UP 8068_Rev4d_Systems_90 25_90 30_90 40_Operating_System_3_(OS3)_Basic_Data_Management_User_Guide_Jun83 8068 Rev4d Systems 90 25 30 40 Operating System 3 (OS3) Basic Data Management User Guide Jun83
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Basic Data Management Environment: 90/25, 30. 30B. 40 Systems H UI\JIVAC UP 8068 Rev 4 PUBLICATIONS LiPDATE Operating System/3 (OS/3) Consolidated Data Management User Guide UP$068 Rev 4-D This Library Memo announces the release and availability of Updating Package D to “SPERRY Operating System/3 (OS/3) Basic Data Management User Guide”, UP-8068 Rev. 4. This 8. 1 release update documents a correction applicable to a feature present in basic data management prior to the 8. 1 release, Copies of Updating Package D are now available for requisitioning. Either the updating package only or the complete manual with the updating package may be requisitioned by your local Sperry representative. To receive only the updating package, order UP-8068 Rev. 4—D. To receive the complete manual, order UP-8068 Rev. 4. Mailing Lists BZ, CZ and MZ Mailing Lists AOO, AOl, 18, 18U, 19, 19U, 20, 20U; 21, 21U, 75, 75U, 76 and 76U (Package D to UP-8068 Rev. 4, 7 pages plus Memo> Library Memo for UP-8068 Rev. 4—D June, 1983 UD1-25 Rei. 3 • PUBLICATIONS UPDATE Operating System/3 (OS/3) Basic Data Management User Guide UP—8068 Rev. 4—C This Library Memo announces the release and availability of Updating Package C to ‘SPERRY UNIVAC Operating System/3 (OS/3) Basic Data Management User Guide”, UP—8068 Rev, 4. This update documents the following new information on the basic data management file lock feature for the 8.0 release: How to avoid unnecessary locking out of files Additional information on file shareability All other changes are corrections or expanded descriptions applicable to features present in basic data management prior to the 8.0 release. Copies of Updating Package C are now available for requisitioning. Either the updating package only or the complete manual with the updating package may be requisitioned by your local Sperry Univac representative, To receive only the updating package, order UP—8068 Rev. 4—C. To receive the complete manual, order UP—8068 Rev. 4. Mailing Lists BZ, CZ and MZ Mailing Lists A00,A01,18,18U,19, 19U,20,20U,21,21U,75,75U,76 and 76U (Package C to UP—8068 Rev. 4, 32 pages plus Memo) Library Memo for UP—8068 Rev. 4—C February, 1983 c• ,Di p 2 ,?3 N I PUBLICATIONS UPDATE Operating System/3 (OS/3) Basic Data Management User Guide UP4068 Re 4-B This Library Memo announces the release and availability of Updating Package B to “SPERRY UNIVAC Operating System/3 (0S13) Basic Data Management User Guide”, UP-8068 Rev. 4. This update for the 8.0 release indicates the availability of a new conversion routine for basic data management. This routine is the OS/3 Sequential DTF Mode to CDI Mode Converter (DTFCDI3O1). This converter processes a basic data management BAL source program module and produces a consolidated data management source module that, with minimal modification, can be used in the consolidated data management environment. All other changes are corrections or expanded descriptions applicable to features present in basic data management prior ot the 8.0 release. Copies of Updating Package B are now available for requisitioning. Either the updating package only or the complete manual with the updating package may be requisitioned by your local Sperry Univac representative. To receive only the updating package, order UP-8068 Rev. 4—B. To receive the complete manual, order UP-8068 Rev. 4. Mailing ListsBZ, CZand MZ Mailing Lists A00, AOl, 18, 18U, 19, 19U, 20, 20U, 21, 21U, 75, 75U, 76, and 76U (Package B to UP-8068 Rev. 4, 29 pages plus Memo) Library Memo for UP.8068 Rev. 4—B September, 1982 uDi 251 1e J73 PuBLICATIONS UPDATE Operating System/3 (OS/3) Basic Data Management User Guide UP-8068 Rev. 4-A This Library Memo announces the release and availability of Updating Package A to “SPERRY UNIVAC Operating System/3 (OS/3) Basic Data Management User Guide”, UP-8068 Rev. 4. This update documents the following new basic data management features for the 7.0 release: Consolidated Data Management migration considerations New information on the file lock feature All other changes are corrections or expanded descriptions applicable to features present in basic data management prior to the 7.0 release. Copies of the Updating Package A are now available for requisitioning. Either the updating package only or the complete manual with the updating package may be requisitioned by your local Sperry Univac representative. To receive only the updating package, order UP-8068 Rev. 4-A. To receive the complete manual, order UP-8068 Rev. 4. Mailing Lists BZ, CZ and MZ Mailing Lists 18, 18U, 19, 19U, 20, 20U, 21, 21U, 75, 75U, 76 and 76U (Package A to UP-8068 Rev. 4, 38 pages plus Memo) Library Memo for UP-8068 Rev. 4-A December, 1981 PSS 1 Update D SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 PAGE STATUS SUMMARY Update D UP-8068 Rev. 4 8.1 Forward ISSUE: RELEASE LEVEL: Part/Section Page Number Cover/Disclaimer PSS Preface Contents 1 Page Number Update Level 6 thru 14 Orig. Title Page Orig, 1 thru 75 Orig. Title Page Orig. Appendix A 1 thru 11 Orig. Appendix B 1 thru 15 Orig. Appendix C 1 thru 1 1 Orig. Appendix D 1 thru 32 Orig. Appendix E 1 thru 26 Orig. Appendix F 1 2,3 A B Index 1, 2 3 4thru6 7 8thrul0 11 thru 23 24 25 thru 27 Orig. A B Orig. C Orig. C Orig. Part/Section Page Number Update Level Orig. 10 (cont) 16 thru 22 Orig. 16 (cont) D 11 PART 5 l0thru 15 16 17 thru 51 Orig. A Orig. A C Orig. A Orig. 1 thru 9 10 11 thru 13 Orig. B Orig. 1 thru 18 iSa 19 thru 29 Orig. C Orig. 1 2 3 4 4a 5 thru 13 Orig. B Orig. B B Orig. 1 2 3 thru 5 6 7 thru 12 13 14 15 thru 17 18 i9thru2l Orig. B Orig. D Orig. C D Orig. B Orig. 14 1 thru 13 Orig. 15 1 thru 7 8,9 10 11,12 13 14 15,16 17 18 thru 20 21 22 thru 1 1 1 Orig. C Orig. C Orig. C Orig. C Orig. C Orig. 2 3 4 4a 5 B Orig. A B C C Update Level 1 2 3, 4 Orig. A Orig. 1 thru 11 12 13, 14 15 16,16a 17,18 19 Orig. C Orig. B A Orig. C 2 3 thru 7 8 9 12 13 PART 1 Title Page Orig. 1 2 2a 3 4 thru 18 Orig. A A A Orig. 13A Title Page Orig. 135 2 1 thru 4 Orig. 3 1 thru 31 Orig. 4 1 thru 5 Orig. 5 1 thru 12 Orig. 6 1 thru 12 Orig. 7 1 thru 31 Orig. 1 — Part/Section 17 PART 6 PART 2 PART 3 Title Page Orig. 8 1 thru 17 Orig. 9 1 thru 62 Orig. Title Page Orig. 1 thru 7 8 9,10 11,12 12a 13 14,15 Orig. A Orig. A A Orig. A PART 4 10 16 All the technical changes are denoted by an arrow (-0.-) User Comment Sheet ( I next to a line indicates that ( 41 is found. A horizontal arrow (-0-) pointing to in the margin. A down ward pointing arrow technical changes begin at this line and continue until an upward pointing arrow ‘ a line indicates a technical change in only that line. A horizontal arrow located between two consecutive lines indicates technical changes in both lines or deletions. 0 0 0 1 * UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT PSS 1 Update C PAGE STATUS SUMMARY ISSUE: Update C UP-8068 Rev. 4 RELEASE LEVEL:i 8.0 Forward — Part/Section Page Number Cover/Disclaimer Update Level Orig. PSS 1 C Preface 1 2 3,4 Orig. A Orig. 1 thru 11 12 13, 14 15 16,16a 17, 18 19 Orig. C Orig. B A Orig. C Contents Page Number Update Level 10(cont) 14,15 16 thru 22 A Orig. 16(cont) 11 1 2 3 thru 7 8 9 10 thru 15 16 17 thru 51 Orig. A Orig. A C Orig. A Orig. PART 5 1 thru 9 10 11 thru 13 Orig. B Orig. 1 thru 18 18a 19 thru 29 Orig. C* Orig. 1 2 3 4 4a Sthru 13 Orig. B Orig. B B Orig. 1 2 3 thru 5 6 7 thru 12 13,14 15 thru 17 18 19 thru 21 Orig. B Orig. B Orig. C Orig. B Orig. 14 1 thru 13 Orig. 15 1 thru 7 8,9 10 11,12 13 14 15,16 17 l8thru2O 21 22 thru 111 Orig. C Orig. C Orig. C Orig. C Orig. C Orig. 2 3 4 4a B Orig. A B C Part/Section 12 13 PART 1 1 Title Page Orig. 1 2 2a 3 4thru 18 Orig. A A A Orig. 13A PART 2 Title Page Orig. 2 1 thru 4 Orig. 3 1 thru 31 Orig. 4 1 thru 5 Orig. 5 1 thru 12 Orig. 6 1 thru 12 Orig. 7 1 thru 31 Orig. 13B PART 3 Title Page Orig. 8 1 thru 17 Orig. 9 1 thru 62 Orig. Title Page Orig. 1 thru 7 8 9, 10 11,12 12a 13 Orig. A Orig. A A Orig. PART 4 10 16 Page Number Update Level 5 6 thru 14 C Orig. Title Page Orig. 1 thru 75 Orig. Title Page Orig. Appendix A 1 thru 11 Orig. Appendix B 1 thru 15 Orig. Appendix C 1 thru 11 Orig. Appendix D 1 thru 32 Orig. Appendix E 1 thru 26 Orig. Appendix F 1 2,3 A B Index 1, 2 3 4thru6 7 8thrul0 11 thru 23 24 25 thru 27 Orig. A B Orig. C Orig. C Orig. 3 B Part/Section 17 PART 6 User Comment Sheet *New pages f All the technical changes are denoted by an arrow (*—) in the margin. A downward pointing arrow ( ) next to a line indicates that technical changes begin at this line and continue until an upward pointing arrow ( is found. A horizontal arrow (-0.-) pointing to 4) a line indicates a technical change in only that line. A horizontal arrow located between two consecutive lines indicates technical changes in both lines or deletions. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT PSS 1 Update B PAGE STATUS SUMMARY ISSUE: Update B UP-8068 Rev. 4 RELEASE LEVEL: 8.0 Forward — Part/Section Page Number Cover/Disclaimer Update Level Orig. PSS 1 B Preface 1 2 3, 4 Orig. A Orig, Contents 1 thru 11 12 13,14 15 16, 16a l7thru 19 Orig. A Orig. B A Orig. Part/Section Page N umber Update Level 2 3 thru 7 8 9thru 15 16 17 thru 51 Orig. A Orig. A Orig. A Orig. 1 thru 9 10 11 thru 13 Orig. B Orig. 13 1 thru 29 Orig. 13A 1 2 3 4 4a 5 thru 13 Orig. B Orig. B B* Orig. 2 3 thru 5 6 7thru 17 18 l9thru 21 Orig. B Orig. B Orig. B Orig. 11 12 PART 1 Title Page Orig. 1 2 2a 3 4thru 18 Orig. A A A Orig. Title Page Orig, 2 1 thru 4 Orig. 3 1 thru 31 Orig. 14 1 thru 13 Orig. 4 1 thru 5 Orig. 15 1 thru 111 Orig. 5 1 thru 12 Orig. 16 2 3 4 5 6thru 14 B Orig. A B A Orig. Title Page Orig. 1 thru 75 Orig. Title Page Orig. Appendix A 1 thru 1 1 Orig. Appendix B 1 thru 15 Orig. Appendix C 1 thru 1 1 Orig. Appendix D 1 thru 32 Orig. Appendix E 1 thru 26 Orig. 1 13B PART 2 6 1 thru 12 Orig. 7 1 thru 31 Orig. Title Page Orig. 8 1 thru 17 Orig. 9 1 thru 62 Orig. Part/Section Page Number Appendix F 2 3 Index 1,2 3 4thru6 7 thru 27 Update Level A B Orig. A B Orig. User Comment Sheet PART 3 PARTS 17 PART 6 PART 4 10 Title Page Orig. 1 thru 7 8 9,10 11,12 12a 13 14,15 l6thru 22 Orig. A Orig. A A Orig. A Orig. *New pages All the technical changes are denoted by an arrow (-b-) in the margin. A downward pointing arrow I next to a line indicates that ‘ ) technical changes begin at this line and continue until an up ward pointing arrow ( is found. A horizontal arrow (-) pointing to a line indicates a technical change in only that line. A horizontal arrow located between two consecutive lines indicates technical changes in both lines or deletions. 4) UP-8068 Rev, 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT PSS 1 Update A PAGE STATUS SUMMARY ISSUE: RELEASE LEVEL: Part/Section Page Number Cover/Disclaimer Update Level Orig. Update A UP-8068 Rev, 4 7.0 Forward — Page Number Update Level 11 1 2 3 thru 7 8 9thru 15 16 17 thru 51 Orig. A Orig. A Orig. A Orig. 12 1 thru 13 Orig. 13 1 thru 29 Orig. 13A 1 thru 13 Orig. 138 1 thru 21 Orig. 14 1 thru 13 Orig. 15 1 thru 111 Orig. 16 1,2 3 thru 5 6thru 14 Orig. A Orig. Title Page Orig. 1 thru 75 Orig. Title Page Orig. Part/Section PSS 1 A Preface 1 2 3, 4 Orig, A Orig. Contents 1 thru 1 1 12 13 15,16 16a 17 thru 19 Orig. A Orig, A A* Orig. Title Page Orig. 1 2 2a 3 4 thru 18 Orig. A A* A Orig. Title Page Orig. 2 1 thru 4 Orig. 3 1 thru 31 Orig. 4 1 thru 5 Orig. 5 1 thru 12 Orig. Appendix A 1 thru 11 Orig. 6 1 thru 12 Orig. Appendix B 1 thru 15 Orig. 7 1 thru 31 Orig. Appendix C 1 thru 11 Orig. Appendix D 1 thru 32 Orig. Title Page Orig. Appendix E 1 thru 26 Orig. 8 1 thru 17 Orig. Appendix F 1,2 A 9 1 thru 62 Orig. Index 1,2 3 4 thru 27 Orig. A Orig. PART 1 1 Part/Section Page Number Update Level PART2 PART 5 17 PART 6 PART 3 PART 4 10 Title Page Orig. 1 thru 7 8 9,10 11,12 12a 13 14,15 16 thru 22 Orig. A Orig. A A* Orig. A Orig. User Comment Sheet *New pages All the technical changes are denoted by an arrow (-*—) in the margin. A downward pointing arrow technical changes begin at this line and continue until an upward pointing arrow ( 4 ( I next to a line indicates that I is found. A horizontal arrow (-0.’-) pointing to a line indicates a technical change in only that fine. A horizontal arrow located between two consecutive lines indicates technical changes in both lines or deletions, PSS 1 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 PAGE STATUS SUMMARY ISSUE: RELEASE LEVEL: Part/Section Page Number Update Level UP-8068 Rev. 4 7.0 Forward Part/Section PART 5 Cover/Disclaime PSS 1 Preface 1 thru 4 Contents 1 thru 19 17 PART 6 Page Number 1 thru 15 Appendix C 1 thru 11 Title Page Appendix D 1 thru 32 2 lthru4 Appendix E 1 thru 26 3 lthru3l Index 1 thru 27 4 lthru5 User Comment Sheet 5 lthrul2 6 lthrul2 7 lthru3l PART 2 PART 3 lthrul8 Title Page 8 lthrul7 9 lthru62 PART4 Update Level Title Page Appendix B 1 Page Number lthru75 1 thru 1 1 Title Page Part/Section Title Page Appendix A PART1 Update Level Title Page 10 1 thru 22 11 lthru5l 12 1 thru 13 13 lthru29 13A lthrul3 13B lthru2l 14 1 thru 13 15 1 thru 111 16 1 thru 14 f All the technical changes are denoted by an arrow (.-) in the margin. A downward pointing arrow ( I next to a line indicates that is found. A horizontal arrow (-*) pointing to technical changes begin at this line and continue until an upward pointing arrow a line indicates a technical change in only that line. A horizontal arrow located between two consecutive lines indicates technical (4) changes in both lines or deletions. - 1 ci t $ • C) $ I ‘S -.. .. ----I. $ I•• . •. .-Th a UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Preface 1 Preface This manual is one of a series designed to instruct and guide the programmer in the use of the SPERRY UNIVAC Operating System/3 (OS/3). This manual specifically describes OS/3 basic data management and its effective use. Its intended audience is the applications programmer with a basic knowledge of data processing, but with limited programming experience, as well as the seasoned applications programmer. Two other manuals are available that cover OS/3 basic data management; one is an introductory manual and the other is a programmer reference manual (PRM). The introductory manual briefly describes OS/3 basic data management and its facilities. The PRM provides the characteristics of OS/3 basic data management in skeletal form and is intended as a quick-reference document for the programmer experienced in the use of OS/3 basic data management. For systems with interactive facilities, an additional series of manuals is provided to instruct and guide the programmer in the use of OS/3 consolidated data management. These are: s Introduction to consolidated data management, UP-8824 • Consolidated data management concepts and facilities, UP-8825 • Consolidated data management macro language user guide/programmer reference, UP-8826 In general, any further references to the term data management in this user guide imply basic data management. This user guide is divided into the following parts: • PART 1. OS/3 DATA MANAGEMENT Introduces OS/3 data management in terms of what it is and how it is used; introduces and briefly describes consolidated data management; describes the data management/user interface and the relation of data management to other OS/3 software. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 • PART 2. Preface Update A CARD, DISKETTE, and PRINTER FILES Describes file and format conventions and the function and operation of OS/3 data management in relation to punched card, diskette, and printer files. • PART 3. MAGNETIC TAPE FILES Describes file and format conventions and the function and operation of OS/3 data management in relation to magnetic tape files. • PART 4. DISK FILES Describes file and format conventions and function and operation of OS/3 data management as related to disk files. Describes the indexed sequential access method (ISAM) both with and without an index structure, the sequential access method (SAM), the direct access method (DAM), the indexed random access method (IRAM), the multiple indexed random access method (MIRAM), and the nonindexed access method. Also includes information on disk space management. • PART 5. PAPER TAPE FILES Describes record, character, and file conventions and the functions of OS/3 data management for perforated paper tape files. • PART 6. APPENDIXES Provide selected functional characteristics of peripheral devices relevant to data management use; explain the OS/3 data management procedures for error and exception handling; compare the EBCDIC/ASCII/Hollerith codes and other card codes used in OS/3; describe the systems standard labels for magnetic tape and disk files; and describe the consolidated data management migration considerations. Statement Conventions The conventions used to delineate the data management macroinstructions are: • Positional parameters must be written in the order specified in the operand field and must be separated by commas. When a positional parameter is omitted, the comma must be retained to indicate the omission, except for the case of omitted trailing para meters. Examples: Assume that CNTRL is a data management macroinstruction with three optional positional parameters: A, B, and C. TAG1 TAG2 TAG3 TAG4 CNTRL CNTRL CNTRL CNTRL A A,B A,B,C A,,C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev 4 Preface 3 A keyword parameter consists of a word oracode immediately followed by an equal sign, which is 1 in turn, followed by a :specification. Keyword parameters can be written in* any order in the operand field. Commas are required only to separate parameters; however, a comma must neither be coded in column 16 of a continuation line nor follow the last keyword of a string. Example: Assume that the data management DTF macro for a card file (called CARDIN) has three keyword parameters: IOAREA1, BLKSIZE, and WORKA. CARDlN DTFCD IOAREA1=AREA1,BLKSIZE=80;WORKA=YES • Capital letters, commas, equal signs, and parentheses must be coded exactly as shown. The exceptions are those acronyms that are part of geheric terms representing information to be supplied by the user and the commas preceding keyboard parameters of declarative macroinstructions. (These commas serve to ust be separated by remind the user that keyboard parameters coded in a string commas.) Examples: Ft ELDS=([AD DR][,A2TD][,FR EQJ) REOC=(MERGE,label,reel,to) CMceNUMBCHAR=n X aa (NOV) m Lowercase letters and words are generic terms representing information that must be supplied bythe user. Such lowercase terms may contain hyphens and acronyms (for readability). Examples: name sta rt- addr number-of-bytes pa ram-i CCB-name • Information contained within braces represents mandatory entries of which one must be chosen. Examples: ffilename UP8O68 Rev. 4 I SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Preface A Information contained within brackets represents optional entries that (depending upon program requirements) are Included or omitted Braces within brackets signify that one of the specified entries mustbe chosen if that parameter isto be included. Examples: [I NPUT=NO] [OUTPUT=NO] I Jworkname L’o • An optional parameter which has a list of optional entries may have a default specification which is supplied by the operating system when the parameter is not specified by the user. Although the default may be specified by thern user with no adverse effect, it is considered inefficient to do so. For each reference, when a default specification occurs in the format delineation it is printed on a shaded background If by parameter omission, the operating system performs some complex. processing other than parameter insertion it is explained under an if-omitted heading in the parameter description. Examples: F,M ERG L F L • iNC JASCII iEBDUDH An ellipsis (series of three periods) indicates the omission of a variable number of entries. Example: param-1 • param-n Commas are required when positional parameters are omitted, except after the last parameter specified. Example: positional parameter 1, positional parameter 2,, positional parameter 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Contents 1 Contents PAGE STATUS SUMMARY PREFACE CONTENTS PART 1. OS/3 DATA MANAGEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. THE FUNCTION OF DATA MANAGEMENT 1-1 1.2. BASIC AND CONSOLIDATED DATA MANAGEMENT 1-1 1.3. 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.3.3. 1.3.4. 1.3.5. 1.3.6. 1.3.7. DATA STRUCTURE Définitión of Terms Punched Card Files Diskette Files Printer Files Magnetic Tape Files Disk Files Paper Tape Files 1-4 1-6 1-7 1—7 1-7 1-7 1-8 1-9 1.4. PROGRAMMING FOR DATA MANAGEMENT 1-9 1.5. 1.5.1. 1.5.2. 1.5.3. 1.5.4. 1.5.5. 1.5.6. 1.5.7. OS/3 DATA MANAGEMENT ENHANCEMENTS ISAM Files SAM and DAM Files IRAM Files MIRAM Files Error and Exception Returns Disk Flexibility and Hardware Constraints Shared Data ManagerneritModules 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-11 1-11 1-11 1-12 1.6. 1.6.1. 1.6.2. 1.6.3. DATA MANAGEMENT/USER INTERFACE Declarative Macroinstructions Imperative Macroinstructions Assembler Rules for Operand Field 1-12 1-12 1-14 1-14 1.7. 1.7.1. 1.7.2. 1.7.3. 1.7.4. 1.7.5. Contents 2 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1—15 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-17 1-18 RELATED OS/3 SOFTWARE System Service Programs (SSP) Job Control Supervisor Linkage Editor Data Utilities PART 2. CARD, DISKETTE, AND PRINTER FILES 2. 3. 4. CARD FORMATS AND FILE CONVENTIONS 2.1. GENERAL 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. FILE ORGANIZATION Card Input Files Card Output Files Combined Files 2.3. 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. RECORD FORMATS Start-of-Data Job Control Statement End-of-Data Job Control Statement Card Punch Records 2-1 :21 2-2 2—3 2-3 (/$) (/*) 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 FUNCTION AND OPERATION OF PUNCHED CARD SAM 3.1. GENERAL 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Punched Card Input Punched Card Output 3.3. DEFINE A SAM CARD FILE 3.4. 3.4.1. 3.4.2. 3.4.3. 3.4.4. 3.4.5. IMPERATIVE MACRO INSTRUCTIONS Open a Card SAM File Retrieve Next Logical Record Output a Record Controlling Stacker Selection on the Card Punch Using the CNTRL Imperative Macro Close a Card SAM File 3.5. 3.5.1. 3.5.2. ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING FilenameC FilenameS 3.6. SAMPLE PROGRAMS 3-i 3-1 3-1 3-2 (DTFCD) 3-3 (OPEN) (GET) (PUT) (CNTRL) 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-17 3-19 3-20 3-24 (CLOSE) 3-25 3-25 3-25 3-25 DISKETTE FORMATS AND FILE CONVENTIONS 4.1. GENERAL 4-1 Contents 3 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. FILE ORGANIZATION Diskette Input Files Diskette Output Files Combined Files 4-1 4-3 4-4 4-4 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. RECORD FORMATS Fixed-Length Records Variable-Length Records 4-4 4-4 4-4 FUNCTION AND OPERATION OF DISKEUE SAM 5. 5—1 5.1. GENERAL 5.2. 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.2.3. 5.2.4. 5.2.5. 5.2.6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Input Record Processing Output Record Processing Combined File Record Processing Multisector I/O Specifying 8413 Diskette Use Diskette Limitations 5.3. DEFINE A SAM DISKETTE FILE (DTFCD) 5.4. 5.4.1. 5.4.2. 5.4.3. 5.4.4. IMPERATIVE MACROINSTRUCTIONS Open a Diskette SAM File Retrieve Next Logical Record Writing a Diskette Record Closing a Diskette File (OPEN) (GET) (PUT) (CLOSE) 5—1 5—1 5-2 5—2 5—3 5-3 5-4 5—6 5—7 5-8 5-10 5-12 PRINTER FORMATS AND FILE CONVENTIONS 6. * 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6.1. 6.1 .1. 6.1.2. 6.1.3. 6.1.4. 6 1 5 GENERAL 0773 Printer 0770 Printer 0768 Printer 0776 Printer 0778 Printer 6.2. 6.2.1. 6.2.2. 6.2.3. FILE ORGANIZATION Text Tabular Data Printer Forms 6-2 6—3 6-4 6-4 6.3. RECORD FORMATS 6—5 6.4. 6.4.1 6.4.2. 6.4.3. 6.4.4. VERTICAL FORMAT AND LOAD CODE BUFFERS Load Code Buffer Interchangeability LCB Statement Specification LCB Specification fOr the 0773 and 077S Printers LCB Specification for the 0770 and 0776 Printers LCB Specification for the 0768 Printer Vertical Format Buffer Interchangeability VFB Statement Specification 6-7 6—7 6-7 6-8 6-8 6—8 6—9 6—9 Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem UP-8068 Rev. 4 7. Contents 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Specifying Home Paper Position Specifying Forms Overflow Position Specifying Special Forms Paper Tape Loop, 0768 Printer Vertical Format Buffer Statement Example 6—9 6-9 6-10 6-10 6-12 FUNCTION AND OPERATION OF SAM PRINTER FILES 7.1. GENERAL 7—1 7.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 7-1 7.3. DEFINE A SAM PRINTER FILE (DTFPR) 7-4 7.4. 7.4.1. 7.4.2. 7.4.3. 7.4.4. 7.4.5. IMPERATIVE MACROINSTRUCTIONS Open a Printer File Output a Record Control Printer Forms Print Overflow Action Close a Printer File (OPEN) (PUT) (CNTRL) (PRTOV) (CLOSE) 7-15 7-16 7-18 7—21 7-24 7-27 7.5. 7.5.1. 7.5.2. ERRORAND EXCEPTION HANDLING FilenameC Truncation of Print Line 7-28 7-28 7—28 7.6. SAMPLE PROGRAM 7—28 PART 3. MAGNETIC TAPE FILES 8. 9. MAGNETIC TAPE FORMATS AND FILE CONVENTIONS 8.1. GENERAL 8-1 8.2. 8.2.1. 8.2.2. 8.2.3. 8.2.4. 8.2.5. TAPE VOLUME AND FILE ORGANIZATION EBCDIC Standard Volume Organization EBCDIC Nonstandard Volume Organization EBCDIC Unlabeled Volume Organization ASCII Standard Volume Organization End-of-File and End-of-Volume Coincidence Magnetic Tape File Record and Block Formats 8-1 8-2 8-2 8-8 8-9 8-9 8-14 FUNCTIONS AND OPERATIONS, MAGNETIC TAPE SAM 9.1. GENERAL 9.2. 9.2.1. 9.2.2. DEFINING A MAGNETIC TAPE FILE Format of the DTFMT Declarative Macro Required and Most Frequently Used DTFMT Keywords Specifying the I/O Buffer Specifying the Length of the I/O Buffer Specifying Type of File Processing Error Processing End-of-Data Processing for an Input File Specifying a Register Save Area 9—1 (DTFMT) (IOAREA1) (BLKSIZE) (TYPEFLE) (ERROR) (EOFADDR) (SAVAREA) 9—1 9—2 9-10 9-10 9-10 9—11 9—12 9—12 9-13 UP-8068 Rev.4 Contents5 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 9-13 9-13 9—13 9-14 9-14 9—15 9—15 9—17 9-17 9-18 9-19 9—21 9-22 9-22 9-23 9-23 9-23 9-23 9-24 9-24 9-26 9-27 9-27 9-28 9-28 9-28 9-29 9-29 9-30 9.2.3. 9.2.4. 9.2.5. 9.2.6. 9.2.7. 9.2.8. 9.2.9. 9.2.10. Commonly Used DTFMT Keywords Specifying a Secondary I/O Buffer Specifying an Index Register Processing in a Work Area Handling Parity Errors Processing Block Numbers Block Number Specification Parameters Related to Tape Record Formats Specifying a Record Format Providing Record Size Blocking Variable Records in an I/O Area Parameters Related to Tape Movement Specifying Input File Direction Exercising General Rewind Options Rewinding at Open Rewinding at Close Parameters Related to Tape Label Processing Specifying Type of Tape Labels Eliminating Tape Mark After Header Labels Special Label Handling ASCII Processing Specifying ASCII Processing Specifying ASCII Buffer Offset Checking the Length of Variable ASCII Records Other DTFMT Keyword Parameters Specifying That a File is Optional Bypassing Checkpoint Dumps Nonstandard Forms of DTFMT Keywords Processing Multivolume Files 9.3. JOB CONTROL STATEMENTS USED WITH MAGNETIC TAPE FILES (DVC) Assigning a Tape Device to Your Job (LFD) Defining Your Logical File (VOL) Specifying Tape Volume Information Inhibiting Volume Serial Number Checking Specifying Dynamic Tape Prepping and Recording Density Specifying a Scratch Volume (LBL) Specifying Tape File Label Information Specifying File Identifier Checking Volume and File Serial Numbers Specifying File Expiration Date Specifying File Creation Date Specifying File Sequence Number Specifying File Generation and Version Numbers Creating Multivolume Tape Files Extending Tape Files Error Messages Related to Tape Label Processing 9-31 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-34 9-36 9-36 9-36 9-36 9-38 9—39 9-39 9-39 9-40 9-41 9-43 IMPERATIVE MACROS FOR PROCESSING MAGNETIC TAPE FILES Initiating Tape File Processing Terminating Tape File Processing Delivering the Next Logical Output Record to Tape SAM Reading the Next Logical Input Record From Tape 9-43 9-46 9-48 9-50 9-52 9.3.1. 9.3.2. 9.3.3. 9.3.4. 9.3.5. 9.3.6. 9.3.7. 9.4. 9.4.1. 9.4.2. 9.4.3. 9.4.4. (IOAREA2) (IOREG) (WORKA) (ERROPT) (BKNO) (RECFORM) (RECSIZE) (VARBLD) (READ) (REWIND) (OPRW) (CLRW) (FILABL) (TPMARK) (LABADDR) (ASCII) (BUFOFF) (LENCHK) (OPTION) (CKPTREC) (OPEN) (CLOSE) (PUT) (GET) UP-8068 Rev. 4 9.4.5. • . 9.4.6. 9.4.7. 9.4.8. 9.4.9. 9.4.10. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Changing File Processing Mode for an IN/OUT Tape File Writing Short Output Blocks to Magnetic Tape Skipping to the Next Input Block Forcing End-of-Volume Procedures Processing User Tape Labels Controlling Tape Unit Functions Contents 6 (SETF) (TRUNC) (RELSE) (FEOV) (LBRET) (CNTRL) 9-54 9-56 9-58 9-59 9-60 9-62 - PART 4. DISK FILES 10. ISAM FORMATS AND FILE CONVENTIONS 10.1. GENERAL 10-1 10.2. 10.2.1. 10.2.2. 10.2.3. 10.2.4. 10.2.5. ISAM FILE ORGANIZATION ISAM Record Formats ISAM Data Block Format Calculating Space Requirements for the File ISAM Index Blocks Calculating Space for the ISAM Index Area Loading the Top Index into Main Storage 10-3 10-5 10-8 10-11 10-12 10-14 10-16 10.3. 10.3.1. ALTERNATE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD ASAM Data Formats 10.4. MULTIVOLUME ISAM FILES (ASAM) 10-18 10-22 10-22 11. FUNCTIONS AND OPERATION OF ISAM 11.1. GENERAL 11—1 11.2. 11.2.1. 11.2.2. 11.2.3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, OS/3 ISAM Processing an Indexed ISAM File Processing an ISAM File Without an Index Structure Deleting Records From an ISAM File 11-2 11-2 11-3 11-4 11.3. DEFINING AN OS/3 ISAM FILE 11.4. 11.4.1. 11.4.2. 11.4.3. 11.4.4. 11.4.5. 11.4.6. 11.4.7. 11.4.8. 11.4.9. 11.4.10. 11.4.11. 11.4.12. 11.4.13. 11.4.14. 11.4.15. DTFIS KEYWORD PARAMETERS 11-8 Specifying File Accessing Options (ACCESS) 11—8 Specifying Size of Data Blocks (BLKSIZE) 11—9 Specifying Your Error Exit 11-10 (ERROR) Describing an Index Area in Main Storage (INDAREA,INDSIZE) 11-11 Eliminating the Index Structure (INDEXED) 11-12 Specifying I/O Buffers (IOAREA1 IOAREA2) 11-12 Specifying Current Record Pointer 11-13 (IOREG) Specifying the Type of File Processing (IOROUT) 11-13 Specifying Location of Retrieval Search Argument 11-14 (KEYARG) Specifying Length and Location of Record Keys (KEYLEN,KEYLOC) 11-15 Suppressing a File Lock (LOCK) 11—16 Providing Cylinder Overflow Area (PCYLOFL) 11—17 Specifying Record Size and Format (RECFORM,RECSlZE) 11-17 Specifying a Save Area for Contents of General Registers (SAVAREA) 11-18 Specifying the Type of Retrieval (TYPEFLE) 11—18 (DTFIS) 11-6 Contents 7 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 (UPDATE) (VERIFY) (WORK1 ,WORKS) 11—19 11—19 11-19 1 1—20 11—21 11.4.16. 11.4.17. 11 .4.18. 1 1 .4.19. 11.4.20. Forestalling Use of Update Functions Specifying Parity Check of Output Records Specifying Location of Record Work Areas. Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters Recapitulation of DTFIS Keyword Parameters 11.5. 1 1 .5.1. 11 .5.2. 11.5.3. 1 1 .5.3.1. 11.5.4. 1 1 .5.4.1. IMPERATIVE MACROS FOR ISAM FILES Basic Macroinstructions Initializing an ISAM File Terminating an ISAM File Loading and Extending an ISAM File Initiating the Load Sequence Writing Initial Records to the File Terminating the Load Sequence Inserting New Records in an ISAM File Adding a New Record to Overflow in an Existing File Adding a New Record to Overflow in an Existing File Ensuring Completion of Record Transfer Processing an ISAM File Randomly Retrieving a Record 11.5.5. Updating a Record Updating Last Record Retrieved Processing an ISAM File Sequentially Initializing a Retrieval Sequence Retrieving Next Logical Record Updating a Record Terminating a Retrieval Sequence 11.6. 11.6.1. 11.6.2. ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING FilenameC Other Addressable Fields of the DTFIS File Table 11-49 11-49 11-49 11.7 11 .7.1. PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE Sample ISAM File Load Program 11—50 11—50 1 1 .5.3.2. . (OPEN) (CLOSE) (SETFL) (WRITE,NEWKEY) (ENDFL) 11-23 1 1—23 11—24 11—25 11-26 11—27 11—28 11—30 11—31 (WRITE,NEWKEY) 11—32 (ADD) (WAITF) 11—34 11—35 11-35 . (READ,ID and READ,KEY) (WRITE,KEY) (UPDT) (SETL) (GET) (PUT) (ESETL) 11-36 11-38 11—40 11-40 11—42 11—44 11—46 11—48 12. IRAM FORMATS AND FILE CONVENTIONS 12.1. 12.1.1. GENERAL IRAM Concepts 12-1 12-1 12.2. 12.2.1. 12.2.2. 12.2.3. 12.2.4. IRAM FILE CONVENTIONS AND FORMATS The Data Partition Entries in the Index Partition Structure of IRAM Index Estimating Disk Space Required for an Indexed IRAM File Estimating Disk Space Required for a Nonindexed IRAM File 12-3 12-3 12—3 12-6 12.2.5. 12-9 12-12 UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Contents 8 13. FUNCTIONS AND OPERATIONS OF IRAM 13.1. 13.1.1. 13.1 .1 .4. 13.1.2. 13.1;.2.2. PROCESSING NONINDEXEDIRAM FILES Processing Sequential IRAM Files Creating a Sequential IRAMFIle. Extending a Sequential IRAM File Adding Records to a Sequential File Retrieving and Updating Records in a Sequential IRAM. File Deleting Records from a Sequential IRAM File Reorganizing a Sequential IRAM File Processing Direct IRAM Files Creating a Direct IRAM File Extending a Direct IRAM File Adding Records to a Direct IRAM File Retrieving and Updating Records in a Direct IRAM File Deleting Records from a Direct IRAM File Reorganizing a Direct IRAM File 13—1 13-2 13-2 13—3 13-3 13-3 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-7 13-8 13-8 13.2. 13.2.1. 13.2.2. 13.2.3. 13.2.4. 13.2.5. 13.2.6. 13.2.7. PROCESSING INDEXED IRAM FILES Creating an Indexed IRAM File Extending an Indexed IRAM File Retrieving and Updating in an IRAM File With Index Active Adding Records During Retrieval Index Active Retrieval and Update When Index is Inactive Deleting Records from an Indexed IRAM File Reorganizing an Indexed IRAM File 13-9 13—10 13-11 13-11 13—12 13-13 13-14 13-14 13.3. DEFINING AN OS/3 IRAM FILE 13.4. 13.4.1. 13.4.2. DTFIR KEYWORD PARAMETERS Specifying File Accessing Options Specifying the Addition of Records.toIRAM : Input File Specifying the Buffer Size for IRAM File Specifying the End-of-File Handling Routine Specifying Error Routines Naming Main Storage Location for Index Block Processing Specifying the Index Area Length in Main Storage Indicating Processing by Key Identifying the I/O Area Identifying an Additional I/O Area Pointing to Current I/O Area Naming a Place for Key Retrieval Specifying Key Lengths for IRAM Files Specifying Number of Bytes Preceding Keys Suppressing a File Lock Specifying Retrieval and Load Modes for Indexed and Nonindexed IRAM Files Specifying Optional Files Specifying Record Length Locating Relative Disk Address for Processing IRAM File by Relative Record Numbers Verifying Ascending Record Key Order During File Creation Specifying the File Type Updating Records Verifying Output Records 13.4.3. 13.4.4. 13.4.5. 13.4.6. 13.4.7. 13A.8. 13.4.9. 13.4.10. 13.4.11. 13.4.12. 13.4.13. 13.4.14. 13.4.15. 13.4.16. 13.4.17. 13.4.18. 13.4.19. 13.4.20. 13.4.21. 13.4.22. 13.4.23. ... - . . . . (DIFIR) 13—15 (ACCESS) 13—18 13—18 (AD D) (BFSZ) (EOFA) (ERRO) (INDA) (INDS) (INDX) (IOA1) (10A2) (IORG) (KARG) (KLEN) (KLOC) (LOCK) 13-19 13—19 13-19 13—19 13—20 13—20 13-20 13-20 13—21 13—21 13—21 13—21 13—22 13-22 (MODE). (OPTN) (RCSZ) 13—22 13—22 13—23 (SKAD) 13—23 (SQCK) (TYPE) (UPDT) (VRFY) 13—23 13-23 13-24 13-24 13.4.24. 13.4.25. 13.4.26. 13.5. 13.5.1. 13.5.2. 13.5.3. Contents 9 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Specifying File Processing With One Volume Online at a Time Specifying Input or Output Record Processing in a Work Area Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters IRAM KEYWORD PARAMETERS DDJOB CONTROL STATEMENTSUPPORTONLY Variable Sector Support for IRAM Files File Recovery Support for IRAM FiIes Automatic Computation of Initial Allocation Percentages for IRAM Files (VMNT) 13-24 (WORK) 13-24 13-25 - (VSEC) (RECV) 13—25 13-26 13-27 (AUTO) 13-28 13A. MIRAM FORMATS AND FILE CONVENTIONS 13A.1. 13A.1 .1. GENERAL MIRAM Concepts 13A—1 13A-2 13A.2. 13A.2.1. 13A.2.2. 13A.2.3. 1 3A.2.4. 13A.2.5. 1 3A.2.6. MIRAM FILE ORGANIZATION The Data Partition Entries in the Index Partition MIRAM Index Structure Retrieving Records froman Indexed MIRAM FiIe Estimating Disk Space Required for an Indexed MIRAM File Estimating Disk Space Required for a Nonindexed MIRAM File 13A-3 13A-3 13A-6 13A-7 13A-8 13A-9 13A-12 S 13B. FUNCTIONS AND OPERATIONS OF MIRAM 13B.1. GENERAL 13B-1 13B.2. 13B.2.1. 13B.2.2. 13B.2.3. 13B.2.4. 13B.2.5. 13B.2.6. 13B.2.7. 13B.2.8. 13B.2.9. 13B.2.1O. 13B.2.11. PROCESSING NONINDEXED MIRAM FILES Creating a Sequential MIRAM File Extending a Sequential MIRAM File Adding Records to a Sequential MIRAM File Retrieving and Updating Records in a Sequential MIRAM File Deleting Records from a Sequential MIRAM File Reorganizing a Sequential MIRAM File Creating a Relative MIRAM File : Extending a Relative MIRAM File Retrieving and Updating Records in a Relative MIRAM File Deleting Records from a Relative MIRAM File Reorganizing a Relative MIRAM File 13B-1 13B-2 13B-2 13B-3 13B-3 13B-3 138-3 138-4 13B-4 13B-4 13B-5 13B-5 13B.3. 13B.3.1. 13B.3.2. 13B.3.3. 13B.3.4. 13B.3.5. 13B.3.6. PROCESSING INDEXED MIRAM FILES Creating an Indexed MIRAM File Extending an Indexed MIRAM File Retrieving and Updating Records in an Indexed MIRAM File Adding Records to an Indexed MIRAM File during Retrieval Deleting Records from an Indexed MIRAM File Reorganizing an Indexed MIRAM File 13B-5 138-6 13B-6 13B-7 13B-8 138-8 13B-8 138.4. DEFINING AN OS/3 MIRAM FILE : (DTFMI) 13B-8 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13B.5. 1 3B.5.1. 1 3B.52. 1 3B.5.3. 1 3B.5.4. 13B.5.5. 1 3B.5.6. 1 3B.5.7. 13B.5.8. 138.5.9. 1 3B.5.1O. 1 3B.5.1 1. 1 3B.5.1 2. 13B.5.13. 138.5.14. 1 3B.5.1 5. 13B.5.16. 138.5.17. 1 3B.5.1 8. 138.5.19. 1 3B.5.20. 138.5.21. 138.5.22. 138.5.23. 138.5.24. 1386. 13B.6.1. 138.6.2. 13B.6.3. DTFMI KEYWORD PARAMETERS Specifying File Accessing Options Specifying the Buffer Size for a MIRAMFile Specifying the End-of-File Handling Routine Specifying Error Handling Routines Naming the Main Storage Area for Index Block Processing Specifying the Index Area Length in Main Storage Identifying the Primary Data Buffer Identifying the Secondary Data Buffer Pointing to the Current Data Buffer Specifying the Key Argument Field Specifying the Keys for an Indexed File Suppressing a File Lock Specifying Processing Mode for MIRAM Files Specifying Optional Files Specifying Type of Operations Specifying Record Control Byte Specifying Record Format Specifying Record Length Specifying Record Retrieval Purpose Specify the Location of the Relative Disk Address for Processing a MIRAM File by Relative Record Numbers Verifying Output Records Specifying File Processing with One Volume Online ataTime Specifying Record Processing in a Work Area Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters MIRAM KEYWORD PARAMETERS DD JOB CONTROL STATEMENT SUPPORT ONLY Variable Sector Support for MIRAM Files File Recovery Support for MIRAM Files Automatic Computation of Initial Allocation Percentages for MIRAM Files Contents 10 (ACCESS) (BFSZ) (EOFA) (ERRO) (INDA) (INDS) (IOA1) (10A2) (lORG) (KARG) (KEYn) (LOCK) (MODE) (OPTN) (PROC) (RCB) (RCFM) (RCSZ) (RETR) 13B-i3 1 3B-i 3 1 3B-i 3 1 3B-i 3 1 3B-i 3 1 3B-1 4 1 3 B—i 4 1 3 B—i 4 138-15 138-15 13B-15 138-16 1 3 B—i 6 1 38-i 6 i3B—i7 1 3B-1 7 138-17 1 3B-i 8 138-18 1 3B-1 8 (SKAD) (VRFY) 138-19 138-19 (VMNT) (WORK) 1 3B-i 9 138-20 138-20 - (VSEC) (RECV) 138-2i 138-21 13B-2i (AUTO) 138-21 14. NON INDEXED DISK FILE FORMATS AND CONVENTIONS 14.1. GENERAL 14-1 14.2. 14.2.1. 14.2.2. 14.2.3. 14.2.4. FILE ORGANIZATION Partitioning DTFNI Files Subfiles in DTFNI Partitions System Standard Labels for Nonindexed Disk Files Optional Standard User Labels User Header Labels User Trailer Labels i4-2 14-3 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-5 14-6 14.3. 14.3.1. 14.3.2. 14.3.3. NONINDEXED FILE RECORD FORMATS Fixed-Length Records Variable-Length Records Optional Key Fields With Nonindexed Files 14-6 14-7 i4-8 14-10 Contents l1 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 15. NONINDEXED FILE ACCESS METHODS: FUNCTION AND OPERATION 15.1. GENERAL 15-1 15.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, OS/3 SAM 15-3 15.3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, OS/3 DAM 15-4 15.4. FUNCTIONS OF THE OS/3 NONINDEXED FILE ACCESS METHOD 15-5 15.5. 15.5.1. 15.5.2. 15.5.3. 15.5.4. NONINDEXED DISK FILE DECLARATIVE MACROS Defining a Sequential Disk File Defining a Direct Access Disk File Defining a Nónindexed Disk File Defining a Partition Control Appendage 15.6. 15.6.1. 15.6.2. 15.6.3. 15.6.4. 15.6.5. 15.6.6. 15.6.7. 15.6.8. 15.6.9. 15.6.10. 15.6.1 1. 15.6.12. 15.6.13. 15.6.14. 15.6.15. 15.6.16. 15.6.17. 15.6.18. 15.6.19. 15.6.20. 15.6.21. 15.6.22. 15.6.23. 15.6.24. 15.6.25. 15.6.26. 15.6.27. 15.6.28. 15.6.29. 15.6.30. 15.6.31. 15.6.32. KEYWORD PARAMETERS FOR DECLARATIVE MACROS Specifying File Accessing Options WRITE,AFTER or WRITE,RZERO Macro Issue Specifying Block Length Address for Routine on End-of-Input File or Partition Handling Parity Errors on Sequential Disk Files Error Processing Specifying Field for Return of Relative Disk Address Specifying the Factor for Record Interlace Specifying Input/Output Buffer Specifying a Secondary Input/Output Buffer Specifying Index Register for Current Data Pointer Specifying Address of Argument for Key Search Specifying the Length of Record Keys Specifying Address of Your Label Processing Routine Suppressing a File Lock Specifying an Optional Sequential File Specifying Address of Partitions for DTFNI Files Specifying Issue of a READ,lD Macro Specifying Issue of a READ,KEY Macro Specifying Format of Records in Disc Files Specifying Size of Records in Blocked Disc Files Specifying the Form for Relative Addressing Specifying a Save Area for Contents of General Registers Specifying Relative Disk Address for Random Processing Assigning Initial Disk Space to a File Partition Extending Key Search to Multiple Tracks Specifying Support of Subfiles in a Partition Specifying Processing of User Trailer Labels Defining the Type of File Specifying Dynamic Extension of a File Partition Specifying Update Processing Mode for Sequential Files Specifying Register for Residual Space, Variable Records Specifying Parity Check Verification of Output Specifying Sequential Processing in a Work Area Specifying Issue of WRITE,lD Macro Specifying Issue of WRITE,KEY Macro Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters 15.6.33. 15.6.34. 15.6.35. 15.6.36. 15.6.37. 15-7 (DTFSD) (DTFDA) (DTFNI) (DPCA) (ACCESS) (AFTER) (BLKSIZE) (EOFADDR) (ERROPT) (ERROR) (IDLOC) (LACE) (IOAREA1) (IOAREA2) (IOREG) (KEYARG) (KEYLEN) (LABADDR) (LOCK) (OPTION) (PCA) (READID) (READKEY) (RECFORM) (RECSIZE) (RELATIVE) (SAVAREA) (SEEKADR) (SIZE) (SRCHM) (SUBFILE) (TRLBL) (TYPEFLE) (UOS) (UPDATE) (VARBLD) (VERIFY) (WORKA) (WRITEID) (WRITEKEY) 15-8 15-11 15-14 15-16 15-20 15-21 15-21 15-22 15-25 15—26 15-26 15—28 15-30 15-33 15-34 15-34 15-35 15-36 15-37 15-38 15—38 15—39 15-40 15-40 15—40 15-42 15-42 15-45 15-46 15-49 15—50 15-50 15—51 15—51 15-53 15-54 15-54 15-55 15—56 15-56 15-57 15—57 UP-8068 Rev. 4, 15.7.10. 15.7.11. 15.7.1 2. 15.7.13. 15.7.1 4. 15,7.14.1. 15.7.15. 15.7.16. 15.7.17. 15.7.18. IMPERATIVE MACROS FOR NONINDEXED DISK FILES Opening a Disk File Closing a Disk File Processing Optional User Labels Creating Optional User Labels Retrieving or Updating User Labels Accessing a Selected File Partition Processing Subfiles Within a Partition Initializing Position of a File or Partition Forcing End-of-Volume Procedures Setting File Processing Mode Output of Sequential Disk Files Creating a Sequential Disk File Updating and Extending an Existing Disk File Processed Sequentially Extending an Existing DTFSD Output File Output of Blocked Records, Sequential Disk Files Output of Sequential DTFNI Files With Keys Optional SeqUential Input Files Output of Short Variable Blocks to Sequental Disk Files RandOm Output of Records to Disk Creating a Random Disk File by Sequential Load Selecting and Initializing a New Track Recording the Logical End-of-File Creating or Updating Blocks by Relative Disk Address Rewriting Randomly Retrieved Blocks to Disk Retrieving Records From Sequentially Processed Disk Files Skipping Records in Sequentially Processed Input Blocks Random Retrieval From Direct Access Files Random Retrieval of Records by Relative Disk Address Direct Retrieval and Updating of Input Blocks by Key Controlling Disk Head Movement to a Track Waiting on Completion of I/O to Random Disk Files Accessing the Current Relative Block Address Positioning a File or Partition to a Relative Block Address 15.8. 15.8.1. ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING FilenameC 15.7. 15.7.1. 15.7.2. 15.7.3. 15.7,4. 15.7.5. 15.7.6. 15.7.7. 15.7.8. 15.7.9. Contents 12 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT (OPEN) (CLOSE) (LBRET) (SETP) (SETS) (POINTS) (FEOV) (SETF) (PUT) (TRUNC) (WRITE) (WRITE,AFTER) (WRITE,RZERO) (WRITE,AFTER,EOF) (WRITE,ID) (WRITE,KEY) (GET) (RELSE) (READ) (READ,lD) (READ,KEY) (CNTRL) (WAITF) (NOTE) (POINT) 15-59 15-62 15-63 15-64 15-66 15-67 15-68 15-70 15-72 15-73 15-74 15-75 15-76 15-78 15-79 15-80 15-80 15-81 15-82 15-84 15-86 15-88 15-89 15-90 15-93 15-94 15-96 15-97 15-99 15-101 15-103 15-105 15-106 15-108 15—111 15—111 16. SYSTEM RESOURCE CONTROL 16—1 16—1 16-2 16-2 16-3 16-3 16—3 16-4 1 6—4a 16.1. 16.1.1. 16.1.2. 16.1.3. 16.1.4. DEVICE ALLOCATION AND FILE ASSIGNMENT Use of Job Control Statements Sample Device Assignment Set Job Control Deallocation Statement Using the File Lock Feature Indicating Which Files are Lockable Setting File Locks for Data Files in BAL Programs Setting File Locks for Data Files in. Non-Bal Programs File Lock Feature Summary 16.2. RENAMING A DISK FILE (RENAME) 16-6 16.3. DYNAMIC DEALLOCATION OF A DISK FILE (SCRTCH) 16-8 16.4. 16.4.1. DISC SPACE MANAGEMENT AND THE VTOC Retrieving VTOC Information Retrieving Specific Format Label Items (OBTAIN) 16-11 16-12 16-14 (SCR) Contents 13 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 PART5.PAPER TAPE FILES 17 PAPER TAPE DATA MANAGEMENT 17.1. GENERAL 17—1 17.2. 17.2.1. 17.2.2. 17.2.3. HARDWARE AND PAPER TAPE CONSIDERATIONS The Program Connector Board Wiring the Program Connector for the Tape Punch Wiring the Program Connector for the Tape Reader Paper Tape Leader Paper Tape Trailer 17—1 17-2 17—2 17-2 17-3 17-3 17.3. 17.3.1. 17.3.2. 17.3.3. 17.3.4. CHARACTER AND RECORD TYPES ON PAPER TAPE Null, Delete, and Stop Characters Letter and Figure Shift Characters Record Formats in Paper Tape Files Interrecord Gaps in Paper Tape Files 17—4 17-4 17—6 17—10 17—10 17.4. 17.4.1. 17.4.2. 17.4.3. 17.4.4. PROCESSING PAPER TAPE FILES Initializing a Paper Tape File Terminating Paper Tape File Processing Reading a Logical Record From Paper Tape Punching a Logical Record into Paper Tape 17.5. 17.5.1. DEFINING PAPER TAPE FILES Basic DTFPT Keyword Parameters Specifying File Type Specifying Record Format Specifying Block Size Specifying Buffers, Work Areas, and Double Buffering 17.5.2. 17.5.3. Specifying Oversized Buffers Specifying Register for Record Size Specifying File Processing Mode Highlights of Binary Mode Processing Highlights of the Character Mode Letter/ Figure Shifting and Translation, Input Files in Character Mode Character Deletion, Input Files, in Binary or Character Mode Translation for Input Files Without Shifted Codes Specifying the End-of-Tape Routine for Input Files Translation and Letter/Figure Shifting, Output Files 17.5.4. 17.5.5. 17.5.6. 17.5.7. 17.5.8. 17.5.9. 17.5.10. Translation for Unshifted Output Files, Either Mode Specifying the End-of-Record Stop Character for Output Files Specifying Optional File Processing Providing a General Register Save Area Data Management Error Processing, Paper Tape Files Processing ASCII Paper Tapes (OPEN) (CLOSE) (GET) (PUT) (DTFPT) (TYPEFLE) (RECFORM) (BLKSIZE) (IOAREAl) (IOAREA2) (IOREG) (WORKA) (OVBLKSZ) (RECSIZE) (MODE) (MODE=BINARY) (MODE=STD) (SCAN) (LTRANS) (FTRANS) (SCAN) (TRANS) (TRANS) (EOFADDR) (FSCAN) (LSCAN) (TRANS) (TRANS) (EORCHAR) (OPTION) (SAVAREA) (ERROR) (SCAN) (TRANS) 17—15 17—17 17—18 17—20 17-22 17-24 17-28 17—28 17—29 17-29 17—30 17-33 17—35 17-36 17—36 17—37 17—39 17-45 17-46 17-49 17—50 17—58 17-60 17-62 17—63 17-65 17-70 UP-8068 Rev. 4 17.6. 17.6.1. 17.6.2. 17.6.3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Contents 14 COMPARISON OF OS/3 WITH OTHER PAPER TAPE SYSTEMS Compatibility with OS/4 Compatibility with the 9200/9300 Series Compatibility with IBM System/360 DOS 17-73 17-73 17-74 17-74 PART 6. APPENDIXES A. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PERIPHERAL DEVICES B. ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING C. D. B.1. GENERAL B-i B.2. B.2.1. RETURN OF CONTROL Error Handling with ISAM B-2 B.3. B.3.1. B.3.2. B.3.3. SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGES Data Management Error Messages Disk Space Management Error Codes Disk File Extension Error Handling B.4. 8.4.1. 8.4.2. ERROR FLAGGING PROCEDURES FilenameC Other DTF Fields B-i 8-2 B-2 B-1O B-12 - 8-12 8-13 8-15 CODE CORRESPONDENCES Cl. GENERAL C-i C.2. C.2.1. C.2.2. C.2.3. EBCDIC/ASCII/HOLLERITH CORRESPONDENCE Hollerith Punched Card Code EBCDIC ASCII C-i C-2 C-2 C-2 C.3. C.3.1. C.3.2. OTHER CARD CODES Compressed Card Code Column Binary (Image) Code C-8 C-B C-9 C.4. DATA CONVERSION C-9 LABELS FOR DISK FILES - D.1. GENERAL D-1 D.2. D.2.1. D.2.2. D.2.3. D.2.4. D 2 5 VOLUME INFORMATION GROUP VOL1 Label Disk Format 4 Label Disk Format 5 Label Disk Format 6 Label Disk Format 0 Label D-2 D-3 D-4 D-8 D-9 D-i 1 - UP—8068 Rev.4 - E. D.3. D.3.1. D.3.2. D.3.. FILE Disk Disk Disk D.4. D.4.1. D.42. OPTIONAL USER STANDARD LABELS User Header Labels User Trailer Labels D-28 D-28 D-29 D.5. 8413 DISKETTE FILE LABEL D—30 D-12 D—13 D-18 D-25 INFORMATION GROUP Format 1 Label Format 2 Label Format 3 Label MAGNETIC TAPE LABELS OS/3 SYSTEM STANDARD LABELS FOR MAGNETIC TAPE E-i E.2. E.2,1. E.2.2. E.2.2.1. E.2.2.2. E.2.3. E.24. SYSTEM STANDARD TAPE LABELS Volume Label Group File Header Label Group First File Header Label Second File Header Label File Trailer Label Group Standard User Header and Trailer Labels E-1 E—2 E-4 E—4 E—7 E—9 E-14 E.3. E.31. E311. E.3.l 2. E.3.2. E.3.21. E.3.22. E.3.2.3. E.3.24. ASCII STANDARD MAGNETIC TAPE LABELS ASCII Character Code and Processing Output Processing of Labels in ASCII Magnetic Tape Files Input Processing of Labels in ASCII Magnetic Tape Files OS/3 Processing of Certain Fields in ASCII Tape Labels Accessibility Field Label Standard Level Field Expiration Date Field Systems Code E-15 E-15 E—15 E—15 E-15 E—16 E—16 E—16 E—16 E.4. PADDING E-16 El. F. Contents 15 Update B SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT (HDR1) (HDR2) CONSOLIDATED DATA MANAGEMENT MIGRATION CONSIDERATIONS Fl. F.2. F.21. F.2.ii. F.2.2. F.2.3. F.2.4. F.2.5. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO MIGRATE TO CONSOLIDATED DATA MANAGEMENT? MIGRATION REQUIREMENTS BAL Programs OS/3 Sequential DTF Mode to CDI Macro Converter (DTFCDI3O1) RPG II Programs 1968 American National Standard COBOL Programs 1974 American National Standard COBOL Programs FORTRAN Programs INDEX USER COMMENT SHEET F-i F-i F-i F—2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-3 UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Contents 16 Update A FIGURES 1—1. 1—2. Organization of Data on Typical Peripheral Devices Magnetic Tape File Organization 1—4 1—8 2—1. 2—2. 2—3. Typical Card File Structure Fixed-Length Unblocked Record Format for Input and Combined Card Files Card Punch (Output File) Record Formats 2—2 2—2 2—4 3—1. Schematic Diagram of Card Flow Through 0604 Card Punch 3—20 4—1. 4—2. Typical Organization of a Diskette Volume Diskette File Record Formats 4—2 4—5 6—1. 6—2. 6-3. 6—4. Typical Text Output Example Sample Table Printout Sample Forms Printout Printer Record Formats 6—3 6—4 6-4 6—6 8—1. 8—2. Reel Organization for EBCDIC Standard Labeled Volumes Containing a Single File Reel Organization for EBCDIC Standard Labeled Tape Volume: Multifile Volume With End-of-File Condition Reel Organization for EBCDIC Standard Labeled Tape Volumes: Multifile Volumes With End-of-Volume Condition Reel Organization for EBCDIC Nonstandard Volume Containing a Single File Reel Organization for EBCDIC Nonstandard Multifile Volume Reel Organization for Unlabeled EBCDIC Volumes Label Configuration ASCII Single File Single Volume and Multivolume Sets Label Configuration, ASCII Multifile Single-Volume Set Label Configuration, ASCII Multifile, Multivolume Set Label Configuration Options ASCII Multifile Multivolume Set When End-of-Volume and End-of-File Coincide Record and Block Formats for Magnetic Tape Files, ASCII and EBCDIC 8—3 8—3. 8—4. 8—5. 8—6. 8—7 8—8. 8—9. 8—10 8—11. The Two Partitions of an Indexed OS/3 ISAM File: Cylinder Formats of the Index Partition and the Data Partition 10—2. Fixed-Length ISAM Records, With and Without Keys 10—3. Variable-Length ISAM Records, With and Without Keys 10—4. Layout of ISAM Data Blocks (Prime or Overflow) on Disk, Each Containing Two Logical Records 10-5. Schematic Diagram of ISAM Records Chained Into Logical Sequence After Adding Records to the File 10—6. Format of Full OS/3 ISAM Index Blocks 10—7. OS/3 ISAM File Structure 10-8. Blocks of an ISAM Top Index on Disk and Corresponding INDAREA Table in Main Storage 10-9. Logical Aspect of an ASAM File Containing Not More than One Record Chained in Overflow From Any One Prime Data Record 10—10. Logical Effect of Successively Adding Three Records in Overflow, Chained From Same Prime Data Record of an ISAM File 8—4 8—5 8—6 8—7 8—8 8—10 8—11 8—12 8—13 8—14 10-1. 10—4 10—6 10—7 10—9 10—10 10—12 10—13 10—17 10—20 10—21 UP-8068 ev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Contents 16a Update A 1 2—i. 12—2. 12—3. 1 2—4. 1 2—5. 1 2—6. IRAM Data Records With and Without Keys IRAM Data Records Spanning Disk Sectors on a Fixed Sector Disk Typical Fine-Level Index Block of Three Sectors Typical Coarse- or Mid-Level Index Sector IRAM Index Partition Typical Search of 4-Level IRAM Index 12—4 12—5 12—5 12—6 12—7 12—8 1 3A—1. 13A—2. 13A—3. 13A—4. 1 3A—5. MIRAM Characteristic Data Record Formats MIRAM Data Record Slots Spanning Physical Block or Sector Boundaries Fine-Level Index Block Coarse- or Mid-Level Index Block MIRAM Index Partition 1 3A—4 13A—5 13A—6 13A—7 13A—8 14—1. 14—2. 14—3. 14—4. Organization of a DTFNI Disk File Into Partitions and Subfiles Fixed-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files Without Keys Variable-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files Without Keys Keyed Fixed- and Variable-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files 14—4 14—8 14—9 14—12 UP-8068 Rev. 4 15-1. 15-2. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Contents 17 Record Formats and I/O Area Contents for Nonindexed Disk Files Reading a Sequential Disk File With and Without Record Interface Tape Leader Paper Data File and Tape Trailer Undefined Paper Tape Record of Maximum Size for the File: Relationship of Record Length to BLKSIZE Specification Undefined Output Record for Standard Mode Paper Tape File in I/O 17—3. Area and as Punched on Tape 17—4. Relationships of Record Length, Work Area Length, and I/O Area Length to BLKSIZE Specification and Content of RECSIZE Register for an Undefined Record Input From Paper Tape With Shifted Codes 17—5. Undefined and Fixed, Unblocked Records Followed by lnterrecord Gaps in Output Paper Tape File, Either Processing Mode Undefined and Fixed Unblocked Records Followed by Interrecord Gaps in Input 17—6 Paper Tape Files, Standard Processing Mode 17—7. Fixed, Unblocked Record Followed by Interrecord Gap in Input Paper Tape File, Binary Processing Mode 17—8 Shifted Undefined Records as They Appear on Paper Tape and in User Work Area Input File Character Mode (MODESTD) 17—9. Shifted, Fixed, Uhblocked Records on Paper Tape and in Work Areas: input File, Character Mode (MODESTD) 17—10. Relationships of Logical Record Length, Work Area Length, and I/O Buffer Length to the BLKSIZE and OVBLKSZ Specifications for a Fixed, Unblocked Record Input From Paper Tape With Shifted Codes 17—11. Portion of ASCII Punched Paper Tape, Showing Correspondence Between Hole Patterns and the Bits of the ASCII Code 17—1 17—2. 15—24 15—31 17—3 17-6 17-7 17-9 17—il 17-12 17-13 17—14 17—15 17—33 17—71 C-i. C-2. C-3. Compressed Card Code Column Binary (Image) Card Code 96-Column Card Punch Codes C-B C-9 c-1i 0-i. D-2. D-3. D-4. D-5. D-6. D-7. 0-8. 0-9. 0-10. 0-il. D-12. D-i3. D-i4 0-15. 0-16. VTOC Volume Information Label Group VTOC VOL1 Label Disk Format 4 Label Disk Format 5 Label Disk Format 6 Label Disk Format 0 Label File Information Group Label Chain Disk Format 1 Label Disk Format 2 Label Nonindexed Files (DTFSD OTFDA DTFNI) ISAM (DTFIS) File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label IRAM/MIRAM File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Library File Information Area Disk Format 2 Label Disk Format 3 Label Optional User Standard Header Label Optional User Standard Trailer Label 8413 Diskette File Label Format D-2 D-3 D-5 D-8 0-10 D-1 1 0-12 D-1 3 0-i 9 D-20 D-20 0-21 D-26 0-28 0-29 D-30 E-i. Tape Volume 1 (VOL1) Label Format for an EBCDIC Volume First File Header Label (HDR1) Format for an EBCDIC Tape VolUme Second File Header Label (HDR2) Format for an EBCDIC Tape Volume Tape File EOF1 and EOV1 Label Formats Tape File EOF2 and EOV2 Label Formats Optional User Header and Trailer Label Format, ASCII and Standard Labeled EBCDIC Tape Files E-3 E-5 E-8 E-iO E-i2 E-3. E-4. E—5. E—6. E-i 4 UP-8068Rev. 4 E-7. E-8. E-9. E-10. E-11. Contents 18 SPERRYUNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Volume Header Label (VOL1> for an ASCII Magnetic Tape Volume First File Header Label (HDR1> for an ASCII Magnetic Tape Volume Second File Header Label (HDR2) for an ASCII Volume First End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF1/EOV1>for an ASCII Volume Second End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF2/EOV2) for an ASCII Volume E-17 E—19 E-21 E—23 E—25 TABLES 3—i. Summary of Keyword Parameters for the DTFCD Macroinstruction 3—13 6—i. VFB Statement Specification and Interchangeability ‘6—11 7-1. 7-2. 7-3. 7-4. Device Independent Control Character Codes Overflow and Home Paper Control Character Codes Summary of Keyword Parameters for DTFPR Macroinstruction Device Skip Code Table 7-6 7-8 7-14 7-22 9-1. .9—2. 9-3. Summary of DTFMT Keyword Parameters Variants of DTFMT Keyword Parameters Accepted in OS/3 Effects of Job Control VOL and LBL Statements on Data Management OPEN Transient, Standard Labeled Tape Files Summary of Imperative Macros Used with Magnetic Tape SAM 9-4 9-30 9—4. 9-37 9-44 1 1—3. 1 1—4. Imperative Macro Calls for Processing an OS/3 ISAM File With an Index Structure Listed by Functions Imperative Macro Calls for Processing a Nondirectory.OS/3 ISAM File Without an Index Structure, Listed by Functions Keyword Parameters of the DTFIS Declarative Macroinstruction Summary of Filename-Addressable Fields in DTFIS File Table 11-4 11—21 11-49 1 2—1. Disk-Dependent Factors for Calculating Size of Top-Level Index for an IRAM File 12-13 13—1. Summary of DTFIR Keyword Parameters 11—1 11-3. “ 11—2. ‘ 1 3A—1. Disk-Dependent Factors for Determining Disk Space Requirements . - 13—16 1 3A—1 3 13B—1. Summary of DTFMI Keyword Parameters 13B-1O 15-1. 15-2. 1.5-3. 15-4. 15—5. 15-9 15—12 15-17 15—25 15—6. 15-7. 15—8. 15—9. Summary of Keyword Parameters for DTFSD Macroinstruction Summary of DTFDA Keyword Parameters Summary of DTFNI and DPCA Keyword Parameters IOAREA1 Contents Relative Disk Address (ID> Returned After a READ ‘or WRITE Macroinstruction When IDLOC Keyword Is Specified Record Formats for Nonindexed Disk Files Summary of All Declarative Macro Keyword Parameters Used With the Nonindexed File Processor System Summary of Imperative Macroinstructions for Processing Nonindexed Disk Files Use of IOREG Keyword Parameter for Processing Blocked or Unblocked Input Disk Files Sequentially With GET Macro. -. . - ‘ .. . 15-29 1 5--41 15—58 15-61 15-95 UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Contents 19 Update C 16—1. File Lock Summary 16—4a 17-1. 17—2. Summary of DTFPT Keyword Parameters Significance of Bits in filenameC, Paper Tape Files 17-27 17—66 A-i. A—2. A—3. A—4. A—5. A-6. SPERRY UNIVAC Card Reader Subsystems Characteristics SPERRY UNIVAC Card Punch Subsystems Characteristics SPERRY UNIVAC Printer Subsystems Characteristics SPERRY UNIVAC Disk Subsystems Characteristics UNISERVO Subsystems Characteristics SPERRY UNIVAC 0920 Paper Tape Subsystem Characteristics A-2 A—3 A-4 A—9 A—b A—il B-i. B-iA. B—2. B—3. OS/3 Data Management Error Messages Data Management Error Message Subcodes OS/3 Disk Space Management Error Codes Significance of Bits in filenameC B-3 B—9 B—i 1 B—13 C-i. Cross-Reference Table: EBCDIC/ASCII/Hollerith C—3 D-i. D—2. D—3. D-4. D—5. D—6. D-7. D—8. D—9. D—iO. D—i 1. D—i2. Contents of V0L1 Label Contents of Disk Format 4 Label Contents of Disk Format 5 Label Contents of Disk Format 6 Label Contents of Disk Format 0 Label Contents of Disk Format 1 Label Contents of Disk Format 2 Label Contents of Indexed File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Contents of IRAM/MIRAM File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Contents of Library Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Contents of Disk Format 3 Label Diskette File Label Description D-4 D—6 D—9 D-i0 D—i 1 D—i4 D-2i D—23 D—24 D—25 D—27 D—3i E—i. E—2. E—3. E—4. E—5. E—6. Tape Volume 1 (VOL1) Label Format, Field Description for an EBCDIC Volume First File Header Label (HDR1), Field Description Second File Header Label (HDR2), Field Description Tape File EOF1 and EOV1 Labels, Field Description Tape File EOF2 and EOV2 Labels, Field Description Optional User Header and Trailer Labels, Field Description for Standard Labeled Tape Files Volume Header Label (VOL1), Field Description for an ASCII Volume First File Header Label (HDR1), Field Description for an ASCII Volume Second File Header Label (HDR2), Field Description for an ASCII Volume First End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF1/EOV1), Field Description for an ASCII Volume Second End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF2/EOV2), Field Description for an ASCII Volume E-4 E—6 E—9 E—i 1 E—13 E-7. E—8. E-9. E—10. E—i 1. E—i4 E—i8 E—20 E-22 E-24 E-26 C) 0 0 -I 2 m m C) 2 -I Cl) 0 . -I -Q UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-1 1. Introduction 1.1. THE FUNCTION OF DATA MANAGEMENT As you know, data processing programs produce desired results by accepting data as input, processing the data as appropriate, and outputting the results of the processing performed. Beca use most data movement and retrieval operations are inherently the same, regardless of the application involved, generalized, preprogrammed data management packages have been developed to assist you in performing these tasks. The degree of assistance you receive from these packages depends on the insight into your problems by data management developers and the success they achieve in providing you with the most flexible and convenient data management aids possible. The extent to which you can inform the data management system of the characteristics of your data and the specific function you want performed on that data is also integral. Therefore, it is necessary to establish conventions to communicate, or interface, with your data management system. Data management services available to you, the programmer, via OS/3 are varied, flexible, and powerful. Descriptions of these services and conventions for using them go well beyond the scope of what a language manual can and should contain. Hence, this and other manuals dealing exclusively with this subject are provided to facilitate your use of OS/3 data management. 1.2. BASIC AND CONSOLIDATED DATA MANAGEMENT Until recently, the only method of data management available under OS/3 was DTF (define-the-file) or basic data management. The programmers’ means for interfacing with this data management system is through certain declarative and imperative macros related directly to the device from which data is being retrieved or to which data is being moved. Now under OS/3, another method of data management is available: CDI (common data interface) or consolidated data management. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-2 Update A Consolidated data management generally provides all the services basic data management does, and then some. The single major difference is that MIRAM (multiple indexed random access method) files are the only disk files supported by consolidated data management. Consolidated data management can best be described by answering the following question: What does consolidated data management provide that basic data management doesn’t? The answers are: A single uniform set of declarative and imperative macroinstructions With basic data management, you must use a specific declarative macroinstruction (DTF) to define your file and the method used to access that file: DTFMT for a magnetic tape file, DTFPR for a printer file, DTFIS for an ISAM disk file, and so on. Also with basic data management the imperative macroinstructions are not the same for all types of access methods. Different instructions are used to perform the same functions. For example, to writea record to a tape file you must use a PUT instruction. To write a record to an ISAM file, you must use a WRITE,NEWKEY instruction. Consolidated data management, on the other hand, has a uniform set of declarative and imperative macroinstructions that you use to define and process all types of files There are two declarative macroinstructions These are the CDIB and RIB instructions. The CDIB instruction identifies the file and the RIB instruction describes the file characteristics and processing requirements. The consolidated data management imperative macroinstructions are also the same for all types of files. For example, if you want to write a record, you use the DMOUT instruction regardless of the file type. Control structures cannot be modified The control structures for each basic data management DTF macroinstruction are generated and maintained within your program region. As a result, these structures can be inadvertently modified and compromise the integrity of the file. Consolidated data managementeliminates this problem because all control structures it uses are generated and maintained outside of your program region As a result you cannot inadvertently modify these control structures. This preserves the integrity of the file and prevents the distortion of any action taken on that file by data management. The CDIB and RIB macroinstructions generate parameter passing structures that are used to communicate information to data management. A single file access method for all disk files Basic data management supports a variety of disk access methods SAM DAM ISAM ASAM, and soion. Thus, you are faced with a decision each time you want to use a disk file. You must decide how you want to process the file and then select the access method that meets your needs or is required by the programming language you intend to use. Consolidated data management uses one single disk access method, MIRAM, which provides all the functions provided by the various basic data management disk access methods. As a result, you only have to decide how you want to process the file. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 -2a Update A Enhanced file sharing With basic data management a file can be shared; that is, it can be used by more than one program at a time. This sharing, however, is limited because several programs can read from the file at the same time, but only one program can write to the file. Consolidated data management, however, allows complete flexibility; more than one program can read from or write to the file at the same time. • Interactive capabilities Basic data management does not support interactive capabilities. Consolidated data management, however, supports a wide range of interactive capabilities. These allow you to: enter or display data from a workstation; create workstation screen formats that aid you in entering data or presenting output data; and develop and include dialogs (question and answer sessions) in your program. In addition, consolidated data management also supports interactive services that allow you to operate your jobs from a workstation, perform housekeeping tasks, and communicate with other workstations in your system. • A high degree of device independence Device independence means that, at program execution time, you can change the type of device used for a file in your program by changing the job control device assignment set for that file. This is not possible with basic data management because changing the device type requires changing the file definition, recompiling and relinking your program, and changing the job control stream before you can execute it with a different device. With consolidated data management, a high degree of device independence is possible whenever you are processing records sequentially. This is possible because device assignment takes place when the file is opened based upon the job control device assignments. As a result, you can change the device that a file is processed on by changing the job control device assignment set for that file. The file you have defined must be compatible with the types of devices you want to use. For example, if you define a file that has an 80-byte record size, the records can be output to a card punch, printer, tape, disk, diskette, or workstation. If, on the other hand, you define a file that has a 200-byte record size, the records can be output to a tape, disk, diskette, or workstation. However, they cannot be output to a card punch or printer without truncating the data because of the physical limitations of these devices. In addition to your files being compatible, your program must also be compatible with the devices you want to use. This means you cannot have any instructions in your program that are device dependent such as random operations when using a disk or diskette, forms control operations when using a printer, or screen management operations when using a workstation. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-3 Update A Use of a particular data management mode is specified at systems generation time. The capabilities just described are provided when consolidated data management (CDI mode> alone or in combination with basic data management (CDI/DTF mixed mode> is specified. This manual specifically describes basic data management. For more detailed information on consolidated data management, see the consolidated data management concepts and facilities, UP-8825 (current version) and the consolidated data management macro language user guide/programmer reference, UP-8826 (current version). If you want to migrate to consolidated data management, see Appendix F. This appendix describes the migration requirements for programs written in BAL, RPG Il, 1 968 American National Standard COBOL, 1974 American National Standard COBOL, and FORTRAN. 1.3. 1 —4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 DATA STRUCTURE The structural entities recognized by OS/3 data management are illustrated in the following diagram: VOLUME FILE BLOCK RECORD The hierarchy shown is not always followed exactly. The volume concept is not truly applicable to printers or card devices. On disk, diskettes, and magnetic tape, a file may sometimes be larger than a volume. A record may sometimes be equal to a block, or a field equal to a byte. Figure 1—1 illustrates the organization of data on typical peripheral devices. A FILE COMPRISES ONE OR MORE SPANS OF TRACKS ON ALL SURFACES OF PACK NOTE: The set of tracks at a specific radius on all recording surfaces is called a cylinder. DISC PACK Figure 1—1. Organization of Data on Typical Peripheral Devices (Part 1 of 2) I c. -t C) 3, m C) I z C ‘1 m I m js m 2 -I 0 m 2 2 -1 2 G) -U -n 0 m m 2 0 C I C C) I 3< -n I U, C) 0 m C,, C m SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1.3.1. . 1-6 Definition of Terms The following is a brief listof terms and definitions to assist you in understanding the general description of data management in this section: block The portion of a file transferred into or out of main storage by a single access. buffer An area in main storage for handling a block of data. Must not be smaller than the blocks to be handled. direct addressing Retrieving a specific block or record from disk storage by a single access, using numeric values given in a field. extent A set of contiguous tracks on disk assigned exclusively to one file extents may be required to provide space enough for a file. Several field One or more contiguous characters, normally comprising a single unit of information. file A delimited storage space having an identifying file name; useful for subdividing the entire data mass into manageable groups. Also, the data residing in such a storage space. partition A file subdivision, which is required to have uniform block specifications. OS/3 data management provides partition-relative block addressing, and individual partition extension capabilities. pointer A field containing a value for direct addressing. In indexed sequential access method (ISAM) files, data management introduces pointers between records to provide for maintenance of logical sequence of records. record The collection of contiguous characters designated by the user to data management as such, for handling as a unit. Record size must not exceed block size. volume The largest physical unit for data storage, such as a tape reel or disk pack. UP-8068 Rev. 4 1.3.2. SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-7 Punched Card Files A punched card tile consists of a card deck, input via a reader, or output via a punch. Records can comprise either a portion of a card or a complete card The records are made up of fields of related characters. Punched card files must be treated as sequential files (handled one record at a time insequentialorder). You must not confuse a deck of cards to be handled as a data management card file with control stream cards or with data cards embedded in control streams You must place the data management deck in the card reader when there is a console message calling for assignment of the reader to the program. You may begin the deck immediately with a data card, but you must end it with an end-of-data card (/*)• You cannot place an end-of-data card within the deck. Details of punched card records and files are presented in Section 2. 1.3.3. Diskette Files Diskette files are sequential, unblocked files processed similarly to card files. In fact, diskettes are intended as rapid replacement media for card processing equipment. Each diskette is a single-sided, single plate disk with tracks containing fixed sectors. Records are recorded on the tracks, one record per sector. 4 and 5 discuss the diskette in more detail.) 1.3.4. Printer Files Printer files include standard text listings forms and similar printed ouptut The files are composed of individual records that are formed in an output area or work area by your program and then output to the printer in increments of one record (line). The file is output, character by character, in a serial manner. When the printer buffers are loaded, the line is then printed. This process repeats, each line in succession, until the entire file is printed. A printer record can also contain certain control characters which, although part of the output record, are not printed. The control characters allow you to advance the paper to a home position, specify a procedure in case of overflow, or select a number of lines to be skipped by the printer. Section 6 gives details on printer files and records; Section 7 describes the uses of control characters 1.3.5. Magnetic Tape Files Magnetic tape files are also sequential files, and can span more than one voIume (reel). Each magnetic tape file is identified by two file header labels; each volume of the file has a volume label. Because most magnetic tape files can be read in both a forward and backward direction, the file labels are placed both at the beginning and at the end of each of these file levels. 1-8 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Figure 1—2 illustrates the relationship of the various elements of a magnetic tape file. The volume label (VOL1) has a standard system format that describes the Contents of the tape volume. The two file header labels (HDR1 and HDR2) also are in a standard system format. User header labels (UHL), which are optional, may be in a standard format Or one that you, as a user, can structure. A tape mark is next in the sequence, and acts as a delimiter to indicate that data blocks or records follow. After the data, another tape mark, two end-ofvolume (EOV) labels, optional user trailer labels (UTL), and two more tape marks are provided as delimiters. A complete description of the magnetic tape file organization and conventions ispresented in Section 8; Appendix E describes the labels for magnetic tape files TAPE MARK TAPE MARKS LEGEND: Volume Label File Header Label 1 File Header Label 2 User Header Labels (optional) End of-Volume Label End of Volume Label User Trailer Labels (optional) VOL1 HDR1 HDR2 UHL EOV1 EOV2 UTL - 1.3.6. Figure 1—2. DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT, FORWARD READ Magnetic Tape File Organization Disk Files Provisions for disk files differ from thosefor sequential devices in that there are several data management programs from which to choose. You implement your choice by selecting one of several operation codes at the point in your program where the DTF (define the file) procedure (proc) is coded. You must consider the services offered by the programs to determine which is best suited to your needs for the particular file.(There isa certain amount of overlap in the services available, so it is possible for you to meet a particular need through either of two programs)The desire for rapid storage and retrieval is usually paramount In this context several considerations are pertinent • Is search-by-key needed? • Is appending new data to a series satisfactory, or are insertions necessary? • Are direct addressing or sequential access, or both necessary? SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 • 1-9 Is reading or writing blocks sufficient, or is assistance with records needed? To satisfy these questions, detailed descriptions of the disk file services are presented in Sections 11 through 13. 1.3.7. Paper Tape Files Punched (or perforated) paper tape files are handled at the logical record level by a paper tape data management system described in Section 1 7. The system provided byOS/3 includes macros, transients, and processing modules with Which you can define paper tape files and read and write data on paper tape Translation and letter/figure shiftirig capabilities are provided. 1.4. PROGRAMMING FOR DATA MANAGEMENT All users of OS/3 must employ the conventions established for designating existing files and new files in the job control stream. In using data management, you must also code appropriately in your BAL program. • By issuing a DTF declarative macroinstruction provided by data management,. you cause a DTF table to be created in a data area. By using keyword parameters, you describe the file and provide addresses of buffers and work spaces. You must also indicate your desire to handle all returns inline, or you must give the address of your routine for accepting control when errors or exceptions occur. • By using ordinary, assembler instructions, you must reserve sufficient amoUnts of main storage buffer space and workspace, and you must provide the error/exception routine. . . . • By issuing imperative macroinstructions provided with each access method, you request data management to perform specific file-processing functions • You must realize that general registers 0, 1, 14, and 1 5 are loaded by the imperative macroinstructions before the contents of your registers are saved. You cannot afford to have vital data in these registers when you call on data management. • You must provide a 72-byte register save area The address of this area can be placed in the DTF by specifying the SAVAREA keyword pàrãmeter, common to all DTFs; Failing to do this you must provide the address in register 13 when you enter each data management imperative macro • The storage area you specify with the SAVAREA keyword parameter is often useful to examine in snaps or dumps of your program region. It Comprises 18 full words, the first three of which are used by data management. Following these is a display of full words for 15 of the general registers, presented in the following order: 14, 15, 0, 1, 2, and so on, through 12. Register 13 is not included. UP-8068 Rev. 4 1.5. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/a BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-10 OS/3DATA MANAGEMENT ENHANCEMENTS OS/3 data management departs from traditional data management systems in several areas. 1.5.1. ISAM Files In OS/3 ISAM files, inserted records are placed in overflow blocks, forming chains between Individual prime records This causes all data records to remain where originally placed and eliminates time consuming record pushdown. Moreover, the stability of records makes it possible to offer direct addressing to. every record, a convenience for those who can benefit from this feature. The ISAM program can also operate on files where the key index structure is never formed. This precludes the use of keyed instructions, :but leaves the rest of the repertoire operative. The ISAM load is still effective for file creation. The resulting file is then susceptible to sequential and direct access without keys Eliminating the index does not preclude the ability to insert records. The pOsition for insertion cannot be reached by a key search. However, both direct access and sequential progression are available to reach any record so that a new record may be inserted after it 1.5.2. SAM and DAM Files The flexibility of sequential access method (SAM) and direct access method (DAM) processing has been augmented in OS/3 by provision of a DTFNI macroinstruction and processing module. This module supports an extended repertoire of imperative macroinstructions applicable to a file described by the DTFNI macroinstruction. Combinations of SAM and DAM imperative macroinstructions may be used; NOTE and POINT imperative macroinstructions are provided. There is also provision for partitioning a file using different block specifications for each partition These are supported by partition-relative block addressing. 1.5.3. IRAM Files The indexed random access method (IRAM) is an access method in OS/3 for handling disk files and is intended for use by programs written in RPG II language, the sort, and data utilities. The functionality of IRAM is equivalent to that provided by OS/3 ISAM and ASAM, and by the OS/3 nonindexed access disk methods SAM and DAM (relative record addressing); however, those modules (ISAM, ASAM, SAM, and DAM) are considerably larger. The IRAM processor cannot access disk files that have been created by other access methods nor can IRAM files be processed by other OS/3 disk access methods. UP-8068 Rev. 4 1.5.4. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-11 MIRAM Files The multiple indexed random access method (MIRAM) in OS/3 is used for handling sequential, relative, and indexed files in programs. These programs are written in the OS/3 version of the 1974 American National Standard COBOL, and for sequential and relative (direct) files in programs that are written in FORTRAN IV. MIRAM provides the same functions as those provided by OS/3 ISAM, ASAM, IRAM, SAM, and DAM disk access methods. The MIRAM processor can access only MIRAM and IRAM characteristic files that it has created or IRAM files created by the IRAM processor. It cannot access disk files that have been created by other access methods nor can MIRAM files be processed by other OS/3 disk access methods. MIRAM files, however, can be processed by using the sort/merge and data utilities programs. 1.5.5. Error and Exception Returns OS/3 data management differs somewhat from other data management systems in its method of returning control to your program. Control is always returned, whether or not an error or exception has been detected. A reply field is always set to indicate the nature of the exception. If the function is executed with no defects, control is always returned inline to the instruction following the macro call. If you provide the address of an error/exception routine in your DTF macroinstruction, control is returned to that address on all occurrences of errors or exceptions. In the absence of this address, all returns are made inline (register 14 always contain the inline return address). Appendix B describes the error and exception handling features of OS/3 data management. Because data management interprets a zero value in the DTF error field of the DTF file table as the nonexistence of an error routine, you must hot locate your error routihe at location 0 relative to the load module. Errors occurring during file extend operations are always associated with inability to acquire output space for a buffer and consequent’ loss of output data. On: extend failure errors,’ file extend procedures now minimize loss of output ‘data to one record. 1.5.6. Disk Flexibility and Hardware ‘Constraints The obligation to handle disk devices with different characteristics has influenced the design of OS/3 data management. It was considered desirable that the disk file processing modules should be independent of the disk type used and should present the same interface to you. As a result, OS/3 data management requires, throughout, that all blocks in a track or partition be uniform in size and format. On the fixed-sector disk devices, it is also necessary that all blocks be multiples of 256 bytes. Furthermore, spanned records (those extending beyond a block boundary) are not supported. Consequently, during sequential blocking of records, block filling continues until a submitted record will not fit in remaining block space. At that point, the full-size block is written to disk, and the rejected record is used to begin the next block. 1-12 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 The fixed-sector disk does not provide an RO record for identifying the portion of track devoted to useful data. Furthermore, the hardware search interrogates the first n bytes of every 256-byte sector. These characteristics cause some restrictions of relative-track DAM functions. When employing the WRITE,AFTER macro, you mustf ill each track because the unfilled portion is: not identified. When employing keyed operations, you must use a block size of 256 bytes; otherwise, false internal hits could be made in blocks of 512 bytes and other multiples of 256 bytes. 1.5.7. Shared Data Management Modules Under OS/3 all data management modules are shared-code modules There is only one data management module for each access method and when a particular access method is requested by a program, one copy of the corresponding module is loaded into main storage. This module is then used or shared by all programs requesting the same access method. DATA MANAGEMENT/USER INTERFACE 1.6. The interface between you and data management consists of: • Declarative macroinstructions a Imperative macroinstructions 1 6 1 Declarative Macroinstructions Your program must inform the system of the parameters, special conditions, current status, and options pertaining to a file. You must include a declarative (file definition) macroinstruction for each file required by your program. As implied by the term declarative, these macroinstructions generate nonexecutable code, such as constants and storage areas for variables. Therefore, you should separate these macroinstructions from the inline file processing coding. The declarative macroinstruction and the selected keyword parameters in the operand define the file. The first three characters of the operation code must be DTF. The last two characters usually indicate the type of device or method of accessing. A keyword parameter consists of a word or code immediately followed by an equal (=) sign and one specification. The format of the declarative macroinstruction is LABEL filename OPERATION DTFcc 1 OPERAND keyword-1=x,...,keyword-n=z UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-13 The symbolic name of the file must appear in the label field. The name can have a maximum of seven characters and must begin with an alphabetic character. The appropriate DTF designation must appear in the operation field. The keyword parnrneters can be written in any order in the operand field and must be separated by commas. However, a comma must neither be coded in column 16 of a continuation line nor follow the last keyword of a string. Appropriate assembler rules regarding macroinstructions apply to blank columns and continUatiOn statements. Registernumbers are specif ied to the data management declarative macroinstructions (DTF) by enclosing the number in parentheses. Certain DTF parameters can be changed at run time via the data definition job control statement (DD). (See Tables 3—1, 7—3, 9—1, 1 1—3, 13—1, 1 3B—1, 15—1, 15—2, 15—3, and 17—1.) The DTFs may have the following forms • DTFCD Defines an input output or combined punched card file • DTFDA Defines either an input or output direct access disk file. • DTFIR Defines input or output indexed or nonindexed IRAM disk files. • DTFIS Defines an indexed sequential disk file • DTFMI Defines an input oroutput indexed or nonindexed MIRAM disk files: • DTFMT Defines an input, output, or in/out magnetic tpe file; • DTFNI Defines a nonindexed input and output disk file. DTFPR Defines a printer output file. • DTFPT Defines an input or output paper tape file. SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 I 1-14 DTFSD Defines an input output or combined sequential access disk file • DPCA Similar to a DTF macroinstruction but defines a partition of a disk file rather than the entire file. 1.6.2. Imperative Macroinstructions Your program must be able to communicate with the data management modules in order to process files that have been defined by declarative macroinstructions. Imperative (file processing) macroinstructions included in your program communicate with the transient routines and logical IOCS shared-code modules. The imperative macroinstructions are expanded as inline executable code. Not all macroinstructions are available for use on all devices. Some are specifically input-type macroinstructions and cannot be used for a device that is exclusively used for output; the opposite is true, also. The format of the imperative macroinstruction. is: LABEL [name] OPERATION L xxxx OPERAND yyvy,.. .,zzzz A symbolic name can appear in the label field. The name can have, a maximum of eight charcters and must begin with an alphabetic character.The appropriate verb or code must appear in the operation field. The positional parameters (as signified by the name) must be written in the specified order in the operand field and be separated by commas. When a positional parameter is omitted, the comma must be retained to indicate the omission except in the case of omitted trailing parameters Appropriate assembler rules regarding macroinstructions apply to blank columns and continuation statements. 1.6.3. Assembler Rules for Operand Field The operand field of a macroinstruction begins in column 16 and may not extend beyond column 71. An operand may be continued onto the next line by inserting an arbitrary nonblank character in column 72. Each continuation line starts in column 16. The operand field is terminated by the first blank which is not enclosed’Within apostrophes. As operand specification is usually completed before column 40, columns 41 through 71 are available for comments, but at least one blank space must occur between the end of operand specification and the beginning of the comments. UP-8068 Rev.4 1-15 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Comments are not continued by the insertion of a nonbiank character in column 72. Lengthy comments can be entered by coding an asterisk (*) in column 1. You will note the applications of these rules in the programming examples throughout this manual. Operands may be continued onto the next line by placing a comma after the last operand on the first line and a nonblank character in column 72. However, if you omit the comma and at least one blank exists between the last operand on the first line and the nonblank character in column 72, the second line of operands is treated as comments. Because the second line is treated as comments and not as part of your operand specification, the assembler does not flag the missing comma as an error. Up to. two comment lines are permitted. 1.7. RELATED OS/3 SOFTWARE Several OS/3 software components are indirectly involved with data management, while others perform functions related to and required for program operation. These components include: • System service programs (SSP) • Job control • Supervisor • Linkage editor • Data utilities 1.7.1. . System Service Programs (SSP) H.. .. The service programs. provided to prepare disk and magnetic tape files to accept data records and blocks are the disk prep program and the magnetic tape prep program. The disk prep routine performs a surface analysis for the disk tracks and assigns alternate tracks if defects are discovered. The disk prep also establishes a volume table of contents (VTOC) for the device so that files can then be placed on the disk. The magnetic tape prep routine prepares magnetic tapes in standard label format by writing the initial volume label, dummy file header label, dummy file trailer label, and tape marks. ... .. .. . Other system service programs include dump routines in non-narrative or narrative formats. The SYSDUMP and JOBDUMP routines provide the resident shared-code directory and the preamble EXTRN table in narrative format. These routines are described in detail in the system service programs (SSP) user guide UP-8062 (current. version). UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-16 1.7.2. Job Control The main functions of job control, as related to data management, are: ‘ Allocation of required peripheral devices • File control block (FCB) management • Catalog management allowing automatic identification of files by name • Loading printer vertical format buffer (VFB) and load code buffers • Defining software facilities (SET) needed to support the user program • Modifying DTE specifications at run time (DD). Peripheral devices are assigned through job control statements that specify logical unit numbers, alternate device types, and information about the file. These job control statements include: // DVC Statement assigns device number. // VOL Statement describes tape and disk volumes. // EXT Statement provides disk extent information. // LBL Statement provides additional tape and disk identification information. // LED Statement links the file defined by the DTE macroinstruction with the file and device information in the control stream. Each part of this manual that deals with a particular access method or device type provides you with job control stream examples that illustrate the relationship between data management entries coded for program assembly and the job control stream statements that control the program. A separate file control block is maintained automatically in main storage for each active file. This block contains all descriptive information about the file and is used for reference when the file is being accessed. OS/3 automatically loads the data management modules needed by your job. However, if you have written your own shared-code modules, you must use the SFT job control statement to identify and load these modules. SFT statements are effective only during the job step in which they are specified. For details on OS/3 job control, refer to the job control user guide, UP-8065 (current version). UP-8068 Rev.4 1.7.3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1-17. Supervisor The supervisor, provides the greatest amount ofsupport for the user program and data management. This support includes the following: PIOCS Those macroinstructions and routines that schedule and monitor execution of channel programs, controlling theactualtransfer of physical recordsbetween external sources and main storage. These routines also provide for device I/O error recovery • Transient scheduling The routines that retrieve transients from auxiliary storage and bring them into main storage for execution. These include file open and close routines. • Operator communication The routines that handle the communications concerning volume mounting requests, tape mount requests, etc. • File protection Protection of files and records during shared file processing. • Timer services Used as a reference for computing run time, scheduling, etc. • Disk space management Routines for allocating space to disk files and maintaining space accounting through standard procedures for updating the volume table of contents (\/TOC). • System Access Technique (SAT) An input/output control systems that provides a standard interface for tape and disk subsystems between OS/3 data management and the PIOCS. For details concerning the supervisor, refer to the supervisor user guide, UP-8075 (current version). 1.7.4. Linkage Editor The linkage editor is a system service program that constructs a load module from object modules. The linkage editor control statements that define the load module are contained in the job control stream beginning with a LOADM control statement and terminated by another LOADM control statement or by an end of data (/*) job control statement. For details concerning the linkage editor, refer to the system service programs (SSP) user guide, UP-8062 (current version). UP-8068 Rev.4 SFERRY.UNIVAC 08/3. BASICuDATKMANAGEMENTL’ 1.48 C’: 1.7.5. Data Utilities rThe OS-/3 data utility and service rojtinès are provided to aslist ydu mi manipulating data files and preparing card decks. Your use of these routines requires only a• minimum amount of programming effort. You simply code the appropriate job control statements, together with utility and data statements or control specifications, to exchange infStmation with OS/3, submit parameters, and start your job ::‘.‘1’3 :;;.i ••.‘ :.‘.. .. ..: —. •. Thft./3 dais utilities and service routines are described in detail. iruthe datacutilities user guide/programmer reference; UPw8O69, (current version)::; ...: ( ‘)f •XPs.. : f• ;. . . . : ••. . . - . .n- .::t .: C : , ;r—. t.: . :. -. .: ;. . . . , ;;&: . ‘.i ;,‘: 2.-.. : . : ‘ . I’,. : . -? -.:. •. . ... . _:. .- ..- . . . .,. .. 1• Cl) m I m 2 -I •0 z ill -I -I m C, -1 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 2-1 2. Card Formats and File Conventions 2.1. GENERAL This section describes the data formats and file conventions that apply to the card reader and card punch subsystems supported by the SPERRY UNIVAC 90/30 System and the OS/3: • SPERRY UNIVAC 0604 Card Punch Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0605 Card Punch Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0716 Card Reader Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0717 Card Reader Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0719 Card Reader Subsystem For the functional characteristics of these subsystems, refer to Appendix A. 2.2. FILE ORGANIZATION Your punched card decks may include a start-of-data job control card at the beginning and must include an end-of-data job control card at the end of the card deck (Figure 2—1). Punched card files can be input (card read), output (card punched), or combined (read/punched). The basic punched cards for subsystems supported by OS/3 are standard 80-column, 12row rectangular tab cards. However, optional hardware features, available on both 0716 and 0717 card readers, allow reading of 51- and 66-column stub cards. The 0716 is capable of reading 96-column card data files. ur-ouoo aiev. ‘f rtrir1T uriavaL., BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT END-OF-DATA JOB CONTROL CARD OPTIONAL 51-COLUMN OR 66-COLUMN FILE JOB COMBINED FILE (ALTERNATING DATA AND BLANk CARDS) (OPTIONAL) Figure 2—i. 22.1. Typical Card File Structure Card Input Files The card reader handles fixed-length unblocked records, which always have the same length for your entire file. This length is equivalent to the value you selected for the BLKSIZE keyword parameter of the DTFCD macroinstruction when defining the file. Figure 2—2 illustrates the fixed-length unblocked format related to card input files; the same format is used for combined files (8.2.3). recordn A NOTES: 1. The record length, A, must be an even number of bytes, at least as many as specified by the BLKSIZE keyword parameter. 2. The I/O area must be aligned on a half-word boundary and comprise an even number of bytes. 3. When 51 -column stub cards are processed, the BLKSIZE keyword parameter may specify a 51-byte length, but the I/O area must be 52 bytes in length. A work area may be 51 bytes long. Figure 2—2. Fixed-length Unblocked Record Format for Input and Combined Card Files SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 2.2.2. 2-3 Card Output Files The card punch files (output) consist of data that is formed into physical records, usually in the I/O area, and then output to the card punch, where the records are punched in the standard 80-column format. The cards are then accumulated in a stacker, which keeps them in sequence. 2.2.3. Combined Files Combined read/punch files are allowed only where the optional read/punch feature is installed as part of the card punch. This feature allows you to read cards and punch cards in the same file (deck) on a single pass through the card punch. Reading and punching of cards can be accomplished in the following ways: • Data can be read from a card then punched on the same card. This requires the nonoverlap mode of processing (3.3). • A card deck containing alternating punched and blank cards can be entered; each punched card is read and data is punched on the blank card following. The overlap mode of processing must be specified (3.3). • Punched cards and blank cards can be grouped; the punched cards are then read, and the following group of blank card is punched with the new data. The overlap mode of processing must be specified (3.3). 2.3. 2;3.1. RECORD FORMATS Start-of-Data Job Control Statement (/$) Data management does not check for a start-of-data card. For consistency, you may choose the /$ card convention as a card file identification. If you do so, your program should include a check for this card. 2.3.2. End-of-Data Job Control Statement (/*) Data management checks for an end-of-data card when you are reading cards. The format of this card is identical to that required by job control. The first two columns contain /*• When this configuration is sensed, control is transferred to the end-of-file address specified for the file. When an output file is punched, the end-of-data card is not punched by logical IOCS. You must supply the end-of-data card for input and combined files. UP-8068 Rev. 4 2.33. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 2—4 Card Punch Records You may form card punch records either in the I/O area or in a designated work area of main storage The records, illustrated in Figure 2—3, are of three. types: • Fixed-length records • Variable-length records • Undefined-length records Fixed-Length data A 4 Undefined data A Variable-Length b r u data D — F— LEGEND: b Block size field, four bytes r Record length field, two bytes, binary u A Reserved (two bytes) may be any two characters chosen by the user Data record length C Variable record length D Record size field F I/O area layout NOTES: 1. 2. 3. An I/O area must be so aligned that the first character to be punched falls on a half-word boundary. Record length, as a binary number, must be placed in the first two bytes of the record length field (r)before punching a variablelength, unblocked record. An even number of bytes should be allocated for data in I/O areas, even though an odd number of columns are to be punched. The I/O areas for a file with an odd block size should provide at least block size+1 bytes. Figure 2—3. Card Punch (Output File) Record Formats SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev 4 3. 3.1. 3-1 Function and Operation of Punched Card SAM GENERAL The OS/3 includes data management modules that you can use to move and manipulate sequential access method (SAM) card reader files, card punch files, and combined (read/punch) files. These modules allow you to configure your program for each particular application and related device types. This section contains a brief functional description of punched card SAM operation for input files, output files, and combined input/output files. Following the functional description is a detailed explanation of the declarative macroinstructions that define the three types of files. The section concludes with detailed descriptions of the imperative macroinstructions that initiate, conduct, and terminate file processing. 3.2. 3.2.1. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Punched Card Input The card reader is a unit record device and is connected to the integrated peripheral channel or to the multiplexer channel, if several relatively slow peripheral devices are to share I/O jointly. The punched card file comprises data in the Hollerith punched card code (Appendix C). The cards are usually divided into fields; these files, in turn, are combined to form physical records. You define, to the system, the type of file, structure of the data, and the operating environment in which your file will be processed through a define the file (DTFCD) declarative macroinstruction. At system installation, the system macro library file ($Y$MAC) is loaded with source code modules that are common to several machine operations. These modules include data management modules that are common to several device types and access methods. When assembling the program, you define the files (input, output, or combined) used in the operation through the DTFCD macroinstruction. The source modules for the particular data management operation are called in from the macro library during program assembly by using imperative macroinstructions which place the modules in your program as inline code. Each macroinstruction available for punched card file processing is described in detail in 3.3 and 3.4. UP-8068 Rev. 4 322. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3-2 Punched Card Output The punched card output records are constructed in the I/O area or a designated work area. Processin9 data and creating an output on punched cards are similar to the procedure described in 3.21 except that the CNTRL macroinstruction can be used with the 0604 Card Punch Subsystem(0604 card punch). If the punched card deck is to be inserted in a program, you must punch a start-of-data (/$) job control card and an end-of-data (/*) job control card and add these to the beginning and end of the punched card deck. 3-3 SPERRY UN1VAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 DTFCD (card) 3 3 DEFINE A SAM CARD FILE (DTFCD) Function: The DTFCD declarative macroinstruction is required for you to define punch card files that are accessed by OS/3 SAM. Following is a listing, in alphabetic order, of the required and optional keyword parameters that might appear in the operand of the DTFCD macroinstruction. A summary of the keyword parameters is provided in Table 3—1. A comma is shown preceding each keyword parameter except the first to remind you that all keywords coded in a string must be separated by commas. However, a comma must neither be coded in column 16of a continuation line, norfollow the last keyword in the string. Refer, to the coding examples which follow: Format: ; LABEL filename £OPERATIONt DTFCD OPERAND [ASCIIYES] [,AUE=YES] [ BLKSIZE=n] [,CONTROL=YES] CRDERR=RETRY] 1 [ i: EOFADDR=symbol] [ERROR=symbol] lOAREAlsymbol [IOAREA2=symbol] [,IOREG(r)] [ITBL=symbol] rMODE= BINARY CC I STD L TRANS [OPTION=YES] [ORLP=YES] [,OTBL=symbol] [,OUBLKSZn] [RECFORM= UNDEF VARUNB L [RECSIZE= ,[(r) fl [,SAVAR r,STuB=15i 66 L 3-4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 LABEL filename (cont) OPERAND OPERATiON DTFCD INFJT OUTPUT [TYPEFLE= I [[,WOR KA=Y ES] Keyword Parameter ASCII: ASCII=YES Specifies processing in American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). For input files, you must specify this parameter if you desire your card data to be translated into ASCII code for internal processing and storage. For output files, you must specify this parameter if internal processing is in ASCII and you desire output in Hollerith punched card code (Appendix C). The keyword parameter MODE should be written as MODESTD if this parameter is supplied. Keyword Parameter AUE AUE=YES Inhibits data management error processing when validity check errors are detected on nonbinary input files. In punched card input files, a validity check error (also termed a unique unit error) is the occurrence of more than one punch in rows 1 through 7 of any column in a card, and usually indicates a mispunch Each time a validity check error is detected the operator receives a PIOCS message at the system console indicating the problem The card containing the error is the last card in the stacker. The operator has three options: He can place the error card in the input hopper and reply “R” to reread the card, or he can reply “I” or “U”, to indicate that the error is to be ignored or is unrecoverable. If you have specified AUEYES, and the operator replies “I” or “U”, data management does not branch to your error routine The error card is skipped (not passed on to the user). On the other hand, if you do not specify AUE=YES and a validity check error is detected data management branches to your error routine if the operator replies U When your error routine receives cGntroI data management will have set the unique unft error flag (byte 0, bit 2) of filénameC in your DTFCD file table. Refer to Appendix B. Data management ignores the AUE keyword parameter if 8413 diskette files are used. Keyword Parameter BLKSIZE: BLKSIZEn Specifies the length of the I/O area in bytes. If the records in a file are variable length, n specifies the maximum size for records. For variable, unblocked records, n includes the block size and record length fields. SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 3-5 The user can specify BLKSIZE=1 to BLKSIZE=96 to readfrom1 to 96columns of a 96-column card. A user program that specifies BLKSIZE1 to BLKSIZE=80 can read fro m 1 to 80 columns of 96-column cards. A program that hasa BLKSIZE of 1 to 80 and that has been used. with 80-column cards,; in any modeexcept binary, can read 96column cards with no program changes. A program that specifies BLKSIZE1 to BLKSIZE96 to the DTFCD proc cal[ can be used to read up to 96 columns of a 96-column card. Such a program can also read up to 80 columns of 80-column cards. The DMCS Will blank out (insert the appropriate blank character, based on data mode) bytes in the user’s I/O and work areas for columns beyond 80. At OPEN time, DMCS checks for 80-column cards being read with BLKSIZE from 81 to 96. If such a cohdition exists, a message is Issued to the operator with a required reply If omitted, the block size is determined from the keyword parameters MODE, RECFORM and STUB Keyword Parameter CONTROL CONTROL=YES Specifies that your program will issue one or more CNTRL imperative macros to control stacker selection on the 0604 card punch; used only for output or combined card files. The use of the CNTRL macro which applies neither to input card files nor to the 0605 card punch, is explained in 3.4.4. If you specify CONTROL=YES in the DTF for an input file, the parameter is ignored, and a diagnostic message is printed in the DTF expansion in your assembly listing. Keyword Parameter CRDERR: CRDERR=RETRY Specified if card punch error recovery should be attempted on hole-count errors for 0604 and 0605combined read/punch files or on the 0604 card punch output files with stacker selection. Error cards are automatically selected. into the error selectstacker. Iferrorrecovery is not successful, the logical IOCS returns control to the address of the user’s errorroutine (ERROR). If keyword parameters CRDERR and ERROR are not specified, the card system returns to your program inline when a punch error (hole count error) is encountered. See 3.6.2. Error recovery is provided for hole-count errors on 0604 combined read/punch card files, 0604 card output files with stacker selection, and punch checkrerrors on 0605 combined read/punch card files. If the 8413 diskette is used, the CRDERR=RETRY parameter is ignored Keyword Parameter EOFADDR: EOFADDR=symbol Specifies the address to which control is transferred when the end-of-data card is sensed. This keyword parameter is required for all input and combined files. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3-6 Keyword Parameter ERROR: ERRORsymbol Specifies the address of your error handling routine. When a fatal hardware or detectable logical error occurs on a file, you may have control transferred to a special error handling routine If not specified errors return inline (see 3 6 and Appendix B). Keyword Parameter IOAREA1: lOAREAlsymbol Specifies the address of an I/O area that each input or output file must have reserved for its individual use. Keyword parameter IOAREA1 specifies the input area for a combined file; IOAREA2 must also be used to specify the combined file’s output area. I/O areas must contain an even number of bytes for data to be punched or read. Odd numbers of columns can be read or punched. If the BLKSIZE specification is an odd number of bytes, the I/O areas must be at least BLKSIZE + 1 bytes long; this means, for example, if you are using all of the 51column stub card and have therefore specified BLKSIZE=51, that the length of the storage area you define for IOAREA1 must be 52 bytes. The first data byte (character read or to be punched) must be aligned on a half-word boundary. The length of the area is specified by the keyword parameter BLKSIZE. Keyword Parameter IOAREA2: IOAREA2symbol May specify a secondary I/O area for standby processing; must be used to specify the output area for a combined file. You must allocate I/O areas that provide an even number of bytes of data. The first data byte must be aligned on a half-word boundary. Keyword Parameter IOREG: IOREG(r) Specifies the number of the general register (2 through 12) used to reference current data If SAVAREA is specified register 13 may be used for IOREG If a work area is not required this keyword parameter must be specified when there are two I/O areas This parameter may not be specified if either a work area or a combined file is specified through the DTFCD macroinstruction Do not specify WORKA if this parameter is specified. Keyword Parameter ITBL: ITBLsymbol Specifies the addrss of the 256 byte translation table in your problem program when records in an input or combined file are to be translated on input. If the keyword parameter MODE=TRANS is specified, the keyword parameter ITBL must also be specified. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3-7 Keyword Parameter MODE: This keyword parameter is used to specify the input/output mode of the file and is required as part of the DTFCD macroinstruction. There are four forms of the keyword parameter which can be used with all types of files: MODE=BINARY This form is used for cards read on the card reader in binary mode or for cards read or punched on the card punch in column binary (image) mode. An I/O area of 160 bytes is required for one 80-column card. The binary mode is not available for 96-column cards. This parameter is ignored if the 8413 diskette is used MODE=CC On thecard punch, thisform must be specified for cards read or punched in compressed code An I/O area of 80 bytes is required for one 80-column card MODE=STD Should be specified for cards to be read or punched in EBCDIC. This keyword parameter must be specified if the ASCII=YES parameter is specified. If no MODE keyword is supplied this option is assumed MODE=TRANS You should specify this option to have cards read in EBCDIC and translated by your ITBL translation table, or translated by your OTBL translation table and then punched in EBCDIC. Each position of your 256-byte translation table contains a bit-pattern youhave assigned to it. On reading a byte or card column in the record to be translated, data management places into the receiving byte of your I/O area the bit-pattern it finds in the position of your translation table which cOrresponds to the position which the bit- or hole-pattern to betranslated occupies in Table C—i (Appendix C). For example, on reading 1 2-0-9-8-1 hole-pattern, which occupies position 0 in the EBCDIC column labeled Hollerith Punched Card Code in Table C—i, data management will place into your I/O area the bit-pattern it finds in position 0 of your ITBL translation tabIe. If you move to your I/O or work area the bit-pattern which occupies position 1 of your OTBL translation table, data management will punch the hole-pattern (12-9-i) which occupies position 1 in the EBCDIC column labeled Hollerfth Punched Card Code in Table C—i, and so on. Do not use the Hollerith Punched Card Code column in the ASCII portion of Table C—i for this translation table feature. Keyword Parameter OPTION: OPTION=YES Specifies an optional file: one which you anticipate will not invariably be required for every execution of your program. SPERRY. UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 3-8 When the OPTION keyword parameter is used, optional file processing is performed by data management: u if the OPT positional parameter is included in your DVC job control statement and the device is not avaialble at execution time; or • when no device is assigned to the file by your job control statements (i.e., no = DVC-LFD device assignment set). Optional file processing: • For an input or combined file, which you issue a GET imperative macroinstruction, data management branches to your end-of4ile routine (EOFADDR). No cards are read. You should close the card file. • For an output or combined file, if you issue a PUT or a CNTRL imperative macroinstruction, data management disables these and immediately returns control to your program at the normal point. No I/O is performed. If, you do not specify OPTION=YES, and one of the foregoing conditions occurs, the file is not opened. Data management branches to your error routine, if you have supplied one or to the normal return point in your program if you have not You will not be able to perform further processing on the file. Keyword Parameter ORLP: ORLP=YES May be specified for combined files processedin overlap mode, whenyou are using a card read/punch unit with the prepunch read station feature installed. In the overlap mode, each GET or PUT macro processes a different card. Use this mode to read a. card and then punch data on the following card In the nonoverlap mode you can read and punch the same card If you issue a GET macroinstruction you cause a card to be read If you issue a GET macro and then a PUT macro you punch data on the same card that was read by the GET macro. In either mode of operation, you can issue a series of GET macros or a series of PUT macros. Five successive GET macros read five cards; five successive PUTmaäros punch five cards. Three possible combinations for issuing GET and PUT macroinstructions are: 1. Alternating GET and PUT macroinstructions, when used with alternating prepunched and blank cards, produce valid results if overlap is specified. Each GET macroinstruction applies to prepunched input data cards, and each PUT macroinstruction applies to punching data into a blank card. 2. Multiple GET macroinstructions between single PUT macroinstructions, when used with multiple prepunched cards between single blank cards, produce valid results if, in every case, the number of GET macroinstructions corresponds to the number of prepunched cards between each of the blanks that the PUT macroinstructions reference. UP-8068 Rev. 4 3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3-9 Multiple GET and multiple PUT macroinstructions, when used with multiple prepunched cards between multiple blanks, produce valid results if the number of GET macroinstructions and PUT macroinstructions and the number of prepunched and blank cards are consistent through the program. Keyword Parameter OTBL: OTBLsymbol Specifies the address of the 256-byte translation table in your program when records in an output or combined file are to be translated on output. A translation table is required if the keyword parameter MODE=TRANS is specified Keyword Parameter OUBLKSZ: OUBLKSZn Specifies the length (in bytes> of the secondary I/O area (IOAREA2) for a combined file. If OUBLKSZ is omitted, the size of the output block is assumed to be the same length as BLKSIZE. Keyword Parameter RECFORM: RECFORM=FIXUNB Fixed-length unblocked records are assumed by the. logical IOCS when this keyword parameter is omitted. For input or combined files, this option (RECFORM=FIXUNB) must be used. RECFORM=UNDEF Used for undefined records in output files only. You must specify the RECSIZE keyword parameter when this option is used. If the 8413 diskette is used, this parameter specification causes the generation of an invalid DTF field message, DM61. RECFORM=VARUNB Used for variable-length, unblocked records in output files only. Keyword Parameter RECSIZE: RECSIZE(r) Specified for output files with undefined record format; (r) indicates the number (2 through 1 2) of the general register that holds the length of the output record The record size must be Chterêd into the general register before the PUT macroinstruction is issued. If SAVAREA is specified, register 13 maybe used for RECSIZE. RECSIZEn Specifies the record size in bytes used in conjunction with the BLKSIZE parameter value. Data management uses both values to invoke multi-sector I/O operations in processing diskette files. