments STX and END do not appear in messages.
Their standard formats are shown in Figure A.5 and at the beginning of Volume 2.
2.7 Repeated and Nested Data
2.7.1 Introduction
a) A common requirement of many types of message is the need to repeat data
elements, or groups of data elements eg. an invoice could contain a number of
items, each item containing a product number, quantity, price, etc. A particular
data element must not be repeated within a data segment, but a data segment can
be repeated within a message.
b) Sometimes a data element or group of data elements may repeat within an
already repeating group, for example an invoice can cover goods supplied under
several orders, and there may be many invoice item lines to each order. The data
elements for an invoice line item form what is called a 'nested' repeating group.
The data elements for a line item are grouped together in one repeating data
segment while the details for each order are grouped in another repeating
segment. The repeating segments are numbered and sequenced according to the
following rules:
2.7.2 Repeating Segments
a) A sequence number data element is specified as part of a repeating data
segment. The sequence number starts at 1 for the first transmitted repeating
segment and is increased by 1 for each subsequent occurrence of this segment
within the message.
eg. ODD = 1 + .....'
ODD = 2 + .....'
ODD = 3 + .....'
etc. │
order sequence number/count within invoice message
b) The sequence number reverts to one at the start of each message.
April 1995 Section A Page 24
2.7.3 Nested Segments
a) The principle of using sequence numbers is extended so that there is one
sequence number for each level of nesting. In this case, however, the sequence
numbers must indicate the hierarchical order of the data segments:-
eg. ODD = 1 + .....' 1st level (highest or `parent' level)
ILD = 1 + 1 + .....' 2nd level (first invoice line sequence in first
ILD = 1 + 2 + .....'
ODD = 2 + .....' 1st level
ILD = 2 + 1 + .....' 2nd level
ILD = 2 + 2 + .....'
└───────────┐ │
1st level ─┘ └─ 2nd level
Sequence number Sequence number
b) Where necessary, the technique can be extended to cover more complicated
nesting situations:-
eg. AAA = 1 + ..........'
AAB = 1 + 1 + ..........'
AAB = 1 + 2 + ..........'
AAC = 1 + 2 + 1 + ..........'
AAC = 1 + 2 + 2 + ..........'
AAD = 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + ..........'
AAC = 1 + 2 + 3 + ..........'
AAB = 1 + 3 + ..........'
AAC = 1 + 3 + 1 + ..........'
AAB = 1 + 4 + ..........'
AAA = 2 + ..........'
2.7.4 Sequence Numbers
a) On nested repeated segments the highest level sequence number must come first,
followed by the next highest and so on.
b) Segments must be transmitted in the hierarchical sequence indicated in the above
2.8 Batching of Messages
2.8.1 Batching of Messages within a Transmission (BAT and EOB)
a) A transmission can be divided into a number of batches if such a facility is
required in a particular application. Batching is a conditional feature of the
syntax rules as it will not be a requirement of all interchanges.
April 1995 Section A Page 25
b) The facility must only be used, therefore, where the participants in an
interchange agree this in advance.
c) A batch of data within a transmission begins with a Batch Header segment
which has the segment code BAT. A Batch is terminated by a Batch Trailer
segment which has the segment code EOB.
d) A transmission consisting of a single batch of messages can be depicted as:-
┌──── STX segment
│ ┌─── BAT segment
│ │
│ │ ┌── MHD segment )
│ │ │ < )
│ │ │ > ) Repeated for each message
│ │ │ data )
│ │ │ < )
│ │ │ > )
│ │ └── MTR segment
│ │
│ └─── EOB segment
└──── END segment
e) A transmission consisting of more than 1 batch of messages can be depicted as:-
┌──── STX segment
│ ┌─── BAT segment )
│ │ )
│ │ ┌── MHD segment ) Repeated ) Repeated
│ │ │ < ) for each ) for batch
│ │ │ > ) message ) within a
│ │ data ) within a ) transmission
│ │ │ < ) batch )
│ │ │ > ) )
│ │ └── MTR segment )
│ │ )
│ └─── EOB segment )
└──── END segment
2.8.2 Batch Header Segment (BAT)
a) This contains a reference allocated by the sender to the batch.
eg. BAT = 77421' identifies a batch with the reference 77421
2.8.3 Batch Trailer Segment (EOB)
a) This contains a count of the number of messages in a batch, including any
control messages.
eg. EOB = 29' indicates that a batch consists of 29
April 1995 Section A Page 27
The UNGTDI syntax rules do not restrict the number and type of messages and files
which may be exchanged. However to simplify processing, particularly for the
recipient, the following TRADACOMS conventions have been established.
When other conventions are to be used in EDI communications, these need to be agreed
with trading partners, to ensure that the combinations of files and messages can be
processed correctly.
2.9.1 Single File Interchanges
A TRADACOMS File normally consists of a Header Message, one or more Detail
Messages, followed by a Trailer Message. This convention is illustrated in the diagram
below. For those messages which contain VAT information there is also a VAT Trailer
Message before the File Trailer Message.
When several orders are being transmitted in one interchange to a supplier it is the usual
practice to send all the Order Detail Messages within the same Header/Trailer Messages,
rather than repeating the Header and Trailer Messages for each Detail Message. This
improves the efficiency of the transmission.
It is recommended that there is one file for one recipient sent in each interchange
transmission. This permits control of the files transmitted and end to end audit trails
(see Volume 1 Section A Paragraph 8 Controls).
It is also recommended that there is one type of file in each interchange transmission as
this allows recipients to sort and select files for different applications using the
application reference in STX.
April 1995 Section A Page 28
3.1 Applicability of the Syntax Rules to Various Interchange Environments
3.1.1 Introduction
In the following paragraphs the applicability of the rules to various types of interchange
environments is discussed:-
- computer (or intelligent terminal) to computer (or intelligent terminal)
- computer to unintelligent terminal (including facsimile and telex)
- unintelligent terminal to computer
For the purpose of this discussion:-
- a computer is any equipment used to construct messages in accordance with the
syntax rules (whether data is input manually or held on in-house computer
records), or any equipment used to translate messages structured in accordance
with the rules to meet in-house computer record or print layout requirements.
for instance, it can add separators, terminators, segment codes etc., to data at the
sender's end of a transmission and remove them at the recipient's end.
- an unintelligent terminal is any equipment which cannot be, or is not, used to
construct and translate messages. It includes facsimile, telex and message
switching systems where data has to be manually prepared or interpreted.
3.1.2 Computer (or Intelligent Terminal) to Computer (or Intelligent Terminal)
This includes the interchange of data over telecommunications links and by a physical
medium, such as magnetic tape, where messages have been constructed by the sender's
computer and are translated by the recipient's computer.
The syntax rules are primarily intended for this form of interchange. They act as a
bridge between the internal requirements of the various interchange partners. Methods
of data capture by senders of messages and methods of output of data by recipients are
outside the scope of the syntax rules in this environment.
In this environment, errors caused by missing or wrongly used separators, or by other
incorrect use of the syntax rules, are likely to be minimal once trials have been
completed. It is strongly recommended that interchange partners carry out trials prior to
implementing an interchange system, not only to ensure that data has been correctly
formatted but also to ensure that the computers are compatible as far as the interchange
medium is concerned.
Unless economy of transmission is vital, errors should be corrected by re-transmitting
complete messages. This is the simplest form of correction. This subject is treated in
detail in paragraph 9 of Section C in Volume 1.
April 1995 Section A Page 29
3.1.3 Carriage Return and Line Feed Characters
These will not normally be included in computer-to-computer environments but it may
not be possible to assume that such a transmission will not contain these characters, eg.
the sender of the transmission may receive data which included these characters from
another organisation and pass the data to the recipient without editing the data. In
interchange systems where this could arise, participants could agree that senders of
messages would remove all such characters prior to computer-to-computer interchange.
3.1.4 Computer to Unintelligent Terminal (Including Facsimile and Telex)
The TRADACOMS system is based on computer-computer transfers of data. When an
unintelligent terminal is used to print or display messages the recipient will need a copy
of the message specification.
Intelligibility is aided by the use of segment codes and the graphic separators = + :' but
messages in syntax rules format are not designed primarily for human interpretation.
Carriage Return and Line Feed characters would need to be transmitted on telex. These
are not separator characters and can be used freely to improve the readability of
messages, eg. after each line of a name and address.
3.1.5 Unintelligent Terminal to Computer
The main difference between data prepared by computers and data which is manually
prepared is the likely increase in the incidence of errors, as neither data nor formats are
validated by computer prior to interchange.
Recipients should be tolerant of 'extra' spaces if any data might be manually prepared.
eg. MHD = 12 + ORDHDR :3'
Data input manually to the telex network or a message switching system will contain
fewer errors if input forms specially designed for each message are used.
3.2 Advantages of the Syntax Rules over Conventional Computer Records for
Interchange Systems
The conventional layouts in most in-house systems, in which each data element begins
in a fixed position within the character string comprising a record, have a number of
drawbacks for interchange systems. These paragraphs illustrate how the syntax rules
overcome these drawbacks, using progressive changes to conventional record layouts.
April 1995 Section A Page 30
3.2.1 Drawbacks of Conventional Layouts for Interchange Purposes
Conventional records are rarely directly intelligible to people without considerable
computer processing experience. There are no segment codes or data element separators
to aid the identification of each data element and, unless special arrangements are made
to include a version number in a message, recipients cannot be certain that the necessary
amendments have been made by senders.
Media Space
Utilisation of media space may be poor, as data elements are usually padded to their
maximum length with leading zeros or trailing spaces. While this may not be critical on
magnetic tape, it could be critical over telecommunication links.
There is no data independence in conventional layouts. Any change to a data element
length affects the position of all subsequent data elements within a message. A fully
detailed record layout needs to be agreed by all interchange partners even though some
individual participants may not require a particular data element. This makes
maintenance difficult.
Machine Dependence
Different makes of computers may set varying constraints on logical records and block
sizes. Conventions for variable length records on magnetic tape may differ.
3.2.2 How Syntax Rules Overcome these Disadvantages
(a) Conventional Layout
Figure A.6 illustrates a conventional record layout which might be used for a
message based on part of an order. Each element begins in a fixed position and
is padded to its maximum length. In this example six elements/sub-elements are
not required, leaving spaces in the record layout. Only part of one order line is
shown; a full order could contain over a thousand lines.
April 1995 Section A Page 31
Figure A.6 Conventional Layout for Part of an Order Record
Record Layout
810303 810313 USE GATE NO.6
0 6 12
1 5012345678900
52 56 69
12345A 5012345101019
77 90
105 113 117
125 131 136 144 150
Earliest delivery date, Latest delivery
date, Delivery instructions narrative.
Order line sequence no., Supplier's EAN
Trade Unit Code
Supplier's item no./code,
Supplier's EAN consumer unit code,
Retailer's own Brand no. (blank)
Retailer's item no. (blank), Consumer
units in trade unit, Ordering measure
Measure indicator (blank), No. of trade
units ordered, Total measure ordered
(blank), Measure indicator (blank), etc.
(b) Segments
(i) The first improvement that the Syntax Rules make to this conventional
layout is to divide one record for the whole order into shorter sub-records
or, as they are called in the standards, segments.
For example the delivery dates and instructions could be included in a
segment called DIN. The order line details could form part of a segment
called OLD. (Figure A.7.)
Figure A.7
DIN 810303 810313 USE GATE NO.6
0 3 9 15
OLD 1 5012345678900 12345A etc
0 3 7 20 28
(ii) This technique gives three advantages:-
- Better use can be made of media space. If there is no data in an
entire segment, then it can be omitted from the interchange
- Segment codes make a message more intelligible.
- It is more flexible, as additional segments can be inserted without
April 1995 Section A Page 32
(iii) However, there are some disadvantages:-
- A data element which is blank in a segment containing some
non-blank data elements still takes up media space eg. allowing
for orders by trade unit or measure in the OLD segment.
- Data elements are identified solely by their position within the
segment. A change in the length of one element would
necessitate changing the position of all subsequent elements in
the segment. Data independence is therefore limited.
- Another disadvantage is that each segment would need to start on
a computer record boundary, as there is no other easy way of
distinguishing the segment code. To complicate matters, each
type of segment could have a different length and some
computers cannot cope with variable length records: alternatively
all segments would need to be padded out to a common length
which would be wasteful of media space.
(c) Separator Characters
(i) The above difficulties are overcome in the Syntax Rules by the inclusion
of special characters to separate one data element from another, to
terminate a segment, to separate a segment code from the data and to
split a composite data element, where required, into its component parts.
Figure A.8 contains the same data as shown in the conventional record
layout in Figure A.6 but formatted according to the Syntax Rules.
Figure A.8 Syntax Rules Layout for Part of an Order Record
DIN=810303+810313++USE GATE NO.6'
In Figure A.8:-
- A plus (+) is used to terminate each data element.
- An apostrophe (') - or single quote - is used to terminate a
- A colon (:) is used to separate one sub-element from another.
- An equals sign (=) is used to separate a segment code from the
- A plus (++) is not used to terminate the last data element of a
segment as the apostrophe fulfils the purpose.
(ii) Padding can be omitted by incorporating separator characters. This
April 1995 Section A Page 33
improves the use of media space. Figure A.8 uses 83 characters against
the 150 used in Figure A.6.
(iii) Separators help to make the message more intelligible.
(iv) Data element lengths can be altered without affecting the identification
of subsequent data elements.
(v) Segments need not begin on a computer record boundary as the use of
separators clearly distinguishes the segment code. Message and segment
lengths, therefore, need not be dictated by such constraints as
input/output block sizes, particular conventions on the use of variable
length records, the physical characteristics of punched cards,
telecommunications, protocols etc. Anyone interchanging data on a
variety of media or between machines using different conventions needs
to be free of such restraints.
3.2.3 Absence of Data
In many messages some of the data will be mandatory (ie. it must always be present) and
some will be conditional (ie. it might or might not be present depending upon the
sender, mode of transport, type of goods etc.). The absence of data can be indicated
efficiently in three ways using the syntax rules:-
- Where no data need be transmitted for an entire segment, the segment need not
be transmitted at all (ie. where all the data elements are conditional).
- Where one or more data elements at the end of a segment are absent, the
segment may be truncated, eg. if there are five data elements in a segment and
data is only required for the first two A and B, this can be represented by:-
segment code = data for A + data for B'
- Where no data is required for an element which precedes another element for
which data is required in a segment, the absence of data can be indicated by the
data element separator character. For example, if there is no data for element B
in the sequence of elements A, B, C this can be represented by:-
segment code = data for A ++ data for C'
3.2.4 Conclusion
One point should be re-emphasised - it is not proposed that conventional, in-house
record layouts or databases as used by application programs should be replaced by ones
structured according to the syntax rules. The rules are used to structure messages at the
point of interchange as a "bridge" between differing systems. The sender converts from
his internal record layouts and the recipient converts into his internal record layouts.
The fact that the sender may have conventional files and the recipient a database will not
affect the success of the syntax rules as a bridge for the transfer of data between the two
systems. The syntax rules are also being used to transfer data between different parts of
the same company.
April 1995 Section B Page 1
Page No.
2.1 Identifier 3
2.2 Data Element Name 3
2.3 Used in Segment(s) 3
2.4 M/C 3
2.5 F/V 3
2.6 Picture 3
2.7 General Remarks 3
April 1995 Section B Page 2
All current ANA TRADACOMS data elements which appear (or have appeared) in
published messages are listed here, with their standard names and identifier codes. The
directory contains the full definition of each data element, with sub-elements for
composite data elements. The data segments in which the elements are used is indicated
in the following table. The standard messages and files in which the segments appear
can be found in the Segment Directory in Section C.
To achieve uniformity across all message formats, the definitions given here are
replicated within the segments and messages in which they are included. However there
may be additional specific General Remarks in particular file formats given in Volumes
2 and 3 of the manual.
The Directory is in alphabetical order of the Identifier codes. There is also a list of
elements in Data Element Name order, to aid users wishing to find a particular data type.
The Reference Numbers given in the previous edition of the manual are also listed.
These reference numbers were used to group the data elements into the following
The Categories of Data Elements
1 Start of Transmission, End of Transmission, Message Header, Message Trailer.
2 File Identification Details.
3 Customer and Supplier Details.
4 Codes, Special Indicators/Identifiers, Counts, Sequence Numbers.
5 References, Dates, Units, Quantities.
6 Cost Details, Discount Amounts/Totals, Percentages.
7 Amounts, Sub-Totals.
8 Totals, Hash Totals.
9 General Descriptive Text/Narrative.
April 1995 Section B Page 3
2.1 Identifier
The unique 4-alpha identifier allocated to the data element. This is used as a data
element name in high level programming.
2.2 Data Element Name
The standard name allocated by the ANA. Names indented indicate the sub-elements of
a composite data element.
2.3 Used in Segments
The segment, or segments, in which the data element is used. Reference to the Segment
Directory in Section C of this manual will indicate the standard messages and files in
which the segments are used. (Any subsequent amendments to the data elements can
thus be traced through to all the documentation and programs affected).
2.4 M/C
Indicates whether the data element is mandatory (M) or conditional (C) in each segment
in which it is used. Also whether the sub-elements are mandatory or conditional within
a composite data element.
2.5 F/V
Indicates whether the data element, or sub-element, is of fixed (F) or variable (V) length.
2.6 Picture
Indicates the number of numeric (9) digits or alphanumeric (X) characters allowed in the
data field. If the field is numeric, this excludes any minus sign or the decimal point.
The decimal point is implied and its position within the data field is indicate by V.
2.7 General Remarks
These are the remarks that are appropriate to the data element, or sub-element, in all
contexts in which it is used. In any particular message format these remarks may be
supplemented by message-specific remarks and/or reformulated to particularise their
meaning in that message.
