UP 11760_U5000_U7000_User_Reference_Manual_Volume_2_Apr88 11760 U5000 U7000 User Reference Manual Volume 2 Apr88

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UP-11760_U5000_U7000_User_Reference_Manual_Volume_2_Apr88 UP-11760_U5000_U7000_User_Reference_Manual_Volume_2_Apr88

User Manual: UP-11760_U5000_U7000_User_Reference_Manual_Volume_2_Apr88

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Volume 1

1. Commands and Applications Programs
intro(l) ......... introduction to commands and application programs
300(1) ....... handle special functions of DASI 300 and 300s terminals
4014(1) ................... paginator for the Tektronix 4014 terminal
450(1) ........•.... handle special functions of the DASI 450 terminal
acctcom(l) ............. search and print process accounting file(s)
adb(l) .•.....•................•......••....... absolute debugger
admin(l) ......................... create and administer SCCS files
ar(l) ........... archive and library maintainer for portable archives
as(l) .•................•.................•..••. common assembler
asa(l) .....••......•..... interpret ASA carriage control characters
ascvt(l) ....• Release 2.x to new release assembler source translator
at(l) .......•..........•.........• execute commands at a later time
ati(l) .......••................... read and write ANSI format tapes
audfmt (1) .......•......•....••.......... format audit trail log data
audit(l) ••................. modify/query audit trail security status
awk(l) ..•..•.•...••..... pattern scanning and processing language
backup(l) ...•.•.. backup, restore - backup or restore selected files
banner (1) ...•.•...•................•..•..••.......• make posters
basename (1) ..........•...........•. deliver portions of path names
bc(l) .•.....•.......•..•... arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
bdiff (1) ..•..••..•...•..•.........•..........••.•...•...•. big diff
bf s ( 1) ....•...•.•.....•...............•...••..•... big file scanner
bs(l) ........•.... a compiler/interpreter for modest-sized programs
cal(l) ...•.•..........•................•....•••.... print calendar
calendar(l) .........•..•.............•.....•••.. remirlder service
cancel(l) ••......••...•........ cancel requests to an LP line printer
cat (1) ...............•..•............... concatenate and print files
cb(l) ......•..........•...•...........••...•. C program beautifier
cc (1) ........•.........•...•.•...........•...•...•.••. C compiler
cd(l) ...........•......•.........•.....• change workirlg directory
cdc(l) •.....••...•..• change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta
cflow (1) ..........•.....•................... generate C flow graph
chfn (1) .•...........•....•...•.•.......... change user login name
chmod(l) ..•..•.........•........•....•...•.•••.....• change mode
chown(l) ........•....•...•...•............ change owner or group
chsh(l) ..........•..•..•.....•.......•.......•. change login shell
clear (lB) • . . . . • • . . • . . . • . . .•.....•..........•. clear terminal screen
cmp(l) .................•...•.................... compare two files
col(l) .....•.•..........•...•..••.......•.• filter reverse line-feeds

UP-11760 R2B, V2

Contents 1


comb(1) ....•...•...........•..•............. combine sees deltas
comm(l) ...•......... select or reject lines common to two sorted files
cp(l) .....................•............... copy, link or move files
cpio(l) ............................... copy file archives in and out
cpp(l) ......•........................ the e language preprocessor
crontab(l) .•.......•............................. user crontab file
crypt(l) ..................•....................... encode/decode
csh(lB) ........... a shell (command interpreter) with e-like syntax
csplit(l) ..•...............•......................... context split
ct ( 1 e) ............................ spawn getty to a remote terminal
ctags (lB) ....................................... create a tags file
ctc(l) .............. ctrace, compile, and optionally run a e program
ctrace(l) .................................... e program debugger
cu(lC) ....•............................. call another UNIX system
cut(l) ................... cut out selected fields of each line of a file
cW(l) ........................ prepare constant-width text for troff
cxref(l) ...•...............•... generate e program cross-reference
date(l) ..................................... print and set the date
dc (l) ............................................. desk calculator
dd(l) ...................................... convert and copy a file
delta(l) ...................•.. make a delta (change) to an sees file
deroff(l) .............. remove nroffltroff, tbl, and eqn constructs
diff(l) ................................. differential file comparator
diff3 (l) .......................... 3-way differential file comparison
diffmk(l) ..•........................ mark differences between files
dircmp (1) .....•••.•••••••••........•.•••••.• directory comparison
dis (1) ...•••••.••.••..•.....••.•.••••••.•.•.•...•••• disassembler
duel) .......•............................... summarize disk usage
dump(l) ...................•... dump selected parts of an object file
echo(l) .......................................... echo arguments
ed(l) ................................................. text editor
edit(l) ...............•.. text editor (variant of ex for casual users)
efl(l) ................................. Extended Fortran Language
enable(l) .............................. enable/disable LP printers
env(l) ....................• set environment for command execution
eqn(l) ................... format mathematical text for nroff or troff
erase(l) ...•..........................•..... erase a cartridge tape
error(lB) ••.......... analyze and disperse compiler error messages
eV(l) .....................•.................... screen text editor
ex(l) .......................•.......................•. text editor
expr(l) ....•................•. evaluate arguments as an expression
f77(l) ......•...............•................. Fortran 77 compiler
factor(l) ......................................... factor a number
file ( 1) ••.••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••.••••.•.•.•• determine file type
find(l) ....•..•......................................... find files
finger(l) ......•...........•...... user information lookup program
fsplit(l) .............•..................... split f77 or ratfor files
gcore(l) ..•.........•........ get core images of running processes
gdev(lG) ..................... graphical device routines and filters
ged(lG) .......................................•. graphical editor
gencc(l) ...................... create a front end to the cc command

Contents 2

UP·ll760 R2B, V2


get(l) ..•.•...•.....................•. get a version of an SCCS file
getopt(l) .....•..................•......... parse command options
glossary(l) ... definitions of common UNIX system terms and symbols
gprof (1) ............................ display call graph profile data
graph(lG) ...........................•.............. draw a graph
graphics(lG) ............. access graphical and numerical commands
greek(l) ..................................... select terminal filter
grep(l) ................................. search a file for a pattern
gsar(l) ......................... graphical system activity reporter
gutil (lG) ...........................•........... graphical utilities
head(lB) ...........................•.....•.... give first few lines
help (l) •............•................... UNIX system Help Facility
hp(l) .. handle special functions of HP 2640 and 2621-series terminals
hpio(l) ........................ HP 2645A terminal tape file archiver
hyphen (1) ...............................•. find hyphenated words
id(l) .......................... print user and group IDs and names
Ifilter(l) .........•................. international line printer filter
ilp(l) ......... send requests to line printer using int'l character set
iostat(l) ...................................•. report I/O statistics
ipcrm(l) . remove message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipcs(l) .........• report inter-process communication facilities status
isort ( l) ................•.................. sort an d/ or merge files
Join(l) •............................... relational database operator
kill(l) •.•.............•....................... terminate a process
last(lB) .•..............•. indicate last logins of users and teletypes
Id(l) .•..•.•...........•.....•... link editor for common object files
level ( 1) ............... display system and product level information
lex(l) ••................. generate programs for simple lexical tasks
line (1) .•...•.....••.........................•••..... read one line
lint(l) •....•................................. a C program checker
list(l) •.............•...... produce C source listing from object-file
locate(l) •........• identify a UNIX system command using keywords
login ( 1) ......••.................•..•.......•............. sign on
logname ( 1) ..................•.....•...............• get login name
look(lB) ...........................•..... find lines in a sorted list
lorder(l) ................ find ordering relation for an object library
lp (1) ........•.................. send requests to an LP line printer
Ipr(l) ...............•........................ line printer spooler
Ips(l) •..••......•.............. set parallel printer characteristics
Ipstat(l) ..•.••.........•.......•......• print LP status information
Is(1) ••.......•.....••................... list contents of directory
Is(lB) •••...................•. list contents of directory (Berkeley)

UP-11760 R2B, V2

Contents 3


[This page left blank. ]

Contents 4

UP-11760 R2B, V2

Volume 2

1. Commands and Applications Programs (continued)
m4(I) ...........•...••....•...........••.•.....•. macro processor
machid(I) .••........ provide truth value about your processor type
mail(I) .......•...••..........•...... send mail to users or read mail
mailx (1) •••......••..••..••. interactive message processing system
make(I) .....• maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs
makekey (I) ......•................•....•. generate encryption key
man(I) .........•..•................... print entries in this manual
mcs(I) .....•............. manipulate the object file comment section
mesg(I) ................•.....•.........•. permit or deny messages
mkdir(l) ...•...•.....•.....••.•••.......•.....•. make a directory
mklost+found(l) ..•.....•...... make a lost+found directory for fsck
mkstr (lB) ......• create an error message file by massaging C source
mm(l) ......... print/check documents formatted with the MM macros
mmt(l) .........•...•••. typeset documents, viewgraphs, and slides
more (IB) .•..•..•........•....•..• file perusal filter for crt viewing
newform(l) ..•..•.........•.•.•..... change the format of a text file
newgrp(l) .•.•....•........•.....••.......... log in to a new group
news(l) •.•..•..••.....••......•..••.••..•.....•. print news items
nice (I) .•.....•......•...•...•....... run a command at low priority
nl(1) •••...••...•••...••.•.•.••.......••.•.•. line numbering filter
nm (l) •••..••...•.••.........•.. print name list of common object file
nohup(l) ......•••...•. run a command immune to hangups and quits
nroff(l) .••..•..•..•.....••.....•••.•.•..... format or typeset text
od(l) ...••••.....•..•..•..••.......••................. octal dump
pack(l) ..•..•..••.......•.......•...••. compress and expand files
packsf (I) •....•.•••......•.... compress and uncompress sparse file
passwd(l) ................................• change login password
paste(l) merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of a file
pcdsk(l) ............................. PC·DOS to UNIX file transfer
pg (l) .••..•....•.•••.••••.••• file perusal filter for screen terminals
pr(l) .•.........••....•..•.•.••..•.....•.••..•..••...•. print files
print(l) ...•.....••••.•••..•••.....•..••.•.•.• line printer spooler
prof (I) ....•.....••••...••••...........•..•..• display profile data
prs(l) ..•..•.....•.••.•••.•.•...••.....•...••.• print an SCCS file
ps(I) ..•......•..•.••....•.•....••.••..•.•.. report process status
ptx(l) ..•.••.•.•••..••..••.••.......•••.•.....•.• permuted index
pWd(l) .•.••..••.•••....•.•.•••••.•••..•.. working directory name
ratfor (1) •.•.•..•....•.•...••••..•...••..•. rational Fortran dialect
regcmp(l) •...•..•.•.•.••...••..•..••.. regular expression compile
rev ( IB) .....••.•...••...••...••..•..•.•.•..• reverse lines of a file

UP-11760 R2B, V2

Contents 5


rm(l) .................................. remove files or directories
rmdel(l) .......................... remove a delta from an sees file
rz(l) ............. XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (batch) file receive
sact (1) ....•....•........... print current sees file editing activity
sag (1 G) ............•....................... system activity graph
sar( 1) ...•......•......................... system activity reporter
sccsdiff(1) .................... compare two versions of an sees file
script(l) ....................... make typescript of terminal session
sdb(1) ..........................•............. symbolic debugger
sdiff(1) .........................•. side-by-side difference program
sed(1) ............................................•. stream editor
setalign(1) •......................... set/unset alignment emulation
setlp(l) ...... set parameters for a line printer type device (parallel)
set_tape (l) .............. change the logical tape size for tape device
setulimit (l) .•.............................. set a user file size limit
sh(l) shell, the standard/restricted command programming language
shl( 1) ..................•..................... shell layer manager
show ( 1) ...•................ display current hardware configuration
size (l) .................... print section sizes of common object files
sleep(l) ......................... suspend execution for an interval
sIn ( 1) ...................................... link files symbolically
sno(1) ............................•.......... SNOBOL interpreter
sort (l) ..•................................. sort and/or merge files
spell(l) ....................................... find spelling errors
spline(lG) ........................•...... interpolate smooth curve
split(1) •..•.•...................•........... split a file into pieces
spool(1) ..................................... spool queue manager
ssp(1) ...........................•...... make output single spaced
starter(l) .•. information about the UNIX system for beginning users
stat (l G) ......... statistical network useful with graphical commands
strings (lB find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file
strip (1) .... strip symbol and line number information from object file
stty (1) ....•..............•......•.... set the options for a terminal
su(l) .....•..................... become superuser or another user
sum(l) •.................... print checksum and block count of a file
sync(1) ........•................•......... update the super block
sz(l) .....•........... XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM batch file send
tabs (1) ........•................•........... set tabs on a terminal
tail ( 1) •...........................•... deliver the last part of a file
tape_size(l) •............. print the logical tape size to standard out
tare 1) ..............•................•.......... tape file archiver
tbl(l) ................•..•.......•.. format tables for nroff or troff
tc(l) .•...................•............. phototypesetter simulator
tee(1) .....•.............. copy input to standard output and to files
tension(l) ........................•....... tension a cartridge tape
test(l) .............................. condition evaluation command
time (1) ...........•....•..........•..•.......•...• time a command
timex(1) ...• time a command; report process data and system activity
toc (1G) ........•............... graphical table of contents routines
touch (1) ............... update access and modification times of a file
tpcvt (1) ........................ filter for old streaming tape format

Contents 6

UP-1l760 R2B, V2


tplot (lG) ....••...........••.•.•.................. graphics filters
tps(l) ..•......••..........•....•...•. show processes use of GPTF
tput(l) ................................... query terminfo database
tr(l) .......•............•.•......•.•........ translate characters
true(l) ...•............•.....•....••......... provide truth values
tsort (I) .......................................... topological sort
tty (I) ................................. get the name of the terminal
ul(IB) ......•.......•.............. underline output for a terminal
ulim (I) ..........•...........•...... increase maximum file size limit
umask(l) ....................•.......... set file-creation mode mask
uname(l) ....................•.. print name of current UNIX system
unget(l) ....................•.. undo a previous get of an sces file
uniq(l) .................•..•......... report repeated lines in a file
units(l) ........................... interactive conversion program
uptime(l) ..................•.•.. show how long system has been up
usage(l) ........ retrieve a command description and usage examples
uucp(lC) ...................•... UNIX system to UNIX system copy
uustat(IC) ..............•...•.. uucp status inquiry and job control
uuto(lC) ....................• public UNIX-to-UNIX system file copy
uux(1C) . _................ UNIX-to-UNIX system command execution
val(l) ....................•..•..•..•.•••........ validate sces file
vc(l) ......................•.....•.....•.......... version control
version(l) ......• display release identifications of installed software
vi(l) ............ screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on ex
vmstat(l) ...................•....• report virtual memory statistics
vpr(l) •..........•.......•..••..•.••.••.. Versatec printer spooler
vs(l) ...•...•.......•..•...•.. report statistics of major subsystems
w(l) ..................•........• who is on and what they are doing
wait(l) ••..................•......•.... await completion of process
wc(l) .•...••....•..•......•.....•.................... word count
what(l) •.....•..............•...•.•..••.....•• identify SCCS files
whereis(l) ......•• locate source, binary, and or manual for program
who(l) ........•.....••.....••................ who is on the system
whoami(l) ......•.......•..•.......• print effective current user id
write(l) ...............•..•..•.........•..... write to another user
xargs(l) .......... construct argument list(s) and execute command
xstr(lB) ... extract strings from C prog. to implement shared strings
yacc(l) ....................•......... yet another compiler-compiler
6. Games
intro(6) •................•..••........•...... introduction to games
arithmetic (6) ................•.. provide drill in arithmetic problems
back(6) •..............•.....••.•.....•... the game of backgammon
bj (6) ....•.................................. the game of black jack
chess(6) ................•...........•........... the game of chess
craps (6) ................•... ; ..•....•........... the game of craps
hangman(6) ......•...•...•..•.....•.•............. guess the word
jotto (6) ....•.........•...•..•..••...........•... secret word game
maze(6) ...................•.•.........•.......... generate a maze
moo(6) ..........................................•. guessing game
quiz(6) ..................•..•.........•...... test your knowledge

UP-11760 R2B, V2

Contents 7


reversi (6) ••...•••....•...•........... a game of dramatic reversals
rogue(6) ......••....•............ Exploring The Dungeons of Doorn
sky (6) ....••.•.••.•.•......•.....••.....•.•..•• obtain ephemerides
ttt(6) ••.•••......•..•..•..••..................•...•.... tic-tac-toe
wump(6) ..••..•..•..•..•............. the game of hunt-the-wurnpus

Contents 8

UP-11760 R2B, V2



U 5000 and U 7000 Series
Operating Systems
Reference Manual
Volume 2
Copyright © 1988 Unisys Corporation.
Unisys is a trademark of Unisys Corporation.

July 1988
Priced Item

Printed in U S America
UP-11760 Rev. 2
Update B

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You should be very careful to ensure that the use of this information and/or
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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions
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DEC and PDP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
Heathkit is a registered trademark of Heath Company.
HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
PS-DOS is an additional trademark of International Business Machines
LEAR-SIEGLER, INC. is a registered trademark of LEAR-SIEGLER, INC.
Microterm is a registered trademark of Micro-Term Corporation.
Motorola is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. 68000, 68010, and 68020
are additional trademarks of Motorola Inc.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Othello is a registered trademark of Gabriel Industries Inc.
a-Chart is a trademark of Quadratron Systems.
SPERRY is a registered trademark of Unisys Corporation.
Tektronix is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc.
Teletype is a trademark of AT&T Teletype Corporation.
Versatec is a registered trademark of Versatec Corporation.
WANG isa registered trademark of Wang Laboratories Jnc.
XEROX is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Diablo is an additional
trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Copyright © 1985 by NCR Corporation
Copyright © 1985 by Computer Consoles, Inc.
Portions of this material are copyrighted © by AT&T Technologies
and are reprinted with their permission.
This documentation is based in part on the fourth Berkeley Software Distribution, under license from the
Regents of the University of California. We acknowledge the following individuals and institutions for their
role in its development:
.Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University .of California
Berkeley, California 94720


convert between 3-byte integers and long integers ••• l3tol
68881 control regi.ter access ••••••• acces.881
generate an abnormal process terimination •••••• abort
Fortran absolute value .••••••••••••••••••. abs
return integer absolute value ••••...••••••••••.•• abs
floor, ceillng, remainder, absolute value functions ••••••••••• floor
accept a connection on a socket ••••• accept
68881 control register access •••.•.•.••..••.••••••••••••• access881
set fne access and modification times •• • • •. utime
GPTF access control fne •...••.••.••••••. gptfctrl
floating point processor access .••.•..••••••.••.•••.••••••. ffp
independent fashion. access long numeric data in a mach. sputl
common object fne access routines •.••••••••••••••••. ldfcn
access utmp fne entry ••••••••••••• getut
determine accessibility of a fne •••••••••••••• access
enable or disable process accounting •••.••••••••••••••••••• acct
per-process accounting fne format ••••••••••.•• acct
return Fortran time accounting ••••••••••••••••••••••• mclock
documents the OSDO adapter macro package for formatting mosd
paging/swapping add a swap device for interleaved •• swapon
change or add value to environment •••••••••• putenv
set the process alarm clock for a process • • • • • • • • . •• alarm
the calling process allocate a GPTF timer structure for • tptimalloc
change data segment space allocation •..•••••••••••••••••••.•• brk
fast main memory allocator •..•••••••••••••.•.•••••.• malloc
main memory allocator .•.••••••••••••.•••••••••• malloc
set system power up time and/or immediately power down sy•. syspwr
format of cpio archive •••.••••••••••••••••••••••• cpio
common archive fne format ••••.•••.••••••• ar
the archive header of a member of an archive fne read ••.•••••.••••••••• ldahread
archive fne read the archive header of a member of an ••• ldahread
Fortran imaginary part of complex argument •.•.••••••.••.•••••••.•.• almag
return Fortran command-line argument......................... getarg
handle variable argument Ust •••••••••••••••••••.• varargs

UP-11762 R2A, VI


Permuted Index

print formatted output of a varargs
get option letter from
number of command line
map of
between long integer and base-64
verify program
functions sinh88I, cosh881, tanh881
push character
terminal capability data
terminal capability data
terminal capability data
convert between long integer and

Fortran bitwise
data returned by stat system
a GPTF timer structure for the
introduction to system
special system
functions floor,
create an interprocess
neqn special
neqn special
map of ASCII
clas sify
get process and
walt for


argument list •••••••••••.•.•••.••• vprintf
argument vector .•..•••••.••.•..•.• getopt
arguments .•..••••••••••••••••••.• largc
ASCII character set ••.••....•..••• ascii
ASCII string convert •••.•••••.••.• a641
assembler and link editor output •.• a.out
assertion .•••...•..••.•.•...•.••.• assert
assign buffering to a stream ••.••.• setbuf
atanh881 - M6888I hyperbolic ••.••.• trIgh88I
audit trail facility .••...••..••.••.• audon
audit trail security status .•••.••.• audit
audit trail security status ...•.•..• ckaudit
back into input stream .••••..•.••.• ungetc
base •..••..••..•••••.•.•••••.••.• btermcap
base •••.••.•••.•••••...••.••.•..• termcap
base •.••••.•••••••••••..••••.••.• terminfo
base-64 ASCII string •.•••••••••..• a641
Bessel functions •.•••••••••.•.••.• bessel
binary input/output ••.•••••••.•••• fread
binary search .••••.••.•••••••.••.• bsearch
binary search trees ••••.•••.•.•.•• tsearch
bind a name to a socket •.•••••.••.• bind
bitwIse boolean functions .••••.•..• bool
block operations ••••.••••••••.••.• block
boolean functions ••••.•••••.•.••.• bool
buffered input/output package •.•• stdio
buffering to a stream .••••••••.•.•• setbuf
bytes ••••••••..•••••••..••.•.•..• swap
call ••.•••••••••••••.••.•••••.•••• stat
calling process allocate •••••••••••• tptimalloc
calls, definitions, and err numbers • intro
calls for Motorola implementation .•• sysm68k
capability data base •.••••••••••.•• btermcap
capability data base ••••••••.•.•.•• termcap
capability data base ••••••••••.•.•• terminfo
ceiling, remainder, absolute value • floor
channel •••••••.•••••••••...•.•.•• pipe
character back into input stream .•• ungetc
character definitions for eqn and .•• eqnchar
character definitions for eqn and .•• eqnchar
character login name of the user. . •• cuserid
character or word from stream ••.•• getc
character or word on a stream •.•.•• putc
character set ..•••••.•..•..••.•.•• ,ascll
characters........................ conv
characters •.••••••••••.••••••.•.•. ctype
child process times •••••.•.•.•.•.•. times
child process to stop or terminate •. wait
classify characters ..••.••••.. •. . •. ctype
UP·11762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

set the process alarm clock for a process •••..•••.•.••.•.
close a common object file •••••...••
close a file descriptor •••••••••.•••
close or flush a stream ••••.•..•••.•
issue a shell command from Fortran •••••••••••••
number of command line arguments .••••.•••••
issue a shell command .•...•••.•••..••••.••.•.•
return Fortran command·line argument •.••.....•••
common archive file format •....•..•
output common assembler and link editor ..•
common object file access routines •.
open a common object file for reading ...•.•
manipulate line number entries of a common object file function •..•..••
close a common object file .....••.•....•..•
read the file header of a common object file •...••...•...••••
line number entries of a section of a common object file seek to ••.••.•.•
seek to the optional file header of a common object file •..•••..••••.••••
relocation entries of a section of a common object file seek to •••.•••••
an indexed/named section header of a common object file read .•••..••....
to an indexed/named section of a common object file seek ...••••.••••
an indexed symbol table entry of a common object file read •.•••...•••.
seek to the symbol table of a common object file .•.••••••.•••...•
line number entries in a common object file •••.•••....•••..•
reloc relocation information for a common object file queuedefs ..••.•
section header for a common object file ..•..•...........
retrieve symbol name for common object file symbol tbl entry .
format common object file symbol table •...•
file header for common object files ...••...•••..•.•
standard interprocess communication package ••.•...•••..
create an endpoint for communication ••.••••.•••••.....••
string comparision intrinsic functions .•••.
expression compile and execute regular ••.••.•
regular expression compile and match routines •..••..•
format of compiled term file. • ••••••••..•••..
error function and complementary error function ...•..
Fortran imaginary part of complex argument ••.•..•.•..••••..
Fortran complex conjugate intrinsic function
of object file compute index of symbol table entry
MPCC configuration file •........•.......
Fortran complex conjugate intrinsic function .••..•••
get name of connected peer ..••.•.••..•...•.•.
create a pair of connected sockets •..••.•..•••.••••
establish an out· going terminal line connection .••••••.•.•.•••.....••..
accept a connection on a socket ....••....•..
initiate a connection on a socket •.•..••..•••.
shut down part of a full· duplex connection ...•.•.•....••...•.••.••
listen for connections on a socket ..••...••.••
math functions and constants .••••••.••••..•••.••••.•.
unistd file header for symbolic constants ..•...•.••......•..••.•..
UP-11762 R2A, Vi

a. out

Permuted Index

GPTF access
shared memory
virtually "hangup" the current
explicit Fortran type
float format
long integers
base-64 ASCII string
format of
hyperbolic functions sinh881,
format of
existing one

set and get file
virtually "hangup" the
get/set unique identifier of
get/set name of
sernum - get serial number of
get name of
find the slot in the utmp file of the
get pathname of
screen functions with optimal
terminal capability
terminal capability
terminal capability
fashion. access long numeric
lock process, text, or
pr1m1tive system

control device .•.•...•.•••.••.•.•• loctI
control •••••••...•.••••..•••.••••. fcntI
control file •..••.••..•••••••..•.•• gptfctrl
control operations •.•.•..••.•..•..• msgctI
control operations •. . . • . . • • . • . . • • •• semctI
control operations •...••.•..••••.•. shmctI
control options ........•....•..•••• fcntI
control register access ...•••..••.. access881
control terminal ..•••.••..•.••.•••• vhangup
conventional names for terminals ... term
conversion ...•..•.•.....•••.••... ftype
conversions .........•.••.•...•••• flcvt
convert between 3-byte integers and 13tol
convert between long integer and .. a641
convert date and time to string ....• ctime
convert floating-point number to ••• ecvt
convert formatted input •.••••.•.•. scanf
convert string to double-precision .• strtod
convert string to integer ••.••••••• strtol
core image file ••.•....•.•.•••••.•• core
cosh881, tanh881 atanh881 - M68881 . trigh881
cpio archive ..•....•.•..•..•.••... cpio
CPU time used •....•.••.•..•.••... clock
create a name for a temporary file •• tmpnam
create a new file or rewrite an ..•.•• creat
create a new process .....•••.•..•. fork
create a pair of connected sockets •. socketpatr
create a temporary file ••••••.••.•• tmpfile
create an endpt. for communication • socket
create an interprocess channel ••.•• pipe
creation mask .•.••••...•••••.••.•. umask
CRT screen handl1ng/opt1m1zation •• curses
current control terminal .••••.••••• vhangup
current host .••.•....•..•.••.•.... gethostid
current host ..•..•.•.•..•.••.•.•.• gethostname
current system .•...••..•..•.•..•• sernum
current UNIX system ....•.••.••.•. uname
current user .••.•....••....•.•••.• tty slot
current working directory .••.•..•• getcwd
current working directory pathname getwd
cursor motion ••.•.••.•..•..•.•.••• cursesr2
data base ....••.•.••••.•••••.••••• btermcap
data base ••.•.•.•.••.•.••.••.•.••• termcap
data base .•...•.•....•....•.••.••• terminfo
data in a machine independent .•..•. sputI
Q8ta in memory ..•..•.•..•.••.••••. plock
data returned by stat system call ••. stat
data segment space allocation ..•.•. brk
data types ....•.•....•....•..•.... types
UP-11762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

operating system
introduction to system calls,
special character
special character
get disk
close a fUe
duplicate an open fUe
duplicate a
get file system
paging/swapping add a swap
error records for

mount and unmount
format of
dirent-format of
change working
change root
make a
remove a
get pathname of current working
fUe make a
fUe make a
file make a
get current working
scan a
enter GPTF timer
enable or
generate uniformly
the MM macro package for formatting
adapter macro package for formatting
convert string to
UP-11762 R2A, Vl

date and release number of the ..... sysident
date and time ..•..•......•.•...... gettimeofday
date and time to string ..•.••••••.•• ctime
deallocates a specified GPTF timer .. tptimdealloc
definitions, and error numbers •••• intro
definitions for eqn and neqn •••..•. eqnchar
definitions for eqn and neqn ••.••.• eqnchar
DES encryption ••.•.•.•..•.....••• crypt
description by its name .•.•......•. getdisk
description fUe ••••..•.•...•.•••.• disktab
description of output language •.... troff
descriptor .............•••••.•...• close
descriptor................ . . . . . . .. dup
descriptor ..••.••.•..••••....•...• dup2
descriptor file entry ..••..•..•...• getfsent
determine accessibility of a fUe .••.. access
device for interleaved •..•.•..•.•.. swapon
device information table .•.•.•...•. master
device .•.••...•...•...•.•.••.•..•• ioctI
devices exceeding threshold values alert
dialup line file ....•..••.•.•....... dialups
dialup password fUe ..•.••.•••••••• d-passwd
difference intrinsic functions .••.•. dim
directories across file systems ..•.• rmnt
directories ...•...•.....•.•......• dir
directories .•••.•.••.••••.•......• dirent
directory .•••••.•.•..•.••.•••..•.. chdir
directory .•.•••.•••••.•••.•••••..• chroot
directory entry ..•.••..••.••..•... unlink
directory fUe ••.••...•..•.••..•.•• mkdir
directory file ••.•.••..•••.••.••..• rmdir
directory ..•.•••.•.•....•.•••.••.. getcwd
directory, or a special or ordinary • mjknod
directory, or a special or ordinary . mknod
directory, or a special or ordinary . mknod
directory pathname •.••.•.••...... getwd
directory......................... scandir
directory table •...••..•.•.••••..•. rmnttab
dirent-format of directories •..••.•• dirent
disable mode ..••.•.••.•.••.....•.• tptimdisable
disable process accounting •.•....• acct
disk description by its name •••..•. get disk
disk description file ••.•.•....•.... disktab
distance function •.••.••••.•..••.• hypot
distributed pseudo-random numbers drand48
documents ...•.•.•.......•..••.••• mm
documents the OSDD •.•..•....••.• mosd
double precision product intrinsic •• dprod
double-precision number ..•.......• strtod

Permuted Index

Incremental dump format ..•........••..•......
duplicate a descrIptor ...•........•
duplicate an open file descrIptor ..•
common assembler and link editor output .•...•.....•..•.••..•
user, effective user, real group, and effective group IDs get real ••..•.•
effective group IDs get real user, effective user, real group, and •..•
enter GPTF timer enable mode ....••.•.•......•..•.•
enable or disable process accounting
enable/disable audit trail facility ..•
generate DES encryption •....•.......•..•..•...
create an endpoint for communication ....•...
enter GPTF timer disable mode ...•.
enter GPTF timer enable mode ......
get entrIes from name list .........•...
line number entrIes In a common object file ....•.
macros for formatting entries In this manual .•....•.•..•.
function manipulate line number entries of a common object file .•....
object file seek to line number entries of a section of a common ..•.
object file seek to relocation entries of a section of a common ...•
utmp and wtmp entry formats .•....•....••.••••.•.
get file system descriptor file entry ..•••....•••.••..•••••.••.••
access utmp file entry ..•.•....••...•...•.•••...••
for common object file symbol table entry retrIeve symbol name .•.•..••
read an Indexed symbol table entry of a common object file ..••.••
compute Index of symbol table entry of object file .........•......
write password file entry ....•.•..•..••...•...•....•.
remove directory entry .••......••.................
specified In /etc/TlMEZONE set the env variable TZ to the value •.••...
setting up an environment at login time .....•...•
user environment .................•....
return value for environment name .••.•.•.....•..•.
change or add value to environment ...•••.•...•..•..••..•
return Fortran environment variable .•.••.••.•..•.
special character definitions for eqn and neqn •.••.•......•.•.•..•.
special character definitions for eqn and neqn •.•.••.............•.
error function error function and complementary •.
error function and complementary error function .•.•.•......•..•..•.
system error messages •..•....•........•.
to system calls, definitions, and error numbers Introduction ...•....
threshold values error records for devices exceeding
error-handling function ••...••....
error-log file format .....•.........
connection establish an out-going terminal line .
variable TZ to the value specified In /etc/TlMEZONE set the env ......•.
Euclidean distance function ...•....
error records for devices exceeding threshold values ..•.....
and writing provide exclusive file regions for reading ••.
execute a file ..••....•..••.....••.
compile and execute regular expression .....•..

a. out
time zone
time zone

UP-117S2 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

suspend execution for interval ....•...••.••
prepare execution profile ........•..••.•..•
execution time profile .••...•.••..•
create a new file or rewrite an existing one ...•.•...•..•••.•..•..
explicit Fortran type conversion ..•
root functions exponential, logarithm, pwr, sqr ••
intrinsic functions Fortran exponential, logarithm, square root
regular expr. compile and match routines ..•
compile and execute regular expression •...•.•...•.••..••••..•
graphics for the extended TTY-37 type-box •..•.•..•
numeric data in a machine independent fashion. access long •.••••.•..••.•
fast main memory allocator •..•..•.•
set file access and modification times .••
determine accessibility of a file ..•...........•••.•..•..••.....
common object file access routines ..•....•..•....•
logalert summary message file •.•........•.......••••.....•••
change mode of file ..••.•..•••....•.....••.•••.•..
change owner and group of a file •.••.•...•..•..•..•.••••••.••..
file control ....•...••.....•••••••.
file control options ..••..•....•••••
format of core image file •.•.........•.••..•..••.•••••..
set and get file creation mask .•.•••••.•••.••••
close a file descrIptor .•..••••.••••••••••.
duplicate an open file descrIptor •.•..•.••.•••.••.•••
dIalup line file •......•.••..••.••.•.••...•••..
disk description file...............................
dialup password file •..•.•..••••.••.....••.••••.••.
get file system descriptor file entry .•.••....•..•..•••..•.•••
access utmp file entry ...•.....•...•..•...••...
write password file entry ...•.•.••...••.•.••.•.••.
execute a file ••••.•••...••••..••..•.••.•••••
open a common object file for reading .•..•....•••.•...••
per-process accounting file format ..••....••......••..•.•.
common archive file format ..•••..•...••....•••..•.
error-log file format •.•.....•..•.••.••.•.••.
introduction to file formats •.....•.•.•..•...••..••
number entries of a common object file function manIpulate line ..•..••
get group file .••....•...•...•...• ,..........
GPTF access control file .•..•....•....•.•.••..•...•....
group file...............................
file header for common object files •.
unistd file header for symbolic constants •.
read the file header of a common object file •.
seek to the optional file header of a common object file ••
USER-DEFD, issue issue identification file .•...........••••..........•••.
header of a member of an archive file read the archive ............••
close a common object file .•.....••.••.•..•••.•••.•.••.•.
the file header of a common object file read ..•..•...•.....•.•.••.•.••
of a section of a common object file seek to line number entries ••...
UP-11762 R2A, Vl


Permuted Index

file header of a common object
of a section of a common object
section header of a common object
section of a common object
index of symbol table entry of object
symbol table entry of a common object
the symbol table of a common object
number entries in a common object
link to a
a directory, or a special or ordinary
make a directory
a directory, or a special or ordinary
a directory, or a special or ordinary
MPee configuration
make a unique
find the slot in the utmp
create a new
reposition a
move read/write
information for a common object
read from
provide exclusive
change the name of a
remove a directory
format of sees
section header for a common object
synchronously write on a
symbol name for common object
common object
mount a
unmount a
list of
mount and unmount directories across
link files across
format of compiled term
threshold· logalert threshold
create a temporary
create a name for a temporary
truncate a
walk a
write on a

file seek to the optional ..•....•...•
file seek to relocation entries .•.••.
file read an indexed/named .•.•..••
file seek to an indexed/named .•••••
file compute ...•.••.....••.•.••.••
file read an indexed •....•.•..•.••.
file seek to ••.•..••.•........•.•••
file line .••....•..•.••..•..•••.•..
file ........••.•.•.•..••........•••
file make ••..•.••••..•..•....•....
file ••....••••.•....•...•..•..•....
file make .••......•.•...•....•....
file make •..•..........•..........
file ........•...•.......•.....•....
file name for terminal ...•....••.•..
file name ••..•.••••....•...•...•.•
file of the current user .•.••.••••.•
file or rewrite an existing one .•.•..
file ...•••.•.•••........•....•..•..
file pOinter in a stream ..•....•..•.•
file pointer .•.••..•••..•....••.•..
file queuedefs reloc relocation •••••
file •••.••••.••.••..••..•..•.••••..
file regions for reading and writing .
file •.•..•.•.....•.•....•....•..•..
file •..•..•....•........•.•..•..••.
file •...•.•••••.•.••••.•••••.•....•
file ••••.••.••.••.•••..••...••.••••
file status •.•••••••.•.••.•••..••••
file symbol table entry retrieve .•.•
file symbol table format ••.•.••..•••
file system descriptor file entry ••••
file system ..••••••.•••.•.•.•••.•.•
file system statistics ••••.•.••••..•
file system table •••.•.••.•.••.•..•
file system table ••••.•.•.••••.••.•
file system •..••••.••.•••.•.•..••..
file systems processed by fsck .•.••
file systems •.•••••••••••.•.••.••.•
file systems •••• • • • • • . . • • . • • • • . • • .•
file. . ••..•••.••••.•...••.•••.••..•
file .•..••.••.•...•.•..••.•.•..•..•
file ..••.•...••.......•.•..••..•..•
file .....•........•........•.•.•••..
file to a specified length •.•.•..•...
file tree ..•.•..••..••.••.•••..•...
file ...•.•.•.••...•...•...••...•...
files across file systems •...••.•...




UP·1l762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

file header for common object
format specification in text
primitive string, format of graphical
record locking on
record locking on
static information about the
current user
set a process priority to a

manipulate parts of
value functions
close or
per-process accounting file
common archive file
error-log file
incremental dump

graphical primitive string,

common object file symbol table
introduction to file
utmp and wtmp entry
argument list print
the macro package for
the MM macro package for
the OSDD adapter macro package for
macros for
macros for
signal specify
square root intrinsic functions
UP-117S2 R2A, Vl

files .........•..............••....
files ..............•.....•..•......
files graphical ....•.......•......•
files .........•....•..•....•......•
files .........•..•.•.....•...•.•.•.
filesystems ..••.•.•.•.•...•••••.••
find name of a terminal ....••••.••.•
find the slot in the utmp file of the ..
fixed value ..•....•.....•..••...••
float format conversions ..•........
floating point processor access ..•.•
floating-point number to string .....
floating-point numbers ...........•
floor, ceiling, remainder, absolute .
flush a stream •...•.........•.•...
format .....•..•.•.•.....•..•......
format •....•..•••.•.....•..•.•....
format conversions •...••.•.••.....
format .....•..•.•.•.......••.....•
format ..•..••.•.•.•••.•....••••.•.
format of an inode .•.....••••.....•
format of compiled term file. • ••••.•
format of core image file .•.........
format of cpio archive ..•••.•...•..
format of directories ........•....•
format of graphical files .••.....•..
format of sees file •.......•.•.•...
format of system volume •••........
format specification in text files •..•
format ...•....•..................•
formats ....••.•........•.•..•..•.•
formats •.•....••......••..••.....•
formatted input .•••...•..•..•...••
formatted output of a varargs ..•..•
formatted output ...............•••
formatting a permuted index ••••.••
formatting documents ..•..••..•...
formatting documents ..••..••..•••
formatting entries in this manual ...
formatting macros •.....•..........
formatting papers •.......•.......•
Fortran absolute value ............
Fortran action on receipt of a system
Fortran bitwise boolean functions •.
Fortran command-line argument ...•
Fortran complex conjugate intrinsic
Fortran environment variable ......
Fortran exponential, logarithm, ..•.
Fortran hyperbolic intrinsic .......

tty slot

Permuted Index

argument Fortran imaginary part of complex •• aimag
function Fortran integer part intrinsic ...... aint
Fortran maximum-value functions .•• max
Fortran minimum-value functions .•• min
Fortran nearest integer functions .. round
terminate Fortran program ..........••.•.••• abort
functions Fortran remaindering intrinsic •...• mod
return length of Fortran string ................•..• len
return location of Fortran substring ..•.......••..•.. index
issue a shell command from Fortran .•......•......•.........• system
return Fortran time accounting .•...••.•.. mclock
function Fortran transfer-of-sign intrinsic •. sign
functions Fortran trigonometric intrinsic •..•. trig
explicit Fortran type conversion ........... ftype
generator Fortran uniform random-number ...• rand
get a message from a shared-memory queue ..•.•.• smCLgat
receive a message from a socket ...•............••.•. recv
send a message from a socket ...........•..•....•• send
get a string from a stream ...•.......••........ gets
get option letter from argument vector ........•.... getopt
read from file .•.•.•..••••.•.•••.••....• read
issue a shell command from Fortran ...••...••.......••..• system
get entries from name list •.......•.•••••.•••.. nlist
get character or word from stream • . • . . . . • . • • . . . • . . • • . • •• getc
get name from UID •••...••...•...••.•.••.•. getpw
list of file systems processed by fsck .......•••..•••.••.•.••••••••. checklist
shut down part of a full-duplex connection •......••.•.• shutdown
Fortrs.n integer part intrinsic function .....•.••.•..•.••...••...• aint
function error function and complementary error .. erf
Fortran complex conjugate intrinsic function ..••••.••••.••....••.••..• conjg
double precision product intrinsic function .....•.•..•.•..••..•..•... dprod
function and complementary error function error .••.•..•.••..•..•... erf
log gamma function.......................... gamma
Euclidean distance function ...••..•....•.......•..... hypot
entries of a common object file function manipulate line number ••• ldlread
error-handling function ..••.•.••....•.•........•. matherr
nan881 M68881 test for Not-A-Number function ..••...•...•....•..•...•.. nan881
profile within a function .....•...............•.•.. prof
Fortran transfer-of-sign intrinsic function ..••.•.•..•.•..•.....•.... sign
sqrt881 - M6888I square root function .••..•....•.......•..•.... sqrt881
math functions and constants •.••...••.. math
Bessel functIons .•....••...•..•.......•.• bessel
Fortran bitwise boolean functions ....•.•..••...••.••.••••. bool
positive difference intrinsic functions .•..•••..•.........••.•.. dim
logarithm, power, square root functions exponential, ........•••. exp
logarithm, square root intrinsic functions Fortran exponential, .•.. exp
ceiling, remainder, absolute value functions floor, •..•.•.........•.•. floor
M6888Ilog functions .•..•••..•••..•.•..•..•.. log881
Fortran maximum-value functions ......•...............•.. max

UP-1l762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

Fortran minimum-value
Fortran remaindering intrinsic
Fortran nearest integer
string comparision intrinsic
Fortran trigonometric intrinsic
M6888I trigonometric
Fortran hyperbolic intrinsic
tanh881 atanh881 - M6888I hyperbolic

pseudo-random numbers
Fortran uniform random-number
simple random-number


set and

parent process IDs
group, and effective group IDs
sernum -

UP-1l762 R2A, VI

functions ...............•..•••.•.• min
functions .............•...•..•.... mod
functions ......•..•..•••.•..••.•.• round
functions ............••........•.. strcmp
functions ...•.....•.••...••....•.. trig
functions ......•...•....•••....••. trig
functions ...•...•.•..........•.•.. trig881
functions .......••...•....•....•.. trigh
functions ..•.........•..•••....•.. trigh
functions sinh88I, cosh881, •.•.•.. trigh881
functions with optimal cursor motion cursesr2
gamma function .•.......•..•.•.•.. gamma
generate an abnormal process .•.•.. abort
generate DES encryption ...•.•.••. crypt
generate file name for terminal •.••. ctermid
generate uniformly distributed •.•.• drand48
generator ..•...••••.••••.••.•.••. rand
generator .•.•..••...••.•..•.•.••. rand
get a message from a shared-memory smCLget
get a set of semaphores •.•.••.•.••• semget
get a string from a stream •• . • . • . • .. gets
get and set options on sockets ••.••• getsockopt
get and set user limits ...•..•.•.••. ulimit
get character login name of the user cuserid
get character or word from stream .• getc
get current working directory ..•.. getwd
get date and time ..••..••...••..••. gettimeofday
get disk description by its name .••. getdisk
get entries from name list .•.•....•• nlist
get file creation mask .....••..••..• umask
get file status .•..•..•••••..•••. . •. stat
get file system descriptor file entry getfsent
get file system statistics .....•..•.• ustat
get group file •...•.••...•••..•..•. getgrent
get login name ...•.•••••••.•..•..• getlogin
get message queue •...•..••.•..... msgget
get name from UID ..•.•..•••.••..• getpw
get name of connected peer ..•••••• getpeername
get name of current UNIX system ... uname
get option letter from argument •••. getopt
get password .........••.•..•.•••• getpwent
get pathname of current working ..• getcwd
get process and child process times . times
get process, process group, and •.. getpid
get real user, effective user, real .• getuid
get serial number of current system sernum
get shared memory segment .••.••.• shmget
get socket name •..•.•.........•.•. getsockname
get time ....•.••.•.•.....•.•..•... time

Permuted Index

get/set name of current host .•...•. gethostname
host get/set unique identifier of current gethostid
speed and terminal settings used by getty .••...•••••••••...•••••.••••• gettydefs
non·local goto •.••.•..•..••.....•...•••..••• setJmp
GPTF access control file ..•••...•.. gptfctrl
lock resp. unlock a GPTF shared-memory semaphore ••• Indivisibly
initlallzes a GPTF shared-memory semaphore •.• smsinit
enter GPTF timer disable mode •.•...•.•.. tptimdisable
enter GPTF timer enable mode .•••••..•.. tptimenable
process allocate a GPTF timer structure for the calling tptimalloc
deallocates a specified GPTF timer structure .•.••••...•.• tptimdealloc
reset the specified GPTF timer ••...••....••••..•..•.• tptimreset
set a specified GPTF timer ....................... tptimset
graphical primitive string, format of graphical files .•.....•.....•...•.. gps
graphical files graphical primitive string, format of gps·
type-box graphics for the extended TTY-37 .. greek
graphics interface ••...•.•••.•••.• plot
graphics interface subroutines ..•.• plot
troff macro package to typeset view graphs and slides •.••.•••••••..••• mv
get real user, effective user, real group, and effective group IDs ••.• getuid
get process, process group, and parent process IDs ..•.• getpid
get group file .•.••.••.•..•..•...•.•.. getgrent
group file ••.••.•••..•••••.•...•.• group
set process group 10 .••••.•........••.•...•.• setpgrp
user, real group, and effective group IDs get real user, effective .. getuid
set user and group IDs ...•....•..••........•.. setuid
send signal to a process group ...•.•.••.•....••....•.•.•.• killpg
change owner and group of a file •......•.•••.•...••• chown
send a signal to a process or a group of processes ••.•••••...•.•.• kill
handle variable argument list ••.•.• varargs
CRT screen handling and optimization package • curses
terminal virtually "hangup" the current control •..•.• vhangup
manage hash search tables ••••••...••.••.• hsearch
section header for a common object file ..•.• scnhdr
file header for common object files ...•.• filehdr
unistd file header for symbolic constants ...•.• unistd
read the file header of a common object file ..••.• ldfhread
seek to the optional file header of a common object file ..••.• ldohseek
read an indexed/named section header of a common object file ...•.• Idshread
read the archive header of a member of an archive file ldahread
get/set unique identifier of current host ••.•••••..••••••••..••.•••.•.• gethostid
get/set name of current host •••.•.••••••••••.•••..•
hyperbolic functions ••..•••••..•.• trigh
cosh88l, tanh881 atanh881 - M6888I hyperbolic functions sinh88I, ....• trigh881
Fortran hyperbolic intrinsic functions ..••.• trigh
set process group 10 •.•....•...••.......•...•...•.• setpgrp
USER-DEFD, issue issue identification file ..•......••....•.• isort
get/set unique identifier of current host ...•..••.• gethostid
process group, and parent process IDs get process, .........••.••.•.• getpid



UP-11762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

user, real group, and effective group
set user and group
format of core
set system power up time and/or
special system calls for Motorola
access long numeric data in a machine
package for formatting a permuted
file compute
common object file read an
common object file read an
object file seek to an
script for the

format of an
convert formatted
push character back into
standard buffered
stream status
convert between long
Fortran nearest
convert string to
convert between 3·byte
between 3·byte integers and long
add a swap device for
create an
suspend execution for
power recovery
Fortran integer part
Fortran complex conjugate
double preciSion product
Fortran transfer·of·sign
positive difference
exponential, logarithm, square root
Fortran remBindering
string comparision
Fortran trigonometric
UP·11762 R2A, VI

