Unity Manual

User Manual:

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Unity User Manual (2018.3 beta)

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Use the Unity Editor to create 2D and 3D games, apps and experiences. Download the Editor at unity3d.com.
The Unity User Manual helps you learn how to use the Unity Editor and its associated services. You can read it from
start to nish, or use it as a reference.
If it’s your rst time using Unity, take a look at the introductory documentation on Working with Unity, and see the
Unity Tutorials.

Best practice and expert guides

Features introduced in 2018.3: What’s New
in 2018.3
Upgrading Unity projects from older
versions of Unity: Upgrade Guide

Best practices from Unity Support
engineers: Best Practice Guides
Expert guides from Unity developers, in
their own words: Expert Guides

Unity User Manual sections

Working in Unity

Unity 2D


A complete introduction to the
Unity Editor.

All of the Unity Editor’s 2Dspeci c features including
gameplay, sprites and physics.

The visual aspects of the Unity
Editor including cameras and




Simulation of 3D motion, mass,
gravity and collisions.

How to implement Multiplayer
and networking.

Programming your games by
using scripting in the Unity Editor.




Audio in the Unity Editor,
including clips, sources, listeners,
importing and sound settings.

Animation in the Unity Editor.

Cinematics in the Unity Editor,
including cut-scenes and gameplay sequences.




Unity services

The Unity Editor’s UI system.

Navigation in the Unity Editor,
including AI and path nding.

Virtual reality

Contributing to Unity

Platform speci c

Suggest modi cations to some of
the Unity Editor’s source code.

Speci c information for the many
non-desktop and web platforms
you can make projects for with
the Unity Editor.

Legacy topics
Useful if you are maintaining
legacy projects.

Further sources of information
Unity Answers or Unity Forums - here you can ask questions and search answers.
The Unity Knowledge Base - a collection of answers to questions posed to Unity’s Support teams.
Tutorials - step by step video and written guides to using the Unity Editor.
Unity Ads Knowledge Base - a guide to including ads in your game.
Everyplay documentation - a guide to the Everyplay mobile game replay platform.
Asset Store help - help on Asset Store content sharing.

Known issues
Is a feature not working as you expect it to? It might be an existing Known Issue. Please check using the Issue Tracker
at issuetracker.unity3d.com.

Documentation versions

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The Unity documentation is the Unity User Manual and Unity Scripting API Reference.
As we continually improve Unity (that is; the Editor and the engine), we add new features, improve existing
features, and sometimes remove old features.
With each Unity release, the Unity documentation changes to re ect this, so make sure you use the correct
version of the User Manual and Scripting API Reference to match the version of Unity you’re using.
The version of the documentation which accompanies the current full release of Unity is always available online at
docs.unity3d.com .

Installer (o

ine) documentation

As well as using the online documentation, you can install it locally on your computer when you install the Unity
software. Prior to Unity 5.3, the documentation was always installed along with the software. From version 5.3
onwards, you can choose whether to install the documentation locally via the Unity Download Assistant.

Documentation updates
We republish the online documentation for the current full release version of Unity regularly with corrections and
missing content regularly. (You can see the publish version of the documentation at the bottom of every page.)
If there is a current Unity beta release, we also update the current public beta release documentation with
corrections, missing content, and feature updates regularly.
However, note that we do not update and re-publish:
the installer (o ine) documentation.
legacy documentation, that is; documentation for Unity versions which are no longer a current beta or full release
of Unity.
If you need the latest publish of the documentation o ine, you can download it outside of the installer. See the
O ine Documentation page for details.

Which documentation version to use
Most people use the latest full release version of Unity and so use the documentation at docs.unity3d.com.
Some people need to use older versions of Unity. This might be the case for you if you are maintaining or in longterm development of a project which uses an older version of Unity.
If you are using an older version of Unity, the installer (o ine) documentation matches that version of Unity.
However if you chose not to install local documentation, or want to ensure you can access the latest publish of
the documentation, you can access older versions of the Unity documentation online. (See list below.)

Legacy documentation
Documentation for Unity versions which are no longer the current full release or beta release version of Unity.

This documentation is frozen - we do not correct, update or republish it. However Long-term support versions may be
supported for a longer time.

Unity 2017 documentation
Version 2017.4 (Long-term Support): docs.unity3d.com/2017.4
Version 2017.3: docs.unity3d.com/2017.3
Version 2017.2: docs.unity3d.com/2017.2
Version 2017.1: docs.unity3d.com/2017.1
Unity 5 documentation
Version 5.6: docs.unity3d.com/560
Version 5.5: docs.unity3d.com/550
Version 5.4: docs.unity3d.com/540
Version 5.3: docs.unity3d.com/530
Version 5.2: docs.unity3d.com/520
Version 5.1: docs.unity3d.com/510
Version 5.0: docs.unity3d.com/500
Unity 4 documentation
Version 4.6: docs.unity3d.com/460
Version 4.5: docs.unity3d.com/450
Version 4.3: docs.unity3d.com/430
Version 4.2: docs.unity3d.com/420
Version 4.1: docs.unity3d.com/410
Version 4.0: docs.unity3d.com/400
Unity 3 documentation
Version 3.5.5: docs.unity3d.com/355
Version 3.5.3: docs.unity3d.com/353
Version 3.5.2: docs.unity3d.com/352
Version 3.5.1: docs.unity3d.com/351

Switching between Unity versions in
the documentation

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The Unity Manual and Scripting API hold documentation for several versions of Unity. There are several ways to
switch between versions.

Switch between the home pages of the two latest versions
You can switch between the two latest versions by clicking on the link at the top-left of every page, above the
table of contents. These links always take you to the home page.

Example of the home page link at the top-left of every page

Switch versions and maintain the page
Version 5.6 and later
In Unity documentation versions from 5.6 onwards, you can look at an individual Unity documentation page and
switch between the page versions using the Other Versions link on the right of every page.

The Other Versions link which maintains the page you are on
Sometimes, you might get a 404 error when you switch over. This happens if the page you’re looking for doesn’t
exist in that version of the Manual or Scripting API. This is often the case if the feature isn’t present in the
corresponding version of Unity.

Version 5.5 and earlier
Documentation versions earlier than 5.6 do not have the Other Versions link.
To learn how to use a workaround for pre–5.6 documentation, follow these steps:
From the Manual or Scripting API home page, switch the version you are viewing using the home page link in the
top-left corner of the page. Note that the structure of the URL changes. Each version has a speci c URL:

Unity Manual
Standard URL
Version-speci c URL (2017.2) https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.2/Documentation/Manual/
Version-speci c URL (2017.1) https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.1/Documentation/Manual/
Version-speci c URL (5.6)
Unity Scripting API
Standard URL


Version-speci c URL (2017.2) https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.2/Documentation/ScriptReference/
Version-speci c URL (2017.1) https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/
Version-speci c URL (5.6)
Now, navigate the Manual and Scripting API as usual. If you want to switch between versions, change the number
in the URL to re ect which version you wish to view. This workaround works for all currently published versions of
the documentation.
Sometimes, you might get a 404 error when you switch over. This happens if the page you’re looking for doesn’t
exist in that version of the Manual or Scripting API. This is often the case if the feature isn’t present in the
corresponding version of Unity.

2017–07–07 Page amended with editorial review
Documentation Other Versions switcher added in 5.6


ine documentation

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You can download the Unity Documentation as a zip le for o ine use. To download the current version of the
Unity Documentation, click the link below.
Download: O ine Unity Documentation (Size: about 300MB)
The zip le contains the most up-to-date version of the Unity Manual and Unity Scripting API.

Unity Manual

Unity Scripting API (Scripting Reference)

Documentation editorial review

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Some Unity User Manual pages contain a status referring to “editorial review”.

What does “editorial review” mean?
This is a documentation process where technical writers take raw notes from a developer, and work with the
developer to make sure that documentation is correct, complete, well-written, and easy to follow.

“With no editorial review” means the page consists of ‘raw’ notes that we haven’t put through this
“With editorial review” means we have put the page through this process.
“With limited editorial review” means we have put some sentences or paragraphs on the page
through this process, not the whole page.
For more information on technical documentation processes and techniques, see Wikipedia pages on Technical writing,
Technical communication, and Technical editing.

Why does Unity publish documentation with no editorial review?
Editorial review takes time. We publish documentation with no editorial review in order to get information to
Unity users as quickly as possible.

Are pages with no editorial review wrong?
Generally, no. They are the developer’s explanation, and so the most correct source of information we have.
Pages without editorial review might be harder to read or understand, because they haven’t been edited to a
technical documentation standard.

Why do some pages not have an editorial review status?
Only pages new or updated since the 8th May 2017 contain this information.

Do you want feedback on this?
Yes, please. You can rate our pages and provide other kinds of feedback using the Feedback Form at the bottom
of every page.
Note that we can’t provide support via the documentation feedback form. Please send support questions and
make bug reports through the usual channels.
2017–06–01 Page published with editorial review

Working in Unity

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This section provides a complete introduction to Unity:
Getting Started Downloading and installing Unity, getting set up to start your rst project, and a quick tour of the Editor.
Asset Work ow How to get assets into Unity from a variety of di erent sources, including graphics, art and sound from external
programs, Package les from other developers, and ready-made Assets from our Asset Store and the Standard Assets
bundled with Unity.
The Main Windows A more in-depth look at each of the main windows you’ll use every day in Unity, including useful shortcuts
and hotkeys.
Creating Gameplay How to get started making Scenes, GameObjects and Components; reading input; and adding gameplay or
interactivity to your Project.
Editor Features Information about many of the Editor’s powerful features, to help you customize your work ow, integrate with
external tools, and extend the Editor itself.
Advanced Development Information for experienced developers who want to take projects further using Plug-ins, AssetBundles,
and other more advanced development techniques.
Advanced Editor Topics Take full control of the Editor, nd out how it works under the hood, and learn how to script and
customise the Asset pipeline and the Editor itself.
Licenses and Activation Understanding how to activate Unity and manage your licenses.
Upgrade Guides Important notes for upgrading projects that were authored with older versions of Unity.

Getting Started

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This section is your key to getting started with Unity. It explains the Unity interface, menu items, using assets, creating scenes, and
publishing builds.
When you are nished reading this section, you will understand how Unity works, how to use it e ectively, and the steps to put a
basic game together.

Installation Options
You can install the Unity Editor in the following ways:

The Hub provides a central location to manage your Editor installations, Accounts and Licenses, and Projects. For
more information on installing the Editor using the Hub, see Installing Unity using the Hub.
You can use the Download Assistant to install the Editor. If you subsequently choose to install the Hub, you can
add it to the Hub at that time. For more information, see Installing Unity using the download assistant.
The Unity Download Assistant supports o ine deployment. This allows you to download all the necessary les for
installing Unity and generate a script to install the Editor on computers without internet access. For more
information, see Installing Unity o ine using the Download Assistant.
2018–06–12 Page amended with limited editorial review

Unity Hub

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The Unity Hub is a standalone application that streamlines the way you nd, download, and manage your Unity
Projects and installations. In addition, you can manually add versions of the Editor that you have already installed
on your machine to your Hub.
You can use the Hub to:
Manage your Unity account and Editor licenses.
Create your Project, associate a default version of the Unity Editor with the Project, and manage the installation of
multiple versions of the Editor.
Set your preferred version of Unity, but also easily launch other versions from your Project view.
Manage and select Project build targets without launching the Editor.
Run two versions of Unity at the same time. Note that to prevent local con icts and other odd scenarios, you should
only open a Project in one Editor instance at a time.
Add components to existing installations of the Editor. When you download a version of the Editor through Unity
Hub, you can nd and add additional components (such as speci c platform support, Visual Studio, o ine docs and
Standard Assets) either during initial install or at a later date.
Use Project Templates to jump-start the creation process for common Project types. Unity’s Project Templates
provide default values for common settings when you create a new Project. Project Templates preset batches of
settings for a target game type or level of visual delity. For more information, see Project Templates.
For information on installing the Unity Hub, see Installing Unity using the Hub.
2018–06–12 Page published with editorial review

Installing Unity using the Hub

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The Unity Hub is a management tool that allows you to manage all of your Unity projects and installations. Use the Hub
to manage multiple installations of the Unity Editor along with their associated components, create new Projects, and
open existing Projects.

Installing the Unity Hub
To install the Unity Hub, visit Download Unity Personal on the Unity website,
To install and use the Unity Editor, you must have a Unity Developer Network (UDN) account. If you already have an
account, sign in and proceed to the Installing the Unity Editor section.
If you do not have an account, follow the prompts to create one. You can choose to create a Unity ID, or use one of the
social sign-ins. For more information on accounts and subscriptions, see Unity Organizations.

Installing the Unity Editor
To install the Editor:
Click the Installs tab. The default install locations are:

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor



Optionally, to change the default installation location, click the Gear icon.
In the Editor Folder Location dialog box, enter the new installation location and click Done.
Click O

cial Releases for released versions of the Editor, or Beta Releases for the latest Beta release of the Editor.

Click the Download button of the Editor version you want to install. This opens a dialog box called Add components to
your install.
In the Add components to your install dialog box, select the components you want to install with the Editor, and click
Done. If you don’t install a component now, you can add it later if you need to.
If you are installing multiple Editor versions, the rst installation starts as soon as the download is complete. Other
selected versions download simultaneously and queue to start when the current installation nishes.

The Hub displays the installation location of each Editor under the corresponding version label.
To set it an Editor version as your preferred version, add components to it, or uninstall it, click the three dots next to
that Editor version.

If you remove or uninstall the preferred Editor version, another installed Editor version becomes the preferred version.

Adding existing instances of the Editor to the Hub

You can add instances of the Editor to the Hub that you installed outside of the Hub.

Click the Installs tab.
Click the On my machine tab. To nd existing installations of the Editor, click Locate a Version.
In the le dialog, navigate to the location of the Editor installation and select the Unity executable. On
MacOS this is Unity.app. On Windows this is Unity.exe.
On macOS, the path is typically:


On Windows, the path is typically:

C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe


C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe

Click the Select editor button.
To set the Editor as the preferred version, or to remove the Editor from the Hub, click the three dots next to the Editor
Removing an Editor that you added in this manner does not uninstall it or modify it in anyway.

Support for Editor versions prior to 2017.1
Sign in status is not shared for pre–2017.1 versions of the Editor opened through the Hub. Performing tasks such as
Manage License, Open Project, Create Project, and Sign in opens the Unity Launcher instead of the Hub.
If you attempt to use the Unity Hub to open an Editor version 5 or earlier and you do not have an appropriate license
le, the Editor will hang on the splash screen.
To avoid this issue, run the Editor directly, external to the Unity Hub, and the Editor will load correctly even if the license
le is not detected.
2018–06–12 Page published with editorial review

Installing Unity without the hub

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Download and install the Unity Editor from the Unity download page. This page gives you Unity Installer download
links for both the latest full release version of Unity as well as the current Beta. If you require a Unity Plus or Pro
license, you rst need to con rm details for the license (number of seats, payment plan etc.).
The Unity download page presents you with the following options:

Unity Download page options
On the Unity download page, choose your desired version of the Unity Installer.

Unity installer
The Unity installer is a small executable program (approximately 1 MB in size) that lets you select which
components of the Unity Editor you want to download and install.
If you’re not sure which components you want to install, leave the default selections, click Continue, and follow
the installer’s instructions.

Unity installer (leave the default selected components if you’re not sure which to choose)
Note: On PC there is also an extra option for Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017.

Installing Unity without the Unity installer
If you prefer, you can download and install all of the components separately, without using the Unity installer. The
components are normal installer executable programs and packages, so you may nd it simpler to use the
installer, especially if you are a new Unity user. Some users, such as those wishing to automate deployment of
Unity in an organization, may prefer to install from the command line.

Installing Unity on Windows from the command line
If you want to automate deployment of Unity in an organization, you can install the Editor from the command
Use the following options when installing the Editor and other components from the command line on Windows.
Note: Installer command line arguments are case-sensitive.

Unity Editor install
Command Details
Performs a silent (no questions asked) install.
Sets the default install directory. Useful when combined with the silent install option.
/D=PATH Default folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity (32-bit) or C:\Program Files\Unity (64bit).

UnitySetup64.exe /S /D=E:\Development\Unity

This example installs Unity silently to a E:\Development\Unity folder, which will be the root of the Unity
installation. In this case, the Editor executable will be installed in E:\Development\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe. The
/D argument must be last and without quotes, even if the path contains spaces.

Unity Editor uninstall
To perform a silent uninstall, run Uninstall.exe /S from the ommand line or a script.
Note: Although the process nishes right away, it takes a few seconds before the les are actually removed. This
is because the uninstaller is copied to a temporary location in order to be able to remove itself. Also, make sure
the working directory is not inside the Unity install location, as it won’t be able to remove the folder if this is the

Standard Assets install
To silently install Standard Assets:

UnityStandardAssetsSetup.exe /S /D=E:\Development\Unity

Note: If specifying a folder, use the Unity root folder (that is, the folder containing the Editor folder, and not
where Unity.exe is installed into).

Example Project install
To silently install the Example Project, use:

UnityExampleProjectSetup.exe /S /D=E:\Development\Unity

Note: The default folder is C:\Users\Public\Documentation\Unity Projects\Standard Assets
Example Project.

Installing Unity on OS X from the command line
The individual Unity installers are provided as .pkg les, which can be installed using the installer command,
as described below.

Unity Editor install
To install the Editor into a /Applications/Unity folder on the speci ed target volume, enter:

sudo installer [­dumplog] ­package Unity.pkg ­target /

Standard Assets install
To install the Standard Assets into a /Applications/Unity/Standard Assets folder on the speci ed volume,

sudo installer [­dumplog] ­package StandardAssets.pkg ­target /

Example Project install
To install the Example Project into a /Users/Shared/Unity/Standard­Assets folder on the speci ed volume,

sudo installer [­dumplog] ­package Examples.pkg ­target /

Torrent download
If you prefer to download Unity via a BitTorrent client, you can download get a torrent link from the Unity
download archive page. Not all versions have a torrent download. If a version is available to download as a
torrent, the option is presented as Torrent download (Win+Mac) in the Downloads dropdown menu.

Downloading Unity using a Torrent

Installing several versions at once
You can install as many versions of Unity as you like on the same computer.
On a Mac, the installer creates a folder called Unity, and overwrites any existing folder with this name. If you want
more than one version of Unity on your Mac, rename the existing Unity folder before installing another version.
On a PC, the install folder is always named Unity X.Y.Z[fp]W, where the f is for an o cial release, and p is used to
mark a patch release.
We strongly recommend that if you rename a Unity folder, you name the new folder logically (for example, add
the version number to the end of the name). Note that any existing shortcuts, aliases and links to the o ine docs
may no longer point to the old version of Unity. This can be particularly confusing with the o ine docs; if you
suddenly nd that browser bookmarks to the o ine docs no longer work, then check that they have the right
folder name in the URL.
2018–06–12 Page amended with editorial review
Installation advice updated in Unity 2017.2
Installation advice updated in Unity 2017.4

Installing Unity o

ine without the

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The Unity Download Assistant supports o ine deployment. This allows you to download all the necessary les for
installing Unity, and to generate a script for repeating the same installation on other computers without internet

Run the Download Assistant, and install Unity as normal on one computer. This computer must have enough free
disk space to download all the les. Click the dropdown and select Custom, then choose the location you wish to
download the les to.

Check you have everything you need
Open your PC’s le manager, navigate to the custom location folder you speci ed earlier, and look for the .sh or
.bat le inside that folder. Check the contents of this le. It should look similar to the following example:

Deploying Unity to other computers
Copy the entire folder to the target Windows PC, and run the supplied .bat le.
To avoid the Windows UAC prompt, run install.bat from the Administrator shell. In the Start
menu, search for cmd.exe, right-click, and select Run as administrator.
Navigate to the folder with the scripts. This will usually be in your Downloads folder (cd


Copy the entire folder to the target Mac OS X machine, and run the supplied .sh le. Run sudo
Navigate to the folder with the scripts. This will usually be in your Downloads folder (cd
You can repeat these instructions as many times as you need to for each computer you wish to
install Unity on.

Unity Hub advanced deployment

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This topic provides information to help you plan and con gure your Unity Hub deployment to work with your
choice of deployment system (for example, Microsoft SCCM). It covers:

Firewall con guration
Silent install and uninstall on Windows
Determining whether Unity Hub is installed on Windows

Firewall con guration
The Unity Hub uses the following ports:

Outbound TCP Port 443 (HTTPS): The Hub uses this port to connect to Unity Services, providing
functionality such as user login, Unity Editor updates, Unity Collaborate, and updates for the Hub
itself. If you do not open this port, the Unity Hub is still usable, but online features are disabled.
Outbound TCP/UDP Port 53 (DNS): The Hub uses this port to quickly determine whether an internet
connection is available. If you do not open this port, the Hub assumes that no internet connection
is available, even if Port 443 is open.
Inbound TCP port 39000, accepting connections from localhost only: The Hub listens on this port to
accept connections from Editor instances running on the local machine. This port must be open for
connections from localhost.

Silent install and uninstall on Windows
You can install and uninstall the Hub from the command line using the silent-mode parameter. Silent-mode
installs the Hub without prompting for user input. Local administrator access is required, because the installation
modi es the Program Files folder.
To install the Unity Hub using silent-mode:

Download the Unity Hub.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder in which you downloaded the Hub.
At the command line, run the following command, in which the /S initiates a silent installation:
UnityHubSetup.exe /S

To uninstall the Unity Hub silently, pass the /S command-line switch to the uninstaller:

Open a command prompt.
At the command line, run the following command, in which the /S initiates a silent uninstall:
"C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\Uninstall Unity Hub.exe" /S

Determining whether Unity Hub is installed on Windows
To determine if the Unity Hub is installed, check for the presence of the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Unity Technologies\Hub

If this key is present in the registry, the Unity Hub is installed.
2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review

2D or 3D projects

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Unity is equally suited to creating both 2D and 3D games. When you create a new project in Unity, you have the choice to
start in 2D or 3D mode. You may already know what you want to build, but there are a few subtle points that may a ect
which mode you choose.
The choice between starting in 2D or 3D mode determines some settings for the Unity Editor, such as whether images are
imported as textures or sprites. You can swap between 2D or 3D mode at any time regardless of the mode you set when
you created your project (see 2D and 3D Mode Settings). Here are some guidelines which should help you choose.

Full 3D

Some 3D scenes from Unity’s sample projects on the Asset Store
3D games usually make use of three-dimensional geometry, with Materials and Textures rendered on the surface of
GameObjects to make them appear as solid environments, characters and objects that make up your game world. The
Camera can move in and around the Scene freely, with light and shadows cast around the world in a realistic way. 3D
games usually render the Scene using perspective, so objects appear larger on screen as they get closer to the camera. For
all games that t this description, start in 3D mode.

Orthographic 3D

Some 3D games using an Orthographic view
Sometimes games use 3D geometry, but use an orthographic camera instead of perspective. This is a common technique
used in games which give you a bird’s-eye view of the action, and is sometimes called “2.5D”. If you’re making a game like
this, you should also use the Editor in 3D mode, because even though there is no perspective, you will still be working with
3D models and Assets. You’ll need to switch your Camera and Scene view to Orthographic though.
Scenes above from Synty Studios and BITGEM.

Full 2D

Some examples of typical 2D game types
Many 2D games use at graphics, sometimes called sprites, which have no three-dimensional geometry at all. They are
drawn to the screen as at images, and the game’s camera has no perspective. For this type of game, you should start the
editor in 2D mode.

2D gameplay with 3D graphics

A side scrolling game with 2D gameplay, but 3d graphics
Some 2D games use 3D geometry for the environment and characters, but restrict the gameplay to two dimensions. For
example, the camera may show a side-scrolling view, and the player can only move in two dimensions, but the game itself
still uses 3D models for the obstacles and a 3D perspective for the camera. For these games, the 3D e ect may serve a
stylistic rather than functional purpose. This type of game is also sometimes referred to as “2.5D”. Although the gameplay
is 2D, you are mostly manipulating 3D models to build the game, so you should start the editor in 3D mode.

2D gameplay and graphics, with a perspective camera

A 2D “cardboard theatre” style game, giving a parallax movement e ect
This is another popular style of 2D game, using 2D graphics but with a perspective camera to get a parallax scrolling e ect.
This is a “cardboard theater”-style scene, where all graphics are at, but arranged at di erent distances from the camera.

It’s most likely that 2D mode will suit your development in this case. However, you should change your Camera’s projection
mode to Perspective and the Scene view mode to 3D.
Scene above from One Point Six Studio.

Other styles
You may have plans for a project that ts one of the above descriptions, or you may have something else entirely di erent
or unique in mind. Whatever your plans are, hopefully the above will give you an idea of which mode to start the Editor in.
Remember, you can switch modes at any time later.
See 2D and 3D Mode Settings to learn more about how to change the 2D/3D mode, and nd more detail about how the
modes di er.

Useful 2D project information
Whichever type of project you are working in, there are some useful pages to help you get started. There are also many
speci c pages for 2D features. See the Unity 2D section of the Unity User Manual.

Getting started with Unity
Unity Basics
Creating Scenes
Creating Gameplay

2D Development with Unity
Unity 2D Manual Documentation

Project Templates

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Project Templates provide preselected settings based on common best practices for di erent types of Projects. These
settings are optimized for 2D and 3D Projects across the full range of platforms that Unity supports.
Templates speed up the process of preparing the initial Project, a target game-type or level of visual delity. Using
Templates introduces you to settings that you might not have discovered, and to features such as Scriptable Render
Pipelines, Shader Graph, and Post Processing.
When you create a Project, you select a Template with which to initialize your Project.

Project Templates drop-down selection

Template types

Unity provides the following templates, which you can use to initialize your Project.

Con gures Project settings for 2D apps, including Texture (Image) Import, Sprite Packer, Scene View, Lighting, and
Orthographic Camera.

Con gures Project settings for 3D apps that use Unity’s built-in rendering pipeline.

3D With Extras (Preview)
Con gures Project settings for 3D apps that use Unity’s built-in renderer and post-processing features. This Project type
includes the new post-processing stack, several Presets to jump-start development, and example content.
For more information on post-processing, see documentation on post-processing in the post-processing GitHub repository.

High De nition RP (Preview)
Con gures Project settings for Projects that use high-end platforms that support Shader Model 5.0 (DX11 and above). This
template is built using the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP), a modern rendering pipeline that includes advanced material
types and a con gurable hybrid tile/cluster deferred/forward lighting architecture. This Template also includes the new
post-processing stack, several Presets to jump start development, and example content.
This Template adds the following features to your Project:

SRP - For more information, see documentation on the Scriptable Render Pipeline in the SRP GitHub
Post-Processing stack - The post-processing Stack enables artists and designers to apply full -screen lters to
scenes using an artist-friendly interface. For more information, see documentation on post-processing in
the post-processing GitHub repository.
Note: The High De nition RP is currently in development, so consider it incomplete and subject to change (API, UX, scope).
As such, it is not covered by regular Unity support. Unity is seeking feedback on the feature. To ask questions about the
feature, visit the Unity preview forum.

Lightweight RP (Preview)
Con gures Project settings for Projects where performance is a primary consideration and projects that use a primarily
baked lighting solution. This template is built using the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP), a modern rendering pipeline that
includes advanced material types and a con gurable hybrid tile/cluster deferred/forward lighting architecture. This
Template also includes the new post-processing stack, several Presets to jump start development, and example content.
Using the Lightweight pipeline decreases the draw call count on your project, providing a solution for lower-end hardware.
This Project Template uses the following features:

SRP - For more information, see documentation on the Scriptable Render Pipeline in the SRP GitHub
Shader Graph tool - This tool allows you to create shaders using a visual node editor instead of writing code.
For more information, see documentation on the Shader Graph in the Shader Graph GitHub repository.
Post-processing stack - The post-processing Stack enables artists and designers to apply full -screen lters to
scenes using an artist-friendly interface. For more information, see documentation on post-processing in
the post-processing GitHub repository.
Note: The Lightweight RP is currently in development, so consider it incomplete and subject to change (API, UX, scope). As
such, it is not covered by regular Unity support. Unity is seeking feedback on the feature. To ask questions about the
feature, visit the Unity preview forum.

[XR] VR Lightweight RP (Preview)
Con gures Project settings for Projects where performance is a primary consideration for Virtual Reality (VR) Projects that
use a primarily baked lighting solution. This template is built using the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP), a modern rendering
pipeline that includes advanced material types and a con gurable hybrid tile/cluster deferred/forward lighting architecture.
This Template also includes the new post-processing stack, several Presets to jump start development, and example
To use this Project, you need a device. Ensure that you have the correct SDKs for the device for which you are developing
before you use this Template.
This Project Temple uses the following features:

VR - Unity VR lets you target virtual reality devices directly from Unity, without any external plug-ins in
projects. For more information, see VR overview.
SRP - For more information, see documentation on the Scriptable Render Pipeline in the SRP GitHub
Shader Graph tool - This tool allows you to create shaders using a visual node editor instead of writing code.
For more information on the shader graph tool, see documentation on the Shader Graph in the Shader
Graph GitHub repository.
Post-processing stack - The post-processing Stack enables artists and designers to apply full -screen lters to
scenes using an artist-friendly interface. For more information, see documentation on post-processing in
the post-processing GitHub repository.
Note: The Lightweight RP is currently in development, so consider it incomplete and subject to change (API, UX, scope). As
such, it is not covered by regular Unity support. Unity is seeking feedback on the feature. To ask questions about the
feature, visit the Unity preview forum.
2018–05–22 Page published with editorial review
Added Project Templates in 2018.1
New Project Templates added in 2018.2

Starting Unity for the rst time

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There are two ways to create a new Project:

Using the Unity Hub - The Unity Hub is a standalone application that streamlines the way you nd,
download, and manage your Unity projects and installations. For information on installing the Unity Hub,
see Installing Unity using the Hub.
Using the Unity Launcher - For more information on installing the Unity Editor with the Unity Launcher
download assistant, see Installing Unity using the download assistant.

Creating a Project using the Hub

To create a new Project (and specify which Editor version to open it in), click New.

Create a Project in the Hub
Project Sets the name of your Project. This names the main Project folder, which stores the Assets,
Scenes, and other les related to your Project.

Select the Editor version you want to use to create the Project. Note: The drop-down menu is
only available if you have installed multiple versions of the Editor in the Hub.
Use this to de ne where in your computer’s le system to store your Project. The location of
your Project defaults to the home folder on your computer. To change it, type the le path to
your preferred storage location into the Location eld. Alternatively, click the ellipsis icon in the
Location eld. This opens your computer’s le browser (Explorer, Finder or Files, depending on
your computer’s operating system). In your le browser, navigate to the folder that you want to
store your Project in, and click Select Folder or Open.
Choose a Project Template. Project Templates provide pre-selected settings based on common
Template best practices for Projects. These settings are optimized for 2D and 3D Projects across the full
range of platforms that Unity supports. The default Template type is 3D.


Use this to add pre-made content to your Project. The Asset Packages provided with Unity
include pre-made models, particle e ects, and example scripts, along with other useful tools
and content. To import Unity-provided Asset Packages into your Project, click the Add Asset
Package button, then tick the checkbox to the left of each Asset Package you want to import,
and click Done. Unity automatically imports the selected Assets when your Project is created.
The Add Asset Package screen also contains any Assets you have downloaded from the Unity
Asset Store. You can also add Asset Packages later, once you’ve created your project. To do this
in the Unity Editor, go to Assets > Import Package, and select the package you want to import.
Select whether to enable Unity Analytics. Unity Analytics is a data platform that provides
analytics for your Unity game. Using Analytics, you can nd out who the players are in your
Analytics game and their in-game behavior. Unity Analytics are enabled by default.

Creating a Project using the Unity Launcher

To use the Unity Editor you must have a Unity Developer Network (UDN) account. If you already have an account, sign in
and proceed to the The Projects tab section.
If you do not have an account, follow the prompts to create one. For more information on accounts and subscriptions,
see Unity Organizations.
When you launch the Unity Editor, the Unity launcher Home Screen appears.
There are two tabs: The Projects tab and the Learn tab.
The Projects tab is where you can create new Projects or open existing Projects.
From the Learn tab, you can access tutorials and learning resources to help you get started with Unity. If you are new to
using Unity, you can work through the Unity Learn tutorials before starting a new project.

The Projects tab
On the Home Screen, click Projects to view the contents of the Projects tab.

The Project tab in the Home Screen
Unity stores Projects in two locations:

On Disk: To open an existing Unity Project stored on your computer, click the Project name in the
Projects tab, or click Open to browse your computer for the Project folder.
In the Cloud: To access Unity Collaborate Projects, click In the Cloud, then select the Project you want to
load. The Hub prompts you to choose a storage location for the Project on your computer.

Creating a Project

In the top right corner of the Home Window, click New to open the Create Project View.
From the Create Project View, there are Project settings to complete before Unity creates your project. These are
described in detail below.

The Home Screen’s Create Project window
Project Sets the name of your Project. This names the main Project folder which stores the Assets,
Scenes, and other les related to your Project.
Use this to de ne where in your computer’s le system to store your Project. The location of
your Project defaults to the home folder on your computer. To change it, type the le path to
your prefered storage location into the Location eld. Alternatively, click the ellipsis icon in the
Location eld. This opens your computer’s le browser (Explorer, Finder or Files, depending on
your computer’s operating system). In your le browser, navigate to the folder that you want to
store your Project in, and click Select Folder or Open.
Choose a Project Template. Project Templates provide pre-selected settings based on common
Template best practices for Projects. These settings are optimized for 2D and 3D Projects across the full
range of platforms that Unity supports. The default Template type is 3D.
Use this to add pre-made content to your Project. The Asset Packages provided with Unity
include pre-made models, particle e ects, and example scripts, along with other useful tools
and content.To import Unity-provided Asset Packages into your Project, click the Add Asset
Package button, then tick the checkbox to the left of each Asset Package you want to import,
and click Done. Unity automatically imports the selected Assets when your Project is created.
The Add Asset Package screen also contains any Assets you have downloaded from the Unity
Asset Store.You can also add Asset Packages later, once you’ve created your project. To do this
in the Unity Editor, go to Assets > Import Package, and select the package you want to import.
Select whether to enable Unity Analytics. Unity Analytics is a data platform that provides
analytics for your Unity game. Using Analytics, you can nd out who the players are in your
Analytics game and their in-game behavior. Unity Analytics are enabled by default.
When you are done, click the Create Project button. Unity automatically generates the required les, creates your
Project and opens the Project.

2018–06–12 Page published with editorial review

The Learn tab

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The Learn tab in the Home window gives you access to a variety of tutorials and learning resources (including
example Projects that you can import directly into Unity) to help you get started with Unity.
The Learn tab is visible in the Home window after Unity is opened. The Home window can also be accessed from
within the Editor by navigating to File > New Project.
The Learn tab is split into four sections:

Basic Tutorials
Tutorial Projects

Basic Tutorials

The Home window with the Learn tab selected
The Basic Tutorials section contains interactive in-Editor tutorials. These tutorials take you through the very
basics of interacting with Unity’s interface and main development tools. To download each tutorial, click
Download, then when the download is complete, click Launch.

Tutorial Projects

The Tutorial Projects section of the Learn tab
The Tutorial Projects section contains a list of tutorial Projects that you can import into Unity.
Each tutorial includes a full example Project, along with written and video guides, and all the resources you need
to complete the Project yourself.
To download and import a tutorial Project into Unity, click the Download button to the right of the relevant
Project. Unity then downloads all of the required Assets for the tutorial Project you have selected. When the
download has nished, click the Start button to automatically create and open a new Project that contains all of
the resources you need to follow the tutorial.
To access the video guides and full tutorials, click the Read More button to the right of the Project you want to
know more about.
You can also follow a video tutorial for your chosen Project on the Unity Learn website.


The Resources section of the Learn tab
The Resources section contains links to Asset Packages that can be imported into your Project. Asset Packages
contain resources such as 3D models, Particle e ects, and pre-made scripts that you can use to quickly build
To download an Asset Package from the Learn tab, click the Download button to the right of the Asset Package
you want to download. Unity then automatically downloads all of the Assets included in your chosen Asset
To use these Assets in a Project, click the Launch button. Unity then automatically creates and opens a Project
containing the downloaded Assets.
When downloading tutorials or resources, you can click the X button to the right of the progress bar to cancel the


The Links section of the Learn tab
The Links section contains links to Unity Learn guides and tutorials, along with a link to the Unity Community
Click the Read More button to the right of the link description to open it in a new internet browser window.
2017–05–08 Page amended with limited editorial review
In-Editor Tutorials added in 2017.2

Opening existing Projects

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This page details how to open an existing Project from both the Hub and the Unity Launcher.

Opening a Project from the Hub
You have several options when opening an existing Project from the Hub. You can:

Click on the Project to open it using the assigned Editor version and the target platform.
Use the Advanced Open dialog to select a di erent Editor version or to specify a di erent target
platform. To use Advanced Open, click the three dots to the right of the Project name and select
the version you want to use.

The Hub also provides you with the means to open a Project with any installed version of the Editor. When you
click Open to work with an existing Project, the Unity Hub attempts to open the Project with the corresponding
Editor version for the Project. If the Hub can’t nd a matching Editor version for the Project, it displays a warning
message and gives you the option to download the selected version, or open the Project with your preferred

Opening a Project from the Launcher
The Home Screen’s Project tab lists any Project you have previously opened on this computer. Click on a Project
in the list to open it.

A Project listed in the Projects tab
If the Editor is newly installed, or you haven’t yet opened the Project you need in this installation of Unity, click
Open to open your le browser and locate the Project folder. Note that a Unity Project is a collection of les and
directories, rather than just one speci c Unity Project le. To open a Project, you must select the main Project
folder, rather than a speci c le.
To view the Home Screen’s Projects tab from inside the Unity Editor, go to File > Open Project.
2018–06–12 Page published with editorial review

Learning the interface

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Take your time to look over the editor interface and familiarize yourself with it. The main editor window is made up of
tabbed windows which can be rearranged, grouped, detached and docked.
This means the look of the editor can be di erent from one project to the next, and one developer to the next, depending
on personal preference and what type of work you are doing.
The default arrangement of windows gives you practical access to the the most common windows. If you are not yet
familiar with the di erent windows in Unity, you can identify them by the name in the tab. The most common and useful
windows are shown in their default positions, below:

The Project Window

The Project Window displays your library of assets that are available to use in your project. When you import assets into
your project, they appear here. Find out more about the Project Window.

The Scene View

The Scene View allows you to visually navigate and edit your scene. The scene view can show a 3D or 2D perspective,
depending on the type of project you are working on. Find out more about the Scene View and the Game View.

The Hierarchy Window

The Hierarchy Window is a hierarchical text representation of every object in the scene. Each item in the scene has an
entry in the hierarchy, so the two windows are inherently linked. The hierarchy reveals the structure of how objects are
attached to one another. Find out more about the Hierarchy Window.

The Inspector Window

The Inspector Window allows you to view and edit all the properties of the currently selected object. Because di erent
types of objects have di erent sets of properties, the layout and contents of the inspector window will vary. Find out more
about the Inspector Window.

The Toolbar

The Toolbar provides access to the most essential working features. On the left it contains the basic tools for manipulating
the scene view and the objects within it. In the centre are the play, pause and step controls. The buttons to the right give
you access to your Unity Cloud Services and your Unity Account, followed by a layer visibility menu, and nally the editor
layout menu (which provides some alternate layouts for the editor windows, and allows you to save your own custom
The toolbar is not a window, and is the only part of the Unity interface that you can’t rearrange.
Find out more about the Toolbar.

Asset Work ow

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These steps will give you a general overview of the basic principles of working with assets in Unity.
An asset is representation of any item that can be used in your game or project. An asset may come from a le created
outside of Unity, such as a 3D model, an audio le, an image, or any of the other types of le that Unity supports. There are
also some asset types that can be created within Unity, such as an Animator Controller, an Audio Mixer or a
Render Texture.

Some of the asset types that can be imported into Unity

Common types of Assets

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Image les

Unity supports most common image le types, such as BMP, TIF, TGA, JPG, and PSD. If you save your layered Photoshop (.psd) les into your
Assets folder, Unity imports them as attened images. You can nd out more about importing images with alpha channels from photoshop,
or importing your images as sprites

FBX and Model les
Since Unity supports the FBX le format, you can import data from any 3D modeling software that supports FBX. Unity also natively supports
importing SketchUp les. For information on how to get the best results when exporting your FBX les from your 3D modeling software, see
Optimizing FBX les.
Note: You can also save your 3D les from most common 3D modeling software in their native format (for example, .max, .blend, .mb, .ma).
When Unity nds them in your Assets folder, it imports them by calling back to your 3D modeling software’s FBX export plug-in. However, it is
recommended to export them as FBX

Meshes and animations
Whichever 3D modeling software you are using, Unity imports the Meshes and animations from each le. For a list of 3D modeling software
that Unity supports, see Model le formats.
Your Mesh le does not need to have an animation to be imported. If you do use animations, you can import all animations from a single le,
or import separate les, each with a single animation. For more information about importing animations, see Model import work ows.

Audio les
If you save uncompressed audio les into your Assets folder, Unity imports them according to the compression settings speci ed. Read more
about importing audio les.

Other Asset types
In all cases, your original source le is never modi ed by Unity, even though within Unity you can often choose between various ways to
compress, modify, or otherwise process the Asset. The import process reads your source le, and creates a game-ready representation of
your Asset internally, matching your chosen import settings. If you modify the import settings for an Asset, or make a change to the source
le in the Asset folder, that causes Unity to re-import the Asset again to re ect your changes.
Note: Importing native 3D formats requires that the 3D modeling software be installed on the same computer as Unity. This is because Unity uses the
3D modeling software’s FBX Exporter plug-in to read the le. Alternatively, you can directly export as FBX from your application and save into the
Projects folder.

Standard Assets
Unity ships with multiple Standard Assets. These are collections of Assets that are widely used by most Unity customers. These include: 2D,
Cameras, Characters, CrossPlatformInput, E ects, Environment, ParticleSystems, Prototyping, Utility, Vehicles.
Unity transfers Standard Assets in and out of Projects using Asset packages.
Note: If you chose not to install Standard Assets when you installed Unity, you can download them from the Asset Store.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Primitive and placeholder objects

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Unity can work with 3D models of any shape that can be created with modeling software. However, there are also a
number of primitive object types that can be created directly within Unity, namely the Cube, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder,
Plane and Quad. These objects are often useful in their own right (a plane is commonly used as a at ground surface, for
example) but they also o er a quick way to create placeholders and prototypes for testing purposes. Any of the primitives
can be added to the scene using the appropriate item on the GameObject > 3D Object menu.


This is a simple cube with sides one unit long, textured so that the image is repeated on each of the six faces. As it stands, a
cube isn’t really a very common object in most games but when scaled, it is very useful for walls, posts, boxes, steps and
other similar items. It is also a handy placeholder object for programmers to use during development when a nished
model is not yet available. For example, a car body can be crudely modelled using an elongated box of roughly the right
dimensions. Although this is not suitable for the nished game, it is ne as a simple representative object for testing the
car’s control code. Since a cube’s edges are one unit in length, you can check the proportions of a mesh imported into the
scene by adding a cube close by and comparing the sizes.


This is a sphere of unit diameter (ie, 0.5 unit radius), textured so that the entire image wraps around once with the top and
bottom “pinched” at the poles. Spheres are obviously useful for representing balls, planets and projectiles but a semitransparent sphere can also make a nice GUI device for representing the radius of an e ect.


A capsule is a cylinder with hemispherical caps at the ends. The object is one unit in diameter and two units high (the body
is one unit and the two caps are half a unit each). It is textured so that the image wraps around exactly once, pinched at
each hemisphere’s apex. While there aren’t many real world objects with this shape, the capsule is a useful placeholder for
prototyping. In particular, the physics of a rounded object are sometimes better than those of a box for certain tasks.


This is a simple cylinder which is two units high and one unit in diameter, textured so that the image wraps once around the
tube shape of the body but also appears separately in the two at, circular ends. Cylinders are very handy for creating
posts, rods and wheels but you should note that the shape of the collider is actually a capsule (there is no primitive
cylinder collider in Unity). You should create a mesh of the appropriate shape in a modeling program and attach a
mesh collider if you need an accurate cylindrical collider for physics purposes.


This is a at square with edges ten units long oriented in the XZ plane of the local coordinate space. It is textured so that the
whole image appears exactly once within the square. A plane is useful for most kinds of at surface, such as oors and
walls. A surface is also needed sometimes for showing images or movies in GUI and special e ects. Although a plane can be
used for things like this, the simpler quad primitive is often a more natural t to the task.


The quad primitive resembles the plane but its edges are only one unit long and the surface is oriented in the XY plane of
the local coordinate space. Also, a quad is divided into just two triangles whereas the plane contains two hundred. A quad is
useful in cases where a scene object must be used simply as a display screen for an image or movie. Simple GUI and
information displays can be implemented with quads, as can particles, sprites and “impostor” images that substitute for
solid objects viewed at a distance.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Asset packages

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Unity uses two types of packages:

Asset packages , available on the Unity Asset Store, which allow you to share and re-use Unity Projects and
collections of Assets.
Unity packages, available through the Package Manager window. You can import a wide range of Assets, including
plug-ins directly into Unity with this type of package.
This section provides information about using Asset packages in Unity.

Asset packages
Unity Standard Assets and items on the Unity Asset Store are supplied in packages, which are collections of les and data from Unity
Projects, or elements of Projects, which are compressed and stored in one le, similar to zip les. Like zip les, a package maintains its
original directory structure when it is unpacked, as well as meta-data about Assets (such as import settings and links to other Assets).
In Unity, the menu option Export Package compresses and stores the collection, while Import Package unpacks the collection into
your currently open Unity Project.
This page contains information on:

Importing packages (both Standard Asset packages and custom packages)
Exporting packages (both new and updated)

Importing Asset packages
You can import Standard Asset Packages, which are Asset collections pre-made and supplied with Unity, and Custom Packages,
which are made by people using Unity.
Choose Assets > Import Package to import both types of Asset packages.

Fig 1: Asset > Import Package menu

Importing Standard Assets
Unity ‘Standard Assets’ consist of several di erent packages: 2D, Cameras, Characters, CrossPlatformInput, E ects, Environment,
ParticleSystems, Prototyping, Utility, Vehicles.
To import a new Standard Asset package:
Open the Project you want to import Assets into.
Choose Assets > Import Package and then select the name of the package you want to import from the list. The Import Unity
Package dialog box appears with all the items in the package pre-checked, ready to install. (See Fig 2: New install Import Unity Package

Dialog Box.)
Select Import and Unity puts the contents of the package into a Standard Asset folder, which you can access from your Project View.

Fig 2: New install Import Unity Package dialog box

Importing custom Asset packages

You can import custom packages which have been exported from your own Projects or from Projects made by other Unity users.
To import a new custom package:
Open the Project you want to import Assets into.
Choose Assets > Import Package > Custom Package… to bring up up File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).
Select the package you want from Explorer or Finder, and the Import Unity Package dialog box displays, with all the items in the
package pre-checked, ready to install. (See Fig 4: New install Import Unity Package dialog box.)
Select Import and Unity puts the contents of the package into the Assets folder, which you can access from your Project View.

Fig 3: New install Import Unity Package dialog box

Upgrading Standard Assets

Standard Assets do not upgrade automatically when you upgrade the Editor.
When you create a new Project in Unity, you can choose to include Standard Assets collections in your Project. Unity copies the Assets
you choose to include from the Unity install folder into your new Project folder. This means that if you upgrade your Unity Editor to a
newer version, the Standard Assets you have already imported into your Project do not upgrade: you have to manually upgrade
Hint: A newer version of a Standard Asset might behave di erently in your existing installation (for performance or quality reasons,
for example). A newer version might make your Project look or behave di erently and you may need to re-tweak its parameters. Check
the package contents and Unity’s release notes before you decide to re-install.

Exporting packages
Use Export Package to create your own Custom Package.
Open the Project you want to export Assets from.
Choose Assets > Export Package… from the menu to bring up the Exporting Package dialog box. (See Fig 4: Exporting Package dialog
In the dialog box, select the Assets you want to include in the package by clicking on the boxes so they are checked.
Leave the include dependencies box checked to auto-select any Assets used by the ones you have selected.
Click on Export to bring up File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) and choose where you want to store your package le.
Name and save the package anywhere you like.
Hint: When exporting a package Unity can export all dependencies as well. So, for example, if you select a Scene and export a package
with all dependencies, then all models, Textures and other Assets that appear in the scene will be exported as well. This can be a quick
way of exporting a bunch of Assets without manually locating them all.

Fig 4: Exporting Package dialog box

Updating packages

Sometimes you may want to change the contents of a package and create a newer, updated version of your Asset package. To do this:
Select the Asset les you want in your package (select both the unchanged ones and the new ones).
Export the les as described above in Export Package , above.
Note: You can re-name an updated package and Unity will recognise it as an update, so you can use incremental naming, for example:
MyAssetPackageVer1, MyAssetPackageVer2.
Hint: It is not good practice to remove les from packages and then replace them with the same name: Unity will recognize them as
di erent and possibly con icting les and so display a warning symbol when they are imported. If you have removed a le and then
decide to replace it, it is better to give it a di erent but related name to the original.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Using the Asset Store

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The Unity Asset Store is home to a growing library of free and commercial Assets created both by Unity
Technologies and also members of the community. A wide variety of Assets is available, covering everything from
Textures, Models and animations to whole Project examples, tutorials and Editor extensions. You can access the
Assets from a simple interface built into the Unity Editor which allows you to download and import Assets directly
into your Project.
Unity users can become publishers on Asset Store, and sell the content they have created. To nd out more, see
Asset Store information on Asset Store Publishing.

Asset Store access and navigation
To open the Asset Store window, select Window > General > Asset Store from the main menu in Unity. During
your rst visit, you can create a free user account which allows you to log into the Store on future visits and keep
track of previous purchases and downloads.

The Asset Store front page.

The Store provides a browser-like interface which allows you to navigate either by free text search or by browsing
packages and categories. Standard navigation buttons appear to the left of the main toolbar which you can use to
navigate through your browsing history:

The Download Manager and Shopping Cart buttons appear to the right of the navigation buttons which allow you
to open the Download Manager or view the current contents of your shopping cart:

The Download Manager allows you to view the packages you have already bought as well as nd and install any
updates. You can also use it to view the Standard Asset packages supplied with Unity and add them to your

The Download Manager

Location of downloaded Asset les
You rarely need to access the les downloaded from the Asset Store directly. However, if you do need to, you can
nd them in the following paths:

macOS: ~/Library/Unity/Asset Store
Windows: C:\Users\accountName\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store
These folders contain subfolders that correspond to particular Asset Store vendors. The actual Asset les are
contained inside the subfolders using a structure de ned by the package publisher.

2018–05–11 Page amended with limited editorial review
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
2018–01–31 Page amended with limited editorial review

The Main Windows

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This section provides a detailed tour of the most common editor windows, and how to make full use of them.

The Project Window
The Scene View
The Hierarchy Window
The Inspector Window
The Toolbar
The Game View
See the Knowledge Base Editor section for troubleshooting, tips and tricks.

The Project Window

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In this view, you can access and manage the assets that belong to your project.

The left panel of the browser shows the folder structure of the project as a hierarchical list. When a folder is
selected from the list by clicking, its contents will be shown in the panel to the right. You can click the small triangle
to expand or collapse the folder, displaying any nested folders it contains. Hold down Alt while you click to expand
or collapse any nested folders recursively.
The individual assets are shown in the right hand panel as icons that indicate their type (script, material, sub-folder,
etc). The icons can be resized using the slider at the bottom of the panel; they will be replaced by a hierarchical list
view if the slider is moved to the extreme left. The space to the left of the slider shows the currently selected item,
including a full path to the item if a search is being performed.
Above the project structure list is a Favorites section where you can keep frequently-used items for easy access.
You can drag items from the project structure list to the Favourites and also save search queries there (see
Searching below).

Just above the panel is a “breadcrumb trail” that shows the path to the folder currently being viewed. The separate
elements of the trail can be clicked for easy navigation around the folder hierarchy. When searching, this bar
changes to show the area being searched (the root Assets folder, the selected folder or the Asset Store) along with
a count of free and paid assets available in the store, separated by a slash. There is an option in the General section
of Unity’s Preferences window to disable the display of Asset Store hit counts if they are not required.

The ‘breadcrumb trail’ shows the path to the folder you are currently viewing
Along the top edge of the window is the browser’s toolbar.

Located at the left side of the toolbar, the Create menu lets you add new assets and sub-folders to the current
folder. To its right are a set of tools to allow you to search the assets in your project.
The Window menu provides the option of switching to a one-column version of the project view, essentially just
the hierarchical structure list without the icon view. The lock icon next to the menu enables you to “freeze” the
current contents of the view (ie, stop them being changed by events elsewhere) in a similar manner to the
inspector lock.

In the top right corner, select the dropdown menu to change the view layout, and click on the lock
icon to freeze the view


The browser has a powerful search facility that is especially useful for locating assets in large or unfamiliar
projects. The basic search will lter assets according to the text typed in the search box

If you type more than one search term then the search is narrowed, so if you type coastal scene it will only nd
assets with both “coastal” and “scene” in the name (ie, terms are ANDed together).
To the right of the search bar are three buttons. The rst allows you to further lter the assets found by the search
according to their type.

Continuing to the right, the next button lters assets according to their Label (labels can be set for an asset in the
Inspector). Since the number of labels can potentially be very large, the label menu has its own mini-search lter

Note that the lters work by adding an extra term in the search text. A term beginning with “t:” lters by the
speci ed asset type, while “l:” lters by label. You can type these terms directly into the search box rather than use
the menu if you know what you are looking for. You can search for more than one type or label at once. Adding
several types will expand the search to include all speci ed types (ie, types will be ORed together). Adding multiple
labels will narrow the search to items that have all the speci ed labels (ie, labels are ANDed).

The rightmost button saves the search by adding an item to the Favourites section of the asset list.

Searching the Asset Store

The Project Browser’s search can also be applied to assets available from the Unity Asset Store. If you choose
Asset Store from the menu in the breadcrumb bar, all free and paid items from the store that match your query
will be displayed. Searching by type and label works the same as for a Unity project. The search query words will be
checked against the asset name rst and then the package name, package label and package description in that
order (so an item whose name contains the search terms will be ranked higher than one with the same terms in its
package description).

If you select an item from the list, its details will be displayed in the inspector along with the option to purchase
and/or download it. Some asset types have previews available in this section so you can, for example, rotate a 3D
model before buying. The inspector also gives the option of viewing the asset in the usual Asset Store window to
see additional details.

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when the browser view has focus. Note that some of them only
work when the view is using the two-column layout (you can switch between the one- and two-column layouts
using the panel menu in the very top right corner).

Frame selected (ie, show the selected asset in its containing folder)
Shift focus between rst column and second column (Two columns)
Ctrl/Cmd + F Focus search eld
Ctrl/Cmd + A Select all visible items in list
Ctrl/Cmd + D Duplicate selected assets
Delete with dialog (Win)
Delete + Shift Delete without dialog (Win)
Delete + Cmd Delete without dialog (OSX)
Begin rename selected (OSX)
Cmd + down
Open selected assets (OSX)
Cmd + up
Jump to parent folder (OSX, Two columns)
Begin rename selected (Win)
Open selected assets (Win)

Right arrow
Left arrow
Alt + right
Alt + left

Jump to parent folder (Win, Two columns)
Expand selected item (tree views and search results). If the item is already expanded,
this will select its rst child item.
Collapse selected item (tree views and search results). If the item is already collapsed,
this will select its parent item.
Expand item when showing assets as previews
Collapse item when showing assets as previews

The Scene View

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The Scene View is your interactive view into the world you are creating. You will use the Scene View to select and
position scenery, characters, cameras, lights, and all other types of Game Object. Being able to Select, manipulate
and modify objects in the Scene View are some of the rst skills you must learn to begin working in Unity.

Scene View navigation

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The Scene View has a set of navigation controls to help you move around quickly and e ciently.

Scene Gizmo
The Scene Gizmo is in the upper-right corner of the Scene View. This displays the Scene View Camera’s current orientation,
and allows you to quickly modify the viewing angle and projection mode.

The Scene Gizmo has a conical arm on each side of the cube. The arms at the forefront are labelled X, Y and Z. Click on any
of the conical axis arms to snap the Scene View Camera to the axis it represents (for example: top view, left view and front
view). You can also right-click the cube to bring up a menu with a list of viewing angles. To return to the default viewing
angle, right-click the Scene Gizmo and click Free.
You can also toggle Perspective on and o . This changes the projection mode of the Scene View between Perspective and
Orthographic (sometimes called ‘isometric’). To do this, click the cube in the centre of the Scene Gizmo, or the text below it.
Orthographic view has no perspective, and is useful in combination with clicking one of the conical axis arms to get a front,
top or side elevation.

A Scene shown in Perspective mode (left) and Orthographic mode (right)

The same Scene viewed in top and front view, in orthographic mode
(Scene above from BITGEM)

If your Scene View is in an awkward viewpoint (upside-down, or just an angle you nd confusing), Shift-click the cube at the
centre of the Scene Gizmo to get back to a Perspective view with an angle that is looking at the Scene from the side and
slightly from above.
Click on the padlock on the top right of the Scene Gizmo to enable or disable rotation of the Scene. Once Scene rotation is
disabled, right-clicking the mouse pans the view instead of rotating it. This is the same as the Hand tool (see Hand tool ,
Note that in 2D Mode the Scene Gizmo is not displayed, because the only option is to have the view looking perpendicularly
at the XY plane.

Scene Gizmo: Mac trackpad gestures
On a Mac with a trackpad, you can drag with two ngers to zoom the view.
You can also use three ngers to simulate the e ect of clicking the arms of the Scene Gizmo: drag up, left, right or down to
snap the Scene View Camera to the corresponding direction. In OS X 10.7 “Lion” you may have to change your trackpad
settings in order to enable this feature:

Open System Preferences and then Trackpad (or type trackpad into Spotlight).
Click into the “More Gestures” option.
Click the rst option labelled “Swipe between pages” and then either set it to “Swipe left or right with three
ngers” or “Swipe with two or three ngers”.

Moving, orbiting and zooming in the Scene View

Moving, orbiting and zooming are key operations in Scene View navigation. Unity provides several ways to perform them for
maximum accessibility:

Arrow movement
You can use the Arrow Keys to move around the Scene as though “walking” through it. The up and down arrows move the
Camera forward and backward in the direction it is facing. The left and right arrows pan the view sideways. Hold down the
Shift key with an arrow to move faster.

The Hand tool
When the Hand tool is selected (shortcut: Q), the following mouse controls are available:
Move: Click-drag to drag the Camera around.
Orbit: Hold Alt, and left-click and drag to orbit the Camera around the current pivot point. This
option is not available in 2D mode, because the view is orthographic.
Zoom: Hold Alt, and right-click and drag to zoom the Scene View. On Mac you can also hold
Control, and left-click and drag instead.
Hold down Shift to increase the rate of movement and zooming.

Flythrough mode
Use Flythrough mode to navigate the Scene View by ying around in rst-person, similar to how you would navigate in
many games.

Click and hold the right mouse button.

Move the view around using the mouse, the WASD keys to move left/right/forward/backward, and the Q and
E keys to move up and down.
Hold down Shift to move faster.
Flythrough mode is designed for Perspective Mode. In Orthographic Mode, holding down the right mouse button and
moving the mouse orbits the Camera instead.
Note that Flythrough mode is not available in 2D mode. Instead, holding the right mouse button down while moving the
mouse pans around the Scene View.

Movement shortcuts
For extra e ciency, all of these controls can also be used regardless of which transform tool is selected. The most
convenient controls depend on which mouse or track-pad you are using:


3-button mouse


Hold Alt+middle mouse
button, then drag

Orbit (Not
Hold Alt+left-click, then
available in 2D
Use the scroll wheel, or
hold Alt+right-click, then

2-button mouse Mac with only one mouse button or trackor track-pad
Alt+Control+left- Hold Alt+Command+left-click, then drag
click, then drag
Hold Alt+left-click,
Hold Alt+left-click, then drag
then drag
Hold Alt+rightclick, then drag

Centering the view on a GameObject

Use the two- nger swipe method to scroll in
and out, or hold Alt-Control+left-click, then

To center the Scene View on a GameObject, select the GameObject in the Hierarchy, then move the mouse over the Scene
View and press F. This feature can also be found in the menu bar under Edit > Frame Selected. To lock the view to the
GameObject even when the GameObject is moving, press Shift+F. This feature can also be found in the menu bar under
Edit > Lock View to Selected.

Positioning GameObjects

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To select a GameObject, click on it in the Scene view or click its name in the Hierarchy window. To select or de-select multiple
GameObjects, hold the Shift key while clicking, or drag a rectangle around multiple GameObjects to select them.
Selected GameObjects are highlighted in the Scene view. By default, this highlight is an orange outline around the GameObject; to
change the highlight color and style, go to Unity > Preferences > Color and edit the Selected Wireframe and Selected Outline
colours. See documentation on the Gizmo Menu for more information about the outline and wireframe selection visualizations.
The selected GameObjects also display a Gizmo in the Scene view if you have one of the four Transform tools selected:

Move, Rotate, Scale, and RectTransform

The rst tool in the toolbar, the Hand Tool, is for panning around the Scene. The Move, Rotate, Scale, Rect Transform and
Transform tools allow you to edit individual GameObjects. To alter the Transform component of the GameObject, use the mouse
to manipulate any Gizmo axis, or type values directly into the number elds of the Transform component in the Inspector.
Alternatively, you can select each of the four Transform modes with a hotkey: W for Move, E for Rotate, R for Scale, T for
RectTransform, and Y for Transform.

The Move, Scale, Rotate, Rect Transform and Transform Gizmos


At the center of the Move Gizmo, there are three small squares you can use to drag the GameObject within a single plane
(meaning you can move two axes at once while the third keeps still).
If you hold shift while clicking and dragging in the center of the Move Gizmo, the center of the Gizmo changes to a at square. The
at square indicates that you can move the GameObject around on a plane relative to the direction the Scene view Camera is

With the Rotate tool selected, change the GameObject’s rotation by clicking and dragging the axes of the wireframe sphere Gizmo
that appears around it. As with the Move Gizmo, the last axis you changed will be colored yellow. Think of the red, green and blue
circles as performing rotation around the red, green and blue axes that appear in the Move mode (red is the x-axis, green in the yaxis, and blue is the z-axis). Finally, use the outermost circle to rotate the GameObject around the Scene view z-axis. Think of this
as rotating in screen space.

The Scale tool lets you rescale the GameObject evenly on all axes at once by clicking and dragging on the cube at the center of the
Gizmo. You can also scale the axes individually, but you should take care if you do this when there are child GameObjects, because
the e ect can look quite strange.


The RectTransform is commonly used for positioning 2D elements such as Sprites or UI elements, but it can also be useful for
manipulating 3D GameObjects. It combines moving, scaling and rotation into a single Gizmo:

Click and drag within the rectangular Gizmo to move the GameObject.
Click and drag any corner or edge of the rectangular Gizmo to scale the GameObject.
Drag an edge to scale the GameObject along one axis.
Drag a corner to scale the GameObject on two axes.
To rotate the GameObject, position your cursor just beyond a corner of the rectangle. The cursor changes to
display a rotation icon. Click and drag from this area to rotate the GameObject.
Note that in 2D mode, you can’t change the z-axis in the Scene using the Gizmos. However, it is useful for certain scripting
techniques to use the z-axis for other purposes, so you can still set the z-axis using the Transform component in the Inspector.
For more information on transforming GameObjects, see documentation on the Transform Component.

The Transform tool combines the Move, Rotate and Scale tools. Its Gizmo provides handles for movement and rotation. When
the Tool Handle Rotation is set to Local (see below), the Transform tool also provides handles for scaling the selected

Gizmo handle position toggles

The Gizmo handle position toggles are used to de ne the location of any Transform tool Gizmo, and the handles use to
manipulate the Gizmo itself.

Gizmo display toggles

For position

Click the Pivot/Center button on the left to toggle between Pivot and Center.

Pivot positions the Gizmo at the actual pivot point of a Mesh.
Center positions the Gizmo at the center of the GameObject’s rendered bounds.

For rotation

Click the Local/Global button on the right to toggle between Local and Global.

Local keeps the Gizmo’s rotation relative to the GameObject’s.
Global clamps the Gizmo to world space orientation.

Unit snapping

While dragging any Gizmo Axis using the Move tool or the Transform tool, hold the Control key (Command on Mac) to snap to
increments de ned in the Snap Settings (menu: Edit > Snap Settings…)

Surface snapping

While dragging in the center using the Move tool or the Transform tool, hold Shift and Control (Command on Mac) to quickly
snap the GameObject to the intersection of any Collider.

Look-at rotation
While using the Rotate tool or the Transform tool, hold Shift and Control (Command on Mac) to rotate the GameObject towards
a point on the surface of any Collider.

Vertex snapping
Use vertex snapping to quickly assemble your Scenes: take any vertex from a given Mesh and place that vertex in the same
position as any vertex from any other Mesh you choose. For example, use vertex snapping to align road sections precisely in a
racing game, or to position power-up items at the vertices of a Mesh.
Follow the steps below to use vertex snapping:
Select the Mesh you want to manipulate and make sure the Move tool or the Transform tool is active.
Press and hold the V key to activate the vertex snapping mode.
Move your cursor over the vertex on your Mesh that you want to use as the pivot point.
Hold down the left mouse button once your cursor is over the vertex you want and drag your Mesh next to any other vertex on
another Mesh.
Release the mouse button and the V key when you are happy with the results (Shift+V acts as a toggle of this functionality).
Note: You can snap vertex to vertex, vertex to surface, and pivot to vertex.

Screen Space Transform
While using the Transform tool, hold down the Shift key to enable Screen Space mode. This mode allows you to move, rotate and
scale GameObjects as they appear on the screen, rather than in the Scene.
Transform tool added in 2017.3
2017–05–18 Page amended with editorial review

Scene view Control Bar

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The Scene view control bar lets you choose various options for viewing the Scene and also control whether lighting and audio are
enabled. These controls only a ect the Scene view during development and have no e ect on the built game.

Draw mode menu
The rst drop-down menu selects which Draw Mode will be used to depict the Scene. The available options are:

Shading mode
Shaded: show surfaces with their textures visible.
Wireframe: draw meshes with a wireframe representation.
Shaded Wireframe: show meshes textured and with wireframes overlaid.


Shadow Cascades: show directional light shadow cascades.
Render Paths: show the rendering path for each object using a color code: Blue indicates deferred shading, Green
indicates deferred lighting, yellow indicates forward rendering and red indicates vertex lit.
Alpha Channel: render colors with alpha.
Overdraw: render objects as transparent “silhouettes”. The transparent colors accumulate, making it easy to spot
places where one object is drawn over another.
Mipmaps: show ideal texture sizes using a color code: red indicates that the texture is larger than necessary (at
the current distance and resolution); blue indicates that the texture could be larger. Naturally, ideal texture sizes
depend on the resolution at which the game will run and how close the camera can get to particular surfaces.


These modes let you view each of the elements of the G-bu er (Albedo, Specular, Smoothness and Normal) in isolation. See
documentation on Deferred Shading for more information.

Global Illumination
The following modes are available to help visualise aspects of the Global Illumination system: UV Charts, Systems, Albedo,
Emissive, Irradiance, Directionality, Baked, Clustering and Lit Clustering. See documentation on GI Visualisations for
informaiton about each of these modes.

Material Validator
There are two Material Validator modes: Albedo and Metal Specular. These allow you to check whether your physically-based
materials use values within the recommended ranges. See Physically Based Material Validator for more information.

2D, lighting and Audio switches
To the right of the Render Mode menu are three buttons that switch certain Scene view options on or o :

2D: switches between 2D and 3D view for the Scene. In 2D mode the camera is oriented looking towards positive
z, with the x axis pointing right and the y axis pointing up.
Lighting: turns Scene view lighting (lights, object shading, etc) on or o .
Audio: turns Scene view audio e ects on or o .

E ects button and menu

The menu (activated by the small mountain icon to the right of the Audio button) has options to enable or disable rendering
e ects in the Scene view.

Skybox: a skybox texture rendered in the Scene’s background
Fog: gradual fading of the view to a at color with distance from the camera.

Flares: lens ares on lights.
Animated Materials: De nes whether or not animated materials show the animation
The E ects button itself acts as a switch that enables or disables all the e ects at once.

Gizmos menu
The Gizmos menu contains lots of options for how objects, icons, and gizmos are displayed. This menu is available in both the
Scene view and the Game view. See documentation on the Gizmos Menu manual page for more information.

Search box
The rightmost item on the control bar is a search box that lets you lter items in the Scene view by their names and/or types (you
can select which with the small menu at the left of the search box). The set of items that match the search lter are also be shown
in the Hierarchy view which, by default, is located to the left of the Scene view.

Gizmos menu

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The Scene view and the Game view both have a Gizmos menu. Click the Gizmos button in the toolbar of the Scene view or
the Game view to access the Gizmos menu.

The Gizmos button in the Scene view

The Gizmos menu at the top of the Scene view and Game view window
The 3D Icons checkbox controls whether component icons (such as those for Lights and
Cameras) are drawn by the Editor in 3D in the Scene view.

3D Icons

When the 3D Icons checkbox is ticked, component icons are scaled by the Editor according to
their distance from the Camera, and obscured by GameObjects in the Scene. Use the slider to
control their apparent overall size. When the 3D Icons checkbox is not ticked, component
icons are drawn at a xed size, and are always drawn on top of any GameObjects in the Scene
See Gizmos and Icons, below, for images and further information.
The Show Grid checkbox switches the standard Scene measurement grid on (checked) and o
(unchecked) in the Scene view. To change the colour of the grid, go to Unity > Preferences >
Colors and alter the Grid setting.

Show Grid

This option is only available in the Scene view Gizmos menu; you cannot enable it in the Game
view Gizmos menu.
See Show Grid, below, for images and further information.





Check Selection Outline to show the selected GameObjects with a colored outline around
them. If the selected GameObject extends beyond the edges of the Scene view, the outline is
cropped to follow the edge of the window. To change the colour of the Selection Outline, go to
Unity > Preferences > Colors and alter the Selected Outline setting.
This option is only available in the Scene view Gizmos menu; you cannot enable it in the Game
view Gizmos menu.
See Selection Outline and Selection Wire, below, for images and further information.
Check Selection Wire to show the selected GameObjects with their wireframe Mesh visible.
To change the colour of the Selection Wire, go to Unity > Preferences > Colors and alter the
Selected Wireframe setting.
This option is only available in the Scene view Gizmos menu; you cannot enable it in the Game
view Gizmos menu.
See Selection Outline and Selection Wire, below, for images and further information.
The Built-in Components list controls the visibility of the icons and Gizmos of all component
types that have an icon or Gizmo.
See Built-in Components, below, for further information.

Gizmos and Icons
Gizmos are graphics associated with GameObjects in the Scene. Some Gizmos are only drawn when the GameObject is
selected, while other Gizmos are drawn by the Editor regardless of which GameObjects are selected. They are usually
wireframes, drawn with code rather than bitmap graphics, and can be interactive. The Camera Gizmo and Light direction
Gizmo (shown below) are both examples of built-in Gizmos; you can also create your own Gizmos using script. See
documentation on Understanding Frustum for more information about the Camera.
Some Gizmos are passive graphical overlays, shown for reference (such as the Light direction Gizmo, which shows the
direction of the light). Other Gizmos are interactive, such as the AudioSource spherical range Gizmo, which you can click
and drag to adjust the maximum range of the AudioSource.
The Move, Scale, Rotate and Transform tools are also interactive Gizmos. See documentation on Positioning GameObjects
to learn more about these tools.

The Camera Gizmo and a Light Gizmo. These Gizmos are only visible when they are selected.
See the Script Reference page for the OnDrawGizmos function for further information about implementing custom Gizmos
in your scripts.

You can display icons in the Game view or Scene view. They are at, billboard-style overlays which you can use to clearly
indicate a GameObject’s position while you work on your game. The Camera icon and Light icon are examples of built-in
icons; you can also assign your own to GameObjects or individual scripts (see documentation on Assigning Icons to lean
how to do this).

The built-in icons for a Camera and a Light

Left: icons in 3D mode. Right: icons in 2D mode.

Show Grid
The Show Grid feature toggles a grid on the plane of your Scene. The following images show how this appears in the Scene

Left: Scene view grid is enabled. Right: Scene view grid is disabled.
To change the colour of the grid, go to Unity > Preferences > Colors and alter the Grid setting. In this image, the Scene
view grid is colored dark blue so that it shows up better against the light-colored oor:

Selection Outline and Selection Wire
Selection Outline
When Selection Outline is enabled, then when you select a GameObject in the Scene view or Hierarchy window, an orange
outline appears around that GameObject in the Scene view:

If the selected GameObject lls most of the Scene view and extends beyond the edges of the window, the selection outline
runs along the edge of the window:

Selection Wire
When Selection Wire is enabled, then when you select a GameObject in the Scene view or Hierarchy window, the wireframe
Mesh for that GameObject is made visible in the Scene view:

Selection colors
You can set custom colours to selection wireframes; to do this, go to Unity > Preferences > Colors and alter the Selected
Outline setting to change the Selection Outline, or the Selected Wireframe to change the Selection Wire setting.

Built-in Components
Use the Built-in Components list to control the visibility of the icons and Gizmos of all component types that have an icon
or Gizmo.
Some built-in component types (such as Rigidbody) are not listed here because they do not have an icon or Gizmo shown in
the Scene view. Only components which have an icon or a Gizmo are listed.
The Editor also lists some of your project scripts here, above the built-in components. These are:
Scripts with an icon assigned to them (see documentation on Assigning icons).
Scripts which implement the OnDrawGizmos function.
Scripts which implement the OnDrawGizmosSelected function.
Recently changed items are at the top of the list.

The Gizmos menu, displaying some items with custom icons assigned and some recently modi ed items
The icon column shows or hides the icons for each listed type of component. Click the small icon under the icon column to
toggle visibility of that icon. If the icon is in full colour in the menu then it is displayed in the Scene view; if it is greyed out in
the menu, then it is not visible in the Scene view. Any scripts with custom icons show a small drop-down menu arrow. Click
this to show the icon selector menu, where you can change the script’s icon.
Note: If an item in the list has a Gizmo but no icon, there is no option in the icon column.
Tick the checkboxes in the Gizmo column to select whether Gizmo graphics are drawn by the Editor for a particular
component type. For example, Colliders have a prede ned wireframe Gizmo to show their shape, and Cameras have a
Gizmo which shows the view frustum. Your own scripts can draw custom Gizmos appropriate to their purpose; implement
OnDrawGizmos or OnDrawGizmosSelected to do this. Uncheck the checkboxes in this column to turn these Gizmos o .
Note: If an item in the list has an icon but no Gizmo, there is no checkbox in this column.

The Game view

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The Game View is rendered from the Camera(s) in your game. It is representative of your nal, published game. You will need to
use one or more Cameras to control what the player actually sees when they are playing your game. For more information about
Cameras, please view the Camera Component page.

Play mode
Use the buttons in the Toolbar to control the Editor Play Mode and see how your published game plays. While in Play Mode, any
changes you make are temporary, and will be reset when you exit Play Mode. The Editor UI darkens to remind you of this.

Game view Control Bar

Button: Function:

Click this to choose from a list of Cameras if you have multiple Cameras in the Scene. This is set
to Display 1 by default. (You can assign Displays to cameras in the Camera module, under the
Target Display drop-down menu.)
Select di erent values to test how your game will look on monitors with di erent aspect ratios.
This is set to Free Aspect by default.

Check this box if you want to emulate the pixel density of older displays: This reduces the
resolution of the Game view when an aspect ratio is selected. It is always enabled when the
Game view is on a non-Retina display.

Button: Function:
Scroll right to zoom in and examine areas of the Game screen in more detail. It also allows you
to zoom out to see the entire screen where the device resolution is higher than the Game view
Scale slider
window size. You can also use the scroll wheel and middle mouse button to do this while the
game is stopped or paused.
Click to enable: Use this to make the Game view maximize (100% of your Editor Window) for a
Maximize on Play
full-screen preview when you enter Play Mode.
Mute audio
Click to enable: Use this to mute any in-game audio when you enter Play Mode.
Click this to toggle the Statistics overlay, which contains Rendering Statistics about your game’s
audio and graphics. This is very useful for monitoring the performance of your game while in
Play Mode.
Click this to toggle the visibility of Gizmos. To only see certain types of Gizmo during Play Mode,
click the drop-down arrow next to the word Gizmos and only check the boxes of the Gizmo
types you want to see. (See Gizmos Options below.)

Gizmos menu

The Gizmos Menu contains lots of options for how objects, icons, and gizmos are displayed. This menu is available in both the
Scene view and the Game view. See documentation on the Gizmos Menu for more information.

Advanced options
Right-click the Game tab to display advanced Game View options.

Warn if No Cameras Rendering: This option is enabled by default: It causes a warning to be displayed if no Cameras are
rendering to the screen. This is useful for diagnosing problems such as accidentally deleting or disabling a Camera. Leave this
enabled unless you are intentionally not using Cameras to render your game.
Clear Every Frame in Edit Mode: This option is enabled by default: It causes the Game view to be cleared every frame when your
game is not playing. This prevents smearing e ects while you are con guring your game. Leave this enabled unless you are
depending on the previous frame’s contents when not in Play Mode.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
Low Resolution Aspect Ratios Game view option available on Windows from 2018.2

The Hierarchy window

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The default Hierarchy window view when you open a new Unity project
The Hierarchy window contains a list of every GameObject (referred to in this guide as an “object”) in the current Scene. Some of
these are direct instances of Asset les (like 3D models), and others are instances of Prefabs, which are custom objects that make
up most of your game. As objects are added and removed in the Scene, they will appear and disappear from the Hierarchy as well.
By default, objects are listed in the Hierarchy window in the order they are made. You can re-order the objects by dragging them
up or down, or by making them “child” or “parent” objects (see below).

Unity uses a concept called Parenting. When you create a group of objects, the topmost object or Scene is called the “parent
object”, and all objects grouped underneath it are called “child objects” or “children”. You can also created nested parent-child
objects (called “descendants” of the top-level parent object).

In this image, Child and Child 2 are the child objects of Parent. Child 3 is a child object of Child 2, and a
descendant object of Parent.
Click a parent object’s drop-down arrow (on the left-hand side of its name) to show or hide its children. Hold down the Alt key while
clicking the drop-down arrow to toggle visibility of all descendant objects of the parent, in addition to the immediate child object.

Making a child object

To make any object the “child” of another, drag and drop the intended child object onto the intended parent object in the

In this image, Object 4 (selected) is being dragged onto the intended parent object, Object 1 (highlighted in a blue
You can also drag-and-drop an object alongside other objects to make them “siblings” - that is, child objects under the same parent
object. Drag the object above or below an existing object until a horizontal blue line appears, and drop it there to place it alongside
the existing object.

In this image, Object 4 (selected) is being dragged between Object 2 and Object 3 (indicated by the blue
horizontal line), to be placed here as a sibling of these two objects under the parent object Object 1 (highlighted in
a blue capsule).
Child objects inherit the movement and rotation of the parent object. To learn more about this, see documentation on the
Transform component.

Alphanumeric sorting
The order of objects in the Hierarchy window can be changed to alphanumeric order. In the menu bar, select Edit > Preferences in
Windows or Unity > Preferences in OS X to launch the Preferences window. Check Enable Alpha Numeric Sorting.
When you check this, an icon appears in the top-right of the Hierarchy window, allowing you to toggle between Transform sorting
(the default value) or Alphabetic sorting.

Multi-Scene editing
It is possible to have more than one Scene open in the Hierarchy window at the same time. To nd out more about this, see the
Multi Scene Editing page.

The Inspector window

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Projects in the Unity Editor are made up of multiple GameObjects that contain scripts, sounds, Meshes, and other
graphical elements such as Lights. The Inspector window (sometimes referred to as “the Inspector”) displays detailed
information about the currently selected GameObject, including all attached components and their properties, and
allows you to modify the functionality of GameObjects in your Scene.

The Inspector in its default position in Unity

Inspecting GameObjects

Use the Inspector to view and edit the properties and settings of almost everything in the Unity Editor, including
physical game items such as GameObjects, Assets, and Materials, as well as in-Editor settings and preferences.

The Inspector window displaying settings for a typical GameObject and its components
When you select a GameObject in either the Hierarchy or Scene view, the Inspector shows the properties of all
components and Materials of that GameObject. Use the Inspector to edit the settings of these components and
The image above shows the Inspector with the Main Camera GameObject selected. In addition to the GameObject’s
Position, Rotation, and Scale values, all the properties of the Main Camera are available to edit.

Inspecting script variables

The Inspector window displaying settings for a GameObject with several custom scripts attached. The
scripts’ public properties are available to edit
When GameObjects have custom script components attached, the Inspector displays the public variables of that
script. You can edit these variables as settings in the same way you can edit the settings of the Editor’s built-in
components. This means that you can set parameters and default values in your scripts easily without modifying the

Inspecting Assets

The Inspector window displaying the settings for a Material Asset
When an Asset is selected in your Project window, the Inspector shows you the settings related to how that Asset is
imported and used at run time (when your game is running either in the Editor or your published build).
Each type of Asset has a di erent selection of settings. The images below demonstrate some examples of the
Inspector displaying the import settings for other Asset types:
The Model tab of the Model Import Settings window:

The Inspector window displaying the import settings for an .fbx le containing 3D Models
The Audio Clip Import Settings window:

The Inspector window displaying the import settings for an Audio le
The Texture Import Setting window:

The Inspector window displaying the Import Settings for a Texture


If you have a Prefab selected, some additional options are available in the Inspector window.
For more information, see documentation on Prefabs.

Project settings

The Inspector window displaying the Tags & Layers Project Settings panel
When you select any of the Project Settings categories (menu: Editor > Project Settings), these settings are displayed
in the Inspector window. For more information, see documentation on Project Settings.

Icons and labels
You can assign custom icons to GameObjects and scripts. These display in the Scene view along with built-in icons for
GameObjects such as Lights and Cameras.
For more about icons and labels, see Unity documentation on assigning icons.

Re-ordering components

To reorder components in the Inspector window, drag-and-drop their headers from one position to another. When
you drag a component header, a blue insertion marker appears. This shows you where the component should go
when you drop the header:

Dragging and dropping components on a GameObject in the Inspector window
You can only reorder components on a GameObject. You can’t move components between di erent GameObjects.
You can also drag and drop script Assets directly into the position you want them to appear.
When you select multiple GameObjects, the Inspector displays all of the components that the selected GameObjects
have in common. To reorder all of these common components at once, multi-select the GameObjects, then drag-anddrop the components into a new position in the Inspector.
The order you give to components in the Inspector window is the order you need to use when querying components
in your user scripts. If you query the components programmatically, you’ll get the order you see in the Inspector.
2018–04–23 Page amended with limited editorial review
Component drag and drop added in Unity 5.6

Assigning icons

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Unity allows you to assign custom icons for GameObjects and scripts. These icons display in the Scene view, along with built-in
icons for items such as Lights and Cameras. Use the Gizmos menu to control how icons are drawn in the Scene view.

GameObject Select Icon button
To change the icon for a GameObject, select the GameObject in the Heirarchy window or Scene view, then click the Select Icon
button (the blue cube, highlighted with a red square in the image below) in the Inspector window to the left of the GameObject’s

The GameObject Select Icon button (here highlighted with a red square) in the Inspector window
When you assign an icon to a GameObject, the icon displays in the Scene view over that GameObject (and any duplicates made
afterwards). You can also assign the icon to a Prefab to apply the icon to all instances of that Prefab in the Scene.

Script Select Icon button
To assign a custom icon to a script, select the script in the Project window, then click the Select Icon button (the C# le icon,
highlighted with a red square in the image below) in the Inspector window to the left of the script’s name.

The Script Select Icon button (here highlighted with a red square) in the Inspector window
When you assign an icon to a script, the icon displays in the Scene view over any GameObject which has that script attached.

The Select Icon menu
Whether you are assigning an icon to a GameObject or a Script, the pop-up Select Icon menu is the same:

The Select Icon menu has built-in icons. Click on an icon to select it, or click Other… to select an image from your project Assets
to use as the icon.
The built-in icons fall into two categories: label icons and image-only icons.
Label icons

Assign a label icon to a GameObject or script to display the name of the GameObject in the Scene view.

A GameObject with a label icon assigned
Image-only icons

Image-only icons do not show the GameObject’s name. These are useful for assigning to GameObjects that may not have a visual
representation (for example, navigation waypoints). With an icon assigned, you can see and click on in it the Scene view to select
and move an otherwise invisible GameObject.

A yellow diamond icon assigned to multiple invisible GameObjects
Any Asset image in your project can also be used as an icon. For example, a skull and crossbones icon could be used to indicate
danger areas in your level.

A skull and crossbones image has been assigned to a script. The icon is displayed over any GameObjects which
have that script attached.
Note: When an Asset’s icon is changed, the Asset itself is marked as modi ed and therefore picked up by version control

Editing Properties

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Properties are settings and options for components that can be edited in the inspector.

Light component showing various value and reference properties
Properties can be broadly categorized as references (links to other objects and assets) or values (numbers,
checkboxes, colors, etc).

References can be assigned by dragging and dropping an object or asset of the appropriate type to the property
in the inspector. For example, the Mesh Filter component needs to refer to a Mesh asset somewhere in the
project. When the component is initially created, the reference is unassigned:

…but you can assign a Mesh to it by dropping a Mesh asset onto it:

You can also use the Object Picker to select an object for a reference property. If you click the small circle icon to
the right of the property in the inspector, you will see a window like this:

The object picker lets you search for and select objects within the scene or project assets (the information panel
at the bottom of the window can be raised and lowered as desired). Choosing an object for the reference
property is simply a matter of double clicking it in the picker.
When a reference property is of a component type (such as Transform), you can drop any object onto it; Unity will
locate the rst component of that type on the object and assign it to the reference. If the object doesn’t have any
components of the right type, the assignment will be rejected.

Most values are edited using familiar text boxes, checkboxes and menus, depending on their type (as a
convenience, numeric values can also be moved up or down by dragging the mouse over the property name
label). However, there are some values of more complex types that have their own speci c editors. These are
described below.

Color properties open the Color Picker when clicked.

The Unity Color Picker window

The HDR Color Picker window (displayed when clicking the emission color property in the standard
shader or if you use the ColorUsageAttribute on a Color in your script)

The HDR Color Picker window shown with the tonemapped option selected
Unity uses its own color picker but on Mac OS X you can choose to use the system picker from the Preferences
(menu: Unity > Preferences and then Use OS X Color Picker from the General panel).

In graphics and animation, it is often useful to be able to blend one colour gradually into another, over space or
time. A gradient is a visual representation of a colour progression, which simply shows the main colours (which
are called stops) and all the intermediate shades between them:

The upward-pointing arrows along the bottom of the gradient bar denote the stops. You can select a stop by
clicking on it; its value will be shown in the Color box which will open the standard colour picker when clicked. A

new stop can be created by clicking just underneath the gradient bar. The position of any of the stops can be
changed simply by clicking and dragging and a stop can be removed with ctrl/cmd + delete.
The downward-pointing arrows above the gradient bar are also stops but they correspond to the alpha
(transparency) of the gradient at that point. By default, there are two stops set to 100% alpha (ie, fully opaque) but
any number of stops can be added and edited in much the same way as the colour stops.

A Curve is a line graph that shows the response (on the Y axis) to the varying value of an input (on the X axis).

Curve editor
Curves are used in a variety of di erent contexts within Unity, especially in animation, and have a number of
di erent options and tools. These are explained on the Editing Curves page of the manual.

When a script exposes an array as a public variable, the inspector will show a value editor that lets you edit both
the size of the array and the values or references within it.

Script with a Vector3 array property
When you decrease the Size property, values from the end of the array will be removed. When you increase the
size, the current last value will be copied into all the new elements added. This can be useful when setting up an
array whose values are mostly the same - you can set the rst element and then change the size to copy it to all
the other elements.

Editing Several Objects at Once
When you have two or more objects selected, the components they have in common can all be edited together
(ie, the values you supply will be copied to all the selected objects).

Inspector showing a multiple selection
Where property values are the same for all selected objects, the value will be shown but otherwise, it will be
shown as a dash character. Only components that are common to all objects will be visible in the inspector. If any
selected object has components that are not present on other objects, the inspector will show a message to say
that some components are hidden. The context menu for a property (opened by right-clicking on its name label)
also has options to allow you to set its value from any of the selected components.
Note that you can also edit several selected instances of a prefab at once but the usual Select, Revert and Apply
buttons will not be available.
2018–04–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
Preset libraries renamed to swatch libraries in 2018.1

Swatch libraries

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Use swatch libraries to reuse, save, and share colors, gradients, and animation curves. You can save and choose
swatches in the Color Picker, Gradient Editor, and Curve Editor.

Swatches section (red) in the Unity Color Picker
A swatch library is a collection of swatches that you save in a le. The Swatches section displays a single library at
a time.
To save a swatch:

Open the Color Picker, Gradient Editor, or Curve Editor. For example, select Main Camera in the
Hierarchy window.
In the Inspector window, click Background Color.
In the picker window, adjust the color, gradient, or curve to your liking.
In Swatches, click the outlined box.
If the view is in List mode, optionally type a name for the swatch.

Example of saving a color while in the Grid view
Drag and drop swatches to change their order. Right-click a swatch to move it to the top, replace it, rename it, or
delete it. You can also delete a swatch by Alt/Option-clicking it.

Use the drop-down menu in Swatches to:

Choose List or Grid to change the view. The List view also displays the names of swatches.
Choose a swatch library.
Choose Create a Library to create a new swatch library and the location to save it in.
Choose Reveal Current Library Location to view the current library in Windows Explorer/Mac OS
By default, Unity saves swatch libraries in your user preferences. You can also save a swatch library in your
Project. Unity saves Project swatch libraries in the Editor folder of the Assets folder. To share Project swatch
libraries between users, or to include them in a package, add them to a revision control repository.
To edit a Project swatch library:

Select the swatch library in the Project window.
In the Inspector window, click Edit.
2018–04–19 Page amended with editorial review
Preset libraries renamed to swatch libraries in 2018.1

Inspector Options

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The Inspector Lock and the Inspector Debug Mode are two useful options that can help you in your work ow.

Normally, the inspector shows the details of the currently selected object but it is sometimes useful to keep one object in the
inspector while you work with others. To enable this, the inspector has a Lock mode that you can activate with the small
padlock icon to the top right of the inspector window.
Note that you can have more than one inspector open at once (menu: Add Tab from the inspector tab menu), so you could
keep one locked and have a second one to show the current selection. Below is an example of adding a new tab and locking
it so it retains the desired view (in this case, the Time Manager editor settings). The result is two inspector windows, both
visible, each showing di erent content.

Adding a new tab, docking it under the current inspector tab, and locking it.

Debug/Normal Mode

Another option on the tab menu is the choice between Normal mode and Debug mode. Normally, the inspector shows a
custom editor for an asset or component if one is available but sometimes it is handy to see the properties directly. Debug
mode shows just the properties rather than a custom editor and for scripts, it also displays private variables (although their
values can’t be edited like those of public variables).

Script as seen in Debug mode with greyed private variables

As with Lock mode, Debug/Normal mode is applied to each inspector individually, so you can have two inspectors open at
once to see both views.

The Toolbar

The Toolbar consists of seven basic controls. Each relate to di erent parts of the Editor.
Transform Tools – used with the Scene View
Transform Gizmo Toggles – a ect the Scene View display
Play/Pause/Step Buttons – used with the Game View
Cloud Button - opens the Unity Services Window.
Account Drop-down - used to access your Unity Account.
Layers Drop-down – controls which objects are displayed in Scene View
Layout Drop-down – controls arrangement of all Views

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When working with large complex scenes it can be useful to search for speci c objects. By using the Search
feature in Unity, you can lter out only the object or group of objects that you want to see. You can search assets
by their name, by Component type, and in some cases by asset Labels (see below). You can specify the search
mode by choosing from the Search drop-down menu.

Scene Search
Both the Scene and Hierarchy views have a search box that allows you to lter objects by their names. Since the
two views are basically just di erent representations of the same set of objects, any search query you type will be
duplicated in both search boxes and applied to both views at the same time. Note that both views change slightly
when a search is active: the Scene View will show ltered-out objects in grey and the Hierarchy view will lose the
hierarchic information and simply show objects listed by name:

Scene and Hierarchy views with search ltering applied.
The small cross button at the right of the search box removes the search query and restores the view to normal.
The menu at the left hand side of the box lets you choose whether to lter objects by name, by type or both at

Project Search and Labels
There is also a search box in the Project view. The search applies to assets rather than their instances in the
One additional option available for assets is to search by Labels as well as by name and type. A label is simply a
short piece of text that you can use to group particular assets. If you click on the label button second from the left
of the Project window you will see a menu of existing labels with a text box at the top. You can then request
assets assigned speci c label. Also you can create new labels. For example you could add a “Vehicles” label to
make all vehicle assets easy to locate. You can add a label to an asset from the Asset Labels box at the bottom of
its inspector.

Adding a “Prop” label
The text box lets you lter the existing labels or enter the text of a new label; you can press the spacebar or enter
key while typing to add the new label text to the asset. Labels currently applied to an asset are shown with a
check mark to their left in the menu. You can simply “select” an applied label from the menu to remove it. Note
that any asset can have as many labels as desired and thereby belong to several di erent label groups at once.
See Inspector manual page for more informatation.

Other Windows

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The Windows described on this page covers the basics of the interface in Unity. The other Windows in Unity are
described elsewhere on separate pages:

The Console Window shows logs of messages, warnings, and errors.
The Animation Window can be used to animate objects in the scene.
The Pro ler Window can be used to investigate and nd the performance bottle-necks in your
The Lighting Window can be used to manage the lighting in your scene.
The Occlusion Culling Window can be used to manage Occlusion Culling for improved

Customizing Your Workspace

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You can customize your Layout of Views by click-dragging the Tab of any View to one of several locations.
Dropping a Tab in the Tab Area of an existing window will add the Tab beside any existing Tabs. Alternatively,
dropping a Tab in any Dock Zone will add the View in a new window.

Views can be docked to the sides or bottom of any existing window
Tabs can also be detached from the Main Editor Window and arranged into their own oating Editor Windows.
Floating Windows can contain arrangements of Views and Tabs just like the Main Editor Window.

Floating Editor Windows are the same as the Main Editor Window, except there is no Toolbar
When you’ve created a Layout of Editor Windows, you can Save the layout and restore it any time. You do this by
expanding the Layout drop-down (found on the Toolbar) and choosing Save Layout…. Name your new layout
and save it, then restore it by simply choosing it from the Layout drop-down.

A completely custom Layout
At any time, you can right-click the tab of any view to view additional options like Maximize or add a new tab to
the same window.

Unity hotkeys

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This page gives an overview of the default Unity keyboard shortcuts. You can also download a PDF of the table for Windows and
MacOSX. Where a command has Ctrl/Cmd as part of the keystroke, this indicates that the Control key should be used on Windows
and the Command key on MacOSX.
The Mac trackpad also has a number of shortcuts for navigating the Scene view. See Scene view navigation to learn more about

Rect Tool
Pivot Mode toggle
Pivot Rotation Toggle
Vertex Snap
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N New empty game object
New empty child to selected game object
Move to view
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+F Align with view
Shift+F or double-F Locks the scene view camera to the selected GameObject
Pro ler
Asset store
Version Control
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+C Console
Ctrl+Y (Windows only) Redo
Cmd+Shift+Z (Mac only) Redo
Frame (centre) selection
Select All



Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+1 Load Selection 1
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+2 Load Selection 2
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+3 Load Selection 3
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+4 Load Selection 4
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+5 Load Selection 5
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+6 Load Selection 6
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+7 Load Selection 7
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+8 Load Selection 8
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+9 Load Selection 9
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+1 Save Selection 1
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+2 Save Selection 2
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+3 Save Selection 3
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+4 Save Selection 4
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+5 Save Selection 5
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+6 Save Selection 6
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+7 Save Selection 7
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+8 Save Selection 8
Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+9 Save Selection 9
Ctrl/Cmd+R Refresh
Note: The following Animation hotkeys only work in the Animation window.

Shift+Comma First Keyframe

Key Modi ed
Key Selected
Last Keyframe
Next Frame
Next Keyframe
Play Animation
Previous Frame
Previous Keyframe

2017–11–24 Page amended with limited editorial review

Creating Gameplay

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Unity empowers game designers to make games. What’s really special about Unity is that you don’t need years of
experience with code or a degree in art to make fun games. There are a handful of basic work ow concepts
needed to learn Unity. Once understood, you will nd yourself making games in no time. With the time you will
save getting your games up and running, you will have that much more time to re ne, balance, and tweak your
game to perfection.
This section will explain the core concepts you need to know for creating gameplay mechanics. The majority of
these concepts require you to write Scripts. For an overview of creating and working with Scripts, read the
Scripting page.


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Scenes contain the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene le as a unique level. In
each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your
game in pieces.

A new empty Scene, with the default 3D objects: a Main Camera and a directional Light
When you create a new Unity project, your scene view displays a new Scene. This Scene is untitled and unsaved.
The Scene is empty except for a Camera (called Main Camera) and a Light (called Directional Light).

Saving Scenes
To save the Scene you’re currently working on, choose File > Save Scene from the menu, or press Ctrl + S
(Windows) or Cmd + S (masOS).
Unity saves Scenes as Assets in your project’s Assets folder. This means they appear in the Project window, with
the rest of your Assets.

Saved Scene Assets visible in the Project window

Opening Scenes

To open a Scene in Unity, double-click the Scene Asset in the Project window. You must open a Scene in Unity to
work on it.
If your current Scene contains unsaved changes, Unity asks you whether you want to save or discard the changes.

Multi-Scene editing
It is possible to have multiple Scenes open for editing at one time. For more information about this, see
documentation on Multi-Scene editing.
2017–08–01 Page amended with limited editorial review


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The GameObject is the most important concept in the Unity Editor.
Every object in your game is a GameObject, from characters and collectible items to lights, cameras and special e ects.
However, a GameObject can’t do anything on its own; you need to give it properties before it can become a character, an
environment, or a special e ect.

Four di erent types of GameObject: an animated character, a light, a tree, and an audio source
To give a GameObject the properties it needs to become a light, or a tree, or a camera, you need to add components to it.
Depending on what kind of object you want to create, you add di erent combinations of components to a GameObject.
You can think of a GameObject as an empty cooking pot, and components as di erent ingredients that make up the
recipe of your game. Unity has lots of di erent built-in component types, and you can also make your own components
using the Unity Scripting API.
This section explains how GameObjects, components and the Scripting API t together, and how to create and use them.
2017–08–01 Page amended with limited editorial review


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GameObjects are the fundamental objects in Unity that represent characters, props and scenery. They do not
accomplish much in themselves but they act as containers for Components, which implement the real functionality.
For example, a Light object is created by attaching a Light component to a GameObject.

A simple Cube GameObject with several Components
A solid cube object has a Mesh Filter and Mesh Renderer component, to draw the surface of the cube, and a Box
Collider component to represent the object’s solid volume in terms of physics.

A simple Cube GameObject with several Components


A GameObject always has a Transform component attached (to represent position and orientation) and it is not
possible to remove this. The other components that give the object its functionality can be added from the editor’s
Component menu or from a script. There are also many useful pre-constructed objects (primitive shapes, Cameras,
etc) available on the GameObject > 3D Object menu, see Primitive Objects.
Since GameObjects are a very important part of Unity, there is a GameObjects section in the manual with extensive
detail about them. You can nd out more about controlling GameObjects from scripts on the GameObject scripting
reference page.

Introduction to components

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A GameObject contains components. (See documentation on GameObject for more information.)
Below is an example of how the GameObject and component relationship works using the most common component, the
Transform Component.
You can see the Transform Component by looking at the Inspector for a new GameObject:

Open any scene in any project in the Unity Editor. (See documentation on Getting Started for guidance on this.)
Create a new GameObject (menu: GameObject > Create Empty).
The new GameObject is pre-selected, with the Inspector showing its Transform Component, as in the image
below. (If it isn’t pre-selected, click on it to see its Inspector.)

The Inspector of a new, empty GameObject showing the Transform Component
Notice that the new, empty GameObject contains a name (“GameObject”), a Tag (“Untagged”), and a Layer (“Default”). It also
contains a Transform Component.

The Transform Component
It is impossible to create a GameObject in the Editor without a Transform Component. This component de nes the
GameObject’s position, rotation, and scale in the game world and Scene view.
The Transform Component also enables a concept called ‘parenting’ which is a critical part of working with GameObjects. To
learn more about the Transform Component and parenting, see the Transform Component Reference page.

Other components
The Transform Component is critical to all GameObjects, so each GameObject has one but GameObjects can contain other
components as well.
Every Scene has a Main Camera GameObject by default. It has several components.(You can see see this by selecting it in your
open Scene to view its Inspector.)

The Main Camera is a type of GameObject - it is in each scene by default and has several components by default
Looking at the Inspector of the Main Camera GameObject, you can see that it contains additional components. Speci cally, a
Camera Component, a GUILayer, a Flare Layer, and an Audio Listener. All of these components provide functionality to this
Rigidbody, Collider, Particle System, and Audio are all di erent components that you can add to a GameObject.

Using Components

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Components are the nuts & bolts of objects and behaviors in a game. They are the functional pieces of every
GameObject. If you don’t yet understand the relationship between Components and GameObjects, read the
GameObjects page before going any further.
A GameObject is a container for many di erent Components. By default, all GameObjects automatically have a
Transform Component. This is because the Transform dictates where the GameObject is located, and how it is rotated
and scaled. Without a Transform Component, the GameObject wouldn’t have a location in the world. Try creating an
empty GameObject now as an example. Click the GameObject->Create Empty menu item. Select the new GameObject,
and look at the Inspector.

Even empty GameObjects have a Transform Component
Remember that you can always use the Inspector to see which Components are attached to the selected GameObject.
As Components are added and removed, the Inspector will always show you which ones are currently attached. You will
use the Inspector to change all the properties of any Component (including scripts).

Adding Components
You can add Components to the selected GameObject through the Components menu. We’ll try this now by adding a
Rigidbody to the empty GameObject we just created. Select it and choose Component->Physics->Rigidbody from the
menu. When you do, you will see the Rigidbody’s properties appear in the Inspector. If you press Play while the empty
GameObject is still selected, you might get a little surprise. Try it and notice how the Rigidbody has added functionality
to the otherwise empty GameObject. (The Y position of the GameObject’s transform starts to decrease. This is because
the physics engine in Unity is causing the GameObject to fall under gravity.)

An empty GameObject with a Rigidbody Component attached
Another option is to use the Component Browser, which can be activated with the Add Component button in the
object’s inspector.

The Component Browser
The browser lets you navigate the components conveniently by category and also has a search box that you can use to
locate components by name.
You can attach any number or combination of Components to a single GameObject. Some Components work best in
combination with others. For example, the Rigidbody works with any Collider. The Rigidbody controls the Transform
through the NVIDIA PhysX physics engine, and the Collider allows the Rigidbody to collide and interact with other
If you want to know more about using a particular Component, you can read about any of them in the relevant
Component Reference page. You can also access the reference page for a Component from Unity by clicking on the
small ? on the Component’s header in the Inspector.

Editing Components
One of the great aspects of Components is exibility. When you attach a Component to a GameObject, there are
di erent values or Properties in the Component that can be adjusted in the editor while building a game, or by scripts
when running the game. There are two main types of Properties: Values and References.
Look at the image below. It is an empty GameObject with an Audio Source Component. All the values of the Audio
Source in the Inspector are the default values.

This Component contains a single Reference property, and seven Value properties. Audio Clip is the Reference
property. When this Audio Source begins playing, it will attempt to play the audio le that is referenced in the Audio Clip
property. If no reference is made, an error will occur because there is no audio to be played. You must reference the le
within the Inspector. This is as easy as dragging an audio le from the Project View onto the Reference Property or
using the Object Selector.

Now a sound e ect le is referenced in the Audio Clip property
Components can include references to any other type of Component, GameObjects, or Assets. You can read more
about assigning references on the page about Editing Properties.
The remaining properties on the Audio Clip are all Value properties. These can be adjusted directly in the Inspector. The
Value properties on the Audio Clip are all toggles, numeric values, drop-down elds, but value properties can also be
text strings, colors, curves, and other types. You can read more about these and about editing value properties on the
page about editing value properties.

Component Context Menu commands
The context menu for a component has a number of useful commands.

The Component Context Menu
The same commands are also available from the “gear” icon in the extreme top-right of the component’s panel in the

This command restores the values the component’s properties had before the most recent editing session.

A Remove Component command is available for cases where you no longer need the component attached to the
GameObject. Note that there are some combinations of components that depend on each other (eg, Hinge Joint only
works when a Rigidbody is also attached); you will see a warning message if you try to remove components that others
depend on.

Move Up/Down
Use the Move Up and Move Down commands to rearrange the order of components of a GameObject in the Inspector.
Tip: Alternatively, click and drag the component’s name up or down in the Inspector window, and then drop it.

The Copy Component command stores the type and current property settings of a component. These can then be
pasted into another component of the same type with Paste Component Values. You can also create a new
component with the copied values on an object by using Paste Component As New

Testing out Properties
While your game is in Play Mode, you are free to change properties in any GameObject’s Inspector. For example, you
might want to experiment with di erent heights of jumping. If you create a Jump Height property in a script, you can
enter Play Mode, change the value, and press the jump button to see what happens. Then without exiting Play Mode
you can change it again and see the results within seconds. When you exit Play Mode, your properties will revert to their
pre-Play Mode values, so you don’t lose any work. This work ow gives you incredible power to experiment, adjust, and
re ne your gameplay without investing a lot of time in iteration cycles. Try it out with any property in Play Mode. We
think you’ll be impressed.
2018–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Ability to drag and drop components in Inspector window added in 5.6


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The Transform component determines the Position, Rotation, and Scale of each object in the scene. Every GameObject
has a Transform.

Property: Function:
Position Position of the Transform in X, Y, and Z coordinates.
Rotation Rotation of the Transform around the X, Y, and Z axes, measured in degrees.
Scale of the Transform along X, Y, and Z axes. Value “1” is the original size (size at which the object
was imported).
The position, rotation and scale values of a Transform are measured relative to the Transform’s parent. If the Transform has
no parent, the properties are measured in world space.

Creating components with scripting

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Scripting (or creating scripts) is writing your own additions to the Unity Editor’s functionality in code, using the Unity Scripting
When you create a script and attach it to a GameObject, the script appears in the GameObject’s Inspector just like a built-in
component. This is because scripts become components when you save them in your project.
In technical terms, any script you make compiles as a type of component, so the Unity Editor treats your script like a built-in
component. You de ne the members of the script to be exposed in the Inspector, and the Editor executes whatever
functionality you’ve written.
Read more about creating and using scripts in the Scripting section of this User Manual.

Deactivating GameObjects

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You can mark a GameObject as inactive to temporarily remove it from the Scene. To do this, navigate to the
Inspector and uncheck the checkbox next to the GameObject’s name (see image below), or use the activeSelf
property in script.

A GameObject’s activation checkbox next to the name, both highlighted in the red box

Deactivating a parent GameObject

When you deactivate a parent GameObject, You also deactivate all of its child GameObjects.
The deactivation overrides the activeSelf setting on all child GameObjects, so Unity makes the whole hierarchy
inactive from the parent down. This does not change the value of the activeSelf property on the child
GameObjects, so they return to their original state when you re-activate the parent. This means that you can’t
determine whether or not a child GameObject is currently active in the Scene by reading its activeSelf property.
Instead, you should use the activeInHierarchy property, which takes the overriding e ect of the parent into
If you want to change the activeSelf settings of a GameObject’s child Gameobjects, but not the parent, you can
use code like the following:

void DeactivateChildren(GameObject g, bool a)
g.activeSelf = a;
foreach (Transform child in g.transform)
DeactivateChildren(child.gameObject, a);


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A Tag is a reference word which you can assign to one or more GameObjects. For example, you might de ne
“Player” Tags for player-controlled characters and an “Enemy” Tag for non-player-controlled characters. You might
de ne items the player can collect in a Scene with a “Collectable” Tag.
Tags help you identify GameObjects for scripting purposes. They ensure you don’t need to manually add
GameObjects to a script’s exposed properties using drag and drop, thereby saving time when you are using the
same script code in multiple GameObjects.
Tags are useful for triggers in Collider control scripts; they need to work out whether the player is interacting with
an enemy, a prop, or a collectable, for example.
You can use the GameObject.FindWithTag() function to nd a GameObject by setting it to look for any object that
contains the Tag you want. The following example uses GameObject.FindWithTag(). It instantiates
respawnPrefab at the location of GameObjects with the Tag “Respawn”:

var respawnPrefab : GameObject;
var respawn = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Respawn");
Instantiate (respawnPrefab, respawn.position, respawn.rotation);


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject respawnPrefab;
public GameObject respawn;
void Start() {
if (respawn == null)
respawn = GameObject.FindWithTag("Respawn");
Instantiate(respawnPrefab, respawn.transform.position, respawn.transform

Creating new Tags

The Inspector shows the Tag and Layer drop-down menus just below any GameObject’s name.

To create a new Tag, select Add Tag…. This opens the Tag and Layer Manager in the Inspector. Note that once
you name a Tag, it cannot be renamed later.
Layers are similar to Tags, but are used to de ne how Unity should render GameObjects in the Scene. See
documentation on the Layers page for more information.

Applying a Tag
The Inspector shows the Tag and Layer drop-down menus just below any GameObject’s name. To apply an
existing Tag to a GameObject, open the Tags dropdown and choose the Tag you want to apply. The GameObject
is now associated with this Tag.

A GameObject can only have one Tag assigned to it.
Unity includes some built-in Tags which do not appear in the Tag Manager:

You can use any word you like as a Tag. You can even use short phrases, but you may need to widen the Inspector
to see the Tag’s full name.

Static GameObjects

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Many optimisations need to know if an object can move during gameplay. Information about a Static (ie, nonmoving) object can often be precomputed in the editor in the knowledge that it will not be invalidated by a
change in the object’s position. For example, rendering can be optimised by combining several static objects into
a single, large object known as a batch.
The inspector for a GameObject has a Static checkbox and menu in the extreme top-right, which is used to
inform various di erent systems in Unity that the object will not move. The object can be marked as static for
each of these systems individually, so you can choose not to calculate static optimisations for an object when it
isn’t advantageous.

The Static checkbox and drop-down menu, as seen when viewing a GameObject in the Inspector

Static Settings

The Everything and Nothing enable or disable static status simultaneously for all systems that make use of it. These
systems are:

Lightmapping: advanced lighting for a scene;
Occluder and Occludee: rendering optimization based on the visibility of objects from speci c
camera positions;
Batching: rendering optimization that combines several objects into one larger object;
Navigation: the system that enables characters to negotiate obstacles in the scene;
O -mesh Links: connections made by the Navigation system between discontinuous areas of the
Re ection Probe: captures a spherical view of its surroundings in all directions.
See the pages about these topics for further details on how the static setting a ects performance.

Saving Your Work

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Unity stores lots of di erent types of information about your project, and some of these are saved in di erent
ways to others. This means that when your work is saved depends on what kind of changes you are making.
Of course, we recommend you save regularly, and use a Version Control System (VCS) to preserve incremental
changes to your work, and allow you to try out and roll back changes without risking loss to your work.

Saving changes to the current scene (“Save Scene”)

Scene changes include modi cations to any objects in the Hierarchy. For example, adding, moving or deleting
Game Objects, changing parameters of hierarchy Game Objects in the inspector.
To save changes to the scene, select Save Scene from the le menu, or hit Ctrl/Cmd + S. This saves current
changes to the scene and Does a “Save Project” (below).
This means that when you do a “Save Scene”, everything is saved.

Saving project-wide changes (“Save Project”)

Some changes that you can make in Unity are not scene-speci c, they are project-wide. These settings can be
saved independently of the scene changes, by selecting “Save Project” from the le menu.
Using “Save Project” does not save changes to your Scene, only the project-wide changes are saved. You may want
to, for instance, save your project but not changes to your scene if you have used a temporary scene to make
some changes to a prefab.
The project-wide changes which are saved when you “Save Project” include:

All the “Project Settings”:
All the settings for each of the “Project Settings” menu items, such as custom input axes, user-de ned tags or
layers, and the physics gravity strength are saved when you “Save Project”.

The Project Settings menu
Changes to these settings are saved in the Library folder when the Project is saved:

Input: saved as ´InputManager.asset´
Tags And Layers: saved as ´TagManager.asset´
Audio: saved as ´AudioManager.asset´
Time: saved as ´TimeManager.asset´
Player: saved as ´ProjectSettings.asset´
Physics: saved as ´DynamicsManager.asset´
Physics 2D: saved as ´Physics2DSettings.asset´
Quality: saved as ´QualitySettings.asset´
Graphics: saved as ´GraphicsSettings.asset´
Network: saved as ´NetworkManager.asset´
Editor: saved as ´EditorUserSettings.asset´

The “Build Settings”

Build Settings are also saved in the Library folder as ´EditorBuildSettings.asset´.

The Build Settings are saved when you “Save Project”

Changes to assets in the Project Window
Also saved along with project-wide settings are changes to assets that do not have an “apply” button, for example
changes to any of the following:

Material parameters
Animator Controllers (state machines)
Avatar Masks
Any other asset changes that do not have an “apply” button

Changes that are immediately written to disk (no save
There are some types of change which are immediately written to disk without the need to perform a “Save”
action at all. These include the following:

Changes to any import setting requiring the user to press an “apply”
The import settings for most asset types require that you press an “Apply” button for the changes to take e ect.
This causes the asset to be re-imported according to the new settings. These changes are saved immediately
when you hit the Apply button. For example:

Changing the texture type of an image asset
Changing the scale factor of an 3D model asset
Changing the compression settings of an audio asset
Any other import setting change which has an “apply” button

Other changes which are saved immediately:

A few other types of data are saved to disk immediately or automatically without the need to perform a “Save”

The creation of new assets, eg: new materials or prefabs (But not subsequent changes to those
Baked Lighting data (saved when the bake completes).
Baked navigation data (saved when the bake completes)
Baked occlusion culling data (saved when the bake completes)
Script execution order changes (after “apply” is pressed, this data is saved in each script’s .meta le)


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Unity’s Prefab system allows you to create, con gure, and store a GameObject complete with all its components, property values,
and child GameObjects as a reusable Asset. The Prefab Asset acts as a template from which you can create new Prefab instances
in the Scene.
When you want to reuse a GameObject con gured in a particular way – like a non-player character (NPC), prop or piece of scenery –
in multiple places in your Scene, or across multiple Scenes in your Project, you should convert it to a Prefab. This is better than
simply copying and pasting the GameObject, because the Prefab system allows you to automatically keep all the copies in sync.
Any edits that you make to a Prefab Asset are automatically re ected in the instances of that Prefab, allowing you to easily make
broad changes across your whole Project without having to repeatedly make the same edit to every copy of the Asset.
You can nest Prefabs inside other Prefabs to create complex hierachies of objects that are easy to edit at multiple levels.
However, this does not mean all Prefab instances have to be identical. You can override settings on individual prefab instances if
you want some instances of a Prefab to di er from others. You can also create variants of Prefabs which allow you to group a set of
overrides together into a meaningful variation of a Prefab.
You should also use Prefabs when you want to instantiate GameObjects at runtime that did not exist in your Scene at the start - for
example, to make powerups, special e ects, projectiles, or NPCs appear at the right moments during gameplay.
Some common examples of Prefab use include:
Environmental Assets - for example a certain type of tree used multiple times around a level (as seen in the screenshot above).
Non-player characters (NPCs) - for example a certain type of robot may appear in your game multiple times, across multiple levels.
They may di er (using overrides) in the speed they move, or the sound they make.
Projectiles - for example a pirate’s cannon might instantiate a cannonball Prefab each time it is red.
The player’s main character - the player prefab might be placed at the starting point on each level (separate Scenes) of your game.
2018–07–31 Page amended with limited editorial review
Updated to include improved prefab features - Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Creating Prefabs

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In Unity’s Prefab system, Prefab Assets act as templates. You create Prefab Assets in the Editor, and they are saved as an Asset
in the Project window. From Prefab Assets, you can create any number of Prefab instances. Prefab instances can either be
created in the editor and saved as part of your Scenes, or instantiated at runtime.

Creating Prefab Assets
To create a Prefab Asset, drag a GameObject from the Hierarchy window into the Project window. The GameObject, and all its
components and child GameObjects, becomes a new Asset in your Project window. Prefabs Assets in the Project window are
shown with a thumbnail view of the GameObject, or the blue cube Prefab icon, depending on how you have set up your Project

Two prefabs (“LeafyTree” and “Vegetation”) shown in the Project window in two-column view (left) and onecolumn view (right)
This process of creating the Prefab Asset also turns the original GameObject into a Prefab instance. It is now an instance of the
newly created Prefab Asset. Prefab instances are shown in the Hierarchy in blue text, and the root GameObject of the Prefab is
shown with the blue cube Prefab icon, instead of the red, green and blue GameObject icon.

A Prefab instance (LeafyTree) in the scene

Creating Prefab instances
You can create instances of the Prefab Asset in the Editor by dragging the Prefab Asset from the Project view to the Hierarchy or
Scene view.

Dragging a Prefab “RedPlant” into the Scene
You can also create instances of Prefabs at runtime using scripting. For more information, see Instantiating Prefabs.
2018–07–31 Page published with limited editorial review
Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Editing a Prefab in Prefab Mode

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To edit a Prefab Asset, open it in Prefab Mode. Prefab Mode allows you to view and edit the contents of the
Prefab Asset in isolation, separately from any other objects in your Scene. Changes you make in Prefab Mode
a ect all instances of that Prefab.

Entering and exiting Prefab Mode
There are many ways to begin editing a Prefab in Prefab Mode, including:

Double-clicking it in the Project window
Using the arrow button next to the Prefab in the Hierarchy window
Clicking the “Open” button in the Inspector window of a Prefab Asset

The arrow button next to a Prefab in the Hierarchy window
Entering Prefab Mode makes the Scene View and the Hierarchy window show only the contents of that Prefab.
Here, the root of the Prefab is a regular GameObject - it doesn’t have the blue Prefab instances icon.

The Scene View and Hierarchy in Prefab Mode
In Prefab Mode, the Scene View displays a breadcrumb bar at the top. The rightmost entry is the currently open
Prefab. Use the breadcrumb bar to navigate back to the main Scenes or other Prefab Assets that you might have

The breadcrumb bar at the top of the Scene view, visible when in Prefab Mode
Additionally, the Hierarchy window displays a Prefab header bar at the top which shows the currently open
Prefab. You can use the back arrow in the header bar to navigate back one step, which is equivalent to clicking the
previous breadcrumb in the breadcrumb bar in the Scene View.

The back arrow in the header bar of the Hierarchy window, visible when in Prefab Mode

Auto Save
Prefab Mode has an Auto Save setting in the top right corner of the Scene View. When it is enabled, any changes
that you make to a Prefab are automatically saved to the Prefab Asset. Auto Save is on by default.

The Auto Save toggle in the upper right corner of the Scene View in Prefab Mode
If you want to make changes without automatically saving those changes to the Preset Asset, turn Auto Save o .
In this case, you are asked if you want to save unsaved changes or not when you go out of Prefab Mode for the
current Prefab. If editing a Prefab in Prefab Mode seems slow, turning o Auto Save may help.

Editing Environment
You can assign a Scene as an editing environment to Prefab Mode, which allows you to edit your Prefab against
a backdrop of your choosing rather than an empty Scene. This can be useful for seeing how your Prefab looks
against typical scenery in your game.
The objects in the Scene that you assign as the editing environment are not selectable when in Prefab Mode, nor
will they show in the Hierarchy. This is to allow you to focus on editing your Prefab without accidently selecting
other unrelated objects, and without having a cluttered Hierarchy window.
To set a Scene as the editing environment, open the Editor settings ( Edit > Project Settings > Editor ) and go to
the Prefab Editing Environment section. Use the Regular Environment setting for “non-UI” Prefabs, and the UI
Environment setting for UI Prefabs. UI prefabs are those Prefabs that have a Rect Transform component on the
root, rather than a regular Transform component. “non-UI” Prefabs are those which have a regular Transform

Prefab editing environment settings in the Editor Project Settings
2018–07–31 Page published with limited editorial review
Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Instance overrides

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Instance overrides allow you to create variations between Prefab instances, while still linking those instances to
the same Prefab Asset.
When you modify a Prefab Asset, the changes are re ected in all of its instances. However, you can also make
modi cations directly to an individual instance. Doing this creates an instance override on that particular
An example would be if you had a Prefab Asset “Robot”, which you placed in multiple levels in your game.
However, each instance of the “Robot” has a di erent speed value, and a di erent audio clip assigned.
There are four di erent types of instance override:
Overriding the value of a property
Adding a component
Removing a component
Adding a child GameObject
There are some limitations with Prefab instances: you cannot reparent a GameObject that is part of a Prefab, and
you cannot remove a GameObject that is part of the Prefab. You can, however, deactivate a GameObject, which
is a good substitute for removing a GameObject (this counts as a property override).
In the Inspector window, instance overrides are shown with their name label in bold, and with a blue line in the
left margin. When you add a new component a Prefab instance, the blue line in the margin spans the entire

The inspector windows showing a Prefab instance with overridden “Dynamic Occluded” property
and a Rigidbody component added as an override.
Added and removed components also have plus and minus badges on their icons in the Inspector, and added
GameObjects have a plus badge on their icon in the Hierarchy.

The Hierarchy window showing a Prefab instance with a child GameObject called “Fruit” added as
an override.

Overrides take precedence
An overridden property value on a Prefab instance always takes precedence over the value from the Prefab Asset.
This means that if you change a property on a Prefab Asset, it doesn’t have any e ect on instances where that
property is overridden.
If you make a change to a Prefab Asset, and it does not update all instances as expected, you should check
whether that property is overridden on the instance. It is best to only use instance overrides when strictly
necessary, because if you have a large number of instance overrides throughout your Project, it can be di cult to
tell whether your changes to the Prefab Asset will or won’t have an e ect on all of the instances.

Alignment is speci c to Prefab instance
The alignment of a Prefab instance is a special case, and is handled di erently to other properties. The
alignment values are never carried across from the Prefab Asset to the Prefab instances. This means they can
always di er from the Prefab Asset’s alignment without it being an explicit instance override. Speci cally, the
alignment means the Position and Rotation properties on the root Transform of the Prefab instance, and for a
Rect Transform this also includes the Width, Height, Margins, Anchors and Pivot properties.
This is because it is extremely rare to require multiple instances of a Prefab to take on the same position and
rotation. More commonly, you will want your prefab instances to be at di erent positions and rotations, so Unity
does not count these as Prefab overrides.
2018–07–31 Page published with limited editorial review
Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Editing a Prefab via its instances

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The Inspector for the root of a Prefab instance has three more controls than a normal GameObject: Open, Select and

The three Prefab controls in the Inspector window for a Prefab instance
The Open button opens the Prefab Asset that the instance is from in Prefab Mode, allowing you to edit the Prefab
Asset and thereby change all of its instances. The Select button selects the Prefab Asset that this instance is from in
the Project window. The Overrides button opens the overrides drop-down window.

Overrides dropdown
The Overrides drop-down window shows all the overrides on the Prefab instance. It also lets you apply overrides from
the instance to the Prefab Asset, or revert overrides on the instance back to the values on the Prefab Asset. The
Overrides drop-down button only appears for the root Prefab instance, not for Prefabs that are inside other Prefabs.
The Overrides drop-down window allows you to apply or revert individual prefab overrides, or apply or revert all the
prefab overrides in one go.
Applying an override modi es the Prefab Asset. This puts the override (which is currently only on your Prefab instance)
onto the Asset. This means the Prefab Asset now has that modi cation, and the Prefab instance no longer has that
modi cation as an override.
Reverting an override modi es the Prefab instance. This essentially discards your override and reverts it back to the
state of the Prefab Asset.
The drop-down window shows a list of changes on the instance in the form of modi ed, added and removed
components, and added GameObjects (including other Prefabs).

The Overrides dropdown in the Inspector window when viewing a Prefab instance

To inspect an entry, click it. This displays a oating view that shows the change and allows you to revert or apply that

The overrides dropdown window with an added component override selected
For components with modi ed values, the view displays a side-by-side comparison of the component’s values on the
Prefab Asset and the modi ed component on the Prefab instance. This allows you to compare the original Prefab Asset
values with the current overrides, so that you can decide whether you would like to revert or apply those values.
In the example below, the “Fruit” child GameObject exists on both the Prefab Asset and the Prefab instance, however its
scale has been increased on the instance. This increase in scale is an instance override, and can be seen as a side-byside comparison in the Overrides drop-down window.

The Overrides dropdown with comparison view, showing modi ed values in the Transform component
of a child GameObject of the prefab instance
The Overrides drop-down window also has Revert All and Apply All_ buttons for reverting or applying all changes at
once. If you have Prefabs inside other Prefabs, the Apply All button always applies to the outermost Prefab, which is
the one that has the Overrides drop-down button on its root GameObject.

Context menus
You can also revert and apply individual overrides using the context menu in the Inspector, instead of using the
Overrides drop-down window.
Overridden properties are shown in bold. They can be reverted or applied via a context menu:

Context menu for a single property
Modi ed components can be reverted or applied via the cog drop-down button or context menu of the component

Context menu for modi ed component
Added components have a plus badge that overlays the icon. They can be reverted or applied via the cog drop-down
button or context menu of the component header:

Context menu for added component
Removed components have a minus badge that overlays the icon. The removal can be reverted or applied via the cog
drop-down button or context menu of the component header. Reverting the removal puts the component back, and
applying the removal deletes it from the Prefab Asset as well:

Context menu for removed component
GameObjects (including other Prefabs) that are added as children to a Prefab instance have a plus badge that overlays
the icon in the Hierarchy. They can be reverted or applied via the context menu on the object in the Hierarchy:

Context menu for added GameObject child
2018–07–31 Page published with limited editorial review
Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Nested Prefabs

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You can include Prefab instances inside other Prefabs. This is called nesting Prefabs. Nested Prefabs retain their
links to their own Prefab Assets, while also forming part of another Prefab Asset.

Adding a nested Prefab in Prefab Mode
In Prefab Mode, you can add and work with Prefab instances just like you would do in Scenes. You can drag a
Prefab Asset from the Project window to the Hierarchy window or Scene view to create a Prefab instance from that
Asset inside the Prefab you have open.
Note: The root GameObject of the Prefab that is open in Prefab Mode is not shown with the blue cube Prefab icon,
however any instances of other Prefabs are. You can also add overrides to these Prefab instances, just like with
Prefab instances in scenes.

Left: “Oil Can” Prefab included (nested) in the “Robot” Prefab in Prefab Mode. Right: The “Robot”
Prefab instance in the Scene with the “Oil Can” included.

Nesting Prefabs via their instances
You can also add a Prefab instance as a child to another Prefab instance in the Scene without going into Prefab
Mode, just like you can add any other GameObject. Such an added Prefab instance has a plus badge overlayed on
the icon in the Hierarchy which indicates that it’s an override on that speci c instance of the outer Prefab.
The added Prefab can be reverted or applied to the outer Prefab in the same way as other overrides (either via the
Overrides drop-down window, or via the context menu on the GameObject in the Hierarchy), as described in Editing
a Prefab via its instances. The Overrides drop-down button is only on the outer Prefab. Once applied, the Prefab no
longer shows the plus badge, since it is no longer an override, but is nested in the outer Prefab Asset itself. It does
however retain its blue cube icon because it is a Prefab instance in its own right, and retains its connection to its
own Prefab Asset.

Left: An “Oil Can” Prefab added to an instance of the “Robot” Prefab as an override. Right: The “Oil
Can” Prefab has been applied to “Robot” Prefab, and is now a nested Prefab in the “Robot” Prefab
2018–07–31 Page published with limited editorial review
Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Prefab Variants

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Prefab Variants are useful when you want to have a set of prede ned variations of a Prefab.
For example, you might want to have several di erent types of robot in your game, which are all based on the same basic robot
Prefab. However you may want some robots to carry items, some to move at di erent speeds, or some to emit extra sound e ects.
To do this, you could set up your initial robot Prefab to perform all the basic actions you want all robots to share, then you could
create several Prefab Variants to:
Make a robot move faster by using a property override on a script to change its speed.
Make a robot carry an item by attaching an additional GameObject to its arm.
Give robots a rusty joint by adding an AudioSource component that plays a rusty squeaking sound.
A Prefab Variant inherits the properties of another Prefab, called the base. Overrides made to the Prefab Variant take precedent over
the base Prefab’s values. A Prefab Variant can have any other Prefab as its base, including Model Prefabs or other Prefab Variants.

Creating a Prefab Variant
There are multiple ways to create a Prefab Variant based on another Prefab.
You can right-click on a Prefab in the Project view and select Create > Prefab Variant. This creates a variant of the selected Prefab,
which initially doesn’t have any overrides. You can open the Prefab Variant in Prefab Mode to begin adding overrides to it.
You can also drag a Prefab instance in the Hierarchy into the Project window. When you do this, a dialog asks if you want to create a
new Original Prefab or a Prefab Variant. If you choose Prefab Variant you get a new Prefab Variant based on the Prefab instance you
dragged. Any overrides you had on that instance are now inside the new Prefab Variant. You can open it in Prefab Mode to add
additional overrides or edit or remove overrides.
Prefab Variants are shown with the blue Prefab icon decorated with arrows.

A basic Robot Prefab, and a variant of that Prefab called “Robot With Oil Can”, as viewed in the Hierarchy window.

Editing a Prefab Variant
When a Prefab Variant is opened in Prefab Mode, the root appears as a Prefab instance with the blue Prefab icon. This Prefab
instance represents the base Prefab that the Prefab Variant inherits from; it doesn’t represent the Prefab Variant itself. Any edits you
make to the Prefab Variant become overrides to this base that exists in the Variant.

The Prefab Variant “Robot With Oil Can” n Prefab Mode. The “Oil Can” Prefab is added as an override to the base

In the screenshot above, if you were to select the Robot With Oil Can root GameObject and click the Select button in the Inspector,
it will select the base Prefab Robot and not the Variant Robot With Oil Can because the Prefab instance is an instance of the base
Prefab Robot and the Select button always selects the Prefab Asset that an instance comes from.
As with any Prefab instance, you can use prefab overrides in a Prefab Variant, such as modi ed property values, added components,
removed components, and added child GameObjects. There are also the same limitations: you cannot reparent GameObjects in the
Prefab Variant which come from its base Prefab. You also cannot remove a GameObject from a Prefab Variant which exists in its base
Prefab. You can, however, deactivate GameObjects (as a property override) to achieve the same e ect as removing a GameObject.
Note: When editing a Prefab Variant in Prefab Mode, you should understand that applying these overrides (via the Overrides dropdown window or context menus) will cause your variant’s variations to be applied to the base Prefab Asset. This is often not what you
want. The point of a Prefab Variant is to provide a convenient way to store a meaningful and reusable collection of overrides, which is
why they should normally remain as overrides and not get applied to the base Prefab Asset. To illustrate this point, if you were to
apply the additional Oil Can GameObject to the base Prefab Asset (the “Basic Robot”), then the Prefab Asset would also have the Oil
Can. The whole point of the Robot With Oil Can variant is that only this variation carries an oil can, so the added Oil Can
GameObject should be left as an override inside the Prefab Variant.
When you open the Overrides drop-down window, you can always see in its header which object the overrides are to, and in which
context the overrides exist. For a Prefab Variant, the header will say that the overrides are to the base Prefab and exist in the Prefab
Variant. To make it extra clear, the Apply All button also says Apply All to Base.

Overrides dropdown for a Prefab Variant when editing the Prefab Variant in Prefab Mode
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Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Overrides at multiple levels

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When you work with Prefabs inside other Prefabs, or with Prefab Variants, overrides can exist at multiple levels, and the
same overrides can have multiple di erent Prefabs they can be applied to.

Choice of apply target
When you have a Prefab instance which has nested Prefabs inside it, or which is a Prefab Variant, you might have a choice
of which Prefab an override should be applied to.
Consider a Prefab “Vase” which is nested inside a Prefab “Table”, and the scene contains an instance of the “Table” Prefab.

A ‘Vase’ Prefab nested inside a ‘Table’ Prefab.
If on this instance, a property on “Vase” is overridden, there are multiple Prefabs this override could be applied to: the
“Vase” or the “Table”.
The Apply All button in the Overrides drop-down window only allows applying the override to the outer Prefab - the
“Table” in this case. But a choice of apply target is available when applying either via the context menu, or via the
comparison view for individual components in the Overrides drop-down window.

In this example, if you choose Apply to Prefab ‘Vase’, the value is applied to the ‘Vase’ Prefab Asset and is used for all
instances of the ‘Vase’ Prefab.
And, if you choose Apply as Override in Prefab ‘Table’, the value becomes an override on the instance of ‘Vase’ that is
inside the ‘Table’ Prefab. The property is no longer marked as an override on the instance in the Scene, but if you open the
‘Table’ Prefab in Prefab Mode, the property on the ‘Vase’ Prefab instance is marked as an override there.
The ‘Vase’ Prefab Asset itself is not a ected at all when overriding as an override in the ‘Table’ Prefab Asset. This means
that all instances of the ‘Table’ Prefab now have the new value on their ‘Vase’ Prefab instance, but other instances of the
‘Vase’ Prefab that are not part of the ‘Table’ Prefab are not a ected.
If the property on the ‘Vase’ Prefab itself is later changed, it will a ect all instances of the ‘Vase’ Prefab, except where that
property is overridden. Since it’s overridden on the ‘Vase’ instance inside the ‘Table’ Prefab, the change won’t a ect any of
the ‘Vase’ instances that are part of ‘Table’ instances.

Applying to inner Prefabs may a ect outer Prefabs too
Applying one or more properties to an inner Prefab Asset can sometimes modify outer Prefab Assets as well, because
those properties get their overrides reverted in the outer Prefabs.
In our example, if Apply to Prefab ‘Vase’ is chosen and the ‘Table’ Prefab has an override of the value, this override in the
‘Table’ Prefab is reverted at the same time so that the property on the instance retains the value that was just applied. If
this was not the case, the value on the instance would change right after being applied.
2018–07–31 Page published with limited editorial review
Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Unpacking Prefab instances

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To return the contents of a Prefab instance into a regular GameObject, you unpack the Prefab instance. This is exactly the
reverse operation of creating (packing) a Prefab, except that it doesn’t destroy the Prefab Asset but only a ects the Prefab
You can unpack a Prefab instance by right-clicking on it in the Hierarchy and selecting Unpack Prefab. The resulting GameObject
in the Scene no longer has any link to its former Prefab Asset. The Prefab Asset itself is not a ected by this operation and there
may still be other instances of it in your Project.
If you had any overrides on your Prefab instance before you unpacked it, those will be “baked” onto the resulting GameObjects.
That is, the values will stay the same, but will no longer have status as overrides, since there’s no Prefab to override.
If you unpack a Prefab that has nested Prefabs inside, the nested Prefabs remain Prefab instances and still have links to their
respective Prefab Assets. Similarly, if you unpack a Prefab Variant, there will be a new Prefab instance at the root which is an
instance of the base Prefab.
In general, unpacking a Prefab instance will give you the same objects you see if you go into Prefab Mode for that Prefab. This is
because Prefab Mode shows the contents that is inside of a Prefab, and unpacking a Prefab instance unpacks the contents of a
If you have a Prefab instance that you want to replace with plain GameObjects and completely remove all links to any Prefab
Assets, you can right-click on it in the Hierarchy and select Unpack Prefab Completely. This is equivalent to unpacking the
Prefab, and keeping on unpacking any Prefab instances that appear as a result because they were nested Prefabs or base
You can unpack Prefab instances that exist in Scenes, or which exist inside other Prefabs.
2018–07–31 Page published with no editorial review
Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants added in 2018.3

Instantiating Prefabs at runtime

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By this point you should understand the concept of Prefabs at a fundamental level. They are a collection of prede ned
GameObjects & Components that are re-usable throughout your game. If you don’t know what a Prefab is, we recommend you
read the Prefabs page for a more basic introduction.
Prefabs come in very handy when you want to instantiate complicated GameObjects at runtime. The alternative to instantiating
Prefabs is to create GameObjects from scratch using code. Instantiating Prefabs has many advantages over the alternative

You can instantiate a Prefab from one line of code, with complete functionality. Creating equivalent GameObjects
from code takes an average of ve lines of code, but likely more.
You can set up, test, and modify the Prefab quickly and easily in the Scene and Inspector.
You can change the Prefab being instanced without changing the code that instantiates it. A simple rocket might
be altered into a super-charged rocket, and no code changes are required.

Common Scenarios

To illustrate the strength of Prefabs, let’s consider some basic situations where they would come in handy:

Building a wall out of a single “brick” Prefab by creating it several times in di erent positions.
A rocket launcher instantiates a ying rocket Prefab when red. The Prefab contains a Mesh, Rigidbody, Collider,
and a child GameObject with its own trail Particle System.
A robot exploding to many pieces. The complete, operational robot is destroyed and replaced with a wrecked
robot Prefab. This Prefab would consist of the robot split into many parts, all set up with Rigidbodies and Particle
Systems of their own. This technique allows you to blow up a robot into many pieces, with just one line of code,
replacing one object with a Prefab.

Building a wall

This explanation will illustrate the advantages of using a Prefab vs creating objects from code.
First, lets build a brick wall from code:

public class Instantiation : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
cube.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);

To use the above script we simply save the script and drag it onto an empty GameObject.
Create an empty GameObject with GameObject->Create Empty.

If you execute that code, you will see an entire brick wall is created when you enter Play mode. There are two lines relevant to the
functionality of each individual brick: the CreatePrimitive line, and the AddComponent line. Not so bad right now, but each of
our bricks is un-textured. Every additional action to want to perform on the brick, like changing the texture, the friction, or the
Rigidbody mass, is an extra line.
If you create a Prefab and perform all your setup before-hand, you use one line of code to perform the creation and setup of each
brick. This relieves you from maintaining and changing a lot of code when you decide you want to make changes. With a Prefab,
you just make your changes and Play. No code alterations required.
If you’re using a Prefab for each individual brick, this is the code you need to create the wall.

//Instantiate accepts any component type, because it instantiates the GameObject
public Transform brick;
void Start()
for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
Instantiate(brick, new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity);

This is not only very clean but also very reusable. There is nothing saying we are instantiating a cube or that it must contain a
rigidbody. All of this is de ned in the Prefab and can be quickly created in the Editor.
Now we only need to create the Prefab, which we do in the Editor. Here’s how:

Choose GameObject > 3D Object > Cube
Choose Component > Physics > Rigidbody
Choose Assets > Create > Prefab
In the Project View, change the name of your new Prefab to “Brick”
Drag the cube you created in the Hierarchy onto the “Brick” Prefab in the Project View
With the Prefab created, you can safely delete the Cube from the Hierarchy (Delete on Windows, CommandBackspace on Mac)
We’ve created our Brick Prefab, so now we have to attach it to the brick variable in our script. When you select the empty
GameObject that contains the script, the Brick variable will be visible in the inspector.
Now drag the “Brick” Prefab from the Project View onto the brick variable in the Inspector. Press Play and you’ll see the wall built
using the Prefab.
This is a work ow pattern that can be used over and over again in Unity. In the beginning you might wonder why this is so much
better, because the script creating the cube from code is only 2 lines longer.
But because you are using a Prefab now, you can adjust the Prefab in seconds. Want to change the mass of all those instances?
Adjust the Rigidbody in the Prefab only once. Want to use a di erent Material for all the instances? Drag the Material onto the
Prefab only once. Want to change friction? Use a di erent Physic Material in the Prefab’s collider. Want to add a Particle System
to all those boxes? Add a child to the Prefab only once.

Instantiating rockets & explosions
Here’s how Prefabs t into this scenario:

A rocket launcher instantiates a rocket Prefab when the user presses re. The Prefab contains a mesh, Rigidbody,
Collider, and a child GameObject that contains a trail particle system.
The rocket impacts and instantiates an explosion Prefab. The explosion Prefab contains a Particle System, a light
that fades out over time, and a script that applies damage to surrounding GameObjects.
While it would be possible to build a rocket GameObject completely from code, adding Components manually and setting
properties, it is far easier to instantiate a Prefab. You can instantiate the rocket in just one line of code, no matter how complex
the rocket’s Prefab is. After instantiating the Prefab you can also modify any properties of the instantiated object (e.g. you can set
the velocity of the rocket’s Rigidbody).
Aside from being easier to use, you can update the prefab later on. So if you are building a rocket, you don’t immediately have to
add a Particle trail to it. You can do that later. As soon as you add the trail as a child GameObject to the Prefab, all your
instantiated rockets will have particle trails. And lastly, you can quickly tweak the properties of the rocket Prefab in the Inspector,
making it far easier to ne-tune your game.
This script shows how to launch a rocket using the Instantiate() function.

// Require the rocket to be a rigidbody.
// This way we the user can not assign a prefab without rigidbody
public Rigidbody rocket;
public float speed = 10f;
void FireRocket ()
Rigidbody rocketClone = (Rigidbody) Instantiate(rocket, transform.position, transform.ro
rocketClone.velocity = transform.forward * speed;
// You can also access other components / scripts of the clone
// Calls the fire method when holding down ctrl or mouse
void Update ()
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))

Replacing a character with a ragdoll or wreck
Let’s say you have a fully rigged enemy character who dies. You could simply play a death animation on the character and disable
all scripts that usually handle the enemy logic. You probably have to take care of removing several scripts, adding some custom
logic to make sure that no one will continue attacking the dead enemy anymore, and other cleanup tasks.

A far better approach is to immediately delete the entire character and replace it with an instantiated wrecked prefab. This gives
you a lot of exibility. You could use a di erent material for the dead character, attach completely di erent scripts, spawn a Prefab
containing the object broken into many pieces to simulate a shattered enemy, or simply instantiate a Prefab containing a version
of the character.
Any of these options can be achieved with a single call to Instantiate(), you just have to hook it up to the right prefab and you’re
The important part to remember is that the wreck which you Instantiate() can be made of completely di erent objects than the
original. For example, if you have an airplane, you would model two versions. One where the plane consists of a single
GameObject with Mesh Renderer and scripts for airplane physics. By keeping the model in just one GameObject, your game will
run faster since you will be able to make the model with less triangles and since it consists of fewer objects it will render faster
than using many small parts. Also while your plane is happily ying around there is no reason to have it in separate parts.
To build a wrecked airplane Prefab, the typical steps are:

Model your airplane with lots of di erent parts in your favorite modeler
Create an empty Scene
Drag the model into the empty Scene
Add Rigidbodies to all parts, by selecting all the parts and choosing Component->Physics->Rigidbody
Add Box Colliders to all parts by selecting all the parts and choosing Component->Physics->Box Collider
For an extra special e ect, add a smoke-like Particle System as a child GameObject to each of the parts
Now you have an airplane with multiple exploded parts, they fall to the ground by physics and will create a
Particle trail due to the attached particle system. Hit Play to preview how your model reacts and do any necessary
Choose Assets->Create Prefab
Drag the root GameObject containing all the airplane parts into the Prefab
The following example shows how these steps are modelled in code.

public GameObject wreck;
// As an example, we turn the game object into a wreck after 3 seconds automatically
IEnumerator Start()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
// Calls the fire method when holding down ctrl or mouse
void KillSelf ()
// Instantiate the wreck game object at the same position we are at
GameObject wreckClone = (GameObject) Instantiate(wreck, transform.position, transform.ro
// Sometimes we need to carry over some variables from this object
// to the wreck
wreckClone.GetComponent().someVariable = GetComponent().someVariable
// Kill ourselves

Placing a bunch of objects in a speci c pattern
Lets say you want to place a bunch of objects in a grid or circle pattern. Traditionally this would be done by either:

Building an object completely from code. This is tedious! Entering values from a script is both slow, unintuitive and
not worth the hassle.
Make the fully rigged object, duplicate it and place it multiple times in the scene. This is tedious, and placing
objects accurately in a grid is hard.
So use Instantiate() with a Prefab instead! We think you get the idea of why Prefabs are so useful in these scenarios. Here’s the
code necessary for these scenarios:

// Instantiates a prefab in a circle
public GameObject prefab;
public int numberOfObjects = 20;
public float radius = 5f;
void Start()
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++)
float angle = i * Mathf.PI * 2 / numberOfObjects;
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(angle)) * radius;
Instantiate(prefab, pos, Quaternion.identity);

// Instantiates a prefab in a grid

GameObject prefab;
float gridX = 5f;
float gridY = 5f;
float spacing = 2f;

void Start()
for (int y = 0; y < gridY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < gridX; x++)
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, 0, y) * spacing;
Instantiate(prefab, pos, Quaternion.identity);


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Unity supports the most conventional types of input device used with games (such as controllers, joypads,
keyboard and mouse) but also the touchscreens and movement-sensing capabilities of mobile devices. It also
supports input from VR and AR systems (see XR input).
Additionally, Unity can make use of a computer’s microphone and webcam to input audio and video data. See the
Audio and Graphics sections of the manual for further information.

Conventional Game Input

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Unity supports keyboard, joystick and gamepad input.
Virtual axes and buttons can be created in the Input Manager, and end users can con gure Keyboard input in a
nice screen con guration dialog.

NOTE: This is a legacy image. This Input Selector image dates back to the very earliest versions of
the Unity Editor in 2005. GooBall was a Unity Technologies game.
You can setup joysticks, gamepads, keyboard, and mouse, then access them all through one simple scripting
interface. Typically you use the axes and buttons to fake up a console controller. Alternatively you can access keys
on the keyboard.

Virtual Axes
From scripts, all virtual axes are accessed by their name.

Every project has the following default input axes when it’s created:

Horizontal and Vertical are mapped to w, a, s, d and the arrow keys.
Fire1, Fire2, Fire3 are mapped to Control, Option (Alt), and Command, respectively.
Mouse X and Mouse Y are mapped to the delta of mouse movement.
Window Shake X and Window Shake Y is mapped to the movement of the window.

Adding new Input Axes

If you want to add new virtual axes go to the Edit->Project Settings->Input menu. Here you can also change the
settings of each axis.

You map each axis to two buttons on a joystick, mouse, or keyboard keys.


The name of the string used to check this axis from a script.


Positive value name displayed in the input tab of the Con guration dialog
Descriptive Name
for standalone builds.
Negative value name displayed in the Input tab of the Con guration dialog
Negative Name
for standalone builds.
Negative Button
The button used to push the axis in the negative direction.
Positive Button
The button used to push the axis in the positive direction.
Alt Negative Button Alternative button used to push the axis in the negative direction.
Alt Positive Button Alternative button used to push the axis in the positive direction.
Speed in units per second that the axis falls toward neutral when no buttons
are pressed.
Size of the analog dead zone. All analog device values within this range result
map to neutral.
Speed in units per second that the axis will move toward the target value.
This is for digital devices only.
If enabled, the axis value will reset to zero when pressing a button of the
opposite direction.
If enabled, the Negative Buttons provide a positive value, and vice-versa.
The type of inputs that will control this axis.
The axis of a connected device that will control this axis.
Joy Num
The connected Joystick that will control this axis.
Use these settings to ne tune the look and feel of input. They are all documented with tooltips in the Editor as

Using Input Axes from Scripts
You can query the current state from a script like this:

value = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");

An axis has a value between –1 and 1. The neutral position is 0. This is the case for joystick input and keyboard
However, Mouse Delta and Window Shake Delta are how much the mouse or window moved during the last
frame. This means it can be larger than 1 or smaller than –1 when the user moves the mouse quickly.
It is possible to create multiple axes with the same name. When getting the input axis, the axis with the largest
absolute value will be returned. This makes it possible to assign more than one input device to one axis name. For
example, create one axis for keyboard input and one axis for joystick input with the same name. If the user is
using the joystick, input will come from the joystick, otherwise input will come from the keyboard. This way you
don’t have to consider where the input comes from when writing scripts.

Button Names

To map a key to an axis, you have to enter the key’s name in the Positive Button or Negative Button property in
the Inspector.

The names of keys follow this convention:

Normal keys: “a”, “b”, “c” …
Number keys: “1”, “2”, “3”, …
Arrow keys: “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”
Keypad keys: “[1]”, “[2]”, “[3]”, “[+]”, “[equals]”
Modi er keys: “right shift”, “left shift”, “right ctrl”, “left ctrl”, “right alt”, “left alt”, “right cmd”, “left cmd”
Mouse Buttons: “mouse 0”, “mouse 1”, “mouse 2”, …
Joystick Buttons (from any joystick): “joystick button 0”, “joystick button 1”, “joystick button 2”, …
Joystick Buttons (from a speci c joystick): “joystick 1 button 0”, “joystick 1 button 1”, “joystick 2
button 0”, …
Special keys: “backspace”, “tab”, “return”, “escape”, “space”, “delete”, “enter”, “insert”, “home”, “end”,
“page up”, “page down”
Function keys: “f1”, “f2”, “f3”, …
The names used to identify the keys are the same in the scripting interface and the Inspector.

value = Input.GetKey ("a");

Note also that the keys are accessible using the KeyCode enum parameter.

Mobile Device Input

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On mobile devices, the Input class o ers access to touchscreen, accelerometer and geographical/location input.
Access to keyboard on mobile devices is provided via the iOS keyboard.

Multi-Touch Screen
The iPhone and iPod Touch devices are capable of tracking up to ve ngers touching the screen simultaneously.
You can retrieve the status of each nger touching the screen during the last frame by accessing the
Input.touches property array.
Android devices don’t have a uni ed limit on how many ngers they track. Instead, it varies from device to device
and can be anything from two-touch on older devices to ve ngers on some newer devices.
Each nger touch is represented by an Input.Touch data structure:

The unique index for a touch.
The screen position of the touch.
deltaPosition The screen position change since the last frame.
Amount of time that has passed since the last state change.
The iPhone/iPad screen is able to distinguish quick nger taps by the user. This
counter will let you know how many times the user has tapped the screen without
moving a nger to the sides. Android devices do not count number of taps, this eld
is always 1.
Describes so called “phase” or the state of the touch. It can help you determine if the
touch just began, if user moved the nger or if they just lifted the nger.
Phase can be one of the following:

A nger just touched the screen.
A nger moved on the screen.
Stationary A nger is touching the screen but hasn’t moved since the last frame.
A nger was lifted from the screen. This is the nal phase of a touch.
The system cancelled tracking for the touch, as when (for example) the user puts the
Canceled device to their face or more than ve touches happened simultaneously. This is the
nal phase of a touch.
Following is an example script which will shoot a ray whenever the user taps on the screen:

var particle : GameObject;
function Update () {
for (var touch : Touch in Input.touches) {
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) {
// Construct a ray from the current touch coordinates
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (touch.position);
if (Physics.Raycast (ray)) {

// Create a particle if hit
Instantiate (particle, transform.position, transform.rotation);

Mouse Simulation
On top of native touch support Unity iOS/Android provides a mouse simulation. You can use mouse functionality
from the standard Input class. Note that iOS/Android devices are designed to support multiple nger touch. Using
the mouse functionality will support just a single nger touch. Also, nger touch on mobile devices can move from
one area to another with no movement between them. Mouse simulation on mobile devices will provide
movement, so is very di erent compared to touch input. The recommendation is to use the mouse simulation
during early development but to use touch input as soon as possible.

As the mobile device moves, a built-in accelerometer reports linear acceleration changes along the three primary
axes in three-dimensional space. Acceleration along each axis is reported directly by the hardware as G-force
values. A value of 1.0 represents a load of about +1g along a given axis while a value of –1.0 represents –1g. If you
hold the device upright (with the home button at the bottom) in front of you, the X axis is positive along the right,
the Y axis is positive directly up, and the Z axis is positive pointing toward you.
You can retrieve the accelerometer value by accessing the Input.acceleration property.
The following is an example script which will move an object using the accelerometer:

var speed = 10.0;
function Update () {
var dir : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
// we assume that the device is held parallel to the ground
// and the Home button is in the right hand
// remap the device acceleration axis to game coordinates:
// 1) XY plane of the device is mapped onto XZ plane
// 2) rotated 90 degrees around Y axis
dir.x = ­Input.acceleration.y;
dir.z = Input.acceleration.x;
// clamp acceleration vector to the unit sphere
if (dir.sqrMagnitude > 1)

// Make it move 10 meters per second instead of 10 meters per frame...
dir *= Time.deltaTime;
// Move object
transform.Translate (dir * speed);

Low-Pass Filter
Accelerometer readings can be jerky and noisy. Applying low-pass ltering on the signal allows you to smooth it
and get rid of high frequency noise.
The following script shows you how to apply low-pass ltering to accelerometer readings:

var AccelerometerUpdateInterval : float = 1.0 / 60.0;
var LowPassKernelWidthInSeconds : float = 1.0;
private var LowPassFilterFactor : float = AccelerometerUpdateInterval / LowPassK
private var lowPassValue : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
function Start () {
lowPassValue = Input.acceleration;
function LowPassFilterAccelerometer() : Vector3 {
lowPassValue = Vector3.Lerp(lowPassValue, Input.acceleration, LowPassFilterF
return lowPassValue;

The greater the value of LowPassKernelWidthInSeconds, the slower the ltered value will converge towards
the current input sample (and vice versa).

I’d like as much precision as possible when reading the accelerometer.
What should I do?
Reading the Input.acceleration variable does not equal sampling the hardware. Put simply, Unity samples the
hardware at a frequency of 60Hz and stores the result into the variable. In reality, things are a little bit more

complicated – accelerometer sampling doesn’t occur at consistent time intervals, if under signi cant CPU loads. As
a result, the system might report 2 samples during one frame, then 1 sample during the next frame.
You can access all measurements executed by accelerometer during the frame. The following code will illustrate a
simple average of all the accelerometer events that were collected within the last frame:

var period : float = 0.0;
var acc : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
for (var evnt : iPhoneAccelerationEvent in iPhoneInput.accelerationEvents) {
acc += evnt.acceleration * evnt.deltaTime;
period += evnt.deltaTime;
if (period > 0)
acc *= 1.0/period;
return acc;

Mobile Keyboard

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In most cases, Unity will handle keyboard input automatically for GUI elements but it is also easy to show the
keyboard on demand from a script.

GUI Elements
The keyboard will appear automatically when a user taps on editable GUI elements. Currently, GUI.TextField,
GUI.TextArea and GUI.PasswordField will display the keyboard; see the GUI class documentation for further

Manual Keyboard Handling
Use the TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() function to open the keyboard. Please see the TouchScreenKeyboard
scripting reference for the parameters that this function takes.

Keyboard Layout Options
The Keyboard supports the following options:-


Letters. Can be switched to keyboard with
numbers and punctuation.
Letters. Can be switched to keyboard with
numbers and punctuation.
Numbers and punctuation. Can be
switched to keyboard with letters.
Letters with slash and .com buttons. Can
be switched to keyboard with numbers
and punctuation.
Only numbers from 0 to 9.
Keyboard used to enter phone numbers.
Letters. Can be switched to phone
Letters with @ sign. Can be switched to
keyboard with numbers and punctuation.

Text Preview

By default, an edit box will be created and placed on top of the keyboard after it appears. This works as preview
of the text that user is typing, so the text is always visible for the user. However, you can disable text preview by
setting TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput to true. Note that this works only for certain keyboard types and input
modes. For example, it will not work for phone keypads and multi-line text input. In such cases, the edit box will
always appear. TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput is a global variable and will a ect all keyboards.

Visibility and Keyboard Size
There are three keyboard properties in TouchScreenKeyboard that determine keyboard visibility status and size
on the screen.

Property: Function:
Returns true if the keyboard is fully visible on the screen and can be used to enter
Returns the position and dimensions of the keyboard.
Returns true if the keyboard is activated. This property is not static property. You must
have a keyboard instance to use this property.
Note that TouchScreenKeyboard.area will return a Rect with position and size set to 0 until the keyboard is fully
visible on the screen. You should not query this value immediately after TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(). The
sequence of keyboard events is as follows:

TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() is called. TouchScreenKeyboard.active returns true.
TouchScreenKeyboard.visible returns false. TouchScreenKeyboard.area returns (0, 0, 0, 0).
Keyboard slides out into the screen. All properties remain the same.
Keyboard stops sliding. TouchScreenKeyboard.active returns true.
TouchScreenKeyboard.visible returns true. TouchScreenKeyboard.area returns real position
and size of the keyboard.

Secure Text Input

It is possible to con gure the keyboard to hide symbols when typing. This is useful when users are required to
enter sensitive information (such as passwords). To manually open keyboard with secure text input enabled, use
the following code:

TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default, false, false, true

Hiding text while typing

Alert keyboard
To display the keyboard with a black semi-transparent background instead of the classic opaque, call
TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() as follows:

TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default, false, false, true

Alert keyboard


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The Transform is used to store a GameObject’s position, rotation, scale and parenting state and is thus very important. A
GameObject will always have a Transform component attached - it is not possible to remove a Transform or to create a
GameObject without one.

Editing Transforms
Transforms are manipulated in 3D space in the X, Y, and Z axes or in 2D space in just X and Y. In Unity, these axes are
represented by the colors red, green, and blue respectively.

A transform showing the color-coding of the axes
A Transform can be edited in the Scene View or by changing its properties in the Inspector. In the scene, you can modify
Transforms using the Move, Rotate and Scale tools. These tools are located in the upper left-hand corner of the Unity Editor.

The View, Translate, Rotate, and Scale tools
The tools can be used on any object in the scene. When you click on an object, you will see the tool gizmo appear within it. The
appearance of the gizmo depends on which tool is selected.

Transform gizmo
When you click and drag on one of the three gizmo axes, you will notice that its color changes to yellow. As you drag the mouse,
you will see the object translate, rotate, or scale along the selected axis. When you release the mouse button, the axis remains

A Transform showing the selected (yellow) X axis
There is also an additional option in Translate mode to lock movement to a particular plane (ie, allow dragging in two of the axes
while keeping the third unchanged). The three small coloured squares around the center of the Translate gizmo activate the
lock for each plane; the colors correspond to the axis that will be locked when the square is clicked (eg, blue locks the Z axis).

Parenting is one of the most important concepts to understand when using Unity. When a GameObject is a Parent of another
GameObject, the Child GameObject will move, rotate, and scale exactly as its Parent does. You can think of parenting as being
like the relationship between your arms and your body; whenever your body moves, your arms also move along with it. Child
objects can also have children of their own and so on. So your hands could be regarded as “children” of your arms and then
each hand has several ngers, etc. Any object can have multiple children, but only one parent. These multiple levels of parentchild relationships form a Transform hierarchy. The object at the very top of a hierarchy (ie, the only object in the hierarchy that
doesn’t have a parent) is known as the root.
You can create a Parent by dragging any GameObject in the Hierarchy View onto another. This will create a Parent-Child
relationship between the two GameObjects.

Example of a Parent-Child hierarchy. GameObjects with foldout arrows to the left of their names are parents.
Note that the Transform values in the Inspector for any child GameObject are displayed relative to the Parent’s Transform
values. These values are referred to as local coordinates. Returning to the analogy of body and arms, the position of your body
may move as you walk but your arms will still be attached at the same relative position. For scene construction, it is usually
su cient to work with local coordinates for child objects but in gameplay it is often useful to nd their exact position in world
space or global coordinates. The scripting API for the Transform component has separate properties for local and global
position, rotation and scale and also allows you to convert any point between local and global coordinates.

Limitations with Non-Uniform Scaling
Non-uniform scaling is when the Scale in a Transform has di erent values for x, y, and z; for example (2, 4, 2). In contrast,
uniform scaling has the same value for x, y, and z; for example (3, 3, 3). Non-uniform scaling can be useful in a few speci c cases
but it introduces a few oddities that don’t occur with uniform scaling:-

Certain components do not fully support non-uniform scaling. For example, some components have a circular
or spherical element de ned by a radius property, among them Sphere Collider, Capsule Collider, Light and
Audio Source. In cases like this the circular shape will not become elliptical under non-uniform scaling as you
would expect and will simply remain circular.
When a child object has a non-uniformly scaled parent and is rotated relative to that parent, it may appear
skewed or “sheared”. There are components that support simple non-uniform scaling but don’t work correctly
when skewed like this. For example, a skewed Box Collider will not match the shape of the rendered mesh
For performance reasons, a child object of a non-uniformly scaled parent will not have its scale automatically
updated when it rotates. As a result, the child’s shape may appear to change abruptly when the scale eventually
is updated, say if the child object is detached from the parent.

Importance of Scale

The scale of the Transform determines the di erence between the size of a mesh in your modeling application and the size of
that mesh in Unity. The mesh’s size in Unity (and therefore the Transform’s scale) is very important, especially during physics
simulation. By default, the physics engine assumes that one unit in world space corresponds to one metre. If an object is very
large, it can appear to fall in “slow motion”; the simulation is actually correct since e ectively, you are watching a very large
object falling a great distance.
There are three factors that can a ect the scale of your object:

The size of your mesh in your 3D modeling application.
The Mesh Scale Factor setting in the object’s Import Settings.
The Scale values of your Transform Component.
Ideally, you should not adjust the Scale of your object in the Transform Component. The best option is to create your models at
real-life scale so you won’t have to change your Transform’s scale. The next best option is to adjust the scale at which your mesh
is imported in the Import Settings for your individual mesh. Certain optimizations occur based on the import size, and
instantiating an object that has an adjusted scale value can decrease performance. For more information, see the section about
optimizing scale on the Rigidbody component reference page.

Tips for Working with Transforms
When parenting Transforms, it is useful to set the parent’s location to <0,0,0> before adding the child. This
means that the local coordinates for the child will be the same as global coordinates making it easier to be sure
you have the child in the right position.
Particle Systems are not a ected by the Transform’s Scale. In order to scale a Particle System, you need to
modify the properties in the System’s Particle Emitter, Animator and Renderer.
If you are using Rigidbodies for physics simulation then be sure to read about the Scale property on the
Rigidbody component reference page.
You can change the colors of the Transform axes (and other UI elements) from the preferences (Menu: Unity >
Preferences and then select the Colors & keys panel).
Changing the Scale a ects the position of child transforms. For example scaling the parent to (0,0,0) will position
all children at (0,0,0) relative to the parent.


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A Constraint component links the position, rotation, or scale of a GameObject to another GameObject. A
constrained GameObject moves, rotates, or scales like the GameObject it is linked to.
Unity supports the following types of Constraint components:
Aim: Rotate the constrained GameObject to face the linked GameObject.
Parent: Move and rotate the constrained GameObject with the linked GameObject.
Position: Move the constrained GameObject like the linked GameObject.
Rotation: Rotate the constrained GameObject like the linked GameObject.
Scale: Scale the constrained GameObject like the linked GameObject.

Linking to GameObjects
Use the Sources list in a Constraint component to specify the GameObjects to link to.
For example, to make a crosshair follow the player’s spaceship in a 2D shooter, add a Position Constraint
component to the crosshair. To link the crosshair to the spaceship, navigate to the Position Constraint
component and add the spaceship GameObject to the Sources list. As the player moves the spaceship, the
crosshair follows.

A Position Constraint for a crosshair. The crosshair follows the player’s spaceship (red).
A Constraint can link to several source GameObjects. In this case, the Constraint uses the averaged position,
rotation, or scale of its source GameObjects. For example, to point a Light at a group of GameObjects, add an Aim
Constraint component to the Light GameObject. Then, add the GameObjects to illuminate in the Sources list.
The Aim Constraint orients the light to face the averaged position of its sources.
Unity evaluates source GameObjects in the order that they appear in the Sources list. The order has no e ect for
the Position and Scale Constraints. However, order has an e ect on Parent, Rotation, and Aim Constraints. To
get the result you want, reorder the Sources list by dragging and dropping items.
You can constrain a series of GameObjects. For example, you want ducklings to follow their mother in a row. You
add a Position Constraint component to GameObject Duckling1. In the Sources list, you link to MotherDuck. You
then add a Position Constraint to Duckling2 that links to Duckling1. As the MotherDuck GameObject moves in the
Scene, Duckling1 follows MotherDuck, and Duckling2 follows Duckling1.
Avoid creating a cycle of Constraints, because this causes unpredictable updates during gameplay.

Setting Constraint properties
Use the Inspector window to change common properties in a Constraint.

Weight and Constraint Settings for a Position Constraint
Use Weight to vary the in uence of a Constraint. A weight of 1 causes the Constraint to update a GameObject at
the same rate as its source GameObjects. A weight of 0 removes the e ect of the Constraint completely. Each
source GameObject also has an individual weight.
In Constraint Settings, use the At Rest properties to specify the X, Y, and Z values to use when Weight is 0 or
when the corresponding property in Freeze Axes is not checked.
Use the O set properties in Constraint Settings to specify the X, Y, and Z values to use when constraining the
Use the Freeze Axes settings to toggle which axes the Constraint can actually modify.

Activating and locking Constraints
There are two aspects to working with Constraints: activating and locking.
You activate a Constraint to allow it to evaluate the position, rotation, or scale of the constrained GameObject.
Unity does not evaluate inactive Constraints.
You lock a Constraint to allow it to move, rotate, or scale the GameObject. A locked Constraint takes control of the
relevant parts of the Transform of the GameObject. You cannot manually move, rotate, or scale a GameObject
with a locked Constraint. You also cannot edit the Constraint Settings.
To manually edit the position, rotation, or scale of a GameObject, unlock its Constraint. If the Constraint is active
while unlocked, the Constraint updates Constraint Settings for you as you move, rotate, or scale the constrained
GameObject or its source GameObjects.
When you add a Constraint component to a GameObject, the Constraint is inactive and unlocked by default. This
lets you ne-tune the position, rotation, and scale of the constrained and source GameObjects before you
activate and lock the Constraint.
For convenience, the Activate and Zero buttons update Constraint Settings for you:
Activate: Saves the current o set from the source GameObjects, then activates and locks the constrained
Zero: Resets the position, rotation, or scale to match the source GameObjects, then activates and locks the
constrained GameObject.

Animating and combining Constraints



Use animation clips to modify the source GameObjects that your constrained GameObject links to. As the
animation modi es the source GameObjects, the Constraint modi es your constrained GameObject.
You can also animate properties in a Constraint component. For example, use a Parent Constraint to move a
character’s sword from their hand to their back. First, add a Parent Constraint to the sword GameObject. In the
Sources list, link the Constraint to the character’s hand and the character’s spine. To animate the sword, add
keyframes for the weight of each source. To animate the sword moving from back to hand, add keyframes to
change the weight of the hand from 0 to 1 with keyframes for the weight of the spine from 1 to 0.
You can add more than one kind of Constraint component to the same GameObject. When updating the
GameObject, Unity evaluates Constraint components from rst to last as they appear in the Inspector window. A
GameObject can only contain one Constraint component of the same kind. For example, you cannot add more
than one Position Constraint.

Importing Constraints
When importing FBX les into the Unity Editor from Autodesk® Maya® and MotionBuilder®, you can include
Constraints. Click the Animation tab of the Import Settings window and check Import Constraints:

Import Settings with Import Constraints checked
For every constraint in the FBX le, Unity automatically adds a corresponding Constraint component and links it to
the correct GameObjects.

Adding and editing Constraints
To add a Constraint component:
Select the GameObject to constrain.
In the Inspector window, click Add Component search for the type of Constraint you want to add, and click it to
add it.

To add a source GameObject to your new Constraint, drag that GameObject from the Hierarchy (or from the
Scene view) into the Sources list.
Move, rotate, or scale the constrained GameObject and its source GameObjects.
To activate the Constraint, click Activate or Zero, or check Is Active and Lock.
To edit a Constraint component:
Select the constrained GameObject in the Editor.
To adjust the At Rest or O set elds, use the Inspector window to expand Constraint Settings, uncheck Lock,
then edit the values.
To specify the axes that the Constraint updates, expand Constraint Settings, then check the properties in Freeze
To add a source GameObject to the Constraint:
If there are no empty slots in the Sources list, click + at the bottom of the list.
Drag the GameObject you want to use as a Constraint source from your scene into the Sources list.
To remove a source GameObject, select it in the Sources list and click the minus symbol (-) at the bottom of the
To re-order the source GameObjects in the Sources list, click the double bar icon on the left side of each
GameObject you want to move, and drag it up or down.
Note: In the Sources list, order has no e ect on the Position, Rotation, and Scale Constraints. However, order
does a ect how Parent and Aim Constraints move or rotate a GameObject.
Check Is Active and Lock.
2018–04–11 Page published with editorial review
Constraints added in 2018.1

Aim Constraints

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An Aim Constraint rotates a GameObject to face its source GameObjects.
At the same time the Aim Constraint rotates a GameObject to follow its source GameObjects, it can also maintain a
consistent orientation for another axis. For example, you add an Aim Constraint to a Camera. To keep the Camera
upright while the Constraint aims it, specify the up axis of the Camera and an up direction to align it to.
Use the Up Vector to specify the up axis of the constrained GameObject. Use the World Up Vector to specify the
upward direction. As the Aim Constraint rotates the GameObject to face its source GameObjects, the Constraint also
aligns the up axis of the constrained GameObject with the upward direction.

Aim Constraint component


Property: Function:
After you rotate the constrained GameObject and move its source GameObjects, click
Activate Activate to save this information. Activate saves the current o set from the source
GameObjects in Rotation At Rest and Rotation O set, then checks Is Active and Lock.
Sets the rotation of the constrained GameObject to the source GameObjects. Zero resets
the Rotation At Rest and Rotation O set elds, then checks Is Active and Lock.
Toggles whether or not to evaluate the Constraint. To also apply the Constraint, make
Is Active
sure Lock is checked.
The strength of the Constraint. A weight of 1 causes the Constraint to rotate this
GameObject at the same rate that its source GameObjects move. A weight of 0 removes
the e ect of the Constraint completely. This weight a ects all source GameObjects. Each
GameObject in the Sources list also has a weight.
Speci es the axis which faces the direction of its source GameObjects. For example, to
specify that the GameObject should orient only its positive Z axis to face the source
GameObjects, enter an Aim Vector of 0, 0, 1 for the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.

Property: Function:
Speci es the up axis of this GameObject. For example, to specify that the GameObject
Up Vector should always keep its positive Y axis pointing upward, enter an Up Vector of 0, 1, 0 for
the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.
World Up Speci es the axis for the upward direction. The Aim Constraint uses this vector to align
the up axis of the GameObject the upward direction.
Scene Up The Y axis of the scene.
Object Up The Y axis of the GameObject referred to by World Up Object.
Object Up The axis speci ed by World Up Vector of the GameObject referred to by World Up
Rotation Object.
The World Up Vector.
Do not use a World Up vector.
World Up Speci es the vector to use for the Object Up Rotation and Vector choices in World Up
World Up Speci es the GameObject to use for the Object Up and Object Up Rotation choices in
World Up Type.
Toggle to let the Constraint rotate the GameObject. Uncheck this property to edit the
rotation of this GameObject. You can also edit the Rotation At Rest and Rotation O set
properties. If Is Active is checked, the Constraint updates the Rotation At Rest or Rotation
O set properties for you as you rotate the GameObject or its source GameObjects. When
you are satis ed with your changes, check Lock to let the Constraint control this
GameObject. This property has no e ect in Play Mode.
Rotation The X, Y, and Z values to use when Weight is 0 or when the corresponding Freeze Rotation
At Rest
Axes are not checked. To edit these elds, uncheck Lock.
Rotation The X, Y, and Z o set from the rotation that is calculated by the Constraint. To edit these
O set
elds, uncheck Lock.
Check X, Y, or Z to allow the Constraint to control the corresponding axes. Uncheck an axis
Rotation to stop the Constraint from controlling it. This allows you to edit, animate, or script the
unfrozen axis.
The list of GameObjects that constrain this GameObject. Unity evaluates source
GameObjects in the order that they appear in this list. This order a ects how this
Constraint rotates the constrained GameObject. To get the result you want, drag and drop
items in this list. Each source has a weight from 0 to 1.
2018–03–13 Page published with editorial review
Constraints added in 2018.1

Parent Constraints

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A Parent Constraint moves and rotates a GameObject as if it is the child of another GameObject in the Hierarchy
window. However, it o ers certain advantages that are not possible when you make one GameObject the parent
of another:
A Parent Constraint does not a ect scale.
A Parent Constraint can link to multiple GameObjects.
A GameObject does not have to be a child of the GameObjects that the Parent Constraint links to.
You can vary the e ect of the Constraint by specifying a weight, as well as weights for each of its source
For example, to place a sword in the hand of a character, add a Parent Constraint component to the sword
GameObject. In the Sources list of the Parent Constraint, link to the character’s hand. This way, the movement of
the sword is constrained to the position and rotation of the hand.

Parent Constraint component


Property: Function:
After you move and rotate the constrained GameObject and its source GameObjects,
click Activate to save this information. Activate saves the current o set from the
source GameObjects in Rotation At Rest, Position At Rest, Position O set, and
Rotation O set, then checks Is Active and Lock.
Sets the position and rotation of the constrained GameObject to the source
GameObjects. Zero resets the Rotation At Rest, Position At Rest, Position O set,
and Rotation O set elds then checks Is Active and Lock.

Property: Function:
Toggles whether or not to evaluate the Constraint. To also apply the Constraint, make
Is Active
sure Lock is checked.
The strength of the Constraint. A weight of 1 causes the Constraint to move and rotate
this GameObject at the same rate as its source GameObjects. A weight of 0 removes
the e ect of the Constraint completely. This weight a ects all source GameObjects.
Each GameObject in the Sources list also has a weight.
Toggle to let the Constraint move and rotate the GameObject. Uncheck this property to
edit the position and rotation of this GameObject. You can also edit the Rotation At
Rest, Position At Rest, Position O set, and Rotation O set properties. If Is Active is
checked, the Constraint updates the Rotation At Rest, Position At Rest, Position O set,
or Rotation O set properties for you as you move and rotate the GameObject or its
Source GameObjects. When you are satis ed with your changes, check Lock to let the
Constraint to control this GameObject. This property has no e ect in Play Mode.
Position At The X, Y, and Z values to use when Weight is 0 or when the corresponding Freeze
Position Axes are not checked. To edit these elds, uncheck Lock.
Rotation The X, Y, and Z values to use when Weight is 0 or when the corresponding Freeze
At Rest
Rotation Axes are not checked. To edit these elds, uncheck Lock.
The X, Y, and Z position o set from the Transform that the Constraint imposes. To edit
O set
these elds, uncheck Lock.
Rotation The X, Y, and Z rotation o set from the Transform that the Constraint imposes. To edit
O set
these elds, uncheck Lock.
Check X, Y, or Z to allow the Constraint to control the corresponding position axes.
Uncheck an axis to stop the Constraint from controlling it, which allows you to edit,
animate, or script it.
Check X, Y, or Z to allow the Constraint to control the corresponding rotation axes.
Rotation Uncheck an axis to stop the Constraint from controlling it, which allows you to edit,
animate, or script it.
The list of GameObjects that constrain this GameObject. Unity evaluates source
GameObjects in the order they appear in this list. This order a ects how this Constraint
moves and rotates the constrained GameObject. To get the result you want, drag and
drop items in this list. Each source has a weight from 0 to 1.
2018–03–13 Page published with editorial review
Constraints added in 2018.1

Position Constraints

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A Position Constraint component moves a GameObject to follow its source GameObjects.

Position Constraint component


Property: Function:
After you position the constrained GameObject and its source GameObjects, click
Activate Activate to save this information. Activate saves the current o set from the source
GameObjects in Position At Rest and Position O set, then checks Is Active and Lock.
Sets the position of the constrained GameObject to the source GameObjects. Zero
resets the Position At Rest and Position O set elds, then checks Is Active and Lock.
Toggles whether or not to evaluate the Constraint. To also apply the Constraint, make
Is Active
sure Lock is checked.
The strength of the Constraint. A weight of 1 causes the Constraint to move this
GameObject at the same rate as its source GameObjects. A weight of 0 removes the
e ect of the Constraint completely. This weight a ects all source GameObjects. Each
GameObject in the Sources list also has a weight.
Toggle to let the Constraint move the GameObject. Uncheck this property to edit the
position of this GameObject. You can also edit the Position At Rest and Position
O set properties. If Is Active is checked, the Constraint updates the At Rest or O set
properties for you as you move the GameObject or its Source GameObjects. When you
are satis ed with your changes, check Lock to let the Constraint control this
GameObject. This property has no e ect in Play Mode.
Position At The X, Y, and Z values to use when Weight is 0 or when the corresponding Freeze
Position Axes is not checked. To edit these elds, uncheck Lock.
The X, Y, and Z o set from the Transform that is imposed by the Constraint. To edit
O set
these elds, uncheck Lock.


Check X, Y, or Z to allow the Constraint to control the corresponding axes. Uncheck an
axis to stop the Constraint from controlling it. This allows you to edit, animate, or script
the unfrozen axis.
The list of GameObjects that constrain this GameObject. Each source has a weight from
0 to 1.

2018–03–13 Page published with editorial review
Constraints added in 2018.1

Rotation Constraints

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A Rotation Constraint component rotates a GameObject to match the rotation of its source GameObjects.

Rotation Constraint component


Property: Function:
After you rotate the constrained GameObject and its source GameObjects, click Activate to save
Activate this information. Activate saves the current o set from the source GameObjects in Rotation At
Rest and Rotation O set then checks Is Active and Lock.
Sets the rotation of the constrained GameObject to the source GameObjects. Zero resets the
Rotation At Rest and Rotation O set elds, then checks Is Active and Lock.
Toggles whether or not to evaluate the Constraint. To also apply the Constraint, make sure Lock
Is Active
is checked.
The strength of the Constraint. A weight of 1 causes the Constraint to rotate this GameObject at
the same rate as its source GameObjects. A weight of 0 removes the e ect of the Constraint
completely. This weight a ects all source GameObjects. Each GameObject in the Sources list also
has a weight.
Toggle to let the Constraint rotate the GameObject. Uncheck this property to edit the rotation of
this GameObject. You can also edit the Rotation At Rest and Rotation O set properties. If Is
Active is checked, the Constraint updates the Rotation At Rest or Rotation O set properties
for you as you rotate the GameObject or its Source GameObjects. When you are satis ed with
your changes, check Lock to let the Constraint to control this GameObject. This property has no
e ect in Play Mode.
Rotation The X, Y, and Z values to use when Weight is 0 or when the corresponding Freeze Rotation Axes
At Rest
is not checked. To edit these elds, uncheck Lock.
Rotation The X, Y, and Z o set from the transform that is imposed by the Constraint. To edit these elds,
O set
uncheck Lock.
Check X, Y, or Z to allow the Constraint to control the corresponding axes. Uncheck an axis to stop
the Constraint from controlling it. This allows you to edit, animate, or script the unfrozen axis.
The list of GameObjects that constrain this GameObject. Unity evaluates source GameObjects in
the order they appear in this list. This order a ects how this Constraint rotates the constrained
GameObject. To get the result you want, drag and drop items in this list. Each source has a weight
from 0 to 1.

2018–04–11 Page published with editorial review
Constraints added in 2018.1

Scale Constraints

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A Scale Constraint component resizes a GameObject to match the scale of its source GameObjects.

Scale Constraint component


Property: Function:
After you resize the constrained GameObject and its source GameObjects, click Activate to
Activate save this information. Activate saves the current o set from the source GameObjects in
Scale At Rest and Scale O set then checks Is Active and Lock.
Sets the rotation of the constrained GameObject to the source GameObjects. Zero resets
the Scale At Rest and Scale O set elds then checks Is Active and Lock.
Toggles whether or not to evaluate the Constraint. To also apply the Constraint, make sure
Is Active
Lock is checked.
The strength of the Constraint. A weight of 1 causes the Constraint to resize this
GameObject at the same rate as its source GameObjects. A weight of 0 removes the e ect
of the Constraint completely. This weight a ects all source GameObjects. Each GameObject
in the Sources list also has a weight.
Toggle to let the Constraint resize the GameObject. Uncheck this property to edit the scale
of this GameObject. You can also edit the Scale At Rest and Scale O set properties. If Is
Active is checked, the Constraint updates the Scale At Rest or Scale O set properties for
you as you resize the GameObject or its Source GameObjects. When you are satis ed with
your changes, check Lock to let the Constraint to control this GameObject. This property
has no e ect in Play Mode.
Scale At
The X, Y, and Z values to use when Weight is 0 or when the corresponding Freeze Scale
Axes is not checked. To edit these elds, uncheck Lock.
The X, Y, and Z o set from the transform that is imposed by the Constraint. To edit these
O set
elds, uncheck Lock.
Check X, Y, or Z to allow the Constraint to control the corresponding axes. Uncheck an axis
to stop the Constraint from controlling it. This allows you to edit, animate, or script the
Scale Axes
unfrozen axis.
The list of GameObjects that constrain this GameObject. Each source has a weight from 0 to

2018–03–13 Page published with editorial review
Constraints added in 2018.1

Rotation and Orientation in Unity

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Rotations in 3D applications are usually represented in one of two ways, Quaternions or Euler angles. Each has its own
uses and drawbacks. Unity uses Quaternions internally, but shows values of the equivalent Euler angles in the inspector
to make it easy for you to edit.

The Di erence Between Euler Angles and Quaternions
Euler Angles
Euler angles have a simpler representation, that being three angle values for X, Y and Z that are applied sequentially. To apply a
Euler rotation to a particular object, each rotation value is applied in turn, as a rotation around its corresponding axis.

Bene t: Euler angles have an intuitive “human readable” format, consisting of three angles.
Bene t: Euler angles can represent the rotation from one orientation to another through a turn of more than 180
Limitation: Euler angles su er from Gimbal Lock. When applying the three rotations in turn, it is possible for the
rst or second rotation to result in the third axis pointing in the same direction as one of the previous axes. This
means a “degree of freedom” has been lost, because the third rotation value cannot be applied around a unique


Quaternions can be used to represent the orientation or rotation of an object. This representation internally consists of four
numbers (referenced in Unity as x, y, z & w) however these numbers don’t represent angles or axes and you never normally need
to access them directly. Unless you are particularly interested in delving into the mathematics of Quaternions, you only really need
to know that a Quaternion represents a rotation in 3D space and you will never normally need to know or modify the x, y & z
In the same way that a Vector can represent either a position or a direction (where the direction is measured from the origin), a
Quaternion can represent either an orientation or a rotation - where the rotation is measured from the rotational “origin” or
“Identity”. It because the rotation is measured in this way - from one orientation to another - that a quaternion can’t represent a
rotation beyond 180 degrees.