April 1995 Section B Page 4
This lists the data elements in name order
April 1995 Section B Page 73
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
ANA Code for Garment Maker 11.004 GMAK 1
ANA Credit Reason Code 4.015 CRRE 1
Accept/Reject Indicator .000 ACRE
Account Identifier 3.205 ACID
Account Identifier REFF
Account Name 3.205 ACID 2
Account Number 3.205 ACID 1
Account Reference MARF
Accumulation Rules .000 ACCR
Acknowledged Unit Cost Price 6.020 AUCT
Acknowledgement Code ACDE
Acknowledgement Date ACDT
Action ACTN
Action Code ACTN 1
Action Comment ACTN 2
Actual Adjustment .000 AADJ
Actual/Proposed Status Indicator 4.230 APIN
Adjustment Amount .000 AADJ 2
Adjustment Factor .000 ADJF
Adjustment Factor Code .000 ADJF 1
Adjustment Factor Value .000 ADJF 2
Adjustment Percentage .000 AADJ 1
Adjustment Type Indicator .000 ADJT
Advice Note Date 11.021 ADVN 2
Advice Note Details 11.021 ADVN
Advice Note Number 11.021 ADVN 1
Advised Lengths .000 ADLG
Advised Quantity .000 AQTY
Advised Units .000 ADUN
Advised Weights .000 ADWT
Allowance/Charge Indicator .000 AOCI
Alphanumeric VAT Registration No. 3.080 VATN 2
April 1995 Section B Page 74
Alphanumeric VAT Registration No. 3.081 VATR 2
Amended Invoice Reference .000 VDAA 4
Amount Payable .000 AMPA
Amount Payable 7.140 AMPY
ANMW Multiple Group Member CUSG
Application Reference 1.070 APRF
Application Text 9.130 RTEX 2
Application Text 9.130 RTEX 4
Application Text 9.130 RTEX 6
Application Text 9.130 RTEX 8
Area of Exception Condition 9.200 AEXC
Area of Exception Condition 9.200 AEXC 1
Area Manager MAMN
Association Indicator MUNE 1
Attribute Code DATT 1
Attribute Code TIME 1
Authentication Result 8.300 AUTR
Authentication Result 1 8.300 AUTR 1
Authentication Result 2 8.300 AUTR 2
Authentication Result 3 8.300 AUTR 3
Authorisation .000 AUTT
Authorisation 3.092 LEVC 2
Authority Reference 5.405 AUTH
Availability Reference/Series No. 5.400 AREF
Back Order Indicator 4.420 DIND 2
Balance Brought Forward .000 BABF
Balance Brought Forward .000 BABF 1
Balance Date 5.650 OUBA 2
Balance of Outstanding Prepayments Received PAYB
Bank Identity Code 4.515 BKIC
Bank Information 12.000 BKIN
Bank Name 3.220 BNAM
Bank/Branch Identifier 3.210 BBID
Barcode as Printed on Cover .000 IBCM
Base Price per Unit .000 BPRI
Batch ID .000 REPN 1
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 75
Batch Number .000 BATN
Bill File Total Amount before VAT .000 FASU
Bill File Total Amount before VAT .000 FASU 1
Bill File Total Payable inc. VAT .000 FPSU
Bill File Total Payable inc. VAT .000 FPSU 1
Bill File Total VAT Amount .000 UVAT
Bill File Total VAT Amount .000 UVAT 1
Bill Frequency Code .000 BIFR
Bill Total VAT Amount Payable .000 UTVA
Bill Total VAT Amount Payable .000 UTVA 1
Bill Type Code .000 BTCD
Blend/Merge Number .000 BLND
Booking In Necessity 3.015 BINN
Branch Claim Quantity 10.095 BCMQ
Branch Claims File Total 10.025 BCFT
Branch Claims Total 10.140 BCMT
Calorific Value .000 CLVM 1
Calorific Value in Specified Units .000 CLVM
Carrier Details .000 CARD
Carrier Sortation Data CSOR
Carrier's EAN Location Number .000 CARD 1
Carrier's Identity Allocated by Cus .000 CARD 2
Carrier's Name 11.022 CARN
Cash Back Amount .000 AMPA 2
Cash Settlement Discount Identifier 4.080 CSDI
Charge End Date .000 CEDT
Charge Start Date .000 CSDT
Charge Type Code .000 CCDE
Chargeable Storage Medium Indicator .000 CSTI
Claim Note Date 10.045 CLDT
Claim Note Number 10.040 CLNN
Claims End Date CEDD
Claims End Date .000 ICSE
Claims Start Date CSTD
Claims Start Date .000 ICSD
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 76
Classification System RCAT 1
Closing Stock for the Period 5.410 CLSK
Code ACDE 1
Code .000 AUTT 2
Code 1.020 FROM 1
Code 1.030 UNTO 1
Code Table Number 9.140 DNAC 1
Code Value 9.140 DNAC 2
Code Value LATT 2
Code Value LATT 4
Code Value LATT 6
Code Value LATT 8
Code for Replaced Item 3.100 CORI
Code for Unit Contained 3.110 UCON
Collection Method .000 REPN 2
Collection Note Date 5.046 CNDT
Collection Note Number 5.043 CNNR
Colourway Description .000 COLW 2
Colourway Number .000 COLW 1
Colourway References .000 COLW
Comment ACDE 2
Company Identifier (non-EAN) COTN 3
Company Trade Name COTN
Company Trading Name Code COTN 1
Company Trading Name Title COTN 2
Composition 11.011 COMP
Consumer Units in Traded Unit 5.120 UNOR 1
Consumption (Adjusted Units) .000 CONA
Consumption (Base Units) .000 CONB
Consumption (Billing Units) .000 CONS
Consumption/Charge Indicator .000 CCDE 1
Contact Details CONT
Contact Fax Number CONT 3
Contact Name CONT 1
Contact Name 3.165 CTNM
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 77
Contact Name at Customers 11.007 CCON
Contact Name at Dyers/Suppliers 11.006 DCON
Contact Telephone Number CONT 2
Contract Number 5.550 SCRF 2
Contruction/Yarn Type 11.010 CNST
Copies Claimed COPC
Copies Rejected CREJ
Cost Price 6.010 OUCT 1
Cost Price (before VAT) 6.020 AUCT 1
Country Code .000 REPN 5
Country of Origin CUDA 2
Cover ID Format .000 IDCI 2
Cover Identification .000 IDCI 1
Cover Identification and Format .000 IDCI
Cover Price In Pence .000 IRCP
Credit Discount Value 06.051 CDSV
Credit Indicator .000 BABF 2
Credit Indicator .000 CTOT 2
Credit Indicator .000 FASU 2
Credit Indicator .000 FBAB 2
Credit Indicator .000 FPSU 2
Credit Indicator .000 FTOP 2
Credit Indicator .000 MVAL 2
Credit Indicator .000 PTOT 2
Credit Indicator .000 TBTL 2
Credit Indicator .000 USDI 2
Credit Indicator .000 UTVA 2
Credit Indicator .000 UVLT 2
Credit Indicator .000 UVTT 2
Credit Indicator .000 VTVC 2
Credit Line Indicator 4.060 CRLI
Credit Line Indicator .000 PPAM 2
Credit Line Indicator .000 UCSI 2
Credit Line Indicator .000 UPSI 2
Credit Line Indicator .000 UVAT 2
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 78
Credit Line Indicator .000 UVLA 2
Credit Note Date 5.106 CRDT
Credit Note Number 5.036 CRNR
Credit Reason Description 4.015 CRRE 3
Credit Value (before VAT) 6.026 UCRV 1
Currency .000 QPER 5
Currency Indicator .000 CUIN
Current Price Schedule Reference .000 CPSC
Customer Card Number .000 PANN 1
Customer Classification RCAT
Customer Group EAN Number CUSL 1
Customer Group Location CUSL
Customer Group Name CUSN
Customer Price After Discount 6.130 ACPR
Customer Price Before Discount 6.120 BCPR
Customer Telephone Number CTEL
Customer's Address 3.032 CADD
Customer's Address Line 1 3.032 CADD 1
Customer's Address Line 2 3.032 CADD 2
Customer's Address Line 3 3.032 CADD 3
Customer's Address Line 4 3.032 CADD 4
Customer’s Allowance CALL
Customer's Code for Order Office 3.155 OLOC 2
Customer's Code for Transmission Re 3.024 ITRA 2
Customer's EAN Location Number 3.020 CIDN 1
Customer's EAN Location Number 3.000 CLOC 1
Customer's ID Allocated by Supplier 3.020 CIDN 2
Customer's Identity 3.020 CIDN
Customer's Instruction Number 5.610 INRF 1
Customer's Invoice Location Code 3.022 ILOC 2
Customer's Item Code 3.040 CPRO 2
Customer's Item Code 3.046 CPRS 2
Customer's Item Code 3.110 UCON 5
Customer's Item Code 3.100 CORI 5
Customer's Location 3.000 CLOC
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 79
Customer's Name 3.030 CNAM
Customer's Order Number 5.010 ORNO 1
Customer's Own Brand EAN Number 3.100 CORI 4
Customer's Own Brand EAN Number 3.040 CPRO 1
Customer's Own Brand EAN Number 3.046 CPRS 1
Customer’s Own Group Code CUSL 2
Customer's Own Location Code 3.000 CLOC 2
Customer's Own Location Code 3.029 CLOE 2
Customer's Own Location Code 3.028 CLOS 2
Customer's Post Code 3.032 CADD 5
Customer's Product Number 3.040 CPRO
Customer’s Reference REFF 2
Customer's Region Code 3.009 REGC
Customer's Statement Location Code 3.026 SLOC 2
Customer's Substituted Product Code 3.046 CPRS
Customer's VAT Registration Number 3.081 VATR
Customers Price List 5.660 PLND 2
Customer's Own Brand EAN Number 3.110 UCON 4
Customs Information CUDA
Customs Form Type Indicator CUDA 3
DUN-14 Code 3.110 UCON 3
DUN-14 Code for Traded Unit 3.070 SPRO 3
DUN-14 Code for the Traded Unit 3.076 SPRS 3
DUN-14 Code of Replaced Item. 3.100 CORI 3
Data Lines 10.517 STLD
Data Narrative Code 9.140 DNAC
Date Attributes DATT
Date Goods Delivered to Customer 5.050 PODN 2
Date Goods Uplifted from Customer 5.580 POUN 2
Date Instruction Recv'd by Supplier 5.610 INRF 4
Date Instruction Placed by Customer 5.610 INRF 3
Date Order Received by Supplier 5.010 ORNO 4
Date Order Placed by Customer 5.010 ORNO 3
Date Range 5.116 DARA
Date and Time of Transmission 1.040 TRDT
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 80
Date at End of Period 10.522 RTRS 4
Date of Bill Withdrawn .000 VDAA 2
Date of Delivery/Uplift Units 5.038 UPLN 2
Date of Document 5.040 DELN 2
Date of First Entry 10.522 RTRS 1
Date of Invoice 5.100 IVDT
Date of Message 5.310 MEDT 1
Date of Transmission 1.040 TRDT 1
Date of Change 5.113 DACH
Date Relating to Message 5.705 DATE
Daytime Number CTEL 1
Debit Line Indicator 04.065 DRLI
Debit Note Date 5.103 DNDT
Debit Note Number 5.033 DNNR
Deleted Issue Indicator 10.000 IDEL
Deliver To 3.012 DELT
Delivery Address Line 1 .000 DADD 1
Delivery Address Line 2 .000 DADD 2
Delivery Address Line 3 .000 DADD 3
Delivery Address Line 4 .000 DADD 4
Delivery Condition 4.200 DELC
Delivery Confirmation Action 4.390 DUAC 2
Delivery Indicators 4.420 DIND
Delivery Instruction Narrative 9.020 DINS
Delivery Instruction Number 5.560 DINN
Delivery Instructn Narrative Line 1 9.020 DINS 1
Delivery Instructn Narrative Line 2 9.020 DINS 2
Delivery Instructn Narrative Line 3 9.020 DINS 3
Delivery Instructn Narrative Line 4 9.020 DINS 4
Delivery Lead time 5.672 DLED
Delivery Note Details 5.040 DELN
Delivery Note Number 5.040 DELN 1
Delivery Period End Date 5.090 DVED
Delivery Post Code .000 DADD 5
Delivery Quantity 5.165 DELQ
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 81
Delivery Round Code CSOR 4
Delivery Volume 5.137 DEVL
Delivery Weights 5.135 DEWT
Delivery to Address .000 DADD
Delivery to Location .000 ELOC
Delivery to Name .000 DNAM
Delivery/Uplift Action 4.390 DUAC
Department .000 DEPT
Depot Code CSOR 3
Depot Code 4.330 DEPO
Depot Name CSOR 2
Design Description .000 DESN 2
Design Number .000 DESN 1
Design References .000 DESN
Despatch From 3.017 DESF
Despatch Location 3.150 DLOC
Direct to Customer Indicator DCUS
Discount Amount for Invoice Quanty. 6.060 QYDA
Discount Amount for Invoice Value 6.070 VLDA
Discount Applicability Dates 5.676 DAPD
Discount Percentage 6.100 DSCP
Discount Reclaimed for Credit Qty 6.066 QYCA
Discount Reclaimed for Credit Value 6.076 VLCA
Discount Type 4.231 DTYP
Discount Value 6.050 DSCV
Discount Value Graduations 5.678 DVGD
Dye Lot/Shade Order Number/Sort No. .000 LOTN
Dyeing Instructions .000 DYEI
Dyeing Instructions Line 1 .000 DYEI 1
Dyeing Instructions Line 2 .000 DYEI 2
Dyeing Instructions Line 3 .000 DYEI 3
Dyeing Instructions Line 4 .000 DYEI 4
EAN Article Number 11.003 YAGT 1
EAN Article Number 11.002 YSUP 1
EAN Location No of Dept/Person 3.120 METO 1
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 82
EAN Location Number 3.029 CLOE 1
EAN Location Number 3.028 CLOS 1
EAN Location Number .000 ELOC 1
EAN Location Number 11.005 FCUS 1
EAN Location Number 11.001 GSUP 1
EAN Location Number 3.022 ILOC 1
EAN Location Number 3.024 ITRA 1
EAN Location Number PARL 1
EAN Location Number PLOC 1
EAN Location Number .000 REPN 3
EAN Location Number 3.026 SLOC 1
EAN Location Number 3.152 TLOC 1
EAN-13 Article Number 11.009 QLTF 3
EAN-13 Article No for Unit of Trade 3.076 SPRS 1
EAN-13 Article No.for Unit of Trade 3.070 SPRO 1
EAN-13 Article Number .000 CCDE 2
EAN/ISSN Number .000 IDID
EFTPOS Transaction Type .000 EFTT
Earliest Delivery Date 5.060 EDAT
Earliest Time 5.075 RATM 1
Earliest Time RTHD 1
Earliest Uplift Date 5.620 EUDT
Electronic Transmission From/To 3.019 ETFT
End Customer's Location Identity 3.029 CLOE
End Date 5.676 DAPD 2
End Date 5.116 DARA 2
End Date DATT 3
End Date 5.674 PAPD 2
End Date .000 SUMO 2
End Date TRDD 3
End of Range PROD 3
End Time LUHR 2
End Time TIME 3
End Use of Fabric/Yarn .000 ENDU
EPOS Till Indicator EPTI
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 83
Evening Number CTEL 2
Exception Code 5.715 ECOD
Exception Text 9.205 ETXT
Expected Delivery Date 5.655 XDAT
Expiry Date .000 PANN 2
Extended Line Cost (before VAT) 6.030 LEXC
Extended Sub-Total Amount (after sd 7.060 ASDA
Extended Sub-Total Amount before sd 7.040 EVLA
Fax Number FAXN
File (Reel) Identification 2.040 FLID
File Creation Date 2.030 FLDT
File Generation Number 2.010 FLGN
File Sub-Total Amount (after sd) 7.100 VSDI
File Sub-Total Amount (before sd) 7.090 VSDE
File Sub-Total Payable (after sd) 7.130 VPSI
File Sub-Total Payable (before sd) 7.120 VPSE
File Tot No of Picking Instructions 4.350 FTPC
File Total Amount (after sd, no VAT 8.110 FASI
File Total Amount (before VAT & sd 8.100 FASE
File Total Balance Brought Forward .000 FBAB
File Total Balance Brought Forward .000 FBAB 1
File Total No of Report Messages 10.520 FTSR
File Total No. of Invoices/Credit 4.117 FTNI
File Total Number of Acknowlegments 4.400 FTAK
File Total Number of Adjustments 4.380 FTNA
File Total Number of Confirmations 4.320 FTCO
File Total Number of Debit Advices 8.330 FTND
File Total Number of Deliveries 4.112 FTDE
File Total Number of EFT Messages .000 FTEM
File Total Number of Hot Messages .000 FTNH
File Total Number of Orders 4.100 FTOR
File Total Number of Payment Msgs 8.305 FTNP
File Total Number of Snapshots 4.310 FTNS
File Total Number of Uplifts 4.370 FTUP
File Total Payable after sett disc 8.140 FPSI
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 84
File Total Payable before sett disc 8.130 FPSE
File Total VAT Amount 8.120 FVAT
File Total VAT for VAT Category .000 VTVC
File Total VAT for VAT Category .000 VTVC 1
File Total for VAT Cat (before VAT) .000 USDI
File Total for VAT Cat (before VAT) .000 USDI 1
File Total for VAT Category (incVAT .000 UPSI
File Total for VAT Category (incVAT .000 UPSI 1
File Total of Availability Reports 4.360 FTAR
File Total of Payment Details .000 FTOP
File Total of Payment Details .000 FTOP 1
File Total of Credit Advice Msgs 8.320 FTNC
File Total of Debit Advice Msgs 8.330 FTND 1
File Total of Exception Reports 8.310 FTNE
File VAT Sub-Total 7.110 VVAT
File Version Number 2.020 FLVN
Final Customer 11.005 FCUS
Finished Markings .000 MARK 2
Finished Quality 11.009 QLTF
Finished Quality Code 11.009 QLTF 1
Finished Quality Description 11.009 QLTF 2
Finished Quantity for Shade .000 TSHD 2
Finished Width in cms. .000 FWID
Finishing Instructions .000 FINI
Finishing Instructions Line 1 .000 FINI 1
Finishing Instructions Line 2 .000 FINI 2