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 3-10 Keyword Parameter SAVAREA: SAVAR EAsymboI Specifies the label of a 72-byte register save area, aligned on a full-word boundary. Specified for each card file defined for a program. Only one user register save area is needed for each program. If you have a program written for the SPERRY UNIVAC 9200/9300 Series Ifl which register 13 is employed it may be converted to OS/3 specifications by adding a 72byte labeled save area (aligned on a full-word boundary) and by specifying the SAVAREA keyword parameter. Refer to 1.4 for the content of this area. If SAVAREA is not specified, register 13 must be loaded with the address of a 72-byte register save area, aligned on a full-word boundary, before any imperative macros are issued. Keyword Parameter STUB: This keyword parameter is used with 0716, 0717, and 0719 card readers and must be supplied when the stub card read feature is to be used. If the 8413 diskette is used, both the STUB=51 and STUB=66 parameter specifications are ignored. STUB=51 The stub card read feature applies to cards with 51 columns. STUB=66 The stub card read feature applies to cards with 66 columns. The block size specified (BLKSIZE=n) must columns in the card; however, because of bytes in the length of the I/O buffer, you defining it with a DC or DS statement in columns of a 51-column stub card. be less than or equal to the number the requirement for an even number must reserve 52 bytes for the buffer your program when you are reading of of in all If omitted, standard 80-column cards are assumed. Keyword Parameter TYPEFLE: TYPE FLE=INPUT Describes an input file only This option is assumed if this keyword parameter is not specified. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3-11 TYPE FLE=OUTPUT Describes an output file only. TYPEFLE=CMBND Describes the combined file when both the read and punch features are to be used. Keyword Parameter WORKA: WORKA=YES Specified if I/O records are to be processed in a work area rather than in the I/O area. The address of the current work area must be specified with each GET or PUT macroinstruction. If this keyword parameter is specified, the keyword parameter IOREG must not be specified. The following are examples of coding the DTFCD macroinstruction. Examples: LABEL tOPERATiONI 1 10 iiiIii i t 1 ir I i i a I i I I I I I i — I I i i * I I I i i Ii i T 1 RD’IO I liii — — — PUJIj-I I - - Iii I 72 D I 1 rtrrIb4 1- I i OPERAND 16 — I )f1 - ts’PJReA I AiRI&AI I I I I I I I I I I — a I - — - I i — Il I I i I I I i I I I I I — — — — I I I i i — — — I i i I I i i i I i i i i i ii L X I I I I i...... X I I III i I L I C. C .1..... i j___ L E=IrrD 1 rD , I I I I I I I 1_ < — I I 111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a c I I I a gil tItEii’ ECi T 1 , I’) i = .rl rPciT 1 F’ PEFIL. ,I 1 I 11111 I I — — I I i i .1. . . i L I I I I I I I .1.... I 1.X i ii t2ARE1AI AI&A I E 2. ARIeA 2. = 1 I I -IA’1rP L 1 E - I_i.____j_ I I i L ‘ .l.. ( I I I I — Iii I I I L L - IIL, D 1 EF r t -Lrfltr4 — I 80 t i i i i i i I i 3-12 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 3—1. Summary of Keyword Parameters for the DTFCD Macroinstruction (Part 1 of 2) Files Keyword Specification Remarks Input ASCII YES X AUE* YES X BLKSIZE** n X CONTROL* Output Cmbnd X X Specifies processing in ASCII; MODE=STD must be specified if used, Skip cards containing validity check errors. X X The maximum block size in bytes YES X X Specified if CNTRL macro is to be issued to file CRDERR* RETRY X EOFADDR symbol R ERROR symbol X IOAREA1 symbol IOAREA2 For card punch error recovery; CONTROL must not be specified if used, R End-of-file routine for input and combined files X X Address routine R R R Address of input/output area; output area for a combined file symbol X X X Address of alternate input/output area; output area for a combined file IOREG (r) X X ITBL symbol X MODE BINARY* Y CC of the user’s unrecoverable error General register (2—13) that contains the address of the current record when processing in two I/O areas. Omit WORKAYES. Must not be used for a cOmbined file X Address of input translate table required when MODE=TRANS is specified V Y Specifies cards are tobe read or punched in column binary Y Y Y Specifies records are to be read or written in compresed code STD Y Y Y Specifies records are to be read and written in EBCDIC TRANS Y Y V For records to be read or written in EBCDIC and translated by the table specified in the ITBL or OTBL entry respectively OPTION YES X X X Specifies an optional. file ORLP YES X Specifies that a combined file is to be processed in an overlap mode OTBL symbol X Address of output translate table; required when MODE=TRANS is specified OUBLKSZ n .R Specifies the length of IOAREA2 for a combined file RECFORM** FIXUN R For fixed length records X R V UNDEF* Y For undefined records VARUNB V For variable-length records UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MNAGEMENT Table 3—1. 3-13 Summary of Keyword Parameters for the DTFCD Macroinstruction (Part 2 of 2) Files Keyword Specification Input Remarks Output RECSIZEt (r) Cmbnd X For undefined records; general register (2—1 3) contains record size Specifies recordsize in bytesand is used vith BLKSIZE for multi sector I/O on diskette n X X SAVAREA YES X X STUB* 51 X Stub card read for51-column cards 66 x Stub card read for 66-column cards 3NPIJT R For input files TYPEFLE OUTPUT YES X X Specifies 72 byte register save area For output files R CMBND, WORKA X R* For conibihed read/punch file X Records are to be processed in work area. Omit IOREG LEGEND: Required R Optional X One option required V *Not appliable for diskette files **parameter may be changed on DD job control statement. f Parameter may be changed on DD job control statement for diskette only. 3.4. IMPERATIVE MACROINSTRUCTIONS There are five imperative macroinstructions available to you for processing punched card SAM files: Macroinstruction Use OPEN GET PuT CNTRL CLOSE File control Record processing Record prpcessing Output and combined file record contro[ File control The following paragraphs provide you with a detailed description of these macroinstructions and provide coding examples with explanations when required to clarify use. 3-14 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIc DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OPEN 3.4.1. Open a Card SAM File (OPEN) Function: - Before a file can be accessed by the logical IOCS, you must issue an OPEN macroinstruction. The transient routine called by the OPEN macroinstruction performs certain validation checks and initiates file processing. A check is made to determine that you have supplied all the necessary keyword parameters defining the file. The device allocation performed by the job control program is determined. The actions performed by the OPEN transient routine depend on whether the file you are dealing with is an input or an output file. For input files, the first data record is not available to you until a GET macroinstruction is issued. For output files, no data is written; however, the data area is made available for use. Only one file per card reader should be open at any one time during execution of a program. Format: OPERAND L\OPERATIONL LABEL 4r (filename-i [,...,filename-n] (i) (i OPEN [name] t Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in the program. The file name may have a maximum of seven characters; the maximum number of file names is 16. (i)orl Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macroinstruction. Example: I IL- - I I OPERAND AOPERATION LABEL 10 1 jbIPetI%i - 16 II ril 1 P &cJVPl&.JV ,L_t.ISr t ’)iri 1 r4 c I I Enters the transient routines necessary to prepare the DTF macroinstructions whose labels are INPUT, OUTPUT, and LISTING. Checks that they are prepared to access these files with the next imperative macroinstruction (GET, PUT, etc.). 3-17 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 PUT 3.4.3. Output a Record (PUT) Eu nction: The PUT macroinstruction delivers an output record to the logical IOCS in either the output area or a work area specified by you. Data management delivers the records singly to your output peripheral device. A general register (2 through 13) must be supplied (by means of the IOREG keyword parameter) when a standby area (IOAREA2) is specified and when no work area is used. This register provides the logical IOCS with a place to put the address of the current output area. Records processed in an I/O area can be referenced directly by means of the name you have given to that area (IOAREA1). The output areas aie not cleared after the current output data is sent to the device. You should exercise care to clear the area before use or to supply records, including blanks, which completely fill the output area to the logical IOCS to prevent spurious characters from appearing in the data. When records are processed in a work area, the logical IOCS moves the record into the I/O area. This frees the work area for your subsequent processing. When punching a record containing an odd number of characters, data management places a nonpunching character in the I/O area at the very end of the data you supplied. Format: LABEL [name] OPERAND LOPERATIONL PUT filename {1 workarea } [{w , Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in the program. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macroi nstructi on. Positional Parameter 2: workarea Is the label of the work area from which the record may be obtained. 3—18 SPERRY: UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 (0) or 0 Indicates that register 0 has been preloaded with the address of the work area. If omitted, indicates you have Chosen processing either by means of a register (IOREG keyword parameter) or by directly accessing the data relative to the name of the I/O area. NOTE: When the work area is specified the keyword parameter WORKAYES must be present in the DTF statement. Example: r f_ LABEL LOPERATION 10 [ 1 OPERAND 16 11 J J(I 1 1P(L I I I 1 I I I Programming Considerations: • Variable-Length, Unblocked Records You must determine the size of the Output recOrd and must insert the size at the beginning of the record before issuing the PUT macroinstruction. Record size includes the 4-byte record length field. YoU may not access the first four bytes, which are reserved for block size. I Undefined Output Records RECSIZE=(r) must be specified; you must determine and place the record size in this register before issuing;each PUT macroinstruction. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC CS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3—19 cNTRL 34 4 Controlling Stacker Selection on the Card PuncFi (CNTRL) Function: The CNTRL macroinstruction allows you to control stacker selection on the 0604 card punch for output or combined files In processing a combined file you may read a card process the data read from a card and then select an output stacker in accordance with the data on the same card If you issue the CNTRL imperative macro in your program you must specify the CONTROL keyword parameter in the DTFCD declarative macro (3.3). The CNTRL macro is ignored if you issue it to a card file processed on the 0605 card punch because its small error stacker is not designed for selecting cards. Format: LOPERATiON LABEL [name] CNTRL t OPERAND filename } r 2 Li’ Positional Parameter 1 filename Is the label of the DTFCD declarative macro defining the output or combined file. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have.preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFCD declarative macro. Positional Parameter 2: sS Specifies stacker selection on the 0604 card punch Positional Parameter 3: 1 Specifies selection of the normal stacker 2 Specifies selection of the select (error) stacker. If the third positional parameter is omitted, specification of the select stacker is assumed: If the third positional parameter is specified, but is not specified as 1 or 2, specification of the normal stacker is assumed; an error flag appears in your program listing. 3;4.41. 3-20 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Using the CNTRL Imperative Macro You issue the CNTRL macro after any PUT or GET imperative macro that punches or reads the card you want to select, and before any PUT or GET macro that processes the following card. If you issue several CNTRLmacros in succession, the last one you issue controls which hopper the card goes into the next time card motion occurs. A look at the following schematic diagram of card flow through the 0604 card punch may be helpful in visualizing what•the CNTRL macro does for you. In Figure 3—1, a card moves from left to right,frorn the input hopper, past the optional prepunch read station, to the punch station. It then passes into one of the two output hoppers: either the normal stacker or the select stacker, according to the position of the deflector. The 0604 card punch subsystem itself autornaticallydeflects error cards into the select stacker; it is the deflector that can be controlled by the CNTRL macros issued in your program. PUNCH STATION DEFLECTOR Qç \ INPUT HOPPER PREPUNCH READ STATION (OPTIONAL) El POSTPUNCH READ STATION SELECT STACKER Figure 3—i. NORMAL STACKER Schematic Diagram of Card Flow through 0604 Card Punch The normal sequence is that a card in the postpunch station passes into the normal stacker when the following card enters the punch station; if you have set the deflector by issuing the CNTRL macro, however, it passes into the select stacker when the card following it moves (is fed or punched). Stacker selection for a card that has gone through the punch station thus takes effect when a macro is executed that moves the following a GET or PUT macro, depending on file type and your processing. card — When a card file is opened, then, cards passing the punch station are sent to the normal output stacker until you issue: • CNTRL filename,SS; or • CNTRL filename,SS,2. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3-21 Then, the following imperative macro (GET or PUT) that causes card mOtion results in one card being placed in the select stacker. If you do not issue any further CNTRL macros, cards following the card that went into the select stacker are sent intO the nórmàl stacker. Thus, a CNTRL macro to send a card to the select stacker applies only to one card: To send 10 cards to the select stacker,you must issue 10 CNTRL macros, properly interleaved with PUT or GET macros. Note that the CNTRL macro causes no card motion itself. For an output file, each PUT macro causes a card to be fed into the 0604 card punch and a card to be directed into an output hopper. You must issue the CNTRL macrO after the PUT macro that punches the card you want selected and before your next PUT macro Example LABEL A0PERAT10NA 10 1 I I I I I I i 1.1 I I — Ii I I 1 P I ,..) JC 1—Il 1 iPEtJ 1 OPERAND I 1 I I I 5. -1_ -1 I I I G. I I I I I —-I- I I I I I — — i i__ i i- — I I I 1 I 1 I I ii i __________ I U-1 L C N ci. 1 — i I I i I I I — I III Ii i i I i I — — — III I I I II — — i i l..J1 I 1 C Ii ---i -- I I I I 1 HL I I [ I I I I I I Ii i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 - I I I I 1 1 I I I -I I I 1. Punches card 1. 2. Punches card 2 card 1 is sent to the normal stacker 3. Punches card 3; card 2is sent to the select stacker. 4. Punches card 4; card 3 is sent to the normal stacker. 5. Punches card 5; card 4 is sent to the select stacker. I - I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I iii I I I 1ZLiLLi.t I I I IH I -i I I I I I I I I [1111111111-Il I I I I Y-PEFiLE 1 1 t ,I 1 OUiT PUT I I I I I - I I I 1 I I i I — LILiJI LiJii I I I i I 1 - I I I I -- I i I I I._)f’LC.I—Ii, 5S 2..i 111 - i I I I I I 171 1 t.J [ C 5 1 1I, \i I I-S aU — I I I ’ 1 PIL..J L CIi1I S — I I — ?iL.JT 1 ILSE i i rJCI—i 1 P(.,J — T 1 i1..) I i — i — I CI—It,..SS, I2.I 1 P__)Ii — — 3 i .._if4t1 L R 1 .. 1 I_..Ji1 i I Ii . 55 i 1 ‘ii...i 1__.J__.i..__1____l___..1_.L_ I PII_)I1’%IIC. — I I i tIt%IIlTIl_.. I I I — NTL i II i i1_JL’ 3 A 16 iii 1 1 1 1 3-22 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 6. Punches card 6; card 5 is sent to the normal stacker. 7. Punches card 7; card 6 is sent to the normal stacker. 8 On closing the output file card 7 is sent to the normal stacker 9. PUNCH is the logical file name of the output card file being processed. When you are processing combined files (TYPEFLE=CMBND), you have two processing modes, overlap and nonoverlap. The overlap mode is specified with the ORLP keyword, as you recall from 3.3; if you omit the ORLP keyword from the DTF of a combined card file, you process the file in the nonoverlap mode. The action of the CNTRL macro is slightly different in each of these modes; consider the overlap mode first. For a combined card file with overlap, eaóh GET or PUT macro advances a card, and the CNTRL macroapplies to the card processed by the previous GET or PUT macro. The sequence of instructions in the following coding example processes a combined file deck named COMBO, in which each punched card is followed by one blank card. A punched card is read data is processed and some resulting data is punched into the blank card following it. Example: 16 10 _I_1 I I Iii I i — — I I OPERAND AoPERATIoN LABEL 1 I — Iii ...I.....i__j____._j.._._ — .___i.j..___i..j.__I: I I i I I i I I I 1 it.J1 — I I I i i — I I I I II I — I I II Ii i — — I 1_ — i — i i i i I I I I I I i I I I I Ii I i i I — — ..Iii1 I I ii I I I 1 — I I I I I I II I ii Ct )I’t F 1 — — I I I I I I I I I I I I I r’’ 1 EFII._..E P I ii — I I I 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I i I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I liii I I I I I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I — I , I I I I I I I I I i I i i I i I I I — I i I i I i I I 11 — — _I__1 I — — :iI\jiDilit.....l i 11111111 it I I i — — i I I I iii I I I 1 1B 1 C i 1 ti 1 iPE Iii I I i I 1 I I I i I ii I I I SPERRY UNIVAC 0S13 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 3—23 - The instruction sequence shown causes all the prepunched cards to be sent to-the select stacker and all of the newly punched cards to be sent to the normal stacker. Processing continues until an end-of-data (/*) card is detected (2.3.2); at this point, the end-of-file routine ENDFL closes the file, and the job terminates. On the other hand, consider the nonoverlap mode of processing a combined card file: A single card may be processed by a GET and a PUT macro. A CNTRL macro may be issued after any macro that processes a card. If a card is processed by both a GET and a PUT -macro, CNTRL may be issued after;either the-GET or-the PUT macro to control stacker selection of that card If several CNTRL macros which apply to a single card, are issued, the last CNTRL determines which stacker is selected. The following coding example reads three cards from a combined card file named COMBO2, processed in nonoverlap mode and containing no blank cards. It punches data on all three cards; the first issent to the select stacker, and the other two cards are sent to-thenormalstacker.-- - - - - - Example: LABEL AOPERATiONL 10 - — i i i i I - i i I i IIiIIIIIlIt_1 - IP E 1 .t.1 C O 1 M.B2 — — — — — — — — CLOItBI2I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I i i — — I till I I I I Ii i — I I I I I i — II t C B M 1 i2 — — — I lii i1....O 1 . S E I 2 , 1 IOL . L , I I I I t i t — I it i — — I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I — I I I I I I I I I I I I II I — II iii I IIll I I I I [I III I I I Ii I I I I ‘I I III III I- -l I II II I III I-I II I I I — I I I I t 1 C F 1 DaT T P Y EFLE= 1 C M iBND, :, - I ._ I I D B i 1 t_I2. - -- I I I - i 1 O i 1 B , SS 2 1 — I:11 I -1 I — — ,i I )it_.)I1I 1111111 III I I — i I - — I OPERAND - 16 I I III I I I I--I I 1_j___..j. I- I- I I I liii Ii - 3-24 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 CLOSE Close a Card SAM File (CLOSE) 3.4.5. Function:: TheCLOSE macróinstruction initiates the termination procedures for your card SAM file When all the data in a file has been processed, a CLOSE macroinstruction should beissued. Format: H [name] OPERAND tOPERATION LABEL filename-i [,...,filename-n] (1) 1 *ALL CLOSE Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in your program Filename may contain a maximum of seven characters the maximum number of filenames isl6. (1) orl Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macroinstruction. *ALL Specifies that all files currently open in the job step are tO be closed. Example: LABEL 1 ii’ t%.DR [e e 1 F OPERAND AOPERATION1 16 10 I Ic’ & I1 ii frlr.%II2lL..—r—I ii I I I I - Enters the transient routine which closes the file described in the DTF macroinstruction whose label is INPUT. UP-8068 Rev. 4 3.5. SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 3-25 ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING 3.5.1. FilenameC When certain errors or exceptions to file processing performance are detected by OS/3 data management it will make appropriate entries in specific fields of the DTF file table which your program may address in order to learn of these conditions and take the proper course of action on regaining control. One such field is filenameC, a 1-byte field which you may access by concatenating the character C to your 7-character logical filename and using the test-under-mask (TM) instruction. Refer to Appendix B for the meaning of the bits in filenameC of the DTFCD file table which are set to binary 1 by OS/3 data management for certain error and exception conditions. 3.5.2. FilenameS When you have specified CRDERR=RETRY on a card punch file DTFCD and six successive attempts to punch a card have failed OS/3 data management sets the hardware error bit in filenameC (see Appendix B) and also places the image of the card which is in error in filenameS of the DTFCD file table FilenameS which you may address in the same way as filenameC is an 80-byte field for all modes except the binary (image) mode and a 160byte field for that mode FilenameS does not contain the error card image if the file is a combined file Software punch retry applies to the 0604 card punch For the 0605 (integrated) punch the operator can repunch erroneous cards 3 6 SAMPLE PROGRAMS The following examples have been constructed to illustrate typical uses of card input output and combined files in BAL programs They also provide examples of the OS/3 job control statements you need toimplement your programs. I I i i I Ii I I I ii I I I I I *I Ill Ii * ERiR 1 *1 I I i i I jLi..j_ :F 1111111 I III I 11111 LIII I — — — I I I III I — — — 1111 Ill — - — — 1I11 — — - till i’J 1 )fE t..1L_.L..J_ t ’JI3 . 1 t..1i t Ii 1111111 — — I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II III I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I LIII I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I II I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I II I II I I I [ I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I i I I i I I I I I III II 1 II II III III 1 j I I I 1 i._i..._.i__._i..1 I I I I I I I I I I I I t’J 1 E I I__Il I I I I I I I I I I .1 I. I ..L....J_.._..i.......L 1... .._l._..._.I_.._....L_._.I 1 LIII .1.... I I I I I .LJ_J I...L._..i.h..__L........_...JL 1 II ........ I L I I LIII I .1 I 1.1 1 .L I 11111 L_L1 I L I_I_Li. I I I_...1_.LIiI_..I...... I___I__...j____j__1__._I_J_._J..___I.._.I_ .1_I. ± FIL.iE,CLOtdE LIII I..._._._l..._....___._______..I_...__J...__._II.__.l.__..i_..___L.J_ I I I II I I I I I I a I I 1 1 t I[ J_JLJ..JLLL.Li.i..LJLIi. 1 I I 11111111111 REEi I .L._ LIII 80 I t I I 1 I .1 1. I i....L I I I 1 I 1 .L._.L.._L.. I 11 .1 1 L...1 I I 1111111 J_i_.L ....L._.J..L. IL__LI. I L_L._.I_LliI I i 1 J.... 1. LIII ... ... i i_LI.... .t._i....___.I_.___.i____ii I Ii t Ii — .. .. L I I I .i. I I I i .L...L_.LL...L.I....± — ._. — — — i iLii i i Lli.._....L..J L i L.. LI iil..._ J . L_L i i ii .b ..AP iI t&T EA 1 j 11 1 . 1 AVI_ I I._.J_.L.J....._.L.J..J...1.__..I._. E 1 FIiL_ i4tRD C E 1 P\J I 1 I I I I I I I I D 1 R 111 EI4 III iC R D 1 I I LIII 72. Liii1itIiii .I ILl i i.i I I jj± 1E i\’ 1 C R 1 21E T 6 R L_ii E 1 D II I I I 1_I. I I I I II .; IjL . 1 1111 I II L_LJ_..L LI III III I L I 11111] I i COMMENTS .. 1111111 i__.I__._..J.____I._____L_.i I. i_._,I___.___i_. . . i i. .__._i_. ._. I._._. II I 1111 II III .J 11 tUtT P LL.j. .,L 1 F Jm CA D1 1 1 IEMENA M,4J G A .4TA 1 I i I III I Iii I L....L .11 it I II I till ii . I IL ....i. t i NJ 1 I 11111111 I I I I i I I I I I I I I i Ii I i 1 RE,A 11 iATA iC P 1 1 E 1111 Il1’lIl I 111111 III II 111111111 l AMiLL...J 4 !J l 191 9IDl I I i II i Ii I i III i I I 1111 I I I I I I I t I / MLER A E CiUTE 1 EX E EAM T 1 T R 1 OPERAND IllI I Ji 11111 3 i i 16 xA P E 1 LE biF ri4E UE 1 t i i i - — — — - i I• i i I LLJJ.. Vi 10 OPEHATIONA i I i I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I i I 1 I I I i 111111 I I I $1 1I JJ4ipT .__..._..i._._.i.__._.[__._.____._.i___. II f.L r 1 P 1 Ill 1 1 t I I I I I i 1 I I I I LABEL 1 /l$I 1 3 0) C..) 0 m m > c 0 C, >< > -l < > c w > cncn CD 0 0) 0) co C I a I LI I I I 111111 i: — - 1 II I I II I ,FL1tL I /‘.LIIIII If’I 1 i — — -, — - — — — Ii_ 111111I IIiIII i/ 1 VIC 3 D I i 1 I I I II I a i -I i I 1 1 /1*1 1 I II 111111 Il I cip C 4 * 1 IIII - I E 1 4.G 11 I — — — I I LIII I 16 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I II I I 1111 1111 II I II I I I I I I I t C F 1 )iT II I I I 1 I L I i I I II I I I I — — — — — - — - — I COMMENTS I I I II i I I I I I I I I I I I 1111 I 1 1 I I I I I I 1111 I I I III III au 11111 I I I I I LIII I I I I II I I :!iI 11 I 1 I 11111_Ill jL.IL I I I I I I I 1111111111111111 I I I II I I I I It!_, III TREAM T E(ECUT,E 1 I LI;__LIFiDLlIk4L[i_I LIII s 1 Lj I I I I I II I I 11 I I_.I II I I I I I 11111 I__I I 1 I I I I I j__J. I IiI I L I .1 .1 1.. 1 .1 I I I... iJ.. a i 1_i I a I I I il_I I __ I i .1. I III 1 1 x 1 — I_ 11111 I I i.L II i i_ii 1J._.LIII I ;;I_IIIIIII Il_i_Il — — 72 IIIIII_ I_.L__1 1111 i_.1__tI_A.IiI.i_. ..__L__LI__I___II 1.. I ii i L__L_LI I i_i a , i EiST 1 D D .1_I__I II 1.I__L1 I i Ii I I i I..i......L..L I III jI_j__j_. I Il ii II I I DR 1 CARD REA 1 I. I_t_L__J___L__ 1111111 S A 1 I GNiN.Ti. I I I 1 JJ LI__LI I I .L__i_._.I__.j.__L II I I II lJ_LJ_L_L_LJ_L_LLJ.i.L_L_L1 L_L_LL__L_1. III EIdII 1 I1I/”0I I,I 11111! I IsJIJE G 1 SCt1T I I 4J E C 11 lPR 1 I 1 RIAII 1 biTt4 1 E 11 . C ICA1%1 E IL_i. L k 1 ER.:EjR,, ,IAREALLI 1 I PEAL=IIJiPUT ArE I i I I I ts I[T,P1A( JLIJAtLcxLJ&4JcK 1 111111 11111 I 1 i 1111111 I III I_L__[I__I_1_I i I I 1 TEIM 1 )?CAIrDMIYS , — OPERAND LaQLLLII L_L_J__I1IIII I II —.1Lbt%1L.IELI Jjaj )I I I 1 1 I 11 1 1 i 1 %R 1 ) I I ILL D 1 T iA 4 * 4 *1 I T iii R 1 t1OPERATIONt 10 LABEL 1 a I i a i a I 1J_L_ a I I__I_i i_I 1 I .1 1 I I 1. a I I a L.. I a I III Ii L_J. I I a I .I_I_.._.1 I 1 .1 1111111 1.11.111 1111111 liii i II LI II I 1 I_LI iiL. I ._a i L.I_L. .1 LJ_L_I 1 1 III I 1 I 1111111 1 lL_.L_LIII a 1 LI I IL11a1J 80 3 CA) I I I LABEL i i I I I I I I Ii 1111111 I — 1i I — I I I - L i I i1 I I I III IL1I I III - — - I I I i t i I I i I LJ I IJLJLJJt I 1_.L1 I I I I I I I I I_Ii,,j i I i t lI_I I II I I t i I I i I I . I i LI I 1 LIIL III t 1_II — I tI.: i ! i I .-1- I t I L i. i -±L-’ I I • . I . i i i t L. J. i i i I i L I I I t i L i.±i 1 ii . i . L± i i .i L1 i i j i 1_ i_LLLL ±J I I 1. 1. I i I I i t I I I I ..i_ i I I i i it I I I I.L. I I I i..L I 1111 I I I 111 LLiZLL I Il-i I I I I I i i I .1 iI:i L Lii I J 1 1 1.. t. I 1 1 i I I I.1 I I ii I I — i i i L I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 L I 1 d LI 1 I I L I 1 I I 1 I I I I I i .1 I Ii I J iJI 1. i I i II i .1 a i II 1111111 [ 1 i1 1 LIII I II I III 1111111 i.I I i i I 1 I I J I I I iii I I — I I L I I I i Li_LL I I I i I i 1. i 111111.1 I I — 1 1 I .1 i L ± .. 1 I Li j i 1111111 I I I — I 1 80 111111 1 1 I I i ..L.. .1.1 i . i I tL I i III I IL I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I J I I 1 I 1 J I LIII i I 1 I I.. I_L. I I I I I I I I i I 1 I I I il.L_L. ± i jflj R JLL JLLL L ii I._ 1. I11It;ii II lI_JIIa_L 1 iIF I I LL.i I I I i JPLLtLcJriL L__iCAiR± I I I’II I I AQ 1 4 I I i a .. i I [ jJ. L I 7 L i. L I L I I i LJi L i : COMMENTS f i A IDATA MAf.JAGiME,.Jrfl CARD LJIfPQ]E FJ1 1 I J_.LLL LIII I I i I A IiL.L! I I_1_I 1111111111111 I i I 111111 I L X ]i 1 AMT Q L L (JkZ 1 RK I I QL_Jfl I iC I I Lj *1)191 L I 1 LJ[ - — I QL 91 1 9 - — 1 I 1 B 1 J I 1AiLJRL - _ — - I I d 1 OPERAND E) A 1 LE iF TJ-4Ei UE f I 1 i I t i i i I i i i i [ I i i i I i .j — JLLILL_ Iii R 1 E *1111 , i I I I I I I ii jill I ii I II I i iT& Ii LL±L I. L 1 P _16 A0PERATIONA i_ 1......L.. 1 I I I U1P I b 1 T 1 I I .i i I 1111111 !iI I 1 I * I 1 *1 *I 4ILL I /i 1 ± 1 Cr) F’., a, j liii I - - C 1 I I I I I II I I Jj_ 1 jIJ (__l.._i 4 DIL±_ I H I I LLL JL IJ__ FIN, 11 /J /& LIII! LILL.IPLLCLIf 0 ! * 1 Cii ti.’ b RJc.L±. LALLL IALtLI i *_jjj_ iJPri]1L I I lJJLi OPERAND - A I 1 1 I I I I Li± II L I I I LII I III I I II I III I II II I I TREAM Ti II III II £ I I I I I JLLAL I I I I!I I LA 11111 AI I I L I £L II I I - I I 1± I I 11 I 1 I i I I I I A I I L L i I L I I i A I i I I I I I LA I I I I 1 LJI I I — I L I UJ .1 I 1 I - I I I I I I i I I I L I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ii I I I I I J I I ± I I I I i. 111111111 — I ±j IL iAAI I A A I I I i A I I I — — I I I I I I £ i L I I. I I I I I I I t i i 1 I I L £ i 1 I £ I I I ILL . £ i 1 I i i i i i 80 I 1 1 1 I I I I i i I I iilit.ii I A.. I I t i i i Ii I I I I I I I I III I i I I I I ± I i ± I L I I I I I 72 Li ± I I ± ± A I AL2jM:Dj-IiTa, X t I i I LLA .IiIIlIIIILII I__A J I I1 A L± A i I L 1 i A iL±. L I I LA I LL_L JL 1 I L I AA±J 1J±L liii ± I ±±L III I _i__LA_L 1 II ALAA £ 4jEA RGIilE I’”E 1 Ji.J_.LLL.J.IILA.LI_I.L.LLJ.JLL_I I A 1 IAA. L LLLLll A iLI LUJJLA LL1LJ_LJ JJ_JJJ I COMMENTS AJJJLLILJLLiJLI&JA. ’ iS 1 S 1 iEit” (’ JLL I Ri k,TI jLjQ L 4 REILT9uTJ CRDEIREffi I C. 1 RiD R 111 IIII c4I8LL lQLLJAJ I81 A cAkct. LLLJ LJJJL± LiLLiLLLtJLLJ_J iLLJ 16 L EJLLLTL_LLJL_LJ - - — - L 1 iA1LC RR_ g _ _ 1 L AOPERATIONA 10 LABEL 1 F%) CD cI) II I t i II L Iii I Iii i — - — - — • i j I II III jjjjj — — [ i Li 1 i II I I_I_Il — I i i 1 I a II I I I Ii I LL I II 1 IIjJ1L jjjjLjj_jj I II I i I ±rnL . .. I j . I L 1 I I I I I I — . i I I I L I I I I i I I I J I I 1 I. I • I Ji. i IJ. I I iL.LJ jLj — 1 2 IIJT I / AA I . . I .1. tILj Li 1 I I I I J I I i . i - . I i 1 I t LL I L I I. I 1 1 I i 1 I I i i I I i 1 1 i I I I i 1 1 I 1 i I I 1 . I I I I I I t I 1 I i i i i t II i L I II I I 1._.._.L..__.I._____i_... Ii I I I Ii I 1 i I, 1 I ii I I 1. 4 i I I i L .1.IIIaI i. — i .t I I I I 1:1111 I i i : I .1 1 1 I L I — — i i 1.1 1 I i 111 I 1 I 1 .11111 Ii i I I 1J i H I I j I I I i.iii I IL. ttii. zLi. I J Lj I I ±. I li I i :Ii . CM8Ii{ED IEIILE iLi. iiL . I l_JIREAD LCAg1DL LJJ__L I IJ_ Li. II I I L I L i: COMMENTS A ThATA M4AMEt..L1i CA PRtCE DATAiREA III L_iJ.I — - - . A LLLjIJJLLJ_ILLZ_IiA 1 J 11IJiL LL iI i i i±i I L,E DIE rn4Ei IJE iE I ii I ii I 1_I I I UL — , iL i qLQLLI — i T:i J3 rEiAM 1 1 B j. I i I J OPERAND 1 ALR L,E,XA Li .‘‘ 1 AR 1 iI E III _j_i 1 I tsOPERATIONA LJ_..1LJ_L_L__II , i i j i LII ‘ LI i i_ Iii I I I LLi , * I I I I I I I I I j LLL_ LABEL - z mu m >fl > > C > Ct, co 0) C — 16 . . IL_I liii -- I I I L_. I. i. . I I I I Li I I. .Lll II tO’Li 4 ) iJ / 1 - j I’jlL - I SiL Li L -i /IJIIEIThLI - Iii III /&Li j I - E 1 L8 Ji. — - - -_ — — . .1 . . . ,. . 1 .. .. . I ilLIIiL.Ii ,.. I...ILII . OPERAND .. ± I... . - I I IL. - - I.. - 1,11 . .. ii - III 1iI I .1 I I I I - .. I,. I ATF.B ,.TREAr4Th ExECYrE . 1 RD MRINE I - JbEjAj7XE ] 1 ZE C4t . - . i .. . I. - - ._ INKA . COMMENTS .1 ii . , .1. I - L . _L . i . . . ..,. -. - - - . ,1 . - - I - - .: - . QU’BL.KS?. 18P, I L.L1l:LI .. .. / A 1 I E 1 Li. - AREA2 IA ,fr DE.=TjD,PTL1 .2N ‘f iPEELE=.cMpDAVAREASv:E. 1 CILJaQI _JIL_ . I - LI. III i Ij ILL /1 “I I /*, . crai±& : .1 1 i LJLJ IAJ. 1 IA 1 iI 11 C 1 RIRll , AiCEL Ii 1 i.i 4 OPERATIONA 10 LABEL 1 . - 1 - - - I - I - - I I I . . III 1 I i I I i II I .: 1 I .I . Iii i X 12 . L III III I Ill L i I 80 ct) t C) 3f. t !‘.: :) I.. Ii • —• • C- -• - •-. •:;• a -:.:-u._: ;-:. :•‘ •• C :t j UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 4-1 4. Diskette Formats and File Con’iénticns 4.1. GENERAL This section describes the data formats and file conventions that apply to the 8413 diskette subsystems files supported by OS/3. The 8413 diskette is a rapid replacement medium for card processing devices and provides multifile volume and multivolume file exchange capabilities. 4.2. FILE ORGANIZATION The 8413 diskette is a single-sided, fixed-sector storage medium used for sequential file processing as a substitute for punched card equipment The diskette subsystem handles single or multivolume input, output and combined files. A maximum of 19 files is allowed on a single diskette volume. A summary of the 8413 diskette volume characteristics follows: Tracks Tracks (usable) Sectors per track Sectors (records) per volume Sector size Files per volume Number of volumes 77 (0—76) (1—73) 73 26 1 898 1 28 bytes 19 maximum 1 52 maximum per file Figure 4—1 illustrates the track and sector organization of an 8413 diskette volume. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 SYSTEM SCRATCH VOLUME LABEL ERMAP —- —- L1 \ 3 \ ‘ 4-2 6 [7 [. 26 FILEDEsCRIPTIONLABELS I I’ SECTORS ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ TRACK o INDEX TRACK ‘ I DATA FILES 73 not used 74 75 spàe or alternate 76 Figure 4—1. Typical Organization of a Diskette Volume I UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 4-3 File description labels are written on the first track (track 0) of each volume of a diskette DTFCD file by data management. The maximum number of files that can be written to a volume is 19 The simple 1 28-byte diskette file label format is ° 0 1 2 3 iabei ID 4 — .— LABEL DATA — — 76 81 — NOT USED —9 -I 124 NOTE Details on the diskette file description label are presented in D.5. 4.2.1. Diskette Input Files Diskette fiIes can be contained on one volume or can span severalvolumes (multivolume file) Information on a diskette volume is organized Into two areas the index track (track 0) and the data files (tracks 1 through 73) Track 74 is not used tracks 75 and 76 are alternates or spares (See Figure 4—1). The index track (track 0) contains a volume label(VOL1) in sector 7. Sectors 8 through 26 are used for the file description labels One file can be described in each sector therefore a maximum of 1 9 file description labels can be entered in the track index The data portion of the diskette files contain punch card :images (EBCDIC) with one record to each diskette sector Each sector is 1 28 bytes long and any unused space in the sector after the record is hardware padded All diskette input files are read-only sequential files. Multivolume files require. that the volumes be mounted in the proper sequence standard mount messages provide prompting to ensure that the volumes are mounted in the correct order. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 4-4 42.2. Diskette Output Files Diskette output files are read/write sequential files allocated on a sector basis. All files must reside in a contiguous area. When the file description label is written, it includes a pointer to the beginning of the file. Card images that are read to diskette are entered sequentially, one record (card image) per sector; unused space after the record in each sector is padded with binary zeros. 4.2.3. Combined Files Diskette combined files are read/write files that are used mainly for updating records. A record is read, updated, and then written back into its original location; this is the nóhoverlap mode of processing. You should exercise extreme care when using combined files, because destruction of the initial contents of the record read may result when writing back into that location. The overlap mode of processing for combined files is not supported. 4.3. RECORD FORMATS Diskette records fall into two categories: fixed-length unblocked records and variable-length unblocked records. Records are contained one to a sector within a file. There is no record blocking of diskette records. 4.3.1. Fixed-Length Records Fixed-length diskette records are all of equal length for a given file. Diskette records are generally the length for a given card type image (51, 66, 80, or 96); however, the records can be any length from 1 to 1 28 bytes. Figure 4—2 illustrates the fixed-length record characteristics. 4.3.2. Variable-Length Records When yoU Use variable-length records, data management preempts the first four bytes of every block (in this case record) for use as a record descriptor word (Figure 4—2) Data management calculates the length of the record and inserts this for you in the first two bytes; the other two bytes are used by data management. Data management, again reserves the final two bytes of the record descriptor word (RDW) for its own use but the first two bytes must contain the length of the record of which the RDW is a part. When you specify that yoUr records are variable and unblocked, data management will write out one block for each logical record you submit, regardless of the amount of available space remaining in the I/O area. You must not use the RECSIZE keyword parameter in your DTF for a file containing variable length records, because data management expects to find the record size in the first two bytes of RDW. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 4-5 FIXED-LENGTH LOGICAL RECORD H I A 128 BYTES C 128 BYTES p III itj VARIABLE-LENGTH LOGICAL RECORD —H B 124 BYTES 4 BYTESF II.’ C 128 BYTES LEGEND: r A B C P Record descriptor word (ROW) Data record length plus padding to fill out the sector Variable record length I/O area layout Padding NOTES: 1. For input files, data management passes to the user the record length and data portion of the record. 2. BLKSIZE=n specification on DTF macro and file label block length determines the size of record processed during OPEN processing. The maximum block size of multisector I/O is 1024 bytes. 3. Unused sector space is hardware padded. 4. Under multisector I/O, user IOAREA contains multiple records in either fixed unblocked or variable unblocked formats. Figure 4—2. Diskette File Record Formats UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRYiJNiVAC0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 5-1 5. Function and Operation of Diskette SAM 5.1 GENERAL This section contains a brief description of the data management modules that apply to SAM operation. for input files, outputfiles, and combined files Used With diskette operation. Following the functiónaT description is a. detailed explanation of the declarative macroinstructions that define :the three types of files. This sectiOn concludes with the imperative macroinstructions that initiate, conduct, and terminate file processing. NOTE: The 8413 diskette processor does not handle compressed code translation 5.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5.2.1. Input Record Processing Diskette input files, like punched card input files (2,2.1),use the fixed unblocked record format (RECFORM=FIXUNB). Diskette records range from a fixed length of 1 to 1 28 bytes per sector. In addition, diskette Input files can be in variable unblocked record format (RECFORM=VARUNB). Data management accesses diskette Input files in read mode only Once data management locates a diskette file label at open time, it saves the fileIabel address and certain fields of information from the label such as file extent boundaries, i.e. beginning of extent (BOE), end of data (EOD) and end of extent (EOE) Data management then compares file label information with DTF specifications to determine if the file shoUld be processed under single-sector or multisector I/O Itis the user’s responsibility. here to providel/O areas of adequate size to handle the block length specified UP-8068 Rev. 4 5-2 SPERRY UNIVAC’ OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT’ 5.2.2. Output Record Processing Data management accesses an opened diskette output file in both read and write modes. Using the file-id on the job control // LBL statement, data management searches the index track to locätë the correspcindiig ‘file label and saves the file label address to be used at close time. Files can be extended or overwritten on output only if the expiration date has been surpassed or ifINIT is specified on the // LFD statement. If specified on the // LBL statement for the output file, the new creation date is then inserted in the file label; otherwise, the system date is used as the creation date. If INIT is specified on the // LFD job control statement for an output file, the file expiration date is ignored and the file is overwritten, If EXTEND is specified on the // LFD statement, the expiration date is checked and if still valid, the file is extended. If neither INIT or EXTEND. is specified, a normal check of expiration date occurs. If no major file errors occurred to that point, data management writes the label back to the index track in its original sector location positioning occurs if EXTEND mode was specified and data management marks the DTF as opened and.passes control to the next instruction. Data management writes output files via the PUT imperative macro either by single-sector or multisector I/O (determined by BLKSIZE or RECSIZE DTF specifications). When data management closes output files, it writes all necessary buffers to the diskette to avoid loss of user records, and updates the EOD field of the file label by reading the label, updating it, and writing it to its original sector location on the index track. Finally, data management resets indicators and fields in the DTF and marks the DTF closed. 5.2.3. Combined File Record Processing Data management handles combined files (files capable of GET/PUT functions) at open time the same way it handles input files (5 2 1) Likewise, during close operations, .data management handles combined files as output files (5.2.2) with one exception. If the current EOD is less than the original EOD, i.e., partial update occurred, data management does not update the EOD field on the file label. If the current EOD is greater thanthe original EOD, i.e.,file extension occurred, data management updates the EOD.field in the file label: : ,. . . Data management processes GET and PUT diskette operations for combined files under single-sector l/O.The IOAREA1 receivesthe input record via the GET macro.The user must mOve the record to. IOAREA2 and. then update it. The äontënts of IOAREA1 are superimposed on the updated record in lQAREA2 If an invalid character results, the original character in IQAREA1 will be substituted in IOAREA2. From there, the PUT macro writes it to the diskette at the sector from which the original record was read. Data management repositions back one sector before each write so that the PUT writes directly to the record’s original location. When a series of PUT macros occurs, however, no backward sector repositioning occurs after the second and all succeeding PUT macros. The user must take care in moving updated records to avoid loss of existing data. UP-8068 Rev. 4 5 2 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 5-3 Multsector I/O Multisector I/O is allowed for the diskette up to a mãximuml/O byte count of 1024. This means that up to 8 full 128-byte sectors (records) can be read or written with one physical I/O. Many more sectors can be handled,if record size is less than 128 bytes. Forexample, if record size is 80, the maximum blocksize that can evenly process multiple sectors is 960 bytes and the number of sectors accessed in a single physical I/O is 12. To process smaller records using multisector I/O, the BLKSIZE and RECSIZE parameters of the DTFCD declarative macro must be specified with the blocksize value being an integral multiple of the record size. To determine the actual number of sectors to the processed, divide your BLKSIZE length DTF spècificatións by block length field in the file label (positions 23 through 27 in the file label sector). The result must be an integral number of sectors There is no remainder Records are in blocked format in I/O areas; therefore, tO facilitate record by record processing, you must specifiy either the IOREG or WORKA parameters on your DTFCD macro. In addition, the IOAREA buffer space allocation must be increased to equal the new larger blocksize specification in the DTFCD macro and reprogramming and reassembling of existing card file programs is necessary to use diskette multisector I/O. In multisector processing, the initial logical GET brings in a block of sectors and either points toa record or moves a record to your work area. When all recordsfrom a block of sectors have been processed, another physical multisector I/O occurs and processing continues until the file is exhausted and EOD is reached. Control then passes to your end of file routine (EOFADDR=syrribol). 5.2.5. Specifying 8413 Diskette Use: The following steps are required to use the 8413 diskette: • The supervisor which supports the diskette must be generated. See the system installation user guide/programmer reference, UP-8074 (current version). • The DSKPRP system utility routine and diskette space management must be applied to the diskette to initialize the allocate file space before user program execution. See the system service programs (SSP) user guide, UP-8062 (current version). • The appropriate job control statements must be provided to enable diskette recognition and scheduling. The // DVC statement specifies logical unit numbers 130, 131, 132, or 133 for diskette. The ALT option of this statement allows you to specify multivolume processing (using two drives). The // VOL statement supplies the diskette volume serial number. On a first run, the // EXT statement allocates sectors. The // LBL statement identifies the file (this name should match positions 5—1 2 on the file label of the diskette). UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/a BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 5-4 Only the first eight positions of the field are used for the file name. The // LBL statement can also specify the file creation date, and file expiration date. Finally, the // LFD statement specifies the name given for the file description (DTFCD). For further detail, see the job control user guide, UP-8065 (current version). 5.2.6. Diskette Limitations The following limitations exist for the 8413 diskette • All diskette files are created and retrieved sequentially • Data management requires that each diskette file be opened via an OPEN imperative macro before accessing the file and closed via a CLOSE macro when file processing is finished. Data management also recognizes a virtual device on an OPEN macro • The CNTRL imperative macro is ignored when issued to a diskette file. • If an error occurs during file processing in output mode and control passes to the user’s error routine, the user must close the file. in error to permit data management to, update the EOD pointer in the file label. • Maximum block size allowable with multisector I/O is 1024 bytes and file processing is, limited to tracks 1 through 73 • Within the same job step, only one logical file (DTF) may access a diskette volume. • Data management cannot process, in a normal GET/PUT sequence, combined files that contain logically deleted data records containing ‘D’ in. the first position of the record. • Data management PUT operations do not. use multisector processing if spooling out. The output writer provides this feature. • All data management mount messages are suppressed in a spooling environment. • If spooling is in operation a CLOSE macro does not attempt to access the diskette 5-5 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP 8068 Rev 4 DTFCD (Diskette) 5.3. DEFINE A SAM DISKETTE FILE (DTFCD) Function: The DTFCD declarative macroused to define punched card files is also used to define diskette files (3.3). Except for the undefined record format specification (RECFORM=UNDEF) which generates an invalid DTF field message (DM61; see Table B—i), if issued for a diskette, the following DTFCD parameter specifications do not apply to diskette files and are ignored if specified for diskette files: AUE=YES CONTROL=YES CRDERR=RETRY MODE=BINARY RECFORM=UNDEF STUB=51 STUB=66 The format of the DTFCD macroinstruction as it applies to diskette files follows: Format: LABEL filename LOPERATION t DTFCD OPERAND [ASCII=YES] [,BLKSIZEn] [,EOFADDR=symbol] [,ERROR=symbol] lOAREAlsymboI [,lOAREA2symbol] [,IOREG= (r)] [,ITBL=symbol] E ,MODE=(CC (TRANS L [,OPTION=YES] [,ORLP=YES] [,OTBLsymbol] [,OUBLKSZn] I ,RECFORM=J1!XtS VARUNB L 5-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OPERAND t0PERATIONL LABEL DTFCD (cont) [,RECSIZE= {(r)}] [,SAVAREA=symbol] rTYPEFLE= (INPUT OUTPUT I (CMBND L [,WORKA=YES] For a complete description and summary of each keyword parameter refer to 3 3 and Table 3—1. 5.4. IMPERATIVE MACROINSTRUCTIONS There are four imperative macroinstructions available to you for processing diskette SAM files: Macro instruction Use OPEN GET PUT CLOSE File control Record processing Record processing File control The following paragraphs describe these macroinstructions in detail and provide coding examples with explanations. 5-7 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OPEN 5.4.1. Open a Diskette SAM File (OPEN) Eu nctio n: The OPEN macroinstruction is used toopen a file for processing:The transient routine called by the OPEN macroinstruction makes certain validation checks and then proceeds to access the diskette file. The OPEN transient routine accesses input and combined files in read only mode (5.2.1). It accesses output files in read and write modes (5.2.2). Format: OPERAND LOPERATIONL LABEL OPEN [name] Jfilename 1 1(1) [filename n] Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in the program. The file name may have a maximum of seven characters; the maximum number of file names is 16. (1) Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macro instruction. Example: AOPERATIONL LABEL OPERAND [1 I 1 ?M Enters the transient routines necessary to prepare the DTF macroinstructions whose labels are INPUT and OUTPUT. Checks that they are prepared to access these files with the next imperative macroinstruction (GET, PUT, etc.). UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 5-8 GET 5.4.2. Retrieve Next Logical Record (GET) Function: The GET macroinstruction makes the next logical record in the input diskette file available to you. The data is accessible either in an I/O area or in a work area you have specified Data records must be in fixed unblocked or variable unblocked format (4 3) If yoU specify ähly one I/O area and require single-sector i/O processing, yoU access records relative to the name of the I/O area. Otherwise, you must specifya register (IOREG keyword parameter) used by the card processor to supply the starting address of the current record or must specify a work area in the DTF declarative macro, WORKA=YES. If you use multisectorprocessing, to determine the number of sectors read by one physical I/O as a result of a GET macro, divide your DTF blocksize length by the block length field in the file label (positions 22—26). The result must be an integral number of sectors. There is no remainder. The GET macro reads a block of sectors and points to a record or moves it to a work area until reaching end of data (EOD). Data management then passes control to your EOFADDR=symbol routine indicated on, the DTF macro. Format: LABEL [name] LOPERATIONL GET OPERAND 5 filename 1.(1) [j workarea fL1o Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in the program (1) Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macroinstruction. Positional Parameter 2 workarea Is the label of an area into which the current record is moved for processing. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY:UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT. 3-15 GET 3.4.2. Retrieve Next Logica[ Record (GET) Function: The GET macroinstruction makes the next logical record in an Input file available to you. The data is accessible either in the !/Q area or in a work area you :have specified. The macroinstruction is used for all record types. If you specify only one I/O area, you may directly access data relative to the name of the I/O area. Otherwise, you must specify a register (through the IOREG keyword parameter) to be used by the logical IOCS to give the starting address of the current record, or you must specify a work area in the declarative macroinstruction. More than one work area may be employed, since the address of the area is specified to the logical IOCS with each GET macroinstruction. Each GET macroinstruction may specify a different work area, if necesary. Format: - LABEL [name] zOPERATiONt GET OPERAND (filenamé (1 F ( workarea j (O) )L(o Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in the program. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macroi nstruction. Positional Parameter 2: workarea Is the label of an area into which the current record is moved for processing. (0) or 0 Indicates that register 0 has been preloaded with the address of a work area. If omitted, indicates the user has chosen processing either by means of a register (IOREG keyword parameter) or by directly accessing the data relative to the name of the I/O area. NOTE: When a work area is specified, the keyword WORKA=YES must also be specified in the DTF statement. 3-16 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Example: LABEL I OPERAND tOPERATIONt 15 10 1 J JILrIvLc.rI—J,Itr.4.%IIR1< I I I the next record of the file described in the DTF macroinstruction, whose label is INPUT, into the area whose label is INWORK. The optional label HERE may be used to reference this point in the program Places SPERRYUNIVAC U/ BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 (0) Indicates that register 0 has been preloaded with the address of a work area. If omitted, indicates the user has chosen processing either by means of a register (IOREG keyword parameter) or by directly accessing the data relative to the name of the I/O area. NO TE: When workarea is specified the keyword WQRKAYES must also bespecified in the DTF statement. Example: LABEL OPERATiON OPERAND Places the next record of the file described in the DTF macroinstruction, whose label is INPUT, into the area whose label is INWORK. The optional label HERE may be used to reference this point in the program. U[’-Ub hey. I• ornn i BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT PUT 5.4.3.. Writing a Diskette Record (PUT) Function: The PUT macroinstruction delivers an output record to the card processor. In singleSector processing, each PUT macro writes a record to diskette. In mUltisector processing, you use the IOREG orWORKA specifications in the DTF and the PUT macro to control the release and writing of individual records from a block of sectors held in the output buffer to the output file on the diskette. To prevent occurrence of unwanted information in the data you must be careful to clear output record buffer areas before each use or, to supply complete records including blanks on each logical PUT Format: [name] OPERAND t2OPERATiON L: LABEL PUT f filename (1) F,Jworkarea (°) I [ Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in the program. (1) Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macroinstruction. Positional Parameter 2: workarea Is the label of the work area from which the record may be obtained. (0) Indicates that register 0 has been preloaded with the address of the work area. If omitted, indicates you have chosen processing either by means of a register (IOREG keyword parameter) or by directly accessing the data relative to the name of the I/O area. u—i SHHY UINIVPL U/.I UP-8068 Rev. 4 i BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT NO TE: When the work area is specified, the keyword parameter WORKA=YES must be present in the DTF statement. Example: I - i 16 10 I A OPERAND AOPERATIONA LABEL 1 J I I I I I I I Programming Considerations: I Variable-Length Unblocked Records You must determine the size of the output record and must insert the size at the beginning of the record before issuing the PUT macroinstruction. Record size includes the 4-type record length field. You may not access the first four bytes, which are reserved for block size. ur-buo hey. rMMY UINIVM1. ‘f BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT CLOSE 5.4.4. Closing a Diskette File (CLOSE) Function: The CLOSE macroanstruction transfers control to a data management CLOSE transient routine which validates devices. If devices are diskette, a new diskette close transient receives control and determines the close prncessing required according to file type. It marks the DTF of an input file closed and resets indicators and fields in the DTF where applicable (2.4.3). For output files, it writes all necessary buffers to diskette, updates the EOD indicator in the file label, and resets indicators in the DTF before closing the file (2.4.4). The diskette close transient closes combined files like output files except. when updating or not updating the EOD field for partial updates of files or extended writes to files (2.4.5). Format OPERAND tOPERATIONL LABEL CLOSE [name] (filename-i [,...,filename-n] (i) Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in your program. Filename may contain a maximum of seven characters; the maximum number of filenames is 16. (1) Indicates that register 1 macroinstruction. has been preloaded with the address of the DTF *ALL Specifies that all files currently open in the job step are to be closed. Example: LOPERATiONLk LABEL r O E 1 f lLS tum Enters the transient routine which macroinstruction whose label is INPUT. OPERAND I closes I I the file I I described in the DTF UP-8068 Rev. 4 6 6.1. 6-i SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Printer Formats and File Conventions GENERAL The section describes the data formats and file conventions that apply to printer subsystem files supported by OS/3. The SPERRY UNIVAC 0773 Printer Subsystem, an integrated printer, is intended primarily for use with OS/3. However, the SPERRY UNIVAC 0768, 0770, and 0776 Printer Subsystems are also supported by OS/3. A number of terms, used in what follows, are explained here: line spacing Advancing the paper (or forms) to be printed under the control of a line counter, i.e. a specified number of lines. line skipping Advancing the paper to a line on the form that is specified by a code placed in the vertical format buffer (VFB) by the user (or by a punch made by the user in the forms control loop). paper advance Vertical movement of the form or paper in the printer either after printing or without printing. vertical format buffer A buffer in the 0773, 0770, 0768, and 0776 printers. The buffer contains a location for each line on a form. A code may be placed in the location that corresponds to a particular line. Your program can then advance the form to that line by issuing a skip command and specifying the appropriate code. The paper tape loop on the 0768 printer is used in conjunction with the VFB. load code buffer A buffer located in the printer that allows the specification of any 8-bit code for any graphical symbol on the print band or drum. Thus, you can load the EBCDIC codes for the graphical characters on the print band into the load code buffer in the proper sequence and then print EBCDIC data. SPERR’UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 6.1.1. 6-2 * 0773 Printer Subsystem The 0773 printer has a standard print line of 120 print columns. You can expand this to 144 print columns through available hardware options. Line spacing (6 or 8 lines per inch) is accomplished through a switch on the printer. Paper advance (up to 15 lines) is controlled by the VFB and, can be accomplished after printing or without printing. 6.1.2. 0770 Printer Subsystem The 0770 printer allows you to use print lines of up to 160 print columns. The line spacing (6 or 8 lines per inch) and paper advance (up to 15 lines) are accomplished through the VFB. As with the 0773 printer, paper advance can be accomplished without printing or after printing. 6.1.3. 0768 Printer Subsystem The 0768 printer allows you to print lines of up to 132 pr’nt columns Line spacing (6 or 8 lines per inch) is controlled through a punched paper tape loop (forms control loop), and paper advance (up to 15 lines) can be accomplished without printing or after printing. 6.1.4. 0776 Printer Subsystem The 0776 printer allows you to print lines of up to 136 print columns. Lihe spacing (6 or 8 lines per inch) and paper advance (up to 15 lines) are accomplished through the VFB. As with the 0773 prInter paper advance can be accomplished without printing or after printing 6.1.5. 0778 Printer Subsystem The 0778 printer has a standard print line of 120 print columns. You can expand this optionally to 132 print columns. Line spacing (6 or 8 lines per inch) is accomplished through a switch on the printer. Paper advance (up to 15 lines) is controlled by the VFB and can be accomplished after printing or without printing 6 2 FILE ORGANIZATION A print file can be best described as a collection of rëlätêd data that is output to a printer device, one line at a time (band or drum printer). Line printers assemble the contents of a complete line (including blank spaces) before actual printing occurs Line printers are provided with the 90/30 system, and operate through OS/3. Therefore, not Only are you responsible for organizing the data you want printed within each line, but you must also consider the vertical separation bëtweOn lines and pages. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 6-3 Print files described in this section fall into three categories: a general text; • tabular data; and • data printed on forms. 6.2.1. Text The simplest printer file to understand and use is probably one which consists of plain text. For example, assume that each input record is punched card and each output record IS formed in the I/O area or in a work area you have specified The records are output to the printer buffer by the physical IOCS Each time that the printer buffer is full a print command is issued and the line is printed Figure 6—1 is a typical example of text output the annotations point out the record where the home paper instruction should be issued and the home paper position necessary to begin printing the lower portion of the text at the top of a new page. LINE TRUNCATED (BIT 0) VERTICAL SPACING 6 LINES/iNCH FIXED LENGTHS UNBLOCKED RECORDS: THE LINE TRUNCATED BIT IS SET DURING OPEN PROCESSING IF THE USER HAS SPECIFIED A BLOCK SIZE WhICH INDICATES A PRINT LINE LONGER THAN THE MAXIMUM PRINT LINE WHICH CAN BE PRINTED ON THE ASSIGNED PRINTER. OPEN PROCESSING IS COMPLETED AND THEN A BRANCH TO THE USER ERROR ROUTINE OCCURS. IF THERE IS NO ERROR ROUTINE, THE OPEN ROUTINE RETURNS TO THE USER AT NORMAL RETURN POINT. IF THE USER CONTINUES PROCESSING EACH PRINT LINE JLL CONTAIN THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PRiNT HOME PAPER INSTRUCTION HOME PAPER POSITION 90/30 PRINTER SYSTEM/USER INTERFACE PAGE HEADING PAGE NUMBER 16 POSITIONS WHICH CAN BE PRINTED ON THE ASSIGNED PRINTER. VARIABLE LENGTH, UNBLOCKED RECORDS AN DEFINED RECORDS: IF THE USER TRIES TO PRINT A LINE LONGER THAN THE MAXIMUM LINE LENGTH INDICATED BY THE BLOCK SIZE SPECIFICATION, A LINE EQUAL IN LENGTH TO THE MAXIMUM iNI3ICAT!D BY BLOcK SIZE WILL E PRINTED, AFTER THE LINE IS PRINTED, THE LINE TRUNCATED BIT WILL BE SET AND A BRANCH TO THE USER ERROR EXIT OCCURS. IF THERE IS NO ERROR EXIT, THE PUT ROUTINE RETURNS TO THE INSTRUCTION AFTER THE PUT MACRO INSTRUCTION. NOTE: THE OPEN ROUTINE ADJUSTS’ BLOCK.SIZEIF A PRINT LINE LONGER THAN THE MAXIMUM PRINT LINE ON THE ASSIGNED PRINTER IS INDICATED BY THE BLOCK SIZE SPECIFICATION. IN THIS CASES BLOCK SIZE IS ADJUSTED TO INDICATE A MAXIMUM PRINT LINE EQUAL IN LENGTH TO THE MAXIMUM PRINT LINE ON THE ASSIGNED PRINTER. Figure 6—1. Typical Text Output Example UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BAS1C.DATA MANAGEMENT 6-4 6.2.2. Tabular Data Tabular data and reports generally require a more complex printer file structureSince there is a more varied spacing requirement, both vertical and horizontal (Figure 6—2). Also, column headings and similar repetitive items require a more complex program if the file is lengthy. The output records are formed in the same manner as those of regular text files (in the I/O area or work area) and are output to the printer one lineat a time. HOME PAPER POSITION COLUMN HEADINGS — T_DAlLY ACTIVITY REPOaT TRANSQUAN PART ITEM jJBR 000lOE 0001OF 000IOG P.RJtW.t CAPACITOR ROTOR POINT, IGN ACTION ORDER ORDER ORDER Figure 6—2. 6.2.3. ON-HAND REORf /DEPARmENT P0 ‘BILLED 7(PRODuCTION PRODUCTION ‘ MAINTENANCE ) Sample Table Printout Printer Forms Printer files that complete or that are added to document forms are usually simple to use once they are organized (Figure 6—3) By using the control and overflow macroinstructions you can achieve desired vertical positioning By forming your records properly in the I/O area or work area you can achieve the required horizontal positioning to place the data on the form where it belongs E RY+ UNIVAC COMPUTER SYSTEMS P. a. BOX 500 BWE BELL PA. 18422 HOME PAPER POSiTiON INT SITE 3-1 ATTN: HOME PAPER iNSTRUCTiON UMS —— — _D6866M CATHY SMITH UP 8598 8071 ADDRESS CORRECTiON REQUESTED RETURNPOSTAGE GUARANTEED UDI-527 Figure 6—3. Sample Forms Printout 00851 UP-8068 Rev. 4 6.3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 6-5 RECORD FORMATS You have the option of specifying, in the DTFPR macroinstruction, that a control character is to be included in the data records. This character specifies line spacing or skipping when the file is printed. The character itself is normally not printed, but is a part of the record in storage. If the record is sent to a printer and the user has not specified that the record contains a control character, the character is handled as data and printed. I/O areas must be large enough to include this character. When fixed-length or undefined record formats are used, the control character is the first character in the record (Figure 6—4). It is the first character following the record length specification in a variable-length unblocked record format. The block size of the output area must include the byte for the control character. If variable-length, unblocked records are to be processed, the block size must account for the initial eight characters as well as the control character (nine bytes total) in the output area. Although these characters do not appear in the output, the output area must be large enough to accommodate them. When a control character is specified, every record must contain a control character. When a PUT macroinstruction is executed, the control character in the data record is translated to the appropriate command code. (For the character required, see the CTLCHR keyword parameter under the DTFPR macroinstruction, 7.3.) The first character in the output data after the control character is the first character printed. Logical input/output control system (IOCS) modules also automatically issue certain printer control instructions. These involve printer àverf low conditiàns and vertical format control. Parameters available with the macroinstructions that call the IOCS modules into the program allow you to tailor them for each particular task. In this manner, the complex vertical movement and overflow sensing functions are made easy for you to control. lf the CNTR.L macroinstruction is to be issued for the printer, the CONTROL keyword parameter is specified and CTLCHR must be omitted. 6-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Fixed-Length cc data, fixed length irj A Undefined data, variable length cc A Variable-Length b r u data, variable length cc A_______ ftoH C V F LEGEND: b cc r u D A C F Block size field, four bytes Control character, one byte, optional Record length field, two bytes, binary Reserved (two bytes); can be any two characters you choose. Record size field Data record length Variable record length I/O area layout NOTES: 1. 2. You must align an I/O area so that the first character to be printed falls on a half-word boundary. You must place record length, as a binary number, in the first two bytes of the record length field (r) before printing a variable-length, unblocked record. The record length includes the 4-byte record length field and the control character, if any. 3. You should allocate an even number of bytes for data in I/O areas, even though an odd number of columns are to be printed. To print an odd number of columns, allocate data areas one byte larger than the number of columns to be printed. Figure 6—4. Printer Record Formats UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 6-7 6.4. VERTICAL FORMAT AND LOAD CODE BUFFERS In OS/3, you use the job control LCB statement to specify the load code buffer (LCB) and the VFB statement to specify the vertical format buffer (VFB) of the following printer subsystems: SPERRY UNIVAC 0768 Printer Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0770 Printer Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0773 Printer Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0776 Printer Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0778 Printer Subsystem Refer to Table A—3 for operational characteristics of these printers, and to the job control user guide, UP-8065 (current version). 6.4.1. Load Code Buffer Interchangeability There is no interchangeability of printer load code buffers across devices; an LCB job control statement you have specified for a particular printer and print band or drum cannot be used for any other. 6.4.2. LCB Statement Specification You specify the codes to be assigned to each graphic symbol on the print band or drum by using the X (hexadecimal) or the C (character) positional parameters of the LCB statement. You must specify a character code or a hexadecimal specification for each symbol on the band or drum, and you may intermix X and C specifications. Each X or C specification must be complete on a single card. As many specifications as are necessary to specify an entire band or a single repeated font may be made. The space or nonprinting code should be specified through the SPACE keyword parameter, and not included in the sequence of codes specified through the positional parameters. If the number of charactErs is specified with the NUMBCHAR keyword, it should include only the number of codes specified for graphic symbols and should not include the space code. If the CARTNAME keyword is specified, the operator receives a message to mount the specified band, and program execution is suspended until the operator replies to the message. If the CARTNAME keyword is not specified, no operator message is issued. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 6-8 LCB Specification for the 0773 and 0778 Printers You may specify 48, 63, 64, or 256 characters for the 0773 and 0778 printers; however, any band having more than 64 characters requiresthe specification, of 256 characters. A 1 28-character cartridge requires the specification of 256 characters. A 128-character cartridge requires that the 128 characters be specified twice on the LCB statement. Dualing applies to 48-character bands only; you specify dualing with the DUAL keyword of the LCB statement. Four dualing characters may be specified for the 0773 and 0778 printers; these correspond to the 39th, 40th, 44th, and 47th characters on the band. The CARTID specification is optional for the 0773 and 0778 printers. LCB Specification for the 0770 and 0776 Printers You may specify from 24 to 384 characters for the load code. buffer of the 0770 and 0776 printer. For repeating fonts ranging from 24 to 192 symbols, your need only specify the characters for a single font: for example you would specify only 128 characters through the LCB statement for a repeating font of 1 28 characters. Dualing for the 0770 and 0776 printers involves specifying up to four pairs of codes with the DUAL parameter Each pair consists of one code that has been specified for the load code buffer followed by one code that has not Assuming for example that a band contains the question mark symbol (?), but not the vertical bar (I) you could substitute ? in your printout for I by specifying DUAL = C? I’. Every time your program outputs the EBCDIC code for a vertical bar to be printed, a question mark appears on the printed listing. For the 0770 and 0776 printer, you must specify the CARTID parameter, and the code you specify must be the correct one for the cartridge you intend to use. You may also specify a mismatch character for the 0770 or 0776 printer: that is, you may specify what character; other than blank (space), is to be prihted whenever a character mismatch occurs. ‘ LCBSpecification for’the 0768 Printer You need only specify the string of codes for the load code buffer and the MISM, SPACE, and TYPE parameters You may also specify the optional NUMBCHAR parameter but the other parameters of the LCB statement do not. apply to the 0768printer. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 6-9 6.43. Vertical Format Buffer Interchangeability Table 6—1 summarizes the conditions under which a properly specified VFB statement for one printer may be used with other devices. There is no difference in the appearance of the printed results if the same VFB statement is used from machine to machine under these conditions. 6.4.4. VFB Statement Specification Specifying a VFB job control statement involves visualizing the form with numbered lines. An 11-inch form to be printed at a density of 8 lines per inch has 88 lines. At 6 lines per inch, an 11-inch form has 66 lines. The first printable line on a form is line 1. The last line on an 11-inch form, printed at 8 lines per inch, is line 88. The vertical format buffer can be specified and the program designed so that most printing occurs between the home paper code position and the overflow code position on the form. The position of the home paper code determines the amount of unprinted space at the top of the form, and the overflow code position approximates the amount of unprinted space at the bottom of the form. Because lines may be printed (and the form advanced) beyond the overflow position, you must provide enough space between the overflow code position and the bottom of the form for any lines (and form advances) that must fit on a page. Note that you must provide at least four lines between the overflow code position and the bottom of the form. This is particularly important for VFBs that are used to print dumps, librarian runs, assemblies. etc. Specifying Home Paper Position The HP code specified on the VFB job control statement gives the lines number location of the home paper position: The specification HP=5 places the home paper position on the fifth line of the form. Specifying Forms Overflow Position You use the OVF keyword of the VFB job control statement to specify the forms overflow position to printer SAM. You should not specify the OVF keyword if you do not intend to use it. When an overflow code is placed in the buffer, a space form operation (advance paper n lines) which would move the form to or beyond the overflow position causes forms overflow to be detected. On detecting forms overflow, printer SAM takes action according to your specifications of the PRINTOV keyword parameters in the DTFPR declarative macro. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 6-10 No indication of overflow is returned to you, except that printer SAM transfers control to your overflow routine if you have so specified. In this routine, you may take such actions as skipping to the top of the next page, printing page numbers, printing subtotals, and so forth. You must specify the overflow code position so that enough space is left between the overflow position and the bottom of the form to print and space all of the lines that are to appear on the page. Printer SAM may print a line on or below the overflow code position and perform spacing before branching to your overflow routine. If a PUT appears in the overflow routine, the effect will be to perform spacing and/or print a line between the overflow position and the bottom of the form. If the user does not specify the PRINTOV keyword in the DTF, data management takes no overflow action; in this event, the BAL programmer who is not counting lines in his program runs some risk of tearing the form by printing on or too near the perforations. Table 6—1 summarizes the combinations of device-independent control character codes permitted when using each type of printer with or without the TYPE parameter specification on the VFB job control statement. Because it describes the allowable use of device-independent control character codes, Tables 6—i, 7—i, and 7—2 should be used conjunctively. Table 7—i interprets the control character codes associated with each of four printer functions: print and space, print and skip, spacing, and skipping. Table 7—2 interprets overflow and home paper control character codes. Note that the 0770 printer has two overflow codes (9 and 12) that the data management PRTOV imperative macro can detect selectively. You should specify a secondary overflow code (hexadecimal code 9, specified through the OVF2 keyword) only with the 0770 printer and only if you are using the PRTOV macro, or (if you are not using data management) its PIOCS equivalent. Specifying Special Forms If you specify the FORMNAME keyword in the VFB job control statement, the operator is issued a message to mount the specified form, and program execution is halted until the operator replies. Paper Tape Loop, 0768 Printer For the 0768 printer, you must provide both a paper tape loop and a VFB job control statement. The paper tape should be punched to agree exactly with the VFB statement, with the following exceptions: 1. A 7 should not be punched on the tape. Home paper should be punched either as 15 (for 8 lines per inch spacing) or as 14 (for 6 lines per inch). Only one home paper code may be punched on the tape. 2. Channel 1, 2, 3, or 12 should Table 6—1. Specification of TYPE Keyword =0773 (or keyword omitted) 6-11 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Statement May be Used lN Printer Types (Note 2) 0768 0770 “ 0776) 0773 0778 TYPE keyword omitted not be punched on the tape. VFB Statement Specification, and Interchangeability Other Keywords that the User May Specify (Note 1): — CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 X X X X X X x x x x x x x x x x x xx X X X X X X HP OVF X OVF2 CD1 f CD7 C08 J’CD9 IcDb0IcDhhI12IcD13fr14k15 0768 =0768 0770 1 0776 =0770 0770 Note 3 Note 4 =0776 0768 0770 , TYPE keyword omitted TYPE keyword omitted X 0776 LEGEND: X Keyword may be specified. Keyword may not be specified. NOT ES: 1. This table is concerned with only the keywords shown; the user may always specify the LENGTH, DENSITY, FORMNAME. and USE keywords. 2. The TYPE keyword should be specified only if a particular printer type must be used. A VFB statement designed for a particular printer (using the permitted keywords shown for that printer in Table 6—1) may be used with other printers only if the TYPE keyword is omitted. 3. The user should specify TYPE=0770 only if he specifies a secondary overflow code (OVF2) or if he specifies multiple home paper positions. 4. If the user does not specify the OVF2 keyword, he may use the VFB statement (TYPE keyword omitted) with the 0768, 0770. and 0776 printers. 5. The secondary overflow code (OVF2) should be specified only by a data management user who issues the PRTOV imperative macro. Refer to the PRINTOV keyword parameter of the DTFPR and PRIO declarative macros. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC•OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 6-12 Vertical Format Buffer Statement Example The following example might be a typical VFB statement used to set up the forms spacing and skipping required for a printed report I LABEL [1 / / VFi U / /1 OPERATIONt 10 OPERAND COMMENTS 16 ‘Ib , FMMAMmE mY1PE=otr70 ,HLiFEES2L1 1 i 1_Lu 1 Line 1 specifies that the operator use a form called TESTPR The total number of lines per page is 66 at 6 lines per inch. The 0770 printer is being used. The home paper position is on line 1 and the overflow area of each page begins on line 52. Note that this includes the 4-line space between the overflow code position and bottom of page used if a dump, librarian run, or assembly is executed. The number 52 is used by data management to test for page overflow conditions Then according to your PRTOV imperative macro specifications data management skips to the overflow routine or register to handle your overflow routine address Line 2 specifies a channel code of CD2 with a line number of 6. This means that whenever a CNTRL filename,SK,2 imperative macro is issued in the program, the printer immediately skips 6 lines on the page Here a detail line of a report might be printed On the other hand, if .a CNTRL filename,SK,,2 macro is issued in the program, the printer skips 6 lines after printing the detail line. The first macro use illustrates immediate skipping and the second, delayed skipping. A second channel code of CE53 indicates 46 lines. Similarly, the CNTRL macro could specify an immediate or delayed skip of 46 lines where a final total might be printed. It is important to realize that the CD number (VFB parameter) relates to a channel code and the value indicated on the right of the equal sign indicates the line number to which the printer skips. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 71 7. Function and Operation of SAM Printer Files 7.1. GENERAL The OS/3 includes data management modulesthatcan be used to move and manipulate sequential access method (SAM) printer files. These modules can function with five different printer subsystems: • SPERRY UNIVAC 0773 Printer Subsystem a SPERRY UNIVAC 0770 Printer Subsystem a SPERRY UNIVAC 0768 Printer Subsystem a SPERRY UNIVAC 0776 Printer Subsystem • SPERRY UNIVAC 0778 Printer Subsystem This section contains a brief functional description of printer file SAM operation. This is followed by a detailed description of the declarative macroinstruction that is used to define a printer file and of the imperative macroinstructions that initiate, conduct, and conclude file processing. 7.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION At system installation time, the system macro library ($Y$MAC) is loaded with source code modules that are common to several machine operations. These modules include data management modules that are common to several device types and access methods. When assembling the program, you define the characteristics of printer file involved in the operation, using the define the file (DTFPR) declarative macroinstruction. This macroinstruction creates a table of file characteristics in main storage that is referenced by your program UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 7-2 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT The source code modules that are required for your program are called in from the system macro library at program assembly time by using imperative macroinstructions. These imperative macroinstructions are included in the program you are assembling and result in the creation of inline code at the point where the assembler encounters the mâcroinstruction. Positional parameters contained in the imperative macroinstructions allow you to modify the basic assembled module so that meets your particular requirements. it When the file is opened, the characteristics in the file control table set up by the DTFPR are examined to determine that they are valid and, if required, that they are present. The output records are formed either in the I/O area or a work area. A form of overlap processing can be achieved by assigning either two I/O areas or an I/O area and a work area. In this way, records can be constructed in one area while others are simultaneously being output to the printer from the other area. Logical input/output control system (IOCS) modules also automatically issue •certain printer control instructions. These involve printer overflow conditions and vertical format control. Parameters available with the macroinstructions that call the IOCS modules into the program allow you to tailor them for each particular task. In this manner, the complex vertical movement and overflow sensing functions are made easy for you to control. A typical printer SAM operating sequence is described in the following example, which show the sequence and function of each macroinstruction. The macroinstructions are discussed in detail in 7.3 and 7.4. Example: LABEL .OPERATION. 1 10 OPERAND COMMENTS -. 16 P.LE 1 JJI,EXAi . t._._._i ‘ L . 1•L. - 1 i. . . . b. ., 5Jv3O 1 A - ... ---.-- I.. .. -_--. :. -- ----_.j--.- tarfda+ i$ - - I . LLi - Jbfa± - - i1..__ i TAPEIN i ape lnpuf #ite and *h -KeyWbd ?aaree + ckLflL rnane+Lc 4 cLphys ca c,ec+th+rc p& o___ L I ç* LL I - )iPl’JL. - p-j--j- . — . I IiLLLN I •L_.L_ . . - - ) i LL.L *1 )__________________________________________________ I .LJL.Li.i. I I DiTFt4T - a-y jIc 2SintPf1he$ -tçh€ck DTFMT DTFPR-fk± uppLie4 &nd v&i. The phycI I hpu1 recd ct +ke I/ area. . - -- ) TAP.VAA.3 tLi. iiLt. -----.i. f’\ake 4h pi.jf b1 4 8 cf rec-d /( - PthLinkep5’ ueI- w4c-res,eted WQJor by directly accessing the data relative to the name of the I/O area. NOTE: When the work area is specified, the keyword parameter WORKA the DTF statement. YES must be present in 7-19 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Examples: LABEL AOPERATIONL 10 I 3- I I liii Ii I i I I — I — — — OPERAND 16 f 1 ‘l(...’ I — I R i 1 .1rl I — —IAI I I r 1 PI.’ I I — 1. Print a line, or space the paper. The record is located in an output area. The file characteristics are contained in the DTF table labeled PRNT1. 2. Move the record in the work area WORK1 to an output area and print, space paper, or both. 3. Move a record from the work area whose address is stored in register 0 and print, space paper, or both. Programming Considerations: When WORKAYES is used, a work area must be specified with each PUT macroinstruction. When only one I/O area is specified, you may move the records to be printed directly into the I/O area. If you specify two I/O areas, you must use the I/O register (IOREG keyword parameter) to move records to be printed into one of the I/O areas before issuing each PUT macroinstruction. When printing variable-length, unblocked records, you must place the record length (as a binary value) in the first two bytes of the record size field. Undefined-length records require that you place the record length in the required register (specified by the RECSIZE keyword parameter) before issuing each PUT macro instruction. When you want to use control characters to position the form only (no printing) for variable-length, unblocked, or undefined record formats, you can indicate that the record contains no characters to be printed. When you are printing records in undefined or variable, unblocked format, printer SAM checks whether the number of columns being printed is greater than zero every time. If you try to print zero columns, data management normally issues error message DM18 (RECORD SIZE INVALID), sets the record size invalid error flag (byte 0, bit 7) in filenameC, and branches to your error routine. Refer to Appendix B. However, this error processing does not take place when you are performing an advance-only operation using control characters; you may then indicate that there is no data to be printed. With either undefined or variable, unblocked records, you must place the record size in either the RECSIZE register or in the record size field in the record before issuing each PUT macro. To indicate that you have no data to be printed when your records are variable, unblocked, you may place a record size of five bytes provided that you limit this to advance-only operations. in the record size field — UP-8068 Rev. 4S SPERRY UNIVAC 0513 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT- 72O When you are printing a record containing an odd number of characters to bepriritad data management places a nonprinting character in the 1/0 area after the last byte of user-supplied data.. - . . P. ,,:t : -• ... lb 4- ‘:L . — — .2.. : H-:::- :;.; v. - :-: .- :‘ 4 - •.‘ - •?-. . - :--q’ :4; - ‘t.’ : _z. - i -;--. -_. -. .,. ‘‘-) .:. C -:. -. .i(.. .bj i., ‘i 1• 3 ..-.-! :4 :. .. i:rt;t: :- ‘. ‘-? . :. ‘:j3 - - :t - :2 - .! . .• ,:; )t . -;.- c. ,.. -.4.. -..- •.;.,4.f ‘•‘$ :. -;?::..h -tk. C. 2 b-4 4..: P .:-.- . .‘ :3 :$ . . ‘‘‘I 7 •;--• -S-.— - —..t ‘l : . !j.•e” t ... -: •- .fr ••. .- :--“- : . -‘1) •;!.. P - 4 -*-- :s:h C: 7-21 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT: UP-8068 Rev. 4 CNTRL Control Printer Forrn (CNTRL) 7.4.3. Function: The CNTRL macroinstruction controls printer forms spacing and skipping. Forms motion can occur before after or both before and after a line is printed Format: LABEL [name] OPERAND tOPERATiONL CNTRL (filename, (SKi [,m] [ni c(1) 1SPJ (1 Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in the program. (1)orl Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the declarative macroi nstruction Positional Parameter 2: SK Indicates that forms skipping is desired. SP Indicates that forms spacing is. desired. Positional Parameter 3: m Specifies either the: number of lines (0 through 15) for immediate spacing, or the channel code (1 through 15) for immediate skipping. The PUT macro performs spacing after printing. The number of lines spaced is determined by the PRAD keyword parameter (default causes advance of one line). Immediate CNTRL spacing is in addition to any spacing performed on a previous PUT macroinstruction It should be noted that forms overflow processing can be initiated after CNTRL processing (immediate or delayed) is performed UP8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OSt3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 7—22 Positional Parameter 4: n Specifies either the number of lines (0 through 1 5) for delayed spacing, or the channel code (1 through 15) for delayed skipping. Exa mples: LABEL 7\OPERATIONA 10 16 1 I. DlbdltoTI I z. - I I I I I I I I — — 3. A OPERAND t T 1 ‘lL) i - I .I1liTiRi(... I I I I j I tItTIZ I 9 J%ffJJJiiL[ TR 1 t’J L — NUIZ,WZRII 3. If an overflow code 9 was detected on a previous PUT or immediate CNTRL macroinstruction execution, skip to the home paper position. 4. If an overflow code 12 (0770 printer only) was detected on a previous PUT or immediate CNTRL macroinstruction execution, branch to routine OVFLOB. 5. If an overflow code is detected, a skip to home paper position will occur. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 7-26 Programming Considerations: When you use the PRTOV macroinstruction in your program, you must specify the PRINTOV=YES keyword parameter in the DTF macroinstruction for the file. The PRTOV macroinstruction can be used with the 0770 printer to selectively check for a code 9 or code 12 forms overflow condition. When the PRTOV macroinstruction is used, the logical IOCS performs either a skip to the home paper channel or a branch to your forms overflow routine when a forms overflow condition is detected on the preceding print or space command. The forms overflow code is not recognized during a skip operation. OS/3 data management executes one user-issued CNTRL or PUT macroinstruction after the immediate CNTRL or PUT instruction on which forms overflow is detected. If the imperative macro issued after the macro on which overflow was detected results in a forms advance to a skip code (VFB or paper tape code), your overflow options will not be executed. The PRTOV macroinstruction may be issued after each CNTRL or PUT macroinstruction, or, it can be issued after only a PUT macroinstruction. It is also permissible to issue a CNTRL, PUT, PRTOV macroinstruction sequence. If an overflow routine is specified, the printer carriage is not automatically restored to the home paper position. The address of the instruction after the PUT macroinstruction, which detected the overflow condition, is stored in register 14. If imperative macroinstructions are issued in your overflow routine, register 14 should be stored before issuing the instruction, and restored after execution of the instruction. 7-27 SPERRY ‘UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 CLOSE Close a Printer File (CLOSE) 7.4.5. Function The CLOSE macroinstruction is issued when all the data in a file has been processed This macroinstruction calls a transient routine which checks for errors that may have occurred in the final output operation and then prevents further access to the file. Format tOPE RATION LABEL L OPERAND filename-i [,...,filename-n] CLOSE [namel (1) 1 *ALL Positional Parameters filename Is the label of the corresponding DTF macroinstruction in your program. The maximum number of filenames is 16. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1hasbeen preloaded with the address of the declarative macroinstruction. *ALL Specifies that all files currently open in the job step are to be closed. Examples: 16 10 1. 1 tv18 ‘ 7 I .1 OPERAND .AoPERATiONL LABEL 1 I I I I a — I — ria I — I rrl ,PR 1 e I I I I 1. Close print files labeled PRNT2 and PRNT4. 2. Close print file labeled PRNT1. I I 1 I I I I I I 1 t UP-8068 Rev. 4 7.5. 7.5.1. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 7-28 ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING FitenameC When certain errors or exceptions to file processing performance àrê detected by OS/3 data management, it will make appropriate entries in specific fields of the DTF file table, which your program may address in order to learn of these conditions and take the proper course of action on regaining control. One such field in the DTFPR file table isfilenarneC, a 1 -byte field which you may access by concatenating the character C to your 7-character file name and using the assembler language test-under-mask (TM) instruction Refer to Appendix B for the meanings of the bits in filenameC of the DTFPR file table which are set to binary 1 by OS/3 data management for certain error and exception conditions. 7 5 2 Truncation of Print Line When OS/3 data management detects that the execution of a PUT macroinstruction has resulted in the printing of a truncated line, it sets the line truncated flag in filenameC (bit 0, byte 0) (Appendix B). However, it does not pass control to your error routine until after the printer file has been closed, by which time other truncated lines may have also been printed. Depending on your requirements, you may find it useful in your program to test for setting of the line truncated bit after each execution of the PUT màóro and provide for a flag character to be printed with the next line to speed visual location of all truncation errors on your printout 7.6. SAMPLE PROGRAM The following sample program, constructed to illustrate a typical use Of the OS/3 data management printer system in a BAL program, also indicates where toplacethe OS/3 job control statements needed to implement it. CsC cz z 2 t t i : 3 ? r 1. I- : * UI S L m I- T - T :c: :. -Z7i. -L ———— ‘I cc C C -1-1 1 1 ——___L C [‘ - - I4rn•1ç-• .- L . - rn , -I H 0 z 1-ti c -I, 1i :1 - (7L 0 - c a, H -1 3 cn I- ru 0 m - ic D z I’ -1 0 R :: c F - H r rp H (En Or C TI m FF -i r H 7: p -1 I -1 M fri L 2: 2E z z C, L 3 r z rQo1r H ( rn : 2: H •11 El n qi > lCD :r. - 0 E : z ‘En r H cfr. 7: ru m ‘ml F z n -I C’) H I LIL E r L 1 :- fir fr-I -1 rn Cu . c. .2 H - — — — — — — — — E:::E1:::E::E______ F-H - - - -a -F- : - -Ffr- i- : IN3LN39VNW’i V1VG3ISV 17 AOJ s/SO DVAINfl A)i3dS 61-L 8908dfl TI r 11 1 F 1 j I F F I I F F 1111111 1 i I F I F I F F 1 I IF I I I F I F 1 J F I I T ]]T’ 1 I 1 I I I I F F F I I I ‘ F I I F I F F F F x > I i I I 1 1 1 11ll[l F F F F F F I - F F F I I F F I F F 1 F H 1 1 F F F I TT F F F TF I F - T I I T I F I I IT 1 F I F rJr TF T 1 1 1 1FT F 1 T F F T I F V 1 r T I I I I I I T T I I j9j I I IjI TI — 95T T 9iTh l:j3I±IvIQlIQIJI III I I II W v 1 III I 91 I I I T5 I — — - I I I I 1111111 I I I I I I IIJIlT.1 I I I [ I I I Yf 9 T I I I I I I I I III I I III I I I I I [ TI TTj 1]H9 1 iIITIIY I rjrri I TTTT5(11 T rr TTFflE I T Try TT1 I TTTf ‘T 1111 — — I7NOIIVH3dO17 01 T Tjl J.- 9’iID j T [ 1 — - Tlli5rNTD 9JV’ QL’I 1 3 TTTTf T rTmmTr TT 5 T _flri 9 ]f 1 1 mrfT1rrTrT 1 y II IiIIjFilIllTII ‘3’j jy I FT I I Y Tç 1 ON’H3dO T TTj 1mTrp 1TrTrrTT 1111 TrrT TT I T j 1 r r r 9I rrr 1 r 1 j T Ij 9 1 I I 1T1 03ANT III unique key; and the starting location of the key must be the same in each record. You specify the length of the key with the KEYLEN keyword parameter; minimum length is 3 bytes, maximum is 253. L Key location. The starting locatiOn of the key must be the same in êãch record. You may specify the number of bytes of data preceding the key With the KEYLOC keyword parameter. If keyword is omitted, ISAM assumes the key starts in the first byte of a fixed record. D Data portion of your logical record R Length of logical fixed-length record (key plus data), You specify this length, measured in bytes, with the RECSIZE keyword parameter; it must never exceed the value of data block size, less seven bytes. Figure 10—2. Fixed-Length ISAM Records with and without Keys UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10-7 Key at Head of Record K D )i4 4 V Key Internal to Record ri data key data K LV Without Key F D V LEGEND: F A 2-byte record length field. You insert the length of each variable record into this field in binary; the length includes this 2-byte field and is equivalent to V in this figure. D Data portion of your logical record V Length of a variable record. Includes key plus data, plus two bytes for the record length field. You never specify this length with a keyword parameter but place it in the leading two bytes of each variable record (in the field represented by F in this figure). K Record key. All keys in a keyed file must have the same length; each record in a keyed file must have one (and only one) unique key; and the starting location of the key must be the same in each record. Minimum key length is 3 bytes; the maximum is 253. You specify the length of the key with the KEYLEN keyword parameter. L Key location. The starting location of the key must be the same in each record. You may specify the number of bytes that precede the key with the KEYLOC keyword parameter. If you omit the keyword, SAM assumes the key begins in the third byte of a variable record. Figure 70—3. Variable-Length ISAM Records with and without Keys 10.2.2. 10-8 Update A SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 ISAM Data Block Format When OS/3 ISAM writes your records to the disk, it blocks them into data blocks, the size of which you specify. (This data block length is the same as the length of your I/O area, or data buffer, and may contain unused space, for reasons discussed later.) All data blocks begin with a 2-byte field called the block header, which states the number of bytes in the block that are currently occupied. Because every logical record is accompanied by the 5byte data pointer just mentioned, the maximum size of any logical record is thereby limited to data block size minus seven bytes. And, because the effective data length of a variable record is further reduced by its own 2-byte record length field, the number of bytes of data that your longest variable record may contain is no more than data block size less nine bytes. Although you should use as large a block as you can afford to have in main storage, data buffer size is not entirely up to you. It may never be less than 256 bytes, for example, because this is the length of the index blocks, and ISAM handles these through the I/O buffer (whose length you specify when you specify data block size to data management). Furthermore, you should set data block size at some multiple of 256 bytes if you are using the fixed-sector 8415, 8416, or 8418 disks at your installation. If you do not specify a multiple of 256 bytes, ISAM increases your specification to the next higher multiple. If your data block size is less than 256 bytes, then you must specify a BLKSIZE length of 256 bytes or more. Finally, whether you are using this or the variable-sector 8411, 8414, 8424, 8425, 8430, or 8433 disks, the block size you specify must not exceed the track size for these devices: SPERRY UNIVAC Track Size, in Bytes Disk Subsystem 8411 8414 8415 8416 8418 8424 8425 8430 8433 3625 7294 10,240 10,240 10,240 7294 7294 13,030 13,030 Figure 10—4 illustrates the layout of two ISAM data blocks on disk, one containing two fixed-length records, and one containing two variable-length records. The legend relates the segments shown to various keyword parameters you will use in the DTFIS declarative macroinstruction to define your file to OS/3 ISAM. (The DTFIS macro and its keyword are described in detail in Section 11.) Note that Figure 10—4 shows some unused space at the end of each data block. You should avoid this (if you can) when you specify data block size for a file containing fixed records, by ensuring that the sum of your logical record size, plus five bytes for the record not forgetting that block pointer following each record, divides evenly into the block size size must always include the 2-byte block header field. — On the other hand, it is generally not possible for you to avoid some unused space in the data block when your ISAM file contains variable records. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 10-9 Fixed Records B D K — P R 4 K — 4 D P— U R Variable Records *BIhl D F [P_l4 P LEGEND: B Block header, written by data management inthe buffer. This is always two bytes long and céntains (inbihary) the number of bytes in the data block which hold usable information In the example shown this figure would equal (I) minus (U); it includes the total space occupied by the records themselvesand the 5-byte data pointers, one of which follows each of the records Because data management appends the block header in the buffer and it is placed in the buffer with the block when it is retrieved, you must allow forthis 2..byte header in calculating the data block size which you specify with the BLKSIZE keyword parameter However it is not moved to your record work area (the address of which you specify with the WORK 1 keyword parameter) where data management presents your records one by one K Record key. This may be internal to the record instead of being located (as shown) at the head of the record. All keys in a file must have the same length; each record in a keyed file must have one and only one unique key; and the starting location of the key must be the same in each record of the file. You specify the starting location of the key with the KEYLOC keyword parameter, and its length with the KEYLEN parameter; minimum key length is 3 bytes and maximum is 253. (When you present a key that you want ISAM to match by search you load it in an area of your program specified by the KEYARG keyword parameter.) D Data portion of your logical record F A 2-byte record length field of a variable record P Record pointer, a 5-byte divider which follows every record that data management writes into the data block. The record pointers are written by data management, but you must allow space for them in calculating your I/O area length, which you specify with the BLKSIZE keyword parameter. Data block size and I/O buffer size may differ; the buffer must be at least the size of the data blocks, but may be greater, The record pointer contains, in binary, the block number and byte position in that block of the next sequential logical record in the file, in the form rrrbb, where: rrr is the block number, relative to the data partition; and bb is the displacement, measured in bytes, of the record into that block (a record preceded by 125 bytes will have a displacement value of 125). You will use this 5-byte “address” when you retrieve records directly, rather than by key. (This address is always returned to you by data management after each record is loaded or added to your file; it is your responsibility to access it and store it for later use, if you plan tO use it. Data management lacês this 5-byte value in the field of your DTF called filenameH.) Figure 10—4. Layout of ISAM Data Blocks (Prime or Overflow) on Disk Each Containing Two Logical Records (Part 1 of 2) SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 10-10 LEGEND (cont): U R V I Any unused space at the end of a data block. Usually unavoidable in data blocks containing variable-length records, thisdead space may also occur in files of fixed records, if the sum of the logical record size (R) plus five bytes for the record pointer (P) does not divide evenly into (I), the data block size you specify. Length of logical fixed-length record (key plus data). You specify this, measured in bytes, with the RECSIZE keyword parameter. This must never exceed the value of the data block size, less seven bytes. Length of logical variable-length record (2-byte record length field, plus key, plus data). You never specify this length with a keyword parameter; you place it in the 2-byte record-length field at the head of each logical record. Like the length of a fixed record, it may never exceed the value of data block size, less seven bytes. Length of I/O area, which you specifywith the BLKSIZE keyword parameter. It includes the 2-byte block header length, plus the record length of each logical record in the block, plusthe 5-byte record pointer that must follow each record It also includes such unused space as you have been unable to avoid Figure 1O—4. Layout of ISAM Data Blocks (Prime or Overflow) on Disk Each Containing Two Logical Records (Part 2 012) Figure i0—5 is a schematic diagram of OS/3 ISAM’s method of chaining records in logical sequence. The upper tier of records represents those placed intothe prime data area by an initial load of the file in ascending order of record keys (keys being represented by the numbers). After the initial lóäd, the record pointer that follows each record contained the hexadecimal pattern FO AA AA AA AA, indicating that the next record in physical sequence was also the next in logical sequence in the file. (The record pointer after the record whose key is 750 still points in this way to the start of the one whose key is 809, for example.) After the lower tier of four records was added (to the overflow area), data management rewrote some record pointers as necessary to chain the new records into their logical sequence. The record pointer following record 827 originally contained the pattern pointing to record 902, which is the next record in sequence in the original file and happens to be the first record in the next data block. After the addition of record 901, data management rewrote this to point to the new record; the new record pointer following 901 is now the one pointing to 902. Figure 10—5. Schematic Diagram of ISAM Records Chained into Logical Sequence after Adding Records to the File (Part 1 of 2) UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10—il Update A LEGEND; bh Block header, a 2-byte field atthe head of each physicaldata block. Written by data management to indicate the number of bytes in the block that are devoted to usable data. rp Record pointer, a 5-byte field inserted by data management following each logical record written to a data block. Originally, after initial load, contains hexadecimal pattern FO AA AA AA AA, pointing to next sequential record in the file. Rewritten by data management as necessary to point to records “inserted” by addition after initial load. fj Logical records submitted by you in ascending order of keys. The top tier represents prime data records submitted by an initial load; the lower tier representsfour records submitted by a subsequent operation, placed in overflow, and chained into logical sequence by OS/3 ISAM. Supplied by OS/3 ISAM Unused space in physical data block Figure 10—5. Schematic Diagram of ISAM Records Chained into Logical Sequence after Adding Records to the File (Part 2 of 2) 10.2.21. Calculating Space Requirements for the File To calculate the number of cylinders required for data in an ASAM or ISAM file, you may proceed as follows: 1. Calculate r, the number of logical records per data block (r is an integer): r 2. — — number of records to be loaded r Then calculate d, the tota number of data blocks (prime plus overflow): d — 4. (block size) 2 bytes (average record size) + 5 bytes From this, calculate b, the number of prime data blocks required for the initial ISAM load: b 3. — 100 — lOOb (percent overflow) Calculate the cylinder capacity of the disk subsystem you are using: cylinder capacity = (number of surfaces per disk unit) (track capacity) The number of surfaces and the track capacity for the various disk subsystems are shown in Table A—4. 5. Calculate the number of data blocks of the desired size each cylinder can hold: number of data blocks each cylinder can hold = cylinder capacity block size —0 6. 10-1 2 Update A SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Finally, convert d into Cd, the number of cylinders required for data: d Cd= (number of data blocks each cylinder can hold> 10.2.3. ISAM Index Blocks The index area of your ISAM file is, as we stated previously, entirely devoted to 256-byte index blocks, which are written for you on the index tracks by OS/3 data management. The format of these blocks is shown in Figure 10—6; they contain keys and 3-byte pointers to the prime data blocks and are hardware-searchable. ISAM Index Block on a Fixed-Sector 8416 Disc 256 bytes ISAM Index Block on a Variable-Sector Disc HKJ (gap) sum 1 P 1 K PH = K2 256 bytes LEGEND: HK High key of the block. PH Pointer following the high key of the block P A 3-byte pointer to next level below — points to next level below Unused space in index block K are ascending keys, < HK 2 , 1 K , ...Kn Figure 10—6. Format of Full OS/3 ISAM Index Blocks K, UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1O—12a Update A Note that all the entries are fixed-length and that the index block has no block header field. If the final block of an index level happens to be a full block, it will have the form shown in Figure 10—6, and the high key of the block will contain all 1 bits. If the final block is not full, its form will differ in that the top entry with a key of all 1 bits will be repeated between the last record pointer and the unused space. As a result, a scan of a final index block in main storage will search only valid information; there is no possibility of its running on into the spurious information contained in the unused space. Each scan of index blocks in main storage begins at the K 1 position. In the ordinary full block, the result may be a hit on or before K,,; if it is a miss, the search uses the PH pointer to locate the next index block to scan. UP-806& Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10-13 Note that, like the ISAM data blocks, the index blocks may also contain unused space if the sum of the key length (measured in bytes and uniform for every key in the file), plus three bytes for the track or block pointer that follows each key, does not divide evenly into 256. If your keys are 40 bytes long, for example, you can fit only five of them (and their accompanying 3-byte pointers) into 256 bytes and will have 41 unusable bytes left over. If you are designing a file, therefore, and have some latitude in choice of key length, it is wiser not to establish it arbitrarily, but to choose a key length that will give you the least wasted space in the index blocks. Figure 10—7 recapitulates much of what has been discussed so far: it shows the layout of an index partition and a data partition of an indexed ISAM file as they appear on disk: 256 bytes KH H I I 1 K LFhi 2 K P K P 5 K P INDEXBLOCKON FIXED SECTOR DISC 6 K iTh___ 1W 01 K 2 P INDEX PARTITION — UP TO FOUR TRACKS OF TOP INDEX 0U1[]UL1L1LZU1E1EZUUE1UE1EZ -- N H K SUM bh 1 r 1 P K3 K2 P4 3LK4 K5 P5 256 bytes 2 r 2 3 r 3 P 4 r 4 P “- Ui DATA PARTITION ON VARIABLE K6 FORMAT OF PRIME AND OVERFLOW BLOCKS iThi_______________ui______ — Prime Data Blocks UI 1U1 Overflow Blocks Figure 10—7. OS/3 ISAM File Structure (Part 1 of 2) t0CR ] SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 10-14 Update A LEGEND: K Record key P Pointer bh Block header Logical record Unused space at block end COCR Cylinder overflow control record; written by data management System-supplied pointers, headers, and count fields on disk Figure 10—7. 10.2.4. OS/3 ISAM File Structure (Part 2 of 2) Calculating Space for the ISAM Index Area You may calculate your disk space requirements for the block index of your ISAM file by the process shown below. Because the space needed to hold your index is inversely proportional to the size of your data blocks, you should favor larger over smaller data blocks when you design your file, to avoid excessive index space. To calculate the number of cylinders (Ci) that your block index will need, you start with your block size, the average size of your records (if they are variable), the total number of records in your file, and the size of keys in the file. These are the five steps we suggest you take; they can, of course, be compressed into one calculation: 1. Calculate r, the number of logical records per data block (r is an integer, naturally): r 2. — — total number of records to be loaded r Calculate e, the number of entries data management will make per index block (e is also an integer): e= 4. 2 blocksize + 5 size record average Calculate b, the number of prime data blocks you require: b 3. = 256 keysize + 3 The next calculation gives i, the number of index blocks you will have: b UP-8068 Rv. 4 5. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10-15 Update A Dividing this by the number of index blocks each cylinder may hold (a constant depending on the disk subsystem) gives C , the number of cylinders your block index 1 will require: C — number of index blocks per cylinder These are the numbers of 256-byte ISAM index blocks that each cylinder may hold on the disk subsystems used by OS/3: SPERRY UNIVAC Disk Subsystem Number of 256-byte Index Blocks per Cylinder 8411 8414 8415 fixed 8415 removable 8416 8418 8424 8425 8430 8433 100 340 120 80 280 280 340 340 551 551 The foregoing calculations hold good for the second level of your ISAM index: the block index. For a useful approximation of the disk occupied by the entire index (when there is no intermediate index), you need add only the number of tracks that ISAM sets aside for the first level, which is the top index: two tracks for an ISAM file residing on an 8415, 8416, or 8418 fixed sector disk, and four tracks for the variable sector 8411, 8414, 8424, 8425, 8430, and 8433 disks supported by OS/3. The calculation of the amount of disk space actually occupied by your top index (without the repetition pattern mentioned in 10.2.3) is more complex. Of course, you can readily figure the maximums: Disk Subsystem on Which ISAM File Resides Maximum Number of Tracks for Top Index Track Capacity in 256-byte Top Index Blocks Maximum Number of Bytes for Top Index 8411 8414 8415 8416 8418 8424 8425 8430 8433 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 10 17 40 40 40 17 17 29 29 10,240 17,408 20,480 20,480 20,480 17,408 17,408 29,696 29,696 UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10-16 However, these maximums are rarely reached in practice; few files require more than 3K bytes for the top index. The most convenient procedure for learning the size of the top index is to access filenameS after issuing the ENDFL imperative macro that terminates the initial file load or each subsequent extension of it (11 5.2.3). ISAM places the number of bytes required to hold the top index of a file in main storage in this 2-byte field, which is half-word aligned and addressed by concatenating the character “S” to your 7-byte file name. This is the figure you need to know for subsequent random operations on your file, because you can improve the speed of your keyed search operations (for add and retrieval) by providing main storage space for some or all of the top index. 10.2.5. Loading the Top Index into Main Storage To speed random retrieval or record insertion operations in an ISAM file, you may specify that data management is to place as much as possible of your top index in the index buffer (INDAREA, 11.4.5) for subsequent search there. Doing so minimizes the hardware search of this part of your index on disk; if you can allow enough space in main storage for the entire top index, a search of it on disk is eliminated altogether. Only top index entries may be brought into main storage. As explained in 11.4.5, when you specify random retrieval operations, or record insertion operations, or both, you may direct ISAM to bring your top index into main storage by proper specification of the INDAREA and INDSIZE keywords. When your ISAM file is first opened for random retrieval or record insertion, if you have specified that your top index is to be brought into main storage, the OPEN transient computes the number of top index blocks that can be held in a table of the size you have specified with the INDSIZE keyword, reads this number of top index blocks (commencing with the trailing block and working toward the start of the index), and transfers these blocks to the INDAREA buffer. Although the top index blocks are not reformatted, ISAM eliminates any unused space in each 256-byte index block. The appearance of your top index in main storage is then as depicted in Figure 10—8. Notice that the part of your top index that is in main storage always includes at least the last block, which contains the high key (hexadecimal FF). Including this key guarantees that an equal/high comparison will result when the index is searched in main storage. The search of the index in main storage is initiated by a READ, KEY; ADD; or WRITE, NEWKEY macro issued to the file. First, the search compares the key argument (KEYARG, 11.4.9) to the low key of the top index segment in the INDAREA table. If the argument is equal to or greater than the low key of the INDAREA table, then a comparison is made against the high key of each block of the top index in the table until an equal/high comparison results. Then each entry in the block thus located is searched on an equal/high basis, to isolate the index entry that corresponds to the key argument. The search next turns to the block index on the disk (via the intermediate index, if one is present on disk) and from there todirect access of the prime datablock sought. J) 3 K 1 K Top Index Block 9 K - Top Index Block P 2 K ‘ 2 Top Index Block 1 K 15 1 0—i 7 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 - ‘ 8 K 10 K 12 K I; 4 Top Index Block 3 11 K 14 K 13 K 13 15 Top Index Block 6 Top Index Block 5 Corresponding INDAREA Index Table in Main Storage, Assuming IN DSIZE Specification Accommodates Three Blocks: Block 2 Block 1 — (Block 2)’I Block 3 sr-I LEGEND: K Record key P 3-byte pointer to next index level below Unused space in top index block on disc Figure 10—8. Blocks of an ISAM Top Index on Disk and Corresponding INDAREA Table in Main Storage UP8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10-18 Referring again to Figure 10—8 consider that the KEYARG field contains the key 135 The search follows the following logic 1. 10 K 10 low key of the INDAREA index table: KA > . K Compare KEYARG (KA) to , Therefore continue search in table. 2. 12 high key of block 1: result low. K Compare KA: , 3 15 high key of block 2 result high Compare KA K 4 14 Search of INDAREA table in Therefore search block 2 each entry result is hit on K 14 points to next lower level of index, on disk. main storage is complete; P On the other hand, if the key argument is lower than the low key of the INDAREA table, the search moves the disk where a hardware search of the top index begins in the usual manner as described in 10 2 The part of your top index that you have placed in main storage is not searched again on disk. 10.3. ALTERNATE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD (ASAM) OS/3 ISAM provides the usual ISAM capabilities of retrieving sequentially or by key; and provides the additional capability of retrieving by address. The coding necessarily includes the simpler coding required for SAM processing and relative record DAM processing. Therefore, it was not difficult to provide handling for unkeyed sequential files wherein the index structure is omitted and keyed functions are avoided. This alternate sequential access method is called ASAM. Some of the reasons for using ASAM files are: 1. A program is required to retrieve from a keyed file and from a sequential file. If these are specified respectively as ISAM and ASAM files, the same data management coding handles both. 2. Direct addressing into an essentially sequential file is desired, and ASAM handling is found to fulfill the need. 3. It is desired to insert new data between records of a previously formed file, and to retain direct access capabilities. The inserted data may be additional records of the same nature as the original records, or they may be addenda to the record from which they are chained. The important things to remember about ASAM files are these: No index or index space is provided; hence records may not be retrieved by key search. • Records may be retrieved randomly (as in ISAM) by providing the record address that was returned to you at the time the record was placed in the file. You must make your own arrangements for retention of addresses; alternatively, you may calculate addresses, if your records are of fixed size. In this case, remember that there is one dummy record at file start. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10-19 • Any block may be retrieved by providing the 3-byte number, followed by the 2-byte fiel.d containing binary 2 (the address of the first record of the block). • Sequential retrieval is the same as in ISAM except that the SETL, KEY and SETLG; KEY imperatives cannot be used to start the sequence. • If records are not to be added, you may specify zero overflow space. Nevertheless, the 5-byte pointers will be appended to records. • It may be desirable to have prime records of one size and addenda of other sizes. Remember that all records must have variable record formats, if there is to be any variance in size. • In order to add records, you must provide ASAM with the address of the record that is to be followed by the new record. • ASAM files will usually be defined as unkeyed. If keys are specified, ASAM will reject duplicate and out-of-sequence keys during LOAD. When such checking is necessary, you may save some coding by having ASAM do it • As in ISAM, you must use the SETL and ESETL imperatives to start and end a sequential progression. While you are in sequential mode you may not perform random functions Figure 10—9 shows the logical aspect of an ASAM file in which not more than one addendum record in overflow has been chained from the prime record to which it relate& Because you may logically insert new records at any point in the ASAM file, it is possible to subordinate or connect several addendum records in overflow to each prima data record. A file you may structure this way may be of more interest or use to you than one based on the one-to-one relationship suggested so far. If you add your new records to overflow and provide ASAM with the address of the same prime data record for each of a group of, say, three records that you want related to it, these are chained in the sequence shown in Figure 10—10. The same chaining can be obtained by successive adds on three separate occasions a point to remember, therefore, is that when you retrieve these sequentially, the order of retrieval is inverted. The last record of a string added to overflow, chained from a given record, is the first retrieved. — This “last in, first out” (LIFO) retrieval sequence results automatically when you chain a series of overflow records from one prime record and is satisfactory for some applications. However, when you want some other order in sequential retrieval, you may set up the file for this when you provide ASAM, for each new record, with the address of the record (which may be overflow or prime) from which it is to be chained. Note that there is no pushdown or relocating of records added to the overflow area; the physical location of a new record blocked into overflow is not determined by the position of the prime record from which it is chained nor by the relative location of other records chained from the same prime record. