E Learning Energy And Utilities Training Manual MECOMS Key Concepts

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Table of Contents
MECOMS™TM Key Concepts ....................................................... 3
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 3
1.2 Product ................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Terms and conditions ............................................................................. 4
1.4 Master data .......................................................................................... 4
1.5 Account type customer ........................................................................ 4
1.6 Address ................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Connection ........................................................................................... 5
1.8 Meter device ......................................................................................... 6
1.9 MMR index values ............................................................................... 6
1.10 AMR counter values ............................................................................. 7
1.11 Smart meter ......................................................................................... 7
1.12 Most common timeframes ....................................................................... 7
1.13 Additional meter information ................................................................... 8
1.14 Delta versus cumulative consumption ....................................................... 8
1.15 Entities in master data ........................................................................... 9
1.16 Meter reading ........................................................................................ 9
1.16.1 Who ................................................................................................. 9
1.16.2 When .............................................................................................. 10
1.16.3 Validation ........................................................................................ 11
1.17 Calculate consumption .......................................................................... 11
1.17.1 Electricity Consumption / Water Consumption ...................................... 11
1.17.2 Gas consumption .............................................................................. 12
1.18 Invoice amount .................................................................................... 12
1.19 Advance amount ................................................................................... 13
1.20 Energy and utilities community architecture ............................................. 14
1.21 Time slicing .......................................................................................... 14
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MECOMS™TM Key Concepts
1.1 Introduction
Welcome to the third module of the Energy and Utilities E-learning ; MECOMS™ Key
concepts. In this module it is not our intention to describe all concepts of the energy
and utility market, as this would lead us too far. The objective would be however to
introduce you to the key concepts involved in 2 years in the lifecycle of a new
residential customer. This implies that we will be referring only to concepts applicable
in a B2C environment. In the classroom training 'Prospect to Cash' (nowadays known
as MECOMS™ Functional Overview Training) these concepts will then be applied in
the MECOMS™ software package.
In this module we will be imagining that we are the electricity supplier Omegapoint
and will be launching a marketing campaign for our new product OmegaPointEco. In
the first section we will outline our product and the various tariffs. To continue, our
marketing campaign and our product turns out to be quite the success and also Ms
Sarah Doe feels this is a good offer and signs up for our services. We will then start
supplying electricity to Ms Doe and will send an invoice for the energy consumed.
The question here would be which input is required before we are actually able to
send an invoice to this customer. High level we could say that we need to know
contact and meter details, the so called master data, and obviously the consumption
information. This would allow us to calculate and send an invoice. There is however
a lot more than just that to consider.
1.2 Product
We will first outline what our product actually entails. This means that we will look
into the different items OmegaPointEco contains and the prices or tariffs that we will
charge for each item.
Our product offering concerns green electricity from renewable sources at a fixed
price for 1 year. For each kWh consumed the customer will have to pay a certain
amount, which is the tariff. If you look at consumption on the picture you will see
that we will need to set up different tariffs for different timeframes. This allows us to
offer the same product both to potential customers with a single tariff meter as to
customers with a double tariff meter.
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Customers who choose to go paperless and sign up for electronic billing, will get a
discount of 10$ per year. People who pay through direct debit will get an additional
discount of 10$ per year. We will also be charging pass-through costs for the
transmission and distribution of electricity, and last but not least we will have to
charge taxes.
To make our invoice look nice and structured, we may consider grouping certain
items by putting e.g. both discounts under a header discounts. The header would
then be considered the item group, whereas both discounts are the product items.
In the same way the items transmission and distribution cost have been grouped in
the item “Group Pass-through costs” and the item green energy and federal tax have
been grouped in the item group Tax. Though consumption as such is only a single
item we have created an item group nonetheless.
Consider an invoice for a double tariff meter in which we would be charging both for
day time and for night time consumption. This would mean we need to add 2 invoice
lines. By creating the item group consumption, these 2 invoice lines would be listed
underneath a header giving the overall invoice a structured layout.
1.3 Terms and conditions
Tariffs constitute an important part of the terms and conditions we are offering our
potential customers. Other things that need to be stipulated would be the start and
the end date of the contract, how and when the customer can cancel his contract,
and whether any charges would be linked to doing so. If you would like to get a better
view on terms and conditions you can explore the website of the suppliers in your
1.4 Master data
We have launched our marketing campaign and Ms Sarah Doe has signed up through
our web portal to start using our product as of January 1st 2013. Question now is
which information we would need to be able to start invoicing Ms Doe for the
consumption as of Jan 1st 2013.
