User Manual: UTFT
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UTFT Multi-Platform Universal TFT display library Manual http://www.RinkyDinkElectronics.com/ (C)2014 Rinky-Dink Electronics, Henning Karlsen Introduction: This library was originally the continuation of my ITDB02_Graph, ITDB02_Graph16 and RGB_GLCD libraries for Arduino and chipKit. As the number of supported display modules and controllers started to increase I felt it was time to make a single, universal library as it will be much easier to maintain in the future. Basic functionality of this library was origianlly based on the demo-code provided by ITead studio (for the ITDB02 modules) and NKC Electronics (for the RGB GLCD module/shield). This library supports a number of 8bit, 16bit and serial graphic displays, and will work with both Arduino, chipKit boards and select TI LaunchPads. For a full list of tested display modules and controllers, see the document UTFT_Supported_display_modules_&_controllers.pdf. You can always find the latest version of the library at http://www.RinkyDinkElectronics.com/ For version information, please refer to version.txt. IMPORTANT: When using 8bit and 16bit display modules there are some requirements you must adhere to. These requirements can be found in the document UTFT_Requirements.pdf. There are no special requirements when using serial displays. Since most people have only one or possibly two different display modules a lot of memory has been wasted to keep support for many unneeded controller chips. As of v1.1 you now have the option to easily remove this unneeded code from the library. By disabling the controllers you don't need you can reduce the memory footprint of the library by several Kb. For more information, please refer to memorysaver.h. If you are using the “AquaLEDSource All in One Super Screw Shield” on a chipKit Max32, please read the comment in hardware/pic32/HW_PIC32_defines.h If you are using the “CTE TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due” or the “ElecHouse TFT LCD Screen Shield for Arduino DUE /Taijiuino”, please read the comment in hardware/arm/HW_ARM_defines.h 8 bit display shields designed for use on Arduino Uno (and similarly sized boards) can now be used on Arduino Megas. Please read the comment in hardware/avr/HW_AVR_defines.h Some of the larger (4.3”+) display modules have not been tested on all supported development boards due to the high current requirement for the LED backlight. This library is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported) License. For more information see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Library Manual: UTFT Page 1 DEFINED LITERALS: Alignment For use with print(), printNumI() and printNumF() LEFT: RIGHT: CENTER: 0 9999 9998 Orientation For use with InitLCD() PORTRAIT: LANDSCAPE: 0 1 VGA Colors Predefined colors for use with setColor() and setBackColor() VGA_BLACK VGA_MAROON VGA_GREEN VGA_NAVY VGA_SILVER VGA_GRAY VGA_RED VGA_PURPLE VGA_LIME VGA_OLIVE VGA_BLUE VGA_TEAL VGA_TRANSPARENT (only valid for setBackColor()) VGA_WHITE VGA_FUCHSIA VGA_YELLOW VGA_AQUA Display model For use with UTFT() Please see UTFT_Supported_display_modules_&_controllers.pdf INCLUDED FONTS: SmallFont Charactersize: Number of characters: 8x12 pixels 95 BigFont Charactersize: Number of characters: 16x16 pixels 95 SevenSegNumFont Charactersize: Number of characters: Library Manual: UTFT 32x50 pixels 10 Page 2 FUNCTIONS: UTFT(Model, RS, WR, CS, RST[, ALE]); The main class constructor when using 8bit or 16bit display modules. Parameters: Model: RS: WR: CS: RST: ALE: Usage: UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S,19,18,17,16); // Start an instance of the UTFT class See the separate document for the supported display modules Pin for Register Select Pin for Write Pin for Chip Select Pin for ResetOnly used for latched 16bit shields Pin for Latch signal UTFT(Model, SDA, SCL, CS, RST[, RS]); The main class constructor when using serial display modules. Parameters: Model: SDA: SCL: CS: RST: RS: Usage: UTFT myGLCD(ITDB18SP,11,10,9,12,8); // Start an instance of the UTFT class See the separate document for the supported display modules Pin for Serial Data Pin for Serial Clock Pin for Chip Select Pin for Reset Only used for 5pin serial modules Pin for Register Select InitLCD([orientation]); Initialize the LCD and set display orientation. Parameters: Usage: Notes: Orientation: PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE (default) myGLCD.initLCD(); // Initialize the display This will reset color to white with black background. Selected font will be reset to none. getDisplayXSize(); Get the width of the screen in the current orientation. Parameters: Returns: Usage: None Width of the screen in the current orientation in pixels Xsize = myGLCD.getDisplayXSize(); // Get the width getDisplayYSize(); Get the height of the screen in the current orientation. Parameters: Returns: Usage: None Height of the screen in the current orientation in pixels Ysize = myGLCD.getDisplayYSize(); // Get the height Library Manual: UTFT Page 3 lcdOff(); Turn off the LCD. No commands will be executed until a lcdOn(); is sent. Parameters: Usage: Notes: None myGLCD.lcdOff(); // Turn off the lcd This function is currently only supported on PCF8833 and CPLD-based displays. CPLD-based displays will only turn off the backlight. It will accept further commands/writes. lcdOn(); Turn on the LCD after issuing a lcdOff()-command. Parameters: Usage: Notes: None myGLCD.lcdOn(); // Turn on the lcd This