Bene t: Quaternion rotations do not su er from Gimbal Lock.
Limitation: A single quaternion cannot represent a rotation exceeding 180 degrees in any direction.
Limitation: The numeric representation of a Quaternion is not intuitively understandable.
In Unity all Game Object rotations are stored internally as Quaternions, because the bene ts outweigh the limitations.
In the Transform Inspector however, we display the rotation using Euler angles, because this is more easily understood and edited.
New values entered into the inspector for the rotation of a Game Object are converted “under the hood” into a new Quaternion
rotation value for the object.

The rotation of a Game Object is displayed and edited as Euler angles in the inspector, but is stored internally as a
As a side-e ect, it is possible in the inspector to enter a value of, say, X: 0, Y: 365, Z: 0 for a Game Object’s rotation. This is a value
that is not possible to represent as a quaternion, so when you hit Play you’ll see that the object’s rotation values change to X: 0, Y:
5, Z: 0 (or thereabouts). This is because the rotation was converted to a Quaternion which does not have the concept of “A full 360degree rotation plus 5 degrees”, and instead has simply been set to be oriented in the same way as the result of the rotation.

Implications for Scripting
When dealing with handling rotations in your scripts, you should use the Quaternion class and its functions to create and modify
rotational values. There are some situations where it is valid to use Euler angles, but you should bear in mind: - You should use the
Quaternion Class functions that deal with Euler angles - Retrieving, modifying, and re-applying Euler values from a rotation can
cause unintentional side-e ects.

Creating and Manipulating Quaternions Directly
Unity’s Quaternion class has a number of functions which allow you to create and manipulate rotations without needing to use
Euler angles at all. For example:


Transform.Rotate & Transform.RotateAround
However sometimes it’s desirable to use Euler angles in your scripts. In this case it’s important to note that you must keep your
angles in variables, and only use them to apply them as Euler angles to your rotation. While it’s possible to retrieve Euler angles
from a quaternion, if you retrieve, modify and re-apply, problems will arise.
Here are some examples of mistakes commonly made using a hypothetical example of trying to rotate an object around the X axis
at 10 degrees per second. This is what you should avoid :

// rotation scripting mistake #1
// the mistake here is that we are modifying the x value of a quaternion

// this value does not represent an angle, and will not produce desired results
void Update () {
var rot = transform.rotation;
rot.x += Time.deltaTime * 10;
transform.rotation = rot;


rotation scripting mistake #2
the mistake here is that we are reading, modifying then writing the Euler
values from a quaternion. Because these values calculated from a Quaternion,
each new rotation may return very different Euler angles, which may suffer from gimbal

void Update () {
var angles = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
angles.x += Time.deltaTime * 10;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(angles);

And here is an example of using Euler angles in script correctly :

// rotation scripting with Euler angles correctly.
// here we store our Euler angle in a class variable, and only use it to
// apply it as a Euler angle, but we never rely on reading the Euler back.
float x;
void Update () {
x += Time.deltaTime * 10;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(x,0,0);

Implications for Animation
Many 3D authoring packages, and indeed Unity’s own internal animation window, allow you to use Euler angles to specify rotations
during an animation.
These rotations values can frequently exceed range expressable by quaternions. For example, if an object should rotate 720
degrees in-place, this could be represented by Euler angles X: 0, Y: 720, Z:0. But this is simply not representable by a Quaternion

Unity’s Animation Window
Within Unity’s own animation window, there are options which allow you to specify how the rotation should be interpolated - using
Quaternion or Euler interpolation. By specifying Euler interpolation you are telling Unity that you want the full range of motion
speci ed by the angles. With Quaternion rotation however, you are saying you simply want the rotation to end at a particular
orientation, and Unity will use Quaternion interpolation and rotate across the shortest distance to get there. See Using Animation
Curves for more information on this.

External Animation Sources
When importing animation from external sources, these les usually contain rotational keyframe animation in Euler format. Unity’s
default behaviour is to resample these animations and generate a new Quaternion keyframe for every frame in the animation, in
an attempt to avoid any situations where the rotation between keyframes may exceed the Quaternion’s valid range.
For example, imagine two keyframes, 6 frames apart, with values for X as 0 on the rst keyframe and 270 on the second keyframe.
Without resampling, a quaternion interpolation between these two keyframes would rotate 90 degrees in the opposite direction,
because that is the shortest way to get from the rst orientation to the second orientation. However by resampling and adding a
keyframe on every frame, there are now only 45 degrees between keyframes so the rotation will work correctly.
There are still some situations where - even with resampling - the quaternion representation of the imported animation may not
match the original closely enough, For this reason, in Unity 5.3 and onwards there is the option to turn o animation resampling,
so that you can instead use the original Euler animation keyframes at runtime. For more information, see Animation Import of
Euler Curve Rotations.


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Lights are an essential part of every scene. While meshes and textures de ne the shape and look of a scene,
lights de ne the color and mood of your 3D environment. You’ll likely work with more than one light in each
scene. Making them work together requires a little practice but the results can be quite amazing.

A simple, two-light setup
Lights can be added to your scene from the GameObject->Light menu. You will choose the light format that you
want from the sub-menu that appears. Once a light has been added, you can manipulate it like any other
GameObject. Additionally, you can add a Light Component to any selected GameObject by using Component>Rendering->Light.
There are many di erent options within the Light Component in the Inspector.

Light Component properties in the Inspector
By simply changing the Color of a light, you can give a whole di erent mood to the scene.

Bright, sunny lights

Dark, medieval lights

Spooky night lights

Rendering paths
Unity supports di erent Rendering Paths. These paths a ect mainly Lights and Shadows, so choosing the correct
rendering path depending on your game requirements can improve your project’s performance. For more info

about rendering paths you can visit the Rendering paths section.

More information
For more information on how lights work see the Lighting Overview page. For more information about using the
Light Component, check the Lighting Reference.


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Just as cameras are used in lms to display the story to the audience, Cameras in Unity are used to display the
game world to the player. You will always have at least one camera in a scene, but you can have more than one.
Multiple cameras can give you a two-player splitscreen or create advanced custom e ects. You can animate
cameras, or control them with physics. Practically anything you can imagine is possible with cameras, and you can
use typical or unique cameras to t your game’s style.
For further information on how Cameras work, see the Cameras page in the Graphics Overview section.
For further information about the Camera Component, see the Camera Component reference page.

Adding Random Gameplay Elements

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Randomly chosen items or values are important in many games. This sections shows how you can use Unity’s
built-in random functions to implement some common game mechanics.

Choosing a Random Item from an Array
Picking an array element at random boils down to choosing a random integer between zero and the array’s
maximum index value (which is equal to the length of the array minus one). This is easily done using the built-in
Random.Range function:-

var element = myArray[Random.Range(0, myArray.Length)];

Note that Random.Range returns a value from a range that includes the rst parameter but excludes the second,
so using myArray.Length here gives the correct result.

Choosing Items with Di erent Probabilities
Sometimes, you need to choose items at random but with some items more likely to be chosen than others. For
example, an NPC may react in several di erent ways when it encounters a player:-

50% chance of friendly greeting
25% chance of running away
20% chance of immediate attack
5% chance of o ering money as a gift
You can visualise these di erent outcomes as a paper strip divided into sections each of which occupies a fraction
of the strip’s total length. The fraction occupied is equal to the probability of that outcome being chosen. Making
the choice is equivalent to picking a random point along the strip’s length (say by throwing a dart) and then seeing
which section it is in.

In the script, the paper strip is actually an array of oats that contain the di erent probabilities for the items in
order. The random point is obtained by multiplying Random.value by the total of all the oats in the array (they
need not add up to 1; the signi cant thing is the relative size of the di erent values). To nd which array element
the point is “in”, rstly check to see if it is less than the value in the rst element. If so, then the rst element is the
one selected. Otherwise, subtract the rst element’s value from the point value and compare that to the second
element and so on until the correct element is found. In code, this would look something like the following:-

function Choose(probs: float[]) {
var total = 0;
for (elem in probs) {
total += elem;
var randomPoint = Random.value * total;
for (i = 0; i < probs.Length; i++) {
if (randomPoint < probs[i])
return i;
randomPoint ­= probs[i];
return probs.Length ­ 1;
float Choose (float[] probs) {
float total = 0;
foreach (float elem in probs) {
total += elem;
float randomPoint = Random.value * total;
for (int i= 0; i < probs.Length; i++) {
if (randomPoint < probs[i]) {
return i;
else {
randomPoint ­= probs[i];
return probs.Length ­ 1;

Note that the nal return statement is necessary because Random.value can return a result of 1. In this case, the
search will not nd the random point anywhere. Changing the line

if (randomPoint < probs[i])

…to a less-than-or-equal test would avoid the extra return statement but would also allow an item to be chosen
occasionally even when its probability is zero.

Weighting continuous random values
The array of oats method works well if you have discrete outcomes, but there are also situations where you
want to produce a more continuous result - say, you want to randomize the number of gold pieces found in a
treasure chest, and you want it to be possible to end up with any number between 1 and 100, but to make lower
numbers more likely. Using the array-of- oats method to do this would require that you set up an array of 100
oats (i.e. sections on the paper strip) which is unwieldy; and if you aren’t limited to whole numbers but instead
want any number in the range, it’s impossible to use that approach.
A better approach for continuous results is to use an AnimationCurve to transform a ‘raw’ random value into a
‘weighted’ one; by drawing di erent curve shapes, you can produce di erent weightings. The code is also simpler
to write:

function CurveWeightedRandom(curve: AnimationCurve) {
return curve.Evaluate(Random.value);
float CurveWeightedRandom(AnimationCurve curve) {
return curve.Evaluate(Random.value);

A ‘raw’ random value between 0 and 1 is chosen by reading from Random.value. It is then passed to
curve.Evaluate(), which treats it as a horizontal coordinate, and returns the corresponding vertical coordinate of
the curve at that horizontal position. Shallow parts of the curve have a greater chance of being picked, while
steeper parts have a lower chance of being picked.

A linear curve does not weight values at all; the horizontal coordinate is equal to the vertical
coordinate for each point on the curve.

This curve is shallower at the beginning, and then steeper at the end, so it has a greater chance of
low values and a reduced chance of high values. You can see that the height of the curve on the line
where x=0.5 is at about 0.25, which means there’s a 50% chance of getting a value between 0 and

This curve is shallow at both the beginning and the end, making values close to the extremes more
common, and steep in the middle which will make those values rare. Notice also that with this
curve, the height values have been shifted up: the bottom of the curve is at 1, and the top of the
curve is at 10, which means the values produced by the curve will be in the 1–10 range, instead of
0–1 like the previous curves.
Notice that these curves are not probability distribution curves like you might nd in a guide to probability theory,
but are more like inverse cumulative probability curves.
By de ning a public AnimationCurve variable on one of your scripts, you will be able to see and edit the curve
through the Inspector window visually, instead of needing to calculate values.
This technique produces oating-point numbers. If you want to calculate an integer result - for example, you want
82 gold pieces, rather than 82.1214 gold pieces - you can just pass the calculated value to a function like


ing a List

A common game mechanic is to choose from a known set of items but have them arrive in random order. For
example, a deck of cards is typically shu ed so they are not drawn in a predictable sequence. You can shu e the
items in an array by visiting each element and swapping it with another element at a random index in the array:-

function Shuffle(deck: int[]) {
for (i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++) {
var temp = deck[i];
var randomIndex = Random.Range(0, deck.Length);
deck[i] = deck[randomIndex];

deck[randomIndex] = temp;
void Shuffle (int[] deck) {
for (int i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++) {
int temp = deck[i];
int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, deck.Length);
deck[i] = deck[randomIndex];
deck[randomIndex] = temp;

Choosing from a Set of Items Without Repetition
A common task is to pick a number of items randomly from a set without picking the same one more than once.
For example, you may want to generate a number of NPCs at random spawn points but be sure that only one
NPC gets generated at each point. This can be done by iterating through the items in sequence, making a random
decision for each as to whether or not it gets added to the chosen set. As each item is visited, the probability of its
being chosen is equal to the number of items still needed divided by the number still left to choose from.
As an example, suppose that ten spawn points are available but only ve must be chosen. The probability of the
rst item being chosen will be 5 / 10 or 0.5. If it is chosen then the probability for the second item will be 4 / 9 or
0.44 (ie, four items still needed, nine left to choose from). However, if the rst was not chosen then the probability
for the second will be 5 / 9 or 0.56 (ie, ve still needed, nine left to choose from). This continues until the set
contains the ve items required. You could accomplish this in code as follows:-


var spawnPoints: Transform[];
function ChooseSet(numRequired: int) {
var result = new Transform[numRequired];
var numToChoose = numRequired;
for (numLeft = spawnPoints.Length; numLeft > 0; numLeft­­) {
// Adding 0.0 is simply to cast the integers to float for the division.

var prob = (numToChoose + 0.0) / (numLeft + 0.0);
if (Random.value <= prob) {
result[numToChoose] = spawnPoints[numLeft ­ 1];
if (numToChoose == 0)
return result;

Transform[] spawnPoints;
Transform[] ChooseSet (int numRequired) {
Transform[] result = new Transform[numRequired];
int numToChoose = numRequired;
for (int numLeft = spawnPoints.Length; numLeft > 0; numLeft­­) {
float prob = (float)numToChoose/(float)numLeft;
if (Random.value <= prob) {
result[numToChoose] = spawnPoints[numLeft ­ 1];
if (numToChoose == 0) {
return result;

Note that although the selection is random, items in the chosen set will be in the same order they had in the
original array. If the items are to be used one at a time in sequence then the ordering can make them partly
predictable, so it may be necessary to shu e the array before use.

Random Points in Space
A random point in a cubic volume can be chosen by setting each component of a Vector3 to a value returned by

var randVec = Vector3(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value);

This gives a point inside a cube with sides one unit long. The cube can be scaled simply by multiplying the X, Y and
Z components of the vector by the desired side lengths. If one of the axes is set to zero, the point will always lie
within a single plane. For example, picking a random point on the “ground” is usually a matter of setting the X and
Z components randomly and setting the Y component to zero.
When the volume is a sphere (ie, when you want a random point within a given radius from a point of origin), you
can use Random.insideUnitSphere multiplied by the desired radius:-

var randWithinRadius = Random.insideUnitSphere * radius;

Note that if you set one of the resulting vector’s components to zero, you will not get a correct random point
within a circle. Although the point is indeed random and lies within the right radius, the probability is heavily
biased toward the edge of the circle and so points will be spread very unevenly. You should use
Random.insideUnitCircle for this task instead:-

var randWithinCircle = Random.insideUnitCircle * radius;

Cross-Platform Considerations

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Most of Unity’s API and project structure is identical for all supported platforms and in some cases a project can
simply be rebuilt to run on di erent devices. However, fundamental di erences in the hardware and deployment
methods mean that some parts of a project may not port between platforms without change. Below are details of
some common cross-platform issues and suggestions for solving them.

The most obvious example of di erent behaviour between platforms is in the input methods o ered by the

Keyboard and joypad
The Input.GetAxis function is very convenient on desktop platforms as a way of consolidating keyboard and
joypad input. However, this function doesn’t make sense for the mobile platforms which rely on touchscreen
input. Likewise, the standard desktop keyboard input doesn’t port over to mobiles well for anything other than
typed text. It is worthwhile to add a layer of abstraction to your input code if you are considering porting to other
platforms in the future. As a simple example, if you were making a driving game then you might create your own
input class and wrap the Unity API calls in your own functions:-

// Returns values in the range ­1.0 .. +1.0 (== left .. right).
function Steering() {
return Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

// Returns values in the range ­1.0 .. +1.0 (== accel .. brake).
function Acceleration() {
return Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

var currentGear: int;
// Returns an integer corresponding to the selected gear.
function Gears() {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("p"))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("l"))
return currentGear;

One advantage of wrapping the API calls in a class like this is that they are all concentrated in a single source le
and are consequently easy to locate and replace. However, the more important idea is that you should design
your input functions according to the logical meaning of the inputs in your game. This will help to isolate the rest
of the game code from the speci c method of input used with a particular platform. For example, the Gears
function above could be modi ed so that the actual input comes from touches on the screen of a mobile device.
Using an integer to represent the chosen gear works ne for all platforms, but mixing the platform-speci c API
calls with the rest of the code would cause problems. You may nd it convenient to use platform dependent
compilation to combine the di erent implementation of the input functions in the same source le and avoid
manual swaps.

Touches and clicks
The Input.GetMouseButtonXXX functions are designed so that they have a reasonably obvious interpretation
on mobile devices even though there is no “mouse” as such. A single touch on the screen is reported as a left click
and the Input.mousePosition property gives the position of the touch as long as the nger is touching the
screen. This means that games with simple mouse interaction can often work transparently between the desktop
and mobile platforms. Naturally, though, the conversion is often much less straightforward than this. A desktop
game can make use of more than one mouse button and a mobile game can detect multiple touches on the
screen at a time.
As with API calls, the problem can be managed partly by representing input with logical values that are then used
by the rest of the game code. For example, a pinch gesture to zoom on a mobile device might be replaced by a
plus/minus keystroke on the desktop; the input function could simply return a oat value specifying the zoom
factor. Likewise, it might be possible to use a two- nger tap on a mobile to replace a right button click on the
desktop. However, if the properties of the input device are an integral part of the game then it may not be
possible to remodel them on a di erent platform. This may mean that game cannot be ported at all or that the
input and/or gameplay need to be modi ed extensively.

Accelerometer, compass, gyroscope and GPS
These inputs derive from the mobility of handheld devices and so may not have any meaningful equivalent on the
desktop. However, some use cases simply mirror standard game controls and can be ported quite easily. For
example, a driving game might implement the steering control from the tilt of a mobile device (determined by the
accelerometer). In cases like this, the input API calls are usually fairly easy to replace, so the accelerometer input
might be replaced by keystrokes, say. However, it may be necessary to recalibrate inputs or even vary the
di culty of the game to take account of the di erent input method. Tilting a device is slower and eventually more
strenuous than pressing keys and may also make it harder to concentrate on the display. This may result in the
game’s being more di cult to master on a mobile device and so it may be appropriate to slow down gameplay or
allow more time per level. This will require the game code to be designed so that these factors can be adjusted

Memory, storage and CPU performance
Mobile devices inevitably have less storage, memory and CPU power available than desktop machines and so a
game may be di cult to port simply because its performance is not acceptable on lower powered hardware.
Some resource issues can be managed but if you are pushing the limits of the hardware on the desktop then the
game is probably not a good candidate for porting to a mobile platform.

Movie playback
Currently, mobile devices are highly reliant on hardware support for movie playback. The result is that playback
options are limited and certainly don’t give the exibility that the MovieTexture asset o ers on desktop platforms.
Movies can be played back fullscreen on mobiles but there isn’t any scope for using them to texture objects within
the game (so it isn’t possible to display a movie on a TV screen within the game, for example). In terms of
portability, it is ne to use movies for introductions, cutscenes, instructions and other simple pieces of
presentation. However, if movies need to be visible within the game world then you should consider whether the
mobile playback options will be adequate.

Storage requirements
Video, audio and even textures can use a lot of storage space and you may need to bear this in mind if you want
to port your game. Storage space (which often also corresponds to download time) is typically not an issue on
desktop machines but this is not the case with mobiles. Furthermore, mobile app stores often impose a limit on
the maximum size of a submitted product. It may require some planning to address these concerns during the
development of your game. For example, you may need to provide cut-down versions of assets for mobiles in
order to save space. Another possibility is that the game may need to be designed so that large assets can be
downloaded on demand rather than being part of the initial download of the application.

Automatic memory management
The recovery of unused memory from “dead” objects is handled automatically by Unity and often happens
imperceptibly on desktop machines. However, the lower memory and CPU power on mobile devices means that
garbage collections can be more frequent and the time they take can impinge more heavily on performance
(causing unwanted pauses in gameplay, etc). Even if the game runs in the available memory, it may still be
necessary to optimise code to avoid garbage collection pauses. More information can be found on our memory
management page.

CPU power
A game that runs well on a desktop machine may su er from poor framerate on a mobile device simply because
the mobile CPU struggles with the game’s complexity. Extra attention may therefore need to be paid to code
e ciency when a project is ported to a mobile platform. A number of simple steps to improve e ciency are
outlined on this page in our manual.

Publishing Builds

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At any time while you are creating your game, you might want to see how it looks when you build and run it outside of the editor
as a standalone. This section will explain how to access the Build Settings and how to create di erent builds of your games.
File > Build Settings… is the menu item to access the Build Settings window. It pops up an editable list of the scenes that will be
included when you build your game.

The Build Settings window
The rst time you view this window in a project, it will appear blank. If you build your game while this list is blank, only the
currently open scene will be included in the build. If you want to quickly build a test player with only one scene le, just build a
player with a blank scene list.
It is easy to add scene les to the list for multi-scene builds. There are two ways to add them. The rst way is to click the Add Open
Scenes button. You will see the currently open scenes appear in the list. The second way to add scene les is to drag them from
the Project View to the list.

At this point, notice that each of your scenes has a di erent index value. Scene 0 is the rst scene that will be loaded when you
build the game. When you want to load a new scene, use SceneManager.LoadScene inside your scripts.
If you’ve added more than one scene le and want to rearrange them, simply click and drag the scenes on the list above or below
others until you have them in the desired order.
If you want to remove a scene from the list, click to highlight the scene and press Command-Delete. The scene will disappear
from the list and will not be included in the build.
When you are ready to publish your build, select a Platform and make sure that the Unity logo is next to the platform; if its not
then click in the Switch Platform button to let Unity know which platform you want to build for. Finally press the Build button.
You will be able to select a name and location for the game using a standard Save dialog. When you click Save, Unity builds your
game pronto. It’s that simple. If you are unsure where to save your built game to, consider saving it into the projects root folder.
You cannot save the build into the Assets folder.
Enabling the Development Build checkbox on a player will enable Pro ler functionality and also make the Autoconnect Pro ler
and Script Debugging options available.
Further information about the Build Settings window can be found on the Build Settings page.

Building standalone players
With Unity you can build standalone applications for Windows, Mac and Linux. It’s simply a matter of choosing the build target in
the build settings dialog, and hitting the ‘Build’ button. When building standalone players, the resulting les will vary depending on
the build target. For the Windows build target, an executable le (.exe) will be built, along with a Data folder which contains all the
resources for your application. For the Mac build target, an app bundle will be built which contains the le needed to run the
application as well as the resources.
Distributing your standalone on Mac is just to provide the app bundle (everything is packed in there). On Windows you need to
provide both the .exe le and the Data folder for others to run it. Think of it like this: Other people must have the same les on
their computer, as the resulting les that Unity builds for you, in order to run your game.

Inside the build process
The building process will place a blank copy of the built game application wherever you specify. Then it will work through the
scene list in the build settings, open them in the editor one at a time, optimize them, and integrate them into the application
package. It will also calculate all the assets that are required by the included scenes and store that data in a separate le within the
application package.
Any GameObject in a scene that is tagged with ‘EditorOnly’ will not be included in the published build. This is useful for debugging
scripts that don’t need to be included in the nal game.
When a new level loads, all the objects in the previous level are destroyed. To prevent this, use DontDestroyOnLoad() on any
objects you don’t want destroyed. This is most commonly used for keeping music playing while loading a level, or for
game controller scripts which keep game state and progress.
Use SceneManager.sceneLoaded to de ne the message sent to all active GameObjects after the loading of a new level is nished.
For more information on creating a game with multiple Scenes, see our Tutorials.

Published builds automatically preload all assets in a scene when the scene loads. The exception to this rule is scene 0. This is
because the rst scene is usually a splashscreen, which you want to display as quickly as possible.
To make sure all your content is preloaded, you can create an empty scene which calls Application.LoadLevel(1). In the build
settings make this empty scene’s index 0. All subsequent levels will be preloaded.

You’re ready to build games
By now, you have learned how to use Unity’s interface, how to use assets, how to create scenes, and how to publish your builds.
There is nothing stopping you from creating the game of your dreams. You’ll certainly learn much more along the way, and we’re
here to help.
To learn more about constructing game levels, see the section on Creating Scenes.
To learn more about Scripting, see the Scripting Section.
To learn more about creating Art and importing assets, see Assets Work ow of the manual.
To interact with the community of Unity users and developers, visit the Unity Forums. You can ask questions, share projects, build
a team, anything you want to do. De nitely visit the forums at least once, to showcase the games you make and nd support from
other developers.


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This section addresses common problems that can arise when using Unity. Each platform is dealt with separately

Platform-speci c troubleshooting
Geforce 7300GT on OSX 10.6.4
Deferred rendering is disabled because materials are not displayed correctly for Geforce 7300GT on OX 10.6.4;
This happens because of buggy video drivers.

On Windows x64, Unity crashes when script throws a
You need to apply Windows hot x #976038.

Script editing
Script opens in default system text editor, even when Visual Studio is set
as the script editor
This happens when Visual Studio reports that it failed to open your script. The most common cause for this is an
external plugin (such as Resharper) displaying a dialog at startup, requesting input from the user. This causes
Visual Studio to report that it failed to open.

Slow framerate and/or visual artifacts
This may occur if your video card drivers are not up to date. Make sure you have the latest o cial drivers from
your card vendor.

Shadows require certain graphics hardware support. See Light Performance page for details.
Make sure shadows are enabled in Quality Settings.
Shadows on Android and iOS have limitations: soft shadows are not available, and in
forward rendering path only a single directional light can cast shadows. There is no limit to the
number of lights casting shadows in the deferred rendering path.

Some GameObjects do not cast or receive shadows

An object’s Renderer must have Receive Shadows enabled for shadows to be rendered onto it. Also, an object
must have Cast Shadows enabled in order to cast shadows on other objects (both are on by default).
Only opaque objects cast and receive shadows. This means that objects using the built-in Transparent or Particle
shaders will not cast shadows. In most cases it is possible to use Transparent Cutout shaders for objects like
fences, vegetation, etc. If you use custom written Shaders, they have to be pixel-lit and use the Geometry render
queue. Objects using VertexLit shaders do not receive shadows but are able to cast them.

Only Pixel lights cast shadows. If you want to make sure that a light always casts shadows no matter how many
other lights are in the scene, then you can set it to Force Pixel render mode (see the Light reference page).

Editor Features

Leave feedback

This section details some of the editor’s basic features, which you will nd useful in most projects - from choosing
preferences, integrating with version control system, to preparing your project for a build.

2D and 3D Mode Settings

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When creating a new project, you can specify whether to start the Unity Editor in 2D mode or 3D mode. However,
you also have the option of switching the editor between 2D Mode and 3D Mode at any time. You can read more
about the di erence between 2D and 3D projects here. This page provides information about how to switch
modes, and what exactly changes within the editor when you do.

Switching Between 3D and 2D Modes
To change modes between 2D or 3D mode:

Bring up to the Editor Settings Inspector, via the Edit>Project Settings>Editor menu.
Then set Default Behavior Mode to either 2D or 3D.
You can nd out more about the Editor Settings Inspector on the Editor Settings page.

Default Behavior Mode in the Editor Settings Inspector sets the project to 2D or 3D

2D vs 3D Mode Settings

2D or 3D mode determines some settings for the Unity Editor. These are listed below.

In 2D Project Mode:
Any images you import are assumed to be 2D images (Sprites) and set to Sprite mode.
The Sprite Packer is enabled.
The Scene View is set to 2D.
The default game objects do not have real time, directional light.
The camera’s default position is at 0,0,–10. (It is 0,1,–10 in 3D Mode.)
The camera is set to be Orthographic. (In 3D Mode it is Perspective.)
In the Lighting Window:
Skybox is disabled for new scenes.
Ambient Source is set to Color. (With the color set as a dark grey: RGB: 54, 58, 66.)
Precomputed Realtime GI is set to o .
Baked GI is set to o .
Auto-Building set to o .

In 3D Project Mode:

Any images you import are NOT assumed to be 2D images (Sprites).
The Sprite Packer is disabled.
The Scene View is set to 3D.
The default game objects have real time, directional light.
The camera’s default position is at 0,1,–10. (It is 0,0,–10. in 2D Mode.)
The camera is set to be Perspective. (In 2D Mode it is Orthographic.)
In the Lighting Window:
Skybox is the built-in default Skybox Material.
Ambient Source is set to Skybox.

Precomputed Realtime GI is set to on.
Baked GI is set to on.
Auto-Building is set to on.


Leave feedback

Unity provides a number of preference settings to allow you to customise the behaviour of the Unity Editor. To
access them, go to Unity > Preferences (on macOS) or Edit > Preferences… (Windows).


Setting Properties
Auto Refresh
Load Previous Project on Startup
Compress Assets on Import
OSX Color Picker (macOS)
Disable Editor Analytics (Pro only)

Check this box to update Assets automatically as
they change.
Check this box to always load the previous project
at startup.
Check this box to automatically compress Assets
during import.
Check this box to use the native macOS color
picker instead of Unity’s own.
Check this box to stop the Editor automatically
sending information back to Unity.

Show Asset Store__A growing library of free and
commercial assets created by Unity and members
of the community. O ers a wide variety of assets, Check this box to show the number of free/paid
from textures, models and animations to whole
Assets from the Asset Store in the Project
project examples, tutorials and Editor extensions. Browser.
More info
See in Glossary search hits__

Setting Properties
Verify Saving Assets
Script Changes While Playing

Recompile And Continue Playing

Recompile After Finished Playing
Stop Playing And Recompile

Editor Skin (Plus/Pro only)

Enable Alpha Numeric Sorting

Device To Use

External tools

Check this box if you wish to verify which Assets
to save individually on quitting Unity.
Select the drop-down menu to choose Unity’s
behaviour when scripts change while your game
is running in the Editor
Recompile your scripts and keep running the
Scene. This is the default behaviour, but you
might want to change it if your scripts rely on any
non-serializable data.
Defer recompilation until you manually stop your
Scene, avoiding any interruption.
Immediately stop your Scene for recompilation,
allowing you to quickly restart testing.
Select the drop-down to choose which skin to
apply to the Unity Editor. Choose Personal for
light grey with black text, or Professional for dark
grey with white text.
Check this box to enable a new button in the topright corner of the Hierarchy window, allowing
you to switch between Transform sort (which is
the default behaviour) and Alphanumeric sort.
Select the drop-down menu to choose which of
your computer’s graphics devices Unity should
use. You can leave this on Automatic unless you
want Unity to use a speci c device. This setting
will override any device speci ed in command line


Select which application Unity should use to open script les. Unity automatically passes
the correct arguments to script editors it has built-in support for. Unity has built-in
support for Visual Studio (Express), Visual Studio Code, Xamarin Studio and JetBrains
Select which arguments to pass to the external script editor.
$(File) is replaced with a path to a le being opened.
$(Line) is replaced with a line number that editor should jump to.
$(ProjectPath) is replaced with the path to the open project.
Editor Args If not set on macOS, then the default mechanism for opening les is used. Otherwise, the
external script editor is only launched with the arguments without trying to open the
script le using the default mechanism.
See below for examples of external script editor arguments.
Check this box to allow debugging of scripts in the Unity Editor. If this option is disabled, it
Attaching is not possible to attach a script debugger to Unity to debug your scripts.
Choose which application you want Unity to use to open image les.
Choose which application you want Unity to use to resolve le di erences with the
Asset server. Unity detects these tools in their default installation locations (and checks
registry keys for TortoiseMerge, WinMerge, PlasticSCM Merge, and Beyond Compare 4 on
Di /Merge

Examples of script editor arguments

Gvim/Vim: ­­remote­tab­silent +$(Line) "$File"
Notepad2: ­g $(Line) "$(File)"
Sublime Text 2: "$(File)":$(Line)
Notepad++: ­n$(Line) "$(File)"


This panel allows you to choose the colors that Unity uses when displaying various user interface elements.


This panel allows you to set the keystrokes that activate the various commands in Unity.

GI Cache

Cache Size

Use the slider to set the maximum GI cache folder size. The GI cache folder will be kept
below this size whenever possible. Unused les are periodically deleted to create more
space. This is carried out by the Editor automatically, and doesn’t require you to do
Check this box to allow a custom location for the GI cache folder. The cache folder will
be shared between all projects.

Check this box to enable a fast real-time compression of the GI Cache les, to reduce
the size of the generated data. If you need to access the raw Enlighten data, disable
Cache Compression and clean the cache.
Clean Cache Use this button to clear the cache directory.


Maximum Sprite__
Use the slider to set the maximum sprite atlas cache folder size. The sprite
Atlas Cache Size (GB)__ atlas cache folder will be kept below this size whenever possible.

Cache Server

Use Cache Server Check this box to use a dedicated cache server.

IP Address

Enter the IP address of the dedicated cache server here, if enabled.

2018–04–06 Page amended with limited editorial review
Updated list of external script editors in 2018.1
Script Changes While Playing and Device To Use drop-down menus added in Unity 2018.2


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Use Presets to reuse property settings across multiple components and assets.
With Presets you can also specify default settings for new components and the import settings for assets. Use the
Preset Manager to view and choose the Presets to use for default settings.
Use Presets to streamline your team’s work ows. You can even use Presets to specify settings for Settings
Managers, including the Preset Manager itself. Use this feature to con gure a project then export it as a custom
package. Your team members can import this package into their projects.
Presets are an Editor-only feature. You can support Presets in your extensions to the Unity Editor. Presets are not
available at run time in the Unity Player.

Reusing property settings
You use Presets like copying and pasting. But instead of copying settings to the clipboard, you save them to use
later. And like pasting settings, applying a Preset to an item changes the properties in the item.
For example, select a GameObject to edit the properties of its RigidBody component. Save these settings to a
Preset. Then apply the Preset to RigidBody components in other GameObjects. The other components in the
GameObjects are not a ected; the Preset only applies its settings to the RigidBody component.
You can store Presets in the Assets folder of your project. Use the Project window to view and select Presets to
edit in the Inspector.

Example of Preset assets in the Project window, organized in a Presets sub-folder

Saving property settings to a Preset
Use the Select Preset window to save property settings.
Tip: You can also save a Preset while in Play Mode.
To save settings to a Preset:

Select the GameObject, asset import settings, or Settings Manager from which you want to reuse settings.
In the Inspector window, edit the properties.

Click the Preset icon at the top-right of the Inspector window.

In the Select Preset window, click Save current to.

A File Save dialog appears.
Choose the location of your new Preset, enter its name, and click Save.

Applying a Preset
Apply a saved Preset with the Select Preset window or by dragging and dropping a Preset from the Project
window onto the GameObject.
Note: Applying a Preset copies properties from the Preset to the item. It doesn’t link the Preset to the item.
Changes you make to the Preset do not a ect the items you have previously applied the Preset to.
To apply a Preset to a Settings Manager, an existing component, or import settings for an asset:
Select the Settings Manager, GameObject, or asset import settings that you want to apply a Preset to.
In the Inspector, click the Preset icon.
In the Select Preset window, search for and select the Preset to apply.
Selecting the Preset applies it to the component, asset, or Settings Manager.
Close the Select Preset window.
Drag and drop a Preset from the Project window to apply properties to a component in a GameObject:

Drop the Preset on an empty spot in the Hierarchy window. Unity creates a new, empty GameObject and adds a
component with properties copied from the Preset.
Drop the Preset on an existing GameObject in the Hierarchy. Unity adds a new component and copies properties
from the Preset.
Drop the Preset on the Inspector window at the end of a GameObject. Unity adds a new component and copies
properties from the Preset.
Drop the Preset on the Inspector onto the title of an existing component. Unity copies properties from the

Using Presets for transitions of Animation State nodes
You can save and apply Presets for Animation State nodes. However, the transitions in the Preset are shared
among Presets and the nodes that you apply the Preset to. For example, you apply a Preset to two di erent
nodes in the Animator Window. In the Inspector window, you edit the settings for one of the transitions in the
rst node. Your change also appears in the other node and in the Preset.

Using Presets for importing assets
You can save Presets for asset [import settings](# Presets
Use Presets to reuse property settings across multiple components and assets.
With Presets you can also specify default settings for new components and the import settings for assets. Use the
Preset Manager to view and choose the Presets to use for default settings.
Use Presets to streamline your team’s work ows. You can even use Presets to specify settings for Settings
Managers, including the Preset Manager itself. Use this feature to con gure a project then export it as a custom
package. Your team members can import this package into their projects.
Presets are an Editor-only feature. You can support Presets in your extensions to the Unity Editor. Presets are not
available at run time in the Unity Player.

Reusing property settings
You use Presets like copying and pasting. But instead of copying settings to the clipboard, you save them to use
later. And like pasting settings, applying a Preset to an item changes the properties in the item.
For example, select a GameObject to edit the properties of its RigidBody component. Save these settings to a
Preset. Then apply the Preset to RigidBody components in other GameObjects. The other components in the
GameObjects are not a ected; the Preset only applies its settings to the RigidBody component.
You can store Presets in the Assets folder of your project. Use the Project window to view and select Presets to
edit in the Inspector.

Example of Preset assets in the Project window, organized in a Presets sub-folder

Saving property settings to a Preset
Use the Select Preset window to save property settings.
Tip: You can also save a Preset while in Play Mode.
To save settings to a Preset:

Select the GameObject, asset import settings, or Settings Manager from which you want to reuse settings.
In the Inspector window, edit the properties.
Click the Preset icon at the top-right of the Inspector window.

In the Select Preset window, click Save current to.

A File Save dialog appears.

Choose the location of your new Preset, enter its name, and click Save.

Applying a Preset
Apply a saved Preset with the Select Preset window or by dragging and dropping a Preset from the Project
window onto the GameObject.
Note: Applying a Preset copies properties from the Preset to the item. It doesn’t link the Preset to the item.
Changes you make to the Preset do not a ect the items you have previously applied the Preset to.
To apply a Preset to a Settings Manager, an existing component, or import settings for an asset:
Select the Settings Manager, GameObject, or asset import settings that you want to apply a Preset to.
In the Inspector, click the Preset icon.
In the Select Preset window, search for and select the Preset to apply.
Selecting the Preset applies it to the component, asset, or Settings Manager.
Close the Select Preset window.
Drag and drop a Preset from the Project window to apply properties to a component in a GameObject:
Drop the Preset on an empty spot in the Hierarchy window. Unity creates a new, empty GameObject and adds a
component with properties copied from the Preset.
Drop the Preset on an existing GameObject in the Hierarchy. Unity adds a new component and copies properties
from the Preset.
Drop the Preset on the Inspector window at the end of a GameObject. Unity adds a new component and copies
properties from the Preset.
Drop the Preset on the Inspector onto the title of an existing component. Unity copies properties from the

Using Presets for transitions of Animation State nodes
You can save and apply Presets for Animation State nodes. However, the transitions in the Preset are shared
among Presets and the nodes that you apply the Preset to. For example, you apply a Preset to two di erent
nodes in the Animator Window. In the Inspector window, you edit the settings for one of the transitions in the
rst node. Your change also appears in the other node and in the Preset.

Using Presets for importing assets
You can save Presets for asset import settings. However, applying a Preset to import settings does not a ect the
cross-platform settings. To apply a Preset so that it includes cross-platform settings, set the Preset as a default
then use the Reset command.
You can also use a script to apply a Preset to an asset based on the location of the asset in the Project window.

Editing a Preset
Use the Inspector window to edit a Preset asset.
Note: Changing the properties in a Preset does not update the items that you applied the Preset to. For example,
if you apply a Preset for a RigidBody component to a GameObject, then edit the Preset, the settings in the
RigidBody component do not change.

Editing a Preset in the Inspector window
2017–03–27 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 2018.1

Build Settings

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The Build Settings window allows you to choose your target platform, adjust settings for your build, and start the build process. To
access the Build Settings window, select File > Build Settings… . Once you have speci ed your build settings, you can click Build to
create your build, or click the Build And Run to create and run your build on the platform you have speci ed.

Build Settings window

Scenes in Build
This part of the window shows you the scenes from your project that will be included in your build. If no scenes are shown then you
can use the Add Current button to add the current scene to the build, or you can drag scene assets into this window from your
project window. You can also untick scenes in this list to exclude them from the build without removing it from the list. If a scene is
never needed in the build you can remove it from the list of scenes by pressing the delete key.
Scenes that are ticked and added to the Scenes in Build list will be included in the build. The list of scenes will be used to control the
order the scenes are loaded. You can adjust the order of the scenes by dragging them up or down.

Platform List

The Platform area beneath the Scenes in Build area list all the platforms which are available to your Unity version. Some platforms
may be greyed out to indicate they are not part of your version or invite you to download the platform speci c build options.
Selecting one of the platforms will control which platform will be built. If you change the target platform, you need to press the
“Switch Platform” button to apply your change. This may take some time making the switch, because your assets may need to be reimported in formats that match your target platform. The currently selected platform is indicated with a Unity icon to the right of
the platform name.
The selected platform will show a list of options that can be adjusted for the build. Each platform may have di erent options. These
options are listed below. Options that are common across many platforms are listed at the very bottom of this section under the
“Generic items across builds” details.

PC, Mac & Linux Standalone
Target Platform
Windows Build for Windows
Mac OS X Build for Mac
Build for Linux
Architecture x86
32-bit CPU
x86_64 64-bit CPU
Universal All CPU devices
x86 +
All CPU devices for Linux
Build the Player for server use and with no visual elements (headless) without the need for any
command line options. When enabled, Unity builds managed scripts with the UNITY_SERVER de ne,
Server Build which enables you to write server-speci c code for your applications. You can also build to the
Windows version as a console app so that stdin and stdout are accessible (Unity logs go to
stdout by default).
Copy PDB

(Windows only) Include Microsoft program database (PDB) les in the built Standalone Player. PDB
les contain application debugging information that is useful for debugging, but may increase the
size of your Player. This setting is disabled by default.


Build game for server use and with no visual elements



Select the version of Xcode to use in the build. When set to Latest version,the build uses the most
recent version of Xcode on your machine.

Run in Xcode
Run in Xcode
Symlink Unity


Shipping version
Testing version
Reference to the Unity libraries instead of copying them into the XCode project. (Reduces the
XCode project size.)



Choose from the following texture compression formats:
Don’t override
DXT (Tegra)
ATC (Adreno)
ETC (default)
ETC2 (GLES 3.0)
For advice on using these formats, see Getting started with Android development.
For Android devices that don’t support ETC2, override the default ETC2 texture decompression by
ETC2 fallback
choosing from 32 or 16 bit format, or 32 bit format with half the resolution.
Build System
Internal Generate the output package (APK) using the internal Unity build process, based on Android SDK
Generate the output package (APK) using the Gradle build system. Supports direct Build and Run and
exporting the project to a directory. This is the preferred option for exporting a project, as Gradle is
the native format for Android Studio.
Export the project in ADT (eclipse) format. The output package (APK) can be built in eclipse or Android
Studio. This project type is no longer supported by Google and is considered obsolete.
Select which third party app stores to integrate with. To include an integration, click Add next to an
SDKs for App
App Store name. The Unity Package Manager automatically downloads and includes the relevant
integration package.


Build Settings for WebGL use the generic settings shown later on this page.

Samsung TV
Build Settings for Samsung TV use the generic settings shown later on this page.

For information about building projects for Xiaomi Game Center, see Unity Xiaomi documentation.

Other platforms
Console platforms and devices which require a Unity license will be documented in the Platform Speci c section of the User Guide.

Generic items across builds
Allow the developer to test and work out how the build is coming along.
Pro ler
Scripts Only

When the Development Build option is selected allow the pro ler to connect to the build.
When the Development Build option is selected allow the script code to be debugged. Not available
on WebGL.
Build just the scripts in the current Project.
Compress the data in your Project when building the Player. This includes Assets, Scenes,
Player Settings and GI data. Choose between the following methods:
On PC, Mac, Linux Standalone, and iOS, there is no compression by default. On Android, the default
compression is ZIP, which gives slightly better compression results than LZ4HC, but data is slower to


A fast compression format that is useful for development builds. For more information, see
A high compression variant of LZ4 that is slower to build but produces better results for release
builds. For more information, see BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4HC.

2018–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Xiaomi build target added in 2017.2
Tizen support discontinued in 2017.3
Server Build option added for Standalone Player Build Settings in Unity 2018.3

Project Settings

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Project Settings are available from the menu Edit > Project Settings. Use these settings to adjust the graphics,
physics, and other details of the published player. This section describes the various settings.
2018–04–23 Page amended with editorial review

Input Manager

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The Input Manager is where you de ne all the di erent input axes and game actions for your project.

The Input Manager
To see the Input Manager choose: Edit > Project Settings > Input. Note that the Input clsss provides more


Contains all the de ned input axes for the current project: Size is the number of
di erent input axes in this project, Element 0, 1, … are the particular axes to modify.
The string that refers to the axis in the game launcher and through scripting.
Descriptive A detailed de nition of the Positive Button function that is displayed in the game
A detailed de nition of the Negative Button function that is displayed in the game

The button that will send a negative value to the axis.
The button that will send a positive value to the axis.
Negative The secondary button that will send a negative value to the axis.
Alt Positive
The secondary button that will send a positive value to the axis.
How fast will the input recenter. Only used when the Type is key / mouse button.
Any positive or negative values that are less than this number will register as zero.
Useful for joysticks.
For keyboard input, a larger value will result in faster response time. A lower value will
be more smooth. For Mouse delta the value will scale the actual mouse delta.
If enabled, the axis value will be immediately reset to zero after it receives opposite
inputs. Only used when the Type is key / mouse button.
If enabled, the positive buttons will send negative values to the axis, and vice versa.
Use Key / Mouse Button for any kind of buttons, Mouse Movement for mouse delta
and scrollwheels, Joystick Axis for analog joystick axes and Window Movement for
when the user shakes the window.
Axis of input from the device (joystick, mouse, gamepad, etc.)
Which joystick should be used. By default this is set to retrieve the input from all
Joy Num
joysticks. This is only used for input axes and not buttons.


All the axes that you set up in the Input Manager serve two purposes:

They allow you to reference your inputs by axis name in scripting
They allow the players of your game to customize the controls to their liking
All de ned axes will be presented to the player in the game launcher, where they will see its name, detailed
description, and default buttons. From here, they will have the option to change any of the buttons de ned in the
axes. Therefore, it is best to write your scripts making use of axes instead of individual buttons, as the player may
want to customize the buttons for your game.

The game launcher’s Input window is displayed when your game is run
See also: .

Tags and Layers

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The Tags and Layers Manager allows you to set up Tags, Sorting Layers and Layers. To view the Tags and
Layers Manager, go to Edit > Project Settings > Tags and Layers.

The Tags and Layers Manager, before any custom tags or layers have been de ned


Tags: These are marker values that that you can use to identify objects in your project (see documentation on
Tags for further details). To add a new Tag, click the plus button (+) at the bottom-right of the list, and name your
new Tag.

Adding a new Tag
Note that once you have named a Tag, you cannot rename it. To remove a Tag, click on it and then click the minus
(-) button at the bottom-right of the list.

The tags list showing four custom tags
Sorting Layers: Used in conjunction with Sprite graphics in the 2D system, “sorting” refers to the overlay order of
di erent Sprites.

Adding a new Sorting Layer
To add and remove Sorting Layers, use the plus and minus (+/-) buttons at the bottom-right of the list. To change
their order, drag the handle at the left-hand side of each Layer item.

The Sorting Layers list, showing four custom sorting layers
Layers: Use these throughout the Unity Editor as a way to create groups of objects that share particular
characteristics (see documentation on Layers for further details). User Layers primarily to restrict operations such
as raycasting or rendering, so that they are only applied to the relevant groups of objects. In the Tags and Layers
Manager, the rst eight Builtin Layers are defaults used by Unity, so you cannot edit them. However, you can
customise User Layers from 8 to 31.

Adding a new Layer
To customise User Layers from 8 to 31; type a custom name into the text eld for each one you wish to use. Note
that you can’t add to the number of Layers but, unlike Tags, you can rename Layers.

Audio Manager

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The Audio Manager allows you to tweak the maximum volume of all sounds playing in the scene. To see it choose Edit
> Project Settings > Audio.


The volume of all sounds playing.
Sets the global attenuation rollo factor for Logarithmic rollo based sources (see
Rollo Scale Audio Source). The higher the value the faster the volume will attenuate, conversely the
lower the value, the slower it attenuate (value of 1 will simulate the “real world”).
How audible the Doppler e ect is. When it is zero it is turned o . 1 means it should be
quite audible for fast moving objects.
De nes which speaker mode should be the default for your project. Default is 2 for stereo
speaker setups (see AudioSpeakerMode in the scripting API reference for a list of modes).
Output sample rate. If set to 0, the sample rate of the system will be used. Also note that
Sample Rate this only serves as a reference as only certain platforms allow changing this, such as iOS
or Android.
DSP Bu er
The size of the DSP bu er can be set to optimise for latency or performance
Default bu er size
Best Latency Trades o performance in favour of latency
Balance between latency and performance
Trades o latency in favour of performance
Number of virtual voices that the audio system manages. This value should always be
Virtual Voice
larger than the number of voices played by the game. If not, warnings will be shown in the
Real Voice
Number of real voices that can be played at the same time. Every frame the loudest voices
will be picked.
Deactivates the audio system in standalone builds. Note that this also a ects the audio of
MovieTextures. In the editor the audio system is still on and will support previewing
audio clips, but AudioSource. Play calls and playOnAwake will not be handled in order to
simulate behavior of the standalone build.

If you want to use Doppler E ect set Doppler Factor to 1. Then tweak both Speed of Sound and Doppler Factor until
you are satis ed. Speaker mode can be changed runtime from your application through scripting. See Audio Settings.

Time Manager

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The Time Manager (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Time) lets you set a number of properties that control
timing within your game.

Property: Function:
A framerate-independent interval that dictates when physics calculations and
Timestep FixedUpdate() events are performed.
Maximum A framerate-independent interval that caps the worst case scenario when frame-rate is
Allowed low. Physics calculations and FixedUpdate() events will not be performed for longer
Timestep time than speci ed.
The speed at which time progresses. Change this value to simulate bullet-time e ects. A
value of 1 means real-time. A value of .5 means half speed; a value of 2 is double speed.
A framerate-independent interval that controls the accuracy of the particle simulation.
When the frame time exceeds this value, multiple iterations of the particle update are
performed in one frame, so that the duration of each step does not exceed this value.
For example, a game running at 30fps (0.03 seconds per frame) could run the particle
update at 60fps (in steps of 0.0167 seconds) to achieve a more accurate simulation, at
the expense of performance.


The Time Manager lets you set properties globally, but it is often useful to set them from a script during gameplay
(for example, setting Time Scale to zero is a useful way to pause the game). See the page on Time and Framerate
Management for full details of how time can be managed in Unity.
2017–05–18 Page published with limited editorial review
Maximum Particle Timestep added in 2017.1

Player Settings

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The Player Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player) let you set various options for the nal game built by
Unity. There are a few settings that are the same regardless of the build target but most are platform-speci c and
divided into the following sections:

Resolution and Presentation: settings for screen resolution and other presentation details such as
whether the game should default to fullscreen mode.
Icon: the game icon(s) as shown on the desktop.
Splash Image: the image shown while the game is launching.
Other Settings: any remaining settings speci c to the platform.
Publishing Settings: details of how the built application is prepared for delivery from the app store
or host webpage.
The general settings are covered below. Settings speci c to a platform can be found separately in the platform’s
own manual section.
See also Unity Splash Screen settings.

General Settings

Property: Function:
Cross-Platform Properties
The name of your company. This is used to locate the preferences le.
Product The name that will appear on the menu bar when your game is running and is used to
locate the preferences le also.
Default The default icon that the application will have on every platform. You can override this for
speci c platforms.
The default cursor that the application will have on every supported platform. The
supported platforms are PC, MAC and Linux standalone, WebGL, PS4, and Windows

Property: Function:
Cursor hotspot in pixels from the top left of the default cursor.

Splash Screen

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The Unity Editor allows you to con gure a Splash Screen for your project. The level to which you can customize the Unity Splash
Screen depends on your Unity license; depending on which licence you have, you can disable the Unity Splash Screen entirely,
disable the Unity logo, and add your own logos, among other options.
You can also make your own introductory screens or animations to introduce your Project in your rst Scene, using the Unity UI
System. These can be in addition to or instead of using the Unity Splash Screen, depending on your license.
The Unity Splash Screen is uniform across all platforms. It displays promptly, displaying while the rst Scene loads asynchronously
in the background. This is di erent to your own introductory screens or animations which can take time to appear; this is due to
Unity having to load the entire engine and rst Scene before displaying them.

License limitations
The Unity Pro Edition and Plus Editions licenses have no limitations to customisation of the Unity Splash Screen.
The Unity Personal Edition license has the following limitations:

The Unity Splash Screen cannot be disabled.
The Unity logo cannot be disabled.
The opacity level can be set to a minimum value of 0.5.

Unity Splash Screen settings

To access the Unity Splash Screen settings, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player. In the Inspector window, navigate to Splash
Image > Splash Screen.

Splash Screen settings



Tick the Show Splash Screen checkbox to enable the Splash Screen at the start of the game. In the
Unity Personal Edition you cannot disable this option; the checkbox is always ticked.
Use the Preview button to see a preview of the Splash Screen in the Game view. The preview re ects
the resolution and aspect ratio of the Game view. Use multiple Game views to preview multiple
di erent resolutions and aspect ratios simultaneously. This is particularly useful for simulating the
Splash Screen’s appearance on multiple di erent devices.

See Image A, below, for an example.
Splash Style controls the style of the Unity branding. There are two options available: Light on Dark,
Splash Style
or Dark on White. See these in Image B, below.
The Splash Screen has 3 possible animation modes, which de ne how it appears and disappears
from the screen.
The Splash Screen has no animation.
The logo and background zoom to create a visual dolly e ect.
Custom Con gure the background and logo zoom amounts to allow for a modi ed dolly e ect.
Show Unity Tick the Show Unity Logo checkbox to enable Unity co-branding. In the Unity Personal Edition you
cannot disable this option; the checkbox is always ticked.
Draw Mode Draw Mode controls how Unity co-branding is shown (if Unity co-branding is enabled).
Draws the co-branding Unity logo beneath all logos that are shown.
Logo Below
Inserts the co-branding Unity logo as a logo into the Logos list.
This is the customisable list of logos to be drawn during the duration of the Splash Screen. See the
Logo list in Image C, below.
Add and remove logos using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons, and reorder logos in the list by
dragging and dropping. Each logo must be a Sprite Asset. To change the aspect ratio of the logo,
change the dimensions of the Sprite using the Sprite Editor, with Sprite Mode set to Multiple.

The Logo Duration of the Sprite Asset is the length of time the logo appears for. This can be set to
between a minimum of 2 seconds and a maximum of 10 seconds.
If an entry in the Logos list has no logo Sprite Asset assigned, no logo is shown for the duration of
that entry. You can use this to create delays between logos.


The entire duration of the Splash Screen is the total of all logos plus 0.5 seconds for fading out. This
might be longer if the rst Scene is not ready to play, in which case the Splash Screen shows only the
background image or color and then fades out when the rst Scene is ready to play.
Adjust the strength of the Overlay Opacity to make the logos stand out; this a ects the background
color and/or image color, based on the Splash Style.
Set Overlay Opacity to a lower number to reduce this e ect, or set it to 0 to disable the e ect
completely. For example, if the Splash Screen style is Light on Dark, with a white background, the
background becomes gray when Overlay Opacity is set to 1, and white when Overlay Opacity is set
to 0.

In the Unity Personal Edition, this option has a minimum value of 0.5.
Use this to set the background color when no background image is set. Note that the actual
background color may be a ected by the Overlay Opacity (see section above), and might not match
the assigned color.


Use this to set a background Sprite image instead of using a color background. Unity adjusts the
background image so that it lls the screen; the image is uniformly scaled until it ts both the width
and height of the screen. This means that parts of the image might extend beyond the screen edges
in some aspect ratios. To adjust the background image’s response to aspect ratio, change the Sprite’s
Position values in the Sprite Editor.

Use Alternate Portrait Image to set an image with portrait aspect ratios (for example, a mobile
device in portrait mode). If there is no Alternate Portrait Image Sprite assigned, the Unity Editor
uses the Sprite assigned as the Background Image for both portrait and landscape mode.
Adjust the Position and dimensions of the Sprite in the Sprite Editor to control the aspect ratio and
position of the background image on the Splash Screen. In Image D, below, the same image is being
used for both landscape and portrait; however, the portrait position has been adjusted.

Image A: Preview - Multiple previews

Image B: Splash Style - On the left, Light on Dark style. On the right, Dark on Light style.

Image C: Logos - The Logo list and Logo Duration

Image D: Background Image - The same is being used here for both landscape and portrait

Physics Manager

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Use the Physics Manager to apply global settings for 3D physics. To access it, go to Edit > Project Settings > Physics. To manage
global settings for 2D physics, use the Physics 2D Manager.
The settings of the PhysicsManager de ne limits on the accuracy of the physical simulation. Generally speaking, a more accurate
simulation requires more processing overhead, so these settings o er a way to trade o accuracy against performance. See the
Physics section of the manual for further information.

The PhysicsManager, shown in the Inspector window.




Use the x, y and z axes to set the amount of gravity applied to all Rigidbody components. For realistic
gravity settings, apply a negative number to the y axis. Gravity is de ned in world units per seconds
Note: If you increase the gravity, you might need to also increase the Default Solver Iterations value
to maintain stable contacts.
Use this eld to de ne the default Physics Material that is used if none has been assigned to an
individual Collider.

Use this to set a velocity value. If two colliding objects have a relative velocity below this value, they do
not bounce o each other. This value also reduces jitter, so it is not recommended to set it to a very low
Use this to set a global energy threshold, below which a non-kinematic Rigidbody (that is, one that is
not controlled by the physics system) may go to sleep. When a Rigidbody is sleeping, it is not updated
Threshold every frame, making it less resource-intensive. If a Rigidbody’s kinetic energy divided by its mass is
below this threshold, it is a candidate for sleeping.
Use this to set the distance the collision detection system uses to generate collision contacts. The
value must be positive, and if set too close to zero, it can cause jitter. This is set to 0.01 by default.
Colliders only generate collision contacts if their distance is less than the sum of their contact o set
O set
Solvers are small physics engine tasks which determine a number of physics interactions, such as the
movements of joints or managing contact between overlapping Rigidbody components. Use Default
Solver Iterations to de ne how many solver processes Unity runs on every physics frame. This a ects
the quality of the solver output and it’s advisable to change the property in case non-default
Time.fixedDeltaTime is used, or the con guration is extra demanding. Typically, it’s used to reduce
the jitter resulting from joints or contacts.
Use this to set how many velocity processes a solver performs in each physics frame. The more
processes the solver performs, the higher the accuracy of the resulting exit velocity after a Rigidbody
bounce. If you experience problems with jointed Rigidbody components or Ragdolls moving too much
Iterations after collisions, try increasing this value.
Queries Hit Tick the checkbox if you want physics queries (such as Physics.Raycast) to detect hits with the
Backfaces backface triangles of MeshColliders. This setting is unticked by default.
Tick the checkbox if you want physics hit tests (such as Raycasts, SphereCasts and SphereTests) to
Queries Hit
return a hit when they intersect with a Collider marked as a Trigger. Individual raycasts can override
this behavior. This setting is ticked by default.
The adaptive force a ects the way forces are transmitted through a pile or stack of objects, to give
more realistic behaviour. Tick this box to enable the adaptive force. This setting is unticked by default.
Choose a contact generation method:

Persistent Contacts Manifold (PCM): Regenerates fewer contacts every physics frame and shares
more contact data across frames. The PCM contacts generation path is also more accurate, and usually
produces better collision feedback in most of the cases. See Nvidia documentation on Persistent
Contact Manifold for more information.
Legacy Contacts Generation: Generates contacts using the separating axis theorem (see dyn4j.org’s
guide to SAT).
PCM is more e cient, but for projects made in versions of Unity earlier than Unity 5.5, you might nd it
easier to continue using SAT, to avoid needing to retweak physics slightly. PCM can result in a slightly
di erent bounce, and fewer useless contacts end up in the contacts bu ers (that is, the arrays you get
in the Collision instance passed to OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionStay, and OnCollisionExit).
Run the physics simulation automatically or allow explicit control over it

Auto Sync Automatically sync transform changes with the physics system whenever a Transform component
Transforms changes.
Select the type of contact pair generation to use:
Default Contact Pairs: Receive collision and trigger events from all contact pairs except kinematicContact
kinematic and kinematic-static pairs.
Pairs Mode Enable Kinematic Kinematic Pairs: Receive collision and trigger events from kinematic-kinematic
contact pairs.
Enable Kinematic Static Pairs: Receive collision and trigger events from kinematic-static contact pairs.
Enable All Contact Pairs:Receive collision and trigger events from all contact pairs.
Choose which broad-phase algorithm to use in the physics simulation: Sweep and Prune Broadphase
Broadphase or Multibox Pruning Broadphase. Multi-box pruning uses a grid, and each grid cell performs sweepType
and-prune. This usually helps improve performance if, for example, there are many GameObjects in a
at world. For more information, see NVIDIA’s documentation on PhysX SDK and Rigid Body Collision.
De ne the 2D grid that encloses the world to prevent far away objects from a ecting each other when
using the Multibox Pruning Broadphase algorithm. This option is only available when you set
Broadphase Type to Multibox Pruning Broadphase.
The number of cells along the x and z axis in the 2D gri__ algorithm. This option is only available when
Subdivisions you set Broadphase Type to Multibox Pruning Broadphase.
Use this to de ne how the layer-based collision detection system behaves.
Cloth InterControl cloth particle Distance and Sti ness when setting up particles for Cloth intercollision.

2018–08–10 Page amended with limited editorial review
Settings added in 5.5: Default Solver Iterations, Default Solver Velocity Iterations, Queries Hit Backfaces, Enable PCM
Physics Manager settings documentation updated in 2017.4

Physics 2D Settings

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The Physics 2D Settings allow you to provide global settings for 2D physics (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Physics 2D).
(There is also a corresponding Physics Manager for 3D projects.)


The amount of gravity applied to all Rigidbody 2D GameObjects. Generally, gravity is only
set for the negative direction of the y-axis.
The default Physics Material 2D that is used if none has been assigned to an individual
Collider 2D.
The number of iterations made by the physics engine to resolve velocity e ects. Higher
numbers result in more accurate physics but at the cost of CPU time.
The number of iterations made by the physics engine to resolve position changes. Higher
numbers result in more accurate physics but at the cost of CPU time.
Collisions with a relative velocity lower than this value is treated as inelastic collisions (that
is, the colliding GameObjects do not bounce o each other).

Max Linear
Max Angular
Max Rotation
For Penalty
Time of
Impact Scale
Time to Sleep

The maximum linear position correction used when solving constraints (from a range
between 0.0001 to 1000000). This helps to prevent overshoot.
The maximum angular correction used when solving constraints (froma range between
0.0001 to 1000000). This helps to prevent overshoot.
The maximum linear speed of a Rigidbody 2D GameObject during any physics update.
The maximum rotation speed of a Rigidbody 2D GameObject during any physics update.
The minimum contact penetration radius allowed before any separation impulse force is
Scale factor that determines how fast collision overlaps are resolved.
Scale factor that determines how fast time-of-impact overlaps are resolved.
The time (in seconds) that must pass after a Rigidbody 2D stops moving before it goes to

Linear Sleep
The linear speed below which a Rigidbody 2D goes to sleep after the Time to Sleep elapses.
Angular Sleep
The rotational speed below which a Rigidbody 2D goes to sleep after Time to Sleep elapses.
Check this box to enable Collider 2Ds marked as Triggers to return a hit when any physics
Queries Hit
queries (such as Linecasts or Raycasts) intersect with them. Leave it unchecked for these
queries to not return a hit.
Queries Start Check this box to enable physics queries that start inside a Collider 2D to detect the collider
In Colliders
they start in.
Change Stops Check this box to stop reporting collision callbacks immediately if any of the GameObjects
involved in the collision are deleted or moved.
De nes how the Layer-based collision detection system behaves.


The Physics 2D Settings de ne limits on the accuracy of the physical simulation. Generally speaking, a more accurate
simulation requires more processing overhead, so these settings o er a way to trade o accuracy against performance. See
the Physics section of the manual for further information.

Quality Settings

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Unity allows you to set the level of graphical quality it will attempt to render. Generally speaking, quality comes at the expense of
framerate and so it may be best not to aim for the highest quality on mobile devices or older hardware since it will have a
detrimental e ect on gameplay. The Quality Settings inspector (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Quality) is used to select the
quality level in the editor for the chosen device. It is split into two main areas - at the top, there is the following matrix:

Unity lets you assign a name to a given combination of quality options for easy reference. The rows of the matrix let you choose
which of the di erent platforms each quality level will apply to. The Default row at the bottom of the matrix is not a quality level in
itself but rather sets the default quality level used for each platform (a green checkbox in a column denotes the level currently
chosen for that platform). Unity comes with six quality levels pre-enabled but you can add your own levels using the button below
the matrix. You can use the trashcan icon (the rightmost column) to delete an unwanted quality level.
You can click on the name of a quality level to select it for editing, which is done in the panel below the settings matrix:

The quality options you can choose for a quality level are as follows:

Property: Function:
Name The name that will be used to refer to this quality level

Pixel Light

The maximum number of pixel lights when Forward Rendering is used.

This lets you choose whether to display textures at maximum resolution or at a fraction of this
Texture Quality (lower resolution has less processing overhead). The options are Full Res, Half Res, Quarter
Res and Eighth Res.
This enables if and how anisotropic textures will be used. The options are Disabled, Per Texture
and Forced On (ie, always enabled).
This sets the level of antialiasing that will be used. The options are 2x, 4x and 8x multi-sampling.
Soft Particles
Should soft blending be used for particles?
Should re ection probes be updated during gameplay?
Re ection
Downscales the device’s screen resolution below its native resolution. For more details, see the
Scaling Fixed
platform-speci c Player Settings pages, such as Android Player Settings and iOS Player Settings.
DPI Factor




This determines which type of shadows should be used. The available options are Hard and Soft
Shadows, Hard Shadows Only and Disable Shadows.
Shadows can be rendered at several di erent resolutions: Low, Medium, High and Very High.
The higher the resolution, the greater the processing overhead.
There are two di erent methods for projecting shadows from a directional light. Close Fit renders
higher resolution shadows but they can sometimes wobble slightly if the camera moves. Stable
Fit renders lower resolution shadows but they don’t wobble with camera movements.
The number of shadow cascades can be set to zero, two or four. A higher number of cascades
gives better quality but at the expense of processing overhead (see Directional Light Shadows for
further details).
The maximum distance from camera at which shadows will be visible. Shadows that fall beyond
this distance will not be rendered.
Shadowmask Sets the shadowmask behaviour when using the Shadowmask Mixed lighting mode. Use the
Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings) to set this up in your Scene.
Unity uses real-time shadows up to the Shadow Distance, and baked shadows beyond it.
Shadowmask hadowmask: Static GameObjects that cast shadows always cast baked shadows.
Shadow Near
O set shadow near plane to account for large triangles being distorted by shadow pancaking.
Plane O set


The number of bones that can a ect a given vertex during an animation. The available options are one,
two or four bones.
Rendering can be synchronised with the refresh rate of the display device to avoid “tearing” artifacts
(see below). You can choose to synchronise with every vertical blank (VBlank), every second vertical
blank or not to synchronise at all.
LOD levels are chosen based on the onscreen size of an object. When the size is between two LOD
levels, the choice can be biased toward the less detailed or more detailed of the two models available.
LOD Bias This is set as a fraction from 0 to +in nity. When it is set between 0 and 1 it favors less detail. A setting
of more than 1 favors greater detail. For example, setting LOD Bias to 2 and having it change at 50%
distance, LOD actually only changes on 25%.
The highest LOD that will be used by the game. See note below for more Information.
LOD Level
The maximum number of raycasts to use for approximate particle system collisions (those with
Medium or Low quality). See Particle System Collision Module.
The amount of CPU time in milliseconds per frame to spend uploading bu ered textures to the GPU.
See Async Texture Upload.
Time Slice
The size in MB for the Async Upload bu er. See Async Texture Upload.
Bu er

MaximumLOD level

Models which have a LOD below the MaximumLOD level will not be used and omitted from the build (which will save storage and
memory space). Unity will use the smallest LOD value from all the MaximumLOD values linked with the quality settings for the
target platform. If an LOD level is included then models from that LODGroup will be included in the build and always loaded at

runtime for that LODGroup, regardless of the quality setting being used. As an example, if LOD level 0 is used in any quality setting
then all the LOD levels will be included in the build and all the referenced models loaded at runtime.

The picture on the display device is not continuously updated but rather the updates happen at regular intervals much like frame
updates in Unity. However, Unity’s updates are not necessarily synchronised with those of the display, so it is possible for Unity to
issue a new frame while the display is still rendering the previous one. This will result in a visual artifact called “tearing” at the
position onscreen where the frame change occurs.

Simulated example of tearing. The shift in the picture is clearly visible in the magni ed portion.
It is possible to set Unity to switch frames only during the period where the display device is not updating, the so-called “vertical
blank”. The VSync option on the Quality Settings synchronises frame switches with the device’s vertical blank or optionally with
every other vertical blank. The latter may be useful if the game requires more than one device update to complete the rendering of
a frame.

Anti aliasing improves the appearance of polygon edges, so they are not “jagged”, but smoothed out on the screen. However, it
incurs a performance cost for the graphics card and uses more video memory (there’s no cost on the CPU though). The level of
anti-aliasing determines how smooth polygon edges are (and how much video memory does it consume).

Without anti-aliasing, polygon edges are “jagged”.

With 4x anti-aliasing, polygon edges are smoothed out.
However, built-in hardware anti-aliasing does not work with Deferred Shading or HDR rendering; for these cases you’ll need to use
Antialiasing Image E ect.

Soft Particles
Soft Particles fade out near intersections with other scene geometry. This looks much nicer, however it’s more expensive to
compute (more complex pixel shaders), and only works on platforms that support depth textures. Furthermore, you have to use
Deferred Shading or Legacy Deferred Lighting rendering path, or make the camera render depth textures from scripts.

Without Soft Particles - visible intersections with the scene.

With Soft Particles - intersections fade out smoothly.
2017–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Shadowmask Mode added in 2017.1

Graphics Settings

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Scriptable RenderLoop settings
This is an experimental setting which allows you to de ne a series of commands to control exactly how the Scene should be rendered
(instead of using the default rendering pipeline used by Unity). For more information on this experimental feature, see the Scriptable
Render Pipeline documentation on GitHub.

Camera settings
These properties control various rendering settings.


Renderers in Unity are sorted by several criteria such as their layer number, or their distance from
Transparancy camera. Transparency Sort Mode adds the ability to order renderable objects by their distance along a
Sort Mode
speci c axis. This is generally only useful in 2D development; for example, sorting Sprites by height or
along the Y axis.
Sorts objects based on the Camera mode.
Sorts objects based on perspective view.
Orthographic Sorts objects based on orthographic view.
Use this to set a custom Transparency Sort Mode.
Sort Axis

Tier settings

Tier Settings as displayed in the PlayerSettings Inspector window
These settings allow you to make platform-speci c adjustments to rendering and shader compilation, by tweaking builtin de nes. For
example, you can use this to enable Cascaded Shadows on high-tier iOS devices, but to disable them on low-tier devices to improve
performance. Tiers are de ned by Rendering.GraphicsTier.

Standard Shader
Re ection Probes
Box Projection
Re ection Probes
Detail Normal Map
Cascaded Shadows
HDR Mode
Rendering Path

Allows you to select Standard Shader Quality.
Allows you to specify whether Re ection Probes Box Projection should be used.
Allows you to specify whether Re ection Probes Blending should be enabled.
Allows you to specify whether Detail Normal Map should be sampled if assigned.
Allows you to specify whether Semitransparent Shadows should be enabled.
Allows you to specify whether cascaded shadow maps should be used.
Setting this eld to true enables HDR rendering for this tier. Setting it to false disables HDR
rendering for this tier. See Also: High Dynamic Range rendering
The CameraHDRMode to use for this tier.
The rendering path that should be used.

Built-in shader settings

Use these settings to specify which shader is used to do lighting pass calculations in each rendering path listed.


Used when using Deferred lighting, see [Camera: Rendering Path)(class-Camera)

Re ection
Screen Space
Legacy deferred
Motion vectors
Lens Flare

Used when using Deferred re ection (ie re ection probes) along deferred lighting, see [Camera:
Rendering Path)(class-Camera_)

Light Halo
Built-in shader
(Default value)

Used when using Light Halos, see Halo.

Used when using screen space shadow.
Used when using Legacy deferred lighting, see [Camera: Rendering Path)(class-Camera).
Used when using Legacy deferred lighting, see MeshRenderer::Motion Vectors.
Used when using Lens Flares, see Flare.

Custom shader
No Support

Use Unity’s built-in shaders to do the calculation.
Use your own compatible shader to do the calculation. This enables you to do deep
customization of deferred rendering.
Disable this calculation. Use this setting if you are not using deferred shading or lighting. This
will save some space in the built game data les.

Always-included Shaders

Specify a list of Shaders that will always be stored along with the project, even if nothing in your scenes actually uses them. It is
important to add shaders used by streamed AssetBundles to this list to ensure they can be accessed.

Shader stripping - Lightmap modes and Fog modes
Lower your build data size and improve loading times by stripping out certain shaders involved with lighting and fog.

Unity looks at your scenes and lightmapping settings to gure out which fog and lightmapping modes
(Default value) are not in use, and skips corresponding shader variants.
Specify which modes to use yourself. Select this if you are building asset bundles or changing fog modes
from a script at runtime, to ensure that the modes you want to use are included.

Shader stripping - Instancing variants
Strip All
Keep All

When a project is built, Unity only includes instancing shader variants if at least one material referencing
the shader has the “Enable instancing” checkbox ticked. Unity strips any shaders that are not referenced by
materials with the “Enable instancing” checkbox ticked.
Strip all instancing shader variants, even if they are being used.
Keep all instancing shader variants, even if they are not being used.

See GPU instancing for more information about Instancing variants.

Shader preloading
Specify a list of shader variant collection assets to preload while loading the game. Shader variants speci ed in this list are loaded
during entire lifetime of the application. Use it for preloading very frequently used shaders. See Optimizing Shader Load Time page for

See also
Optimizing Shader Load Time
Optimizing Graphics Performance
Shaders reference
17–05–08 Page amended with limited editorial review
Updated Tier Setting description
New features added in 5.6

Network Manager

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(This class is part of the old networking system and is deprecated. See NetworkManager for the new networking system).
The Network Manager contains two very important properties for making Networked multiplayer games.

The Network Manager
You can access the Network Manager by selecting Edit > Project Settings > Network from the menu bar.

Debug Level The level of messages that are printed to the console
Number of times per second that data is sent over the network


Adjusting the Debug Level can be enormously helpful in ne-tuning or debugging your game’s networking behaviors. When it
is set to 0, only errors from networking will be printed to the console.
The data that is sent at the Sendrate intervals (1 second / Sendrate = interval) will vary based on the Network View
properties of each broadcasting object. If the Network View is using Unreliable, its data will be send at each interval. If the
Network View is using Reliable Delta Compressed, Unity will check to see if the Object being watched has changed since the
last interval. If it has changed, the data will be sent.

Editor Settings

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Unity Remote
Unity Remote is a downloadable app designed to help with Android, iOS and tvOS
development. Use the drop-down to select the device type you want to use for Unity Remote
Use the drop-down to select the type of image compression Unity uses when transmitting
the game screen to the device via Unity Remote. This is set to JPEG by default.
JPEG usually gives higher compression and performance, but the graphics quality is a little
lower. This is the default option.
PNG gives a more accurate representation of the game display, but can result in lower
Use the drop-down to select the resolution the game should run at on Unity Remote. This is
set to Downsize by default.
Choose Downsize to display the game at a lower resolution. This results in better
performance, but lower graphical accuracy. This is the default option.


Choose Normal to display the game at normal resolution. This results in better graphical
accuracy, but lower performance.
Use the drop-down to select the connection source for the joysticks you are using. This is set
to Remote by default.
Choose Remote to use joysticks that are connected to a device running Unity Remote. This is
the default option.
Select Local to use joysticks that are connected to the computer running the Editor.
Version Control
You can use Unity in conjunction with most common version control tools, including Perforce
and PlasticSCM. See documentation on Version Control for more information.
Use the drop-down to select the visibility of meta les. See documentation on Version
Control for di erent options available for di erent systems. This is set to Hidden Meta Files
by default. For more information on showing or hiding meta les, see the Unity Answers
page Visible or hidden meta les.
Hidden Meta
Set Unity to hide meta les. This is the default option.
Visible Meta Set Unity to display meta les. This is useful when using version control, because it allows
other users and machines to view these meta les.
Asset Serialization
Unity uses serialization to load and save Assets and AssetBundles to and from your
computer’s hard drive. To help with version control merges, Unity can store Scene les in a
text-based format (see documentation on text scene format for further details). If Scene
merges are not performed, Unity can store Scenes in a more space-e cient binary format,
or allow both text and binary Scene les to exist at the same time.
Use the drop-down to select which format Unity should use to store serialized Assets. This is
set to Force Text by default.
Assets in Binary mode remain in Binary mode, and assets in Text mode remain in Text
mode. Unity uses Binary mode by default for new Assets.
Force Binary This converts all Assets to Binary mode, and Unity uses Binary mode for new Assets.
This converts all Assets to Text mode, and Unity uses Text mode for new Assets. This is the
Force Text
default option.
Default Behavior Mode
Unity allows you to choose between 2D or 3D development, and sets up certain default
behaviors depending on which one you choose, to make development easier. For more
information on the speci c behaviors that change with this setting, see documentation on
2D and 3D Mode settings.
Use the drop-down to choose a default behaviour for Unity. This is set to 3D by default.
Choose 3D to set Unity up for 3D development. This is the default option.
Choose 2D to set Unity up for 2D development.
Sprite Packer
Unity provides a Sprite Packer tool to automate the process of generating atlases from
individual Sprite Textures. Use these settings to con gure the Sprite Packer. Use the dropMode
down to select a Sprite Packer Mode. This is set to Disabled by default. See documentation
on Sprite Atlas for more information.
Unity does not pack Atlases. This is the default setting.

Enabled For
Enabled For

Unity packs Atlases for builds only, and not in-Editor Play mode. This Legacy Sprite Packer
option refers to the Tag-based version of the Sprite Packer, rather than the Sprite Atlas

Unity packs Atlases for builds and before entering in-Editor Play mode. This Legacy Sprite
Packer option refers to the Tag-based version rather than the Sprite Atlas version.

Unity packs Atlases for builds only, and not in-Editor Play mode.
Unity packs Atlases for builds and before entering in-Editor Play mode.
Use Padding Power to set the value that the packing algorithm uses when calculating the
amount of space or “padding” to allocate between packed Sprites, and between Sprites and
the edges of the generated atlas.


This represents the value 21. Use this setting to allocate 2 pixels between packed Sprites and
atlas edges. This is the default setting.


This represents the value 22. Use this setting to allocate 4 pixels between packed Sprites and
atlas edges.

This represents the value 23. Use this setting to allocate 8 pixels between packed Sprites and
atlas edges.
C# Project Generation
Use this text eld to include a list of additional le types to add to the C# Project. Separate
each le type with a semicolon. By default, this eld contains txt;xml;fnt;cd.
to include
Use this text eld to ll in the namespace to use for the C# project RootNamespace
property. See Microsoft developer documentation on Common MSBuild Project Properties
for more information. This eld is blank by default.
ETC Texture Compressor
Unity allows you to specify the compression tool to use for di erent compression qualities of
ETC Textures. The properties Fast, Normal and Best de ne the compression quality. These
map to the Compressor Quality setting in the Texture Importer for the supported
platforms. The compression tools available are etcpak, ETCPACK and Etc2Comp. These are
all third-party compressor libraries.
Select Legacy to use the con guration that was available before ETC Texture compression
became con gurable. This sets the following properties:
- Fast: ETCPACK Fast
- Normal: ETCPACK Fast
- Best: ETCPACK Best
Select Default to use the default con guration for Unity. This sets the following properties:
- Fast: etcpack
- Normal: ETCPACK Fast
- Best: Etc2Comp Best


Select Custom to customise the ETC Texture compression con guration.

Line Endings For New Scripts
Use the drop-down to con gure le line endings to apply to new scripts created within the
Editor. Note that con guring these settings does not convert existing scripts.
OS Native
Choose OS Native to apply line endings based on the OS the Editor is running on.
Choose Unix to apply line endings based on the Unix OS.
Choose Windows to apply line endings based on the Windows OS.
2017–11–03 Documentation updated to re ect multiple changes since 5.6
2017–11–03 Page amended with editorial review

Script Execution Order Settings

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See documentation on the execution order of event functions to learn how Unity handle event functions by
You can use the Script Execution Order settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order).

Scripts can be added to the inspector using the Plus “+” button and dragged to change their relative order. Note
that it is possible to drag a script either above or below the Default Time bar; those above will execute ahead of
the default time while those below will execute after. The ordering of scripts in the dialog from top to bottom
determines their execution order. All scripts not in the dialog execute in the default time slot in arbitrary order.
The numbers shown for each script are the values the scripts are actually ordered by. When a script is dragged to
a new position, the number for the script is automatically changed accordingly. When a number is changed, either
manually or automatically, it changes the meta le for that script. For this reason it’s best if as few of the numbers
as possible change when the order is changed. This is why, when possible, only the script that is dragged has its
number changed, rather than assigning new numbers to all the scripts.

Preset Manager

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Use Presets to specify default properties for new components and assets. You cannot set the default properties
for Settings Managers.
When you add a component to a GameObject or a new asset to your project, Unity uses a default Preset to set
the properties of the new item. Default Presets override the Unity factory default settings.
Unity also uses default Presets when you use the Reset command in the Component Context Menu in the
InspectorMore info
See in Glossary window.
For Transform components, Unity does not use the position in a default Preset when you add a new GameObject
to a scene. In this case, the default position is the middle of the SceneMore info
See in Glossary view. Use the Reset command to apply the position, as well as the rotation and scale, of a default
Preset for a Transform.

Specifying a Preset to use for default settings
You can specify a Preset to use for default settings with the Inspector window, the Preset Manager, or by
dragging and dropping.
To specify default settings with the Inspector window:
Select a Preset in the Project window.
In the Inspector window, click Set as Default.

Set as Default (red) in the Inspector window
To specify default settings with the Preset Manager:
If you don’t already have a Preset in your project to use for default settings, create one.
Open the Preset Manager by choosing Edit > Project Settings > Preset Manager.
Click + and select the item that you want to use with a default Preset.
A default Preset for the selected item appears in the Preset Manager list.

For example, click + and select CrouchImporter to specify it as the default for imported models
Drag and drop a Preset from the Project window to the Preset Manager to add a new default Preset or change
an existing default Preset.

Changing and removing default Presets
Use Preset Manager to change a default Preset. You can also drag and drop a Preset from the Project window to
the Preset Manager to change an existing default Preset.
There are two ways to remove a default Preset: from Preset Manager or from the Inspector window.
To change a default Preset in Preset Manager:

Open the Preset Manager by choosing Edit > Project Settings > Preset Manager.
Click the drop-down menu next to the default Preset of an object type to select a Preset.
The selected Preset becomes the new default Preset.
To remove a default Preset in the Inspector:

Select a Preset in the Project window.
In the Inspector window, click Remove From.
To remove a default Preset in Preset Manager:

Open the Preset Manager by choosing Edit > Project Settings > Preset Manager.
Select the default Preset that you want to remove from the list of default Presets.
Click - to remove the selected default Preset.
2017–03–27 Page published with limited editorial review New feature in 2018.1

Visual Studio C# integration

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Bene ts of using Visual Studio

A more sophisticated C# development environment. Think smart autocompletion, computer-assisted changes to
source les, smart syntax highlighting and more.

The di erence between Community, Express and Pro
VisualStudio C# is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tool from Microsoft. Visual Studio now comes in
three editions, Community (free to use) Professional (paid) and Enterprise (paid). A comparison of feature
di erences between versions is available on the Visual Studio website.
Unity’s Visual Studio integration allows you to create and maintain Visual Studio project les automatically. Also,
VisualStudio will open when you double click on a script or on an error message in the Unity console.

Using Visual Studio with Unity
Follow these steps to con gure the Unity Editor to use Visual Studio as its default IDE:
In Unity, go to Edit > Preferences, and make sure that Visual Studio is selected as your preferred external editor.

External Tool Settings
Next, doubleclick a C# le in your project. Visual Studio should automatically open that le for you.
You can edit the le, save, and switch back to Unity to test your changes.

A few things to watch out for
Even though Visual Studio comes with its own C# compiler, and you can use it to check if you have errors in your
c# scripts, Unity still uses its own C# compiler to compile your scripts. Using the Visual Studio compiler is still
quite useful, because it means you don’t have to switch to Unity all the time to check if you have any errors or not.
Visual Studio’s C# compiler has some more features than Unity’s C# compiler currently supports. This means that
some code (especially newer c# features) will not throw an error in Visual Studio but will in Unity.

Unity automatically creates and maintains a Visual Studio .sln and .csproj le. Whenever somebody
adds/renames/moves/deletes a le from within Unity, Unity regenerates the .sln and .csproj les. You can add
les to your solution from Visual Studio as well. Unity will then import those new les, and the next time Unity
creates the project les again, it will create them with this new le included.

RenderDoc Integration

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The Editor supports integrated launching and capture of the RenderDoc graphics debugger, for detailed frame introspection and
The integration is only supported for RenderDoc versions 0.26 or later, so if an earlier version is currently installed it is required that
you update to at least version 0.26.
Note: While the integration is only available in the Editor, it is quite possible to use RenderDoc as normal with no extra setup in
standalone player builds.
Note: Frames can only be captured if Unity is running on a platform and API that RenderDoc supports - at time of writing that means
Windows only, and either DirectX 11 or OpenGL Core pro le. If another API is in use, the RenderDoc integration will be temporarily
disabled until a supported API is enabled.

Loading RenderDoc
If a RenderDoc installation is detected, then at any time after loading the Editor you can right click on the tab for the Game View or
Scene View and click the ‘Load RenderDoc’ option. This will reload the graphics device so you must save any changes, but afterwards
RenderDoc will be ready to capture without having to restart the editor or build a standalone player.

Loading RenderDoc at runtime
Note: You can also launch the Editor via RenderDoc as normal, or pass the -load-renderdoc command line option to load RenderDoc
from startup.

Capturing a frame with RenderDoc
When a compatible version of RenderDoc is detected as loaded into the Editor, a new button will appear on the right side of the
toolbar on the Game and Scene Views.

Capturing a frame with RenderDoc
Pressing this button will trigger a capture of the next frame of rendering for the view. If the RenderDoc tool UI has not been opened, a
new instance will be launched to show the capture, and if it is already running the newest capture will automatically appear there. From
there you can open the capture and debug using the tool.

List of frame captures in RenderDoc

Including shader debug information
By default to optimise the size of DirectX11 shaders, debugging information is stripped out. This means that constants and resources
will have no names, and the shader source will not be available. To include this debugging information in your shader, include
#pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols in your shader’s CGPROGRAM block.

Alternative graphics debugging techniques
If you build a standalone player using D3D11, you can capture a frame and debug using the Visual Studio graphics debugger.

Editor Analytics

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The Unity editor is con gured to send anonymous usage data back to Unity. This information is used to help
improve the features of the editor. The analytics are collected using Google Analytics. Unity makes calls to a URI
hosted by Google. The URN part of the URI contains details that describe what editor features or events have
been used.

Examples of collected data
The following are examples of data that Unity might collect.
Which menu items have been used. If some menu items are used rarely or not at all we could in the future
simplify the menuing system.
Build times. By collecting how long builds take to make we can focus engineering e ort on optimizing the correct
Lightmap baking. Again, timing and reporting how long it takes for light maps to bake can help us decide how
much e ort to spend on optimizing this area.

Disabling Editor Analytics
If you do not want to send anonymous data to Unity then the sending of Editor Analytics can be disabled. To do
this untick the box in the Unity Preferences General tab.

Editor analytics in the preferences pane.

Check For Updates

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Unity checks whether updates are available. This check happens either when Unity is started, or when you choose
the Help->Check for Updates menu item. The update check sends the current Unity revision number (the ve digit
number that appears in brackets after the version name in the About Unity dialog) to the update server where is
it compared with the most-up-to-date released version. If a newer version of Unity is available the following dialog
is shown:

Window displayed when there is a newer version of Unity available for download.
If the version in use is the most up-to-date then the following dialog is shown:

Window displayed when Unity is updated to the latest version.
Click the Download new version button to be taken to the website where you can download the new version.

Update Check Frequency
The response from the server also contains a time interval which suggests when the next update check should be
made. This allows the update check to be made less frequently when Unity is not expecting updates to be made

Skipping Update Versions
If you are in the middle of a project you may not want to update to a new version of Unity. Ticking the Skip this
version button on the Unity Editor Update Check dialog will prevent Unity from telling you about this update.

Disabling the Update Check
It is not possible to disable the check for updates. The Check For Updates tick box on the dialog controls whether
you are noti ed of updates (if they are available) when Unity starts. Even if you have unticked the Check for
Updates option you can still check for updates by using the Help->Check for Updates menu item.
2017–11–10 Page amended with no editorial review

IME in Unity

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What is Input Method Editor (IME)?
An input method is an operating system component or program that allows users to enter characters and
symbols not found on their input device. For instance, on the computer, this allows the user of ‘Western’
keyboards to input Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indic characters. On many hand-held devices, such as mobile
phones, it enables using the numeric keypad to enter Latin alphabet characters.
The term input method generally refers to a particular way to use the keyboard to input a particular language, for
example the Cangjie method, the pinyin method, or the use of dead keys.

IME and Unity
Unity provides IME support, which means that you can write non-ASCII characters in all your graphical user
interfaces. This Input Method is fully integrated with the engine so you do not need to do anything to activate it.
In order to test it, just change your keyboard language to a non-ASCII language (e.g. Japanese) and just start
writing your interface.
For more info and optimization when writting non-ASCII characters, check the character option in the font

This feature is not supported on iOS devices yet.

This feature is not supported on Android devices yet.

Special folder names

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You can usually choose any name you like for the folders you create to organise your Unity project. However, there are a
number of folder names that Unity interprets as an instruction that the folder’s contents should be treated in a special
way. For example, you must place Editor scripts in a folder called Editor for them to work correctly.
This page contains the full list of special folder names used by Unity.

The Assets folder is the main folder that contains the Assets used by a Unity project. The contents of the Project window
in the Editor correspond directly to the contents of the Assets folder. Most API functions assume that everything is located
in the Assets folder, and so don’t require it to be mentioned explicitly. However, some functions do need to have the
Assets folder included as part of a pathname (for example, certain functions in the AssetDatabase class).

Scripts placed in a folder called Editor are treated as Editor scripts rather than runtime scripts. These scripts add
functionality to the Editor during development, and are not available in builds at runtime.
You can have multiple Editor folders placed anywhere inside the Assets folder. Place your Editor scripts inside an Editor
folder or a subfolder within it.
The exact location of an Editor folder a ects the time at which its scripts will be compiled relative to other scripts (see
documentation on Special Folders and Script Compilation Order for a full description of this). Use the EditorGUIUtility.Load
function in Editor scripts to load Assets from a Resources folder within an Editor folder. These Assets can only be loaded
via Editor scripts, and are stripped from builds.
Note: Unity does not allow components derived from MonoBehaviour to be assigned to GameObjects if the scripts are
in the Editor folder.

Editor Default Resources
Editor scripts can make use of Asset les loaded on-demand using the EditorGUIUtility.Load function. This function looks
for the Asset les in a folder called Editor Default Resources.
You can only have one Editor Default Resources folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the
Assets folder. Place the needed Asset les in this Editor Default Resources folder or a subfolder within it. Always include
the subfolder path in the path passed to the EditorGUIUtility.Load function if your Asset les are in subfolders.

Gizmos allow you to add graphics to the Scene View to help visualise design details that are otherwise invisible. The
Gizmos.DrawIcon function places an icon in the Scene to act as a marker for a special object or position. You must place
the image le used to draw this icon in a folder called Gizmos in order for it to be located by the DrawIcon function.
You can only have one Gizmos folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets folder.
Place the needed Asset les in this Gizmos folder or a subfolder within it. Always include the subfolder path in the path
passed to the Gizmos.DrawIcon function if your Asset les are in subfolders.


You can add plug-ins to your Project to extend Unity’s features. Plug-ins are native DLLs that are typically written in C/C++.
They can access third-party code libraries, system calls and other Unity built-in functionality. Always place plug-ins in a
folder called Plugins for them to be detected by Unity.
You can only have one Plugins folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets folder.
See Special folders and script compilation order for more information on how this folder a ects script compilation, and
Plugin Inspector for more information on managing plug-ins for di erent target platforms.

You can load Assets on-demand from a script instead of creating instances of Assets in a Scene for use in gameplay. You
do this by placing the Assets in a folder called Resources. Load these Assets by using the Resources.Load function.
You can have multiple Resources folders placed anywhere inside the Assets folder. Place the needed Asset les in a
Resources folder or a subfolder within it. Always include the subfolder path in the path passed to the Resources.Load
function if your Asset les are in subfolders.
Note that if the Resources folder is an Editor subfolder, the Assets in it are loadable from Editor scripts but are stripped
from builds.

Standard Assets
When you import a Standard Asset package (menu: Assets > Import Package) the Assets are placed in a folder called
Standard Assets. As well as containing the Assets, these folders also have an e ect on script compilation order; see the
page on Special Folders and Script Compilation Order for further details.
You can only have one Standard Assets folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets
folder. Place the needed Assets les in this Standard Assets folder or a subfolder within it.

You may want the Asset to be available as a separate le in its original format although it is more common to directly
incorporate Assets into a build. For example, you need to access a video le from the lesystem rather than use it as a
MovieTexture to play that video on iOS. Place a le in a folder called StreamingAssets, so it is copied unchanged to the
target machine, where it is then available from a speci c folder. See the page about Streaming Assets for further details.
You can only have one StreamingAssets folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets
folder. Place the needed Assets les in this StreamingAssets folder or a subfolder within it. Always include the subfolder
path in the path used to reference the streaming asset if your Asset les are in subfolders.

Hidden Assets
During the import process, Unity completely ignores the following les and folders in the Assets folder (or a sub-folder
within it):

Hidden folders.
Files and folders which start with ‘.’.
Files and folders which end with ‘~’.
Files and folders named cvs.
Files with the extension .tmp.
This is used to prevent importing special and temporary les created by the operating system or other applications.

Exporting Packages

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As you build your game, Unity stores a lot of metadata about your assets, such as import settings and links to other assets, among
other information. If you want to transfer your assets into a di erent project and preserve all this information, you can export your
assets as a Custom Package.
See Packages for detailed information on using Asset packages, including importing and exporting.

Exporting New Packages
Use Export Package to create your own Custom Package.

Open the project you want to export assets from.
Choose Assets > Export Package… from the menu to bring up the Exporting Package dialog box. (See Fig 1: Exporting
Package dialog box.)
In the dialog box, select the assets you want to include in the package by clicking on the boxes so they are checked.
Leave the include dependencies box checked to auto-select any assets used by the ones you have selected.
Click on Export to bring up File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) and choose where you want to store your package
le. Name and save the package anywhere you like.
HINT: When exporting a package Unity can export all dependencies as well. So, for example, if you select a Scene and export a package
with all dependencies, then all models, textures and other assets that appear in the scene will be exported as well. This can be a quick
way of exporting a bunch of assets without manually locating them all.

Fig 1: Exporting Package dialog box

Exporting Updated Packages
Sometimes you may want to change the contents of a package and create a newer, updated version of your asset package. To do this:
Select the asset les you want in your package (select both the unchanged ones and the new ones).
Export the les as described above in Export Package , above.
NOTE: You can re-name an updated package and Unity will recognise it as an update, so you can use incremental naming, for example:
MyAssetPackageVer1, MyAssetPackageVer2.
HINT: It is not good practise to remove les from packages and then replace them with the same name: Unity will recognise them as
di erent and possibly con icting les and so display a warning symbol when they are imported. If you have removed a le and then
decide to replace it, it is better to give it a di erent, but related name to the original.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Version Control

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You can use Unity in conjunction with most common version control tools, including Perforce and PlasticSCM. This
section gives details of the tools and options available and how to work with them.

Version control integration

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Unity supports version control integration with Perforce and Plastic SCM. Refer to those pages for speci c
information regarding your choice of version control.
Using a version control system makes it easier for a user (or multiple users) to manage their code. It is a
repository of les with monitored access. In the case of Unity, this is all the les associated with a Unity project.
With version control, it is possible to follow every change to the source, along with information on who made the
change, why they made it, and what they changed. This makes it easy to revert back to an earlier version of the
code, or to compare di erences in versions. It also becomes easier to nd out when a bug rst occurred, and with
what changes might have caused it.

Setting up your version control in Unity
Get your version control software setup according to its instructions, then follow these steps:
Set up or sync a workspace on your computer using your chosen client (refer to the Plastic SCM Integration guide
or the Perforce Integration guide for help with this step).
Copy an existing project into the workspace, or start Unity and create a new project in the workspace.
Open the project and go to Edit > Project Settings > Editor.
Under Version Control, choose your Mode according to the version control system that you chose.

Fill out your version control settings, such as username / password / server / workspace.
Keep Automatic add checked if you want your les to be automatically added to version control when they’re
added to the project (or the folder on disk). Otherwise, you need to add new les manually.
You have the option to work o ine. This mode is only recommended if you know how to manually integrate
changes back into your version control software (Working o ine with Perforce).
You can edit the Asset Serialization, Default Behaviour Mode and Sprite Packer options to suit your team’s
preferences and choice of version control.
Click Connect and verify that “Connected” is displayed above the Connect button after a short while.
Use your standard client (e.g. p4v) to make sure that all les in the Assets and ProjectSettings folders (including les
ending with .meta) are added.
N.B. At any point you can go to the Prefences menu and select External Tools and adjust your Revision Control
Di /Merge tool.

Using version control


At this point you should be able to do most of the important version control operations directly by right-clicking
on the assets in the project view, instead of going through the version control client. The version control
operations vary depending on which version control you choose, this table shows what actions are directly
available for each version control:

Version Control
Check Out
Di against head
Get Latest
Mark Add
Resolve Con icts
Revert Unchanged



Allows changes to be made to the le
Compares di erences between le locally and in the
Pull the latest changes and update le
Prevents other users from making changes to le
Add locally but not into version control
To resolve con icts on a le that has been changed by
multiple users
Discards changes made to open changed les
Discards changes made to open unchanged les
Submits current state of le to version control
Releases lock and allows changes to be made by anyone











* To get the latest changes and update the le using Plastic SCM, you need to use the version control window.
** Locking and Unlocking using Plastic SCM require you to edit a speci c Plastic SCM lock le externally, see the
Plastic SCM Integration page for more information.
*** Con icts are shown within the version control menu but resolved in the Plastic SCM GUI.

Plastic SCM Version Control Operations on Mac

Perforce Version Control Operations on Windows

Version Control Window

You can overview the les in your changelist from the Version Control Window (Window > Asset Management
> Version Control). It is shown here docked next to Inspector in the editor:

The ‘Outgoing’ tab lists all of the local changes that are pending a commit into version control whereas the
‘Incoming’ tab lists all of the changes that need to be pulled from version control.
By right clicking assets or changelists in this window you perform operations on them. To move assets between
changelists just drag the assets from one changelist to the header of the target changelist.

The following icons are displayed in Unity editor to visualize version control status for les/assets:

Icon Meaning
File added locally
File added to version control by another user
File is checked out by you
File is checked out by another user
There has been a con ict merging this le
File has been deleted by you
File has been deleted by another user
File is not yet under version control
File is locked by you
File is locked by another user
Another user has checked in a new version of
this le

Additional information
Pending add into version control
Pending add into version control
Checked out locally
Checked out remotely
Needs to be resolved
Pending deletion in version control
Pending deletion in version control
Cannot be modi ed by other users
Cannot be modi ed by you
Use “Apply Incoming Changes” to get latest

The server is requesting the version control
status of this le, or is waiting for a response

You can only see this when using a
centralised version control system like

Things to note:

Certain version controls will not allow you to edit assets until they’re marked as Checked out (unless
you have Work o ine checked).
When saving changes to a .scene le it will automatically be checked out.
Project Settings inspectors have a checkout button in the bottom right that allow you to checkout
A yellow warning will often appear to remind you to check out items in order to make changes to
them, this mostly applies to Project Settings inspectors.
In Plastic SCM automatically generated assets such as light maps are automatically added/checked

Automatic revert of unchanged les on submit

When working with assets, Unity automatically checks out both the asset le as well as the associated .meta le.
In most situations however, the .meta le is not modi ed, which might cause some extra work e.g. when merging
branches at a later point.


ine mode

Unity supports working in o ine mode, e.g. to continue working without a network connection to your version
control repository.

Select Work o ine from Version Control Settings if you want to be able to work disconnected from
version control.

Allow Async Update

Unity supports asynchronous version control status queries for some version control providers, such as Perforce.
This option allows those providers to update the version control status of les without stalling Unity. Use this
option when the connection to your version control server has high latency.

If you experience stalls during status queries, go to Version Control Settings and select Allow
Async Update.
Note: Only status queries are asynchronous. Operations that change the state of les, or require up-to-date
knowledge of le status, are performed synchronously.

If Unity cannot commit your changes to your version control client, (for example, if the server is down or license
issues occur), your changes are stored in a separate changeset.

Working with the Asset Server
To learn more about working with the Asset Server (Unity’s internal version control system), see documentation
on the Asset Server.

Working with other version control systems
To work with a version control system unsupported by Unity, select MetaData as the Mode for Version Control in
the Editor Settings. This allows you to manage the source Assets and metadata for those Assets with a version
control system of your choice. For more on this, see documentation on External Version Control Systems.
2017–02–12 Page amended with limited editorial review
Documentation on asynchronous version control status queries added in Unity 2017.3.

Perforce Integration

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For more information on Perforce you can visit www.perforce.com.

Setting up Perforce
Refer to perforce documentation if you encounter any problems with the setup process on the version control page.

Working O

ine with Perforce

Only use this if you know how to work o ine in Perforce without a Sandbox. Refer to the Perforce documentation for further

If Unity for some reason cannot commit your changes to Perforce, e.g. if server is down, license issues etc., your changes will be
stored in a separate changeset. If the console doesn’t list any info about the issue you can use the P4V client for Perforce to
submit this changeset to see the exact error message.

Automatic revert of unchanged les on submit
It’s possible to con gure Perforce to revert unchanged les on submit, which is done in P4V by selecting Connection->Edit
Current Workspace…, viewing the Advanced tab and setting the value of On submit to Revert unchanged les:

Plastic SCM Integration

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For more information on Plastic SCM you can visit their website.

Setting up Plastic SCM
Refer to the Plastic SCM documentation if you encounter any problems with the set up process on the version
control page.

Checking Files Out with Plastic SCM
Plastic SCM automatically checks les out if they have been modi ed, this makes it more convenient for you. The
only les that require speci c checking out instructions are Project Settings les otherwise you can’t change

Resolving Con icts and Merging with Plastic SCM
A merge is likely to happen when you have edited something in your project locally which has also been edited
remotely (a con ict). This means you will need to review the changes before the merge can be performed. If Unity
recognises that a merge must be completed before changes can be submitted then you will be prompted by Unity
to complete the merge, this will take you to the Plastic SCM client.
If incoming changes con ict with local changes then a question mark icon will appear on con icting les in the
incoming changes window. Here is a quick guide to resolving con icts and merging with Plastic SCM:

In the Version Control window click on the’Apply all incoming changes’ button, this will
automatically take you to the Plastic SCM GUI client.
Within the client window you will be able to click ‘Explain merge’ for a more visual understanding of
the changes. Now click ‘Process all merges’ and another window will display.
Here you will be shown the individual con icts and given the option to choose what changes you
want to keep or discard.
Once you have solved the con icts click on save and exit, this will have completed the merge
You now have to push the changes like normal through Unity’s version control window.

Locking Files with Plastic SCM

In order to lock les using Plastic SCM there are a few steps to follow:
The rst thing you must do is create a lock.conf le and make sure it is placed within your server directory. You
can nd your server directory from “../PlasticSCM/server”.
In your lock.conf le you must specify the repository you are working on and the server that will complete the lock
checks. Here is an example:

rep:default lockserver:localhost:8087

In this case all .unity and .unity.meta les are going to be locked for checkout on repository ‘default’.

You may want to restart your server at this point, you can do this by opening a terminal/command
line window and locating the server directory. Once in the directory you can restart the server by
./plasticsd restart

Now go back to Unity and check out a le that you expect to be locked, then go back to the
terminal/command line and type:
cm listlocks

If the steps have been followed correctly the terminal/command line window should now display a list of locked
les. You can also test if this has worked by trying to check out the same le using a di erent user, an error will
appear in Unity’s console saying the le is already checked out by another user.
For more information you can visit the Plastic SCM lock le documentation.

Distributed and o

ine work with Plastic SCM

To nd more about working in distributed mode (DVCS) and o ine with Plastic SCM check the Distributed Version
Control Guide.

Using external version control systems
with Unity

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Unity o ers an Asset Server add-on product for easy integrated versioning of your projects and you can also use
Perforce and PlasticSCM as external tools (see Version Control Integration for further details). If you for some reason
are not able use these systems, it is possible to store your project in any other version control system, such as
Subversion or Bazaar. This requires some initial manual setup of your project.
Before checking your project in, you have to tell Unity to modify the project structure slightly to make it compatible with
storing assets in an external version control system. This is done by selecting Edit->Project Settings->Editor in the
application menu and enabling External Version Control support by selecting Visible Meta Files in the dropdown for
Version Control. This will show a text le for every asset in the Assets directory containing the necessary bookkeeping
information required by Unity. The les will have a .meta le extension with the rst part being the full le name of the
asset it is associated with. Moving and renaming assets within Unity should also update the relevant .meta les.
However, if you move or rename assets from an external tool, make sure to syncronize the relevant .meta les as well.
When checking the project into a version control system, you should add the Assets, Packages and the
ProjectSettings directories to the system. The Library directory should be completely ignored - when using .meta
les, it’s only a local cache of imported assets.
When creating new assets, make sure both the asset itself and the associated .meta le is added to version control.

Example: Creating a new project and importing it to a Subversion
First, let’s assume that we have a subversion repository at svn://my.svn.server.com/ and want to create a project
at svn://my.svn.server.com/MyUnityProject. Then follow these steps to create the initial import in the system:

Create a new project inside Unity and call it InitialUnityProject. You can add any initial assets here
or add them later on.
Enable Visible Meta les in Edit->Project Settings->Editor
Quit Unity (this ensures that all the les are saved).
Delete the Library directory inside your project directory.
Import the project directory into Subversion. If you are using the command line client, this is done like
this from the directory where your initial project is located: svn import ­m"Initial project
import" InitialUnityProject svn://my.svn.server.com/MyUnityProject If successful, the
project should now be imported into subversion and you can delete the InitialUnityProject
directory if you wish.
Check out the project back from subversion svn co svn://my.svn.server.com/MyUnityProject
and check that the Assets, Packages and ProjectSettings directory are versioned.
Open the checked out project with Unity by launching it while holding down the Option or the left Alt
key. Opening the project will recreate the Library directory in step 4 above.
Optional: Set up an ignore lter for the unversioned Library directory: svn propedit svn:ignore
MyUnityProject/ Subversion will open a text editor. Add the Library directory.
Finally, commit the changes. The project should now be set up and ready: svn ci ­m"Finishing
project import" MyUnityProject

Smart Merge

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Unity incorporates a tool called UnityYAMLMerge that can merge scene and prefab les in a semantically correct way. The tool
can be accessed from the command line and is also available to third party version control software.

Setting Up Smart Merging in Unity
In the Editor Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Editor), you have the option to select a third party version control tool
(Perforce or PlasticSCM, for example). When one of these tools is enabled, you will see a Smart Merge menu under the Version
Control heading. The menu has four options:

O : use only the default merge tool set in the preferences with no smart merging.
Premerge: enable smart merging, accept clean merges. Unclean merges will create premerged versions of base,
theirs and mine versions of the le. Then, use these with the default merge tool.
Ask: enable smart merging but when a con ict occurs, show a dialog to let the user resolve it (this is the default

Setting up UnityYAMLMerge for Use with Third Party Tools

The UnityYAMLMerge tool is shipped with the Unity editor; assuming Unity is installed in the standard location, the path to
UnityYAMLMerge will be:

C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Tools\UnityYAMLMerge.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Tools\UnityYAMLMerge.exe

…on Windows and


…on Mac OSX (use the Show Package Contents command from the Finder to access this folder).
UnityYAMLMerge is shipped with a default fallback le (called mergespec le.txt, also in the Tools folder) that speci es how it
should proceed with unresolved con icts or unknown les. This also allows you to use it as the main merge tool for version control
systems (such as git) that don’t automatically select merge tools based on le extensions. The most common tools are already
listed by default in mergespec le.txt but you can edit this le to add new tools or change options.
You can run UnityYAMLMerge as a standalone tool from the command line (you can see full usage instructions by running it
without any arguments). Set-up instructions for common version control systems are given below.

Go to Preferences > Merge.
Select Other application.
Click the Add button.
In the extension eld, type .unity.
In the Application eld, type the path to the UnityYAMLMerge tool (see above).
In the Arguments eld, type merge ­p %b %1 %2 %r

Click Save.
Then, follow the same procedure to add the .prefab extension.

Add the following text to your .git or .gitconfig le:

tool = unityyamlmerge
[mergetool "unityyamlmerge"]
trustExitCode = false
cmd = '' merge ­p "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"

Add the following text to your .hgrc le:

**.unity = unityyamlmerge
**.prefab = unityyamlmerge
unityyamlmerge.executable = 
unityyamlmerge.args = merge ­p ­­force $base $other $local $output
unityyamlmerge.checkprompt = True
unityyamlmerge.premerge = False
unityyamlmerge.binary = False

Add the following to your ~/.subversion/config le:

merge­tool­cmd = 

Go to Preferences > Di Viewer > Merge Tool and click the Advanced button.
In the popup, type .unity in the extension eld.
In the External Program eld type:
 merge ­p %base %theirs %mine %merged

Then, follow the same procedure to add the .prefab extension.

Go to Preferences > Merge Tools and click the Add button.
Select External merge tool.
Select Use with les that match the following pattern.
Add the .unity extension.
Enter the command:
 merge ­p "@basefile" "@sourcefile"

Then, follow the same procedure to add the .prefab extension.

Go to Tools > Options > Di .
Select Custom in the Merge Tool dropdown.
Type the path to UnityYAMLMerge in the Merge Command text eld.
Type merge ­p $BASE $REMOTE $LOCAL $MERGED in the Arguments text eld.

"@destinationfile" "@output"

Troubleshooting The Editor

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The following sections explain how to troubleshoot and prevent problems with the Unity editor in di erent situations.
In general, make sure your computer meets all the system requirements, it’s up-to-date, and you have the required
user permissions in your system. Also make backups regularly to protect your projects.

You can install di erent versions of the editor in di erent folders. However, make sure you backup your projects as
these might be upgraded by a newer version, and you won’t be able to open them in an older version of Unity. See
the manual page on installing Unity for further information.
Licenses of add-ons are valid only for the Unity versions that share the same major number, for example 3.x and 4.x.
If you upgrade to a minor version of Unity, for example 4.0 to 4.1, the add-ons will be kept.

Internet Activation is the preferred method to generate your license of Unity. But if you are having problems follow
these steps:

Disconnect your computer from the network, otherwise you might get a “tx_id invalid” error.
Select Manual Activation.
Click on Save License Request.
Choose a known save location, for example the Downloads folder.
Reconnect to the network and open https://license.unity3d.com/
In the le eld click Browse, and select the license request le.
Choose the required license for Unity and ll out the information requested.
Click Download License and save the le.
Go back to Unity and select Manual Activation if required.
Click on Read License and then select the downloaded license le.
If you still have problems with registering or logging in to your user account please contact support@unity3d.com.

Failure to Start
If Unity crashes when starting then rstly make sure that your computer meets the minimal system requirements.
Also update to the latest graphic and sound drivers.
If you get disk write errors, you should check your user account restrictions. When in MacOS, note the “root user” is
not recommended and Unity hasn’t been tested in this mode. Unity should always have write permissions for its
folders, but if you are granting them manually check these folders:
On Windows:

Unity’s installation folder
%AllUsersProfile%\Unity (typically C:\ProgramData\Unity)
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity

Package contents of Unity.app

/Library/Application Support/Unity
Some users have experienced di culties when using hard disks formated with non-native partitions, and using
certain software to translate data between storage devices.

Corrupt fonts can crash Unity, you can nd damaged les following these steps:
On Windows:

Open the fonts folder on your computer, located in the “Windows” folder.
Select “Details” from the “View” menu.
Check the “Size” column for fonts with a “0” size, which indicates a problematic le.
Delete corrupt fonts and reinstall them.
On MacOS:

Launch your Font Book application.
Select all the fonts.
Open the “File” menu and choose “Validate Fonts” -> problematic fonts will be shown as invalid.
Delete corrupt fonts and reinstall them.
The system might have resources constrained, for example running in a virtual machine. Use the Task Manager to
nd processes consuming lots of memory.

Corrupt Project or Installation
Unity could try to open a project that is corrupt, this might include the default sample project. In such case rename or
move the folder of the project. After Unity starts correctly you can restore the project’s folder if wished.
In the event of a corrupt installation, you may need to reinstall Unity - see the instructions below.
In Windows, there could be problems like installation errors, registry corruption, con icts, etc. For example, error
0xC0000005 means the program has attempted to access memory that it shouldn’t. If you added new hardware or
drivers recently, remove and replace the hardware to determine if it’s causing the problem. Run diagnostics software
and check information on trouble-shooting the operating system.

Performance and Crashes
If the editor runs slowly or crashes, particularly on builds, this might be caused by all of the available system
resources being consumed. Close all other applications when you build the project. Clean up the system using its
utilities, and consult the Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (MacOS) to nd out if there are processes using
lots of resources, for example memory. Sometimes virus protection software can slow down or even block the le
system with its scanning process.

Project Loss
There are many factors that can destroy a project, you should constantly backup your projects to prevent
unfortunate accidents. When in MacOS, activate the TimeMachine using an external hard disk reserved for this sole
purpose. After a loss you can try any of the le recovery utilities that exist, but sometimes this is irreversible.


Follow these steps to reinstall the editor:
Uninstall Unity. When in MacOS, drag the Unity app to trash.
Delete these les if present:

%AllUsersProfile%\Unity\ (typically C:\ProgramData\Unity)
/Library/Application Support/Unity/
Restart the computer.
Download the latest version from our website, since your original install might be corrupt:
Reinstall Unity.

Advanced Development

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This section covers more advanced development techniques, which will be useful to developers and teams who are
comfortable with the basics of developing in Unity.
The topics in this section give you more powerful control over working with scenes, managing assets, and streamlining
your project.

Pro ler overview

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The Unity Pro ler Window helps you to optimize your game. It reports for you how much time is spent in the
various areas of your game. For example, it can report the percentage of time spent rendering, animating or in
your game logic.
You can analyze the performance of the GPU, CPU, memory, rendering, and audio.
To see the pro ling data, you play your game in the Editor with Pro ling on, and it records performance data. The
Pro ler window then displays the data in a timeline, so you can see the frames or areas that spike (take more time)
than others. By clicking anywhere in the timeline, the bottom section of the Pro ler window will display detailed
information for the selected frame.
Note that pro ling has to instrument your code (that is; add some instructions to facilitate the check). While this has
a small impact on the performance of your game, the overhead is small enough to not a ect the game framerate.

Tips on using the Tool
When using the pro ling tool, focus on those parts of the game that consume the most time. Compare pro ling
results before and after code changes and determine the improvements you measure. Sometimes changes you
make to improve performance might have a negative e ect on frame rate; there may be unexpected consequences
of your code optimization.
See Pro ler window documentation for details of the Pro ler window.
See also: Optimizing Graphics Performance.

Pro ler window

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Access the Pro ler window in the Unity Editor via the toolbar: Window > Pro ler.
See Pro ler overview for a summary of how the Pro ler works.

Pro le window

Pro ler Controls
The Pro ler controls are in the toolbar at the top of the window. Use these to turn pro ling on and o , and navigate through
pro led frames. The transport controls are at the far right end of the toolbar. Note that when the game is running and the
pro ler is collecting data, clicking on any of these transport controls pauses the game. The controls go to the rst recorded
frame, step one frame back, step one frame forward and go to the last frame respectively.
The Pro ler does not keep all recorded frames, so the notion of the rst frame should really be though of as the oldest frame that
is still kept in memory. The “current” transport button causes the pro le statistics window to display data collected in real-time.
The Active Pro ler popup menu allows you to select whether pro ling should be done in the editor or a separate player (for
example, a game running on an attached iOS device). Save button lets you write the recorded frames to a le. Correspondingly,
Load button reads data saved earlier. You can also load a binary pro le data written out by the player (when generating log, set
Pro ler.enableBinaryLog to enable binary format). If “Load” is clicked while the shift button is pressed, le contents is appended
to the current pro le frames in memory.

Deep Pro ling
When you turn on Deep Pro le, all your script code is pro led - that is, all function calls are recorded. This is useful to know
where exactly time is spent in your game code.
Note that Deep Pro ling incurs a very large overhead and uses a lot of memory, and as a result your game will run signi cantly
slower while pro ling. If you are using complex script code, Deep Pro ling might not be possible at all. Deep pro ling should
work fast enough for small games with simple scripting. If you nd that Deep Pro ling for your entire game causes the frame rate

to drop so much that the game barely runs, you should consider not using this approach, and instead use the approach
described below. You may nd deep pro ling more helpful as you are designing your game and deciding how to best implement
key features. Note that for large games deep pro ling may cause Unity to run out of memory and so for this reason deep
pro ling may not be possible.
Manually pro ling blocks of your script code will have a smaller overhead than using Deep Pro ling. Use Pro ler.BeginSample
and Pro ler.EndSample scripting functions to enable and disable pro ling around sections of code.

Color Blind Mode

The Pro ler window features a Color Blind Mode, which uses higher contrast colors in the graphs to enhance visibility for users
with red-green color blindness (such as deuteranopia, protanopia, or tritanopia). To enable it, click the context menu in the
upper-right corner of the Pro ler window, and click Color Blind Mode.

View SyncTime
When running at a xed framerate or running in sync with the vertical blank, Unity records the waiting time in “Wait For Target
FPS”. By default this amount of time is not shown in the pro ler. To view how much time is spent waiting, you can toggle “View
SyncTime”. This is also a measure of how much headroom you have before losing frames.

Pro ler Timeline

The upper part of the Pro ler window displays performance data over time. When you run a game, data is recorded each frame,
and the history of the last several hundred frames is displayed. Clicking on a particular frame will display its details in the lower
part of the window. Di erent details are displayed depending on which timeline area is currently selected.
The vertical scale of the timeline is managed automatically and will attempt to ll the vertical space of the window. Note that to
get more detail in say the CPU Usage area you can remove the Memory and Rendering areas. Also, the splitter between the
timeline and the statistics area can be selected and dragged downward to increase the screen area used for the timeline chart.
The timeline consists of several areas: CPU Usage, Rendering and Memory. These areas can be removed by clicking the close
button in the panel, and re-added again using the Add Area drop down in the Pro le Controls bar.
Note that the coloured squares in the label area can control whether the associated timeline is displayed or not. To remove a
sample from the display click on the colour key. The key will dim and the data will be removed from the graph. This can be useful
to identify the cause of spikes in the CPU graph, for example.

You can use the Unity pro ler on WebGL, just like on any other platform. One important distinction is that you cannot attach to
running players in WebGL, though, as WebGL uses WebSockets for communication, which will not allow incoming connections
on the browser side. Instead, you need to use the “Autoconnect pro ler” checkbox in the build settings. Note also that draw calls
cannot currently be pro led for WebGL.

Remote Pro ling
To pro le your game running on another device or a Unity player running on another computer, you can connect the Unity Editor
to that other device or computer. The dropdown Active Pro ler shows all Unity players running on the local network. These
players are identi ed by player type and the host name running the player “iPhonePlayer (Toms iPhone)”.
To be able to connect to a Unity player, you must launch that Unity player as a Development build (menu: File > Build
Check the Development Build option in the dialog box. From here you can also check Autoconnect Pro ler to make the Editor
and Player Autoconnect at startup.

Enable remote pro ling on iOS devices by following these steps:

Connect your iOS device to your WiFi network. (The Pro ler uses a local WiFi network to send pro ling data from
your device to the Unity Editor.)
In the Unity Editor’s Build Settings dialog box (menu: File > Build Settings…), check the Autoconnect Pro ler
Attach your device to your Mac via cable. In the Unity Editor’s Build Settings dialog box (menu: File > Build
Settings…), check the Autoconnect Pro ler checkboxcheck and select Build & Run.
When the app launches on the device, open the Pro ler window in the Unity Editor (Window > Analysis >
Pro ler).
If you are using a rewall, you need to make sure that ports 54998 to 55511 are open in the rewall’s outbound rules - these are
the ports used by Unity for remote pro ling.
Note: Sometimes the Unity Editor might not autoconnect to the device. In such cases you can initiate the Pro ler connection
from Pro ler window Active Pro ler drop down menu by select appropriate device.

There are two methods to enable remote pro ling on Android devices: WiFi or ADB.
For WiFi pro ling, follow these steps:

Make sure to disable Mobile Data on your Android device.
Connect your Android device to your WiFi network.(The Pro ler uses a local WiFi network to send pro ling data
from your device to the Unity Editor.)
Attach your device to your Mac or PC via cable. Check the Development Build and Autoconnect Pro ler
checkboxes in Unity’s Build Settings dialog box, and click on Build & Run in the Unity Editor.
When the app launches on the device, open the Pro ler window in the Unity Editor (Menu: Window > Analysis >
Pro ler).
If the Unity Editor fails to autoconnect to the device, select the appropriate device from the Pro ler window
Active Pro ler drop down menu.
Note: The Android device and host computer (running the Unity Editor) must both be on the same subnet for the device
detection to work.
For ADB pro ling, follow these steps:

Attach your device to your Mac or PC via cable and make sure ADB recognizes the device (i.e. it shows in adb
devices list).
In the Unity Editor’s Build Settings dialog box (menu: File > Build Settings), check the Development Build
checkboxcheck and select Build & Run.
When the app launches on the device, open the Pro ler window in the Unity Editor (Menu: Window > Analysis >
Pro ler).
Select the AndroidPro ler(ADB@ from the Pro ler Window Active Pro ler drop down menu.
Note: The Unity Editor automatically creates an adb tunnel for your application when you click on Build & Run. If
you want to pro le another application or you restart the adb server you have to setup this tunnel manually. To
do this, open a Terminal window / CMD prompt and enter:
adb forward tcp:34999 localabstract:Unity­{insert bundle identifier here}

Note: The entry in the drop down menu is only visible when the selected target is Android.
If you are using a rewall, you need to make sure that ports 54998 to 55511 are open in the rewall’s outbound rules - these are
the ports used by Unity for remote pro ling.

• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

CPU Usage Pro ler

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The CPU Usage Pro ler displays where time is spent in your game. When it is selected, the lower pane displays hierarchical time
data for the selected frame. See documentation on the Pro ler Window to learn more about the information on the Pro ler

Hierarchy mode: Displays hierarchical time data.
Group Hierarchy mode: Groups time data into logical groups (such as Rendering, Physics, Scripts). Because
children of any group can also be in di erent groups (for example, some scripts might also call rendering
functions), the percentages of group times often add up to more than 100%.
Drag chart labels up and down to reorder the way the CPU chart is stacked.

Selecting individual items
When an item is selected in the lower pane, its contribution to the CPU chart is highlighted (and the rest are dimmed). Clicking on
an item again de-selects it.

Render.OpaqueGeometry is selected and its contribution is highlighted in the chart
In the hierarchical time data, the Self column refers to the amount of time spent in a particular function, not including the time
spent calling sub-functions. In the screenshot above, 41.1% of time is spent in the Camera.Render function. This function does a

lot of work, and calls the various drawing and culling functions. Excluding all of these functions, only 2.1% of time is spent in the
Camera.Render function itself.
The Time ms and Self ms columns show the same information but in milliseconds. Camera.Render takes 0.01ms but, including
all the functions it calls, 0.21ms are consumed. The GC Alloc column shows how much memory has been allocated in the current
frame, which is later collected by the garbage collector. Keep this value at zero to prevent the garbage collector from causing
hiccups in your framerate.
The Others section of the CPU pro ler records the total of all areas that do not fall into Rendering, Scripts, Physics, Garbage
Collection or VSync. This includes Animation, AI, Audio, Particles, Networking, Loading, and PlayerLoop.

Physics markers
The descriptions below provide a brief account of what each of the various high-level Physics Pro ler markers mean.

Physics.Simulate: Called from FixedUpdate. This updates the present state of the physics by instructing the
physics engine (PhysX) to run its simulation.
Physics.Processing: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where all the non-cloth physics jobs are processed.
Expanding this marker shows low-level detail of the work being done internally in the physics engine.
Physics.ProcessingCloth: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where all the cloth physics jobs are processed.
Expanding this marker will show low level detail of the work being done internally in the physics engine.
Physics.FetchResults: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where the results of the physics simulation are
collected from the physics engine.
Physics.UpdateBodies: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where all the physics bodies have their positions and
rotations updated as well as where messages that communicate these updates are sent.
Physics.ProcessReports: Called from FixedUpdate. This stage is run once the physics FixedUpdate has
concluded, and is where all the various stages of responding to the results of the simulation are processed.
Contacts, joint breaks and triggers are updated and messaged here. There are four distinct sub stages:
Physics.TriggerEnterExits: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit
events are processed.
Physics.TriggerStays: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where OnTriggerStay events are processed.
Physics.Contacts: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionExit and
OnCollisionStay events are processed.
Physics.JointBreaks: Called from FixedUpdate. This is where updates and messages relating to joints being
broken is processed.
Physics.UpdateCloth: Called from Update. This is where updates relating to cloth and their skinned meshes are
Physics.Interpolation: Called from Update. This stage deals with the interpolation of positions and rotations for
all the physics objects.

Performance warnings

There are some common performance issues the CPU Pro ler is able to detect and warn you about. These appear in the
Warning column of the lower pane when viewing the CPU Usage.

A Pro ler warning indicating that Static Colliders have been moved
The speci c issues the Pro ler can detect are:

Rigidbody.SetKinematic [Re-create non-convex MeshCollider for Rigidbody]
Animation.DestroyAnimationClip [Triggers RebuildInternalState]
Animation.AddClip [Triggers RebuildInternalState]
Animation.RemoveClip [Triggers RebuildInternalState]
Animation.Clone [Triggers RebuildInternalState]
Animation.Deactivate [Triggers RebuildInternalState]
In the screenshot above, the Pro ler is showing the Static Collider.Move warning. The Warning column shows that this warning
has been triggered 12 times in the current frame. The term “delayed cost” means that, although the entry in the Pro ler may
show a low cost (in this case 0.00ms), the action may trigger more system-demanding operations later on.

CPU Pro ler Timeline
Mem Record: Native memory performance pro ling
Native memory performance pro ling allows you to pro le activity inside Unity’s native memory management system and assess
how it is a ecting runtime performance. This can be useful when searching for unwanted or resource-intensive allocation
patterns in Unity’s memory management.
To pro le Unity’s native memory management, you need to record it. To access native memory recording mode (called Mem
Record in Unity), go to Window > Analysis > Pro ler to open the Pro ler window. Select the CPU Usage Pro ler (if it is not
visible, click Add Pro ler > CPU) then the drop-down menu underneath the Pro ler. Next, click Timeline and then select Mem

Selecting recording mode



Mode disabled. This is the default selection.

Impact on

Records memory allocations, re-allocations, de-allocations, activity type, and system.


This has the same functionality as Sample only, but also records a shortened callstack
Callstack from the native allocation site to where the callstack transitions from native symbols
into script symbols. E ectively, you can only see the callstack up to the deepest script
Callstack This has the same functionality as Sample only, but also records the callstack with full
script-to-native and native-to-script transitions.



Note: When the active Pro ler is only connected to a standalone player, only the low-impact Sample only mode is supported.
The recorded memory allocation samples appear in the Pro ler window in bright red.

Click the High Detail button next to Mem Record to enable High Detail mode. Select a sample to display the allocation type and
system. If the callstack was recorded for the selected allocation sample, the associated callstack symbols are resolved and
displayed as well:

Using Mem Record
There are a number of instances where the Mem Record function is useful. For example:

Learning when a system is doing many small allocations instead of just a few large ones.
Learning when a Worker Thread accidentally allocates memory (for example by unintended MemLabel use).
Finding lock contention (when several threads try to access the native memory system simultaneously).
Finding sources of memory fragmentation (particularly important for low-memory devices).

High Detail view of Timeline

The High Detail view for the CPU Usage Pro ler Timeline gives at least one pixel of width to every time sample recorded by
Unity’s CPU Usage Pro ler.
This allows you to see a complete overview of all activity in a frame, including short-lived activities such as thread synchronization
or memory allocation.
To enable the High Detail view, go to Window > Analysis > Pro ler to open the Pro ler window. Select the CPU Usage Pro ler
(if it is not visible, click Add Pro ler > CPU) then select the drop-down menu underneath the Pro ler and click Timeline followed
by High Detail.

The following two images show the di erence between the High Detail view and the normal view for the CPU Usage Pro ler’s

High Detail view

Normal view

Rendering Pro ler

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The Rendering Pro ler displays rendering statistics. The timeline displays the number of Batches, SetPass Calls,
Triangles and Vertices rendered. The lower pane displays more rendering statistics, which closely match the ones
shown in the GameView Rendering Statistics window.

Memory Pro ler

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There are two modes you can use in the Memory Pro ler to inspect the memory usage of your application. This
is selected in the dropdown in the top-left of the lower panel.

The Simple view shows a simple overview how memory is used throughout Unity in real-time on a per-frame

Unity reserves memory pools for allocations in order to avoid asking the operating system for memory too often.
This is displayed as a reserved amount, and how much is used.
The areas covered by this are:

Unity The amount of memory tracked by allocations in native Unity code
Mono The total heap size and used heap size used by managed code. This memory is garbagecollected
GfxDriver The estimated amount of memory the driver is using on Textures, render targets,
Shaders and Mesh data.
FMOD The Audio driver’s estimated memory usage
Pro ler Memory used for the Pro ler data
The numbers that are displayed are not the same as the Task Manager or Activity Monitor, because some usage is
untracked by the Memory Pro ler. This includes memory used by some drivers, and memory used for executable
Memory statistics are shown for some of the most common Asset/object types. These stats include the count and
the used memory (main and video memory):

Object Count
Object Count is the total number of objects that are created. If this number rises over time, your game is creating
some objects that are never destroyed.

The Detailed view allows you take a snapshot of the current state. Use the Take Sample button to capture
detailed memory usage. Obtaining this data takes some time, so the Detailed view should not be expected to give
you real-time details. After taking a sample, the Pro ler window is updated with a tree view where you can
explore memory usage.

This displays individual Assets and GameObject memory usage. It also displays a reason for a GameObject to be
in memory. Common reasons include:

Assets: Asset referenced from user or native code

Built-in Resources: Unity Editor resources or Unity default resources
Not Saved: GameObjects marked as DontSave
Scene Memory: GameObject and attached components
Other: GameObjects not marked in the above categories
Click on a GameObject in the list to view it in either the Project or the Scene view.
When pro ling in the Editor, all numbers displayed by the Memory Pro ler indicate the memory usage in the
Editor. These are generally larger than when running in a player, because running the Unity Editor adds extra
memory. For more precise numbers and memory usage for your app, use the Pro ler connection to connect to
the running player. This will give the actual usage on the target device.
Memory reported under System.ExecutableAndDlls is read-only memory, so the operating system might
discard these pages as needed and later reload them from the le system. This generates lower memory usage,
and usually does not directly contribute to the operating system’s decision to kill the application. Some of these
pages might also be shared with other applications that are using the same frameworks.

Audio Pro ler

Leave feedback

In the Pro ler window there is a pane called Audio. The pane monitors signi cant performance meters about the
audio system, such as total load and voice counts. When you highlight the pane, the lower part of the window
changes into a detailed view about various parts of the audio system not covered by the graphs.

Playing Sources is the total playing sources in the scene at a speci c frame. Monitor this to see if
audio is overloaded.
Paused Sources is the total paused sources in the scene at a speci c frame.
Audio Voice is the actually number of audio (FMOD channels) voices used. PlayOneShot is using
voices not shown in Playing Sources.
Audio Memory is the total RAM used by the audio engine.
CPU usage can be seen in the bottom. Monitor this to see if Audio alone is taking up too much CPU.
Click the Channels, Groups or Channels and groups buttons for detailed per-frame logging of sound events.
Here these events can be obtained and scrubbed, just like the renderer and memory graphs.
The rows in the frame log reveal information such as which audio sources played which clips, the volume at
which they were played, the distance to the listener, and relative playback time. Clicking on one of these rows
highlights the associated audio source and clip in the Project browser and Hierarchy window.

Channel view. When clicking a row the AudioClip Asset is highlighted rst, then the AudioSource in the Hierarchy
that played it.

Channels and groups view. Here the AudioSource that played the sound in the selected row is highlighted.

Physics Pro ler

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The Physics Pro ler displays statistics about physics that have been processed by the physics engine in your Scene.
This information can help you diagnose and resolve performance issues or unexpected discrepancies related to the
physics in your Scene.
See also Physics Debug Visualization.

Physics Pro ler


The number of non-Kinematic Rigidbody components that are not sleeping.

The number of Kinematic Rigidbody components that are not sleeping. Note that Kinematic
Rigidbody components with joints attached may be processed multiple times per frame,
Kinematic and this contributes to the number shown. A Kinematic Rigidbody is active when
MovePosition or MoveRotation is called in a frame, and remains active in the next frame.
The number of Collider components on GameObjects that don’t have Rigidbody
components attached to the GameObjects or their parent GameObjects. If such
GameObjects or their parent GameObjects have Rigidbody components, the Colliders will
not count as Static Colliders. Those Colliders are instead referred to as Compound Colliders.
These help to arrange multiple Colliders of a body in a convenient way, rather than having
all the Colliders on the same GameObject as the Rigidbody component.
The number of Rigidbody components processed by the physics engine, irrespective of the
components’ sleeping state.
The number of overlapping triggers (counted in pairs).
The number of primitive constraints processed by the physics engine. Constraints are used
as a building block of Joints as well as collision response. For example, restricting a linear or
Constraints rotational degree of freedom of a Con gurableJoint involves a primitive constraint per each




The total number of contact pairs between all Colliders in the Scene, including the amount
of trigger overlap pairs as well. Note that contact pairs are created per Collider pair once
the distance between them is below a certain user con gurable limit, so you may see
contacts generated for Rigidbody components that are not yet touching or overlapping.
Refer to Collider.contactO set and ContactPoint.separation for more details.

The numbers might not correspond to the exact number of GameObjects with physics components in your Scene. This
is because some physics components are processed at a di erent rate depending on which other components a ect it
(for example, an attached Joint component). To calculate the exact number of GameObjects with speci c physics
components attached, write a custom script using the FindObjectsOfType function.
The Physics Pro ler does not show the number of sleeping Rigidbody components. These are components which are
not engaging with the physics engine, and are therefore not processed by the Physics Pro ler. Refer to Rigidbody
overview: Sleeping for more information on sleeping Rigidbody components.

Using the Physics Pro ler to understand performance issues
The physics simulation runs on a separate xed frequency update cycle from the main logic’s update loop, and can only
advance time via a Time.fixedDeltaTime per call. This is similar to the di erence between Update() and
FixedUpdate() (see documentation on the Time Manager for more).
When a heavy logics or graphics frame occurs that takes a long amount of time, the Physics Pro ler has to call the
physics simulation multiple times per frame. This means that an already resource-intensive frame takes even more time
and resources, which can easily cause the physics simulation to temporarily stop due to the Maximum Allowed
Timestep value (which can be set in Edit > Project Settings > Time).
You can detect this in your project by selecting the CPU Usage Pro ler and checking the number of calls for
Physics.Processing or Physics.Simulate in the Overview section.

Physics Pro ler with the value of 1 in the Calls column
In this example image, the value of 1 in the Calls column indicates that the physics simulation was called one time over
the last logical frame.
A call count close to 10 might indicate an issue. As a rst solution, reduce the frequency of the physics simulation; if the
issue continues, check what could have caused the heavy frame right before the Physics Pro ler had to use that many
simulation calls in order to catch up with the game time. Sometimes, a heavy graphics frame may cause more physics
simulation calls later on in a Scene.
For more detailed information about the physics simulation in your Scene, click the triangle arrow to expand
Physics.Processing as shown in the screenshot above. This displays the actual names of the physics engine tasks that
run to update your Scene. The two most common names you’re likely to see are:
Pxs: short for ‘PhysX solver’, which are physics engine tasks required by joints as well as resolving contacts for
overlapping bodies.
ScScene: used for tasks required for updating the Scene, running the broad phase and narrow phase, and integrating
bodies (moving them in space due to forces and impulses). See Steven M. LaValle’s work on Planning Algorithms for a
de nition on two-phase collision detection phases.

GPU Pro ler

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GPU Usage Pro ler
The GPU Usage Pro ler displays where GPU time is spent in your game. When you select this Pro ler, the lower pane
displays hierarchical time data for the selected frame. Select an item from the Hierarchy to see a breakdown of
contributions in the right-hand panel. See documentation on the Pro ler window to learn more about the information in
the Pro ler.
Note that GPU pro ling is disabled when Graphics Jobs (Experimental) is enabled in the Player Settings. See
documentation on Standalone Player Settings for more information. On macOS, GPU pro ling is only available under OSX
10.9 Mavericks and later versions.

Remote pro ling support
Mac OS X

Graphics API
D3D9, D3D11, D3D12, OpenGL core, OpenGL ES 2.0,
OpenGL ES 3.x, Vulkan
OpenGL core
Not available. Use XCode’s GPU Frame
Debugger UI instead.
OpenGL core, Vulkan

Xbox One D3D11
WebGL 1.0 and WebGL 2.0

OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.x

iOS, tvOS

Metal, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.0


OpenGL ES 2.0

Supported (an alternative is Razor).
Supported (an alternative is PIX).
Not available.
Supported only on devices running NVIDIA
or Intel GPUs.
Not available. Use XCode’s GPU Frame
Debugger UI instead.
Not available.

Pro ling within the Unity Editor
The Editor supports pro ling on Windows with Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11 APIs only. This has both advantages and
disadvantages: it is convenient for quick pro ling, because it means you don’t need to build the Player; however, the Pro ler
is a ected by the overhead of running the Unity Editor, which can make the pro ling results less accurate.
2017–11–21 Page published with limited editorial review
Removed Samsung TV support.

Global Illumination Pro ler

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The Global Illumination Pro ler shows statistics and how much CPU time is consumed by the real-time Global Illumination
(GI) subsystem across all worker threads. GI is managed in Unity by a piece of middleware called Enlighten. See
documentation on Global Illumination for more information.

Total CPU Time
Probe Update Time
Setup Time
Environment Time
Input Lighting Time
Systems Time
Solve Tasks Time
Dynamic Objects Time
Time Between Updates
Other Commands Time
Blocked Command Write Time
Blocked Bu er Writes
Total Light Probes
Solved Light Probes
Probe Sets

Total Enlighten CPU time across all threads.
Time spent updating Light Probes.
Time spent in the Setup stage.
Time spent processing Environment lighting.
Time spent processing input lighting.
Time spent updating Systems.
Time spent running radiosity solver tasks.
Time spent updating Dynamic GameObjects.
Time between Global Illumination updates.
Time spent processing other commands.
Time spent in blocked state, waiting for command bu er.
Number of writes to the command bu er that were blocking.
Total number of Light Probes in the Scene.
Number of solved Light Probes since the last update.
Number of Light Probe sets in the Scene.
Number of Enlighten Systems in the Scene.

Pending Material GPU Renders Number of Albedo/Emission renders queued for rendering on the GPU.
Pending Material Updates
Number of Material updates waiting to get processed.
2017–08–30 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 2018.2

UI Pro ler

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The UI Pro ler is a pro ler module dedicated to in-game UI.
Access it via the Pro ler Window’s menu: Add Pro ler > UI and UI Details.

The UI and UI Details Pro ler window
Use this feature to help with understanding the ui batching, why and how objects are batched, which part of the
UI is responsible for a slow down, preview the UI or part of it when scrubbing the timeline.
Note that this Pro ler is quite resource intensive, similar to other Pro ler modules.

The UI Details chart has a togglable Markers group, similarl to what the CPU chart o ers. In the preview panel,
there’s a button Detach and two drop-down menus.
The Markers toggle displays or hide event markers on the UI details chart.
Detach pops the preview out in a separate window.
The two drop-down menus allow you to choose the preview background (black, white, or checkerboard) and the
preview type (original render, overdraw, or omposite overdraw).

Helpful Notes
Markers can be overwhelming, depending on the usecase pro led. Hiding or showing them when needed helps
the chart readability.
To make visibility clearer, you can select the preview background according to the UI you are previewing. A whiteish UI on a white background won’t be readable, for example, so you can change it.
Detaching the preview allows better screen estate management.

Overdraw and composite overdraw are used to determine which parts of the UI are drawn for nothing.

De nitions
Marker: markers are recorded when the user interacts with the UI (button click, slider value change, …) and then
drawn, if enabled, as vertical lines and labels on the chart.
Batch: the UI system tries to batch draw calls. There are many reasons two objects could not be batched
Batch Breaking Reasons
Not Coplanar With Canvas:
The batching needs the object’s rect transform to be coplanar (unrotated) with the canvas.
A CanvasGroup component is present and forces a new batch, ie. when displaying the drop down list of a combo
box on top of the rest.
Di erent Material Instance, Rect clipping, Texture, A8TextureUsage:
Only objects with identical materials, masking, textures, texture alpha channel usage can be batched together.

Treeview rows have a context menu with a “ nd matching object in scene” entry, which is also triggerable by
double clicking on a row.

2017–05–17 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 2017.1

Multi-Scene editing

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Multi Scene Editing allows you to have multiple scenes open in the editor simultaneously, and makes it easier to manage
scenes at runtime.
The ability to have multiple scenes open in the editor allows you to create large streaming worlds and improves the
work ow when collaborating on scene editing.
This page describes:

The multi scene editing integration in the Editor
The Editor scripting and the Runtime scripting APIs
Current known issues

In the editor

To open a new scene and add it to the current list of scenes in the Hierarchy, either select Open Scene Additive in the
context menu for a scene asset, or drag one or more scenes from the Project window into the Hierarchy Window.

Open Scene Additive will add the selected scene asset to the current scenes shown in the hierarchy
When you have multiple scenes open in the editor, each scene’s contents are displayed separately in the hierarchy
window. Each scene’s contents appears below a scene divider bar which shows the scene’s name and its save state.

The Hierarchy window showing multiple scenes open simultaneously
While present in the hierarchy, scenes can be loaded or unloaded to reveal or hide the gameobjects contained within
each scene. This is di erent to adding and removing them from the hierarchy window.
The scene dividers can be collapsed in the hierarchy to the scene’s contents which may help you to navigate your
hierarchy if you have lots of scenes loaded.
When working on multiple scenes, each scene that is modi ed will need its changes saved, so it is possible to have
multiple unsaved scenes open at the same time. Scenes with unsaved changes will have an asterisk shown next to the
name in the scene divider bar.

An asterisk in the scene divider indicating this scene has unsaved changes
Each Scene can be saved separately via the context menu in the divider bar. Selecting “Save Scene” from the le menu or
pressing Ctrl/Cmd + S will save changes to all open scenes.
The context menu in the scene divider bars allow you to perform other actions on the selected scene.

The Scene divider menu for loaded Scenes

Set Active This allows you to specify which scene new Game Objects are created/instantiated in. There
must always be one scene marked as the active scene
Save Scene Saves the changes to the selected scene only.
Save Scene
Saves the selected scene (along with any current modi cations) as a new Scene asset.
Save All
Saves changes to all scenes.
Unloads the scene, but keeps the scene in the Hierarchy window.
Unloads and removes the scene from the Hierarchy window.
Select Scene
Selects the scene’s asset in the Project window.
Provides a sub-menu allowing you to create GameObjects in the selected scene. The menu
mirrors the creatable items available in Unity’s main GameObject menu. (shown below)

The GameObject sub-menu in the Scene divider bar menu
The Scene divider menu for unloaded Scenes:

Load Scene

Loads the scene’s contents

Remove Scene
Remove the scene from the Hierarchy window.
Select Scene Asset Selects the scene’s asset in the Project window.

Baking Lightmaps with multiple Scenes

To bake Lightmap data for multiple scenes at once, you should open the scenes that you want to bake, turn o “Auto”
mode in the Lighting Window, and click the Build button to build the lighting.
The input to the lighting calculations is the static geometry and lights from all scenes. Therefore shadows and GI light
bounces will work across all scenes. However, the lightmaps and realtime GI data are separated out into data that is
loaded / unloaded separately for each scene. The lightmaps and realtime GI data atlases are split between scenes. This
means lightmaps between scenes are never shared and they can be unloaded safely when unloading a scene.
Lightprobe data is currently always shared and all lightprobes for all scenes baked together are loaded at the same time.
Alternatively, you can automate building lightmaps for multiple scenes by using the Lightmapping.BakeMultipleScenes
function in an editor script.

Baking Navmesh data with multiple Scenes
To make Navmesh data for multiple scenes at once, you should open the scenes that you want to bake, and click the
Bake button in the Navigation Window. The navmesh data will be baked into a single asset, shared by all loaded scenes.
The data is saved into the folder matching the name of the current active scene (e.g. ActiveSceneName/NavMesh.asset).
All loaded scenes will share this navmesh asset. After baking the navmesh, the scenes a ected should be saved to make
the scene-to-navmesh reference persistent.
Alternatively, you can automate building navmesh data for multiple scenes by using the
NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshForMultipleScenes function in an editor script.

Baking Occlusion Culling data with multiple Scenes
To bake Occlusion Culling data for multiple Scenes at once, open the Scenes that you want to bake, open the Occlusion
Culling window (menu: Window > Rendering > Occlusion Culling) and click the Bake button. The Occlusion data is
saved into Library/Occlusion, and a reference to the data is added in each open Scene. After baking the Occlusion Culling,
save the Scenes a ected to make the Scene-to-occlusion reference persistent.
Whenever a Scene is loaded additively, if it has the same occlusion data reference as the active Scene, the static
renderers and portals culling information for that Scene are initialized from the occlusion data. Hereafter, the occlusion
culling system performs as if all static renderers and portals were baked into a single Scene.

Play mode
In Play mode, with multiple scenes in the Hierarchy, an additional scene will show up called DontDestroyOnLoad.
Prior to Unity 5.3, any objects you would instantiate in Playmode marked as “DontDestroyOnLoad” would still show up in
the hierarchy. These objects are not considered part of any scene but for Unity to still show the objects, and for you to
inspect them, these objects are now shown as part of the special DontDestroyOnLoad scene.
You do not have access to the DontDestroyOnLoad scene and it is not available at runtime.

Scene-speci c settings
A number of settings are speci c to each scene. These are:

RenderSettings and LightmapSettings (both found in the Lighting Window)

NavMesh settings
Scene settings in the Occlusion Culling Window.
The way it works is that each scene will manage its own settings and only settings associated with that scene will be
saved to the scene le.
If you have multiple scenes open, the settings that are used for rendering and navmesh are the ones from the active
scene. This means that if you want to change the settings of a scene, you must either open only one scene and change
the settings, or make the scene in question the active scene and change the settings.
When you switch active scene in the editor or at runtime, all the settings from the new scene will be applied and replace
all previous settings.

Editor scripting
For editor scripting we provide a Scene struct and EditorSceneManager API and a SceneSetup utility class.
The Scene struct is available both in the editor and at runtime and contains a handful of read-only properties relating to
the scene itself, such as its name and asset path.
The EditorSceneManager class is only available in the editor. It is derived from SceneManager and has a number of
functions that allow you to implement all the Multi Scene Editing features described above via editor scripting.
The SceneSetup class is a small utility class for storing information about a scene currently in the hierarchy.
The Undo and PrefabUtility classes have been extended to support multiple scenes. You can now instantiate a prefab in
a given scene using [PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab], and you can move objects to the root of a scene in an un-doable
manner using (Undo.MoveGameObjectToScene)[ScriptRef:Undo.MoveGameObjectToScene]
NOTE: To use Undo.MoveGameObjectToScene, you must make sure the GameObject is already at the root of the scene it is
currently in.

Runtime scripting
For scripting at Runtime, the functions to work with multiple scenes such as LoadScene and UnloadScene are found on
the SceneManager class.

In the File menu Save Scene As will only save the active scene. Save Scene will save all modi ed scenes, including
prompting you to name the Untitled scene if it exists.

Creating a new Scene asset from the Project window’s Create menu

Tips and tricks

It is possible to add a scene to the hierarchy while keeping it its unloaded state by holding Alt while dragging. This gives
you the option to load the scene later, when desired.
New scenes can be created using the Create menu in the project window. New scenes will contain the default setup of
Game Objects.
To avoid having to set up your hierarchy every time you restart unity or to make it easy to store di erent setups you can
use EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup to get a list of SceneSetup objects which describes the current setup.
You can then serialize these into a ScriptableObject or something else along with any other information you might want
to store about your scene setup. To restore the hierarchy simply recreate the list of SceneSetups and use
At runtime to get the list of loaded scenes simply get sceneCount and iterate over the scenes using GetSceneAt.
You can get the scene a GameObject belongs to through GameObject.scene and you can move a GameObject to the root
of a scene using SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene.
It is recommended to avoid using DontDestroyOnLoad to persist manager GameObjects that you want to survive across
scene loads. Instead, create a manager scene that has all your managers and use SceneManager.LoadScene(,
LoadSceneMode.Additive) and SceneManager.UnloadScene to manage your game progress.

Known issues
Cross-Scene references are not supported, and are prevented in Edit mode. In Play mode they are
allowed, because Scenes cannot be saved.
2017–10–24 Page amended with limited editorial review

Loading Resources at Runtime

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In some situations, it is useful to make an asset available to a project without loading it in as part of a scene. For example, there
may be a character or other object that can appear in any scene of the game but which will only be used infrequently (this might
be a “secret” feature, an error message or a highscore alert, say). Furthermore, you may even want to load assets from a separate
le or URL to reduce initial download time or allow for interchangeable game content.
Unity supports Resource Folders in the project to allow content to be supplied in the main game le yet not be loaded until
requested. You can also create Asset Bundles. These are les completely separate from the main game le which contain assets
to be accessed by the game on demand from a le or URL.

Asset Bundles
An Asset Bundle is an external collection of assets. You can have many Asset Bundles and therefore many di erent external
collections of assets. These les exist outside of the built Unity player, usually sitting on a web server for end-users to access
To build an Asset Bundle, you call BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles() from inside an Editor script. In the arguments, you specify an
array of Objects to be included in the built le, along with some other options. This will build a le that you can later load
dynamically in the runtime by using AssetBundle.LoadAsset().

Resource Folders
Resource Folders are collections of assets that are included in the built Unity player, but are not necessarily linked to any
GameObject in the Inspector.
To put anything into a Resource Folder, you simply create a new folder inside the Project View, and name the folder “Resources”.
You can have multiple Resource Folders organized di erently in your Project. Whenever you want to load an asset from one of
these folders, you call Resources.Load().

All assets found in the Resources folders and their dependencies are stored in a le called resources.assets. If an asset is already
used by another level it is stored in the .sharedAssets le for that level. The Edit -> PlayerSettings First Streamed Level setting
determines the level at which the resources.assets will be collected and included in the build.
If a level prior to “First streamed Level” is including an asset in a Resource folder, the asset will be stored in assets for that level. If it
is included afterwards, the level will reference the asset from the “resources.assets” le.
Only assets that are in the Resources folder can be accessed through Resources.Load(). However many more assets might end up in
the “resources.assets” le since they are dependencies. (For example a Material in the Resources folder might reference a Texture
outside of the Resources folder)

Resource Unloading
You can unload resources of an AssetBundle by calling AssetBundle.Unload(). If you pass true for the unloadAllLoadedObjects
parameter, both the objects held internally by the AssetBundle and the ones loaded from the AssetBundle using
AssetBundle.LoadAsset() will be destroyed and memory used by the bundle will be released.
Sometimes you may prefer to load an AssetBundle, instantiate the objects desired and release the memory used up by the bundle
while keeping the objects around. The bene t is that you free up memory for other tasks, for instance loading another
AssetBundle. In this scenario you would pass false as the parameter. After the bundle is destroyed you will not be able to load
objects from it any more.
If you want to destroy scene objects loaded using Resources.Load() prior to loading another level, call Object.Destroy() on them. To
release assets, use Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets().


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In Unity, you normally use scripts to create functionality, but you can also include code created outside Unity in
the form of a Plugin. There are two kinds of plugins you can use in Unity: Managed plugins and Native plugins.
Managed plugins are managed .NET assemblies created with tools like Visual Studio. They contain only .NET code
which means that they can’t access any features that are not supported by the .NET libraries. However, managed
code is accessible to the standard .NET tools that Unity uses to compile scripts. There is thus little di erence in
usage between managed plugin code and Unity script code, except for the fact that the plugins are compiled
outside Unity and so the source may not be available.
Native plugins are platform-speci c native code libraries. They can access features like OS calls and third-party
code libraries that would otherwise not be available to Unity. However, these libraries are not accessible to Unity’s
tools in the way that managed libraries are. For example, if you forget to add a managed plugin le to the project,
you will get standard compiler error messages. If you do the same with a native plugin, you will only see an error
report when you try to run the project.
This section explains how to create plugins and use them in your Unity Projects.
2018–03–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
MonoDevelop replaced by Visual Studio from 2018.1

Plugin Inspector

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The Plugin Inspector is used to select and manage target platforms for the plugins in your project. Simply select
a plugin le to view its Inspector.

Inspector for a plugin called “CustomConnection”
Under Select platforms for plugin, choose which platforms will use the plugin by checking the appropriate
boxes. If you select Any Platform, the plugin will apply to all platforms, including the Unity editor.
Once you have selected the platforms, you can choose additional options such as CPU type and speci c OS from
the separate Platform Settings section below. This contains a tab for each platform selected by the checkboxes.
Most platforms have no settings, or just a few (such as CPU and OS selection).
The current list of le extensions that are treated as plugins and display the Plugin Inspector in the Unity Editor is
found in PluginImporter::CanLoadPathNameFile(). The following le extensions identify les that are
treated as plugins:


Certain folders are treated as a single bundle plugin. No additional plugins are detected within such folders. The
following extensions identify folders that are treated as bundle plugins:


Default settings
To make transition easier from earlier Unity versions, Unity will try to set default plugins settings, depending on
the folder where the plugin is located.


Default settings
Plugin will be set only compatible with Editor, and won’t be used
when building to platform.
Plugin will be set only compatible with Editor, CPU value will be
assigned depending on the subfolder.

Assets/../Editor/(x86 or
x86_64 or x64)
Assets/../Plugins/(x86_64 or
x64 Standalone plugins will be set as compatible.
x86 Standalone plugins will be set as compatible.
Assets/Plugins/Android/(x86 Plugin will be set only compatible with Android, if CPU subfolder is
or armeabi or armeabi-v7a) present, CPU value will be set as well.
Plugin will be set only compatible with iOS.
Plugin will be set only compatible with
Assets/Plugins/WSA/(x86 or
Universal Windows Platform, if subfolder is CPU present, CPU
value will be set as well. Metro keyword can be used instead of WSA.
Same as above, additionally SDK value will be set, you can also add
CPU subfolder afterwards. For compatibility reasons, SDK81 - Win81,
or SDK81 or PhoneSDK81)
PhoneSDK81 - WindowsPhone81.
Plugin will be set only compatible with Tizen.
Plugin will be set only compatible with Playstation 4.

Device-speci c settings
Editor settings

Options in the editor tab
For instance, if you select CPU X86, the plugin will be used only in 32 bit Editor, but will not be used in 64 bit
If you select OS Windows, the plugin will be used only in Windows Editor, but will not be used by the OS X

Standalone settings
See Standalone player settings.

Universal Windows Platform
Universal Windows Platform: Plugins on .NET Scripting Backend
Universal Windows Platform: Plugins on IL2CPP Scripting Backend

When building for Android, folders found with a parent path matching exactly Assets/Plugins/Android/ are
treated as an Android Library plugin folder. They are then treated in the same way as folders with the special
extensions .plugin, .bundle and .framework.


iOS plugin settings, showing Framework dependencies
2017–11–20 Page amended with no editorial review
Removed Samsung TV support.

Managed Plugins

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Usually, scripts are kept in a project as source les and compiled by Unity whenever the source changes. However, it is
also possible to compile a script to a dynamically linked library (DLL) using an external compiler. The resulting DLL can
then be added to the project and the classes it contains can be attached to objects just like normal scripts.
It is generally much easier to work with scripts than DLLs in Unity. However, you may have access to third party Mono
code which is supplied in the form of a DLL. When developing your own code, you may be able to use compilers not
supported by Unity by compiling the code to a DLL and adding it to your Unity project. You may also want to supply Unity
code without the source (for example, for an Asset Store product) and a DLL is an easy way to do this.

Creating a DLL
To create a DLL, you will rst need a suitable compiler. Not all compilers that produce .NET code are guaranteed to work
with Unity, so it may be wise to test the compiler with some available code before doing signi cant work with it. If the DLL
contains no code that depends on the Unity API then you can simply compile it to a DLL using the appropriate compiler
options. If you do want to use the Unity API then you will need to make Unity’s own DLLs available to the compiler. On a
Mac, these are contained in the application bundle (you can see the internal structure of the bundle by using the Show
Package Contents command from the contextual menu; right click or ctrl-click the Unity application):The path to the Unity DLLs will typically be


…and the two DLLs are called UnityEngine.dll and UnityEditor.dll.
On Windows, the DLLs can be found in the folders that accompany the Unity application. The path will typically be

C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Managed

…while the names of the DLLs are the same as for Mac OS.
The exact options for compiling the DLL will vary depending on the compiler used. As an example, the command line for
the Mono C# compiler, mcs , might look like this on Mac OS:-

mcs ­r:/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/Managed/UnityEngine.dll ­target:library

Here, the -r option speci es a path to a library to be included in the build, in this case the UnityEngine library. The -target
option speci es which type of build is required; the word “library” is used to select a DLL build. Finally, the name of the
source le to compile is ClassesForDLL.cs (it is assumed that this le is in the current working folder, but you could specify

the le using a full path if necessary). Assuming all goes well, the resulting DLL le will appear shortly in the same folder
as the source le.

Using the DLL
Once compiled, the DLL le can simply be dragged into the Unity project like any other asset. The DLL asset has a
foldout triangle which can be used to reveal the separate classes inside the library. Classes that derive from
MonoBehaviour can be dragged onto Game Objects like ordinary scripts. Non-MonoBehaviour classes can be used
directly from other scripts in the usual way.

A folded-out DLL with the classes visible

Step by step guide for Visual Studio
This section explains how to build and integrate a simple DLL example with Visual Studio, and also how to prepare a
debugging session for the DLL.

Setting Up the Project
First, open Visual Studio and create a new project. In Visual Studio, you should select File > New > Project and then
choose Visual C# > Class Library.
You then need to ll out the information for the new library:

Name is the namespace (for this example use “DLLTest” as the name).
Location is the parent folder of the project.
Solution name is the folder of the project.
Next, you should add references to the Unity DLLs. In Visual Studio, open the contextual menu for References in the
Solution Explorer and choose Add Reference. Then, choose the option Browse > Browse > select le.
At this stage, you will have the option to select the required DLL le. On Mac OS X, the le path is:


On Windows, the path is:

Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll

For this example, rename the class to MyUtilities in the Solution browser and replace its code with the following:

using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DLLTest {
public class MyUtilities {
public int c;
public void AddValues(int a, int b) {
c = a + b;
public static int GenerateRandom(int min, int max) {
System.Random rand = new System.Random();
return rand.Next(min, max);

With the code in place, build the project to generate the DLL le along with its debug symbols.

Using the DLL in Unity
For this example, create a new project in Unity and copy the built le /bin/Debug/DLLTest.dll into the
Assets folder. Then, create a C# script called “Test” in Assets, and replace its contents with the following code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using DLLTest;
public class Test : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
MyUtilities utils = new MyUtilities();
utils.AddValues(2, 3);
print("2 + 3 = " + utils.c);
void Update () {
print(MyUtilities.GenerateRandom(0, 100));

When you attach this script to an object in the scene and press Play, you will see the output of the code from the DLL in
the Console window.

Setting up a debugging session for the DLL
Firstly, you should prepare the debug symbols for the DLL. In Visual Studio, execute in the command prompt, passing
\bin\Debug\DLLTest.pdb as a parameter:

Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Mono\lib\mono\2.0\pdb2mdb.exe

Then, copy the converted le \bin\Debug\DLLTest.dll.mdb into Assets/Plugins.
With this setup completed, you can debug code that uses the DLL in Unity in the usual way. See the Scripting Tools
section for further information about debugging.

Compiling ‘unsafe’ C# code
You can enable support for compiling ‘unsafe’ C# code in Unity. To do this, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player and
expand the Other Settings tab to reveal the Allow ‘unsafe’ Code checkbox.
2018–03–20 Page amended with limited editorial review
MonoDevelop replaced by Visual Studio from 2018.1
‘unsafe C# Code checkbox’ added in 2018.1

Native Plugins

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Unity has extensive support for native Plugins, which are libraries of native code written in C, C++, Objective-C, etc. Plugins allow
your game code (written in Javascript or C#) to call functions from these libraries. This feature allows Unity to integrate with
middleware libraries or existing C/C++ game code.
In order to use a native plugin you rstly need to write functions in a C-based language to access whatever features you need and
compile them into a library. In Unity, you will also need to create a C# script which calls functions in the native library.
The native plugin should provide a simple C interface which the C# script then exposes to other user scripts. It is also possible for
Unity to call functions exported by the native plugin when certain low-level rendering events happen (for example, when a
graphics device is created), see the Native Plugin Interface page for details.

A very simple native library with a single function might have source code that looks like this:

float FooPluginFunction () { return 5.0F; }

To access this code from within Unity, you could use code like the following:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class SomeScript : MonoBehaviour {
// On iOS plugins are statically linked into
// the executable, so we have to use __Internal as the
// library name.
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
// Other platforms load plugins dynamically, so pass the name
// of the plugin's dynamic library.
[DllImport ("PluginName")]
private static extern float FooPluginFunction ();
void Awake () {
// Calls the FooPluginFunction inside the plugin
// And prints 5 to the console
print (FooPluginFunction ());

Note that when using Javascript you will need to use the following syntax, where DLLName is the name of the plugin you have
written, or “__Internal” if you are writing statically linked native code:

@DllImport (DLLName)
static private function FooPluginFunction () : float {};

Creating a Native Plugin
In general, plugins are built with native code compilers on the target platform. Since plugin functions use a C-based call interface,
you must avoid name mangling issues when using C++ or Objective-C.

Further Information
Native Plugin Interface (this is needed if you want to do rendering in your plugin)
Mono Interop with native libraries
P-invoke documentation on MSDN

Building Plugins for Desktop

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This page describes Native Code Plugins for desktop platforms (Windows/Mac OS X/Linux).

Building a Plugin for Mac OS X
On Mac OSX, plugins are deployed as bundles. You can create the bundle project with XCode by selecting File>NewProject… and then selecting Bundle -> Carbon/Cocoa Loadable Bundle (in XCode 3) or OS X ->
Framework & Library -> Bundle (in XCode 4)
If you are using C++ (.cpp) or Objective-C (.mm) to implement the plugin then you must ensure the functions are
declared with C linkage to avoid name mangling issues.

extern "C" {
float FooPluginFunction ();

Building a Plugin for Windows
Plugins on Windows are DLL les with exported functions. Practically any language or development environment
that can create DLL les can be used to create plugins. As with Mac OSX, you should declare any C++ functions
with C linkage to avoid name mangling issues.

Building a Plugin for Linux
Plugins on Linux are .so les with exported functions. These libraries are typically written in C or C++, but any
language can be used. As with the other platforms, you should declare any C++ functions with C linkage in order
to avoid name mangling issues.

32-bit and 64-bit libraries
The issue of needing 32-bit and/or 64-bit plugins is handled di erently depending on the platform.

Windows and Linux
On Windows and Linux, plugins can be managed manually (e.g, before building a 64-bit player, you copy the 64bit library into the Assets/Plugins folder, and before building a 32-bit player, you copy the 32-bit library into
the Assets/Plugins folder) OR you can place the 32-bit version of the plugin in Assets/Plugins/x86 and the
64-bit version of the plugin in Assets/Plugins/x86_64. By default the editor will look in the architecturespeci c sub-directory rst, and if that directory does not exist, it will copy plugins from the root Assets/Plugins
folder instead.

Note that for the Universal Linux build, you are required to use the architecture-speci c sub-directories (when
building a Universal Linux build, the Editor will not copy any plugins from the root Assets/Plugins folder).

Mac OS X
For Mac OS X, you should build your plugin as a universal binary that contains both 32-bit and 64-bit

Using your plugin from C#
Once built, the bundle should be placed in the Assets->Plugins folder (or the appropriate architecture-speci c
sub-directory) in the Unity project. Unity will then nd it by name when you de ne a function like this in the C#

[DllImport ("PluginName")]
private static extern float FooPluginFunction ();

Please note that PluginName should not include the library pre x nor le extension. For example, the actual
name of the plugin le would be PluginName.dll on Windows and libPluginName.so on Linux. Be aware that
whenever you change code in the Plugin you will need to recompile scripts in your project or else the plugin will
not have the latest compiled code.

For cross platform plugins you must include the .bundle (for Mac), .dll (for Windows), and .so (for Linux) les in the
Plugins folder. No further work is then required on your side - Unity automatically picks the right plugin for the
target platform and includes it with the player.

Simplest Plugin
This plugin project implements only some very basic operations (print a number, print a string, add two oats,
add two integers). This example may be helpful if this is your rst Unity plugin. The project can be found here and
includes Windows, Mac, and Linux project les.

Rendering from C++ code
An example multiplatform plugin that works with multithreaded rendering in Unity can be found on the Native
Plugin Interface page.

Low-level Native Plugin Interface

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In addition to the basic script interface, Native Code Plugins in Unity can receive callbacks when certain events
happen. This is mostly used to implement low-level rendering in your plugin and enable it to work with Unity’s
multithreaded rendering.
Headers de ning interfaces exposed by Unity are provided with the editor.

Interface Registry
A plugin should export UnityPluginLoad and UnityPluginUnload functions to handle main Unity events. See
IUnityInterface.h for the correct signatures. IUnityInterfaces is provided to the plugin to access further
Unity APIs.

#include "IUnityInterface.h"
#include "IUnityGraphics.h"
// Unity plugin load event
UnityPluginLoad(IUnityInterfaces* unityInterfaces)
IUnityGraphics* graphics = unityInterfaces­>Get();

Access to the Graphics Device
A plugin can access generic graphics device functionality by getting the IUnityGraphics interface. In earlier
versions of Unity a UnitySetGraphicsDevice function had to be exported in order to receive noti cation about
events on the graphics device. Starting with Unity 5.2 the new IUnityGraphics interface (found in
IUnityGraphics.h) provides a way to register a callback.

#include "IUnityInterface.h"
#include "IUnityGraphics.h"
static IUnityInterfaces* s_UnityInterfaces = NULL;
static IUnityGraphics* s_Graphics = NULL;
static UnityGfxRenderer s_RendererType = kUnityGfxRendererNull;
// Unity plugin load event
UnityPluginLoad(IUnityInterfaces* unityInterfaces)
s_UnityInterfaces = unityInterfaces;
s_Graphics = unityInterfaces­>Get();

// Run OnGraphicsDeviceEvent(initialize) manually on plugin load
// to not miss the event in case the graphics device is already initialized
// Unity plugin unload event
OnGraphicsDeviceEvent(UnityGfxDeviceEventType eventType)
switch (eventType)
case kUnityGfxDeviceEventInitialize:
s_RendererType = s_Graphics­>GetRenderer();
//TODO: user initialization code
case kUnityGfxDeviceEventShutdown:
s_RendererType = kUnityGfxRendererNull;
//TODO: user shutdown code
case kUnityGfxDeviceEventBeforeReset:
//TODO: user Direct3D 9 code
case kUnityGfxDeviceEventAfterReset:
//TODO: user Direct3D 9 code

Plugin Callbacks on the Rendering Thread
Rendering in Unity can be multithreaded if the platform and number of available CPUs will allow for it. When
multithreaded rendering is used, the rendering API commands happen on a thread which is completely separate
from the one that runs MonoBehaviour scripts. Consequently, it is not always possible for your plugin to start
doing some rendering immediately, because it might interfere with whatever the render thread is doing at the
In order to do any rendering from the plugin, you should call GL.IssuePluginEvent from your script. This will cause
the provided native function to be called from the render thread. For example, if you call GL.IssuePluginEvent
from the camera’s OnPostRender function, you get a plugin callback immediately after the camera has nished
Signature for the UnityRenderingEvent callback is provided in IUnityGraphics.h. Native plugin code

// Plugin function to handle a specific rendering event
static void UNITY_INTERFACE_API OnRenderEvent(int eventID)
//TODO: user rendering code
// Freely defined function to pass a callback to plugin­specific scripts
return OnRenderEvent;

Managed plugin code example:

[DllImport ("__Internal")]
private static extern IntPtr GetRenderEventFunc();
// Queue a specific callback to be called on the render thread
GL.IssuePluginEvent(GetRenderEventFunc(), 1);

Such callbacks can now also be added to CommandBu ers via CommandBu er.IssuePluginEvent.

Plugin using the OpenGL graphics API
There are two kind of OpenGL objects: Objects shared across OpenGL contexts (texture; bu er; renderbu er;
samplers; query; shader; and programs objects) and per-OpenGL context objects (vertex array; framebu er;
program pipeline; transform feedback; and sync objects).
Unity uses multiple OpenGL contexts. When initializing and closing the editor and the player, we rely on a master
context but we use dedicated contexts for rendering. Hence, you can’t create per-context objects during
kUnityGfxDeviceEventInitialize and kUnityGfxDeviceEventShutdown events.
For example, a native plugin can’t create a vertex array object during a kUnityGfxDeviceEventInitialize
event and use it in a UnityRenderingEvent callback, because the active context is not the one used during the
vertex array object creation.

An example of a low-level rendering plugin is on bitbucket: bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/graphicsdemos
(NativeRenderingPlugin folder). It demonstrates two things:

Renders a rotating triangle from C++ code after all regular rendering is done.
Fills a procedural texture from C++ code, using Texture.GetNativeTexturePtr to access it.
The project works with:

Windows (Visual Studio 2015) with Direct3D 9, Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12 and OpenGL.
Mac OS X (Xcode) with Metal and OpenGL.
Universal Windows Platform with Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12.
• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

Low-level native plugin rendering

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On top of the low-level native plugin interface, Unity also supports low level rendering extensions that can
receive callbacks when certain events happen. This is mostly used to implement and control low-level rendering
in your plugin and enable it to work with Unity’s multithreaded rendering.
Due to the low-level nature of this extension the plugin might need to be preloaded before the devices get
created. Currently the convention is name-based; the plugin name must begin GfxPlugin (for example:
The rendering extension de nition exposed by Unity is in the le IUnityRenderingExtensions.h, provided with the
Editor (see le path Unity\Editor\Data\PluginAPI).
All platforms supporting native plugins support these extensions.

Rendering extensions API
To take advantage of the rendering extension, a plugin should export UnityRenderingExtEvent and optionally
UnityRenderingExtQuery. There is a lot of documentation provided inside the include le.

Plugin callbacks on the rendering thread
A plugin gets called via UnityRenderingExtEvent whenever Unity triggers one of the built-in events. The callbacks
can also be added to CommandBu ers via CommandBu er.IssuePluginEventAndData or
CommandBu er.IssuePluginCustomBlit from scripts.
New feature in Unity 2017.1
2017–07–04 Page published with no editorial review

Low-level native plugin Shader compiler access Leave feedback
On top of the low-level native plugin interface, Unity also supports low level access to the shader compiler, allowing the user to inject
di erent variants into a shader. It is also an event driven approach in which the plugin will receive callbacks when certain builtin events
The shader compiler access extension de nition exposed by Unity is to be found in IUnityShaderCompilerAccess.h and it’s provided
with the editor.
These extensions are supported for now only on D3D11. Support for more platforms will follow.

Shader compiler access extension API
In order to take advantage of the rendering extension, a plugin should export UnityShaderCompilerExtEvent. There is a lot of
documentation provided inside the include le.
A plugin will get called via UnityShaderCompilerExtEvent whenever one of the builtin events is triggered by Unity. The callbacks can also
be added to CommandBu ers via CommandBu er.IssuePluginEventAndData or CommandBu er.IssuePluginCustomBlit command
from scripts.
In addition to the basic script interface, Native Code Plugins in Unity can receive callbacks when certain events happen. This is mostly
used to implement low-level rendering in your plugin and enable it to work with Unity’s multithreaded rendering.
Headers de ning interfaces exposed by Unity are provided with the editor.

Shader compiler access con guration interface
Unity provides an interface (IUnityShaderCompilerExtPluginCon gure) to which the shader compiler access is con gured. This interface
is used by the plugin to reserve its own keyword(s) and con gure shader program and gpu program compiler masks ( For what types
for shader or GPU programs the plugin should be invoked )
New feature in Unity 2017.1
2017–07–04 Page published with no editorial review


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An AssetBundle is an archive le containing platform speci c Assets (Models, Textures, Prefabs, Audio clips, and
even entire Scenes) that can be loaded at runtime. AssetBundles can express dependencies between each other;
e.g. a material in AssetBundle A can reference a texture in AssetBundle B. For e cient delivery over networks,
AssetBundles can be compressed with a choice of built-in algorithms depending on use case requirements (LZMA
and LZ4).
AssetBundles can be useful for downloadable content (DLC), reducing initial install size, loading assets optimized
for the end-user’s platform, and reduce runtime memory pressure.

What’s in an AssetBundle?
Good question, actually “AssetBundle” can refer to two di erent, but related things.
First is the actual le on disk. This we call the AssetBundle archive, or just archive for short in this document. The
archive can be thought of as a container, like a folder, that holds additional les inside of it. These additional les
consist of two types; the serialized le and resource les. The serialized le contains your assets broken out into
their individual objects and written out to this single le. The resource les are just chunks of binary data stored
separately for certain assets (textures and audio) to allow us to load them from disk on another thread e ciently.
Second is the actual AssetBundle object you interact with via code to load assets from a speci c archive. This
object contains a map of all the le paths of the assets you added to this archive to the objects that belong to that
asset that need to be loaded when you ask for it.

2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

AssetBundle Work ow

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To get started with AssetBundles, follow these steps. More detailed information about each piece of the work ow
can be found in the other pages in this section of documentation.

Assigning Assets to AssetBundles
To assign a given Asset to an AssetBundle, follow these steps:

Select the asset you want to assign to a bundle from your Project View
Examine the object in the inspector
At the bottom of the inspector, you should see a section to assign AssetBundles and Variants:
The left-hand drop down assigns the AssetBundle while the right-hand drop down assigns the
Click the left-hand drop down where it says “None” to reveal the currently registered AssetBundle
Click “New…” to create a new AssetBundle
Type in the desired AssetBundle name. Note that AssetBundle names do support a type of folder
structure depending on what you type. To add sub folders, separate folder names by a “/”. For
example: AssetBundle name “environment/forest” will create a bundle named forest under an
environment sub folder
Once you’ve selected or created an AssetBundle name, you can repeat this process for the right
hand drop down to assign or create a Variant name, if you desire. Variant names are not required
to build the AssetBundles
To read more information on AssetBundle assignments and accompanying strategies, see documentation on
Preparing Assets for AssetBundles .

Build the AssetBundles
Create a folder called Editor in the Assets folders, and place a script with the following contents in the folder:

using UnityEditor;
public class CreateAssetBundles
[MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundles")]
static void BuildAllAssetBundles()
string assetBundleDirectory = "Assets/AssetBundles";
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(assetBundleDirectory, BuildAssetBundleOptions.No

This script will create a menu item at the bottom of the Assets menu called “Build AssetBundles” that will execute
the code in the function associated with that tag. When you click Build AssetBundles a progress bar will appear
with a build dialogue. This will take all the assets you labeled with an AssetBundle name in and place them in a
folder at the path de ned by assetBundleDirectory.
For more detail about what this code is doing, see documentation on Building AssetBundles.

Upload AssetBundles to o -site storage
This step is unique to each user and not a step Unity can tell you how to do. If you plan on uploading your
AssetBundles to a third party hosting site, do that here. If you’re doing strictly local development and intend to
have all of your AssetBundles on disk, skip to the next step.

Loading AssetBundles and Assets
For users intending to load from local storage, you’ll be interested in the AssetBundles.LoadFromFile API. Which
looks like this:

public class LoadFromFileExample extends MonoBehaviour {
function Start() {
var myLoadedAssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Applicat
if (myLoadedAssetBundle == null) {
Debug.Log("Failed to load AssetBundle!");
var prefab = myLoadedAssetBundle.LoadAsset.("MyObject");

LoadFromFile takes the path of the bundle le.
If you’re hosting your AssetBundles yourself and need to download them into your game, you’ll be interested in
the UnityWebRequest API. Here’s an example:

IEnumerator InstantiateObject()
string uri = "file:///" + Application.dataPath + "/AssetBundles/" + asse
UnityEngine.__Networking__.UnityWebRequest request = UnityEngine.__Netwo
yield return request.Send();

AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(request);
GameObject cube = bundle.LoadAsset("Cube");
GameObject sprite = bundle.LoadAsset("Sprite");

GetAssetBundle(string, int) takes the uri of the location of the AssetBundle and the version of the bundle
you want to download. In this example we’re still pointing to a local le but the string uri could point to any url
you have your AssetBundles hosted at.
The UnityWebRequest has a speci c handle for dealing with AssetBundles, DownloadHandlerAssetBundle,
which gets the AssetBundle from the request.
Regardless of the method you use, you’ll now have access to the AssetBundle object. From that object you’ll need
to use LoadAsset(string) which takes the type, T, of the asset you’re attempting to load and the name of
the object as a string that’s inside the bundle. This will return whatever object you’re loading from the
AssetBundle. You can use these returned objects just like any object inside of Unity. For example, if you want to
create a GameObject in the scene, you just need to call Instantiate(gameObjectFromAssetBundle).
For more information on APIs that load AssetBundles, see documentation on Using AssetBundles Natively.
2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

Preparing Assets for AssetBundles

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When using AssetBundles you are free to assign any asset to any bundle you desire. However, there are certain strategies to
consider when setting up your bundles. These grouping strategies are meant to be used however you see t for your speci c project.
Feel free to mix and match these strategies as you see t.

Logical Entity Grouping
Logical Entity Grouping is where assets are assigned to AssetBundles based on the functional portion of the project they represent.
This includes sections such as User-Interface, characters, environments, and anything else that may appear frequently throughout
the lifetime of the application.

Bundling all the textures and layout data for a User-Interface screen
Bundling all the models and animations for a character/set of characters
Bundling the textures and models for pieces of the scenery shared across multiple levels
Logical Entity Grouping is ideal for downloadable content (DLC) for the fact that, with everything separated in this way, you’re able to
make a change to a single entity and not require the download of additional, unchanged, assets.
The biggest trick to being able to properly implement this strategy is that the developer assigning assets to their respective bundles
must be familiar with precisely when and where each asset will be used by the project.

Type Grouping
For this strategy you’ll assign assets that are of similar type, such as audio tracks or language localization les, to a single
Type grouping is one of the better strategies for building AssetBundles to be used by multiple platforms. For example if your audio
compression settings are identical between windows and mac platforms, you can pack all audio data into AssetBundles by
themselves and reuse those bundles, whereas shaders tend to get compiled with more platform speci c options so a shader bundle
you build for mac may not be reused on windows. In addition, this method is great for making your AssetBundles compatible with
more unity player versions as textures compression formats and settings change less frequently than something like your code
scripts or prefabs.

Concurrent Content Grouping
Concurrent Content Grouping is the idea that you will bundle assets together that will be loaded and used at the same time. You
could think of these types of bundles as being used for a level based game where each level contains totally unique characters,
textures, music, etc. You would want to be absolutely certain that an asset in one of these AssetBundles is only used at the same
time the rest of the assets in that bundle are going to be used. Having a dependency on a single asset inside a Concurrent Content
Grouping bundle would result in signi cant increased load times. You would be forced to download the entire bundle for that single
The most common use-case for Concurrent Content Grouping bundles is for bundles that are based on scenes. In this assignment
strategy, each scene bundle should contain most or all of that scenes dependencies.
Note that a project absolutely can and should mix these strategies as your needs require. Using the optimal asset assignment
strategy for any given scenario greatly increases e ciency for any project.
For example, a project may decide to group its User-Interface (UI) elements for di erent platforms into their own Platform-UI speci c
bundle but group its interactive content by level/scene.
Regardless of the strategy you follow, here are some additional tips that are good to keep in mind across the board:

Split frequently updated objects into AssetBundles separate from objects that rarely change
Group objects that are likely to be loaded simultaneously. Such as a model, its textures, and its animations

If you notice multiple objects across multiple AssetBundles are dependant on a single asset from a completely
di erent AssetBundle, move the dependency to a separate AssetBundle. If several AssetBundles are referencing the
same group of assets in other AssetBundles, it may be worth pulling those dependencies into a shared AssetBundle
to reduce duplication.
If two sets of objects are unlikely to ever be loaded at the same time, such as Standard and High De nition assets,
be sure they are in their own AssetBundles.
Consider splitting apart an AssetBundle if less that 50% of that bundle is ever frequently loaded at the same time
Consider combining AssetBundles that are small (less that 5 to 10 assets) but whose content is frequently loaded
If a group of objects are simply di erent versions of the same object, consider AssetBundle Variants
2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

Building AssetBundles

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In the documentation on the AssetBundle Work ow, we have a code sample which passes three arguments to the
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles function. Let’s dive a little deeper into what we’re actually saying.
Assets/AssetBundles: This is the directory that the AssetBundles will be output to. You can change this to any
output directory you desire, just ensure that the folder actually exists before you attempt a build.