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev4 10-20 To start of next prime record LEGEND: bh Block header, a 2-byte field written by data management at the head of each physical data block to indicate the number of bytes of usable data in the block. rp Record pointer, a 5-byte field inserted by data management following each logical record in the data block. Those inserted following the prime records initially loaded into the ASAM file were originally dummied and contained the hexadecimal pattern FO AA AA AA AA. This pattern indicated that no related record had been added in overflow, chained from this prime record, and that the next record in logical sequence was therefore the next in physical sequence. When the overflow records were added, data management rewrote the record pointers following those prime records from which an overflow record was chained. The pointer following the first prime record, for example, points to the start of its addendum record in overflow; the pointer after the second prime data record (for which no overflow record was added) still contains the dummy pattern pointing to the next sequential record, in the prime data area. LI Logical data records, prime and overflow, provided by the user. Supplied by OS/3 ASAM Unused space in physical data block. Figure 10—9. Logical Aspect of an ASAM File Containing Not More than One Record Chained in Overflow from Any One Prime Data Record UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 10-21 RESULT OF FIRST ADD Prime Data Area bh first prime data record rp next prime j Overflow Area bh first addendum chained from first prime rp unrelated to first prime rp RESULT OF THIRD ADD: Prime Data Area bh first prime data record — rp next prime Overflow Area bh first addendum chained from first prime — rp . — unrelated to first prime rp second addendum chained from first prime rp third addendum chained from first prime rp 4 Figure 10—10. Logical Effect of Successively Adding Three Records in Overflow, Chained from Same Prime Data Record of an ASAM File SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 10.3.1. 10-22 ASAM Data Formats The formats of the ASAM data records and data blocks are the same as in OS/3 ISAM, and separate figures of those for ASAM are not necessary. Figures 10—2, 10—3, and 10—4 illustrate both keyed and nonkeyed records. Bear in mind, when you review these figures for ASAM, that you will be most likely to omit record keys when you want to omit the construction and use of an index structure. If you key in your ASAM file, your records will look like the keyed examples illustrated. 10.4. MULTIVOLUME ISAM FILES You may split an ISAM file across several disk volumes. It is important to remember that all volumes of a multivolume ISAM file must be mounted online for all file processing. During your load operations, data management monitors continually to ensure that it does not exceed the prime data area you have allocated. If your load fills the prime area of a volume, data management continues the load onto the succeeding volume, if there is one. If there is no other volume, it seeks additional space on the current volume and notifies you if there is no additional space available. When you terminate the load, data management saves the progress point for later use if you should extend the file. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT ha 11.1 11-1 Functions and Operation of ISAM GENERAL In the previous section, the discussion of the OS/3 indexed sequential access method (ISAM) aimed primarily at describing file organization, data record and data block formats, and the format of the index blocks in the index structure that is characteristic of the traditional ISAM file. The salient feature of processing an ISAM file that you have constructed with a directory or index structure is the search-by-key function, which is used to retrieve your records by key. We also pointed out the option for creating a nondirectory ASAM file, in which your records need not be keyed, and for which data management builds no index structure. Accessing records directly without use of an index is accomplished by providing record pointers, rather than keys. Sequential processing of either type of ISAM file is essentially the same. In our discussion of the structure and content of 05/3 ISAM files, we gave you a certain insight into the means OS/3 provides for processing them. This section builds on that foundation, presenting first an overview of OS/3 ISAM functions. It then presents a declarative macroinstruction, DTFIS, of a specific type, with which you define your file to OS/3 data management and outline to OS/3 ISAM some of your intentions for processing it. The DTFIS macro establishes a file control table that data management uses, during its processing of your file, to keep you and itself informed of the characteristics of the file and the results of processing. (Both the macro and the file table it creates are frequently termed the “DTF,” from the initials of the phrase define the file we use to distinguish this type of declarative macro from others.) You describe significant characteristics of your ISAM file, and provide OS/3 data management with certain particulars it needs for processing it, by means of some 27 keyword parameters that you specify as operands of the DTFIS declarative macro. Two of these keywords, which provide the size and symbolic name of the input/output area (or I/O buffer) that every OS/3 data management file needs for its exclusive use, are always required. Most of the other keywords are mandatory under certain conditions or for certain processing functions. Others you wili specify entirely at your option. The greater part of the DTFIS macro discussion concerns its keyword parameters. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-2 Update A Following the detailed descriptions of the keywords, this section then presents the set of 12 imperative macroinstructions that make up the OS/3 data management repertoire for processing your ISAM files. Each macro is detailed individually, and the discussion of each one points out any way in which your use of it will change when you use it with the indexed form or the nondirectory form of OS/3 ISAM. Next, we explain the methods you have of linking your program to the OS/3 ISAM processing modules. An explanation of OS/3 ISAM’s system for handling error and exception conditions follows this, and recapitulates certain points made during descriptions of the imperative macros. A number of programming examples conclude the section. 11.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, OS/3 ISAM Perhaps the best way to obtain a quick overview of the functions for which OS/3 ISAM has been designed is to look at the imperative macros you will issue in your basic assembly language (BAL) program to process your ISAM files. But, before studying each of these macros in detail (they are described fully in 11.5), it may be more useful to consider their functional groupings; these are discussed in the next two paragraphs. 11.2.1. —0- Processing an Indexed ISAM File As you have noted in Section 10, OS/3 ISAM is provided primarily to enable you to organize and process disk files from which you will have frequent need to retrieve records directly by key, but for which sequential processing is also important to you. ISAM facilitates the search-by-key function by providing a key-based index structure; it implements this function through a repertoire of key-related imperative macros. OS/3 ISAM also provides you with a set of imperatives for sequential processing. Table 11—1 lists the imperatives available for processing an indexed ISAM file. The imperative macro calls are grouped in sets according to functions and are repeated to point out that some are used in more than one setting. Note that those you would expect to call many times in your BAL program have been indented in the list to identify them. (The name of the ISAM possibly a master file of employees at some file in the illustration is “EMPLMST” installation.) — UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-3 Table 11—1. Imperative Macro Calls for Processing an OS/3 ISAM File with an Index Structure, Listed by Functions Imperative Macro Calls Functions Initiating and Terminating Processing of the File OPEN CLOSE Loading or Extending the File SETFL ENDFL EMPLMST EMPLMST EMPLMST WRITE EMPLMST, NEWKEY EMPLMST Inserting New Records WRITE EMPLMST, NEWKEY WAITF EMPLMST Random Processing. Retrieval and Updating if WRITE is used READ EMPLMST, KEY WAITF EMPLMST READ EMPLMST, ID WAITF EMPLMST WRITE EMPLMST, KEY WAITF EMPLMST (BOF KEY EMPLMST, GKEY ) “ID GET EMPLMST, (0) PUTEMPLMST EMPLMST Sequential Processing. Retrieval and Updating if PUT is used SETL ; ESETL NOTES: 11.2.2. 1. The ADD imperative macro is equivalent to the WRITE,NEWKEY macro for inserting new records. 2. The UPDT imperative macro is equivalent to the WRITE,KEY macro for random updating. Processing an ISAM File without an Index Structure When you specify a nondirectory ISAM file, you can no longer locate records by presenting a key to data management. Three of the standard imperative macros are no longer available to you: READ, KEY SETL, KEY SETL, GKEY Otherwise, the function repertoire is the same. Despite the fact that keys are not used, some macro calls retain the KEY operand. The WRITE, KEY macro, for example remains available to you for inserting a trailer record in overflow, but you provide this macro with the relative address of the header record from which the trailer depends, not its key. Sequential processing is the same as for indexed files, except that no index is available for selecting the starting point for a sequential retrieval sequence. Here again, you will provide a relative record address to the SETL macro. 11-4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4. Table 11—2 lists the calls for the imperatives available for processing a nondirectory ISAM file. The calls are grouped in sets according to functions and, as in Table 11—1, are repeated to indicate that some operate in more than one setting. Those calls that you should expect to use many times in your BAL program are indented to identify them. (Again, the 7-character file name ‘of the nondirectory ISAM file ‘being processed in the illustration is “EMPLMST.”) Table 11—2. Imperative Macro Calls for Process/hg a Nondirectory OS/3 ISAM File without an Index Structure, Listed by Functions Imperative Macro calls Functions Initiating and Terminating Processing of the File OPEN CLOSE Loading or Extending the File SETFL ‘ “ ENDFL ‘ ‘ EMPLMST EMPLMST EMPLMST WRITE EMPLMST, NEWKEY EMPLMST Adding Trailer Records WRITE EMPLMST,NEWKEY WAITF EMPLMST Random Processing. Retrieval and Updating if WRITE is used READ EMPLMST, ID WAITF EMPLMST WRITE EMPLMST, KEY WAITF EMPLMST Sequential Processing, Retrieval and Updating if Put is used {B0F} SETL EMPLMST, ESETL GET EMPLMST, (0) PUT EMPLMST EMPLMST NOTES: 1. The ADD imperative macro is equivalent to the WRITE,NEWKEY macro for inserting new records. 2. The UPDT imperative macro is equivalent to the WRITE,KEY macro for random updating. ‘ 11,2,3, Deleting Records from an ISAM File A function for which OS/3 ISAM does not provide you a specific imperative macroinstruction is record deletion. However, to help you in this aspect of managing a file, OS/3 ISAM establishes a 2-byte field in the DTFIS file table (half-word-aligned) in which your ‘program may keep a count of the number of records you have tagged for deletion. You may address this field, which is available for the life of the file, by concatenating the character ‘7” to your 7-character file name; this field will be termed filenameT in this manual. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ You, of course, must establish your own convention for tagging records in your file that are to be deleted; there is no field in the OS/3 ISAM data formats dedicated to this use (nor, if you recall, does OS/3 ISAM provide for user file labels in which you might record deletion statistics instead of using fl/enamefl , ‘ ‘ UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-5 Because tagging a record for deletion will most likely be part of a rewrite operation (for which you issue the WRITE, KEY macro), it would be logical also to increment the count in filenameT either before or after the rewrite operation. Because your count of records you have tagged for deletion is always available to you in the DTF, you can access it as an aid in deciding when to reorganize your ISAM file. Thereis no way to avoid retrieving recordsyou have tagged for deletion; they will always be read by a READ or GET imperative macro. For this reason, to tag reôords that. you have decided should be removed from the file is an important part of your processing them. You should, of course, also. provide in your program for checking against the presencepf this flag whenever you retrieve a record UP8O68 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 1—6 DTFIS 11.3. DEFINING AN OS/3 ISAM FILE (DTFIS) In order to process a file by OS/3 ISAM, you must define it to data management by issuing the DTFIS declarative macro in your BAL program. (The macro call is derived from the phase define the file for indexed sequential.) The symbolic name of your file (filename) may contain no more than seven characters and must begin with an alphabetic character. This file name is also used by the OS/3 [SAM imperative macros to identify the file to be processed. It must be the same as the file name you have included in the LFD statement in the device assignment set of OS/3 job control statements by which you allocate the file. (See the job control user guide, UP-8065 (current version) for the details of OS/3 job control statements.) The DTFIS declarative macro generates a file table that data management uses to keep itself and you informed of the characteristics of the file and of the results of your processing it with the ISAM imperative macros. The DTF generator assures that the file table is automatically aligned on a full-word boundary. The size of this file table varies according to the processing to be performed (which you may specify via the IOROUT keyword parameter, 11 .4.8): DTF File Table Size, in Bytes IOROUT Specification 332 372 396 396 LOAD RETRVE ADD ADDRTR As you execute each imperative macro, data management places an informative reply, indicating normal completion or exceptions (including unrecoverable error conditions) in a special field of the DTF file table. If you have not provided an error exit, you must remember to access this field when control returns inline to you after execution of each imperative. You address this field (called filenameC) by concatenating the character “C” to the name of your file. Some of the imperative macros also pass information to you in other special fields of the DTF file table, which you may address similarly by concatenating a specific character to your file name (details are given for each macro separately in 11 .5, and these are recapitulated in 11 .7). Because the maximum length for symbolic names throughout OS/3 is eight characters, data management therefore limits you to a maximum of seven for file names. In addition to the file table just mentioned, the DTFIS declarative macro also generates certain references so that you may link a BAL program with a DTFIS file table you have generated in a separate assembly: An ENTRY definition for filename. You must specify a corresponding EXTRN definition for filename within your program. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11—7 An EXTRN definition for each symbolic name you have supplied with certain of the DTFIS keyword parameters described in what follows. You must specify a corresponding ENTRY definition for each of these symbolic names. Following is a listing of the required and optional keyword parameters you will specify as operands of the DTFIS declarative macroinstruction. These are listed here in alphabetic order, but you may specify them in any convenient order, just so you separate them with commas. The paragraphs following this format statement discuss the use of each keyword parameter, and a table summarizing the keywords follows the descriptions. Refer to the preface of this manual for OS/3 data management format statement conventions and to 1 .6.3 for rules concerning continuation of statements. A comma is shown preceding each keyword parameter except the first, to remind you that all keywords coded in a string must be separated by commas. However, a comma must neither be coded in column 16 of a continuation line, nor follow the last keyword in the string. Refer to the coding examples which follow. Format: LABEL filename AOPERATIONA OPERAND DTFIS EXC EXCR SRD SRDO BLKSlZE=n [,E R RORsymboll [,l NDAR EA=symbol] [,INDEXED=NO] [,INDSIZEn] ,IOAREA1=symbol [,IOAR EA2symbol] [,IOREG(r)] flOROUT= LOAt ADD RETRVE ADDRTR L I I [,KEYARG=symbol] [,KEYLENn] [,KEYLOCnJ [,LOCK=NoJ [,PCYLOFLnnJ 11-8 Update A SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 LABEL filename OPERAND LOPERATIoN DT F IS (cont) [REC FORM=$FIXBLK 1VARBLK [ [,R ECSIZE=n] [,SAVAR EAsymbol] [TYPEFLE= I ( RANDOM RANSEQ L (SEciNTL [,UPDATE=NOJ [,VERI FY=YES] [,WOR K 1 =symboll [,WOR KS=NO] 11.4. DTFIS KEYWORD PARAMETERS The following is a discussion of the use of each of the keywords that you may specify as operands of the DTFIS declarative macroinstruction; the discussions are arranged alphabetically for ease of reference. Table 11—3, following these descriptions, summarizes all of the keywords. 11 .4.1. 4’ Specifying File Accessing Options (ACCESS) of In a multitasking environment, the file lock feature can prevent the loss or destruction read/write the (specify data. This feature allows you to control the sharability requirements) of a file while you are using it. This feature only applies to those files you in specified as lockable. The procedure for specifying which files are lockable is described 16.1.4. You can specify the sharability of a lockable file by using either the ACCESS or LOCK keyword parameter (11 .4.1). It is recommended that you use the ACCESS parameter because it provides greater flexibility (more read/write options available) than the LOCK DTF parameter. If both the ACCESS and LOCK parameter are specified in the same macroinstruction, the ACCESS specification will override the LOCK specification. Keyword Parameter ACCESS: ACCESS=EXC Specifies exclusive read/update/add use of the file. No other jobs can access the file while it is being used. NO TE: This specification is equivalent to the default value for the LOCK parameter; that is, LOCK=NO is omitted. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-9 Update C ACCESS=EXCR Specifies read/update/add use of the file and also allows other jobs to read from the file while it is being used. (Only ACCESS=SRD can be specified for other jobs.> ACCESS=SRD Specifies that only the read function is allowed for the file and allows other jobs read/update/add use of the file. (Only ACCESS=EXCR, SRD, or SRDO can be specified for other jobs.) ACCESS=SRDO Specifies that only the read function is allowed for the file and also allows other jobs to read from the file. Writing to the file is not allowed from the job associated with this DTF or from other jobs. (Only ACCESS=SRD or SRDO can be specified for other jobs.) 11.4.2. Specifying Size of Data Blocks (BLKSIZE) To specify the size of the physical data blocks in your ISAM file, you must supply this required keyword parameter in your DTFIS declarative macro. (See 10.2.2 for a discussion of ISAM data block formats; these are shown in Figure 10—4.) Keyword Parameter BLKSIZE: BLKSIZE=n Specifies the size of the blocks in the file, where n is the size in bytes. This keyword is always required. Size may not be less than 256 bytes nor exceed the track size for the disk subsystem on which the file resides: SPERRY UNIVAC Track Size, Disk Subsystem in Bytes 8411 8414 8415 8416 8418 8424 8425 8430 8433 3625 7294 10,240 10,240 10,240 7294 7294 13,030 13,030 When you specify fixed-length records (by default, or by specifying RECFORM=FIXBLK), your BLKSIZE specification n should equal record size + 5 bytes, multiplied by the number of records per data block, adding two bytes for the block header. The block size need not be the same as your I/O buffer allocation, which may be specified with a define storage (DS) statement elsewhere in your program, but it must not exceed the length of the buffer. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP8068 Rev. 4 11-10 When 841 5 disks are used, the ISAM blocksize is restricted. For each cylinder, ISAM requires at least two blocks of space reserved for overflow. The following algorithm calculates b, the total number of overflow blocks per cylinder: b = blocks per track x tracks per cylinder A minimum of one block per track may be specified and two tracks per cylinder (841 5 removable) or three tracks per cylinder (8415 fixed). The number of blocks per cylinder is then multiplied by the percentage of overflow (maximum 80%) and rounded up to the next integer value. If less than two, the resulting overflow block count is set to 2. The overflow block count is then subtracted from the total number of blocks per cylinder to calcUlate d, the data blocks per cylinder, a value which must be nonzero. d = b — overflow block count When applied to the 841 5 disk (fixed or removable) the algorithm for calculating number of overflow blocks per cylinder (b) can result in a value identical to the total number of blocks per cylinder, thus leaving no space for data. If this óondition occurs, the OPEN imperative macro generates the message DM61 INVALID DTF FIELD PARAMETER OR PARAMETER COMBINATION. This restriction condition can occur only with large block sizes (one or two blocks per track) and large overflow percentages (70 to 80%). 1 1.4.3. Specifying Your Error Exit (ERROR) When a fatal hardware or detectable logic error occurs on an ISAM file, or an exception is detected to exact performance of the function you have requested, data management returns control to your error-handling routine, if you have coded one and provided its address with the ERROR keyword parameter. If you have no error routine, control returns to you inline, at the instruction in your program next after the imperative macroinstruction that initiated the transfer of control. It is your responsibility to interrogate the error/status codes and take appropriate action. If you choose to continue processing, it is useful to know that data management provides you an inline return address in register 14; this iljne return is to the instruction in your program next following the imperative macro that initiated the transfer of control to your error routine. When 05/3 data management transfers control, the addressable field filenameC in the DTFIS file table contains information on the reasons for the error. (See 11.7 and Appendix B.) Keyword Parameter ERROR: ERRORsymbo[ Specifies the address of your errorhandIing routine, to which data management transfers control for all conditions of error or exception to exact performance of the function you have requested. When data management transfers control, filenameC contains information on the reasons for the error. If omitted, control returns to you inline. SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 11.4.4. 1 1 -1 1 Describing an Index Area in Main Storage (INDAREA, INDSIZE) This pair of keyword parameters is required when you are loading an indexed file but optional at other times (It is not used when your file is a nondirectory ASAM file and has no index) You specify a main storage location into which ISAM may load part of your top index by the INDAREA keyword and you specify the length of this area in bytes with the INDSIZE keyword. Like the I/O area, your index area must always be half-word aligned. For loading operations, the length of the index area must always be at least 256 bytes because ISAM uses this space to create the 256-byte index blocks as loading proceeds. (See 10.2.3.) An optional OS/3 ISAM facility, by which ISAM places all or part of the top index in main storage to speed random retrieval or record insertion, may be invoked by specifying the INDAREA and the INDSIZE keywords under the following conditions: ‘ The KEYARG and KEYLEN keywords are also specified (11.4.9, 11.4.10). • IOROUT=ADD, IOROUT=ADDRTR, or IOROUTRETRVE is also specified (11.4.8). • TYPEFLE=RANDOM or TYPEFLE=RANSEQ is also specified (11.4.15). The INDSIZE, INDAREA, and KEYLEN parameters define the size and address of the index buffer and the amount of the top index that may be brought into main storage automatically when the file is opened. ISAM determines the size of the top index table entries from the length of keys specified by the KEYLEN keyword and ensures that the length of the INDAREA table (specifiedby the INDSIZE keyword) will accommOdate at least one block of top index entries. If your INDSIZE specification is less than this minimum, your attempt to invoke this facility is negated, and appropriate diagnostic messages are printed in the DTFIS macro expansion in your assembly listing. ISAM automatically rounds your INDSIZE specification down to an integer multiple of oneblock of top index entries. To ascertain the total number of bytes actually required to hold the entire theentire top index in table form in the INDAREA buffer, you may access filenameS ih the DTF on completion of a file load sequence; refer to 10.2.4. For a description of the operation of the ISAM index-in-main-storage facility, refer to 10.2.5. Keyword Parameter INDAREA: I NDAREA=symbol Specifies location in main storage in which ISAM builds index blocks during load operations, or where ISAM places top index table for random retrieval or record insertion, where symbol (address) is the location, Must be haIfwórd aligned. Required for load operations; optional for others. Length of area specified by INDSIZE keyword. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 1-1 2 Keyword Parameter INDSIZE: INDSIZEn Specifies length of index area in main storage where n is the length in bytes For load operations the length must be at least 256 bytes excess space is unused For random processing length greater than 256 bytes is optional ISAM ensures that INDAREA accommodates at least one block of top index entries (three bytes greater than KEYLEN specification). 11.4.5. Eliminating the Index Structure (INDEXED) This keyword is used when you want to eliminate construction of the ISAM index structure Keyword Parameter INDEXED: INDEXED=NO Specifies that you have elected the option to create a nondirectory ISAM file and to reference its records by relative addresses, rather than by keys. Data management does not construct the index; key-based processing functions are inoperative. If omitted, the index structure is provided. 11.4.6. Specifying I/O Buffers (lOAREA1, IOAREA2) All ISAM operations require at least one I/O area half-word-aligned and at least 256 bytes in length. You specify its address with the IOAREA1 keyword. You may specify a second area, of equal size, which must also be aligned on a half-word boundary, with the optional IOAREA2 keyword. To do so will increase the speed of your processing; you will notice that the benefits are more pronounced for load and sequential retrieval than for random operations. Keyword Parameter IOAREA1: IOAREA1 symbol Required to specify location of input/output area, where symbol (address) is the location. Must be half-word aligned. Length must equal or exceed the number of bytes specified with BLKSIZE keyword. Keyword Parameter IOAREA2: IOAREA2=symbol Specifies location of optional additional input/output area, where symbol (address) is the location. Must also be half-word aligned and will be same size as the required area specified by the IQAREA1 keyword. You may improve the speed of sequential I/O operations if you specify this keyword. UP-8068 Rev. 4 11.47. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1113 Specifying Current Record Pointer (IOREG) When you are referencing your records in the I/O areas rather than in the work areas, you need to specify a general register to be used to point to the current I/O area. Registers 2 through 12 are always available; if you have specified the SAVAREA keyword parameter, general register 13 is also available. (See 11.4.18 for details on the use of record work areas.) Keyword Parameter IOREG: IOREG(r) Required to specify the general register to be used to point to the current I/O area when you are not referencing records in the work areas, where r is the number of the general register. Registers 2 through 12 are available, and register 13 is also available if you have specified the SAVAREA keyword. 11.4.8. Specifying the Type of File Processing (IOROUT) You may specify the type of processing to be performed on your file with the optional IOROUT keyword; this parameter has four forms. Note that you may also specify the type of retrieval with the TYPEFLE keyword (11.4.15). A file-loading operation (IOROUT=LOAD) may end with the final data block only partly full, When this occurs, data management stores the exact location of unused file space in the disk volume table of contents (VTOC) for later recovery and use as needed. You may add records (IOROUT=ADD) with keys higher than the final prime data record, which is contained in the data block marked as the logical end of file. As data management places these in overflow, they do not affect the location of unused prime space. If you should introduce new records by resuming load operations (IOROUTLOAD), these must be submitted in ascending order of keys; all must have higher keys than the current highest key (whether in a prime record or an overflow record already on disk). If you add enough records to an ISAM file, some cylinder ovef low space will become filled, and data management will be unable to place added records on the cylinder where they belong. When this occurs, data management resorts to using space on the earliest cylinder having available overflow and adds records at the earliest possible point of the following sequence: 1. On the cylinder reached by prime search 2. On the cylinder having the current COCRS* 3. On a cylinder newly set as having the COCRS (discovered by progressing through COCR blocks to one showing space available) *The COCRS is a special cylinder overflow control record that data management writes and maintains in the DTF and VTQC to control remaining overflow space on the cylinder that is currently used to accept overflow records from other cylinders. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 11-14 Keyword Parameter IOROUT: IOROUT=ADD Specifies that new records are to be inserted into a file. You may not specify the ADDform of this keyword unless you have allocated an overflow area with the PCYLOFL keyword parameter (11.4.12). IOROUT=ADDRTR Specifies that new records are to be inserted in the file and that records will also be retrieved and updated randomly or sequentially. You may not specify the ADDRTR form of this keyword unless you have allocated an overflow area with the PCYLOFL keyword (11 4 12) I OR OUT=LOAD Specifies that either a new file is tO be created or an existing file is to be extended. ISAM assumes that the LOAD form has been specified if you omit the IOROUT keyword parameter. IOR OUT=R ETRVE Specifies that your records are to be retrieved or updated randomly or sequentially. If omitted, IOROUT=LOAD is assumed. Type of retrieval may be specified with the TYPEFLE keyword (11 4 15) 11.4.9. Specifying Location of Retrieval Search Argument (KEYARG) Whether yoU are referencing records by key (as when you are using ISAM with the index structure) or by relative address (as with the nondirectory form of ISAM), you need a field in which to present data management either with the key it is to match by the search-onkey function or with the relative disk address at which it is to access your record directly. You specify this field with the KEYARG keyword parameter. You should avoid presenting ISAM with either the address or the all-zero key of the dummy record at file start as a search argument. The dummy record is not available for you to use, and efforts to retrieve or overwrite it result in the error processing described under the variousimperative macros involved.You may, on the other hand, safely specify an all-zero key in the KEYARG field when you issue the SETL, GKEY imperative: data management prepares to give you the first record after the dummy, and no error processing results. The length of the KEYARG area will be five bytes when you use it only for relative addressing, but it must equal the actual length of the keys in your records (specified by the KEYLEN keyword) when you are using the indexed form of ISAM. You may omit the KEYARG keyword parameter when you are not retrieving records. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-15 Keyword Parameter KEYARG: KEYAR Gsymbol Specifies the field in your program where you will place addresses or keys to effect retrieval of your records, where symbol (address) is the location in this field. The length of the KEYARG area is five bytes when you use it for relative addressing and equal to key length (KEYLEN keyword parameter) otherwise. May be omitted when you will not retrieve records. 11.4.10. Specifying Length and Location of Records Keys (KEYLEN, KEYLOC) When your records have keys (as they must when you use the indexed form of ISAM, and may when you are using the nondirectory form), all keys in the file must have the same length, and every record must have a key. The key need not begin at the head of the record; it may be internal to the record, in fact, but the starting place for the key must be the same in every record. The minimum length for a key is 3 bytes; the maximum is 253. Each key must be unique. No byte of any record’s key may contain the hexadecimal value FF, nor may any of your keys duplicate the all-zero key or the dummy record that ISAM creates and inserts at the start of the file. You specify the length of the key in bytes with the KEYLEN keyword parameter and the number of bytes of data that precede the key with the KEYLOC keyword. You must specify the KEYLEN parameter for an indexed ISAM file; you need not specify it for a nondirectorty file unless you want ISAM to check the sequence of your keys during the load operation (remember that sequence checking is done automatically only when you are loading your records for an indexed ISAM file, to which you present them in ascending order of keys). You need not specify the KEYLOC keyword if the key is at the head of the record. When you omit this keyword, ISAM assumes that you have specified KEYLOCO for fixed records or KEYLOC=2 for variable records (each of which, as you recall, contains its record length in the leading two bytes). Keyword Parameter KEYLEN: KEYLENn Specifies the length of keys in an ISAM file, where n is the length in bytes. All keys in an ISAM file must have the same length; the minimum length is 3 bytes, and the maximum is 253. Required for indexed ISAM files; optional otherwise. If specified for a nondirectory ISAM file, causes data management to check sequence of keys during a record load. Keyword Parameter KEYLOC: KEYLOCn Specifies the number of bytes that precede the key of an ISAM record, where n is this number. The location of the keyfield must be the same within all records of the file. If omitted, ISAM assumes that you have specified a value of zero for fixed records or two for variable records. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-10 Update A 11.4.11. Suppressing a File Lock (LOCK) As we mentioned earlier, there are two ways to specify the sharability of your disk files. We have already discussed the ACCESS keyword parameter and now we will discuss the other way: that is, the LOCK keyword parameter. Two options are available with the LOCK parameter: 1. The file is exclusively locked when it is opened during the execution of your program. You have exclusive use of the file. You can read, update, and add to the file. No other user can open the file until you close it. 2. A read-only lock is applied to the file when it is opened. You can only read from the file and all other uses can only read from the file. Keyword Parameter LOCK: LOCK=NO This is equivalent to specifying ACCESSSRDO. It should not be used in the same DTF as the ACCESS keyword parameter. If it is, the ACCESS keyword parameter will override it, If you omit both LOCKNO and the ACCESS keyword parameter, this is equivalent to specifying ACCESS=EXC. 1 1.4.12. 11-17 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Providing Cylinder Overflow Area (PCYLOFL) For both the indexed and the nondirectory ISAM file, you specify the space of each cylinder that data management is to reserve for overflow keyword parameter. You will recall that it is to the overflow area that writes records added after your Initial load The maximum percentage percentage of the with the PCYLOFL data manàgèment is 80 If you specify a zero value or if you omit the PCYLOFL keyword altogether, you may not add records to the file; any you attempt to insert will be rejected. Keyword Parameter PCYLOFL: PCYLOFLnn Specifies the percentage of each cylinder that data management is to reserve for overflow, where nn is the percent. The value of nn may range from 00 through 80. If you specify PCYLOFLOO, records presented later for insertion will be rejected. If omitted, data management assumes thatyou have specifiedPCYLOFL=00. 11.4.13. Specifying Record Size and Format (RECFORM, RECSIZE) Records in an ISAM file are fixed or variable in length and are blocked by data management. You may specify the format with the RECFORM keyword parameter; if your records are fixed length, you must specify this length with the RECSIZE keyword. All fixed records must have the same length in an ISAM file. Keyword Parameter RECFORM: RECFORM=FIXBLK Specifies that your records are fixed-length, blocked. You must also specify the RECSIZE keyword. RECFORM=VARBLK Specifies that your records are variable-length, blocked. You do not specify the RECSIZE keyword. If omitted, data management assumes that you have specified RECFORMFIXBLK, and you must specify the RECSIZE keyword parameter. Keyword Parameter RECSIZE: R ECSIZE=n Specifies the length of fixed records, where n is this length, measured in bytes. Required for fixed-length records only; must be specified if you omit the RECFORM keyword. Not used for variable records. SPERRY UNPJAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP8O68 Rev.4 11.4.14. 11-18 Specifying a Save Area for Contents ofGeneral Registers (SAVAREA) Before you issue an imperative macro for processing any OS/3 data management file, you may first load general register 13 with the address of a 72-byte labelled save area in which data management will expect to save always aligned on a full-word boundary the contents of your registers If you do not want to provide this information with every call, you may place the location of the save area in the DTF file table by specifying the SAVAREA keyword. Refer to 1.4 for the content of this area. — — Keyword Parameter SAVAREA: SAVAREAsymboI Specifies the address of a 72-byte labeled save area for the contents of general registers full-word-aligned where symbol (label) is the address Used only when register 13 is not loaded with save area address before each issue of imperative macros to the file. If omitted, data management assumes that you have preloaded register 13 with address of a save area before issuing each imperative. 11.4.15. Specifying the Type of Retrieval (TYPEFLE) When you are performing retrieval operations on your ISAM file, indexed or nondirectory (and therefore have specified IOROUT=RETRVE or IOROUT=ADDRTR (11 4 8)) you may specify the type of processing (random or sequential) with the TYPEFLE keyword parameter You do not use the TYPEFLE keyword unless you are retrieving records Keyword Parameter TYPEFLE: TYPEFLE=RANDOM Specifies that random (direct) retrieva[ operations are to be performed. TYPE FLE=SEQNTL Specifies that sequential retrieval operations will be performed. TYPEFLE=RANSEQ Specifies that both random and sequential retrieval will be peformed. If omitted data management assumes that you have specified WPEFLESEQNTL Not used unless records are to be retrieved. IOROUTRETRVE or IOROUTADDRTR must also be specified (11.4.8). UP8O68 Rev.4 11 4 16 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-19 Forestalhng Use of Update Functions (UPDATE) When you want to avoid the possibility of inadvertently writing to anISAM file thatyou intend to be a read-only file, you may specify the UPDATE keyword parameter in the DTFIS macro This keyword sets a bit in the DTF file table that causes data management to set the invalid macrd error flag (byte 0, bit 6) in filenameC if you should issue a PUT or WRITE imperative macro to this file, and you then may take no action on the file other than to close it (See Appendix B) Keyword Parameter UPDATE: UPDATE=NO Specifies that data management is to flag a subsequent issue of the PUTor WRITE macro as an invalid macro (byte 0, bit 6 of filenameC); no further reference to the file, other than to close it, is possible. If omitted, the possibility of inadvertent updating of the file is not forestalled. 11.4.17. Specifying Parity Check of Output Records (VERIFY) When you need data managemeht to make a parity check of your records after it has written each one to disk you must specify the VERIFY keyword parameter; otherwise, no check reading will be done. You should remember that specifying a parity check will necessarily increase the execution time required for the PUT and WRITE macros byabout one rotation period per block. You must weigh this overhead against the advantage of immediate notification of problems within your file. Keyword Parameter VERIFY: VERIFY=YES Specifies that data management is to check parity of output records after they have been written to disk. Necessarily increases execution time for PUT and WRITE macros. If bad parity is detected, data management sets output parity check flag (byte 2, bit 2) in filenameC and transfers control to your error routine or to you inline. If omitted, no oUtput parity verification will be done 11.4.18. Specifying Location of Record Work Areas (WORK1, WORKS) For loading and adding functions (that is, when you have specified IOROUT=LOAD, IOROUT=ADD, or IOROUT=ADDRTR, 1 1.4.8), you must provide ISAM with the location of a record work area by specifying the WORK 1 keyword parameter. FurthermOre, unless you have selected a general register to be the current record pointer (IOREG keyword 1 1.4.7), you must also specify a record work area for random retrieval. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 1-20 For sequential retrieval, you do not specify the location of a record work area in the DTF, and data management ignores the WORK1 keyword if it is present. You have two other options for sequential retrieval: 1. Working in the input buffer. To do this, you specify the IOAREA1 and IOAREA2 :keywords and both the IOREG and the WORKS keyword parameters. 2. Transferring records to the work area. To do this, you do not: specify either the IOREG or the WORKS keyword parameter; you specify the location of the work area in the second positional parameter of each GET imperative macro you issue (11 .5.5.2). An important point to remember is that the record work area, however you specify it, holds one record at a time. An obvious point is that its size is governed by your record length; if 1 the size must accommodate the largest of these. your records are variable Keyword Parameter WORK 1: WORK1 symbol Provides the location of a record work area, where symbol (address) is the location. Required for load and add functions (when IOROUTLOAD, IOROUT=ADD, or 1OROUT=ADDRTR has been specified). Also required for random retrieval unless you have specified the IOREGkeyword parameter. Is ignored for sequential retrieval. Keyword Parameter WORKS: WORKS=NO When IOREG keyword is also specified for sequential retrieval, indicates that you will process records in the current input buffer. If omitted, and IOREG keyword is not specified, data management expects to transfer seqUentially retrieved records (one at a time) to the work area you specify as an operand of each GET macro you issue ( 11.4.19. Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters When the assembler is preparing your DTF, it uses a specific list of keywords. Discovery of a keyword that is not on the list results in an assembly error. In order that existing programs may require minimal changes for assembly in OS/3, the list of acceptable keywords has been expanded beyond those listed as standard. The acceptable variations are: OS/3 Standard Acceptable BLKSIZE ERROR INDAREA INDSIZE IOAREA1 IOAREA2 IOREG BKSZ ERRO INDA INDS lOAl, IOAREAL, IOAREAR, IOAREAS IOA2 (ORG UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRYUNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT OS/3 Standard 11-21 Acceptable IOROUT KEYARG KEYLEN KEYLOC PCYLOFL RECFORM RECSIZE SAVAREA TYPEFLE UPDATE VERIFY WORK1 IORT KARG KLEN KLOC PCYL, CYLOFL, CYL RCFM RCSZ SAVE TYPE UPDT VRFY WRK1, WORKL, WORKR Note that there are no acceptable variations for the INDEXED or the WORKS keywords and that none of the completion values (the values to which you equate these keywords) may vary from the 0St3 standards given in the preceding paragraphs. 11 4.2O. Recapitulation of DTFIS Keyword Parameters Table 11—3 lists all of the keyword parameters that may be used as operands of the DTEIS declarative macroinstruction An example of coding the DTEIS declarative macro follows the table. Table 1 1—3. Keyword Parameters of the DTFIS Declarative Macro Instruction (Part 1 of 2) File Function Keyword ACCESS* Specification Remarks — L AIS T S S S S This DTF: read/update/add use Other jobs: no access EXCR S S This DTF: read/update/add use Other jobs: read use SRD S S ThisDTF: read use Other jobs: read/update/add use SRDO S S This DTF: read use Other jobs: read use EXC BLKSIZE* n R R R R ERROR symbolic label 0 0 0 0 Address of subroutine to handle errors and exceptions INDAREA symbolic label R 0 0 0 Address of main storage area to contain index INDEXED, NO 0 0 0 0 Specifies that file is not to be indexed INDSIZE n (in bytes) R 0 0 0 Size of index area in main storage: minimum size is 256 bytes, IOAREA1 symbolic label R R R R Address of I/O area in main storage 11-22 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 (Part 2. of 2) Table 11—3. Keyword Parameters of the DTFIS Declarative Macro Instruction Specification Keyword IOAREA2 symbolic label IOREG (r)general register GROUT T File Function ADD A ADDRTR R 0 0 Address of a secondi/O area in main storage to speed processing 0 0 Contains address of the I/O area in main storage. Insert new records td file. Insert new records-and retrieve records randomly or sequentially, S S Create new file or extend existing file R LOAD KEYARG 0 0 Remarks RETRVE S S Retrieve and/or update randomly or sequentially, symbolic label 0 R Address of field containing key of desired record. n 0 0 0 0 Key length in bytes for SAM file. When specified for nonindexed files, a sequence check of keys is made. n 0 0 0 0 Location, in bytes, of the key within a record. If omitted, KEY LOC=O for fixedlength records; KEY L0C2 for variable-length records. LOCK NO -O 0 0 0 Requests fire lock not be-set on a lockable file at OPEN PCYLOFL nn RECFORM FILK S S S S Specifies fixed blocked records VARBLK S S S S Specifies variable-blocked records n 0 0 0 0 Size, in bytes, of fixed records to be processed SAVAREA symbolic label 0 0 0 0 Address of general register save area TYPEFLE RANDOM ** KEYLEN KEYLOC RECSIZE * * * (00 to 0 : SEGN’EL 0 NO VERIFY YES WORK1 symbolic label 0 -O - A R - 0 0 Eliminates update capability 0 0 Specifies a parity check of data records is to be made after being writsen to output disc 0 Address of work area for records being loaded, - reloaded, extended, or inserted 0 -- - Specifies random/sequential file processing function 0 - NO - - - No record work area available for sequential retrieval LEGEND: L A S T O R S - Specifies sequential file processing function - WORKS - Specifies random file processing function - RANSEQ UPDATE - Percentage of cylinder (blocks) available for overflow 0 80i File creation or extension Record insertion Sequential retrieval Random retrieval Optional Required Select one Value assumed if keyword is not specified. - *Parameter may be changed by DD job control statement. **Parameter may be changed by DD job control statement, indexed mode only. -, - UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11—23 Example: A OPERAND AOPERATIONA LABEL COMMENTS 72 16 1 10 LLiDLF &Ai i I±t.t AaPLl_L iLij. i - t4LL N:EWEtI, I 1 L1 LiiLL I L L1 PRECE1E FR. A REC3RV iiL Lit )E’Yl I L iii tE I.m P 1 t WITE 11.5. II dL Li X 1 E ii i_i l JJ I SLc.KIED, J 15 SYTE F L.i i L A YAKIIALEj ANp 1 LRER M-VAL ErfLi% iLLJi ti D 1 T 1L J i iLO 1 J 1 1 li±. JJi LL 1 Jjj ii 1 i L I RLLAND ET LEr/ALL. L QltT1AL 1 M R I/ AA ttL }4A114 TRAGE iTiEti4 i jj I jiJt: I i 1.1 iii ii j1i1 ILl IMPERATIVE MACROS FOR ISAM FILES To process your ISAM files, you will issue imperative macros in your BAL program to communicate with OS/3 data management. These imperative macros expand as inline executable code to set up linkages, pass required parameters, and initiate transfer of càntrol to thevarious ISAM transients and logic modules. As explained in further detail in 11.7 and Appendix B, data management sets a flag in a 4byte addressable field in your DTF file table (labelled filenameC), after the execution of each imperative macro you issue, to inform you of the normal completion of the processing you have specified or of error or exceptional conditions. If you do not provide an error/exception handler routine, it is your responsibility to interrogate filenarneC after each inline return and to take appropriate action in your program. Certain of these imperative macros also provide other useful information to you, in different fields of the DTF file table (fllenameH, filenameP, and sà on). These actions are pointed out in the individual macro descriptions and also recapitulated in 11,7. The imperative macro descriptions are grouped according to the file processing functions involved: Basic macroinstructions: OPEN and CLOSE • File loading and extending macros: SETFL; WRITE, NEWKEY; and ENDFL • Random processing macros: READ, KEY; READ, ID; WRITE, KEY; UPDT; and WAITE • Record insertion macros: WRITE, NEWKEY; ADD; and WAITE • Sequential processing macros: SETL, GET, PUT, and ESETL 11.5.1. Basic Macroinstructions You must use the OPEN and CLOSE macroinstructions to initiate and terminate action on an ISAM file. They call transient routines into main storage to perform the necessary preparation and close-out. The OPEN macroinstruction must be issued before any other macro function can be performed. 11-24 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OPEN lnitiahzing an ISAM File (OPEN) 11 5 11 Format: LABEL 4, OPERAND AOPERATIONA (filename-i [,...,filename-n] (i) (i OPEN [name] IL Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS declarative macroinstruction in the program. The maximum number of file names is 16. (1) or I Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table. Examples: LABEL 16 10 - I I I -_- iPt.1 I L I I I I I I I I A OPERAND A0PERATIONA 1 i — I i i I I — ) L 1 c — I — I I i I I I I 11-25 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 CLOSE Terminating an ISAM File (CLOSE) Function: You must use the CLOSE macroinstruction to terminate processing of your file. The CLOSE macroinstruction calls on a transient routine that performs required termination operations, such as updating the format 2 label. Once your file is closed, no other macroinstructions can be executed for the file until it is reopened by the OPEN macroinstruction. Format: OPERAND AOPERAT1ONA LABEL filename-i [,...,filename-n] (1) 1 *ALL CLOSE [name] Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS declarative macroinstructio-’ program. The maximum number of file names is 16. n your (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table. *ALL Specifies that all files currently open in the job step are to be closed. Example: AOPERATiONA 16 10 LABEL 1 I I a I II I I I I I I A OPERAND I i i 1 I I 1 I I I I SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev,4 11-26 Programming Considerations: When you have issued a CLOSE macro, you may access filenameS, if desired, to ascertain the number of bytes required to hold the top index in main storage (11 6.2). 1152. Loading and Extending an ISAM File Whether a new ISAM file is to be loaded (created) or an existing one is to be extended by adding records at the end, the file processing functions are the same. Both functions are indicated in the DTFIS declarative macroinstruction when you specify IOROUTLOAD. Records for the file are supplied in a work area to be blocked by data management. The imperative macroinstructions you require are the same in either case. The two processing functions are differentiated by the disk format 2 label. Once a file has been loaded successfully and a CLOSE macroinstruction has been executed for it, subsequent processing of a file for which you have specified IOROUTLOAD extends, rather than creates, the file, The three imperative macroinstructions are: SETFL, which initiates the processing sequence: WRITE, NEWKEY, which loads a record to the file; and ENDFL, which terminates the processing sequence. You do not follow the WRITE, NEWKEY macro with the WAITE macro for a load operation, although the WAITE macro is required after all other uses of the WRITE macro and all uses of the READ macro in OS/3 ISAM. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8O68 Rev. 4 11-27 SETFL Initiating the LoadSequence (SETFL) Function: The SETFL (set file load) macroinstruction calls on a transient routine which sets up controls in the DTFIS file table and in the indexes on the disk to prepare file for loading(orextendihg). Format: LABEL LS OPE RATION [name] SETFL OPERAND filename } Positional Parameter 1 filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS file table in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table. Example: LABEL AOPERAT1ONL\ 1 OPERAND 16 10 -_-_______ i — I I I I I I — I I I I ii I I I I I I I I i I I I i 1 Il-Lb SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 WRITE, NEWKEY Writing Initial Records to the File (WRITE, NEWKEY) Function: The WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction (that is, WRITE is the operation code, and NEWKEY is positional parameter 2) writes a logical record to a file being loaded or extended. Specifically, it transfers a record from the working storage area to the I/O area. Before issuing the WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction, you must have stored the logical record in the work area. Format: LABEL /xOPERATiONL [name] WRITE OPERAND (filename ) ,NEWKEY (1) (i Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS declarative macroinstruction in the program. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the DTFIS file table. Positional Parameter 2: NEWKEY Indicates that a new record is to be loaded into an ISAM file. Examples: I. z 16 10 i I I OPERAND AOPERATIONtx LABEL 1 1 i i IrT 1 JrR 11.1.—I I I I I I I I I I UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-29 Programming Considerations: The WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction causes the following actions: The key in the work area is checked against the key of the last record transferred into the I/O area, and if it is not greater, either a duplicate key or a sequence check error has occurred. Data management sets the appropriate flag in the filenameC field of the DTFIS file table and returns control to your error-handling routine, if you have one, or to you inline. The record in error is not transferred to the I/O area, and you may resume normal processing with another valid logical record. • The record and its key are transferred from the work area to the I/O area. • When the I/O area cannot accommodate the entire record, a block is written into the prime data area on the disk, and the given record is used to start the next block. • When a block is written, a key-pointer entry is formed for the block index, provided that you have specified an indexed file. For an ASAM file (INDEXEDNO), this action is omitted. • Following execution of the WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction, the disk address of the logical record is available to you in a DTFIS addressable field labeled f/IenameH. You may save these addresses during load and present them later for direct accessing. A 3-byte count of the total number of logical records in the prime data area (contained in filenameP of the DTFIS file table) is also available to you You may not overwrite the dummy record at file start, which is not available to you for storing data. If you issue the WRITE, NEWKEY macro with a search key of all binary 0’s in your KEYARG field (this being the key reserved for the dummy), error processing results. Data management sets the invalid ID error flag in fi/enameC, issues error message DM24 (INVALID REQUEST (ID) OUTSIDE FILE LIMITS), and branches to your ERROR routine. Refer to Appendix B. — Exa mples: LABEL LOPERATIONA 10 I. OPERAND 16 I I I _P%f1ItI•t••IE 1 I.LI ILI I.Iii i I IJJ1Li.lIi I I I I I Iii..JLJ._. I 1. Assuming register 1 has been preloaded with the EMPLMST address, and the WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction has been executed successfully, the field in the DTDIS file table labeled EMPLMSTH holds the logical record address. 2. If an error or warning condition has occurred, the field in the DTFIS file table labeled EMPLMSTC contains an indication of this condition. 11-30 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 ENDFL 11 5 2 3 Terminating the Load Sequence (ENDFL) Function: The ENDFL (end file load) macroinstruction calls on a transient routine that terminates your file loading or extending functions for the file and writes the final block on the disk. Also, file parameters are tested and any required index processing is performed. Format: LABEL A OPERATION A [name] ENDFL OPERAND (filename (1) (i Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS file table in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table Example: LABEL i 10 16 I I I F .._. V 1 Ei(.1 t A OPERAND AOPERATIONA PL_. rE 1 1 fbi T1 I I I I I UP-8068 Rev. 4 11.5.3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-31 Inserting New Records in an ISAM File Once an ISAM file has been created, you can add new records to the file, providing that you allocated overflow space on disk during load. Each nevi record is placed in the overflow area and chained into logical sequence. You specify this file processing function by specifying IOROUTADD (or IOROUT=ADDRTR If retrieval is also desired) Ifl the DTFIS declarative macroinstruction and use either the ADD or the WRITE,NEWKEY imperative macro to add each new record. You supply new records in a work area , as you did during file creation. However, keys of 1 added records need not be in ascending sequence. For ASAM files, the area specified by the KEYARG keyword parameter must contain the address of the record from which the current item is to be chained The DTFIS keyword parameters must be equated to the same specifications as when the original file was created You issue the imperative macroinstructions WRITE, NEWKEY (or ADD) and WAITF to add records to an .ISAM file. The form of the WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction for adding to a file is the same as you use for loading or extending a file, although the functions performed are different. In ISAM there is no restriction preventing the adding of records with keys lower than the key of the first record loaded, except the key of all binary zeros. ISAM has begun the file with a dummy record having this key; so error processing will result if you attempt to add a record whose key is binary 0. This is described under the WRITE, NEWKEY macro description in In the course. of adding records to a file, overflow areas may become filled. After each WAITF macroinstruction, the conditions are reflected in the program-addressable fields in the DTFIS file table. These fields areas follows: • Fi/enameA A 2 byte field indicating the number of prime data cylinders having full cylinder overflow areas. This field is set to zero if you have not specified cylinder overflow with the PCYLOFL keyword. • Filename 0 A 2-byte field indicating the total number of overflow records. • FilenaméP A 3-byte field indicates the tOtal number of prime data records in the file. 11-32 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 WRITE, NEWKEY 11 5 3 1 Adding a New Record to Overflow in an Existing File (WRITE NEWKEY) Eu nction: When you specify IOROUT=ADD or IOROUTADDRTR, the WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction logically inserts a new record in an existing file. You cannot use this macroinstruction unless you have allocated cylinder overflow area during load with the PCYLOFL keyword (11.4.12). Before issuing the WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction, you must have stored the logical record in the working storage area in the logical record format. In response to this macroinstruction data management does the following 1. Searches through the index to locate the record’s prime data block. This block or the overflow chain is then searched to determine the position into which the new record should be inserted 2. Places the new record in overflow. 3. Installs chaining in the blocks as necessary to maintain logical sequence. Eor ASAM files, thea index search is replaced bya direct access to the proper block; you provide data management with the 5-byte file-rOlátive address of the record from which the new record is to be chained by loading it into the KEYARG field before issuing the WRITE, NEWKEY macro (11.4.9). To ensure that all the actions initiated by the WRITE, NEWKEY macroinstruction have been completed, you must execute a WAITE macroinstruction. When control is returned to you from the latter, the work area isavaiIable for further insert records. The record just inserted is no longer in WORK 1. Format: LABEL OPERAND tOPERATIONi WRITE (filename’ (1) (1 NEWKEY ur--ouoo ruv. tMhT UPJIVMi, U/ ‘+ I I— BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS declarative macro in your program. (1)orl Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table. Positional Parameter 2: NEWKEY Indicates that a new record is to be written into an ISAM file. Examples: LABEL tOPERATIONA 10 I I I I I i I I I I I i A OPERAND 16 IL%11?It._r_&1 I I I I i I I I I I i I I I Programming Considerations If an error or warning condition has occurred, the field in the DTFIS file table labeled EMPLMSTC will contain an indication of the condition. rtri uiiv’. oi BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP3Ub3 Key. 4 ADD Adding a New Record to Overflow in an Existing File (ADD) Function: The ADD imperative macro, exactly equivalent to the WRITE, NEWKEY macro used when IOROUT=ADD or IOROUT=ADDRTR is specified, adds a new record to the overflow area of an existing ISAM or ASAM file and chains it into the appropriate logical sequence. As with the WRITE, NEWKEY macro, you must have previously provided an overflow area with the PCYLOFL keyword (11.4.12) when you originally created the file, and you must specify the IOROUT keyword as Just stated You store the logical record in the work area before you issue the ADD macro, and you issue a WAITE macro after it, before issuing another function to the file. is an ASAM file, the ADD macro does not conduct a search the data block (prime or overflow) containing the record accesses directly the new one is to be chained. You provide data management with the relative address of this record by loading it into the KEYARG field before ADD macro (1 1.4.9). If your file on key but from which 5-byte file issUing the Format: LABEL A OPERATION A [name] ADD OPERAND ç filename i Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS declarative macro in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/a BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-35 WAITF Ensuring Completion of Record Transfer (WAITF) Eu nction: The WAITF macroinstruction ensures that the transfer of a record between main storage and disk has been completed. It must be issued after you issue one of the following macros and before you attempt to process another record: ADD; WRITE,NEWKEY; READ,ID; READ,KEY; or WRITE,KEY. Any exceptional (error or status) conditions detected during the execution of the WAITE instruction are reflected in the DTEIS fi/enameC field when control is returned to you. Eormat: LABEL 1OPERATON WAITF [name] OPERAND Ifilename (1) Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTEIS file table in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTEIS file table. Example: LABEL AOPERATIONA 10 1111 I 11.5.4. Ii i i OPERAND 16 Ii t 1 A Iii 17(..1v’)i 1 Ej’1 i ii I I I III I 1i I I I Processing an ISAM File Randomly You can retrieve individual logical records in random order for processing and updating. The record to be retrieved from the file is designated by its key or address and, in the case of an updating operation, is written back into the file. You indicate the random retrieval (and updating) file processing function in the DTFIS macroinstruction by specifying IOROUT=RETRVE (or IOROUTADDRTR if new record insertions are also to be performed), and TYPEELERANDQM (or TYPEFLERANSEQ if sequential processing functions are also to be performed). The following imperative macroinstructions are used in the random processing of an ISAM Ne READ ID READ KEY UPDT WRITE KEY and WAITF ii -3b SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASICDATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 READ, ID READ, KEY Retrieving a Record (READ, ID and READ, KEY) Eu nction: The READ macroinstruction initiates the retrieval of a single logical record from an ISAM file. Before issuing the instruction, you must have stored the keyór the address of the record to be retrieved in the main storage area equated to the KEYARG keyword parameter of the DTFIS declarative macroinstruction For indexed files, data management Uses the argument for an indexed search and retrieval of a record with a matching key. ASAM files treat the argument as a relative address and retrieve the block and record. If a work area has been specified in the DTFIS macroinstruction, the logical record is transferred to the work area designated. If the IOREG keyword parameter is used, the address of the first character of the logical record is placed in the general register specified by IOREG. To ensure that the retrieval operation has beencompleted, you must execute a WAITE macroinstruction before attempting to access the logical record retrieved. Format: LABEL £OPERATION [name] READ OPERAND (filename (1) ,lD tKEY Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTEIS file table in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the addres of the DTFIS file table. Positional Parameter 2: ID Indicates that random retrieval by location is performed. KEY Indicates that random retrieval by key is performed UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-37 Examples: LABEL A0PERATI0NA 1 10 I I I I I JRIE.P i A OPERAND 16 i—I——i J i:::i )c’E rt’ j&i’iz_.. 1m’1I1L._ r I I I I I I Programming Considerations: When control is returned to you after execution of the WAITF macroinstruction, the logical record associated with the argument in the area specified by KEYARG is available in either the work area or the I/O area, depending upon the DTFIS macroinstruction specifications. If the record is available in the I/O area, the register specified by the IOREG keyword parameter contains the address of the first character of the logical record. The disk address of the physical record is available at the address EMPLMSTG in the DTFIS file table. Indications of any exceptional (status or error) conditions are available at EMPLMSTC. The dummy record containing an all-zero key and inserted by data management at file start is not available for you to retrieve. If you issue the READ, ID macro with the address of the dummy specified in the KEYARG field (11 .4.9), data management sets the invalid ID error flag in filenameC and issues error message DM24 (INVALID REQUEST (lD)—OUTSIDE FILE LIMITS). If you issue the READ, KEY macro with a key of all binary 0’s specified in the KEYARG field, data management sets the record not found flag in filenameC and issues error message DM31 (RECORD NOT FOUND FOR RANDOM FUNCTION). In either case, control transfers to your ERROR routine if you have specified one; otherwise, errors return to you inline. Refer to Appendix B. UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 1—38 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT : WRITE, KEY Updating a Record (WRITE, KEY) Function: The WRITE,KEY macroinstruction initiates rewriting (updating) of the last record retrieved with a READ macroinstruction., You must not alter the key field or the record length field (for variable records) ifl any way Format LABEL A OPERATION A [name] WRITE OPERAND filename {l” ,KEY } Positional Parameter 1 filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS file table in your program (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with address of the DTFIS file table. Positional Parameter 2: KEY READ,KEY a Indicates that the last record retrieved by macroinstruction is to be rewritten in the file. READ,ID or Example: A OPERAND A0PERATI0NA LABEL 16 1 Ii — L±j I I I a I I I__Itt I - - — — a I — ‘a I — I I — I’ I°I Lt4T 1 M1’ I I I I I II — I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I_I_Ill i ur-u iev. ‘ SIhHY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-39 Programming Considerations: In response to a WRITE, KEY macroinstruction, the updated logical record from the work area is moved to the correct location in the I/O area, and the block is rewritten. If the record is updated in the I/O area through the use of the IOREG keyword parameter, no move is required since the record is already in its correct location. You must use a WAITF macroinstruction following the WRITE macroinstruction to ensure completion of the rewrite function. When control returns to you after the execution of your WAITF macroinstruction, the logical record last retrieved by a READ, KEY or READ ID macroinstruction as well as the block that contains it will have been rewritten onto your disk file Any indications of exceptional conditions (error or status) detected during the write and wait operations are available to you at address EMPLMSTC in the DTFIS file table If you have tagged the record for deletion according to your own conventions you may increment the 2-byte tagged-for-deletion field at address EMPLMSTT in the DTFIS file table either before or after the rewrite operation. This count is available for the life of the file to help you decide when file reorganization is beneficial. ii-4U SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 UPDT Updating Last Record Retrieved (UPDT) Function You issue the UPDT imperative macro (which is exactly equivalent to the WRITE KEY macro for updating randomly processed files) to rewrite to its original disk location in an ISAM or ASAM file the updated logical record last retrieved by a READ ID or READ,KEY macroinstruction. You do not use the UPDT macro Unless you have updated the record; in updating, you must neither alter the key nor change the length of the record. Like the WRITE,KEY macro, the UPDT macro must be followed by a WAITF macro before you issue another function to the file Format: LABEL LOPERATIONI [name] UPDT OPERAND (filename • (1) (i Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS declarative macro in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table. 11.5.5. Processing an ISAM File Sequentially You may also retrieve and update logical records sequentially. The first record to be retrieved may be designated by the beginning of the file, by a relative record disk address, by a specified key, or by any key greater than or equal to a specified value. The SETL macroinstruction specifies which kind of starting point is desired. Individual records are then retrieved in sequence by the GET macroinstruction. Where an updating operation is to be performed, the individual records are rewritten into the file by means of the PUT macroi nstruction. You indicate the sequential retrieval (and updating) file processing function in the DTFIS declarative macro by equating the IOROUT keyword parameter to RETRVE (or to ADDRTR if new record insertions are also to be performed), and the TYPEFLE keyword parameter to SEQNTL (or to RANSEQ if random processing functions are also to be performed). UP—8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-41 To terminate a retrieval sequence, you issue an ESETL macroinstruction. This ensures that logical records committed to output by the PUT macroinstruction are written onto the disk. After the ESETL macroinstruction has been executed, another retrieval sequence may be initiated by executing a SETL macroinstruction. Also, if you have specified TYPEFLE=RANSEQ in the DTFIS declarative macro, the READ,KEY; READ,ID; and WRITE,KEY macroi nstructions may be issued, once you have terminated the sequential mode. 11-42 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 SETL 1 Initializing a Retrieval Sequence (SETL) Function: The SETL macroinstruction initializes a retrieval sequence. It specifies the file from which the records are to be retrieved and the point at which the retrieval is to start. For the starting point, the SETL macroinstruction can select the beginning of the file or other file locations. When control is returned to you from the SETL macroinstruction, the retrieval sequence may start. Format: LABEL OPERAND LOPERATIONL [name] SETL (filename 1 (1 ) BOF GKEY ID KEY Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFIS file table in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFIS file table. Positional Parameter 2: BOF Indicates that the retrieval sequence is to begin with the first logical record of the file. GKEY Indicates that the retrieval sequence is to start with the first logical record whose key is greater than or equal to the value in the area equated to the KEYARG keyword parameter of the applicable DTFIS macroinstruction. Used only for indexed files. ID Indicates that the retrieval sequence begins at the location given in the KEYARG keyword parameter in the applicable DTFIS macroinstruction. UP8O68 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 11-43 KEY Indicates that the area equated to the KEYARG keyword parameter in the applicable DTFIS macroinstruction holds the key of the first logical record to be retrieved. Used only for indexed files. Exa mples: LABEL 1 AOPERAT1ONA 10 ii i I IleiTiL._ li IETL A OPERAND 16 I LM4T,I in a single compact string of bytes; and, an index partition, containing blocked index entries at two or more hierarchic levels. Each data record in the data partition contains a key, a character string specified bythe user, that uniquely identifies the record. All keys in the IRAM file are of the same length; a key may start at the head of the record it identifies, or it may be elsewhere within the record, but the location of all keys must be the same for all records in one file. For details on the structure of keyed records arid the IRAM index, refer to 1 22. If the. index partition is activated during processing, data records may be referenced randomly or sequentially by the values ‘of their keys. When the index partition is inactive, data records may be accessedconsecutively (in the. physical order In whichthêy occur oh disk) or randomly, according to their relative positions in the data partition. However, records may not be added unless the index is active. Activating the index is a specific detaiIof file definition, performed beforethe file is opened. A multivolume indexed IRAM file may be ereatedfor processing with all volumes online,”or with only one vOlume online at a time, and it must always be processed in the mode for which it was created. When a multivolume file: is created for, single-volume processing; random processing must always use the keyed retrieval functions, for which the index partition must be active; random retrieval by record number is not pbssibIe Both multivolume and single-volume indexed: IRAM files may be created in au orderly or disorderly load. In an ordered load, records are submitted to IRAM in ascending order of key: values; an out-of-sequence record is rejected,..; and ‘an error is reported. In an unordered load, no checking of key sequence is performed by IRAM. In both types of load, however, IRAM’ checks for duplicate keys; a recordwhose key duplicates a key already in the file is rejected, and an error is reported. A new data record with a key duplicating one already in the file maynot be :added to the file at any time No sequence checking of keys may be specified during file extension operations. All IRAM files may be processed randomly with a tag file containing relative record numbers of ‘the records selected for processing. Such a disk file may be prepared from the IRAM file by using the ADDROUT option of the independent sort/merge program;. for details, see the sort/merge user guide, UP-8342 (current version). In addition, an indexed IRAM file may be processed sequentially with a file containing record key limits. Alternatively, the lower limit may be set within the RPG II program. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-10 The following subsections discuss, in general terms, procedures for creating and extending an indexed IRAM file; for adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting records; and for reorganizing an indexed IRAM file. For detailed programming specifications, refer to the RPG II programmer reference, UP-8044 (current version). 13.2.1. Creating an Indexed IRAM File You define your IRAM file as an indexed output file and present each data record to IRAM in a predefined record work area (of a size equal to one record length) before you issue the output function to write it to the data partition. All data records are of a uniform length, and each contains a unique record key. You must specify the record length, the key length, and the fixed location of the key in all records when you define the file. Other specifications you must make in defining the file include: • the size and address of your primary data buffer; • the sizeand address of your index buffer; and • the address of a field in your program that is to contain a search key. For calculating the minimum data buffer size you may specify, follow the same procedure described in The primary data buffer used for creating a sequential IRAM file the index buffer in main storage. You may to contiguous and aligned is half-word for update operations); this must be (except. buffer optionally specify a secondary data contiguous to the primary buffer and of exactly the same size. The secondary data buffer follows the primary buffer in main storage. — The index buffer in main storage is also half-word aligned and has a minimum length of 256 bytes; if larger, its size must be a multiple of 256 bytes. The RPG II compiler specifies this minimum length for you and provides you with means forincreasing the size of the index buffer (by one or more (up to nine) 256-byte increments) to enhance the performance of your programs: not only the load program itself, but all programs subsequently accessing the indexed IRAM file when its index is active. You should do so if you can afford the main storage, bearing in mind that all subsequent programs that use keyed functions must specify the same index buffer size you used to create the file. (They need not use the same data buffer size, however; see 13.1.11.) A good rule of thumb in determining your index buffer size is to multiply the sum of your specified key length plus three bytes by 20, rounding the result upward to the next multiple of 256 bytes. This figure is used in calculating disk space required for an indexed IRAM file (see 12.2.4). The length of the field you must predefine in your file creation program to hold a search key is your specified key length plus three bytes. This field is required in any program that uses keyed functions. IRAM uses this field itself, arid sometimes overlays it. Your programs should avoid this field except for placing a search key in it, just prior to requesting a random read. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3-1 1 In defining the file for creation, you may specify that IRAM is to check that the sequence of the keys in your submitted data records is in ascending order. If you do so, you must submit them in this order for the load (but not necessarily in subsequent file extensions); an attempt to load a data record containing an out-of-sequence or duplicate key is rejected immediately, and an error is reported. If you do not request key sequence checking, you may submit your data records to IRAM in any key order; only duplicate keys will be rejected. Depending on the bias of your key distribution in this disordered load, you should expect the process to be less than half as fast as an orderly load with sequence checking. 13.2.2. Extendingan Indexed IRAM File Once the file is created it may be extended in the same manner we have Just described for creating the file. IRAM appends new records to the end of the data string. If you have specified sequence checking in creating the file,. you are not constrained to extending the file with an orderly sequence of added record keys, but if you do specify sequence checking for extending the file, the key in each record submitted must be successively higher than any in the file or volume. Duplicate keys are rejected. You may also add new records while you are retrieving existing records from the file; see 13.2.4. Once you have successfully added a new record to an indexed IRAM file, it is immediately available for retrieval. This is true because IRAM updates the index structure on a recordby-record basis during load, extend, and add operations. It does not sort the index following a disorderly load but maintains the fine-level index in unbroken ascending key order at all times. Refer to 1 2.2 for details. 13.2.3. Retrieving and Updating in an IRAM File with Index Active When a multivolume indexed file has been created for single-volume processing, random retrieval from each volume must always be performed with the index marked active, using the key of the desired record as a search argument. It is not possible to retrieve records from the mounted volume at random by relative record number. Random retrieval from a single-volume indexed file is not limited in this way. You may retrieve records at random by key when the index is active, and at random by relative record number when it is not. The same is true for multivolume files created for multivolume processing When the index is marked inactive IRAM files may be processed only in retrieval and update modes as described in 13 2 5 When the index is marked active, all retrieval from an IRAM file is done by key. To retrieve randomly by key, define the file as an input file for random mode processing and specify that the index is active. Your program predefines a field in which you provide IRAM with the key of the desired record as a search argument before you issue the input function. The length of this field is three bytes greater than the key length specified for the file. No search key may contain a byte with the hexadecimal value ‘FE’. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-12 if you have specified update mode, random retrieval may be followed by an output function to update the record retrieved. IRAM prevents you from issuing the update function if the desired record has not been found. In updating a keyed record, you should take care not to alter its key in any: way. IRAM does not check for alteration of the key nor does it prevent your update from being issued if the key of the updated record duplicates one already in the file. IRAM updates without reference to the index; therefore, if an updated record is written back to the file with a key that has been changed, subsequent retrieval by key is either impossible or unreliable. Sequential retrieval by key requires that the file be defined as an input file for sequential processing and that the index be marked active. Before you issue the input function to retrieve the first record, you must establish the value of the record key at which the retrieval sequence is to begin. This is done by issuing a function to set the lower limit for retrieval and providing a key value in a predefined field of your program. IRAM will then search for a record containing a key equal to or greater than this value. If the value you supply is zero, the record retrieved by your first input fUnction is the record containing the lowest key in the file (This is the first record in the data partition only if the file was created with an orderly load) If the value you supply is gteater than the highest key contained in the fine index, no retrieval sequence can begin. In this case, IRAM reports a “no-find”. Once until a sequential-by-key retrieval sequence has been successfully started, it continues you reach end of file or end of volume; I you specify a new lower limit to start a new sequential retrieval sequence; • you reset file processing mode from sequential to random; or • the file is closed (by your program or by IRAM as in case of I/O error) A sequential-by-key retrieval sequence is not terminated when you add a new record during retrieval operations, but is resumed with your next input function (see 13.2.4). If your updating operations include provisions for flagging records (by your own conventions) that are to be deleted from the file your retrieval programs should include coding to check for the presence of this delete flag and to bypass or process each record accordingly IRAM does not recognize your deletion code and will not avoid retrieval of a flagged record 13 2 4 Adding Records during Retrieval — Index Active Provided that you have marked the index active and have specified that you intend to add during retrieval you may provide a new record to IRAM in a predefined work area in your program and request that it be appended to the file. IRAM refuses the action if the key of the new record duplicates a key already in the file, but the value of the key may be lower than or greater than any key in the file, or fall within the range of the existing keys. You may not specify that IRAM is to check key sequence when you add during retrieval. UP8O68 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-13 If YOU append a new record in this manner during a sequential retrieve-by-key operation, the retrieval sequence is not terminated, but resume with your next issue of an input function. A record may not be added to an indexed tRAM file unless its index is active. 132.5. Retrieval and Update when Index Is Inactive An indexed IRAM file may be processed only in retrieval or retrieval-and-update modes when the index is marked inactive. Update is not possible without prior retrieval. Programs accessing such files may not issue any keyed function, nor may they add new records. Attempts to extend the data partition are disallowed and result in an error report with status flags set to indicate an invalid macro issue. IRAM does not use an index buffer for the nonkeyed retrieval or update functions allowed for an indexed IRAM file processed with an inactive index, and therefore, your program does not require or define an index buffer. When its index is inactive, random retrieval and retrieval-with-update of an indexed IRAM but only if the file is a 1-volume file or file may be performed by relative record number was created for multivolume processing and all volumes are mounted. Define the file as an input file for random processing mode, with update if desired. The file may not be defined as an output file. Your program predefines the field where you provide the relative record number of the desired record before you issue the input function to retrieve it. An input request with a file-relative record number higher than the highest number recorded for the file results in transfer of control to your error routine, with status flags set to indicate an end-of-file condition. To terminate random retrieval, you close the file. For update, you may use a work area (length equal to one record length), or one data buffer to present the updated record to IRAM. Two buffers may not be specified for update processing. — The other method for retrieval or retrieval-with-update, from an indexed IRAM file with its index inactive, is consecutive processing. For this, define the file as an input file for sequential mode processing (with update if desired) and mark the index inactive. If yours is a 1-volume file, or was created for multivolume processing and all volumes are to be mounted, you may set the lower file limit for consecutive retrieval. Your program predefines a 4-byte field in which you supply IRAM with the file-relative record number where consecutive processing is to begin; you move this number into the field before you issue the function to set the lower processing limit. Your first input function then retrieves the record at this file-relative address, and your successive input functions retrieve the remaining records in their consecutive, physical order on disk. If you do not set a lower limit, consecutive retrieval starts with the first record in the file. Retrieval terminates when IRAM detects end-of-file; it detects end-of-volume conditions automatically and issues mount messages to the operator for subsequent volumes. If your file is a multivolume indexed file created for single-volume processing, you do not have the option of setting a f//e-relative lower limit for consecutive retrieval. If you are to provide a record number to IRAM intended to be a lower limit for retrieval, you must the first record in the realize that IRAM treats this as a vo/ume-relative record number volume data partition being record number 1. (This is the first record retrieved if you do not set a lower limit.) Consecutive retrieval terminates when end-of-volume is detected by IRAM. — UP-8068 Rev.4 13.2.6. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-14 Deleting Records from an Indexed IRAM File Because IRAM does not provide a function for deleting records from your files, you must tend (yourself) to whatever is necessary for this purpose in your programming. A common method of logically deleting a record from a file that is being updated is to mark it with a deletion code: for example, a specific character in a specific data byte. Records so marked or flagged for deletion may later be physically removed from the file when it is reorganized offline from IRAM processing. In the meantime, your retrieval programs should be coded so as to check for the presence of your conventional deletion flag in each record retrieved so that a logically deleted record may be recognized and bypassed. IRAM has no provisions for recognizing your deletion flag and avoiding the retrieval of records containing it. — In establishing your own convention for logical deletion, restrict your flagging to one or more data bytes, recalling the unpredictable results of changing the key of a record in an indexed IRAM file during update (12.2.3). The index of the IRAM file is not available to you for marking index entries that refer to records you intend to be logically deleted, and you should not attempt this. 13.2.7. Reorganizing an Indexed IRAM File You may have occasion to reorganize an indexed IRAM file: for example, to compress it by physically removing data records tagged for deletion, or to resequence the data records for more efficient or convenient processing. If you have created or extended your file with the disorderly load option, but then find increasing need to scan it in key sequence, you would improve your sequential retrieval program’s performance as a result of dumping the file and reloading it in an ascending key order. To reorganize an IRAM file, you will generally need to use other processors: either the independent sort/merge program, or the data utility program. Either of these, for example, will accept your IRAM file as input and delete or omit records as specified in the process of sorting or copying and recreating the file. These procedures are documented in the current version of the sort/merge user guide, UP-8342 and the data utilities user guide/programmer reference, UP-8069. When your multivolume indexed IRAM file has been created for single-volume processing, you. may find a need to regroup data records onto different volumes for more convenient processing. You cannot perform this task with thedata utility program, however, because the utility is not parameterized to allow you to select the volume onto which a given record is to be copied. For this sort of reorganization, therefore, you would need to prepare a specific RPG II program. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13.3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13—15 DEFINING AN OS/3 IRAM FILE (DTFIR) The DTFIR declarative macro is used to define an IRAM file to data management It establishes a 240-byte nonindexed file table or a 307+KEYSIZE-byte indexed file table. Normally, you do not need to know what the format of the DTFIR macro is because the file definition statements you use in your program to define the file are effectively translated into a DTFIR macro. If, however, you want to temporarily change your file definition at run time by using a DD job control statement, you must know what the format is. To help you in these cases, the DTFIR Macro format and a summary of the keyword parameters (Table 13—1) that indicates which parameters can be changed by the DD job control statement are provided. Examples of typical DTFIR macros follow Table 13—1 and detailed descriptions of the individual DTFIR keyword parameters are provided in 13.4. Format: LABEL filename OPERATION t OPERAND /xc DTFIR 5 SRD ) SRDO [ADD=YES] ,BFSZ=n [,EO FA=symbol] [,E RROsymbol] [,l NDA=symbol] [,INDS=n] [,l NDX=Y ES] ,lOAl =symbol [,l 0A2=symbolj [,IORG(r)] [,KARG=sym boll [,KLEN=n] [,K LOCnI [LOCK=NO] 13—16 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 LABEL filename I2 OPERATION 1 OPERAND G r MODE=5SE 1RAND DTFIR (cont) L [OPTN=YES] ,RCSZn [,SKAD=symbol] [SQCK=YES] F ,TYPE 5 1OUTPUT L [,UPDT=Y ES] [,VR FY=Y ES] [,VMNT=ON El [,WOR K=Y ES] Table 13—i. Summary ofDTFIRKeyword Parameters (Part 1 of 2) Keyed Operations Keyword Nonkeyed Operations Restrictions Specification INPUT Remarks OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT EXC 0 0 0 0 This DTF: read/update/add use Other jobs: no access EXCR X X .0 0 This DTF: read/update/add use Other jobs: read use SRD X X 0 0 This DTF: read use Other jobs: read/update/add use SRDO 0 0 0 0 This DTF: read use Other jobs: read use ADD YES 0 X X X Used only with keyed operations Indicates new records are to be added toafile BFSZ n A A A A Always required Supplies data buffer size EOFA symbol A X R X Required if MODE=SEQ Address of end-of-file routine EARO symbol 0 0 0 0 INDA symbol A R X X Used only with keyed operations Address of main storage area to contain index lADS” n A R X X Used only with keyed operations Indicates size of index area INDX YES A R X X Used only with keyed operations Indicates keyed operations lOAl symbol R R A A Always required Address of primary buffer 10A2 symbol 0 0 0 0 Not permitted when UPDT=YES Address of secondary buffer ACCESS Address of error-handling routine UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-17 Table 13—i. Summary of DTFIR Keyword Parameters (Part 2 of 2) Keyed Operations Keyword Nonkeyed Operations Specification Restrictions OUTPUT (rl=general register 0 X 0 0 Not permitted when WORK=YES Indicates /0 buffer index register KARG symbol R R X X Used only with keyed operations Address of field containing key of desired record KLEN n R R X X Used only with keyed operations Indicates key length KLOC” n R R X X Used only with keyed operations Indicates the byte number location of the key within a record LOCK NO 0 0 0 0 Indicates file lock MODE SEQ S S S S Sequential file processing (defaultl RAND S S S S Random file processing OPTN YES 0 o RCSZ n R R R R Always required Indicates record size SKAD symbol X X R R Required if MODERAND Address of seek address field SOCK YES X 0 X X Used only with keyed operations Indicates that sequence of keys for ordered load should be verified ORG TYPE INPUT OUTPUT Optional file for sequentially processed files. INPUT R X R X Indicates input file type Idefaultl OUTPUT X A X R Indlcates output file type UPDT YES 0 X 0 X Input only Indicates update capability VRFY YES 0 0 0 0 Used for TYPE=INPUT and permitted only when ADD=YES orUPDT?YES Read/check of output records to be performed VMNT ONE 0 0 0 0 Not permitted when MODE=RAND Defines file to be processed with unless INDX=YES only one volume online at any tithe WORK YES 0 R 0 0 Also required for keyed operations when TYPE=INPUT and ADD=YES. Not permitted in conjunction with ORG LEGEND: O R S X Remarks INPUT = = = = Optional Required Select one Not used Parameter may be changed on DD job control statement. Parameter may be changed on DD job control statement for index mode Only. Indicates that the record processing is in a work area 13—18 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP—8068 Rev. 4 Example (IRAM Output File): AOPERAT!ONA LABEL 1 A OPERAND b1Ar I I 41. COMMENTS 72 16 10 _ jJ J 1 ErP bTi At..i I 1 LAEL1rFILE 1 L_ - - iii ii LLEaJT IEL iiiilii - F5I2, L±LLJLLLLX I titIti liii Itttitl J tAI—iTII, I I I itillil i1iii it I liii i L I - I J±JiL±±L LiiLLILJ - I iii iiIiiiiI.._ ili_li li,IiiiI 1111111 I I liii Ii ii_ j_i_iiL_ IIiLLLL_i_JJ_L JL_J_I_J_L_LJ_LLLJ_J_J_tLL_J_LJ I I I iiti ii I I LLLL 1 I I — — — Example (IRAM Input File): FJi .iAEL - liii 1111111 FLLEJ.J LLPLr4uT FLE TfL 2MAm F2 P2 iLNj j 1 i± P ± LilJl FA-i LD pu L. - I i i Jj I I I I , J - NPIP Aj_j iI — I - - tIcLI,I J-_LLJ_J_L_L_J_LLJ_J I kpg AEA I It I t III III I t JLLi 1 I II III I I J I j I I I I — I cI=c, III ?4=IiI 13.4. 13.4.1. ii 2 IllIlilill I I j I j_LL L LLJJLJLJ - -I I ±1 I I I I j < I - - iJLl_LJL LLL_LL_LJ I III JJLL I LLiIL J 1 JJ11 I - - Iii - I - LJ_L LlLJL LL LLLJ± I t1FL1 i COMMENTS 16 10 E A OPERAND AOPERATIONA LABEL 1 I III I I LI DTFIR KEYWORD PARAMETERS Specifying File Accessing Options (ACCESS) See 11.4.1 for a detailed explanation of each ACCESS keyword parameter. t Note that indexed files should not be shared in an environment that permits only one writer to a file but any number of readers. If a file is shared, readers may get unpredictable results; that is, DM24, DM39 error messages or no-find errors may result when attempting to read records that were previously accessible. Consequently, the ACCESS=EXCR or ACCESS=SRD specification should not be made for an indexed file in either the DTFIR declarative macroinstruction or the DD job control statement. UP8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-18a Update C Records added by the writer (ACCESS=EXCR) to a nonindexed file, in a shared environment that permits one writer and any number of readers, are not available to the reader (ACCESS=SRD). Once the writer closes the job, any added records will be available to users who subsequently open the file. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13.4.2. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-19 Specifying the Addition of Records to IRAM Input File (ADD) The ADD parameter indicates that records may be added to. an input file during record retrieval. These additions may be made only to indexed files processed by key. Keyword Parameter ADD: ADD=YES If specified, the DTFIR declarative macro must also contain the INDX=YES keyword parameter. 13.4.3. Specifying the Buffer Size for IRAM File (BFSZ) The BFSZ parameter indicates the size of the data buffer in the tRAM file. Keyword Parameter BFSZ: BFSZn Is always required. n represents the number of bytes in the data buffer. The size must be at least 256 bytes as well as a multiple of 256. To calculate minimum buffer size, see 13 4 4 Specifying the End-of File Handling Routine (EOFA) When data management senses the end of data while processing an IRAM input file sequentially by key or consecutively, it looks for the symbolic address of the user’s end-ofdata routine and transfers control there. Keyword Parameter EOFA: EOFAsymbol Specifies the symbolic address (name) of your required routine that handles the end-of-data condition for IRAM input files. This parameter is required if MODE=SEQ is included in the DTFIR declarative macro however it is optional for randomlyprocessed input files. 13.4.5. Specifying Error Routines (ERRO) When data management detects any error or exception in processing, it looks for the symbolic address of your error-handling routine. Keyword Parameter ERRO: ERRO=symbol Specifies the symbolic address (name) of the user error-handling routine. When data management transfers control to the error routine, filenameC contains information on the reasons for the error.(SeeTables B—i and B—3.) If ERRO parameter is omitted, control returns to your program inline. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13.46. Naming Main Storage Location for Index Block Processing (INDA) 13-20 During keyed operations IRAM processes index blocks in a main storage index area Keyword Parameter INDA: IN DA=symbol Specifies the symbolic address of this index block processing area in main storage. The specified area must be half-word aligned and its length must be specified in the INDS parameter. The location of the index arëä in main storage must immediately precede the primary I/O buffer area (lOAl). This parameter is required for all keyed or indexed IRAM file processing. 13.4.7. Specifying the lndexAréa Length in Main Storage (INDS) When data management processes indexed (keyed) IRAM files, it uses an index area in main storage. The length of this area must be defined. Keyword Parameter INDS: INDSn Indicates the number of bytes used in main storage for the index area named in the INDA parameter. The index area length must be at least 256 bytes and, in addition, a multiple of 256 bytes. Both INDS and INDA parameters are required specifications for IRAM indexed files. 13.4.8. Indicating Processing by Key (IN DX) Data management processes nonindexed and indexed IRAM files. Keyword Parameter INDX: INDEX=YES Indicates that IRAM file processing is to be performed by key. This parameter is required for input and output indexed IRAM files. In addition, the parameters INDA, INDS, KARG, KLEN, and KLOC must be specified if INDXYES is used. 13.4.9. Identifying the I/O Area (IOA1) When data management processes nonindexed or indexed IRAM files, it always uses at least one required I/O area. Keyword Parameter IOA1: IOA1=symbol Specifies the symbolic address of the I/O processing area. IOA1 must be half word aligned and greater than or equal to 256 bytes, a multiple of 256, and consistent with the BFSZ specification. IOA1 must immediately follow the index buffer (INDA), if specified, and must immediately precede the secondary I/O buffer (lOA2), if specified. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13.410 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-21 Identifying an Additional I/O Area (10A2) An additional I/O area may be indicated optionally for double buffering. Keyword Parameter lOA2: I OA2symbol Specifies the symbolic address of secondary I/O area. Similar to IOA1, the 10A2 parameter must be half-word aligned, the same size as the required IOA1 parameter, and immediately follow the primary I/O buffer. lOA2 may not be specified if the UPDTYES parameter is specified. 13.4.11. Pointing to Current I/O Area (IORG) When you are not referencing records in work areas, you must indicate an I/O buffer index register number. Keyword Parameter IORG: IORG=(r) Indicates the register number used to point to the current I/O area. Registers 2 through 12 are available. Either the IORG or WORK parameter may be specified, but not both. If both parameters arespecified, the WORK parameter specification is used. 13.4.12. Naming a Place for Key Retrieval (KARG) When using indexed (keyed) operations, the user must name and define a location in his program where keys are placed for retrieval of IRAM records. Keyword Parameter KARG: KARGsyrnbol Provides the symbolic address of the field in the user’s program where keys are placed. The length of KARG must be equal to the specification in the KLEN parameter plus 3. The KARG parameter is required for all keyed operations. 13.4.13. Specifying Key Lengths for IRAM Files (KIEN) In processing indexed IRAM files, data management must have the length of keys in an IRAM file. Keyword Parameter KLEN: KLEN=n. Specifies the number of bytes in a key for an IRAM indexed file. All keys must be the same length; the minimum length is 3 bytes and the maximum, 80 bytes. This parameter is required for all keyed operations. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13.4.14. 13-22 Specifying Number of Bytes Preceding Keys (KLOC) Often keys do not appear at the beginning of a record; when they do not, the number of bytes offset must be indicated. Keyword Parameter KLOC: KLOCn Indicates thern number of bytes preceding the key of an IRAM record. The key location must be the same within all records of the file. If the key begins in the first byte of the record, KLOC=O should be specified. This parameter is required for all keyed operations. If the KLOC parameter is omitted, IRAM assumes a value of zero; i.e., the keys begin in the first byte of each record. 13.4.15. Suppressing a File Lock (LOCK) For a detailed explanation of the LOCK keyword parameter, see 11.4.11. 13.4.16. Specifying Retrieval and Load Modes for Indexed andNonindexed IRAM Files (MODE) Data management can process IRAM files sequentially or randomly according to the MODE keyword parameter specification. Keyword Parameter MODE: MODE=SEQ Specifies sequential retrieval operations for an indexed IRAM file and sequential retrieval or sequential load operations for nohindexed IRAM files. Sequential mode is assumed if no MODE parameter is specified. MODE=RAN Specifies random (direct) retrieval operations for an indexed file and random retrieval or random load operations for a nonindexedfile. 13.4.17. Specifying Optional Files (OPTN) Sometimes you will not need to use a file on every program execution. In this case, the file is considered optional. Only sequentially processed input or output IRAM files can be optional files. Keyword Parameter OTPN: OPTN=YES Specifies that the sequential input or output file defined by the DTFIR macro is an optional file. When this parameter is specified for an input file not allocated to a device by the DVC job control statement data management transfers control to your EOFA routine on the first issue of an input operation. When the OPTN parameter is specified for an output file, data management transfers control to your program inline and with no error. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13.4.18. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-23 Specifying Record Length (RCSZ) This parameter is always required and specifies the length of each record in bytes. Keyword Parameter RCSZ: RCSZ=n 13.4.19. Locating Relative Disk Address for Processing IRAM File by Relative Record Numbers (SKAD) When data management randomly processes files defined by the DTFIR macro, you must specify the SKAD parameter. Keyword Parameter SKAD: SKADsymbol Specifies the symbolic address of an area in your program into which you load the relative disk address for use in processing nonindexed files by relative record. number. The form of a record address is a 4-byte value, and the first record is relative record 1 13.4.20. Verifying Ascending Record Key Order during File Creation (SQCK) Data management can verify that record keys are in ascending sequence during file creation. This check is possible only on keyed operations, i.e., indexed files. Keyword Parameter SQCK: SQCK=YES Specifies that data management should verify ascending key sequence on file creation for indexed files. 13.4.21. Specifying the File Type (TYPE) The DTFIR declarative macro describes input and output files. The TYPE parameter designates input or output file types Keyword Parameter TYPE: TYPE=INPUT Specifies a read-only DTFIR file. If omitted data management assumes the TYPE=INPUT specification You may not issue an output function to this file unless: • you specify either the UPDTYES or ADDYES parameter; or • you close the file, reset the file processing direction, and reopen the file. SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13-24 TYPE=OUTPUT Specifies a write-only file. You may not issue an input function to this file unless you close, reset, and reopen the file. 13.4.22. Updating Records (UPDT) When you wish to update a nonindexed or indexed input file and you have also specified TYPE=INPUT, you specify the UPDT parameter. if this parameter is omitted, you cannot update a file. Keyword Parameter UPDT: UPDT=YES 13.4.23. Verifying Output Records (VRFY) Data management can check parity of output records after they have been written to disk If it detects bad parity, data management sets the parity check flag (byte 2, bit 2) in filenameC and transfers control to your error routine or to your program inline if you have no error routine. Specifying this parameter results in an increase in execution times for update and file. addition operations. Keyword Parameter VRFY: VRFY=YES 13.4.24. Specifying File Processing with One Volume Online at a Time (VMNT) IRAM files created with one volume online at a time must be processed in the same manner. Keyword Parameter VMNT: VMNT=ONE Specifies that only one volume be processed online at any time. This parameter cannot be used if the MODE=RAND parameter is specified unless the INDX=YES parameter is also specified. 13.4.25. Specifying Input or Output Record Processing in a Work Area (WORK) To specify that input or output records are to be processed in a work area rather than an I/O buffer area you specify the WORK parameter UP8O68 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DAtA MANAGEMENT 13-25 Keyword Parameter WORK: WORK=YES May not be specified ifl the same DTFIR with the IOREG parameter When you Issue the input output or file addition operations you specify the address of the work area The WORK parameter is required for indexed files when TYPE=OUTPUT or when TYPE=IN PUT and ADD=YES. 13.4.26. Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters OS/3 data management accepts certain variant spellings for the keyword parameters described in this section. These variations are: DTFIR Spelling OS/3 Standard Form BFSZ EOFA ERRO IN DA INDS IN DX IOA1 l0A2 IORG KARG KLEN KLOC 0 PTN RCSZ SKAD TYPE UPDT VRFY WORKA B LKS IZE/B KSZ EOFADDR ERROR INDAREA INDSIZE INDEXED IOAREA1 IOAREA2 IOREG KEYARG KEYLEN KEYLOC OPTION RECSIZE SEEKADDR TYPEFLE/TYPF UPDATE VERIFY WORKA 13.5. IRAM KEYWORD SUPPORT ONLY PARAMETERS — DO JOB CONTROL STATEMENT The following keyword parameters can be specified only by using a DD job qontrol statement. ___ SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13.5.1. 13-26 Variable Sector Support for IRAM Files (VSEC) In IRAM files, both the data and index partitions in the DTF specify a fixed sector size of 256 bytes. This is required for the sectorized devices (841 5, 8416, and 8418 disk subsystems), which are formatted for a 256-byte sector. The selector channel devices (8411, 8414, 8424, 8425, 8430, and 8433 disk subsystems) have no such constraint. However, they are preformatted at OPEN time to accept the 256-byte sector size. This sectorization requires hardware overhead and thus decreases the effective capacity of the disk. Variable sector support eliminates the problem. It allows you to create IRAM files with data partition sector sizes larger than 256 bytes on the selector channel devices. Since the hardware overhead remains constant, the use of the larger sector size increases the effective capacity of the disk. To use variable sector support, you must specify it in a DD job control statement that you include in your job control stream when the file is created. The format of this DD job control statement is: // DD VSEC= çn WES where: VSECn Specifies the sector size (number of bytes) to be used in creating the file. VS EC=YES Specifies that the sector size is to be computed at OPEN time, based upon record size and buffer size. The computed sector size will be the largest multiple of record size that does not exceed the buffer size. If you use a DD statement to specify a sector size for a file, the statement must be used in all subsequent job control streams that access the file, unless you specify the ACCEPT parameter in the LFD statement for the file. If you do, the DD statement that specifies variable sector support may be omitted. The message DM17 INVALID BLOCK SIZE SPECIFICATION is displayed if you use the VSEC parameter incorrectly in a DD job control statement. This occurs if: • a sector size other than 256 bytes is specified for a sectorized device; • the VSEC parameter specifies a sector size that is different from the sector size used to create the file; or UP-8068 Rev. 4 • SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13-27 changing the sector size results in the buffer size being less than the minimum buffer size required To compute the minimum buffer size the following rules apply If the record size divides evenly into the sector size, the minimum buffer size is equal to the sector size. — — 13.5.2. If the record size is a multiple of the sector size, the minimum buffer size is equal to the record size If neither of the preceding rules apply, add the sector size to the record size, subtract 1, and then round up to the next multiple of the sector size to find the minimum buffer size. File Recovery Support for IRAM Files (RECV) When you perform operations such as adding or updating records to a file, the physical file structure constantly changes during execution of your program If your program runs to completion and the file is successfully closed, the file limits information contained in the file labels is updated. If a system failure occurs, the file is not closed and the file limits information is not updated. The effect of a system failure on a nonindexed file is that the file reverts back to its original state before it was opened For example added records are lost In the case of an indexed file system failure may cause the file to be compromised that is it must be recreated. File recovery support eliminates these problems It allows you to create IRAM files that can be reopened after system failure. It does this by updating the file limits information and writing it on the disk each time an operation that affects the information is performed. If you have specified file recovery and there is a system failure, you can reopen your file because the file limits information was saved To use file recovery support, you must specify a DD job control statement that you include in your job control stream when the file is created The format for this DD job control statement is: // DD RECV=YES This statement is only valid at file creation time. It should not be included in the job control stream for subsequent jobs that process the file after creation. If a system failure occurs during file creation, you will have to start over because the file creation program must run to completion and the file must be successfully closed before you can use the file recovery facility. If file creation is successful, the file recovery facility is activated each time you open the file. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1328 If you are processing an indexed file (created with file recoveryj where the physical file structure is changing and the structure modification process is interrupted by an operator cancel, HPR, or a hardware I/O error, the file may be compromised. If the file is compromised and you attempt to reopen it the error message DM66 FILE COMPROMISED is displayed to inform you that the file should not be used. If you want to open the file solely for reading its data contents in order to recreate the file, the file recovery support facility allows you to override the error condition. This is accomplished by including the appropriate DD job control statement in the job control stream when you reopen the file. The format for this DD job control statement is: // DD RECV=FCE This statement causes the file compromised error to be ignored. The message DM66 FILE COMPROMISED does not appear when the statement is present. The statement should not be used unless you receive the error message, and then only if you want to reopen the file to read its data contents in order to recreate the file. 13.5.3. Automatic Computation of Initial Allocation Percentages for IRAM Files (AUTO) Normally when an indexed IRAM file is created 50% of the initial allocation is assigned to the data partition, and 1% is assigned to the index partition. The remainder is left as unassigned space to be used for logical extensions to the file. As the file is loaded, the data partition and the index partition are filled at different rates. This results in the two partitions extending on an alternating basis which, for large files, tends to rapidly use up the extent table entries. This causes the extent table to be exhausted and the error message DM45 EXTENT TABLE EXHAUSTED to be displayed. — Automatic computation of initial allocation percentage helps minimize the problem It causes the entire initial allocation to be assigned to the index and data partitions in a calculated ratio based upon the record and key sizes. To use the automatic computation of initial allocation percentage you must specify it in a DD job control statement that you include in your job control stream when the file is created. The format of this DD job control statement is: // DD SIZE=AUTO This statement is only valid at file creation time and has no effect at other times When it is encountered in the file creation job control stream for an IRAM file, this statement causes n% of the initial allocation to be assigned to the data partition and (100—n)% to the index partition. The value n is calculated at file open time and is dependent upon the record and key sizes. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3-29 There are two major factors that determine the accuracy of the calculated ratio: 1. The manner in which the file is loaded: Space in the index partition is used more efficiently if the records are loaded in ascending key sequence rather than in unordered key sequence. 2. The size of the file: Due to possible roundoff in the computation, the result is more accurate for relatively large files than for smaller files. For example, a given set of record and key lengths may yield a ratio of 3 to 1. For a 100 cylinder file, the allocation would be 75 cylinders for the data partition, 25 cylinders for the index partition. For a 10 cylinder file, the allocation would be 8 cylinders for the data partition, 2 cylinders for the index partition. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13A. 13A.1. 13A-1 MIRAM Formats and File Conventions GENERAL The multiple indexed random access method (MIRAM), a sixth disk access method in OS/3, is used for handling sequential, relative, and indexed files in programs that are written in the OS/3 1974 American National Standard COBOL language, and for sequential and relative (direct) files in programs that are written in FORTRAN IV language. MIRAM provides the same functions as those provided by OS/3 ISAM, ASAM, IRAM, SAM, and DAM disk access methods. A MIRAM file may reside on any of the disk subsystems used with OS/3, and it may occupy from one to eight disk packs, which must be of the same type. The MIRAM processor can access only MIRAM characteristic files and IRAM characteristic files that it has created or IRAM files created by the IRAM processor. It cannot access disk files that have been created by the ISAM, ASAM, DAM, or SAM access methods, nor can MIRAM files be processed by these access methods. MIRAM files can be processed by using the sort/merge program, however, and by the data utilities program. A MIRAM characteristic file is one that meets any of the following conditions: I More than one key per record is permitted. ‘ The file contains variable-length records. • Records may be logically deleted from the file (RCB is present). • Duplicate record keys are permitted, or key changes are allowed on update. I The length of a key in a record is one or two bytes. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13A—2 Update B An IRAM characteristic file differs from a MIRAM characteristic file in that it meets none of the conditions required for the latter; that is: • Onlyone key per record is permitted. • The file contains fixed-length records. • Records cannot be logically deleted from the file (RCB not present). • Duplicate record keys or key changes during update are not permitted. • The minimum length of the record key must be three bytes. Note that IRAM characteristic files can be accessed by all programs that access IRAM files. The discussions that follow deal with MIRAM characteristic files. For information on IRAM characteristic files, refer to Section 1 2. 