Finishing Instructions Line 3 .000 FINI 3
Finishing Instructions Line 4 .000 FINI 4
First Attribute Code Table LATT 1
First Class Code/Value RCAT 2
First Level Sequence Number 4.141 SEQA
First Name MAMN 2
First Name MANA 2
First Name PROP 2
First Registered Application Code 9.130 RTEX 1
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 85
Fourth Attribute Code Table LATT 7
Fourth Class Code/Value RCAT 5
Fourth Level Sequence Number 4.144 SEQD
Fourth Registered Application Code 9.130 RTEX 7
Frequency of Publication .000 IDFE
Frequency/Schedule DATT 4
From 5.678 DVGD 1
From 6.685 PVGD 1
Full Title (Publisher) .000 IDFT
Fully SOR Indicator .000 IPFS
Garment Maker 11.004 GMAK
General Narrative 9.040 GNAR
General Narrative Line 1 9.040 GNAR 1
General Narrative Line 2 9.040 GNAR 2
General Narrative Line 3 9.040 GNAR 3
General Narrative Line 4 9.040 GNAR 4
Grade MGRD
Graduated Price 6.160 GRPR 1
Graduated Scale Price 6.160 GRPR
Graduation Type 4.432 GTYP
Grey Markings .000 MARK 1
Grey Quality 11.008 QLTG
Grey Quality Code 11.008 QLTG 1
Grey Quality Description 11.008 QLTG 2
Grey Width in cms 11.015 GWID
Grey Supplier 11.001 GSUP
Gross Length .000 ADLG 1
Gross Weight .000 ADWT 1
Gross Weight of Storage Medium .000 UGST
Gross Weight of Unit 5.230 UGWT
Growth Allowance 10.065 GRAL
Hash Total of Variable Measures 8.170 WTVT
Height of Storage Medium .000 UHST
Height of Unit 5.260 UHYT
Home Delivery Indicator HOMD
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 86
Hours 5.672 DLED 2
House Over File Total 10.030 HSFT
House Over Quantity 10.100 HSOQ
House Over Total 10.145 HSOT
ID of Transmission Recipient 1.030 UNTO
ID of Transmission Sender 1.020 FROM
Identifier 1.010 STDS 1
Identity Allocated by Customer 11.003 YAGT 2
Identity Allocated by Customer 11.005 FCUS 2
Identity Allocated by Customer 11.004 GMAK 2
Identity Allocated by Customer 11.001 GSUP 2
Indentity Allocated by Customer 11.002 YSUP 2
Initial Supply File Total 10.001 INFT
Initial Supply Quantity 10.070 INSQ
Initial Supply Total 10.115 INST
Installation Date .000 INSD
Instruction References 5.610 INRF
Invoice Location 3.022 ILOC
Invoice Number 5.030 INVN
Invoice Period End Date 5.080 IVED
Invoice System EAN Location Number 3.180 INLO 1
Invoice System Location Details 3.180 INLO
Invoice System Supplier's Own Code 3.180 INLO 2
Invoice To 3.013 INVT
Invoice To Address 3.175 IADD
Invoice To Address Line 1 3.175 IADD 1
Invoice To Address Line 2 3.175 IADD 2
Invoice To Address Line 3 3.175 IADD 3
Invoice To Address Line 4 3.175 IADD 4
Invoice Transmission Recipient 3.024 ITRA
Issue Number 10.055 ISNO
Issue Number .000 PANN 4
Issue Period To .000 IPTO
Issue Period from .000 IPFR
Item Group Identifier 4.070 IGPI
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 87
Journey Reference 5.510 JORF
Labels Per Package LPCK
Last Date for Order .000 ISOD
Last Issue Indicator .000 ILST
Latest Delivery Date 5.070 LDAT
Latest Time 5.075 RATM 2
Latest Time RTHD 2
Latest Uplift Date 5.625 LUDT
Layers Per Pallet 5.220 LPAL
Length of Storage Medium .000 ULST
Length of Unit 5.240 ULTH
Level Code 3.092 LEVC 1
Level References 3.092 LEVC
Line Document Amount Payable 6.180 LIDA
Line Document Date 5.055 LIDR 2
Line Document Discount Taken 6.210 LIDD
Line Document Number 5.055 LIDR 1
Line Document Reference 5.055 LIDR
Line Document Total (Exc. VAT & sd. 6.190 LIDT
Line Document VAT 6.200 LIDV
Lines Acknowledged 4.395 LACK
Lines Confirmed 4.093 LCON
Lines Delivered 4.095 LDEL
Lines Ordered 4.090 LORD
Lines Sub-Total (before sett. disc. 7.030 LVLA
Lines Total Amount (before sett dis 8.010 LVLT
Lines Uplifted 4.097 LUPL
Location Activity Indicator 10.525 LOCA
Location Address 3.004 LADD
Location Address Line 1 3.004 LADD 1
Location Address Line 2 3.004 LADD 2
Location Address Line 3 3.004 LADD 3
Location Address Line 4 3.004 LADD 4
Location Attributes LATT
Location Code LOCO
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 88
Location Name 3.002 LNAM
Location Post Code 3.004 LADD 5
Location Telephone Number 3.006 LTEL
Location Telex Number 3.007 LTLX
Location Values/Measurements LVAL
Lot & Shade Details Ordered .000 NLSD
Lot & Shade Line Details Ordered .000 NLLD
Lunch Hour LUHR
Manager/Contact MANA
Manufacturer's EAN-13 Article Numbr 3.100 CORI 1
Manufacturer's EAN-13 Article No. 3.110 UCON 1
Manufacturer's Recom. Selling Price 6.140 SPRI 1
Manufacturers recommended selling 6.141 MSPR 1
Marked Price 6.141 MSPR 3
Marked Price 6.140 SPRI 2
Marked Price 6.141 MSPR 2
Markings .000 MARK
Master File Total No. of Hot Card .000 FTNM
Maximum Ordering Value 5.675 MOVL 2
Maximum Ordering quantity 5.670 MOQY 2
Maximum Storage Temperature 5.290 TMAX
Measure LVAL 3
Measure From .000 PQGD 2
Measure Indicator .000 AQTY 3
Measure Indicator 5.410 CLSK 3
Measure Indicator 5.165 DELQ 3
Measure Indicator 5.677 DQGD 3
Measure Indicator 5.677 DQGD 6
Measure Indicator LVAL 4
Measure Indicator 5.670 MOQY 4
Measure Indicator 5.140 OQTY 3
Measure Indicator 6.010 OUCT 2
Measure Indicator .000 PQGD 6
Measure Indicator 5.190 QADJ 3
Measure Indicator .000 QPER 3
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 89
Measure Indicator 5.194 QPRO 3
Measure Indicator 5.180 QTYC 3
Measure Indicator 5.150 QTYI 3
Measure Indicator 5.192 QTYP 3
Measure Indicator 5.175 QTYR 3
Measure Indicator 5.170 QUTF 3
Measure Indicator 5.595 RQTY 3
Measure Indicator 5.185 SQTY 3
Measure Indicator 6.026 UCRV 2
Measure Indicator 5.120 UNOR 3
Measure Indicator 5.167 UPLQ 3
Measure Indicator .000 XQTY 3
Measure Indicator 6.020 AUCT 2
Measure Indicator .000 PQGD 3
Measure of Weight WGHT 1
Message Date and Time 5.310 MEDT
Message Reference 1.090 MSRF
Message To 3.120 METO
Message Total .000 TVTP
Meter Location .000 MLOC
Meter Number .000 MTNR
Meter Sub-address MSAD
Method .000 AUTT 1
Minimum Ordering Value 5.675 MOVL 1
Minimum Ordering Quantity 5.670 MOQY 1
Minimum Storage Temperature 5.280 TMIN
Mixed VAT Rate Product Indicator 4.028 MIXI
Modifier Category .000 MCAT
Modifier Code .000 MCDE
Modifier Value .000 MVAL
Modifier Value .000 MVAL 1
Monthly Charge Deferred Value .000 MCDV
Multiple Newsagent MUNE
Name 1.020 FROM 2
Name 1.030 UNTO 2
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 90
Name of Agent 11.003 YAGT 3
Name of Carrier 9.060 SCAR
Name of Company to be Invoiced .000 INAM
Name of Department or Person 3.120 METO 3
Name of Final Customer 11.005 FCUS 3
Name of Garment Maker 11.004 GMAK 3
Name of Grey Supplier 11.001 GSUP 3
Name of Yarn Supplier 11.002 YSUP 3
National Federation Member Indicator NAFE
Nature of Hot Card .000 NOHC
Negative Indicator .000 CONA 3
Negative Indicator .000 CONB 3
Negative Indicator .000 CONS 3
Negative Indicator .000 NUCT 3
Negotiated Min Remaining Shelf Life 5.300 NMRS
Net Credit Value (before VAT) 6.036 EXLV
Net Length .000 ADLG 2
Net Price 6.683 SBPR 2
Net Price 6.684 STPR 2
Net Sale File Total 10.015 NTFT
Net Sale Quantity 10.085 NTSQ
Net Sales Total 10.130 NTST
Net Weight .000 ADWT 3
News Force Member Indicator NEFO
New Status 4.222 NSTA
Nominated Delivery Day CSOR 5
Number of Availability Reports 4.280 NOPA
Number of Closing Stock Order Units 5.410 CLSK 1
Number of Customer Locations NOCR
Number of Days .000 PAYY 1
Number of Days' VAT .000 NDVT
Number of Delivery or Uplift Units 5.130 NODU
Number of Ends/Panels Making Up Uni .000 NOEP
Number of Finished Units .000 ADUN 2
Number of Interchange Messages .000 TINT
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 91
Number of Item Lines 4.110 NRIL
Number of Lines Picked in Order 4.270 NOPP 1
Number of Location Records NOLO
Number of Location Records 4.118 NOLR
Number of Locations Reported 10.519 STLN
Number of Locations for Delivery 4.340 LOCD
Number of Messages in Batch 4.116 NOLI
Number of Messages in Transmission 1.120 NMST
Number of Order Units 5.170 QUTF 1
Number of Order Units Produced 5.194 QPRO 1
Number of Periods in a Base Cycle 10.522 RTRS 5
Number of Product Lines Picked for 4.270 NOPP
Number of Product References 4.114 NOPR
Number of Products Reported 10.518 STPT
Number of Report Segments per Row 10.522 RTRS 3
Number of Segments in Message 1.110 NOSG
Number of Text Segments 8.240 NOTX
Number of Total Segments .000 NCST
Number of Total Segments 4.120 NSTL
Number of Total Segments 4.120 NSTL 1
Number of Traded Units Adjusted 5.190 QADJ 1
Number of Traded Units Credited 5.180 QTYC 1
Number of Traded Units Expected .000 XQTY 1
Number of Traded Units Held 5.185 SQTY 1
Number of Traded Units Invoiced 5.150 QTYI 1
Number of Traded Units Ordered 5.140 OQTY 1
Number of Traded Units Required 5.595 RQTY 1
Number of Traded Units Returned 5.175 QTYR 1
Number of Traded Units in Delivery 5.165 DELQ 1
Number of Traded Units in Uplift 5.167 UPLQ 1
Number of Traded Units Required .000 AQTY 1
Number of Traded Units to be Picked 5.192 QTYP 1
Number of Units .000 ADUN 1
Number of Units Outstanding .000 ADUN 3
Number of Units Short/Over .000 ADUN 4
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 92
Number of Units for Charge Type .000 NUCT
Numeric VAT Registration Number 3.080 VATN 1
Numeric VAT Registration Number 3.081 VATR 1
Official On Sale Date .000 IRON
Order Classification 5.020 CLAS
Order Code 4.020 ORCD
Order From 3.010 ORDF
Order Group Number OGNO
Order Measure 5.120 UNOR 2
Order Number and Date 5.010 ORNO
Order Office Address 3.160 OOAD
Order Office Address Line 1 3.160 OOAD 1
Order Office Address Line 2 3.160 OOAD 2
Order Office Address Line 3 3.160 OOAD 3
Order Office Address Line 4 3.160 OOAD 4
Order Office EAN Location Number 3.155 OLOC 1
Order Office Location 3.155 OLOC
Ordering Measure 5.670 MOQY 3
Ordering Multiple 5.670 MOQY 5
Ordering Quantity 5.670 MOQY
Ordering Unit Cost 6.010 OUCT
Ordering Value 5.675 MOVL
Originator's Transaction Reference .000 EFTS 2
Outstanding Balance 5.650 OUBA
Outstanding Balance 5.650 OUBA 1
Overall Composition 11.011 COMP 1
Own Location Code .000 ELOC 2
Pack/Bundle Size .000 UNOM 1
Package Identification Number .000 PKID
Package Identification Number 1 .000 PKID 1
Package Identification Number 2 .000 PKID 2
Package Identification Number 3 .000 PKID 3
Package Narrative .000 PNAR
Package Narrative Line 1 .000 PNAR 1
Package Narrative Line 2 .000 PNAR 2
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 93
Package Narrative Line 3 .000 PNAR 3
Package Narrative Line 4 .000 PNAR 4
Packages per Unit PITM
Packing Instructions .000 PACI
Packing Instructions Line 1 .000 PACI 1
Packing Instructions Line 2 .000 PACI 2
Packing Instructions Line 3 .000 PACI 3
Packing Instructions Line 4 .000 PACI 4
Parent Location PARL
Part Price including VAT .000 IRVT
Part or Full Advice .000 PORF
Payable Sub-Total (before sett disc 7.070 APSE
Payable Sub-Total Amount (after s/d 7.080 APSI
Payment Amount .000 PPAM
Payment Amount .000 PPAM 1
Payment Date .000 PADT
Payment Date 5.630 PAYD 1
Payment Date and Terms 5.630 PAYD
Payment Method 4.500 PAYM
Payment To 3.018 PMNT
Percentage Qualifying for Zero Rate .000 PNDP
Period End Date 10.521 REFP 3
Period Reference 10.521 REFP
Picking Sheet Reference Number 5.430 PREF
Post Code 3.175 IADD 5
Post Code 3.160 OOAD 5
Premises Reference of Previous Bill .000 VDAA 5
Present Read Date .000 PRDT
Present Reading .000 PRRD 1
Previous Bill Date .000 PBID
Previous Lot Number .000 LOTP
Previous Read Date .000 PVDT
Previous Reading .000 PRRD 3
Previous Shade Reference .000 SHAD 5
Price Applicability Dates 5.674 PAPD
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 94
Price List Number 5.660 PLND
Price Scale Description 6.160 GRPR 2
Price per Unit .000 CPPU
Primary Account Details .000 PANN
Primary Location PLOC
Primary Reference 6.300 PRRF
Primary Reference 6.300 PRRF 2
Primary Trading Hours PTHR
Print/Screen Number .000 DESN 3
Processing Date .000 DATP
Product .000 ORDP
Product Group Number 5.565 PGPN
Product Group Sequence Number 5.570 PGSN
Product Profile .000 PRPF
Product Range Attributes PROD
Product Range Code PROD 1
Product Status 4.426 PRST
Product Weight WGHT
Promotional Code .000 IPPC
Promotional Reference .000 IPPR
Promotional Text .000 IPPT
Proof of Delivery Details 5.050 PODN
Proof of Delivery Number 5.050 PODN 1
Proof of Uplift Details 5.580 POUN
Proof of Uplift Number 5.580 POUN 1
Proprietor PROP
Publisher's Issue Reference .000 IDPI
Publisher's Recall Date .000 IRER
Publisher's Title Reference .000 IDPM
Pulisher's ID for House .000 IPAC
Purchase Count .000 PVTP 2
Purchase Value .000 PVTP 1
Quantity Adjusted 5.190 QADJ
Quantity Credited 5.180 QTYC
Quantity Data .000 QPER
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 95
Quantity Expected .000 XQTY
Quantity Graduations 5.677 DQGD
Quantity Graduations .000 PQGD
Quantity Held 5.185 SQTY
Quantity Invoiced 5.150 QTYI
Quantity Ordered 5.140 OQTY
Quantity Produced 5.194 QPRO
Quantity Required 5.595 RQTY
Quantity Returned 5.175 QTYR
Quantity To Follow or Cancelled 5.170 QUTF
Quantity to be Picked 5.192 QTYP
Reading Data .000 PRRD
Reading Period .000 NDRP
Reason Code REAS
Reason for Adjustment 4.019 RADJ
Reason for Credit 4.015 CRRE
Reason for Lower/Zero VAT Rate RFLV
Reason for Rejection RCOD
Reason for Return .000 RFRT
Reason for Return Line 1 .000 RFRT 1
Reason for Return Line 2 .000 RFRT 2
Reason for Variance 4.390 DUAC 1
Receipt Number .000 EFTS 1
Recipient's EAN Location Number 3.130 REID 1
Recipient’s Identification for the Location PARL 3
Recipient’s Identification of the Location PLOC 3
Recipient's Identity 3.130 REID
Recipient's Own Identity Code 3.130 REID 2
Recipient's Transmission Reference 1.060 RCRF
Refund Count .000 RVTP 2
Refund Value .000 RVTP 1
Regional Availability 9.110 REGA
Registered Text 9.130 RTEX
Rejection Code RCOD 1
Rejection Comment RCOD 2
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 96
Related Message Indicator 6.300 PRRF 1
Rental Period 10.502 REPE
Repeat Supply File Total 10.005 RPFT
Repeat Supply Quantity 10.075 RPSQ
Repeat Supply Total 10.120 RPST
Repeat of Original Content 9.200 AEXC 2
Report Function Indicator 10.506 REPU
Report Period Base 10.522 RTRS 2
Report Period End Date 5.094 RPED
Report Period Number 10.521 REFP 2
Report Period Start Date 5.092 RPSD
Report Time Rules 10.522 RTRS
Report Type 10.505 REPT
Reporting Group 5.673 SRPR 1
Reporting Sequence 5.673 SRPR 2
Requested Date for Home Delivery RDHD
Requested Time for Home Delivery RTHD
Required Arrival Time 5.075 RATM
Required Delivery Date 5.590 RDAT
Retailer Batch Control Details .000 REPN
Retailer Reference .000 EFTS
Return Lot Type .000 RETL
Returnable Storage Medium Indicator .000 RSTI
Return Address RADD
Return Address Line 1 RADD 1
Return Address Line 2 RADD 2