There are several di erent BuildAssetBundleOptions that you can specify that have a variety of e ects. See
Scripting API Reference on BuildAssetBundleOptions for a table of all the options.
While you’re free to combine BuildAssetBundleOptions as needs change and arise, there are three speci c
BuildAssetBundleOptions that deal with AssetBundle Compression:
BuildAssetBundleOptions.None: This bundle option uses LZMA Format compression, which is a single
compressed LZMA stream of serialized data les. LZMA compression requires that the entire bundle is
decompressed before it’s used. This results in the smallest possible le size but a slightly longer load time due to
the decompression. It is worth noting that when using this BuildAssetBundleOptions, in order to use any assets
from the bundle the entire bundle must be uncompressed initially.
Once the bundle has been decompressed, it will be recompressed on disk using LZ4 compression which doesn’t
require the entire bundle be decompressed before using assets from the bundle. This is best used when a bundle
contains assets such that to use one asset from the bundle would mean all assets are going to be loaded.
Packaging all assets for a character or scene are some examples of bundles that might use this.
Using LZMA compression is only recommended for the initial download of an AssetBundle from an o -site host
due to the smaller le size. Once the le has been downloaded, it will be cached as a LZ4 compressed bundle.
BuildAssetBundleOptions.UncompressedAssetBundle: This bundle option builds the bundles in such a way
that the data is completely uncompressed. The downside to being uncompressed is the larger le download size.
However, the load times once downloaded will be much faster.
BuildAssetBundleOptions.ChunkBasedCompression: This bundle option uses a compression method
known as LZ4, which results in larger compressed le sizes than LZMA but does not require that entire bundle is
decompressed, unlike LZMA, before it can be used. LZ4 uses a chunk based algorithm which allows the
AssetBundle be loaded in pieces or “chunks.” Decompressing a single chunk allows the contained assets to be
used even if the other chunks of the AssetBundle are not decompressed.
Using ChunkBasedCompression has comparable loading times to uncompressed bundles with the added
bene t of reduced size on disk.

BuildTarget.Standalone: Here we’re telling the build pipeline which target platform we are going to be using
these AssetBundles for. You can nd a list of the available explicit build targets in the Scripting API Reference for
BuildTarget. However, if you’d rather not hardcode in your build target, feel free to take advantage of
EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget which will automatically nd the platform you’re currently
setup to build for and build your AssetBundles based on that target.

Once you’ve properly set up your build script, it’s nally time to build your bundles. If you followed the script
example above, click Assets > Build AssetBundles to kick o the process.
Now that you’ve successfully built your AssetBundles, you may notice that your AssetBundles directory has more
les than you might have originally expected. 2*(n+1) more les, to be exact. Let’s take a minute and go over
exactly what the BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles yields.
For every AssetBundle you speci ed in the editor, you’ll notice a le with your AssetBundle name and your
AssetBundle name + “.manifest”.
There will be an additional bundle and manifest that doesn’t share a name with any AssetBundle you created. It,
instead, is named after the directory that it’s located in (where the AssetBundles were built to). This is the
Manifest Bundle. We’ll discuss more about this and how to use it in the future.

The AssetBundle File
This is the le that lacks the .manifest extension and what you’ll be loading in at runtime in order to load your
The AssetBundle le is an archive that contains multiple les internally. The structure of this archive can change
slightly depending on if it is an AssetBundle or a Scene AssetBundle. This is the structure of a normal

The Scene AssetBundle is di erent to normal AssetBundles, in that it is optimized for stream loading of a Scene
and its content.

The Manifest File
For every bundle generated, including the additional Manifest Bundle, an associated manifest le is generated.
The manifest le can be opened with any text editor and contains information such as the cyclic redundancy
check (CRC) data and dependency data for the bundle. For the normal AssetBundles their manifest le will look
something like this:

ManifestFileVersion: 0
CRC: 2422268106
serializedVersion: 2
Hash: 8b6db55a2344f068cf8a9be0a662ba15
serializedVersion: 2

Hash: 37ad974993dbaa77485dd2a0c38f347a
HashAppended: 0
­ Class: 91
Script: {instanceID: 0}
Asset_0: Assets/Mecanim/StateMachine.controller
Dependencies: {}

Which shows the contained assets, dependencies, and other information.
The Manifest Bundle that was generated will have a manifest, but it’ll look more like this:

ManifestFileVersion: 0
Name: scene1assetbundle
Dependencies: {}

This will show how AssetBundles relate and what their dependencies are. For now, just understand that this
bundle contains the AssetBundleManifest object which will be incredibly useful for guring out which bundle
dependencies to load at runtime. To learn more about how to use this bundle and the manifest object, see
documentation on Using AssetBundles Natively.
• 2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

AssetBundle Dependencies

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AssetBundles can become dependent on other AssetBundles if one or more of the UnityEngine.Objects
contains a reference to a UnityEngine.Object located in another bundle. A dependency does not occur if the
UnityEngine.Object contains a reference to a UnityEngine.Object that is not contained in any
AssetBundle. In this case, a copy of the object that the bundle would be dependent on is copied into the bundle
when you build the AssetBundles. If multiple objects in multiple bundles contain a reference to the same object
that isn’t assigned to a bundle, every bundle that would have a dependency on that object will make its own copy
of the object and package it into the built AssetBundle.
Should an AssetBundle contain a dependency, it is important that the bundles that contain those dependencies
are loaded before the object you’re attempting to instantiate is loaded. Unity will not attempt to automatically
load dependencies.
Consider the following example, a Material in Bundle 1 references a Texture in Bundle 2:
In this example, before loading the Material from Bundle 1, you would need to load Bundle 2 into memory. It
does not matter which order you load Bundle 1 and Bundle 2, the important takeaway is that Bundle 2 is loaded
before loading the Material from Bundle 1. In the next section, we’ll discuss how you can use the
AssetBundleManifest objects we touched on in the previous section to determine, and load, dependencies at
2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

Using AssetBundles Natively

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There are four di erent APIs that you can use to load AssetBundles. Their behavior varies based on the platform
the bundle is being loaded and the compression method used when the AssetBundles were built
(uncompressed, LZMA, LZ4).
The four APIs we have to work with are:

UnityWebRequest’s DownloadHandlerAssetBundle (Unity 5.3 or newer)


This function takes an array of bytes that contains AssetBundle data. Optionally you can also pass in a CRC value if
you desire. If the bundle is LZMA compressed it will decompress the AssetBundle while it’s loading. LZ4
compressed bundles are loaded in their compressed state.
Here’s one example of how to use this method:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
IEnumerator LoadFromMemoryAsync(string path)
AssetBundleCreateRequest createRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemoryAsync
yield return createRequest;
AssetBundle bundle = createRequest.assetBundle;
var prefab = bundle.LoadAsset("MyObject");

However, this is not the only strategy that makes using LoadFromMemoryAsync possible. File.ReadAllBytes(path)
could be replaced with any desired procedure of obtaining a byte array.


This API is highly-e cient when loading uncompressed bundles from local storage. LoadFromFile will load the
bundle directly from disk if the bundle is uncompressed or chunk (LZ4) compressed. Loading a fully compressed
(LZMA) bundle with this method will rst decompress the bundle before loading it into memory.
One example of how to use LoadFromFile:

public class LoadFromFileExample extends MonoBehaviour {
function Start() {
var myLoadedAssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Applicat
if (myLoadedAssetBundle == null) {
Debug.Log("Failed to load AssetBundle!");
var prefab = myLoadedAssetBundle.LoadAsset.("MyObject");

Note: On Android devices with Unity 5.3 or older, this API will fail when trying to load AssetBundles from the
Streaming Assets path. This is because the contents of that path will reside inside a compressed .jar le. Unity 5.4
and newer can use this API call with Streaming Assets just ne.

TO BE DEPRECATED (Use UnityWebRequest)
This API is useful for downloading AssetBundles from a remote server or loading local AssetBundles. It is the
older, and less desirable version of the UnityWebRequest API.
Loading an AssetBundle from a remote location will automatically cache the AssetBundle. If the AssetBundle is
compressed, a worker thread will spin up to decompress the bundle and write it to the cache. Once a bundle has
been decompressed and cached, it will load exactly like AssetBundle.LoadFromFile.
One example of how to use LoadFromCacheOrDownload:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class LoadFromCacheOrDownloadExample : MonoBehaviour
IEnumerator Start ()

while (!Caching.ready)
yield return null;
var www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload("http://myserver.com/myassetBundle
yield return www;
yield return;
var myLoadedAssetBundle = www.assetBundle;
var asset = myLoadedAssetBundle.mainAsset;

Due to the memory overhead of caching an AssetBundle’s bytes in the WWW object, it is recommended that all
developers using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload ensure that their AssetBundles remain small - a few
megabytes, at most. It is also recommended that developers operating on limited-memory platforms, such as
mobile devices, ensure that their code downloads only a single AssetBundle at a time, in order to avoid memory
If the cache folder does not have any space for caching additional les, LoadFromCacheOrDownload will
iteratively delete the least-recently-used AssetBundles from the Cache until su cient space is available to store
the new AssetBundle. If making space is not possible (because the hard disk is full, or all les in the cache are
currently in use), LoadFromCacheOrDownload() will bypass Caching and stream the le into memory
In order to force LoadFromCacheOrDownload the version parameter (the second parameter) will need to change.
The AssetBundle will only be loaded from cache if the version passed to the function matches the version of the
currently cached AssetBundle.

The UnityWebRequest has a speci c API call to deal with AssetBundles. To begin, you’ll need to create your web
request using UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle. After returning the request, pass the request object into
DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(UnityWebRequest). This GetContent call will return your
AssetBundle object.
You can also use the assetBundle property on the DownloadHandlerAssetBundle class after downloading the
bundle to load the AssetBundle with the e ciency of AssetBundle.LoadFromFile.
Here’s an example of how to load an AssetBundle that contains two GameObjects and Instantiate them. To begin
this process, we’d just need to call StartCoroutine(InstantiateObject());

IEnumerator InstantiateObject()
string uri = "file:///" + Application.dataPath + "/AssetBundles/" + asse
yield return request.Send();
AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(request);
GameObject cube = bundle.LoadAsset("Cube");
GameObject sprite = bundle.LoadAsset("Sprite");

The advantages of using UnityWebRequest is that it allows developers to handle the downloaded data in a more
exible manner and potentially eliminate unnecessary memory usage. This is the more current and preferred API
over the UnityEngine.WWW class.

Loading Assets from AssetBundles
Now that you’ve successfully downloaded your AssetBundle, it’s time to nally load in some Assets.
Generic code snippet:

T objectFromBundle = bundleObject.LoadAsset(assetName);

T is the type of the Asset you’re attempting to load.
There are a couple options when deciding how to load Assets. We have LoadAsset, LoadAllAssets, and their
Async counterparts LoadAssetAsync and LoadAllAssetsAsync respectively.
This is how to load an asset from an AssetBundles synchronously:
To load a single GameObject:

GameObject gameObject = loadedAssetBundle.LoadAsset(assetName);

To load all Assets:

Unity.Object[] objectArray = loadedAssetBundle.LoadAllAssets();

Now, where as the previously shown methods return either the type of object you’re loading or an array of
objects, the asynchronous methods return an AssetBundleRequest. You’ll need to wait for this operation to
complete before accessing the asset. To load an asset:

AssetBundleRequest request = loadedAssetBundleObject.LoadAssetAsync(
yield return request;
var loadedAsset = request.asset;


AssetBundleRequest request = loadedAssetBundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync();
yield return request;
var loadedAssets = request.allAssets;

Once you have loaded your Assets you’re good to go! You’re able to use the loaded objects as you would any
Object in Unity.

Loading AssetBundle Manifests
Loading AssetBundle manifests can be incredibly useful. Especially when dealing with AssetBundle dependencies.
To get a useable AssetBundleManifest object, you’ll need to load that additional AssetBundle (the one that’s
named the same thing as the folder it’s in) and load an object of type AssetBundleManifest from it.
Loading the manifest itself is done exactly the same as any other Asset from an AssetBundle:

AssetBundle assetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(manifestFilePath);
AssetBundleManifest manifest = assetBundle.LoadAsset("AssetB

Now you have access to the AssetBundleManifest API calls through the manifest object from the above
example. From here you can use the manifest to get information about the AssetBundles you built. This
information includes dependency data, hash data, and variant data for the AssetBundles.
Remember in the earlier section when we discussed AssetBundle Dependencies and how, if a bundle had a
dependency on another bundle, those bundles would need to be loaded in before loading any Assets from the

original bundle? The manifest object makes dynamically nding a loading dependencies possible. Let’s say we
want to load all the dependencies for an AssetBundle named “assetBundle”.

AssetBundle assetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(manifestFilePath);
AssetBundleManifest manifest = assetBundle.LoadAsset("AssetB
string[] dependencies = manifest.GetAllDependencies("assetBundle"); //Pass the n
foreach(string dependency in dependencies)
AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(assetBundlePath, dependency));

Now that you’re loading AssetBundles, AssetBundle dependencies, and Assets, it’s time to talk about managing all
of these loaded AssetBundles.

Managing Loaded AssetBundles
See also: Unity Learn tutorial on Managing Loaded AssetBundles
Unity does not automatically unload Objects when they are removed from the active scene. Asset cleanup is
triggered at speci c times, and it can also be triggered manually.
It is important to know when to load and unload an AssetBundle. Improperly unloading an AssetBundle can lead
to duplicating objects in memory or other undesirable circumstances, such as missing textures.
The biggest thing to understand about AssetBundle management is when to call
AssetBundle.Unload(bool); and if you should pass true or false into the function call. Unload is a non-static
function that will unload your AssetBundle. This API unloads the header information of the AssetBundle being
called. The argument indicates whether to also unload all Objects instantiated from this AssetBundle.
AssetBundle.Unload(true) unloads all GameObjects (and their dependencies) that were loaded from the
AssetBundle. This does not include copied GameObjects (such as Instantiated GameObjects), because they no
longer belong to the AssetBundle. When this happens, Textures that are loaded from that AssetBundle (and still
belong to it) disappear from GameObjects in the Scene, and Unity treats them as missing Textures.
Let’s assume Material M is loaded from AssetBundle AB as shown below.
If AB.Unload(true) is called. Any instance of M in the active scene will also be unload and destroyed.
If you were instead to call AB.Unload(false) it would break the chain of the current instances of M and AB.

If AB is loaded again later and AB.LoadAsset() is called, Unity will not re-link the existing copies of M to the newly
loaded Material. There will instead be two copies of M loaded.

Generally, using AssetBundle.Unload(false) does not lead to an ideal situation. Most projects should use
AssetBundle.Unload(true) to keep from duplicating objects in memory.
Most projects should use AssetBundle.Unload(true) and adopt a method to ensure that Objects are not
duplicated. Two common methods are:
Having well-de ned points during the application’s lifetime at which transient AssetBundles are unloaded, such as
between levels or during a loading screen.
Maintaining reference-counts for individual Objects and unload AssetBundles only when all of their constituent
Objects are unused. This permits an application to unload & reload individual Objects without duplicating
If an application must use AssetBundle.Unload(false), then individual Objects can only be unloaded in two

Eliminate all references to an unwanted Object, both in the scene and in code. After this is done, call
Load a scene non-additively. This will destroy all Objects in the current scene and invoke
Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets automatically.
If you’d rather not manage loading Asset Bundes, dependencies, and Assets yourself, you might nd yourself in
need of the AssetBundle Manager.
2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

AssetBundle Manager

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The AssetBundle Manager is deprecated and is no longer available in the Asset Store. You can still download it
from the AssetBundleDemo Bitbucket repository.
The AssetBundle Manager is a tool made by Unity to make using AssetBundles more streamlined.
Downloading and importing the AssetBundle Manager package not only adds a new API calls for loading and
using AssetBundles but it adds some Editor functionality to streamline the work ow as well. This functionality can
be found under the Assets menu option.
This new section will contain the following options:

Simulation Mode
Enabling Simulation Mode allows the AssetBundle Manager to work with AssetBundles but does not require the
bundles themselves actually be built. The editor looks to see what Assets have been assigned to AssetBundles
and uses the Assets directly, instead of actually pulling them from an AssetBundle.
The main advantage of using Simulation Mode is that Assets can be modi ed, updated, added, and deleted
without the need to re-build and deploy the AssetBundles every time.
It is worth noting that AssetBundle Variants do not work with Simulation Mode. If you need to use variants, Local
AssetBundle Server is the option you need.

Local AssetBundle Server
The AssetBundle Manager can also start a Local AssetBundle Server which can be used to test AssetBundles in the
editor or in local builds (including Mobile).
The stipulation to getting the Local AssetBundle Server to work is that you must create a folder called
AssetBundles in the root directory of your project which is the same level as the Assets folder. Such as:

After you create the folder you’ll need to build your AssetBundles to this folder. To do this, select Build
AssetBundles from the new menu options. This will build them to that directory for you.
Now you have your AssetBundles built (or have decided to use Simulation Mode) and are ready to start loading
AssetBundles. Let’s look at the new API calls available to us through the AssetBundle Manager.

This function loads the AssetBundleManifest object. You’ll need to call this before you start loading in Assets using
the AssetBundle Manager. In a very simpli ed example, initializing the AssetBundle Manager could look like this:

IEnumerator Start()
yield return StartCoroutine(Initialize());
IEnumerator Initialize()
var request = AssetBundleManager.Initialize();
if (request != null)
yield return StartCoroutine(request);

The AssetBundle Manager uses this manifest you load during the Initialize() to help with a number of features
behind the scenes, including dependency management.

Loading Assets
Let’s get right down to it. You’re using the AssetBundle Manager, you’ve initialized it, and now you’re ready to load
some Assets. Let’s take a look at how to load the AssetBundle and instantiate an object from that bundle:

IEnumerator InstantiateGameObjectAsync (string assetBundleName, string assetName
// Load asset from assetBundle.
AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation request = AssetBundleManager.LoadAssetAsync(as
if (request == null)
yield break;
yield return StartCoroutine(request);
// Get the asset.
GameObject prefab = request.GetAsset ();
if (prefab != null)

The AssetBundle Manager performs all of it’s load operation asynchronously so it returns a load operation
request that loads the bundle upon calling yield return StartCoroutine(request); From there all we need to do is
call the GetAsset() to load a game object from the AssetBundle.

Loading Scenes

If you’ve got an AssetBundle name assigned to a scene and you need to load that scene in you’ll need to follow a
slightly di erent code path. The pattern is relatively the same, but with slight di erences. Here’s how to load a
scene from an AssetBundle:

IEnumerator InitializeLevelAsync (string levelName, bool isAdditive)
// Load level from assetBundle.
AssetBundleLoadOperation request = AssetBundleManager.LoadLevelAsync(sceneAs
if (request == null)
yield break;
yield return StartCoroutine(request);

As you can see, loading scenes is also an asynchronous and LoadLevelAsync returns a load operation request
which will need to be passed to a StartCoroutine in order to load the scene.

Load Variants
Loading variants using the AssetBundle Manager doesn’t actually change the code need to load in the scenes or
assets. All that needs to be done is set the ActiveVariants property of the AssetBundleManager.
The ActiveVariants property is an array of strings. Simply build an array of strings containing the names of the
variants you created during assigning them to the Assets. Here’s how to load a scene AssetBundle with the hd

IEnumerator InitializeLevelAsync (string levelName, bool isAdditive, string[] va
//Set the activeVariants.
AssetBundleManager.ActiveVariants = variants;
// Load level from assetBundle.
AssetBundleLoadOperation request = AssetBundleManager.LoadLevelAsync(variant
if (request == null)
yield break;
yield return StartCoroutine(request);

Where you’d pass in the string array you built up elsewhere in your code (perhaps from a button click or some
other circumstances). This will load the bundles that match the set active variants if it is available.

2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

Patching with AssetBundles

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Patching AssetBundles is as simple as downloading a new AssetBundle and replacing the existing one. If
WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload or UnityWebRequest are used to manage an application’s cached
AssetBundles, passing a di erent version parameter to the chosen API will trigger a download of the new
The more di cult problem to solve in the patching system is detecting which AssetBundles to replace. A patching
system requires two lists of information:

A list of the currently downloaded AssetBundles, and their versioning information
A list of the AssetBundles on the server, and their versioning information
The patcher should download the list of server-side AssetBundles and compare the AssetBundle lists. Missing
AssetBundles, or AssetBundles whose versioning information has changed, should be re-downloaded.
It is also possible to write a custom system for detecting changes to AssetBundles. Most developers who write
their own system choose to use an industry-standard data format for their AssetBundle le lists, such as JSON,
and a standard C# class for computing checksums, such as MD5.
Unity builds AssetBundles with data ordered in a deterministic manner. This allows applications with custom
downloaders to implement di erential patching.
Unity does not provide any built-in mechanism for di erential patching and neither
WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload nor UnityWebRequest perform di erential patching when using the built-in
caching system. If di erential patching is a requirement, then a custom downloader must be written.
2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review


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This section describes several problems that commonly appear in projects using AssetBundles.

Asset Duplication
Unity 5’s AssetBundle system will discover all dependencies of an Object when the Object is built into an AssetBundle. This
is done using the Asset Database. This dependency information is used to determine the set of Objects that will be
included in an AssetBundle.
Objects that are explicitly assigned to an AssetBundle will only be built into that AssetBundle. An Object is “explicitly
assigned” when that Object’s AssetImporter has its assetBundleName property set to a non-empty string.
Any Object that is not explicitly assigned in an AssetBundle will be included in all AssetBundles that contain 1 or more
Objects that reference the untagged Object.
If two di erent Objects are assigned to two di erent AssetBundles, but both have references to a common dependency
Object, then that dependency Object will be copied into both AssetBundles. The duplicated dependency will also be
instanced, meaning that the two copies of the dependency Object will be considered di erent Objects with a di erent
identi ers. This will increase the total size of the application’s AssetBundles. This will also cause two di erent copies of the
Object to be loaded into memory if the application loads both of its parents.
There are several ways to address this problem:
Ensure that Objects built into di erent AssetBundles do not share dependencies. Any Objects which do share
dependencies can be placed into the same AssetBundle without duplicating their dependencies.

This method usually is not viable for projects with many shared dependencies. It can produce monolithic
AssetBundles that must be rebuilt and re-downloaded too frequently to be convenient or e cient.
Segment AssetBundles so that no two AssetBundles that share a dependency will be loaded at the same time.

This method may work for certain types of projects, such as level-based games. However, it still
unnecessarily increases the size of the project’s AssetBundles, and increases both build times and loading
Ensure that all dependency assets are built into their own AssetBundles. This entirely eliminates the risk of duplicated
assets, but also introduces complexity. The application must track dependencies between AssetBundles, and ensure that
the right AssetBundles are loaded before calling any AssetBundle.LoadAsset APIs.
In Unity 5, Object dependencies are tracked via the AssetDatabase API, located in the UnityEditor namespace. As the
namespace implies, this API is only available in the Unity Editor and not at runtime. AssetDatabase.GetDependencies can
be used to locate all of the immediate dependencies of a speci c Object or Asset. Note that these dependencies may have
their own dependencies. Additionally, the AssetImporter API can be used to query the AssetBundle to which any speci c
Object is assigned.
By combining the AssetDatabase and AssetImporter APIs, it is possible to write an Editor script that ensures that all of an
AssetBundle’s direct or indirect dependencies are assigned to AssetBundles, or that no two AssetBundles share
dependencies that have not been assigned to an AssetBundle. Due to the memory cost of duplicating assets, it is
recommended that all projects have such a script.

Sprite Atlas Duplication
The following sections describe a quirk of Unity 5’s asset dependency calculation code when used in conjunction with
automatically-generated sprite atlases.

Any automatically-generated sprite atlas will be assigned to the AssetBundle containing the Sprite Objects from which the
sprite atlas was generated. If the sprite Objects are assigned to multiple AssetBundles, then the sprite atlas will not be
assigned to an AssetBundle and will be duplicated. If the Sprite Objects are not assigned to an AssetBundle, then the sprite
atlas will also not be assigned to an AssetBundle.
To ensure that sprite atlases are not duplicated, check that all sprites tagged into the same sprite atlas are assigned to the
same AssetBundle.
Unity 5.2.2p3 and older
Automatically-generated sprite atlases will never be assigned to an AssetBundle. Because of this, they will be included in
any AssetBundles containing their constituent sprites and also any AssetBundles referencing their constituent sprites.
Because of this problem, it is strongly recommended that all Unity 5 projects using Unity’s sprite packer upgrade to Unity
5.2.2p4, 5.3 or any newer version of Unity.
For projects that cannot upgrade, there are two workarounds for this problem:
Easy: Avoid using Unity’s built-in sprite packer. Sprite atlases generated by external tools will be normal Assets, and can be
properly assigned to an AssetBundle.
Hard: Assign all Objects that use automatically atlased sprites to the same AssetBundle as the sprites.
This will ensure that the generated sprite atlas is not seen as the indirect dependency of any other AssetBundles and will
not be duplicated.
This solution preserves the work ow of using Unity’s sprite packer, but it degrades developers’ ability to separate Assets
into di erent AssetBundles, and forces the re-download of an entire sprite atlas when any data changes on any
component referencing the atlas, even if the atlas itself is unchanged.

Android Textures
Due to heavy device fragmentation in the Android ecosystem, it is often necessary to compress textures into several
di erent formats. While all Android devices support ETC1, ETC1 does not support textures with alpha channels. Should an
application not require OpenGL ES 2 support, the cleanest way to solve the problem is to use ETC2, which is supported by
all Android OpenGL ES 3 devices.
Most applications need to ship on older devices where ETC2 support is unavailable. One way to solve this problem is with
Unity 5’s AssetBundle Variants. (Please see Unity’s Android optimization guide for details on other options.)
To use AssetBundle Variants, all textures that cannot be cleanly compressed using ETC1 must be isolated into texture-only
AssetBundles. Next, create su cient variants of these AssetBundles to support the non-ETC2-capable slices of the Android
ecosystem, using vendor-speci c texture compression formats such as DXT5, PVRTC and ATITC. For each AssetBundle
Variant, change the included textures’ TextureImporter settings to the compression format appropriate to the Variant.
At runtime, support for the di erent texture compression formats can be detected using the
SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat API. This information should be used to select and load the AssetBundle Variant
containing textures compressed in a supported format.
More information on Android texture compression formats can be found here.

iOS File Handle Overuse

The issue described in the following section was xed in Unity 5.3.2p2. Current versions of Unity are not a ected by this
In versions prior to Unity 5.3.2p2, Unity would hold an open le handle to an AssetBundle the entire time that the
AssetBundle is loaded. This is not a problem on most platforms. However, iOS limits the number of le handles a process
may simultaneously have open to 255. If loading an AssetBundle causes this limit to be exceeded, the loading call will fail
with a “Too Many Open File Handles” error.
This was a common problem for projects trying to divide their content across many hundreds or thousands of
For projects unable to upgrade to a patched version of Unity, temporary solutions are:

Reducing the number of AssetBundles in use by merging related AssetBundles
Using AssetBundle.Unload(false) to close an AssetBundle’s le handle, and managing the loaded Objects’
lifecycles manually

2017–05–15 Page published with no editorial review

Unity Asset Bundle Browser tool

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NOTE: This tool is extra functionality to Unity’s standard functionality. To access it, you have to download it from
GitHub and install it separately from the standard Unity Editor’s download and install.
This tool enables the user to view and edit the con guration of asset bundles for their Unity project. It will block
editing that would create invalid bundles, and inform you of any issues with existing bundles. It also provides
basic build functionality.
Use this tool as an alternative to selecting assets and setting their asset bundle manually in the inspector. It can
be dropped into any Unity project with a version of 5.6 or greater. It will create a new menu item in Window >
AssetBundle Browser. The bundle con guration and build functionality are split into two tabs within the new

Requires Unity 5.6+

Usage - Con gure
Note: this utility is in a pre-release state, and accordingly we recommend creating a backup of your project before
using it.
This window provides an explorer like interface to manage and modify asset bundles in your project. When rst
opened, the tool will parse all bundle data in the background, slowly marking warnings or errors it detects. It does
what it can to stay in sync with the project, but cannot always be aware of activity outside the tool. To force a
quick pass at error detection, or to update the tool with changes made externally, hit the Refresh button in the
upper left.
The window is broken into four sections: Bundle List, Bundle Details, Asset List, and Asset Details.

Bundle List

Left hand pane showing a list of all bundles in the project. Available functionality:
Select a bundle or set of bundles to see a list of the assets that will be in the bundle in the Asset List pane.
Bundles with variants are a darker grey and can be expanded to show the list of variants.
Right-click or slow-double-click to rename bundle or bundle folder.
If a bundle has any error, warning, or info message, an icon will appear on the right side. Mouse over the icon for
more information.
If a bundle has at least one scene in it (making it a scene bundle) and non-scene assets explicitly included, it will
be marked as having an error. This bundle will not build until xed.
Bundles with duplicated assets will be marked with a warning (more information on duplication in Asset List
section below)
Empty bundles will be marked with an info message. For a number of reasons, empty bundles are not very stable
and can dissapear from this list at times.
Folders of bundles will be marked with the highest message from the contained bundles.
To x the duplicated inclusion of assets in bundles, you can:
Right click on a single bundle to move all assets determined to be duplicates into a new bundle.
Right click on multiple bundles to either move the assets from all selected bundles that are duplicates into a new
bundle, or only those that are shared within the selection.
You can also drag duplicate assets out of the Asset List pane into the Bundle List to explicitly include them in a
bundle. More info on this in the Asset List feature set below.
Right click or hit DEL to delete bundles.
Drag bundles around to move them into and out of folders, or merge them.
Drag assets from the Project Explorer onto bundels to add them.
Drag assets onto empty space to create a new bundle.
Right click to create new bundles or bundle folders.
Right click to “Convert to Variant”
This will add a variant (initially called “newvariant”) to the selected bundle.
All assets currently in selected bundle will be moved into the new variant
ComingSoon: Mismatch detection between variants.
Icons indicate if the bundle is a standard or a scene bundle.

Icon for standard bundle
Icon for scene bundle

Bundle Details

Lower left hand pane showing details of the bundles(s) selected in the Bundle List pane. This pane will show the
following information if it is available:
Total bundle size. This is a sum of the on-disk size of all assets.
Bundles that the current bundle depends on
Any messages (error/warning/info) associated with the current bundle.

Asset List
Upper right hand pane providing a list of assets contained in whichever bundles are selected in the Bundle List.
Available functionality:
View all assets anticipated to be included in bundle. Sort asset list by any column header.
View assets explicitly included in bundle. These are assets that have been assigned a bundle explicitly. The
inspector will re ect the bundle inclusion, and in this view they will say the bundle name next to the asset name.
View assets implicitly included in bundle. These assets will say auto as the name of the bundle next to the asset
name. If looking at these assets in the inspector they will say None as the assigned bundle.
These assets have been added to the selected bundle(s) due to a dependency on another included asset. Only
assets that are not explicitly assigned to a bundle will be implicitly included in any bundles.
Note that this list of implicit includes can be incomplete. There are known issues with materials and textures not
always showing up correctly.
As multiple assets can share dependencies, it is common for a given asset to be implicitly included in multiple
bundles. If the tool detects this case, it will mark both the bundle and the asset in question with a warning icon.
To x the duplicate-inclusion warnings, you can manually move assets into a new bundle or right click the bundle
and selecting one of the “Move duplicate” options.
Drag assets from the Project Explorer into this view to add them to the selected bundle. This is only valid if only
one bundle is selected, and the asset type is compatable (scenes onto scene bundles, etc.)
Drag assets (explicit or implicit) from the Asset List into the Bundle List (to add them to di erent bundles, or a
newly created bundle).
Right click or hit DEL to remove assets from bundles (does not remove assets from project).
Select or double-click assets to reveal them in the Project Explorer.
A note on including folders in bundles. It is possible to assign an asset folder (from the Project Explorer) to a
bundle. When viewing this in the browser, the folder itself will be listed as explicit and the contents implicit. This
re ects the priority system used to assign assets to bundles. For example, say your game had ve prefabs in

Assets/Prefabs, and you marked the folder “Prefabs” as being in one bundle, and one of the actual prefabs
(“PrefabA”) as being in another. Once built, “PrefabA” would be in one bundle, and the other four prefabs would
be in the other.

Asset Details
Lower right hand pane showing details of the asset(s) selected in the Asset List pane. This pane cannot be
interacted with, but will show the following information if it is available:
Full path of asset
Reason for implicit inclusion in bundles if it is implicit.
Reason for warning if any.
Reason for error if any.

Can’t rename or delet a speci c bundle. This is occasionally caused when rst adding this tool to an
existing project. Please force a reimport of your assets through the Unity menu system to refresh
the data.

External Tool Integration

Other tools that generate asset bundle data can choose to integrate with the browser. Currently the primary
example is the Asset Bundle Graph Tool. If integrations are detected, then a selection bar will appear near the top
of the browser. It will allow you to select the Default data source (Unity’s AssetDatabase) or an integrated tool. If
none are detected, the selector is not present, though you can add it by right-clicking on the tab header and
selecting “Custom Sources”.

Usage - Build
The Build tab provides basic build functionality to get you started using asset bundles. In most profressional
scenarios, users will end up needing a more advanced build setup. All are welcome to use the build code in this
tool as a starting point for writing their own once this no longer meets their needs. Interface:
Build Target - Platform the bundles will be built for
Output Path - Path for saving built bundles. By default this is AssetBundles/. You can edit the path manually, or by
selecting “Browse”. To return to the default naming convention, hit “Reset”.
Clear Folders - This will delete all data from the build path folder prior to building.
Copy to StreamingAssets - After the build is complete, this will copy the results to Assets/StreamingAssets. This can
be useful for testing, but would not be used in production.
Advanced Settings
Compression - Choose between no compression, standard LZMA, or chunk-based LZ4 compression.
Exclude Type Information - Do not include type information within the asset bundle

Force Rebuild - Rebuild bundles needing to be built. This is di erent than “Clear Folders” as this option will not
delete bundles that no longer exist.
Ignore Type Tree Changes - Ignore the type tree changes when doing the incremental build check.
Append Hash - Append the hash to the asset bundle name.
Strict Mode - Do not allow the build to succeed if any errors are reporting during it.
Dry Run Build - Do a dry run build.
Build - Executes build.

2017–05–18 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6

Reducing the le size of your build

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Keeping the le size of the built app to a minimum is important, especially for mobile devices or for app stores that impose a size
limit. The rst step in reducing the size is to determine which Assets contribute most to it, because these Assets are the most likely
candidates for optimization. This information is available in the Editor Log just after you have performed the build. Go to the
Console window (menu: Window > General > Console), click the small drop-down panel in the top right, and select Open Editor

The Editor Log just after a build
The Editor Log provides a summary of Assets broken down by type, and then lists all the individual Assets in order of size
contribution. Typically, things like Textures, Sounds and Animations take up the most storage, while Scripts, Levels and Shaders
usually have the smallest impact. The File headers mentioned in the list are not Assets - they are actually the extra data that is
added to “raw” Asset les to store references and settings. The headers normally make very little di erence to Asset size, but the
value might be large if you have numerous large Assets in the Resources folder.
The Editor Log helps you identify Assets that you might want to remove or optimize, but you should consider the following before
you start:
Unity re-codes imported Assets into its own internal formats, so the choice of source Asset type is not relevant. For example, if you
have a multi-layer Photoshop Texture in the Project, it is attened and compressed before building. Exporting the Texture as a .png
le does not make any di erence to build size, so you should stick to the format that is most convenient for you during
Unity strips most unused Assets during the build, so you don’t gain anything by manually removing Assets from the Project. The
only Assets that are not removed are scripts (which are generally very small anyway) and Assets in the Resources folder (because
Unity can’t determine which of these are needed and which are not). With this in mind, you should make sure that the only Assets
in the Resources folder are the ones you need for the game. You might be able to replace Assets in the Resources folder with
AssetBundles - this means that Unity loads Assets dynamically, thereby reducing the player size.

Suggestions for reducing build size
Textures usually take up the most space in the build. The rst solution to this is to use compressed Texture formats. See
documentation on platform-speci c Texture compression for more information.
If that doesn’t reduce the le size enough, try to reduce the physical size (in pixels) of the Texture images. To do this without
modifying the actual source content, select the Texture in the Project view, and in the Inspector window reduce the Max Size. To
see how this looks in-game, zoom in on a GameObject that uses the Texture, then adjust the Max Size until it starts looking worse
in the Scene view. Changing the maximum Texture size does not a ect your Texture Asset, just its resolution in the game.

Changing the Maximum Texture Size does not a ect your Texture Asset, just its resolution in the game
By default, Unity compresses all Textures when importing. For faster work ow in the Editor, go to Unity < Preferences and untick
the checkbox for Compress Assets on Import. All Textures are compressed in the build, regardless of this setting.

Meshes and Animations
You can compress Meshes and imported Animation Clips so that they take up less space in your game le. To enable Mesh
compression, select the Mesh, then in the Inspector window set the Mesh Compression to Low, Medium or High. Mesh and
Animation compression uses quantization, which means it takes less space, but the compression can introduce some
inaccuracies. Experiment with what level of compression is acceptable for your models.
Note that Mesh compression only produces smaller data les, and does not use less memory at run time. Animation
keyframe reduction produces smaller data les and uses less memory at run time; generally you should always have it enabled.
See documentation on Animation Clips for more information about this.

By default, Unity includes only the following DLLs in the built player:

When building a player, you should avoid any dependencies on System.dll or System.Xml.dll. Unity does not include these in the built
player by default, but if you use their classes, they are included. These DLLs add about a megabyte to the player’s storage size. If
you need to parse XML in your game, you can use a library like Mono.Xml.zip as a smaller alternative to the system libraries. While
most Generic containers are contained in mscorlib, Stack and few others are in System.dll, so you should avoid these if possible.

Unity includes System.Xml.dll and System.dll when building a player

Reducing mobile .NET library size

Unity supports two .NET API compatibility levels for some mobile devices: .NET 2.0 and a subset of .NET 2.0. Select the appropriate
level for your build in the Player Settings.
The .NET 2.0 API pro le is similar to the full .NET 2.0 API. Most library routines are fully implemented, so this option o ers the best
compatibility with pre-existing .NET code. However, for many games, the full library is not needed and the super uous code takes
up valuable memory space.
To avoid wasted memory, Unity also supports the .NET 2.0 Subset API pro le. This is very similar to the Mono “monotouch” pro le,
so many limitations of the “monotouch” pro le also apply to Unity’s .NET 2.0 Subset pro le. See the Mono Project’s documentation
on MonoTouch limitations for more information. Many library routines that are not commonly needed in games are left out of this
pro le in order to save memory. However, this also means that code with dependencies on those routines do not work correctly.
This option can be a useful optimization, but you should check that existing code still works after it is applied.

Social API

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Social API is Unity’s point of access to social features, such as:

User pro les
Friends lists
Statistics / Leaderboards
It provides a uni ed interface to di erent social back-ends, such as GameCenter, and is meant to be used
primarily by programmers on the game project.
The Social API is mainly an asynchronous API, and the typical way to use it is by making a function call and
registering for a callback to when that function completes. The asynchronous function may have side e ects, such
as populating certain state variables in the API, and the callback could contain data from the server to be
The Social class resides in the UnityEngine namespace and so is always available but the other Social API classes
are kept in their own namespace, UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms. Furthermore, implementations of the Social API
are in a sub-namespace, like SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.
Here is an example (JavaScript) of how one might use the Social API:

import UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
function Start () {
// Authenticate and register a ProcessAuthentication callback
// This call needs to be made before we can proceed to other calls in the So
Social.localUser.Authenticate (ProcessAuthentication);
// This function gets called when Authenticate completes
// Note that if the operation is successful, Social.localUser will contain data
function ProcessAuthentication (success: boolean) {
if (success) {
Debug.Log ("Authenticated, checking achievements");
// Request loaded achievements, and register a callback for processing t
Social.LoadAchievements (ProcessLoadedAchievements);
Debug.Log ("Failed to authenticate");
// This function gets called when the LoadAchievement call completes
function ProcessLoadedAchievements (achievements: IAchievement[]) {
if (achievements.Length == 0)
Debug.Log ("Error: no achievements found");

Debug.Log ("Got " + achievements.Length + " achievements");
// You can also call into the functions like this
Social.ReportProgress ("Achievement01", 100.0, function(result) {
if (result)
Debug.Log ("Successfully reported achievement progress");
Debug.Log ("Failed to report achievement");

Here is the same example using C#.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
public class SocialExample : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
// Authenticate and register a ProcessAuthentication callback
// This call needs to be made before we can proceed to other calls in th
Social.localUser.Authenticate (ProcessAuthentication);
// This function gets called when Authenticate completes
// Note that if the operation is successful, Social.localUser will contain d
void ProcessAuthentication (bool success) {
if (success) {
Debug.Log ("Authenticated, checking achievements");
// Request loaded achievements, and register a callback for processi
Social.LoadAchievements (ProcessLoadedAchievements);
Debug.Log ("Failed to authenticate");
// This function gets called when the LoadAchievement call completes
void ProcessLoadedAchievements (IAchievement[] achievements) {
if (achievements.Length == 0)

Debug.Log ("Error: no achievements found");
Debug.Log ("Got " + achievements.Length + " achievements");
// You can also call into the functions like this
Social.ReportProgress ("Achievement01", 100.0, result => {
if (result)
Debug.Log ("Successfully reported achievement progress");
Debug.Log ("Failed to report achievement");

For more info on the Social API, check out the Social API Scripting Reference

JSON Serialization

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The JSON Serialization feature converts objects to and from JSON format. This can be useful when interacting with
web services, or just for packing and unpacking data to a text-based format easily.
For information on the JsonUtility class, please see the Unity ScriptRef JsonUtility page.

Simple usage
The JSON Serialization feature is built around a notion of ‘structured’ JSON, which means that you describe what
variables are going to be stored in your JSON data by creating a class or structure. For example:

public class MyClass
public int level;
public float timeElapsed;
public string playerName;

This de nes a plain C# class containing three variables - level, timeElapsed, and playerName - and marks it as
Serializable, which is necessary for it to work with the JSON serializer. You could then create an instance of it like

MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
myObject.level = 1;
myObject.timeElapsed = 47.5f;
myObject.playerName = "Dr Charles Francis";

And serialize it to JSON format by using JsonUtility.ToJson:

string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(myObject);

This would result in the json variable containing the string:

{"level":1,"timeElapsed":47.5,"playerName":"Dr Charles Francis"}

To convert the JSON back into an object, use JsonUtility.FromJson:

myObject = JsonUtility.FromJson(json);

This will create a new instance of MyClass and set the values on it using the JSON data. If the JSON data contains
values that do not map to elds in MyClass then those values will simply be ignored, and if the JSON data is
missing values for elds in MyClass, then those elds will be left at their constructed values in the returned
The JSON Serializer does not currently support working with ‘unstructured’ JSON (i.e. navigating and editing the
JSON as an arbitrary tree of key-value pairs). If you need to do this, you should look for a more fully-featured JSON

Overwriting objects with JSON
It is also possible to take JSON data and deserialize it ‘over’ an already-created object, overwriting data that is
already present:

JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(json, myObject);

Any elds on the object for which the JSON does not contain a value will be left unchanged. This method allows
you to keep allocations to a minimum by reusing objects that you created previously, and also to ‘patch’ objects
by deliberately overwriting them with JSON that only contains a small subset of elds.
Note that the JSON Serializer API supports MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject subclasses as well as plain
structs/classes. However, when deserializing JSON into subclasses of MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject,
you must use FromJsonOverwrite; FromJson is not supported and will throw an exception.

Supported Types
The API supports any MonoBehaviour-subclass, ScriptableObject-subclass, or plain class/struct with the
[Serializable] attribute. The object you pass in is fed to the standard Unity serializer for processing, so the
same rules and limitations apply as they do in the Inspector; only elds are serialized, and types like
Dictionary<;>; are not supported.
Passing other types directly to the API, for example primitive types or arrays, is not currently supported. For now
you will need to wrap such types in a class or struct of some sort.

In the Editor only, there is a parallel API - EditorJsonUtility - which allows you to serialize any
UnityEngine.Object-derived type both to and from JSON. This will produce JSON that contains the same data
as the YAML representation of the object.

Benchmark tests have shown JsonUtility to be signi cantly faster than popular .NET JSON solutions (albeit
with fewer features than some of them).
GC Memory usage is at a minimum:

ToJson() allocates GC memory only for the returned string.
FromJson() allocates GC memory only for the returned object, as well as any subobjects needed
(e.g. if you deserialize an object that contains an array, then GC memory will be allocated for the
FromJsonOverwrite() allocates GC memory only as necessary for written elds (for example
strings and arrays). If all elds being overwritten by the JSON are value-typed, it should not allocate
any GC memory.
Using the JsonUtility API from a background thread is permitted. As with any multithreaded code, you should be
careful not to access or alter an object on one thread while it is being serialized/deserialized on another.

Controlling the output of ToJson()
ToJson supports pretty-printing the JSON output. It is o by default but you can turn it on by passing true as the
second parameter.
Fields can be omitted from the output by using the [NonSerialized] attribute.

Using FromJson() when the type is not known ahead of time
Deserialize the JSON into a class or struct that contains ‘common’ elds, and then use the values of those elds to
work out what actual type you want. Then deserialize a second time into that type.

Streaming Assets

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Most assets in Unity are combined into the project when it is built. However, it is sometimes useful to place les
into the normal lesystem on the target machine to make them accessible via a pathname. An example of this is
the deployment of a movie le on iOS devices; the original movie le must be available from a location in the
lesystem to be played by the PlayMovie function.
Any les placed in a folder called StreamingAssets (case-sensitive) in a Unity project will be copied verbatim to a
particular folder on the target machine. You can retrieve the folder using the Application.streamingAssetsPath
property. It’s always best to use Application.streamingAssetsPath to get the location of the
StreamingAssets folder, as it will always point to the correct location on the platform where the application is
The location of this folder varies per platform. Please note that these are case-sensitive:
On a desktop computer (Mac OS or Windows) the location of the les can be obtained with the following code:

path = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets";

On iOS, use:

path = Application.dataPath + "/Raw";

On Android, use:

path = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/";

On Android, the les are contained within a compressed .jar le (which is essentially the same format as standard
zip-compressed les). This means that if you do not use Unity’s WWW class to retrieve the le, you need to use
additional software to see inside the .jar archive and obtain the le.
Note: .dll les located in the StreamingAssets folder don’t participate in the compilation.


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ScriptableObject is a class that allows you to store large quantities of shared data independent from script
instances. Do not confuse this class with the similarly named SerializedObject, which is an editor class and lls a
di erent purpose. Consider for example that you have made a prefab with a script which has an array of a
million integers. The array occupies 4MB of memory and is owned by the prefab. Each time you instantiate that
prefab, you will get a copy of that array. If you created 10 game objects, then you would end up with 40MB of
array data for the 10 instances.
Unity serializes all primitive types, strings, arrays, lists, types speci c to Unity such as Vector3 and your custom
classes with the Serializable attribute as copies belonging to the object they were declared in. This means that if
you created a ScriptableObject and stored the million integers in an array it declares then the array will be stored
with that instance. The instances are thought to own their individual data. ScriptableObject elds, or any
UnityEngine.Object elds, such as MonoBehaviour, Mesh, GameObject and so on, are stored by reference as
opposed to by value. If you have a script with a reference to the ScriptableObject with the million integers, Unity
will only store a reference to the ScriptableObject in the script data. The ScriptableObject in turn stores the array.
10 instances of a prefab that has a reference to a ScriptableObject, that holds 4MB data, would total to roughly
4MB and not 40MB as discussed in the other example.
The intended use case for using ScriptableObject is to reduce memory usage by avoiding copies of values, but you
could also use it to de ne pluggable data sets. An example of this would be to imagine a NPC shop in a RPG
game. You could create multiple assets of your custom ShopContents ScriptableObject, each de ning a set of
items that are available for purchase. In a scenario where the game has three zones, each zone could o er
di erent tier items. Your shop script would reference a ShopContents object that de nes what items are
available. Please see the scripting reference for examples.
Once you have de ned a ScriptableObject-derived class, you can use the CreateAssetMenu attribute to make it
easy to create custom assets using your class.
Tip: When working with ScriptableObject references in the inspector, you can double click the reference eld to
open the inspector for your ScriptableObject. You can also create a custom Editor to de ne the look of the
inspector for your type to help manage the data that it represents.

Advanced Editor Topics

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This section reveals more about what goes on under the hood of the Editor, from how Assets and Scenes are stored, to
customising the build pipeline and extending the Editor itself. This section will be useful to developers and teams who are
comfortable with the basics of working with the Unity Editor.

Build Player Pipeline

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When building a player, you sometimes want to modify the built player in some way. For example you might want
to add a custom icon, copy some documentation next to the player or build an Installer. You can do this via editor
scripting using BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer to run the build and then follow it with whatever postprocessing code
you need:-

// JS example.
import System.Diagnostics;
class ScriptBatch {
@MenuItem("MyTools/Windows Build With Postprocess")
static function BuildGame() {
// Get filename.
var path = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Choose Location of Built Game"
var levels : String[] = ["Assets/Scene1.unity", "Assets/Scene2.unity"];
// Build player.
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(levels, path + "/BuiltGame.exe", BuildTarget.S
// Copy a file from the project folder to the build folder, alongside th
FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory("Assets/Templates/Readme.txt", path + "Read
// Run the game (Process class from System.Diagnostics).
var proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = path + "/BuiltGame.exe";

// C# example.
using UnityEditor;
using System.Diagnostics;
public class ScriptBatch
[MenuItem("MyTools/Windows Build With Postprocess")]
public static void BuildGame ()
// Get filename.
string path = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Choose Location of Built Ga

string[] levels = new string[] {"Assets/Scene1.unity", "Assets/Scene2.un
// Build player.
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(levels, path + "/BuiltGame.exe", BuildTarget.S
// Copy a file from the project folder to the build folder, alongside th
FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory("Assets/Templates/Readme.txt", path + "Read
// Run the game (Process class from System.Diagnostics).
Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = path + "/BuiltGame.exe";

PostProcessBuild Attribute
You can also use the postprocessOrder parameter of the PostProcessBuildAttribute to de ne the execution order
for your build methods, and call your external scripts with the Process class from these methods as shown in the
last section. This parameter is used to sort the build methods from lower to higher, and you can assign any
negative or positive value to it.

Command line arguments

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You can run Unity from the command line (from the macOS Terminal or the Windows Command Prompt).
On macOS, type the following into the Terminal to launch Unity:


On Windows, type the following into the Command Prompt to launch Unity:

C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe

When you launch it like this, Unity receives commands and information on startup, which can be very useful for test
suites, automated builds and other production tasks.
Note: Use the same method to launch standalone Unity games.

Launching Unity silently
On macOS, type the following into the Terminal to silently launch Unity:

/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity ­quit ­batchmode ­serial SB­XXX

Note: When activating via the command line using continuous integration (CI) tools like Jenkins, add the ­
nographics ag to prevent a WindowServer error.
On Windows, type the following into the Command Prompt to silently launch Unity:

"C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" ­quit ­batchmode ­serial SB­XXXX­XXXX­XX

Returning the license to the license server
On macOS, type the following into the Terminal to return the license:

/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity ­quit ­batchmode ­returnlicense

On Windows, type the following into the Command Prompt to return the license:

"C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" ­quit ­batchmode ­returnlicense

Create activation le and import license le by command
On macOS, type the following into the Terminal:

/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity ­batchmode ­createManualActivat
/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity ­batchmode ­manualLicenseFile <

On Windows, type the following into the Command Prompt:

"C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" ­batchmode ­createManualActivationFile ­
"C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" ­batchmode ­manualLicenseFile ]>
give a project name, then the command line uses the last
project opened by Unity. If no project exists at the path ­
projectPath gives, then the command line creates one


Run Unity in batch mode. You should always use this in
conjunction with the other command line arguments, because it
ensures no pop-up windows appear and eliminates the need for
any human intervention. When an exception occurs during
execution of the script code, the Asset server updates fail, or
other operations fail, Unity immediately exits with return code
Note that in batch mode, Unity sends a minimal version of its
log output to the console. However, the Log Files still contain
the full log information. You cannot open a project in batch
mode while the Editor has the same project open; only a single
instance of Unity can run at a time.
Tip: To check whether you are running the Editor or Standalone
Player in batch mode, use the Application.isBatchMode
Build a 32-bit standalone Linux player (for example, ­
buildLinux32Player path/to/your/build).

Build a 64-bit standalone Linux player (for example, ­
buildLinux64Player path/to/your/build).


Build a combined 32-bit and 64-bit standalone Linux player (for
example, ­buildLinuxUniversalPlayer


Build a 32-bit standalone Mac OSX player (for example, ­
buildOSXPlayer path/to/your/build.app).


Build a 64-bit standalone Mac OSX player (for example, ­
buildOSX64Player path/to/your/build.app).


Build a combined 32-bit and 64-bit standalone Mac OSX player
(for example, ­buildOSXUniversalPlayer

Allows the selection of an active build target before loading a
project. Possible options are:
standalone, Win, Win64, OSXUniversal, Linux, Linux64,
LinuxUniversal, iOS, Android, Web, WebStreamed, WebGL,
XboxOne, PS4, WindowsStoreApps, Switch, N3DS, tvOS.
Build a 32-bit standalone Windows player (for example, ­
buildWindowsPlayer path/to/your/build.exe).

Build a 64-bit standalone Windows player (for example, ­
buildWindows64Player path/to/your/build.exe).


Detailed debugging feature. StackTraceLogging allows you to
allow detailed logging. All settings allow None, Script Only and
Full to be selected. (for example, ­stackTraceLogType Full)





-force-d3d11 (Windows only)



Connect to the speci ed Cache Server on startup, overriding any
con guration stored in the Editor Preferences. Use this to
connect multiple instances of Unity to di erent Cache Servers.
Create an empty project at the given path.
Filter editor tests by categories. Separate test categories with a
Filter editor tests by names. Separate test names with a comma.
Path location to place the result le. If the path is a folder, the
command line uses a default le name. If not speci ed, it places
the results in the project’s root folder.
Execute the static method as soon as Unity opens the project,
and after the optional Asset server update is complete. You can
use this to do tasks such as continous integration, performing
Unit Tests, making builds or preparing data. To return an error
from the command line process, either throw an exception
which causes Unity to exit with return code 1, or call
EditorApplication.Exit with a non-zero return code. To pass
parameters, add them to the command line and retrieve them
inside the function using
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs. To use ­
executeMethod, you need to place the enclosing script in an
Editor folder. The method you execute must be de ned as
Export a package, given a path (or set of given paths). In this
example exportAssetPath is a folder (relative to to the Unity
project root) to export from the Unity project, and
exportFileName is the package name. Currently, this option
only exports whole folders at a time. You normally need to use
this command with the ­projectPath argument.
Make the Editor use Direct3D 11 for rendering. Normally the
graphics API depends on player settings (typically defaults to
When using Metal, make the Editor use a particular GPU device
by passing it the index of that GPU (macOS only).
Make the Editor use Metal as the default graphics API (macOS
Make the Editor use OpenGL 3/4 core pro le for rendering. The
Editor tries to use the best OpenGL version available and all
OpenGL extensions exposed by the OpenGL drivers. If the
platform isn’t supported, Direct3D is used.
Similar to ­force­glcore, but requests a speci c OpenGL
context version. Accepted values for XY: 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
or 45.

-force-gles (Windows only)

-force-glesXY (Windows only)





Make the Editor use OpenGL for Embedded Systems for
rendering. The Editor tries to use the best OpenGL ES version
available, and all OpenGL ES extensions exposed by the OpenGL
Similar to ­force­gles, but requests a speci c OpenGL ES
context version. Accepted values for XY: 30, 31 or 32.
Used with ­force­glcoreXY to prevent checking for additional
OpenGL extensions, allowing it to run between platforms with
the same code paths.
Make the Editor run as if there is a free Unity license on the
machine, even if a Unity Pro license is installed.
When using Metal, make the Editor use a low power device
(macOS only).
Import the given package. No import dialog is shown.
Specify where the Editor or Windows/Linux/OSX standalone log
le are written. If the path is ommitted, OSX and Linux will write
output to the console. Windows uses the path
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Editor\Editor.log as a default.
When running in batch mode, do not initialize the graphics
device at all. This makes it possible to run your automated
work ows on machines that don’t even have a GPU (automated
work ows only work when you have a window in focus,
otherwise you can’t send simulated input commands). Note that
­nographics does not allow you to bake GI, because
Enlighten requires GPU acceleration.
Disables the Unity Package Manager.
Enter a password into the log-in form during activation of the
Unity Editor.
Open the project at the given path.
Quit the Unity Editor after other commands have nished
executing. Note that this can cause error messages to be hidden
(however, they still appear in the Editor.log le).
Return the currently active license to the license server. Please
allow a few seconds before the license le is removed, because
Unity needs to communicate with the license server.
Run Editor tests from the project. This argument requires the
projectPath, and it’s good practice to run it with batchmode
argument. quit is not required, because the Editor
automatically closes down after the run is nished.


Activate Unity with the speci ed serial key. It is good practice to
pass the ­batchmode and ­quit arguments as well, in order to
quit Unity when done, if using this for automated activation of
Unity. Please allow a few seconds before the license le is
created, because Unity needs to communicate with the license
server. Make sure that license le folder exists, and has
appropriate permissions before running Unity with this
argument. If activation fails, see the Editor.log for info.
Sets the default texture compression to the desired format
before importing a texture or building the project. This is so you
don’t have to import the texture again with the format you
setDefaultPlatformTextureFormat want. The available formats are dxt, pvrtc, atc, etc, etc2, and
Note that this is only supported on Android.
Prevent Unity from displaying the dialog that appears when a
Standalone Player crashes. This argument is useful when you
want to run the Player in automated builds or tests, where you
don’t want a dialog prompt to obstruct automation.
Enter a username into the log-in form during activation of the
Unity Editor.


Specify a space-separated list of assembly names as parameters
for Unity to ignore on automatic updates.
The space-separated list of assembly names is optional: Pass
the command line options without any assembly names to
ignore all assemblies, as in example 1.
Example 1
unity.exe ­disable­assembly­updater
Example 2 has two assembly names, one with a pathname.
Example 2 ignores A1.dll, no matter what folder it is stored in,
and ignores A2.dll only if it is stored under subfolder folder:
Example 2
unity.exe ­disable­assembly­updater A1.dll


If you list an assembly in the ­disable­assembly­updater
command line parameter (or if you don’t specify assemblies),
Unity logs the following message to Editor.log:
[Assembly Updater] warning: Ignoring assembly
[assembly_path] as requested by command line
Use this to avoid unnecessary API Updater overheads when
importing assemblies.
It is useful for importing assemblies which access a Unity API
when you know the Unity API doesn’t need updating. It is also
useful when importing assemblies which do not access Unity
APIs at all (for example, if you have built your game source
code, or some of it, outside of Unity, and you want to import the
resulting assemblies into your Unity project).
Note: If you disable the update of any assembly that does need
updating, you may get errors at compile time, run time, or both,
that are hard to track.


Use this command line option to specify that APIUpdater should
run when Unity is launched in batch mode.



unity.exe ­accept­apiupdate ­batchmode [other
Omitting this command line argument when launching Unity in
batch mode results in APIUpdater not running which can lead to
compiler errors. Note that in versions prior to 2017.2 there’s no
way to not run APIUpdater when Unity is launched in batch

using UnityEditor;
class MyEditorScript
static void PerformBuild ()
string[] scenes = { "Assets/MyScene.unity" };
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenes, ...);

The following command executes Unity in batch mode, executes the MyEditorScript.PerformBuild method,
and then quits upon completion.

C:\program files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe ­quit ­batchmode ­executeMethod MyEditorSc

Mac OS:

/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity ­quit ­batchmode ­executeMethod

The following command executes Unity in batch mode, and updates from the Asset server using the supplied
project path. The method executes after all Assets are downloaded and imported from the Asset server. After the
function has nished execution, Unity automatically quits.

/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity ­batchmode ­projectPath ~/Unity

Unity Editor special command line arguments
You should only use these under special circumstances, or when directed by Unity Support.


Use this when you have Assets made by a newer,
incompatible version of Unity, that you want to downgrade to
work with your current version of Unity. When enabled, Unity
presents you with a dialog asking for con rmation of this
enableIncompatibleAssetDowngrade downgrade if you attempt to open a project that would
require it.
Note: This procedure is unsupported and highly risky, and
should only be used as a last resort.

Unity Standalone Player command line arguments
Standalone players built with Unity also understand some command line arguments:

-adapter N

Allows the game to run full-screen on another display. The N maps to a Direct3D
display adaptor. In most cases there is a one-to-one relationship between adapters
and video cards. On cards that support multi-head (that is, they can drive multiple
monitors from a single card) each “head” may be its own adapter.
Run the game in “headless” mode. The game does not display anything or accept
user input. This is mostly useful for running servers for networked games.

Force the game to use Direct3D 11 for rendering.
-force-d3d11Force DirectX 11.0 to be created without a
-force-device- Make the Standalone Player use a particular GPU device by passing it the index of
that GPU (macOS only).
-force-gfxMake the Standalone Player use Metal as the default graphics API (macOS only).
Force the Editor to use OpenGL core pro le for rendering. The Editor tries to use the
-force-glcore best OpenGL version available, and all OpenGL extensions exposed by the OpenGL
drivers. If the platform isn’t supported, Direct3D is used.


Similar to ­force­glcore, but requests a speci c OpenGL context version.
Accepted values for XY: 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 or 45.
Used together with ­force­glcoreXY, this prevents checking for additional
OpenGL extensions, allowing it to run between platforms with the same code paths.
-force-lowMake the Standalone Player use a low power device (macOS only).
-force-wayland Activate experimental Wayland support when running a Linux player.
When running in batch mode, do not initialize graphics device at all. This makes it
possible to run your automated work ows on machines that don’t even have a GPU.
-nolog (Linux & Do not produce an output log. Normally output_log.txt is written in the *_Data
Windows only) folder next to the game executable, where Debug.Log output is printed.
-popupwindow Create the window as a a pop-up window, without a frame.
-screenOverride the default full-screen state. This must be 0 or 1.
Override the default screen height. This must be an integer from a supported
Override the default screen width. This must be an integer from a supported
Override the default screen quality. Example usage would be: /path/to/myGame ­
screen­quality Beautiful
-show-screenForces the screen selector dialog to be shown.
-singleAllow only one instance of the game to run at the time. If another instance is already
running then launching it again with ­single­instance focuses the existing one.
(Linux &
Windows only)
Embed the Windows Standalone application into another application. When using
this, you need to pass the parent application’s window handle (‘HWND’) to the
Windows Standalone application.
When passing ­parentHWND 'HWND' delayed, the Unity application is hidden
-parentHWND while it is running. You must also call SetParent from the Microsoft Developer library
for Unity in the application. Microsoft’s SetParent embeds the Unity window. When

it creates Unity processes, the Unity window respects the position and size provided
as part of the Microsoft’s STARTUPINFO structure.
To resize the Unity window, check its GWLP_USERDATA in Microsoft’s
GetWindowLongPtr function. Its lowest bit is set to 1 when graphics have been
initialized and it’s safe to resize. Its second lowest bit is set to 1 after the Unity splash
screen has nished displaying.
For more information, see this example: EmbeddedWindow.zip

Universal Windows Platform command line arguments

Universal Windows Apps don’t accept command line arguments by default, so to pass them you need to call a
special function from MainPage.xaml.cs/cpp or MainPage.cs/cpp. For example:


You should call this before the appCallbacks.Initialize() function.


Don’t produce UnityPlayer.log.
Force the DirectX 11.0 driver type WARP device (see Microsoft’s documentation on
Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform for more information).
-force-d3d11-no- Force DirectX 11.0 to be created without a

Force single threaded rendering.
Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 9.3.
Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 10.0.
Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 10.1.
Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 11.0.

2018–09–07 Page amended with limited editorial review
“accept-apiupdate” command line option added in Unity 2017.2
“-force-clamped” command line argument added in Unity 2017.3
Tizen support discontinued in 2017.3
“noUpm”, “setDefaultPlatformTextureFormat” and “CacheServerIPAddress” command line options added in Unity 2018.1
“Application.isBatchMode” operator added in 2018.2

Batch mode and built-in coroutine

Leave feedback

This page describes the supported features when running the Unity Editor and Standalone Player in batch mode.
When running Unity, the following built-in coroutine operators add functionality:
The following table shows which of these operators Unity supports inside the Editor and Standalone Player, and
when running each of them in batch mode using the -batchmode command line argument:



Editor batchmode
















WaitForSecondsRealtime Yes















Unity Standalone

Unity Standalone Player batchmode

* You cannot use WaitForEndOfFrame when running the Editor with ­batchmode, because systems like
animation, physics and timeline might not work correctly in the Editor. This is because Unity does not currently
update these systems when using WaitForEndOfFrame.

Running coroutines
Inside the Editor
In the Editor, press the “Play” button to run your code with coroutines.

Editor in batch mode
To run coroutines when launching the Editor in batch mode from the command line, enter:
C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe -projectPath PROJECT_PATH -batchMode

Inside the Standalone Player
Launch your Standalone Player to run your code. The Player loads and then waits for your coroutines to

Standalone Player in batch mode
To run coroutines when launching the Player in batch mode from the command line, enter:
For example, on Windows:
C:\projects\myproject\builds\myproject.exe -batchMode
On Mac:
~/UnityProjects/myproject/builds/myproject -batchMode

Example coroutine scripts
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
public IEnumerator Example_AsyncTests()
Debug.Log("Start of AsyncLoad Example");
var load = UnityEngine.Resources.LoadAsync("");
yield return load;
yield return null;
Debug.Log("End of AsyncLoad Example");

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
public IEnumerator Example_WaitForEndOfFrame_Coroutine()
Debug.Log("Start of WaitForEndOfFrame Example");
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
Debug.Log("End of WaitForEndOfFrame Example");

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
public IEnumerator Example_WaitForFixedUpdate_Coroutine()
Debug.Log("Start of WaitForFixedUpdate Example");
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();

Debug.Log("End of WaitForFixedUpdate Example");

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
public IEnumerator Example_WaitForSeconds_Coroutine()
Debug.Log("Start of WaitForSeconds Example");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);
Debug.Log("End of WaitForSeconds Example");

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()

public IEnumerator Example_WaitForSecondsRealtime_Coroutine()
Debug.Log("Start of WaitForSecondsRealtime Example");
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1.5f);
Debug.Log("End of WaitForSecondsRealtime Example");

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
public IEnumerator Example_WaitUntil_Coroutine()
Debug.Log("Start of WaitUntil Example");
yield return new WaitUntil(() => Time.time > 5.0f);
Debug.Log("End of WaitUntil Example");

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour

public void Start()
public IEnumerator Example_WaitWhile_Coroutine()
Debug.Log("Start of WaitWhile Example");
yield return new WaitWhile(() => Time.time < 5.0f);
Debug.Log("End of WaitWhile Example");

2018–06–06 Page published with editorial review
Added advice on using batchmode and coroutines in 2017.4

Applying defaults to assets by folder

Leave feedback

For large projects, you might use several Presets for importing the same type of asset. For example, for texture
assets, you might have a Preset for importing Default textures and another for Lightmap textures. In the Assets
folder of your project, you have separate folders for each of these types of textures.

The TexturesDefault and TexturesLighting folders each have a Preset
The following script applies a Preset based on the folder that you add an asset to. This script chooses the Preset
that is in the same folder as the asset. If there is no Preset in the folder, this script searches parent folders. If
there are no Presets in parent folders, Unity uses the default Preset that the Preset Manager speci es.
To use this script, create a new folder named Editor in the Project window, create a new C# Script in this folder,
then copy and paste this script.

using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Presets;
public class PresetImportPerFolder : AssetPostprocessor
void OnPreprocessAsset()
// Make sure we are applying presets the first time an asset is imported
if (assetImporter.importSettingsMissing)
// Get the current imported asset folder.
var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath);
while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
// Find all Preset assets in this folder.
var presetGuids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Preset", new[] { p

foreach (var presetGuid in presetGuids)
// Make sure we are not testing Presets in a subfolder.
string presetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(presetGuid
if (Path.GetDirectoryName(presetPath) == path)
// Load the Preset and try to apply it to the importer.
var preset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prese
if (preset.ApplyTo(assetImporter))
// Try again in the parent folder.
path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

2017–03–27 Page published with limited editorial review New feature in 2018.1

Support for custom Menu Item and Editor features

Leave feedback

In your Editor scripts, use the ObjectFactory class to create new GameObjects, components and Assets. When creating these
items, the ObjectFactory class automatically uses default Presets. Your script does not have to search for and apply default
Presets, because ObjectFactory handles this for you.

Support for new types
To support and enable Presets by default, your class must inherit from one of the following:

The Preset Inspector creates a temporary instance of your class, so that users can modify its values, so make sure your class
does not a ect or rely on other objects such as static values, Project Assets or Scene instances.
Tip: Using a CustomEditor attribute is optional.

Use case example: Preset settings in a custom Editor window
When setting up a custom EditorWindow class with settings that could use Presets:
Use a ScriptableObject to store a copy of your settings. It can have a CustomEditor attribute too. The Preset system handles this
Always use this temporary ScriptableObject Inspector to show the Preset settings in your UI. This allows your users to have
the same UI in your EditorWindow and when editing saved Presets.
Expose a Preset button and use your own PresetSelectorReceiver implementation to keep your EditorWindow settings up-todate when a Preset is selected in the Select Preset window.
The following script examples demonstrate how to add Preset settings to a simple EditorWindow.
This script example demonstrates a ScriptableObject that keeps and shows settings in a custom window (saved to a le called

using UnityEngine;
// Temporary ScriptableObject used by the Preset system
public class MyWindowSettings : ScriptableObject
string m_SomeSettings;
public void Init(MyEditorWindow window)
m_SomeSettings = window.someSettings;
public void ApplySettings(MyEditorWindow window)
window.someSettings = m_SomeSettings;


Script example of a PresetSelectorReceiver that updates the ScriptableObject used in the custom window (saved to a
le called Editor/MySettingsReceiver.cs):

using UnityEditor.Presets;
// PresetSelector receiver to update the EditorWindow with the selected values.
public class MySettingsReceiver : PresetSelectorReceiver
Preset initialValues;
MyWindowSettings currentSettings;
MyEditorWindow currentWindow;
public void Init(MyWindowSettings settings, MyEditorWindow window)
currentWindow = window;
currentSettings = settings;
initialValues = new Preset(currentSettings);
public override void OnSelectionChanged(Preset selection)
if (selection != null)
// Apply the selection to the temporary settings
// None have been selected. Apply the Initial values back to the temporary sel
// Apply the new temporary settings to our manager instance
public override void OnSelectionClosed(Preset selection)
// Call selection change one last time to make sure you have the last selection va
// Destroy the receiver here, so you don't need to keep a reference to it.

Script example of an EditorWindow that shows custom settings using a temporary ScriptableObject Inspector and its Preset
button (saved to a le called Editor/MyEditorWindow.cs):

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Presets;
public class MyEditorWindow : EditorWindow
// get the Preset icon and a style to display it
private static class Styles
public static GUIContent presetIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Preset.Context
public static GUIStyle iconButton = new GUIStyle("IconButton");
Editor m_SettingsEditor;
MyWindowSettings m_SerializedSettings;
public string someSettings
get { return EditorPrefs.GetString("MyEditorWindow_SomeSettings"); }
set { EditorPrefs.SetString("MyEditorWindow_SomeSettings", value); }
// Method to open the window
static void OpenWindow()
void OnEnable()
// Create your settings now and its associated Inspector
// that allows to create only one custom Inspector for the settings in the window
m_SerializedSettings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
m_SettingsEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(m_SerializedSettings);
void OnDisable()

void OnGUI()
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("My custom settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
// create the Preset button at the end of the "MyManager Settings" line.
var buttonPosition = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, EditorGUIUtility.single
if (EditorGUI.DropdownButton(buttonPosition, Styles.presetIcon, FocusType.Passive,
// Create a receiver instance. This destroys itself when the window appears, s
var presetReceiver = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
presetReceiver.Init(m_SerializedSettings, this);
// Show the PresetSelector modal window. The presetReceiver updates your data.
PresetSelector.ShowSelector(m_SerializedSettings, null, true, presetReceiver);
// Draw the settings default Inspector and catch any change made to it.
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// Apply changes made in the settings editor to our instance.

2017–03–27 Page published with limited editorial review New feature in 2018.1

Behind the Scenes

Leave feedback

Unity automatically imports assets and manages various kinds of additional data about them for you, such as
what import settings should be used to import the asset, and where the asset is used throughout your project.
Below is a description of how this process works.

What happens when Unity imports an Asset?
1. A Unique ID is assigned
When you place an Asset such as a texture in the Assets folder, Unity will rst detect that a new le has been
added (the editor frequently checks the contents of the Assets folder against the list of assets it already knows
The rst step Unity takes is to assign a unique ID to the asset. This ID is used internally by Unity to refer to the
asset which means the asset can be moved or renamed without references to the asset breaking.

2. A .meta le is created

The relationship between the Assets Folder in your Unity Project on your computer, and the Project
Window within Unity
You’ll notice in the image above that there are .meta les listed in the le system for each asset and folder
created within the Assets folder. These are not visible in Unity’s Project Window. Unity creates these les for each
asset, but they are hidden by default, so you may not see them in your Explorer/Finder either. You can make
them visible by selecting this option in Unity: Edit > Project Settings > Editor > Versions Control, Mode : Visible Meta
Files .
The ID that Unity assigns to each asset is stored inside the .meta le which Unity creates alongside the asset le
itself. This .meta le must stay with the asset le it relates to.
IMPORTANT: .meta les must match and stay with their respective asset les. If you move or rename an asset within
Unity’s own Project Window, Unity will also automatically move or rename the corresponding .meta le. If you move or
rename an asset outside* of Unity (i.e. in Windows Explorer, or Finder on the Mac), you must move or rename the
.meta le to match.
If an asset loses its meta le (for example, if you moved or renamed the asset outside of Unity, without
moving/renaming the corresponding .meta le), any reference to that asset will be broken. Unity would generate

a new .meta le for the moved/renamed asset as if it were a brand new asset, and delete the old “orphaned”
.meta le.
For example, in the case of a texture asset losing its .meta le, any Materials which used that Texture will now
have no reference to that texture. To x it you would have to manually re-assign that texture to any materials
which required it.
In the case of a script asset losing its .meta le, any Game Objects or Prefabs which had that script assigned
would end up with an “unassigned script” component, and would lose their functionality. You would have to
manually re-assign the script to these objects to x this.

3. The source asset is processed
Unity reads and processes any les that you add to the Assets folder, converting the contents of the le to
internal game-ready versions of the data. The actual asset les remain unmodi ed, and the processed and
converted versions of the data are stored in the project’s Library folder.
Using internal formats for assets allows Unity to have game-ready versions of your assets ready to use at runtime
in the editor, while keeping your unmodi ed source les in the the assets folder so that you can quickly edit them
and have the changes automatically picked up by the editor. For example, the Photoshop le format is convenient
to work with and can be saved directly into your Assets folder, but hardware such as mobile devices and PC
graphics cards can’t accept that format directly to render as textures. All the data for Unity’s internal
representation of your assets is stored in the Library folder which can be thought of as similar to a cache folder.
As a user, you should never have to alter the Library folder manually and attempting to do so may a ect the
functioning of the project in the Unity editor. However, it is always safe to delete the Library folder (while the
project is not open in Unity) as all its data is generated from what is stored in the Assets and ProjectSettings
folders. This also means that the Library folder should not be included in version control.

Sometimes multiple assets are created from an import
Some asset les can result in multiple assets being created. This can occur in the following situations:
A 3D le, such as an FBX, de nes Materials and/or contains embedded Textures.
In this case, the de ned Materials and embedded textures are extracted and represented in Unity as separate
An image le imported as multiple sprites.
It’s possible to de ne multiple sprites from a single graphic image, by using Unity’s Sprite Editor. In this case, each
sprite de ned in the editor will appear as a separate Sprite asset in the Project window.
A 3D le contains multiple animation timelines, or has multiple separate clips de ned within its
animation import settings.
In this situation, the multiple animation clips will appear as separate Animation Clip assets in the project

The import settings can alter the processing of the asset
As well as the unique ID assigned to the asset, the meta les contain values for all the import settings you see in
the inspector when you have an asset selected in your project window. For a texture, this includes settings such
as the Texture Type, Wrap Mode, Filter Mode and Aniso Level.

If you change the import settings for an asset, those changed settings are stored in the .meta le accompanying
the asset. The asset will be re-imported according to your new settings, and the corresponding imported “gameready” data will be updated in the project’s Library folder.
When backing up a project, or adding a project to a Version Control Repository, you should include the main Unity
project folder, containing both the Assets and ProjectSettings folders. All the information in these folders is
crucial to the way Unity works. You should omit the Library and Temp folders for backup purposes.
Note: Projects created in Unity 4.2 and earlier may not have .meta les if not explicitly enabled. Deleting the Library
folder in these projects will lead to data loss and permanent project corruption because both the generated internal
formats of your assets and the meta data were stored in the Library folder.


Leave feedback

AssetDatabase is an API which allows you to access the assets contained in your project. Among other things, it provides
methods to nd and load assets and also to create, delete and modify them. The Unity Editor uses the AssetDatabase
internally to keep track of asset les and maintain the linkage between assets and objects that reference them. Since Unity
needs to keep track of all changes to the project folder, you should always use the AssetDatabase API rather than the
lesystem if you want to access or modify asset data.
The AssetDatabase interface is only available in the editor and has no function in the built player. Like all other editor
classes, it is only available to scripts placed in the Editor folder (just create a folder named “Editor” in the main Assets folder
of your project if there isn’t one already).

Importing an Asset
Unity normally imports assets automatically when they are dragged into the project but it is also possible to import them
under script control. To do this you can use the AssetDatabase.ImportAsset method as in the example below.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class ImportAsset {
[MenuItem ("AssetDatabase/ImportExample")]
static void ImportExample ()
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset("Assets/Textures/texture.jpg", ImportAssetOptions.Defa

You can also pass an extra parameter of type AssetDatabase.ImportAssetOptions to the AssetDatabase.ImportAsset call.
The scripting reference page documents the di erent options and their e ects on the function’s behaviour.

Loading an Asset
The editor loads assets only as needed, say if they are added to the scene or edited from the Inspector panel. However, you
can load and access assets from a script using AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath, AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath,
AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath and AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath. See the scripting
documentation for further details.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class ImportAsset {
[MenuItem ("AssetDatabase/LoadAssetExample")]
static void ImportExample ()
Texture2D t = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Textures/texture.jpg", typeo


File Operations using the AssetDatabase
Since Unity keeps metadata about asset les, you should never create, move or delete them using the lesystem. Instead,
you can use AssetDatabase.Contains, AssetDatabase.CreateAsset, AssetDatabase.CreateFolder,
AssetDatabase.RenameAsset, AssetDatabase.CopyAsset, AssetDatabase.MoveAsset, AssetDatabase.MoveAssetToTrash and

public class AssetDatabaseIOExample {
[MenuItem ("AssetDatabase/FileOperationsExample")]
static void Example ()
string ret;
// Create
Material material = new Material (Shader.Find("Specular"));
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, "Assets/MyMaterial.mat");
Debug.Log("Material asset created");
// Rename
ret = AssetDatabase.RenameAsset("Assets/MyMaterial.mat", "MyMaterialNew");
if(ret == "")
Debug.Log("Material asset renamed to MyMaterialNew");
// Create a Folder
ret = AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets", "NewFolder");
if(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(ret) != "")
Debug.Log("Folder asset created");
Debug.Log("Couldn't find the GUID for the path");
// Move
ret = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material), "Assets/NewF
if(ret == "")
Debug.Log("Material asset moved to NewFolder/MyMaterialNew.mat");
// Copy
if(AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material), "Assets/MyMater
Debug.Log("Material asset copied as Assets/MyMaterialNew.mat");
Debug.Log("Couldn't copy the material");

// Manually refresh the Database to inform of a change
Material MaterialCopy = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/MyMaterialNew.mat"
// Move to Trash
Debug.Log("MaterialCopy asset moved to trash");
// Delete
Debug.Log("Material asset deleted");
Debug.Log("NewFolder deleted");
// Refresh the AssetDatabase after all the changes

Using AssetDatabase.Refresh
When you have nished modifying assets, you should call AssetDatabase.Refresh to commit your changes to the database
and make them visible in the project.

Text-Based Scene Files

Leave feedback

As well as the default binary format, Unity also provides a text-based format for scene data. This can be useful
when working with version control software, since text les generated separately can be merged more easily
than binary les. Also, the text data can be generated and parsed by tools, making it possible to create and
analyze scenes automatically. The pages in this section provide some reference material for working with the
See the Editor Settings page for how to enable this feature.

Description of the Format

Leave feedback

Unity’s scene format is implemented with the YAML data serialization language. While we can’t cover YAML in
depth here, it is an open format and its speci cation is available for free at the YAML website. Each object in the
scene is written to the le as a separate YAML document, which is introduced in the le by the — sequence. Note
that in this context, the term “object” refers to GameObjects, Components and other scene data collectively;
each of these items requires its own YAML document in the scene le. The basic structure of a serialized object
can be understood from an example:-

­­­ !u!1 &6
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
importerVersion: 3
­ 4: {fileID: 8}
­ 33: {fileID: 12}
­ 65: {fileID: 13}
­ 23: {fileID: 11}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: Cube
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1

The rst line contains the string “!u!1 &6” after the document marker. The rst number after the “!u!” part
indicates the class of the object (in this case, it is a GameObject). The number following the ampersand is an
object ID number which is unique within the le, although the number is assigned to each object arbitrarily. Each
of the object’s serializable properties is denoted by a line like the following:-

m_Name: Cube

Properties are typically pre xed with “m_” but otherwise follow the name of the property as de ned in the script
reference. A second object, de ned further down in the le, might look something like this:-

­­­ !u!4 &8
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 6}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.000000, y: 0.000000, z: 0.000000, w: 1.000000}
m_LocalPosition: {x: ­2.618721, y: 1.028581, z: 1.131627}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1.000000, y: 1.000000, z: 1.000000}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}

This is a Transform component attached to the GameObject de ned by the YAML document above. The
attachment is denoted by the line:-

m_GameObject: {fileID: 6}

…since the GameObject’s object ID within the le was 6.
Floating point numbers can be represented in a decimal representation or as a hexadecimal number in IEEE 754
format (denoted by a 0x pre x). The IEEE 754 representation is used for lossless encoding of values, and is used
by Unity when writing oating point values which don’t have a short decimal representation. When Unity writes
numbers in hexadecimal, it will always also write the decimal format in parentheses for debugging purposes, but
only the hex is actually parsed when loading the le. If you wish to edit such values manually, simply remove the
hex and enter only a decimal number. Here are some valid representations of oating point values (all
representing the number one):



An Example of a YAML Scene File

Leave feedback

An example of a simple but complete scene is given below. The scene contains just a camera and a cube object.
Note that the le must start with the two lines

%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011:

…in order to be accepted by Unity. Otherwise, the import process is designed to be tolerant of omissions - default
values will be supplied for missing property data as far as possible.

%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011:
­­­ !u!header
m_TargetPlatform: 4294967294
­­­ !u!29 &1
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_QueryMode: 1
m_PVSObjectsArray: []
m_PVSPortalsArray: []
m_ViewCellSize: 1.000000
­­­ !u!104 &2
m_Fog: 0
m_FogColor: {r: 0.500000, g: 0.500000, b: 0.500000, a: 1.000000}
m_FogMode: 3
m_FogDensity: 0.010000
m_LinearFogStart: 0.000000
m_LinearFogEnd: 300.000000
m_AmbientLight: {r: 0.200000, g: 0.200000, b: 0.200000, a: 1.000000}
m_SkyboxMaterial: {fileID: 0}
m_HaloStrength: 0.500000
m_FlareStrength: 1.000000
m_HaloTexture: {fileID: 0}
m_SpotCookie: {fileID: 0}
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
­­­ !u!127 &3

m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
­­­ !u!157 &4
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_LightProbeCloud: {fileID: 0}
m_Lightmaps: []
m_LightmapsMode: 1
m_BakedColorSpace: 0
m_UseDualLightmapsInForward: 0
m_Resolution: 50.000000
m_LastUsedResolution: 0.000000
m_TextureWidth: 1024
m_TextureHeight: 1024
m_BounceBoost: 1.000000
m_BounceIntensity: 1.000000
m_SkyLightColor: {r: 0.860000, g: 0.930000, b: 1.000000, a: 1.000000}
m_SkyLightIntensity: 0.000000
m_Quality: 0
m_Bounces: 1
m_FinalGatherRays: 1000
m_FinalGatherContrastThreshold: 0.050000
m_FinalGatherGradientThreshold: 0.000000
m_FinalGatherInterpolationPoints: 15
m_AOAmount: 0.000000
m_AOMaxDistance: 0.100000
m_AOContrast: 1.000000
m_TextureCompression: 0
m_LockAtlas: 0
­­­ !u!196 &5
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
cellSize: 0.200000
cellHeight: 0.100000
agentSlope: 45.000000
agentClimb: 0.900000
ledgeDropHeight: 0.000000
maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0.000000
agentRadius: 0.400000
agentHeight: 1.800000
maxEdgeLength: 12
maxSimplificationError: 1.300000
regionMinSize: 8
regionMergeSize: 20
tileSize: 500
detailSampleDistance: 6.000000

detailSampleMaxError: 1.000000
accuratePlacement: 0
m_NavMesh: {fileID: 0}
­­­ !u!1 &6
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
importerVersion: 3
­ 4: {fileID: 8}
­ 33: {fileID: 12}
­ 65: {fileID: 13}
­ 23: {fileID: 11}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: Cube
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
­­­ !u!1 &7
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
importerVersion: 3
­ 4: {fileID: 9}
­ 20: {fileID: 10}
­ 92: {fileID: 15}
­ 124: {fileID: 16}
­ 81: {fileID: 14}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: Main Camera
m_TagString: MainCamera
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
­­­ !u!4 &8
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 6}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.000000, y: 0.000000, z: 0.000000, w: 1.000000}

m_LocalPosition: {x: ­2.618721, y: 1.028581, z: 1.131627}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1.000000, y: 1.000000, z: 1.000000}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
­­­ !u!4 &9
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 7}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.000000, y: 0.000000, z: 0.000000, w: 1.000000}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.000000, y: 1.000000, z: ­10.000000}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1.000000, y: 1.000000, z: 1.000000}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
­­­ !u!20 &10
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 7}
m_Enabled: 1
importerVersion: 2
m_ClearFlags: 1
m_BackGroundColor: {r: 0.192157, g: 0.301961, b: 0.474510, a: 0.019608}
importerVersion: 2
x: 0.000000
y: 0.000000
width: 1.000000
height: 1.000000
near clip plane: 0.300000
far clip plane: 1000.000000
field of view: 60.000000
orthographic: 0
orthographic size: 100.000000
m_Depth: ­1.000000
importerVersion: 2
m_Bits: 4294967295
m_RenderingPath: ­1
m_TargetTexture: {fileID: 0}
m_HDR: 0
­­­ !u!23 &11
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}

m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 6}
m_Enabled: 1
m_CastShadows: 1
m_ReceiveShadows: 1
m_LightmapIndex: 255
m_LightmapTilingOffset: {x: 1.000000, y: 1.000000, z: 0.000000, w: 0.000000}
­ {fileID: 10302, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0}
m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0}
m_LightProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0}
m_UseLightProbes: 0
m_ScaleInLightmap: 1.000000
­­­ !u!33 &12
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 6}
m_Mesh: {fileID: 10202, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0}
­­­ !u!65 &13
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 6}
m_Material: {fileID: 0}
m_IsTrigger: 0
m_Enabled: 1
importerVersion: 2
m_Size: {x: 1.000000, y: 1.000000, z: 1.000000}
m_Center: {x: 0.000000, y: 0.000000, z: 0.000000}
­­­ !u!81 &14
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 7}
m_Enabled: 1
­­­ !u!92 &15
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 7}
m_Enabled: 1

­­­ !u!124 &16
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 7}
m_Enabled: 1
­­­ !u!1026 &17
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
expanded: []
selection: []
scrollposition_x: 0.000000
scrollposition_y: 0.000000

YAML Class ID Reference

Leave feedback

A reference of common class ID numbers used by the YAML le format is given below, both in numerical order of
class IDs and alphabetical order of class names. Note that some ranges of numbers are intentionally omitted
from the sequence - these may represent classes that have been removed from the API or may be reserved for
future use. Classes de ned from scripts will always have class ID 114 (MonoBehaviour).

Classes Ordered by ID Number













Con gurableJoint


O MeshLink
Re ectionProbe
Re ectionProbes

ID Class
218 Terrain
220 LightProbeGroup
221 AnimatorOverrideController
222 CanvasRenderer
223 Canvas
224 RectTransform
225 CanvasGroup
226 BillboardAsset
227 BillboardRenderer
228 SpeedTreeWindAsset
229 AnchoredJoint2D
230 Joint2D
231 SpringJoint2D
232 DistanceJoint2D
233 HingeJoint2D
234 SliderJoint2D
235 WheelJoint2D
238 NavMeshData
240 AudioMixer
241 AudioMixerController
243 AudioMixerGroupController
244 AudioMixerE ectController
245 AudioMixerSnapshotController
246 PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D
247 ConstantForce2D
248 E ector2D
249 AreaE ector2D
250 PointE ector2D
251 PlatformE ector2D
252 SurfaceE ector2D
258 LightProbes
271 SampleClip
272 AudioMixerSnapshot
273 AudioMixerGroup
290 AssetBundleManifest
1001 Prefab
1002 EditorExtensionImpl
1003 AssetImporter
1004 AssetDatabase
1005 Mesh3DSImporter
1006 TextureImporter

ID Class
1007 ShaderImporter
1008 ComputeShaderImporter
1011 AvatarMask
1020 AudioImporter
1026 HierarchyState
1027 GUIDSerializer
1028 AssetMetaData
1029 DefaultAsset
1030 DefaultImporter
1031 TextScriptImporter
1032 SceneAsset
1034 NativeFormatImporter
1035 MonoImporter
1037 AssetServerCache
1038 LibraryAssetImporter
1040 ModelImporter
1041 FBXImporter
1042 TrueTypeFontImporter
1044 MovieImporter
1045 EditorBuildSettings
1046 DDSImporter
1048 InspectorExpandedState
1049 AnnotationManager
1050 PluginImporter
1051 EditorUserBuildSettings
1052 PVRImporter
1053 ASTCImporter
1054 KTXImporter
1101 AnimatorStateTransition
1102 AnimatorState
1105 HumanTemplate
1107 AnimatorStateMachine
1108 PreviewAssetType
1109 AnimatorTransition
1110 SpeedTreeImporter
1111 AnimatorTransitionBase
1112 SubstanceImporter
1113 LightmapParameters
1120 LightmapSnapshot

Classes Ordered Alphabetically

AnimatorOverrideController 221
AreaE ector2D
AudioMixerE ectController
AudioMixerSnapshotController 245

Con gurableJoint


E ector2D


O MeshLink


PlatformE ector2D
PointE ector2D
Re ectionProbe
Re ectionProbes


SurfaceE ector2D


Cache Server

Leave feedback

Unity has a completely automatic Asset pipeline. Whenever a source Asset like a .psd or an .fbx le is modi ed,
Unity detects the change and automatically re-imports it. The imported data from the le is subsequently stored
by Unity in an internal format.
This arrangement is designed to make the work ow as e cient and exible as possible for an individual user.
However, when working in a team, you may nd that other users might keep making changes to Assets, all of
which must be imported. Furthermore, Assets must be reimported when you switch between desktop and mobile
build target platforms. The switch can therefore take a long time for large projects.
Caching the imported Assets data on the Cache Server drastically reduces the time it takes to import Assets.
Each Asset import is cached based on:

The Asset le itself
The import settings
Asset importer version
The current platform
If any of the above change, the Asset is re-imported. Otherwise, it is downloaded from the Cache Server.
When you enable the Cache Server (see How to set up a Cache Server as a user, below), you can even share Asset
imports across multiple projects (that is, the work of importing is done on one computer and the results are
shared with others).
Note that once the Cache Server is set up, this process is completely automatic, so there are no additional
work ow requirements. It will simply reduce the time it takes to import projects without getting in your way.

How to set up a Cache Server as a user
Setting up the Cache Server couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is check Use Cache Server in the preferences
and tell the local computer’s Unity Editor where the Cache Server is.
The Cache Server settings can be found in Unity > Preferences on Mac OS X or Edit > Preferences on Windows
and Linux.

To host the Cache Server on your local computer instead of a remote one, set Cache Server Mode to Local.

This setting allows you to easily con gure a Cache Server on your local machine. Due to hard drive size
limitations, it is recommended you host the Cache Server on a separate computer.

IP Address

Select the Cache Server Mode you wish to use. This setting allows you to disable use of
the Cache Server, specify a remote server, or set up a Cache Server on your local
Do not use a Cache Server.
Use a Cache Server hosted on a remote computer.
Use a local Cache Server on this computer.
Specify the IP address of the remote machine hosting the Cache Server.

Property: Function:
Use this button to attempt to connect to the remote Cache Server.
Cache Size Specify a maximum size in gigabytes for the Cache Server on this computer’s storage.
The minimum size is 1GB. The maximum cache size is 200GB. The default is 10GB.
(Local only)
Specify a location on disk to store the cache.
Click this to nd out how much storage the Local Cache Server is using. This operation
Cache Size can take some time to complete if you have a large project. The message “Cache size is
(Local only) unknown” is replaced with the cache size when it has nished running.
Delete the contents of the cache.
Unity displays the following warning if you have a Local Cache Server with a custom location, and that location
becomes unavailable:
Local cache directory does not exist - please check that you can access the cache folder and are able to write to it

How to set up a Cache Server as an administrator
Admins need to set up the Cache Server computer that will host the cached Assets.
You need to:

Download the Cache Server. Go to the Download Archive page. Locate the Unity version you use
and click on the Downloads button for your target server’s operating system. Click the Cache Server
link to start the download.
Unzip the le, after which you should see something like this:

Depending on your operating system, run the appropriate command script.
You will see a terminal window, indicating that the Cache Server is running in the background

The Cache Server needs to be on a reliable computer with very large storage (much larger than the size of the
project itself, as there will be multiple versions of imported resources stored). If the hard disk becomes full the
Cache Server could perform slowly.

Installing the Cache Server as a service
The provided .sh and .cmd scripts must be set up as a service on the server. The Cache Server can be safely
killed and restarted at any time, since it uses atomic le operations.

New and legacy Cache Servers



Two Cache Server processes are started by default. The legacy Cache Server works with versions of Unity prior to
version 5.0. The new Cache Server works with versions of Unity from 5.0 and up. See Cache Server con guration,
below for details on con guring, enabling, and disabling the two di erent Cache Servers.

Cache Server con guration
If you simply start by executing the script, it launches the legacy Cache Server on port 8125 and the new Cache
Server on port 8126. It also creates “cache” and “cache5.0” directories in the same directory as the script, and
keep data in there. The cache directories are allowed to grow to up to 50 GB by default. You can con gure the size
and the location of the data using command line options, like this:
./RunOSX.command ­­path ~/mycachePath ­­size 2000000000
./RunOSX.command ­­path ~/mycachePath ­­port 8199 ­­nolegacy
You can con gure the Cache Server by using the following command line options:

Use ­­port to specify the server port. This only applies to the new Cache Server. The default value
is 8126.
Use ­­path to specify the path of the cache location. This only applies to the new Cache Server.
The default value is ./cache5.0.
Use ­­legacypath to specify the path of the cache location. This only applies to the legacy Cache
Server. The default value is ./cache.
Use ­­size to specify the maximum cache size in bytes for both Cache Servers. Files that have not
been used recently are automatically discarded when the cache size is exceeded.
Use ­­nolegacy to stop the legacy Cache Server starting. Otherwise, the legacy Cache Server is
started on port 8125.

Requirements for the computer hosting the Cache Server

For best performance there must be enough RAM to hold an entire imported project folder. In addition, it is best
to have a computer with a fast hard drive and fast Ethernet connection. The hard drive should also have su cient
free space. On the other hand, the Cache Server has very low CPU usage.
One of the main distinctions between the Cache Server and version control is that its cached data can always be
rebuilt locally. It is simply a tool for improving performance. For this reason it doesn’t make sense to use a Cache
Server over the Internet. If you have a distributed team, you should place a separate Cache Server in each
The Cache Server runs optimally on a Linux or Mac OS X computer. The Windows le system is not particularly
well-optimized for how the Cache Server stores data, and problems with le locking on Windows can cause issues
that don’t occur on Linux or Mac OS X.

Cache Server FAQ
Will the size of my Cache Server database grow inde nitely as more and
more resources get imported and stored?

The Cache Server removes Assets that have not been used for a period of time automatically (of course if those
Assets are needed again, they are re-created on next usage).

Does the Cache Server work only with the Asset server?
The Cache Server is designed to be transparent to source/version control systems, so you are not restricted to
using Unity’s Asset server.

What changes cause the imported le to get regenerated?
When Unity is about to import an Asset, it generates an MD5 hash of all source data.
For a Texture, this consists of:

The source Asset: “myTexture.psd” le
The meta le: “myTexture.psd.meta” (Stores all importer settings)
The internal version number of the Texture Importer
A hash of version numbers of all AssetPostprocessors
If that hash is di erent from what is stored on the Cache Server, the Asset is reimported. Otherwise the cached
version is downloaded. The client Unity Editor only pulls Assets from the server as they are needed - Assets don’t
get pushed to each project as they change.

How do I work with Asset dependencies?
The Cache Server does not handle dependencies. Unity’s Asset pipeline does not deal with the concept of
dependencies. It is built in such a way as to avoid dependencies between Assets. The AssetPostprocessor class is
a common technique used to customize the Asset importer to t your needs. For example, you might want to add
MeshColliders to some GameObjects in an .fbx le based on their name or tag.
It is also easy to use AssetPostprocessor to introduce dependencies. For example you might use data from a
text le next to the Asset to add additional components to the imported GameObjects. This is not supported in
the Cache Server. If you want to use the Cache Server, you have to remove dependency on other Assets in the
project folder. Since the Cache Server doesn’t know anything about the dependency in your postprocessor, it
does not know that anything has changed, and thus uses an old cached version of the Asset.
In practice there are plenty of ways you can do Asset postprocessing to work well with the Cache Server. You can

The Path of the imported Asset
Any import settings of the Asset
The source Asset itself, or any data generated from it passed to you in the Asset postprocessor.

Are there any issues when working with Materials?

Modifying Materials that already exist might cause trouble. When using the Cache Server, Unity validates that the
references to Materials are maintained, but because no postprocessing calls are invoked, the contents of the
Material cannot be changed when a model is imported through the Cache Server. Because of this, you might get
di erent results when importing with and without Cache Server. It is best never to modify Materials that already
exist on disk.

Are there any Asset types which are not cached by the server?

There are a few kinds of Asset data which the server doesn’t cache. There isn’t really anything to be gained by
caching script les, so the server ignores them. Also, native les used by 3D modeling software (Autodesk®
Maya®, Autodesk® 3ds Max®, etc) are converted to FBX using the application itself. The Asset server does not
cache the native le nor the intermediate FBX le generated in the import process. However, it is possible to
bene t from the server, by exporting les as FBX from the modeling software and then adding those to the Unity

Modifying Source Assets Through Scripting

Leave feedback

Automatic Instantiation

Usually when you want to make a modi cation to any sort of game asset, you want it to happen at runtime and you want it to
be temporary. For example, if your character picks up an invincibility power-up, you might want to change the shader of the
material for the player character to visually demonstrate the invincible state. This action involves modifying the material
that’s being used. This modi cation is not permanent because we don’t want the material to have a di erent shader when we
exit Play Mode.
However, it is possible in Unity to write scripts that will permanently modify a source asset. Let’s use the above material
example as a starting point.
To temporarily change the material’s shader, we change the shader property of the material component.

private var invincibleShader = Shader.Find ("Specular");
function StartInvincibility {
renderer.material.shader = invincibleShader;

When using this script and exiting Play Mode, the state of the material will be reset to whatever it was before entering Play
Mode initially. This happens because whenever renderer.material is accessed, the material is automatically instantiated and
the instance is returned. This instance is simultaneously and automatically applied to the renderer. So you can make any
changes that your heart desires without fear of permanence.

Direct Modi cation
The method presented below will modify actual source asset les used within Unity. These modi cations are not undoable.
Use them with caution.
Now let’s say that we don’t want the material to reset when we exit play mode. For this, you can use renderer.sharedMaterial.
The sharedMaterial property will return the actual asset used by this renderer (and maybe others).
The code below will permanently change the material to use the Specular shader. It will not reset the material to the state it
was in before Play Mode.

private var invincibleShader = Shader.Find ("Specular");
function StartInvincibility {
renderer.sharedMaterial.shader = invincibleShader;

As you can see, making any changes to a sharedMaterial can be both useful and risky. Any change made to a sharedMaterial
will be permanent, and not undoable.

Applicable Class Members
The same formula described above can be applied to more than just materials. The full list of assets that follow this
convention is as follows:

Materials: renderer.material and renderer.sharedMaterial
Meshes: meshFilter.mesh and meshFilter.sharedMesh
Physic Materials: collider.material and collider.sharedMaterial

Direct Assignment

If you declare a public variable of any above class: Material, Mesh, or Physic Material, and make modi cations to the asset
using that variable instead of using the relevant class member, you will not receive the bene ts of automatic instantiation
before the modi cations are applied.

Assets that are not automatically instantiated
There are two di erent assets that are never automatically instantiated when modifying them.

Any modi cations made to these assets through scripting are always permanent, and never undoable. So if you’re changing
your terrain’s heightmap through scripting, you’ll need to account for instantiating and assigning values on your own. Same
goes for Textures. If you change the pixels of a texture le, the change is permanent.

iOS and Android Notes
Texture2D assets are never automatically instantiated when modifying them in iOS and Android projects. Any modi cations
made to these assets through scripting are always permanent, and never undoable. So if you change the pixels of a texture
le, the change is permanent.

Extending the Editor

Leave feedback

Unity lets you extend the editor with your own custom inspectors and Editor Windows and you can de ne how
properties are displayed in the inspector with custom Property Drawers. This section explains how to use these

Editor Windows

Leave feedback

You can create any number of custom windows in your app. These behave just like the Inspector, Scene or any other built-in
ones. This is a great way to add a user interface to a sub-system for your game.

Custom Editor Interface by Serious Games Interactive used for scripting cutscene actions
Making a custom Editor Window involves the following simple steps:

Create a script that derives from EditorWindow.
Use code to trigger the window to display itself.
Implement the GUI code for your tool.

Derive From EditorWindow

In order to make your Editor Window, your script must be stored inside a folder called “Editor”. Make a class in this script that
derives from EditorWindow. Then write your GUI controls in the inner OnGUI function.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : EditorWindow
void OnGUI () {
// The actual window code goes here

MyWindow.js - placed in a folder called ‘Editor’ within your project.

Showing the window
In order to show the window on screen, make a menu item that displays it. This is done by creating a function which is
activated by the MenuItem property.
The default behavior in Unity is to recycle windows (so selecting the menu item again would show existing windows. This is
done by using the function EditorWindow.GetWindow Like this:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
class MyWindow : EditorWindow {
[MenuItem ("Window/My Window")]
public static void ShowWindow () {
void OnGUI () {
// The actual window code goes here

Showing the MyWindow
This will create a standard, dockable editor window that saves its position between invocations, can be used in custom layouts,
etc. To have more control over what gets created, you can use GetWindowWithRect

Implementing Your Window’s GUI
The actual contents of the window are rendered by implementing the OnGUI function. You can use the same UnityGUI classes
you use for your ingame GUI (GUI and GUILayout). In addition we provide some additional GUI controls, located in the editoronly classes EditorGUI and EditorGUILayout. These classes add to the controls already available in the normal classes, so you
can mix and match at will.
The following C# code shows how you can add GUI elements to your custom EditorWindow:

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class MyWindow : EditorWindow
string myString = "Hello World";
bool groupEnabled;
bool myBool = true;
float myFloat = 1.23f;
// Add menu item named "My Window" to the Window menu
[MenuItem("Window/My Window")]
public static void ShowWindow()
//Show existing window instance. If one doesn't exist, make one.
void OnGUI()

GUILayout.Label ("Base Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
myString = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Text Field", myString);
groupEnabled = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup ("Optional Settings", groupEnabled
myBool = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Toggle", myBool);
myFloat = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Slider", myFloat, ­3, 3);
EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup ();

This example results in a window which looks like this:

Custom Editor Window created using supplied example.
For more info, take a look at the example and documentation on the EditorWindow page.

Property Drawers

Leave feedback

Property Drawers can be used to customize the look of certain controls in the Inspector window by using attributes on your scripts,
or by controlling how a speci c Serializable class should look.
Property Drawers have two uses:

Customize the GUI of every instance of a Serializable class.
Customize the GUI of script members with custom Property Attributes.

Customize the GUI of a Serializable class

If you have a custom Serializable class, you can use a Property Drawer to control how it looks in the Inspector. Consider the
Serializable class Ingredient in the script examples below (Note: These are not editor scripts. Property attribute classes should be
placed in a regular script le):
C# (example):

using System;
using UnityEngine;
enum IngredientUnit { Spoon, Cup, Bowl, Piece }
// Custom serializable class
public class Ingredient
public string name;
public int amount = 1;
public IngredientUnit unit;
public class Recipe : MonoBehaviour
public Ingredient potionResult;
public Ingredient[] potionIngredients;

Using a custom Property Drawer, every appearance of the Ingredient class in the Inspector can be changed. Compare the look of the
Ingredient properties in the Inspector without and with a custom Property Drawer:

Class in the Inspector without (left) and with (right) custom Property Drawer.
You can attach the Property Drawer to a Serializable class by using the CustomPropertyDrawer attribute and pass in the type of the
Serializable class that it’s a drawer for.
C# (example):

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
// IngredientDrawer
public class IngredientDrawer : PropertyDrawer
// Draw the property inside the given rect
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
// Using BeginProperty / EndProperty on the parent property means that
// prefab override logic works on the entire property.
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);
// Draw label
position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive),
// Don't make child fields be indented
var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
// Calculate rects
var amountRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, 30, position.height);
var unitRect = new Rect(position.x + 35, position.y, 50, position.height);
var nameRect = new Rect(position.x + 90, position.y, position.width ­ 90, position.hei
// Draw fields ­ passs GUIContent.none to each so they are drawn without labels
EditorGUI.PropertyField(amountRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("amount"), GUIConten
EditorGUI.PropertyField(unitRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("unit"), GUIContent.no
EditorGUI.PropertyField(nameRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("name"), GUIContent.no
// Set indent back to what it was
EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;


Customize the GUI of script members using Property Attributes
The other use of Property Drawer is to alter the appearance of members in a script that have custom Property Attributes. Say you
want to limit oats or integers in your script to a certain range and show them as sliders in the Inspector. Using the built-in
PropertyAttribute called RangeAttribute you can do just that:
C# (example):

// Show this float in the Inspector as a slider between 0 and 10
[Range(0f, 10f)]
float myFloat = 0f;

You can make your own PropertyAttribute as well. We’ll use the code for the RangeAttribute as an example. The attribute must
extend the PropertyAttribute class. If you want, your property can take parameters and store them as public member variables.
C# (example):

using UnityEngine;
public class MyRangeAttribute : PropertyAttribute
readonly float min;
readonly float max;
void MyRangeAttribute(float min, float max)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;

Now that you have the attribute, you need to make a Property Drawer that draws properties that have that attribute. The drawer
must extend the PropertyDrawer class, and it must have a CustomPropertyDrawer attribute to tell it which attribute it’s a drawer
The property drawer class should be placed in an editor script, inside a folder called Editor.
C# (example):

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
// Tell the MyRangeDrawer that it is a drawer for properties with the MyRangeAttribute.

public class RangeDrawer : PropertyDrawer
// Draw the property inside the given rect
void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
// First get the attribute since it contains the range for the slider
MyRangeAttribute range = (MyRangeAttribute)attribute;
// Now draw the property as a Slider or an IntSlider based on whether it's a float or
if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Float)
EditorGUI.Slider(position, property, range.min, range.max, label);
else if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Integer)
EditorGUI.IntSlider(position, property, (int) range.min, (int) range.max, label);
EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Use MyRange with float or int.");

Note that for performance reasons, EditorGUILayout functions are not usable with Property Drawers.

Custom Editors

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A key to increasing the speed of game creation is to create custom editors for commonly used components. For the sake of
example, we’ll use this very simple script that always keeps an object looking at a point. Add this script to your project, and place it
onto a cube gameobject in your scene. The script should be named “LookAtPoint”

//C# Example (LookAtPoint.cs)
using UnityEngine;
public class LookAtPoint : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 lookAtPoint = Vector3.zero;
void Update()

//JS Example (LookAtPoint.js)
#pragma strict
var lookAtPoint = Vector3.zero;
function Update()

This will keep an object oriented towards a world-space point. Currently this script will only become active in play mode, that is,
when the game is running. When writing editor scripts it’s often useful to have certain scripts execute during edit mode too, while
the game is not running. You can do this by adding an ExecuteInEditMode attribute to it:

//C# Example (LookAtPoint.cs)
using UnityEngine;
public class LookAtPoint : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 lookAtPoint = Vector3.zero;
void Update()

//JS Example (LookAtPoint.js)
#pragma strict
@script ExecuteInEditMode()
var lookAtPoint = Vector3.zero;
function Update()

Now if you move the object which has this script around in the editor, or change the values of “Look At Point” in the inspector even when not in play mode - the object will update its orientation correspondingly so it remains looking at the target point in world

Making a Custom Editor
The above demonstrates how you can get simple scripts running during edit-time, however this alone does not allow you to create
your own editor tools. The next step is to create a Custom Editor for script we just created.
When you create a script in Unity, by default it inherits from MonoBehaviour, and therefore is a Component which can be placed on
a game object. When placed on a game object, the Inspector displays a default interface for viewing and editing all public variables
that can be shown - such as integers, oats, strings, Vector3’s, etc.
Here’s how the default inspector looks for our script above:

A default inspector with a public Vector3 eld
A custom editor is a separate script which replaces this default layout with any editor controls that you choose.
To begin creating the custom editor for our LookAtPoint script, you should create another script with the same name, but with
“Editor” appended. So for our example: “LookAtPointEditor”.

//c# Example (LookAtPointEditor.cs)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class LookAtPointEditor : Editor
SerializedProperty lookAtPoint;
void OnEnable()
lookAtPoint = serializedObject.FindProperty("lookAtPoint");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()


//JS Example (LookAtPointEditor.js)
#pragma strict
class LookAtPointEditor extends Editor {
var lookAtPoint : SerializedProperty;
function OnEnable()
lookAtPoint = serializedObject.FindProperty("lookAtPoint");
function OnInspectorGUI()

This class has to derive from Editor. The CustomEditor attribute informs Unity which component it should act as an editor for. The
CanEditMultipleObjects attribute tells Unity that you can select multiple objects with this editor and change them all at the same
The code in OnInspectorGUI is executed whenever Unity displays the editor in the Inspector. You can put any GUI code in here - it
works just like OnGUI does for games, but is run inside the Inspector. Editor de nes the target property that you can use to access
the object being inspected. Here’s what our custom inspector looks like:

It’s not very interesting because all we have done so far is to recreate the Vector3 eld, exactly like the default inspector shows us,
so the result looks very similar (although the “Script” eld is now not present, because we didn’t add any inspector code to show it).
However now that you have control over how the inspector is displayed in an Editor script, you can use any code you like to lay out
the inspector elds, allow the user to adjust the values, and even display graphics or other visual elements. In fact all of the
inspectors you see within the Unity Editor including the more complex inspectors such as the terrain system and animation import
settings, are all made using the same API that you have access to when creating your own custom Editors.
Here’s a simple example which extends your editor script to display a message indicating whether the target point is above or below
the gameobject:

//c# Example (LookAtPointEditor.cs)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class LookAtPointEditor : Editor
SerializedProperty lookAtPoint;
void OnEnable()
lookAtPoint = serializedObject.FindProperty("lookAtPoint");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y > (target as
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Above this
if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y < (target as
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Below this



//JS Example (LookAtPointEditor.js)
#pragma strict
class LookAtPointEditor extends Editor {
var lookAtPoint : SerializedProperty;
function OnEnable()
lookAtPoint = serializedObject.FindProperty("lookAtPoint");
function OnInspectorGUI()

if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y > (target as
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Above this
if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y < (target as
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Below this



So now we have an new element to our inspector which prints a message showing if the target point is above or below the

This is just scratching the surface of what you can do with Editor scripting. You have full access to all the IMGUI commands to draw
any type of interface, including rendering scenes using a camera within editor windows.

Scene View Additions
You can add extra code to the Scene View by implementing an OnSceneGUI in your custom editor.
OnSceneGUI works just like OnInspectorGUI - except it gets run in the scene view. To help you make your own editing controls in the
scene view, you can use the functions de ned in Handles class. All functions in there are designed for working in 3D Scene views.

//C# Example (LookAtPointEditor.cs)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class LookAtPointEditor : Editor
SerializedProperty lookAtPoint;
void OnEnable()
lookAtPoint = serializedObject.FindProperty("lookAtPoint");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y > (target as LookAtPoint).transform.position.y)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Above this object)");
if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y < (target as LookAtPoint).transform.position.y)

EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Below this object)");

public void OnSceneGUI()
var t = (target as LookAtPoint);
Vector3 pos = Handles.PositionHandle(t.lookAtPoint, Quaternion.identity);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObject(target, "Move point");
t.lookAtPoint = pos;

//JS Example (LookAtPointEditor.js)
#pragma strict
class LookAtPointEditorJS extends Editor {
var lookAtPoint : SerializedProperty;
function OnEnable()
lookAtPoint = serializedObject.FindProperty("lookAtPoint");
function OnInspectorGUI()
if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y > (target as
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Above this
if (lookAtPoint.vector3Value.y < (target as
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(Below this


function OnSceneGUI()
var t : LookAtPointJS = (target as LookAtPointJS);
var pos = Handles.PositionHandle(t.lookAtPoint, Quaternion.identity);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObject(target, "Move point");
t.lookAtPoint = pos;

If you want to put 2D GUI objects (GUI, EditorGUI and friends), you need to wrap them in calls to Handles.BeginGUI() and


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The information on this page assumes the reader has basic knowledge of IMGUI (Immediate Mode GUI) concepts.
For information about IMGUI and customizing Editor windows, refer to Extending the Editor and the IMGUI Unity
TreeView is an IMGUI control used to display hierarchical data that you can expand and collapse. Use TreeView to
create highly customizable list views and multi-column tables for Editor windows, which you can use alongside
other IMGUI controls and components.
See Unity Scripting API documentation on TreeView for information about the available TreeView API functions.

Example of a TreeView with a MultiColumnHeader and a SearchField.
Note that the TreeView is not a tree data model. You can construct TreeView using any tree data structure you
prefer. This can be a C# tree model, or a Unity-based tree structure like the Transform hierarchy.
The rendering of the TreeView is handled by determining a list of expanded items called rows. Each row
represents one TreeViewItem. Each TreeViewItem contains parent and children information, which is used by
the TreeView to handle navigation (key and mouse input).
The TreeView has a single root TreeViewItem which is hidden and does not appear in the Editor. This item is the
root of all other items.

Important classes and methods
The most important classes aside from the TreeView itself are TreeViewItem and TreeViewState.
TreeViewState (TreeViewState) contains state information that is changed when interacting with TreeView elds
in the Editor, such as selection state, expanded state, navigation state, and scroll state. TreeViewState is the
only state that is serializable. The TreeView itself is not serializable - it is reconstructed from the data that it
represents when it is constructed or reloaded. Add the TreeViewState as a eld in your EditorWindow-derived
class to ensure that user-changed states are not lost when reloading scripts or entering Play mode (see

documentation on extending the Editor for information on how to do this). For an example of a class containing a
TreeViewState eld, see Example 1: A simple TreeView , below.
TreeViewItem (TreeViewItem) contains data about an individual TreeView item, and is used to build the
representation of the tree structure in the Editor. Each TreeViewItem must be constructed with a unique integer
ID (unique among all the items in the TreeView). The ID is used for nding items in the tree for the selection state,
expanded state, and navigation. If the tree represents Unity objects, use GetInstanceID for each object as the ID
for the TreeViewItem. The IDs are used in the TreeViewState to persist user-changed states (such as
expanded items) when reloading scripts or entering Play mode in the Editor.
All TreeViewItems have a depth property, which indicates the visual indentation. See the Initializing a TreeView
example below for more information.
BuildRoot (BuildRoot) is the single abstract method of the TreeView class that must be implemented to create a
TreeView. Use this method to handle creating the root item of the tree. This is called every time Reload is called
on the tree. For simple trees that use small data sets, create the entire tree of TreeViewItems under the root
item in BuildRoot. For very large trees, it is not optimal to create the entire tree on every reload. In this
situation, create the root and then override the BuildRows method to only create items for the current rows. For
an example of BuildRoot in use, see Example 1: A simple TreeView below.
BuildRows (BuildRows) is a virtual method where the default implementation handles building the rows list
based on the full tree created in BuildRoot. If only the root was created in BuildRoot, this method should be
overridden to handle the expanded rows. See Initializing a TreeView, below, for more information.

This diagram summarizes the ordering and repetition of BuildRoot and BuildRows event methods during a
TreeView’s lifetime. Note that the BuildRoot method is called once every time Reload is called. BuildRows is
called more often because it is called once on Reload (right after BuildRoot) and every time TreeViewItem is
expanded or collapsed.

Initializing a TreeView
The TreeView is initialized when the Reload method is called from a TreeView object.
There are two ways to set up a TreeView:
Create the full tree - Create TreeViewItems for all items in the tree model data. This is the default and requires
less code to set up. The full tree is built when BuildRoot is called from a TreeView object.

Create only the expanded items - This approach requires you to override BuildRows to manually control the
rows being shown, and BuildRoot is only used to create the root TreeViewItem. This approach scales best with
large data sets or data that changes often.
Use the rst approach for small data sets, or for data that does not change often. Use the second approach for
large data sets, or data that changes often, because it is faster to only create only expanded items rather than a
full tree.
There are three ways you can set up TreeViewItems:
Create TreeViewItems with children, parent, and depths initialized from the start.
Create TreeViewItems with parent and children and then use SetupDepthsFromParentsAndChildren to set the
Create TreeViewItems only with depth information and then use SetupDepthsFromParentsAndChildren to set
the the parent and children references.

To view the Project and source code for the examples shown below, download TreeViewExamples.zip.

Example 1: A simple TreeView

To create a TreeView, create a class that extends the TreeView class and implement the abstract method
BuildRoot. The following example creates a simple TreeView.

class SimpleTreeView : TreeView
public SimpleTreeView(TreeViewState treeViewState)
: base(treeViewState)
protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot ()
// BuildRoot is called every time Reload is called to ensure that TreeVi

// are created from data. Here we create a fixed set of items. In a real
// a data model should be passed into the TreeView and the items created
// This section illustrates that IDs should be unique. The root item is
// have a depth of ­1, and the rest of the items increment from that.
var root = new TreeViewItem {id = 0, depth = ­1, displayName = "Root"};
var allItems = new List
new TreeViewItem {id = 1, depth = 0, displayName = "Animals"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 2, depth = 1, displayName = "Mammals"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 3, depth = 2, displayName = "Tiger"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 4, depth = 2, displayName = "Elephant"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 5, depth = 2, displayName = "Okapi"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 6, depth = 2, displayName = "Armadillo"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 7, depth = 1, displayName = "Reptiles"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 8, depth = 2, displayName = "Crocodile"},
new TreeViewItem {id = 9, depth = 2, displayName = "Lizard"},
// Utility method that initializes the TreeViewItem.children and .parent
SetupParentsAndChildrenFromDepths (root, allItems);
// Return root of the tree
return root;

In this example, depth information is used to build the TreeView. Finally, a call to
SetupDepthsFromParentsAndChildren sets the parent and children data of the TreeViewItems.
Note that there are two ways to set up the TreeViewItem: Set the parent and children directly, or use the
AddChild method, as demonstrated in the following example:

protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot()
var root = new TreeViewItem
{ id =
var animals = new TreeViewItem
{ id =
var mammals = new TreeViewItem
{ id =
var tiger = new TreeViewItem
{ id =
var elephant = new TreeViewItem { id =
var okapi = new TreeViewItem
{ id =
var armadillo = new TreeViewItem { id =
var reptiles = new TreeViewItem { id =


depth = ­1,

displayName = "Root"
= "Animals" };
= "Mammals" };
= "Tiger" };
= "Elephant" };
= "Okapi" };
= "Armadillo" };
= "Reptiles" };

var croco = new TreeViewItem
var lizard = new TreeViewItem

{ id = 8, displayName = "Crocodile" };
{ id = 9, displayName = "Lizard" };

return root;

Alternative BuildRoot method for the SimpleTreeView class above
The following example shows the EditorWindow that contains the SimpleTreeView. TreeViews are constructed
with a TreeViewState instance. The implementer of the TreeView should determine how this view state should
be handled: whether its state should persist until the next session of Unity, or whether it should only preserve its
state after scripts are reloaded (either when entering Play mode or recompiling scripts). In this example, the
TreeViewState is serialized in the EditorWindow, ensuring the TreeView preserves its state when the Editor is
closed and reopened.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
class SimpleTreeViewWindow : EditorWindow
// SerializeField is used to ensure the view state is written to the window
// layout file. This means that the state survives restarting Unity as long
// is not closed. If the attribute is omitted then the state is still serial
[SerializeField] TreeViewState m_TreeViewState;
//The TreeView is not serializable, so it should be reconstructed from the t
SimpleTreeView m_SimpleTreeView;
void OnEnable ()

// Check whether there is already a serialized view state (state
// that survived assembly reloading)
if (m_TreeViewState == null)
m_TreeViewState = new TreeViewState ();
m_SimpleTreeView = new SimpleTreeView(m_TreeViewState);
void OnGUI ()
m_SimpleTreeView.OnGUI(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height));
// Add menu named "My Window" to the Window menu
[MenuItem ("TreeView Examples/Simple Tree Window")]
static void ShowWindow ()
// Get existing open window or if none, make a new one:
var window = GetWindow ();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent ("My Window");
window.Show ();

Example 2: A multi-column TreeView

This example illustrates a multi-column TreeView that uses the MultiColumnHeader class.

MultiColumnHeader supports the following functionality: renaming items, multi-selection, reordering items and
custom row content using normal IMGUI controls (such as sliders and object elds), sorting of columns, and the
ltering and searching of rows.
This example creates a data model using the classes TreeElement and TreeModel. The TreeView fetches data
from this “TreeModel”. In this example, the TreeElement and TreeModel classes have been built in to
demonstrate the features of the TreeView class. These classes have been included in the TreeView Examples
Project (TreeViewExamples.zip). The example also shows how the tree model structure is serialized to a
ScriptableObject and saved in an Asset.

//The TreeElement data class is extended to hold extra data, which you can show
internal class MyTreeElement : TreeElement
public float floatValue1, floatValue2, floatValue3;
public Material material;
public string text = "";
public bool enabled = true;
public MyTreeElement (string name, int depth, int id) : base (name, depth, i
floatValue1 = Random.value;
floatValue2 = Random.value;
floatValue3 = Random.value;

The following ScriptableObject class ensures that data persists in an Asset when the tree is serialized.

[CreateAssetMenu (fileName = "TreeDataAsset", menuName = "Tree Asset", order = 1
public class MyTreeAsset : ScriptableObject
[SerializeField] List m_TreeElements = new List treeElements
get { return m_TreeElements; }
set { m_TreeElements = value; }

Construction of the MultiColumnTreeView class
The following example shows snippets of the class MultiColumnTreeView, which illustrates how the multi
column GUI is achieved. Find full source code in the TreeView Examples Project (TreeViewExamples.zip).

public MultiColumnTreeView (TreeViewState state,
MultiColumnHeader multicolumnHeader,
TreeModel model)
: base (state, multicolumnHeader, model)
// Custom setup
rowHeight = 20;
columnIndexForTreeFoldouts = 2;
showAlternatingRowBackgrounds = true;
showBorder = true;
customFoldoutYOffset = (kRowHeights ­ EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight) * 0
extraSpaceBeforeIconAndLabel = kToggleWidth;
multicolumnHeader.sortingChanged += OnSortingChanged;

The custom changes in the code sample above make the following adjustments:
rowHeight = 20: Change the default height (which is based on EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight’s 16 points) to
20, to add more room for GUI controls.
columnIndexForTreeFoldouts = 2: In the example, the fold-out arrows are shown in the third column
because this value is set to 2 (see image above). If this value is not changed, the fold-outs are rendered in the rst
column, because “columnIndexForTreeFoldouts” is 0 by default.
showAlternatingRowBackgrounds = true: Enable alternating row background colors, so that each row is
showBorder = true: Render the TreeView with a margin around it, so that a thin border is shown to delimit it
from the rest of the content
customFoldoutYOffset = (kRowHeights ­ EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight) * 0.5f: Center
fold-outs vertically in the row - see Customizing the GUI below.
extraSpaceBeforeIconAndLabel = 20: Make space before the tree labels so the toggle button is shown.

multicolumnHeader.sortingChanged += OnSortingChanged: Assign a method to the event to detect when
the sorting changes in the header component (when the header column is clicked), so that the rows of the
TreeView change to re ect the sorting state.

Customizing the GUI
If the default RowGUI handling is used, the TreeView looks like the SimpleTreeView example above, with only
fold-outs and a label. When using multiple data values for each item, you must override the RowGUI method to
visualize these values.

protected override void RowGUI (RowGUIArgs args)

The following code sample is the argument structure of the RowGUIArgs struct.

protected struct RowGUIArgs
public TreeViewItem item;
public string label;
public Rect rowRect;
public int row;
public bool selected;
public bool focused;
public bool isRenaming;
public int GetNumVisibleColumns ()
public int GetColumn (int visibleColumnIndex)
public Rect GetCellRect (int visibleColumnIndex)

You can extend the TreeViewItem and add additional user data (which creates a class that derives from
TreeViewItem). You can then use this user data in the RowGUI callback. An example of this is provided below.
See override void RowGUI - this example casts the input item to TreeViewItem.
There are three methods which are related to column handling: GetNumVisibleColumns, GetColumn, and
GetCellRect. You can only call these when the TreeView is constructed with a MultiColumnHeader, otherwise an
exception is thrown.

protected override void RowGUI (RowGUIArgs args)

var item = (TreeViewItem) args.item;
for (int i = 0; i < args.GetNumVisibleColumns (); ++i)
CellGUI(args.GetCellRect(i), item, (MyColumns)args.GetColumn(i), ref arg

void CellGUI (Rect cellRect, TreeViewItem item, MyColumns column,
// Center the cell rect vertically using EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight.
// This makes it easier to place controls and icons in the cells.
CenterRectUsingSingleLineHeight(ref cellRect);
switch (column)
case MyColumns.Icon1:
// Draw custom texture
GUI.DrawTexture(cellRect, s_TestIcons[GetIcon1Index(item)], ScaleMode.ScaleToFit
case MyColumns.Icon2:
//Draw custom texture
GUI.DrawTexture(cellRect, s_TestIcons[GetIcon2Index(item)], ScaleMod
case MyColumns.Name:
// Make a toggle button to the left of the label text
Rect toggleRect = cellRect;
toggleRect.x += GetContentIndent(item);
toggleRect.width = kToggleWidth;
if (toggleRect.xMax < cellRect.xMax)
item.data.enabled = EditorGUI.Toggle(toggleRect, item.data.enabl
// Default icon and label
args.rowRect = cellRect;

case MyColumns.Value1:
// Show a Slider control for value 1
item.data.floatValue1 = EditorGUI.Slider(cellRect, GUIContent.none,
case MyColumns.Value2:
// Show an ObjectField for materials
item.data.material = (Material)EditorGUI.ObjectField(cellRect, GUICo
typeof(Material), false);
case MyColumns.Value3:
// Show a TextField for the data text string
item.data.text = GUI.TextField(cellRect, item.data.text);

TreeView FAQ
Q: In my TreeView subclass, I have the functions BuildRoot and RowGUI. Is RowGUI called for every
TreeViewItem that got added in the build function, or only for items that are visible on screen in the
scroll view?
A: RowGUI is only called for the items visible on screen. For example, if you have 10,000 items, only the 20 visible
items on screen have their RowGUI called.
Q: Can I get the indices of the rows that are visible on the screen?
A: Yes. Use the method GetFirstAndLastVisibleRows.
Q: Can I get the list of rows that are built in BuildRows?
A: Yes. Use the method GetRows.
Q: Is it mandatory for any of the overridden functions to call base.Method?
A: Only if the method has a default behavior you want to extend.
Q: I just want to make list of items (not a tree). Do I have to create the root?
A: Yes, you should always have a root. You can create the root item and set root.children = rows for fast

Q: I’ve added a Toggle to my row - why doesn’t the selection jump to that row when I click on it?
A: By default, the row is only selected if the mouse down is not consumed by the contents of the row. Here, your
Toggle consumes the event. To x this, use the method SelectionClick before your Toggle button is called.
Q: Are there methods I can use before or after all RowGUI methods are called?
A: Yes. See API documentation on BeforeRowsGUI and AfterRowsGUI.
Q: Is there a simple way to return key focus to the TreeView from API? If I select a FloatField in my row,
the row selection becomes gray. How do I make it blue again?
A: The blue color indicates which row currently has key focus. Because the FloatField has focus, the TreeView
loses focus, so this is the intended behavior. Set GUIUtility.keyboardControl = treeViewControlID
when needed.
Q: How do I convert from id to a TreeViewItem?
A: Use either FindItem or FindRows.
Q: How do I receive a callback when a user changes their selection in the TreeView?
A: Override the SelectionChanged method (other useful callbacks: DoubleClickedItem, and ContextClickedItem).

Running Editor Script Code on Launch

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Sometimes, it is useful to be able to run some editor script code in a project as soon as Unity launches without
requiring action from the user. You can do this by applying the InitializeOnLoad attribute to a class which has a
static constructor. A static constructor is a function with the same name as the class, declared static and without
a return type or parameters (see here for more information):-

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class Startup {
static Startup()
Debug.Log("Up and running");

A static constructor is always guaranteed to be called before any static function or instance of the class is used,
but the InitializeOnLoad attribute ensures that it is called as the editor launches.
An example of how this technique can be used is in setting up a regular callback in the editor (its “frame update”,
as it were). The EditorApplication class has a delegate called update which is called many times a second while the
editor is running. To have this delegate enabled as the project launches, you could use code like the following:-

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
class MyClass
static MyClass ()
EditorApplication.update += Update;
static void Update ()

Licenses and Activation

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Unity > Manage License
This section covers license activation and managing your Unity license. See the License FAQ page for help on
common licensing questions.
2017–09–06 Page amended with limited editorial review
License activation updated in Unity 2017.2

Online Activation

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Online activation is the easiest and fastest way to get up and running with Unity. Below is a step-by-step guide on
how to activate Unity online.
Download and install the Unity Editor. The latest version of Unity can be found here.
Fire up the Editor from your Applications folder on OS X or the shortcut in the Start Menu on Windows.
Firstly, you will encounter the ‘Unity Account’ window. Here you will need to enter your Unity Developer Network,
Google or Facebook account credentials. (If you don’t have an existing Unity account or have forgotten your
password, simply click the respective ‘create one’ and ‘Forgot your password?’ links. Follow the onscreen prompts
to create or retrieve your account.) Once your credentials are entered, you can proceed by clicking ‘Sign in’.

You will be faced with a window titled ‘License management’. Select the version of Unity you wish to activate and
click ‘Next’.

You will now be able to proceed to the Unity Editor by clicking the ‘Start using Unity’ button.

For any further assistance, contact support@unity3d.com.
2017–09–06 Page amended with limited editorial review
License activation updated in Unity 2017.2


ine / Manual Activation

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If Online Activation fails, this could be because:

You do not have an Internet connection
You are behind a rewall, proxy or anti-viral software
If either of the above is true, Unity will not be able to contact the license server and the Editor will automatically
attempt to perform a manual activation.
Follow the steps here to manually activate Unity on your machine:
(Please note that you need to have access to a machine with Internet access as part of this process, but this does
not have to be the machine on which you are trying to activate Unity.)
Open Unity. If Unity cannot contact the license server, you will be presented with the following window.

Click the Manual Activation button.

Click the Save License Request button to save the License Request le.

Save the license request le by selecting the Save License Request button. Save the le in a directory of your
choice. (Make sure you remember where you save the le. In this example, the license le is being saved in the
Documents folder).

Once you press the Save button, the le is saved and you should see the following noti cation at the top of the window.

The license request le you just created is tied to the machine you generated it on. This license le will not work
on any other machine. The license le will stop recognising a machine that has been reformatted or has had
hardware changes.
The next steps require Internet access. If your machine does not have Internet access, you can activate your
license on a machine that does have access by copying the le to the other machine, activating the license using
the following steps, and then copying the le back to your machine to use Unity.

Go to the Manual Activation page. A new window will appear:

Click the Browse button to choose the le that you saved to your Documents folder, and then click
the Next button. The following window will appear.

In this example, we are licensing a Plus or Pro version of Unity.

Enter the serial number.

Note: In this window the serial number has been hidden. Click the Next button.

Click Download license le. This will save the license le to a location you select..

Go back to Unity. Click the Load License button to load the serial number le which was

This will open up your directories within your hard drive.

Now, select the le that you just downloaded and click OK. A “Thank you!” window will appear.
Press the Start Using Unity button to continue.

Note: Some browsers may append “.xml” to the license le name. If this is the case, you will need to delete this
extension before attempting to load the license le.
If you have already activated Unity and, for example, need to update your license, see the Managing your Unity
license page.
For any further assistance, please contact support@unity3d.com.
2017–09–06 Page amended with limited editorial review
License activation updated in Unity 2017.2

Managing your License

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If your machine is no longer accessible:
You can return activations from the serial number(s) added to your webstore account.

Go to the License Management Section of your webstore account.
Add your serial number to the account if it is not already added.
Click Activations to the right of the serial number.
Click Disable all Activations.
Unfortunately you cannot return single activations, this only resets them.

If your machine is still accessible:
You are now able to manage your license from the editor. Below is a guide to how this system works and

Click the Unity drop-down on your toolbar (Help on Windows OS).
Click the Manage License option. (This is the uni ed place within the Editor for all your licensing

The License Management window will appear. You then have four options, explained below:

License Management Window
Cross-references the server, querying your Serial number for any changes that may
Check for have been made since you last activated. This is handy for updating your license to
updates include new add-ons once purchased and added to your existing license via the Unity
Enables you to activate a new serial number on the machine you’re using.
Enables you to return the license on the machine in question, in return for a new
activation that can be used on another machine. Once clicked, the Editor will close and
you will be able to activate your serial number elsewhere. For more information on how
many machines a single license enables use on, please see our EULA.
Enables you to activate your copy of Unity o ine. This is covered in more depth here.
If you encounter any error codes or other problems, please refer to the Unity Support Knowledge Base or contact
Unity Customer Support for more assistance.
2017–09–06 Page amended with limited editorial review
License activation updated in Unity 2017.2

Activation FAQ

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How many machines can I install my copy of Unity on?
Every paid commercial Unity license allows a single person to use Unity on two machines that they have exclusive
use of. Be it a Mac and a PC or your Home and Work machines. Educational licenses sold via Unity or any one of
our resellers are only good for a single activation. The same goes for Trial licenses (Unity 4.x only), unless
otherwise stated.
The free version of Unity may not be licensed by a commercial entity with annual gross revenues (based on scal
year) in excess of US$100,000, or by an educational, non-pro t or government entity with an annual budget of
over US$100,000.
If you are a Legal Entity, you may not combine les developed with the free version of Unity with any les
developed by you (or by any third party) through the use of Unity Pro. See our EULA for further information
regarding license usage.
I need to use my license on another machine, but I get that message that my license has been ‘Activated
too many times’. What should I do?
You will need to ‘Return’ your license. This enables you to return the license on the machine you no longer
require, which in turn enables you to reactivate on a new machine. Refer to Managing your Unity License, for
more information.
My account credentials aren’t recognised when logging in during the Activation process?
Ensure that your details are being entered correctly. Passwords ARE case sensitive, so check you are typing
exactly as you registered. You can reset your password using this link.
If you are still having issues logging in, contact support@unity3d.com
Can I use the current version of Unity with a Serial number from a previous version?
No, you cannot. In order to use the current version of Unity, you need to upgrade your license. You can do this
Online, via our Web Store
I am planning to replace an item of hardware and/or my OS. What should I do?
As with changing machine, you will need to ‘Return’ your license before making any hardware or OS changes to
your machine. If you fail to ‘Return’ the license, our server will see a request from another machine and inform
you that you have reached your activation limit for the license. Refer to the Managing your Unity License, for
more information regarding the return of a license.
My machine died without me being able to ‘Return’ my license, what now?
First, try visiting:
This page should allow you to return activations, through use of the “Disable all activations” button.

If the online page doesn’t help you, then email support@unity3d.com explaining your situation. Include the details

The serial number you were using on the machine.
The (local network) name of the machine that died.
The order or invoice number used to make the purchase.
The Support Team will then be able to ‘Return’ your license manually. This can take some time. Note that this
process is not possible for licenses that have not been purchased.
I have two licenses, each with an add-on I require, how do I activate them in unison on my machine?
You cannot. A single license may only be used on one machine at any one time.
Where is my Unity license le stored?

/Library/Application Support/Unity (OS X)
C:\ProgramData\Unity\ (Windows)
C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramData\Unity, if Windows
User Account Control (UAC) has restricted your access to C:\ProgramData\Unity. (This can
happen if the folder is deleted or Unity is started with administrative permissions rst time.)
How can I use di erent Unity versions?
Unity assumes that only a single version of Unity can be run on a machine. You can, however, have multiple Unity
versions installed and run on your machine. These versions will all need the same serial number. If you have
di erent versions of Unity which need di erent licenses then you will need a way to copy licenses around. One
way to do this is have the licenses stored on your Desktop. Before running a speci c version copy the requiired
ULF le into the location where the license needs to be stored.
For any further assistance, please contact at support@unity3d.com.

Upgrade Guides
Visit the pages below for information about upgrading to later versions of Unity.
Upgrading to Unity 2018.3 [Public beta expected August 2018]
Upgrading to Unity 2018.2 [Released 10 July 2018] - [Public beta 07 May 2018]
Upgrading to Unity 2018.1 [Released 02 May 2018] - [Public beta 10 January 2018]
Upgrading to Unity 2017.3 [Released 19 December 2017] - [Public beta 25 September 2017]
Upgrading to Unity 2017.2 [Released 12 October 2017] - [Public beta 14 July 2017]
Upgrading to Unity 2017.1 [Released 12 July 2017] - [Public beta 11 April 2017]
Upgrading to Unity 5.6 [Released 31 March 2017] - [Public beta 12 December 2016]
Upgrading to Unity 5.5 [Released 30 November 2016] - [Public beta 29 August 2016]
Upgrading to Unity 5.4 [Released 28 July 2016] - [Public beta 14 March 2016]
Upgrading to Unity 5.3 [Released 08 December 2015]
Upgrading to Unity 5.2 [Released 08 September 2015]
Upgrading to Unity 5.0 [Released 03 March 2015]
Upgrading to Unity 4.0 [Released 13 November 2012]
Upgrading to Unity 3.5 [Released 14 February 2012]

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Using the Automatic API Updater

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Sometimes, during development of the Unity software, we make the decision to change and improve the way the classes,
functions and properties (the API) work. We do this with a focus on causing the least impact on user’s existing game code, but
sometimes in order to make things better, we have to break things.
We tend to only introduce these signi cant “breaking changes” when moving from one signi cant version of Unity to another,
and only in cases that it makes Unity easier to use (meaning users will incur fewer errors) or brings measurable performance
gains, and only after careful alternative consideration. However, the upshot of this is that if you were to - for example - open
a Unity 4 project in Unity 5, you might nd some of the scripting commands that you used have now been changed,
removed, or work a little di erently.
One obvious example of this is that in Unity 5, we removed the “quick accessors” which allowed you to reference common
component types on a GameObject directly, such as gameObject.light, gameObject.camera,
gameObject.audioSource, etc.
In Unity 5, you now have to use the GetComponent command for all types, except transform. Therefore if you open a Unity 4
project that uses gameObject.light in Unity 5, you will nd that particular line of code is obsolete and needs to be updated.

The automatic updater
Unity has an Automatic Obsolete API Updater which will detect uses of obsolete code in your scripts, and can o er to
automatically update them. If you accept, it will rewrite your code using the updated version of the API.

The API Update dialog
Obviously, as always, it’s important to have a backup of your work in case anything goes wrong, but particularly when you’re
allowing software to rewrite your code! Once you’ve ensured you have a backup, and clicked the “Go Ahead” button, Unity
will rewrite any instances of obsolete code with the recommended updated version.
For example you had a script which did this:

light.color = Color.red;

Unity’s API updater would convert that for you to:

GetComponent().color = Color.red;

The overall work ow of the updater is as follows:
Open a project / import a package that contains scripts / assemblies with obsoleted API usage
Unity triggers a script compilation
API updater checks for particular compiler errors that it knows are “updatable”
If any occurrence is found in the previous step, show a dialog to user o ering automatic update, otherwise, we’ve nished.
If user accepts the update, then run API updater (which will update all scripts written in the same language being compiled in
step 2)
Go to step 2 (to take any updated code into account) until no scripts get updated in step 5
So, from the list above you can see the updater may run multiple times if there are scripts which fall into di erent
compilation passes (Eg, scripts in di erent languages, editor scripts, etc) that use obsolete code.
When the API Updater successfully nishes, the console displays the following noti cation:

Success noti cation
If you choose not to allow the API updater to update your scripts, you will see the script errors in your console as normal. You
will also notice that the errors which the API Updater could update automatically are marked as (UnityUpgradable) in the
error message.

Errors in the console, when the API updater is canceled
If your script has other errors, in addition to obsolete API uses, the API updater may not be able to fully nish its work until
you have xed the other errors. In this case, you’ll be noti ed in the console window with a message like this:

Other errors in your scripts can prevent the API updater from working properly.
“Some scripts have compilation errors which may prevent obsolete API usages to get updated. Obsolete API updating will
continue automatically after these errors get xed.”
Once you have xed the other errors in your script, you can run the API updater again. The API updater runs automatically
when a script compilation is triggered, but you can also run it manually from the Assets menu, here:

The API Updater can be run manually from the Assets menu.

Command line mode

When running Unity in batch mode from the command line, use the ­accept­apiupdate option to allow the API Updater to
run. For more information, see Command Line Arguments.

A Version control system helps you see which changes the APIUpdater applies to a Project’s scripts. However, this can be
di cult when dealing with pre-compiled assemblies. To see the list of changes made by the AssemblyUpdater (the
APIUpdater component responsible for updating assemblies), set the UNITY_ASSEMBLYUPDATE_LOGTHRESHOLD
environment variable to the desirable log threshold and start Unity. For example, on Windows you can enter:

c:> \path\to\unity\Unity.exe

After AssemblyUpdater has nished, you can see the updates that have been applied in the Editor.log:

[AssemblyUpdater] Property access to 'UnityEngine.Rigidbody
UnityEngine.GameObject::get_rigidbody()' in 'System.Void
Test.ClassReferencingObsoleteUnityAPIThroughEditorAssembly::Run()' replaced with 'T

The valid values for the UNITY_ASSEMBLYUPDATE_LOGTHRESHOLD environment variable are, in increasing order of detail:

Error: The AssemblyUpdater only logs Error messages. Error messages are logged when the AssemblyUpdater fails to apply
a speci c update, which requires you to take corrective action (usually requesting the original assembly author to provide an
updated version of the assembly).
Warning: The AssemblyUpdater only logs Warning, and Error messages. Warning messages usually indicate that the
AssemblyUpdater has reached a state that could be a potential problem. These problems can depend on conditions not
known to the AssemblyUpdater at the point the message was logged.
Info: The AssemblyUpdater only logs Informational, Warning, and Error messages. Info messages include updates applied
by the AssemblyUpdater.
Debug: The AssemblyUpdater logs all messages. Debug help with troubleshooting. You may want to set the threshold to this
level if you are having issues with the AssemblyUpdater and you want to report them to Unity.
Error is the default value when UNITY_ASSEMBLYUPDATE_LOGTHRESHOLD is not set.

If you get a message saying “API Updating failed. Check previous console messages.” this means the API updater
encountered a problem that prevented it from nishing its work.
A common cause of this is if the updater was unable to save its changes - For example - the user may not have rights to
modify the updated script because it is write protected.
By checking the previous lines in the console as instructed, you should be able to see the problems that occurred during the
update process.

In this example the API updater failed because it did not have write permission for the script le.


The API updater cannot automatically x every API change. Generally, API that is upgradable is marked with
(UnityUpgradable) in the obsolete message. For example:

[Obsolete("Foo property has been deprecated. Please use Bar (UnityUpgradable)")]

The API updater only handles APIs marked as (UnityUpgradable).
The API updater might not run if the only updatable API in your scripts include component or GameObject common
properties, and those scripts only access members of those properties. Examples of common properties are renderer and

rigidbody, and example members of those properties are rigidbody.mass and renderer.bounds. To workaround this,
add a dummy method to any of your scripts to trigger the API updater. For example:

private object Dummy(GameObject o) { return o.rigidbody;}.

2018–07–31 Page amended with limited editorial review
“accept-apiupdate” command line option added in Unity 2017.2
AssemblyUpdater logging improved in Unity 2018.3

Upgrading to Unity 2018.3 beta

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This is rst draft documentation for Unity 2018.3, which is is currently in beta. As such, the
information in this document may be subject to change before nal release. Note that this guide is
for a beta release and may not list all known upgrade issues.
See rst draft documentation on Upgrading to Unity 2018.3b.
For more information about what’s new in 2018.3b and for more detailed upgrade notes, see the
2018.3 Beta Release Notes.

Upgrading to Unity 2018.2

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This page lists any changes in 2018.2 which might a ect existing projects when you upgrade from earlier versions
of Unity *

UIElements.ContextualMenu changes
The UIElements.ContextualMenu menu action callbacks now takes a ContextualMenu.MenuAction
parameter instead of an EventBase parameter.
ContextualMenu.InsertSeparator takes an additional string parameter.

Multiplayer: The deprecated legacy networking APIs have been removed
(RakNet based)
This feature was deprecated in Unity 5.1 and has now been removed. You can no longer use it in your projects in
Unity 2018.2.
See the Multiplayer and Networking section for more information on networking in Unity.

Photoshop Data le (PSD) import using transparency
When having actual transparency, Photoshop will tweak pixel colors to blend them with matte (background) color.
The process of preparing alpha channels properly is described in our how to prepare alpha channels
You can ignore dilation in this document, the important part is the note that states that you want to have an
“opaque” image with a separate alpha channel/mask (instead of having transparency). Unity tweaked colors to
“remove” matte, but this has ceased as of 2018.2. If you had PSD with transparency you might start seeing white
color on the edges. To x this, consult the manual link above and make an actual alpha channel (instead of
For more information about what’s new in 2018.2 and for more detailed upgrade notes, see the 2018.2 Release

Upgrading to Unity 2018.1

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This page lists any changes in 2018.1 which might a ect existing projects when you upgrade from earlier versions
of Unity

Coroutines returned from a MonoBehaviour while its GameObject is being
disabled or destroyed are no longer started.
Historically, when a GameObject is disabled or destroyed, it stops all running coroutines on its children
MonoBehaviours. In certain cases, however, coroutines started from methods called during these times (for
example, OnBecameInvisible()) were previously allowed to start. This led to component order-speci c
behavior and, in some cases, crashes.
In Unity 2018.1, coroutines returned during GameObject disable or destroy are no longer started.

BuildPipeline APIs now return a BuildReport object instead of a string
The BuildPipeline APIs, such as BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer, and BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles,
previously returned a string. This was empty if the build succeeded and contained an error message if the build
In 2018.1, this has been replaced with the new BuildReport object, which contains much richer information about
the build process.
To check whether the build succeeded, retrieve the summary property of the report object, and check its result
property - it will be BuildResult.Succeeded for a successful build. For example:

var report = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(...);
if (report.summary.result != BuildResult.Succeeded)
throw new Exception("Build failed");

Player Quit noti cations have changed from messages to Events
Previously, to be noti ed when the Unity standalone player was quitting, you would implement the
OnApplicationQuit method on a MonoBehaviour and to abort the player from quitting you would call
Two new events have been introduced. These are Application.wantsToQuit and Application.quitting.
You can listen to these events to get noti ed when the Unity standalone player is quitting.
Application.wantsToQuit is called when the player is intending to quit, the listener for wantsToQuit must

return true or false. Return true if you want the player to continue quitting or false to abort the quit. The
Application.quitting event is called when the player is guaranteed to quit and cannot be aborted.
Application.CancelQuit has been deprecated, please use the Application.wantsToQuit instead.

using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerQuitExample
static bool WantsToQuit()
// Do you want the editor to quit?
return true;
static void Quit()
Debug.Log("Quitting the Player");
static void RunOnStart()
Application.wantsToQuit += WantsToQuit;
Application.quit += Quit;

Deprecating AvatarBuilder.BuildHumanAvatar on .Net platform
This change a ect the following runtime platform: WSAPlayerX86, WSAPlayerX64, and WSAPlayerARM.
There is no replacement for now.

TouchScreenKeyboard.wasCanceled and TouchScreenKeyboard.done have
been made obsolete
There is a new TouchScreenKeyboard.status that can be queried to cover the deprecated states and more states.

MonoDevelop 5.9.6 removed from Unity Installers and support for it has
been deprecated in Unity.
MonoDevelop 5.9.6 has been replaced by Visual Studio for Mac on macOS as the bundle C# script editor in the
macOS installer. Visual Studio 2017 Community is now the only C# script editor installed with Unity on Windows.
When it is installed in the default location next to the Unity executable, Unity no longer recognises MonoDevelop
as the “MonoDevelop (built-in)” external script editor in preferences. When no C# code editor is installed and
selected in preferences, Unity uses the system default application for opening C# (.cs) scripts.

BuildPipeline callback interfaces now take a BuildReport object
The BuildPipeline callback interfaces: IPreprocessBuild, IPostprocessBuild and IProcessScene have
been changed so that they now require you to pass in a BuildReport object. This replaces the previous
parameters for build path / target platform; you will need to change your code if you are implementing these
Both the build path and the target platform can be accessed via the BuildReport object. The build path is now
report.summary.outputPath and the target platform is report.summary.platform.

Assets located in plugin folders will no longer be imported via specialized
Previously, assets located in plugin folders (for example, in directories with the extension .bundle, .plugin, or
.folder) were imported using specialized importers. Textures were imported via texture importers, AudioClips via
the audio importer, etc. Now all those assets will be imported using default importer, that means you won’t be
able to reference those assets like you did before, because they no longer have a specialized type (Texture,
AudioClip, etc). Plugin folders are contained packages, thus assets inside shouldn’t be accessible externally, except
through plugin accessing techniques.
To continue using those assets, you’ll need to move them outside of your plugin folders.

Particle System Mesh particles applied the Pivot O set value incorrectly
The mathematical formula used for applying pivot o sets to Meshes was incorrect, and was inconsistent with
how it worked for Billboard particles. To achieve the correct scale, the Pivot O set should be multiplied by the size
of the particle, so a Pivot O set of 1 is equal to one full width of the particle.

For Meshes, the size was being multiplied twice, meaning the pivot amount was based on the squared particle
size. This made it impossible to get consistent results in systems containing varying sized particles.
For systems using particles of equal size, the formula can be reverse-engineered to decide how much to adjust
the pivot o set by, to compensate for this change in behavior:
Old formula: o set = size * size * pivot
New formula: o set = size * pivot
Therefore, if all particles are of equal size:
newO set = pivot / size
In systems where the size varies between particles, a visual reassessment of the systems in question will be

GPU Instancing supports Global Illumination
From 2018.1, Global Illumination (GI) is supported by GPU Instancing rendering in Unity. Each GPU instance can
support GI coming from either di erent Light Probes, one lightmap (but di erent region in the atlas), or one
Light Probe Proxy Volume component (baked for the space volume containing all the instances). Standard
shaders and surface shaders come with these changes automatically, but you need to update custom shader
code to enable these features.

Handle Draw and Size Function Defaults
Complex handles in the UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls namespace, such as BoxBoundsHandle,
CapsuleBoundsHandle, SphereBoundsHandle, ArcHandle, and JointAngularLimitHandle have delegates that can
be assigned to, in order to alter the appearance of their control points. Previously, assigning a value of null to
these delegates would fall back to a default behavior. Assigning a value of null to them now results in no behavior,
making it easier to disable particular control handles. Respectively, each class now has public API points for the
default methods if you need to reset the control handles to their default behavior.

Compiling ‘unsafe’ C# code in the Unity Editor now requires enabling of
Compiling ‘unsafe’ C# code now requires the Allow ‘unsafe’ code option to be enabled in the Player Settings for
prede ned assemblies (like Assembly-CSharp.dll) and in the inspector for Assembly De nition Files assemblies.
Enabling this option will make Unity pass /unsafe option to the C# compiler when compiling scripts.

‘UnityPackageManager’ directory renamed to ‘Packages’
In 2017.2 and 2017.3, the Unity Package Manager introduced the UnityPackageManager directory, which was
used to store a le named manifest.json. Package content could be accessed by scripts using virtual relative
paths starting with Packages.
In 2018.1, the UnityPackageManager directory has been renamed to Packages for consistency with the virtual
relative paths of packaged assets. The manifest.json le should automatically be moved to the new directory.

As a result:
If your project uses a Version Control System (VCS) such as Perforce or Git, it may be necessary to update its
con guration to track the Packages directory instead of the UnityPackageManager directory.
If your project uses Nuget (or any external package manager) in a way that makes it use the Packages directory,
its con guration should be changed to use a di erent directory. This is recommended to eliminate the small
chance that a package be picked up by the Unity Package Manager, which could result in hard-to-debug issues
like compilation errors or import errors.

To con gure Nuget to use a di erent directory to store its packages, please refer to the o cial
Microsoft documentation.
After migrating to the new directory, the UnityPackageManager directory can safely be deleted.

For more information about what’s new in 2018.1 and for more detailed upgrade notes, see the 2018.1 Release

Upgrading to Unity 2017.3

Leave feedback

This page lists any changes in 2017.3 which might a ect existing projects when you upgrade from earlier versions
of Unity.
For example:
Changes in data format which may require re-baking.
Changes to the meaning or behavior of any existing functions, parameters or component values.
Deprecation of any function or feature. (Alternatives are suggested.)
Lightmap intensity & emissive Materials in Enlighten
A bug introduced in 2017.2 increased the intensity of lightmaps generated for Scenes with static Meshes that
have emissive Materials. This was the same for both baked and real-time emissive Materials. This has now been
xed in 2017.3 so the intensity is now similar to how it was in 2017.1.
This change a ects any projects you have built in 2017.2 and then upgrade to 2017.3 or newer.
PassType.VertexLMRGBM has been deprecated
In Unity 2017.3, the shader pass VertexLMRGB is ignored. For example: Tags { "LightMode" =
"VertexLMRGBM" }
Instead, provide or update a VertexLM shader pass using the DecodeLightmap shader function that supports all
types of lightmap encodings. Built-in mobile shaders also use DecodeLightmap shader function now.
Lighting output may change in your existing projects that use built-in mobile shaders such as Mobile or VertexLit
on desktop platforms. This is because the maximum range of RGBM encoded values has changed from [0, 8] to
[0, 5].
2017–12–04 Page published with limited editorial review

Upgrading to Unity 2017.2

Leave feedback

This page lists any changes in 2017.2 which might a ect existing projects when you upgrade from earlier versions
of Unity.
For example:
Changes in data format which may require re-baking.
Changes to the meaning or behavior of any existing functions, parameters or component values.
Deprecation of any function or feature. (Alternatives are suggested.)
MonoBehaviour.OnValidate is now called when MonoBehaviour is added to a GameObject in the Editor
MonoBehaviour.OnValidate is called when a Scene loads, when GameObjects are duplicated or when a value
changes in the Inspector. It is now also called when adding a MonoBehaviour to a GameObject in the Editor.
Scripting: InitializeOnLoad callback now invoked after deserialization
The callback timing for InitializeOnLoad has changed. It was previously invoked at a point that could lead to invalid
object states for existing serialized objects when calling Unity API. It is now invoked after deserialization and after all
objects have been created. As part of the creation of objects, the default constructor must be invoked. This change
means that objects constructors are now invoked before InitializeOnLoad static constructors, whereas
InitializeOnLoad was previously called before some object constructors.

public class SomeClass
public SomeClass()
Debug.Log("SomeClass constructor");
public class SomeMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
public SomeClass SomeClass;
public class SomeStaticClass
static SomeStaticClass()
Debug.Log("SomeStaticClass static constructor");


This would previously result in:
SomeStaticClass static constructor (InitializeOnLoad)
SomeClass constructor (object constructor)
After this change it will now be:
SomeClass constructor (object constructor)
SomeStaticClass static constructor (InitializeOnLoad)
New normal map type that support BC5 format.
Up to now Unity was supporting either RGB normal map or swizzled AG normal map (with x in alpha channel and y
in green channel) with di erent compression format. There is now support for RG normal map (with x in red
channel and y in green channel). UnpackNormal shader function have been upgraded to allow to use RGB, AG and
RG normal map without adding shader variants. To be able to do this, the UnpackNormal function rely on having
unused channel of the normal map set to 1. I.e a swizzled AG normal map must be encoded as (1, y, 1, x) and a RG
(x, y, 0, 1). Unity normal map encoder enforce it.
There is no upgrade to do if users were using unmodi ed Unity. However in case users have done their own normal
map shaders or their own encoding, they may need to take into account the need for swizzled AG normal map to
be encoded as (1, y, 1, x). In case users were mixing normal map in swizzled AG before unpacking normal map, they
may require to use UnpackNormalDXT5nm instead of UnpackNormal.
Always precompiled managed assemblies (.dlls) and assembly de nition le assemblies on startup in the
Load precompiled managed assemblies (.dlls) and assembly de nition le assemblies on Editor startup even if
there are compile errors in other scripts. This is useful for Editor extension assemblies that should always be
loaded on startup, regardless of other script compile errors in the project.
HDR emission.
If you are using precomputed realtime GI or baked GI, intense emissive materials set up in earlier versions of Unity
could look more intense now, because their range is not capped any more. The RGBM encoding used previously
gave an e ective range of 97 for gamma space and 8 for linear color space. The HDR color picker had a maximum
range of 99 so some materials could be set to be more intense than they seemed. After the upgrade, emission color
is passed to the GI systems as true HDR 16 bit oating point values (range is now 64K). Internally, the realtime GI
system is using the rgb9e5 shared exponent format that can represent these intense values but the baked
lightmaps are limited by their RGBM encoding. HDR for baked lightmaps will be added in a later release.
VR to XR rename.

The UnityEngine.VR.* namespaces have been renamed to UnityEngine.XR.*. All types with VR in their name have
also been renamed to their XR versions. For example: UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings is now UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings,
The API updater has been con gured to automatically update existing scripts and assemblies to the new type
names and namespaces. If don’t want to use the API updater, you can also manually update namespaces and types.
Namespace changes:

UnityEngine.VR -> UnityEngine.XR
UnityEngine.VR.WSA -> UnityEngine.XR.WSA
UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Input -> UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input
UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Persistence -> UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Persistence
UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Sharing -> UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Sharing
UnityEngine.VR.WSA.WebCam -> UnityEngine.XR.WSA.WebCam
UnityEngine.VR type changes:

VRDevice -> XRDevice
VRNodeState -> XRNodeState
VRSettings -> XRSettings
VRStats -> XRStats
VRNode -> XRNode
All VR.* pro ler entries have also been changed to XR.*.
UnityEngine.dll is now split into separate dlls for each UnityEngine module.
The UnityEngine.dll (which contains all public scripting API) has been separated into modules of code covering
di erent subsystems of the engine. This makes the Unity code base better organized with cleaner internal
dependencies, better for internal tooling and makes the code base more strippable. The separated modules include
UnityEngine.Collider which is now in UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll and UnityEngine.Font which is now in
This change should typically not a ect any of your existing projects and your scripts now automatically compiles
against the correct assemblies. Unity now includes a UnityEngine.dll assembly le containing type forwarders of all
UnityEngine types for all pre-compiled assemblies referencing the DLL which ensures backwards compatibility by
forwarding the les to their new locations.
However, there is one case where existing code might break from this change. That is if your code uses re ection to
get UnityEngine types, and assumes that all types live in the same assembly. This means such code would fail,
because Collider and Font are now in di erent assemblies:

System.Type colliderType = typeof(Collider);
System.Type fontType = colliderType.Assembly.GetType("Font");

Getting either Collider or Font types from the “UnityEngine” assembly still works due to the use of type forwarders,
like this:

System.Type.GetType("UnityEngine.Collider, UnityEngine")

Unity does still bundle a fully monolithic UnityEngine.dll which contains all UnityEngine APIs in the Unity Editor’s
Managed/UnityEngine.dll folder. This makes sure that any existing Visual Studio/MonoDevelop solutions
referencing UnityEngine.dll continues to build without needing to be updated to reference the new modular
assemblies. You should continue to use this assembly to reference UnityEngine API in your custom solutions, as the
internal split of modules is subject to change.
Material smoothness in Standard shader.
Purely smooth materials that use the GGX version of the standard shader now receive specular highlights which
increases the realism of such materials.
2017–10–06 Page published with no editorial review

Upgrading to Unity 2017.1

Leave feedback

This page lists any changes in 2017.1 which might a ect existing projects when you upgrade from earlier versions
of Unity.
For example:
Changes in data format which may require re-baking.
Changes to the meaning or behavior of any existing functions, parameters or component values.
Deprecation of any function or feature. (Alternatives are suggested.)
UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture() nonReadable parameter change
This convenience API had a bug where nonReadable worked the opposite way then it should, that is setting it to
true would result in a readable texture and vice versa. Now this has been corrected and parameter works the way
it’s documented. Note, that if you create DownloadHandlerTexture directly, you are not a ected.
Particle System Stretched Billboard Pivot parameter change
X axis pivots are now accurate on Stretched Billboards. You may need to recon gure your pivot settings on
a ected projects.
Y axis pivots are also accurate now and Unity automatically recon gures these pivots when you upgrade your
The macro was used for implementing the screendoor dithering e ect for LOD cross-fading objects in the
fragment shader. Previously you would need to pass the entire fragment IN structure to it. Now you only need to
pass the screen position vector to it.
Remember that since 2017.1 the new dithercrossfade option is added for #pragma surface directive which
can automatically generate the dithering code.

* 2018–04–12 Page amended with no editorial review

Upgrading to Unity 5.6

Leave feedback

This page lists any changes in 5.6 which might a ect existing projects when you upgrade from earlier versions of
For example:
Changes in data format which may require re-baking.
Changes to the meaning or behavior of any existing functions, parameters or component values.
Deprecation of any function or feature. (Alternatives are suggested.)
Script serialization errors no longer work
The script serialization errors introduced in Unity 5.4 and described in detail in this blog post, will always throw a
managed exception from 5.6 onwards.
Behaviour in Unity 5.5 is the same as in Unity 5.4.
PlayerSettings.apiCompatibilityLevel deprecated
This is now a per-platform setting. Use PlayerSettings.SetApiCompatibilityLevel and
PlayerSettings.GetApiCompatibilityLevel instead. PlayerSettings.apiCompatibilityLevel will continue to function,
but it will only a ect the current active platform.
Lighting changes
Directional specular lightmap has been removed.
As a consequence, LightmapsMode.SeparateDirectional has been removed. Use
LightmapsMode.CombinedDirectional instead.
Here are the prefered ways to get specular highlights in Unity 5.6:
For direct specular, stationary lights with real-time direct lighting provide high quality specular highlights in all
modes but the subtractive one. Please see the Mixed Lighting documentation in the online lighting section of the
5.6 User Manual.
For indirect specular, use Re ection Probes, Screen Space Re ection (SSR), or both.
Mixed mode lighting has evolved
Mixed mode lighting in Unity 5.5 has been replaced with stationary lighting modes in Unity 5.6. This implies a lot
of changes, and we advise you to carefully read the Lighting Modes documentation, and in particular the Stationary
Modes draft documentation in the online lighting section of the 5.6 User Manual which details the newly available
Projects from pre-Unity 5.6 will be upgraded to Subtractive mode (see the Subtractive Light Mode in the online
lighting section of the 5.6 User Manual. This is the closest match to the Mixed lighting from Unity 5.5.

However this mode is the lowest quality mode for Unity 5.6, so try other modes to see if they are a better t for
your projects. We highly recommend the Shadowmask (see the Shadowmask page and the Distance Shadowmask
page in the online lighting section of the 5.6 User Manual, especially if you were using the now-defunct Directional
Specular lightmaps before).
The default for new Unity 5.6 projects is Distance shadowmask mode. (See the Distance shadowmask page in the
online lighting section of the 5.6 User Manual).
Light probes
In Unity 5.6 you can no longer choose whether direct lighting is added to Light Probes from the lighting window.
This now happens automatically based on the lights types and the stationary modes. This ensures that direct
lighting is not missing and that there is no double lighting on dynamic objects using Light Probes, greatly
simplifying the process.
New GPU instancing work ow
You must now check the new Enable Instancing checkbox for all Materials used for GPU instancing. This is
required for GPU instancing to work correctly.
Note that the checkbox is not checked automatically as it’s impossible for Unity to determine if a Material uses a
pre–5.6 Shader.

An upgrade error is also imposed on SpeedTree Assets to help you regenerate the SpeedTree Materials, so that
you can have Enable Instancing checked.

Note: The newly introduced procedural instancing Shaders (those with #pragma instancing_options
procedural:func) don’t require this change because Shaders with the PROCEDURAL_INSTANCING_ON keyword
are not a ected.
Particle system changes
Custom Vertex Streams in the Renderer Module may now require you to manually upgrade your Particle
Systems, if you use the Particles/Alpha Anim Blend Shader. In this situation, it is su cient to simply remove
the duplicated UV2 stream.
This is required because, in some cases, the duplicated stream is needed to maintain backwards compatibility, so
there is no fully reliable auto-upgrade solution. The Normal and AnimFrame streams are also not required, but
causes no problems if they exist. The xed Particle System setup should look like this:

Secondly, the upgraded Emission Module will cause Animation Bindings attached the Burst Emission to be lost. It
will be necessary to rebind those properties.
Animator change
Animate Physics: Rigidbodies attached to objects where the Animator has Animate Physics selected now have
velocities applied to them when animated. This will give correct physical interactions with other physics objects,
and bring the Animator in line with the behaviour of objects animated by the Animation Component.
This will a ect how your animated Rigidbodies interact with other Rigidbodies (the Rigidbodies are moved instead
of teleported every frame), so make sure to verify that your Animators with Animate Physics are behaving as you
Dynamic batching 2D sprites
You should use dynamic batching in upgraded projects that contain 2D sprites. This avoids signi cant sprite
rendering performance issues on devices with Adreno and Mali chipsets.
To use Dynamic Batching, open the PlayerSettings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player). Open the Other
Settings section and, under Rendering, tick the Dynamic Batching checkbox and untick the Graphics Jobs
(Experimental) checkbox. Note that these are the default settings for projects created in 5.6.
Graphics Jobs should not a ect dynamic batching, but can sometimes cause unexpected behaviors on platforms
that use Vulkan and DirectX12.

NUnit library updated
The Unity Test Runner uses a Unity integration of the NUnit library, which is an open-source unit testing library for
.NET languages. In Unity 5.6, this integrated library is updated from version 2.6 to version 3.5. This update has
introduced some breaking changes that might a ect your existing tests. See the NUnit update guide for more

* 2017–05–19 Page amended with editorial review

Upgrading to Unity 5.5

Leave feedback

Shaders: Physically Based Shading code changes
Physically based shading related code has been refactored in Unity 5.5 ( les UnityStandardBRDF.cginc and so on). In most
cases this does not a ect your shader code directly, unless you are manually calling some functions directly. Notable changes are
listed below.
There are now functions to convert between smoothness, roughness and perceptual roughness:
PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness, RoughnessToPerceptualRoughness, SmoothnessToRoughness,
The visibility term in UnityStandardBRDF.cginc takes roughness and not perceptualRoughness.
In older versions of Unity, it was possible to do a remapping with Marmoset roughness. With the move to GGX it no longer
matches, and UNITY_GLOSS_MATCHES_MARMOSET_TOOLBAG2 de nition and associated code has been removed.
All reads and writes into the Gbu er should go through new functions UnityStandardDataToGbuffer /
Your shader code should call UnityGlossyEnvironmentSetup() to initialize a Unity_GlossyEnvironmentData struct instead
of doing it manually.
The roughness variable of Unity_GlossyEnvironmentData is actually “perceptual roughness” but it hasn’t been renamed to
avoid errors with existing shader code. Note: UnityGlossyEnvironmentSetup takes smoothness as a parameter and calculates
perceptual roughness.
The ndotl variable value in UnityLight is now calculated on the y and any value written into the variable is ignored.
The UNITY_GI macro is deprecated and should not be used anymore.

Shaders: DirectX 9 half-pixel o set issue
Unity 5.5 now handles DX9 half-pixel o set rasterization in the background, which means you no longer need to x DX9 half-pixel
issues either in shaders or in code. See more details in this blog post. If you use any of these checks in your code, they can now be

Checks in shaders for UNITY_HALF_TEXEL_OFFSET and shifting vertices/UVs based on that.
Checks for D3D9 via SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType or SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion, and shifting
vertices/UVs based on that.
The way Unity solves this now is by inserting half-pixel adjustment code into all vertex shaders that are being compiled. As a result,
vertex shader constant register c255 becomes reserved by Unity, as well as two instructions being added to all shaders, and one
more temporary register is used. This should not create problems, unless your vertex shaders use up all the available resources
(constant/temporary registers and instruction slots) to the absolute maximum.

Shaders: Z-bu er oat inverted
The Z-bu er (depth bu er) direction has been inverted and this means the Z-bu er will now contain 1.0 at the near plane, 0.0 at
the far plane. This, combined with the oating point depth bu er signi cantly increases the depth bu er precision resulting in less
Z- ghting and better shadows, especially when using small near planes and large far planes.
Graphics API changes:

Clip space range is [near, 0] instead of [0, far]
_CameraDepthTexture texture range is [1,0] instead of [0,1]
Z-bias is negated before being applied
24 bit depth bu ers are switched to 32 bit oat format

The following macros/functions will handle reversed Z situations without any other steps. If your shader was already using them,
then no changes needed from your side:

Linear01Depth( oat z)
LinearEyeDepth( oat z)
However if you are fetching the Z bu er value manually you will need to do write code similar to:

float z = tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, uv);
#if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
z = 1.0f ­ z;

For clip space depth you can use the following macro. Please note that this macro will not alter clip space on OpenGL/ES plaforms
but will remain [­near, far]:

float clipSpaceRange01 = UNITY_Z_0_FAR_FROM_CLIPSPACE(rawClipSpace);

_ZBu erParams now contains these values on platforms with a reversed depth bu er. See documentation on platform-speci c
rendering di erences for more information.




Z-bias is handled automatically by Unity but if you are using a native code rendering plugin you will need to negate it in your
C/C++ code on matching platforms.

Special Folder: Unity Editor subfolder named “Resources”
All subfolders of the folder named “Editor” will be excluded from the build and will not load in Play mode in the Unity Editor.
Previously a subfolder named “Resources” would have its assets included in the build. These assets are still loadable by calling
Resources.Load() in your Editor scripts.
For example, these les are excluded from the build and will not load when in Play mode in the Editor, but will load if called from

Editor/Foo/Resources/Bar.png (this loads from Editor code as “Bar.png”)
Editor/Resources/Editor/Resources/Foo.png (this loads from Editor code as “Foo.png” but not as
These assets will load in all situations:


Resources/Foo/Editor/Bar.png (this loads as “Foo/Editor/Bar.png”)
Resources/Editor/Resources/Foo.png (this loads as “Foo.png” and not as “Editor/Resources/Foo.png”)

Backface Tolerance and Final Gather

Previously the ‘Backface Tolerance’ parameter in Lightmap Parameters was not applied when using nal gather for baked GI. It is
now applied correctly. The parameter now a ects both the realtime GI and baked GI stages (including the nal gather).
A ected scenes are mainly ones with single sided geometry (like billboards) where it is important to be able to adjust the ‘Backface
Tolerance’ in order to avoid invalidating texels that are seeing the backface of single sided geometry. In scenes that use billboards
and nal gather the lightmaps can now be improved by adjusting ‘Backface Tolerance’, however other scenes might also be
a ected, if a non-default ‘Backface Tolerance’ is applied, since it is now correctly accounted for in the nal gather stage.

Standard shader BRDF2 now uses GGX approximation
BRDF2, the standard shader type set on mobile platforms by default, now uses GGX approximation instead of Blinn-Phong. This
makes it look closer to BRDF1 (used on desktops by default) and improves on visual quality.
Should you need to preserve legacy approximation you should modify the BRDF2 code in UnityStandardBRDF.cginc which has the
new implementation inside the #if UNITY_BRDF_GGX statement (this is also used by BRDF1 to pick GGX). Change the de nition in
UnityStandardCon g.cginc or change #if UNITY_BRDF_GGX to #if 0 in the BRDF2_Unity_PBS function.

Gradle for Android
You can now use Gradle to build for Android.
Gradle is not as strict about errors compared with the existing Unity Android build system, meaning that some existing projects
may be hard to convert to Gradle. See documentation on Gradle troubleshooting to identify and solve these build failures.

Instantiate Object overload has changed
The speci c overload of the Instantiate function that by default, takes a parameter for the original GameObject and one for a
parent Transform has been changed to work di erently. It no longer interprets the original GameObject’s position and rotation as
a world space position and rotation, thus ignoring the position and rotation of the speci ed parent Transform.
It now interprets the position and rotation as a local position and rotation within the space of the speci ed parent Transform, by
default. This is consistent with behavior in the Editor. Your scripts will not be automatically updated. This means when you run
scripts containing calls to this overload of Instantiate that have not been updated to account for this change, you may experience
unexpected behavior.

Renderers and LOD Group components behavior
Disabling a LOD Group component no longer disables the Renderers attached to it. The LOD Group settings only apply to the
Renderers when the LOD Group component is enabled. Unity automatically applies this change when you upgrade your project,
and the change cannot be reverted.

Upgrading to Unity 5.4

Leave feedback

When upgrading projects from Unity 5.3 to Unity 5.4, there are some changes you should be aware of which may
a ect your existing project.

Networking: Multiplayer Service API changes
Numerous changes to the Networking API.

Networking: WebRequest no longer experimental
The WebRequest interface has been promoted from UnityEngine.Experimental.Networking to
UnityEngine.Networking. Unity 5.2 and 5.3 projects that use UnityWebRequest will have to be updated.

Scene View: Tone mapping not automatically applied
An image e ect with the ImageEffectTransformsToLDR attribute will no longer be applied directly to the
Scene view if found. A new attribute exists for applying e ects to the Scene view:
ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView. The 5.4 Standard Assets have been upgraded to re ect this change.

Shaders: Renamed variables
A number of built-in shader variables were renamed for consistency:

_Object2World and _World2Object are now unity_ObjectToWorld and unity_WorldToObject
_World2Shadow is now unity_WorldToShadow[0], _World2Shadow1 is unity_WorldToShadow[1]
_LightMatrix0 is now unity_WorldToLight
_WorldToCamera, _CameraToWorld, _Projector, _ProjectorDistance, _ProjectorClip and
_GUIClipTextureMatrix are now all pre xed with unity
The variable references will be automatically renamed in .shader and .cginc les when importing them. However,
after the import the shaders will not be usable in Unity 5.3 or earlier, without manually renaming the variables.

Shaders: Uniform arrays
In Unity 5.4, the way arrays of shader properties are handled has changed. Now there is “native” support for
oat/vector/matrix arrays in shaders (via MaterialPropertyBlock.SetFloatArray,
Shader.SetGlobalFloatArray etc.). These new APIs allow arrays up to 1,023 elements.
The old way of using number-su xed names for referring to individual array elements is deprecated (e.g.
_Colors0, _Colors1) in both Material and MaterialPropertyBlock. Properties of this kind, serialized with
the Material are no longer able to set array elements (but if any uniform array’s name is su xed by a number it
still works).

Shaders: Miscellaneous changes in 5.4
The default shader compilation target has changed to “#pragma target 2.5” (SM3.0 on DX9, DX11 9.3 feature level
on WinPhone). You can still target DX9 SM2.0 and DX11 9.1 feature level with “#pragma target 2.0”.

The majority of built-in shaders target 2.5 now: Notable exceptions are Unlit, VertexLit and xed function shaders.
In practice, this means that most of built-in shaders and newly-created shaders, by default, will not work on PC
GPUs that are made before 2004. See this blog post for details.
The Material class constructor Material(string), which was already deprecated, stops working in 5.4. Using
it will print an error and result in the magenta error shader.
The internal shader used to compute screen-space directional light shadows has moved to Graphics Settings. If
you were using a customized version of directional light shadows by having a copy of that shader in your project,
it will no longer be used. Instead, select your custom shader under Edit > Project Settings > Graphics.
Re ection probes share a sampler between the two textures. If you are sampling them manually in your shader,
and get an “undeclared identi er samplerunity_SpecCube1” error, you’ll need to change code from
UNITY_PASS_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube1) to
UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim is deprecated; use Texture.dimension.

ComputeBu ers
The data layout of ComputeBu ers in automatically-converted OpenGL shaders has changed to match the layout
of DirectX ComputeBu ers. If you use ComputeBu ers in OpenGL, remove any code that tweaks the data to
match the previous OpenGL-speci c layout rules. Please see Compute Shaders for more information.

Playables: Migrating to 5.4
Playables are now structs instead of classes.
The Playable structs are handles to native Playable classes, instead of pointers to native Playable classes.
A non-null Playable struct doesn’t guarantee that the Playable is usable. Use the .IsValid method to verify
that your Playable can be used.
Any method that used to return null for empty inputs/outputs will now return Playable.Null.
Playable.Null is an invalid Playable.
Playable.Null can be passed to AddInput, SetInput and SetInputs to reserve empty inputs, or to implicitly
disconnect connected inputs.
Using Playable.Null or any invalid Playable as an input to any method, or calling a method on an invalid
Playable will throw appropriate exceptions for the operation.
Comparing Playables with null is now meaningless. Compare with Playable.Null.
Playables must be allocated using the Create static method of the class you wish to use.
Playables must be de-allocated using the .Destroy method on the Playable handle.
Playables that are not de-allocated will leak.

Playables were converted to structs to improve performance by avoiding boxing/unboxing (more info on boxing).
Casting a Playable to an object, implicitly or explicitly, will cause boxing/unboxing, thus reducing performance.
Inheriting from a Playable class will cause boxing/unboxing of instances of the child class.
Since only animation is available for now, ScriptPlayables have been replaced by
It is no longer possible to derive from base Playables. Simply aggregate Playables in your custom Playables.

Oculus Rift: Upgrading your project from Unity 5.3
Follow these instructions to upgrade your Oculus VR project from Unity 5.3:
Re-enable virtual reality support.

Open the Player Settings. (Menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player)
Select Other Settings and check the Virtual Reality Supported checkbox. Use the Virtual Reality
SDK list displayed below the checkbox to add and remove Virtual Reality Devices for each build
Remove Oculus Spatializer.

Remove the Oculus Spatializer Audio Plugin from your project through the Audio Settings Window
(Menu: Edit > Project Settings > Audio), using the Spatializer Plugin dropdown. It may con ict with
the native spatializer and prevent building.

Reordering siblings

There has been a change to the events that are triggered when sibling GameObjects are re-ordered in Unity 5.4.
Sibling GameObjects are GameObjects which all share the same parent in the Hierarchy window. In prior versions
of Unity, changing the order of sibling GameObjects would cause every sibling to receive an
OnTransformParentChanged call. In 5.4, the sibling GameObjects no longer get this call. Instead, the parent
GameObject receives a single call to OnTransformChildrenChanged.
This means that if you have code in your project that relies on OnTransformParentChanged being called when
siblings are re-ordered, these calls will no longer occur, and you need to update your code to take action when
the parent object receives the OnTransformChildrenChanged call instead.
This changed because the new behavior gives improved performance.

Rearranging large GameObject hierarchies at runtime
Due to optimisations in the Transform component, using Transform.SetParent or Destroying parts of
hierarchies involving 1000+ GameObjects may now take a long time. Calling SetParent on or otherwise
rearranging such large hierarchies at runtime is not recommended.

Windows Store
The generated Visual Studio project format was updated for all .NET scripting backend SDKs. This xes excessive
rebuilding when nothing has changed in the generated project. You might need to delete your existing generated

*.csproj, especially if it was built with the “Generate C# projects” option checked, so Unity can regenerate it.

Script serialization errors
There are two new script serialization errors to catch when the Unity API is being called from constructors and
eld initializers during deserialization (loading). Deserialization might happen on a di erent thread to the main
thread and it is therefore not safe to call the Unity API during deserialization. There are more details at the
bottom of the (Script Serialization)[script-Serialization] page in the Unity Manual.

Supporting Retina screens
The editor now supports Retina resolutions on Mac OS X with high-resolution text, UI and 3D views.
The Editor GUI is now de ned in point space rather than pixel space. On standard resolution displays, there is no
change because each point is one pixel. On Retina displays, however, every point is two pixels. The current screen
to UI scale is available as EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint. Since Unity can have multiple windows, each
on monitors with di erent pixel densities, this value might change between views.
If your editor code uses regular Editor/GUI/Layout methods, it is quite likely that you will not need to change
If you are using Screen.width/height, switch to EditorWindow.position.width/height instead. This is
because screen size is measured in pixels, but UI is de ned in points. For custom Editors displaying in the
Inspector, use EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth, which properly accounts for the presence of a scroll
If you are displaying other content in your UI, such as a RenderTexture, you are probably calculating its size in
points. To support Retina resolutions, you will need to convert your point sizes to pixel sizes. There are new
methods in EditorGUIUtility for this.
If you are using GUIStyles with custom backgrounds, you can add Retina versions of background textures by
putting one texture with exactly doubled dimensions into a ‘GUIStyleState.scaledBackgrounds’ array.
Macs with underpowered graphics hardware may experience unacceptably slow editor frame rates in 3D views
due to increased resolution. Retina support can be disabled by choosing “Get Info” on Unity.app in the Finder, and
checking “Open in Low Resolution”.