13A.1.1. MIRAM Concepts MIRAM has a number of features and concepts that distinguish it from other disk access methods. • The data record slots in MIRAM files for either fixed- or variable-length records are of uniform size ani may span physical blocks, sectors, tracks, and cylinders as required. They may even extend from one volume to another (unless the file was created for processing only a single volume at a time). • Data records are written on disk compactly as a continuous string of bytes. • The string of data records can always be accessed sequentially (consecutively) or by relative record number. In addition, the data can be specified to be indexed by up to five keys; this causes MIRAM to build a suitable index structure for each key type in a partition separate from the data. • An indexed MIRAM file can be accessed by the additional random-by-key or sequential-by-key modes using a given key of reference, which can be changed. • Indexed MIRAM files, either multivolume or single-volume, may be created by means of an orderly load (records submitted in ascending key order) or a disorderly load (records submitted in no particular key order) and they may be extended by appending records in either manner. MIRAM does not sort the index at the completion of a disorderly load, but maintains the index current on a record-by-record basis. • MIRAM files are always extended unless the INIT parameter is specified on the LFD job control statement of the device assignment set. The EXTEND parameter is not supported for MIRAM files. SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13A-3 • Duplicate keys are permitted. a When a new record has been added to an indexed or nonindexed file, it is immediately available for retrieval. a Multivolume MIRAM files may be created for processing with either one volume online at a time, or with all volumes online. They must be processed in the same manner as they were created. a All programs that access a MIRAM file need not use the same data buffer size for input/output as was used to create the file. Those that access an indexed MIRAM file, however, must use the same index buffer size. a MIRAM allows you to logically delete recordS in your files; that is, it allows you to mark records so that in subsequent processing they will be ignored. a MIRAM’s restrictions are: — — — The maximum key length is 80 bytes. No byte of a record key may contain the hexadecimal value ‘FE’. The minimum size for the index buffer is 256 bytes. 13A.2. MIRAM FILE ORGANIZATION All MIRAM characteristic files contain two partitions: the data partition, which MIRAM defines to the system access technique (SAT) as containing 256-byte unkeyed physical blocks, and the index partition, which is defined as containing 256-byte keyed blocks. If the file is a nonindexed file the index partition is not used that is no entries will be placed in it and no space will be allocated to it. If the file is an indexed file, entries will be placed in the index partition and space will be allocated to it. For indexed files, the data partition precedes the index partitions, which begins on a separate cylinder. 1 3A.2.1. The Data Partition The data partition is arranged in the same way for both nonindexed and indexed files. It is cylinder-aligned and consists of a single compact string of data records that may be keyed or unkeyed. The formats of the MIRAM data records are shown in Figure 1 3A—1 . + 1 3A-4 Update B SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 FIXED-LENGTH WITHOUT KEYS c b data, ‘: R S -4 FIXED-LENGTH WITH KEYS key 1 c b key 2 data 2 —L data ‘“1 R— S VARIABLE—LENGTH WITHOUT KEYS RDW 4— —Ii- R VARIABLE-LENGTH WITH KEYS r key 1 C key 2 data data P b 4— RDW —H L 4 2 L 4 R 4 S LEGEND: Record control byte (optional). Used to indicate that a record has been logically deleted from the file. For MIRAM fixed-length records, this byte is placed at the beginning of each record. For variable-length records, the third byte of the record descriptor word (RDW) is used as the rcb. rcb R = Length of the logical record (RDW plus keys plus data). You specify this length as the number of bytes. For variable-length records, this value, expressed in binary, must be placed in the first two bytes of the RDW. Figure 13A—1. MIRAM Characteristic Data Record Formats (Part 1 of 2) UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13A—4a Update B RDW = 4-byte record descriptor word for variable-length records. The first two bytes contain the logical record length (r) expressed in binary; the third byte may be used as the rcb; the fourth byte is not used. L n = The starting location of record key n (n = 1 through 5) of a MIRAM file data record when the key does not start in the first byte of the record. L n represents the number of bytes (RDW plus data) that precede key n. The starting location of key n must be the same in each record. Key n must have the same length in each record (a minimum of 1 byte and a maximum of 80), and no byte may contain the hexadecimal value ‘FE’. S = Slot size. All records are written into fixed-size slots. Slot size equals the record size + 1 for fixed-length records with a record control byte; otherwise, slot size equals the record size. Slot size for variable-length records equals maximum record size + 4-byte record descriptor word. P = Padding. Figure 13-.--1. MIRAM Characteristic Data Record Formats (Part 2 of 2) + UP8068 Rev. 4 13A—5 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT When data records are stored in a MIRAM file, the records are placed in uniform size record slots and are arranged in the same order you originally presented them to the MIRAM processor. These data records are stored in 256-byte physical blocks or sectors on your disk packs. Since the record slot size does not have to conform to the physical block or sector size, the records may span these physical boundaries as shown in Figure 13A—2. EXAMPLE 1 PHYSICAL BLOCK 1 OR SECTOR 1 PHYSICAL BLOCK 2 OR SECTOR2 L PHYSICAL BLOCK 3 OR SECTOR 3 * 2 EXAMPLE 2 PHYSICAL BLOCK 1 OR SECTOR 1 PHYSICAL BLOCK 2 OR SECTOR 2 PHYSICAL BLOCK 3 OR SECTOR 3 ------ —--------- —------ I 2 EXAMPLE 3 PHYSICAL BLOCK 1 OR SECTOR 1 PHYSICAL BLOCK 2 OR SECTOR 2 PHYSICAL BLOCK 3 OR SECTOR 3 8 9 10 11 NOTES 1. All physical blocks or sectors are 256 bytes. 2. 1, 2, 3 3. Record slots in Example 1 are approximately 190 bytes each. 4. Record slots in Example 2 are approximately 300 bytes each. 5. Record slots in Example 3 are approximately 70 bytes each. ... n represent record slots. Figure 13A—2. MIRAM Data Record Slots Spanning Physical Block or Sector Boundaries Your data records may also span track boundaries, cylinder boundaries, and volume boundaries (except when a multivolume file is created for processing with only one volume online at any one time). When new records are added to a file, they are appended to the existing data record string; that is, they are added at the end as a continuation of the original string. 1 3A.2.2. 13A-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Entries in the Index Partition If you have keyed records, entries are placed in the index partition as these records are loaded into the data partition. MIRAM extracts all the keys from each record (a maximum of five keys is permitted) and constructs a 3-byte pointer for each of the keys from the file relative record number of the position the record was written to. From these it forms an index entry for each of the keys in the record and stores them in the index partition. The index entry for each key consists of the key plus three bytes (it is equal to the specified key length plus threebytes) and it is stored in an area of theindex partition, which is called a fine-level index. If you had three keys ift each record, the index entryfor each key would be stored in a separate fine-level index; that is, the entry for key 1 would be stored in the fine-level index for key 1, the entry for key 2 would be stored in the fine-level index for key 2, and the entry for key 3 would be stored in the fine-level index for key 3. A fine-level index is not formatted for hardware search, unlike the other levels of index that will be described subsequently. It is treated as a chain of multisector blocks where each sector is 256 bytes long. All entries in a fine-level index are maintained in ascending key order. Figure 1 3A—3 shows a typical fine-level index block of three sectors. FLAGBYTE CURRENT NUMBER OF ACTIVE BYTES CHAIN TO NEXT FINE BLOCK — CONTROL AREA ISLASTSIX BYTES OF INDEX BLOCK INACTIVEAREA ACTIVE ENTRIES - - [ CONTROL AREA Figure 13A—3. Fine-Level Index Block I UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13A-7 When a fine-level index is created, another hierarchical level of index is always created the coarse-level index. This is hardware searchable and is composed of 256-byte blocks that contain entries similar to those in the fine-level index. They differ, however, in that the 3-byte pointer in each coarse-level entry does not represent the file-relative number of a record in the data partition Instead it points to another index block at a lower level either a fine-level block or a block in what is called a mid-level index. Another difference is that instead of having a 6-byte control area, each coarse-level block uses its final byfe to indicate the number of active entries. The entries in a coarse-level block are filed in descending key order. The high key of the block is the first one encountered by the hardware search and its length is equal to the longest key in the group plus four bytes. Both the coarse-level and mid-level blocks have the same format (Figure 13A—4). — — ACTIVE ENTRIES iNACTIVE AREA FINAL BYTE SECTOR Figure 13A—4 13A.2.3. Coarse or Mid Level Index Block MIRAM Index Structure As you know, you can specify up to five keys for a file. For each key that you specify, the MIRAM processor will build a separate index structure. In those cases where you have more than one key, these separate index structures will allow you to use any of the key types as the key of reference to access your data records when you subsequently use the file in a program. When the MIRAM processor builds an index structure for your file, it creates a minimum of two levels of index: a fine-level index and a coarse-level index, If your file is very large, one or more mid-level indexes are created as needed. The fine-level index consists of one entry for every record in the data partition of your file. The fine-level entries are filed in ascending key order until an index block (256 bytes) is filled. At this time, one coarse-level entry is made that points to the high key entry of that filled fine-level block. As each finelevel block is filled, another coarse-level entry is made. This process continues until all your records are on file. The coarse-level index is automatically allocated by MIRAM. Its size is always one track regardless of the type of disks being used. If the coarse-level index is filled before all your records are on file, a mid-level index is created. The MIRAM processor allocates two tracks, designates them as a mid-level index, and copies the entries from the coarse-level track onto these tracks. It then places two entries in the coarse-level index. Each entry points to a high key in one of the tracks in the mid-level index. In this manner the entries on the coarse-level track are replaced by two entries. As new fine-level entries are recorded, one entry is made in the coarse-level index for each filled index block in finelevel index and when the coarse-level index is filled a new mid-level index is created just as before. This process continues until all records are on the file. Figure 1 3A—5 shows the structure of a MIRAM index. 134-8 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 COARSE LEVEL 1 TRACK MID LEVEL (IF NECESSARY) ADD 2 TRACKS AT A TIME AS NEEDED ONE ENTRY FOR EVERY RECORD IN DATA PARTITION FINE LEVEL Figure 13A—5. 1 3A.2.4. MIRAM Index Partition Retrieving Records from an Indexed MIRAM File To show how records are retrieved from an indexed MIRAM file, assume that a file with a 4-level index has been created. A search for a specific data record by key in this case would proceed as follows: • the search begins in the coarse-level index; • a hit is made that points to the first mid-level index • the new mid-level is searched; • a hit is made that points to the second mid-level index; • the second mid-level is searched • a hit is made that points to the fine-level index • the fine-level is searched • a hit is made that points to the data record in question; and • the data record is retrieved SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13A.2.5. 1 3A-9 Estimating Disk Space Required for an Indexed MIRAM File The following procedure will allow you to estimate the number of cylinders for your primary allocation of disk space to an indexed MIRAM file. The result is a good approximation that you can use in specifying the EXT statement in the job control device assignment set that allocates disk space for an indexed MIRAM file to be created by your program. This procedure can also be used to determine the number of cylinders to be allocated for an indexed MIRAM file that is to be generated from another file by the OS/3 data utility program. The: number of cylinders required for an indexed MIRAM file includes those occupied by the data partition and the index structures for each key type in the file. To estimate the number of cylinders the file will require proceed as follows First, calculate D, the number of sectors required for your data records (the data partition). Step 1: D = record-length number-of-records S where: S is the sector size. The default size is 256 for all types of disk subsystems. For 8411, 8414, 8424, 8425, 8430, and 8433 disk subsystems, this value can be greater than 256. Next, calculate B , the number of index blocks required by your fine-level index for key. 1 Step 2: B = number-of-records (keylength 1 + 3) (256’m)—6 (4 where: the factor of 4/3 is used because the average fine-level index will be 3/4 full. m is the number of 256-byte sectors in the index buffer. (See 138.3.1.) Then calculate F, the number of 256-byte sectors required by your fine-level index for . 1 key Step 3: F = m 1 B Repeat steps 1 through 3 as many times as necessary and then calculate F, the number of 256-byte sectors required by your fine-level indexes for all keys in the file. f SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 13A-1O Step 3a: n 1 F= F where: n is the number of keys in the file. Then perform the final calculation. This calculation, which is the sum of the data requirements and the fine-level index requirements, represents over 95 percent of the space required for an indexed file. Once this is determined, it is a simple matterto figure out what your space requirements are for a given file. Step 4: F C=U.N 145 D +AN L2 where: C A Is the number of cylinders to allocate to the indexed MIRAM file. Is the disk dependent number of 256-byte sectors per track for data partition (Table 13A—1). D Is the number of 256-byte sectors required for the data partition. F U Is the number of 256-byte sectors required by all the fine-level indexes in the file. Is the disk-dependent number of 256-byte sectors per track for index partition (Table 13A—1). N Is the disk dependent number of tracks per cylinder (Table 13A—1). UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3A-1 1 Example: Assume that you want to calculate the number of cylinders to allocate for an indexed MIRAM file and the following conditions apply: ‘ e Number of records 77,500 Record length 512 bytes 1 Keylength 28 bytes 2 Keylength 30 bytes Sector size (data partition> 256 bytes Index buffer length 512 bytes Type of disk 8433 D 1 B = record length = 512 = 155,000 sectors for data partition. = = 1 F 2 B number-of-records 256 77,500 256 number-of-records (keylength 1 + 3) (256m)-6 77500 (256 (28+3) 2) 6 - (4 (4 3 = 6331 index blocks required for the fine-level index for key . 1 = 1 mB = 26331 = 1 2 662 sectors for the fine level index for key 1 = = = number of records (keylength 2 + 3) (256m)-6 77,500 (30 + 3) (2562)-6 (4 (4 6739 index blocks required for the fine-level index for key . 2 UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 2 F = 2 mB = 26739 1 3A-1 2 13,478 sectors for the fine-level index for key . 2 F F = F+F = 12,662 + 13,478 = 26,140 sectors for all the fine-level indexes for all keys in the file. The maximum coarse-level index on an 8433 disk can contain 132 sectors. As you can see, this number is too small to contain all of the index blocks for either of the keys. — I c = F UN + D AN (26,140 + 58 + 2090) 2919 = + 155,000 3319 299 cylinders to be allocated to the file. NOTE: After you have calculated your disk space requirements and you proceed to create your file, you must provide enough volumes to hold the file. This must be considered because the amount of space available is not the same for all types of disk. Refer to Table A—4 to determine how many volumes you will need based upon your calculations and the type of disk you intend to use. ‘13A.2.6. Estimating Disk Space Required for a Nonindexed MIRAM File The following procedure will allow you to estimate the number of cylinders required for your primary allocation of disk space to a nonindexed MIRAM file. First, you must calculate D, the number of 256-byte sectors required for your data records (13A.2.5). Then, divide by the product of A times N (from Table 13A—1): D C=A N UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table 13A— 1. SPERRY UNIVAC Disk Subsystem 13A-13 Disk-Dependent Factors for Determining Disk Space Requirements U (Number of 256-byte sectors per disk track for index partition) A (Number of 256-byte sectors per disk track for data partition N (Number of tracks per disk cylinder) 8415 40 40 2* 3** 8416 40 40 7 8418 40 40 7 8411 10 11 10 8414 17 20 20 8424 17 20 20 8425 17 20 20 8430 29 33 19 8433 29 33 19 *Removable portion **Fixed portion LO / UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3B. 13B.1. 13B—1 Functions and Operations of MIRAM GENERAL Before you create a MIRAM file (a MIRAM characteristic file unless noted otherwise) you must carefully consider how you will use the file in subsequent programs because this governs how it should be created. If you expect to process unkeyed records consecutively or you need to access specific records quickly without processing the preceding ones, the file should be created as a nonindexed file. If you intend to process keyed records either consecutively or randomly, the file should be created as an indexed file. After you have created a MIRAM on file, you can perform retrieval, update, and other operations either consecutively or randomly, or you can switch back and forth between consecutive and random operations. Both nonindexed and indexed MIRAM files that span two or more volumes can be created with only one volume online (mounted) at a time, or with all volumes online. A multivolume file must always be processed in the same way it was created; only one volume is online at a time, or all volumes are online. The discussions that follow are at a general level. For details of the actual programming statements you use for creating and processing MIRAM files in OS/3, refer to the OS/3 1974 American National Standard COBOL programmer reference, UP—8613 (current version), or the OS/3 FORTRAN IV supplementary reference, UP—8474 (current version). 13B.2. PROCESSING NONINDEXED MIRAM FILES A nonindexed file is one that is organized consecutively. Its records are written on the disk in the physical order they are presented to the MIRAM processor. The records are processed consecutively in the order they appear on the disk. A nonindexed file can also be one that is organized relatively; each record in the file is written on the disk in a specific position relative to the beginning of the file (independent of the order in which they are presented to the MIRAM processor). This allows any record in the file to be retrieved directly without processing any preceding records when the location of the record is specified. The following subsections describe the general procedures for creating and processing nonindexed files. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13B.2.1. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3B—2 Update B Creating a Sequential MIRAM File If you want to create a file for sequential processing, you must define the file as a sequential output file in your program You must also specify the uniform size of your record slots and the size and address of your data buffers (I/O areas). If you have variablelength records, the slot size must be large enough to hold the maximum size record plus the required 4-byte record descriptor word (RDW). You may use two data buffers, each half-word aligned, but they must be contiguous and the same size. The minimum data buffer size that you can specify for your program is determined as follows: If the slot size divides into 256 without remainder, the minimum buffer size is 256 bytes. If the slot size is a multiple of 256, the minimum buffer size is equal to the slot size If the slot size does not divide into 256 without rèmàinder and is not a multiple of 256, add 255 to the slot size and roUnd this sum upward to the next multiple Of 256 (Note that for fixed-length records, the slot size + 1 mustbe used in your buffer calculation: This is required because space must be provided in the buffer for the extra byte, the RCB, that is appéñded to the front of:eachfixedlength record by the MIRAM processor and is not counted when you specify your slot size.) This calculation also applies when you create relative or indexed files. If you specify data buffers larger than the minimum, you may improve your program’s performance. Note that when a file is processed in subsequent programs, you do not have to speäify the same data buffer size that you used to create the file but it must be at least the minimum After you open the file, you submit your records, one after the other, until you have no more recOrds. The records are stored in the data partition in the order you submitted them. When the file is subsequently processed, it is processed in the same Order. The MIRAM processor records the relative record number of the last record written in the file control table and the volume table of contents. 13B.2.2. Extending a Sequential MIRAM File Once a sequential file has been created, it can be extended (enlarged) only by appending new records at the end Of the existing data string. Records cannot be inserted between existing records nor can they be appended during retrieval or update operations Extending a sequential file is essentially the same process as creating the file because the same specifications are made. The difference is that you must define the file as a sequential file that is to be extended rather than a sequential output file. After you open the file you submit the new records, one after another, as in file creation, and they are stored in consecutive order starting after the last record of the existing data string. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13B.2.3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13B-3 Adding Records to a Sequential MIRAM File If you wantto enlarge a sequential file by inserting records between existing records or appending records at the head of the existing data string, you must use some other processor. A way to solve this problem is to sort the new records into the consecutive sequence you expect to process them, and then use them as an input file (together with you sequential MIRAM file) to the sort/merge program or the data utilities program to create a new sequential file with the new records in the proper order. Refer to the sort/merge user guide UP—8342 (current version) or the data utilities user guide/programmer reference, UP-8069 (current version) for details. 13B.2.4. Retrieving and Updating Records in a Sequential MIRAM File You can retrieve records or retrieve and update records in sequential (consecutive) order in a sequential file. For sequential retrieval, you must define the file as a sequential input file in your program. For sequential retrieval and update, you must define the file as a sequential file for update. You can provide two data buffers. If you do, the lengths of these buffers need not be the same as the data buffer that was used to create the file. However, if two buffers are used, each one must be the same size as the other. The MIRAM processor will provide the records in the same order that they were written on disk when the file was created or extended. Consecutive retrieval will continue until you close the file or the end of file is reached If the file is to be terminated by end of file you must have specified the address of a routine for handling this situation in your program Records may not be appended during retrieval operations or retrieval and update operations. 13B.2.5. Deleting Records from a Sequential MIRAM File If a MIRAM file is defined as a sequential file in your program, you cannot logically delete records from your file (mark specific records so they will be bypassed when the file is processed in subsequent programs). To delete records, the file must have been created as a relative file. 13B.2.6. Reorganizing a Sequential MIRAM File At some point you may want to reorganize a sequential file. Perhaps your experience in using the file has shown that a different physical sequence of records would be more convenient. There are two methods that you can use to reorganize your file the sort/merge program or the data utilities program. Either of these will accept your file as input and resequence the data records. For details, refer to the sort/merge user guide, UP—8342 (current version) or the data utilities user guide/programmer reference, UP—8069 (current version). — UP-8068 Rev, 4 13B.2.7. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3B-4 Creating a Relative MIRAM File If you require a file in which each data record is to be assigned to a specific position on disk, you must create a relative file. You do this by defining the file as a relative output file. You must also specify the uniform size of your record slots and the size of your data buffer. The minimum data buffer calculation is the same as that described for a sequential file in 13B.2.1. After you open the file, you present each record, one by one, to the MIRAM processor in a work area you have defined along with the file relative position the record is to occupy. This position is not a disk address. It is a 4-byte file-relative number (relative to the beginning of the file; position 1 is relative record number 1, etc) that you supply in a field you have defined before you issue the output function to write the record to disk. The method you use to determine the relative record number that you assign to each record is up to you. It can be a potential source of trouble if you are not careful; the method you use may generate a relative record number of a record that has already been placed on the file, If an output function is issued in this situation, the attempt to place the new record in an occupied position will be rejected and an error condition will result. 13B.2.8. Extending a Relative MIRAM File Extending a relative file is essentially the same as creating it. You provide each record to be placed in the file in a work area, and you supply the relative record address for the record in a predefined field before you issue the output function. If you direct a record to a point beyond the current file end (established at file creation: that is, the relative record address of the last valid record on the file), any gap will be filled with void records. If you direct a record to a position short of the file end, the operation will be rejected if it is occupied by a valid record, 13B.2.9. Retrieving and Updating Records in a Relative MIRAM File You can retrieve records or retrieve and update records in a relative file sequentially (consecutively> or randomly by relative record number. You also have the ability to switch retrieval methods (between sequential and random retrieval), and to specify at what point you want to commence sequential retrieval. For sequential retrieval, define the file as an input file for sequential processing. For retrieval with update, define the file as an update file. When you issue an input function, retrieval begins automatically with the first record position in the file. If you do not want to begin your sequential processing with the first record, you can issue a function that establishes the starting point. This must be done after the file has been opened and before you issue an input function. To establish a starting point, you must place a relative record number in a predefined field in your program and then use the starting point function to specify where the starting point is to be; that is, the starting point is equal to, greater than, or not less than the relative record number you have supplied. Your first input function retrieves the record at the starting point. The subsequent input functions will retrieve the records in consecutive order. You can change the starting point at any time while the file is open. UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13B-5 For random retrieval by relative record number, define the file as an input file for random retrieval. For retrieval with update, define the file as an update file. For random retrieval, you must supply the relative record number of the desired record in a predefined field in your program before you issue an input function. If you update a retrieved record, the output function to rewrite this record does not require you to supply a relative record number. 13B.2.1O. Deleting Records From a Relative MIRAM File If you want to logically delete records from a relative file, you must define the file as an update file. After the file is opened, you can delete a record by first issuing an input function for that record, and then following this with a delete function. The delete function logically deletes the record by marking it as a void record. (The record is not physically removed from the file.> The marking process consists of setting the high order bit in the RCB. When a deleted record is encountered in subsequent sequential processing, it is bypassed. If you are retrieving records randomly and you specify the relative record number of a deleted record, it is treated as a no find. 13B.2.11. Reorganizing a Relative MIRAM File If you want to reorganize a relative file, you cannot do it in a straightforward manner. For example, if you have logically deleted records in a relative file and you use the data utility program to remove the invalid records and recopy the file, the relative position of the valid records will change. This occurs because the valid records are copied in the same consecutive order that they appeared on the old file. As a result, any subsequent processing of the new file may prove unsatisfactory because the valid records will not be where they originally were. A possible solution would be to use the data utility program to remove the invalid records and copy the valid records to a sequential file. This sequential file could then be used as input to a relative file creation program that will place the valid reóords in the positions you want them to be. 13B.3. PROCESSING INDEXED MIRAM FILES An indexed MIRAM file contains a data partition with the data records ordered consecutively in the order that you submitted them, and an index partition that consists of one or more index structures arranged in ascending key order. The number of index structures is governed by the number of keys specified for the file. Each data record can contain from one to five keys (uniform length character strings that uniquely identify the record). A key may start at the head of the record or may be embedded within it; however, the location of each key type must be the same for all records in the file. Duplicate key values are permitted. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13B-6 Update D When you create an indexed file for processing one volume online at a time or with all volumes online, you can submit your records to the MIRAM processor as an orderly load or a disorderly load. The former means that the data records are submitted in ascending key order and the latter that the records are submitted in any other order. In both cases, the records are placed in the data partition in the order submitted; however, the keys are always arranged in ascending key order in the index structures. The following subsections describe the general procedures for creating and processing indexed files. 13B.3.1. Creating an Indexed MIRAM File To create an indexed MIRAM file you must define the file as an indexedoutput file in your program. You must also specify the following: • uniform size of your record slots; • the size and address of your data buffers; • the length and location of all keys in your records; • the size and address of your index buffer; and • the address of a field in your program that is to contain a search key. If you have variable-length records, the slot size must be large enough to hold the maximum size record plus the required 4-byte record descriptor word (RDW) You may use two data buffers (each half-word aligned), but they must be contiguous, the same size, and they must immediately follow the index buffer. The minimum data buffer calculation is the same as that described for a sequential file in 13B.2.1. -- The index buffer is also half-word aligned and must be at least 256 bytes in length. It can be larger; however, if it is, it must be a multiple of 256 bytes up to a maximum of 32,512 bytes. The index buffer must immediately precede the primary data buffer. A good rule to apply when determining your Index buffer size is to multiply the sum of the largest specified key pIus 3 bytes by 20, rounding the result up to the next multiple of 256. The length of the field that is to contain a search key must be equal to the length of the largest key in your file plus three bytes. After you open the file, you present each record to the MIRAM processor in a work area you have defined, and then you issue an output function to write the record to disk. 13B.3.2. Extending an Indexed MIRAM File Extending an existing Indexed file is essentially the same process as creating the file As in creating the file, you present each record to the MIRAM processor in a work area you have defined and then you issue an output function to write the record to disk. The records are appended to the end of the data string in the data partition. Your records can be submitted as an orderly load or a disorderly load. In either case, the records are placed in the data partition in the order submitted and the record keys are placed in the index structures in ascending key order. After a record has been successfully added to the file, it is immediately available for retrieval because the index structures are updated each time a record is added to the file. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13B.3.3. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13B—7 Retrieving and UpdatingRecords in an Indexed MIRAM File You can retrieve records or retrieve and update records in an indexed file sequentially (consecutively) or randomly by key. You also have the ability to switch retrieval methods (between sequential and random) and to specify at what point you want to commence sequential retrieval. For sequential retrieval; define the file as an input file for sequential processing. For sequential retrieval with update, define the file as an update file. After the file is opened, the sequential position is established at the lowest key value in the key index structure. If you want a different starting point, you must establish a new starting point (the value of the record key at which retrieval is to begin). To do this, you must place a key value in a predefined field in your program and then use the starting point function to specify where the starting point is to be; the starting point is equal to, greater than, or not less than the key value you have supplied. Your first input function retrieves the record at the starting point and the subsequent input functions will retrieve the records in consecutive order. After a sequential-by-key retrieval sequence has been started, you can continue it until: • you reach the end of file or the end of volume; • you specify a new starting point; • you change the file processing mode from sequential to random; or • you close your file or it is closed as the result of an error. For random retrieval by key, define the file as an input file for random retrieval. For retrieval with update define the file as an update file For random retrieval you must supply the key of the desired reóord in a predefined field in your program before you issue an input function. If you update a retrieved record, the output function to rewrite this record does not require you to supply a key value. If you are performing a sequential retrieval sequence and you interrupt it to perform a random retrieval operation, the sequential retrieval sequence cannot be resumed at the point it was interrupted (unless random retrieval with hold is requested) If you have specified that duplicate keys are permitted and you are performing a sequential retrieval sequence, records with duplicate keys will be retrieved in the order they were presented to the file during file creation. If you perform a random retrieval, the first record encountered in a duplicate key series that contains a key equal to the search key will be retrieved. UP-8068 Rev. 4 13B.3.4. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3B—8 Adding Records to an Indexed MIRAM File during Retrieval You can add records to an indexed file during retrieval if you have defined the file as an update file. To add a record during retrieval you must provide the new record in a predefined work area in your program, and then issue an output function to place it in the file. The record will be placed in the file if the value of the record key is less than: or greater than any key in the file, or it falls within the range of the existing keys. If you have specified that duplicate keys are not permitted, the record will be rejected if its record key duplicates the key of a record that is already in the file. If you interrupt a sequential retrieval sequence to add a record, the sequence will be resumed at the point it was interrupted when you issue the next input function. 13B.3.5. Deleting Records from an Indexed MIRAM File If you want to logically delete records, you must define the file as an update file. After the file is opened, you can delete a record by first issuing an input function to retrieve the record and then follow this by a delete function. The delete function logically deletes the record by marking it as a void record. (The record is not physically removed from the file.) This marking consists of setting the high order bit in the RCB. When a deleted record is encountered in subsequent sequential processing, it is bypassed. If you are retrieving records randomly and you specify the key of a deleted record, it is treated as a no find. 13B.3.6. Reorganizing an Indexed MIRAM File Your experience in processing an indexed file may indicate that the file should be reorganized. For example, your processing may have logically deleted a large number of records and you want to compress the file by physically removing these records. Another reason to reorganize is that the file was created or extended with disorderly load and you want to improve your program s performance because the majority of your processing involves sequential retrieval. In the former case you can use the data utility program to delete the invalid records In the latter case, you can use the sort/merge program to sort your data records in ascending key order. For details refer to the data utilities user guide/programmer reference, UP—8069 (current version) or the sort/merge user guide, UP—8342 (current version) 13B.4. DEFINING AN OS/3 MIRAM FILE (DTFMI) The DTFMI declarative macro is used to define a MIRAM file. It establishes a 388-byte file table. Normally, you do not need to know what the format of the DTFMI macro is because the file definition statements you use in your program are effectively translated into a DTFMI macro. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3B-9 If, however, you want to temporarily change your file definition at run time by using a DD job control statement, you must know what the format is. To help you in these cases, the DTFMI macro format and a summary of the keyword parameters (Table 13B—1) that indicates which parameters can be changed by the DD job control statement are provided Examples of typical DTFMI macros follow Table 1 3B—1 and detailed descriptions of the individual DTFMI keywordparameters are provided in 13B.5. Format: LABEL filename LOPERATION t DTFMI OPERAND F EXC EXCR ACCESS= L SRDO ,BFSZn [,EOFA=symbol] [,ERROsymbol] [,l NDA=symbol] [,INDS=n] ,lOAl=symbol [,lOA2=symbol] [,IORG(r)] [,KARG=symbolj [KEYn(ss[l1 [{NDuP}] [{NCHG}])] [,LOCK=NO] r,MODE= (SEQ RAN I [ (RANH {*}] [,OPTN=YESI [PRoc= [,RCB=NO] [RcFM= {R}1 ,RCSZn rI,RETR [ (1NF?. MOD (REP ,SKAD=symbol [,VMNT=ONEJ [,VRFY=YES] [,WOR K=Y ES] 13B—1O SPERRY. UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 13B—1. Summary of DTFMI Keyword Parameters (Part 1 of 2) Keyed Operations Nonkeyed Operations EXC S S This DTF read/update/add us Other jobs: no access EXCR X S This DTF: read/update/add use Other jobs: read use X S This DTF: read use Other jobs: read/update/add use SRDO S S This DTF: read use Other jobs: read use BFSZ* n R R EOFA symbol 0 0 Address of end-of-file routine ERRO symbol 0 0 Address of error handling routine INDA symbol R X Used only with keyed operations Address of index buffer INDS** n R X Used only with keyed operations Indicates size of index buffer IOA1 symbol R R Always required Address of primary data buffer lOA2 symbol 0 0 Only allowed with sequential output or unkeyed sequential input Address of secondary data buffer IORG (r)=general register 0 0 Not permitted when WORK=YES Indicates I/O buffer index register KARG symbol R X Used only with keyed operations Address of field that contains key of desired record KEYn n R X Used only with keyed operations. n>1, key length <3, duplicate keys, or changes to keys not permitted for IRAM characteristic files. Indicates key length, key location, and whether duplicate keys or changes to keys are allowed LOCK NO 0 0 Indicates file lock MODE SEQ S S Sequential file processing ldefaultl RAN S S Random file processing RANH S S Random file processing lhold sequential position) OPTN YES 0 0 Optional file PROC KEY S X Keyed lindex and data) operation Idefaultl UNK X R Nonkeyed Idatal operation Keyword ACCESS Specification .SRD - Remarks Restrictions Always required Supplies data buffer size UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 138—1. S Keyword RCB 1 3B-1 1 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT NO •f• Summary of DTFMI Keyword Parameters (Part 2 of 2) Keyed Operations Nonkeyed Operations 0 0 Remarks Restrictions Required for IRAM characteristic files No record control byte - Fixed-length records (default) FIX S S VAR S S Not permitted for IRAM characteristic files Variable-length records RCSZ n R R Always required Indicates record size RETR INF S S Update not allowed Retrieval for information (default) MOD S S Retrieval for modification REP S S Retrieval for replacement SKAD symbol R R VRFY YES 0 0 VMNT ONE 0 0 Nonkeyed random operations and random output operations not allowed, Defines file to be processed with only one volume online at a time WORK YES 0 0 Required for all output, keyed update, and delete functions Indicates that record processing is in a work area RCFM Always required Address of seek address field Check parity of output records after they have been written LEGEND: = Optional O R =Required S = Select one X =Notused *parameter may be changed on DD job control statement. **parameter may be changed on DD job control statement for indexed file only. 13B-i2 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 UP-8068 Rev. 4 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Example (MIRAM Output File): OPERAND AOPERATlONL LABEL 72 16 1 10 $ RfrATfl FtR EATLN A4 1 F 1 XUT7 1, s < 3, DUP, and CHG are not permitted. 13B.5.12. Suppressing a File Lock (LOCK) See 11.4.11 for a detailed explanation of the LOCK keyword parameter. 13B.5.13. Specifying Processing Mode for MIRAM Files (MODE) MIRAM files can be processed sequentially or randomly as specified by the MODE keyword parameter. Keyword Parameter MODE: Specifies sequential file processing. This is the default case. MODE=RAN Specifies random file processing. MODE=RANH Specifies random file processing (hold sequential position). UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 13. B.5 .14. 13B-17 Specifying Optional Files (OPTN) If your program does not need to use a particular file each time you execute the program, the file is considered an optional file. Only sequentially processed files can be optional files. Keyword Parameter OPTN: OPTN=YES Specifies that the sequentially parameteris specified for afile statement, control is transferred operation Control is transferred issue an output operation 13B.5.15. processed file is an optional file. When this not allocated toa deviceby a DVC job control to your EOFA routine when you issue an input to your program inline with no error when you Specifying Type of Operations (PROC) When you process a file you must specify the type of operations you are going to perform (keyed operationsor. nonkeyed operations). Keyword Parameter PROC: PROc=KEY Specifies keyed operations. This is thedefault case. PROC=UNK Specifies nonkeyed operations. . 1 3B.5.1 6. Specifying Record Control Byte (RCB) When a file is created, a record control byte (RCB) is appended to the beginning of each record unless you specify that you do not want this. Keyword Parameter RCB: RCB=NO This specification only applies to files that are being created. It is required for IRAM characteristic files and it specifies that each record is not to contain a record control byte. If this parameter is specified, delete functions will not be permitted when the file is subsequently processed. The default case is that each record will contain an RCB. When the file creation program is completed and the file is closed, the format label is marked to indicate whether or not the RCB is present. Once the file is created, this format label indication cannot be changed; that is, if you subsequently process the file and attempt to use the RCB parameter, the format label indication will override it. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/a. BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 13B.5.17. 13B-18 Update B Specifying Record Format (RCFM) This parameter specifies the record format, either fixed-length or variable-length. Keyword Parameter RCFM: RCFM=FIX Specifies fixed-length records. This is the default case. f RCFM=VAR Specifies variable-length records. The first four bytes of a variable-length record is the record descriptor word (RDW). The first two bytes of the RDW contain the effective record size that you supply on output and data management supplies on input. The record size includes the 4-byte RDW. Variable-length records are contained within a fixed-size slot that is equal to the RCSZ specification. 13B.5.18. Specifying Record Length (RCSZ) This parameter is always required. It specifies the length of each record in bytes. Keyword Parameter RCSZ: RCSZn Specifies the length of each record in bytes. If you have variablerecords, this parameter should specify the maximum size plus the 4-byte record descriptor word (RDW) required for variable-length records. (See Figure 1 3A—i.) 13B.5.19. Specifying the Record Retrieval Purpose (RETR) If you are going to retrieve records for other than information purposes, you must use this parameter. Keyword Parameter RETR: RETR=INF Specifies that records are to be retrieved for information purposes only. This is the default case RETR=MOD Specifies that records are to be retrieved for modification RETR=REP Specifies that records are to be retrieved for replacement UP-8068 Rev. 4 13B.5.20. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 3B-1 9 Specifying the Location of the Relative Disk Address for Processing a MIRAM File by Relative Record Numbers (SKAD) This parameter is always required. It specifies where the relative disk address is placed in your program for use in processing by relative record number. Keyword Parameter SKAD: SKADsymbol Specifies the symbolic address in your program where you place the relative disk address for use in processing files by relative recordnumber. The form of the relative disk address is a 4-byte value. The first record is relative record 1. 1 3B.5.21. Verifying Output Records (VRFY) You can specify that data management is to check the parity of output records after they have been written to disk. Keyword Parameter VRFY: VRFY=YES Specifies that data management is to check the parity of output records after they have been written to disk. If it detects bad parity, data management sets the parity check flag (byte 2, bit 2) in filenameC and transfers control to your error routine, or to your program inline if you have no error routine. If you specify this parameter, it will result in an increase in execution times for output operations. 13B.5.22. Specifying File Processing with One Volume Online at a Time (VMNT) If you want to process a file with one volume online at a time, you must specify this parameter. Keyword Parameter VMNT: VMNT=ONE Specifies that the file is to be processed with only one volume online at any time. A file that is created in this manner must be processed in this manner. Nonkeyed random operations are not permitted. If a file was not created for processing with one volume online at a time, it cannot be processed in this manner. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 3B 5 23 1 3B—20 Specifying Record Processing in a Work Area (WORK) You can use this parameter to specify that your records are to be processed in a work area rather than in a data buffer (I/O) area. Keyword Parameter WORK: WORK=YES Specifies that input and output records will be processed in a work area rather than a data buffer area. The IORG parameter should not be specified when the WORK parameter is specified. If both are specified; the WORK parameter is used. When you issue input, update, output, or delete operations, you specify the address of the work area. The WORK parameter is required for all output, keyed update, and delete operations. 13B.5.24. Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters OS/3 data management accepts certain variant spellings for the keyword parameters described in this section. These variations are: DTFMI Spelling OS/3 Standard Form BFSZ BLKSIZE/BKSZ EOFA EOFADDR ERRO ERROR INDA INDAREA INDS INDSIZE IOA1 IOAREA1 10A2 IOAREA2 IORG IOREG KARG KEYARG OPTN OPTION RCFM RECFORM RCSZ RECSIZE SKAD SEEKADR VRFY VERIFY WORK WORKA UP-8068 Rev. 4 13B.6. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT MIRAM KEYWORD PARAMETERS SUPPORT ONLY — 1 3B-21 DD JOB CONTROL STATEMENT The following keyword parameters can be specified only by using a DD job control statement. 13B.6.1. Variable Sector Support for MIRAM Files (VSEC) The detailed explanation of this facility for IRAM files (13.5.1) also applies to MIRAM files. 13B.6.2. File Recovery Support for MIRAM Files (RECV) The detailed explanation of this facility for IRAM files (13.5.2) also applies to MIRAM files. 1 3B.6.3. Automatic Computation of Initial Allocation Percentages for MIRAM Files (AUTO) The detailed explanation of this facility for IRAM files (13.5.3) also applies to MIRAM files except that normally 0% of the initial allocation is assigned to the index partition for MIRAM files. CD C) E) UP-8068 Rei” SPERRY UNiVftC 05/3 BASi&bAtA.MANGEMENT’ 14-1 14. Nonlndexed Disk .!.!!e.Fonats and Convcfl.tlons.. • :‘ • I !‘. • ‘“ • -t - .r.t. 14.1. GENERAL This section describes the disk file formats and conventions that are part of the indexed fife proáess& syetéth- bf OS,’3 data m’añageinenf. the syêtérvl coffiprises thréè basic methods for proceésing or accessing disk filéi Withotkt ihdexèt’thflequential accesA method (SAM); the çijrect access method (DAM); and a combination of these two, termed ft simply the “nonindexedméthod;” ‘ikhiÔh has floactonth. . r •. . : ‘The three ‘rñthods of -prôdessing are e,plained in detail in Section 15,’Which .describá: C 2 ‘. .;•Th .: ‘ ,,atfc: ‘:tI ! •• •r - the 1tiical inpótibutput onttbl-’ 5fltem (IOCS)?br proceáSoi,’ that .GS?’3 data management fôrnistiew’yo& for each method, . • “the” iñ’ipèrative th &f ctiI% i pt&essinà tdhctioiih’dváflable to yäá the actual t1epèñoire of .fjI ‘ ‘: the define-the-file (DTF) ‘declarative macros you will use to inform data management how your files are to be accessed and how you have structured them. Jn.both this ection and Sectiqnl 5, the..tprrn “DTF”. is appljed bçth to, tbis type of døpjat9ti%e mcro ap tb the fil fable that acti Dli pets up for data management to use While ypu are procesbihg 9our file -j • ‘-‘ t’ • • • • • n f’’!’ ‘“ ‘ t)’. • :• - • ‘ • ‘: -• • ‘ • • YoU deline your sequeittilly rocessed disk files to iata managenierif with the DTFSD Ies dre often called DTPl) fileI Dfrdct “access, tr 6 declarative macrd, conséqtient, these’ randomly processed, files (these trths ate dyñohympus in this manGal) ate defined t3 the DTFDA declarative macrà and are termed DtFDA files FiFes ‘that’ypu want to process by a combination of bOth seiuentiai e}d ‘ahdoni’tedhriipiéi ydu Will ‘liefihé .tb ‘data maragernent.with the DTFNI dQclarative:maro. You may subdivide your DTFNI files iqto s many as seJen filq )artilions, you defibe Certain dtai1s of each partl&in With yet a 1 of DTF dedaratlS,& macro the DPCArnacrcr • - SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 . 14-2 To summarize: Three access methods: Sequential access meth od (SAM) • Direct access method (DAM) Nonindexed access method (a combination of SAM and DAM techniques) Four define-the-file (DTF) declarative macros: DTFSD defines a sequentially processed, nonindexed disk file — DTFDA — defines a randomly processed (direct access), nonindexed disk file defines a nonindexed disk file that is to be processed sequentially randomly DTFNI or by a combination of both techniques — DPCA — defines certain particulars of a partition of a DTFNI file The various access methods and nonindexed disk file descriptions share certain concepts of file organization, file labelling, record formats, and record addressing; these are described generally in this section, although some, details are further developed in Section 15. You will notice some differences from the OS/3 indexed sequential access method (ISAM), described in earlier sections of this manual; chief of these, of course, is the absence of any index structure. Another difference is that ISAM does not allow you to have your own header and trailer labels A third point of difference lies in the concept of keys (14.3.3). 14.2. FILE ORGANIZATION All DTFSD DTFDA and DTFNI files in the OS/3 nonindexed processor system may reside on one or more disk volumes and may be termed multivolume files Multivolume DTFNI and DTFDA files must have all volumes of the file mounted and online for processing and may consist of no more than eight volumes. Multivolume DTFSD files are maintained in only one of your disk packs being online at any time there is no single-volume mode limit imposed by OS/3 on the total number of volumes you may have in a DTFSD file Data management communicates with the operator for you automatically to request and validate mounting of the successive ‘olumes of a multivolume DTFSD file — All OS/3 nonindexed disk files are terminated by a logical end-of-file (EOF) pointer to the block one after the highest block in the file in which you have placed a data record The address of this block is file- or partition-relative; that is, its nUmbering is related to the if you are considering a partition of a file address of the block that begins the file or begins this partition. The significance of the logical EOF pointer lies in the actions that occur when the address is accessed during sequential processing of an input file. — — UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 14-3 In DTFSD files (which have only one volume moUnted online at a time), the EOF pointer also indicates the logical end-of-volume (EOV) for the online volume. When you have finished creating such a file and issue the CLOSE imperative macro to terminate processing, data management stores the address of the block next after the current block as the EOF/EOV pointer or end-of-data ID (EODID) in the DTF file table and on the disk format 2 label for the file. No special flag or notatiori is written in the data area at this relative disk address. When data management encounters the EOF address during input of your file, it transfers control to a routine you have prepared to handle the end-of-file condition. (This routine, called the EOFADDR routine from the keyword parameter by which you specify it in your DTF, is described in 15.6.4; see 15.7.2 for the CLOSE macro.) You should remember that, for multivolume DTFDA and DTFNI files (all volumes of which are mounted and online at all times when you are processing), there is no EOV in the DTFSD sense and no need for an EOFADDR routine except for input DTFNI files you process sequentially. 14.2.1. Partitioning DTFNI Files You may subdivide each DTFNI file into as many as seven file partitions, each with its own partition name, record size, block size, and other characteristics. You define the overall file characteristics, name all the file partitions, and describe the first partition in the DTFNI declarative macro; you then use separate DPCA declarative macros for each partition to define the characteristics of the partition. Every DTF file table has a length of 242 bytes, but the table established by the DPCA declarative macro is only 82 bytes long; it is termed the partition control appendage. You access a file partition for processing by name, using the SETP macro (15.7.4). 14.2.2. Subfiles in DTFNI Partitions You may further subdivide each partition of a DTFNI file into as many as 71 serial subfiles, which you must create in sequence. (They need not be processed sequentially, and you may access them for processing in any order, once you have created them.) Unlike a file partition, which may. differ in certain characteristics from the basic DTFNI file, a subfile must not differ from the partition in any respect. Another difference between a subfile and a partition is that a subfile has no name; you address one by using its partition relative serial number asan operand of the SETS macro by which you access your subfiles (the SETS macro is described in 1 5.7.5). To help it keep abreast of your processing of subfiles, data management maintains subfile tables; it reserves one track of the first volume of a file for these when you so instruct it by specifying the SUBFILE keyword parameter in your DTFNI or DPCA declarative macro (15.6.26). Figure 14—1 depicts the organization of a DTFNI file into partitions and subfiles. 14-4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 FILE Characteristics defined by DTFNI declarative macro instruction - - Characteristics defined by DTFNI declarative macro instruction; selected by SETP imperative macro FILE PARTITION-2 FILE PARTITION-i Characteristics defined by DPCA declarative macro instru tions selectedby SETP imperative macro FILE PARTITION-n (maximum of 7 partitionsl SUBFI LE SUBFILE Characteristics are those of parent partition. Supported via SUBFILE keyword parameter in DTFNI or DPCA macros, Accessed (after partition is selected by SETP macrol via SETS macro. Created serially; may be accessed randomly. - ri Figure 14—1 14.2.3. SUBFILE 2 (maximum of 7 i) UBFILE Organization of a DTFNI Disk File into Partitions and Subfdes System Standard Labels for Nonindexed Disk Files In processing your DTFSD, DTFDA, and DTFNI files, data management uses the OS/3 system standard labels for disk files. The system standard labels comprise the OS/3 standard volume label (VOL1). and seven types of disk format labels, designated format 0, format 1, and so on, located in a directory called the volume table of contents (VTOC). Data management accesses these standard labels to retrieve information it needs about your file and to add information on certain file characteristics to thern All are described in Appendix D For example,.data management retrievesthé VOL1 label to find the location Of the VTOC. Here, it will read the first record. in the VTOC (the format 4 label) to obtain the address Of the last active format 1 :label and will search the VTOC up to that address to locatethe format 1 label for the current file. It needs this format 1 label, and any format 3 labels it may point to for information about the extent space and secondary allocation for the file If your file is an output file, data management will rewrite the format 1 label to add to it some of the file characteristics you have defined in your DTF. If your file is currently an input file, data management retrieves and checks these characteristics. In addition, data management maintains a format 2 label to control file partitions and save information on existing and newly created files. UP—8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 14-5 A look at Appendix D will make the foregoing clearer when you need to go into it. For the moment, however, it may be more important for you to know that these actions of data management are automatic and that you will rarely need to be concerned with the details. (Section 16 has further information on management of your disk resources.) 14.2.4. Optional Standard User Labels Unlike OS/3 ISAM, which does not allow them, the non indexed file processor system does support standard user header labels (UHL) and user trailer labels (UTL). These are optional, unblocked records, which you may process on the opening or closing of a volume with a routine you make available to data management by specifying its address in the LABADDR keyword parameter in your DTF (1 5.6.14). User Header Labels If you have UHL, data management writes these on the first track of each volume of a DTFSD file, and on the first track of the first volume of a DTFDA or DTFNI file. You may have no more than eight UHL, and they may not be blocked. This is their simple 80-byte format: Byte I 0 2 1 0 I Label ID 4 I- -, Label Data ‘1— 76 Field Bytes Code Description Label ID 0—3 EBCDIC Contains 4-byte label identifier: UHL, followed by a label number which ranges from 1 through 8 Label Data 4—79 User option Contains 76 bytes of user-specified header label data 14-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 User Trailer Labels 14.24.2. Data management writes your optional UTL On the first track of each volume of a DTFSD file and on the first track of the first volume DTFDA or DTFNI files; your UTL follow your UHL. You may have no more than eight, and they may not be blocked. This is their 80-byte form: I 1 0 Byte 2 LabeliD 0 4 I-. 76 14.3. F Label Data Field Bytes Code Description Label ID 0—3 EBCDIC Contains 4-byte label identifier: UTL, followed by a label number which ranges from 1 through 8 Label Data 4—79W User option Contains 76 bytes of user-specified trailer label data NONINDEXED FILE RECORD FORMATS The nonindexed •processor system handles four record formats: • Fixed-length, blocked • Fixed-length, unblocked s Variable-length blocked • Variable-length, unblocked DTFSD and DTFNI files may comprise records in any of these four formats, but DTFDA files may not be specified as having blocked records (that is, physical blocks containing more than one logical data record, fixed- or variable-length). UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 14-7 It might be well at this point to review three OS/3 definitions: block The portion of a file transferred into or out of main storage by a single access. buffer An area in main storage for handling a block of data. Must not be. smaller than the blocks to be handled. record The collection of contiguous characters, designated as such to data management by the user, for handling as a unit. Record size must not exceed block size. The system does not handle undefined records; if you do not specify the record format in your DTF, data management assumes that your records are fixed and unblocked (that is, you have only one fixed-length logical record in each physical block). No record may occupy more than one block, nor may any record or block span from one disk track to another. 14.3.1. Fixed-Length Records Fixed-length logical records are all of equal length for a given file or partition. When you specify that your fixed-length records are unblocked (or leave this specification to data management’s default assumption, just mentioned), you do not need to specify the RECSIZE keyword parameter because data management takes the nUmber of bytes per records as being what you specified with the BLKSIZE keyword. However, when you block your fixed-length records, you must specify both the BLKSIZE and RECSIZE keywords, and the value of BLKSIZE must be an exact multiple of RECSIZE. When you are using thevariable-sector SPERRY UNIVAC 8411, 8414,8424, 8425, 8430, or 8433 Disk Subsystems, your BLKSIZE specification governs exactly the number of bytes of data read or written. On the other hand, if you are using the fixed-sector SPERRY UNIVAC 8415, 8416, or 8418 Disk Subsystem and do not specify a blocksize that is a multiple of 256 bytes, the block written will always be larger than the specified block size; this is because the system writes or reads only in multiples of 256 bytes to the 8416 disk Your BLKSIZE specification controls the number of bytes treated as data within a logical block, which is a multiple of 256. (For example, if you specify BLKSIZE=400for a file that is to reside on an 8416 disk, data managementwill write out a block Of 512bytOs.) You must be sure to reserve adequate buffer space for this:circumstance,because a512-byte block will be read into the buffer during retrieval Figure 14—2 illustrates the two fixed-length record formatsand their relationship to the I/O area and DTF keyword parameters. 14-8 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 FIXED-LENGTH, UNBLOCKED RECORD logical record —D— FIXED-LENGTH, BLOCKED RECORDS D— D D D LEGEND: D Length of data in each logical record; you specify this length only when your records are blocked, using the RECSIZE keyword parameter in your DTF macro. I Length of I/O area; you always specify this with the BLKSIZE keyword parameter of your DTF macro instruction. If your file is to reside on an 841 6 disc, I must be a multiple of 256 bytes, and therefore the length of the blockmay exceed the nearest multiple of fixed-record length. NOTE: In preparing the illustration of blocked records, the arbitrary choice was made to show four logical records per physical block. The actual number you choose is a matter of file design. Remember that blocking snot specifiable for DTFDAfiles. Figure 14—2. Fixed-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files without Keys 14.3.2. Variable-Length Records. When your records re variable-length, OS/3 data management preempts the first four bytes of every block for use as a block descriptor word (BDW) Data management calculates the effective length of the block and inserts this for you into the first two bytes of the BDW; it reserves the last two bytes of the BDW for its own use. You need not be concerned with the BDW, therefore, other than to allow for the fact that it reduces by four bytes the block space availablefor yôür logical records. You are concerned, however, with the first four bytes of every logical record; these are also needed by data management for control and constitute the record descriptor word (RDW). Data management, again, reserves the final two bytes of the RDW for its own use, but the first two bytes must contain the length of the record of which the RDW is a part. Before submitting a new record to be blocked, you must place the proper binary value in this 2byte field. UP-8068 Rev. 4 14-9 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT When you specify that your records are variable and unblocked, data management will write out one block for each logical record you submit, regardless of the amount of available space remaining in the I/O area. If you have specified blocked records, data management will pack as many complete records as possible into each block before writing it. In either case, the length of the block it writes will be the number of bytes you have specified with the BLKSIZE keyword parameter, unless more must be written because of roundup for the 8416 disk. Unless your logical records follow some unusual pattern, there will always be varying amounts of unused space at block ends. You must not use the RECSIZE keyword parameter in your DTF for a file containing variable-length records because data management expects to find the record size in the first two bytes of the RDW. Figure 14—3 illustrates the layout of both formats for variable records and relates these to the length of the I/O area. VARIABLE-LENGTH, UNBLOCKED RECORD - D R B V VARIABLE-LENGTH, BLOCKED RECORDS - R B 41 — 4 j D V — R D -4 V LEGEND: B Block descriptor word, four bytes. You must reserve space for this in your I/O area; it is also part of the block on disc. Data management calculates the block length in bytes and writes this in the first two bytes of the BDW; the last two bytes are reserved. R Record descriptor word, always first four bytes of each variable-length record. You determine the length of each logical record in bytes, including this 4-byte RDW, and place it in the first two bytes of the RDW. The last two bytes are reserved. Figure 14—3. Variable-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files without Keys (Part 1 of 2) SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 14-10 LEGEND (cont): 0 Variable length of the data portion of your record. V Length of the variable record (measured in bytes); includes four bytes for the RDW. You insert this number into the first two bytes of the RDW, in binary form. Length of the physical block, both on disc and in the I/O area. The I/O area length you specify via the BLKSIZE keyword parameter must accommodate the largest variable-length block in your file. Unused space F I Supplied by data management NOTE: In preparing this illustration of blocked records, an arbitrary choice was made to show two logical records per physical block. The actual number you choose is a matter of file design, Remember that you may not specify blocked record format for DTFDA files. This does not mean that OS/3 DAM does not handle the block format in which the unblocked variable-length record is shown here and actually exists on disc. It does. The point is that DAM does not block or deblock records for you. If what you can only describe to DAM via the DTFDA macro as an unblocked record is actually a block of logical records, you must provide for blocking and deblocking them yourself. You will probably find the DTFNI file the better alternative; for one thing, the PUT and GET imperative macros may be issued to a DTFNI file for record level access; but they cannot be issued to a DTFDA file. In random processing of a DTFNI input file containing fixed, blocked records, data management provides you with the displacement of the desired record in the block, loading this into filenameD after the READ/WAITF macro sequence. Figure 14—3. 14.3.3. Variable-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files without Keys (Part 2 of 2) Optional Key Fields with Nonindexed Files Up to this point, our discussion of record formats has ignored an optional feature you may want to include in the design of your DTFDA and DTFNI files: a leading key to identify each physical block. A key in the nonindexed file processor system is simply a character string, unrelated to the disk location of a physical block, which you specify and write with the block to uniquely distinguish that block from all others in the area of search. Search can be confined to a single track or can run from starting point to end of cylinder. Key length has certain limits, but key content is almost entirely up to you. The only restriction is that no byte of any key may contain the hexadecimal value FE. This value may produce erratic results during keyed retrieval. Otherwise, keys to your files may be constructed according to any scheme meaningful in the context of your file-processing needs, although uniqueness within the search area is assumed to be necessary because you will search for one specific block in the area, seeking to identify it by its key alone. Keys may be used with DTEDA and DTENI files, and partitions of DTFNI files; they are not used with DTESD files.* *QS/3 data management does not provide you with a means for using keys in processing your DTFSD files because, in sequentially constructed files like these, each block is afready uniquely identified by its relative location. OS/3 assumes that your reasons for organizing the file for sequential access only do not include a need to identify a block by some other means. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT, 14-11 If you are familiar with OS/3 ISAM, YOU might note at this point that, in the nonindexed file processor system, you associate a key only with a physical block, whereas in ISAM each of your logical records may have a key. Sequential processing does not necessarily preclude the presence of keys. A DTFNI file or partition, for example, which you may always process sequentially, may have a key associated with each block of data. If it does, moreover, you must take the key into account when you issue the sequential access PUT and GET imperative macros to process the file. (This point is developed further in A point to note here, perhaps, is that processing a file with the OS/3 sort/merge program is quite different from sequential processing in the data management sense. With sort/merge, you are concerned only with sequential organization of files and use the term key in a very different sense: a record may contain a number of fields, located anywhere within it, which sort/merge uses to resequence the file. Each of these fields is considered a sorting key; these may overlap and need not be unique. In the data management nonindexed system, however, keys are used only in direct access files and only with blocks; each block has only one key, always unique, and always located in front of the block. You have noted that the length of the key has certain limits in the nonindexed processor system: the minimum key length is 3 bytes, and the maximum is 255 bytes. Another point to remember is that all keys in any one file must have the same length; the only exception to this rule is the partitioned DTFNI file, in which each partition may have its own unique key length, uniform throughout the partition. You may not include blocks without keys in a file of keyed blocks. When you are processing blocks with keys, you inform data management of the actual key length it will find or place with your blocks on disk by specifying the KEYLEN keyword parameter in the DTFDA, DTFNI, or DPCA declarative macro. The various forms of the READ and WRITE imperative macros are designed to give you a useful set of options for retrieving records by key and writing or updating the key and data portions; these are described in Section 15. The effects of keys on the physical block length and, consequently, on the layout of your blocks on disk and in the I/O buffer are illustrated in Figure 14—4 for both fixed and variable records. 14-12 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 FIXED-LENGTH, UNBLOCKED RECORp key field logical record D 4 FIXED-LENGTH, BLOCKED RECORDS logical record 1 key field logical record 2 K —D — VARIABLE-LENGTH, UNBLOCKED RECORD key field K bdw logical record rdw e—B-—ø D R —V I — VARIABLE-LENGTH, BLOCKED RECORDS 4— K B ._44_ R D 4 V Figure 14—4. — R D V Keyed Fixed- and Variable-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files (Part 1 of 2) UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 14-13 LEGEND: K Key field, supplied by you. Minimum 3 bytes, maximum 255. All keys in same partition or file must have same length. Notice that only a block has a key; individual records within a block do not. B Block descriptor word, always four bytes. You reserve space for this at the head of the block, after the keyfield; data management calculates and inserts block length into first two bytes. Last two bytes are reserved. R Record descriptor word, always the first four bytes of your variable-length record. You determine the length of each logical record in bytes, including this 4-byte ROW, and place it in the first two bytes of the ROW. The last two bytes are reserved. 0 Length of the data portion of your logical record; varies for variable-length records. Always the same for each fixedlength record throughout file. V Length of a variable record; includes four bytes for the ROW. You insert this number (measured in bytes) into the first two bytes of the ROW, in binary form. I Length of the physical block, both on disc and in your I/O area. The I/O area length you specify via the BLKSIZE keyword parameter must accommodate the largest physical block in a file of variable-length records. Unused space, if any I I Supplied by data management NOTE: In preparing these illustrations of blocked records, an arbitrary choice was made to show two logical records per physical block, in both the fixed- and variable-length formats. The actual number you choose is a matter of file design. You may not specify that records are blocked for DTFDA files. Figure 14—4. Keyed Fixed- and Variable-Length Physical Record Formats, Nonindexed Disk Files (Part 2 of 2) / UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15. 15.1. 15—i Nonindexed File Access Methods: Füflction and Operation GENERAL This section describes the nonindéxed file processor system used with OS/3 data management. Tha nonindexed file processor system is a generalized input/output control system (IOCS) that enables you to create and maintain data files on all disk subsystems supported byOS/3 and toprócess these files in a sequential order, a random order, or by a combination of both sequential and random file processing techniques. It offers standard techniques for processing sequentialaccess method (SAM) files and direct access method (DAM) files, as well as enhanced capabilities for processing nonindexed files by a combination of both methods The nonindéxed processorsystemoperates on disk files that you describe to OS/3 data management through DTF (define the file) declarative macroinstructions: • SAM files are defined by the DTFSD declarative macro; • DAM. files by the DTFDA declarative macro; and a nonindexed files through the DTFNI macro. You provide descriptive information to the declarative macros by specifying the keyword parameters associated with each. From these, data management builds the appropriate DTF file table for the type of file you have selected. You perform I/O operations upon your file by issuing imperative macroinstructions in your basic assembly language (BAL) program. These, providing the essehtial interface between your program and OS/3 data management are what you use to access and generate data within your file and to position it fOr more effective processing. Data management communicates directly with the:resideht systems access technique (SAT) of the OS/3 supervisor for access to the physical input/output control system (PIOCS). UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-2 The transient routines invoked by the OPEN macro, for example, complete setting up your DTF file definition tables and perform certain checks to ensure the integrity of your definition. Once you have opened a file, you may then access it via the imperative processing macros (GET, PUT, CNTRL, READ, WRITE, etc). You terminate your file processing by issuing a CLOSE macro and can then do no further processing on the data in the file until you reopen it by issuing another OPEN macro. When you are processing files sequentially, the GET macro reads data blocks and delivers individual records to you, one at a time. You output records to the disk file with the PUT macro, which you may also use to update records. Data management provides buffering via blocked records and automatically blocks and deblocks them for you. You may overlap your I/O with your sequential processing by specifying a work area, or a second I/O area, in addition to the one I/O area that is always required for each file. As is true throughout OS/3 data management, your I/O areas must be half-word aligned. For randomly processing files, data management offers you the capability to erase data from an expired or newly allocated file, to create blocks in.a file, or to expand a file by generating data blocks in space newly allocated to it You retrieve records via the READ macro and output them via the WRITE macro; each of these maóros has several forms, which you specify as required, to access a block by its relativedisk address, or by a key to be matched via search and an address for starting the search. You may subdivide each nonindexed file, defined by the DTFNI declarative macro, into as many as seven file partitions, each having its own I/O area and characteristic block size, record size, and key length. Each partition of a DTFNI file may be further subdivided into as many as 71 serial subfiles. You may gain access to the specific partition and subfile required by issuing special imperative macros (SETP, SETS, for example) provided for this purpose. For all three file types, OS/3 data management gives you the option of generating and processing your own standard user header and trailer labels. You may accompish this by coding a special user label processing routine; which receives control from the OPEN and CLOSE transients. You should remember that user standard labels are associated with your file and are not maintained atthe partition or subfile level. Your label processing routine, furthermore, may not issue any of the file processing imperative macros, although a special macro, LBRET, is available for use in this routine. It is important for you to keep in mind, as you study this section, that differences exist between 0S73 data management and the data management of SPERRY UNIVAC or other systems you may be acquainted with. Another point to remember is that some macros are used for other types of OS/3 data management files than those described in this section, with slight differences in format or effect. For example, the imperative macro SETF (15.7.8) is also used for magnetic tape files defined by the DTFMT declarative macro, but in its tape application has no UPDATE positional parameter. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT. UP-8068 Rev. 4 15-3 Following functional descriptions of each of the three file processing methods, this section of the manual presents a discussion of the DTF declarative macros. A summary of the 37 keyword parameters (Table 1 5—7) and a description of their use follow these. The next paragraphs present a summary of the 18 imperative macros used in processing your files, and a detailed description of the use of each follows the summary. The final paragraphs of this section discuss the error and exception handling features of the nonindexed file processor system. You will find numerous. coding examples throughout. 15 2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION OS/3 SAM As you have just noted, you use the DTFSD declarative macro to define disk files that data management is to process as sequential access files. During your processing of DTFSD files, you should keep in. mind that multivolume DTFSD files are maintained in singlevolume-mounted mode, only the current volume being online at any one time.. Data management takes care of communicating with the operator to request and validate the mounting of subsequent DTFSD volumes automatically. Files defined as sequential access by the DTFSD declarative macro may contain fixed- or variable-length records, blocked or unblocked. For input operations, you use the GET macro; data management reads the input data and, deblocking it automatically if required delivers the records one at a time to you For output, you deliver records to data management one .at a time via .the PUT macro; when a full block of records is ready, data management writes it to disk. You may process input or output records in a work area or directly in the I/O area. If you use a work area data management moves an output record from the work area to the .1/0 area; it moves an input record from the I/O area to the work area If your records are blocked, or if you provide two I/O areas without a work area, you must supply an index register (via the IOREG keyword parameter of your DTF), into which data management places the starting address of the current record position in the I/O area. . You may overlap your I/O operations with your other processing if you provide one or more work areas or a second I/O area in addition to the one I/O area you must always provide. . . When you are processing variable-length, blocked records in the .output.mode and do not provide a work area, you must yourself test whether the next record will fit in the space remaining in the current output area When it does not you issue a TRUNC Imperative macro to output a. truncated block to disk. Data management provides you with the number of bytes remaining in the I/O area in a register that you specify via the VARBLD keyword parameter of your DTFSD declarative macro. . When you are processing input records from aDTFSD file, you may reach a point where you, want .to omit processing the records remaining in the current block or volume and begin with the first. record of the next. You m.ay accomplish either of these actions by issuing the RELSE imperative macro for skipping the remaining records in the current block, or the FEOV macro for skipping the remainder of the current volume. , +— UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 5-4 When necessary, you may use the PUT imperative macro to update records you have retrieved, but you may not change their record length. You issue the PUT macro for the record to be updated following the GET macro by which It IS retrieved In addition, you may extend aDTFSD file beyond the current end-of-file (EOF) address of the last volume of the file. There are two ways of doing this: in the update mode, you provide for this extension by coding it in your EOF routine; :for output files, you speóify the extend mode of processing in the LFD job control statement of the device assignment set by which you allocate the file. (The details of these two methods are developed under the discussion of the PUT macro; see and To use a DTFSD file as a disk work file creating and then processing it under the same DTF file descriptor you initially specify TYPEFLE=INOUT in the DTF open the file for output and create it and then close it Changing the file processing direction to input via the SETF imperative macro, you then reopen the file, using the same DTF, to retrieve and, optionally, update your records. The details of this method are developed under the discussions of the SETF macro (15 78) and the PUT macro (15 79 1) 15.3. —0.. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, OS/3 DAM You define DAM files which you process at random with OS/3 data management, by means of the DTFDA declarative macro. Another way in which OS/3 DAM differs from OS/3 SAM and OS/3 nonindexed fIle access method is that DAM supports fixed- and variable-length records in unblocked format only whereas the other two also support blocked records Consequently you have no need of a work a:rea or a second I/O area, as you do for processing sequential blocked records or for overlapping I/O with processing and therefore the DTFDA declarative macro does not have IOAREA2, IOREG, RECSIZE, nor WORKA keyword parameters associated withit. A third point of difference to remember between SAM and DAM is that all volumes of a multivolume DAM file are kept online when you are processing; there is ho EOF concept in the SAM sense and consequently no EOFADDR keyword parameter associable with the DTFDA declarative macro, nor is there a combined input/output file type (TYPEFLE=INOUT), or needfor an UPDATE keyword parameter. OS/3 DAM provides you with a means for creating records in a file, erasing data from an old or newly allocated file, and expanding a iile by generating records in space newly allocated to it. The input work horse for direct access files is the block-level READ imperative macro, which has two forms (READ,KEY and READ,lD) for accessing a blOck through a search on key (starting the search at an address you specify) and for accessing a block directly at a relative disk address (ID) that you provide to data management. You indicate to data management which of these forms of the READ macro you intend to use by specifying the READKEY and READID keyword parametes in your DTFDA declarative, and you provide UP-8068 Rev. 4 i 5.-5 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT data management with READ-related information in a number of other DTF keyword parameters, discussedin 15.7.14. To give data management time to locate the block you want and to move it to the I/O area, you must issue a WAITF imperative macro after every READ macro issued to a DTFDA file, before you may issue another imperative to the file. This assures you that the data. transfer has taken place as specified before you proceed further(15.7.16). Another imperative macro for DTFDA files. that mu be paired with a following WAITF is the direct access output processing macro, and for the same reasons macro WRITE, which, like READ, is also a block-level macro. The WRITEmacro hasfive forms that may be used with each other and with the two READ macro forms to create, update, and erase direct access disk files. Two of these forms (WRITE,RZERO and AFTER,EOF)do not actuallyoutput a block:to disk. Youuse these to reposition the 1 *WRITE disk: access arm to a flew track, or to record the ID returned after the last block was written as the end of data in the file. These forms of the WRITE command, and the WRITErelated DTFDA keyword parameters are developed in detail in 1 5 7 11 and 15 6 — 15.4. FUNCTIONS OF THE OS/3 NON INDEXED FILE ACCESS METHOD The logical IOCS processor, which processesnonindexedfiles you define with the DTFNI declarative macro, will also process sequential files defined by the DTFSD macro and direct access files you define with the DTFDA macro. It supports all 05/3 random access :file processing imperative macros and all the sequential processing macros; however, only files you define by the DTFNI macro maybe processed by the combination of both direct and sequential processing techniques. Similarly, it is impörtantto remember that only to DTFNI files may you issue the following five imperative macros NOTE POINT POINTS SETP, and SETS. The DTFNI declarative macro has a number of unique keyword parameters: you will specify to realize other extensions to file processing techniques which apply to nonindexed disc files under OS/3 data management: the PCA and SUBFILE keyword parameters, for example, by which you specify that your DTFNI file is subdivided into file partitions and that these, in turn, are subdivided into partition subfiles. You will note also the SIZE and UOS (unit of store) keyword parameters, which you use for dynamic allocation and extension of DTFNI files to the partition level. many as seven file partitions, each of which hasits •You may subdivide a DTFNI file into own I/O area or areas and its own characteristic record size,block size, and recordformat. Each partition you may further subdivide into a maximum of 71 subfilés, having the same characteristics as the partition of which it is a part. You define a DTFNI file as being partitioned by specifying two or more PCA keyword parameters in the DTF and by coding a • DPCA (define partition control appendage) declarative macro for the second through the seventh partitions of the file. In the DPCA declaratives, you specify a keyword parameter for each aspect in which the partition differs from the parent DTFNI file; for this reason, it is already fully you do not prepare a separate DPCA description for the first partition described in the DTFNI macro.* — *lt is not mandatory, of course, that each partition of a DTFNI file have different record lengths or formats; however, even though a partition may be the same as the parent DTFNI file in all other respects, if it is a partition ft has its own separate name, blocksize, and I/O area and requires its own DPCA declarative macro for separate identfty and accessibility. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-6 When you open the DTFNI file for processing, only the first partition is set active and available to you. for processing; to gain access to some other partition, you issue the SETP imperative macro to the file and specify. the partition you want to process by name. Subsequent processing is carried out on this partition until you select another by issuing another SETP macro. When you have selected the partition you want. to process, you issue a SETS imperative macro to specify whichever subfile it is you want to process, having previously indicated that data management is to support subfiles for this file via the DTFNI or DPCA keyword parameter SUBFILE These procedures are detailed further in the descriptions of the DTFNI and DPCA declaratives (15.5.3 and 1 5.5.4) and the SETP and * SETS imperative macros (15.7.4 and 1 5.7.5). OS/3 data management will allocate and extend DTFNI space automatically for you, as you need it, using the disk space management routines of the OS/3 supervisor and taking its cues from both your jobcontrol statements and your DTFNI/DPCA keyword parameters. It satisfies the space requirement for the first partition from the first available area .of the extents you specified in the device assignment set of job control statements by which you initially allocate the file; to the first partition it allocates that percent of the total file allocation you have specified in the SIZE keyword parameter of the DTFNI declarative macro. You use the UOS keyword parameter to indiate the percentage of additional space data management will dynamically allocate to this partition, should you ever issue a WRITE or PUT output imperative macro referencing a block or record that lies beyondthe current maximum relative block address for the partition. The UOS keyword parameter specifies the percentage. of the secondary allocation data management may assign. (You will .have specified the total number of tracks or cylinders by which the file may be extended dynamically in the third positional parameter of the EXT job control statement in your device assignment set for the file.) Further details on dynamic.extension are given in descriptions of the SIZE and UOS keyword parameters (1 5.6.24 and 15.6.29); each DPCA declarative macro has its unique SIZE and UOS keyword parameters. You should also remember that DTFNI files will not be dynamically extended beyond the volumes on which they initially reside. Should you ever want to expand a growing DTFNI file beyond the physical volumes you originally allocated to it (assuming that these volumes are still full after your. efforts to reorganize the file and scratch expired or unused portions of it), you will need to copy the file sequentially off to tape or other disk devices, using one of the OS/3 data utility programs, redefine the file with a new DTFNl macro, reallocate this to new devices, and, copying it. back, effectively create a new file. (The OS/3 data utility programs are described in the data utilities user guide, UP-8069 (current version). Other enhancements that apply only to processing your DTFNI files are the NOTE and POINT imperative macros. You use the NOTE macro to access the partition-relative address of the current record or block, which data management places in the. DTFNI file table for you to reference You may then use the current address for file positioning via the POINT macro, which updates the current record address in the DTF as you direct; your subsequent file processing proceeds from this updated address. (Further details are developed on the NOTE and POINT macros in 15.7.17 and 15.7.18.) UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-7 The imperative macro POINTS is useful to you for initializing the relative block address of the current partition; you select the current partition, as previously described, with the SETP macro. (The POINTS macro is fully described in 15.7.6.) 15.5. NONINDEXED DISK FILE DECLARATIVE MACROS You will use the four DTF declarative macros described in the following paragraphs to define disk files and partitions to OS/3 data management. Note that, although the DTF keyword parameters listed in the following statement formats are presented in alphabetic order, you may code these in any convenient order, just so you separate them with commas Following the statement formats are tables summarizing the required and optional keyword parameters; the detailed descriptions of the keyword parameters are presented in 15.6 and a table recapitulating all of them follows the descriptions. Except for the LACE keyword (15.6.8) and the LOCK keyword (15.6.36), the keywords are described in alphabetic order. Refer to the Preface of this manual to review OS/3 statement conventions, and to 1.6 for a general discussion of DTF macros and BAL rules for coding their operands. In the declarative macroinstruction format delineations that follow, a comma is shown preceding each keyword parameter except the first, to remind you that all keywords coded in a string must be separated by commas. However, a comma must not be coded in column 16 of a continuation line, nor follow the last keyword in the string. Refer to the coding examples that follow. 15-8 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 DTFSD 15.5.1. Defining a Sequential Disk File (DTFSD) Function: You will use the DTFSD declarative maôro instruction to define input and output disk files that you intend to process sequentially. The DTFSD macro establishes a 242-byte file table. Table 15—1 summarizes the DTFSD keyword parameters. These are described in detail in 15 6 A coding example follows Table 15—1 Format: LABEL tOPERATiON filename DTFSD OPERAND rAccEss= I I L EXC EXCR SRDO SRD BLKSIZE=n ,EOFADDR=symbol r,ERROPT= [ 5 IGNORE SKlP [,ERRORsymbol] ,lOAREAlsymbol [,IOAR EA2=symbol] [,IOREG(r)] [,LABADDRsymb0I] [,LACE=n] [,LOCK=NO] [,OPTI ON=Y ES] T,RECFORM I L FIXBLK FIXUNB VARBLK VARUNB [,R ECSIZE=n] [,SAVAREAsymboI] [,TRLBL=YES] (continued) 15-9 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OPERAND LOPERATION LABEL T DTFSD (cont) ,TYPEFLE= L (INOUT INPUT (OUTPUT [,UPDATE=YES] [,VARB LD=(r)] [,VERI FY=YES] [,WO R KA=Y ES] Table 15—1. Summary of Keyword Parameters for DTFSD Macro Instruction (Part 1 of 2) Filia specification Keyword Remarks Input Output In/Out EXC X X X Request exclusive use of file for associated DTF EXCR X X X Request exclusive use of file for associated DTF while permitting read use for other jobs SRD X Request read function for file associated with DTF while permitting read/write for other jobs SRDO X Request read function for both files associated with DTF as well as other jobs. No writing permitted. BLKSIZE* n=maximum block size B EOFADDR symbolic label R ERROPT IGNORE SKIP X X ERROR symbolic label IOAREA1 ACCESS* R The maximum block size, in bytes R Identifies EOF routine X X X X Ignore parity error Bypassparityerror X X X Address of user’s unrecoverable error routine symbolic label R R R Address of I/O area IOAREA2 symbolic label X X X Address of alternate I/O area IOREG lrl=general register X X X Required if records are processed in the I/O area and records are blocked LABADDR symbolic label of user’s label routine X X Required if user header or trailer labels are to be created R Required if user header or trailer labels are to be retrieved X LACE n=lace factor X X X Specifies factor for record interlace LOCK NO X X X Specifies that file lock is not to be set on a lockable file at OPEN, permitting read-only access OPTION YES X Specifies file not always to be processed 15-10 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP8068 Rev. 4 Table 15—1. Summary of Keyword Parameters for DTFSD Macro Instruction (Part 2 of 2) FIes Keyword Specification Remarks Input Output In/Out V V V For fixed-length, blocked records F1XUN8 X X X Fo f xed length unblocked records assumed VARBLK V V V For variable-length, blocked records VARUNB V V Y For variable-length, unblocked records RECSIZE* n=number of bytes in record X X X For fixed-length, blocked records SAVAREA symbolic label X X X Specifies address of save area for contents of general registers TRLBL YES X X X Read or write user trailer labels when CLOSE issued to file, ISpecify LABADOR also.) TYPEFLE INOUT R For I/O files RECFORM* FIXBLK x NPtJT For nput f es assumed OUTPUT R UPDATE YES VARBLD (r)’general register VERIFY YES WORKA YES For output files X X Required if records are to be written beck to the same location from which they were read X X Required for variable-length, blocked records built in output area; register contains number of bytes left in output area. X X X Check parity after records have been written, X X X Process records in work area, LEGEND: R X V Required Optional One option required Assumed parameter, if none specified Parameter may be changed on DD job control statement. Example: LABEL LOPERATIONt 1 — 1_± I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I — i I i I i — ,_ i — - - — — OPERAND 16 10 I I I EJ1ELJlcJQL I Li,_L_1 tAE1 I i I — i 10101,1 — c..3P ” A P 1 r I I l_Ll 72 i i e”= ’I 1 l’’ I I I IIIIII L I.. ,. L 1 I L L L 80 L.... I I I i I I a a I i a a 1111 I I This example defines a file ACCNTS that is a SAM input file (by TYPEFLE default option). The required I/O area is designated symbolically as READ. The block size is 800 bytes, record size is 100 bytes, and records are fixed and blocked. An end of file routine FINIS has been specified to handle that occurrence. No special label handling or error routines are provided; therefore, errors will return inline. 1 5—i 1 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 DTFDA Defining a Direct Access Disk File (DTFDA) 15.5.2. Function: You will use the DTFDA declarative macroinstruction to define files that are to be randomly processed. The DTFDA macro establishes a 242-byte file table. A summary of DTFDA keyword parameters is presented in Table 15—2; these are described in detail in 15.6. A coding example follows the table. Format: LABEL LiOPERATIONL filename DTFDA OPERAND rAccEss= (EXC )EXcR I SRD I (SRDO L [AFTER=YES] ,BLKSIZE=n [,E R RO R=symboll [,IDLOC=symboll ,IOAR EA1 =symbol [,K EYARG=symbol] [,KEYLEN=n] [,LABADD Rsymbol] [,LACEn] [,LOCK=NO1 [READID=YES] [,READKEY=YES] T [ ,RECFORM= jFIXUNB VARUNB RELATIVE= 1 [ {}] [,SAVAREA=symbol] ,SE EKADR=symbol [,SRCHM=YES] [TRLBL=YES] (continued) 15-12 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 LABEL LOPERATION L OPERAND rL ,TYPEFLE= fIrHttT OUTPUT DTFDA (cont) [,VERIFY=YES] [WRITEID=YES] [,WRITEKEY=YES] Table 15—2 Summary of DTFDA Keyword Parameters (Part 1 of 2) Files Keyword ACCESS* Specification EXC R.marks Read Write X X Request exclusive use of file for associated DTF x Request exclusive use of file for associated DTF while permitting read use for other jobs EXCR SRD X Request read function for file associated with DTF while permitting read/write for other jobs SRDO x Request read function for both files associated with DTF as well as other jobs. No writing permitted. AFTER YES BLKSIZE* n=maximum block size ERROR X A capacity record on each track is assumed. R R Length of IOAREA1, in bytes symbolic label X X Address of user error routine IDLOC symbolic label X X Address of field containing the record ID IOAREA1 symbolic label R R Name of I/O area defined by user KEYARG symbolic label X X Address of field for key used for key search KEYLEN* n=key length X X Length of the key in bytes LABADDR symbolic label X X Address of user label handling routine LACE* n=lace factor X X Specifies factor for record interlace LOCK NO x x Specifies that file lock is not to be set on a lockable file at OPEN, permitting read-only access. READID YES X Record referenced by ID READKEY YES X Record referenced by KEY RECFORM* RELATIVE Y Y For fixed-length records VARUNB Y Y Variable-length records R X X Relative addressing T X X Relative addressing — — record track 15-13 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 15—2. Summary of DTFDA Keyword Parameters (Part 2 of 2) Files Keyword Specification Remarks Read Write SAVAREA symbolic label X X Specifies the address of a save area for contents of general registers SEE KADR symbolic label R R Address of track reference field SRCHM YES X X Search multiple tracks. (If specified, file must be allocated on a cylinder basis.) TRLBL YES X X User standard trailer labels are to be read or written when CLOSE issued so file. Specify LABADDR also. TYPEFLE 1NFJT: Y Y Check standard labels OUTPUT Y Y Write standard labels VERIFY YES X Records are to be checkread WRITEID YES X Output record is located by means of its relative disc address (ID). WRITEKEY YES X Output record is located by key. LEGEND: Required Optional One option required Assumed parameter, if none specified Parameter may be changed on DD job control statement. R X Y * Example (DAM Input File): LABEL OPERATONi ill 1 OPERAND COMMENTS 16 12 L1?FIITHE F-RiATYF 1 1LE iPE ADI’RET AC.CS 82 rNPUr FILE j J I Li I L : yjpp Fig KIE= I I I I iJJLL YTE LbNC INuTJUTPuT A’EA JM 1 ii j I AZO-3YTE KEY jR tLD BE ISSUED 1 A..L REc.YRps A’RE TfE SAME: tE ECFRM=FIXUNB, DIC ID 1 3ID ArSA-SvTEFrELD I 6 Example (DAM Output File): LLJL__i_J_L_Ll UTFILE. I - IEAlJ T 1 ’PJ,, EUTPu VEIFYYE$, ggN= x x x I _I__1_i - x .1 1 I L I 1. I 1 15-14 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 DTFNI 15.5.3. Defining a Nonindexed Disk File (DTFNI) Fu nctio n: You will use the DTFNI declarative macro instruction to define disk files that are to be processed sequentially, randomly, or by a combination of sequential and direct access processing techniques. The DTFNI macro establishes a 242-byte file table. See 15.5.4 for a description of the DPCA declarative macro, which you use to define the second and all subsequent partitions of a partitioned DTFNI file. Table 15—3 summarizes the DTFNI and DPCA keyword parameters; coding examples follow the table. Keyword parameters are detailed in 15.6. Format: LABEL tOPERATION1 filename DTFNI OPERAND F ACCESS= I EXC EXCR SRD SRDO L [AFTER=YES] ,BLKSIZE=n ,ERROPT= f IGNORE SKlP L [,EO FADDR=symbol] [,ERROR=symbol] [,lDLOCsymbol] ,IOAREA1=symbol [,IOAR EA2=symbol] [,IOREG(r)] [,KEYARGsymbol] [,KEYLENn] [LABADDR=symbol] [,LACEn] [,LOCK=NO] [,OPTION=YES] [[,PCA1=symboll ,...,[PCA7=symbol]} [,READI D=YES] [,READKEY=YES] UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT LABEL OPERATION DTFNI (cont) 15-15 OPERAND F,RECF0RM I I L [,R ECSI ZE=nJ [RELIvrIvE= FIXBLK FIXUNB VARBLK VARUNB {.}] [,SAVAREAsymb0II ,SE EKADR=symbol [SRCHM=YES] [,SIZE=n] [,SUBFI LE=YES] [,TR LB L=YES] ,TYPEFLE= ( INOUT INPUT I (OUTPUT L [,UOS=n] [,UPDATE=YES] [,VARBLD=(r)] [,VERIFY=YES] [,WOR KA=YES] [,WRITElD=YES] [WR1TEKEY=YES] 15-16 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 DPCA 15.5.4. —0”- Defining a Partition Control Appendage (DPCA) When you have a DTFNI file that is to contain two or more partitions, you use a DPCA declarative macro to define separately the second and each of the subsequent partitions (that is partitions 2 through 7) Descriptive information for the first partition (and for the parent file as a whole> is contained in the 242-byte DTFNI file table The DPCA declarative macro sets up an auxiliary file table,called a partition control appendage, which defines the aspects in which each partition differs from the first and occupies only 82 bytes of main storage. Notice that the label of each DPCA macro is partition-name this is the symbolic label of the partition you have specified in the corresponding PCA keyword parameter of the parent DTFNI macro. You should also note the absence of all strictly fi/e-relative keyword parameters from the DPCA macro ERROPT ERROR and LABADDR for example The reason for this is to simplify matters for you OS/3 data management relies upon the DTFNI file table for all file-relative keyword parameters and you do not specify these again in the DPCA macros Following the format statement Table 15—3 summarizes the DTFNI and the DPCA keyword parameters; these are, in turn,dëtailed in 15.6. Coding examples follow the table. Function: You use the DPCA macro to define the second and all subsequent partitions of a multipartitioned DTFNI file. A maximum of seven partitions may be defined in all. The DTFNI file table contains descriptive information for the first partition. Separate DPCA macros establish partition control appendages defining each of the others (partitions 2 through 7). Format: — LABEL partition-name LOPERATiON DPCA L OPERAND BLKSIZE=n [,EO FADD R=symbol] ,IOAR EA1 =symbol [,l OAR EA2=symbol] [,lOR EG(r)] [,KEYARG=symbol] [,KEYLEN=n] [,LACE=n] UP—8068 Rev. 4 15-17 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT LABEL OPERATtONt OPERAND DPCA (cont) T,RECFORM= I I L FIXBLK FIXUNB VARBLK VARUNB [,R ECSIZE=n] [,SIZE=n] [,SUBH LE=YESJ [,UOS=n] [,VARBLD=(r)] [,WOR KA=YES] Table 15—3. Summary of DTFNI and DPCA Keyword Parameters (Part 1 of 3) Keyword Specification Used for OPCA Files Remarks Input Output In/Out EXC No x x x Request exclusive use of file for associated DTF EXCR No X X X Request exclusive use of file for associated DTF while permitting read use for other jobs SRD No X Request read function for file associated DTF while permitting, read/write for other jobs SRDO No X Request read function for both files associated with DTF as well as other jobs. No writing permitted AFTER YES No BLKSIZE* n=maximum block size R EOFADDR symbolic label ERROPT ACCESS X X A WRITE, AFTER macro will be issued. R R R Length of IOAREA1, in bytes X X X X Address to which control is passed when end of sequentially processed file is reached IGNORE SKIP No No Y Y Y Y Y V Ignore parity error Bypass parity error ERROR symbolic label No X X X Address of user error routine IDLOC symbolic label No X X X Address of field containing the record ID IOAREA1 symbolic label R R R R Name of I/O area defined by user: always half-word aligned IOAREA2 symbolic label X X X X Name of alternate I/O area IOREG Irl general register X X X X Required if records are processed in the I/O area and records are blocked KEYARG symbolic label X X X X Address of field for key used for key search KEY LEN* n=key length X X X X Length of the key in bytes LABADDR symbolic label No X X X Address of user label-handling routine n=Iace factor X X X X Specifies the factor for record interlace LACE* [ 15-18 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 15—3. Summary of DTFNI and DPCA Keyword Parameters (Part 2 of 3) Specification Keyword Files Used for DPCA Remarks Input Output IN/Out X Specifies that file lock is nol to be set on a lockable file at OPEN, permitting read-only access LOCK NO No X X OPTION YES No X X X Specifies an optional file PCAn symbolic label No X X X Specifies the address of partitions (1 to 7) used to subdivide a file READID YES No X X A READ, ID macro will be issued. READKEY YES No X X A READ,KEY macro will be issued. RECFORM* FIXBLK Y Y V Y Fixed-length, blocked records FXUN Y Y V V Fixed length records unblocked VARBLK V V V Y Variable-length, blocked records VARUNB Y Y V Y Variable-length records, unblocked n=number of bytes in record X X X X Specifies record size R No X X X Relative addressing T No X X X Relative addressing SAVAREA symbolic label No X X X Specifies save area for contents of general registers SEEKADR symbolic label No R R R Address of track reference field SIZE* n=percent X X X X Specifies percentage of total file allocation to be initially assigned to partition SRCHM YES No X X X Search multiple tracks. (If specified, file must be allocated on a cylinder basis.) SUBFILE YES X X X X Support division of file partitions into subfiles TRLBL YES No X X X Read or write user trailer labels when CLOSE issued to file. (Specify LABADDR also) TYPEFLE INOUT No R This file may be used as either an input file or an output file. tNPIU1 No OUTPUT No UOS* n=percent X X X X Specifies percentage of secondary allocation to be used for extending partition UPDATE YES No X X X Write records back into same location from which they were read. VARBLD )r)=genera) register X X X X Required for variable-length, blocked records that are built in output area; register contains number of bytes left in output area, VERIFY YES No RECSIZE RELATIVE - - record track Read and check standard labels for file. If file is processed sequentially, the PUT macro may not be issued for this file unless UPDATEYES has also been specified in the DTF. X Write standard labels for ths file. If file is processed sequentially, the GET macro instruction may, not be issued. R X Records are so be check-read. 15—19 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA. MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 15—3. Summary of DTFNI and DPCA Keyword Parameters (Part 3 of 3) Keyword Used for DPCA Specification Files Remarks INPUT OUTPUT X X WORKA YES Yes WRITEID YES No X WFIITEKEY YES No X IN/OUT - X Process records in work area X AWRITE,lDmacrowillbeissued X A WRITE KEY macro will be issued LEGEND: R X Y Required Optional One option required Assumed parameter * if none specified Parameter may be changed on DD job control statement. Examples of DTFNI declarative macros used to define a nonpartitioned nonindexed file and a nonindexed file containing two partitions. Example: P 1RT r 1 N A - i )ITNt - - — i i I 1 I I I I I I — 1 lZ,I L) I I I i I I i LREiAI L)IFF&, L...Ariti’6 — I I I R 1111 I I — I I — I — I I I I I I ii I I H—I I i I -I I I i iT PAR I T 1 t - 1__. )iTNt - — I — I i E I I — I — i I I I _ LL I I I .....Ll I I I - i a i — I I 1 1 1 I JJ_LJ_ ____i__. l.......L.. JJ... I •I I I I I I I .— - — — — — — — I I I ,I -I I 3LiIE=Z5V, L. I 71 1 Li PM &c F 1 ? Ec4 1 i& = I Z IB ‘C. A i’..1l 1I I — — — — ....j.........J — - I 1 i i I i i - 1 I I I Ii I I I I II I i ç. — ,-, I I I I ___)< — I .— I i i i I I I i 1_J±J_J_LL — I I I I I I I I I I I iI 1 E= 5 L...)IIIl liii i ±-7BvIpezI 71 z 1 i.eIA 1 C’ I I I IFF&1 i =7 U -II 1 tAR E 4 EI —— I I l — I 1L1 1 Ei1_EC — I I 80 L Jjj I I Lt partition of a nonindexed file. With the UOS keyword, you specify to data management what percentage of your secondary allocation of disk space to the file it is to suballocate each time the partition requires additional space. From your acquaintance with OS/3 job control, recall that you specify the number of cylinders or blocks that is to constitute the secondary allocation of disk space to. a file with the third positional parameter on the EXT job control statement of your file’s device assignment set. (To.review this statement in detail, you should refer to the job control, user guide, UP-8065 (current version).) When you have specified the UOS keyword parameter for the partition (and have not specified a zero increment in your EXT.job control statement), and the partition requires more space, data managementwill. automatically suballocate to it the number of additional tracks that is equivalent to the amountof storage.specifiedby the UOS keyword. This amount is designated the unit of store; the same amount is used each time the partition needs extension. Data management keeps a record of suballocation information developed for all partitions in the format 2 label associated with the file (Appendix D). Data management learns of the need to extend a file imperative macros (PUT or WRITE) references a maximum relative block address data management partition. Data management acts automatically to several points you should keep in mind. partiton each time one of your output block that lies beyond the current maintains in the PCA table for the extend the partition,. but there are One point is that.you.must have specified.. the UOS keyword parameter in the first place; if you omit it no extension can be made A second point is that file partitions will not be extended beyond the volumes on which the file resides Furthermore if after extending your partition by one unit of store data management finds that the requested block still lies beyond the new maximum relative block address, it sets the invalid ID flag (byte 0, bit 1) in filenameC and transfers control to.your error routine (or to you inline if you have no error routine). Data management takes the same action if there is no space available on the disk to extend the partition or if you have not specified the UOS keyword. Finally, a unit of store specification greater than 100% is not valid. Keyword Parameter UOS: UOSn Specifies as the unit of store the percentage of secondary disk storage allocation for the file that data management is to suballocate to the partition being defined each time it requires more space. The value of n, which is the specified percentage, may not exceed 100. Secondary storage allocation is specified in the EXT job control statement in the device assignment set for the file .. . SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 15-54 Used with DPCA. declarative macro or with DTFNI macro defining first (or only) partition of a nonindexed file. Not used with DTFDA or DTFSD macro. If omitted, or if a zerosecondary storage allocation is specified in EXT job control statement, no extension will be made. 15 6 31 Specifying Update Processing Mode for Sequential Files (UPDATE) The UPDATE keyword parameters is used with the DTFSD and DTFNI macros. f —* You will recall from the discussion of the TYPEFLE keyword parameter that when you have specified TYPEFLE=INPUT, you define a read-Only file and may not issue an output imperative macro to it unless you have also specified UPDATEYES (15.6.29). When, therefore, you have an inputfile defined bya DTFSD macro, or an input file defined by the DTFNI macro that is to be processed sequentially and you want to update your data records, you specify UPDATE=YES to make this possible. Only then may you retrieve your records with the GET imperative macro and, modifying them if you need to, rewrite them to disc with the PUT macro. (The UPDATE=YES specification is also accepted in your DTF for sequentially processed files you have defined as TYPEFLEINOUT, although you do not need to use it for this 2-way type of file.) Another point worth remembering is that the UPDATE keyword parameter, unlike the TYPEFLE keyword, has nothing to do with your mode of label processing; its use affects only your mode of data record processing in sequential input files. Keyword Parameter UPDATE: UPDATE=YES Used only with DTFSD macro or DTFNI macro defining sequentially processed files and only when you have specified TYPEFLE=lN PUT or TYPEFLEIN OUT for these files When used specifies that sequential output function (PUT macro) may be issued to update data records in file Unrelated to label processing If omitted from DTF for a sequentially processed input file (TYPEFLE=INPUT); you may not issue an outpUt function to the file. 15.6.32. Specifying Register for Residual Space, Variable Records (VARBLD) When you are outputting variable-length, blocked records to a sequentially processed disk file, and you are building these in an I/O area without a work area, you must specify the VARBLD keyword parameter. Data management uses the general register you specify with this keyword to inform you of the number of bytes of residual space remaining in the I/O area after the execution of each PUT macroinstruction you issue. Before you issue your next PUT macro, you must test whether there is enough space left to accommodate the next record. If there is not, you must issue a TRUNC macro to write out the current block. (These procedures are detailed in and 15.7.10.) UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-55 The VARBLD keyword parameter is nOt supported by the DTFDA macro because the blocked record formats may not be specified for DTFDA files; you may specify the keyword for sequentially processed output files or partitions defined by the DTFSD, DTFNI, or DPCA declarative macros. Keyword Parameter VARBLD: VARBLD=(r) Specifies a general register into which data management loads the number of bytes remaining in the I/O area after each execution of a PUT macroinstruction to a sequentially processed output file containing blocked, variable-length records, where r is the number of the register and must be enclosed in parentheses. Supported for DTFSD, DTFNI, and DPCA macros; not supported for DTFDA macro. Value of r may range from 2 through 12, but register 13 may also be used if SAVAREA keyword has also been specified. When you are building variable-length blocked records in an I/O area for output to a sequentially processed file, without a work area, you must access the VARBLD register to test whether enough space remains in the area for the next record before issuing your next PUT macro. You issue a TRUNC macro when it does not. See and 15.7.10. 1 56.33. Specifying Parity Check Verification of Output (VERIFY) When you want data management to make a parity check of your data records or blocks after it has written each of them to disk, you must specify the optional VERIFY keyword parameter. Verification necessarily increases execution time for the output commands involved (PUT or WRITE macroinstruction). If. a parity check is conducted and reveals an error, data management normally sets the output parity check error flag (byte 2, bit 2) in filenameC and transfers control to your error routine, if you have specified one, or to you inline (Appendix B). You may specify the VERIFY keyword parameter with the DTFSD, DTFDA, and DTFNI macros; it is not supported by the DPCA macro. Keyword Parameter VERIFY: VERIFY=YES Specifies that data management is to conduct a parity check of output blocks or records after writing them to disk. Parity check verification necessarily increases execution time for PUT or WRITE macro. Optional for DTFSD, DTFDA, and DTFNI files; not supported for DPCA macro. If omitted, no verification is performed; however, data management may detect an output parity check error by other means. You may direct data management to take certain actions with the ERROPT keyword parameter (15.6.5). SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 15.6.34. 15-56 Specifying Sequential Processing in a Work Area (WORKA) When you are going to process input or output records sequentially in a work area rather than in the I/O area, you indicate this to data management by specifying the WORKA keyword parameter in the DTF. This keyword is supported for the DTFSD declarative macro and for sequentially processed files or partitions defined by the DTFSD declarative macro and for sequentially processed files or partitions defined by the DTFNI or DPCA macro; it is not specified for the DTFDA macro. You specify the address of the work area in the second positional parameter of each PUT or GET macro you issue to the file (15.7.9 and 15.7.12). When you use a work area and therefore specify the WORKA keyword, you must not specify the LOREG keyword parameter in your DTF (15.6.11). Keyword Parameter WORKA: WORKA=YES Specifies to data management that you will be processing input or output records sequentially in a work area and not in the I/O area. Supported for DTFSD macro and sequentially processed files or partitions defined by DTFNI or DPCA macros; not supported for DTFDA files, Do not specify IOREG keyword parameter when you specify the WORKA keyword. Address of work area is specified with each issue of GET and PUT macro. 