Return Address Line 3 RADD 3
Return Address Line 4 RADD 4
Return Address Post Code RADD 5
Returns Method 10.000 ICRM
STX Receiver Reconciliation Field .000 RSGB
STX SNRF Reconciliation Field .000 RSGA
Sales or Return Allowance (copies) 10.000 IPAQ
Sample Reference .000 SAMP
Season End Date SEAE
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 97
Season Start Date SEAS
Second Attribute Code Table LATT 3
Second Class Code/Value RCAT 3
Second Level Sequence Number 4.142 SEQB
Second Registered Application Code 9.130 RTEX 3
Secondary Reference Number .000 SREF
Selling Price CUDA 1
Selling Price 6.140 SPRI
Selling on price 6.141 MSPR
Sender's EAN Location Number 3.140 SEID 1
Sender's Identity 3.140 SEID
Sender's Own Identity Code 3.140 SEID 2
Sender’s Own Location Number PLOC 2
Sender’s Own Location Number for Parent Location PARL 2
Sender's Transmission Reference 1.050 SNRF
Serial Shipping Container Code .000 SESH
Service Classification .000 BSCC
Service Code 4.505 SVID 1
Service Identity 4.505 SVID
Settlement Code .000 PAYY 3
Settlement Discount Percentage 5.630 PAYD 2
Settlement Discount Percentage .000 PAYY 2
Settlement Discount Totals 6.260 SETC
Settlement Terms .000 PAYY
Shade Classification .000 SHAD 4
Shade Description .000 SHAD 2
Shade Number .000 SHAD 1
Shade Reference .000 SHAD 3
Shade References .000 SHAD
Short Title (Publisher) .000 IDST
Size Details .000 SIZE
Size Measurement 1 .000 SIZE 2
Size Measurement 2 .000 SIZE 3
Size of Product .000 SIZE 1
Snapshot Category Code 4.300 SSCC
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 98
Snapshot Reference Number 5.500 SSRN
Specialist Data 1 SPEC 2
Specialist Data 2 SPEC 3
Specialist Information SPEC
Specialist Information Length SPEC 1
Special Price Indicator 4.040 PIND
Specification Number 5.550 SCRF 1
Specification/Contract References 5.550 SCRF
Split Box Price 6.683 SBPR
Split Delivery Indicator 4.425 SDIN
Split Pack Price 6.141 MSPR 4
Standard Price 6.684 STPR
Start Customer's Location Identity 3.028 CLOS
Start Date 5.676 DAPD 1
Start Date 5.116 DARA 1
Start Date DATT 2
Start Date .000 PANN 3
Start Date 5.674 PAPD 1
Start Date .000 SUMO 1
Start Date TRDD 2
Starting Price 6.683 SBPR 1
Starting Price 6.684 STPR 1
Start of Range PROD 2
Start Time LUHR 1
Start Time TIME 2
Statement Location 3.026 SLOC
Statement Remittance Amount Payable 6.220 SRAP
Statement To 3.014 STAT
Statement/Remittance Discount Total 6.250 SDCD
Statement/Remittance Document Total 6.230 SRDT
Statement/Remittance Line Code 4.035 LINE
Statement/Remittance Line Count 4.108 SRLC
Statement/Remittance VAT Totals 6.240 SRVT
Statutory Retail Selling Price 6.150 SRSP
Stock Adjustment Date 5.425 SAJD
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 99
Stock Adjustment Reference Number 5.420 SAJN
Stock Lines in this Adjustment 4.250 SLAJ
Stock Lines in this Snapshot 4.240 SLSN
Stock Status Code 4.220 SSTC
Storage Information 9.100 STOI
Storage Medium Code .000 SMCO
Structure Code STRC
Style Code/Quality Prefix 11.020 STYL
Sub-address Code MSAD 1
Sub-address Line 1 MSAD 2
Sub Post Office Indicator SUPO
Sub-Total of Credited Measure 8.200 WTCV
Sub-Total Quantity 8.150 QTYG
Sub-Total Settlement Disc. Amount 7.050 SEDA
Sub-Total Subsidy 7.055 SSUB
Sub-Total of Invoiced Measure 8.160 WTVG
Subsidy Amount 7.015 SUBA
Substitution Indicator 4.420 DIND 1
Summary Period 10.521 REFP 1
Supplementary Code .000 IBCS
Supplier Code .000 CCDE 3
Supplier's Address 3.062 SADD
Supplier's Address Line 1 3.062 SADD 1
Supplier's Address Line 2 3.062 SADD 2
Supplier's Address Line 3 3.062 SADD 3
Supplier's Address Line 4 3.062 SADD 4
Supplier’s Code for Group CUSL 3
Supplier's Code for Replaced Item 3.100 CORI 2
Supplier's Code for Retail Outlet .000 REPN 4
Supplier's Code for Unit Contained 3.110 UCON 2
Supplier's Code for the Traded Unit 3.070 SPRO 2
Supplier's Code for the Traded Unit 3.076 SPRS 2
Supplier’s Credit Claim Number SURF
Supplier's Despatch EAN Location No 3.150 DLOC 1
Supplier's EAN Location Number 3.050 SIDN 1
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 100
Supplier's EAN for Designated C.U. 3.090 SACU
Supplier's EAN for Substituted C.U. 3.096 SACS
Supplier's ID Allocated by Customer 3.050 SIDN 2
Supplier's ID .000 ELOC 3
Supplier's ID of Customer's Locn. 3.000 CLOC 3
Supplier's Identification of Locn. 3.029 CLOE 3
Supplier's Identification of Locatn 3.028 CLOS 3
Supplier's Identity 3.050 SIDN
Supplier's Instruction Number 5.610 INRF 2
Supplier's Name 3.060 SNAM
Supplier's Name 3.060 SNAM 1
Supplier's Network Identity Code 3.200 SNIC
Supplier's Order Number 5.010 ORNO 2
Supplier's Own Location Code 3.150 DLOC 2
Supplier's Own Location Code 3.152 TLOC 2
Supplier's Post Code 3.062 SADD 5
Supplier’s Processing Date SUPD
Supplier's Product Number 3.070 SPRO
Supplier’s Reference REFF 1
Supplier's Region Code 3.201 REGS
Supplier's Substituted Product No. 3.076 SPRS
Supplier's VAT Registration Number 3.080 VATN
Suppliers Price List 5.660 PLND 1
Suppliers Reporting Reference 5.673 SRPR
Supply Period .000 SUMO
Surcharge Amount 7.010 SURA
Surname MAMN 3
Surname MANA 3
Surname PROP 3
Syntax Rules Identifier 1.010 STDS
TOS Supply File Total 10.010 TSFT
TOS Supply Quantity 10.080 TSSQ
TOS Supply Total 10.125 TSST
Tare Weight .000 ADWT 2
Tariff Code .000 TCOD
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 101
Tariff Code Modifier .000 TMOD
Tariff Code Modifier 1 .000 TMOD 1
Tariff Code Modifier 2 .000 TMOD 2
Tariff Code Modifier 3 .000 TMOD 3
Tariff Code Modifier 4 .000 TMOD 4
Tax-point Date 5.110 TXDT
Temporarily Not Available Code 3.094 TNAC
Terms of Payment 9.050 PAYT
Text 9.120 TEXT
Third Attribute Code Table LATT 5
Third Class Code/Value RCAT 4
Third Level Sequence Number 4.143 SEQC
Third Registered Application Code 9.130 RTEX 5
Time Attributes TIME
Time Closed PTHR 2
Time of Message 5.310 MEDT 2
Time of Transmission 1.040 TRDT 2
Time Open PTHR 1
Title MAMN 1
Title MANA 1
Title PROP 1
Title of Person 3.120 METO 2
To 5.678 DVGD 2
To 6.685 PVGD 2
To Follow Acceptability 3.016 TFAC
To Follow Indicator 4.050 TFIN
Tolerance Quantity for Shade .000 TSHD 5
Tolerance Weight for Shade .000 TSHD 6
Total Amount (after settlement disc 8.050 ASDT
Total Balance Uncoloured .000 TDYE 4
Total Bill Amount Payable .000 TBTL
Total Bill Amount Payable .000 TBTL 1
Total CAKDET Messages TCAK
Total Charge Before VAT .000 UVLA 1
Total Charge Before VAT .000 UVLT 1
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 102
Total Charge for Charge Type .000 CTOT
Total Charge for Charge Type .000 CTOT 1
Total Charge for Premises before VAT .000 UVLT
Total Charge for VAT Cat inc VAT .000 UCSI
Total Charge for VAT Cat before VAT .000 UVLA
Total Charge including VAT .000 UCSI 1
Total CLO Lines TCLO
Total Closing Stock 8.250 TCSK
Total Copies Claimed TCCL
Total Copies Claimed TCPC
Total Copies Claimed TTCL
Total Copies Rejected TCRJ
Total Copies Rejected TREJ
Total Delivery Quantity 8.195 TODQ
Total Disc Reclaimed for Credit Qty 6.086 QYCT
Total Disc Reclaimed for Credit Val 6.096 VLCT
Total Discount Amount for Invc. Qty 6.080 QYDT
Total Discount Amount for Invc. Val 6.090 VLDT
Total Extended Amount (before sd) 8.030 EVLT
Total Financial Units .000 QPER 4
Total Goods Weight 5.135 DEWT 2
Total Goods Weight 5.640 UPWT 2
Total Measure 5.170 QUTF 2
Total Measure .000 UGST 1
Total Measure 5.230 UGWT 1
Total Measure .000 UHST 1
Total Measure 5.260 UHYT 1
Total Measure .000 ULST 1
Total Measure 5.240 ULTH 1
Total Measure 5.270 UVOL 1
Total Measure .000 UVST 1
Total Measure 5.250 UWDT 1
Total Measure .000 UWST 1
Total Measure Adjusted 5.190 QADJ 2
Total Measure Advised .000 AQTY 2
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 103
Total Measure Credited 5.180 QTYC 2
Total Measure Expected .000 XQTY 2
Total Measure From 5.677 DQGD 2
Total Measure Held 5.185 SQTY 2
Total Measure Invoiced 5.150 QTYI 2
Total Measure Ordered 5.140 OQTY 2
Total Measure Produced this period 5.194 QPRO 2
Total Measure Required 5.595 RQTY 2
Total Measure Returned 5.175 QTYR 2
Total Measure To 5.677 DQGD 5
Total Measure To .000 PQGD 5
Total Measure of Closing Stock 5.410 CLSK 2
Total Measure of Delivery 5.165 DELQ 2
Total Measure to be Picked 5.192 QTYP 2
Total Net Length Ordered .000 TDYE 3
Total Net Length Ordered for Shade .000 TSHD 4
Total Net Value .000 TVTP 1
Total Net Weight Ordered .000 TDYE 2
Total Net Weight Ordered for Shade .000 TSHD 3
Total No. of Claims Lines TLCL
Total No. of Item Lines/Claims .000 TCMS
Total Number of Claims References for House TCRC
Total Number of Issues .000 ISTO
Total Number of Order Units 8.090 QTYT
Total Number of Rejected Messages .000 REJJ
Total Number of Rejection Lines RDTL
Total Payable (after sett discount) 8.080 TPSI
Total Payable (before sett discount 8.070 TPSE
Total Purchase .000 PVTP
Total Quantity Acknowledged 8.290 QACK
Total Quantity Adjusted 8.270 TQAJ
Total Quantity Ordered 8.180 QORD
Total Quantity Produced 8.260 TOQP
Total Quantity Returned 8.185 TQRT
Total Quantity in Snapshot 8.280 QSNP
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 104
Total Refund .000 RVTP
Total Settlement Discount Amount 8.040 SEDT
Total Subsidy Amount 8.215 TSUB
Total Surcharge Amount 8.020 SURT
Total Traded Units .000 QPER 1
Total Units Ordered .000 TDYE 1
Total Uplift Measure 5.167 UPLQ 2
Total Uplift Quantity 8.197 QUPL
Total VAT Amount Payable 8.060 TVAT
Total Value of Credit Advice Msgs 8.325 TVLC
Total Value of Debit Advice Msgs 8.335 TVLD
Total Value of EFT Messages .000 TVLE
Total Value of Payment Messages 8.315 TVLP
Total Variable Units .000 QPER 2
Total of Credited Measure 8.210 WTCT
Total of Details Lines 8.220 TOTL
Total of File Value 8.230 TOTV
Total of Payment Details .000 PTOT
Total of Payment Details .000 PTOT 1
Total Units Ordered for Shade .000 TSHD 1
Totals for Shade Order .000 TSHD
Totals of Dye Order .000 TDYE
Trade Claim Quantity 10.090 TCMQ
Trade Claims File Total 10.020 TCFT
Trade Claims Total 10.135 TCMT
Traded Unit Description 9.030 TDES
Traded Unit Description Line 1 9.030 TDES 1
Traded Unit Description Line 2 9.030 TDES 2
Traded Unit Quantity per Layer 5.210 ULAY
Traded Unit Quantity per Storage Md 5.200 UPAL
Traded Units From 5.677 DQGD 1
Traded Units From .000 PQGD 1
Traded Units To 5.677 DQGD 4
Traded Units To .000 PQGD 4
Trading Day .000 TDAY
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 105
Trading Day TRAT
Trading Day TRDD 1
Trading End Date TRDE
Trading Partner's Own Code 4.015 CRRE 2
Trading Start Date TRDS
Trading Times TRDD
Transaction Amount .000 AMPA 1
Transaction Code 4.010 TCDE
Transaction Count .000 TVTP 2
Transaction Date .000 TDAT
Transaction Date .000 TDAT 1
Transaction Planning Status 4.415 TPST
Transaction Source .000 TSCR
Transaction Time .000 TDAT 2
Transaction Type 9.010 TTYP
Transfer Date TRND
Transmission Priority Code 1.080 PRCD
Transshipment Location 3.152 TLOC
Type .000 OTYP
Type .000 PRRD 2
Type .000 PRRD 4
Type 1.100 TYPE 1
Type of Change 9.070 TYPC
Type of Change 9.070 TYPC 1
Type of Message 1.100 TYPE
Type of Outlet Code 3.008 OUTY
Type of Package .000 PACK
Type of Package Number 1 .000 PACK 1
Type of Package Number 2 .000 PACK 2
Type of Package Number 3 .000 PACK 3
Type of Packaging 9.090 TPKG
Type of Product or Sub Product .000 PTYP
Type of Retailer TYRE
Type of Service CSOR 1
Unit Cost Price exc VAT before disc 6.040 BUCT
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 106
Unit Credit Value (before VAT) 6.026 UCRV
Unit Credit Value before Disc & VAT .000 UCRB
Unit of Length .000 UNOM 2
Unit of Measure .000 CLVM 2
Unit of Measure .000 CONA 2
Unit of Measure .000 CONB 2
Unit of Measure .000 CONS 2
Unit of Measure .000 NUCT 2
Unit of Measure .000 UGST 2
Unit of Measure 5.230 UGWT 2
Unit of Measure .000 UHST 2
Unit of Measure 5.260 UHYT 2
Unit of Measure .000 ULST 2
Unit of Measure 5.240 ULTH 2
Unit of Measure 5.270 UVOL 2
Unit of Measure .000 UVST 2
Unit of Measure 5.250 UWDT 2
Unit of Measure .000 UWST 2
Unit of Ordering 5.120 UNOR
Unit of Sales Configuration UOSC
Unit of Weight .000 UNOM 3
Units Billed .000 NUCT 1
Units Consumed .000 CONA 1
Units Consumed .000 CONB 1
Units Consumed .000 CONS 1
Units of Measure .000 UNOM
Unofficial on Sale Date .000 IRUO
Update Type .000 UDAT
Uplift Condition 4.225 UPLC
Uplift Instruction Narrative 9.025 UINS
Uplift Instruction Narrative Line 1 9.025 UINS 1
Uplift Instruction Narrative Line 2 9.025 UINS 2
Uplift Instruction Narrative Line 3 9.025 UINS 3
Uplift Instruction Narrative Line 4 9.025 UINS 4
Uplift Note Details 5.038 UPLN
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 107
Uplift Note Number 5.038 UPLN 1
Uplift Quantity 5.167 UPLQ
Uplift Volume 5.645 UPVL
Uplift Weights 5.640 UPWT
User Code 4.505 SVID 2
Utility Classification Code .000 CODE
VAT - Type of Supply 4.025 TSUP
VAT Amount Payable .000 UVTT
VAT Amount Payable .000 UVTT 1
VAT Amount Payable 7.020 VATA
VAT Declaration Code .000 VDAA 1
VAT Declaration for Amended Account .000 VDAA
VAT Rate Category Code 4.030 VATC
VAT Rate Percentage 6.110 VATP
VAT Total Amount on Bill Withdrawn .000 VDAA 3
Value LVAL 2
Value Graduation 6.685 PVGD
Value/Measurement Code LVAL 1
Van Over File Total 10.035 VNFT
Van Over Quantity 10.105 VNOQ
Van Over Total 10.150 VNOT
Variable Measure Indicator 5.275 VRMI
Variant Details 4.410 VRDT
Variant Price 6.170 VAPR
Variant Price After Discount 6.170 VAPR 2
Variant Price Before Discount 6.170 VAPR 1
Variant Type Code 4.405 VTCO
Vehicle Tare Weight 5.135 DEWT 1
Vehicle Tare Weight 5.640 UPWT 1
Version 1.010 STDS 2
Version Number 1.100 TYPE 2
Volume of Storage Medium .000 UVST
Volume of Unit 5.270 UVOL
Warp 11.011 COMP 2
Weft 11.011 COMP 3
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section B Page 108
Weight Indicator WGTH 2
Weight Outstanding .000 ADWT 4
Weight Short/Over .000 ADWT 5
Wholesaler's ID for House .000 IWAC
Width of Storage Medium .000 UWST
Width of Unit 5.250 UWDT
Working Days 5.672 DLED 1
Yarn Agent 11.003 YAGT
Yarn Count 11.012 YNCT
Yarn Supplier 11.002 YSUP
Year Number 10.060 YRNO
Year of Publication .000 IDYP
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section C Page 1
Page No.
Name Cat.Ref. Ident. Sub-Element
April 1995 Section C Page 2
This lists all segments (with the exception of the Standard Segments - STX, END, MHD
and MTR) in alphabetical sequence of their three letter abbreviated identifiers. It shows the
standard messages in which they are used. (See Annex A of this volume for more details
on the Data Narrative Segments DNA, DNB, DNC and RNB).
Those marked * are used in industry-specific messages only.