Physics: Meshes and physics transform drift
There are:

Changes to reject physics meshes if they contain invalid (non- nite) vertices.
Changes to avoid physics transform drift by not sending redundant Transform updates.
The 5.3 behavior is that the animation system always sends Transform update messages for animation curves
which are constant. These messages wake up the Rigidbodies and xing this proved very risky in 5.3.
The 5.4 behavior is that if there are no position changes, the Rigidbody does not wake up (as most people would
If your project relies on the 5.3 behavior of waking Rigidbody all the time, it might not work as expected in 5.4.

Web Player
The Unity Web Player target has been dropped from Unity 5.4. If you upgrade your project to 5.4, you will not be
able to deploy it to the Web Player platform.
If you have legacy Web Player projects that you need to maintain, do not upgrade them to 5.4 or later.

5.4 Networking API Changes

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In Unity 5.4 we made a number of changes to the matchmaking API. Our intent was to simplify and clean up the
If you used the matchmaking API in an earlier version of Unity, you will need to check and update the classes and
functions listed below.
MatchDesc has been renamed to MatchInfoSnapshot.
All request and response classes are removed, so there are no longer any overloaded functions in NetworkMatch.
Instead we updated the parameter list of all functions to accommodate the loss of the missing classes and we
updated the 2 delegates.

Setting up
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.Networking.Match;
NetworkMatch matchMaker;
void Awake()
matchMaker = gameObject.AddComponent();

CreateMatch (Before 5.4)
CreateMatchRequest create = new CreateMatchRequest();
matchMaker.CreateMatch(create, OnMatchCreate);


matchMaker.CreateMatch("roomName", 4, true, "", OnMatchCreate);

Is now:

matchMaker.CreateMatch("roomName", 4, true, "", "", "", 0, 0, OnMatchCreate);

CreateMatch Callback (Before 5.4)
public void OnMatchCreate(CreateMatchResponse matchResponse)

Is now:

public void OnMatchCreate(bool success, string extendedInfo, MatchInfo matchInfo

ListMatches (Before 5.4)
ListMatchRequest list = new ListMatchRequest();
matchMaker.ListMatches(list, OnMatchList);


matchMaker.ListMatches(0, 10, "", OnMatchList);

Is now:

matchMaker.ListMatches(0, 10, "", true, 0, 0, OnMatchList);

ListMatches Callback (Before 5.4)
public void OnMatchList(ListMatchResponse matchListResponse)

Is now:

public void OnMatchList(bool success, string extendedInfo, List sceneNames = SearchFiles (Application.dataPath, "*.unity");
foreach (string f in sceneNames)
// Rebake navmesh data
NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMesh ();
EditorApplication.SaveScene ();

static List SearchFiles(string dir, string pattern)
List  sceneNames = new List ();
foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(dir, pattern, SearchOption.AllDi
sceneNames.Add (f);
return sceneNames;

Animation in Unity 5.0

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These are notes to be aware of when upgrading projects from Unity 4 to Unity 5, if your project uses animation

Asset Creation API
In 5.0 we introduced an API that allows you to build and edit Mecanim assets in the editor. For users that have
previously used the unsupported API (in UnityEditorInternal namespace) you will need to manually update your
scripts to use the new API.
Here is a short list of the most encountered type changes :

UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorControllerParameter UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerParameter
Also note that most accessor functions have been changed to arrays:

UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorControllerLayer layer = animatorController.GetLayer(inde


UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer layer = animatorController.layers[ind

A basic example of API usage is given at the end of this blog post: http://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/06/26/shiny-newanimation-features-in-unity–5–0/
For more details refer the the Scripting API documentation.

Audio in Unity 5.0

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These are notes to be aware of when upgrading projects from Unity 4 to Unity 5, if your project uses audio features.

A number of things has changed in the AudioClip. First, there is no longer a 3D ag on the asset. This ag has been moved
into the AudioSource in form of the Spatial Blend slider allowing you to, at runtime, morphing sounds from 2D to 3D. Old
projects will get imported in such a way that AudioSource’s on GameObjects in the scene that have a clip assigned will get
their Spatial Blend parameter set up according to the old 3D ag of the AudioClip. For obvious reasons this is not possible
for scripts that dynamically assign clips to sources, so this requires manual xing.
While the default setting for the old 3D property was true, by default in the new system, the default of the Spatial Blend
parameter is set to 2D.
Finally, AudioClips can now be multi-edited.

The naming of the Format property has changed so that it re ects the method by which the data is stored rather than
particular le format which deviates from platform to platform. So from now on Uncompressed refers to raw sample data,
Compressed refers to a lossy compression method best suited to the platform and ADPCM refers to a lightweight (in terms
of CPU) compression method that is best suited to natural audio signals which contain a fair amount of noise (footsteps,
impacts, weapons etc) and are to be played in large amounts.

Preloading and loading audio data in the background
A new feature of AudioClips is that they provide support for an option for determining whether to preload the audio data or
not. Any property of the AudioClip is detached from the actual audio data loading state and can be queried at any time, so
having the possibility to load on demand now helps keeping the memory usage of AudioClips low. Additionally to this
AudioClips can load their audio data in the background without blocking the main game thread and causing frame drops.
The load process can of course be controlled via the scripting API.

All AudioClips now support multi-editing.

Force to Mono
The Force To Mono option now performs peak-normalization on the resulting down mix.

These API calls are only supported by clips that are either storing the audio data uncompressed as PCM or perform the
decompression at on load. In the past more clips supported this, but the pattern wasn’t very clear since it depended both
on the target platform and had di erent behavior in the editor and standalone players. As a new thing, tracker les can be
decompressed as PCM data into memory too, so GetData/SetData can also be used on these.

AudioSource pause behaviour
Pausing in Unity5 is now consistent between Play calls and PlayOneShots calls. Pausing an AudioSource pauses voices
played both ways, and calling Play or PlayOneShot unpauses the AudioSource for voices played both ways too.
To assist with unpausing an AudioSource without playing the assigned clip, (useful for when there are oneshot voices
playing), we have added a new function AudioSource.Unpause ().

Audio mixer
The AudioMixer is a new feature of Unity 5 allowing complex routing of the audio data from AudioSource’s to mix groups
where e ects can be applied. One key di erence from the Audio Filter components is that audio lters get instantiated
per AudioSource and therefore are more costly in terms of CPU if a game has a large number of AudioSources with lters or
if a script simply creates many instances of a GameObject containing . With the mixer it is now possible to set up a group
with the same e ects and simply routing the audio from the AudioSource through the shared e ects resulting in lower CPU
The mixer does not currently support script-based e ects, but it does have a new native audio plugin API allowing
developers to write high-performance e ects that integrate seamlessly with the other built-in e ects.

The way the audio system is con gured has changed. The overall settings for setting speaker mode and DSP bu er size (i.e.
latency) should still be con gured in the audio project settings, and additional to these it is now also possible to con gure
the real and virtual voices counts. The real voice count speci es how many voices can be heard concurrently and therefore
has a strong impact on the overall CPU consumption of the game. Previously this was hardcoded to 32 with some platformspeci c exceptions. When the number of playing voices exceeds this number, those that are least audible will be put on
hold until these voices become dominant or some of the dominant voices stop playing. These voices are simply bypassed
from playing. They are not stopped, simply made inactive until there is bandwidth again. The virtual voice count de nes
how many voices can be managed in total, so if the number of voices playing exceeds this, the least audible voices will be
AudioSettings.outputSampleRate and AudioSettings.speakerMode can still be read from, but the setters are now
deprecated, as is the SetDSPBu erSize function. As a replacement for these for audio con guration changes that need to
happen at runtime there is now a structure called AudioCon guration. This can be obtained via
AudioSettings.GetCon guration() which will return the active settings on the audio output device. Changes can be made to
this structure and applied via AudioSettings.Reset() which will return a boolean result depending on the successful or failed
attempt of applying the changes.
Whenever changes to the audio con guration happen, either caused by scripts via AudioSettings.Reset() or because of
external events such as plugging in HDMI monitors with audio support, external sound cards or USB headsets, a userde ned callback AudioSettings.OnAudioCon gurationChanged(bool deviceChanged) will be invoked. Its argument
deviceChanged will be false if the change was caused by an AudioSettings.Reset() call, and true if it was caused by an
external device change (this could also be changing the sample rate of the audio device in use). The callback allows you to
recreate any volatile sounds such as generated PCM clips, restore any audio state, or further adapt the audio settings
through a call to AudioSettings.Reset().

Baked Data in Unity 5.0

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When upgrading a project from Unity 4 to Unity 5, you may need to re-bake stored data because some of the
prebaked data formats have changed.
Baked Occlusion Culling data format was changed. Rebaking is required for the occlusion culling data.
Baked Lighting data format was changed. Rebaking is required for the lighting data.

Plugins in Unity 5.0

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These are notes to be aware of when upgrading projects from Unity 4 to Unity 5, if your project uses plugins, including native
audio plugins.
Plugins are no longer required to be placed in Assets\Plugins folders, they now have settings for checking which
platforms are compatible and platform speci c settings (like setting compatible CPU, SDK’s) etc. By default new plugins are marked
as compatible with ‘Any Platform’. To make transition easier from older Unity versions, Unity will check in what folder plugin is
located, and set initial settings accordingly, for ex., if plugin is located in Assets\Plugins\Editor, it will be marked as compatible with
Editor only, if plugin is located in Assets\Plugins\iOS, it will be marked as compatible with iOS only, etc. Also please refer to
‘PluginInspector documentation’ for more info.

Native Plugins in the Editor
32-bit native plugins will not work in the 64-bit editor. Attempting to load them will result in errors being logged to the console and
exceptions being thrown when trying to call a function from the native plugin.
To continue to use 32-bit native plugins in the editor, use the 32-bit editor version (provided as a separate installer).
To have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the same plugin in your project, simply put them in two di erent folders and set the
supported platforms appropriately in the importer settings.

We currently do not provide a 32-bit editor for OSX.

Native Audio Plugins

Plugins with the pre x “audioplugin” (case-insensitive) will be automatically loaded upon scanning so that they are usable in the
audio mixer. The same applies to standalone builds where these plugins are loaded at startup time before any assets have yet
been loaded, as certain assets such as audio mixers require them to be loaded in order to instantiate e ects.

Physics in Unity 5.0

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Unity 5.0 features an upgrade to PhysX3.3 SDK. Please give this blogpost a quick look before taking any action on your 4.x projects. It
should give you a taste of what to expect from the new codebase: High Performance Physics in Unity 5. Please be warned that PhysX3
is not 100% compatible with PhysX2 and requires some actions from the user when upgrading.

General overview of updates
Unity 5.0 physics could be expected to work up to 2x faster than in previous versions. Most of the components you were familiar with
are still there, and you will nd them working as before. Of course, some behaviours were impossible to get the same and some were
just weird behaviours caused by limitations of the pre-existed codebase, so we had to take changes. The two areas that got the most
signi cant change are Cloth component and WheelCollider component. We’re including a section about each of them below. Then,
there are smaller changes all over the physics code that cause incompatibility.

Changes that are likely to a ect projects:
Adaptive force is now switched o

by default

Adaptive force was introduced to help with the simulation of large stacks, but it turned out to be great only for demos. In real games it
happened to cause wrong behaviour. You can switch it on in the editor physics properties: Edit -> Project settings -> Physics -> Enable
adaptive force.

Smooth sphere collisions are removed both from terrain and meshes.
PhysX3 has the feature that addresses the same issue and it’s no longer switchable as it’s considered to be a solution without major

Springs expose larger amplitudes with PhysX3.
you may want to tune spring parameters after upgrading.

Setting Terrain Physics Material has changed
Use TerrainCollider.sharedMaterial and TerrainCollider.material to specify physics material for terrain. The older way of setting
physics material through the TerrainData will no longer work. As a bonus, you can now specify terrain physics materials on a per
collider basis.

Shape casting and sweeping has changed:
Shape sweeps report all shapes they hit (i.e CapsuleCast and SphereCast would return all shapes they hit, even the
ones that fully contain the primitive)
Raycasts lter out shapes that contain the raycast origin
Compound Collider events:
When using compound colliders, OnCollisionEnter is now called once per each contact pair

Triggers must be convex:
From now on, you can have triggers only on convex shapes (a PhysX restriction):

TerrainCollider no longer supports IsTrigger ag
MeshCollider can have IsTrigger only if it’s convex
Dynamic bodies must be convex:
Dynamic bodies (i.e. those having Rigidbody attached with Kinematic = false) can no longer have concave mesh colliders (a PhysX
If you want to have collisions with concave meshes, you can only have them on static colliders and kinematic bodies

Ragdoll joints:
Joint setups for ragdolls will likely need tweaking.
These suggestions apply to joints in general as well.

See the Joint And Ragdoll Stability page for most recent version of this guide.
Avoid small angles of “Angular Y Limit” and “Angular Z Limit”. Depending on your setup the minimum angles should be around 5 to 15
degrees in order to be stable. Instead of using a small angle try setting the angle to zero. This will lock the axis and provide a stable
Set “Enable Preprocessing” to false (unchecked). Disabling the preprocessing can help against joints “blowing up”. Joints can “blow up”
if they are forced into situations where there is no possible way to satisfy the joint constraints. This can occur if jointed rigid bodies
are pulled apart by static collision geometry, like spawning a ragdoll partially inside a wall.
Ragdoll stability or stretching: If ragdolls are given extreme circumstances, such as spawning partially inside a wall or pushed with a
large force, the joint solver will be unable to keep the rigid bodies together. This can result in stretching or a “cloud of body parts”.
Please enable projection on the joints, using either “Con gurableJoint.projectionMode” or “CharacterJoint.enableProjection”.
If bodies connected with joints are jittering try increase Edit->Project Settings->Physics->“Solver Iteration Count”. Try between 10 or 20.
Never use direct transform access with kinematic bodies jointed to other bodies. Doing so skips the step where PhysX computes
internal velocities of corresponding bodies and thus makes solver provide unpleasant results. We’ve seen some 2D projects using
direct transform access to ip characters via altering transform.direction on the root boon of the rig. This behaves much better if you
use MovePosition / MoveRotation / Move instead.

Rigidbody’s constraints are applied in local space
The locking mechanism we used in Unity 4 was basically discarding changes to locked rotations & was resetting the angular speeds as
a post-solver step. This was working mostly ne except that there were issues with bodies failing to go asleep as the solver wanted to
adjust the rotations every frame; and a few related cases were noticed over the years. When working on PhysX3 integration we
utilised this new feature of PhysX 3.3 where we can set the in nite inertia tensor components for locked rotational degrees of
freedom. This is now supported in the solver so the body would now go to sleep appropriately, but since this is inertia, it is applied in
local coordinates.

The new WheelCollider is powered by the PhysX3 Vehicles SDK that is basically a completely new vehicle simulation library when
compared to the code we had with PhysX2.
Read more about the new WheelCollider here.

Unity 5 uses the completely rewritten cloth solver provided by the new PhysX SDK. This cloth solver has been designed with character
clothing in mind, and is a great improvement compared to the old version in terms of performance and stability. Unity 5 replaces the
SkinnedCloth and InteractiveCloth components in Unity 4 with a single Cloth component, which works in conjunction with a
SkinnedMeshRenderer. The functionality is similar to the previous SkinnedCloth component, but it is now possible to assign arbitrary,
non-skinned meshes to the SkinnedMeshRenderer, so you can still handle cloth simulation on any random mesh.
However, some functionality which was available on the old InteractiveCloth is now no longer supported by the new version of PhysX
as it is di cult to implement these with good performance. Speci cally:

you can no longer use cloth to collide with arbitrary world geometry
tearing is no longer supported
you can no longer apply pressure on cloth
you can no longer attach cloth to colliders or have cloth apply forces to rigidbodies in the scene.

Shaders in Unity 5.0

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These are notes to be aware of when upgrading projects from Unity 4 to Unity 5, if your project uses custom shader code.

Shaders no longer apply a 2x multiply of light intensity
Shaders no longer apply a 2x multiply of light intensity. Instead lights are automatically upgraded to be twice as bright. This
creates more consistency and simplicity in light rigs. For example a directional light shining on a white di use surface will get
the exact color of the light. The upgrade does not a ect animation, thus if you have an animated light intensity value you
must change your animation curves or script code and make them 2x as large to get the same look.
In the case of custom shaders where you de ne your own lighting functions, you need to remove the * 2 yourself.

// A common pattern in shader code that has this problem will look like this
c.rgb = s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * (diff * atten * 2);
// You need to fix the code so it looks more like this
c.rgb = s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * (diff * atten);

Increased interpolator and instruction counts for some surface shaders
Built-in lighting pipeline in Unity 5 can in some cases use more texture coordinate interpolators or math instruction count (to
get things like non-uniform mesh scale, dynamic GI etc. working). Some of your existing surface shaders might be running
into texture coordinate or ALU instruction limits, especially if they were targeting shader model 2.0 (default). Adding
“#pragma target 3.0” can work around this issue. See http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-ShaderPrograms.html for the

Non-uniform mesh scale has to be taken into account in shaders
In Unity 5.0, non-uniform meshes are not “prescaled” on the CPU anymore. This means that normal & tangent vectors can be
non-normalized in the vertex shader. If you’re doing manual lighting calculations there, you’d have to normalize them. If
you’re using Unity’s surface shaders, then all necessary code will be generated for you.

Fog handling was changed
Unity 5.0 makes built-in Fog work on Windows Phone and consoles, but in order to achieve that we’ve changed how Fog is
done a bit. For surface shaders and xed function shaders, nothing extra needs to be done - fog will be added automatically
(you can add “nofog” to surface shader #pragma line to explicitly make it not support fog).
For manually written vertex/fragment shaders, fog does not happen automagically now. You need to add #pragma
multi_compile_fog and fog handling macros to your shader code. Check out built-in shader source, for example Unlit-Normal
how to do it.

Surface shaders alpha channel change
By default all opaque surface shaders output 1.0 (“white”) into alpha channel now. If you want to stop that, use “keepalpha”
option on the #pragma surface line.
All alpha blended surface shaders use alpha component computed by the lighting function as blend factor now (instead of
s.Alpha). If you’re using custom lighting functions, you probably want to add something like “c.a = s.Alpha” towards the end of

Sorting by material index has been removed
Unity no longer sorts by material index in the forward renderloop. This improves performance because more objects can be
rendered without state changes between them. This breaks compatibility for content that relies on material index as a way of
sorting. In 4.x a mesh with two materials would always render the rst material rst, and the second material second. In
Unity 5 this is not the case, the order depends on what reduces the most state changes to render the scene.

Fixed function TexGen, texture matrices and some SetTexture combiner modes
were removed
Unity 5.0 removed support for this xed function shader functionality:

UV coordinate generation (TexGen command).
UV transformation matrices (Matrix command on a texture property or inside a SetTexture).
Rarely used SetTexture combiner modes: signed add (a+-b), multiply signed add (ab+-c), multiply subtract (abc), dot product (dot3, dot3rgba).
Any of the above will do nothing now, and shader inspector will show warnings about their usage. You should rewrite
a ected shaders using programmable vertex+fragment shaders instead. All platforms support them nowadays, and there
are no advantages whatsoever to use xed function shaders.
If you have fairly old versions of Projector or Water shader packages in your project, the shaders there might be using this
functionality. Upgrade the packages to 5.0 version.

Mixing programmable & xed function shader parts is not allowed anymore
Mixing partially xed function & partially programmable shaders (e.g. xed function vertex lighting & pixel shader; or a vertex
shader and texture combiners) is not supported anymore. It was never working on mobile, consoles or DirectX 11 anyway.
This required changing behavior of Legacy/Re ective/VertexLit shader to not do that - it lost per-vertex specular support; on
the plus side it now behaves consistently between platforms.

D3D9 shader compiler was switched from Cg 2.2 to HLSL
Mostly this should be transparent (just result in less codegen bugs and slightly faster shaders). However HLSL compiler can
be slightly more picky about syntax. Some examples:

You need to fully initialize output variables. Use UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT helper macro, just like you would
on D3D11.
“ oat3(a_4_component_value)” constructors do not work. Use “a_4_component_value.xyz” instead.

“unity_Scale” shader variable has been removed

The “unity_Scale” shader property has been removed. In 4.x unity_Scale.w was the 1 / uniform Scale of the transform, Unity
4.x only rendered non-scaled or uniformly scaled models. Other scales were performed on the CPU, which was very
expensive & had an unexpected memory overhead.
In Unity 5.0 all this is done on the GPU by simply passing matrices with non-uniform scale to the shaders. Thus unity_Scale
has been removed because it can not represent the full scale. In most cases where “unity_Scale” was used we recommend
instead transforming to world space rst. In the case of transforming normals, you always have to use normalize on the
transformed normal now. In some cases this leads to slightly more expensive code in the vertex shader.

// Unity 4.x
float3 norm = mul ((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV, v.normal * unity_Scale.w);
// Becomes this in Unity 5.0
float3 norm = normalize(mul ((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV, v.normal));

// Unity 4.x
temp.xyzw = v.vertex.xzxz * unity_Scale.xzxz * _WaveScale4 + _WaveOffset;
// Becomes this in Unity 5.0
float4 wpos = mul (_Object2World, v.vertex);
temp.xyzw = wpos.xzxz * _WaveScale4 + _WaveOffset;

Shadows, Depth Textures and ShadowCollector passes
Forward rendered directional light shadows do not do separate “shadow collector” pass anymore. Now they calculate
screenspace shadows from a camera’s depth texture (just like in deferred lighting).
This means that LightMode=ShadowCollector passes in shaders aren’t used for anything; you can just remove them from
your shaders.
Depth texture itself is not generated using shader replacement anymore; it is rendered with ShadowCaster shader passes.
This means that as long as your objects can cast proper shadows, then they will also appear in camera’s depth texture
properly (was very hard to do before, if you wanted custom vertex animation or funky alpha testing). It also means that
Camera-DepthTexture.shader is not used for anything now. And also, all built-in shadow shaders used no backface culling;
that was changed to match culling mode of regular rendering.

Other Upgrade Notes for Unity 5.0

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More information about features that have changed and may a ect your project when upgrading from Unity 4 to
Unity 5

Locking / Hiding the Cursor
Cursor lock and cursor visibility are now independent of each other.

// Unity 4.x
Screen.lockCursor = true;

// Becomes this in Unity 5.0
Cursor.visible = false;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;

Gamepad handling has been reworked for Unity 5.
Unity is now capable of “con guring” gamepads - either via a database of known models, or using the
SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG environment variable, which is set by Steam Big Picture / SteamOS for gamepads
detected or con gured with its interface.
Con gured gamepads present a consistent layout: left stick uses axes 0/1, right stick uses axes 3/4, buttons on
the face of the gamepad are 0–3, etc. To determine whether a gamepad has been con gured, call
Input.IsJoystickPrecon gured().

Windows Store Apps
‘Metro’ keyword was replaced to ‘WSA’ in most APIs, for example: BuildTarget.MetroPlayer became
BuildTarget.WSAPlayer, PlayerSettings.Metro became PlayerSettings.WSA.
De nes in scripts like UNITY_METRO, UNITY_METRO_8_0, UNITY_METRO_8_1 are still there, but along with them
there will be newer de nes UNITY_WSA, UNITY_WSA_8_0, UNITY_WSA_8_1.

Other script API changes that cannot be upgraded
UnityEngine.AnimationEvent is now a struct. Comparisons to ‘null’ will result in compile errors.

AddComponent(string), when called with a variable cannot be automatically updated to the generic version
AddComponent(). In such cases the API Updater will replace the call with a call to
APIUpdaterRuntimeServices.AddComponent(). This method is meant to allow you to test your game in editor
mode (they do a best e ort to try to resolve the type at runtime) but it is not meant to be used in production, so it
is an error to build a game with calls to such method). On platforms that support Type.GetType(string) you can try
to use GetComponent(Type.GetType(typeName)) as a workaround.
AssetBundle.Load, AssetBundle.LoadAsync and AssetBundle.LoadAll have been deprecated. Use
AssetBundle.LoadAsset, AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync and AssetBundle.LoadAllAssets instead. Script updater
cannot update them as the loading behaviors have changed a little. In 5.0 all the loading APIs will not load
components any more, please use the new loading APIs to load the game object rst, then look up the
component on the object.

Unity Package changes
The internal package format of .unityPackages has changed, along with some behaviour of how packages are
imported into unity and how con icts are resolved.
Packages are now only constructed with the source asset and the .meta text le that contains all the importer
settings for the asset.
Packages will always require asset importing now.
Packages will be reduced in size signi cantly, because the imported data (for example texture and audio data) will
not be doubled up.
Packages with le names that already exist in the project, but with di erent GUIDs will have these les imported
with a unique le name. This is done to prevent overriding les in the project that actually came from di erent
packages or were created by the user.

Upgrading to Unity 4.0

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GameObject active state

Unity 4.0 changes how the active state of GameObjects is handled. GameObject’s active state is now inherited by
child GameObjects, so that any GameObject which is inactive will also cause its children to be inactive. We
believe that the new behavior makes more sense than the old one, and should have always been this way. Also,
the upcoming new GUI system heavily depends on the new 4.0 behavior, and would not be possible without it.
Unfortunately, this may require some work to x existing projects to work with the new Unity 4.0 behavior, and
here is the change:

The old behavior:
Whether a GameObject is active or not was de ned by its .active property.
This could be queried and set by checking the .active property.
A GameObject’s active state had no impact on the active state of child GameObjects. If you want to
activate or deactivate a GameObject and all of its children, you needed to call
When using SetActiveRecursively on a GameObject, the previous active state of any child
GameObject would be lost. When you deactivate and then activated a GameObject and all its
children using SetActiveRecursively, any child which had been inactive before the call to
SetActiveRecursively, would become active, and you had to manually keep track of the active
state of children if you want to restore it to the way it was.
Prefabs could not contain any active state, and were always active after prefab instantiation.

The new behavior:

Whether a GameObject is active or not is de ned by its own .activeSelf property, and that of all of
its parents. The GameObject is active if its own .activeSelf property and that of all of its parents is
true. If any of them are false, the GameObject is inactive.
This can be queried using the .activeInHierarchy property.
The .activeSelf state of a GameObject can be changed by calling GameObject.SetActive. When
calling SetActive (false) on a previously active GameObject, this will deactivate the GameObject
and all its children. When calling SetActive (true) on a previously inactive GameObject, this will
activate the GameObject, if all its parents are active. Children will be activated when all their
parents are active (i.e., when all their parents have .activeSelf set to true).
This means that SetActiveRecursively is no longer needed, as active state is inherited from the
parents. It also means that, when deactivating and activating part of a hierarchy by calling
SetActive, the previous active state of any child GameObject will be preserved.
Prefabs can contain active state, which is preserved on prefab instantiation.


You have three GameObjects, A, B and C, so that B and C are children of A.

Deactivate C by calling C.SetActive(false).
Now, A.activeInHierarchy == true, B.activeInHierarchy == true and C.activeInHierarchy ==
Likewise, A.activeSelf == true, B.activeSelf == true and C.activeSelf == false.
Now we deactivate the parent A by calling A.SetActive(false).

Now, A.activeInHierarchy == false, B.activeInHierarchy == false and C.activeInHierarchy ==
Likewise, A.activeSelf == false, B.activeSelf == true and C.activeSelf == false.
Now we activate the parent A again by calling A.SetActive(true).
Now, we are back to A.activeInHierarchy == true, B.activeInHierarchy == true and
C.activeInHierarchy == false.
Likewise, A.activeSelf == true, B.activeSelf == true and C.activeSelf == false.

The new active state in the editor

To visualize these changes, in the Unity 4.0 editor, any GameObject which is inactive (either because it’s own
.activeSelf property is set to false, or that of one of it’s parents), will be greyed out in the hierarchy, and have a
greyed out icon in the inspector. The GameObject’s own .activeSelf property is re ected by it’s active checkbox,
which can be toggled regardless of parent state (but it will only activate the GameObject if all parents are active).

How this a ects existing projects:
To make you aware of places in your code where this might a ect you, the GameObject.active
property and the GameObject.SetActiveRecursively() function have been deprecated.
They are, however still functional. Reading the value of GameObject.active is equivalent to reading
GameObject.activeInHierarchy, and setting GameObject.active is equivalent to calling
GameObject.SetActive(). Calling GameObject.SetActiveRecursively() is equivalent to calling
GameObject.SetActive() on the GameObject and all of it’s children.
Exiting scenes from 3.5 are imported by setting the selfActive property of any GameObject in the
scene to it’s previous active property.
As a result, any project imported from previous versions of Unity should still work as expected (with
compiler warnings, though), as long as it does not rely on having active children of inactive
GameObjects (which is no longer possible in Unity 4.0).
If your project relies on having active children of inactive GameObjects, you need to change your
logic to a model which works in Unity 4.0.

Changes to the asset processing pipeline

During the development of 4.0 our asset import pipeline has changed in some signi cant ways internal in order to
improve performance, memory usage and determinism. For the most part these changes does not have an
impact on the user with one exception: Objects in assets are not made persistent until the very end of the import
pipeline and any previously imported version of an assets will be completely replaced.
The rst part means that during post processing you cannot get the correct references to objects in the asset and
the second part means that if you use the references to a previously imported version of the asset during post
processing do store modi cation those modi cations will be lost.

Example of references being lost because they are not persistent yet
Consider this small example:

public class ModelPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor
public void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject go)

PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab("Prefabs/" + go.name, go);

In Unity 3.5 this would create a prefab with all the correct references to the meshes and so on because all the
meshes would already have been made persistent, but since this is not the case in Unity 4.0 the same post
processor will create a prefab where all the references to the meshes are gone, simply because Unity 4.0 does not
yet know how to resolve the references to objects in the original model prefab. To correctly copy a modelprefab
in to prefab you should use OnPostProcessAllAssets to go through all imported assets, nd the modelprefab
and create new prefabs as above.

Example of references to previously imported assets being discarded
The second example is a little more complex but is actually a use case we have seen in 3.5 that broke in 4.0. Here
is a simple ScriptableObject with a references to a mesh.

public class Referencer : ScriptableObject
public Mesh myMesh;

We use this ScriptableObject to create an asset with references to a mesh inside a model, then in our post
processor we take that reference and give it a di erent name, the end result being that when we have reimported
the model the name of the mesh will be what the post processor determines.

public class Postprocess : AssetPostprocessor
public void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject go)
Referencer myRef = (Referencer)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/MyR
myRef.myMesh.name = "AwesomeMesh";

This worked ne in Unity 3.5 but in Unity 4.0 the already imported model will be completely replaced, so changing
the name of the mesh from a previous import will have no e ect. The Solution here is to nd the mesh by some
other means and change its name. What is most important to note is that in Unity 4.0 you should ONLY modify
the given input to the post processor and not rely on the previously imported version of the same asset.

Mesh Read/Write option
Unity 4.0 adds a “Read/Write Enabled” option in the Model import settings. When this option is turned o , it saves
memory since Unity can unload a copy of mesh data in the game.
However, if you are scaling or instantiating meshes at runtime with a non-uniform scale, you may have to enable
“Read/Write Enabled” in their import settings. The reason is that non-uniform scaling requires the mesh data to
be kept in memory. Normally we detect this at build time, but when meshes are scaled or instantiated at runtime
you need to set this manually. Otherwise they might not be rendered in game builds correctly.

Mesh optimization
The Model Importer in Unity 4.0 has become better at mesh optimization. The “Mesh Optimization” checkbox in
the Model Importer in Unity 4.0 is now enabled by default, and will reorder the vertices in your Mesh for optimal
performance. You may have some post-processing code or e ects in your project which depend on the vertex
order of your meshes, and these might be broken by this change. In that case, turn o “Mesh Optimization” in the
Mesh importer. Especially, if you are using the SkinnedCloth component, mesh optimization will cause your
vertex weight mapping to change. So if you are using SkinnedCloth in a project imported from 3.5, you need to
turn o “Mesh Optimization” for the a ected meshes, or recon gure your vertex weights to match the new vertex

Mobile input
With Unity 4.0 mobile sensor input got better alignment between platforms, which means you can write less code
when handling typical input on mobile platforms. Now acceleration and gyro input will follow screen orientation
in the same way both on iOS and Android platforms. To take advantage of this change you should refactor your
input code and remove platform and screen orientation speci c code when handling acceleration and gyro input.
You still can get old behavior on iOS by setting Input.compensateSensors to false.

Upgrading to Unity 3.5

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If you have an FBX le with a root node marked up as a skeleton, it will be imported with an additional root node
in 3.5, compared to 3.4

Unity 3.5 does this because when importing animated characters, the most common setup is to have one root
node with all bones below and a skeleton next to it in the hierarchy. When creating additional animations, it is
common to remove the skinned mesh from the fbx le. In that case the new import method ensures that the
additional root node always exists and thus animations and the skinned mesh actually match.
If the connection between the instance and the FBX le’s prefab has been broken in 3.4 the animation will not
match in 3.5, and as a result your animation might not play.
In that case it is recommended that you recreate the prefabs or Game Object hierarchies by dragging your FBX
le into your scene and recreating it.


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You can bring Assets created outside of Unity into your Unity Project by either exporting the le directly into the
Assets folder under your Project, or copying it into that folder. For many common formats, you can save your
source le directly into your Project’s Assets folder and Unity can read it. Unity also detects when you save new
changes to the le and re-imports les as necessary.
When you create a Unity Project, you are creating a folder (named after your Project) which contains the following

The basic le structure of a Unity Project
Save or copy les that you want to use in your Project into the Assets folder. You can use the Project window
inside Unity to view the contents of your Assets folder. Therefore, if you save or copy a le to your Assets folder,
Unity imports it and appears in your Project window.
Unity automatically detects les as they are added to the Assets folder, or if they are modi ed. When you put any
Asset into your Assets folder, it appears in your Project View.

The Project Window shows Assets that Unity imported into your Project
If you drag a le into Unity’s Project window from your computer (either from the Finder on Mac, or from the
Explorer on Windows), Unity copies it into your Assets folder, and it appears in the Project window.
The items that appear in your Project window represent (in most cases) actual les on your computer, and if you
delete them within Unity, you are deleting them from your computer too.

The relationship between the Assets Folder in your Unity Project on your computer, and the Project
window within Unity
The above image shows an example of a few les and folders inside the Assets folder of a Unity Project. You can
create as many folders as you like and use them to organize your Assets.
The image above shows .meta les listed in the le system, but not visible in Unity’s Project window. Unity creates
these .meta les for each asset and folder, but they are hidden by default, so you may not see them in your le
system either.
They contain important information about how the asset is used in the Project and they must stay with the asset
le they relate to, so if you move or rename an asset le in your le system, you must also move/rename the
meta le to match.
The simplest way to safely move or rename your assets is to always do it from within Unity’s Project folder. This
way, Unity automatically moves or renames the corresponding meta le. If you like, you can read more about
.meta les and what goes on behind-the-scenes during the import process.
If you want to bring collections of Assets into your Project, you can use Asset packages.

Inspecting Assets
Each type of Asset that Unity supports has a set of Import Settings, which a ect how the Asset appears or
behaves. To view an Asset’s import settings, select the Asset in the Project View. The import settings for this
Asset will appear in the Inspector. The options that appear vary depending on the type of Asset selected.
For example, the import settings for an image allow you to choose whether Unity imports it as a Texture, a 2D
sprite, or a normal map. The import settings for an FBX le allow you to adjust the scale, generate normals or
lightmap coordinates, and split & trim animation clips de ned in the le.

Clicking on an image Asset in the Project Window shows the import settings for that Asset in the
For other Asset types, the import settings look di erent. The various settings you see relate to the type of Asset
selected. Here’s an example of an Audio Asset, with its related import settings shown in the inspector:

An Audio Asset selected in the Project Window shows the Audio import settings for that Asset in the
If you are developing a cross-platform Project, you can override the “default” settings and assign di erent import
settings on a per-platform basis.

See also:
Materials and Shaders
Textures and Videos
Sprite Editor
Sprite Packer

Audio Files
Tracker Modules
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Model import work ows

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Note: This work ow assumes you already have a Model le to import. If you don’t have a le already, you can read
the guidelines on how to export an FBX le before exporting it from your 3D modeling software. For guidelines on
how to export Humanoid animation from your 3D modeling software, see Humanoid Asset preparation.
Model les can contain a variety of data, such as character Meshes, Animation Rigs and Clips, as well as Materials and
Textures. Most likely, your le does not contain all of these elements at once, but you can follow any portion of the
work ow that you need to.
Accessing the Import Settings window
No matter what kind of data you want to extract from the Model le, you always start the same way: 1. Open the
Project window and the Inspector so that you can see both at once. 2. Select the Model le you want to import from
the Asset folder in the Project window. The Import Settings window opens in the Inspector showing the Model tab
by default.
Setting Model-speci c and general importer options
Then you can set any of these options on the Model tab:

Use the Scale Factor and Convert Units properties to adjust how Unity interprets units. For example,
3ds Max uses 1 unit to represent 10 centimeters, whereas Unity uses 1 unit to represent 1 meter.
Use the Mesh Compression, Read/Write Enabled, Optimize Mesh, Keep Quads, Index Format, or
Weld Vertices properties to reduce resources and save memory.
You can enable the Import BlendShapes option if the Model le came from Maya or 3ds Max, or any
other 3d modeling application that supports morph target animation.
You can enable the Generate Colliders option for environment geometry.
You can enable speci c FBX settings, such as Import Visibility, or Import Cameras and Import
For Model les that contain only Animation, you can enable the Preserve Hierarchy option to prevent
hierarchy mismatch in your skeleton.
You can set the Swap UVs and Generate Lightmap UVs if you are using a Lightmap.
You can exercise control over how Unity handles the Normals and Tangents in your Model with the
Normals, Normals Mode, Tangents, or Smoothing Angle options.
Setting options for importing Rigs and Animation
If your le contains Animation data, you can follow the guidelines for setting up the Rig using the Rig tab and then
extracting or de ning Animation Clips using the Animation tab. The work ow di ers between Humanoid and
Generic (non-Humanoid) animation types because Unity needs the Humanoid’s bone structure to be very speci c,
but only needs to know which bone is the root node for the Generic type:

Humanoid-type work ow
Generic-type work ow
Dealing with Materials and Textures
If your le contains Material or Texture, you can de ne how you want to deal with them:

Click the Materials tab in the Import Settings window.

Enable the Import Materials option. Several options appear in the Materials tab, including the
Location option, whose value determines what the other options are.
Choose the Use Embedded Materials option to keep the imported Materials inside the imported
When you have nished setting the options, click the Apply button at the bottom of the Import Settings window to
save them or click the Revert button to cancel.
Finally, you can import the le into your scene:

If it contains a Mesh, drag the le into the Scene view to instantiate it as a Prefab for a GameObject.
If it contains Animation Clips, you can drag the le into the Animator window to use in the State
Machine or onto an Animation track on the Timeline window. You can also drag the Animation take
directly onto an instantiated Prefab in the Scene view. This automatically creates an Animation
Controller and connects the animation to the Model.
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2018–09–26 Page amended with limited editorial review

Importing humanoid animations

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When Unity imports Model les that contain Humanoid Rigs and Animation, it needs to reconcile the bone structure of the
Model to its Animation. It does this by mapping each bone in the le to a Humanoid Avatar so that it can play the Animation
properly. For this reason, it is important to carefully prepare your Model le before importing into Unity.

De ne the Rig type and create the Avatar.
Correct or verify the Avatar’s mapping.
Once you are nished with the bone mapping, you can optionally click the Muscles & Settings tab to tweak the
Avatar’s muscle con guration.
You can optionally save the mapping of your skeleton’s bones to the Avatar as a Human Template (.ht) le.
You can optionally limit the animation that gets imported on certain bones by de ning an Avatar Mask.
From the Animation tab, enable the Import Animation option and then set the other Asset-speci c properties,
If the le consists of multiple animations or actions, you can de ne speci c action ranges as Animation Clips.
For each Animation Clip de ned in the le, you can:
Change the pose and root transform
Optimize looping
Mirror the animation on both sides of the Humanoid skeleton.
Add curves to the clip in order to animate the timings of other items
Add events to the clip in order to trigger certain actions in time with the animation
Discard part of the animation similar to using a runtime Avatar Mask but applied at import time
Select a di erent Root Motion Node to drive the action from
Read any messages from Unity about importing the clip
Watch a preview of the animation clip
To save your changes, click the Apply button at the bottom of the Import Settings window or Revert to discard
your changes.

Set up the Avatar
From the Rig tab of the Inspector window, set the Animation Type to Humanoid. By default, the Avatar De nition property is
set to Create From This Model. If you keep this option, Unity attempts to map the set of bones de ned in the le to a
Humanoid Avatar.

Humanoid Rig
Note: In some cases, you can change this option to Copy From Other Avatar to use an Avatar you already de ned for another
Model le. For example, if you create a Mesh (skin) in your 3D modeling application with several distinct animations, you can
export the Mesh to one FBX le, and each animation to its own FBX le. When you import these les into Unity, you only need to
create a single Avatar for the rst le you import (usually the Mesh). As long as all the les use the same bone structure, you can
re-use that Avatar for the rest of the les (for example, all the animations).
If you enable this option, you must specify which Avatar you want to use by setting the Source property.

Click the Apply button. Unity tries to match up the existing bone structure to the Avatar bone structure. In many cases, it can do
this automatically by analyzing the connections between bones in the rig.
If the match succeeds, a check mark appears next to the Con gure menu. Unity also adds an Avatar sub-asset to the Model
Asset, which you can nd in the Project view.

Avatar appears as a sub-asset of the imported Model
A successful match simply means that Unity was able to match all of the required bones. However, for better results, you also
need to match the optional bones and set the model in a proper T-pose.
If Unity can’t create the Avatar, a cross appears next to the Con gure button, and no Avatar sub-asset appears in the Project

Unity failed to create a valid Avatar
Since the Avatar is such an important aspect of the animation system, it is important to con gure it properly for your Model.
For this reason, whether or not the automatic Avatar creation succeeds, you should always check that your Avatar is valid and
properly set up.

Con gure the Avatar
If Unity failed to create the Avatar for your model, you must click the Con gure … button on the Rig tab to open the Avatar
window and x your Avatar.
If the match was successful, you can either click the Con gure … button on the Rig tab or open the window from the Project

Click the Avatar sub-Asset in the Project view. The Inspector displays the name of the Avatar and a Con gure
Avatar button.
Click the Con gure Avatar button.

The Inspector for an Avatar sub-asset
If you haven’t already saved the Avatar, a message appears asking you to save your scene:

The reason for this is that in Con gure mode, the Scene view is used to display bone, muscle and animation information for
the selected model alone, without displaying the rest of the scene.
Once you have saved the scene, the Avatar window appears in the Inspector displaying any bone mapping.
Make sure the bone mapping is correct and that you map any optional bones that Unity did not assign.
Your skeleton needs to have at least the required bones in place for Unity to produce a valid match. In order to improve your
chances for nding a match to the Avatar, name your bones in a way that re ects the body parts they represent. For example,
“LeftArm” and “RightForearm” make it clear what these bones control.

Mapping strategies
If the model does not yield a valid match, you can use a similar process to the one that Unity uses internally:

Choose Clear from the Mapping menu at the bottom of the Avatar window to reset any mapping that Unity

Choose Sample Bind-pose__from the Pose__ menu at the bottom of the Avatar window to approximate the
Model’s initial modeling pose.

Choose Mapping > Automap to create a bone-mapping from an initial pose.
Choose Pose > Enforce T-Pose to set the Model back to to required T-pose.
If automapping fails completely or partially, you can manually assign bones by either dragging them from the Scene view or
from the Hierarchy view. If Unity thinks a bone ts, it appears in green in the Avatar Mapping tab; otherwise it appears in red.

Resetting the pose
The T-pose is the default pose required by Unity animation and is the recommended pose to model in your 3D modeling
application. However, if you did not use the T-pose to model your character and the animation does not work as expected, you

can choose the :

The Pose drop-down menu at the bottom of the Avatar window
If the bone assignment is correct, but the character is not in the correct pose, you will see the message “Character not in T-Pose”.
You can try to x that by choosing Enforce T-Pose from the Pose menu. If the pose is still not correct, you can manually rotate
the remaining bones into a T-pose.

Creating an Avatar Mask
Masking allows you to discard some of the animation data within a clip, allowing the clip to animate only parts of the object or
character rather than the entire thing. For example, you may have a standard walking animation that includes both arm and leg
motion, but if a character is carrying a large object with both hands then you wouldn’t want their arms to swing to the side as
they walk. However, you could still use the standard walking animation while carrying the object by using a mask to only play the
upper body portion of the carrying animation over the top of the walking animation.
You can apply masking to animation clips either during import time, or at runtime. Masking during import time is preferable,
because it allows the discarded animation data to be omitted from your build, making the les smaller and therefore using less
memory. It also makes for faster processing because there is less animation data to be blended at runtime. In some cases,
import masking may not be suitable for your purposes. In that case, you can apply a mask at runtime by creating an
Avatar Mask Asset, and using it in the layer settings of your Animator Controller.
To create an empty Avatar Mask Asset, you can either:

Choose Create > Avatar Mask from the Assets menu.
Click the Model object you want to de ne the mask on in the Project view, and then right-click and choose
Create > Avatar Mask.
The new Asset appears in the Project view:

The Avatar Mask window
You can now add portions of the body to the mask and then add the mask to either an Animation Layer or add a reference to it
under the Mask section of the Animation tab.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Importing non-humanoid animations

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A Humanoid model is a very speci c structure, containing at least 15 bones organized in a way that loosely conforms to an
actual human skeleton. Everything else that uses the Unity Animation System falls under the non-Humanoid, or Generic
category. This means that a Generic Model might be anything from a teakettle to a dragon, so non-Humanoid skeletons could
have a huge range of possible bone structures.
The solution to dealing with this complexity is that Unity only needs to know which bone is the Root node. In terms of the
Generic character, this is the best approximation to the Humanoid character’s center of mass. It helps Unity determine how
to render animation in the most faithful way possible. Since there is only one bone to map, Generic setups do not use the
Humanoid Avatar window. As a result, preparing to import your non-Humanoid Model le into Unity requires fewer steps
than for Humanoid models.

Set up your Rig as Generic.
You can optionally limit the animation that gets imported on certain bones by de ning an Avatar Mask.
From the Animation tab, enable the Import Animation option and then set the other Asset-speci c
properties, .
If the le consists of multiple animations or actions, you can de ne speci c frame ranges as Animation Clips.
For each Animation Clip de ned in the le, you can:
Set the pose and root transform
Optimize looping
Add curves to the clip in order to animate the timings of other items
Add events to the clip in order to trigger certain actions in time with the animation
Discard part of the animation similar to using a runtime Avatar Mask but applied at import time
Select a di erent Root Motion Node to drive the action from
Read any messages from Unity about importing the clip
Watch a preview of the animation clip
To save your changes, click the Apply button at the bottom of the Import Settings window or Revert to
discard your changes.

Setting up the Rig
From the Rig tab of the Inspector window, set the Avatar (animation) type to Generic. By default, the Avatar De nition
property is set to Create From This Model and the Root node option is set to None.
In some cases, you can change the Avatar De nition option to Copy From Other Avatar to use an Avatar you already
de ned for another Model le. For example, if you create a Mesh (skin) in your 3D modeling application with several distinct
animations, you can export the Mesh to one FBX le, and each animation to its own FBX le. When you import these les into
Unity, you only need to create a single Avatar for the rst le you import (usually the Mesh). As long as all the les use the
same bone structure, you can re-use that Avatar for the rest of the les (for example, all the animations).

Generic Rig
If you keep the Create From This Model option, you must then choose a bone from the Root node property.

If you decide to change the Avatar De nition option to Copy From Other Avatar, you need to specify which Avatar you want
to use by setting the Source property.
Click the Apply button. Unity creates a Generic Avatar and adds an an Avatar sub-asset under the Model Asset, which you
can nd in the Project view.

Avatar appears as a sub-asset of the imported Model
Note: The Generic Avatar is not the same thing as the Humanoid Avatar, but it does appear in the Project view, and it does
hold the Root node mapping. However, if you click on the Avatar icon in the Project view to display its properties in the
Inspector, only its name appears and there is no Con gure Avatar button.

Creating an Avatar Mask
You can apply masking to animation clips either during import time, or at runtime. Masking during import time is preferable,
because it allows the discarded animation data to be omitted from your build, making the les smaller and therefore using
less memory. It also makes for faster processing because there is less animation data to be blended at runtime. In some
cases, import masking may not be suitable for your purposes. In that case, you can apply a mask at runtime by creating an
Avatar Mask Asset, and using it in the layer settings of your Animator Controller.
To create an empty Avatar Mask Asset, you can either:

Choose Create > Avatar Mask from the Assets menu.
Click the Model object you want to de ne the mask on in the Project view, and then right-click and choose
Create > Avatar Mask.
The new Asset appears in the Project view:

The Avatar Mask window
You can now choose which bones to include or exclude from a Transform hierarchy and then add the mask to either an
Animation Layer or add a reference to it under the Mask section of the Animation tab.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Model Import Settings window

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The Import Settings window
When you put Model les in the Assets folder under your Unity Project, Unity automatically imports and stores them as Unity
Assets. To view the import settings in the Inspector, click on the le in the Project window. You can customize how Unity imports
the selected le by setting the properties on four tabs on this window:

A 3D Model can represent a character, a building, or a piece of furniture. In these cases, Unity creates multiple Assets from a
single model le. In the Project window, the main imported object is a model Prefab. Usually there are also several Mesh objects
that the model Prefab references.

A Rig (sometimes called a skeleton) comprises a set of deformers arranged in a hierarchy that animate a Mesh (sometimes called
skin) on one or more models created in a 3D modeling application such as as Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Autodesk® Maya®. For
Humanoid and Generic (non-humanoid) Models, Unity creates an Avatar to reconcile the imported Rig with the Unity

You can de ne any series of di erent poses occurring over a set of frames, such as walking, running, or even idling (shifting from
one foot to the other) as an Animation Clip. You can reuse clips for any Model that has an identical Rig. Often a single le contains
several di erent actions, each of which you can de ne as a speci c Animation Clip.

You can extract Materials and Textures or leave them embedded within the model. You can also adjust how Material is mapped in
the Model.

See also
Model import work ows: Overview of importing Model les
Model le formats: Which le formats (both proprietary and generic) that Unity supports, as well as issues speci c
to various 3D modeling software applications
Exporting from other applications: General guidelines for how to export FBX (and proprietary) les from your 3D
modeling applications
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Model tab

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The Import Settings for a Model le appear in the Model tab of the Inspector window when you select the Model. These
settings a ect various elements and properties stored inside the Model. Unity uses these settings to import each Asset, so you
can adjust any settings to apply to di erent Assets in your Project.

Import settings for the Model
This section provides information about each of the sections on the Model tab:
Scene-level properties, such as whether to import Lights and Cameras, and what scale factor to use.
Properties speci c to Meshes.
Geometry-related properties, for dealing with topology, UVs, and normals.


Set this value to apply a global scale on the imported Model whenever the original le scale (from
Scale Factor the Model le) does not t the intended scale in your Project. Unity’s physics system expects 1
meter in the game world to be 1 unit in the imported le.
Enable this option to convert the Model scaling de ned in the Model le to Unity’s scale.



Allow Unity to import BlendShapes with your Mesh.
Note Importing blendshape normals requires smoothing groups in the FBX le.
Import the FBX settings that de ne whether or not MeshRenderer components are enabled
(visible). See Importing Visibility below for details.
Import cameras from your .FBX le. See Importing Cameras below for details.
Import lights from your .FBX le. See Importing Lights below for details.
Always create an explicit prefab root, even if this model only has a single root. Normally, the FBX
Importer strips any empty root nodes from the model as an optimization strategy. However, if you
have multiple FBX les with portions of the same hierarchy you can use this option to preserve the
original hierarchy.
For example, le1.fbx contains a rig and a Mesh and le2.fbx contains the same rig but only the
animation for that rig. If you import le2.fbx without enabling this option, Unity strips the root
node, the hierarchies don’t match, and the animation breaks.

Importing visibility
Unity can read visibility properties from FBX les with the Import Visibility property. Values and animation curves can enable or
disable MeshRenderer components by controlling the Renderer.enabled property.
Visibility inheritance is true by default but can be overridden. For example, if the visibility on a parent Mesh is set to 0, all of the
renderers on its children are also disabled. In this case, one animation curve is created for each child’s Renderer.enabled
Some 3D modeling applications either do not support or have limitations regarding visibility properties. For more information,

Importing objects from Autodesk® Maya®
Importing objects from Cinema 4D
Importing objects from Blender

Importing cameras
Unity supports the following properties when importing Cameras from an .FBX le:

Orthographic or perspective. Does not support animation.
Field of View Supports animation.
If you import a Camera with Physical Properties (for example, from from Maya), Unity creates a
All Physical
Camera with the Physical Camera property enabled and the Focal Length, Sensor Type, Sensor
Size, Lens Shift, and Gate Fit values from the FBX le.
Note: Not all 3D modeling applications have a concept of Gate Fit. When not supported by the 3D
modeling application, the default value in Unity is None.
Near and Far
Unity does not import any animation on these properties. When exporting from 3ds Max, enable
the Clip Manually setting; otherwise the default values are applied on import.
If you import a Target Camera, Unity creates a camera with a LookAt constraint using the target
object as the source.

Importing lights
The following Light types are supported:

The following Light properties are supported:

Property: Function:
The FarAttenuationEndValue is used if UseFarAttenuation is enabled. FarAttenuationEndValue
does not support animation.
Supports animation.
Intensity Supports animation.
Supports animation. Only available for Spot lights.
Note: In 3ds Max, the exported default value is the value of the property at the current selected frame. To avoid confusion, move
the playhead to frame 0 when exporting.

Some 3D modeling applications apply scaling on light properties. For instance, you can scale a spot light by its hierarchy and a ect
the light cone. Unity does not do this, which may cause lights to look di erent in Unity.
The FBX format does not de ne the width and height of area lights. Some 3D modeling applications don’t have this property and
only allow you to use scaling to de ne the rectangle area. Because of this, area lights always have a size of 1 when imported.
Targeted light animations are not supported unless their animation is baked.

Meshes property section


Set the level of compression ratio to reduce the le size of the Mesh. Increasing the compression
ratio lowers the precision of the Mesh by using the mesh bounds and a lower bit depth per
component to compress the mesh data.

It’s best to turn it up as high as possible without the Mesh looking too di erent from the
uncompressed version. This is useful for optimizing game size.
Don’t use compression.
Use a low compression ratio.
Use a medium compression ratio.
Use a high compression ratio.
When this option is enabled, Unity uploads the Mesh data to GPU-addressable memory, but also
keeps it in CPU-addressable memory. This means that Unity can access the mesh data at run time,
and you can access it from your scripts. For example, if you’re generating a mesh procedurally, or if
Read/Write you want to copy some data from a mesh. When this option is disabled, Unity uploads the Mesh
data to GPU-addressable memory, and then removes it from CPU-addressable memory.


In most cases, you should disable this option to save runtime memory usage. For information on
when to enable Read/Write Enabled, see Mesh.isReadable.
Let Unity determine the order in which triangles are listed in the Mesh. Unity reorders the vertices
and indices for better GPU performance.


Enable to import your Meshes with Mesh Colliders automatically attached. This is useful for
quickly generating a collision Mesh for environment geometry, but should be avoided for
geometry you are moving.

Geometry properties section

Keep Quads

Enable this to stop Unity from converting polygons that have four vertices to triangles. For example,
if you are using Tessellation Shaders, you may want to enable this option because tessellating
quads may be more e cient than tessellating polygons.
Unity can import any type of polygon (triangle to N-gon). Polygons that have more than four vertices
are always converted to triangles regardless of this setting. However, if a mesh has quads and
triangles (or N-gons that get converted to triangles), Unity creates two submeshes to separate
quads and triangles. Each submesh contains either triangles only or quads only.
Tip: If you want to import quads into Unity from 3ds Max, you have to export it as an Editable Poly.
Combine vertices that share the same position in space, provided that they share the same
properties overall (including, UVs, Normals, Tangents, and VertexColor).


16 bit
32 bit

This optimizes the vertex count on Meshes by reducing their overall number. This option is enabled
by default.
In some cases, you might need to switch this optimization o when importing your Meshes. For
example, if you intentionally have duplicate vertices which occupy the same position in your Mesh,
you may prefer to use scripting to read or manipulate the individual vertex and triangle data.
De ne the size of the Mesh index bu er.
Note: For bandwidth and memory storage size reasons, you generally want to keep 16 bit indices
as default, and only use 32 bit when necessary, which is what the Auto option uses.
Let Unity decide whether to use 16 or 32 bit indices when importing a Mesh, depending on the
Mesh vertex count. This is the default for Assets added in Unity 2017.3 and onwards.
Use 16 bit indices when importing a Mesh. If the Mesh is larger, then it is split into <64k vertex
chunks. This was the default setting for Projects made in Unity 2017.2 or previous.
Use 32 bit indices when importing a Mesh. If you are using GPU-based rendering pipelines (for
example with compute shader triangle culling), using 32 bit indices ensures that all Meshes use the
same index format. This reduces shader complexity, because they only need to handle one format.
De nes if and how normals should be calculated. This is useful for optimizing game size.

Import normals from the le. This is the default option.
Calculate normals based on Normals Mode, Smoothness Source, and Smoothing Angle (below).
Disable normals. Use this option if the Mesh is neither normal mapped nor a ected by realtime
Blend Shape De nes if and how normals should be calculated for blend shapes. Use the same values as for the
Normals property.
De ne how the normals are calculated by Unity. This is only available when Normals is set to
The legacy method of computing the normals (prior to version 2017.1). In some cases it gives
slightly di erent results compared to the current implementation. It is the default for all FBX
prefabs imported before the migration of the Project to the latest version of Unity.
Unweighted The normals are not weighted.

The normals are weighted by face area.
The normals are weighted by the vertex angle on each face.
Area and
The normals are weighted by both the face area and the vertex angle on each face. This is the
default option.
Smoothness Set how to determine the smoothing behavior (which edges should be smooth and which should be
Smoothing Use smoothing groups from the Model le, where possible.
Smoothing Use smoothing groups from the Model le only.
From Angle Use the Smoothing Angle value to determine which edges should be smooth.
Don’t split any vertices at hard edges.
Control whether vertices are split for hard edges: typically higher values result in fewer vertices.
Note: Use this setting only on very smooth organics or very high poly models. Otherwise, you are
Smoothing better o manually smoothing inside your 3D modeling software and then importing with the
Normals option set to Import (above). Since Unity bases hard edges on a single angle and nothing
else, you might end up with smoothing on some parts of the Model by mistake.

Legacy Split
Swap UVs

Only available if Normals is set to Calculate.
De ne how vertex tangents should be imported or calculated. This is only available when Normals
is set to Calculate or Import.
Import vertex tangents from FBX les if Normals is set to Import. If the Mesh has no tangents, it
won’t work with normal-mapped shaders.
Calculate tangents using MikkTSpace. This is the default option if Normals is set to Calculate.
Calculate tangents with legacy algorithm.
Calculate tangents with legacy algorithm, with splits across UV charts. Use this if normal map
lighting is broken by seams on your Mesh. This usually only applies to characters.
Don’t import vertex tangents. The Mesh has no tangents, so this doesn’t work with normal-mapped
Swap UV channels in your Meshes. Use this option if your di use Texture uses UVs from the
lightmap. Unity supports up to eight UV channels but not all 3D modeling applications export more
than two.
Creates a second UV channel for Lightmapping. See documentation on Lightmapping for more

2018–09–26 Page amended with limited editorial review
2018–08–23 Page amended with limited editorial review

2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
2017–12–05 Page amended with limited editorial review
2017–09–04 Page amended with limited editorial review
Existing (pre Unity 5.6) functionality of Keep Quads rst documented in User Manual 5.6
Normals Mode, Light and Camera import options added in Unity 2017.1
Materials tab added in 2017.2
Index Format property added in 2017.3
Updated description of read/write enabled setting and reorganized properties table, to match improvements in Unity 2018.3

Rig tab

Leave feedback

The settings on the Rig tab de ne how Unity maps the deformers to the Mesh in the imported Model so that you
can animate it. For Humanoid characters, this means assigning or creating an Avatar. For non-Humanoid (Generic)
characters, this means identifying a Root bone in the skeleton.
By default, when you select a Model in the Project view, Unity determines which Animation Type best matches
the selected Model and displays it in the Rig tab. If Unity has never imported the le, the Animation Type is set to

No rig mapping
Property: Function:
Spec y the type of animation.
No animation present
Use the Legacy Animation System. Import and use animations as with Unity version 3.x
and earlier.
Use the Generic Animation System if your rig is non-humanoid (quadruped or any entity
to be animated). Unity picks a root node but you can identify another bone to use as
the Root node instead.
Use the Humanoid Animation System if your rig is humanoid (it has two legs, two arms
and a head). Unity usually detects the skeleton and maps it to the Avatar correctly. In
some cases, you may need to set a change the Avatar De nition and Con gure the
mapping manually.

Generic animation types

Your rig is non-humanoid (quadruped or any entity to be animated)
Generic Animations do not use Avatars like Humanoid animations do. Since the skeleton can be arbitrary, you
must specify which bone is the Root node. The Root node allows Unity to establish consistency between

Animation clips for a generic model, and blend properly between Animations that have not been authored “in
place” (that is, where the whole model moves its world position while animating).
Specifying the root node helps Unity determine between movement of the bones relative to each other, and
motion of the Root node in the world (controlled from OnAnimatorMove).

Property: Function:
Choose where to get the Avatar de nition.
De nition
from this Create an Avatar based on this model
Point to an Avatar set up on another model.
Select the bone to use as a root node for this Avatar.
Only available if the Avatar De nition is set to Create From This Model.
Copy another Avatar with an identical rig to import its animation clips.
Only available if the Avatar De nition is set to Copy from Other Avatar.
Remove and store the GameObject transform hierarchy of the imported character in
the Avatar and Animator component. If enabled, the SkinnedMeshRenderers of the
character use the Unity animation system’s internal skeleton, which improves the
performance of the animated characters.
Only available if the Avatar De nition is set to Create From This Model.
Enable this option for the nal product.
Note: In optimized mode, skinned mesh matrix extraction is also multi-threaded.

Humanoid animation types

Your rig is humanoid (it has two legs, two arms and a head)

With rare exceptions, humanoid models have the same basic structure. This structure represents the major
articulated parts of the body: the head and limbs. The rst step to using Unity’s Humanoid animation features is
to set up and con gure an Avatar. Unity uses the Avatar to map the simpli ed humanoid bone structure to the
actual bones present in the Model’s skeleton.

De nition
from this
Copy from

Con gure…


Choose where to get the Avatar de nition.
Create an Avatar based on this model

Point to an Avatar set up on another model.
Copy another Avatar with an identical rig to import its animation clips.
Only available if the Avatar De nition is set to Copy from Other Avatar.
Open the Avatar con guration.
Only available if the Avatar De nition is set to Create From This Model.
Remove and store the GameObject transform hierarchy of the imported character in
the Avatar and Animator component. If enabled, the SkinnedMeshRenderers of the
character use the Unity animation system’s internal skeleton, which improves the
performance of the animated characters.
Only available if the Avatar De nition is set to Create From This Model.
Enable this option for the nal product.
Note: In optimized mode, skinned mesh matrix extraction is also multi-threaded.

Legacy animation types

Your rig uses the Legacy Animation System
Select the animation import method.
Don’t Import
Do not import animation

Store in Original Roots
Store in Nodes (Deprecated)
Store in Root (Deprecated)
Store in Root (New)

Deprecated. Do not use.
Deprecated. Do not use.
Deprecated. Do not use.
Import the animation and store it in the Model’s root node. This is
the default setting.

2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
2017–12–05 Page amended with limited editorial review
Materials tab added in 2017.2

Avatar Mapping tab

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After you save the scene, the Avatar Mapping tab appears in the Inspector displaying Unity’s bone mapping:

The Avatar window displays the bone mapping
(A) Buttons to toggle between the Mapping and Muscles & Settings tabs. You must Apply or Revert any changes
made before switching between tabs.
(B) Buttons to switch between the sections of the Avatar: Body, Head, Left Hand, and Right Hand.
(C) Menus which provide various Mapping and Pose tools to help you map the bone structure to the Avatar.
(D) Buttons to accept any changes made (Accept), discard any changes (Revert), and leave the Avatar window
(Done). You must Apply or Revert any changes made before leaving the Avatar window.
The Avatar Mapping indicates which of the bones are required (solid circles) and which are optional (dotted circles). Unity can
interpolate optional bone movements automatically.

Saving and reusing Avatar data (Human Template les)

You can save the mapping of bones in your skeleton to the Avatar on disk as a Human Template le (extention *.ht). You can
reuse this mapping for any character. For example, you want to put the Avatar mapping under source control and you prefer to
commit text-based les; or perhaps you want to parse the le with your own custom tool.
To save the Avatar data in a Human Template le, choose Save from the Mapping drop-down menu at the bottom of the Avatar

The Mapping drop-down menu at the bottom of the Avatar window
Unity displays a dialog box for you to choose the name and location of the le to save.

To load a Human Template le previously created, choose Mapping > Load and selecr the le you want to load.

Using Avatar Masks
Sometimes it is useful to restrict an animation to speci c body parts. For example, an walking animation might involve the
character swaying their arms, but if they pick up a torch, they should hold it up to cast light. You can use an Avatar Body Mask to
specify which parts of a character an animation should be restricted to. See documentation on Avatar Masks for further details.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Avatar Muscle & Settings tab

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Unity’s animation system allows you to control the range of motion of di erent bones using Muscles.
Once the Avatar has been properly con gured, the animation system “understands” the bone structure and
allows you to start using the Muscles & Settings tab of the Avatar’s Inspector. Use the Muscles & Settings tab
to tweak the character’s range of motion and ensure the character deforms in a convincing way, free from visual
artifacts or self-overlaps.

The Muscles & Settings tab in the Avatar window

The areas of the Muscle & Settings tab include:

(A) Buttons to toggle between the Mapping and Muscles & Settings tabs. You must Apply or
Revert any changes made before switching between tabs.
(B) Use the Muscle Group Preview area to manipulate the character using prede ned
deformations. These a ect several bones at once.
(C) Use the Per-Muscle Settings area to adjust individual bones in the body. You can expand the
muscle settings to change the range limits of each settings. For example, by default, Unity gives the
Head-Nod and Head-Tilt settings a possible range of –40 to 40 degrees but you can decrease these
ranges even further to add sti ness to these movements.
(D) Use the Additional Settings to adjust speci c e ects in the body.
(E) The Muscles menu provides a Reset tool to return all muscle settings to their default values.
(F) Buttons to accept any changes made (Accept), discard any changes (Revert), and leave the
Avatar window (Done). You must Apply or Revert any changes made before leaving the Avatar

Previewing changes

For the settings in the Muscle Group Preview and Per-Muscle Settings areas, you can preview the changes right
in the Scene view. You can drag the sliders left and right to see the range of movement for each setting applied to
your character:

Preview the changes to the muscles settings in the Scene view
You can see the bones of the skeleton through the Mesh.

Translate Degree of Freedom (DoF)
You can enable the Translate DoF option in the Additional Settings to enable translation animations for the
humanoid. If this option is disabled, Unity animates the bones using only rotations. Translation DoF is available
for Chest, UpperChest, Neck, LeftUpperLeg, RightUpperLeg, LeftShoulder and RightShoulder muscles.
Note: Enabling Translate DoF can increase performance requirements, because the animation system needs to
perform an extra step to retarget humanoid animation. For this reason, you should only enable this option if
you know your animation contains animated translations of some of the bones in your character.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Avatar Mask window

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There are two ways to de ne which parts of your animation should be masked:

By selecting from a Humanoid body map
By choosing which bones to include or exclude from a Transform hierarchy

Humanoid body selection
If your animation uses a Humanoid Avatar, you can select or deselect portions of the simpli ed humanoid body
diagram to indicate where to mask the animation:

De ning an Avatar Mask using the Humanoid body
The body diagram groups body parts into these portions:

Left Arm
Right Arm
Left Hand
Right Hand
Left Leg
Right Leg
Root (denoted by the “shadow” under the feet)

To include animation from one of these body portions, click the Avatar diagram for that portion until it appears as
green. To exclude animation, click the body portion until it appears red. To include or exclude all, double-click the empty
space surrounding the Avatar.
You can also toggle Inverse Kinematics__ (IK)__ for hands and feet, which determines whether or not to include IK
curves in animation blending.

Transform selection
Alternatively, if your animation does not use a Humanoid Avatar, or if you want more detailed control over which
individual bones are masked, you can select or deselect portions of the Model’s hierarchy:

Assign a reference to the Avatar whose transform you would like to mask.
Click the Import Skeleton button. The hierarchy of the avatar appears in the inspector.
You can check each bone in the hierarchy to use as your mask.

De ning an avatar mask using the Transform method
Mask assets can be used in Animator Controllers, when specifying Animation Layers to apply masking at runtime, or in
the import settings of of your animation les to apply masking during to the import animation.
A bene t of using Masks is that they tend to reduce memory overheads since body parts that are not active do not need
their associated animation curves. Also, the unused curves need not be calculated during playback which will tend to
reduce the CPU overhead of the animation.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Human Template window

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A Human Template le (*.ht) stores a Humanoid bone mapping for a Model that you saved on the Avatar
window in a YAML format:

A Human Template le in YAML format
The Human Template window displays the contents of Human Template les as standard Unity text boxes.

The Human Template window
Each grouping represents an entry in the YAML le, with the name of the bone mapping target labelled First and
the name of the bone in the Model le labelled Second.
You can edit most of the values in this le using this property, but Unity instantly updates every change you make
to the le. However, you can Undo any changes while this window is active.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Animation tab

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Animation Clips are the smallest building blocks of animation in Unity. They represent an isolated piece of motion, such as
RunLeft, Jump, or Crawl, and can be manipulated and combined in various ways to produce lively end results (see
Animation State Machines, Animator Controller, or Blend Trees). You can select Animation Clips from imported FBX data.
When you click on the model containing animation clips, these properties appear:

The Animation Clip Inspector
There are four areas on the Rig tab of the Inspector window:

(A) Asset-speci c properties. These settings de ne import options for the entire Asset.
(B) Clip selection list. You can select any item from this list to display its properties and preview its animation. You
can also de ne new clips.
(C) Clip-speci c properties. These settings de ne import options for the selected Animation Clip.
(D) Animation preview. You can playback the animation and select speci c frames here.

Asset-speci c properties

Import options for the entire Asset
These properties apply to all animation clips and constraints de ned within this Asset:

Import constraints from this asset.
Import animation from this asset.
Note: If disabled, all other options on this page are hidden and no animation is imported.
Bake animations created using IK or Simulation to forward kinematic keyframes.
Only available for Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® 3ds Max® and Cinema 4D les.
Resample animation curves as Quaternion values and generate a new Quaternion keyframe for
every frame in the animation.

This option is enabled by default.
Disable this to keep animation curves as they were originally authored this only if you’re having
issues with the interpolation between keys in your original animation
Only appears if the import le contains Euler curves.

The type of compression to use when importing the animation.
Disable animation compression. This means that Unity doesn’t reduce keyframe count on import,
which leads to the highest precision animations, but slower performance and bigger le and
runtime memory size. It is generally not advisable to use this option - if you need higher precision
animation, you should enable keyframe reduction and lower allowed Animation Compression
Error values instead.
Reduce redundant keyframes on import. If selected, the Animation Compression Errors options
are displayed. This a ects both le size (runtime memory) and how curves are evaluated.
Reduce keyframes on import and compress keyframes when storing animations in les. This a ects
only le size - the runtime memory size is the same as Keyframe Reduction. If selected, the
Animation Compression Errors options are displayed.
Let Unity decide how to compress, either by keyframe reduction or by using dense format.
Only for Generic and Humanoid Animation Type rigs.
Compression Only available when Keyframe Reduction or Optimal compression is enabled.
How much to reduce rotation curves. The smaller the value, the higher the precision.

Scale Error

How much to reduce position curves. The smaller the value, the higher the precision.
How much to reduce scale curves. The smaller the value, the higher the precision.
Import any FBX properties that you designated as custom user properties.
Unity only supports a small subset of properties when importing FBX les (such as translation,
rotation, scale and visibility). However, you can treat standard FBX properties like user properties by
naming them in your importer script via the extraUserProperties member. During import, Unity
then passes any named properties to the Asset postprocessor just like ‘real’ user properties.

Clip selection list

List of clips de ned in this le
You can perform these tasks in this area of the Rig tab:

Select a clip from the list to display its clip-speci c properties.
Play a selected clip in the clip preview pane.
Create a new clip for this le with the add (+) button.
Remove the selected clip de nition with the delete (­) button.

Clip-speci c properties

Import options for the selected Animation clip
This area of the Rig tab displays these features:

(A) The (editable) name of the selected clip
(B) The animation clip timeline
(C) Clip properties to control looping and pose
(D) Expandable sections for: de ning curves, events, masks, and motion roots; and viewing messages from the
import process
You can set these properties separately for each animation clip de ned within this asset:

Area A (editable name)
The take in the source le to use as a source for this animation clip.
This is what de nes a set of animation as separated in Motionbuilder, Autodesk® Maya® and other
3D packages. Unity can import these takes as individual clips. You can create them from the whole
le or from a subset of frames.
Area B (timeline features)
You can use the drag the start and end indicators around the timeline to de ne frame ranges for
each clip.
Start frame of the clip.
End frame of the clip.
Area C (looping and pose control)
Loop Time Play the animation clip through and restart when the end is reached.
Loop Pose Loop the motion seamlessly.

O set to the cycle of a looping animation, if it starts at a di erent time.
O set
Root Transform Rotation
Bake into
Bake root rotation into the movement of the bones. Disable to store as root motion.
Based Upon Basis of root rotation.
Keep the original rotation from the source le.
Keeps the upper body pointing forward.
Root Node
Only available for the Generic Animation Type.
Keep the upper body pointing forward.
Only available for the Humanoid Animation Type.
O set
O set to the root rotation (in degrees).
Root Transform Position (Y)
Bake into
Bake vertical root motion into the movement of the bones. Disable to store as root motion.
Based Upon
Basis of vertical root position.
(at Start)
Keep the vertical position from the source le.
Use the vertical root position.
Root Node
Only available for the Generic Animation Type.
Keep center of mass aligned with the root transform position.
Center of
Only available for the Humanoid Animation Type.
Keep feet aligned with the root transform position.
Only available for the Humanoid Animation Type.
O set
O set to the vertical root position.
Root Transform Position (XZ)
Bake into
Bake horizontal root motion into the movement of the bones. Disable to store as root motion.
Based Upon Basis of horizontal root position.
Keep the horizontal position from the source le.
Use the horizontal root transform position.
Root Node
Only available for the Generic Animation Type.
Keep aligned with the root transform position.
Center of
Only available for the Humanoid Animation Type.
O set
O set to the horizontal root position.
Mirror left and right in this clip.
Only appears if the Animation Type is set to Humanoid.
Enable to set frame for the reference pose used as the base for the additive animation layer. A blue
Reference marker becomes visible in the timeline editor:

Pose Frame

Enter a frame number to use as the reference pose. You can also drag the blue marker in the
timeline to update this value.

Only available if Additive Reference Pose is enabled.
Area D (expandable sections)
Expand this section to manage animation curves on imported clips.
Expand this section to manage animation events on imported clips.
Expand this section to manage masking imported clips.
Expand this section to manage selecting a root motion node.
Expand this section to see detailed information about how your animation was imported, including
Messages an optional Retargeting Quality Report.
Creating clips is essentially de ning the start and end points for segments of animation. In order for these clips to loop, they
should be trimmed in such a way to match the rst and last frame as best as possible for the desired loop.

Animation import warnings
If any problems occur during the animation import process, a warning appears at the top of the Animations Import inspector:

Animation import warning messages
The warnings do not necessarily mean your animation has not imported or doesn’t work. It may just mean that the imported
animation looks slightly di erent from the source animation.
To see more information, expand the Import Messages section:

Animation import warning messages
In this case, Unity has provided a Generate Retargeting Quality Report option which you can enable to see more speci c
information on the retargeting problems.
Other warning details you may see include the following:

Default bone length found in this le is di erent from the one found in the source avatar.
Inbetween bone default rotation found in this le is di erent from the one found in the source avatar.
Source avatar hierarchy doesn’t match one found in this model.
This animation has Has translation animation that will be discarded.
Humanoid animation has inbetween transforms and rotation that will be discarded.
Has scale animation that will be discarded.
These messages indicate that some data present in your original le was omitted when Unity imported and converted your
animation to its own internal format. These warnings essentially tell you that the retargeted animation may not exactly match the
source animation.
Note: Unity does not support pre- and post-extrapolate modes (also known as pre- and post-in nity modes) other than constant,
and converts these to constant when imported.

Animation preview

Animation clip preview
The preview area of the Rig tab provides these features:

(A) The name of the selected clip
(B) The play/pause button
(C) The playback head on the preview timeline (allows scrubbing back and forth)
(D) The 2D preview mode button (switches between orthographic and perspective camera)
(E) The pivot and mass center display button (switches between displaying and hiding the gizmos)
(F) The animation preview speed slider (move left to slow down; right to speed up)
(G) The playback status indicator (displays the location of the playback in seconds, percentage, and frame number)
(H) The Avatar selector (change which GameObject will preview the action)
(I) The Tag bar, where you can de ne and apply Tags to your clip
(J) The AssetBundles bar, where you can de ne AssetBundles and Variants
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
2017–12–05 Page amended with no editorial review
Materials tab added in 2017.2

Euler curve resampling

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Rotations in 3D applications are usually represented as Quaternions or Euler angles. For the most part, Unity
represents rotations as Quaternions internally; however, it’s important to have a basic understanding of rotation and
orientation in Unity.
When you import les containing animation that come from external sources, the imported les usually contain
keyframe animation in Euler format. Unity’s default behavior is to resample these animations as Quaternion values
and generate a new Quaternion keyframe for every frame in the animation. This minimizes the di erences between
the source animation and how it appears in Unity.
There are still some situations where the quaternion representation of the imported animation may not match the
original closely enough, even with resampling. For this reason, Unity provides the option to turn o animation
resampling. This means that you can use the original Euler animation keyframes at run-time instead.
Note: You should only keep the Euler curves as a last resort, if the default Quaternion interpolation between frames
gives bad results and causes issues.

Keeping the original Euler curves on imported animations
To use the original Euler curve values in an animation le, uncheck the Resample Curves option in the Animation tab:

The Resample Curves option in the Animations tab
When you disable this option, Unity keeps the rotation curve with its original keyframes, in Euler or Quaternion mode
as appropriate for the curve type.
Note: The FBX SDK automatically resamples any rotation curve on a joint that has pre- or post-rotations. This means
that Unity automatically imports them as Quaternion curves.
Unity supports such a wide variety of imported les and attempts to keep the imported curves as close to the original
as possible. In order to achieve this, Unity supports all normal (non-repeating) Euler rotation orders, and imports
curves in their original rotation orders.

Euler values and the Unity engine
When using original Euler (non-resampled) rotations, you can see very little visual di erence in the playback of
animations. Under the hood, Unity stores these curves in Euler representation even at run-time. However, Unity has to
convert rotation values to Quaternions eventually, since the engine only works with Quaternions.
When you disable the Resample Curves option, Unity keeps the rotation values as Euler values up until they are
applied to a GameObject. This means that the end result should look as good as the original, but with an improvement
in memory, since rotation curves that have not been baked in the authoring software take up less memory.

Non-default Euler orders in the Transform Inspector
By default, Unity applies the Euler angles that appear in the Transform Inspector in the Z,X,Y order.
When playing back or editing imported animations that feature Euler curves with a rotation order di erent from Unity’s
default, Unity displays an indicator of the di erence next to the rotation elds:

The inspector showing that a non-default rotation order is being used for the rotation animation on this
When editing multiple transforms with di ering rotation orders, Unity displays a warning message that the same Euler
rotation applied will give di erent results on curves with di erent rotation orders:

The inspector showing that a mixture of rotation orders are being used for the rotation animation on
the selected group of objects
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Extracting animation clips

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An animated character typically has a number of di erent movements that are activated in the game in di erent
circumstances, called Animation Clips. For example, we might have separate animation clips for walking, running,
jumping, throwing, and dying. Depending on how the artist set up the animation in the 3D modeling application,
these separate movements might be imported as distinct animation clips or as one single clip where each
movement simply follows on from the previous one. In cases where there is only one long clip, you can extract
component animation clips inside Unity, which adds a few extra steps to your work ow.
If your model has multiple animations that you already de ned as individual clips, the Animations tab looks like

Model le with several animation clips de ned
You can preview any of the clips that appear in the list. If you need to, you can edit the time ranges of the clips.
If your model has multiple animations supplied as one continuous take, the Animation tab looks like this:

Model le with one long continous animation clip
In this case, you can de ne the time ranges (frames or seconds) that correspond to each of the separate
animation sequences (walking, jumping, running, and idling). You can create a new animation clip by following
these steps:

Click the add (+) button.
Select the range of frames or seconds that it includes.
You can also change the name of the clip.
For example, you could de ne the following:

idle animation during frames 0 - 83
jump animation during frames 84 - 192
slightly swinging arms animation during frames 193 - 233
For further information, see the Animation tab.

Importing animations using multiple model les
Another way to import animations is to follow a naming scheme that Unity allows for the animation les. You can
create separate model les and name them with the convention modelName@animationName.fbx. For
example, for a model called goober, you could import separate idle, walk, jump and walljump animations using
les named goober@idle.fbx, goober@walk.fbx, goober@jump.fbx and goober@walljump.fbx. When
exporting animation like this, it is unnecessary to include the Mesh in these les, but in that case you should
enable the Preserve Hierarchy Model import option.

An example of four animation les for an animated character
Unity automatically imports all four les and collects all animations to the le without the @ sign in. In the
example above, Unity imports the goober.mb le with references to the idle, jump, walk and wallJump
animations automatically.
For FBX les, you can export the Mesh in a Model le without its animation. Then export the four clips as
goober@_animname_.fbx by exporting the desired keyframes for each (enable animation in the FBX dialog).
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Loop optimization on Animation clips

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A common operation for people working with animations is to make sure they loop properly. For example, if a character
is walking down a path, the walking motion comes from an Animation clip. The motion might last for only 10 frames but
that motion plays in a continuous loop. In order to make the walking motion seamless, it must begin and end in a similar
pose. This ensures there is no foot sliding or strange jerky motions.
Animation clips can loop on pose, rotation, and position. Using the example of the walk cycle, you want the start and end
points for Root Transform Rotation and Root Transform Position in Y to match. You don’t want to match the start and
end points for the Root Transform Position in XZ, because your character would never get anywhere if its feet keep
returning to their horizontal pose.
Unity provides match indicators and a set of special loop optimization graphs under the clip-speci c import settings on
the Animation tab. These provide visual cues to help you optimize where to clip the motion for each value.
To optimize whether the looping motion begins and ends optimally, you can view and edit the looping match curves.

Viewing loop optimization graphs
In this example, the looping motion displays bad matches for the clip ranges, shown by the red and yellow indicators:

Red and yellow indicators show bad matches for looping
To see the loop optimization graphs, click and hold either the start or end indicator on the timeline. The Based Upon
and O set values disappear and one curve for each loop basis appears:

Looping graphs for bad matches

Optimizing looping matches
Click and drag the start or end point of the Animation Clip until the point appears on the graph where the property is
green. Unity draws the graph in green where it is more likely that the clip can loop properly.

Position start and end points where the graph is green
When you let go of the mouse button, the graphs disappear but the indicators remain:

Green indicators show good matches for looping
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You can attach animation curves to imported animation clips in the Animatios tab.
You can use these curves to add additional animated data to an imported clip. You can use that data to animate
the timings of other items based on the state of an animator. For example, in a game set in icy conditions, an
extra animation curve could be used to control the emission rate of a particle system to show the player’s
condensing breath in the cold air.
To add a curve to an imported animation, expand the Curves section at the bottom of the Animation tab, and
click the plus icon to add a new curve to the current animation clip:

The expanded Curves section on the Animation tab
If your imported animation le is split into multiple animation clips, each clip can have its own custom curves.

The curves on an imported animation clip
The curve’s X-axis represents normalized time and always ranges between 0.0 and 1.0 (corresponding to the
beginning and the end of the animation clip respectively, regardless of its duration).

Unity Curve Editor
Double-clicking an animation curve brings up the standard Unity curve editor which you can use to add keys to
the curve. Keys are points along the curve’s timeline where it has a value explicitly set by the animator rather
than just using an interpolated value. Keys are very useful for marking important points along the timeline of the
animation. For example, with a walking animation, you might use keys to mark the points where the left foot is on
the ground, then both feet on the ground, right foot on the ground, and so on. Once the keys are set up, you can
move conveniently between key frames by pressing the Previous Key Frame and Next Key Frame buttons. This
moves the vertical red line and showa the normalized time at the keyframe. The value you enter in the text box
drives the value of the curve at that time.

Animation curves and animator controller parameters
If you have a curve with the same name as one of the parameters in the Animator Controller, then that parameter
takes its value from the value of the curve at each point in the timeline. For example, if you make a call to GetFloat
from a script, the returned value is equal to the value of the curve at the time the call is made. Note that at any
given point in time, there might be multiple animation clips attempting to set the same parameter from the same
controller. In that case, Unity blends the curve values from the multiple animation clips. If an animation has no
curve for a particular parameter, then Unity blends with the default value for that parameter.
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You can attach animation events to imported animation clips in the Animation tab.
Events allow you to add additional data to an imported clip which determines when certain actions should occur in time
with the animation. For example, for an animated character you might want to add events to walk and run cycles
indicating when the footstep sounds should play.
To add an event to an imported animation, expand the Events section to reveal the events timeline for the imported
animation clip:

The Events timeline, before any events have been added
To move the playback head to a di erent point in the timeline, use the timeline in the preview pane of the window:

Clicking in the preview pane timeline allows you to control where you create your new event in the event
Position the playback head at the point where you want to add an event, then click Add Event. A new event appears,
indicated by a small white marker on the timeline. in the Function property, ll in the name of the function to call when
the event is reached.
Make sure that any GameObject which uses this animation in its animator has a corresponding script attached that
contains a function with a matching event name.
The example below demonstrates an event set up to call the Footstep function in a script attached to the Player
GameObject. This could be used in combination with an AudioSource to play a footstep sound synchronised with the

An event which calls the function “Footstep”
You can also choose to specify a parameter to be sent to the function called by the event. There are four di erent
parameter types: Float, Int, String or Object.
By lling out a value in one of these elds, and implementing your function to accept a parameter of that type, you can
have the value speci ed in the event passed through to your function in the script.
For example, you might want to pass a oat value to specify how loud the footstep should be during di erent actions,
such as quiet footstep events on a walking loop and loud footstep events on a running loop. You could also pass a
reference to an e ect Prefab, allowing your script to instantiate di erent e ects at certain points during your animation.
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Masking allows you to discard some of the animation data within a clip, allowing the clip to animate only parts of the object or
character rather than the entire thing. For example, if you had a character with a throwing animation. If you wanted to be able to
use the throwing animation in conjunction with various other body movements such as running, crouching and jumping, you
could create a mask for the throwing animation limiting it to just the right arm, upper body and head. This portion of the
animation can then be played in a layer over the top of the base running or jumping animations.
Masking can be applied to your build, making lesize and memory smaller. It also makes for faster processing speed because
there is less animation data to blend at run-time. In some cases, import masking may not be suitable for your purposes. In that
case you can use the layer settings of the Animator Controller to apply a mask at run-time. This page relates to masking in the
import settings.
To apply a mask to an imported animation clip, expand the Mask heading to reveal the Mask options. When you open the menu,
you’ll see three options: De nition, Humanoid and Transform.

The Mask De nition, Humanoid and Transform options

De nition

Allows you to specify whether you want to create a one-o mask in the inspector specially for this clip, or whether you want to
use an existing mask asset from your project.
If you want to create a one-o mask just for this clip, choose / Create From This Model /.
If you are going to set up multiple clips with the same mask, you should select / Copy From Other Mask / and use a mask asset.
This allows you to re-use a single mask de nition for many clips.
When Copy From Other Mask is selected, the Humanoid and Transform options are unavailable, since these relate to creating a
one-o mask within the inspector for this clip.

Here, the Copy From Other option is selected, and a Mask asset has been assigned


The Humanoid option gives you a quick way of de ning a mask by selecting or deselecting the body parts of a human diagram.
These can be used if the animation has been marked as humanoid and has a valid avatar.

The Humanoid mask selection option


This option allows you to specify a mask based on the individual bones or moving parts of the animation. This gives you ner
control over the exact mask de nition, and also allows you to apply masks to non-humanoid animation clips.

The Humanoid mask selection option
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When an imported animation clip contains root motion, Unity uses that motion to drive the movement and
rotation of the GameObject that is playing the animation. Sometimes however it may be necessary to manually
select a di erent speci c node within the hierarchy of your animation le to act as the root motion node.
The Motion eld within the Animation import settings allows you to use a hierarchical popup menu to select any
node (Transform) within the hierarchy of the imported animation and use it as the root motion source. That
object’s animated position and rotation drive the animated position and rotation of the GameObject playing back
the animation.
To select a root motion node for an animation, expand the Motion section to reveal the Root Motion Node menu.
When you open the menu, any objects that are in the root of the imported le’s hierarchy appear, including None
and Root Transform . This may be your character’s mesh objects, as well as its root bone name, and a submenu
for each item that has child objects. Each submenu also contains the child object(s) itself, and further sub-menus
if / those / objects have child objects.

Traversing the hierarchy of objects to select a root motion node
Once you select the Root motion node, the object’s animation drives its motion.
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Material tab

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You can use this tab to change how Unity deals with Materials and Textures when importing your model.
When Unity imports a Model without any Material assigned, it uses the Unity di use Material. If the Model has
Materials, Unity imports them as sub-Assets. You can extract Embedded Textures into your Project using the
Extract Textures button.

The Materials tab de nes how Unity imports Materials and Textures
Enable the rest of the settings for importing Materials.
De ne how to access the Materials and Textures. Di erent properties are available
depending on which of these options you choose.
Choose this option to keep the imported Materials inside the imported Asset. This is
the default option from Unity 2017.2 onwards.
Use External Choose this option to extract imported Materials as external Assets. This is a Legacy
way of handling Materials, and is intended for projects created with 2017.1 or
previous versions of Unity.

Use Embedded Materials
When you choose Use Embedded Materials for the Location option, the following import options appear:

Import settings for Use Embedded Materials
Property Function
Click the Extract Textures button to extract Textures that are embedded in your
imported Asset. This is greyed out if there are no Textures to extract.
Click the Extract Materials button to extract Materials that are embedded in your
imported Asset. This is greyed out if there are no materials to extract.
Remapped Materials
These settings match the settings that appear in the inspector if you set the Location to
Use External Materials (Legacy).
Naming De ne how Unity names the Materials.
By Base Use the name of the di use Texture of the imported Material to name the Material.
When a di use Texture is not assigned to the Material, Unity uses the name of the
imported Material.
Model’s Use the name of the imported Material to name the Material.
Name + Use the name of the model le in combination with the name of the imported Material
Model’s to name the Material.
De ne where Unity tries to locate existing Materials using the name de ned by the
Naming option.
Find existing Materials in the “local” Materials folder only (that is, the Materials subfolder,
which is the same folder as the model le).


Find existing Materials in all Materials subfolders in all parent folders up to the Assets
Find existing Materials in all Unity project folders.
Click this button to remap your imported Materials to existing Material Assets, using the
same settings as the Legacy import option. Clicking this button does not extract the
Materials from the Asset, and does not change anything if Unity cannot nd any
materials with the correct name.

List of
This list displays all imported Materials found in the Asset. You can remap each material
to an existing Material Asset in your Project.
If you want to modify the properties of the Materials in Unity, you can extract them all at once using the Extract
Materials button. If you want to extract them one by one, go to Assets > Extract From Prefab. When you extract
Materials this way, they appear as references in the Remapped Materials list.
New imports or changes to the original Asset do not a ect extracted Materials. If you want to re-import the
Materials from the source Asset, you need to remove the references to the extracted Materials in the Remapped
Materials list. To remove an item from the list, select it and press the Backspace key on your keyboard.

Use External Materials (Legacy)
When you choose Use External Materials (Legacy) for the Location option, the following import options

Import settings for Use External Materials (Legacy)
De ne how Unity names the Materials.
By Base
Use the name of the di use Texture of the imported Material to name the Material.
When a di use Texture is not assigned to the Material, Unity uses the name of the
imported Material.
From Model’s
Use the name of the imported Material to name the Material.

Model Name
Use the name of the model le in combination with the name of the imported
+ Model’s
Material to name the Material.
De ne where Unity tries to locate existing Materials using the name de ned by the
Naming option.
Find existing Materials in the “local” Materials folder only (that is, the Materials
subfolder, which is the same folder as the model le).
Find existing Materials in all Materials subfolders in all parent folders up to the
Assets folder.
Project-Wide Find existing Materials in all Unity project folders.
Before Unity version 2017.2, this was the default way of handling Materials.
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SketchUp Settings

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SketchUp is software that is commonly used for architecture modeling. Unity reads SketchUp les directly and supports the
following SketchUp features:

Textures and Materials, which Unity imports according to the settings on the Materials tab.
Component De nitions and Groups, which are converted into meshes, instanced as GameObjects which you can
place in the scene.
Camera data for each scene in the le.
Tip: For information on how to export an FBX le from SketchUp, see Exporting from other applications.

GIF Textures are not supported.
Only limited data from SketchUp Scenes are imported.
Unity does not support or import the following SketchUp features:
2D Components (Text, dimensions)
Animation settings
Drawing Styles
Dynamic components
Section Planes
Shadow settings

SketchUp-speci c Import Settings

To import a SketchUp le directly into Unity, drag it into the Assets folder using the Finder (MacOS) or the File Manager (Windows).
When you click the Asset le inside Unity, the Model Inspector appears in a special Sketch Up tab:

SketchUp-speci c properties in the Inspector window for importing the Model
Property: Function:
Generate Generate back-facing polygons in Unity. By default, Unity only imports the front-facing polygons to
Back Face reduce polygon counts unless there is Material assigned to the back-facing polygons in SketchUp.

Property: Function:
Coplanar Merge coplanar faces when generating meshes in Unity.
Length measurement to unit conversion.
Unit dropChoose the unit to use for the conversion. Defaults to Meters.
down box
Value to
This value determines how the Scale Factor is calculated (see Unit conversion below).
Longitude Read-only value from the Geo Coordinate system, used to identify a position on a geographic system.
Read-only value from the Geo Coordinate system, used to identify a position on a geographic system.
Read-only value from the Geo Coordinate system, used to describe the angle needed to rotate North
Correction to the Z axis.
Open a window where you can specify which nodes to import. A node represents an Entity, Group, or
Component Instance in SketchUp. For example, if you have one le containing several couches, you
can select the one you want to import. For more information, see Selecting SketchUpNodes below.
The rest of the options on the Inspector window are the regular FBX Model import options that are available for any 3D modeling

Unit conversion
By default, Unity scales SketchUp models to 1 meter (0.0254 inches) to 1 unit length.

SketchUp le with a cube set to 1m in height
Changing the default Unit Conversion values a ects the scale of the imported le:

The green square is placed as reference where the size of the square is set to 1x1 unit length.

Selecting SketchUp Nodes
Unity supports the visibility setting in the SketchUp le for each node. If a node is hidden in the SketchUp le, Unity does not
import the node by default. However, you can override this behavior by clicking the Select Nodes button to display the SketchUp
node hierarchy in the SketchUp Node Selection Dialog window.

SketchUp Node Selection Dialog window
Each group and component instance in the le appears in the hierarchy as a node, which you can select or deselect. When you are
nished selecting the nodes to include, click the OK button to import only the checked nodes.
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Model le formats

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Unity supports importing Meshes and animation from two di erent types of les:
Exported 3D le formats, such as .fbx or .obj. You can export les from 3D modeling software in generic formats
that can be imported and edited by a wide variety of di erent software.
Proprietary 3D or DCC (Digital Content Creation) application les, such as .max and .blend le formats from
Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Blender, for example. You can only edit proprietary les in the software that created
them. Proprietary les are generally not directly editable by other software without rst being converted and
imported. An exception to this is SketchUp .skp les, which both SketchUp and Unity can read.
Unity can import and use both types of les, and each come with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Exported 3D les
Unity can read .fbx, .dae (Collada), .3ds, .dxf, .obj, and .skp les. For information about exporting 3D les, see
Exporting from other applications or read the documentation for your 3D modeling software.

You can import only the parts of the model you need instead of importing the whole model into
Exported generic les are often smaller than the proprietary equivalent.
Using exported generic les encourages a modular approach (for example, using di erent
components for collision types or interactivity).
You can import these les from software that Unity does not directly support.
You can re-import exported 3D les (.fbx, .obj) into 3D modeling software after exporting, to ensure
that all of the information has been exported correctly.

You must re-import models manually if the original le changes.
You need to keep track of versions between the source le and the les imported into Unity.

Proprietary 3D application les
Unity can import proprietary les from the following 3D modeling software:

Autodesk® 3ds Max®
Autodesk® Maya®
Warning: Unity converts proprietary les to .fbx les as part of the import process. However, it is recommended
that you export to FBX instead of directly saving your application les in the Project. It is not recommended to use
native le formats directly in production.


Unity automatically re-imports the le if the original model changes.
This is initially simple; however it can become more complex later in development.

A licensed copy of the software used must be installed on each machine that uses the Unity Project.
Software versions should be the same on each machine using the Unity Project. Using a di erent
software version can cause errors or unexpected behavior when importing 3D models.
Files can become bloated with unnecessary data.
Big les can slow down Unity Project imports or Asset re-imports, because you have to run the 3D
modeling software you use as a background process when you import the model into Unity.
Unity exports proprietary les to .fbx internally, during the import process. This makes it di cult to
verify the .fbx data and troubleshoot problems.
Note: Assets saved as .ma, .mb, .max, .c4d, or .blend les fail to import unless you have the corresponding 3D
modeling software installed on your computer. This means that everybody working on your Unity Project must
have the correct software installed. For example, if you use the Autodesk® Maya LT™ license to create
ExampleModel.mb and copy it into your Project, anyone else opening that Project also needs to have Autodesk®
Maya LT™ installed on their computer too.
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Limitations when importing from other

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When Unity imports a proprietary le, it launches the 3D modeling software in the background. Unity then communicates with
that proprietary software to convert the native le into a format Unity can read.
The rst time you import a proprietary le into Unity, the 3D modeling software has to launch in a command-line process. This
can take a while, but subsequent imports are very quick.
Warning: It is recommended that you export to FBX instead of directly saving your application les in the Project. It is not
recommended to use native le formats directly in production.

You need to have the 3D modeling software installed to import proprietary les directly into Unity. If you don’t have the software
installed, use the FBX format instead. For more information about importing FBX les, see Model Import Settings window.

Application-speci c issues
You import les in the same way, regardless of whether they are generic or proprietary les. However, there are some di erences
between which features are supported. For more information on the limitations with a speci c 3D application, see:

Importing objects from Autodesk® Maya®
Importing objects from Cinema 4D
Importing objects from Autodesk® 3ds Max®
Importing objects from Cheetah3D
Importing objects from Modo
Importing objects from LightWave
Importing objects from Blender
SketchUp Settings

Importing objects from Autodesk® Maya®
Unity imports Autodesk® Maya® les (.mb and .ma) through the FBX format, supporting the following:

All nodes with position, rotation and scale; pivot points and names are also imported
Meshes with vertex colors, normals and up to 2 UV sets
Materials with texture and di use color; multiple materials per mesh
Lights and Cameras
Custom property animation
Tip: For information on how to export an FBX le from Autodesk® Maya®, see Exporting from other applications.

Unity does not support Autodesk® Maya®’s Rotate Axis (pre-rotation).
Joint limitations include:

Joint Orient (joint only post-rotation)
Segment Scale Compensate (joint only option)
Unity imports and supports any Rotate Order you specify in Autodesk® Maya®; however, once imported, you cannot change that
order again inside Unity. If you import a Model that uses a di erent rotation order from Unity’s, Unity displays that rotation order

in the Inspector beside the Rotation property.

Tips and troubleshooting
Keep your scene simple: only export the objects you need in Unity when exporting.
Unity only supports polygons, so convert any patches or NURBS surfaces into polygons before exporting; see
Autodesk® Maya® documentation for instructions.
If your model did not export correctly, the node history in Autodesk® Maya® might be causing a problem. In
Autodesk® Maya®, select Edit > Delete by Type > Non-Deformer History and then re-export the model.
The Autodesk® Maya® FBX Exporter bakes un-supported complex animations constraints, such as Set Driven
Keys, in order to import the animation into Unity properly. If you are using Set Driven Keys in Autodesk® Maya®,
make sure to set keys on your drivers in order for the animation to be baked properly. For more information, see
the Autodesk® Maya® documentation on Keyframe Animation.
In Autodesk® Maya®, the visibility value is present on each shape but can’t be animated and is not exported to
the FBX le. Always set the visibility value on a node and not on a shape.

Importing objects from Cinema 4D
Unity imports Cinema 4D les (.c4d) through the FBX format, supporting the following:

All objects with position, rotation and scale; pivot points and names are also imported
Meshes with UVs and normals
Materials with texture and di use color; multiple materials per mesh
Animations FK (IK needs to be baked manually)
Bone-based animations
Tip: For information on how to export an FBX le from Cinema 4D, see Exporting from other applications.

Unity does not import Cinema 4D’s Point Level Animations (PLA). Use bone-based animations instead.
Cinema 4D does not export visibility inheritance. Set the Renderer to ‘Default’ or ‘O ’ in Cinema 4D to avoid any di erence in the
visibility animation between Cinema4D and Unity.

Importing Objects From Autodesk® 3ds Max®
Unity imports Autodesk® 3ds Max® les (.max) through the FBX format, supporting the following:

All nodes with position, rotation and scale; pivot points and names are also imported
Meshes with vertex colors, normals and one or more UV sets
Materials with di use texture and color. Multiple materials per mesh
Bone-based animations
Morphing (Blendshapes)
Note: Saving a Autodesk® 3ds Max® le (.max) or exporting a generic 3D le type (.fbx) each has advantages and disadvantages
see class-Mesh.
Tip: For information on how to export an FBX le from Autodesk® 3ds Max®, see Exporting from other applications.

Importing objects from Cheetah3D
Unity imports Cheetah3D les (.jas) through the FBX format, supporting the following:

All nodes with position, rotation and scale; pivot points and names are also imported
Meshes with vertices, polygons, triangles, UVs, and normals

Materials with di use color and textures
Tip: For information on how to export an FBX le from Cheetah3D, see Exporting from other applications.

Importing objects from Modo
Unity imports Modo les (.lxo) through the FBX format, supporting the following:

All nodes with position, rotation and scale; pivot points and names are also imported
Meshes with vertices, normals and UVs.
Materials with Texture and di use color; multiple Materials per mesh
To get started, save your .lxo le in your Project’s Assets folder. In Unity, the le appears in the Project View.
Unity re-imports the Asset when it detects a change in the .lxo le.
Tip: For information on how to export an FBX le from Modo, see Exporting from other applications.

Importing objects from Lightwave
Unity imports Lightwave les through the FBX format, supporting the following:

All nodes with position, rotation and scale; pivot points and names are also imported
Meshes with up to 2 UV channels
Materials with Texture and di use color; multiple materials per mesh
Bone-based animations
You can also con gure the Lightwave AppLink plug-in which automatically saves the FBX export settings you use the rst time you
import your Lightwave scene le into Unity. For more information, see the Lightwave Unity Interchange documentation.
Tip: For information on how to export an FBX le from Lightwave le, see Exporting from other applications.

Bake your Lightwave-speci c materials as textures so that Unity can read them. For information on doing this using a nondestructive pipeline, see Node system in Lightwave.
Unity does not support splines or patches. Convert all splines and patches to polygons before saving and exporting to Unity. For
more information, see Lightwave documentation.

Importing objects from Blender
Unity imports Blender (.blend) les through the FBX format, supporting the following:

All nodes with position, rotation and scale; pivot points and names are also imported
Meshes with vertices, polygons, triangles, UVs, and normals
Skinned Meshes
For information on how to optimize importing your Blender le into Unity, see Exporting from other applications.

Textures and di use color are not assigned automatically. You can manually assign them by dragging the texture onto the mesh
in the Scene View in Unity.
Blender does not export the visibility value inside animations in the FBX le.

2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Exporting from other applications

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Unity supports FBX les which you can export from many 3D modeling applications. Use these guidelines to help ensure the best

Select what you want to export inside your 3D modeling application.
Prepare what you need to include inside your 3D modeling application.
Check the FBX settings before exporting.
Verify and import the FBX le into Unity.
Note: In addition to these generation guidelines about exporting from 3d modeling applications, some 3d modeling applications have
more speci c information under these sections:

Autodesk® Maya®
MAXON Cinema 4D
Autodesk® 3ds Max®
NewTek LightWave

Selecting what to export
Think about what you want to export: some scene objects are essential but others may be unnecessary. Applications often let you
export selected objects or a whole scene. You can optimize the data in Unity by keeping only the essential objects.
If you choose to export only speci c objects in your scene, you can:

Export only the selected objects if your application supports it.
Remove unwanted data from your scene and export the whole scene.
Make a preset or a custom scene exporter to automate or simplify the selection export process.

Preparing what you need to include
Prepare your Assets for export, using the following considerations:


All NURBS, NURMS, splines, patches, and subdiv surfaces must be converted to polygons (triangulation
or quadrangulation)
Animation Select the correct rig. Check the frame rate. Check the animation length.
Shapes or Make sure your Blend Shapes or Morph targets are assigned. Set up the export Mesh appropriately.
Make sure that you bake deformers onto your Model before exporting to FBX. For example, if you are
exporting a complex rig from Maya, you can bake the deformation onto skin weights before you export
the Model to FBX.
Make sure your textures are either sourced from your Unity Project or copy them into a folder called
textures inside your Unity Project.


Note: We don’t recommend embedding textures in the FBX le using the Embed Media option. You
must extract textures before using them, so embedding them just bloats your project unnecessarily and
slows the import process.
Verify any smoothing groups and smooth Mesh settings.
Important: Importing blendshape normals requires having smoothing groups in the FBX le.

Setting the FBX export options
Check your FBX export settings:

Check each setting in the export dialogue of your 3D modeling application so that you know what to match up the
FBX import settings in Unity.
Select whether to export Animation, Deformations, Skins, Morphs according to your needs.
Nodes, markers and their transforms can be exported to Unity.
Select any Cameras, Lights, and Visibility settings you want to import into Unity.
Use the Latest Version of FBX where possible. Autodesk regularly updates their FBX installer.
Make sure you use the same FBX version to import les into Unity as you used to export them from your 3D
modeling application. Using di erent versions of the software can provide unexpected results.

Verifying and importing into Unity
Before importing your FBX le into Unity:
Verify the size of your exported le. Perform a sanity check on the le size (e.g. >10kb?).
Re-import your FBX le into a new scene back into the 3D modeling software you used to generate it. Check to make sure it is what
you expected.
To import your le into Unity, follow the instructions for Importing, keeping in mind how you set the export options in your 3D
modeling software.

Scaling factors
Unity’s physics and lighting systems expect 1 meter in the game world to be 1 unit in the imported le.
The defaults for di erent 3D packages are as follows:

.fbx, .max, .jas, .c4d = 0.01
.mb, .ma, .lxo, .dxf, .blend, .dae = 1
.3ds = 0.1
When importing Model les into Unity from a 3D modeling application with a di erent scaling factor, you can convert the le units to
use the Unity scale by enabling the Convert Units option.

Export settings in speci c 3D modeling applications
Autodesk® Maya®
You can use the FBX Export options to pick what to export in your FBX le.

Exporting BlendShapes (morphing)
When exporting BlendShapes (Morphing) from Maya, follow these guidelines:

Apply the blend shape to the export mesh with its targets in order.
If you require Maya animation keyframes, you can animate keyframes on the blend shape node.
Enable the Animation > Deformed Models > Blend Shapes FBX Export option in Maya before exporting the mesh.
If you also want to export skin deformation, enable the Animation > Deformed Models > Skins FBX Export option in
Maya before exporting the mesh.
When you’ve imported the le into Unity, select it in the Project view and enable Bake Animations in the Animations tab of the
Model Importer.

Exporting complex deformation
You can create very complex character rigs in Maya. For performance reasons, Unity only supports linear blend skinning with four
in uences per vertex. If your character uses more than four in uences, when you import the Model into Unity, the animation may
appear choppy or distorted. Or if you are using deformation other than clusters, the animation may be completely absent.
To solve this problem, bake the deformation joints before exporting your Model from Maya, using the Bake Deformer tool (from
Maya’s top menu: Skin > Bake Deformers to Skin Weights).

For more information, see Bake deformers on a character in the Autodesk documentation.

Cinema 4D
Animated characters using IK
If you are using IK to animate your characters in Cinema 4D, you have to bake the IK before exporting using the Plugins > Mocca >
Cappucino menu in Cinema 4D. If you don’t bake your IK prior to importing into Unity, you only get animated locators and no
animated bones.

Maximizing import speed
You can speed up le import into Unity by turning o the Embed Textures preference in Cinema 4D before you export. Check the
Cinema 4D documentation for instructions.

Autodesk® 3ds Max®
You can use the FBX Export options to pick what to export in your FBX le.
When exporting from 3ds Max, there are some extra considerations when dealing with the following:

Exporting quads
Bone-based Animations
Morph targets (Blendshapes)
UV sets for Lightmapping
Exporting quads
3ds Max’s editable Mesh always exports triangles. The Editable Poly retains quads and N-gons on import. So if you want to import
quads into Unity, you have to use an Editable Poly in 3ds Max.

Bone-based Animations
Follow these guidelines when you want to export bone-based animations in 3ds Max:

After setting up the bone structure and the animations (using FK or IK), select all bones and/or IK solvers.
Select Motion > Motion Paths > Collapse. Unity makes a key lter, so the amount of keys you export is irrelevant.
Click the OK button on the FBX Exporter window.
Copy the FBX le into the Assets folder.
Open Unity and reassign the Texture to the Material in the root bone.
When exporting a bone hierarchy with Mesh and animations from 3ds Max to Unity, the exported GameObject hierarchy
corresponds to the hierarchy you can see in the 3ds Max Schematic View. However, Unity uses a GameObject as the new root,
containing the animations, and places the Mesh and material information in the root bone.
If you prefer to keep animation and Mesh information in the same Unity GameObject, parent the Mesh node to a bone in the bone
hierarchy in 3ds Max before exporting.

Morph targets (Blendshapes)
Follow these guidelines when you want to export Morph targets in 3ds Max:

Apply the Morpher Modi er to the export Mesh with appropriate morph targets set up in the Channel List.
If you require 3ds Max animation keyframes, you can animate keyframes on the Mesh/modi er.
Before exporting the Mesh, eEnable the Animation > Deformed Models > Blend Shapes FBX Export option in 3ds
If you also want to export skin deformation, enable the Animation > Deformed Models > Skins FBX Export option in
3ds Max before exporting the Mesh.
UV sets for Lightmapping
Unity has a built-in lightmapper, but you can also create lightmaps using texture baking (Render To Texture on the Rendering menu)
feature and automatic unwrapping functionality in 3ds Max.

Usually one UV set is used for main texture and/or normal maps, and another UV set is used for the lightmap Texture. For both UV
sets to come through properly, set the Material in 3ds Max to Standard and set up both Di use (for the main Texture)and SelfIllumination (for the lightmap) map slots:

Material setup for Lightmapping in 3ds Max, using self-illumination map
Note: If the object uses a Shell type of Material, Autodesk’s FBX exporter does not export UVs correctly.
Alternatively, you can use Multi/Sub Object material type and setup two sub-materials, using the main texture and the lightmap in
their di use map slots, as shown below. However, if the faces in your Model use di erent sub-material IDs, this results in multiple
materials being imported, which is not optimal for performance.

Alternate Material setup for Lightmapping in 3ds Max, using multi/sub object material

You can access the FBX export settings window inside LightWave by selecting Save > Export > Export FBX from the File toolbar in
LightWave Layout:

Accessing FBX Export options in LightWave Layout
The Export FBX window appears.

LightWave FBX Export Settings
Set the name and location of the FBX le. Use a location under the Unity Assets folder.
Anim Layer Name of the animation layer to use.

Use Binary to reduce lesize or ASCII for a text-editable FBX le.
Select the most recent FBX version from the list, making sure that it matches the version that Unity is
FBX Version
Export all models in the scene
Export all BlendShapes in the scene
Mesh type
(Subdivision Export the object without any subdivision applied to it
O )
Subdivision Subdivide the mesh when it is exported
Create a null to act as the new parent of the bone hierarchy.
When exporting a rig from Layout with the bone hierarchy parented to the mesh, the actual movement
of the deformed mesh is twice what it should be. Enabling this new parent keeps the mesh in place.
Convert LightWave’s standard Surface channels and image maps. This does not include procedural
textures and nodes.
Embedded Save embedded Textures as image maps included directly in the FBX le instead of in a separate image
directory. This creates much larger, but self-contained, FBX les.
Convert LightWave’s normals into smoothing groups.

Merge UVs

Unity 3D


Collapse surfaces with identical Material names, exporting the Materials separately. However, if both
Material names and all surface parameters match, the two Materials are always merged, regardless of
this setting.
Collapse multiple UV maps into a single map per object.
Correct rotation errors caused by converting between coordinate systems across LightWave, FBX, and
Both LightWave and Unity use left-handed coordinate systems but FBX is right-handed. When LightWave
exports to FBX, it converts to right-handed coordinates along the Z axis. When Unity imports the FBX
le, it converts back to left-handed coordinates along the X axis, which results in an apparent 180
degree rotation of the scene. Using the setting means that when you go into Unity and look down the Z
axis, the imported FBX looks exactly the same as it does inside LightWave.
Export all cameras in the scene.


Export all lights in the scene.
Export simple animations based on movement, rotation or scaling without baking. Character animation
or other animation using IK or dynamics should still be baked, using Bake Motion Envelopes.
Set an arbitrary start and end point for baking, in case there are setup frames you do not wish to
capture. Only available if Animations is checked.
Start Frame
and End
Export data only inside this timeframe.
Scale Scene Set a scale for your scene to match the Unity le scale value.
2018–09–26 Page amended with limited editorial review

Humanoid Asset preparation

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In order to take full advantage of Unity’s humanoid animation system and retargeting, you need to have a rigged and skinned
humanoid type mesh.
A character Model generally consists of polygons in 3D modeling software or converted to polygon or triangulated mesh, from a more
complex mesh type before export.
In order to control the movement of a character, you must create a joint hierarchy or skeleton which de nes the bones inside the
Mesh and their movement in relation to one another. The process for creating such a joint hierarchy is known as rigging.
You must then connect the mesh or skin to the joint hierarchy. This de nes which parts of the character mesh move when a given joint
is animated. The process of connecting the skeleton to the mesh is known as skinning.

Stages for preparing a character (modeling, rigging, and skinning)

How to obtain humanoid models

There are three main ways to obtain humanoid models to use in the Unity Animation system:
Use a procedural character system or character generator such as Poser, Makehuman or Mixamo . Some of these systems can rig and
skin your mesh (like Mixamo) while others cannot. Furthermore, if you use these methods, you may need to reduce the number of
polygons in your original mesh to make it suitable for use in Unity.
Purchase demo examples and character content from the Unity Asset Store.
You can also prepare your own character from scratch by following three steps: modeling, rigging and skinning.

This is the process of creating your own humanoid Mesh in 3D modeling software (such as Autodesk® 3ds Max®, Autodesk® Maya®,
or Blender). Although this is a whole subject in its own right, there are a few guidelines you can follow to ensure a Model works well
with animation in a Unity Project:
Use a topology with a well-formed structure. The exact nature of a “well-formed” structure for your Mesh is rather subtle but
generally, you should bear in mind how the vertices and triangles of the model are distorted as it is animated. A poor topology does
not allow the Model to move without distorting the Mesh. Study existing 3D character Meshes to see how the topology is arranged and
Check the scale of your mesh. Do a test import and compare the size of your imported Model with a “meter cube”. The standard Unity
cube primitive has a side length of one unit, so it can be taken as a 1m cube for most purposes. Check the units your 3D modeling
software uses and adjust the export settings so that the size of the Model is in correct proportion to the cube. It is easy to create
models without any notion of their scale and consequently end up with a set of objects that are disproportionate in size when you
imported them into Unity.
Arrange the mesh so that the character’s feet are standing on the local origin or “anchor point” of the model. Since a character typically
walks upright on a oor, it is much easier to handle if its anchor point (that is, its transform position) is directly on that oor.
Model in a T-pose if possible. This gives you space to re ne polygon detail where you need it (such as the underarms). This also makes
it easier to position your rig inside the Mesh.

While you are building, clean up your Model. Where possible, cap holes, weld verts, and remove hidden faces. This helps with
skinning, especially automated skinning processes.

Skin Mesh, textured and triangulated

This is the process of creating a skeleton of joints to control the movements of your Model.
3D modeling software provides a number of ways to create joints for your humanoid rig. These range from ready-made biped
skeletons that you can scale to t your Mesh, right through to tools for individual bone creation and parenting to create your own bone
structure. To work with animation in Unity, make sure they are the root element of the bone hierarchy. A minimum of fteen bones are
required in the skeleton.
Your skeleton needs to have at least the required bones in place for Unity to produce a valid match. In order to improve your chances
for nding a match to the Avatar, name your bones in a way that re ects the body parts they represent. For example, “LeftArm” and
“RightForearm” make it clear what these bones control.
The joint/bone hierachy should follow a natural structure for the character you are creating. Given that arms and legs come in pairs,
you should use a consistent convention for naming them (for example, “arm_L” for the left arm, “arm_R” for the right arm). Possible
structures for the hierarchy include:

* HIPS ­ spine ­ chest ­ shoulders ­ arm ­ forearm ­ hand
* HIPS ­ spine ­ chest ­ neck ­ head
* HIPS ­ UpLeg ­ Leg ­ foot ­ toe ­ toe_end

Biped Skeleton, positioned in T-pose


This is the process of attaching the Mesh to the skeleton.
Skinning involves binding vertices in your Mesh to bones, either directly (rigid bind) or with blended in uence to a number of bones
(soft bind). Di erent 3D modeling software uses di erent methods. for example, you can assign individual vertices and paint the
weighting of in uence per bone onto the Mesh. The initial setup is typically automated, say by nding the nearest in uence or using “
heatmaps”. Skinning usually requires a fair amount of work and testing with animations in order to ensure satisfactory results for the
skin deformation. Some general guidelines for this process include:
Use an automated process initially to set up some of the skinning (see the skinning tutorials available for your 3D modeling software).
Create a simple animation for your rig or import some animation data to act as a test for the skinning. This should give you a quick way
to evaluate whether or not the skinning looks good in motion.
Incrementally edit and re ne your skinning solution.
Limit the number of in uences when using a soft bind to a maximum of four, since this is the maximum number that Unity supports. If
your Mesh uses more than four in uences, then you lose some information when playing the animation in Unity.

Interactive Skin Bind, one of many skinning methods

Export and verify

Unity imports a number of di erent generic and native 3D le formats. FBX is the recommended format for exporting and verifying
your Model since you can use it to:

Export the Mesh with the skeleton hierarchy, normals, textures and animation.
Re-import the Mesh into your 3D modeling software to verify your animated Model looks as expected.
Export animations without the Mesh.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review


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This section contains documentation for users developing 2D games in Unity. Note that many areas of the Unity
documentation apply to both 2D and 3D development; this section focuses solely on 2D-speci c features and
See documentation on 2D and 3D mode settings for information on how to change the 2D/3D mode how the
modes di er. See 2D or 3D Projects if you’re not sure whether you should be working in 2D or 3D.

Gameplay in 2D

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While famous for its 3D capabilities, Unity can also be used to create 2D games. The familiar functions of the editor are still
available but with helpful additions to simplify 2D development.

Scene viewed in 2D mode
The most immediately noticeable feature is the 2D view mode button in the toolbar of the Scene view. When 2D mode is
enabled, an orthographic (ie, perspective-free) view will be set; the camera looks along the Z axis with the Y axis increasing
upwards. This allows you to visualise the scene and place 2D objects easily.
For a full list of 2D components, how to switch between 2D and 3D mode, and the di erent 2D and 3D Mode settings, see 2D or
3D Projects.

2D graphics
Graphic objects in 2D are known as Sprites. Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for
combining and managing sprite textures for e ciency and convenience during development. Unity provides a built-in Sprite
Editor to let you extract sprite graphics from a larger image. This allows you to edit a number of component images within a
single texture in your image editor. You could use this, for example, to keep the arms, legs and body of a character as separate
elements within one image.
Sprites are rendered with a Sprite Renderer component rather than the Mesh Renderer used with 3D objects. You can add this to
a GameObject via the Components menu (Component > Rendering > Sprite Renderer or alternatively, you can just create a
GameObject directly with a Sprite Renderer already attached (menu: GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite).
In addition, you can use a Sprite Creator tool to make placeholder 2D images.

2D physics
Unity has a separate physics engine for handling 2D physics so as to make use of optimizations only available with 2D. The
components correspond to the standard 3D physics components such as Rigidbody, Box Collider and Hinge Joint, but with “2D”
appended to the name. So, sprites can be equipped with Rigidbody 2D, Box Collider 2D and Hinge Joint 2D. Most 2D physics
components are simply “ attened” versions of the 3D equivalents (eg, Box Collider 2D is a square while Box Collider is a cube) but
there are a few exceptions.
For a full list of 2D physics components, see 2D or 3D Projects. See the Physics section of the manual for further information
about 2D physics concepts and components. To specify 2D physics settings, see Physics 2D Settings.
2018–04–24 Page amended with limited editorial review


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Sprites are 2D Graphic objects. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are
special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for e ciency and convenience during development.
Unity provides a placeholder Sprite Creator, a built-in Sprite Editor, a Sprite Renderer and a Sprite Packer
See Importing and Setting up Sprites below for information on setting up assets as Sprites in your Unity project.

Sprite Tools
Sprite Creator
Use the Sprite Creator to create placeholder sprites in your project, so you can carry on with development without having to
source or wait for graphics.

Sprite Editor
The Sprite Editor lets you extract sprite graphics from a larger image and edit a number of component images within a single
texture in your image editor. You could use this, for example, to keep the arms, legs and body of a character as separate elements
within one image.

Sprite Renderer
Sprites are rendered with a Sprite Renderer component rather than the Mesh Renderer used with 3D objects. Use it to display
images as Sprites for use in both 2D and 3D scenes.

Sprite Packer
Use Sprite Packer to opimize the use and performance of video memory by your project.

Importing and Setting Up Sprites
Sprites are a type of Asset in Unity projects. You can see them, ready to use, via the Project view.
There are two ways to bring Sprites into your project:
In your computer’s Finder (Mac OS X) or File Explorer (Windows), place your image directly into your Unity Project’s Assets folder.
Unity detects this and displays it in your project’s Project view.
In Unity, go to Assets > Import New Asset to bring up your computer’s Finder (Mac OS X) or File Explorer (Windows).
From there, select the image you want, and Unity puts it in the Project view.
See Importing for more details on this and important information about organising your Assets folder.

Setting your Image as a Sprite
If your project mode is set to 2D, the image you import is automatically set as a Sprite. For details on setting your project mode to
2D, see 2D or 3D Projects.
However, if your project mode is set to 3D, your image is set as a Texture, so you need to change the asset’s Texture Type:

Click on the asset to see its Import Inspector.
Set the Texture Type to Sprite (2D and UI):

Set Texture Type to Sprite (2D and UI) in the Asset’s Inspector
For details on Sprite Texture Type settings, see Texture type: Sprite (2D and UI).

Sorting Sprites
Renderers in Unity are sorted by several criteria, such as their Layer order or their distance from the Camera. Unity’s
GraphicsSettings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Graphics) provide a setting called Transparency Sort Mode, which allows you
to control how Sprites are sorted depending on where they are in relation to the Camera. More speci cally, it uses the Sprite’s
position on an axis to determine which ones are transparent against others, and which are not.
An example of when you might use this setting is to sort Sprites along the Y axis. This is quite common in 2D games, where
Sprites that are higher up are sorted behind Sprites that are lower, to make them appear further away.

There are four Transparency Sort Mode options available:

Default - Sorts based on whether the Camera’s Projection mode is set to Perspective or Orthographic
Perspective - Sorts based on perspective view. Perspective view sorts Sprites based on the distance from the Camera’s position
to the Sprite’s center.
Orthographic - Sorts based on orthographic view. Orthographic view sorts Sprites based on the distance along the view
Custom Axis - Sorts based on the given axis set in Transparency Sort Axis
If you have set the Transparency Sort Mode to Custom, you then need to set the Transparency Sort Axis:

If the Transparency Sort Mode is set to Custom Axis, renderers in the Scene view are sorted based on the distance of this axis
from the camera. Use a value between –1 and 1 to de ne the axis. For example: X=0, Y=1, Z=0 sets the axis direction to up. X=1,
Y=1, Z=0 sets the axis to a diagonal direction between X and Y.
For example, if you want Sprites to behave like the ones in the image above (those higher up the y axis standing behind the
Sprites that are lower on the axis), set the Transparency Sort Mode to Custom Axis, and set the Y value for the Transparency
Sort Axis to a value higher than 0.

Sorting Sprites using script
You can also sort Sprites per camera through scripts, by modifying the following properties in Camera:
TransparencySortMode (corresponds with Transparency Sort Mode)
TransparencySortAxis (corresponds with Transparency Sort Axis)
For example:

var camera = GetComponent();
camera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.CustomAxis;
camera.transparencySortAxis = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
2017–05–24 Page amended with no editorial review
Transparancy Sort Mode added in 5.6

Sprite Renderer

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The Sprite Renderer component renders the Sprite and controls how it visually appears in a Scene for both 2D and 3D
When you create a Sprite (GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite), Unity automatically creates a GameObject with the Sprite
Renderer component attached. You can also add the component to an existing GameObject via the Components menu
(Component > Rendering > Sprite Renderer).


Sprite Renderer Inspector
De ne which Sprite texture the component should render. Click the small dot to the right to
open the object picker window, and select from the list of available Sprite Assets.
De ne the vertex color of the Sprite, which tints or recolors the Sprite’s image. Use the color
picker to set the vertex color of the rendered Sprite texture. See the Color section below this
table for examples.
Flips the Sprite texture along the checked axis. This does not ip the Transform position of the
De ne the Material used to render the Sprite texture.
De ne how the Sprite scales when its dimensions change. Select one of the following options
Draw Mode
from the drop-down box.
The entire image scales when its dimensions change. This is the default option.
Select this mode if the Sprite is 9-sliced.
Enter the Sprite’s new Width and Height to scale the 9-sliced Sprite correctly. You can also use
(‘Sliced’ or
the Rect Transform Tool to scale the Sprite while applying 9-slicing properties.
By default, this mode causes the middle of the 9-Sliced Sprite to tile instead of scale when its
dimensions change. Use Tile Mode to control the tiling behavior of the Sprite.
This is the default Tile Mode. In Continuous mode, the midsection tiles evenly when the Sprite
Continuous dimensions change.
In Adaptive mode, the Sprite texture stretches when its dimensions change, similar to Simple
Adaptive mode. When the scale of the changed dimensions meets the Stretch Value, the midsection
begins to tile.
Stretch Use the slider to set the value between 0 and 1. The maximum value is 1, which represents
double the original Sprite’s scale.
Set the Sorting Layer of the Sprite, which controls its priority during rendering. Select an
existing Sorting Layer from the drop-down box, or create a new Sorting Layer.

Order In
Inside Mask
Sprite Sort


Set the render priority of the Sprite within its Sorting Layer. Lower numbered Sprites are
rendered rst, with higher numbered Sprites overlapping those below.
Set how the Sprite Renderer behaves when interacting with a Sprite Mask. See examples of
the di erent options in the Mask Interaction section below.
The Sprite Renderer does not interact with any Sprite Mask in the Scene. This is the default
The Sprite is visible where the Sprite Mask overlays it, but not outside of it.
The Sprite is visible outside the Sprite Mask, but not inside it. The Sprite Mask hides the
sections of the Sprite it overlays.
Choose between the Sprite’s Center or its Pivot Point when calculating the distance between
the Sprite and the camera. See the section on Sprite Sort Point for further details.

The image below demonstrates the e ect of changing the RGB values on the Sprite Renderer’s Color setting. To change a
Sprite’s opacity, change the value of its Color property’s Alpha (A) channel.

Left: The original Sprite. Right: The Sprite with its RGB colors set to red.


Use a Material’s Material and Shader settings to control how Unity renders it. Refer to Materials, Shaders & Textures for
further information on these settings.
The default Material for newly created Sprites is Sprites - Default. Scene lighting does not a ect this default Sprite. To have
the Sprite react to lighting, assign the Material Default - Di use instead. To do this, click the small circle next to the
Material eld to bring up the object picker window, and select the Default-Di use Material.

Mask Interaction
Mask Interaction controls how the Sprite Renderer interacts with Sprite Masks. Select either Visible Inside Mask or Visible
Outside Mask from the drop-down menu. The examples below demonstrate the e ect of each option with a square Sprite

and a circle Mask:
To interact with a Sprite Mask, select Visible Inside Mask or Visible Outside Mask from the drop-down menu.

Sprite Sort Point
This property is only available when the Sprite Renderer’s Draw Mode is set to Simple.
In a 2D project, the Main Camera is set to Orthographic Projection mode by default. In this mode, Unity renders Sprites in
the order of their their distance to the camera, along the direction of the Camera’s view.

Orthographic Camera: Side view (top) and Game view (bottom)
By default, a Sprite’s Sort Point is set to its Center, and Unity measures the distance between the camera’s Transform
position and the Center of the Sprite to determine their render order.
To set to a di erent Sort Point from the Center, select the Pivot option. Edit the Sprite’s Pivot position in the Sprite Editor.
2018–10–05 Page amended with editorial review
Ability to sort Sprite-based renderers using the pivot position added in 2017.3

Sprite Creator

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With this tool you can create temporary placeholder sprite (2D) graphics. You can use these in your project
during development and then replace them with the graphics you want to use.

Accessing the Sprite Creator
Select Assets>Create>Sprites and then select the placeholder sprite you want to make (square, triangle,
diamond, hexagon, or polygon).

Accessing the Sprite Creator

Using the Sprite

Your new placeholder sprite appears as a white shape in the asset folder you currently have open. The new
sprite’s name defaults to its shape name but you have the option to rename your sprite when it is rst created. If
you are not sure what you want to call it, leave it as the default; you can change it later by clicking on it.

Name your new sprite (or leave it to default)
You can drag and drop your placeholder sprite into the Scene View or Hierarchy to start using it in your project.

Drag and drop your placeholder sprite into Scene View

Replacing your Placeholder Sprite

To change your placeholder sprite, click on it in the Scene View and then edit via the Sprite Renderer
Component in the Inspector.

Replace your sprite via the Sprite Renderer Component in the Inspector tool
Edit the Sprite eld: You can click on the small circle to the right of the input eld to bring up the Sprite Selector
where you can browse and select from a menu of available 2D graphic assets.

Sprite Selector


The Sprite Creator makes 4x4 white PNG outline textures.
The placeholder sprites are perfect primitive polygons (e.g. triangle, hexagon, n-sided polygon),
generated by algorithm.
NOTE: Placeholder sprites are not like 3D primitives: A sprite is an asset, and as a many-sided
polygon, may represent many di erent shapes, so placeholder sprites are not built like 3D

Sprite Editor

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Sometimes a sprite texture contains just a single graphic element but it is often more convenient to combine several
related graphics together into a single image. For example, the image could contain component parts of a single character,
as with a car whose wheels move independently of the body. Unity makes it easy to extract elements from a composite
image by providing a Sprite Editor for the purpose.
Make sure the graphic you want to edit has its Texture Type set to Sprite (2D and UI). For information on importing and
setting up sprites, see Sprites.
Sprite textures with multiple elements need the Sprite Mode to be set to Multiple in the Inpsector. (See Fig 2: Texture
Import Inspector… below.)

Opening the Sprite Editor
To open the Sprite Editor:
Select the 2D image you want to edit from the Project View (Fig 1: Project View).
Note that you can’t edit a sprite which is in the Scene View.
Click on the Sprite Editor button in the Texture Import Inspector (Fig 2: Texture Import Inspector) and the Sprite Editor
displays (Fig 3: Sprite Editor).
Note: You can only see the Sprite Editor button if the Texture Type on the image you have selected is set to Sprite (2D
and UI).

Fig 1: Project View

Fig 2: Texture Import Inspector with Sprite Editor button
Note: Set the Sprite Mode to Multiple in the Texture Import Inspector if your image has several elements.

Fig 3: Sprite Editor
Along with the composite image, you will see a number of controls in the bar at the top of the window. The slider at the top
right controls the zoom, while the color bar button to its left chooses whether you view the image itself or its alpha levels.
The right-most slider controls the pixelation (mipmap) of the texure. Moving the slider to the left reduces the resolution of
the sprite texture. The most important control is the Slice menu at the top left, which gives you options for separating the
elements of the image automatically. Finally, the Apply and Revert buttons allow you to keep or discard any changes you
have made.

Using the Editor
The most direct way to use the editor is to identify the elements manually. If you click on the image, you will see a
rectangular selection area appear with handles in the corners. You can drag the handles or the edges of the rectangle to
resize it around a speci c element. Having isolated an element, you can add another by dragging a new rectangle in a
separate part of the image. You’ll notice that when you have a rectangle selected, a panel appears in the bottom right of the

The controls in the panel let you choose a name for the sprite graphic and set the position and size of the rectangle by its
coordinates. A border width, for left, top, right and bottom can be speci ed in pixels. There are also settings for the sprite’s
pivot, which Unity uses as the coordinate origin and main “anchor point” of the graphic. You can choose from a number of
default rectangle-relative positions (eg, Center, Top Right, etc) or use custom coordinates.

The Trim button next to the Slice menu item will resize the rectangle so that it ts tightly around the edge of the graphic
based on transparency.
Note: Borders are only supported for the UI system, not for the 2D SpriteRenderer.

Automatic Slicing
Isolating the sprite rectangles manually works well but in many cases, Unity can save you work by detecting the graphic
elements and extracting them for you automatically. If you click on the Slice menu in the control bar, you will see this panel:

With the slicing type set to Automatic, the editor will attempt to guess the boundaries of sprite elements by transparency.
You can set a default pivot for each identi ed sprite. The Method menu lets you choose how to deal with existing selections
in the window. The Delete existing option will simply replace whatever is already selected, Smart will attempt to create
new rectangles while retaining or adjusting existing ones, and Safe will add new rectangles without changing anything
already in place.
Grid by Cell Size or Grid by Cell Count options are also available for the slicing type. This is very useful when the sprites
have already been laid out in a regular pattern during creation:

The Pixel Size values determine the height and width of the tiles in pixels. If you chose grid by cell count, Column & Row
determines the number of columns and rows used for slicing. You can also use the O set values to shift the grid position
from the top-left of the image and the Padding values to inset the sprite rectangles slightly from the grid. The Pivot can be
set with one of nine preset locations or a Custom Pivot location can be set.
Note that after any of the automatic slicing methods has been used, the generated rectangles can still be edited manually.
You can let Unity handle the rough de nition of the sprite boundaries and pivots and then do any necessary ne tuning


Polygon Resizing
Open the Sprite Editor for a polygon and you have the option to change its shape, size, and pivot position.

Sprite Editor: Polygon resizing - shape
Enter the number of sides you want the polygon to have in the Sides eld and click Change.
Size and Pivot

Sprite Editor: Polygon resizing - size and pivot point - click on the polygon to display these options
SIZE: To change the polygon’s size, click on the sprite to display green border lines and the Sprite information box. Click and
drag on the green lines to create the border you want, and the values in the Border elds change. (Note that you cannot
edit the Border elds directly.)
PIVOT: To change the polygon’s pivot point (that is the axis point the polygon moves around), click on the image to display
the Sprite information box. Click on the Pivot drop down menu and select an option. This displays a blue pivot circle on the
polygon; its location depends on the pivot option to you have selected. If you want to change it further, select Custom
Pivot and click and drag on the blue pivot circle to position it. (Note that you cannot edit the Pivot elds directly.)

Sprite Editor: Edit Outline

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Use the Sprite Editor’s Edit Outline option to edit the generated Mesh for a Sprite, e ectively editing its outline.
Transparent areas in a Sprite can negatively a ect your project’s performance. This feature is useful for netuning the bounds of a Sprite, ensuring there are fewer transparent areas in the shape.
To access this option, select the Sprite and open the Sprite Editor (click Sprite Editor in the Inspector window).
Click the Sprite Editor drop-down in the top left, and select Edit Outline.

Use the Sprite Editor’s drop-down to access Edit Outline
With Edit Outline selected, click a Sprite. The Sprite Editor displays the outline and control points of the Sprite.
The outline is indicated by a white line. The control points are areas you can use to move and manipulate the
outline. Control points are indicated by small squares. Click and drag a white square outline control point to
change its position.

The white squares represent the outline control points - click and drag to change their positions
When you hover the mouse over a white square outline control point, a blue square appears on the outline. Drag
this to reposition the control point and the blue square becomes a new white square outline control point, as
shown below

Hover over a white square control point, then drag the blue square to the position you want the
new control point
To create new outlines, drag in an empty space within the Sprite. This creates a new rectangular outline with four
control points. Do this multiple times to create multiple outlines on one Sprite (for example, a donut Sprite which
has gaps inside the outline).

Create new outlines by dragging in an empty space within the Sprite - you can use multiple outlines
in one Sprite
To move the outline instead of the control points, hold Ctrl while you click and drag the outline.

Hold Ctrl to drag the line (here shown in yellow) rather than the control points.

Outline Tolerance

Use the Outline Tolerance slider to increase and decrease the number of outline control points available,
between 0 (the minimum number of control points) and 1 (the maximum number of control points). A higher
Outline Tolerance creates more outline control points, while a lower Outline Tolerance creates a tighter Mesh
(that is, a Mesh with a smaller border of transparent pixels between the Sprite and the Mesh edges). Click Update
to apply the change.

Use the Outline Tolerance slider to determine the number of control points

The Sprite on the left has a low Outline Tolerance, and the Sprite on the right has a high Outline

Sprite Editor: Custom Physics Shape

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The Sprite Editor’s Custom Physics Shape allows you to edit a Sprite’s Physics Shape, which de nes the initial shape of the
Sprite’s Collider 2D Mesh. You can further re ne the Physics Shape through the Collider’s component settings.
To edit a Sprite’s Physics Shape:
In the Project window, select the Sprite that you want to change.
In the Inspector window, click the Sprite Editor button.
In the Sprite Editor window, select the top left drop-down menu and choose Custom Physics Shape.

Editing a Custom Physics Shape


Property Function
Snap control points to the nearest pixel.
Use this to control how tightly the generated outline follows the outline of the Sprite texture. At
Outline the minimum value (0), the Sprite Editor generates a basic outline around the Sprite. At the
Tolerance maximum value (1), the Sprite Editor generates an outline that follows the pixel outline of the
Sprite as closely as it can.
Generate Click to automatically create a physics shape outline.

Standard work ow

First open the Sprite Editor for your selected Sprite. Then, select Custom Physics Shape from the upper-left drop-down
menu in the editor.

Then click Generate to create an outline of the Physics Shape. Unity generates an outline follows the shape of the original
Sprite texture by default, and takes into account transparent areas as well.

The generated outline and control points
Adjust the Outline Tolerance slider to re ne the outline of the Physics Shape. After adjusting the Outline Tolerance value,
click Generate to refresh the outline.

Outline Tolerance slider
Click and drag each control point to re ne the outline of the Physics Shape. To remove a control point, select a control point
and press the Command+Del/Del keys.

Moving a control point
When the mouse is hovering over the outline, a transparent control point appears along the edge. Click to create a new
control point at that spot. Remove a control point by selecting it and pressing the Del/Command+Del keys.

Fig.1: Transparent control point.

Fig.2: Click to create new control point.

Click and drag over an area to select multiple control points. You can position or delete them altogether while selected.

Selecting multiple control points
Holding the Control/Ctrl key allows you to select edges instead of their control points. Click on the highlighted edge to drag
them into a new position.

Fig.1: Select the edge of the outline.

Fig.2: Drag and move the edge freely once selected.

Working With Multiple Outlines

A single Physics Shape can contain multiple separate outlines. This is useful if only speci c areas of a Sprite need a Collider
2D Mesh for collision. For example, you might want a character to only respond to collisions on speci c areas of its Sprite
for damage as part of the game mechanics.
Click and drag over any empty space in the Sprite Editor window to create a new rectangular outline with 4 control points.
Repeat this step to create additional outlines. You can re ne each outline in the same way you would for a single Physics
Shape outline.

Fig. 1: Click and drag to create 4-point box.

Fig. 2: Box physics shape with 4 control points.

Fig. 3: Click and drag again for another box.

Fig. 4: Repeat to create more separate outlines.

Additional tips

If you have edited the outline of a Sprite that existing GameObjects already refer to, right-click the title of the Collider 2D
component and select Reset. This updates the shape of the Collider 2D Meshes.

2018–05–24 Page published with editorial review

Sprite Packer

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When designing sprite graphics, it is convenient to work with a separate texture le for each character. However, a signi cant
portion of a sprite texture will often be taken up by the empty space between the graphic elements and this space will result in
wasted video memory at runtime. For optimal performance, it is best to pack graphics from several sprite textures tightly together
within a single texture known as an atlas. Unity provides a Sprite Packer utility to automate the process of generating atlases from
the individual sprite textures.
Unity handles the generation and use of sprite atlas textures behind the scenes so that the user needs to do no manual assignment.
The atlas can optionally be packed on entering Play mode or during a build and the graphics for a sprite object will be obtained from
the atlas once it is generated.
Users are required to specify a Packing Tag in the Texture Importer to enable packing for Sprites of that Texture.

Using the Sprite Packer
The Sprite Packer is disabled by default but you can con gure it from the Editor settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Editor).
The sprite packing mode can be changed from Disabled to Enabled for Builds (i.e. packing is used for builds but not Play mode) or
Always Enabled (i.e. packing is enabled for both Play mode and builds).
If you open the Sprite Packer window (menu: Window > 2D > Sprite Packer) and click the Pack button in the top-left corner, you will
see the arrangement of the textures packed within the atlas.

If you select a sprite in the Project panel, this will also be highlighted to show its position in the atlas. The outline is actually the
render mesh outline and it also de nes the area used for tight packing.
The toolbar at the top of the Sprite Packer window has a number of controls that a ect packing and viewing. The Pack buttons
initiates the packing operation but will not force any update if the atlas hasn’t changed since it was last packed. (A related Repack
button will appear when you implement a custom packing policy as explained in Customizing the Sprite Packer below). The View
Atlas and Page # menus allow you to choose which page of which atlas is shown in the window (a single atlas may be split into more
than one “page” if there is not enough space for all sprites in the maximum texture size). The menu next to the page number selects
which “packing policy” is used for the atlas (see below). At the right of the toolbar are two controls to zoom the view and to switch
between color and alpha display for the atlas.

Packing Policy
The Sprite Packer uses a packing policy to decide how to assign sprites into atlases. It is possible to create your own packing policies
(see below) but the Default Packer Policy, Tight Packer Policy and Tight Rotate Enabled Sprite Packer Policy options are always
available. With these policies, the Packing Tag property in the Texture Importer directly selects the name of the atlas where the
sprite will be packed and so all sprites with the same packing tag will be packed in the same atlas. Atlases are then further sorted by
the texture import settings so that they match whatever the user sets for the source textures. Sprites with the same texture
compression settings will be grouped into the same atlas where possible.

DefaultPackerPolicy will use rectangle packing by default unless “[TIGHT]” is speci ed in the Packing Tag (i.e. setting
your packing tag to “[TIGHT]Character” will allow tight packing).
TightPackerPolicy will use tight packing by default if Sprite have tight meshes. If “[RECT]” is speci ed in the Packing
Tag, rectangle packing will be done (i.e. setting your packing tag to “[RECT]UI_Elements” will force rect packing).
TightRotateEnabledSpritePackerPolicy will use tight packing by default if Sprite have tight meshes and will enable
rotation of sprites. If “[RECT]” is speci ed in the Packing Tag, rectangle packing will be done (i.e. setting your packing
tag to “[RECT]UI_Elements” will force rect packing).

Customizing the Sprite Packer

The DefaultPackerPolicy option is su cient for most purposes but you can also implement your own custom packing policy if you
need to. To do this, you need to implement the UnityEditor.Sprites.IPackerPolicy interface for a class in an editor script. This interface
requires the following methods:

GetVersion - return the version value of your packer policy. Version should be bumped if modi cations are done to
the policy script and this policy is saved to version control.
OnGroupAtlases - implement your packing logic here. De ne atlases on the PackerJob and assign Sprites from the
given TextureImporters.
DefaultPackerPolicy uses rect packing (see SpritePackingMode) by default. This is useful if you’re doing texture-space e ects or
would like to use a di erent mesh for rendering the Sprite. Custom policies can override this and instead use tight packing.

Repack button is only enabled when a custom policy is selected.
OnGroupAtlases will not be called unless TextureImporter metadata or the selected PackerPolicy version values
Use Repack button when working on your custom policy.
Sprites can be packed rotated with TightRotateEnabledSpritePackerPolicy automatically.
SpritePackingRotation is a reserved type for future Unity versions.


Atlases are cached in Project\Library\AtlasCache.
Deleting this folder and then launching Unity will force atlases to be repacked. Unity must be closed when doing so.
Atlas cache is not loaded at start.
All textures must be checked when packing for the rst time after Unity is restarted. This operation might take some
time depending on the total number of textures in the project.
Only the required atlases are loaded.
Default maximum atlas size is 2048x2048.
When PackingTag is set, Texture will not be compressed so that the SpritePacker can grab original pixel values and
then do compression on the atlas.



public class DefaultPackerPolicySample : UnityEditor.Sprites.IPackerPolicy
protected class Entry
public Sprite
public UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings settings;
public string
public SpritePackingMode packingMode;
public int
private const uint kDefaultPaddingPower = 3; // Good for base and two mip levels.
public virtual int GetVersion() { return 1; }
protected virtual string TagPrefix { get { return "[TIGHT]"; } }
protected virtual bool AllowTightWhenTagged { get { return true; } }
protected virtual bool AllowRotationFlipping { get { return false; } }
public static bool IsCompressedFormat(TextureFormat fmt)
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.DXT1 && fmt <= TextureFormat.DXT5)
return true;
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.DXT1Crunched && fmt <= TextureFormat.DXT5Crunched)
return true;
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB2 && fmt <= TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4)
return true;
if (fmt == TextureFormat.ETC_RGB4)
return true;
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.ATC_RGB4 && fmt <= TextureFormat.ATC_RGBA8)
return true;
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.EAC_R && fmt <= TextureFormat.EAC_RG_SIGNED)
return true;
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.ETC2_RGB && fmt <= TextureFormat.ETC2_RGBA8)
return true;
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_4x4 && fmt <= TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_12x12)
return true;
if (fmt >= TextureFormat.DXT1Crunched && fmt <= TextureFormat.DXT5Crunched)
return true;
return false;
public void OnGroupAtlases(BuildTarget target, UnityEditor.Sprites.PackerJob job, int[] te
List entries = new List();
foreach (int instanceID in textureImporterInstanceIDs)
TextureImporter ti = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as TextureIm
TextureFormat desiredFormat;
ColorSpace colorSpace;
int compressionQuality;
ti.ReadTextureImportInstructions(target, out desiredFormat, out colorSpace, ou

TextureImporterSettings tis = new TextureImporterSettings();
Sprite[] sprites =
.Select(x => x as Sprite)
.Where(x => x != null)
foreach (Sprite sprite in sprites)
Entry entry = new Entry();
entry.sprite = sprite;
entry.settings.format = desiredFormat;
entry.settings.colorSpace = colorSpace;
// Use Compression Quality for Grouping later only for Compressed Formats.
entry.settings.compressionQuality = IsCompressedFormat(desiredFormat) ? compre
entry.settings.filterMode = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FilterMode), ti.filterMode)
? ti.filterMode
: FilterMode.Bilinear;
entry.settings.maxWidth = 2048;
entry.settings.maxHeight = 2048;
entry.settings.generateMipMaps = ti.mipmapEnabled;
entry.settings.enableRotation = AllowRotationFlipping;
if (ti.mipmapEnabled)
entry.settings.paddingPower = kDefaultPaddingPower;
entry.settings.paddingPower = (uint)EditorSettings.spritePackerPadding
entry.settings.allowsAlphaSplitting = ti.GetAllowsAlphaSplitting ();
entry.atlasName = ParseAtlasName(ti.spritePackingTag);
entry.packingMode = GetPackingMode(ti.spritePackingTag, tis.spriteMeshType
entry.anisoLevel = ti.anisoLevel;
// First split sprites into groups based on atlas name
var atlasGroups =
from e in entries
group e by e.atlasName;
foreach (var atlasGroup in atlasGroups)
int page = 0;
// Then split those groups into smaller groups based on texture settings
var settingsGroups =
from t in atlasGroup
group t by t.settings;
foreach (var settingsGroup in settingsGroups)

string atlasName = atlasGroup.Key;
if (settingsGroups.Count() > 1)
atlasName += string.Format(" (Group {0})", page);
UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings settings = settingsGroup.Key;
settings.anisoLevel = 1;
// Use the highest aniso level from all entries in this atlas
if (settings.generateMipMaps)
foreach (Entry entry in settingsGroup)
if (entry.anisoLevel > settings.anisoLevel)
settings.anisoLevel = entry.anisoLevel;
job.AddAtlas(atlasName, settings);
foreach (Entry entry in settingsGroup)
job.AssignToAtlas(atlasName, entry.sprite, entry.packingMode, SpritePa
protected bool IsTagPrefixed(string packingTag)
packingTag = packingTag.Trim();
if (packingTag.Length < TagPrefix.Length)
return false;
return (packingTag.Substring(0, TagPrefix.Length) == TagPrefix);
private string ParseAtlasName(string packingTag)
string name = packingTag.Trim();
if (IsTagPrefixed(name))
name = name.Substring(TagPrefix.Length).Trim();
return (name.Length == 0) ? "(unnamed)" : name;
private SpritePackingMode GetPackingMode(string packingTag, SpriteMeshType meshType)
if (meshType == SpriteMeshType.Tight)
if (IsTagPrefixed(packingTag) == AllowTightWhenTagged)
return SpritePackingMode.Tight;
return SpritePackingMode.Rectangle;




// TightPackerPolicy will tightly pack non­rectangle Sprites unless their packing tag contains
class TightPackerPolicySample : DefaultPackerPolicySample
protected override string TagPrefix { get { return "[RECT]"; } }
protected override bool AllowTightWhenTagged { get { return false; } }
protected override bool AllowRotationFlipping { get { return false; } }



// TightPackerPolicy will tightly pack non­rectangle Sprites unless their packing tag contains
class TightRotateEnabledSpritePackerPolicySample : DefaultPackerPolicySample
protected override string TagPrefix { get { return "[RECT]"; } }
protected override bool AllowTightWhenTagged { get { return false; } }
protected override bool AllowRotationFlipping { get { return true; } }

Sorting Group

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A Sorting Group is a component which alters the order in which Sprite Renderers do their rendering. It allows a
group of Renderers which share a common root to be sorted together. Renderers in Unity are sorted by several
criteria, including their order in the layer and their distance from the Camera.

Setting up a Sorting Group
To use the Sorting Group component, add it to the GameObject’s root (the parent GameObject of all the
GameObjects you want to apply group sorting to). Select the GameObject’s root, then in the main menu select
Component > Rendering > Sorting Group.
A Sorting Group does not have any visual representation in the Scene view. It can be added to an empty
GameObject, which might be useful if you have many GameObjects to apply group sorting to at once.
A Sorting Group is not dependent on any other Renderers, and any Renderers that are attached to that
GameObject and its descendants are rendered together.

The Sorting Group component
Property Function
Sorting Use the drop-down to select the Layer used to de ne this Sprite’s overlay priority during
Order in Set the overlay priority of this Sprite within its layer. Lower numbers are rendered rst,
and subsequent numbers overlay those below.

Sorting a Sorting Group

Unity uses the concept of sorting layers to allow you to divide sprites into groups for overlay priority. Sorting
Groups with a Sorting Layer lower in the order are overlaid by those in a higher Sorting Layer.
Sometimes, two or more objects in the same Sorting Layer can overlap (for example, two player characters in a
side scrolling game, as shown in the example below). The Order in Layer property can be used to apply

consistent priorities to Sorting Groups in the same layer. As with Sorting Layer, lower numbers are rendered
rst, and are obscured by Sorting Groups with higher layer numbers, which are rendered later. See the
documentation on Tags and Layers for details on editing Sorting Layers.
The descendants of the Sorting Group are sorted against other descendants of closest or next Sorting Group
(depending on whether sorting is by distance or Order in Layer). In other words, the Sorting Group creates a local
sorting space for its descendants only. This allows each of the Renderers inside the group to be sorted using the
Sorting Layer and Order in Layer, but locally to the containing Sorting Group.

Nested Sorting Group
A nested Sorting Group is sorted against other Renderers in the same group.
However, GameObjects in the Hierarchy that do not have a Sorting Group are rendered together as a single layer,
and Renderers are still sorted based on their Sorting Layer and Order in Layer.
Example of how to use Sorting Groups
Sorting Groups are commonly used in 2D games with complex characters, made up of several Sprites. This
example uses a 2D character with multiple Renderers in a Hierarchy.

A character made up of several Sprites in a single Sorting Layer, using multiple Order in Layers to
sort its body parts
This character is in a single Sorting Layer, and uses multiple Order in Layers to sort its body parts. Unity then
saves the character as a Prefab, and clones it multiple times during gameplay.
When cloned, the body parts overlap each other because they are on the same layers, as seen below.

The body parts of two characters overlap, because they share the same layers
The desired outcome is to have all the Renderers of one character render together, and then be followed by the
next character. This gives the visual e ect of passing each other, with one appearing closer to the camera than
the other, rather than both of them appearing to blend together.
A Sorting Group component added to the root of the character ensures that the body parts no longer overlap and
mix together.

The Sorting Group component sorts each character as a group, preventing the issue of overlapping
body parts

Multiple characters being sorted using a Sorting Group component on each character

9-slicing Sprites

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9-slicing is a 2D technique which allows you to reuse an image at various sizes without needing to prepare multiple Assets.
It involves splitting the image into nine portions, so that when you re-size the Sprite, the di erent portions scale or tile
(that is, repeat in a grid formation) in di erent ways to keep the Sprite in proportion. This is useful when creating patterns
or Textures, such as walls or oors in a 2D environment.
This is an example of a 9-sliced Sprite, split into nine sections. Each section is labelled with a letter from A to I.

The following points describe what happens when you change the dimensions of the image:
The four corners (A, C, G and I) do not change in size.
The B and H sections stretch or tile horizontally.
The D and F sections stretch or tile vertically.
The E section stretches or tiles both horizontally and vertically.
This page describes how to set 9-slicing up, and which settings to apply depending on whether you want to stretch or tile
the areas shown above.

Setting up your Sprite for 9-slicing
Before you 9-slice a Sprite, you need to ensure the Sprite is set up properly.
First, you need to make sure the Mesh Type is set to Full Rect. To apply this, select the Sprite, then in the Inspector
window click the Mesh Type drop-down and select Full Rect. If the Mesh Type is set to Tight, 9-slicing might not work
correctly, because of how the Sprite Renderer generates and renders the Sprite when it is set up for 9-slicing.

The Sprite’s Inspector window. Mesh Type is highlighted in the red box.
Next, you need to de ne the borders of the Sprite via the Sprite Editor window. To do this, select the Sprite, then in the
Inspector window click the Sprite Editor button.

The Sprite’s Inspector window. The Sprite Editor button is highlighted in the red box. See documentation
on Sprites for information on all of the properties in the Sprite Import Settings.
Use the Sprite Editor window to de ne the borders of the Sprite (that is, where you want to de ne the tiled areas, such as
the walls of a oor tile). To do this, use the Sprite control panel’s L, R, T, and B elds (left, right, top, and bottom,
respectively). Alternatively, click and drag the green dots at the top, bottom, and sides.

De ning the borders of the Sprite in the Sprite Editor window
Click Apply in the Sprite Editor window’s top bar. Close the Sprite Editor window, and drag the Sprite from the Project
window into the Scene view to begin working on it.

9-slicing your Sprite
Select the Sprite in the Scene view or the Hierarchy window. In the Inspector window, navigate to the Sprite Renderer
component and change the Draw Mode property.

It is set to Simple by default; to apply 9-slicing, set it to either Sliced or Tiled depending on the behavior you want. The
follow sections explain how each one behaves, using this Sprite:

The original Sprite used for the examples shown below


This is the default Sprite Renderer behaviour. The image scales in all directions when its dimensions change. Simple is not
used for 9-slicing.


In Sliced mode, the corners stay the same size, the top and bottom of the Sprite stretch horizontally, the sides of the
Sprite stretch vertically, and the centre of the Sprite stretches horizontally and vertically to t the Sprite’s size.

When a Sprite’s Draw Mode is set to Sliced, you can choose to change the size using the Size property on the Sprite
Renderer or the Rect Transform Tool. You can still scale the Sprite using the Transform properties or the Transform Tool;
however, the Transform scales the Sprite without applying the 9-slicing.


In Tiled mode, the sprite stays the same size, and does not scale. Instead, the top and bottom of the Sprite repeat
horizontally, the sides repeat vertically, and the centre of the Sprite repeats in a tile formation to t the Sprite’s size.
When a Sprite’s Draw Mode is set to Sliced, you can choose to change the size using the Size property on the Sprite
Renderer or the Rect Transform Tool. You can still scale the Sprite using the Transform properties or the Transform Tool;
however, the Transform scales the Sprite without applying the 9-slicing.
When you set the Draw Mode to Tiled, an additional property called Tile Mode appears. See the next section in this page
for more information on how Tile Mode works.
See documentation on the Sprite Renderer for full details on all of the component’s properties.

Tile Mode
When the Draw Mode is set to Tiled, use the Tile Mode property to control how the sections repeat when the dimensions
of the Sprite change.

Tile Mode is set to Continuous by default. When the size of the Sprite changes, the repeating sections repeat evenly in the

When Tile Mode is set to Adaptive, the repeating sections only repeat when the dimensions of the Sprite reach the
Stretch Value.

Use the Stretch Value slider to set the value between 0 and 1. Note that 1 represents an image resized to twice its original
dimensions, so if the Stretch Value is set at 1, the section repeats when the image is stretched to twice its original size.
To demonstrate this, the following images show the di erence between an image with the same dimension but a di erent
Stretch Value:
Stretch Value 0.1:

Stretch Value 0.5:

9-slicing and Colliders
If your Sprite has a Collider2D attached, you need to ensure that when you change the Sprite’s dimensions, the Collider2D
changes with it.
Box Collider 2D and Polygon Collider 2D are the only Collider2D components in Unity that support 9-slicing. These two
Collider2Ds have an Auto Tiling checkbox. To make sure the Collider2D components are set up for 9-slicing, select the
Sprite you are applying it to, navigate to the Collider2D in the Inspector window, and tick the Auto Tiling checkbox. This
enables automatic updates to the shape of the Collider2D, meaning that the shape is automatically readjusted when the
Sprite’s dimensions change. If you don’t enable Auto Tiling, the Collider2D stays the same shape and size, even when the
Sprite’s dimensions change.

Limitations and known issues
The only two Collider2Ds that support 9-slicing are BoxCollider2D and PolygonCollider2D.
You cannot edit BoxCollider2D or PolygonCollider2D when the Sprite Renderer’s Draw Mode is set to Sliced or Tiled.
Editing in the Inspector window is disabled, and a warning appears to notify you that the Collider2D cannot be edited
because it is driven by the Sprite Renderer component’s tiling properties.
When the shape is regenerated in Auto Tiling, additional edges might appear within the Collider2D’s shape. This may have
an e ect on collisions.

Sprite Masks

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Sprite Masks are used to either hide or reveal parts of a Sprite or group of Sprites. The Sprite Mask only a ects
objects using the Sprite Renderer Component.

Creating a Sprite Mask
To create a Sprite Mask select from the main menu GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite Mask.

Creating a Sprite Mask from the menu

A new Sprite Mask GameObject is created in the Scene


Property Function
Sprite The sprite to be used as a mask.
If the alpha contains a blend between transparent and opaque areas, you can manually
determine the cuto point for which areas will be shown. You change this cuto by
adjusting the Alpha Cuto slider.
The Range Start is the Sorting Layer which the mask starts masking from.
The Sorting Layer for the mask.
Order in
The order within the Sorting Layer.
Mask All By default the mask will a ect all sorting layers behind it (lower sorting order).
Custom The range end can be set to a custom Sorting Layer and Order in Layer.

Using Sprite Masks

The Sprite to be used as a mask needs to be assigned to the Sprite Mask Component
The Sprite Mask GameObject itself will not be visible in scene, only the resulting interactions with Sprites. To view
Sprite Masks in the scene, select the Sprite Mask option in the Scene Menu.

Scene view with Sprite Mask view turned on in the scene
Sprite Masks are always in e ect. Sprites to be a ected by a Sprite Mask need to have their Mask Interaction set
in the Sprite Renderer.

The character sprites Mask Interaction is set to Visible Under Mask thus only parts of the sprite that
are in the mask area are visible
By default a Sprite Mask will a ect any sprite in the scene that has their Mask Interaction set to Visible or Not
Visible Under Mask. Quite often we want the mask to only a ect a particular sprite or a group of sprites.

The character sprites are interacting with masks on both the cards
One method of ensuring the mask is interacting with particular sprites is to use a Sorting Group Component.

Sorting Group Component added to the Parent GameObject ensures the mask will a ect only
children of that Sorting Group
An alternative method of controlling the e ect of the mask is to use the Custom Range Settings of a Sprite Mask.

A Sprite Mask with a Custom Range setting ensures the mask will a ect only Sprites in the speci ed
Sorting Layer or Order in Layer range
The Range Start and Range End provides the ability to selectively mask sprites based on their Sorting Layer or
Order in Layer.

2017–05–26 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in Unity 2017.1

Sprite Atlas

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When designing Sprites and other graphic elements graphics for a 2D project, many separate texture les eventually become
included in the project. However, a signi cant portion of Sprite textures may be taken up by empty spaces between each of
these graphic elements. These additional empty spaces result in wasted video memory at runtime.
For optimal performance, it is recommended to pack graphics from several Sprite textures tightly together within a single
Asset, known as the Sprite Atlas.

Creating a Sprite Atlas
Create a Sprite Atlas from the main menu (menu: Asset > Create > Sprite Atlas)
Once created, the Sprite Atlas is placed in the Project’s Asset folder like other Assets, but with its own unique le extension


The Sprite Atlas Asset provides a set of uni ed Texture settings for all packed Sprite Textures packed in it. Regardless of the
original texture settings of the packed Sprites, the resulting single Atlas texture only re ects the settings de ned in the Sprite
Atlas Asset properties.

Include in
Tight Packing

Sets the type of Atlas to Master or Variant.
Check to include the Atlas Asset in the build. Note that unchecking this option causes any
packed Assets to not be rendered during Play Mode.
Allow Sprites to be rotated for packing.
Use the Sprite outlines to t them during packing instead of rectangle mesh outlines.
Amount of extra padding between packed Sprite textures.


Set to true to allow texture data to be readable/writeable by scripts. Set to false to prevent
scripts from reading/writing texture data.

Generate Mip
Select this to enable mipmap generation.
Textures are stored in gamma space.
Filter Mode
Select how the Texture is ltered. This overrides the packed Sprites’ original texture settings.
Set default options (using Default), and then override them for a speci c platform using the
buttons along the top of the panel. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/classsettings panel TextureImporterOverride.html
Objects For
Select objects to be packed into the Atlas. Eligible objects can be Folders, Textures, and

Sprite Packer Mode Settings

The Sprite Packer mode settings are found under the Editor settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Editor). The select
Mode determines how Textures from the Sprite Atlas are used within the Editor.

Enabled for Builds: Sprites are packed into the Sprite Atlas for builds only, and not for Play mode.
Always Enabled: Sprites are packed for Play Mode and Sprites resolve textures from the Sprite Atlas.
However, Sprites resolve their textures from the original unpacked Texture during Edit Mode.
Always Enabled is enabled by default to allow the testing of packed Sprites loaded from an Asset Bundle during Play Mode.

Selecting Assets for Packing
The object types that can be assigned and packed into a Sprite Atlas Asset are folders, Texture2D, and Sprites.
Assigning a folder to the Sprite Atlas Asset includes all the Sprites and Texture2D within that folder and its subfolders for
packing. Assigning a speci c Sprite to the Atlas does not include all instances of that Sprite in the Scene. Assigning a
Texture2D to the Atlas a ects all instances of Sprites that references that speci c Texture2D.
To select Assets for packing:
Select the Sprite Atlas Asset. The list under Objects For Packing shows the currently assigned Assets to the selected Atlas. add
them by either adding new entry to the list or dragging and dropping them from the Project onto the list area in the
inspector. You can add the folders, textures, sprites to the atlas.

Add Assets by selecting the + icon at the lower right of the list. The Select Object window appears and shows the available
Assets in the current Project that can be packed into ths Sprite Atlas.
You can replace any assigned object in the list by selecting the circle icon to the right. This opens the Select Object window.
Click “Pack Preview” below the list to preview the packed Sprite Atlas texture that includes all objects in the list.
All Sprite Atlases are packed before entering Play Mode (unless Include in Build is unchecked)

Creating a Sprite Atlas Variant
Declaring a Sprite Atlas as a Variant of another allows you to create a duplicate but resized version of the Master Atlas’
texture. This is useful if you want to have both a Standard and High De nition version of the same texture for example.

Set the Type for the Sprite Atlas to Variant.

Assign an atlas to the Master Atlas slot.

Set the scaling factor for the Variant. Value can be from 0.1 to 1.

To bind the Variant Sprite Atlas as the project’s default instead of the Master Atlas, check the Include in build option in the
Variant and uncheck that option in the Master. Checking both to be included in the build is not recommended.

Runtime Sprites enumeration
The Sprite Atlas Asset has a runtime representation which can be accessed during Runtime.
Create a custom component that takes a “SpriteAtlas” as a variable.
Assign any of your existing Sprite Atlas to the eld.
Enter play mode or run the player.
Access the variable and notice you can now call the property “.GetSprites” to get the array of Sprites packed in this atlas.

Late Binding
A Sprite can be started in runtime as “packed; but not referencing an Atlas”. It appears blank until an Atlas is bound to it. The
late binding of the Sprite is useful if the source Atlas is not available during start-up, for example if the referenced Asset
bundles are downloaded later.

Late Binding via callback
If a Sprite is packed into a Sprite Atlas that is not bound by default (e.g. Include in build is unchecked), then the Sprite appears
invisible in the Scene.
User can listen to callback SpriteAtlasManager.atlasRequested.
This delegate method provides a tag of the Atlas which is to be bound, and a System.Action which takes in a SpriteAtlas Asset.
The user is expected to load the Sprite Atlas Asset (e.g. by script references, Resources.load, Asset bundle etc.) and supply the
Asset to the System.Action.

2018–07–30 Page amended with limited editorial review

2017–05–26 Page published with no editorial review
New in Unity 2017.1


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The Tilemap feature allows you to quickly create 2D levels using tiles and a grid overlay. It is comprised of a
number of systems working together:

Tile Assets
Grid GameObjects
The Tilemap Palette
Custom Brushes
This section documents how to use each part of the Tilemap system.

2D extras in GitHub
Download example Brushes and Tiles from the 2D Extras GitHub repository.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review
Tilemaps added in 2017.2

Tile Assets

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Typically, Tiles are actually Sprites that are arranged on a Tilemap. In Unity’s implementation, we use an
intermediary Asset that references the Sprite instead. This enables us to extend the Tile itself in many ways,
creating a robust and exible system for Tiles and Tilemaps.


The sprite that is used by this tile Asset
Used to tint the material
Collider Type None, Sprite or Grid
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Creating Tiles

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There are two ways to create Tiles. The rst method is to directly create a Tile Asset. The other method is to
automatically generate the Tiles from a selection of Sprites.

How to create a Tile Asset
To create a Tile, go to the Assets menu and select Create > Tile. Then select where to save the new Tile Asset.

How to generate multiple Tile Assets
Automatic or multiple Tile creation requires a Palette to be loaded in the Tile Palette. If there is no Palette loaded
you need to create a new Palette.
To create a new Palette, open the Tile Palette from Window > 2D > Tile Palette.
Click the Create New Palette button in the Tile Palette. Provide a name for the Palette and click the Create
button. Select a folder to save the Palette. The created Palette is automatically loaded.

Drag and drop Textures or Sprites from the Assets folder onto the Tile Palette. Choose where to save the new Tile
Assets. New Tile Assets are generated in the selected folder and the Tiles are placed on the Tile Palette.
Remember to save your project to save the Palette.

2018–04–12 Page published with limited editorial review

Creating Tilemaps

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From the GameObject menu, move to 2D Object and select Tilemap.
This creates a new GameObject with a child GameObject in the scene. The GameObject is called Grid. The Grid GameObject
determines the layout of child Tilemaps.

The child GameObject is called Tilemap. It is comprised of a Tilemap component and Tilemap Renderer component. The Tilemap
GameObject is where Tiles are painted on.

To create additional Tilemaps to be used as “layers”, select the Grid GameObject or the Tilemap GameObject, and select GameObject
> 2D Object > Tilemaps in the menu or right-click on the selected GameObject and click on 2D Object > Tilemap.

A new GameObject called Tilemap (1) is added into the hierarchy of the selected GameObject. You can paint Tiles on this new
GameObject as well.

Adjusting the Grid for Tilemaps
Select the Grid GameObject. Adjust the values in the Grid component in the inspector.

Property Function
Cell Size Size of each cell in the Grid
Cell Gap Size of the Gap between each cell in the Grid
Swizzles the cell positions to other axes. For Example. In XZY mode, the Y and Z coordinates are swapped, so
Swizzle an input Y coordinate maps to Z instead and vice versa.
Changes in the Grid a ect all child Layer GameObjects with the Tilemap, Tilemap Renderer and Tilemap Collider 2D components.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Tilemap Palette

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Alt + Left Mouse Button to pan
Middle Mouse Button to pan
Mouse Wheel to zoom in or out
Left-click to select a Tile
Left-click drag to select multiple Tiles

Editing the Tilemap Palette
Select the desired palette from the drop-down menu. Click on the Edit button at the side of the palette selection

Adjust the Palette using the Tile Palette tools just like editing a Tilemap in the scene. When done, click on the edit
button to exit editing mode. Remember to save your project to save the Palette!

2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Painting Tilemaps

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To paint on a Tilemap it must be the selected Active Tilemap in the Tile Palette. Tilemaps in the Scene are automatically added to the

The Tile painting tools are found on the Tilemap Palette

Click on the Paint Tool icon, select a Tile from the Tilemap Palette and Left-click on the Tilemap in the Scene View to start laying out

The Paint Tool
A selection of Tiles can be painted with the Paint Tool. Left-click and drag in the Tilemap Palette to make a selection.

Holding Shift while using the Paint Tool toggles the Erase Tool.

The Rectangle Tool draws a rectangular shape on the Tilemap and lls it with the selected tiles.

The Rectangle Tool
The Picker Tool is used to pick Tiles from the Tilemap to paint with. Left-click and drag to select multiple Tiles. Hold the Ctrl key (or
Cmd on macOS) while in Paint Tool mode to toggle the Picker Tool.

The Picker Tool
The Fill Tool is used to ll an area of Tiles with the selected Tile.

The Fill Tool

The Select Tool is used to select an area of Tiles to be inspected.

The Select Tool
The Move Tool is used to move a selected area of tiles to another position. Click and drag the selected area to move the Tiles.

The Move Tool

Tilemap Focus mode
If you have many Tilemap layers but would like to work solely on a speci c layer to work on, you can focus on that particular layer and
block out all other GameObject from view.

Select the target Tilemap GameObject from the Active Target dropdown in the Palette window or from the Hierarchy window. In the
bottom right corner of the SceneView, there is a Tilemap overlay window.
Change the Focus On target in the dropdown:

None - No GameObject is focused.
Tilemap - The target Tilemap GameObject is focused. All other GameObjects are faded away. This is good if you want
to focus on a single Tilemap layer.
Grid - The parent Grid GameObject with all its children is focused. All other GameObjects are faded away. This is
good if you want to focus on the entire Tilemap as a whole.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Hexagonal Tilemaps

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In addition to regular Tilemaps, Unity provides both Hexagonal Point Top and Hexagonal Flat Top Tilemaps.
Hexagonal tiles are often used in strategic tabletop games, because they have consistent distance between their
centres and any point on their edge, and neighboring tiles always share edges. This makes them ideal for
constructing almost any kind of large play area and allows players to make tactical decisions regarding movement
and positioning.
To create a Hexagonal Tilemap, follow the same steps to create a regular Tilemap (menu: GameObject > 2D
Object) but choose one of the Hexagonal options in the 2D Object menu.

Hexagonal Tilemap options in the 2D Object menu
Select the Hexagonal Tilemap option that matches the orientation of the hexagonal Tiles you are using. The
following are examples of a Hexagonal Point Top Tilemap and a Hexagonal Flat Top Tilemap.

Example of hexagonal Tiles oriented with points facing top

Example of hexagonal Tiles oriented with at sides facing top

When creating the Tile Palette for a Hexagonal Tilemap, set the Grid setting of the Tile Palette to Hexagon and
select the Hexagon Type that matches the Tilemap and Tiles you are using, as shown below.

Hexagon Type must match the orientation of the hexagonal Tiles
2018–07–17 Page published with editorial review
Hexagonal Tilemaps added in 2018.2

Tilemaps and Physics 2D

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You can add a Tilemap Collider 2D component to the GameObject of a Tilemap to generate a collider based
on the Tiles of the Tilemap.
A Tilemap Collider 2D component functions like a normal Collider 2D component. You can add E ector 2Ds to
modify the behavior of the Tilemap Collider 2D. You can also composite the Tilemap Collider 2D with a Composite
Collider 2D.
Adding or removing Tiles with Collider Type set to Sprite or Grid adds or removes the Tile’s collider shape from
the Tilemap Collider 2D component on the next LateUpdate for the Tilemap Collider 2D. This also happens when
the Tilemap Collider 2D is being composited by a Composite Collider 2D.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Scriptable Tiles

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Creating Scriptable Tiles
Create a new class inheriting from TileBase (or any useful sub-classes of TileBase, like Tile). Override any
required methods for your new Tile class. The following are the usual methods you would override:

RefreshTile determines which Tiles in the vicinity are updated when this Tile is added to the
GetTileData determines what the Tile looks like on the Tilemap.
Create instances of your new class using ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(). You
may convert this new instance to an Asset in the Editor in order to use it repeatedly by calling
You can also make a custom editor for your Tile. This works the same way as custom editors for scriptable
Remember to save your project to ensure that your new Tile Assets are saved!
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review


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All tiles to be added to the Tilemap must inherit from TileBase. TileBase provides a xed set of APIs to the Tilemap to
communicate its rendering properties. For most cases of the APIs, the location of the Tile and the instance of the Tilemap the
Tile is placed on is passed in as arguments of the API. You may use this to determine any required attributes for setting the tile

public void RefreshTile(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap)

RefreshTile determines which Tiles in the vicinity are updated as this Tile is added to the Tilemap. By default, the TileBase
calls tilemap.RefreshTile(location) to refresh the tile at the current location. Override this to determine which Tiles need
to be refreshed due to the placement of the new Tile.
Example: There is a straight road, and you place a RoadTile next to it. The straight road isn’t valid anymore. It needs a Tsection instead. Unity doesn’t automatically know what needs to be refreshed, so RoadTile needs to trigger the refresh onto
itself, but also onto the neighboring road.

public bool GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData)

GetTileData determines what the Tile looks like on the Tilemap. See TileData below for more details.

public bool GetTileAnimationData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileAnimationDa

GetTileAnimationData determines whether or not the Tile is animated. Return true if there is an animation for the Tile, other
returns false if there is not.

public bool StartUp(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap, GameObject go)

StartUp is called for each tile when the Tilemap updates for the rst time. You can run any start up logic for Tiles on the
Tilemap if necessary. The argument go is the instanced version of the object passed in as gameobject when GetTileData was
called. You may update go as necessary as well.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review


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The Tile class is a simple class that allows a sprite to be rendered on the Tilemap. Tile inherits from TileBase.
The following is a description of the methods that are overridden to have the Tile’s behaviour.


Sprite sprite;
Color color = Color.white;
Matrix4x4 transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
GameObject gameobject = null;
TileFlags flags = TileFlags.LockColor;

public ColliderType colliderType = ColliderType.Sprite;

These are the default properties of a Tile. If the Tile was created by dragging and dropping a Sprite onto the
Tilemap Palette, the Tile would have the Sprite property set as the sprite that was dropped in. You may adjust the
properties of the Tile instance to get the Tile required.

public void RefreshTile(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap)

This is not overridden from TileBase. By default, it only refreshes the Tile at that location.

public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap, ref Tile
tileData.sprite = this.sprite;
tileData.color = this.color;
tileData.transform = this.transform;
tileData.gameobject = this.gameobject;
tileData.flags = this.flags;
tileData.colliderType = this.colliderType;

This lls in the required information for Tilemap to render the Tile by copying the properties of the Tile instance
into tileData.

public bool GetTileAnimationData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap, ref Tile

This is not overridden from TileBase. By default, the Tile class does not run any Tile animation and returns false.

public bool StartUp(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap, GameObject go)

This is not overridden from TileBase. By default, the Tile class does not have any special start up functionality.
If tileData.gameobject is set, the Tilemap still instantiates it on start up and place it at the location of the Tile.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review


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public Sprite sprite

This is the sprite that is rendered for the Tile.

public Color color

This is the color that tints the sprite used for the Tile.

public Matrix4x4 transform

This is the transform matrix used to determine the nal location of the Tile. Modify this to add rotations or scaling to the

public GameObject gameobject

This is the GameObject that is instanced when the Tile is added to the Tilemap.

public TileFlags flags

These are the ags which controls the Tile’s behaviour. See TileFlags above for more details.

public Tile.ColliderType colliderType

This controls the collider shape generated by the Tile for an attached Tilemap Collider 2D component. See
documentation on Tile.ColliderType for more details.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review


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public Sprite[] animatedSprites

This is an array of sprites for the Tile animation. The Tile is animated by these sprites in sequential order.

public float animationSpeed

This is the speed where the Tile animation is run. This is combined with the Tilemap’s animation speed for the
actual speed.

public float animationTimeOffset

This allows you to start the animation at a di erent time frame.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Other useful classes

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None = 0

No ags are set for the Tile. This is the default for most Tiles.
LockColor = 1 << 0
Set this ag if the Tile script controls the color of the Tile. If this is set, the Tile controls the color as it is placed
onto the Tilemap. You cannot change the Tile’s color through painting or using scripts. If this is not set, you can
change the Tile’s color through painting or using scripts.
LockTransform = 1 << 1
Set this ag if the Tile script controls the transform of the Tile. If this is set, the Tile controls the transform as it is
placed onto the Tilemap. You cannot rotate or change the Tile’s transform through painting or using scripts. If this
is not set, you can change the Tile’s transform through painting or using scripts.
LockAll = LockColor | LockTransform
This is a combination of all the lock ags used by TileBase.
InstantiateSpawnGameObjectRuntimeOnly = 1 << 2
Set this ag if the Tile script should spawn its game object only when your project is running and not in Editor

None = 0
This Tile does not generate a collider shape.
Sprite = 1
The collider shape generated by this Tile is the physics shape set by the Sprite that the Tile returns. If no physics
shape has been set in the Sprite, it tries to generate a shape based on the outline of the Sprite.
Note: If a collider shape for a Tile needs to be generated in runtime, set a physics shape for the Sprite or set the
Texture of the Sprite to be readable in order for Unity to generate a shape based on the outline.
Grid = 2
The collider shape generated by this Tile is the shape of the cell, de ned by the layout of the Grid.

ITilemap is the base class where Tile can retrieve data from the Tilemap when the Tilemap tries to retrieve
data from the Tile.

Vector3Int origin { get; }

This returns the origin point of the Tilemap in cellspace.

Vector3Int size { get; }

This returns the size of the Tilemap in cellspace.

Bounds localBounds { get; }

This returns the bounds of the Tilemap in localspace.

BoundsInt cellBounds { get; }

This returns the bounds of the Tilemap in cellspace.

Sprite GetSprite(Vector3Int location);

This returns the sprite used by the Tile in the Tilemap at the given location.

Color GetColor(Vector3Int location);

This returns the color used by the Tile in the Tilemap at the given location.

Matrix4x4 GetTransformMatrix(Vector3Int location);

This returns the transform matrix used by the Tile in the Tilemap at the given location.

TileFlags GetTileFlags(Vector3Int location);

This returns the tile ags used by the Tile in the Tilemap at the given location.

TileBase GetTile(Vector3Int location);

This returns the Tile in the Tilemap at the given location. If there is no Tile there, it returns null.

T GetTile(Vector3Int location) where T : TileBase;

This returns the Tile in the Tilemap at the given location with type T. If there is no Tile with the matching type
there, it returns null.

void RefreshTile(Vector3Int location);

This requests a refresh of the Tile in the Tilemap at the given location.