IDs get real user, effective •..••.•. getuid
IDs .•..•.•..•..••••••...••..••.•• setuld
image file .•.•••..••••••••••••••••• core
imaginary part of complex argument almag
immediately power down system •••. syspwr
implementation ••.•.•••.•.••.•••.•• aysm68k
incremental dump format .•••••••••• fdump
independent fashion ..•.....••••••• sput!
independent operation routines .... termcap
independent operation routines •.•. termcap
index the macro ...•••.•.....•....• mptx
index of symbol table entry of object ldtbindex
indexed symbol table entry of a .... ldtbread
indexed/named section header of a • ldshread
indexed/named section of a common • ldsseek
init process ....••.••....•....•.••• inittab
init1al1ze a shared.memory queue •.• smCLinit
init1al1zes a GPTF shared.memory ... smsinit
initiate a connection on a socket •..• connect
initiate pipe to/from a process .....• popen
inode .•.•.•••......••.•.•..••..... inode
input .•.•....••••••••..•••..•..•.• scanf
input stream •.•••.•••••.•...••..•. ungetc
input/output .•••..•.........•••.• fread
input/output package •..••..•..•.. stdio
inquiries ..•..••••.•....•..•..••.• ferror
integer absolute value •..•••..•..•. abs
integer and base·64 ASCII string ••. a641
integer functions ••.••..•••.••.••• round
integer part intrinsic function ..••. Bint
integer .•..••.••..••••.••.••••.••• strtol
integers and long integers ••••..••• 13tol
integers convert .•.•••.•.•.•••••.• 13tol
interface •.••..•.•••.......••.••.. plot
interface subroutines .•....•..•••. plot
interleaved paging/swapping .••••• swapon
interprocess channel ...•..•..•••.. pipe
interprocess communication package stdipc
interval .•..•.•.•.•.....••.....••• sleep
interval to single·user state •••••.•• pwrtime
intrinsic function .••.••••••.•••••• Bint
intrinsic function •••••••••••••.••• conjg
intrinsic function •••.••..•.••••••• dprod
intrinsic function ..•....•.•.•••••• sign
intrinsic functions ••..•••..••••••• dim
intrinsic functions Fortran •••••••• exp
intrinsic functions .•...•••••.••••• mod
intrinsic functions •.••.....•..•... strcmp
intrinsic functions ...•••.•••.••••. trig

Permuted Index

Fortran hyperbolic intrinsic functions ...•....•....•.. trigh
introduction to file formats •..•••.. intro
introduction to miscellany .••.•..•• intro
libraries introduction to subroutines and •..• intro
definitions, and error numbers introduction to system calls, ••..••. intro
synchronous i/o multiplexing •.....•.•.....•.••. select
issue a shell command from Fortran • system
issue a shell command •••......•... system
USER·DEFD, issue issue identification file .......•.•.. isort
USER·DEFD, issue Issue identification file ..••... isort
description of output language ......•..•..•.......•.•.. troff
return length of Fortran string ......•.... len
truncate a file to a specified length ......•..........•.......... truncate
get option letter from argument vector ...•.... getopt
introduction to subroutines and libraries ..•.......•.........••.... intro
get and set user limits ....••....•..•..•.••........• ullmit
number of command line arguments •...•.•..•.•••...•• , largc
establish an out·going terminal line connection . . . . • . • • . • . • • • • • . • •. dial
dialup line file . . . . . • . . • . . • . . . • . . • . . . • . . •. dialups
object file line number entries in a common .•.• linenum
object file function manipulate line number entries of a common .•.• ldlread
common object file seek to line number entries of a section of a ldlseek
linear search and update ••...•••.. lsearch
common assembler and link editor output .•....•..•.••.•.. a.out
link files across file systems •.•.... slink
link to a file ......•....•.......... link
get entries from name list ••.....•..•.••••....•.•...•.•.. nlist
fsck list of file systems processed by ••.• checklist
handle variable argument list .•....••••••..••.•..•.•.•.•.... varargs
output of a varargs argument list print formatted ....••...••.•.• vprintf
listen for connections on a socket ..• listen
return location of Fortran substring .•...• index
last locations in program .••.•.•..•••... end
lock process, text, or data in mem .• plock
shared·memory semaphore lock resp. unlock a GPTF ..••••••.• Indivisibly
record locking on files •..•.••••.•..••••.• lockf
record locking on files ...•.•..•.........• lockf
M68881 log functions •••.••.•....•.•••...• log881
log gamma function •.•..••.••••.••• gamma
logalert summary message file •....• alertmesg
threshold - logalert threshold file .•..•..•..•.. threshold
functions exponential, logarithm, power, square root ..... exp
functions Fortran exponential, logarithm, square root intrinsic .•.• exp
get login name ....•••.•.•.••.•....••.. getlogin
get character login name of the user .••.•.•...•.• cuserid
return login name of user .•.•..•.•..••.•.• logname
setting up an environment at login time ••.•.•••.•.••••.•..•.•..• profile
convert between long int and base-64 ASCII string ..• a641
convert between 3·byte integers and long integers •...••.•••..•.....•.• 13tol

UP-1l762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

independent fashion. access long numeric data in a machine •..•.
M68881 •..••..•••••..•..•.•.•.•.••
sinh881, cosh881, tanh881 atanh881· M68881 hyperbolic functions .•.•..•
M68881 log functions ....••..•.....
M6888I ..••..••.••.•..•••••.••••.•
sqrt881· M68881 square root function •.....•
nan881 M68881 test for Not·A-Number fnctn .
M68881 trigonometric functions .....
access long numeric data in a machine independent fashion. . •..•.
machine· dependent values .........
permuted Index the macro package for formatting a .....
documents the MM macro package for formatting ......
documents the OSDD adapter macro package for formatting ......
and slides troff macro pkg to typeset view graphs ..
manual macros for formatting entries in this
macros for formatting papers ......
text formatting macros •.•...•••...••.....•.....••
main memory allocator •......••...•
fast main memory allocator ...•........•
make a directory file ...•.•.....•..
ordinary file make a directory, or a special or •..
ordinary file make a directory, or a special or •..
ordinary file make a directory, or a special or ...
make a unique file name .••...•.•...
manage binary search trees •..•••..
manage hash search tables .•....•..
common object file function manipulate line number entries of a .
numbers manipulate parts of floating·point ••
macros for formatting entries in this manual ••..•...•.••.•.•••...•...••
map of ASCII character set .•..•....
set and get file creation mask ..•.••..•••.•••...•....••..••
master device information table ....
regular expression compile and match routines •••.•.............•.
math functions and constants .••••.
Fortran maximum-value functions ..........
fast main memory allocator •.•.••.••..•....•.
main memory allocator ..•....•....•.....
shared memory control operations •.•...••.
memory operatIons •.••.••..•.••.•.
shared memory operations ..•..••••..•.••.
lock process, text, or data in memory ........•..•.•..•.•....•••.
get shared memory segment .....•........••••
message control operations •••..•..
logalert summary message file ......•....•.•.•...••.
get a msg from a shared-memory queue ...
receive a message from a socket ..•.••.....••
send a message from a socket •.•.•.....•••
put a message into a shared·memory queue
get message queue ••..••.•.••.....••.•
UP·11762 R2A, VI




Permuted Index

system error
documents the
enter GPTF timer disable
enter GPTF timer enable
set file access and
screen functions with optimal cursor
special system calls for
file systems

synchronous 1/0
character definitions for eqn and
character definitions for eqn and
nanB8I M68BBI test for
power recovery
fashion. access long
open a common
line number entries of a common
close a common
read the file header of a common
entries of a section of a common
the optional file header of a common
entries of a section of a common
section header of a common
an indexed/named section of a common
index of symbol table entry of
symbol table entry of a common
seek to the symbol table of a common
line number entries in a common
relocation information for a common
section header for a common
retrieve symbol name for common
file header for common

duplicate an

message send and receive operations msgop
messages ...•.••........•........• perror
minimum-value functions ...•.....•• min
MM macro package for formatting •.• mm
mode of file ••••.•••....••••••••••• chmod
mode •...•....•.....••........•••• tptimdisable
mode ....•..•...•..••.•••.••..•••• tptimenable
modification times ......••.•.•.••.. utime
modify/query audit trail security .. audit
motion ••..•..••.........•...•..•.. cursesr2
Motorola implementation .....•.•... sysm6Bk
mount a file system .•..••....•..•.. mount
mount and unmount dir's across .•.. rmnt
mounted directory table •...•....•. rmnttab
mounted file system table ...•...... mnttab
mounted file system table ...••.•... mtab
move read/write file pointer •••••.. lseek
MPCC configuration file ...•.•.••.• mpcctab
multiplexing .•.•.•...••.•.•..••••. select
nan881 M6BB8I test for Not-A-Number nanB8I
nearest integer functions •...•••••• round
neqn special •••.••.••...•.••••••.• eqnchar
neqn special ..•.••.••...•••••.•.•. eqnchar
non-local goto ...••.•..•••...•.•... setjmp
Not-A-Number function .•.......••• nanB8I
notification •..•....•.••........••• pwrnote
numeric data in a mach independent sputl
object file access routines •....•... ldfcn
object file for reading •.••••.•••.•• ldopen
object file function manipulate .•••. ldlread
object file .•..•.••.•..•...•....... ldclose
object file .•..•..•.......•.......• ldfhread
object file seek to line number ..•..• ldlseek
object file seek to •.•...••.•......• ldohseek
object file seek to relocation ..••••• ldrseek
object file read an indexed/named .• ldshread
object file seek to •......•.......•. ldsseek
object file compute .•....•••.•...•. ldtbindex
object file read an indexed ..•.••••• ldtbread
object file .•..••.•.•..•.•.••.•.••• ldtbseek
object file .......•........•...•••. linenum
object file queuedefs reloc ....••... queuedefs
object file ....••...•.....•....•..• scnhdr
object file symbol table entry ...•... ldgetname
object file symbol table format ..•... syms
object files ...•....•.....•....••.. filehdr
open a common object file for reading ldopen
open a stream •••...•.•.•......•... fopen
open file descriptor ......••...••.• dup
UP-11762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

date and release number of the
terminal independent
terminal independent
message control
message send and receive
semaphore control
shared memory control
shared memory
screen functions wIth
CRT screen handling and
object file seek to the
file control
get and set
make a directory, or a special or
make a directory, or a special or
make a directory, or a special or
formatting documents the
establish an
common assembler and link editor
descrIption of
print formatted
print formatted
CRT screen handling and optimization
index the macro
the MM macro
the OSDD adapter macro
standard buffered input/output
standard interprocess communIcation
slides troff macro
add a swap device for interleaved
create a
macros for formatting
get process, process group, and
read a
get current working directory
get name of connected
the macro package for formatting a
UP-11762 R2A, VI

open for reading or writing ...•.•.• open
opendir, readdir, telldir, seekdir, . directory
operating system ..••......•....... sysident
operation routines •••..•..•.••••.• termcap
operation routines ••.••....•••••.• termcap
operations .•••....•.•...•.•.••.••• block
operations .....•.....•.••....••••. memory
operations .•.•.•......•••.•..•.••• msgctl
operations ..•.....••••••...••..... msgop
operations .....•....••..••••••..•• semctl
operations ....••...•••..•...•..••. semop
operations ..........•...•.•..•.... shmctl
operations ...•.................... shmop
optimal cursor motion ......•.••..•. cursesr2
optimization package .........•.... curses
option letter from argument vector • getopt
optional file header of a common ..•• Idohseek
options ....•..........•....•.•.... fcntl
options on sockets •.••.•••••.•.••. getsockopt
ordinary file ••...•••••...••••••.•• mJknod
ordinary file ••..••.••.••.••••••••• mknod
ordinary file •.......•••.•.•..••••. mknod
OSDD adapter macro package for .•• mosd
out-going terminal line connection •• dial
output •......••..•••••••...•••.•. a. out
output language ••.••.•.••.•.•..•. troff
output of a varargs argument list .•. vprintf
output •.....•.••.•..•••••••.••.•. printf
owner and group of a file ...•.•..•. chown
package .•...•.•.•••.•...•.•.•.••• curses
package for formatting a permuted . mptx
package for formatting documents •. mm
package for formatting documents •. mosd
package ...••••...•••.....•..•.•.. stdio
package •..•.•..•.•...••.....••.•. stdipc
package to typeset view graphs and mv
paging/swapping .•..••........... swapon
pair of connected sockets ...•.••.•. socketpair
papers .........•..•.........••... me
parent process IDs •••••.••...•.... getpid
password file ....••••••••.••.••••• d-passwd
password file entry ..•.....•..•..• putpwent
password file ••.••••..•.••....•..• passwd
password......................... getpass
password .........•..•.•.•.•..•••• getpwent
pathname .......••••..••..••.....• getwd
pathname of current working dir ..• getcwd
peer ...........•..•.•...•.••....• getpeername
permuted index ...••.••...••..•.•• mptx

Permuted Index

reposition a file
move read/write file
exponential, logarithm,
files graphical
argument list
set a process
enable or disable
set the
set the process alarm clock for a
create a new
get process,
send signal to a
process, process group, and parent
script for the init
change priority of a
send a signal to a
initiate pipe to/from a
set a
process IDs get
generate an abnormal
get process and child
walt for child
wait for
GPTF timer structure for the calling
list of file systems
a signal to a process or a group of
floating point
double precision
prepare execution
execution time
reading and writing
generate uniformly distributed


per-process accounting file format .. acct
pipe to/from a process ...••.•..••.. popen
pointer in a stream ...••...••.•..•. fseek
pointer ...•.....•...••••.•...•.••• lseek
positive difference intrinsic •.••••. dim
power, square root functions .•...• exp
precision product intrinsic function dprod
prepare execution profile .•.•....•. monitor
primitive string, format of graphical gps
primitive system data types .•.....• types
print formatted output of a varargs • vprintf
print formatted output ..•....•..•. printf
priority of a process ...........•.. nice
priority to a fixed value •...•.....• tpfix
process accounting .....•..•..•.... acct
process alarm clock for a process •.. alarm
process ........••..•..•..•.....•. alarm
process and child process times .•.. times
process .••............•.......••. exit
process ••.•..•...••.••......•.••. fork
process group, and parent proc IDs getpid
process group ID •.....•..•.....•. setpgrp
process group .•.••....••.•..••••. killpg
process IDs get •••..••••..•.••.••• getpid
process •........•.....•..•.••...• inittab
process ...•.•......•...•......... nice
process or a group of processes .•.. kill
process •...•..•...•.........•.... popen
process priority to a fixed value .•.. tpfix
process, process group, and parent getpid
process terimination ..•....•....... abort
process, text, or data in memory •.. plock
process times •.•.•..•.••..•....••. times
process to stop or terminate ..••.... wait
process to terminate ....••.•.•..... wait3
process allocate a .....•......•.•.• tptimalloc
process trace •••..•••.....•.•••... ptrace
process until signal .......•....•.• pause
processed by fsck •....••..•....•.. checklist
processes send .••.....•..•.•..•.. kill
processor access •....•....•.••.•.. ffp
product intrinsic function .. : •..... dprod
profile .......•..•........•....•.. monitor
profile ...................•....•.. profil
profile within a function ...•....•.• prof
provide exclusive file regions for ... lockf
pseudo-random numbers •..•.•.•... drand48
push char back into input stream •.• ungetc
query audit trail security status •.. ckaudit
UP-11762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

get message
get a message from a shared-memory
init1al1:te a shared-memory
put a message into a shared-memory
information for a common object file
Fortran uniform
a common object file
of a common object file
of an archive file
object file
provide exclusive file regions for
open a common object file for
open for
specify what to do upon
specify Fortran action on
message send and

threshold values error
state power
provide exclusive file
68881 control
compile and execute
system date and
common object file queuedefs
common object file seek to
object file queuedefs reloc
floor, ceiling,

semaphore lock
object file symbol table entry

UP-11762 R2A, VI

queue .......•.••...•.•.•...•••.•. msgget
queue .••.••...••.•••.•••..••..••• smCL.get
queue .••••....•..•••..•••••.•.••• smCL.init
queue •.•.•..•.•.....•.....•.••..• smCL.Put
queuedefs reloc relocation ••.•••••• queuedefs
quicker sort .•.••.••..••••••..•••• qsort
random-number generator •...••••• rand
random· number generator ..•.••••. rand
read a password ...•....•.....•... getpass
read an indexed symbol tbl entry of ldtbread
read an indexed/named section hdr • ldshread
read from file •.•...••..••..•....•• read
read the archive header of a member ldahread
read the file header of a common ..•. ldfhread
readdir, telldir, seekdir, •...•.•.•• directory
reading and writing •...••...•..••. lockf
reading •.•........•..•..•.•.•...• ldopen
reading or writing ..•...•....••.•. open
read/write file pointer ...•....•.... lseek
'receipt of a signal ..•••..••..••...• signal
receipt of a system signal ....••••.. signal
receive a message from a socket •..• recv
receive operations •....•••.•..••.. msgop
record locking on files ••.•.••..••.• lockf
record locking on files ...•.......•. lockf
records for devices exceeding .••.• alert
recovery interval to single·user ••.• pwrtime
recovery notification •...•••..••••• pwrnote
regions for reading and writing .••• lockf
register access ....•..•.......••.. access881
regular expr compile and match ••.• regexp
regular expression ..•.....•....... regcmp
release number of the operating •... sysident
reloc relocation information for a •.• queuedefs
relocation entries of a section of a •• ldrseek
relocation information for a common . queuedefs
remainder, absolute value functions floor
remainderIng Intrinsic functions •.. mod
remove a directory file ••..•••••••• rmdir
remove directory entry ...••••...•. unlink
report CPU time used •••.••••..•••• clock
reposition a file pointer in a stream • fseek
reset the spec1f1ed GPTF timer •.••• tpt1mreset
resp. unlock a GPTF shared·memory Indivisibly
retrieve symbol name for common .•. ldgetname
return Fortran command·line arg •.• getarg
return Fortran environment variable getenv
return Fortran time accounting .•.. mclock
return integer absolute value .•••.. abs

Permuted Index

create a new file or
sqrt881 - M6888I square
exponential, logarithm, power, square
exponential, logarIthm, square
common object file access
regular expression compile and match
terminal independent operation
termJnallndependent operation
format of
package CRT
manage hash
manage binary
file read an indexed/named
seek to line number entries of a
seek to relocation entries of a
seek to an indexed/named
modify/query audit trail
query audit trail
a common object file
section of a common object file
section of a common object file
common object file
object file
opendir, readdir, telldir,
get shared memory
change data
resp. unlock a GPTF shared-memory
1n1tiallzes a GPTF shared-memory
get a set of
of processes
sernum - get

return length of Fortran string •••. len
return location of Fortran substring index
return login name of user ...•.•.••. logname
return value for environment name • getenv
returned by stat system call .••••.. stat
rewrite an existing one .........•.• creat
root directory .•..•.•••••.•••..•.. chroot
root function •..•.•..•.•..•.•••••• sqrt881
root functions .••••..•.•.••..••••. exp
root intrinsic functions Fortran .••• exp
routines .•••.•..•••.•..•••..•..•.. ldfcn
routines .•••••.••.•.••.••••••.••.. regexp
routines ••••.•.••••••••••.....••.. termcap
routines .••.••.•.••.••.•••••••••.. termcap
scan a directory ..•.•..••.....•••. scandir
SCCS file ••.••.••.•.•••••.••....•. sccsfile
screen functions with optimal cursor cursesr2
screen handling and optimization .•• curses
script for the init process ..•.••.•.. inittab
search and update •....••.•..•.••• lsearch
search ••.•.•••••.••••.••.•••••... bsearch
search tables ••••••••••••.•••••••• hsearch
search trees ••..••••••.••.•..•..•• tsearch
section header for a common object • scnhdr
section header of a common object •• Idshread
section of a common object file ••.••. ldlseek
section of a common object file .••••• ldrseek
section of a common object file •••••• Ids seek
security status •••••....•...••.••• audit
security status ••.•.•............• ckaudit
seek to an indexed/named section of Ids seek
seek to line number entries of a .•.• ldlseek
seek to relocation entries of a •.••.. ldrseek
seek to the optional file header of a • ldohseek
seek to the symbol table of a common ldtbseek
seekdir, ••••.••••.•••••••••.•••••. directory
segment ••••.•.••.••••.•.•.••..... shmget
segment space allocation ••••••...•• brk
semaphore control operations .•..•. semctl
semaphore lock ••.•....••...•••.•. Indivisibly
semaphore operations ••••.•.•••••• semop
semaphore ••••••••••..•.••••••.••• sms1n1t
semaphores....................... semget
send a message from a socket ....•.• send
send a signal to a process or a group kill
send and receive operations ••..••• msgop
send signal to a process group •.••• killpg
serial number of current system .•.. sernum
sernum - get serial num of current .. sernum
UP-11762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

setl get time slice .•..•.••.•.•...•..
time setting up an environment at login ..
speed and terminal settings used by getty ...•.••....•
shared memory control operations ..
shared memory operations •.•.•••••
get shared memory segment •••.•••••••
get a message from a shared·memory queue .••••.•.•••••
Inittallze a shared·memory queue ••....•••..•.
put a message Into a shared·memory queue ..•••••.•••••
lock resp. unlock a GPTF shared·memory semaphore •.••...••
Initializes a GPTF shared·memory semaphore ..•.•.••.
issue a shell command from Fortran .••....•
issue a shell command .•.•..•....•.•....•.
connection shut down part of a full· duplex ...•.
sigpause· sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore, ......
sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore, sigpause· ••.•.•.••••••.
suspend process until signal •.....••..•••.•.•.••.•.•••.•
Fortran action on receipt of a system signal specify ..••••••••••••••••••
specify what to do upon receipt of a signal ...••...•.••••••.•••.•••.•••
send signal to a process group ••••••.•••
processes send a signal to a process or a group of •••.
software signals ••••••••.•••.••••••••••••.•
aigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore, sigpause· .••••••••...••••••••••.•
. sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore, sigpause· •••••
sigpause. sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore,
simple random·number generator •..
power recovery Interval to sIngle·user state ..•••..••..•.•....
M68881 hyperbolic functions sInh881 cosh881 tanh881 atanh881 •.
setl get time slice •.•..•.••.•.••..•.•.•••••.•••
package to typeset view graphs and slides troff macro .•.••.••••••••••.
user find the slot In the utmp file of the current •.
accept a connection on a socket .......•....•..•.••.•••••.••
bind a name to a socket ..•••..•••..••••.•••.•••.•••
initiate a connection on a socket .•.....•.•.••.•...•••.••.•••
listen for connections on a socket ••.••.••.••••.••..•••..••.••
get socket name .•.•...•.•.•••..•••.••
receive a message from a socket .•.••..•••.•...•.••......••.
send a message from a socket............................
get and set options on sockets...........................
create a pair of connected sockets...........................
software signals •....•..•••.....•.
quicker sort ..••...•.•••..••...••.•...••..
change data segment space allocation •...••••.•.•••..•••
format specification In text files •.•..••••.
deallocates a specified GPTF timer structure ....
reset the specified GPTF timer ....•.•..••...
set a specified GPTF timer .•..•.••••..•.
set the env variable TZ to the value specified In letc/TlMEZONE •••••••
truncate a file to a specified length ...••.•..•.•...•..•
UP-1l762 R2A, VI

tty slot
time zone

Permuted Index

a system signal specify Fortran action on receipt of . signal
signal specify what to do upon receipt of a signal
getty speed and terminal settings used by gettydefs
sqrt881- M6888I square root fnctn .. sqrt881
sqrt881- M68881 square root function .•...••••..••. sqrt881
exponential, logarithm, power, square root functions •...••..••••• exp
Fortran exponential, logarithm, square root intrinsic functions ••••• exp
package standard buffered input/output .••. stdio
package std interprocess communication ••.• stdipc
data returned by stat system call ........•..•....... stat
filesystems static information about the •....... fstab
get file system statistics .•••..........•......•... ustat
modify/query audit trail security status .•....•.............•....... audit
query audit trail security status .•..•.•....••...........•... ckaudit
stream status inquiries ...•......•..•..... ferror
get file status .•....•.•..•••..••.•....•••• stat
wait for child process to stop or terminate •...••••••..•..•.. wait
strcpy, strncpy, strdup, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, • string
strdup, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, strncpy, string
strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, strncpy, strdup, •.••••••• string
strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, strncpy, strdup, strcat, strncat, ....•.••.• string
close or flush a stream •....••••..•.......•.•....• fclose
open a stream •....••..•............•.•.. fopen
reposition a file pointer in a stream •.••.•.....•....•.•.•...... fseek
get character or word from stream •....•.....•...•......•.•.. getc
get a string from a stream •••..............•....••... gets
put character or word on a stream •.•..•.............•....•.. putc
put a string on a stream .....•..•.......•..•....•.. puts
assign buffering to a stream ••.•••.•...•....•....•••••. set buf
stream status inquiries ....•..•...• ferror
push character back into input stream •.•..•..•..•..•.•...•.•.•.. ungetc
long integer and base-64 ASCII string convert between ..•....•.•.. a641
functions string comparision intrinsic ..••.... strcmp
convert date and time to string •••••••..••..•••••••.••••.•• ctime
convert floating-point number to string ••••••.••••••.••.•....•.•... ecvt
graphical primitive string, format of graphical files ...• gps
get a string from a stream ..........•.•.• gets
return length of Fortran string •••••....•.••.•....•........ len
put a string on a stream ................• puts
convert string to double-precision number .• strtod
convert string to integer •••.••.•••...•.•.. strtol
strncpy, strdup, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, • string
strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, strncpy, strdup, string
strncat, strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, strncpy, strdup, strcat, .•.•.••••. string
allocate a GPTF timer structure for the calling process •.. tptimalloc
deallocates a specified GPTF timer structure •..••.•............•.•••• tptimdealloc
introduction to subroutines and libraries ......••.. intro
graphics interface subroutines .........•.•.••.•••.•. plot
return location of Fortran substring •.••.......•...•••••••.. index

UP-11762 R2A, VI

Permuted Index

logalert summary message file ...........•.. alertmesg
update super-block .........••.••.....••.. sync
suspend execution for interval ...•. sleep
suspend process until signal ....•.. pause
swap bytes .•........•........•••• swap
paging/swapping add a swap device for interleaved .•....•• swapon
symbol table entry retrieve symbol name for common object file . Idgetname
symbol name for common object file symbol table entry retrieve ....•... Idgetname
file read an indexed symbol table entry of a common obJ • ldtbread
compute index of symbol table entry of object file •... ldtbindex
common object file symbol table format ..•...........• syms
seek to the symbol table of a common object file . ldtbseek
unistd file header for symbolic constants ......•......... unistd
synchronous i/o multiplexing ....•. select
synchronously write on a file .. . . . .. swrite
name for common object file symbol table entry retrieve symbol •....... ldgetname
read an indexed symbol table entry of a common object file .. ldtbread
compute index of symbol table entry of object file ......•.... ldtbindex
common object file symbol table format ••.•...••••.••.•.•.••. syms
master device information table .••..•.••.••.•.•••.••..•••.•. master
mounted file system table ....••..•.•••••...•••.•.•.••. mnttab
mounted file system table ...•.•.••.•..••••...•••.....• mtab
seek to the symbol table of a common object file •••...•. ldtbseek
mounted directory table .....•..•.....••..•...•.•.•.. rmnttab
manage hash search tables •.....••.•.....••.••.••••.•• hsearch
set tabs on a terminal .•.•••.•..•.••.•• tabs
functions sinh881, cosh881, tanh881 atanh881 M68881 hyperbolic trigh881
opendir, readdir, telldir, seekdir, ..•...•.•..••.•.•. directory
create a temporary file ••.•••••...•••••.•.• tmpfile
create a name for a temporary file ...........•••.....• tmpnam
generate an abnormal process terimination ••....•..•••••.••.•••• abort
format of compiled term file. . •..•.....•. ~ ...•••.•••.. term
terminal capability data base •.••••. btermcap
terminal capability data base ••..••• termcap
terminal capability data base ••••.•• terminfo
generate file name for terminal ..••••.•••••..••••.••••••• ctermid
routines terminal independent operation •••• termcap
routines terminal independent operation •••• termcap
establish an out-going terminal line connection .•.••.••.•• dial
speed and terminal settings used by getty •.•• gettydefs
set tabs on a terminal ••••.•.••.•.••••.••.•.•.•. tabs
find name of a terminal •.•.••...•.•.•..••.•••.••• ttyname
"hangup" the current control terminal virtually •••...••.....•••• vhangup
conventional names for terminals •...•......••.•••.••••..• term
terminate Fortran program ..•....•• abort
terminate process .••••.•.•.••••••• exit
walt for child process to stop or terminate ..•••.••..•.••....•••.•.• walt
walt for process to terminate ..•.•....••...•....•....• walt3
nan881 M68881 test for Not-A-Number function .•••• nan881
UP-11762 R2A, VI


Permuted Index

format specification in text files •••••••••••••••.••••••••• fspec
text formatting macros .•..•.•.••.• ms
lock process, text, or data in memory .•..•.•.••.• plock
threshold - logalert threshold file •.. threshold
threshold - logalert threshold file ...•.••..••.••••.•••• threshold
error records for devices exceeding threshold values ..••••.•..••..•••• alert
return Fortran time accounting .•.••.•.•..••..••.• mclock
system set system power up time and/or immediately power down syspwr
get date and time ...•..........••...•..•.•..•.• gettimeofday
execution time profile •..••.......•..•.•..•.• profil
setting up an environment at login time ..•........•.••••..•..•.•..•.• profile
set/ get time slice •.•...........•.••.•.••.. tslice
set time •..•.••••..•.•••.•.•.••.••••.• stime
get time ..••...•..•••••••..•..•..•.•.. time
convert date and time to string •.........•..•...••.• ctime
report CPU time used •.•.....••.••.•..••.•••.• clock
enter GPTF timer disable mode •.•••••••.•..••• tptimdisable
enter GPTF timer enable mode .••••••..•.•••••• tptimenable
process allocate a GPTF timer structure for the call1ng •..... tptimalloc
deallocates a specified GPTF timer structure ..•..•..•..•.•..••. tptimdealloc
reset the specified GPTF timer ....••....••.••••.•.••.•.••.. tptimreset
set a specified GPTF timer .••••••••••.•••••.••••.••••.• tptimset
get process and child process times .•..•••..•••••••••••••••..••• times
set file access and modification times .•.•...•.•••••••..•••••.•••.. utime
initiate pipe to/from a process •••.•.••.•.•..•.• popen
process trace ......•...••..••..•••.....••. ptrace
enable/disable audit trail facility ••.••••.•.•••••..••••• audon
modify /query audit trail security status ••..••••••.••.• audit
query audit trail security status .•..••.•.•..••• ckaudit
Fortran transfer-of-sign intrinsic function .. sign
translate characters ..•.•••••...•.. conv
walk a file tree ••••..••....•.•...•••••.•••..• ftw
manage binary search trees •••..•.•..•....•..••.•.•..••• tsearch
trigonometric functions .••.•.•.••.• trig
M6888l trigonometric functions .••.•••••••• trig881
Fortran trigonometric Intrinsic functions ••• trig
graphs and slides troff macro package to typeset view mv
truncate a file to a specified length . truncate
graphics for the extended TTY·37 type-box •••••••.•.••.•.••• greek
explicit Fortran type conversion ••••.•••••••••.•••• ftype
graphics for the extended TTY·37 type-box ••..•.••••....••.•••.•••• greek
primitive system data types •••...••••••.•••.••.• ; ..•••• types
troff macro package to typeset view graphs and sUdes •.••• mv
/etc/TlMEZONE set the env variable TZ to the value specified in •.•..••. time zone
get name from UID •..•.....•.••...•.....•..•.••• getpw
Fortran uniform random·number generator •• rand
numbers generate uniformly dist pseudo·random •.•••• drand48
make a unique file name .••.•.•••••.••.••. mktemp
get/set unique identifier of current host ••. gethostid

UP·11762 R2A, VI


m4 - macro processor

m4 [ options ] [ files ]
M4 is a macro processor intended to be a pre-processor for Ratfor,
C, and other languages. Each of the argument files is processed in
order; if there' are no files, or if a file name is -, the standard
input is read. The processed text is written on the standard output.
The options and their effects are as follows:
- Dname [=val]
Defines name to valor to nulllf val is not specified.
undefines name.

The following options must appear before the file names and before
any - D or - U options.
-e Operate interactively. Interrupts are ignored and the output
is unbuffered.
Enable line sync output for the C preprocessor (#line . . . )
Change the size of the push-back and argument collection
buffers from the default of 4,096.

Change the size of the symbol table hash array from the default
of 199. The size should be prime.
Change the size of the call stack from the default of 100 slots.
Macros take three slots, and non-macro arguments take one.
Change the size of the token buffer from the default of 512

Macro calls have the form:
name(argl,arg2, . . . , argn)
The ( must immediately follow the name of the macro. If the name of
a defined macro is not followed by a (, it is assumed to be a call of
that macro with no arguments. Potential macro names consist of
alphabetic letters, digits, and underscore; the first character may
not be a digit.
Leading unquoted blanks, tabs, and new-lines are ignored while
collecting arguments. Left and right single quotes are used to
quote strings. The value of a quoted string is the string stripped
of the quotes.

UP-11760 R2, V2

Page 1


When a macro name is recognized, its arguments are collected by
searching for a matching right parenthesis. If fewer arguments
are supplied than are in the macro definition, the trailing arguments are assumed to be null. Macro evaluation proceeds normally
during the collection of the arguments, and any commas or right
parentheses which happen to turn up within the value of a nested
call function as if the expanded macro had been placed into the text
in the first place. After argument collection, the value of the
macro is pushed back onto the input stream and rescanned.
M4 makes available the following built-in macros. They may be
redefined, but once this is done the original meaning is lost. Their
values are null unless otherwise stated.

define (mname, argI, arg2, ... )
defines argl as the value of the macro mname. When
mname is subsequently used, m4 replaces each
occurrence of $n in the replacement text (where n is a
digit) with the n-th argument. $0 is the name of the
macro; missing arguments are replaced by the null
string; $# is the number of arguments; $* is a list of all
the arguments separated by commas; $@ is like $*, but
each argument is quoted with the current quotes (see
changequote) .
undefine (mname)
removes the definition of the macro named in its argument.
defn (ml, m2, m3, ... )
returns the quoted definition of its argument(s). Defn
is useful for renaming macros, especially built-ins.
pushdef (mname, arg1, arg2, ... )
like define, but saves any previous definition.
popdef (mI, m2, ... )
removes current definition of its argument(s), exposing
the previous one, if any.
ifdef (mname, vall, val2)
if mname is defined, returns vall; otherwise returns
val2. If val2 is not specified, ifdef returns null. The
word unix is predefined on the UNIX system versions of
shift (argl, arg2, ... )
returns all but argl. The other arguments are quoted
and pushed back with commas in between. The quoting
nullifies the effect of the extra scan that is subsequently
changequote (lq ,rq)
changes the quote symbols to lq and rq. The symbols
may be up to five characters long. Changequote without
arguments restores the original values (left and right
single quotes) .

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UP-11760 R2, V2


changecom (lm , rm)
change left and right comment markers from the default
# and new-line. If lm and rm are not specified, the comment mechanism is effectively disabled. If only lm is
specified, the left marker becomes lm and the right
marker becomes new-line. If both lm and rm are specified, both markers are changed. Comment markers may
be up to five characters long.
divert (digit-string)
m4 maintains 10 output streams, numbered 0-9. The
final output is the concatenation of the streams in
numerical order; initially stream 0 is the current stream.
The divert macro changes the current output stream to
digit-string argument. Output diverted to a stream
other than 0 through 9 is discarded.
un divert (dstringl, dstring2, ... )
causes immediate output of text from the output streams
named as arguments, or from all output streams if no
arguments are specified. Text may be undiverted into
another output stream. Un diverting discards the text in
the output stream(s) specified by the arguments.

returns the value of the current output stream.


reads and discards characters up to and including the
next new-line.

ifelse (argl, arg2, arg3 [, arg4 ... ])
returns arg3 if argl is the same string as arg2. argl,
arg2, arg3 must be given. If argl is not equal to arg2,
and if five or more args are specified, ifelse repeats,
using args 4, 5, 6, and 7; otherwise, ifelse returns
arg4, or, if arg4 is not present, null.
incr (arg)
returns the value of arg incremented by 1. The value of
arg is calculated by interpreting an initial digit-string
as a decimal number.
decr (arg)
returns the value of arg decremented by 1.
eval (expr, radix, digits)
evaluates expr as an arithmetic expression, using 32-bit
arithmetic. Operators include +, -, *, /, %, (exponentiation) , bitwise & ,
and - ; relationals;
parentheses. Octal and hex numbers may be specified
as in C. Radix specifies the radix for the result; the
default is 10. Digits may be used to specify the minimum
number of digits in the result.



len (string)
returns the number of characters in string.

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index (string, pattern)
returns the position in string where pattern begins
(zero origin), or -1 if pattern does not occur in string.
su bstr (string, start, length)
returns a substring of string. Start
number selecting the first character;
the length of the substring. If length
length is assumed to be large enough
end of the first string.

is a zero origin
length indicates
is not specified,
to extend to the

translit (chars, set!, set2)
transliterates the characters in chars from the set setl
to the set set2. No abbreviations are permitted.
include (fname)
returns the contents of the file named fname.
sinclude (fname)
returns the contents of the file named fname, but does
not print a message if the file is inaccessible.
syscmd (unixcmd)
executes the UNIX system command unixcmd. No value
is returned.

is the return code from the last call to syscmd.

maketemp (string)
fills in a string of XXXXX in string with the current
process ID.
m4exit (xcode)
exits immediately from m4. xcode, if given, is the exit
code; if not given, xcode is assumed to be O.
m4wrap (arg)
arg will be pushed back
m4wrap ('cleanup ( )')





errprint (arg)
prints arg on the diagnostic output file.
dumpdef (item!, item2, ... )
prints current names and definitions, for the named
items, or for all items if no arguments are given.
traceon (m!, m2, . ... )
with no arguments, turns on tracing for the all macros
(including built-ins). Otherwise, turns on tracing for
named macros, m!, m2, ... , etc.
traceoff (ml, m2, ... )
turns off trace globally and for any macros specified.
Macros specifically traced by traceon can be untraced
only by specific c-alls to trace off .
cc (1), cpp(1).
The M4 Macro Processor in the Support Tools Guide.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


pdpll, s5k20, s5k30, sSk40, s5k50, sSk60, s5kBO, s5k90, s7k30,
s7k40, tahoe, u3b, u3b5, vax - provide truth value about your processor type

tahoe (7000 Series Systems only)

The following commands return a true value (exit code of 0) if you
are on a processor that the command name indicates.
pdp!! True if you are on a PDP-ll/45 or PDP-ll/70.
s5k20 True if you are on a Sperry 5000/20.
s5k30 True if you are on a Sperry 5000/30.
s5k40 True if you are on a Sperry 5000/40.
s5k50 True if you are on a Sperry 5000/50.
s5k60 True if you are on a Sperry 5000/60.
s5k80 True if you are on a Sperry 5000/BO.
s5k90 True if you are on a Sperry 5000/90.
s7k30 True if you are on a Sperry 7000/30.
s7k40 True if you are on a Sperry 7000/40.
tahoe True if you are on a Sperry 7000/40 (tahoe is found only
on the 7000/30 and 7000/40 and will be removed in a
later release) .
True if you are on a 3B 20 computer.
True if you are on a 3B 5 computer.


UP-11760 R2, V2

True if you are on a VAX-ll/750 or VAX-ll/7BO.

Page 1.


The commands that do not apply return a false (non-zero) value.
These commands are often used within make(l) makefiles and shell
procedures to increase portability.

make(l), sh(l), test(l), true(l).

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UP-11760 R2, V2


mail, rmail, smail- send mail to users or read mail

mail [ -epqr] [ -f file ]
smail [ -epqr ] [ -f file ]

(5000/20/30/40/50 only)

mail [ -t ] persons
smail [ -t]

persons (5000/20/30/40/50 only)

rmail [ -t ] persons

Mail, without arguments, prints mail for a user, message-bymessage, in last-in, first-out order. For each message, the user is
prompted with a ?, and a line is read from the standard input to
determine the disposition of the message:

Go on to next message.
Same as .
Delete message and go on to next message.
Print message again.
Go back to previous message.
Save message in the named files (mbox is default) .
s [ files]
Save message, without its header, in the named files
w [ files]
(mbox is default) .
m [ persons] Mail the message to the named persons (yourself is
default) .
Put undeleted mail back in the mail file and stop.
EDT (control-d)
Same as q.
Put all mail back in the mail file unchanged and stop.
Escape to the shell to do command. (Not valid for
Print a command summary.


Smail is linked to mail and works like mail except that it does not
allow the ! command. Smail is primarily used as a security feature
to prevent an unauthorized user access to UNIX utilities, but
allows them to read their mail. Smail is available only on the
Rmail permits only the sending of mail; uucp(lC) uses rmail as a
security precaution.

The options alter the printing of the mail:
-e Do not print mail. An exit value of 0 is returned if the user has
mail; otherwise. an exit value of 1 is returned.
-p Print all mail without prompting for disposition.
-q Terminate mail after interrupts. Normally an interrupt only
causes the termination of the message being printed.
-r Print messages in first-in, first-out order.
Use file (e. g. , mbox) instead of the default mail file .

UP-1l760 R2, V2

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Place the names of all persons to whom the mail was sent on the
postmark of the mail for each person. This allows all who
receive mail to know who else received that letter.

Addressing Mail
When persons are named, mail takes the standard input up to an
end-of-file (typically control-d) or up to a line consisting of just a
period and adds it to the mail file for each person. The message is
preceded by the name of the sender and a postmark. Lines that
look like postmarks in the message, (i. e., From . . . ) are preceded with a >. A person is usually a user name recognized by
login(l). If a person being sent mail is not recognized, or if mail is
interrupted during input, the file dead . letter is saved to allow
editing and resending. Note that this is regarded as a temporary
file in that it is recreated each time it is needed erasing the previous contents of dead. letter.
Remote Systems
To denote a recipient on a remote system, prefix person by the system name and exclamation mark (see uucp(lC». Everything after
the first exclamation mark in persons is interpreted by the remote
'system. In particular, if persons contains additional exclamation
marks, it can denote a sequence of machines through which the
message is to be sent on the way to its ultimate destination. For
example, specifying a!b!cde as the name of the recipient causes
the message to be sent to user b! cde on system a. System a interprets that destination as a request to send the message to user cde
on system b. This might be useful, for instance, if the sending
system can access system a but not system b, and system a has
access to system b. Mail does not use uucp if the remote system is
the local system name (Le., localsystem! user).
The maUNIe may be manipulated in two ways to alter the function of
mail. The other permissions of the file may be read-write, readonly, or neither read nor write to allow different levels of privacy.
If changed to other than the default, the file is preserved even
when empty to perpetuate the desired permissions.
Forwarding Mail
The file may also contain the first line:
Forward to person
which causes all'mail sent to the owner of the mailfile to be forwarded to person. This is especially useful to forward all of the
mail for one person to one machine in a multiple machine environment. In order for forwarding to work properly, the mail file
should have "mail" as group ID, and the group permission should
be read-write.
Rmail permits only the sending of mail; uucp(1C) uses rmail as a
security precaution.

When a user logs in, the presence of mail, if any, is indicated.
Also, notification is made if new mail arrives while using mail.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


/usr /mail/user

to identify sender and locate persons
incoming mail for user; i. e., the mailfile
saved mail
variable containing path name of mail file
temporary file
/usr /mail/ ll<.lock
lock for mail directory
dead . letter
unmailable text

login(!), mailx(l), uucp(!C), write(l).
Race conditions sometimes result in a failure to remove a lock file.
After an interrupt, the next message may not be printed; printing
may be forced by typing a p.

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[This page left blank. ]

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UP-1l760 R2, V2


maUx - interactive message processing system
mailx [options] [name ••. ]
The command mailx provides a comfortable, flexible environment
for sending and receiving messages electronically. When reading
mail, mailx provides commands to facilitate saving, deleting, and
responding to messages. When sending mail, mailx allows editing,
reviewing and other modification of the message as it is entered.
Incoming mail is stored in a standard file for each user, called the
system mailbox for that user. When mailx is called to read messages, the mailbox is the default place to find them. As messages
are read, they are marked to be moved to a secondary file for
storage, unless specific action is taken, so that the messages need
not be seen again. This secondary file is called the mbox and is
normally located in the user's HOME directory; see "MBOX"
(ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) for a description of this file. Messages remain in this file until forCibly removed.
On the command line, options start with a dash (-) and any other
arguments are taken to be destinations (recipients). If no recipients are specified, mailx attempts to read messages from the mailbox. Command line options are:

Test for presence of mail. Mailx prints nothing and
exits with a successful return code if there is mail
to read.

-f [filename]
Read messages from filename instead of mailbox. If
no filename is specified, the mbox is used.
Record the message in a file named after the first
recipient. Overrides the "record" variable, if set
-h number The number of network "hops" made so far. This
is provided for network software to avoid infinite
delivery loops.
Print header summary only.
Ignore interrupts. See also "ignore" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) .
Do not initialize from the system default Mailx. rc
Do not print initial header summary.
-r address Pass address to network delivery software. All
tilde commands are disabled.
-s subject Set the Subject header field to subject.
-u user
Read user's mailbox. This is only effective if
user's mailbox is not read protected.

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Convert uucp(l) style addresses to internet standards. Overrides the ftconv n environment variable.

When reading mail, mailx is in command mode. A header summary
of the first several messages is displayed, followed by a prompt
indicating mailx can accept regular commands (see COMMANDS
below). When sending mail, mailx is in input mode. If no subject is
specified on the command line, a prompt for the subject is printed.
As the message is typed, mailx reads the message and stores it in a
temporary file. Commands may be entered by beginning a line with
the tilde (-) escape character followed by a single command letter
and optional arguments. See TILDE ESCAPES for a summary of
these commands.
The user can access a secondary file by using the -f option of the
mailx command. Messages in the secondary file can then be read or
otherwise processed using the same COMMANDS as in the primary
mailbox. This gives rise within these pages to the notion of a
current mailbox.
At any time, the behavior of mailx is governed by a set of environment variables. These are flags and valued parameters which are
set and cleared via the set and unset commands. See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below for a summary of these parameters.

Recipients listed on the command line may be of three types: login
names, shell commands, or alias groups. Login names may be any
network address, including mixed network addressing. If the
recipient name begins with a pipe symbol (:), the rest of the name
is taken to be a shell command to pipe the message through. This
provides an automatic interface with any program that reads the
standard input, such as lp(l) for recording outgoing mail on
paper. Alias groups are set by the alias command (see COMMANDS
below) and are lists of recipients of any type.
Regular commands are of the form
[ command] [msglist] [arguments]

If no command is specified in command mode, print is assumed. In
input mode, commands are recognized by the escape character,
and lines not treated as commands are taken as input for the message.

Each message is assigned a sequential number, and there is at any
time the notion of a 'current' message, marked by a '>' in the
header summary. Many commands take an optional list of messages
(msglist) to operate' on, which defaults to the current message. A
msglist is a list of message specifications separated by spaces,

Page 2

UP-11760 R2B, V2


which may include:
Message number n.
The current message.
The first undeleted message.
The last message.
All messages.
An inclusive range of message numbers.
user All messages from user.


All messages with string in the subject line (case
ignored) .
All messages of type c, where c is one of:
d deleted messages
n new messages
o old messages
r read messages
u unread messages
Note that the context of the command determines
whether this type of message specification makes

Other arguments are usually arbitrary strings whose usage
depends on the command involved. File names, where expected,
are expanded via the normal shell conventions (see sh(1». Special
characters are recognized by certain commands and are documented with the commands below.
At start·up time, mailx reads commands from a system-wide file
(/usr/lib/mailx/mailx. rc) to initialize certain parameters, then
from a private start-up file ($HOME/. mailrc) for personalized variabIes. Most regular commands are valid inside start-up files, the
most common use being to set up initial display options and alias
lists. The follOWing commands are not valid in the start-up file: !,
Copy, edit, followup, Followup, hold, mail, preserve, reply,
Reply, shell, and visual. Any errors in the start-up file cause the
remaining lines in the file to be ignored.
The following is a complete list of mailx commands:

! shell-command
Escape to the shell.


# comment
Null command (comment). This may be useful in .mailrc files.

Print the current message number.

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Print a summary of commands.
alias alias name .. .
group alias name .. .
Declare an alias for the given names. The names are substituted when alias is used as a recipient. Useful in the .mailrc
alternates name ...
Declare a list of alternate names for your login. When responding to a message, these names are removed from the list of recipients for the response. With no arguments, alternates prints
the current list of alternate names. See also "allnet"
cd [directory)
chdir [directory)
Change directory.

If directory is not specified, $HOME is

copy [filename)
copy [msglist) filename
Copy messages to the file without marking the messages as
saved. Otherwise equivalent to the save command.
Copy [msglist)
Save the specified messages in a file whose name is derived from
the author of the message to be saved, without marking the
messages as saved. Otherwise equivalent to the Save command.
delete ImsgUst)
Delete messages from the mailbox. If "autoprint" is set, the
next message after the last one deleted is printed (see
discard [header-field ... )
ignore [header-field •.. )
Suppress printing of the specified header fields when displaying messages on the screen. Examples of header fields to
ignore are 11 status " and lIecll • The fields are included when the
message is saved. The Print and Type commands override this
dp (msglist)
dt (msglist)
Delete the specified messages from the mailbox and print the
next message after the last one deleted. Roughly equivalent to
a delete command followed by a print command.