15.6.35. Specifying Issue of WRITE,ID Macro (WRITEID) When you are processing a DTFDA file or randomly processing a DTFNI file and will issue the WRITE,lD form of the WRITE imperative macro to locate an output block by means of its relative disk address or ID, you must notify data management by specifying the WRITEID keyword parameter in your DTF. (This use of the WRITE macro is detailed in 15.7,11.4.) Keyword Parameter WRITEID: WRITEI D=YES Specifies that you will issue a WRITE,ID macro to the randomly processed file defined by this DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macro to locate an output block by its relative disk address (ID). Not supported for DTFSD files. See for the WRITE,lD macro. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 156.36. 15—57 Specifying Issue of WRITE,KEY Macro (WRITEKEY) When you are processing a DTFDA file or randomly processing a DTFNI file and will issue the WRITE,KEY form of the WRITE imperative macro to rewrite or update a block just read by the READ,KEY macro, you must notifydata management by specifying the WRITEKEY keyword parameter inyour DTF. (These uses of the WRITE and READ macros are detailed in and Keyword Parameter WRITEKEY: WRITEKEY=YES Specifies that you will issue a WRITE,KEY imperative macro to the randomly processed file defined by this DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macro to rewrite a block just retrieved by the READ,KEY macro. Not supported for DTFSD files. See 15 7 11 5 for the WRITE KEY macro 157 142 for the READ KEY macro 1 5.6.37 Nonstandard Forms of the Keyword Parameters In order to minimize any recoding you may need to revise programs previously prepared to run under other data management systems, OS/3 data management accepts certain variant spellings for the keyword parameters described in this section. The nonstandard forms of these keywords listed alphabetically are as follows Nonstandard Spelling OS/3 Standard Form Nonstandard Spelling OS/3 Standard Form AFTR AFTER RDID READID BKSZ BLKSIZE RDKY READKEY EOFA EOFADDR REL RELATIVE ERRO ER ROPT SKAD S EEKADR lOAl IOAREA1 SRCM SRCHM 10A2 IOAREA2 TYPF TYPEFLE IORG IOREG UPDT UPDATE KARG KEYARG VBLD VARBLD KLEN KEYLEN VRFY VERIFY LBAD LABADDR WRI D WRITEID RCFM RECFORM WRKY WRITEKEY RCSZ RECSIZE WORK WORKA Table 15—7 summarizes nonindexed file declarative macro keyword parameters. 15—58 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 15—7. Summary of Al! Declarative Macro Keyword Parameters Used With the Nonindexed File Processor System (Part 1 of 2) Keyword Parameter Keyword Specification ACCESS Used to Specify or define DTFSD DTFDA D1FNI DPCA EXC x x x — EXCR x x x SRD X X X SRDO X X X X )( — R R R Length of I/O buffer X X Address of end-of-file/partition routine — This DTF: read/update/add use Other jobs: no access This DTF: read/update/add use Other jobs: read use This DTF: read use Other jobs: read/update/add use — This DTF: read use Other jobs: read use IssueofWRITE,AFTERorWRITE,RZEROmacro AFTER YES BLKSIZE n R EOFADDR symbol R ERROPT IGNORE Availability of record in I/O area despite parity error SKIP Bypass input record or ignore output record despite parity error — ERROR symbol IDLOC symbol IOAREA1 symbol R IOAREA2 symbol X (r) X OREG 1’ Declarative Macros X — - X X X R R R Address of primary I/O buffer X X Address of secondary I/O buffer x x I/O buffer index register x X X Address of field containing key search argument X X X Length of key Lace factor for record interlace operations — — — — KEYARG symbol KEYLEN n LACE n X X X X LABADDR symbol x x x — LOCK NO X x x — OPTION YES X PCA(n) symbol READID YES READKEY YES RECFORM FIXUNB — — — — VARUNB FIXBLK VARBLK X X X X RECSIZE n X RELATIVE R T — Address of user error routine X — — X X — — Define field for next available record address Address of user header/trailer label processing routine Specifies that file lock is not to be set on a lockable file at OPEN Optional file for input Partition address, where n Issue of READ, ID macro X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Format of data records X X Record size — — — X X X X — — — — = Issue of READ, KEY macro Relative addressing method 15—59 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 15—7. Summary of All Declarative Macro Keyword Parameters Used With the Nonindexed File Processor System (Part 2 of 2) Keyword Parameter Keyword Specification Declarative Macros Used to Specify or define .. SAVAREA symbol SEEKADR symbol SIZE n SRCHM YES SUBFILE YES TRLBL TYPEFLE DTFSD DTFDA DTFNI X X X R R — — — — X X Address of register save area — X X Address of seek address field Percent of total file allocation to be initially assigned to partition Multi-track search for key X X Support of subfiles X X — Support trailer labels X X X X X — — YES X INPUT OUTPUT INOUT X X X — X UOS n UPDATE YES X VARBLD (r) X VERIFY YES X WORKA YES X WRITEID YES X X WRITEKEY YES X X — DPCA — — — X — X X X X — Define file type and mode of label processing — — X — X — X — — Secondary allocation Update of sequential input file Count of residual I/O buffer space for VARBLK file Read/check of output recOrds to be performed Sequential processing in work area lssueofWRlTE,lDmacro Issue of WRITE, KEY macro LEGEND: X R — Optional Required Not supported Assumed specification if keyword not specified = = = — 15.7. IMPERATIVE MACROS FOR NONINDEXED DISK FILES You inform the nonindexed file processor system of the distinct operations that data management is to perform on your files and partitions by including the appropriate file processing imperative macroinstructions in your program. There are 18 of these Imperative macros available to you for processing your nonindexed files and partitions Table 1 5—8 summarizes their functions The paragraphs following the table describe the imperativemacros in detail; the macro descriptions are arranged in four groups, according to the file processing functions involved: R Initialization and Termination Macros: OPEN CLOSE 4r UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-60 LBRET S ETP SETS POINTS FEOV SETF • Creation Addition and Updating Macros PUT TRUNC WRITE • Retrieval Macros: GET RELSE READ • Validation and Positioning Macros: CNTRL WAITE NOTE POINT Before. issuing an imperative macro to an OS/3 data management file, you must provide, a 72-byte save area full-word aligned into which data management expects to place the contents of your registers. You may load general register 13 in your program, or use the SAVAREA DTF keyword parameter to specify the address of the register save area. (See 15623) SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 15—8. 15—6L Summary of Imperative Macroinstructions for Processing Nonindexed Disk Files 4, May be issued to Secondary Operands* Macro OPEN C LOSE — LBRET None SETP partition-name SETS subfile-number POINTS REOV — DTFSD Files X X X X File or partition termination X X X Creating, retrieving, andupdating standard user header and trailer labels — — X Select partition for subsequent processing — — — — X — INPUT OUTPUT UPDATE X PUT workarea X TRUNC — RZERO — AFTER — AFTER, EOF GET RE LSE READ workarea X X — ID — KEY CNTRL WAITF NOTE POINT -SEEK — — -- X. — — X - X -, - Select subfile or terminate current subfile creation X Initialize to first block of file or partition X Terminate processing of current volume X Set processing direction for type INOUT file X Record-level output, sequential mode X Terminate output processing of current block X Block level output by relative address X - Block-level output by direct write X X Track initialization X X Write current block in next sequential position in file X X Record end-of-dat ID in DTF and format 2 label X Record-level retrieval, sequential mode X Terminate input processing of current block X X Block level retrieval by relative address X X Block-level retrieval by key — — X X — — — — — — — address-field X — — KEY File or partitioriinitializatioñ — X ID Remarks DTFNI Files X: SETF WRITE DTFDA Files Seektocurrenttrackortotràck-indicatedbySEEKADR X Wait on I/O ornIetion;required after READ or WRITE X Access current relative block address X Position file to relative block address in address-field *Except for the LBR ET macro, filename is assumed for operand-i; operands listed are secondary. 15-62 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OPEN 157.1. Opening a Disk File (OPEN) You will use the OPEN imperative macro to open a disk file defined by the appropriate DTF macro instruction ifl order to initialize it (and Its partitions If any) before It may be accessed by the logical IOCS processor. The OPEN macro instruction calls the appropriate transient routines to perform the following functions • validating and completing the file or partition tables • validating or creating system standard labels; and • reading or writing user standard header labels. If yói define a DTFNI file to have more than one partition (by specifying two or more PCA keyword parameters and by coding the necessary DPCA declarative macros), you initialize all partitions by issuing an OPEN macro for the file. This is the format of the OPEN macro LABEL [name] L OPERATION t2 OPEN OPERAND filename 1 (1) 1 [, ,filename n] Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of one or more corresponding DTF declarative macroinstructions in your program You may have as many as 1 6 files opened (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTF filetable (You use (1) or 1 as the operand only when you have a single DTF) 15-63 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 CLOSE 15.7.2. Closing a Disk File (CLOSE) After you have completed your processing of a disk file, you must issue the CLOSE macro to check that all your I/O orders have actually been completed and to read or write the system standard and optional standard trailer labels: in other words,to terminate the file. Once you have terminated a file with the CLOSE macro (which calls a transient routine to perform all of these functions), you cannot access it again unless you issue another OPEN macro. An important point to note is that you do not terminate file partitions separately; once you have done with all the partitions of a file you Intend to process you terminate operations by issuing one CLOSE macro for the file that contains them (For this reason the partition name never appears as an operand ofthe CLOSE macro.) The format of the CLOSE macro is: LABEL [name] LOPERATION1S CLOSE OPERAND filename-i [,...,filename-ni (1) 1 *AL L The three basic ways to code the CLOSE macro involve the use of symbolic addresses in the operand. Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the DTF declarative macro in your program; there may be 1 or as many as 16 files named. (1) or 1 Specifies that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTF file table. You may use (1) or 1 when you have only one file to terminate. *ALL Specifies that all files currently open in the job step are to be closed. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-64 LBRET 15.73. Processing Optional User Labels (LBRET) You will use the imperative macroLBRET in your label processing routine(whose symbolic address is specified to data management via the LABADDR keyword parameter of your DTF) to create,: retrieve, or retrieve and update optional user header or trailer labels. Note that LBRET is the only data management rriacio your label processing routine may issue. The maximum number of each type of label ybu may process is eight. When your LABADDR routine receives contiol 1 data management wilIhave loaded general register 1 with the ad.dress of the I/O buffer for use in processing input and outputUHLs and UTLs. You must always use register 1, even though you may have specified only one buffer with the IOAREA1 keyword; it is not possible to use a work area for processing user labels. Your LABADDR routine is accessed when the file is opened and again when it is closed; register 0 contains the EBCDIC alphabetic character 0 in its least significant byte when the file is opened and the character F when it is closed. Your LABADDR routine should be coded to access register 0 and to process your header labels when the register contains 0 and your trailer labels when it contains F. Another point to remember is that user header/trailer labels if you have them at all are maintained at the file level only; data management does not maintain them at the partition level. (For this reason, there is no LABADDR keyword parameter in the DPCA declarative macro.) The format of the LBRET macro is as follows: LABEL [name] £OPERATIONi LBRET OPERAND (1 where: 1 Does not write or read a label; returns control to your program at the next instruction after the OPEN or CLOSE macroinstruction. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 16-65 2 Writes a label to an output file or reads a label from an input file; then returns control inline to your program at the next instruction after the LBRET 2 macroinstruction. 3 Writes back to diskthe label just read and returns contro[to your program inline at the next instruction after the LBRET 3 macroinstruction. TYPEFLE=INOUT must be specified in your DTF declarative mãcroinstrüction, or the file processing direction reset for update processing with the SETF macroinstruction. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-66 Creating Optional User Labels Your LABADDR label-creating routine delivers your standard user header or trailer labels to data management one at a time, up to the maximum of eight. Data management will write each label to the disk file. If you have specified LBRET 2, it will return control to your label routine after each label has been written, until the eighth label has been written to disk. Then data management will transfer control to you inline. If you are creating user labels, control returns to you at the instruction next after the OPEN macro call by which you initially opened the file for processing. If you are creating user trailer labels, of course, data management returns control to you inline at the instruction next after the CLOSE macro call by which you are terminating your processing of the file. (Remember that reading or writing optional user trailer labels is one of the functions performed by the CLOSE macro.) Remember also where labels are written: s User header labels are written by the LBRET macro on the first track of each volume of a DTFSD file, and on the first track of the first volume of a DTFDA or DTFNI file. They are 80 bytes long; their simple format is shown in 14.2.4. ‘ User trailer labels are written on the first track of each volume of a DTFSD file and on the first track of the first volume of a DTFDA or DTFNI file, following your user header labels. Their format and content are similar to those of the user header label and are also shown in 14.2.4. When you have fewer than eight user labels of either type to create, you issue LBRET 1 when you have created the last one. After it has written the last label to your disk file, data management will return control to your program at the instruction next inline after your OPEN macro call. UP-8068 Rev. 4 15.73.2. 15-67 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Retrieving or Updating User Labeis If YOU need to retrieve your user labels for updating or other label processing, you will specify in the DTF the type of label processing you intend to perform (TYPEFLE=INPUT or TYPEFLE=INOUT), specify. TRLBL=YES if you are going to process user trailer labels, specify the address of your label processing routihé (LABADDR), and open the file with the OPEN imperative macro. (You do not use the UPDATE keyword parameter of the DTF; this is not related to label processing but affects data I/O) When the file is opened data management will deliver your user header and trailer labels one at a time to your LABADDR routine either until all existing user labels have been passed to you, or Until you specify that you need no more, by issUing LBRET1. Your label routine processes each label delivered by data management and then returns control to data management by issuing the LBRET macro with 1 2 or 3 for the positional para meter If you want to terminate label processing short of the maximum (eight standérd user labels of each type), you issue LBRET 1 when you need no more (this implies, of course, that you keep track) Data management then transfers control to you inline to the instruction next after your OPEN macro call When you are processing all your labels (but not updating them), you issue LBRET 2. Data management will retrieve the next label and pass itto your LABADDR routine. It will continue to do so until there are no more to process then after you have processed the last label, data management automatically transfers control to the next instructiOn after your OPEN macro call. When you are updating your user header and trailer labels, you issue LB management will update the label just read writing the new label to disk * theold. i Here, data the plaDe of UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRYUNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-68 SETP 15 7 4 Accessing a Selected File Partition (SETP) When you open a multipartitioned DTFNI file for processing the only one of its partitions that you may then access is PCA1, the partition defined in the DTF itself. All partitons of the file are initialized when you issue an OPEN macro for the file, but only partition 1 set active you cannot access any partition other than this first one with the OPEN macro alone To select another partition of the opened file you need the SETP macro The. SETP macro acts to select thern new partition, but it is important to remember that it positions you for processing this partition at Its current position that is at the next accessible block after the point at which you were last processing. If you want to begin at some other point, you will need to issue additonal macros, for example, SETS (15.7.5), POINTS (15.7.6), or POINT (15.7.18). Once you have accessed a partition with the SETP macro all subsequent processing continues on the selected partition until you issue another SETP macro All other imperative macros with which you may process within a partition (POINT, POINTS, SETS, and NOTE) depend on you to select the proper partition before calling them. This is the format of the SETP macro notice that have a partition name in the operand LABEL [name] tOPERATiONIi SETP it is the only imperative macro that may OPERAND (filename) (partition name (1) 1 Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the DTFNI declarative macro that describes the already-opened file of which partition-name is part. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFNI file table. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-69 Positional Parameter 2: partition-name Is the label of the partition control appendage (PCA1—7) that denotes the partition you want to access. (This is, of course, the same thing as the label of the corresponding DPCA declarative macro for PCA2—7 and the label assigned to the partition defined by PCA1 within the DTFNI macro.) (0) or 0 Indicates that you have preloaded register 0 with the address of the partition table defined by the DTFNI keyword (PCA1—7) that describes the partition you want to access Each DTFNI file table maintains the address of the partition that is currently active; when you issue a SETP macro, data management modifies this current partition address to indicate which partition you have selected to be active for subsequent file accesses (When you close the file you have no further access to the file until you initialize it again with a subsequent OPEN macro, which once more sets PCA1 active.) If you have specified an index register (via the IOREG keyword parameter of your DTF), each SETP macroyou issue will cause the index régistér té be loaded for the partition you are accessing (During the opening of a multipartitioned file only the index register for PCA1 will have been loaded) 15-70 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 SETS 15 7 5 Processing Subfiles within a Partition (SETS) Within each partition of a DTFNI file, you may establish as many as 71 subfiles. Subfiles must be created sequentially, but you may access them at random for data retrieval. If you intend to use subfiles in the first partition (PCA1) of a DTFNI file you specs ihe SUBFILE keyword parameter in the DTF data management reserves one track of the first volume of the file for maintenance of a subfile table Similarly if you want subfiles supported for any of the subsequent partitions, you specify the SUBFILE keyword parameter in the DPCA declarative macros describing these partitions. Once you have selected the partition to be subdivided the SETS imperative macro is the one that provides you with the ability to create and subsequently retrieve the data in the partition subfiles This is its format LABEL [name] 1OPERATiONL SETS OPERAND (filename (subfile-no. (0) (1) ) (0 (1 Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the DTFNI macroinstruction describing the file to which the subdivided partition belongs. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the DTF file table. Positional Parameter 2: subfile-no Is the decimal integer number of the subfile (1 through 71) to be referenced. (0) or 0 Indicates that register 0 has been preloaded with the subfile number. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15—71 The reason that the partition name does not appear in the operand is that the SETS macro expects that you have already selected the partition you want, by issuing an appropriate SETP macro before calling it. If you have not done so, or if the SETP macro you issue is for the wrong file or partition, data management sets the invalid subflle bit (byte 3, bit 3) in the error flag field of the DTFNI file table, referenced as filenameC (Appendix B). You should check this bit whenever you issue a SETS macroinstruction. What the SETS macro does is to maintain a partition-relative subfile table on the track of the first volume of the file that you reserved by specifying SUBFILE keyword parameter in the DTFNI or DPCA macro (This is either the first track on the volume or when optional user labels are present, the first track after the user label track.) Data management uses this table to keep track of the start of each subfile: the address of the record that starts it. No record is kept by data management of the end of a subfile; unless you keep track yourself of the record with which it ends it is possible to process through a subfile to the end of the partition or logical EOF. The subfile table is not available for you to access, but you may examine it in a disk print taken with the system utility (SU) symbiont. To know its contents may help you visualize what the SETS macro is doing for you when you create or retrieve subfile records There is one 6byte entry in the table for each subfile, consisting of the relative block address of the record at the start of the subfile and, if the records are in blocked format, its displacement into the block. When you are creating a subfile, you issue a SETS macro to insert the address of the next available block or record as an entry in the subfile table. (Remember that you are creating subfiles sequentially, although you may retrieve the subfiles at random.) During retrieval, the SETS macro you issue moves the table entry for the subfile you have selected to the current relative address field of the DTFNI or DPCA file table; the file may then be processed between the limits of the current relative address of the start of the subfile and the logical end of the file or partition. This séléctive positioning of a file for subfile processing is a useful ability to keep in mind. For creation of subfiles (output), the SETS macro must be issued following the output of the last record to each subfile. SETS for output indicates termination of the subfile. For retrieval of subfiles (input), the SETS macro should be issued prior to the first GET of a subfile record SETS for input initializes processing to the start of a subfile UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-72 POINTS 15,7,6. Initializing Position of a File or Partition (POINTS) When you are processing within a file partition and want to get back to the start of it (that is, to reset the current relative block address from its present value to the partition-relative address of the first block of the same partition), you will use the POINTS macro that is designed to do just this. When you want to change partitions, you must first issue a SETP macro (15.7.4) to select the new partition, and then issue the POINTS macro to get to the beginning of that: POINTS initializes the relative block address of the current partition. This is the format of the POINTS imperative macro: LABEL OPE RAND L OPERATIONi [name] POINTS (filename (1) (i ‘ I Positional Parameter 1 filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFNI macroinstruction in your program. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the DTFNI file table. LABEL AOPERATION 10 I. 2. I I I I I I I IIi..1I i A I i OPERAND 16 . I I ; 1 •T” .J t I fP e 1 ’’’cI.3 I ’r’Q ,1’1A L 1_I (‘I ) 1 I I I p I I I I I 15-73 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 FEOV 15.7.7. Forcing End-of-Volume Procedures (FEOV) When you are processing a DTFSD file for input or output, and want to discontinue short of the actual end of this volume and to begin processing the next, you issue the FEOV imperative macro. This macro initiates end-of-volume (EOV) procedures on the current volume, which is closed just as if the actual EOV had been reached. Volume swapping is performed, and your next GET or PUT macroinstruction continues processing on the next sequential volume. The FEOV macro may be used only for DTFSD files; these have only one volume mounted at a time. It may not be used for sequentially processed files described by the declarative macro because all volumes are always online, and there is no “current volume” in the sense used here. When you are processing sequential blocked input files and need to skip over the records remaining in a block in order to resume with the next block of the same volume, a different macro, RELSE, is available (15,7.13). This is the format of the FEOV macro: LABEL /OPERATIONt\ FEOV [name] OPERAND (filename (1) (i Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFSD macroinstruction in the program. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFSD file table. Example: I[1 I LABEL LOPERATIONL - 10 - OPERAND 16 II1E(b’%ff, 1 F IJI’ 1 F i._IE ..4 1 Treats the file described by the DTFSD macroinstruction, whose label is INFILE, as if logical end-of-volume address had been accessed. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-74 SETF 15.7.8. Setting File Processing Mode (SETF) The SETF macroinstruction enables you to set the processing direction(change the type of file) for DTFSD files, or sequentially processed DTFNI files, described by the keyword parameter TYPEFLE=INOUT. You should not issue the SETF macro during your file processing; it should, instead, be issued between your terminating file processing (with the CLOSE macro) and your opening it again, or before the OPEN issued to the file at the start of your program. This is the format of the SETF macro: LABEL [name] iOPERATIONIs SETF OPERAND (filename) (INPUT OUTPUT (i ) (uPDATE , Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the DTFSD or DTFNI macroinstruction that defines the INOUT file. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the DTFSD or DTFNI file table describing the INOUT file. Positional Parameter 2: INPUT Indicates that the INOUT file is to be set for input processing, without updating. OUTPUT Indicates that the INOUT file is to be set for output processing. UP DATE Indicates that the INOUT file is to be set for input processing, with updating. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 5--75 PUT 15.7.9. Output of Sequential Disk Files (PUT) You will use the PUT imperative macro to create, extend, or update disk files processed sequentially. These are either files defined by the DTFSD declarative macroinstruction (15.5.1) or those files and partitions defined by the DTFNI and DPCA declarative macros (15.5.3 and 15.5.4). Essentially, the PUT macro handles record-level output for sequential files in either of two ways. It delivers an output record to data management in the current output area, if you are processing in IOAREA1 or IOAREA2. But, if you are building your output records in a work area (specifying WORKA=YES), the PUT macro delivers these to data management for writing to disk directly from there. Either way, the record is no longer available to you, once delivered. If your output records are unblocked, they are delivered singly to disk; if your records are to be blocked, data management handles blocking automatically for you from the work area. You must take care of blocking for variable-length blocks constructed in an I/O area, however, and you may optionally write out short blocks of fixed-length records. Both of these actions are easily accomplished: see and the TRUNC imperative macro (15.7i0). When your output records are blocked, or when you have specified a standby I/O area (IOAREA2) but no work area, you must supply an index register via the IOREG keyword parameter of your DTF or DPCA macro so that data management has a place to put the starting address of the current record position in the output area (15.6.11). You do not do this when building records in a work area, because you specify its address every time you issue the PUT macro And if you are processing unblocked records in a single I/O area (IOAREA1), you may reference these directly by means of the name you have assigned to the area and do not need an index register. An important point to remember is that, after data management writes the current output data to disk from the output or work area, it does not clear these areas. You must be careful either to clear the area yourself, or always to supply records padded with blanks if necessary which completely fill out the work area or I/O area. Otherwise, spurious characters left over from previous records may appear in your output data. When you are processing in a work area, it is freed for subsequent processing (but not cleared) each time data management moves an output record from there. into the I/O area for you. — — Sequentially processed DTFNI files with keys may also be easily output with the PUT macro see 15795 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 15-76 This is the format of the PUT macro: LABEL [name] AOPERATiON1 PUT OPERAND fiIename {1 } workarea [,{O Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFSD or DTFNI macroinstruction that defines the output file (1)orl Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTF file table. Positional Parameter 2 workarea Is the label of the work area from which the output record may be obtained (O)orO Indicates that register 0 has been preloaded with the address of the work area If omitted indicates that you have chosen to reference the current record either by means or a register (IOREG keyword parameter) or by directly accessing the data relative to the name you have assigned to IOAREA1 You may use the latter method only for unblocked records processed in a single I/O area NO TE: When the work area is used the keyword parameter WORKAYES must be present in the DTF statement 15 7 9 1 Creating a Sequential Disk File The PUT macro gives you the ability tà create a new disk file and then to process it sequentially: this amounts to using the disk file as a work file. You use the same DTF file table to describe the file when you create it and when you process it; sUch a file may be defined by a DTFSD or DTFNI declarative macro (15.5.1 or 15.5.3). The procedure is as follows: 1. Define the file, specifying the DTF keyword parameter TYPEFLEINOUT among the other parameters you need. UP-8068 Rev. 4 2. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-77 Open the file for output, using the OPEN macroinstruction (15.7.1); then create the file, using the PUT macro to write your records to disk. - 3. Close the file, using the CLOSE macroinstruction (15.7.2). 4. Issuing the SETF macroinstruction (15.7.8), INPUT or UPDATE. 5. Reopen the file. 6. Retrieve your records sequentially, via the GET macroinstruction (15.7.12), or optionally, update them with pairs of GET and PUT macros (15.7.9). It is important to remember that when you update with the PUT macro, you may never change the record length. 7. Close the file. reset the file processing direction to The following coding example shows how you might do this for a file with the logical name INVNTRY. Once created as a TYPEFLE=INOUT file, the file is closed; after you reset the file processing direction to UPDATE, you reopen and update it by issuing paired GET and PUT macros to retrieve records and write them to disk. Example LABEL A0PERATI0NA 10 16 1 I. OPERAND I — JLJLJL I I - 2. I I - I — I lit I I 1 t i — liii Iii I I I I I — - - — I lii — — ‘I I lilt I a — — I II Ii’t I I .[1%.JI’/I,bLrfI’1I — ill I I I It I I I I I i — 1111111 i — — I i I I i I I I I I I II li I II I I iii I I I III — l I liii I aitilit I I - — ii 5. L2 I I Iii .!.iL.. i’’ 1 E IE F T 1 rPEi.t — ._ i I I I I I II — — 1 I I I clL_L I i ii I IiI.1i.1t.1i1t’I I I I_ I I I I OPERAND LOPERATlONt LABEL 1 16 10 ecr _1_ I III I I i i I i i — I I — I I -r. 15-78 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 i i — — i I 1 I’i I — 1 I I I ii i — ii I 1’ 1 IL.J I I- Ii I ii — — I I I I I I I I ii I I .1.1..... I I I II I II I I I I I I Ii I I I I 1 Other DTF keyword parameters including required keywords not pertinent to the example, are not shown. 2. Must be INOUT file 3. Other parameters are not shown. 4. Creating file, using disk as work file 5. Now reset file processing direction to update and reopen file 6. Issuing paired GET/PUT macros to retrieve records, update them, and rewrite to disk. 7. Terminate file; cannot be accessed until reopened. Updating and Extending an Existing Disk File Processed Sequentially plus 1 is the relative block number of the last data block The logical end of a disk file its end file the as of label 2 recorded by data management in the DTF and in the format of-data (EOD) address. (See D.3.2.) In a DTFSD file, this address is also called the logical end-of-file (EOF) address. No EOF sentinel or other flag is recorded in the data area of the file to mark this point, and there is no data record in the block at the EOD address. — — When you are sequentially processing a nonindexed disk file in an update mode (that is, you have specified UPDATE=YES in the DTFSD or DTFNI declarative macro), you may extend the file beyond its Current EOF record by the following procedure, which you will include in your end-of-file routine. (When you issue a GET macro and an end-of-file condition is detected, control returns to you at the address specified by your EOFADDR parameter in the DTF. You may not extend a file beyond its current volume by this means, but see 1. Issuing a GET macro, you place the record to be added to the file in the I/O area (IOAREA 1 or 2) or in the work area you have specified. 2. Issue a PUT macro, which causes the new record to be added. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-79 3. Issue another GET macro and follow it by a PUT macro; this will output the next record to be added to the file. 4. Terminate the file by issuing a CLOSE macro when you have completed all your additions to it (15.7.2). An important point to remember is that you must have anticipated the eventual need to extend this file and provided for extension by the appropriate job control statements issued at the time you originally created it. Extension is done automatically for you by data management through the disk space management routines of the OS/3 supervisor; you never need to call the supervisor EXTEND macro in your program. Another point to remember is that you must not issue two PUT macros in succession in the update mode; this will be flagged as an invaild macro sequence (byte 0, bit 6 of filenameC (Appendix B)). Extending an Existing DTFSD Output File Extending a sequential file within your EOFADDR routine is discussed in You have another means available for extending an existing sequential file: processing it in the output mode (that is, by specifying TYPEFLEOUTPUT in the DTFSD declarative macro, or resetting the direction of file processing to OUTPUT with the SETF imperative macro (15.7.8)). This procedure also requires that you issue appropriate job control statements, which are discussed in what follows. First, the current last volume of the file is mounted; for a disk file described by the DTFSD declarative macro, this is always a specific volume because only one volume is mounted at a time. (All volumes of a DTFNI file, processed sequentially or not, are always online.) When you issue an OPEN macro for the file, if you have specified the appropriate job control statements 1 data management will position the file to itscurrent logical end-of-file (EOF) address. You then issue the PUT macros necessary to add records beyond the current logical EOF. If you need them, allocate additional disk volumes to the file, and you may continue to extend it beyond its current last volume to subsequent volumes. The OS/3 job control statements you need to specify to extend a sequential disk file by this method are discussed in detail in the job control user guide, UP-8065 (current version) Briefly what you need in your device assignment set is an LED statement that contains the logical name of your file (the name by which your program references it)and indicates by an EXTEND (third positional parameter) that the extend mode of processing is to take place: the sequential file will be extended by appending the new records to the present end of the file. It is important for you to remember that all LED names within a job step must be unique; if more than one file is given in the same name, only the last one to be specified is available for any operation including extension by this method. — UP8O68 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 5-80 Output of. Blocked Records, Sequential Disk Files As you are forming variable-length records for output to a sequentially processed disk file via the PUT macro, you will be determining the length of each record and placing this information in the first two bytes of the 4-byte record descriptor word (RDW), at the head of each record (14.3.2>. This information is contained within the record and is always in the I/O area whenever the record is. When you are outputting variable-length blocked records from an I/O area to disk and are not using a workarea, you must test whether the next record will fit into the remaining space in the I/O area before you issue the PUT macroinstruction for it. Data management informs you of the amount of space remaining in the I/O area after each variable-length record is moved in by a PUT macro; it does so by placing the number of bytes of residual space into the general register you have specified (via the VARBLD keyword parameter of the DTFSD or DTFNI macro or the DPCA macro (11.6.34). If you find that the next record will fit, add it to the current block with the PUT macro. If you find that it will not, you instead issue a TRUNC macro to write out the current block to disk and free the entire I/O area for building the next (15.7,10). Data management will calculate the block size and will enter it into the first two bytes of the 4-byte block descriptor word (BDW), as explained in 14.3.2, before writing the block to disc. On the other hand, when you are forming your variable-length blocked records in a work area, each PUT macro you issue causes data management to test whether the record it moves will fit into the I/O area. If it will, it is added to the block currently being built; if it will not fit, data management first writes out the current block and then starts a new block with the current record., Output of Sequential DTFNI Files With Keys Files defined by the DTFNI declarative macro and processed sequentially may have a key associated with each block of data. Before you issue a PUT macro to output such a block to disk, you must place this key at the head of the block (just as you would before issuing a WRITE macro with an ID positional parameter for direct access method output of blocks with keys). When you issue the PUT macro, data management will write the key and data portion of the block to disc. Subsequent sequential retrieval of blocks having keys (via the GET macro) will, similarly, cause transfer of both the key and data. Remember that data management will perform the normal blocking and deblocking for DTFNI files processed sequentially. Another point to remember is that, when you are creating or updating nonindexed files with keys using the PUT macro you must specify the key length via the KEYLEN keyword parameter of the DTFNI or DPCA macroinstruction (1 5.6.13). UP-8068 Rev: 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-81 Optional Sequential Output Files When you have a program that you anticipate will not invariably be called on to process a particular sequential output disk file each time it is executed, you should designate this file as optional by specifying OPTIONYES in the DTFSD or DTFNI macro (15.6.1 6). On the occasions when you do not require the file to be output from your program, you need merely omit the device assignment set of job control statements that usually allocate the file to a disk When your program executes the OPEN macro for the optional file the OPEN transient marks the file as optional and it disables the PUT macro mechanism so that no I/O is performed You should not forget to specify the OPTION keyword parameter for an optional file if you do forget and the file has not been allocated by job control when your program is executed, it is impossible to process the file. Data management will transfer control to the address of your error routine. UP-8068 Rev.4. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-82 TRUNC 15 7 10 Output of Short Variable Blocks to Sequential Disk Files (TRUNC) The TRUNC imperative macro is used with sequentially processed variable-length output files defined by the DTFSD or DTFNI macros to enable you to write short blocks of output data to disk. Its use is mandatory with variable-length, blocked records that you build in the output I/O area. Its function is to notify data management that the block currently being built is to terminate and, is to be written, out to disk. Data management calculates the block size and inserts it in the first two bytes of the block descriptor word (BDW) before it writes the block to disk When you have formed a variable-length record to be added to the block building in the I/O area, you must determine whether there is room for it in the remaining space in the I/O area before you issue the PUT macro. You compare the current record length, which you have placed in the first two bytes of its record descriptor word (RDW), with the number of bytes remaining in the I/O area. (Data management informs you of the space left in the I/O area by placing the number of bytes of residual space in the general register that you designated by specifying the VARBLD keyword parameter in the DTFSD, DTFNI, or DPCA macro (15.6.34); it updates this number each time a variable-length record is added to the current block by a PUT macro.) If the current record will fit in the space remaining, you will issue a PUT macro to add it to the current block. But if it will not, you issue a TRUNC macro to write the current block to disk and to free the I/O area for building the next block. A subsequent PUT macro will then start off the next block with the current record; the TRUNC macro resets the IOREG index register to point to the new current area address of the next available output I/O area. This is the format of the TRUNC macro: LABEL [namel OPERAND 1OPERATIONL TRUNC (filename (1) (i Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label of the corresponding DTFSD or DTFNI macroinstruction in the program. (1) or 1 Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the DTF file table. SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP8O68 Rev. 4 15-83 Example: LABEL LOPERATIONL OPERAND Sends to the output device the short block of records accumulated by PUT macroinstructions since the last TRUNC iwas issued or since a full block of records was sent automatically to the output device for the file described in the DTF macroinstruction whose label is OUTPUT. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRYUNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-84 WRITE 15 7 11 Random Output of Records to Disk (WRITE) The WRITE imperative macro is a block-level output processing macro that, in its various forms and uses provides you with the following capabilities with randomly processed disk files defined as output files by the DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macros, or as input/output files by the DTFNI macro creating a newly allocated file; • updating a previously created file by rewriting blocks to their original locations; • extending a file by generating data blocks in space newly allocated to it; • overwriting unwanted data in an expired or newly allocated file; • recording the logical end of a file or partition; and • moving the disk access arm to a new track and ensuring that the new track is initialized. Three forms of the WRITE macro output a block from main storage to disk; the main storage address from which your data is written is contained in the location specified by the IOAREA1 keyword parameter of your DTF. Its input counterpart for disk files that may be processed randomly is the READ imperative macro, which is also a block-level processing macro (15.7.14). Because these two operate a block-level, you must control any record blocking and deblocking that may be necessary, as OS/3 data management handles this function automatically for you only for sequentially processed DTFSD and DTFNI files. For disk files you define with the DTFDA macro, of course, this is no problem, as only unblocked record format (fixed- or variable-length) may be specified for these files. For randomly processed DTFNI files, however, in which you may have blocked records, you will need to control their blocking and deblocking with the PUT and GET macros, used in conjunction with READ and the WRITE,KEY or WRITE,lD form of the WRITE command (15,7.11.4 and In all uses, you must issue a WAITF imperative macro (1 5.7.1 6) after each READ or WRITE macro you issue, to ensure that the intended data transfer has taken place, before issuing another imperative macro. Remember also that none of your transferred records will be check-read for parity unless you specify the VERIFY=YES keyword parameter in your DTF macro; check reading necessarily increases the execution time for each WRITE operation (15.6.33). w WU0 nOV. crcnn P •N UMIV4’%b soi a ID ‘“•••••• BAsIC DATA MANAGEMENT Another DTF keyword parameterinvolvedis IDLOC, which enables you wiSái?êt1ie*eIth,e disk address (ID) of yourblock returned to a specified field. The form of the returned IDis governed by your specification of another DTF keyword parameter, RELATIVE, which you might also review (15.6.22). The uses of the IDLOC keyword parameter are explained in 15.6.7 and Jurther 4isc.usspd in what follows. . .. .1. . - -. . . ... . e’t’ :. ! :..••; . . . - -: . . 7_ .3 ..., . . . . . 4 . I (. ;_.e ,: )i,.)..;.1;..;::.st.::.’:i.r:. r _, ; .1 .. j,.• t . 4• .: c , _;3 L. ‘:‘‘ : .:‘..,::: 75 . • •• %%•• : • —.7 _ ic .7...’ L?11., :- • • . ¾ • ; 7.. • g —. i;. .. ...,;•;• :. . :)1 . _. •• : • ... • ..,:. ‘:-. :.j: -.:— . • . . :. . -. ,.,. .._1’ BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT WRITE, AFTER Creating a Random Disk File by Sequential Load (WRITE,AFTER) This is one form of the WRITE command you may use to create a file: LABEL [name] LOPERATIONt WRITE OPERAND (filename ,AFTER (1) (i The second positional parameter, AFTER, specifies that the current block in main storage is to be written as the next sequential block on the current track and that the remainder of the track is to be cleared. If this current block, when written, occupies the last position on the track, data management sets the last block on track accessed bit (byteO, bit 0) in filenameC after completion of the WAITF macro. (See Appendix B for the details on filenameC.) You should check this bit after each issue of the WAITF macro, and be prepared to move to another track if it is set, using, for example, the WRITE,RZERO form of the WRITE command (15.11.2) or the CNTRL imperative macro (15.7.15). You should review the AFTER keyword parameter of the DTFDA and DTFNI declarative macros; this parameter must be specified when you use the WRITE,AFTER form of the WRITE command and precludes your use of the WRITE,lD function ( Data management does not automatically preformat the file at OPEN when AFTER=YES is specified. In the first positional parameter, filename represents the label of the DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macro; (1) or 1 indicates that you have preloaded general register 1 with the address of the DTF file table. The first positional parameter is specified in the same way for all forms of the WRITE command and will not be discpssed further. If you want to store the relative disk address or ID of the next block in the file or partition you are processing, you would specify the IDLOC keyword parameter in the DTF (1 5.6.7). The form in which this ID is returned to you is governed by your specification of another keyword parameter, RELATIVE, which you should review (1 5.6.22). —- You have two basic ways of using the WRITE,AFTER imperative macro to create a new direct access disk file: a simple sequential load process that proceeds from the file start through all the tracks in succession, and another use, in conjunction with the WRITE,RZERQ macro ( 2), which enables you to select the tracks to be filled in whatever order you choose. Because the WRITE,AFTER macro (having written a block to a file on a variable-sector 8411, 8414, 8424, 8425, 8430, or 8433 disk> then overwrites the remainder of the current track with binary 0’s, you may also use it (with or without the WRITE,RZERO macro) to expunge unwanted data from an existng variable-sector disk file. You cannot do this if the file resides on the fixed-sector 841 6 disk in OS/3. BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT When you open a newly allocated direct access file the first time for output,the OPEN transient positions you automatically at the head of relative track 001. If you are going to use the WRITE,AFTER macro, you have specified the AFTER keyword, and no preformatting has been done (if the file is on a variable-sector disk). If you issue successive WRITE,AFTER imperatives, each followed by a WAITF macro (15.7.16), you effect a sequential loading of your file in the simple order in which you present your blocks to data management. You do not use the SEEKADR field’s contents to control this macro, for the WRITE,AFTER macro used this way automatically shifts from track to track and cylinder to cylinder sequentially. However, you must arrange to move the contents of the IDLOC field (to which the following WAITF macro returns the ID of the next block in physical sequence in the file) into the SEEKADR field in order for this method to work. (One easy way, for bringing this about is to define the IDLOC and the SEEKADR fields as the same area in main storage, as described in 15.6.7.) The file-filling sequence continues until you reach logical end of volume and an error condition in filenameC indicates that you have exhausted your file space, unless you have terminated loading sooner (as, for example, when reaching logical end of file (EOF) in your input file). You do not, in this method, need to test for setting of the last block on track accessed flag in filenameC because of the automatic movement to the head of the next track that data management performs. You do need to keep your finger on track fill, however, when you usethe WRITE,AFTER macro in the second method mentioned, for this controls your issue of the WRITE,RZERO macro to select the next track to be filled You should note a few more points about this method. The first is the last block on track accessed flag is set by OS/3 after you have issued the WRITE,AFTER macrd that writes the block in the last position of the current track; in some other data management systems, this flag is not set until you issue a macro to write the next block, which will not fit on the track. Another point is that the setting of this flag must be tested for in your program inline because accessing the last block is not a condition that causes control to transfer to your error routine: if you test filenameC for this flag only in your error routine, you will miss it. A third point is, that, although the WRITE AFTER macro does not require aseek address to 1 guide it, the WRITE,RZERO macro does; you must, therefore, arrange to increment your SEEKADR fields’s contents to the new relative track address you want before you issue it. You will probably have specified relative track addressing (RELATIVE=T) when you use this method for creating a file with WRITE,RZERO and WRITE,AFTER, but you may also use relative record addressing (RELATIVE=R), although this is harder to control. One final point is most important if your file resides on an 8416 disk. Because of the fixed-sector format of this disk in OS/3, the action of the WRITE,AFTER macro is significantly different from the foregoing description in that the macro, having written a block, does not set all fields to binary 0 in the remainder of the blocks on the track. On the 8416 disk, moreover, there is no record 0 at the head of the track from which data management can be informed of the amount of unused space. For these reasons, you must always fill each 8416 disk track completely when you use the WRITE,AFTER macro. If you write only the one block at the head of the track, for example, and then pass on to another track, the residual data in the 39 remaining blocks is still there and may produce unpredictable results when your program encounters it in later retrieval operations. U-Ub 11ev. iitcY urivi.c uwi 4 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT WRITE,RZERO 15.7.112. Selecting and Initializing a New Track (WRITE,RZERO) The form of the WRITE command to use for moving the disk access arm to a new track, and ensuring that the new track is initialized is: LABEL [name] OPERAND LOPERATION WRITE (filename (1) (i ‘ ,RZERO Here, the second positional parameter, RZERO, specifies that data management will position the file for subsequent processing at the relative track address you have pre loaded into the field specified by the SEEKADR keyword parameter of your DTF (1 5.6.24). This means that you have selected a new track, or that the track specified is to be treated as a new track, and that writing will begin at the first record on this track. Note that this form of the WRITE command does not actually output a record: it merely repositions the file so that you may write the subsequent records beginning with the first record of a new track. For writing the next record, you must follow this form with the WRITE,AFTER form ofthe WRITE command, ( Because the WRITE,AFTER macro clears the rest of the current track, this WRITE,RZERO/WRITE,AFTER combination is one you may use to create a new file or to overwrite (or erase data from) an expired or newly allocated file on a variable-sector disk. If you want to store the relative disk address, or identifier (ID), of the next block in the file or partition you are processing with the WR1TE,RZERO/WRITE,AFTER macros, you would specify the IDLOC keyword parameter in the DTF (15.6.7). The form in whic-hthis ID is returned to you is governed by your specification of another keyword parameter, RELATIVE, which you should also review (1 5.6.22). No ID is returned by the WAITF macro that follows the WRITE,RZERO macro; the contents of the IDLOC field are unchanged. Use of the WRITE,RZERO macroinstruction requires that you specify AFTER=YES in your DTF; because data management does not preformat the file on a variable-sector disk when this keyword is specified, you may not issue the WRITE,lD macro to it.. UF-8O68 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 5-89 WR ITE,AFTER,EOF 1 5.7.1 1 .3. Recording the Logical End-of-File (WRlTEAFTER,EOF) This form of the WRITE macromaybe used torecord the logicalend of data or end-of-file address in the DTF. Data management also records it in thedisk format 2 label: LABEL [name] 1OPERATIONLs WRITE * ( filename ‘ , OPERAND AFTER, EOF (1). (i The logical end-of-file (EOF) or end of partition is the relative disk address of the block one beyond the block (containing data) that is written the farthest or deepest into the file or partition. It is the address one block beyond thehighestused relative disk address, and there is no data that belongs to your file there Data management uses this address which it also knows as the end-of-data ID (EODID) to prevent your reading extraneous data outside of the limits of the current partition or file space on disk and it records the EODID in the disk format 2 label (See D 3 2) If you issue a READ,lD macro that references a block whose relative disk address exceeds the EODlD,datamanagement setstheinvaIidID flag (byteO, biti) infiienameC, issues error message DM24 and branches to your error routine (See Appendix B ) You may on the other hand write at or beyond the current logical end of file if you have provided for file extension You should not need to issue the WRITE AFTER EOF macro in a new program written in OS/3, because data management automatically keeps track of the progress your program is making as it fills the file and automatically records the EODID on file close However if you have a program coded for some other system where it was necessary for you to issue the macro you need not remove your WRITE AFTER EOF macro call from it The WRITE AFTER EOF macro does not output a block nor does it make an ID return to the IDLOC field It is however necessary for you to place in the SEEKADR field the relative disk address of the block that data management is to use in calculating and recording the EODID. Usually, this is the address of the block just written. Note however that the partition name is never used in the first positional parameter If you need to know where the end of a subfde occurs within a partition you must maintain your own end-of-subfile data record data management does not provide this service to you On the contrary it is possible to process through the end of a subfile to the logical EOF or end of partition Remember to specify the keyword parameter AFTER in the DTF when you intend to issue the WRITE AFTER EOF form of the WRITE macro (1562) otherwise it will be flagged as an invalid macro (byte 0, bit 6 of fi/enameC). 1 5-90 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 • WRITE, ID Creating or Updating Blocks by Relative Disk Address (WRITE,ID) You may use the following form of the WRITE imperative macro for creating a direàt access fileor forupdating an existing one on disk: LABEL [name] OPERAND 1OPERATION1 WRITE ( filename ‘j , ID (1) (i The second positional parameter, ID, specifies that a search is to be made in the output file for a block whose relative disk address (ID) matches the content of the SEEKADR field in your program (1 5 6 1 3) The ID you present to data management in this field may not be negative or zero it must be in the form you specify with the RELATIVE keyword parameter (15 6 22) If you issue the WRITE ID macro to process a file you must specify the WRITEID keVword parameter in the DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macro defining the file (1 5.6.35); the AFTER keyword must not be specified (15.6.2). Ifthe blocks inyour file are keyed, you must specify the length of these keys with the KEYLEN keyword parameter (1 5.6.13). Before you issue the WRITE ID macro you must ensure that the correct relative disk address is contained as a fixed-point binary number in the form you have specified with the RELATIVE keyword in the 4-byte SEEKADR field in your program If you define the IDLOC and the SEEKADR fields to be the same physical area in main storage, data management is, in effect, providing a new relative disk address to your WRITE,ID macro automatically (Refer to 1 5 6 7) In addition to providing your WRITE,ID macro with the correct ID, you must have the new block already formed in the I/O area before you issue the macro. If your file contains keys, moreover, you must place the key of each block in the I/O area ahead of the record proper (or ahead of a string of blocked records), allowing for the block descriptor and record descriptor words (BDW and RDW) as appropriate In executing the WRITE ID macro data management locates the relative disk address you have specified (if it can) and writes the entire block at the location including its key if yours is a keyed file you or of any form of the WRITE macro Following your issue of the WRITE,lD macro ensure to necessary is This file the other to any issuing before macro WAITE a issue must that the intended I/O is completed Among other things the WAITF macro returns the relative disk address of the next block in physical sequence in the file to your IDLOC field if you have specified this keyword, in the form you have specified with the RELATIVE keyword. If the relative disk address specified is not located, data management set the record not found flag (byte 1, bit 3) in filenameC, which you should test in your error routine when you are updating a file If the block written by the WRITE ID macro occupies the last possible position on the current track data management sets the last block on — — UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-91 track accessed flag (byte 0, bit 0) in filenameC, but, because this is not an error condition, control does not pass to your error routine. If you are controlling movement through your file by incrementing the relative track number when you reach the end of track, you must test for the setting of this flag inline. There are two ways to use the WRITE,ID macro to create a new direct access file: a simple file-filling operation that uses this macro alone, and an operation writing on specific tracks that you select and move to, via the CNTRL macro, followed by the WRITE,ID macro. When you open a new DTFDA or DTFNI file for the first time for output on a variablesector disk,* unless you have specified AFTER=YES in the DTF (15.6.2), the OPEN transients preformat every track in the file, writing the count fields throughout at intervals corresponding to your specified block size, and then position you at the head of relative track 001, ready to write the first block. By providing your WRITE,ID macro with the relative disk address for the first block, and thereafter incrementing the contents of your SEEKADR field, you may fill your file at will, in any sequence of relative track or relative record addresses. If you simply increment the relative record number in the SEEKADR field, for example (having specified RELATIVE=R), before each WRITE,lD macro issued, you achieve a file load in the simple sequential order in which you present your blocks. In this circumstance, you have no need to test for the last block on track accessed flag because data management automatically shifts you to the head of the next relative track. When you close the file, data management records the end-of-data ID in the DTF file table and in the disk format 2 label; you do not need to issue the WRITE,AFTER,EOF imperative macro for this.f On the other hand, if you need to structure the data in your direct access file in such a way that you must skip relative track 001 or certain other tracks during its initial loading, the first imperative macro to issue after opening the file might be the CNTRL macro (1 5.7.15), guided by a relative track address you have placed in the SEEKADR field to position you to the head of the first track you wanted to receive your data. After execution of the CNTRL macro, simply issue successive WRITE,lD macros, incrementing the record number in the SEEKADR field until end of track; then increment the relative track number before issuing the next CNTRL macro. (You cannot pair the WRITE,lD macro with the WRITE,RZERO macro for this mode of processing, because this macro also requires you to specify AFTER=YES in your DTF, and this is incompatible with using the WRITE,lD macro.) Updating an existing direct access file with the WRITE,ID macro is conceptually different from creating a new one, although the action of the macro is the same. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that the new block is written in the place of the old one on disk, and data management requires that it be the same length. New blocks written to an existing file must have the same length as existing blocks. The BLKSIZE specification is checked at file open time against the block size recorded in the disk format 1 label; if these are unequal, data management issues error message DM17 (INVALID BLOCK SIZE SPECIFIED) and branches to your error routine. (Refer to Appendix B.) *The variable-sector disks used with OS/3 data management are the SPERRY UNIVAC 8411, 8414, 8424, 8425, 8430, and 8433 Disk Subsystems. The SPERRY UNIVAC 8415, 8416, and 8418 Disk Subsystems are fixed-sector disks and are already preformatted at OPEN time. tin fact, because this macro requires that you specify the AFTER keywordin your DTF and you cannot issue the WR1TE,ID macro if you do, you cannot use WRITE,AFTER,EOF. UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-92 If you know the relative disk addresses of all the blocks that require updating, and you have the update information formatted to replace the entire block (including its key, if this is a keyed file), then you need not read your existing blocks into main storage. You need merely issue successive WRITE,lD macros to update the file, providing the relative disk addresses in the order of the update information in your input file. On the other hand, if you must read the old blocks to determine whether or where tà update them, you either would issue the READ,lD macro, process each incoming block, and then issue the WRITE,lD macro to update each block that requires it, or you would issue the READ,KEY macro followed by the WRITE,KEY macro. Remember the difference between the lDs returned after execution of the two different READ macros, and plan your use of the IDLOC field contents accordingly (Table 15—5). To equate the IDLOC and SEEKADR fields in update mode is not good practice. Another point to keep in mind about updating a keyed file is that you must not only specify the length of keys with the KEYLEN keyword parameter in your DTF, but you must also provide a key for each updated block in your I/O area. Both the key and the data fields of the block on disk are updated when you specify this keyword. Data management does not provide you adirect means of changing only the key of a block on disk. You may do so with the WRITE,ID macro only by presenting data management with a block in main storage that contains a new key field and a data portion that is identical to that already on disk. Of course, this can be done by reading in the whole block in question and updating only the key field before copying it all back to disk with the WRITE,ID macro. (You must not attempt this with the READ,KEY/WRITE,KEY macros, because with this pair you should not change the key of a block before returning it to the disk file.) A massive update of a direct access file with the WRITE,lD macro may be made more efficient if the update information is presented in the physical order of the blocks that it is intended for on disk; this is especially true if the file has been created by using record interlace and a LACE factor tailored to the updating program (15.6.8). Having a keyed file precludes this possibility, because you cannot create a keyed file without specifying the KEYLEN parameter, and you cannot use record interlace if you do. In deciding whether to lace a direct access file that does not contain keys, you need, of course, to consider the additional costs of sorting your input file before using it in your update program. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-93 WRITE,KEY Rewriting Randomly Retrieved Blocks to Disk (WRITEKEY) When you want to effect a direct-access rewrite, or updating, of a block that you have just retrieved with the READ KEY form of the READ command (157 142) you will use this form of the. WRITE macro: LABEL OPERATiON [name] WRITE OPERAND filename {il) KEY Here, the second positional parameter, KEY, specifies that the block just read by a READ,KEY macro is to be rewritten to its original location on disk. Both the key and the data field will be updated Remember to specify WRITEKEY=YES in your DTF (1 5 6 35) You should also remember that if the new block is longer than the old the new block will be truncated if the new block is shorter data management will pad out the original field with binary zeros In either case the wrong length error flag (byte 1 bit 5) will be set in filenameC (Appendix B). You should check this bit after issuing the WAITF macro that must follow each WRITE,KEY macro. Another point to remember is that, because each block to be rewritten by the WRITE,KEY form must first be retrieved by the READ KEY macro consecutive issues of the WRITE KEY formconstitute a sequence error and will be flagged as an invalid macro sequence (byte 0, bit 6, of filenameC). Because the WRITE,KEY macro does not conduct a search but relies on the search made by the preceding READ,KEY macro, it is not possible to add new records to a file with the WRITE,KEY macro alone. It is guided neither by the contents of the SEEKADR field nor by the contents of the KEYARG field. The only way the WRITE,KEY macro could be used to create a new file would be to originally create one whose keyed records contain blank or zero-filled data portions and then use the READ,KEY/WRITE,KEY combination to overwrite each null data portion with actual data. But this would be an inefficient and unnecessary way to go about creating a file. If you want to store the ID of the block updated by the WRITE,KEY macro, you should specify the IDLOC keyword parameter in your DTF (1 5.6.7). The form in which this relative disk address is returned to you is governed by your specification of another DTF keyword parameter, RELATIVE, which is described in 15.6.22. 15-94 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 GET 15712. Retrieving Records From Sequehtially Processed Disk Files (GET) You use the record-level GET imperative macro to obtain records of all types, one at a time, from DTFSD files or from sequentially processed DTFNI files, opened for input processing. Data management reads the records, automatically deblocks them if they are blocked, and delivers each unblocked or deblocked record to you. If you are processing in an I/O area, it places the records there, one at a time; if you are processing. in a work area, it delivers the records there from the I/O area. When you use a work area, you must remember to specify WORKA=YES in the DTF declarative macro (15.6.35). Because you specify the address or label of the work area to be used each time you issue the GET macro, you may use more than one work area, and a different one each time. When your input records are blocked, and you have no work area, or if you provide two I/O areas, you must also provide an index register (using the IOREG keyword parameter of your DTF (15.6.11)), into which data management places the starting address (in the I/O area) of the next available record An index register should not be used to keep track of the current work area, because you specify this with each GET macro; if you elect to use two or more work areas it is important to use them consistently This is the format of the GET macro: LABEL [name] OPERAND t.OPERATiON GET filename } workarea [{(o) Positional Parameter 1: filename Specifies thern label of the DTFSD or sequentially processed DTFNIdeclarative macroi nstruction. (1)orl Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTF file table. UP-8068 Rev. 4 15-95 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Positional Parameter 2: workarea Is the label of an area into which data management moves the current record for you to process. (A different work area may be used for each GET macro.) (O)orO Indicates that you have preloaded register 0 with the address of a work area Omit Positional Parameter 2 when you do not use a work area If you specify only one I/O area in your DTF and your input records are not blocked you may access the data directly in the I/O area (IOAREA1). Otherwise, you mUst specify an index register with the IOREG keyword parameter or use a work area. Table 15—9 shows the uses of an index register and work areas, and the actiohs taken by data management under the various combinations possible; Table 15—9. Use of IOREG Keyword Parameter for Processing Blocked or Unblocked Input Disk Files Sequentially with GET Macro Number of I/O Areas 2 Number of Work Areas 0 >0 Record Format Blocked Unblocked OREG Specification Required Data Management Action YES DMS uses IOREG to point to address of current record within the block contained in IOAREA1. NO OMS delivers each unblocked record directly to user in IOAREA1. NO DMS deblocks in IOAREA1 and delivers each deblocked record to workarea specified in positional parameter 2 of GET macro. NO DMS delivers unblocked record from IOAREA1 to workarea specified in GET macro. YES DMS deblocks in one IOAREA and delivers deblocked records to other IOAREA for user to process. YES DMS delivers unblocked record to IOAREA specified by IOREG, Alternate areas are available for overlap processing. YES DMS deblocks in one IOAREA and delivers deblocked records to workarea specified by GET macro. Other areas are available for overlap processing. YES DMS delivers unblocked record to workarea specified by GET macro, from IOAREA specified by IOREG. Alternates are available for overlap processing. When you are retrieving blocked input records with the GET macro, you may come to a point in the current block where you want to skip over the remaining records to process the first record of the succeeding block; the RELSE imperative macro is designed for this; see 15.7.13. You have a different imperative macro, FEOV, available if you want to discontinue processing the current volume of an input DTFSD file in order to begin processing the next. This macro may not be used with sequentially processed DTFNI files, however; see 15.7.7. 15-96 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 RELSE 15.713. Skipping Records in Sequentially Processed Input Blocks (RELSE) When you are processing blocked input records with the GET imperative macro from DTFSD files or sequentially processed DTFNI files? you may reach a point at which you want to skip over the remaining records in the current block andto commence processing with the first record of the succeeding block. To effect the skip, you issue the RELSE imperative macro; the next GET macro you issue makes the first record of the next block available to you (15 7 12) The format of the RELSE macro is simply LABEL [name] tOPERATiONt RELSE OPERAND filename {(i) } Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label in your program of the DTFSD or DTFNI declarative macro defining the file you are processing sequentially. (1)orl Indicates that you have preloaded general register 1 with the address of the DTFSD or DTFNI file table. When you want to terminate processing the current volume of a sequentially processed input file defined by the DTFSD declarative macro in order to begin with the next volume, you will use the FEOV imperative macro (15.7.7).; UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIODATA MANAGEMENT 15-97 READ 15 7 14 Random Retrieval from Direct Access Files (READ) The READ imperative macro is a block-level input prQcessing macro that, in its two forms and various ues, provides you with the following capabilities for randomly processing disk files defined as input files by the DTFDA and DTFNI declarative macros, or as input/output files by the DTFNI macro: • retrieving a block or record by means of its relative disk address (ID), which you specify; • retrieving a block by searching for its key, to be matched with a key you specify (the search begins at an address that you also specify); and • updating a previously created file. The READ macro causes a block to be retrieved from disk and to be read into main storage at an address specified by the IOAREA1 keyword parameter of your DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macro, when you specify only a single I/O area (15.610). On the other hand, when you are processing DTFNI files and have specified a second I/O area (IOAREA2; see 15.6.11), the main storage address is contained in the index register you mustspecify with the IOREG keyword parameter (1 5.6.11). (The DTFDA declarative macro, as you know, does not support either the IOAREA2 or the IOREG keyword parameter.) Because the READ macro operates at block level, and OS/3 data management handles blocking and deblocking automatically only for sequentially processed files, you must control any deblocking necessary when you read blocked input files defined by the DTFNI macro. This deblocking you will take care of via the GET imperative macro (1 5.7.1 2), after the READ macro has placed a block into main storage from disk. As you know, you may not specify either of the blocked record formats for a DTFDA file. If your “unblocked” block in a DTFDA file actuallycontains more than one logical record, therefore, you must tend to the deblocking yourself. The GET macro is not supported for DTFDA files, however, and is flagged as invalid if issued to such a file. The best solution to this quandary is probably to avoid it by defining such a file with the DTFNI declarative macro in the first place. Another important point to remember is that, after each READ macro you issue, you must issue a WAITF imperative macro before you issue any other imperative (1 5.7.16). This is necessary, to ensure that the intended transfer of the block from disk to main storage has indeed taken place. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 5-98 If you want data management to store the relative disk address (ID) of the block retrieved the two forms of the macro make different by the READ macro, or of the next block parameter of the DTF declarative macro keyword the IDLOC specify would you returns you is governed by your specificaton of to returned (15.6.7). The form in which the ID is another DTF keyword parameter, RELATIVE, which you might also review (15.6.24). The uses of the IDLOC keyword parameter are further developed in what follows. — — OS/3 data management supports the READ macro only for DTFNI flies or for DTFDA f lies 15-99 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 READ,i D Random Retrieval of Records by Relative Disk Address (READ,ID) In order to use the READ,ID form of the READ macro to retrieve a specific record by its relative disk address, or ID, you have a number of keyword parameters in the DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macro to consider. First of all, recall the uses of the IOAREA1 and IOREG keyword parameters (the latter is used with the DTFNI macro only) to specify the main storage address into which the block that contains the record will be read (15.6.10 and 15.6.1 1). You will also need to use the SEEKADR keyword parameter (1 5.6.26) to specify the 4-byte field in your program into which you will place the relative disk address of the record you want retrieved (which must always be greater than zero) and you must give notice to data management that you will be using the READ ID form of the macro by specifying the READ=YES keyword parameter in the DTF (15.6.18). Both the key of the block (if a key exists) and all data the block contains will always be read in. The form in which you provide the relative ID of the desired record must be the same as you specify with the RELATIVE keyword parameter. Further, if you need data management to return to you the ID of the next block in the file or partition after you issue the READ,lD form of the macro, you would specify the location to which the ID is to be returned by the IDLOC keyword parameter (15.6.7). Finally, recall that the form in which the ID is returned has been specified by means of the RELATIVE keyword parameter (1 5.6.22). When the logical record you want retrieved by ID from a DTFNI file lies within a block of records retrieved, data management reads the entire block into your I/O area. After your execution of the mandatory WAITF macro, data management returns the displacement of the desired record into the block (measured in hexadecimal bytes) to the DTF file table, right-justified in a 2-byte field designated as filenameD. You may address this field by concatenating the character “D” to your 7-character file name. To retrieve subsequent records contained in the same block, you may issue successive GET macros in the 2parameter form to specify the work area into which data management is to move the current record (15.7.12). An important point here is that you must know the structure of your blocks: there is no end-of-block indication provided by data management to prevent you from going past the last record in a block you are processing in this way. A GET macro issued after you have processed the last record in a block causes the entire next block to be read in from the DTFNI file, and the first record from it to be moved to the specified work area. The format of the READ,lD form of the READ macro is: LABEL [name] OPERAND OPERATIONt READ filename } , ID snimy 1JWVAC OS/a: BASIC .DALk.MANAGEMEt4T UP-8065 ReQ. 4’ 15-1Q j. .; .lc4tiorL8JYarameter 1: filename Is the label in your program of the DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macro that td0IpQ5SQ !i!e from which you are retrieving regor.... ... j1)pr’L. . . . ..• •. .-•.•. .‘:“ • .•.• -.9 .... . ave reFoaded register 1 vith tpe iddres of the DtF file 4 Indicalas that you I table. c: — : : - . .:. . . . 1 Positioral pararjietet 2 •- ID ‘ Specif&s that a search is to be made for a frecord with an ID matchin9 the relflve’ disk addrás you have presented to data management via the field tpe SEKADR ke%cwdid parameter áf the DTF macrcCin the to?m you have specifiEd with the RELATiVE keyword patkmeter specified’.ui - .‘i . : .‘t’ ‘.r• . .t: .4 ‘I.. .t. .9 - “. “. .. : ‘ •- : •I 2;. a:. • .—..‘•. •:r :‘‘ ‘ —...• . is:. ••.• I .‘:: ‘ ‘;:‘ ., • . •. • : ,, . •;:.€, •,..•. :i . •., .:r. • —. ti •I;.•./ i. • .:. ...gr ‘ .: . ;:‘‘• ..‘: •. .2 ‘. • ::.ö ç.• :. • • . •.•: t’ • •i... I •‘ : . :.—.. • :3 9.;.. ‘.9. •;;..•: c . 1 ••# . ;.‘“:‘;i.’.•.’ ,..:• .. • . “.. •. Ct’ :. . • .4 ‘._., —. ‘‘ :, c’ •:.c•. .‘ •7 ‘“•• ‘! • •:,v ::?e •. ‘h4f •. I ::. ;. •9. :; . ‘.. iS;— — (. . . .: ‘L •‘ : :€. : •• •‘ ‘:. .•;‘:.••:•2;.’ .: r. :.t. .c., si! • .:• .V •) •: •‘•• 1’ i: ‘‘: :. .‘ • •. c.: c . .. ‘ . ‘ri,. . C UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-101 READ,KEY Direct Retrieval and Updating of Input Blocks by Key (READ,KEY) You will use the READ,KEY form of the READ macro when you want to retrieve blocks by a search on key from input files defined by the DTFDA macro (15.5.2) or randomly processed files defined by the DTFNI macro (15.5.3). It is this form of the READ macro that is also used, in combination with the WRITE,KEY form of the WRITE macro, for updating a randomly processed disk file ( You have a number of points to consider when you are using the READ,KEY macro; these involve several keyword parameters in the DTF. First of all, in order that data management may set up the DTF file table properly for this macro, you must specify the READKEY keyword parameter. To guide the search, you must provide both a search argument and a starting point. With the KEYARG keyword, you specify the key that is to be matched by the key of the block you want retrieved (1 5.6.12); with the relative disk address that you place in the 4-byte field, whose label you specify with the SEEKADR keyword (1 5.6.24), you supply the starting point of the search. As to its end point, if you want the search to continue past the end of the current track to the end of the current cylinder, you specify the SRCHM keyword parameter; otherwise, the search ends at the end of the track (15.6.26). Remember that the relative disk address you supply to data management must be in the form (relative track or relative record) that you selected when you specified the RELATIVE keyword parameter (15.6.22): the same form is used by data management when it makes the return of the relative disk address of the retrieved block to the 4-byte field whose label you specified with the IDLOC keyword (15.6.7). If the search is successful, data management moves the entire block to your I/O buffer, including the key. Thus, the length of IOAREA1 (and of IOAREA2, if this is a DTFNI file and you have specified double-buffering) must accommodate the length of the key as well as the length of your data record. If this is a DTFNI file containing variable-length blocked records, you have not only the KEYLEN specification and the block descriptor word (BDW) to keep in mind, but also the record descriptor words (RDWs) that precede each logical record. In a DTFDA file, you may not specify either of the blocked record formats, but a variable-length record in this type of file is also preceded by a BDW and an RDW, exactly as the variable, unblocked record is in the DTFNI file. A glance back at Figure 14—4 in the preceding section will help you visualize what is in your I/O area when the READ,KEY macro completes a successful search. Note that both the BDW and each RDW are four bytes long. 15-102 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 The data portion of a fixed, unblocked record from a DTFDA or DTFNI file begins at a displacement into your I/O area that is equal to your KEYLEN specification; the same is true of the first of your fixed-length logical records in the blocked format in DTFNI files; the succeeding records begin at intervals equal to your RECSIZE specification (15.6.21). When you have variable, unblocked records in either file, the first (or only) data portion is found at a displacement that is eight bytes longer than your KEYLEN specification; the displacement of each succeeding variable record in a blocked DTFNI file may be calculated by adding in the contents of the first two bytes of the RDW for the record preceding it Figure 14—4 shows these relationships which you must use in accessing your logical records from a block retrieved by the READ KEY macro after a successful search If the search is unsuccessful, data management first sets the record not found flag (byte 1, bit 3) in filenameC and either the end of track (byte 1, bit 6) or both this flag and the end of cyhnder flag (byte 1 bit 7) depending on whether or not you have specified SRCHM=YES in the DTF Data Management then branches to your error routine (or returns control to you inline if you have no error routine specified) (Refer to Appendix 8) Your error routine should check for these bits and provide action that is appropriate for your application otherwise if you accept error returns inline you should test for these flags after each issue of the READ KEY macro The format of the READ KEY form of the READ macro is L..ABEL. [namel tOPERATIONi2 READ OPERAND (filename ‘ KEY (i Here, the second positional parameter, KEY, specifies that data management will search for a block that has a key matching the one you have placed in the location in your program specified by the KEYARG keyword parameter. The search begins at the relative disk address yoU have placed in the location defined by the keyword paiameter SEEKADR and continues to the end of the one track, unless you have specified the SRCHM keyword parameter. The I/O area into which data is read will contain both the key and the data portions of the block read data management moves the key to the I/O buffer UP 8068 Rev 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15-1 03 CNTRL 15.7.15. Controlling Disk Head Movement to a Track (CNTRL) The CNTRL imperative macro gives you a means by which you may overlap disk head movement with the processing of your records. While it may be used when you are processing files defined by the DTFDA, DTFSD, or DTFNJ. macros, the CNTRL macro is perhaps most useful for achieving some increase in throughput when you are sequentially processing files on a shareable disk volume (A shared volume is one that may be accessed by more than one user program in a multiprogramming environment at your installation It is described in the device assignment set by a VOL job control statement which has S as its second positional parameter) When you issue the CNTRL macro to a DTFSD file data management issues a seek command that positions the disk head to the track you are currently processing. When you are processing a DTFDA or DTFNI file, on the other hand, you may issue the CNTRL macro to reposition the disk head to a new relative track address, which you place in the location specified by the SEEKADR keyword parameter of your DTF (15.6.26). When your program and another are sharing the same disk volume, issuing CNTRL may increase your throughput by positioning the disk head to the specified track while you are processing your records. Any CNTRL macro you issue to a blocked file is ignored, and data management will wait until the block is finished. (Of course, this feature protects you from interrupting your own block processing prematurely, as well.) When there is no problem of seek contention among programs (as when you are processing a nonshared volume), using the CNTRL macro may still increase your throughput and save you overall processing time. If you move the new current track address into the location specified by SEEKADR after successful completion of a READ or WRITE operation, for example, and then issue the CNTRL macro before you execute your other record processing instructions, the disk head is repositioned during the time you are processing, and data management can more promptly execute the next input or output imperative macro you issue. It should be clear from the foregoing discussion what the position of the WAITF macro must be that you will always issue after a READ or WRITE macro to randomly processed files (15.7.16): it must follow this macro and precede the CNTRL macro. To prevent you from repositioning the disk head before you learned of an incomplete input/output operation, data management will set the WAITF required flag (byte 0, bit 7 of filenameC) after determining that you have failed to issue the WAITF macro before executing the CNTRL imperative macro after a READ or WRITE macro. (The WAITE macro is not required after the CNTRL macro; the CNTRL macro makes no return to the IDLOC field of your program.) 15-1 04 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP—8068 Rev. 4 This is the format of the CNTRL macro used for processing all nonindexed disk files: LABEL [name] OPERAND LOPERATION CNTRL. (filename (1) ‘ , SEEK The second positional parameter, SEEK, is always required; it specifies that data management will issue a seek command to the disk head, positioning it for DTFSD files to the current track or, for DTFDA or DTFNI files, to the relative track address contained in the 4-byte location whose label you have specified with the SEEKADR keyword parameter. (The address at this location should begiven in the form Ott, where tt is the relative track number and 0 is binary 0; it must be left-justified in the SEEKADR field, and you must have specified RELATIVE=T in the DTF for the file.) In the first positional parameter, filename is the label in your program for the DTFSD, DTFDA, or DTFNI deàlarative macro defining the file; (1) or 1 indicates that you have pieloaded register 1 with the address of this DTF file table. 151O5 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev,4 WAITF 15.7.16. Waiting on Completion of I/O to Random Disk Files (WAITF) When you are randomly processing input or output disk files defined by the DTFDA or DTFNI declarative macros, using the WAITE macro is a compulsory safety measure to ensure that the data transfer initiated by a READ or WRITE macro is completed before you issue another imperative You must issue the WAITE macro following each READ macro (15.7.14) or WRITE macro (15.7.11) you execute, before you may issue a CNTRL macro or another READ or WRITE macro for the same file or partition. The WAITF macro is not required following the CNTRL macro. When data management detects that you have omitted this mandatory macro, it sets the WAITF required error flag (byte 0, bit 7 of filenameC), and transfers control to your error routine, if you have specified one, or to you inline. The WAITE macro itself acts to check the completion of the data transfer you intended, and to set the appropriate status or error bits in the status code fields of filenameC. These bits you must always check after the execution of the WAITE macro it is pointless to anticipate the execution of the WAITE macro by checking filenameC immediately after you issue the READ or WRITE macro, although perfectly legitimate to check it when you are processing sequentially with the PUT macro and GET macro. (You do not use the WAITE macro with these sequential input/output processing imperatives.) — The WAITF macro is not involved in the parity checking of output records; this is performed as a separate operation by data management only when you specify the optional VERIEY keyword parameter in your DTE (1 5.6.32). The format of the WAITE macro is simply: LABEL [name] LOPERATiONL. WAITF OPERAND filename } As elsewhere, filename is the label in your program of the DTEDA or randomly processed DTENI declarative macro; (1) or 1 indicates that you have previously loaded general register 1 with the address of the corresponding DTF file table. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 15-106 NOTE Accessing the Current Relative Block Address (NOTE) 15.7.17. The NOTE macro, which you may use only with DTFNI files, is one of the extended capabilities OS/3 data management provides for processing nonindexed disk files You may use it whether you are processing DTFNI files randomly or sequentially, to access the relative address of the current block or record The NOTE macro is used in conjunction with the POINT macro (157 18) where a coding example is given When you are processing sequentially after issuing a GET or PUT macro you use the NOTE macro to access the relative address of the current block and the displacement of the current record within this block. Because the addresses it returns are partition-relative, the NOTE macro relies upon your having selected the partition previously by issuing the SETP macro (15 7 4) and if you are working within a subfile of this partition having positioned yourself to this with the SETS macro (15.7.5). For sequentially processed DTFNI files the NOTE macro returns the address to a 6-byte field of the DTF file table in discontinuous binary in the form: Obbbdd where: Obbb * Is the number of the current block relative to the first block in the file 0 being binary 0. dd Is the displacement, measured in hexadecimal bytes, of the current record within that block. For randomly processed DTFNI files, you issue the NOTE macro following a READ or WRITE macro. The 6-byte address is in discontinuous binary, and the form of the address is governed by what you have specified for the RELATIVE keyword parameter in your DTF (1 5.6.22). If you have specified RELATIVE=R, the form is: rrrdd where rrr Is the relative record address of the current block. dd Is binary 0. 15-107 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 If you have specified RELATIVET, on the other hand, the address returned is in the form: Ottrdd where: Ottr Is the relative track address of the current block; that is, r is the number of the block on the relative track denoted by Ott, 0 being binary 0. dd Again, is binary 0. You need to use the SETP and SETS macros for randomly processed files also, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, to pre-position yourself to the correct subfile of the correct partition. The NOTE macro returns the address you have specified to a 6-byte field in the DTFNI or DPCA file table that you address by concatenating the character “B” to your 7-character filename or partition name. It is important to remember that you must address this field as filenameB whether you are processing the first partition (PCA1) of a partitioned DTFNI file or are processing a nonpartitioned file. It is only when you are working in the other partitions (PCA2 through PCA7), that you address this field as partitionnameB. This is the form of the NOTE macro: OPERAND OPERATIONA LABEL NOTE [name] filename } Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label in your program of the corresponding DTFNI macroinstruction. The partition name is never used. (1) or I Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFNI file table. you must issue the appropriate SETP/SETS macros before issuing the NOTE macro (15.7.4 and 15.7.5). Remember that all returned addresses are partition-relative; 15-108 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 POINT . 15718. Positioning a File or Partition to a Relative Block Address (POINT) The POINT imperative macro is your means of randomly positioning a sequentially processed DTFNI file or partition to a relative blockaddress. This address may be obtained, for example, via the NOTE macro just described (15.7.17). Like NOTE, the POINT macro is a useful extension of capabilities (OS/3 data management provides for processing your DTFNI files; it is not supported for files you define by the DTFDA or DTFSD macros. Another similarity to the NOTE macro is that the POINT macro also relies on you to have selected your partition via the SETP macro (15.7.4) before you issue it. A third similarity is that the form of the relative block addrOss used by the POINT macro is the same form the NOTE macro uses. When you issue the POINT macro for a sequentially processed DTFNI file, data management modifies the current partition-relative block address and block displacement that it maintains in the DTF file table (or in the DPCA partition table if you are processing in a partition) you are subsequently processing from the new address An important point to remember is that the POINT macro is effective onlyso Ion9 as you continue to use the GET and PUT macros in your subsequent processing Of the file or partition. If you subsequently issue a READ or WRITE macro(which would be quite legitimate, for these are DTFNI files), these macros cause the current partition-relative block address to be modified by the relative track or record address you will have supplied to data management in the area specified by the SEEKADR keyword parameter of your DTF (1 5.6.24). There is no error indication returnedto you when this occurs;’you must rely upon yourself to keep this point in mind. This is the format of the POINT macro: LABEL [name] OPERAND L\OPERATIONt (filename) (1) ) (i POINT ‘ Positional Parameter 1: V , (address-field ‘(O) (0 V V filename Is the label in your program. of the corresponding DTFNI macroinstruction. V V V V (1) on Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFNI file table. UP-8068 Rev: 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15—109 Positonal Parameter 2: address-field Is the label of a 6-byte field (Obbbdd) in your program containing the relative block address and displacement of the record within the block The relative block address portion (Obbb) is right-justified in the first four bytes and the record displacement (dd) is right-justified in the second two (0) orO Indicates that you have preloaded register 0 with the address of the 6-byte address field Remember that when you are processing within a partition or a subfile of a partition you must have preselected these by issuihg the appropriate SETP and SETS macros (15:7.4 and 15 7 5) For this reason the partition name is never used as an operand of the POINT macro The coding example that follows shows the use of a NOTE macro to access the current relative address of a sequentially processed output file, FILE1, whenever a record containing a desired value VALU in its first four positions is encountered This address is then used by a POINT macro in a selective input or updating of FILE1, in what amounts to random processing in a sequential file FILE2 is used as an index to FILE1 for this processing Exa mple: LABEL A0PERATi0NA 1 10 1EPI I I I I I I i i 1111111 I 2. I — i 11•11 PIc.Jj—r a I I I I I p [till ‘‘I I I I I I I I I i — I I — 1%iIEI I I(..1TI — I ii i — — I i’ I I I[ I (..)iT1 I I i I a i — I I i’ i I I 1. I I I I I I 11 LjJLlJ,,i i I I I I I I I I I I I I p:’ I I I il I I I I I I I I I I I II II I III - i I I I .: I I I I I I I I I I I 1111 1 , I I I I I — I I I I I I tL...E2I,(O) 1111 pb t — I L..EIt, r F F L 1 i Z ... .t I I I I 7 L—.E F.t 1 — — i I I I .,_ ‘ I_I I I I — I I - — i — iiitl I I i I i I I I I i I I — — I i_ — i i I I — — - — i 3. I — — l!1t A OPERAND 16 I I I IlL! I I I I I I iJJ I I iLLLj i u_i _ i BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Example (cont): 10 16 .i EI’ i 2 1 I I I I i 4,. IItb.% Ii I I i I — i — — i — 7’. I i’i i I II I I — — I — I I I — I I II I I I I I I 1 1 t i I I I I I i t i. I 11 E 1 D 2 1i ii — — t I_II I — — r 1 PI(.3 — — I I I I .._El iFr 1 :I — I — I I I I I I I ii i — I I I II I — I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I liii I I I I I iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I i Ii iI I L...’ \/‘IL—(_S’ I I I I I I I I I I I I I iL.. E 1 I III 11111 I I - I III%1- I Iii 1.1 I — - iiil — — I1’I.IIAi) 2 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .tL._El - I 1111111 I I iii I — I I I T 1 IE — i iiil — — S t.l_.Ei2. — I I OPERAND LxOPERATiONL LABEL I I 1. FILE1 and FILE2, both DTFNI files, are opened for sequential output processing. 2 Record output to FILE1 is tested for desired value 3. VALU NOTE macro is issued when ‘VALU’ found; relative address is returned to filenameB. 4. Relative address found by NOTE is output to FILE2, which will serve as an index in STEP2. -- - input (assume file 5 FILE1 is reopened for updating FILE2 for processing directions have been reset). 6. Record retrieved from FILE2 is the address of a record in FILE1 containing ‘VALU’. processing - 7. POINT macro is issued to position FILE1 to address obtained in 6. 8 Sequential processing continues in FILE1 from position set in 7 9 Definition of the desired value normally located outside of executable code BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 15.8. 15.8.1. ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING FilenameC When certain errors or exceptions to file processing performance are detected by OS/3 data management, it will make appropriate entries in specific fields of the DTF file table, which your program may address in order to learn of these conditions and take the proper course of action on regaining control. One such field is fllenamèC (in the nonindexed file processor system a 4-byte field), which you may access by concatenating the character “C” to your 7-character logical filename. A point to remember when you are processing the partitions of a DTFNI file is that, just as your ERROR routine is a file-relative specification and belongs in your DTFNI declarative macro (not in the DPCA declarative macro defining the partition), you do not have a field for error flags in the partition control appendage established in the DPCA macro. That is, there is no “partition-na meC”; error and status flags set during processing of partitions are set in the field of the DTFNI file table and are accessed, therefore, as filenameC. Most of the error and status flags have already been discussed in preceding paragraphs; refer to Table B—3 for the meanings of the bits in filenameC of the DTFSD, DTFDA, and DTFNI filetables that are set to binary 1 by OS/3 data management for certain error and exception conditions. Not all of the status flags represent conditions causing transfer of control to your error routine. Some of these must be tested for inline in your program if you want to act upon them. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 16-1 Update B 16. System Resource Control 16.1. DEVICE ALLOCATION AND FILE ASSIGNMENT In OS/3, the supervisor and job control have the essential responsibility for reserving main storage and allocating peripheral devices for jobs that appear in the control stream and make their needs known through job control statements.following the JOB statement. Of these statements, DVC, VOL, EXT. LBL, and LED are essential for providing information relating to your files. With proper Use of these statements you may reserve peripheral devices and identify and assign to your program the files you have on them or will place on them. 16.1 .1. Use of Job Control Statements Every file that you intend to reference in your program must be represented in the job control stream by a set of control statements, called the device assignment set, which contains at least a DVC statement followed by an LED statement; Between these basic two, you will need to insert as many as six other statements for your magnetic tape and disk files: the VOL. EXT, LBL, LCB, VEB, and DD statements. The device assignment set specifies the relationships between your files or volumes andthe peripheral devices; there is one set for each file. Eollowing is a short summary of the functions of these statements; all are described in the job control user guide, UP-8065 (current version): • The DVC statement assigns peripheral devices to your job. • The VOL statement specifies the magnetic tape or disk file volumes to be accessed by the job. • The EXT Statement establishes new disk files or extends existing files on disk. • The LCB statement specifies and loads to the printer a unique load code buffer that overrides the LCB set at SYSGEN time. • The VEB statement specifies and loads a unique vertical format buffer that overrides the VFB set at SYSGEN time. • The DD statement modifies fields within the DTE file table at run time and avoids recompiling DTE s when changes in DTE specifications are required 16-2 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP 8068 Rev 4 a The LBL statement supplies label information for magnetic tape or disk files. • The LFD statement identifies the file control block for each file used in your job. Card and paper tape files use only the DVC and LED statements and optionally the DD statement. The printer always uses the DVC and LFD statements and optionally the LCB, VEB, and DD statements. 16.1.2. Sample Device Assignment Set Following is an example of a set of control statements that you would use for reserving space for a sequential disk file that is to be created: LABEL AOPERAT1ONA A OPERAND 1016 VlC // 1 l.VlLJ Z - ,iC., ,5, . I 7L i” /‘ 1_.FiD I i 1 • I I I This device assignment set will cause modification of the volume table of contents (VTOC) of disk pack 124365 to show that a sequential file called ‘INVENTORY MASTER EILE’ exists, and that the space reserved for it occupies a specific position on the pack. OS/3 job control will also note that your program will address this file as ‘INVNTRY’ (its logical name), and that space for one extent entry in the prologue area will suffice. To start with, the file will be assigned 10 cylinders of contiguous space. When this space is exhausted, you desire automatic extension, five cylinders at a time. When space for only one extent in the prologue area is specified, no dynamic extension can take place. For a program that will subsequently operate on this file, you would use the same set of job control statements, except that you would omit the EXT statement If you want to recreate a file (for example, if an error occurred during your first attempt to create it), you may use the lNlT positional parameter of the LED statement. This parameter has the same effect as scratching the file and reallocating it to the same area as it previously occupied on disk. 16.1.3. Job Control Deallocation Statement (SCR) The OS/3 job control language also provides an SCR statement that you may use to deallocate (scratch) a file from a disk pack. When you use this statement, you must use an LED name that is the same as the one you have used for the file in a preceding valid device assignment set (DVC-LFD) The SCR statement will deallocate the file and its extents before the program named in the next EXEC statement in the control stream is executed; therefore, you may use it to free disk space needed for a subsequent job or job UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 6-3 Update A step. (The disk space management facilities of the OS/3 supervisor also include an imperative macro, SCRTCH, that provides similar functions an& is used for dynamic deallocation (16.3).) 16.1 .4, Using the File Lock Feature The OS/3 file lock feature allows you to control the sharability of a file while you are using it. Sharability control only applies to lockable files. To use the file lock feature, proceed as follows: sStepl At system generation you specify the FILELOCK parameter to indicate which files are lockable. • Step2 In your file definition (within your BAL program) and in the device assignment set for the file (regardless of the program type), you specify your read/write requirements and indicate whether other jobs or tasks within a job can share the file. In the following paragraphs we will describe how to indicate which files canbe locked and how to set the various degrees of sharability. 16.1 .4.1. Indicating Which Files are Lockable You indicate which files are lockable by using the FILELOCK parameter in the SUPGEN section of the parameter processor at system generation time If you choose FILELOCK=NO or omit the parameter only the system files prefixed with $Y$ are lockable. No user files can be locked. If you choose FILELOCK=YES all system files (prefixed with $Y$) and all files prefixed with $LOKO1-$L0K99 are lockable If you choose FILELOCK=SHARE, all files are lockable. 16 1 4 2 Setting File Locks for Data Files in BAL Programs After you specify which files are lockable you specify the degree of sharability for each of these files If you choose FILELOCK=YES at system generation time, you can lock any file whose filename you prefixed with $LOKO1 -$L0K99 in the // LBL job control statement in the device assignment set. If you do nothing more, any prefixed file will be exclusively locked when it is opened during the execution of your program. You have exclusive use of the file. You can read, update, and add to the file. No other user can open the file until you close it. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 16-4 Update B If YOU choose FILELOCKSHARE at system generation time, you can lock all of your files. If you do nothing more, each file will be exclusively locked when it is opened during the execution of your program. You have exclusive use of the file. You can read, update, and add to the file. No other user can access the file until you close it. In both cases (FILELOCKYES or FILELOCKSHARE specified at system generation), you can override this lock by specifying one of the options of the ACCESS parameter or by specifying the LOCKNO parameter in the DTF macroinstruction for a file. (See 11.4.1 and 11.4.11.) —*- You can also override this lock at program execution time in two ways. The first way is to include a // DD job control statement that specifies one of the ACCESS parameter options in your device assignment set. The second is to prefix the filename with an asterisk (*) in the // LED job control statement in the device assignment set. This will cause a read-only lock to be applied to the file; that is, you can only read from the file and all other users can only read from the file. NOTE: To set file locks on SA T files, see the supervisor user guide, UP-8075 (current version). 16 1 4 3 Setting File Locks for Data Files in Non-BAL Programs After you specify which files are lockable, you specify the degree of sharability for each of these files. If you choose FILELOCK=YES at system generation time, you can lock any file whose filename IS prefixed with $LOKO1 -$L0K99 in the // LBL job control statement in the device assignment set. If you do nothing more, any prefixed file will be exclusively locked when it is opened in your program. You have exclusive use of the file. You can read, update, or add to the file. No other user can access the file until you close it. If you choose EILELOCK=SHARE at system generation time, you can lock all of your files. If you do nothing more, each file will be exclusively locked when it is opened in your program. You have exclusive use of the file. You can read, update, or add to the file. No other user can access the file until you close it. —* In both cases (EILELOCK=YES or EILELOCK=SHARE specified at system generation) you can override this lock at program execution time. There are two ways to do this. The first way is to include a // DD job control statement that specifies one of the ACCESS parameter options in the device assignment set. The second is to prefix the filename with an asterisk (* in the // LED job control statement in the device assignment set. This will cause a read only lock to be applied to the file; that is, you can only read from the file and all other users can only read from the file. UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 6.1 .4.4. SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 16-4a Update C File Lock Feature Summary Table 16—1 summarizes the data management file lock feature. Remember, before using this feature, you indicated which files are lockable at system generation time through the FILELOCK keyword parameter. Once again, the available options are: • FILELOCK=NO indicates that only the system files prefixed with $Y$ are lockable. No user files can be locked. • FILELOCK=YES indicates that all system files (prefixed with $Y$) and all files prefixed with $LOKO1-$LOK99 are lockable. • FILELOCK=SHARE indicates that all files are lockable. Table 16—i. File Lock Summary LOCK Keyword Action ACCESS Keyword 0 LOCKNO®not specified This DTF: read use/ update use/add use Other jobs: no access ACCESS=EXC LOCK=NO® This DTF: read use Other jobs: read use ACCESS=EXCR ACCESS=SRDO ACCESSSRD Action This DTF: read use/ update use/add use Other jobs: no access This DTF: read use/ update use/add use Other jobs: read use (ACCESS=SRD specified for other jobs> 0 This DTF: read use Other jobs: read use (ACCESS=SRD or SRDO specified for other jobs> This DTF: read use Other jobs: read use/update use/ add use (ACCESS=EXCR, SRD, or SRDO specified for other jobs> NOTES: LOCK=NO not specified and ACCESS=EXC are functionally equivalent. ® LOCK=NO and ACCESS=SRDO are functionally equivalent. t UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 16-5 Update C Remember, files are locked based upon the physical file name or $LOKnn prefix for the name that you specified in the // LBL job control statement of the device assignment set. The volume serial number is not used. Since this is the case, you should use a unique physical file name or $LOKnn prefix to differentiate between unrelated files or file sets on different volumes. 4, If you specify the same physical file name or $LOKnn prefix for unrelated files, you risk having files locked out unnecessarily when the ACCESS options are not compatible. For example, assume that files A and B are unrelated and are on different volumes. Also assume that these files have the same physical file name on the // LBL job control statement in their respective device assignment sets. If file A is lockable and has bèeh opened for exclusive use with JOB1, no other job can open file B because its physical file name has already been locked to JOB1 even though file A is an unrelated/different file. Using unique file names prevents this from happening. t 16-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 RENAME 16.2. RENAMING A DISK FILE (RENAME) Neither OS/3 job control nor data management provides a means for renaming an existing disk file. If you need to change the name of one of your files (as recorded in the 44-byte file ID field of the format 1 label on disk), you must do it dynamically within your program, using the RENAME imperative macroinstruction provided by the disk space management facilities of the OS/3 supervisor. Note that you should not issue the RENAME macro to a file that is currrently open. Function: The disk space management macro RENAME allows you to rename any disk file but a system file. By specifying the new 44-byte file identifier you want used, the 7-byte logical file name, and the volume sequence number of the volume on which the file resides, you cause the new file identifier to replace the old file ID in the format 1 label of the VTOC. (The 7-byte logical file name is the same as that appearing as the first operand of an LED job control statement for the file and in the label field of the corresponding data management DTF declarative macro.) Format: LABEL [name] LOPERATION RENAME OPERAND £ Jparam-list 5 error-addr [‘‘Ur) (1) f ‘ fJ [,vol-seq-no] Positional Parameter 1: param-list Specifies the address of a parameter list containing a 7-byte filename (as listed on the LED job control statement and in the label field of the corresponding DTF macro) and a 44-byte new file identifier. The parameter list is a 52-byte character string, the first eight bytes of which contain the LFD-name of the file, left-justified; the last 44 bytes contain the new file ID, also left-justified. (1) Indicates that register 1 has been preloaded with the address of the parameter list. Positional Parameter 2: error-addr Symbolic address to which control is transferred if an error is encountered. (r) Indicates that a register (2 through 12) has been preloaded with the error address. 16—7 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Positional Parameter 3: vol-seq-no Specifies the volume of a multivolume file to be renamed. If omitted, the value 1 is assumed. Examples: LABEL LOPERATIONL 10 II I liii 111111 I I I I I i I OPERAND 16 i C , 1 iCI2..) ’) I II III — I I I iii I Iii I I II I I I I I I SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC. DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev; 4 16-8 SCRTCH 16.3. DYNAMIC DEALLOCATION OF A DISK FILE (SCRTCH) Function: The disk space management macro SCRTCH enables you to deallocate any disk file but a system file, making the space available for future use. After validating your request, the SCRTCH macro removes the definition of the space or extents from the format 1 or format 3 labels and updates the format 5 label in the VTOC. The extent of the newly available freed space is inserted in the correct position in the format 5 record, where available extents are described in ascending sequence of relative track addresses If you deallocate your file the SCRTCH macro deletes all format 1 2 and 3 labels from the VTOC and replaces them with format 0 labels. Note that yoU should not issue the SCRTCH macro to a file that is currently open. Three basic deallocation (scratch) functions are available to you: • deallocation of files by prefix; • deallocation of files by expiration date; and • complete deallocation of a file by file ID. To deallocate files by prefix, you place a 4-byte prefix in bytes 76—--79 of the file control block (FCB) of the file in main storage and specify the PREFIX parameter; the SCRTCH macro searches the VTOC for files with file ID fields beginning with these four characters and deallocates each one matched. The prefix may not include the characters $Y$, so that it is not possible to you to scratch system files by mistake. But by this macro you may deallocate all your temporary work files with one call on OS/3 disk space management. To deallocate expired files, you specify the ALL parameter and include the expiration date in the 3-byte expiration date field of the FCB; the SCRTCH macro compares this with the expiration date in each format 1 label in the VTOC and deallocates all files with earlier expiration dates. To deallocate an entire file by the 44-byte file ID that is contained in the FCB, you either omit the second positional parameter altogether, or specify (0) and preload bits 0 through 7 of general register 0 with the hexadecimal code 00. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP—8068 Rev. 4 16-9 Format: LABEL OPERAND LOPERATIONA SCRTCH 5 FCB-name .1 (0) ALL PREFIX I (error-addr [‘(r). Positional Parameter 1: FCB-name Specifies the symbolic address of the FCB in main storage. Bytes I __.L_. __]_ volume serial number prefix, or expiration date, or file ID (see table below) I ————————— — —————— I Bytes Contents 0—5 Volume serial number (VSN) of disk pack on which files to be deallocated reside 6—n One of the following: 4-byte prefix (may not contain $Y$); requires specification of PREFIX in positional parameter 2 • 3-byte expiration date, in discontinuous binary in the form YDD (year, day, day), where Y ranges from 0 to 99 and DD ranges from 1 to 366; requires specification of ALL in positional parameter 2 • 44-byte file identification positional parameter 2 name; requires omission of (1) Indicates that you have preloaded general register 1 with the symbolic address of the FCB in main storage. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 16-10 Positional Parameter 2: (0) ALL Indicates that you have preloaded register 0 with a hexadecimal function code specifying the scratch operation desired, as follows: Function Code Interpretation 00 Scratch entire file. 82 Scratch all files of the volume whose expiration date is exceeded by the content of the 3-byte expiration-date field of the FCB. 83 Scratch all files that have the 4-byte prefix contained in bytes 76—79 of the FCB. Specifies that all files of the specified volume with expired dates will be deallocated. PREFIX Specifies that all files of the specified volume whose file IDs begin with the 4byte prefix placed in bytes 76—79 of the FCB are to be deallocated. If positional parameter 2 is omitted, the file specified by the 44-byte file ID in the FCB is scratched. Positional Parameter 3: error-addr Specifies the symbolic address of your error routine, to which control will be transferred if an error is encountered. (r) Indicates that you have preloaded the specified register with the address of your error routine. Register 0 and 1 cannot be specified. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 16-11 Examples: LABEL LOPERATION1s 10 1. I I I I I I OPERAND 16 IIC.Rr.I..I I rC.1—i i1i.itiFII_.iEi..,i’ILiOi) 1 iC.i I I I I I I I I I I 1. This macro deallocates all files whose expiration dates are exceeded by the contents of the 3-byte expiration date field of the FCB whose symbolic address is MYFLE. Your error routines’ symbolic address is ERRXT. 