T GetComponent();

This returns the component T that is attached to the GameObject of the Tilemap.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Scriptable Tile example

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The RoadTile example provide the ability to easily layout linear segments onto the Tilemap, such as roads or
pipes, with a minimal set of sprites. The following is a script used to create the Tile.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
public class RoadTile : Tile
public Sprite[] m_Sprites;
public Sprite m_Preview;
// This refreshes itself and other RoadTiles that are orthogonally and diagon
public override void RefreshTile(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap)
for (int yd = ­1; yd <= 1; yd++)
for (int xd = ­1; xd <= 1; xd++)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(location.x + xd, location.y
if (HasRoadTile(tilemap, position))
// This determines which sprite is used based on the RoadTiles that are adjac
// As the rotation is determined by the RoadTile, the TileFlags.OverrideTrans
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tilemap, ref T
int mask = HasRoadTile(tilemap, location + new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0)) ? 1 :
mask += HasRoadTile(tilemap, location + new Vector3Int(1, 0, 0)) ? 2 : 0;
mask += HasRoadTile(tilemap, location + new Vector3Int(0, ­1, 0)) ? 4 : 0
mask += HasRoadTile(tilemap, location + new Vector3Int(­1, 0, 0)) ? 8 : 0
int index = GetIndex((byte)mask);
if (index >= 0 && index < m_Sprites.Length)

tileData.sprite = m_Sprites[index];
tileData.color = Color.white;
var m = tileData.transform;
m.SetTRS(Vector3.zero, GetRotation((byte) mask), Vector3.one);
tileData.transform = m;
tileData.flags = TileFlags.LockTransform;
tileData.colliderType = ColliderType.None;
Debug.LogWarning("Not enough sprites in RoadTile instance");
// This determines if the Tile at the position is the same RoadTile.
private bool HasRoadTile(ITilemap tilemap, Vector3Int position)
return tilemap.GetTile(position) == this;
// The following determines which sprite to use based on the number of adjace
private int GetIndex(byte mask)
switch (mask)
case 0: return 0;
case 3:
case 6:
case 9:
case 12: return 1;
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 5:
case 10:
case 8: return 2;
case 7:
case 11:
case 13:
case 14: return 3;
case 15: return 4;
return ­1;
// The following determines which rotation to use based on the positions of adjac
private Quaternion GetRotation(byte mask)
switch (mask)


return Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, ­90f);
case 3:
case 14:
return Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, ­180f);
case 6:
case 13:
return Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, ­270f);
return Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f);
// The following is a helper that adds a menu item to create a RoadTile Asset
public static void CreateRoadTile()
string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Road Tile", "New
if (path == "")
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(), path);

2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Scriptable Brushes

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Creating Scriptable Brushes
Create a new class inheriting from GridBrushBase (or any useful sub-classes of GridBrushBase like
GridBrush). Override any required methods for your new Brush class. The following are the usual methods you
would override:

Paint allows the Brush to add items onto the target Grid
Erase allows the Brush to remove items from the target Grid
FloodFill allows the Brush to ll items onto the target Grid
Rotate rotates the items set in the Brush.
Flip ips the items set in the Brush.
Create instances of your new class using ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<(Your Brush Class>(). You
may convert this new instance to an Asset in the Editor in order to use it repeatedly by calling
You can also make a custom editor for your brush. This works the same way as custom editors for scriptable
objects. The following are the main methods you would want to override when creating a custom editor:

You can override OnPaintInspectorGUI to have an inspector show up on the Palette when the
Brush is selected to provide additional behaviour when painting.
You can also override OnPaintSceneGUI to add additional behaviour when painting on the
You can also override validTargets to have a custom list of targets which the Brush can interact
with. This list of targets is shown as a dropdown in the Palette window.
When created, the Scriptable Brush is listed in the Brushes Dropdown in the Palette window. By default, an
instance of the Scriptable Brush script is instantiated and stored in the Library folder of your project. Any
modi cations to the brush properties are stored in that instance. If you want to have multiple copies of that Brush
with di erent properties, you can instantiate the Brush as Assets in your project. These Brush Assets are listed
separately in the Brush dropdown.
You can add a CustomGridBrush attribute to your Scriptable Brush class. This allows you to con gure the
behaviour of the Brush in the Palette window. The CustomGridBrush attribute has the following properties:

HideAssetInstances - Setting this to true hides all copies of created Brush Assets in the Palette
window. Set this if you only want the default instance to show up in the Brush dropdown in the
Palette window.
HideDefaultInstances - Setting this to true hides the default instance of the Brush in the Palette
window. Set this if you only want created Assets to show up in the Brush dropdown in the Palette
DefaultBrush - Setting this to true sets the default instance of the Brush as the default Brush in
the project. This makes this Brush the default selected Brush whenever the project starts up. Only
set one Scriptable Brush to be the Default Brush!
DefaultName - Setting this makes the Brush dropdown use this as the name for the Brush instead
of the name of the class of the Brush.

Remember to save your project to ensure that your new Brush Assets are saved!
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review


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All brushes added must inherit from GridBrushBase. GridBrushBase provides a xed set of APIs for painting.

public virtual void Paint(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int po

Paint adds data onto the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid at the given position. This
is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and the Paint Tool is selected on the Palette window.
Override this to implement the action desired on painting.

public virtual void Erase(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int po

Erase removes data onto the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid at the given position.
This is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and the Erase Tool is selected on the Palette window.
Override this to implement the action desired on erasing.

public virtual void BoxFill(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt p

BoxFill adds data onto the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid onto the given bounds.
This is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and the Box Fill Tool is selected on the Palette window.
Override this to implement the action desired on lling.

public virtual void FloodFill(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3In

FloodFill adds data onto the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid starting at the given
position and lling all other possible areas linked to the position. This is triggered when the Brush is activated on
the grid and the Flood Fill Tool is selected on the Palette window. Override this to implement the action desired
on lling.

public virtual void Rotate(RotationDirection direction)

Rotate rotates the content in the brush with the given direction based on the currently set pivot.

public virtual void Flip(FlipAxis flip)

Flip ips the content of the brush with the given axis based on the currently set pivot.

public virtual void Select(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt po

Select marks a boundary on the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid from the given
bounds. This allows you to view information based on the selected boundary and move the selection with the
Move Tool. This is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and the Select tool is selected on the Palette
window. Override this to implement the action desired when selecting from a target.

public virtual void Pick(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt posi

Pick pulls data from the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid from the given bounds
and pivot position, and lls the brush with that data. This is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and
the Pick Tool is selected on the Palette window. Override this to implement the action desired when picking from
a target.

public virtual void Move(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt from

Move marks the movement from the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid from the given
starting position to the given ending position. Override this to implement the action desired when moving from a
target. This is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and the Move Tool is selected on the Palette
window and the Move is performed (MouseDrag). Generally, this would be any behaviour while a Move operation
from the brush is being performed.

public virtual void MoveStart(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt

MoveStart marks the start of a move from the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid
from the given bounds. This is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and the Move Tool is selected on
the Palette window and the Move is rst triggered (MouseDown). Override this to implement the action desired
when starting a move from a target. Generally, this would be picking of data from the target with the given start

public virtual void MoveEnd(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt p

MoveEnd marks the end of a move from the target GameObject brushTarget with the GridLayout grid from
the given bounds. This is triggered when the Brush is activated on the grid and the Move Tool is selected on the
Palette window and the Move is completed (MouseUp). Override this to implement the action desired when
ending a move from a target. Generally, this would be painting of data to the target with the given end position.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review


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All brush editors added must inherit from GridBrushEditorBase. GridBrushEditorBase provides a xed set of
APIs for drawing of inspectors on the Palette window and drawing of Gizmos on the Scene View.

public virtual GameObject[] validTargets

This returns a list of GameObjects which are valid targets to be painted on by the brush. This appears in the dropdown
in the Palette window. Override this to have a custom list of targets which this Brush can interact with.

public virtual void OnPaintInspectorGUI()

This displays an inspector for editing Brush options in the Palette. Use this to update brush functionality while editing in
the Scene view.

public virtual void OnSelectionInspectorGUI()

This displays an inspector for when cells are selected on a target Grid. Override this to show a custom inspector view
for the selected cells.

public virtual void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsIn

This is used for drawing additional gizmos on the Scene View when painting with the brush. Tool is the currently
selected tool in the Palette. Executing returns whether the brush is being used at the particular time.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Other useful classes

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Select = 0 - Tool for Selection for a GridBrush
Move = 1- Tool for Moving for a GridBrush
Paint = 2 - Tool for Painting for a GridBrush
Box = 3 - Tool for Box ll for a GridBrush
Pick = 4 - Tool for Picking for a GridBrush
Erase = 5 - Tool for Erasing for a GridBrush
Floodfill = 6 - Tool for Flood ll for a GridBrush

Clockwise = 0 - Clockwise rotation direction. Use this when rotating a Brush.
CounterClockwise = 1 - Counter clockwise rotation direction. Use this when rotating a Brush.

X = 0 - Flips along the X Axis. Use this when ipping a Brush.
Y = 1 - Flips along the Y Axis. Use this when ipping a Brush.
2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Scriptable Brush example

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LineBrush provides the ability to easily draw lines of Tiles onto the Tilemap by specifying the start point and the
end point. The Paint method for the LineBrush is overridden to allow the user to specify the start of a line with the
rst mouse click in Paint mode and draw the line with the second mouse click in Paint mode. The
OnPaintSceneGUI method is overridden to produce the preview of the line to be drawn between the rst and
second mouse clicks. The following is a script used to create the Brush.



namespace UnityEditor
[CustomGridBrush(true, false, false, "Line Brush")]
public class LineBrush : GridBrush {
public bool lineStartActive = false;
public Vector3Int lineStart = Vector3Int.zero;
public override void Paint(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, Vect
if (lineStartActive)
Vector2Int startPos = new Vector2Int(lineStart.x, lineStart.y);
Vector2Int endPos = new Vector2Int(position.x, position.y);
if (startPos == endPos)
base.Paint(grid, brushTarget, position);

foreach (var point in GetPointsOnLine(startPos, endPos))
Vector3Int paintPos = new Vector3Int(point.x, point.y, p
base.Paint(grid, brushTarget, paintPos);
lineStartActive = false;
lineStart = position;
lineStartActive = true;
[MenuItem("Assets/Create/Line Brush")]
public static void CreateBrush()
string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Line Brush"
if (path == "")
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(), path);
// http://ericw.ca/notes/bresenhams­line­algorithm­in­csharp.html
public static IEnumerable GetPointsOnLine(Vector2Int p1, Vec
int x0 = p1.x;
int y0 = p1.y;
int x1 = p2.x;
int y1 = p2.y;
bool steep = Math.Abs(y1 ­ y0) > Math.Abs(x1 ­ x0);
if (steep)
int t;
t = x0; // swap x0 and y0
x0 = y0;
y0 = t;
t = x1; // swap x1 and y1
x1 = y1;
y1 = t;
if (x0 > x1)
int t;
t = x0; // swap x0 and x1
x0 = x1;
x1 = t;

t = y0; // swap y0 and y1
y0 = y1;
y1 = t;

dx = x1 ­ x0;
dy = Math.Abs(y1 ­ y0);
error = dx / 2;
ystep = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : ­1;
y = y0;
(int x = x0; x <= x1; x++)
yield return new Vector2Int((steep ? y : x), (steep ? x : y));
error = error ­ dy;
if (error < 0)
y += ystep;
error += dx;

yield break;
public class LineBrushEditor : GridBrushEditor
private LineBrush lineBrush { get { return target as LineBrush; } }
public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTa
base.OnPaintSceneGUI(grid, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);
if (lineBrush.lineStartActive)
Tilemap tilemap = brushTarget.GetComponent();
if (tilemap != null)
// Draw preview tiles for tilemap
Vector2Int startPos = new Vector2Int(lineBrush.lineStart.x, line
Vector2Int endPos = new Vector2Int(position.x, position.y);
if (startPos == endPos)
PaintPreview(grid, brushTarget, position.min);
foreach (var point in LineBrush.GetPointsOnLine(startPos, en
Vector3Int paintPos = new Vector3Int(point.x, point.y, p
PaintPreview(grid, brushTarget, paintPos);

if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
var min = lineBrush.lineStart;
var max = lineBrush.lineStart + position.size;
// Draws a box on the picked starting position
Handles.color = Color.blue;
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(min.x, min.y, min.z),
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(max.x, min.y, min.z),
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(max.x, max.y, min.z),
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(min.x, max.y, min.z),

2017–09–06 Page published with limited editorial review



Physics Reference 2D

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This section gives details of the components used with 2D physics. For information on the equivalent 3D
components, see Physics 3D Reference.
To specify 2D physics settings, see Physics 2D Settings.
2018–04–24 Page amended with editorial review

Rigidbody 2D

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A Rigidbody 2D component places an object under the control of the physics engine. Many concepts familiar
from the standard Rigidbody component carry over to Rigidbody 2D; the di erences are that in 2D, objects can
only move in the XY plane and can only rotate on an axis perpendicular to that plane.

The Rigidbody 2D component. This appears di erently in the Unity Editor depending on which Body
Type you have selected. See Body Type, below, to learn more.

How a Rigidbody 2D works

Usually, the Unity Editor’s Transform component de nes how a GameObject (and its child GameObjects) is
positioned, rotated and scaled within the Scene. When it is changed, it updates other components, which may
update things like where they render or where colliders are positioned. The 2D physics engine is able to move
colliders and make them interact with each other, so a method is required for the physics engine to
communicate this movement of colliders back to the Transform components. This movement and connection
with colliders is what a Rigidbody 2D component is for.
The Rigidbody 2D component overrides the Transform and updates it to a position/rotation de ned by the
Rigidbody 2D. Note that while you can still override the Rigidbody 2D by modifying the Transform component
yourself (because Unity exposes all properties on all components), doing so will cause problems such as
GameObjects passing through or into each other, and unpredictable movement.
Any Collider 2D component added to the same GameObject or child GameObject is implicitly attached to that
Rigidbody 2D. When a Collider 2D is attached to the Rigidbody 2D, it moves with it. A Collider 2D should never be
moved directly using the Transform or any collider o set; the Rigidbody 2D should be moved instead. This o ers
the best performance and ensures correct collision detection. Collider 2Ds attached to the same Rigidbody 2D
won’t collide with each other. This means you can create a set of colliders that act e ectively as a single
compound collider, all moving and rotating in sync with the Rigidbody 2D.
When designing a Scene, you are free to use a default Rigidbody 2D and start attaching colliders. These colliders
allow any other colliders attached to di erent Rigidbody 2Ds to collide with each other.


Adding a Rigidbody 2D allows a sprite to move in a physically convincing way by applying forces from the
scripting API. When the appropriate collider component is also attached to the sprite GameObject, it is a ected
by collisions with other moving GameObjects. Using physics simpli es many common gameplay mechanics and
allows for realistic behavior with minimal coding.

Body Type
The Rigidbody 2D component has a setting at the top labelled Body Type. The option you choose for this a ects
the other settings available on the component.

There are three options for Body Type; each de nes a common and xed behavior. Any Collider 2D attached to a
Rigidbody 2D inherits the Rigidbody 2D’s Body Type. The three options are:

The option you choose de nes:

Movement (position & rotation) behavior
Collider interaction
Note that although Rigidbody 2Ds are often described as colliding with each other, it is the Collider 2Ds attached
to each of those bodies which collide. Rigidbody 2Ds cannot collide with each other without colliders.
Changing the Body Type of a Rigidbody 2D can be a tricky process. When a Body Type changes, various massrelated internal properties are recalculated immediately, and all existing contacts for the Collider 2Ds attached to
the Rigidbody 2D need to be re-evaluated during the GameObject’s next FixedUpdate. Depending on how many
contacts and Collider 2Ds are attached to the body, changing the Body Type can cause variations in performance.

Body Type: Dynamic

A Dynamic Rigidbody 2D is designed to move under simulation. It has the full set of properties available to it such
as nite mass and drag, and is a ected by gravity and forces. A Dynamic body will collide with every other body
type, and is the most interactive of body types. This is the default body type for a Rigidbody 2D, because it is the
most common body type for things that need to move. It’s also the most performance-expensive body type,
because of its dynamic nature and interactivity with everything around it. All Rigidbody 2D properties are
available with this body type.
Do not use the Transform component to set the position or rotation of a Dynamic Rigidbody 2D. The simulation
repositions a Dynamic Rigidbody 2D according to its velocity; you can change this directly via forces applied to it
by scripts, or indirectly via collisions and gravity.

Body Type



Set the RigidBody 2D’s component settings, so that you can manipulate movement
(position and rotation) behavior and Collider 2D interaction.
Options are: Dynamic, Kinematic, Static
Use this to specify a common material for all Collider 2Ds attached to a speci c
parent Rigidbody 2D.
Note: A Collider 2D uses its own Material property if it has one set. If there is no
Material speci ed here or in the Collider 2D, the default option is None (Physics
Material 2D). This uses a default Material which you can set in the Physics 2D
Settings window.
A Collider 2D uses the following order of priority to determine which Material
setting to use:
1. A Physics Material 2D speci ed on the Collider 2D itself.
2. A Physics Material 2D speci ed on the attached Rigidbody 2D.
A Physics Material 2D default material speci ed in the Physics 2D Settings.
TIP: Use this to ensure that all Collider 2Ds attached to the same Static Body Type
Rigidbody 2D can all use the same Material.
Enable Simulated (check the box) if you want the Rigidbody 2D and any attached
Collider 2Ds and Joint 2Ds to interact with the physics simulation during run time.
If this is disabled (the box is unchecked), these components do not interact with
the simulation. See Rigidbody 2D properties: Simulated, below, for more details.
This box is checked by default.


Check the box if you want the Rigidbody 2D to automatically detect the
Use Auto Mass
GameObject’s mass from its Collider 2D.
De ne the mass of the Rigidbody 2D. This is grayed out if you have selected Use
Auto Mass.
Linear Drag
Drag coe cient a ecting positional movement.
Angular Drag Drag coe cient a ecting rotational movement.
Gravity Scale De ne the degree to which the GameObject is a ected by gravity.
De ne how collisions between Collider 2D are detected.
When you set the Collision Detection to Discrete, GameObjects with Rigidbody
2Ds and Collider 2Ds can overlap or pass through each other during a physics
update, if they are moving fast enough. Collision contacts are only generated at
the new position.
When the Collision Detection is set to Continuous, GameObjects with Rigidbody
2Ds and Collider 2Ds do not pass through each other during an update. Instead,
Unity calculates the rst impact point of any of the Collider 2Ds, and moves the
GameObject there. Note that this takes more CPU time than Discrete.
Sleeping Mode De ne how the GameObject “sleeps” to save processor time when it is at rest.
Sleeping is disabled (this should be avoided where possible, as it can impact
system resources).
GameObject is initially awake.
GameObject is initially asleep but can be woken by collisions.
De ne how the GameObject’s movement is interpolated between physics updates
(useful when motion tends to be jerky).
No movement smoothing is applied.
Interpolate Movement is smoothed based on the GameObject’s positions in previous frames.
Extrapolate Movement is smoothed based on an estimate of its position in the next frame.
De ne any restrictions on the Rigidbody 2D’s motion.

Stops the Rigidbody 2D moving in the world X & Y axes selectively.
Stops the Rigidbody 2D rotating around the Z axes selectively.

Body Type: Kinematic

A Kinematic Rigidbody 2D is designed to move under simulation, but only under very explicit user control. While
a Dynamic Rigidbody 2D is a ected by gravity and forces, a Kinematic Rigidbody 2D isn’t. For this reason, it is
fast and has a lower demand on system resources than a Dynamic Rigidbody 2D. Kinematic Rigidbody 2D is
designed to be repositioned explicitly via Rigidbody2D.MovePosition or Rigidbody2D.MoveRotation. Use physics
queries to detect collisions, and scripts to decide where and how the Rigidbody 2D should move.
A Kinematic Rigidbody 2D does still move via its velocity, but the velocity is not a ected by forces or gravity. A
Kinematic Rigidbody 2D does not collide with other Kinematic Rigidbody 2Ds or with Static Rigidbody 2Ds; it
only collides with Dynamic Rigidbody 2Ds. Similar to a Static Rigidbody 2D (see below), a Kinematic Rigidbody
2D behaves like an immovable object (as if it has in nite mass) during collisions. Mass-related properties are not
available with this Body Type.

Body Type



Set the RigidBody 2D’s component settings, so that you can manipulate movement
(position and rotation) behavior and Collider 2D interaction.
Options are: Dynamic, Kinematic, Static
Use this to specify a common material for all Collider 2Ds attached to a speci c
parent Rigidbody 2D.
Note: A Collider 2D uses its own Material property if it has one set. If there is no
Material speci ed here or in the Collider 2D, the default option is None (Physics
Material 2D). This uses a default Material which you can set in the Physics 2D
Settings window.
A Collider 2D uses the following order of priority to determine which Material
setting to use:
1. A Physics Material 2D speci ed on the Collider 2D itself.
2. A Physics Material 2D speci ed on the attached Rigidbody 2D.
A Physics Material 2D default material speci ed in the Physics 2D Settings.
TIP: Use this to ensure that all Collider 2Ds attached to the same Static Body Type
Rigidbody 2D can all use the same Material.
Enable Simulated (check the box) if you want the Rigidbody 2D and any attached
Collider 2Ds and Joint 2Ds to interact with the physics simulation during run time.
If this is disabled (the box is unchecked), these components do not interact with
the simulation. See Rigidbody 2D properties: Simulated, below, for more details.
This box is checked by default.


Use Full


Enable this setting (check the box) if you want the Kinematic Rigidbody 2D to
collide with all Rigidbody 2D Body Types. This is similar to a Dynamic Rigidbody
2D, except the Kinematic Rigidbody 2D is not moved by the physics engine when
contacting another Rigidbody 2D component; instead it acts as an immovable
object, with in nite mass. When Use Full Kinematic Contacts is disabled, the
Kinematic Rigidbody 2D only collides with Dynamic Rigidbody 2Ds. See Rigidbody
2D properties: Use Full Kinematic Contacts, below, for more details. This box is
unchecked by default.
De ne how collisions between Collider 2D are detected.

When you set the Collision Detection to Discrete, GameObjects with Rigidbody
2Ds and Collider 2Ds can overlap or pass through each other during a physics
update, if they are moving fast enough. Collision contacts are only generated at
the new position.
When the Collision Detection is set to Continuous, GameObjects with Rigidbody
2Ds and Collider 2Ds do not pass through each other during an update. Instead,
Unity calculates the rst impact point of any of the Collider 2Ds, and moves the
GameObject there. Note that this takes more CPU time than Discrete.
Sleeping Mode De ne how the GameObject “sleeps” to save processor time when it is at rest.
Sleeping is disabled (this should be avoided where possible, as it can impact
system resources).
GameObject is initially awake.
GameObject is initially asleep but can be woken by collisions.
De ne how the GameObject’s movement is interpolated between physics updates
(useful when motion tends to be jerky).
No movement smoothing is applied.
Interpolate Movement is smoothed based on the GameObject’s positions in previous frames.
Extrapolate Movement is smoothed based on an estimate of its position in the next frame.
De ne any restrictions on the Rigidbody 2D’s motion.
Stops the Rigidbody 2D moving in the world’s x & y axes selectively.
Stops the Rigidbody 2D rotating around the world’s z axis selectively.

Body Type: Static

A Static Rigidbody 2D is designed to not move under simulation at all; if anything collides with it, a Static
Rigidbody 2D behaves like an immovable object (as though it has in nite mass). It is also the least resource-

intensive body type to use. A Static body only collides with Dynamic Rigidbody 2Ds. Having two Static Rigidbody
2Ds collide is not supported, since they are not designed to move.
Only a very limited set of properties are available for this Body Type.

Property: Function:
Set the RigidBody 2D’s component settings, so that you can manipulate movement
(position and rotation) behavior and Collider 2D interaction.
Options are: Dynamic, Kinematic, Static
Use this to specify a common material for all Collider 2Ds attached to a speci c parent
Rigidbody 2D.
Note: A Collider 2D uses its own Material property if it has one set. If there is no
Material speci ed here or in the Collider 2D, the default option is None (Physics
Material 2D). This uses a default Material which you can set in the Physics 2D Settings
Material A Collider 2D uses the following order of priority to determine which Material setting to
1. A Physics Material 2D speci ed on the Collider 2D itself.
2. A Physics Material 2D speci ed on the attached Rigidbody 2D.
A Physics Material 2D default material speci ed in the Physics 2D Settings.
TIP: Use this to ensure that all Collider 2Ds attached to the same Static Body Type
Rigidbody 2D can all use the same Material.
Enable Simulated (check the box) if you want the Rigidbody 2D and any attached
Collider 2Ds and Joint 2Ds to interact with the physics simulation during run time. If this
Simulated is disabled (the box is unchecked), these components do not interact with the
simulation. See Rigidbody 2D properties: Simulated, below, for more details. This box is
checked by default.
There are two ways to mark a Rigidbody 2D as Static:
For the GameObject with the Collider 2D component not to have a Rigidbody 2D component at all. All such
Collider 2Ds are internally considered to be attached to a single hidden Static Rigidbody 2D component.
For the GameObject to have a Rigidbody 2D and for that Rigidbody 2D to be set to Static.
Method 1 is a shorthand for making Static Collider 2Ds. When creating large numbers of Static Collider 2Ds, it is
easier not to have to add a Rigidbody 2D for each GameObject with a Collider 2D.
Method 2 exists for performance reasons. If a Static Collider 2D needs to be moved or recon gured at run time,
it is faster to do so when it has its own Rigidbody 2D. If a group of Collider 2Ds needs to be moved or
recon gured at run time, it is faster to have them all be children of one parent Rigidbody 2D marked as Static
than to move each GameObject individually.
Note: As stated above, Static Rigidbody 2Ds are designed not to move, and collisions between two Static
Rigidbody 2D objects that intersect are not registered. However, Static Rigidbody 2Ds and Kinematic Rigidbody
2Ds will interact with each other if one of their Collider 2Ds is set to be a trigger. There is also a feature that
changes what a Kinematic body will interact with (see Use Full Kinematic Contacts, below).

Rigidbody 2D properties

Use the Simulated property to stop (unchecked) and start (checked) a Rigidbody 2D and any attached Collider
2Ds and Joint 2Ds from interacting with the 2D physics simulation. Changing this property is much more memory
and processor-e cient than enabling or disabling individual Collider 2D and Joint 2D components.
When the Simulated box is checked, the following occurs:

The Rigidbody 2D moves via the simulation (gravity and physics forces are applied)
Any attached Collider 2Ds continue creating new contacts and continuously re-evaluate contacts
Any attached Joint 2Ds are simulated and constrain the attached Rigidbody 2D
All internal physics objects for Rigidbody 2D, Collider 2D & Joint 2D stay in memory
When the Simulated box is unchecked, the following occurs:

The Rigidbody 2D is not moved by the simulation (gravity and physics forces are not applied)
The Rigidbody 2D does not create new contacts, and any attached Collider 2D contacts are
Any attached Joint 2Ds are not simulated, and do not constrain any attached Rigidbody 2Ds
All internal physics objects for Rigidbody 2D, Collider 2D and Joint 2D are left in memory
Why is unchecking Simulated more e cient than individual component controls?
In the 2D physics simulation, a Rigidbody 2D component controls the position and rotation of attached Collider
2D components, and allows Joint 2D components to use these positions and rotations as anchor points. A Collider
2D moves when the Rigidbody 2D it is attached to moves. The Collider 2D then calculates contacts with other
Collider 2Ds attached to other Rigidbody 2Ds. Joint 2Ds also constrain Rigidbody 2D positions and rotations. All of
this takes simulation time.
You can stop and start individual elements of the 2D physics simulation by enabling and disabling components
individually. You can do this on both Collider 2D and Joint 2D components. However, enabling and disabling
individual elements of the physics simulations has memory use and processor power costs. When elements of
the simulation are disabled, the 2D physics engine doesn’t produce any internal physics-based objects to
simulate. When elements of the simulation are enabled, the 2D physics engine does have internal physics-based
objects to simulate. Enabling and disabling of 2D physics simulation components means internal GameObjects
and physics-based components have to be created and destroyed; disabling the simulation is easier and more
e cient than disabling individual components.
NOTE: When a Rigidbody 2D’s Simulated option is unchecked, any attached Collider 2D is e ectively ‘invisible’,
that is; it cannot be detected by any physics queries, such as Physics.Raycast.

Use Full Kinematic Contacts
Enable this setting (check the checkbox) if you want the Kinematic Rigidbody 2D to collide with all Rigidbody 2D
Body Types. This is similar to a Dynamic Rigidbody 2D, except the Kinematic Rigidbody 2D is not moved by the
physics engine when contacting another Rigidbody 2D; it acts as an immovable object, with in nite mass.
When this setting is disabled (unchecked), a Kinematic Rigidbody 2D only collides with Dynamic Rigidbody 2Ds; it
does not collide with other Kinematic Rigidbody 2Ds or Static Rigidbody 2Ds (note that trigger colliders are an
exception to this rule). This means that no collision scripting callbacks (OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionStay,
OnCollisionExit) occur.

This can be inconvenient when you are using physics queries (such as Physics.Raycast) to detect where and how a
Rigidbody 2D should move, and when you require multiple Kinematic Rigidbody 2Ds to interact with each other.
Enable Use Full Kinematic Contacts to make Kinematic Rigidbody 2D components interact in this way.
Use Full Kinematic Contacts allows explicit position and rotation control of a Kinematic Rigidbody 2D, but still
allows full collision callbacks. In a set-up where you need explicit control of all Rigidbody 2Ds, use Kinematic
Rigidbody 2Ds in place of Dynamic Rigidbody 2Ds to still have full collision callback support.

Collider 2D

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Collider 2D components de ne the shape of a 2D GameObject for the purposes of physical collisions. A Collider, which is
invisible, need not be the exact same shape as the GameObject’s Mesh; in fact, a rough approximation is often more
e cient and indistinguishable in gameplay.
Colliders for 2D GameObjects all have names ending “2D”. A Collider that does not have “2D” in the name is intended for use
on a 3D GameObject. Note that you can’t mix 3D GameObjects and 2D Colliders, or 2D GameObjects and 3D Colliders.
The Collider 2D types that can be used with Rigidbody 2D are:

Circle Collider 2D for circular collision areas.
Box Collider 2D for square and rectangle collision areas.
Polygon Collider 2D for freeform collision areas.
Edge Collider 2D for freeform collision areas and areas which aren’t completely enclosed (such as rounded
convex corners).
Capsule Collider 2D for circular or lozenge-shaped collision areas.
Composite Collider 2D for merging Box Collider 2Ds and Polygon Collider 2Ds.

Use Auto Mass

On the Rigidbody 2D component, tick the Use Auto Mass checkbox to automatically set the Rigidbody 2D’s mass to the
same value as the Collider 2D’s mass. This is particularly useful in conjunction with the Buoyancy E ector 2D.

Circle Collider 2D

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The Circle Collider__ 2D__ class is a collider for use with 2D physics. The collider’s shape is a circle with a de ned
position and radius in the local coordinate space of a Sprite.

Is Trigger
Used by
E ector
O set

A physics material that determines properties of collisions, such as friction and
Check this if you want the Circle Collider 2D to behave as a trigger.
Check this if you want the Circle Collider 2D to be used by an attached E ector 2D.
The local o set of the Circle Collider 2D geometry.
Radius of the circle in local space units.

Box Collider 2D

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The Box Collider__An invisible shape that is used to handle physical collisions for an object. A collider doesn’t
need to be exactly the same shape as the object’s mesh - a rough approximation is often more e cient and
indistinguishable in gameplay. More info
See in Glossary 2D__ component is a Collider for use with 2D physics. Its shape is a rectangle with a de ned
position, width and height in the local coordinate space of a Sprite. Note that the rectangle is axis-aligned - that is,
its edges are parallel to the X or Y axes of local space.


A physics Material that determines properties of collisions, such as friction and
Is Trigger Check this box if you want the Box Collider 2D to behave as a trigger.
Used by
Check this box if you want the Box Collider 2D to be used by an attached E ector 2D
E ector
Tick this checkbox if you want this Collider to be used by an attached Composite
Collider 2D.
Used by
When you enable Used by Composite, other properties disappear from the Box
Collider 2D component, because they are now controlled by the attached Composite
Collider 2D. The properties that disappear from the Box Collider 2D are Material, Is
Trigger, Used By E ector, and Edge Radius.
Tick this checkbox if the Sprite Renderer component for the selected Sprite has the
Draw Mode set to Tiled. This enables automatic updates to the shape of the Collider
2D, meaning that the shape is automatically readjusted when the Sprite’s dimensions
change. If you don’t enable Auto Tiling, the Collider 2D geometry doesn’t automatically
O set
Set the local o set of the Collider 2D geometry.
Set the size of the box in local space units.
Controls a radius around edges, so that vertices are circular. This results in a larger
Collider 2D with rounded convex corners. The default value for this setting is 0 (no

Polygon Collider 2D

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The Polygon Collider__An invisible shape that is used to handle physical collisions for an object. A collider doesn’t
need to be exactly the same shape as the object’s mesh - a rough approximation is often more e cient and
indistinguishable in gameplay. More info
See in Glossary 2D__ component is a Collider for use with 2D physics. The Collider’s shape is de ned by a
freeform edge made of line segments, so you can adjust it to t the shape of the Sprite graphic with great
precision. Note that this Collider’s edge must completely enclose an area (unlike the similar Edge Collider 2D).


A physics material that determines properties of collisions, such as friction and
Is Trigger Tick this box if you want the Collider to behave as a trigger.
Used by
Whether the Collider is used by an attached e ector or not.
E ector
Tick this checkbox if you want this Collider to be used by an attached Composite
Collider 2D.
Used by
When you enable Used by Composite, other properties disappear from the Polygon
Collider 2D component, because they are now controlled by the attached Composite
Collider 2D. The properties that disappear from the Box Collider 2D are Material, Is
Trigger, Used By E ector, and Edge Radius.
Used by
Check this box if you want the Box Collider 2D to be used by an attached Composite
Collider 2D component.
Tick this checkbox if you have set the Draw Mode of the Sprite Renderer component
to Tiled. This enables automatic updates to the shape of the Collider 2D, meaning that
the shape is automatically readjusted when the Sprite’s dimensions change. If you don’t
enable Auto Tiling, the Collider 2D stays the same shape and size, even when the
Sprite’s dimensions change.
O set
The local o set of the Collider geometry.
Non-editable information about the complexity of the generated Collider.


The Collider can be edited manually but it is often more convenient to let Unity determine the shape
automatically. You can do this by dragging a Sprite Asset from the Project view onto the Polygon Collider 2D
component in the Inspector.
You can edit the polygon’s shape by pressing the Edit Collider button in the Inspector. You can exit Collider edit
mode by pressing the Edit Collider button again. While in edit mode, you can move an existing vertex by dragging
when the mouse is over that vertex. If you shift-drag while the mouse is over an edge, a new vertex will be created
at the mouse location. You can remove a vertex by holding down the ctrl/cmd key while clicking on it.
Note that you can hide the outline of the 2D move Gizmo while editing the Collider - just click the fold-out arrow
on the Sprite Renderer component in the Inspector to collapse it.

Edge Collider 2D

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The Edge Collider__An invisible shape that is used to handle physical collisions for an object. A collider doesn’t
need to be exactly the same shape as the object’s mesh - a rough approximation is often more e cient and
indistinguishable in gameplay. More info
See in Glossary 2D__ component is a Collider for use with 2D physics. The Collider’s shape is de ned by a
freeform edge made of line segments, so you can adjust it to t the shape of the Sprite graphic with great
precision. Note that this Collider’s edge need not completely enclose an area (unlike the similar Polygon Collider
2D), and for example can be a straight line or an L-shape.

Property Function
Material A physics material that determines properties of collisions, such as friction and bounce.
Tick this box if you want the Collider to behave as a trigger.
Used by
Whether the Collider is used by an attached e ector or not.
E ector
O set The local o set of the Collider geometry.
Controls a radius around edges, so that vertices are circular. This results in a larger
Collider 2D with rounded convex corners. The default value for this setting is 0 (no
Points Non-editable information about the complexity of the generated collider.


To edit the polyline directly, hold down the Shift key while you move the mouse over an edge or vertex in the
Scene view. To move an existing vertex, hold down the Shift key and drag that vertex. To create a new vertex,
hold down the Shift key and click where you want the vertex to be created. To remove a vertex, hold down the Ctrl
(Windows) or Cmd (macOS) key and click on it.
To hide the outline of the 2D move Gizmo while editing the Collider, click the fold-out arrow on the
Sprite Renderer component in the Inspector to collapse it.

Capsule Collider 2D

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The Capsule Collider 2D component is a 2D physics primitive that you can elongate in either a vertical or
horizontal direction. The capsule shape has no vertex corners; it has a continuous circumference, which doesn’t
get easily caught on other collider corners. The capsule shape is solid, so any other Collider 2Ds that are fully
inside the capsule are considered to be in contact with the capsule and are forced out of it over time.

Property: Function:
Use this to de ne the physics material used by the Capsule Collider 2D. This overrides
any Rigidbody 2D or global physics collider.
Is Trigger

Check this box to specify that the Capsule Collider 2D triggers events. If you check this
box, the physics engine ignores this collider.

Used by
Check this box to specify that an attached E ector uses this Capsule Collider 2D.
E ector
O set
Use this to set the local o set of the Capsule Collider 2D geometry.
Use this to de ne a box size. This box de nes the region that the Capsule Collider 2D
Set this to either Vertical or Horizontal. This controls which way round the capsule sets:
speci cally, it de nes the positioning of the semi-circular end-caps.
The settings that de ne the Capsule Collider 2D are Size and Direction. Both the Size and Direction properties
refer to X and Y (horizontal and vertical, respectively) in the local space of the Capsule Collider 2D, and not in
A typical way to set up the Capsule Collider 2D is to set the Size to match the Direction. For example, if the
Capsule Collider 2D’s Direction is Vertical, the Size of X is 0.5 and the Size of Y is 1, this makes the vertical
direction capsule taller, rather than wider.
In the example below, the X and Y are represented by the yellow lines.

An example of a Capsule Collider 2D set so the Size matches Direction

Capsule con guration examples

You can change the Capsule Collider 2D with di erent con gurations. Below are some examples.
Note that when the X and Y of the Size property are the same, the Capsule Collider 2D always approximates to a

Examples of Capsule Collider 2D con gurations


A known issue in physics engines (including Box 2D) is that moving across multiple colliders, even colliders that
are perfectly aligned numerically, causes one or both of the colliders to register a collision between the two
colliders. This can cause the collider to slow down or stop.
While the Capsule Collider 2D can help reduce this problem, it isn’t a solution to it. A better solution is to use a
single collider for a surface; for example, the Edge Collider 2D.

Composite Collider 2D

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The Composite Collider 2D component is a Collider for use with 2D physics. Unlike most colliders, it does not
de ne an inherent shape. Instead, it merges the shapes of any Box Collider 2D or Polygon Collider 2D that you set
it up to use. The Composite Collider 2D uses the vertices (geometry) from any of these Colliders, and merges
them together into new geometry controlled by the Composite Collider 2D itself.
The Box Collider 2D and Polygon Collider 2D components have a Used By Composite checkbox. Tick this
checkbox to attach them to the Composite Collider 2D. These Colliders also have to be attached to the same
Rigidbody 2D as the Composite Collider 2D. When you enable Used by Composite, other properties disappear
from that component, because they are now controlled by the attached Composite Collider 2D.
See API documentation on Composite Collider 2D for more information about scripting with the Composite
Collider 2D.



Is Trigger
Used by
E ector
O set

Change the density to change the mass calculations of the GameObject’s associated
Rigidbody 2D. If you set the value to 0, its associated Rigidbody 2D ignores the
Collider 2D for all mass calculations, including centre of mass calculations. Note
that this option is only available if you have enabled Use Auto Mass in the
associated Rigidbody 2D component.
A Physics Material 2D that determines the properties of collisions, such as friction
and bounce.
Check this box if you want the Composite Collider 2D to behave as a trigger (see
overview documentation on Colliders to learn more about triggers).
Check this box if you want the Composite Collider 2D to be used by an attached
E ector 2D component.
Set the local o set of the Collider 2D geometry.
When merging Colliders, the vertices from the selected Colliders are composed into
one of two di erent geometry types. Use this drop-down to set the geometry type
to either Outlines or Polygons.
Produces a Collider 2D with hollow outlines, identical to what the Edge Collider 2D


Produces a Collider 2D with solid polygons, identical to what the Polygon Collider
2D produces.
The method used to control when geometry is generated when either the
Composite Collider 2D is changed, or any of the Colliders it is composing is
When a change is made to the Composite Collider 2D or any of the colliders it is
using, Unity generates new geometry immediately.
New geometry generation happens only when you request it. To request
generation, either call the CompositeCollider2D.GenerateGeometry script API, or
click the Regenerate Geometry button that appears under the selection.
Set a value for the minimum spacing allowed for any vertices gathered from
Colliders being composed. Any vertex closer than this limit is removed. This allows
control over the e ective resolution of the vertex compositing.
Controls a radius around edges, so that vertices are circular. This results in a larger
Edge Radius Collider 2D with rounded convex corners. The default value for this setting is 0 (no
radius). This only works when the Geometry Type is set to Outlines.

Physics Material 2D

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A Physics Material 2D is used to adjust the friction and bounce that occurs between 2D physics objects when
they collide. You can create a Physics Material 2D from the Assets menu (Assets > Create > Physics Material 2D


Coe cient of friction for this collider.
The degree to which collisions rebound from the surface. A value of 0 indicates no
bounce while a value of 1 indicates a perfect bounce with no loss of energy.


To use a Physics Material 2D, simply drag it onto an object with a 2D collider attached or drag it to the collider
component in the inspector. Note that for 3D physics, the equivalent asset is referred to as a Physic Material (ie,
no S at the end of physic) - it is important in scripting not to get the two spellings confused.

2D Joints

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As the name implies, joints attach GameObjects together. You can only attach 2D joints to GameObjects which
have a Rigidbody 2D component attached, or to a xed position in world space.
2D joints all have names ending ‘2D’. A joint named without a ‘2D’ ending is a 3D joint. 2D joints work with game
objects in 2D and 3D joints work with game objects in 3D.
(See Details and Hints, below, for useful background information on all 2D joints.)
There are di erent types of 2D joints. See each joint reference page for detailed information about their
Distance Joint 2D - attaches two game objects controlled by rigidbody physics together and keeps them a certain
distance apart.
Fixed Joint 2D - keeps two objects in a position relative to each other, so the objects are always o set at a given
position and angle. For example, objects that need to react as if they are rigidly connected: They can’t move away
from each other, they can’t move closer together, and they can’t rotate with respect to each other. You can also
use this joint to create a less rigid connection that exes.
Friction Joint 2D - reduces both the linear and angular velocities between two game objects controlled by
rigidbody physics to zero (ie: it slows them down and stops them). For example; a platform that rotates but resists
that movement.
Hinge Joint 2D- allows a game object controlled by rigidbody physics to be attached to a point in space around
which it can rotate. For example; the pivot on a pair of scissors.
Relative Joint 2D - allows two game objects controlled by rigidbody physics to maintain a position based on each
other’s location. Use this joint to keep two objects o set from each other. For example; a space-shooter game
where the player has extra gun batteries that follow them.
Slider Joint 2D - allows a game object controlled by rigidbody physics to slide along a line in space, like sliding
doors, for example.
Spring Joint 2D - allows two game objects controlled by rigidbody physics to be attached together as if by a spring.
Target Joint 2D - connects to a speci ed target, rather than another rigid body object, as other joints do. It is a
spring type joint, which you could use for picking up and moving an object acting under gravity, for example.
Wheel Joint 2D - simulates wheels and suspension.

Details and Hints
All joints provide one or more constraints that apply to Rigidbody 2D behaviour. A constraint is a ‘rule’ which the
joint will try to ensure isn’t permanently broken. There are di erent types of constraints available but usually a
joint will only provide a few of them, sometimes only one. Some constraints limit behaviour such as ensuring a

rigid body stays on a line, or in a certain position. Some are ‘driving’ constraints such as a motor that rotates or
moves a rigid body object, trying to maintain a certain speed.

Temporarily breaking constraints
The physics system expects that constraints do become temporarily broken; the objects may move further apart
than their distance constraint tells them, or objects may move faster than their motor-speed constraint. When a
constraint isn’t broken, the joint doesn’t apply any forces and does little work. It is when a constraint is broken
that the joint applies forces to x the constraint: So for the ‘driving’ constraints mentioned above, it maintains a
distance or ensures a motor-speed. This force, however, doesn’t always instantaneously x the constraint.
Although it usually happens very fast, it can happen over time.
This time lag can lead to joints ‘stretching’ or seeming ‘soft’. The lag happens because the physics system is trying
to apply joint-forces to x constraints, whilst at the same time other game physics forces are acting to break
constraints. In addition to the con icting forces acting on game objects, some joints are more stable and react
faster than others.
Whatever constraints the joint provides, the joint only uses forces to x the constraint. These are either a linear
(straight line) force or angular (torque) force.
HINT: Given the con icing forces acting on joints, it is always good to be cautious when applying large forces to
rigid body objects that have joints attached, especially those with large masses.

Permanently breaking joints
All joints have the ability to stop working completely (that is break) when a force exceeds a speci ed limit. The
limit that causes breaking due to excessive linear force is called the “break force”. The limit that causes breaking
due to excessive torque force is called the “break torque”.

If a joint applies linear force, then it has a Break Force option.
If a joint applies an angular (rotation) force then it has a Break Torque option.
Both these limits are pre-set to In nity: This means that they have no limit.
When a Break Force or Break Torque limit is exceeded, the joint breaks and the component deletes itself from
its GameObject.

Distance Joint 2D

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Distance Joint__ 2D__ is a 2D joint that attaches two GameObjects controlled by Rigidbody 2D physics, and keeps them a
certain distance apart.


Check this box to enable collision between the two connected GameObjects.

Use this eld to specify the other GameObject that this Distance Joint 2D connects to. If ths is left
Connected as None (Rigidbody 2D), the other end of the Distance Joint 2D is xed at a point in space
Rigid Body de ned by the Connected Anchor setting. Select the circle to the right of the eld to view a list
of GameObjects to connect to.
Check this box to automatically set the anchor location for the other GameObject this Distance
Con gure
Joint 2D connects to. If you enable this, you don’t need to complete the Connected Anchor
De ne where (in terms of x, y co-ordinates on the Rigidbody 2D) the end point of the Distance
Joint 2D connects to this GameObject.
Connected De ne where (in terms of x, y co-ordinates on the Rigidbody 2D) the end point of the Distance
Joint 2D connects to the other GameObject.
Check this box to automatically detect the current distance between the two GameObjects, and
Con gure set it as the distance that the Distance Joint 2D keeps between the two GameObjects. If you
Distance enable this, you don’t need to complete the Distance eld.
Distance Specify the distance that the Distance Joint 2D keeps between the two GameObjects.
If enabled, the Distance Joint 2D only enforces a maximum distance, so the connected
Distance GameObjects can still move closer to each other, but not further than the Distance eld de nes.
If this is not enabled, the distance between the GameObjects is xed.
Specify the force level needed to break and therefore delete the Distance Joint 2D. In nity
means it is unbreakable.


The aim of this Joint 2D is to keep distance between two points. Those two points can be two Rigidbody 2D components or
a Rigidbody 2D component and a xed position in the world. To connect a Rigidbody 2D component to a xed position in
the world, set the Connected Rigidbody eld to None.
This Joint 2D does not apply torque, or rotation. It does apply a linear force to both connected items, using a very sti ,
simulated spring to maintain the distance. You cannot con gure the spring.
This Joint 2D has a selectable constraint:

Constraint A: Maintains a xed distance between two anchor points on two bodies (when Max Distance
Only is unchecked).
Constraint B: Maintains maximum distance only between two anchor points on two bodies (when Max
Distance Only is checked).
You can use this Joint 2D to construct physical objects that need to behave as if they are connected with a rigid connection
that can rotate.

Using constraint A (Max Distance Only unchecked), you can create a xed length connection, such as two
wheels on a bicycle.
Using constraint B (Max Distance Only checked), you can create a constrained length connection, such as a
yo-yo moving towards and away from a hand.
See Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D Joints.

Fixed Joint 2D

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Apply this component to two GameObjects controlled by Rigidbody 2D physics to keep them in a position
relative to each other, so the GameObjects are always o set at a given position and angle. It is a spring-type 2D
joint for which you don’t need to set maximum forces. You can set the spring to be rigid or soft.
See Fixed Joint 2D and Relative Joint 2D below for more information about the di erences between Fixed Joint 2D
and Relative Joint 2D.


Check this box to enable the ability for the two connected GameObjects to collide with
each other.
Specify the other GameObject this Fixed Joint 2D connects to. Leave this as None to x
Connected the other end of the Fixed Joint 2D to a point in space de ned by the Connected
Rigid Body Anchor setting. Select the circle to the right of the eld to view a list of GameObjects to
connect to.
Check this box to automatically set the anchor location for the other GameObject this
Con gure
Fixed Joint 2D connects to. If you check this, you don’t need to complete the Connected
Anchor elds.
The place (in terms of x,y co-ordinates on the Rigidbody 2D) where the end point of the
joint connects to this object.
Connected The place (in terms of x, y co-ordinates on the Rigidbody 2D) where the end point of
the Fixed Joint 2D connects to the other GameObject.
Damping De ne the degree to which you want to suppress spring oscillation, between 0 and 1,
the higher the value, the less movement.
The frequency at which the spring oscillates while the GameObjects are approaching
the separation distance you want, measured in cycles per second. In the range 1 to
1,000,000, the higher the value, the sti er the spring. Note that if the frequency is set to
0, the spring is completely sti .
Specify the force level needed to break and therefore delete the joint. In nity means it
is unbreakable.
Specify the torque level needed to break and therefore delete the joint. In nity means
it is unbreakable.


The aim of this joint is to maintain a relative linear and angular o set between two points. Those two points can
be two Rigidbody 2D components or a Rigidbody 2D component and a xed position in the world. (Connect to a
xed position in the world by setting Connected Rigidbody to None).
The linear and angular o sets are based upon the relative positions and orientations of the two connected points,
so you change the o sets by moving the connected GameObjects in your Scene view.
The joint applies both linear and torque forces to connected Rigidbody 2D GameObjects. It uses a simulated
spring that is pre-con gured to be as sti as the simulation can provide. You can change the spring’s value to
make it weaker using the Frequency setting.
When the spring applies its force between the GameObjects, it tends to overshoot the desired distance between
them and then rebound repeatedly, resulting in a continuous oscillation. The damping ratio determines how
quickly the oscillation reduces and brings the GameObjects to rest. The frequency is the rate at which it oscillates
either side of the target distance; the higher the frequency, the sti er the spring.
Fixed Joint 2D has two simultaneous constraints:

Maintain the linear o set between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2D GameObjects.
Maintain the angular o set between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2D GameObjects.
You can use this joint to construct physical GameObjects that need to react as if they are rigidly connected. They
can’t move away from each other, they can’t move closer together, and they can’t rotate with respect to each
other, such as a bridge made of sections which hold rigidly together.
You can also use this joint to create a less rigid connection that exes - for example, a bridge made of sections
which are slightly exible.

Fixed Joint 2D and Relative Joint 2D
It is important to know the major di erences between Fixed Joint 2D and Relative Joint 2D:

Fixed Joint 2D is a spring-type joint. Relative Joint 2D is a motor-type joint with a maximum force
and/or torque.
Fixed Joint 2D uses a spring to maintain the relative linear and angular o sets. Relative Joint 2D
uses a motor. You can con gure a joint’s spring or motor.
Fixed Joint 2D works with anchor points (it’s derived from script Anchored Joint 2D); it maintains
the relative linear and angular o set between the anchors. Relative Joint 2D doesn’t have anchor
points (it’s derived directly from script Joint 2D).
Fixed Joint 2D cannot modify the relative linear and angular o sets in real time. Relative Joint 2D
See Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.

Friction Joint 2D

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The Friction Joint__A physics component allowing a dynamic connection between rigidbodies, usually allowing
some degree of movement such as a hinge. More info
See in Glossary 2D__ connects GameObjects controlled by Rigidbody 2D physics. The Friction Joint 2D reduces
both the linear and angular velocities between the objects to zero (ie, it slows them down). You can use this joint
to simulate top-down friction, for example.


Check the box to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Specify the other GameObject this Friction Joint 2D connects to. If you leave this as
Connected None, the other end of the Friction Joint 2D is xed to a point in space de ned by the
Rigid Body Connected Anchor setting. Select the circle to the right of the eld to view a list of
GameObjects to connect to.
Check this box to automatically set the anchor location for the other GameObject this
Con gure
Friction Joint 2D connects to. If you check this, you don’t need to complete the
Connected Anchor elds.
De ne where (in terms of x, y co-ordinates on the RigidBody 2D) the end point of the
Friction Joint 2D connects to this GameObject.
Connected De ne where (in terms of x, y co-ordinates on the RigidBody 2D) the end point of the
Friction Joint 2D connects to the other GameObject.
Sets the linear (or straight line) movement between joined GameObjects. A high value
Max Force
resists the linear movement between GameObjects.
Sets the angular (or rotation) movement between joined GameObjects. A high value
resists the rotation movement between GameObjects.
Specify the force level needed to break and therefore delete the Friction Joint 2D.
In nity means it is unbreakable.
Specify the torque level needed to break and therefore delete the Friction Joint 2D.
In nity means it is unbreakable.


Use the Friction Joint 2D to slow down movement between two points to a stop. This joint’s aim is to maintain a
zero relative linear and angular o set between two points. Those two points can be two Rigidbody 2D

components or a Rigidbody 2D component and a xed position in the world. (Connect to a xed position in the
world by setting Connected Rigidbody to None).

The joint applies linear force (Force) and angle force (Torque) to both Rigidbody 2D points. It uses a simulated
motor that is pre-con gured to have a low motor power (and so, low resistence). You can change the resistance to
make it weaker or stronger.
Strong Resistance:

A high (1,000,000 is the highest) Max Force creates strong linear resistance. The Rigidbody 2D
GameObjects won’t move in a line relative to each other very much.
A high (1,000,000 is the highest) Max Torque creates strong angular resistance. The Rigidbody 2D
GameObjects won’t move at an angle relative to each each other very much.
Weak Resistance:

A low Max Force creates weak linear resistance. The Rigidbody 2D GameObjects move easily in a
line relative to each other.
A low Max Torque creates weak angular resistance. The Rigidbody 2D GameObjects move easily at
an angle relative to each each other.


Friction Joint 2D has two simultaneous constraints:

Maintain a zero relative linear velocity between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2Ds
Maintain a zero relative angular velocity between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2Ds
You can use this joint to construct physical GameObjects that need to behave as if they have friction. They can
resist either linear movement or angular movement, or both linear and angular movement. For example:

A platform that does rotate, but resists applied forces, making it di cult but possible for the player
to move it.
A ball that resists linear movement. The ball’s friction is related to the GameObject’s velocity and
not to any collisions. It acts like the Linear Drag and Angular Drag which is set in Rigidbody 2D.
The di erence is that Friction Joint 2D has the option of maximum Force and Torque settings.)
See Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.

Hinge Joint 2D

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The Hinge Joint__ 2D__ component allows a GameObject controlled by RigidBody 2D physics to be attached to a
point in space around which it can rotate. The rotation can be left to happen passively (for example, in response
to a collision) or can be actively powered by a motor torque provided by the Joint 2D itself. You can set limits to
prevent the hinge from making a full rotation, or make more than a single rotation.



Check the box to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Specify the other GameObject this Hinge Joint 2D connects to. If you leave this as
Connected None, the other end of the Hinge Joint 2D is xed to a point in space de ned by the
Rigid Body Connected Anchor setting. Select the circle to the right of the eld to view a list of
GameObjects to connect to.
Check this box to automatically set the anchor location for the other GameObject this
Con gure
Hinge Joint 2D connects to. If you check this, you don’t need to complete the
Connected Anchor elds.
De ne where (in terms of x, y co-ordinates on the RigidBody 2D) the end point of the
Friction Joint 2D connects to this GameObject.
Connected De ne where (in terms of x, y co-ordinates on the RigidBody 2D) the end point of the
Friction Joint 2D connects to the other GameObject.
Use this to change Motor settings.
Use Motor Check the box to enable the hinge motor.
Set the target motor speed, in degrees per second.

Use Limits


Set the maximum torque (or rotation) the motor can apply while attempting to reach
the target speed.
Check this box to limit the rotation angle
Use these settings to set limits if Use Limits is enabled.
Set the lower end of the rotation arc allowed by the limit.
Set the upper end of the rotation arc allowed by the limit.
Specify the linear (or straight line) force level needed to break and therefore delete the
joint. In nity means it is unbreakable.
Specify the the angular (or rotation) level needed to break and therefore delete the
joint. In nity means it is unbreakable.

The Hinge Joint 2D’s name suggest a door hinge. It can be used as a door hinge, but also anything that rotates
around a particular point - for example: machine parts, powered wheels, and pendulums.
You can use this joint to make two points overlap. Those two points can be two Rigidbody 2D components, or a
Rigidbody 2D component and a xed position in the world. Connect the Hinge Joint 2D to a xed position in the
world by setting Connected Rigid Body to None. The joint applies a linear force to both connected Rigidbody 2D
The Hinge Joint 2D has a simulated rotational motor which you can turn on or o . Set the Maximum Motor
Speed and Maximum Motor Force to control the angular speed (Torque) and make the two Rigidbody 2D
GameObjects rotate in an arc relative to each other. Set the limits of the arc using Lower Angle and Upper Angle.

Hinge Joint 2D has three simultaneous constraints. All are optional:

Maintain a relative linear distance between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2D GameObjects.
Maintain an angular speed between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2D GameObjects (limited
with a maximum torque in Maximum Motor Force .
Maintain an angle within a speci ed arc.
You can use this joint to construct physical GameObjects that need to behave as if they are connected with a
rotational pivot. For example:

A see-saw pivot where the horizontal section is connected to the base. Use the joint’s Angle Limits
to simulate the highest and lowest point of the see-saw’s movement.
A pair of scissors connected together with a hinge pivot. Use the joint’s Angle Limits to simulate
the closing and maximum opening of the scisssors.
A simple wheel connected to the body of a car with the pivot connecting the wheel at its center to
the car. In this example you can use the Hinge Joint 2D’s motor to rotate the wheel.
See Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.

Relative Joint 2D

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This joint component allows two game objects controlled by rigidbody physics to maintain in a position based
on each other’s location. Use this joint to keep two objects o set from each other, at a position and angle you
See Details below for more information about the di erences between RelativeJoint2D and FixedJoint2D.


Can the two connected objects collide with each other? Check the box for yes.

Specify here the other object this joint connects to. Leave this as None and the other
end of the joint will be xed at a point in space. Select the circle to the right of the eld
Rigid Body
to view a list of objects to connect to.
Sets the linear (straight line) o set between joined objects - a high value (of up to 1,000)
Max Force
uses high force to maintain the o set.
Sets the angular (rotation) movement between joined objects - a high value (of up to
1,000) uses high force to maintain the o set.
Tweaks the joint to make sure it behaves as required. (Increasing the Max Force or Max
Correction Torque may a ect behaviour so that the joint doesn’t reach its target, use this setting to
correct it.) The default setting of 0.3 is usually appropriate but it may need tweaking
between the range of 0 and 1.
Check this box to automatically set and maintain the distance and angle between the
Con gure connected objects. (Selecting this option means you don’t need to manually enter the
O set
Linear O set and Angular O set.)
Enter local space co-ordinates to specify and maintain the distance between the
O set
connected objects.
Enter local space co-ordinates to specify and maintain the angle between the
O set
connected objects.
Specify the force level needed to break and so delete the joint. In nity means it is
Specify the torque level needed to break and so delete the joint. In nity means it is


(See also Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.)
The aim of this joint is to maintain a relative linear and angular distance (o set) between two points. Those two
points can be two Rigidbody2D components or a Rigidbody2D component and a xed position in the world.
(Connect to a xed position in the world by setting Connected Rigidbody to None).
The joint applies a linear and angular (torque) force to both connected rigid body objects. It uses a simulated
motor that is pre-con gured to be quite powerful: It has a high Max Force and Max Torque limit. You can lower
these values to make the motor less powerful motor or turn-o it o completely.
This joint has two simultaneous constraints:

Maintain the speci ed linear o set between the two rigid body objects.
Maintain the starting angular o set between the two rigid body objects.
For Example:
You can use this joint to construct physical objects that need to:

Keep a distance apart from each other, as if they are unable to move further away from each other
or closer together. (You decide the distance they are apart from each other. The distance can
change in real-time.)
Rotate with respect to each other only at particular angle. (You decide the angle.)
Some uses may need the connection to be exible, such as: A space-shooter game where the player has extra gun
batteries that follow them. You can use the Relative Joint to give the trailing gun batteries a slight lag when they
follow, but make them rotate with the player with no lag.
Some uses may need a con gurable force, such as: A game where the the camera follows a player using a
con gurable force to keep track.

Fixed vs. Relative Joint
FixedJoint2D is spring type joint. RelativeJoint2D is a motor type joint with a maximum force and/or torque.

The Fixed Joint uses a spring to maintain the relative linear and angular o sets and the Relative
joint uses a motor. You can con gure a joint’s spring or motor.
The Fixed joint works with anchor points (it’s derived from script AnchoredJoint2D): It maintains
the relative linear and angular o set between the anchors. The Relative joint doesn’t have anchor
points (it’s derived directly from script Joint2D).
The Relative joint can modify the relative linear and angular o sets in real time: The Fixed joint

Slider Joint 2D

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This joint allows a game object controlled by rigidbody physics to slide along a line in space, like sliding doors, for
example. The object can freely move anywhere along the line in response to collisions or forces or, alternatively,
it can be moved along by a motor force, with limits applied to keep its position within a certain section of the line.


Can the two connected objects collide with each other? Check the box for yes.

Specify here the other object this joint connects to. Leave this as None and the other
end of the joint will be xed at a point in space de ned by the Connected Anchor
Rigid Body
setting. Select the circle to the right of the eld to view a list of objects to connect to.
Con gure Check this box to automatically set the anchor location for the other object this joint
Connected connects to. (Check this instead of completing the Connected Anchor elds.)
The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates on the RigidBody) where the end point of the
joint connects to this object.
Connected The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates on the RigidBody) where the end point of the
joint connects to the other object.
Check this box to automtically detect the angle between the two objects and set it as
Con gure the angle that the joint keeps between the two objects. (By selecting this, you don’t
need to manually specify the angle.)
Enter the the angle that the joint keeps between the two objects.
Use Motor Use the sliding motor? Check the box for yes.
Target motor speed (m/sec).

The maximum force the motor can apply while attempting to reach the target speed.
Use Limits Should there be limits to the linear (straight line) force? Check the box for yes.
The minimum distance the object can be from the connected anchor point.
The maximum distance the object can be from the connected anchor point.
Specify the linear (straight line) force level needed to break and so delete the joint.
In nity means it is unbreakable.
Specify the torque (rotation) level needed to break and so delete the joint. In nity
means it is unbreakable.


(See also Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.)
Use this joint to make objects slide! The aim of this joint is to maintain the position of two points on a
con gurable line that extends to in nity. Those two points can be two Rigidbody2D components or a
Rigidbody2D component and a xed position in the world. (Connect to a xed position in the world by setting
Connected Rigidbody to None).
The joint applies a linear force to both connected rigid body objects to keep them on the line. It also has a
simulated linear motor that applies linear force to move the ridid body objects along the line. You can turn the
motor o or on. Athough the line is in nite, you can specify just a segment of the line that you want to use, using
the Translation Limits option.
This joint has three simultaneous constraints. All are optional:

Maintain a relative linear distance away from a speci ed line between two anchor points on two
rigid body objects.
Maintain a linear speed between two anchor points on two rigid body objects along a speci ed line.
(The speed is limited with a maximum force.)
Maintain a linear distance between two points along the speci ed line.
For Example:
You can use this joint to construct physical objects that need to react as if they are connected together on a line.
Such as:

A platform which can move up or down. The platform reacts by moving down when something
lands on it but must never move sideways. You can use this joint to ensure platform to never
moves up or down beyond certain limits. Use the motor to make the platform move up.

Spring Joint 2D

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The Spring Joint__ 2D__ component allows two game objects controlled by rigidbody physics to be attached
together as if by a spring. The spring will apply a force along its axis between the two objects, attempting to keep
them a certain distance apart.


Can the two connected objects collide with each other? Check the box for yes.

Specify here the other object this joint connects to. Leave this as None and the other
end of the joint will be xed at a point in space de ned by the Connected Anchor
Rigid Body
setting. Select the circle to the right of the eld to view a list of objects to connect to.
Con gure Check this box to automatically set the anchor location for the other object this joint
Connected connects to. (Check this instead of completing the Connected Anchor elds.)
The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates on the RigidBody) where the end point of the
joint connects to this object.
Connected The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates on the RigidBody) where the end point of the
joint connects to the other object.
Check this box to automtically detect the distance between the two objects and set it
Con gure
as the distance that the joint keeps between the two objects.
The distance that the spring should attempt to maintain between the two objects. (Can
be set manually.)
Damping The degree to which you want to suppress spring oscillation: In the range 0 to 1, the
higher the value, the less movement.
The frequency at which the spring oscillates while the objects are approaching the
Frequency separation distance you want (measured in cycles per second): In the range 0 to
1,000,000 - the higher the value, the sti er the spring.
Specify the force level needed to break and so delete the joint. In nity means it is


(See also Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.)
This joint behaves like a spring. Its aim is to keep a linear distance between two points. You set this via the
Distance setting. Those two points can be two Rigidbody2D components or a Rigidbody2D component and a
xed position in the world. (Connect to a xed position in the world by setting Connected Rigidbody to None).
The joint aplies a linear force to both rigid bodies. It doesn’t apply torque (an angle force).
The joint uses a simulated spring. You can set the spring’s sti ness and movement:
A sti , barely moving spring…
A high (1,000,000 is the highest) Frequency == a sti spring.
A high (1 is the highest) Damping Ratio == a barely moving spring.
A loose, moving spring…
A low Frequency == a loose spring.
A low Damping Ratio == a moving spring.
When the spring applies its force between the objects, it tends to overshoot the distance you have set between
them, and then rebound repeatedly, giving in a continuous oscillation. The Damping Ratio sets how quickly the
objects stop moving. The Frequency sets how quickly the objects oscillate either side of the target distance.
This joint has one constraint:

Maintain a zero linear distance between two anchor points on two rigid body objects.
For Example:
You can use this joint to construct physical objects that need to react as if they are connected together using a
spring or a connection which allows rotation. Such as:

A character who’s body is composed of multiple objects that act as if they are semi-rigid. Use the
the Spring Joint to connect the character’s body parts together, allowing them to ex to and from
each other. You can specify whether the body parts are held together loosely or tightly.

Zero in the Frequency is a special case: It gives the sti est spring possible.
Spring Joint 2D uses a Box 2D spring-joint. Distance Joint 2D also uses the same Box 2D spring-joint
but it sets the frequency to zero! Technically, a Spring Joint 2D with a frequency of zero and
damping of 1 is identical to a Distance Joint 2D!

Target Joint 2D

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This joint connects to a speci ed target, rather than another rigid body object, as other joints do. It is a spring type
joint, which you could use for picking up and moving an object acting under gravity, for example.


The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates on the RigidBody) where the end point of the
joint connects to this object.
The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates in the world space) towards which the other end
of the joint attempts to move.
Check this box to automatically set the other end of the joint to the current position of the
object. (This option is useful when you are moving the object around, as it sets the initial
Con gure
target position as the current position.) Note that when this option is selected, the target
changes as you move the object; it won’t change if the option is unselected.
Sets the force that the joint can apply when attempting to move the object to the
Max Force
target position. The higher the value, the higher the maximum force.
Damping The degree to which you want to suppress spring oscillation: In the range 0 to 1, the
higher the value, the less movement.
The frequency at which the spring oscillates while the objects are approaching the
Frequency separation distance you want (measured in cycles per second): In the range 0 to 1,000,000
-, the higher the value, the sti er the spring.
Specify the force level needed to break and so delete the joint. In nity means it is


(See also Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.)
Use this joint to connect a rigid body game object to a point in space.
The aim of this joint is to keep zero linear distance between two points: An anchor point on a rigid body object and a
world-space position, called the “Target”. The joint applies linear force to the rigid body object, it does not apply
torque (anglular force).
The joint uses a simulated spring. You can set the spring’s sti ness and movement:
A sti , barely moving spring…
A high (1,000,000 is the highest) Frequency == a sti spring.

A high (1 is the highest) Damping Ratio == a barely moving spring.
A loose, moving spring…
A low Frequency == a loose spring.
A low Damping Ratio == a moving spring.
When the spring applies its force between the rigid body object and target, it tends to overshoot the distance you
have set between them, and then rebound repeatedly, giving in a continuous oscillation. The Damping Ratio sets
how quickly the rigid body object stops moving. The Frequency sets how quickly the rigid body object oscillates
either side of the distance you have speci ed.
This joint has one constraint:

Maintain a zero linear distance between the anchor point on a rigid body object and a world-space
position (Target).
For Example:
You can use this joint to construct physical objects that need to move to designated target positions and stay there
until another target position is selected or the turned-o . Such as:

A game where players pick up cakes, using a mouse-click, and drag them into to a plate. You can use
this joint to move each cake to the plate.
You could also use the joint to allow objects to hang: If the anchor point is not the center of mass, then the object
will rotate. Such as:

A game where players pick up boxes. If they use a mouse-click to pick a box up by its corner and drag
it, it will hang from the cursor.

Zero in the Frequency is a special case: It gives the sti est spring possible.

Wheel Joint 2D

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Use the Wheel Joint__ 2D__ to simulate a rolling wheel, on which an object can move. You can apply motor power
to the joint. The wheel uses a suspension “spring” to maintain its distance from the main body of the vehicle.


Can the two connected objects collide with each other? Check the box for yes.

Specify here the other object this joint connects to. Leave this as None and the other
end of the joint will be xed at a point in space de ned by the Connected Anchor
Rigid Body
setting. Select the circle to the right of the eld to view a list of objects to connect to.
Con gure Check this box to automatically set the anchor location for the other object this joint
Connected connects to. (Check this instead of completing the Connected Anchor elds.)
The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates on the RigidBody) where the end point of the
joint connects to this object.
Connected The place (in terms of X, Y co-ordinates on the RigidBody) where the end point of the
joint connects to the other object.
Damping The degree to which you want to suppress spring oscillation in the suspension: In the
range 0 to 1, the higher the value, the less movement.
The frequency at which the spring in the suspension oscillates while the objects are
Frequency approaching the separation distance you want (measured in cycles per second): In the
range 0 to 1,000,000 - the higher the value, the sti er the suspension spring.
The world movement angle for the suspension.
Use Motor Apply a motor force to the wheel? Check the box for yes.



Target speed (degrees per second) for the motor to reach.
Maximum force applied to the object to attain the desired speed.
Specify the force level needed to break and so delete the joint. In nity means it is
Specify the torque level needed to break and so delete the joint. In nity means it is

(See also Joints 2D: Details and Hints for useful background information on all 2D joints.)
Use this joint to simulate wheels and suspension. The aim of the joint is to keep the position of two points on a
line that extends to in nity, whilst at the same time making them overlap. Those two points can be two
Rigidbody2D components or a Rigidbody2D component and a xed position in the world. (Connect to a xed
position in the world by setting Connected Rigidbody to None).
Wheel Joint 2D acts like a combination of a Slider Joint 2D (without its motor or limit constraints) and a Hinge Joint
2D (without its limit constraint).
The joint applies a linear force to both connected rigid body objects to keep them on the line, an angular motor to
rotate the objects on the line, and a spring to simulate wheel suspension.
Set the Maximum Motor Speed and Maximum Motor Force (torque, in this joint) to control the angular motor
speed, and make the two rigid body objects rotate.
You can set the wheel suspension sti ness and movement:
Sti , barely moving suspension…
A high (1,000,000 is the highest) Frequency == sti suspension.
A high (1 is the highest) Damping Ratio == barely moving suspension.
Loose, moving suspension…
A low Frequency == loose suspension.
A low Damping Ratio == moving suspension.
It has has two simultaneous constraints:

Maintain a zero relative linear distance away from a speci ed line between two anchor points on
two rigid body objects.
Maintain an angular speed between two anchor points on two rigid body objects. (Set the speed via
the Maximum Motor Speed option and maximum torque via Maximum Motor Force.)
For Example:

You can use this joint to construct physical objects that need to react as if they are connected with a rotational
pivot but cannot move away from a speci ed line. Such as:

Simulating wheels with a motor to drive the wheels and a line de ning the movement allowed for
the suspension.


Wheel Joint 2D behaves di erently to the Wheel Collider:
Unlike the Wheel Collider used with 3D physics, the Wheel Joint 2D uses a separate Rigidbody object for the
wheel, which rotates when the force is applied. (The Wheel Collider, by contrast, simulates the suspension using a
raycast and the wheel’s rotation is purely a graphical e ect). The wheel object will typically be a Circle Collider 2D
with a Physics Material 2D that gives the right amount of traction for your gameplay.
To simulate a car or other vehicle:
Set the Motor Speed property to zero in the inspector and then vary it from your script according to the player’s
input. You can change the value of Maximum Motor Force to simulate the e ect of gear changes and power-ups.
Zero frequency:
Zero in the Frequency is a special case: It gives the sti est spring possible.

Constant Force 2D

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Constant Force 2D is a quick utility for adding constant forces to a Rigidbody 2D. This works well for one-shot
objects like rockets, if you want them to accelerate over time rather than starting with a large velocity.
Constant Force 2D applies both linear and torque (angular) forces continuously to the Rigidbody 2D, each time the
physics engine updates at runtime.

The Constant Force 2D Inspector


The linear force applied to the Rigidbody 2D at each physics update.
The linear force, relative to the Rigidbody 2D coordinate system, applied each physics
The torque applied to the Rigidbody 2D at each physics update.

E ectors 2D

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Use E ector 2D components with Collider 2D components to direct the forces of physics in your project when
GameObject colliders come into contact with each other.
You can use E ector 2D components to create the following e ects (among others):

Create ‘platform’ behaviour such as one-way collisions (PlatformE ector2D)
Create conveyor belts (SurfaceE ector2D)
Attract or repulse against a given source point (PointE ector2D)
Make GameOjects oat (BuoyancyE ector2D)
Randomly vary force and angle magnitude (class-AreaE ector2D)

Area E ector 2D

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The Area E ector 2D applies forces within an area de ned by the attached Collider 2Ds when another (target) Collider
2D comes into contact with the E ector 2D. You can con gure the force at any angle with a speci c magnitude and
random variation on that magnitude. You can also apply both linear and angular drag forces to slow down Rigidbody
Collider 2Ds that you use with the Area E ector 2D would typically be set as triggers, so that other Collider 2Ds can
overlap with it to have forces applied. Non-triggers will still work, but forces will only be applied when Collider 2Ds come
into contact with them.

The Area E ector 2D Inspector

Use Collider
Use Global
Force Angle
Angular Drag
Force Target

Check to enable use of the Collider Mask property? If this is not enabled, the Global
Collision Matrix will be used as the default for all Collider 2Ds.
The mask used to select speci c Layers allowed to interact with the Area E ector 2D.
Check this to de ne the Force Angle as a global (world-space) angle. If this is not checked,
the Force Angle is considered a local angle by the physics engine.
The angle of the force to be applied.
The magnitude of the force to be applied.
The variation of the magnitude of the force to be applied.

The linear drag to apply to Rigidbody 2Ds.
The angular drag to apply to Rigidbody 2Ds.
The point on a target GameObject where the Area E ector 2D applies any force.
The target point is de ned as the current position of the Collider 2D. Applying force here
can generate torque (rotation) if the Collider 2D isn’t positioned at the center of mass.
The target point is de ned as the current center-of-mass of the Rigidbody 2D. Applying
force here will never generate torque (rotation).

Buoyancy E ector 2D

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The Buoyancy E ector 2D de nes simple uid behaviour such as oating and the drag and ow of uid. You can
also control a uid surface, with the uid behaviour taking place below.

The Buoyancy E ector 2D Inspector


Use Collider__An invisible shape that is
used to handle physical collisions for an
object. A collider doesn’t need to be
exactly the same shape as the object’s
mesh - a rough approximation is often
more e cient and indistinguishable in
gameplay. More info
See in Glossary Mask__
Collider Mask

Surface Level


Linear Drag
Angular Drag


Check this box to enable the ‘Collider Mask’ property. If
this is not enabled, the Global Collision Matrix will be
used as the default for all Collider 2Ds.

The mask used to select speci c Layers allowed to
interact with the e ector. Note that this option only
displays if you have selected Use Collider Mask.
De nes the surface location of the buoyancy uid. When
a GameObject is above this line, no buoyancy forces are
applied. When a GameObject is intersecting or
completely below this line, buoyancy forces are applied.
This is a location speci ed as a world-space o set along
the world y-axis, but is also scaled by the GameObject’s
Transform component.
The density of the Buoyancy E ector 2D uid. This a ects
the behaviour of Collider 2Ds: Those with a higher density
sink, those with a lower density oat, and those with the
same density appear suspended in the uid.
The drag coe cient a ecting positional movement of a
GameObject. This only applies when inside the uid.
The drag coe cient a ecting rotational movement of a
GameObject. This only applies when inside the uid.

Flow Angle

Flow Magnitude

Flow Variation

The world-space angle (in degrees) for the direction of
uid ow. Fluid ow applies buoyancy forces in the
speci ed direction.
The “power” of the uid ow force. Combined with Fluid
Angle, this speci es the level of buoyancy force applied
to GameObjects inside the uid. The magnitude can also
be negative, in which case the buoyancy forces are
applied at 180 degrees to the Flow Angle.
Enter a value here to randomly vary the uid forces.
Specify a positive or negative variation to randomly add
or subtract from the Fluid Magnitude.

Point E ector 2D

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The Point E ector 2D applies forces to attract/repulse against a source point which can be de ned as the position of the
rigid-body or the center of a collider used by the e ector. When another (target) collider comes into contact with the e ector
then a force is applied to the target. Where the force is applied and how it is calculated can be controlled.
Colliders that you use with the e ector would typically be set as triggers so that other colliders can overlap with it to have
forces applied however, non-triggers will still work but forces will only be applied when colliders come into contact with it.

The Point E ector 2D Inspector

Use Collider
Collider Mask

Should the ‘Collider Mask’ property be used? If not then the global collision matrix will be
used as is the default for all colliders.
The mask used to select speci c layers allowed to interact with the e ector.
The magnitude of the force to be applied.
The variation of the magnitude of the force to be applied.

The scale applied to the distance between the source and target. When calculating the
distance, it is scaled by this amount allowing the e ective distance to be changed which
controls the magnitude of the force applied.
The linear drag to apply to rigid-bodies.
Angular Drag The angular drag to apply to rigid-bodies.
The force source is the point that attracts or repels target objects. The distance from the
Force Source
target is de ned from this point.
Collider The source point is de ned as the current position of the collider.
Rigidbody The source point is de ned as the current position of the rigidbody.
The force target is the point on a target object where the e ector applies any force. The
Force Target
distance to the source is de ned from this point.
The target point is de ned as the current position of the collider. Applying force here can
Collider generate torque (cause the target to rotate) if the collider isn’t positioned at the center-ofmass.
The target point is de ned as the current center-of-mass of the rigidbody. Applying force
here will never generate torque (cause the target to rotate).
Force Mode How the force is calculated.
Constant The force is applied ignoring how far apart the source and target are.


The force is applied as a function of the inverse-linear distance between the source and
target. When the source and target are in the same position then the full force is applied but
it falls-o linearly as they move apart.
The force is applied as a function of the inverse-squred distance between the source and
target. When the source and target are in the same position then the full force is applied but
it falls-o squared as they move apart. This is similar to real-world gravity.

Platform E ector 2D

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The Platform E ector 2D applies various “platform” behaviour such as one-way collisions, removal of sidefriction/bounce etc.
Colliders that you use with the e ector would typically not be set as triggers so that other colliders can collide with it.

The Platform E ector 2D Inspector

Use One
Use One
Use Side
Use Side
Side Arc

Should the ‘Collider Mask’ property be used? If not then the global collision matrix will be used
as is the default for all colliders.
The mask used to select speci c layers allowed to interact with the e ector.
Should one-way collision behaviour be used?
Ensures that all contacts disabled by the one-way behaviour act on all colliders. This is useful
when multiple colliders are used on the object passing through the platform and they all need
to act together as a group.
The angle of an arc centered on the local ‘up’ the de nes the surface which doesn’t allow
colliders to pass. Anything outside of this arc is considered for one-way collision.
Should friction should be used on the platform sides?
Should bounce should be used on the platform sides?
The angle of an arc that de nes the sides of the platform centered on the local ‘left’ and ‘right’
of the e ector. Any collision normals within this arc are considered for the ‘side’ behaviours.

Surface E ector 2D

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The Surface E ector 2D applies tangent forces along the surfaces of colliders used by the e ector in an attempt to
match a speci ed speed along the surface. This is analogous to a conveyor belt.
Colliders that you use with the e ector would typically be set as non-triggers so that other colliders can come into
contact with the surface.

The Surface E ector 2D Inspector


Should the ‘Collider Mask’ property be used? If not then the global collision matrix will be
used as is the default for all colliders.
The mask used to select speci c layers allowed to interact with the e ector.

The speed to be maintained along the surface.
A random increase in the speed (anywhere between 0 and the Speed Variation value) will be
applied to the speed. If a negative number is entered here, a random reduction in the speed
will be applied.
Allows scaling of the force that is applied when the e ector attempts to attain the speci ed
speed along the surface. If 0 then no force is applied is is e ectively disabled. If 1 then the full
force is applied. It can be thought of as how fast the target object is modi ed to meet the
speci ed speed with lower values being slower and higher values being quicker. Care should
be taken however as applying the full force will easily counteract any other forces being
applied to the target object such as jump or other movement forces. For this reason, a value
less than 1 is advised.
Should the force be applied at the point of contact between the surface and the target
Contact collider? Using contact forces can cause the target object to rotate whereas not using contact
forces won’t.
Should friction be used when contacting the surface?
Should bounce be used when contacting the surface?


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Make your game look just how you envisaged it with Real-time Global Illumination and our physically-based shader. From
luminous day, to the gaudy glow of neon signs at night; from sunshafts, to dimly lit midnight streets and shadowy tunnels –
create an evocative dynamic game to enthrall players on any platform.
This section explains all you need to know about Lighting, Cameras, Materials, Shaders & Textures, Particles & Visual E ects, and
much more.
See also the Knowledge Base Graphics section.
There are also many useful graphics tutorials in the Tutorials section.
Related tutorials: Graphics
See the Knowledge Base Editor section for troubleshooting, tips and tricks.

Graphics Overview

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Understanding graphics is key to adding an element of depth to your game. This section covers the graphical
features of Unity, such as lighting and rendering.

This section details the advanced lighting features available in Unity.
For an introduction, see the Lights manual page and the Light component reference page.
There are also lighting tutorials in the Tutorials section.
For speci c problems, try searching the Knowledge Base, or asking on the Forums.

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Lighting overview

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In order to calculate the shading of a 3D object, Unity needs to know the intensity, direction and color of the light
that falls on it.

Light source

Bright shading

Dark shading
These properties are provided by Light objects in the scene. Di erent types of light emit their assigned color in
di erent ways; some lights may diminish with distance from the source, and have di erent rules about the angle
of light received from the source. The di erent types of light source available in Unity are detailed in Types of
Unity can calculate complex, advanced lighting e ects in various di erent ways, each suited to di erent use

Choosing a lighting technique
Broadly speaking, lighting in Unity can be considered as either ‘realtime’ or ‘precomputed’ in some way and both
techniques can be used in combination to create immersive scene lighting.
In this section we will give a brief overview of what opportunities the di erent techniques o er, their relative
advantages and individual performance characteristics.

Realtime lighting
By default, lights in Unity - directional, spot and point, are realtime. This means that they contribute direct light to
the scene and update every frame. As lights and GameObjects are moved within the scene, lighting will be
updated immediately. This can be observed in both the scene and game views.

The e ect of realtime light alone. Note that shadows are completely black as there is no bounced
light. Only surfaces falling within the cone of the spot light are a ected.
Realtime lighting is the most basic way of lighting objects within the scene and is useful for illuminating characters
or other movable geometry.
Unfortunately, the light rays from Unity’s realtime lights do not bounce when they are used by themselves. In
order to create more realistic scenes using techniques such as global illumination we need to enable Unity’s
precomputed lighting solutions.

Baked lightmaps
Unity can calculate complex static lighting e ects (using a technique called global illumination, or GI) and store
them in a reference texture map called a lightmap. This calculation process is referred to as baking.
When baking a lightmap, the e ects of light sources on static objects in the scene are calculated and the results
are written to textures which are overlaid on top of scene geometry to create the e ect of lighting.

Left: A simple lightmapped scene. Right: The lightmap texture generated by Unity. Note how both
shadow and light information is captured.
These lightmaps can include both the direct light which strikes a surface and also the indirect light that bounces
from other objects or surfaces within the scene. This lighting texture can be used together with surface
information like color (albedo) and relief (normals) by the Shader associated with an object’s material.

With baked lighting, these lightmaps cannot change during gameplay and so are referred to as ‘static’. Realtime
lights can be overlaid and used additively on top of a lightmapped scene but cannot interactively change the
lightmaps themselves.
With this approach, we trade the ability to move our lights at gameplay for a potential increase in performance,
suiting less powerful hardware such as mobile platforms.
See the Lighting window reference and Using precomputed lighting for more information.

Precomputed realtime global illumination
Whilst static lightmaps are unable to react to changes in lighting conditions within the scene, precomputed
realtime GI does o er us a technique for updating complex scene lighting interactively.
With this approach it is possible to create lit environments featuring rich global illumination with bounced light
which responds, in realtime, to lighting changes. A good example of this would be a time of day system - where
the position and color of the light source changes over time. With traditional baked lighting, this is not possible.

A simple example of time of day using Precomputed Realtime GI.
In order to deliver these e ects at playable framerates, we need to shift some of the lengthy number-crunching
from being a realtime process to one which is precomputed.
Precomputing shifts the burden of calculating complex light behaviour from something that happens during
gameplay, to something which can be calculated when time is no longer so critical. We refer to this as an ‘o ine’
For further information, please see the lighting and rendering tutorial.

Bene ts and costs
Although it is possible to simultaneously use Baked GI lighting and Precomputed Realtime GI, be wary that the
performance cost of rendering both systems simultaneously is exactly the sum of them both. Not only do we
have to store both sets of lightmaps in video memory, but we also pay the processing cost of decoding both in
The cases in which you may wish to choose one lighting method over another depend on the nature of your
project and the performance capabilities of your intended hardware. For example, on mobile where video
memory and processing power is more limited, it is likely that a Baked GI lighting approach would be more
performant. On standalone computers with dedicated graphics hardware, or recent games consoles, it is quite
possible to use Precomputed Realtime GI or even to use both systems simultaneously.
The decision on which approach to take will have to be evaluated based on the nature of your particular project
and desired target platform. Remember that when targeting a range of di erent hardware, that often it is the
least performant which will determine which approach is needed.
See also: Light Troubleshooting and Performance

Lighting Window

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The Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings) is the main control point for Unity’s Global Illumination
(GI) features. Although GI in Unity gives good results with default settings, the Lighting window’s properties allow you to adjust
many aspects of the GI process, to customise your Scene or optimise for quality, speed and storage space as you need. This
window also includes settings for ambient light, halos, cookies and fog.

The controls of the Lighting window are divided among three tabs:
The Scene tab settings apply to the overall Scene rather than individual GameObjects. These settings control lighting e ects and
also optimisation options.
The Global maps tab shows all of the lightmap Asset les generated by the GI lighting process.
The Object maps tab shows previews of GI lightmap textures (including shadow masks) for the currently selected GameObject.
The window also has an Auto Generate checkbox below the displayed content. If you tick this checkbox, Unity updates lightmap
data as you edit the Scene. Note that the update usually takes a few seconds rather than happening instantaneously. If you leave
the Auto Generate box unticked, the Generate Lighting button to the right of the checkbox becomes active; use this button to
trigger lightmap updates when you need them. Use the Generate Lighting button if you want to clear the baked data from the
Scene without clearing the GI Cache.

Scene tab
The Scene tab contains settings that apply to the overall Scene, rather than individual GameObjects. The Scene tab contains
several sections:

Realtime Lighting
Mixed Lighting
Lightmapping Settings
Other Settings
Debug Settings

The Environmental Lighting section contains settings for the skybox, di use lighting and re ections.


A skybox is a Material that appears behind everything else in the Scene to simulate the sky or
Skybox Material other distant background. Use this property to choose the skybox Material you want to use for
the Scene. The default value is the Material Default-Skybox in the Standard Assets.
Sun Source

When a procedural skybox is used, use this to specify a GameObject with a directional Light
component to indicate the direction of the “sun” (or whatever large, distant light source is
illuminating your Scene). If this is set to None (the default), the brightest directional light in the
Scene is assumed to represent the sun.


These settings a ect light coming from the distant environment.


Di use environmental light (also known as ambient light) is light that is present all around the
Scene and doesn’t come from any speci c source object. Use this to de ne a source colour.
The default value is Skybox.


Select this to use a at color for all ambient light in the Scene.
Select this to choose separate colors for ambient light from the sky, horizon and ground, and
blend smoothly between them.
Select this to use the colors of the skybox (if speci ed by the Skybox Material) to determine
the ambient light coming from di erent angles. This allows for more precise e ects than
Use this to set the brightness of the di use environmental light in the Scene, de ned as a
value between 0 and 8. The default value is 1.
Use this to specify the Global Illumination mode that should be used to handling ambient light
Ambient Mode in the Scene. This property is only available when both real-time lighting and baked lighting are
enabled in the Scene.
Choose Realtime if you want the ambient light in the Scene to be calculated and updated in
real time.
Choose Baked if you want the ambient light to be precomputed and set into the Scene at run
These settings control global settings involved in Re ection Probe baking, and settings
Re ections
a ecting global re ections.
Use this setting to specify whether you want to use the skybox for re ection e ects, or a cube
map of your choice. The default value is Skybox.
Select this to use the skybox for re ections. If you select Skybox, an additional option called
Resolution appears. Use this to set the resolution of the skybox for re ection purposes.
Select this to use a cube map for re ections. If you select Custom, an additional option called
Cubemap appears. Use this to set the cube map of the skybox for re ection purposes.
Use this to de ne whether or not re ection textures are compressed. The default setting is
The re ection texture is compressed if the compression format is suitable.
Uncompressed The re ection texture is stored in memory uncompressed.
Compressed The texture is compressed.
The degree to which the re ection source (the skybox or cube map speci ed in the Re ection
Source property) is visible in re ective objects.
A re ection “bounce” occurs when a re ection from one object is then re ected by another
object. The re ections are captured in the scene through the use of Re ection Probes. Use this
property to set how many times the Re ection Probes evaluate bounces back and forth
between objects. If this is set to 1, then Unity only takes the initial re ection (from the skybox
or cube map speci ed in the Re ection Source property) into account.

Realtime Lighting

Realtime Global If this checkbox is ticked, Unity calculates and updates the lighting in real time. See
documentation on Realtime Global Illumination for more information.

Mixed Lighting

If this checkbox is ticked, Unity precomputes the lighting and sets it into the Scene at run time. See
documentation on Baked Global Illumination for more information.
Lighting Mode determines the way Mixed Lights and shadows work with GameObjects in the
Note: When you change the Lighting Mode, you also need to re-bake the Scene. If Auto Generate
is enabled in the Lighting window, this happens automatically. If Auto Generate is not enabled,
click Generate Lighting to see the updated lighting e ect.
De ne the color used to render real-time shadows. This setting is only available when Lighting
Mode is set to Subtractive.

Lightmapping Settings
Lightmapping Settings are speci c to the Lightmapper backend. Unlike other settings, they’re not shared and have their own
parameters. To see full settings information for each lighting system, see documentation on Progressive Lightmapper and

Other Settings
This section provides documentation for the Other Settings section.


Settings for fog, Halos, Flares and Cookies.


Enables or disables fog in the Scene. Note that fog is not available with the Deferred rendering
path. For deferred rendering, the Post-processing fog e ect e ect might be suitable.
Use the color picker to set the color Unity uses to draw fog in the Scene.
De ne the way in which the fogging accumulates with distance from the camera.


Fog density increases linearly with distance.
Set the distance from the Camera at which the fog starts.


Set the distance from the Camera at which the fog completely obscures Scene GameObjects.
Exponential Fog density increases exponentially with distance.
Use this to control the density of the fog. The fog appears more dense as the Density increases.
Fog density increases faster with distance (exponentially and squared).
Use this to control the density of the fog. The fog appears more dense as the Density increases.
Set the Texture you want to use for drawing a Halo around lights.
De ne the visibility of Halos around Lights, from a value between 0 and 1.
Flare Fade De ne the time (in seconds) over which lens ares fade from view after initially appearing. This is
set to 3 by default.
De ne the visibility of lens ares from lights, from a value between 0 and 1.
Spot Cookie Set the Cookie texture you want to use for spot lights.

Debug settings

Light Probe
Only Probes
Used By
All Probes
No Cells
All Probes
With Cells

Settings that help you debug your Scene.
Use this to lter which Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view. The default value is Only
Probes Used By Selection.
Only Light Probes that a ect the current selection are visualized in the Scene view.
All Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view.
All Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view, and the tetrahedrons that are used for
interpolation of Light Probe data are also displayed.
No Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view.
When ticked, Unity draws a line from the Light Probe used for the active selection to the
positions on the tetrahedra used for interpolation. This is a way to debug probe interpolation
and placement problems.
When ticked, Unity displays occlusion data for Light Probes if the Mixed lighting mode is
Distance Shadowmask or Shadowmask.

Global maps tab

Use the Global maps tab to view the actual textures in use by the lighting system. These include intensity light maps, shadow
masks and directionality maps. This is only available when Baked lighting or Mixed lighting is used; the preview is blank for
Realtime lighting.

Object maps tab
Use the Object maps tab to see previews of baked textures for the currently selected* *GameObject only, including shadow

2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Updated in 5.6
Lightmapping section and Debug settings updated in 2018.1

Light Explorer

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The Light Explorer allows you to select and edit light sources. To open the Light Explorer from the menu, navigate to Window >
Rendering > Light Explorer.

Use the four tabs at the top of the panel to view settings for the Lights, Re ection Probes, Light Probes, and Static Emissives in the
current Scene. The editable parameters are the most commonly-used elds for each component type.
Use the search eld to lter each table for names. You can also select the lights you want to work on, then tick the Lock Selection
checkbox. Only the lights that were selected when the checkbox was ticked remain listed in the Light Explorer, even if you select a
di erent Light in the Scene.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Updated in 5.6

Light sources

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Lighting in Unity is primarily provided by Light objects. There are also two other ways of creating light (ambient
light and emissive materials), depending on the method of lighting you have chosen.
The following sections detail the various ways of creating light in Unity.

Types of light

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This section details the many di erent ways of creating light in Unity.

Point lights
A point light is located at a point in space and sends light out in all directions equally. The direction of light hitting a surface is the
line from the point of contact back to the center of the light object. The intensity diminishes with distance from the light, reaching
zero at a speci ed range. Light intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. This is known as
‘inverse square law’ and is similar to how light behaves in the real world.


Point lights are useful for simulating lamps and other local sources of light in a scene. You can also use them to make a spark or
explosion illuminate its surroundings in a convincing way.

E ect of a Point Light in the scene

Spot lights

Like a point light, a spot light has a speci ed location and range over which the light falls o . However, the spot light is constrained
to an angle, resulting in a cone-shaped region of illumination. The center of the cone points in the forward (Z) direction of the light
object. Light also diminishes at the edges of the spot light’s cone. Widening the angle increases the width of the cone and with it
increases the size of this fade, known as the ‘penumbra’.


Spot lights are generally used for arti cial light sources such as ashlights, car headlights and searchlights. With the direction
controlled from a script or animation, a moving spot light will illuminate just a small area of the scene and create dramatic lighting
e ects.

E ect of a Spot Light in the scene

Directional lights

Directional lights are very useful for creating e ects such as sunlight in your scenes. Behaving in many ways like the sun,
directional lights can be thought of as distant light sources which exist in nitely far away. A directional light does not have any
identi able source position and so the light object can be placed anywhere in the scene. All objects in the scene are illuminated as
if the light is always from the same direction. The distance of the light from the target object is not de ned and so the light does
not diminish.

Direction only

Directional lights represent large, distant sources that come from a position outside the range of the game world. In a realistic
scene, they can be used to simulate the sun or moon. In an abstract game world, they can be a useful way to add convincing
shading to objects without exactly specifying where the light is coming from.

E ect of a Directional Light in the scene
By default, every new Unity scene contains a Directional Light. In Unity 5, this is linked to the procedural sky system de ned in the
Environment Lighting section of the Lighting Panel (Lighting>Scene>Skybox). You can change this behaviour by deleting the default
Directional Light and creating a new light or simply by specifying a di erent GameObject from the ‘Sun’ parameter
(Lighting>Scene>Sun). Rotating the default Directional Light (or ‘Sun’) causes the ‘Skybox’ to update. With the light angled to the
side, parallel to the ground, sunset e ects can be achieved. Additionally, pointing the light upwards causes the sky to turn black, as
if it were nighttime. With the light angled from above, the sky will resemble daylight. If the Skybox is selected as the ambient
source, Ambient Lighting will change in relation to these colors.

Area lights
An Area Light is de ned by a rectangle in space. Light is emitted in all directions uniformly across their surface area, but only
from one side of the rectangle. There is no manual control for the range of an Area Light, however intensity will diminish at inverse
square of the distance as it travels away from the source. Since the lighting calculation is quite processor-intensive, area lights are
not available at runtime and can only be baked into lightmaps.



Since an area light illuminates an object from several di erent directions at once, the shading tends to be more soft and subtle
than the other light types. You might use it to create a realistic street light or a bank of lights close to the player. A small area light
can simulate smaller sources of light (such as interior house lighting) but with a more realistic e ect than a point light.

Light is emitted across the surface of an Area Light producing a di use light with soft shadowing.

Emissive materials

Like area lights, emissive materials emit light across their surface area. They contribute to bounced light in your scene and
associated properties such as color and intensity can be changed during gameplay. Whilst area lights are not supported by
Precomputed Realtime GI, similar soft lighting e ects in realtime are still possible using emissive materials.
‘Emission’ is a property of the Standard Shader which allows static objects in our scene to emit light. By default the value of
‘Emission’ is set to zero. This means no light will be emitted by objects assigned materials using the Standard Shader.
There is no range value for emissive materials but light emitted will again fallo at a quadratic rate. Emission will only be received
by objects marked as ‘Static’ or “Lightmap Static’ from the Inspector. Similarly, emissive materials applied to non-static, or
dynamic geometry such as characters will not contribute to scene lighting.
However, materials with an emission above zero will still appear to glow brightly on-screen even if they are not contributing to
scene lighting. This e ect can also be produced by selecting ‘None’ from the Standard Shader’s ‘Global Illumination’ Inspector
property. Self-illuminating materials like these are a useful way to create e ects such as neons or other visible light sources.
Emissive materials only directly a ect static geometry in your scene. If you need dynamic, or non-static geometry - such as
characters, to pick up light from emissive materials, Light Probes must be used.

Ambient light
Ambient light is light that is present all around the scene and doesn’t come from any speci c source object. It can be an important
contributor to the overall look and brightness of a scene.
Ambient light can be useful in a number of cases, depending upon your chosen art style. An example would be bright, cartoonstyle rendering where dark shadows may be undesirable or where lighting is perhaps hand-painted into textures. Ambient light
can also be useful if you need to increase the overall brightness of a scene without adjusting individual lights.
Ambient light settings can be found in the Lighting window.

The Light Inspector

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Lights determine the shading of an object and the shadows it casts. As such, they are a fundamental part of graphical rendering.
See documentation on lighting and Global Illumination for further details about lighting concepts in Unity.


The current type of light. Possible values are Directional, Point, Spot and Area (see the lighting
overview for details of these types).
De ne how far the light emitted from the center of the object travels (Point and Spot lights only).
Spot Angle
De ne the angle (in degrees) at the base of a spot light’s cone (Spot light only).
Use the color picker to set the color of the emitted light.
Specify the Light Mode used to determine if and how a light is “baked”. Possible modes are
Realtime, Mixed and Baked. See documentation on Realtime Lighting, Mixed Lighting, and
Baked Lighting for more detailed information.
Set the brightness of the light. The default value for a Directional light is 0.5. The default value
for a Point, Spot or Area light is 1.
Use this value to vary the intensity of indirect light. Indirect light is light that has bounced from
one object to another. The Indirect Multiplier de nes the brightness of bounced light calculated
by the global illumination (GI) system. If you set Indirect Multiplier to a value lower than 1, the
bounced light becomes dimmer with every bounce. A value higher than 1 makes light brighter
with each bounce. This is useful, for example, when a dark surface in shadow (such as the interior
of a cave) needs to be brighter in order to make detail visible. Alternatively, if you want to use
Realtime Global Illumination, but want to limit a single real-time Light so that it only emits direct
light, set its Indirect Multiplier to 0.
Determine whether this Light casts Hard Shadows, Soft Shadows, or no shadows at all. See
Shadow Type
documentation on Shadows for information on hard and soft shadows.
If Type is set to Directional and Shadow Type is set to Soft Shadows, this property adds some
Shadow Angle arti cial softening to the edges of shadows and gives them a more natural look.


If Type is set to Point or Spot and Shadow Type is set to Soft Shadows, this property adds some
arti cial softening to the edges of shadows and gives them a more natural look.

These properties are available when Shadow Type is set to Hard Shadows or Soft Shadows.
Use these properties to control real-time shadow rendering settings.
Use the slider to control how dark the shadows cast by this Light are, represented by a value
between 0 and 1. This is set to 1 by default.
Control the rendered resolution of shadow maps. A higher resolution increases the delity of
shadows, but requires more GPU time and memory usage.
Use the slider to control the distance at which shadows are pushed away from the light, de ned
as a value between 0 and 2. This is useful for avoiding false self-shadowing artifacts. See Shadow
mapping and the bias property for more information. This is set to 0.05 by default.
Use the slider to control distance at which the shadow casting surfaces are shrunk along the
surface normal, de ned as a value between 0 and 3. This is useful for avoiding false selfBias
shadowing artifacts. See documentation on Shadow mapping and the bias property for more
information. This is set to 0.4 by default.
Use the slider to control the value for the near clip plane when rendering shadows, de ned as a
value between 0.1 and 10. This value is clamped to 0.1 units or 1% of the light’s Range property,
whichever is lower. This is set to 0.2 by default.
Specify a Texture mask through which shadows are cast (for example, to create silhouettes, or
patterned illumination for the Light).
Tick this box to draw a spherical Halo of light with a diameter equal to the Range value. You can
also use the Halo component to achieve this. Note that the Halo component is drawn in
Draw Halo
addition to the halo from the Light component, and that the Halo component__’s Size__
parameter determines its radius, not its diameter.
If you want to set a Flare to be rendered at the Light’s position, place an Asset in this eld to be
used as its source.
Use this drop-down to set the rendering priority of the selected Light. This can a ect lighting
Render Mode
delity and performance (see Performance Considerations, below).
The rendering method is determined at run time, depending on the brightness of nearby lights
and the current Quality Settings.
The light is always rendered at per-pixel quality. Use Important mode only for the most
noticeable visual e ects (for example, the headlights of a player’s car).
The light is always rendered in a faster, vertex/object light mode.
Use this to selectively exclude groups of objects from being a ected by the Light. For more
Culling Mask
information, see Layers.


If you create a Texture that contains an alpha channel and assign it to the Cookie variable of the light, the cookie is projected
from the light. The cookie’s alpha mask modulates the light’s brightness, creating light and dark spots on surfaces. This is a great
way to add complexity or atmosphere to a scene.
All built-in shaders in Unity seamlessly work with any type of light. However, VertexLit shaders cannot display Cookies or
All Lights can optionally cast Shadows. To do this, set the Shadow Type property of each individual Light to either Hard Shadows
or Soft Shadows. See documentation on Shadows for more information.

Directional Light Shadows

See documentation on directional light shadows for an in-depth explanation of how they work. Note that shadows are disabled
for directional lights with cookies when forward rendering is used. It is possible to write custom shaders to enable shadows in
this case; see documentation on writing surface shaders for further details.

Spot lights with cookies can be extremely e ective for creating the e ect of light coming in from a window.
Low-intensity point lights are good for providing depth to a Scene.
For maximum performance, use a VertexLit shader. This shader only does per-vertex lighting, giving a much
higher throughput on low-end cards.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Updated in 5.6

Using Lights

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Lights are very easy to use in Unity - you simply need to create a light of the desired type (eg, from the menu GameObject
> Light > Point Light) and place it where you want it in the scene. If you enable scene view lighting (the “sun” button on
the toolbar) then you can see a preview of how the lighting will look as you move light objects and set their parameters.
"Sun" button enables scene lighting

A directional light can generally be placed anywhere in the scene (except when it is using a Cookie) with the forward/Z
axis indicating the direction. A spot light also has a direction but since it has a limited range, its position does matter. The
shape parameters of spot, point and area lights can be adjusted from the inspector or by using the lights’ Gizmos directly
in the scene view.

A spot light with Gizmos visible

Guidelines for Placing Lights
A directional light often represents the sun and has a signi cant e ect on the look of a scene. The direction of the light
should point slightly downwards but you will usually want to make sure that it also makes a slight angle with major
objects in the scene. For example, a roughly cubic object will be more interestingly shaded and appear to “pop” out in 3D
much more if the light isn’t coming head-on to one of the faces.
Spot lights and point lights usually represent arti cial light sources and so their positions are usually determined by scene
objects. One common pitfall with these lights is that they appear to have no e ect at all when you rst add them to the
scene. This happens when you adjust the range of the light to t neatly within the scene. The range of a light is the limit at

which the light’s brightness dims to zero. If you set, say, a spot light so the base of the cone neatly lands on the oor then
the light will have little or no e ect unless another object passes underneath it. If you want the level geometry to be
illuminated then you should expand point and spot lights so they pass through the walls and oors.

Color and Intensity
A light’s color and intensity (brightness) are properties you can set from the inspector. The default intensity and white
color are ne for “ordinary” lighting that you use to apply shading to objects but you might want to vary the properties to
produce special e ects. For example, a glowing green force eld might be bright enough to bathe surrounding objects in
intense green light; car headlights (especially on older cars) typically have a slight yellow color rather than brilliant white.
These e ects are most often used with point and spot lights but you might change the color of a directional light if, say,
your game is set on a distant planet with a red sun.


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In theatre and lm, lighting e ects have long been used to create an impression of objects that don’t really exist in the set. Jungle
explorers may appear to be covered in shadows from an imaginary tree canopy. A prison scene often shows the light coming through
the barred window, even though the window and indeed the wall are not really part of the set. Though very atmospheric, the shadows
are created very simply by placing a shaped mask in between the light source and the action. The mask is known as a cucoloris or cookie
for short. Unity lights allow you to add cookies in the form of textures; these provide an e cient way to add atmosphere to a scene.

A directional light cookie simulating light from a window

Creating a Cookie

A cookie is just an ordinary texture but only the alpha/transparency channel is relevant. When you import a cookie, Unity gives you the
option to convert the brightness of the image to alpha so it is often easier to design your cookie as a grayscale texture. You can use any
available image editor to create a cookie and save it to your project’s Assets folder.

A simple cookie for a window light
When the cookie is imported into Unity, select it from the Project view and set the Texture Type to Cookie in the inspector. You should
also enable Alpha From Grayscale unless you have already designed the image’s alpha channel yourself.

The Light Type a ects the way the cookie is projected by the light. Since a point light projects in all directions, the cookie texture must be
in the form of a Cubemap. A spot light should use a cookie with the type set to Spotlight but a directional light can actually use either
the Spotlight or Directional options. A directional light with a directional cookie will repeat the cookie in a tiled pattern all over the scene.
When a spotlight cookie is used, the cookie will appear just once in the direct path of the “beam” of the light; this is the only case where
the position of a directional light is important.

The window cookie “tiled” in directional mode

Applying a Cookie to a Light

When the texture is imported, drag it to the Light’s Cookie property in the inspector to apply it.

The spot light and point light simply scale the cookie according to the size of the cone or sphere. The directional light has an additional
option Cookie Size that lets you scale the cookie yourself; the scaling works with both Spotlight and Directional cookie types.

Uses of Cookies
Cookies are often used to change the shape of a light so it matches a detail “painted” in the scene. For example, a dark tunnel may have
striplights along the ceiling. If you use standard spot lights for illumination then the beams will have an unexpected round shape but
you could use cookies to restrict the lights to a thin rectangle. A monitor screen may cast a green glow onto the face of the character
using it but the glow should be restricted to a small box shape.
Note that a cookie need not be completely black and white but can also incorporate any grayscale level. This can be useful for
simulating dust or dirt in the path of the light. For example, if a game scene takes place in a long abandoned house, you could add
atmosphere by using “dirty” cookies with noise on the windows and other light sources. Similarly, car headlight glass usually contains
ridges that create “caustic” patterns of slightly lighter and darker areas in the beam; another good use for a cookie.


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Unity’s lights can cast Shadows from an object onto other parts of itself or onto other nearby objects. Shadows
add a degree of depth and realism to a scene since they bring out the scale and position of objects that can
otherwise look “ at”.

Scene with objects casting shadows

How do shadows work?
Consider the simplest case of a scene with a single light source. Light rays travel in straight lines from that source
and may eventually hit objects in the scene. Once a ray has hit an object, it can’t travel any further to illuminate
anything else (ie, it “bounces” o the rst object and doesn’t pass through). The shadows cast by the object are
simply the areas that are not illuminated because the light couldn’t reach them.

Illuminated area

Shadow where light
doesn't reach the
Another way to look at this is to imagine a camera at the same position as the light. The areas of the scene that
are in shadow are precisely those areas that the camera can’t see.

A “light’s eye view” of the same scene
In fact, this is exactly how Unity determines the positions of shadows from a light. The light uses the same
principle as a camera to “render” the scene internally from its point of view. A depth bu er system, as used by
scene cameras, keeps track of the surfaces that are closest to the light; surfaces in a direct line of sight receive
illumination but all the others are in shadow. The depth map in this case is known as a Shadow Map (you may
nd the Wikipedia Page on shadow mapping useful for further information).
The sections below give details on casting shadows from Unity’s Light objects.


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Unity’s lights can cast Shadows from a GameObject onto other parts of itself or onto other nearby GameObjects. Shadows add a
degree of depth and realism to a Scene, because they bring out the scale and position of GameObjects that can otherwise look at.

Scene with GameObjects casting shadows

How do Shadows work?

Consider a simple Scene with a single light source. Light rays travel in straight lines from that source, and may eventually hit
GameObjects in the Scene. Once a ray has hit a GameObject, it can’t travel any further to illuminate anything else (that is, it
“bounces” o the rst GameObject and doesn’t pass through). The shadows cast by the GameObject are simply the areas that are
not illuminated because the light couldn’t reach them.

Illuminated area

Shadow where light
doesn't reach the
Another way to look at this is to imagine a Camera at the same position as the light. The areas of the Scene that are in shadow are
precisely those areas that the Camera can’t see.

A “light’s eye view” of the same Scene
In fact, this is exactly how Unity determines the positions of shadows from a light. The light uses the same principle as a Camera to
“render” the Scene internally from its point of view. A depth bu er system, as used by Scene Cameras, keeps track of the surfaces
that are closest to the light; surfaces in a direct line of sight receive illumination but all the others are in shadow. The depth map in
this case is known as a Shadow Map (you may nd the Wikipedia Page on shadow mapping useful for further information).

Enabling Shadows
Use the Shadow Type property in the Inspector to enable and de ne shadows for an individual light.


The Hard Shadows setting produces shadows with a sharp edge. Hard shadows are not particularly
realistic compared to Soft Shadows but they involve less processing, and are acceptable for many
purposes. Soft shadows also tend to reduce the “blocky” aliasing e ect from the shadow map.
This determines how dark the shadows are. In general, some light is scattered by the atmosphere and
re ected o other GameObjects, so you usually don’t want shadows to be set to maximum strength.
This sets the rendering resolution for the shadow map’s “Camera” mentioned above. If your shadows
have very visible edges, then you might want to increase this value.
Use this to ne-tune the position and de nition of your shadow. See Shadow mapping and the Bias
property, below, for more information.
Use this to ne-tune the position and de nition of your shadow. See Shadow mapping and the Bias
property, below, for more information.
This allows you to choose the value for the near plane when rendering shadows. GameObjects closer
than this distance to the light do not cast any shadows.
Each Mesh Renderer in the Scene also has a Cast Shadows and a Receive Shadows property, which must be enabled as

Enable Cast Shadows by selecting On from the drop-down menu to enable or disable shadow casting for the mesh. Alternatively,
select Two Sided to allow shadows to be cast by either side of the surface (so backface culling is ignored for shadow casting
purposes), or Shadows Only to allow shadows to be cast by an invisible GameObject.

Shadow mapping and the Bias property
The shadows for a given Light are determined during the nal Scene rendering. When the Scene is rendered to the main Camera
view, each pixel position in the view is transformed into the coordinate system of the Light. The distance of a pixel from the Light is
then compared to the corresponding pixel in the shadow map. If the pixel is more distant than the shadow map pixel, then it is
presumably obscured from the Light by another GameObject and it obtains no illumination.

Correct shadowing
A surface directly illuminated by a Light sometimes appears to be partly in shadow. This is because pixels that should be exactly at
the distance speci ed in the shadow map are sometimes calculated as being further away (this is a consequence of using shadow
ltering, or a low-resolution image for the shadow map). The result is arbitrary patterns of pixels in shadow when they should really
be lit, giving a visual e ect known as “shadow acne”.

Shadow acne in the form of false self-shadowing artifacts
To prevent shadow acne, a Bias value can be added to the distance in the shadow map to ensure that pixels on the borderline
de nitely pass the comparison as they should, or to ensure that while rendering into the shadow map, GameObjects can be inset a
little bit along their normals. These values are set by the Bias and Normal Bias properties in the Light Inspector window when
shadows are enabled.
Do not set the Bias value too high, because areas around a shadow near the GameObject casting it are sometimes falsely
illuminated. This results in a disconnected shadow, making the GameObject look as if it is ying above the ground.

A high Bias value makes the shadow appear “disconnected” from the GameObject
Likewise, setting the Normal Bias value too high makes the shadow appear too narrow for the GameObject:

A high Normal Bias value makes the shadow shape too narrow
In some situations, Normal Bias can cause an unwanted e ect called “light bleeding”, where light bleeds through from nearby
geometry into areas that should be shadowed. A potential solution is to open the GameObject’s Mesh Renderer and change the
Cast Shadows property to Two Sided. This can sometimes help, although it can be more resource-instensive and increase
performance overhead when rendering the Scene.
The bias values for a Light may need tweaking to make sure that unwanted e ects occur. It is generally easier to gauge the right
value by eye rather than attempting to calculate it.
To further prevent shadow acne we are using a technique known as Shadow pancaking (see Directional light shadows: Shadow
pancaking). This generally works well, but can create visual artifacts for very large triangles.

A low Shadow near plane o set value create the appearance of holes in shadows
Tweak the Shadow Near Plane O set property to troubleshoot this problem. Setting this value too high introduces shadow acne.

Correct shadowing

Directional light shadows

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A directional light typically simulates sunlight and a single light can illuminate the whole of a scene. This means that the
shadow map will often cover a large portion of the scene at once and this makes the shadows susceptible to a problem called
perspective aliasing. Perspective aliasing means that shadow map pixels seen close to the camera look enlarged and chunky
compared to those farther away.

Shadows in the distance (A) have an appropriate resolution, whereas shadows close to camera (B) show
perspective aliasing.
Perspective aliasing is less noticeable when you are using soft shadows and a high resolution for the shadow map. However,
using these features will increase demands on the graphics hardware and so framerate might su er.

Shadow cascades
The reason perspective aliasing occurs is that di erent areas of the shadow map are scaled disproportionately by the camera’s
perspective. The shadow map from a light needs to cover only the part of the scene visible to the camera, which is de ned by
the camera’s view frustum. If you imagine a simple case where the directional light comes directly from above, you can see the
relationship between the frustum and the shadow map.



The distant end of the frustum is covered by 20 pixels of shadow map while the near end is covered by only 4 pixels. However,
both ends appear the same size onscreen. The result is that the resolution of the map is e ectively much less for shadow areas
that are close to the camera. (Note that in reality, the resolution is much higher than 20x20 and the map is usually not perfectly
square-on to the camera.)
Using a higher resolution for the whole map can reduce the e ect of the chunky areas but this uses up more memory and
bandwidth while rendering. You will notice from the diagram, though, that a large part of the shadow map is wasted at the
near end of the frustum because it will never be seen; also shadow resolution far away from the camera is likely to be too high.
It is possible to split the frustum area into two zones based on distance from the camera. The zone at the near end can use a
separate shadow map at a reduced size (but with the same resolution) so that the number of pixels is evened out somewhat.

These staged reductions in shadow map size are known as cascaded shadow maps (sometimes called “Parallel Split Shadow
Maps”). From the Quality Settings, you can set zero, two or four cascades for a given quality level.

The more cascades you use, the less your shadows will be a ected by perspective aliasing, but increasing the number does
come with a rendering overhead. However, this overhead is still less than it would be if you were to use a high resolution map
across the whole shadow.

Shadow from the earlier example with four cascades

Shadow distance

Shadows from objects tend to become less noticeable the farther the objects are from the camera; they appear smaller
onscreen and also, distant objects are usually not the focus of attention. Unity lets you take advantage of this e ect by
providing a Shadow Distance property in the Quality Settings. Objects beyond this distance (from the camera) cast no shadows
at all, while the shadows from objects approaching this distance gradually fade out.
Set the shadow distance as low as possible to help improve rendering performance. This works because distant objects do not
need to be rendered into the shadow map at all. Additionally, the Scene often looks better with distant shadows removed.
Getting the shadow distance right is especially important for performance on mobile platforms, because they don’t support
shadow cascades. If the current camera far plane is smaller than the shadow distance, Unity uses the camera far plane instead
of the shadow distance.

Visualising shadow parameter adjustments
The Scene View has a draw mode called Shadow Cascades, which uses coloration to show the parts of the Scene using
di erent cascade levels. Use this to help you get the shadow distance, cascade count and cascade split ratios just right. Note
that this visualization use the Scene view far plane, which is usually bigger than the shadow distance, so you might need to
lower the Shadow distance if you want to match the in-game behavior of the Camera with a small far plane.

Shadow Cascades draw mode in the Scene View

Shadow Pancaking

To further prevent shadow acne we are using a technique known as Shadow pancaking. The idea is to reduce the range of the
light space used when rendering the shadow map along the light direction. This lead to an increased precision in the shadow
map, reducing shadow acne.

A diagram showing the shadow pancaking principle
In the above digram:

The light blue circles represent the shadow casters
The dark blue rectangle represents the original light space
The green line represents the optimized near plane (excluding any shadow casters not visible in the view
Clamp these shadow casters to the near clip plane of the optimized space (in the Vertex Shader). Note that while this works
well in general, it can create artifacts for very large triangles crossing the near clip plane:

Large triangle problem
In this case, only one vertex of the blue triangle is behind the near clip plane and gets clamped to it. However, this alters the
triangle shape, and can create incorrect shadowing.
You can tweak the Shadow Near Plane O set property from the Quality Settings to avoid this problem. This pulls back the
near clip plane. However, setting this value very high eventually introduces shadow acne, because it raises the range that the

shadow map needs to cover in the light direction. Alternatively, you can also tesselate the problematic shadow casting
triangles. See the bias section in Shadow Overview for more information.

Global Illumination

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Global Illumination (GI) is a system that models how light is bounced o of surfaces onto other surfaces (indirect
light) rather than being limited to just the light that hits a surface directly from a light source (direct light).
Modelling indirect lighting allows for e ects that make the virtual world seem more realistic and connected, since
objects a ect each other’s appearance. One classic example is ‘color bleeding’ where, for example, sunlight hitting
a red sofa will cause red light to be bounced onto the wall behind it. Another is when sunlight hits the oor at the
opening of a cave and bounces around inside so the inner parts of the cave are illuminated too.

Global illumination in the Scene View. Note the subtle e ect of indirect lighting.

GI concepts
Traditionally, video games and other realtime graphics applications have been limited to direct lighting, while the
calculations required for indirect lighting were too slow so they could only be used in non-realtime situations such
as CG animated lms. A way for games to work around this limitation is to calculate indirect light only for objects
and surfaces that are known ahead of time to not move around (that are static). That way the slow computation
can be done ahead of time, but since the objects don’t move, the indirect light that is pre-calculated this way will
still be correct at runtime. Unity supports this technique, called Baked GI (also known as Baked Lightmaps), which
is named after “the bake” - the process in which the indirect light is precalculated and stored (baked). In addition
to indirect light, Baked GI also takes advantage of the greater computation time available to generate more
realistic soft shadows from area lights and indirect light than what can normally be achieved with realtime

Additionally, Unity 5.0 adds support for a new technique called Precomputed Realtime GI. It still requires a
precomputation phase similar to the bake mentioned above, and it is still limited to static objects. However it
doesn’t just precompute how light bounces in the scene at the time it is built, but rather it precomputes all
possible light bounces and encodes this information for use at runtime. So essentially for all static objects it
answers the question “if any light hits this surface, where does it bounce to?” Unity then saves this information
about which paths light can propagate by for later use. The nal lighting is done at runtime by feeding the actual
lights present into these previously computed light propagation paths.
This means that the number and type of lights, their position, direction and other properties can all be changed
and the indirect lighting will update accordingly. Similarly it’s also possible to change material properties of
objects, such as their color, how much light they absorb or how much light they emit themselves.
While Precomputed Realtime GI also results in soft shadows, they will typically have to be more coarse-grained
than what can be achieved with Baked GI unless the scene is very small. Also note that while Precomputed
Realtime GI does the nal lighting at runtime, it does so iteratively over several frames, so if a big a change is
done in the lighting, it will take more frames for it to fully take e ect. And while this is fast enough for realtime
applications, if the target platform has very constrained resources it may be better to to use Baked GI for better
runtime performance.

Limitations of GI
Both Baked GI and Precomputed Realtime GI have the limitation that only static objects can be included in the
bake/precomputation - so moving objects cannot bounce light onto other objects and vice versa. However they
can still pick up bounce light from static objects using Light Probes. Light Probes are positions in the scene where
the light is measured (probed) during the bake/precomputation, and then at runtime the indirect light that hits
non-static objects is approximated using the values from the probes that the object is closest to at any given
moment. So for example a red ball that rolls up next to a white wall would not bleed its color onto the wall, but a
white ball next to a red wall could pick up a red color bleed from the wall via the light probes.

Examples of GI e ects
Changing the direction and color of a directional light to simulate the e ect of the sun moving across the sky. By
modifying the skybox along with the directional light it is possible to create a realistic time-of-day e ect that is
updated at runtime. (In fact the new built-in procedural skybox makes it easy to do this).
As the day progresses the sunlight streaming in through a window moves across the oor, and this light is
realistically bounced around the room and onto the ceiling. When the sunlight reaches a red sofa, the red light is
bounced onto the wall behind it. Changing the color of the sofa from red to green will result in the color bleed on
the wall behind it turning from red to green too.
Animating the emissiveness of a neon sign’s material so it starts glowing onto its surroundings when it is turned
The following sections go into detail about how to use this feature.


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Unity provides two distinct techniques for precomputing global illumination (GI) and bounced lighting. These are Baked Global
Illumination and Precomputed Realtime Global Illumination. The Enlighten lighting system provides solutions for both.
To nd the following settings, navigate to Unity’s top menu and go to Window > Rendering > Lighting.


Makes Unity calculate and update lighting in real time. For more information, see documentation
on Realtime Global Illumination, and the Unity tutorial on Precomputed Realtime GI.

Speci es which lighting mode to use for all mixed lights in the Scene. Options are Baked Indirect,
Distance Shadowmask, Shadowmask, and Subtractive.
Speci es which internal lighting calculation software to use to calculate lightmaps in the Scene.
The options are Progressive and Enlighten. The default value is Progressive; set it to Enlighten to
use the system described in this page. If you want to use the Progressive system, see
documentation on the Progressive Lightmapper.
This property is only available when Realtime Global Illumination is enabled. Use this value to
specify the number of texels per unit to use for indirect lighting calculations. Increasing this value
improves the visual quality of indirect light, but also increases the time it takes to bake lightmaps.
The default value is 2. See the Unity tutorial on Realtime Resolution for details about Indirect
Speci es the number of texels per unit to use for lightmaps. Increasing this value improves
Resolution lightmap quality, but also increases bake times. The default value in a new Scene is 40.
Speci es the separation (in texel units) between separate shapes in the baked lightmap. The
default value is 2.
The size (in pixels) of the full lightmap texture, which incorporates separate regions for the
individual object textures. The default value is 1024.


Max Distance

Final Gather
Ray Count



Compresses lightmaps so that they require less storage space. However, the compression process
can introduce unwanted visual e ects into the texture. This property is checked by default.
Opens a group of settings which allow you to control the relative brightness of surfaces in ambient
occlusion. Higher values indicate a greater contrast between the occluded and fully lit areas. This
only applies to the indirect lighting calculated by the GI system. This property is enabled by default.
Sets a value to control how far the lighting system casts rays in order to determine whether or not
to apply occlusion to an object. A larger value produces longer rays and contributes more shadows
to the lightmap, while a smaller value produces shorter rays that contribute shadows only when
objects are very close to one another. A value of 0 casts an in nitely long ray that has no maximum
distance. The default value is 1.
Use the slider to scale the brightness of indirect light (that is, ambient light, or light bounced and
emitted from objects) in the nal lightmap, from a value between 0 and 10. The default value is 1.
Values less than 1 reduce the intensity, and values greater than 1 increase it.
Use the slider to scale the brightness of direct light from a value between 0 and 10. The default
value is 0. The higher this value is, the greater the contrast applied to the direct lighting.
Enable this if you want Unity to calculate the nal light bounce in the GI calculation at the same
resolution as the baked lightmap. This improves the visual quality of the lightmap, but at the cost of
additional baking time in the Editor.
De nes the number of rays emitted for each nal gather point. The default value is 256.
Applies a de-noising lter to the Final Gather output. This property is checked by default.
You can set up the lightmap to store information about the dominant incoming light at each point
on the surfaces of your GameObjects. See documentation on Directional Lightmapping for further
details. The default mode is Directional.
In Directional mode, Unity generates a second lightmap to store the dominant direction of
incoming light. This allows di use normal-mapped materials to work with the GI. Directional mode
requires about twice as much storage space for the additional lightmap data. Unity cannot decode
directional lightmaps on SM2.0 hardware or when using GLES2.0. They fall back to non-directional
In Non-directional mode, Unity does not generate a second lightmap for the dominant direction
of incoming light, and instead stores all lighting information in the same place.
Controls the brightness of the indirect light that Unity stores in real-time and baked lightmaps,
from a value between 0 and 5. A value above 1 increases the intensity of indirect light, and a value
of less than 1 reduces indirect light intensity. The default value is 1.
Controls the amount of light Unity bounces between surfaces by intensifying the albedo of
Materials in the Scene, from a value between 1 and 10. Increasing this draws the albedo value
towards white for indirect light computation. The default value is 1, which is physically accurate.
Unity uses a set of general parameters for the lightmapping in addition to Lighting window
properties of the. A few defaults are available from the menu for this property, but you can also
use the Create New option to create your own lightmap parameter le. See the Lightmap
Parameters page for further details. The default value is Default-Medium.

See the Precomputed Realtime GI tutorial to learn more about Enlighten optimizations.
Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1
2017–05–18 Page published with limited editorial review

Using precomputed lighting

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In Unity, precomputed lighting is calculated in the background either as an automatic process or when manually initiated.
In either case, it is possible to continue working in the editor while these processes run behind the scenes.
When the precompute process is running, a blue progress bar will appear in the bottom right of the Editor. There are
di erent stages which need to be completed depending on whether Baked GI or Precomputed Realtime GI is enabled.
Information on the current process is shown on-top of the progress bar.

Progress bar showing the current state of Unity’s precompute.
In the example above, we can see that we are at task 5 of 11 which is, ‘Clustering’ and there are 6 jobs remaining before
that task is complete and the precompute moves on to task 6. The various stages are listed below:
Precomputed Realtime GI

Create Geometry
Layout Systems
Create Systems
Create Atlas
Light Transport
Tetrahedralize Probes
Create ProbeSet

Ambient Probes
Baked/Realtime Ref. Probes
Baked GI

Create Geometry
Create Baked Systems
Baked Resources
Bake AO
Export Baked Texture
Bake Visibility
Bake Direct
Ambient and Emissive
Create Bake Systems
Bake Runtime
Upsampling Visibility
Bake Indirect
Final Gather
Bake ProbesSet

Starting a precompute

Only static geometry is considered by Unity’s precomputed lighting solutions. To begin the lighting precompute process
we need at least one GameObject marked as ‘static’ in our scene. This can either be done individually, or by shift-selecting
multiple GameObjects from the hierarchy panel.
From the Inspector panel, the Static checkbox can be selected (Inspector > Static). This will set all of the GameObject’s
‘static options’, or ‘ ags’, including navigation and batching, to be static, which may not be desirable. For Precomputed
Realtime GI, only ‘Lightmap Static’ needs to be checked.
For more ne-grained control, individual static options can be set from the drop-down list accessible to the right of the
Static checkbox in the Inspector panel. Additionally, objects can also be set to Static in the Object area of the lighting
If you set your Scene to Auto Generate (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings > Scene > Auto Generate),
Unity’s lighting precompute begins automatically, and updates automatically when any static geometry in your Scene
changes. If you do not enable Auto Generate, you must start the lighting precompute manually.

Auto/manual precompute
If you have checked Auto Generate in the bottom of Unity’s Lighting panel (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting
Settings > Scene > Auto Generate), this precompute begins automatically as a background process whenever the static
geometry within your Scene changes.
However, if you have not enabled Auto Generate, you must manually start the lighting precompute process by clicking
the ‘Build’ button next to it. This begins the precompute in much the same way, and gives you control over when this
process starts.
Auto Generate can be useful when working on smaller or less complex Scenes, because it quickly produces accurate
lighting results while you move or editing static GameObjects in your Scene. However, when working on large or complex
Scenes, you might prefer to switch to the manual option, so that your computer is not running a high CPU usage and
repeatedly re-starting the lighting precompute each time you modify your Scene.
When you manually initiate a precompute, all aspects of your Scene lighting are evaluated and computed. To recalculate
and bake just the Re ection Probes by themselves, click the drop-down menu attached to the Generate Lighting button
(menu: Window > Lighting Settings > Scene > Generate Lighting) and select Bake Re ection Probes.
NOTE: When using Auto Generate mode, Unity stores your lighting data in a temporary cache with a limited size. This
means that when you exceed the cache’s size, Unity deletes old lighting data. A problem might occur when building your
project if some of your Scenes rely on auto-generated lighting data that has been deleted. In this case, your Scenes might
not have the correct lighting in the built project. Therefore, before building your game, you should uncheck Auto
Generate, and generate the lighting data manually for all your Scenes. Unity then saves your lighting data as Asset les
in your project folder, which means you have the data saved as part of your project and included in your build.

Enabling Baked GI or Realtime GI
Unity enables both Baked GI and Realtime GI by default. Baked GI is all precomputed; Realtime GI carries out some
precomputation when indirect lighting is used. With both enabled, you then use each individual Light in your Scene to
control which GI system it should use (in the Light component, use the Mode setting to do this). See documentation on
the Lighting window and Global Illumination to learn more.
The most exible way to use the lighting system is to use Baked GI and Realtime GI together. However, this is also the
most performance-heavy option. To make your game less resource-intensive, you can choose to disable Realtime GI or
Baked GI. Note that doing this this reduces the exibility and functionality of your lighting system.

To manually enable or disable Global Illumination, open the Lighting window (Window > Lighting Settings > Scene). Tick
Realtime Global Illumination to enable Realtime GI, and tick Baked Global Illumination to enable Baked GI. Untick
these checkboxes to disable the respective GI system. If any Lights are set to the mode you have disabled, they are are
overridden and set to the active GI system.

Per-light settings
To set properties for each individual Light, select it in the Scene or Hierarchy window, then edit the settings on the Light
component in the Inspector window.
The default Mode for each light is Dynamic. This means that the Light contributes direct lighting to your Scene, and
Unity’s Realtime GI handles indirect lighting.
If you set the Light’s Mode to Static, then that Light only contributes lighting to Unity’s Baked GI system. Both direct and
indirect lighting from those Lights are baked into light maps, and cannot be changed during gameplay.
If you set the Light’s Mode to Stationary, GameObjects marked as Static still include this light in their Baked GI light
maps. However, unlike Lights marked as Static, Stationary Lights still contribute real-time lighting, based on the
stationary bake mode in the Lighting window (menu: Window > Lighting Settings). This is useful if you are using light
maps in a static environment, but you still want a good integration between dynamic and light map static geometry.

A Directional Light with the Mode set to Dynamic.
See documentation on Lighting Modes for more details.

GI cache
In either Baked GI or Precomputed Realtime GI, Unity caches (stores) data about your scene lighting in the ‘GI Cache’, and
will try to reuse this data whenever possible to save time during precompute. The number and nature of the changes you
have made to your scene will determine how much of this data can be reused, if at all.
This cache is stored outside of your Unity project and can be cleared using (Preference > GI Cache > Clear Cache).
Clearing this means that all stages of the precompute will need to be recalculated from the beginning and this can

therefore be time consuming. However in some cases, where perhaps you need to reduce disk usage, this may be

LOD for baked GI
Level-of-detail is taken into consideration when Unity generates baked lightmaps. Direct lighting is computed using the
actual surfaces of all LODs. Lower LOD levels use light probes to fetch indirect lighting. The resulting lighting is baked
into lightmap.
This means that you should place light probes around your LODs to capture indirect lighting. The object will not use
lightprobes at runtime if you use fully baked GI.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6

LOD and Realtime GI

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Read this page before you use Realtime Global Illumination (GI) on models which use the LOD (level of detail)
When you use Unity’s LOD system in a Scene with baked lighting and Realtime GI, the system lights the most
detailed model out of the LOD Group as if it is a regular static model. It uses lightmaps for direct and indirect
lighting, and separate lightmaps for Realtime GI.
To allow the baking system to produce real-time or baked lightmaps, select the GameObject you want to a ect,
view its Renderer component in the Inspector window, and check that Lightmap Static is enabled.
For lower LODs in an LOD Group, you can only combine baked lightmaps with Realtime GI from Light Probes or
Light Probe Proxy Volumes, which you must place around the LOD Group.
Whenever you use Realtime GI, the Renderer enables the Light Probes option for the lower LODs, even if you
enable Lightmap Static.

An animation showing how real-time ambient color a ects the Realtime GI used by lower LODs
2017–10–25 Page amended with editorial review

Added Realtime Global Illumination in 2017.3

Progressive Lightmapper

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Progressive Lightmapper is a fast path-tracing-based lightmapper system that provides baked lightmaps and Light Probes
with progressive updates in the Editor. It requires non-overlapping UVs with small area and angle errors, and su cient
padding between the charts.
Progressive Lightmapper takes a short preparation step to process geometry and instance updates, and generates the Gbu er and chart masks. It then produces the output immediately and progressively re nes it over time for a much-improved
interactive lighting work ow. Additionally, baking times are much more predictable because Progressive Lightmapper
provides an estimated time while it bakes.
Progressive Lightmapper also bakes global illumination (GI) at the lightmap resolution for each texel individually, without
upsampling schemes or relying on any irradiance caches or other global data structures. This makes it robust and allows you
to bake selected portions of lightmaps, which makes it faster for you to test and iterate on your Scene.
For an in-depth video showing the interactive work ow, see Unity’s video walkthrough: In Development - Progressive
Lightmapper (YouTube).

To open the settings, go to Window > Rendering >Lighting Settings.


Speci es which lighting mode Unity should use for all mixed lights in the Scene. Options are
Baked Indirect, Distance Shadowmask, Shadowmask, and Subtractive.

Use this to specify which internal lighting calculation software to use to calculate lightmaps in
Lightmapper the Scene. The options are Progressive and Enlighten. The default value is Progressive. If you
want to use the Enlighten system, see documentation on Enlighten.
Enable this to make the Progressive Lightmapper apply changes to the texels that are currently
visible in the Scene View, then apply changes to the out-of-view texels.


The number of samples (paths) shot from each texel. This setting controls the number of
samples Progressive Lightmapper uses for direct lighting calculations. Increasing this value can
improve the quality of lightmaps, but increases the baking time.
The number of samples (paths) shot from each texel. This setting controls the number of
samples Progressive Lightmapper uses for indirect lighting calculations. For some Scenes,
especially outdoor Scenes, 100 samples should be enough. For indoor Scenes with emissive
geometry, increase the value until you see the result you want.
Use this value to specify the number of indirect bounces to do when tracing paths. For most
Scenes, two bounces is enough. For some indoor Scenes, more bounces might be necessary.
Con gure the post-processing of lightmaps to limit noise. You can set it to None, Auto or
Advanced. The Advanced option o ers three additional parameters for manual con guration.
In Auto mode, the default values from the Advanced mode are used. For every parameter,
Gaussian or A-Trous lter can be used separately.
Uses default values for post-processing lightmaps.
O ers three additional parameters for manual con guration. You can use the
Gaussian or A-Trous lters separately for direct and indirect settings. Note that the
Advanced Gaussian lter values de ne the radius, while the A-Trous lter value de nes the
“sigma”. Sigma is a parameter that determines the threshold at which the lter
acts on di erences in the image.


Direct Filter Select a lter to use for direct light in the lightmap.
Select this to use a Gaussian lter for direct light in the
The radius of the Gaussian lter in texels for
direct light in the lightmap. A higher radius
increases the blur strength.
Select this to use an A-Trous lter for direct light in the
The sigma of the A-Trous lter in texels for
direct light in the lightmap. A higher sigma
increases the blur strength.
Select this to use no lter for direct light in the lightmap.
Select a lter to use for indirect light in the lightmap.
Select this to use a Gaussian lter for indirect light in the
The radius of the Gaussian lter in texels for
indirect light in the lightmap. A higher radius
increases the blur strength.
Select this to use an A-Trous lter for indirect light in the
The sigma of the A-Trous lter in texels for
indirect light in the lightmap. A higher sigma
increases the blur strength.
Select a lter to use for Ambient Occlusion (see below) in the
lightmap. Filter only available when you enable Ambient Occlusion.
Select this to use a Gaussian lter for Ambient Occlusion
in the lightmap.
Ambient The radius of the Gaussian lter in texels for
Occlusion Ambient Occlusion in the lightmap. A higher
radius increases the blur strength.
Select this to use an A-Trous lter for Ambient Occlusion
in the lightmap.
Ambient The sigma of the A-Trous lter in texels for
Occlusion Ambient Occlusion in the lightmap. A higher
sigma increases the blur strength.
Select this to use no lter for indirect light in the lightmap.
Use this to specify the number of texels per unit to use for lightmaps. Increasing
this value improves lightmap quality, but also increases bake times. Note that
doubling this value causes the number of texels to quadruple (because the value
refers to both the height and width of the lightmap). Check the Occupied texels
count in the stats, documented below this table.
Lightmap Use this to specify the separation (in texel units) between separate shapes in the
baked lightmap. The default value is 2.
Lightmap The size (in pixels) of the full lightmap texture, which incorporates separate
regions for the individual GameObject textures. The default value is 1024.


A compressed lightmap requires less storage space, but the compression process
Compress can introduce unwanted visual e ects into the texture. Tick this checkbox to
Lightmaps compress lightmaps, or untick it to keep them uncompressed. The checkbox is
ticked by default.
Tick this checkbox to open a group of settings which allow you to control the
relative brightness of surfaces in ambient occlusion. Higher values indicate a
Occlusion greater contrast between the occluded and fully lit areas. This only applies to the
indirect lighting calculated by the GI system. This setting is enabled by default.
Set a value to control how far the lighting system casts rays in order
to determine whether or not to apply occlusion to an object. A
larger value produces longer rays and contributes more shadows to
the lightmap, while a smaller value produces shorter rays that
contribute shadows only when objects are very close to one
another. A value of 0 casts an in nitely long ray that has no
maximum distance. The default value is 1.
Use the slider to scale the brightness of indirect light as seen in the
nal lightmap (that is, ambient light, or light bounced and emitted
from objects) from a value between 0 and 10. The default value is 1.
Values less than 1 reduce the intensity, while values greater than 1
increase it.
Use the slider to scale the brightness of direct light from a value
between 0 and 10. The default value is 0. The higher this value is,
the greater the contrast applied to the direct lighting.
You can set the lightmap up to store information about the dominant incoming
light at each point on the objects’ surfaces. See documentation on Directional
Lightmapping for further details. The default mode is Directional.
In Directional mode, Unity generates a second lightmap to store
the dominant direction of incoming light. This allows di use normal
mapped materials to work with the GI. Directional mode requires
about twice as much storage space for the additional lightmap data.
Directional lightmaps cannot be decoded on SM2.0 hardware or
when using GLES2.0. They fall back to Non-Directional lightmaps.
NonNon-directional mode switches Directional option o .
Use this slider to control the brightness of indirect light stored in realtime and
baked lightmaps, from a value between 0 and 5. A value above 1 increases the
intensity of indirect light while a value of less that 1 reduces indirect light intensity.
The default value is 1.
Use this slider to control the amount of light Unity bounces between surfaces,
from a value between 1 and 10. To do this, Unity intensi es the albedo of
materials in the Scene. Increasing this draws the albedo value towards white for
indirect light computation. The default value of 1 is physically accurate.
Unity uses a set of general parameters for the lightmapping in addition to
properties of the Lighting window. A few defaults are available from the menu for
this property but you can also create your own lightmap parameter le using the
Create New option. See the Lightmap Parameters page for further details. The
default value is Default-Medium.


The panel below the Auto Generate and Generate Lighting options shows statistics about the lightmapping, including:
The number of lightmaps that Unity has created
Memory Usage: The amount of memory required for the current lightmapping.
Occupied Texels: The number of texels that are occupied in lightmap UV space.
Lightmaps in view: The number of lightmaps in the Scene view.
Lightmaps not in view: The number of lightmaps that are out of view.
Converged: All calculations for these lightmaps are complete.
Not Converged: Baking is still in progress for these lightmaps.
Bake Performance: The number of mrays per second. If this is low (that is, less than 2) you should adjust your settings or
your hardware to process more light rays at a time.
In Auto mode, Unity automatically calculates the lightmaps and Light Probes. If you have Auto disabled, you need to press
the Build button to start the bake.

During baking
Progressive Lightmapper provides options to monitor and stop the bake while it is in progress, if you need to.

The progress bar that appears while Unity is baking the lightmap provides an “estimated time of arrival” (displayed as ETA).
This is the estimated time in seconds for the current bake to complete. This allows for much more predictable baking times,
and allows you to quickly learn how much time baking takes with your current lighting settings.

Force Stop

During manual baking, press Force Stop at any time to halt the baking process. This allows you to stop the process as soon
as you see results that look good.
Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1
2018–03–28 Page amended with limited editorial review

Lightmapping: Getting started

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This page provides an introduction to lightmapping in Unity. Lightmapping is the process of pre-calculating the
brightness of surfaces in a Scene, and storing the result in a chart or “light map” for later use.
Unity uses a system called the Progressive Lightmapper, which bakes lightmaps for your Scene based on how
your Scene is set up within Unity, taking into account Meshes, Materials, Textures, and Lights. Lightmapping is an
integral part of the rendering engine; when your lightmaps are created, GameObjects automatically use them.
For information about speci c lightmapping-related settings, see documentation on Global Illumination.

Preparing the Scene and baking the lightmaps
Select Window > Lighting > Settings from the Unity Editor menu to open the Lighting window. Make sure any
Mesh you want to apply a light map to has proper UVs for lightmapping. The easiest way to do this is to open the
Mesh import settings and enable the Generate Lightmap UVs setting.
Next, to control the resolution of the lightmaps, go to the Lightmapping Settings section and adjust the
Lightmap Resolution value.
Note: To have a better understanding of how you spend your lightmap texels, look at the small Shaded debug
scene visualization mode within the Scene View, switch to Baked Lightmap__ and tick the Show Resolution

In the Mesh Renderer and Terrain components of your GameObjects, enable the Lightmap Static property. This
tells Unity that those GameObjects don’t move or change, so Unity can add them to a lightmap. In the Mesh
Renderer component, you can also use the Scale In Lightmap parameter to adjust the resolution of your
lightmap’s static Mesh or Terrain.
You can also adjust settings for Lights in the Light Explorer.

To generate lightmaps for your Scene:
At the bottom of the Scene tab on the Lighting window, click Generate Lighting (or ensure that Auto Generate is
A progress bar appears in Unity Editor’s status bar, in the bottom-right corner.
When baking is complete, you can see all the baked lightmaps in the Global Maps and Object Maps tabs of the
Lighting window.
When lightmapping is complete, Unity’s Scene and Game views update automatically.

To see the UV chart of the Mesh, click on a GameObject that has Lightmap Static enabled, then navigate to the
Inspector window and select the Object Maps tab. Here, you can switch between di erent light map visualization
modes. When you manually generate lighting, Unity adds Lighting Data Assets, baked lightmaps and
Re ection Probes to the Assets folder.

Tweaking bake settings
The nal look of your Scene depends on your lighting set-up and bake settings. Let’s take a look at an example of
some basic settings that can improve lighting quality.
Sample count Progressive Lightmapper generates color values resulting from a single ray in order to remove
noise. These color values are called samples. There are two settings that control the number of samples the
Progressive Lightmapper uses for direct and indirect lighting calculations: Direct Samples and Indirect Samples.
To nd these, open the Lighting window (Window > Lighting > Settings), and go to Lightmapping Settings >
Higher sample values reduce noise and can improve the quality of the lightmaps, but they also increase the bake
time. The images below shows how a higher number of samples increases the quality of lightmaps without using
ltering, and produces results that are less noisy.

A Scene using 10 samples

A Scene using 100 samples

A Scene using 1000 samples

Environment Lighting
In addition to all Light sources, Environment Lighting can also contribute to Global Illumination. You can assign a
custom Skybox Material instead of default Procedural Skybox and adjust intensity. The following image shows
how lighting can change in the Scene with and without Environment Lighting, and provide softer results. The
settings for light sources are the same in both Scenes. Unity provides several custom HDRI assets in the
Asset Store.

Filtering allows you to blur noisy results. The Progressive Lightmapper o ers two di erent types of ltering:
Gaussian and A-Trous. When you enable Advanced settings, you can apply these lters for Direct, Indirect and
Ambient Occlusion separately. For more information, see documentation on Progressive Lightmapper.

2018–03–28 Page amended with limited editorial review
Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1

Lightmap seam stitching

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Lightmap seam stitching is a technique that smooths unwanted hard edges in GameObjects rendered with baked
Seam stitching works with the Progressive Lightmapper for lightmap baking. Seam stitching only works on single
GameObjects; multiple GameObjects cannot be smoothly stitched together.
Lightmapping involves Unity unwrapping 3D GameObjects onto a at lightmap. Unity identi es mesh faces that are close
together but separate from each other as being separate in lightmap space; the edges of these meshes are called “seams”.
Seams are ideally invisible but they can sometimes appear to have hard edges depending on the light. This is because the
GPU cannot blend texel values between charts that are separated in the lightmap.
Seam stitching is a technique that xes these issues. When you enable seam stitching, Unity does extra computations to
amend the lightmap to improve each seam’s appearance. Stitching is not perfect, but it often improves the nal result
substantially. Seam stitching takes extra time during baking due to extra calculations Unity makes, so Unity disables it by
default. You enable Stitching on the GameObject’s MeshRenderer.

A Scene without seam stitching

A Scene with seam stitching
To enable seam stitching on a GameObject, go to the GameObject’s Mesh Renderer component, open the Lightmap
Settings section (only accessible if you are using the Progressive Lightmapper), and tick Stitch Seams.

2017–09–04 Page published with limited editorial review
Seam stitching added in 2017.2

UV overlap feedback

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Each lightmap contains a number of charts. At run time, Unity maps these charts onto mesh faces, and uses the
charts’ lighting data to calculate the nal appearance. Because of the way GPU sampling works, data from one chart
can bleed onto another if they are too close to each other. This usually leads to unintended aliasing, pixelation, and
other graphical results (these are called artifacts).

Example of graphical artifacts due to chart bleeding
To avoid light bleeding, there must be a su cient amount of space between charts. When a GPU samples a
lightmap, the lighting system calculates the nal sample value from the four texels closest to the sampled point
(assuming bilinear ltering is used). These four texels are called the bilinear “neighborhood” of the sampled point.
Charts are too close together if they overlap - that is, if the neighbourhood of any point inside a chart overlaps with
the neighborhood of any point in another chart. In the image below, the white pixels indicate chart neighbourhoods,
and red pixels indicate overlapping neighbourhoods.

Red pixels indicate overlapping chart neighbourhoods
Determining optimal chart placements and spacing can be di cult, because it depends on several parameters (such
as lightmap resolution, mesh UVs, and Importer settings). For this reason, Unity provides the ability to identify these
issues easily, as outlined in the following section.

Identi cation
There are three ways to identity overlaps:
Keep an eye on Unity’s console. If Unity detects overlapping UVs, it prints a warning message with a list of a ected
Use the UV Overlap draw mode in the Scene View (see GI visualizations in the Scene View for more information).
When you have this mode enabled, Unity adds a red highlight to chart texels that are too close to texels of other
charts. This is especially useful if you discover an artefact in the Scene view, and want to quickly examine whether
UV overlap is causing it.

Scene View using UV Overlap draw mode (see dropdown in top left)
Use Object Maps in the Lighting tab. Select an object and go to the Lighting tab and then choose
Object Maps. Make sure to select Baked UV Overlap in the dropdown. Problematic texels are colored
red in this view.

Object Maps in the Lighting tab

There is no one single solution for UV overlap, because there are so many things that can cause it. Here are the most
common solutions to consider:
If Unity is automatically creating the lightmap UVs, you can increase the Pack Margin. To do this, navigate to the
Model tab of the Mesh’s import settings. Make sure Generate Lightmap UVs is enabled, then fold out Advanced
and use the Pack Margin slider to increase the value. This creates more spacing between charts, which reduces
likelihood of overlap. However, this also increase the total space requirement for the lightmap, so try to apply
enough spacing to avoid artifacts, but no more. For more information on lightmap UVs that Unity creates
automatically, see documentation on Generating lightmapping UVs.
If you provide lightmap UVs yourself, you can try adding margins using your modelling package.
Increase the resolution of the entire lightmap. This will increase the numbers of pixels between the charts, and
therefore reduce the likelihood of bleeding. The downside is that your lightmap may become too large. You can do
this in the Lighting tab under Lightmapper Settings.
Increase the resolution of a single GameObject. This allows you to increase lightmap resolution only for
GameObjects that have overlapping UVs. Though less likely, this can also increase your lightmap size. You can
change a GameObject’s lightmap resolution inside its Mesh Renderer under Lightmap Settings.

Same mesh as before, but without bleeding artifacts
Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1
2018–03–28 Page published with limited editorial review

Custom fall-o

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In the real world, light fades over distance, and dim lights have a lower range than bright lights. The term “fall-o ”
refers to the rate at which light fades. Alongside Unity’s default fall-o lighting behaviour, you can also use custom
fall-o settings.
Progressive Lightmapper provides custom fall-o presets, which you can implement via script. See the image
below the table for a visual representation of how these work, and the code sample below the image for an
example of how to use this functionality.


Apply an inverse-squared distance fall-o model. This
means the light intensity decreases inversely
proportional to the square of location’s distance to the
light source. For more information , see Wikipedia:
Inverse-square law. This option is the most physically
Apply an inverse-squared distance fall-o model with no
smooth range attenuation. This works in the same way as
InverseSquaredNoRangeAttenuation InverseSquared, but the lighting system does not take
into account the attenuation for the range parameter of
punctual lights (that is, point lights and spotlights).
Apply a quadratic fall-o model. This model bases the
light attenuation on the range of the light source. The
intensity diminishes as the light gets further away from
the source, but there is a very sharp and unnatural drop
in the attenuation, and the visual e ect is not realistic.
Apply a linear fall-o model. In this model, attenuation is
inversely proportional to the distance from the light, and
the fall-o diminishes at a xed rate from its source.

An example of the visual e ect of each custom fall-o preset


public class ExtractFalloff : MonoBehaviour
public void OnEnable()
Lightmapping.RequestLightsDelegate testDel = (Light[] requests, Unity.Co
DirectionalLight dLight = new DirectionalLight();
PointLight point = new PointLight();
SpotLight spot = new SpotLight();
RectangleLight rect = new RectangleLight();
LightDataGI ld = new LightDataGI();
for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; i++)
Light l = requests[i];
switch (l.type)

case UnityEngine.LightType.Directional: LightmapperUtils.Ext
case UnityEngine.LightType.Point: LightmapperUtils.Extract(l
case UnityEngine.LightType.Spot: LightmapperUtils.Extract(l,
case UnityEngine.LightType.Area: LightmapperUtils.Extract(l,
default: ld.InitNoBake(l.GetInstanceID()); break;
ld.falloff = FalloffType.InverseSquared;
lightsOutput[i] = ld;
void OnDisable()

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1
2018–03–28 Page published with limited editorial review

Lightmap Parameters

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A Lightmap Parameters Asset stores a set of values for the parameters which control Unity’s Global Illumination (GI) features.
These Assets allow you to de ne and save di erent sets of values for lighting, for use in di erent situations.
To create a new Lightmap Parameters Asset, right-click in the Project window and go to Create > New Parameters Asset. Unity
stores this in your Project folder.

A Lightmap Parameters Asset called New LightmapParameters, shown in the Project window
Lightmap Parameters Assets allow you to quickly create presets optimized for di erent types of GameObjects, or for di erent
platforms and di erent Scene types (for example, indoor or outdoor Scenes).
When you click on a Lightmap Parameters Asset in the Project window, the Inspector window displays the values de ned in that
Asset. The parameters and their descriptions are listed in the table below.

Precomputed Realtime GI



This value scales the Realtime Resolution value in the Scene tab of the Lighting Window (menu:
Resolution Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings > Scene) to give the nal resolution of the lightmap in
texels per unit of distance.
The ratio of the cluster resolution (the resolution at which the light bounces are calculated
internally) to the nal lightmap resolution. See documentation on GI Visualizations in the Scene
view for more information.
This value determines the precision of the incoming light data used to light each texel in the
lightmap. Each texel’s lighting is obtained by sampling a “view” of the Scene from the texel’s
position. Lower values of irradiance budget result in a more blurred sample. Higher values increase
the sharpness of the sample. A higher irradiance budget improves the lighting, but this increases
run-time memory usage and might increase CPU usage.
Use the slider to de ne the number of rays that are cast and used to compute which clusters a ect
a given output lightmap texel. Higher values o er visual improvements in the lightmap, but
increase precomputing time in the Unity Editor. The value does not a ect runtime performance.
Modelling This value controls the minimum size of gaps in Mesh geometry that allows light to pass through.
Tolerance Make this value lower to allow light to pass through smaller gaps in your environment.
If enabled, this property indicates that UV charts in the lightmap should be joined together
seamlessly, to avoid unwanted visual artifacts.
If enabled, the object appears transparent during the Global Illumination calculations. Back-faces
do not contribute to these calculations, and light travels through the surface. This is useful for
invisible emissive surfaces.
A group of objects whose lightmap Textures are combined in the same lightmap atlas is known as
a “system”. The Unity Editor automatically de nes additional systems and their accompanying
atlases if all the objects can’t be tted into a single atlas. However, it is sometimes useful to de ne
System Tag
separate systems yourself (for example, to ensure that objects inside di erent rooms are grouped
into one system per room). Change the System Tag number to force new system and lightmap
creation. The exact numeric sequence values of the tag are not signi cant.

Baked GI

Property Function

Progressive Lightmapper

The radius of the blur lter that is applied to
direct lighting during post-processing in
texels. The radius is essentially the distance
over which neighboring texels are averaged Blur Radius is not available when you use Progressive
out. A larger radius gives a more blurred
e ect. Higher levels of blur tend to reduce
visual artifacts but also soften the edges of
The number of times to supersample a texel to reduce
aliasing. Samples [1;3] disables supersampling, samples
AntiThe degree of anti-aliasing (the reduction of [4;8] give 2x supersampling, and samples [9;256] give 4x
aliasing “blocky” artifacts) that is applied. Higher
supersampling. This mostly a ects the amount of
Samples numbers increase quality and bake time.
memory used for the positions and normals bu ers (2x
uses four times the amount of memory, 4x uses 16 times
the amount of memory).
The number of rays used to evaluate direct
lighting. A higher number of rays tends to
Direct Light Quality is not available when you use
produce more accurate soft shadows but
Progressive Lightmapper.
increases bake time.

Property Function
The percentage of rays shot from an output texel that
The structure of a Mesh sometimes causes must hit front faces to be considered usable. Allows a
some texels to have a “view” that includes texel to be invalidated if too many of the rays cast from it
back-facing geometry. Incoming light from a hit backfaces (the texel is inside some geometry). In that
backface is meaningless in any Scene.
case artefacts are avoided by cloning valid values from
Because of this, this property lets you select surrounding texels. For example, if backface tolerance is
Backface a percentage threshold of light that must
0.0, the texel is rejected only if it sees nothing but
Tolerance come from front-facing geometry in order backfaces. If it is 1.0, the ray origin is rejected if it has
for a texel to be considered valid. Invalid
even one ray that hits a backface. In the Baked Texel
texels have their lighting approximated from Validity scene view mode one case see valid (green) and
their neighbors’ values. Lowering this value invalid (red) texels. If you have a single sided mesh in
can solve lighting problems caused by
your scene, you may want to disable this feature by
incoming light from backfaces.
setting it to zero. A two-sided ag will later be added in
the editor to address this.
Similar to the System Tag property above, this number lets you group speci c sets of objects
together in separate baked lightmaps. As with the System Tag, the exact numeric value is not
signi cant. Objects with di erent Baked Tag values are never put in the same atlas; however, there is
no guarantee that objects with the same tag end up in the same atlas, because those objects might
not necessarily t into one lightmap (see image A, below, for an example of this). You don’t have to set
this when using the multi-scene bake API, because grouping is done automatically (use the Baked Tag
to replicate some of the behavior of the Lock Atlas option). See Baked Tags: Details, below, for more
The distance to push away from the surface
geometry before starting to trace rays in
modelling units. It is applied to all baked
lightmaps, so it a ects direct light, indirect
light, and AO. Pusho is useful for getting
The amount to push o ray origins away from geometry
rid of unwanted AO or shadowing. Use this
along the normal for ray tracing, in modelling units. It is
setting to solve problems where the surface
applied to all baked lightmaps, so it a ects direct light,
of an object is shadowing itself, causing
indirect light and ambient occlusion. It is useful for
speckled shadow patterns to appear on the
getting rid of unwanted occlusion/shadowing.
surface with no apparent source. You can
also use this setting to remove unwanted
artifacts on huge objects, where oating
point precision isn’t high enough to
accurately ray-trace ne detail.

Baked Tags: Details

The image above shows two views of the same Scene:
Left: Everything is in one atlas because all the GameObjects have the same Baked Tag.
Right: One GameObject is assigned a di erent Baked Tag, and forced into a second lightmap.

Baked AO

The number of rays cast when evaluating ambient occlusion (AO). A higher numbers of rays
increases AO quality but also increases bake time.
Anti-aliasing The number of samples to take when doing anti-aliasing of AO. A higher number of samples
increases the AO quality but also increases the bake time.

General GI
Property Function
The percentage of rays shot from an output texel that must hit front faces for the lighting system to
consider them usable. This allows Unity to invalidate a texel if too many of the rays cast from it hit
back faces ( (for example, if the texel is inside some geometry). The lighting system clones valid values
from the surrounding texels to avoid unintended artifacts.
If Backface Tolerance is 0.0, the lighting system rejects the texel only if it sees nothing but backfaces.
If it is 1.0, the lighting system rejects the ray origin if it has even one ray that hits a backface.

Assigning Lightmap Parameters Assets

To assign a Lightmap Parameters Asset to the whole Scene, open the Lighting window (Window > rendering > Lighting
Settings), click the Scene tab, and navigate to the General GI settings.

Use the Default Parameters drop-down to assign a default Lightmap Parameters Asset. This drop-down lists all available
Lightmap Parameters Assets.

To assign a Lightmap Parameters Asset to a single GameObject, ensure the GameObject has a Mesh Renderer or Terrain
component attached.

To assign a Lightmap Parameters Asset to a Mesh Renderer, tick the component’s Lightmap Static checkbox and select an
option from Lightmap Parameters under Lightmap Settings. Choose Scene Default Parameter to use the same Lightmap
Parameters Asset that is assigned to the whole Scene.

To assign a Lightmap Parameters Asset to a Terrain, tick the Terrain’s Lightmap Static checkbox and select an option from
Advanced Parameters. Choose Scene Default Parameters to use the same Lightmap Parameters Asset that is assigned to the
whole Scene.
2018–03–28 Page amended with limited editorial review
Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1

Baked ambient occlusion

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Ambient occlusion (AO) approximates how much ambient lighting (lighting not coming from a speci c direction)
can hit a point on a surface. It darkens creases, holes and surfaces that are close to each other. These areas
occlude (block out) ambient light, so they appear darker.
When using only precomputed real-time GI (see documentation on Using precomputed lighting), the resolution
for indirect lighting doesn’t capture ne details or dynamic objects. We recommend using a real-time ambient
occlusion post e ect, which has much more detail and results in higher quality lighting.
To view and enable baked AO, open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings) and
navigate to the Baked GI section. Tick the Baked GI checkbox if it is unchecked, then tick the Ambient Occlusion
checkbox to enable baked AO.
To view and enable baked AO, open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings) and
navigate to the Mixed Lighting section. Tick the Baked Global Illumination checkbox if it is unchecked, then in
Lightmapping Settings tick the Ambient Occlusion checkbox to enable baked AO.

Property Function
Use this to set a value for how far the rays are traced before they are terminated.
Use this to control how much the AO a ects indirect light. The higher you set the slider
value, the darker the appearance of the creases, holes, and close surfaces are when lit by
Indirect indirect light.


It’s more realistic to only apply AO to indirect lighting.
Use this to control how much the AO a ects direct light. The higher you set the slider
value, the darker the appearance of the Scene’s creases, holes, and close surfaces are
when lit by direct light.
By default, AO does not a ect direct lighting. Use this slider to enable it. It is not realistic,
but it can be useful for artistic purposes.

For a modern implementation of real-time ambient occlusion, see documentation on the Ambient Occlusion postprocessing e ect.
To learn more about AO, see Wikipedia: Ambient Occlusion.

LOD for baked lightmaps

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This page provides advice on baking light into models that use Unity’s LOD (level of detail) system.
When you use Unity’s LOD system in a Scene with baked lighting, the system lights the most detailed model out
of the LOD Group as if it is a regular static model. It uses lightmaps for the direct and indirect lighting, and
separate lightmaps for Realtime GI.
When you use the Enlighten lightmapper, the system only bakes the direct lighting, and the LOD system relies
on Light Probes to sample indirect lighting.
To make sure your lower LOD models look correct with baked light, you must position Light Probes around them
to capture the indirect lighting during the bake. Otherwise, your lower LOD models look incorrect, because they
only receive direct light:

The LOD 1 and LOD 2 models here are lit incorrectly because light probes have not been placed
around the model in the scene. They only show direct lighting.
To set up LOD models correctly for baked lighting, mark the LOD GameObjects as Lightmap Static. To do this,
select the GameObject, and at the top of the Inspector window, select the drop-down menu next to the Static

In this example, the LODs are assumed to be children of this GameObject
Use the Light Probes component to place Light Probes around the LOD GameObjects.

Light probes placed around an LOD model.
Note: Only the most detailed model a ects the lighting on the surrounding geometry (for example, shadows or
bounced light on surrounding buildings). In most cases this should not be a problem, because your lower level-ofdetail models should closely resemble the highest level-of-detail model.
When you use the Progressive Lightmapper, there is no need to place Light Probes around the LOD Group to
generate baked indirect lighting. However, to make Realtime GI a ect the Renderers in the LOD Group, you must
include the Light Probes.
2017–10–20 Page amended with editorial review
Updated in 5.6
Updated in 2017.3

Light Probes

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Light Probes provide a way to capture and use information about light that is passing through the empty space
in your scene.
Similar to lightmaps, light probes store “baked” information about lighting in your scene. The di erence is that
while lightmaps store lighting information about light hitting the surfaces in your scene, light probes store
information about light passing through empty space in your scene.

An extremely simple scene showing light probes placed around two cubes
Light Probes have two main uses:
The primary use of light probes is to provide high quality lighting (including indirect bounced light) on moving
objects in your scene.
The secondary use of light probes is to provide the lighting information for static scenery when that scenery is
using Unity’s LOD system.
When using light probes for either of these two distinct purposes, many of the techniques you need to use are the
same. It’s important to understand how light probes work so that you can choose where to place your probes in
the scene.
2017–06–08 Page published with no editorial review
Light Probes updated in 5.6

Light Probes: Technical information

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The lighting information in the light probes are encoded as Spherical Harmonics basis functions. We use third
order polynomials, also known as L2 Spherical Harmonics. These are stored using 27 oating point values, 9 for
each color channel. Even though Unity is using Geomerics’ Enlighten, we use a di erent SH basis than what you
nd on their blog (y and z axes are swapped). Unity is using the notation and reconstruction method from PeterPike Sloan’s paper, Stupid Spherical Harmonics (SH) Tricks, and Geomerics are using the notation and
reconstruction method from Ramamoorthi/Hanrahan’s paper, An Efficient Representation for Irradiance
Environment Maps.
The Unity shader code for reconstruction is found in UnityCG.cginc and is using the method from Appendix A10
Shader/CPU code for Irradiance Environment Maps from Peter-Pikes paper.
The data is internally ordered like this:


y] [L10:

[L2­2: xy] [L2­1: yz] [L20:

z] [L11:


zz] [L21:



xx ­ yy]

The 9 coe cients for R, G and B are ordered like this:

L00, L1­1,


L11, L2­2, L2­1,



L22, // red channel

L00, L1­1,


L11, L2­2, L2­1,



L22, // blue channel

L00, L1­1,


L11, L2­2, L2­1,




// green channel

For more “under-the-hood” information about Unity’s light probe system, you can read Robert Cupisz’s talk from
GDC 2012, Light Probe Interpolation Using Tetrahedral Tessellations”, GDC 2012
2017–06–08 Page published with no editorial review
Light Probes updated in 5.6

Placing Light Probes

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To place Light Probes in your scene, you must use a GameObject with a Light Probe Group component attached.
You can add a Light Probe Group component from the menu: Component -> Rendering -> Light Probe Group.
The Light Probe Group component can be added to any object in the scene, however it’s best to add it to a new
empty GameObject.

The Light Probe Group component
The Light Probe Group has its own Edit Mode which can be turned on or o . To add, move, or delete light probes,
you must switch the Light Probe Group’s edit mode on by pressing the Edit Light Probes button:

The Edit Light Probes button
When you are using the Edit Light Probes mode, you can manupulate individual light probes as in a similar way to
GameObjects, however the individual probes are not GameObjects - they are stored as a set of points in the Light
Probe Group component.
When you begin editing a new Light Probe Group, you will start o with a default formation of eight probes
arranged in a cube, as shown below:

The default arrangement of light probes.

You can now use the controls in the Light Probe Group inspector to add new probe positions to the group. The
probes appear in the scene as yellow spheres which can be positioned in the same manner as GameObjects. You
can also select and duplicate individual probes or in groups, by using the usual “duplicate” keyboard shortcut
Remember to switch the Light Probe Group edit mode o
you cannot move or manipulate normal GameObjects!

once you’ve nished editing the probes, or you will nd

Choosing Light Probe positions
Unlike lightmaps, which usually have a continuous resolution across the surface of an object, the resolution of
the light probe information is entirely de ned by how closely packed you choose to position the probes.
To optimise the amount of data that is stored by light probes, and the amount of computation done while the
game is playing, you should generally attempt to place as few light probes as possible. However, you should also
place enough probes that changes in light from one space to another are recorded at a level that is acceptable to
you. This means you might place light probes in a more condensed pattern around areas that have complex or
highly contrasting light, and you might place them in a much more spread out pattern over areas where the light
does not signi cantly change.

Light probes placed with varying density around a simple scene
In the example above, the probes are placed more densely near and between the buildings where there is more
contrast and color variation, and less densely along the road, where the lighting does not signi cantly change.
The simplest approach to positioning probes is to arrange them in a regular 3D grid pattern. While this setup is
simple and e ective, it is likely to consume more memory than necessary, and you may have lots of redunant
probes. For example, in the scene above, if there were lots of probes placed along the road it would be a waste of
resources. The light does not change much along the length of the road, so many probes would be storing almost
identical lighting data to their neighbouring probes. In situations like this, it is much more e cient to interpolate
this lighting data between fewer more spread-out probes.

Light probes individually do not store a large amount of information. From a technical perspective, each probe is
a spherical, panoramic HDR image of the view from the sample point, encoded using Spherical Harmonics L2
which is stored as 27 oating point values. However in large scenes with hundreds of probes they can add up, and
having unnecessarily densely packed probes can result in large amounts of wasted memory in your game.

Creating a volume
Even if your gameplay takes place on a 2D plane (for example, cars driving around on a road surface), your light
probes must form a 3D volume.
This means you should have at least two vertical “layers” of points in your group of probes.
In the example below, you can see on the left the probes are arranged only across the surface of the ground. This
will not result in good lighting because the light probe system will not be able to calculat sensible tetrahedral
volumes from the probes.
On the right, the probes are arranged in two layers, some low to the ground and others higher up, so that
together they form a 3D volume made up of lots of individual tetrahedra. This is a good layout.

The left image shows a bad choice of light probe positions, because there is no height to the
volume de ned by the probes. The right image shows a good choice of light probe positions.

Light Probe placement for dynamic GI

Unity’s realtime GI allows moving lights to cast dynamic bounced light against your static scenery. However, you
can also receive dynamic bounced light from moving lights on moving GameObjects when you are using llight
Light Probes therefore perform two very similar but distinct functions - they store static baked light, and at
runtime they represent sampling points for dynamic realtime global illumination (GI, or bounced light) to a ect
the lighting on moving objects.
Therefore, if you are using dynamic moving lights, and want realtime bounced light on your moving GameObjects,
this may have implications on your choice of where you place your light probes, and how densely you group

The main point to consider in this situation is that in large areas of relatively unchanging static light you might
have placed only a few probes - because the light does not change across a wide area. However, if you plan to
have moving lights within this area, and you want moving objects to receive bounced light from them, you will
need a more dense network of light probes within the area so that there is a high enough level of accuracy to
match your light’s range and style.
How densely placed your probes need to be will vary depending on the size and range of your lights, how fast
they move, and how large the moving objects are that you want to receive bounced light.

Light Probe placement problems
Your choice of light probe positions must take into account that the lighting will be interpolated between sets of
probes. Problems can arise if your probes don’t adequately cover the changes in lighting across your scene.
The example below shows a night-time scene with two bright street lamps on either side, and a dark area in the
middle. If light probes are only placed near the street lamps, and none in the dark area, the lighting from the
lamps will “bleed” across the dark gap, on moving objects. This is because the lighting is being interpolated from
one bright point to another, with no information about the dark area in-between.

This image shows poor light probe placement. There are no probes in the dark area between the
two lamps, so the dark area will not be included in the interpolation at all.
If you are using realtime or mixed lights, this problem may be less noticable, because only the indirect light will
bleed across the gap. The problem is more noticable if you are using fully baked lights, because in this situation
the direct light on moving objects is also interpolated from the light probes. In this example scene the two lamps
are baked, so moving objects get their direct light from light probes. Here you can see the result - a moving object
(the ambulance) remains brightly lit while passing through the dark area, which is not the desired e ect. The
yellow wireframe tetrahedron shows that the interpolation is occuring between one brightly lit end of the street
to the other.

This is an undesired e ect - the ambulance remains brightly lit while passing through a dark area, because no
light probes were placed in the dark area.
To solve this, you should place more probes in the dark area, as shown below:

Now the scene has probes in the dark area too. And as a result, the moving ambulance takes on the darker
lighting as it travels from one side of the scene to the other.

The ambulance now takes on the darker lighting in the centre of the scene, as desired.
2017–06–08 Page published with no editorial review
Light Probes updated in 5.6

Placing probes using scripting

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Placing light probes over large levels by hand can be time consuming. You can automate the placing of light
probes by writing your own editor scripts. Your script can create a new GameObject with a LightProbeGroup
component, and you can add probe positions individually according to any rules that you choose to program.
For example, this script can place Light Probes in a circle or a ring.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[RequireComponent (typeof (LightProbeGroup))]
public class LightProbesTetrahedralGrid : MonoBehaviour
// Common
public float m_Side = 1.0f;
public float m_Radius = 5.0f;
public float m_InnerRadius = 0.1f;
public float m_Height = 2.0f;
public uint m_Levels = 3;
const float kMinSide = 0.05f;
const float kMinHeight = 0.05f;
const float kMinInnerRadius = 0.1f;
const uint kMinIterations = 4;
public void OnValidate ()
m_Side = Mathf.Max (kMinSide, m_Side);
m_Height = Mathf.Max (kMinHeight, m_Height);
if (m_InnerRadius < kMinInnerRadius)
TriangleProps props = new TriangleProps (m_Side);
m_Radius = Mathf.Max (props.circumscribedCircleRadius + 0.01f, m_Radius);
m_Radius = Mathf.Max (0.1f, m_Radius);
m_InnerRadius = Mathf.Min (m_Radius, m_InnerRadius);
struct TriangleProps
public TriangleProps (float triangleSide)
side = triangleSide;
halfSide = side / 2.0f;
height = Mathf.Sqrt (3.0f) * side / 2.0f;

inscribedCircleRadius = Mathf.Sqrt (3.0f) * side / 6.0f;
circumscribedCircleRadius = 2.0f * height / 3.0f;



private TriangleProps m_TriangleProps;
public void Generate ()
LightProbeGroup lightProbeGroup = GetComponent ();
List positions = new List ();
m_TriangleProps = new TriangleProps (m_Side);
if (m_InnerRadius < kMinInnerRadius)
GenerateCylinder (m_TriangleProps, m_Radius, m_Height, m_Levels, positions);
GenerateRing (m_TriangleProps, m_Radius, m_InnerRadius, m_Height, m_Levels, p
lightProbeGroup.probePositions = positions.ToArray ();
static void AttemptAdding (Vector3 position, Vector3 center, float distanceCuto
if ((position ­ center).sqrMagnitude < distanceCutoffSquared)
outPositions.Add (position);
uint CalculateCylinderIterations (TriangleProps props, float radius)
int iterations = Mathf.CeilToInt ((radius + props.height ­ props.inscribedCirc
if (iterations > 0)
return (uint)iterations;
return 0;
void GenerateCylinder (TriangleProps props, float radius, float height, uint le
uint iterations = CalculateCylinderIterations (props, radius);
float distanceCutoff = radius;
float distanceCutoffSquared = distanceCutoff * distanceCutoff;
Vector3 up = new Vector3 (props.circumscribedCircleRadius, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Vector3 leftDown = new Vector3 (­props.inscribedCircleRadius, 0.0f, ­props.hal
Vector3 rightDown = new Vector3 (­props.inscribedCircleRadius, 0.0f, props.hal
for (uint l = 0; l < levels; l++)
float tLevel = levels == 1 ? 0 : (float)l / (float)(levels ­ 1);
Vector3 center = new Vector3 (0.0f, tLevel * height, 0.0f);

if (l % 2 == 0)
for (uint i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
Vector3 upCorner = center + up + (float)i * up * 2.0f * 3.0f / 2.0f;
Vector3 leftDownCorner = center + leftDown + (float)i * leftDown * 2.0f * 3
Vector3 rightDownCorner = center + rightDown + (float)i * rightDown * 2.0f
AttemptAdding (upCorner, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositions);
AttemptAdding (leftDownCorner, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositions)
AttemptAdding (rightDownCorner, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositions
Vector3 leftDownUp = upCorner ­ leftDownCorner;
Vector3 upRightDown = rightDownCorner ­ upCorner;
Vector3 rightDownLeftDown = leftDownCorner ­ rightDownCorner;
uint subdiv = 3 * i + 1;
for (uint s = 1; s < subdiv; s++)
Vector3 leftDownUpSubdiv = leftDownCorner + leftDownUp * (float)s / (float
AttemptAdding (leftDownUpSubdiv, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositio
Vector3 upRightDownSubdiv = upCorner + upRightDown * (float)s / (float)sub
AttemptAdding (upRightDownSubdiv, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositi
Vector3 rightDownLeftDownSubdiv = rightDownCorner + rightDownLeftDown * (f
AttemptAdding (rightDownLeftDownSubdiv, center, distanceCutoffSquared, out
for (uint i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
Vector3 upCorner = center + (float)i * (2.0f * up * 3.0f / 2.0f);
Vector3 leftDownCorner = center + (float)i * (2.0f * leftDown * 3.0f / 2.0f
Vector3 rightDownCorner = center + (float)i * (2.0f * rightDown * 3.0f / 2.
AttemptAdding (upCorner, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositions);
AttemptAdding (leftDownCorner, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositions)
AttemptAdding (rightDownCorner, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositions
Vector3 leftDownUp = upCorner ­ leftDownCorner;
Vector3 upRightDown = rightDownCorner ­ upCorner;
Vector3 rightDownLeftDown = leftDownCorner ­ rightDownCorner;
uint subdiv = 3 * i;
for (uint s = 1; s < subdiv; s++)
Vector3 leftDownUpSubdiv = leftDownCorner + leftDownUp * (float)s / (float
AttemptAdding (leftDownUpSubdiv, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositio
Vector3 upRightDownSubdiv = upCorner + upRightDown * (float)s / (float)sub
AttemptAdding (upRightDownSubdiv, center, distanceCutoffSquared, outPositi
Vector3 rightDownLeftDownSubdiv = rightDownCorner + rightDownLeftDown * (f

AttemptAdding (rightDownLeftDownSubdiv, center, distanceCutoffSquared, out
void GenerateRing (TriangleProps props, float radius, float innerRadius, float
float chordLength = props.side;
float angle = Mathf.Clamp (2.0f * Mathf.Asin (chordLength / (2.0f * radius)),
uint slicesAtRadius = (uint)Mathf.FloorToInt (2.0f * Mathf.PI / angle);
uint layers = (uint)Mathf.Max (Mathf.Ceil ((radius ­ innerRadius) / props.heig
for (uint level = 0; level < levels; level++)
float tLevel = levels == 1 ? 0 : (float)level / (float)(levels ­ 1);
float y = height * tLevel;
float iterationOffset0 = level % 2 == 0 ? 0.0f : 0.5f;
for (uint layer = 0; layer < layers; layer++)
float tLayer = layers == 1 ? 1.0f : (float)layer / (float)(layers ­ 1);
float tIterations = (tLayer * (radius ­ innerRadius) + innerRadius ­ kMinInn
uint slices = (uint)Mathf.CeilToInt (Mathf.Lerp (kMinIterations, slicesAtRad
float x = innerRadius + (radius ­ innerRadius) * tLayer;
Vector3 position = new Vector3 (x, y, 0.0f);
float layerSliceOffset = layer % 2 == 0 ? 0.0f : 0.5f;
for (uint slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++)
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0.0f, (slice + iterationOffset0 + l
outPositions.Add (rotation * position);

2017–06–08 Page published with no editorial review
Light Probes updated in 5.6

Light Probes for moving objects

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Lightmapping adds greatly to the realism of a scene by capturing realistic bounced light as textures which are
“baked” onto the surface of static objects. However, due to the nature of lightmapping, it can only be applied to
non-moving objects marked as Lightmap Static.
While realtime and mixed mode lights can cast direct light on moving objects, moving objects do not receive
bounced light from your static environment unless you use light probes. Light probes store information about
how light is bouncing around in your scene. Therefore as objects move through the spaces in your game
environment, they can use the information stored in your light probes to show an approximation of the bounced
light at their current position.

A simple scene showing bounced light from static scenery.
In the above scene, as the directional light hits the red and green buildings, which are static scenery, bounced light
is cast into the scene. The bounced light is visible as a red and green tint on the ground directly in front of each
building. Because all these models are static, all this lighting is stored in lightmaps.
When you introduce moving objects into your scene, they do not automatically receive bounced light. In the
below image, you can see the ambulance (a dynamic moving object) is not a ected by the bounced red light
coming o the building. Instead, its side is a at grey color. This is because the ambulance is a dynamic object
which can move around in the game, and therefore cannot use lightmaps, because they are static by nature. The
scene needs Light Probes so that the moving ambulance can receive bounced light.

The side of the ambulance is a at grey color, even though it should be receiving some bounced red
light from the front of the building.
To use the light probe feature to cast bounced light onto dynamic moving objects, you must position light probes
throughout your scene, so that they cover the areas of space that moving objects in your game might pass
The probes you place in your scene de ne a 3D volume. The lighting at any position within this volume is then
approximated on moving objects by interpolating between the information baked into the nearest probes.

Light probes placed around the static scenery in a simple scene. The light probes are shown as
yellow dots. They are shown connected by magenta lines, to visualise the volume that they de ne.
Once you have added probes, and baked the light in your scene, your dynamic moving objects will receive
bounced light based on the nearest probes in the scene. Using the same example as above, the dynamic object

(the ambulance) now receives bounced light from the static scenery, giving the side of the vehicle a red tint,
because it is in front of the red building which is casting bounced light.

The side of the ambulance now has a red tint because it is receiving bounced red light from the
front of the building, via the light probes in the scene.
When a dynamic object is selected, the Scene view will draw a visualisation of which light probes are being used
for the interpolated bounced light. The nearest probes to the dynamic object are used to form a tetrahedral
volume, and the dynamic object’s light is interpolated from the four points of this tetrahedron.

The light probes that are being used to light a dynamic object are revealed in the scene view when
the object is selected, connected by yellow lines to show the tetrahedral volume.
As an object passes through the scene, it moves from one tetrahedral volume to another, and the lighting is
calculated based on its position within the current tetrahedron.

A dynamic object moving through a scene with light probes, showing how it passes from one
tetrahedral light probe volume to another.
2017–06–08 Page published with no editorial review
Light Probes updated in 5.6

Light Probes and the Mesh Renderer

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To use Light Probes on your moving GameObjects, the Mesh Renderer component on the moving GameObject must set
correctly. The Mesh Renderer component has a Light Probes setting which is set to Blend Probes by default. This means that
by default, all GameObjects will use light probes and will blend between the nearest probes as it changes position in your

The Light Probes setting on the Mesh Renderer component.
You can change this setting to either “o ” or “use proxy volume”. Switching the light probes setting to o will disable the light
probe’s e ect on this GameObject.
Light Probe Proxy Volumes are a special setting which you can use for situations where a large moving object might be too
big to be sensibly lit by the results of a single tetrahedron from the light probe group, and instead needs to be lit by multiple
groups of light probes across the length of the model. See Light Probe Proxy Volumes for more information.
The other setting in the Mesh Renderer inspector which relates to light probes is the Anchor Override setting. As described
previously, when a GameObject moves through your scene, Unity calculates which tetrahedron the GameObject falls within
from the volume de ned by the light probe groups. By default this is calculated from the centre point of the Mesh’s bounding
box, however you can override the point that is used by assigning a di erent GameObject to the Anchor Override eld.