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UP-11760 R2B, V2


echo string ...
Echo the given strings (like echo(!».
edit [msglist]
Edit the given messages. The messages are placed in a temporary file and the "EDITOR" variable is used to get the name
of the editor (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). Default editor
is ed(l).
Exit from mailx, without changing the mailbox.
are saved in the mbox (see also quit).

No messages

file [filename]
folder [filename]
Quit from the current file of messages and read in the specified
file. Several special characters are recognized when used as
file names, with the following substitutions:
the current mailbox.
the mailbox for user.
the previous file.
the current mbox.
Default file Is the current mailbox.
Print the names of the files in the directory set by the "folder"
followup [message]
Respond to a message, recording the response in a file whose
name is derived from the author of the message. Overrides the
"record" variable, if set. See also the Followup, Save, and
Copy commands and "outfolder" (ENVIRONMENT VARIA6LES).
Followup [msglist]
Respond to the first message in the msglist, sending the message to the author of each message in the msglist. The subject
line is taken from the first message and the response is
recorded in a file whose name is derived from the author of the
first message. See also the followup, Save, and Copy commands and "outfolder" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) .
from [msglist]
Print the header summary for the specified messages.
group alias name .. .
alias alias name . . .
Declare an alias for the given names. The names are substituted when alias is used as a recipient. Useful in the .mailrc

UP-11760 R2B, V2

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headers [message]
Print the page of headers which includes the message specified.
The "screen" variable sets the number of headers per page (see
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). See also the z command.
Print a summary of commands.
hold [msglist]
preserve [msglist]
Hold the specified messages in the mailbox.
if s: r
Conditional execution, where s executes following mailcommands, up to an else or endif, if the program is in send
mode, and r causes the mail-commands to be executed only in
receive mode. Useful in the . mailrc file.

ignore header-field .. .
discard header-field .. .
Suppress printing of the specified header fields when displaying messages on the screen. Examples of header fields to
Ignore are "status" and "cc". All fields are included when the
message is saved. The Print and Type commands override this
Print all commands available. No explanation is given.

mail name ...
Mail a message to the specified users.
mbox [msglist]
Arrange for the given messages to end up in the standard mbox
save file when mailx terminates normally. See "MBOX"
(ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) for a description of this file.
See also the exIt and quit commands.
next [message]
Go to next message matching message. A msglist may be specified, but in this case the first valid message in the list is the
only one used. This is useful for jumping to the next message
from a specific user, because the name would be taken as a com·
mand in the absence of a real command. See the discussion of
msglists above for a description of possible message

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UP-11760 R2B, V2


pipe [msglist] [shell-command]
: [msglist] [shell-command]
Pipe the message through the given shell-command. The message is treated as if it were read. If no arguments are given,
the current message Is piped through the command specified by
the value of the "cmd" variable. If the "page" variable is set, a
form feed character is inserted after each message (see
preserve [msglist]
hold [msglist]
Preserve the specified messages in the mailbox.
Print [msglist]
Type [msglist]
Print the specified messages on the screen including all header
fields. Overrides suppression of fields by the ignore command.
print [msglist]
type [msglist]
Print the specified messages. If" crt" is set, the messages
longer than the number of lines specified by the "crt" variable
are paged through the command specified by the "PAGER" variable. The default command is pg(l) (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) .
Exit from mailx, storing messages that were read in mbox and
unread messages in the mailbox. Messages that have been
explicitly saved in a file are deleted.
Reply [msglist]
Respond [msglist]
Send a response to the author of each message in the msglist.
The subject line is taken from the first message. If "record" is
set to a filename, the response is saved at the end of that file
reply [message]
respond [message]
Reply to the specified message including all other recipients of
the message. If "record" is set to a filename, the response is
saved at the end of that file (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES).
Save [msglist]
Save the specified messages in a file whQse name is derived from
the author of the first message. The name of the file is taken to
be the author's name with all network addressing stripped off.
See also the Copy. followup, and Followup commands and

UP-U760 R2B, V2

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save [filename)
save [msglist] filename
Save the specified messages in the given file. The file is
created if it does not exist. The message is deleted from the
mailbox when mailx terminates unless "keepsave" is set (see
also ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES and the exit and quit commands).
set name
set name=string
set name=number
Define a variable called name. The variable may be given a
null, string, or numeric value. Set by itself prints all defined
variables and their values. See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
for detailed descriptions of the mailx variables.
Invoke an interactive shell (see also "SHELL" (ENVIRONMENT
size [msglist)
Print the size in characters of the specified messages.
source filename
Read commands from the given file and return to command
top (msglist]
Print the top few lines of the specified messages. If the "toplines 11 variable is set, it is taken as the number of lines to print
(see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES). The default is S.
touch (msglist)
Touch the specified messages. If any message inmsglist is not
specifically saved in a file, it is placed in the mboxupon normal
termination. See exit and quit.
Type [1l1$glistJ
Print [msglist)
Print the specified messages on the screen including all header
fields. .Overrides suppre.ssion of fields by the ignore command.
type {msglist]
print (msglist]
Print the specified messages. If '"crt" is set, the messages
longer than the number of lines specified ~by the "crt" variable
are paged through the command specified by the tlpAGER" vari·
able. The default command is pg(l) (see ENVIRONMENT


UP·11760 R2B, V2


undelete [msglist]
Restore the specified deleted messages. This only restores
messages deleted in the current mail session. If" autoprint" is
set, the last message of those restored is printed (see
unset name ...
Erase the specified variables. If the variable was imported
from the execution environment (i. e., a shell variable) then it
cannot be erased.
Print the current version and release date.
visual [msglist]
Edit the given messages with a screen editor. The messages
are placed in a temporary file and the "VISUAL" variable is
used to get the name of the editor (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) .
write [msglist] filename
Write the given messages on the specified file minus the header
and trailing blank line. Otherwise equivalent to the save command.
Exit from mailx, without changing the mailbox.
are saved in the mbox (see also quit).

No messages

z [+:-)
Scroll the header display forward or backward one screen-full.
The number of headers displayed is set by the "screen" variable (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) .

The following commands may be entered only from input mode, by
beginning a line with the tilde escape character C). See "escape"
(ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) for changing this special character.

-! shell-command
Escape to the shell.
Simulate end of file (terminate message input).

-: mail-command
Perform the command-level request. Valid only when sending a
message while reading mail.

UP-11760 R2B, V2

Page 9


Print a summary of tilde escapes.
Insert the autograph string "Sign" into the message (see
Insert the autograph string n sign" into the message (see
Nb name ...
Add the names to the blind carbon copy (Bcc) list.

name ...
Add the names to the carbon copy (Cc) list.
Read in the dead.letter file. See "DEAD" (ENVIRONMENT
VARIABLES) for a description of this file.
Invoke the editor on the partial message. See also "EDITOR"

Nf [msglist]
Forward the specified messages. The messages are inserted
into the message, without alteration.
Prompt for Subject line and To, Cc, and Bcc lists. If the field
is displayed with an initial value, it may be edited as if you had
just typed it.
Ni string

Insert the value of the named variable into the text of the message. For example, NA is equivalent to 'Ni Sign.'

-m [msglist]
Insert the specified messages into the letter, shifting the new
text to the right one tab stop. Valid only when sending a message while reading mail.
Print the message being entered.
Quit from input mode by simulating an interrupt. If the body of
the message is not null, the partial message is saved in
dead.letter. See "DEAD" (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) for a
description of this file.

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UP-11760 R2B, V2


-r filename
-< filename
- < ! shell-command
Read in the specified file. If the argument begins with an exclamation point (!), the rest of the string is taken as an arbitrary
shell command and is executed, with the standard output
inserted into the message.

-s string ...
Set the subject line to string.

-t name ...
Add the given names to the To list.
Invoke a preferred screen editor on the partial message. See

-w filename
Write the partial message onto the given file without the
Exit as with - q except the message is not saved in dead . letter .
- : shell-command
Pipe the body of the message through the given shell-command.
If the shell-command returns a successful exit status, the output of the command replaces the message.

The following are environment variables taken from the execution
environment and are not alterable within mailx.
The user's home directory during execution of mailx.

MAILRC= filename
The name of the start-up file. Default is $HOME/ . mailrc.
The following variables are internal mailx variables. They may be
imported from the execution environment or set via the set command at any time. The unset command may be used to erase variables.
All network names whose last component (login name) match are
treated as identical. This causes the msglist message specifications to behave similarly. Default is noallnet. See also the
alternates command and the mete~ variable.

UP-11760 R2B, V2

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Upon termination, append messages to the end of the mbox file
instead of prepending them. Default is noappend.
Prompt for the Cc list after message is entered.

Default is

Prompt for subject if it is not specified on the command line with
the -s option. Enabled by default.
Enable automatic printing of messages after delete and undelete
commands. Default is noautoprint.
Enable the special-casing of exclamation points (!) in shell
escape command lines as in vi (1). Default is nobang.

Set the default command for the pipe command.

No default

Convert uucp(l) addresses to the specified address style. The
only valid conversion is internet, which requires a mail
delivery program conforming to the RFC822 standard for electronic mail addressing. Conversion Is disabled by default. See
also tlsendmail tl and the -U command line option.

Pipe messages having more than number lines through the command specified by the value of the "PAGER" variable (pg(l) by
default). Disabled by default.

The name of the file in which to save partial letters in case of
interrupt or delivery errors.
Default is
Enable verbose diagnostics for debugging. Messages are not
delivered. Default is nodebug.
Take a period ona line by itself during input from a terminal as
end-of-file. Default Is nodot.

The command to· run when the edit or - e command is used.

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UP-11760 R2B, V2


Default is ed (1) .
Substitute c for the - escape character.
The directory for saving standard mail files. User specified
file names beginning with a plus (+) are expanded by preceding
the filename with this directory name to obtain the real
filename. If directory does not start with a slash (I), $HOME is
prepended to it. In order to use the plus (+) construct on a
mailx command line, folder must be an exported sh environment
variable. There is no default for the folder variable. See also
outfolder below.
Enable printing of the header summary when entering mailx.
Enabled by default.
Preserve all messages that are read in the mailbox instead of
putting them in the standard mbox save file. Default is nohold.
Ignore interrupts while entering messages.
dial-up lines. Default is noignore.

Handy for noisy

Ignore end-of-file during message input. Input must be terminated by a period (.) on a line by itself or by the -. command. Default is noignoreeof. See also n dot" above.
When the mailbox is empty, truncate it to zero length instead of
removing it. Disabled by default.
Keep messages that have been saved in other files in the mailbox instead of deleting them. Default is nokeepsave.
MBOX= filename
The name of the file to save messages which have been read.
The xit command overrides this function, as does saving the
message explicitly in another file. Default is $HOME/mbox.
If your login appears as a recipient, do not delete it from the
list. Default is nometoo.
The command (and options) to use when listing the contents of

UP-11760 R2B, V2

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the folder directory. The default is ls(l) .
When responding to a message that was originally sent to
several recipients, the other recipient addresses are normally
forced to be relative to the originating author's machine for the
response. This flag disables alteration of the recipients'
addresses, improving efficiency in a network where all
machines can send directly to all other machines (Le., one hop
away) .
Put the files used to record outgoing messages in the directory
specified by the folder variable unless the pathname is abso·
lute. Default is nooutfolder. See folder above and the Save,
Copy, followup, and Followup commands.
U sed with the pipe command to insert a form feed after each
message sent through the pipe. Default is nopage.
Use the command as a filter for paginating output. This can
also be used to specify the options to be used. Default is
pg(l) .

Set the command mode prompt to string. Default is "1 n.
Do not print the opening message and version when entering
mailx. Default is noquiet.
record= filename
Record all outgoing mail in filename. Disabled by default. See
also outfolder above.
Enable saving of messages in dead . letter on interrupt or
delivery error. See "DEAD" for a description of this file.
Enabled by default.
Set the number of lines in a screen-full of headers for the
headers command.
Alternate command for delivering messages. Default is mail (1) .
Wait for

Page 14


mailer to finish before returning. Default

UP·11760 R2B, V2


is nosendwait.
The name of a preferred command interpreter.
sh(1) .

Default is

When displaying the header summary and the message is from
you, print the recipient's name instead of the author's name.
The variable inserted into the text of a message when the -a
(autograph) command is given. No default. See also -i (TILDE
The variable inserted into the text of a message when the -A
command is given. No default. See also -i (TILDE ESCAPES) .

The number of lines of header to print with the top command.
Default is 5.
The name of a preferred screen editor. Default is vi (1) .
personal start-up file
$HOME/ . maUrc
secondary storage file
post office directory
/usr /mail/*
/usr /lib/mailx/mailx. help* help message files
global start-up file
temporary files
/tmp/R [emqsx) *
mail(1), pg(1), Is(1), uucp(1).
Where shell-command is shown as valid, arguments are not always
allowed. Experimentation is recommended.
Internal variables imported from the execution environment cannot
be unset.
The full internet addressing is not fully supported by mailx. The
new standards are still evolving.
Attempts to send a message having a line consisting only of a "."
are treated as the end of the message by mail (1), the standard mail
delivery program.

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make - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs

make [-f makefile] [-p] [-i] [-k] l-s] [-r] [-n] [-b] [-e] [-m]
[-t] [-d] [-q] [names]
Make executes commands in make file to update one or more target
files designated by names. Name is typically a program. If no -f
option is present, makefile, Makefile, s.makefile, and s.Makefile
are tried in order. If make file is -, the standard input is taken.
More than one - make file option pair may appear.
Make updates a target only if that file depends on other newer files
(the prerequistes for the target). Make recursively adds all
prerequisite files of a target to the list of targets. Make assumes
that missing files are out-of-date.
Makefile contains a sequence of entries that specify dependencies
(which files depend on other files). The first line of an entry is a
blank-separated, non-null list of targets, then a :, then a (possibly null) list of prerequisite files or dependencies. Text following
a ; and all following lines that be gin with a tab are shell commands
to be executed to update the target. Shell commands may be continued across lines with the  sequence.
Everything printed by make (except the initial tab) is passed
directly to the shell as is. Thus,

echo a\

exactly the same as the shell would.
Sharp (#) and new-line surround comments.
The first line that does not begin with a tab or # begins a new
dependency or macro definition.
The following makefiZe says that pgm depends on two files a.o and
b.o, and that they in turn depend on their corresponding source
files (a.c and b.c) and a common file incl.h:
pgm: a./dev/null 
Display i more lines, (or another screenful if no argument
is given) .

Display 11 more lines (a scroll).
scroll size is set to i .


Same as AD (control-D).


Same as typing a space except that i , if present, becomes
the new window size.


If i is given, then the

Skip i lines and print a screenful of lines.
Skip i screenfuls and print a screenful of lines.


Exit from more.


Exit from more.
Display the current line number.


Start up the editor vi at the current line.


Help command; give a description of all the more commands.

i /expr Search for the i -th occurrence of the regular expression
If there are less than i occurrences of expr , and the input
is a file (rather than a pipe), then the position in the file
remains unchanged. Otherwise, a screenful is displayed,
starting two lines before the place where the expression
was found.
The user may use erase and kill characters to edit the regular expression. Erasing back past the first column cancels
the search command.

Search for the i -th occurrence of the last regular expression entered.
(single quote) Go to the point from which the last search
started. If no search has been performed in the current
file, this command goes back to the beginning of the file.


Invoke a shell with the command cmd. The characters %and
! in cmd are replaced with the current file name and the
previous shell command respectively. If there is no
current file name, %is not expanded. The sequences %and
! are replaced by %and ! respectively.

i :n

Skip to the i -th next file given in the command line (skips
to last file if n is not sensible) .

i :p

Skip to the i -th previous file given in the command line. If
this command is given in the middle of printing out a file,
then more goes back to the beginning of the file. If i
doesn't make sense, more skips back to the first file. If

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UP-11760 R2, V2


more is not reading from a file, the bell is rung and nothing
else happens.


Display the current file name and line number.


Same as q.
Same as Q.
(dot) Repeat the previous command.


At any time when output is being sent to the terminal, the user can
press the quit key (normally control-\). More stops sending output, and displays the usual --More-- prompt. The user may then
enter one of the above commands in the normal manner. Unfortunately, some output is lost when this is done, because any characters waiting in the output queue of the terminal are flushed when
the quit signal occurs.

The command line options are:
-n Use a window n lines long (where n is an integer) instead of the
default window size.
-c Print each page by beginning at the top of the screen and erasing each line just before printing over it. This avoids scrolling
the screen, making it easier to read while more is writing.
This option will be ignored if the terminal does not have the
ability to clear to the end of a line.
-d Prompt the user with the message
Hit space to continue, rubout to abort
at the end of each screenful.

-f Count logical, rather than screen lines. That is, do not fold
long lines.


This option is recommended if nroff output is being piped
through ul, since the latter may generate escape sequences.
These escape sequences contain characters which would ordinarily occupy screen positions, but which do not print when
they are sent to the terminal as part of an escape sequence.
Thus more may think that lines are longer than they actually
are, and fold lines erroneously.
Do not treat AL (form feed) specially.
If this option is not given, more pauses after any line that con-

tains a AL, as if the end of a screenful had been reached. Also,
if a file begins with a form feed, the screen will be cleared
before the file is printed.
-s Squeeze multiple blank lines from the output, producing only
one blank line.
Especially helpful when viewing nroff output, this option maximizes the useful information present on the screen.

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-u Do not attempt to underline on the terminal.
Normally, more handles underlining such as produced by nroff
in a manner appropriate to the particular terminal: if the terminal can perform underlining or has a stand-out mode, more generates appropriate escape sequences to enable underlining or
stand-out mode for underlined information in the source file.

Start at linenumber.
Start two lines before the line containing the regular expression pattern.
A sample usage of more in previewing nroff output would be
nroff oms +2 doc. n : more -s

Terminal data base
Help file
/usr/lib/more. help
man(!), sh(!), environ(5)
When performing more, the user may not redirect stderr to any terminal ( /dev/tty). To do so causes more to abort after displaying
the first screen.

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UP-1176Q R2, V2


newform - change the format of a text file

newform [-s] [-i tabspec] [-0 tabspec) [-b n] [-e n] [-p n] [-a n]
[-f] [-cchar] [-In] [files]

Newform reads lines from the named files, or the standard input if
no input file is named, and reproduces the lines on the standard
output. Lines are reformatted in accordance with command line
options in effect.

Except for -s, command line options may appear in any order, may
be repeated, and may be intermingled with the optional files. Command line options are processed in the order specified. For exampIe, -e15 -160 yields results different from -160 -e15. Options are
applied to all files on the command line.

(Input tab specification) Expands tabs to spaces, according to the tab specifications given. Tabspec recognizes
all tab specification forms described in tabs (1). In addition, tabspec may be --, in which newform assumes that
the tab specification is to be found in the first line read
from the standard input (see fspec(4». If no tabspec is
given, tabspec defaults to -8. A tabspec of -0 expects no
tabs; if any are found, they are treated as -1. The value
for tabspec can not be greater than 46.
Newform does not prompt the user if a tabspec is to be
read from the standard input (by use of -i-- or -0--) .
(Output tab specification) Replaces spaces by tabs,
according to the tab specifications given. The tab specifications are the same as for -itabspec. If no tabspec is
given, tabspec defaults to -8. A tabspec of -0 means that
no spaces are converted to tabs on output.


Sets the effective line length to n characters. If n is not
entered, -1 defaults to 72. If -1 is not specified, the line
length is assumed to be 80 characters. Tabs and backspaces are considered to be one character (use -i to
expand tabs to spaces) .

-In must be used in conjunction with and precede one of
the following options:
-bn or -en if the effective line length is less than the
existing line length.
-pn or -an if the effective line length is greater than the
existing line length.

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Truncates n characters from the beginning of the line
when the line length is greater than the effective line
length (see -In). If -b is not specified, or if n is omitted,
newform truncates the number of characters necessary to
obtain the effective line length.


Same as -bn except that characters are truncated from the
end of the line.


Changes the prefix/append character to k. Default character for k is a space. (See -pn. )


Prefixes n characters (see -ck) to the beginning of a line
when the line length is less than the effective line length.
If -p is not specified, newform prefixes the number of
characters necessary to obtain the effective line length.


Same as -pn except characters are appended to the end of
a line. (See also -ck. )


Writes the tab specification format line on the standard
output before any other lines are output. The tab specification format line corresponds to the format specified in
the last -0 option. If no -0 option has been specified, the
tab specification format line contains the default specification of -8.


Removes leading characters on each line up to the first tab
and places up to 8 of the removed characters at the end of
the line. If more than 8 characters (not counting the first
tab) are removed, the eighth character is replaced by a
and any characters to the right of it are discarded. The
first tab is always discarded.


The characters removed are saved internally until all
other options specified are applied to that line. The characters are then added at the end of the processed line. An
error message and program exit occurs if this option is
used on a file without a tab on each line.
To convert a file with leading digits, one or more tabs, and text on
each line, to a file beginning with the text, all tabs after the first
expanded to spaces, padded with spaces out to column 72 (or truncated to column 72), and the leading digits placed starting at
column 73, the command would be:
newform -s -i -1 -a -e file-name
The -b option can be used to delete the sequence numbers from a
COBOL program as follows:
newform -11 -b7 file-name
The -11 must be used to set the effective line length shorter than
any existing line in the file so that the -b option is activated.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


All diagnostics are fatal.
usage: . . .
not -s format
cannot open file
internal line too long

Newform was called with a bad option.
There was no tab on one line.
Self explanatory.
A line exceeds 512 characters after
being expanded in the internal work
tab spec in error
A tab specification is incorrectly formatted, or specified tab stops are not
tabspec indirection illegal A tabspec read from a file (or standard
input) may not contain a tabspec
referencing another file ( or standard
input) .


o - normal execution
1 - for any error

csplit(1), tabs(1), fspec(4).

Newform normally only keeps track of physical characters; however, for the -f and -0 options, newform keeps track of backspaces
in order to line up tabs in the appropriate logical columns.
If the -f option is used, and the last -0 option specified was -0--, and
was preceded by either a -0-- or a -i--, the tab specification format
line is incorrect.

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newgrp - log in to a new group

newgrp [-] [ group ]

Newgrp changes a user's group identification. The user remains
logged in and the current directory is unchanged, but calculations
of access permissions to files are performed with respect to the new
real and effective group IDs. The user is always given a new
shell, replacing the current shell, by newgrp, regardless of
whether it terminated successfully or due to an error condition
(1. e. , unknown group) .

Exported variables retain their values after invoking newgrp;
however, all unexported variables are either reset to their default
value or set to null. System variables (such as PSI, PS2, PATH,
MAIL, and HOME), unless exported by the system or explicitly
exported by the user, are reset to default values. For example, a
user has a primary prompt string (PSI) other than $ (default) and
has not exported PSI. After an invocation of newgrp , successful
or not, their PSI is now set to the default prompt string $. Note
that the shell command export (see sh(l» is the method to export
variables so that they retain their assigned value when invoking
new shells.
With no arguments, newgrp changes the group identification back
to the group specified in the user's password file entry.
If the first ~rgument to newgrp is a -, the environment is changed
to what would be expected if the user actually logged in again.

A password is demanded if the group has a password and the user
does not, or if the group has a password and the user is not listed
in fete/group as being a member of that group.

system's group file
system's password file
login(l), sh(l), group (4) , passwd(4), environ (5) .

There is no convenient way to enter a password into fete/group.
Use of group passwords is not encouraged, because, by their very
nature, they encourage poor security practices. Group passwords
may disappear in the future.

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UP-U760 R2, V2


news - print news items
news [ -a ] [ -n ] [ -s ] [ items ]
News is used to keep the user informed of current events. By convention, these events are described by files in the directory
When invoked without arguments, news prints the contents of all
current files in /usr/news, most recent first, with each preceded
by an appropriate header. News stores the currency time as the
modification date of a file named . news_time in the home directory
of the user (the identity of this directory is determined by the
environment variable $HOME); only files more recent than this
currency time are considered current.
Items are specific news items that are to be printed.
If a delete is pressed during the printing of a news item, printing
stops and the next item is started. Another delete within one
second of the first causes the program to terminate.
If any of the options below are used, news does not change the
stored time. The -s option may be appropriate for a user's .profile
file or the system's /etc/profile.
-a Prints all items , regardless of currency.
-n Reports only the names of the current items.
-s Reports only how many current items exist.
$HOME/ . news_time
profile (4) , environ (5) .

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nice - run a command at low priority
nice [ -increment ] command [ arguments
Nice executes command with a lower CPU scheduling priority. If
the increment argument (in the range 1-19) is given, it is used; if
not, an increment of 10 is assumed.
An increment larger than 19 is equivalent to 19.
The super-user may run commands with priority higher than normal by using a negative increment, e. g., --10.
nohup(l) nlce(2).
Nice returns the exit status of the subject command.

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nl - line numbering filter

nl [-htype] [-btype] [-ftype] [-vstart#] [-lincr] [-p] [-inurn]
[-ssep] [-wwidth] [-nformat] [-ddellm] file

NI reads lines from the named file or the standard input if no file is
named and reproduces the lines on the standard output. Lines are
numbered on the left in accordance with the command options in
NI views the text it reads in terms of logical pages. Line numbering is reset at the start of each logical page. A logical page consists of a header, a body, and a footer section. Empty sections are
valid. Different line numbering options are independently available for header, body, and footer (e. g. no numbering of header
and footer lines while numbering blank lines only in the body).
The start of logical page sections are signaled by input lines containing nothing but the following delimiter character(s):


Line contents




Unless optioned otherwise, nl assumes the text being read is in a
single logical page body.

Command options may appear in any order and may be iritermingled
with an optional file name. Only one file may be named. The
options are:
-btype Number the logical page body lines according to type.
Recognized types and their meaning are:



number all lines
number lines with printable text only
no line numbering
number only lines that match the
regular expression string

Type for logical page body defaults to t.


Number the logical page header according to type (see
- b). Default type is n.


Number the logical page footer according to type. (See
-b). Default type is n.


Do not restart numbering at logical page delimiters.


Number logical page lines with start# as the initial value.

UP-11760 R2, V2

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Default start# is 1.


Number logical page lines with iner as the increment
value. Default iner is 1.


Separate the line number and the corresponding text line
with the chararacter sep. Default sep is a tab.

-wwidth Use width number of characters for the line number.
Default width is 6.


Use format as the line numbering format.
values are:




in left justified, leading zeroes supressed
rn right justified, leading zeroes supressed
rz right justified, leading zeroes kept.
Default format is rn (right justified) .
Consider num blank lines as one. For example, -12 results
in only the second adjacent blank line being numbered (if
the appropriate -ha, -ba, and/or -fa option is set).
Default num is 1.
Change the delimiter characters for the start of a logical
page section from the default characters (\:) to two user
specified characters. If only one character is entered,
the second character remains the default character (:).
No space should appear between the -d and the delimiter
characters. To enter a backslash, use two backslashes.

The command:
nl -viO -110 -d! + filel
numbers filel starting at line number 10 with an increment of ten.
The logical page delimiters are ! + •

pr(l) .

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UP-11760 R2, V2


nm - print name list of common object file

-0 ]


-x ] [ -h ] [ -v ] [ -n ] [ -e ] [ -f ] [ -u ] [ -V ] [ -T

] filenames
The nm command displays the symbol table of each common object
file filename. Filename may be a relocatable or absolute common
object file; or it may be an archive of relocatable or absolute common object files. For each symbol, the following information is
Name The name of the symbol.
Value Its value expressed as an offset or an address depending
on its storage class.
Class Its storage class.
Type Its type and derived type. If the syrnbolis an instance of a
structure or of a union, the structure or union tag is given
following the type (e. g., struct-tag). If the symbol is an
array, the array dimensions are given following the type
(e. g., char [n] [m]). Note that the object file must have
been compiled with the -g option of cc (1) for this information to be output.
Its size in bytes, if available. Note that the object file must
have been compiled with the -g option of the cc (1) command
for this information to be output.
The source line number at which it is defined, if available.
Note that the object file must have been compiled with the
-g option of the cc (1) command for this information to be
Section For storage classes static and external, the object file section containing the symbol (e. g., text, data or bss) .
The output of run may be controlled using the follOWing options.
Options may be used in any order, either singly or in combination,
and may appear anywhere in the command line.
Print the value and size of a symbol in octal instead of
Print the value and size of a symbol in hexadecimal instead
of decimal.
Suppress the output header data.
Sort external symbols by value before printing them.

Sort external symbols by name before printing them.
Print only static and external symbols.

UP-11760 R2A, V2

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Produce full output, Including redundant symbols (. text,
. data and . bss) normally suppressed.


Print only undefined symbols.


Display the version of nm command executing on standard
error output.


produces easily parsed, terse output. Each symbol name is
preceeded by its value (blanks if undefined) and one of the
letters U (undefined), A (absolute), T (text segment symbol), D (data segment symbol), S (user defined segment
symbol), R (register symbol), F (file symbol), or C (common symbol). If the symbol is local (non-external), the
type letter appears as a lowercase letter. (This option is
applicable to 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and 5000/55
Release 2.00.00 only. )


displays the version of the nm command executing on standard error output. (This option is applicable to 5000/35
and 5000/55 Release 2.00 only.)


By default, nm prints the entire name of the symbols
listed. Because object files can have symbols names with
an arbitrary number of characters, a name that is longer
than the width of the column set aside for names overflows
its column, forcing every column after the name to be
misaligned. The -T option causes nm to truncate every
name which would otherwise overflow its column and place
an asterisk as the last character in the displayed name to
mark it as truncated.

This command prints the static and external symbols in file , with
external symbols sorted by value:
nm file -e -v
This command does the same:
nm -ve file


When all the symbols are printed, they must be printed in the order
they appear in the symbol table in order to preserve the scoping
information. Therefore, the -v and -n options should be used only
in conjunction with the -e option.

as(l), cc(l), Id(l), a.out(4), ar(4), and tmpname(3s).

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UP-11760 R2A, V2


nohup - run a command immune to hangups and quits

nohup command [ arguments ]

Nohup executes command with hangups and quits ignored.
If you log off (hangup) while a command is executing in the background, the command terminates_ Using nohup to execute a background command causes the command to continue execution if you
log off.

It is frequently desirable to apply nohup to pipelines or lists of

commands. This can be done only by placing pipelines and command lists in a single file, called a shell procedure. One can then
nohup sh file
and the nohup applies to everything in file. If the shell procedure
file is to be executed often, then the need to type sh can be eliminated by giving file execute permission. Add an ampersand and
the contents of file are run in the background with interrupts also
ignored (see sh(I».
nohup file &
An example of what the contents of file could be is:
tbl ofile : eqn : nroff > nfile
In the following command format, nohup applies only to command 1_
nohup commandl; command2
The following command format is syntactically incorrect.
nohup (commandl; command2)
If output is not redirected by the user, both standard output and
standard error are sent to nohup. out. If nohup. out is not writable
$HOME/nohup. out.
Be careful of where standard error is
redirected. On the 5000/20/30/40/50, for example, the following
command may put error messages on tape making it unreadable.

nohup cpio



This command puts the error messages into file errors.
nohup cpio


/dev/rmt/Oyy 2>errors&

chmod(l), nice(l), sh(l), signal(2).

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nroff, troff - format or typeset text

nroff [ options ] [files ]
troff [ opt~ons ] [ files ]
Not on 7000 Series Systems.
Nroff formats text contained in files (standard input by default)
for printing on typewriter-like devices and line printers; similarly,
troff formats text for a Wang Laboratories, Inc., C/ A/T phototypesetter.
AI). argument consisting of a minus (-) is taken to be a file name
corresponding to the standard input. The options, which may
appear in any order, but must app'ear before the files, are:
Print only pages whose page numbers appear in the list of
numbers and ranges, separated by commas. A range N-M
means pages N through M; an initial -N means from the
beginning to page N; and a final N- means from N to the
end. (SeeRESTRICTIONS below.)
Number first generated page N.
Stop every N pages. Nroff halts after every N pages
(default N=l) to allow paper loading or changing, and
resumes upon receipt of a line-feed or new-line (new-lines
do not work in pipelines, e. g., with mm(l». This option
does not work if the output of nroff is piped through
col(l). Troff stops the phototypesetter every N pages,
produces a trailer to allow changing cassettes, and
resumes when the typesetter start button is pressed.
When nroff (troff) halts between pages, an ASCII BEL
(in troff, the message page stop) is sent to the terminal.
Set register a (which must have a one-character name) to


Read standard input after files are exhausted.
Invoke the simultaneous input-output mode of the . rd
Print only messages generated by . tm (terminal message)
-mname Prepend to the input files the non-compacted (ASCII text)
macro file /usr/lib/tmac/tmac. name .
-cname Prepend to the input files the compacted macro files
/usr/lib/macros/cmp. [nt]. [dt] . name and
/usr/lib/macros/ucmp. [nt] .name .
-kname Compact the macros used in this invocation of
nroff / troff, placing the output in files [dt]. name in the
current directory.
Nroff only:
-Tname Prepare output for specified terminal. Known names are
37 for the (default) TELETYPE® Model 37 terminal, tn300

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for the GE TermiNet 300 (or any terminal without half-line
capability), 300s for the DASI 300s, 300 for the DAS I 300,
450 for the DASI 450, lp for a (generic) ASCII line
printer, 382 for the DTC-382, 4000A for the Trendata
4000A, 832 for the Anderson Jacobson 832, X for a (generic) EBCDIC printer, 2631 for the Hewlett Packard 2631
line printer, 6411 for the NCR 6411 printer I 6416 for the
NCR 6416 printer, and 6455 for the NCR 6455 printer.
Produce equally-spaced words in adjusted lines, using the
full resolution of the particular terminal.
Use output tabs during horizontal spacing to speed output
and reduce output character count. Tab settings are
assumed to be every 8 nominal character widths.
Set the emboldening factor (number of character overstrikes) for the third font position (bold) to n, or to zero
if n is missing.

Troff only:
Direct output to the standard output instead of the photo-t
Refrain from feeding out paper and stopping photo-f
typesetter at the end of the run.
Wait until phototypesetter is available, if it is currently
Report whether the phototypesetter is busy or available.
No text processing is done.
Send a printable ASCII approximation of the results to the
standard output.
Print all characters in point size N while retaining all
prescribed spacings and motions, to reduce phototypesetter elapsed time.
Use font-width tables for Wang CAT phototypesetter.
This device is both the default and the only choice.
/usr /lib/tmac/tmac.):C
/usr /lib /macros/*
col(1), eqn(1),
mm(5) .

suffix hyphenation tables
temporary file
standard macro files and pointers
standard macro files
terminal driving tables for nroff
font width tables for troff






Nroff / troff internally supports Eastern Standard Time; as a
result, depend i l1g on the time of the year and on your local time
zone, the date that nroff / troff generates may be off by one day
from your idea of what the date is.
When nroff / troff is used with the -oUst option inside a pipeline
(e. g., with eqn(1), or tbZ(1», it may cause a harmless broken
pipe diagnostic if the last page of the document is not specified in

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od - octal dump

od [ -bcdosx ] [ file] [ [ + ]offset[ • ][ b ] ]
ad dumps file in one or more formats as selected by the first argument. If no options are specified, -0 is assumed.
The file argument specifies which file is to be dumped. If no file
argument is specified, the standard input is used.
The offset argument specifies the offset (in octal bytes) in the file
where dumping is to commence. This argument is normally interpreted as octal bytes. If. is appended, the offset is interpreted in
decimal. If b is appended, the offset is interpreted in blocks of 512
bytes. If the file argument is omitted, the offset argument must be
preceded by +.
A .~. will appear instead of the file offset, as long as the line is
identical to the previous line (7000 Series only).
Dumping continues until end-of-file.
Interpret bytes in octal.

Interpret bytes in ASCII. Certain non-graphic characters
appear as C escapes: null=\O, backspace=\b, form-feed=\f,
new-line=\n, return=\r, tab=\t; others appear as 3-digit octal


Interpret words in unsigned decimal.


Interpret words in octal.


Interpret 16-bit words in signed decimal.

Interpret words in hex.
dump(l) .
Offset argument can not exceed the value 231 minus 1.

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pack, pcat, unpack - compress and expand files
pack [ - ] [ -f ] name . . .
pcat name . . .
unpack name . .
Pack attempts to compress the specified files. Packed files can be
restored to their original form using unpack(1) or pcat(1).
Wherever possible, each input file name is replaced by a packed file
name. z with the same access modes, access and modified dates, and
owner as those of name. If pack is successful, name is removed.
The -f option forces packing of name. This is useful for causing an
entire directory to be packed even if some files do not benefit.
If the - argument is used, an internal flag is set which causes the
number of times each byte is used, its relative frequency, and the
code for the byte to be output on the standard output. Additional
occurrences of - in place of name set and reset the internal flag.
Pack uses Huffman (minimum redundancy) codes on a byte-bybyte basis. The amount of compression obtained depends on the
size of the input file and the character frequency distribution.
Because a decoding tree forms the first part of each . z file, it is
usually not worthwhile to pack files smaller than three blocks,
unless the character frequency distribution is very skewed, which
may occur with printer plots or pictures. Typically, pack reduces
text files to 60-75% of their original size. Load modules, which use
a larger character set and have a more uniform distribution of
characters, show little compression, the packed versions being
about 90% of the original size.
Pack returns the number of files that it failed to compress.
No packing occurs if:
the file appears to be already packed;
the file name has more than 12 characters;
the file has links;
the file is a directory;
the file cannot be opened;
no disk storage blocks are saved by packing;
a file called name. z already exists;
the .z file cannot be created;
an I/O error occurred during processing.
The last segment of the file name must contain no more than 12
characters to allow space for the appended . z extension. Directories cannot be compressed.
Pcat does for packed files what cat (1) does for ordinary files,
except that pcat can not be used as a filter. The specified files are
unpacked and written to the standard output. Thus to view a
packed file named name. z use:

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pcat name.z
or just:
pcat name
To make an unpacked copy, say nnn, of a packed file named name.z
(without destroying name .z) use the command:
pcat name >nnn
Pcat returns the number of files it was unable to unpack. Failure
may occur if:

the file name (exclusive of the .z) has more than 12 characters;
the file cannot be opened;
the file does not appear to be the output of pack.
Unpack expands files created by pack. For each file name specified in the command, a search is made for a file called name. z (or
just name, if name ends in .z). If this file appears to be a packed
file, it is replaced by its expanded version. The new file has the . z
suffix stripped from its name, and has the same access modes,
access and modification dates, and owner as those of the packed
Unpack returns a value that is the number of files it was unable to
unpack. Failure may occur for the same reasons that it may in
pcat, as well as for the following:

a file with the unpacked name already exists;
if the unpacked file cannot be created.


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UP-1l760 R2. V2


packsf, unpacksf - compress and uncompress sparse file
packsf < inpuCfUe > compressed_fUe
unpacksf < compressecLfUe > original_fUe
5000/20, 5000/30, 5000/40, and 5000/50 only.
PtlCksf compresses a sparse fUe, a fUe that has a large ratio of
zeros to nonzero data, into a formatted fUe that takes less space.
The compressed file can be used to recreate the original file.
If the original file is mostly nonzero, other utilities provide better
The compressed file is an array of variable length records. The
format of the records is:
S 2 /* Maximum size is 1024 */
struct record {
int r_faddr;
/* File address */
int r_Ien;
/* Length of the data *1
unsigned char r_buffer[1016] ;
}; E
Each record represents a region of nonzero data in the original
R_faddr holds the file offset, from 0, of the nonzero region and
r _len gives the length of the region.
R_buffer holds the data.
If two nonzero regions are separated by less than 9 zeros the zeros
are not compressed.
Unpacksf reverses the compression and restores the original file.
Unpacks reads records from the compressed file and executes them
as commands of the form:








Preceeding the array of data records in the compressed file there is
a magic number. The presence of the magic number permits packsf
to reject requests to pack files that have already been packed by

Opt Ions


supresses magic number checking on input files.
supresses magic number prefixes on output files.



supresses magic number processing on both input and output files.

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suppresses magic number checking on input files.

pack(l) .
unpack: unexpected EOF

Page 2

Unpacksf was performed on a file that
was not previously packed.

UP-1l760 R2A, V2


passwd - change login password
passwd [ name]
The passwd command changes or installs a password associated
with the login name. Ordinary users may change only the password which corresponds to their login name.
Passwd prompts ordinary users for their old password, if any. It
then prompts for the new password twice. The first time the new
password is entered passwd checks to see if the old password has
aged sufficiently. If aging is insufficient the new password is
rejected and passwd terminates; see passwd(4).
Assuming aging is sufficient, a check is made to insure that the
new password meets construction requirements. When the new
password is entered a second time the two copies of the new password are compared. If the two copies are not identical the cycle of
prompting for the new password is repeated for at most two more
Passwords must be constructed to meet the following requirements:
Each password must have at least six characters. Only the
first eight characters are significant.
Each password must contain at least two alphabetic characters
and at least one numeric or special character. In this case,
alphabetic means upper and lower case letters.
Each password must differ from the user's login name and any
reverse or circular shift of that login name. For comparison
purposes, an upper case letter and its corresponding lower
case letter are equivalent.
New passwords must differ from the old by at least three characters. For comparison purposes, an upper case letter and its
corresponding lower case letter are equivalent.
One whose effective user ID is zero Is called a superuser; see
id(l), and su(l). Superusers may change any password; hence,
passwd does not prompt superusers for the old password.
Superusers are not forced to comply with password aging and password construction requirements. A superuser can create a null
password by entering a carriage return in response to the prompt
for a new password.
login(l), id(l), su(l), crypt(3C), passwd( 4), dpasswd(lM).

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paste - merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of one
paste filel file2
paste -dUst filel file2
paste -s [-dUst] filel file2
In the first two command forms, paste concatenates corresponding
lines of the given input files filel, file2, etc. It treats each file as a
column or columns of a table and pastes them together horizontally
(parallel merging). Paste is the horizontal counterpart of cat(l)
which concatenates vertically, 1. e. , one file after the other.
In the last command form above, paste combines subsequent lines
of the input file (serial merging).
In all cases, lines are connected with the tab character, or with
characters from an optionally specified list. Output is to the standard output, so paste can be used as the start of a pipe, or as a
filter, if - is used in place of a file name.
Replace the tab character by one or more alternate characters
specified in list. The list is used circularly, 1. e. when
exhausted, it is reused. In parallel merging (1. e. no -s
option), the lines from the last file are always terminated with a
new-line character, not from the list. The list may contain the
special escape sequences:

empty string, not a null character
Quoting may be necessary, if characters have special meaning
to the shell (e. g. to get one backslash, use -d "\\ \ \" ).
Without this option, the new-line characters of each but the last
file (or last line in case of the -s option) are replaced by a tab
-s Merge subsequent lines rather than one from each input file.
Use tab for concatenation, unless the -d option is used. The
very last character of the file is a new-line.
May be used in place of any file name, to read a line from the
standard input. Paste does not prompt.
pr -t om. .. works similarly, but creates extra blanks, tabs and

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new-lines for a nice page layout.
list directory in one column
Is : paste -d" " list directory in four columns
Is : paste - - - paste -s -d"\ t\n" fUe
combine pairs of lines into lines
grep(!), cut(!), pr(!).
line too long
Output lines are restricted to 511 characters.
too many files
Except for -s option, no more than !2 input files
may be specified (64 for the 5000/30, 5000/35,
5000/50, and 5000/55 Release 2.00.00).

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UP-11760 R2A, V2


pcdsk . PC·DOS to UNIX file transfer
5000/20, 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/40, 5000/50, and 5000/55 Release
2.00.00 only.
Pcdsk transfers fUes between a PC·DOS (or MS-DOS) floppy disk
and the UNIX file system and provides directory listing functions.
Pcdsk handles 5.25 inch floppy disks formatted for PC-DOS version
2.1 which are single or double sided, have eight or nine sectors
per track, and are formatted 48 tracks per inch.
The PC-DOS floppy disk must be installed in the top, left, or only
floppy disk drive. The superuser must make a special file (see
wd(7) ) using mknod(1M) before pcdsk can be executed.
Note: The superuser must invoke pcnodes from the command line
without any parameters before pcdsk can be used.
To specify a pathname for a pcdsk copy operation, use a UNIXstyle pathname although either / or \ may be used to separate pathname parts. The metacharacters * and? are recognized to have
their UNIX meaning in pathnames. No escape character such as \ is
List a UNIX file. This command is identical to the UNIX cat(l)
command; all cat options are accepted. Pcdsk passes this command to the shell for execution.
List the directory of the PC-DOS floppy disk. The directory is
displayed in the following format:
# filename other_info

where # is the file size in bytes, filename is the name of the file,
and other_info indicates if the file is a hidden file, system file,
or a directory.
Terminate pcdsk.
Display the pcdsk commands and command descriptions.
Is List a UNIX directory. This command is identical to the UNIX
Is(1) command; allis options are accepted. Pcdsk passes this
command to the shell for execution.
Copy files from the PC-DOS floppy disk to the UNIX file system.
After this command is entered, pcdsk prompts for the PC-DOS
source pathname and the UNIX destination pathname. Metacharacters (wildcards) may be entered in the PC-DOS pathname,

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but may not be entered in the UNIX destination pathname.
sh Invoke the UNIX shell. To exit the shell and return to pcdsk,
enter a control-d.

Copy files from the UNIX file system to the PC-DOS floppy disk.
After this command is entered, pcdsk prompts for the UNIX
source pathname and the PC-DOS destination pathname. Metacharacters (wildcards) may be entered in the UNIX pathname,
but may not be entered in the PC-DOS destination pathname.

Escape to the shell and execute command.
Terminate pcdsk. This is the same as the exit command.
If the PC-DOS source pathname and the UNIX destination pathname
in a copy operation are specified as:
From pcdos files: /PCSUBDIR/PCFILE
To UNIX files: usubdir /ufile
the PCFILE file is copied to the ufile file. The PC-DOS pathname
specification is from the PC-DOS root directory. The UNIX pathname specification is from the current working directory.
If the PC-DOS source pathname and the UNIX destination pathname
in a copy operation are specified as:
From pcdos files: PCSUBDIR/PCFILE
To UNIX files: /usr/acct/thompson/usubdir/ufile
the PCFILE file is copied to the ufile file. The PC-DOS pathname
specification is from the PC-DOS root directory even though a / is
not specified. The UNIX pathname specification is from the root
directory because / is the first character specified in the pathname.
If the PC-DOS source pathname and the UNIX destination pathname
in a copy operation are specified as :
From pcdos files: /PCSUB*/PCFILE.11
To UNIX files: usubdir
then starting at the PC-DOS root directory, all files which are
named PCFILE. with any two character file name extension in any
directory which has a name starting with PC SUB are copied to the
usubdir directory which is a subdirectory of the current working
mknod(lM) , wd(7).
When a file is copied to a PC-DOS floppy disk, the date and time are
not put in the directory entry.
The [ and] metacharacters do not work.

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Pcdsk does not create a PC-DOS floppy disk directory nor does it
format a floppy disk.
Pcdsk is compatible only with the Mass Storage Controller, the
SCSI Mass Storage Controller, or the 5.25" Disk Controller subsystems. (This restriction applies to the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50,
and 5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only. )

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pg - file perusal filter for screen terminals
pg [-number] [-p string] [-cefns] [+linenumber] [+/pattern/]
[files ... ]
The pg command is a filter which allows the examination of fUes one
screenful at a time on a terminal. The file name - or no file name
indicates that pg should read from the standard input. Each
screenful is followed by a prompt. If the user types a carriage
return, another page is displayed; other possibilities are
enumerated below.
This command is different from previous paginators in that it allows
you to back up and review something that has already passed. The
method for doing this is explained below.
The command line options are:
The number of lines in the window that pg is to use instead of
the default number. On a terminal containing 24 lines, the
default window size is 23.
-p string"
Use string as the prompt. If the prompt string contains a "%d",
the first occurrence of "%d" in the prompt is replaced by the
current page number when the prompt is issued. The default
prompt string is " : " .
-c Clear the screen and home the cursor before displaying each
page. This option is ignored if clear_screen is not defined for
this terminal type in the terminfo (4) data base.
-e Do not pause at the end of each file.
-f Do not split lines. Normally, pg splits lines longer than the
screen width, but some sequences of characters in the text
being displayed (e. g., escape sequences for underlining) generate undesirable results.
-n Cause an automatic end of command as soon as a command letter
is entered. Normally, commands must be terminated by a newline.
-r does not permit shell execution (see the !command command).
-s Print all messages and prompts in standout mode (usually
inverse video) .
+ linenumber
Start up at Unenumber .
+/ pattern /
Start up at the first line containing the regular expression pattern.
At any time the prompt is displayed, the user may enter one of the
pg commands. When output is being sent to the terminal, the user
can press the quit key (normally control-\) or the interrupt

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(break) key to cause pg to stop sending output and display the
prompt. Some output is lost when this is done because characters
in the terminal output queue are flushed when the quit signal
The commands that may be entered when pg pauses can be divided
into three categories: those causing further perusal, those that
search, and those that modify the perusal environment.
Further Perusal Commands
Commands which cause further perusal normally take a preceding
address , an optionally signed number indicating the point from
which further text should be displayed. This address is interpreted in either pages or lines depending on the command. A
signed address specifies a point relative to the current page or
line, and an unsigned address specifies an address relative to the
beginning of the file. Each command has a default address that is
used if none is provided. The perusal commands and their defaults
(+1)  or 
Display one page. The address is specified in pages.
(+1) I

Scroll the screen, forward or backward, the number of lines
specified if the address is signed. Print a screenful beginning
at the specified line if the address is unsigned.
(+1) d or AD
Scroll half a screen forward or backward.
The following perusal commands take no address .
Redisplay the current page of text.
$ Display the last windowful in the file. Use with caution when
the input is a pipe.
Search Commands
The following commands are available for searching for text patterns in the text. The regular expressions described in ed (1) are
available. They must always be terminated by a  even if
the -n option is specified.