2. This macro scratches the file whose 44-byte file ID is contained in the FCB whose symbolic address is TRIFLE. You have preloaded general register 10 with the address of your error routine. 16.4. DISK SPACE MANAGEMENT AND THE VTOC We have discussed two disk space management routines that update the VTOC of a disk pack for you. All together, there are five OS/3 disk space management routines providing vital services for maintaining a correct VTOC on every disk pack. Two of these transients (ALLOC and EXTEND) you will not use directly because they are invoked automatically for you, when you need them, by OS/3 data management or job control; they are therefore not documented here but in the supervisor user guide, UP-8075 (current version). Because the disk space management routines provide efficient, completely automatic space accounting and maintenance they relieve you of the burden of keeping precise track of the contents of your disk files An understanding of the structure of the VTOC and the format of its label records is not essential to you as a data management user; however, Appendix D describes the VTOC in full detail for your information, and the disk space management macro OBTAIN is available for the rare occasions you will have to examine it from a program. 16-12 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OBTAIN RetrievingVTOC Information (OBTAIN) 16.4.1. Function: The disk space management macro OBTAIN returns to you either the disk address or the contents of a specified VTOC format label record for a specified disk volume. You must specify a return buffer of a size appropriate for the information you want retrieved. Format: LABEL A OPERATION OPERAND A {Paramhist OBTAIN } [{erroraddr }] [,vol-seq-noj Positional Parameter 1 param list Is the address of a 12-byte parameter list containing the following: Bytes 0—7 7-byte logical filename (as listed in the LFD Job control statement) Byte 8 Hexadecimal code of the retrieval function to be performed on the VTOC of the disk volume whose volume sequence number is specified by positional parameter 3 Code Function 00 Return VOL1 disk address 01 Return format 1 disk address 02 Return format 2 disk address 03 Return format 3 disk address 04 Return format 4 disk address 05 Return format 5 disk address 06 Return format 6 disk address 80 Return contents of VOL1 label UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Bytes 9—11 16—13 Code Function 81 Return contents of format 1 label 82 Return contents of format 2 label 83 Return contents of format 3 label 84 Return contents of format 4 label 85 Return contents of format 5 label 86 Return contents of format 6 label 87 Return contents of the label recàrd that is located at the disk address that has been preloaded into the first work of the return buffer Return buffer address. Specifies the address in main storage of a return buffer The OBTAIN macro places the disk address or the contents of the specified format label in the return buffer specified by this field. All disk addresses returned by the OBTAIN macro are stored in bytes 0 through 3 of this buffer, in the form 0 ccc hh rr, in discontinuous binary If you specify function code 87 you must store the disk address of the format label you want retrieved in the same location in this buffer, in the same form and format. The size of your return buffer must be four bytes when you request the return of an address, 84 bytes when you request the contents of the VOL1 label, and 140 bytes when you request thecontents of a disk format label record (1) Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the parameter list. Positional Parameter 2: error-addr Symbolic address of your error routine, to which control is transferred when an error is encountered. (r) Indicates that you have preloaded the specified register with the address ofyour error routine. Registers 0 and 1 may not be specified. 16-14 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Positional Parameter 3: vol-seq-no Specifies the volume sequence number of that volume of a multivolume file from which you want to retrieve VTOC information. If omitted, a value of 1 is assumed. Examples: 10 1. I i 111111 i 2. I I t I i A OPERAND AOPERATIONA LABEL 16 i;i2rI iCili)iI(iL1 ) 1 II I ill i-I iI BI1IIbIl .1 ii I I II I I I I I iii I 1 You have preloaded register 1 with the address of your parameter list and register 4 with the address of your error routine you are retrieving information from the VTOC of the second volume of a multivolume file 2 This example is seeking information from the VTOC of the first volume of a multivolume file; the error routine and parameter list are specified by their symbolic addresses, ERRRTN and RECOVER 1, respectively. 16 4 1 1 Retrieving Specific Format Label Items Once you have retrieved the desired format label with the OBTAIN macro, you may address a specific field by its individual label; these labels are shown in Appendix D. Cl) m I -o m -I -o -o m -I -Q UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17 171 17-1 Paper Tape: Data Management GENERAL This section describes OS/3 paper tape data management a system that provides the basic assembly language (BAL) programmer with access at the logical-record level to the SPERRY UNIVAC 0920 Paper Tape Subsystem. The operational characteristics of the latter are outlined in Table A—6; for further information, however, refer to the 0920 paper tape subsystem programmer reference, U P-7998 (current version). After a brief discussion of the hardware and paper tape itself, this section describes the effects of various character and record types on the modes of processing paper tape files and gives an overview of programming with paper tape data management. Following this overview, the four file processing imperative functions OPEN, CLOSE, GET, and PUT are explained, with a description of the means available to you as a BAL programmer in OS/3 for including the paper tape data management processing modules with your own code. The matter of defining a paper tape file to data management using the keyword parameters of the DTFPT declarative macro to specify its characteristics and your requirements for processing it, is then presented in full detail, with a number of simple coding examples to clarify the use àfshift code scan tables and translation tables. The discussion of file definition closes with a description of data management error processing for paper tape files and the use of scan and translation tables when processing paper tapes in ASCII(American National Standard Code for Information Interchange). This section concludes witha few notes on the compatibility of OS/3with the paper tape data management of other operating systems 17.2. HARDWARE AND PAPER TAPE CONSIDERATIONS The data management paper tape system in OS/3 is designed to be used with the 0920 paper tape subsystem, which can be configured as a paper tape reader, a paper tape punch, or a combined reader and punch. It is important to note that, when the subsystem is being used as a combined reader and punch; there are two separate paper tape päths:Whereas reading and punching can take place at the same time in such a subsystem, they cannot take place in one pass on: the same tape. Two different passes are necessary to read and punch on the same piece of paper tape, and in OS/3 the tape must be defined with a separate DTF for each such pass: once as an input file, once for output, using different file names. In addition, you require separate job control device assignment sets (of DVC-LFD statements). SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-2 As a reader, the 0920 paper tape subsystem can handle three different widths of tape: 11/16, 7/8, and 1 inch. The subsystem can punch two widths: 11/16 and 1 inch. As to the number of tracks, or levels of tape characters, the subsystem can read or punch 5level tape on the 11/16-inch width and from 5 through 8 levels on the 1-inch width. The subsystem runs in two reading and punching modes: binary and character. In the binary mode, which is used only with 8-level (1-inch) tapes, there is a fixed, direct correspondence between bits in main storage and holes punched on the tape, that cannot be altered by rewiring the program connector board (17.2.1). In the character mode (also called standard, or nonbinary, mode) from 5- to 7-level tapes are read and punched; an even or odd parity signal may be punched on the tape and checked during reading. It is not transferred to main storage, but, if a parity error is detected (this is always done by the hardware), the most significant bit of the byte in main storage representing the character is set to 1. In addition, you may set up the program connector board to allow detection of a stop character (often called the “wired stop character’ because of the clip-on wires used), as well as a delete character 17.2.1. The Program Connector Board For control, the 0920 paper tape subsystem uses the program connector, a printed circuit patch card which you set up with clip-on wires for the specific tape you are reading or punching. You will have much need of the program connector for processing in character mode, but it is bypassed completely for processing in binary mode A short summary to highlight the procedure for wiring the program connector follows; for full details, consult the 0920 paper tape subsystem programmer reference, UP-7998 (current version). Wiring the Program Connector for the Tape Punch There are eight punch actuator circuits, each connected to a. pin on the program connector board In addition there is a pin on the board for each of the seven least significant bits of a byte in main storage, and two pins that generate odd or even parity signals, based on the content of all eight bits of the byte in main storage. You connect the actuator pins to the main storage bit pins by the clip-on wires; any actuator pin can be connected to any bit pin. You can connect either parity signal pin (the odd or the even) to one of the actuator pins, or you can ground the unused actuator pins together so that nothing is punched in their tracks. - Wiring the Program Connector for theTape Reader A pin on the program connector is connected to each of the eight photodiodes in the read station of the device; there are also pins for each of the seven least significant bits of a byte in main storage, and two pins connected to reader circuits for checking odd or even parity. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-3 You connect seven of the photodiode pins to any of the seven bit pins; any of the bit pins can be grounded so that the associated bit in main storage is always zero. You may also connect one of the two parity-check circuit pins to any one of the photodiode pins, or the parity-check pins can be so connected that no parity checking is done. The reader section of the program connector also allows you to specify one delete character: and one stOp character for detection by the hardware when it is reading in character mode; however, in the binary mode, it cannot detect these characters. Therefore, if you need to delete characters from your input records in binary mode, or if your application requires additional delete characters, remember that you must specify these as software deletes in your program, using the- SCAN keyword parameter -of the DTFPT declarative macro (17 5 3 1) 17.2.2. Paper Tape Leader If the optional tape spooler is. used with the 0920 paper tape subsystem, a tape leader at least three feet long: must precede the first datacharacter to beread on the tape. In the binary mode the leader must consist only of null characters; in the character mode, you may use either null or delete characters If the reader spooler is not used, the paper tape leader may be as short as two inches 17.2.3. Paper Tape Trailer When you are using the 0920 paper tape subsystem, you receive an indication of broken tape if there are data characters under the read photodiodes when the end-of-tape switch is activated. A false indication of broken tape, therefore, results when the end of an unbroken tape goes by while the last of the data characters are still being read. To prevent this false error indication from being given, you must follow the last data character on an input tape with atape trailer at least12 inches (120: characters) long; there must be nondata characters. In the binary mode, the trailer must consist only of null characters; in the character mode, you may use- null or delete characters. Figure 17—i is a schematic-diagram of a paper tape file with its leader and trailer. L D —I T II’j LEGEND: L Tape leader Immediately precedes the first data character on paper tape and comprises only null characters in binary mode may comprise null or delete characters in character (standard) mode Must be at least three feet (360 characters) long if the optional tape spooler is used on 0920 paper tape subsystem; otherwise needs to be no more than two inches (20 characters) long. T Tape trailer. Immediately follows the last data character on paper tape; must be at least 12 inches (120 characters) long to prevent false error indication of broken tape. Comprises only null characters in binary mode; may comprise null or delete characters in character mode. D Data file. In character mode, the format of data records may be either fixed, unblocked or undefined (that is, records are of various lengths). The only record format used in binary is fixed, unblocked. Figure 17—1. Tape Leader, Paper Tape Data File, and Tape Trailer 17.3. 17-4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC:DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 CHARACTER AND RECORDTYPES ONPAPER TAPE Before looking into the way your data is organized on punched paper tape and appears to data management and to your program, consider the uses of several character types already mentioned, but not explainted so far: the null character, the delete character, and the end-ofrecord stop. These are part of a class of characters selected byconvention or arbitarily from among all the possible patterns that may be punched in one character’s space on tape, different from the rest only in that they. are not used to represent data. They are sometimes called control characters, but, on the other hand, they may represent the absence of data or serve as information separators or delimiters to format your data They may serve merely to fill space on tape as a tape leader as trailer. One of them may be used to obliterate unwanted or erroneous data characters or other nondata characters. Characters from this class may indeed be used to control communications or devices (here, for example, the 0920 paper tape subsystem itself), and the term control characters is then appropriate. An important realization is thateach tape code you must assign to one of these characters reduces by one the subset of possibilities you may use to represent your data. When you are processing in character, or standard, mode, however, this limitation is not as serious as it may seem: data management’s letter/figure shifting capability allows you to represent more than one set of charcters in the same set of hole patterns punched on tape. 17.3.1. • Null, Delete, and Stop Characters Null Character. The null character is represented on tape by the absence of any punches in the information levels (tracks); only the feed (or’sprocket) hole is punched To punch the a standard tape code for the ‘null character, you place the hexadecimal ‘value 00 in your I/O area: You may use convention in both ASCII and.EBCDIC processing and trallerwhen yo’u are leader tape paper the in the null character (or the delete) only the null for these use must you ), but processing in character mode (MODESTD use only the null must rly you. purposes’ in binary’ mode (17.2.2,. 17:2.3). Simila character to represent the optional interrecord gap in binary processing, although the delete character ma.y be. used.. instead, in character mode (17.3.4). — — . ... When you start to read paper tape the subsystem feeds tape until it comes to the first character that is not a null (or a delete) it then beginning with this character starts to transfer characters’ into main storage. For this reason,’you must never use the null as the first cha.racter of,the first record on a tape; if you do, all ..subsequent record lengths are off by one byte. In binary mode, once the transfer of data has begun, all subsequent null characters are read into main storage, as binary 0’s (hexadecimal 00), and, whatever these represent in your input file, you must program to deal with them In character mode, on the other hand (MODE=STD) nulls are never transferred into, main storage. ‘ .‘, UP-8068 Rev. 4 a SPERRYUNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 7-5 Delete Characters You may represent a delete character on tape by any of the hole patterns available for you topunch, althoughthe standard ASCII deIetechãcter isäpunch in each of the seven data tracks (17 5 10) The practice of punching a hole in each track or data level to represent a delete character facilitates one of the main uses of the character to cancel or obliterate unwanted data in a record There are however two types of these the hardware delete and the software delete In character mode only (MODE=STD), by wiring the program connectorboard, you cancause thea hardware itself to recognize one of the incohiing tape ôodes as a character to be deleted, which itdoes not transfer to main stbrage.ltskiis this character, without leaving aspaàe in its place; and goes on to read in the next data character This is called thE wired” or “hardware” delete; buts uch a character cannot be used in binary mode To prevent a character you want treated as a delete from being read into main storage in binary mode, you niust so designate it inã söan table that you specify to data management via the SCAN keyword parameter of the DTFPT declarative macro that defines the file (17.5.31). You may specify more than one delete character this way these arecalled “softWar&’ deletes, because the data management software takescare of them in both binary and character modes. — — A major use of the delete character, as suggested is to obliterate unwanted characters from your paper tape file when these are identified in later processing, once the file is created However (with one exception) you must take pains never to include the delete character in your output data when you are creating a paper tape file; it is punched into the tape by other means. Because of this use in cancelling out any tape code, the delete is often called a “n.ib-oUt” charCctér. The exception to the general rule of always excluding the delete character from appearance among the data characters in your output is its use as the record gap character when you are punching a tape (17.3.4). The other uses of the delete, to constitute the paper tape leader and trailer, or the interrecord gap (the record gap character) in standard mode have already been referred to. In these uses, it is important to rernOmbér that the delete character must be the hardware delete, to be wired for input files via the program connector board, and not one of the software deletes designated in a SCAN table You may place the hexadecimal code for the hardware delete in your I/O area as many times as you want it punched in the, header or trailer, or you may form these. file-delimiting character strings by splicing already punched strips of tape onto the ends of the file after it is punched without them. • 17-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Stop Character Undefined records, used, only when you are, processing .,,in character mode (MODESTD), require some means of delimitation as: they vary in length. For this, you use an: end-of-record stop character at the low-order end of the record; it is placed there automatically by data management when. you are punching an output file. It is read into your ItO area. from an. input file, and marks the farthest point into your I/O area you should attempt to reach in processing your data You specify to data management what it is to use for this character on an output file by means of the EORCHAR keyword parameter of the DTFPT declarative macro defining the file (17.5.6); for an input file, you must specify the end-of-record stop to the 0920 paper tape subsystem itself by wiring the program connector board ( When the subsystem encounters this character on reading an undefined record in character mode, it automatically stops tape motion. Remember that in binary mode the subsystem cannot be wired to recognize a stop character. The end-of-record stop character may not be used in OS/3 as the record gap character. The use of an end-of-record stop character affects the length of your I/O buffers and work areas in character mode (MODE=STD); these effects are discussed in detail in 1751.3,, and Figure 17—2 shows therelationship of record length to the block size specification for an undefined record of the maximum size in a file. Note the position of the stop character in some of the subsequent figures, also. UNDEFINE.D RECORD (USED IN CHARACTER (STANDARD) MODE ONLY) E a R 4 D 4 LEGEND: E End-of-record character, a ‘wired stop” character placed by data management as a delimiter at the end of each undefined (variable-length) record. Specified by theEORCHAR keyword of a DTFPT declarative macro defining an output paper tape file set for input files with clip on wires in the reader section of the program connector D Length of data record, which may not exceed 4094 bytes. For output files, you load this length into the register specified with the RECSIZE keyword of the DTFPT macro. For input files, data management loads the RECSIZE register with the length of each record it reads in. Assuming thatD is the length of the longest data record inthe paper tapefile, then I as depicted here’ equals the BLKSIZE specification, which may not exceed 4095 bytes. The BLKSIZE specification is the size of the largest logical record to be processed and always includes 1 byte for the EORCHAR stop character that follows the data in an undefined record. Figure 17—2. 17.3.2. Undefined Paper Tape Record of Maximum Size for the File: Relationship of Record Length to BLKSIZE Specification Letter and Figure Shift Characters Only when you are processing in character mode (MODE=STD) may you use the letter/figure shifting capability that data management offers to permit you to represent more characters than you have unique hole patterns available in the number of data levels or tracks in your tape. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-7 Setting aside a few of the hole patterns for the null character, one or more deletes, and (if you have undefined records in your file), the end-of-record stop, you can nearly double the number of characters that the remaining hole patterns represent if you select two more to be shift codes and then assign two meanings to each of the patterns that this leaves you one meaning when it follows the one shift code on tape one when it follows the other The conventions in 05/3 data management are that one of these shift codes is the letter shift character, all hole patterns following it on tape being translated as “letters”, and that the other is the figure shift character, all tape codes that follow it being translated as “figures” Another convention is that, on opening an input file, data management expects that the first record of the file begins with a “figure” unless the first charaôter of the record is the letter shift code. Data management inserts all shift codes automatically as it punches your output records into paper tape files, and it deletes them automatically, translating the intervening data as required, as it reads input records from tape. To represent the letter shift and the figure shift codes, you may select any of the codes that you can punch into the tape at your disposal except for the null, deletes, and endof-record stop. Figure 17—3 shows the appearance of an undefined output record, comprising both “figures” and “letters”, as it woUld appear in the I/O area after you had formed it there for punching by data management, and as the record would look after it was punched as the first record on tape. Notice that the letter shift code has been added automatically by data management as the first character of the punched record — UNDEFINED OUTPUT RECORD, LESS THAN MAXIMUM SIZE FOR FILE, AS IT APPEARS IN i/O AREA BLKS1ZE specification Record size Data moved by user to output area when he is forming records to be punched on tape LEGEND: “Letters”: 8-bit configurations user has designated to be translated by the content of his LSCAN and TRANS tables “Figures”: 8-bit patterns user has designated to be translated by the content of his FSCAN and TRANS tables End of record stop character placed in I/O area by data management specified by EORCHAR keyword Residual data in I/O area, not processed Figure 1 7—3. Undefined Output Record for Standard Mode Paper File in I/O Area and as Punched on Tape (Part 1 of 2) SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT. UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-8 AND AS IT APPEARS PUNCHED AS THE FIRST RECORD ON A PAPER TAPE FiLE LEGEND: L S C Letter shift code (LSC) punched by data management the OS/3 convention is that the first character in the first record on tape is either a “figure” or the letter shift code Tape codes to be translated on input as representing letters because they follow LSC and precede FSC Tape codes to be translated on input as representing “figures”, because they follow FSC and precede LSC S C Figure shift code (FSC), never the first character of the first record on tape E Q 4 End of record delimiter a character specified by the EORCHAR keyword of the DTFPT macro On input when this character is encountered tape motion stops The 0920 paper tape subsystem can be wired to recognize this character only in standard mode Paper tape leader Figure 1 7--3. Undefined Output Record for Standard Mode Paper File in I/O Area and as Punched on Tape (Part 2 of 2) FIgure 1 7—4 shows the relations of an undefined Input record s length and contents to the I/O and work areas (and to the specified block size) notice that the bytes in the data area beyond the end-of-record stop character aie not zeroed or otherwise processed by data management you should avoid running into them in your processing The means for designating the shift codes, for designating which characters are “figures” and which “letters”, and for translating these are described in full elsewhere (17.5.3,, and 17.5.5, for example) under the DTFPT macro keyword parameters used for the purpose. See also Figure 17—10, in UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT (for largest undefined record, including 1 byte for EORCHAR) BLKSIZE specification (as read into I/O area originally) [.4 IOAREA 1 I! I letters / I / / 1 / ,, I / 1/ / , , 1 I I I / / // l/O0rWORK lette: figures II II /,/// II I ‘ 1 79 Ii ‘ i 1/ 1/ // 1/ // 1/ / /i ii’ ‘ t I, I,’ figures I letters / // // ,‘ / Bytes beyond the EORCHAR (stop) / / character are not / / zeroed or otherwise processed by data management. / / / f / / letters (As made available to user after GET instruction in I/O area or work area,) with shift and delete characters removed and data translated 14 Recordiength loaded into RECSIZE register excludes the EORCHAR (stop character) that delimits each undefined record on tape and in I/O and work area. LEGEND: EORCHAR (stop character) Lettershift character 6 Figure shift character Bytes beyond the EORCHAR (stop) character. These are not zeroed or otherwise processed by data management and should not be accessed by the user. Figure 1 7—4. Relationships of Record Length, Work Area Length, and i/O Area Length to BLKSIZE Specification and Content of RECSIZE Register for an undefined Record Input from Paper Tape with Shifted CodeE UP-8068 Rev. 4 17.3.3 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-10 Record Formats in Paper Tape Files In defining OS/3 paper tape files, one of two record formats may be specified, depending on processing mode. When you are processing in binary mode, the only format you may specify is the fixed, unblocked format, but when you are processing in character mode (MODE=STD) you may specify either this or the undefined record format You use the RECFORM keyword of the DTFPT declarative macro discussed in detail in 17 5 1 2 for specifying the format of records in your file The two processing modes are described in fully in 17.5.2. The reason that the undefined format may not be specified in binary mode is that there is no way the paper tape subsystem, when operating in binary, can be made to recognize the end-of-record stop character that delimits the undefined record (17.3.1), yet this recognition is essential for input processing. The fixed unblocked record may vary in length from 1 to 4095 bytes If you are used to processing records that are considerably smaller than 4095 bytes in your applications you may wonder whether it is possible to block them in OS/3 Paper tape data management does not offer facilities for blocking and unblocking records, and this is the reason you may not specify a blocked format in your DTF; however, because a record is simply what you tell data management it is, your file may indeed consist of blocked records. The only point is that your program must deal with the blocking and deblocking that is necessary, without the assist that data management offers in the magnetic tape and some of the disk access methods. In character processing mode (MODE=STD), fixed, unblocked records may contain shifted characters and shift codes (they may not in binary mode), and when they do, moreover, you should note that they will seldom be all of one size when punched on paper tape. Figure 17—5, contained in a following paragraph (17.3.4), illustrates this point. Although fixed, unblocked records may not be shifted in binary mode, they may be translated. The undefined record is simply one that may be of any length up through 4094 bytes; its maximum length is one byte less than the limit for the fixed-length record because of the need for the end-of-record stop character just described (17.3.1). The actual length of individual undefined records may vary from record to record; it is marked by the delimiting stop character and referred to in the general register designated for record size ( It, too, may actually contain blocked records, but thereis no way to specify this fact todata management, which has no facilities for blocking or deblocking. You must do this yourself. Figures 17—5, 17—6, and 17—7, presented in the following paragraph, show the appearance of records of each format.. on tape and in the data area. These records are followed by an interrecord gap. 17.3.4. Interrecord Gaps in paper Tape Files Data management does not provide automatic facilities for punching a string of nondata characters (null or delete characters, for example) after each output record to serve as an interrecord gap. Yet a gap so constituted, especially if it contained a fixed number of these characters, might facilitate error recovery and would serve to distinguish records on tape. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-11 If you want to create an interrecord gap for these reasons, you need only to place the number of null or delete characters that you have decided to use at the end of each record in the output of work area. There are a few considerations to keep in mind, however; these affect both your block size specification and (for undefined records only) the value placed in the general register used to refer to logical record length. With output files in both binary and standard modes, a byte for every character to be punched at the end of a record as part of an interrecord gap must be included in your calculation of block size, which you specify with the BLKSIZE keyword parameter of the DTFPT declarative macro ( Furthermore, if your records are undefined, your block size must still allow one byte more for the end-of-record stop character, which data management inserts in the I/O buffer as a delimiter after the last record gap character you place there. Therefore, the overall length of data-record-plus record-gap that youform must be at least one byte shy of your BLKSIZE specification. You also count the bytes for the record gap characters at the end of undefined records in the record length that you load into the general register that you must use to refer to record size (the RECSIZE register, Refer to Figure 17—5. ..•. data [ • data [4 . . . IRG Output File j Block size specification I— . Undefined record, of maximum size for its file (standard mode only). P-I IRG Undefined record, of less than maximum size for its file (standard mode only). . -P-I Fixed, unblocked mode. data 4 record, either processing IRG I/O area contents LEGEND: 0 End-of-record stop character, punched by data management Bytes in I/O area beyond end-of-record stop, not processed by data management nor to be accessed by user IRG Length of interrecord gap, characters supplied by user Figure 17—5. Undefined and Fixed, Unblocked Records Followed by Interrecord Gaps in Output Paper Tape File, Either Processing Mode 17-12 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 With inputfilespräcessed in character rnode(MODE=STD),nUlls or deletes at the end of each record are not included in your BLKSIZE specification because they are not transferred ihtó mäihstorage. For the s me reason; data management does not inClude the bytes for The record gap characters :in the record length it lOads for undefined records into the RECSIZE register. A standard rnodë output file containing interreCord gaps would therefore require a smaller BLKSIZE specification when it is read in than it needed when punched Refer to Figure 17—6 Block size when created 1RG ‘ Input Files E data .. . . . Undefined record, of maximum size for its file, as punched on tape with the interrecord gap Content of I/O area when the same undefined record is read in in character mode (MODE=STD) Fixed, unblocked record as punched on tape with interrecord gap Block size on input 4 Content of I/O area when the same fixed, unblocked record is read in in character mode (MODE=STD) data LEGEND: End-of-record stop character, punched by data management A. IRG Length of intérrecord gap, characters supplied by user when files were created, Punched ontapé, but not transferred to main storage on input in character mode (MOf E= STD) Figure 17—6. Undefined and Fixed, Unblocked Records Followed by Interrecord Gaps in Input Paper Tape Files, Standard Processing Mode UP-8068 Rev; 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-13 For input files processed in binary mode, on the other hand, the situation is different. Because the record gap characters are transferred into main storage (as nulls, hexadecimal 00) at the end of each record, you must include the fixed number of bytes for calculating block size, as well as programming appropriately to account for their presence. A binary mode file containing interrecord gaps would have the same BLKSIZE specification for input processing as it had when punched. Refer to Figure 17—7. Block size when created Input File data ••.•••• r data . Fixed, unblocked record as punched on tape in binary mode with interrecord gap IRG •..•.• Same record in I/O area when read in in binary mode ie block size on input LEGEND: IRG Length of interrecord gap. Characters supplied by user when file was created. In binary mode, these characters are read into main storage as input and must be included in BLKSIZE specification and in reserving main storage for I/O area. Figure 17—7. Fixed, Unblocked Record Followed by Interrecord Gap in Input Paper Tape File, Binary Processing Mode It might occur to you that, when you are processing output files in character mode (MODE=STD), you could punch a string of end-of-record stop characters, instead of nulls or deletes, as an interrecord gap between undefined records. Although you could punch a series of these characters, when your file is read in, the device would stop tape motion at each of the end-of-record characters, and could not be made to skip over them. Other paper tape systems you are familiar with may allow consecutive end-of-record characters, without intervening data, to be punched in output tapes and skipped over on input OS/3 does not provide the facility to skip these on input. — Figures 17—8 and 17—9 depict shifted undefined records and shifted fixed, unblocked records as they exist on tape and appear in your work area when processed in character mode (MODESTD). 17-14 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 IRG j 1 i figures letters figures g t • • • — • letters figures rG record 2 record 1 Shifted, undefined records, each followed by a user-supplied interrecord gap as they appear on tape BLKSIZE specification and length of work ares ‘4 figures L 11 letters figures 0 R record 1 The first undefined record as made available to user in work area by GET macro. LEGEND: Bytes in work area beyond end-of-record stop character, not to be accessed by user S Figure shift character inserted and deleted by data management. Precedes each string of figures except those beginning first record or tape Letter shift character inserted and deleted by data management. Precedes each string of letters in every record on tape 0 P1 IRG End-of-record stop character, delimiter for each undefined record. Specified for input file by wiring program connectors board Interrecord gap, characters supplied by user. Not transferred to main storage in character mode (MODE=STD). NOTE: The record length placed by data management in the RECSIZE register does not include the end-of-record stop character even though this character is read into I/O area and is moved with the record into the work area. Figure 17—8. Shifted, Undefined Records as They Appear on Paper Tape and in User Work Area: Input File, Character Mode (MODE=STD) — UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT h IRG frgs letters all letters Record 1 figures RGj ii Ifigures 17—15 letters Record 2 letter, figs . all letters Record 3 J letters and dze&ecch wo arco-sm&r than output blocksize by the fixed number of record gap characters punched between records LEGEND: rn [j Letter shift code, inserted and deleted by data management Figure shift code, inserted and deleted by data management IRG Interrecord gap, a fixed number of characters supplied by user on output but not transferred on input in character mode NOTES: 1. Record 1, including its interrecord gap, is two bytes larger than specified by the BLKSIZE keyword at output because of the shift codes required after the first and second fields and inserted there by data management. 2. Record 2, likewise, is one byte larger than the output BLKSIZE specification (which must include the fixed number of record gap characters you supply for each record), because of the letter shift code required. This record begins with a letter, and the preceding record ended in a figure. 3. Record 3 is exactly the length specified by the BLKSIZE keyword at output. No shift code is required: the record contains only letters, and the preceding record ended with a letter. Figure 17—9. 17.4. Shifted, Fixed, Unblocked Records on Paper Tape and in Work Areas: Input File, Character Mode (MODE=STD) PROCESSING PAPER TAPE FILES The procedures in processing paper tape files are simply summarized. Before creating your program, you obviously will know what form of tape you are going to read or punch, whether it is to be in binary or character mode, whether it is to be translated into or from the standard EBCDIC, and whether it is to contain shifted characters or rely on only one, unique use of the codes available to you. Once these points have been determined by the nature of your application, you will take the following steps to use the paper tape data management system: a You define each of your paper tape files, using the keyword parameters of the DTFPT declarative macro to specify your requirements. a Before reading or punching any data from or to any paper tape file, you issue an OPEN imperative macro to initialize the file. SPERRYrUNIVAC O$V3.: BA5ICDATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev..4 17-16. . At this point in your program, you may issue the GET imperative macro to read data from the file, or the PUT macro to punch data into the tape. Note that you cannot issue both macros to the same file in any one pass. • . • -- After all dâtá hai bóeiV Punched óriti a tipe, dr reid from. it, you isiUe I •O••SE imperaiive macio to terminate yeiI jirôóOssing of it. . .. . At program execution time, you must do the following: • Provide proper device assignement arid logical file definition for each file, through job control DVC and LFD statementS. • Ensure that the program connector in the 0920 paper tape subsystem is properly set up. • Ensure that the proper paper tape is mounted and that the device is online. The following paragraphs describe the four imperative macros you may issue to a paper tape file: OPEN, CLOSE, GET, and PUt . •. . • ., . C: c.t.1 C, .. I .c’n ‘ : .‘ . S i • . i•, , .. ‘‘ 7?.: :‘; ..;f’1”:kt, 1.t .•. r;:; C UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 17-17 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT OPEN 17.4.1. Initializing a Paper Tape File (OPEN) Before issuing any of the other imperative macros to it, you must issue an OPEN Imperative macro to the paper tape file to be processed The transients and overlays called as a result link your file to the device you have assigned through job control and perform otherfile initialization procedures. For an input file, for example, that contains letter/figure shift äodes, the OPEN prOcessing initializes the file so that the first record on tape is read in the figures mode. If the first record on a paper tape actually begins with letters, therefore, a letter shift code must be the first character punched on tape, or the record will be misread. This code is inserted automatically for tapes punched by OS/3 Format iOPE RATION LABEL [symbol] OPERAND OPEN filename-i [,...,filename-n] {1 IL Positional Parameter 1 filename Is the label in your program of the DTFPT declarative macro defining thepaper tape file to be initialized You may initialize as many as 16 data management files with one OPEN macro call they need not all be paper tape files (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded general register 1 with the address of the DTFPT declarative macro You use this form only when you have a single file to initialize. Examples: LABEL LOPERATiONL 1 10 I. 2 1 DMP1I ,DP1 I 1111111 _I i i 2. I — i liii I — i I I I I — i OPERAND 16 — I (1) 1. Opens paper tape files DMPT1 and DMPT2 2. Opens the paper tape file DMPT7 I I I I I I 1/-i SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 CLOSE 17.4.2. Terminating Paper Tape File Processing (CLOSE) When you have completed processing your paper tape file, you must issue the CLOSE imperative macro before taking any action to terminate the job (such as issuing supervisor macros EOJ, CANCEL, DUMP, etc). Transients called by the CLOSE macro ascertain whether all I/O operations have been completed, process errors on the final I/O operations, and so forth. If you require further processing on the paper tape file, you must reopen it. with the OPEN macro. Format tOPERATIONE LABEL [symbol] t CLOSE OPERAND filename-i [,...,filename-n] (1) 1 *ALL Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label in your program of the DTFPT declarative macro defining the paper tape file whose processing is to be terminated. You may close as many as 1 6 data management files with one CLOSE macro call; they need not all be paper tape files. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded general register 1 with the address of the DTFPT declarative macro. YoU use this form only when you have a single file to terminate. *ALL Specifies that all files currently open in the job step are to be closed. 17-19 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Examples: LABEL txOPERATIONz 1 10 I. M P 1 l1 ,MP12 i I I iili I I I il a I I I I I OPERAND 16 — I I a a i i — i_ill I i L, A 1 ii_ — III II I — I I I I 121 1 X I I I I I I I I I I i I i 1. Closes the files labeled DMPT1 and DMPT2 2. Closes the file labeled EX1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 17-20 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASiC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 GET 17 4 3 Reading a Logical Record from Paper Tape (GET) You issue the GET imperative macro to an input file to make a logical record available to you either in a work area or in an I/O area. In executing a GET macro, before data management makes an input record available to you in an I/O area or moves it from there to your work area, it has removed all shift or delete characters from the record and has translated all data that requires translation. If you want to use a work area for processing input records, you must specify the WORKA keyword parameter in the DTFPT declarative macro defining the file and must also specify the address of the work area with each issue of the GET macro. If you do not specify the WORKA keyword, you must access each record in an I/O area. And, if you have specified two I/O areas but no work area, you must use an I/O register to access the record ( When your record is an undefined record (RECFORM=UNDEF), the end-of-record character appears in the data area at the end of the record; furthermore, any unused bytes in the area beyond this stop character are not zeroed or otherwise processed by data management (refer back to Figures 17—3 and 17—4, for example). If you wish, you may specify a record size register when you are reading undefined records. Data management then loads this register with the length of the record, as it appears in the data area minus shift and delete characters; this length does not include the end-of-record stop character. Format: LABEL [symbol] OPERAND LOPERATIONZ2 GET filename {(i) }[ , workarea {(o) Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label in your program of the DTFPT declarative macro defining the input paper tape file from which you are reading a record. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFPT file table. Positional Parameter 2: workarea Is the symbolic address (label) of your work area. You may change this label from one GET macro to another. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT 17—21 (0) or 0 Indicates that you have preloaded register 0 with the address of a work area. Examples: LABEL tOPERATIONt 1, 10 OPERAND 16 L I a — — I 3. I I I I i I i OIOI°II — i i — P_I2, i( I I I I I I I I I I I- I I DIMP 3 1 ,”O) 1 Read a record from paper tape file labeled DMPT1 and leave the record in an I/O area. 2 Read a record from paper tape file labeled DMPT2 and move the record to the work area labeled WK1. 3. Read a record from paper tape file labeled DMPT3 and move the record to the work area labeled WK5 1 1-22 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 PUT 17.4.4. Punching a Logical Record into Paper Tape (PUT) Having provided the data for an output record in an I/O area or work area, you issue the PUT Imperative macro to punch it as a logical record into paper tape If you are using a work area you must specify the WORKA keyword in the DTFPT declarative macro that defines your output file, and you must specify the address of a work area with each PUT macro you issue. The work area may differ from macro to macro. Data management moves the output record from the work area to the output area and before punching the record on tape; inserts letter and figure shift characters and translates data as necessary. If this is the first record on the tape, and if it begins with a letter, data management automatióally punches the letter shift character as the first character of the record. If the record format is undefined, data management punches the end-of-record stop character at the end of each record. You will have specified the shift characters with the LSCAN and FSCAN keywords and the end-of-record character with the EORCHAR keyword, when you defined the file with the DTFPF declarative macro. To punch out undefined records you must also have specified a record size register using the RECSIZE keyword in the DTF, and, determining the length of each record, you must load this length into the register before you issue each PUT macro. The number you load into the RECSIZE register is the number of bytes ofdata in the record; it does not include bytes for the end-of-record stop character nor for the shift characters, which data management inserts. Format: LABEL [symbol] OPERAND LOPERATiON PUT filename (1) , workarea U Positional Parameter 1: filename Is the label in your program of the DTFPT declarative macro that defines the output paper tape file. (1) or 1 Indicates that you have preloaded register 1 with the address of the DTFPT file table. Positional Parameter 2: workarea Is the label in your program of the work area from which you want the output record moved. 17-23 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 UP-8068 Rev. 4 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT (0) or 0 Indicates that you have preloaded register 0 with the address of the work area from which you want the record moved. Examples: IsOPERATiONLk LABEL 1 1. 1 ?5cO E 2. I I i i i OPERAND 16 16 — I — — 3. DI1 I8 WK, A i i I i I i a a I ii I 1 1. Punch a record which the user has placed in an I/O area, into the paper tape file whose label is EX7. 2 Move the record that the user has placed in the work area labeled WKA to an I/O area and punch it into the paper tape file whose label is DMPT8 3. Same as 2. UP-8068 Rev; 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 7-24 DTFPT 17.5. DEFINING PAPER TAPE FILES (DTFPT) You define your paper tape files to data management by issuing a DTFPT declarative macro for each file you will process in your BAL program using its keyword parameters to describe the file The DTFPT macro does not generate executable code (and therefore should not be issued in the midst of executable instructions or imperative macros) it does generate a file table to contain data about the file and the results of processing. When your program is assembled the assembler expands your DTFPT declarative macro into a 215-byte file table, which it uses in a number of ways to control file processing and to record certain results. As you execute each imperative macro to process your file, for example, data management places an informative reply, indicating normal completion of I/O or exäeptional conditions (including unrecoverable error) in a program-addressable field of the DTF file table called filenameC Your use of this field is explained under the ERROR keyword parameter (17.5.9), as isthe use of another field, filenameD, to access a record containing a parity error. Following is a format delination of the DTFPT declarative macro, showing the required and optional keyword parameters you will use to define your file and to indicate to data management some of your file processing requirements. Notice that the keywords are listed here in alphabetic order; however, you may issue them in any convenient order, separating them with commas. 1 725 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Format: LABEL OPERATIONt filename DTFPT OPERAND BLKSIZE=n [EOFADDR=symbol] [,EORCHAR=expression] [,ERROR=symbol] [,FSCAN=symbolj [,FTRANS=symboIJ ,lOAREAlsymbol [,IOAREA2=symbol] [,IOREG=(r)] [LSCANsymbol] [,LTRANS=symbol] BlNARY [MODE [ [,OVBLKSZ=n] [,OPTION=YES] EREC FORM={JN’ [,RECSIZE=(r)] [,SAVAR EAsymbol] [,SCAN=symbol] [,TRANS=symbol] }1 TYPE FLE={a OUTPUT [,WORKA=YES] L A comma is shown preceding every keyword but the first, to remind you that all keywords coded in a string must be separated by commas. However, a comma must not be coded in column 16 of a continuation line, nor follow the last of the string. Refer to the preface of this manual for OS/3 format statement conventions and to 1 .6.3 for rules on continuation. The symbolic label of the DTFPT declarative macro (filename), required for all DTFPT files, is the logical name bywhich you address the file in your BAL program, it may contain no more than seven alphanumeric characters, the first of’ which must be alphabetic. Restricting filename to seven characters allows data management to generate symbols, such as filenameC, which you may reference in each DTF file table by concatenating a letter to the file name. You specify this file name to the imperative macroinstructions you issue to process your file, and it is this name also that you use in the job control logical file definition (LFD) statement with which you allocate the file, SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-26 Notice that there are two keyword parameters (BLKSIZE and IOAREA1) that you must always specify in every DTFPT macro. Others are required under certain circumstances, and some are entirely up to you Notice also that the completion of many of the keyword parameters is symbol, representing the fact that with symbol you specify the symbolic address of the subroutine, translation table, scan table, or I/O buffer the keyword stands for. In expanding your DTFPT declarative macro, the assembler generates an EXTRN pseudo-op for each symbolic label the macro contains; this means that the corresponding subroutine or table need not be assembled with the DTFPT macro, but, when it is more convenient or advantageous for you to do so, may be assembled separately. These are the keywords in point: * Keyword Subsection EOFADDR 17.5.4 ERROR 17.5.9 FSCAN 17.5.5 FTRANS 17.5.3 IOAREA1 IOAREA2 17514 LSCAN 1753 LTRANS 17.5.3 SAVARE 17.5.8 SCAN 17.5.3 TRANS . Table 17—1, followingthe DTFPT format delineation, summarizes the rules for specifying the keywords. The keywords are discussed, in fuildetail, in the subsequent paragraphs. Information on acceptable variations of some of:the keywords is given in 17.6, which discusses the compatibility of OS/3 with certain other data management systems for paper tape. SPERRY. UNIVAC osa BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table 17—1. 17-27 Summary of DTFPT Keyword Parameters (Part 1 of 2) lb. With Fit. Typt K.y.td INPUT SLi(SIZE U.. With Pttt.wttq IWid. EXTRN OUTPUT V V N, RINARY — STO R V — — Lb. Withk.t Wtitt.d C.d.t lb. With Shifttd c.d.t 0. P.t.ph Sp.tifV With 0.ttils — Iy hytet, .1 I15,tt IV9VVl .c.d; ,t it . dyijyci ,Vytdl .,itthl -.tgy I thc.gh 4095 EOFADDR tyicbcl Sptyitiys tb.I .1 c.d.it.t.p. pVyyitg ,c.titt; d Ic’ .11 itpt Ide.. V EORCHAR y.p’ytt ic Reqiittd f, c.tpiit Iil.t iith uyd,fiytd ,yycdl; tptifiet ttop .5, dtliy,ityll N, V N. N. V Sptiifiyt ,bel of ase’t .ptfied, 0 0 Vys 0 0 Reqifrtd. With LSCAN kayotd, to aWaitS ab& af a.e’t figata ta.y tbIt tot piatahiag file. ai1h thOt,d aadet Na 0 Ytt Na V q LTRANS 4 . OSCAN p I,btl at at,t’. Ii 9l1tt,VtI.t lOt t,ble fa PlOatttitgtthi ttedia pat lii, 0 N V N Ypt • — . 13,5.4 — . - RECFORM FIXUNB, 13.5,6 — — — — 0 R Na MODEBINARY 13,5.5 0 9 N TRANS 1353 MODE=BINARV ERROR tyttbyl FSCAN tytabal FTRANS tab I IOAREA1 t1ia tc.tiae. If act lv MOOEBINARV Nyibal Reqaiyd fa all iiltt; tp.aifia 1.5.1 at phtacy I/O ball,, R R Yat R R tyaaI sp..t.t i,btl at aptioV& s,aaadcy I/O ball,,. R.qai,yt tpt,ifi.tiaa at IOREG if aa,k .,ta p,a.t ttiy4itaattptaili4 IWORKA k,yiaa,dl 0 0 Y.t 0 0 (‘I Sptaifd.,ia.adata,yp.,,atfl,tta,ihtaatyb,, at 15, WaCN1 ttti ttt1 a bt ated ts I/O i,dc. ,taittt,. Rtqaicd htt IOAREA2 keyaab,d it tptaified,battaak.e.p,aat.aiagit,at IWORKA ktya.,dl 0 0 0 0 LSCAN tyytbal R,qai,,d,.titbFSCANk.ywad,ta,peaify I,btl at att,’t I tttt taay NUt t pac.h tiltt With thitted aad,t Na 0 V.a LTRANS tymbal Reqai.td, .05 FTRANS tad SCAN heywada, t 5 I a I Pt lv h I b tic’, atbit Ia, ty i,pat file aaith thitted cad,, 0 Na Yet MODE BINARY Reqai,,dta,peciiybi,a,yp,acttdagmode 0 0 Sru Sp.aifiea CS tetata (eaebh,aeyI peacetsica teed, 0 0 IOAREA2 IOREG — - — — 13,5.1.4 . . — - WORKA MOUIEBINARY 13.5,3 TRANS. MODE BINARY 13.5.3 RECFORMUNDEF 13.5.2, 13,5.2.1 ‘_: Na , — — 0 V NA N, 0 R Na R Na Na “. Na 0 Ye Yet 0 — 0 0 , . 13.5,2, 1 3,5.2.2 — —,————, OPTION YES Specifiesaptiacal filepiaceteica 0 0 OVBLKSZ , Specifit. at.,, d “a’h at acted,.4 1/0 batl,,t Ia, p,aa,ttiea fAted, ayblaek,d eca,d teed. eiagthitt,daadea;a it, dtcimal eae,bte aegieg team 2 thcaagh 4095 ted eeatt be at le,tt ace bytt l.egec thee the BIKSIZE .peaitieetiaa. 0 0 FIXUNB Sptcifie.tia,d,aeblaakedeeca,dfaee.t 0 0 UNDEF Specifiet aedefieed ,aaa,d faeecat ‘aecyieg 0 0 Speaitiet,ie ee.edctacy peceethetea, the eaecht, at the geaeetl mgitttata bt ated Ia eat,, Ia Iteath at aadafieed .aaadc. Reqaiced fee aatpat tile,; aptiaeal tee 0 R RECFORM’ 13,5.9 — O ‘- Na — . #ECFORMUNOEF, Na 13,5,7 13,5.1.5 MODEBINARY — — R 0 Vet Yet Na 0 V.a Yet Na R Vet — MODEmaINARY 13.5,1.2 RECFORM= FIXUNB, leeathl. R,aa,dt mqaiee delimit,, leed’af’ ttapl. Oatpat filet ctqaice RECSIZE mgatac. ,eaa,d RECSIZE Id — tymbal Speaefie, 1.5.1 at 72’byte tta.age ate,, taliaaacd..l;eed, ice miach data maec5a. ,eeat.,ee,catteataafaaae’tgeaaeal ceai.tees dadeg eaeaatiae at impecetlee maceat. If eat apecefied, data meeageeeeet eapaat, tee, ace, edd,as, a macalec 13. 0 0 Yea 0 0 SCAN cymbal Specitiec label at aae,’c iepat file chile mede tEe,, teblt, Reqaiced tee iepat tica iecith ahifted cad,, IMOOESTDI; FTRANS aed LTRANS keyma,d, mate alca be tpeaified. Optiaeel faa catta.aa,e aheatate, deletiae I, biteacy made, Optiaeel. eth TRANS keyeaacd, tea ahaeaatt, delttiae ie eithaa made 0 Na Ye, 0 0 cymbal ‘ Sptaifiet labtl at ate,’t t,,tcletiae teble, tee cay file bat, chifttd epat file - - SAVAREA TRANS ‘Vet - MODE=9INARV -- — 13,5.9 -— V Yea — , 0 0 V.a 0 Yea 0 . FTRANS, V,, , . WORKA -‘ INPUT Speaefeet a,, tpat file—cead eely R Na OUTPUT Reqaieed ta eptacty cc teepee file— paealeaely Na R YES Specifies deable baft eeiaa ale macic tee,., 0 0 aatciahaceemeat.peaitymitheeaflGET ‘ 13.5.3, 13531 - LTRANS TVPEFLE - ec PUT mecca. Igeaced et lOVED leeymaed it ,peaified *parameter may be changed on DD job control statement. — — ‘- — , .. 0 0 Yea 0 0 Yes 0 0 - Yea Yet - Yea Vet — ‘ — bRED,, 13.5.5 13,5,10 t3.5.1.4 - UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRYUN1VAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table 1 7—1. 17-28 Summary of DTFPT Keyword Parameters j’Part 2 of 2) LEGEND: R Required to be specified explicitly or by default O Specification is optional. Default value assumed by data management if keyword is not specified — Not pertinent NOTE: * A “yes” entry in the column headed “EXTRN” indicates that the assembler generates an EXTRN pseudo-op for the symbolic label specified. This means that your coding that defines the subroutine, table, or main storage area in point may be assembled separately from your DTFPT macro. You will need an ENTRY for each EXTRN. 17.5.1. Basic DTFPT Keyword Parameters The following subparagraphs explain several basic keyword parameters that you use to indicate to data management how to set up the file table according to certain of the fundamentals of your processing. With these keywords, youestablish whether your file is an input or an output file, what the record format is, what the record and block sizes are, whether you are using oversized buffers and which if either of the double-buffering options you are using. 17 5 11 Specifying File Type (TYPEFLE) Data management provides two types of paper tape file: input and output; the combined file is not supported. The input file allows the use of the GET imperative macro to read data from a paper tape (17 4 3) and requires you to code a routine for end-of-tape processing (17 54) An output file allows the use of the PUT macro to punch data on a paper tape (17 4 4) If your 0920 paper tape subsystem is configured with both a punch and a reader simultaneous reading and punching are possible but on different pieces of tape; each of these requires separate definition with a DTFPT declarative macro and allocation with its own DVC LED job control device assignment set. You should use a different file name for each DTE. — Keyword Parameter TYPEELE: TYPE FLE4NPUT Indicates that this DTFPT macro defines an input paper tape file one that you want to read. You must specify the label of an end-of-tape processing routine for every input file, EOFADDR keyword parameter (17.5.4). TYPE FLE=ÔUTPUT Must be specified to define an output paper tape file punched one that you want If you omit the TYPEFLE keyword, data management generates an input file table by default; EOFADDR keyword must still be specified. UP-8068 Rev. 4 17.51.2. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 7-29 Specifying Record Format (RECFORM) In the OS/3 paper tape data management system, you have but two record formats: undefined (that is records of various lengths) and fixed-length unblocked In the standard (character> processing mode, you may use either format, but onlyfixed, unblocked records may be processed in binary. The reason for this is that, in the binary processing mode, the 0920 paper tape subsystem cannot be made to recognize the end-of-record stop character used as a delimiter to mark the ends of undefined records, which vary in length from record to record. Input paper tape processing of records with varying lengths depends on the recognition of the delimiter to stoptape motion automatically when a record has been read. For processing output files with undefined records you must specify both an end-of-record stop character with the EORCHAR keyword (17 5 6) and a general register to be used for referring to record size (the RECSIZE register 17 5 1 6) Before you issue the PUT imperative macro to punch an undefined record, you determine its length and place this number in the two least significant bytes of the, RECSIZE register. The length is measured in bytes and does not include the byte for the EORCHAR stop character. The number must be positive and in the range 1 through 4094. When you issue the PUT macro, data management places the stop character at the end of each undefinedrecord in the I/O area before punching the whole contents into the tape When you are processing an input file containing undefined records, your use of the RECSIZE register is optional if you specify it data management loads it with the length of each record read in again this length does not include the EORCHAR stop character You must wire the program connector of the 0920 papertape subsystem to recognize the endof-record stop character that is punched in the tape ( Keyword Parameter RECFORM: RECFORM=FIXUNB Specifies that the record format is fixed and unblocked Only this format may be used in binary mode You specify record length with the BLKSIZE keyword RECFORM=UNDEF Specifies that record length varies from record to record and that records are delimited by.a wired stop character (EORCHAR keyword). Length of each record is defined via the RECSIZE register. This record format is not valid for binary mode if so specified a diagnostic appears in the DTFPT macro expansion in your assembly listing, and RECFORM=FIXUNB is assumed. If the RECFORM keyword is omitted, data management assumes that the record format is fixed, unblocked. Specifying Block Size (BLKSIZE) The maximum number of bytes that data managementcan transfer between paper tape and main storage in one access is 4095 bytes. (If you are familiar with OS/4 data management, you will recognize this figure as themaximumblock size in that system as well) SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-30 The maximum block size limits the length of your logicalrecords. For the undefined record (RECFORM=UNDEF,, because the EORCHAR stop character must be included in the specified block size, the longest logical record is 4094 bytes. When you are processing undefined records,: your I/O buffers and work areas must be at least as long as the number of bytes specified as the block size. When you are processing fixed, unblocked records, which do not end in a stop character, your blocksize specification is the maximum length of a logical record and, because it is the number of bytes moved to or from a work area, each work area must be at least as long as the specified blocksize. For neither record format does the specified block size need to account for the presence of shift characters, which data management inserts and deletes. When you are processing fixed, unblocked records, however,with shifted codes, you may specify that your [/0 areas are larger than specified block size, using the OVBLKSZ keyword (17.51.5). When you do this, you must also reserve at least as many bytes of storage for each I/O area as you specified with the OVBLKSZ keyword but you need not reserve more for each work area than you specified. with the BLKSIZE keyword. Do not specify the OVBLKSZ keyword unless your fixed unblocked records contain shifted characters With output tapes, additional bytes for any characters to be punched at the end of a record to serve as an interrecord gap (17.3.4) must be included in your BLKSIZE specification. With character mode input files (MODE=STD), however, nulls or delete characters at the end of each record are not transferred into main storage and must not be included in the BLKSIZE specification. The situation with binary mode input files is the same as for output files: because record gap characters are transferred into main storage (nulls as hexadecimal 00), you must include them in calculating block size, as well as programming as necessary to deal with them. When you issue the OPEN imperative macro for a paper tape file, the OPEN transients check your BLKSIZE specification for validity. If there is no specification, or if the number of bytes specified is other than 1 to 4095 bytes, the file is not marked open, and you may not process it. Refer to 17.5.9 for the resulting data management error processing. Keyword Parameter BLKSIZE: BLKSIZE=n Required for all input and output paper tape files. Specifies the length of the largest logical record to be processed where n, a decimal number ranging from 1 through 4095, is the measure of this length in bytes. If omitted, an error message appears in the DTFPT expansion in your assembly listing; the file cannot be opened for processing. Specifying Buffers, Work Areas, and Double-Buttering (IOAREA1, IOAREA2, IOREG, WORKA) You must always specify at least one I/O buffer for each paper tape file, using the IOAREA1 keyword parameter of the DTFPT declarative macro When you specify only one however, and do not use a work area, you have no means of overlapping I/O operations with your processing: each I/O operation must be completed before data management can return control to your program. (The reason for this is to prevent your inadvertently changing the data in your buffer before the I/O operation is completed.) SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 17—31 To increase your throughput over what this situation affords,data managementoffers two methods of double-buffering: specifying a secondary I/O buffer and an index register to point to the current one (with the IOAREA2 and IOREG keywords), or using one or more work areas for processing while your I/O takes place from orto the IQAREA1 buffer. With either of these mutually exclusive alternatives you benefit Double-buffering allows data management to initiate an I/O operationand to return to you before it is completed. While the I/O proceeds in one area (dont change the data in this one!), you may process in another. This overlapping of I/O and processing obviously speeds up the execution of your program. : No additional throughput isgained, however, if.you specify a secondary I/O buffer and use work areas at the same time.. Although OS/3 allows this combination of areas, it does not allow both double-buffering methods at once. If you are going to use work area double-buffering, you must inform data management of this by specifying the WORKA keyword in the DTFPT macro (the specification is WORKA=YES), and you must then specify the address of a work area in the second operand of each PUT or GET macro you issue (1 7.43, 17.4.4). You may use a different work area each time For an output file, data management moves your data from the work area to the I/O area before initiating an I/O. operation to the punch. For input files, data management moves the data from.the I/O area to the work area before making it available to you. Each work area you use (and there is no limit set by data management on their number) must be of a length of least equal to the number of bytes you specified with the BLKSIZE keyword ( The reason for this is that data management always moves to or from a work area exactly this number of bytes. If, on the other hand, you choose the IOAREA1/IOAREA2 form of double-buffering, and therefore do not want data management to move records to and from your workareas, you must establish an I/O register to keep track of the current buffer, using the IOREG keyword parameter. For an output file, data management’s OPEN processing sets up the specified IOREG register to point to the address of one of the I/O areas; it changes this address to that of the other buffer after each output operation. Before you issue a PUT macro, therefore, you must move the data you want punched tothecurrent I/O buffer, using the IOREG register to access the record.For input processing, after each GET macro you issue, the IOREG register points to. the I/O buffer that contains the requested data just read from paper tape. You must use the IOREG register to access it. When your DTFPT declarative macro is expanded, the assembler generates EXTRN pseudo ops for the, symbols you have equated to the IOAREA1 and IOAREA2 keyword parameters; therefore the coding that defines these storage areas may be assembled separately from the coding containing the.. macro. IOAREA2, if specified, must be of the same size as IOAREAI. . . .. The length of the I/O buffers defined by DS or DC statements somewhere in your BAL program, should be at least the number of bytes you have specified with the BLKSIZE keyword of this DTFPT declarative macro ( It must be great enough to contain the longest of your undefined records, including the end-of-reccrd stop character (EORCHAR keyword, 17.5.6), but not including shift characters. Buffer length should also be no less than the BLKSIZE specification for fixed, unblocked records without shifted codes. When, however, your fixed, unblocked records do contain shifted codes, you may specify that your I/O buffers are larger than your block size specification, via’ the OVBLKSZ keyword (; when you do this, the storage areas you define for IOAREA1 and IOAREA2 must not be less than your OVBLKSZ specification indicates. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 7-32 Keyword Parameter IQAREA1 : ; IOAREA1symbol Required for aI[paper tapefiles, to specify thesymbolic address of the main storage area reserved foruse as the primary I/O buffer for the paper tape file defined by thisDTFPT declarative macro. The length of the buffer is defined elsewhere with a DS or DC statement. It must not be less than the OVBLKSZ specification; if the OVBLKSZ keyword is not specified, buffer length must not be less than the BLKSIZE specification. . If omitted, data management will not open the file defined by this DTFPT declarative macro, and an error messageappears in your assembly listing. Refer to 17.5.9 for the resulting data management error processing. Keyword Parameter IOAREA2: lOAREA2=symbol Specifies the symbolic address of a secondary I/O buffer; optional forall paper tape files. Length of IOAREA2 buffer must be the same as IOAREA1, and is subject to the same considerations. When the IOAREA2 keyword is specified, unless you specify work area processing via the WORKA keyword, you must also specify a general register to reference the current I/O buffer, using the IOREG keyword Keyword Parameter IOREG: IOREG(r) Specifies the general register that is to be used to reference the current I/O area when both the IOAREA1 and IOAREA2 keywords are specified for doublebuffering, and work area processing is not specified with the WORKA keyword. The completion, r, must be enclosed ih parentheses; it represents the number of the general registerused: Registers 2through 12 are always available for use; if you specifythe SAVAREA keyword (17:5.8), register 13 is also available. If you specify the IOREGkeyword, you shouldnot also specify the WORKA keyword; if you specify both, an error flag appears in the:DTFPT expansion, and the WORKA keyword is ignored. Keyword Parameter WORKA: WORKAYES Specifies that data managementis to provide double-buffering via the IOAREA1 buffer and a user-specified work area. Data management moves an input record from the I/O area to the work area you specify as the second operand of the GET macro; It moves an output record from the work area you specify with the PUT macro to the IOAREA1 buffer The length of each work area is defined with a DS or DC statement elseWhere in your BAL program; each must have a length at least equal to the number of bytes specified by your BLKSIZE keyword SPERRY: UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-33 . if YOU specify the WORKA keyword, you must not also specify the 1OREG keyword. If you specify both, an error flag appears in the DTFPT expansion in your assembly listing, and the WORKA keyword is ignored. The work area processing described cannot take place in this event, nor when the WORKA keyword is omitted. 17 5 1 5 Specifying Oversized Buffers (OVBLKSZ) To obtain more efficient processing of input or output files containing fixed unblocked records that are letter/figure shifted you may define I/O buffers in your program that are larger than your BLKSIZE specification. Recall that your specified block size equals the length of your logical record when you have specified RECFORMFIXUNB but that this length does not allow for the insertion of the shift codes by data management ( When you are using oversized buffers you must notify data management that you are doing so by specifying the OVBLKSZ keyword, whichindicates atthe same time how long your oversized buffers are. What this does for you in processing input files is to allow data management to read in more characters than your fixed record length calls for. Data management removes shift codes and delete characters from this larger block until the “compressed’ record thus formed in the buffer does equal your specification (It has also translated the characters between the shift codes with the specified FTRANS and LTRANS translation tables.) If data management cannot create a record equal in length to your BLKSIZE specification from the data in the buffer it reads in more When it has thus created a record of this size data management either leaves this record in the I/O buffer and retuF s to you, or it moves the record to your work area before returning to you. If you have defined I/O buffers large enough, this mode of processing reduces the overall number of 1/0 operations requiredtO: process your file. Figure 17—10 depicts the relations hip of the various specifications. OVBLKSZ specification I IOAREA1 Fe L. figures $ letters 0 IOAREA1 I ____ I 5 Cr / I I I S Cg 1 / // / // // F I figures C $ / / — /7 /, 1’/’ letters figures t — 7— ;.—.__ —---- [_____ WORK AREA I BLKSIZE p feat Figure 17—10. Relationships of Logical Record Length, Work Area Length, and I/O Buffer Lèhgth to the BLKSIZE and OVBLKSZ Specifications for a Fixed, Unblocked Record Input from Paper Tape with Shifted Codes (Part 1 of 2) SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068. Rev. 4 17-34 LEGEND: 11 Figure shift character Letter shift character Bytes in I/O area not tobe processed by user NOTES: 1 The upper diagram depicts the record as originally read into the oversized I/O buffer it contains untranslated tape codes and letter/figure shift codes. The hardware delete character has not beentransf erred to main storage, and data management has removed all software deletes before tranSlation.. 2. The center diagram shows the record as data management makes it available to you, left-justified, in the I/O buffer; the letter and figure shift codes have been removed and intervening data translated into EBCDIC. Notice the bytes in the oversized buffer extending beyond yoUr BLKSIZE specifiOation: these are Oxtraneous to your logical record, and you should not access them. 3. The lower diagram shows the record moved into your work area, the length of which should be no less than your ‘BLKSIZE speOifiction. The record is left-justified in the wOrk area, also. Figure 17—10. Relationships of Logical Record Length, Work Area Length, and I/O Buffer Length to the BLKSIZE and OVBLKSZ Specifications for a Fixed, Unblocked Record Input from Paper Tape with Shifted Codes (Part 2 of 2) For output flies the reverse takes place Specifying the OVBLKSZ keyword allows data management more room to Insert the required shift codes Into the fixed-length record you have supplied. It continues doing so until the oversized buffer is filled, when it writes out the buffer contents to be punched on tape. If necessary, data management issues additional I/O orders until the complete logical record you provided has been punched. Your OVBLKSZ specification must not exceed 4095 bytes and must always be at least one byte more than your BLKSIZE specification. When you use the OVBLKSZ keyword, you must still reserve storage for your I/O buffers in your program; data management cannot issue the necessary define storage (DS) or define constant (DC) instructions for you. (Recall that you may assemble this part of your coding separately from your DTFPT declaratIve macro if you want to) The I/O buffers must be defined to include as many bytes as you have specified with the OVBLKSZ keyword; however, if you have specified work area processing, you need not reserve storage for any work area that exceeds your BLKSIZE specification; this is because the number of bytes that data management moves to or from your work areas is always equal to the blocksize. How do you calculate the extra space you need? If you know your data well, and your logical records follow a definite pattern, there is no great difficulty in establishing the number of additional characters to allow for the shift codes your records require. Statistical sampling of your records, when you do not know their composition well, may help you estimate the space you need. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-35 The worst case, of course, occurswhen there is an exact alternation: every letter being followed by a figure every figure by a letter This situation doubles the length of your logical record The best case occurs when only one shift code is required per record Do not discount the possibility of timing several test runs with an adequate sampling of data using successively larger OVBLKSZ specifications until you are reasonably certain that yoU have the best trade-off of main storage space for increased processing speed in your application Nor should you forget that your use of delete codes must also be taken into account. If you specify the OVBLKSZ keyword, but do not specify the WORKA keyword, do not access data in the I/O buffers at a displacement greater than your BLKSIZE specification. A glance back at Figure 17—b shows the possibility of accessing extraneous data if you do. If you do not specify the OVBLKSZ keyword with fixed, unblocked records that contain shift codes, your records are processed in the I/O buffers within areas that are limited in their length to the BLKSIZE specification. Reserving larger buffer space is then without useful effect. Keyword Parameter OVBLKSZ: OVBLKSZ=n Specifies processing input or output records in oversized I/O buffers, when buffers greater than your BLKSIZE specification are defined to increase processing efficiency of fixed; unblocked records containing shifteddata Here, n is the decimal number of bytes used for buffer length; n must be at least one byte greater than your BLKSIZE specification, but may not exceed 4095 bytes. When you specify the OVBLKSZ keyword, you must define I/O buffers that have a length at least equal to n; buffer length greater than n is unused. Work areas, if specified need be no longer than your BLKSIZE specification The OVBLKSZ keyword may not be used if RECFORMFIXUNB is hot specified, explicitly or by default, or if records do not contain shifted data. If omitted, records are processed in the I/O buffers within areas limited in length to your BLKSIZE specification. 17 5 1 6 Specifying Register for Record Size (RECSIZE) When you are processing an output file ontaining undefined records you must specify a general register in which you will place the length of each record before you issue the PUT imperative macro The use of a record size register is optional for input processing of undefined records; if you specify such a register, data management places in it the length of the logical record that is available to you in the I/O buffer or in your work area before returning to you from its execution of your GET macro UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-36 The record size placed by you or data management in this register is a fixed-point binary number measuring the length of the record in bytes it may range from 1 to 4094 bytes This length does not include extra bytes for the end-of-record stop character (17 5 6) nor the shift codes if any that data management inserts However for output undefined records you must include extra bytes for any characters you want punched at the end of the record to serve as an interrecord gap (17 3 4) Data management does not include record gap characters in the input record length it loads into the register. The record size register is specified with the RECSIZE keyword and is used only in character mode (MODE=STD) for undefined records Files processed in binary mode may not contain undefined records. Keyword Parameter RECSIZE: RECSIZE=(r) Specifies the number of the general register that is to be used to refer to the size of undefined records where r is the register number and must be coded in parentheses. General registers 2 through 12 are available for this use, as is register 13 when you have also specified the SAVAREA keyword. The RECSIZE keyword is specified only when processing is in character mode (MODE=STD) and records are undefined (RECFORM=UNDEF). It is required for output processing; before issuing each PUT macro, you must place the length of the undefined record in the RECSIZE register. Use is optional for input processing; data management loads the RECSIZE register before returning to you from each GET macro. 17.5.2. Specifying File Processing Mode (MODE) The 0920 paper tape subsystem itself operates in either of two modes binary or nonbinary. The nonbinary mode of the hardware (for which the term character mode, used in this manual, is probably more descriptive) is the standard mode of operating the hardware in OS/3 data management Highlights of Binary Mode Processing (MODEBINARY) The binary mode is designed for use only with 1-inch, 8-level paper tape. In this mode, each of the eight bits of a byte in main storage that represents a character corresponds to a hole position on the tape. This correspondence is fixed within the hardware, and you cannot use the program connector board to change it as you can for character mode. In binary mode, because you cannot wire the board so that the subsystem can recognize the stop character that delimits undefined records (thus permitting an automatic stop of tape motion when the hardware has read in a full record), you are limited to fixed, unblocked record format. Another way in which the binary mode differs from character mode is that figure and letter shifting is possible only for character mode; you have no need of the keyword parameters used to specify shift codes in character mode, nor concern for the effects of these extraneous characters on the sizes of your buffers and work areas. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 7—37 Just as the subsystem cannot recognize the stop characterin binary mode, so also it cannot recognize a delete (or rub-out ) character Data management however provides you the means for specifying what characters you want to use as deletes this is the SCAN keyword parameter of the DTFPT declarative macro When you have used this to specify one or more delete characters for an input file, each recordis scanned as it is read in, and any such characters are deleted As the characters are removed the record is “compressed”,. and data management reads more characters from tape,if necessary, until the record of the fixed length you have specified is in your buffer (For further detail see the SCAN keyword (17.5.3)J . Although you cannot use shifted codes in binary mode, you may indeed specify that your data is to be translated. Data management translates your inputor output data according to the table you provide in your program (or assemble separately) specifying its symbolic address via the TRANS keyboard parameter (1753.2). As to null characters in binary mode, once your input file has been read past the tape leader (which must contain only null characters: 172.2), anynull charactersencountered after the first non-null aretransferred to main storage. If, for example, you areusing nulls to denote an interrecord gap (17.34), these will appear in your I/O area or work area at the end of each record (recall that you must include them incalculating your BLKSIZE specification); your program must provide for any action that may be necessary. Similarly, because the null characters you must use for your paper tape trailer in binary mode (1723) are also transferred to main storage, you must do what is necessary in your program to dealwith them. Finally, binary mode differs from character mode in thatparity checking is not possible.You can neither punch a parity channel on tape nor check parity on an input tape with the hardware. On the contrary, the program connector board on the 0920 paper tape subsystem is completely bypassed when you are processing in binary mode. Keyword Parameter MODE: MODE=BINARY Specifies that the input or output file defined by this DTFPT declarative macro is to be processed in binary mode. Record format must be fixed, unblocked. Data may be translated on input or output, but not shifted. On input files, all null characters occurring after the first non-null on the tape are transferred to main storage. If the MODE keyword is omitted data management assumes MObESTD has been specified (17.52.2). Highlights of the Character Mode (MODESTD) The character (nonbinary, or standard) mode of paper tape data management is intended for use with 5- through 7-level tapes in 11/16, 7/8, and 1-inch widths. The 7/8-inch width is limited to read-only processing. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 1 7-38 In the character mode of processing, you may specify either the fixed, unblocked record format, or the variabIeength, undefined format ( For input fileswith undefined records, you must wire the program connector board to specify the endofrecord delimiter, and you may specify a record size register,. into which data management loads the length of each record it reads in (17.51.6). For output files containing undefined records the RECSIZE register is not optional; you must specify it and load ityourself with record length before you issue the PUT imperative macro to punch each record into the tape. You must also specify the end-of-record delimiter (using the EORCHAR keyword), which data management places at the end of each undefined record to cause tape motion to stop when this character is encountered after reading the record (17.5.6). To allow more characters to be encodedon paper tape than would otherwise be possible with fewer than eight levels or tracks, data management provides a letter- and figureshifting capability, described in detail with the keyword parameters that implement it (FSCAN, LSCAN, FTRANS, LTRANS, and SCAN in 17.5.3 and 17.5.5). Data management handles insertion of shift characters on output and deletes shift codes on input, translating intervening data. You specify the shift codes, which. may be any of the codes that you can punch on tape with the number of levels (tracks) in use. Through the TRANS keyword parameter ( and, the character mode is provided with a translation capability that you may use for any but an input file with shifted codes. For the latter, a translation capability is provided through the SCAN, FTRANS, and LTRANS keywords (17.5.3). For output files with shifted codes, translation is performed after inserting shift codes; the shift characters themselves are not translated. When you are processing in character mode, you may wire the program connector board so that the hardware recognizes one delete character in input files.If you need more than one delete character, you may specify the remainder of them with the SCAN keyword (, and data management takes care of deleting these. Or you may specify all your deletes with the SCAN table and not have a hardware delete. Parity signal generation and checking are both facilitated in the character mode of processing. You may wire the program connector board in the 0920 paper tape subsystem to punch an odd or even parity track on an output tape, or to check a paritytrack, again odd or even, that has been punched into an input tape. You may connect any photocell or punch actuator to any memory bit, except the most significant bit, of a byte in main storage. The parity signals are generated within the subsystem; when you are punching, the parity signal generated is based on all eight bits of the byte in main storage, even though fewer than seven tracks are actually being punched in the paper tape. When the hardware detects an odd or even parity error on a character of an input record, the most significant bit of the byte in main storage that represents the character is set to binary 1, and data management performs the error processing detailed in 17.5.9. UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-39 Keyword Parameter MODE: MODE=STD Specifies that the input or output file defined by this DTFPT declarative macro is to be processed in the standard, nonbinary (óharacter) mode. You can read and punch tapes with from five to seven data levels and may use either fixed, unblocked or undefined record format. You may suppress parity, signal punching or checking or use the hardware to punch an odd or even parity signal on output tape or check parity on an input tape. In character mode,: you may wire the program connector board so that the hardware recognizes one delete character and the end-of-record stop character. Null or delete charactersin this mode are never transferred to main storage. Data may be translated on input or output and may contain shifted codes. 17.5.3. Letter/Figure Shifting and Translation, Input Files in Character Mode (SCAN, LTRANS, FTRANS) The letter/figure shifting capability that data management provides you for use in character mode processing (MODE=STD) allows more data and control characters to be represented by the hole patterns you can punch in tape than would be possible without it. Consider the 5-level paper tape which can offer only 2 distinct combinations of punches in its five tracks. These 32 hole patterns are enough to cover one case of the alphabet, but not the 10 numbers in addition and this leaves out a null, a delete, and any other characters you might need. — If you assign two of the 32 hole patterns to the null and delete characters however, and two of the remaining 30 to shift codes (one the “letter shift”, the other the “figure shift”), you have 28 patterns left for representing data. (Shift codes may be any of the .32.) But these 28 hole patterns can now represent 56 characters, if. you establish that each pattern represents one character when it follows the letter shift code on a tape, but a second character when it follows the figure shift. This is exactly what you do with the SCAN, FTRANS, and LTRANS keywords in your DTFPT macro, with which you specify scan and translation tables for shifted input files. You can then handle one case of the alphabet, 10 numerals, and 20 other characters as well. You may placecodes representing any symbols in efther table; it makes.nodifference.to data management. One reason this is possible is that, although data is encoded on tape in a 5-hole system, you are representing it in main storage in an 8-bit system. One convention in OS/3 is data management’s assumption that the first record on every paper tape begins with a “figure”: one of the 28 characters that you have decided may be represented by the hole patterns that follow the figure shift code on paper tape. However, if your first record actually begins with a “letter” (one of the other 28 characters that the same set of hole patterns may stand for), the letter shift code must be the first non-null character on the tape. Data management automatically punches this on output tapes for you. Another circumstance making character shifting and translation easier in OS/3 is that data management implements these with the BAL translate (TR) instruction and translate and test (TRT) instruction. Both of these rely on the ordering of the 256 configurations possible in an 8-bit system that is shown in the EBCDIC columns of Table C—i, and your scan and translation tables should be based on the same order of character positions. SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev4 17-40 For paper tape input files with shifted codes, in character mode, datamanagement deletes the shift codes it encounters in input records and translates the data between them. (For output files, data management inserts the shift codes; this is described in 17.5.5.) The shift codes you use are entirely up to you you may select any of the hole patterns that may be contained in the number of levels in thetape youare using When you have specified the fixed unblocked record format (RECFORM=FIXTUNB) for a file containing shift codes, note that your records on paper tape are not actually fixed in length. Usually, each has been made longer by the insertion of one or more shift codes and thus exceeds the fixed length your record had when you provided it to data management to be punched. (For an illustration of this, refer back to Figure 17—5.) When you are processing fixed, unblocked records with shifted characters, however, you can make for more efficient processing by reserving storage areas for I/O buffers that are somewhat larger than the fixed length you provide to data management with your specification of the BLKSIZE keyword parameter Whenyou do so for an input file, data management is able to read in more characters at a time; the delete and shift characters are removed, shifted characters are translated as required (and additional tape reads performed if necessary) until the number of data characters in the buffer equals your BLKSIZE specification Then the data is made available to you in the buffer or moved to your work area. To specify thisprocedure, whichspeeds up processing by permitting fewer I/O operations to be issued by data management, you specify the OVBLKSZ keyword in your DTFPT macro ( Keyword Parameter SCAN: SCANsymbol Specifies the symbolic address of your input file shift codescan table. Required in character mode (MODESTD) for input files with shift óódes; the FTRANS and LTRANS keywords must also be specified whenever the SCAN table specifies which are the shift codes. An optional use of the SCAN table in character mode is to specify one or more delete characters (instead of or in addition to the one delete character you may specify by wiring theprogram connector board, which you then do not include in the:SCAN table). Whenyou use theScAN table for deletion only, youdo not specify the FTRANS or LTRANS keyword, but you may specify the TRANS keyword ( UP—8068 Rev4 SPERRYUNIVAC 0S13 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-41 : The SCAN table, whose address is specified by symbol, need be only as long as the numberof paper tape codes in thesettobe read. It contains a 1-byte entry for each of these all are hexadecimal 00 except those used to specify the figure shift character the letter shift character and the software delete characters (if there may be one none or many) The nonzero entries in the SCAN table any are: — - Hexadecimal Code Use 04 Defines the figure shift character; is placed in the byte position of the table that corresponds to the figure shift code 08 Defines the letter shift character; is placed in the table in the byte corresponding to the letter shift code OC Indicates a character to be deleted bydata management. (This “software” delete is in addition to or instead of the “hardware” delete character that may be specified by wiring on the program connector board);-There may be many software delete characters specified in the SCAN table; you may specify deletes with:or withoUt the use of a hardware delete character Refer to the coding example that follows the descriptions of the FTRANS and LTRANS keywords for an explanation of the SCAN table. See also for a description of the use of the SCAN keyword to delete characters from records processed in binary mode (MODEBINARY). Keyword Parameter FTRANS: FTRANS=symbol : Specifies the symbolic address of your input file figure translation table required (with the SCAN and LTRANS keywords) to process input files in the character mode (M0DE=STt) that contain shifted characters The label of the translation tableissymbo/. : :- The translation table specifies the correspondence between a character that is punched after the figure shift character on tape and the 8-bit code that data management is to place in your data area. Each position in the table corresponds to a different hole pattern on the tape beginning with hexadecimal 00 (null which is never transferred into :main storage, but simply marks the first position in the table) and extending through hexadecimal 1 F, 3F, or 7F, depending on the level of tape you are using. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-42 The FTRANS table containsa 1-byte entry for each paper tape holepattern in the set to be read; all entries are hexadecimal 00 except those in the positions for the hole patterns that may follow the figure shift character on tape. The 1-byte entries for thesehole-patterns may be the hexadecimal digits for the 10 EBCDIC numeral graphics(F1, F2, and so on); on the other hand, they may also be any codes of your choosing: alphabet, punctuation, ASCII numerals, or whatever you have decided will be “figures”. (In the coding example that follows the description of the LTRANS keyword, the codes are hexadecimal Fl, F2, etc, for the EBCDIC numerics.) The FTRANS keyword should be specified only for files processed in character mode (MODE=STD);. it is ignored if you specify it for binary mode. You must not specify it with the TRANS keyword; if you do, both FTRANS and TRANS are ignored. In either case, a diagnostic message appears in the DTFPT macro expansion in your assembly listing. The assembler generates an EXTRN pseudo-op code for symbol, which allows you to assemble your figure translation table separately from the DTF if you want. Keyword Parameter LTRANS: LTRANS=symbol Specifies the symbolic address of your input file letter translation table; required (with the SCAN and FTRANS keywords) to process input files in the character mode (MODE=STD) with shifted characters. The translation table, whose label is symbol, contains a 1-byte entry for each paper tape code in the set to be read; all are hexadecimal 00 except those used to specify which tape codes follow the letter shift character on tape and therefore are to be translated as “letters.” The 1-byte entries for these tape codes may be the hexadecimal digits for the EBCDIC graphics desired (see Table C—i) or, as a matter of convenience, their character representation. On the other hand, they may be anything you want to designate as “letters.” The LTRANS keyword should be specified only for files processed in character mode (MODESTD); it is ignored if you specify it for binary mode. You must not specify it with the TRANS keyword; if you do, both LTRANS and TRANS are ignored (as wel[ as SCAN and FTRANS, if these are specified). In either case, an error message appears in the DTFPT macro expansion in your assembly listing. The assembler generates an EXTRN pseudo-op code for symbol; therefore, you may assemble the letter translation table separately from the DTF if you have reason to. The following coding example illustrates how you might devise scan and letter/figure translation tables for an input file contained on 5-track paper tape, which provides only 32 possible hole patterns. The entirely arbitrary example assumes that you have decided on the following correspondences to the paper tape codes, represented by their hexadecimal positions, 00 through 1 F: UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Hexadecimal Code 17-43 Character 00 null 01 through 1C “letters” (A-Z) 1D letter shift code 1E figure shift code IF delete 01 through 09 “figures” (1 through 9) 11 “figure” (0) Having decided that you need only one delete character, you take care of it by wiring the program connector board, and therefore do not specify it as a software delete in the SCAN table. Example: LABEL &PERATIONL 1 10 I k4PP I — 1’PFiL...E;rI1iPAJTr, I I lit I 1. t I — — — — III — — I — 2 — )1S 1 )iC — — — — I. . L.. — I lilt — 1 )lS I — I 5 — — I I ii II ill C ) I 1 2 ...3 .i . I 101011 till )IC lilt — i JIl5 ._. â 1 tR i — — I I I — II )iC I )l1 — i — 1111111 1111111 — — I — l — I — I 111111111111111111111111 ii I I iii lilt Ill 1111 II Iii 11111 1111111111111 II II l lIllillIl II__II.IIXI,IZ.l lOi(II ‘ Ii li_i_I I 1 I I I Ii I I I i I I I I I II 111111 Ill I I ‘I 11111 iI ii i I I Ii ll I 00’ t i 1 (.... 10 iBCDEIFGI—lIJi XI_..3 i I I l 1 L... l 8 ,lL...I I I CtL_.lOiII._AIt4biPQRSli t I 1 i I ii — -I I I I — . Fig (II....IlI1lI iO0 i i )iC. — 101011 t....l III till I ,2CL.. 1 32.i (II....I7I lilt I i III (I.....ilI O 1 iO ii i I I I ii 11111 II i. a....2’O&ctj..’ (1.... lII0IOI’I I liii II 1.1 I — I Ii — I I I — till I ii 1 I (tL.r_t i 2 t 3 I i I I — i I i I — I q COMMENTS ]EPLT — I t - OPERANb 16 I UP-8068 Rev; 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT 1744 NOTES: 1. This is part of the DTFPT declarative macro defining an input paper tape file, PAPTAP1. Note that it is processed in character mode; letter/figure shifting is possible only in this mode. Keywords not relevant to the example are not shown. 2. SCAN1 is the label of the shiftcode scanWble; you assign a 32byte length attribute to this symbol because there are 32 possible codes on a 5-level paper tape. You have equated this symbol :to thernS CAN keyword in the DTF. 3. You have placed the hexadecimal code 08 in the 30th byte position in the table; this corresponds to the position of the letter shift code, 1 D. In the next byte of the table corresponding to 1 E you place the hexadecimal code 04 to designate 1E as the figure shift code. All other positions in the SCAN table contain the hexadecimal code 00; you have omitted the code OC because you have no need for a software delete. 4 FTRANS1 is the label of the figure translation table like the SCAN table it is 32 bytes long. You have equated this symbol to the FTRANS keyword in the DTF 5. Having assigned the 1-byte hexadecimal entry 00 to the first byte of the table(to take care of the null character assignment), you then assign the entries Fl, F2, and so on to the next nine bytes This takes care of the EBCDIC numerial graphics 1thrugh S. 6. Assigning hexadecimal 00 to the next seven bytes, you assign the entry FO to the next byte. Thus the numeral zero is represented on tape by the punch pattern corresponding to the hexadecimal position 11 when 11 follows the figure shift code, 1 E. As indicated by theassignrnerit of hexadecimal OOto the 14 remaining bytes of the table, there are no further characters to be represented by tape codes that follow the figure shift code. 7 LTRANS1 equated to the LTRANS keyword in the DTF is the label of the letter translation table for this input paper tape file it also has a length attribute of 32 bytes 8 Again the first byte of the table is assigned the entry 0016 because this position is for the null character To the next 10 positions you assign the first 10 letters of the alphabet declaring the string is a 10-byte character constant for convenience of documentation 9 The next 10 being assigned in the same way you conclude your assignment of the 28 available “letter” characters with eight more. The 7th is the period (.), and the 8th is the blank to be represented on tape by the pattern in hexadecimal position 1C. The translation table concludes with hexadecimal 00 being assigned to the last three bytes these three bytes (1 D 1 E and 1 F) have been ciedicated to the letter shift code the figure shift code and the hardware delete character UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-45 The foregoing example assumes that you have not wired the program connectorboard in order to change the correspondencebetween hole patternson paper tape and those data management encounters in main storage. As you know, you may connect any bit in main storage to any hole position on tape; whatever you do has a definite effect on thelayout and content of your FTRANS and LTRANS tables and how the characters on tape are ultimately represented in your buffer. Another point to be made is that the codes corresponding: to shift and delete characters are not translated by either the FTRANS or the LTRANS table The entries in these tables corresponding to the shift and delete codes may be hexadecimal 00 or any code: they are simply used to fill out the table completely. Character Deletion, Input Files, in Binary or Character Mode (SCAN, TRANS) As previously noted (17 5 3) an optional use of the SCAN keyword parameter is to specify a SCAN table that is dedicated to assigning one or more softwaredelete characters, to be removed by data management from records read in from input paper tape files: in character mode (MODE=STD). These software deletes are usually in addition to the hardware delete that you specify with the wired program connector board; however, you may specify all of your deletes in the SCAN table. When you: dedicate the SCAN table to character: d&etion alone, you do not specify the FTRANS and LTRANS keywords, but you may specify: the TRANS keyword: parameter :, :: In addition to this use you may specify the SCAN keyword parameter in the DTFPT declarative macro, not only for a file processed in the character mode (MODESTD), but also for one processed in binary (MODE=BINARY). Doing so is the only means data management provides you for automatically deleting characters from records in binary input files; as you will recall, you cannot use the program connector board for specifying a wired or hardware delete when you are processing in binary mode (17 2.1.2). When the SCAN table is used only to specify software delete characters there are only two hexadecimal codes that may be used for entries one is OC which you place in each byte position that represents a character to be deleted The other hexadecimal entry 00 you place in all the other bytes; these represent characters not to be deleted. The length of the table must equal :the number of possible:hole patterns that can be: punched in the number:of tracks or levels -in your paper tape: 32 bytes for a :5-level tape,64 for a 6-level tape, 1 28 for a 7-level tape,: and 256 bytes for the 8-level tape that is used in binary modei 17-46 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP—8068 Rev. 4 In the following coding example, the programmer has specified a 256-byte SCAN table, the last sixpositions of which are assigned to delete characters. Example: OPERAND LOPERATiONL LABEL 16 10 1 — I .__ .__...__ 1 _ t .DiS_ I 0 i ... 5Oi’O .._XI.. 2 1 ’ — I it I I I i tilt — 1 — I i liii I — — i I iiii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ii I I I II When your data in an input paper tape file requires translation before you process it (if, for example, it is encoded in ASCII), but also contains characters to be deleted, you may have data management delete them before translation by specifying both the SCAN and the TRANS keywords in the DTF.You may do so for both binary and character mode processing, but must not specify the FTRANS or LTRANS keyword. In this Use, the SCAN table you provide may cOntain only the hexadecimal code OC, entered for each character to be deleted before translation, and the hexadecimal code 00, entered in the position for each code that is to be translated. In the TRANS table (an example of coding a TRANS table is given in, you may enter arbitrary filler codes in positions corresponding to the characters that the SCAN table causes to be deleted because you will not see any translations for these in your I/O or work areas 17 5 3 2 Translation for Input Files without Shifted Codes (TRANS) You may use the TRANS keyword parameter to specify a translation table for any type of file except an input file with shifted characters. For the limited translation function provided for files of every kind, via the FTRANS, LTRANS, and SCAN keywords, see17.5.3. For the use of the TRANS keyword for output papOrtape files, see 17.5.5. The TRANS table that you code for an input file without shifted óharacters is a simple table, not exceeding 256 bytes in length, prepared in the form required for the BAL translate (TR) instruction. Essentially, it is a string of 1 -byte (8-bit) codes that data management is to substitute in your I/O or work area for the codes originally read in. The number of codes in the string, then, equals the number of unique codes you expect to read from paper tape, less the software and hardware delete characters, which of course are never presented for translation. When your input paper tape file is a binary file (MODE=BINARY), the 8-bit codes originally read in are the directly corresponding images of the hole patterns punched in the tape. For input files processed in character mode (MODE=STD), the 8-bit configuraitons originally placed in the I/O area are those that result from your wiring of the program connector board. In either case, data management uses these as indexes to your TRANS table, adding their individual values to the address of the table, and the 8-bit code found at each table location thus reached is transferred to the data area to replace the one originally encountered. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT The following coding example shows how you paper tape file (without shifting) processed on that of the 64 original tape codes 26 represent the numerals and 2 the null and the delete letters with uppercase for your processing. 17-47 might devise a TRANS table for an input 6-level tape in character mode. Assume uppercase alphabet 26 the lowercase 10 You now want to replace the lowercase This is the original assignment of tape codes, which extend from hexadecimal 00 through 3F: Hexadecimal Code Character null 00 1A 01 uppercase alphabet, A-Z 1B—34 lowercasealphabet, a-z 35—3E numerals, 0-9 3F delete Assume that the delete character IS taken care of by wiring the program connector board (thus making it a hardware delete); this leaves 63 characters to. be translated. Example: LABEL LOPERATIONA 10 1ANSlLC 1 (.T 2. 3 Li. a; a i i i I I I i I I I I I 7 — i I: I I I I a a i a I I 1 IiC.. — — — — 1 )IC a — -_ — I I 0 ABCt iGI—lI 1 I I I I I I ‘I I....ili0’II<’[...Mt1iOIPQRS 1 T I I I ‘ I ?‘ ‘ I I — I, JLL,.1JLLJJJL I I I I I I I ‘ I )iC I I DLLI — DiC 1 1 )iC a OiO X(.... I — - I a q &± — i OPERAND 18 i a — ii I ii la I I 1 I 1 I II I SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-48 NOTES: 1. Assigns a 63-byte length attribute to the symbol TRANSLC, which is equated to the TRANS keyword parameter in the DTFPT declarative macro that defines the input paper tape file to be translated. 2. The null character, hexadecimal 00, is unchanged, but an entry for it is necessary in your TRANS table. 3-5. Likewise, the meanings originally assigned to the next 26 codes are unchanged; you still want the tape codes 01 through 1A to be translated as uppercase alphabet, A-Z. But note that you must confirm this by including the same information in your TRANS table as applied when the paper tape file was punched on tape. 6-8. Here is the only new information yourTRANS table contains: the next 26 tape codes (hexadecimal 1 B through 34) are now to be translated into the EBCDIC uppercase characters, from the lowercase characters that they represent in the records on tape. 9. The last 10 codes covered by this table are unchanged; they represent still the numerals 0 through 9. There is no entry for the 64th tape code, as it is the hardware delete character that your program will never see in the I/O area. For further details on the preparation of translation tables to be used for the BAL translate (TR) instruction, refer to the assembler user guide, UP-8061 (current version). Keyword Parameter TRANS: TRANS=symbol Specifies the symbolic address of your translation table fOr input or output files, where symbol is the label of your table. May be used for all paper tape files except input files that contain shifted characters The translation table you code is in the form required for the BAL translate (TR) instruction. Data management generates an EXTRN pseudoop for. symbol, so that you may assemble your table separately from the DTFPT declarative macro. You must not specify the TRANS keyword when you specify the LTRANS or FTRANS keywords (or both) If you do so an error message appears in the DTF expansion in your assembly listing and data management ignores the following keywords: TRANS, FTRANS, LTRANS, AND SCAN (if the latter is specified). You may specify the TRANS keyword with the SCAN keyword for input files in binary or character mode, using the SCAN keyword to delete characters that are not to be translated ( When you use the TRANS keyword to translate output files with shifted codes, the shift codes are not translated (17.5.5). For translating input files with shifted codes, use the FTRANS and LTRANS keywords (17.5.3). UP-8068 Rev. 4 17.5.4. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-49 Specifying the Endof-Tape Routine for Input Files (EOFADDR) For every input paper tape file, you must code a routine to handle the end-of-tape condition You must also use the EOFADDR keyword parameter in the DTFPT declarative macro defining each input file to specify the label of this routine to data management, which branches to it automatically whenever end-of-tape is sensed, and when you issue a GET imperative macro to an. optional. input file, having specified the OPTION. keyword under conditions described in 175.7. You need not assembIe.your end-of-tape routine with the DTF, however.: in expanding your DTFcoding, the assembler generates an EXTRN pseudo-op code for the label of this routine, and you may therefore assemble it separately. If you have only onestrip of tape to read, your, end-of-tape. routine may simply terminate file processing by issuing the CLOSE imperative m,acro,as you must.do.thiswhenever you have completed all processing (1 7 4 2) On the other hand if you need to read a number of strips of tape, you must anticipate that data management branches to your routine at the end of each of them, andthat.the. paper tape subsystem itself goes into the,. stopstate. If you want to return to a routine which has been reading and processing tapes, you have onlyto branch to the address contained in register 14, asthisregister holds the address of the next instruction after the last GET macro you issued. However, if.you want to issue any imperative macros in your end-of-tape routine before you use this return address, you must remember to store and restore the contents of register 1 4 to preserve the return address it contained at the ertry.of your routine. . . , . , . , . .. Remember that in order for you to read the next tape the operator must load it into the reader. and press the RUN switch or. the device. But,. if a GET macro is issued to read the first record on the newly inserted tape before the operator can press the RUN switch the physical IOCS issues .him’an operator message at the system console (DEVICE. xxx STOP STATE RU?) to which he must reply “R” to read. (The reply “U” results in data management error processing, 17.5.9.) To avoid having the operator go from the; reader.to the console to read every tape,.you could program into your end-of-tape routine.a time delay long enough to allow him to mount a tape. Recall that in order to prevent a false end-of-tape condition being signalled before the last data character is read from paper tape you must provide a 12-inch paper tape trailer (17.2.3).. ,‘ ,, ..... ., ,.. .. . Keyword Parameter EOFADDR EOFADDRsymbol Required for all input files to specify the label of your routine for handling the end-of-tape condition,. where symbol is this label. The assembler generates an EXTRN for’ label, so that your end-of-tape routine may be assembled separately. You must close the paper tape file when all processing is completed If you omit the EOFADDR keyword from the DTFPT macro for an input file (or if a valid EOFADDR routine is not present on fil.e OPEN),data management does not open the file, but issues error message DM61, sets the DTF error flag (bit (0) and error detected in OPEN flag (bit 4) in filenameC, and branches to your error routine. See 17.5.9. UP-8068 Rev. 4 17.5.5. 17-50 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Translation and Letter/Figure Shifting, Output Files (FSCAN, LSCAN, TRANS) Three additional keyword parameters may come into play in your DTFwhen you have output files with shifted codes to produce in character mode (MODESTD) • FSCAN (required), which specifies the label of your figure scan table for this output file Data management uses the table to ascertain which code it is to punch on tape as the letter shift code, and to select out of your output data the groups ofcharcters for translation as “figUres”. • LSCAN (also required), which specifies the label of your letter scan table, used by data management in the same way to identify the figure shift code and the groups of letters in your output data • TRANS (optional), which specifies the label of the translation table you have coded. This table assigns, to each ofthe characters that will appear in your output data, one of the hexadecimal tape cOdes that can be punched in the number of character levels existing in your tape. The FSCAN and LSCAN tables are, in a way, reciprocals in that, with the FSCAN table, you specify the letter shift code (which must be nonzero), by placing it in each position that corresponds to a “letter”, and indicate, by placing hexadecimal 00 in all the other positions of the table, which 8-bit configurations in your output data are to be treated as “figures” by data management. With the LSCAN table, you specify the figure shift code (also nonzero) in each position corresponding to a “figure” and indicate, by hexadecimal 00 in their positions, those configurations that are to be treated as “letters.” These two scan tables, between them, must provide a 1 -byte entry for every 8-bit pattern that you may place in an I/O or work area to be punched on tape. Both scan tables are prepared in the format expected as operand 2 of the BAL translate and test (TRT) instruction. If you specify the TRANS keyword, you code the TRANS table in the format expected by the BAL translate (TR) instruction, assigning a hexadecimal tape code to each of the 256 possible 8-bit patterns that may appear in your output: To all remaining 8-bit configurations, which are not to be presented in your output data (this includes the EORCHAR stop character and the two shift codes which data management punches but never translates), you could assign the same tape code. This cOde may be the one that you will insert in your TRANS table to represent the nonprinting EBCDIC graphic character (opposite hexadecimal 40 in Table C—i), but you could use some other code The TRANS keyword isnot required to produce output files with letter/figure shifting, but its use is a great convenience, especially with 5-level tape. If you do not use a TRANS table, you must work entirely with the data characters that you can punch directly on tape. This means that, with a 5-level tape code, you can have only the hexadecimal codes 01 through iF in your data buffers. On the other hand, using a TRANS table allows you to and still use 5-level EBCDIC is only one example work in a more convenient code tape. — — SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-51 For full details on the preparation of tables to be used as operandsof the BAL translate (TR) and translate and test (TRT) instructions, refer to the. assembler User guide, UP-8061 (current version), but first consider the two following coding examples, which are based on these assumptions: • Your output tape has five levels, offering 32 hole patterns; these patterns are to be represented in your translation and scan tables, and on the program connector board, by the hexadecimal codes 00 through 1 F. • You have 37 EBCDIC characters for which you will present 8-bit codes in your output data. These are the 26 uppercase alphabet characters (A-Z), plus the nonprinting space character (these will constitute your “letters”) and the 10 numerals (0-9) (these will constitute your “figures”). • You will use the hexadecimal tape code 00 to represent the null character, 1 B for the end-of-record stop character, 1 C for the nonprinting space character, 1 D for the letter shift code, 1 E for the figure shift code, and 1 F for the delete character. Although you may not expect to output any delete characters when you create your paper tape file, you probably intend to use them in routine processing of the file, and therefore must provide room for at least one delete character in your initial assignment of codes. (Later for input processing, you may specify one delete with the program connector board or one or more with the SCAN keyword parameter.) You must specify the end-of-record stop character with the EORCHAR keyword of the DTF for this output file; data management automatically punches this after the last data character in each undefined record (17.5.6). Thus, the following correspondences will be used: • Letters: Graphic Symbol Hexadecimal Representation in I/O Area Hexadecimal Tape Code, After the Letter Shift Code, 1 D A Cl 01 B C2 02 C C3 03 D C4 04 E CS 05 F C6 06 G C7 07 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Graphic Symbol Hexadecimal Representation in I/O Area Hexadecimal Tape Code, After the Letter Shift Code, 1 D C8 08 C9 09 J Dl OA K D2 OB L D3 OC M D4 OD N D5 OE 0 D6 OF P D7 10 Q D8 11 R D9 12 S E2 13 T E3 14 U E4 15 V E5 16 W E6 17 X E7 18 Y E8 19 Z E9 1A SP 40 1C H 17—52 S 17-53 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Figures: Hexadecimal Tape Code, After the Figure Shift Code, 1E Hexadecimal Representation in the I/O Area Graphic Symbol 0 FO 10 1 Fl 01 2 F2 02 3 F3 03 4 F4 04 F5 05 F6 06 7 :F7 07 9 F8 08 9 F9 09 :5 * 6: In this example, any 8-bit configurations other than these that you present inthé I/O area are to be punched as the nonpranting SP character that is following the letter shift code as 1 C. Taking it cue from the result Of using the FSCAN table on your data, data management inserts the letter shift code automatically. The Ond-of-record stop character, 1 B, does not require either shift óode; you must always be sure that neithér it, northe code 1C, nor either of the shift cOdes, ever appears in your output data for translation The first of the coding examples discusses your DTFPT dOclarative macro and your TRANS table; the second is devoted to your FSCAN and LSCAN tables. Example LOPERATONA LABEL ‘APIAiPZ i I COMMENTS OPERAND is 72 TEPJ 1PFLEJitPLLT,i i I LJ_LADEI:ISrD,,IIIIII,I I - ?CFR.U11iTF, I I i 80 I IiiIi i I i 1111111 I - ,- I - — SCAI:FSCAiN2, AN,:LSCN2, AILsIrReLlIs.2,I 1 rR I 111111 1111111 .._I......I_.._I_..._I___ III I i I I I I I II II : lII 111111111 111 11 il 1 111 li 1 I IIIIIIII 11111111111111 111111111 (cont) 11-54 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 Example (cont): COMMENTS OPERAND tsOPERATION LABEL 1 72 16 10 I 2TR.A).Lc2. 