Code Description Used in Message(s)
April 1995 Section C Page 3
ACD Audit Control Details INVFIL
ACO* Additional Contacts DYEINS
ADJ Additional Adjustment UTLBIL
ADT Adjustment File Totals SADTLR
ADV* Advice References DYEINS
AFT Availability File Trailer AVLTLR
AGD Advice of Goods Despatched ACKMNT
ALD Acknowledgement Line Details ACKMNT
AOR Acknowledgement References ACKMNT
APD Amount Payable CRAINF, PAYINF,
AQD Expected Delivery Details ACKMNT
ARF Availability Report Reference AVLDET
ATR Availability Trailer AVLDET
AUT Authentication Result CRAINF, PAYINF,
AVD Availability Line Details AVLDET
AVL* Availability PVUINF
BBL* Bibliographic Elements (2) PVUINF
BCD Bill Control Data UTLBIL
BDS* Book Dimensions PVUINF
BIB* Bibliographic Elements (1) BTOERS
BTL Bill Trailer UTLBIL
CBK Customer's Bank Details CRAINF, PAYINF,
CCD Consumption/Charge Details UTLBIL
CCN* Customer Name RDADET
CDA Contract Data UTLBIL
CFS* Claims File Summary CLASMY
CFT Customer Information File Totals CUSTLR
CGL* Retail Group Code RDADET
CIA Complex Invoice Line Adjustments INVOIC
CLD Credit Note Line Details CREDIT
CLO Customer's Location CUSINF, ORDERS, INVOIC,
CLP Customer Location References PRIINF
Code Description Used in Message(s)
April 1995 Section C Page 4
CLR Customer's Location References PRIINF
CLT* Claims Total Sub Trailer CLAIMS
CMD* Claims Line Detail CLAIMS
CMR* Claims Reference CLAIMS
COD Complex Order Line Details CORDER
COT Confirmation File Totals UCNTLR, DLCTLR
CPT Communicating Partners GENHDR
CRC* Claims Reference Confirmation CAKDET
CRF Credit Note References CREDIT
CRT* Claims Reference Trailer CAKDET
CST VAT Rate Credit Sub Trailer CREDIT
CTL* Claims Acknowledgement File Trailer CAKTLR
CTR Credit Trailer CREDIT
CUD* Customer Description RDADET
DCD Delivery Confirmation Details DLCDET
DCT Delivery Confirmation Trailer DLCDET
DEF Deferred Charges UTLBIL
DEL Delivery References DELIVR
DFT Delivery File Totals DELTLR
DIN Delivery Instructions ORDERS, PICKER, CORDER
DLD Delivery Line Details DELIVR
DLS Delivery Line Supplementary Data DELIVR
DNS Delivery Note Supplementary Data DELIVR
DOC Message Rejected INTDET
DSC Discount Data Header PRIINF
DSD Discount Data Details PRIINF
DST Delivery Status DLCDET
DTA* Outlet Specific Details SORDET
DTR Delivery Trailer DELIVR
EXC Exception Condition(s) EXCINF
FCT* File Claims Total CLATLR
Code Description Used in Message(s)
April 1995 Section C Page 5
FTR* Totals of Accepted/Rejected Claims CAKTLR
GFT General Communications File Totals GENTLR
HCT* House Claims Trailer CLAIMS
HFT Hot Card File Totals HOTDET
HRT* House Trailer CAKDET
HSL* Homeshopping Line Information HSODET
HSO* Homeshopping Order Information HSODET
IAC Interchange Acknowledgement INTDET
ILD Invoice Line Details INVOIC
ILO* Invoice Location DYEINS
INS* Instruction References DYEINS
IPD* Issue Price Details ISSDET
IPE* Issue VAT Details ISSDET
IPR* Issue Period Details ISSUES
IRF Invoice References INVOIC
ISC* Issue Claims Period ISSDET
ISD* Issue/Publication Details ISSDET
ISP* Issue Promotional Details Per House ISSDET
ISR* Issue Retail Sales Details ISSDET
IST* Total No. of Issues ISSTOT
ITD Invoice to Details CORDER
ITO* Instruction File Totals DYETLR
ITR* Instruction Trailer DYEINS
KFT Acknowledgement File Totals ACKTLR
KTR Acknowledgement Trailer ACKMNT
LDE Location Details LOCINF
LDT* Customer Location Details RDBDET
LFT Location Planning Report File Totals LPRTLR
LLD* Lot and Shade Line DYEINS
LMI Miscellaneous Information CUSINF
LOC* Customer Group Location RDBDET
LOT Location Information File Totals LOCTLR
LSD* Lot and Shade Details DYEINS
LTY Location Type CUSINF
MED Message Details GENRAL
MLT* Multi-volume/Part (2) PVUINF
MOD Charge Modifiers UTLBIL
MUL* Multi-volume/Part (1) BTOERS
NAM Location Name and Address CUSINF
NBG Retailer Batch Control EFTDET
NHD Data Record HOTDET
NIN Nature of Information LOCINF
NOH Nature of Hot Card HOTDET
NOI Nature of Information CUSINF, PROINF, PRIINF
NTP Transaction Details EFTDET
ODD Order and Delivery References INVOIC, DLCDET
Code Description Used in Message(s)
April 1995 Section C Page 6
OFT Order File Totals ORDTLR, CORTLR
OIR Original Invoice References CREDIT
OLD Order Line Details ORDERS
OOL Order Office Location CORDER
ORF Order References - Deliveries DELIVR
PAT Planned Availability Trailer AVLDET
PBL* Publisher/Distributor (2) PVUINF
PDN Product Details PPRDET
PDS Product Details LPRDET, PVUINF*
PDT Product File Totals PROTLR
PFT Picking File Totals PICTRL
PIC Picking Instructions PICKER
PID Pallet Identity DELIVR
PLD Picking Line Details PICKER
PLO Outlet Details PPRDET
PLR Price List References PRIHDR, PVUHDR*
PPT Product Planning Report File Totals PPRTLR
PRD Product Description PROINF, PRIINF
PRI Price Data Header PRIINF
PRL Primary Location LOCINF
PRN Product References PROINF, PRIINF
PRP Price Data Details PRIINF
PRT Price File Totals PRITLR
PRU Product Dimension PROINF
PRV Payment Received UTLBIL
PTR Picking Trailer PICKER
PUB* Publisher/Distributor (1) BTOERS
PVD Product Variant Details CORDER
PVT* Price/Availability File Totals PVUTLR
PYC Payment Details SRMINF
QLT* Quality Details DYEINS
RCD Returns Confirmation Details DLCDET, UCNDET
RCN* Customer Contact RDBDET
RDE* Customer Description RDBDET
RDQ Required Delivery Dates CORDER
RDT* Rejection Details CAKDET
REF Account Reference Number UTLHDR
REJ Number of Rejected Messages INTDET
RET* Retail Location Totals RDATLR, RDBTLR
RFD Report References Data PPRDET, LPRDET
RML* Multiple Chain RDBDET
RPR* Retail Price PVUINF
RSN* Claim Reject Reason CAKDET
Code Description Used in Message(s)
April 1995 Section C Page 7
RST Statement/Remittance File Totals SRMTLR
RTH* Retail Trading Hours RDBDET
SAD Stock Adjustment Details SADDET
SAR Stock Adjustment Reference SADDET
SAT Stock Adjustment Trailer SADDET
SBK Supplier's Bank Details CRAINF, PAYINF,
SFC Time Base Control Totals PPRDET, LPRDET
SFL Planning Report Trailer PPRDET, LPRDET
SFP Planning Report Data PPRDET, LPRDET
SFR Planning Report Rules PPRDET, LPRDET
SFS Function Report Data PPRDET, LPRDET
SFX Functional Data Time Base Control PPRDET, LPRDET
SLD Stock Line Details SNPSTS
SLO Outlet Location Details LPRDET
SNT Snapshot File Totals SNPTLR
SOR* Sales & Returns File Totals SORTLR
SPD Standard Product Data PRIINF
SPI* Specific Product Identity or Date SORDET
SRD Statement/Remittance Line Details SRMINF
SRF Stock Reference SNPSTS
SRT Statement/Remittance Message Totals SRMINF
SSR Shapshot Reference SNPSTS
SST Shapshot Trailer SNPSTS
STD Storage Details PROINF
STH* Shop Trading Hours RDADET
STL VAT Rate Invoice Sub Trailer INVOIC
STT Statement To CUSINF
TCM Credit Advice Message File Totals CRATLR
TDM Debit Advice Message File Totals DRATLR
TEM Exception Condition Message File Totals EXCTLR
THM Hot Card Totals HOTTLR
TIN Number of Interchange Messages INTTLR
TLR Invoice Trailer INVOIC
TPM Payment Message File Totals PAYTLR
TRA Transmission To CUSINF
TRC* Claims Trailer CLAIMS
TRT Transaction Totals EFTTLR
TTL Utility Bill File Totals UTLTLR
Code Description Used in Message(s)
April 1995 Section C Page 8
TYP Transaction Type Details ALL HEADER MESSAGES
UCD Uplift Confirmation Details UCNDET
UCT Uplift Confirmation Trailer UCNDET
UDD Uplift References UCNDET
UFT Uplift File Totals UPLTLR
ULD Uplift Line Details UPLIFT
UPL Uplift Note References UPLIFT
UPS Uplift Note Supplementary Data UPLIFT
URF Uplift Instruction References UPLIFT
UST Uplift Status UCNDET
UTR Uplift Trailer UPLIFT
VAT Value Added Tax UTLBIL
April 1995 Section D Page 1
Page No.
April 1995 Section D Page 2
Much of the data which can be exchanged electronically in TRADACOMS standard
messages is sent in coded form. This minimises the amount of data to be sent in each
transmission and facilitates automatic processing.
The permissible code values are given in the following lists. Trading partners should set
up the relevant code lists for the data elements they require in look-up tables on their
computer systems.
If any user needs additional code values to be added to any of these lists they should
apply in writing to the ANA.
April 1995 Section D Page 3
There is a Standard Code Values List for each data element or sub-element which can be
sent in coded form. The lists are numbered as shown below:
List Data Element/Sub-Element
1 - Transmission Priority Code PRCD
2 - Transaction Code TCDE
3 - Transaction Type TTYP
4 - Measure Indicator Sub-element
5 - Special Price Indicator PIND
6 - Order Classification CLAS
7 - Order Code ORCD
8 - To Follow Indicator TFIN
9 - Credit Line Indicator CRLI
10 - Item Group Identifier IGPI
11 - Cash Settlement Discount Identifier CSDI
12 - VAT Rate Category Code VATC
13 - Reason for Credit Code CRRE
14 - VAT Type of Supply Code TSUP
15 - Statement/Remittance Line Code LINE
16 - Application Reference Abbreviations APRF
17 - Reason for Variance Code REVR
18 - Stock Status Code SSTC
19 - Stock Snapshot Category Code SSCC
20 - Reason for Adjustment Code RADJ
21 - Delivery/Uplift Condition Codes DELC/UPLC
22 - Data Narrative Code DNAC
23 - Reserved Code List DNAC
24 - Registered Text Code RTEX
25 - Transaction Planning Status TPST
26 - Delivery/Uplift Action Details DUAC
27 - Report Period Base RTRS
28 - Location Activity Indicator LOCA
29 - Report Function Indicator REPU
30 - Storage Medium Code SMCO
31 - Currency Code CUIN
32 - Discount Type DTYP
33 - Reason for Rejection Code RCOD
34 - House Acknowledgements Code ACDE
35 - Authorisation Method AUTT
36 - Retailer Batch Control Details REPN
37 - Update Type UDAT
38 - Nature of Hot Card NOHC
39 - Transaction Source TSCR
40 - EFT Transaction Type EFTT
41 - Utility Classification Code CODE
42 - Bill Type Code BTCD
43 - Consumption/Charge Indicator CCDE
April 1995 Section D Page 4
44 - Reading Data Type PRRD
45 - Action Code ACTN
46 - Reason Code REAS
47 - Function/Type Indicator FUNC
48 - Date Attribute Code DATT
49 - Frequency/Schedule DATT
50 - Time Attribute Code TIME
51 - Location Attribute Code LATT
52 - Value/Measurement Code LVAL
53 - Type of Chnage TYPC
April 1995 Section D Page 5
ANA Standard Code Values - List 1
Appears in the Transmission Header Segment STX
A = Urgent
B = Normal
C = Low
April 1995 Section D Page 6
ANA Standard Code Values - List 2
Appears in all file header messages, in segments TYP
Complete transmissions of the master files shown below (eg Product and Price Information
Files) contain the full details of the database file, with type of change (TYPC) given as
REPORT. Update transmissions will contain only parts of the master file, where details have
changed since the last transmission. The type of change will be ADD, AMEND or DELETE.
PROHDR: First message of the Product Information File, File Format 1
0100 - Complete transmission of Product Information File with products chained
0101 - Update transmission of Product Information File with products chained together
0102 - Complete transmission of Product Information File with products linked together
in a hierarchy
0103 - Update transmission of Product Information File with products linked together
in a hierarchy
PRIHDR: First message of the Price Information File, File Format 2
0150 - Complete transmission of Price Information File
0151 - Update transmission of Price Information File
CUSHDR: First message of the Customer Information File, File Format 3
0200 - Complete transmission of Customer Information File
0201 - Update transmission of Customer Information File
LOCHDR: First message of the Location Information File, File Format 24
0205 - Complete transmission of Location Information File
0206 - Update transmission of Location Information File
RDBHDR: First message of the Retailer Standing Database File, File Format 109
0210 - Complete transmission of Retailer Standing Database File
0206 - Update transmission of Retailer Standing Database File
RDAHDR: First message of the Retailer Database Report File, File Format 110
0215 - Complete transmission of Retailer Database Report
0216 - Update transmission of Retailer Database Report
April 1995 Section D Page 7
ORDHDR & CORHDR: First messages of the Order File (File Format 4) and the Complex
Order File (File Format 17), respectively. Also used in the Book Trade Order (File Format 103)
in message BTOHDR and the Homeshopping Order (File Format 105) in message HSOHDR.
0350 - Proposed Orders - planned orders which will subsequently be confirmed.
Usually sent to help a supplier plan production.
0355 - Order for goods on approval/inspection - order for goods which may be returned
after a period of inspection without being invoiced
0360 - Exceptions to Proposed Orders - changes to a previously sent proposed order,
which could be made either by the customer or the supplier
0365 - Planning Orders - follow Proposed Orders and will subsequently be confirmed
by the customer. Used to show all lines with details of quantities required and
delivery locations. Intended to give a firm basis for the supplier to plan
production and supplies.
0400 - Cancelled Orders - used to cancel outstanding orders. These may originate
either from the customer, when their requirements have changed, or the supplier
if they cannot meet the order
0405 - Confirmation of Cancelled Orders - confirms that outstanding orders have been
cancelled within the sender's system
0410 - Export Order - order placed on UK supplier for delivery overseas
0420 - Standing Order - an order for regular supplies, valid over a long term
0430 - New Orders - new order for goods and/or services
0435 - Order for retained approval goods - retrospective order to cover goods already
received on approval/inspection when these are being retained
0440 - Order Amendment - contains changes to an outstanding order, such as quantities,
prices and delivery dates. To minimise transmission costs, only send the details
for the products which have been amended. Use transaction codes 0475 for re-
scheduled orders or transaction code 0485 for additional lines. Note that order
amendments can rarely be processed automatically.
0445 - Order Chaser - used to chase delivery of an outstanding order
0450 - Copy Orders - a copy of an order previously sent by EDI or other media.
0460 - Confirmation of Order by Ordering Company - used for example when an order
is placed by telephone or fax
0470 - Mixed Order Types - the file contains a mixture of different types of order. Each
order should be processed according to the Order Code given in ORD ORCD.
0475 - Re-Scheduled Orders - used to change the delivery date of an order or order line.
Only the lines which have been re-sheduled need be sent
0480 - Call-Off Orders - request for delivery against a contract, blanket or standing
0485 - Addition to Existing Orders, Existing Requirements Unchanged - additional
lines to be added to an outstanding order. Only the new lines need be sent
0490 - Order Commitment - a contract to supply, not an instruction to deliver
HOTHDR: First message of the Hot Card File, File Format 27
0500 - Complete transmission of Hot Card File
0501 - Update transmission of Hot Card File
April 1995 Section D Page 8
DELHDR: First message of the Delivery Notification File, File Format 6
0600 - Delivery - a notification of delivery against an order, containing details of all the
lines on the order. Normally produced by the supplier once goods have been
picked for that order
0610 - Consignment Note - sent by the supplier to the carrier to control the movement
of a consignment through the distribution network to the customer
0620 - Instruction to Deliver - a request for a delivery to be made
0630 - Planned Delivery - used to report the status of a future delivery
0640 - Delivery Adjustment - a notification of changes to a delivery, used when
amendments are made or requested after a proposed delivery or request to
deliver has been sent
0650 - Balance - used to notify details of a part delivery when balances are accepted.
Only includes those lines which are being delivered, not all the lines on the
order, some of which may already have been received.
0660 - Proposed Delivery - advance notice of an impending delivery
0695 - Warehouse Receipt - notification that goods have been received at a warehouse
Many goods are distributed on pallets, which may come from a different supplier to the goods,
and which need to be controlled. Normally empty pallets are exchanged for full pallets to
ensure the continued supply of goods.
6001 - Pallet Exchange Note - notification that pallets have been, or are to be
exchanged. These may be either full or empty pallets. Used when different
types of pallet movements are being recorded (ie mixed file type).
6002 - Pallet Control Voucher - control document issued when goods have been
delivered on pallets and no empty pallets were available for exchange.
6003 - Pallet Issue Note - notification that fresh pallets have been, or are to be issued.
May also be used when goods on pallets have been recalled.
6004 - Pallet Return Note - notification that pallets have been, or are to be returned
6005 - Pallet Transfer Note - record of, or request for transfer of pallets
6006 - Pallet Query Note - request for information on the status of pallet movements.
Used when no empty pallets or control vouchers were received.
6007 - Pallet Return Advice Note - notification that returns have been made
6008 - Pallet Ex Factory Movement - record of pallet transfers out of a factory. Pallets
may be empty or full.
6009 - Pallet Collection Request - request for pallets to be collected/uplifted
6010 - Load Collection Request - request for goods to be collected/uplifted
DLCHDR: First message of the Delivery Confirmation File, File Format 7
0670 - Confirmation of Delivery - confirms the goods and quantities which have been
delivered at a location
0680 - Confirmation of Despatch - confirms the goods and quantities which have been
despatched to a location
0690 - Confirmation of Delivery Status Report - confirms the status of a delivery in
preparation or transit
6000 - Equipment Movement Confirmation - confirms the transfer of an item of
April 1995 Section D Page 9
INVFIL: First message of the Invoice File, File Format 8
0700 - Invoices Only - commercial document (sales invoice) issued by a supplier to a
customer listing the goods or services supplied and stating the sum of money
due. For ease of reconciliation it is recommended that one invoice relates to one
order and/or one delivery. Contains tax details where applicable.
0701 - Self Billed Invoices - commercial invoice raised by the customer based on the
order placed, delivery received and the contract of supply
0702 - Retrospective Self-Billed Invoice - commercial invoice raised by the customer
0705 - Factored Invoice - commercial invoice sent by a supplier to a factor who will be
receiving the payment from the customer
0707 - Assigned Debt Invoice. Used by sellers to send an invoice file via EDI to the
buyers advising them that the debt has been assigned to the factoring company
0709 - Copy Invoice - not for VAT purposes. Raised when copies of an invoice
document are sent from one party to another by EDI for information purposes
only. The original invoice may have been sent by EDI or on paper.
CLAHDR: First message of the Claims File, File Format 100
0710 - Credit Claims (Newstrade) - claim for credit against unsold copies of a
newspaper or magazine
0711 - Sales Report - not final claim for credit. Report of sales of newpspaers and
UTLHDR: First message of the Utility Bill File, File Format 26
0715 - Utility Bill - commercial invoice for metered services. Contains tax details
where applicable.
0716 - Copy Bill - not for VAT purposes. Copy of a utility bill previously sent by EDI
or other means. For information purposes only.
0717 - Utility Credit Note - credit notes only
CREHDR: First message of the Credit Note File, File Format 9
0720 - Debit Notes Only - notification of a sum or sums owing, raised by the debtor
(customer). Trading partners should agree whether this will conatin VAT
details, or whether the supplier will subsequently raise a Credit Note as the VAT
0740 - Credit Notes Only - notification of a sum or sums to be credited. Usually sent by
a supplier to a customer
0741 - Self Billed Credit Notes - a credit note raised by the customer based on
information already known
0742 - Retrospective Self-Billed Credit Note - credit note raised by the customer
0749 - Copy Credit Note - not for VAT purposes. Copy of a credit note sent by EDI or
other means for information only
April 1995 Section D Page 10
EFTHDR: First message of the Electronic Funds Transaction File, File Format 28
0810 - Electronic Funds Transaction
SRMHDR: First message of the Statement/Remittance File, File Format 10
0820 - Statement Details Only - list of credits and debits with the outstanding balance,
sent either as a report or to request payment from the customer by the supplier
0830 - Remittance Details Only - details of the items against which a payment is being
made. Sent by the payer to the payee.
UPLHDR: First message of the Uplift Instruction File, File Format 11
0900 - Uplift Notification - notification of a an uplift (collection) of goods which is
being, or has been made
0910 - Planned Uplift - advance notification of an uplift (collection) of goods which is
to be made
UNCHDR: First message of the Uplift Confirmation File, File Format 12
0920 - Uplift Confirmation - confirmation of the items and quantities which are being,
or have been, uplifted
0930 - Confirmation of Uplift Status Report - report of the status of an uplift
(collection) which is being, or is due to be, made
PICHDR: First message of the Picking List File, File Format 5
1000 - Picking Instructions Only - instructions on what to pick for an order or delivery
1010 - Picking Instructions Amendments - change to a picking instruction
AVLHDR: First message of the Availability Report, File Format 15
2000 - Availability Report Only - report of actual or planned stock availability
SNPHDR: First message of the Stock Snapshot File, File Format 13
2100 - Stock Snapshot Only - report of current stock holdings, usually sent by the
stockholder to a supplier
SADHDR: First message of the Stock Adjustment File, File Format 14
2200 - Stock Adjustment Only - notification of adjustments to stock holdings, usually
sent by a third party stockholder (eg a carrier) to the owner of the stock
PPRHDR: First message of the Product Planning Report File, File Format 19
2300 - Product Planning Report - planning report on products held at different locations
LPRHDR: First message of the Location Planning Report File, File Format 25
April 1995 Section D Page 11
2305 - Location Planning Report - planning report for locations holding various
ACKHDR: First message of the Acknowledgement of Order File, File Format 18
3100 - Acknowledement that an Order has been received, with no further reference to
the original purchase order line details
3110 - Acknowledgement that an Order, with line details as shown, has been received,
with no reference as to whether or not the supplier can meets its requirements
3120 - Acknowledgement, including expected delivery, for ALL lines ordered.