The Anchor Override setting in the Mesh Renderer component.
If you assign a di erent GameObject to this eld, it is up to you to move that GameObject in a way that suits the lighting you
want on your mesh.
The anchor override may be useful when a GameObject contains two separate adjoining meshes; if both meshes are lit
individually according to their bounding box positions then the lighting will be discontinuous at the place where they join.
This can be prevented by using the same Transform (for example the parent or a child object) as the interpolation point for
both Mesh Renderers or by using a Light Probe Proxy Volume.
2017–06–08 Page published with no editorial review

Light Probes updated in 5.6

Light Probe Proxy Volume component Leave feedback

The Light Probe Proxy Volume (LPPV) component allows you to use more lighting information for large dynamic
GameObjects that cannot use baked lightmaps (for example, large Particle Systems or skinned Meshes).
By default, a probe-lit Renderer receives lighting from a single Light Probe that is interpolated between the
surrounding Light Probes in the Scene. Because of this, GameObjects have constant ambient lighting across the
surface. This lighting has a rotational gradient because it is using spherical harmonics, but it lacks a spatial
gradient. This is more noticeable on larger GameObjects or Particle Systems. The lighting across the
GameObject matches the lighting at the anchor point, and if the GameObject straddles a lighting gradient, parts
of the GameObject may look incorrect.
The Light Probe Proxy Volume component generates a 3D grid of interpolated Light Probes inside a
Bounding Volume. You can specify the resolution of this grid in the UI of the component. The spherical
harmonics (SH) coe cients of the interpolated Light Probes are uploaded into 3D textures. The 3D textures
containing SH coe cients are then sampled at render time to compute the contribution to the di use ambient
lighting. This adds a spatial gradient to probe-lit GameObjects.
The Standard Shader supports this feature. To add this to a custom shader, use the ShadeSHPerPixel function.
To learn how to implement this function, see the Particle System sample Shader code example at the bottom of
this page.

When to use the component
Most of the Renderer components in Unity contain Light Probes. There are three options for Light Probes:
O : the Renderer doesn’t use any interpolated Light Probes.
Blend Probes (default value): the Renderer uses one interpolated Light Probe.
Use Proxy Volume: the Renderer uses a 3D grid of interpolated Light Probes.
When you set the Light Probes property to Use Proxy Volume, the GameObject must have a Light Probe Proxy
Volume (LPPV) component attached. You can add a LPPV component on the same GameObject, or you can use
(borrow) a LPPV component from another GameObject using the Proxy Volume Override property. If Unity
cannot nd a LPPV component in the current GameObject or in the Proxy Volume Override GameObject, a
warning message is displayed at the bottom of the Renderer.


An example of a simple Mesh Renderer using a Light Probe Proxy Volume component
In the Scene above, there are two planes on the oor using Materials that emit a lot of light. Note that:
The ambient light changes across the geometry when using a LPPV component. Use one interpolated Light Probe
to create a constant color on each side of the geometry.
The geometry doesn’t use static lightmaps, and the spheres represent interpolated Light Probes. They are part of
the Gizmo Renderer.

How to use the component
The area in which the 3D grid of interpolated Light Probes are generated is a ected by the Bounding Box Mode

There are three options available:

Box Mode:
A local-space bounding box is computed. The interpolated Light Probe positions are
generated inside this bounding box. If a Renderer component isn’t attached to the
GameObject, then a default bounding box is generated. The bounding box computation
encloses the current Renderer, and sets all the Renderers down the hierarchy that have
the Light Probes property to Use Proxy Volume.
A bounding box is computed which encloses the current Renderer and all the
Renderers down the hierarchy that have the Light Probes property set to Use Proxy
Volume. The bounding box is world-aligned.
A custom bounding box is used. The bounding box is speci ed in the local-space of the
GameObject. The bounding box editing tools are available. You can edit the bounding
volume manually by modifying the Size and Origin values in the UI.

The main di erence between Automatic Local and Automatic World is that in Automatic Local, the bounding
box is more resource-intensive to compute when a large hierarchy of GameObjects uses the same LPPV
component from a parent GameObject. However, the resulting bounding box may be smaller in size, meaning the
lighting data is more compact.
The number of interpolated Light Probes from within the bounding volume is a ected by the Proxy Volume
Resolution property. There are two options:
Automatic (default value) - The resolution on each axis is computed using the number of interpolated Light
Probes per unit area that you specify, and the size of the bounding box.
Custom - Allows you to specify a di erent resolution on each axis (see below).

Note: The nal resolution on each axis must be a power of two, and the maximum value of the resolution is 32.
Probe Position Mode speci es the relative position of an interpolated Light Probe to a cell center. This option
may be useful in situations when some of the interpolated Light Probes pass through walls or other geometries
and cause light leaking. The example below shows the di erence between Cell Corner and Cell Center in a 2D
view, using a 4x4 grid resolution:

Images for comparison
A simple Mesh Renderer using a Standard Shader:

With Light Probe Proxy Volume (resolution: 4x1x1)

Without Light Probe Proxy Volume
A skinned Mesh Renderer using a Standard Shader:

With Light Probe Proxy Volume (resolution: 2x2x2)

Without Light Probe Proxy Volume

Particle System sample Shader using the ShadeSHPerPixel
Shader "Particles/AdditiveLPPV" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Particle Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_TintColor ("Tint Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
Category {
Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transpar
Blend SrcAlpha One
ColorMask RGB
Cull Off Lighting Off ZWrite Off
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma multi_compile_particles
#pragma multi_compile_fog
// Specify the target
#pragma target 3.0

#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// You must include this header to have access to ShadeSHPerPixel
#include "UnityStandardUtils.cginc"
fixed4 _TintColor;
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct appdata_t {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f {
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD2;
float3 worldNormal : TEXCOORD3;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
v2f vert (appdata_t v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
o.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex).xyz;
o.color = v.color;
o.texcoord = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord,_MainTex);
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
half3 currentAmbient = half3(0, 0, 0);
half3 ambient = ShadeSHPerPixel(i.worldNormal, currentAmbient, i
fixed4 col = _TintColor * i.color * tex2D(_MainTex, i.texcoord);
col.xyz += ambient;
UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(i.fogCoord, col, fixed4(0,0,0,0)); // fog
return col;


Hardware requirements
The component requires at least Shader Model 4 graphics hardware and API support, including support for 3D
Textures with 32-bit oating-point format and linear ltering.
To work correctly, the Scene needs to contain Light Probes via Light Probe Group components. If a requirement
is not ful lled, the Renderer or Light Probe Proxy Volume component Inspector displays a warning message.

Re ection probes

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CG lms and animations commonly feature highly realistic re ections, which are important for giving a sense of
“connectedness” among the objects in the scene. However, the accuracy of these re ections comes with a high
cost in processor time and while this is not a problem for lms, it severely limits the use of re ective objects in
realtime games.
Traditionally, games have used a technique called re ection mapping to simulate re ections from objects while
keeping the processing overhead to an acceptable level. This technique assumes that all re ective objects in the
scene can “see” (and therefore re ect) the exact same surroundings. This works quite well for the game’s main
character (a shiny car, say) if it is in open space but is unconvincing when the character passes into di erent
surroundings; it looks strange if a car drives into a tunnel but the sky is still visibly re ected in its windows.
Unity improves on basic re ection mapping through the use of Re ection Probes, which allow the visual
environment to be sampled at strategic points in the scene. You should generally place them at every point where
the appearance of a re ective object would change noticeably (eg, tunnels, areas near buildings and places where
the ground colour changes). When a re ective object passes near to a probe, the re ection sampled by the probe
can be used for the object’s re ection map. Furthermore, when several probes are nearby, Unity can interpolate
between them to allow for gradual changes in re ections. Thus, the use of re ection probes can create quite
convincing re ections with an acceptable processing overhead.

How Re ection Probes Work
The visual environment for a point in the scene can be represented by a cubemap. This is conceptually like a box
with at images of the view from six directions (up, down, left, right, forward and backward) painted on its interior



Inside surfaces of a skybox cubemap (front face removed)
For an object to show the re ections, its shader must have access to the images representing the cubemap. Each
point of the object’s surface can “see” a small area of cubemap in the direction the surface faces (ie, the direction
of the surface normal vector). The shader uses the colour of the cubemap at this point in calculating what colour
the object’s surface should be; a mirror material might re ect the colour exactly while a shiny car might fade and
tint it somewhat.
As mentioned above, traditional re ection mapping makes use of only a single cubemap to represent the
surroundings for the whole scene. The cubemap can be painted by an artist or it can be obtained by taking six
“snapshots” from a point in the scene, with one shot for each cube face. Re ection probes improve on this by
allowing you to set up many prede ned points in the scene where cubemap snapshots can be taken. You can
therefore record the surrounding view at any point in the scene where the re ections di er noticeably.
In addition to its view point, a probe also has a zone of e ect de ned by an invisible box shape in the scene. A
re ective object that passes within a probe’s zone has its re ection cubemap supplied temporarily by that probe.

As the object moves from one zone to another, the cubemap changes accordingly.

Types of Re ection Probe

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Re ection probes come in three basic types as chosen by the Type property in the inspector (see the component reference
page for further details).

Baked probes store a re ection cubemap generated (“baked”) within the editor. You can trigger the baking
by clicking either the Bake button at the bottom of the Re ection Probe inspector or the Build button in the
Lighting window. If you have Auto enabled in the Lighting window then baked probes will be updated
automatically as you place objects in the Scene view. The re ection from a baked probe can only show
objects marked as Re ection Probe Static in the inspector. This indicates to Unity that the objects will not move
at runtime.
Realtime probes create the cubemap at runtime in the player rather than the editor. This means that the
re ections are not limited to static objects and can be updated in real time to show changes in the scene.
However, it takes considerable processing time to refresh the view of a probe so it is wise to manage the
updates carefully. Unity allows you to trigger updates from a script so you can control exactly when they
happen. Also, there is an option to apply timeslicing to probe updates so that they can take place gradually
over a few frames.
A Custom probe type is also available. These probes let you bake the view in the editor, as with Baked
probes, but you can also supply a custom cubemap for the re ections. Custom probes cannot be updated at
The three types are explained in detail below.

Baked and Custom Re ection Probes
A Baked re ection probe is one whose re ection cubemap is captured in the Unity editor and stored for subsequent usage
in the player (see the Re ection Probes Introduction for further information). Once the capture process is complete, the
re ections are “frozen” and so baked probes can’t react to runtime changes in the scene caused by moving objects. However,
they come with a much lower processing overhead than Realtime probes (which do react to changes) and are acceptable for
many purposes. For example, if there is only a single moving re ective object then it need only re ect its static surroundings.

Using Baked probes
You should set the probe’s Type property to Baked or Custom in order to make it behave as a baked probe (see below for the
additional features o ered by Custom probes).
The re ections captured by baked probes can only include scene objects marked as Re ection Probe Static (using the Static
menu at the top left of the inspector panel for all objects). You can further re ne the objects that get included in the
re ection cubemap using the Culling Mask and Clipping Planes properties, which work the same way as for a Camera (the
probe is essentially like a camera that is rotated to view each of the six cubemap faces).
When the Auto option is switched on (from the Lighting window, the baked re ections will update automatically as you
position objects in the scene. If you are not making use of auto baking then you will need to click the Bake button in the
Re ection Probe inspector to update the probes. (The Build button in the Lighting window will also trigger the probes to
Whether you use auto or manual baking, the bake process will take place asynchronously while you continue to work in the
editor. However, if you move any static objects, change their materials or otherwise alter their visual appearance then the
baking process will be restarted.

Custom Probes
By default, Custom probes work the same way as Baked probes but they also have additional options that change this

The Dynamic Objects property on a custom probe’s inspector allows objects that are not marked as Re ection Probe Static to
be included in the re ection cubemap. Note, however, that the positions of these objects are still “frozen” in the re ection at
the time of baking.
The Cubemap property allows you to assign your own cubemap to the probe and therefore make it completely independent
of what it can “see” from its view point. You could use this, say, to set a skybox or a cubemap generated from your 3D
modelling app as the source for re ections.

Realtime Probes
Baked probes are useful for many purposes and have good runtime performance but they have the disadvantage of not
updating live within the player. This means that objects can move around in the scene without their re ections moving along
with them. In cases where this is too limiting, you can use Realtime probes, which update the re ection cubemap at
runtime. This e ect comes with a higher processing overhead but o ers greater realism.

Using Realtime probes
To enable a probe to update at runtime, you should set its Type property to Realtime in the Re ection Probe inspector. You
don’t need to mark objects as Re ection Probe Static to capture their re ections (as you would with a baked probe). However,
you can selectively exclude objects from the re ection cubemap using the Culling Mask and Clipping Planes properties, which
work the same way as for a Camera (the probe is essentially like a camera that is rotated to view each of the six cubemap
In the editor, realtime probes have much the same work ow as baked probes, although they tend to render more quickly.
When the Auto option is switched on (from the Lighting window, the re ections will update automatically as you position
objects in the scene. If you are not making use of auto baking then you will need to click the Bake button in the Re ection
Probe inspector to update the probes. (The Build button in the Lighting window will also trigger the probes to update.)
Whether you use auto or manual baking, the bake process will take place asynchronously while you continue to work in the
editor. However, if you move any static objects, change their materials or otherwise alter their visual appearance then the
baking process will be restarted.
Note: Currently, realtime probes will only update their re ections in the Scene view when Re ection Probe Static objects are
moved or change their appearance. This means that moving dynamic objects will not cause an update even though those
objects appear in the re ection. You should choose the Bake Re ection Probes option from the Build button popup on the
Lighting window to update re ections when a dynamic object is changed.

Using Re ection Probes

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You can add the Re ection Probe component to any object in a Scene but it’s standard to add each probe to a
separate empty GameObject. The usual work ow is:

Create a new empty GameObject (menu: GameObject > Create Empty) and then add the Re ection
Probe component to it (menu: Component > Rendering > Re ection Probe). Alternatively, if you
already have a probe in the scene you will probably nd it easier to duplicate that instead (menu: Edit >
Place the new probe in the desired location and set its O set point and the size of its zone of e ect.
Optionally set other properties on the probe to customise its behaviour.
Continue adding probes until all required locations have been assigned.
To see the re ections, you will also need at least one re ective object in the scene. A simple test object can be created
as follows:

Add a primitive object such as a Sphere to the scene (menu: GameObject > 3D Object > Sphere).
Create a new material (menu: Assets > Create > Material) and leave the default Standard shader in
Make the material re ective by setting both the Metallic and Smoothness properties to 1.0.
Drag the newly-created material onto the sphere object to assign it.
The sphere can now show the re ections obtained from the probes. A simple arrangement with a single probe is
enough to see the basic e ect of the re ections.
Finally, the probes must be baked before the re ections become visible. If you have the Auto Generate option
enabled in the Lighting window (this is the default setting) then the re ections will update as you position or change
objects in the scene, although the response is not instantaneous. If you disable auto baking then you must click the
Bake button in the Re ection Probe inspector to update the probes. The main reason for disabling auto baking is that
the baking process can take quite some time for a complicated scene with many probes.

Positioning probes
The position of a probe is primarily determined by the position of its GameObject and so you can simply drag the
object to the desired location. Having done this, you should set the probe’s zone of e ect; this is an axis-aligned box
shape whose dimensions are set by the Box Size property. You can set the size values directly or enable the size
editing mode in the inspector and drag the sides of the box in the Scene view (see the Re ection Probe component
page for details). The zones of the full set of probes should collectively cover all areas of the scene where a re ective
object might pass.
You should place probes close to any large objects in the scene that would be re ected noticeably. Areas around the
centres and corners of walls are good candidate locations for probes. Smaller objects might require probes close by if
they have a strong visual e ect. For example, you would probably want the ames of a camp re to be re ected even if
the object itself is small and otherwise insigni cant.
When you have probes in all the appropriate places, you then need to de ne the zone of e ect for each probe, which
you can do using the Box Size property as mentioned above. A wall might need just a single probe zone along most of
its length (at least if it has a fairly uniform appearance) but the zone might be relatively narrow in the direction
perpendicular to the wall; this would imply that the wall is only re ected by objects that are fairly close to it. An open
space whose appearance varies little from place to place can often be covered by a single probe. Note that a probe’s
zone is aligned to the main world axes (X, Y and Z) and can’t be rotated. This means that sometimes a group of probes
might be needed along a uniform wall if it is not axis-aligned.

By default, a probe’s zone of e ect is centred on its view point but this may not be the ideal position for capturing the
re ection cubemap. For example, the probe zone for a very high wall might extend some distance from the wall but
you might want the re ection to be captured from a point close to it rather than the zone’s centre. You can optionally
add an o set to view point using the Box O set property (ie, the o set is the position in the GameObject’s local space
that the probe’s cubemap view is generated from). Using this, you can easily place the view point anywhere within the
zone of e ect or indeed outside the zone altogether.

Overlapping probe zones
It would be very di cult to position the zones of neighbouring re ection probes without them overlapping and
fortunately, it is not necessary to do so. However, this leaves the issue of choosing which probe to use in the overlap
areas. By default, Unity calculates the intersection between the re ective object’s bounding box and each of the
overlapping probe zones; the zone which has the largest volume of intersection with the bounding box is the one that
will be selected.

Overlap with
Probe A

Probe A

Overlap with
Probe B

Probe B
Probe A is selected since its intersection with the object is larger
You can modify the calculation using the probes’ Importance properties. Probes with a higher importance value have
priority over those of lower importance within overlap zones. This is useful, say, if you have a small probe zone that is
contained completely inside a larger zone (ie, the intersection of the character’s bounding box with the enclosing zone
might always be larger and so the small zone would never be used).

To enable Re ection Probe blending, navigate to Graphic Settings > Tier settings. With blending enabled, Unity will
gradually fade out one probe’s cubemap while fading in the other’s as the re ective object passes from one zone to
the other. This gradual transition avoids the situation where a distinctive object suddenly “pops” into the re ection as
an object crosses the zone boundary.
Blending is controlled using the Re ection Probes property of the Mesh Renderer component. Four blending options
are available:

O - Re ection probe blending is disabled. Only the skybox will be used for re ection
Blend Probes - Blends only adjacent probes and ignores the skybox. You should use this for objects
that are “indoors” or in covered parts of the scene (eg, caves and tunnels) since the sky is not visible
from these place and so should never appear in the re ections.

Blend Probes and Skybox - Works like Blend Probes but also allows the skybox to be used in the
blending. You should use this option for objects in the open air, where the sky would always be visible.
Simple - Disables blending between probes when there are two overlapping re ection probe volumes.
When probes have equal Importance values, the blending weight for a given probe zone is calculated by dividing its
intersection (volume) with the object’s bounding box by the sum of all probes’ intersections with the box. For example,
if the box intersects probe A’s zone by 1.0 cubic units and intersects probe B’s zone by 2.0 cubic units then the
blending values will be:

Probe A: 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0) = 0.33
Probe B: 2.0 / (1.0 + 2.0) = 0.67
In other words, the blend will incorporate 33% of probe A’s re ection and 67% of probe B’s re ection.
The calculation must be handled slightly di erently in the case where one probe is entirely contained within the other,
since the inner zone overlaps entirely with the outer. If the object’s bounding box is entirely within the inner zone then
that zone’s blending weight is 1.0 (ie, the outer zone is not used at all). When the object is partially outside the inner
zone, the intersection volume of its bounding box with the inner zone is divided by the total volume of the box. For
example, if the intersection volume is 1.0 cubic units and the bounding box’s volume is 4.0 cubic units, then the
blending weight of the inner probe will be 1.0 / 4.0 = 0.25. This value is then subtracted from 1.0 to get the weight for
the outer probe which in this case will be 0.75.
When one probe involved in the blend has a higher Importance value than another, the more important probe
overrides the other in the usual way.

Updated in 5.6
2017–06–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Advanced Re ection Probe Features

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Two further features which can improve the visual realism obtained from Re ection Probes are described below:
Interre ections and Box Projection.

Interre ections
You may have seen a situation where two mirrors are placed fairly close together and facing each other. Both
mirrors re ect not only the mirror opposite but also the re ections produced by that mirror. The result is an
endless progression of re ections between the two; re ection between objects like this are known as
Interre ections.
Re ection probes create the cubemap by taking a snapshot of the view from their position. However, with a
single snapshot, the view cannot show interre ections and so additional snapshots must be taken for each stage
in the interre ection sequence.
The number of times that a re ection can “bounce” back and forth between two objects is controlled in the
Lighting window; go to Environment > Environment Re ections and edit the Bounces property. This is set
globally for all probes, rather than individually for each probe. With a re ection bounce count of 1, re ective
objects viewed by a probe are shown as black. With a count of 2, the rst level of interre ection are visible, with a
count of 3, the rst two levels will be visible, and so on.
Note that the re ection bounce count also equals the number of times the probe must be baked with a
corresponding increase in the time required to complete the full bake. You should therefore set the count higher
than one only when you know that re ective objects will be clearly visible in one or more probes.

Box projection
Normally, the re ection cubemap is assumed to be at an in nite distance from any given object. Di erent angles
of the cubemap will be visible as the object turns but it is not possible for the object to move closer or farther
away from the re ected surroundings. This often works very well for outdoor scenes but its limitations show in
an indoor scene; the interior walls of a room are clearly not an in nite distance away and the re ection of a wall
should get larger the closer the object gets to it.
The Box Projection option allows you to create a re ection cubemap at a nite distance from the probe, thus
allowing objects to show di erent-sized re ections according to their distance from the cubemap’s walls. The size
of the surrounding cubemap is determined by the probes zone of e ect, as determined by its Box Size property.
For example, with a probe that re ects the interior of a room, you should set the size to match the dimensions of
the room. Globally, you can enable Box Projection from Project Settings > Graphics > Tier Settings, but the
option can be turned o from the Re ection Probe inspector for speci c Re ection Probes when in nite
projection is desired.

The parallax issue is xed by using Box Projection option

Re ection probe performance and

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Rendering a re ection probe’s cubemap takes a signi cant amount of processor time for a number of reasons:
Each of the six cubemap faces must be rendered separately using a “camera” at the probe’s origin.
The probes will need to be rendered a separate time for each re ection bounce level (see documentation on Advanced Re ection
Probes for further details).
The various mipmap levels of the cubemap must undergo a blurring process to allow for glossy re ections.
The time taken to render the probes a ects the baking work ow in the editor and, more importantly, runtime performance of the
player. Below are some tips for keeping the performance impact of re ection probes to a minimum.

General tips
The following issues a ect both o ine baking and runtime performance.

The higher the resolution of a cubemap, the greater its rendering time will be. You can optimise probes by setting lower resolutions in
places where the re ection detail is less important (for example, if a re ective object is small and/or distant then it will naturally show
less detail). Higher resolutions should still be used wherever the detail will be noticeable.

Culling Mask
A standard technique to improve a normal camera’s performance is to use the Culling Mask property to avoid rendering insigni cant
objects; the technique works equally well for re ection probes. For example, if your Scene contains many small objects (eg, rocks and
plants) you might consider putting them all on the same layer and then using the culling mask to avoid rendering them in the re ection.

Texture compression
To optimize the rendering time and lower the GPU memory consumption, use texture compression. To control texture compression for
baked Re ection Probes, open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings), navigate to Environmental
Lighting > Re ections and use the Compression drop-down menu. Note that real-time Re ection Probes are not compressed in
memory, and their size in memory depends on Resolution and HDR settings. Because of this, sampling real-time Re ection Probes is
usually more resource-intensive than sampling baked Re ection Probes.

Real-time probe optimisation
The rendering overhead is generally more signi cant for real-time probes than for those baked in the editor. Updates are potentially
quite frequent and this can have an impact on framerate if not managed correctly. With this in mind, real-time probes provide the
following properties to let you handle probe rendering as e ciently as possible:

Refresh Mode
The Refresh Mode lets you choose when the probe will update. The most resource-intensive option in terms of processor time is Every
Frame. This gives the most frequent updates with minimal programming e ort but you may encounter performance problems if you
use this mode for all probes.
If the mode is set to On Awake, the probe will be updated at runtime but only once at the start of the scene. This is useful if the scene
(or part of it) is set up at run-time but does not change during its lifetime.
The nal mode, Via Scripting, lets you control probe updates from a script. Although some e ort is involved in coding the script, this
approach does allow for useful optimisations. For example, you might update a probe according to the apparent size of passing objects
(ie, small objects or large objects at a distance are not worth an update).

Time Slicing

When the Refresh Mode described above is set to Every Frame the processing load can be considerable. Time Slicing allows you to
spread the cost of updates over several frames and thereby reduce the load at any given time. This property has three di erent
All Faces at Once will cause the six cubemap faces to be rendered immediately (on the same frame) but then the blurring operation for
each of the six rst level mipmaps will take place on separate frames. The remaining mipmaps will then be blurred on a single frame
and the results copied to the cubemap on another frame. The full update therefore takes nine frames to complete.
Individual Faces works the same way as All Faces at Once except that the initial rendering of each cubemap face takes place on its
own frame (instead of all six on the rst frame). The full update takes fourteen frames to complete; this option has the lowest impact on
framerate but the relative long update time might be noticeable when, say, lighting conditions change abruptly (eg, a lamp is suddenly
switched on).
No Time Slicing disables the time slicing operation completely and so each probe update takes place within a single frame. This
ensures that the re ections are synchronised exactly with the appearance of surrounding objects but the processing cost can be
As with the other optimisations, you should consider using the lower-quality options in places where re ections are less important and
save the No Time Slicing option for places where the detail will be noticed.

Updated in 5.6
2017–06–06 Page published with limited editorial review

Lighting Modes

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This page assumes you have already read documentation on lighting in Unity.
To control lighting precomputation and composition in Unity, you need to assign a Light Mode to a Light. This
Light Mode de nes the Light’s intended use. To assign a Light Mode, select the Light in your Scene and, in the
Light Inspector window, select Mode.

The Modes and their possible mappings are:

Mixed - Mixed Lights have their own sub-modes. Set these in the Lighting window:
Baked Indirect
Distance Shadowmask
For more information, see the Reference card for Light Modes.
The Modes are listed above in the order of least to most light path precomputations required (See How Modes
work, below). Note that this order does not necessarily correlate with the amount of time the actual
precomputation requires.

How Modes work
Each Mode in the Light Inspector window corresponds to a group of settings in the Lighting window (menu:
Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings > Scene).

The available Light Modes in the Light component (left), and the corresponding settings available
for those modes in the Lighting Scene window (right).
Inspector window
Unity calculates and updates the lighting of Realtime Lights every frame
during run time. No Realtime Lights are precomputed.
Unity can calculate some properties of Mixed Lights during run time, but
only within strong limitations. Some Mixed Lights are precomputed.
Unity pre-calculates the illumination from Baked Lights before run time,
and does not include them in any run-time lighting calculations. All
Baked Lights are precomputed.
Use these settings to adjust each mode. The adjustments you make apply to all Lights with that Mode assigned to
them. For example, if you open the Lighting window, navigate to the Realtime Lighting Settings and tick
Realtime Global Illumination, all Lights that have their Mode set to Realtime mode use Realtime Global

Precomputation yields two sets of results:
Unity stores results for static GameObjects as Texture atlases in UV Texture coordinate space. Unity provides
several settings to control this layouting.
Light Probes store a representation of light in empty space as seen from their particular position. Dynamic
GameObjects moving through this portion of empty space use this information to receive illumination from the
precomputed lighting.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Updated in 5.6

Lighting: Technical information and

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Surface: All triangles from all meshes in a Scene together are called the surface of a scene. A surface point is a point within
any triangle de ned for the Scene.
Emitted Light: This is light that is emitted directly onto the surface of the Scene.
Direct Light: This is light that is emitted, hits the surface of the Scene and is then re ected into a sensor (for example, the
eye’s retina or a camera). A Light’s direct contribution is any direct light that arrives at a sensor from that Light.
Indirect Light: This is light that is emitted, hits the surface of the Scene at least two times and is ultimately re ected into a
sensor. A Light’s indirect contribution is any indirect light that arrives at a sensor from that Light.

Re ection of simulated light in a Scene
Rough surfaces scatter incoming light in many directions, illuminating surfaces that are not directly lit from light sources. The
rougher the surfaces in a scene, the brighter such shadowed areas will appear. In the past, this e ect was approximated by
de ning one additional ambient light color which was simply added to the result of direct lighting, so that surfaces in
shadows would not appear completely black. More sophisticated approximations use a gradient to simulate di erent
ambient colors depending on the orientation of the surface, or even spherical harmonics to have even more complex
ambient lighting.

Smooth or glossy surfaces re ect most of the incoming light in predictable directions, leading to visible highlights on
materials. The extreme case of a glossy surface is a mirror, where all the incoming light from one direction gets re ected into
exactly one other direction. A variation of glossy re ections are translucent materials, that can also refract incoming light
when it enters and leaves the material again.
In the case of indirect lighting, a light path has at least two interactions with the Scene’s surface. These interactions can be a
combination of glossy and/or rough surface re ections. For example, glossy re ections/refractions hitting a rough surface
display patterns of focused light and darkness visible from all viewing directions, which are called caustics. Rough re ections
hitting another rough surface are usually referred to as ambient lighting.
Due to the nature of light being re ected multiple times on the surface of a scene, a correct solution needs to take the entire
scene with all its surface material properties and light interactions for all relevant light paths into account. Hence the term
Global Illumination.

Solving the problem
Ray tracing is a very elegant way of solving this problem in computer graphics, as it tries to simulate what actually happens in
the real world by following ray paths through the scene. The movie industry has entirely moved to ray tracing at this point
for generating their images.
Unfortunately, ray tracing is still too slow to be used in most real time graphics, where rasterization is the standard method
of generating images. Unlike ray tracing, rasterization cannot follow arbitrary light paths through the scene. In fact, a
rasterizer can only ever calculate one segment of a light path. This is why lighting in real time graphics gets complicated.
Since rasterizers cannot follow light rays, real time lighting concentrates on the parts of lighting with the most visible impact.
These are emission, and more commonly, direct lighting. Even in this case the light path already consists of two segments one from the camera to the surface, and one from the surface to the light.
The rst segment is the view rendered from the camera position. In order to calculate the second segment, techniques like
shadow mapping are used. Since shadow maps are speci c to each shadow-casting Light, a unique shadow map must be
generated for each one. The more shadow-casting Lights there are, the more shadow maps need to be generated.
Depending on the number of Lights there are, required rendering time can quickly become too long. Another drawback of
shadow maps is their limited resolution. This leads to blocky shadows. Therefore, shadow maps present both an image
quality issue due to the limited resolution, and a performance issue due to the memory requirements to store the shadow
maps and the time it takes to generate them every frame.
Unlike o ine rendering, games have certain hard limits on how much time they can spend rendering a frame. For instance,
VR applications have 11.11 milliseconds to draw a frame, in order to achieve 90 frames per second (FPS). Games relying on
fast player reactions have 16.66ms to draw a frame in order to hit 60 FPS. Games that target 30 FPS have 33.33ms. These
times must also include calculations for the rest of the application or game, such as AI and physics. It is therefore important
to make everything as e cient as possible to get the most out of the system. All rendering must occur within less than the
time between frames.

To recap, the two major issues that need to be addressed are:
How to deal with the performance penalty caused by calculating shadows for direct lighting.
How to deal with indirect lighting (note: in the context of real time graphics, Global Illumination is synonymous with indirect
lighting, even though the actual meaning encompasses direct lighting as well).
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review

Light Modes added in 5.6

Real-time lighting

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Real-time Lights are Light components which have their Mode property set to Realtime.
Use Realtime mode for Lights that need to change their properties or which are spawned via scripts during gameplay. Unity
calculates and updates the lighting of these Lights every frame at run time. They can change in response to actions taken by
the player, or events which take place in the Scene. For example, you can set them to switch on and o (like a ickering light),
change their Transforms (like a torch being carried through a dark room), or change their visual properties, like their color and
Real-time Lights illuminate and cast realistic shadows on both static and dynamic GameObjects. They cast shadows up to the
Shadow Distance (de ned in Edit > Project Settings > Quality).
You can also combine real-time Lights with Realtime Global Illumination (Realtime GI), so that they contribute indirect
lighting to static and dynamic GameObjects.

Using real-time lighting with Realtime GI
The combination of real-time lighting with Realtime GI is the most exible and realistic lighting option in Unity. To enable
Realtime GI, open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings) and tick Realtime Global
When Realtime GI is enabled, real-time Lights contribute indirect lighting into the Scene, as well as direct lighting. Use this
combination for light sources which change slowly and have a high visual impact on your Scene, such as the sun moving across
the sky, or a slowly pulsating light in a closed corridor. You don’t need to use Realtime GI for Lights that change quickly, or for
special e ects, because the latency of the system does not make it worth the overhead.
Note that Realtime GI uses signi cant system resources compared to the less complex Baked GI. Global Illumination is
managed in Unity by a piece of middleware called Enlighten, which has its own overheads (system memory and CPU cycles).
See documentation on Global Illumination for more information.
Realtime GI is suitable for games targeting mid-level to high-end PC systems, and games targeting current-gen consoles such
as the PS4 and Xbox One. Some high-end mobile devices might also be powerful enough to make use of this feature, but you
should keep Scenes small and the resolution for real-time light maps low to conserve system resources.
To disable the e ect of Realtime GI on a speci c light, select the Light GameObject and, in the Light component, set the
Indirect Multiplier to 0. This means that the Light does not contribute any indirect light. To disable Realtime GI altogether,
open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Lighting > Settings) and untick Realtime Global Illumination.

Disadvantages of using real-time lighting with Realtime GI
Increased memory requirements, due to the additional set of low resolution real-time light maps used to store the real-time
indirect bounces computed by the Enlighten lighting system.
Increased shader calculation requirements, due to sampling of the additional set of real-time light maps and probes used to
store the real-time indirect bounces computed by the Enlighten lighting system.
Indirect lighting converges over time, so property changes cannot be too abrupt. Adaptive HDR tone mapping might help you
hide this; to learn more, see the Unity Post Processing Stack (Asset Store).

Technical details
In the case of real-time Lights (that is, Light components with their Mode set to Realtime), the last emission (or path segment)
from the surface to the Light is not precomputed. This means that Lights can move around the Scene, and change visual
properties like color and intensity. See documentation on Using Enlighten in Unity for more information on path segments.

If the Light also casts shadows, both dynamic and static GameObjects in the Scene are rendered into the Light’s shadow map.
This shadow map is sampled by the Material Shaders of both static and dynamic GameObjects, so that they cast real-time
shadows on each other. The Shadow Distance (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows) controls the maximum
distance at which shadows start to fade out and disappear entirely, which in turn a ects performance and image quality.
If Realtime GI is not enabled, real-time Lights only calculate direct lighting on dynamic and static GameObjects. If Realtime GI
is enabled, Unity uses Enlighten to precompute the surface-to-surface light paths for static GameObjects.

Precomputed Realtime GI mode: Unity only precomputes surface-to-surface information
The last path segment (that is, the segment from the surface to the Light emitter) is not part of the precomputation. The only
information stored is that if the surface is illuminated, then the following surfaces and probes are also illuminated, and the
intensities of the various illuminations. There is a separate set of low-resolution real-time light maps, which Enlighten
iteratively updates on the CPU at run time with the information of real-time Lights. Because this iterative process is
computationally intensive, it is split across several frames. In other words, it takes a couple of frames until the light has fully
bounced across the static elements in the Scene, and the real-time light maps and Light Probes have converged to the nal
For Lights with properties that change slowly (such as a light-emitting sun moving across the sky), this does not pose a
problem. However, for Lights with properties that change quickly (such as a ickering lightbulb), the iterative nature of
Realtime GI may prove unsuitable. Fast property changes do not register signi cantly with the bounced light system, so there
is no point in including them in the calculations.
There are several ways to address this problem. One way is to reduce the real-time light map resolution. Because this results in
less calculation at run time, the lighting converges faster. Another option is to increase the CPU Usage setting for the Realtime

GI runtime. By dedicating more CPU time, the runtime converges faster. The tradeo is of course that other systems receive
less CPU time to do their work. Whether this is acceptable depends on each individual project. Note that as this is a per-Scene
setting, you can dedicate more or less CPU time based on the complexity of each individual Scene in the project.
Even though Realtime GI is enabled on a per-Scene basis for all real-time Lights, it is still possible to prevent individual realtime Lights from being considered by Realtime GI. To achieve this, set the Light component’s Mode to Realtime and its
indirect multiplier to 0, removing all indirect light contributions.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6

Mixed lighting

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Mixed Lights are Light components which have their Mode property set to Mixed.
Mixed Lights can change their Transform and visual properties (such as colour or intensity) during run time, but only within strong
limitations. They illuminate both static and dynamic GameObjects, always provide direct lighting, and can optionally provide indirect
lighting. Dynamic GameObjects lit by Mixed Lights always cast real-time shadows on other dynamic GameObjects.
All Mixed Lights in a Scene use the same Mixed Lighting Mode. To set the Lighting Mode, open the Lighting window (menu: Window
> Rendering > Lighting Settings), click the Scene tab, and navigate to the Mixed Lighting section.

The Mixed Lighting section of the Lighting window
The available modes are:

Baked Indirect
Using Mixed Lights
Mixed lighting is useful for Lights that are not part of gameplay, but which illuminate the static environment (for example, a nonmoving sun in the sky). Direct lighting from Mixed Lights is still calculated at run time, so Materials on static Meshes retain their visual
delity, including full physically based shading (PBS) support.

An example of Mixed Lights
The Shadowmask mode’s Distance Shadowmask is the most resource-intensive option, but provides the best results: it yields highquality shadows within the Shadow Distance (Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows), and baked high-quality shadows
beyond. For example, you could create large landscapes with realistic shadows right up to the horizon, as long as the sun does not
travel across the sky.

Subtractive mode provides the lowest-quality results: it renders shadows in real time for only one Light, and composites them with
baked direct and indirect lighting. Only use this as a fallback solution for target platforms that are unable to use any of the other
modes (for example, when the application needs to run on low-end mobile devices, but memory constraints prevent the use of
Shadowmask or Distance Shadowmask).
See the Unity Lighting Modes Reference Card for a condensed comparison of the various modes.
All Mixed Lighting Modes are supported on all platforms. However, there are some rendering limitations:
Subtractive mode falls back to forward rendering (no deferred or light prepass support).
Shadowmask mode falls back to forward rendering (no deferred or light prepass support) on platforms which only support four
render targets, such as many mobile GPUs.
See documentation on Rendering paths to learn more about forward and deferred rendering.

Advanced use
Mixed Lights can change their Transform and visual properties (such as colour or intensity) during run time, but only within strong
limitations. In fact, because some lighting is baked (and therefore precomputed), changing any parameters at run time leads to
inconsistent results when combining real-time and precomputed lighting.
In the case of Baked Indirect and Shadowmask, the direct lighting contribution behaves just like a Realtime Light, so you can change
parameters like the color, intensity and even the Transform of the Light. However, baked values are precomputed, and cannot change
at run time.
For example: if you bake a red Mixed Light into the light map, but change its color from red to green at run time, all direct lighting
switches to the green color. However, all indirect lighting is baked into the light maps, so it remains red. The same applies to moving a
Mixed Light at run time - direct lighting will follow the Light, but indirect lighting will remain at the position at which the Light was
If only subtle changes are introduced to direct lighting (for example, by only slightly modifying the hue or intensity of a Light), it is
possible to get the bene ts of indirect lighting and for the Light to appear somewhat dynamic, without the extra processing time
required for a Realtime Light. Indirect lighting is still incorrect, but the error might be subtle enough not to be objectionable. This
works especially well for Lights without precomputed shadow information. This is achieved either by having shadows disabled for the
Light, or by using Baked Indirect mode where shadows are real time. As shadowmasks are part of the direct lighting computation,
moving such Lights causes visual inconsistencies with shadows not lining up correctly.
The following video shows an example of what happens when a Mixed Light is moved too far away from the spot where it was baked.
Note how the indirect red light on the walls remains in place despite the object moving far away: https://youtu.be/o6pVBqrj8-s
The following video shows an example of how to slightly modify a Mixed Light without causing noticeable inconsistencies with indirect
lighting: https://youtu.be/XN6ya31gm1I

Technical Details
In the case of Mixed Lights, the last segment of a light path (that is, the path from the Light to the surface) becomes part of the
precomputation as well. However, Unity still handles direct lighting and indirect lighting separately. It bakes indirect lighting into light
maps and Light Probes, which are then sampled at run time. Indirect lighting is generally low frequency, meaning it looks smooth and
doesn’t contain detailed shadows or light transitions. Therefore, shadows are handled with direct lighting where they have a high
visible impact.
The di erence in how shadows are precomputed and stored is re ected in the various submodes for Mixed Lights:

Baked Indirect
Shadow information can be precomputed and stored in a shadowmask. A shadowmask is a Texture which shares the same UV layout
and resolution with its corresponding light map. It stores occlusion information for up to four Lights per texel (because Textures are
limited to up to four channels on current GPUs). The values range from 0 to 1, with values in-between marking soft shadow areas.

If shadowmasks are enabled, Light Probes also store occlusion information for up to four Lights. If more than four Lights intersect, the
excess Lights fall back to Baked Lights. You can inspect this behavior with the shadowmask overlap visualization mode. This
information is precomputed, so the only shadows Unity stores in the shadowmask are shadows cast from static GameObjects onto
other static GameObjects. These shadows can have smoother edges providing better quality than real-time shadow maps, depending
on the light map resolution. Because each Mixed Light retains its shadowmask channel mapping at run time, shadows cast by dynamic
GameObjects via shadow maps can be correctly composited with precomputed shadows from static GameObjects, avoiding
inconsistencies like double shadowing.
The only perceptible di erences between shadows from static GameObjects and shadows from dynamic GameObjects are the
di erences in resolution and ltering of the precomputed shadowmask and the run-time shadow map, and that precomputed
shadows support various forms of area Lights, so soft shadows can have more realistic penumbras.

In this image, the Baked shadowmask resolution is similar to the Realtime shadow resolution

In this image, the Baked shadowmask resolution is much lower than the Realtime shadow resolution.
What Baked Indirect and Shadowmask have in common is that direct lighting is always computed in real time and added to the
indirect lighting stored in the light map, so all Material e ects that require a light direction continue to work. Dynamic GameObjects
always cast shadows on other dynamic GameObjects via shadow maps within the Shadow Distance (Edit > Project Settings >
Quality > Shadows), if shadows are enabled for that Light.

Baked Indirect mode: Only indirect lighting is precomputed

Shadowmask and Distance Shadowmask modes: Indirect lighting and direct occlusion are precomputed

Subtractive mode: All light paths are precomputed
2017–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6

Baked Indirect mode

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Baked Indirect mode is a lighting mode shared by all Mixed Lights in a Scene. To set Mixed lighting to Baked Indirect, open
the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings), click the Scene tab, navigate to Mixed Lighting and
set the Lighting Mode to Baked Indirect. See documentation on Mixed lighting to learn more about this lighting mode, and
see documentation on Light modes to learn more about the other modes available.
For Lights that are set to Baked Indirect mode, Unity only precomputes indirect lighting, and does not carry out shadow precomputations. Shadows are fully real-time within the Shadow Distance (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows
). In other words, Baked Indirect Lights behave like Realtime Lights with additional indirect lighting, but with no shadows
beyond the Shadow Distance. You can use e ects like the Post-processing fog e ect to obscure the missing shadows past
that distance.
A good example of when Baked Indirect mode might be useful is if you are building an indoor shooter or adventure game
set in rooms connected with corridors. The viewing distance is limited, so everything that is visible should usually t within
the Shadow Distance. This mode is also useful for building a foggy outdoor Scene, because you can use the fog to hide the
missing shadows in the distance.

The following table shows how static and dynamic GameObjects cast and receive shadows when using Baked Indirect

Dynamic receiver
A dynamic GameObject that is
receiving a shadow from another static
or dynamic GameObject
Within Shadow Distance
Dynamic caster
A dynamic
Shadow map
GameObject that is
casting a shadow
Static caster
A static
Shadow map
GameObject that is
casting a shadow

Static receiver
A static GameObject that is receiving a
shadow from another static or
dynamic GameObject
Within Shadow

Beyond Shadow


Shadow map



Shadow map


Advantages and disadvantages of Baked Indirect mode
The performance requirements of Baked Indirect mode make it a good option for building to mid-range PCs and high-end
mobile devices. These are the most signi cant advantages and disadvantages of using Baked Indirect mode:

It provides the same visual e ect as Realtime Lighting.
It provides real-time shadows for all combinations of static and dynamic GameObjects.
It provides indirect lighting.


It has higher performance requirements relative to other Mixed Light modes, because it renders shadowcasting static GameObjects into shadow maps.
Shadows do not render beyond the Shadow Distance.

2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6

Shadowmask mode

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Shadowmask mode is a lighting mode shared by all Mixed Lights in a Scene. To set Mixed lighting to Shadowmask,
open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings), click the Scene tab, navigate to
Mixed Lighting and set the Lighting Mode to Shadowmask.
You also need to select the desired Shadowmask mode to use from the Quality Settings (menu: Edit >
Project Settings > Quality):

Shadowmask: Static GameObjects that cast shadows always use baked shadows.
Distance Shadowmask: Unity uses real-time shadows up to the Shadow Distance, and baked
shadows beyond.
See documentation on Mixed lighting and Light modes to learn more about the other modes available.
2017–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Shadowmask modes added to Quality Settings in 2017.1


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Shadowmask is a version of the Shadowmask lighting mode shared by all Mixed Lights in a Scene. To set Mixed lighting to

Open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings), click the Scene tab, navigate to
Mixed Lighting and set the Lighting Mode to Shadowmask.
Next, open the Quality Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Quality), navigate to Shadowmask Mode and
set it to Shadowmask.
See documentation on Mixed lighting to learn more about this lighting mode, and see documentation on Light modes to learn
more about the other modes available.
A shadow mask is a Texture that shares the same UV layout and resolution with its corresponding lightmap. It stores occlusion
information for up to 4 lights per texel, because Textures are limited to up to 4 channels on current GPUs.
Unity precomputes shadows cast from static GameObjects onto other static GameObjects, and stores them in a separate
Shadowmask Texture for up to 4 overlapping lights. If more than 4 lights overlap, any additional lights fall back to Baked Lighting.
Which of the lights fall back to Baked Lighting is determined by the baking system and stays consistent across bakes, unless one
of the lights overlapping is modi ed. Light Probes also receive the same information for up to 4 lights.
Light overlapping is computed independently of shadow receiving objects. So, an object can get the in uence of 10 di erent
mixed lights all from the same Shadowmask/Probe channel, as long as those light bounding volumes don’t overlap at any point
in space. If some lights overlap then more channels are used. And, if a light does overlap while all 4 channels have already been
assigned, that light will fallback to fully baked.
In Shadowmask mode:
Static GameObjects receive shadows from other static GameObjects via the shadow mask, regardless of the Shadow Distance
(menu: Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows). They also receive shadows from dynamic GameObjects, but only those
within the Shadow Distance.
Dynamic GameObjects receive shadows from other dynamic GameObjects within the Shadow Distance via shadow maps. They
also receive shadows from static GameObjects, via Light Probes. The shadow delity depends on the density of Light Probes in
the Scene, and the Light Probes mode selected on the Mesh Renderer.
Unity automatically composites overlapping shadows from static and dynamic GameObjects, because shadow masks (which hold
static GameObject lighting and shadow information) and shadow maps (which hold dynamic GameObject lighting and shadow
information) only encode occlusion information.
A good example of when Shadowmask mode might be useful is if you are building an almost fully static Scene, using specular
Materials, soft baked shadows and a dynamic shadow caster, not too close to the camera. Another good example is an openworld Scene with baked shadows up to the horizon, but without dynamic lighting such as a day/night cycle.

The following table shows how static and dynamic GameObjects cast and receive shadows when using Shadowmask mode:

Dynamic receiver
A dynamic GameObject that is receiving
a shadow from another static or
dynamic GameObject
Within Shadow Distance

Static receiver
A static GameObject that is receiving a
shadow from another static or dynamic

Within Shadow

Beyond Shadow

Dynamic receiver
A dynamic GameObject that is receiving
a shadow from another static or
dynamic GameObject
Dynamic caster
A dynamic
Shadow map
GameObject that is
casting a shadow
Static caster
A static GameObject
Light Probes
that is casting a

Static receiver
A static GameObject that is receiving a
shadow from another static or dynamic

Shadow map





Advantages and disadvantages of Shadowmask mode
The performance requirements of Shadowmask mode make it a good option for building to low and mid-range PCs, and mobile
devices. These are the most signi cant advantages and disadvantages of using Shadowmask mode:

It o ers the same visual e ect as Realtime Lighting.
It provides real-time shadows from dynamic GameObjects onto static GameObjects.
One Texture operation in the Shader handles all lighting and shadows between static GameObjects.
It automatically composites overlapping shadows from static and dynamic GameObjects.
It has mid-to-low performance requirements, because it does not render static GameObjects into shadow maps.
It provides indirect lighting.

It only provides low-resolution shadows from static GameObjects onto dynamic GameObjects, via Light Probes.
It only allows up to 4 overlapping light volumes (see documentation under the ‘Technical details’ section of Mixed Lighting for
more information).
It has increased memory requirements for the light map Texture set.
It has increased memory requirements for the shadow mask Texture.
2017–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6
Added advice on light overlap computation in Unity 2017.1

Distance Shadowmask

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Distance Shadowmask is a version of the Shadowmask lighting mode. It is shared by all Mixed Lights in a Scene. To set
Mixed lighting to Distance Shadowmask:

Open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings), click the Scene tab, navigate to
Mixed Lighting, and set the Lighting Mode to Shadowmask.
Next, open the Quality Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Quality), navigate to Shadowmask Mode and
set it to Distance Shadowmask.
See documentation on Mixed lighting to learn more about this lighting mode, and see documentation on Light modes to learn
more about the other modes available.
A shadow mask is a Texture that shares the same UV layout and resolution with its corresponding light map. It stores occlusion
information for up to 4 lights per texel, because Textures are limited to up to 4 channels on current GPUs.
The Distance Shadowmask mode is a version of the Shadowmask lighting mode that includes high quality shadows cast from
static GameObjects onto dynamic GameObjects.
Within the Shadow Distance (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows), Unity renders both dynamic and static
GameObjects into the shadow map, allowing static GameObjects to cast sharp shadows onto dynamic GameObjects. For this
reason, Distance Shadowmask mode has higher performance requirements than Shadowmask mode, because all static
GameObjects in the scene are rendered into the shadow map.
Beyond the Shadow Distance:

Static GameObjects receive high-resolution shadows from other static GameObjects via the precomputed
shadow mask.
Dynamic GameObjects receive low-resolution shadows from static GameObjects via Light Probes.
A good example of when Distance Shadowmask mode might be useful is if you are building an open world Scene with shadows
up to the horizon, and complex static Meshes casting real-time shadows on moving characters.

The following table shows how static and dynamic GameObjects cast and receive shadows when using Distance Shadowmask

Dynamic receiver
A dynamic GameObject that is receiving
a shadow from another static or
dynamic GameObject
Within Shadow Distance
Dynamic caster
A dynamic
Shadow map
GameObject that is
casting a shadow
Static caster
A static GameObject
Shadow map
that is casting a

Static receiver
A static GameObject that is receiving a
shadow from another static or dynamic

Within Shadow

Beyond Shadow


Shadow map



Shadow map

Shadow mask

Advantages and disadvantages of Distance Shadowmask mode

The performance requirements of Distance Shadowmask mode make it a good option for building to high-end PCs and current
generation consoles. These are the most signi cant advantages and disadvantages of using Distance Shadowmask mode:

It provides the same visual e ect as Realtime Lighting.
It provides real-time shadows from dynamic GameObjects onto static GameObjects, and static GameObjects
onto dynamic GameObjects.
One Texture operation in the Shader handles all lighting and shadows between static GameObjects.
It automatically composites dynamic and static shadows.
It provides indirect lighting.


It only allows up to 4 overlapping light volumes (see documentation under the ‘Technical details’ section of Mixed
lighting for more information).
It has increased memory requirements for light map Texture sets.
It has increased memory requirements for shadow mask Textures.
It has increased performance requirements, because Unity renders light and shadow from static GameObjects
into shadow maps.
2017–09–18 Page published with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6

Subtractive mode

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Subtractive mode is a lighting mode shared by all Mixed Lights in a Scene. To set Mixed lighting to Subtractive,
open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings), click the Scene tab, navigate to
Mixed Lighting and set the Lighting Mode to Subtractive. See documentation on Mixed lighting to learn more
about this lighting mode, and see documentation on Light modes to learn more about the other modes available.
Subtractive is the only Mixed lighting mode that bakes direct lighting into the light map, and discards the
information that Unity uses to composite dynamic and static shadows in other Mixed lighting modes. Because the
Light is already baked into the lightmap, Unity cannot perform any direct lighting calculations at run time.
In Subtractive mode:
Static GameObjects do not show any specular or glossy highlights at all from Mixed Lights. They also cannot
receive any shadows from dynamic GameObjects, except for the main Directional Light (see paragraph below for
more information on this).
Dynamic GameObjects receive real-time lighting, and support glossy re ections. However, they can only receive
shadows from static GameObjects via Light Probes.
In Subtractive mode, the main Directional Light (which is usually the sun) is the only light source which casts realtime shadows from dynamic GameObjects onto static GameObjects. Shadows cast from static GameObjects onto
other static GameObjects are baked into the lightmap, even for the main Light, so Unity cannot guarantee correct
composition of baked and real-time shadows. Subtractive mode therefore has a Realtime Shadow Color eld.
Unity uses this color in the Shader to composite real-time shadows with baked shadows. To do this, it reduces the
e ect of the light map in areas shadowed by dynamic GameObjects. Because there is no correct value that the
engine can predetermine, choosing a value that works for any given Scene is down to your own artistic choice.
A good example of when Subtractive mode might be useful is when you are building a cel-shaded (that is, cartoonstyle) game with outside levels and very few dynamic GameObjects.

The following table shows how static and dynamic GameObjects cast and receive shadows when using Subtractive

Dynamic receiver
A dynamic GameObject that is
receiving a shadow from another
static or dynamic GameObject
Within Shadow Distance
Dynamic caster
A dynamic
GameObject that Shadow map
is casting a

Static receiver
A static GameObject that is
receiving a shadow from another
static or dynamic GameObject
Within Shadow


Main light
shadow map

Beyond Shadow


Dynamic receiver
A dynamic GameObject that is
receiving a shadow from another
static or dynamic GameObject
Static caster
A static
GameObject that Light Probes
is casting a

Static receiver
A static GameObject that is
receiving a shadow from another
static or dynamic GameObject



Advantages and disadvantages of Subtractive mode
The performance requirements of Subtractive mode make it a good option for building to low-end mobile devices.
These are the most signi cant advantages and disadvantages of using Subtractive mode:

It provides high-quality shadows between static GameObjects in lightmaps at no additional performance
One Texture operation in the Shader handles all lighting and shadows between static GameObjects.
It provides indirect lighting.

It does not provide real-time direct lighting, and therefore does not provide specular lighting.
It does not provide dynamic shadows on static GameObjects, except for one Directional Light (the main Light).
It only provides low-resolution shadows from static GameObjects onto dynamic GameObjects, via Light Probes.
It provides inaccurate composition of dynamic and static shadows.
It has increased memory requirements for the light map texture set (compared to no lightmaps).
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6

Baked lighting

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Baked Lights are Light components which have their Mode property set to Baked.
Use Baked mode for Lights used for local ambience, rather than fully featured Lights. Unity pre-calculates the illumination
from these Lights before run time, and does not include them in any run-time lighting calculations. This means that there is no
run-time overhead for baked Lights.
Unity bakes direct and indirect lighting from baked Lights into light maps (to illuminate static GameObjects) and Light Probes
(to illuminate dynamic Light GameObjects). Baked Lights cannot emit specular lighting, even on dynamic GameObjects (see
Wikipedia: Specular highlight for more information). Baked Lights do not change in response to actions taken by the player, or
events which take place in the Scene. They are mainly useful for increasing brightness in dark areas without needing to adjust
all of the lighting within a Scene.
Baked Lights are also the only Light type for which dynamic GameObjects cannot cast shadows on other dynamic

Advantages of baked lighting
High-quality shadows from statics GameObjects on statics GameObjects in the light map at no additional cost.
O ers indirect lighting.
All lighting for static GameObjects can be just one Texture fetched from the light map in the Shader.

Disadvantages of baked lighting
No real-time direct lighting (that is, no specular lighting e ects).
No shadows from dynamic GameObjects on static GameObjects.
You only get low-resolution shadows from static GameObjects on dynamic GameObjects using Light Probes.
Increased memory requirements compared to real-time lighting for the light map texture set, because light maps need to be
more detailed to contain direct lighting information.

Technical details
For baked Lights, Unity precomputes the entire light path, except for the path segment from the Camera to the Surface. See
documentation on Light Modes for more information about light paths.

Baked Mode: All light paths are precomputed
Unity also precomputes direct baked lighting, which means that light direction information is not available to Unity at run time.
Instead, a small number of Texture operations handle all light calculations for baked Lights in the Scene area. Without this
information, Unity cannot carry out calculations for specular and glossy re ections. If you need specular re ections, use
Re ection Probes or use Mixed or Realtime lights. See documentation on directional light maps for more information.
Baked Lights never illuminate dynamic GameObjects at run time. The only way for dynamic GameObjects to receive light from
baked Lights is via Light Probes. This is also the only di erence between Baked Lights and any Subtractive mode Mixed Lights
(except the main directional Light) which compute direct lighting on dynamic GameObjects at run time.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Light Modes added in 5.6

GI visualizations in the Scene view

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The Scene view has a number of Draw Modes to help you visualize di erent aspects of the Scene’s content. Among
these are a set of modes to let you see exactly how global illumination (GI) is a ecting your Scene. This page goes into
more detail about the visualisation modes that are most relevant to GI.
Note that, in the Lighting window, the Object tab displays some of the di erent modes for the selected GameObject,
with its UV channel rendered in Texture space as a wireframe Mesh. Tick the Show Lightmap__ Resolution__ checkbox to
apply a checkerboard texture on top of each view, scaled to show the resolution.
GI visualizations are not designed to work in Play Mode.

Shading Mode
The default Shading Mode is Shaded. This shows the Scene fully lit according to the current lighting setup.

Global Illumination
The precompute stage will automatically subdivide the scene into systems (i.e. groups of objects sharing the same
realtime lightmap) based on proximity and Lightmap Parameters. This is done to allow multithreading and optimizations
when updating indirect lighting. This visualization shows the systems with di erent colors.

This shows the clusters that Enlighten generates from the lightmap static geometry. Enlighten calculates indirect
lighting using clusters that are generated in the Clustering step. Resulting clusters should be larger than lightmap texels
(the ratio is controlled by the Cluster Resolution parameter in Lightmap Parameters. The step where geometry is
converted to clusters can be quite memory intensive if the scale isn’t set correctly. If you are seeing high memory usage
or long baking times it could be because the static geometry in your scene is getting cut up into many more clusters than
what is actually needed. The clustering scene view mode can help you identify the geometry that needs to have UVs or
Realtime Resolution tweaked.

Lit Clustering
Those are the same clusters as seen in the Clustering view, but with realtime GI applied.

UV Charts
This shows the optimized UV layout used when calculating precomputed realtime GI. It is automatically generated during
the precompute process. It is available as soon as the Instance precompute stage is completed. The UV Charts scene
view mode can help you identify the geometry that needs to have UVs or scale adjusted (use the Resolution parameter
in Lightmap Parameters to change scale). This view is also useful when adjusting the Realtime Resolution. Each chart has
a di erent color.

Realtime Global Illumination
This shows the albedo used when calculating GI. The albedo is generated from the material information and can be
customized fully by adding a custom meta pass. The checkered overlay shows the resolution of the albedo texture that is
passed to Enlighten.

Shows the emission used when calculating the GI. It is generated from the material information and can be fully
customized by adding a custom meta pass. The checkered overlay shows the resolution of the emission texture that is
passed into Enlighten.

This shows the indirect lighting only (the contents of realtime GI lightmaps generated by Enlighten). The checkered
overlay shows the resolution of the irradiance texture. If Realtime GI is disabled, this view mode isn’t selectable.

This view shows the most dominant light direction vector. Please refer to the Directional Lightmapping page for more
info. The checkered overlay shows the resolution of the directionality texture.

Baked Global Illumination
Baked Lightmap
This shows the baked lightmaps applied to the scene geometry. The checkered overlay shows the baked lightmap

This displays the shadowmask texture occlusion values. It colors the mesh and the light gizmo in the same color so one
can verify that the light occlusion factors have been baked as expected.

Texel Validity
This mode shows which texels are marked invalid because they mostly “see” backfaces. During lightmap baking, Unity
emits rays from each texel. If a signi cant portion of a texel’s rays are hitting backface geometry, this texel is marked
invalid. This is because the texel should not be able to see the backfaces in the rst place. Unity handles this by replacing
invalid texels with valid neighbors. You can adjust this behaviour using the Backface Tolerance parameter
(LightmapParameters > General GI).

UV Overlap
If lightmap charts are too close together in UV space, the pixel values inside them might bleed into one another when
the lightmap is sampled by the GPU. This can lead to unexpected artifacts. This mode allows you to identify texels that
are too close to texels in other charts. This is useful when you want to troubleshoot your UV issues.

Light Overlap

This mode allows you to see if all static lights have been baked to the shadowmask. If an area of the level is lit by more
than four static lights, the exceeding lights will fallback to fully baked and be displayed in red. Relevant for this
calculation is not the actual lit surface, but the intersection of the light sources’ volumes. So even though in the
screenshot below it looks as if the colored spots on the mesh do not overlap, the cones of the four spotlights end up
overlapping below the ground plane along with the directional light.

2018–03–28 Page amended with limited editorial review
Updated in 5.6
Updated in 2018.1

Lighting Data Asset

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Lightmap Snapshot was renamed to Lighting Data Asset in Unity 5.3.
You generate the Lighting Data Asset by pressing the Build button in the Lighting window. Your lighting will be loaded
from that asset when you reload the scene.
The Lighting Data Asset contains the GI data and all the supporting les needed when creating the lighting for a scene. The
asset references the renderers, the realtime lightmaps, the baked lightmaps, light probes, re ection probes and some
additional data that describes how they t together. This also includes all the Enlighten data needed to update the
realtime global illumination in the Player. The asset is an Editor only construct so far, so you can’t access it in the player.
When you change the scene, for instance by breaking a prefab connection on a lightmap static object, the asset data will
get out of date and has to be rebuilt.
Currently, this le is a bit bloated as it contains data for multiple platforms - we will x this. Also we are considering adding
some compression for this data.
The intermediate les that are generated during the lighting build process, but is not needed for generating a Player build
is not part of the asset, they are stored in the GI Cache instead.
The build time for the Lighting Data Asset can vary. If your GI Cache is fully populated i.e. you have done a bake on the
machine before (with the scene in its current state) it will be fast. If you are pulling the scene to a machine with a blank
cache or the cache data needed has been removed due to the cache size limit, the cache will have to be populated with
the intermediate les rst which requires the precompute and bake processes to run. These steps can take some time.

Lightmap Directional Modes

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There are two Directional Modes available for light maps: Directional and Non-Directional. To set the Directional Mode for a
light map, open the Lighting window (Window > Lighting > Settings), click Scene, navigate to the Lightmapping Settings,
ensure the Lightmapper is set to Enlighten, and use the Directional Mode drop-down menu. Both are available as real-time
and baked lightmaps.
Directional light maps store more information about the lighting environment than Non-Directional light maps. Shaders can
use that extra data about incoming light to better calculate outgoing light, which is how materials appear on the screen. This
happens at the cost of increased texture memory usage and shading time.
Non-directional: at di use. This mode uses just a single lightmap, storing information about how much light does the surface
emit, assuming it’s purely di use. Objects lit this way will appear at (normalmaps won’t be used) and di use (even if the
material is specular), but otherwise will be lit correctly. These barrels are using baked lightmaps. The only detail de nition comes
from a re ection probe and an occlusion map.

Directional: normal mapped di use. This mode adds a secondary lightmap, which stores the incoming dominant light direction
and a factor proportional to how much light in the rst lightmap is the result of light coming in along the dominant direction.
The rest is then assumed to come uniformly from the entire hemisphere. That information allows the material to be normal
mapped, but it will still appear purely di use.

Directional mode uses twice as much texture memory as Non-directional mode and has a slightly higher shading cost.
Non-directional: one texture, one texture sample, a few extra shader instructions.
Directional: two textures, two texture samples, a few more extra shader instructions.
Real-time lightmaps take advantage of the same approach, and are subject to the same shading quality/cost tradeo s.
The BRDF that is actually used for indirect light (the indirect part of baked) is a slightly less expensive version.
UNITY_BRDF_PBS_LIGHTMAP_INDIRECT is de ned in UnityPBSLighting.cginc.

Specular lighting on light maps
To achieve specular light on lightmap static assets, use the Light Modes Shadowmask or Distance Shadowmask on Baked lights
. This ensures the light is real-time and high quality. See documentation on Light Modes for more information.)
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Direct Specular removed in 5.6
Light Modes added in 5.6

Lightmaps: Technical information

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Unity stores lightmaps with di erent compressions and encoding schemes, depending on the target platform and the compression
setting in the Lighting Window.

Encoding schemes
Unity projects can use two techniques to encode baked light intensity ranges into low dynamic range textures when this is needed:
RGBM encoding. RGBM encoding stores a color in the RGB channels and a multiplier (M) in the alpha channel. The range of RGBM
lightmaps goes from 0 to 34.49(52.2) in linear space, and from 0 to 5 in gamma space.
Double Low Dynamic Range (dLDR) encoding. dLDR encoding is used on mobile platforms by simply mapping a range of [0, 2] to [0,
1]. Baked light intensities that are above a value of 2 will be clamped. The decoding value is computed by multiplying the value from the
lightmap texture by 2 when gamma space is used, or 4.59482(22.2) when linear space is used. Some platforms store lightmaps as dLDR
because their hardware compression produces poor-looking artifacts when using RGBM.
When Linear Color Space is used, the lightmap texture is marked as sRGB and the nal value used by the shaders (after sampling and
decoding) will be in Linear Color Space. When Gamma Color Space is used, the nal value will be in Gamma Color Space.
Note: When encoding is used, the values stored in the lightmaps (GPU texture memory) are always in Gamma Color Space.
The Decode Lightmap shader function from the UnityCG.cginc shader include le handles the decoding of lightmap values after the
value is read from the lightmap texture in a shader.

HDR lightmap support
HDR lightmaps can be used on PC, Mac & Linux Standalone, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The Player Settings inspector has a
Lightmap Encoding option for these platforms, which controls the encoding/compression of the lightmaps.

Choosing High Quality will enable HDR lightmap support, whereas Normal Quality will switch to using RGBM encoding.
When lightmap Compression is enabled in the Lighting Window, the lightmaps will be compressed using the BC6H compression

Advantages of High Quality (BC6H) lightmaps
HDR lightmaps don’t use any encoding scheme to encode lightmap values, so the supported range is only limited by the 16-bit oating
point texture format that goes from 0 to 65504.
BC6H format quality is superior to DXT5 + RGBM format encoding, and it doesn’t produce any of the color banding artifacts that RGBM
encoding has.

Shaders that need to sample HDR lightmaps are a few ALU instructions shorter because there is no need to decode the sampled
BC6H format has the same GPU memory requirements as DXT5.
Here is the list of encoding schemes and their texture compression formats per target platform:

Target platform
Encoding Compression - size (bits per pixel)
Standalone(PC, Mac, Linux) RGBM / HDR DXT5 / BC6H - 8 bpp
Xbox One
RGBM / HDR DXT5 / BC6H - 8 bpp
RGBM / HDR DXT5 / BC6H - 8 bpp
WebGL 1.0 / 2.0
DXT5 - 8 bpp
PVRTC RGB - 4 bpp
ASTC 4x4 block RGB - 8 bpp
ETC1 RGB - 4 bpp
Samsung TV
ETC1 RGB - 4 bpp
Nintendo 3DS
ETC1 RGB - 4 bpp
Nintendo 3DS
ETC1 RGB - 4 bpp
*If the target is Android then you can override the default texture compression format from the Build Settings to one of the following
formats: DXT1, PVRTC, ATC, ETC2, ASTC. The default format is ETC.

Precomputed real-time Global Illumination (GI)
The inputs to the GI system have a di erent range and encoding to the output. Surface albedo is 8-bit unsigned integer RGB in gamma
space and emission is 16-bit oating point RGB in linear space. For advice on providing custom inputs using a meta pass, see
documentation on Meta pass.
The irradiance output texture is stored using the RGB9E5 shared exponent oating point format if the graphics hardware supports it,
or RGBM with a range of 5 as fallback. The range of RGB9E5 lightmaps is [0, 65408]. For details on the RGB9E5 format, see Khronos.org:
See also:

Texture Importer Override
Texture Types
Global Illumination
Texture Types
Global Illumination
2017–09–18 Page amended with no editorial review
Baked lightmaps added in Unity 2017.2
HDR lightmap support added in Unity 2017.3

Material properties and the GI system

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The way an object looks is de ned by its Shader.

Legacy and current Shader mappings
Shader mappings in Unity versions 3 and 4 work in a di erent way to Shader mappings in Unity 5 onwards. The legacy Shader
mappings are still supported in Unity 5 onwards. See Legacy material mappings, below.
Unity versions 3.x and 4.x used a simple mapping from material properties to lightmapper material properties. It worked for
common cases but was based on naming conventions, tags and strings. You couldn’t do any custom surface properties as it was
e ectively hard coded to behave in a certain way. Unity version 5.0 onwards has exible Shader mappings.

Meta pass (Unity 5.0 onwards)
Albedo and emissive are rendered using a special Meta Shader pass. Lightmap static GameObjects are rendered in lightmap
space using the GPU. This means how the GameObject looks on screen and how it looks to the lightmapper are separate, so you
can customize the Shaders.
The Meta pass decouples the albedo and emissive, which is used to compute Global Illumination (GI) during regular Shader passes.
This allows you to control GI without a ecting the Shader used for real-time rendering. The standard Shader contains a Meta
pass by default. Global Illumination is managed in Unity by a piece of middleware called Enlighten.

Meta pass ow
The Meta pass is how the Unity Editor handles albedo for metallic surfaces internally. Enlighten handles di use transport and uses
surface albedo on each bounce. Metallic surfaces with black (or almost black) albedo do not bounce any light. The Shader pass that
renders albedo biases it towards a brighter color with the hue of the metal. Dielectric materials (wood, plastic, plastic, stone,
concrete, leather, skin) have white specular re ectance. Metals have spectral specular re ectance.
Note: Using the Meta pass is not as fast as DynamicGI.SetEmissive, but it is more exible because you are not limited to a single

Legacy material mappings
The built-in legacy Shaders in Unity version 5.0 and newer contain a Meta pass already. If you are upgrading projects from Unity
versions before 5.0, you should add a Meta pass. See Example Shader with a Meta pass, below, to learn how.

Custom RGB transparency

You can add custom color-based RGB transparency by adding a texture property called _TransparencyLM to a Shader. In this
case, the standard behavior is dropped and only the values of this texture are used to evaluate the transmission through the
material. This is useful when you want to create color-based transparency that is independent of the material color or albedo
To create custom transmission behavior, add the following line to a Shader and assign a Texture:
_TransparencyLM ("Transmissive Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
Note: Unity detects certain legacy Shaders by the Shader’s properties and path/name keywords, such as Transparent, Tree,
Leaf, Leaves.

Example Shader with a Meta pass
The Shader below allows for specifying a custom albedo color and Texture just for the GI system.

Shader "Custom/metaPassShader"{
Properties {
_Color ("Color", Color)=(1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)",2D)="white"{}
_Glossiness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1))=0.5
_Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1))=0.0
_GIAlbedoColor ("Color Albedo (GI)", Color)=(1,1,1,1)
_GIAlbedoTex ("Albedo (GI)",2D)="white"{}
__SubShader__ {
// ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
// Extracts information for lightmapping, GI (emission, albedo, ...)
// This pass is not used during regular rendering.
Name "META"
Tags {"LightMode"="Meta"}
Cull Off
sampler2D _GIAlbedoTex;
fixed4 _GIAlbedoColor;
float4 frag_meta2 (v2f_meta i): SV_Target
// We're interested in diffuse & specular colors
// and surface roughness to produce final albedo.
FragmentCommonData data = UNITY_SETUP_BRDF_INPUT (i.uv);
UnityMetaInput o;
fixed4 c = tex2D (_GIAlbedoTex, i.uv);

o.Albedo = fixed3(c.rgb * _GIAlbedoColor.rgb);
o.Emission = Emission(i.uv.xy);
return UnityMetaFragment(o);

vertex vert_meta
fragment frag_meta2
shader_feature _EMISSION
shader_feature _METALLICGLOSSMAP
shader_feature ___ _DETAIL_MULX2

Tags {"RenderType"="Opaque"}
__LOD__ 200
// Physically­based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types
#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows nometa
// Use Shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting
#pragma target 3.0
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
half _Glossiness;
half _Metallic;
fixed4 _Color;
void surf (Input IN,inout SurfaceOutputStandard o){
// Albedo comes from a texture tinted by color
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex)* _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
// Metallic and smoothness come from slider variables
o.Metallic = _Metallic;
o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"

2017–10–31 Page amended with limited editorial review

Global Illumination UVs

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There are two sets of GI lightmaps: Baked and Realtime. How you de ne which set to use depends on whether you’re
working with environment lighting or speci c lights:
Global illumination (environment lighting) can be set to Realtime or Baked. Go to Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings
and choose an option from the Ambient GI drop-down menu.
Lights can be set to Realtime, Baked or Mixed. Go to the Inspector window and choose an option from the Baking dropdown menu.
Materials have emission controls that can be set to Realtime or Baked. See documentation on Standard Shader Material
parameter emissions to learn more.

Lightmap Properties
Baked lightmaps are mainly useful for lights which do not change at all during run time (for
example, a lit streetlamp), and are therefore stored as a static rendering in the lightmap. Features
include direct lighting, indirect lighting, and ambient occlusion.
Real-time lightmaps are mainly useful for lights that are animated during runtime (for example, a
ickering street lamp), and therefore need to be rendered in real time. Features include indirect
lighting only, and typically low resolution. Direct light is not in the lightmap, but is rendered in real
When you set a light to Mixed mode, it contributes to the baked lightmaps, and also gives direct
real-time lighting to non-static objects.
You can use either one or both of these lightmap sets to light your Scenes. Your choice determines which lightmaps the light
contributions and resulting GI is added to.

Visualising your UVs
It is important to be able to view the UVs that are being used, and Unity has a visualization tool to help you with this. First,
open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings) and tick the Auto checkbox at the bottom. This
ensures that your bake and precompute are up-to-date, and outputs the data that is needed to view the UVs. Wait for the
process to nish (this can take some time for large or complex Scenes).

Visualising real-time UVs
To see the precomputed real-time GI UVs:

Select a GameObject with a Mesh Renderer in your Scene
Open the Lighting window and select the Object tab

In the Preview area, select Charting from the drop-down.

This displays the UV layout for the real-time lightmap of the selected instance of this Mesh.

The charts are indicated by the di erent colored areas in the Preview (show in the image above on the righthand side).
The UVs of the selected instance are laid over the charts, as a wireframe representation of the GameObject’s
Dark gray texels show unused areas of the lightmap.
Multiple instances can be packed into a real-time lightmap, so some of the charts you see might actually belong to other
NOTE: There is no direct correspondence in the grouping of instances between real-time and baked lightmaps. Two
instances in the same real-time lightmap may also be in two di erent baked lightmaps, and vice versa.

Visualising baked UVs
To see the baked UVs:

Select an instance.
Open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings) and select the Object tab.
In the Preview area, select Baked Intensity from the dropdown.

As you can see, the baked UVs are very di erent to the precomputed real-time UVs. This is because the requirements for
baked and precomputed real-time UVs are di erent.

Real-time UVs

It is important to note that you can never get the same UVs for precomputed real-time GI as for baked GI, even if you tick
Preserve UVs.
If you could, you would see heavy aliasing (such as light or dark edges) in unexpected places. This is because the resolution
of real-time lightmaps is intentionally low, so that it is feasible to update them in real time. This doesn’t a ect the graphical
quality, because it only stores indirect lighting, which is generally low frequency (meaning it does not usually have sudden
changes in intensity or detailed patterns). The direct light and shadows are rendered separately using the standard real-time
lighting and shadowmaps. Direct light is generally higher frequency (meaning it is more likely to have sudden changes in
intensity or detailed patterns, such as sharp edges to shadows) and therefore requires higher resolution lightmaps to
capture this information.
Low resolution lightmaps can create bleeding issues, caused when charts share texels. This has a detrimental e ect on the
quality of the lighting, but is solved by repacking the UV charts to ensure a half-pixel boundary around them. This way you
are never sampling across charts (at the most detailed mip), even with bilinear interpolation. The other bene t of charts
with a guaranteed half-pixel boundary is that you can place charts right next to each other, saving lightmap space.

In summary, UVs used for precomputed realtime GI lightmaps are always repacked.
Because repacking guarantees a half-pixel boundary around the charts, the UVs are dependent on the scale and lightmap
resolution of the instance. If you scale up the UVs to get a higher resolution lightmap, you are no longer guaranteed this halfpixel boundary. The UVs are packed individually, with the scale and resolution of the instance taken into account. The realtime UVs are therefore per instance. Note that if you have 1000 objects with the same scale and resolution, they share the
2017–07–04 Page published with limited editorial review
2017–07–04 Documentation update only, no change to Unity functionality

Importing UVs from Autodesk® Maya® to

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Autodesk® Maya® is a 3D computer animation software by Autodesk, with powerful modeling, rendering, simulation, texturing
and animation tools for visual e ects artists, modellers and animators (see www.autodesk.co.uk). It is often used by Unity
developers for advanced graphics work, which is then imported into Unity. It’s important to note that when importing from
Autodesk® Maya®, your UVs may not look exactly the same, even if you untick the Optimize Realtime UVs checkbox. This
section explains why.
Because real-time UVs are repacked by Enlighten, it is very important to understand how UV charts are detected. By default, a
chart is de ned by a set of connected vertices. However, the DCC or Unity Mesh importer might introduce extra vertices in places
where the Mesh has hard edges. These duplicated vertices create extra islands (unconnected groups) in your UVs. However,
these cuts normally go unnoticed when you bake the lightmap, because the UVs are used directly and not repacked. The image
below shows an example of this.

UVs in Autodesk® Maya®
A high smoothing angle does not preserve hard cuts in the model, and both the shading and GI look di erent as a result.
The Mesh Importer settings that relate to this are Normals, Tangents, and Smoothing Angles:

If you set Normals to Calculate, breaks are made wherever the angle between adjacent triangles exceeds the Smoothing Angle
To avoid this, you can choose to author and import normals (see documentation on Normal maps to learn more about surface
normals). In order to get good results with imported normals, you need to manually make the cuts along hard edges, and pay
attention to how the DCC is inserting duplicate vertices. Otherwise, both GI and regular shading may have undesired lighting
e ects.

When packing with a 40-degree Smoothing Angle, the hard angles in the model are preserved, and extra charts are created:

Asset source: Lee Perry Smith, VizArtOnline

If the Smoothing Angle is set to 180 degrees, no cuts are made, and the UVs are the same as they were in Autodesk® Maya®.
The only di erence is the chart packing:

Asset source: Lee Perry Smith, VizArtOnline

Optimizing Realtime UVs
The Mesh Renderer contains an option called Optimize Realtime UVs.

Optimize Realtime UVs enables Enlighten’s UV optimization feature. Note that disabling this option does not allow the authored
UVs to ow straight to Enlighten; repacking is still applied.
The feature is intended to optimize charting for real-time GI only. It does not a ect baked UVs. Its purpose is to simplify the UV
unwrap, which reduces the chart count (and thus texel count). This makes lighting more consistent across the model, makes the
texel distribution more even, and avoids wasting texels on small details. The time taken to do the precompute phase is
proportional to the number of texels you feed in. For example, a detailed tiled oor with separate charts for each tile takes up an

unnecessarily high number of texels, but joining them into a single chart results in far fewer texels. This works because the realtime lightmaps only store indirect lighting (meaning there are no sharp direct shadows).
This process cannot alter the number of vertices in the model, so it cannot introduce breaks in the UVs where there already one
present. This means the resulting chart layout is the same, but some of the charts might overlap or be merged in areas where it
is unlikely to have a negative e ect on the indirect lighting.
Use the settings to de ne when the charts are merged:

Max Distance: Charts are simpli ed if the worldspace distance between the charts is smaller than this value.
Max Angle: Charts are merged if the angle between the charts is smaller than this value.
These settings are intended to avoid merging charts when they are far apart or pointing in generally di erent directions.

Optimizing Realtime UVs: Example
The following example uses the Desert Ruins Asset from the Asset Store:

Asset source: DEXSOFT-Games
It uses default parameters, and the real-time lightmap resolution is 1 texel per unit. The model is approximately 9 units long. The
image below shows the real-time UVs generated for this model using the Auto UV feature:

Note that the the tiles on the oor have been packed to a single chart, with an appropriate resolution for the chosen texel density
and instance size:

When packed without the Auto UV feature, the generated UVs look like this:

This generates a large number of small charts, because the charts are split in the authored UVs supplied by the model. Because
Auto UVs is not enabled, none of these charts can be merged, and each UV island is awarded a 4x4 pixel block of its own
regardless of its size. The image below shows a subsection of the UVs:

The wall sides still get a sensible resolution of 10x4 texels, but the small tiles gets a disproportionate 4x4 texels each. The reason
that the minimum chart size is 4x4 is that we want to be able to stitch against the chart on all 4 sides and still get a lighting
gradient across the chart.

Further Chart Optimization
There are two additional options for further optimizing the charting the UV layout:

Ignore Normals
Min Chart Size

Ignore Normals

Tick the Ignore Normals checkbox to keep together any charts that have duplicated vertices due to hard normal breaks. A chart
split might occur in Enlighten when the vertex position and the vertex lightmap UVs are the same, but the normals are di erent.
For small details, multiple 4x4 texel charts to represent indirect lighting is too much, and a ects precompute and baking
performance. In these cases, enable Ignore Normals.

In the following example, Optimize Realtime UVs is disabled, to demonstrate the e ect of Ignore Normals in isolation.

Asset source: Lee Perry Smith, VizArtOnline
The image on the left shows the result without Ignore Normals enabled. The image on the right shows the result with Ignore
Normals enabled.

When Ignore Normals is enabled, the 24x24 Enlighten unwrap is reduced to a 16x16 unwrap for this model.

Min Chart Size

Min Chart Size removes the restriction of having a 4x4 minimum chart size. The stitching does not always work well, but for
small details it is usually acceptable.

In this example, Min Chart Size is set to 2 (Minimum).

If you were to apply this Min Chart Size option and Ignore Normals to the model above, the unwrap reduces to 10x10.

Getting chart edges to stitch for realtime GI

The lightmaps that are set to Realtime support chart stitching. Chart stitching ensures that the lighting on adjacent texels in
di erent charts is consistent. This is useful to avoid visible seams along the chart boundaries. In large texel sizes, the lighting on
either side of a seam may be quite di erent. This di erence is not automatically smoothed out by ltering, because the texels are
not adjacent.
In this example, a seam is visible on the sphere on the right, even when textured, because it has not been stitched:

Stitching is on by default. If you think it is causing some unwanted issues, you can disable it; Apply Lightmap Parameters to the
instance in question and untick the Edge Stitching checkbox.
For charts to stitch smoothly, edges must adhere to the following criteria:

Preserve UVs must be enabled, so that the charts are not simpli ed by the Auto UV feature.
The charts must be in the same Mesh.
The edges must share vertices.
The edges must be horizontal or vertical in UV space.
The edges must have the same number of texels (this usually follows from the two preceding criteria).
This is how Unity’s built-in sphere, capsule and cylinder are authored. Notice how the charts line up:

2017–07–04 Page published with limited editorial review
2017–07–04 Documentation update only, no change to Unity functionality

Generating Lightmap UVs

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Unity can unwrap your Mesh for you to generate lightmap UVs. To access the settings for generating lightmap
UVs, open the Model’s Import Settings, navigate to Meshes, and tick the Generate Lightmap UVs checkbox. This
generates your lightmap UVs into UV2, if the channel is present. If the UV2 channel is not present, Unity uses
primary UVs.
Click the Advanced foldout to open the settings.

Settings for Generate Lightmap UVs:

Property: Function:
The angle between neighboring triangles (in degrees) after which Unity considers it a
hard edge and creates a seam. You can set this to a value between 0 and 180. This is set
to 88 degrees by default.
If you set this to 180 degrees, Unity considers all edges smooth, which is realistic for
organic models. The default value (88 degrees) is realistic for mechanical models.
The margin between neighboring charts (in pixels), assuming the Mesh takes up the
entire 1024x1024 lightmap. You can set this to a value between 1 and 64. A larger value
increases the margin, but also increases the amount of space the chart needs. This is set
Margin to 4 pixels by default.



For more information, see Pack Margin, below.
The maximum possible deviation of UV angles from the angles in the source geometry
(as a percentage from 0–100). This is set to 8% by default.
This controls how di erent the triangles in UV space can be to the triangles in the
original geometry. Usually this should be fairly low, to avoid artifacts when applying the
The maximum possible deviation of UV areas from the areas in the source geometry (as
a percentage from 0–100). This is set to 15% by default.
This controls how well Unity preserves the relative triangle areas. Increasing the value
allows you to create fewer charts. However, increasing the value can change the
resolution of the triangles, so make sure the resulting distortion does not deteriorate the
lightmap quality.

You can also provide your own UVs for your lightmaps. A good UV set for lightmaps should adhere to the
following rules:
It should be within the [0,1] x [0,1] UV space.

It should have a wide enough margin between individual charts. For more information, see documentation on UV
overlap feedback.
It should not have any overlapping faces.
There should be a low di erence between the angles in the UV and the angles in the original geometry. See Angle
distortion, below.
There should be a low di erence between the relative scale of triangles in the UV and the relative scale of the
triangles in the original geometry), unless you want some areas to have a bigger lightmap resolution. See Area
distortion, below.

Pack Margin
To allow ltering, the lightmap contains lighting information in texels near the chart border, so always include
some margin between charts to avoid light bleeding when applying the lightmap.
The lightmap resolution de nes the texel resolution of your lightmaps. Lightmappers dilate some chart texels in
the lightmap to avoid black edges, so the UV charts of your Mesh need to be at least two full texels apart from
each other to avoid light bleeding. Use the Pack Margin setting to ensure you have enough margin between the
UV charts of your geometry.

In lightmap UV space, the padding between charts need to be at least two full texels in order to avoid UV
overlapping and accidental light bleeding. In this image, the black space represents the space between charts.

Angle distortion
The following screenshots demonstrate equal resolution, but with di erent UVs. The rst image has a high Angle
Error, and the result contains unintended artifacts. The second image has the default Angle Error (8%). In
Meshes with more triangles, angle distortion can signi cantly distort the shape.

Area distortion
In the image below, two spotlights with the same parameters light the sides of a cylinder. The right-hand side of
the cylinder has a higher Area Error value, which distorts the triangles and leads to a lower resolution, creating
artifacts in the light.

2018–03–28 Page published with limited editorial review

Progressive Lightmapper added in 2018.1

GI cache

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The GI cache is used by the Global Illumination (GI) system to store intermediate les when precomputing real-time GI, and when
baking Static Lightmaps, Light Probes and Re ection Probes. The cache is shared between all Unity projects on the computer,
so projects with the same content and same version of the lighting system (Enlighten) can share the les and speed up
subsequent builds.
Find the settings for the GI cache in Edit > Preferences > GI Cache on Windows, or Unity > Preferences > GI Cache on macOS.


Cache Size


Use the slider to de ne the maximum size of the GI cache, in gigabytes. When the GI cache’s size
grows larger than the size speci ed in Preferences > GI Cache, Unity spawns a job to trim the
cache. The trim job removes some les so the GI cache does not exceed the size speci ed. It
removes les based on when they were last accessed; it removes those which were last accessed
the longest time ago, and keeps those that were most recently used.
Note: If all the les in the GI cache are currently being used by the current Scene (perhaps
because the Scene is very large or the cache size is set too low), increase your cache size.
Otherwise, resource-intensive recomputation occurs when baking.
By default, the GI cache is stored in the Caches folder. Tick Custom cache location to override the
default location and set your own.
Note: Storing the GI Cache on an SSD drive can speed up baking in cases where the baking
process is I/O bound.


Tick this checkbox to allow Unity to compress les in the GI cache. The les are LZ4 compressed by
default, and the naming scheme is a hash and a le extension. The hashes are computed based on
the inputs to the lighting system, so changing any of the following can lead to recomputation of
- Materials (Textures, Albedo, Emission)
- Lights
- Geometry
- Static ags
- Light Probe groups
- Re ection probes
- Lightmap Parameters
Use the Clean Cache button to delete the GI Cache directory.
It is not safe to delete the GI Cache directory manually while the Editor is running. This is because
the GiCache folder is created on Editor startup, and the Editor maintains a collection of hashes that
Clean Cache
are used to look up the les in the GiCache folder. If a le or directory suddenly disappears, the
system can’t always recover from the failure, and prints an error in the Console. The Clean Cache
button ensures that the Editor releases all references to the les on disk before they are deleted.

GI cache and lighting

To ensure that the the lighting data loads from the GI cache in a very short amount of time when you reload your Scene, open
the Lighting window (menu: Window > Lighting) and tick the Auto checkbox next to the build button. This makes lightmap
baking automatic, meaning that the lightmap data is stored in the GI cache.
In the Lighting window, you can clear the baked data in a Scene (untick the Auto checkbox, click the Build button drop-down
and select Clear Baked Data). This does not clear the GI Cache, because this would increase bake time afterwards.
You can share the GiCache folder among di erent machines. This can make your lighting build faster, because the les are
downloaded from the GiCache folder instead of computed locally. Note that the build process isn’t optimized for slow networkattached storage (NAS), so test if your bake times are severely a ected before moving the cache to NAS.

Light troubleshooting and performance

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Lights can be rendered using either of two methods:
Vertex lighting calculates the illumination only at the vertices of meshes and interpolates the vertex values over the rest of the
surface. Some lighting e ects are not supported by vertex lighting but it is the cheaper of the two methods in terms of processing
overhead. Also, this may be the only method available on older graphics cards.
Pixel lighting is calculated separately at every screen pixel. While slower to render, pixel lighting does allow some e ects that are
not possible with vertex lighting. Normal-mapping, light cookies and realtime shadows are only rendered for pixel lights.
Additionally, spotlight shapes and point light highlights look much better when rendered in pixel mode.


Comparison of a spotlight rendered in pixel vs vertex mode
Lights have a big impact on rendering speed, so lighting quality must be traded o against frame rate. Since pixel lights have a
much higher rendering overhead than vertex lights, Unity will only render the brightest lights at per-pixel quality and render the rest
as vertex lights. The maximum number of pixel lights can be set in the Quality Settings for standalone build targets.
You can favour a light to be rendered as a pixel light using its Render Mode property. A light with the mode set to Important will be
given higher priority when deciding whether or not to render it as a pixel light. With the mode set to Auto (the default), Unity will
classify the light automatically based on how much a given object is a ected by the light. The lights that are rendered as pixel lights
are determined on an object-by-object basis.
See the page about Optimizing Graphics Performance for further information.

Lighting window statistics
The bottom of the Lighting window displays statistics showing important metrics with regard to run time performance. See
documentation on the Lighting window for more details.

Shadow performance
Realtime shadows have quite a high rendering overhead, so you should use them sparingly. Any objects that might cast shadows
must rst be rendered into the shadow map and then that map will be used to render objects that might receive shadows. Enabling
shadows has an even bigger impact on performance than the pixel/vertex trade-o mentioned above.

Soft shadows have a greater rendering overhead than hard shadows but this only a ects the GPU and does not cause much extra
CPU work.
The Quality Settings include a Shadow Distance value. Objects that are beyond this distance from the camera will be rendered with
no shadows at all. Since the shadows on distant objects will not usually be noticed anyway, this can be a useful optimisation to
reduce the number of shadows that must be rendered.
A particular issue with directional lights is that a single light can potentially illuminate the whole of a scene. This means that the
shadow map will often cover a large portion of the scene at once and this makes the shadows susceptible to a problem known as
“perspective aliasing”. Simply put, perspective aliasing means that shadow map pixels seen close to the camera look enlarged and
“chunky” compared to those farther away. Although you can just increase the shadow map resolution to reduce this e ect, the result
is that rendering resources are wasted for distant areas whose shadow map looked ne at the lower resolution.
A good solution to the problem is therefore to use separate shadow maps that decrease in resolution as the distance from camera
increases. These separate maps are known as cascades. From the Quality Settings, you can choose zero, two or four cascades; Unity
will calculate the positioning of the cascades within the camera’s frustum. Note that cascades are only enabled for directional lights.
See directional light shadows page for details.

How the size of a shadow map is calculated
The rst step in calculating the size of the map is to determine the area of the screen view that the light can illuminate. For
directional lights, the whole screen can be illuminated but for spot lights and point lights, the area is the onscreen projection of the
shape of the light’s extent (a sphere for point lights or a cone for spot lights). The projected shape has a certain width and height in
pixels on the screen; the larger of those two values is then taken as the light’s “pixel size”.
When the shadow map resolution is set to High (from the Quality Settings) the shadow map’s size is calculated as follows:

Directional lights: NextPowerOfTwo (pixelSize * 1.9), up to a maximum of 2048.
Spot lights: NextPowerOfTwo (pixelSize), up to a maximum of 1024.
Point lights: NextPowerOfTwo (pixelSize * 0.5), up to a maximum of 512.
If the graphics card has 512MB or more video memory, the upper shadow map limits are increased to 4096 for directional lights,
2048 for spot lights and 1024 for point lights.
At Medium shadow resolution, the shadow map size is half the value for High resolution and for Low, it is a quarter of the size.
Point lights have a lower limit on size than the other types is because they use cubemaps for shadows. That means that six
cubemap faces at this resolution must be kept in video memory at once. They are also quite expensive to render, as potential
shadow casters might need to be rendered into all six cubemap faces.

Troubleshooting shadows
If you nd that one or more objects are not casting shadows then you should check the following points:
Old graphics hardware may not support shadows. See below for a list of minimal hardware specs that can handle shadows.
Shadows can be disabled in the Quality Settings. Make sure that you have the correct quality level enabled and that shadows are
switched on for that setting.
All Mesh Renderers in the scene must be set up with their Receive Shadows and Cast Shadows correctly set. Both are enabled by
default but check that they haven’t been disabled unintentionally.
Only opaque objects cast and receive shadows so objects using the built-in Transparent or Particle shaders will neither cast nor
receive. Generally, you can use the Transparent Cutout shaders instead for objects with “gaps” such as fences, vegetation, etc.
Custom Shaders must be pixel-lit and use the Geometry render queue.
Objects using VertexLit shaders can’t receive shadows but they can cast them.

With the Forward rendering path, some shaders allow only the brightest directional light to cast shadows (in particular, this happens
with Unity’s legacy built-in shaders from 4.x versions). If you want to have more than one shadow-casting light then you should use
the Deferred Shading rendering path instead. You can enabled your own shaders to support “full shadows” by using the
fullforwardshadows surface shader directive.

Hardware support for shadows
Built-in shadows work on almost all devices supported by Unity. The following cards are supported on each platform:

PC (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Generally all GPUs support shadows. Exceptions might occur in some really old GPUs (for example, Intel GPUs made
in 2005).


iPhone 4 does not support shadows. All later models starting with iPhone 4S and iPad 2 support shadows.
Android: Requires Android 4.0 or later, and GL_OES_depth_texture support. Most notably, some Android Tegra
2/3-based Android devices do not have this, so they don’t support shadows.
Windows Phone: Shadows are only supported on DX11-class GPUs (Adreno 4xx/5xx).


All consoles support shadows.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
Lighting window statistics added in 5.6

Related topics

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Unity’s lighting system is a ected by and can a ect many of its other e ects and systems.

Quality settings
The Quality settings window has many settings that a ects lighting and shadows.

Player settings
The Unity Player settings window allows you to choose the rendering path and color space.

Camera inspector
The Camera inspector allows you to override Unity Player settings for the rendering path per camera. HDR can also be activated

Rendering paths
Unity supports a number of rendering techniques, or ‘paths’. An important early decision which needs to be made when starting a
project is which path to use. Unity’s default is ’Forward Rendering”.
In Forward Rendering, each object is rendered in a ‘pass’ for each light that a ects it. Therefore each object might be rendered
multiple times depending upon how many lights are within range.
The advantages of this approach is that it can be very fast - meaning hardware requirements are lower than alternatives.
Additionally, Forward Rendering o ers us a wide range of custom ‘shading models’ and can handle transparency quickly. It also
allows for the use of hardware techniques like ‘multi-sample anti-aliasing’ (MSAA) which are not available in other alternatives, such
as Deferred Rendering which can have a great impact on image quality.
However, a signi cant disadvantage of the forward path is that we have to pay a render cost on a per-light basis. That is to say, the
more lights a ecting each object, the slower rendering performance will become. For some game types, with lots of lights, this may
therefore be prohibitive. However if it is possible to manage light counts in your game, Forward Rendering can actually be a very fast
In ‘Deferred’ rendering, on the other hand, we defer the shading and blending of light information until after a rst pass over the
screen where positions, normals, and materials for each surface are rendered to a ‘geometry bu er’ (G-bu er) as a series of screenspace textures. We then composite these results together with the lighting pass. This approach has the principle advantage that the
render cost of lighting is proportional to the number of pixels that the light illuminates, instead of the number of lights themselves.
As a result you are no longer bound by the number of lights you wish to render on screen, and for some games this is a critical
Deferred Rendering gives highly predictable performance characteristics, but generally requires more powerful hardware. It is also
not supported by certain mobile hardware.
For more information on the Deferred, Forward and the other available rendering paths, please see the main documentation page.

High dynamic range
High dynamic range rendering allows you to simulate a much wider range of colours than has been traditionally available. In turn,
this usually means you need to choose a range of brightnesses to display on the screen. In this way it is possible to simulate great
di erences in brightness between, say, outdoor lighting in our scenes and shaded areas. We can also create e ects like ‘blooms’ or
glows by applying e ects to these bright colors in your scene. Special e ects like these can add realism to particles or other visible
light sources.
For more information about HDR, please see the relevant manual page.


Tonemapping is part of the color grading post-processing e ect that is required to describe how to map colours from HDR to what
you can see on the screen. Please see the Color Grading e ect for more information.

Re ection
While not explicitly a lighting e ect, re ections are important for realistically displaying materials that re ect light, such as shiny
metals or glass. Modern shading techniques, including Unity’s Standard Shader, integrate re ection into a material’s properties.
For more information, please refer to our section on Re ections.

Linear color space
In addition to selecting a rendering path, it’s important to choose a ‘Color Space’ before lighting your project. Color Space determines
the maths used by Unity when mixing colors in lighting calculations or reading values from textures. This can have a drastic e ect on
the realism of your game, but in many cases the decision over which Color Space to use will likely be forced by the hardware
limitations of your target platform.
The preferred Color Space for realistic rendering is Linear.
A signi cant advantage of using Linear space is that the colors supplied to shaders within your scene will brighten linearly as light
intensities increase. With the alternative, ‘Gamma’ Color Space, brightness will quickly begin to turn to white as values go up, which is
detrimental to image quality.
For further information please see Linear rendering.

Linear rendering overview

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The Unity Editor allows you to work in traditional gamma color space as well as linear color space. While gamma
color space is the historically standard format, linear color space rendering gives more precise results.
For further reading, see documentation on:

Linear or gamma work ow for information on selecting to work in linear or gamma color space.
Gamma Textures with linear rendering for information on gamma Textures in a linear work ow.
Linear Textures for information on working with linear Textures.

Linear and gamma color space

The human eye doesn’t have a linear response to light intensity. We see some brightnesses of light more easily
than others - a gradient that proceeds in a linear fashion from black to white would not look like a linear gradient
to our eyes.

Left: A linear gradient. Right: How our eyes perceive that gradient. Note where the borders (which
are exactly mid-grey) merge with the gradient in each case
For historical reasons, monitors and displays have the same characteristic. Sending a monitor a linear signal
results in something that looks like the gradient to the right in the illustration above, and simply looks wrong to
our eyes. To compensate for this, a corrected signal is sent to make sure the monitor shows an image that looks
natural. This correction is known as gamma correction.
The reason both gamma and linear color spaces exist is because lighting calculations should be done in linear
space in order to be mathematically correct, but the result should be presented in gamma space to look correct
to our eyes.
When calculating lighting on older hardware restricted to 8 bits per channel for the framebu er format, using a
gamma curve provides more precision in the human-perceivable range. More bits are used in the range where
the human eye is the most sensitive.
Even though monitors today are digital, they still take a gamma-encoded signal as input. Image les and video
les are explicitly encoded to be in gamma space (meaning they carry gamma-encoded values, not linear
intensities). This is the standard; everything is in gamma space.
The accepted standard for gamma space is called sRGB (see Wikipedia). This standard de nes a mapping to linear
space that allows our eyes to make the most of the 8 bits per channel of precision. Below is a diagram of this

Image courtesy of Wikimedia. License: public domain
Linear rendering refers to the process of rendering a Scene with all inputs linear - that is to say, not gamma
corrected for viewing with human eyes or for output to a display.

Linear or gamma work ow

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The Unity Editor o ers both linear and gamma work ows. The linear work ow has a color space crossover where Textures
that were authored in gamma color space can be correctly and precisely rendered in linear color space. See
documentation on Linear rendering overview for more information about gamma and linear color space.
For further reading, see documentation on:

Linear rendering overview for background information on linear and gamma color space.
Gamma Textures with linear rendering for information on gamma Textures in a linear work ow.
Linear Textures for information on working with linear Textures.
Textures tend to be saved in gamma color space, while Shaders expect linear color space. As such, when Textures are
sampled in Shaders, the gamma-based values lead to inaccurate results. To overcome this, you can set Unity to use an
RGB sampler to cross over from gamma to linear sampling. This ensures a linear work ow with all inputs and outputs of a
Shader in the correct color space, resulting in a correct outcome.
To specify a gamma or linear work ow, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player and open Player Settings. Go to Other
Settings > Rendering and change the Color Space to Linear or Gamma, depending on your preference.

The Player Settings window showing the Color Space setting

Gamma color space work ow

While a linear work ow ensures more precise rendering, sometimes you may want a gamma work ow (for example, on
some platforms the hardware only supports the gamma format).
To do this, set Color Space to Gamma in the Player Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player). With this
option selected, the rendering pipeline uses all colors and textures in the gamma color space in which they are stored textures do not have gamma correction removed from them when they are used in a Shader.
Note that you can choose to bypass sRGB sampling in Color Space: Gamma mode by unchecking the sRGB (Color
Texture) checkbox in the Inspector window for the Texture.
Note: Even though these values are in gamma space, all the Unity Editor’s Shader calculations still treat their inputs as if
they were in linear space. To ensure an acceptable nal result, the Editor makes an adjustment to deal with the
mismatched formats when it writes the Shader outputs to a framebu er and does not apply gamma correction to the nal

Linear color space work ow

Working in linear color space gives more accurate rendering than working in gamma color space.
To do this, set Color Space to Linear in the Player Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player).
You can work in linear color space if your Textures were created in linear or gamma color space. Gamma color space
Texture inputs to the linear color space Shader program are supplied to the Shader with gamma correction removed from

Linear Textures
Selecting Color Space: Linear assumes your Textures are in gamma color space. Unity uses your GPU’s
sRGB sampler by default to crossover from gamma to linear color space. If your Textures are authored in
linear color space, you need to bypass the sRGB sampling. See documentation on Working with linear
Textures for more information.

Gamma Textures

Crossing over from gamma color space to linear color space requires some tweaking. See documentation
on Gamma Textures with linear rendering for more information.
For colors, this conversion is applied implicitly, because the Unity Editor already converts the values to oating point
before passing them to the GPU as constants. When sampling Textures, the GPU automatically removes the gamma
correction, converting the result to linear space.
These inputs are then passed to the Shader, with lighting calculations taking place in linear space as they normally do.
When writing the resulting value to a framebu er, it is either gamma-corrected straight away or left in linear space for
later gamma correction - this depends on the current rendering con guration. For example, in high dynamic range (HDR),
rendering results are left in linear space and gamma corrected later.

Di erences between linear and gamma color space
When using linear rendering, input values to the lighting equations are di erent to those in gamma space. This means
di ering results depending on the color space. For example, light striking surfaces has di ering response curves, and
Image E ects behave di erently.

Light fall-o
The fall-o from distance and normal-based lighting di ers in two ways:
When rendering in linear mode, the additional gamma correction that is performed makes a light’s radius appear larger.
Lighting edges also appear more clearly. This more correctly models lighting intensity fall-o on surfaces.

Left: Lighting a sphere in linear space. Right: Lighting a sphere in gamma space

Linear intensity response

When you are using gamma rendering, the colors and Textures that are supplied to a Shader already have gamma
correction applied to them. When they are used in a Shader, the colors of high luminance are actually brighter than they
should be compared to linear lighting. This means that as light intensity increases, the surface gets brighter in a nonlinear
way. This leads to lighting that can be too bright in many places. It can also give models and scenes a washed-out feel.
When you are using linear rendering, the response from the surface remains linear as the light intensity increases. This
leads to much more realistic surface shading and a much nicer color response from the surface.
The In nite 3D Head Scan image below demonstrates di erent light intensities on a human head model under linear
lighting and gamma lighting.

In nite 3D Head Scan by Lee Perry-Smith, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
License (available from www.ir-ltd.net)

Linear and gamma blending

When blending into a framebu er, the blending occurs in the color space of the framebu er.
When you use gamma space rendering, nonlinear colors get blended together. This is not the mathematically correct way
to blend colors, and can give unexpected results, but it is the only way to do a blend on some graphics hardware.
When you use linear space rendering, blending occurs in linear color space: This is mathematically correct and gives
precise results.
The image below demonstrates the di erent types of blending:

Top: Blending in linear color space produces expected blending results
Bottom: Blending in gamma color space results in over-saturated and overly-bright blends

Gamma Textures with linear rendering

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The Unity Editor allows you to work with traditional gamma color space as well as linear color space. You can work in linear
colour space even if your Textures are in gamma color space.
For further reading, see documentation on:

Linear rendering overview for background information on linear and gamma color space.
Linear or gamma work ow for information on selecting to work in linear or gamma color space.
Linear Textures for information on working with linear Textures.
Note: If your Textures are in linear color space, you need to disable sRGB sampling. See documentation on Linear Textures for
more information.
Linear rendering gives a di erent look to the rendered Scene. When you have authored a project to look good when
rendering in gamma space, it is unlikely to look great when you change to linear rendering. Because of this, if you move to
linear rendering from gamma rendering it may take some time to tweak the project so that it looks as good as before.
However, the switch ultimately enables more consistent and realistic rendering and so may be worth the time spent on it. You
are likely to have to tweak Textures, Materials and Lights.

The lighting calculations in the lightmapper are always done in linear space (see documentation on the Lighting Window for
more information). The lightmaps are always stored in gamma space. This means that the lightmap textures are identical no
matter whether you’re in gamma or linear color space.
When you are in linear color space, the texture sample gets converted from gamma to linear space when sampling the texture.
When you’re in gamma color space, no conversion is needed. Therefore, when you change the color space setting, you must
rebake lightmaps: This happens automatically when Unity’s lighting is set to auto bake (which is the default).

Importing lightmaps
The data in lightmap EXR les created by Unity is in linear space. It gets converted to gamma space during import. When
bringing in lightmaps from an external lightmapper, mark the lightmaps as Texture Type: Lightmap in the Texture Importer.
This setting makes sure sRGB sampling is bypassed on import.

Linear supported platforms
Linear rendering is not supported on all platforms. The build targets that support the feature are:

Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Standalone)
Xbox One
PlayStation 4
There is no fallback to gamma when linear rendering is not supported by the device. In this situation, the Player quits. You can
check the active color space from a script by looking at QualitySettings.activeColorSpace.
On Android, linear rendering requires at least OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics API and Android 4.3.
On iOS, linear rendering requires the Metal graphics API.
On WebGL, linear rendering requires at least WebGL 2.0 graphics API.
Until the minimum requirements are satis ed, the Editor prevents you from building a Player and shows a noti cation. This is to
avoid games that would render incorrectly on user devices being deployed to digital stores.

The Unity Editor prevents building a Player for games that would render incorrectly

Linear color space and HDR

When using HDR, rendering is performed in linear space into oating point bu ers. These bu ers have enough precision not to
require conversion to and from gamma space whenever the bu er is accessed. This means that when rendering in linear mode,
the framebu ers you use store the colors in linear space. Therefore, all blending and post process e ects are implicitly
performed in linear space. When the nal backbu er is written to, gamma correction is applied.

Linear color space and non-HDR
When linear color space is enabled and HDR is not enabled, a special framebu er type is used that supports sRGB read and
sRGB write (convert from gamma to linear when reading, convert from linear to gamma when writing). When this framebu er is
used for blending or it is bound as a Texture, the values are converted to linear space before being used. When these bu ers
are written to, the value that is being written is converted from linear space to gamma space. If you are rendering in linear
mode and non-HDR mode, all post-process e ects have their source and target bu ers created with sRGB read and write
enabled so that post-processing and post-process blending occur in linear space.
2017–06–19 Page amended with no editorial review
Linear rendering for WebGL added in 2017.2

Working with linear Textures

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sRGB sampling allows the Unity Editor to render Shaders in linear color space when Textures are in gamma color space. When you
select to work in linear color space, the Editor defaults to using sRGB sampling. If your Textures are in linear color space, you need to
work in linear color space and disable sRGB sampling for each Texture. To learn how to do this, see Disabling sRGB sampling, below.
For further reading, see documentation on:

Linear rendering overview for background information on linear and gamma color space.
Linear or gamma work ow for information on selecting to work in linear or gamma color space.
Gamma Textures with linear rendering for information on gamma Textures in a linear work ow.

Legacy GUI

Rendering of elements of the Legacy GUI System is always done in gamma space. This means that for the legacy GUI system, Textures
with their Texture Type set to Editor GUI and Legacy GUI do not have their gamma removed on import.

Linear authored Textures
It is also important that lookup Textures, masks, and other textures with RGB values that mean something speci c and have no
gamma correction applied to them bypass sRGB sampling. This prevents values from the sampled Texture having non-existent
gamma correction removed before they are used in the Shader, with calculations made with the same value as is stored on disk. Unity
assumes that GUI textures and normal map textures are authored in a linear space.

Disabling sRGB sampling
To ensure a Texture is imported as a linear color space image, in the Inspector window for the Texture:
Select the appropriate Texture Type for the Texture’s intended use.
Uncheck sRGB (Color Texture) if it is shown.

The Inspector window for a Texture. Note the setting for sRGB (Color Texture) is unchecked. This ensures the
Texture is imported as a linear color space image


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A Unity scene is created by arranging and moving objects in a three-dimensional space. Since the viewer’s screen is twodimensional, there needs to be a way to capture a view and “ atten” it for display. This is accomplished using Cameras.
A camera is an object that de nes a view in scene space. The object’s position de nes the viewpoint, while the forward (Z) and
upward (Y) axes of the object de ne the view direction and the top of the screen, respectively. The Camera component also
de nes the size and shape of the region that falls within the view. With these parameters set up, the camera can display what it
currently “sees” to the screen. As the camera object moves and rotates, the displayed view will also move and rotate accordingly.

Perspective and orthographic cameras

The same scene shown in perspective mode (left) and orthographic mode (right)
A camera in the real world, or indeed a human eye, sees the world in a way that makes objects look smaller the farther they are
from the point of view. This well-known perspective e ect is widely used in art and computer graphics and is important for
creating a realistic scene. Naturally, Unity supports perspective cameras, but for some purposes, you want to render the view
without this e ect. For example, you might want to create a map or information display that is not supposed to appear exactly
like a real-world object. A camera that does not diminish the size of objects with distance is referred to as orthographic and Unity
cameras also have an option for this. The perspective and orthographic modes of viewing a scene are known as camera
projections. (scene above from BITGEM)

The shape of the viewed region
Both perspective and orthographic cameras have a limit on how far they can “see” from their current position. The limit is
de ned by a plane that is perpendicular to the camera’s forward (Z) direction. This is known as the far clipping plane since objects
at a greater distance from the camera are “clipped” (ie, excluded from rendering). There is also a corresponding near clipping
plane close to the camera - the viewable range of distance is that between the two planes.
Without perspective, objects appear the same size regardless of their distance. This means that the viewing volume of an
orthographic camera is de ned by a rectangular box extending between the two clipping planes.
When perspective is used, objects appear to diminish in size as the distance from camera increases. This means that the width
and height of the viewable part of the scene grows with increasing distance. The viewing volume of a perspective camera, then,
is not a box but a pyramidal shape with the apex at the camera’s position and the base at the far clipping plane. The shape is
not exactly a pyramid, however, because the top is cut o by the near clipping plane; this kind of truncated pyramid shape is
known as a frustum. Since its height is not constant, the frustum is de ned by the ratio of its width to its height (known as the
aspect ratio) and the angle between the top and bottom at the apex (known as the eld of view of FOV). See the page about
understanding the view frustum for a more detailed explanation.

The background to the camera view

For indoor scenes, the camera may always be completely inside some object representing the interior of a building, cave or
other structure. When the action takes place outdoors, however, there will be many empty areas in between objects that are
lled with nothing at all; these background areas typically represent the sky, space or the murky depths of an underwater scene.
A camera can’t leave the background completely undecided and so it must ll in the empty space with something. The simplest
option is to clear the background to a at color before rendering the scene on top of it. You can set this color using the camera’s
Background property, either from the inspector or from a script. A more sophisticated approach that works well with outdoor
scenes is to use a Skybox. As its name suggests, a skybox behaves like a “box” lined with images of a sky. The camera is
e ectively placed at the center of this box and can see the sky from all directions. The camera sees a di erent area of sky as it
rotates but it never moves from the center (so the camera cannot get “closer” to the sky). The skybox is rendered behind all
objects in the scene and so it represents a view at in nite distance. The most common usage is to represent the sky in a
standard outdoor scene but the box actually surrounds the camera completely, even underneath. This means that you can use a
skybox to represent parts of the scene (eg, rolling plains that stretch beyond the horizon) or the all-round view of a scene in
space or underwater.
You can add a skybox to a scene simply by setting the Skybox property in the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering >
Lighting Settings). See this page for further details on how to create your own skybox.

Using more than one camera

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When created, a Unity scene contains just a single camera and this is all you need for most situations. However,
you can have as many cameras in a scene as you like and their views can be combined in di erent ways, as
described below.

Switching cameras
By default, a camera renders its view to cover the whole screen and so only one camera view can be seen at a
time (the visible camera is the one that has the highest value for its depth property). By disabling one camera and
enabling another from a script, you can “cut” from one camera to another to give di erent views of a scene. You
might do this, for example, to switch between an overhead map view and a rst-person view.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Camera firstPersonCamera;
public Camera overheadCamera;
public void ShowOverheadView() {
firstPersonCamera.enabled = false;
overheadCamera.enabled = true;
public void ShowFirstPersonView() {
firstPersonCamera.enabled = true;
overheadCamera.enabled = false;

Example C# script

var firstPersonCamera: Camera;
var overheadCamera: Camera;
function ShowOverheadView() {
firstPersonCamera.enabled = false;
overheadCamera.enabled = true;
function ShowFirstPersonView() {
firstPersonCamera.enabled = true;

overheadCamera.enabled = false;

Example JS script

Rendering a small camera view inside a larger one
Usually, you want at least one camera view covering the whole screen (the default setting) but it is often useful to
show another view inside a small area of the screen. For example, you might show a rear view mirror in a driving
game or show an overhead mini-map in the corner of the screen while the main view is rst-person. You can set
the size of a camera’s onscreen rectangle using its Viewport Rect property.
The coordinates of the viewport rectangle are “normalized” with respect to the screen. The bottom and left edges
are at the 0.0 coordinate, while the top and right edges are at 1.0. A coordinate value of 0.5 is halfway across. In
addition to the viewport size, you should also set the depth property of the camera with the smaller view to a
higher value than the background camera. The exact value does not matter but the rule is that a camera with a
higher depth value is rendered over one with a lower value.

Camera Tricks

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It is useful to understand how the camera works when designing certain visual e ects or interactions with objects
in the scene. This section explains the nature of the camera’s view and how it can be used to enhance gameplay.

Understanding the View Frustum

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The word frustum refers to a solid shape that looks like a pyramid with the top cut o parallel to the base. This is the
shape of the region that can be seen and rendered by a perspective camera. The following thought experiment should
help to explain why this is the case.
Imagine holding a straight rod (a broom handle or a pencil, for example) end-on to a camera and then taking a picture. If
the rod were held in the centre of the picture, perpendicular to the camera lens, then only its end would be visible as a
circle on the picture; all other parts of it would be obscured. If you moved it upward, the lower side would start to become
visible but you could hide it again by angling the rod upward. If you continued moving the rod up and angling it further
upward, the circular end would eventually reach the top edge of the picture. At this point, any object above the line traced
by the rod in world space would not be visible on the picture.

The rod could just as easily be moved and rotated left, right, or down or any combination of horizontal and vertical. The
angle of the “hidden” rod simply depends on its distance from the centre of the screen in both axes.
The meaning of this thought experiment is that any point in a camera’s image actually corresponds to a line in world space
and only a single point along that line is visible in the image. Everything behind that position on the line is obscured.
The outer edges of the image are de ned by the diverging lines that correspond to the corners of the image. If those lines
were traced backwards towards the camera, they would all eventually converge at a single point. In Unity, this point is
located exactly at the camera’s transform position and is known as the centre of perspective. The angle subtended by the
lines converging from the top and bottom centres of the screen at the centre of perspective is called the eld of view
(often abbreviated to FOV).
As stated above, anything that falls outside the diverging lines at the edges of the image will not be visible to the camera,
but there are also two other restrictions on what it will render. The near and far clipping planes are parallel to the
camera’s XY plane and each set at a certain distance along its centre line. Anything closer to the camera than the
near clipping plane and anything farther away than the far clipping plane will not be rendered.

The diverging corner lines of the image along with the two clipping planes de ne a truncated pyramid - the view frustum.

The Size of the Frustum at a Given
Distance from the Camera

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A cross-section of the view frustum at a certain distance from the camera de nes a rectangle in world space that
frames the visible area. It is sometimes useful to calculate the size of this rectangle at a given distance, or nd the
distance where the rectangle is a given size. For example, if a moving camera needs to keep an object (such as
the player) completely in shot at all times then it must not get so close that part of that object is cut o .
The height of the frustum at a given distance (both in world units) can be obtained with the following formula:

var frustumHeight = 2.0f * distance * Mathf.Tan(camera.fieldOfView * 0.5f * Mat

…and the process can be reversed to calculate the distance required to give a speci ed frustum height:

var distance = frustumHeight * 0.5f / Mathf.Tan(camera.fieldOfView * 0.5f * Mat

It is also possible to calculate the FOV angle when the height and distance are known:

var camera.fieldOfView = 2.0f * Mathf.Atan(frustumHeight * 0.5f / distance) * M

Each of these calculations involves the height of the frustum but this can be obtained from the width (and vice
versa) very easily:

var frustumWidth = frustumHeight * camera.aspect;
var frustumHeight = frustumWidth / camera.aspect;

Dolly Zoom (AKA the “Trombone”
E ect)

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Dolly Zoom is the well-known visual e ect where the camera simultaneously moves towards a target object and
zooms out from it. The result is that the object appears roughly the same size but all the other objects in the
scene change perspective. Done subtly, dolly zoom has the e ect of highlighting the target object, since it is the
only thing in the scene that isn’t shifting position in the image. Alternatively, the zoom can be deliberately
performed quickly to create the impression of disorientation.
An object that just ts within the frustum vertically will occupy the whole height of the view as seen on the screen.
This is true whatever the object’s distance from the camera and whatever the eld of view. For example, you can
move the camera closer to the object but then widen the eld of view so that the object still just ts inside the
frustum’s height. That particular object will appear the same size onscreen but everything else will change size as
the distance and FOV change. This is the essence of the dolly zoom e ect.

Creating the e ect in code is a matter of saving the height of the frustum at the object’s position at the start of the
zoom. Then, as the camera moves, its new distance is found and the FOV adjusted to keep it the same height at
the object’s position. This can be accomplished with the following code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform target;
public Camera camera;
private float initHeightAtDist;
private bool dzEnabled;
// Calculate the frustum height at a given distance from the camera.
void FrustumHeightAtDistance(float distance) {
return 2.0f * distance * Mathf.Tan(camera.fieldOfView * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg
// Calculate the FOV needed to get a given frustum height at a given distanc
void FOVForHeightAndDistance(float height, float distance) {
return 2.0f * Mathf.Atan(height * 0.5f / distance) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

// Start the dolly zoom effect.
void StartDZ() {
var distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position);
initHeightAtDist = FrustumHeightAtDistance(distance);
dzEnabled = true;
// Turn dolly zoom off.
void StopDZ() {
dzEnabled = false;
void Start() {
void Update () {
if (dzEnabled) {
// Measure the new distance and readjust the FOV accordingly.
var currDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.posit
camera.fieldOfView = FOVForHeightAndDistance(initHeightAtDist, currD
// Simple control to allow the camera to be moved in and out using the u
transform.Translate(Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Vector3.forward * Time.d

C# script example

var target: Transform;
private var initHeightAtDist: float;
private var dzEnabled: boolean;

// Calculate the frustum height at a given distance from the camera.
function FrustumHeightAtDistance(distance: float) {
return 2.0 * distance * Mathf.Tan(camera.fieldOfView * 0.5 * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

// Calculate the FOV needed to get a given frustum height at a given distance.
function FOVForHeightAndDistance(height: float, distance: float) {
return 2 * Mathf.Atan(height * 0.5 / distance) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

// Start the dolly zoom effect.
function StartDZ() {
var distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position);
initHeightAtDist = FrustumHeightAtDistance(distance);
dzEnabled = true;

// Turn dolly zoom off.
function StopDZ() {
dzEnabled = false;

function Start() {

function Update () {
if (dzEnabled) {
// Measure the new distance and readjust the FOV accordingly.
var currDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position)
camera.fieldOfView = FOVForHeightAndDistance(initHeightAtDist, currDista
// Simple control to allow the camera to be moved in and out using the up/do
transform.Translate(Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Vector3.forward * Time.delta

JS script example

Rays from the Camera

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In the section Understanding the View Frustum, it was explained that any point in the camera’s view corresponds
to a line in world space. It is sometimes useful to have a mathematical representation of that line and Unity can
provide this in the form of a Ray object. The Ray always corresponds to a point in the view, so the Camera class
provides the ScreenPointToRay and ViewportPointToRay functions. The di erence between the two is that
ScreenPointToRay expects the point to be provided as a pixel coordinate, while ViewportPointToRay takes
normalized coordinates in the range 0..1 (where 0 represents the bottom or left and 1 represents the top or right of
the view). Each of these functions returns a Ray which consists of a point of origin and a vector which shows the
direction of the line from that origin. The Ray originates from the near clipping plane rather than the Camera’s
transform.position point.

The most common use of a Ray from the camera is to perform a raycast out into the scene. A raycast sends an
imaginary “laser beam” along the ray from its origin until it hits a collider in the scene. Information is then returned
about the object and the point that was hit in a RaycastHit object. This is a very useful way to locate an object based
on its onscreen image. For example, the object at the mouse position can be determined with the following code:
C# script example:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Camera camera;
void Start(){
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) {
Transform objectHit = hit.transform;
// Do something with the object that was hit by the raycast.

JS script example:

var hit: RaycastHit;
var ray: Ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit)) {
var objectHit: Transform = hit.transform;
// Do something with the object that was hit by the raycast.

Moving the Camera Along a Ray
It is sometimes useful to get a ray corresponding to a screen position and then move the camera along that ray. For
example, you may want to allow the user to select an object with the mouse and then zoom in on it while keeping it
“pinned” to the same screen position under the mouse (this might be useful when the camera is looking at a tactical
map, for example). The code to do this is fairly straightforward:
C# script example:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public bool zooming;
public float zoomSpeed;
public Camera camera;
void Update() {
if (zooming) {
Ray ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
float zoomDistance = zoomSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.delt
camera.transform.Translate(ray.direction * zoomDistance, Space.World);

JS script example:

var zooming: boolean;
var zoomSpeed: float;
if (zooming) {
var ray: Ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
zoomDistance = zoomSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime;

camera.transform.Translate(ray.direction * zoomDistance, Space.World);

Using an Oblique Frustum

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By default, the view frustum is arranged symmetrically around the camera’s centre line but it doesn’t necessarily
need to be. The frustum can be made “oblique”, which means that one side is at a smaller angle to the centre line
than the opposite side. The e ect is rather like taking a printed photograph and cutting one edge o . This makes
the perspective on one side of the image seem more condensed giving the impression that the viewer is very
close to the object visible at that edge. An example of how this can be used is a car racing game where the
frustum might be attened at its bottom edge. This would make the viewer seem closer to the road, accentuating
the feeling of speed.

While the camera class doesn’t have functions to set the obliqueness of the frustum, it can be done quite easily by
altering the projection matrix:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
void SetObliqueness(float horizObl, float vertObl) {
Matrix4x4 mat = Camera.main.projectionMatrix;
mat[0, 2] = horizObl;
mat[1, 2] = vertObl;
Camera.main.projectionMatrix = mat;

C# script example

function SetObliqueness(horizObl: float, vertObl: float) {
var mat: Matrix4x4 = camera.projectionMatrix;
mat[0, 2] = horizObl;
mat[1, 2] = vertObl;
camera.projectionMatrix = mat;

JS script example

Mercifully, it is not necessary to understand how the projection matrix works to make use of this. The horizObl
and vertObl values set the amount of horizontal and vertical obliqueness, respectively. A value of zero indicates
no obliqueness. A positive value shifts the frustum rightwards or upwards, thereby attening the left or bottom
side. A negative value shifts leftwards or downwards and consequently attens the right or top side of the
frustum. The e ect can be seen directly if this script is added to a camera and the game is switched to the
scene view while the game runs; the wireframe depiction of the camera’s frustum will change as you vary the
values of horizObl and vertObl in the inspector. A value of 1 or –1 in either variable indicates that one side of the
frustum is completely at against the centreline. It is possible although seldom necessary to use values outside
this range.

Creating an Impression of Large or
Small Size

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From the graphical point of view, the units of distance in Unity are arbitrary and don’t correspond to real world
measurements. Although this gives exibility and convenience for design, it is not always easy to convey the
intended size of the object. For example, a toy car looks di erent to a full size car even though it may be an
accurate scale model of the real thing.
A major element in the impression of an object’s size is the way the perspective changes over the object’s length.
For example, if a toy car is viewed from behind then the front of the car will only be a short distance farther away
than the back. Since the distance is small, perspective will have relatively little e ect and so the front will appear
little di erent in size to the back. With a full size car, however, the front will be several metres farther away from
the camera than the back and the e ect of perspective will be much more noticeable.
For an object to appear small, the lines of perspective should diverge only very slightly over its depth. You can
achieve this by using a narrower eld of view than the default 60 degrees and moving the camera farther away to
compensate for the increased onscreen size. Conversely, if you want to make an object look big, use a wide FOV
and move the camera in close. When these perspective alterations are used with other obvious techniques (like
looking down at a “small” object from higher-than-normal vantage point) the result can be quite convincing.

Occlusion Culling

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Occlusion Culling is a feature that disables rendering of objects when they are not currently seen by the camera because they are
obscured (occluded) by other objects. This does not happen automatically in 3D computer graphics since most of the time objects
farthest away from the camera are drawn rst and closer objects are drawn over the top of them (this is called “overdraw”). Occlusion
Culling is di erent from Frustum Culling. Frustum Culling only disables the renderers for objects that are outside the camera’s viewing
area but does not disable anything hidden from view by overdraw. Note that when you use Occlusion Culling you will still bene t from
Frustum Culling.

A maze-like indoor level. This normal scene view shows all visible Game Objects.

Regular frustum culling only renders objects within the camera’s view. This is automatic and always happens.

Occlusion culling removes additional objects from within the camera rendering work if they are entirely obscured by
nearer objects.
The occlusion culling process will go through the scene using a virtual camera to build a hierarchy of potentially visible sets of objects.
This data is used at runtime by each camera to identify what is visible and what is not. Equipped with this information, Unity will
ensure only visible objects get sent to be rendered. This reduces the number of draw calls and increases the performance of the
The data for occlusion culling is composed of cells. Each cell is a subdivision of the entire bounding volume of the scene. More
speci cally the cells form a binary tree. Occlusion Culling uses two trees, one for View Cells (Static Objects) and the other for Target
Cells (Moving Objects). View Cells map to a list of indices that de ne the visible static objects which gives more accurate culling results
for static objects.
It is important to keep this in mind when creating your objects because you need a good balance between the size of your objects and
the size of the cells. Ideally, you shouldn’t have cells that are too small in comparison with your objects but equally you shouldn’t have
objects that cover many cells. You can sometimes improve the culling by breaking large objects into smaller pieces. However, you can
still merge small objects together to reduce draw calls and, as long as they all belong to the same cell, occlusion culling will not be
a ected.
You can use the ‘overdraw’ scene rendering mode to see the amount of overdraw that is occuring, and the stats information pane in
the game view to see the amount of triangles, verts, and batches that are being rendered. Below is a comparison of these before and
after applying occlusion culling.

Notice in the Overdraw scene view, a high density of overdraw as many rooms beyond the visible walls are rendered.
These aren’t visible in the game view, but nonetheless time is being taken to render them.

With occlusion culling applied, the distant rooms are not rendered, the overdraw is much less dense, and the
number of triangles and batches being rendered has dropped dramatically, without any change to how the game
view looks.

Setting up Occlusion Culling

In order to use Occlusion Culling, there is some manual setup involved. First, your level geometry must be broken into sensibly sized
pieces. It is also helpful to lay out your levels into small, well de ned areas that are occluded from each other by large objects such as
walls, buildings, etc. The idea here is that each individual mesh will be turned on or o based on the occlusion data. So if you have
one object that contains all the furniture in your room then either all or none of the entire set of furniture will be culled. This doesn’t
make nearly as much sense as making each piece of furniture its own mesh, so each can individually be culled based on the camera’s
view point.
You need to tag all scene objects that you want to be part of the occlusion to Occluder Static in the Inspector. The fastest way to do
this is to multi-select the objects you want to be included in occlusion calculations, and mark them as Occluder Static and Occludee

Marking an object for Occlusion
When should you use Occludee Static? Completely transparent or translucent objects that do not occlude, as well as small objects
that are unlikely to occlude other things, should be marked as Occludees, but not Occluders. This means they will be considered in
occlusion by other objects, but will not be considered as occluders themselves, which will help reduce computation.
When using LOD groups, only the base level object (LOD0) may be used as an Occluder.

Occlusion Culling Window
For most operations dealing with Occlusion Culling, you should use the Occlusion Culling Window (Window > Rendering > Occlusion

In the Occlusion Culling Window, you can work with occluder meshes, and Occlusion Areas.
If you are in the Object tab of the Occlusion Culling Window and have a Mesh Renderer selected in the scene, you can modify the
relevant Static ags:

Occlusion Culling Window for a Mesh Renderer
If you are in the Object tab of the Occlusion Culling Window and have an Occlusion Area selected, you can work with relevant
OcclusionArea properties (for more details go to the Occlusion Area section)

Occlusion Culling Window for the Occlusion Area
NOTE: By default if you don’t create any occlusion areas, occlusion culling will be applied to the whole scene.
NOTE: Whenever your camera is outside occlusion areas, occlusion culling will not be applied. It is important to set up your Occlusion
Areas to cover the places where the camera can potentially be, but making the areas too large incurs a cost during baking.

Occlusion Culling - Bake

Occlusion culling inspector bake tab.
The occlusion culling bake window has a “Set Default Parameters” button, which allows you to reset the bake values to Unity’s default
values. These are good for many typical scenes, however you’ll often be able to get better results by adjusting the values to suit the
particular contents of your scene.


The size of the smallest object that will be used to hide other objects when doing occlusion culling. Any
objects smaller than this size will never cause objects occluded by them to be culled. For example, with a
value of 5, all objects that are higher or wider than 5 meters will cause hidden objects behind them to be
culled (not rendered, saving render time). Picking a good value for this property is a balance between
occlusion accuracy and storage size for the occlusion data.
This value represents the smallest gap between geometry through which the camera is supposed to see.
Smallest The value represents the diameter of an object that could t through the hole. If your scene has very
small cracks through which the camera should be able to see, the Smallest Hole value must be smaller
than the narrowest dimension of the gap.
Unity’s occlusion uses a data size optimization which reduces unnecessary details by testing backfaces.
The default value of 100 is robust and never removes backfaces from the dataset. A value of 5 would
aggressively reduce the data based on locations with visible backfaces. The idea is that typically, valid
camera positions would not normally see many backfaces - for example, the view of the underside of a
terrain, or the view from within a solid object that you should not be able to reach. With a threshold
lower than 100, Unity will remove these areas from the dataset entirely, thereby reducing the data size for
the occlusion.
At the bottom of the bake tab is are the Clear and Bake buttons. Click on the Bake Button to start generating the Occlusion Culling
data. Once the data is generated, you can use the Visualization tab to preview and test the occlusion culling. If you are not satis ed
with the results, click on the Clear button to remove previously calculated data, adjust the settings, and bake again.

Occlusion Culling - Visualization

Occlusion culling inspector visualization tab.
All the objects in the scene a ect the size of the bounding volume so try to keep them all within the visible bounds of the scene.
When you’re ready to generate the occlusion data, click the Bake button. Remember to choose the Memory Limit in the Bake tab.
Lower values make the generation quicker and less precise, higher values are to be used for production quality closer to release.
Bear in mind that the time taken to build the occlusion data will depend on the cell levels, the data size and the quality you have
After the processing is done, you should see some colorful cubes in the View Area. The colored areas are regions that share the same
occlusion data.
Click on Clear if you want to remove all the pre-calculated data for Occlusion Culling.

Occlusion Area
To apply occlusion culling to moving objects you have to create an Occlusion Area and then modify its size to t the space where the
moving objects will be located (of course the moving objects cannot be marked as static). You can create Occlusion Areas by adding
the Occlusion Area component to an empty game object (Component -> Rendering -> Occlusion Area in the menus).
After creating the Occlusion Area, check the Is View Volume checkbox to occlude moving objects.

Is View

De nes the size of the Occlusion Area.
Sets the center of the Occlusion Area. By default this is 0,0,0 and is located in the center of the box.
De nes where the camera can be. Check this in order to occlude static objects that are inside this
Occlusion Area.

Occlusion Area properties for moving objects.
After you have added the Occlusion Area, you need to see how it divides the box into cells. To see how the occlusion area will be
calculated, select Edit and toggle the View button in the Occlusion Culling Preview Panel.

Testing the generated occlusion
After your occlusion is set up, you can test it by enabling the Occlusion Culling (in the Occlusion Culling Preview Panel in Visualize
mode) and moving the Main Camera around in the scene view.

The Occlusion View mode in Scene View
As you move the Main Camera around (whether or not you are in Play mode), you’ll see various objects disable themselves. The thing
you are looking for here is any error in the occlusion data. You’ll recognize an error if you see objects suddenly popping into view as
you move around. If this happens, your options for xing the error are either to change the resolution (if you are playing with target
volumes) or to move objects around to cover up the error. To debug problems with occlusion, you can move the Main Camera to the
problematic position for spot-checking.
When the processing is done, you should see some colorful cubes in the View Area. The blue cubes represent the cell divisions for
Target Volumes. The white cubes represent cell divisions for View Volumes. If the parameters were set correctly you should see
some objects not being rendered. This will be because they are either outside of the view frustum of the camera or else occluded
from view by other objects.
After occlusion is completed, if you don’t see anything being occluded in your scene then try breaking your objects into smaller pieces
so they can be completely contained inside the cells.

Materials, Shaders & Textures

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Rendering in Unity uses Materials, Shaders and Textures. All three have a close relationship.
Materials de ne how a surface should be rendered, by including references to the Textures it uses, tiling information, Color tints
and more. The available options for a Material depend on which Shader the Material is using.
Shaders are small scripts that contain the mathematical calculations and algorithms for calculating the Color of each pixel
rendered, based on the lighting input and the Material con guration.
Textures are bitmap images. A Material can contain references to textures, so that the Material’s Shader can use the textures while
calculating the surface color of a GameObject. In addition to basic Color (Albedo) of a GameObject’s surface, Textures can represent
many other aspects of a Material’s surface such as its re ectivity or roughness.
A Material speci es one speci c Shader to use, and the Shader used determines which options are available in the Material. A Shader
speci es one or more Texture variables that it expects to use, and the Material Inspector in Unity allows you to assign your own
Texture Assets to these Texture variables.
For most normal rendering (such as rendering characters, scenery, environments, solid and transparent GameObjects, hard and
soft surfaces) the Standard Shader is usually the best choice. This is a highly customisable shader which is capable of rendering
many types of surface in a highly realistic way.
There are other situations where a di erent built-in Shader, or even a custom written shader might be appropriate (for example
liquids, foliage, refractive glass, particle e ects, cartoony, illustrative or other artistic e ects, or other special e ects like night vision,
heat vision or x-ray vision).
For more information, see the following pages:

Creating and Using Materials
The Built-in Standard Shader
Other built-in Shaders
Writing Your Own Shaders
2017–10–26 New page
2017–10–26 Page amended with limited editorial review


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Normally, the mesh geometry of an object only gives a rough approximation of the shape while most of the ne detail is
supplied by Textures. A texture is just a standard bitmap image that is applied over the mesh surface. You can think of a texture
image as though it were printed on a rubber sheet that is stretched and pinned onto the mesh at appropriate positions. The
positioning of the texture is done with the 3D modelling software that is used to create the mesh.

Cylinder with tree bark
Unity can import textures from most common image le formats.

Textures for use on 3D models
Textures are applied to objects using Materials. Materials use specialised graphics programs called Shaders to render a texture
on the mesh surface. Shaders can implement lighting and colouring e ects to simulate shiny or bumpy surfaces among many
other things. They can also make use of two or more textures at a time, combining them for even greater exibility.
You should make your textures in dimensions that are to the power of two (e.g. 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, etc.) Simply
placing them in your project’s Assets folder is su cient, and they will appear in the Project View.
Once your texture has been imported, you should assign it to a Material. The material can then be applied to a mesh,
Particle System, or GUI Texture. Using the Import Settings, it can also be converted to a Cubemap or Normalmap for
di erent types of applications in the game. For more information about importing textures, please read the Texture Component

2D graphics
In 2D games, the Sprites are implemented using textures applied to at meshes that approximate the objects’ shapes.

Sprite from a 3D viewpoint

An object in a 2D game may require a set of related graphic images to represent animation frames or di erent states of a
character. Special techniques are available to allow these sets of images to be designed and rendered e ciently. See the manual
page about the Sprite Editor for more information.

A game’s graphic user interface (GUI) consists of graphics that are not used directly in the game scene but are there to allow the
player to make choices and see information. For example, the score display and the options menu are typical examples of game
GUI. These graphics are clearly very di erent from the kind used to detail a mesh surface but they are handled using standard
Unity textures nevertheless. See the manual chapter on GUI Scripting Guide for further details about Unity’s GUI system.

Meshes are ideal for representing solid objects but less suited for things like ames, smoke and sparkles left by a magic spell.
This type of e ect is handled much better by Particle Systems. A particle is a small 2D graphic representing a small portion of
something that is basically uid or gaseous, such as a smoke cloud. When many of these particles are created at once and set in
motion, optionally with random variations, they can create a very convincing e ect. For example, you might display an explosion
by sending particles with a re texture out at great speed from a central point. A waterfall could be simulated by accelerating
water particles downward from a line high in the scene.

Star particle system
Unity’s particle systems have a wealth of options for creating all kinds of uid e ects. See the manual chapter on the subject for
further information.

Terrain Heightmaps
Textures can even be used in cases where the image will never be viewed at all, at least not directly. In a greyscale image, each
pixel value is simply a number corresponding to the shade of grey at that point in the image (this could be a value in the range
0..1 where zero is black and one is white, say). Although an image like this can be viewed, there is no reason why the numeric
pixel values can’t be used for other purposes as well, and this is precisely what is done with Terrain Heightmaps.
A terrain is a mesh representing an area of ground where each point on the ground has a particular height from a baseline. The
heightmap for a terrain stores the numeric height samples at regular intervals as greyscale values in an image where each pixel
corresponds to a grid coordinate on the ground. The values are not shown in the scene as an image but are converted to
coordinates that are used to generate the terrain mesh.
Interestingly, even though a heightmap is not viewed directly as an image, there are still common image processing techniques
that are useful when applied to the height data. For example, adding noise to a heightmap will create the impression of rocky
terrain while blurring will smooth it out to produce a softer, rolling landscape.
More information about terrains in Unity can be found in this section of the manual.

Creating and Using Materials

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To create a new Material, use Assets->Create->Material from the main menu or the Project View context menu.
By default, new materials are assigned the Standard Shader, with all map properties empty, like this:

Once the Material has been created, you can apply it to an object and tweak all of its properties in the Inspector. To apply it to an
object, just drag it from the Project View to any object in the Scene or Hierarchy.

Setting Material Properties
You can select which Shader you want any particular Material to use. Simply expand the Shader drop-down in the Inspector, and
choose your new Shader. The Shader you choose will dictate the available properties to change. The properties can be colors, sliders,
textures, numbers, or vectors. If you have applied the Material to an active object in the Scene, you will see your property changes
applied to the object in real-time.
There are two ways to apply a Texture to a property.

Drag it from the Project View on top of the Texture square
Click the Select button, and choose the texture from the drop-down list that appears

Built-in Shaders

In addition to the Standard Shader, there are a number of other categories of built-in shaders for specialised purposes:

FX: Lighting and glass e ects.
GUI and UI : For user interface graphics.
Mobile: Simpli ed high-performance shader for mobile devices.
Nature: For trees and terrain.
Particles: Particle system e ects.
Skybox : For rendering background environments behind all geometry
Sprites : For use with the 2D sprite system
Toon: Cartoon-style rendering.
Unlit: For rendering that entirely bypasses all light & shadowing
Legacy: The large collection of older shaders which were superseded by the Standard Shader

Shader technical details

A Shader is a script which contains mathematical calculations and algorithms for how the pixels on the surface of a model should
look. The standard shader performs complex and realistic lighting calculations. Other shaders may use simpler or di erent
calculations to show di erent results. Within any given Shader are a number of properties which can be given values by a Material
using that shader. These properties can be numbers, colours de nitions or textures, which appear in the inspector when viewing a
Material. Materials are then used by Renderer components attached to Game Objects, to render each Game Object’s mesh.
It is possible and often desirable to have several di erent Materials which may reference the same textures. These materials may
also use the same or di erent shaders, depending on the requirements.
Below is an example of a possible set-up combination using three materials, two shaders and one texture.

In the diagram we have a red car and a blue car. Both models use a separate material for the bodywork, “Red car material” and “Blue
car material” respectively.
Both these bodywork materials use the same custom shader, “Carbody Shader”. A custom shader may be used because the shader
adds extra features speci cally for the cars, such as metallic sparkly rendering, or perhaps has a custom damage masking feature.
Each car body material has a reference to the “Car Texture”, which is a texture map containing all the details of the bodywork,
without a speci c paint colour.
The Carbody shader also accepts a tint colour, which is set to a di erent colour for the red and blue cars, giving each car a di erent
look while using a single texture for both of them.
The car wheel models use a separate material again, but this time both cars share the same material for their wheels, as the wheels
do not di er on each car. The wheel material uses the Standard Shader, and has a reference again to the Car Texture.

Notice how the car texture contains details for the bodywork and wheels - this is a texture atlas, meaning di erent parts of the
texture image are explicitly mapped to di erent parts of the model.
Even though the bodywork materials are using a texture that also contains the wheel image, the wheel does not appear on the body
because that part of the texture is not mapped to the bodywork geometry.
Similarly, the wheel material is using the same texture, which has bodywork detail in it. The bodywork detail does not appear on the
wheel, because only the portion of the texture showing the wheel detail is mapped to the wheel geometry.
This mapping is done by the 3D artist in an external 3d application, and is called “UV mapping”.
To be more speci c, a Shader de nes:

The method to render an object. This includes code and mathematical calculations that may include the angles of
light sources, the viewing angle, and any other relevant calculations. Shaders can also specify di erent methods
depending on the graphics hardware of the end user.
The parameters that can be customised in the material inspector, such as texture maps, colours and numeric
A Material de nes:

Which shader to use for rendering this material.
The speci c values for the shader’s parameters - such as which texture maps, the colour and numeric values to use.
Custom Shaders are meant to be written by graphics programmers. They are created using the ShaderLab language, which is quite
simple. However, getting a shader to work well on a variety graphics cards is an involved job and requires a fairly comprehensive
knowledge of how graphics cards work.
A number of shaders are built into Unity directly, and some more come in the Standard Assets Library.

Standard Shader

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The Unity Standard Shader is a built-in shader with a comprehensive set of features. It can be used to render
“real-world” objects such as stone, wood, glass, plastic and metal, and supports a wide range of shader types and
combinations. Its features are enabled or disabled by simply using or not using the various texture slots and
parameters in the material editor.
The Standard Shader also incorporates an advanced lighting model called Physically Based Shading. Physically
Based Shading (PBS) simulates the interactions between materials and light in a way that mimics reality. PBS has
only recently become possible in real-time graphics. It works at its best in situations where lighting and materials
need to exist together intuitively and realistically.
The idea behind our Physically Based Shader is to create a user-friendly way of achieving a consistent, plausible
look under di erent lighting conditions. It models how light behaves in reality, without using multiple ad-hoc
models that may or may not work. To do so, it follows principles of physics, including energy conservation
(meaning that objects never re ect more light than they receive), Fresnel re ections (all surfaces become more
re ective at grazing angles), and how surfaces occlude themselves (what is called Geometry Term), among others.
The Standard Shader is designed with hard surfaces in mind (also known as “architectural materials”), and can
deal with most real-world materials like stone, glass, ceramics, brass, silver or rubber. It will even do a decent job
with non-hard materials like skin, hair and cloth.

A scene rendered using the standard shader on all models
With the Standard Shader, a large range of shader types (such as Di use, Specular, Bumped Specular, Re ective)
are combined into a single shader intended to be used across all material types. The bene t of this is that the
same lighting calculations are used in all areas of your scene, which gives a realistic, consistent and believable
distribution of light and shade across all models that use the shader.


There are a number of concepts that are very useful when talking about Physically Based Shading in Unity. These

Energy conservation - This is a physics-based concept that ensures objects never re ect more light
than they receive. The more specular a material is, the less di use it should be; the smoother a
surface is, the stronger and smaller the highlight gets.

The light rendered at each point on a surface is calculated to be the same as the amout of light
received from its environment. The microfacets of rough surfaces are a ected by light from a wider
area. Smoother surfaces give stronger and smaller highlights. Point A re ects light from the source

towards the camera. Point B takes on a blue tint from ambient light from the sky. Point C takes its
ambient and re ective lighting from the surrounding ground colours.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) - This refers to colours outside the usual 0–1 range. For instance, the
sun can easily be ten times brighter than a blue sky. For an in-depth discussion, see the Unity
Manual HDR page.

A scene using High Dynamic Range. The sunlight re ecting in the car window appears far brighter
than other objects in the scene, because it has been processed using HDR

Content and Context

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When thinking about lighting in Unity, it is handy to divide the concepts into what we call the content the item being lit and
rendered, and the context, which is the lighting that exists in the scene which a ects the object being lit.

The Context
When lighting an object it is important to understand which sources of light are a ecting the object. There are usually direct
light sources in your scene: Game Object lights that you may have placed around your scene. There are also indirect light
sources such as re ections and bounced light. These all have an e ect on the object’s material to give the nal result that the
camera sees across the surface of the object.
This is not a hard and fast separation, often what might be considered “content” could also be the part of the lighting context
for another object.
A good example of this would be a building situated in a desert landscape. The building would take light information from the
skybox, and perhaps bounced light from the surrounding ground.
However there may be a character standing near an exterior wall of the building. For this character, the building is part of the
lighting context - it may be casting a shadow, it may be casting bounced light from its wall onto the character, or the character
may have re ective parts which are directly re ecting the building itself.

The Default Lighting Context
At startup, Unity 5 shows an empty scene. This scene already has a default lighting context available with ambient, skydomebased re ections and a directional light. Any object placed in that scene should, by default, have all lighting it needs to look
Let’s add a sphere to the scene, to see the e ect of the default lighting context.

The added sphere will be using the Standard shader by default. Focusing the camera on the sphere will result on something
like this:

Notice the re ection along the edges of the sphere as well as the subtle ambient, from brown (bottom) to the sky blue (top). By
default, in an empty scene, all lighting context is derived from the skybox and a directional light (which is added to the Scene by
Of course this is the default setup, a single lighting and sky re ection may not be enough in some cases. You can easily add
more lighting and re ection probes:
For an in-depth view on how re ection and light probes work please see the documentation on light probes and
re ection probes.

A Skybox, baked or procedural, can be an integral part of your lighting setup. It can be used to control the ambient lighting and
the re ections in your objects in addition to rendering the sky. Procedural Skyboxes also allow you to set the colours directly
and create a sun disc instead of using a bitmap - more information can be found in the Skybox Documentation
While re ecting the skybox can be useful for many objects in your scenes, particularly outdoor scenes, there are often cases
where you need to vary the re ections an object uses - there may be dark areas in an outdoor scene, such as alleyways or
dense forest, or you may have interior areas which require re ections to match each room.
To meet the needs of these various re ective requirements, Unity has re ection probes which allow you to sample the
environment in your scene at a certain point in space, for use as the ambient light and re ection source for any objects near
that point instead of the default skybox. Re ection probes can be placed around your scene in any locations where the scene’s
skybox is not su cient or appropriate.

Global Illumination
The concept of Global Illumination is integral to Unity 5. Both the Standard shader and Unity 5’s GI systems have been
designed to play well with each other. The GI system takes care of creating and tracking bounced light, light from emissive
materials and light from the environment. You can nd the details here.
The context is a critical part of the overall look of the image. In this example you can see how a scene re ects changes in
context, while content and camera remains the same.

The Content
The content is the term used to describe the objects in your scene that are being rendered. Their appearance is a result of the
lighting context acting on the materials that have been applied to the objects.

The Material Editor
When viewing a material in the inspector which uses the Standard Shader, the editor displays all parameters for the material
including textures, blending modes, masking and secondary maps. At a glance you be able to see which features are used and
preview the material. As the Standard shader is data-driven: Unity will only use the shader code required by the con guration
the user has set for the material. In other words if a feature or texture slot of the material is not used, there is no cost for it and
the shader combination is optimised behind the scenes.

Tip: You can Ctrl+click on the texture thumbnails for a large preview, which will also let you check the contents
of the color and alpha channels separately!

How to create a material

The Standard shader allows for many con gurations in order to represent a great variety of material types. Values can be set
with texture maps or colour pickers and sliders. Generally UV mapping is required in conjunction with textures to describe
which part of your mesh refers to which part of the texture map. The Standard Shader material allows you therefore to have
di erent material properties across the same mesh when used in conjunction with specular and smoothness map or a metallic
map. In other words you can create rubber, metal and wood on one mesh where the resolution of the texture can exceed the
polygon topology allowing for smooth borders and transition between material types, of course this has implications for a
greater complexity in the work ow, but this will depend on your texture creation method.
Textures for your materials tend to be generated in one of two ways - painting and compositing in a 2D image editor like
Photoshop, or rendering / baking from your 3D package, where you can also make use of higher resolution models to generate
your normal maps and occlusion maps in addition to the albedo, specular and other maps. This work ow varies dependent on
the external packages used.
Generally no texture map should contain inherent lighting (shadows, highlights, etc). One of the advantages of PBS is that
objects react to light as you would expect, which is not possible if maps already contain lighting information.

Metallic vs Specular Work ow

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Two work ows

When creating a material using the Standard shader you will have the choice of using one of two avours,
“Standard” and “Standard (Specular setup)”. They di er in the data they take as follows:
Standard: The shader exposes a “metallic” value that states whether the material is metallic or not. In the case of
a metallic material, the Albedo color will control the color of your specular re ection and most light will be
re ected as specular re ections. Non metallic materials will have specular re ections that are the same color as
the incoming light and will barely re ect when looking at the surface face-on.
Standard (Specular setup): Choose this shader for the classic approach. A Specular color is used to control the
color and strength of specular re ections in the material. This makes it possible to have a specular re ection of a
di erent color than the di use re ection for instance.
It is generally possible to achieve a good representation of most common material types using either method, so
for the most part choosing one or the other is a matter of personal preference to suit your art work ow. For
instance, to below is an example of a rubbery plastic material created in both Standard and Standard Specular
work ows:

The fresnel e ect visible at grazing angles in relation to the viewer is increasingly apparent as the
surface of a material becomes smoother
The rst image represents the metallic work ow, where we are setting this material to zero (non metallic). The
second setup is nearly identical but we set the specular to nearly black (so we don’t get metallic mirror-like
re ections)
One might ask where do these values come from, what is “nearly black” and what makes grass di erent from
aluminium exactly? In the world of Physically Based Shading we can use references from known real-world
materials. Some of those references we have compiled into a handy set of charts you can use to create your

Material parameters

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The standard shader presents you with a list of material parameters. These parameters vary slightly depending
on whether you have chosen to work in the Metallic work ow mode or the Specular work ow mode. Most of the
parameters are the same across both modes, and this page covers all the parameters for both modes.
These parameters can be used together to recreate the look of almost any real-world surface.

A Standard Shader material with default parameters and no values or textures assigned
Rendering Mode
Albedo Color & Transparency
Specular Mode: Specular
Metallic Mode: Metallic

Normal Map (Bump Mapping)
Height Map (Parallax Mapping)
Occlusion Map
Detail Mask & Maps
The Fresnel E ect

Rendering Mode

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A Standard Shader material with default parameters and no values or textures assigned. The
Rendering Mode parameter is highlighted.
The rst Material Parameter in the Standard Shader is Rendering Mode. This allows you to choose whether the
object uses transparency, and if so, which type of blending mode to use.
Opaque - Is the default, and suitable for normal solid objects with no transparent areas.
Cutout - Allows you to create a transparent e ect that has hard edges between the opaque and transparent
areas. In this mode, there are no semi-transparent areas, the texture is either 100% opaque, or invisible. This is
useful when using transparency to create the shape of materials such as leaves, or cloth with holes and tatters.

Transparent - Suitable for rendering realistic transparent materials such as clear plastic or glass. In this mode,
the material itself will take on transparency values (based on the texture’s alpha channel and the alpha of the tint
colour), however re ections and lighting highlights will remain visible at full clarity as is the case with real
transparent materials.
Fade - Allows the transparency values to entirely fade an object out, including any specular highlights or
re ections it may have. This mode is useful if you want to animate an object fading in or out. It is not suitable for
rendering realistic transparent materials such as clear plastic or glass because the re ections and highlights will
also be faded out.

The helmet visor in this image is rendered using the Transparent mode, because it is supposed to
represent a real physical object that has transparent properties. Here the visor is re ecting the
skybox in the scene.

These windows use Transparent mode, but have some fully opaque areas de ned in the texture
(the window frames). The Specular re ection from the light sources re ects o the transparent
areas and the opaque areas.

The hologram in this image is rendered using the Fade mode, because it is supposed to represent
an opaque object that is partially faded out.

The grass in this image is rendered using the Cutout mode. This gives clear sharp edges to objects
which is de ned by specifying a cut-o threshold. All parts of the image with the alpha value above
this threshold are 100% opaque, and all parts below the threshold are invisible. To the right in the
image you can see the material settings and the alpha channel of the texture used.

Albedo Color and Transparency

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A Standard Shader material with default parameters and no values or textures assigned. The
Albedo Color parameter is highlighted.
The Albedo parameter controls the base color of the surface.

Brushed Metal





A range of black to white albedo values
Specifying a single color for the Albedo value is sometimes useful, but it is far more common to assign a texture
map for the Albedo parameter. This should represent the colors of the surface of the object. It’s important to note
that the Albedo texture should not contain any lighting, since the lighting will be added to it based on the context
in which the object is seen.

Two examples of typical Albedo texture maps. On the left is a texture map for a character model,
and on the right is a wooden crate. Notice there are no shadows or lighting highlights.


The alpha value of the Albedo colour controls the transparency level for the material. This only has an e ect if the
Rendering Mode for the material is set to one of the transparent mode, and not Opaque. As mentioned above,
picking the correct transparency mode is important because it determines whether or not you will still see
re ections and specular highlights at full value, or whether they will be faded out according to the transparency
values too.

A range of transparency values from 0 to 1, using the Transparent mode suitable for realistic
transparent objects
When using a texture assigned for the Albedo parameter, you can control the transparency of the material by
ensuring your albedo texture image has an alpha channel. The alpha channel values are mapped to the
transparency levels with white being fully opaque, and black being fully transparent. This will have the e ect that
your material can have areas of varying transparency.

An imported texture with RGB channels and an Alpha Channel. You can click the RGB/A button as
shown to toggle which channels of the image you are previewing.

The end result, peering through a broken window into a building. The gaps in the glass are totally
transparent, while the glass shards are partially transparent and the frame is fully opaque.

Specular mode: Specular parameter

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Specular parameter
The Specular parameter is only visible when using the Specular setup, as shown in the Shader eld in the image
above. Specular e ects are essentially the direct re ections of light sources in your Scene, which typically show up as
bright highlights and shine on the surface of objects (although specular highlights can be subtle or di use too).

Both the Specular setup and Metallic setup produce specular highlights, so the choice of which to use is more a
matter of setup and your artistic preference. In the Specular setup you have direct control over the brightness and
tint colour of specular highlights, while in the Metallic setup you control other parameters and the intensity and
colour of the specular highlights emerge as a natural result of the other parameter settings.

When working in Specular mode, the RGB colour in the Specular parameter controls the strength and colour tint of
the specular re ectivity. This includes shine from light sources and re ections from the environment. The
Smoothness parameter controls the clarity of the specular e ect. With a low smoothness value, even strong specular
re ections appear blurred and di use. With a high smoothness value, specular re ections are crisper and clearer.

Rough Plastic


Brushed Metal

The Specular Smoothness values from 0 to 1
You might want to vary the Specular values across the surface of your material - for example, if your Texture contains
a character’s coat that has some shiny buttons. You would want the buttons to have a higher specular value than the
fabric of the clothes. To achieve this, assign a Texture map instead of using a single slider value. This allows greater
control over the the strength and colour of the specular light re ections across the surface of the material, according
to the pixel colours of your specular map.
When a Texture is assigned to the Specular parameter, both the Specular parameter and Smoothness slider
disappear. Instead, the specular levels for the material are controlled by the values in the Red, Green and Blue
channels of the Texture itself, and the Smoothness levels for the material are controlled by the Alpha channel of the
same Texture. This provides a single Texture which de nes areas as being rough or smooth, and have varying levels
and colors of specularity. This is very useful when working Texture maps that cover many areas of a model with
varying requirements; for example, a single character Texture map often includes multiple surface requirements such
as leather shoes, fabric of the clothes, skin for the hands and face, and metal buckles.

An example of a 1000kg weight with a strong specular re ection from a directional light.
Here, the specular re ection and smoothness are de ned by a colour and the Smoothness slider. No Texture has
been assigned, so the specular and smoothness level is constant across the whole surface. This is not always
desirable, particularly in the case where your Albedo Texture maps to a variety of di erent areas on your model (also
known as a Texture atlas).

The same model, but with a specular map assigned, instead of using a constant value.
Here, a Texture map controls the specularity and smoothness. This allows the specularity to vary across the surface of
the model. Notice the edges have a higher specular e ect than the centre, there are some subtle colour responses to
the light, and the area inside the lettering no longer has specular highlights. Pictured to the right are the RGB
channels controlling the specular colour and strength, and the Alpha channel controlling the smoothness.
Note: A black specular color (0,0,0) results in nulling out the specular e ect.

Metallic mode: Metallic Parameter

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When working in the Metallic work ow (as opposed to the Specular work ow), the the re ectivity and light response of the surface
are modi ed by the Metallic level and the Smoothness level.

Specular re ections are still generated when using this work ow but they arise naturally depending on the settings you give for the
Metallic and Smoothness levels, rather than being explicitly de ned.
Metallic mode is not just for materials which are supposed to look metallic! This mode is known as metallic because of the way
you have control over how metallic or non-metallic a surface is.

Metallic parameter
The metallic parameter of a material determines how “metal-like” the surface is. When a surface is more metallic, it re ects the
environment more and its albedo colour becomes less visible. At full metallic level, the surface colour is entirely driven by re ections
from the environment. When a surface is less metallic, its albedo colour is more clear and any surface re ections are visible on top
of the surface colour, rather than obscuring it.

A range of metallic values from 0 to 1 (with smoothness at a constant 0.8 for all samples)
By default, with no texture assigned, the Metallic and Smoothness parameters are controlled by a slider each. This is enough for
some materials. However if your model’s surface has areas with a mixture of surface types in the albedo texture, you can use a
texture map to control how the metallic and smoothness levels vary across the surface of the material. For instance if your texture
contains a character’s clothing including some metal buckles and zips. You would want the buckles and zips to have a higher metallic
value than the fabric of the clothes. To achieve this, instead of using a single slider value, a texture map can be assigned which
contains lighter pixel colours in the areas of the buckles and zips, and darker values for the fabric.
With a texture assigned to the Metallic parameter, both the Metallic and Smoothness sliders will disappear. Instead, the Metallic
levels for the material are controlled by the values in the Red channel of the texture, and the Smoothness levels for the material are
controlled by the Alpha channel of the texture. (This means the Green and Blue channels are ignored). This means you have a single
texture which can de ne areas as being rough or smooth, and metallic or non-metallic, which is very useful when working texture
maps that cover many areas of a model with varying requirements - for example a single character texture map often includes
multiple surface requirements - leather shoes, cloth clothes, skin for the hands and face and metal buckles.

This image shows a case model with no metallic map
In the example above, the case has an albedo map, but no texture for Metallic. This means the whole object has a single metallic
and smoothness value, which is not ideal. The leather straps, the metal buckles, the sticker and the handle should all appear to have
di erent surface properties.

This image shows a case model with a metallic map applied
In this example, a Metal/Smoothness texture map has been assigned. The buckle now has a high metallic value and responds to
light accordingly. The leather straps are shinier than the leather body of the box, however they have a low “Metallic” value, so it
appears to be shiny non-metal surface. The black and white map on the far right shows the lighter areas for metal, and mid to low
greys for the leather.


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The smoothness parameter, shown in both Metallic & Specular shader modes.
The concept of Smoothness applies to both the Specular work ow and the Metallic work ow, and works in very
much the same way in both. By default, without a Metallic or Specular texture map assigned, the smoothness of
the material is controlled by a slider. This slider allows you to control the “microsurface detail” or smoothness
across a surface.
Both shader modes are shown above, because if you choose to use a texture map for the Metallic or Specular
parameter, the smoothness values are taken from that same map. This is explained in further detail down the


Smooth Wood

Glossy Plastic



A range of smoothness values from 0 to 1
The “microsurface detail” is not something directly visible in Unity. It is a concept used in the lighting calculations.
You can, however, see the e ect of this microsurface detail represented by the amount the light that is di used
as it bounces o the object. With a smooth surface, all light rays tend to bounce o at predictable and consistent
angles. Taken to its extreme, a perfectly smooth surface re ects light like a mirror. Less smooth surfaces re ect
light over a wider range of angles (as the light hits the bumps in the microsurface), and therefore the re ections
have less detail and are spread across the surface in a more di use way.

A comparison of low, medium and high values for smoothness (left to right), as a diagram of the
theoretical microsurface detail of a material. The yellow lines represent light rays hitting the surface
and re ecting o the angles encountered at varying levels of smoothness.
A smooth surface has very low microsurface detail, or none at all, so light bounces o in uniform ways, creating
clear re ections. A rough surface has high peaks and troughs in its microsurface detail, so light bounces o in a
wide range of angles which, when averaged out, create a di use colour with no clear re ections.

A comparison of low, medium and high values for smoothness (top to bottom).
At low smoothness levels, the re ected light at each point on the surface comes from a wide area, because the
microsurface detail is bumpy and scatters light. At high values of smoothness, the light at each point comes from

a narrowly focused area, giving a much clearer re ection of the object’s environment.

Using a Smoothness Texture Map
In a similar way to many of the other parameters, you can assign a texture map instead of using a single slider
value. This allows you greater control over the strength and colour of the specular light re ections across the
surface of the material.
Using a map instead of a slider means you can create materials which include a variety of smoothness levels
across the surface (usually designed to match what is shown in the albedo texture).


Select the texture channel where the smoothness value is stored.

Because the smoothness of each point on the surface is a single value, only a
single channel of an image texture is required for the data. Therefore the
smoothness data is assumed to be stored in the Alpha Channel of the same
image texture used for the Metallic or Specular texture map (depending which
of these two modes you are using).
This lets you reduce the total number of textures, or use textures of di erent
Albedo Alpha
resolutions for Smoothness and Specular/Metallic.
Check this box to disable highlights. This is an optional performance
optimization for mobile. It removes the calculation of highlights from the
Standard Shader. How this a ects the appearance mainly depends on the
Specular/Metallic value and the Smoothness.
Check this box to disable environment re ections. This is an optional
performance optimization for mobile. It removes the calculation of highlights
Re ections
from the Standard Shader. Instead of sampling the environment map, an
approximation is used. How this a ects the appearance depends on the
Smoother surfaces are more re ective and have smaller, more tightly-focused specular highlights. Less smooth
surfaces do not re ect as much, so specular highlights are less noticable and spread wider across the surface. By
matching the specular and smoothness maps to the content in your albedo map, you can begin to create very
realistic-looking textures.

Normal map (Bump mapping)

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Normal maps are a type of Bump Map . They are a special kind of texture that allow you to add surface detail
such as bumps, grooves, and scratches to a model which catch the light as if they are represented by real
For example, you might want to show a surface which has grooves and screws or rivets across the surface, like an
aircraft hull. One way to do this would be to model these details as geometry, as shown below.

A sheet of aircraft metal with details modeled as real geometry.
Depending on the situation it is not normally a good idea to have such tiny details modelled as “real” geometry.
On the right you can see the polygons required to make up the detail of a single screwhead. Over a large model
with lots of ne surface detail this would require a very high number of polygons to be drawn. To avoid this, we
should use a normal map to represent the ne surface detail, and a lower resolution polygonal surface for the
larger shape of the model.
If we instead represent this detail with a bump map, the surface geometry can become much simpler, and the
detail is represented as a texture which modulates how light re ects o the surface. This is something modern
graphics hardware can do extremely fast. Your metal surface can now be a low-poly at plane, and the screws,
rivets, grooves and scratches will catch the light and appear to have depth because of the texture.

The screws, grooves and scratches are de ned in a normalmap, which modi es how light re ects
o the surface of this low-poly plane, giving the impression of 3D detail. As well as the rivets and
screws, a texture allows us to include far more detail like subtle bumps and scratches.

In modern game development art pipelines, artists will use their 3D modelling applications to generate normal
maps based on very high resolution source models. The normal maps are then mapped onto a lower-resolution
game-ready version of the model, so that the original high-resolution detail is rendered using the normalmap.

How to create and use Bump Maps
Bump mapping is a relatively old graphics technique, but is still one of the core methods required to create
detailed realistic realtime graphics. Bump Maps are also commonly referred to as Normal Maps or Height Maps,
however these terms have slightly di erent meanings which will be explained below.

What are Surface Normals?
To really explain how normal mapping works, we will rst describe what a “normal” is, and how it is used in
realtime lighting. Perhaps the most basic example would be a model where each surface polygon is lit simply
according to the surface angles relative to the light. The surface angle can be represented as a line protruding in a
perpendicular direction from the surface, and this direction (which is a vector) relative to the surface is called a
“surface normal”, or simply, a normal.

Two 12-sided cylinders, on the left with at shading, and on the right with smoothed shading
In the image above, the left cylinder has basic at shading, and each polygon is shaded according to its relative
angle to the light source. The lighting on each polygon is constant across the polygon’s area because the surface
is at. Here are the same two cylinders, with their wireframe mesh visible:

Two 12-sided cylinders, on the left with at shading, and on the right with smoothed shading
The model on the right has the same number of polygons as the model on the left, however the shading appears
smooth - the lighting across the polygons gives the appearance of a curved surface. Why is this? The reason is
that the surface normal at each point used for re ecting light gradually varies across the width of the polygon, so
that for any given point on the surface, the light bounces as if that surface was curved and not the at constant
polygon that it really is.
Viewed as a 2D diagram, three of the surface polygons around the outside of the at-shaded cylinder would look
like this:

Flat shading on three polygons, viewed as a 2D diagram
The surface normals are represented by the orange arrows. These are the values used to calculate how light
re ects o the surface, so you can see that light will respond the same across the length of each polygon, because
the surface normals point in the same direction. This gives the “ at shading”, and is the reason the left cylinder’s
polygons appear to have hard edges.
For the smooth shaded cylinder however, the surface normals vary across the at polygons, as represented here:

Smooth shading on three polygons, viewed as a 2D diagram
The normal directions gradually change across the at polygon surface, so that the shading across the surface
gives the impression of a smooth curve (as represented by the greeen line). This does not a ect the actual
polygonal nature of the mesh, only how the lighting is calculated on the at surfaces. This apparent curved
surface is not really present, and viewing the faces at glancing angles will reveal the true nature of the at
polygons, however from most viewing angles the cylinder appears to have a smooth curved surface.
Using this basic smooth shading, the data determining the normal direction is actually only stored per vertex, so
the changing values across the surface are interpolated from one vertex to the next. In the diagram above, the
red arrows indicate the stored normal direction at each vertex, and the orange arrows indicate examples of the
interpolated normal directions across the area of the polygon.

What is Normal mapping?
Normal mapping takes this modi cation of surface normals one step further, by using a texture to store
information about how to modify the surface normals across the model. A normal map is an image texture
mapped to the surface of a model, similar to regular colour textures, however each pixel in the texture of the
normal map (called a texel) represents a deviation in surface normal direction away from the “true” surface
normal of the at (or smooth interpolated) polygon.

Normal mapping across three polygons, viewed as a 2D diagram

In this diagram, which is again a 2D representation of three polygons on the surface of a 3D model, each orange
arrow corresponds to a pixel in the normalmap texture. Below, is a single-pixel slice of a normalmap texture. In
the centre, you can see the normals have been modi ed, giving the appearance of a couple of bumps on the
surface of the polygon. These bumps would only be apparent due to the way lighting appears on the surface,
because these modi ed normals are used in the lighting calculations.
The colours visible in a raw normal map le typically have a blueish hue, and don’t contain any actual light or dark
shading - this is because the colours themselves are not intended to be displayed as they are. Instead, the RGB
values of each texel represent the X,Y & Z values of a direction vector, and are applied as a modi cation to the
basic interpolated smooth normals of the polygon surfaces.

An example normal map texture
This is a simple normal map, containing the bump information for some raised rectangles and text. This normal
map can be imported into Unity and placed into Normal Map slot of the Standard Shader. When combined in a
material with a colour map (the Albedo map) and applied to the surface of of the cylinder mesh above, the result
looks like this:

The example normal map applied to the surface of the cylinder mesh used above
Again, this does not a ect the actual polygonal nature of the mesh, only how the lighting is calculated on the
surfaces. This apparent raised lettering and shapes on the surface are not really present, and viewing the faces at
glancing angles will reveal the true nature of the at surface, however from most viewing angles the cylinder now
appears to have embossed detail raised o the surface.

How do I get or make normal maps?
Commonly, Normal Maps are produced by 3D or Texture artists in conjunction with the model or textures they
are producing, and they often mirror the layout and contents of the Albedo map. Sometimes they are produced
by hand, and sometimes they are rendered out from a 3D application.
How to render normal maps from a 3D application is beyond the scope of this documentation, however the basic
concept is that a 3D artist would produce two versions of a model - a very high resolution model containing all
detail as polygons, and a lower-res “game ready” model. The high res model would be too detailed to run
optimally in a game (too many triangles in the mesh), but it is used in the 3D modelling application to generate
the normal maps. The lower-res version of model can then omit the very ne level of geometry detail that is now
stored in the normal maps, so that it can be rendered using the normal mapping instead. A typical use case for
this would be to show the bumped detail of creases, buttons, buckles and seams on a characters clothing.
There are some software packages which can analyse the lighting in a regular photographic texture, and extract a
normalmap from it. This works by assuming the original texture is lit from a constant direction, and the light and
dark areas are analysed and assumed to correspond with angled surfaces. However, when actually using a bump
map, you need to make sure that your Albedo texture does not have lighting from any particular direction in the
image - ideally it should represent the colours of the surface with no lighting at all - because the lighting
information will be calculated by Unity according to the light direction, surface angle and bump map information.
Here are two examples, one is a simple repeating stone wall texture with its corresponding normal map, and one
is a character’s texture atlas with its corresponding normal map:

A stone wall texture and its corresponding normal map texture

A character texture atlas, and its corresponding normal map texture atlas

What’s the di erence between Bump Maps, Normal Maps and
Height Maps?
Normal Maps and Height Maps are both types of Bump Map. They both contain data for representing apparent
detail on the surface of simpler polygonal meshes, but they each store that data in a di erent way.

On the left, a height map for bump mapping a stone wall. On the right, a normal map for bump
mapping a stone wall.
Above, on the left, you can see a height map used for bump mapping a stone wall. A height map is a simple black
and white texture, where each pixel represents the amount that point on the surface should appear to be raised.
The whiter the pixel colour, the higher the area appears to be raised.
A normal map is an RGB texture, where each pixel represents the di erence in direction the surface should appear
to be facing, relative to its un-modi ed surface normal. These textures tend to have a bluey-purple tinge, because
of the way the vector is stored in the RGB values.
Modern realtime 3D graphics hardware rely on Normal Maps, because they contain the vectors required to
modify how light should appear to bounce of the surface. Unity can also accept Height Maps for bump mapping,
but they must be converted to Normal Maps on import in order to use them.

Why the bluey-purple colours?
Understanding this is not vital for using normal maps! It’s ok to skip this paragraph. However if you really want to
know: The RGB colour values are used to store the X,Y,Z direction of the vector, with Z being “up” (contrary to
Unity’s usual convention of using Y as “up”). In addition, the values in the texture are treated as having been
halved, with 0.5 added. This allows vectors of all directions to be stored. Therefore to convert an RGB colour to a
vector direction, you must multiply by two, then subtract 1. For example, an RGB value of (0.5, 0.5, 1) or #8080FF
in hex results in a vector of (0,0,1) which is “up” for the purposes of normal-mapping - and represents no change
to the surface of the model. This is the colour you see in the at areas of the “example” normal map earlier on
this page.

A normal map using only #8080FF, which translates to a normal vector of 0,0,1 or “straight up”. This
applies no modi cation to the surface normal of the polygon, and therefore produces no change to
the lighting. Any pixels which are di erent to this colour results in a vectors that point in a di erent
direction - which therefore modify the angle that is used to calculate light bounce at that point.
A value of (0.43, 0.91, 0.80) gives a vector of (–0.14, 0.82, 0.6), which is quite a steep modi cation to the surface.
Colours like this can be seen in the bright cyan areas of the stone wall normal map at the top of some of the
stone edges. The result is that these edges catch the light at a very di erent angle to the atter faces of the

The bright cyan areas in the normalmap for these stones show a steep modi cation to the
polygon’s surface normals at the top edge of each stone, causing them to catch the light at the
correct angle.
Normal maps

A stone wall with no bumpmap e ect. The edges and facets of the rock do not catch the directional
sun light in the scene.

The same stone wall with bumpmapping applied. The edges of the stones facing the sun re ect the
directional sun light very di erently to the faces of the stones, and the edges facing away.

The same bumpmapped stone wall, in a di erent lighting scenario. A point light torch illuminates
the stones. Each pixel of the stone wall is lit according to how the light hits the angle of the base
model (the polygon), adjusted by the vectors in the normal maps. Therefore pixels facing the light
are bright, and pixels facing away from the light are darker, or in shadow.

How to import and use Normal Maps and Height Maps

A normal map can be imported by placing the texture le in your assets folder, as usual. However, you need to
tell Unity that this texture is a normal map. You can do this by changing the “Texture Type” setting to “Normal
Map” in the import inspector settings.

To import a black and white heightmap as a normal map, the process is almost identical, except you need to
check the “Create from Greyscale” option.

With “Create From Greyscale” selected, a Bumpiness slider will appear in the inspector. You can use this to control
how steep the angles in the normalmap are, when being converted from the heights in your heightmap. A low
bumpiness value will mean that even sharp contrast in the heightmap will be translated to gentle angles and
bumps. A high value will create exaggerated bumps and very high contrast lighting responses to the bumps.

Low and High Bumpiness settings when importing a height map as a normal map, and the resulting
e ect on the model.
Once you have a normalmap in your assets, you can place it into the Normal Map slot of your Material in the
inspector. The Standard Shader has a normal map slot, and many of the older legacy shaders also support
normal maps.

Placing a normal map texture into the correct slot in a material using the Standard Shader
If you imported a normalmap or heightmap, and did not mark it as a normal map (By selecting Texture Type:
Normal Map as described above), the Material inspector will warn you about this and o er to x it, as so:

The “Fix Now” warning appears when trying to use a normalmap that has not been marked as such
in the inspector.
Clicking “Fix Now” has the same e ect as selecting Texture Type: Normal Map in the texture inspector settings.
This will work if your texture really is a normal map. However if it is a greyscale heightmap, it will not
automatically detect this - so for heightmaps you must always select the “Create from Greyscale” option in the
texture’s inspector window.

Secondary Normal Maps
You may also notice that there is a second Normal Map slot further down in the Material inspector for the
Standard Shader. This allows you to use an additional normal map for creating extra detail. You can add a normal
map into this slot in the same way as the regular normal map slot, but the intention here is that you should use a
di erent scale or frequency of tiling so that the two normal maps together produce a high level of detail at
di erent scales. For example, your regular normal map could de ne the details of panelling on a wall or vehicle,
with groves for the panel edges. A secondary normal map could provide very ne bump detail for scratches and
wear on the surface which may be tiled at 5 to 10 times the scale of the base normal map. These details could be
so ne as to only be visible when examined closely. To have this amount of detail on the base normal map would
require the base normal map to be incredibly large, however by combining two at di erent scales, a high overall
level of detail can be achieved with two relatively small normal map textures.


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Height mapping (also known as parallax mapping) is a similar concept to normal mapping, however this
technique is more complex - and therefore also more performance-expensive. Heightmaps are usually used in
conjunction with normalmaps, and often they are used to give extra de nition to surfaces where the texture
maps are responsible for rendering large bumps and protrusions.
While normal mapping modi es the lighting across the surface of the texture, parallax height mapping goes a
step further and actually shifts the areas of the visible surface texture around, to achieve a kind of surface-level
occlusion e ect. This means that apparent bumps will have their near side (facing the camera) expanded and
exaggerated, and their far side (facing away from the camera) will be reduced and seem to be occluded from

This e ect, while it can produce a very convincing representation of 3D geometry, is still limited to the surface of
the at polygons of an object’s mesh. This means that while surface bumps will appear to protrude and occlude
each other, the “silhouette” of the model will never be modi ed, because ultimately the e ect is drawn onto the
surface of the model and does not modify the actual geometry.
A heightmap should be a greyscale image, with white areas representing the high areas of your texture and black
representing the low areas. Here’s a typical albedo map and a heightmap to match.

An albedo colour map, and a heightmap to match.

From left to right in the above image: 1. A rocky wall material with albedo assigned, but no normalmap or
heightmap. 2. The normal assigned. Lighting is modi ed on the surface, but rocks do not occlude each other. 3.

The nal e ect with normalmap and heightmap assigned. The rocks appear to protrude out from the surface, and
nearer rocks seem to occlude rocks behind them.
Often (but not always) the greyscale image used for a heightmap is also a good image to use for the occlusion
map. For information on occlusion maps, see the next section.

Occlusion Map

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The occlusion map is used to provide information about which areas of the model should receive high or low
indirect lighting. Indirect lighting comes from ambient lighting and re ections, and so steep concave parts of your
model such as a crack or fold would not realistically receive much indirect light.
Occlusion texture maps are normally calculated by 3D applications directly from the 3D model using the modeller
or third party software.
An occlusion map is a greyscale image, with white indicating areas that should receive full indirect lighting, and
black indicating no indirect lighting. Sometimes this is as simple as a greyscale heightmap, for simple surfaces
(such as the knobbly stone wall texture shown in the heightmap example above).

At other times, generating the correct occlusion texture is slightly more complex. For example, if a character in
your scene is wearing a hood, the inside edges of the hood should be set to very low indirect lighting, or none at
all. In these situations, occlusion maps will be often be produced by artists, using 3D applications to automatically
generate an occlusion map based on the model.

This occlusion map identi es areas on a character’s sleeve that are exposed or hidden from
ambient lighting. It is used on the model pictured below.

Before and after applying an occlusion map. The areas that are partially obscured, particularly in
the folds of fabric around the neck, are lit too brightly on the left. After the ambient occlusion map

is assigned, these areas are no longer lit by the green ambient light from the surrounding wooded


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Emission controls the color and intensity of light emitted from the surface. When you use an emissive Material in
your Scene, it appears as a visible source of light. The GameObject appears to be self-illuminated.
Emissive materials are usually used on GameObjects where some part should appear to be lit up from inside,
such as the screen of a monitor, the disc brakes of a car braking at high speed, glowing buttons on a control
panel, or a monster’s eyes which are visible in the dark.

You can de ne basic emissive materials with a single color and emission level. To enable the Emission property,
tick the Emission checkbox. This enables the Color and Global Illumination sub-properties. Click the Color box
to open the HDR Color panel. Here you can alter the color of the illumination and the intensity of the emission:

A material with an orange emission color, and an emission brightness of 0.5
GameObjects that use these materials appear to remain bright even in dark areas of your Scene.