High level we could say that we need to know the contact details and some technical
details with regard to the connection and the meter. This is the so called master data.
But exactly does this master data entail:
Meter device
1.5 Account type customer
Let’s begin by looking into the customer. In everyday English the customer would be
the person receiving the invoice. In MECOMS™ however there is more to a customer
than just that. If we would be supplying electricity to a given house e.g., we might
have more than one contact to consider.
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For starters we may have the owner of the house who needs to be contacted in case
of meter failure as he will be the person who will be charged for technical
Secondly we have the tenant of the house who will let us into the house to read out
the meter and who would need to pay for the consumption.
Last but not least we also need to keep track of the DGO for this connection. This
would be the party we need to contact in case of an outage. Both the DGO, the owner
and the tenant will be regarded as customers in MECOMS™. However when we link
these customers to a specific connection we will need to indicate which role they play
for that connection. This role is what we call the account type. Tenant, owner and
DGO are available account types, as is contractor. The contractor is the customer
that would be paying the bill. In our example we will need to link Sarah Doe to the
connection as the contractor.
1.6 Address
Now that we have established who the contractor is, or in other words who will be
paying the bill, we would need to know the address to send the invoice to.
An address might be more complex as one might initially think. The most
straightforward example would be the contractor consuming energy at a certain
address and the bill that needs to be sent to the very same address.
The contractor might however also have an apartment by the seaside and would like
to receive the invoice at his regular domicile. This implies that we would need to
specify 2 addresses: a billing address and a delivery address. As final example we
can consider a house on a street corner. The entrance of the house might be in street
A, but the garage, where the meter device is located, is in street B. This example is
just to show that we need to have the ability to specify multiple addresses.
1.7 Connection
Now that we have established that Sarah Doe is our contractor, and that both
consumption and invoice address are on Main Street Nr 5, we need to know what is
being consumed exactly. We need to identify whether this is gas, electricity or water.
This can be done by creating a connection, a connection which basically connects the
meter device to the main grid. In our straightforward example, this explanation would
indeed apply. For each utility there would be one cable going into the house and each
cable entering the house can be referred to as a connection.
For apartment buildings on the other hand, there would also be only one cable going
into the building, yet each flat would have its own connection set up within
MECOMS™. The reason being that each customer needs to be able to choose his own
supplier. So for each utility and each contractor a connection needs to be created in
MECOMS™. Every connection will have its own unique identification code. In Europe
e.g. the use of the European Article Number (or EAN code) is common, not only for
energy and utility markets.
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1.8 Meter device
We now know that Sarah Doe is consuming electricity. What we would need to know
next is which meter has been installed. This will give us important information with
regards to how to collect the meter readings, how to interpret them and whether she
has signed up for a double tariff or a single tariff.
A meter device represents a physical meter. Every meter has its own technical
characteristics, like a brand, a brand type, supplier, serial number and so on.
MECOMS™ also has the functionality allowing you to set up custom properties such
as e.g. size or place. A meter device will register every kWh, litre or cubic meter that
is being consumed. Results of a meter are meter readings.
1.9 MMR index values
How to collect these meter readings depends on the type of meter. There are meter
devices which require a manual meter reading implying that somebody will need to
physically go over to the meter and write down the values as seen in the row of
figures also known as register. This can be done by a meter reader or by the customer
himself. These types of meters are referred to as MMR meters. The values retrieved
from MMR meters are known as index values.
In case the contractor has an MMR meter with a single register, this implies he has a
single tariff. Regardless of when the consumption takes place, the customer will need
to pay the same price per unit. If the contractor has an MMR meter with two rows of
figures he will have a double tariff. This implies that he will pay a certain tariff from
e.g. 7 in the morning until 8 in the evening and a different price per unit outside this
timeframe. At 7 in the morning and at 8 in the evening, a signal will be sent along
the connection which will trigger the meter to start using the different register. The
time when a device needs to switch from one timeframe to another is set by the
DGO, this means that depending on the location, the night timeframe might start at
a later or earlier time.
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If a customer with a single tariff MMR meter would like to change to a double tariff
this implies that he will need to have his meter replaced.
