Training Guide
User Manual:
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Django Rest Framework, API
Development, and Tooling

High-level takeaways
●Development pattern/what are we building?
●Workflow overview
●Project creation with cookiecutter
●API development with Django Rest Framework
●GIS Support (GeoDjango, django-rest-framework-gis, PostGIS)

What are we doing?
●Hack Oregon doesn’t just build apps, we build systems.
○APIs provide a public facing gateway to our data
○Our APIs will power our front end applications as well as future data science
●We work with Django as our web framework
○“Batteries included model”
●3rd party Django Rest Framework applications
○Third Party Packages allow developers to share code that extends the functionality of Django
REST framework, in order to support additional use-cases
○Installable through a package repository

A look at our existing deployment chain ...

API Deployment Quickview

Create a Project
●Install cookiecutter
pip install cookiecutter
●Use cookiecutter to create repo from
github template
●Follow prompts to fill in templates
●Create git repo
cd <cookiecutter-repo-directory>
git init
●Create a remote repo in
Hack Oregon
organization (matching
the “github_repo”
template value
●Make initial commit
git remote add origin <repo url>
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin master
●Make new branch
git checkout -b
●Create .env and set
cp env.sample .env
●Build container
./bin/ -d
●Start container
./bin/ -d
●Open url in browser
api_1 | [2019-05-18
16:59:44 +0000] [26] [INFO]
Listening at: (26)
●Start coding

Project Naming Conventions
hack_oregon_team - what project/theme team you are working on
Ex: Transportation Systems
python_package_namespace - this should generally be: hackoregon_< your team>
Ex: hackoregon_transportation_systems
python_subpackage - name of the more specific application/module you are developing. Should generally be able to stand alone as
individual/reusable package of code, though can pull in other packages as dependencies
Ex: passenger_census, toad, biketown
*you may have more than one subpackage, but this cookiecutter will spin up first one automagically. A pattern for adding additional
subpackages will be provided

Project Naming Conventions
version - you will generally start with 0.1.0 as a first version, with version 1.X being the production/demo day release (we will provide
more info on versioning)
gis - whether this project should include django-rest-framework-gis package as a dependency (can be added later manually by
Ex: True or False
"data_science_repo_url" - URL of repo where team data science work is contained "data_science_repo_name" - Name of repo where
data science work is contained

Create a Project (Demo)
●Install cookiecutter
pip install cookiecutter
●Use cookiecutter to create repo from
github template
●Follow prompts to fill in templates
●Create git repo
cd <cookiecutter-repo-directory>
git init
●Create a remote repo in
Hack Oregon
organization (matching
the “github_repo”
template value
●Make initial commit
git remote add origin <repo url>
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin master
●Make new branch
git checkout -b
●Create .env and set
cp env.sample .env
●Build container
./bin/ -d
●Start container
./bin/ -d
●Open url in browser
api_1 | [2019-05-18
16:59:44 +0000] [26] [INFO]
Listening at: (26)
●Start coding

Join a Project
●Clone the repo
git clone <github-repo-url>
●Make new branch
git checkout -b cool-new-feature
●Create .env and set
cp env.sample .env
●Build container
./bin/ -d
●Start container
./bin/ -d
●Open url in browser
api_1 | [2019-05-18
16:59:44 +0000] [26] [INFO]
Listening at: (26)
●Start coding

Building an API
●Django Rest Framework APIs
●Other Concepts
○Status codes/exceptions
DRF uses
serializers to
serve json data
Does not use
directly outside
of swagger
whitenoise is
used in place of
Web Server in
this context

Building an API - Configuration
●Django Configuration
○Configured in the file
●Docker project provides some basic configuration
●You can override in local project
●Objects need to be “set” in total, cannot append
○Important to include all “installed apps” in you local settings
●We are configured to use whitenoise for static hosting/Gunicorn for web
●“Debug” variable

Building an API - Testing
●Live Tests (against production database)
○Configuration to prevent tear down/change of production data
○Works locally and in travis
●Test your code, not Django ORM
○Test api request/response
○Status codes
●More resiliant code against updates/changes

Building an API - Models
●A model is the single, definitive source of information about your data. It contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data you’re
storing. Generally, each model maps to a single database table.
●The above Person model would create a database table like this:

Building an API - Models
●Auto-generation of model from an existing database (run in docker interactive shell)
docker exec -it <docker-container> bash
python inspectdb > <namespace>/<subpackage>/
●Gets you part-way there
○Validate data types
○Check relationships
○If using multi-database router:
■import django.db.models.options as options
options.DEFAULT_NAMES = options.DEFAULT_NAMES + ('in_db',)
○Add to meta fields:
■in_db = 'passenger_census'

Building an API - Models (Demo)
class PassengerCensus(models.Model):
summary_begin_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
route_number = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
direction = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
service_key = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
stop_seq = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
location_id = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
public_location_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
ons = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
offs = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
x_coord = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
y_coord = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
geom_4326 = models.GeometryField(blank=True, null=True)
census_block = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'passenger_census'
in_db = 'passenger_census'

Building an API - Serializers
● Serializer fields handle converting between primitive values and internal datatypes. They also deal with validating input values, as well
as retrieving and setting the values from their parent objects.
● Can be very simple:
○class AnnualRouteRidershipSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = AnnualRouteRidership
fields = '__all__'
● Use the “ModelSerializer” when working with serializers which meet up with models (or “GeoFeatureModelSerializer”, more on this
● Can specify only specific fields (via “fields”), but can also customize/add fields using the serializer fields (important when creating
more custom views)
● If serializer is returning more then one object, then set many=True
● Relationships generally look at the primary key, but you can provide more control/also set depth