Red, Green and Blue spheres using emissive materials. Even though they are in a dark Scene, they
appear to be lit from an internal light source.
As well as simple control over emission using a at color and brightness setting, you can assign an emission map
to this parameter. As with the other texture map parameters, this gives you much ner control over which areas
of your material appear to emit light.
If a texture map is assigned, the full color values of the texture are used for the emission color and brightness.
The emission value numeric eld remains, which you can use as a multiplier to boost or reduce the overall
emission level of your material.

Shown in the inspector, Left: An emission map for a computer terminal. It has two glowing screens
and glowing keys on a keyboard. Right: The emissive material using the emission map. The material
has both emissive and non-emissive areas.

In this image, there are areas of high and low levels of light, and shadows falling across the
emissive areas which gives a full representation of how emissive materials look under varying light
As well as the emission color and brightness, the Emission parameter has a Global Illumination setting, allowing
you to specify how the apparent light emitted from this material a ects the contextual lighting of other nearby
GameObjects. There are two options
Realtime - Unity adds the emissive light from this Material to the Realtime Global Illumination calculations for
the Scene. This means that this emissive light a ects the illumination of nearby GameObjects, including ones that
are moving.
Baked - The emissive light from this material is baked into the static lightmaps for the Scene, so other nearby
static GameObjects appear to be lit by this material, but dynamic GameObjects are a ected.

Baked emissive values from the computer terminal’s emission map light up the surrounding areas
in this dark Scene
2018–08–29 Page amended with limited editorial review

Secondary Maps (Detail Maps) &
Detail Mask

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Secondary Maps (or Detail maps) allow you to overlay a second set of textures on top of the main textures listed
above. You can apply a second Albedo colour map, and a second Normal map. Typically, these would be mapped
on a much smaller scale repeated many times across the object’s surface, compared with the main Albedo and
Detail maps.
The reason for this is to allow the material to have sharp detail when viewed up close, while also having a normal
level of detail when viewed from further away, without having to use a single extremely high texture map to
achieve both goals.
Typical uses for detail textures would be: - Adding skin detail, such as pores and hairs, to a character’s skin Adding tiny cracks and lichen growth to a brick wall - adding small scratches and scu s to a large metal container

This character has a skin texture map, but no detail texture yet. We will add skin pores as a detail

The Albedo skin pore detail texture

The normal map for the skin pore detail

The end result, the character now has subtle skin pore detail across her skin, at a much higher
resolution than the base Albedo or Normal map layer would have allowed.

Detail textures can have a subtle but striking e ect on the way light hits a surface. This is the same
character in a di erent lighting context.
If you use a single normal map do ALWAYS plug it into the primary channel. The Secondary normal map channel
is more expensive than the primary one but has the exact same e ect.

Detail Mask
The detail mask texture allows you to mask o certain areas of your model to have the detail texture applied. This
means you can show the detail texture in certain areas, and hide it in others. In the example of the skin pores
above, you might want to create a mask so the pores are not shown on the lips or eyebrows.

The Fresnel E ect

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One important visual cue of objects in the real world has to do with how they become more re ective at grazing
angles (illustrated below). This is called the Fresnel e ect.

The fresnel e ect visible at grazing angles in relation to the viewer is increasingly apparent as the
surface of a material becomes smoother
There are two things to note in this example; rstly, these re ections only appear around the edges of the sphere
(that’s when its surface is at a grazing angle), and also that they become more visible and sharper as the
smoothness of the material goes up.
In the Standard shader there is no direct control over the Fresnel e ect. Instead it is indirectly controlled through
the smoothness of the material. Smooth surfaces will present a stronger Fresnel, totally rough surfaces will have
no Fresnel.

Material charts

Use these charts as reference for realistic settings:

Leave feedback

Reference Chart for Metallic settings

Reference Chart for Specular settings
There are also hints on how to make realistic materials in these charts. In essence it is about choosing a work ow
(default or metallic) and obtaining relevant values for your maps or colour pickers. For instance, if we wanted to

make shiny white plastic, we would want a white Albedo. Since it is not a metal we would want a dark Specular (or
a very low Metallic value) and nally a very high Smoothness.

Make your own

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The Standard shader is a solid example of a shader using the new PBS System and should be valuable for a
range of uses, but you can of course build on this editing the shader and bringing more esoteric materials and
work ows to suit your projects.

The shader code source is provided here.

Standard Particle Shaders

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The Unity Standard Particle Shaders are built-in shaders that enable you to render a variety of Particle System e ects. These
shaders provide various particle-speci c features that aren’t available with the Standard Shader.
To use a Particle Shader:
Select the Material you want to apply the shader to. For example, you could apply a Flame Material to a Fire Particle System e ect.
In the Material’s Inspector, select Shader Particles.
Choose the Particle Shader that you want to use, such as Standard Surface.
Enable and disable the various Particle Shader properties in the Inspector.

The Standard Particle Shaders have the same set of properties as the Standard Shader (or a subset of those properties, depending
on the Shader). This page describes the properties and options that are additional to the Standard Shader properties. For
information on the Standard Shader properties, see documentation on Material parameters.

Blending Options
All of the Standard Particle Shaders have Blending Options that enable you to blend particles with the objects surrounding them in
di erent ways.

Property: Function:
The Standard Particle Shaders can have the following additional Rendering Mode options:
Additive: Adds the background and particle colors together. This is useful for glow e ects, like those
you might use for re or magic spells.

Subtractive: Subtracts particle colors from the background, which darkens the particles against the
background. This is useful for foggy e ects, like those you might use for steam, or thick black smoke.
Modulate: Multiplies the material pixels with the background color. This is useful for portals and lightrays.
Control how the albedo texture is combined with the particle color. The Color Mode options are:
Multiply: Multiplies the particle color with the particle texture.
Additive: Preserves a hot spot, such as a white part of the particle texture, while adding the particle
color to the darker pixels of the texture.
Subtractive: Subtracts the particle color from the particle texture.

Overlay: Gives more contrast to the original color and adds the particle color to the gray values. This is
similar to Additive, but preserves the original colors.
Color: Uses the alpha channel from the particle texture and the color from the particle itself. This is
useful for overwriting particles with the same color, while keeping their original “shape”.
Di erence: Subtracts the particle color from the texture, or the texture from the color, to get a positive
value. This is useful for a range of e ects where you want a more dynamic color change.
See image below table for a demonstration of this e ect.

Color Modes allow for di erent ways of combining the particle color with the albedo texture

Main Options

Render ip-books as individual frames or blend the frames together to give smoother animations. Set to
Flip-Book either:
Simple - Render frames in a ip-book as a sequence of individual frames.
Blended - Blend the frames in a ip-book to render the ip-book as a smooth animation.
Render both the front and back faces of the particle. When disabled, Unity only renders the front face of
Two Sided
the geometry, which is the face in the camera’s view.
Fade out particles when they get close to the surface of objects written into the depth bu er. This is
useful for avoiding hard edges when particles intersect with opaque geometry. For example, by enabling
soft particles, you can make the particle system emit particles close to an opaque surface without
causing harsh intersections with the surface:


Fade out particles when they get close to the camera. Set to:
Near fade - The closest distance particles can get to the camera before they fade from the camera’s
Far fade - The farthest distance particles can get away from the camera before they fade from the
camera’s view.


Make particles perform fake refraction with the objects drawn before them. Distortion is ideal for
creating heat haze e ects for re, for example:


because it captures the current frame to a texture.

This e ect can be quite expensive

Standard Particles Surface Shader

This shader comes with functionality similar to the Standard Shader, but works especially well with particles. Like the Standard
Shader, it supports Physically Based Shading. It does not include features that are unsuitable for dynamic particles, such as

An example of billboard particles using the Standard Particle Surface Shader with a normal map

Standard Particles Unlit Shader

This simple shader is faster than the Surface Shader. It supports all of the generic particle controls, such as ipbook blending and
distortion, but does not perform any lighting calculations.

2017–10–16 Page published with no editorial review
Standard Particle Shaders added in 2017.3

Physically Based Rendering Material

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The Physically Based Rendering Material Validator is a draw mode in the Scene View. It allows you to make sure your materials
use values which fall within the recommended reference values for physically-based shaders. If pixel values in a particular
Material fall outside of the reference ranges, the Material Validator highlights the pixels in di erent colors to indicate failure.
To use the Material Validator, select the Scene View’s draw mode drop-down menu, which is is usually set to Shaded by default.

The scene view’s draw mode drop-down menu
Navigate to the Material Validation section. The Material Validator has two modes: Validate Albedo and Validate Metal

The material validation options in the scene view draw mode drop-down menu
Note: You can also check the recommended values with Unity’s Material Charts. You still need to use these charts when authoring
Materials to decide your albedo and metal specular values. However, the Material Validator provides you with a visual, in-editor
way of quickly checking whether your Materials’ values are valid once your Assets are in the Scene.
Also note: The validator only works in Linear color space. Physically Based Rendering is not intended for use with Gamma color
space, so if you are using Physically Based Rendering and the PBR Material Validator, you should also be using Linear color space.

Validate Albedo mode

The PBR Validation Settings when in Validate Albedo mode, which appear in the scene view
The PBR Validation Settings that appear in the Scene view when you set Material Validation to Validate Albedo.


Enable this checkbox if you want the Material Validator to highlight in yellow any pixels it nds which
Unity de nes as metallic, but which have a non-zero albedo value. See Pure Metals, below, for more
details. By default, this is not enabled.
Use the drop-down to select a preset con guration for the Material Validator. If you select any option
other than Default Luminance, you can also adjust the Hue Tolerance and Saturation Tolerance.
Luminance The color bar underneath the name of the property indicates the albedo color of the con guration.
Validation The Luminance value underneath the drop-down indicates the minimum and maximum luminance
value. The Material Validator highlights any pixels with a luminance value outside of these values.
This is set to Default Luminance by default.
When checking the albedo color values of your material, this slider allows you to control the amount
Tolerance of error allowed between the hue of your material, and the hue in the validation con guration.


When checking the albedo color values of your material, this slider allows you to control the amount
of error allowed between the saturation of your material, and the saturation in the validation
con guration.
These colors correspond to the colours that the Material Validator displays in the Scene view when
the pixels for that Material are outside the de ned values.
Red Below
Minimum The Material Validator highlights in red any pixels which are below the minimum luminance value
Luminance de ned in Luminance Validation (meaning that they are too dark).
Blue Above
Maximum The Material Validator highlights in blue any pixels which are above the maximum luminance value
Luminance de ned in Luminance Validation (meaning that they are too bright).
Yellow Not If you have Check Pure Metals enabled, the Material Validator highlights in yellow any pixels which
A Pure
Unity de nes as metallic, but which have a non-zero albedo value. See Pure Metals, below, for more
Unity’s Material charts de ne the standard luminance range as 50–243 sRGB for non-metals, and 186–255 sRGB for metals.
Validate Albedo mode colors any pixels outside of these ranges with di erent colors to indicate that the value is too low or too
In the example below, the rst texture is below the minimum luminance value, and therefore too dark. The fourth texture is
above the minimum luminance value, and therefore too bright.

A Scene (without the Material Validator enabled) in which the rst and fourth Materials have incorrect albedo

The same Scene with the Material Validator enabled and set to Validate Albedo. The texture that is below the
minimum luminance value is red. The texture that is above the minimum luminance value is blue
The material charts provide albedo values for common Materials. The brightness of albedo values has a dramatic impact on the
amount of di use bounce light generated, so it is important for Global Illumination baking to make sure that your di erent
Material types are within the correct luminance ranges, in proportion with each other. To help you get these values right, you can
select from the presets in the Luminance Validation drop-down, which provides common Material albedo values to verify the
luminance ranges of particular Material types.

Overriding the default luminance values
Depending on the art style of your project, you might want the luminance values of Materials to di er from the preset luminance
ranges. In this case, you can override the built-in albedo values used by the Material Validator with your own values. To override
the preset luminance ranges, assign an array of AlbedoSwatchInfo values for each desired Material type to the property

Validate Metal Specular mode

The PBR validations settings, when in Validate Metal Specular mode
The PBR Validation Settings that appear in the Scene view when you set Material Validation to Validate Metal Specular.


Enable this checkbox if you want the Material Validator to highlight in yellow any pixels it nds
Check Pure
which Unity de nes as metallic, but which have a non-zero albedo value. See Pure Metals, below, for
more details. By default, this is not enabled.




These colors correspond to the colours that the Material Validator displays in the Scene view when
the pixels for that Material are invalide - meaning their specular value falls outside the valid range
for that type of material (metallic or non-metallic). See below this table for the valid ranges.

Blue Below
Red Above
Yellow Not
A Pure

The Material Validator highlights in red any pixels which are below the minimum specular value. (40
for non-metallic, or 155 for metallic).

The Material Validator highlights in blue any pixels which are above the maximum specular value.
(75 for non-metallic, or 255 for metallic).
If you have Check Pure Metals enabled, the Material Validator highlights in yellow any pixels which
Unity de nes as metallic, but which have a non-zero albedo value. See Pure Metals, below, for more

Unity’s Material charts de ne two separate specular color ranges:

Non-metallic materials: 40–75 sRGB
Metallic materials: 155 - 255 sRGB
In Unity, all non-metallic Materials have a constant specular color that always falls within the correct range. However, it is
common for metallic Materials to have specular values that are too low. To help you identify metallic Materials with this issue, the
Material Validator’s Validate Metal Specular mode colors all pixels that have a specular color value that is too low. This includes
all non-metallic materials by de nition.
In the example below, the left material is below the minimum specular value, and therefore too dark. This also applies to the
Scene’s background. The right material has specular values with in the valid range.

A Scene with two metallic Materials. The left has incorrect metallic specular values

The same Scene with the Material Validator enabled and set to Validate Metal Specular

Pure Metals
Unity de nes physically-based shading materials with a specular color greater than 155 sRGB as metallic. For Unity to de ne a
metallic Material as a pure metal
If a non-metallic surface has a specular color value that is too high, but has a non-zero albedo value, this is often due to an
authoring error. The Material Validator also has an option called Check Pure Metals. When you enable this option, the Material
Validator colors in yellow any Material that Unity de nes as metallic but which has a non-zero albedo value. An example of this
can be seen in the images below. It shows three materials, the left and right materials are pure metals, but the middle material is
not, so the Material Validator colors it yellow:

A Scene with three metallic Materials. The middle Material is not a pure metal (it has a non-zero albedo value)

The same Scene with the Material Validator enabled and set to Validate Metal Specular, with Check Pure
Metals enabled)
In the second image above, the background is red because the Materials in the background are below the minimum specular
value for the Material Validator’s Validate Metal Specular mode.
For complex materials that combine metallic and non-metallic properties, the pure metal checker is likely to pick up some invalid
pixels, but if a Material is totally invalid, it’s usually a sign of an authoring error.

The Material Validator works with any Materials that use Unity’s Standard shader or surface shaders. However, custom shaders
require a pass named “META”. Most custom shaders that support lightmapping already have this pass de ned. See
documentation on Meta pass for more details.
Carry out the following steps to make your custom shader compatible with the Material Validator:

Add the following pragma to the meta pass: #pragma shader_feature EDITOR_VISUALIZATION
In the UnityMetaInput structure, assign the specular color of the Material to the eld called SpecularColor,
as shown in the code example below.
Here is an example of a custom meta pass:

Name "META"
Tags { "LightMode"="Meta" }
Cull Off
#pragma vertex vert_meta
#pragma fragment frag_meta



float4 frag_meta(v2f_meta i) : SV_TARGET
UnityMetaInput input;
float4 materialSpecularColor = float4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float4 materialAlbedo = float4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
input.SpecularColor = materialSpecularColor;
input.Albedo = materialAlbedo;
return UnityMetaFragment(input);

2018–03–28 Page published with editorial review
Material Validator updated in Unity 2017.3

Accessing and Modifying Material parameters
via script

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All the parameters of a Material that you see in the inspector when viewing a material are accessible via script, giving you the power
to change or animate how a material works at runtime.
This allows you to modify numeric values on the Material, change colours, and swap textures dynamically during gameplay. Some of
the most commonly used functions to do this are:

Function Name Use
Change the color of a material (Eg. the albedo tint color)
Set a oating point value (Eg. the normal map multiplier)
Set an integer value in the material
Assign a new texture to the material
The full set of functions available for manipulating materials via script can be found on the Material class scripting reference.
One important note is that these functions only set properties that are available for the current shader on the material. This
means that if you have a shader that doesn’t use any textures, or if you have no shader bound at all, calling SetTexture will have no
e ect. This is true even if you later set a shader that needs the texture. For this reason it is recommended to set the shader you want
before setting any properties, however once you’ve done that you can switch from one shader to another that use the same textures
or properties and values will be preserved.
These functions work as you would expect for all simple shaders such as the legacy shaders, and the built-in shaders other than the
Standard Shader (for example, the particle, sprite, UI and unlit shaders). For a material using the Standard Shader however, there are
some further requirements which you must be aware of before being able to fully modify the Material.

Special requirements for Scripting with the Standard Shader
The Standard Shader has some extra requirements if you want to modify Materials at runtime, because - behind the scenes - it is
actually many di erent shaders rolled into one.
These di erent types of shader are called Shader Variants and can be thought of as all the di erent possible combinations of the
shader’s features, when activated or not activated.
For example, if you choose to assign a Normal Map to your material, you activate that variant of the shader which supports Normal
Mapping. If you subsequently also assign a Height Map then you activate the variant of the shader which supports Normal Mapping
and Height Mapping.
This is a good system, because it means that if you use the Standard Shader, but do not use a Normal Map in a certain Material, you
are not incurring the performance cost of running the Normal Map shader code - because you are running a variant of the shader with
that code omitted. It also means that if you never use a certain feature combination (such as HeightMap & Emissive together), that
variant is completely omitted from your build - and in practice you will typically only use a very small number of the possible variants
of the Standard Shader.
Unity avoids simply including every possible shader variant in your build, because this would be a very large number, some tens of
thousands! This high number is a result not only of each possible combination of features available in the material inspector, but also
there are variants of each feature combination for di ering rendering scenarios such as whether or not HDR is being used, lightmaps
, GI, fog, etc. Including all of these would cause slow loading, high memory consumption, and increase your build size and build time.
Instead, Unity tracks which variants you’ve used by examining the material assets used in your project. Whichever variants of the
Standard Shader you have included in your project, those are the variants which are included in the build.
This presents two separate problems when accessing materials via script that use the Standard Shader.

1. You must enable the correct Keywords for your required Standard Shader variant

If you use scripting to change a Material that would cause it to use a di erent variant of the Standard Shader, you must enable that
variant by using the EnableKeyword function. A di erent variant would be required if you start using a shader feature that was not
initially in use by the material. For example assigning a Normal Map to a Material that did not have one, or setting the Emissive level to
a value greater than zero, when it was previously zero.
The speci c Keywords required to enable the Standard Shader features are as follows:

Normal Mapping
“Cut out” Transparency Rendering Mode
“Fade” Transparency Rendering Mode
_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON “Transparent” Transparency Rendering Mode
Emission Colour or Emission Mapping
Height Mapping
Secondary “Detail” Maps (Albedo & Normal Map)
Metallic/Smoothness Mapping in Metallic Work ow
Specular/Smoothness Mapping in Specular Work ow
Using the keywords above is enough to get your scripted Material modi cations working while running in the editor.
However, because Unity only checks for Materials used in your project to determine which variants to include in your build, it will not
include variants that are only encountered via script at runtime.
This means if you enable the _PARALLAXMAP keyword for a Material in your script, but you do not have a Material used in your project
matching that same feature combination, the parallax mapping will not work in your nal build - even though it appears to work in the
editor. This is because that variant will have been omitted from the build because it seemed to not be required.

2. You must make sure Unity includes your required shader variants in the build
To do this, you need to make sure Unity knows that you want to use that shader variant by including at least one Material of that type
in your Assets. The material must be used in a scene or alternatively be placed in your Resources Folder - otherwise Unity will still
omit it from your build, because it appeared unused.
By completing both of the above steps, you have the full ability to modify your Materials using the Standard Shader at runtime.
If you are interested in learning more about the details of shader variants, and how to write your own, read about Making multiple
shader program variants here.

Writing Shaders

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Shaders in Unity can be written in one of three di erent ways:

Surface Shaders
Surface Shaders are your best option if your Shader needs to be a ected by lights and shadows. Surface Shaders
make it easy to write complex Shaders in a compact way - it’s a higher level of abstraction for interaction with
Unity’s lighting pipeline. Most Surface Shaders automatically support both forward and deferred lighting. You
write Surface Shaders in a couple of lines of Cg/HLSL, and a lot more code gets auto-generated from that.
Do not use Surface Shaders if your Shader is not doing anything with lights. For post-processed e ects or many
special-e ect Shaders, Surface Shaders are a suboptimal option, since they do a bunch of lighting calculations for
no good reason.

Vertex and Fragment Shaders
Vertex and Fragment Shaders are required if your Shader doesn’t need to interact with lighting, or if you need
some very exotic e ects that the Surface Shaders can’t handle. Shader programs written this way are the most
exible way to create the e ect you need (even Surface Shaders are automatically converted to a bunch of Vertex
and Fragment Shaders), but that comes at a price: you have to write more code and it’s harder to make it interact
with lighting. These Shaders are written in Cg/HLSL as well.

Fixed Function Shaders
Fixed Function Shaders are legacy Shader syntax for very simple e ects. It is advisable to write programmable
Shaders, since that allows much more exibility. Fixed function shaders are entirely written in a language called
ShaderLab , which is similar to Microsoft’s .FX les or NVIDIA’s CgFX. Internally, all Fixed Function Shaders are
converted into Vertex and Fragment Shaders at shader import time.

Regardless of which type you choose, the actual Shader code is always wrapped in ShaderLab, which is used to
organize the Shader structure. It looks like this:

Shader "MyShader" {
Properties {
_MyTexture ("My Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
// Place other properties like colors or vectors here as well
SubShader {
// here goes your
// ­ Surface Shader or
// ­ Vertex and Fragment Shader or
// ­ Fixed Function Shader
SubShader {
// Place a simpler "fallback" version of the SubShader above

// that can run on older graphics cards here

We recommend that you start by reading about some basic concepts of the ShaderLab syntax in the ShaderLab
reference and then move on to the tutorials listed below.
The tutorials include plenty of examples for the di erent types of Shaders. Unity’s post-processing e ects allows
you to create many interesting e ects with shaders.
Read on for an introduction to shaders, and check out the Shader reference!

Tutorial: ShaderLab & Fixed Function Shaders
Tutorial: Vertex and Fragment Shaders
Surface Shaders
Writing Vertex and Fragment Shaders

Legacy Shaders

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Prior to the introduction of the Physically Based Standard Shader, Unity was supplied with more than eighty builtin shaders which each served di erent purposes. These shaders are still included and available for use in Unity
for backwards compatibility but we recommend you use the Standard Shader wherever possible for new
This section begins by explaining how to use the legacy built-in shaders to maximum e ect. The remainder of the
section details all the available shaders, grouped into related “families”.

Usage and Performance of Built-in

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Shaders in Unity are used through Materials, which essentially combine shader code with parameters like textures.
An in-depth explanation of the Shader/Material relationship can be read here.
Material properties will appear in the Inspector when either the Material itself or a GameObject that uses the
Material is selected. The Material Inspector looks like this:

Each Material will look a little di erent in the Inspector, depending on the speci c shader it is using. The shader iself
determines what kind of properties will be available to adjust in the Inspector. Material inspector is described in
detail in Material reference page. Remember that a shader is implemented through a Material. So while the shader
de nes the properties that will be shown in the Inspector, each Material actually contains the adjusted data from
sliders, colors, and textures. The most important thing to remember about this is that a single shader can be used
in multiple Materials, but a single Material cannot use multiple shaders.

Performance Considerations
There are a number of factors that can a ect the overall performance of your game. This page will talk speci cally
about the performance considerations for Built-in Shaders. Performance of a shader mostly depends on two things:
shader itself and which Rendering Path is used by the project or speci c camera. For performance tips when
writing your own shaders, see ShaderLab Shader Performance page.

Rendering Paths and shader performance
From the rendering paths Unity supports, Deferred Shading and Vertex Lit paths have the most predictable
performance. In Deferred shading, each object is generally drawn once, no matter what lights are a ecting it.
Similarly, in Vertex Lit each object is generally drawn once. So then, the performance di erences in shaders mostly
depend on how many textures they use and what calculations they do.

Shader Performance in Forward rendering path

In Forward rendering path, performance of a shader depends on both the shader itself and the lights in the scene.
The following section explains the details. There are two basic categories of shaders from a performance
perspective, Vertex-Lit, and Pixel-Lit.
Vertex-Lit shaders in Forward rendering path are always cheaper than Pixel-Lit shaders. These shaders work by
calculating lighting based on the mesh vertices, using all lights at once. Because of this, no matter how many lights
are shining on the object, it will only have to be drawn once.
Pixel-Lit shaders calculate nal lighting at each pixel that is drawn. Because of this, the object has to be drawn once
to get the ambient & main directional light, and once for each additional light that is shining on it. Thus the formula
is N rendering passes, where N is the nal number of pixel lights shining on the object. This increases the load on
the CPU to process and send o commands to the graphics card, and on the graphics card to process the vertices
and draw the pixels. The size of the Pixel-lit object on the screen will also a ect the speed at which it is drawn. The
larger the object, the slower it will be drawn.
So pixel lit shaders come at performance cost, but that cost allows for some spectacular e ects: shadows, normalmapping, good looking specular highlights and light cookies, just to name a few.
Remember that lights can be forced into a pixel (“important”) or vertex/SH (“not important”) mode. Any vertex lights
shining on a Pixel-Lit shader will be calculated based on the object’s vertices or whole object, and will not add to the
rendering cost or visual e ects that are associated with pixel lights.

General shader performance
Out of Built-in Shaders, they come roughly in this order of increasing complexity:

Unlit. This is just a texture, not a ected by any lighting.
Di use.
Normal mapped. This is a bit more expensive than Di use: it adds one more texture (normal map),
and a couple of shader instructions.
Specular. This adds specular highlight calculation.
Normal Mapped Specular. Again, this is a bit more expensive than Specular.
Parallax Normal mapped. This adds parallax normal-mapping calculation.
Parallax Normal Mapped Specular. This adds both parallax normal-mapping and specular highlight

Mobile simpli ed shaders

Additionally, Unity has several simpli ed shaders targeted at mobile platforms, under “Mobile” category. These
shaders work on other platforms as well, so if you can live with their simpli cations (e.g. approximate specular, no
per-material color support etc.), try using them!
To see the speci c simpli cations that have been made for each shader, look at the .shader les from the “built-in
shaders” package and the information is listed at the top of the le in some comments.
Some examples of changes that are common across the Mobile shaders are:

There is no material color or main color for tinting the shader.
For the shaders taking a normal map, the tiling and o set from the base texture is used.
The particle shaders do not support AlphaTest or ColorMask.

Limited feature and lighting support - e.g. some shaders only support one directional light.

Normal Shader Family

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces these shaders.
These shaders are the basic shaders in Unity. They are not specialized in any way and should be suitable for most opaque
objects. They are not suitable if you want your object to be transparent, emitting light etc.

Vertex Lit

Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required

Di use

shader-NormalDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required


Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map

Normal mapped

shader-NormalBumpedDi use

Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Normal map

Normal mapped Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
One Normal map


shader-NormalParallaxDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Normal map
One Height texture with Parallax Depth in the alpha channel

Parallax Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
One Normal map
One Height texture with Parallax Depth in the alpha channel


Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Decal texture with alpha channel for Decal transparency

Di use Detail

shader-NormalDi useDetail
Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Detail grayscale texture; with 50% gray being neutral color


Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Vertex-Lit Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader is Vertex-Lit, which is one of the simplest shaders. All lights shining on it are rendered in a single
pass and calculated at vertices only.
Because it is vertex-lit, it won’t display any pixel-based rendering e ects, such as light cookies, normal mapping,
or shadows. This shader is also much more sensitive to tesselation of the models. If you put a point light very
close to a cube using this shader, the light will only be calculated at the corners. Pixel-lit shaders are much more
e ective at creating a nice round highlight, independent of tesselation. If that’s an e ect you want, you may
consider using a pixel-lit shader or increase tesselation of the objects instead.

Generally, this shader is very cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Di use

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Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.


Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent
levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Bumped Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases
as the angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as
the camera moves or rotates around.
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually
carve out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal
Map to achieve this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface
normal. Then by using this value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map
e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it
to a Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the
Standard Shader, but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of
the model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit
more expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface
and will just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on
di erent models.

Di use Properties

Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle
between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Bumped Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the
angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually carve
out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal Map to achieve
this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface normal. Then by using this
value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry
when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it to a
Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the Standard Shader,
but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details

The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of the
model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit more
expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface and will
just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on di erent

Specular Properties

Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent
levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Parallax Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties
Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth e ect is
achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In the alpha, black
is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height transitions
in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to become distorted in an
odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or keep the Height slider toward
the shallow end.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Parallax Bumped Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties
Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth
e ect is achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In
the alpha, black is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks
between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height
transitions in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to
become distorted in an odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or
keep the Height slider toward the shallow end.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is called
the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and viewing angle.
The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The level of blur for the
highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white areas

will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent levels of
specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use high
specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A well-made Specular
Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.


Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Decal Properties
This shader is a variation of the VertexLit shader. All lights that shine on it will be rendered as vertex lights by this
shader. In addition to the main texture, this shader makes use of a second texture for additional details. The
second “Decal” texture uses an alpha channel to determine visible areas of the main texture. The decal texture
should be supplemental to the main texture. For example, if you have a brick wall, you can tile the brick texture as
the main texture, and use the decal texture with alpha channel to draw gra ti at di erent places on the wall.

This shader is approximately equivalent to the VertexLit shader. It is marginally more expensive due to the
second decal texture, but will not have a noticeable impact.

Di use Detail

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Di use Detail Properties
This shader is a version of the regular Di use shader with additional data. It allows you to de ne a second “Detail”
texture that will gradually appear as the camera gets closer to it. It can be used on terrain, for example. You can use a
base low-resolution texture and stretch it over the entire terrain. When the camera gets close the low-resolution
texture will get blurry, and we don’t want that. To avoid this e ect, create a generic Detail texture that will be tiled over
the terrain. This way, when the camera gets close, the additional details appear and the blurry e ect is avoided.
The Detail texture is put “on top” of the base texture. Darker colors in the detail texture will darken the main texture and
lighter colors will brighten it. Detail texture are usually gray-ish.

This shader is pixel-lit, and approximately equivalent to the Di use shader. It is marginally more expensive due to
additional texture.

Transparent Shader Family

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Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces these shaders.
The Transparent shaders are used for fully- or semi-transparent objects. Using the alpha channel of the Base
texture, you can determine areas of the object which can be more or less transparent than others. This can create
a great e ect for glass, HUD interfaces, or sci- e ects.

Transparent Vertex-Lit

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
» More details

Transparent Di use

shader-TransDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
» More details

Transparent Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for combined Transparency Map/Specular Map

Note: One limitation of this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Specular Map for the
Specular shaders in this family.
» More details

Transparent Normal mapped

shader-TransBumpedDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
One Normal map normal map, no alpha channel required
» More details

Transparent Normal mapped Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for combined Transparency Map/Specular Map
One Normal map normal map, no alpha channel required
Note: One limitation of this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Specular Map for the
Specular shaders in this family.
» More details

Transparent Parallax

shader-TransParallaxDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Parallax Depth
» More details

Transparent Parallax Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for combined Transparency Map/Specular Map
One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Parallax Depth
Note: One limitation of this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Specular Map for the
Specular shaders in this family.
» More details

Transparent Vertex-Lit

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Transparent Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main
texture. In the alpha, 0 (black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. If your main
texture does not have an alpha channel, the object will appear completely opaque.
Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems
that can present sorting issues in your game. For example, if you see odd results when looking through two
windows at once, you’re experiencing the classical problem with using transparency. The general rule is to be
aware that there are some cases in which one transparent object may be drawn in front of another in an unusual
way, especially if the objects are intersecting, enclose each other or are of very di erent sizes. For this reason, you
should use transparent objects if you need them, and try not to let them become excessive. You should also make
your designer(s) aware that such sorting problems can occur, and have them prepare to change some design to
work around these issues.

Vertex-Lit Properties


Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader is Vertex-Lit, which is one of the simplest shaders. All lights shining on it are rendered in a single
pass and calculated at vertices only.
Because it is vertex-lit, it won’t display any pixel-based rendering e ects, such as light cookies, normal mapping,
or shadows. This shader is also much more sensitive to tesselation of the models. If you put a point light very
close to a cube using this shader, the light will only be calculated at the corners. Pixel-lit shaders are much more
e ective at creating a nice round highlight, independent of tesselation. If that’s an e ect you want, you may
consider using a pixel-lit shader or increase tesselation of the objects instead.

Generally, this shader is very cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Transparent Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main texture. In the alpha, 0
(black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. If your main texture does not have an alpha channel, the
object will appear completely opaque.
Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems that can present
sorting issues in your game. For example, if you see odd results when looking through two windows at once, you’re experiencing the
classical problem with using transparency. The general rule is to be aware that there are some cases in which one transparent object
may be drawn in front of another in an unusual way, especially if the objects are intersecting, enclose each other or are of very
di erent sizes. For this reason, you should use transparent objects if you need them, and try not to let them become excessive. You
should also make your designer(s) aware that such sorting problems can occur, and have them prepare to change some design to
work around these issues.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel de nes both the Transparent areas as well as
the Specular Map.

Transparent Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main texture. In
the alpha, 0 (black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. If your main texture does not have
an alpha channel, the object will appear completely opaque.
Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems that can
present sorting issues in your game. For example, if you see odd results when looking through two windows at once,
you’re experiencing the classical problem with using transparency. The general rule is to be aware that there are some
cases in which one transparent object may be drawn in front of another in an unusual way, especially if the objects are
intersecting, enclose each other or are of very di erent sizes. For this reason, you should use transparent objects if you
need them, and try not to let them become excessive. You should also make your designer(s) aware that such sorting
problems can occur, and have them prepare to change some design to work around these issues.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent
levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Bumped Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Transparent Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main
texture. In the alpha, 0 (black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. If your main
texture does not have an alpha channel, the object will appear completely opaque.
Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems
that can present sorting issues in your game. For example, if you see odd results when looking through two
windows at once, you’re experiencing the classical problem with using transparency. The general rule is to be
aware that there are some cases in which one transparent object may be drawn in front of another in an unusual
way, especially if the objects are intersecting, enclose each other or are of very di erent sizes. For this reason, you
should use transparent objects if you need them, and try not to let them become excessive. You should also make
your designer(s) aware that such sorting problems can occur, and have them prepare to change some design to
work around these issues.

Normal Mapped Properties



Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases
as the angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as
the camera moves or rotates around.
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually
carve out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal
Map to achieve this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface
normal. Then by using this value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map
e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it
to a Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the
Standard Shader, but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of
the model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit
more expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface
and will just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on
di erent models.

Di use Properties

Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle
between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Bumped Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel de nes both the Transparent areas as well as
the Specular Map.

Transparent Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main texture. In
the alpha, 0 (black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. If your main texture does not have
an alpha channel, the object will appear completely opaque.
Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems that can
present sorting issues in your game. For example, if you see odd results when looking through two windows at once,
you’re experiencing the classical problem with using transparency. The general rule is to be aware that there are some
cases in which one transparent object may be drawn in front of another in an unusual way, especially if the objects are
intersecting, enclose each other or are of very di erent sizes. For this reason, you should use transparent objects if you
need them, and try not to let them become excessive. You should also make your designer(s) aware that such sorting
problems can occur, and have them prepare to change some design to work around these issues.

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the
angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually carve
out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal Map to achieve
this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface normal. Then by using this
value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry
when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it to a
Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the Standard Shader,
but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of the
model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit more
expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface and will
just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on di erent

Specular Properties

Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent
levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Parallax Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Transparent Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main texture. In the alpha, 0
(black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. If your main texture does not have an alpha channel, the
object will appear completely opaque.
Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems that can present
sorting issues in your game. For example, if you see odd results when looking through two windows at once, you’re experiencing the
classical problem with using transparency. The general rule is to be aware that there are some cases in which one transparent object
may be drawn in front of another in an unusual way, especially if the objects are intersecting, enclose each other or are of very
di erent sizes. For this reason, you should use transparent objects if you need them, and try not to let them become excessive. You
should also make your designer(s) aware that such sorting problems can occur, and have them prepare to change some design to
work around these issues.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties
Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth e ect is
achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In the alpha, black
is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height transitions
in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to become distorted in an

odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or keep the Height slider toward
the shallow end.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Parallax Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel de nes both the Transparent areas as well as the
Specular Map.

Transparent Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main texture. In the
alpha, 0 (black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. If your main texture does not have an alpha
channel, the object will appear completely opaque.
Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems that can
present sorting issues in your game. For example, if you see odd results when looking through two windows at once, you’re
experiencing the classical problem with using transparency. The general rule is to be aware that there are some cases in which
one transparent object may be drawn in front of another in an unusual way, especially if the objects are intersecting, enclose
each other or are of very di erent sizes. For this reason, you should use transparent objects if you need them, and try not to
let them become excessive. You should also make your designer(s) aware that such sorting problems can occur, and have
them prepare to change some design to work around these issues.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties

Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth
e ect is achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In
the alpha, black is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks
between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height
transitions in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to
become distorted in an odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or
keep the Height slider toward the shallow end.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is called
the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and viewing angle.
The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The level of blur for the
highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white areas
will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent levels of
specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use high
specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A well-made Specular
Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Cutout Shader Family

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces these shaders.
The Transparent Cutout shaders are used for objects that have fully opaque and fully transparent parts (no
partial transparency). Things like chain fences, trees, grass, etc.

Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
» More details

Transparent Cutout Di use

shader-TransCutDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
» More details

Transparent Cutout Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for combined Transparency Map/Specular Map
Note: One limitation of this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Specular Map for the
Specular shaders in this family.

» More details

Transparent Cutout Bumped

shader-TransCutBumpedDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
One Normal map normal map, no alpha channel required
» More details

Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for combined Transparency Map/Specular Map
One Normal map normal map, no alpha channel required
Note: One limitation of this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Specular Map for the
Specular shaders in this family.
» More details

Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Transparent Cutout Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
Cutout shader is an alternative way of displaying transparent objects. Di erences between Cutout and regular
Transparent shaders are:

This shader cannot have partially transparent areas. Everything will be either fully opaque or fully
Objects using this shader can cast and receive shadows!
The graphical sorting problems normally associated with Transparent shaders do not occur when
using this shader.
This shader uses an alpha channel contained in the Base Texture to determine the transparent areas. If the alpha
contains a blend between transparent and opaque areas, you can manually determine the cuto point for the
which areas will be shown. You change this cuto by adjusting the Alpha Cuto slider.

Vertex-Lit Properties

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader is Vertex-Lit, which is one of the simplest shaders. All lights shining on it are rendered in a single
pass and calculated at vertices only.
Because it is vertex-lit, it won’t display any pixel-based rendering e ects, such as light cookies, normal mapping,
or shadows. This shader is also much more sensitive to tesselation of the models. If you put a point light very
close to a cube using this shader, the light will only be calculated at the corners. Pixel-lit shaders are much more
e ective at creating a nice round highlight, independent of tesselation. If that’s an e ect you want, you may
consider using a pixel-lit shader or increase tesselation of the objects instead.

Generally, this shader is very cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Cutout Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Transparent Cutout Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
Cutout shader is an alternative way of displaying transparent objects. Di erences between Cutout and regular Transparent shaders

This shader cannot have partially transparent areas. Everything will be either fully opaque or fully transparent.
Objects using this shader can cast and receive shadows!
The graphical sorting problems normally associated with Transparent shaders do not occur when using this shader.
This shader uses an alpha channel contained in the Base Texture to determine the transparent areas. If the alpha contains a blend
between transparent and opaque areas, you can manually determine the cuto point for the which areas will be shown. You change
this cuto by adjusting the Alpha Cuto slider.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Cutout Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel de nes both the Transparent areas as well as
the Specular Map.

Transparent Cutout Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
Cutout shader is an alternative way of displaying transparent objects. Di erences between Cutout and regular
Transparent shaders are:

This shader cannot have partially transparent areas. Everything will be either fully opaque or fully
Objects using this shader can cast and receive shadows!
The graphical sorting problems normally associated with Transparent shaders do not occur when using
this shader.
This shader uses an alpha channel contained in the Base Texture to determine the transparent areas. If the alpha
contains a blend between transparent and opaque areas, you can manually determine the cuto point for the which
areas will be shown. You change this cuto by adjusting the Alpha Cuto slider.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent
levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Cutout Bumped Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Transparent Cutout Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
Cutout shader is an alternative way of displaying transparent objects. Di erences between Cutout and regular
Transparent shaders are:

This shader cannot have partially transparent areas. Everything will be either fully opaque or fully
Objects using this shader can cast and receive shadows!
The graphical sorting problems normally associated with Transparent shaders do not occur when
using this shader.
This shader uses an alpha channel contained in the Base Texture to determine the transparent areas. If the alpha
contains a blend between transparent and opaque areas, you can manually determine the cuto point for the
which areas will be shown. You change this cuto by adjusting the Alpha Cuto slider.

Normal Mapped Properties

Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases
as the angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as
the camera moves or rotates around.
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually
carve out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal
Map to achieve this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface
normal. Then by using this value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map
e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it
to a Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the
Standard Shader, but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of
the model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit
more expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface
and will just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on
di erent models.

Di use Properties

Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle
between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel de nes both the Transparent areas as well as
the Specular Map.

Transparent Cutout Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
Cutout shader is an alternative way of displaying transparent objects. Di erences between Cutout and regular
Transparent shaders are:

This shader cannot have partially transparent areas. Everything will be either fully opaque or fully
Objects using this shader can cast and receive shadows!
The graphical sorting problems normally associated with Transparent shaders do not occur when using
this shader.
This shader uses an alpha channel contained in the Base Texture to determine the transparent areas. If the alpha
contains a blend between transparent and opaque areas, you can manually determine the cuto point for the which
areas will be shown. You change this cuto by adjusting the Alpha Cuto slider.

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the
angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually carve
out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal Map to achieve
this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface normal. Then by using this
value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry
when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it to a
Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the Standard Shader,
but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of the
model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit more
expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface and will
just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on di erent

Specular Properties

Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent
levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Self-Illuminated Shader Family

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces these shaders.
The Self-Illuminated shaders will emit light only onto themselves based on an attached alpha channel. They do
not require any Lights to shine on them to emit this light. Any vertex lights or pixel lights will simply add more
light on top of the self-illumination.
This is mostly used for light emitting objects. For example, parts of the wall texture could be self-illuminated to
simulate lights or displays. It can also be useful to light power-up objects that should always have consistent
lighting throughout the game, regardless of the lights shining on it.

Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit

Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Illumination texture with alpha channel for Illumination Map
» More details

Self-Illuminated Di use

shader-SelfIllumDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Illumination texture with alpha channel for Illumination Map
» More details

Self-Illuminated Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
One Illumination texture with alpha channel for Illumination Map
» More details

Self-Illuminated Bumped

shader-SelfIllumBumpedDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Illumination
» More details

Self-Illuminated Bumped Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Illumination Map
» More details

Self-Illuminated Parallax

shader-SelfIllumParallaxDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture, no alpha channel required
One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Illumination Map & Parallax Depth combined
Note: One consideration of this shader is that the Bumpmap texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Illumination
and the Parallax Depth.
» More details

Self-Illuminated Parallax Specular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Illumination Map & Parallax Depth combined
Note: One consideration of this shader is that the Bumpmap texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Illumination
and the Parallax Depth.
» More details

Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Self-Illuminated Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader allows you to de ne bright and dark parts of the object. The alpha channel of a secondary texture will
de ne areas of the object that “emit” light by themselves, even when no light is shining on it. In the alpha channel,
black is zero light, and white is full light emitted by the object. Any scene lights will add illumination on top of the
shader’s illumination. So even if your object does not emit any light by itself, it will still be lit by lights in your

Vertex-Lit Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader is Vertex-Lit, which is one of the simplest shaders. All lights shining on it are rendered in a single
pass and calculated at vertices only.

Because it is vertex-lit, it won’t display any pixel-based rendering e ects, such as light cookies, normal mapping,
or shadows. This shader is also much more sensitive to tesselation of the models. If you put a point light very
close to a cube using this shader, the light will only be calculated at the corners. Pixel-lit shaders are much more
e ective at creating a nice round highlight, independent of tesselation. If that’s an e ect you want, you may
consider using a pixel-lit shader or increase tesselation of the objects instead.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Self-Illuminated Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Self-Illuminated Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader allows you to de ne bright and dark parts of the object. The alpha channel of a secondary texture will de ne areas of the
object that “emit” light by themselves, even when no light is shining on it. In the alpha channel, black is zero light, and white is full light
emitted by the object. Any scene lights will add illumination on top of the shader’s illumination. So even if your object does not emit
any light by itself, it will still be lit by lights in your scene.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Self-Illuminated Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Self-Illuminated Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader allows you to de ne bright and dark parts of the object. The alpha channel of a secondary texture will de ne
areas of the object that “emit” light by themselves, even when no light is shining on it. In the alpha channel, black is zero
light, and white is full light emitted by the object. Any scene lights will add illumination on top of the shader’s illumination.
So even if your object does not emit any light by itself, it will still be lit by lights in your scene.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent

levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Self-Illuminated Normal mapped
Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Self-Illuminated Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader allows you to de ne bright and dark parts of the object. The alpha channel of a secondary texture will
de ne areas of the object that “emit” light by themselves, even when no light is shining on it. In the alpha channel,
black is zero light, and white is full light emitted by the object. Any scene lights will add illumination on top of the
shader’s illumination. So even if your object does not emit any light by itself, it will still be lit by lights in your

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases
as the angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as
the camera moves or rotates around.

Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually
carve out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal
Map to achieve this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface
normal. Then by using this value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map
e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it
to a Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the
Standard Shader, but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of
the model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit
more expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface
and will just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on
di erent models.

Di use Properties

Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle
between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Self-Illuminated Normal mapped

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Self-Illuminated Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader allows you to de ne bright and dark parts of the object. The alpha channel of a secondary texture will de ne
areas of the object that “emit” light by themselves, even when no light is shining on it. In the alpha channel, black is zero
light, and white is full light emitted by the object. Any scene lights will add illumination on top of the shader’s illumination.
So even if your object does not emit any light by itself, it will still be lit by lights in your scene.

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the
angle between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as the camera
moves or rotates around.
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually carve
out details. It does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal Map to achieve
this e ect. In the normal map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface normal. Then by using this

value instead of the one from geometry, lighting is computed. The normal map e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry
when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it to a
Normal Map from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the Standard Shader,
but you can learn more about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of the
model geometry. In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit more
expensive than the other “object space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface and will
just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on di erent

Specular Properties

Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is
called the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and
viewing angle. The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The
level of blur for the highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white
areas will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent
levels of specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use
high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A wellmade Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Self-Illuminated Parallax Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Self-Illuminated Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader allows you to de ne bright and dark parts of the object. The alpha channel of a secondary texture will de ne areas of the
object that “emit” light by themselves, even when no light is shining on it. In the alpha channel, black is zero light, and white is full light
emitted by the object. Any scene lights will add illumination on top of the shader’s illumination. So even if your object does not emit
any light by itself, it will still be lit by lights in your scene.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties
Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth e ect is
achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In the alpha, black
is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height transitions
in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to become distorted in an
odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or keep the Height slider toward
the shallow end.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Self-Illuminated Parallax Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Self-Illuminated Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader allows you to de ne bright and dark parts of the object. The alpha channel of a secondary texture will de ne areas
of the object that “emit” light by themselves, even when no light is shining on it. In the alpha channel, black is zero light, and
white is full light emitted by the object. Any scene lights will add illumination on top of the shader’s illumination. So even if
your object does not emit any light by itself, it will still be lit by lights in your scene.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties
Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth
e ect is achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In
the alpha, black is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks
between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height
transitions in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to
become distorted in an odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or
keep the Height slider toward the shallow end.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is called
the Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and viewing angle.
The highlight is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The level of blur for the
highlight is controlled with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which
areas of the object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white areas
will be full specular re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent levels of
specularity. For example, something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use high
specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A well-made Specular
Map can make a huge di erence in impressing the player.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Shader Family

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces these shaders.
Re ective shaders will allow you to use a Cubemap which will be re ected on your mesh. You can also de ne
areas of more or less re ectivity on your object through the alpha channel of the Base texture. High re ectivity is
a great e ect for glosses, oils, chrome, etc. Low re ectivity can add e ect for metals, liquid surfaces, or video

Re ective Vertex-Lit

shader-Re ectiveVertexLit
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
» More details

Re ective Di use

shader-Re ectiveDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
» More details

Re ective Specular

shader-Re ectiveSpecular

Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas & Specular Map combined
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
Note: One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel will double as both the re ective
areas and the Specular Map.
» More details

Re ective Normal mapped

shader-Re ectiveBumpedDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
One Normal map, no alpha channel required
» More details

Re ective Normal Mapped Specular

shader-Re ectiveBumpedSpecular
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas & Specular Map combined
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
One Normal map, no alpha channel required
Note: One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel will double as both the re ective
areas and the Specular Map.
» More details

Re ective Parallax

shader-Re ectiveParallaxDi use
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
One Normal map, with alpha channel for Parallax Depth
» More details

Re ective Parallax Specular

shader-Re ectiveParallaxSpecular
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas & Specular Map
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
One Normal map, with alpha channel for Parallax Depth
Note: One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel will double as both the re ective
areas and the Specular Map.
» More details

Re ective Normal mapped Unlit

shader-Re ectiveBumpedUnlit
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
One Normal map, no alpha channel required
» More details

Re ective Normal mapped Vertex-Lit

shader-Re ectiveBumpedVertexLit
Assets needed:

One Base texture with alpha channel for de ning re ective areas
One Re ection Cubemap for Re ection Map
One Normal map, no alpha channel required
» More details

Re ective Vertex-Lit

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Vertex-Lit Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader is Vertex-Lit, which is one of the simplest shaders. All lights shining on it are rendered in a single pass and calculated at
vertices only.
Because it is vertex-lit, it won’t display any pixel-based rendering e ects, such as light cookies, normal mapping, or shadows. This
shader is also much more sensitive to tesselation of the models. If you put a point light very close to a cube using this shader, the light
will only be calculated at the corners. Pixel-lit shaders are much more e ective at creating a nice round highlight, independent of
tesselation. If that’s an e ect you want, you may consider using a pixel-lit shader or increase tesselation of the objects instead.

Generally, this shader is not too expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel will double as both the Re ection Map and the Specular

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Specular Properties
Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is called the
Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and viewing angle. The highlight
is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The level of blur for the highlight is controlled
with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which areas of the
object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white areas will be full specular
re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent levels of specularity. For example,
something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity
than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A well-made Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing
the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Bumped Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle
between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually carve out details. It
does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal Map to achieve this e ect. In the normal
map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface normal. Then by using this value instead of the one from geometry,
lighting is computed. The normal map e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps
You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it to a Normal Map
from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the Standard Shader, but you can learn more
about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of the model geometry.
In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit more expensive than the other “object
space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface and will just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on di erent models.

Di use Properties

Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Bumped Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel will double as both the Re ection Map and the Specular

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Normal Mapped Properties
Like a Di use shader, this computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle
between it and the light decreases. The lighting depends only on the angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates
Normal mapping simulates small surface details using a texture, instead of spending more polygons to actually carve out details. It
does not actually change the shape of the object, but uses a special texture called a Normal Map to achieve this e ect. In the normal
map, each pixel’s color value represents the angle of the surface normal. Then by using this value instead of the one from geometry,
lighting is computed. The normal map e ectively overrides the mesh’s geometry when calculating lighting of the object.

Creating Normal maps

You can import normal maps created outside of Unity, or you can import a regular grayscale image and convert it to a Normal Map
from within Unity. (This page refers to a legacy shader which has been superseded by the Standard Shader, but you can learn more
about how to use Normal Maps in the Standard Shader)

Technical Details
The Normal Map is a tangent space type of normal map. Tangent space is the space that “follows the surface” of the model geometry.
In this space, Z always points away from the surface. Tangent space Normal Maps are a bit more expensive than the other “object
space” type Normal Maps, but have some advantages:

It’s possible to use them on deforming models - the bumps will remain on the deforming surface and will just work.
It’s possible to reuse parts of the normal map on di erent areas of a model; or use them on di erent models.

Specular Properties

Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is called the
Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and viewing angle. The highlight
is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The level of blur for the highlight is controlled
with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which areas of the
object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white areas will be full specular
re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent levels of specularity. For example,
something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity
than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A well-made Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing
the player.

Generally, this shader is moderately expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Parallax Di use

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties
Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth e ect is
achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In the alpha, black
is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height transitions
in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to become distorted in an
odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or keep the Height slider toward
the shallow end.

Di use Properties
Di use computes a simple (Lambertian) lighting model. The lighting on the surface decreases as the angle between it and the light
decreases. The lighting depends only on this angle, and does not change as the camera moves or rotates around.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Parallax Specular

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel will double as both the Re ection Map and the Specular

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Parallax Normal mapped Properties
Parallax Normal mapped is the same as regular Normal mapped, but with a better simulation of “depth”. The extra depth e ect is
achieved through the use of a Height Map. The Height Map is contained in the alpha channel of the Normal map. In the alpha, black
is zero depth and white is full depth. This is most often used in bricks/stones to better display the cracks between them.
The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual e ects. Speci cally, very steep height transitions
in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to become distorted in an
odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or keep the Height slider toward
the shallow end.

Specular Properties

Specular computes the same simple (Lambertian) lighting as Di use, plus a viewer dependent specular highlight. This is called the
Blinn-Phong lighting model. It has a specular highlight that is dependent on surface angle, light angle, and viewing angle. The highlight
is actually just a realtime-suitable way to simulate blurred re ection of the light source. The level of blur for the highlight is controlled
with the Shininess slider in the Inspector.
Additionally, the alpha channel of the main texture acts as a Specular Map (sometimes called “gloss map”), de ning which areas of the
object are more re ective than others. Black areas of the alpha will be zero specular re ection, while white areas will be full specular
re ection. This is very useful when you want di erent areas of your object to re ect di erent levels of specularity. For example,
something like rusty metal would use low specularity, while polished metal would use high specularity. Lipstick has higher specularity
than skin, and skin has higher specularity than cotton clothes. A well-made Specular Map can make a huge di erence in impressing
the player.

Generally, this shader is on the more expensive rendering side. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Normal Mapped Unlit

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Normal mapped Properties
This shader does not use normal-mapping in the traditional way. The normal map does not a ect any lights shining on the object,
because the shader does not use lights at all. The normal map will only distort the re ection map.

Special Properties
This shader is special because it does not respond to lights at all, so you don’t have to worry about performance reduction from use of
multiple lights. It simply displays the re ection cube map on the model. The re ection is distorted by the normal map, so you get the
bene t of detailed re ection. Because it does not respond to lights, it is quite cheap. It is somewhat of a specialized use case, but in
those cases it does exactly what you want as cheaply as possible.

Generally, this shader is quite cheap to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Re ective Normal mapped Vertex-lit

Leave feedback

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.

Re ective Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader will simulate re ective surfaces such as cars, metal objects etc. It requires an environment Cubemap which will de ne
what exactly is re ected. The main texture’s alpha channel de nes the strength of re ection on the object’s surface. Any scene lights
will add illumination on top of what is re ected.

Vertex-Lit Properties
Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader.
This shader is Vertex-Lit, which is one of the simplest shaders. All lights shining on it are rendered in a single pass and calculated at
vertices only.
Because it is vertex-lit, it won’t display any pixel-based rendering e ects, such as light cookies, normal mapping, or shadows. This
shader is also much more sensitive to tesselation of the models. If you put a point light very close to a cube using this shader, the light
will only be calculated at the corners. Pixel-lit shaders are much more e ective at creating a nice round highlight, independent of
tesselation. If that’s an e ect you want, you may consider using a pixel-lit shader or increase tesselation of the objects instead.

Special Properties
This shader is a good alternative to Re ective Normal mapped. If you do not need the object itself to be a ected by pixel lights, but
do want the re ection to be a ected by a normal map, this shader is for you. This shader is vertex-lit, so it is rendered more quickly
than its Re ective Normal mapped counterpart.

Generally, this shader is not expensive to render. For more details, please view the Shader Peformance page.

Video overview

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Use Unity’s video system to integrate video into your game. Video footage can add realism, save on rendering complexity, or help
you integrate content available externally.
To use video in Unity, import Video Clips and con gure them using the Video Player component. The system allows you to feed
video footage directly into the Texture parameter of any component that has one. Unity then plays the Video on that Texture at
run time.

A Video Player component (shown in the Inspector window with a Video Clip assigned, right) attached to a
spherical GameObject (shown in the Game view, left).
Unity’s video features include the hardware-accelerated and software decoding of Video les, transparency support, multiple
audio tracks, and network streaming.
Note: The Video Player component and Video Clip asset, introduced in Unity 5.6, supersede the earlier Movie Textures feature.
2017–06–15 Page published with limited editorial review
Video player support for PS4 added in 2017.1
New feature in Unity 5.6

Video Player component

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Use the Video Player component to attach video les to GameObjects, and play them on the GameObject’s Texture at run time.
The screenshot below shows a Video Player component attached to a spherical GameObject.
By default, the Material Property of a Video Player component is set to MainTex
MainTex,, which means that when the Video Player component is
attached to a GameObject that has a Renderer, it automatically assigns itself to the Texture on that Renderer (because this is the main
Texture for the GameObject). Here, the GameObject has a Mesh
Mesh_The main graphics primitive of Unity. Meshes make up a large part
of your 3D worlds. Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. Nurbs, Nurms, Subdiv surfaces must be
converted to polygons. More info
See in Glossary Renderer component, so the Video Player automatically assigns it to the Renderer eld, which means the
Video Clip plays on the Mesh__ Renderer’s Texture.

A Video Player component attached to a spherical GameObject, playing the Video Clip on the GameObject’s main
Texture (in this case, the Texture of the Mesh Renderer)
You can also set a speci c target for the video to play on, including:
A Camera plane
A Render Texture
A Material Texture parameter
Any Texture eld in a component

VideoPlayer component Reference

The Video Player component
Choose the type of source for your video.
Video Clip Assign a Video Clip to the Video Player.
Use this eld to de ne the Video Clip assigned to the Video Player component. Drag-and-drop
Video Clip the video le into this eld, or click the circle to the right of the eld and choose it from a list of
Assets if it is in your Project folder.
Assign a video from a URL (for example, http:// or le://). Unity reads the video from this URL
at run time.
Enter the URL of the video you want to assign to the Video Player.
Click this to quickly navigate your the local le system and open URLs that begin le://.
Tick the Play On Awake checkbox to play the video the moment the Scene launches. Untick it
Play On Awake
if you want to trigger the video playback at another point during run time. Trigger it via
scripting with the Play() command.
Wait For First
Playback Speed

If you tick the Wait For First Frame checkbox, Unity waits for the rst frame of the source
video to be ready for display before the game starts. If you untick it, the rst few frames might
be discarded to keep the video time in sync with the rest of the game.
Ticking the Loop checkbox to make the Video Player component loop the source video when it
reaches its end. If this is unticked, the video stops playing when it reaches the end.
This slider and numerical eld represent a multiplier for the playback speed, as a value
between 0 and 10. This is set to 1 (normal speed) by default. If the eld is set to 2, the video
plays at two times its normal speed.
Use the drop-down to de ne how the video is rendered.

Render Mode
Camera Far
Render the video on the Camera’s far plane.
Render the video on the Camera’s near plane.
Near Plane
De ne the Camera receiving the video.

The global transparency level added to the source video. This allows elements behind the
plane to be visible through it. See documentation on video transparency support for more
information about alpha channels.
Render the video into a Render Texture.
De ne the Render Texture where the Video Player component renders its images.
Render the video into a selected Texture property of a GameObject through its Renderer’s
The Renderer where the Video Player component renders its images. When set to None, the
Renderer on the same GameObject as the Video Player component is used.



The name of the Material Texture property that receives the Video Player component images.

Render the video into the VideoPlayer.texture Scripting API property. You must use scripting to
assign the Texture to its intended destination.
The aspect ratio of the images that ll the Camera Near Plane, Camera Far Plane or Render
Aspect Ratio
Texture when the corresponding Render Mode is used.
No Scaling No scaling is used. The video is centered on the destination rectangle.
Scale the source to t the destination rectangle vertically, cropping the left and right sides or
leaving black areas on each side if necessary. The source aspect ratio is preserved.
Scale the source to t the destination rectangle horizontally, cropping the top and bottom
regions or leaving black areas above and below if needed. The source aspect ratio is
Scale the source to t the destination rectangle without having to crop. Leaves black areas on
Fit Inside
the left and right or above and below as needed. The source aspect ratio is preserved.
Scale the source to t the destination rectangle without leaving black areas on the left and
Fit Outside
right or above and below, cropping as required. The source aspect ratio is preserved.
Scale both horizontally or vertically to t the destination rectangle. The source aspect ratio is
not preserved.
Audio Output Mode De ne how the source’s audio tracks are output.
Audio is not be played.
Audio samples are sent to selected audio sources, enabling Unity’s audio processing to be
Audio samples are sent directly to the audio output hardware, bypassing Unity’s audio
The number of audio tracks in the video.
API Only

Controlled Tracks

Only shown when Source is URL. When Source is Video Clip, the number of tracks is
determined by examining the video le.
When enabled by ticking the relevant checkbox, the associated audio track is used for
playback. This must be set prior to playback.
The text to the left of the checkbox provides information about the audio track, speci cally the
track number, language, and number of channels.

Track Enabled

For example, in the screenshot above, this text is Track 0 [und. 1 ch]. This means it is the rst
track (Track 0), the language is unde ned (und.), and the track has one channel (1 ch), meaning
it is a mono track.
When the source is a URL, this information is only available during playback.
This property only appears if your source is a Video Clip that has an audio track (or tracks), or
your source is a URL (allowing you to indicate how many tracks are expected from the URL
during playback).
The audio source through which the audio track is played. The targeted audio source can also
play Audio Clips.


The audio source’s playback controls (Play On Awake and Play() in scripting API) do not
apply to the video source’s audio track.
This property only appears when the Audio Output Mode is set to Audio Source.



Mute the associated audio track. In Audio Source mode, the audio source’s control is used.
This property only appears when the Audio Output Mode is set to Direct.
Volume of the associated audio track. In Audio Source mode, the audio source’s volume is
This property only appears when the Audio Output Mode is set to Direct.

2017–06–15 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 5.6

Video Clips

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A Video Clip is an imported video le, which the Video Player component uses to play video content (and
accompanying audio content, if the video also has sound). Typical le extensions for video les include .mp4, .mov,
.webm, and .wmv.
When you select a Video Clip, the Inspector shows the Video Clip Importer, including options, preview, and source
details. Click the Play button at the top-right of the preview to play the Video Clip, along with its rst audio track.

A Video Clip Asset called Havana , viewed in the the Inspector window, showing the Video Clip
Importer options
To view the source information of a Video Clip, navigate to the preview pane at the bottom of the Inspector window,
click the name of the Video Clip in the top-left corner, and select Source Info.

The Source Info shows information about the selected Video Clip
Platform-speci c options adapt the transcode process for each target platform, allowing the selection of default
options for each platform.

The Transcode section of the Video Clip Importer
If transcode is disabled, the video le is used as is, meaning compatibility with the target platform must be veri ed
manually (see documentation on video le compatibility for more information). However, choosing not to transcode
can save time as well as avoid transformation-related quality loss.

Video Clip Importer Properties
Importer Version

Selects which Importer version to use.
Produces Video Clips, suitable for use with [Video Player components](classVideoPlayer].

Produces legacy Movie Textures.
Keeps the alpha channel and encodes it during transcode so it can be used
even if the target platform does not natively support videos with alpha.
Keep Alpha


Flip Horizontally
Flip Vertically
Import Audio

This property is only visible for sources that have an alpha channel.
Controls how interlaced sources are deinterlaced during transcode. For
example, you can choose to change interlacing settings due to how a video is
encoded or for aesthetic reasons. Interlaced videos have two time samples
in each frame: one in odd-numbered lines, and one in even-numbered lines.
The source is not interlaced, and there is no processing to do (this is the
default setting).
Takes the even lines of each frame and interpolates them to create missing
content. Odd lines are dropped.
Takes the odd lines of each frame and interpolates them to create missing
content. Even lines are dropped.
If this tickbox is checked, the source content is ipped along a horizontal axis
during transcode to make it upside-down.
If this tickbox is checked, the source content is ipped along a vertical axis
during transcode to swap left and right.
If this tickbox is checked, audio tracks are imported during transcode.
This property is only visible for sources that have audio tracks.


When enabled by ticking the checkbox, the source is transcoded into a
format that is compatible with the target platform.


Quarter Res
Half Res
Quarter Res
Square (1024
X 1024)
Square (512 X
Square (256 X


Aspect Ratio

If disabled, the original content is used, bypassing the potentially lengthy
transcoding process.
Note: Verify that the source format is compatible with each target platform
(see documentation on video le compatibility for more information).
Controls how the source content is resized.
Keeps the original size.
Resizes the source to three quarters of its original width and height.
Resizes the source to half of its original width and height.
Resizes the source to a quarter of its original width and height.
Resizes the source to 1024 x 1024 square images. Aspect ratio is
Resizes the source to 512 x 512 square images. Aspect ratio is controllable.
Resizes the source to to 256 x 256 square images. Aspect ratio is
Resizes the source to a custom resolution. Aspect ratio is controllable.
Width of the resulting images.
This property is only visible when the Dimensions eld is set to Custom.
Height of the resulting images.
This property is only visible when the Dimensions eld is set to Custom.
Aspect ratio control used when resizing images.

This property is only visible when the Dimensions eld is set to an option
other than Original.
Black areas added as needed to preserve the aspect ratio of the original
No Scaling
Stretches the original content to ll the destination resolution without
leaving black areas.
Codec used for encoding the video track.
Chooses the most suitable video codec for the target platform.
The MPEG–4 AVC video codec, supported by hardware on most platforms.
The VP8 video codec, supported by software on most platforms, and by
hardware on a few platforms such as Android and WebGL.
Bitrate Mode Low, Medium, or High bitrate, relative to the chosen codec’s baseline pro le.
This setting dictates whether video images are reduced in size during
transcoding, which means they take up less storage space. However, resizing
images also results in blurriness during playback.

Low Spatial

High Spatial

The image is signi cantly reduced in size during transcode (typically to a
quarter of its original dimensions), and then expanded back to its original
size upon playback. This is the highest amount of resizing, meaning it saves
the most storage space but results in the largest amount of blurriness upon
The image is moderately reduced in size during transcode (typically to half of
its original dimensions), and then expanded back to its original size upon
playback. Although there is some resizing, images will be less blurry than
those that use the Low Spatial Quality option, and there is some reduction in
required storage space.
No resizing takes place if this option is selected. This means the image is not
reduced in size during transcode, and therefore the video’s original level of
visual clarity is maintained.

2017–06–15 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 5.6

Video sources

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The Video Player component can play content imported from a variety of sources.

Video Clip
To create and use a Video Clip Asset, you must rst import a video le.
Dragging and dropping a video le into the Project window creates a Video Clip.

A Video Clip created by dragging and dropping a video le into the Project window
Another way to create a Video Clip is to navigate to Assets > Import New Asset… to import a video le.
Once imported, the newly created Video Clip can be selected in the Video Player component using either the
Select VideoClip window (accessible by clicking the circle select button to the right of the Video Clip eld) or by
dragging and dropping the Video Clip Asset into the corresponding Video Player component eld.

A Video Player component


The Source eld in the Video Player component
Use the drop-down Source menu to set the video source to URL (this property is set to Video Clip by default).
Setting Source to URL makes it possible to directly use les in the lesystem, with or without a le:// pre x.
The URL source option bypasses Asset management, meaning you must manually ensure that the source video
can be found by Unity. For example, a web URL needs a web server to host the source video, while a normal le
must be located somewhere where Unity can nd it, indicated with scripting. However, this can be useful for
situations where the content is not under Unity’s direct control, or if you want to avoid storing large video les
Setting the Video Player component source to URL can also be used to read videos from web sources via http://
and https://. In these cases, Unity performs the necessary pre-bu ering and error management.

Asset Bundles
Video Clips can also be read from Asset Bundles.
Once imported, these Video Clips can be used by assigning it to the Video Player component’s Video Clip eld.

Streaming Assets
Files placed in Unity’s StreamingAssets folder can be used via the Video Player component’s URL option (see
above), or by using the platform-speci c path (Application.streamingAssetsPath).
2017–06–15 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 5.6

Video le compatibility

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Unity can import video les of many di erent formats. After import a video le is stored as a VideoClip asset.
However, the compatibility of these varies according to which platform you are using - see the table below for a full compatibility

Extension Windows OSX Linux
Each of these formats can contain tracks with many di erent [codecs]. Each version of each platform also supports a di erent list
of codecs, so make sure to consult the o cial documentation for the platform you are working on. For example, Windows and OSX
both provide o cial documentation on their respective codec compatibility - see o cial Windows and OSX documentation for
further compatibility information about these platforms.
If the Editor is unable to read the content of a track within a le, it produces an error message. If this happens, you must convert or
re-encode the track from the source so it is usable by your Editor platform’s native libraries.
H.264 (typically in a .mp4, .m4v, or .mov format) is the optimal supported video codec because it o ers the best compatibility
across platforms.
Video Clips can also be used without transcoding by unchecking the Transcode checkbox in the Video Clip importer (see
documentation on [video sources] for more information). This allows you to use video les without any additional conversion,
which is faster and prevents quality loss due to re-encoding.
Note: For best results, make sure to check that your video les are supported on each target platform.
2017–06–15 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 5.6

Understanding video les

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Video les are more accurately described as “containers”. This is because they can contain not only the video itself
but also additional tracks including audio, subtitles, and further video footage. There can also be more than one
of each type of track in a container, for example:
Multiple points of view
Stereo or 5.1 versions of the audio mix
Subtitles in di erent languages
Dialogue in di erent languages
To save on bandwidth and storage, each track’s content is encoded using a “codec”, which compresses and
decompresses data as required.
A common video codec format is H.264, and a common audio codec format is AAC.
File extensions such as .mp4, .mov, .webm or .avi indicate that the data in the video le is arranged using a certain
container format.

Hardware and software decoding
Most modern devices have hardware dedicated to decoding videos. This hardware typically requires less power to
do this task than, for example, the CPU, and means that the resources can be used for tasks other than decoding
This hardware acceleration is made possible by native custom APIs, which vary from platform to platform. Unity’s
video architecture hides these di erences by providing a common UI and Scripting API in order to access these
Unity is also capable of software-based video decoding. This uses the VP8 video codec and Vorbis audio codec,
and is useful for situations where a platform’s hardware decoding results in unwanted restrictions in terms of
resolution, the presence of multiple audio tracks, or support of alpha channel (see documentation on
Transparency for more information).
2017–06–15 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 5.6

Video transparency support

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Unity’s Video Clips and Video Player component support alpha, which is the standard term used to refer to
In graphics terminology, “alpha” is another way of saying “transparency”. Alpha is a continuous value, not something
that can be switched on or o .
The lowest alpha value means an image is fully transparent (not visible at all), while the highest alpha value means it is
fully opaque (the image is solid and cannot be seen through). Intermediate values make the image partially
transparent, allowing you to see both the image and the background behind it simultaneously.
The Video Player component supports a global alpha value when playing its content in a Camera’s near or far planes.
However, videos can have per-pixel alpha values, meaning that transparency can vary across the video image. This perpixel transparency control is done in applications that produce images and videos (such as NUKE or After E ects), and
not in the Unity Editor.
Unity supports two types of sources that have per-pixel alpha:

Apple ProRes 4444
The Apple ProRes 4444 codec is an extremely high-quality version of Apple ProRes for 4:4:4:4 image sources, including
alpha channels. It o ers the same level of visual delity as the source video.
Apple ProRes 4444 is only supported on OSX because this is the only platform where it is available natively. It normally
appears in .mov les.
When importing a video that uses this codec, enable both the Transcode and Keep Alpha options by ticking the
relevant checkboxes in the Video Clip Importer. Your operating system’s video playback software may have the
functionality to identify which codecs your video uses.

A Video Clip Asset viewed in the Inspector, showing the Keep Alpha option - highlighted in red - enabled
During transcoding, Unity inserts the alpha into the color stream so it can be used both with H.264 or VP8.
Omitting the transcode operation leaves the ProRes representation in the Asset, meaning the target platform has to
support this codec (see documentation on video le compatibility for more information).
This codec also usually produces large les, which increases storage and bandwidth requirements.

Webm with VP8
The .webm le format has a speci cation re nement that allows it to carry alpha information natively when combined
with the VP8 video codec. This means any Editor platform can read videos with transparency with this format.
Because most of Unity’s supported platforms use a software implementation for decoding these les, they don’t need
to be transcoded for these platforms.
One notable exception is Android. This platform’s native VP8 support does not include transparency support, which
means transcoding must be enabled so Unity uses its internal alpha representation.
2017–06–15 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 5.6

Panoramic video

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Unity’s panoramic video feature enables you to:

Easily include real-world video shot in 360 degrees.
Reduce Scene complexity in VR by including a pre-rendered backdrop video instead of real geometry.
Unity supports 180 and 360 degree videos in either an equirectangular layout (longitude and latitude) or a cubemap layout (6
Equirectangular 2D videos should have an aspect ratio of exactly 2:1 for 360 content, or 1:1 for 180 content.

Equirectangular 2D video
Cubemap 2D videos should have an aspect ratio of 1:6, 3:4, 4:3, or 6:1, depending on face layout:

Cubemap 2D video
To use the panoramic video features in the Unity Editor, you must have access to panoramic video clips, or know how to author
This page describes the following steps to display any panoramic video in the Editor:
Set up a Video Player to play the video source to a Render Texture.
Set up a Skybox Material that receives the Render Texture.
Set the Scene to use the Skybox Material.
Note: This is a resource-intensive feature. For best visual results, use panoramic videos in the highest possible resolution (often
4K or 8K). Large videos require more computing power and resources for decoding. Most systems have speci c limits on
maximum video decoding resolutions (for example, many mobiles are limited to HD or 2K, and older desktops might be limited
to 2K or 4K).

1. Video player setup
Import your video into Unity as an Asset. To create a Video Player, drag the video Asset from the Project view to an empty area
of Unity’s Hierarchy view. By default, this sets up the component to play the video full-screen for the default Camera. Press Play
to view this.
You should change this behaviour so that it renders to a Render Texture. That way, you can control exactly how it is displayed. To
do this, go to Assets > Create > Render Texture.
Set the Render Texture’s Size to match your video exactly. To check the dimensions of your video, select the video in your Assets
folder and view the Inspector window. Scroll to the section where Unity previews your video, select your video’s name in the
preview window, and change it to Source Info.
Next, set your Render Texture’s Depth Bu er option to No depth bu er.

Render Texture set to No depth bu er
Now, open the Video Player Inspector and switch the Render Mode to Render Texture. Drag your new Render Texture from
the Asset view to the Target Texture slot.
Enter Play mode to verify that this is functioning correctly.
The video doesn’t render in the Game window, but you can select the Render Texture Asset to see that its content updating with
each video frame.

2. Create a Skybox Material
You need to replace the default Skybox with your video content to render the panoramic video as a backdrop to your Scene.
To do this, create a new Material (Assets > Create > Material). Go to your new Material’s Inspector and set the Material’s Shader
to Skybox/Panoramic (go to Shader > Skybox > Panoramic).
Drag the Render Texture from the Asset view to the Texture slot in the new Material’s Inspector.
You must correctly identify the type of content in the video (cubemap or equirectangular) for the panoramic video to display
properly. For cubemap content (such as a cross and strip layout, as is common for static Skybox Textures), set Mapping to 6
Frames Layout.
For equirectangular content, set Mapping to Latitude Longitude Layout, and then either the 360 degree or 180 degree suboption. Choose the 360 degree option if the video covers a full 360-degree view. Choose 180 degree if the video is just a frontfacing 180-degree view.
Look at the Preview at the bottom of the Material Inspector. Pan around and check that the content looks correct.

3. Render the panoramic video to the Skybox
Finally, you must connect your new Skybox Material to the Scene.
Open up the Lighting window (menu: Window > General > Lighting Settings).
Drag and drop the new Skybox Material Asset to the rst slot under Environment.
Press Play to show the video as a Scene backdrop on the Skybox.

Change the Scene Camera orientation to show a di erent portion of the Skybox (and therefore a di erent portion of the
panoramic video).

3D panoramic video
Turn on Virtual Reality Support in the Player Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player >XR Settings), especially if your
source video has stereo content. This unlocks an extra 3D Layout option in the Skybox/Panoramic Material. The 3D Layout has
three options : Side by Side, Over Under, and None (default value).
Use the Side by Side settings if the video contains the left eye’s content on the left and the right eye’s content on the right.
Choose Over Under if the left and right content are positioned above and below one another in the video. Unity detects which
eye is currently being rendered and sends this information to the Skybox/Panoramic shader using Single Pass Stereo rendering.
The shader contains the logic to select the correct half of the video based on this information when Unity renders each eye’s
content in VR.

3D panoramic video
For non–360 3D video (where you shouldn’t use a Skybox Material), the same 3D Layout is available directly in the Video Player
component when using the Camera Near/Far Plane Render Modes.

Alternate Render Texture type for cubemap videos
When working with cubemap videos, instead of the Video Player rendering to a 2D Render Texture and preserving the exact
cube map layout, you can render the Video Player directly to a Render Texture Cube.

To achieve this, change the Render Texture Asset’s Dimension from 2D to Cube and set the Render Texture’s Size__ to be
exactly the dimensions of the individual faces of the source video.
For example, if you have a 4 x 3 horizontal cross cubemap layout video with dimensions 4096 x 3072, set the Render Texture’s
Size to 1024 x 1024 (4096 / 4 and 3072 / 3).
While rendering to a Cube Target Texture, the Video Player assumes that the source video contains a cube map in either a cross
or a strip layout (which it determines using the video aspect ratio). The Video Player then lls out the Render Texture’s faces with
the correct cube faces.
Use the resulting Render Texture Cube as a Skybox. To do this, create a Material and assign Skybox/Cubemap as the
Shader(Shader > Skybox > Cubemap) instead of the Skybox/Panoramic Material described above.

Video dimensions and transcoding
Including 3D content requires double either the width or the height of the video (corresponding to Side-by-Side or Over-Under
Keep in mind that many desktop hardware video decoders are limited to 4K resolutions and mobile hardware video decoders are
often limited to 2K or less which limits the resolution of playback in real-time on those platforms.
You can use video transcoding to produce lower resolution versions of panoramic videos, but take precautions to avoid
introducing bleeding at the edge between left and right 3D content, or, between cube map faces and adjacent black areas. In
general, you should author video in power-of-two dimensions and transcoding to other power-of-two dimensions to reduce
visual artifacts.
2017–10–25 Page published with limited editorial review
Added 2D and 3D panoramic video support in 2017.3

Terrain Engine

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Unity’s Terrain system allows you to add vast landscapes to your games. At runtime, terrain rendering is highly optimized
for rendering e ciency while in the editor, a selection of tools is available to make terrains easy and quick to create. This
section explains the various options available for terrains and how to make use of them.
See also the Knowledge Base Terrain section.

Creating and editing Terrains

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To add a Terrain GameObject to your Scene, select GameObject > 3D Object > Terrain from the menu. This also adds
a corresponding Terrain Asset to the Project view. When you do this, the landscape is initially a large, at plane. The
Terrain’s Inspector window provides a number of tools you can use to create detailed landscape features.

Terrain Editing Tools appear in the Inspector
With the exception of the tree placement tool and the settings panel, all the tools on the toolbar provide a set of
“brushes” and settings for brush size and opacity. It is no coincidence that these resemble the painting tools from an
image editor because detail in the terrain is created precisely that way, by “painting” detail onto the landscape. If you
select the leftmost tool on the bar (Raise/Lower Terrain) and move the mouse over the terrain in the scene view, you
will see a cursor resembling a spotlight on the surface. When you click the mouse, you can paint gradual changes in
height onto the landscape at the mouse’s position. By selecting di erent options from the Brushes toolbar, you can
paint with di erent shapes. The Brush Size and Opacity options vary the area of the brush and the strength of its e ect
The details of all of the tools will be given in subsequent sections. However, all of them are based around the concept
of painting detail and with the exception of the tree placement tool, all have the same options for brushes, brush size
and opacity. The tools can be used to set the height of the terrain and also to add coloration, plants and other objects.

Terrain Keyboard Shortcuts
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the terrain inspector:

Press the keys from F1 to F6 to select the corresponding terrain tool (for example, F1 selects the
Raise/Lower tool).
The comma (,) and period (.) keys cycle through the available brushes.
Shift-comma (<) and Shift-dot (>) cycle through the available objects for trees, Textures and details.
Additionally, the standard F keystroke works slightly di erently for terrains. Normally, it frames the selection around
the whole object when the mouse is over the scene view. However, since terrains are typically very large, pressing F
will focus the scene view on the area of terrain where the mouse/brush is currently hovering. This provides a very
quick and intuitive way to jump to the area of terrain you want to edit. If you press F when the mouse is away from the
terrain object, the standard framing behaviour will return.

Height Tools

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The rst three tools on the terrain inspector toolbar are used to paint changes in height onto the terrain.

From the left, the rst button activates the Raise/Lower Height tool. When you paint with this tool, the height will
be increased as you sweep the mouse over the terrain. The height will accumulate if you hold the mouse in one
place, similar to the e ect of the airbrush tools in image editors. If you hold down the shift key, the height will be
lowered. The di erent brushes can be used to create a variety of e ects. For example, you can create rolling hills
by increasing the height with a soft-edged brush and then cut steep cli s and valleys by lowering with a hardedged brush.

Rolling hills cut by a steep valley
The second tool from the left, Paint Height is similar to the Raise/Lower tool except that it has an additional
property to set the target height. When you paint on the object, the terrain will be lowered in areas above that
height and raised in areas below it. You can use the Height property slider to set the height manually or you can
shift-click on the terrain to sample the height at the mouse position (rather like the “eyedropper” tool in an image
editor). Next to the Height property is a Flatten button that simply levels the whole terrain to the chosen height.
This is useful to set a raised ground level, say if you want the landscape to include both hills above the level and
valleys below it. Paint Height is handy for creating plateaux in a scene and also for adding arti cial features like
roads, platforms and steps.

Hillside with a at road
The third tool from the left, Smooth Height does not signi cantly raise or lower the terrain height but rather
averages out nearby areas. This softens the landscape and reduces the appearance of abrupt changes, somewhat
like the blur tool in an image editor. You might use this, for example, when you have painted detail using one of
the noisier brushes in the available set. These brush patterns will tend to introduce sharp, jagged rocks into a
landscape, but these can be softened using Smooth Height.

Working with Heightmaps
As noted above, the height tools are reminiscent of painting tools available in image editors. In fact, the terrain is
implemented using a texture behind the scenes and so the tools are ultimately acting as texture painting tools.
The height of each point on the terrain is represented as a value in a rectangular array. This array can be
represented using a grayscale image known as a heightmap. It is sometimes useful to work on a heightmap
image in an external editor, such as Photoshop, or obtain existing geographical heightmaps for use in your game.
Unity provides the option to import and export heightmaps for a terrain; if you click on the Settings tool (the
rightmost button in the toolbar) you will nd buttons labelled Import RAW and Export RAW. These allow the
heightmap to be read from or written to the standard RAW format, which is a 16-bit grayscale format compatible
with most image and landscape editors.

Terrain Textures

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You can add texture images to the surface of a terrain to create coloration and ne detail. Since terrains are such large
objects, it is standard practice to use a texture that repeats seamlessly and tile it over the surface (the repeat generally isn’t
noticeable from a character’s viewpoint close to the ground). One texture will serve as the “background” image over the
landscape but you can also paint areas of di erent textures to simulate di erent ground surfaces such as grass, desert and
snow. The painted textures can be applied with variable transparency so you can have a gradual transition between grassy
countryside and a sandy beach, for example.

Sand dune terrain with sandy texture

Enabling Textures

The paintbrush button on the toolbar enables texture painting.

Initially, the terrain has no textures assigned for painting. If you click the Edit Textures button and select Add Texture from the
menu, you will see the Add Terrain Texture window. Here you can set a texture and its properties.
Depending on the material type you set in Terrain Settings, the color channels of the main texture map may have di erent
uses. These are listed below in Terrain Texture Settings.
Click on Select to see your texture assets in a separate Select Texture window (not shown). Click on the texture you want and it
displays in the Add Terrain Texture window. (See Add Terrain Texture window, before and after, in Fig 1 below.)

Fig 1: Click on Select in the Add Terrain Texture window and choose a texture asset from the Select Texture
window (not shown) - it then displays, ready to add to the terrain

Terrain Texture Settings

Depending on the material type you set in Terrain Settings, the color channels of the main texture map may have di erent
uses. The di erent Add Terrain Texture windows are listed here.
Standard [image above in Fig 1]: RGB channels are the albedo color of the terrain surface, while alpha channel controls the
smoothness. There is also a ‘Metallic’ slider which controls the overall look of the surface.
Di use: RGB channels are the di use color. Alpha channel is not used.

Add Texture window (Di use)
Specular: RGB channels are the di use color. Alpha channel is the gloss map.

Add Texture window (Specular)
Custom: How the splat map is used depends on your custom shader, but usually you want the RGB channels to be the base

Add Texture window (Custom)
Besides the main texture map, you can also specify a normal texture for all of the 3 built-in material types. The texture type of
the normal texture used here must be ‘Normal Map’ (you can change the texture type of a texture asset in its import settings).
Shader code that handles normal map will be turned on only when at least one normal texture is set for the terrain, so you
don’t need to pay the performance cost of normal map if you don’t use them.
The Size property (just below the texture boxes) lets you set the width and height over which the image will stretch on the
terrain’s surface. The O set property determines how far from the terrain’s anchor point the tiling will start; you can set it to
zero to start the tiling right in the corner. Once you have set the texture and properties to your liking, click the _Apply button
to make the texture available to the terrain.
To make changes to an added terrain texture, select its thumbnail, click the ‘Edit Textures’ button and select ‘Edit Texture…’
from the menu. Or, you can simply double click on its thumbnail. To remove a terrain texture, select its thumbnail, click the
‘Edit Textures’ button and select ‘Remove Texture’ from the menu.
Note that if you want to assign a Texture to a Terrain, you need to open the Texture Importer and tick the Read/Write
Enabled checkbox.

Texture Painting
The rst texture you add will be used as a “background” to cover the terrain. However, you can add as many textures as you
like; the subsequent ones will be available for painting using the familiar brush tools. Below the textures in the Terrain
inspector, you will see the usual Brush Size and Opacity options but also an additional option called Target Strength. This sets
the maximum opacity value that the brush will build up even if it passes over the same point repeatedly. This can be a useful
way to add subtle patches of color variation within a single terrain type to break the monotony of a large, at area with the
same texture tile repeating over and over.

Grass terrain with dirt texture painted on corners


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To enhance Unity Terrains, you can paint Trees onto a Terrain in much the same way as painting height maps and textures. However,
Trees are solid 3D GameObjects that grow from the surface. Unity uses optimisations, like billboarding for distant Trees, to maintain
good rendering performance. This means that you can have dense forests with thousands of trees and still keep an acceptable frame

Terrain with Trees

Painting Trees
The Tree button on the toolbar enables Tree painting:

Initially, the Terrain will have no Trees available. In order to start painting onto the Terrain, you need to add a Tree. Click the Edit Trees
button and select Add Tree. From here, you can select a Tree asset from your Project and add it as a Tree Prefab for use with the

The Add Tree window
To help prototyping, Unity provides several sample SpeedTree Tree GameObjects in the Standard Assets package. Alternatively, you can
create your own Trees.
If the Tree GameObject that you are importing supports Bend Factor , the Add Tree window shows a Bend Factor property for adjusting
wind responsiveness. Trees created using the SpeedTree Modeller have a Bend Factor. See the section on Making Trees bend in the
wind below.
When you have set up your Tree properties (described below), you can paint Trees onto the Terrain in the same way you paint textures
or heightmaps. You can remove Trees from an area by holding the shift key while you paint, or remove just the currently selected Tree
type by holding down the control key.

Tree properties
After you have selected which Tree to place, adjust its settings to customise Tree placement and characteristics:

Tree properties

Mass Place
Brush Size

Create an overall covering of Trees without painting over the whole landscape. After mass placement, you
can still use painting to add or remove Trees to create denser or sparser areas.
Controls the size of the area that you can add Trees to.
Tree Density controls the average number of Trees painted onto the area de ned by Brush Size.

Control the Tree’s minimal height and maximal height using a slider. Drag the slider to the left for short
Tree Height Trees, and right for tall Trees. If you uncheck Random, you can specify the exact scale for the height of all
newly painted Trees within the range of 0.01 to 2.
Lock Width By default, a Tree’s width is locked to its height so that Trees are always scaled uniformly. However, you
to Height can disable the Lock Width to Height option and specify the width separately.
If the Tree’s width is not locked to its height you can control the Tree’s minimal width and maximal width
Tree Width using a slider. Drag the slider to the left for thin Trees, and right for wide Trees. If you uncheck Random,
you can specify the exact scale for the width of all newly painted Trees within the range of 0.01 to 2.
Random Tree Rotation is a variation option used to help create the impression of a random, naturalTree
looking forest rather than an arti cial plantation of identical Trees. Untick this if you want to place Trees
with xed, identical rotations.
Enable this check box to indicate to Unity that the GameObject’s location is xed and it will participate in
Global Illumination computations. If a GameObject is not marked as Lightmap Static then it can still be lit
using Light Probes.

Scale In

Speci es the relative size of the GameObject’ UVs within a lightmap. A value of 0 will result in Unity not
lightmapping the GameObject, but the GameObject will still contribute to the lighting of other
GameObjects in the Scene. A value greater than 1.0 increases the number of pixels in the lightmap used
for this GameObject. A value less than 1.0 decreases the number of pixels. You can use this property to
optimise lightmaps so that important or detailed areas are more accurately lit. For example, an isolated
building with at, dark walls will use a low lightmap scale (less than 1.0), while a collection of colorful
motorcycles displayed close together need a high scale value.

Allows you to choose or create a set of Lightmap Parameters for this GameObject.

Creating Trees

If you want to create your own Trees, you can use the SpeedTree Modeler, Unity’s Tree Creator tool, or any 3D modelling application, and
then import them into your Project.
You can use SpeedTree Modeler (from IDV, Inc.) to create Trees with advanced visual e ects such as smooth LOD transition, fast
billboarding and natural wind animation. For more detailed information, refer to the SpeedTree Modeler documentation. You can also
import SpeedTree assets into your Project folder from Asset Store packages or other third party sources.
Unity has its own Tree creator that you can use to produce new Tree assets. You can also use a 3D modelling application.
When creating Trees, position the anchor point at the base of the Tree where it emerges from the ground. For performance reasons,
your Tree mesh should have fewer than 2000 triangles. and The mesh always has exactly two materials: one for the Tree body and the
other for the leaves.
Trees must use the Nature/Soft Occlusion Leaves and Nature/Soft Occlusion Bark shader. To use those shaders, you have to place
Trees in a speci c folder named Ambient-Occlusion, or the Trees won’t render correctly. When you place a model in such a folder and
reimport it, Unity will calculate soft ambient occlusion in a way that is speci cally designed for Trees.

If you change an imported Tree asset in a 3D modelling application, you will need to click the Refresh button in the Editor in order to see

the updated Trees on your Terrain:
Warning When importing and altering a SpeedTree model in a 3D modeling program, when you re-export it (as an .fbx or .obj) you may
lose the natural wind animation functionality that comes with SpeedTree models.

Using Colliders with Trees
You can add a Capsule Collider to a new Tree asset by instantiating the Tree in the scene by dragging the Prefab from your Assets folder
into the Scene. Then add the collider using menu: Component > Physics > Capsule Collider. You can then either:
Override the original prefab by clicking the Apply button on the Tree GameObject in the Inspector Window:

Or, create a new Prefab by dragging the Tree GameObject into your Assets folder.
When you add the Tree to the Terrain for painting, make sure that if you have created a new Prefab that you select the correct one with
with the collider rather than the original GameObject. You must also enable Create Tree Colliders in the Terrain’s Terrain Collider
component inspector if you want to make .

Making Trees bend in the wind
You rst need to create a Wind Zone to make Trees react to the wind. To do this select GameObject > 3D Object > Wind Zone.
At this point, make sure that your Trees are set to bend. Select your Terrain, click the Place Trees button in the Inspector, and then
select Edit Trees > Edit Tree. Setting the Bend Factor to 1 will cause the Trees to adjust if you have not already done this.
With the default settings, your Trees will move quite violently. To x this, change your bend value in each individual Tree type. This is
useful if you want some Tree types to bend more than others. To change the bend e ect in the entire Wind Zone, set the values in the
Wind Zone component directly. To reduce the uttering e ect of the leaves, adjust the wind turbulence down to around 0.1 to 0.3, and
everything will become much smoother. If you don’t want the Trees blowing all the way to one side and instead want some variation, set
the Wind Main value down to the same value as your turbulence.

Tree Level of Detail (LOD) transition zone
Unity’s LOD system uses a 2D to 3D transition zone to blend 2D billboards with 3D tree models seamlessly. This prevents any sudden
popping of 2D and 3D trees, which is vital in VR. For more information about con guring LOD components, see the (LOD)[LevelOfDetail]
and (LOD Group)[class-LODGroup] manual pages.
2018–09–20 Page amended with editorial review
GameObject menu changed in Unity 4.6
2D to 3D transition zone added to LOD system in Unity 2017.3


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SpeedTree Assets (.spm les saved by Unity version of SpeedTree Modeler) are recognized and imported by Unity just like other
Assets. Ensure Textures are reachable in the Project folder, and Materials for each LOD are generated automatically. There are
import settings when you select .spm Assets for you to tweak the generated GameObject and attached Materials. Materials are not
generated again on reimporting, unless you hit the Generate Materials, or Apply & Generate Materials button. Therefore any
customisations to the Materials can be preserved.
The SpeedTree importer in the end generates a Prefab with LODGroup component con gured. The Prefab can both be instantiated
in a Scene as a common Prefab instance, or be selected as a tree prototype on the terrain and be “painted” across it. Additionally,
terrain accepts any GameObject with an LODGroup component as a tree prototype, and put no limitation on the mesh size or
number of Materials being used (in contrast to the Tree Creator trees). But, be aware that SpeedTree trees usually use 3–4 di erent
Materials, which results in a number of draw-calls being issued every frame, so you should try to avoid heavy use of LOD trees on
platforms that are sensitive to draw-call numbers.

Casting and receiving real-time shadows
To make billboards cast shadows correctly, during the shadow caster pass, billboards are rotated to face the light direction (or light
position in the case of point light) instead of facing the camera.
To enable these options, select the Billboard LOD level in the Inspector of an .spm Asset, tick Cast Shadows or Receive Shadows in
Billboard Options, and click Apply Prefab.

To change billboard shadow options of instantiated SpeedTree GameObjects, select the billboard GameObject in the Hierarchy
window, and tweak these options in the Inspector of the Billboard Renderer, just as you would with a normal Mesh Renderer.

Trees painted on the terrain inherit billboard shadow options from the Prefab.
You can use BillboardRenderer.shadowCastingMode and BillboardRenderer.receiveShadows to alter these options at
Known Issues: As with any other renderer, the Receive Shadows option has no e ect while using deferred rendering. Billboards
always receive shadows in deferred path.

Wind Zones

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You can create the e ect of wind on your terrain by adding one or more objects with Wind Zone components. Trees within a
wind zone will bend in a realistic animated fashion and the wind itself will move in pulses to create natural patterns of movement
among the tree.

Using Wind Zones
A wind zone object can be created directly (menu: GameObject > 3D Object > Wind Zone) or you can add the component to any
suitable object already in the scene (menu: Component > Miscellaneous > Wind Zone). The inspector for the wind zone has a
number of options to control its behaviour.

Wind Zone inspector
The Mode can be set to Directional or Spherical. In Directional mode, the wind will a ect the whole terrain at once while a Spherical
wind blows outwards within a sphere de ned by the Radius property. Directional winds are more useful for creating natural
movement of the trees while spherical winds are more suitable for special e ects like explosions.
The Main property determines the overall strength of the wind but this can be given a little random variation using Turbulence. As
mentioned above, the wind blows over the trees in pulses to create a more natural e ect. The strength of the pulses and the time
interval between them can be controlled using the Pulse Magnitude and Pulse Frequency properties.

Particle Systems
The main use of wind is to animate trees but it can also a ect particles generated by a particle system using the External Forces
module. See the reference page for Particle Systems for further details.

Grass and other details

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A terrain can have grass clumps and other small objects such as rocks covering its surface. Grass is rendered by using 2D images
to represent the individual clumps while other details are generated from standard meshes.

Terrain with grass

Enabling details
The details button on the toolbar enables grass/detail painting.

Initially, the terrain has no grass or details available but if you click the Edit Details button in the inspector, you will see the Add
Grass Texture and Add Detail Mesh options on the menu that appears. A window will appear to let you choose the assets you want
to add to the terrain for painting.
For grass, the window looks like this:

The Add Grass Texture window

The Detail Texture is the texture that represents the grass. A few suitable textures are included in the Unity Standard Assets
downloadable from the Asset Store. You can also create your own. The texture is simply a small image with alpha set to zero for
the empty areas. (“Grass” is a generic term, of course - you can use the images to represent owers, brush and perhaps even
arti cial objects like barbed wire coils.)
The Min Width, Min Height, Max Width and Max Height values specify the upper and lower limits of the size of the clumps of grass
that are generated. For an authentic look, the grass is generated in random “noisy” patterns that have bare patches interspersed
with the grass.
The Noise Spread value controls the approximate size of the alternating patches, with higher values indicating more variation within
a given area. (Tech note: the noise is actually generated using Perlin noise; the noise spread refers to the scaling applied between
the x,y position on the terrain and the noise image.) The alternating patches of grass are considered more “healthy” at the centres
than at the edges and the Healthy/Dry Color settings show the health of grass clumps by their color.
Finally, when the Billboard option is enabled, the grass images will rotate so that they always face the camera. This option can be
useful when you want to show a dense eld of grass because there is no possibility of seeing clumps side-on and therefore visibly
two-dimensional. However, with sparse grass, the rotations of individual clumps can become apparent, creating a strange e ect.
For detail meshes, such as rocks, the selection window looks like this:-

The Add Detail Mesh window
The Detail property is used to select a prefab from your project which will be scaled by the Random Width and Random Height
values for individual instances. The Noise Spread and Healthy/Dry Color values work the same as they do for grass (although the
concept of “healthy” is stretched somewhat when applied to objects like rocks!) The Render Mode can be set to Grass or Vertex Lit. In
Grass Mode, the instances of detail objects in the scene will be attened into 2D images that behave like the grass textures. In
Vertex Lit mode, the details will be rendered as solid, vertex lit objects in the scene.

Terrain settings
The nal tool on the terrain toolbar is for settings:

Settings Inspector
Settings are provided for a number of overall usage and rendering options as described below:

Base Terrain

Toggle the rendering of terrain on / o .

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Base Map

Built In

Built In
Di use
Built In

The accuracy of the mapping between the terrain maps (heightmap, textures, etc) and the generated
terrain; higher values indicate lower accuracy but lower rendering overhead.
The maximum distance at which terrain textures will be displayed at full resolution. Beyond this distance, a
lower resolution composite image will be used for e ciency.
Does the terrain cast shadows?
The material used to render the terrain. This will a ect how the color channels of a terrain texture are
interpreted. See Enabling Textures for details. Available options are:
This is the PBR (Physically-Based Rendering) material introduced in Unity 5.0. For each splat layer, you can
use one texture for albedo and smoothness, one texture for normal and one scalar value to tweak the
metalness. For more information on PBR and the Standard shader, see Standard Shader.
Note: On Direct3D 9 in Shader Model 3.0, normal maps are not available if you have enabled directional
lightmaps, Baked Global Illumination, real-time shadows, and shadowmasks. This is due to the limited
number of samplers in Shaders.
This is the legacy built-in terrain material from Unity 4.x and before. It uses Lambert (di use term only)
lighting model and has optional normal map support.
This built-in material uses BlinnPhong (di use and specular term) lighting model and has optional normal
map support. You can specify the overall specular color and shininess for the terrain.

Use a custom material of your choice to render the terrain. This material should use a shader that is
specialised for terrain rendering (e.g. it should handle texture splatting properly). We suggest you get a look
at the source code of our built-in terrain shaders and make modi cations on top of them.
Re ection How re ection probes are used on terrain. Only e ective when using built-in standard material or a custom
material which supports rendering with re ection. Available options are:
Re ection probes are disabled, skybox will be used for re ection.
Re ection probes are enabled. Blending occurs only between probes. Default re ection will be used if there
are no re ection probes nearby, but no blending between default re ection and probe will occur.
Probes And Re ection probes are enabled. Blending occurs between probes or probes and default re ection.
Re ection probes are enabled, but no blending will occur between probes when there are two overlapping
How much the terrain collision volume should extend along the negative Y-axis. Objects are considered
Thickness colliding with the terrain from the surface to a depth equal to the thickness. This helps prevent high-speed
moving objects from penetrating into the terrain without using expensive continuous collision detection.

Tree and Detail Objects

Should trees, grass and details be

Bake Light Probes__ For Trees| If this option is enabled, Unity will create a Light
Probe in the top of each tree and apply them to tree renderers for lighting.
Otherwise trees are still a ected by the ambient probe and Light Probe
groups__A component that enables you to add Light Probes to GameObjects in your
scene. More info
See in Glossary .
Detail Distance

The distance (from camera)
beyond which details will be


The number of detail/grass
objects in a given unit of area. The
value can be set lower to reduce
rendering overhead.
The distance (from camera)
beyond which trees will be culled.
The distance (from camera) at
which 3D tree objects will be
replaced by billboard images.
Distance over which trees will
transition between 3D objects
and billboards.
The maximum number of visible
trees that will be represented as
solid 3D meshes. Beyond this
limit, trees will be replaced with

Detail Density

Tree Distance
Billboard Start

Fade length

Max Mesh__ Trees__

Wind Settings
Property: Function:
The speed of the wind as it blows grass.
The size of the “ripples” on grassy areas as the wind blows over them.
Bending The degree to which grass objects are bent over by the wind.
Grass Tint Overall color tint applied to grass objects.


Terrain Width
Terrain Length
Terrain Height

Size of the terrain object in its X axis (in world units).
Size of the terrain object in its Z axis (in world units).
Di erence in Y coordinate between the lowest possible heightmap value and the highest (in world


Pixel resolution of the terrain’s heightmap (should be a power of two plus one, eg, 513 = 512 + 1).

Detail Resolution

Resolution of the map that determines the separate patches of details/grass. Higher resolution
gives smaller and more detailed patches.

Detail Resolution
Per Patch
Control Texture
Base Texture

Length/width of the square of patches renderered with a single draw call.
Resolution of the “splatmap” that controls the blending of the di erent terrain textures.
Resolution of the composite texture used on the terrain when viewed from a distance greater
than the Basemap Distance (see above).

Heightmap Import/Export Buttons

The Import Raw and Export Raw buttons allow you to set or save the terrain’s heightmap to an image le in the RAW grayscale format.
RAW format can be generated by third party terrain editing tools (such as Bryce) and can also be opened, edited and saved by
Photoshop. This allows for sophisticated generation and editing of terrains outside Unity.
2017–09–06 Page amended with limited editorial review
Cast Shadows ag added in 2017.2
Light Modes added in 5.6
Tree lightmap making updated in 5.6

Tree Editor

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Unity provides a tool called Tree Editor that lets you design trees directly within the editor. This is very useful when you want to create
detailed forests and jungles with di erent tree types and variations.
This section of the manual explains how to use the Tree Editor. Use the navigation column on the left-hand side of the page to view
topics in this section.

You can use SpeedTree Modeler from IDV, Inc. to create trees with advanced visual e ects such as smooth LOD transition, fast
billboarding and natural wind animation. See Unity documentation on SpeedTree for more information.

Building Your First Tree

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We’ll now walk you through the creation of your rst tree with the Tree creation tool.

Adding a new Tree
To create a new Tree asset, select GameObject > 3D Object > Tree. You’ll see a new Tree asset is created in your
Project View, and instantiated in the currently open Scene. This new tree is very basic with only a single branch, so
let’s add some character to it.

Adding Branches

A brand new tree in your scene
Select the tree to view the Tree window in the Inspector. This interface provides all the tools for shaping and
sculpting your trees. You will see the Tree Hierarchy window with two nodes present: the Tree Root node and a
single Branch Group node, which we’ll call the trunk of the tree.
In the Tree Hierarchy, select the Branch Group, which acts as the trunk of the tree. Click on the Add Branch
Group button and you’ll see a new Branch Group appear connected to the Main Branch. Now you can play with
the settings in the Branch Group Properties to see alterations of the branches attached to the tree trunk.

Adding branches to the tree trunk.
After creating the branches that are attached to the trunk, we can now add smaller twigs to the newly created
branches by attaching another Branch Group node. Select the secondary Branch Group and click the Add
Branch Group button again. Tweak the values of this group to create more branches that are attached to the
secondary branches.

Adding branches to the secondary branches.
Now the tree’s branch structure is in place. Our game doesn’t take place in the winter time, so we should also add
some Leaves to the di erent branches, right?

Adding Leaves
We decorate our tree with leaves by adding Leaf Groups, which basically work the same as the Branch groups
we’ve already used. Select your secondary Branch Group node and then click the Add Leaf Group button. If
you’re really hardcore, you can add another leaf group to the tiniest branches on the tree as well.

Leaves added to the secondary and smallest branches
Right now the leaves are rendered as opaque planes. This is because we want to adjust the leaves’ values (size,
position, rotation, etc.) before we add a material to them. Tweak the Leaf values until you nd some settings you

Adding Materials
In order to make our tree realistic looking, we need to apply Materials for the branches and the leaves. Create a
new Material in your project using Assets > Create > Material. Rename it to “My Tree Bark”, and choose Nature
> Tree Creator Bark from the Shader drop-down. From here you can assign the Textures provided in the Tree
Creator Package to the Base, Normalmap, and Gloss properties of the Bark Material. We recommend using the
texture “BigTree_bark_di use” for the Base and Gloss properties, and “BigTree_bark_normal” for the Normalmap
Now we’ll follow the same steps for creating a Leaf Material. Create a new Material and assign the shader as
Nature > Tree Creator Leaves. Assign the texture slots with the leaf textures from the Tree Creator Package.

Material for the Leaves
When both Materials are created, we’ll assign them to the di erent Group Nodes of the Tree. Select your Tree and
click any Branch or Leaf node, then expand the Geometry section of the Branch Group Properties. You will see
a Material assignment slot for the type of node you’ve selected. Assign the relevant Material you created and view
the results.

Setting the leaves material
To nish o the tree, assign your Materials to all the Branch and Leaf Group nodes in the Tree. Now you’re ready
to put your rst tree into a game!

Tree with materials on leaves and branches.


Creating trees is a trial and error process.
Don’t create too many leaves/branches as this can a ect the performance of your game.
Check the alpha maps guide for creating custom leaves.

Tree Basics

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With the Tree Creator package imported, you can select GameObject > 3D Object > Tree to add a new tree to the scene
(this will also create a new Tree asset in the Project view). The tree this produces is initially little more than a single stalk
with no leaves or branches. However, you will notice in the inspector that the object has a Tree component attached, and
this will allow you to design the tree to your liking.
At the top of the Tree component inspector is the tree structure editor where the basic arrangement of branches and
leaves is speci ed.

Tree Structure editor
It is important to understand the concept of tree levels when working with the editor. The trunk has branches which, in
turn, have sub-branches; this branching process continues until the terminal twig are produced. The trunk is regarded as
the rst level of the tree, and then any branches growing directly from the trunk comprise the second level. Any branches
that grow from second level branches together form the third level, and so on.

This notion of levels is re ected in the tree editor. Consider the following tree structure, for example:-

The icons are connected by lines to show the branching levels of the tree. The icon right at the bottom (with the tree
picture) denotes the “root” of the tree. When this icon is selected, the properties in the inspector panel below are the
ones that apply to the tree as a whole. From this root extend the rst and second levels of branching. The icons show
several pieces of information:-

The main picture shows which kind of element it is. The number in the top-right corner is the number of branches that
exist at that level of the tree, as set by the Frequency property in the inspector. With a given icon selected, changing the
Frequency value will change the number of branches at that level. The eye image just below the number denotes the
visibility of the branches in the scene view; you click the eye to toggle visibility on or o .
The arrangement of branch groups can be edited using the controls at the bottom-right of the tree editor:-

Going from left to right, the rst tool adds leaf groups to the tree. Leaves are arranged in levels as are branches but
unlike branches, leaves cannot further subdivide into more levels. The second tool adds a new branch group at the
current level (ie, it creates a new “child” for the selected branch icon). The third tool duplicates whichever group is
selected while the fourth deletes a group from the tree. It is possible to have several groups at each level of a tree as in
the following example:-

This tree has a main trunk from which two di erent branch groups grow. The rst has its own sub-groups of branches
and leaves, while the second just has bare branches. The separate groups at a given level can each have their properties
set di erently in the inspector so you could, say, have a large number of short twigs sprouting from the trunk along with
a smaller number of main branches.

Hand Editing Branches and Leaves
When a branch is selected in the tree structure view, it will also be highlighted in the scene view, as with this “tree” (which
is just a bare trunk for now).

The tree’s single branch is shown with a number of boxes overlaid on the view. The boxes represent control points along
the length of the branch (ie, the center line of the branch passes through all the points but is also smoothly curved
between them). You can click and drag any of the boxes to move the control points and thus change the shape of the

Moving control points is actually just the rst of three options available on the hand editing toolbar.

The second tool allows you to bend the branch by rotating it at a given control point. The third tool allows you to start
with the mouse at a given control point and from there on draw the branch freehand. The branching is still controlled

from the structure view - only the shapes of branches can be redrawn. If a leaf group is selected in the structure view
then a corresponding toolbar gives you options to move or rotate leaves around their parent branch.
Note that some properties in the tree creator’s inspector are related to procedural generation of trees (ie, the computer
generates the shape itself randomly) and these will be disabled after you have hand edited the tree. There is a button
which will restore a tree to procedural status but this will undo any edits you have made by hand.

Branch Group Properties

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Branch groups node is responsible for generating branches and fronds. Its properties appear when you have
selected a branch, frond or branch + frond node.

Adjusts the count and placement of branches in the group. Use the curves to ne tune position, rotation and
scale. The curves are relative to the parent branch or to the area spread in case of a trunk.

Group Seed The seed for this group of branches. Modify to vary procedural generation.
Frequency Adjusts the number of branches created for each parent branch.
Distribution The way the branches are distributed along their parent.
Twirl around the parent branch.
De nes how many nodes are in each whorled step when using Whorled distribution.
For real plants this is normally a Fibonacci number.
De nes the scale of nodes along the parent node. Use the curve to adjust and the
slider to fade the e ect in and out.
De nes the initial angle of growth relative to the parent. Use the curve to adjust and
the slider to fade the e ect in and out.


Select what type of geometry is generated for this branch group and which materials are applied. LOD
Multiplier allows you to adjust the quality of this group relative to tree’s LOD Quality.


Adjusts the quality of this group relative to tree’s LOD Quality, so that it is of either
higher or lower quality than the rest of the tree.
Type of geometry for this branch group: Branch Only, Branch + Fronds, Fronds Only.
The primary material for the branches.


Material for capping broken branches.
Material for the fronds.

Adjusts the shape and growth of the branches. Use the curves to ne tune the shape, all curves are relative to the
branch itself.


Adjusts the length of the branches.
Determines whether the radius of a branch is a ected by its length.
Adjusts the radius of the branches, use the curve to ne-tune the radius along the
length of the branches.

De nes the roundness of the cap/tip of the branches. Useful for cacti.
Adjusts the growth of the branches.
Crinkliness Adjusts how crinkly/crooked the branches are, use the curve to ne-tune.
Use the curve to adjust how the branches are bent upwards/downwards and the slider
Seek Sun
to change the scale.
Adjusts the surface noise of the branches.
Overall noise factor, use the curve to ne-tune.
Scale of the noise around the branch, lower values will give a more wobbly look, while
Scale U
higher values gives a more stochastic look.
Scale of the noise along the branch, lower values will give a more wobbly look, while
Scale V
higher values gives a more stochastic look.
De nes a are for the trunk.
The radius of the ares, this is added to the main radius, so a zero value means no


De nes how far up the trunk the ares start.
De nes the noise of the ares, lower values will give a more wobbly look, while higher
values gives a more stochastic look.
Controls the breaking of branches.
Chance of a branch breaking, i.e. 0 = no branches are broken, 0.5 = half of the
branches are broken, 1.0 = all the branches are broken.
This range de nes where the branches will be broken. Relative to the length of the

These properties are for child branches only, not trunks.

Welding ** | De nes the welding of branches
onto their parent branch. Only valid for
secondary branches.**
Weld Length
Spread Top

Spread Bottom


De nes how far up the branch the weld spread
Weld’s spread factor on the top-side of the
branch, relative to it’s parent branch. Zero
means no spread.
Weld’s spread factor on the bottom-side of the
branch, relative to it’s parent branch. Zero
means no spread.

Here you can adjust the number of fronds and their properties. This tab is only available if you have Frond
geometry enabled in the Geometry tab.

De nes the number of fronds per branch. Fronds are always evenly spaced around
the branch.
The width of the fronds, use the curve to adjust the speci c shape along the length
Frond Width
of the branch.
Frond Range De nes the starting and ending point of the fronds.
De nes rotation around the parent branch.
Frond Crease Adjust to crease / fold the fronds.
Frond Count


Adjusts the parameters used for animating this group of branches. The wind zones are only active in Play Mode.

Main Wind

Primary wind e ect. This creates a soft swaying motion and is typically the only
parameter needed for primary branches.

Turbulence along the edge of fronds. Useful for ferns, palms, etc.
Create Wind
Creates a Wind Zone.

Leaf Group Properties

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Leaf groups generate leaf geometry. Either from primitives or from user created meshes.

Adjusts the count and placement of leaves in the group. Use the curves to ne tune position, rotation and scale.
The curves are relative to the parent branch.

Group Seed The seed for this group of leaves. Modify to vary procedural generation.
Frequency Adjusts the number of leaves created for each parent branch.
Distribution Select the way the leaves are distributed along their parent.
Twirl around the parent branch.
De nes how many nodes are in each whorled step when using Whorled distribution.
For real plants this is normally a Fibonacci number.
De nes the scale of nodes along the parent node. Use the curve to adjust and the
slider to fade the e ect in and out.
De nes the initial angle of growth relative to the parent. Use the curve to adjust and
the slider to fade the e ect in and out.


Select what type of geometry is generated for this leaf group and which materials are applied. If you use a custom
mesh, its materials will be used.


The type of geometry created. You can use a custom mesh, by selecting the Mesh
option, ideal for owers, fruits, etc.


Material used for the leaves.
Mesh used for the leaves.


Adjusts the shape and growth of the leaves.


Adjusts the size of the leaves, use the range to adjust the minimum and the
maximum size.

Adjusts whether the leaves are aligned perpendicular to the parent branch.
Horizontal Align Adjusts whether the leaves are aligned horizontally.


Adjusts the parameters used for animating this group of leaves. Wind zones are only active in Play Mode. If you
select too high values for Main Wind and Main Turbulence the leaves may oat away from the branches.

Main Wind

Primary wind e ect. Usually this should be kept as a low value to avoid leaves oating
away from the parent branch.

Secondary turbulence e ect. For leaves this should usually be kept as a low value.
De nes how much wind turbulence occurs along the edges of the leaves.

Tree - Wind Zones

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Wind Zones add realism to the trees you create by making them wave their branches and leaves as if blown by
the wind.

To the left a Spherical Wind Zone, to the right a Directional Wind zone.



Wind zone only has an e ect inside the radius, and has a fallo from the center
towards the edge.
Directional Wind zone a ects the entire scene in one direction.
Radius of the Spherical Wind Zone (only active if the mode is set to Spherical).
The primary wind force. Produces a softly changing wind pressure.
The turbulence wind force. Produces a rapidly changing wind pressure.
De nes how much the wind changes over time.
De nes the frequency of the wind changes.


Wind Zones are used only by the tree creator for animating leaves and branches. This can help your scenes
appear more natural and allows forces (such as explosions) within the game to look like they are interacting with
the trees. For more information about how a tree works, just visit the tree class page.

Using Wind Zones in Unity
Using Wind Zones in Unity is really simple. First of all, to create a new wind zone just click on Game Object > 3D
Object > Wind Zone.

Place the wind zone (depending on the type) near the trees created with the tree creator and watch it interact
with your trees!.
Note: If the wind zone is Spherical you should place it so that the trees you want to blow are within the sphere’s
radius. If the wind zone is directional it doesn’t matter where in the scene you place it.

To produce a softly changing general wind:
Create a directional wind zone.
Set Wind Main to 1.0 or less, depending on how powerful the wind should be.
Set Turbulence to 0.1.
Set Pulse Magnitude to 1.0 or more.
Set Pulse Frequency to 0.25.
To create the e ect of a helicopter passing by:
Create a spherical wind zone.
Set Radius to something that ts the size of your helicopter
Set Wind Main to 3.0
Set Turbulence to 5.0
Set Pulse Magnitude to 0.1
Set Pulse Frequency to 1.0
Attach the wind zone to a GameObject resembling your helicopter.
To create the e ect of an explosion:
Do the same as with the helicopter, but fade the Wind Main and Turbulence quickly to make the
e ect wear o .
2017–09–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
GameObject menu changed in Unity 4.6

Particle Systems

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In a 3D game, most characters, props and scenery elements are represented as meshes, while a 2D game uses
sprites for these purposes. Meshes and sprites are the ideal way to depict “solid” objects with a well-de ned
shape. There are other entities in games, however, that are uid and intangible in nature and consequently
di cult to portray using meshes or sprites. For e ects like moving liquids, smoke, clouds, ames and magic
spells, a di erent approach to graphics known as particle systems can be used to capture the inherent uidity
and energy. This section explains Unity’s particle systems and what they can be used for.

What is a Particle System?

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Particles are small, simple images or meshes that are displayed and moved in great numbers by a particle system. Each particle
represents a small portion of a uid or amorphous entity and the e ect of all the particles together creates the impression of the
complete entity. Using a smoke cloud as an example, each particle would have a small smoke texture resembling a tiny cloud in its
own right. When many of these mini-clouds are arranged together in an area of the scene, the overall e ect is of a larger, volumelling cloud.

Dynamics of the System
Each particle has a predetermined lifetime, typically of a few seconds, during which it can undergo various changes. It begins its life
when it is generated or emitted by its particle system. The system emits particles at random positions within a region of space
shaped like a sphere, hemisphere, cone, box or any arbitrary mesh. The particle is displayed until its time is up, at which point it is
removed from the system. The system’s emission rate indicates roughly how many particles are emitted per second, although the
exact times of emission are randomized slightly. The choice of emission rate and average particle lifetime determine the number of
particles in the “stable” state (ie, where emission and particle death are happening at the same rate) and how long the system takes
to reach that state.

Dynamics of Particles
The emission and lifetime settings a ect the overall behaviour of the system but the individual particles can also change over time.
Each one has a velocity vector that determines the direction and distance the particle moves with each frame update. The velocity
can be changed by forces and gravity applied by the system itself or when the particles are blown around by a wind zone on a
Terrain. The color, size and rotation of each particle can also change over its lifetime or in proportion to its current speed of
movement. The color includes an alpha (transparency) component, so a particle can be made to fade gradually in and out of
existence rather than simply appearing and disappearing abruptly.
Used in combination, particle dynamics can be used to simulate many kinds of uid e ects quite convincingly. For example, a
waterfall can be simulated by using a thin emission shape and letting the water particles simply fall under gravity, accelerating as
they go. Smoke from a re tends to rise, expand and eventually dissipate, so the system should use an upward force on the smoke
particles and increase their size and transparency over their lifetimes.

Using Particle Systems in Unity

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Unity implements Particle Systems with a component, so placing a Particle System in a Scene is a matter of adding
a pre-made GameObject (menu: GameObject > E ects > Particle System) or adding the component to an
existing GameObject (menu: Component > E ects > Particle System). Because the component is quite
complicated, the Inspector is divided into a number of collapsible sub-sections or modules that each contain a
group of related properties. Additionally, you can edit one or more systems at the same time using a separate
Editor window accessed via the Open Window button in the Inspector. See documentation on the Particle System
component and individual Particle System modules to learn more.
When a GameObject with a Particle System is selected, the Scene view contains a small Particle E ect panel,
with some simple controls that are useful for visualising changes you make to the system’s settings.

The Playback Speed allows you to speed up or slow down the particle simulation, so you can quickly see how it
looks at an advanced state. The Playback Time indicates the time elapsed since the system was started; this may
be faster or slower than real time depending on the playback speed. The Particle Count indicates how many
particles are currently in the system. The playback time can be moved backwards and forwards by clicking on the
Playback Time label and dragging the mouse left and right. The buttons at the top of the panel can be used to
pause and resume the simulation, or to stop it and reset to the initial state.

Varying properties over time
Many of the numeric properties of particles or even the whole Particle System can vary over time. Unity provides
several di erent methods of specifying how this variation happens:

Constant: The property’s value is xed throughout its lifetime.
Curve: The value is speci ed by a curve/graph.
Random Between Two Constants: Two constant values de ne the upper and lower bounds for
the value; the actual value varies randomly over time between those bounds.
Random Between Two Curves: Two curves de ne the upper and lower bounds of the the value at
a given point in its lifetime; the current value varies randomly between those bounds.
Similarly, the Start Color property in the main module has the following options:

Color: The particle start color is xed throughout the system’s lifetime.
Gradient: Particles are emitted with a start color speci ed by a gradient, with the gradient
representing the lifetime of the Particle System.
Random Between Two Colors: The starting particle color is chosen as a random linear
interpolation between the two given colors.

Random Between Two Gradients: Two colors are picked from the given Gradients at the point
corresponding to the current age of the system; the starting particle color is chosen as a random
linear interpolation between these colors.
For other color properties, such as Color over Lifetime, there are two separate options:

Gradient: The color value is taken from a gradient which represents the lifetime of the Particle
Random Between Two Gradients: Two colors are picked from the given gradients at the point
corresponding to the current age of the Particle System; the color value is chosen as a random
linear interpolation between these colors.
Color properties in various modules are multiplied together per channel to calculate the nal particle color result.

Animation bindings
All particle properties are accessible by the Animation system, meaning you can keyframe them in and control
them from your animations.
To access the Particle System’s properties, there must be an Animator component attached to the Particle
System’s GameObject. An Animation Controller and an Animation are also required.

To animate a Particle System, add an Animator Component, and assign an Animation Controller
with an Animation.
To animate a Particle System property, open the Animation Window with the GameObject containing the
Animator and Particle System selected. Click Add Property to add properties.

Add properties to the animation in the Animation Window.
Scroll to the right to reveal the add controls.

Note that for curves, you can only keyframe the overall curve multiplier, which can be found next to the curve
editor in the Inspector.
2017–09–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
GameObject menu changed in Unity 4.6

Particle System How-Tos

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This section explains how to implement common types of particle system. As with all code in our
documentation, you are free to use it for any purpose without crediting Unity.

A Simple Explosion

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You can use a particle system to create a convincing explosion but the dynamics are perhaps a little more
complicated than they seem at rst. At its core, an explosion is just an outward burst of particles but there are a
few simple modi cations you can apply to make it look much more realistic.

A particle system explosion during development

Timeline of a Particle

A simple explosion produces a ball of ame that expands outward rapidly in all directions. The initial burst has a
lot of energy and is therefore very hot (ie, bright) and moves very fast. This energy quickly dissipates which results
in the expansion of ame slowing down and also cooling down (ie, getting less bright). Finally, as all the fuel is
burned up, the ames will die away and soon disappear completely.
An explosion particle will typically have a short lifetime and you can vary several di erent properties over that
lifetime to simulate the e ect. The particle will start o moving very fast but then its speed should reduce greatly
as it moves away from the centre of the explosion. Also, the color should start o bright but then darken and
eventually fade to transparency. Finally, reducing the particle’s size over its lifetime will give the e ect of the
ames dispersing as the fuel is used up.

Starting with the default particle system object (menu: GameObject > E ects > Particle System), go to the Shape
module and set the emitter shape to a small Sphere, say about 0.5 units in radius. The particles in the standard
assets include a material called ParticleFireball which is very suitable for explosions (menu: Assets > Import
Package > ParticleSystems). You can set this material for the system using the Renderer module. With the
Renderer open, you should also disable Cast Shadows and Receive Shadows since the explosion ames are
supposed to give out light rather than receive it.
At this stage, the system looks like lots of little reballs being thrown out from a central point. The explosion
should, of course, create a burst with lots of particles all at once. In the Emission module, you can set the Rate
value to zero and add a single Burst of particles at time zero. The number of particles in the burst will depend on
the size and intensity you want your explosion to have but a good starting point is about fty particles. With the
burst set up, the system is now starting to look much more like an explosion, but it is rather slow and the ames

seem to hang around for a long time. In the Particle System module (which will have the same name as the
GameObject, eg, “Explosion”), set both the Duration of the system and the Start Lifetime of the particles to two
You can also use the Size Over Lifetime module to create the e ect of the ames using up their fuel. Set the size
curve using the “ramp down” preset (ie, the size starts o at 100% and reduces to zero. To make the ames
darken and fade, enable the Color Over Lifetime module and set the gradient to start with white at the left and
nish with black at the right. The Fire Add material uses an additive shader for rendering, so the darkness of the
color property also controls the transparency of the particle; the ames will become fully transparent as the color
fades to black. Also, the additive material allows the brightness of particles to “add” together as they are drawn on
top of each other. This helps to further enhance the impression of a bright ash at the start of the explosion
when the particles are all close together.
As it stands, the explosion is taking shape but it looks as though it is happening out in space. The particles get
thrown out and travel a long distance at constant speed before fading. If your game is set in space then this might
be the exact e ect you want. However, an explosion that happens in the atmosphere will be slowed and
dampened by the surrounding air. Enable the Limit Velocity Over Lifetime module and set the Speed to about 3.0
and the Dampen fraction to about 0.4 and you should see the explosion lose a little strength as it progresses.
A nal thing to note is that as the particles move away from the centre of the explosion, their individual shapes
become more recognisable. In particular, seeing the particles all at the same size and with the same rotation
makes it obvious that the same graphic is being reused for each particle. A simple way to avoid this is to add a bit
of random variation to the size and rotation of the particles as they are generated. In the Particle System module
at the top of the inspector, click the small arrow to the right of the Start Size and Start Rotation properties and set
them both to Random Between Two Constants. For the rotation, set the two values to 0 and 360 (ie, completely
random rotation). For the size, set the values to 0.5 and 1.5 to give some variation without the risk of having too
many huge or tiny particles. You should now see that the repetition of particle graphics is now much less

During testing, it is useful to have the Looping property switched on so you can see the explosion repeatedly but
in the nished game, you should switch this o so the explosion happens only once. When the explosion is
designed for an object that has the potential to explode (a fuel tank, say) you might want to add the Particle
System component to the object with the Play On Awake property disabled. You can then set o the explosion
from a script as necessary.

void Explode() {
var exp = GetComponent();
Destroy(gameObject, exp.duration);

In other cases, explosions happen at points of impact. If the explosion originates from an object (eg, a grenade)
then you could call the Explode function detailed above after a time delay or when it makes contact with the

// Grenade explodes after a time delay.
public float fuseTime;
void Start() {
Invoke("Explode", fuseTime);

// Grenade explodes on impact.
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision coll) {

Where the explosion comes from an object that is not actually represented in the game (eg, a projectile that
travels too fast to be seen), you can just instantiate an explosion in the appropriate place. You might determine
the contact point from a raycast, for example.

// On the explosion object.
void Start() {
var exp = GetComponent();
Destroy(gameObject, exp.duration);

// Possible projectile script.
public GameObject explosionPrefab;
void Update() {
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast (Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition),
Instantiate (explosionPrefab, hit.point, Quaternion.identity);

Further Ideas
The explosion developed here is very basic but you can modify various aspects of it to get the exact feel you are
looking for in your game.
The particle graphic you use will have a big e ect on how the player “reads” the explosion. Having lots of small,
separately recognisable ames suggests burning pieces being thrown out. Larger particles that don’t move
completely apart appear more like a reball fed by a destroyed fuel tank. Typically, you will need to change
several properties together to complete the e ect. For example, the reball will persist longer and expand less
before it disappears while a sharp burst may scatter burning pieces quite some distance.
A few properties are set with random values here but other many properties have a Random Between Two
Constants/Curves option and you can use these to add variation in all sorts of ways. Varying the size and rotation
helps to avoid the most obvious e ects of particle repetition but you might also consider adding some
randomness to the Start Delay, Start Lifetime and Start Speed properties. A small amount of variation helps to
reinforce the impression of the explosion being a “natural” and unpredictable e ect rather than a controlled
mechanical process. Larger variations suggest a “dirty” explosion. For example, varying the Start Delay will
produce an explosion that is no longer sharp but bursts more slowly, perhaps because fuel tanks in a vehicle are
being separately ignited.
2017–09–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
GameObject menu changed in Unity 4.6

Exhaust Smoke from a Vehicle

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Cars and many other vehicles emit exhaust smoke as they convert fuel into power. You can use a particle system to add an
exhaust as a nice nishing touch for a vehicle.

An exhaust generated by a particle system

Timeline of a Particle

Exhaust smoke emerges from the pipe quite fast but then rapidly slows down on contact with the atmosphere. As it slows, it
spreads out, becoming fainter and soon dissipating into the air. Since the exhaust gas is hot, it also rises slightly as it passes
through the colder air surrounding it.
A particle of exhaust smoke must start o no larger than the width of the pipe but it will then grow in size considerably over its
short lifetime. It will usually start o partly transparent and fade to total transparency as it mixes with the air. As regards dynamics,
the particle will be emitted quite fast but then slow rapidly and will also lift upward slightly.

In the Shape module, select the Cone shape and set its Angle property to zero; the “cone” in this case will actually be a cylindrical
pipe. The Radius of the pipe naturally depends on the size of the vehicle but you can usually set it by matching the radius Gizmo in
the scene view to the vehicle model (eg, a car model will usually feature an exhaust pipe or a hole at the back whose size you can
match). The radius actually determines quite a few things about the property settings you choose, such as the particle size and
emission rate. For the purposes of this example, we will assume the vehicle is a car which follows Unity’s standard size convention
of one world unit to one metre; the radius is thus set to about 0.05 or 5cm.
A suitable graphic for the smoke particle is provided by the Smoke4 material provided in the standard assets. If you don’t already
have these installed then select Assets > Import Package > Particles from the menu. Then, go to the Renderer module of the
particle system and set the Material property to Smoke4.
The default lifetime of ve seconds is generally too long for car exhaust fumes, so you should open the Particle System module
(which has the same name as the GameObject, eg, “Exhaust”) and set the Start Lifetime to about 2.5 seconds. Also in this module, set
the Simulation Space to World and the Gravity Modi er to a small negative value, say about –0.1. Using a world simulation space
allows the smoke to hang where it is produced even when the vehicle moves. The negative gravity e ect causes the smoke particles
to rise as if they are composed of hot gas. A nice extra touch is to use the small menu arrow next to Start Rotation to select the
Random Between Two Constants option. Set the two values to 0 and 360, respectively, and the smoke particles will be randomly
rotated as they are emitted. Having many particles that are identically aligned is very noticeable and detracts from the e ect of a
random, shapeless smoke trail.
At this stage, the smoke particles are starting to look realistic and the default emission rate creates a nice “chugging” e ect of an
engine. However, the smoke doesn’t billow outwards and dissipate as yet. Open the Color Over Lifetime module and click the top
gradient stop on the right hand end of the gradient (this controls the transparency of “alpha” value of the color). Set the alpha value

to zero and you should see the smoke particles fading to nothing in the scene. Depending on how clean your engine is, you may
also want to reduce the alpha value of the gradient at the start; thick, dark smoke tends to suggest dirty, ine cient combustion.
As well as fading, the smoke should also increase in size as it escapes and you can easily create this e ect with the Size Over Lifetime
module. Open the module, select the curve and slide the curve handle at the left hand end to make the particles start o at a
fraction of their full size. The exact size you choose depends on the size of the exhaust pipe but a value slightly larger than the pipe
gives a good impression of escaping gas. (Starting the particles at the same size as the pipe suggests that the gas is being held to its
shape by the pipe but of course, gas doesn’t have a de ned shape.) Use the simulation of the particle system in the scene view to
get a good visual impression of how the smoke looks. You may also want to increase the Start Size in the particle system module at
this point if the smoke doesn’t disperse far enough to create the e ect you want.
Finally, the smoke should also slow down as it disperses. An easy way to make this happen is with the Force Over Lifetime module.
Open the module and set the Space option to Local and the Z component of the force to a negative value to indicate that the
particles are pushed back by the force (the system emits the particles along the positive Z direction in the object’s local space). A
value of about –0.75 works quite well for the system if the other parameters are set up as suggested above.

You can position the exhaust particle system by placing it on a child object of the main vehicle. For simple games, you can just
enable the Play On Awake and Looping properties and let the system run. In most cases, however, you will probably want to vary at
least the emission rate as the vehicle moves. This is rstly for authenticity (ie, an engine produces more smoke as it works harder)
but it also helps to prevent the smoke particles from being spread out as the vehicle moves. A fast-moving vehicle with too low an
emission rate will appear to produce distinct “pu s” of smoke, which is highly unrealistic.
You can vary the emission rate very easily from a script. If you have a variable in the script that represents the engine revs or the
speed of the vehicle then you can simply multiply this value by a constant and assign the result to the ParticleSystem’s
emissionRate property.

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PartScriptTestCS : MonoBehaviour {
public float engineRevs;
public float exhaustRate;
ParticleSystem exhaust;

void Start () {
exhaust = GetComponent();

void Update () {
exhaust.emissionRate = engineRevs * exhaustRate;

// JS
var engineRevs: float;
var exhaustRate: float;
var exhaust: ParticleSystem;

function Start() {
exhaust = GetComponent.();

function Update () {
exhaust.emissionRate = engineRevs * exhaustRate;

Further Ideas
The basic scheme creates quite a convincing impression of exhaust smoke but you will probably have noticed that the “character”
of the engine changes as you vary the parameters. An poorly tuned, ine cient engine tends to burn its fuel incompletely, resulting
in heavy, dark smoke that persists for a long time in the air. This would be perfect for an old farm tractor but not for a highperformance sports car. For a “clean” engine, you should use small values for the lifetime, opacity and size increase of the particles.
For a “dirty” engine, you should increase these values and perhaps use the Bursts property of the Emission module to create the
impression of the engine spluttering.

Particle System vertex streams and
Standard Shader support

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If you are comfortable writing your own Shaders, use this addition to the Renderer Module to con gure your
Particle Systems to pass a wider range of data into your custom Shaders.
There are a number of built-in data streams to choose from, such as velocity, size and center position. Aside from the
ability to create powerful custom Shaders, these streams allow a number of more general bene ts:

Use the Tangent stream to support normal mapped particles.
You can remove Color and then add the Tangent UV2 and AnimBlend streams to use the
Standard Shader on particles.
To easily perform linear texture blending of ipbooks, add the UV2 and AnimBlend streams, and attach
the Particles/Anim Alpha Blended Shader (see example screenshot below to see how to set this up).
There are also two completely custom per-particle data streams (ParticleSystemVertexStreams.Custom1 and
ParticleSystemVertexStreams.Custom2), which can be populated from script. Call SetCustomParticleData and
GetCustomParticleData with your array of data to use them. There are two ways of using this:

To drive custom behavior in scripts by attaching your own data to particles; for example, attaching a
“health” value to each particle.
To pass this data into a Shader by adding one of the two custom streams, in the same way you would
send any other stream to your Shader (see ParticleSystemRenderer.EnableVertexStreams). To elaborate
on the rst example, maybe your custom health attribute could now also drive some kind of visual
e ect, as well as driving script-based game logic.
When adding vertex streams, Unity will provide you with some information in brackets, next to each item, to help you
read the correct data in your shader:

Each item in brackets corresponds to a Vertex Shader input, which you should specify in your Shader. Here is the
correct input structure for this con guration.

struct appdata_t {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float4 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float texcoordBlend : TEXCOORD1;

Notice that both UV and UV2 are passed in di erent parts of TEXCOORD0, so we use a single declaration for both. To
access each one in your shader, you would use the xy and zw swizzles. This allows you to pack your vertex data
e ciently.
Here is an example of an animated ip-book Shader. It uses the default inputs (Position, Normal, Color, UV), but also
uses two additional streams for the second UV stream (UV2) and the ip-book frame information (AnimBlend).

Shader "Particles/Anim Alpha Blended" {
Properties {
_TintColor ("Tint Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
_MainTex ("Particle Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_InvFade ("Soft Particles Factor", Range(0.01,3.0)) = 1.0
Category {
Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transparent"
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
ColorMask RGB
Cull Off Lighting Off ZWrite Off
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 2.0
#pragma multi_compile_particles
#pragma multi_compile_fog
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
sampler2D _MainTex;

fixed4 _TintColor;
struct appdata_t {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float4 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float texcoordBlend : TEXCOORD1;
struct v2f {
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 texcoord2 : TEXCOORD1;
fixed blend : TEXCOORD2;
float4 projPos : TEXCOORD4;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
v2f vert (appdata_t v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.projPos = ComputeScreenPos (o.vertex);
o.color = v.color * _TintColor;
o.texcoord = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoords.xy,_MainTex);
o.texcoord2 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoords.zw,_MainTex);
o.blend = v.texcoordBlend;
return o;
sampler2D_float _CameraDepthTexture;
float _InvFade;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target

float sceneZ = LinearEyeDepth (SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_PROJ(_CameraDept
float partZ = i.projPos.z;
float fade = saturate (_InvFade * (sceneZ­partZ));
i.color.a *= fade;
fixed4 colA = tex2D(_MainTex, i.texcoord);
fixed4 colB = tex2D(_MainTex, i.texcoord2);
fixed4 col = 2.0f * i.color * lerp(colA, colB, i.blend);
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, col);
return col;

It’s also possible to use Surface Shaders with this system, although there are some extra things to be aware of:

The input structure to your surface function is not the same as the input structure to the vertex Shader.
You need to provide your own vertex Shader input structure. See below for an example, where it is
called appdata_particles.
When surface Shaders are built, there is automatic handling of variables whose names begin with
certain tokens. The most notable one is uv. To prevent the automatic handling from causing problems
here, be sure to give your UV inputs di erent names (for example, “texcoord”).
Here is the same functionality as the rst example, but in a Surface Shader:

Shader "Particles/Anim Alpha Blend Surface" {
Properties {
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Glossiness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
_Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
SubShader {
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent"}
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
ZWrite off
LOD 200

// Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light
#pragma surface surf Standard alpha vertex:vert
// Use shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting
#pragma target 3.0
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct appdata_particles {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 color : COLOR;
float4 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float texcoordBlend : TEXCOORD1;

struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float2 texcoord1;
float blend;
float4 color;

void vert(inout appdata_particles v, out Input o) {
o.uv_MainTex = v.texcoords.xy;
o.texcoord1 = v.texcoords.zw;
o.blend = v.texcoordBlend;
o.color = v.color;

half _Glossiness;
half _Metallic;
fixed4 _Color;

void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
fixed4 colA = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
fixed4 colB = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.texcoord1);
fixed4 c = 2.0f * IN.color * lerp(colA, colB, IN.blend) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
// Metallic and smoothness come from slider variables
o.Metallic = _Metallic;
o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;

o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"

2017–05–15 Page amended with no editorial review

Particle System GPU Instancing

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GPU instancing o ers a large performance boost compared with CPU rendering. You can use it if you want your particle system to
render Mesh particles (as opposed to the default rendering mode of rendering billboard particles).
To be able to use GPU instancing with your particle systems:
Set your Particle System’s renderer mode to Mesh
Use a shader for the renderer material that supports GPU Instancing
Run your project on a platform that supports GPU instancing
To enable GPU instancing for a particle system, you must enable the Enable GPU Instancing checkbox in the Renderer module of your
particle system.

The option to enable Particle System GPU instancing in the Renderer module
Unity comes with a built-in particle shader that supports GPU instancing, but the default particle material does not use it, so you must
change this to use GPU instancing. The particle shader that supports GPU instancing is called Particles/Standard Surface. To use it, you
must create your own new material, and set the material’s shader to Particles/Standard Surface. You must then assign this new
material to the material eld in the Particle System renderer module.

The built-in shader that is compatible with Particle System GPU Instancing
If you are using a di erent shader for your particles, it must use ‘#pragma target 4.5’ or higher. See Shader Compile Targets for more
details. This requirement is higher than regular GPU Instancing in Unity because the Particle System writes all its instance data to a
single large bu er, rather than breaking up the instancing into multiple draw calls.

Custom shader examples
You can also write custom shaders that make use of GPU Instancing. See the following sections for more information:

Particle system GPU Instancing in a Surface Shader
Particle system GPU Instancing in a Custom Shader
Customising instance data used by the Particle System (to work alongside Custom Vertex Streams)

Particle system GPU Instancing in a Surface Shader
Here is a complete working example of Surface Shader using Particle System GPU Instancing:

Shader "Instanced/ParticleMeshesSurface" {
Properties {
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Glossiness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
_Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 200
// Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types
// And generate the shadow pass with instancing support
#pragma surface surf Standard nolightmap nometa noforwardadd keepalpha fullforwardshadows
// Enable instancing for this shader
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#pragma instancing_options procedural:vertInstancingSetup
#pragma exclude_renderers gles
#include "UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc"
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
fixed4 vertexColor;
fixed4 _Color;
half _Glossiness;
half _Metallic;
void vert (inout appdata_full v, out Input o)
vertInstancingUVs(v.texcoord, o.uv_MainTex);
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
// Albedo comes from a texture tinted by color
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * IN.vertexColor * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
// Metallic and smoothness come from slider variables
o.Metallic = _Metallic;
o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"

There are a number of small di erences to a regular Surface Shader in the above example, which make it work with particle instancing.
Firstly, you must add the following two lines to enable Procedural Instancing, and specify the built-in vertex setup function. This function
lives in UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc, and loads the per-instance (per-particle) positional data:

#pragma instancing_options procedural:vertInstancingSetup
#include "UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc"

The other modi cation in the example is to the Vertex function, which has two extra lines that apply per-instance attributes, speci cally,
particle colors and Texture Sheet Animation texture coordinates:

vertInstancingUVs(v.texcoord, o.uv_MainTex);

Particle System GPU Instancing in a Custom Shader
Here is a complete working example of a Custom Shader using particle system GPU instancing. This custom shader adds a feature which
the standard particle shader does not have - a fade between the individual frames of a texture sheet animation.

Shader "Instanced/ParticleMeshesCustom"
_MainTex("Albedo", 2D) = "white" {}
[Toggle(_TSANIM_BLENDING)] _TSAnimBlending("Texture Sheet Animation Blending", Int) = 0
Tags{ "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
LOD 100
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma multi_compile __ _TSANIM_BLENDING
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#pragma instancing_options procedural:vertInstancingSetup
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc"
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f

float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float3 texcoord2AndBlend : TEXCOORD1;
sampler2D _MainTex;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
fixed4 readTexture(sampler2D tex, v2f IN)
fixed4 color = tex2D(tex, IN.texcoord);
fixed4 color2 = tex2D(tex, IN.texcoord2AndBlend.xy);
color = lerp(color, color2, IN.texcoord2AndBlend.z);
return color;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
o.color = v.color;
o.texcoord = v.texcoord;
vertInstancingUVs(v.texcoord, o.texcoord, o.texcoord2AndBlend);
vertInstancingUVs(v.texcoord, o.texcoord);
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
half4 albedo = readTexture(_MainTex, i);
return i.color * albedo;

This example contains the same set-up code as the Surface Shader for loading the positional data:

#pragma instancing_options procedural:vertInstancingSetup
#include "UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc"

The modi cation to the vertex function is very similar to the Surface Shader too:

vertInstancingUVs(v.texcoord, o.texcoord, o.texcoord2AndBlend);
vertInstancingUVs(v.texcoord, o.texcoord);

The only di erence here, compared with the rst example above, is the texture sheet animation blending. This means that the shader
requires an extra set of texture coordinates to read two frames of the texture sheet animation instead of just one, and blends them
Finally, the fragment shader reads the textures and calculates the nal color.

Particle system GPU Instancing with custom vertex streams
The examples above only use the default vertex stream setup for particles. This includes a position, a normal, a color, and one UV.
However, by using custom vertex streams, you can send other data to the shader, such as velocities, rotations and sizes.
In this next example, the shader is designed to display a special e ect, which makes faster particles appear brighter, and slower
particles dimmer. There is some extra code that brightens particles according to their speed, using the Speed Vertex Stream. Also,
because this shader assumes the e ect will not be using texture sheet animation, it is omitted from the custom stream struct.
Here is the full Shader:

Shader "Instanced/ParticleMeshesCustomStreams"
_MainTex("Albedo", 2D) = "white" {}
Tags{ "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
LOD 100
#pragma exclude_renderers gles
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#pragma instancing_options procedural:vertInstancingSetup
#define UNITY_PARTICLE_INSTANCE_DATA MyParticleInstanceData
struct MyParticleInstanceData
float3x4 transform;
uint color;
float speed;
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc"
struct appdata

float4 vertex : POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
sampler2D _MainTex;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
o.color = v.color;
o.texcoord = v.texcoord;
vertInstancingUVs(v.texcoord, o.texcoord);
UNITY_PARTICLE_INSTANCE_DATA data = unity_ParticleInstanceData[unity_InstanceID]
o.color.rgb += data.speed;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
half4 albedo = tex2D(_MainTex, i.texcoord);
return i.color * albedo;

The shader includes UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc, which contains the default instancing data layout for when
Custom Vertex Streams are not being used. So, when using custom streams, you must override some of the defaults de ned in that
header. These overrides must come before the include. The example above sets the following custom overrides:
Firstly, there is a line that tells Unity to use a custom struct called ‘MyParticleInstanceData’ for the custom stream data, using the

#define UNITY_PARTICLE_INSTANCE_DATA MyParticleInstanceData

Next, another de ne tells the instancing system that the Anim Frame Stream is not required in this shader, because the e ect in this
example is not intended for use with texture sheet animation:


Thirdly, the struct for the custom stream data is declared:

struct MyParticleInstanceData
float3x4 transform;
uint color;
float speed;

These overrides all come before UnityStandardParticleInstancing.cginc is included, so the shader does not use its own
defaults for those de nes.
When writing your struct, the variables must match the vertex streams listed in the Inspector in the Particle System renderer module.
This means you must choose the streams you want to use in the Renderer module UI, and add them to variable de nitions in your
custom stream data struct in the same order, so that they match:

The custom vertex streams shown in the Renderer module UI, showing some instanced and some non-instanced
The rst item (Position) is mandatory, so you cannot remove it. You can freely add/remove other entries using the plus and minus
buttons to customize your vertex stream data.
Entries in the list that are followed by INSTANCED contain instance data, so you must include them in your particle instance data struct.
The number directly appended to the word INSTANCED (for example zero in INSTANCED0 and one in INSTANCED1) indicates the order
in which the variables must appear in your struct, after the initial “transform” variable. The trailing letters (.x .xy .xyz or .xyzw) indicate
the variable’s type and map to oat, oat2, oat3 and oat4 variable types in your shader code.
You can omit any other vertex stream data that appears in the list, but that does not have the word INSTANCED after it, from the
particle instance data struct, because it is not instanced data to be processed by the shader. This data belongs to the source mesh, for
example UV’s, Normals and Tangents.
The nal step to complete our example is to apply the speed to the particle color inside the Vertex Shader:

UNITY_PARTICLE_INSTANCE_DATA data = unity_ParticleInstanceData[unity_InstanceID]
o.color.rgb += data.speed;

You must wrap all the instancing code inside the check for UNITY_PARTICLE_INSTANCING_ENABLED, so that it can compile when
instancing is not being used.
At this point, if you want to pass the data to the Fragment Shader instead, you can write the data into the v2f struct, like you would with
any other shader data.
This example describes how to modify a Custom Shader for use with Custom Vertex Streams, but you can apply exactly the same
approach to a Surface Shader to achieve the same functionality.
2018–03–28 Page published with editorial review
Particle System GPU instancing added in Unity 2018.1

Post-processing overview

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Post-processing is the process of applying full-screen lters and e ects to a camera’s image bu er before it is displayed to
screen. It can drastically improve the visuals of your product with little setup time.
You can use post-processing e ects to simulate physical camera and lm properties; for example; Bloom, Depth of Field,
Chromatic Aberration or Color Grading.

Using post-processing
To use post-processing in your project you can import Unity’s post-processing stack. You can also write your own postprocessing e ects. See Writing post-processing e ects for details.
The images below demonstrate a Scene with and without post-processing.

Scene with post-processing

Scene with no post-processing

2017–05–24 Page published with limited editorial review

New feature in 5.6

Post-processing stack

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The post-processing stack is an über e ect that combines a complete set of e ects into a single post-processing
pipeline. This has a few advantages:
E ects are always con gured in the correct order
It allows a combination of many e ects into a single pass
All e ects are grouped together in the UI for a better user experience
The post-processing stack also includes a collection of monitors and debug views to help you set up your e ects
correctly and debug problems in the output.
To use post-processing, download the post-processing stack from the Asset Store.

Post-processing stack
For help on how to get started with the post-processing stack, see Setting up the post-processing stack.

E ects
Anti-aliasing (FXAA & TAA)
Ambient Occlusion
Screen Space Re ection
Depth of Field
Motion Blur
Eye Adaptation

Color Grading
User Lut
Chromatic Aberration
For details about each individual e ect included in the stack see the page for that e ect.

Post-processing stack version 2
For an early preview of the next version of the post processing stack, see Post-processing Stack v2 .
2017–09–04 Page amended with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6
Added a link to the Post-processing Stack v2 GitHub branch, which is available as a preview in 2017.1

Setting up the post-processing stack

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For optimal post-processing results it is recommended that you work in the Linear color-space with HDR enabled. Using the
deferred rendering path is also recommended (as required for some e ects, such as Screen Space Re ection).
First you need to add the Post Processing Behaviour script to your camera. You can do that by selecting your camera and use
one of the following ways:
Drag the PostProcessingBehaviour.cs script from the project window to the camera.
Use the menu Component > E ects > Post Processing Behaviour.
Use the Add Component button in the Inspector.

Adding a Post-Processing Behaviour script
You will now have a behaviour con gured with an empty pro le. The next step is to create a custom pro le using one of the
following ways:
Right-click in your project window and select Create > Post-Processing Pro le.
Use the menu Assets > Create > Post-Processing Pro le.
This will create a new asset in your project.
Post-Processing Pro les are project assets and can be shared easily between scenes / cameras, as well as between di erent
projects or on the Asset Store. This makes creating presets easier (ie. high quality preset for desktop or lower settings for
Selecting a pro le will show the inspector window for editing the pro le settings.

Newly created post-processing pro le
To assign the pro le to the behaviour you can drag it from the project panel to the component or use the object selector in the

Post-processing pro le assigned to the Behaviour script
With the pro le selected, you can use the checkbox on each e ect in the inspector to enable or disable individual e ects. You’ll
nd more information about each e ect in their individual documentation pages.

Bloom e ect enabled
2017–05–24 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6


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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
The Anti-aliasing e ect o ers a set of algorithms designed to prevent aliasing and give a smoother appearance
to graphics. Aliasing is an e ect where lines appear jagged or have a “staircase” appearance (as displayed in the
left-hand image below). This can happen if the graphics output device does not have a high enough resolution to
display a straight line.
Anti-aliasing reduces the prominence of these jagged lines by surrounding them with intermediate shades of
color. Although this reduces the jagged appearance of the lines, it also makes them blurrier.

The Scene on the left is rendered without anti-aliasing. The Scene on the right shows the e ect of
the Temporal Anti-aliasing algorithm.
The Anti-aliasing algorithms are image-based. This is very useful when traditional multisampling (as used in the
Editor’s Quality settings) is not properly supported, such as:
When using deferred rendering
When using HDR in the forward rendering path in Unity 5.5 or earlier
The algorithms supplied in the post-processing stack are:
Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing (FXAA)
Temporal Anti-aliasing (TAA)

Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing

FXAA is the cheapest technique and is recommended for mobile and other platforms that don’t support motion
vectors, which are required for TAA. However it contains multiple quality presets and as such is also suitable as a
fallback solution for slower desktop and console hardware.

UI for the Anti-aliasing e ect when FXAA is selected


Property: Function:
The quality preset to be used. Provides a trade-o between performance and edge


Reduce quality setting

Shader model 3

See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.

Temporal Anti-aliasing
Temporal Anti-aliasing is a more advanced anti-aliasing technique where frames are accumulated over time in a
history bu er to be used to smooth edges more e ectively. It is substantially better at smoothing edges in motion
but requires motion vectors and is more expensive than FXAA. Due to this it is recommended for desktop and
console platforms.

UI for the Anti-aliasing e ect when TAA is selected


Property: Function:
The diameter (in texels) inside which jitter samples are spread. Smaller values result in
Jitter crisper but more aliased output, whilst larger values result in more stable but blurrier
Blending - The blend coe cient for stationary fragments. Controls the percentage of history
Stationary sample blended into nal color for fragments with minimal active motion.
Blending - The blending coe cient for moving fragments. Controls the percentage of history
sample blended into the nal color for fragments with signi cant active motion.

Property: Function:
TAA can induce a slight loss of details in high frequency regions. Sharpening alleviates
this issue.


Unsupported in VR

Motion vectors
Depth texture
Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in 5.6

Ambient Occlusion

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
The Ambient Occlusion post-processing e ect approximates Ambient Occlusion in real time as a full-screen post-processing
e ect. It darkens creases, holes, intersections and surfaces that are close to each other. In real life, such areas tend to block
out or occlude ambient light, hence they appear darker.
Note that the Ambient Occlusion e ect is quite expensive in terms of processing time and generally should only be used on
desktop or console hardware. Its cost depends purely on screen resolution and the e ects parameters and does not depend
on scene complexity as true Ambient Occlusion would.

Scene with Ambient Occlusion.

Scene without Ambient Occlusion. Note the di erences at geometry intersections.

UI for Ambient Occlusion


Sample Count
Force Forward
High Precision
Ambient Only

Degree of darkness produced by the e ect.
Radius of sample points, which a ects extent of darkened areas.
Number of sample points, which a ects quality and performance.
Halves the resolution of the e ect to increase performance at the cost of visual quality.
Forces compatibility with Forward rendered objects when working with the Deferred
rendering path.
Toggles the use of a higher precision depth texture with the forward rendering path (may
impact performances). Has no e ect with the deferred rendering path.
Enables the ambient-only mode in that the e ect only a ects ambient lighting. This mode is
only available with the Deferred rendering path and HDR rendering.

Reduce Radius size

Reduce Sample Count
Enable Downsampling
If using deferred rendering, disable Force Forward Compatibility (will cause forward rendered object to not be used when
calculating Ambient Occlusion
If using forward rendering, disable High Precision (will cause the e ect to use a lower precision depth texture, impacting
visual quality)

Beware that this e ect can be quite expensive, especially when viewed very close to the camera. For that reason it is
recommended to always enable Downsampling and favor a low radius setting. With a low radius the Ambient Occlusion e ect
will only sample pixels that are close, in clip space, to the source pixel, which is good for performance as they can be cached
e ciently. With higher radiuses, the generated samples will be further away from the source pixel and won’t bene t from
caching thus slowing down the e ect. Because of the camera__’s perspective, objects near the front plane will use larger
radiuses than those far away, so computing the Ambient Occlusion pass for an object close to the camera__ will be
slower than for an object further away that only occupies a few pixels on screen.
When working with the Deferred rendering path, you have the possibility to render the ambient occlusion straight to the
ambient G-Bu er so that it’s taken into account by Unity during the lighting pass. Note that this setting requires the camera to
have HDR enabled.
When working with the Forward rendering path you may experience some quality issues in regards to depth precision. You
can overcome these issues by toggling High Precision but only do it if you actually need it as it will lower performances.


Depth & Normals texture
Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in 5.6

Screen Space Re ection

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Screen Space Re ection is a technique for reusing screen space data to calculate re ections. It is commonly used to create more
subtle re ections such as on wet oor surfaces or in puddles.
Screen Space Re ection is an expensive technique, but when used correctly can give great results. Screen Space Re ection is only
available in the deferred rendering path as it relies on the Normals G-Bu er. As it is an expensive e ect it is not recommended to be
used on mobile.

Scene with Screen Space Re ection

Scene without re ections

UI for Screen Space Re ection


Blend Type
Re ection
Max Distance
Iteration Count
Step Size

How the re ections are blended into the render.
The size of the bu er used for resolve. Half resolution SSR is much faster, but less accurate.

Maximum re ection distance in world units.
Maximum raytracing length.
Ray tracing coarse step size. Higher traces farther, lower gives better quality silhouettes.
Typical thickness of columns, walls, furniture, and other objects that re ection rays might pass
Width Modi er
Re ection Blur Blurriness of re ections.
Re ect
Renders the scene by culling all front faces and uses the resulting texture for estimating what the
backfaces might look like when a point on the depth map is hit from behind.
Re ection
Nonphysical multiplier for the SSR re ections. 1.0 is physically based.
Fade Distance How far away from the Max Distance to begin fading SSR.
Amplify Fresnel fade out. Increase if oor re ections look good close to the surface and bad
Fresnel Fade
farther ‘under’ the oor.
Fresnel Fade
Higher values correspond to a faster Fresnel fade as the re ection changes from the grazing
(Screen Edge
Higher values fade out SSR near the edge of the screen so that re ections don’t pop under
Mask) Intensity camera motion.


Disable Re ect Backfaces
Reduce Re ection Quality
Reduce Iteration Count (increase step size to compensate)
Use Additive Re ection


Unsupported in VR


Screen Space Re ection can be used to obtain more detailed re ections than other methods such as Cubemaps or
Re ection Probes. Objects using Cubemaps for re ection are unable to obtain self re ection and Re ection Probe re ections are
limited in their accuracy.

Scene using the baked Re ection Probes
In the above image you can see inaccurate re ection in the red-highlighted area. This is due to the translation between the Camera
and Re ection Probe. Also notice that as this Re ection Probe is baked it is unable to re ect dynamic object such as the colored

With realtime Re ection Probes (pictured above) dynamic objects are captured but, like in the example above, the position of the
re ection is incorrect. In the red-highlighted area you can see the re ection of the white sphere.
Comparing these to the image at the top of the page (using Screen Space Re ection) we can clearly see the disparity in re ection
accuracy, however these methods are much less expensive and should always be used when such accuracy is not necessary.
Screen Space Re ection is calculated by ray-marching from re ection points on the depth map to other surfaces. A re ection vector
is calculated for each re ective point in the depth bu er. This vector is marched in steps until an intersection is found with another
point on the depth bu er. This second point is then draw to the original point as a re ection.

Reducing Iteration Count reduces the amount of amount of times the ray is tested against the depth bu er, reducing the cost
substantially. However, doing so will shorten the overall depth that is tested resulting in shorter re ections. Increasing the Step Size
increases the distance between these tests, regaining the overall depth but reducing precision.
When using the Physically Based Blend Type the BRDF of the re ective material is sampled and used to alter the resulting
re ection, this process is expensive but results in more realistic re ections, especially for rougher surfaces.
When using Re ect Backfaces the e ect will also raytrace in the opposite direction in attempt to approximate the re ection of the
back of an object. This process vastly increases the cost of the e ect but can be used to get approximate re ection on re ective
objects with other objects in front of them.

Deferred rendering path
Depth & Normals texture
Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in 5.6


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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Fog is the e ect of overlaying a color onto objects dependant on the distance from the camera. This is used to
simulate fog or mist in outdoor environments and is also typically used to hide clipping of objects when a
__camera__’s far clip plane has been moved forward for performance.
The Fog e ect creates a screen-space fog based on the camera’s depth texture. It supports Linear, Exponential and
Exponential Squared fog types. Fog settings should be set in the Scene tab of the Lighting window.

Scene with Fog

Scene without Fog.

UI for Fog

Exclude Skybox Should the fog a ect the skybox?


This e ect is only applied in the deferred rendering path. When using either rendering path fog should be applied
to forward rendered objects using the Fog found in Scene Settings. The parameters for the Post-processing fog are
mirrored from the Fog parameters set in the Scene tab of the Lighting window. This ensures forward rendered
objects will always receive the same fog when rendering in deferred.

Depth texture
Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in 5.6

Depth of Field

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Depth of Field is a common post-processing e ect that simulates the focus properties of a camera lens. In real life, a
camera can only focus sharply on an object at a speci c distance; objects nearer or farther from the camera will be
somewhat out of focus. The blurring not only gives a visual cue about an object’s distance but also introduces Bokeh
which is the term for pleasing visual artifacts that appear around bright areas of the image as they fall out of focus.
An example of Depth of Field e ect can be seen in the following images, displaying the results of a focused midground
but a defocused background and foreground.

Scene with Depth of Field.

Scene without Depth of Field.

UI for Depth of Field


Property: Function:
Distance to the point of focus.
Ratio of the aperture (known as f-stop or f-number). The smaller the value is, the shallower the
depth of eld is.
Distance between the lens and the lm. The larger the value is, the shallower the depth of eld
Length is.
Camera Calculate the focal length automatically from the eld-of-view value set on the camera.
Convolution kernel size of the bokeh lter, which determines the maximum radius of bokeh. It
also a ects the performance (the larger the kernel is, the longer the GPU time is required).


Reduce Kernel Size

Depth texture
Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in 5.6

Motion Blur

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Motion Blur is a common post-processing e ect that simulates the blurring of an image when objects lmed by a
camera are moving faster than the camera__’s exposure time. This can be caused by rapidly moving objects
or a long exposure time. Motion Blur__ is used to subtle e ect in most types of games but exaggerated in some
genres, such as racing games.

Scene with Motion Blur.

Scene without Motion Blur.

UI for Motion Blur
The Motion Blur techniques supplied in the post-processing stack are:
Shutter Speed Simulation
Multiple Frame Blending

Shutter Speed Simulation
Shutter Speed Simulation provides a more accurate representation of a camera’s blur properties. However, as it
requires Motion Vector support it is more expensive and not supported on some platforms. It is the
recommended technique for desktop and console platforms. This e ect approximates Motion Blur by storing the
motion of pixels on screen in a Velocity bu er. This bu er is then used to blur pixels based on the distance they
have moved since the last frame was drawn.


The angle of the rotary shutter. Larger values give longer exposure therefore a
stronger blur e ect.
The amount of sample points, which a ects quality and performances.

Reduce Sample Count


Unsupported in VR

Motion Vectors
Depth texture
Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.

Multiple Frame Blending

The Multiple Frame Blending e ect simply multiplies the previous four frames over the current frame, weighted
towards the more recent frames. Whilst this e ect will work on all platforms, as it does not require Motion Vector
or Depth texture support, it requires storing two history bu ers (luma and chroma) of the last four frames which
uses memory.

Property: Function:
The strength of multiple frame blending. The opacity of the preceding frames are
Blending determined from this coe cient and time di erences.


Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in 5.6

Eye Adaptation

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
In ocular physiology, adaptation is the ability of the eye to adjust to various levels of darkness and light. The
human eye can function from very dark to very bright levels of light. However, in any given moment of time, the
eye can only sense a contrast ratio of roughly one millionth of the total range. What enables the wider reach is
that the eye adapts its de nition of what is black.
This e ect dynamically adjusts the exposure of the image according to the range of brightness levels it contains.
The adjustment takes place gradually over a period of time, so the player can be brie y dazzled by bright outdoor
light when, say, emerging from a dark tunnel. Equally, when moving from a bright scene to a dark one, the “eye”
takes some time to adjust.
Internally, this e ect generates a histogram on every frame and lters it to nd the average luminance value. This
histogram, and as such the e ect, requires Compute shader support.

Scene with Eye Adaptation.

Scene without Eye Adaptation.

UI for Eye Adaptation


Property: Function:
Luminosity Range
Minimum Lower bound for the brightness range of the generated histogram (in EV). The bigger
the spread between min & max, the lower the precision will be.
Maximum Upper bound for the brightness range of the generated histogram (in EV). The bigger
the spread between min & max, the lower the precision will be.
Auto exposure


These values are the lower and upper percentages of the histogram that will be used
to nd a stable average luminance. Values outside of this range will be discarded and
wont contribute to the average luminance.
Minimum average luminance to consider for auto exposure (in EV).
Maximum average luminance to consider for auto exposure (in EV).
Dynamic Set this to true to let Unity handle the key value automatically based on average
Key Value luminance.
Key Value Exposure bias. Use this to o set the global exposure of the scene.
Use Progressive if you want the auto exposure to be animated. Use Fixed otherwise.
Speed Up Adaptation speed from a dark to a light environment.
Adaptation speed from a light to a dark environment.


The Luminosity Range Minimum/Maximum values are used to set the available histogram range in EV units.
The larger the range is, the less precise it will be. The default values should work ne for most cases, but if you’re
working with a very dark scene you’ll probably want to drop both values to focus on darker areas.
Use the Histogram Filtering range to exclude the darkest and brightest part of the image. To compute an
average luminance you generally don’t want very dark and very bright pixels to contribute too much to the result.
Values are in percent.
Auto Exposure Minimum/Maximum values clamp the computed average luminance into a given range.
Tweak Exposure Compensation (also known as Key Value) to adjust the luminance o set.
You can also set the Adaptation Type to Fixed if you don’t need the eye adaptation e ect and it will behave like
an auto-exposure setting.
It is recommended to use the Eye Adaptation Debug view when setting up this e ect.

Compute shader
Shader model 5
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Bloom is an e ect used to reproduce an imaging artifact of real-world cameras. The e ect produces fringes of
light extending from the borders of bright areas in an image, contributing to the illusion of an extremely bright
light overwhelming the camera or eye capturing the scene.
In HDR rendering a Bloom e ect should only a ects areas of brightness above LDR range (above 1) by setting the
Threshold parameter just above this value.

Scene with Bloom.

Scene without Bloom.

UI for Bloom

Property: Function:
Intensity Strength of the Bloom lter.
Threshold Filters out pixels under this level of brightness.
Makes transition between under/over-threshold gradual (0 = hard threshold, 1 = soft
Soft Knee
Changes extent of veiling e ects in a screen resolution-independent fashion.
Reduces ashing noise with an additional lter.

Reduce Radius


With properly exposed HDR scenes, Threshold should be set to ~1 so that only pixels with values above 1 leak
into surrounding objects. You’ll probably want to drop this value when working in LDR or the e ect won’t be
Anti Flicker reduces ashing noise, commonly known as “ re ies”, by running an additional lter on the picture
beforehand. This will a ect performances and should be disabled when Temporal Anti-aliasing is enabled.

Lens Dirt
Lens Dirt applies a fullscreen layer of smudges or dust to di ract the Bloom e ect. This is commonly used in
modern rst person shooters.

The same scene with Lens Dirt applied


Property: Function:
Texture Dirtiness texture to add smudges or dust to the lens.
Intensity Amount of lens dirtiness


Reduce resolution of Lens Dirt texture


Lens Dirt requires an input texture to use as a fullscreen layer. There are four Lens Dirt texture supplied in the
Post-processing stack that should cover common use cases. These textures are supplied at 3840x2160 resolution
for maximum quality and should be scaled dependent on project and platform. You can create custom Lens Dirt
textures in any image editing software.

Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review
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Color Grading

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Color Grading is the process of altering or correcting the color and luminance of the nal image. You can think of
it like applying lters in software like Instagram.
The Color Grading tools included in the post-processing stack are fully real-time HDR tools and internal
processing is done in the ACES color-spaces.

Scene with Color Grading.

Scene without Color Grading.
The Color Grading tools supplied in the post-processing stack come in ve sections:
Channel Mixer

Grading Curves

RGBAHalf Texture Format
Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.

Tonemapping is the process of remapping HDR values of an image into a range suitable to be displayed on
screen. Tonemapping should always be applied when using an HDR camera, otherwise values color intensities
above 1 will be clamped at 1, altering the scenes luminance balance.

The same scene with Neutral Tonemapper applied (notice how the sky is not blown out).
There are three tonemapping modes supplied with the post-processing stack:
None (apply no tonemapping, select this when working in LDR)
Filmic (ACES)

Neutral Tonemapper
The Neutral tonemapper only does range-remapping with minimal impact on color hue & saturation and is
generally a great starting point for extensive color grading. Its operator is based on work by John Hable and Jim
Hejl. It o ers full parametric control over the tonemapping curve and is the recommended tonemapper to use in
most cases.

UI for Tonemapping when Neutral tonemapper is selected


Property: Function:
Black In
Inner control point for the black point.
White In
Inner control point for the white point.
Black Out Outer control point for the black point.
White Out Outer control point for the white point.
White Level Pre-curve white point adjustment.
White Clip Post-curve white point adjustment.

Filmic (ACES) Tonemapper

The Filmic (ACES) tonemapper uses a close approximation of the reference ACES tonemapper for a more lmic
look. Because of that, it is more contrasted than Neutral and has an e ect on actual color hue & saturation. This
tonemapper is the simplest to use as it requires no user input to give a standard lmic look to your scene.

UI for Tonemapping when Filmic (ACES) tonemapper is selected


The basic section provides the simplest color grading tools such as Temperature and Contrast. This is the
recommended starting point for color correction.

The same scene with only Basic Color Grading applied

UI for Basic Color Grading


Adjusts the overall exposure of the scene in EV units. This is applied after HDR e ect
and right before tonemapping so it won’t a ect previous e ects in the chain.
Temperature Sets the white balance to a custom color temperature.
Sets the white balance to compensate for a green or magenta tint.
Hue Shift
Shift the hue of all colors.
Saturation Pushes the intensity of all colors.
Expands or shrinks the overall range of tonal values.

Channel Mixer

The Channel Mixer is used to modify the in uence of each input color channel on the overall mix of the output
channel. For example, increasing the in uence of the green channel on the overall mix of the red channel will
adjust all areas of the image containing green (including neutral/monochrome) to become more reddish in hue.

The same scene with only Channel Mixer applied (increased blue in uence on red).

UI for Channel Mixer


Property: Function:
Channel Select the output channel to modify
Modify the in uence of the red channel within the overall mix
Modify the in uence of the green channel within the overall mix
Modify the in uence of the blue channel within the overall mix


The trackballs are used to perform three-way color grading in either Linear or Log space. When working in LDR it
is recommended to use Linear trackballs for a better experience. When working in HDR it is recommended to use
Log trackballs for greater control but linear trackballs can still be useful.
Adjusting the position of the point on the trackball will have the e ect of shifting the hue of the image towards
that color in the given tonal range. Di erent trackballs are used to a ect di erent ranges within the image.
Adjusting the slider under the trackball o sets the color lightness of that range

The same scene with only Log Trackballs applied.


Log-style grading compresses the distribution of color and and contrast image data to emulate the color-timing
process that could be done by optical lm printers. It is generally the preferred way to do lm-like grading and is
highly recommended when working with HDR values.

UI for Trackballs when Log is selected


Property: Function:
Gain function
Gamma function
O set
Shifts the entire signal


An alternative 3-way transformation to logarithmic controls optimized to work with linear-encoded data.
Preferred when working in LDR.

UI for Trackballs when Linear is selected


Property: Function:
Shifts the entire signal higher or lower. Has a more pronounced e ect on shadows.
Gamma Power function that controls midrange tones.
Increases the signal. Makes highlights brighter

Grading Curves

Grading Curves (also known as versus curves) are an advanced way to adjust speci c ranges in hue, saturation or
luminosity in your image. By adjusting the curves on the ve graphs you can achieve the e ects of speci c hue
replacement, desaturating certain luminosities and much more.

The same scene with only Hue vs Hue Grading Curve applied to achieve color replacement
Five Grading Curve types are supplied in the post-processing stack:
Hue vs Hue
Hue vs Sat
Sat vs Sat

Lum vs Sat

YRGB Curve
A ects the selected input channels intensity across the whole image. Input channel can be selected between Y, R,
G and B where Y is a global intensity o set applied to all channels. The X axis of the graph represents input
intensity and the Y axis represents output intensity. This can be used to further adjust the appearance of basic
attributes such as contrast and brightness.

UI for Grading Curves when YRGB is selected

Hue vs Hue Curve

Used to shift hues within speci c ranges. This curve shifts the input hue (X axis) according to the output hue (Y
axis). This can be used to ne tune hues of speci c ranges or perform color replacement.

UI for Grading Curves when Hue vs Hue is selected

Hue vs Sat Curve

Used to adjust saturation of hues within speci c ranges. This curve adjusts saturation (Y axis) according to the
input hue (X axis). This can be used to tone down particularly bright areas or create artistic e ects such as
monochromatic except a single dominant color.

UI for Grading Curves when Hue vs Sat is selected

Sat vs Sat Curve

Used to adjust saturation of areas of certain saturation. This curve adjusts saturation (Y axis) according to the
input saturation (X axis). This can be used to ne tune saturation adjustments made with Basic Color Grading.

UI for Grading Curves when Sat vs Sat is selected

Lum vs Sat Curve

Used to adjust saturation of areas of certain luminance. This curve adjusts saturation (Y axis) according to the
input luminance (X axis). This can be used to desaturate areas of darkness to provide an interesting visual

UI for Grading Curves when Lum vs Sat is selected
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User LUT

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
User LUT is a simpler method of color grading where pixels on screen are replaced by new values from an LUT
(or look-up texture) supplied by the user. It is a much less advanced method than the Color Grading e ect.
However, as this method does not require the more advanced texture formats used by Color Grading it is
recommended as a fallback for platforms that do not support these formats.

Scene with User LUT (LUT overlaid for demonstrative purposes)

Scene without User LUT (LUT overlaid for demonstrative purposes)

UI for User LUT



Custom lookup texture (strip format, e.g. 256x16).
Contribution Blending factor.


If using a 1024x32 texture for input, consider using a 256x16 instead


User LUT uses a “strip format” texture for input. Two neutral LUTs are provided with the Post-processing stack,
one at a resolution of 256x16 and another at 1024x32. Using larger input textures will a ect performance.
To create an LUT import one of the neutral LUTs into an image editing tool such as Photoshop with a screenshot
of your scene. Apply color corrections in a non destructive manner on top of these two images until you are
happy with the result. Note that only pixel-local e ects are supported by LUTs, meaning no blur and other e ects
that depends on the value of neighboring pixels. Now export the LUT with these color changes applied back into
Unity to be used in the User LUT e ect.
The User LUT e ect will prompt you to make changes to the texture’s import settings if necessary.
You can achieve a “lo- ” e ect by manually setting the Filter Mode of the input texture to Point (no lter).

Scene using the same LUT as above, but with Filter Mode set to Point

Shader model 3

See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
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Chromatic Aberration

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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
In photography, chromatic aberration is an e ect resulting from a camera’s lens failing to converge all colors to
the same point. It appears as “fringes” of color along boundaries that separate dark and bright parts of the image.
The Chromatic Aberration e ect is used to replicate this camera defect, it is also often used to artistic e ect such
as part of camera impact or intoxication e ects. This implementation provides support for red/blue and
green/purple fringing as well as user de ned color fringing via an input texture.

Scene with Chromatic Aberration

Scene without Chromatic Aberration

UI for Chromatic Aberration


Strength of chromatic aberrations.
Spectral Texture Texture used for custom fringing color (will use default when empty)

Reduce Intensity


Performances depend on the Intensity value (the higher it is, the slower the render will be as it will need more
samples to render smooth chromatic aberrations).
Chromatic Aberration uses a Spectral Texture input for custom fringing. Four example spectral textures are
provided with the Post-processing stack:
Red/Blue (Default)
You can create custom spectral textures in any image editing software. Spectral Texture resolution is not
constrained but it is recommended that they are as small as possible (such as the 3x1 textures provided).
You can achieve a less smooth e ect by manually setting the Filter Mode of the input texture to Point (no lter).

Scene using the same Chromatic Aberration as above, but with Filter Mode set to Point

Shader model 3

See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
2017–05–24 Page published with no editorial review

New feature in 5.6


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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Film grain is the random optical texture of photographic lm due to the presence of small particles in the metallic
silver of the lm stock.
The Grain e ect in the post-processing stack is based on a coherent gradient noise. It is commonly used to
emulate the apparent imperfections of lm and often exaggerated in horror themed games.

Scene with Grain

Scene without Grain

UI for Grain



Grain strength. Higher means more visible grain.
Controls the noisiness response curve based on scene luminance. Lower values
mean less noise in dark areas.
Grain particle size.
Enable the use of colored grain.

Disabled Colored

Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
In Photography, vignetting is the term used for the darkening and/or desaturating towards the edges of an image compared to the
center. This is usually caused by thick or stacked lters, secondary lenses, and improper lens hoods. It is also often used for artistic
e ect, such as to draw focus to the center of an image.

Scene with Vignette.

Scene without Vignette.
The Vignette e ect in the post-processing stack comes in 2 modes

Classic mode o ers parametric controls for the position, shape and intensity of the Vignette. This is the most common way to use
the e ect.

UI for Vignette when Classic is selected


Vignette color. Use the alpha channel for transparency.
Sets the vignette center point (screen center is [0.5,0.5]).
Amount of vignetting on screen.
Smoothness Smoothness of the vignette borders.
Roundness Lower values will make a more squared vignette.
Should the vignette be perfectly round or be dependent on the current aspect ratio?


Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.

Masked mode multiplies a custom texture mask over the screen to create a Vignette e ect. This mode can be used to achieve less
common vignetting e ects.

UI for Vignette when Masked is selected


Property: Function:
Vignette color. Use the alpha channel for transparency.
A black and white mask to use as a vignette.
Intensity Mask opacity.


Shader model 3
See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
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The e ect descriptions on this page refer to the default e ects found within the post-processing stack.
Dithering is the process of intentionally applying noise as to randomize quantization error. This prevents largescale patterns such as color banding in images.

Scene with Dithering

Scene without Dithering

Shader model 3

See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
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Debug Views

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The post-processing stack comes with a selection of debug views to view speci c e ects or passes such as depth, normals and
motion vectors. These can be found at the top of the post-processing pro le. Debug views will a ect the application of other
e ects on the Game view.
The debug views included in the post-processing stack are:
Motion Vectors
Ambient Occlusion
Eye Adaptation
Focus Plane
Pre Grading Log
Log Lut
User Lut

Property: Function:
The currently selected debug view


The Depth Debug View displays the depth values of the pixels on screen. These values can be shifted for easier viewing by
adjusting the Scale value.
The Debug View can be used to identify issues in all e ects that use the depth texture, such as Ambient Occlusion and
Depth of Field.

The Depth Debug View


Property: Function:
Scales the camera far plane before displaying the depth map.


The Normals Debug View displays the normals texture used for various e ects. This Debug View di ers between rendering paths.
In the Deferred rendering path it displays the G-Bu er Normals texture, this includes details from object’s normal maps. In the
Forward rendering path it just displays object’s vertex normals.
This Debug View can be used to identify issues in all e ects that use the normals texture such as Screen Space Re ection and
Ambient Occlusion.

The Normals Debug View in the Deferred rendering path

The Normals Debug View in the Forward rendering path

Motion Vectors

The Motion Vectors Debug View displays visualizations of the motion vector texture. There are two types of visualizations in the
Motion Vectors Debug View.
The overlay visualization displays motion vector colors of each pixel on screen. Di erent colors show di erent movement
directions and more saturated values indicate higher velocities. The arrows visualization draws arrows on screen indicating
direction and velocity of movement, this is less precise but easier to read.

This Debug View can be used to identify issues with temporal e ects such as Motion Blur and Temporal Anti-aliasing.

The Motion Vectors Debug View


(Source Image) Opacity
(Motion Vectors (overlay))
(Motion Vectors (overlay))
(Motion Vectors (arrows))
(Motion Vectors (arrows))
(Motion Vectors (arrows))

Opacity of the source render.
Opacity of the per-pixel motion vectors
Because motion vectors are mainly very small vectors, you can use this setting to
make them more visible.
Opacity for the motion vector arrows.
The arrow density on screen.
Tweaks the arrows length.

Ambient Occlusion

The Ambient Occlusion Debug View displays the nal result of the Ambient Occlusion e ect without multiplying it on top of the
scene. This can be useful for identifying problems in Ambient Occlusion.

The Ambient Occlusion Debug View.

Eye Adaptation

The Eye Adaptation Debug View displays a representation of the histogram used for Eye Adaptation. This indicates the minimum
and maximum for Histogram log and Luminance as well as the current average luminance computed by the e ect. These are
overlaid onto the luminance values of the screen, updated in real time to indicate the Eye Adaptation e ect.
This is useful for ne tuning the Eye Adaptation e ect.

The Eye Adaptation Debug View.

Focus Plane

The Focus Plane Debug View displays the focus distance and aperture range used for Depth of Field.
This is useful for setting up the Depth of Field e ect.

The Focus Plane Debug View.

Pre Grading Log

The Pre Grading Log Debug View displays the source image in Log space. This is the input used for most controls of Color Grading.
It displays a log/compressed view of the current HDR view.
This is useful for identifying problems in Color Grading.

The Pre Grading Log Debug View.

Log Lut

The Log Lut Debug View displays the output Lut for Color Grading. This is the Lut generated by the Color Grading e ect based on
parameters set by the user.
This is useful for identifying problems in Color Grading.

The Log Lut Debug View.

User Lut

The User Lut Debug View displays the output Lut for User Lut. This is the texture set in the Lut eld adjusted by the Contribution
This is useful for identifying problems in User Lut.

The User Lut Debug View.
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To help artists control the overall look and exposure of a scene, the post-processing stack comes with a set of
industry-standard monitors. You can nd them in the preview area of the Inspector. Like with any other preview
area in the Inspector, you can show/hide it by clicking it and undock it by right-clicking its title.
Each monitor can be enabled in play mode for real-time update by clicking the button with the play icon in the
titlebar. Note that this can greatly a ect performance of your scene in the editor, so use with caution. This feature
is only available on compute-shader enabled platforms.

A standard gamma histogram, similar to the one found in common graphics editing software. A histogram
illustrates how pixels in an image are distributed by graphing the number of pixels at each color intensity level. It
can help you determine whether an image is properly exposed or not.

The Histogram Monitor


This monitors displays the full range of luma information in the render. The horizontal axis of the graph
corresponds to the render (from left to right) and the vertical axis is the luminance. You can think of it as an
advanced histogram, with one vertical histogram for each column of your image.