Search forward for the i th (default i =1) occurrence of pattern
. Searching begins immediately after the current page and continues to the end of the current file without wrap-around.


Search backwards for the i th (default i =1) occurrence of pattern. Searching begins immediately before the current page
and continues to the beginning of the current file without
wrap-around. The notation Is useful for ADDS 100 terminals
which do not properly handle the? .

After searching, pg normally displays the line found at the top of
the screen. This can be modified by appending m or b to the
search command to leave the line found in the middle or at the

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UP-11760 R2A, V2


bottom of the window from now on. The suffix t can be used to
restore the original situation.
Modify Environment Commands
Modify the environment of perusal with the following commands:
skips i screenfuls and displays a screenful of lines.
if Skip i screenfuls and display a screenful of lines.
in Begin perusing the I th next file in the command line. The I is
an unsigned number with a default value of 1.
ip Begin perusing the I th previous file in the command line. The I
is an unsigned number with a default value of 1.
iw Display another window of text. If I is present, set the window
size to I .
iz Same as pressing a newline/return except that i, if present,
becomes the new window size.
s filename
Save the input in the named file. Only the current file being
perused is saved. The white space between the s and filename
is optional. This command must always be terminated by a
 even if the -n option is specified.
h Help by displaying an abbreviated summary of available commands.
Quit pg.
Command is passed to the shell whose name is taken from the
SHELL environment variable. If this is not available, the
default shell is used. This command must always be terminated
by a  even if the -n option is specified.
A sample usage of pg in reading system news is:
news : pg -p "(Page %d) : "
While waiting for terminal input, pg responds to BREAK , DEL ,
and "A by terminating execution. Between prompts, however,
these signals interrupt pg 's current task and place the user in
prompt mode. These should be used with caution when input is
being read from a pipe because an interrupt is likely to terminate
the other commands in the pipeline.
Users of more (1) will find that the z and f commands are available,
and that the terminal /, A, or ? may be omitted from the searching
In order to determine terminal attributes, pg scans the terminfo
(4) data base for the terminal type specified by the environment
variable TERM. If TERM is not defined, the terminal type dumb is
If the standard output is not a terminal, then pg acts just like cat
(1), except that a header is printed before each file (if there is
more than one) .

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/usr/lib/terminfo/* terminal information data base
temporary file if pipe input
crypt(l), ed(l), grep(l), more(l), pr(l), terminfo(4)


If terminal tabs are not set every eight positions, undesirable
results may occur
When using pg as a fllter with another command that changes the
terminal I/O options (eo go, crypt (1», terminal settings may not
be restored correctly.

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pr - print files
pr [ options ] [ files ]
Pr prints the named files separating the listing into pages. Each
page is headed by the page number, a date and time, and the name
of the file, unless options specify otherwise. Pr is typically used
to paginate files for output to a printer. Pr prints the named files
on the standard output. If the standard output is associated with a
terminal, error messages are withheld until pr has completed printing. If file is -, or if no files are specified, the standard input is
Columns are of equal width separated by at least one space; lines
which do not fit are truncated, unless the -s option is used.
The width of an output line is 72 character positions for equal
width multi-column output unless the -w option is used.
The length of an output page is 66 lines unless the -1 option is used.
Pr advances to a new page using a sequence of line-feeds unless the
-f option is used.
The options may appear singly or be combined in any order.
+k Begin printing with page k; the default is 1.
-k Produce k-column output; the default is 1. The options -e and -i
are assumed for multi-column output.
-a Print multi-column output across the page. The -k must be
specified for more than one column.
-d Double-space the output.
Expand input tabs to character positions k+l, 2~:'k +1, 3~:'k +1,
etc. If k is 0 or is omitted, pr assumes tab settings at every
eighth position. Pr expands tab characters in the input into
the appropriate number of spaces. The c (any non-digit character) designates the input tab character. If c is not specified,
the tab character is used.
-f Use the form-feed character for new pages; the default is to use
a sequence of line feeds. Pause before beginning the first page
if the standard output is associated with a terminal.
-h Use the next argument as the header to be printed instead of
the file name.
Replace white space in output wherever possible by inserting
tabs to character positions k+ 1, 2*k +1, 3~:file2

/ dev /tty':~

to suspend messages

cat(1), pg(1).

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UP-11760 R2, V2


print, lpr - line printer spooler

print [ options ] files
lpr [ options ] files

This command is applicable to the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only. The print or lpr command spools the
named file (s) for printing. The command creates an entry In the
spool queue for each file listed on the input command line. The
command also places a copy of the file to be printed in the spooler
directory under a unique file name. After completion of the copy
process, the command Informs the shell to start the despooler
which prints the file. The file created by the spooler for printing is
deleted from the system upon completion of the print sequence.
The command does not control pagination, headers, or any other
part of the output. All control characters and formatting data must
be placed in the file prior to invoking print or lpr.
If no files are named, the command reads from standard input.
The options may appear in any order.
-b Do not print a banner page consisting of user name, date,
filename and the contents of /etc/lpmsg. The default is to print
the banner.
-cp nnn
Print nnn copies of this file. The range for nnn is 1 through
999. The default is 1.
-fm xxxxx
Use xxxxx as the forms name; the forms name is any 1-5
alphanumeric characters. The forms name specified here must
agree with the forms name of the form specified as installed in
the printer for printing to occur. See spool(l). The default is
the standard print forms name 00000.
-In nn
Print nn number of lines per Inch. Standard values are 6 and 8
lines per inch. The default Is 6 lines per inch. This data is
used by the printer operator to setup for special forms control
and is not automatically used by the spooler.
Set nn as the priority for this print request. The range for nn
is 0 through 15.
opt lpnn
Redirect print output to the specified line printer. This option
overides the default terminal/printer routing. The range for
nn is 00 through the maximum number of printers allowed on the
To paginate and print report on the printer designated as IpOl
without a banner, enter

UP-11760 R2A, V2

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pr report

l print.b -pt IpO!

To print a previously formatted file of paychecks on a form desig·
nated as paych, enter
print ·b ·fm payck payfile
If the payck form is not designated as installed on the printer, the

pay file is held in a wait state. After the payck form is designated
as installed by using spool(!), pay file is printed.

Print provides mapping for up to ten device classes. Device class 0
maps tabs to appropriate spaces, etc. Device class ! maps one to
one. Device classes 2 through 9 may be defined by the user. The
user must be the superuser, an analyst, or C programmer. See
/usr/spool/lpd/oemdir/README for information on defining device
classes 2 through 9.
spool area
de spooler
spool queue manager
/usr/spool/lpd/spooldev spool device table manager
/usr / spool/lpd/?? spldev spool device table
user defined printer mapping
/usr / spool/lpd/oemdir
/usr / spool/lpd/?? splque spool queue
spooled files
line printer message file
spooldev(lM), spool(l).
The print command queues a file and informs the shell to start the
de spooler . If no despooler is active and if the shell is terminated
before the despooler is started, the files queued remain on the
queue in a wait state. The files are printed during the next run of
the despooler (i. e. the next print or spool -start command) .
Files which contain formatting functions or various font styles may
need to be sent through a preprocessor before being sent to the
line printer spooler.

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UP·11760 R2A, V2


prof - display profile data
prof [-tcan] [-ox] [-g) [-z] [-h) [-8] [-m mdata] [prog]
Prof interprets a profile file produced by the monitor(3C) function. The symbol table in the object file prog (a. out by default) is
read and correlated with a profile file (mon.out by default). For
each external text symbol the percentage of time spent executing
between the address of that symbol and the address of the next is
printed, together with the number of times that function was called
and the average number of milliseconds per call.
A program creates a profile file if it has been loaded with the -p
option of cc(l). This option to the cc command arranges for calls
to monitor(3C) at the beginning and end of execution. It is the call
to mpnitor at the end of execution that causes a profile file to be
written. The number of calls to a function is tallied if the -p option
was used when the file containing the function was compiled.
The name of the file created by a profiled program is controlled by
the environment variable PROFDIR. If PROFDIR does not exist,
mon.out is produced in the directory current when the program
terminates. If PROFDIR = string, "string/pid.progname" is produced, where progname consists of argv [0] with any path prefix
removed, and pid is the program process id. If PROFDIR = nothing, no profiling output is produced.
A single function may be split into subfunctions for profiling by
means of the MARK macro (see prof (5) ) .
The mutually exclusive options t, c, a, and n determine the type of
sorting of the output lines:
-t Sort by decreasing percentage of total time (default).
-c Sort by decreasing number of calls.
-a Sort by increasing symbol address.
-n Sort lexically by symbol name.
The mutually exclusive options 0 and x specify the printiIig of the
address of each symbol monitored:
-0 Print each symbol address iIi octal along with the symbol name.
-x Print each symbol address iIi hexadecimal along with the symbol
The followiIig options may be used iIi any combiIiation:
-g Include non-global symbols (static functions) .
-z Include all symbols iIi the profile range (see monitor(3C»,
even if associated with zero number of calls and zero time.
-h Suppress the heading normally printed on the report. This is
useful if the report is to be processed further.

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Print a summary of several of the monitoring parameters and
statistics on the standard error output.
-m mdata
Use file mdata instead of mon.out as the input profile file.

mon. out for profile
a. out
for namelist
cc(l), exit(2), profil(2), monitor(3C), prof(S).
The times reported in successive identical runs may show variances of 20% or more because of varying cache-hit ratios due to
sharing of the cache with other processes. Even if a program
seems to be the only one using the machine, hidden background or
asynchronous processes may affect the data. In rare cases, the
clock ticks initiating recording of the program counter may be in
rhythm with loops in a program, grossly distorting measurements.
Call counts are always recorded precisely, however.
Only programs that call exit(2) or return from main cause a profile
file to be produced unless a final call to monitor is explicitly coded.
The use of the -p option of ce(l) to invoke profiling imposes a limit
of 600 functions that may have call counters established during
program execution. For more counters you must call monitor(3C)
directly. If this limit is exceeded, other data is overwritten and
the mon.out file is corrupted. The number of call counters used Is
reported automatically by the prof command whenever the number
exceeds 5/6 of the maximum.

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UP-11760 R2, V2



prs - print an sees file
prs [-d[dataspec]]






Prs prints, on the standard output, parts or all of an sees file
(see sccsfile (4» in a user-supplied format. If a directory is
named, prs behaves as though each file in the directory were
specified as a named file, except that non-SeeS files (last component of the path name does not begin with s.), and unreadable
files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard
input is read; each line of the standard input is taken to be the
name of an sees file or directory to be processed; non-SeeS files
and unreadable files are silently ignored.
Arguments to prs, which may appear in any order, consist of
options and file names.
All the described options apply independently to each named file:
-d [dataspec]

Used to specify the output data specification.
The dataspec is a string consisting of sees file
data keywords (see DATA KEYWORDS) interspersed with optional user supplied text.


Used to specify the sees ID entification (SID)
string of a delta for which information is desired.
If no SID is specified, the SID of the most
recently created delta is assumed.
Requests information for all deltas created earlier
than and including the delta designated via the -r
option or the date given by the -c option.
Requests information for all deltas created later
than and including the delta designated via the -r
option or the date given by the -c option.


Cutoff date-time, in the form:
Units omitted from the date-time default to their
maximum possible values; that is, -c7502 is
equivalent to -c750228235959. Any number of
non-numeric characters may separate the various
two-digit pieces of the cutoff date in the form:


UP-11760 R2, V2

Requests printing of information for both
removed, i.e., delta type = R, (see rmdel(l»

Page 1


and existing, i. e., delta type = D, deltas. If the
-a option is not specified, information for existing deltas only is provided.
Data keywords specify which parts of an sees file are to be
retrieved and output. All parts of an sees file (see sccsfile(4»
have an associated data keyword. There is no limit on the number
of times a data keyword may appear in a dataspec.

The information printed by prs consists of: (1) the user-supplied
text and (2) appropriate values (extracted from the sees file)
substituted for the recognized data keywords in the order of
appearance in the dataspec. The format of a data keyword value is
either Simple (S), in which keyword substitution is direct, or
Multi -line (M), in which keyword substitution is followed by a carriage return.
User-supplied text is any text other than recognized data keywords. A tab is specified by \t and carriage return/new-line is
specified by \n. The default data keywords are:
n : Dt: \t: DL: \nMRs: \n: MR: COMMENTS: \n: C:"

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UP-11760 R2, V2



:1 :





sees Files Data Keywords

Data Item

File Section

Delta information
Delta line statistics
Lines inserted by Delta
Lines deleted by Delta
Lines unchanged by Delta
Delta type
SCCS ID string (SID)
Release number
Level number
Branch number
Sequence number
Date Delta created
Year Delta created
Month Delta created
Day Delta created
Time Delta created
Hour Delta created
Minutes Delta created
Seconds Delta created
Programmer who created Delta
Delta sequence number
Predecessor Delta seq-no.
Seq-no. of deltas incl. , excl. , ignored
Deltas included (seq #)
Deltas excluded (seq #)
Deltas ignored (seq #)
MR numbers for delta
Comments for delta
User names
Flag list
Module type flag
MR validation flag
MR validation pgm name
Keyword error /warning flag
Keyword validation string
Branch flag
Joint edit flag
Locked releases
User defined keyword
Module name
Floor boundary
Ce1l1ng boundary
Default SID
Null delta flag
File descriptive text
Gotten body
A form of 'What(l) string
A form of'What(l) string
'What(l) string delimiter
SCCS file name
SCCS file path name

Delta Table

* :Dt: = :DT:

UP-11760 R2, V2


See below'"
: Li: /: Ld: / : Lu:
:Th:: :Tm:: :Ts:
:DS: :DS:
:DS: :DS:
:DS: :DS:
User Names
yes or no
yes or no
yes or no
yes or no
:R: ...

: I:



yes or no
:Z: :M:\t:l:
:Z: :Y: :M: :1: :Z:




:1: :D: :T: :P: :DS: :DP:

Page 3


prs -d"Users and/or user IDs for :F: are:\n:UN:" s.file
may produce on the standard output:
Users and/or user IDs for s.file are:
prs -d"Newest delta for pgm :M:: :1: Created :D: By :P:" -r
may produce on the standard output:
Newest delta for pgm main.c: 3.7 Created 77/12/1 By cas
As a special case:

prs s.file
may produce on the standard output:
D 1.1 77/12/1 00:00:00 cas 1000000/00000/00000

this is the comment line for s. file initial delta
for each delta table entry of the "D" type. The only option allowed
to be used with the special case is the -a option.
admin(l), delta (1) , get(!), help(l), sccsfile(4).
Source Code Control System User Guide in the Support Tools
Use help(!) for explanations.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


ps - report process status
ps [ options ]
Ps prints certain information about active processes. Without
options, information is printed about processes associated with the
current terminal. The output consists of a short listing containing
only the process ID, terminal identifier, cumulative execution
time, lilnd the command name. Otherwise, the information that is
displayed is controlled by the selection of options.
Options using lists as arguments can have the list specified in one
of two forms: a list of identifiers separated from one another by a
comma, or a list of identifiers enclosed in double quotes and
separated from one another by a comma and/or one or more spaces.
The options are:
Print information about all processes.
Print information about all processes, except process
group leaders.
Print information about all processes, except process
group leaders and processes not associated with a terminal.
Generate a full listing. (See below for meaning of
columns in a full listing ) .
Generate a long listing. See below.
-c core file Use the file core file in place of /dev/mem. (Not available
on 5000/20/30/40/50.)
-s swapdev
Use the file swapdev in place of /dev/swap. This is useful when examining a core file ; a swapdev of / dev/null
causes the user block to be zeroed out.
-n namelist
The argument is taken as the name of an alternate system namelist file in place of lunix or /syst.
-t termlist Restrict listing to data about the processes associated
with the terminals given in termlist. Terminal identifiers may be specified in one of two forms: the device file
name (e. g., tty04) or if the device file name starts with
tty, just the digit identifier (e. g., 04).
-p proclist
Restrict listing to data about processes whose process
ID numbers are given in proclist.
-u uidlist Restrict listing to data about processes whose user ID
numbers or login names are given in uidlist. In the listing, the numerical user ID is printed unless the -f option
is used, in which case the login name is printed.
-g grplist Restrict listing to data about processes whose process
group leaders are given in grplist.

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The column headings and the meaning of the columns in a ps listing
are given below; the letters f and 1 indicate the option (full or
long) that causes the corresponding heading to appear i all means
that the heading always appears. Note that these two options
determine only what information is provIded for a process; they do
not determine which processes are listed.

5000 Series Systems


Flags (octal and additive) associated with the process:
o swapped;
in core;
system process;
locked-in core (e. g., for physical I/O);
being swapped;
being traced by another process;
another tracing flag i
100 text pointer valid;
3B 20 computer: swapin segment expansion;
200 3B 20 computer: process is child (during
fork swap); VAX-l1/780: process is partially swapped.



Flags (hexadecimal and additive) associated wIth the
in core;
swapper or pager process;
process being swapped out;
save area flag;
process is being traced;
another tracing flag;
user settable lock in core i
process in page walt state;
another flag to prevent swap out;
delayed unlock of pages;
working on exiting;
doing physical i/o;
1000 process resulted from vforkO;
2000 another vfork 0 flag;
4000 no vm, parent in a vforkO;
8000 init data space on demand from inode;
10000 system detected anamolous vm behaviour;
20000 user warned of anamolous vm behaviour;
40000 timing out during sleep;
80000 detached inherited by init i
using old signal mechanism;

7000 Series Systems

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UP-U760 R2A, V2





5000 Series Systems
The state of the process:
o non-existent;

7000 Series System
(f,l) state of the process:
the state is given by a sequence of three letters,
e. g. "RWN". The first letter indicates the runnability of the process: R for runnable processes, r for
processes running on Slave (6/32MP only), T for
stopped processes, P for processes in page wait, D
for those in disk (or other short term) waits, S for
those sleeping for less than about 20 seconds, and I
for idle (sleeping longer than about 20 seconds)
processes. The second letter indicates whether a
process is swapped out, showing W if it is, or a blank
if it is loaded (in-core); a process which has specified a soft limit on memory requirements and which is
exceeding that limit shows >; such a process is
(necessarily) not swapped. The third letter indicates whether a process is running with altered CPU
scheduling priority (nice); if the process priority is
reduced, an N is shown, if the process priority has
been artificially raised then a '<' is shown; processes
running without special treatment have just a blank.

(Unless otherwise noted, the following features apply to the
5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and 5000/55 Release 2.00.00 and the
7000 Series only.)


The user ID number of the process owner; the login name is
printed under the -f option.
The process ID of the process; it is posslble to kill a process if
you know thls datum.
The process ID of the parent process.
Processor utilization for scheduling.



The priority of the process; higher numbers mean lower priority.

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Nice value; used in priority computation.
ADDR (1)
The memory address of the process if resident; otherwise, the
disk address.
The size in blocks of the core image of the process.
The real memory (resident set) size in blocks of the core image
of the process. Not all machines display this column. (Available with the 7000 Series only. )
The event for which the process is waiting or sleeping; if
blank, the process is running.
Starting time of the process.
The controlling terminal for the process.
The cumulative execution time for the process.
The command name; the full command name and its arguments
are printed under the -f option.
A process that has exited and has a parent, but has not yet been
waited for by the parent, is marked .
Under the -f option, ps tries to determine the command name and
arguments given when the process was created by examining
memory or the swap area. Failing this, the command name, as it
would appear without the -f option, is printed in square brackets.
system namelist
system namelist (5000/60/80/90 only)
the default swap device
/etc/passwd supplies UIn information
/etc/ps_data internal data structure
searched to find terminal (tty) names
acctcom(l), kill(!), nice(l).
Things can change while ps is running; the picture it gives is only
a close approximation to reality. Some data printed for defunct
processes are irrelevant.
If the /etc/ps_data/ file is not current (I.e. after a kernel
remake), ps gives invalid results. To make /etc/ps_data current,
remove it and run ps again. (This paragraph is applicable to the
5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and 5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only. )

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UP-11760 R2A, V2


ptx - permuted index

ptx [ options] [ input [ output] ]

Ptx generates the file output that can be processed with a text formatter to produce a permuted index of file input (standard input
and output default). Ptx has three phases:


Do the permutation generating one line for each keyword in an
input line.
Rotate the keyword to the front and sort the permuted file.


Rotate the sorted lines so the keyword comes at the middle of
each line.

Ptx output is in the form:

.xx "tail" "before keyword" "keyword and after" "head"
where .xx is assumed to be an nroff(1) or troff(l) macro provided
by the user or provided by the mptx(5) macro package. The
before keyword and keyword and after fields incorporate as much
of the line as fits around the keyword when it is printed. Tail and
head, at least one of which is always the empty string, are
wrapped-around pieces small enough to fit in the unused space at
the opposite end of the line.

If the -I and
ignore file.





-I file
-b file



options are missing, ptx uses lusr/Hb/eign as the

Fold upper and lower case letters for sorting.
Prepare the output for the phototypesetter.
Use n as the length of the output line. The default line
length is 72 characters for nroff and 100 for troff.
Use n as the number of characters that ptx reserves in its
calculations for each gap among the four parts of the line
as finally printed. The default gap is 3.
Use as keywords only the words given in file.
Do not use as keywords any words given in file.
Use the characters in file to separate words. Tab, newline, and space characters are always used as break
Assume any leading non-blank characters of each input
line to be a reference identifier (as to a page or chapter)
separate from the text of the line. Attach that identifier
as a fifth field on each output line.


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nroff(l), troff(l), mm(5), mptx(5).
Line length counts do not account for overstriking or proportional
Lines that contain tildes C) are not processed correctly because
ptx uses that character internally.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


pwd - working directory name


Pwd prints the path name of the working (current) directory.

cdC!) .
The messages
Cannot open ..
Read error in ..
indicate possible file system trouble and should be referred to the
system administrator.

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ratfor - rational Fortran dialect
ratfor [ options ] [ files ]
Ratfor converts a rational dialect of Fortran into ordinary Fortran.
Ratfor provides control flow constructs essentially identical to
those in C:
statement grouping:
{ statement; statement; statement }
decision -making:
if (condition) statement [ else statement]
switch (integer value) {
case integer: statement
[ default: ]


while (condition) statement
for (expression; condition; expression) statement
do limits statement
repeat statement [ until (condition)
and some syntactic features to make programs easier to read and
free form input:
multiple statements/line; automatic continuation
# this is a comment.
translation of relationals:
>, >=, etc., become .GT., .GE., etc.
return expression to caller from function:
return (expression)
define name replacement
include file
Ratfor is best used with f77(1).

- h Turns quoted strings into 27H constructs.
-C Copies comments to the output· and attempts to format them
Specifies x as the continuation character and places it in column

UP-11760 R2, V2

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6. Ratfor normally marks continuation lines with an & in column
efl( 1), f77 (1) .
Ratfor in the Programming Guide.

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UP-1l760 R2, V2


regcmp - regular expression compile
regcmp [ - ] files
Regcmp, in most cases, precludes the need for calling regcmp(3X)
from C programs. This reduces both execution time and program
The command regcmp compiles the regular expressions in file and
places the output in file.1. If the - option is used, regcmp places
the output in file. c. The format of entries in file is a name (C variable) followed by one or more blanks followed by a regular expression enclosed in double quotes. The output of regcmp is C source
code. Compiled regular expressions are represented as extern
char vectors. File. i files may thus be included into C programs, or
file.c files may be compiled and later loaded. In the C program
which uses the regcmp output, regex(abc ,line) applies the regular expression named abc to line.
name "( [A-Za-z] [A-Za-zO-9 ]*)$0"
"\({O,1}([2-9] [Ol] [l-9])$0\) {O,l} *"
"([2-9] [0-9] {2})$l[ -] {O,l}"
"( [0-9] {4})$2"
In the C program that uses the regcmp output,
regex(te~o, line, area, exch, rest)
applies the regular expression named telno to line.
regcmp(3X) .

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rev - reverse lines of a file

rev [ file] ...

Rev copies the named files to the standard output, reversing the
order of characters in every line. If no file is specified, the standard input is copied.

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rm, rmdir - remove files or directories
rm [ -fri ] file
rmdir dir ...
Rm removes the entries for one or more files from a directory. If an
entry was the last link to the file, the file is destroyed. Removal of
a file requires write permission in its directory, but neither read
nor write permission on the file itself.
If a file has no write permission and the standard input is a terminal, the file permissions permissions are printed and a line is read
from the standard input. If that line begins with y the file is
deleted, otherwise the file remains. Rm or rmdir does not take this
precaution if the -f option is given or if the standard input is not a
If" ~ designated file is a directory, an error message is printed
unless the option -r is used.
Rmdir removes entries for the named directories which must be
-f Remove files without verification from standard input (see
-r Recursively delete the entire contents of the specified directory and the directory itself .
-I Inquire whether to delete each file and, if the -r option is also
used, whether to examine each directory.
To remove all files in the current directory which have file names
beginning with ch, enter
Be careful using metacharacters (wildcards) so that you do not
destroy files you mean to keep.
To remove the oldstuff directory and all files and subdirectories
contained in the oldstuff directory, enter
rm -r oldstuff
To remove the oldstuff directory and all files and subdirectories
contained in the oldstuff directory verifying each file removal,
rm -ir oldstuff
unlink (2) .
The file .. (dotdot) cannot be removed.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


rmdel- remove a delta from an sees file
rmdel -rSID files
Rmdel removes the delta specified by the SID from each named
sees file. The delta to be removed must be the newest (most
recent) delta in its branch in the delta chain of each named sees
In addition, the delta specified must not be that of a version being
edited for the purpose of making a delta; that is, if a p-file (see
get(l» exists for the named sees file, the delta specified must not
appear in any entry of the p-file.
If a directory is named, rmdel behaves as though each file in the
directory were specified as a named file, except that non-SeeS
files (last component of the path name does not begin with s.) and
unreadable files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, rmdel
reads the standard input; each line of the standard input is taken
to be the name of an sees file to be processed; non-SeeS files and
unreadable files are silently ignored.
The exact permissions necessary to remove a delta are documented
in the Source Code Control System User Guide. Simply stated,
they are
- if you make a delta you can remove it
- if you own the file and directory you can remove a delta
See delta(l)
See delta(l)
delta (l), get (l), help (l), prs (l), sccsfile ( 4) .
Source Code Control System User Guide in the Support Tools
Use help(l) for explanations.

UP-11760 R2, V2

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UP-11760 R2, V2


rz, rb - XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM (batch) file receive
rz [ - +labDpqtuv ]
rb [ - +labDqtuv ]
rz [ - labcqtuv ] file
[ - ] [ v ] rzCOMMAND
This command is applicable to the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only.
The rz and the rb commands uses the XMODEM, YMODEM, or ZMODEM error correcting protocol to receive files over a ser1al port
from a variety of programs running under PC-DOS, CP/M, UNIX,
and other operating systems.
The first form of rz (Receive ZMODEM) receives files with the ZMODEM batch protocol. If the send1ng program does not support ZMODEM, rz steps down to YMODEM protocol after 50 seconds. This
delay can be eliminated by calling the program as rb.
When receiving with XMODEM or YMODEM, rz accepts either standard 128 byte sectors or 1024 byte sectors. The user should determine when the longer block length actually improves throughput
without causing problems.
If extended file information (file length, etc.) is received, the file
length controls the number of bytes written to the output dataset
(YMODEM only), and the modify time and file mode (if non zero)
are set accord1ngly .
If no extended file information is received, slashes in the pathname
are changed to underscore, and any trailing period in the pathname is eliminated. This conversion is useful for files received
from CP/M systems. With YMODEM, each file name is converted to
lower case unless it contains one or more lower case letters.
The second form of rz receives a single file with XMODEM protocol.
The user must supply the file name to both send1ng and receiving
The third form of rz is invoked as rzCOMMAND (with an optional
lead1ng - as generated by login(1». For each received file, rz
pipes the file to "COMMAND filename" where filename is the name of
the transmitted file with the file contents as standard input.
Each file transfer is acknowledged when COMMAND exits with 0
status. A non zero exit status terminates the transfers.
A typical use for this form is rzrmail which calls rmall(l) to post
mail to the user specified by the transmitted file name. For example, send1ng the file "caf" from a PC-DOS system to rzrmall on a
UNIX system would result in the contents of the DOS file "caf"
being mailed to user "caf" .

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On some UNIX systems, the login directory must contain a link to
COMMAND as login sets SHELL=rsh which does not permit absolute
pathnames. If invoked with a leading v, rz reports proeress to
/tmps/rzlog. The following entry in /etc/passwd works for UNIX
rzrmail: : 100: 100: : /usr/ spooVuueppublie: /usr/bin/rzrmafi
If the SHELL environment variable includes rsh or rksh (restricted
shell), rz does not accept absolute pathnames or references to a
parent directory, does not modify an existing file, and removes
any files received in error.
If rz is invoked with stdout and stderr to different datasets, verbose is set to 2, causing frame by frame progress reports to
stderr. This may be disabled with the q option.
Rz supports incoming ZMODEM binary (-b), ASCII (-a), protect (p), and append (-+) requests, and ZMODEM command execution.
+ Append received data to any existing file of the same name.
1 Use file descriptor 1 for loctls and reads (UNIX only). By
default, file descriptor 0 is used. This option permits rz to be
used with the eu -1 command. If the calling program has
spawned a separate process to read characters from the modem,
that process must be disabled for rz to operate properly.
a Convert files to UNIX conventions by stripping carriage
returns and all characters beginning with the first Control Z
(CP/M end of file).
b Binary file transfer override. Do not convert to ASCII.
e Request 16 bit CRC. XMODEM file transfers default to 8 bit
checksum. YMODEM and ZMODEM normally use 16 bit CRC.
D (ZMODEM) Output file data to /dev/null; for testing.
p (ZMODEM) Protect: skip file if destination file exists.
q Quiet suppresses verbosity.


Change timeout to tim tenths of seconds.
Make received pathnames lower case.
Verbose causes a list of file names to be appended to
/tmp/rzlog. More v's generate more output.

To download a file via XMODEM protocol while logged onto a bulletin
board using eu, first issue the bulletin board command to begin the
download then enter:
-?rz -lb filename
This sequence is the equivalent of the built-in eu command:
-%dnid filename
To receive a file by way of XMODEM protocol while logged onto a
remote system which has eu, enter:

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sz -x -fqy filename
N?rz -lb filename
This sequence is the equivalent of the built-in cu command:

N\takex filename
To receive any number of files via ZMODEM protocol while logged
onto a remote system which has cu. enter:

sz -fqy files ....
N?rz -lb
This sequence is the equivalent of the built-in cu command:

-%takez filename
/tmp/rzlog stores debugging output generated with -vv option.
The UNIX "ulimit" parameter must be set high enough to permit
large file transfers.
The TTY input buffering on some systems may not allow long
blocks or streaming input, especially at high baud rates.
cu(lc), sz(l), ulimit(2).
Pathnames are restricted to 127 characters. In XMODEM single file
mode, the pathname given on the command line is still processed as
described above. The ASCII option' s CR/LF to NL translation
merely deletes CR' s.
Some versions of UNIX cu(1) do not operate properly with this program.
Improperly specified options and failing file transfers may leave
the terminal in an unpredictable state.
Rz supports incoming ZMODEM binary (-b), ASCII (-a), protect
(-p), and append (-+) requests, and ZMODEM command execution.

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sact - print current sees file editing activity
sact files
Sact informs the user of any impending deltas to a named sees
file. This situation occurs when get(l) with the -e option has been
previously executed without a subsequent execution of deZta(l}.
If file is a directory, sact behaves as though each file in the directory were specified as a named file, except that non-SeeS files and
unreadable files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, soot
reads the standard input assuming each line is the name of an sees
file to be processed.
The output for each named fUe consists of five fields separated by
Field 1
the SIn of a delta that currently exists in the sees
file to which changes will be made to make the new
Field 2
the SIn of the new delta to be created.
Field 3
the logname of the user who will make the delta (i. e .
the user who executed a get for editing).
Field 4
the date that get -e was executed.
Field 5
the time that get -e was executed.
delta (I) , get(l), unget(l}.
Use help (1) for explanations.

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sag - system activity graph
sag [ options ]
Not on 7000/40.
Sag graphically displays the system activity data stored in a binary
data file by a previous sar(l) run. Any of the sar data items may
be plotted singly, or in combination; as cross plots, or versus
time. Simple arithmetic combinations of data may be specified. Sag
invokes sar and finds the desired data by string-matching the data
column header (run sar to see what data is available).
These options are passed through to sar:
-s time Select data later than time in the form hh [:mm]. Default is
-e time Select data up to time. Default is 18: 00.
-1 sec Select data at intervals as close as possible to sec seconds.
-f file Use file as the data source for sar. Default is the current
daily data file /usr/adm/sa/sadd.
Other options:
-T term
Produce output suitable for terminal term. See tplot(lG)
for known terminals. If term is vpr, output is processed
by vpr -p and queued to a Versatec printer. Default for
term is $TERM.
-x spec
x axis specification with spec in the form described under
Sag permits a single spec for the x axis.
time is used.

If unspecified,

-y spec

y axis specification with spec in the form described under
AXIS SPECIFICATION. Up to 5 specs separated by j may
be given for the y axis. The -y default is:
-y "\usr 0 100 j \usr + \sys 0 100; \usr + \sys + \wio
An axis specification is in the form
"name [op name] . . . [10 hi]"
Name is either an integer value, or a string that matches a
header in the sar report, with an optional device name in
brackets, e.g., r+w/s[dsk-1].
Op is + - or / surrounded by blanks. Up to five names
specified. Parentheses are not recognized.


UP-11760 R2, V2

0 100"

may be

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Contrary to custom, + and - have precedence over
Evaluation is left to right. Thus sag evaluates A / A + B
(A/(A+B)r:c100, and A + B / C + D as (A+B)/(C+D).
Lo and hi are optional numeric scale limits.
are deduced from the data.

* and

100 as

If unspecified, they

Enclose the -x and -y arguments in double quotes if blanks or
\ are included in the specification.

To see CPU utilization for today:
To see activity over 15 minutes of all disk drives:
TS='date +%H: %M'
sar -0 tempfile 60 15
TE='date +%H:%M\
sag -f tempfile -s $TS -e $TE -y "r+w/s[dsk)"

/usr/adm/sa/sadd daily data file for day dd.
sar(l), tplot(lG).

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sar - system activity reporter
sar [ -ubdycwaqvmA] [ -0 fUe ] t [ n ]
sar [ -ubdycwaqvrnA ] [ -s time] [ -e time] [

-1 sec] [ -f fUe


Sar, using the first syntax, samples cumulative activity counters
in the operating system at n intervals of t seconds. The default
value of n is 1. If the -0 option is specified, sar save the samples in
file in binary format.
Using the second syntax, with no sampling interval specified, sar
extracts data from a previously recorded file, either the one specified aby the -f option or, if -f is not used, the standard system
activity daily data fUe /usr/admlsa/sadd for the current date dd.
The starting and ending times of the report can be bounded via the
-s and -e time arguments of the form hh [ : nun [: ss] ]. The -1 option
selects records a t sec second intervals. Otherwise, all intervals
found in the data fUe are reported.
The following options, valid in both usages of sar, specify the subsets of data to be printed. Listed under each option are column
meanings. If no options are specified, the -u option is assumed.
-u Report CPU utilization:
%usr - Portion of time running is user mode,

%wio - Portion of time idle with some process waiting for block
%idle - Portion of time otherwise idle.
-b Report buffer activity:
bread/ s, brwrit/s - Transfers per second of data between system buffers and disk or other block devices.
lread/s, Zwrit/s - Accesses of system buffers.
%rcache, %wcache - Cache match ratios, e. g., 1 - bread/lread.
pread/ s, pwrit/ s - Transfers via raw device mechanism.
-d Report activity for each block device, e. g., disk or tape drive:
%busy - Portion of time device was busy servicing a transfer

avque - Average number of requests outstanding during %busy.
(5000/60/80/90 only, not available on 5000/20/30/40/50.)

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r+w/s - Number of data transfers to or from a device.

blks/s - Number of bytes transferred to or from a device in 512byte units.
o:vwo:it - Average time is ms. that transfer requests wait idly on





o:vserv - Average time to be serviced (which for disks includes
rotational latency
data transfer
times) .
(5000/60/80/90 only, not available on 5000/20/30/40/50.)
-y Report TTY device activity:

fawch/s - Input character rate.
conch/ s - INput character rate processed by canon.
outch/s - Output character rate.
rcvin/ s - Receive interrupt rates.

xmtin/s - Transmit interrupt rates.
mdmin/s - Modem interrupt rates.
-c Report system calls:
sco:ll/s - System calls of all types.
sreo:d/s, swrit/s, fork/s, exec/s - Specific system calls.
rchar/s, wchar/s - Characters transferred by read and write
system calls.

-w Report system swapping and switching activity:
swpin/s, swpot/s - Number of transfers for swapins (including
initial loading of some programs) and swapouts.

bswin/s, bswor/s - Number of 512-byte units transferred for
swapins (including initial loading of some programs) and

pswch/s - Process switches.
-a Report use of file access system routines: how many times per
second the if/et/s, namei/s, dirblk/s routines were called.
-q Report average queue length while occupied, and percent (%)
of time occupied:
runq-sz, %runocc - Run queue of executable processes in

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swpq-sz, %swpocc - Swap queue of processes swapped out but
ready to run.
-v Report status of text, process, inode and fUe tables:


indo-sz - Entries/size for each table,

evaluated one at sampling point.

text-ov, proc-ov, file-ov - Overflows occurring between sampling points.
-m Report message and semaphore activities:
msg/s, seals - Primitives per second.
-A Report all data. Equivalent to -udqbwcayvm.
To see CPU activity so far for today, enter:

To watch CPU activity evolve for 10 minutes and save data, enter:

sar -0 temp 60 10

lusr/adrn/sa/sadd daily data fUe
The -d option does not work.
sag(lG), sar(lM)

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sccsdiff - compare two versions of an SCCS file
sccsdiff -rSIDl -rSID2 [-p] [-sn] files
Sccsdiff compares two versions of an sees file and generates the
differences between the two versions. Any number of sees files
may be specified, but options apply to all files.

-rSIDl -rSID2
Specifies SIDI and SID2 as the deltas of an sees file that are to
be compared. Sccsdiff passes versions to bdiff(l) in the order
-p Pipes output for each file through pr(l).
Denotes n as the file segment size that bdiff passes to diff(l).
This is useful when diff fails due to a high system load.
/tmp/get????? Temporary files
bdiff(l), get(l), help(l), pr(l).
Source Code Control System in the Support Tools Guide.
The message
file: No differences
is printed if the two versions are the same.
Use help(l) for explanations.

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7000 Series


script - make typescript of terminal session
script [ -a] [ file]
7000 Series System only.
Script makes a typescript of everything printed on your terminal.
The typescript is written to file, or appended to file if the -8 option
is given. It can be sent to the line printer later with lpr. If no file
name is given, the typescript is saved in the file typescript.
The script ends when the forked shell exists.
This program is useful when using a CRT and a hard· copy record
of the dialog is desired, as for a student handing in a program that
was developed on a CRT when hard-copy terminals are in short supply. Script counts on the existence of psuedo terminals:
dev/ptyp? If they do not exist, USe MAKEDEV in /dev to create
them: MAKEDEV pty? .
Script places everything in the log file. This is not what the naive
user expects.

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7000 Series

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sdb - symbolic debugger
sdb [-w] [-w] [ objfil [ corfil [ directory-list ] ] ]
Sdb is a symbolic debugger that can be used with C and F77 programs. It may be used to examine their object files and core files
and to provide a controlled environment for their execution.
Obifil is normally an executable program file which has been compiled with the -g (debug) option; if it has not been compiled with
the -g option, or if it is not an executable file, the symbolic capabilities of sdb are limited, but the file can still be examined and the
program debugged. The default for obifil is a.out. Corfil is
assumed to be a core image file produced after executing obifil; the
default for corfil is core. The core file need not be present. A - in
place of corfil forces sdb to ignore any core image file. The colon
separated list of directories (directory-list) is used to locate the
source fUes used to build obifil.
It is useful to know that at any time there is a current line and
current file. If corfil exists then they are initially set to the line
and file containing the source statement at which the process terminated. Otherwise, they are set to the first line in main ( ). The
current line and file may be changed with the source file examination commands.
By default, warnings are provided if the source files used in producing obifil cannot be found or are newer than obifil. This checking feature and the accompanying warnings may be disabled by the
use of the -W option.
Names of variables are written just as they are in C or F77. Note
that names in C are of arbitrary length; sdb does not truncate
names. Variables local to a procedure may be accessed using the
form procedure: variable. If no procedure name is given, the procedure containing the current line is used by default.
It is also possible to refer to structure members as
variable. member,
variable->member, and array elements as variable [number].
Pointers may be dereferenced by using the form pointer [ 0 ]. Combinations of these forms may also be used. F77 common variables
may be referenced by using the name of the common block instead
of the structure name. Blank common variables may be named by
the form . variable. A number may be used in place of a structure
variable name, in which case the number is viewed as the address
of the structure, and the template used for the structure is that of
the last structure referenced by sdb. An unqualified structure
variable may also be used with various commands. Generally, sdb
interprets a structure as a set of variables. Thus, sdb displays
the values of all the elements of a structure when it is requested to
display a structure. An exception to this interpretation occurs
when displaying variable addresses. An entire structure does
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have an address, and it is this value sdb displays, not the
addresses of individual elements.
Elements of a multidimensional array may be referenced as
variable [number] [number or as variable [number, number, .•• ] .
In place of number, the form number ;number may be used to indicate a range of values, * may be used to indicate all valid values for
that subscript, or subscripts may be omitted entirely if they are
the last subscripts and the full range of values is desired. As with
structures, sdb displays all the values of an array or of the section
of an array if trailing subscripts are omitted. It displays only the
address of the array itself or of the section specified by the user if
subscripts are omitted. A multidimensional parameter in an F77
program cannot be displayed as an array, but it is actually a
pointer, whose value is the location of the array. The array itself
can be accessed symbolically from the calling function.
A particular instance of a variable on the stack may be referenced
by using the form procedure: variable, number. All the variations
mentioned in naming variables may be used. Number is the
occurrence of the specified procedure on the stack, counting the
top, or most current, as the first. If no procedure is specified,
the procedure currently executing is used by default.
It is also possible to specify a variable by its address. All forms of
integer constants which are valid in C may be used, so that
addresses may be input in decimal, octal or hexadecimal.
Line numbers in the source program are referred to as filename:number or procedure:number. In either case the number is
relative to the beginning of the file. If no procedure or file name is
given, the current file is used by default. If no number is given,
the first line of the named procedure or file is used.
While a process is running under sdb, all addresses refer to the
executing program; otherwise they refer to objfil or corfil. An initial argument of -w permits overwriting locations in obifil.
Individual processor general registers may be named instead of
variables by using the register name with a % prepended. The x
command displays the current values of all the general registers.
The contents of these registers can be displayed or modified.
Note that the hardware floating point registers of the 68881 math
coprocessor are also available to be used as the 68020 general registers when the 68881 math coprocessor installed. These registers
are named %fpO through %fp7 .
-w Permit overwriting locations in objfil.
-W Disable warnings.

The address in a file associated with a written address is determined by a mapping associated with that file. Each mapping is
represented by two triples (bI, el. fI) and (b2. e2. f2) and the

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file address corresponding to a written address is calculated as follows:
bl = > file address=address+fl-bl
b2 = > file address=address+f2-b2
otherwise, the requested address is not valid. In some cases
(e. g., for programs with separated I and D space) the two segments for a file may overlap.
The initial setting of both mappings is suitable for normal a. out and
core files. If either file is not of the kind expected then, for that
file, bl is set to 0, el Is set to the maximum file size, and fl Is set
to 0; in this way the whole file can be examined with no address
In order for sdb to be used on large files, all appropriate values
are kept as signed 32-bit integers. The M command can be used to
display or change the current values for the address maps.
The commands for examining data in the program are:

t Print a stack trace of the terminated or halted program.
T Print the top line of the stack trace.
Print the value of variable according to length l and format m.
A numeric count e indicates that a region 'of memory, beginning
at the address implied by variable, is to be displayed. The
length specifiers are:
b one byte
h two bytes (half word)
1 four bytes (long word)
Valid values for mare:
c Character
d Decimal
u DeCimal, unsigned
o Octal
x Hexadecimal
f 32-bit single precision floating point
g 64-bit double precision floating point
s Assume variable is a string pointer and print characters
starting at the address pointed to by the variable.
a Print characters starting at the variable address. This
format may not be used with register variables.
p Pointer to procedure
i Disassemble
addresses printed numerically and symbolically.
I Disassemble
addresses just printed numerically.
The length specifiers are only effective with the formats c, d,
u, 0 and x. Any of the specifiers, c, l, and m, may be omitted.

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If all are omitted, sdb choses a length and a format suitable for
the variable type as declared in the program. If m is specified,
then this format is used for displaying the variable. A length
specifier determines the output length of the value to be
displayed, sometimes resulting in truncation. A count specifier
c tells sdb to display that many units of memory, beginning at
the address of variable. The number of bytes in one such unit
of memory is determined by the length specifier I, or if no
length is given, by the size associated with the variable. If a
count specifier is used for the s or a command, then that many
characters are printed. Otherwise successive characters are
printed until either a null byte is reached or 128 characters are
printed. The last variable may be redisplayed with the command .f.
The sh(1) metacharacters and? may be used within procedure
and variable names, providing a limited form of pattern match~
ing. If no procedure name is given, variables local to the
current procedure and global variables are matched; if a procedure name is specified then only variables local to that procedure are matched. To match only global variables, the form
: pattern is used.
linenumber? 1m
variable:? 1m
Print the value at the address from a. out or I space given by
linenumber or variable (procedure name), according to the format 1m. The default format is "i".
Print the address of variable or linenumber, or the value of
number, in the format specified by lm. If no format is given,
then Ix is used. The last variant of this command provides a
convenient way to convert between decimal, octal and hexadecimal.
variable! value
Set variable to the given value. The value may be a number, a
character constant or a variable. The value must be well
defined i expressions which produce more than one value, such
as structures, are not allowed. Character constants are
denoted 'character. Numbers are viewed as integers unless 8
decimal point or exponent is used. In this case; they are
treated as having the type double. Registers are viewed as
integers. The variable may be an expression which indicates
more than one variable, such as an array or structure name. If
the address of a variable is given, it is regarded as the address
of a variable of type int. C conventions are used in any type
conversions necessary to perform the indlcated assignment.
X Print the machine registers and the current machine-language


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UP-11760 R2A, V2


X Print the current machine-language instruction.
The commands for examining source files are:
Print floating point register where? is 0-7 (5000/90 only).
e procedure

e file-name
e directory/
e directory file-name
The ,first two forms set the current file to the file containing
procedure or to file-name. The current line is set to the first
line in the named procedure or file. Source files are assumed to
be in directory. The default Is the current working directory.
The latter two forms change the value of directory. If no procedure, file name, or directory is given, the current procedure
name and file name are reported.
/regular expression/
Search forward from the current line for a line containing a
string matching regular expression as in .ed(l). The trailing /
may be deleted.
?regular expression?
Search backward from the current line for a line containing a
string matching regular expression as in ed(l). The trailing?
may be deleted.


Print the current line.
Print the current line followed by the next 9 lines. Set the
current line to the last line printed.
w Window. Print the 10 lines around the current line.
Set the current line to the given line number. Print the new
curren t line.
Advance the current line by count lines. Print the new current
countRetreat the current line by count lines. Print the new current
The commands for controlling the execution of the source program
count r args
count R
Run the program with the given arguments. The r command
with no arguments reuses the previous arguments to the program while the R command runs the program with no arguments. An argument beginning with < or > causes redirection
for the standard input or output, respectively. If count is

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given, it specifies the number of breakpoints to be ignored.
linenumber c count
linenumber C count
Continue after a breakpoint or interrupt. If count is given, it
specifies the breakpoint at which to stop after ignoring count 1 breakpoints. C continues with the signal which caused the
program to stop reactivated and c ignores it. If a line number
is specified then a temporary breakpoint is placed at the line
and execution is continued. The breakpoint is deleted when
the command finishes.
linenumber g count
Continue after a breakpoint with execution resumed at the
given line. If count is given, it specifies the number of breakpoints to be ignored.
s count
S count
Single step the program through count lines. If no count is
given then the program is run for one line. S is equivalent to s
except it steps through procedure calls.