21CL, 4. - )iC___,____ I ‘ 7 q ‘ I .1,11,, XL9QL4OB&QDOfJIPIOjIII 2’ XL I I I CL’ i I — 1 )iC . I’,...I - (LI IU IC’ II 0,0.1 0203tTh4Q.5t)GOI7USOI — I I ,, J...I’ 1 X - I I i — . I i I - I q3Xi__jItC (L9 tO2O3O5OO7OR9 60 I - I I I II. — - I I I )LC _ 1 ...,_....._.._)(L...I,’lI,C.’ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl JLLL II” - LLjLj L ILJLL - NOTES: 1. This is part of your DTFPT declarative macro for the output paper tape file PAPTAP2, which is to be processed in character mode (MODE=STD). As PAPTAP2 contains records in undefined record format, you must specify the endof-record stop character, which data management punches automatically after each record on tape, with the EORCHAR keyword parameter (17.5.6); this is the hexadecimal code lB. The required BLKSIZE, IQAREA1, and RECSIZE specifications, as well as other keyword parameters not relevant to this example, are not shown. 2. You assign a length attribute of 256 bytes to the symbol TRANS2, thus embracing the following define constant (DC) statements. You have equated TRANS2 to the TRANS keyword parameter in your DTF; thus the DC statements constitute your translation table for the paper tape file PAPTAP2. It covers the 256 positiOns of Table C—i. 3. To the first 193 positions of Table C—i (decimal 0 through 192), you assign the tape hexadecimal code 1C. Note that the nonprinting EBCDIC space character (hexadecimal 40) is embedded in this 193-byte string; becauseit is, theeffect of your specification is that any of the first 1 93 EBCDIC characters (if they appear in your output data) are to be represented on tape by the hole-pattern chosen to represent the space. 4. To the next nine positions in the TRANS table (those corresponding in Table C—i to the EBCDIC graphics for the alphabetic characters A through I), you assign the tape codes 01, 02, and so forth, through 09. 5. The next seven positions are not used, and any 8-bit configurations from this part of the table will be represented on tape by the space code, 1C. 6 To the next string of nine alphabetic characters (J through R) you assign the tape codes OA, OB, and so forth, through 12. - 7. Eight unused positions follow these. 17—55 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 8. The last eight alphabetic characters, S through Z, are assigned the tape codes 13 through 1A. Tape codes lB and 1C already have their assignments; codes 1D and 1E will be assigned with the FSCAN and LSCAN tables; as described in the next coding example. You have determined that the tape cOde 1 F is to represent one delete character, but, because. you will not use it in this output file and because (like 1D and 1E) it is not to be translated, you do not include a translation for it in the TRANS table. 9. The next six table positions are also assigned the space code, 1C. 10. To represent the 10 EBCDIC numerics in your output data, you assign the 10 tape codes shown here. These are the second assignmentsfor thetape codes in question, which have these meanings when they follow the figure shift code on tape, andthe previously assigned ones when they follow the letter shift code. 11. The last six positions of Table C—i are provided for by assigning the space code, 1 C. The second coding example discusses the figure and letter scan tables you prepare for the same file. Remember that you need not assemble them, nor the translation table, with the DTF because an EXTRN pseudo-op is generated for the label of each of them.. Example: LABEL zxOPERATiONt 10 SCu4lIIJl2 1 2. -3 I i i i I 4 5. I — — i — IS i — — iii — 1 )iC. — — I I )iC 010 I ‘ Xii... I -- I I I i I II I I I Q0 — I i — — — I I.l I I I I I I I i I I I I I I i i i i I — —— iU1i i I i I — I I I I Iii iii i I I i I i I li I — I I I — I — I ‘ I IffI S.iL.i — I I ‘ 1__ t X 0 I1 1 E. 1 — I I iii I ii I I L24 1 ( O i OO’ II i 111 q I I 0 I R ‘(I..... — SCANiZ 1 L 7 C l....I2I5II 1 O .IlI2IL....II 2 DiC II 80 7XL.._. 2. I 1 i’t1’ i DiC 4 iC I i i OPERAND 16 L I I I I I I I I — — i i i — — I a I I I I I i i NOTES: You assign a length attribute of 256 bytes to the symbolic address FSCAN2 the symbol you equated to the FSCAN keyword parameter in the DTF This attribute embraces the four DC statements following it and these constitute your figure scan table for the output file PAPTAP2. 2. The first 27 bytes of the figure scan table, covered by this define constant (DC) statement, contain the 1-byte hexadecimal entry 1D, which, solely because it is a nonzero entry, specifies to data management that the code 1 D is the letter shift code. It must appear in each byte position of the scan table that represents a “letter”. UP-8068 Rev. 4 17—56 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Because the first 27 positions of:TabIe C—i ‘do not ‘correspond to any EBCDIC graphics, letters or otherwise, it may occur to you to question why the FSCAN table shows these as letter positions. The reason is that they are all to be represented on tape by the same code, 1 C, which you have also assigned to the nonprint SP character in your TRANS table. Because you have included the SP character among your ‘1etters” its code; 1 C, ‘must follow the letter shift code on * tape. ‘ . ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Other than the letter shift code, the only entry that yoU use in the figure scan table is hexadecimal 00; this code must be entered in every byte position that does not represent .a ‘letter”. Not allof these wil[ necessarily be “figures”, of course but all of the figure ‘codes will be in this subset. 3 In the next byte, you insert the hexadecimal code 00 to indicate to data management that the corresponding tape code, hexadecimal 1 B, is not a “letter”. (It is also not a “figure”; recall that 1 B is specified to data management, via the EORCHAR keyword in your DTF, as the end-of-record stop character. This has no translation, requires no shift code, and should never occur in your output data for translation) 4. The next 212 bytes also contain the letter shift code 1 D, specifying that the tape codes in these positions represent “letters”. These include not only your 26 EBCDIC alphabetic symbols, but also 185 substitutions of this graphic for every” other character in this set of 212, all of which must occur on tape after the letter shift code. ‘ 5 The hexadecimal code 00 in each of the last 16 bytes of the figure scan table shows that these do not represent letters Recall that only the first 10 of these are actually to be translated as “figures”. “‘ When your output data is examined and tested by data management character by character your data serves essentially as operand 1 and the FSCAN table as operand 2 of the translate and test (TRT) instruction So long as any of the 8-bit configurations in decimal positions 240 through 255 of Table C—i is encountered in your output data or the one in decimal position 27 (this one should never be there as it is equated to 1B) the result byte that data management locates in the FSCAN table is hexadecimal 00 Scanning may continue and these configurations are selected out for translation with your TRANS table (shown in the preceding coding example) and the translate (TR) instructiàn. The first nonzero result byte that data management encounters in your FSCAN table stops the scanning process; the letter shift code 1D (never translated) is placed by data management in the I/O area after the last figure translation and but this time data management’ uses your LSCAN then scanning resumes’ way to select the 8-bit configuration or group of in same the table configurations, to submit for translation by your TRANS table. — UP.-8068 Rêv.4 6. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-57 You assign a 256-byte length attribute to the symboL LSCAN2, which you have equated to the LSCAN keyword in the DTF. This length embraces the subsequent DC statements, which constitute your letter scan table for the output file PAPTAP2.. . 7. In each of thefirst 240 bytes cf the scan table, you enter the hexadecimal value 00. When these result bytes are tested by data management, using the TRT instruction the all-zero pattern each contains allows the scanning and the translation processes to continue with your TRANS table and the TR instruction These 240 bytes include bothshift codesthe delete, andthe ndofrecord stop; except for these (which shouldnever appear in your output data for translation), the 240 bytes represent “letters”, and therefore their translations should follow thelëttër shift code data management has already punched into the tape. Recall, hOwever; that most of these translations arethe “dead-end” substitutions of the space charactercode, IC, foreverythingbut the 26 alphabetic characters and the space itself. 8. You enter the figure shift code, 1E, into each of the next 10 bytes (decimal positions 240 through 249 in Table C—i) to designate these positiofls as ‘‘figures”. Because lE is a nonzero entry in a letterscan table, data ménagement immediately recognizes It as the figure shift code: When any of these: 10 bytes is encountered in this LSCAN table by data management’s use of the TRT instruction on a byte of your output data, the scanning proóess stops. Data management first punches the figure shift code on tape, then punches the correct translation, and, having shifted from this scan table back to the FSCAN table, resumes scanning with it. 9 The last six bytes of. the LSCAN table contain hexadecimal 00; the “dead-end” translation process continues if any of these bytes is reached by data management. Keyword Parameter FSCAN: FSCANsymbol Specifies the label of a figure scan table for an output paper tape file processed in character mode (MODE=STO where symbol is the label The table which may be assembled separately from the DTF, is prepared in the required for operand 2 of the BAL translate and test (TRT) instruction; it must contain a 1byte entry for each 8-bit configuration that you might place in an I/O or work area to be punched ch tape. Entries in the FSCAN table corresponding to “letters” must contain the nonzero hexadécimál code for the letter shift character all others must contain hexadecimal 00 The FSCAN keyword must be specified with the LSCAN keyword to produce output files with shifted codes in character mode (MODE$TD) If only one of these two keywords is specified a diagnostic message appears in the DTF assembly listing, and the specification isignored.lf specified when processing is in binary mode (MODE=BINARY), a diagnostic appears in the DTF assembly listing, and the specification is ignored. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 17-58 Keyword Parameter LSCAN: LSCANsymbol Specifies the label of a letter scan table for an output paper tape file processed in character mode (MODESTD) where symbol is the label The table which may be assembled separately from the DTF is prepared in the form required for operand 2 of the BAL translate and test (TRT) instruction; it must contain a 1byte entry for each 8-bit configuration that you might place in an I/O or work area to be punched on tape. Entries in the LSCAN table corresponding to “figures” must contain the nonzero hexadecimal code for the figure shift character; all other must contain hexadecimal 00. To produce output files with shifted codes in character mode (MODE=STD) you must specify both the LSCAN keyword and the FSCAN keyword. Refer to the foregoing paragraph for the effect of misspecifying these keywords. Keyword Parameter TRANS: TRANS=symbol Specifies the label of a translation table you have coded for any paper tape file but an input file with shifted codes, where symbol is the label. The TRANS table may be assembled separately from the DTF and is coded in the form required for operand 2 of the BAL translate (TR) instruction. When the TRANS table is used for output files with shifted characters, the shift codes are not translated, but punched automatically by data management. Refer to i7.53 fordetails on the Use ofthe TRANS keyword with input files. Translation for Unshifted Output Files, Either Mode (TRANS) When your output file does not contain shifted characters, but merely requires translation from the EBCDIC character data in your I/O or work area to the hexadecimal tape codes you can punch in the levels or tracks that exist in your tape, your task is simpler. You specify the TRANS keyword in the DTF and prepare a translation table that is limited to the EBCDIC codes you will use. Consider the following example, which assumes a 5-level paper tape and records that contain only the 26 EBCDIC uppercase alphabet, the space, and three punctuation marks: the period and the left and right parentheses. You will not punch out a delete character in 1 hexadecimal iF, for punching into creating this output file, but will reserveone tape code the tape by other means as a rub-out character and possible specification later as a hardware or software delete when you read thisfile in future input processing. For the null character, you set aside the hexadecimal tape code 00, as before. Your 32 available hexadecimal tape codes extend from 00 through I F; you need onlythe first 234 decimal positions of Table C—i to cover the EBCDIC characters through Z. 17—59 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-’8068 Rev. 4 Example: LABEL 1OPERATiÔNi 10 16 11?Ii%IISl1.J1DS, ,, c 1 i 2. I 3. 11 DC I)iC 4. I I 1 Dl S I I I I I C. 1 )1C I I 7 8. I I I I 1 DiC I DiC 9, I l.....23i’.1, 1 )C i i I I — i I I I I I I I I I i — I — i — — I I. 12 13 (4 I I I i I I I I — I I — I .1II.....i — I I III I I — 1 DiC II Ii I I I I I 1 I I I I II I I I I i’ ..1,’ _... L 7 l 1 l 1 O I... I 1012.1 1 k’ — — — I I I Ii I O3 ’ 1 ....ili X 5 1 1 t3 ‘L_..i I Oi1l I I I I lOll ... I 1 Y 11 I..._iI X 1 i O’ I Oi I 1 .)E 1 — — I I (‘[.191 ‘ — i.... x 3 1 I[.._I8I — i I lOll I I I II I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 6 Ifl1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I51I lI ‘i I I I D I Ei I iC 1I 1 111111111 III I I I I I I 0 O B 0 i C 1 D I”4’I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I 112.1131 I II I I 171 IJ8I I 9i 11111 I I I I I I I ..‘Il...IIIIOIIII I I i ‘ii’nn’, 111111 i OPERAND I I I I I I 1 I I ‘ I I II I I III NOTES: 1. You assign a 234-byte length attribute to the symbol TRANSOUT, which is equated to the TRANS keyword in your DTF (not shown). This length attribute covers the 13 subsequent DC statements which constitute your translation table 2. You insert the hexadecimal tape code 00 in the first byte of your TRANS table. This is unnecessary for an output file (because this code represents the null character, which you do not expect to include in an output record), unless you intend to place a certain (fixed) number of null characters at the end of each record in your output to indicate an interrecord gap (17 34) If you are not using the null character in this way you would include this byte with the next 74 3 To the next 74 bytes, you assign the hexadecimal code 01 Note that the EBCDIC space character SP is included in the string this code then represents the space and is also assigned to all EBCDIC characters not used 4. The device constant (DC) statement assigns your next tape code, hexadecimal 02, to the EBCDIC period 5 The EBCDIC less-than character is assigned the hexadecimal 01 as the other characters to be skipped 6 The left parenthesis is assigned the hexadecimal tape code 03 7. Fifteen more EBCDIC codes, unused, are assigned the nonprint code 01. same nonprint code UP-8068 Rev 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-60 8. Here, the right parenthesis is assigned hexadecimal 04. 9 Ninety-nine more EBCDIC codes through the left brace are skipped 10 To the next nine bytes representing the EBCDIC alphabetic characters A through I are assigned the hexadecimal tape codes 05 06 and so on through OD 11 The seven subsequent EBCDIC characters through the right brace are assigned hexadecimal 01 12 These nine tape codes cover the alphabet characters J through R 13 Eight more skips 14 The last of the EBCDIC uppercase alphabet S through Z are assigned your remaining hexadecimal tape codes 17 through 1E leaving only hexadecimal 1 F for future use when a delete character is needed 17 5 6 Specifying the End-of-Record Stop Character for Output Files (EORCHAR) When you are processing in character mode (MODE$TD) and your file contains records with varying lengths (RECFORMUNDEF) you have need of a character to delimit these records With output files you must specify this character with the EORCHAR keyword for data management to punch at the end of each undefined record when you issue the PUT macro; recall that you must also designate one general register into which you load the length of each undefined record before you issue the macro (the RECSIZE register, ; The end-of-record stop character causes tape motion to stop automatically when this chaiactêr is èhôountered while an input file óohtaining undefined records1s being read. Recall that, for inputprocessing, you must specifythis. character by wiring the program connector board (17 2 1 2) For output processing the character you specify with the EORCHAR keyword may be represented by any of the tape codes you may punch in the number of tracks on your tape however you should not use the null character nor in fact any of the codes to which you have assigned a special meanihg’ (sUch as the delete, or one of the shift codes). The EORCHAR stop character must be excluded, from, translation tables,.., as it has no translation and it must be independent of shift status therefore it must also lie outside the range of figures and letters designated by your scan tables In fact you must take pains to exclude the EORCHAR stop from your own outpUt’’’ For an output file data management automatically inserts the EORCHAR stop character in your I/O area before it writes the buffer contents out to the punch; your BLKSIZE specification must always include one extra byte for it When an undefined record is transferred to your I/O area from an input file the EORCHAR stop character comes with it, and the buffer space you reserve must adcommodáte this byte; hàwever, the record length that data management places in your optional RECSIZE register does not include the EORCHAR byte. Figures 17—2, 17—3; ànd17—4, in 17.3, illustrate these points. .; 17—61 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Keyword Parameter EORCHAR: EORCHAR=expression Specifies the end-of-record stop character used to delimit each undefined record; required for output files processed in character mode (MODESTD) when RECFORM=UNDEF is specified. Here, expression is either an expression of selfdefining terms or a symbol that is, equated to an expression of self-defining terms. Data management places the character defined with the EORCHAR keyword at the end of each undefined output record; it is the stop character punched on tape to delimit each undefined record. Examples: LABEL AoPERATIoNt2 1 OPERAND 16 10 .X .0 1 2 iLi_ 3 - — — .. 11 l—iAR. C ) (. I 1 E 1 —ItAR— C. 1 I —: Iii I — I iiil I I I I I — I C[Al — lii .i I I liii I liii I iii II I NOTES: 1. Specifies that the hexadecimal tape code 03 is to be punched by data management as the end-of-record stop character to delimit each undefined record on tape. 2. Specifies that the end-of-record stop character to be punched by data management as a delimiter after each undefined record on tape is the logical product (AND) of the EBCDIC character P and the hexadecimal value OF (this Works out to be hexadecimal 07). 3. Specifies that the end-of-record stop character is the expression of self-defining terms equated elsewhere in your program to the symbol CHAREX. The equate (EQU) directive for the symbol CHAREX, represented by the last line of coding in example 3, makes this example exactly the equivalent of example 1. Notice two points about this way of specifying the EORCHAR keyword: the coding that contains the equate (EQU) directive must be placed outside the DTFPT call itself, but it must be assembled with the coding that contains the DTFPT call. The assembler does not generate an EXTRN for expression. 17.5.7. 17-62 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Specifying Optional File Processing (OPTION) Optional file processing for paper tape input or output files is much the same as for punched card files described in Section 3 As with cards, an optional paper tape file IS one that your program will not invariably punch or read every time it is executed; you notify.data management that this is the case by specifying the OPTION keyword parameter in the DTF defining the file. The specification is simply OPTlONYES. If you have specified the keyword, there are two circumstances that result in optional file processing by data management: I • You have specified the OPT positional parameter in thejob control DVC statement in the device assignment set for the file, and the device is not available at execution time; or You have not provided a device assignment set (job control DVC and LFD statements) for the file. For details on these job control statements, refer to the job control user guide UP-8065 (current version) This is what optional file processing of a paper tape file involves: • If the file is an input file the first GET imperative macro you issue to it results in an immediate branch to your mandatory end-of-tape routine, the label of which you must specify with the EOFADDR keyword 17.5.4). No I/O is performed; you must close the file, using the CLOSE macro (17.4.2). • If it is an output file, the first PUT macro you issue results in an immediate return to your program, at the first instruction after the PUT macro. No I/O orders are issued by data management. if you have specified the IOREG or RECSIZE registers, data management sets these up so that you may process in exactly the same manner as if you were actually punching a paper tape. Again, you must close the file. If you have not specified the OPTION keyword parameter and one of the foregoing circumstances occurs the paper tape file is not opened by data management and may not be processed In the error processing that ensues data management takes the following actions: • Sets the error in OPEN flag bit 4 of filenameC • Issues error message ASSIGNMENT”. • Branches to your error routine or if none is specified returns to you inline at the first instruction after the OPEN macro you issued to the file DM21 to the log INVALID OR MISSING DEVICE 17-63 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 If you do not code an error routine but take an inline return, then all GET or PUT imperative macrOs that your program issues to the file result in further data management error processing as follows a Data management sets the invaild imperative macro flag, bit 6 of filenameC; and a Issues error message DM13 to the log: “ATTEMPTED ACCESS TO AN UNOPENED FILE”. These actions result for every issue of GET or PUT to the file. Because the file has not been opened, you need not issue the CLOSE imperative macro to the file. For fUrther details on filenameC and other aspects of data management’s error processing, refer to the ERROR keyword, 17.5.9. Keyword Parameter OPTION: OPTION=YES. Specifies that the input or outpUt paper tape file defined by this DTFPT declarative macro is an “optional” file and is not required to be processed every time the program is executed. Data management performs optional file processing if this keyword is specified and either no device is assigned to the file, or you have specified the OPT positional parameter in the DVC job control statement for the file and no device is available at execution time. If you omit the OPTION keyword parameter and one of the foregoing conditions exists, data management does not open the file, and you may not process it. Data management error processing results. 17!5.8. Providing a General Register Save Area (SAVAREA) In common with the other OS/3 data management systems, paper tape data management requires a 72-byte area in main storage, aligned on a fullword boundary, in which to store your general registers while it is processing. You must align and reserve storage for this area within your program but you have two ways of providing its address to data management: loading its address into general 1 or specifying the label of the register 13 before entering any data management imperative area via the SAVAREA keyword in your DTF. You need only one general register savearea per program, but if you specify the SAVAREA keyword in one DTF, you should specify it in all.* *lt is possible to write a vaild program in which you preload register 13 with the address of a save area before you issue any imperative macros to a file whose DTF does not contain the SA VAREA keyword, and also, omitting the preload of register 13, issue imperatives to another file whose DTF does contain the SA VAREA keyword. The program could work; the trick might be (in a large program processing numerous files) to be sure which file required which coding. You could not open all and you might files with the same OPEN macro, for example, in such a program, nor terminate them all with one CLOSE be hampered in your use of register 13 for the IOREG or RECSIZE register. — 17-64 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev:4 When you specify the label of the general register save area with this keyword, you free register 13 for your own use and may, for example, use it for your IOREG or RECSIZE register ( or; otherwise, only registers 2 through 12 are yours. Refer to 1.4 for the content and layout of the save area, which is useful to examine in program dumps or snaps. Note that register 13 is not included, however: if you want to. see its contents in a snap, you must provide and load a specific storage area for them. If the SAVAREA keyword is not present in the DTFPT declarative macro, data management assumes that you have preloaded register 13 with the address of a fullword-aligned, 72byte general register save area before you issue any Imperatives If you have a BAL program therefore written for some other data management system (such as the 9200/9300) in which you are using register 13 for your own purposes you may easily convert it to run under OS/3. You need merely add a 72-byte register save area, fullword aligned, to your program and specify its label to data management with the SAVAREA keyword. . . . Because the assembler, in expanding your DTFPT declarative macro, generates an EXTRN pseudo-op for each symbolic label specified via the keywords in the DTF, you may assemble.the coding by which you define the register save area separately from the coding in which you define the file. . . Keyword Parameter SAVAREA: SAVAR EA=symbol Specifies the label of an area defined in main storage, füllword aligned and 72 bytes in length in which data management stores the contents of your user general registers while it is processing,. where symbol is the label. Only one such area is required per program, but if you specify the SAVAREA keyword in one DTF, you.shóuld specify it in the DTF for. every, file your program accesses. .lf the SAVAREA keyword is omitted, data management expects that; before you issue any imperative macro to a file, you have preloaded register .13 with the address of a 72-byte storage area, fullword aligned, in which it saves the contents of your general registers If you specify the SAVAREA keyword register 1 3 is available for your own uses however, its cohtents:are not included in the general register save area for .ihspection in a snap or dump of your program. Refer to 1.4 for the layout and’content of this area. UP-8068 Rev.4 17.5.9. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-65: Data Management Error Processing, Paper Tape Files (ERROR) When data management detects an error (hardware software or logical) it sets one or more bits in the error flag byte of your DTF file table issues the appropriate numbered data management error message to the log; and branches to your error routine. If you have not coded a routine for error processing and specified its label to data management with the ERROR keyword parameter control returns to you at the normal inline return point the next instruction after the imperative macro just issued This is the point to which data management would have transferred control if no error had occurred When data management branches to your error routine register 14 contains the address of the normal return point to which you may branch after you have completed error processing to resume processing your file However if you intend to issue GET or PUT imperative macros in your error routine you must first store the contents of register 14 and-then, having issued all your imperatives, restore register 14 to- its initial value before you branch back to your program The error flag byte is decimal byte 50 in the file table generated by the assembler in its expansion of your DTFPT declarative macro the assembler also generates an EXTRN pseudo-op for this byte, assigning it a label that is formed by concatenating the EBCDIC character C to your 7-byte logical file name which is why it is called filenameC If you want to examine it to see what bits were set you can easily locate filenameC in a dump of your program area because its address is contained in the allocation map and definitions dictionary produced by the linkage editor or you can include filenameC in a snap taken by your error routihé; however, it is more useful to access it dynamically. You may do so inline or from your error routine, using the label of the error flag byte as the first operand of a BAL test under mask (TM) instruction, for example, to determine which bits were set so that you may take appropriate action. — - Each of the eight bits in filenameC has a special significance when set to binary 1 as an error flag Table 17—2 summarizes these meanings The subsequent paragraphs discuss the errors represented in more detail, with actions you should consider taking in your error routine or elsewhere. Significance of Bits in FilenameC, Paper Tape Files Table 1 7—2. Hexadecimal if Set Alone . Bit 80 0 . 0 Binary if Set Alone . . Significance for DTFPT File 10000000 DTF error 1 40 01000000 Wrong length error 2 20 0010 0000 Unique (parity) error 3 10 0001 0000 Unrecoverable error 4 08 0000 1000 Error detected in OPEN 5 04 0000 0100 Error detected in CLOSE 6 02 0000 0010 Invalid imperative macro Other Bits Set 4 — 01 0000 0001 Invalid record size Data Management Error Messages Issued to Log DM61: INVALID DTFFIELD, PARAMETER, OR PARAMETER COMBINATION DM25: WRONG LENGTH ERROR DETECTED (None) — — 0 DM23 (None) — — 4 UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR (None) — — 7 17-66 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASICDATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 DM13: ATTEMPTED ACCESS TO AN UNOPENED FILE, or: DM14 INVALIDIMPERATIVEMACRO/ MACRO SEQUENCE DM17 INVALID BLOCKSIZE SPECIFIED or: DM18: RECORDSIZE INVALID NOTES: The “Other Bits Set” column shows only those bits invariably set by data management. Others may also be set, for example, to indicate which errors are detected during OPEN or CLOSE processing. © Bit 4 is always set when bit 0 is set. The resulting binary configuration of filenameC is 1000 1000, and the byte then contains the hexadecimal value 88 ® When bit 4 is set with bit 7, the resulting binary configuration is 0000 1001, and fi/enameC contains the hexadecimal value 09. When an unrecoverable error is detected during OPEN processing, bit 4 is also set with bit 3, and fi/enameC contains the hexadecimal value 18. When detected during CLOSE processing, bit 5 is also set with bit 3; fi/enameC contains hexadecimal 14. • DTF error (bit 0) This bit is set by the OPEN transient overlay to indicate that a serious error has been detected in your DTF. Data management also issues error message DM61. The error detected in OPEN flag (bit 4) will also be set to binary 1. Your file is not marked open and cannot be processed. The DTF error bit is set when you have not properly specified the BLKSIZE keyword parameter (, have omitted the EOFADDR keyword for an input file (17.5.4), have omitted the IOAREA1 keyword (, or have specified an invalid address in the DTF (that is, some label or symbolic address specified in your DTF is an invalid in this case one that is not within your job region). address — You should check your DTF assembly listing for error flag messages and your linkage editor map for unresolved EXTRN symbols. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 • 17-67 Wrong length error (bit 1) This bit is set for input files with undefined ;(variable length) records; it indicates that data management has filled the I/O buffer with the number of :bytesspecified by your BLKSIZE specification (shift codes having been removed), but that the hardware has not detected the wired end-of-record stop character that delimits each undefined record. The wrong length error flag is also set for fixed, unblocked input files if the last record on the tape is not a full-sized record (that is, the number of bytes of data yielded by the final record, stripped of shift characters and deletes, must equal your BLKSIZE specification, or you will receive a wrong length error indication). Data management issues error message DM25 in either case. You may either stop processing and close your file, or process the assumed partial record and. then, issuing another GET macro branch to. the norma[ return point to continue processing (remembering to store and restore register 14 as required). • Unique (parity) error (bit 2) When a parity error is detected in reading an input, paper tape, the physical IOCS issues a standard message to the operator, describing and locating the error. The operator is able to move the paper tape back to the beginning of the record and to retry the command; if the retry is successful, data management does not perform the error processing set forth here. If the retry effort fails, however, you may have recourse to further recovery attempts, as fOllows. The unique (parity) error bit is set only for input files, processed in character mode (MODESTD); the file must have been created with a parity track punchedon the tape, and the paper tape subsystem must have been set up (using the program connector board) to check the parity track for odd or even parity. Set to binary 1, this bit indicates detection of a parity error in one or more characters on tape. Furthermore, each character on which a parity error has been detected has its most significant bit set to binary 1 in main storage. Your options depend on whether your data contains shifted codes. For files with unshifted data, you have three courses open to you in your error routine: — — You may stop processing records and close the file. You may continue processing the record bybranching to the normal return point, at the address contained in register 14. You may store register 14 and isue another GET macro to skip the record containing bad parity and read in the next. lfthe next record is free of parity errors, you can restore register 14 and branch to the normal return point to resume the processing that was interrupted by the initial detection of parity error. On the other hand, of course, errors detected in the execution of your second GET macro will result in another branch to your error routine. UP-8068 Rev:4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-68 When parity errors are detected on files with shifted characters, however, your recovery action is somewhat different. Data management does not perform shift processing on the record, but leaves it in the I/O area. (Even though you may have specified work area processing, the record is not moved to your work area.) Its shift norare the intervening characters codes are not remOved,:nor the software deletes translated. Unless you want to stop processing and close the file, you must deal with the erroneous record in your error routine; to skip this record is risky at best, because the shift status is likely to be masked by the parity error, and your subsequent records cannot be assured of being processed correctly — 1f you have specified an l/O indexregister with the JOREG keyword (, you can locate the errorrecordbyreferring to this register On the other hand, if you have specified more than one I/O buffer but do not have an IOREG register, you may refer to: the address of. the error record that is contained in filenameD, a 4-byte field, fullword aligned, and addressed by concatenating the EBCDIC character “D” to your :7-byte file name. Do not modify the contents of filenameD. After locating each character of the record that has a parity error and resetting its most significant bit to binary 0, you may perform the character shifting in your error routine, removing the shift codes and translating the characters between them as required. You should compress the record and leave: it left-justified in the I/O area, or; if you have specified work area processing, you must yourself move the record to your work area(17.5.1:4) You will use your SCAN table as operand 2 of the BAL translate and test (TRT) instruction, and your FTRANS and LTRANS tables as operand 2 of the translate (TR) instruction; refer to 17.5.3 for details on the use of these tables and instructions by data management. Remember also to take care of removing any of the software delete characters you may encounter in your error record. Unrecoverable error (bit 3) This bit, when set to binary 1, indicates that an unrecoverable hardware or software error has been detected. In most instances, the physical IOCS issues a message to :the operator, such :as “DEVICE XXX STOP STATE RU?’. This message indicates that the paper tape subsystem is in the stop state. If the. operator replies “U” to this message, data management branches to your error routine with the unrecoverable error bit set and issues error rnessges DM23 to the log. Under certain conditions, the error detected in OPEN or error detected in CLOSE bit (4 or 5) may also be set. Error detected in OPEN (bit 4) Thisbit issetwhenanyerrors are detected duringthe processing performed by the OPEN transients (17.4.1). The file is not opened, and you may not issue any imperative macros to process it. In your error routine, you should not attempt any further processing of the file and should terminate your program. Itis not necessary to issue a CLOSE macro to the file. UP-8O68 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT 1 7-69 Other bits may be set withthis bit to indicate which error was detected. For exaniple, if you have an invalid DTF, this is detected during OPEN processing, and both bit 0 and bit 4 are set; data management issues errOr message. DM6’L Or, ifyour specification of the BLKSIZE:orOYBLKSZ keyword is nota positivedécimal number in the range 1 through 4095 (or the OVBLKSZ specification does not exceed block size) the OPEN transient issues error message DM17, INVALID BLGCKSIZE SPECIFIED, and sets both bit 7 and bit 4. Again, if the error detected by the OPEN transient is unrecoverable, data management issues error message DM23 and sets both bit 3 and bit 4. Finally, for the cirumstances under which the error in OPEN bitis setfor an optional file, refer to the OPTION keyword, 17.5.7. If you have not coded and specified the ERROR routine, but accept error returns inline, data management expects that you will check for errors and deal with them inline. When you do not do so, therefore, each imperative macro your program issues to process an unopened file results in further data management error processing. Thi includes setting the invalid imperative macro flag (bit 6) . Error detectedin CLOSE (bit 5) This bit is set when errors are detected during the processing performed by the CLOSE transients (17.4.2). Other bits may also be set to indicate which errOr was dOtectOd: for example, bit :3 if the error is unrecoverable CLOSE processing is completed, and you may reopen the file. • Invalid imperative macro (bit 6) This bit is set to indicate that you have issued an inappropriate imperative macro to process your file (for example, the GET macro to an output file, or a CNTRL macro, whibh does not exist in OS/3 paper tapedata management). In this circumstance, data management also issuesèrror message DM14, “INVAL[D MACRO/MACRO SEQUENCE” to the log. This bit is also set if you issue any imperative macro except OPEN to an unopened file including One that could not be opened because of an invalid DTF or because of some other error detected during your OPEN processing In this case, data management issues error message DM13, “ATTEMPTED ACCESS TO AN UNOPENED FILE”. • Invalid record size (bit 7) This bit is set only when you are processing an output paper tapefile thatcontains undefined records (RECFORMUNDEF); it indicates that the number you have placed in the mandatory RECSIZE register( is negative,zero, or larger thanyour BLKSIZE specification minus one byte (BLKSIZE-1) Data management does not punch the record on tape. If this bit is set, data management also issues error message DM18, “RECORD SIZE INVALID”. Your error routine should cease processing and close the file. UP-8068 Rev. 4 17.5.10. 17-70 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Processing ASCII Paper Tapes (SCAN, TRANS) In OS/3, neither the physical IOCS nor paper tape data managementprovides automatic translation facilities. How data comes in from paper tape and is. represented in main storage (and vice versa) are determined solely by the way you set up your program connector board and by the hole patterns on the tape. A hole on the paper tape always corresponds to some bit in main storage. On the other hard, translation of data, via translation tables that you supply, is always possible for every type of file, be it input or output, binary ornonbinary, with or without shifted characters. If you need to read a paper tape that has been punched in ASCII, or to punch ASCII characters on tape, you must provide the proper translation tables in your program. The ASCII code is specified in American National Standard Code for Information Interchange, X3.4—1968, and is a 128-character, 7-bit code. Another standard, American National Standard Perforated Tape Code for Informat/on Interchange, X3. 30—1971, specifies the representation of ASCII in perforated tape. The perforations are arranged in eight longitudinal tracks, one for each of the seven information levels, and one for parity. The bits of ASCII are assigned to specific tracks, and the ASCII character represented by each 8-bit pattern is related to its corresponding column and row position in ASCII The parity bit is always recorded on the number 8 track, and provides an even number of holes for each character. Figure 17—11, adapted from a figure in the standard, depicts a portion of an 8-track paper no punches tape on which have been punched a number of ASCII null characters (NUL except the feed, or sprocket hole), the 10 ASCII numerical characters, and the ASCII delete character (DEL). Therectangles above the diagram of the tape itself relate the standard hole patterns punched in the tape to the ASCII character positions in the columns and rows of the standard: the ASCII DEL character, for example, occupies column 7, row 15; the ASCII numeral 9 occupies column 3, row 9. (There is not shown in these rectangles the column/row position (0/0) that is occupied by the ASCII null character, NUL, because there are seven of these punched in the tape in the figure.) — The following example, showing how you might code a translation table and a scan table to read an ASCII paper tape in OS/3, using data management, assumes that: R Your ASCII input file is processed in binary mode, and the contents of its records are limited to the ten ASCII numerical characters and the ASCII space character. • These eleven ASCII characters are to be translated into the corresponding EBCDIC characters for your processing in OS/3. • The tape also contains the ASCII NUL character and the standard delete character, DEL (Recall that in binary mode you must specify this as a software delete ) UP-8068 Rev. 4 • SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-71 The hexadecimal representations in main storage of the 13 codes punched on the ASCII tape are the following: Hexadecimal ASCII Character 00 NUL 20 SP 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3 34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7 38 8 39 9 7F DEL Column: f 3 Row: ASCII numerical characteru 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • • bi b2 b3 FEED • • b4 b5 b6 •••• • . . •• •••• •• • •• • t ASCII bit number •• • •• 15 9 DEL • • • • • •• •••••••••• •••••••••• b7 CHECK I l .+—ASCII delete character •••• • • • • • 2 3 FEED 4 5 6 8 I Paper tape track number Figure 17—11 Portion of ASCII Punched Paper Tape Showing Correspondence Between Hole Patterns and the Bits of the ASCII Code 17-72 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev 4 ExampIe: LABEL 10 COMMENTS OPERAND AOPERATIONt 1 =16 1. LLiiL - 72 - E’PFLE= :LNiP&,, 80 i -_- ER=Aè ANCLL, CAN DEL7F, - Xi,, ..j.._..._J_._.... - 2. rlRANLJJJ 3 __I - )1CLJL ._.____.__. .i_C 1 7 - LL LL J---LLJ----L LLLL4i I...II5IOO 1E5EEZEBE$L± JLLOLJQJELLFiZE3 )iLJ (1L6LJQLLL LLL JLJ_L i I I 1CL LLLLLJ LLLLLi_L LL L-_11111 111111 8 E,L7 EL 1 Li312LJQ j_LJjijL Lii JLLJLJJL JL LL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiIIIItII 2i )i& LLLIL jLLj CLLl III NOTES 1. This is part of your DTFPT declarative macro, defining an input paper tape file, INASCII, processed in binary mode. Required keyword parameters not relevant to the example are not shown. 2. This is the define storage (DS) statement, coded elsewhere in your program, by which you assign a 1 27-byte length attribute- to the symbol TRANSCII. Because you have equated this symbol to the TRANS keyword parameter in your DTF, data management recognizes the following define constant (DC) statements as constituting your translation table for this file. The table need not be 128 bytes long, even though this is the length of the ASCII code, because the 128th character (hexadecimal 7F) is the standard ASCII delete, which you must specify as a “software delete” to data management, via the SCAN table. Data management will delete this character before translation. 3. In the the first 32 byte positions of your translation table, you insert the hexadecimal value 00. This is the common code for both the EBCDIC and the ASCII null characters, but note that this statement also substitutes the EBCDIC null for each ASCII character in the remaining 31 of the first 32 positions in Table C—i. None of these is expected in your input data, and you have no translations for them. You might instead have substituted the EBCDIC space but not the delete because deletion precedes translation — 4. You substitute the hexadecimal value 40, which represents the EBCDIC space, for the ASC1L space characters, occupying :decimaLposition 32 (hexadecimal 20) in Table C—i. - 5. The next 15 bytes of your TRANS table are also filled with the hexadecimal value 00 nullifying any unexpected ASCII maverick codes between the SP character and the first of the ASCII humerals. UP-8068 Rev[4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-73 6. Here you substitute ten EBCDIC hexadecimal values, FO, F1,F2, and so on, for the hexadecimal values expected in your input data for the ten ASCII numeral characters 7. Therernainder of the ASCIIcodes should not appear in your input dataand are hence nullified except 7F, the standard ASCII delete, which you provide for in the following scan table. — 8. This define storage (DS) statement assigns a 128-byte length attribute to the symbol DEL7F, which you have equated to the SCAN keyword parameter in your DTF. Data management recognizes the next two DC statements as your SCAN table for the input file INASCII. This table must be 128 bytes long to inàludé all 128 characters of ASCII. 9. You insert the hexadecimal value 00 in the first 127:bytes of this table. Here, this value has nothing to do with the ASCII NUL character it ensures that a zero result-byte is encountered by data management when any of the hexadecimal values in the first 127 positions of Table C—i is read in your input data, and the data is submitted to the BAL translate and test (TRT) instruction. Any of these 127 characters occurring in your input data is eligible for translation, using your table TRANSCII. 10 This statement inserts the hexadecimal value OC in the 128th byte of your scan the standard ASCII delete character, hexadecimal 7F, is encountered in your data, the result-byte data management accesses in the scan table contains this nonzero value. The character 7F is therefore not translated; instead, data management deletes it before testing your next byte of input data and thus “compresses” your record: : * 17 6 COMPARISON OF OS/3 WITH OTHER PAPER TAPE SYSTEMS The OS/3 paper tape data management system is comparable with the paper tape systems in SPERRY UNIVAC Operating System/4 (OS/4) data management, SPERRY UNIVAC 9200/9300 Series Operating System IOCS; and the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System (DOS). The following paragraphs discuss areas of compatibility. 17.6.1. Compatibility with OS/4 OS/3 paper tape data management is compatible with the OS/4 paper tape system documented in the OS/4 data management system programmer reference, UP-7629 (current version). The maximum block sizes of the two systems are the same: 4095 bytes. The OS/4 ERRO keyword parameter is accepted by OS/3, but it is not implemented. All OS/4 keyword spellings are accepted as alternates by the OS/3 DTFPT declarative macro. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 176.2. 17-74 Compatibility with the 9200/9300 SeriEs All 9200/9300 Series DTFPT keywords, as documented in the operating system IOCS programmer reference, UP-7526 (current version), are accepted by the OS/3 DTFPT declarative macro. Of these, the following are accepted but nOt implemented; the remainder are implemented: AUN CHNL DEVA FIGS LTRS Moreover, you should note that the 9200/9300 Series letter/figureshifting capability is not supported for input files by OS/3. To run 9200/9300 Series paper tape programs that process input files with shifted characters, you should remove the FIGS and LTRS keywords from the DTFPT declarative macro call, substituting the FTRANS, LTRANS, and SCAN keyword parameters and providing the necessary figure and letter translation tables and scan table elsewhere in your program. Another point of difference is maximum block size. OS/3 allows 4095 bytes; the 9200/9300 Series allows only 256. Paper tape files created under the 9200/9300 paper tape data management system may be processed under OS/3; whether these should be restructured, or existing programs modified to exploit OS/3’s 4095-byte maximum block size, are matters of judging the trade-offs between increased throughput and the programming effort involved. A fourth point of difference is that OS/3 has no combined paper tape file capability. To punch a paper tape and then read the tape for error checking in OS/3, you should code two DTFPT declarative macros (one for input processing, one for output, using different file names) and should specify two separate job céntrol DVC-LFD device assignment sets (one for each DTF). 17.6.3. Compatibility with IBM System/360 DOS The OS/3 DTFPT declarative macro accepts all System/360 DTFPT keyword parameters documented in IBM Systems Reference Library: DOS Supervisor and I/O Macros, Twelfth Edition (February 1972), Order No. GC24-5037-1 1. Of these keywords, the following are accepted but not implemented in OS/3: DELCHAR DEVADDR DEVlCE ERROPT MODNAME SEPASM WLRERR UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 17-75 A second point of difference is maximum block size. IBM System/360 DOS provides 32,767 bytes; OS/3 allows 4095. Paper tape files containing fixed, unblocked records larger than 4095 bytes, or undefined records larger than 4094 bytes, must be restructured to be processed in OS/3, and existing programs exploiting the larger IBM maximum block size must be modified. A third point of difference is that, unlike IBM System/360 DOS, OS/3 paper tape data management does not provide for skipping over strings of consecutive end-of-record stop characters without intervening data when processing input files containing undefined records. ( \/ Cl) m z -v -v m —I -v UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Appendix A. A-i Functional Characteristics of Peripheral Devices The tables in this appendix summarize the functional characteristics of the peripheral hardware available in the SPERRY UNIVAC Series 90 Data Processing Systems that are relevant to OS/3 data management usage. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table A—i. SPERRY UNIVAC Card Reader Subsystems Characteristics (Part 1 of 2) 0717 Card Reader Subsystem Description Characteristic Card orientation (80-, 66-, and 51-column cards) Face in, with áolumn 1 leading, and row 9 down Card rate 500 cpm (maximum) Read technique Dual redundant, solar cell technique using photo transistors, COlumn 0 amplifier checking Read modes Image mode: 160 six-bit characters per card Translate mode: 80 characters per card Available code: 8-bit EBCDIC Read station sensing Column by column Hopper capacity 2400 cards Stacker capacity 2000 cards 0716 Card Reader Subsystem Card orientation (80-, 66-, and 51-column cards) Face in, with column 1 leading and row 9 down Card rate 1000 cpm Read technique Dual redundant, solar cell technique using photo transistors. Column 0 amplifier checking Read modes Image mode — Translate mode 160 six-bit characters per card — 80 characters per card Three available codes: • • • 8-bit ASCII 8-bit EBCDIC (required) Compressed code Read station sensing Column by column Hopper capacity 2400 cards Stacker capacity Normal (stacker 2) Reject (stacker 1) 2000 cards 2000 cards 0719 Card Reader Subsystem Card orientation (80-, 66-. and 51-column cards) Face down, column 1 to left and row 9 facing away Card rate 300 cpm Read technique Two columns of photosensitive sensors and light-emitting diodes Dual redundant. Column amplifier checking A-2 UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table A—1. SPERRY UNIVAC Card Reader Subsystems Characteristics (‘Pàrt2 of 2,) 0719 Card Reader Subsystem Characteristic Description Read modes Image mode: 160 six-bit characters per card Translat mode; 80 characters per card Read station sensing Column by column Hopper capacity 1000 cards Stacker capacity Normal Reject 1000 cards Table A—Z SPERRY UNIVAC Card Punch Subsystems Characteristics (Part 1 of 2) 0605 Card Punch Subsystem Characteristic Description Media 80-column cards Punch mode 2-column serial Check mode Punch motion check Feed mode On demand Punch rate 75 cpm (full card) 160 cpm (28 columns only) Input capacity 700 cards Output capacity 700 cards (primary stacker) 100 cards (reject stacker) Reading Optional Read rate 160 cprñ Punch translation Image mode Translate mode Available code: EBCDIC 160 six-bit characters per card 80 characters per card 0604 Card Punch Subsystem Media 80-column cards Punch mode Row Check mode Read of punched data Feed mode On demand Punch rate 250 cpm Input hopper capacity 1000 cards A-3 A-4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table A—2. SPERRY UNIVAC Card Punch Subsystems Characteristics (Part 2 of 2) 0604 Card Punch Subsystem Description Characteristic Output stacker capacity 1000 cards (normal and select stacker) Reading Optional Read rate 250 cpm Punch translation Image mode Compressed mode 160 six-bit characters per card 80 characters per card Table A—3. SPERRY UNIVAC Printer Subsystems Characteristics (Part 1 of 5) 0773 Printer Subsystem Description Characteristic 110 to 680 1pm, depending on character contingencies: Print speed . Line advance timing Number of print positions Nominal print rate (1pm) Available character sets Characters sets per band 48-character business 63-characterprint 48/16-character print 85-character print 128-character special 961(16-16)-character ASCII 256-character special 5 4 4 3 (plus 1 character) 2 500 400 400/670 310 217 2 1 217/500 114 875 ms for spacing first line; for skipping each subsequent line: 3.33 ms at 6 Ipi 2.50 ms at 8 Ipi 8.75 ms for spacing first line; for skipping each subsequent line: 2.22 ms at 6 Ipi 1.67 ms at 8 Ipi 8.75 ms for spacing first line; for skipping each subsequent line: 1.67 ms at 6 lpi 1.25 ms at 8 lpi 120 print positions (columns) by standard printer; 132 or 144 columns by feature Form advance control Vertical format buffer Line advance rate Single space only, 22 inches/second Form dimensions 3 to 18.75 inches wide 1 to 24 inches long Character set Standard 48-character set. Any number of characters, up to 256, with options. Horizontal spacing 10 characters per inch Vertical spacing 6 or 8 lines per inch, operator-selectable UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT A-5 Table A—3. SPERRY UNiVAC Printer Subsystems Characteristics (Part 2 of 51 0770 Printer Subsystem Characteristic Description Print speed 0770—00 0770—02 112to14351prn, depending on character contingencies 213to2320lpm, depending on character contingencies 337to30001pm, depending on character contingencies 112 1pm 384 contiguous characters 213 1pm 384 contiguous characters 337 1pm 384 contiguous characters 800 1pm 48 contiguous characters 1400 1pm characters 48 contiguous 2000 1pm characters 1435 1pm characters 2320 1pm characters 24 contiguous 3000 1pm characters — — — Line advance timing — 24 contiguous — — Advance and print 6lpi - 1 line 2 lines 3lines n+1 line Number of print positions 0770—04 — Time in ms 8lpi 120.0 127.6 135.2 120+7.6n 118.0 123.7 129.4 118+5.7n Full print width of 132 print positions placed anywhere on a 16.5inch form. With 22-inch form, only central 13.2-inch portion can be used (160 print positions with feature). - Form advance control Vertical format buffer Line advance rate 50 ips Form dimensions Continuous forms with standard edge sprocket-holes from 4 to 22 inches in width. Carbons may be attached or unattached with multicopy forms to a maximum of six parts. Recommended pack thickness not to exceed .0155 inch for high quality print. Character set Standard 48-character set. Any number of characters up to 384 with options. Horizontal spacing 10 characters per inch Vertical spacing 6 or 8 lines per inch, as determined by program f 75 ips 100 ips — — 48 contiguous 24 contiguous A-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMElT UP—8068 Rev. 4 Table A—3. SPERRY UNIVAC Printer Subsystems Chàracteritlcs (Part 3 of 5) 0768 PrinterSubsystem Description Characteristic 900through 1100 1pm 0768—99 0768—02 0768—00 Print speed 84othrough 2000 1pm i200through 1600 1pm Line advance timing 11.5 + 5.1 (n—i) ms —6 linesper inch 11.5+5.7 (n—i) ms—B lines per inch where: n numberoflinesadvanced Number of print positions 132 character print positions including spaces Form advance control Vertical format buffer and loopcontrol; up to 132 lines per command Lineadvaricerate 25 ip FOrmdirñènsions 4to22incheswide 1 to22 inches long Character set 0768—00 0768—02 0768—99 : 63 94 characters 132 characters Horizontal spacing 10 characters per inch Vertical spacing 6 to 8 lines per inch . UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3. BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table A—3. SPERRY UNIVAC Printer Subsystems Characteristics (Part 4 of 5) 0776 Printer Subsystem ---. Characteristic Description Print speed . A-7 AvaiIable. character sets - -. - 384 192 128 96 64 48 32 24 Charactersets per band 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 Nominal print rate (1pm) - 0776—00; 01 115 225 325 420 600 760 1030 1090* - - 0776—02 150 290 420 540 750 940 1250* 1250* 0776—03 145 280 400 520 730 900 1220 1250* *For duty cycle reasons, maximum speed in 1pm is limited by a minimum time between consecutive line feeds: 55 ms for the 0776—00, 01. and 48 ms for the 0776—02, 03. Time in ms - Advance and print Line advance timing 6 Ipi - . Number of print positions 1 line 2 lines 3lines 4 lines 5linês n+1lies Vertical format buffer Line advance rate 22 inches/second - 16 14.2 23.6 19.9 31.2 25.6 38.8 31.3 46.4 37T6+7.6h142+5.7n i36 print positiohs including spaces Form advance control Form dimensions 8 lpi - 4 to 18;75 inches wide 1 to 24 inches long Character set Standard 48-character set. Any number of characters up to 384 with options Horizontal spacing 10 characters per inäh Vertical spacing 6 or 8 lines per inch as determined by program SPERRY UNIVAC O/ BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table A—3. M-O SPERRY UNIVAC Printer Subsystems characteristics (Part 5 of 51 0778 Printer SUbstei Description Characteristic Print speed 240 to 560 1pm, depending on character contingencies, at 6 lines per inch (Ipi) (2 36 lines per cm) and single line spacing Available character sets Nominal print rate (1pm) Basic 00/01 Speed Upgrade 02/03 48-character business 300 510 64-character print 240 415 48/16characterprint* 240/255 41 5/560 1 28-character print 120 240 335-character print* Line advance t(ming (in milliseconds) Nuñ,ber of lines 6 Ipi (2.36 lpcm) 8 lpi (3.15 lpcm) single 35 ms 35 ms double 53 ms 51 ms triple 61 ms 57 ms Number of print positions 120 print positions (columns) per line; 136 columns by feature. Number of characters Standard. 48- or 64-character set, with five sets on a 240-character band; or up to 256 characters with expanded character set control feature; 48-character set band repeats five times resulting in 240 characters; 64-character set band repeats fpur times resulting in 256 characters. .. Forms advance control Vertical format buffer Line advance rate Single space only, 22 inches (55.88 cm) per second (slew rate). Ribbon feed Bidirectional, self-reversing; ribbon removal without rewinding Ribbon type Fabric or plastic film Codes EBCDIC, ASCII, or any 8-bit code Form dimensions Continuous single part and multipart (up to six parts or up to 0.018 inch (0.457 mm) thick) with standard edge sprocket holes. Printer can also accept continuously spröcketed, 1 -part card stock forms àf weights typically used for punch cards, postcards, or offset masters. Form widths from 4.0 inches (101.60 mm) to 18.75 inches (476.2 mm) and lengths up to 24 inches (609.6 mm) can be accommodated. Forms longer than 17 inches (431.8 mm) can be run with casework door open, but noise level increases with door open. Horizontal spacing 10 charcters per inch (2.54 mm per print position) Vertical spacing 6 Ipi (4.23 mm per line) or 8 Ipi (3.17 mm per line), operator-selectable. *The ‘16’ array is commonly a numeric subset. Extra 16 arrays are included in the 96/16—16 arrangement to make up a total number of 256 characters in a band. 370 tracks per inch 10,240 192 tracks per inch 10,240 404 + 7 spare usable tracks per disc surface Data 7 PsI 370 fixed 185 removable i0,240 808+7 spare tracks 404+4 spare tracks Data 3 gifed P 1 Data 2 removable 200 tracks per inch 7294 200 + 3 spare usable tracks per disc surface 20 48 track per inch 3,328 bytes per track 77 total, 73 for data use per disc surface 1 surface 100 tracks per inch (free format) 3625 200 + 3 spare usable tracks per disc surface 10 Track density Track capacity (byte) Number of tracks Number of surfaces per I dk - 2200 ppi 4040 ppi 4040 pulses per inch )ppi) 4040 fioed 4040 removable 2200 ppi 3268 ppi 1100 ppi Bit density bt t sectors per track 40 1n fixed 256-byte sectors, 156 kilobytes per second 25 mx 75 ms 135 m Transfer rate Positioning time (seek time) Minimum Average Ma m m 0 1 128 bytes in < 6ms —‘ 83.33 ms — 25 MH 2 5 MR 50 MR 50 MH 50 MR 25 MR 250 MH 1 25 MR 20 20 Data 7 Post n gi lOws 27 ms 45 ms 628 kilobytes per second lOws 30 ms 60 m 625 kilobytes per second 10 ms 33 ms 60 mx 625 kilobytes per second 312 kilobytes per second 312 kilobytes per second 312 kilobytes per second - 806 kilobytes per second- 7,5 ms -----7 ms-27 ms 29 ms 50 ms 55 ms 806 kilobytes per second lOws 30 ms 55 mx 19 19 400 + 6 spare usable tracks per surface 400 + 6 spare usable tracks per surface 404 or 808+7 spare usable tracks per disc surface , 808 + 7 spare tracks per disc surface 404 + 7 spare usable, tracks per disc surface --10 mx 30 ms 55 mx 13,030 13030 7294 7294 - 370 tracks per inch 192 tracks per inch 400 tracks per inch 400 tracks per inch -- 4040 ppi 4040 ppi 2200 ppi 3600 pm 1 t 8 (with opt feature up to 16) 16.7 I 200 million 645 MH 3600 pm 1 tO 8 (WIth optlO feature up to 16) 100 million 8433 Disk Subsystem 645 MR - 8430 Disk Subsystem 16.7 25 ms 60 ms 130 m gi 25 , 2400 pm 8 25 2 1 2400 pm 4 21.5 1 1 2800 pm 8 21.5 8 2800 rpm 1 t 2 21.5 8 2800 pm 8 - 25 1 t 7.25 million 2400 rpm 1 Flotation period (ms/rotation) speed f d 5k U 0 s /d sk tt Numb Data capacity (8-bit bytes) 166.7 58.35 million 8425 Disk Subsystem 360 pm 2 1 2 t 58.35 million 8424 Disk Subsystem 25 28.9 million or 57.9 million 8418 Disk Subsystem Description 28.95 million 8416 Disk Subsystem 2400 pm 33.1 million per track 8415 Disk Subsystem 2 1 - 8414 Disk Subsystem 2 to 4 8413 Diskette Subsystem 29.17 million 8411 Disk Subsystem SPERRY UNIVAC Disk Subsystems Characteristics 242,944 bytes (using tracks 1—73 for data) Characteristic Table A—4. CD - . - - - - 2mm Optional Optional - 3mm Simultaneous operation - Rewindtime 10 mx 25 mx - - - - -. Optional 1mm 16 mx -- Phase encoded NRZ1 Phase encoded NRZI Reversal time... - Phase encoded Recording mode 1600 ppi 800 ppi 1600 ppi 800 ppi 800ppi 556 ppi 200 P0! 1600 ppi 800 pp Pulse density 3.0 mx.. 5.0 mx 6.25 9.25 SO ms 80 ms 17:6 mx 23.6 mx me 14.1 mx 20 1 ms t - . ,. . - -. Optional 3mm 25 ins NRZI 800 ppi 14.1 mx 20.1 mx - 800 ppi 556 ppi 200 ppt NA - - - --- Interblock gap I terbiock gap Nonstop Start-stop 9-track 06w 9-track 06 n 9-track 061n Minimum block size Ibytesl - Optional 3mm 3m Optional 10 ms 16 mx---- ged 1600 ppi 800 ppi NRZI NRZI 556 ppi 200 ppi 800 ppi 14 mx 20 mx Va able 1 5 m Is 2400 ft zl 1600 ppi 800 ppi 24 mx.. 30.mx 30 mx 38 mx 7-track 075in 9-track O6in 18 18 18 18 Maximum block size (bytesl 7-track 075 18 8191 65,535 65,535 65,535 Block length 0.6 in 8191 bIt Va Va able Va able 1 5 mdx Va able Tape th ckness 7-track 075 Variable 1 5 mlls 1 5 m lx 1 5 m lx 9-track 06 1 5 mils 2400 ft 2400 ft 2400.ft 2400 ft Tape length (maximum) 7-track 075 n 18 2400 ft Forward or backward Forward Forward or backward Forward Forward or backward Forward Forward or backward Forward Tape direction Reading Writing - 65,535 Forward or backward Forward 42.7 inches per second 200 inches per second 120 inches per second 42 7 inches per second Tape speed - 60 inches per second 25 inches per second .. NRZI 556 ppi 200 ppi 800 ppi 17 ms 23 mx 7-track 0751n Forward or backward Forward 96000 frames per second 40,000 frames per second 34,160 frames per second 320,000 frames per second 192,000 frames per second UNISERVO 14 68320 frames per second 2 to 8 Data transfer rate maximum) UNISERVO 10 2 to 8 2 to 8 UNISERVO VI-C 1 to 16 UNISERVO 20 1 to 16 UNISERVO 16 1 to 16 UNISERVO 12 Description UN/SERVO Subsystems Characteristics Tape units per subsystem Characterist,c Table A—5. CD SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table A—6. SPERRY UNIVAC 0920 Paper Tape Subsystem Characteristics Characteristic Description Reader mounting Mounted on a 7- by 9-inch panel having a pin spindle for handling reels containing up to 50 feet of tape (for tape reader without an optional spooler) Tape read Unidirectional (right to left) Tape channel capacity Capable of reading li/i 6-inch, 7/8-inch, or 1-inch paper tape; 3-position tape guide available to adjust to tape width used Read speed 300 characters per second at 10 characters per inch Type of tape All conventional perforated tapes with a light transmissivity of 40% or less Stop and start capacities Can stop on character or before next character; on start, unit reaches full speed within two characters Tape spooler Up to 5-inch reels can be used with the spooler to allow reeling of approximately 300 feet of paper tape Tape leader Approximately 3 feet of tape leader required when spooler mechanism is used Tape trailer A 1 2-inch trailer must be provided to prevent false broken tape indication Punch mounting Mounted within a 14-by 19-inch panel Tape channel capacity Handles paper tape width of 11/16 inch or 1 inch; five levels of tape characters with 1 1/16-inch paper tape being used; or 5, 6, 7, or 8 levels of tape characters with 1-inch paper tape in use. Tape guide adjusts to conform to paper tape width. Punch speed 1 10 characters per second at 10 characters per inch Type of tape Oil base paper tape is provided. A compatible tape utilizing a paper-plastic-paper sandwich is also available. Stop and start capabilities Punching is performed one character at a time. Tape punch is capable of stopping and starting between characters. Tape feeding The tape punch handles a paper tape reel of 1000 feet with sensing signals to indicate low paper tape supply. A-il UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Appendix B. B.1. B-i Error âñd Exception Handling GENERAL All programs using the services of OS/3 data management execute imperative macroinstructions to obtain specific processing. OS/3 data management performs part of the desired data manipulation itself but frequently calls on other OS/3 system programs (such as the physical IOCS or disk space management) to perform other parts of the task Most of the time the desired service is performed exactly as requested and control is returned to you inline with no need to issue messages to the system console or to the log Sometimes, however errors or exceptions to desired performance occur these may be detected by data management or the other system programs at various points in processing. OS/3 data management is responsible for noting all errors and exceptions reported to it by the other system programs, as well as for testing, within itself, for other types of erroror exceptions. When any such condition is detected, OS/3 data management will always:. • make appropriate entries in certain fields of the DTF file table which your program may address in order to learn of exceptions and errors and take the proper course of action when control returns to you • log and display messages that call for operator intervention or are helpful in after-thefact tracing of your program s action • branch to an error/exception routine in your program. B.2. RETURN OF CONTROL The design policy of OS/3 data management is never to terminate a user program. This means that data management will always return control to you after detecting an error or exception. If you provide the address of an error/exception routine in your DTF macroinstruction, data management returns control to this address for all conditions of error or exception. If you do not provide this address, data management returns control to you inline, at the next sequential instruction after the macro call. Retries by PIOCS have already been performed at this point in the processing. B21. B-2 SPERRY UNIVACOS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 . * Error Handling with ISAM When OS/3 ISAM detects certain logical errors, the processor sets a bit in the DTFIS table that prohibits further reference to the file other than to close it These logical errors (also lIsted in Table B—3) are: . Invalid macro sequence • Invalid ID • Invalid index search • File space exhausted B3. SYSTEMERROR. MESSAGES : In OS/3 system error messages are contained in a general file of canned messages which are listed or displayed under the control of the OS/3 supervisor When OS/3 data management detects a Ioggable error it acts through a logging transient routine to provide the supervisor with the proper code for the specific message to be logged which the transient translates from an error code field in the DTF file table This internal error code may also be accessed by your program, it is placed in byte 56 of the DTF file table by data management. B 3 1 Data Management Error Messages The error messages issued by OS/3 data management are shown in Table B—i, thefirst column of which lists the internal error code placed in byte 56 of every DTF file table (filenameE) When these messages are printed or displayed they will include between the message number and the text the 7-byte logical filename (LFD name) and the channel and device address which are maintained in the physical Unit bloók (PUB) on which the: file in question is assigned. Table B—i also provides for each message an explanation of the probable cause of the error a notation as to the data management module which issues it and suggested actions by which you may recover from the error. Note, error messages relating to unit record also apply to the 8413 diskette. T, V T, V, C 0 (See note.) T, C, (See note.) T,C (See note.) T, M T,C H (See note.) OPEN/CLOSE OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN/EXTEND OPEN OPEN All DMS All DMS OPEN/CLOSE OPEN FORMAT-i LABEL NOT FOUND yOLUME SEQUENCE ERROR RIC FILE SERIAL NUMBER ERROR R*C. CREATION DATE ERROR RIC PREFORMAT WRITE ERROR DETECTED SPECIFIED NON-EXTENDABLE FILE SECURITY CHECK RIC ATTEMPTEDACCESS TO AN UNOPENED FILE INVALID IMPERATIVE MACRO/MACRO SEQUENCE ISSUED INVALID DTF, TYPE=nnø PARTITION INVALID FOR SPECIFIED DTF,TYPE=nn® DM06 DM07 DM 08 DM09 DM 10 DM11 DM 12 DM 13 DM 14 DM 15 DM16 06 07 08 09 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 T,S, L T, S, L T, L T, L C (See note.) OPEN/CLOSE SAM tape I/O ERROR DETECTED WHILE ACCESSING VTOC C DM05 * 05 R filename REQUIRES channel/device vsn WITH DM 04 04 { T, C OPEN/CLOSE FCB NOT FOUND/INVALID DM 03 03 NOBKNO} C (See note.) SAM tape filename REQUIRES channel/device vsn WITH RING R C DM 02 02 T, L OPEN Suggested Action OPEN ISSUED TO OPENED FILE Issuing Module DM 01 Message Number and Text OS/3 Data Management Error Messages (Part 1 of 6) 01 Internal Hexadecimal Code Table B—i. WRONG LENGTH ERROR DETECTED DATA CHECK DETECTED READ ER9ORON RUNLIB DEVICE OR SPOOL FILE PUNCH DOES NOT HAVE READ FEATURE NOHARDWAREFORSTUBREAD VALIDITY CHECK ERROR DM 25 DM 26 DM27 DM28 DM29 DM 30 DM 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 T,M T,M T, S LS H H T, D T, L, C H Disc DMS OPEN UNIT RECORD UNIT RECORD UNIT RECORD Disc DMS SAM/N I/ISAM/ IRAM/MIRAM Disc DMS Disc DMS (No console message appears, but this code in the DTF means: record not found for random function.) RECORD NOT FOUND FOR SEQUENTIAL FUNCTION INVALID FUNCTION ISSUED FOR OPTIONAL FILE DM 32 DM 33 DM 34 33 34 (No console message appears, but this code in the DTF means: end of data detected for sequential operation.) T,M EXCEEDS FILE LIMITS GETCS ERROR: Disk DMS, SAM tape — T, D INVALID REQUEST(ID) DM24 24 Disc DMS UNRECOVERABLEI/O ERROR DETECTED DM23 23 — T, M All DMS HARDWARE ERROR DM 22 22 T, M T, C UNIT RECORD INVALID OR MISSING DEVICE ASSIGNMENT OR DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DM21 21 All DMS. S,T SAM tape NO BKNO SUPPORT IN SUPERVISOR DM 20, 20 CHECK ERROR STATUS/SENSE BYTES T, C OPEN INVALID DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFIED DM 19 19 — H,orT, D ISAM/SAM/N I UNIT RECORD RECORD SIZE INVALID DM18 18 T, S OPEN/SAM/NI UNIT RECORD Suggested Action INVALID BLOCK SIZE SPECIFIED Issuing Module DM 17 Message Number and Text OS/3 Data Management Error Messages (Part 2 of 6) 17 Internal Hexadecimal Code Table B— 1. CD cc 0 0) -p cc C T, 0 H, S Printer Printer INVALID CONTROL CHARACTER LINE TRUNCATED EXTENT TABLE filename channel/device vsn DATA BLKS: READ DM43 DM44 DM45 DM46 DM47 DM48 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 V T, D Printer CHARACTER MISMATCH DM42 42 nnnnnn IC T, R ISAM, SAM tape FILE SPACE EXHAUSTED DM41 41 = T, R ISAM SETFL INDEX SPACE WILL NOT SUPPORT PRIME DATA DM40 40 T, C C (See note.) H T, S. C T, L T, S T, S 5, T T, M C SAM tape SAM/DAM/NI OPEN disc ISAM SAM tape NI NI All disc SAM tape UNIT RECORD ERROR DURING LABEL PROCESSING KEY LENGTH/LACE FACTOR INVALID PROCESSING INHIBITED BY ERROR CONDITION RECSIZE REGISTER NOT SPECIFIED FOR UNDEF FORMAT INVALID SUBFILE NUMBER SPECIFIED NO SPACE AVAILABLE FOR SUBFILE ENTRIES HARDWARE ERROR DURING FILE CONTROL BLOCK UPDATE INVALID JCL SPECIFIED OR INVALID USE OR NAME IN VFB OR LCB JOB CONTROL STATEMENT INVALID USE OR NAME IN VCB OR LCB STATEMENT FOR printer file DM49 DM50 DM 51 DM 52 DM53 DM54 50 51 52 53 54 INDEX INVALID Suggested Action Disc OPEN/EXTND UNIT RECORD VEX HAUSTED — nnnnnn .EOV T, R ISAM add and retrieve INVALID FILE CONDITION DM39 39 = T, 0 ISAM END OF DATA RETURNED BY SYSTEM—ILLOGICAL CONDITION DM38 38 V H ISAM load SEQUENCE ERROR DM37 37 RECORD REJECTED H ISAM add DUPLICATE RECORD—REJECTED DM36 36 — H ISAM add ADD OF RECORDS RESTRICTED BY PREVIOUS OPERATION Issuing Module DM35 Message Number and Text OS/3 Data Management Error Messages (Part 3 of 6) 35 Internal Hexadecimal Code Table B—i. z cSi a.J m C*) > P 0 m >c w > CflCI) W C, T C, T B 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 All DMS UNIT RECORD UNIT RECORD UNIT RECORD MIRAM Read/Punch Read/Punch Read/Punch All paper tape All paper tape Printer UNIT RECORD Printer INVALID DTF FIELD: PARAMETER, OR PARAMETER COMBINATION, TYPE=nn CD 80 COLUMN CARDS READ WITH BLOCK SIZE 81-96 OPEN ERROR: BiNARY MODE CARD INPUT FILE CANNOT BE SPOOLED IN COMBINED CARD FILE CAN’T BE SPOOLED IN ILLEGAL KEY CHANGE DURING UPDATE BEGIN OUTPUT FILE PUNCH RECOVERY. R,U? PERFORM PUNCH RECOVERY STEP 2A. R.U? PERFORM PUNCH RECOVERY STEP 2B. R,U? BEGIN OF FILE MARKER NOT COMPLETE.**I,C IS IT END OF FILE OR END OF TAPE. **FT INSUFFICIENT SPACE ALLOCATED FOR PRINTER SKIP CODES SPOOL FILE FOR CARD READER FILE WAS NOT CREATED UNRECOVERABLE ERRQR WHILE LOADING THE VERTICAL FORMAT BUFFER OR LOAD CODE BUFFER. DM 61 DM62 DM 63 DM 64 DM65 DM 80 DM 81 DM 82 DM 83 DM 84 DM 85 DM86 DM 87 61 62 63 64 65 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 - C,T SAMtape TAPEMARKNOTFOUNDATFILEBOUNDARY DM60 60 - C, T SAM tape STD LABEL FIELDS DO NOT MATCH JCL SPECS DM 59 59 .. C,T SAM tape FSNDOES NOT MATCH FIRST VOLUME VSN DM58 58 w Y FILE LOCK UNIT RECORD jobname WAITING FOR LOCK IbI-file-name DISKETTE DRIVE NOT AVAILABLE DM88 DM89 88 89 - C, T (See note.) SAM tape, Disc DMS UNIT RECORD WRITE ATTEMPTED ON UNEXPIRED FILE RIC DM 57 57 0 C, T SAM tape FILE NOT FOUND DM 56 56 . C, T SAM tape UNIT RECORD Suggested Action STD SYSTEM/USER LABEL NOT FOUND Issuing Module DM 55 Message Number and Text OS/3 Data Management Error Messages (Part 4 of 6) 55 Internal Hexadecimal Code Table B—i. a) Tape extend Tape extend Tape extend Tape extend Tape extend Tape extend ILLEGAL EXTEND, HDR2 NOT FOUND ILLEGAL EXTEND, EOF1 OR EOV2 NOT FOUND ILLEGAL EXTEND, RECFORM INVALID ILLEGAL EXTEND, RECSIZE INVALID ILLEGAL EXTEND, BLKSIZE INVALID ILLEGAL EXTEND, FILE FOLLOWS THE FILE TO BE EXTENDED DM94 DM 95 DM 96 DM98 DM99 DM9A DM9B DM9C DM9D DM9E DM9F 94 95 96 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F LOGICALENDOFFILEREACHEDRI* PUNCH MISFEED. R,U? PUNCH OFF-LINE.R,U? PREPUNCHED CARD DETECTED DURING ERROR RECOVERY R I C U Tapeextend Read/Punch Read/Punch Read/Punch Read/Punch Read/Punch Retry after mounting correct volume Ignore the error condition. : Cancel job Unrecoverable user error routine required nn is a message type subcode that is used to provide additional information as to why the associated message was displayed or printed. Refer to Table B—lA for the subcodes and their explanations. Operators choose one of the following action messages to reply to data management error messages. NOTE: Tape extend ILLEGAL EXTEND, STANDARD LABEL NOT SPECIFIED DM93 93 PERFORM PUNCH RECOVERY STEP 3. R,U? DO RECVRY STEP 2. REFILE LAST (2) CD(S)? R,U? DM 92 92 Read/Punch HAVE BLANK CDS BEEN PLACED IN HOPPER? R,U? DM 91 Read/Punch 91 BEGIN ERROR RECOVERY ERROR CARD. R,U? Issuing Module DM 90 Message Number and Text OS/3 Data Management Error Messages (Part 5 of 6) 90 Internal Hexadecimal Code Table B—i. S S S s S S S 0 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 Suggested Action —I z m L3 rn >0 >< w > cns 0 m SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table B—i. B—B OS/3 Data Management Error Messages (Part 6 of 6) LEGEND: Suggested actions B. Check your data and rerun the job. C. Control stream content should be checked. D. Checking of program dump is recommended. H. Program should handle this occurrence, proceeding or otherwise as programmed. L. Program logic should be checked. M. Maintenance check of disk pack check. 0. Operator intervention is needed. See system messages operator/programmer reference, UP-8076 (current version). R. Reorganize file, getting more space or rebuilding index by new load. S. Program specifications to data management should be checked. T. Program termination is recommended. V. VTOC should be printed out for check. W. Warning message. V. Rerun when device is available. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table B— 1,4. Data Management Error Message Subcodes (Part 1 of 2) Associated Data Message Management Type Subcode* Error Message DM15 DM16 DM61 B-9 Explanation 01 Invalid DTF address 02 Invalid DTF type code 03 Invalid DTF partition control appendage (PCA) 04 Invalid DTF partition control appendage (PCA) address 06 File type code in DTF does not match type code in IOCS processor. 01 Wrong key location 02 Invalid DTF address in partition control appendage (PCA) 03 Missing extent table entry for partition control appendage (PCA) 01 Single mount specification does not match specification used to create file. Single mount specifications do nat match between Format 2 label and DTF 02 Variable record specifications do not match between FOrmat 2 label and DTF 03 Two I/O areas are not contiguous. Index buffer not contiguous with I/O area 1. I/O area 2 address not contiguous with I/O area 1 address. Index buffer not contiguous with I/O area 1 address. 04 Index operations intended, but no index buffer or key argument specification Seek address not specified Key argument not specified Index buffer not specified 05 Key location does not match specification used to create file. Key location values do not match- between Format 2 label and DTF Key location value less than 4 with variable file Key specifications not zero after last valid key entry Key flag values do not match between Format 2 label and DTF. Key size does not equaloriginaI keysize used to create file. 06 Nonindexed output intended to an indexed file Indexed access intended to a nonindexed file 07 No work area or I/O register specification I/O register specified incorrectly Work area and I/O register specified together - - - SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table B—lA. Data Management Error Message Subcodes i’Part 2 of 2) Associated Data Message Type Management Subcode* Error Message DM6i (cont) 08 B-i 0 Explanation Double buffering with update or randommode. Double buffering with input and add Double buffering with indexed input 09 Variable build register. specified incorrectly 10 Forward direction not. specified with output file 11 STD labels not specified with ASCII file When specifying ASCII, BLKSIZE not greater than 9999 12 BKNO=YES not specified with block numbered tape 13 The reader does not have the 96-column read feature .14 Block size and overflow percentage are too large for disk with low number of tracks/cylinders (8415) 15 Format other than fixed unblocked or variable unblocked- 16 I/O area 2 not specified with combined file Extend not allowed with combined file Multisector I/O invalid with combined file 17 Block size or record size equals zero 18 An address in the DTF is not within the bounds of the user program 19 Invalid DTF, CR type not appropriate when Format 2 label active in multivolume 20 User specified seek address is not word aligned or I/O area’s are not half-word aligned 21 With 7 track and convert-on; block size not multiple of 3 22 Error while performing recovery of IRAM/MIRAM file 23 Invalid specification in //DD job control statement *When error condition occurs, the related subcode (in hexadecimal) is placed in byte 44 of the DTF file table. B.3.2. Disk Space Management Error Cods The disk space management routines of the OS/3 supervisor do not generate error messages, but instead load a hexadecimal error code into general register 0 for the error or exception conditions listed in Table B—2. The first äolumn of this table contains the hexadecimal error code, which is loaded by disk space management into register 0, byte 3. This is followed by an interpretation of the-error or exception condition and suggestions for recovery action. UP-8068 Rev 4 SPERRY UNPAC OS/3D BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table B—2. Internal Hexadecimal Code B—il OS/3 Disk Space Management ErrorCodes S S Suggested Recovery Action Interpretation 30 Unrecoverable hardware I/O error on WRITE command; VTOC may be disturbed. 31 Unrecoverable hardware I/O error on READ command; VTOC is disturbed. 32 Unrecoverable hardware I/O error on READ command; VTOC not disturbed. Same as error code 31 33 Indicated device (PUB) either not allocated or nonexistent. Check the VOLjob control statement aidthe volume sequence number of the disc volume, 34 File ID error: • For EXTEND, SCRTCH, RENAME, OBTAIN: theformat 1 label record cannot be found on specified volume. • For ALLOC: a file with the same file ID already exists on this volUme. List and examine VTOC, using OBTAIN macro. Attempt to copy all files to another disc; then reprep the suspected defective disc. List VTOC and check all format 1 labels. Check also all parameters in the job control device assignment set. 35 No empty label records in VTOC. 36 No space avaiIabIe•o this volume. 37 No file control block (FCB) found for t(iis internajiilenarne (LFD name) Check LFDjob control statement. 38 For OBTAIN, the disk address specified is iivalid. Providecorrect disk address arid rerun. For track aligned files, SCRTCH is invalid. Use release that recognizes track aligned files. ‘$Y$’ is specified as first three characters of file ID to SCRTCH macro (PREFIX function). System files may not be deallocated with SCRTCH macro. $TOC is named as file to b scratched. A $VTOC file cannot be scratched. 39 Eliminate unused files or expand VTOC area. . ‘ForRENAME, the file tobe renamed is nat a format label file. 3A VTOC format error is detected.. Elminate unused files or change to a nancontiguàus request. Data set lábeldiskettes cannot be scratched, For diskette, check for duplicate or overlapping space or a duplicate name. For disk, list VTOC and check format 4 label. 3B Request for extension of file will exceed number of allowable extents (16 for all but split files, which are allowed 13). Create a new file with a single extent large enough to accommodate the contents of the old file, 3C Error detected in your parameter table. Review formats presented in this manual and in supervisor user guide, UP.8075 (current version). B.3.3. B-12 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BAc DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Disk File ExtensionError Handling . Three types of extend failures can occur, each associated ith diagnostic: a data management error DM45 EXTENT TABLE EXHAUSTED No space exists in the logical extent table for additional space acquired by file extension. - DM41 FILE SPACE EXHAUSTED No physical space exists for file extension. DM11 SPECIFIED NON-EXTENDABLE DTF specifies the file as nonextendable by — — — maintaining a secondary allocation increment of zero (via the EXT card) defining the secondary allocation përóent (UOS) as zero setting the nonextendable flag in the partition table flag byte Errors occuring during file extend operations are always associated with inability to acquire output space for a buffer and consequent loss of output data. On extend failure errors, file extend proOedures now minimize loss of öutputdatato one record. B.4. ERROR FLAGGING PROCEDURES All OS/a data management pgorams set bits in a special field of the DTF file table tO serve as error flags, providing you with particular information on the error. Disk and tape programs set the bits in this field and then call the logging transient (B.3); card and printer modules go directly to the logging transient When an error is detected during the execution of a data management transient routine, the logging transient is called after the setting of the error flag bits is completed or bypassed. B.4.1. B-i 3 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 FilenameC The error flag field of the DTF file table is designated filenameC; it may be accessed by your program through the test under mask instruction (TM), using for operand 1 your 7byte logical filename, to which you have concatenated the letter C. Note that the size of filenameC varies with the type of file: for card and printer files, it is only one byte long; for tape and disk files, it is four bytes long. Table 8—3 lists the significance of the bits that are set to binary 1 in filenameC for certain error and exception conditions. For information on paper tape error processing, refer to 17.5.9. Table B—3. Significance of Bits in filenameC (Part 1 of 4) BYTE 0 Bit DTFMI DTFIR DTFIS 0 Last block on track accessed 1 Invalid ID 2 Invalid DTF 3 Hardware error 4 Error found in OPEN 5 Error found in CLOSE 6 Invalid macro sequence 7 Reserved DTFSD DTFDA DTFNI DTFMT DTFPR DTFCD Reserved Line truncated (data too large) Record size invalid (too large or too small) Reserved Invalid control character Reserved Invalid PCA/DTF Invalid DTF Character mismatch Validity check (unique unit error) (DTFSD: reserved) WAITF required Reserved Record size invalid (too small) Reserved . UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 B-14 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table B—3. Significance of Bits in filenameC (Part 2 of 4) BYTE1 0 I/O completed 1 Unrecoverable 2 Unique unit error 3 DTFSD DTFDA DTFNI DTFMI DTFIR DTFIS Bit - DTFMT Record not Reserved Unit exception 4 —-—- Wrong length found Reserved 6 End of track Reserved 7 End of cylinder Reserved . 5 T&ile B—3. Significance of Bits in filenameC (Part 3 of 4) BYTE2 Bit DTFMI DTFIR DTFIS 0 Command rejection 1 lntervertion required 2 Output pariiy check 3 Equipment check 4 Data check 5 Overrun 6 STOP state 7 Device check DTFSD DTFDA DTFNI DTFMT - Word count —.———-—-—-—--—-—-———-—— Data converter check (7-track only) B—15 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table B—3. Significance of Bits in filenameC (Part 4 of 4) BYTE 3 DTFMI DTFIR OTFIS Bit B.4.2. DTFSD DTFDA DTFNI DTFMT 0 Invalid record size 1 Logical end of file 2 File space exhausted (DTFIS) Logical end of volume (DTFIR and DTFMI) Logical end of volume 3 Processing inhibited Invalid subfile Wrong length error 4 Invalid index Reserved Reserved 5 Sequence error (DTFIS and DTFIR only) Reserved Reserved 6 Duplicate record Reserved Reserved 7 ADD rejected (DTFIS only) Reserved Reserved Other DTF Fields Certain of the OS/3 data management modules place, in other fields of the DTF file table than filenameC, additional information that is of value to you in monitoring the processing of your files. The details are documented for each specific use in the appropriate section of this manual; these fields are designated filenameA, filenameP, filenameS, etc., and are addressed in the same manner as filenameC: by concatenating the letter designation to your 7-byte logical filename. I UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT C-i Appendix C. Code Correspondences Cl. GENERAL This appendixpresents across-reference table and figures useful to you for visualizing the correspondences among: the following codes commonly used in data processing and in OS/3: • Hollerith punched card:codé • EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) • ASCII (American National Standard: Code for Information Interchange) • Binary bit-pattern (bit-configuration) representation for an 8-bit system. • Hexadecimai representation • Compressed code for punched cards • Binary (image) mode for punched cards C.2. EBCDIC/ASCII/HOLLERITH CORRESPONDENCE Table C--I is a cross-reference table depicting thecorrespàndences among theHollerith punched card code, ASCII, and EBCDIC. The table is arranged in the sorting (or collating) sequence of the binary bit-patterns that have been assigned to the codes, with 0000 0000 being the lowest value in the sequence and 1111 11 lithe highest. Note that the column headed Decimal uses decimal numbers to represent the positions of the codes and bit patterns in this sequence, but counts the position of the lowest value as the 0th (zeroth) position rather than the first. Thus, the position of the highest value bitpattern 1111 liii is represented in the decimal column by 255, whereas it is actually the 256th in the sequence. This scheme corresponds to the common convention for numbering bytes, in which the first byte of a group is byte 0, and is convenient when you are constructing a 256-byte translation table. (See the MODE keyword parameter of the DTFCD declarative macroi nstruction (3.3).) SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 C-2 The column headed Decimal also represents the collating sequence for the EBCDIC graphic characters shown in the fourth column of the table; the fifth column, Hollerfth Punched Card Code, contains the hole patterns assigned to these EBCDIC graphics. Empty space in the fourth column represents the positions of the EBCDIC control characters the EBCDIC space charater is represented in the fourth column by the conventional notation SP at decimal position 64, and the corresponding card code is “no punches.” The ASCII graphic characters, listed in the sixth column of Table C—i, are also in their collating sequence, and the hole patterns in the seventh column correspond to the ASCII graphics. The ASCII space character is represented by the notation SP in the sixth column at decimal position 32; the corresponding card code is, again, “no punches.” The empty space in the sixth column represents the positions of the ASCII control characters. The shading in the ASCII graphic character column indicates where the 1 28-character ASCII code leaves off: there are no ASCII graphic or control characters that correspond to the bit patterns higher in collating sequence than 0111 1111 (the 128th in Table C—i). C.2.I. Hollerith Punched Card Code The standard Hollerith punched card code specifies 256 hole-patterns in 12-row punched cards. Hole-patterns are assigned to the 128 characters of ASCII and to 128 additional characters for use in 8-bit coded systems.. These include the EBCDIC set. Note that no sorting sequence is implied by the Hollerith code itself. C.2.2. EBCDIC. EBCDIC is an extension of Hollerith coding practices. It comprises 256 characters, each of which is represented by an 8-bit pattern. Table C—i shows the EBCDIC graphic characters only; the EBCDIC control characters are notindicated. C.2.3, ASCII ASCII comprises 128 coded charapters,. each represented by an 8-bit pattern, and includes both control characters and graphic characters. Only the latter are shown in Table C—i. ASClI,is used for information interchange among data processing communication systems and associated equipment. osia UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table C—i. C-3 Cross-Reference Table: EBblC/ASil/Hollerith (Part 1 of 5,1 EBCDIC Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 -- - Hexa decimat 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA 08 OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 18 1C 10 1E iF. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 28 2C. 20 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Binary - 0000 0000 0000 0001 00000010 0000 0011 00000100 00000101 00000110 00000111 00001000 0000 1001 00001010 0000 1011 00001100 00001101 0000 1110 00001111 00010000 0001 0001 0001 0010 0001 0011 0001 0100 0001 0101 0001 0110 0001 0111 0001 1000 0001 1001 0001 1010 0001 1011 0001 1100 0001 1101 00011110 0001 1111 00100000 00100001 00100010 00100011 00100100 00100101 .00100110 0010 0111 00101000 0010 1001 00101010 0010 1011 00101100 00101101 00101110 00101111 0011 0000 0011 0001 0011 0010 0011 0011 0011 0100 0011 0101 00110110 ASCII EBCDIC Graphic Character .. ., .. - --. .-. - ASCII Graphic Character Hollerith Punched Card Càde 1 2-0-9-8-1 12-9-1 12-9-2 1 2-9-3 12-9-4 1295 12-9-6 12-9-7 12-9-8 12-9-8-1 129-82 12-9-8-3 12-9-8-4 12-9-8-5 1 2-9-8-6 12987 1211981 11-9-1 11-9-2 119-3 11-9-4 11-9-5 11-9-6 11-9-7 11-9-8 11981 11-9-8-2 11 9-83 11-9-8-4 11-9-8-5 119-86 11-9-8-7 11-0-9-8-1 0-9-1 0-9-2 0-9-3 0-9-4 095 0-9-6 0-9-7 09-8 0-9-8-1 ‘)982 0-9-8-3 0-9-8-4 09-85 0-9-8-6 09-87 12-11-0-9-8-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 Hollerith Punched Card Code - .:: . . -. . . - .. ... . . . . . .. - ; . , .. . . . . . - SP . I. “ .# , $ %, & . . .. . ‘ ( 1 . . . .. . ... . . .. + -‘ —. . . 9-8 7 0-9-7 11-9-8-4 -. 11-9-8-5 11-9-8-6 11-9-8-7 No punches 12-8-7 8-7 8-3 11-8-3 0-8-4 12 8-5 12-8-5 11-8-5 11-8-4 -. 12-8-6 0-8-3 11 12-8-3 0-1 :o 1 2 3 4 .5 6 . . . *.. . 12-0-9-8-1 12-9-1. 12-9-2 12-9-3 9-7 0-9-8-5 0-9-8-6 0-9-8-7 11-9-6 12-9-5 0-9-5 12-9-8-3 12-9-8-4 12-9-8-5. 1 2-9-8-6 12-9-8-7 12-11-9-8-1 11-9-1 11-9-2 i1.-93 9-8-4 9-8-5 9-2 0-9-6 11-9-8 11-9-8-1 . ..../. •0 1. 2 3. .4 5 6 - .. C—4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table C—i. Cross-Reference Table: EBCDIC/ASCII/HoUerith (Part 2 of 5) ASCII EBCDIC Decimal Hexadecimal 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 58 SC 5D SE SF 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D Binary 0011 0111 0011 1000 0011 1001 0011 1010 0011 1011 0011 1100 0011 1101 0011 1110 0011 1111 0100 0000 0100 0001 0100 0010 0100 001 1 01000100 0100 0101 0100 01 10 01000111 0100 1000 0100 1001 0100 1010 O100 1011 01001100 01001101 01001110 01001111 0101 0000 0101 0001 0101 0010 0101 0011 0101 0100 0101 0101 0101 0110 0101 0111 0101 1000 0101 1001 0101 1010 0101 1011 0101 1100 0101 1101 0101 1110 0101 1111 01100000 01100001 01100010 01 10 001 1 01 10 0100 01100101 01 10 01 10 01100111 01 10 1000 01 10 1001 01101010 01 10 101 1 01101100 01101101 EBCDIC Graphic Character Hollerith Punched Card Code •SP [ . < C + ! & - ] $ * A — / % — 9-7 9-8 9-8-1 9-8-2 9-8-3 9-8-4 9-8-5 9-8-6 9-8-7 No punches 12-0-9-1 12-0-9-2 1 2-0-9-3 12-0-9-4 1 2-0-9-5 1 2-0-9-6 12-0-9-7 12-0-9-8 12-8-1 12-8-2 12-8-3 12-8-4 12-8-5 12-8-6 12-8-7 12 12-11-9-1 12-11-9-2 12-11-9-3 12-11-9-4 12-11-9-5 12-11-9-6 12-11-9-7 12-11-9-8 11-8-1 11-8-2 11-8-3 11-8-4 11-8-5 11-8-6 11-8-7 11 0-1 11-0-9-2 11 -0-9-3 1 1 -0-9-4 11-0-9-5 1 1-0-9-6 11-0-9-7 1 1 -0-9-8 0-8-1 12-11 0-8-3 0-8-4 0-8-5 ASCII Graphic Character 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] A a b C d e f g h 1 j k I m Hollerith Punched Card Code 7 8 9 8-2 11-8-6 12-8-4 8-6 0-8-6 0-8-7 8-4 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 12-8-2 0-8-2 11-8-2 11-8-7 0-8-5 8-1 12-0-1 12-0-2 12-0-3 1 2-0-4 12-0-5 1 2-0-6 12-0-7 1 2-0-8 1 2-0-9 12-11-1 1 2-1 1-2 12-11-3 12-11-4 UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table C—i. C-5 Cross-Reference Table: EBCDIC/ASCII/Hollerith (Part 3 of 5) EBCDIC Decimal 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 14-4 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 Hexadecimat 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 BA 8B 8C 8D BE 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 .99 9A 9’3 9C 9D 9E 9F Binary 01101110 01101111 0111 0000 0111 0001 0111 0010 0111 0011 0111 0100 0111 0101 0111 0110 0111 0111 0111 1000 0111 1001 0111 1010 0111 1011 0111 1100 0111 1101 0111 1110 0111 1111 10000000 10000001 1000 0010 10000011 1000 0100 10000101 10000110 10000111 1000 1000 1000 1001 1000 1010 10001011 1000 1100 10001101 1000 1110 1000 1111 1001 0000 1001 0001 1001 0010 1001 0011 1001 0100 1001 0101 1001 0110 1001 0111 1001 1000 1001 1001 1001 1010 1001 1011 1001 1100 1001 1101 1001 1110 1001 1111 ASCII EBCDIC Graphic Character > ? = a b c d e f g h i j k I m n 0 p q .. - ASCII Graphic Character Hollerith Punched Card Code 0-8-6 0-8-7 12-11-0 12-11-0-9-1 12-11-0-9-2 12-11-0-9-3 12-11-0-9-4 12-11-0-9-5 12-11-0-9-6 12-11-0-9-7 12-11-0-9-8 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 12-0-8-1 12-0-1 12-0-2 12-0-3 12-0-4 12-0-5 12-0-6 12-0-7 12-0-8 12-0-9 12-0-8-2 12-0-8-3 12-0-8-4 12-0-8-5 12-0-8-6 12-0-8-7 12-11-8-1 12-11-1 12-11-2 12-11-3 12-11-4 12-11-5 12-1 1-6 12-1 1-7 12-11-8 12-1 1-9 12-1 1-8-2 12-11-8-3 12-11-8-4 12-11-8-5 12-11-8-6 12-11-8-7 Hollerith Punched Card Code 12-11-5 12-11-6 n r s t u v w x V z . { , S. .. : : : :..• 11-9-7 0-9-8 0-9-8-1 0-9-8-2 •. . • .: - , ... - . . . . . . . .. - .:.. - — - -. 12-11-7 12-11-8 12-11-9 11-0-2 11-0-3 11-0-4 11-0-5 11-0-6 11-0-7 11-0-8 11-0-9 12-0 1211 11-0 11-0-1 12-9-7 11-0-98-1 0-9-1 0-9-2 0-9-3 0-9-4 11-9-5 12-9-6 0-9-8-3 0-9-8-4 1 29-8-1 12-9-8-2 11-9-8-3 12-11-0-9-8-1 9-1 11-9-8-2 9-3 94 9-5 9-6 12-9-8 9-8 9-8-1 9-8-2 9-8-3 12-9-4 11-9-4 9-8-6 11-0-9-1 SPERRY UNIVAC U/ BASIC DATA- MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table C—i. 1..—0 Cross-Reference Table: EBCDIC/ASC11/Hollerith (Part 4 of 5) Decimal Hexadecimal 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 A0 Al A2 A3 A4 •A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE. AF 80 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 87 88 B9 BA BB BC ..BD BE SF CO Cl C2 C3 C4 CS C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF DO Dl . .EBCDIC Graphic Character Binary . . 10100000 10100001 10100010 10100011 10100100 10100101 10100110 10100111 1010 1000 1010 1001 10101010 10101011 10101100 10101101 10101110 10101111 1011 0000 1011 0001 1011 0010 1011 0011 1011 0100 1011 0101 10110110 1011 0111 1011 1000 1011 1001 1011 1010 1011 1011 1011 1100 1011 1101 1011 1110 1011 1111 11000000 11000001 11000010 11000011 11000100 11000101 11000110 11000111 1100 1000 11001001 1100 1010 1100 101 1 1100 1100 1100 1101 1100 1110 11001111 1101 0000 1101 0001 ASCII • EBCDIC Hollerith Punched Card Code - s t u v w x y z - . . . { . A B C D E F G H I . . . }. J 11:0-8-1 11-0-1 11-0-2 11-0-3 .11-0-4 11-0-5 11-0-6 11-0-7 11 -0-8 1 1-0-9 11-0-8-2 11-0-8-3 11-0-8-4 11-0-8-5 11-0-8-6 11-0-8-7 12-11-0-8-1 12-11-0-1 12-11-0-2 12-11-0-3 12-11-0-4 12-11-0-5 12-11-0-6 12-11-0-7 12-11-0-8 12-11-0-9 12-11-0-8-2 12-11-0-8-3 12-11-0-8-4 12-11-0-8-5 12-11-0-8-6 12-11-0-8-7 12-0 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 12-0-9-8-2 1 2-0-9-8-3 1 2-0-9-8-4 12-0-9-8-S 1 2-0-9-8-6 12-0-9-8-7 ASCII Graphic Character - . . . , 1 2-0-9-7 1 2-0-9-8 12-8-1 12-11-9-1 121192 12-11-9-3 • - , . . 12-11-9-4 12-11-9-5 12-11-9-6 12-11-9-7 12-11-9-8 11-8-1 11-0-9-2 110-9-3 11-0-9-4 11-0-9-5 11-0-9-6 11 -0-9-7 . - -• : : . . .. • . . 0-8-1 12-11-0 12-11-0-9-1 12-11-0-9-2 1 2-1 1 -0-9-3 12-11-0-9-5 12-11-0-9-6 12-11-0-9-7 12-11-0-9-8 2-0-8-1 12-0-8-2 1 2-0-8-3 12-0-84 1 2-0-8-5 1 2-0-8-6 12-0-8-7 12-11-8-1 12-1 1-8-2 12-11-8-3 . . • - : . -- : • ii-o 11-1 Hollerith Punched Card Code 12-0-9-1 12-0-9-2 12-0-9-3 12-0-9-4 1 2-0-9-5 . . 12-11-8-5 1211-8-6 12-11-8-7 11-0-8-1 SPERR’? UNIVAC OS/S BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table C—1. Cross-Reference Table: EBCDIC/ASCII/HoIferi(h (Part 5 of 5) V Héxa dodmal .. Decimal V Binary 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 224 E0 iiiooooc 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 11100001 11100010 11100011 11100100 11100101 lllOOllQ 1110011!. 1110 1000 1110 1001 11101010 11101011 11 10 1 100 11101101 11101110 11101111 11110000 11110001 11110010 11110011 liji 0100. 1111 0101 1111 0110 11110111 1111 100011111001 1111 1010 1111 1011 1111 1100 1111 1101 1111 1110. 1111 1111 V E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF EBCDIC Graphic Character V 1101 0010 1101 0011 11010100 1101 0101 D2 D3 04 D5 06 07 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE OF — V EBCDIC V 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 C-7 HöIIérith Punched Card Code V 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 12-11-9-8-2 K L M N V V ASCII V Graphic Character V V V ‘ V V V V VV 11i0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 P Q R VV V V V : 12-11-9-8-4 12-11-9-8-5 12-11-9-8-6 12-11-9-8-7 V V V \ V VV VVVV V V V 0-8-2 -- V S T U V w X Y Z V V 0 1 2 3 V V V V V V V : V - 5 6 7 8 9, V 11-0-9-8-2 11-0-9-8-3 11 -0-9-8-4 11-0-9-8-5 110986 11-0-9-8-7 0 V - V VQ9 - - 11-0-9-10-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 V V - 2 3 4• 5 6 7 8 V VV V V • V V V VV V V V V...: : V -- . :. V V V VVV V 11 -0-8-2 11-0-8-3 1 1-0-8-4 11-0-8-5 11-b-8-6 l1-0-8-7 12-1 1-0-8-1 12-1 1-0-1 12-11-0-2 121 1-03 12-11-0-4 12-1 1-0-5 12-11-0-6 12-11-0-7 12-11-0-8 12-11-0-9 12-11-0-8-2 12-1 1-0-8-3 1 2-1 1 -0-8-4 1-0-8-5 12-1 12-11-0-8-6 V V VVV: V V ASCII Hollerith Purlóhed Card Code 12-1l-0-9-8-2 Vl2l1-O983 12110984 12-11-0-9-8-5 121l-0-9-8-6 12-11-0-9-8-7 V V 12-11-0-8-7 1 2-0-9-8-2 12-0-9-8-3 12-0-9-8-4 12-0-9-8-5 1 2-0-9-8-6 12-0-9-8-7 12-11-9-8-2 12-11-9-8-3 12-11-9-8-4 12-1 1-9-8-5 12-1 1-9-8-6 1 2-1 1 -9-8-7 11-0-9-8-2 11-0-9-8-3 11 -0-9-8-4 11 -0-9-8-5 11 -0-9-8-6 -0-9-8-7 12-1 1-0-9-8-2 12-1 1-0-9-8-3 12-11 -0-9-8-4 12-1 1-0-9-8-5 12-11 -0-9-8-6 12-11-0-9-8-7 C3. C—B SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 OTHER CARD CODES Two other punched card coding systems can be handled with OS/3 data management and all card reader and card punch subsystems in the SPERRY UNIVAC 90/30 System: the compressed code and the column binary, or image, code. C.3.1. Compressed Card Code Figure C—i indicates the construction of the compressed card code; each card column is represented by an 8-bit pattern in one byte of main storage. COLUMN PUNCH POSITIONS /12 11 0 MAIN STORAGE BYTE BIT POSITIONS 9 NOTE: PUNCH POSITIONS 1 THROUGH 7 ARE INDICATED IN BITS 1 THROUGH 3, ACCOFDING TO THE FOLLOWING TABLE: PUNCH ROWS 1 THRU 7 BITS 123 NONE 1 2 000 011 101 001 010 100 111 110 3 4 5 6 7 Figure C—i. Compressed Card Code UP-8068 Rev. 4 C.3.2. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT C-9 Column Binary (Image) Code Figure C—2 indicates the construction of this code Note that each card column requires two bytes of main storage; an I/O area of 160 bytes is required for an 80-column card COLUMN PUNCH POSITIONS 11 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ‘I 0 I 1 2131415161 7 DATA BYTE 0 0 I 1 j 213T4 5 6 LI DATA BYTE 1 NOTE: BiTS 0 AND 1 ARE CLEARED TO ZEROS ON AN IMAGE READ. Figure C—2. C.4. Column Binary (Image) Card Code DATA CONVERSION In OS/3 data management, there are five ways in which your data, held in main storage in 8-bit bytes, may be converted into hole-patterns in punched cards, and vice versa: • Standard mode (EBCDIC) • Standard mode (ASCII) • Compressed code mode • Binary (image) mode • Translate mode for reading or punching In EBCDIC standard mode (MODE=STD), data in main storage in EBCDIC code is punched into cards in the Hollerith punched card code. Cards are read in Hollerith, and the data stored in EBCDIC. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT C-1O In ASCII standard mode (MODE=STD and ASCII=YES), data management translates data stored in the 8-bit ASCII code in main storage to EBCDIC, and then the cards are punched in Hollerith. The reverse process*is used when cards are read, unless a hardware ASCII translate featUre: is available on the card reader, when data management omits the EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation. In the compressed code mode (MODE=CC), an 8-bit data byte is converted by data management into asingle-column hole-pattern (Figure C—i). In the binary or image mode (MOD E=BINARY), there is a one-to-one correspondence between 12 data bytes in main storage (data is stored in the least significant six bits of two 8-bit bytes) and the 12 possible row punches in a card column (Figure C—2). In the translate mode (MODE=TRANS), you make your own assignment of 8-bit patterns to the 256 hole-patterns listed under EBCDIC in Table C—i in the order these are shown in the table. The preceding considerations should be of little concern to you because, with OS/3 data management, you can always use any mode with any peripheral equipment in your installation’s configuration. The 96-column card format (as shown in Figure C—3) hold 96 characters of data at six bits per character. The characters are arranged on the card as three rows of 32 characters each The fact that each character can be represented in six bits is the reason no binary read mode is provided. Depending upon the translate features in the hardware, and MODE keyword specification, each 6-hole character on a card is transferred into the user’s I/O : area as an EBCDIC or ASCII 8-bit byte. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT C-il 1 234567890 7 2 0 4 3 6 7 II II 2027 22232123 36272929 32 37 32 121394 1276II6?27t7273747576777I79a0Ii2l3941Sj6g7ne6o,,29399,sfl 67 96 99 0010 A 8 4 2 1 8 4 Digit Punches 9 V 0 7 4 2 II II 6 II 9192721 22 03 242026 77 24 26 30 32 32 •• .... •• • •• •• •• SI 4766 6* #70 #72 #74 #76 #76 lao P 62 #44 #86 $i 90 •t #9290 94 69 16 003700 111213141516171819101 NUMERIC CHARACTERS Zone Punches 24727124 1 -#2136#39#10#4?434V4$4?474?49#5, ? 595 V 335 ft BISIII•••••CIII AISSIS.. •I•••II 8 •Ise••ss •••.•••••.•• 4 5•IS •I•I Ills •l•I 2 • •I• IS • II ISIS 1 { (iJ 12010221224 .... • • 1 .2 02 02 104 IQS 0677776 109 70 1123114115’lZ’iT lii B A • 8 4 2 t• 1 A 88 5 • 22 1 4444 22 1 1 1 ALPHABETIC CHARACTERS Zone Punches Digit Punches (J .f• B A (ê 8 (. ‘ • 2 1 SPECIAL CHARACTERS Zone Punches Digit Punches c .ii • 5• A 8 4 2 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA 88 88 88 4444 4444 4444 22 22 22 22 22 22 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :ii: i: :ii: n i:: ii;iz (blank) BBBBBBBBBBBBBB AAAAAAA AAAAAAA 888888888888 888888888888 4444 4444 4444 4444 2222 22 22 22 2222 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure C—3. 96-Column Card Punch Codes A 8 4 2 1 B A 8 4 2 B A 8 4 2 1 • U . . S U :4 -I, U UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT D-1 Appendix D. Labels for Disk Files Di. GENERAL This appendix describes the system standard labels for disk files in OS/3 as well as the optional user standard labels that are supported by OS/3 data management for processing disk files described by the DTFSD, DTFNI, and DTFDA macros. Note that OS/3 ISAMdoes not support user labels for DTFIS files (The user standard labels are described in D 4) Because your files within a disk volume may be stored in various locations a directory listing the addresses of the fragments of the files is required. This directory, called the volume table of contents (VTOC), and your files within a disk voIume require various standard labels in predefined formats to describe the properties of the files and the volumes on which they reside The system standard disk labels include the volume label (VOL1 label) and seven types of format labels. These labels may, according to their use, be separated into two distinct groups: • Volume Information Group — — — — — • VOL1 label Format 4 label Format 5 label Format 6 label Format 0 label File Information Group — — — Format 1 label Format 2 label Format 3 label The VOL1 label has a length of 84 bytes; all format labels are 140 bytes long. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT D-2 D.2. VOLUME INFORMATION GROUP The volume information group, comprising the VOL1 label and the format 4, 5, 6, and 0 labels Identifies the volume and defines the VTOC, the status of the VTOC the available space within the volume, and the device-dependent characteristics of the volume on which the group resides. Standard linkages maintained within the group are shown in Figure D—1. The VOL1 label, normally the first label in the group to be referenced, is written at cylinder 0, track 0, record 3 on each volume. The VOL1 label identifies the volume and contains a link to the format 4 label. The format 4 label defines the extent occupied by the VTOC and the deviceindependent characteristics of the volume; it also supplies a link to the first format 0 label. Each label in the VTOC that describes label records not in use is defined as a format 0 label and is linked to the next available format 0. The format 4 label also supplies a link to the first format 6 label, which defines space available within the extent areas of files sharing extents (split cylinder allocation) If more format 6 labels are required, they are linked in the same manner as format 0 labels. The format 6 label and its link from the format 4 label will be present only if split-cylinder allocation has taken place The first (or only) format 5 label immediately follows the format 4 label supplying an implied linkage. The format s label defines unüsèd space on the volume in terms of full cylinders. Successive format 5 labels, if required, are linked one to another. The VTOC extent, as specified in the format 4 label, supplies an additional linkage because it is this area that must be searched in order to access the file information groups Figure D—/. VTOC Volume Information Label Group SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 UP-8068 Rev. 4 D—3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT D.2.1. VOL1 Label As each disk volume enters the system, it is given a unique identification code or volume serial number and the rudiments of a VTOC. The volume serial number and the address of the VTOC are placed in the VOL1 label. The VOL1 label, identified by a key field and label identification field containing “VOLl written by the disk initialization routine at cylinder 0, head 0, record 3. “, is The VOL1 label is the standard volume label in the OS/3. All reference to the VTOC of a given volume is made by first obtaining the VOL1 label, verifying the volume serial number, and, because the location of the VTOC may vary from volume to volume, using the VTOC address contained in the VOL1 label to locate the VTOC itself. The format of the VOL1 label is shown in Figure D—2; Table D—1 summarizes its contents. BYTES \ 2 0 3 0 V L 0 4 label number label identifier 8 volume serial number 12 volume security 16 volume table of contents address 24 reserved 44 owner name and address code 56 reserved 80 Figure D—2. VTOC VOL1 Label Table D—1. Label DL$VL Initialized Disc prep DL$VL1 DL$VSN Contents of VOL1 Label Bytes Code 0—3 EBCDIC DL$VSB Disc prep DL$VTC Disc prep Key — contains VOL1. Label identifier 7 Label number 8—13 Volume serial number a unique code assigned to a disc pack when it enters the system. The same code should appear visually on the disc pack for operator identification. — — VOL. always 1. — 14 Binary Volume security 15—24 Discontinuous binary* VTOC address This field is used to point to the format 4 label, which starts the VTOC. The address is in the form cchhr in bytes 15 through 19. Bytes 20 through 24 are 0. 25—44 DL$ONR Description 4—6 ; 45—54 55—83 * D-4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 — reserved for future use. — Reserved EBCDIC Optional owner name and address code an installation-supplied user identifier. — Reserved For discontinuous binary, each subfield is treated as a distinct binary entity. In the notation cchhr, each different letter represents a subfield. D.2.2. Disk Format 4 Label The format 4 label describes the VTOC itself and is the first record of the VTOC. An indicator in the format 4 label states whether the format 5 label contains valid information. In addition to describing the area occupied by the VTOC and its current status, the format 4 label contains information on all device-dependent characteristics of the volume on which it resides. The format 4 label is written by the disk initialization routine at the disk address specified in the VOL1 label. Only one format 4 label may exist on a given volume. The address of the first available label record (i.e., a format 0 label) is placed in the format 4 label for use by OS/3 disk space management. An additional linkage is created and maintained by disk space management that specifies the first active format 6 label and is used only during split-cylinder allocation of data files. Figure D—3 shows the format 4 label; Table D—2 summarizes its contents. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT D-5 BYTES 2 -I 3 key field format D last active format 1 44 available file label records 48 highest alternate track 52 number of alternate tracks reserved number of extents 56 reserved device size device size track length 60 64 record overhead flag 68 tolerance labels 72 pointer to format 0 label 80 reserved 96 pointer to format 6 label 104 VTOC extent 112 reserved 136 Figure D—3. Disk Format 4 Label blocks 0-6 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP8O68 Rev. 4 Contents Of Disk Format 4 Label (Part 1 of 2) Table D—2. !zed by Label DL$KY4 Disàprep Bytes 0—43 Description Code Hexadecimal Key field Each byte of this field contains 0416. . DL$1D4 bisc 44 EBCDIC Format ID always 4 for format 4 label. DL$LF4 Space mgmt 45—49 Discontinuous binary the address, Last active format 1 in the form CCHHR, used for a search on fiIename DL$AF4 Disc prep 50—51 Binary Available file label records number of Onused records inthe VTOC. DL$HA4 Disc prep 52—55 Discontinuous binary Highest alternate track address, in the form CCHH, of alternate tracks set aside in cae of bad tracks. DL$AT4 Disc prep 56—57 Binary Number of alternate tracks. DL$V14 Space mgmt 58 — — — — Reserved for VTOC indicators Bit DL$XC4 DL$DS4 DL$TL4 Meaning Contents 0 1 A format 5 label, if present, contains invalid information. 1—7 0 Unused Number of extents contains 0116 indicate the one extent in the VTOC. Disc prep 59 Disc prep 60—61 Reserved Disc prep 62—65 Device size indicates the number of cylinders and the number of heads per cylinder on the device, in the form CCHH: Disc prep 66—67 Track length number of available bytes on a tráàk exclusive of home address and record 0. : Binary — — — — UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table D—2. D-7 Contents of Disk Format 4 Label (Part 2 of 2) V Label Initialized by Bytes DL$R04 Disc prep 68—70 Code Description V V Record overhead— ILK describes overhead bVteô track, whée I is for keyed record which is not the last on track, L is for keyed record which is the last on traäk, and K is a decrement applied to records which have no key. V - V V DL$FG4 Disc prep V V V V 7 Binary Flag - V V V — V Bit Meaning 0—5 6,7 Reserved Device-dependent V VV V characteristics Disc prep DL$T04 72—73 Tolerance a device-dependent factor which is used to calculate effective record lengths for that device. — V V V DL$LT4 V V Disc prep 74 Labels per track a devicedependent factor specifying the number of 140-byte labels possible in a VTOC track. V — V V V DL$BK4 Disc prep 75 DL$F04 Disc prep 76—80 DL$F64 Space mgmt V Blocks per track a devicedependent factor specifying the number of directory blocks of a partitioned file which can be written on a track. — Discontinuous binary Format zero address in the form CCHHR points to the first available format zero record in the VTOC. — 81—99 Reserved. 100-1 04 Format 6 addréssin the form CCHHR points to the first format 6 label created by space management. VV V — DL$VX4 Disc prep 105—114 VTOC extent describes the extent occupied by the VTOC itself. The format of this field is identical to the fields describing the extent in the format 1 and 3 labels. 115—139 Reserved. — V D.23. D-8 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Disk Format 5 Label The format 5 label is the second record in the VTOC and is used to maintain control of the available extents in the volume at any time The format 5 label is initialized by the disk initialization routine and maintained by the disk space management routine. Each format 5 label may define up to 26 available extents. Format 5 labels may be linked together should more than one become necessary. Figure D—4 shows the format 5 label; Table D—3 summarizes its contents. BYTES 0 2 0 key identification 4 8 3 relative track address no. of cylinders in extent no. of tracks in addition available extent 12 available extent 16 20 available extents 44 format ID available extents r 136 format 5 pointer Figure D—4. Disk Format 5 Label UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table D—3. Label Initialized by Bytes D-9 Contents of Disk Format 5 Label Code Description DL$1D5 Disc prep 0—3 Hexadecimal Key identification Each byte of this field contains 0516. DL$XT5 Disc prep 4—5 Discontinuous binary Relative track address DL$XC5 Disc prep 6—7 Binary Number of cylinders in extent. DL$XE5 Disc prep 8 Binary Number of tracks in extent in addition to the cylinders. Space mgmt 9—13 Available extent describes another extent in fields with the same format as bytes 4 through 8 above. Space mgmt 14—43 Six more available extents. DL$Fl5 Disc prep 44 DL$XS5 Space mgmt 45—134 DL$CP5 Space mgmt 135—139 D.2.4. — — start of extent. — EBCDIC Format ID — always 5, for format 5 label. Eighteen more available extents. Discontinuous binary Pointer indicates the address of another format 5 label, in the form CCHHR. Binary 0 if no further label. — Disk Format 6 Label The format 6 label is used to control split-cylinder allocation. Each format 6 label contains a code that identifies all member files sharing the same extent area. Each member file is allocated from 1 to n tracks within each cylinder allocated to the set, where n is the number of tracks per cylinder, minus one. Additionally, a head pool is maintained that specifies all tracks not currently allocated and available for use by new members of the same split-cylinder set. A format 6 label will be created for each split-cylinder set defined. The format 6 label is created and maintained by the disk space management routines. Each label contains the disk address of the format 3 label that defines the extents allocated to that split member set. The disk address of the first format 6 label is maintained in the format 4 label. If more than one format 6 label is required, they are linked together. Note that no extent information is maintained in the format 1 label of a splitcylinder file and that all members of a split-cylinder set share a common format 3 label. Figure D—5 shows the format 6 label; Table D—4 summarizes its contents. D-1 0 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 higO 0.08 k.y dll 108 ,:.‘,,,,,,,. ....... FigUre D—5. Disk Format 6 Label Table D—4 Initialized by Label DL$H.H6 DL$SET Hexadecimal 0—2 3 ,. . . 