1.10 AMR counter values
A second type of meters are AMR meters or automatic meters. These do not require
human intervention to retrieve the meter readings. They register the values, also
known as counter values, at regular intervals such as every 15 minutes. These values
will then be sent to the meter reading company e.g. once a day or once a week. By
looking at the device we can not deduct whether the contractor will have a single
tariff, double tariff or a more complex tariff structure. The quarterly counter values
will be compared to a calendar. This calendar will need to link every 15 minutes of
every day to a given timeframe. E.g. Saturday morning 11 o-clock is linked to an off
peak tariff. Once this calendar is set up, every incoming counter value can be linked
to the corresponding timeframe. So in case a contractor with an AMR meter would
like to switch from a single rate to a double rate he will not need to have his meter
1.11 Smart meter
Finally, there also is a smart meter. To a certain extent this can be compared to an
AMR meter in the sense that metering data can be read remotely and data collection
enables billing based on real time consumption.
Unlike the AMR meter however the smart meter also allows bi-directional
communication. This implies for example that a smart meter can be disconnected
remotely whereas an AMR meter cannot. Do not confuse smart meters with a smart
grid. Though smart meters may be part of a smart grid, alone however, they do not
constitute a smart grid.
1.12 Most common timeframes
We will now take a look at the most common timeframes. First of all, there is the
single tariff or Total Hour timeframe. This implies the customer will pay a single tariff
regardless of when he consumes.
The next timeframe is the dual tariff, which is also referred to as the day/night
timeframe or high/low timeframe. This implies the customer will pay a higher rate
from 7 in the morning until 10 in the evening for example, and a lower price per unit
during the night. The supplier might charge e.g. 7 cents for each kWh registered on
the day timeframe and 5 cents registered on the night timeframe. By making
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electricity cheaper during the night people are encouraged to run their appliances
during the night. E.g. run the dishwasher, do the laundry.
In our last example, we added the timeframe peak, this works in the same way as
the high and low timeframe, but the peak timeframe will be linked to a higher price
than the high timeframe, once again, here the suppliers want the customers to use
as little electricity as possible.
1.13 Additional meter information
We do still need some additional information to know how to interpret the meter
readings received. For example, a device might give a readout of 5000, but without
knowing the unit of measure or without knowing the location of the decimal
separator, these values are useless. We also need to know whether the meter
registers consumptions or peak consumptions. If we are a supplier to end consumers
it may seem quite obvious that we would like to charge them for their actual
consumption. Yet MECOMS™ can also be used by a TGO who basically supplies to the
DGOs and to a number of large industrial customers. In this case the TGO may decide
to charge that industrial customer for his peak consumption rather than for his actual
consumption. Or the invoice can consist of a combination of both the consumption
and the maximum capacity used. Finally we need to consider if the meter registers
consumption in a delta or cumulative approach. Let’s take a second look at this.
1.14 Delta versus cumulative consumption
When a meter registers values in a delta approach this means that every time the
meter is read the register will be reset to 0. An additional counter exists, the meter
reset counter, which will be increased every time the meter is read and the register
is reset.
When a 5 digit meter registers values in a cumulative approach the meter will keep
on counting from 0 until it reaches 99999, at this point it will roll over to 00000 and
will keep on counting again from 0.
When we take a look at the index values, we see both
devices have the index value 700 on January 1st 2011
and 785 on January 10th. The contractor’s
consumption however will be quite different. In the
delta approach that meter would also have been reset
to 0 on January 1st meaning that the consumption
over these 10 days would be 785. With the cumulative
approach the meter was not reset to 0 and we would
need to calculate consumption by taking the meter
reading of January 10th, being 785, minus the meter
reading of January 1st being 700, implying that the
consumption would be 85 kWh. Correctly identifying
how the meter registers is of utmost importance.
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1.15 Entities in master data
This simplified diagram gives a clear overview of the master data that’s discussed so
far. On the left hand side we have the customer. As you saw before, a customer in
MECOMS™ covers a very broad concept. The customer will play a certain role for a
specific connection, that role is referred to as the account type. The customer who
will be paying the bill would be the contractor.
In the middle we have the connection. The connection is not only linked to a customer
yet also to one or more meter devices. This can be e.g. a simple single tariff manual
meter or a double tariff manual meter. For more detailed registration at regular
intervals one would use an Automatic Meter which can be read remotely. By
comparing the registered counter values to a calendar, the values can then be linked
to a high or low tariff. Charging a high and a low tariff is often used as an incentive
to gently push people to change their consumption patterns, which on a large scale
may contribute to keeping the network balanced.