function is currently only supported on PCF8833 and CPLD-based displays. CPLD-based displays will only turn on the backlight. setContrast(c); Set the contrast of the display. Parameters: Usage: Notes: c: Contrast-level (0-64) myGLCD.setContrast(64); // Set contrast to full (default) This function is currently only supported on PCF8833-based displays setBrightness(br); Set the brightness of the display backlight. Parameters: Usage: Notes: br: Brightness-level (0-16) myGLCD.setBrightness(16); // Set brightness to maximum (default) This function is currently only supported on CPLD-based displays setDisplayPage(pg); Set which memory page to display. Parameters: Usage: Notes: pg: Page (0-7) (0 is default) myGLCD.setDisplayPage(4); // Display page 4 This function is currently only supported on CPLD-based displays setWritePage(pg); Set which memory page to use for subsequent display writes. Parameters: Usage: Notes: pg: Page (0-7) (0 is default) myGLCD.setWritePage(2); // Use page 2 for subsequent writes This function is currently only supported on CPLD-based displays Library Manual: UTFT Page 4 clrScr(); Clear the screen. The background-color will be set to black. Parameters: Usage: None myGLCD.clrScr(); // Clear the screen fillScr(r, g, b); Fill the screen with a specified color. Parameters: Usage: r: Red component of an RGB value (0-255) g: Green component of an RGB value (0-255) b: Blue component of an RGB value (0-255) myGLCD.fillScr(255,127,0); // Fill the screen with orange fillScr(color); Fill the screen with a specified pre-calculated RGB565 color. Parameters: Usage: color: RGB565 color value myGLCD.fillScr(VGA_RED); // Fill the screen with red setColor(r, g, b); Set the color to use for all draw*, fill* and print commands. Parameters: Usage: r: Red component of an RGB value (0-255) g: Green component of an RGB value (0-255) b: Blue component of an RGB value (0-255) myGLCD.setColor(0,255,255); // Set the color to cyan setColor(color); Set the specified pre-calculated RGB565 color to use for all draw*, fill* and print commands. Parameters: Usage: color: RGB565 color value myGLCD.setColor(VGA_AQUA); // Set the color to aqua getColor(); Get the currently selected color. Parameters: Returns: Usage: None Currently selected color as a RGB565 value (word) Color = myGLCD.getColor(); // Get the current color setBackColor(r, g, b); Set the background color to use for all print commands. Parameters: Usage: r: Red component of an RGB value (0-255) g: Green component of an RGB value (0-255) b: Blue component of an RGB value (0-255) myGLCD.setBackColor(255,255,255); // Set the background color to white setBackColor(color); Set the specified pre-calculated RGB565 background color to use for all print commands. Parameters: Usage: color: RGB565 color value myGLCD.setBackColor(VGA_LIME); // Set the background color to lime getBackColor(); Get the currently selected background color. Parameters: Returns: Usage: None Currently selected background color as a RGB565 value (word) BackColor = myGLCD.getBackColor(); // Get the current background color Library Manual: UTFT Page 5 drawPixel(x, y); Draw a single pixel. Parameters: Usage: x: x-coordinate of the pixel y: y-coordinate of the pixel myGLCD.drawPixel(119,159); // Draw a single pixel drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); Draw a line between two points. Parameters: Usage: x1: x-coordinate of the start-point y1: y-coordinate of the start-point x2: x-coordinate of the end-point y2: y-coordinate of the end-point myGLCD.drawLine(0,0,239,319); // Draw a diagonal line drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); Draw a rectangle between two points. Parameters: Usage: x1: x-coordinate of the start-corner y1: y-coordinate of the start-corner x2: x-coordinate of the end-corner y2: y-coordinate of the end-corner myGLCD.drawRect(119,159,239,319); // Draw a rectangle drawRoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); Draw a rectangle with slightly rounded corners between two points. The minimum size is 5 pixels in both directions. If a smaller size is requested the rectangle will not be drawn. Parameters: Usage: x1: x-coordinate of the start-corner y1: y-coordinate of the start-corner x2: x-coordinate of the end-corner y2: y-coordinate of the end-corner myGLCD.drawRoundRect(0,0,119,159); // Draw a rounded rectangle fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); Draw a filled rectangle between two points. Parameters: Usage: x1: x-coordinate of the start-corner y1: y-coordinate of the start-corner x2: x-coordinate of the end-corner y2: y-coordinate of the end-corner myGLCD.fillRect(119,0,239,159); // Draw a filled rectangle fillRoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); Draw a filled rectangle with slightly rounded corners between two points. The minimum size is 5 pixels in both directions. If a smaller size is requested the rectangle will not be drawn. Parameters: Usage: x1: x-coordinate of the start-corner y1: y-coordinate of the start-corner x2: x-coordinate of the end-corner y2: y-coordinate of the end-corner myGLCD.fillRoundRect(0,159,119,319); // Draw a filled, rounded rectangle drawCircle(x, y, radius); Draw a circle with a specified radius. Parameters: Usage: x: x-coordinate of the center of the circle y: y-coordinate of the center of the circle radius: radius of the circle in pixels myGLCD.drawCircle(119,159,20); // Draw a circle with a radius of 20 pixels fillCircle(x, y, radius); Draw a filled circle with a specified radius. Parameters: Usage: x: x-coordinate of the center of the circle y: y-coordinate of the center of the circle radius: radius of the circle in pixels myGLCD.fillCircle(119,159,10); // Draw a filled circle with a radius of 10 pixels Library Manual: UTFT Page 6 print(st, x, y[, deg]); Print a string at the specified coordinates. You can use the literals LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT as the x-coordinate to align the string on the screen. Parameters: Usage: Notes: st: x: y: deg: the string to print x-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the first character y-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the first character Degrees to rotate text (0-359). Text will be rotated around the upper left corner. myGLCD.print(“Hello, World!”,CENTER,0); // Print “Hello, World!” CENTER and RIGHT will not calculate the coordinates correctly when rotating text. The string can be either a char array or a String object printNumI(num, x, y[, length[, filler]]); Print an integer number at the specified coordinates. You can use the literals LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT as the x-coordinate to align the string on the screen. Parameters: Usage: num: x: y: length: the value to print (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) INTEGERS ONLY x-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the first digit/sign y-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the first digit/sign minimum number of digits/characters (including sign) to display filler: filler character to use to get the minimum length. The character will be inserted in front of the number, but after the sign. Default is ' ' (space). myGLCD.printNumI(num,CENTER,0); // Print the value of “num” printNumF(num, dec, x, y[, divider[, length[, filler]]]); Print a floating-point number at the specified coordinates. You can use the literals LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT as the x-coordinate to align the string on the screen. WARNING: Floating point numbers are not exact, and may yield strange results when compared. Use at your own discretion. Parameters: Usage: Notes: num: dec: x: y: divider: the value to print (See note) digits in the fractional part (1-5) 0 is not supported. Use printNumI() instead. x-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the first digit/sign y-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the first digit/sign Single character to use as decimal point. Default is '.' length: minimum number of digits/characters (including sign) to display filler: filler character to use to get the minimum length. The character will be inserted in front of the number, but after the sign. Default is ' ' (space). myGLCD.printNumF(num, 3, CENTER,0); // Print the value of “num” with 3 fractional digits Supported range depends on the number of fractional digits used. Approx range is +/- 2*(10^(9-dec)) setFont(fontname); Select font to use with print(), printNumI() and printNumF(). Parameters: Usage: Notes: fontname: Name of the array containing the font you wish to use myGLCD.setFont(BigFont); // Select the font called BigFont You must declare the font-array as an external or include it in your sketch. getFont(); Get the currently selected font. Parameters: Returns: Usage: None Currently selected font CurrentFont = myGLCD.getFont(); // Get the current font getFontXsize(); Get the width of the currently selected font. Parameters: Returns: Usage: None Width of the currently selected font in pixels Xsize = myGLCD.getFontXsize (); // Get font width getFontYsize(); Get the height of the currently selected font. Parameters: Returns: Usage: None Height of the currently selected font in pixels Ysize = myGLCD.getFontYsize (); // Get font height Library Manual: UTFT Page 7 drawBitmap (x, y, sx, sy, data[, scale]); Draw a bitmap on the screen. Parameters: Usage: Notes: x: y: sx: sy: data: scale: x-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the bitmap y-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the bitmap width of the bitmap in pixels height of the bitmap in pixels array containing the bitmap-data Scaling factor. Each pixel in the bitmap will be drawn as x pixels on screen. myGLCD.drawBitmap(0, 0, 32, 32, bitmap); // Draw a 32x32 pixel bitmap You can use the online-tool “ImageConverter 565” or “ImageConverter565.exe” in the Tools-folder to convert pictures into compatible arrays. The online-tool can be found on my website. Requires that you #include when using an Arduino other than Arduino Due. drawBitmap (x, y, sx, sy, data, deg, rox, roy); Draw a bitmap on the screen with rotation. Parameters: Usage: Notes: x: x-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the bitmap y: y-coordinate of the upper, left corner of the bitmap sx: width of the bitmap in pixels sy: height of the bitmap in pixels data: array containing the bitmap-data deg: Degrees to rotate bitmap (0-359) rox: x-coordinate of the pixel to use as rotational center relative to bitmaps upper left corner roy: y-coordinate of the pixel to use as rotational center relative to bitmaps upper left corner myGLCD.drawBitmap(50, 50, 32, 32, bitmap, 45, 16, 16); // Draw a bitmap rotated 45 degrees around its center You can use the online-tool “ImageConverter 565” or “ImageConverter565.exe” in the Tools-folder to convert pictures into compatible arrays. The online-tool can be found on my website. Requires that you #include when using an Arduino other than Arduino Due. Library Manual: UTFT Page 8
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