Single step by one machine-language instruction. I steps with
the signal which caused the program to stop reactivated and i
ignores it.
variable$m count
address:m count
Single step (as with s) until the specified location is modified
with a new value. If count is omitted, it is effectively infinity.
Variable must be accessible from the current procedure.
Because this command is done by software, it can be very slow.
level v
Toggle verbose mode, for use when single stepping with S, s or
m. If level is omitted, then just the current source file and/or
subroutine name is printed when either changes. If level is 1 or
greater, each C source line is printed before it is executed; if
level is 2 or greater, each assembler statement is also printed.
A v turns verbose mode off if it is on for any level.
k Kill the program being debugged.
procedure(argl,arg2, ... )
procedure(argl,arg2, ... )/m
Execute the named procedure with the given arguments. Arguments can be integer, character or string constants or names of
variables accessible from the current procedure. The second
form causes the value returned by the procedure to be printed
according to format m. If no format is given, it defaults to d.
Note that when the procedure completes, control is returned to
sdb by a breakpoint.
linenumber b commands
Set a breakpoint at the given line. If a procedure name without

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a line number is given (e.g., "proc:"L a breakpoint is placed
at the first line in the procedure even if it was not compiled with
the -g option. If no linenumber is given, a breakpoint is placed
at the current line. If no commands are given, execution stops
just before the breakpoint and control is returned to sdb. Otherwise the commands are executed when the breakpoint Is
encountered and execution continues. Multiple commands are
specified by separating them with semicolons. If k is used as a
command to execute at a breakpoint, control returns to sdb,
instead of continuing execution.
Print a list of the currently active breakpoints.

linenumber d
Delete a breakpoint at the given line. If no linenumber is given
then the breakpoints are deleted interactively. Each breakpoint location is printed and a line is read from the standard
input. If the line begins with a y or d then the breakpoint is

D Delete all breakpoints.
Print the last executed line.
linenumber a
Announce. If linenumber is of the form proc: number, the command effectively does a linenumber b 1. If linenumber is of the
form proc:, the command effectively does a proc: b T.
Miscellaneous commands:
The command is interpreted by sh (1) .
If the previous command printed a source line then advance the
current line by one line and print the new current line. If the
previous command displayed a memory location, then display
the next memory location.
Scroll. Print the next 10 lines of instructions, source or data
depending on which was printed last.
< filename
Read commands from filename until the end of file is reached,
and then continue to accept commands from standard input.
When sdb is told to display a variable by a command in such a
file, the variable name is displayed along with the value. This
command may not be nested; < may not appear as a command in a
M Print the address maps.
M [?/][*] b e f
Record new values for the address map. The arguments? and /
specify the text and data maps, respectively. The first segment, (bI, el, fI), is changed unless is specified, in which
case the second segment (bI, e1, f1), of the mapping is


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changed. If fewer than three values are given, the remaining
map parameters are left unchanged.

" string
Print the given string. The C escape sequences of the form

\character are recognized, where character is a nonnumeric
q Exit the debugger.
The following commands also exist and are intended only for debugging the debugger:
V Print the version number.
Q Print a list of procedures and files being debugged.
Y Toggle debug output.

cc(1), f77(1), sh(1), a.out(4), core (4) .
Symbolic Debugging Program - "sdb" in the Programming Guide.
When sdb prints the value of an external variable for which there is
no debugging information, a warning is printed before the value.
The value is assumed to be int (integer).
Data which are stored in text sections are indistinguishable from
Line number information in optimized functions is unreliable, and
some information may be missing. Note that cc(1) disables optimization for modules compiled with the -g option.
If a procedure is called when the program is not stopped at a breakpoint (such as when a core image is being debugged), all variables
are initialized before the procedure is started. This makes it
impossible to use a procedure which formats data from a core
The default type for printing F77 parameters is incorrect. Their
address is printed instead of their value.
Tracebacks containing F77 subprograms with multiple entry points
may print too many arguments in the wrong order, but their values
are correct.
The range of an F77 array subscript is assumed to be 1 to n, where
n is the dimension corresponding to that subscript. This is only
significant when the user omits a subscript or uses * to indicate the
full range. There is no problem in general with arrays having subscripts whose lower bounds are not 1.

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UP-11760 R2A, V2


the -g option. If no linenumber is given, a breakpoint is placed
at the current line. If no commands are given, execution stops
just before the breakpoint and control is returned to sdb. Otherwise the commands are executed when the breakpoint is
encountered and execution continues. Multiple commands are
specified by separating them with semicolons. If k is used as a
command to execute at a breakpoint, control returns to sdb,
Instead of continuing execution.

B Print a list of the currently active breakpoints.

linenumber d
Delete a breakpoint at the given line. If no linenumber Is given
then the breakpoints are deleted interactively. Each breakpoint location is printed and a line is read from the standard
input. If the line begins with a y or d then the breakpoint is

D Delete all breakpoints.

Print the last executed line.

linenumber a
Announce. If linenumber is of the form proc: number, the command effectively does a linenumber b 1. If linenumber is of the
form proc:, the command effectively does a proc: b T.
Miscellaneous commands:

The command is interpreted by sh(l).
If the previous command printed a source line then advance the
current line by one line and print the new current line. If the
previous command displayed a memory location, then display
the next memory location.
Scroll. Print the next 10 lines of instructions, source or data
depending on which was printed last.
< filename
Read commands from filename until the end of file is reached,
and then continue to accept commands from standard input.
When sdb is told to display a variable by a command in such a
file, the variable name is displayed along with the value. This
command may not be nested; < may not appear as a command in a

M Print the address maps.
M [? I] p:c] b e f
Record new values for the address map . The arguments? and I
specify the text and data maps, respectively. The first segment, (bI, eI, fi ), is changed unless is specified, in which
case the second segment (bI, eI, fI), of the mapping is
changed. If fewer than three values are given, the remaining
map parameters are left unchanged.


UP-11760 R2, V2

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" string
Print the given string. The C escape sequences of the form
\character are recognized, where character is a nonnumeric


Exit the debugger.

The following commands also exist and are intended only for debug·
ging the debugger:

Print the version number.

Q Print a list of procedures and files being debugged.

Toggle debug output.


cc(l), f77(1), sh(I), a.out(4), core(4).
Symbolic Debugging Program - "sdb" in the Programming Guide.

When sdb prints the value of an external variable for which there is
no debugging information, a warning is printed before the value.
The value is assumed to be int (integer).
Data which are stored in text sections are indistinguishable from
Line number information in optimized functions is unreliable, and
some information may be missing. Note that cc(l) disables optimization for modules compiled with the -g option.

If a procedure is called when the program is not s topped at a
breakpoint (such as when a core image is being debugged), all
variables are initialized before the procedure is started. This
makes it impossible to use a procedure which formats data from a
core image.

The default type for printing F77 parameters is incorrect. Their
address is printed instead of their value.
Tracebacks containing F77 subprograms with multiple entry points
may print too many arguments in the wrong order, but their values
are correct.
The range of an F77 array subscript is assumed to be 1 to n, where
n is the dimension corresponding to that subscript. This is only
significant when the user omits a subscript or uses to indicate the
full range. There is no problem in general with arrays having subscripts whose lower bounds are not 1.


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UP-11760 R2, V2



sdiff - side-by-side difference program
sdiff [ options ... ] filel file2
Sdiff uses the output of diff(l) to produce a side-by-side listing of
two files indicating those lines that are different. Each line of the
two files is printed with a blank gutter between them if the lines
are identical, a < in the gutter if the line only exists in file 1 , a > in
the gutter if the line only exists in file2, and a : for lines that are
For example:
-w n
Use the next argument, n, as the width of the output
line. The default line length is 130 characters.
Only print the left side of any lines that are identical.
Do not print identical lines .

Use the next argument, output, as the name of a third file
that is created as a user controlled merging of filel and
Sdiff copies identical lines of filel and file2 to output.
Sdiff prints sets of differences, as produced by diff(l);
where a set of differences share a common gutter character.

After printing each set of differences, sdiff prompts the
user with a % and waits for one of the following usertyped commands:
append the left column to the output file
append the right column to the output file
turn on silent mode; do not print identical lines
turn off silent mode
e 1
call the editor with the left column

e r
e b

UP-11760 R2, V2

call the editor with the right column
call the editor with the concatenation of left and
call the editor with a zero length file

Page 1



exit from the progr.am

On exit from the editor, the resulting file is concatenated
on the end of the output file.


diff(!), ed(l).

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UP-11760 R2, V2


sed - stream editor
.sed [ -n ] [ -e script ] [ -f sfile ] [ files ]
Sed copies the named fUes (standard input default) to the standard
output, edited according to a script of commands.
A script consists of editing commands, one per line, of the following form:
[ address [ , address ] ] function [ arguments ]
Address, function, and argument are described below.
In normal operation, sed cyclically copies a line of input into a pattern space (an internal edit buffer) and applies in sequence all
commands whose a.ddresses apply to the lines within the edit
buffer. Editing commands can be applied only to non-selected pattern spaces by use of the negation function! (below). At the end
of the script, sed copies the pattern space to the standard output
an.d deletes the pattern space. Some of the comm~nds use an internal tempoi'ary buffer to save all or part of the edit buffer for subsequent retrieval.
Tbe following options can be specified several times.
~·f sfile Takes the script from sfile.

-e script
Specifie~ script as the script. If there is Just one -e
option and no -f option, the -e may be omitted. Script
should be surrounded by quotes to isolate it· from the
Suppresses the default output.

An address is either a decimal number that counts input lines
cumulatively across files, a $ that addresses the last line of input,
or a context address. A context address is a /regular expression /
in the style of ed(l), with the following differences:
The construction \?regulaJ," expression?, where ? is any character, is identical to /regular expression / . Note that in the
context address \xabc\xdefx, the second x stands for itself, so
that the regular expression is abcxdef.
The escape sequence \n matches a new-line embedded in the
pattern space.
A period . matches any character except the terminal new-line
of the pattern space.
A command line with no addresses sel~cts every pattern space.
A command line with one address selects each pattern space
that matches the address.

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A command line with two addresses selects the inclusiv~ range
from the first pattern space that matches the first address
through the next pattern space that matches the second. If the
second address is a number less than or equal to the line
number first selected, only one line is selected. Thereafter the
process is repeated, looking again for the first address.
In the following list of functions the maximum number of permissible addresses for each function is indicated in the parentheses
preceding each function.
(1) a\

Append. Place text on the output before reading the
next input line (see text below).
(2) b label
Branch to the: command bearing the label. If label is not
specified, branch to the end of the script.

(2) c\

(2) d
(2) 0

(2) g
(2) G
(2) h
(2) H
(1) i\

(2) I

(2) n

(2) N
(2) P

Page 2

Change. Delete the edit buffer. With 0 or 1 address or at
the end of a 2-address range, place text on the output
(see text below). Start the next cycle.
Delete the edit buffer. Start the next cycle.
Delete the initial segment of the edit buffer through the
first new-line. Start the next cycle; do not copy a new
line into the pattern space if any lines remain in the pattern space.
Replace the contents of the edit buffer by the contents of
the temporary buffer.
Append the contents of the temporary buffer to the edit
Replace the contents of the temporary buffer by the contents of the edit buffer.
Append the contents of the edit buffer to the temporary
Insert. Place text on the standard output. (see text
List the edit buffer on the standard output in an unambiguous form. Spell non-printing characters in two-digit
ASCII and fold long lines.
Copy the edit buffer to the standard output. Replace the
edit buffer with the next line of input.
Append the next line of input to the edit buffer with an
embedded new-line. (The current line number changes. )
Print. Copy the edit buffer to the standard output.

UP-11760 R2, V2


(2) P
(1) q

Copy the initial segment of the edit buffer through the
first new-line to the standard output.
Quit. Branch to the end of the script. Do not start a new

(2) r rfile

Read the contents of rfile. Place the contents of rfile on
the output before reading the next input line. (see rfile
(2) s/regular expression /replacement /flags
Substitute the replacement string for instances of the
regular expression in the edit buffer. Any character
may be used instead of /. For a fuller description see
ed ( 1). Flags is zero or more of:


n = 1-512. Substitute for just the n
occurrence of the regular expression.


Substitute for all nonoverlapping
instances of the regular expression rather
than just the first one.


Print the edit buffer if a replacement was



Write. Append the edit buffer to wfile if a
replacement was made. (see wfile below)
(2) t label

Test. Branch to the : command bearing the label if any
substitutions have been made since the most recent reading of an input line or execution of at. If label is empty,
branch to the end of the script.
(2) wwfile
Write. Append the edit buffer to wfile. (see wfile below)
(2) x
Exchange the contents of the pattern and temporary
(2) y/stringl /string2 /
Transform. Replace all occurrences of characters in
stringl with the corresponding character in string2.
The lengths of stringl and string2 must be equal.
(2)! function

Apply the function (or group, if function Is { ) only to
lines not selected by the address(es).
(0) : label

(1) =
(2) {

UP-11760 R2, V2

Specify a label to whIch band t commands may branch.
Place the current line number on the standard output as a
Execute the following commands through a matching}
only when the edit buffer Is selected.

Page 3



An empty command 1$ ignored.

(0) #

If a # is the first character on the first line of a script
file, the entire line is treated as a comment unless the
character following the # is an n. If an n follows the #,
the default output· is suppressed and the rest of the line
after the #n is ignored. A script file must contain at least
one ndn -commen t line.


One or rllOl'e lin~s of text; each line must end with a
backslash to escape the new-line, except the last line.
Backslashes within text are escape characters, and may be
used to retain initial tabs and blanks that sed usually strips
from every script lin,e .


Read file; this argument must be the last one in the command
line and exactly I)ne blank must separate it from its function.

wfile Write file; this argument must be the last one in the command
line and exactly one blank must separate it from its function.
Sed creates each wfile (up to ten distinct wfiles) before processing.

awk(l), ed(l), grep(l).

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UP-11760 R2, V2

set_tape· change the logical tape size for tape device
set_tape [ ·s ] tape_device bytes
5000/30 and 5000/50 only.
Set_tape changes the logical size, in bytes, for tape_device to
bytes. This is used when tape cartridges that have a lower or
higher capacity than the default value of 40960000 bytes are used.
The default value is that of a DC450A cartridge tape.
Do not send output to standard output (silent)
To set the logical size of /dev/rtp to 13.56 megabytes (DC150A car·
tridge tape), insert a tape in the cartridge tape drive and use the
set_tape /dev/rtp 13650000
The output will be:
Old tape capacity = 4096000
New tape capacity = 13650000

tape_size (1)
Set_tape works only when a tape cartridge is mounted in the drive.
The logical size is set to the default, 40960000 bytes, when the sys·
tern is booted.

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setalign - set / unset alignment emulation

setalign [ -yn ] [ -f ffile ] arg ...
7000 Series Systems only.
Setalign will set or unset the alignment emulation capability in an
executable file.
The -y option will set the alignment emulation by changing the
magic number that is stored in the header of the file. When this
condition is set, once the file is executed and encountered any
alignment fault, the operating system will handle it correctly as the
alignment fault does not exist.
The -n option will unset the alignment emulation. In this case, the
process will get an illegal instruction and generate a core dump
when the file encountered an alignment fault.
The -f option is given, the next argument is taken to be a file containing the names of the files to be examined.
Setalign will return the alignment emulation status if -y or -D is not
Id(l) .

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/local/bin/setlp - set parameters for a line printer type device
setlp [ - options ]
5000/60, 5000/80, and 5000/90 only.
setlp sets line printer options for the standard input device.
Without arguments, it reports the current settings of the of the
device. With the -g option, the current settings are reported in a
form (ascii) that can be used as an argument to another setlp command.

-i number indent every line on the printout 'number'
-c number print 'number' columns truncating anything
-d number wait for an acknowledge signal for 'number'
( 1 units equals approximately
microseconds) .
The default is 100 units.
-l number print 'number' lines per page.
nocr (-nocr) do not map (-map) NL to NL-CR on output.
cap ( -cap) map (do not map) lower case alphabetics to
uppercase alphabetics on output.


To change the indent for the parallel port 0 printer from the
default of 4 to O.
setlp -iO < /dev/gcp/lp/cO

Ip(7) ioctl(2)

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set_tape . change the logical tape size for tape device
set_tape [ -s ] tape_device bytes
5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and 5000/55 only.
Set_tape changes the logical size, in bytes, for tape_device to
bytes. This is used when tape cartridges that have a lower or
higher capacity than the default value of 40960000 bytes are used.
The default value is that of a DC450A cartridge tape.
Do not send output to standard output (silent)
To set the logical size of /dev/rtp for a DC150A cartridge tape,
insert a tape in the cartridge tape drive and use the command:
set_tape /dev/rtp 13200000
The outputwlll be:
Old tape capacity =40960000
New tape capacity = 13200000
Set_tape works only when a tape cartridge is mounted in the drive.
The logical size is set to the default, 40960000 bytes, when the sys·
tem is booted.

UP·11760 R2B, V2

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UP-11760 R2A, V2


setulimit . set a user file size limit

setulimit size
exec setulimit size
Setulimit allows the user to change the file size limit. Size is the
number of 1024·byte blocks.
Using setulimit without exec puts the user into a new shell in which
the new size limit operates. The user may use Control·D to return
to the login shell, where the standard default limit of two mega·
bytes applies. Using setulimit with exec changes the limit and
overlays the existing shell; only cne process will be used, instead
of two. Any errors that caUBe setulimit to exit will cause the program to logout.
Care should be taken when using setulimit within the shell script.
If setulimit without exec is used in a shell script, the entries following the setulimit are not processed until the new shell is exited. If
the setulimit with exec is used in a shell script, the entries following the setulimit command are never processed.
The maximum number of 1024·byte blocks allowed by setulimit is
determined by the value contained in the file /etc/SETULIMITMAX.
Only the superuser can modify this file.
To change the file size limit to 10240 blocks, and to enter a new
shell .. enter:
setulimit 10240

Maximum number of 1024·byte blocks
allowed by setullmit(l). Must be greater
than 1. If /etc/SETULIMITMAX does not
exist or is not readable, the default is
2048· byte block size.

The follOWing message indicates an incorrect size value:
Usage: setulimit NNN . where NNN is greater than 1 and less
than or equal to [system maximum set by superuser]
The following message indicates the ulimit call failed:
Size change failed, setuid incorrect
The following message indicates an invalid value for
Invalid value 0 in /etc/SETULIMITMAX.

UP-11760 R2, V2

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Using setulimit without exec causes local 'Iariables defined in, the
parent not to be defined in the new shell.
Care should be taken when using setuli,mit within the shell script.
If setulimit without exec is used in a shell script, the entries following the setulimit are not processed until the new shell is exited. If
the setulimit with exec is used in a shell script, the entries following the setulimit command are never processed.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


sh, rsh - shell, the standard/restricted command programming
sh [ -acefhiknrstuvx ] [ args ]
rsh [ -acefhiknrstuvx ] [args ]
Sh is a command programming language that executes commands
read from a terminal or a file. Rsh is a restricted version of the
standard command interpreter sh; it is used to set up login names
and execution environments whose capabilities are more controlled
than those of the standard shell. See Invocation below for the
meaning of arguments to the shell.
A blank is a tab or a space. A name is a sequence of letters, digits,
or underscores beginning with a letter or underscore. A parameter is a name, a digit, or any of the characters *, @, #, ?, -, $, and
! .
A simple-command is a sequence of non-blank 'Words separated by
blanks. The first word specifies the name of the command to be
executed. Except as specified below, the remaining words are
passed as arguments to the invoked command. The command name
is passed as argument 0 (see exec(2». The value of a sirnplecommand is its exit status if it terminates normally, or (octal)
200+status if it terminates abnormally (see signal(2) for a list of
status values).
A pipeline is a sequence of one or more commands separated by :
(or, for historical compatibility, by A). The standard output of
each command but the last is connected by a pipe(2) to the standard input of the next command. Each command is run as a
separate process; the shell waits for the last command to terminate.
The exit status of a pipeline is the exit status of the last command.
A list is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by ;, &, &&,
or : :, and optionally terminated by j or &. Of these four symbols,
; and & have equal precedence, which is lower than that of && and
: :. The symbols && and : : also have equal precedence. An arbitrary number of new-lines may appear in a list, instead of semicolons, to delimit commands.
The separators affect execution as follows:
Sequentially execute the preceding pipeline.
& Asynchronously execute the preceding pipeline; that is, the
shell does not wait for the pipeline to finish execution before
proceeding to execute the next command.
&& Execute the following list only if the preceding pipeline returns
a zero exit status.

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: : Execute the following list only if the preceding pipeline returns
a non-zero exit status.
A command is either a simple-command or one of the following.
Unless otherwise stated, the value returned by a command is that
of the last simple-command executed in the command.
for name [ in word . .. ] do list done
Each time a for command is executed, name is set to the next
word taken from the in word list. If in word. .. is omitted,
then the for command executes the do list once for each positional parameter that is set (see Parameter Substitution below) .
Execution ends when there are no more words in the list.
case word in [ pattern [ : pattern ] . . . ) list ;; ] . . . esac
A case command executes the list associated with the first pattern that matches word. The form of the patterns is the same as
that used for file-name generation (see File Name Generation)
except that a slash, a leading dot, or a dot immediately following a slash need not be matched explicitly.
if list then list [ elif list then list ] . . . [ else list ] fi
The list following if is executed and, if it returns a zero exit
status, the list following the first then is executed. Otherwise,
the list following elif is executed and, if its value is zero, the
list following the next then is executed. Failing that, the else
list is executed. If no else list or then list is executed, then the
if command returns a zero exit status.
while list do list done
A while command repeatedly executes the while list and, if the
exit status of the last command in the list is zero, executes the
do list; otherwise the loop terminates. If no commands in the do
list are executed, then the while command returns a zero exit
status; until may be used in place of while to negate the loop
termination test.

Execute list in a sub-shell.

{list; }
Simply execute list.

name ( ) {list;}
Define a function which is referenced by name. The body of the
function is the list of commands between { and }. Execution of
functions is described below (see Execution).
The following words are only recognized as the first word of a command and when not quoted:
if then else elif fi case esac for while until do done { }
A word beginning with # causes that word and all the following
characters up to a new-line to be ignored.
Command Substitution
The standard output from a command enclosed in a pair of grave
accents ( \ ') may be used as part or all of a word; trailing newlines are removed.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


Parameter Substitution
The character $ is used to introduce substitutable parameters.
There are two types of parameters, positional and keyword. If
parameter is a digit, it is a positional parameter. Positional parameters may be assigned values by set. Keyword parameters (also
known as variables) may be assigned values by:

name=value [ name=value ] . . .
Pattern-matching is not performed on value.
function and a variable with the same name.

There cannot be a

$ {parameter}
The value, if any, of the parameter is substituted. The braces
are required only when parameter is followed by a letter, digit,
or underscore that is not to be interpreted as part of its name.
If parameter is * or @, all the positional parameters, starting
with $1, are substituted (separated by spaces). Parameter $0
is set from argument zero when the shell is invoked.

$ {parameter : -word}
If parameter is set and is non-null, substitute its value; otherwise substitute word.

$ {parameter: =word}
If parameter is not set or is null set it to word; the value of the
parameter is substituted.
assigned to in this way.

Positional parameters may not be

$ {parameter: ?word}
If parameter is set and is non-null, substitute its value; otherwise, print word and exit from the shell. If word is omitted,
the message parameter null or not set is printed.
${parameter: +word}
If parameter is set and is non-null, substitute word; otherwise
substitute nothing.
In the above, word is not evaluated unless it is to be used as the
substituted string, so that, in the following example, pwd is executed only if d is not set or is null:
echo ${d:-'pwd'}
If the colon ( : ) is omitted from the above expressions, the shell
only checks whether parameter is set or not.
The following parameters are automatically set by the shell:
# The number of positional parameters in decimal.
Options supplied to the shell on invocation or by the set
? The decimal value returned by the last synchronously executed command.
$ The process number of this shell.
The process number of the last background command
The following parameters are used by the shell:

The default argument (horne directory) for the cdC!)

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The search path for commands (see Execution below). The
user may not change PATH if executing under rsh.
The search path for the cdC!) command.
If this parameter is set to the name of a mail file and the
MAILPATH parameter is not set, the shell informs the user
of the arrival of mail in the specified file.
This parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the shell
checks for the arrival of mail in the files specified by the
MAILP A TH or MAIL parameters. The default value is 600
seconds (10 minutes). If set to 0, the shell checks before
each prompt.
A colon ( : ) separated list of file names. If this parameter
is set, the shell informs the user of the arrival of mail in any
of the specified files. Each file name can be followed by %
and a message that will be printed when the modification
time changes. The default message is ;you have mail.
Primary prompt string, by default $ .
Secondary prompt string, by default> .
Internal field separators, normally space, tab, and new-

If this parameter is set to the name of a file writable by the
user, the shell writes an accounting record in the file for
each shell procedure executed. Accounting routines such
as acctcom(!) and acctcms(IM) can be used to analyze the
data collected.
When the shell is invoked, it scans the environment (see
Environment below) for this name. If it is found and there
is an r in the file name part of its value, the shell becomes a
restricted shell.
The shell gives default values to PATH, PSI, PS2, MAILCHECK
and IFS. HOME and MAIL are set by login(!).
Blank Interpretation
After parameter and command substitution, the results of substitution are scanned for internal field separator characters (those
found in IFS) and split into distinct arguments where such characters are found. Explicit null arguments C'" or ") are retained.
Implicit null arguments (those resulting from parameters that have
no values) are removed.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


File N arne Generation
Following substitution, each command word Is scanned for the
characters *, ?, and [. If one of these characters appears the
word is regarded as a pattern. The word is replaced with alphabetically sorted file names that match the pattern. If no file name
is found that matches the pattern, the word is left unchanged.
The character. at the start of a file name or immediately following a
/, as well as the character / itself, must be matched explicitly.

Matches any string, including the null string.
Matches any single character.
Matches anyone of the enclosed characters. A pair of characters separated by - matches any character lexically
between the pair, inclusive. If the first character following
the opening [ is a ! any character not enclosed is matched.
The following characters have a special meaning to the shell and
cause termination of a word unless quoted:
; & ( ) :
< > new-line space tab



A character may be quoted (1. e., made to stand for itself) by
preceding it with a \. The pair \new-line is ignored. All characters enclosed between a pair of single quote marks ("), except a
single quote, are quoted. Inside double quote marks (""),
parameter and command substitution occurs and \ quotes the characters \, .\, ", and $. "$*" is equivalent to "$1 $2 . . . " ,
whereas "$@" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" . . . .
When used interactively, the shell prompts with the value of PSI
before reading a command. If at any time a new-line is typed and
further input is needed to complete a command, the secondary
prompt, the value of PS2, is issued.
Before a command is executed, its input and output may be
redirected using a special notation interpreted by the shell. The
following may appear anywhere in a simple-command or may precede or follow a command and are not passed on to the invoked command; substitution occurs before word or digit is used:


Use file word as standard input (file descriptor 0).
Use file word as standard output (file descriptor 1).
If the file does not exist it is created; otherwise, it is
truncated to zero length.
Use file word as standard output. If the file exists
output is appended to it after first seeking to the
end-of-file; otherwise, the file is created.

[ - ] word
Use the shell input (read up to a line that is the same
as word, or to an end-of-file) as the standard input.
If any character of word is quoted, no interpretation is
placed upon the input characters; otherwise,

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parameter and command substitution occurs, (unescaped) \new-line is ignored, and \ must be used to
quote the characters \, $, • , and the first character of
'Word. If - is appended to « , all leading tabs are
stripped from 'Word and from shell input.
Use the file associated with file descriptor digit as
standard input. Similarly for the standard output
using >&digit.
Close the standard input. Similarly for the standard
output using >&- .

If any of the above is preceded by~ digit, the file descriptor which
h; associated with the file is that specified by the digit (instead of
the default 0 or 1). For example:
. . . 2>&1
associates file descriptor 2 with the file currently associated with
file descriptor 1.
The order in whkh redirections are specified is significant. The
shell evaluates redirections left-to-right. For example:
. . . 1>.x.x.x 2>&1
first associates file descriptor 1 with file xxx. It associates file
descriptor 2 with the file associated with file descriptor 1 (1. e .
.xxx). If the order of redirections were reversed, file descriptor 2
would be associated with the terminal (assuming file liescriptor 1
had been) and file descriptor 1 would be associated with file xxx.

If a command is followed by & the default standard input for the
command is the empty file /dev/null. Otherwise, the environment
for the execution of a command contains the file descriptors of the
invoking shell as modified by input/output specifications.
Redirection of output is not allowed in the restricted shell.
The environment (see en...,iron(5» is a list of name-value pairs that
is passed to an executed program in the same way as a normal argument list. The shell illteracts with the environment in several
ways. On invocation, the shell scans the environment and creates
a parameter for each name found giving it the corresponding value.
If the user modifies the value of any of these parameters or creates
new parameters, none of these affects the environment unless the
export command is used to bind the shell parameter to the environment (see also Invocation -a). A parameter may be removed from
the environment with the unset command. The environment seen
by any executed command is thus composed of any unmodified
name-value pairs originally inherited by the shell, minus enl-' pairs
removed by unset, plus any modifications or additions, all of which
must be noted in export commands.
The environment for any simple-command may be augmented by
prefixing it with one or more assignments to parameters. Thus:

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TERM=450 cmd
(export TERM; TERM=450; cmd)
are equivalent as far as the execution of cmd is concerned.
If the -k option is set, all keyword arguments are placed in the
env1ronment, even if they occur after the command name. The following first prints a=b c but then only c after the set -k:

echo a=b c
set -k
echo a=b c
The INTERRUPT and QUIT signals for an invoked command are
ign.ored if the command is followed by Be; otherwise signals have the
values inherited by the shell from its parent, with the exception of
signal 11 (memory fault) (but see also the trap command below).
Ea'ch time a command is executed, the above substitutions are carried out. If the command name matches one of the Special Commands listed below, it is executed in the shell process. If the command name does not match a Special Command, but matches the
name of a defined function, the function is executed in the shell
process (note how this differs from the execution of shell procedures). The positional parameters $1, $2, . . . . are set to the
arguments of the func~ion. If the command name matches neither a
Special Command nor the name of a defined function, a new process
~~ created and an attempt is made to execute the command via
exec(2) .
The shell parameter PATH defines the search path for the directory containing the command. Alternative directory names are
separated by a colon ( : ). The default path is : Ibin: lusr/bin
specifying the current directory, /bin, and lusr/bin, in that
order. Note that the current directory is specified by a null path
name, which can apPear irnmedj4tely after the equal sign or
between the colon delimiters anywhere else in tl'\e path list. If the
command name contains a I the' se.l..rch path is not used; such commands are not executed by the restricted shell, Otherwise, each
directory in the pAth Is searched for an ex~c.utable file. If the file
has execute'permission but is not an a.out file, it is assumed to be a
file containing shell t;ommands. A sub-shell is spawned to read it.
A parenthesized comrnand is also executed in a sub-shell.
The location in the search path where a command was found is
remembered by the' ~heU to help avoid unnecessary execs later. If
the command was foun~ in a relative directory, its location must be
re-determined whenever the current directory changes. The shell
forgets all remembered locations whenever the PATH variable is
changed or the hash -r command is executed (see below).
Special Commands
Input/output redirection is permitted for these commands.
descriptor 1 is the default output location.

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No effect; the command does nothing. A zero exit code is
• file
Read and execute commands from file and return. The search
path specified by PATH is used to find the directory containing
break [ n ]
Exit from the enclosing for or while loop, if any. If n is specified, break n levels.
continue [ n ]
Resume the next iteration of the enclosing for or while loop. If
n is specified, resume at the n-th enclosing loop.
ed [ arg ]
Change the current directory to arg. The shell parameter
HOME is the default arg. The shell parameter CDPATH defines
the search path for the directory containing arg. Alternative
directory names are separated by a colon ( : ). The default
path is , specifying the current directory. Note that the
current directory is specified by a null path name, which can
appear immediately after the equal sign or between the colon
delimiters anywhere else in the path list. If arg begins with a
/, the search path is not used. Otherwise, each directory in
the path is searched for arg. The cd command may not be executed by rsh.
echo [ arg . .. ]
Echo arguments. See echo(l) for usage and description.
eval [ arg . .. ]
Read the arguments as input to the shell and execute the
resulting command(s) .
exec [ arg . .. ]
Execute the command specified by the arguments in place of
this shell without creating a new process. Input/output arguments may appear and, if no other arguments are given, cause
the shell input/output to be modified.
exit [ n ]
Exit a shell with the exit status specified by n. If n is omitted,
the exit status is that of the last command executed (an endof-file also causes the shell to exit. )
export [ name . . . ]
Mark the given names for automatic export to the environment
of SUbsequently-executed commands. If no arguments are
given, a list of all names that are exported in this shell is
printed. Function names may not be exported.
hash [ -r ] [ name . .. ]
For each name, determine and remember the location in the
search path of the command specified by name. The -r option
causes the shell to forget all remembered locations. If no arguments are given, information about remembered commands Is
presented. Hits is the number of times a command has been
invoked by the shell process. Cost is a measure of the work
required to locate a command in the search path. There are

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certain situations which require that the stored location of 8
command be recalculated. Commands for which this is done are
indicated by an asterisk (
adjacent to the hits information.
Cost is incremented when the recalculation is done.
newgrp [ arg . . . ]
Equivalent to exec newgrp arg .
See newgrp(l) for usage
and description.
Print the current working directory. See pWd(l) for usage and
read [ name . . . ]
Read one line from the standard input and assign the first word
to the first name, the second word to the second name, etc.,
with leftover words assigned to the last name. The return code
is 0 unless an end-of-file is encountered.
readonly [ name . . . ]
Mark the given names readonly; the values of the these names
may not be changed by subsequent assignment. If no arguments are given, a list of all readonly names is printed.
return [ n ]
Exit a function with the return value specified by n. If n is
omitted, the return status is that of the last command executed.
set [ --aefhkntuvx [ arg . .. ] ]
Set options and positional parameters. See Invocation for a
description of the options. Using + rather than - causes these
options to be turned off. The current set of options may be
found in $-. The remaining arguments are positional parameters and are assigned, in order, to $1, $2, . . . . If no arguments are given the values of all names are printed.
shift [ n ]
The positional parameters from $n+1 . . . are renamed $1 . . . .
If n is not given, it is assumed to be 1.
Evaluate conditional expressions. See test (1) for usage and
Print the accumulated user and system times for processes run
from the shell.
trap [ arg ] [ n ] . . .
Read the command arg and execute when signal(s) n is
received. Note that arg is scanned once when the trap is set
and once when the trap is taken. Trap commands are executed
in order of signal number. Any attempt to set a trap on a signal
that was ignored on entry to the current shell is ineffective.
An attempt to trap on signal 11 (memory fault) produces an
error. If arg is absent all trap (s) n are reset to their original
values. If arg is the null string this signal is ignored by the
shell and by the commands it invokes. If n is 0 the command arg
is executed on exit from the shell. The trap command with no
arguments prints a list of commands associated with each signal


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type [ name . . . )
For each name, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as a
command name.

ulimit [ n ]
Impose a size limit of n blocks on files written by child
processes (files of any size may be read). With no argument,
the current limit is printed.
umask [ nnn )
Set the user file-creation mask to nnn (see umask(2». If nnn
is omitted, the current value of the mask is printed.
unset [ name . . . )
For each name, remove the corresponding variable or function.
The variables PATH, PSI, PS2, MAILCHECK and IFS cannot be
wait [ n ]
Wait for the specified process and report its termination status.
If n is not given all currently active child processes are waited
for and the return code is zero.
If the shell is invoked through exec(2) and the first character of
argument zero is -, commands are initially read from /etc/profile
an d from $HOME/. profile, if such files exist. Thereafter, commands are read as described below, which Is also the case when the
shell is invoked as /bin/sh. The options below are interpreted by
the shell on invocation. Note that unless the -c or -s option Is
specified, the first argument is assumed to be the name of a file
containing commands, and the remaining arguments are passed as
positional parameters to that command file.
Mark variables which are modified or created for export.
-c string
Read commands from string.
Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero exit
Disable file name generation.
Locate and remember function commands as functions are
defined; function commands are normally located when the
function is executed.
If the -i option is present or if the shell input and output
are attached to a terminal, make this shell interactive. In
this case TERMINATE is ignored (so that kill 0 does n~t
kill an interactive shell) and INTERRUPT is caught and
ignored (so that wait is interruptible). In all cases, QUIT
is ignored by the shell.
Place all keyword arguments in the environment for a command, not just those that precede the command name.
Read commands but do not execute them.
Make the shell a restricted shell.
If the -5 option is present or if no arguments remain, read
commands from the standard input. Any remaining arguments specify the positional parameters. Shell output
except for Special Commands is written to file descriptor

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Exit after reading and executing one command.
Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.
Print shell input lines as they are read.
Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
Do not change any of the options; useful in setting $1 to -.
Rsh Only
Rsh is used to set up login names and execution environments
whose capabilities are more controlled than those of the standard
shell. The actions of rsh are identical to those of sh, except that
the following are disallowed:
changing directory (see cd (1) ) ,
setting the value of $PATH,
specifying path or command names containing /,
. redirecting output (> and ») .
The restrictions above are enforced after . profile is interpreted.
When a command to be executed is found to be a shell procedure,
rsh invokes sh to execute it. Thus, it is possible to provide to the
end-user shell procedures that have access to the full power of the
standard sheU; while imposing a limited menu of commands; this
scheme assumes that the end-user does not have write and execute
permissions.m the same directory.
The net effect of these rules is that the writer of the . profile has
complete ~ontrol over user actions, by performing guaranteed
setup actions and leaving the user in an appropriate directory
(probably not the login directory).
The superuser often sets up a directory of commands (i. e. ,
/usr/rbin) that can be safely invoked by rsh. Some superusers
also s~pply rsh users with the restricted editor red.
Errors detected by the shell, such as syntax errors, cause the
shell to return a non-zerQ exit status. If the shell is being used
non-interactively execution of the shell file is abandoned. Otherwise, the shell returns the exit status of the last command executed
(see also the exit command above).
$HOME/ . profile
acctcom(l), cd(l), echo(l), env(l), login(l), newgrp(1),
pwd(l), test(1), umask(l), acctcms(lM), dup(2), exec(2),
fork(2), pipe (2), signal(2), ulim1t(2) , umask(2), wait(2),
a.out(4), profile(4), environ(5).
Shell Tutorial in the User Guide.
Shell Introduction, Using Shell Commands, Shell Programming,

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and Examples of Shell Procedures in the Programming Guide.
If a command is executed, and a command with the same name is
installed in a directory in the search path before the directory
where the original command was found, the shell continues to
exec(2) the original command. Use the hash command to correct
this situation.
If you move the current directory or one above it, pwd may not
give the correct response. Use the cd command with a full path
name to correct this situation.

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shl - shell layer manager
ShZ allows a user to interact with more than one shell from a single
terminal. The user controls these shells, known as Zaye1-s, using
the commands described below.
The current Zayer is the layer which can receive input from the
keyboard. Other layers attempting to read from the keyboard are
blocked. Output from multiple layers is multiplexed onto the terminal. The output of a layer may be blocked when the layer is not
current by setting the loblk option of sUy(l) or by issuing the
block command of shZ.
The stty control-character swtch (set to AZ if NUL) is used to
switch control to shZ from a layer. ShZ has its own prompt, »>, to
help distinguish it from a layer.
A layer is a shell which has been bound to a virtual tty device
(/dev/sxt???). The virtual device can be manipulated like a real
tty device using stty(l) and ioctl(2). Each layer has its own process group id.
A name is a sequence of characters delimited by a blank, tab or
new-line. Only the first eight characters are significant. The
names (1) through (7) cannot be used when creating a layer. They
are used by shZ when no name is supplied. These names may be
abbreviated to just the digit.
The following commands may be issued from the shZ prompt level.
Any unique prefix is accepted.
create [ name ]
Create a layer called name and make it the current layer. If no
argument is given, a layer is created with a name of the form
(I) where I is the last digit of the virtual device bound to the
layer. The shell prompt variable PSI is set to the name of the
layer followed by a space. A maximum of seven layers can be
block name [ name . .. ]
For each name, block the output of the corresponding layer
when it is not the current layer. This is equivalent to setting
the sUy option loblk within the layer.
delete name [ name . . . ]
For each name, delete the corresponding layer. All processes
in the process group of the layer are sent the SIGHUP signal
(see signal (2» .
help (or?)
Print the syntax of the shZ commands.
layers [ -1 } [ name . . . 1
For each name, list the layer name and its process group. The

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-1 option produces a ps(l)-like listing. If no arguments are
given, information is presented for all existing layers.
resume [ name ]
Make the layer referenced by name the current layer. If no
argument is given, the last existing current layer is resumed.
Resume the layer that was current before the last current
unblock name [name... ]
For each name, do not block the output of the corresponding
layer when it is not the current layer. This is equivalent to setting the stty option -loblk within the layer.
Exit shZ. All layers are sent the SIGHUP signal.
Make the layer referenced by name the current layer.

/dev /sxt???

Virtual tty devices
Variable containing path name of the shell to use
(default is /bin/sh) .

sh(l), stty(l), ioctl(2), signal(2), sxt(7).
When the layers command is issued, shl attempts to determine the
state of the existing layers.
If a layer has only performed a shell process since it was last
exited, shZ assumes that the process is either currently performing
some shell command or is waiting for input. The status displayed
executing or awaiting input

If a layer has a process other than its shell process performing, shl
can not determine if the process is performing or waiting for keyboard input but the status displayed is also:
executing or awaiting input

If the current process is a process other than a shell process and
the process exits, shZ assumes that the layer's shell process is now
waiting for input and therefore the status displayed is:
blocked on input

Pressing the Rubout or equivalent key while at the shl level
prompt, may cause the entire line, including the shell prompt »>,
to be erased and positions the cursor on the next line. The shell
prompt is not displayed but a command can be entered on the blank
line. Pressing· the Return or equivalent key causes the shell

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prompt »> to be displayed.
5hZ can not be used as a login shell.
5hZ can only be invoked when the system is in the multi-user mode.
If 8hZ is invoked while the system is in the single-user mode, the
message 'Multiplex failed (errno xx)' is displayed.
5hZ can not be invoked from a previously created shell layer. If 8hZ
is invoked from a previously created shell layer , the error message
'No control channels available (errno = xx)' is displayed.


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show - display current hardware configuration
show [ -I : -list ] [ -h : -help ] [pathname ]
This command is applicable to the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only.
The show command is used to display the current hardware configuration. Invoking the show command without any options produces a report that displays the current hardware configuration.
Because the show command uses the UNIX environment, the
appropriate device driver (s) must be configured in the kernel so
that all hardware components can be retrieved.

-I : -list
The -l option lists the hardware configuration in a data format
that can be used from a shellscript. Optionally, -list can be
-h : -help
The -h option displays HELP information. The help information
includes a description of all multibus boards, their corresponding abbreviations, and their physical addresses (hexadecimal).
Optionally, -help can be entered.
In addition, the -h option lists all disk device names (block and
special/raw) and their corresponding major and minor numbers
which is helpful if a device node must be created using the
mknod command.
The pathname option indicates the "full" pathname of the
operating system (kernel); the default pathname is /unix.
show -h
show -1
show -1 /unix.orig

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size - print section sizes of common object files

size [-0] [-X] [-V] files

The size command produces section size information for each section in the common object files. Size prints the size of the text,
data and bss (uninitialized data) sections along with the total size
of the object file. If an archive file is input to the size command the
information for all archive members is displayed.

Size prints numbers in decimal unless either the
is used.


or the -x option


prints numbers in octal

-x prints numbers in hexadecimal
- V prints the version information

Both the Release 2Rl and Release lRl archive formats are supported permitting transparent use with archive libraries from
Release IRIon the 5000/20/40/50.

as(l), cc(l), Id(l), a.out(4), ar(4).

size: name: cannot open
name cannot be read.
size: name: bad magic
name is not an appropriate common object file.

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sleep - suspend execution for an interval
sleep time
Sleep suspends execution for time seconds. Sleep executes a command after a certain amount of time:
(sleep 105; command)&
or executes a command every so often:
while true
sleep 37

alarm (2) I sleep (3C) .

Time must be less than 65536 seconds. It is also recommended that
time be greater than 1.

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sin -link files symbolically
sin file1 [ file2 ... ] target
sin dir target
5000/20, 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/40, 5000/50, and 5000/55 only.
File1 is linked symbolically to target _ Under no circumstance can
filel and target be the same (take care when using sh (1) metacharacters). If target is a directory, then one or more files are linked
to that directory.
If the sIn command is invoked by the super-user then file1 may be a
Sin is similar to the In(l) command, except for the following:
Filel and target can exist on different file systems_
If the target Is removed after the sln(!) command has been
issued, then any file access attempts will result in an error.
The files filel, fiZe2, and dir must be full path names.
The rm (1) command must be used on all the files that were
remotely linked to target_
In(l), rm(l), unlink (1M) , slink (2) , link (1M) .
If file1 is a directory or has subsequently been removed then the
unlink (1M) command must be invoked to remove the symbolic link.
Due to changes in path when operating on directories, linked directories may cause utilities such as find to return a bad status.

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sno - SNOBOL interpreter
sno [ files]
Sno Is a compiler and interpreter very similar to SNOBOL. The
slight differences are listed under DIFFERENCES.
Input to sno Is the concatenation of the named files and the standard input. Sno considers input statements, up to and including
the label end, a program, and compiles those statements. All other
statements are available to syspit.
Sno has no unanchored searches. To get the same effect:
a ** b
unanchored search for b.
a *x* b = x c
unanchored assignment
Sno has no back referencing.
x = "abc"
is an unanchored search for abc.
a *x* x
Sno declares functions at compile time using the (non-unique) label
define. Execution of a function call begins at the statement following the define. Functions cannot be defined at run time, and sno
preempts the use of the name define. Sno does not provide for
automatic variables other than parameters. Examples:
define f( )
define f(a, b, c)
All labels except define (even end) must have a non-empty statement.
Labels, functtons and variables must all have distinct names. In
particular, the non-empty statement on end cannot merely name a
If start is a label in the program, sno starts program execution
there. If not, sno begins execution with the first executable statement; define is not an executable statement.
Sno has no builtin functions.
Sno does not need parentheses for arithmetic; normal precedence
applies. Because of this, spaces must set off the arithmetic operators / and *.
The right side of assignments must be non-empty.
Either' or " may be used for literal quotes.
The pseudo-variable sysppt is not available.
aWk(l) .

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sort - sort and/or merge files
sort [-emu] [-ooutput] [-ykmem] [-zrecsz] [-dfiMnr] [-btx)
[+posl [-pos2]] [files]
Sort sorts lines of all the named files together and writes the result
on the standard output. The standard input is read if - is used as
a file name or no input files are named.
Comparisons are based on one or more sort keys extracted from
each line of input. By default, there is one sort key, the entire
input line, and ordering is lexicographic by bytes in machine collating sequence.
The following options alter the default behavior:
-e Check that the input file is sorted according to the ordering
rules; give no output unless the file is out of sort.
-m Merge only, the input files are already sorted.
-u Unique: suppress all but one in each set of lines having equal

Use the argument given as the name of an output file instead of
the standard output. This file may be the same as one of the
inputs. ' There may be optional blanks between -0 and output.
The amount of main memory used by the sort has a large impact
on its performance. Sorting a small file in a large amount of
memory is a waste. If this option is omitted, sort begins using
a system default memory size, and continues to use more space
as needed. If this option is presented with a value, kmem,
sort starts using that number of kilobytes of memory, unless
the administrative minimum or maximum is violated, in which
case the corresponding extremum is used. Thus, -yO is
guaranteed to start with minimum memory. By convention, -y
(with no argument) starts with maximum memory.
The size of the longest line read is recorded in the sort phase
so buffers can be allocated during the merge phase. If the
sort phase is omitted via the -e or -m option, a popular system
default size is used. Lines longer than the buffer size cause
sort to terminate abnormally. Supplying the actual number of
bytes in the longest line to be merged (or some larger value)
prevents abnormal termination.
The following options override the default ordering rules.

Dictionary order: only letters, digits and blanks (spaces and
tabs) are significant in comparisons.

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Fold lower case letters into upper case.


An Initial numeric string, consisting of optional blanks,
optional minus sign, and zero or more digits with optional
decimal point, is sorted by arithmetic value. The -n option
implies the -b option (see below). Note that the -b option is
only effective when restricted sort key specifications are in
Reverse the sense of comparisons.

Ignore characters outside the ASCII range 040-0176 in nonnumeric comparisons.
-M Compare as months. The first three non -blank characters of
the field are folded to upper case and compared so that JAN <
FEB < • . . < DEC. Invalid fields compare low to JAN. The-M
option implies the -b option (see below).


When ordering options appear before restricted sort key specifications, the requested ordering rules are applied globally to all sort
keys. When attached to a specific sort key (described below), the
specified ordering options override all global ordering options for
that key.
The notation +posl -pos2 restricts a sort key to one beginning at
posl and ending at pos2. The characters at positions posl and
pos2 are included in the sort key provided that pos2 does not precede posl. A missing -pos2 means the end of the line.
Specifying posl and pos2 involves the notion of a field, a minimal
sequence of characters followed by a field separator or a new-line.
By default, the first blank (space or tab) of a sequence of blanks
acts as the field separator. All blanks in a sequence of blanks are
considered to be part of the next field; for example, all blanks at
the beginning of a line are considered to be part of the first field.
The treatment of field separators can be altered using the options.
-tx Use x as the field separator character; x is not considered to
be part of a field although it may be included in a sort key.
Each occurrence of x is significant (e. g., xx delimits an empty
field) .
-b Ignore leading blanks when determining the starting and ending positions of a restricted sort key. If the -b option is
specified before the first +posl argument, it is applied to all
+posl arguments. Otherwise, the b option may be attached
independently to each +posl or -pos2 argument (see below).
Posl and pos2 each have the form m.n optionally followed by one or
more of the options bdfinr. A starting position specified by +m . n
is interpreted to mean the n+1st character in the m+1st field. A
missing .n means .0, indicating the first character of the m+1st
field. If the b option is in effect n is counted from the first nonblank in the m+1st field; +m .0 b refers to the first non-blank character in the m+ 1st field.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


A last position specified by -m . n is interpreted to mean the nth
character including separators after the last character of the m th
field. A missing . n means .0, indicating the last character of the
mth field. If the b option is in effect n is counted from the last
leading blank in the m+lst field; -m.l b refers to the first nonblank in the m+lst field.
When there are multiple sort keys, later keys are compared only
after all earlier keys compare equal. Lines that otherwise compare
equal are ordered with all bytes significant.