These 3 entities: customer, connection and device will ultimately form the
configuration in the MECOMS™ system. To continue our brain teaser we will assume
that our contractor Sarah Doe lives and consumes at Main Street Nr 5 in Utopia and
has a single tariff electricity meter measuring cumulative consumption. Typically, we
would receive all meter and connection related information through messaging from
the DGO. All we need now to calculate the consumption are meter readings.
1.16 Meter reading
1.16.1 Who
There is a variety of ways in which meter readings can be retrieved. In case of a
smart meter or AMR meter the meters can be read remotely. In case of an MMR
meter somebody will physically need to go over to the meter and write down the
meter values. This could either be done by the meter reader who will be assigned a
daily tour and who will need to ask to be allowed to the customer’s house to register
the meter values using a PDA.
A meter can also be read by Sarah the customer. She might receive a post card on
which she will have to write down the meter reading and that she will have to send
back to the meter reading company. They will use OCR or optical character
recognition to scan the postcard and process the meter readings.
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Alternatively she might be able to log on to a web portal where she can enter the
readings or she might report the meter values by telephone and use the telephone
dial or an interactive voice response to report the meter readings.
Finally, we might also receive the meter readings from a third party in the form of a
1.16.2 When
When exactly do we require a meter reading?
First of all we need to consider the periodic meter reading. The interval of which
depends on local market regulations and the agreement between supplier and
customer. In one country the meter might be read on a yearly basis, whereas in
another country the meter might be read on a monthly or even a daily basis. Let’s
assume that in our example the meter will be read once a year.
Year 1 the meter reading company will send over a meter reader. In case the
customer is not home the meter reader may pay a return visit or may request
the customer to provide the reading himself. Business processes may also
indicate that an estimated value will be used.
Year 2 the customer will be asked to provide the meter readings himself. If
the customer does not provide the reading an estimated value will be used.
In this way we might end up with using estimated values year in year out,
however legislation in most cases stipulates that at least once every N years
an actual meter reading is required.
Besides the periodic reading a meter reading is also required in case a customer
moves out. The supplier needs to be able to create an end note or final invoice. If
somebody else moves into the house the very same index will be used as starting
index for that new customer.
The same logic applies when the customer decides to change supplier. From supplier
A, supplying nuclear energy, to supplier B, supplying green energy for example.
Supplier A will need a meter value to calculate his end note and supplier B will use
this very same value as starting index.
Finally, we would require a meter reading if the meter is being replaced because the
customer would like to change from a manual single tariff meter to a double tariff
meter for example.
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1.16.3 Validation
Regardless of how the meter readings are retrieved they would then be validated,
meaning that the numbers are verified to see if they are realistic or not.
It may seem obvious that you would want to validate readings provided by the
customer, as they might cheat in order to pay less. Yet also meter readings that were
retrieved automatically or by a meter reader will be verified. By comparing the
customer’s consumption to his “consumption history” we can deduct if the current
reading is realistic or not. MECOMS™ allows you to set up validation rules. If e.g. this
year’s consumption is more than double the amount of last year’s consumption it
would be marked as invalid. Checking if the current meter reading is too high or too
low compared to the customer’s consumption history are just 2 examples of criteria
that can be checked to verify if a meter reading is realistic or not. If yes, the value
can be used to calculate a consumption value. If no, then no consumption can be
calculated and business processes will indicate how to proceed. E.g. ask for a
confirmation from the customer or plan a return visit by a technician.
1.17 Calculate consumption
1.17.1 Electricity Consumption / Water Consumption
In our example we stipulated that the contractor Sarah Doe lives and consumes at
Main Street Nr 5 and has a single tariff electricity meter measuring cumulative
consumption. The meter is being read once a year. If we add to that a meter reading
of 2500 kWh on Jan 1st 2013 and a meter reading of 5500 kWh on Jan 1st 2014 we
can calculate a consumption. As the meter is registering in a cumulative approach
we will need to take the current meter reading and deduct the previous meter
reading. In this case that would mean the customer has consumed 3000 kWh in
Bear in mind that calculating a consumption will not always be as straightforward as
in our example. We may have a customer with a double tariff in which case we would
need to calculate 2 consumptions, one for the day or high timeframe and one for the
night or low timeframe. Each consumption would then be charged at its respective
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Besides that we need to consider that there are also unmeasured connections. If we
consider water e.g. it is quite common that there is no meter whatsoever. Customers
in this case will be invoiced based on consumption units. This could be amount of
inhabitants, or could be based on the amount of taps, lavatories, showers and bath
tubs. In the later example you may decide to charge more for a bath tub than for a
shower by giving that consumption unit a higher weight. Unmeasured connections
are in fact not that complex at all, yet simply require a different approach when it
comes to invoicing.