3130 - Acknowledgement, including expected delivery, for SOME lines ordered. The
recipient must assume the remaining lines will be, or have been, acknowledged
separately. (Not used by EDICUG)
3140 - Acknowledgement providing expected delivery information ONLY for those
lines where the Supplier cannot meet the requested delivery date(s). It is
assumed that the lines not included will be delivered as requested. (Not used by
3145 - Acknowledgement of order not able to be supplied. Query outstanding on
customer account. No reference is made to the order line details
3150 - Acknowledgement changing details which have previously been advised, eg.
change in Date, Quantity, Price, etc. All details for a line must be shown,
including those which have not changed
3160 - Acknowledgement category NOT defined. Will be used where the supplier's
system does not have inbuilt indicators
3170 - Acknowledgement that a request to cancel an order has been received and
actioned. No reference is made to the orde line details. (Not used by EDICUG)
CAKHDR: First message of the Claims Acknowledgement File, File Format 107
3200 - Claims Acknowledgement (Newstrade) - response to a claim for credit,
indicating which claims have been accepted or rejected
PAYHDR: First message of the Payment Order File, File Format 20
0835 - Payment Order - instruction on a bank to make a payment to a third party
DRAHDR: First message of the Debit Advice File, File Format 21
0840 - Debit Advice - notification given by the bank to the payer to confirm that a
payment has been, or will be, taken from their account
CRAHDR: First message of the Credit Advice File, File Format 22
0845 - Credit Advice - notification given by the bank to the payee that a credit payment
has been, or will be, made to their account
EXCHDR: First message of the Exception Condition File, File Format 23
April 1995 Section D Page 12
0850 - Exception - report from the bank to the payer that a problem has been identified
with a payment
ISSUES: First message of the Issues File, File Format 101
9000 - Issues (Newstrade) - master file showing details of the current issues of a
magazine or newspaper, with selling restrictions
SORHDR: First message of the Supply and Returns File, File Format 106
9005 - Supply and Returns (Newstrade) - report of the number of copies of an issued
newspaper or magazine which have been sold or remain unsold
DYEHDR: First message of the Dye Instruction File, File Format 102
9010 - Dye Order - order for special textile dying and finishing operations
9011 - Return Dye Instruction - accompanies the returned dyed and finished items
PVUHDR: First message of the Price and Availability Updates File, File Format 108
9020 - Complete transmission of Price and Availability Update File
9021 - Update transmission of Price and Availability Update File
April 1995 Section D Page 13
ANA Standard Code Values - List 3
Appears in some file header messages, in segment TYP, but not necessary for new users.
Where no code value is given in this list for a particular file header message, the TTYP element
in that file may be omitted from the message. There will always be a Transaction Code from
List 2 in TCDE.
COMPLETE-PRO _ Complete Product Information File (TCDE 0100 and 0102)
UPDATE-PRO - Update to existing Product Information File (TCDE 0101 and
COMPLETE-PRI - Complete Price Information File (TCDE 0150)
UPDATE-PRI - Update to existing Price Information File (TCDE 0151)
COMPLETE-CUS - Complete Customer Information File (TCDE 0200)
UPDATE-CUS - Update to existing Customer Information File (TCDE 0201)
PROP-ORDERS - Proposed Orders (TCDE 0350)
EXCEPT-ORDER - Exception to Proposed Orders (TCDE 0360)
CANCEL-ORDER - Cancelled Orders (TCDE 0400)
NEW-ORDERS - New Orders (TCDE 0430)
CONF-ORDERS - Confirmation of Order by Ordering Company (TCDE 0460)
DELIVERIES - Delivery Notification (TCDE 0600)
DELIVERY-ADJ - Delivery Adjustments (TCDE 0640)
DA - Instruction to Deliver; Delivery to Customer (used with TCDE
DB - Instruction to Deliver; Internal Company Movement Out (used
with TCDE 0620)
DC - Instruction to Deliver; Returns to Client
(used with TCDE 0620)
DD - Proposed Delivery; Receipt from Supplier
(used with TCDE 0660)
DE - Proposed Delivery; Internal Company Movement In (used with
TCDE 0660)
PEN-NOTE - Pallet Exchange Note (TCDE 6001)
PCV-NOTE - Pallet Control Voucher (TCDE 6002)
ISS-NOTE - Pallet Issue Note (TCDE 6003)
April 1995 Section D Page 14
RET-NOTE - Pallet Return Note (TCDE 6004)
TRF-NOTE - Pallet Transfer Note (TCDE 6005)
QNE-NOTE - Pallet Query Note (TCDE 6006)
RAN-NOTE - Pallet Return Advice Note (TCDE 6007)
XFM-NOTE - Pallet Ex Factory Movement (TCDE 6008)
PCR-NOTE - Pallet Collection Request (TCDE 6009)
WHRECEIPT - Warehouse Receipt (TCDE 0695)
CONF-DELIV - Confirmation of Delivery (TCDE 0670)
CONF-DESP - Confirmation of Despatch (TCDE 0680)
CONF-STATUS - Confirmation of Delivery Status Report (TCDE 0690)
EMC - Equipment Movement Confirmation (TCDE 6000)
INVOICES - Invoices Only (TCDE 0700)
ASS-INV - Assigned Debt Invoice (TCDE 0707)
DEBIT-NOTES - Debit Notes Only (TCDE 0720)
CREDIT-NOTES - Credit Notes Only (TCDE 0740)
STATEMENT - Statement Details Only (TCDE 0820)
REMITTANCE - Remittance Details Only (TCDE 0830)
PAYORD - Payment Order (TCDE 0835)
DLADV - Debit Advice (TCDE 0840)
CREADV - Credit Advice (TCDE 0845)
EXCEPTION - Exception Conditions (TCDE 0850)
April 1995 Section D Page 15
ANA Standard Code Values - List 4
1 = 1 consumer units
100 = 100 consumer units
1000 = 1000 consumer units
M = Metre
CM = Centimetre
MM = Millimetre
M2 = Square Metre
DM2 = Square Decimetre
CM2 = Square Centimetre
M3 = Cubic Metre
CM3 = Cubic Centimetre
L = Litre
DL = Decilitre
ML = Millilitre
T = Tonne
KG = Kilogramme
HG = Hectogramme
G = Gramme
MG = Milligramme
SEC = Second
MIN = Minute
HUR = Hour
DAY = Day
WEE = Week
MON = Month
QAN = Quarter Year
SAN = Half Year
ANN = Year
KSG = Kilosegment (64,000 bytes)
MJ = Mega Joule (106 Joules)
GJ = Giga Joule (109 Joules)
TJ = Tera Joule (1012 Joules)
HMJ = Hundred Mega Joules
April 1995 Section D Page 16
KVA = Kilovolt-ampere
KVR = Kilovar (reactive power)
KWH = Kilowatt-hour
BTU = British Thermal Unit
THM = Therm
YD = Yard
FT = Foot
IN = Inch
SQYD = Square Yard
SQFT = Square Foot
SQIN = Square Inch
CUIN = Cubic Inch
CUFT = Cubic Foot
HH = Hundred Cubic Feet
FC = Thousand Cubic Feet
GAL = Gallon
QT = Quart
PT = Pint
FLOZ = Fluid Ounce
CWT = Hundredweight
QR = Quarter
LB = Pound
OZ = Ounce
GR = Grain
ZZ = Undefined - only used in intermediate stages of a calculation
NB These abbreviations are those authorised for trade use by the Weights and Measures
(Marking of Goods and Abbreviations of Units) Regulations 1975.
Legislation is being introduced to phase out the use of imperial units following the 1989
Units of Measurement Directive 89/617/EEC. This will lead to amendments to the
Weights and Measures Act 1985 and the Units of Measurement Regulations 1986.
Certain exemptions will apply in the UK, but metric units are recommended for use in
Users requiring additional Units of Measure should refer to the United Nations Trade
Data Element Directory (1987 edition), section 5.6; Codes for Units of Measurement
used in International Trade.
April 1995 Section D Page 17
ANA Standard Code Values - List 5
Appears in DELIVR, INVOIC, CORDER and ORDERS messages, in segments DLS, ILD,
COD and OLD.
F = Free
P = Promotion
ANA Standard Code Values - List 6
Appears in ORDERS, PICKER and CORDER messages, in segment ORD.
The default order classification (when no code is required) is a customer order.
C = Campaign
E = Easter
N = New Release
R = Request (special customer order for items not usually stocked)
S = Stock (replenishment order)
X = Christmas
April 1995 Section D Page 18
ANA Standard Code Values - List 7
Appears in ORDERS, PICKER and CORDER messages, in segment ORD. Used where the
order file contains mixed order types (TCDE = 0470).
P = Proposed Order
E = Exception to Proposed Order
C = Cancelled Order
N = New Order
A = Order Amendment
R = Re-Scheduled Order
F = Confirmation Order
O = Call Off Order
K = Confirmation of Cancelled Order
X = Addition to Existing Order
T = Order Commitment
H = Order for Retained Approval Goods
S = Order for Goods on Approval or Inspection
B = Branch Delivery Order
D = Home Delivery Order
L = Lines Cancelled in Amended Order
G = Standing Order
W = Order Chaser
ANA Standard Code Values - List 8
Appears in DELIVR, CORDER and ORDERS messages, in segments DLS, COD and OLD.
T = To follow
N = Not to follow
April 1995 Section D Page 19
ANA Standard Code Values - List 9
CRLI appears in DELIVR and INVOIC messages, in segments DLS and ILD. DRLI appears in
the CREDIT message in segment CLD.
R = Returns
H = Handling Allowance
ANA Standard Code Values - List 10
Appears in INVOIC message, in segment ILD.
G = Group
I = Item
ANA Standard Code Values - List 11
Appears in INVOIC message, in segment ILD
D = Item line eligible for cash settlement discount
N = Item line not eligible for cash settlement discount
If lines normally attract a cash settlement discount the identifier may be omitted and will be
taken as eligible by default.
April 1995 Section D Page 20
ANA Standard Code Values - List 12
segments CLD, CST, ILD, STL, PRD, VRS, VAT and VTS.
S = Standard rate
T = Standard rated free goods, VAT charged
V = Standard rated free goods, VAT not charged
Z = Zero rate
X = Exemption from VAT
H = Higher rate
J = Higher rated free goods, VAT charged
K = Higher rated free goods, VAT not charged
E = Export item
F = Free export item, VAT charged
G = Free export item, VAT not charged
I = Import item
O = Services outside the scope of VAT
A = Mixed VAT rate item
R = Reconciliation - Invoice raised for VAT only
N = Input Tax paid but not reclaimable
L = Lower rate
For Insurance Industry:
C = Original VAT liability on copy invoices sent to Insurers - VATP would be as
charged by the repairer/supplier. Applicable when policy holder is VAT
P = Credit Line payments which will be due to the Policy Holder or Insurer to settle -
always deducted from the invoice value.
D = Insurance Premium Tax
April 1995 Section D Page 21
ANA Standard Code Values - List 13
Appears in CREDIT message, segment CLD, element CRRE.
01 - Excess quantity ordered
02 - Order duplicated
03 - Product ordered in error
04 - Product not approved
05 - Substitute product not accepted
06 - Delivery instruction error
07 - Delivery address error
08 - Damage in transit
09 - Loss in transit
10 - Delivery refused - appointment
11 - Delivery refused - late
12 - Delivery refused - other reasons
13 - Split order deliveries not accepted
14 - Promotional discount error
15 - Settlement discount error
16 - Trade discount error
17 - Trade price error
18 - VAT rate error
19 - Extension error
20 - Damage on premises
21 - Out of date
22 - Surplus to requirements
23 - Sale or return
24 - Superceded product
25 - Deteriorated product
26 - Advertising allowance
27 - Promotion allowance
28 - Rebate
29 - Retrospective discount
30 - Coupon redemption
31 - Returnable containers
32 - Goods used for demonstrations
33 - Free goods charged in error
34 - Agreed settlement
35 - Equipment rental
36 - Concession
37 - Third party delivery
38 - Short delivery
39 - Incorrect product delivered
April 1995 Section D Page 22
ANA Standard Code Values - List 14
Appears in INVOIC message, segment ILD.
A - Ordinary sale
B - Hire purchase, conditional sale, credit sale or similar loan
C - Loan
D - Exchange
E - Hire, lease or rental
F - Process (making goods from someone else's materials)
G - Sales on Commission (eg. by an Auctioneer)
H - Sale or Return, or similar terms
These codes are defined by HM Customs and Excise. If the transaction is an ordinary sale
(HMCE Code A) the data element may be omitted.
ANA Standard Code Values - List 15
Appears in SRMINF message, segment SRD.
01 - Credit Balance Brought Forward
02 - Debit Balance Brought Forward
03 - Credit Balance Carried Forward
04 - Debit Balance Carried Forward
05 - Invoice
06 - Credit Note
07 - Debit Note
08 - On-Account Payment
09 - Deposit
10 - Direct Debit Notification
11 - Payment
12 - Invoice Cancellation
13 - Credit Note Cancellation
14 - Debit Note Cancellation
15 - Rebate
16 - Rebate Cancellation
17 - Debit Journal
18 - Credit Journal
19 - Cash Payment (Debit)
20 - Cash Payment (Credit)
21 - Settlement Discount Payment (Debit)
22 - Settlement Discount Payment (Credit)
April 1995 Section D Page 23
ANA Standard Code Values - List 16
May be used in the STX segment which heads the transmission file
Live Status Files
PROHDR = Product Information File
PRIHDR = Price Information File
CUSHDR = Customer Information File
ORDHDR = Order File
PICHDR = Picking Instructions File
DELHDR = Delivery Notification File
DLCHDR = Delivery Confirmation File
INVFIL = Invoice File
CREHDR = Credit Note File
SRMHDR = Statement/Remittance Details File
UPLHDR = Uplift Instruction File
UCNHDR = Uplift Confirmation File
SNPHDR = Stock Snapshot File
SADHDR = Stock Adjustment File
AVLHDR = Availability Report
GENHDR = General Communications File
CORHDR = Complex Order
ACKHDR = Acknowledgement of Order
PPRHDR = Product Planning Report File
PAYHDR = Payment Order File
DRAHDR = Debit Advice File
CRAHDR = Credit Advice File
EXCHDR = Exception Condition File
LPRHDR = Location Planning Report file
UTLHDR = Utility Bill File
HOTHDR = Hot Card File
EFTHDR = Electronic Funds Transaction File
INTHDR = Interchange Acknowledgement File
CLAHDR = Claims File
ISSUES = Issues File
DYEHDR = Dye Instruction File
BTOHDR = Book Order File
HSOHDR = Homeshopping Order File
SORHDR = Supply and Return File
CAKHDR = Claims Acknowledgement File
PVUHDR = Price and Availability Updates File
Test Status Files:
Abbreviations for test status files are as above, but with the last three letters of the abbreviation
replaced by 'TES' eg. PROTES, PRITES, INVTES, etc.
April 1995 Section D Page 24
ANA Standard Code Values - List 17
Appears in DLCDET and UCNDET messages
A = Out of Stock
B = Goods not Loaded
C = Refused Delivery
D = Damaged Goods
E = Driver Short Delivered
F = Discontinued Line
G = Customer Closed
H = Drivers Hours Regulations
J = Cash Unavailable
K = Cancelled by Salesman
L = Cancelled by Head Office
M = Over Substitution
N = Over Delivery of Product Ordered
P = Cancelled Before Delivery
Q = Product Delivered Not Ordered
R = Overstocked
S = Not Required
T = Not Ordered
U = Return of Empty Containers
V = Late Delivery
W = Refused on Re-Delivery
X = Other Reasons
Y = Nationally Out of Stock
Z = Substitute Product
AA = Confirmation of No Variance
AB = Faulty Goods
April 1995 Section D Page 25
ANA Standard Code Values - List 18
segments DCD, DLD, RCD, SAD, SLD, UCD and ULD.
1 = Prime
2 = Damaged
3 = Out of Date
4 = Quarantined
5 = Written Off
ANA Standard Code Values - List 19
Appears in SNPSTS message, segment SSR
01 = Below Re-order Level
02 = Available Stock
03 = Physical Stock
04 = Book Stock
05 = Floor Stock
06 = Unplanned Stock
07 = Planned Stock
April 1995 Section D Page 26
ANA Standard Code Values - List 20
Appears in SADDET message, SAD segment
01 = POD Input Error
02 = Short or Over Delivery
03 = Item Not Recorded on POD
04 = Stock Take Adjustment
05 = Other Reason
06 = Damages on Receipt from Client
07 = Delivery Damage
08 = Damage on Transfer from Other Depot
09 = Uplift of Damaged Stock
10 = Warehouse Damage
11 = Adjustment from Damaged to Prime
12 = Written Off
13 = Damages Returned to Client
14 = Intake/Transfer Input Error
15 = Returns Input Error
16 = Damage to Prime, Receipt from Client
17 = Damage to Prime, Damaged during Delivery
18 = Damage to Prime, Damaged during Transfer
19 = Damage to Prime, Uplifted Damages
20 = Damage to Prime, Damaged in Warehouse
21 = Out of Date Stock
22 = On Client Request
23 = Damage to Prime, Out of Date Stock
24 = Damage to Prime, On Client Request
April 1995 Section D Page 27
ANA Standard Code Values - List 21
Appears in DLCDET and UCNDET messages. (0-4 paired with TCDE's 0670 and 0920)
0 = Delivered/Uplifted as instructed
1 = Delivery/Uplift Variance from prior transmitted instruction
2 = Completely Undelivered/Uncollected: transaction NOT to be replanned
3 = Delivery/Uplift Variance, with no prior transmitted instruction
4 = Completely Undelivered/Uncollected; transaction to be replanned
Extra Delivery Condition Codes: To be used when file is used as a confirmation of Delivery or
Uplift status (Transaction Code = 0690, except where stated). Where line details are not
A = Delivery picked and packed
B = Delivery held at distribution centre
C = Delivery despatched from distribution centre (paired with TCDE 0680)
D = Delivery arrived at local depot
E = Delivery held at local depot
F = Delivery despatched from local depot
G = Delivery retained in local depot
H = Negotiated delivery date confirmed
J = Negotiated delivery date adjusted
K = Uplift held in local depot (paired with TCDE of 0930)
L = Uplift arrived at distribution centre (paired with TCDE of 0930)
M = Proof of delivery
April 1995 Section D Page 28
ANA Standard Code Values - List 22
The codes below may be used in DNAC. Other code lists and their values can be defined and
agreed by trading partners.