Building an API - Serializers (Demo)
class PassengerCensusSerializer(serializers.GeoFeatureModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = PassengerCensus
geo_field = 'geom_4326'
id = 'id'
fields = '__all__'
class PassengerCensusInfoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = PassengerCensus
fields = ['summary_begin_date', 'service_key']
total_routes = IntegerField()

Building an API - Views and Viewsets
REST framework provides an APIView class, which subclasses Django's View class.
APIView classes are different from regular View classes in the following ways:
● Requests passed to the handler methods will be REST framework's Request instances, not Django's HttpRequest instances.
● Handler methods may return REST framework's Response, instead of Django's HttpResponse. The view will manage content
negotiation and setting the correct renderer on the response.
● Any APIException exceptions will be caught and mediated into appropriate responses.
● Incoming requests will be authenticated and appropriate permission and/or throttle checks will be run before dispatching the
request to the handler method.

Building an API - Views and Viewsets
● Views in Django can be function based or class based
● Most likely you will stick with class based views (
● Building off class-based views, you can use Generic Class based views
○ These already include some of the basic functionality needed in a view
● Finally, you can combine similar logic into a “viewset”
○ Django REST framework allows you to combine the logic for a set of related views in a single class, called a ViewSet. In other
frameworks you may also find conceptually similar implementations named something like 'Resources' or 'Controllers'.
● If you only need list/retrieve access to a model, let the ReadOnlyModelViewset handle the work

Building an API - Views and Viewsets (Demo)
class PassengerCensusViewSet(viewsets.ViewSetMixin, generics.ListAPIView):
This viewset will provide a list of individual Passenger Census counts by TRIMET.
queryset = PassengerCensus.objects.all()
filter_backends = (PassengerCensusListFilter,)
serializer_class = PassengerCensusSerializer

Building an API - Views and Viewsets (Demo)
class PassengerCensusInfoViewSet(viewsets.ViewSetMixin, generics.ListAPIView):
This viewset will provide a info about the Passenger Census by TRIMET.
Distinct Census Dates
The total number of routes for the census
The total number of stops for the census
serializer_class = PassengerCensusInfoSerializer
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
census = PassengerCensus.objects.all()
census = getCensusTotals(census)
return Response(census)

Building an API - Views and Viewsets (Demo)
class PassengerCensusInfoViewSet(viewsets.ViewSetMixin, generics.ListAPIView):
This viewset will provide a info about the Passenger Census by TRIMET.
Distinct Census Dates
The total number of routes for the census
The total number of stops for the census
serializer_class = PassengerCensusInfoSerializer
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
census = PassengerCensus.objects.all()
census = getCensusTotals(census)
return Response(census)

Building an API - Routing
● Routing will connect url paths with the specific view which should be returned
● Happens in the file
● REST framework adds support for automatic URL routing to Django, and provides you with a simple, quick and consistent way of
wiring your view logic to a set of URLs.

Building an API - Routing (Demo)

Building an API - Other Concepts
●Status Codes

Building an API - Filtering
●The default behavior of REST framework's generic list views is to return the entire queryset for a model manager. Often you will want
your API to restrict the items that are returned by the queryset.
● We will want to filter based on url query parameters
● Django filter backend is included in our template
○ Provides basic extensions including the “filter_fields” metafield on views
● Can create custom filters
● Other controls can be exposed to the schema through custom filters

Building an API - Pagination
REST framework includes support for customizable pagination styles. This allows you to modify how large result sets are split into individual
pages of data.
The pagination API can support either:
● Pagination links that are provided as part of the content of the response.
● Pagination links that are included in response headers, such as Content-Range or Link.
The built-in styles currently all use links included as part of the content of the response. This style is more accessible when using the
browsable API.
Pagination is only performed automatically if you're using the generic views or viewsets. If you're using a regular APIView, you'll need to call
into the pagination API yourself to ensure you return a paginated response. See the source code for the mixins.ListModelMixin and
generics.GenericAPIView classes for an example.

Building an API - Status Codes and Exceptions
Using bare status codes in your responses isn't recommended. REST framework includes a set of named constants that you can use to make
your code more obvious and readable.
● DRF provides for full gamut of status codes
● Use appropriately
● If you build custom views will need to handle expections

Building an API - A second on performance
Django Rest Framework performance relies on similar concepts to Django.
As said in our Postgres Training, “First Get it Right”.
Read this:
Test with jMeter:

GIS, GeoDjango, and django-rest-framework-gis
●GeoDjango intends to be a world-class geographic Web framework. Its goal is to make it as easy as possible to build GIS Web
applications and harness the power of spatially enabled data.
●Requires some lower level c-libraries
○GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
○GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
○PROJ.4 - Cartographic Projections library
●PostGIS enabled databases support our backend, provides native support for geo datatypes
●Geodjango can be used independently of database/specific django settings if you need
●GIS support is brought to DRF via the “django-rest-framework-gis” package
○“Bounding box”

Geospatial DEMO

○Tagged and released versions
●PyPi (Python Package Index)
○PyPI helps you find and install software developed and shared by the Python community. Learn about
installing packages.
○ Releases are versioned
○ Think of a requirements file

Python Package Index and Deployment
●PyPi (Python Package Index) - what is it?
○Provides commands to create and publish the individual python package
●Developing locally you will do a local import
○-e ./{{cookiecutter.python_package_namespace}}
●Travis will handle deployment to PyPi
●We are using an implicit namespace to identify our org and team
○Python 3.x convention

●Documentation generation

Workflow tools

Travis and deployment

Thank you!
Brian Grant