1.17.2 Gas consumption Conversion factor
Calculating gas consumptions is also quite different as here we need to take
conversion and correction factors into account. Gas meters measure in cubic meter
or in cubic feet, yet customers are charged in kWh. So we need to find a way to
transpose the measurement. Typically this would be done by multiplying the
consumption with a conversion factor. Correction factor
Secondly we need to keep in mind the differences in the calorific values of gas, the
pipeline pressure and the temperature. The calorific value is basically the amount of
energy the gas contains, and is sometimes referred as the quality of the gas.
Depending on your location or on the seasons, the quality, temperature and pipeline
pressure will vary, and needs to be measured at regular occasions. The so called
correction factors allow us to take these differences into account when calculating
the consumption charges. Some countries use a combined conversion and correction
factor. For detailed information on this topic we can only suggest that you take a look
at the websites of your local supplier.
1.18 Invoice amount
Time to return to our customer Sarah Doe. We have now received the yearly meter
reading and have calculated the consumption. This means that we are ready to
calculate also the invoice.
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As Sarah Doe has a single tariff meter we will need to apply the total hour
consumption tariff. Secondly as she receives her invoices by email and pays through
direct debit she will get both discounts. If we do the math, this adds up to a total
invoice amount of 1480.
1.19 Advance amount
Based on the customer’s average consumption we had asked her to pay a monthly
advance amount of 100. An advance amount is typically calculated on the estimated
annual volume of the customer. This can be calculated based on the customer’s
“consumption history”.
If the customer consumed 2500 kWh the previous year then the advance would be
based on that consumption. If no “consumption history” is available for the customer
at that specific location e.g. because he is a new customer or because he has moved
into a new house, then a load profile can be used to determine the advance amount.
This synthetic load profile would indicate how much energy a typical residential
customer would use throughout the year and how this total consumption amount
would be divided over the different months.
A supplier may also decide to allow the customer to specify the advance amount
themselves. Either way we obviously will need to deduct the advance amounts that
had already been paid from the total invoice amount.
In this case there is an outstanding amount of 280.
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1.20 Energy and utilities community architecture
By going through our brain teaser we have touched upon some business processes
involved from sending out a price offer to the prospect to sending out an invoice.
MECOMS™ integrates all processes related to CIS (customer information system),
MDM (meter data management) and EAM (enterprise asset management) in one
system. The customer is not forced to purchase all modules, as the system itself, as
well as the pricing structure is setup in a modular fashion.
The data is stored in the EUCA data model, which stands for Energy and Utilities
Community Architecture. This model, which has been designed exclusively for the
energy and utility sector, is 100% documented, does not duplicate data across
multiple databases, and is the central repository for all business processes executed
in MECOMS™. Secondly, the data in the model is accessible through standard
connectors, which allow MECOMS™ to serve as a data hub for other applications,
both internal as well as externally, through the use of the flexible messaging
1.21 Time slicing
All important data entities in the system use the concept of time slicing, allowing the
user to reproduce a specific situation in time, showing all changes which happened
with this object, allowing detailed auditing of the data in the system.
This is practical when you need to regressively calculate a consumption for example.
This is the so-called flash-back functionality. You could also perform calculations as
if they would happen in the future for forecasting purposes.
Let’s take a look at a more concrete example:
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December 15th 2010 we enter a price in the system for two periods:
01/01/2011 until 31/01/2011
01/02/2011 until 28/02/2011
The start date for the first period is Jan 1st 2011, for the second period this is Feb
1st 2011.
The end date for the first period is Jan 31st 2011, for the second period this is Feb
28th 2011.
For both periods the valid from date is Dec 15th 2010 which is the date we entered
the prices in MECOMS™ and the valid until date is zero, because the record is still
January 10th, we notice that we entered a wrong price for the first period and changed
Start date and end date for this period stays the same, the valid from date as well,
but the valid until date changes from zero to Jan 10th 2011. A new line is created
with the same start/end date, the valid from date is equal to Jan 10th 2011 as we
are changing the price in the system on this date, and the valid until date is equal to
zero again. More information on time slicing is given during the technical training.

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