Sort the contents of in file with the second field as the sort key:
sort +1 -2 inflle
Sort, in reverse order, the contents of infilel and infile2, placing
the output in outfile and using the first character of the second
field as the sort key:
sort -r -ooutflle +1.0 -1.2 inflle1 inflle2
Sort, in reverse order, the contents of infilel and infile2 using the
first non-blank character of the second field as the sort key:
sort -r +1.0b -LIb infllel inflle2
Print the password file (passwd (4»
(the third colon-separated field) :

sorted by the numeric user ID

sort -t: +2n -3 /etc/passwd
Print the lines of the already sorted file in file , suppressing all but
the first occurrence of lines having the same third field (the
options -um with just one input file make the choice of a unique
representative from a set of equal lines predictable):
sort -um +2 -3 inflle


comm(I), join(I), uniq(1).

Comments and exits with non-zero status for various trouble conditions (e.g., when input lines are too long), and for disorder
discovered under the -c option.
When the last line of an input file is missing a new-line character,
sort appends one, prints a warning message, and continues.

Sort outputs files without truncation if the file has up to 46,380
lines of up to 1024 characters per line. Sort outputs files with
truncation (and displays an error message) if the file exceeds
12,488 characters or 1561 lines and the line length exceed 1024

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spell, hashmake, spellin, hashcheck - find spelling errors

spell [ -v] [ -b ] [ -x ] [ -1] [ -i] [ +local_file ] [files ]
/usr/Hb/spell/compress (Not on the 5000/30 or 5000/50)
/usr/Hb/spell/speUin n
/usr/Hb/spell/hashcheck speUWng_list

Spell collects words from the named files and looks them up in a
spelling list. Spell prints words on the standard output that do not
occur in the spelling list, and cannot be derived from words in that
list by applying certain inflections, prefixes, and/or suffix~s. If
no files are named, spell collects words from the standardi;nput.
Spell ignores most troff(!), tbl(!), and eqn(l) constructions.
Spell follows chains of included files ( . so and . nx troff (1)
requests), unless the names of such included files begin with
The spelling list is based on many sources, and while it is less complete than an ordiI:lary dictionary in some ways, it is also more
effective with respect to proper names and popular technical
words. Coverage of the specialized vocabularies of biology, medicine, and chemistry is light.
Pertinent aUXilial"y files may be specified by name arguments indicated below with their default settings (see FILES). Spell accumulates copies of all output in the history file. Since identical entries
are often made in the history file because the same word is
misspelled during different executions of spell, compress should
be used to remove redundant entries. The compressed history file
will be smaller and easier to analyze. The stop list filters out
misspellings (e. g., thier=thy-y+ier) that would otherwise pass.
Three routines help maintain and check the hash lists used by

Reads a list of words from the standard input and
writes the corresponding nine-digit hash code on the
standard output.

spellin n

Reads n sorted hash codes from the standard input and
writes a compressed spelling list on the standard output. Information about the hash coding is printed on
standard error.

hashcheck Reads a compressed spelling_list and recreates the
nine-digit hash codes for all the words in it; hashcheck
writes these codes on the standard output.


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-v Print all words not literally in the spelling list, with plausible
derivations from the words in the spelling list indicated.
-b Check British spelling, preferring centre, colour, programme,
speciality, travelled, etc. This option also assumes that all ize
suffixes should be spelled ise; this assumption is incorrect.

-x Print every plausible stem wlth~ = for each word.

Follow the chains of all fUes including those that begin with
Ignore all chains of included files.

+local file
R;move words found in local_file from the output of spell.
Local file is the name of a user-provided file that contains a
sorted list of words, one per line. This option permits the user
to specify a set of words that are correct spellings, in addition
to the spelling list used by spell.
The following example creates the hashed spell list hlist and checks
the result by comparing the two temporary files; they should be
cat goodwds I /usr/lib/spell/hashmake I sort -u >tmpl
cat tmpl I /usr/lib/spell/spellin 'cat tmp! I wc -1' >hlist
cat hlist I /usr/lib/spell/hashcheck >tmp2
diff tmpl tmp2
D_SPELL=/usr/lib/spell/hlist[ab] hashed spelling lists, American
and British
hashed stop list
H_SPELL=/usr/lib/spell/spellhist history file
deroff(l), eqn(l), sed(l), sort(l), tbl(l), tee(l), troff(l).
The coverage of the spelling list is uneven; new installations will
probably wish to monitor the output for several months to gather
local additions; typically, these additions are kept in a separate
local file that is added to the hashed spelling_list by spellin.

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UP-U760 R2, V2


spline - interpolate smooth curve

spline [ options ]

Not on 7000/40.
Spline takes pairs of numbers from the standard input as abscissas
and ordinates of a function. It produces a similar set, which is
approximately equally spaced and includes the input set, on the
standard output. The cubic spline output (R. W. Hamming,
Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed.,
pp. 349ff) has two continuous derivatives, and sufficiently many
points to look smooth when plotted, for example by graph(lG).


Supply abscissas automatically (they are missing from the
input); spacing is given by the next argument, or is
assumed to be 1 if next argument is not a number.

-k k

Set constant k to k (default k is 0) for use in the boundary
value computation:

-n n

Space output points so that approximately n intervals occur
between the lower and upper x limits (d~fault n = 100).
Make output periodic, 1. e., match derivatives at ends. First
and last input values should normally agree.
-x low [ high ]
Denotes low as the lower x limit; denotes high (if given) as
the upper x limit. Normally, these limits ~re calculated from
the data. Automatic abscissas start at lower limit (default
0) .

graph(lG) .

When data is not strictly monotone in x, spline reproduces the
input without interpolating extra points.

A limit of 1,000 input points is enforced silently.

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split - split a file into pieces
split [ -n ] [ -b ] [ file [ name ]
Split reads file and writes it into a set of output files. The name of
the first output file is name with aa appended, and so on lexicographically, up to zz, a maximum of 676 files. Name cannot be
longer than 12 characters. If no output name is given, x is the
If no input file is given, or if - is given in its place, the standard
input file is used.
-n Number of pieces in each output file; the default is 1000.
-b Pieces are 512-byte blocks; the default is that pieces are lines.
(5000/20/30/40/50 only)
To split the toobig file into 500 line files named smallaa, smallab,
smallac, etc., enter
split -n 500 toobig small
bfs(l), csplit(l).

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spool - spool queue manager
spool command-option secondary-option
Spool controls the spool queue after a file has been placed into the
spool queue by print(l) or lpr for printing, Spool:
• Controls printing through the ability to purge, hold, restart,
start, and stop the printer spooler system.
• Allows the user to query and modify the file entries in the spool
• Allows update of certain control data by accessing the spool
Only the originator of the file or the superuser may change data in
the spool queue or view the spooled file.
The following table lists the spool command options and secondary







s 001
Secondary options have

UP-11760 R2, V2

-sp spool_id [-pt
[-pr xx]


l-fm xxxxx]

-sp spooCid [ -ws
tnnJ [-pt lpnn]
[-who xxxxxxxx]
-sp spooCid [ -ws
tnn] [-pt lpnn]
[-who xxxxxxxx]
-sp spooCid [ -ws
tnn] [-pt lpnn]
[-who xxxxxxxx]
-pt lpnn spool
-sp spool id
-tlnn nnn

the following meanings and values:

Page 1


-sp spool-id
-cp xxx
-fm xxxxx
-pg nnnn
-pr xx
opt lpnn
-who xxxxxxxx
-ws tnn

spool-id is sf followed
by six digits
Number of copies: xxx
is 1-999
Form name: xxxxx is
1-5 alphanumeric characters
Page number: nnnn is
Priority: xx is 0-15
Printer number: nn is
oo-maximum number of
printers allowed
User name: xxxxxxxx
is 1-8 characters
Terminal number: nn is

The help option displays the list of commands on the screen. No
secondary options are used.

The query option displays the current spool queue status. This
display is screen oriented and is available to all users. No secondary options are used.
The change option allows the user to change specified spooled file
values. The entries in the spool queue can be modified by ele
superuser or the originating user. The various forms of this command are listed below:
spool -change -sp spooCid opt Ip02
Change the destination printer to Ip02 for the file specified by
spool -change -sp spooCid -pr nn
Change the print priority to nn for the file specified by spool_id.
spool -change -sp spool_id -cp nn
Change the number of copies to nn for the file specified by
spool -change -sp spool_id -fm xxxxx
Change the forms name to xxxxx for the file specified by the

The purge option allows the user to delete a spooled file from the
spooler SUbsystem.
This command functions only for the
superuser or the originating user. The various forms of this command command are listed below:
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UP-11760 R2, V2


spool -purge -sp spool-id
Purge the file specified by spool-id.
spool -purge -ws t01
Purge all files submitted from work station t01.
spool -purge -pt Ip01
Purge all files queued to Ip01.
spool -purge -who smith
Purge all files submitted by user smith.

The start option starts printing on the specified printer. If the
despooler is already writing to the printer, this command is
ignored. The secondary option -pt indicates the printer. For
starts printing with the first file on the spool queue for Ip01.

The stop option stops printing on the specified printer and terminates the running despooler for the specified print device. The
file which was being printed remains on the print queue and is
resumed when an explicit spool start command is issued or a new
print request is generated by the print or lpr command. The secondary option -pt indicates the printer. For example,
spool -stop -pt Ip02
stops printing the file presently being printed on Ip02.
The restart option restarts the printing of a file which is currently
being printed at any page within the print file. If the specified
page number is greater than the number of pages in the file, printing starts with page 1. The secondary option -pt indicates the
printer. For example,
restarts printing at page 1 of the currently printing file on Ip02.
The secondary option -pg indicates the page number. For example,
spool-restart -pt Ip02 -pg 33
restarts printing at page 33 of the currently printing file on Ip02.
The hold option allows a specific print file to be placed on hold by
specifying the spooCid for the print file as follows:

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spool -hold -sp spool_id
Also, a queue of files may be placed on hold by specifying the terminal work station, the print device, or the originating user name
for the print file as shown in the following examples.
spool -holcl -ws t02
Holds all flies submitted from work station t02.
Holds all print files queued to be printed on IpOl.
spool-hold -who smith
Holds all files originated by user smith.
The release option allows a specific file to be released from hold and
placed in a wait state by specifying the spool_id for the print file as
spool-release -sp sp!>oCid
Also, a group of print files may be released from hold and placed in
a wait state by specifying the terminal work station, the destination print device, or the originator of the print file. The following
examples define these options.
spool-release -ws tOl
Releases all print flies on hold for device tOl.
spool-release -pt IpOl
Releases all print files on hold for IpOl.
spool-release -who smith
Releases all files on hold for user smith.
To print the released files, the start option of the spool command
must be performed.
The look option displays a spooled file to a terminal if the requesting user is the originator of the spooled file or the superuser. The
secondary option -sp designates the spooled file.

lusr I spool/lpd/*
lusrI spool/lpd/lpd
lusr I spool/lpd/spooldev
lusr I spool/lpd/?? spldev
lusr I spool/lpd/?? splque
Page 4

spool area
de spooler
spool queue manager
spool device table manager
spool device table
spool queue

UP-U760 R2, V2


spooled files
print(l), spooldev(lM).

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ssp - make output single spaced
ssp [ name ... ]
5000 Series only.
Ssp removes extra blank lines and causes all output to be single
spaced. Ssp can be used directly, or as a filter after nroff or other
text formatting operations.
nroff -ms filea flleb I ssp » filec
prepares filea and fiZeb with the -ms macro package, then single
spaces the output and directs it to filec.

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starter - information about the UNIX system for beginning users
[ help ] starter
5000/60, 5000/80, and 5000/90 only.
The UNIX system Help Facility command starter provides five
categories of information about the UNIX system to assist new
The five categories are:
- commands a new user should learn first
- UNIX system documents important for beginners
- education centers offering UNIX system courses
- local environment information
- on-line teaching aids installed on the UNIX system
The user may choose one of the above categories by entering its
corresponding letter (given in the menu), or may exit to the shell
by typing q (for "quit"). When a category is chosen, the user will
receive one or more pages of information pertaining to it.
From any screen in the Help Facility, a user may execute a command via the shell (sh (1» by typing a ! and the command to be
executed. The screen will be redrawn if the command that was executed was entered at a first level prompt. If entered at any other
prompt level, only the prompt will be redrawn.
By default, the Help Facility scrolls the data that is presented to
the user. If you prefer to have the screen clear before printing
the data (non-scrolling), the shell variable SCROLL must be set to
no and exported so it will become part of your environment. This
is done by adding the following line to your . profile file (see profile (4»: "export SCROLL; SCROLL=no". If you later decide
that scrolling is desired, SCROLL must be set to yes.
Information on each of the Help Facility commands (starter , locate,
usage, glossary, and help) is located on their respective manual
pages. '
glossary(!), help(!), locate(!), sh(l), usage(!).
term(5) in the Programmer's Reference Manual.
If the shell variable TERM (see sh (!» is not set in the user's .profile file, then TERM will default to the terminal value type 450 (a
hard-copy terminal). For a list of valid terminal types, refer to
term(5) .

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stat - statistical network useful with graphical commands
node-name [options] [files]
Not on 7000/40.
Stat is a collection of command level functions (nodes) that can be
interconnected using sh(l) to form a statistical network. The
nodes reside in /usr/bin/graf (see graphics(lG». Data is passed
through the network as sequences of numbers (vectors), where a
number is of the form:
[sign] (digits)(. digits) [e [sign] digits]
evaluated in the usual way. Brackets and parentheses surround
fields. All fields are optional, but at least one of the fields surrounded by parentheses must be present. Any character input to
a node that is not part of a number is taken as a delimiter.
Stat nodes are divided into four classes.
Transformers, which map input vector elements into output
vector elements;
which calculate statistics of a vector;
which convert among formats; and
which are sources of definable vectors.
Below is a list of synopses for stat nodes. Most nodes accept
options indicated by a leading minus (-). In general, an option is
specified by a character followed by a value, such as c5. This is
interpreted as c : = 5 (c is assigned 5). The following keys are
used to designate the expected type of the value:
floating point or integer,
file name, and
string string of characters, surrounded by quotes to include a
shell argument delimiter.
Options without keys are flags. All nodes except generators
accept files as input, hence it is not indicated in the synopses.


[ -ci ] - absolute value
(similarly for -c options that follow)


[ -ci t v ] - arithmetic function
titled output, verbose


[ -ci ] - round up to next integer


[-ci ] - cumulative sum

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[ -ci ] - exponential
[ -ci ] - round down to next integer
[ -ci ] - gamma


[ -ci dstring ] -list vector elements
delimiter (s)
[ -ci bf ] -logarithm
[ -ci mf ] - modulus
[ -ci Ffile xi] - pair elements
File containing base vector, x group size
[ -ci pf ] - raise to a power
[ -ci rf ] - take a root


[ -ci pi si ] - round to nearest integer, .5 rounds to

places after decimal point, significant digits


[ -ci if nisf ] - generate a line given slope and intercept
intercept, number of positive integers, slope
[ -ci ] - sine

[-af bf ci Ffile ii if nl np pf si ti ] - generate a subset
above, below, File with master vector, interval,
leave, master contains element numbers to leave,
master contains element numbers to pick, pick, start,






Page 2

[-ai ci Ffile hf ii If ni ] - break into buckets
average size, File containing bucket boundaries,
high, interval, low, number
Input data should be sorted
[ -Ffile ) - correlation coefficient
File containing base vector
[ - h I 0 ox oy ) - find high and low values
high only, low only, option form, option form with x
prepended, option form with y prepended
[ - Ffile i 0 s ) - linear regression
File containing base vector, intercept only, option
form for siline, slope only
[ -ff ni pf ] - (trimmed) arithmetic mean
fraction, number, percent
[ -ff ni pf s ] - point from empirical cumulative density function

UP-11760 R2, V2


fraction, number, percent, sorted input

-internal product


[ -ci ] - quick sort


- vector rank


- sum total


- variance





[ -a b f g ri wi xf xa yf ya ylf yhf ] - build a bar
suppress axes, bold, suppress frame, suppress grid,
region, width in percent, x origin, suppress x-axis
label, y origin, suppress y-axis label, y-axis lower
bound, y-axis high bound
Data is rounded off to integers.
[ -a b f g ri xf xa yf ya ylf yhf ] - build a histogram
suppress axes, bold, suppress frame, suppress grid,
region, x origin, suppress x-axis label, y origin,
suppress y-axis label, y-axis lower bound, y-axis
high bound
[ -b c Ffile h p ri x xu y yr ] -label the axis of a GPS
bar chart input, retain case, label File, histogram
input, plot input, rotation, x-axis, upper X-axis,
y-axis, right y-axis


[ -b 0 P pni ppi ri v xi yi ] - build a pie chart
bold, values outside pie, value as percentage (: =100),
value as percentage ( : =i), draw percent of pie,
region, no values, x origin, yorigin
Unlike other nodes, input is lines of the form
[< i e f cc >] value [label]
ignore (do not draw) slice, explode slice, fill
slice, color slice c=( black, red, green, blue)


[-a b cstring d f Ffile g m ri xf xa xif xhf
xlf xni xt yf ya yif yhf ylf yni yt ] - plot a
suppress axes, bold, plotting characters, disconnected, suppress frame, File containing x vector,
suppress grid, mark points, region, x orlgm,
suppress x-axis label, x interval, x high bound, x
low bound, number of ticks on x-axis, suppress xaxis title, yorigin, suppress y-axis label, y interval,
y high bound, y low bound, number of ticks on yaxis, suppress y-axis title


[ -be lstring vstring ustring ] - title a vector or a
title bold, retain case, lower title, upper title, vector

UP-11760 R2, V2

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[ -ci if ni sf tf ] - generate additive sequence
interval, number, start, terminate
[ -ci hi Ii ni ]- generate prime numbers
high, low, number
[ -ci hf If mf ni si] - generate random sequence
high, low, multiplier, number, seed

Some nodes have a limit on the size of the input vector.
graphics (lG) , gps(4).

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UP-1l760 R2, V2


strings - find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file
strings [ - ] [-0] [ -number.] file ...
Strings looks for ascii strings in a binary file. A string is any
sequence of 4 or more printing characters ending with a newline or
a null. Strings only looks in the initialized data space of object
Strings is useful for identifying random object files.
examine uninitialized data space as well as initialized data space
-0 precede each string by its offset in the file (in octal)
-n use n as the minimum string length, rather than 4
The algorithm for identifying strings is extremely primitive

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UP-11760 R2, V2


strip - strip symbol and line number information from object file
strip [-1] [-x] [-r] [-V] filename
The strip command strips the symbol table and line number information from common object files, including archives. Once a file
has been stripped, no symbolic debugging access is available for
that file; therefore, strip is normally run only on production
modules that have been debugged and tested. The purpose of this
command is to reduce the file storage overhead taken by the object
If there are any relocation entries in the object file and any symbol
table information is to be stripped, strip prints an error message
and terminates without stripping filename unless the -r option is
If the strip command is executed on a common archive file (see
ar(4» the archive symbol table is removed. The archive symbol
table must be restored by executing the ar(l) command with the -s
option before the archive can be link edited by the Zd(l) command.
Strip(l) instructs the user with appropriate warning messages
when this situation arises.

The amount of information stripped from the symbol table can be
controlled by using any of the following options:

Strip line number information only; do not strip any symbol
table information.


Do not strip static or external symbol information.


Reset the relocation indexes into the symbol table.


Print on the standard error output the version of the strip
command which is executing.

Both the Release 2Rl and Release lRl archieve formats are supported permitting transparent use of archive libraries from Release
lRl on the 5000/20/40/50.
ar(l), as(l), cc(l), Id(l), ar(4), a.out(4).
If filename cannot be read, strip prints
strip: name: cannot open
If filename is not an appropriate common object file, strip prints
strip: name: bad magic

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If filename contains relocation entries and the -r option is not
used, the symbol table information cannot be stripped; strip prints
strip: name: relocation entries present; cannot strip

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UP-11760 R2, V2


stty - set the options for a terminal
stty [ -a] [ -g] [options ]
Stty sets certain terminal I/O options for the device that is the
current standard input; without arguments, it reports the settings
of certain options; with the -a option, it reports all of the option
settings; with the -g option, it reports current settings in a form
that can be used as an argument to another stty command. Detailed
information about the modes listed in the first five groups below
may be found in termio(7). Options in the last group are implemented using options in the previous groups. Note that many combinations of options make no sense, but no sanity checking is performed. The options are selected from the following:
parenb (-parenb)
enable (disable) parity generation and detection.
parodd (-parodd)
select odd (even) parity.
cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8
select character size (see termio(7».
hang up phone line immediately.
50 75 110 134 150200
300 600 1200 1800
2400 4800 9600 exta extb
set terminal baud rate to the number given, if
possible. (All speeds are not supported by
all hardware interfaces. )
hupcl (-hupcl)
hang up (do not hang up) DATA-PHONE® connection on last close.
hup (-hup)
same as hupcl (-hupcl).
cstopb (-cstopb)
use two (one) stop bits per character.
cread (-cread)
enable (disable) the receiver.
clocal (-clocal)
assume a line without (with) modem control.
loblk (-Ioblk)
block (do not block) output from a noncurrent layer.
ignbrk (-ignbrk)
ignore (do not ignore) break on input.
brkint (-brkint)
signal (do not signal) INTR on break.
ignpar (-ignpar)
ignore (do not ignore) parity errors.
parmrk (-parmrk)
mark (do not mark) parity errors (see ter-

mio(7» .
inpck (-inpck)
istrip (-istrip)
inlcr (-inlcr)
igncr (-igncr)
icrnl (-iernl)
iuclc (-iuclc)

UP-11760 R2A, V2

enable (disable) input parity checking.
strip (do not strip) input characters to seven
map (do not map) NL to CR on input.
ignore (do not ignore) CR on input.
map (do not map) CR to NL on input.
map (do not map) upper-case alphabetics to
lower case on input.

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ixon (-ixon)

ixany (-ixany)
ixoU (-ixoff)

enable (disable) START/STOP output control. Output is stopped by sending an ASCII
DC3 (CTRL-s) and started by sending an
allow any character (only DCI) to restart output.
request that the system send (not send)
START/STOP characters when the input
queue is nearly empty/full.


opost (-opost)

ofill (-ofill)
of del (-of del)
crO crl cr2 cr3

post-process output (do not post-process output; ignore all other output modes).
map (do not map) lower-case alphabetics to
upper case on output.
map (do not map) NL to CR-NL on output.
map (do not map) CR to NL on output.
do not (do) output eRs at column zero.
on the terminal NL performs (does not perform) the CR function.
use fill characters (use timing) for delays.
fill characters are DELs (NULs) .
select style of delay for carriage returns (see

nlO nIl

select style of delay for line-feeds (see ter-

olcuc (-olcuc)
onlcr (-onlcr)
ocrnl (-ocrnl)
onocr (-onocr)
onlret (-onlret)

termio(7» .
mio(7» .
tabO tabl tab2 tab3

select style of delay for horizontal tabs (see

bsO bsl

select style of delay for backspaces (see ter-

termio(7) .
mio(7» .
ffO ff!

select style of delay for form-feeds (see ter-

mio(7» .

vto vtl

select style of delay for vertical tabs (see ter-

mio(7» .

isig (-isig)
icanon (-ieanon)
xease (-xease)
echo (-echo)
echoe (-echoe)

Page 2

enable ( disable) the checking of characters
against the special control characters INTR,
enable (disable) canonical input (ERASE and
KILL processing).
canonical (unprocessed) upper/lower-case
echo back (do not echo back) every character
echo (do not echo) ERASE character as a
backspace-space-backspace string.
this mode erases the ERASEed character on
many CRT terminals; however, it does not
keep track of column position and, as a
result, may be confusing on escaped characters, tabs, and backspaces.

UP-11760 R2A, V2


echo (do not echo) NL after KILL character.
the same as eehok (-eehok); obsolete.
eehonl (-eehonl)
echo (do not echo) NL.
disable (enable) flush after INTR, QUIT, or
nonsh (-nonsh)
stwrap (-stwrap)
disable (enable) truncation of lines longer
than 79 characters on a synchronous line.
enable (disable) flush on a synchronous line
stnush (-stnush)
after every write (2) .
stappl (-stappl)
use application mode (use line mode) on a synchronous line.
control-character c set control-character to c, where controlcharacter is erase, kill, intr, quit, swteh,
eor, etab, min, or time (etab is used with
-stappl; (min and time are used with -ieanon
(see termio(7». If c is preceded by an
(escaped from the shell) caret (A), then the
value used is the corresponding CTRL character (e.g., Ad is a CTRL-d); A1 is interpreted
as DEL and A_is interpreted as undefined.
set line discipline to i (0 < i < 127 ).
line i
set connect timer to s seconds. Setting s to
zero disables the timer. (5000/90 only)
set inactivity timer to s seconds. Setting s to
tact s
zero disables the timer. (5000/90 only)
evenp or parity
enable parenb and es? .
enable parenb, es?, and parodd.
-parity, -evenp, or -oddp
disable parenb, and set esS.
raw (-raw or cooked)
enable (disable) raw input and output (no
output post processing).
nl (-nl)
unset (set) iernl, onler. In addition -nl
un sets inler, igner, oernl, and onlret.
lease (-lease)
set (unset) xease, iuele, and oleue.
same as lease (-lease).
tabs (-tabs or tab3) preserve (expand to spaces) tabs when printing.
reset ERASE and KILL characters back to norek
mal # and@.
resets all modes to some reasonable values;
echok (-eehok)

lfke (-lfke)

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see termio(7).
set all modes suitable for the terminal type
term Traditionally, term has been one of
tty33, tty37, vt05, tn300, ti700, or tak.

To display options,
to display options for ttyOl

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-c3 1,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58,62,67
COBOL compact format (columns 1-6 omitted), with more tabs
than -c2. -c3 is the recommended format for COBOL. Files
using this tab setup should include a format specification as
<:t-c3 m6 s66 d:>
-f 1, 7, 11 , 15, 19, 23
-p 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61
-s 1,10,55
-u 1,12,20,44
UNIVAC 1100 Assembler
In addition to these standard formats, three other types exist:
A repetitive specification requests tabs at columns 1 +n,
1 +2*n, etc. Note that such a setting leaves a left margin of
n columns on TermiNet terminals only. Of particular importance is the value -8: this represents the UNIX system standard tab setting, and is the most likely tab setting to be
found at a terminal. This setting is required for use with
the nroff(l) -h option for high-speed output. Another special case is the value -0, implying no tabs at all.
nl,n2, ...
The arbitrary format permits the user to specify any chosen
set of numbers, separated by commas, in ascending order.
Up to 40 numbers are allowed. If any number (except the
first one) is preceded by a plus sign, the number is
assumed to be an increment to be added to the previous
value. Thus, the tab lists 1,10,20,30 and 1,10,+10,+10 are
considered identical.
--file If the name of a file is given, tabs reads the first line of the
file. If tabs finds a format specification on the line, tabs
sets the tab stops according to the specification; otherwise
tabs sets the tabs as -8.
This specification may be used with the pr(l) command to
assure that a tabbed file is printed with correct tab settings:
tabs -- file; pr file
Any of the following may be used in addition to the tab specification; if a given option occurs more than once, the last value specified takes effect:
Denotes type as the terminal type, where type is a name
listed in term(5).

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Moves all tabs over n columns by making column n+l the left
margin. If +m is given without a value of n, the value
assumed is 10. For a TermiNet, the first value in the tab
list should be 1, or the margin moves even further to the
right. The normal (leftmost) margin on most terminals Is
obtained by +mO. The margin for most terminals is reset
only when the +m option is given explicitly.

illegal tabs
illegal increment
unknown tab code
cannot open
file indirection

when arbitrary tabs are ordered incorrectly.
when tabs finds a zero or missing increment in
an arbitrary specification.
when a standard code cannot be found.
when --file option is used, and tabs cannot
open the file.
when --file option is used and the specification
in that file points to another file.

nroff(1), pr(1), environ (5) , term(5).
The methods for clearing tabs and setting the left margin are inconsistent among different terminals. Usually the left margin cannot
be changed without also setting tabs.
Tabs clears only 20 tabs (on terminals requiring a long sequence),
but sets 64.
The +m option is not supported for any Unisys terminals as well as
some of the terminals listed in term(5).
The set tabs option is supported only for the vtxxx terminals.
The set tabs option is valid for any terminal which permits hard tab
settings and has hts correctly defined in its terminfo table.
The tabs command has no effect on any terminal unless tab filtering
is disabled with the stty tabO command. (When adding a terminal
using the system administrator menus, the terminal has tabs filtered by default. )

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tail - deliver the last part of a file

tail [

+: - [ number

] [ Ibc [ f ]]


Tail copies the named file to the standard output beginning at a
designated place. If no file is named, the standard input is used.

Copying begins at distance +number from the beginning, or
-number from the end of the input (if number is null, the value +10
is assumed). Number is counted in units of lines, blocks, or characters, according to the appended option 1, b, or c. When no units
are specified, counting is by lines.
With the -f (follow) option, if the input file is not a pipe, the program does not terminate after the line of the input file has been
copied, but enters an endless loop, wherein it sleeps for a second
and then attempts to read and copy further records from the input
file. Thus tail may be used to monitor the growth of a file that is
being written by some other process.

tail -f carter
prints the last ten lines of the file carter, followed by any lines
that are appended to carter between the time tail is initiated and
the time tail is killed. As another example, the command:
tail -15cf thompson
prints the last 15 characters of the file thompson, followed by any
lines that are appended to thompson between the time tail is initiated and the time tail is killed.

dd(l) .

Tails relative to the end of the file are stored in a buffer, and thus
are limited in length.

Tail may produce irregular output when input includes character
special files. Tail only tails the last 4096 bytes of a file regardless
of its line count.

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tape_size - print the logical tape size to standard out
tape_size tape_device
5000/30 and 5000/50 only.
Tape_size prints the logical size, in bytes, of the tape_device to
the standard output. The logical size is the size stored in the
driver for the tape_device.
The default value for the cartridge tape device driver is 40960000
bytes, approximately the length of a DC450A cartridge tape.
To print the logical tape length of the device driver for /dev/rtp,
insert a cartridge tape in the tape drive and enter the command:
tape_size /dev/rtp
The output for the default logical tape length is:
tape capacity =4096000

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UP-11760 R2, V2

5000 Series


tar - tape file archiver

tar [ options ] files

5000 Series only

Tar saves and restores files as though the files were on magnetic or
streaming tape. Its actions are controlled by options. Note that
tar normally functions silently.
Options designates a string of characters containing at most one
function letter and possibly one or more function modifiers.
Other arguments to the command are files (or directory names)
specifying which files are to be saved or restored. In all cases,
appearance of a directory name refers to the files and (recursively) subdirectories of that directory.



Write the named files to the end of the tape. The c function
implies this function. This option is valid only for disk
Extract the named files from the tape. If a named file specifies
a directory whose contents have been written onto the tape, tar
recursively extracts this directory. If the named file on tape
does not exist on the system, tar creates the file with the same
mode as the one on tape except that the set-user-ID bit and the
set-groupoID bit are not set unless you are the superuser. If
the files exist, their modes are not changed except for the bits
described above. Tar restores the owner, modification time,
and mode (if possible). If no files are specified, tar extracts
the entire content of the tape. Note that if several files with
the same name are on the tape, the last one overwrites all earlier ones.
List the names of the specified files each time that they occur on
the tape. If no files are specified, tar lists all the names on the
Add the named files to the tape if they are not already there or
have been modified since last written on that tape. This option
is only valid for disk archives.
Create a riew tape; writing begins at the beginning of the tape,
instead of after the last file. This function implies the r function.

The following characters may be used in addition to the letter that
selects the desired function:
#s Select the. drive on which the tape is mounted and the density.
# is the tape drive number (0-7) and s is the density: I - low
(BOO bpi), m - medium (1600 bpi), or h - high (6250 bpi). The
default is Om. This option is only valid for 9-track magnetic
tapes on 5000/30/35/50/55 systems.

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5000 Series

Type the name of each file tar processes preceded by the function letter. When used with the t function, v gives more information about the tape entries than just the name.
w Print the action to be taken, followed by the name of the file,
and then wait for the confirmation from the user. If a word
beginning with y is entered, tar performs the action. Any
other input cancels the action.
f archive
Use archive as the name of the archive instead of
/dev/rstp/Oyy. If archive is -, tar writes to the standard output or reads from the standard input, whichever is appropriate. Thus, tar can be used as the head or tail of a pipeline.
Tar can also be used to move hierarchies with the command:



cd fromdir; tar cf -. (cd todir; tar xf -)
Use the next argument as the blocking factor for tape records.
The default is 1; the maximum is 20. This option should only be
used with raw archives (see -f above). The block size is determined automatically when reading tapes (function letters x and
t) .

Print an error message if tar cannot resolve all of the links to
the files being saved. If 1 is not specified, no error messages
are printed.
m Do not restore the modification times. The modification time of
the file is the time of extraction.
o Cause extracted files to take on the user and group identifier of
the user running tar rather than those on tape_

To preserve ownership, modification date, and permissions over a
uucp(l) communication, create an archive file and communicate it:
cd /usr/src/xxx
tar cf /tmp/xxx. tar.
uucp /tmp/xxx. tar remote! username
To restore the archived files on remote:
cd /usr/src/xxx
tar xvf /usr/spool/uucppublic/username/xxx. tar


Messages for bad function letters and modifiers.
Messages for tape read/write errors.
Error messages if insufficient memory is available to hold the link

There is no way to ask for the n-th occurrence of a file.
Tar does not handle errors gracefully.
The u option can be slow.
The b option should not be used with archives on tape that are

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UP-11760 R2, V2

5000 Series


going to be updated. The b option should not be used with
archives on disk because updating an archive on disk can destroy

The limit on file-name length is 100 characters.
Note that tar cOm is not the same as tar cmO.

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5000 Series

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tbl- format tables for nroff or troff

tbl [ -TX] [ files ]

Not on 7000/40.
Tbl is a preprocessor that formats tables for nroff or troff(l). Tbl
copies the input files to the standard output, except for lines
between • TS and . TE command lines, which are assumed to
describe tables and are re-formatted by tbl. (The. TS and . TE
command lines are not altered by tbl) .
. TS is followed by global options. The global options, if any, are
terminated with a semi-colon (;) .
Next come lines describing the format of each line of the table.
Each such format line describes one line of the actual table, except
the last format line, which describes all remaining lines of the
table. The last format line must end with a period. Each column of
each line of the table is described by a single format letter, optionally followed by format specifiers that determine the font and point
size of the corresponding item, that indicate where vertical bars
are to appear between columns, that determine column width,
inter-column spacing, etc.
The format lines are followed by lines containing the actual data for
the table, followed by . TE. Within such data lines, data items are
normally separated by tab characters.
If a data line consists of only _ or =, a single or double line, respectively, is drawn across the table at that point; if a single item in a
data line consists of only _ or =, then that item is replaced by a single or double line.
Full details of all these and other features of tbl are given in the
reference manual cited below.
The -TX option forces tbl to use only full vertical line motions, making the output more suitable for devices that cannot generate partial vertical line motions (e. g., line printers) .
If no file names are given as arguments (or if - is specified as the
last argument), tbi reads the standard input, thus tbl may be used
as a filter. When it is used with eqn(l) or neqn, tbl should come
first to minimize the volume of data passed through pipes.

centers the table (default is left-adjust).
makes the table as wide as the current line length.
encloses the table in a box.
doublebox encloses the table in a double box.
encloses each item of the table in a box.
uses the character x instead of a tab to
separate items in aline of input data.

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center item within the column;
right-adjust item within the column;
left-adjust item within the column;
numerically adjust item in the column: units positions of
numbers are aligned vertically;
span previous item on the left into this column;
center longest line in this column and then left-adjust all
other lines in this column with respect to that centered line;
span down previous entry in this column;
replace this entry with a horizontal line ;
replace this entry with a double horizontal line .



Bold font
Italic font
Vertical line between columns

The input (if @ represents a tab which should be typed as a
genuine tab):
center tab (@) ;
c s s



Bedminster@789@3 . 26
Bernards Twp.@3087@3. 74
Bound Brook@3425@3. 04
Bridgewater@7897@3. 81
Far Hills@240@3.19


Bernards Twp.
Bound Brook
Far Hills

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Number Size

UP-11760 R2A, V2


cw(l), eqn(l), mm(l), mmt(l), nroff(l), mm(S), mv(S).
See RESTRICTIONS under nroff(l).
Note: Some printers or terminals may not be capable of performing
all of the global options (e.g., box) or formatting features (e.g.,
line positioning or font styles) of tbI(l) .

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tc - phototypesetter simulator

tc [ -t 1 [ -sn
Not on 7000/40.

1 [ -pI ] [ file 1

Tc interprets its input (standard input default) as device codes for
a Wang Laboratories, Inc. C/ A/T phototypesetter. The standard
output of tCis intended for a Tektronix 4014 terminal with ASCII
and APL character sets. The sixteen typesetter sizes are mapped
into the four sizes supported on the 4014 terminal; the entire
TROFF character set is drawn using the character generator in the
4014, with overstruck combinations where necessary. Typical
usage is:
troff -t files : tc
At the end of each page, tc waits for a new-line (empty line) from
the keyboard before continuing on to the next page. In this wait
state, three commands can be entered:

suppresses the screen erase before the next page
sn skips the next n pages to be skipped


sends cmd to the shell.

-t Do not wait between pages (for directing output into a file).

-sn Skip the first n pages.
-p1 Set page length to 1; 1 may include the scale factors p (points),

i (inches), c (centimeters), and P (picas); default is picas.


4014(1), sh(l), tplot(1G), troff(1).

Font distinctions are lost.

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tee - copy input to standard output and to files
tee [ -i) [ -8] [ file] ...
Tee copies the standard input to the standard output and makes
copies in the files overwriting their previous contents.
-i Ignore interrupts.
-8 Append the output to the files rather than overwriting them.
To print the nroff(l) format of filex and save the formatted file in

nroff filex : tee filex. nro : lpr

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UP-1l760 R2, V2

TENSION ( 1 )

tension - tension a cartridge tape
tension [ cartridge_device_name [ -Size size file ] ]
tension [ cartridge_device_name ] (5000/60/80/90)
This utility uniformly tensions a cartridge tape. In the process,
the tape is fully rewound, advanced to the end of tape, then again
rewound. This reduces the potential for read errors on new
tapes, tapes that have been in storage for extended periods of
time, and on tapes that have been subjected to physical or thermal
shock. If no cartridge device name is specified as an argument,
/dev/rmtl is used on the 5000/60/80/90 and /dev/rtp is used on the
5000/20/30/40/50. Tension will fail if the argument given is not a
cartridge device, or if a tape is not inserted in the cartridge tape
tension /dw/rtp/capacity (5000/20/30/40/50 only)
erase(l) ioctl(2)

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test - condition evaluation command
test expr
[ expr ]
Test evaluates the expression expr and, if its value is true,
returns a zero (true) exit status; otherwise, test returns a nonzero (false) exit status; test also returns a non-zero exit status if
there are no arguments.
Notice that all the operators and primitives are separate arguments
to test.
The following primitives are used to construct expr:
-r file
true if file exists and is readable.
-w file
true if file exists and is writable.
-x file
true if file exists and is executable.
-f file
true if file exists and is a regular file.
-d file
true if file exists and is a directory.
-c file
true if file exists and is a character special file.
-b file
true if file exists and is a block special file.
-p file
true if file exists and is a named pipe (fifo) .
-u file
true if file exists and its set-user- ID bit is set.
true if file exists and its set-group- ID bit is set.
-g file
true if file exists and its sticky bit is set.
-k file
-s file
true if file exists and has a size greater than zero.
-t [ fildes ]
true if the open file whose file descriptor number Is
fildes (1 by default) is associated with a terminal device.
-z sl
true if the length of string 81 is zero.
-n 81
true if the length of the string s1 is non-zero.
true if strings s1 and 82 are identical.
s1 = s2
81 != 82 true if strings sl and s2 are not identical.
true if sl is not the null string.
n1 -eq n2 true if the integers n1 and n2 are algebraically equal.
Any of the comparisons -ne, -gt, -ge, -It, and -Ie may
be used in place of -eq.
The above primaries may be combined with the following operators:
unary negation operator.

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binary and operator.
binary or operator (-a has hIgher precedence than -0).

( expr ) parentheses for grouping. Parentheses are meaningful
to the shell and, therefore, must be escaped.

find(l), sh(l).
In the second form of the command (1. e., the one that uses [],
rather than the word test), the square brackets must be delimited
by blanks.

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UP-11760 R2, V2



time - time a command
time command
Time executes command, then prints the time elapsed during command, the time spent in the system, and the time spent in execution
of command.
Times are reported in seconds and are printed on standard err..or.
Time prints the times on standard error.
timex (1) , times(2).

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timex - time a command; report process data and system activity
timex [options] command
Timex executes the given command, then reports in seconds
elapsed time, user time and system time spent in execution. Optionally, timex processes accounting data for the command and lists or
summarizes all its children, and reports total system activity during the execution interval.
The output of timex is written on standard error.
List process accounting records for command and all its children. Suboptions f, h, k, m, r, and t modify the data items
reported, as defined in acctcom(l). The number of blocks
read or written and the number of characters transferred are
always reported. Note: System accounting must be active for
this option.
Report the total number of blocks read or written and total
characters transferred by command and all its children.
Note: System accounting must be active for this option.
Report total system activity (not just that due to command)
that occurred during the execution interval of command. All
the data items listed in sar(l) are reported.
acctcom(l), sar(l).
Process records associated with command are selected from the
accounting file /usr/adm/pacct by inference, since process
genealogy is not available. Timex includes background processes
having the same user-id, terminal-id, and execution time window.
A simple example:
timex oops sleep 60
A terminal session of arbitrary complexity can be measured by timing a sub-shell:
timex -opskmt sh
session commands

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toc, dtoc, ttoc, vtoc - graphical table of contents routines
dtoc [directory]
ttoc mm-file
vtoc [-c d hn i m s vn] [TTOC file]
Not on 7000 Series Systems.
All of the commands listed below reside in /usr/bin/graf (see
graphics(lG» .

Dtoc makes a textual table of contents, TTOC, of all subdirectories
beginning at directory (directory defaults to .) with one entry
per directory. The entry fields from left to right are level
number, directory name, and the number of ordinary readable files
in the directory. Dtoc is useful in making a visual display of all or
parts of a file system.
The following makes a visual display of all the readable directories
under /:
dtoc /

: vtoc : td

Ttoe translates the table of contents generated by the. TC macro of
mm(l) to TTOC format. Ttoc assumes that mm file uses the .H family of macros for section headers. If no mm-file is given, the standard input is assumed.
Vtoe produces a GPS describing a hierarchy chart from a TTOC.
The output drawing consists of boxes containing text connected in
a tree structure. If no file is given, the standard input is
assumed. Each TTOC entry describes one box and has the form:
id [line-weight, line-style] "text" [mark]
Id is an alternating sequence of numbers and dots. The id specifies the position of the entry in the hierarchy. The id O. is the
root of the tree.
Line-weight is one of the following:

n, normal-weight; or
m, medium-weight; or
b, bold-weight.
Line-style is one of the following:


dot-dash line;
dashed-line; or

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ld, long-dashed
Text is a character string surrounded by quotes. The characters
between the quotes become the contents of the box. To include a
quote within a box escape it with a backslash.

Mark is a character string (surrounded by quotes if it contains
spaces). Any included quotes or dots must be escaped. Vtoc puts
the string above the top right corner of the box.

Entry example: 1.1 b,da "ABC" DEF
Entries may span more than one line by escaping the new-line
(\new-line) .
Comments are surrounded by the
anywhere in a TTOC.

1*, *1 pair. They may appear



Use text as entered, (default is all upper case).


Connect the boxes with diagonal lines .

hn Set horizontal interbox space to n %of box width.

Suppress the box id.


Suppress the box mark.


Do not compact boxes horizontally.

vn Set vertical interbox space to n %of box height.
graphics(lG), gps(4).

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UP-11760 R2, V2


touch - update access and modification times of a file

touch [ -amc ] [ mmddhhmm [yy] ] files
T ouch updates the access and modif~cation times of each file. If no
time is specified (see date(!», the current time is used. If a file
does not exist, touch creates the file.
The default options are -am.
-a Update only the access time.
-m Update only the modification time.
-c Do not create the file if it does not exist.
The number of files for which the times could not be successfully
modified (including files that did not exist and were not created) .
date(!), utime(2).

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UP-1l760 R2, V2


tpcvt - filter for old streaming tape format

tpcvt [ -VB filename ]

Tpevt filters the data from a streaming tape and makes sure the
data was ~ot written to the tape by a previous streaming tape
driver. Tpevt reads from standard input and writes to standard
output. The VB option causes tpevt to read from the specified file.

The input data may be data from an old or new tape; tpevt determines the source of the data and produces the correct output.
Tpcvt should be used via a pipe for receiving data from a tape and
sending data to a destination program such as cpio(!). The VB
option should be used when input consists of multi-volume tapes
which were created with the T option of epio. When VB is specified, tpevt prompts for new volumes. After all volumes are processed, respond with an end-of-file (control-d) to the prompt for
the next volume.

tp(4), cpio(!).

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tplot - graphics filters
tplot [ -Tterminal [ -e raster]
Not on 7000/40.
Tplot reads' plotting instructions (see plot (4» from the standard
input and in general produces, on the standard output, plotting
instructions suitable for a particular terminal. If no terminal is
specified, the environment parameter $TERM (see environ(5» is
used. Known terminals are:
300S DASI 300s.
DASI 450.
4014 TEKTRONIX 4014.
Versatec D1200A. This version of tplot places a scanconverted image in /usr/tmp/raster$$ and sends the result
directly to the plotter device, rather than to the standard
output. The -e option causes a previously scan-converted
file raster to be sent to the plotter.
/usr /llb /t300
/usr /llb/t300s
/usr /llb /vplot
plot (3X) , plot (4) , term(S).

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tps - show processes use of GPTF (General Purpose Transaction
Facility, see Administration Guide for further information)
tps [ -T ] [ -eC] [ -D (namelist))
This command applies to the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only.
The General Purpose Transaction Facility Is an optional subsystem
of the operating system. It provides facilities to support real-time
applications. Whenthls subsystem is available, processes may be
given special treatment and have access to a special set of kernel
calls. Tps shows the use processes make of the GPTF facilities by
displaying the GPTF flag together with other process-related information.
Tps works like ps and has all the facilities and recognizes all the
options as does ps. Only the T option distinguishes tps from ps .
-T The T option results in a display of the following columns per
where GPTF is the GPTF transaction flag (octal and additive)
associated with each process:
00 - uses no GPTF facility
01 - the process is resident
02 - the process has transaction capability
04 - the process has real-time priority
10 - the process has fixed priority
20 - not used
40 - the process may use GPTF kernel functions
and bypass parameter checking

is the user priority of the process. The user priority is the
priority maintained by the system for a standard process (posSibly influenced by a setting of the nice value) or it is the priority set by the user to either a fixed priority (60 .. 127) or a realtime priority (40 .. 59) .
is the kernel priority of the process (the kernel priority is a
priority assigned temporarily to a process when it is sleeping,
its value depends upon the reason for why it is sleeping).

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The other columns have the same meaning as for a ps listing.
-e Print information about all processes.

-f Generate a full listing .
-n (namelist)
The argument is taken as the name of an alternate system file in
place of lunix .

Show the status of all processes on a system called /unixgptf :

tps -T -e -n/unixgptf
ps(1), tpset(lM).

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tput - query terminfo database
tput [-T type ] capname
Tput uses the terminfo(4) database to make terminal-dependent
capabilities and information available to the shell. Tput outputs a
string if the attribute (cap ability name ) is of type string, or an
integer if the attribute is of type integer. If the attribute is of
type boolean, tput simply sets the exit code (0 for TRUE, 1 for
FALSE), and does no output.

Indicates the type of terminal. Normally this option is
unnecessary, as the default is taken from the environment variable $TERM.
capname Indicates the attribute from the terminfo database. See
terminfo( 4) .
tput clear
Echo clear-screen sequence for the current terminal.
tput cols
Print the number of columns for the current terminal.
tput -T450 cols
Print the number of columns for the 450 terminal.
bold='tput smso'
Set shell variable bold to stand-out mode sequence for
current terminal. This might be followed by a
echo "${bold} Please type in your name: \c"
tput hc
Set exit code to indicate if current terminal is a
hardcopy terminal.
Terminal descriptor files
/etc/term/? /*
Definition files
/usr/include/term. h
/usr/include/curses. h
Tput prints error messages and returns the following error codes
on error:
-1 Usage error.
-2 Bad terminal type.
-3 Bad capname.
In addition, if a capname is requested for a terminal that has no
value for that capname (e. g., tput -T450 lines), -1 is printed.
stty(1). terminfo(4).