Code Represents Plain Text
01 Certificate of confirmity required
02 Release to BS9000 required
03 Release to CECC required
04 These commodities have been authorised for export from the US under a special
distribution licence procedure, on condition that they may not be re-exported
without prior approval from the US Authorities
05 Where necessary the quantities on this order have been amended to align with
our published minimum/multiple supply quantities
06 Items showing expected delivery TBA are not yet released and no firm delivery
date can be quoted at this time
07 Under the authority of the Chief Inspector, same type to CECC may be shipped
in lieu of BS9000. Please advise your goods inwards
08 Please note that the goods supplied are deemed to be non-standard and
cancellation will only be accepted in accordance with our conditions of sale
09 We regret we cannot accept Government costed conditions for standard
catalogue items, and therefore these goods will be subject to our standard
conditions of sale
10 Deliveries are subject to price re-negotiation
11 Items supplied to this order comply with our specifications/drawings
12 Special terms and conditions as agreed between our companies will apply, as
appropriate, to this order
13 American Military release required
14 "BSI Registered Stockist". To be released in accordance with BSI registered
stockist requirements (A) full batch identification (B) full batch traceability (C)
certificate of confirmity or test certificate for each batch supplied
15 Tentative Order, with customer commitment to Material Cost only
16 Provisional Order, with no customer commitment, and which is likely to be
subject to change. Provided to the supplier as a forecast or probable requirement
for capacity planning purposes only
17 This order is placed subject to our current terms and conditions
18 Payment Terms: the amount payable must be received at the given address by
the payment date shown. When paid within these terms then the discount is
allowed, but on the net total only. Orders are accepted on the understanding that
they are invoiced at the price ruling on the agreed day of the delivery of goods
19 The amount of the debt represented by the electronic invoice has been assigned
absolutely to our Factor whose identity is contained in the registered text field
below. Payment must be made only to our Factor and they alone can give a
valid discharge thereof. Our Factor should be advised of any claims or disputes
20 Item(s) currently out of stock
21 Discontinued item(s)
22 Cannot be manufactured due to shortage of raw materials
Code Represents Plain Text
April 1995 Section D Page 29
23 Unable to comply with required delivery date
24 EDI copy invoice - not for VAT control purposes
25 Firm Requirement: required in these works on the dates specified
26 Tentative Requirement: order pending, to be confirmed by a later schedule
27 Payment Terms: The amount payable must be received at the given address by
the payment date shown. When paid within these terms then the discount is
allowed, but on the net total only. Orders are accepted on the understanding that
they are invoiced at the price ruling on the agreed day of the delivery of goods
Terms of Trade: Goods are supplied hereunder upon our current trading terms, a
copy of which are available on request. Such terms include a reservation of title
28 This is a Self-Billed Invoice: the VAT shown is your output tax due to HM
Customs & Excise
For further use of Data Narrative Segments see Annex 1.
ANA Standard Code Values - List 23
April 1995 Section D Page 30
ANA Standards Code Values - List 24 - See RTEX File
REGISTERED TEXT CODES - Used in element RTEX. Where unspecified, the format of the
Application Text is X(40), of variable length.
Code Application
001 Wine Vintage Number
002 Nominal Distribution Code
003 Product Dimensions
004 Extended Product Information
005 Duty Rate
006 Invoice Specific Text Line 1
007 Invoice Specific Text Line 2
008 Last Advice Note Number
009 Specification Number
010 Contract Number
011 Certificate Number
012 Last Advice Note Date
013 Last Advice Note Quantity
014 American Military Release No.
015 CECC Specification No.
016 BS Specification No.
017 Quantity in Pricing Units
018 Extended Part Number
019 Payment Terms
020 Transport Type
021 Special Packing Instructions
022 Carriage Charges
023 Engineering Part Issue Number
024 Registration Number
025 Batch Reference Number
026 Price Related Additional Data
027 Advice Note Number
028 Advice Note Date
029 Reference Invoice Number
030 Reference Credit Note Number
031 Supplier's Contact Name
032 Exchange Rate
033 Invoice Currency
034 Mail Order Company Reference
035 Charge Code
036 Order Transaction Code
037 Delivery Collection Service Code
038 Order Transaction Status Date
039 Goods Exchange Indicator
040 Microfilm Address
041 Microfilm Record Sheet No.
042 Optimum Pick Date
043 Original Order Line No.
Code Application
April 1995 Section D Page 31
044 Reason for Variance Text
045 Exchange Rate Applicable
046 Contracted Exchange Rate Rolerance
047 Paragraph within Conditions of Sale or Purchase to which particular attention is
drawn for this Order
048 Rate of Duty Pay Back applicable for this sale ordered item
049 Buyer's Name
050 Preferred Manufacturer
051 Contractual Delivery Date
052 Quote Reference
053 Cheque Number
054 Despatch period reference No.
055 Additional Discount Type A
056 Additional Discount Type B
057 Additional Discount Type C
058 Stock Point (physical segregation of stock where location is not necessarily
holder's warehouse)
059 Collecting Depot (where Depot receiving refused goods is different to that from
which they were delivered)
060 Extended Text for Credit Reason
061 Seller's Order Line Number
062 Order Amendment Sequence No.
063 Order Title (Project/Programme Name)
064 Contractual Delivery Quantity
065 Drawing No.
066 Seller's Order Reference Number
067 Accession Number
068 Classification Number
069 Budget Allocation Code
070 Stock Category
071 Supplier's Standard Address Code
072 Customer's Standard Address Code
073 Currency Code
074 Manufacturer's Recommended Selling Price in quoted currency, shown with 2
decimal places implicit
075 Net Book Price in quoted currency, shown with 2 decimal places implicit
076 Consignee's Order Number
where a delivery/uplift is a relationship between a Carrier and a
Retailer/Manufacturer, this element pertains to the order number supplied to the
Retailer/Manufacturer by the end Customer
077 Goods Exchange Reference
when the uplift of faulty goods is done at the same time as the delivery of the
replacements, the delivery and uplift are cross-refererred to each other using the
Goods Exchange Reference
078 Mail Order Publication Reference
Reference to a particular publication eg. Autumn/Winter as opposed to
Spring/Summer catalogue
079 Date to Awaiting Print Status
080 Settlement Discount (%)
081 Unit Cost Price (pre-discount)
Code Application
April 1995 Section D Page 32
082 Customer Order No (by line)
083 Finished Size 01
084 Finished Size 02
085 Finished Size 03
086 Order Length Required
These are order specific tolerances that British Steel customers will be required
to specify when ordering standard sizes or lengths
087 Viewdata Stock Allocation Quantity
Quantity of stock allocated to order by Philips "MOVIES" viewdata system
088 Diary Class
For use with the diary of negotiated delivery dates
089 Payment Date
090 Answer Code
091 Date of Answer Code
092 Answer Code Action Date
093 Short Title
094 Discount Value
095 Discount Percentage
096 Chaser Sequence Number
097 Settlement Terms
This is the discount given when a customer pays within a set number of days. It
consists of a percentage and a number of days in three consecutive blocks of 8
digits. Each block has 3 digit percentage integers, 2 decimal places and 3 digits
for the number of days eg. 2.5% within 10 days = 00250010
098 First Line Invoice Comments - text
099 Viewdata Order Type - Format X(3)
100 Viewdata Stock Location Code - Format X(6)
101 Stock/Non Stock Order Indicator
Suggested values: 1 = stock replenishment order; 2 = non-stock order to meet a
specific requirement
102 Quality Assurance
Order subject to QA procedures of the purchaser
103 Quality Assurance
Purchaser's representative's release note to accompany the goods
104 Quality Assurance
Test certificates to be provided
105 Quality Assurance
Item(s) for use above 7 Bar
106 Ordering Office Contact Name
107 Name of Person to Whom Goods are to be Delivered
108 Retail Selling Price for a Product in an Order Line; fieldsize 9(5), price in pence
109 Customer's Merchandise Department
Department within the ordering company who are responsible for this product
line. The customer will advise the location code to be used
110 Goods Received Note Identity Number
Format X(9)
Code Application
April 1995 Section D Page 33
111 Advice Note Number
Format X(20)
Used when number is larger than standard
112 Order Number for Self Billed Invoicing
Format X(25) which is greater than the ORNO field
113 Quantity Supplied - format 9(6)V9(5), used with QTYI fields
114 Price per Unit - format 9(9)V9(2), used with AUCT
115 Original Unit Price - format 9(9)V9(2), used for retrospective price adjustments
116 Line Level Goods Value - format 9(9)V9(2), used with LEXC
117 Total Goods Value - format 9(11)V(2), used with LVLA
118 Invoice Level Discount - format 9(11)V9(2)
119 Invoice Level VAT Amount - format 9(11)V9(2)
120 Date of Incident - the date on which the cause of the supply happened - format
121 Date of Insurance Renewal - format YYMMDD
122 Customer Registered for VAT Indicator - Value will be Y or N
123 Odometer Reading - records the mileage at the time of supply - format 9(8)
124 Vehicle Registration - format X(14)
125 Warranty Number - this will record the warranty certificate number. Format
126 Reason Code - format X(3). This is the reason for doing the job on the vehicle,
eg. radio replaced due to theft etc.
127 Action Code - format X(3). This is the action taken eg. supply and fit, supply
only, fit only, etc.
128 Country of Origin - use the 2 alpha ISO country codes found in the Trade Data
Elements Directory (TDED) in code list 3207 (EDIFACT) : ISO Code List 3166
129 Data Source and Version Number Text
130 Contra Account, Short name - text
The name of the company to whom the pallet is interchanged
131 Opening Stock - number of units
132 Closing Stock - number of units
133 Master Case Order quantity - this is the order line quantity expressed as a
number of master shipping cases
134 TI Multiple - format 9(6). This indicates the number of shipping cases per tier of
a pallet for an order line/delivery note
135 HI Multiple - format 9(6). This indicates the number of layers/tiers on the pallet
136 ANA Number Representing the Factor Involved in the Assigned Invoice -
format 9(13)
137 Part Type - this enables the supplier to indicate the type of part supplied for
onward billing
138 Contact Name at the Delivery Address - format maximum size X(35)
139 Style - format X(15). Code describing the style of the article ordered, where the
product code is not sufficient
140 Department Code - format X(4). Company's own department code
141 Colour Description of the Product - format X(35)
142 Size
143 Total Order Value - format 9(15)
144 House of Fraser Season Code - format X(1)
145 Customer's Telephone Number - format X(25) *INCREASED FROM 9(10)*
146 Documentation Requirements - This is specific to B&Q as it is a concatenated
Code Application
April 1995 Section D Page 34
set of data, the detail of which is separated by a comma as a field separator.
Data will be sent in the following order:
- No. of Invoice Copies V 9(2)
- No. of Packing List Copies V 9(2)
- No. of GSP Form A V 9(2)
- No. of Certificates of Origin V 9(2)
- No. of Specification Sheets V 9(2)
- No. of Inspection Certificates V 9(2)
- No. of Clean 'Shipped on Board' B/L V 9(2)
- No. of CMR V 9(2)
- No. of Proof of Delivery Documents V 9(2)
- No. of Days Before ETA Documents Must Arrive V 9(2)
If there is no data, the field will have a '0' between the commas
147 Letter of Credit Details - This is a concatenation of the:
- Letter of Credit No. - format V X(11)
- Letter of Credit Opened Date - format F 9(6)
- Letter of Credit Expiry Date - format F 9(6)
148 Shipment Details - This is a concatenation of the:
- Shipment Estimated Date of Departure - format F 9(6)
- Shipment Estimated Date of Arrival - format F 9(6)
149 Schedule for the delivery of an order line. A concatenated field used to specify,
as a string of data, the required date 9(6), and the required quantity. The required
quantity is split into three sub-elements; the number of traded units 9(15), the
total measure 9(10)V9(3) and the measure indicator X(6). The quantity fields
become fixed length fields as there are no separator characters.
150 Supplying Branch Telephone Number
The telephone number of the supplier's retail outlet, up to 9(11) (UK).
151 Vehicle Description: Text description of the vehicle. X(40)
152 Client's reference for the vehicle X(40).
153 VIN - Vehicle identity X(40).
154 Type of invoice indicator: Used by Fleetnet to indicate the type of service
invoiced as each has separate processing rules. Codes for this agreed and
maintained by the Fleetnet community.
155-164 British Coal billing requirements
155 *Coal or Coke Invoice indicator: format 9(1). Has the following values 1 = Coal,
or 2 = Coke.*
Haulier Code: format X(3)
Code Application
April 1995 Section D Page 35
156 Invoice or Adjustment Type: format 9(1)
British Coal code list. Values are:
1 = Current Month Invoice
2 = Previous Month Supplementary Invoice Debit
3 = Previous Month Supplementary Invoice Credit
4 = Debit or Credit Adjustment
5 = Weekly Invoice
6 = Weekly Supplementary Invoice Debit
7 = Weekly Supplementary Invoice Credit
8 = Weekly Interim Invoice
157 Invoice Location Code: Format V X(13)
British Coal location to which queries should be addressed
158 Consignee Name: Format X (40), Name of consignee. This may not be the same
as the destination name
159 Destination Name: Format X (40), Name of destination
160 Method of Transport: Format X (2), British Coal codes
RD = Road, RL = Rail, CN = Canal, OM = Other Methods
161 Customer code for consignee; Format X (14); Code allocated by customer
162 Method of Loading: Format X (3); British Coal code
163 BACS Reference: Format X (15): Reference allocated by BACS to a payment.
Used in conjunction with Remittance Advices
164 Advice Note Number: Format X (20)
165 Depot Code
166 Customer's fax number, format 9(10)
167 Customer's location telephone number, 9(10)
168 Customer's location order reference, X(20)
169 Inventory Manager's telephone number, 9(10)
170 Invoicing instructions - text, X(40)
171 Product inscription, X(40)
172 Sender's Contact Name
173 Sender's Contact Telephone Number, Format 9(10)
174 Payment Method, Use bank standard codes
175 Payment Date, 9(6) YYMMDD. Date payment was transferred, if electronic, or
will be raised if a cheque
176 Payment Reference, X (17), the number of the cheque or payment order
177 Driver's Name, X (40)
178 Months in service, 9(2), The number of months since the vehicle was taken onto
a leasing scheme
179 Charge Type, Code given to define the type of charge, eg Contract Hire, Lease
Rental etc.
180 Charge Period. Period to which a charge relates
181 Charge Comment X(40) Additional text information relating to the charge.
182 Concatenated Order Level Totals
The totals to be separated by commas
Format: 9(3)V9(3), 9(10)V9(2), 9(10)V9(2)
Totals to appear in the order:
Total Cubic Metres;
Total Unit Cost;
Total Cost
183 Final Delivery Indicator, Format: X(1)
Code Application
April 1995 Section D Page 36
Value: 'Y' or 'N'
184 Serial Shipping Container Code, Format: 9(18)
To identify individual pallets delivered
185 Number of Cases, Format: 9(5)
To show number of cases on an individual pallet, which may differ from the
standard number given in the original order
186 Date when available, Format: 9(6)
187 Substitute available marker, Format: X(1)
Value: 'Y' or 'N'
188 Pressurised Systems Legislation: to indicate items for 2 to 7 bar use
189 Pressurised Systems Legislation: to indicate items for use below 2 bar
190 Cause of problem code
The Registered Text field following the code can be used to insert the actual
cause of the problem. Format X(40)
191 Contractor's Name
The name of the contractor who has completed the work on a vehicle which is
then being invoiced to a contract hire company and then re-invoiced to the
operating company.
192 Contractor's Town
Town where the work was carried out
193 Voucher Date
Date on which the Fleetcard Voucher was completed.
Format: 9(6) YYMMDD
194 Transaction Reference
Reference relating to the original work carried out
195 Amended line code
Generic code to identify the field(s) which have been amended, ie. change in
quantity or price, on an Order or Complex Order amendment message. To aid
automatic processing of messages received. The Registered Text field following
the code to be used to detail the amendment in plain text for manual processing
196 Total Ordered Lines
Product lines called off on Picking List
Format: 9(10)
197 Total Ordered Quantity
Quantity called off on Picking List
Format: 9(15)
198 Total Received Lines
Product lines booked in at warehouse. Format: 9(10)
199 Total Received Quantity
Quantity booked in at warehouse
Format: 9(15)
200 In-store price
Selling price of an item when this differs from the recommended or marked
Format 9(10)V9(4)
Code Application
April 1995 Section D Page 37
201 Gross Profit Percentage
Percentage difference between the in-store price and the net cost from the
Format 9(3)V9(3)
202 Best Before End Date
(Supplementary Product Data)
Format 9(6) YYMMDD
203 Reason for Shortage Code
204 Debit Note Number
205 Fleet Card Number
206 Invoice Line Reference
To hold a consumer's or dealer's reference at line level on an invoice
Format X(35) variable length
207 Insured's Name
The name of the insured party (which may be different to the driver of the
208 Third Party's Name
The name of any third party involved with the incident
209 Invoice for Period From
210 Invoice for Period To
211 Corporate Indicator
Indicates whether an order has been placed by a corporate customer or an
Format X(40)
212 Carrier Identity
Identifies the carrier of the products ordered by name and/or number
Format X(40)
213 Due Date for Pickup
To inform the supplier and the carrier of the date by which pickup should have
Format 9(6) YYMMDD
214 `Please quote this message on all documents'
Used to include a line of text which must be printed by the recipient on any
subsequent documentation sent back to the originator of the EDI message.
Format X(40)
215 Customer Brand Number
Format X(40)
216 Product Division Number
Format X(40)
217 Delivery Cycle
The time of day in which the depot will deliver the stock to the stores.
Suggested values `AM' or `PM'
Format X(10)
218 Number of Pallets
The total number of pallets on the vehicle
Format 9(15)
April 1995 Section D Page 38
219 Vehicle Seal Number
Format X(40)
220 Special Delivery Instructions
To indicate whether pre-booking is required
Format X(40)
221 Delivery Note Number
To reference the relvant Delivery Note
Format X(17)
222 Customer's Own Article Number
Where a delivery/uplift is a relationship between a carrier and a
retailer/manufacturer, this element pertains to the article ordered from the
retailer/manufacturer by the end customer.
223 Collection Time
Format 9(4) - HHMM
224 Usual Delivery Point
Used to indicate whether a product is delivered by the supplier into the store or
into the central warehouse.
Suggested values 'S' store delivery, 'W' warehouse delivery.
Format X(40)
225 Energy Supply Zero Rated
Reason for zero rate given in format X(40)
Suggested values `P' prepaid, `L' low consumption
226 Packaging Reference
To identify the reference number of the parcel or package into which the line
item should be packed.
Format X(17).
227 Destination Code
Indicates that a delivery line is intended for a specific final destination, so cannot
be allocated to another destination by the depot.
Format X(3)
228 Temperature Regime
Indicates the temperature, or temperature range, at which the goods must be
stored and handled.
Format X(3)
Suggested temperature range codes are as follows:
C - Cold Chain (between 0 and 10 C)
A - Ambient
229 Delivery Line Number
Additional reference for a line on a Delivery Notification. Used to track goods
sent via transshipment locations. The lines may not be split at the consolidation
Format 9(3)
230 Additional Order Specifications
Additional specific indication of the type of order, the reason for the order, or
special service requirements, where these aspects are not covered by industry
code lists.
Format X(40)
April 1995 Section D Page 39
231 Special processing Instruction
Defines a process to be applied to a product before despatch. Used in the book
trade to cover processing by library suppliers, when industry code lists do not
232 Customer Delivery Reference
The booking reference for the customer
Format X(17)
233 Delivery Time
Format 9(4) - HHMM
234 Number of Vehicles
Format 9(2)
235 Substitution Items DUN-14 Code
Used for traded units identified by a DUN-14 Code
Format 9(14)
236 Production Week Number
Indicates the calendar week that the product will be produced.
Format 9(3)
237 Destination Country
Use the ISO country code list 3166
Format X(3)
238 Deal Number
Unique identifier of a deal
Format X(17)
239 Project Number
Unique identifier of a promotional project
Format X(17)
240 Incentive Value
Value of the incentive as an amount or a percentage (used with RTEX 241)
Format 9(10)V9(4)
241 Incentive Type
Description of type of incentive eg. free gift, buy 10 get 1 free,
10% extra etc.