45 . Description Code Bytes Space mgmt DL$1D6 Contents of Disk Format 6 Label . Key identification - always 06060616 Device high head. Set identifier identifies each member file of the split-cylinder set. — . ,: . DL$1DF36 6—9 Discontinuous binary Disk address of the format 3 label shared by all member files DL$LHA6 10 Hexadecimal Low head available in the specified extent areas. . . 11 DL$HHA6 . . .. ‘. Hexadecimal High head available in the specified extent areas. Hexadecimal Nine additional entries for low and high available head. . . . 12—29 Space mgmt DLeIDF16 : 30—33 Hexadecimal. Format 1 disc address of primary mehiber (CCRH) 1,9 additional split set format 1 disc address entries in the same format as bytes 30-33. 34—109 Hexadecimal Format 1 label disk addresses of up to 19 additional members of the split-cylinder set in the same format as bytes 30—33 . .‘ . .. . , .. 110—133 Reserved DL$Fl6 134 Hexadecimal Format identification .X’F6’. DL$CP6 135—1 39 Discontinuous binary Pointer to next format 6 label in the form CCHHR. UP8O68 Rev. 4 D.2.5. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT D-1 I Disk Format 0 Label The format 0 label is used to identify label records in the VTOC not currently in use Format 0 records are initialized by the disk initialization routine. The address of the first format 0 is placed in the format 4 label, and each format 0 label is linked to the next. The remainder of the label is filled with binary 0’s. Figure D—6 shows the format 0 label; Table D—5 summarizes its contents. BYTES 0 1 3 2 pointer to next available format 0 label - 4 reserved I 136 Figure D—6. Disk Format 0 Label Table D—5. Label Initialized by Disc prep Bytes Contents of Disk Format 0 Label Code cescription 0—4 Discontinuous binary Disc address in the form CCHHR of the next available format 0 label. 5—139 Binary zero Reserved. D.3. D-12 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.4 FILE INFORMATION GROUP The file information group (Figure D—7) is composed of the format 1, format 2, and format 3 labels. The format 1 label is normally the first referenced label of the group. It is obtained by executing a key search for the file ID in the VTOC extent defined in the format 4 label. The format 1 label defines the characteristics of the file and may define up to three extents occupied by the file. The format 1 label is linked to the format 2 label, which is used to further define the file. These two labels are present for each file in the volume. The format 3 label is used to define the extent area occupied by the file and is an optional label, except that it will exist for all files created by using split-cylinder allocation. For all other files, the format 3 label will exist only if the file occupies more than three separate extent areas. NONISPLIT FILES OCCUPYING THREE EXTENTS OR LESS SPLIT-CYLINOER FILES Figure D—Z OCCUPYING MORE THAN THREE SEPARATE EXTENTS File Information Group Label Chain D.3.1. 0-13 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT. UP-8068 Rev. 4 Disk Format 1 Label A format 1 label exists for each file in a volume. As many as three extents of a file may be described in the format 1 label, provided that the file is not a member of a split-cylinder set. The format 1 label is initializedbythe disk space management routines. It is maintained by both the space management and data management routines. The format 1 label contains a pointer to the format 2 label. Figure D—8 shows the format 1 label; Table 0—6 summarizes its contents. BYTES 3 0 fileD (key field 44 bytes( fatmatiD 44 seeialfi(enumbee euluteeeeqaeeceeo. 48 52 eap::too date 56 60 fOe optitte todes 64 68 aaeat(ott date e(uttte teqeettee Ca PCAtblocksiee PCAleeca,daae PCA 2 tpeoifieatloot PCA 1 ,eoatd focetat 72 76 PCA 3 tpeotf(oatiotte 80 PCA4spec(f(oatione PCA 5 specifIcations 84 88 fications 92 PCA 7 specificatioos 96 key location fan (SAM 100 104 (lie higft hspd a((ocatio:inceettoeot ectent type 108 (octet litttif 112 cope’ tidal eafeot eaqoence no. second ectect (lObyteo( 136 .. file tet head bone honit tppet until 116 128 data eat ittdicetot thitd eateot (l0byfeo( fo,tttat 2 paints, Figure D—8. Disk Format 1 Label UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table D—6. Label DL$KEY1 Initialized by Space mgmt D—14 Contents of Disk Format 1 Label (Part 1 of 5) Bytes Code Description 0—43 EBCDIC File identifier Each file must have a unique 1- to 44-byte name in this key field, the first six bytes of which may be a lock ID. A search of the VTOC is made on this name. 44 EBCDIC Format identifier format 1 label. 45—50 EBCDIC File serial number—identifies the volume on which the file starts, is a 6-digit alphanumeric number, and is the same as the volume serial num ber of the volume on which the file starts. The first volume of a file is defined by the first job control DVC statement in the device assign ment set for the file. 51—52 Binary Volume sequence number indicates the number of this volume relative to the first volume in the file. The first volume of a file is defined by the first job control DVC statement in the device assignment set for the file. 53—55 Discontinuous binary Creation date format is YDD (year day-day), where V is 0 to 99, and DD is1to366. DL$ED1 56—58 Discontinuous binary Expiration date the date when the file may be deleted. Format is the same as the creation date. DL$XC1 59 Binary Extent count specifies the number of extents currently constituting the file, or portions of it, on this volume. 60 Binary Option codes DL$lDl DL$FS1 Data mgmt DL$VS1 DL$CD1 DL$OC1 Space mgmt Space mgmt — — always 1, for — — — — Bit Content Meaning 0 1 Preformatted by VTOC 1 1 Allocation by cylinder 2 1 New file 3 1 Partitions cylinder aligned 4—7 Unused D-1 5 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table D—6. Label initialized Contents of Disk Format 1 Label (Part 2 of 51 Bytes bescrption Code DL$PC1 Data mgmt 61 Binary PCA count number of partitions which constitute the file. DL$FT1 Data mgmt 62 Hexadecimal File type — Hexadecimal Code Meaning 20 Sequential (DTFSD) 40 Direct access (DTFDA) 60 Nonindexed (DTFNI) 80 Indexed sequential (DTFIS) 90 IRAM(DTFIR)or MIRAM(DTFMI) 02 SAT (DTFPF) : Undefined 00 63 Hexadecimal File type Hexadecimal Meaning Code , , 00: lRAMfilenonindexed 11 1RAM file, indexed 80 M1RAM file, IRAM characteristics CO MIRAM file, MIRAM characteristics NOTE: Thisbyte is meaningless unless byte 62 equals X’90’. DL$BL1 Datamgmt 64—65 Binary Reservedfor PCA1 block length size of fixed-length blocks or maximum size of variable-length blocks. — DL$RL1 Data mgmt 66,67 Binary Reserved for PCA1 record length size of fixed-length records or maximum size of variable-length re cords. DL$RF1 Data mgmt 68 Binary Reserved for PCA1 record format — Bit Content Reserved 0,1 2 Meaning 0 1 Records have no keys. Records have keys. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table D—6. Label Initialized by D-16 Contents of Disk Format 1 Label (Part 3 of 5) Bytes Code Description (Record format, àont) DL$DS1 DL$KL1 Bit Content Meaning 3 1 Fixed-length blocked records 4 1 Variable-length blocked records 5 1 Fixed-length un blocked records 6 1 Variable-length unblocked records 7 1 Records are inter laced. Data mgmt 69—73 Discontinuous binary Partition descriptor 2; block size, record size, and record format for partition 2. Data mgmt 74—78 Discontinuous binary Partition descriptor 3. Data mgmt 79—83 Discontinuous binary Partition descriptor 4. Data mgmt 84—88 Discontinuous binary Partition descriptor 5. Data mgmt 89—93 Discontinuous binary Partition descriptor 6. Data mgmt 94—98 Discontinuous binary Partition descriptor 7. Space mgmt 99 Binary Data set indicators future use. Data mgmt 100-1 01 Binary Key location high order position of key field within each data record of an indexed-seqUential file. — — reserved for Table D—6. Label 0-17 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP8O68 Rev. 4 Initialized by Contents of Disk Format 1 Label (Part 4 of 5) Bytes Description Code DL$SA1 102 Binary Secondary allocation increment the number of cylinders of disc storage to be requested for each dynamic extension of the file. DL$LH1 103 Hexadecimal File low head allocation. DL$HH1 104 Hexadecimal File high head allocation. DL$XT1 105 Hexadecimal Extent type indicator — — — split cylinder split cylinder — Code Meaning 00 No valid extent described 20 Sequential file (DTFSD) 40 Direct access file (DTFDA) 60 Nonindexed file (DTFNI) 80 Indexed sequentialfile (DTFIS) 90 IRAM (DTFIR) or MIRAM (DTFMC) 02 SAT (DTFPF) FF Job Control DL$XS1 106 Binary Extent sequence number relative number of extents in multiple-extent volume. DL$XL1 107-1 10 Discäntinuous binary Lower limit the address specifying the start of the extent, in the — — form CCHH. Table D—6. Label Initialized by DL$CP1 Contents of Disk Format 1 Label (Part 5 of 5) Bytes 111—114 DL$XU1 D.3.2. D-18 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Space mgmt Description Code Discontinuous binary Upper limit the address specifying the end of the extent, in the form CCHH. — 115—124 Second extent same format as described for bytes 105 through 114. 125—134 Third extent 135—139 — Discontinuous binary — same format as second extent. Continuation pointer the address of a format 2 label. The address is in the form CCHHR. — Disk Format 2 Label The format 2 label is used as an extension to the format 1 label to further describe the file. For nonindexed files (DTFSD, DTFDA, DTFNI), bytes 1 through 43 are used to carry partition information in a maximum of seven 6-byte entries. For indexed ISAM files, bytes 13 through 43 are used to carry index control information. For IRAM and MIRAM files, bytes 1 3 through 43 are used to carry index control and file characteristic information. For library files, bytes 32 through 47 are used to carry information on the library text and directory; bytes 13 through 31 contain binary zeros. The format 2 label is initialized by space management and maintained by data management. The label is always present and is linked from the format 1 label. The link field in the format 2 label will point to a format 3 label, if used. This pointer will be present for all split-cylinder files and for nonsplit-cylinder files requiring more than three extents If it is not present the field is filled with binary zeros Figure D—9 shows the format 2 label; Table D—7 summarizes its contents. The format of the ISAM file information area is shown in Figure D—1O, and the contents of this area are listed in Table D—8. The format of the IRAM/MIRAM file information area is shown in Figure D—1 1, and the contents of this area are listed in Table D—9. The format of the library file information area is shown in Figure D—12, and the contents of this area are listed in Table D—1 0. 0-19 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 2 3 nonindexed LBC key length or lace factor reserved 0 BYTES key ID 0 4 nonindexed LBC EOD ID 8 12 EOD ID reserved key lenth or lath factor EODID : (up to five additional partition descriptors) 40 blocks/track, PCA1 reserved 44 0 23 0 2 31 1516 relative track addr,2* PCA2ID 52 tracks relative track addr-1 * PCA1 ID 48 tracks 15 3 31 16 I. / \,/ / F. 128 tracks per cylinder 132 relative extent count 136 file low head no. flags format 3 pointer *Thirtn bits can represent a maximum relativetrack address (RTA) of ). To support the larger 8433 16 (1 FFF disc, the high-order bit of the tracks field (bit 16) of the logical extent is used to indicate that the RTA must be increased (See Table 0—7.) by aconstaht value of io 8192 Figure D—9. Disk Format 2 Label, Nonindexed Files (DTFSD, DTFDA, DTFNI) u—Lu SPERRY UNIVAC OS/ BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 15 14 13 I BYTES disc address of last prime 20 current independent overflow address disc address of last block level reserved 32 36 overflow record count prime data load count 24 28 number of cylinders having overflow space full data record, plus 1 16 .. . overflow retrieval count, except first of chain index record, plus 1 total count of prime data records reserved 40 bytes of main storage required for top index 44 number of blocks per cylinder Figure D— 10. number of records tagged for deletion ISAM (DTFIS) File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label 15 14 13 BYTES key length for key 1 key location for key 1 16 used for IRAM processing key characteristic descriptor for... flag_byte_(MIRAM) 20 key 2 descriptor for... 24 ...key 3 descriptor for... 28 ...key 4 descriptor for... 32 ...key 5 36 ...in file, plus 1 40 number of index levels sector offset number of records... record size last fine-level index block NOTE: Descriptions that pertain to IRAM files also apply to MIRAM files with IRAM characteristics. t Figure D—1 1. IRAM/MIRAM File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label fine-level index block size in sectors SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 0-21 BYTES 28 30 28 directory partition lace factor 32 directory partition lace adjustment factor 36 text partition face factor 40 text partition lace adjustment factor 44 number of library blocks per track 31 I NOTE: In the format 2 label for library files, byte 3 and bytes 13—27 are reserved and contain binary zero. Figure D—12. Library File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Table D—7. Label Initialized by Contents of Disk Format 2 Label (Part 1 of 3) Bytes Description Code DL$S102 Space mgmt 0 DL$SPC2 Data mgmt 1 Nonindexed last block control the number of logical records in the last block of the partition for fixed-length blocked files. DL$SLF2 2 Key length or lace factor. DL$SLA2 3 Reserved DL$SEP2 Data mgmt 4—6 Hexadecimal — Binary 7—12 Data mgmt 13—43 Key identification X02’ End of data ID relative block address plus 1 of the last block written into the partition. — A 6-byte partition descriptor entry in the same form as bytes 1—6. Hexadecimal For nonindexed files, up to 5 additional partition descriptors. For ISAM files, see index information area (Table 0—8 and Figure 0—10). For IRAM and MIRAM files, see IRAM/MIRAM information area (Table D—9 and Figure D—1 1). For library files, see library information area (Table 0—10 and Figure D—12). 44—45 Unused (binary zero) for all but indexed files; reserved for indexed files. D-22 SPERRY UNIVAC .OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table D—7. Initialized b Label Bytes Datamgmt 48—127 Description Code Blocks pertrack the number of blocks per track in the first or only partition of the file. 46—47 DL$SBPT2 DL$SXAR2 Contents of Disk Format 2 Label (Part 2 of 3) — Discontinuous binary Logical extent table area— These entries are 4 bytes in length and specify PCA ID in 3 bits, starting relative track address in 13 bits, and number of tracks in that address. From one to twenty 4-byte logical extent entries may be placed in this 80-byte area. Each 4-byte entry has the following format: DL$TPC2 128—129 DL$FLH2 130—131 132—133 DL$SXCT2 . 134 DL$SFL2 Hexadecimal Bit Meaning 0—2 The high-order three bits of the logical extent identify the parti tion to which it is assigned. (This value may be from 1. to 7.) 3—15 The next 13 bits indicate the relative track address of the logical extent. 16—31 If the first bit (bit 16) of the track field is set on, a value of 8192 must be added to the relative track address to indicate the relative track address of the logical extent on the 8433 disc. The remaining 15 bits indicate the number oftracks contained ir the extent. Tracks per cylinder for this file. File low head the lowest head number intheassigned cylinders accessible for this file. — Number of relative extents contained In this label. Flags Bit Content Meaning 0 2 Reserved 3 4 5 1 Library lace adjustment, type2 6 1 Library lace adjustment, type3 7 1.. 9400SAT compatible . UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table D—7. Label Initialized by DL$SCID2 Space mgmt Contents of Disk Format 2 Label (Part 3 Bytes Code 135—139 Discontinuous binary . Table D—8. Label D-23 of 3) Description The disc address, in the form CCHHR, of the format 3 label (if required) associated with this file. Contents of Indexed File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Initialized by Bytes Code Description 13—17 Discontinuous binary Discaddress of last prime data record (plus 1), in the form rrrbb, where rrr relative block address and bb = displacement within the block DL$NMA2 18—19 Hexadecimal Count of cylinders having overflow space filled DL$10F2 20—23 DL$PDLC2 24—25 Discontinous binary Prime data load count 26—27 Hexadecimal Count of the number of overflow records in the file DL$PID2 DL$NMO2 Data management Data management Current address of independent overflow (rrr) Reserved 28 — DL$BID2 29—33 DL$NMR2 34—35 Discontinuous binary Overflow chain retrieval count, not first otchain . DL$NMT2 — Total count of number of prime data records 37—39 DL$NMP2 DL$NMS2 Reserved 36 — Data management 40—41 Disc address of last block level index record (plus 1), in the same form as bytes 13—17 Hexadecimal Number of bytes required to hold top index in main storage 42—43 Number of records user has tagged for deletion 44—45 Number of blocks per cylinder UP-Ob Hey. rtrtrT 4 uIIvMi. JO/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table 13—9. Label DL$XILOC Initialized by Data mgmt Contents of /RAM/M/RAM File Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Bytes 1 3—1 4 Hexadecimal Key location for key 1 Key length for key 1 15 16 Description Code Hexadecimal (IRAM) Used for IRAM file index processing Binary (MIRAM) For MIRAM files, byte 16 contains key 1 characteristics: Bit 0 Content 1 Meaning Duplicates allowed for this key 1 1 Key change allowed for this key during during update Unused 2—4 17—20 Discontinuous binary *5 1 Index-only records permitted in this file *6 1 Variable-length record format *7 1 Record control byte (rcb) present Descriptor for key 2 (binary zeros for IRAM) 21—24 Descriptor for key 3 (binary zeros for IRAM) 25—28 Descriptor for key 4 (binary zeros for IRAM) 29—32 Descriptor for key 5 (binary zeros for IRAM) Hexadecimal Sector offset for files created with recovery DL$MARSO 33 DL$COUTR 34—36 Number of records in file (plus 1) DL$REC 37—38 Record size DL$CSIZ 39 Fine-level index block size in sectors DLSCLEV 40 Number of index levels DL$FAB 41—43 Relative block number of last block of the fine-level index *These bit positions areunused in the descriptors for keys 2 through 5. NOTE: Descriptions pertaining to IRAM files also apply to MIRAM files with IRAM characteristics. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table D— 10. Label Contents of Library Information Area, Disk Format 2 Label Bytes Code Description DL$DIRL2 Data management 28—31 Hardware-adjusted lace factor for the directory partition DL$DIRF2 Data management 32—35 Rotational adjustment for directory lace factor DL$TXTL2 Data management 36—39 Hardware-adjusted lace factor for the library text partition DL$TXTF2 Data management 40—43 Rotational adjustment factor for the library’s text Data management 44—47 Number of library blocks per track — D.3.3. itzed D-25 Disk Format 3 Label The format 3 label is used to maintain extent information for the file. For split-cylinder files, a format 3 label is always present. For files not using split-cylinder allocation, a format 3 label for the file will exist only when more than three extents are required. The format 3 label is initialized and maintained by the disk space management routines. The format 3 label, when required, will always be linked from a format 2 label. Figure D—1 3 shows the format 3 label; Table D—1 1 summarizes its contents. D-26 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 1 0 8YTES... 3 2 0 - extent type indicator 4 key identification lower limit extent sequence no. upper in it lower limit 8 upper limit 12 extent 5 24 extent 6 36 extent 7 44 format ID 48 extent 8 E r —, / 128 extent 16 J 136 pointer Figure D—13. Disk Format 3 Label SPERRY UNIVAC osia BASICDATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table D—1 1. Label DL$I D3 Initialized by Space mgmt Bytes 0—3 Contents of Disk Format 3 Label Code Description Hexadecimal ., DL$XT3 4 D—27 Hexadecimal Key identification contains 0316. — each byte Extent type indicator — Code Meaning 00 01 No valid extent described, Prime data area DL$SN3 5 Binary Extent sequence number relative number of extents in this volume of the file. DL$XL3 6—9 Discontinuous binary Lower limit starting track address of the extent, in the form CCHH. DL$XU3 10—13 Discontinuous binary Upper limit terminating track address of the extent, in the form CCHH. — — 14—23 Extent 5 same format as described for bytes 4 through 13 for this extent. 24—43 Extents 6 and 7. 44 DL$Fl3 — — EBCDIC , DL$XS3 45—134 DL$CP3 135—1 39 Format identifier format 3 label. — always 3, for Extents 8 through 16. Discontinuous binary Pointer.— address of next format 3 label, in the form CCHHR. Binary 0 if nofurther label. D—28 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 UP-8068 Rev. 4 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT OPTIONAL USER STANDARD LABELS D.4. Optional user standard labels are records made available to you via your label processing routine (LABADDR) at the opening or closing of a disk volume. OS/3 data management supports user standard: labels for your SAM and DAM disk files described by the: DTFSD, DTFNI, and DTFDA declarative macroinstructions; it does not support them for your ISAM files, which are described by the :DTFIS macro. D.4.1. User Header Labels If you require user header labels, these will be written on the first track of each volume of a DTFSD file and on the first track of the first volume of a DTFDA or DTFNI file. You may write a maximum of eight labels. Figure D—14 shows the format of the 80-byte user header label; its contents are explained in the table below Figure D—14. 0 3 2 :1 label ID 4 label data : 76 [________________________________________________________________ Field Bytes Code DescriptiOn Label ID 0—3 EBCDIC Contains 4-byte label identifier: UHL, followed byalabel number which ranges from 1 through 8. Label data 4—79 User option Contains 76 bytes of user specified header label data. Figure D—14. Optional User Standard Header Label UP-8068 Rev. 4 0.4.2. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT D-29 User Trailer Labels If you need user trailer labels, these will be written on the first track of each volume of a DTFSD file and on the first track of the first volume of DTFDA or DTFNI. files, following your user header labels. You may write a maximum of eight labels on DTFDA and DTFNI files, and eight labels per volume on DTFSD files. Figure D—15 shows the format of the 80-byte user trailer label; its contents are explained in the table below Figure D—1 5. 0 2 0 label ID 4 F %. label data 76 F Field Bytes Code Description Label ID 0—3 EBCDIC Contains 4-byte label identifier: UTL, followed by a label number which ranges from 1 through 8. Label data 4—79 User option Contains 76 bytes of User-speöified trailer label data Figure D—15. Optional User Standard Trailer Label 3 D.5. D—30 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 8413 DISKETTE FILE LABEL Figurè D—16 illustrates the 8413 diskette file label form at. Table D—--12 Explains the contents of eaóh field ih the diskette file Iàbèl. 3 2 0 I; * label ID 0 reserved 4 file identifier 8 I 12 notused 20 record attribute block length 24 beginning of extent (BOE) 28 physical record J 32 length record/block format end of extent (EOE) 36 bypass exchange type md write protect file security nd 40 volume séqüence ho. multi-volume md. 44 file creation date 48 I 52 record length F 56 reserved 60 reserved 64 file expiration date 68 verify/copy md. file org. 72 end of data (EOD) reserved 76 80 0 0 p 124 Figure D—1 6. 8413 Diskette File Label Format — UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table D—12. Field D-31 Diskette File Label Description (Part 1 of 2) Description Byte Position label ID 0—3 Contains 4-byte label identifier HDR followed by the number 1 Reserved 4 Reserved File identifier 5—12 Names user file and is from 1 to 8 characters. First character must be alphabetic and no blanks are allowed. Duplicate names on the same diskette are not allowed. 13—21 Not used 22—26 Indicates the record size as follows: — Block length Character Meaning L Record size will be obtained from the DTF 1—128 Actual record size; for example, 80. Record attribute 27 Blank; indicates unblocked records Beginning of extent (BOE) 28—32 Identifies the address of the first sector of the file by cylinder number (pos. 28—29), head (pos. 30), and sector number (pos. 31—32). Physical record length 33 Indicates physical record length and is blank meaning 128 bytes per record. End of extent (EOE) 34—38 Indicates address of last sector reserved for this file and uses the same format as BOE. Record/block format 39 This field must be blank. Bypass indicator 40 Indicates a file to be skipped during exchange or copy operations when transmitting or transferring files on the volume. If position 40 is blank, the file is transferred; if B, the file is not transferred. File security 41 Blank indicates the file can be accessed. Nonblank indicates restricted access. When nonblank, the volume accessibility indicator in the volume label (track 00, sector 07) must also be nonblank. Write protect 42 Blank indicates both reading and writing allowed. P indicates only read activities allowed. Exchange type indicator 43 Blank indicates file can be used for basic exchange. Nonblank indicates additional label checking is ne?ded to exchange the file Multivolume indicator 44 Character Meaning blank File on 1 diskette C File continued on next diskette L Last diskette on which file resides Volume sequence number 45—46 Indicates volume sequence number in multivolume set (01—99). Blanks indicate no volume sequence checking performed on this device. File creation date 47—52 Indicates the creation date of the file by year (YY), month (MM), and day (DD). Blanks indicate nonsignificance of creation date. Table D— 12. Field : Record length D-32 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Diskette File Label Description (Part 2 of 2) Description Byte Position 53—56 Defines record length. fifb record length equals block lehgth (position 22) = (This field is ignored because blank in position 43 means the same.) Offset to next record space 57—61 Not used Reserved 62—65 Reserved File expiration date 66—71 Contains date of deletion for a file. (Format is the same as creation date in position 47—52.) file date expired 999999 Verify/copy indicator 72 file date never expires Character Meaning blank File is created V File is verified C File datasuccssfully transferred to another medium File organization 73 If position 43 contains blank, this field must also contain blanks. Endóf data (EOD) 74—78 Identifies address of next unused sector within the file extent using BOE format. — — — Reserved 79 - 80—1 27 NOTE: ISAM does not support-the 8413 diskette. If EOD equals BOE, the extent contains a null file. If EOD equals address of next block beyond-file extent (unblocked records), entire extent was used. If blocked records areused, EOD must be used with offset to next record space (position 57—61) to find the actual EOD. Reserved Padded with binary zeros UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT Appendix E. El . E-1 Magnetic Tape Labels OS/3 SYSTEM STANDARD LABELS FOR MAGNETIC TAPE This appendix describes the system standard labels for magnetic tape files and reels (or volumes) in OS/3. Section 8 describes magnetic tape SAM. record formats, volume organization, andfile conventions. Section 9 describes the functions and operations of magnetic tape SAM, including certain of the label-processing functions of transients entered by the OPEN and CLOSE imperative macros and the user’s own special label processing routine (the address of which he provides to tape SAM by specifying the LABADDR keyword parameter in the DTFMT declarative macro defining any standard labeled magnetic tape file for which optional standard user header or trailer labels (UHL or UTL) are to be processed). The LBRET imperative macro (9.4.9) is issued in the users label routine to control returns to and from tape SAM In OS/3 tape SAM, magnetic tapes may be labeled or unlabeled, and a labeled tape may contain eithernonstandard or OS/3 system standard labels Tape volumes have formats that may be specified as standard, nonstandard, or unlabeled, using theFILABL keyword of the DTFMT declarative macro (; unlabeled format is assumed if this keyword is npt specified. E.2. SYSTEM STANDARDTAPE LABELS All standard tape labels, including optional UHL and UTL are in blocks of 80 bytes There are five tape. label groups: three required, two optional: • Volume label group • File header label group • User header label group (optional) File trailer label group • User trailer label group (optional) UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASICDATA MANAGEMENT E-2 E2.1. Volume Label Group The volume label group comprises a single volume label, VOL1. The VOL1 label identifies the tape reel and its owner and it is used to checkthat the proper reel is mounted (Refer to Table 9—3). When a tape is first used at an installation, its volume serial number (VSN) and other volume information, as shown in Figure E—1, are usually recorded on it magnetically with the TPREP utility routine, being specified to the routine with parameter cards. The volume serial number is also written on the exterior of the reel for visual identification to the operator. For a detailed description of TPREP, refer to the system service programs (SSP) user guide, UP-8062 (current version); note that you cannot use this routine to prep a magnetic tape volume dynamically, although you may prep as many as 36 volumes with it. As an alternative to using TPREP, if you want tãpeSAMto prep the volurnesof astandard labeled file dynamically, as a preliminary, part of the job step in which you create the file, you specify the’ parameter (PREP) in the VOL job control statement of the file’s device assignmentiet, also ‘specifying a unique VSN Data management then préps the volumes from informatiOn you supply on the associated VOL and’:LBL’statements. This procedure is described in 9 3 3 3 When you issue an OPEN macro to an output tape file, its open-and-rewind options are executed first (9 2 5 2 and 9 2 5 3) and then the tape is checked to see if it is at the load point If it: 5 atthe load point, data management reads”the VOL1 label (if’ it isnotinthO prep mode) and, checking the VSN, saves this fo’r use in writing or reading the file header labels (HDR1 and HDR2). It then positions your tape so ‘that the.volume:Iabels’ are not destroyed, and no further volume label processing is performed. If the outpUt tãe is not at “the’ load point after the openandrewind:options are executed, tape SAM assUrnes ‘that it is positiOned between the two ending tape marks of the previous file; orjust prior to the HDR1 label of an existing file. In either case, no volume label checking or creation is performed. For an input tape, the OPEN transient first executes the open-and-rewind options and then checks to see whether the tape is at the load point. If it is, the VOLl labe[ is read and the VSN is used to check the file serial number in the appropriate file header or trailer label. The tape is then positioned to the’ proper file header or trailer label, as specified in”the file sequence number field of the associated LB’L’jobcontrol statement (9.3.4),and nofurther volume label processing is performed. If the input tape is not at the load point after your open-and-rewind options are executed, tape SAM assumes that the tape is positioned between the two ending tape marks of a previously created file, or just prior to the HDR1 label of an existing file. In either case, no further volume label processing is performed. When any volume label is encountered during the processing of a CLOSE macroinstruction for an input tape (, 9.4.2), if you have specified READ=BACK (, the label is bypassed without processing. Figure E—1 shows the format of the VOL1 label; its fields are described in Table E—1. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT BYTES 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 LEGEND: Generated by data management or reserved for system expansion. E:i Written by data management from user-supplied data. Figure E—1. Tape Volume 1 (VOL1) Label Format for an EBCDIC Volume E—3 Table E—1. Field - Tape Volume 1 (VOL 1) Label Format, Field Description for an EBCDIC Volume Initialized By Bytes Code Description Label identifier Tape prep 0—2 EBCDIC Contains “VOL” to indicate that this is a volume label Label number Tapeprep 3 EBCDIC Always’i”, for the initial volume label Volume serial number Tape prep 4—9 EBCDIC Unique identification number assigned to this volume by your installation. Tape SAM expects 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters, the first of which is alphabetic Volume security Data Mgt 10 EBCDIC Reserved for future use by installations requiring security at the reel level. Currently blank Reserved 11—20 EBCDIC Contains blanks (4016) Reserved 21—30 EBCDIC Contains blanks (4016) Reserved 31—40 EBCDIC Contains blanks (4016) 41—50 EBCDIC Unique identification of the owner of the reel: any combination of alphanumerics 51—79 EBCDIC Contains blanks (4016) Owner identification Tape prep Reserved E.2.2. E-4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 File Header Label Group The file header label group comprises two labels, HDR1 and HDR2, described in the following subparagraphs. E.2.2.1 First File Header Label (HDR1) The first file header label (HDR1), which identifies the file, is written at the beginning of each file. The HDR1 label is required and has the fixed format shown in Figure E—2; its fields are described in Table E—2. All fields in the HDR1 label may be specified in the job control stream. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OSt3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT E-5 BYTES 0 %‘ 0 1 2 3 H D R 1 14 4 8 file identifier 12 16 20 file serial number 24 volume... 28 . 32 . 36 . . . . sequence number file... sequence number generation.. number version.. . 40 . . number creation date 44 48 expiration date 52 file security 56 unused 60 64 system code 68 72 reserved 76 LEGEND: Generated by data management or reserved for system expansion. fjj Written by data management from user-supplied data. Figure E—2. First File Header Label (HDR1) Format for an EBCDIC Tape Volume SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev.,4 Table E—2. Field First File Header Label (HDR1), Field Description Description Bytes Label identifier O—2 Contains “HDR” to indicate a file header label Label number 3 Always”l” File identifier 4—20 A 17-byte configuration that uniquely identifies the file.-It may contain embedded blanks and is left-justified in the field if fewer than 17 bytes are specified. File serial number 21—26 The same as the VSN of the VOL1 label for the first reel of a file or a group of multifile reels Volume sequence number 27—30 The position of the current reel with respect to the first reel on which the file begins. File sequence number 31—34 The position of this file with respect to the first file in the group Generation number 35—38 The generation number of the file (0000—9999) Version number of generation 39—40 The version number of a particular generation of a file Creation date 41—46 The date on which the file was created,expressed in the form YYDDD and right-justified. The leftmost position is blank. Expiration date 47—52 The date the file may be written over or used as scratch, in the same form as the creation date File security indicator 53 Reserved for file secUrity indicator. Indicates whether additional qualifications must be met before a user program may have access to the file. 0 = No additional qualifications are required. 1 = Additional qualifications are required. Unused 5459 Unused field, containing EBCDIC 0’s System code 60—72 Reserved for system code, the unique identification of the operating system that produced the file Reserved 73—79 ReServed field, containing blanks (4016). UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT E-7 For input tapes, all fields up to and including the system code field in the HDR1 label are checked at file open against the values you specify in the LBL job control statement (9.3.4), unless you have specified read-backward processing ( If you have specified READ=BACK, tape SAM bypasses the HDR1 label without processing it. For multifile input volumes, you should specify the file sequence number in the LBL job control statement to ensure proper tape positioning. For output files, the tape must be positioned properly before you may open the files. On file open, the expiration date in the HDR1 label is checked against the current or actual calendar date to determine whether the associated file has expired. If it has not, data management issues error message DM57, and it is not possible to write to the file. You should mount the correct volume and rerun. If the file has expired, the tape is positioned so that the old HDR1 label is overwritten. The HDR1 label for the new file, set up from the values you specify in the LBL job control statement, is written on the tape. E.2.2.2. Second File Header Label (HDR2) The second file header label (HDR2) acts as an extension of the HDR1 label and is required in standard labeled files. Unless the HDR2 label was created by OS/3, however, as indicated in the system code field of the HDR1 label, tape SAM ignores the HDR2 label on input tapes. Figure E—3 shows the format of the HDR2 label; Table E—3 describes its fields. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 BYTES LEGEND: Generated by data management or reserved for system expansion. Written by data management from user.supplied data. Figure E—3. Second File Header Label (HDR2) Format for an EBCDIC Tape Volume B-B UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC 0S/ BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT E-9: Table E—3, Second File Header Label (HDR2), Field Description Field Bytes Description Label identifier 0—2 Contains HDR to indicate a file header label Label number 3 Always “2” Record format character 4 Character D F U V Block length 5—9 Record length Variable-length, with length fields specified in decimal Fixed-length Undefined Variable-length, with length fields specified in binary Five EBCD1C characters specifying the maximum number of characters per block 10—14 Five EBCDIC characters specifying the record length forrn fixed-length records. For any other record format, this field contains 0’s. Reserved 15—35 Reserved for future system use Reserved 36—79 Reserved for future system use •, E.2.3. Meaning File Trailer Label Group The file trailer label group comprises either of two pairs of labels, depending on whether the reel contains an end-of-file or an end-of-volume condition In the first condition the first label of the pair is the EOF1 label, in a format identical to the HDR1 label; the second label is the EOF2 label. Its format is identical to the HDR2 label. In the end-of-volume condition, these labels are the EOV1 and EOV2 labels; again, the formats of these labels are identical to their counterparts in the file header label group, HDR1 and HDR2. When you issue an OPEN macroinstruction to an input tape file, with READ=BACK specified in the DTFMT macroinstruction, the OPEN transient checks the fields in an EOF1 and EOV1 label against the values you have specified in the LBL job control statement. This processing is similar to that of the HDR1 label. Figure E—4 illustrates the format of the EOF1 or EOV1 label; Table E—4 summarizes the contents of its fields. Similarly, Figure E—5 and Table E—5 describe the EOF2 or EOV2 label. E—1 0 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 BYTES J 1 0 3 2 label identifier 0 ner 4 8 file identifier 12 16 20 file serial number volume... 24 28 .. 32 . 36 . . sequence number generation... number version... .. 40 . . . file. .sequence number . number creation date 44 expiration date 48 file security 52 block count 56 \ 60 64 system code 68 72 reserved 76 LEGEND: Generated by data management or reserved for system expansion Written by data management from user-supplied data Figure E—4. Tape File EOF1 and EOV1 Label Formats UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table E—4. Field E-1 1 Tape File EOF1 and EOV1 Labels, Field Description Bytes Description Label identifier 0—2 Indicates that this is a file trailer label; contains “EOF” for an end-of-file label, or “EOV” for an end-of-volume label Label number 3 Always “1” File identifier 4—20 A 1 7-byte configuration that uniquely identifies the file. It may contain embedded blanks and is left-justified in the field if fewer than 17 bytes are specified. File serial number 21—26 The same as the VSN of the VOL1 label for the first reel of a file or a group of multifile reels Volume sequence number 27—30 The position of the current reel with respect to the first reel on which the file begins. File sequence number 31—34 The position of this file with respect to the first file in the group Generation number 35—38 The generation number of the file (0000—9999) Version number of generation 39—40 The version number of a particular generation of a file Creation date 41—46 The date on which the file was created, expressed in the form YYDDD and right-justified, The left most position is blank. Expiration date 47—52 The date the file may be written over or used as scratch, in the same form as the creation date File security indicator 53 Reserved for file security indicator. Indicates whether additional qualifications must be met before a user program may have access to the file. 0 = No additional qualifications are required. 1 = Additional qualifications are required. Block count 54—59 In the first file trailer label, indicates the number of data blocks: either in this file of a multifile reel, or on the current reel of a multivolume file. Tape SAM checks the block count for input files or writes the count for, output files. System code 60—72 Reserved for system code, the unique identification of the operating system that produced the file Reserved 73—79 Reserved field, containing blanks (4016) E-12 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT IJP-8068 Rev. 4 BYTES 2 1 0 3 . label identifier 0 4 :>:Z/: record format character nrir block length 8 : record length 20 24 reserved 28 . 32 36 40 44 48 52 reserved 56 , : 60 64 68 72 76 LEGEND: Generated by data management or reserved for system expansion. Written by data management from user supplied data Figure E—5. Tape Ale EOF2 and EOV2 Label Formats UP-8068 Rev. 4 E-13 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Table E—5. Tape File EOF2 and EOV2 Labels, Field Description Field Bytes Label identifier 0—2 Indicates that this is a file trailer label; contains “EOF” for an end-of-file label, or “EOV” for an end-of-volume label Label number 3 Always “2” Record format character 4 Character f Description D F U V Block length 5—9 Meaning Variable-length, with length fields specified in decimal Fixed-length Undefined Variable-length, with length fields specified in binary Five EBCDIC characters specifying the maximum number of characters per block Record length 10—14 Five EBCDIC characters specifying the record length for fixed-length records. For any other record format, this field contains 0’s. Reserved 15—35 Reserved for future system use Reserved 36—79 Reserved for future system use E.2.4. E-14 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Standard User Header and Trailer Labels In a standard labeled file, you may use only the standard UHL and UTL; within the OS/3 tape SAME conventions, their use is entirely optional. You may have one or as many as eight UHL or none at all the same applies to optional UTL If you use them they must be in the OS/3 standard 80-byte format and content as described in Figure E—6 and Table E—6. Their position in a standard labeled tape volume is as prescribed in Section 8. When you have specified the block numbering option with the BKNO keyword parameter of your DTFMT declarative macro (9 2 3 5), the system labels and your optional user labels may not be the standard length. Optional user labels in an EBCDIC input file must then be 83 bytes long, and user labels in an ASCII input file 81 bytes long, to ensure correct processing. BYTES 0 - 3 2 1 ° label identifier number 4 : ‘p label data -I 76 LEGEND: Written by user’s LABADDR routine. Written by data management. (See note to Table E—6.) Figure E—6. Optional User Header and Trailer Label Format, ASCII and Standard Labeled EBCDIC Tape Files Table E—6. Optional User Header and Trailer Labels, Field Description for Standard Labeled Tape Files Bytes Description Label identifier 0—2 Contains “UHL” for user header label; “UTL” for user trailer label Label number 3 Ranges from 1 through 8 (See note.) Label data 4—79 Contains 76 bytes of user-specified information Field NOTE: For ASCII files, the label number is not written by data management; it is the user’s responsibility. Also there is no limit on the range; the user may have any number of user labels he wants. E.3. E—15 SPERRYUNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 ASCII STANDARD MAGNETIC TAPE LABELS The figures and tables that follow describe the labels written (and expected to be read) by OS/3 magnetic tape SAM for ASCII files Note the very small differences for foregoing EBCDIC labels and these ASCII labels which conform to American National Standard 1969 Magnetic Tape Labels for Information Interchange X3 27 — OS/3 magnetic tape SAM writes and procees the following ASCII standard labels: VOL1, HDR1, HDR2, EOV1, EOV2, EOF1, and EOF2. Although data management also provides for input and output processing of optional UHLs and UTLs (their forms are identical in ASCII to those described in E 2 4) it does not provide for processing optional user volume labels (UVLs) ohoitpüt. lfpresènt on ASCII input tapes, UVLs are àccëpted, but bypassed and ignored. For ASCII record formats and reel organizations, refer to Section 8. E 3 1 ASCII Character Code and Processing During input and output processing of ASCII magnetic tape files 05/3 data management uses the character code specified by American National Standard Code for Information Interchange, X3.4 —1968, peforming appropriàtO translations (EBCDIC to ASCII, or vice versa) so that your program always processes in EBCDIC. Refer to for details on specific or automatic inclusion of the OS/3 ASCII translation table module during link time. Appendix C provides a useful cross-reference table depicting the correspondence between ASCII and EBCDIC. E 3 11 Output Processing of Labels in ASCII Magnetic Tape Files When you specify ASCII = YES in the DTFMT declarative macro defining an output magnetic tape file, OS/3 data management writes out all system labels in ASCII. Just as you must present your data to data management in EBCDIC (9 2 7 1) so also must you present your optional UHL and UTL label data in EBCDIC Data management translates these into ASCII before writing them out to tape It is your responsibility to write out the labelnumber. E.3.1.2. Input Processing of Labels in ASCII Magnetic Tape Files When reading input magnetic tape files coded in ASCII OS/3 data management assumes 1969, and that there is that these comply fully with American National Standard X3.27 processing. Before incorrect in no mixture of character codes. Any exception may result passing your data and your optional UHLs or UTLs to you, data management translates these into the form it expects to receive before ouptut: your program receives data and labels in EBCDIC. — E 3 2 OS/3 Processing of Certain Fields in ASCII Tape Labels The format and content of ASCII magnetic tape labels in OS/3 are depicted in Figures E—7 thràugh E—11 and Table E—7 through E—1 1. These subparagraphs describe the way OS/3 processes certain of the label fields; further notes appear in thetables. SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 E.3.2.1. E-1 6 Accessibility Field The accessibility field occurs in the VOL1, HDR1, EOF1, and EOV1 labels. During readforward input, a “space” (2/0) encountered in this field of both the VOL1 and HDR1 labels allows processing to continue, whereas a nonspace in either field causes the issuance of error message DM12 to the operator’s console; processing may not continue unless the operator responds with the override option in effect at your installation. (For backwardread input, the procedure is identical, the fields interrogated being those in the EOV1 and EOF1 labels.) In OS/3 there is no option to write a nonspace character in the accessibility field of any system label on output ASCII tapes; data management always creates this field as “space”. E.3.2.2. Label Standard Level Field The label standard level field occurs only in the VOL1 label. When writing output ASCII tapes, data management writes “1” in this field to indicate that the tape is in full 1969. On input tapes, a “1:”. in this compliance with American National Standard X3.27 field ensures correct processing; tapes created under later versions of the standard may also be accepted, but you cannot be assured of correct processing. — E.3.2.3. Expiration Date Field The expiration date field occurs in the HDR1, EOF1, and EOV1 labels. If you attempt to write over an unexpired file in an ASCII tape (one whose expiration date is later than today’s date), data management issues error message DM57 to the operator console. You will not be able to continue processing unless the operator responds with the override option in effect at your installation. You should note that, in a multifile ASCII volume, if you give a file a later expiration date than you have given to the files that you have already recorded on the tape, this additional protection you intend is not effective. The expiration date of the first file on a volume is the latest date on which any part of the volume is protected from being overwritten. E.3.2.4. System Code In writing output tapes, data management writes “0S3”, left-justified in the 13-byte system code field The remainder of the field is filled with spaces The field is ignored on input. E.4. PADDING In other systems, provision has sometimes been made to allow label blocks to be extended in length to the nearest multiple of the computer’s word length, any desired characters being used for padding. OS/3 does not provide for padding of labels (nor of data blocks: see Section 8). If the labels in your ASCII input files are not exactly 80 bytes in length, they cannot be processed properly by OS/3. (If BKNO=YES is specified, however, label length should be exactly 83 bytes.) SPERRY UNIVAC 0573 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 E-17 BYTE \ 0 4 0 1 V 0 2 3 1 volume serial ni.imber accessibility 8 12 reserved for future standardization 16 20 24 28 reservedfor future standardization 32 36 40 owner identification 44 48 52 56 60 reserved for future standardization 64 68 72 label standard level 76 Figure E—7. Volume Header Label (VOL 1) for an ASCII Magnetic Tape Volume E-18 SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATAMANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table E—7. Field Volume Header Label (VOL 1), Field Description for an ASCII Volume Description Bytes Label identifier 0—2 Must be “VOL” Label number 3 Must be “1” Volume serial number 4—9 Six “a” characters permanently assigned by the owner to identify thisphysical volume(thatis,thisreel ofmagnetic tape). (See Note 1.) Accessibility 10 An “a” character that indicates any restrictions on who may have access to the information in this volume. A “space” means unlimited access; any other character means special handling, in the manner agreed upon between the interchange parties. (See Notes 1 and 2.) Reserved 11—30 Reserved for future standardization. Must be “spaces”. (See_Note_2.) Reserved 31—36 Reserved for future standardization. Must be “spaces”. (See Note 2.) Owner identification 37—50 Any “a” characters, identifying the owner of the physical volume (See Note 1.) Reserved 51—78 Reserved for future standardization. Must be “spaces” (See Note 2.) Label standard level 79 “1” means that the labels and data formats on this volume conform to the requirements of American National Standard X3.27—1969. “Space” means that the labels and data formats on this volume require the agreement of the interchange parties. (See Note 2.) NOTES: 1. An “a” character is any of the characters occupying the center four Columns of ASCII (American National Standard Code for Information Interchange) except position 5/15 and those positions where there is a provision for alternative graphic representation. 2. “Space” is the normally nonprinting graphic character occupying position 2/0 of ASCII. UP-8068 Rev. 4 BYTE SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 0 1 E—19 2 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 sequence number ation number 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 system code 68 72 76 reserved for future standardization Figure E—8. First File Header Label (HDR1) for an ASCII Magnetic Tape Volume 3 E-20 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table E—8. First File Header Label (HDR1), Field Description for an ASCII Volume (Part 1 of 2) Field Description Bytes Label identifier 0—2 Must be “HDR” Label number 3 Must be “1” File identifier 4—20 Any “a” characters agreed on between originator and recipient (See Note 1.) . Set identification 21—26 Any “a” characters to identify the set of files of which this is one. This identification must be the same for all files of a multifile set. (See Note 1.) File section number 27—30 The file section number of the first header label of each file is “0001 This applies both to the first or only file on a volume and to subsequent files on a multifile volume. This field is incremented by one on each subsequent volume of the file. “. File sequence number 31—34 Four ‘n” characters denoting the sequence (that is, 0001, 0002, etc) of files within the volume or set of volumes. In all the labels for a given file, this field will contain the same number. (See Note 3.) Generation number (optional) 35—38 Four “n” characters denoting the current stage in the succession of one file generation by the next. When a file is first created, its generation number is 0001. (See Notes 3 and 4.) Generation version number (optional) 39—40 Two “n” characters distinguishing successive iterations of the same generation. The generation version number of the first attempt to produce a file is 00. (See Notes 3and4.) Creation date 41—46 A “space” followed by two “n” characters for the year, followed by three “n” characters for the day (001 to 366) within the year (See Notes 2 and 3.) Expiration date 47—52 Same format as creation date field. This file is regarded as “expired” when today’s date is equal to, or later than, the date given in this field. When this condition is satisfied, the remainder of this volume may be overwritten. To be effective on multifile volumes, therefore, the expiration date of a file must be less than, or equal to, the expiration date of all previous files on the volume. Accessibility 53 An “a” character that indicates any restrictions on who may have access to the information in this file. A “space” means unlimited access; any other character means special handling, in a manner agreed upon between the interchange parties. Block count 54—59 Must be “zeros” System code (optional) 60—72 Thirteen “a” characters identifying the operating system that recorded this file. Output tapes written by OS/3 tape SAM contain “0S3”. 73—79 Reserved for future standardization; must contain “spaces” Reserved NOTES: 1. An “a” character is any of the characters occupying the center four columns of ASCII (depicted in American National Standard X3.4— 1968), except for position 5/15 and those positions where there is provision for alternative graphic representation. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table E—8. E—21 First File Header Label ‘HDRT), Field Description for an ASCII Volume Part 2 of 2) 2. A “space” is the normally nonprinting graphic character occupying position 2/0 in ASCII. 3. An “n” character is any ASCII numeric digit, from 0 through 9. 4. “Optional,” when used to describe a field in these ASCII labels, means that the field may, but need not, contain the information described. If an optional field does not contain the designated information, it must contain “spaces”. BYTE Figure E—9. Second File Header Label (HDR2) for an ASCII Volume E-22 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASICOATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table E—9. Field Second File Header Label j’HDR2), Field Description for an ASCII Volume Description Bytes Must be “HDR” Label identifier 0—2 Label number 3 Must be 2 Record format 4 Character Meaning F Fixed length 0 Variable, with the number of characters in the record specified in decimal V Variable with the number of characters specified in binary. (See Note.) U Undefined Block length 5—9 Five “n” characters specifying the maximum number of characters per block. (See Note 3, Table E—8.) Record length 10—14 Five “n” charactersspecifying: if “record format” is F, record length; if 0 or V. maximum record length including any count fields; if U, then undefined. (See Note.) Reserved 15—49 Reserved for OS/3 use; currently “spaces” Buffer offset (optional) 50—51 Two “n” characters specifying the length in characters of any additional field inserted before a data block—for example, block length. This length is included in the block length. (See Notes 3 and 4, Table E—8.) Reserved 52—79 Reserved for future standardization; must contain “spaces”. (See_Note_2,_Table_E—8.) NOTE: OS/3 magnetic tape SAM does not support the ASCII “V4ormat” record, SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 BYTE 0 1 0 2 I \ E—23 3 I label identifier 1 4 8 file identifier 12 16 20 set identification 24 file. 28 section number . 32 . . 36 file... sequence number gener ation number 40 , . . generation version number creation date 44 48 52 expiration date accessibility block count 56 60 64 system code 68 72 reserved for future standardization 76 Figure E—1O. First End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF1/EQV1) for an ASCII Volume E-24 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Table E—1O. First End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF1/EOV1), Field Description for an ASCII Volume Description Bytes Field Label identifier 0—2 Contains “EOF” if an end-of-file label; “EOV” for end-ofvolume label Label number 3 Must be “1” File identifier 4—20 Any “a” characters agreed on between originator and recipient (See Note 1, Table E—8.) Set identification 21—26 Any “a” characters to identify the set of files of which this is one. This identification must be the same for all files of a multifile set. (See Note 1, Table E—8.) File section number 27—30 The file section number of the first header label of each file is “0001”. This applies both to the first or only file on a volume and to subsequent files on a multifile volume. This field is incremented by one on each subsequent volume of the file. File sequence number 31—34 Four “n” characters denoting the sequence (that is, 0001, 0002, etc) of files within the volume or set of volumes. In all the labels for a given file, this field will contain the same number. (See Note 3, Table E—8.) Generation number (optional) 35—38 Four “n” characters denoting the current stage in the succession of one file generation by the next. When a file is first created, its generation number is 0001. (See Notes 3 and 4, Table E—8.) Generation version number (optional) 39—40 Two “n” characters distinguishing successive iterations of the same generation. The generation version number of the first attempt to produce a file is 00. (See Notes 3 and 4, TableE—8.) Creation date 41—46 A “space” followed by two “n” characters for the year, followed by three “n” characters for the day (001 to 366) within the year. (See Notes 2 and 3, Table E—8.) Expiration date 47—52 Same format as creation date field. This file is regarded as “expired” when today’s date is equal to, or later than, the date given in this field. When this condition is satisfied, the remainder of this volume may be overwritten. To be effective on multifile volumes, therefore, the expiration date of a file must be less than, or equal to, the expiration date of all previous files on the volume. Accessibility 53 An “a” character that indicates any restrictions on who may have access to the information in this file. A “space” means unlimited access; any other character means special handling, in a manner agreed upon between the interchange parties. (See Notes 1 and 2, Table E—8.) Block count 54—59 Number of data blocks in the file or volume System code (optional) 60—72 Thirteen “a” characters identifying the operating system that recorded this file. Output tapes written by OS/3 tape SAM contain. “0S3”. (See Note 1, Table E—8.) 73—79 Reserved for future standardization; must be “spaces”. (See Note 3, Table E—8.) . Reserved UP-8068 Rev. 4 BYTE SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT 0 0 1 E-25 2 label identifier record format 2 block length 8 20 24 28 reserved for operating systems 32 36 40 44 buffer offset 48 52 56 60 reserved for future standardization 68 72 76 Figure E—1 1. Second End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF2/EOV2) for an ASCII Volume Table E—1 1. E-26 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Second End-of-File or End-of-Volume Label (EOF2/EOV2), Field Description for an ASCII Volume Bytes Description Label identifier 0—2 Contains “EOF” if an end-of-file label; “EOV” for endof-vol u me Label number 3 Must be “2” Record format 4 Character Field Meaning F Fixed length D Variable, with the number of characters in the record specified in decimal V Variable, with the number of characters specified in binary. (See Note 1, Table E—9.) U Undefined Block length 5—9 Five “n” characters specifying the maximum number of characters per block. (See Note 3, Table E—8.) Record length 10—14 Five “n” characters specifying: if “record format” is F, record length; if D or V, maximum record length including any count fields; if U, then undefined. (See Note 1, Table E—9.) Reserved 15—49 Reserved for 0S13 use; currently “spaces”. (See Note 2, Table E—8.) Buffer offset (optional) 50—51 Two “n” characters specifying the length in characters of any additional field inserted before a data block—for example, block length. This length is included in the block length. (See Notes 3 and 4, Table E—8.) Reserved 52—79 Reserved for future standardization; must be “spaces”. (See Note 2, Table E—8.) UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT F-i Update A Appendix F. Consolidated Data Management Migration Considerations Fl. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO MIGRATE TO CONSOLIDATED DATA MANAGEMENT? The answer is that the amount of effort varies with language of the program you want to migrate: that is, BAL, RPG Il, 1968 American National Standard COBOL, 1974 American National Standard COBOL, or FORTRAN. F.2. MIGRATION REQUIREMENTS The migration requirements for programs written in the various programming languages are discussed in the paragraphs that follow. F.2.1. BAL Programs If your program is written in BAL, you must redefine your files. This means that you must replace all basic data management DTF declarative macroinstructions with the consolidated data management CDIB and RIB declarative macroinstructions. If you use disk files with your program, these must be converted (using data utilities) to MIRAM files before they can be used. You must replace all basic data management imperative macroinstructions with the appropriate consolidated data management imperative macroinstructions. These new imperative macroinstructions must be immediately followed by inline coding that checks the status of the operation being performed. This is necessary because consolidated data management always returns control inline. There is no provision made for contingency routine addresses such as EOFADDR and ERROR in the RIB macroinstruction. After you have modified your program, it must be reassembled and relinked before it can be executed. Note that if your program creates disk files, these files must be specified as MIRAM files in the job control stream used to execute the program. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT F-2 Update B F.2.1.1. OS/3 Sequential DTF Mode To CDI Macro Converter (DTFCDI3O1) You can reduce the amount of effort required to migrate a basic data management BAL program that processes sequential files (card, tape, printer, or SAM disk) to consolidated data management by using DTFCD 1301. This converter processes basic data management BAL source program modules that you have previously written to a library file. It produces a consolidated data management source program module and a listing that shows the actions taken by the converter. The consolidated data management source program module is automatically written to the original library file unless you specify otherwise. Those statements that cannot be converted or that require your attention are indicated by diagnostic messages on the listing. As you can see, the converter can save you considerable time because you only have to change your program where indicated. After you have modified your program, it must be reassembled and relinked before it can be executed. The DTFCDI3O1 user guide, UA-0455 (current version) contains the detailed information you need to successfully use the converter. F.2.2. RPG II Programs An RPG II program does not require any modifications unless you want to want to use workstations. It must, however, be recompiled and relinked before you can execute it even if you did not modify it. If your program uses disk files, these must be converted (using data utilities) to MIRAM files. Note that if your program creates disk files, they must be specified as MIRAM files in the job control stream used to execute the program F.2.3. 1968 American National Standard COBOL Programs Programs that are written in this language cannot be migrated to consolidated data management. They must first be converted to 1 974 American National Standard COBOL. F.2.4. 1974 American National Standard COBOL Programs A program written in this language does not require any modification unless it uses disk files. It must, however, be recompiled and relinked before you execute it even if you did not modify it. If your program uses disk files, these must be converted (using data utilities) to MIRAM files before you can use them. Note that if your program creates disk files, they must be specified as MIRAM files in the job control stream used to execute the program. UP-8068 Rev. 4 F.2.5. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT F-3 Update 8 FORTRAN Programs Your FORTRAN program does not have to be recompiled; however, you must update your unit definitions, reassemble them, and relink them with your program before you can execute it. If you want to use workstations, you must modify your FORTRAN source program and recompile it. You must also update your unit definitions and include unit definitions for the workstations. These unit definitions must be reassembled and relinked with your program before you can execute it. If your program uses disk files, these must be converted (using data utilities) to MIRAM files. Note that if your program creates disk files, they must be specified as MIRAM files in the job control stream used to execute the program. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Reference Term Page C Card codes column binary compressed data conversion Hollerith 96-column punch Card files Card punch card flow characteristics codes, 96-column using CNTRL macro C.3.2 Fig. C—2 C.3.L Fig. C—i CA C.2.l Fig. C—3 C—9 C—9 C—8 C—8 C—9 C—2 C—il Term Reference Page CNTRL macro device skip code table DTFCD macro magnetic tape nonindexed disk printer punched card SAM using Table 7—4 3.3 9.4.10 15.7.15 7.4.3 3.4.4 7—22 3—3 9—62 15—103 7—21 3—19 3—20 C.3.2 Fig. C—2 C.3.1 Fig. C—i C.4 C.i C.2 Table C—i C—9 C—9 C—8 C—8 C—9 C—i C—i C—3 Code correspondences column binary See punched card files, Fig. 3—1 Table A—2 Fig. C—3 Index 3 Update A compressed card code data conversion description EBCDIC/ASCII/Hollerith 3—20 A—3 C—il 3—20 Codes Card reader characteristics See also punched card, Table A—i A—2 Character deletion 17—45 Character mismatches 7.3 7—13 Character mode, paper tape files character deletion, input files description letter/figure shifting and translation specifying See also paper tape files, ASCII device-independent control character device skip EBCDIC shift Combined files, diskette description record processing 17.2 17.3.3 17—45 17—1 17—10 17.5.3 17.5.5 17—39 17—50 17—37 Compressed card code description mode See ASCII. Table 7—1 7—6 Table 7—4 7—22 See EBCDIC. See shift codes. 4.2.3 5.2.3 4—4 5—2 C.3.i Fig. C—i C.4 C—8 C—8 C—9 Consolidated data management description migration considerations i—i 1.2 Appendix F Characters, paper tape delete letter and figure shift null stop types 17.3.1 17.3.2 17.3.i 17.3.1 17.3 17—S 17—6 17—4 17—6 17—4 Control characters device-independent overflow and home paper paper tape printer (DTFPR macro) Table 7—i 7—6 Table 7—2 7—8 17.3 17—4 7—5 7.3 Checkpoint dumps, bypassing 9—29 Current data pointer 15.6.11 15—34 Current I/O area 5.4.4 942 157.2 17.4.2 17.5.9 7.4.5 3.4.5 5—12 11—25 9—48 15—63 17—18 17—65 7—27 3—24 13.4.11 13B.S.9 13—21 13B—1S Current record pointer ii 4 7 11—13 Current relative block address 15.7.17 15—106 CLOSE macro diskette ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk paper tape printer punched card SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC bATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term Cylinder overflow area, providing control record Cylinders calculating space requirements formats, ISAM files Reference Page 11.4.12 10.2 Fig 10—1 11—17 10—3 10—4 Fig. 10—1 10—11 10—4 D DAM files description disk Index 4 Update B Reference Term with DTFPT macro keyword parameters with DTFSD macro keyword parameters Page Table 17—1 17—27 Table 15—1 15—9 Deallocation, dynamic 16.3 16—8 Deallocation statement (SCR) 16.1.3 16—2 Declarative macroinstructions description RAM ISAM magnetic tape MIRAM nonindexed disk file paper tape printer punched card 1—12 1.6.1 See DTFIR macro. See DTFIS macro. See DTFMT macro. See DTFMI macro. 15—7 15 5 See DTFPT macro See DTFPR macro. See DTFCD macro. 152 15 3 1—10 15—4 C.4 C—9 Delete character Fig. 1—1 12.2.1 1.3 1.7.5 1—4 12—3 1—4 1—18 17.2.L2 17.3.1 Deleting records See record deletion. Device allocation 16.1 16—1 102.2 Fig 10—4 10—8 10—9 Device assignment set sample use of job control statements 16 1 2 16.1.1 16—2 16—1 Data management error messages description subcodes B.3.1 Table B—i Table B—lA B—2 B—.3 B—9 Device-independent control character codes Table 7—i Device skip code table Table 7—4 7—22 Data records, RAM spanning disk sectors on a fixed sector disk with and without Fig. i2—2 Fig. 12—1 12—5 12—4 Direct access files random retrieval See also DAM files. 15.7.14 Direct access method See DAM. Data conversion organization on typical peripheral devices partition, RAM structure utilities Data blocks format, ISAM See also blocks, DO job control statement use with DTFCD macro keyword parameters with DTFDA macro keyword parameters with OTFIR macro keyword parameters with OTFIS macro keyword parameters with OTFMI macro keyword parameters with OTFMT macro keyword parameters with OTFNI and DPCA macro keyword parameters with OTFPR macro keyword parameters 16.1.1 16—1 Table 3—1 3—13 Table 15—2 15—12 Table 13—1 13—16 Table 11—3 11—21 17—3 17—5 15—97 Table 13B—i l3B—i0 Direct RAM files adding records creating deleting records description extending processing reorganizing retrieving and updating records Table 9—1 9_4 Direct retrieval See READ,KEY macro. Table 15—3 15—17 Disk address, relative Table 7—3 7—14 See relative disk address. 13.1 131 2 131 26 13—7 13—5 13—8 13—1 13—6 13—5 13—8 13—7 UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Page Reference Disk file labels description diskette file information group optional user standard volume information group Disk files access methods assigning space to file partition creating by sequential load description dynamic deallocation (SCRTCH) extension error handling IRAM ISAM labels D—1 D.1 D30 D.5 Fig. D—-16 D30 Table D—12 D—31 See file information group labels, See standard labels, disk. See volume information group labels. Term Reference Diskette characteristics combined files file label format input files limitations output files record, formats Section 15 SAM 15—49 15—86 1—8 15.6.25 1.3.6 using 17—30 15.4 15.5.4 15.5.4 Table 15—3 Table 15—7 15.6 15—5 15—16 15—16 15—17 15—58 15—20 15.6.37 15—57 DTF error 17.5.9 17—65 DTF fields filenameC other See filenameC. B—iS B.4.2 DTF forms 1.6.1 1—12 DTFCD macro diskette punched card SAM files 5.3 3.3 5—5 3—3 15 2 15.3 15.5.2 15 52 Table 15—2 Table 15—7 15.6 15—3 15—4 15—11 15—11 15—12 15—58 15—20 15.6.37 15—57 13.3 13.3 13.4 13—15 13—15 13—18 Double-buffering 16—8 16.3 B.3.3 B—12 See RAM. See SAM. See disk file labels. See nonindexed disk files. 16.2 16—6 15—78 renaming (RENAME) updating and extending See also sequential disk files. 15—103 Disk head movement 15.7.15 Disk prep routine 1.7.1 1—15 Disk sectors 12.2.2 12—3 Disk space management description error codes OBTAIN macro VTOC Disk space requirements, estimating indexed IRAM file indexed MIRAM file ISAMfile SAM index area nonindexed IRAM file nonindexed MIRAM file Disk subsystem’ characteristics files, flexibility ‘ 1.7:3 B.3.2 Table’ B—2’ 16.4.1 16.4 ‘ 1—17 B—10 B—li 16—12 16—11 DPCA macro description format keyword parameter summaries , keyword parameters nonstandard forms of keyword parameters , ‘ DTFDA macro description , , 12.2.4 13A 25 10.2.4 12.2.5 13A.2.6 12—9 13A—9 10—11 10—14 12—12 13A—12 Table A—4 A—9 See disk files, 1—11 1.5.6 Page Table A—4 A—9 4—4 4.2.3 D—30 D.5 Fig. D—16 D—30 Table D—12 D—31 1—7 1.3.3 4—1 4.2 4—2 Fig. 4—1 4—3 4.2.1 5—4 5.2.6 4—4 4.2.2 4—4 4.3 Fig. 4—2 4—5 See SAM files, diskette. 5.2.5 5—3 files ‘ nonindexed Index 5 Update B format keyword parameter summaries keyword parameters nonstandard forms of keyword parameters DTFIR macro description format keyword parameters UP-8068 Rev. 4 Reference Term DTFIR macro (cont) nonstandard forms of keyword parameters summary of keyword parameters DTFIS file table filenameC other addressable fields DTFIS macro description format keyword parameter summary keyword parameters nonstandard forms of keyword parameters DTFMI macro description format keyword parameters nonstandard forms of keyword parameters summary of keyword parameters DTFMT macro description format keyword parameters nonstandard forms of keyword parameters DTFNI files, output DTFNI macro description format keyword parameter summaries keyword parameters nonstandard forms of keyword parameters Index 6 Update B SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Page 13.4.26 13—25 Table 13—1 13—16 11.6.1 11—49 11.6.2 1149 Table 11—4 11—49 11.3 11—6 11.3 11—7 Table 11—3 11—21 11.4 11—8 11.4.19 11—20 13B.4 13B.4 13B.5 138—8 138—9 13B13 13B.5.24 138—20 Table 13B—1 13B—10 Term Reference Page 15.2 15.5.1 15.5.1 Table 15—1 Table 15—7 15.6 15—3 15—8 15—8 15—9 15—58 15—20 15.6.37 15—57 DTFSD output file, extending 15—79 Dumps, checkpoint 9—29 DVC job control statement 9.3.1 16.1.1 9—31 16—1 Dynamic deallocation, disk file (SCRTCH) 16.3 16—8 Dynamic extension, file partition 15.6.30 15—53 Dynamic tape prepping and recording density 9—34 DTFSD macro description format keyword parameter summaries keyword parameters nonstandard forms of keyword parameters 9.2 9—1 9.2.1 9—2 Table 9—1 9—29 9.2.9 Table 9—2 9—30 15—80 15.1 15.4 15.5.3 15:5.3 Table 15—3 Table 15—7 15.6 15—2 15—5 15—14 15—14 15—17 15—58 15—20 15.6.37 15—57 DTFPR macro description parameter summary 7_4 7.3 Table 7—3 7—14 DTFPT macro basic parameters description file processing mode format summary of keyword parameters 17.5.1 17.5 17.5.2 17.5 Table 17—i 17—28 17—24 17—36 17—25 17—27 E EBCDIC code correspondences EBCDIC record and block formats, magnetic tape EBCDIC standard mode EBCDIC volume organization, magnetic tape file trailer label group first file header label (HDR1) multifile, end-of-file multifile, end-of-volume nonstandard second file header label (HDR2) single file standard unlabeled VOL1 label format C—i C.2 Table C—i C—3 8.2.5 Fig. 8—11 8—14 8—14 C.4 C—9 E.23 E—9 E.2.2.i Fig. 8—2 Fig. 8—3 8.2.2 E—4 8—4 8—5 8—2 E.2.2.2 Fig. 8—1 8.2.1 E.2.4 8.2.3 Fig. 8—6 Fig. E—1 Table E—1 E—7 8—3 8—2 E—i4 8—8 8—8 E—3 E—4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC bATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Reference Term Reference Page Term End-of-data (/*) job control statement 2.3.2 2—3 Error and exception handling card reader data management description disk file extension disk space management flagging procedures End-of-data processing magnetic tape punched card 3.3 9—12 3—5 8.2.1 Fig. 8—2 15.6.4 8—2 8—3 15—25 15—89 End-of-tile handling routine, RAM 13.4.4 13—19 End-of-file handling routine, MIRAM 13B.5.3 13B—13 End-of-file condition, tape input, address for routine recording logical, disk End-of-file label end-of-volume coincidence first second End of record stop character 17.5.6 17—60 End-of-tape routine, paper tape input files 17.5.4 17—49 8.2.1 Fig. 8—3 8—2 8—5 End-of-volume condition End-of-volume label end-of-file coincidence first second 8—9 Fig. 8—10 8—13 See EOF1 and EOV1 labels. See EOF2 and EOV2 labels. End-of-volume procedures, forcing See FEOV macro. ENDFL macro EOF1 and EOV1 labels ASCII contents description EOF2 and EOV2 labels ASCII contents description ISAM messages, system nonindexed disk printer return of control system error messages 8—9 Fig. 8—10 8—13 See EOF1 and EOV1 labels. See EOF2 and EOV2 labels. Index 7 Error codes, disk space management Error handling routines card reader IRAM SAM magnetic tape MIRAM nonindexed disk printer Error messages system tape label processing Page 3—25 3.5 B.3.1 B—2 B. 1 B—i B—12 B.3.3 B—10 B.3.2 See flagging procedures. 11—49 11.6 B.2.1 B—2 See system error messages. 15.8 15—111 7.6 7—28 1—11 1.5.5 B.2 B—i B—2 B.3 B.3.2 B—b Table B—2 B—il 3.3 13.4.5 11.4,3 13B.5.4 15.6.6 7.3 3—6 13—19 11—10 9—12 13B—13 15—26 7—8 See system error messages. 9.3.7 9—43 Error processing paper tape files See also error handling routines. 17.5.9 Errors, parity See parity errors. ESETL macro 11—48 Expiration date field, ASCII tape labels SCRTCH macro E.3.2.3 16.3 E—16 16—8 EXT job control statement 16.1.1 16—1 Extending existing disk files 15—78 15—79 Extension, tape files 9.3.6 9—41 Extension error handling, disk file B.3.3 B—12 17—65 11—30 Fig. E—10 Table E—10 Table E—4 E.2.3 Fig. E—4 E—23 E—24 E—11 E—9 E—10 Fig. E—11 Table E—11 Table E—5 E.2.3 Fig. E—5 E—25 E—26 E—13 E—9 E—12 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term Reference Page F FEOV macro magnetic tape nonindexed disk 9.4.8 15.7.7 959 15—73 Figure scan table 17.5.5 17—50 Figure shift character 17.3.2 17—6 Figure shifting and translation input files, character mode output files, character mode 17.5.3 17.5.5 17—39 17—50 File accessing options 11.4.1 11—8 File control block (FCB), SCRTCH macro 16.3 16—8 File creation date 939 File description labels, diskette 4.2 0.5 4—3 D-30 File expiration date 9343 9—38 File header labels, tape first (HDR1) second (HDR2) See also HDR1 and HDR2 labels. E.2.2.1 E.2.2.2 E—4 E—7 File identifier 9—36 File information group labels, disk chain description format 1 format 2 format 3 File label information (LBL) statement File lock, suppressing IRAM ISAM nonindexed disk MIRAM File lock feature Fig. 0—7 D.3 D.3.1 Fig. 0—8 Table D—6 D.3.2 Table D—7 0.3.3 Fig. D—13 Table 0—11 D—12 D—12 0—13 D—13 D—14 D—18 D—21 D—25 D—26 D—27 9.3.4 9—36 13.4.15 11.4.11 15.6.16 13B.5.12 13—22 11—16 15—38 13B—16 16.1.4 16—3 Table 16—1 16—4a Index 8 Update C Term Reference Page File organization IRAM ISAM magnetic tape MIRAM nonindexed disk 12.2 10.2 8.2 13A.2 14.2 12—3 10—3 8—1 13A—3 14—2 15.6.25 15.6.30 10.2 Fig. 10—1 15.7.6 12.2 12.2.3 Fig. 12—5 14.2.1 15—49 15—53 10—3 10—4 15—72 12—3 12—6 12—7 14—3 15.7.18 15.7.4 15—108 15—68 15.6.17 15.6.27 15.7.5 15—39 15—50 15—70 File partitions assigning initial disk space dynamic extension indexed ISAM initializing position RAM nonindexed disk positioning to relative block address selected, accessing specifying address for DTFNI fifes subfile processing File processing mode, changing for an I/O tape file mode, setting (SETF macro) optional specifying with one volume online at a time 9.4.5 9—54 15.7.8 15—74 See optional file processing. 13.4.24 13B.5.22 3.3 1.7.5 13—24 13B—19 3—10 9—11 1—18 File protection 1.7.3 1—17 File recovery support RAM files MIRAM files 13.5.1 13B.6.1 13—26 13B—21 File sequence number 9—39 File serial numbers, checking 9—36 File sharability 11.4.1 11—8 16.1.4 16—3 Tale 16—1 16—4a TYPEFLE keyword utility UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Term File trailer label group description EOF1 and EOV1 descriptions EOF1 and EOV1 EOF2 and E0V2 descriptions EOF2 and EOV2 Reference Page Term E.2.3 E—9 Fixed-length records diskette ISAM field formats field formats Table E—4 E—11 Fig. [—4 E—10 Table E—5 [—13 Fig. E—5 E—12 File type specification (TYPEFLE) IRAM ISAM magnetic tape paper tape punched card 13.4.21 11.4.15 3.3 Filename-addressable fields, DTFIS file table Table 11—4 11—49 FilenameC card reader description ISAM magnetic tape files nonindexed paper tape files printer significance of bits 3.5.1 B.4.1 11.6.1 9.2 15.8.1 17.5.9 Table 17—2 7.5.1 Table B—3 13—23 11—18 9—11 17—28 3—10 3—25 B—13 11—49 9—2 15—111 17—65 17—66 7—28 B—13 Files ASAM assigning DAM disk diskette IRAM SAM magnetic tape MIRAM multivolume nonindexed disk optional paper tape printer punched card SAM 10.3 10—18 16.1 16—1 See DAM files. See disk files. See diskette files. See RAM files, See ISAM files. See magnetic tape files. See MIRAM files, See multivolume files. See nonindexed disk files. See optional file processing. See paper tape files. See printer files. See punched card files, See SAM files. Index 9 Update C Reference Page 4.3.1 10.2.1 Fig. 10—2 Fig. 14—4 14.3.1 Fig. 14—2 4....4 10—5 10—6 14—12 14—7 14—8 Fig. 17—5 Fig. 17—6 Fig. 17—7 17.3.3 Fig. 17—9 17—10 17—11 17—13 17—10 17—15 Flagging procedures, error description filenameC other DTF fields B.4 B.4.1 B.4.2 B—12 B—13 B—iS Format labels, retrieving specific items 16—14 keyed, nonindexed disk files nonindexed disk files See also record formats. Fixed, unblocked records (paper tape) followed by interrecord gaps format shifted, work areas Format 0 label, disk contents description Format 1 label, disk contents description Format 2 label, disk contents description IRAM/MIRAM information area ISAM file information area library file information area nonindexed files Format 3 label, disk contents description Format 4 label, disk contents description Table D—5 D—11 D.2.5 D—11 Fig. D—6 D—i1 Table D—6 D—14 D.3.i D—13 Fig. 0—8 D—13 Table 0—7 D.3.2 Fig. 0—11 Table D—9 Fig. 0—10 Table 0—8 Fig. 0—12 Table D—10 Fig. D—9 0—21 0—18 D—20 0—24 0—20 D—23 D—21 D—25 D—19 Table D—11 D—27 D.3.3 D—25 Fig. D—13 D—26 Table D—2 D—6 0.2.2 D—4 Fig. D—3 D—5 Index 10 Update C SPERRY UNIVAC 05/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Reference Term Format 5 label, disk contents description Page Table D—3 D—9 D—8 D.2.3 D—8 Fig. D—4 Format 6 label, disk contents description Table D—4 D—10 D—9 D.2.4 D—10 Fig. D—5 Forms, printer See printer forms. Forms overflow code, DTFPR macro print action (PRTOV macro) VFB statement 7,3 7.4.4 7—11 7—24 6—9 Forms advance 7.3 7—10 G 1—18 1.7.5 Gaps, interrecord See interrecord gaps. General registers See save area specification. Generation number, file 9—39 5.4.2 9.4.4 15.7.12 3.3 17.4.3 3.4.2 5—8 11—44 9—52 15—94 3—8 17—20 3—15 Table 15—9 15—95 H Hardware constraints HDR1 label ASCII ciolume contents description field description, ASCII volume HDR2 label ASCII volume contents description field description, ASCII volume 1.5.6 Fig. E—8 Table E—2 E.2.2.1 Fig. E—2 Table E—8 1—11 E—19 E—6 E—4 E—5 E—20 Reference Page Fig. E—9 Table E—3 E.2.2.2 Fig. E—3 E—21 E—9 E—7 E—8 Table E—9 E—22 Header labels file See file header labels. See user header labels. See VOL1 label. user volume 3.3 Hole-count errors, DTFCD macro Hollerith code ASCII/EBCDIC/Hollerith correspondences 3—5 C—i C.2 Table C—i C—3 C—2 C.2.i description Gangpunch—reproduce GET macro diskette ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk overlap mode paper tape punched card use of IOREG keyword, processing input disk files sequentially Term Home paper control character codes Table 7—2 7—8 Home paper position, VFB statement 6—9 C.4 C—9 I Image mode Imperative macroinstructions description diskette indexed ISAM invalid ISAM files ISAM files without index structure magnetic tape nonindexed disk paper tape printer punched card 1.6.2 1—14 5—6 5.4 11—2 11.2.1 Table 11—111—3 17—65 17.5.9 11—23 11.5 11.2.2 Table 11—2 9.4 15.7 Table 15—8 17.4 7.4. 3.4 11—3 11—4 9—43 15—59 15—61 17—15 7—15 3—13 UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term Reference INDAREA buffer table in main storage 10.2.5 Fig. 10—8 Page 10—16 10—17 13.4.7 13—20 Index area length, MIRAM (INDS keyword) 13B.5.6 Index blocks, IRAM coarse- and mid-level fine-level, three sectors naming main storage location format loading top index into main storage Index partition, -IRAM Index registers Index structure IRAM ISAM, eliminating (INDEXED keyword) MIRAM Indexed RAM files adding records during retrieval, index active creating deleting records extending processing reorganizing retrieval and update, index inactive retrieving and updating, index active Term processing reorganizing retrieving and updating records I Indexed. random access method Index area length, IRAM (INDS keyword) Index blocks, ISAM calculating space describing in main storage description Index 11 :, SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Reference Page 13B.3 13B:3.6 138.3.3 13B—5 13B—8 138—7 See IRAM. Indexed sequential access method See ISAM. 13B—14 Input blocks, updating See updating input blocks. Fig. 12—4 Fig. 12—3 13.4.6 12—6 12—5 10.2.4 11.4.4 10.2 10.2.3 Fig. 10—6 10—14 Input files diskette label processing, ASCII tape paper tape punched card SAM tape, specifying direction TYPE keyword 4.2.1 4—3 E.3.1.2. E—15 See paper tape files. 3.2.1 3—1 9—22 13.4.21 13—23 Input/output, multisector 5.2.4 5—3 10.2.5 10—16 112.2 12:2.3 Fig. 12—5 12—3 12—6 12—7 3.3 13.4.9 13.4.10 13.4.11 11.4.6 3—6 13—20 13—21 13—21 11—12 10.2.5. 15.6.9 15.610 Fig. 17—4 7.3. 10—16 9—10 9—13 15—33 15—34 17—30 17—9 7—8 Input record processing diskette SAM files IRAM files 5.2:1 13.4.25 5—1 13—24 Interlace, record 15.6,8 15—30 Interrecord gaps, paper tape files description input, binary mode input, standard mode output, either mode 17.3.4 Fig. 17—7 Fig. 17—6 Fig.17—.5 17—10 17—13 17—12 17—11 13—20 11—1 L 10—3 10—12 10—12 See register specification. -. input/output buffers (areas) card reader RAM ISAM loading top index in main storage magnetic tape nonindexed disk 12.2.3 12—6 11.4.5 13A.2.3 11—12 13A—7 13:2.4 13.2.1 13.2.6 13.2.2 13.2 13.2.7 13—12 13—10 13—14 13—11 13—9 13—14 13.2.5 13—13 13.2.3 13—11 Indexed SAM files 11.2.1 11—2 Indexed MIRAM files adding records during retrieval creating deleting records extending 13B.3.4 138.3.1 138.3.5 138.3.2 13B—8 138—6 13B—8 13B—6 paper tape printer IRAM files adding records, input buffer size defining (DTFIR macro) direct end-of-file handling routine error routines 13.4.2 13—19 13.4.3 13—19 13.3 13—15 See direct RAM files. 13.4.4 13—19 13—19 13.4.5 UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term IRAM files (cont) file accessing options file type index area length indexed input or output record processing, work area I/O area identification key lengths key retrieval locating relative disk address naming location for index blocks number of bytes preceding keys optional files pointing to current I/O area processing, nonindexed processing, one volume online at a time processing by key record length retrieval and lead modules sequential suppressing file lock updating records verifying ascending record key order during file creation verifying output records IRAM formats and file conventions coarse- or mid-level index sector concepts data partition data records spanning disk sectors on fixed sector disk data records with and without keys description entries in index partition estimating disk space file organization fine-level index block of three sectors index structure search of 4-level index ISAM error handling ISAM file information area, disk format 2 label SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Reference Page 13.4.1 13.4.2 1 13.4.7 See indexed files. 13—18 13—23 13—20 IRAM 13.4.25 13.4.9 13.4.10 13.4.13 13.4.12 13—24 13—20 13—21 13—21 13—21 13.4.19 13.4.6 13.4,14 13.4.17 13.4.11 13.1 13—23 13—20 13—22 13—22 13—21 13—1 13.4.24 13—24 13.4.8 13—20 13.4.18 13—23 13.4.16 13—22 See sequential IRAM files. 13.4.15 13—22 13.4.22 13—24 13.4.20 13.4.23 13—23 13—24 Fig. 12—4 12.1.1 12.2.1 12—6 12—1 12—3 Fig. 12—2 Fig. 12—1 12.1 12.2.2 12.2.4 12.2.5 12.2 12—5 12—4 12—1 12—3 12—9 12—12 12—3 Fig. 12—3 12.2.3 Fig. 12—6 12—5 12—6 12—8 B.2.1 8—2 D.3.2 D—18 Fig. D—1O D—20 Table D—8 0—23 Term ISAM files addressable fields in DTFIS file table ASAM files ASAM record formats current record pointer cylinder overflow data blocks defining (DTFIS macro) deleting records description error exit file accessing options filenameC functions and operation imperative macro instructions index area in main storage index area space requirements index blocks index structure indexed, processing initializing (OPEN macro) inserting new records I/O buffers loading and extending loading top index multivolume organization parity check random processing record formats record keys record size and format record work areas retrieval search argument sample load program save area sequential processing space requirements structure suppressing file lock terminating (CLOSE macro) type of retrieval Index 12 Reference Page 11.6.2 Table 11—4 10.3 10.3.1 11.4.7 11.4.12 10.2.2 11.4.2 11.3 11.2.3 1.5.1 10.1 11.4.3 11.4.1 11.6.1 11.1 11.5 11.4.4 10.2.4 10.2.3 11.2.2 11.4.5 11.2.1 11.5.3 11.4.6 11.5.2 10.2.5 Fig. 10—8 10.4 10.2 11.4.17 11.5A 10.2.1 11.4.10 11.4.13 11.4J8 11.4.9 11.7.1 11.4.14 11.5.5 Fig. 10—7 11.4.11 11.4.15 11—49 11—49 10—18 10—22 11—13 11—17 10—8 11—9 11—6 11—4 1—10 10—1 11—10 11—8 11—49 11—1 11—23 11—11 10—14 10—12 11—3 11—12 11—2 11—24 11—31 11—12 11—26 10—16 10—17 10—22 10—3 11—19 11—35 10—5 11—15 11—17 11—19 11—14 11—50 11—18 11—40 10—11 10—13 11—16 11—25 11—18 Index 13 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Reference Term Page Term Job control statements assigning tape device (DVC) defining your logical file (LFD) end-of-data (/*) magnetic tape files sample programs SCR specifying tape file label information (LBL) specifying tape volume information (VOL) start-of-data (1$) use 1.7.2 1—16 Label processing routine 15.6.14 D.4 15—37 D—28 9.3.1 9.3.2 2.3.2 9.3 3.7 16.1.3 9—31 9—32 2—3 9—31 3—25 16—2 Label standard level field, ASCII tape labels E.3.2.2 E—16 9.3.4 9—36 9.3.3 2.3.1 16.1.1 9—33 2—3 16—1 Labels disk files EBCDIC format LBL statement magnetic tape processing standard user 15—30 9:3.4 16.1.1 Table 9—3rn 9—36 9—36 16—1 9—37 9—39 9—38 9—39 9—36 9—39 LBRET macro magnetic tape nonindexed disk 9.4.9 15.7.3 9—60 15—64 LCB job control statement 16.1.1 16—1 LCB statement specification description 0768 printer 0770 and 0776 printers 0773 and 0778 printers 6.4.2 6—7 6—8 6—8 6—8 Leader, paper tape 17.2.2 17—3 Letter scan table 17.5.5 17—50 Letter shift character 17.3.2 17—6 Letter shifting and translation input files, character mode output files, character mode 17.5.3 17.5.5 17—39 17—50 LBL job control statement checking volume and file serial numbers description K Key search assigning to multiple tracks ISAM nonindexed disk 14.3.3 Fig. 14—4 15.6.26 11.4.9 15.6.12 14—10 14—12 15—50 11—14 15—35 Keys direct retrieval and updating of input blocks IRAM data records IRAM processing ISAM files length of block, nonindexed disk files lengths, IRAM number Of bytes preceding, IRAM output of sequential DTFNI files record, length and location record, verifying ascending order during file creation retrieval, IRAM Fig. 12—1 13.4.8 10.1 15—101 12—4 13—20 10—1 15.6.13 13.4.13 13.4.14 11.4.10 15—36 13—21 13—22 15—80 11—15 13.4.20 .13.4.12 13—23 13—21 See disk file labels. See EBCDIC volume organization. See format labels. See LBL job con trol statement See magnetic tape labels. See LBRET macro. See standard labels. See user labels. 15.6.8 Lace factor Key fields, nonindexed files Page L J Job control functions Reference effects on OPEN transient file creation date file expiration date file generation and version numbers file identifier file sequence number UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Term Reference Page LFD job control statement 9.3.2 16.1.1 9—32 16—1 D.3.2 Fig. D—12 D—18 D—21 Library file information area, disk format 2 label Lines skipping and spacing truncation 6.1 7.5.2 6—-1 7—28 Linkage editor, description 1.7.4 1—17 Load code buffer definition interchangeability LCB statement specification 6.1 6.4.1 6.4.2 6—1 6—7 6—7 Load program, sample ISAM 11.7.1 11—50 I Term Reference Magnetic tape files description extending imperative macros labels multivolume organization record and block formats volume and file organization 11—27 11—30 Logical end-of-file, recording 15:7.11.3 15—89 Logical file definition (LFD) 9.3.2 9—32 Fig. 10—4 10—9 10.1 10—1 10.2.1 10—5 17.4.4 17—22 See GET macro. punching, paper tape reading Page 1.3.5 1—7 9.3.6 9—41 9.4 9—43 See magnetic tape labels. 9.3.5 9—40 Fig. 1—2 1—8 8.2.5 8—14 Fig. 8—11 8—14 See magnetic tape volume and file organization. See also SAM files, magnetic. tape. Load sequence initiating (SETFL macro) terminating (ENDFL macro) Logical records ISAM data blocks ISAM files Index 14 Magnetic tape labels ASCII effects of VOL and LBL statements on OPEN transient error messages header, eliminating tape mark LBL statement OS/3 system standard padding processing (LBRET macro) special handling specifying type See ASCII standard magnetic tape labels. Table 9—3 9—38 9.3.7 9—43 9—24 9.3.4 9—36 See system standard tape labels. E.4 E—16 9.4.9 9—60 9—24 9—23 Magnetic tape prep routine 1.7.1 1—15 Magnetic tape volume and file organization ASCII standard record and block formats description EBCDIC nonstandard EBCDIC standard EBCDIC unlabeled 8.2.5 8.2 8.2.2 8.2.1 8.2.3 8—14 8—1 8—2 8—2 8—8 13B.5.2 138.4 13B.5.3 13B.5.4 13B.5.1 13B.5.6 13B.5.7 138.5.8 13B.5.11 138.5.20 13B.55 13B—13 13B—8 13B—13 138—13 13B—13 138—14 13B—14 138—15 138—16 13B—19 13B—14 Messages, error See error messages. M Macroinstructions assembler rules for operand field declarative imperative 1.6.3 1--44 See declarative macroinstructions. See imperative macroinstructions. MIRAM tiles buffer size defining (DTFMI macro) end-of-tile handling routine error routine file accessing options index area length I/O area identification (data buffet) key lengths locating relative disk address naming index area UP-8068 Rev.4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Reference Term MIRAM files (cont) number of bytes preceding keys optional files pointing to current I/O area (data buffer) processing mode processing one volume online at a time processing type of operations record control byte record format record length record processing, work area suppressing file lock verifying output records MIRAM formats and tile conventions coarse- or mid-level index block concepts data partition data record formats data recOrd slots spanning physical block or sector boundaries entries in index partition estimating disk space tile organization Page 13B.5.1I 13B.5.14 13B—16 13B—17 13B.5.9 138.5.13 13B—15 13B—16 13B.5.22 13B.5.15 13B.5.16 13B.5J6 138.5.18 138.5.23 13B.5.12 13B.5.2.1 13B—19 13B—17 13B—17 13B—17 13B—18 13B—20 13B—16 138—19 Fig. 13A—4 13A.1.1 13A.2.1 Fig. 13A—1 13A—7 13A—2 13A_3 13A—4 Fig. 13A—2 13A.2.2 13A.2.5 13A.2.6 13A.2 13A—5 13A—6 13A—9 13A—12 13A—3 Modes data conversion, cards paper tape punched cards Multifile sets, ASCII labels multivolume single-volume Multitile volumes, reel organization EBCDIC nonstandard EBCDIC standard labeled tape, end-of-file condition EBCDIC standard labeled tape, end-of-volume condition C.4 17.2 17.5.2 3.3 C—9 17—1 17—36 3—7 Fig. 8—9 Fig. 8—10 Fig. 8—8 8—12 8—13 8—11 Fig. 8—5 8—7 Fig. 8—2 8—4 Fig. 8—3 8—5 5.2.4 5—3 Index 15 Term Reference Page Multivolume sets, ASCII label configuration end-of-file and end-of-volume coincidence multifile single-file, single-volume Fig. 8—1O Fig. 8—9 Fig. 8—7 8—13 8—12 8—10 15.1 15.6.1 15—1 15—21 15.6.4 15—25 15.6.25 15.6. 13 156.3 15.7.2 15—49 15—36 15—22 15—63 15.7.17 15.5 15.5.3 15.6.29 14.1 15—106 15—7 15—14 15—51 14—1 15.5.2 15—11 15.7.15 15—103 15—53 15.7.7 15.8 15.6.6 15.6.15 14.3.1 Fig. 14—2 D.3.2 Fig. 0—9 15.7 Table 15—8 15.6.11 15—73 15—111 15—26 15—38 14—7 14—8 D—18 D—19 15—59 15—61 15—34 15.7.6k 15.6.9. 122.5 13.1; 15—72 15—33 12—12 13—1 N Nonindexed disk files access methods accessing options address for routine on end-of-input tile or partition assigning initial disk space to file partition block keys, length block size closing (CLOSE macro) current relative block address, accessing (NOTE macro) declarative macros defining (DTFNI macro) defining type description direct access, defining (DTFDA macro) disk head movement to track controlling (CNTRL macro) dynamic extension of file partition end-of-volume procedures, forcing (FEOV macro) error and exception handling error processing file lock, suppressing fixed-length records format 2 labels Multisector I/O, diskette imperative macros Multivolume tiles indexed IRAM SAM nonindexed disk tape SAM 13.2 13.2.3 10.4 14.2 9.2.10 9.3.5 13—9 13—11 10—22 14—2 9—30 9—40 index register, current data pointer initializing position of file or partition I/O buffers RAM UP-8068 Rev 4 Reference Term Nonindexed disk files (cont) key search keyword parameter summary label processing routine address labels opening (OPEN macro) optional files optional key fields optional standard user labels optional user labels, processing (LBRET macro) OS/3 DAM OS/3 nonindexed file access method OS/3 SAM output (PUT macro) output, short variable blocks (TRUNC macro) parity cheök of output parity errors partition cOntrol appendage (DPCA inacro) partitioning partitions for DTFNI files positioning file or partition to relative block address (POINT macro) processing mode, setting (SETF macro) random Output of records (WRITE macro) random. retrieval from direct access files (READ macro) READ, ID macro READ, KEY macro record formats record interlace factor record size records, retrieving (GET macro) records, skipping (RELSE macro) register for residual space relative addressing relative disk address save area for general registers selected file partition, accessing (SETP macro) sequential, defining (DTFSD macro) sequential processing in.a work area subfiles in partitions Index 16 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Page 15.6.12 Table 15—7 15.6.26 15.6.13 See disk file labels. 15.7.1 15.6.16 14.3.3: Fig. 14—4 14.2.4 15—35 15—58 15—50 15—36 15.7.3 15.3 15.4 15.2 15.7.9 15—64 15—4 15—5 15—3 15—75 15.7:10 15.6.33 15.6.5 15—82 15—55 15—26 155.4 14.2.1 15.6.17 15—16 14—3 15—39 15.7.18 15—108 15.7.8. 15—74 15.7.11 15—84 15:7J4: 15.6.18 15.6.19 14.3 15.6:20 Fig. 15—i Table 15—6 15.6.8 15.6.21 15.7.12 15.7.13 ::: 15.6.32 15.6.22 15.6.7 15.6.24 156.23 15.7.4 i55.1 15.634 14.2.2 15.6.27 15.7.5 15—62 15—38 14—10 14—12 14—5 15—97 15—40 15—40 14—6 15—4Q 15—24 15—41 15—30 15—4? 15—94 15—96 15—54 15—42 15—28 15—46 15—45 15—68 15—8 15—56 14—3 15—50 15—70 I Reference Term system standard labels update processing mode user trailer label processing variable-length records waiting for I/O completion (WAITF macro) WRITE, AFTER and WRITE, RZERO macro issue WRITE, l macro WRITE, KEY macro Nonindexed file. processor system Nonstandard volume organization EBCDIC Page .: 14.2.3 15.6.31 15.628 14.3.3 Fig. 14—3 14—4 15—54 15—51 14—8 14—9 15.7.16 15—105 15.6.2 15.6.35 15.6.36. 15—21 15—56 15—57 15 1 15—1 See EBCDIC nonstandard volume organization. I. NOTE macro. 15.7.17 15—106 1731 17—4 16.4.1 16—12 16.4:1.1 16—14 5.4.1 5—7 Table 9—3 9.4.1 15.7.1 17.4.1 17.5.9 7.4.1 3.4.1. 9—38 11—24 9—46 15—62 17—17 17—68 7—16 3—14 Operand field, assembler rules 1.6.3 1—14 Operator communications 1.7.3 1—17 Null character 0 OBTAIN macro description retrieving specific format label items OPEN macro diskette effects of VOL and LBL statements on OPEN transient ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk paper tape printer punched card UP-8068 Rev4 Term Reference Optional file processing IRAM magnetic tape MIRAM nonindexed disk paper tape printer punched card sequential output, nonindexed disk Page 13—22 9—28 13B17 15—38 1762 7—10 14.2.4 15.7.3 D.4 D.4.1 Fig. D—14 D.4.2 Fig. D—15 14—5 15—64 0—28 D—28 D—28 D—29 D—29 Optional user labels, tape E.2.4 [—14 OS/3 DAM 15.3 15—4 OS/3 processing, ASCII tape labels E.3.2 [—15 OS/3 SAM 15.2 15—3 OS/4 paper tape system, compatibility with OS/3 17.6.1 17—73 4.2.2 [.3.1.1 See paper tape files. 3.2.2 15—80 4—4 15—79 [—15 standard trailer Output files blocked records, sequential disk diskette extending existing DTFSD label processing, ASCII tape paper tape punched card SAM sequential DTFNI with keys Output records diskette SAM files parity check, ISAM files processing in a work area, IRAM random, to disk undefined, standard mode paper tape file verifying, IRAM verifying, MIRAM See also PUT macro. Overflow adding new record in existing file Reference Term 15—81 3—2 15—80 5.2.2 11.4.17 13.4.25 15.7.11 5—2 11—19 13—24 15—84 Fig. 17—3 13.4.23 13B.5.21 17—7 13—24 13B—19 11—32 11—34 Page 10.1 10—2 11.4.12 11—17 Table 7—2 7—8 See forms overflow. area, SAM files 13.4.17 138.5.14 15.6.16 17.5.7 7.3 3.3 Optional user labels, disk nonindexed disk processing standard standard header Index 17 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT control character codes forms Overlap mode 3.3 3—8 Oversized buffers 17—33 Padding E.4 E—16 Paper advance 6.1 6—1 17.5.10 17.3 17—70 17—4 17.6 17—73 17.6.3 17.6.1 17.6.2 17.2 17.5 17.1 17.4 17.2.1 17—74 17—73 17—74 17—1 17—24 17—1 17—15 17—2 P Paper tape data management ASCII processing character and record types comparison of OS/3 with other systems compatibility with IBM System! 360 DOS compatibility with OS/4 compatibility with 9200/9300 considerations defining files (DTFPT macro) description processing files program connector board See also paper tape files. UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Reference Term Paper tape files ASCII processing block size buffers and work areas closing (CLOSE macro) defining (DTFPT macro) description end-of-record stop character, output error processing initializing (OPEN macro) input, end-of-tape routine input fixed, unblocked records input shifted, fixed, unblocked records input shifted, undefined records input undefined and fixed, unblocked records interrecord gaps leader and trailer letter/figure shifting and translation, input letter/figure shifting and translation, output optional file processing undefined and fixed, output unblocked records oversized buffers processing processing mode specification punching logical record (PUT macro) reading logical record (GET macro) record format specification record formats record size specification save area type specification Page 17.5.10 17.4.2 17.5 1.3.7 17—70 17—29 17—30 17—18 17—24 1—9 17.5.6 17.5.9 17.4.1 17.5.4 Fig. 17—7 17—60 17—65 17—17 17—49 17—13 Fig. 17—9 Fig. 17—8 17—15 17—14 Fig. 17—6 17.3.4 Fig. 17—1 17—12 17—10 17—3 17.5.3 17—39 17.5.5 17.5.7 17—50 17—62 Fig. 17—5 17.4 17.5.2 17—11 17—33 17—15 17—36 17.4.4 17—22 17.4.3 17.3.3 17.51.6 17.5.8 17—20 17—29 17—10 17—35 17—63 17—28 Paper tape leader 17.2.2 Fig. 17—1 17—3 17—3 Paper tape loop, 0768 printer 6—10 — Term Index 18 Reference Page 11.4.16 11—19 15.6.33 15—55 Parity errors magnetic tape paper tape sequential disk files 17.5.9 15.6.5 9—14 17—65 15—26 Partition control appendage See DPCA macro. Partitions See file partitions. Parity check output functions, ISAM verification of output, nonindexed disk — — Peripheral devices allocation — — Paper tape records fixed, unblocked formats undefined See fixed, unblocked records. 17—10 17.3.3 See undefined records. See also paper tape files. Paper tape subsystem characteristics Table A—6 A—il Paper tape trailer 17.2.3 Fig. 17—i 17—3 17—3 functional characteristics See device allocation. Appendix A PIOCS 1.7.3 1—17 POINT macro 15.7.18 15—108 Pointers current record, ISAM current I/O area, RAM 11.4.7 134.11 11—13 13—21 POINTS macro 15.7.6 15—72 Prime data blocks 10.1 10.2 10—2 10—3 Print line, truncation 7.5.2 7—28 Print overflow action (PRTOV macro) 7.4.4 7—24 UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term SPERRY UNIVAC OS/S BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Reference Page Printer files description organization printerforms record formats SAM tabular data text Printer forms control (CNTRL macro) description sample printout special Printer subsystems characteristics files 0768 0770 0773 0776 0778 1.3.4 1—7 6—2 6.2.3 6—4 6.3 6—5 See SAM files, printer. 6.2.2 6—4 6.2.1 6—3 7.4.3 6.2.3 Fig. 6—3 6—2 6—2 6—2 6—2 Program connector board description wiring for tape punch wiring for tape reader 17.2.1 17.2.L1 17—2 17—2 17—2 Programming 1.4 1—9 Programs, sample See sample programs. Punch structure Reference Page PUT macro diskette ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk overlap mode paper tape printer punched card 5.4.3 9.4.3 15.7.9 3.3 17.4.4 7.4.2 3.4.3 5—10 11—46 9—50 15—75 3—8 17—22 7—18 3—17 Random disk files creating by sequential load waiting on completion of I/O 15.7.16 15—86 15—105 Random output See WRITE macro. Random processing ISAM files relative disk address 11.5.4 15.624 11—35 15—46 15.7.14 13.2.3 15—97 13—11 15—99 15—93 15.6.18 11—36 15—40 15—99 15.6.19 11—36 15—40 15—10 1 16.1.4 16—4 Table A—3 A—4 See printer files. 6.1.3 6—2 6.1.1 6.1.4 6.1.5 Punched card files combined description file organization input output record format SAM Term 7—21 6—4 6—4 6—10 6.1.2 card tape lndex19 See card punch. See tapepunch. 2.2.3 2—3 1.3.2 1—7 2.2 2—1 2.2.1 2—2 2.2.2 2—3 Fig. 2—2 2—2 See SAM files, punched card. 2—2 Fig. 2—1 R Random retrieval direct access files RAM files records by relative disk address rewriting blocks See also record retrieval. READ, ID macro ISAM nonindexed disk READ, KEY macro ISAM nonindexed disk Read lock SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Reference Term Reference Page Term READ macro 15.7. 14 15—97 Record retrieval adding records, IRAM direct access files (READ macro) direct IRAM files indexed IRAM files Record deletion direct IRAM files indexed IRAM files ISAM files sequential IRAM files 13.2.6 11.2.3 13—8 13—14 11—4 13—5 Record descriptor word (RDW) 14.3.2 14—8 15—80 initializing (SETL macro) READ, ID macro READ, KEY macro Record format specification (RECFORM) ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk paper tape printer punched card Record formats card punch records diskette end-of-data job control statement fixed-length fixed-length unblocked, input and combined card files I/O area contents, nonindexed disk files ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk files paper tape printer start-of-data job control statement variable-length 11.4.13 5.6.20 Table 15—6 7.3 3.3 11—17 9—17 15—40 15—41 17—29 7—12 3—9 2—4 2.3.3 2—4 Fig. 2—3 4—4 4.3 Fig: 4—2 4—5 2.3.2 2—3 See fixed-length records. Fig. 2—2 2—2 Fig. 15—1 15—24 10—5 10.2.1 8—14 8.2.5 Fig. 8—11 8—14 14—6 14.3 17—10 17.3.3 6—5 6.3 Fig. 6—4 6—6 2.3.1 2—3 See variable-length records. search argument sequential IRAM files sequentially processed disk files specifying type, ISAM terminating (ESETL macro) with update See also GET macro. 15.6.8 Record keys See keys. Record printer, current 11.4.7 17—65 Record size specification (RECSIZE and RCSZ) IRAM ISAM magnetic tape nonsequential disk paper tape printer punched card 13.4.18 11.4.13 15.6.21 7.3 3.3 13—23 11—17 9—18 15—42 17—35 7—12 3—9 Record transfer, ensuring completion (WAITF macro) 11—35 Record types, paper tape 17.3 17—4 Recording density, specifying 9—34 Records chaining, ISAM file 15—30 fixed-length 11—13 IRAM logical 5.2.3 5.2.1 5.2.2 5—2 5—1 5—2 13.2.4 13—12 15.7.14 15—97 13—7 13.2.3 13—11 13.2.5 13—13 13.4.16 13—22 11—41 SEE READ, ID macro. See READ, KEY macro. 11.4.9 11—14 13—3 15.7.12 15—94 11.4.15 11—18 11—48 13.2.5 13—13 17.5,9 direct IRAM files Record processing, diskette SAM files combined input output Page Record size, invalid deleting Record interlace factor Index 20 paper tape retrieving 10.2.2 10—10 Fig. 10—5 10—10 See record deletion. See direct IRAM files. See fixed-length records. Fig. 12—1 12—4 Fig. 12—2 12—5 See logical records. See paper tape records. See record retrieval. SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term Reference Records (cont) sequential disk files, output sequential IRAM files skipping updating variable-length Reel organization EBCDIC nonstandard volumes EBCDIC standard volumes EBCDIC unlabeled volumes Page 15—80 See sequential IRAM files. See RELSE macro. See updating records. See variable-length records. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 8—4 8—5 8—1 8—2 8—3 8—6 8—6 8—7 8—3 8—4 8—5 8—8 Register save area See save area. Register specification SAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk printer punched card 11.4.7 15.6.11 7.3 3.3 Registers save area specifying for residual space See save areas. 15.6.32 15—54 Relative block address accessing current positioning a file or partition Relative disk address creating and updating blocks IRAM nonindexed disk random pocessing random retrieval returned after READ or WRITE macro Relative MIRAM files creating deleting records extending processing reorganizing retrieving and updating records Term Reference Page RELSE macro magnetic tape nonindexed disk 9.4.7 15.7.13 9—58 15—96 RENAME macro 16.2 16—6 Residual space, variable records 15.6.32 15—54 Resource control See system resource control. Rewinding at close at open options 9—23 9—23 9—22 Rewriting randomly retrieved blocks to disk 15—93 15.2 15—3 5.4.4 5.3 5.2.1 5.4.1 5.2.2 5—12 5—5 5—1 5—7 5—2 5.4.2 5.4.3 5—8 5—10 11—13 9—13 15—34 7—9 3—6 15.7.17 15—106 15.7.18 15—108 13.4.19 15.6.7 15.6.22 15.6.24 15—90 13—23 15—28 15—42 15—46 15—99 Table 15—5 15—29 13B.2.7 138.2.10 13B.2.8 13B.2 13B.2.11 13B.2.9 Index 21 138—4 138—5 13B4 13B1 13B—5 13B4 S SAM files, disk SAM files, diskette closing (CLOSE macro) defining (DTFCD macro) input record processing opening (OPEN macro) output record processing retrieve next logical record (GET macro) writing (PUT macro) UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term SAM files, magnetic tape ASCII processing block numbers checkpoint dumps, bypassing closing (CLOSE macro) defining (DTFMT macro) delivering next logical record (PUT macro) description eliminating tape mark end-of-data processing, input file end-of-volume procedures, forcing (FEOV macro) error messages error processing extending file processing mode, changing (SETF macro) general rewind options imperative macros index register initiating processing (OPEN macro) input file direction I/O buffers job control statements label processing multivolume optional, specifying parity errors processing in a work area reading next record (GET macro) record format record size register save area rewinding secondary I/O buffer short output blocks, writing (TRUNC macro) skipping to next input block (RELSE macro) tape movement tape unit functions, controlling (CNTRL macro) type of processing type of tape labels user tape labels, processing (LBRET macro) variable records, blocking SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Reference Page 9.2.7 9.4.2 9.2 9.2.1 9—27 9—15 9—29 9.4.3 9.1 9—50 9—1 9—24 9—12 9.4.8 9.3.7 9.3.6 959 9—43 9—12 9—41 9—48 91 9—2 9—54 9.4.5 9—22 943 9.4 Table 9—4 9—44 9—13 9—46 9.4.1 9—22 9—10 9—10 See job control statements. 9—23 9.2.6 9.2.10 9—30 9—40 9.3.5 9—28 9—14 9—14 9—52 9.4.4 9—17 9.2.4 9—17 9—18 9—13 9—23 9—23 9—13 Term SAM files, printer closing (CLOSE macro) contrOl printer forms (CNTRL macro) defining (DTFPR macro) device-independent control character codes error and exception handling functional description opening (OPEN macro) output a record (PUT macro) print overflow action (PRTOV macro) sample program typical operating sequence Index 22 Reference Page 7.4.5 7—27 7.4.3 7.3 7—21 7—4 Table 7—1 7—6 7.6 7—28 7.2 7—1 7.4.2 7—16 7.4.2 7—18 74.4 7.6 7.2 7—24 7—28 7—2 3.4.5 3—24 3.4.4 3.3 1.5.2 3.6 3.2.1 3.4.1. 3.2.2 3.4.3 3—19 3—3 1—10 3—25 3—1 3—14 3—2 3—17 3.4.2 3.7 3—15 3—25 Sample programs printer punched card 7.6 3.6 7—28 3—25 Save area specification ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk paper tape printer punched card 11.4.14 15.6.23 17.5.8 7.3 3.3 11—18 9—13 15—45 17—63 7—12 3—10 Scan tables, letter/figure 17.5.5 17—50 SAM files, punched card closing (CLOSE macro) controlling stacker selection (CNTRL macro) defining (DTFCD macro) description error and exception handling input opening (OPEN macro) output output a record (PUT macro) retrieving next logical record (GET macro) sample programs 9.4.6 9—56 SCR job control statement 16.1.3 16—2 947 925 9—58 9—21 Scratch volume 9333 9—36 SCRTCH macrä 16.3 16—8 9 4 10 9—62 9—11 9—23 15.6.12 Fig. 12—6 15—35 12—8 9.4.9 9—60 9—19 10.1 10—1 Search key, address of argument 4-level IRAM index Search-by-key function UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Index 23 Term Reference Page Term Reference Page Search-on-key function 11.4.9 11—14 SETFL macro 11—27 Sectors, disk 12.2.2 12—3 SETL macro 11—42 Sequence check 13.4.20 13—23 SETP macro 15.7.4 15—68 Sequential access method See SAM. SETS macro 15.7.5 15—70 Sequential-by-key retrieval sequence 13.2.3 138.2.4 Shared data management modules 1.5.7 1—12 Shift characters 17.3.2 17—6 Sequential disk files creating extending existing DTFSD optional output of blocked records output of DTFNI with keys parity errors reading, with and without record interlace reserving space retrieving records (SET macro) update processing mode updating and extending See also disk files. 13—11 13B—3 15.7,9.1 15.6.16 15.6.5 15—76 15—79 15—38 15—80 15—80 15—26 Shift codes paper tape record translation for input files translation for output files Fig. 17—4 17.5.5 17—9 17—46 17—50 Shifted, fixed, unblocked records Fig. 17—9 17—15 Fig. 15—2 16.1.2 15.7.12 15.6.31 15—3 1 16—2 15—94 15—54 15—78 Shifted, undelined records Fig. 17—8 17—14 Short variable blocks, output magnetic tape nonindexed disk 9.4.6 15.7.10 9—56 15—82 Skip codes, device Table 7—4 7—22 Skipping records See RELSE macro. Software, related OS/3 1.7 Space requirements See disk space requirements, estimating. Sequential IRAM files adding records creating deleting records extending nonindexed processing reorganizing retrieving and updating records 13.1 13.1.1 13—3 13—2 13—5 13—3 13—1 13—2 13—5 13—3 Sequential ISAM files 11.5.5 11—40 Special forms 6—10 Sequential load 15—86 Stacker selection 3.4.4 3—19 Sequential MIRAM files adding records creating deleting records extending processing reorganizing retrieving and updating records 138.2.3 138.2.1 13B.2.5 13B.2.2 138.2 138.2.6 13B.2.4 13B—3 13B—2 13B—3 138—2 138—1 13B—3 13B—3 D.4.1 Fig. D—14 14.2.4 15.7.3 D.4 14.2.3 D.4.2 Fig. D—15 D—28 0—28 14—5 15—64 D—28 14—4 0—29 D—29 Sequential processing, work area See work area specifications. Set file load See SETFL macro. SETF macro 9.4.5 15.7.8 9—54 15—74 Standard labels, disk header optional user system, nonindexed files trailer Standard labels, tape ASCII system See ASCII standard magnetic tape labels. See system standard tape labels. 1—15 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Index 24 Update C Term Reference Page Term Reference Page Standard modes, data conversion C.4 C—b Standard volume organization See volume organization. System standard tape labels description file header label group file trailer label group user header and trailer volume label group E.1 E.2.2 E.2.3 E.2.4 E.2.1 E—1 E—4 E—9 E—14 E—2 6.2.2 Fig. 6—2 6—4 6—4 Start-of.data (/$) job control statement 2.3.1 2—3 17.3.1 17—3 17—6 17.5.6 17—60 Stub card read feature 3.3 3—10 Subfiles DTFNI partitions processing in partition support in partition 14.2.2 15.7.5 15.6.27 14—3 15—70 15—50 Supervisor 1.7.3 1—17 System access technique 1.7.3 1—17 E.3.2.4 E.2.2.1 E.2.2.2 E—16 E—4 E—7 Stop character description specifying endof-record, output files System code field description file header labels System error messages data management description disk space management System macro library System resource control device allocation and file assignment disk space management and the VTOC dynamic deallocation of disk file (SCRTCH) file lock feature renaming disk file (RENAME) retrieving VTOC information (OBTAIN) sample device assignment set use of job control statements T Tabular data printer files sample printout Tape files magnetic tape paper tape B.3.1 B—2 Table B—i B—3 B.3 B—2 B.3.2 B—10 Table B—2 B—li 7.2 7—1 Tape labels See magnetic tape labels. Tape mark, eliminating 9—24 Tape punch, wiring program connector 17—2 Tape reader, wiring program connector 17—2 Tape volume 1 label 16.1 16—1 16.4 16—11 16.3 16.1.4 Table 16—1 16.2 16—8 16—2 16—4a 16—6 16.4.1 16.1.2 16.1.1 16—12 16—2 16—1 See magnetic tape files. See paper tape files. See VOL1 label, tape. Text output example printer files Fig. 6—1 .2.1 6—3 6—3 1.7.3 1—17 15.6.26 15—50 15—88 Trailer, paper tape 17.2.3 17—3 Trailer labels See user trailer labels. Timer services Tracks extending key search new; selecting and initializing UP-8068 Rev. 4 Index 25 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Term Reference Page Term Reference Page Transient scheduling 1.7.3 1—17 Unique (parity) error 17.5.9 17—67 Translate mode C.4 c—io UNISERVO subsystems, characteristics Table A—5 A—b 17.5.3 17—39 Unlabeled volume organization, EBCDIC 8.2.3 8—8 Unrecoverable error 17.5.9 17—68 Unshifted files 17—58 Update functions, forestalling 11.4.16 11—19 Update processing mode 15.6.31 15—54 Updating disk files 15—78 Updating input blocks by key by relative disk address 15—101 15—90 Updating records direct IRAM files indexed RAM files ISAM, UPDT macro ISAM file, random processing sequential IRAM files UPDT keyword, DTFIR macro 13.2.3 1L5.4.3 13.4.22 13—7 13—11 11—40 11—38 13—3 13—24 UPDT macro 11—40 8.2.2 D.4.1 8.2.1 E.2,4 9—24 8—2 14—3 D—28 8—2 E—14 1.6 1—12 I5.7.3 15—66 15—64 15—67 E.2.4 E—14 Translation, paper tape files input files, character mode input files without shifted codes output files unshifted output files, either mode 17.5.5 17—46 17—50 17—58 Translation table address 3.3 3—6 TRUNC macro magnetic tape nonindexed disk 9.4.6 15.7. 10 9—56 15—82 Truncation, print line 7.5.2 7—28 Type of file, specifying See file type specification. User header labels eliminating tape mark nonstandard, tape standard,disk V V standard, tape V V V User interface U Unblocked records, paper tape See fixed, unblocked records. User labels, disk creating processing receiving or updating See also optional user labels, disk V Undefined records, paper tape followed by interrecord gaps V formats input, length relationships to BLKSIZE, and content of RECSIZE register output, standard mode record length and BLKSIZE relationship shifted, user work area Fig. 17—5 Fig. 17—6 17,3.3 17—11 17—12 17—10 Fig. 17—4 Fig. 17—3 17—9 17—8 V User labels, tape V User trailer labels nonindexed disk nonstandard, tape standard, disk V V Fig. 17—2 Fig. 17—8 17—6 17—14 V standard, tape 15.628 8.2.2 D.4.2 8.2.1 E.2.4 15—51 8—2 14—6 D—29 8—2 E14 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT UP-8068 Rev. 4 Term Reference Page V Validity check errors Variable-length records ASCII blocking in I/O area diskette ISAM keyed, nonindexed disk files nonindexed disk files output of blocked records, sequential disk files output of short blocks specifying register for residual space See also record formats. format 5 :3:3 3_4 format 6 4.3.2 10.2.1 Fig 14—4 14.3.2 Fig. 14—3 9—28 9—19 4—4 10—5 14 —12 14—8 14—9 15—80 See TRUNC macro. 15—54 15.6.32 Variable sector support IRAM files MIRAM files 13.5.2 138.6.2 13—27 13B—21 Version number; file 93.4.6 9—39 6.1 6.4.3 6.4.4 Table 6—1 6—1 6—9 6—9 6—11 16.1.1 16—1 6.4.4 Table 6—1 6—9 6—11 6—12 6—9 6—9 6—10 6—10 Vertical format buffer definitiàn interchangeability VFB statement specification See also. VFB statement. VFB job control statement VFB statement specification description example forms overflow position home paper position paper tape loop special forms VOL job control statement description effects on OPEN transient Volume information group labels, disk description format 0 format 4 Term VOL1 VTOC Volume label group, magnetic tape Volume organization disk diskette EBCDIC, magnetic tape Volume serial number checking inhibiting checking SCRTCH macro volume label group, tape Volume table of contents (VTOC) ISAM files SCRTCH macro disk space management retrieving information (OBTAIN) volume labels, disk file labels, disk Volumes definition file processing, one volume online multifile scratch specification statement (VOL) 9—33 9.3.3 16.1.1 16—1 Table 9—3 9—38 VOL1 label, disk* contents description D. 1 D.2 D.2.5 Fig. D—6 Table D—5 D.2.2 Fig. D—3 Table D—2 VOL1 label, tape ASCII 0—1 D—2 D—1 1 D—1 1 0—11 D—4 0—5 0—6 contents description Index 26 Reference Page D.2.3 Fig. D—4 Table D—3 D.2.4 Fig. D—5 Table D—4 D.2.1 Fig. D—2 Table D—1 Fig.D—1 D—8 D—8 D—9 D—9 D—10 D—10 D—3 0—3 D—4 0—2 E.2.1 E—2 0—2 D.2 4—2 Fi. 4—1 See EBCDIC volume organization. 16.3 E.2.1 9—36 9—34 16—9 E—2 10.1 10—2 16.3 16—8 16.4 16—11 16.4.1 16—12 See volume information group labels. See file information group labels. 1.3.1 13.4.13 See multifile 9.3.3 1—6 13—21 volumes. 9—36 9—33 Fig. 0—1 0.2 0:2.1 Fig. 0—2 0—4 0—2 0—3 0—3 E—17 Fig. E—7 Table E-—7 E—18 Table E.2.1* E-—1 E—4 E—2 Fig. E—1 E—3 UP-8068 Rev. 4 SPERRY UNIVAC OS/3 BASIC DATA MANAGEMENT Term Reference VSN See volume serial number. VTOC Page See volume table of contents. Term Reference Page Fig. 17—4 17—9 Fig. 17—9 Fig. 17—8 17—15 17—14 17—32 WRITE, AFTER, EOF macro 15—89 WRITE, AFTER macro 15.6.2 15—21 15—86 WRITE, ID macro 15.6.35 15—56 15—90 15.6.36 15—93 11—38 15—57 WRITE, NEWKEY macro 11—28 11—32 WRITE, RZERO macro 15.6.2 15—21 15—88 Write lock 16.1.4 16—3 WRITE macro 15.7.11 15—84 Wrong length error 17.5.9 17—67 Work areas, paper tape record lengths shifted, fixed, unblocked records, input file shifted, undefined records, input file specifying WRITE, KEY macro description ISAM nonindexed disk W WAITF macro ISAM nonindexed disk 15.7.16 11—35 15—105 Work area specifications IRAM ISAM magnetic tape nonindexed disk paper tape printer punched card 13.4.25 11.4.18 15.6.34 7.3 3.3 13—24 11—19 9—14 15—56 17—31 7—13 3—11 Index 27 j 43 (S n j. .5 r. -I; — :‘ C I. .t. t.. ERY+ UNIVAC USER COMMENT SHEET I Your comments concerning this document will be welcomed by Sperry Univac for use in improving subsequent editions. 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