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tr - translate characters
tr [ -cds J [ string1 [ string2 J
Tr copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. Tr maps input characters
found in stringl into the corresponding characters of string2.
The following abbreviation conventions may be used to introduce
ranges of characters or repeated characters into the strings:

Stands for the string of characters whose ASCII codes run
from character a to character z, inclusive.

[a*n ] Stands for n repetitions of a. If the first digit of n is 0, n is
considered octal; otherwise, n is taken to be decimal. A
zero or missing n is assumed to be a large number; this
facility is useful for padding string2.
The escape character \ may be used as in the shell to remove special meaning from any character in a string. In addition, \ followed
by 1, 2, or 3 octal digits stands for the character whose ASCII code
is given by those digits.
Any combination of the options -cds may be used:

Complements the set of characters in stringl with respect to
the universe of characters whose ASCII codes are 001
through 377 octal.


Deletes all input characters in stringl.


Squeezes all strings of repeated output characters that are
in string2 to single characters.

The following example creates a list of all the words in filel one per
line in file2, where a word is taken to be a maximal string of alphabetics. The strings are quoted to protect the special characters
from interpretation by the shell; 012 is the ASCII code for newline.
tr -cs "[A-Z) [a-z]" "[\012*)" file2
ed(1), sh(l), ascii(5).
ASCII NUL may not be used in stringl or string2; tr always deletes
NUL from input.

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true, false - provide truth values
True does nothing, successfully. False does nothing, unsuccessfully. They are typically used in input to sh(l) such as:
while true


sh(l) .
True has exit status zero. false nonzero.

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tsort - topological sort

tsort [ file ]

Tsort produces on the standard output a totally ordered list of
items consistent with a partial ordering of items mentioned in the
input file. If no file is specified, the standard input is assumed.
The input consists of pairs of items (nonempty strings) separated
by blanks. Pairs of different items indicate ordering. Pairs of
identical items indicate presence, but not ordering.

lorder(l) .

Odd data
there is an odd number of fields in the input file.

Uses a quadratic algorithm for the typical use of ordering a library
archive file.

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tty - get the name of the terminal
tty [ -1] [ -s ]
Tty prints the path name of the terminal.
-1 Print the synchronous line number to which the terminal is connected if it is on an active synchronous line.
-s Suppress printing of the path name; generate the exit code
2 Invalid options were specified.
o Standard input is a terminal.
1 Otherwise.
not on an active synchronous line
The standard input is not a synchronous terminal and -1 is
not a tty
The standard input is not a terminal and -s is not specified.

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ul - underline output for a terminal

ul [ -i] [ -t terminal ] [ file ...
5000/20 5000/30 5000/40 and 5000/50 Systems only.
Ul reads the named files (or standard input if none are given) and
translates occurrences of underscores to the sequence which indicates underlining for the terminal in use I as specified by the
environment variable TERM.
Ul reads the file /etc/termcap to determine the appropriate
sequences for underlining. If the terminal is incapable of underlining but is capable of a standout mode then that is used instead. If
the terminal can overstrike, or handles underlining automatically,
ul degenerates to cat(l). If the terminal cannot underline, underlining is ignored.
-i Indicate underlining by a separate line containing appropriate
dashes; this is useful when you want to look at the underlining
which is present in an nroff(l) output stream on a CRTterminal.
-t Use the terminal kind terminal instead of the kind specified in
the environment.
man(l), nroff(l).
Nroff usually outputs a series of backspaces and underlines intermixed with the text to indicate underlining. No attempt is made to
optimize the backward motion.




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ulim - increase maximum file size limit
(5000/60/80/90 only)
Ulim is a login shell for changing a user's default maximum file size
limit (ulimit). It must be invoked as a login shell from /etc/passwd
to actually increase the ulimit. Otherwise, a default shell will be
exec'd. To give a user an increased ulimit, two files must be
changed. First, the user's password entry in /etc/passwd must be
changed so the login shell is /local/bin/ulim. Second, an entry
must be created for the user in the file /etc/ulimrc. The format for
lines in this file is as follows:
where login_name is the user's login name (from /etc/passwd),
login_shell is the shell the user previously used, and ulimit is the
new maximum file size limit in 1024 byte blocks. Each field must be
seperated by a tab. If a user's login shell is /local/bin/ulim, but
that user is not listed in /etc/ulimrc, or if /local/bin/ulim is executed as a user process, ulim will exec Ibin/sh (unless the user
executing ulim is listed in /etc/ulimrc, in which case the shell
listed in /etc/ulimrc will be forked) with the default ulimit .
The original /etc/passwd entry would look like this:
abc: OHqhAw60brU: 97: 7: User Name: /usr/abc: /bin/sh
The new en try should look like this:
abc:OHqhAw60brU: 97: 7 :User Name: /usr/abc: /local/bin/ulim
The new entry in /etc/ulimrc should look like this:
abc/bin/sh 4096
This will give user 'abc' a ulimit of 4096 (four megabytes) .
add entry for user
change user's login shell to /local/bin/ulim

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umask - set file-creation mode mask

umask [

000 ]

Umask sets the user file-creation mode mask to 000. The three octal
digits refer to read/write/execute permissions for owner, group,
and others, respectively (see chmod(2) and umask(2». The value
of each specified digit is subtracted from the corresponding digit
specified by the system for the creation of a file (see creat(2».
For example, urnask 022 removes group and others write permission (directories typically created with mode 777 become mode 755;
files created with mode 666 become mode 644).


is omitted, the current value of the mask is printed.

The shell recognizes and executes umask.

chmod(l), sh(l), chmod(2), creat(2), umask(2).

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uname - print name of current UNIX system

uname [ -amnrsv ]

Uname prints the current system name of the UNIX system on the
standard output file. Uname is mainly useful to determine what
system one is using.

-a Print all information. This is the same as entering all options.

-m Print the machine hardware name.
-n Print the nodename (the nodename may be a name that the system is known by to a communication network). Note: On the
5000/20/40/50, the node_name used by uucp(l) resides in
-r Print the operating system release.
-s Print the system name (default).

-v Print the operating system version.
uname(2), setuname(lm), uucp(lc)

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unget - undo a previous get of an sees file
unget [-rSID] [-s] [-n] files
Unget undoes the effect of a get -e made prior to creating the
intended new delta. If a directory is named, unget behaves as
though each file in the directory were specified as a named file,
except that non-SeeS files and unreadable files are silently
ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard input is read with
each line being taken as the name of an sees file to be processed.
Uniquely identify which delta is no longer intended. (This
would have been specified by get as the new delta). The use of
this option is necessary only if two or more outstanding gets for
editing on the same sees file were done by the same person
(login name). A diagnostic results if the specified SID is ambiguous, or if it is necessary and was omitted on the command

-s Suppress the printout, on the standard output, of the SID of
the intended delta.
-n Retain the get file which is normally removed from the current
delta(!), get(!), help(!), sact(!).
Source Code Control System User Guide in the Support Tools
Use help{!) for explanations.

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uniq - report repeated lines in a file
uniq [ -udc .[ +n ] [ -n ] ] [ input [ output ] ]
Uniq reads the input file comparing adjacent lines, and removes the
second and succeeding copies of repeated lines. Uniq writes the
remaining lines on the output file. Input and output should always
be different. Note that repeated lines must be adjacent in order to
be found; see sort(l).
-u Output only lines not repeated in the original file.
-d Output one copy of every repeated line (no other lines).
-c Generate normal output, preceding each line with the number of
times it occurred (supersedes -u and -d).
-n Ignore the first n fields together with any blanks before each
for the comparison. A field is defined as a string of non-space,
non-tab characters separated by tabs and spaces from its adjacent fields.
+n Ignore the first n characters for the comparison. Uniq skips
fields before characters.
comm(!), sort(!).

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units - interactive conversion program
Units converts quantities expressed in various standard scales to
their equivalents in other scales. It works interactively in this
You have: inch
You want: cm

* 2. 540000e+OO
3. 937008e-Ol

Units specifies a quantity as a multiplicative combination of units
optionally preceded by a numeric multiplier. Powers are indicated
by suffixed positive integers, division by the usual sign:

You have: l5lbs force/in2
You want: atm
* 1. 02068ge+OO

9. 79729ge-Ol

Units only does multiplicative scale changes; thus it can convert
Kelvin to Rankine, but not Celsius to Fahrenheit. Most familiar
units, abbreviations, and metric prefixes are recognized, along
with a few constants of nature including:


ratio of circumference to diameter,
speed of light,
charge on an electron,
acceleration of gravity,
force same as g,
Avogadro's number,
water pressure head per unit height of water,
astronomical unit.
Units recognizes lb , rather than pound as a unit of mass.
Compound names are run together, (e. g. lightyear) .
British units that differ from their U. S. counterparts should be
prefixed thus: brgallon.
For a complete list of units, type:
cat /usr /llb/unittab
/usr /lib/unittab


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uptime - show how long system has been up
7000 Series Systems only.
Uptime prints the current time, the length of time the system has
been up, and the average number of jobs in the run queue over the
last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. It Is, essentially, the first line of a w(l)
/unix system name list

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usage - retrieve a command description and usage examples
[ help ] usage [ -d ] [ -e ] [ -0] [ command_name
5000/60, 5000/80, and 5000/90 only.
The UNIX system Help Facility command usage retrieves information about UNIX system commands. With no argument, usage
displays a menu screen prompting the user for the name of a command,or allows the user to retrieve a list of commands supported
by usage. The user may also exit to the shell by typing q (for
"quit) .
After a command is selected, the user is asked to choose among a
description of the command, examples of typical usage of the command, or descriptions of the command's options. Then, based on
the user's request, the appropriate information will be printed.
A command name may also be entered at shell level as an argument
to usage. To receive information on the command's description,
examples, or options, the user may use the -d, -e, or -0 options
respectively. (The default option is -d.)

From any screen in the Help Facility, a user may execute a command via the shell (sh (1» by typing a ! and the command to be
executed. The screen will be redrawn if the command that was executed was entered at a first level prompt. If entered at any other
prompt level, only the prompt will be redrawn.
By default, the Help Facility scrolls the data that is presented to
the user. If you prefer to have the screen clear before printing
the data (non-scrolling), the shell variable SCROLL must be set to
no and exported so it will become part of your environment. This
is done by adding the following line to your . profile file (see profile (4»: "export SCROLL ; SCROLL=no". If you later decide
that scrolling is desired, SCROLL must be set to yes.
Information on each of the Help Facility commands (starter , locate,
usage, glossary, and help) is located on their respective manual
glossary (1) , help(I), locate (1) , sh(l), starter(I).
term(5) in the Programmer's Reference Manual.
If the shell variable TERM (see sh (1» is not set in the user's .profile file, then TERM will default to the terminal value type 450 (a
hard-copy terminal). For a list of valid terminal types, refer to
term(5) .

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uucp, uulog, uuname - UNIX system to UNIX system copy
uucp [ options ] source-fUes destination-file
uulog [ options ]
uuname [ options ]
The following items apply to the, 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00 only.
uulog [ options ] -s system
uulog [ options ] system
uulog [ options ] -f system
uuname [ -c ] [ -I ]
Uucp copies fUes named by the source-file arguments to the fUe
named by the destination-file argument. A file name may be a path
name on your machine, or may have the form:
system-name I path-name
where system-name is taken from a list of system names which uucp
knows about. The system-name may also be a list of names such as
system-name I system-name I ... I system-name I path-name
in which case an attempt is made to send the file via the specified
route, and only to a destination in PUBDIR (see below). Care
should be taken to insure that intermediate nodes in the route are
set up to foward information.
The shell metacharacters? , * , and [ ... ] appearing in path-name
are expanded on the appropriate system. In order to send files
that begin with a dot (e. g., the files must be qualified with a dot.
For example: and are correct; whereas *prof* and ?profUe are not
Path names may be one of:
(1) a full path name;
(2) a path name preceded by - user where user is a login name on
the specified system and is replaced by that user's login directory;
(3) a path name preceeded by -Idestination where destination is
appended to /usr/spool/uuppublic. Note: This destination is
treated as a file name unless m()re than one file is being
transferred by this request or the destination is already a
directory. To ensure that it is a directory, follow the destination with a /. For example, - I danl as the destination makes
the directory lusrlspoolluuccpubUcldan if it does not exist
and puts the requested file(s) in that directory.

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(4) a path name preseded by - /user where user is a login name on
the specified system and is replaced by that user's directory
under PUBDIR; or
(5) a file name or path name; uucp prefixes either with the current

If the result is an erroneous path name for the remote system the
copy fails. If the destination-file is a directory, the last part of the
source-file name is used.

Uucp preserves execute permissions across the transmission and
gives 0666 read and write permissions (see chmod (2».
Uucp associates a job number with each request. This job number
can be used by uustat (lC) to obtain status information or terminate the job.
The environment variable JOBNO and the -j option of uucp are used
to control the listing of the uucp job number on standard output.
If the environment variable JOBNO Is undefined or set to OFF, the
job number is not listed (default). If uucp Is then invoked with the
-j option, the job number Is listed. If the environment variable
JOBNO is set to ON and is exported, a job number is written to
standard output each time uucp is invoked. In this case, the -j
option supresses output of the job number. Uucp does not generate a job number for a strictly local transaction.
The following options are interpreted by uucp :

uses the source file when copying out rather than
copying the file to the spool directory (default).


copies the source file to the spool directory.
forces the link of local files to the spool directory
for transfer. If the link is not possible, a copy is
makes all necessary directories for the file copy
(default) .
sends the uucp command to system sys to be executed there. This is successful only if the remote
machine allows the uucp command to be executed
by /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt. (This option is available on the 5000/35 or the 5000/55. )





does not make intermidiate directories for the file


The grade is a single letter/number, lower ASCII
sequence characters cause the job to be transmitted earlier during a particular conversation.


controls writing of the uucp job number to standard output by changing the value of the
environment variable JOBNO.

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reports the status of the transfer in file. If file is
omitted, send mail to the requester when the copy
is completed.
reports the status of the transfer to file. Note
that the file must be a full path name.
notifies user on the remote system that a file was
queues job, but does not start the file transfer
process. By default, a file transfer process is
started each time uucp is evoked.
produces debugging out pOut on standard output.
The debug_level is a number between 0 and 9 with
the higher numbers giving more detailed information.

Uulog queries a summary log of uucp and uux (IC) (appears as
uuxqt on the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and the 5000/55 Release
2.00) transactions in the file /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE.
On the 5000/35 and the 5000/55 systems, uuZog queries a log file of
uucp or uuxqt transactions in a file called
/usr/spooZ/uucp/ . LOG/uucico/system or
/usr/spooZ/uucp/ . LOG/uuxqt/system.
The options cause uulog to print logging information:
prints information about work involving system
sys. If sys is not specified, then logging
information for all systems is not printed.
does a tail of -f of the file transfer log for
system. Other options are used in conjunction with
the previous information.
looks in the uuxqt log file for the given
indicates that a tail command of number lines
should be executed.
prints information about work done for the specified
user. If the user is not specified, then
logging information for all users is printed.
Uuname lists the uucp names of known systems. A description is
printed for each system that has a line of information in
/usr/lib/uucp/ADMIN. The format of ADMIN is:
sysname tab description tab.
The following options are interpreted by uuname .

lists the names of systems known to cu.
(The two lists are the same, unless the machine
is using different Systems files for cu

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and uucp. See the Sysfiles files.
returns the local system name.
prints additional information about each system
not available on the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and the 500

spool directory
/usrlspool/uucppublic public directory for receiving and sending
other data and program files

mail(l) , uustat(l), uux(lC), chmod(2), uuxqt(IM).
"UUCP Administration" in the Administrator Guide.
The domain of remotely accessible files can (and for obvious security reasons, usually should) be severely restricted. You will
very likely not be able to fetch files by path name; ask a responsible person on the remote system to send them to you. For the same
reasons, you will probably not be able to send files to arbitrary
path names. As distributed, the remotely accessible files are those
whose names begin /usr/spooVuucppublic (equivalent to -nuucp
or just - ).

(5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and 5000/55 release 2.00 only.)
Retrieving multiple files specified by special shell characters?, *,
and [ ... ] activates the -m option. The -m option is ignored if the -s
option is specified.
The forwarding of files through other systems may not be compatible with the previous version of uucp. If forwarding is used, all
systems in the route must have the same version of uucp.
For 1TU1il to be used correctly, uname -n must be the same as
uuname-l. The setuname(l) command permits you to change the
node name in the kernel (memory) and on disk.

All files received by uucp are owned by uucp .
The -m option works only sending files or receiving a single file.
Receiving multiple files specified by special shell characters ?,
and [ •.. ] does not activate the -m option.


For the 5000/35 and 5000/55 Release 2.0 only, retrieving multiple
files specified by special shell characters ?, *, and [ ... ] activates
the -m option. The -m option is ignored if the -s option is specified.
The -m option does not work if all transactions are local or if uucp is
executed remotely using the -e option.
The -n option functions only when the source and destination are
not on the same machine.
Only the first six characters of a system-name are significant. Any
excess characters are ignored.

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Protected files that are in protected directories that are owned by
the requester can be sent by uucp. However, if the requester is
root, and the directory is not searchable by "other" or the file is
not readable by "other", the request fails.
A source file can only be retrieved if there is no more than an ! in
the path. That is, a user on system_A wishes to retrieve a file from
system_B, the command:
uucp system_B! - /filename ! -/filename
retrieves the file file name from the remote system_B and places it
in the user's local PUBDIR (/usr/spool/uucppubUc).

If the user is connected to system_B, through an intermediate
remote system_C, however, the command:

uucp system_C I system_B! - /file name ! - /file name
does not work.

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uustat - uucp status inquiry and job control
uustat [ options ]
Uustat displays the status of, or cancels, previously specified
uucp (1) commands, or provides general status on uucp connections to other systems.
When no options are given, uustat outputs the status of all uucp
requests issued by the current user.
The following options are mutually exclusive; that is, only one of
the following may be specified on the command line:
Output all jobs in queue.
-chour Remove the status entries which are older than hour hours.
This administrative option can only be initiated by the user
uucp or the superuser.
-jjobn Requests the status of the uucp request jobn (jobnumber).
If all is used for jobn, uustat reports the status of all uucp
requests. An argument must be supplied. If jobn is omitted, uustat prints the usage message and fails. (This
option does not apply to the 5000/30, 5000/35,5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00.00.)
-kjobn Kill the uucp request whose job number is jobn. The specified uucp request must belong to the user issuing the uustat
command unless the user is the superuser.
-mmch Report the status of accessibility of machine mch. If mch is
specified as all, uustat provides the status of all machines
known to the local uucp.
Execute a "ps -flp" for all the process-ids that are in the
lock files.
-MInch Same as the -m option except that the last status was
obtained and the time that the last successful transfer to
that system occurred. (This option is not available on the
5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and 5000/55 Release 2.00.00.)
-rjobn Rejuvenate jobn. Set the modification time of jobn to the
current time. This prevents uucZean(1M) from deleting the
job until the modification time of the job reaches the limit
imposed by uucZean. (For the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50,
5000/55 Release 2.00, uucZeanup replaces uuclean. )
The following options are not mutually exclusive:
-ohour reports the status of all uucp requests wich are older than
hour hours. (This option is not available on the 5000/30,
5000/35, 5000/50, or the 5000/55 Release 2.00.00.)

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reports the uucp status using the octal status codes listed
below. If this option is not specified J uustat prints the verbose description with each uucp request. (This option is
not available on the 50oo/30 J 5OOO/35 J 5OO0/50 J or the
5000/55 Release 2.00.00.) for each machine and the time of
the oldest and youngest file queued for each machine. If a
lock file exists for that system J uustat lists the date of creation for that file.


The -q option lists the jobs queued for each machine. If a
status file exists for the machine, its date, time, and status
information are reported. In addition, is a number appears
in () next to the character of C. or X. files, it is the age in
days of the oldest C. or X. file for that system. The Retry
field represents the number of hours until the next possible
call. The Count is the number of failure attempts.
Note: For systems with a moderate number of outstanding
jobs, this could take 30 seconds or more of real-time to execute. The following is an example of the output produced
by the -q option:



2C 07/07-10:42 SUCCESSFUL

The previous output tells how many command files are waiting for each system. Each command file may have zero or
more files to be sent (zero means to call the system and see
if work is to be done). The date and the time refer to the
previous interaction with the system followed by the status
of the interaction.
-ssys reports the status of all uucp requests which communicate
with remots system sys.
-uuser reports the status of all uucp requests issued by user.
reports the status of all uucp requests which are younger
than hour hours. (This option is not available on the
5OOO/30 J 5000/35, 5000/50, or the 5000/55 Release 2.00.00.)

The command:
uustat -ucarter -stower -y72
prints the status of all uucp requests that were issued by user carter to communicate with system tower within the last 72 hours.

The meanings of the Job request status are:
job-number user remote-system command-time status-time status

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where the status may be either an octal number or a verbose
description. The octal code corresponds to the following description:
000001 the copy failed, but the reason cannot be determined
000002 permission to access local file is denied
000004 permission to access remote file is denied
000010 bad uucp command is generated
000020 remote system cannot create temporary file
000040 cannot copy to remote directory
000100 cannot copy to local directory
000200 local system cannot create temporary file
000400 cannot execute uucp
001000 copy (partially) succeeded
002000 copy finished, job deleted
004000 job is queued
010000 job killed (complete)
020000 Job killed (incomplete)
The meanings of the machine accessibility status are:
system-name time status
where time is the latest status time and status is a self-explanatory
description of the machine status.
/usr/spool/uucp spool directory
/usr /lib/uucp/L_stat
system statu8 fUe
/usr /lib/uucp/R_stat
request status file
uucp(lC), uuclean(lM).

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uuto, uupick - public UNIX-to-UNIX system file copy
uuto [ options ] source-files destination
uupick [ -s system
Uuto sends source-files to destination. Uuto uses the uucp(!C)
facility to send files, while it allows the local system to control the
file access.
A source-file name is a path name on your machine. In order to
send files that begin with a dot (e. g., . profile) the files must be
qualified with a dot. For example: . profile, .prof*, and .profil?
are correct; whereas *prof* and ?profile are not correct.
Destination has the form:
system! user
where system is taken from a list of system names that uucp knows
about (see uuname (1) ). User is the login name of someone on the
specified system.
The following options are available:
copies the source file into the spool directory before transmission.
sends mail to the sender when the copy is complete. This
option is applicable when there is only one remote system is
/usr/spool/uucp/system before transmission. If the link is
not possible, a copy is performed.
Uuto sends the files (or sub-trees if directories are specified) to
PUBDIR on system, where PUBDIR is a public directory defined to
uucp. Specifically uuto sends the files to:
Uuto notifies the destined recipient by mail(!) of the arrival of
Uupick accepts or rejects the files transmitted to the user.' Specifically, uupick searches PUBDIR for files destined for the user.
For each entry (file or directory) found, uupick prints the following message on the standard output:
from system: [file file-name] [dir dirname] ?
Uupick then reads a line from the standard input to determine the
disposition of the file:

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m [ dir ]

a [ dir ]

Go on to next entry.
Delete the entry.
Move the entry to named directory dir (current
directory is default).
Same as m except move all the files sent from system.
Print the content of the file.

EOT (control-d)
Same as q.
Escape to the shell to do command.
Print a command summary.
Uupick invoked with the -s system option only searches the PUBDIR for files sent from system.
/usr/spool/uucppublic public directory (PUBDIR)
uucp (IC),
uname (1), setuname (1M) .
This warning pertains to the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only.
For mail to be used correctly, uname -n must be the same as uuname
-l. The setuname(IM) command permits you to change the node
name in the kernel (memory) and on disk.
This restriction pertains to the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and
5000/55 Release 2.00.00 only.
Uuto does not send null directories.

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UP-11760 R2A, V2


uux - UNIX-to-UNIX system command execution
uux [ options ] command-string
Uux gathers zero or more files from various systems, executes a
command on a specified system, and then sends standard output to
a file on a specified system. Note that, for security reasons, many
installations limit the list of commands executable on behalf of an
incoming request from uux. Many sites permit little more than the
receipt of mail (see mail(!» via uux.
When uux gathers the files, the files are given permission 600 and
are owned by uucp. The actual program running is nuucp so
access permission to the files may be denied. For example,
print(!) checks permissions and fails. Redirect standard input for
uux to print the files.
The command-string is made up of one or more arguments that look
like a shell command line, except that the command and file names
may be prefixed by system-name!. A null system-name is interpreted as the local system.
File names may be
• a full path name;
• a path name preceded by -xxx where xxx is a login name on the
specified system and is replaced by that user login directory; or
• a file name or path name; uux prefixes either with the currect
Any special shell characters such as < >; should be quoted either
by quoting the entire command-string or quoting the special characters as individual arguments.
Uux attempts to get all files to the execution system. For files
which are output files, the file name must be escaped using
Uux notifies you if the requested command on the remote system
was disallowed. The response comes by remote mail from the
/usr/Ub/uucp/L.cmds on the remote system. The format of the
L • cmds file is:
cmd, machine!, machine2, ...
If no machines are specified, then any machine can execute cmd. If
machines are specified, only the listed machines can execute cmd.
If the desired command is not listed in L. sys, then no machine can
execute that command.
Redirection of standard input and output is usually restricted to
files in PUBDIR. Directories into which redirection is allowed must
be specified in /usr/Ub/uucp/USERFILE by the system administrator. The directory must have 777 permisions.

UP-!1760 R2A, V2



Uux associates a job number with each request. This job number
can be used by uustat(l) to obtain status information or terminate
the job. The environment variable JOBNO and the -j option are
used to control the listing of the uux job number on standard output. If the environment variable JOBNO is undefined or set to
OFF, the job number is not listed (default). If uux is then invoked
with the -j option, the job number is listed. If the environment
variable JOBNO is set to ON and is exported, a job number is written to standard output each time uux is invoked. In this case, the
-j option suppresses output of the job number.
The following options are interpreted by uux:
Is the standard input to uux Is made the standard
input to the command-string.

uses name as the user identification replacing the
initiator user ID. (Notification is returned to the
user. )


returns whatever standard input was provided to
the uux command if the exit status is non-zero.


does not copy local file to the spool directory for
transfer to the remote machine (default).


forces the copy of local files to the spool directory for transfer.
forces the link of local fUes to the spool directory
for transfer. If a link is not possible, a copy is
grade is a single letter or number. Lower ASCII
sequence characters cause the job to be transmitted earlier during a particular conversation.






Page 2

controls writing of the uux job number to standard output by changing the value of the
environment variable JOBNO.
sends no notification to user.
reports the status of the transfer in file. If file
is omitted, send maU to the requester when the
copy Is completed. (This option is not available
on the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, or the 5000/55
Release 2.00. )
queues the Job, but does not start the fUe
transfer process. By default, 8 fUe transfer process is started each time uux is evoked.
is the same as -:. The standard input to uux is
made the standard input to the command-string.
reports the status of the transfer in file.

UP-11760 R2A, V2


produces debugging outout on the standard output. The debug_level is a number between 0 and
9 with higher numbers giving more detailed information.
sends success notification to the user.

The command
uux "! cliff 50oo-30/usr/carter/fl 5000-50/a4/carter/fl >
! f1. cliff"
gets the f1 files from the 5000-30 5000-50 machines, executes a
diff(l) command and put the results in f1. dilf in the local directory.
The command
uux 5000-30/uucp 5000-50/usr/fUe \(5000-55/usr/fUe\)
sends a uucp command to system 5000-30 get /usr/fUe from system
5000-50 and send it to system 5000-55.
spool directory
/usr / spool/uucp
public directory (PUBDIR)
/usr / spool/uucppublic
other data and programs
/usr /lib/uucp/*
/usr /lib/uucp/Permissions remote execution permissions
mail(l), uuclean(IM), uucp(IC), uucleanup(lM).
Only the first command of a shell pipeline may have a systemname!. All other commands are executed on the system of the first
The use of the shell metacharacter probably does not do what you
want it to do. The shell tokens« and» are not implemented.
Only the first six characters of the system-name are sIgnificant.
Any excess characters are ignored.
To redirect output to a file, the name of the directory containing
/usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE. This allows any system to redirect to
this directory.
For the 5000/30, 5000/35, 5000/50, and 5000/55 Release 2.00 only,
the execution of commands on remote systems takes place in an execution directory known to the uucp system. All files required for
the execution are put into this directory unless they already reside
on that machine. Therefore, the simple file name (without path or
machine reference) must be unique within the uux request. The
following ocmmand does NOT work:


uux "a!diff b!/usr/dan/xyz c!/usr/dan/xyz> !xyz.diff"
but the command:

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uux "a I dlff a I /usr / dan/xyz c I /usr / dan/xyz > I xyz . dlff"
works is diff(l) is a permitted command.
For uux to perform on the local system, there must be a MACHINE =
"local system name" in the local system /usr/lib/uucp/Permissions
file with the allowable commands defined.
For mail to be used correctly, uname -n must be the same as
uuname-l. The setuname(lM) command permits you to change the
node name in the kernel (memory) and on disk.
Protected files and files that are in portected directories that are
owned by the requester can be sent in commands using uux. If the
requester Is root, however, and the directory Is not searchable by
"other" J the request fails.
The system name may be up to eight characters and it must not contain a slash (I) character. For uux to operate properly in all
cases, every system should have the system name returned from
the uuname -l command the same as the uname -n command on their

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UP-ll760 R2A, V2


val - validate

sees file

val val [-s] [-rSID] [-mname] [-ytype] filp.s
Val determines if the specified file is an sees file with the characteristics specified by the optional argument list. Arguments to val
may appear in any order. The arguments consist of options, which
begin with a -, and named files.
When the file argument - is specified, val reads the standard input
until it detects an end-of-file condition. Val processes each input
line independently as if the input were a command line argument
Val generates diagnostic messages on the standard output for each
command line an(~ file processed and also returns a single 8-bit
code upon exit as described below.

Each option affects each named file on the command line independently.

Silence the diagnostic message normally generated on the
standard output for any error that val detects while processing each named file on a given command line.


Denote the argument value SID (S ees ID entification
String) as an sees delta number. Val first determines
whether the SID is ambl.guous (e. g., rl is ambiguous
because it physically does not exist but implies 1.1, 1.2,
etc. which may exist) or invalid (e. g., rl.0 or rl. 1.0 are
invalid because neither case can exist as a valid delta
number) . If the SID is valid and not ambiguous, val
determines whether the corresponding file actually

sees %M% keyword in file.
sees %n keyword in file.

-mname Compare the nam,~ ,dth the

Compare type with the

The 8-bit code returned by val can be interpreted as a bit string
where (moving from left to right) set bits are interpreted as follows:
bit 0 = missing file argument;
bit 1 = unknown or duplicate keyletter argument;
bit 2 = cm.Tupted sees file;
bit 3 = can\~,')t open file OT' file not. sees;
bit 4 :: inVhU.J or ambigu!'.lL5 SID,
hit 5 = non'-exlstent SID;
bit 6 = ~i;Y4i, -y mismatch;
bit 7 = %M't" -m mismatch;

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Note that val can process two or more files on a given command line
and in turn can process multiple command lines (when reading the
standard input). In these cases val returns an aggregate code: a
logical OR of the codes generated for each command line and file
admin(l) J delta(!), get(!), prs(!).
Use help(!) for explanations.
Val can process up to 50 files on a single command line.
number above 50 produces a core dump.

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UP-11760 R2, V2



val - validate sees file
val val [-s] [-rSID] [-mname] [-ytype] files
Val determines if the specified file is an sees file with the characteristics specified by the optional argument list. Arguments to val
may appear in any order. The arguments consist of options, which
begin with a -, and named files.
When the file argument - is specified, val reads the standard input
until it detects an end-of-file condition. Val processes each input
line independently as if the input were a command line argument
Val generates diagnostic messages on the standard output for each
command line and file processed and also returns a single 8-bit
code upon exit as described below.
Each option affects each named file on the command line independently.
Silence the diagnostic message normally generated on the
standard output for any error that val detects while processing each named file on a given command line.
Denote the argument value SID (S ees ID entification
String) as an sees delta number. Val first determines
whether the SID is ambiguous (e. g., r1 is ambiguous
because it physically does not exist but implies 1.1, 1.2,
etc. which may exist) or invalid (e. g., r1.0 or r1.1. 0 are
invalid because neither case can exist as a valid delta
number). If the SID is valid and not ambiguous, val
determines whether the corresponding file actually
-mname Compare the name with the sces %M% keyword in file.
-ytype Compare type with the sees %n keyword in file.
The 8-bit code returned by val can be interpreted as a bit string
where (moving from left to right) set bits are interpreted as follows:
bit 0 = missing file argument;
bit 1 =unknown or duplicate keyletter argument;
bit 2 = corrupted sees file;
bit 3 = cannot open file or file not sees;
bit 4 =invalid or ambiguous SID;
bit 5 = non-existent SID;
bit 6 = %Y%, -y mismatch;
bit 7 = %M%, -m mismatch;

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Note that val can process two or more files on a given command line
and in turn can process multiple command lines (when reading the
standard input). In these cases val returns an aggregate code: a
logical OR of the codes generated for each command line and file

admin(l), delta(l), get(l), prs(l).
Use help(!) for explanations.
Val can process up to 50 files on a single command line.
number above 50 produces a core dump.

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UP-11760 R2, V2


vc - version control
vc [-aJ [-t] [-cchar] [-sJ [keyword=value ... keyword=value]
The vc command copies lines from the standard input to the standard output under control of its arguments and any control statements encountered in the standard input. In the process of performing the copy operation, user declared keywords may be
replaced by their string value when they appear in plain text
and/or control statements.
The copying of lines from the standard input to the standard output is conditional, based on tests (in control statements) of keyword values specified in control statements or as vc command arguments.
A control statement is a single line beginning with a control character, except as modified by the -t option (see below). The default
control character is colon (:), except as modified by the -c option
(see below). Input lines beginning with a backslash followed by a
control character are not control lines and are copied to the standard output with the backslash removed. Lines beginning with a
backslash followed by a non-control character are copied in their
A keyword is composed of up to 9 alphanumerics, the first of which
must be alphabetic. A value is any ASCII string that can be
created with ed(l); a numeric value is an unsigned string of
digits. Keyword values may not contain blanks or tabs.
Vc replaces keywords with values whenever a keyword surrounded
by control characters is encountered on a version control statement. The -a option (see below) forces replacement of keywords in
all lines of text. An uninterpreted control character may be
included in a value by preceding it with a backslash. If a literal
backslash is desired, then it too must be preceded by backslash.
Replace keywords surrounded by control characters
with their assigned value in all text lines and not just
in vc statements.
Ignore all characters from the beginning of a line up
to and including the first tab character for the purpose of detecting a control statement. If a control
statement is found, discard all characters up to and
including the tab.
Use char as a control character in place of : .
Silence warning messages (not error messages) that
are normally printed on the diagnostic output.

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: dcl keyword [, ... , keyword]
Declares keywords. All keywords must be declared.
: asg keyword=value
Assigns values to keywords. An asg statement overrides the
assignment for the corresponding keyword on the vc command
line and all previous asg's for that keyword. Keywords
declared, but not assigned values have null values.
:1f condition

Skips lines of the standard input. If condition is true, vc
copies all lines between the if statement and the matching end
statement to the standard output. If condition is false, vc discards all intervening lines, including control statements. Note
that vc recognizes intervening if statements and matching end
statements solely for the purpose of maintaining the proper
if-end matching.
The syntax of a condition is:

::= [ "not" ] 
: : =  :  " : " 
::=  :  "&" 
 ")" l   
::= "=" : "!=" :
: : =  : 

: :="("

"<" : ">"

The available operators and their meanings are:




( )

not equal
greater than
less than
used for logical groupings
may only occur immediately after the if, and
when present, inverts the value of the
entire condition

The > and < operate only on unsigned integer values (for
example, 012 > 12 is false). All other operators take strings
as arguments (for example : 012 ! = 12 is true). The precedence of the operators (from highest to lowest) is:
= != > <
equal precedence

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UP-11760 R2, V2


Parentheses may be used to alter the order of precedence.
Values must be separated from operators or parentheses by at
least one blank or tab.
: :text
Replaces keywords on lines that are copied to the standard
output. Vc removes the two leading control characters, and
replaces keywords surrounded by control characters in text
by their value before copying the line to the output file. This
action is independent of the -a option.
Turn on or off keyword replacement on all lines .
:ctl char
Change the control character to char.
: msg message
Prints the given message on the diagnostic output.
: err message
Prints the given message followed by:
ERROR: err statement on line ... (915)
on the diagnostic output. Vc halts execution, and returns an
exit code of 1.


ed(1), help(I).

Use help(!) for explanations.
0- normal
1 - error

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version - display release identifications of installed software


7000 Series only.
The version command displays the operating system's name,
release identification, machine identification and patch number,
along with the installed options' names and release identifications.
The release identification has five fields describing, in order, the
major and minor release identification, patch number, product.
identification, machine identification, and preliminary release
identification. The fifth field is optional.

The release identification "lR2 2.11 5.R2 7000/40" describes
release id 2.lb, patch number 01, product identification 5.R2
(System V, Release 2), and machine identification 7000 (7000/40).
There is no preliminary relase identification.


/install/versions/* . vers
uname(l) .

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vi, view, vedit - screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on
vi [-t tag] [or file] [-1] [own] [-x] [-R] [+command] name ...
view [-t tag] [or file] [-1] [own] [-x] [-R] [+command] name ...
vedit [-t tag] [or file] [-1] [own] [-x] [-R] [+command] name
Vi (visual) is a display-oriented text editor based on the underlying line editor ex(I). It is possible to use the command mode of ex
from within vi and vice-versa. When using vi, changes you make to
the file are reflected in what you see on your terminal screen. The
position of the cursor on the screen indicates the position within
the file.
The view invocation is the same as vi except that the readonly flag
is set, preventing accidental overwriting of the file.
The vedit invocation is intended for beginners. The report flag is
set to 1, and the showmode and novice flags are set. These
defaults make it easier to get started learning the editor.
The following invocation options are interpreted by vi:

-t tag
Edit the file containing the tag and position the editor at its
Recover file after an editor or system crash. If file is not specified, a list of all saved files is printed.
-I Indent appropriately for lisp code, the ( ) { } [ [ and ] ] commands in vi and open are modified to have meaning for lisp .
Set the default window size to n. This is useful when using the
editor over a slow speed line.
-x Set encryption mode; a key is prompted for allowing creation or
editing of an encrypted file (see crypt(!». This option can be
used only with the domestic release of the operating system.
-R Set read only mode; the readonly flag is set preventing accidental overwriting of the file.
The specified ex command is interpreted before editing begins.
Files to be edited.


Normal and initial mode. Other modes return to command
mode upon completion. ESC (escape) is used to cancel a
partial command.
Entered by a i A I 0 0 c C s SR. Arbitrary text may then
be entered. Input mode is normally terminated with ESC

UP-11760 R2, V2

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character or abnormally with interrupt.
Last Line
Reading input for : / ? or ! ; terminate with CR to execute, interrupt to cancel.
Sample commands
arrow keys move the cursor
h j k I
same as arrow keys
insert text abc
cwnewESC change word to new
pluralize word
delete a character
delete a word
delete a line
... 3 lines
undo previous change
exit vi, saving changes
: q! CR
quit, discarding changes
search for text
scroll up or down
:ex cmdCR any ex or ed command
Counts before vi commands
Numbers may be typed as a prefix to some commands. They are
interpreted in one of these ways.
line/column number z G :
scroll amount
repeat effect
most of the rest
Interrupting, canceling
end insert or incomplete cmd
(delete or rubout) interrupts
renrint screen if A? scrambles it
reprint screen if AL is key
File manipulation
: wCR
write back changes
: q! CR
quit, discard changes
: e nameCR
edit file name
: e! CR
reedit, discard changes
: e + nameCR edit, starting at end
: e +nCR
edit starting at line n
edit alternate file
: e nCR
synonym for :e
write file name
:w! nameCR
overwrite file name
run shell, then return
run cmd, then return
edit next file in arglist
:n argsCR
specify new arglist
show current file and line


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UP-11760 R2, V2


:ta tagCR

to tag file entry tag
:ta, following word is tag
In general, any ex or ed command (such as substitute or global)
may be typed, preceded by a colon and followed by a CR.
<. ]

Positioning within file

forward screen
backward screen
scroll down half screen
scroll up half screen
go to specified line (end default)
next line matching pat
prev line matching pat
repeat last / or ?
reverse last / or ?
noth line after pat
noth line before pat
next section/function
previous section/function
beginning of sentence
end of sentence
beginning of paragraph
end of paragraph
find matching ( ) { or }







Adjusting the screen
z . CR
zn . CR


clear and redraw
retype, eliminate @ lines
redraw, current at window top
. . . at bottom
... at center
pat line at bottom
use n line window
scroll window down lline
scroll window up lline

Marking and returning


move cursor to previous context
... at first non-white in line
mark current position with letter x
move cursor to mark x
... at first non-white in line

Line positioning

or j

UP-1l760 R2, V2

top line on screen
last line on screen
middle line on screen
next line, at first non-white
previous line, at first non-white
return, same as +
next line, same column
previous line, same column

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Character positioning
first non white
beginning of line
. end of line
1 or
same as
same as
find x forward
upto x forward
back upto x
repeat last f F t or T
inverse of ;
to specified column
find matching ( { ) or }
Words, sentences, paragraphs
word forward
back word
end of word
to next sentence
to next paragraph
back sentence
back paragraph
blank delimited word
to endofW
Commands for LISP Mode
Forward s-expression
... but do not stop at atoms
Back s-expression
. . . but do not stop at atoms
Corrections during insert
erase last character
erase last word
your erase. same as AH
your kill, erase input this line
quotes AH, your erase and kill
ends insertion, back to command
interrupt, terminates insert
backtab over autoindent
kill autoindent, save for next
... but at margin next also
quote non-printing character
Insert and replace
append after curse!'
insert before cursor
append at end of line
insert before first non-blank
open line below

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open above
replace single char with x
replace characters

Operators are followed by a cursor motion, and affect all text that
would have been moved over. For example, since w moves over a
word, dw deletes the word that would be moved over. Double the
operator, e. g. dd to affect whole lines.
yank lines to buffer
left shift
right shift
filter through command
indent for LISP
Miscellaneous Operations
change rest of line (c$)
delete rest of line (d$)
substitute chars (cl)
substitute lines (cc)
join lines
delete characters (dl)
... before cursor (db)
yank lines (yy)
Yank and Put
Put inserts the text most recently deleted or yanked. However, if
a buffer is named, the text in that buffer is put instead.
put back text after cursor
put before cursor
put from buffer x
yank to buffer x
delete into buffer x
Undo, Redo, Retrieve
undo last change
restore current line
repeat last change
"d p
retrieve d'th last delete

ex (1), crypt(l).
5000 and 7000 Series User Guide.
Software tabs using AT work only immediately after the autoindent.
Left and right shifts on intelligent terminals do not make use of
insert and delete character operations in the terminal.
Some terminal arrow key definitions are identical to the control
characters which permit positioning within the file (i. e. control-F,
control-B, control-D, and control-U). Therefore, these positioning
operations do not function as described, but instead perform an

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arrow key operation.

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vmstat - report virtual memory statistics
vrnstat [ -Olrfs ] [ interval [ count ] ]
7000 Series Systems only.

Vms tat delves into the system and normally reports certain statistics kept about process, virtual memory,

disk, trap and cpu

The 7000 systems can support up to 32 disk drives. Vms tat can
only display 16 drives at one time. The -0 argument will display the
first 16 mounted disk drives, and the -1 argument will display the
second 16 mounted disk drives. These options take effect only if
the system has more than 16 mounted drives. The -0 argument is
the default. Any time during the display, you can type in a 0, 1 br
r to change the display.
The -r argument, switches between displaying the first and second
16 mounted disk drives, 1. e., it switches back and forth from the 0
and 1 options. This option takes effect only if the system has more
than 16 mounted drives. The duration for each set of drives will be
[interval] /2.
If given an -f argument, vmstat reports on the number of forks and
vforks since system startup and the number of pages of virtual

memory involved in each kind of fork. If given a -s argument, it
instead prints the contents of the sum structure, giving the total
number of several kinds of paging related events which have
occurred since boot.
If none of these options are given, vms tat will report in the first
line a summary of the virtual memory activity since the system has
been booted. If interval is specified, then successive lines are
summaries over the last interval seconds. "vmstat 5" will print
what the system is doing every five seconds; this is a good choice
of printing interval since this is how often some of the statistics are
sampled in the system; others vary every second, running the output for a while will make it apparent which are recomputed every
second. If a count is given, the statistics are repeated count
times. The format fields are:

Procs: information about numbers of processes in various states.



in run queue
blocked for resources (i/o, paging, etc.)
runnable or short sleeper « 20 secs) but swapped

Memory: information about the usage of virtual and real memory.
Virtual pages are considered active if they belong to processes
which are running or have run in the last 20 seconds. A "page"
here is 1024 bytes.

UP-U760 R2, V2

active virtual pages

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size of the free list

Page: information about page faults and paging activity. These
are averaged each five seconds, and given in units per second.

pages reclaim less the free lists in the swap
devices and the file system
pages of free lists in the swap devices and the file system
pages paged in
pages paged out
pages freed per second
anticipated short term memory shortfall
pages scanned by clock algorithm, per-second

x/f/s: Disk operations per second (this field is system dependent). Typically paging will be split across several of the available
drives. The number under each of these is the unit number.
Faults: trap/interrupt rate averages per second over last 5

(non clock) device interrupts per second
system calls per second
cpu context switch rate (switches/sec)

Cpu: breakdown of percentage usage of CPU time

user time for normal and low priority processes
system time
cpu idle

/dev/kmem, /unix

There should be a screen oriented program which combines vms tat
and ps (1) in real time as well as reporting on other system activity.

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vpr - Versatec printer spooler

vpr [ options ] [ files ]

5000/20 and 5000/40 only.
Vpr causes the named files to be queued for printing on a Versatec
printer. If no names appear, the standard input is assumed; thus
vpr may be used as a filter.

The following options may be given (each as a separate argument
and in any order) before any file name arguments:
Make a copy of the file to be sent before returning to the

Remove the file after sending it.


When printing is complete, report that fact by mail(I).


Do not report the completion of printing by mail (I). This is
the default option.

-ffile Use file as a dummy file name to report back in the mail. This
is useful for distinguishing multiple runs, especially when
vpr is being used as a filter.
-p [ -e raster]
Use the plot filter vplot to output files produced by
graph(IG). The -e option causes a previously scan converted file raster to be sent to the Versatec.

Two common uses are:
pr [ options ] file : vpr
graph [ options ] file : vpr -p

/usr /lib/vplot

user identification and accounting data
spool area
line printer daemon
print filter
plot filter

graph(IG), mail(I), tplot(IG).

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vs - report statistics of major sUbsystems
vs [ -h] [-u file] [interval]
Vs reads selected kernel counters (such as vmmeter, vmtotal,
etc.) to display an un-smoothed (instantaneous) interpretation of
their contents on the screen. The screen is divided into three horizontal sub-windows. Each window is capable of displaying the
statistics of a kernel subsystem. Currently, VS is capable of showing the following sUbsystems:
Master Processor statistics ('M')
Slave Processor statistics (7000-52 only) ('S')
Memory subsystem statistics ('m')
Paging subsystem statistics ('p')
One can place any of the above subsystems in any of the three subwindows by typing the window number followed by the subsystem
indicator (above paranthesized characters). If no window number
is specified, then the third window is assumed. Typing a Control-L
refreshes the screen, and typing 'f' freezes the screen updating
for prolonged viewing.
The -h flag prints the usage and -u flag can be used to indicate a
UNIX file other than the default /unix. If interval is specified on
the command line, vs would update the screen every interval
The following is a brief description of each of the above
subsystem's fields:
Master Processor
This general subsystem is divided into 4 parts: memory, paging,
faults, and cpu usage. These parts contain:

Number of resident memory pages (text+data+stack).
Number of free memory pages.


Number of page faults per second.
Number of pages paged in per second.
Number of pages paged out per second.
Number of reclaimed pages per second.
Number of pages scanned by pageout daemon per second.
Number of pages freed per second.


Number of interrupts per second.
Number of system calls per second.
Number of traps per second.
Number of context switches per second.

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Percentage of CPU time spent in
Percentage of CPU spent in
(p_nice > NZERO).
Percentage of CPU time spent in
Percentage of CPU time spent in


user mode.
positively niced processes
system mode.
idle loop.

Slave Processor· (7000·52 only)
This sUbsystem is only relevent to the 7000·52 configuration. The
fields are:

Number of processes per second leaving Slave due to system
Number of processes per second leaving Slave due to com·
pleting quantum service time.
Number of processes per second leaving Slave due to traps.
Number of processes per second leaving Slave due to pend·
ing signals.


tcks: Average number of ticks executed on Slave per process.
Number of processes stolen by Master per second.

Number of what is believed to be read·only system calls per
Number of context switches on Slave per second.


Number of times Slave has been suspended in the last inter·
Duration of suspension in micro·seconds within the past





CPU in user mode.
in niced mode.
in system mode.
being idle.