Format X(40)
242 Agreed Capacity (Electricity Supply)
Maximum supply capacity agreed between Host REC and customer within
the customer connection agreement.
Format 9(6)
243 KW Monthly Maximum (Electricity Supply)
Maximum KW demand recorded in a monthly period. Usually required during
the Host REC's 'peak' period (typically November to February).
Format 9(6)
244 KVA Monthly Maximum (Electricity Supply)
Maximum KVA demand recorded within the Host REC's 'peak' period
(typically November to February)
Format 9(6)
245 Supply Monthly Maximum (Electricity Supply)
Maximum demand within the period covered by the DUoS bill
Format 9(6)
April 1995 Section D Page 40
246 Agreed Minimum Chargeable Capacity (Electricity Supply)
Minimum supply capacity (for availability charge), agreed between Host REC
and customer within the customer connection agreement.
Format 9(6)
247 Months To Run of Minimum Chargeable Capacity Agreement
Format 9(2)
248 Portion Of Month (in 30ths) Covered By This Bill
Format 9(2)
249 Special Labelling Requirement
To advise suppliers of special labels or tickets which must be afixed to the goods
being supplied
Format X(40)
250 Returnable Container
Used to identify the type of returnable container e.g. tray in which the goods are
delivered, stored or transported
Format X(40)
251 Third Party Delivery Reference
Original delivery reference for goods movements between a supplier and a third
party such as a haulier or consolidator
Format X(17)
252 Third Party Order Reference
Original order reference for goods supplied via a haulier or consolidator
Format X(17)
April 1995 Section D Page 41
ANA Standard Code Values - List 25
Appears in DELIVR and UPLIFT messages when a delivery or uplift is planned. Used in
element TPST, segment DEL for transaction type Code = 0630, and in segment UPL for
transaction type Code = 0910.
A = New Delivery/Uplift
B = Delivery/Uplift Adjustment
C = Delivery/Uplift Cancellation
D = Delivery/Uplift to be negotiated
ANA Standard Code Values - List 26
Used in data element DUAC - Delivery/Uplift Action Details, which appears in DLCDET and
UCNDET messages, in segments DST, DCD, UST and UCD
R = Rebook
C = Cancel
ANA Standard Code Values - List 27
Appears in PPRDET and LPRDET messages in segment SFR
This code list is also reference in data element Bill Frequency Code - BIFR in thhe UTLBIL
H = Each working hour
D = Working day
W = Weekly
F = Fortnightly
L = 4 week period (Lunar Month)
M = Monthly (Calendar Month)
B = Every two months
Q = Quarterly
S = 6 month period
A = Annual
Z = Bilaterally agreed
April 1995 Section D Page 42
ANA Standard Code Values - List 28
Appears in PPRDET message in segment PLO, to indicate why a location is inactive and not
included in a particular message. If it is not used, then data from that location should be in the
Code Reason for "inactivity"
1. Location is unable to return information
2. Location is temporarily closed (eg. holidays)
3. Location has changed its identity
4. Location has ceased trading
ANA Standard Code Values - List 29
Appears in PPRDET and LPRDET messages in segment SFR to indicate the data content within
the report.
AFC - Actual forecast
BFC - Base forecast
CON - Consumption
CST - Costs
DEL - Deliveries (Received)
DES - Despatches (Sent)
EXP - Expenditure
ORD - Orders
OTH - Other
PRD - Production
PUP - Promotional Uplift
REV - Revenue
RTN - Returns
SAL - Sales
STC - Stock Cover
STK - Stock
SUP - Seasonal Uplift
YTS - Year to Date Sales
April 1995 Section D Page 43
ANA Standard Code Values - List 30
Appears in PROINF message in segment STD
Coded representations
Package type names Alphabetical code
Aerosol AE
Ampoule, non-protected AM
Ampoule, protected AP
Atomizer AT
Barrel BA
Bobbin BB
Bottlecrate, bottlerack BC
Board BD
Bundle BE
Balloon, non-protected BF
Bag BG
Bunch BH
Bin BI
Bucket BJ
Basket BK
Bale, compressed BL
Bale, non-compressed BN
Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical BO
Balloon, protected BP
Bottle, protected cylindrical BQ
Bar BR
Bottle, non-protected, bulbous BS
Bolt BT
Butt BU
Bottle, protected, bulbous BV
Box BX
Board, in bundle/bunch/truss BY
Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss BZ
Can, rectangular CA
Beer crate CB
Churn CC
Creel CE
Coffer CF
Cage CG
Chest CH
Canister CI
Coffin CJ
Cask CK
Coil CL
Container CN
Carboy, non-protected CO
Coded representations
Package type names Alphabetical code
April 1995 Section D Page 44
Carboy, protected CP
Crate CR
Case CS
Carton CT
Cup CU
Cover CV
Can, cylindrical CX
Cylinder CY
Canvas CZ
Demijohn, non-protected DJ
Demijohn, protected DP
Drum DR
Envelope EN
Fruit crate FC
Framed crate FD
Firkin FI
Flask FL
Footlocker FO
Filmpack FP
Frame FR
Gas bottle GB
Girder GI
Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss GZ
Hogshead HG
Hamper HR
Ingot IN
Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss IZ
Jar JR
Jerrican, rectangular JC
Jug JG
Jutebag JT
Jerrican, cylindrical JY
Keg KG
Layer LA
Log LG
Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss LZ
Multiply bag MB
Milk crate MC
Multiwall sack MS
Mat MT
Match box MX
Unpacked or unpackaged NE
Nest NS
Net NT
Packet PA
Parcel PC
Pallet PE
Plate PG
Pitcher PH
Coded representations
Package type names Alphabetical code
April 1995 Section D Page 45
Pipe PI
Package PK
Pail PL
Plank PN
Pouch PO
Pot PT
Tray PU
Tray pack PU
Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss PY
Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss PZ
Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss PZ
Rod RD
Ring RG
Reel RL
Roll RO
Rednet RT
Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss RZ
Sack SA
Shallow crate SC
Spindle SD
Sea-chest SE
Stillage SG
Sachet SH
Skeleton case SK
Slipsheet SL
Sheetmetal SM
Sheet ST
Suitcase SU
Shrinkwrapped SW
Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss SZ
Tub TB
Tea-chest TC
Collapsible tube TD
Tube, collapsible TD
Tank, rectangular TK
Tin TN
Tun TO
Trunk TR
Truss TS
Tube TU
Tank, cylindrical TY
Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss TZ
Vat VA
Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15 C) VG
Vial VI
Bulk, liquid VL
Bulk, solid, large particles ("nodules") VO
Vacuumpacked VP
Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure) VQ
Coded representations
Package type names Alphabetical code
April 1995 Section D Page 46
Bulk, solid, granular particles ("grains") VR
Bulk, solid, fine particles ("powders") VY
Wickerbottle WB
April 1995 Section D Page 47
ANA Standard Code Values - List 31
CURRENCY CODE used in data element CUIN which appears in segment BDT in PAYHDR,
Also used in a sub-element of QPER in the SFS segment in LRPDET and PPRDET messages
ATS - Austria, Schillings
BEC - Convertible Belgian Francs
BEF - Belgium, Franc
CHF - Switzerland, Franc
DEM - Germany, Mark
ESB - For Payments out of Spain
ESP - Spain, Peseta
FRF - France, Franc
GBP - Great Britain, Pound
IEP - Ireland, Punt
ITL - Italy, Lira
LUF - Luxembourg, Franc
NLG - Netherlands, Gilder
PTE - Portugal, Escudo
USD - United States, Dollar
USN - US Dollar, Next Day Funds
USS - US Dollar, Same Day Funds
ANA Standard Code Values - List 32
DTYP appears in INVOIC message in segment CIA and in PRIINF message in segment DSD
A = Special Allowance
B = Basic
Q = Quantity
V = Value
April 1995 Section D Page 48
ANA Standard Code Values - List 33
Appears in CAKDET message, segment RSN
01 - Cannot identify article number or title from barcode
02 - Cannot identify the issue
03 - Second claim for issue in this transmission
04 - Claim too early
05 - Claim too late
06 - No SOR for this issue
07 - Maximum claim exceeded
08 - EDI claim not valid for this issue
09 - Issue not supplied to house
10 - Issue not handled by publisher/distributor
11 - Claim for warehouse overs already received
99 - Free Format
ANA Standard Code Values - List 34
Appears in CAKDET message, segment CRC
01 - All claims rejected, customer location wrong
02 - All claims rejected, customer reference wrong
03 - All claims rejected, claims total sub trailer wrong
04 - All claims rejected, house claims totals wrong
05 - All claims accepted
06 - Some rejections details follow
April 1995 Section D Page 49
ANA Standard Code Values - List 35
Appears in EFDET message in segment NTP. The method by which the authorisation code was
0 = by the terminal, eg. below the floor limit
1 = On-line to authorisation centre
2 = Voice to authorisation centre
ANA Standard Code Values - List 36
Appears in EFTDET message in segment NBG. The method by which the EFTPOS
transactions have been batched.
10 = Electronic
12 = Terminal Recovery
14 = Fall Back Vouchers
ANA Standard Code Values - List 37
UPDATE TYPE - UDAT. Appears in HOTDET message in segment NHD. Indicates whether
the Hot card data is to be inserted or deleted.
0 = Insert
1 = Delete
2 = Replace
ANA Standard Code Values - List 38
Appears in HOTDET message in segment NOH. Identifies the type/size of Hot Card File used
for the transaction.
0 = none
1 = paper
2 = switch 400
3 = switch 8000
April 1995 Section D Page 50
ANA Standard Code Values - List 39
Appears in EFTDET message in segment NTP.
00 = Off-line key entry
01 = Mail order - telephone
02 = PIN verified on-line
03 = PIN verified off-line
04 = Signed voucher - mag stripe captured
05 = Signed voucher - keyed at POS
06 = Unattended device without PIN
07 = PIN verified transaction recovered after sale
08 = Terminal recovery keyed by acceptor
09 = Terminal recovery keyed by acquirer
ANA Standard Code Values - List 40
EFT TRANSACTION TYPE - EFTT Defines the nature of the transaction performed
Appears in EFTDET message in
segment NTP 0 = Purchase
1 = Purchase with gratuity
2 = Cash
3 = Purchase with cash
4 = Payment
5 = Refund
6 = Supplement
9 = Cancelled transaction
ANA Standard Code Values - List 41
Appears in UTLHDR version 1 in segment REF
C = Contract customer
T = Tariff customer
April 1995 Section D Page 51
ANA Standard Code Values - List 42
Appears in UTLBIL in segment BCD
A = Amended bill
F = Final bill - last bill when an account is closed
N = Normal bill
I = Interest bill
R = Reconciliation bill
P = Prepaid
O = Information only - not used in calculations
ANA Standard Code Values - List 43
Appears in UTLBIL in segment CCD
1 = Consumption only
2 = Combined consumption and charge
3 = Charge only (consumption-based)
4 = Charge only (fixed)
5 = Readings for information only
April 1995 Section D Page 52
ANA Standard Code Values - List 44
Appears in UTLBIL in segment CCD
00 = Normal Reading - Default Value
01 = Estimated (manual) Reading
02 = Estimated (computer) Reading
03 = Removed Meter Reading
04 = Customer's Own Reading
05 = Computer Reading
06 = Exchange Meter Reading
07 = Corrector Meter Reading
08 = No Reading Available
09 = Third Party Normal Reading
10 = Third Party Estimated (manual) Reading
11 = Third Party Estimated (computer) Reading
12 = Reading for Information Only
ANA Standard Code Values - List 45
Appears in CAKDET message, in segment RSN
01 = No action
02 = Resubmit electronically, if possible
03 = Resubmit manually
04 = Processed manually
05 = Held pending for future processing
06 = Contact supplier for advice
99 = No advice
ANA Code Values - List 46
Code Description
001 = Temporary closure
002 = Permanent closure
003 = Change of ownership
004 = Correction of previous
April 1995 Section D Page 53
ANA Code Values - List 47
Code Description
001 = Delivery to
002 = Invoice to
003 = Order from
004 = Statement to
005 = Transmission Point
006 = Payment from
007 = Uplift from
008 = Transhipment point
009 = Selling Point
ANA Code Values - List 48
Code Description
001 = Open for trading
002 = Closed for trading
003 = Holiday
004 = Deliveries accepted
005 = Orders made/taken
006 = Enquiries accepted
April 1995 Section D Page 54
ANA Code Values - List 49
FREQUENCY/SCHEDULE - fourth sub-element of data element DATT in segment LDE in
Code Description
C = Combined - values from the list are concatenated eg for a schedule on three days
per week: C135 = Monday, Wednesday and Friday; CF1 = Fortnightly on
Monday. In this case, 'C' must always be the first character in the code.
H = Hourly
D = Daily
W = Weekly
F = Fortnightly
L = 4 Weekly Period (Lunar Month)
M = Monthly (Calendar Month)
B = Every Two Months
Q = Quarterly
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
7 = Sunday
A = AM
P = PM
Code Values List 50
Code Description
001 = Booking in time (for delivery)
002 = Opening times
003 = Lunch break
004 = Delivery times
005 = Ordering times
006 = Uplift times
007 = Enquiry times
April 1995 Section D Page 55
Code Values List 51
Code Description
001 = Retail Outlet
002 = Public House
003 = Off Licence
004 = Hotel
005 = Newsagent
006 = Warehouse
007 = Bonded Store
008 = Head Office
009 = Restaurant
010 = Forecourt
011 = In-store Retail Outlet
012 = Booking In Required
013 = Sub-Post Office
014 = EPOS Tills
015 = Home Delivery
ANA Code Values - List 52
VALUE/MEASUREMENT CODE used in data element LVAL which appears in segment LDE
Code Description
001 = Floor Area
002 = Display Area
003 = Storage Area
004 = yumber of Rooms
005 = Number of Tills/Lanes
006 = Poster Sites
007 = Maximum Load-bearing Weight
008 = Maximum Storage Height
April 1995 Section D Page 56
ANA Code Values - List 53
TYPE OF CHANGE used in data element TYPC in segment NIN in LOCINF and NOI in
Code Description
001 = ADD
002 = AMEND
003 = DELETE
004 = REPORT
005 = REFRESH (complete report including some changes since the last transmission)
ANA Code Values - List 54
AVAILABILITY STATUS CODE used in data element DNAC in segments DNA, DNB or
DNC in Book Trade messages.
Code Description
001 = XXX
ANA Code Values - List 55
ORDER ACTION CODE used in data element DNAC in segments DNA, DNB or DNC in
Book Trade messages.
Code Description
001 = XXX
April 1995 Annexes Page 1
Page No.
3.1 Data Narrative Code (DNAC) 3
3.2 Registered Text (RTEX) 3
3.3 General Narrative (GNAR) 3
April 1995 Annexes Page 2
Data Narrative segments have been developed as an optional component of the
TRADACOMS messages in response to a demand from users for the inclusion of text
related data fields.
The principle of EDI, embodied by the TRADACOMS standards, is to allow fully
automatic processing of data interchanged by trading partners. However, it is
recognised that some users believe that provision for unprocessable textual data, either
as free-form narrative or preferably by reference to coded predefined text, is necessary in
certain circumstances.
To meet this demand, data narrative segments have been included to provide a flexible
means of accommodating such data.
There are five data narrative segments: DNA, DNB, DNC, DND and RNB, which may
appear at different levels in a message. These are reproduced at the end of this Annex.
Their contents are described in Section 3 below.
There are some important principles which should be observed by users of the Data
Narrative facility.
i) The segment is entirely optional, i.e. always conditional in status and should
only be used if the message format in question cannot accommodate, in its
dedicated segments and elements, the data required. Data included in the
segment, particularly free format text, may not be easily processable by the
recipient's system.
ii) Provision has been made for the segment to appear in the TRADACOMS files at
various levels i.e.
- In the Header Message
- In the Details Message at transaction level e.g. associated with the order
number, invoice number etc.
- At line level i.e. associated with a given product line.
Because of the different locations in the file at which the segment may be used, the
segment may appear just once, or may be repeated, and may be nested i.e. repeating with
respect to a previous segment.
April 1995 Annexes Page 3
3.1 Data Narrative Code (DNAC)
The Data Narrative Code data element allows users to reference a previously defined
and mutually agreed code list. One example of this type of list is the ANA Standard
Code Values List 22.
The code list would be maintained by the users or by an industry body.
3.2 Registered Text (RTEX)
The Registered Text data element was previously available in many TRADACOMS
messages within the line details segment, but has now been transferred to the Data
Narrative Segment.
This element allows the user to register a code with the ANA which authorises the use
of an associated sub-element to contain variable data or a predefined application. Up to
four codes with their associated data, or four fields of data associated with the same
application code may be used.
3.3 General Narrative (GNAR)
The General Narrative data element allows up to four lines (sub elements) of free form
at text or data to be interchanged. Each line may be up to 40 characters in length.
It cannot be stressed too strongly that the Data Narrative Segment should only ever be
used where the data to be interchanged is essential to the interchange and cannot be
accommodated elsewhere in the message format.
Text or unstructured data cannot easily be processed automatically, and to interchange
data in this form is to undermine the key principle of electronic data interchange.
The first course of action for any user with a query or problem concerning use of the
TRADACOMS standards is to contact the ANA Secretariat.
The Message Development Group regularly reviews the TRADACOMS messages, and
is always willing to discuss accommodating new applications by expansion or updating
of the standards. The procedure for initiating such changes is detailed in Volume One,
Section A.
Use of the Data Narrative segments always demands a high degree of user responsibility
and community co-ordination to ensure that data content does not become ambiguous.
April 1995 Annexes Page 9
Page No.
April 1995 Annexes Page 10
Companies using, or considering using, EDI require reassurance about the completeness
and security of the transmissions they will receive and automatically process. Good EDI
standards and syntaxes include facilities which allow users to reconcile the information
received before they process. It is good business practice to use these facilities as they
address the concerns of auditors, managers and others about the security, integrity and
control of electronic communications.
The ANA strongly recommends that these facilities are used for ALL EDI
The ANA also recommends that the audit and security facilities offered by EDI service
providers should be understood and exploited to provide additional levels of control and
Users should check with trading partners how the SNRF is made unique and ensure that
appropriate tests are implemented. SNRF is generally held to be solely under the
senders control and is used to track the progress of all transmissions. The check would
be made for uniqueness of transmissions from this particular trading partner.
The Reconciliation Message (RSGRSG) was designed in 1986/7 in response to user
experience that it was possible to embed a second transmission within the first. At that
time, it was not possible to amend the UN maintained syntax segment END. The
solution developed was a simple message RSGRSG which is sent as the last message in
a transmission before the END segment. The message contains the address of the
recipient and the transmission reference. It is matched against those held in the STX
(start of transmission) segment. If these do not match, then the sender has inadvertently
embedded a second STX (ie. a second transmission) within it. Users should indicate
that they are using this facility by using ANAA in the STDS data element in STX.
April 1995 Annexes Page 11
Objective: To ensure the integrity of the transmission.
Consisting of Segments:
Repeating as follows:
MHD = Message Header
RSG = Reconciliation Segment
MTR = Message Trailer
1) This message must be present if the transmission reconciliation check has been
switched on in the STX segment.
2) It must always be the message immediately before the END segment in any

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