Memory Subsystem
This sUbsystem is divided in two parts, virtual statistics and
resident statistics. These fields are:

of virtual text pages.
of virtual data pages.
of active virtual text pages.
of active virtual data pages.

Number of resident text pages.

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Number of resident data pages.
Number of active resident text pages.
Number of active resident data pages.
Paging subsystem
This subsystem is consisted of two parts, page-in and page-out.
These fields are:


Number of page faults per second on Master.
Number of "false" page faults per second on Slave.
Number of page recalimed.
Number of page-ins per second.
Number of page faults on intransit pages.
Number of pages reclaimed from free list.
Number of pages reclaimed from free list rather than on swap
Number of pages reclaimed from free list rather than in file
Number of pages paged-in.
Number of executable filled-on-demand pages paged in.
Number of zero fill-on-demand pages created.
Number of page faults on executable fill-on-demand pages.
Number of page faults on zero-fill-on-demand pages.


Number of hand revlolutions of pageout daemon.
Number of pages scanned by pageout daemon per second.
Number of pages freed by pageout daemon per second.
Number of page-outs per second.
Number of pages paged-out per second.


/unix, / dev /kmem

vmstat(l), uptime (1) , iostat(l), sar(l)

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W (1)

w - who is on and what they are doing


w [ -h] [ -s ] [ user ]
7000 Series Systems only.

W prints a summary of the current activity on the system, including what each user is doing. The heading line shows the current
time of day, how long the system has been up, the number of users
logged into the system, and the load averages. The load average
numbers give the number of jobs in the run queue averaged over 1,
5 and 15 minutes.

The fields output are: the users login name, the name of the tty
the user is on, the time of day the user logged on, the number of
minutes since the user last typed anything, the CPU time used by
all processes and their children on that terminal, the CPU time
used by the currently active processes, the name and arguments of
the current process.
The -h flag suppresses the heading. The -s flag asks for a short
form of output. In the short form, the tty is abbreviated, the login
time and cpu times are left off, as are the arguments to commands.
-1 gives the long output, which is the default.
If a user name is included, the output will be restricted to that


who(l), ps(l)

The notion of the "current process" is muddy. The current algorithm is "the highest numbered process on the terminal that is not
ignoring interrupts, or, if there is none, the highest numbered
process on the terminal". This fails, for example, in critical sections of programs like the shell and editor, or when faulty programs running in the background fork and fail to ignore interrupts. (In cases where no process can be found, w prints "-".)
The CPU time is only an estimate, in particular, if someone leaves a
background process running after logging out, the person
currently on that terminal is "charged" with the time.
Background processes are not shown, even though they account
for much of the load on the system.
Sometimes processes, typically those in the background, are
printed with null or garbaged arguments. In these cases, the name
of the command is printed in parentheses.

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W (1)

W does not know about the new conventions for detection of background jobs. It will sometimes find a background job instead of the
right one.

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UP-1l760 R2, V2


walt - await completion of process
Wait untn all processes started with & have completed, and report
on abnormal terminations.
Because the wait(2) system call must be executed in the parent
process, the shell itself executes wait, without creating a new process.
sh (1), wait(2).
Not all the processes of a 3- or more-stage pipeline are children of
the shell, and thus cannot be waited for.

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wc - word count
we [ -Iwe] [files ]
We counts lines, words, and characters in the named files, or in
the standard input if no files are specified. It also keeps a total
count for all named files.
A word is a string of characters delimited by spaces, tabs, or
When files are specified on the command line, they are printed
along with the counts.
The following options can be used in any combination:
-I Report number of lines only.
-w Report number of words only.
-e Report number of characters only.

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what - identify SCCS files

what [

-5 ]


What searches the given files for all occurrences of the pattern
that get (1) substitutes for %Z% (this is @(#) ) and prints out what
follows until the first ", >, new-line, \, or null character. For
example, if the C program in file f. c contains

char ident[] = "@(#)identification information";
and f. c is compiled to yield r. 0 and a. out, then the command
what f.c f.o a.out

identification information


identification information

a. out:

identification information

What is intended to be used in conjunction with the -lSCCS command get(l), which automatically inserts identifying information,
but what can also be used where the information is inserted manually.


Quit after finding the first occurrence of pattern in each file.

get(l), help(l).

Use help (1) for explanations.



Nt) match

An unintended occurrence of the pattern@(#) may be found just by
chance, but this is harmless in most cases.

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whereis -locate source, binary, and or manual for program
whereis [ -sbm ] [ -u] [ -SBM dir ... -f) file ...
Where is locates source, binary, and manual sections for specified
Where is first strips the supplied names of leading pathname componen ts and any (single) trailing extension of the form . ext, e. g .
. c. Prefixes of s. resulting from use of source code control are
also stripped.
Whereis then attempts to locate the desired program in a list of
standard places.
One or two of the restrictive options, -b, os, and om, may be specified.
-b Search only for binary sections.
-s Search only for source sections.
-m Search only for manual sections.
-B, oS, and-M
Change or otherwise limit the places where whereis searches;
dir must be a full pathname.
-f Terminate each directory list and signal the start of file names.

-u Search for unusual entries. A file is said to be unusual if it
does not have one entry of each requested type. Thus whereis
-m -u asks for those files in the current directory which have
no manual section.


The following example finds all the files in /usr /bin which are not
cd /usr/ucb
whereis -u -M /usr/catman/u_man/manl -S /usr/src/cmd -f *
/usr / catman/*
/lib, /etc, /usr/ {lib, bin, ucb}
Because whereis uses chdir(2) to run faster, pathnames given with
the -M, -S, and -B must be full pathnames; that is, they must begin
with at.

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who - who Is on the system
who [-abdHlpqrstTu) [ file)
who am i
who am I
Who lists the user name, terminal line, login time, elapsed time
since activity occurred on the line, and the process-ID of the command interpreter (shell) for each current UNIX system user. Who
examines the /etc/utmp file to obtain its information. If file Is
given, that file is examined. Usually, file is /etc/wtmp, which contains a history of all the logins since the file was last created.
Who am i or who am I identifies the invoking user.
Except for the -s option (which Is assumed if no options are specified), the general format for output entries Is:
name [state] line time activity pid [comment] [exit]
With options, who lists logins, logoffs, reboots, and changes to the
system clock, as well as other processes spawned by the init process. These options are:
-a Process /etc/utmp or the named file using all of the options.
-A Process /etc/utmp or the named file, displaying records having ut_type = ACCOUNTING See utmp(4).
-b Indicate the time and date of the last reboot.
-d Display all processes that have expired and have not been
respawned by init. The exit field appears for dead processes
and contains the termination and exit values as returned by
wait(2) of the dead process. This option can be useful in determining why a process terminated.
-H Print column headings above the regular output.
-1 List only those lines on which the system is waiting for someone
to login. The name field is LOGIN in such cases. Other fields
are the same as for user entries except that the state field does
not exist.
-p List any other process which is currently active and has been
previously spawned by init. The name field is the name of the
program executed by init as found in /etc/inittab. The state,
line, and activity fields have no meaning. The comment field
shows the id field of the line from /etc/inittab that spawned this
process. See inittab(4).
-q Display only the names and number of users currently logged
on. When this option is used, all other options are ignored.
-r Indicate the current run-level of the init process.

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-s List only the name, line, and time fields (default).
-t Indicate the last change to the system clock (by the date(l)
command) by root. See su(!).
-T Print the state of the terminal line as well as all fields requested
by the -u option. The state describes whether someone else can
write to that terminal. A + indicates the terminal is writable by
anyone; a - indicates it is not. Root can write to all lines having
a + or a - in the state field. If a bad line is encountered, a ? is

-u List the following information about those users who are
currently logged in:

User login name.

Line name as found in the directory /dev.

Time that the user logged in.

Number of hours and minutes since activity last occurred on
that particular line. A dot (.) indicates that the terminal
has seen activity in the last minute. If more than twentyfour hours have elapsed or the line has not been used since
boot time, the entry is marked old. This information is useful when trying to determine is a user is working at the terminal.

Process-ID of the user shell.

Comment field associated with this line as found in
/ etc/inittab (see inittab (4) ). This comment may contain the
location of the terminal, the telephone number of the
dataset, type of terminal if hard-Wired, etc.


date(!), init(!M), login(!), mesg(!), su(!), wait (2) , inittab(4),
utmp(4) .

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UP-!1760 R2A, V2


whoami - print effective current user id

Whoami prints who you are. It works even if you are sU'd, while
'who am i' does not since it uses /etc/utmp.
/etc/passwdName data base
who (1)

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write - write to another user
write user [ line ]
Write copies lines from your terminal to the terminal of another
user. When first called, write sends the message
Message from yourname (tty??) [date]. . .
to the person you want to talk to. When the connection is completed, two bells are sent to your own terminal. Enter your message and press the newline or return key. Pressing the newline or
return key at the end of entering your message sends the message.
Each time you enter a message and press the newline key, write
sends the message. The recipient of the message should use write
to respond to your message.
The following protocol is suggested for using write. When you
first write to another user, wait for them to write back before
starting to send. Each person should end a message with a distinctive signal, for example (0) for over, so that the other person
knows when to reply. The signal (00) for over and out is suggested when conversation is to be terminated.
Communication continues until you enter an end of file (control-d)
from the terminal or until write receives an interrupt or the recipient issues a mesg(l) command to deny messages. At that point,
write writes EOT on the other terminal and exits.
If you want to write to a user who is logged in more than once, the
line argument may be used to indicate which line or terminal is to
receive your message, for example, ttyOO. Otherwise, the first
instance of the user found in /etc/utmp is assumed and the following message is displayed:
User is logged on more than one place.

You are connected to terminal.
Other locations are: terminal
Permission to write may be denied or granted by use of the mesg( 1)
command. Writing to others is normally allowed by default. Certain
commands, in particular nroff(l) and pr(l) disallow messages in
order to prevent interference with their output. However, if the
user has superuser permissions, write forces messages onto a
write inhibited terminal.
If the character ! is found at the beginning of a line, write calls the
shell to execute the rest of the line as a command.

/etc/utmp to find user
to execute!
mall(I), mesg(l), nroff(l), pr(l), sh(!), who(l).

UP-11760 R2, V2

Page I


User not logged on
The person you are trying to write to is not logged in. Use
who(l) to determine who is logged in or mailx(1) to mail a message to the user who is not logged in.
Permission denied
The person you are trying to write to denies that permission
with mesg(l). Try using mailx(l).
Warning: cannot respond, set mesg y
Your terminal is set to mesg n and the recipient cannot respond
to you. Enter ! mesg y to accept messages.
Can no longer write to user
The recipient denied permission (mesg n) after you started

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UP-11760 R2, V2


xargs - construct argument list(s) and execute command

xargs [options] [ command [initial-arguments]
Xargs combines the fixed initial-arguments with arguments read
from standard input to execute the specified command one or more
times. The number of arguments read for each command invocation
and the manner in which they are combined are determined by the
options specified.
Xargs searches for command, which may be a shell file, using the
$PATH of the user. If command is omitted, xargs uses /bin/echo.
Arguments read in from standard input are defined to be contiguous strings of characters delimited by one or more blanks, tabs, or
new-lines; xargs discards empty lines. Blanks and tabs may be
embedded as part of an argument if escaped or quoted: Characters
enclosed in quotes (single or double) are taken literally, and the
delimiting quotes are removed. A backslash escapes the next character if the backslash does not appear in a quoted string.
Xargs constructs each argument list starting with the initialarguments, followed by some number of arguments read from standard input (Exception: see -i option). Options -i, -1, and -n
determine how arguments are selected for each command invocation. When none of these options are specified, the initialarguments are followed by arguments read continuously from standard input until an internal buffer is full, then xargs executes
command with the accumulated args. This process is repeated until
there are no more args.
Xargs terminates if it receives a return code of -1 from, or if it
cannot execute, command. When command is a shell program, it
should explicitly exit (see sh(l» with an appropriate value to
avoid accidentally returning with -1.
When there are option conflicts (e. g., -1 vs. -n), the last option
has precedence.
Execute command for each non-empty number lines of
arguments from standard input.
The last invocation of command will have fewer lines of
arguments if fewer than number remain.
A line is considered to end with the first new-line
unless the last character of the line is a blank or a
tab; a trailing blank or tab signals continuation
through the next non -empty line.
If number is omitted, 1 is assumed.

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Option -1 forces option -x.
(Insert mode) Execute command for each line from
standard input, taking the entire line as a single arg,
and inserting it in initial-arguments for each
occurrence of replstr. A maximum of 5 arguments in
initial-arguments may each contain one or more
instances of replstr.

Xargs strips blanks and tabs from the beginning of
each line.
Constructed arguments may become at most 255 characters long.
Option -1 forces option -x.
{ } is assumed for replstr if not specified.


Execute command using as many standard input arguments as possible, up to number arguments maximum.
Fewer arguments are used if their total size is greater
than size characters, and if there are fewer than
number arguments remaining on the last invocation.
If option -x is also specified, each number argument
must fit in the size limitation, else xargs terminates


(Trace mode) Echo the command and each constructed
argument list to file descriptor 2 just prior to their
(Prompt mode) Prompt the user whether to execute
command before each invocation.
Trace mode (-t) prints the command instance to be
executed, followed by a ? •• prompt. A reply of y
(followed by anything) executes the command; any
other response, including pressing the carriage
return, skips that particular invocation of command.


Terminate xargs if any argument list would be greater
than size characters;
-x is forced by the options -1 and -1. When neither of
the options -I, -1, or -n are coded, the total length of
all arguments must be within the size limit.


Set the maximum total size of each argument list to
size characters; size must be a positive integer less
than or equal to 470. If -s is not coded, 470 is
Note that the character count for size includes one

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UP-11760 R2, V2


extra character for each argument and the count of
characters in the command name.

Designate eofstr as the logical end-of-file string.
Underscore ( _ ) is assumed for the logical EOF string
if -e is not specified.
-e with no eofstr specified turns off the logical EOF
string capability (underscore is taken literally).
Xargs reads standard input until either end-of-file or
the logical EOF string is encountered.

This example moves all files from directory $1 to directory $2, and
echos each move command just before doing it:
Is $1 : xargs -i -t mv $1/ { } $2/ { }
This example combines the output of the parenthesized commands
onto one line, which is then appended to the file log:
(logname; date; echo $0 $*) : xargs »log
This example asks the user which files in the current directory are
to be archived and archives them into arch (1.) one at a time, or
(2.) many at a time.
1. Is: xargs -p -1 ar r arch
2. Is: xargs -p -I : xargs ar r arch
This example executes diff(l) with successive pairs of arguments
originally typed as shell arguments:
echo $* : xargs -n2 cliff
sh(l) .

Self explanatory.

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xstr - extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings
xstr [ -c ] [ - ] [ file ]
Xstr maintains a file strings into which strings in component parts
of a large program are hashed. These strings are replaced with
references to this common area. This serves to implement shared
constant strings, most useful if they are also read-only. Xstr
reads from its standard input when the argument '-' is given.
The command
xstr -c name
extracts the strings from the C source in name, replacing string
references by expressions of the form (&xstr[number]) for some
number. An appropriate declaration of xstr is prepended to the
file. The resulting C text is placed in the file x. c, to then be compiled. The strings from this file are placed in the strings data base
if they are not there already. Repeated strings and strings which
are suffices of existing strings do not change the data base.
After all components of a large program have been compiled, a file
xs.c declaring the common xstr space .can be created by a command
of the form
This xs.c file should then be compiled and loaded with the rest of
the program. If possible, the array can be made read-only
(shared), saving space and swap overhead.
Xstr can also be used on a single file. A command
xstr name
creates files x.c and xs.c as before, without using or affecting any
strings file in the same directory.
It may be useful to run xstr after the C preprocessor if any macro
definitions yield strings or if there is conditional code which contains strings which may not, in fact, be needed. An appropriate
command sequence for running xstr after the C preprocessor is:

cc -E name. c : xstr -c cc -c x.c
mv x.o name.o
Xstr does not touch the file strings unless new items are added,
thus make can avoid remaking xs . 0 unless truly necessary.

strings Data base of strings
x. c
Massaged C source
xs. c
C source for definition of array xstr
Temp file when xstr name does not touch strings

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If a string is a suffix of another string in the data base, but the
shorter string is seen first by xstr both strings are placed in the
data base, when just placing the longer one there suffices.

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yacc - yet another compiler-compiler
yacc [ -vdlt ] grammar
Yacc converts a context-free grammar into a set of tables for a simple automaton which executes an LR(!) parsing algorithm. The
grammar may be ambiguous; yacc uses specified precedence rules
to break ambiguities.
The output file, y.tab.c, must be compiled by the C compiler to
produce a program yyparse. This program must be loaded with the
lexical analyzer program, yyZex, as well as main and yyerror, an
error handling routine. These routines must be supplied by the
user; Zex(l) is useful for creating lexical analyzers usable by
Yacc always generates runtime debugging code in y.tab.c under
conditional compilation control. This code is normally not included
when y.tab.c is compiled. See the -t option below. The runtime
debugging code is under the control of YYDEBUG, a pre-processor
symbol. If YYDEBUG has a non-zero value, then the debugging
code is included. If its value is zero, then the code is not
included. The size and execution time of a program produced
without the runtime debugging code is smaller and slightly faster.

-v Prepare the file y. output, which describes the parsing tables
and reports conflicts generated by ambiguities in the grammar.
-d Generate the file y . tab. h with the #deCine statements that associate the yacc-assigned token codes with the user-declared
token names. This option allows source files other than y. tab. c
to access the token codes.
-I Produce code in y.tab.c which does not contain any #line constructs. This option should only be used after the grammar
and the associated actions are fully debugged.
-t Include runtime debugging code when y. tab.c is compiled.
y . tab. h
defines for token names
yacc. tmp
temporary file
yacc. debug
temporary file
yacc . acts
temporary file
parser prototype for C programs

lex(l) ,malloc(3x).
Yet Another Compiler Compiler (yacc) in the Support Tools Guide.

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The number of reduce-reduce and shift-reduce conflicts Is
reported on the standard error output; a more detailed report Is
found in the y. output file. Similarly, yacc also reports any rules
that could not be reached from the start symbol in y. output.
Because file names are fixed, at most one yacc process can be
active in a given directory at a time .


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intro - introduction to games
This section describes the recreational and educational programs
found in the directory /usr/games.
The availability of these programs may vary from system to system.

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arithmetic - provide drill in arithmetic problems
/usr/games/arithmetic [ +-x/] [range]
Arithmetic types out simple arithmetic problems, and waits for an
answer to be entered.
If the answer is correct, it replies
and prints a new problem.
If the answer is wrong, it replies

and waits for another answer.
Every twenty problems, arithmetic publishes statistics on correctness and the time required to answer.
To quit the program, enter an interrupt (delete).
The program does not give correct answers, since the learner
should, in principle, be able to calculate them.
For almost all users, the relevant statistic should be time per problem, not percent correct.

One or more of the following characters specifies the type of problem to be generated. If more than one is given, the different types
of problems are mixed in random order; default is +-.

generate addition problems
generate subtraction problems


generate multiplication problems


generate division problems
Range is a decimal number; all operands and answers are less than
or equal to the value of range. Default range is 10.
At the start, all numbers less than or equal to range are equally
likely to appear. If the respondent makes a mistake, the numbers
in the problem which was missed become more likely to reappear.

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back - the game of backgammon
/usr / games/back
Back is a program which provides a partner for the game of backgammon. It is designed to play at three different levels of skill,
one of which you must select.
In addition to selecting the level of your opponent, you may also
indicate that you would like to roll your own dice during your
You are also given the opportunity to move first. The practice of
each player rolling one die for the first move is not incorporated.
The points are numbered 1-24: 1 is the extreme inner table of
white, 24 is the inner table of brown, 0 is the bar for removed white
pieces, and 25 is the bar for brown.
For details on how moves are expressed, type y when back asks
at the beginning of the game. When back first asks
type a question mark to see a list of move options other than entering your numerical move.
When the game is finished, back asks you if you want the log. If
you respond with y, back attempts to append to or create a file
back . log in the current directory.

rules file
log temp file
log file

Back complains loudly if you attempt to make too many moves in a
turn, but becomes very silent if you make too few.
Doubling is not implemented.

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bj - the game of black jack
/usr/ games/bj
Bj is a serious attempt at simulating the dealer in the game of black
jack (or twenty-one). The following rules apply:
The bet is $2 every hand.
A player natural (black jack) pays $3. A dealer natural loses
$2. Both dealer and player naturals is a push (no money
exchange) .
If the dealer has an ace up, the player is allowed to make an
insurance bet against the chance of a dealer natural. If this bet
is not taken, play resumes as normal. If the bet is taken, it is a
side bet where the player wins $2 if the dealer has a natural and
loses $1 if the dealer does not.
If the player is dealt two cards of the same value, he is allowed
to double. He is allowed to play two hands, each with one of
these cards. (The bet is doubled also; $2 on each hand.)
If a dealt hand has a total of ten or eleven, the player may double down. He may double the bet ($2 to $4) and receive exactly
one more card on that hand.
Under normal play, the player may hit (draw a card) as long as
his total is not over twenty-one. If the player busts (goes over
twenty-one), the dealer wins the bet.
When the player stands (decides not to hit), the dealer hits
until he attains a total of seventeen or more. If the dealer
busts, the player wins the bet.
If both player and dealer stand, the one with the largest total
wins. A tie is a push.
The machine deals and keeps score. The following questions are
asked at appropriate times. Each question is answered by y followed by a return for yes, or just return for no.
(do you want a hit? )
Double down?
Every time the deck is shuffled, the dealer so states and the action
(total bet) and standing (total won or lost) is printed.
To exit, hit the interrupt key (DEL); bj prints the action and

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chess - the game of chess
Not on 5000/20/40/50.
Chess is a computer program that plays class D chess. Moves may
be given either in standard (descriptive) notation or in algebraic
notation. The symbol + must be placed at the end of a line when the
move on that line places the opponent's king in check. The values
0-0 and 0-0-0 specify castling, king side or queen side, respectively.
The user is prompted for a move or command by a *. To play black,
type first at the onset of the game. To print a copy of the board in
play, type a carriage return only. Each move is echoed in the
appropriate notation, followed by the program's reply. Near the
middle and end games, the program can take considerable time in
computing its moves.
A ? or help may be typed to get a help message that briefly
describes the possible commands.
The most cryptic diagnostic is "eh?" which means that the input
was syntactically incorrect.
Pawns may be promoted only to queens.

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craps - the game of craps


Craps is a form of the game of craps that is played in Las Vegas.
The program simulates the roller, while the user (the player)
places bets. The player may choose, at any time, to bet with the
roller or with the House. A bet of a negative amount is taken as a
bet with the House, any other bet is a bet with the roller.
The player starts off with a bankroll of $2,000.
The program prompts with:
The bet can be all or part of the bankroll of the player. Any bet
over the total bankroll is rejected and the program prompts with
bet? until a proper bet is made.
Once the bet is accepted, the roller throws the dice. The following
rules apply (the player wins or loses depending on whether the bet
Is placed with the roller or with the House; the odds are even).
The first roll is the roll immediately following a bet:
1. On the first roll:
7 or 11
wins for the roller;
2, 3, or 12
wins for the House;
any other number is the point, roll again (Rule 2
applies) .
2. On subsequent rolls:
roller wins;
House wins;
any other number roll again.
If a player loses the entire bankroll, the House offers to lend the
player an additional $2,000. The program prompts:
A yes (or y) consummates the loan. Any other reply terminates the
If a player owes the House money, the House reminds the player,
before a bet is placed, how many markers are outstanding.
If, at any time, the bankroll of a player who has outstanding markers exceeds $2,000, the House asks:
Repay marker?
A reply of yes (or y) indicates the willingness of the player to
repay the loan. If only 1 marker is outstanding, it is immediately
repaid. However, if several markers are outstanding, the House

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How many?
markers the player would like to repay. If an invalid number is
entered (or just a carriage return), an appropriate message is
printed and the program prompts with How many? until a valid
number is entered.
If a player accumulates 10 markers (a total of $20,000 borrowed
from the House), the program informs the player of the situation
and exits.
Should the bankroll of a player who has outstanding markers
exceed $50,000, the total amount of money bori'owed is automatically repaid to the House.
Any player who accumulates $100,000 or more breaks the bank.
The program then prompts:
New game?
to give the House a chance to win back its money.
Any reply other than yes is considered to be a no (except in the
case of bet? or How many?). To exit, send an interrupt (break),
DEL, or control-d. The program indicates whether the player
won, lost, or broke even.
The random number generator for the die numbers uses the
seconds from the time of day. Depending on system usage, these
numbers, at times, may seem strange but occurrences of this type
in a real dice situation are not uncommon.

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hangman - guess the word
/usr/games/hangman [ arg ]
Not on 5000/20/40/50.
Hangman chooses a word at least seven letters long from a dictionary. The user is to guess letters one at a time.
The optional argument arg names an alternate dictionary.
/usr /lib/w2006
Hyphenated compounds are run together.

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jotto - secret word game


/usr/games/jotto [-p]
Not on 5000/20/40/50.

Jotto is a word guessing game. You try to guess the computer's
secret word before it guesses yours. Clues are obtained by entering probe words. For example, if the computer's secret word is
brown and you probe with stare, it replies 1 indicating that there
is one letter in common between your probe and the secret word.
Double letters count only once unless they appear in both words.
For example, if the hidden word is igloo and you probe with broke,
the computer replies 1. If you probe with gloom, the computer
responds 4. All secret words and probe words should be nonproper English five-letter words. If the computer guesses your
word exactly, please respond with 'Y. It then tells you what its
secret word was.
The -p option instructs the computer to report its progress in
guessing your word.

The dictionary contains some unusual words and lacks some common ones.

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maze - generate a maze
Maze asks a few questions and then prints a maze.
Some mazes (especially small ones) have no solutions.

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moo - guessing game
Moo is a guessing game imported from England. The computer
picks a number consisting of four distinct decimal digits. The
player guesses four distinct digits, being scored on each guess.
A cow is a correct digit in an incorrect position.
A bull is a correct digit in a correct position.
The game continues until the player guesses the number (a score of
four bulls) .

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quiz - test your knowledge
/usr/games/quiz [ -i file
[ - t ] [ categoryl category2 ]
Not on 5000/20/40/50.
Quiz gives associative knowledge tests on various subjects. It
asks items chosen from categoryl and expects answers from
category2, or vice versa. If no categories are specified, quiz
gives instructions and lists the available categories.
Quiz tells a correct answer whenever you type a bare new-line. At
the end of input, upon interrupt, or when questions run out, quiz
reports a score and terminates.
The -t option specifies tutorial mode, where missed questions are
repeated later, and material is gradually introduced as you learn.
The -i option causes the named file to be substituted for the default
index file. The lines of these files have the syntax:
= category new-line: category: line
category = alternate: category: alternate
alternate = empty: alternate primary
primary = character : [ category] : option
= { category}
The first category on each line of an index file names an information file. The remaining categories specify the order and contents
of the data in each line of the information file. Information files
have the same syntax. Backslash \ is used as with sh(l) to quote
syntactically significant characters or to insert transparent newlines into a line. When either a question or its answer is empty,
quiz refrains from asking it.
/usr / games/lib/ quiz/index

The construct alab does not work in an information file. Use a{b}.

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reversi - a game of dramatic reversals


/usr/games/reversi [ [ -r ] file]
Not on 5000/20/40/50.

Reversi (also known as friends, Chinese friends, and Othello) is
played on an 8 by 8 board using two-sided tokens. Each player
takes his turn by placing a token with his side up in an empty
square. During the first four turns, players may only place
tokens in the four central squares of the board. Subsequently,
with each turn, a player must capture one or more of his
opponent's tokens. He does this by placing one of his tokens such
that it and another of his tokens embrace a solid line of his
opponent's tokens horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Captured
tokens are flipped over and thus can be re-captured. If a player
cannot outflank his opponent, he forfeits his turn. The play continues until the board is filled or until no more outflanking is possible.
In this game, your tokens are asterisks (*) and the machine's are
at-signs (@). You move by typing in the row and column at which
you want to place your token as two digits (1-8), optionally
separated by blanks or tabs. You can also type in:
To continue the game after hitting break (this is only necessary if you interrupt the machine while it is deliberating).
g n To start reversi playing against itself for the next n moves (or
until the break key is pressed) .
To stop printing the board after each move.
To start it up again.
To print the board regardless.
To quit (without dishonor).
To print the score.
To escape to the shell. Control-d gets you back.

Reversi also recognizes several commands which are valid only at
the start of the game, before any moves have been made. They
To let the machine go first.
h n To ask for a handicap of from one to four corner squares. If
you are really good, you can give the machine a handicap by
typing a negative number.
1 n To set the amount of look-ahead used by the machine in
searching for moves. Zero means none at all. Four is the
default. Greater than six means you may fall asleep waiting
for the machine to move.
t n To tell reversi that you only need n seconds to consider each
move. If you fail to respond in the allotted time, you forfeit
your turn.
If -reversi is given a file name as an argument, it checkpoints the
game, move by move, by dumping the board onto file. The-r

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option causes reversi to restart the game from file and continue
Illegal! for an invalid move, and Huh? for a move that even the
machine cannot understand.

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rogue - Exploring The Dungeons of Doom

rogue [ -r] [ save jile ] [

-5 ]

Rogue is a computer fantasy game with a new twist. It is CRToriented and the object of the game is to survive the attacks of
various monsters and get a lot of gold, rather than the puzzle solving orientation of most computer fantasy games.
To get started you really only need to know two commands. The
command? will give you a list of the available commands and the
command / will identify the things you see on the screen.
To win the game (as opposed to merely playing to beat other
people's high scores) you must locate the Amulet of Yendor which
is somewhere below the 20th level of the dungeon and get it out.
Nobody has achieved this yet and if somebody does, they will probably go down in history as a hero among heroes.
When the game ends, either by your death, when you quit, or if
you (by some miracle) manage to win, rogue will give you a list of
the top ten scorers. The scoring is based entirely upon how much
gold you get. There is a 10% penalty for getting yourself killed.
If save file is specified, rogue will be restored from the specified
saved game file. If the -r option is used, the game save_file is
presumed to be the default.



option will print out the list of scores.

For more detailed directions, read the document A Guide to the
Dungeons of Doom.

lusrl games/lib/rogue_roll Score file
- Irogue . save
Default save file
Michael C. Toy, A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom
Probably infinite, however, that Floating Eyes sometimes transfix
you permanently is not a bug. It's a feature. !Funky!Stuff! echo
extracting - rogue. doc sed 'sFXI I' > rogue. doc « '!Funky! Stuff!'

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A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom
Michael C. Toy
Kenneth C. R. C. Arnold
Computer Systems Research Group
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

Rogue is a visual CRT-based fantasy game which runs under the
UNIX timesharing system.

This paper describes how to play

rogue, and gives a few hints for those who might otherwise get lost
in the Dungeons of Doom.

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You have just finished your years as a student at the local fighter's
guild. After much practice and sweat you have finally completed
your training and are ready to embark upon a perilous adventure.
As a test of your skills, the local guildmasters have sent you into
the Dungeons of Doom. Your task is to return with the Amulet of
Yendor. Your reward for the completion of this task will be a full
membership in the local guild. In addition, you are allowed to keep
all the loot you bring back from the dungeons. In preparation for
your journey, you are given an enchanted mace, a bow, and a
quiver of arrows taken from a dragon's hoard in the far off Dark
Mountains. You are also outfitted with elf-crafted armor and given
enough food to reach the dungeons. You say goodbye to family and
friends for what may be the last time and head up the road. You
set out on your way to the dungeons and after several days of
uneventful travel, you see the ancient ruins that mark the
entrance to the Dungeons of Doom. It is late at night, so you make
camp at the entrance and spend the night sleeping under the open
skies. In the morning you gather your mace, put on your armor,
eat what is almost your last food, and enter the dungeons. You
have just begun a game of rogue. Your goal is to grab as much
treasure as you can, find the Amulet of Yendor, and get out of the
Dungeons of Doom alive. On the screen, a map of where you have
been and what you have seen on the current dungeon level is kept.
As you explore more of the level, it appears on the screen in front
of you. Rogue differs from most computer fantasy games in that it
is screen oriented. Commands are all one or two keystrokes as
opposed to pseudo-English sentences, and the results of your commands are displayed graphically on the screen rather than being
explained in words. Another major difference between rogue and
other computer fantasy games is that once you have solved all the
puzzles in a standard fantasy game, it has lost most of its excitement and it ceases to be fun. Rogue, on the other hand, generates
a new dungeon every time you play it and even the author finds it
an entertaining and exciting game. In order to understand what is
going on in rogue you have to first get some grasp of what rogue is
doing with the screen. The rogue screen is intended to replace the
You can see ... descriptions of standard fantasy games. Figure 1
is a sample of what a rogue screen might look like.



• @ •••


... B.


-----+-Level: 1 Gold: 0

Hp: 12(12) Str: 16(16) Ac: 6 Exp: 1/0
Figure 1

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At the bottom line of the screen
are a few pieces of cryptic information
describing your current status.
Here is an explanation of what these things mean:
This number indicates how deep you have gone in the dungeon.
It starts at one and goes up as you go deeper into the dungeon.
The number of gold pieces you have managed to find
and keep with you so far.
Your current and maximum hit points.
Hit points indicate how much damage you can take before you die.
The more you get hit in a fight,
the lower they get.
You can regain hit points by resting.
The number in parentheses
is the maximum number your hit points can reach.
Your current strength and maximum ever strength.
This can be any integer less than or equal to 31,
or greater than or equal to three.
The higher the number,
the stronger you are.
The number in the parentheses
is the maximum strength you have attained so far this game.
Your current armor class.
This number indicates how effective your armor is
in stopping blows from unfriendly creatures.
The lower this number is,
the more effective the armor.
These two numbers give your current experience level
and experience points.
As you do things,
you gain experience points.
At certain experience point totals,
you gain an experience level.
The more experienced you are,
the better you are able to fight and to withstand magical attacks.
The top line of the screen is reserved
for printing messages that describe things
that are impossible to represent visually.
If you see a --More-- on the top line,
this means that rogue wants to print another message on the screen,
but it wants to make certain
that you have read the one that is there first.
To read the next message,
just type a space.
The rest of the screen is the map of the level
as you have explored it so far.
Each symbol on the screen represents something.
Here is a list of what the various symbols mean:
This symbol represents you, the adventurer.
These symbols represent the walls of rooms.
A door to/from a room.

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The floor of a room.
The floor of a passage between rooms.
A pile or pot of gold.
A weapon of some sort.
A piece of armor.
A flask containing a magic potion.
A piece of paper, usually a magic scroll.
A ring with magic properties
A magical staff or wand
A trap, watch out for these.
A staircase to other levels
A piece of food.
The uppercase letters
represent the various inhabitants of the Dungeons of Doom.
Watch out, they can be nasty and vicious.
Commands are given to rogue by typing one or two characters.
Most commands can be preceded by a count to repeat them
(e.g. typing
will do ten searches).
Commands for which counts make no sense
have the count ignored.
To cancel a count or a prefix,
type  .
The list of commands is rather long,
but it can be read at any time during the game with the
Here it is for reference,
with a short explanation of each command.
The help command.
Asks for a character to give help on.
If you type a

it will list all the commands,
otherwise it will explain what the character you typed does.
This is the What is that on the screen? command.
followed by any character that you see on the level,
will tell you what that character is.
For instance,
will tell you that the

symbol represents you, the player.
Move left.
You move one space to the left.
If you use upper case


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you will continue to move left until you run into something.
This works for all movement commands
(e. g.

means run in direction

Move down.
Move up.
Move right.
Move diagonally up and left.
Move diagonally up and right.
Move diagonally down and left.
Move diagonally down and right.
Throw an object.
This is a prefix command.
When followed with a direction
it throws an object in the specified direction.
(e. g. type
to throw
something to the left. )
Find prefix.
When followed by a direction
it means to continue moving in the specified direction
until you pass something interesting or run into a wall.
You should experiment with this,
since it is a very useful command,
but very difficult to describe.
Zap prefix.
Point a staff or wand in a given direction
and fire it.
Even non-directional staves must be pointed in some direction
to be used.
Identify trap command.
If a trap is on your map
and you can't remember what type it is,
you can get rogue to remind you
by getting next to it and typing
followed by the direction that would move you on top of it.
Search for traps and secret doors.
Examine each space immediately adjacent to you
for the existence of a trap or secret door.
There is a large chance that even if there is something there,
you won't find it,
so you might have to search a while before you find something.
Climb down a staircase to the next level.
Not surprisingly, this can only be done if you are standing
on staircase.
Climb up a staircase to the level above.
This can't be done without the Amulet of Yendor in your posession.

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This is the do nothing command.
This is good for waiting and healing.
List what you are carrying in your pack.
Selective inventory.
Tells you what a single item in your pack is.
Quaff one of the potions you are carrying.
Read o.ne o.f the scro.lls in yo.ur pack.
Eat food from your pack.
Wield a weapo.n.
Take a weapon out of yo.ur pack and carry it fo.r use in combat,
replacing the o.ne you are currently using (if any).
Wear armor.
Yo.U can o.nly wear o.ne suit o.f armor at a time.
This takes extra time.
Take armor o.ff.
Yo.U can't remo.ve armo.r that is cursed.
This takes extra time.
Put on a ring.
Yo.U can wear only two rings at a time
(o.ne cn each hand).
If you aren't wearing any rings,
this co.mmand will ask you which hand you want to' wear it on,
o.therwise, it will place it o.n the unused hand.
The program assumes that you wield your swo.rd in your right hand.
Remove a ring.
If yo.U are o.nly wearing one ring,
this command takes it off.
If you are wearing two.,
it will ask you which one you wish to remove,
Dro.P an object.
Take something out of your pack and leave it lying o.n the floor.
Only o.ne object can o.ccupy each space.
You cannot drop a cursed object at all
if you are wielding or wearing it.
Call an object something.
If you have a type of object in yo.ur pack
which you wish to remember something about,
yo.U can use the call command to give a name to that type of object.
This is usually used when you figure out what a
Po.tion, scroll, ring, or staff is
after you pick it up.
(See the
option below. )
Print out which things you've discovered something about.
This command will ask you what type of thing you are interested in.
If you type the character for a given type of object

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for potion)
it will tell you which kinds of that type of object you've discovered
(i.e., figured out what they are).
This command works for potions, scrolls, rings, staves, and wands.
Examine and set options.
This command is further explained in the section on options.
Redraws the screen.
Useful if spurious messages or transmission errors
have messed up the display.
Repeat last message.
Useful when a message disappears before you can read it.
This only repeats the last message
that was not a mistyped command
so that you don't loose anything by accidentally typing
the wrong character instead of AR.
Cancel a command, prefix, or count.
Escape to a shell for some commands.
Leave the game.
Save the current game in a file.
It will ask you whether you wish to use the default save file.
Rogue won't let you start up a copy of a saved game,
and it removes the save file as soon as you start up a restored game.
This is to prevent people from saving a game just before
a dangerous position and then restarting it if they die.
To restore a saved game,
give the file name as an argument to rogue.
As in

%rogue save _file
To restart from the default save file (see below),

%rogue -r
Prints the program version number.
Rooms in the dungeons are either lit or dark.
If you walk into a lit room,
the entire room will be drawn on the screen as soon as you enter.
If you walk into a dark room,
it will only be displayed as you explore it.
Upon leaving a room,
all objects inside the room which might move
or be removed
are erased from the screen.
In the darkness you can only see one space
in all directions around you.
A corridor is always dark.
If you see a monster and you wish to fight it,
just attempt to run into it.

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Many times a monster you find will mind its own business
unless you attack it.
It is often the case that discretion is the better part of valor.
When you find something in the dungeon,
it is common to want to pick the object up.
This is accomplished in rogue by walking over the object.
If you are carrying too many things,
the program will tell you and it won't pick up the object,
otherwise it will add it to your pack
and tell you what you just picked up.
Many of the commands that operate on objects must prompt you
to find out which object you want to use.
If you change your mind and don't want to do that command after all,
just type an  and the command will be aborted.
Some objects, like armor and weapons,
are easily differentiated.
Others, like scrolls and potions,
are given labels which vary according to type.
During a game,
any two of the same kind of object
with the same label
are the same type.
the labels will vary from game to game.
When you use one of these labeled objects,
if its effect is obvious,
rogue will remember what it is for you.
If it's effect isn't extremely obvious, you can use the
(see above)
or the
(see below)
to scribble down something apout it
so you will recognize it later.
Some weapons,
like arrows,
come in bunches,
but most come one at a time.
In order to use a weapon,
you must wield it.
To fire an arrow out of a bow,
you must first wield the bow,
then throw the arrow.
You can only wield one weapon at a time,
but you can't change weapons if the one
you are currently wielding is cursed.
There are various sorts of armor lying around in the dungeon.
Some of it is enchanted,

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some is cursed,
and some is just normal.
Different armor types have different armor classes.
The lower the armor class,
the more protection the armor affords against the blows of monsters.
Here is a list of the various armor types and their normal armor class:
Leather armor
Studded leather / Ring mail
Scale mail
Chain mail
Banded mail / Splint mail
Plate mail



If a piece of armor is enchanted,
its armor class will be lower than normal.
If a suit of armor is cursed,
its armor class will be higher,
and you will not be able to remove it.
However, not all armor with a class that is higher than normal
is cursed.
Scrolls come with titles in an unknown tongue.
After you read a scroll,
it disappears from your pack.
Potions are labeled by the color of the liquid inside the flask.
They disappear after being quaffed.
Staves and wands do the same kinds of things.
Staves are identified by a type of wood;
wands by a type of metal or bone.
They are generally things you want to do to something
over a long distance,
so you must point them at what you wish to affect
to use them.
Some staves are not affected by the direction
they are pointed, though.
Staves come with multiple magic charges,
the number being random,
and when they are used up,
the staff is just a piece of wood or metal.
Rings are very useful items,
since they are relatively permanent magic,
unlike the usually fleeting effects of potions, scrolls, and staves.
Of course,
the bad rings are also more powerful.
Most rings also cause you to use up food more rapidly,
the rate varying with the type of ring.
Rings are differentiated by their stone settings.
Due to variations in personal tastes
and conceptions of the way rogue should do things,

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there are a set of options you can set
that cause rogue to behave in various different ways.
There are two ways to set the options.
The first is with the

command of rogue;
the second is with the
environment variable.
On Version 6 systems,
there is no equivalent of the ROGUEOPTS feature.
When you type

in rogue,
it clears the screen
and displays the current settings for all the options.
It then places the cursor by the value of the first option
and waits for you to type.
You can type a 
which means to go to the next option,
which means to go to the previous option,
which means to return to the game,
or you can give the option a value.
For boolean options this merely involves typing

for true or
for false.
For string options,
type the new value followed by a .
The ROGUEOPTS variable is a string
containing a comma separated list of initial values
for the various options.
Boolean variables can be turned on by listing their name
or turned off by putting a
in front of the name.
Thus to set up an environment variable so that
is on,
is off,
and the
is set to Blue Meanie,
use the command:

%setenv ROGUEOPTS "jump,noterse,name=Blue Meanie"
For those of you who use the Bourne shell, the commands would be

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$ ROGUEOPTS="jump,noterse,name=Blue Meanie"
$ export ROGUEOPTS

Here is a list of the options
and an explanation of what each one is for.
The default value for each is enclosed in square brackets.
For character string options,
input over fifty characters will be ignored.
Useful for those who are tired of the sometimes
lengthy messages of rogue.
This is a useful option for playing on Snow terminals,
so this option defaults to
if your
are on a slow (1200 baud or under) terminal.
If this option is set,
running moves will not be displayed
until you reach the end of the move.
This saves considerable cpu and display time.
This option defaults to
if you are using a slow terminal.
All typeahead is thrown away after each round of battle.
This is useful for those who type far ahead
and then watch in dismay as a Kobold kills them.
Upon reading a scroll or quaffing a potion
which does not automatically identify itself upon use,
rogue will ask you what to name it
so you can recognize it if you encounter it again.
Follow turnings in passageways.
If you run in a passage
and you run into stone or a wall,
rogue will see if it can turn to the right or left.
If it can only turn one way,
it will turn that way.
If it can turn either or neither,
it will stop.
This is followed strictly,
which can sometimes lead to slightly confusing occurrences
(which is why it defaults to being off).
prefix still works.
In ven tory type.
This can have one of three values:
the top lines of the map are overwritten
with the list
when inventory is requested
or when
Which item do you wish to . . .? questions
are answered with a

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However, if the list is longer than a screenful,
the screen is cleared.
lists are displayed one item at a time on the top of the screen,
and with
the screen is cleared,
the list is displayed,
and then the dungeon level is re-displayed.
Due to speed considerations,
is the default for terminals without
. clear-to-end-of-line capabilities.
This is the name of your character.
It is used if you get on the top ten scorers' list.
This should hold the name of a fruit that you enjoy eating.
It is basically a whimsey that the program uses in a couple of places.
The default file name for saving the game.
If your phone is hung up by accident,
rogue will automatically save the game in this file.
The file name may contain the special character
which expands to be your home directory.
Rogue usually maintains a list
of the top ten scoring people on your machine.
Each account on the machine
can post only one non-winning score on this list.
If you score higher than someone else on this list,
or better your previous score on the list,
you will be inserted in the proper place
under your current name.
If you quit the game, you get out with all of your gold intact.
If, however, you get killed in the Dungeons of Doom,
your body is forwarded to your next-of-kin,
along with 90% of your gold;
ten percent of your gold is kept by the Dungeons' wizard as a fee.
This should make you consider whether you want to take one last hit
at that monster and possibly live,
or quit and thus stop with whatever you have.
If you quit, you do get all your gold,
but if you swing and live, you might find more.
If you just want to see what the current top ten list is,
you can type


Rogue was originally conceived of by Glenn Wichman and Michael Toy.
Ken Arnold and Michael Toy then smoothed out the user interface,
and added jillions of new features.
We would like to thank
Bob Arnold,
Michelle Busch,

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Andy Hatcher,
Kipp Hickman,
Mar k Horton,
Daniel Jensen,
Bill Joy,
Joe Kalash,
Steve Maurer,
Marty McNary,
Jan Miller,
Scott Nelson
for their ideas and assistance,
and also the teeming multitudes
who graciously ignored work, school, and social life to play rogue
and send us bugs, complaints, suggestions, and just plain flames.
And also Mom.
! Funky! Stuff!
echo All done.

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sky - obtain ephemerides
/usr/games/sky [ -1 ]
Not on 5000/20/40/50.
Sky predicts the apparent locations of the Sun, the Moon, the
planets out to Saturn, stars of magnitude at least 2.5, and certain
other celestial objects. Sky reads the standard input to obtain a
GMT time typed on one line with blanks separating year, month
number, day, hour, .and minute; if the year is missing the current
year is used. If a blank line is typed, the current time is used.
The program prints the azimuth, elevation, and magnitude of
objects which are above the horizon at the ephemeris location of
Murray Hill at the indicated time. The -1 option causes it to ask for
another location.
Placing a "1" input after the minute entry causes the program to
print out the Greenwich Sidereal Time at the indicated moment and
to print for each body its topographic right ascension and declination as well as its azimuth and elevation. Also, instead of the magnitude, the semi diameter of the body, in seconds of arc, is
A "2" after the minute entry makes the coordinate system geocentric.
The effects of' atmospheric extinction on magnitudes are not
included; the brightest magnitudes of variable stars are marked
with ):'.
For all bodies, the program takes into account precession and
nutation of the equinox, annual (but not diurnal) aberration,
diurnal parallax, and the proper motion of stars. In no case is
refraction included.
The program takes into account perturbations of the Earth due to
the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. The expected accuracies
are: for the Sun and other stellar bodies a few tenths of seconds of
arc; for the Moon (on which particular care is lavished) likewise a
few tenths of seconds. For the Sun, Moon and stars the accuracy
is sufficient to predict the circumstances of eclipses and occultations to within a few seconds of time. The planets may be off by
several minutes of arc.
There are lots of special options not described here, which do
things like substituting named star catalogs, smoothing nutation
and aberration to aid generation of mean places of stars, and making conventional adjustments to the Moon to improve eclipse predictions.
For the most accurate use of the program it is necessary to know
that it actually runs in Ephemeris time.

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American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, for the appropriate
years; also, the Explanatory Supplement to the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac.

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ttt, cubic - tic-tac-toe
/usrI games/ cubic
Ttt is the X and 0 game popular in the first grade. This is a learning program that never makes the same mistake twice.
Although it learns, it learns slowly. It must lose nearly 80 games
to completely know the game.
Cubic plays three-dimensional tic-tac-toe on a 4 by 4 by 4 board.
Moves are specified as a sequence of three coordinate numbers in
the range 1-4.

/usr / games/ttt. k learning file
/usr/games/cubic not available on 5000/20/40/50.

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wump - the game of hunt-the-wumpus


Wump plays the game of Hunt the Wumpus.
A Wumpus is a creature that lives in a cave with several rooms connected by tunnels. You wander among the rooms, trying to shoot
the Wumpus with an arrow, meanwhile avoiding being eaten by the
Wumpus and falling into Bottomless Pits. There are also Super
Bats which are likely to pick you up and drop you in some random
The program asks various questions which you answer one per
line; it gives a more detailed description if you want.

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