The Waveform Monitor


The Parade monitor is similar to the Waveform only it splits the image into red, green and blue separately.
It is useful in seeing the overall RGB balance in your image, for instance, if there is an obvious o set in one
particular channel, and in making sure objects and elements in the shot that should be black, or white are true
black or true white. Something that is true black, white (or grey for that matter) will have equal values across all

The Parade Monitor


This monitor measures the overall range of hue (marked at yellow, red, magenta, blue, cyan and green) and
saturation within the image. Measurements are relative to the center of the scope.
More saturated colors in the frame stretch those parts of the graph farther toward the edge, while less saturated
colors remain closer to the center of the Vectorscope which represents absolute zero saturation. By judging how
many parts of the Vectorscope graph stick out at di erent angles, you can see how many hues there are in the
image. Furthermore, by judging how well centered the middle of the Vectorscope graph is relative to the absolute
center, you can get an idea of whether there’s a color imbalance in the image. If the Vectorscope graph is o centered, the direction in which it leans lets you know that there’s a color cast (tint) in the render.

The Vectorscope Monitor

Compute shader
Shader model 3

See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.
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Writing post-processing e ects

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Post-processing is a way of applying e ects to rendered images in Unity.
Any Unity script that uses the OnRenderImage function can act as a post-processing e ect. Add it to a Camera GameObject for the
script to perform post-processing.

OnRenderImage function
The OnRenderImage Unity Scripting API function receives two arguments:
The source image as a RenderTexture
The destination it should render into, which is a RenderTexture as well.
Post-processing e ects often use Shaders. These read the source image, do some calculations on it, and render the result into the
destination (using Graphics.Blit](../ScriptReference/Graphics.Blit.html), for example). The post-processing e ect fully replaces all the
pixels of the destination.
Cameras can have multiple post-processing e ects, each as components. Unity executes them as a stack, in the order they are listed in
the Inspector with the post-processing component at the top of the Inspector rendered rst. In this situation, the result of the rst postprocessing component is passed as the “source image” to the next post-processing component. Internally, Unity creates one or more
temporary render textures to keep these intermediate results in.
Note that the list of post-processing components in the post-processing stack do not specify the order they are applied in.
Things to keep in mind:
The destination render texture can be null, which means “render to screen” (that is, the back bu er). This happens on the last postprocessing e ect on a Camera.
When OnRenderImage nishes, Unity expects that the destination render texture is the active render target. Generally, a Graphics.Blit
or manual rendering into the destination texture should be the last rendering operation.
Turn o depth bu er writes and tests in your post-processing e ect shaders. This ensures that Graphics.Blit does not write unintended
values into destination Z bu er. Almost all post-processing shader passes should contain Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always
To use stencil or depth bu er values from the original scene render, explicitly bind the depth bu er from the original scene render as
your depth target, using Graphics.SetRenderTarget. Pass the very rst source image e ects depth bu er as the depth bu er to bind.

After opaque post-processing e ects
By default, Unity executes post-processing e ects after it renders a whole Scene. In some cases, you may prefer Unity to render postprocessing e ects after it has rendered all opaque objects in your scene but before it renders others (for example, before skybox or
transparencies). Depth-based e ects like Depth of Field often use this.
To do this, add an ImageE ectOpaque attribute on the OnRenderImage Unity Scripting API function.

Texture coordinates on di erent platforms
If a post-processing e ect is sampling di erent screen-related textures at once, you might need to be aware of how di erent platforms
use texture coordinates. A common scenario is that the e ect “source” texture and camera’s depth texture need di erent vertical
coordinates, depending on anti-aliasing settings. See the Unity User Manual Platform Di erences page for more information.

Related topics
Depth Textures are often used in image post-processing to get distance to closest opaque surface for each pixel on screen.
For HDR rendering, a ImageE ectTransformsToLDR attribute indicates using tonemapping.

You can also use Command Bu ers to perform post-processing.
Use RenderTexture.GetTemporary to get temporary render textures and do calculations inside a post-processing e ect.
See also the Unity User Manual page on Writing Shader Programs.
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High Dynamic Range Rendering

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In standard rendering, the red, green and blue values for a pixel are each represented by a fraction in the range 0..1,
where 0 represents zero intensity and 1 represents the maximum intensity for the display device. While this is
straightforward to use, it doesn’t accurately re ect the way that lighting works in a real life scene. The human eye tends
to adjust to local lighting conditions, so an object that looks white in a dimly lit room may in fact be less bright than an
object that looks grey in full daylight. Additionally, the eye is more sensitive to brightness di erences at the low end of the
range than at the high end.
More convincing visual e ects can be achieved if the rendering is adapted to let the ranges of pixel values more
accurately re ect the light levels that would be present in a real scene. Although these values will ultimately need to be
mapped back to the range available on the display device, any intermediate calculations (such as Unity’s image e ects)
will give more authentic results. Allowing the internal representation of the graphics to use values outside the 0..1 range
is the essence of High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering.

Working with HDR
HDR is enabled separately for each camera using a setting on the Camera component:

When HDR is active, the scene is rendered into an HDR image bu er which can accommodate pixel values outside the
0..1 range. This bu er is then used by post-processing e ects such as the Bloom e ect in the Post-processing stack. The
HDR image is then converted into the standard low dynamic range (LDR) image to be sent for display. This is usually done
via Tonemapping, part of the Color Grading pipeline. The conversion to LDR must be applied at some point in the postprocess pipeline but it need not be the nal step if LDR-only post-processing e ects are to be applied afterwards. For
convenience, some post-processing e ects can automatically convert to LDR after applying an HDR e ect (see Scripting

Tonemapping is the process of mapping HDR values back into the LDR range. There are many di erent techniques, and
what is good for one project may not be the best for another. A variety of tonemapping techniques have been included in
the Post-processing stack. To use them you can download the Post-processing stack from the Asset Store. A detailed
description of the tonemapping types can be found in the Color Grading documentation.

An exceptionally bright scene rendered in HDR. Without tonemapping, most pixels seem out of range.

The same scene as above. But this time, tonemapping is bringing most intensities into a more plausible
range. Note that adaptive tonemapping can even blend between above and this image thus simulating the
adaptive nature of capturing media (e.g. eyes, cameras).

Advantages of HDR

Colors not being lost in high intensity areas
Better bloom and glow support
Reduction of banding in low frequency lighting areas

Disadvantages of HDR

Uses oating point render textures (rendering is slower and requires more VRAM)
No hardware anti-aliasing support (but you can use an Anti-Aliasing post-processing e ect to smooth out
the edges)
Not supported on all hardware

Usage notes

Forward Rendering
In forward rendering mode HDR is only supported if you have a post-processing e ect present. This is due to
performance considerations. If you have no post-processing e ect present then no tonemapping will exist and intensity
truncation will occur. In this situation the scene will be rendered directly to the backbu er where HDR is not supported.

Deferred Rendering
In HDR mode the lighting bu er is also allocated as a oating point bu er. This reduces banding in the lighting bu er.
HDR is supported in deferred rendering even if no post-processing e ects are present.

The ImageE ectTransformsToLDR attribute can be added to a post-processing e ect script to indicate that the target
bu er should be in LDR instead of HDR. Essentially, this means that a script can automatically convert to LDR after
applying its HDR post-processing e ect. See Writing Post-processing E ects for more details.

See also
HDR Color Picker.

HDR color picker

Leave feedback

The HDR Color picker looks similar to the ordinary Color picker, but it contains additional controls for adjusting
the color’s exposure.


When using HSV or RGB 0–255 mode, the color picker treats exposure adjustments
independently from color channel data. However, the color channel data displayed in
RBG (0–1.0) mode re ects the results of your exposure adjustment on the color data.
(default: RGB
Unlike the ordinary color picker, you can directly enter oat values greater than 1.0
when editing color channels in RGB 0–1.0 mode. In this case, the color picker derives
the Intensity value automatically from the value you set.
Use the slider or text box to de ne a RGBA value. The Hexadecimal value
automatically updates to re ect the RGBA values.
Use the text box to de ne a hexadecimal value. The RGBA values automatically
update to re ect the hexadecimal value.
Use the Intensity slider to overexpose or underexpose the color. Each positive step
along the slider provides twice as much light as the previous slider position, and each
negative step provides half as much light.


Use the exposure swatches under the Intensity slider to preview what the current
color value looks like within a range of two steps in either direction. To quickly adjust
the color’s exposure, click a preview swatch.

Whenever you close the HDR Color window and reopen it, the window derives the color channel and intensity
values from the color you are editing. Because of this, you might see slightly di erent values for the color
channels in HSV and RGB 0–255 mode or for the Intensity slider, even though the color channel values in RGB 0–
1.0 mode are the same as the last time you edited the color.
2018–07–27 Page amended with editorial review
HDR color picker updated in 2018.1

Rendering Paths

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Unity supports di erent Rendering Paths. You should choose which one you use depending on your game content
and target platform / hardware. Di erent rendering paths have di erent performance characteristics that mostly
a ect Lights and Shadows. See render pipeline for technical details.
The rendering path used by your project is chosen in Graphics Settings. Additionally, you can override it for each
If the graphics card can’t handle a selected rendering path, Unity will automatically use a lower delity one. For
example, on a GPU that can’t handle Deferred Shading, Forward Rendering will be used.

Deferred Shading
Deferred Shading is the rendering path with the most lighting and shadow delity, and is best suited if you have
many realtime lights. It requires a certain level of hardware support.
For more details see the Deferred Shading page.

Forward Rendering
Forward is the traditional rendering path. It supports all the typical Unity graphics features (normal maps, perpixel lights, shadows etc.). However under default settings, only a small number of the brightest lights are
rendered in per-pixel lighting mode. The rest of the lights are calculated at object vertices or per-object.
For more details see the Forward Rendering page.

Legacy Deferred
Legacy Deferred (light prepass) is similar to Deferred Shading, just using a di erent technique with di erent tradeo s. It does not support the Unity 5 physically based standard shader.
For more details see the Deferred Lighting page.

Legacy Vertex Lit
Legacy Vertex Lit is the rendering path with the lowest lighting delity and no support for realtime shadows. It is a
subset of Forward rendering path.
For more details see the Vertex Lit page.
NOTE: Deferred rendering is not supported when using Orthographic projection. If the camera’s projection mode is set
to Orthographic, these values are overridden, and the camera will always use Forward rendering.

Rendering Paths Comparison




Per-pixel lighting
(normal maps, light
Realtime shadows
Re ection Probes
Bu ers
Soft Particles
Light Culling Masks
Lighting Fidelity










With caveats




Additional render passes Yes













All per-pixel

Some per-pixel

All per-pixel


Number of pixels it

Number of pixels *
Number of objects it

Number of
pixels it



Number of per-pixel







Shader Model 3.0+ & MRT


Shader Model

Cost of a per-pixel
Number of times
objects are normally
Overhead for simple
Platform Support
PC (Windows/Mac)
Mobile (iOS/Android)

OpenGL ES 3.0 & MRT, Metal
(on devices with A8 or later All
XB1, PS4

OpenGL ES 2.0 All
XB1, PS4, 360 -

Level of Detail (LOD)

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When a GameObject in the scene is a long way from the camera, the amount of detail that can be seen on it is
greatly reduced. However, the same number of triangles will be used to render the object, even though the detail
will not be noticed. An optimisation technique called Level Of Detail (LOD) rendering allows you to reduce the
number of triangles rendered for an object as its distance from the camera increases. As long as your objects
aren’t all close to the camera at the same time, LOD will reduce the load on the hardware and improve rendering
In Unity, you use the LOD Group component to set up LOD rendering for an object. Full details are given on the
component reference page but the images below show how the LOD level used to render an object changes with
its distance from camera. The rst shows LOD level 0 (the most detailed). Note the large number of small
triangles in the mesh:

camera at LOD 0
The second shows a lower level being used when the object is farther away. Note that the mesh has been
reduced in detail (smaller number of larger triangles):

camera at LOD 1
Since the arrangement of LOD levels depends somewhat on the target platform and available rendering
performance, Unity lets you set maximum LOD levels and a LOD bias preference (ie, whether to favour higher or
lower LOD levels at threshold distances) in the Quality Settings.

LOD Naming Convention for Importing Objects
If you create a set of meshes with names ending in _LOD0, _LOD1, _LOD2, etc, for as many LOD levels as you like,
a LOD group for the object with appropriate settings will be created for you automatically on import. For example,
if the base name for your mesh is Player, you could create les called Player_LOD0, Player_LOD1 and Player_LOD2 to
generate an object with three LOD levels. The numbering convention assumes that LOD 0 is the most detailed
model and increasing numbers correspond to decreasing detail.

Graphics API support

Leave feedback

Unity supports DirectX, Metal, OpenGL, and Vulkan graphics APIs, depending on the availability of the API on a
particular platform. Unity uses a built-in set of graphics APIs, or the graphics APIs that you select in the Editor.
To use Unity’s default graphics APIs:
Open the Player Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player).
Navigate to Other Settings and make sure Auto Graphics API is checked:

Using the default graphics APIs
When Auto Graphics API for a platform is checked, the Player build includes a set of built-in graphics APIs and
uses the appropriate one at run time to produce a best case scenario.
When Auto Graphics API for a platform is not checked, the Editor uses the rst API in the list. So, for example, to
see how your application runs on OpenGL in the Editor, move OpenGLCore to the top of the list and the Editor
switches to use OpenGL rendering.
To override the default graphics APIs and use an alternate graphics API for the Editor and Player, uncheck the
relevant Auto Graphics API, click the plus (+) button and choose the graphics API from the drop-down menu.

Adding OpenGLCore to the Graphics APIs for Windows list
The graphics API at the top of the Auto Graphics API list is the default API. If the default API isn’t supported by
the speci c platform, Unity uses the next API in the Auto Graphics API list.
For information on how graphics rendering behaves between the platforms and Shader language semantics, see
Platform-speci c rendering di erences. Tessellation and geometry shaders are only supported by a subset of
graphics APIs. This is controlled by the Shader Compilation Target level.
For graphics API speci c information, see documentation on Metal, DirectX and OpenGL.

2018–06–02 Page published with editorial review


Leave feedback

To set DirectX11 as your default Graphics API in the Editor or Standalone Player, go to the Player Settings (menu:
Edit > Project Settings > Player) and navigate to Other Settings. Uncheck Auto Graphics API for Windows, and
choose DirectX11 from the list. For more details, see [Graphics API support](Graphics APIs).

Surface Shaders
Some parts of the Surface Shader compilation pipeline do not understand DX11-speci c HLSL syntax, so if you’re
using HLSL features like StructuredBu ers, RWTextures and other non-DX9 syntax, you need to wrap it into a
DX11-only preprocessor macro. See documentation on Platform-speci c di erences for more information.

Tessellation & Geometry Shaders
Surface Shaders have support for simple tessellation and displacement. See documentation on Surface Shader
Tessellation for more information.
When manually writing Shader programs, you can use the full set of DX11 Shader model 5.0 features, including
Geometry, Hull and Domain Shaders.
Tessellation and geometry shaders are only supported by a subset of graphics APIs. This is controlled by the
Shader Compilation Target level.

Compute Shaders
Compute Shaders run on the graphics card and can speed up rendering. See documentation on Compute
Shaders for more information.
2018–06–02 Page amended with editorial review


Leave feedback

Metal is the standard graphics API for Apple devices. Unity supports Metal on iOS, tvOS and macOS (Standalone
and Editor).
Metal has a larger feature set on Apple platforms than OpenGL ES. See the advantages and disadvantages of
using Metal below.
Advantages of using Metal

Lower CPU overhead of graphics API calls
API level validation layer
Better GPU control on multi-GPU systems
Supports memory-less render targets (on iOS/tvOS)
New Apple standard for Apple
Computer shaders
Tessellation shaders
Disadvantages of using Metal

No support for low-end devices
No support for geometry shaders

Limitations and requirements
iOS and tvOS have Metal support for Apple A7 or newer SoC-s.
macOS has Metal support for Intel HD and Iris Graphics from the HD 4000 series or newer, AMD GCN-based
GPUs, and Nvidia Kepler-based GPUs or newer.
Minimum shader compilation target is 3.5.
Metal does not support geometry shaders.

Enabling Metal
To make the Unity Editor and Standalone Player use Metal as the default graphics API, do one of the following:
In the Editor, go to menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player and enable Metal Editor Support.
Or, if you are using MacOS, open Terminal and use the ­force­gfx­metal command line argument.
Metal is enabled by default on iOS, tvOS and macOS Standalone Players.

Validating Metal API
Xcode o ers Metal API validation, which you can use to trace obscure issues. To enable Metal API validation in
In Unity, build your Project for iOS. This generates an Xcode project.
Open the generated Xcode project in Xcode and select Edit Scheme.

Select Run > Options > Metal API Validation and choose Enabled

Validation errors break code execution in the XCode editor, and appear in device logs.
Note: Enabling validation increases CPU usage, so only enable it for debugging.

Selecting a GPU device
Metal allows you to select a GPU device when you run your application. This enables you to test your Project on
di erent GPU setups, or save power by using a low power GPU.
To change the Unity Editor target GPU device, select menu: Unity > Preferences… > General and set the Device
To Use:

Changing target GPU in the Editor
To change the Standalone Player target GPU device, start your application (or select menu: File > Build and run)
and set the Graphics device to use to the relevant GPU in the dialog that appears:

Changing target GPU on Standalone Player

Using memoryless render targets
Metal allows you to use memory-less render targets to optimize memory on mobile devices introduced in iOS and
tvOS 10.0. This enables you to render to a RenderTexture without backing it up in system memory, so contents
are only temporarily stored in the on-tile memory during rendering.
For more information, see RenderTexture.memorylessMode.
2018–05–22 Page published with editorial review
Added advice on using Metal in 2017.4

OpenGL Core

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OpenGL Core is a back-end capable of supporting the latest OpenGL features on Windows, MacOS X and Linux.
This scales from OpenGL 3.2 to OpenGL 4.5, depending on the OpenGL driver support.

Enabling OpenGL Core
To set OpenGL Core as your default Graphics API in the Editor or Standalone Player, go to the Player Settings
(menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player), and navigate to Other Settings. Uncheck Auto Graphics API for
Windows, and choose OpenGLCore from the list. For more details, see [Graphics API support](Graphics APIs).

OpenGL requirements
OpenGL Core has the following minimum requirements:
Mac OS X 10.8 (OpenGL 3.2), MacOSX 10.9 (OpenGL 3.2 to 4.1)
Windows with NVIDIA since 2006 (GeForce 8), AMD since 2006 (Radeon HD 2000), Intel since 2012 (HD 4000 /
IvyBridge) (OpenGL 3.2 to OpenGL 4.5)
Linux (OpenGL 3.2 to OpenGL 4.5)

macOS OpenGL driver limitations
The macOS OpenGL backend for the Editor and Standalone supports OpenGL 3.x and 4.x features such as
tessellation and geometry shaders.
However, as Apple restricts the OpenGL version on OS X desktop to 4.1 at most, it does not support all DirectX 11
features (such as Unordered Access Views or Compute Shaders). This means that all shaders that are con gured
to target Shader Level 5.0 (with #pragma target 50) will fail to load on OS X.
Therefore a new shader target level is introduced: #pragma target gl4.1. This target level requires at least OpenGL
4.1 or DirectX 11.0 Shader Level 5 on desktop, or OpenGL ES 3.1 + Android Extension Pack on mobiles.

OpenGL Core features
The new OpenGL back-end introduces many new features (previously mostly DX11/GLES3 only):

Compute shaders (as well as ComputeBu ers and “random write” render textures)
Tessellation and Geometry shaders
Indirect draw (Graphics.DrawProcedural and Graphics.DrawProceduralIndirect)
Advanced blend modes

Shader changes

When using the existing #pragma targets, they map to following GL levels:

#pragma target 4.0 // OpenGL ES 3.1, desktop OpenGL 3.x, DX Shader Model 4.0
#pragma target gl4.1 // Desktop OpenGL 4.1, SM 4.0 + tessellation to match MacOSX 10.9

#pragma target 5.0 // OpenGL ES 3.1 + Android Extension Pack, desktop OpenGL >= 4.2, DX Shader
Model 5.0
For including and excluding shader platforms from using a speci c shaders, the following #pragma
only_renderers / exclude_renderers targets can be used:

#pragma only_renderers glcore: Only compile for the desktop GL. Like the ES 3 target, this also
scales up to contain all desktop GL versions, where basic shaders will support GL 2.x while shaders
requiring SM5.0 features require OpenGL 4.2+.

OpenGL core pro le command line arguments

It’s possible to start the editor or the player with OpenGL using the command line arguments:

-force-opengl: To use the legacy OpenGL back-end
-force-glcore: To use the new OpenGL back-end. With this argument, Unity will detect all the
features the platform support to run with the best OpenGL version possible and all available
OpenGL extensions
-force-glcoreXY: XY can be 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 or 45; each number representing a speci c
version of OpenGL. If the platform doesn’t support a speci c version of OpenGL, Unity will fallback
to a supported version
-force-clamped: Request that Unity doesn’t use OpenGL extensions which guarantees that multiple
platforms will execute the same code path. This is an approach to test if an issue is platform
speci c (a driver bug for example).

Native OpenGL ES on desktop command line arguments

OpenGL ES graphics API is available on Windows machines with Intel or NVIDIA GPUs with drivers supporting
OpenGL ES.

-force-gles: To use the new OpenGL back-end in OpenGL ES mode. With this argument, Unity will
detect all the features the platform support to run with the best OpenGL ES version possible and all
available OpenGL ES extensions
-force-glesXY: XY can be 20, 30, 31 or 31aep; each number representing a speci c version of
OpenGL ES. If the platform doesn’t support a speci c version of OpenGL ES, Unity will fallback to a
supported version. If the platform doesn’t support OpenGL ES, Unity will fallback to another
graphics API.
-force-clamped: Request that Unity doesn’t use OpenGL extensions which guarantees that multiple
platforms will execute the same code path. This is an approach to test if an issue is platform
speci c (a driver bug for example).
2018–06–02 Page amended with editorial review

Compute shaders

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Compute shaders are programs that run on the graphics card, outside of the normal rendering pipeline. They can
be used for massively parallel GPGPU algorithms, or to accelerate parts of game rendering. In order to e ciently
use them, an in-depth knowledge of GPU architectures and parallel algorithms is often needed; as well as knowledge
of DirectCompute, OpenGL Compute, CUDA, or OpenCL.
Compute shaders in Unity closely match DirectX 11 DirectCompute technology. Platforms where compute shaders
Windows and Windows Store, with a DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 graphics API and Shader Model 5.0 GPU
macOS and iOS using Metal graphics API
Android, Linux and Windows platforms with Vulkan API
Modern OpenGL platforms (OpenGL 4.3 on Linux or Windows; OpenGL ES 3.1 on Android). Note that Mac OS X does
not support OpenGL 4.3
Modern consoles (Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox One)
Compute shader support can be queried runtime using SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders.

Compute shader Assets
Similar to regular shaders, compute shaders are Asset les in your project, with a .compute le extension. They are
written in DirectX 11 style HLSL language, with a minimal number of #pragma compilation directives to indicate
which functions to compile as compute shader kernels.
Here’s a basic example of a compute shader le, which lls the output texture with red:

// test.compute
#pragma kernel FillWithRed
RWTexture2D res;
void FillWithRed (uint3 dtid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
res[dtid.xy] = float4(1,0,0,1);

The language is standard DX11 HLSL, with an additional #pragma kernel FillWithRed directive. One compute
shader Asset le must contain at least onecompute kernel that can be invoked, and that function is indicated by

the #pragma directive. There can be more kernels in the le; just add multiple #pragma kernel lines.
When using multiple #pragma kernel lines, note that comments of the style // text are not permitted on the
same line as the #pragma kernel directives, and cause compilation errors if used.
The #pragma kernel line can optionally be followed by a number of preprocessor macros to de ne while
compiling that kernel, for example:

#pragma kernel KernelOne SOME_DEFINE DEFINE_WITH_VALUE=1337
#pragma kernel KernelTwo OTHER_DEFINE
// ...

Invoking compute shaders
In your script, de ne a variable of ComputeShader type and assign a reference to the Asset. This allows you to
invoke them with ComputeShader.Dispatch function. See Unity documentation on ComputeShader class for more
Closely related to compute shaders is a ComputeBu er class, which de nes arbitrary data bu er (“structured bu er”
in DX11 lingo). Render Textures can also be written into from compute shaders, if they have “random access” ag set
(“unordered access view” in DX11). See RenderTexture.enableRandomWrite to learn more about this.

Texture samplers in compute shaders
Textures and samplers aren’t separate objects in Unity, so to use them in compute shaders you must follow one of
the following Unity-speci c rules:
Use the same name as the Texture name, with sampler at the beginning (for example, Texture2D MyTex;
SamplerState samplerMyTex). In this case, the sampler is initialized to that Texture’s lter/wrap/aniso settings.
Use a prede ned sampler. For this, the name has to have Linear or Point (for lter mode) and Clamp or Repeat
(for wrap mode). For example, SamplerState MyLinearClampSampler creates a sampler that has Linear lter
mode and Clamp wrap mode.
For more information, see documentation on Sampler States.

Cross-platform support
As with regular shaders, Unity is capable of translating compute shaders from HLSL to other shader languages.
Therefore, for the easiest cross-platform builds, you should write compute shaders in HLSL. However, there are
some factors that need to be considered when doing this.

Cross-platform best practices
DirectX 11 (DX11) supports many actions that are not supported on other platforms (such as Metal or OpenGL ES).
Therefore, you should always ensure your shader has well-de ned behavior on platforms that o er less support,
rather than only on DX11. Here are few things to consider:

Out-of-bounds memory accesses are bad. DX11 might consistently return zero when reading, and read some writes
without issues, but platforms that o er less support might crash the GPU when doing this. Watch out for DX11speci c hacks, bu er sizes not matching with multiple of your thread group size, trying to read neighboring data
elements from the beginning or end of the bu er, and similar incompatibilities.
Initialize your resources. The contents of new bu ers and Textures are unde ned. Some platforms might provide all
zeroes, but on others, there could be anything including NaNs.
Bind all the resources your compute shader declares. Even if you know for sure that the shader does not use
resources in its current state because of branching, you must still ensure a resource is bound to it.

Platform-speci c di erences
Metal (for iOS and tvOS platforms) does not support atomic operations on Textures. Metal also does not support
GetDimensions queries on bu ers. Pass the bu er size info as constant to the shader if needed.
OpenGL ES 3.1 (for (Android, iOS, tvOS platforms) only guarantees support for 4 compute bu ers at a time. Actual
implementations typically support more, but in general if developing for OpenGL ES, you should consider grouping
related data in structs rather than having each data item in its own bu er.

HLSL-only or GLSL-only compute shaders
Usually, compute shader les are written in HLSL, and compiled or translated into all necessary platforms
automatically. However, it is possible to either prevent translation to other languages (that is, only keep HLSL
platforms), or to write GLSL compute code manually.
The following information only applies to HLSL-only or GLSL-only compute shaders, not cross-platform builds. This is
because this information can result in compute shader source being excluded from some platforms.
Compute shader source surrounded by CGPROGRAM and ENDCG keywords is not processed for non-HLSL platforms.
Compute shader source surrounded by GLSLPROGRAM and ENDGLSL keywords is treated as GLSL source, and
emitted verbatim. This only works when targeting OpenGL or GLSL platforms. You should also note that while
automatically translated shaders follow HLSL data layout on bu ers, manually written GLSL shaders follow GLSL
layout rules.

2017–05–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Added in 5.6: SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders, platforms macOS, iOS (using Metal), Android, Linux, Windows (with Vulkan)

Graphics Command Bu ers

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It is possible to extend Unity’s rendering pipeline with so called “command bu ers”. A command bu er holds list
of rendering commands (“set render target, draw mesh, …”), and can be set to execute at various points during
camera rendering.
For example, you could render some additional objects into deferred shading G-bu er after all regular objects are
A high-level overview of how cameras render scene in Unity is shown below. At each point marked with a green
dot, you can add command bu ers to execute your commands.
Camera Rendering

Forward Rendering

Deferred Shading

Depth Texture


DepthNormals Texture


Opaque Objects

Opaque Image Effects
Image Effects

See CommandBu er scripting class and CameraEvent enum for more details.
Command bu ers can also be used as a replacement for, or in conjunction with image e ects.

Example Code
Sample project demonstrating some of the techniques possible with command bu ers:
RenderingCommandBu ers.zip .

Blurry Refractions
This scene shows a “blurry refraction” technique.

After opaque objects and skybox is rendered, current image is copied into a temporary render target, blurred
and set up a global shader property. Shader on the glass object then samples that blurred image, with UV
coordinates o set based on a normal map to simulate refraction.
This is similar to what shader GrabPass does does, except you can do more custom things (in this case, blurring).

Custom Area Lights in Deferred Shading
This scene shows an implementation of “custom deferred lights”: sphere-shaped lights, and tube-shaped lights.

After regular deferred shading light pass is done, a sphere is drawn for each custom light, with a shader that
computes illumination and adds it to the lighting bu er.

Decals in Deferred Shading
This scene shows a basic implementation of “deferred decals”.

The idea is: after G-bu er is done, draw each “shape” of the decal (a box) and modify the G-bu er contents. This is
very similar to how lights are done in deferred shading, except instead of accumulating the lighting we modify the
G-bu er textures.

Each decal is implemented as a box here, and a ects any geometry inside the box volume.

GPU instancing

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Use GPU Instancing to draw (or render) multiple copies of the same Mesh at once, using a small number of draw calls. It is useful
for drawing objects such as buildings, trees and grass, or other things that appear repeatedly in a Scene.
GPU Instancing only renders identical Meshes with each draw call, but each instance can have di erent parameters (for example,
color or scale) to add variation and reduce the appearance of repetition.
GPU Instancing can reduce the number of draw calls used per Scene. This signi cantly improves the rendering performance of
your project.

Adding instancing to your Materials
To enable GPU Instancing on Materials, select your Material in the Project window, and in the Inspector, tick the Enable
Instancing checkbox.

The Enable Instancing checkbox as it appears in the Material Inspector window
Unity only displays this checkbox if the Material Shader supports GPU Instancing. This includes Standard, StandardSpecular and
all surface Shaders. See documentation on standard Shaders for more information.
The screenshots below show the same Scene with multiple GameObjects; in the top image GPU Instancing is enabled, in the
bottom image it is not. Note the di erence in FPS, Batches and Saved by batching.

With GPU Instancing: A simple Scene that includes multiple identical GameObjects that have GPU Instancing

No GPU Instancing: A simple Scene that includes multiple identical GameObjects that do not have GPU Instancing
When you use GPU instancing, the following restrictions apply:
Unity automatically picks MeshRenderer components and Graphics.DrawMesh calls for instancing. Note that
SkinnedMeshRenderer is not supported.
Unity only batches GameObjects that share the same Mesh and the same Material in a single GPU instancing draw call. Use a
small number of Meshes and Materials for better instancing e ciency. To create variations, modify your shader scripts to add
per-instance data (see next section to learn more about this).
You can also use the calls Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced and Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect to perform GPU Instancing
from your scripts.

GPU Instancing is available on the following platforms and APIs:
DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 on Windows
OpenGL Core 4.1+/ES3.0+ on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android
Metal on macOS and iOS
Vulkan on Windows and Android
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
WebGL (requires WebGL 2.0 API)

Adding per-instance data
By default, Unity only batches instances of GameObjects with di erent Transforms in each instanced draw call. To add more
variance to your instanced GameObjects, modify your Shader to add per-instance properties such as Material color.
The example below demonstrates how to create an instanced Shader with di erent colour values for each instance.

Shader "Custom/InstancedColorSurfaceShader" {
Properties {
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Glossiness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
_Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 200
// Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types
#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows
// Use Shader model 3.0 target
#pragma target 3.0
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
half _Glossiness;
half _Metallic;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props,
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Metallic = _Metallic;
o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;
o.Alpha = c.a;

FallBack "Diffuse"

When you declare _Color as an instanced property, Unity will gather _Color values from the MaterialPropertyBlock objects set
on GameObjects and put them in a single draw call.

MaterialPropertyBlock props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
MeshRenderer renderer;
foreach (GameObject obj in objects)
float r = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
float g = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
float b = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
props.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r, g, b));
renderer = obj.GetComponent();

Note that in normal cases (where an instancing shader is not used, or _Color is not a per-instance property), draw call batches
are broken due to di erent values in the MaterialPropertyBlock.
For these changes to take e ect, you must enable GPU Instancing. To do this, select your Shader in the Project window, and in the
Inspector, tick the Enable Instancing checkbox.

The Enable Instancing checkbox as shown in the Shader Inspector window

Adding instancing to vertex and fragment Shaders
The following example takes a simple unlit Shader and makes it capable of instancing with di erent colors:

Shader "SimplestInstancedShader"
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 100
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;

struct v2f
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID // necessary only if you want to access insta
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(v, o); // necessary only if you want to access in
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(i); // necessary only if any instanced properties ar

Shader modi cations
#pragma multi_compile_instancing


Use this to instruct Unity to generate instancing variants. It is
not necessary for surface Shaders.
Use this in the vertex Shader input/output structure to de ne
an instance ID. See SV_InstanceID for more information.
Every per-instance property must be de ned in a specially
named constant bu er. Use this pair of macros to wrap the
properties you want to be made unique to each instance.
Use this to de ne a per-instance Shader property with a type
and a name. In this example, the _Color property is unique.
Use this to make the instance ID accessible to Shader functions.
It must be used at the very beginning of a vertex Shader, and is
optional for fragment Shaders.
Use this to copy the instance ID from the input structure to the
output structure in the vertex Shader. This is only necessary if
you need to access per-instance data in the fragment Shader.


Use this to access a per-instance Shader property declared in
an instancing constant bu er. It uses an instance ID to index
into the instance data array. The arrayName in the macro must
match the one in UNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_END(name)
When using multiple per-instance properties, you don’t need to ll all of them in MaterialPropertyBlocks.
If one instance lacks the property, Unity takes the default value from the referenced Material. If the material does not have a
default value for the speci ed property, Unity sets the value to 0. Do not put non-instanced properties in the
MaterialPropertyBlock, because this disables instancing. Instead, create di erent Materials for them.

Advanced GPU instancing tips
Batching priority
When batching, Unity prioritizes Static batching over instancing. If you mark one of your GameObjects for static batching, and
Unity successfully batches it, Unity disables instancing on that GameObject, even if its Renderer uses an instancing Shader. When
this happens, the Inspector window displays a warning message suggesting that you disable Static Batching. To do this, open the
Player Settings (Edit > Project Settings > Player), open Other Settings, and under the Rendering section, untick the
Static Batching checkbox.
Unity prioritizes instancing over dynamic batching. If Unity can instance a Mesh, it disables dynamic batching for that Mesh.

Some factors can prevent GameObjects from being instanced together automatically. These factors include Material changes and
depth sorting. Use Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced to force Unity to draw these objects using GPU instancing. Like
Graphics.DrawMesh, this function draws Meshes for one frame without creating unnecessary GameObjects.

Use DrawMeshInstancedIndirect in a script to read the parameters of instancing draw calls, including the number of
instances, from a compute bu er. This is useful if you want to populate all of the instance data from the GPU, and the CPU does
not know the number of instances to draw (for example, when performing GPU culling). See API documentation on
Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect for a detailed explanation and code examples.

Global Illumination support
Since Unity 2018.1, Global Illumination (GI) rendering is supported by GPU Instancing in the form of light probes, occlusion probes
(in Shadowmask mode) and lightmap STs. Standard shaders and surface shaders have GI support automatically enabled.
Dynamic renderers a ected by light probes and occlusion probes baked in the scene, and static renderers baked to the same
lightmap texture, can be automatically batched together using GPU Instancing by Forward and Deferred render loop.
For Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced, you can enable light probe and occlusion probe rendering by setting the LightProbeUsage
argument to CustomProvided and providing a MaterialPropertyBlock with probe data copied in. See API documentation on
LightProbes.CalculateInterpolatedLightAndOcclusionProbes for a detailed explanation and code examples.

Global Illumination and GPU Instancing
GPU Instancing supports Global Illumination (GI) rendering in Unity. Each GPU instance can support GI coming from either
di erent Light Probes, one lightmap (but multiple atlas regions in that lightmap), or one Light Probe Proxy Volume component
(baked for the space volume containing all the instances). Standard shaders and surface shaders come with this support enabled.

You can use GPU Instancing to automatically batch dynamic Mesh Renderers a ected by baked Light Probes (including their
occlusion data), or static Mesh Renderers baked to the same lightmap Texture, via a Forward and Deferred render loop. See
documentation on the Rendering pipeline for more information.
For Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced, you can enable the rendering of Light Probes (including their occlusion data) by setting the
LightProbeUsage argument to CustomProvided and providing a MaterialPropertyBlock with probe data copied in. See API
documentation on LightProbes.CalculateInterpolatedLightAndOcclusionProbes for a detailed explanation and code examples.
Alternatively, you can pass an LPPV component reference and LightProbeUsage.UseProxyVolume to
Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced. When you do this, all instances sample the volume for the L0 and L1 bands of the Light Probe
data. Use MaterialPropertyBlock if you want to supplement L2 data and occlusion data. For more information, see Light
Probes: Technical Information.

Shader warming-up
Since Unity 2017.3, you need to warm up shaders to use instancing on OpenGL if you want absolutely smooth rendering when
the shader renders for the rst time. If you warm up shaders for instancing on a platform that doesn’t require shader warm up,
nothing will happen.
See ShaderVariantCollection.WarmUp and Shader.WarmupAllShaders for more information.

#pragma instancing_options
The #pragma instancing_options directive can use the following switches:


On most platforms, Unity automatically calculates the instancing data array size by
dividing the maximum constant bu er size on the target device with the size of the
structure containing all per-instance properties. Generally you don’t need to worry
about the batch size. However, on some platforms (Vulkan, Xbox One and Switch),
forcemaxcount:batchSize a xed array size is still required. You can specify the batch size for those platforms
and maxcount:batchSize by using maxcount option. The option is completely ignored on the other
platforms. If you really want to force a batch size for all platforms, use
forcemaxcount (for example, when you know you will only issue draws with 256
instanced sprites via DrawMeshInstanced). The default value for the two options is
Use this to instruct Unity to assume that all the instances have uniform scalings
(the same scale for all X, Y and Z axes).
Use this to prevent Unity from applying GPU Instancing to LOD fade values.
Use this to prevent Unity from applying GPU Instancing to Light Probe values
(including their occlusion data). This is useful for performance if you are absolutely
sure that there are no GameObjects using both GPU Instancing and Light Probes.
Use this to prevent Unity from applying GPU Instancing to Lightmap ST (atlas
information) values. This is useful for performance if you are absolutely sure that
there are no GameObjects using both GPU Instancing and lightmaps.
Use this to instruct Unity to generate an additional variant for use with
At the beginning of the vertex Shader stage, Unity calls the function speci ed after
procedural:FunctionName the colon. To set up the instance data manually, add per-instance data to this
function in the same way you would normally add per-instance data to a Shader.
Unity also calls this function at the beginning of a fragment Shader if any of the
fetched instance properties are included in the fragment Shader.


When writing shader scripts, always use UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex) instead of mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,v.vertex).
While you can continue to use UNITY_MATRIX_MVP as normal in instanced Shaders, UnityObjectToClipPos is the most
e cient way to transform vertex positions from object space into clip space. Unity also implements a Shader upgrader that scans
all your Shaders in the project, and automatically replaces any occurrence of mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v) with
The console window (menu: Window > General > Console) displays performance warnings if there are still places where
UNITY_MATRIX_MVP (along with UNITY_MATRIX_MV) is used.

Further notes
Surface Shaders have instancing variants generated by default, unless you specify noinstancing in the #pragma surface
directive. Standard and StandardSpecular Shaders are already modi ed to have instancing support, but with no per-instance
properties de ned other than the transforms. Unity ignores uses of #pragma multi_compile_instancing in a surface
Unity strips instancing variants if GPU Instancing is not enabled on any GameObject in the Scene. To override the stripping
behaviour, open the Graphics Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Graphics), navigate to the Shader stripping section and
change the Instancing Variants.
For Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced, you need to enable GPU Instancing on the Material that the script is passing into this
method. However, Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect does not require you to enable GPU Instancing. The indirect
instancing keyword PROCEDURAL_INSTANCING_ON is not a ected by stripping.
Instanced draw calls appear in the Frame Debugger as Draw Mesh (instanced).
You don’t always need to de ne per-instance properties. However, setting up an instance ID is mandatory, because world
matrices need it to function correctly. Surface shaders automatically set up an instance ID. You must set up the instance ID for
Custom Vertex and Fragment shaders manually. To do this, use UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID at the beginning of the Shader.
When using forward rendering, Unity cannot e ciently instance objects that are a ected by multiple lights. Only the base pass
can make e ective use of instancing, not the added passes. For more information about lighting passes, see documentation on
Forward Rendering and Pass Tags
If you have more than two passes for multi-pass Shaders, only the rst passes can be instanced. This is because Unity forces the
later passes to be rendered together for each object, forcing Material changes.
All the Shader macros used in the above examples are de ned in UnityInstancing.cginc. Find this le in the following directory:
[Unity installation folder]\Editor\Data\CGIncludes.
2017–10–24 Page amended with editorial review
Enable instancing checkbox guidance, DrawMeshInstancedIndirect, #pragma multi-compile added in 5.6
Shader warm up for GPU instancing added in 2017.3
Global Illumination (GI) support in GPU instancing added in 2018.1

Sparse Textures

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Sparse textures (also known as “tiled textures” or “mega-textures”) are textures that are too large to t in graphic memory in
their entirety. To handle them, Unity breaks the main texture down into smaller rectangular sections known as “tiles”. Individual
tiles can then be loaded as necessary. For example, if the camera can only see a small area of a sparse texture, then only the tiles
that are currently visible need to be in memory.
Aside from the tiling, a sparse texture behaves like any other texture in usage. Shaders can use them without special modi cation
and they can have mipmaps, use all texture ltering modes, etc. If a particular tile cannot be loaded for some reason then the
result is unde ned; some GPUs show a black area where the missing tile should be but this behaviour is not standardised.
Not all hardware and platforms support sparse textures. For example, on DirectX systems they require DX11.2 (Windows 8.1) and
a fairly recent GPU. On OpenGL they require ARB_sparse_texture extension support. Sparse textures only support noncompressed texture formats.
See the SparseTexture script reference page for further details about handling sparse textures from scripts.

Example Project
A minimal example project for sparse textures is available here.

Sparse texture as shown in the example project
The example shows a simple procedural texture pattern and lets you move the camera to view di erent parts of it. Note that the
project requires a recent GPU and a DirectX 11.2 (Windows 8.1) system, or using OpenGL with ARB_sparse_texture support.

Graphics hardware capabilities and

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The graphics hardware that ultimately renders a Scene is controlled by specialised programs called Shaders. The capabilities of
the hardware have improved over time, and the general set of features that were introduced with each phase is known as a
Shader Model. Successive Shader Models have added support for longer programs, more powerful branching instructions and
other features, and these have enabled improvements in the graphics of games.
The Unity Editor supports emulation of several sets of Shader Models and graphics API restrictions, for getting a quick overview of
how the game might look like when running on a particular GPU or graphics API. Note that the in-editor emulation is very
approximate, and it is always advisable to actually run the game build on the hardware you are targeting.
To choose the graphics emulation level, go to the Edit > Graphics Emulation menu. Note that the available options change
depending on the platform you are currently targeting in the Build Settings. You can restore the full capabilities of your hardware
by choosing No Emulation. If your development computer doesn’t support a particular Shader Model then the menu entry will
be disabled.

Shader Model 4 (Standalone & Universal Windows Platform)
Emulates DirectX 10 feature set (PC GPUs made during 2007–2009).
Turns o support for compute Shaders and related features (compute bu ers, random-write Textures), sparse
Textures, and tessellation Shaders.
Shader Model 3 (Standalone platform)
Emulates DirectX 9 SM3.0 feature set (PC GPUs made during 2004–2006).
In addition to features turned o by Shader Model 4 emulation, this also turns o support for draw call
instancing, Texture Arrays, and geometry Shaders. It enforces a maximum of 4 simultaneous render targets, and
a maximum of 16 Textures used in a single Shader.
Shader Model 2 (Standalone platform)
Emulates DirectX 9 SM2.0 feature set (PC GPUs made during 2002–2004).
In addition to features turned o by Shader Model 3 emulation, this also turns o support for HDR rendering,
Linear color space and depth Textures.
OpenGL ES 3.0 (Android platform)
Emulates mobile OpenGL ES 3.0 feature set.
Turns o support for compute Shaders and related features (compute bu ers, random-write Textures), sparse
Textures, tessellation Shaders and geometry Shaders. Enforces maximum of 4 simultaneous render targets, and
maximum of 16 Textures used in a single Shader. Maximum allowed Texture size is set to 4096, and maximum
cubemap size to 2048. Realtime soft shadows are disabled.
Metal (iOS, tvOS platforms)
Emulates mobile Metal feature set.
Same restrictions applied as GLES3.0 emulation, except that the maximum cubemap size is set to 4096.
OpenGL ES 2.0 (Android, iOS, tvOS platforms)
Emulates mobile OpenGL ES 2.0 feature set.
In addition to features turned o by GLES3.0 emulation, this also turns o support for draw call instancing,
Texture arrays, 3D Textures and multiple render targets. Enforces a maximum of 8 Textures used in a single
Shader. Maximum allowed cubemap size is set to 1024.
WebGL 1 and WebGL 2 (WebGL platform)
Emulates typical WebGL graphics restrictions.
Very similar to GLES2.0 and GLES3.0 emulation levels above, except that supported Texture sizes are higher (8192
for regular Textures, 4096 for cubemaps), and 16 Textures are allowed in a single Shader.
Shader Model 2 - DX11 FL9.3 (Universal Windows Platform)
Emulates typical Windows Phone graphics feature set.
Very similar to Shader Model 2 emulation, but also disables multiple render targets and separate alpha blending.

• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

CullingGroup API

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CullingGroup o ers a way to integrate your own systems into Unity’s culling and LOD pipeline. This can be used for many
purposes; for example:

Simulating a crowd of people, while only having full GameObjects for the characters that are actually visible
right now
Building a GPU particle system driven by Graphics.DrawProcedural, but skipping rendering
particle systems that are behind a wall
Tracking which spawn points are hidden from the camera in order to spawn enemies without the player
seeing them ‘pop’ into view
Switching characters from full-quality animation and AI calculations when close, to lower-quality cheaper
behaviour at a distance
Having 10,000 marker points in your scene and e ciently nding out when the player gets within 1m of any
of them
The API works by having you provide an array of bounding spheres. These visibility of these spheres relative to a particular
camera is then calculated, along with a ‘distance band’ value that can be treated like a LOD level number.

Getting Started with CullingGroup
There are no components or visual tools for working with CullingGroups; they are purely accessible via script.
A CullingGroup can be constructed using the ‘new’ operator:

CullingGroup group = new CullingGroup();

To have the CullingGroup perform visibility calculations, specify the camera it should use:

group.targetCamera = Camera.main;

Create and populate an array of BoundingSphere structures with the positions and radii of your spheres, and pass it to
SetBoundingSpheres along with the number of spheres that are actually in the array. The number of spheres does not need
to be the same as the length of the array; in fact we recommend creating an array that is big enough to hold the most
spheres you will ever have at one time, even if initially the number of spheres you actually have in the array is very low. This
way you avoid having to resize the array as spheres are added or removed, which is an expensive operation.

BoundingSphere[] spheres = new BoundingSphere[1000];
spheres[0] = new BoundingSphere(Vector3.zero, 1f);

At this point, the CullingGroup will begin computing the visibility of the single sphere each frame.

To clean up the CullingGroup and free all memory it uses, dispose of the CullingGroup via the standard .NET IDisposable

group = null;

Recieving results via the onStateChanged callback
The most e cient way to respond to spheres changing their visibility or distance state is to use the onStateChanged callback
eld. Set this to a function which takes a CullingGroupEvent structure as an argument; it will then be called after culling is
complete, for each sphere that has changed state. The members of the CullingGroupEvent structure tell you about the
previous and new states of the sphere.

group.onStateChanged = StateChangedMethod;
private void StateChangedMethod(CullingGroupEvent evt)
Debug.LogFormat("Sphere {0} has become visible!", evt.index);
Debug.LogFormat("Sphere {0} has become invisible!", evt.index);

Recieving results via the CullingGroup Query API
In addition to the onStateChanged delegate, the CullingGroup provides an API for retrieving the latest visibility and distance
results of any sphere in the bounding spheres array. To check the states of a single sphere, use the IsVisible and
GetDistance methods:

bool sphereIsVisible = group.IsVisible(0);
int sphereDistanceBand = group.GetDistance(0);

To check the states of multiple spheres, you can use the QueryIndices method. This method scans a continuous range of
spheres to nd ones that match a given visibility or distance state.

// Allocate an array to hold the resulting sphere indices ­ the size of the array determ
int[] resultIndices = new int[1000];
// Also set up an int for storing the actual number of results that have been placed int
int numResults = 0;
// Find all spheres that are visible

numResults = group.QueryIndices(true, resultIndices, 0);
// Find all spheres that are in distance band 1
numResults = group.QueryIndices(1, resultIndices, 0);
// Find all spheres that are hidden in distance band 2, skipping the first 100
numResults = group.QueryIndices(false, 2, resultIndices, 100);

Remember that the information retrieved by the query API is only updated when the camera used by the CullingGroup
actually performs its culling.

CullingGroup API Best Practices
When considering how you might apply CullingGroup to your project, consider the following aspects of the CullingGroup

Using visibility
All the volumes for which CullingGroup computes visibility are de ned by bounding spheres - in practice, a position (the
center of the sphere) and a radius value. No other bounding shapes are supported, for performance reasons. In practice
this means you will be de ning a sphere that fully encloses the object you are interested in culling. If a tighter t is needed,
consider using multiple spheres to cover di erent parts of the object, and making decisions based on the visibility state of
all of the spheres.
In order to evaluate visibility, the CullingGroup needs to know which camera visibility should be computed from. Currently a
single CullingGroup only supports a single camera. If you need to evaluate visibility to multiple cameras, you should use one
CullingGroup per camera and combine the results.
The CullingGroup will calculate visibility based on frustum culling and static occlusion culling only. It will not take dynamic
objects into account as potential occluders.

Using distance
The CullingGroup is capable of calculating the distance between some reference point (for example, the position of the
camera or player) and the closest point on each sphere. This distance value is not provided to you directly, but is instead
quantized using a set of threshold values that you provide, in order to calculate a discrete ‘distance band’ integer result. The
intention is that you interpret these distance bands as ‘close range’, ‘medium range’, ‘far range’, and so on.
The CullingGroup will provide callbacks when an object moves from being in one band to being in another, giving you the
opportunity to do things like change the behaviour of that object to something less CPU-intensive.
Any spheres that are beyond the last distance band will be considered to be invisible, allowing you to easily construct a
culling implementation which completely deactivates objects that are very far away. If you do not want this behaviour,
simply set your nal threshold value to be at an in nite distance away.
Only a single reference point is supported per CullingGroup.

Performance and design
The CullingGroup API does not give you the ability to make changes to your scene and then immediately request the new
visibility state of a bounding sphere. For performance reasons, the CullingGroup only calculates new visibility information
during execution of culling for the camera as a whole; it’s at this point that the information is available to you, either via a
callback, or via the CullingGroup query API. In practice, this means you should approach CullingGroup in an asynchronous

The bounding spheres array you provide to the CullingGroup is referenced by the CullingGroup, rather than copied. This
means you should keep a reference to the array that you pass to SetBoundingSpheres, and that you can modify the
contents of this array without needing to call SetBoundingSpheres again. If you need multiple CullingGroups that calculate
visibility and distances for the same set of spheres - for example, for multiple cameras - then it’s e cient to have all the
CullingGroups share the same bounding sphere array instance.

Asynchronous Texture Upload

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Asynchronous Texture Upload enables asynchronous loading of Texture Data from disk and enables time-sliced
upload to GPU on the Render-thread. This reduces wait for GPU uploads in the main thread. Async Texture
Upload will automatically be used for all Textures that are not read-write enabled, so to use this feature no direct
action is required. You can however control some aspects of how the async upload operates, and so some
understanding of the process is useful to be able to use these controls.
When the project is built, the texture data of asynchronous uploadable textures are stored in as streaming
resource les and are loaded asynchronously.

Simple & Full Control Over Memory / Time-Slicing
A single ring-bu er is reused to load the texture data and upload it to the GPU, which reduces the amount of
memory allocations required. For example, if you have 20 small textures, Unity will set up an asynchronous load
request for those 20 textures in one go. If you have one huge texture, Unity will request only one.
If the bu er size is not large enough for the textures being requested, it will automatically resize to accomodate,
however it is always optimal to try to set the size to t the largest sized texture that you will be uploading from the
outset, so that the bu er does not need to resize for each new larger texture it encounters.
The time spent on texture upload each frame can be controlled, with larger values meaning the textures will
become ready on the GPU sooner but with the overhead of more CPU time being used during those frames for
other processing. This CPU time is only used if there are textures waiting in the bu er to be uploaded to the GPU.
The size of the bu er and time-slice can be speci ed through the Quality Settings panel:

The Async Upload settings in the Quality Settings panel

Async Texture Upload Scripting API
We provide the ability to control the Bu er Size and the Time-Slice value from script.

See Script Ref: QualitySettings.asyncUploadTimeSlice.

Sets the Time-Slice in milliseconds for CPU time spent on Asynchronous Texture Uploads per frame. Depending
on the target platform and API, you may want to set this. Time is only spent on the function call if there are
textures to upload, otherwise it early-exits.

Bu er Size
See Script Ref: QualitySettings.asyncUploadBu erSize
Set the Ring Bu er Size for Asynchronous Texture Uploads. The size is in mega-bytes. Ensure that you set a
reasonable size depending on the Target platform. Also please ensure that it is always su cient to load any huge
texture in your games. For example if you have a Cubemap of size 22MB and if you set the size of the RingBu er
to 16MB, the App will automatically resize the Ringbu er to 22MB while loading that scene.

For non-read/write enabled textures, the TextureData is part of resS (Streaming Resource) and upload now
happens on Render-Thread. Availability of Texture is guaranteed during call to AwakeFromLoad just as before, so
there are no changes in terms of order of loading or availability of Textures on Rendering.
For other types of texture loading, such as read/write enabled textures, textures loaded directly with the
LoadImage(byte[] data) function, or loading from the Resources folder, the Asynchronous bu er loading is not
used - the older Synchronous method is used.

Procedural Mesh Geometry

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The Mesh class gives script access to an object’s mesh geometry, allowing meshes to be created or modi ed at
runtime. This technique is useful for graphical e ects (eg, stretching or squashing an object) but can also be
useful in level design and optimisation. The following sections explain the basic details of how a mesh is
constructed along with an exploration of the API and an example.

Anatomy of a Mesh.
Using the Mesh Class.

See Also

Mesh scripting class.
Importing Meshes.

Anatomy of a Mesh

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A mesh consists of triangles arranged in 3D space to create the impression of a solid object. A triangle is de ned
by its three corner points or vertices. In the Mesh class, the vertices are all stored in a single array and each
triangle is speci ed using three integers that correspond to indices of the vertex array. The triangles are also
collected together into a single array of integers; the integers are taken in groups of three from the start of this
array, so elements 0, 1 and 2 de ne the rst triangle, 3, 4 and 5 de ne the second, and so on. Any given vertex
can be reused in as many triangles as desired but there are reasons why you may not want to do this, as
explained below.

Lighting and Normals
The triangles are enough to de ne the basic shape of the object but extra information is needed to display the
mesh in most cases. To allow the object to be shaded correctly for lighting, a normal vector must be supplied for
each vertex. A normal is a vector that points outward, perpendicular to the mesh surface at the position of the
vertex it is associated with. During the shading calculation, each vertex normal is compared with the direction of
the incoming light, which is also a vector. If the two vectors are perfectly aligned, then the surface is receiving light
head-on at that point and the full brightness of the light will be used for shading. A light coming exactly side-on to
the normal vector will give no illumination to the surface at that position. Typically, the light will arrive at an angle
to the normal and so the shading will be somewhere in between full brightness and complete darkness,
depending on the angle.

Since the mesh is made up of triangles, it may seem that the normals at corners will simply be perpendicular to
the plane of their triangle. However, normals are actually interpolated across the triangle to give the surface
direction of the intermediate positions between the corners. If all three normals are pointing in the same
direction then the triangle will be uniformly lit all over. The e ect of having separate triangles uniformly shaded is
that the edges will be very crisp and distinct. This is exactly what is required for a model of a cube or other sharpedged solid but the interpolation of the normals can be used to create smooth shading to approximate a curved
To get crisp edges, it is necessary to double up vertices at each edge since both of the two adjacent triangles will
need their own separate normals. For curved surfaces, vertices will usually be shared along edges but a bit of
intuition is often required to determine the best direction for the shared normals. A normal might simply be the
average of the normals of the planes of the surrounding triangles. However, for an object like a sphere, the
normals should just be pointing directly outward from the sphere’s centre.

By calling Mesh.RecalculateNormals, you can get Unity to work out the normals’ directions for you by making
some assumptions about the “meaning” of the mesh geometry; it assumes that vertices shared between triangles
indicate a smooth surface while doubled-up vertices indicate a crisp edge. While this is not a bad approximation
in most cases, RecalculateNormals will be tripped up by some texturing situations where vertices must be
doubled even though the surface is smooth.

In addition to the lighting, a model will also typically make use of texturing to create ne detail on its surface. A
texture is a bit like an image printed on a stretchable sheet of rubber. For each mesh triangle, a triangular area of
the texture image is de ned and that texture triangle is stretched and “pinned” to t the mesh triangle. To make
this work, each vertex needs to store the coordinates of the image position that will be pinned to it. These
coordinates are two dimensional and scaled to the 0..1 range (0 means the bottom/left of the image and 1 means
the right/top). To avoid confusing these coordinates with the Cartesian coordinates of the 3D world, they are
referred to as U and V rather than the more familiar X and Y, and so they are commonly called UV coordinates.
Like normals, texture coordinates are unique to each vertex and so there are situations where you need to
double up vertices purely to get di erent UV values across an edge. An obvious example is where two adjacent
triangles use discontinuous parts of the texture image (eyes on a face texture, say). Also, most objects that are
fully enclosed volumes will need a “seam” where an area of texture wraps around and joins together. The UV
values at one side of the seam will be di erent from those at the other side.

See Also
Using the Mesh Class page.
Mesh scripting class reference.

Using the Mesh Class

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The Mesh class is the basic script interface to an object’s mesh geometry. It uses arrays to represent the vertices,
triangles, normals and texture coordinates and also supplies a number of other useful properties and functions
to assist mesh generation.

Accessing an Object’s Mesh
The mesh data is attached to an object using the Mesh Filter component (and the object will also need a Mesh
Renderer to make the geometry visible). This component is accessed using the familiar GetComponent function:-

var mf: MeshFilter = GetComponent.();
// Use mf.mesh to refer to the mesh itself.

Adding the Mesh Data
The Mesh object has properties for the vertices and their associated data (normals and UV coordinates) and also
for the triangle data. The vertices may be supplied in any order but the arrays of normals and UVs must be
ordered so that the indices all correspond with the vertices (ie, element 0 of the normals array supplies the
normal for vertex 0, etc). The vertices are Vector3s representing points in the object’s local space. The normals are
normalised Vector3s representing the directions, again in local coordinates. The UVs are speci ed as Vector2s, but
since the Vector2 type doesn’t have elds called U and V, you must mentally convert them to X and Y respectively.
The triangles are speci ed as triples of integers that act as indices into the vertex array. Rather than use a special
class to represent a triangle the array is just a simple list of integer indices. These are taken in groups of three for
each triangle, so the rst three elements de ne the rst triangle, the next three de ne the second triangle, and so
on. An important detail of the triangles is the ordering of the corner vertices. They should be arranged so that the
corners go around clockwise as you look down on the visible outer surface of the triangle, although it doesn’t
matter which corner you start with.

See Also
Anatomy of a Mesh page.
Mesh scripting class reference.

Example - Creating a Quad

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Unity comes with the Plane and Quad primitive objects to represent at surfaces (see the Primitive Objects page
for further details). However, it is useful to examine how a minimal quadrilateral mesh can be constructed, since
this is probably the simplest useful example, with just four vertices for the corners and two triangles.
The rst thing is to set the vertices array. We’ll assume that the plane lies in the X and Y axes and let its width and
height be determined by parameter variables. We’ll supply the vertices in the order bottom-left, bottom-right, topleft, top-right.

var vertices: Vector3[] = new Vector3[4];



Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3(width, 0, 0);
Vector3(0, height, 0);
Vector3(width, height, 0);

mesh.vertices = vertices;

(Since the Mesh data properties execute code behind the scenes, it is much more e cient to set up the data in
your own array and then assign this to a property rather than access the property array element by element.)

Next come the triangles. Since we want two triangles, each de ned by three integers, the triangles array will have
six elements in total. Remembering the clockwise rule for ordering the corners, the lower left triangle will use 0, 2,
1 as its corner indices, while the upper right one will use 2, 3, 1.

var tri: int[] = new int[6];
// Lower left triangle.
tri[0] = 0;
tri[1] = 2;
tri[2] = 1;
// Upper right triangle.
tri[3] = 2;
tri[4] = 3;
tri[5] = 1;
mesh.triangles = tri;

A mesh with just the vertices and triangles set up will be visible in the editor but will not look very convincing since
it is not correctly shaded without the normals. The normals for the at plane are very simple - they are all
identical and point in the negative Z direction in the plane’s local space. With the normals added, the plane will be
correctly shaded but remember that you need a light in the scene to see the e ect.

var normals: Vector3[] = new Vector3[4];



mesh.normals = normals;

Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly. Assuming we want to
show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the

var uv: Vector2[] = new Vector2[4];





mesh.uv = uv;

The complete script might look a bit like this:-

var width: float;
var height: float;
function Start() {
var mf: MeshFilter = GetComponent.();
var mesh = new Mesh();
mf.mesh = mesh;
var vertices: Vector3[] = new Vector3[4];



Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3(width, 0, 0);
Vector3(0, height, 0);
Vector3(width, height, 0);

mesh.vertices = vertices;
var tri: int[] = new int[6];
tri[0] = 0;
tri[1] = 2;
tri[2] = 1;
tri[3] = 2;
tri[4] = 3;
tri[5] = 1;
mesh.triangles = tri;
var normals: Vector3[] = new Vector3[4];




mesh.normals = normals;
var uv: Vector2[] = new Vector2[4];





mesh.uv = uv;

Note that the if the code is executed once in the Start function then the mesh will stay the same throughout the
game. However, you can just as easily put the code in the Update function to allow the mesh to be changed each
frame (although this will increase the CPU overhead considerably).

Optimizing graphics performance

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Good performance is critical to the success of many games. Below are some simple guidelines for maximizing the speed of your
game’s rendering.

Locate high graphics impact
The graphical parts of your game can primarily impact on two systems of the computer: the GPU and the CPU. The rst rule of any
optimization is to nd where the performance problem is, because strategies for optimizing for GPU vs. CPU are quite di erent (and
can even be opposite - for example, it’s quite common to make the GPU do more work while optimizing for CPU, and vice versa).
Common bottlenecks and ways to check for them:

GPU is often limited by llrate or memory bandwidth.
Lower the display resolution and run the game. If a lower display resolution makes the game run faster, you may be
limited by llrate on the GPU.
CPU is often limited by the number of batches that need to be rendered.
Check “batches” in the Rendering Statistics window. The more batches are being rendered, the higher the cost to the
Less-common bottlenecks:

The GPU has too many vertices to process. The number of vertices that is acceptable to ensure good performance
depends on the GPU and the complexity of vertex shaders. Generally speaking, aim for no more than 100,000
vertices on mobile. A PC manages well even with several million vertices, but it is still good practice to keep this
number as low as possible through optimization.
The CPU has too many vertices to process. This could be in skinned meshes, cloth simulation, particles, or other
game objects and meshes. As above, it is generally good practice to keep this number as low as possible without
compromising game quality. See the section on CPU optimization below for guidance on how to do this.
If rendering is not a problem on the GPU or the CPU, there may be an issue elsewhere - for example, in your script
or physics. Use the Unity Pro ler to locate the problem.

CPU optimization
To render objects on the screen, the CPU has a lot of processing work to do: working out which lights a ect that object, setting up
the shader and shader parameters, and sending drawing commands to the graphics driver, which then prepares the commands to
be sent o to the graphics card.
All this “per object” CPU usage is resource-intensive, so if you have lots of visible objects, it can add up. For example, if you have a
thousand triangles, it is much easier on the CPU if they are all in one mesh, rather than in one mesh per triangle (adding up to 1000
meshes). The cost of both scenarios on the GPU is very similar, but the work done by the CPU to render a thousand objects (instead
of one) is signi cantly higher.
Reduce the visible object count. To reduce the amount of work the CPU needs to do:

Combine close objects together, either manually or using Unity’s draw call batching.
Use fewer materials in your objects by putting separate textures into a larger texture atlas.
Use fewer things that cause objects to be rendered multiple times (such as re ections, shadows and per-pixel
Combine objects together so that each mesh has at least several hundred triangles and uses only one Material for the entire mesh.
Note that combining two objects which don’t share a material does not give you any performance increase at all. The most common
reason for requiring multiple materials is that two meshes don’t share the same textures; to optimize CPU performance, ensure that
any objects you combine share the same textures.
When using many pixel lights in the Forward rendering path, there are situations where combining objects may not make sense. See
the Lighting performance section below to learn how to manage this.

GPU: Optimizing model geometry

There are two basic rules for optimizing the geometry of a model:

Don’t use any more triangles than necessary
Try to keep the number of UV mapping seams and hard edges (doubled-up vertices) as low as possible
Note that the actual number of vertices that graphics hardware has to process is usually not the same as the number reported by a
3D application. Modeling applications usually display the number of distinct corner points that make up a model (known as the
geometric vertex count). For a graphics card, however, some geometric vertices need to be split into two or more logical vertices for
rendering purposes. A vertex must be split if it has multiple normals, UV coordinates or vertex colors. Consequently, the vertex
count in Unity is usually higher than the count given by the 3D application.
While the amount of geometry in the models is mostly relevant for the GPU, some features in Unity also process models on the CPU
(for example, mesh skinning).

Lighting performance
The fastest option is always to create lighting that doesn’t need to be computed at all. To do this, use Lightmapping to “bake” static
lighting just once, instead of computing it each frame. The process of generating a lightmapped environment takes only a little
longer than just placing a light in the scene in Unity, but:

It runs a lot faster (2–3 times faster for 2-per-pixel lights)
It looks a lot better, as you can bake global illumination and the lightmapper can smooth the results
In many cases you can apply simple tricks instead of adding multiple extra lights. For example, instead of adding a light that shines
straight into the camera to give a Rim Lighting e ect, add a dedicated Rim Lighting computation directly into your shaders (see
Surface Shader Examples to learn how to do this).

Lights in forward rendering
Also see: Forward rendering
Per-pixel dynamic lighting adds signi cant rendering work to every a ected pixel, and can lead to objects being rendered in multiple
passes. Avoid having more than one Pixel Light illuminating any single object on less powerful devices, like mobile or low-end PC
GPUs, and use lightmaps to light static objects instead of calculating their lighting every frame. Per-vertex dynamic lighting can add
signi cant work to vertex transformations, so try to avoid situations where multiple lights illuminate a single object.
Avoid combining meshes that are far enough apart to be a ected by di erent sets of pixel lights. When you use pixel lighting, each
mesh has to be rendered as many times as there are pixel lights illuminating it. If you combine two meshes that are very far apart, it
increase the e ective size of the combined object. All pixel lights that illuminate any part of this combined object are taken into
account during rendering, so the number of rendering passes that need to be made could be increased. Generally, the number of
passes that must be made to render the combined object is the sum of the number of passes for each of the separate objects,
so nothing is gained by combining meshes.
During rendering, Unity nds all lights surrounding a mesh and calculates which of those lights a ect it most. The Quality Settings
are used to modify how many of the lights end up as pixel lights, and how many as vertex lights. Each light calculates its importance
based on how far away it is from the mesh and how intense its illumination is - and some lights are more important than others
purely from the game context. For this reason, every light has a Render Mode setting which can be set to Important or Not
Important; lights marked as Not Important have a lower rendering overhead.
Example: Consider a driving game in which the player’s car is driving in the dark with headlights switched on. The headlights are
probably the most visually signi cant light source in the game, so their Render Mode should be set to Important. There may be
other lights in the game that are less important, like other cars’ rear lights or distant lampposts, and which don’t improve the visual
e ect much by being pixel lights. The Render Mode for such lights can safely be set to Not Important to avoid wasting rendering
capacity in places where it has little bene t.
Optimizing per-pixel lighting saves both the CPU and GPU work: the CPU has fewer draw calls to do, and the GPU has fewer vertices
to process and pixels to rasterize for all the additional object renders.

GPU: Texture compression and mipmaps

Use Compressed textures to decrease the size of your textures. This can result in faster load times, a smaller memory footprint, and
dramatically increased rendering performance. Compressed textures only use a fraction of the memory bandwidth needed for
uncompressed 32-bit RGBA textures.

Texture mipmaps
Always enable Generate mipmaps for textures used in a 3D scene. A mipmap texture enables the GPU to use a lower resolution
texture for smaller triangles.This is similar to how texture compression can help limit the amount of texture data transfered when
the GPU is rendering.
The only exception to this rule is when a texel (texture pixel) is known to map 1:1 to the rendered screen pixel, as with UI elements
or in a 2D game.

LOD and per-layer cull distances
Culling objects involves making objects invisible. This is an e ective way to reduce both the CPU and GPU load.
In many games, a quick and e ective way to do this without compromising the player experience is to cull small objects more
aggressively than large ones. For example, small rocks and debris could be made invisible at long distances, while large buildings
would still be visible.
There are a number of ways you can achieve this:
Use the Level Of Detail system
Manually set per-layer culling distances on the camera
Put small objects into a separate layer and set up per-layer cull distances using the Camera.layerCullDistances script function

Realtime shadows
Realtime shadows are nice, but they can have a high impact on performance, both in terms of extra draw calls for the CPU and extra
processing on the GPU. For further details, see the Light Performance page.

GPU: Tips for writing high-performance shaders
Di erent platforms have vastly di erent performance capabilities; a high-end PC GPU can handle much more in terms of graphics
and shaders than a low-end mobile GPU. The same is true even on a single platform; a fast GPU is dozens of times faster than a slow
integrated GPU.
GPU performance on mobile platforms and low-end PCs is likely to be much lower than on your development machine. It’s
recommended that you manually optimize your shaders to reduce calculations and texture reads, in order to get good performance
across low-end GPU machines. For example, some built-in Unity shaders have “mobile” equivalents that are much faster, but have
some limitations or approximations.
Below are some guidelines for mobile and low-end PC graphics cards:

Complex mathematical operations
Transcendental mathematical functions (such as pow, exp, log, cos, sin, tan) are quite resource-intensive, so avoid using them
where possible. Consider using lookup textures as an alternative to complex math calculations if applicable.
Avoid writing your own operations (such as normalize, dot, inversesqrt). Unity’s built-in options ensure that the driver can
generate much better code. Remember that the Alpha Test (discard) operation often makes your fragment shader slower.

Floating point precision
While the precision (float vs half vs fixed) of oating point variables is largely ignored on desktop GPUs, it is quite important to
get a good performance on mobile GPUs. See the Shader Data Types and Precision page for details.
For further details about shader performance, see the Shader Performance page.

Simple checklist to make your game faster
Keep the vertex count below 200K and 3M per frame when building for PC (depending on the target GPU).
If you’re using built-in shaders, pick ones from the Mobile or Unlit categories. They work on non-mobile platforms
as well, but are simpli ed and approximated versions of the more complex shaders.
Keep the number of di erent materials per scene low, and share as many materials between di erent objects as
Set the Static property on a non-moving object to allow internal optimizations like static batching.
Only have a single (preferably directional) pixel light a ecting your geometry, rather than multiples.
Bake lighting rather than using dynamic lighting.
Use compressed texture formats when possible, and use 16-bit textures over 32-bit textures.
Avoid using fog where possible.
Use Occlusion Culling to reduce the amount of visible geometry and draw-calls in cases of complex static scenes
with lots of occlusion. Design your levels with occlusion culling in mind.
Use skyboxes to “fake” distant geometry.
Use pixel shaders or texture combiners to mix several textures instead of a multi-pass approach.
Use half precision variables where possible.
Minimize use of complex mathematical operations such as pow, sin and cos in pixel shaders.
Use fewer textures per fragment.

See Also

Unity Pro ler Window.
Light Performance.


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Draw call batching
To draw a GameObject on the screen, the engine has to issue a draw call to the graphics API (such as OpenGL or Direct3D). Draw
calls are often resource-intensive, with the graphics API doing signi cant work for every draw call, causing performance overhead
on the CPU side. This is mostly caused by the state changes done between the draw calls (such as switching to a di erent
Material), which causes resource-intensive validation and translation steps in the graphics driver.
Unity uses two techniques to address this:

Dynamic batching: for small enough Meshes, this transforms their vertices on the CPU, groups many similar
vertices together, and draws them all in one go.
Static batching: combines static (not moving) GameObjects into big Meshes, and renders them in a faster way.
Built-in batching has several bene ts compared to manually merging GameObjects together; most notably, GameObjects can still
be culled individually. However, it also has some downsides; static batching incurs memory and storage overhead, and dynamic
batching incurs some CPU overhead.

Material set-up for batching
Only GameObjects sharing the same Material can be batched together. Therefore, if you want to achieve good batching, you
should aim to share Materials among as many di erent GameObjects as possible.
If you have two identical Materials which di er only in Texture, you can combine those Textures into a single big Texture. This
process is often called Texture atlasing (see the Wikipedia page on Texture atlases for more information). Once Textures are in
the same atlas, you can use a single Material instead.
If you need to access shared Material properties from the scripts, then it is important to note that modifying Renderer.material
creates a copy of the Material. Instead, use Renderer.sharedMaterial to keep Materials shared.
Shadow casters can often be batched together while rendering, even if their Materials are di erent. Shadow casters in Unity can
use dynamic batching even with di erent Materials, as long as the values in the Materials needed by the shadow pass are the
same. For example, many crates could use Materials with di erent Textures on them, but for the shadow caster rendering the
textures are not relevant, so in this case they can be batched together.

Dynamic batching (Meshes)
Unity can automatically batch moving GameObjects into the same draw call if they share the same Material and ful ll other
criteria. Dynamic batching is done automatically and does not require any additional e ort on your side.

Batching dynamic GameObjects has certain overhead per vertex, so batching is applied only to Meshes
containing no more than 900 vertex attributes, and no more than 300 vertices.
If your Shader is using Vertex Position, Normal and single UV, then you can batch up to 300 verts, while if your
Shader is using Vertex Position, Normal, UV0, UV1 and Tangent, then only 180 verts.
Note: attribute count limit might be changed in future.
GameObjects are not batched if they contain mirroring on the transform (for example GameObject A with +1
scale and GameObject B with –1 scale cannot be batched together).
Using di erent Material instances causes GameObjects not to batch together, even if they are essentially the
same. The exception is shadow caster rendering.
GameObjects with lightmaps have additional renderer parameters: lightmap index and o set/scale into the
lightmap. Generally, dynamic lightmapped GameObjects should point to exactly the same lightmap location to be
Multi-pass Shaders break batching.
Almost all Unity Shaders support several Lights in forward rendering, e ectively doing additional passes for
them. The draw calls for “additional per-pixel lights” are not batched.

The Legacy Deferred (light pre-pass) rendering path has dynamic batching disabled, because it has to draw
GameObjects twice.
Dynamic batching works by transforming all GameObject vertices into world space on the CPU, so it is only an advantage if that
work is smaller than doing a draw call. The resource requirements of a draw call depends on many factors, primarily the graphics
API used. For example, on consoles or modern APIs like Apple Metal, the draw call overhead is generally much lower, and often
dynamic batching cannot be an advantage at all.

Dynamic batching (Particle Systems, Line Renderers, Trail Renderers)
For components with geometry that Unity generates dynamically, dynamic batching works di erently compared to how it works
for Meshes.

For each compatible renderer type, Unity builds all batchable content into 1 large Vertex Bu er.
The renderer sets up the Material state for the batch.
Unity binds the Vertex Bu er to the Graphics Device.
For each Renderer in the batch, Unity updates the o set into the Vertex Bu er, and then submits a new draw
When measuring the cost of the Graphics Device calls, the slowest part of rendering a Component is the set-up of the Material
state. Submitting draw calls at di erent o sets into a shared Vertex Bu er is very fast by comparison.
This approach is very similar to how Unity submits draw calls when using Static batching.

Static batching
Static batching allows the engine to reduce draw calls for geometry of any size provided it shares the same material, and does
not move. It is often more e cient than dynamic batching (it does not transform vertices on the CPU), but it uses more memory.
In order to take advantage of static batching, you need to explicitly specify that certain GameObjects are static and do not move,
rotate or scale in the game. To do so, mark GameObjects as static using the Static checkbox in the Inspector:

Using static batching requires additional memory for storing the combined geometry. If several GameObjects shared the same
geometry before static batching, then a copy of geometry is created for each GameObject, either in the Editor or at runtime. This
might not always be a good idea; sometimes you have to sacri ce rendering performance by avoiding static batching for some
GameObjects to keep a smaller memory footprint. For example, marking trees as static in a dense forest level can have serious
memory impact.
Internally, static batching works by transforming the static GameObjects into world space and building one shared vertex and
index bu er for them. If you have enabled Optimized Mesh__ Data__ (in the Player Settings) then Unity removes any vertex
elements that are not being used by any shader variant when building the vertex bu er. There are some special keyword checks
to perform this; for example, if Unity does not detect the LIGHTMAP_ON keyword, it removes lightmap UVs from a batch. Then,
for visible GameObjects in the same batch, Unity performs a series of simple draw calls, with almost no state changes in between
each one. Technically, Unity does not save API draw calls, but instead saves on state changes between them (which is the
resource-intensive part). Batch limits are 64k vertices and 64k indices on most platforms (48k indices on OpenGLES, 32k indices
on macOS).


Currently, only Mesh Renderers, Trail Renderers, Line Renderers, Particle Systems and Sprite Renderers are batched. This means
that skinned Meshes, Cloth, and other types of rendering components are not batched.
Renderers only ever batch with other Renderers of the same type.
Semi-transparent Shaders usually require GameObjects to be rendered in back-to-front order for transparency to work. Unity
rst orders GameObjects in this order, and then tries to batch them, but because the order must be strictly satis ed, this often
means less batching can be achieved than with opaque GameObjects.
Manually combining GameObjects that are close to each other can be a very good alternative to draw call batching. For example,
a static cupboard with lots of drawers often makes sense to just combine into a single Mesh, either in a 3D modeling application
or using Mesh.CombineMeshes.
2017–10–26 Page amended with limited editorial review
Added note on dynamic batching being incompatible with graphics jobs in 2017.2

Modeling characters for optimal

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Below are some tips for designing character models to give optimal rendering speed.

Use a single skinned Mesh Renderer
You should use only a single skinned Mesh Renderer for each character. Unity optimizes animation using visibility culling and
bounding volume updates and these optimizations are only activated if you use one Animation component and one skinned
Mesh Renderer in conjunction. The rendering time for a model could roughly double as a result of using two skinned meshes
in place of a single mesh and there is seldom any practical advantage in using multiple meshes.

Use as few materials as possible
You should also keep the number of Materials on each mesh as low as possible. The only reason why you might want to have
more than one Material on a character is that you need to use di erent shaders for di erent parts (eg, a special shader for
the eyes). However, two or three materials per character should be su cient in almost all cases.

Use as few bones as possible
A bone hierarchy in a typical desktop game uses somewhere between fteen and sixty bones. The fewer bones you use, the
better the performance will be. You can achieve very good quality on desktop platforms and fairly good quality on mobile
platforms with about thirty bones. Ideally, keep the number below thirty for mobile devices, and don’t go too far above thirty
for desktop games.

Polygon count
The number of polygons you should use depends on the quality you require and the platform you are targeting. For mobile
devices, somewhere between 300 and 1500 polygons per mesh will give good results, whereas for desktop platforms the ideal
range is about 1500 to 4000. You may need to reduce the polygon count per mesh if the game has lots of characters on screen
at any given time.

Keep forward and inverse kinematics separate
When animations are imported, a model’s inverse kinematic (IK) nodes are baked into forward kinematics (FK) and as a result,
Unity doesn’t need the IK nodes at all. However, if they are left in the model then they will have a CPU overhead even though
they don’t a ect the animation. You can delete the redundant IK nodes in Unity or in the modeling tool, according to your
preference. Ideally, you should keep separate IK and FK hierarchies during modeling to make it easier to remove the IK nodes
when necessary.

Rendering Statistics Window

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The Game View has a Stats button in the top right corner. When the button is pressed, an overlay window is
displayed which shows realtime rendering statistics, which are useful for optimizing performance. The exact
statistics displayed vary according to the build target.

Rendering Statistics Window.
The Statistics window contains the following information:-

The amount of time taken to process and render one game frame (and its reciprocal,
Time per
frames per second). Note that this number only includes the time taken to do the
frame and
frame update and render the game view; it does not include the time taken in the
editor to draw the scene view, inspector and other editor-only processing.
“Batching” is where the engine attempts to combine the rendering of multiple objects
into a chunk of memory in order to reduce CPU overhead due to resources switching.
Number of batches that was combined. To ensure good batching, you should share
Saved by
materials between di erent objects as often as possible. Changing rendering states
will break up batches into groups with the same states.
Tris and
The number of triangles and vertices drawn. This is mostly important when optimizing
for low-end hardware
The size of the screen, along with its anti-aliasing level and memory usage.
The number of rendering passes. Each pass requires Unity runtime to bind a new
shader which may introduce CPU overhead.
The number of skinned meshes rendered.
Animations The number of animations playing.
See also the rendering section of the pro ler window which provides a more verbose and complete version of
these stats.

Frame Debugger

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The Frame Debugger lets you freeze playback for a running game on a particular frame and view the individual
draw calls that are used to render that frame. As well as listing the drawcalls, the debugger also lets you step
through them one-by-one so you can see in great detail how the Scene is constructed from its graphical

Using the Frame Debugger
The Frame Debugger window (menu: Window > Analysis > Frame Debugger) shows the drawcall information
and lets you control the “playback” of the frame under construction.
The main list shows the sequence of drawcalls (and other events like framebu er clear) in the form of a hierarchy
that identi es where they originated from. The panel to the right of the list gives further information about the
drawcall such as the geometry details and the shader used for rendering.
Clicking on an item from the list will show the Scene (in the Game view) as it appears up to and including that
drawcall. The left and right arrow buttons in the toolbar move forward and backward in the list by a single step
and you can also use the arrow keys to the same e ect. Additionally, the slider at the top of the window lets you
“scrub” rapidly through the drawcalls to locate an item of interest quickly. Where a drawcall corresponds to the
geometry of a GameObject, that object will be highlighted in the main Hierarchy panel to assist identi cation.
If rendering happens into a RenderTexture at the selected draw call, then contents of that RenderTexture are
displayed in the Game view. This is useful for inspecting how various o -screen render targets are built up, for
example di use g-bu er in deferred shading:

Or looking at how the shadow maps are rendered:

Remote Frame Debugger

To use Frame Debugger remotely, the player has to support multithreaded rendering (for ex., WebGL, iOS don’t
support it, thus frame debugger cannot be run on it), most of the Unity platforms support it, secondly you have to
check ‘Development Build’ when building.
Note for Desktop platforms: be sure to check ‘Run In Background’ option before building, otherwise, when you’ll
connect Frame Debugger to player, it won’t re ect any rendering changes until it has focus, assuming you’re
running both Editor and the player on the same machine, when you’ll control Frame Debugger in Editor, you’ll
take the focus from the player.
Quick Start:

From Editor build the project to target platform (select Development Player)
Run the player
Go back to the Editor
Open Frame Debugger window
Click Active Pro ler , select the player
Click Enable, frame debugger should enable on the player

Render target display options

At the top of the information panel is a toolbar which lets you isolate the red, green, blue and alpha channels for
the current state of the Game view. Similarly, you can isolate areas of the view according to brightness levels
using the Levels slider to the right of these channel buttons. These are only enabled when rendering into a
When rendering into multiple render targets at once you can select which one to display in the game view. Shown
here are the di use, specular, normals and emission/indirect lighting bu ers in 5.0 deferred shading mode,

Additionally, you can see the depth bu er contents by picking “Depth” from the dropdown:

By isolating alpha channel of the render texture, you can see occlusion (stored in RT0 alpha) and smoothness
(stored in RT1 alpha) of the deferred g-bu er:

The emission and ambient/indirect lighting in this Scene is very dark; we can make it more visible by changing the
Levels slider:

Viewing shader property values
For draw calls, the Frame Debugger can also show shader property values that are used. Click on “Shader
Properties” tab to show them:

For each property, the value is shown, as well as which shader stages it was used in (vertex, fragment, geometry,
hull, domain). Note that when using OpenGL (e.g. on a Mac), all shader properties are considered to be part of
vertex shader stage, due to how GLSL shaders work.
In the editor, thumbnails for textures are displayed too, and clicking on them highlights the textures in the project

Alternative frame debugging techniques
You could also use external tools to debug rendering. Editor integration exists for easily launching RenderDoc to
inspect the Scene or Game view in the Editor.
You can also build a standalone player and run it through any of the following:

Visual Studio graphics debugger
Intel GPA
AMD GPU PerfStudio
Xcode GPU Frame Capture
GPU Driver Instruments

When you’ve done this, capture a frame of rendering, then step through the draw calls and other rendering
events to see what’s going on. This is a very powerful approach, because these tools can provide you with a lot of
information to really drill down.

Optimizing Shader Load Time

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Shaders are small programs that execute on the GPU, and loading them can take some time. Each individual GPU
program typically does not take much time to load, but shaders often have a lot of “variants” internally.
For example, the Standard shader, if fully compiled, ends up being many thousands of slightly di erent GPU programs.
This creates two potential problems:

Large numbers of these shader variants increase game build time, and game data size.
Loading large numbers of shader variants during game is slow and takes up memory.

Shader build time stripping

While building the game, Unity can detect that some of the internal shader variants are not used by the game, and skip
them from build data. Build-time stripping is done for:

Individual shader features, for shaders that use #pragma shader_feature. If none of the used
materials use a particular variant, then it is not included into the build. See internal shader variants
documentation. Out of built-in shaders, the Standard shader uses this.
Shader variants to handle Fog and Lightmapping modes not used by any of the scenes are not included
into the game data. See Graphics Settings if you want to override this behavior.
Combination of the above often substantially cuts down on shader data size. For example, a fully compiled Standard
shader would take several hundred megabytes, but in typical projects it often ends up taking just a couple megabytes
(and is often compressed further by the application packaging process).

Default Unity shader loading behavior
Under all default settings, Unity loads the shaderlab Shader object into memory, but does not create the internal shader
variants until they are actually needed.
This means that shader variants that are included into the game build can still potentially be used, but there’s no
memory or load time cost paid until they are needed. For example, shaders always include a variant to handle point
lights with shadows, but if you never end up using a point light with shadows in your game, then there’s no point in
loading this particular variant.
One downside of this default behavior, however, is a possible hiccup for when some shader variant is needed for the
rst time - since a new GPU program code has to be loaded into the graphics driver. This is often undesirable during
gameplay, so Unity has ShaderVariantCollection assets to help solve that.

Shader Variant Collections
ShaderVariantCollection is an asset that is basically a list of Shaders, and for each of them, a list of Pass types and shader
keyword combinations to load.

Shader variant collection inspector
To help with creating these assets based on actually used shaders and their variants, the editor can track which shaders
and their variants are actually used. In Graphics Settings, there is a button to create a new ShaderVariantCollection out of
currently tracked shaders, or to clear the currently tracked shader list.

Creates a new

Creating ShaderVariantCollection from shaders used by editor
Once you have some ShaderVariantCollection assets, you can set for these variants to be automatically preloaded while
loading the application (under Preloaded Shaders list in Graphics Settings), or you can preload an individual shader
variant collection from a script.
The Preloaded Shaders list is intended for frequently used shaders. Shader variants that are listed there the are loaded
into memory for entire lifetime of the application. This may use signi cant amount of memory for
ShaderVariantCollections assets that include large number of variants. To avoid that, ShaderVariantCollection assets
should be created at smaller granularity and loaded from a script. One strategy is to record used shader variants for
each scene, save them into separate ShaderVariantCollections assets and load them on scene startup.
See ShaderVariantCollection scripting class.

See Also

Optimizing Graphics Performance.
Graphics Settings.
Shaders reference.


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Layers are most commonly used by Cameras to render only a part of the scene, and by Lights to illuminate only parts of the
scene. But they can also be used by raycasting to selectively ignore colliders or to create collisions.

Creating Layers
The rst step is to create a new layer, which we can then assign to a GameObject. To create a new layer, open the Edit menu and
select Project Settings->Tags and Layers.
We create a new layer in one of the empty User Layers. We choose layer 8.

Assigning Layers
Now that you have created a new layer, you have to assign the layer to one of the game objects.

In the tag manager we assigned the Player layer to be in layer 8.

Drawing only a part of the scene with the camera’s culling mask
Using the camera’s culling mask, you can selectively render objects which are in one particular layer. To do this, select the camera
that should selectively render objects.
Modify the culling mask by checking or unchecking layers in the culling mask property.

Be aware that UI elements aren’t culled. Screen space canvas children do not respect the camera’s culling mask.

Casting Rays Selectively
Using layers you can cast rays and ignore colliders in speci c layers. For example you might want to cast a ray only against the
player layer and ignore all other colliders.
The Physics.Raycast function takes a bitmask, where each bit determines if a layer will be ignored or not. If all bits in the layerMask
are on, we will collide against all colliders. If the layerMask = 0, we will never nd any collisions with the ray.

int layerMask = 1 << 8;
// Does the ray intersect any objects which are in the player layer.
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.forward, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
Debug.Log("The ray hit the player");

In the real world you want to do the inverse of that however. We want to cast a ray against all colliders except those in the Player

void Update ()
// Bit shift the index of the layer (8) to get a bit mask
int layerMask = 1 << 8;
// This would cast rays only against colliders in layer 8.
// But instead we want to collide against everything except layer 8. The ~ operator does t
layerMask = ~layerMask;
RaycastHit hit;
// Does the ray intersect any objects excluding the player layer

if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward), ou
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward) * hit
Debug.Log("Did Hit");
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward) *1000
Debug.Log("Did not Hit");

When you don’t pass a layerMask to the Raycast function, it will only ignore colliders that use the IgnoreRaycast layer. This is the
easiest way to ignore some colliders when casting a ray.
Note: Layer 31 is used internally by the Editor’s Preview window mechanics. To prevent clashes, do not use this layer.
2017–05–08 Page amended with limited editorial review
Culling mask information updated in Unity 2017.1

Layer-based collision detection

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Layer-based collision detection is a way to make a GameObject collide with another GameObject that is set up
to a speci c Layer or Layers.

Objects colliding with their own layer
The image above shows six GameObjects (3 planes, 3 cubes) in the Scene view, and the Layer Collision__A
collision occurs when the physics engine detects that the colliders of two GameObjects make contact or overlap,
when at least one has a rigidbody component and is in motion. More info
See in Glossary Matrix__ in the window to the right. The Layer Collision Matrix de nes which GameObjects can
collide with which Layers.
In the example, the Layer Collision Matrix is set up so that only GameObjects that belong to the same layer can

Layer 1 is checked for Layer 1 only
Layer 2 is checked for Layer 2 only
Layer 3 is checked for Layer 3 only
Change this to suit your needs: if, for example, you want Layer 1 to collide with Layer 2 and 3, but not with Layer
1, nd the row for Layer 1, then check the boxes for the Layer 2 and Layer 3 colums, and leave the Layer 1
column checkbox blank.

Setting up layer-based collision detection
To select a Layer for your GameObjects to belong to, select the GameObject, navigate to the
Inspector window, select the Layer dropdown at the top, and either choose a Layer or add a new

Layer. Repeat for each GameObject until you have nished assigning your GameObjects to Layers.

In the Unity menu bar, go to Edit > Project Settings > Physics to open the Physics Manager
Select which layers on the Collision Matrix will interact with the other layers by checking them.

Graphics Reference
This section goes into more depth about Unity’s graphical features.

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Cameras Reference
This section contains more detailed information on Cameras.

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Cameras are the devices that capture and display the world to the player. By customizing and manipulating cameras, you can
make the presentation of your game truly unique. You can have an unlimited number of cameras in a scene. They can be set
to render in any order, at any place on the screen, or only certain parts of the screen.


Determines which parts of the screen will be cleared. This is handy when using multiple
Clear Flags
Cameras to draw di erent game elements.
The color applied to the remaining screen after all elements in view have been drawn and
there is no skybox.
Includes or omits layers of objects to be rendered by the Camera. Assigns layers to your
Culling Mask
objects in the Inspector.
Toggles the camera’s capability to simulate perspective.
Perspective Camera will render objects with perspective intact.
Camera will render objects uniformly, with no sense of perspective. NOTE: Deferred
rendering is not supported in Orthographic mode. Forward rendering is always used.
Size (when
Orthographic is The viewport size of the Camera when set to Orthographic.
Field of view
The width of the Camera’s view angle, measured in degrees along the local Y axis.
Perspective is

Clipping Planes

Distances from the camera to start and stop rendering.
The closest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.
The furthest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.
Four values that indicate where on the screen this camera view will be drawn. Measured in
Viewport Rect
Viewport Coordinates (values 0–1).
The beginning horizontal position that the camera view will be drawn.
The beginning vertical position that the camera view will be drawn.
W (Width)
Width of the camera output on the screen.
H (Height) Height of the camera output on the screen.
The camera’s position in the draw order. Cameras with a larger value will be drawn on top of
cameras with a smaller value.
Rendering Path Options for de ning what rendering methods will be used by the camera.
Use Player
This camera will use whichever Rendering Path is set in the Player Settings.
Vertex Lit
All objects rendered by this camera will be rendered as Vertex-Lit objects.
All objects will be rendered with one pass per material.
All objects will be drawn once without lighting, then lighting of all objects will be rendered
together at the end of the render queue. NOTE: If the camera’s projection mode is set to
Orthographic, this value is overridden, and the camera will always use Forward rendering.
Reference to a Render Texture that will contain the output of the Camera view. Setting this
Target Texture
reference will disable this Camera’s capability to render to the screen.
Enables High Dynamic Range rendering for this camera.
Target Display De nes which external device to render to. Between 1 and 8.


Cameras are essential for displaying your game to the player. They can be customized, scripted, or parented to achieve just
about any kind of e ect imaginable. For a puzzle game, you might keep the Camera static for a full view of the puzzle. For a
rst-person shooter, you would parent the Camera to the player character, and place it at the character’s eye level. For a
racing game, you’d probably have the Camera follow your player’s vehicle.
You can create multiple Cameras and assign each one to a di erent Depth. Cameras are drawn from low Depth to high
Depth. In other words, a Camera with a Depth of 2 will be drawn on top of a Camera with a depth of 1. You can adjust the
values of the Normalized View Port Rectangle property to resize and position the Camera’s view onscreen. This can create
multiple mini-views like missile cams, map views, rear-view mirrors, etc.

Render path
Unity supports di erent rendering paths. You should choose which one you use depending on your game content and target
platform / hardware. Di erent rendering paths have di erent features and performance characteristics that mostly a ect
lights and shadows. The rendering path used by your project is chosen in Player Settings. Additionally, you can override it for
each Camera.
For more information on rendering paths, check the rendering paths page.

Clear Flags
Each Camera stores color and depth information when it renders its view. The portions of the screen that are not drawn in are
empty, and will display the skybox by default. When you are using multiple Cameras, each one stores its own color and depth
information in bu ers, accumulating more data as each Camera renders. As any particular Camera in your scene renders its
view, you can set the Clear Flags to clear di erent collections of the bu er information. To do this, choose one of the following
four options:

This is the default setting. Any empty portions of the screen will display the current Camera’s skybox. If the current Camera
has no skybox set, it will default to the skybox chosen in the Lighting Window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting
Settings). It will then fall back to the Background Color. Alternatively a Skybox component can be added to the camera. If you
want to create a new Skybox, you can use this guide.

Solid color
Any empty portions of the screen will display the current Camera’s Background Color.

Depth only
If you want to draw a player’s gun without letting it get clipped inside the environment, set one Camera at Depth 0 to draw the
environment, and another Camera at Depth 1 to draw the weapon alone. Set the weapon Camera’s Clear Flags to depth
only. This will keep the graphical display of the environment on the screen, but discard all information about where each
object exists in 3-D space. When the gun is drawn, the opaque parts will completely cover anything drawn, regardless of how
close the gun is to the wall.

The gun is drawn last, after clearing the depth bu er of the cameras before it
Don’t clear
This mode does not clear either the color or the depth bu er. The result is that each frame is drawn over the next, resulting in
a smear-looking e ect. This isn’t typically used in games, and would more likely be used with a custom shader.
Note that on some GPUs (mostly mobile GPUs), not clearing the screen might result in the contents of it being unde ned in the
next frame. On some systems, the screen may contain the previous frame image, a solid black screen, or random colored

Clip Planes
The Near and Far Clip Plane properties determine where the Camera’s view begins and ends. The planes are laid out
perpendicular to the Camera’s direction and are measured from its position. The Near plane is the closest location that will be
rendered, and the Far plane is the furthest.

The clipping planes also determine how depth bu er precision is distributed over the scene. In general, to get better precision
you should move the Near plane as far as possible.
Note that the near and far clip planes together with the planes de ned by the eld of view of the camera describe what is
popularly known as the camera frustum. Unity ensures that when rendering your objects those which are completely outside
of this frustum are not displayed. This is called Frustum Culling. Frustum Culling happens irrespective of whether you use
Occlusion Culling in your game.
For performance reasons, you might want to cull small objects earlier. For example, small rocks and debris could be made
invisible at much smaller distance than large buildings. To do that, put small objects into a separate layer and set up per-layer
cull distances using Camera.layerCullDistances script function.

Culling Mask
The Culling Mask is used for selectively rendering groups of objects using Layers. More information on using layers can be
found here.

Normalized Viewport Rectangles
Normalized Viewport Rectangle is speci cally for de ning a certain portion of the screen that the current camera view will
be drawn upon. You can put a map view in the lower-right hand corner of the screen, or a missile-tip view in the upper-left
corner. With a bit of design work, you can use Viewport Rectangle to create some unique behaviors.
It’s easy to create a two-player split screen e ect using Normalized Viewport Rectangle. After you have created your two
cameras, change both camera’s H values to be 0.5 then set player one’s Y value to 0.5, and player two’s Y value to 0. This will
make player one’s camera display from halfway up the screen to the top, and player two’s camera start at the bottom and stop
halfway up the screen.

Two-player display created with the Normalized Viewport Rectangle property


Marking a Camera as Orthographic removes all perspective from the Camera’s view. This is mostly useful for making
isometric or 2D games.
Note that fog is rendered uniformly in orthographic camera mode and may therefore not appear as expected. This is because
the Z coordinate of the post-perspective space is used for the fog “depth”. This is not strictly accurate for an orthographic
camera but it is used for its performance bene ts during rendering.

Perspective camera.

Orthographic camera. Objects do not get smaller with distance here!

Render Texture

This will place the camera’s view onto a Texture that can then be applied to another object. This makes it easy to create sports
arena video monitors, surveillance cameras, re ections etc.

A Render Texture used to create a live arena-cam

Target display
A camera has up to 8 target display settings. The camera can be controlled to render to one of up to 8 monitors. This is
supported only on PC, Mac and Linux. In Game View the chosen display in the Camera Inspector will be shown.

Cameras can be instantiated, parented, and scripted just like any other GameObject.
To increase the sense of speed in a racing game, use a high Field of View.
Cameras can be used in physics simulation if you add a Rigidbody Component.
There is no limit to the number of Cameras you can have in your scenes.
Orthographic cameras are great for making 3D user interfaces.
If you are experiencing depth artifacts (surfaces close to each other ickering), try setting Near Plane to as
large as possible.
Cameras cannot render to the Game Screen and a Render Texture at the same time, only one or the other.
There’s an option of rendering a Camera’s view to a texture, called Render-to-Texture, for even more
interesting e ects.
Unity comes with pre-installed Camera scripts, found in Components > Camera Control. Experiment with
them to get a taste of what’s possible.

Flare Layer

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The Flare Layer Component can be attached to Cameras to make Lens Flares appear in the image. By default,
Cameras have a Flare Layer already attached.

GUI Layer (Legacy)

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Please Note: This component relates to legacy methods for drawing UI textures and images to the screen. You should use
Unity’s up-to-date UI system instead. This is also unrelated to the IMGUI system.

A GUI Layer Component is attached to a Camera to enable rendering of 2D GUIs.
When a GUI Layer is attached to a Camera it will render all GUI Textures and GUI Texts in the scene. GUI Layers do not
a ect UnityGUI in any way.
You can enable and disable rendering GUI in a single camera by clicking on the check box of the GUI Layer in the

Shader Reference

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Shaders in Unity can be written in one of three di erent ways:

as surface shaders ,
as vertex and fragment shaders or
as xed function shaders .
The shader tutorial can guide you on choosing the right type for your needs.
Regardless of which type you choose, the actual meat of the shader code will always be wrapped in a language
called ShaderLab, which is used to organize the shader structure. It looks like this:

Shader "MyShader" {
Properties {
_MyTexture ("My Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
// other properties like colors or vectors go here as well
SubShader {
// here goes the 'meat' of your
// ­ surface shader or
// ­ vertex and program shader or
// ­ fixed function shader
SubShader {
// here goes a simpler version of the SubShader
// above than can run on older graphics cards

We recommend that you start by reading about some basic concepts of the ShaderLab syntax in the sections
listed below and then to move on to read about surface shaders or vertex and fragment shaders in other
sections. Since xed function shaders are written using ShaderLab only, you will nd more information about
them in the ShaderLab reference itself.
The reference below includes plenty of examples for the di erent types of shaders. For even more examples of
surface shaders in particular, you can get the source of Unity’s built-in shaders from the Resources section. Unity’s
post-processing e ects allows you to create many interesting e ects with shaders.
Read on for shader reference, and check out the shader tutorial as well!

See Also
Writing Surface Shaders.
Writing vertex and fragment shaders.
ShaderLab Syntax Reference.

Shader Assets.
Advanced ShaderLab Topics.

Writing Surface Shaders

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Writing shaders that interact with lighting is complex. There are di erent light types, di erent shadow options, di erent
rendering paths (forward and deferred rendering), and the shader should somehow handle all that complexity.
Surface Shaders in Unity is a code generation approach that makes it much easier to write lit shaders than using low level
vertex/pixel shader programs. Note that there are no custom languages, magic or ninjas involved in Surface Shaders; it just
generates all the repetitive code that would have to be written by hand. You still write shader code in HLSL.
For some examples, take a look at Surface Shader Examples and Surface Shader Custom Lighting Examples.

How it works
You de ne a “surface function” that takes any UVs or data you need as input, and lls in output structure SurfaceOutput.
SurfaceOutput basically describes properties of the surface (it’s albedo color, normal, emission, specularity etc.). You write this
code in HLSL.
Surface Shader compiler then gures out what inputs are needed, what outputs are lled and so on, and generates actual
vertex&pixel shaders, as well as rendering passes to handle forward and deferred rendering.
Standard output structure of surface shaders is this:

struct SurfaceOutput
fixed3 Albedo; //
fixed3 Normal; //
fixed3 Emission;
half Specular; //
fixed Gloss;
fixed Alpha;

diffuse color
tangent space normal, if written
specular power in 0..1 range
specular intensity
alpha for transparencies

In Unity 5, surface shaders can also use physically based lighting models. Built-in Standard and StandardSpecular lighting
models (see below) use these output structures respectively:

struct SurfaceOutputStandard
fixed3 Albedo;
// base (diffuse or specular) color
fixed3 Normal;
// tangent space normal, if written
half3 Emission;
half Metallic;
// 0=non­metal, 1=metal
half Smoothness;
// 0=rough, 1=smooth
half Occlusion;
// occlusion (default 1)
fixed Alpha;
// alpha for transparencies
struct SurfaceOutputStandardSpecular
fixed3 Albedo;
// diffuse color
fixed3 Specular;
// specular color

fixed3 Normal;
half3 Emission;
half Smoothness;
half Occlusion;
fixed Alpha;

// tangent space normal, if written
// 0=rough, 1=smooth
// occlusion (default 1)
// alpha for transparencies


See Surface Shader Examples, Surface Shader Custom Lighting Examples and Surface Shader Tessellation pages.

Surface Shader compile directives
Surface shader is placed inside CGPROGRAM..ENDCG block, just like any other shader. The di erences are:

It must be placed inside SubShader block, not inside Pass. Surface shader will compile into multiple passes
It uses #pragma surface ... directive to indicate it’s a surface shader.
The #pragma surface directive is:

#pragma surface surfaceFunction lightModel [optionalparams]

Required parameters
surfaceFunction - which Cg function has surface shader code. The function should have the form of void
surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o), where Input is a structure you have de ned. Input should
contain any texture coordinates and extra automatic variables needed by surface function.
lightModel - lighting model to use. Built-in ones are physically based Standard and StandardSpecular, as
well as simple non-physically based Lambert (di use) and BlinnPhong (specular). See Custom Lighting
Models page for how to write your own.
Standard lighting model uses SurfaceOutputStandard output struct, and matches the Standard (metallic
work ow) shader in Unity.
StandardSpecular lighting model uses SurfaceOutputStandardSpecular output struct, and matches the
Standard (specular setup) shader in Unity.
Lambert and BlinnPhong lighting models are not physically based (coming from Unity 4.x), but the shaders
using them can be faster to render on low-end hardware.

Optional parameters

Transparency and alpha testing is controlled by alpha and alphatest directives. Transparency can typically be of two
kinds: traditional alpha blending (used for fading objects out) or more physically plausible “premultiplied blending” (which
allows semitransparent surfaces to retain proper specular re ections). Enabling semitransparency makes the generated
surface shader code contain blending commands; whereas enabling alpha cutout will do a fragment discard in the generated
pixel shader, based on the given variable.

alpha or alpha:auto - Will pick fade-transparency (same as alpha:fade) for simple lighting functions, and
premultiplied transparency (same as alpha:premul) for physically based lighting functions.
alpha:blend - Enable alpha blending.

alpha:fade - Enable traditional fade-transparency.
alpha:premul - Enable premultiplied alpha transparency.
alphatest:VariableName - Enable alpha cutout transparency. Cuto value is in a oat variable with
VariableName. You’ll likely also want to use addshadow directive to generate proper shadow caster pass.
keepalpha - By default opaque surface shaders write 1.0 (white) into alpha channel, no matter what’s output
in the Alpha of output struct or what’s returned by the lighting function. Using this option allows keeping
lighting function’s alpha value even for opaque surface shaders.
decal:add - Additive decal shader (e.g. terrain AddPass). This is meant for objects that lie atop of other
surfaces, and use additive blending. See Surface Shader Examples
decal:blend - Semitransparent decal shader. This is meant for objects that lie atop of other surfaces, and use
alpha blending. See Surface Shader Examples
Custom modi er functions can be used to alter or compute incoming vertex data, or to alter nal computed fragment color.

vertex:VertexFunction - Custom vertex modi cation function. This function is invoked at start of generated
vertex shader, and can modify or compute per-vertex data. See Surface Shader Examples.
finalcolor:ColorFunction - Custom nal color modi cation function. See Surface Shader Examples.
finalgbuffer:ColorFunction - Custom deferred path for altering gbu er content.
finalprepass:ColorFunction - Custom prepass base path.
Shadows and Tessellation - additional directives can be given to control how shadows and tessellation is handled.

addshadow - Generate a shadow caster pass. Commonly used with custom vertex modi cation, so that shadow
casting also gets any procedural vertex animation. Often shaders don’t need any special shadows handling, as
they can just use shadow caster pass from their fallback.
fullforwardshadows - Support all light shadow types in Forward rendering path. By default shaders only
support shadows from one directional light in forward rendering (to save on internal shader variant count). If
you need point or spot light shadows in forward rendering, use this directive.
tessellate:TessFunction - use DX11 GPU tessellation; the function computes tessellation factors. See
Surface Shader Tessellation for details.
Code generation options - by default generated surface shader code tries to handle all possible lighting/shadowing/lightmap
scenarios. However in some cases you know you won’t need some of them, and it is possible to adjust generated code to skip
them. This can result in smaller shaders that are faster to load.

exclude_path:deferred, exclude_path:forward, exclude_path:prepass - Do not generate passes for
given rendering path (Deferred Shading, Forward and Legacy Deferred respectively).
noshadow - Disables all shadow receiving support in this shader.
noambient - Do not apply any ambient lighting or light probes.
novertexlights - Do not apply any light probes or per-vertex lights in Forward rendering.
nolightmap - Disables all lightmapping support in this shader.
nodynlightmap - Disables runtime dynamic global illumination support in this shader.
nodirlightmap - Disables directional lightmaps support in this shader.
nofog - Disables all built-in Fog support.
nometa - Does not generate a “meta” pass (that’s used by lightmapping & dynamic global illumination to extract
surface information).
noforwardadd - Disables Forward rendering additive pass. This makes the shader support one full directional
light, with all other lights computed per-vertex/SH. Makes shaders smaller as well.
nolppv - Disables Light Probe Proxy Volume support in this shader.
noshadowmask - Disables Shadowmask support for this shader (both Shadowmask and Distance Shadowmask
Miscellaneous options

softvegetation - Makes the surface shader only be rendered when Soft Vegetation is on.
interpolateview - Compute view direction in the vertex shader and interpolate it; instead of computing it in
the pixel shader. This can make the pixel shader faster, but uses up one more texture interpolator.
halfasview - Pass half-direction vector into the lighting function instead of view-direction. Half-direction will
be computed and normalized per vertex. This is faster, but not entirely correct.
approxview - Removed in Unity 5.0. Use interpolateview instead.
dualforward - Use dual lightmaps in forward rendering path.
dithercrossfade - Makes the surface shader support dithering e ects. You can then apply this shader to
GameObjects that use an LOD Group component con gured for cross-fade transition mode.
To see what exactly is di erent from using di erent options above, it can be helpful to use “Show Generated Code” button in
the Shader Inspector.

Surface Shader input structure
The input structure Input generally has any texture coordinates needed by the shader. Texture coordinates must be named
“uv” followed by texture name (or start it with “uv2” to use second texture coordinate set).
Additional values that can be put into Input structure:

float3 viewDir - contains view direction, for computing Parallax e ects, rim lighting etc.
float4 with COLOR semantic - contains interpolated per-vertex color.
float4 screenPos - contains screen space position for re ection or screenspace e ects. Note that this is not
suitable for GrabPass; you need to compute custom UV yourself using ComputeGrabScreenPos function.
float3 worldPos - contains world space position.
float3 worldRefl - contains world re ection vector if surface shader does not write to o.Normal. See Re ectDi use shader for example.
float3 worldNormal - contains world normal vector if surface shader does not write to o.Normal.
float3 worldRefl; INTERNAL_DATA - contains world re ection vector if surface shader writes to o.Normal.
To get the re ection vector based on per-pixel normal map, use WorldReflectionVector (IN, o.Normal).
See Re ect-Bumped shader for example.
float3 worldNormal; INTERNAL_DATA - contains world normal vector if surface shader writes to o.Normal.
To get the normal vector based on per-pixel normal map, use WorldNormalVector (IN, o.Normal).

Surface Shaders and DirectX 11 HLSL syntax

Currently some parts of surface shader compilation pipeline do not understand DirectX 11-speci c HLSL syntax, so if you’re
using HLSL features like StructuredBu ers, RWTextures and other non-DX9 syntax, you have to wrap it into a DX11-only
preprocessor macro.
See Platform Speci c Di erences and Shading Language pages for details.
2017–06–08 Page published with limited editorial review
noshadowmask added in 5.6

Surface Shader examples

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The Surface Shaders examples on this page show you how to use the built-in lighting models. For examples on how to
implement custom lighting models, see Surface Shader Lighting Examples.

Simple shader example
We’ll start with a very simple Shader and build up on that. Here’s a Shader that sets the surface color to “white”. It uses the builtin Lambert (di use) lighting model.

Shader "Example/Diffuse Simple" {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float4 color : COLOR;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = 1;
Fallback "Diffuse"

Here’s how it looks like on a model with two Lights set up:

An all-white object is quite boring, so let’s add a Texture. We’ll add a Properties block to the Shader, so we get a Texture selector
in our Material. Other changes are in bold below.

Shader "Example/Diffuse Texture" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
Fallback "Diffuse"

Normal mapping
Let’s add some normal mapping:

Shader "Example/Diffuse Bump" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_BumpMap ("Bumpmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }

#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float2 uv_BumpMap;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _BumpMap;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal (tex2D (_BumpMap, IN.uv_BumpMap));
Fallback "Diffuse"

Rim Lighting
Now, try to add some Rim Lighting to highlight the edges of a GameObject. We’ll add some emissive light based on the angle
between surface normal and view direction. For that, we’ll use the built-in viewDir Surface Shader variable.

Shader "Example/Rim" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_BumpMap ("Bumpmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
_RimColor ("Rim Color", Color) = (0.26,0.19,0.16,0.0)
_RimPower ("Rim Power", Range(0.5,8.0)) = 3.0
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }

#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float2 uv_BumpMap;
float3 viewDir;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _BumpMap;
float4 _RimColor;
float _RimPower;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal (tex2D (_BumpMap, IN.uv_BumpMap));
half rim = 1.0 ­ saturate(dot (normalize(IN.viewDir), o.Normal));
o.Emission = _RimColor.rgb * pow (rim, _RimPower);
Fallback "Diffuse"

Detail Texture
For a di erent e ect, let’s add a Detail Texture that is combined with the base Texture. A Detail Texture usually uses the same
UVs but di erent Tiling in the Material, so we need to use di erent input UV coordinates.

Shader "Example/Detail" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_BumpMap ("Bumpmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Detail ("Detail", 2D) = "gray" {}

SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float2 uv_BumpMap;
float2 uv_Detail;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _BumpMap;
sampler2D _Detail;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
o.Albedo *= tex2D (_Detail, IN.uv_Detail).rgb * 2;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal (tex2D (_BumpMap, IN.uv_BumpMap));
Fallback "Diffuse"

Using a Texture checker does not always make much practical sense, but in this example it is used to illustrate what happens:

Detail Texture in Screen Space
A Detail Texture in screen space does not make practical sense for a soldier head model, but here it is used to illustrate how a
built-in screenPos input might be used:

Shader "Example/ScreenPos" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}

_Detail ("Detail", 2D) = "gray" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float4 screenPos;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _Detail;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
float2 screenUV = IN.screenPos.xy / IN.screenPos.w;
screenUV *= float2(8,6);
o.Albedo *= tex2D (_Detail, screenUV).rgb * 2;
Fallback "Diffuse"

The normal mapping has been removed from the Shader above, just to make it shorter:

Cubemap Re ection
Here’s a Shader that does cubemapped re ection using built-in worldRefl input. It’s very similar to built-in Re ective/
Di use Shader:

Shader "Example/WorldRefl" {
Properties {

_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_Cube ("Cubemap", CUBE) = "" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float3 worldRefl;
sampler2D _MainTex;
samplerCUBE _Cube;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb * 0.5;
o.Emission = texCUBE (_Cube, IN.worldRefl).rgb;
Fallback "Diffuse"

Because it assigns the re ection color as Emission, we get a very shiny soldier:

If you want to do re ections that are a ected by normal maps, it needs to be slightly more involved: INTERNAL_DATA needs to
be added to the Input structure, and WorldReflectionVector function used to compute per-pixel re ection vector after
you’ve written the Normal output.

Shader "Example/WorldRefl Normalmap" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_BumpMap ("Bumpmap", 2D) = "bump" {}

_Cube ("Cubemap", CUBE) = "" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float2 uv_BumpMap;
float3 worldRefl;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _BumpMap;
samplerCUBE _Cube;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb * 0.5;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal (tex2D (_BumpMap, IN.uv_BumpMap));
o.Emission = texCUBE (_Cube, WorldReflectionVector (IN, o.Normal)).rgb;
Fallback "Diffuse"

Here’s a normal-mapped shiny soldier:

Slices via World Space Position
Here’s a Shader that “slices” the GameObject by discarding pixels in nearly horizontal rings. It does this by using the clip()
Cg/HLSL function based on the world position of a pixel. We’ll use the built-in worldPos Surface Shader variable.

Shader "Example/Slices" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_BumpMap ("Bumpmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
Cull Off
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float2 uv_BumpMap;
float3 worldPos;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _BumpMap;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
clip (frac((IN.worldPos.y+IN.worldPos.z*0.1) * 5) ­ 0.5);
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal (tex2D (_BumpMap, IN.uv_BumpMap));
Fallback "Diffuse"

Normal Extrusion with Vertex Modi er
It is possible to use a “vertex modi er” function that will modify the incoming vertex data in the vertex Shader. This can be used
for things like procedural animation and extrusion along normals. Surface Shader compilation directive vertex:functionName

is used for that, with a function that takes inout appdata_full parameter.
Here’s a Shader that moves vertices along their normals by the amount speci ed in the Material:

Shader "Example/Normal Extrusion" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_Amount ("Extrusion Amount", Range(­1,1)) = 0.5
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert vertex:vert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float _Amount;
void vert (inout appdata_full v) {
v.vertex.xyz += v.normal * _Amount;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
Fallback "Diffuse"

Moving vertices along their normals makes a fat soldier:

Custom data computed per-vertex

Using a vertex modi er function, it is also possible to compute custom data in a vertex Shader, which then will be passed to the
Surface Shader function per-pixel. The same compilation directive vertex:functionName is used, but the function should take
two parameters: inout appdata_full and out Input. You can ll in any Input member that is not a built-in value there.
Note: Custom Input members used in this way must not have names beginning with ‘uv’ or they won’t work properly.
The example below de nes a custom float3 customColor member, which is computed in a vertex function:

Shader "Example/Custom Vertex Data" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert vertex:vert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
float3 customColor;
void vert (inout appdata_full v, out Input o) {
o.customColor = abs(v.normal);
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
o.Albedo *= IN.customColor;
Fallback "Diffuse"

In this example customColor is set to the absolute value of the normal:

More practical uses could be computing any per-vertex data that is not provided by built-in Input variables; or optimizing Shader
computations. For example, it’s possible to compute Rim lighting at the GameObject’s vertices, instead of doing that in the
Surface Shader per-pixel.

Final Color Modi er
It is possible to use a “ nal color modi er” function that will modify the nal color computed by the Shader.The Surface Shader
compilation directive finalcolor:functionName is used for this, with a function that takes Input IN, SurfaceOutput o,
inout fixed4 color parameters.
Here’s a simple Shader that applies tint to the nal color. This is di erent from just applying tint to the surface Albedo color: this
tint will also a ect any color that comes from Lightmaps, Light Probes and similar extra sources.

Shader "Example/Tint Final Color" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_ColorTint ("Tint", Color) = (1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert finalcolor:mycolor
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
fixed4 _ColorTint;
void mycolor (Input IN, SurfaceOutput o, inout fixed4 color)
color *= _ColorTint;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;

Fallback "Diffuse"

Custom Fog with Final Color Modi er
A common case for using nal color modi er (see above) would be implementing completely custom Fog in forward rendering.
Fog needs to a ect the nal computed pixel Shader color, which is exactly what the finalcolor modi er does.
Here’s a Shader that applies fog tint based on the distance from screen center. This combines the vertex modi er with the
custom vertex data (fog) and the nal color modi er. When used in the forward rendering additive pass, the Fog needs to fade
to black. This example handles that and performs a check for UNITY_PASS_FORWARDADD.

Shader "Example/Fog via Final Color" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_FogColor ("Fog Color", Color) = (0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert finalcolor:mycolor vertex:myvert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
half fog;
void myvert (inout appdata_full v, out Input data)
float4 hpos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
data.fog = min (1, dot (hpos.xy, hpos.xy)*0.5);

fixed4 _FogColor;
void mycolor (Input IN, SurfaceOutput o, inout fixed4 color)
fixed3 fogColor = _FogColor.rgb;
fogColor = 0;
color.rgb = lerp (color.rgb, fogColor, IN.fog);
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
Fallback "Diffuse"

Linear Fog
Shader "Example/Linear Fog" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 200
#pragma surface surf Lambert finalcolor:mycolor vertex:myvert
#pragma multi_compile_fog

sampler2D _MainTex;
uniform half4 unity_FogStart;
uniform half4 unity_FogEnd;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
half fog;
void myvert (inout appdata_full v, out Input data) {
float pos = length(UnityObjectToViewPos(v.vertex).xyz);
float diff = unity_FogEnd.x ­ unity_FogStart.x;
float invDiff = 1.0f / diff;
data.fog = clamp ((unity_FogEnd.x ­ pos) * invDiff, 0.0, 1.0);
void mycolor (Input IN, SurfaceOutput o, inout fixed4 color) {
UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(IN.fog, color, float4(0,0,0,0));
UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(IN.fog, color, unity_FogColor);
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"

Decals are commonly used to add details to Materials at run time (for example, bullet impacts). They are especially useful in
deferred rendering, because they alter the GBu er before it is lit, therefore saving on performance.
In a typical scenario, Decals should be rendered after the opaque objects and should not be shadow casters, as seen in the
ShaderLab “Tags” in the example below.

Shader "Example/Decal" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry+1" "ForceNoShadowCasting"="True" }
LOD 200

Offset ­1, ­1
#pragma surface surf Lambert decal:blend
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;

Custom lighting models in Surface

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When writing Surface Shaders, you describe the properties of a surface (such as albedo color and normal), and a
Lighting Model computes the lighting interaction.
There are two built-in lighting models: Lambert for di use lighting, and BlinnPhong for specular lighting. The
Lighting.cginc le inside Unity de nes these models (Windows: /Data/CGIncludes/Lighting.cginc;
macOS: /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/CGIncludes/Lighting.cginc).
Sometimes you might want to use a custom lighting model. You can do this with Surface Shaders. A lighting model is
simply a couple of Cg/HLSL functions that match some conventions.

Declaring lighting models
A lighting model consists of regular functions with names that begin Lighting. You can declare them anywhere in
your shader le, or one of the included les. The functions are:
half4 Lighting (SurfaceOutput s, UnityGI gi); Use this in forward rendering paths for light
models that are not dependent on the view direction.
half4 Lighting (SurfaceOutput s, half3 viewDir, UnityGI gi); Use this in forward rendering
paths for light models that are dependent on the view direction.
half4 Lighting_Deferred (SurfaceOutput s, UnityGI gi, out half4 outDiffuseOcclusion,
out half4 outSpecSmoothness, out half4 outNormal); Use this in deferred lighting paths.
half4 Lighting_PrePass (SurfaceOutput s, half4 light); Use this in light prepass (legacy
deferred) lighting paths.
Note that you don’t need to declare all functions. A lighting model either uses view direction or it does not. Similarly, if
the lighting model only works in forward rendering, do not declare the _Deferred or _Prepass function. This ensures
that Shaders that use it only compile to forward rendering.

Custom GI
Declare the following function to customize the decoding lightmap data and probes:

half4 Lighting_GI (SurfaceOutput s, UnityGIInput data, inout UnityGI gi);
Note that to decode standard Unity lightmaps and SH probes, you can use the built-in DecodeLightmap and
ShadeSHPerPixel functions, as seen in UnityGI_Base in the UnityGlobalIllumination.cginc le inside Unity (Windows:
/Data/CGIncludes/UnityGlobalIllumination.cginc; macOS:

See documentation on Surface Shader Lighting Examples for more information.

Surface Shader lighting examples

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This page provides examples of custom Surface Shader lighting models in Surface Shaders. For more general Surface
Shader guidance, see Surface Shader Examples.
Because Deferred Lighting does not play well with some custom per-material lighting models, most of the examples
below make the shaders compile to Forward Rendering only.

Di use
The following is an example of a shader that uses the built-in Lambert lighting model:

Shader "Example/Diffuse Texture" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf Lambert
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
Fallback "Diffuse"

Here’s how it looks like with a Texture and without a Texture, with one directional Light in the Scene:

The following example shows how to achieve the same result by writing a custom lighting model instead of using the builtin Lambert model.
To do this, you need to use a number of Surface Shader lighting model functions. Here’s a simple Lambert one. Note that
only the CGPROGRAM section changes; the surrounding Shader code is exactly the same:

Shader "Example/Diffuse Texture" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf SimpleLambert

half4 LightingSimpleLambert (SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half atten) {
half NdotL = dot (s.Normal, lightDir);
half4 c;
c.rgb = s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * (NdotL * atten);
c.a = s.Alpha;
return c;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
Fallback "Diffuse"

This simple Di use lighting model uses the LightingSimpleLambert function. It computes lighting by calculating a dot
product between surface normal and light direction, and then applying light attenuation and color.

Di use Wrap
The following example shows Wrapped Di use, a modi cation of Di use lighting where illumination “wraps around” the
edges of objects. It’s useful for simulating subsurface scattering e ects. Only the CGPROGRAM section changes, so once
again, the surrounding Shader code is omitted:

...ShaderLab code...
#pragma surface surf WrapLambert
half4 LightingWrapLambert (SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half atten) {
half NdotL = dot (s.Normal, lightDir);
half diff = NdotL * 0.5 + 0.5;
half4 c;
c.rgb = s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * (diff * atten);
c.a = s.Alpha;
return c;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;

sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
...ShaderLab code...

Here’s how it looks like with a Texture and without a Texture, with one directional Light in the Scene:

Toon Ramp

The following example shows a “Ramp” lighting model that uses a Texture ramp to de ne how surfaces respond to the
angles between the light and the normal. This can be used for a variety of e ects, and is especially e ective when used
with Toon lighting.

...ShaderLab code...
#pragma surface surf Ramp
sampler2D _Ramp;
half4 LightingRamp (SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half atten) {
half NdotL = dot (s.Normal, lightDir);
half diff = NdotL * 0.5 + 0.5;
half3 ramp = tex2D (_Ramp, float2(diff)).rgb;
half4 c;
c.rgb = s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * ramp * atten;
c.a = s.Alpha;
return c;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
...ShaderLab code...

Here’s how it looks like with a Texture and without a Texture, with one directional Light in the Scene:

Simple Specular
The following example shows a simple specular lighting model, similar to the built-in BlinnPhong lighting model.

...ShaderLab code...
#pragma surface surf SimpleSpecular
half4 LightingSimpleSpecular (SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half3 viewDir, half
half3 h = normalize (lightDir + viewDir);
half diff = max (0, dot (s.Normal, lightDir));

float nh = max (0, dot (s.Normal, h));
float spec = pow (nh, 48.0);
half4 c;
c.rgb = (s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * diff + _LightColor0.rgb * spec) * atten;
c.a = s.Alpha;
return c;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb;
...ShaderLab code...

Here’s how it looks like with a Texture and without a Texture, with one directional Light in the Scene:

Custom GI
We’ll start with a Shader that mimics Unity’s built-in GI:

Shader "Example/CustomGI_ToneMapped" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf StandardDefaultGI

#include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc"
sampler2D _MainTex;
inline half4 LightingStandardDefaultGI(SurfaceOutputStandard s, half3 viewD
return LightingStandard(s, viewDir, gi);
inline void LightingStandardDefaultGI_GI(
SurfaceOutputStandard s,
UnityGIInput data,
inout UnityGI gi)
LightingStandard_GI(s, data, gi);
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
FallBack "Diffuse"

Now, let’s add some tone mapping on top of the GI:

Shader "Example/CustomGI_ToneMapped" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Gain("Lightmap tone­mapping Gain", Float) = 1
_Knee("Lightmap tone­mapping Knee", Float) = 0.5
_Compress("Lightmap tone­mapping Compress", Float) = 0.33
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
#pragma surface surf StandardToneMappedGI
#include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc"
half _Gain;

half _Knee;
half _Compress;
sampler2D _MainTex;
inline half3 TonemapLight(half3 i) {
i *= _Gain;
return (i > _Knee) ? (((i ­ _Knee)*_Compress) + _Knee) : i;
inline half4 LightingStandardToneMappedGI(SurfaceOutputStandard s, half3 vi
return LightingStandard(s, viewDir, gi);
inline void LightingStandardToneMappedGI_GI(
SurfaceOutputStandard s,
UnityGIInput data,
inout UnityGI gi)
LightingStandard_GI(s, data, gi);
gi.light.color = TonemapLight(gi.light.color);
gi.light2.color = TonemapLight(gi.light2.color);
gi.light3.color = TonemapLight(gi.light3.color);
gi.indirect.diffuse = TonemapLight(gi.indirect.diffuse);
gi.indirect.specular = TonemapLight(gi.indirect.specular);
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
o.Albedo = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
FallBack "Diffuse"

Surface Shaders with DX11 / OpenGL Core

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Surface Shaders have some support for DirectX 11 / OpenGL Core GPU Tessellation. Idea is:

Tessellation is indicated by tessellate:FunctionName modi er. That function computes triangle edge and
inside tessellation factors.
When tessellation is used, “vertex modi er” (vertex:FunctionName) is invoked after tessellation, for each
generated vertex in the domain shader. Here you’d typically to displacement mapping.
Surface shaders can optionally compute phong tessellation to smooth model surface even without any
displacement mapping.
Current limitations of tessellation support:

Only triangle domain - no quads, no isoline tessellation.
When you use tessellation, the shader is automatically compiled into the Shader Model 4.6 target, which
prevents support for running on older graphics targets.

No GPU tessellation, displacement in the vertex modi er
This next example shows a surface shader that does some displacement mapping without using tessellation. It just moves
vertices along their normals based on the amount coming from a displacement map:

Shader "Tessellation Sample" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_DispTex ("Disp Texture", 2D) = "gray" {}
_NormalMap ("Normalmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Displacement ("Displacement", Range(0, 1.0)) = 0.3
_Color ("Color", color) = (1,1,1,0)
_SpecColor ("Spec color", color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 300
#pragma surface surf BlinnPhong addshadow fullforwardshadows vertex:disp nolig
#pragma target 4.6
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
sampler2D _DispTex;
float _Displacement;
void disp (inout appdata v)

float d = tex2Dlod(_DispTex, float4(v.texcoord.xy,0,0)).r * _Displacement;
v.vertex.xyz += v.normal * d;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _NormalMap;
fixed4 _Color;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Specular = 0.2;
o.Gloss = 1.0;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap, IN.uv_MainTex));
FallBack "Diffuse"

The above shader is fairly standard:

Vertex modi er disp samples the displacement map and moves vertices along their normals.
It uses custom “vertex data input” structure (appdata) instead of default appdata_full. This is not needed
yet, but it’s more e cient for tessellation to use as small structure as possible.
Since our vertex data does not have 2nd UV coordinate, we add nolightmap directive to exclude lightmaps.
The image below displays some simple GameObjects with this shader applied.

Fixed amount of tessellation
If your model’s faces are roughly the same size on screen, add a xed amount of tesselation to the Mesh (the same tessellation
level over the whole Mesh).
The following example script applies a xed amount of tessellation.

Shader "Tessellation Sample" {
Properties {
_Tess ("Tessellation", Range(1,32)) = 4
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_DispTex ("Disp Texture", 2D) = "gray" {}
_NormalMap ("Normalmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Displacement ("Displacement", Range(0, 1.0)) = 0.3
_Color ("Color", color) = (1,1,1,0)
_SpecColor ("Spec color", color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 300
#pragma surface surf BlinnPhong addshadow fullforwardshadows vertex:disp tesse
#pragma target 4.6
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

float _Tess;
float4 tessFixed()
return _Tess;
sampler2D _DispTex;
float _Displacement;
void disp (inout appdata v)
float d = tex2Dlod(_DispTex, float4(v.texcoord.xy,0,0)).r * _Displacement;
v.vertex.xyz += v.normal * d;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _NormalMap;
fixed4 _Color;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Specular = 0.2;
o.Gloss = 1.0;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap, IN.uv_MainTex));
FallBack "Diffuse"

In the example above, the tessFixed tessellation function returns four tessellation factors as a single oat4 value: three
factors for each edge of the triangle, and one factor for the inside of the triangle.
The example returns a constant value that is set in the Material properties.

Distance-based tessellation
You can also change tessellation level based on distance from the camera. For example, you could de ne two distance values:

The distance when tessellation is at maximum (for example, 10 meters).
The distance when the tessellation level gradually decreases (for example, 20 meters).
Shader "Tessellation Sample" {
Properties {
_Tess ("Tessellation", Range(1,32)) = 4
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_DispTex ("Disp Texture", 2D) = "gray" {}
_NormalMap ("Normalmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Displacement ("Displacement", Range(0, 1.0)) = 0.3
_Color ("Color", color) = (1,1,1,0)
_SpecColor ("Spec color", color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 300
#pragma surface surf BlinnPhong addshadow fullforwardshadows vertex:disp tesse
#pragma target 4.6
#include "Tessellation.cginc"
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

float _Tess;
float4 tessDistance (appdata v0, appdata v1, appdata v2) {
float minDist = 10.0;
float maxDist = 25.0;
return UnityDistanceBasedTess(v0.vertex, v1.vertex, v2.vertex, minDist, ma
sampler2D _DispTex;
float _Displacement;
void disp (inout appdata v)
float d = tex2Dlod(_DispTex, float4(v.texcoord.xy,0,0)).r * _Displacement;
v.vertex.xyz += v.normal * d;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _NormalMap;
fixed4 _Color;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Specular = 0.2;
o.Gloss = 1.0;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap, IN.uv_MainTex));
FallBack "Diffuse"

Here, the tessellation function takes the vertex data of the three triangle corners before tessellation as its three parameters.
Unity needs this to compute tessellation levels, which depend on vertex positions.
The example includes a built-in helper le, Tessellation.cginc, and calls the UnityDistanceBasedTess function from the le to
do all the work. This function computes the distance of each vertex to the camera and derives the nal tessellation factors.

Edge length based tessellation
Purely distance based tessellation is e ective only when triangle sizes are quite similar. In the image above, the GameObjects
that have small triangles are tessellated too much, while GameObjects that have large triangles aren’t tessellated enough.
One way to improve this is to compute tessellation levels based on triangle edge length on the screen. Unity should apply a
larger tessellation factor to longer edges.

Shader "Tessellation Sample" {
Properties {
_EdgeLength ("Edge length", Range(2,50)) = 15
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_DispTex ("Disp Texture", 2D) = "gray" {}
_NormalMap ("Normalmap", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Displacement ("Displacement", Range(0, 1.0)) = 0.3
_Color ("Color", color) = (1,1,1,0)
_SpecColor ("Spec color", color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 300
#pragma surface surf BlinnPhong addshadow fullforwardshadows vertex:disp tesse
#pragma target 4.6
#include "Tessellation.cginc"
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

float _EdgeLength;
float4 tessEdge (appdata v0, appdata v1, appdata v2)
return UnityEdgeLengthBasedTess (v0.vertex, v1.vertex, v2.vertex, _EdgeLen
sampler2D _DispTex;
float _Displacement;
void disp (inout appdata v)
float d = tex2Dlod(_DispTex, float4(v.texcoord.xy,0,0)).r * _Displacement;
v.vertex.xyz += v.normal * d;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _NormalMap;
fixed4 _Color;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Specular = 0.2;
o.Gloss = 1.0;
o.Normal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap, IN.uv_MainTex));
FallBack "Diffuse"

In this example, you call the UnityEdgeLengthBasedTess function from Tessellation.cginc to do all the work.

For performance reasons, call the UnityEdgeLengthBasedTessCull function instead, which performs patch frustum culling. This
makes the shader a bit more expensive, but saves a lot of GPU work for parts of meshes that are outside of the Camera’s view.

Phong Tessellation
Phong Tessellation modi es positions of the subdivided faces so that the resulting surface follows the mesh normals a bit. It’s
quite an e ective way of making low-poly meshes become more smooth.
Unity’s surface shaders can compute Phong tessellation automatically using tessphong:VariableName compilation directive.
Here’s an example shader:

Shader "Phong Tessellation" {
Properties {
_EdgeLength ("Edge length", Range(2,50)) = 5
_Phong ("Phong Strengh", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Color ("Color", color) = (1,1,1,0)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 300
#pragma surface surf Lambert vertex:dispNone tessellate:tessEdge tessphong:_Ph
#include "Tessellation.cginc"
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
void dispNone (inout appdata v) { }

float _Phong;
float _EdgeLength;
float4 tessEdge (appdata v0, appdata v1, appdata v2)
return UnityEdgeLengthBasedTess (v0.vertex, v1.vertex, v2.vertex, _EdgeLen
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
fixed4 _Color;
sampler2D _MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"

Here is a comparison between a regular shader (top row) and one that uses Phong tessellation (bottom row). See that even
without any displacement mapping, the surface becomes more round.

2018–03–20 Page amended with editorial review
Tessellation for Metal added in 2018.1

Writing vertex and fragment shaders

Leave feedback

ShaderLab shaders encompass more than just “hardware shaders”. They do many things. They describe
properties that are displayed in the Material Inspector, contain multiple shader implementations for di erent
graphics hardware, con gure xed function hardware state and so on. The actual programmable shaders - like
vertex and fragment programs - are just a part of the whole ShaderLab’s “shader” concept. Take a look at shader
tutorial for a basic introduction. Here we’ll call the low-level hardware shaders shader programs.
If you want to write shaders that interact with lighting, take a look at Surface Shaders documentation. For
some examples, take a look at Vertex and Fragment Shader Examples . The rest of this page assumes shaders
do not interact with Unity lights (for example special e ects, post-processed e ects etc.)
Shader programs are written in HLSL language, by embedding “snippets” in the shader text, somewhere inside
the Pass command. They usually look like this:

Pass {
// ... the usual pass state setup ...
// compilation directives for this snippet, e.g.:
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// the Cg/HLSL code itself
// ... the rest of pass setup ...

HLSL snippets
HLSL program snippets are written between CGPROGRAM and ENDCG keywords, or alternatively between
HLSLPROGRAM and ENDHLSL. The latter form does not automatically include HLSLSupport and
UnityShaderVariables built-in header les.
At the start of the snippet compilation directives can be given as #pragma statements. Directives indicating which
shader functions to compile:

#pragma vertex name - compile function name as the vertex shader.
#pragma fragment name - compile function name as the fragment shader.
#pragma geometry name - compile function name as DX10 geometry shader. Having this option
automatically turns on #pragma target 4.0, described below.
#pragma hull name - compile function name as DX11 hull shader. Having this option automatically
turns on #pragma target 5.0, described below.

#pragma domain name - compile function name as DX11 domain shader. Having this option
automatically turns on #pragma target 5.0, described below.
Other compilation directives:

#pragma target name - which shader target to compile to. See Shader Compilation Targets page
for details.
#pragma require feature … - ne grained control on which GPU features a shader needs, see
Shader Compilation Targets page for details.
#pragma only_renderers space separated names - compile shader only for given renderers. By
default shaders are compiled for all renderers. See Renderers below for details.
#pragma exclude_renderers space separated names - do not compile shader for given renderers.
By default shaders are compiled for all renderers. See Renderers below for details.
#pragma multi_compile … - for working with multiple shader variants.
#pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols - generate debug information for shaders compiled for
DirectX 11, this will allow you to debug shaders via Visual Studio 2012 (or higher) Graphics
#pragma hardware_tier_variants renderer name - generate multiple shader hardware variants of
each compiled shader, for each hardware tier that could run the selected renderer. See Renderers
below for details.
Each snippet must contain at least a vertex program and a fragment program. Thus #pragma vertex and
#pragma fragment directives are required.
Compilation directives that don’t do anything starting with Unity 5.0 and can be safely removed: #pragma glsl,
#pragma glsl_no_auto_normalization, #pragma profileoption, #pragma fragmentoption.
Unity only supports #pragma directives in the shader les, and not in the includes.

Rendering platforms
Unity supports several rendering APIs (e.g. Direct3D 11 and OpenGL), and by default all shader programs are
compiled into all supported renderers. You can indicate which renderers to compile to using #pragma
only_renderers or #pragma exclude_renderers directives. This is mostly useful in cases where you are explicitly
using some shader language features that you know aren’t possible on some platforms. Supported renderer
names are:

d3d11 - Direct3D 11/12
glcore - OpenGL 3.x/4.x
gles - OpenGL ES 2.0
gles3 - OpenGL ES 3.x
metal - iOS/Mac Metal
vulkan - Vulkan
d3d11_9x - Direct3D 11 9.x feature level, as commonly used on WSA platforms
xboxone - Xbox One
ps4 - PlayStation 4
n3ds - Nintendo 3DS
wiiu - Nintendo Wii U
For example, this line would only compile shader into D3D11 mode:

#pragma only_renderers d3d11

See Also
Accessing Material Properties.
Writing Multiple Shader Program Variants.
Shader Compilation Targets.
Shading Language Details.
Shader Preprocessor Macros.
Platform Speci c Rendering Di erences.
2018–03–20 Page amended with editorial review
Shader #pragma directives added in Unity 2018.1

Vertex and fragment shader examples

Leave feedback

This page contains vertex and fragment program examples. For a basic introduction to shaders, see the shader tutorials: Part 1 and
Part 2. For an easy way of writing regular material shaders, see Surface Shaders.
You can download the examples shown below as a zipped Unity project.

Setting up the scene
If you are not familiar with Unity’s Scene View, Hierarchy View, Project View and Inspector, now would be a good time to read the
rst few sections from the manual, starting with Unity Basics.
The rst step is to create some objects which you will use to test your shaders. Select Game Object > 3D Object > Capsule in the
main menu. Then position the camera so it shows the capsule. Double-click the Capsule in the Hierarchy to focus the scene view on
it, then select the Main Camera object and click Game object > Align with View from the main menu.

Create a new Material by selecting Create > Material from the menu in the Project View. A new material called New Material will
appear in the Project View.

Creating a shader
Now create a new Shader asset in a similar way. Select Create > Shader > Unlit Shader from the menu in the Project View. This
creates a basic shader that just displays a texture without any lighting.

Other entries in the Create > Shader menu create barebone shaders or other types, for example a basic surface shader.

Linking the mesh, material and shader
Make the material use the shader via the material’s inspector, or just drag the shader asset over the material asset in the Project
View. The material inspector will display a white sphere when it uses this shader.

Now drag the material onto your mesh object in either the Scene or the Hierarchy views. Alternatively, select the object, and in the
inspector make it use the material in the Mesh Renderer component’s Materials slot.

With these things set up, you can now begin looking at the shader code, and you will see the results of your changes to the shader
on the capsule in the Scene View.

Main parts of the shader
To begin examining the code of the shader, double-click the shader asset in the Project View. The shader code will open in your
script editor (MonoDevelop or Visual Studio).
The shader starts o with this code:

Shader "Unlit/NewUnlitShader"

_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 100
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// make fog work
#pragma multi_compile_fog
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
sampler2D _MainTex;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// sample the texture
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
// apply fog
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, col);
return col;

This initial shader does not look very simple! But don’t worry, we will go over each part step-by-step.
Let’s see the main parts of our simple shader.


The Shader command contains a string with the name of the shader. You can use forward slash characters “/” to place your shader
in sub-menus when selecting your shader in the Material inspector.


The Properties block contains shader variables (textures, colors etc.) that will be saved as part of the Material, and displayed in the
material inspector. In our unlit shader template, there is a single texture property declared.


A Shader can contain one or more SubShaders, which are primarily used to implement shaders for di erent GPU capabilities. In this
tutorial we’re not much concerned with that, so all our shaders will contain just one SubShader.


Each SubShader is composed of a number of passes, and each Pass represents an execution of the vertex and fragment code for the
same object rendered with the material of the shader. Many simple shaders use just one pass, but shaders that interact with lighting
might need more (see Lighting Pipeline for details). Commands inside Pass typically setup xed function state, for example blending


These keywords surround portions of HLSL code within the vertex and fragment shaders. Typically this is where most of the
interesting code is. See vertex and fragment shaders for details.

Simple unlit shader

The unlit shader template does a few more things than would be absolutely needed to display an object with a texture. For example,
it supports Fog, and texture tiling/o set elds in the material. Let’s simplify the shader to bare minimum, and add more comments:

Shader "Unlit/SimpleUnlitTexturedShader"
// we have removed support for texture tiling/offset,
// so make them not be displayed in material inspector
[NoScaleOffset] _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
// use "vert" function as the vertex shader
#pragma vertex vert
// use "frag" function as the pixel (fragment) shader
#pragma fragment frag
// vertex shader inputs
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION; // vertex position
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; // texture coordinate
// vertex shader outputs ("vertex to fragment")
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; // texture coordinate
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION; // clip space position
// vertex shader
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f o;
// transform position to clip space
// (multiply with model*view*projection matrix)
o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
// just pass the texture coordinate
o.uv = v.uv;
return o;
// texture we will sample
sampler2D _MainTex;
// pixel shader; returns low precision ("fixed4" type)
// color ("SV_Target" semantic)
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target

// sample texture and return it
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
return col;

The Vertex Shader is a program that runs on each vertex of the 3D model. Quite often it does not do anything particularly
interesting. Here we just transform vertex position from object space into so called “clip space”, which is what’s used by the GPU to
rasterize the object on screen. We also pass the input texture coordinate unmodi ed - we’ll need it to sample the texture in the
fragment shader.
The Fragment Shader is a program that runs on each and every pixel that object occupies on-screen, and is usually used to
calculate and output the color of each pixel. Usually there are millions of pixels on the screen, and the fragment shaders are
executed for all of them! Optimizing fragment shaders is quite an important part of overall game performance work.
Some variable or function de nitions are followed by a Semantic Signi er - for example : POSITION or : SV_Target. These
semantics signi ers communicate the “meaning” of these variables to the GPU. See the shader semantics page for details.
When used on a nice model with a nice texture, our simple shader looks pretty good!

Even simpler single color shader
Let’s simplify the shader even more – we’ll make a shader that draws the whole object in a single color. This is not terribly useful, but
hey we’re learning here.

Shader "Unlit/SingleColor"
// Color property for material inspector, default to white
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)

#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// vertex shader
// this time instead of using "appdata" struct, just spell inputs manually,
// and instead of returning v2f struct, also just return a single output
// float4 clip position
float4 vert (float4 vertex : POSITION) : SV_POSITION
return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, vertex);
// color from the material
fixed4 _Color;
// pixel shader, no inputs needed
fixed4 frag () : SV_Target
return _Color; // just return it

This time instead of using structs for input (appdata) and output (v2f), the shader functions just spell out inputs manually. Both
ways work, and which you choose to use depends on your coding style and preference.

Using mesh normals for fun and pro t
Let’s proceed with a shader that displays mesh normals in world space. Without further ado:

Shader "Unlit/WorldSpaceNormals"
// no Properties block this time!
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// include file that contains UnityObjectToWorldNormal helper function
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
// we'll output world space normal as one of regular ("texcoord") interpolator
half3 worldNormal : TEXCOORD0;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
// vertex shader: takes object space normal as input too
v2f vert (float4 vertex : POSITION, float3 normal : NORMAL)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
// UnityCG.cginc file contains function to transform
// normal from object to world space, use that
o.worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 c = 0;
// normal is a 3D vector with xyz components; in ­1..1
// range. To display it as color, bring the range into 0..1
// and put into red, green, blue components
c.rgb = i.worldNormal*0.5+0.5;
return c;

Besides resulting in pretty colors, normals are used for all sorts of graphics e ects – lighting, re ections, silhouettes and so on.
In the shader above, we started using one of Unity’s built-in shader include les. Here, UnityCG.cginc was used which contains a
handy function UnityObjectToWorldNormal. We have also used the utility function UnityObjectToClipPos, which transforms the
vertex from object space to the screen. This just makes the code easier to read and is more e cient under certain circumstances.
We’ve seen that data can be passed from the vertex into fragment shader in so-called “interpolators” (or sometimes called
“varyings”). In HLSL shading language they are typically labeled with TEXCOORDn semantic, and each of them can be up to a 4component vector (see semantics page for details).
Also we’ve learned a simple technique in how to visualize normalized vectors (in –1.0 to +1.0 range) as colors: just multiply them by
half and add half. See more vertex data visualization examples in vertex program inputs page.

Environment re ection using world-space normals
When a Skybox is used in the scene as a re ection source (see Lighting Window), then essentially a “default” Re ection Probe is
created, containing the skybox data. A re ection probe is internally a Cubemap texture; we will extend the world-space normals
shader above to look into it.
The code is starting to get a bit involved by now. Of course, if you want shaders that automatically work with lights, shadows,
re ections and the rest of the lighting system, it’s way easier to use surface shaders. This example is intended to show you how to
use parts of the lighting system in a “manual” way.

Shader "Unlit/SkyReflection"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
half3 worldRefl : TEXCOORD0;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (float4 vertex : POSITION, float3 normal : NORMAL)

v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
// compute world space position of the vertex
float3 worldPos = mul(_Object2World, vertex).xyz;
// compute world space view direction
float3 worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(worldPos));
// world space normal
float3 worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
// world space reflection vector
o.worldRefl = reflect(­worldViewDir, worldNormal);
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// sample the default reflection cubemap, using the reflection vector
half4 skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, i.worldRefl);
// decode cubemap data into actual color
half3 skyColor = DecodeHDR (skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);
// output it!
fixed4 c = 0;
c.rgb = skyColor;
return c;

The example above uses several things from the built-in shader include les:

unity_SpecCube0, unity_SpecCube0_HDR, Object2World, UNITY_MATRIX_MVP from the built-in shader variables.
unity_SpecCube0 contains data for the active re ection probe.
UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE is a built-in macro to sample a cubemap. Most regular cubemaps are declared and used
using standard HLSL syntax (samplerCUBE and texCUBE), however the re ection probe cubemaps in Unity are
declared in a special way to save on sampler slots. If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry, just know that in
order to use unity_SpecCube0 cubemap you have to use UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE macro.

UnityWorldSpaceViewDir function from UnityCG.cginc, and DecodeHDR function from the same le. The latter is
used to get actual color from the re ection probe data – since Unity stores re ection probe cubemap in specially
encoded way.
re ect is just a built-in HLSL function to compute vector re ection around a given normal.
Environment re ection with a normal map
Often Normal Maps are used to create additional detail on objects, without creating additional geometry. Let’s see how to make a
shader that re ects the environment, with a normal map texture.
Now the math is starting to get really involved, so we’ll do it in a few steps. In the shader above, the re ection direction was computed
per-vertex (in the vertex shader), and the fragment shader was only doing the re ection probe cubemap lookup. However once we
start using normal maps, the surface normal itself needs to be calculated on a per-pixel basis, which means we also have to compute
how the environment is re ected per-pixel!
So rst of all, let’s rewrite the shader above to do the same thing, except we will move some of the calculations to the fragment
shader, so they are computed per-pixel:

Shader "Unlit/SkyReflection Per Pixel"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
half3 worldNormal : TEXCOORD1;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (float4 vertex : POSITION, float3 normal : NORMAL)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
o.worldPos = mul(_Object2World, vertex).xyz;
o.worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// compute view direction and reflection vector
// per­pixel here
half3 worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(i.worldPos));
half3 worldRefl = reflect(­worldViewDir, i.worldNormal);
// same as in previous shader
half4 skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, worldRefl);
half3 skyColor = DecodeHDR (skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);
fixed4 c = 0;
c.rgb = skyColor;

return c;

That by itself does not give us much – the shader looks exactly the same, except now it runs slower since it does more calculations
for each and every pixel on screen, instead of only for each of the model’s vertices. However, we’ll need these calculations really
soon. Higher graphics delity often requires more complex shaders.
We’ll have to learn a new thing now too; the so-called “tangent space”. Normal map textures are most often expressed in a
coordinate space that can be thought of as “following the surface” of the model. In our shader, we will need to to know the tangent
space basis vectors, read the normal vector from the texture, transform it into world space, and then do all the math from the above
shader. Let’s get to it!

Shader "Unlit/SkyReflection Per Pixel"
Properties {
// normal map texture on the material,
// default to dummy "flat surface" normalmap
_BumpMap("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" {}
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
// these three vectors will hold a 3x3 rotation matrix
// that transforms from tangent to world space
half3 tspace0 : TEXCOORD1; // tangent.x, bitangent.x, normal.x
half3 tspace1 : TEXCOORD2; // tangent.y, bitangent.y, normal.y
half3 tspace2 : TEXCOORD3; // tangent.z, bitangent.z, normal.z
// texture coordinate for the normal map
float2 uv : TEXCOORD4;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
// vertex shader now also needs a per­vertex tangent vector.
// in Unity tangents are 4D vectors, with the .w component used to
// indicate direction of the bitangent vector.
// we also need the texture coordinate.
v2f vert (float4 vertex : POSITION, float3 normal : NORMAL, float4 tangent : TANGE
v2f o;

o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
o.worldPos = mul(_Object2World, vertex).xyz;
half3 wNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
half3 wTangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(tangent.xyz);
// compute bitangent from cross product of normal and tangent
half tangentSign = tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w;
half3 wBitangent = cross(wNormal, wTangent) * tangentSign;
// output the tangent space matrix
o.tspace0 = half3(wTangent.x, wBitangent.x, wNormal.x);
o.tspace1 = half3(wTangent.y, wBitangent.y, wNormal.y);
o.tspace2 = half3(wTangent.z, wBitangent.z, wNormal.z);
o.uv = uv;
return o;
// normal map texture from shader properties
sampler2D _BumpMap;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// sample the normal map, and decode from the Unity encoding
half3 tnormal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, i.uv));
// transform normal from tangent to world space
half3 worldNormal;
worldNormal.x = dot(i.tspace0, tnormal);
worldNormal.y = dot(i.tspace1, tnormal);
worldNormal.z = dot(i.tspace2, tnormal);
// rest the same as in previous shader
half3 worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(i.worldPos));
half3 worldRefl = reflect(­worldViewDir, worldNormal);
half4 skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, worldRefl);
half3 skyColor = DecodeHDR (skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);
fixed4 c = 0;
c.rgb = skyColor;
return c;

Phew, that was quite involved. But look, normal mapped re ections!

Adding more textures
Let’s add more textures to the normal-mapped, sky-re ecting shader above. We’ll add the base color texture, seen in the rst unlit
example, and an occlusion map to darken the cavities.

Shader "Unlit/More Textures"
Properties {
// three textures we'll use in the material
_MainTex("Base texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_OcclusionMap("Occlusion", 2D) = "white" {}
_BumpMap("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" {}
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// exactly the same as in previous shader
struct v2f {
float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
half3 tspace0 : TEXCOORD1;
half3 tspace1 : TEXCOORD2;
half3 tspace2 : TEXCOORD3;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD4;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (float4 vertex : POSITION, float3 normal : NORMAL, float4 tangent : TANGE
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
o.worldPos = mul(_Object2World, vertex).xyz;
half3 wNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
half3 wTangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(tangent.xyz);
half tangentSign = tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w;

half3 wBitangent = cross(wNormal, wTangent)
o.tspace0 = half3(wTangent.x, wBitangent.x,
o.tspace1 = half3(wTangent.y, wBitangent.y,
o.tspace2 = half3(wTangent.z, wBitangent.z,
o.uv = uv;
return o;

* tangentSign;

// textures from shader properties
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _OcclusionMap;
sampler2D _BumpMap;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// same as from previous shader...
half3 tnormal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, i.uv));
half3 worldNormal;
worldNormal.x = dot(i.tspace0, tnormal);
worldNormal.y = dot(i.tspace1, tnormal);
worldNormal.z = dot(i.tspace2, tnormal);
half3 worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(i.worldPos));
half3 worldRefl = reflect(­worldViewDir, worldNormal);
half4 skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, worldRefl);
half3 skyColor = DecodeHDR (skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);
fixed4 c = 0;
c.rgb = skyColor;
// modulate sky color with the base texture, and the occlusion map
fixed3 baseColor = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv).rgb;
fixed occlusion = tex2D(_OcclusionMap, i.uv).r;
c.rgb *= baseColor;
c.rgb *= occlusion;
return c;

Balloon cat is looking good!

Texturing shader examples
Procedural checkerboard pattern
Here’s a shader that outputs a checkerboard pattern based on texture coordinates of a mesh:

Shader "Unlit/Checkerboard"
_Density ("Density", Range(2,50)) = 30
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float _Density;
v2f vert (float4 pos : POSITION, float2 uv : TEXCOORD0)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(pos);
o.uv = uv * _Density;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
float2 c = i.uv;

c = floor(c) / 2;
float checker = frac(c.x + c.y) * 2;
return checker;

The density slider in the Properties block controls how dense the checkerboard is. In the vertex shader, the mesh UVs are multiplied
by the density value to take them from a range of 0 to 1 to a range of 0 to density. Let’s say the density was set to 30 - this will make
i.uv input into the fragment shader contain oating point values from zero to 30 for various places of the mesh being rendered.
Then the fragment shader code takes only the integer part of the input coordinate using HLSL’s built-in oor function, and divides it
by two. Recall that the input coordinates were numbers from 0 to 30; this makes them all be “quantized” to values of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2,
2.5, and so on. This was done on both the x and y components of the input coordinate.
Next up, we add these x and y coordinates together (each of them only having possible values of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, …) and only take the
fractional part using another built-in HLSL function, frac. Result of this can only be either 0.0 or 0.5. We then multiply it by two to
make it either 0.0 or 1.0, and output as a color (this results in black or white color respectively).

Tri-planar texturing
For complex or procedural meshes, instead of texturing them using the regular UV coordinates, it is sometimes useful to just
“project” texture onto the object from three primary directions. This is called “tri-planar” texturing. The idea is to use surface normal
to weight the three texture directions. Here’s the shader:

Shader "Unlit/Triplanar"
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_Tiling ("Tiling", Float) = 1.0
_OcclusionMap("Occlusion", 2D) = "white" {}

#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f
half3 objNormal : TEXCOORD0;
float3 coords : TEXCOORD1;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD2;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float _Tiling;
v2f vert (float4 pos : POSITION, float3 normal : NORMAL, float2 uv : TEXCOORD0)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(pos);
o.coords = pos.xyz * _Tiling;
o.objNormal = normal;
o.uv = uv;
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;
sampler2D _OcclusionMap;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// use absolute value of normal as texture weights
half3 blend = abs(i.objNormal);
// make sure the weights sum up to 1 (divide by sum of x+y+z)
blend /= dot(blend,1.0);
// read the three texture projections, for x,y,z axes
fixed4 cx = tex2D(_MainTex, i.coords.yz);
fixed4 cy = tex2D(_MainTex, i.coords.xz);
fixed4 cz = tex2D(_MainTex, i.coords.xy);
// blend the textures based on weights
fixed4 c = cx * blend.x + cy * blend.y + cz * blend.z;
// modulate by regular occlusion map
c *= tex2D(_OcclusionMap, i.uv);
return c;

Calculating lighting
Typically when you want a shader that works with Unity’s lighting pipeline, you would write a surface shader. This does most of the
“heavy lifting” for you, and your shader code just needs to de ne surface properties.
However in some cases you want to bypass the standard surface shader path; either because you want to only support some limited
subset of whole lighting pipeline for performance reasons, or you want to do custom things that aren’t quite “standard lighting”. The
following examples will show how to get to the lighting data from manually-written vertex and fragment shaders. Looking at the
code generated by surface shaders (via shader inspector) is also a good learning resource.

Simple di use lighting
The rst thing we need to do is to indicate that our shader does in fact need lighting information passed to it. Unity’s rendering
pipeline supports various ways of rendering; here we’ll be using the default forward rendering one.
We’ll start by only supporting one directional light. Forward rendering in Unity works by rendering the main directional light,
ambient, lightmaps and re ections in a single pass called ForwardBase. In the shader, this is indicated by adding a pass tag: Tags
{“LightMode”=“ForwardBase”}. This will make directional light data be passed into shader via some built-in variables.
Here’s the shader that computes simple di use lighting per vertex, and uses a single main texture:

Shader "Lit/Simple Diffuse"
[NoScaleOffset] _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
// indicate that our pass is the "base" pass in forward
// rendering pipeline. It gets ambient and main directional
// light data set up; light direction in _WorldSpaceLightPos0
// and color in _LightColor0
Tags {"LightMode"="ForwardBase"}
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc" // for UnityObjectToWorldNormal

#include "UnityLightingCommon.cginc" // for _LightColor0
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
fixed4 diff : COLOR0; // diffuse lighting color
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = v.texcoord;
// get vertex normal in world space
half3 worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
// dot product between normal and light direction for
// standard diffuse (Lambert) lighting
half nl = max(0, dot(worldNormal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz));
// factor in the light color
o.diff = nl * _LightColor0;
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
// sample texture
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
// multiply by lighting
col *= i.diff;
return col;

This makes the object react to light direction - parts of it facing the light are illuminated, and parts facing away are not illuminated at

Di use lighting with ambient
The example above does not take any ambient lighting or light probes into account. Let’s x this! It turns out we can do this by
adding just a single line of code. Both ambient and light probe data is passed to shaders in Spherical Harmonics form, and
ShadeSH9 function from UnityCG.cginc include le does all the work of evaluating it, given a world space normal.

Shader "Lit/Diffuse With Ambient"
[NoScaleOffset] _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
Tags {"LightMode"="ForwardBase"}
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityLightingCommon.cginc"
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
fixed4 diff : COLOR0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = v.texcoord;
half3 worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
half nl = max(0, dot(worldNormal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz));
o.diff = nl * _LightColor0;

// the only difference from previous shader:
// in addition to the diffuse lighting from the main light,
// add illumination from ambient or light probes
// ShadeSH9 function from UnityCG.cginc evaluates it,
// using world space normal
o.diff.rgb += ShadeSH9(half4(worldNormal,1));
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
col *= i.diff;
return col;

This shader is in fact starting to look very similar to the built-in Legacy Di use shader!

Implementing shadow casting
Our shader currently can neither receive nor cast shadows. Let’s implement shadow casting rst.
In order to cast shadows, a shader has to have a ShadowCaster pass type in any of its subshaders or any fallback. The
ShadowCaster pass is used to render the object into the shadowmap, and typically it is fairly simple - the vertex shader only needs to
evaluate the vertex position, and the fragment shader pretty much does not do anything. The shadowmap is only the depth bu er,
so even the color output by the fragment shader does not really matter.
This means that for a lot of shaders, the shadow caster pass is going to be almost exactly the same (unless object has custom vertex
shader based deformations, or has alpha cutout / semitransparent parts). The easiest way to pull it in is via UsePass shader

// regular lighting pass
// pull in shadow caster from VertexLit built­in shader
UsePass "Legacy Shaders/VertexLit/SHADOWCASTER"

However we’re learning here, so let’s do the same thing “by hand” so to speak. For shorter code, we’ve replaced the lighting pass
(“ForwardBase”) with code that only does untextured ambient. Below it, there’s a “ShadowCaster” pass that makes the object support
shadow casting.

Shader "Lit/Shadow Casting"
// very simple lighting pass, that only does non­textured ambient
Tags {"LightMode"="ForwardBase"}
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f
fixed4 diff : COLOR0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
half3 worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
// only evaluate ambient
o.diff.rgb = ShadeSH9(half4(worldNormal,1));
o.diff.a = 1;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return i.diff;
// shadow caster rendering pass, implemented manually
// using macros from UnityCG.cginc
Tags {"LightMode"="ShadowCaster"}

#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
v2f vert(appdata_base v)
v2f o;
return o;
float4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target

Now there’s a plane underneath, using a regular built-in Di use shader, so that we can see our shadows working (remember, our
current shader does not support receiving shadows yet!).

We’ve used the #pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster directive. This causes the shader to be compiled into several variants with
di erent preprocessor macros de ned for each (see multiple shader variants page for details). When rendering into the
shadowmap, the cases of point lights vs other light types need slightly di erent shader code, that’s why this directive is needed.

Receiving shadows
Implementing support for receiving shadows will require compiling the base lighting pass into several variants, to handle cases of
“directional light without shadows” and “directional light with shadows” properly. #pragma multi_compile_fwdbase directive does

this (see multiple shader variants for details). In fact it does a lot more: it also compiles variants for the di erent lightmap types,
realtime GI being on or o etc. Currently we don’t need all that, so we’ll explicitly skip these variants.
Then to get actual shadowing computations, we’ll #include “AutoLight.cginc” shader include le and use SHADOW_COORDS,
Here’s the shader:

Shader "Lit/Diffuse With Shadows"
[NoScaleOffset] _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
Tags {"LightMode"="ForwardBase"}
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "Lighting.cginc"
// compile shader into multiple variants, with and without shadows
// (we don't care about any lightmaps yet, so skip these variants)
#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase nolightmap nodirlightmap nodynlightmap novertexlight
// shadow helper functions and macros
#include "AutoLight.cginc"
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
SHADOW_COORDS(1) // put shadows data into TEXCOORD1
fixed3 diff : COLOR0;
fixed3 ambient : COLOR1;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = v.texcoord;
half3 worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
half nl = max(0, dot(worldNormal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz));
o.diff = nl * _LightColor0.rgb;
o.ambient = ShadeSH9(half4(worldNormal,1));
// compute shadows data
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;

fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
// compute shadow attenuation (1.0 = fully lit, 0.0 = fully shadowed)
fixed shadow = SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i);
// darken light's illumination with shadow, keep ambient intact
fixed3 lighting = i.diff * shadow + i.ambient;
col.rgb *= lighting;
return col;
// shadow casting support
UsePass "Legacy Shaders/VertexLit/SHADOWCASTER"

Look, we have shadows now!

Other shader examples
Shader "Custom/TextureCoordinates/Fog" {
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
//Needed for fog variation to be compiled.
#pragma multi_compile_fog
#include "UnityCG.cginc"

struct vertexInput {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
struct fragmentInput{
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float4 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
//Used to pass fog amount around number should be a free texcoord.
fragmentInput vert(vertexInput i){
fragmentInput o;
o.position = UnityObjectToClipPos(i.vertex);
o.texcoord0 = i.texcoord0;
//Compute fog amount from clip space position.
return o;
fixed4 frag(fragmentInput i) : SV_Target {
fixed4 color = fixed4(i.texcoord0.xy,0,0);
//Apply fog (additive pass are automatically handled)
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, color);
//to handle custom fog color another option would have been
// UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(i.fogCoord, color, float4(0,0,0,0));
// fixed4 myCustomColor = fixed4(0,0,1,0);
// UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(i.fogCoord, color, myCustomColor);
return color;

You can download the examples shown above as a zipped Unity project.

Further reading
Writing Vertex and Fragment Programs.
Shader Semantics.
Writing Surface Shaders.
Shader Reference.

Shader semantics

Leave feedback

When writing HLSL shader programs, input and output variables need to have their “intent” indicated via semantics. This is a
standard concept in HLSL shader language; see the Semantics documentation on MSDN for more details.
You can download the examples shown below as a zipped Unity project, here.

Vertex shader input semantics
The main vertex shader function (indicated by the #pragma vertex directive) needs to have semantics on all of the input
parameters. These correspond to individual Mesh data elements, like vertex position, normal mesh, and texture coordinates. See
vertex program inputs for more details.
Here’s an example of a simple vertex shader that takes vertex position and a texture coordinate as an input. The pixel shader
visualizes the texture coordinate as a color.

Shader "Unlit/Show UVs"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
struct v2f {
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (
float4 vertex : POSITION, // vertex position input
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0 // first texture coordinate input
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
o.uv = uv;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return fixed4(i.uv, 0, 0);

Instead of spelling out all individual inputs one by one, it is also possible to declare a structure of them, and indicate semantics on
each individual member variable of the struct. See shader program examples to learn how to do this.

Fragment shader output semantics
Most often a fragment (pixel) shader outputs a color, and has an SV_Target semantic. The fragment shader in the example above
does exactly that:

fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target

The function frag has a return type of fixed4 (low precision RGBA color). As it only returns a single value, the semantic is indicated
on the function itself, : SV_Target.
It is also possible to return a structure with the outputs. The fragment shader above could be rewritten this way too, and it would do
exactly the same:

struct fragOutput {
fixed4 color : SV_Target;
fragOutput frag (v2f i)
fragOutput o;
o.color = fixed4(i.uv, 0, 0);
return o;

Returning structures from the fragment shader is mostly useful for shaders that don’t just return a single color. Additional semantics
supported by the fragment shader outputs are as follows.

SV_TargetN: Multiple render targets
SV_Target1, SV_Target2, etc.: These are additional colors written by the shader. This is used when rendering into more than one
render target at once (known as the Multiple Render Targets rendering technique, or MRT). SV_Target0 is the same as SV_Target.

SV_Depth: Pixel shader depth output

Usually the fragment shader does not override the Z bu er value, and a default value is used from the regular triangle rasterization.
However, for some e ects it is useful to output custom Z bu er depth values per pixel.
Note that on many GPUs this turns o some depth bu er optimizations, so do not override Z bu er value without a good reason.
The cost incurred by SV_Depth varies depending on the GPU architecture, but overall it’s fairly similar to the cost of alpha testing
(using the built-in clip() function in HLSL). Render shaders that modify depth after all regular opaque shaders (for example, by
using the AlphaTest rendering queue.
The depth output value needs to be a single float.

Vertex shader outputs and fragment shader inputs
A vertex shader needs to output the nal clip space position of a vertex, so that the GPU knows where on the screen to rasterize it,
and at what depth. This output needs to have the SV_POSITION semantic, and be of a float4 type.
Any other outputs (“interpolators” or “varyings”) produced by the vertex shader are whatever your particular shader needs. The
values output from the vertex shader will be interpolated across the face of the rendered triangles, and the values at each pixel will
be passed as inputs to the fragment shader.
Many modern GPUs don’t really care what semantics these variables have; however some old systems (most notably, shader model 2
GPUs on Direct3D 9) did have special rules about the semantics:

TEXCOORD0, TEXCOORD1 etc are used to indicate arbitrary high precision data such as texture coordinates and
COLOR0 and COLOR1 semantics on vertex outputs and fragment inputs are for low-precision, 0–1 range data (like
simple color values).
For best cross platform support, label vertex outputs and fragment inputs as TEXCOORDn semantics.
See shader program examples for examples.

Interpolator count limits
There are limits to how many interpolator variables can be used in total to pass the information from the vertex into the fragment
shader. The limit depends on the platform and GPU, and the general guidelines are:

Up to 8 interpolators: OpenGL ES 2.0 (iOS/Android), Direct3D 11 9.x level (Windows Phone) and Direct3 9 shader
model 2.0 (old PCs). Since the interpolator count is limited, but each interpolator can be a 4-component vector,
some shaders pack things together to stay within limits. For example, two texture coordinates can be passed in one
float4 variable (.xy for one coordinate, .zw for the second coordinate).
Up to 10 interpolators: Direct3D 9 shader model 3.0 (#pragma target 3.0).
Up to 16 interpolators: OpenGL ES 3.0 (iOS/Android), Metal (iOS).
Up to 32 interpolators: Direct3D 10 shader model 4.0 (#pragma target 4.0).
Regardless of your particular target hardware, it is generally a good idea to use as few interpolators as possible for performance

Other special semantics
Screen space pixel position: VPOS
A fragment shader can receive position of the pixel being rendered as a special VPOS semantic. This feature only exists starting with
shader model 3.0, so the shader needs to have the #pragma target 3.0 compilation directive.
On di erent platforms the underlying type of the screen space position input varies, so for maximum portability use the
UNITY_VPOS_TYPE type for it (it will be float4 on most platforms, and oat2 on Direct3D 9).
Additionally, using the pixel position semantic makes it hard to have both the clip space position (SV_POSITION) and VPOS in the
same vertex-to-fragment structure. So the vertex shader should output the clip space position as a separate “out” variable. See the
example shader below:

Shader "Unlit/Screen Position"
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 3.0
// note: no SV_POSITION in this struct
struct v2f {
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (
float4 vertex : POSITION, // vertex position input
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, // texture coordinate input
out float4 outpos : SV_POSITION // clip space position output
v2f o;
o.uv = uv;
outpos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;

frag (v2f i, UNITY_VPOS_TYPE screenPos : VPOS) : SV_Target
screenPos.xy will contain pixel integer coordinates.
use them to implement a checkerboard pattern that skips rendering
4x4 blocks of pixels

// checker value will be negative for 4x4 blocks of pixels
// in a checkerboard pattern
screenPos.xy = floor(screenPos.xy * 0.25) * 0.5;
float checker = ­frac(screenPos.r + screenPos.g);
// clip HLSL instruction stops rendering a pixel if value is negative
// for pixels that were kept, read the texture and output it
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, i.uv);
return c;


Face orientation: VFACE
A fragment shader can receive a variable that indicates whether the rendered surface is facing the camera, or facing away from the
camera. This is useful when rendering geometry that should be visible from both sides – often used on leaves and similar thin
objects. The VFACE semantic input variable will contain a positive value for front-facing triangles, and a negative value for back-facing
This feature only exists from shader model 3.0 onwards, so the shader needs to have the #pragma target 3.0 compilation

Shader "Unlit/Face Orientation"
_ColorFront ("Front Color", Color) = (1,0.7,0.7,1)
_ColorBack ("Back Color", Color) = (0.7,1,0.7,1)
Cull Off // turn off backface culling
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 3.0
float4 vert (float4 vertex : POSITION) : SV_POSITION
return UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);

fixed4 _ColorFront;
fixed4 _ColorBack;
fixed4 frag (fixed facing : VFACE) : SV_Target
// VFACE input positive for frontbaces,
// negative for backfaces. Output one
// of the two colors depending on that.
return facing > 0 ? _ColorFront : _ColorBack;

The shader above uses the Cull state to turn o backface culling (by default back-facing triangles are not rendered at all). Here is the
shader applied to a bunch of Quad meshes, rotated at di erent orientations:

Vertex ID: SV_VertexID
A vertex shader can receive a variable that has the “vertex number” as an unsigned integer. This is mostly useful when you want to
fetch additional per-vertex data from textures or ComputeBu ers.
This feature only exists from DX10 (shader model 4.0) and GLCore / OpenGL ES 3, so the shader needs to have the #pragma target
3.5 compilation directive.

Shader "Unlit/VertexID"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 3.5
struct v2f {

fixed4 color : TEXCOORD0;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (
float4 vertex : POSITION, // vertex position input
uint vid : SV_VertexID // vertex ID, needs to be uint
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(vertex);
// output funky colors based on vertex ID
float f = (float)vid;
o.color = half4(sin(f/10),sin(f/100),sin(f/1000),0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return i.color;

(You can download the examples shown above as a zipped Unity project, here)

Accessing shader properties in Cg/HLSL Leave feedback
Shader declares Material properties in a Properties block. If you want to access some of those properties in a shader
program, you need to declare a Cg/HLSL variable with the same name and a matching type. An example is provided
in Shader Tutorial: Vertex and Fragment Programs.
For example these shader properties:

_MyColor ("Some Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MyVector ("Some Vector", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
_MyFloat ("My float", Float) = 0.5
_MyTexture ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_MyCubemap ("Cubemap", CUBE) = "" {}

would be declared for access in Cg/HLSL code as:

fixed4 _MyColor; // low precision type is usually enough for colors
float4 _MyVector;
float _MyFloat;
sampler2D _MyTexture;
samplerCUBE _MyCubemap;

Cg/HLSL can also accept uniform keyword, but it is not necessary:

uniform float4 _MyColor;

Property types in ShaderLab map to Cg/HLSL variable types this way:

Color and Vector properties map to oat4, half4 or xed4 variables.
Range and Float properties map to oat, half or xed variables.
Texture properties map to sampler2D variables for regular (2D) textures; Cubemaps map to
samplerCUBE; and 3D textures map to sampler3D.

How property values are provided to shaders
Shader property values are found and provided to shaders from these places:

Per-Renderer values set in MaterialPropertyBlock. This is typically “per-instance” data (e.g. customized
tint color for a lot of objects that all share the same material).
Values set in the Material that’s used on the rendered object.

Global shader properties, set either by Unity rendering code itself (see built-in shader variables), or
from your own scripts (e.g. Shader.SetGlobalTexture).
The order of precedence is like above: per-instance data overrides everything; then Material data is used; and nally
if shader property does not exist in these two places then global property value is used. Finally, if there’s no shader
property value de ned anywhere, then “default” (zero for oats, black for colors, empty white texture for textures)
value will be provided.

Serialized and Runtime Material properties
Materials can contain both serialized and runtime-set property values.
Serialized data is all the properties de ned in shader’s Properties block. Typically these are values that need to be
stored in the material, and are tweakable by the user in Material Inspector.
A material can also have some properties that are used by the shader, but not declared in shader’s Properties block.
Typically this is for properties that are set from script code at runtime, e.g. via Material.SetColor. Note that matrices
and arrays can only exist as non-serialized runtime properties (since there’s no way to de ne them in Properties

Special Texture properties
For each texture that is setup as a shader/material property, Unity also sets up some extra information in additional
vector properties.

Texture tiling & o set
Materials often have Tiling and O set elds for their texture properties. This information is passed into shaders in a
oat4 {TextureName} _ST property:


contains X tiling value
contains Y tiling value
contains X o set value
contains Y o set value

For example, if a shader contains texture named _MainTex, the tiling information will be in a _MainTex_ST vector.

Texture size
{TextureName} _TexelSize - a oat4 property contains texture size information:

x contains 1.0/width
y contains 1.0/height
z contains width
w contains height
Texture HDR parameters
{TextureName} _HDR - a oat4 property with information on how to decode a potentially HDR (e.g. RGBM-encoded)
texture depending on the color space used. See DecodeHDR function in UnityCG.cginc shader include le.

Color spaces and color/vector shader data

When using Linear color space, all material color properties are supplied as sRGB colors, but are converted into
linear values when passed into shaders.
For example, if your Properties shader block contains a Color property called “MyColor“, then the corresponding
”MyColor” HLSL variable will get the linear color value.
For properties that are marked as Float or Vector type, no color space conversions are done by default; it is
assumed that they contain non-color data. It is possible to add [Gamma] attribute for oat/vector properties to
indicate that they are speci ed in sRGB space, just like colors (see Properties).

See Also
ShaderLab Properties block.
Writing Shader Programs.

Providing vertex data to vertex

Leave feedback

For Cg/HLSL vertex programs, the Mesh vertex data is passed as inputs to the vertex shader function. Each input
needs to have semantic spe cied for it: for example, POSITION input is the vertex position, and NORMAL is the
vertex normal.
Often, vertex data inputs are declared in a structure, instead of listing them one by one. Several commonly used
vertex structures are de ned in UnityCG.cginc include le, and in most cases it’s enough just to use those. The
structures are:

appdata_base: position, normal and one texture coordinate.
appdata_tan: position, tangent, normal and one texture coordinate.
appdata_full: position, tangent, normal, four texture coordinates and color.
Example: This shader colors the mesh based on its normals, and uses appdata_base as vertex program input:

Shader "VertexInputSimple" {
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.color.xyz = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;
o.color.w = 1.0;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { return i.color; }

To access di erent vertex data, you need to declare the vertex structure yourself, or add input parameters to the
vertex shader. Vertex data is identi ed by Cg/HLSL semantics, and must be from the following list:

POSITION is the vertex position, typically a float3 or float4.
NORMAL is the vertex normal, typically a float3.
TEXCOORD0 is the rst UV coordinate, typically float2, float3 or float4.
TEXCOORD1, TEXCOORD2 and TEXCOORD3 are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th UV coordinates, respectively.
TANGENT is the tangent vector (used for normal mapping), typically a float4.
COLOR is the per-vertex color, typically a float4.
When the mesh data contains fewer components than are needed by the vertex shader input, the rest are lled
with zeroes, except for the .w component which defaults to 1. For example, mesh texture coordinates are often
2D vectors with just x and y components. If a vertex shader declares a float4 input with TEXCOORD0 semantic,
the value received by the vertex shader will contain (x,y,0,1).

Visualizing UVs
The following shader example uses the vertex position and the rst texture coordinate as the vertex shader
inputs (de ned in the structure appdata). This shader is very useful for debugging the UV coordinates of the

Shader "Debug/UV 1" {
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// vertex input: position, UV
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex );
o.uv = float4( v.texcoord.xy, 0, 0 );
return o;

half4 frag( v2f i ) : SV_Target {
half4 c = frac( i.uv );
if (any(saturate(i.uv) ­ i.uv))
c.b = 0.5;
return c;

Here, UV coordinates are visualized as red and green colors, while an additional blue tint has been applied to
coordinates outside of the 0 to 1 range:

Debug UV1 shader applied to a torus knot model
Similarly, this shader vizualizes the second UV set of the model:

Shader "Debug/UV 2" {
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// vertex input: position, second UV
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;

struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex );
o.uv = float4( v.texcoord1.xy, 0, 0 );
return o;
half4 frag( v2f i ) : SV_Target {
half4 c = frac( i.uv );
if (any(saturate(i.uv) ­ i.uv))
c.b = 0.5;
return c;

Visualizing vertex colors
The following shader uses the vertex position and the per-vertex colors as the vertex shader inputs (de ned in
structure appdata).

Shader "Debug/Vertex color" {
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// vertex input: position, color
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;

struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
v2f vert (appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex );
o.color = v.color;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { return i.color; }

Debug Colors shader applied to a torus knot model that has illumination baked into colors

Visualizing normals

The following shader uses the vertex position and the normal as the vertex shader inputs (de ned in the
structure appdata). The normal’s X,Y & Z components are visualized as RGB colors. Because the normal
components are in the –1 to 1 range, we scale and bias them so that the output colors are displayable in the 0 to
1 range.

Shader "Debug/Normals" {
SubShader {
Pass {

#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// vertex input: position, normal
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
v2f vert (appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex );
o.color.xyz = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;
o.color.w = 1.0;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { return i.color; }

Debug Normals shader applied to a torus knot model. You can see that the model has hard shading

Visualizing tangents and binormals
Tangent and binormal vectors are used for normal mapping. In Unity only the tangent vector is stored in vertices,
and the binormal is derived from the normal and tangent values.
The following shader uses the vertex position and the tangent as vertex shader inputs (de ned in structure
appdata). Tangent’s x,y and z components are visualized as RGB colors. Because the normal components are in
the –1 to 1 range, we scale and bias them so that the output colors are in a displayable 0 to 1 range.

Shader "Debug/Tangents" {
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// vertex input: position, tangent
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
fixed4 color : COLOR;
v2f vert (appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex );
o.color = v.tangent * 0.5 + 0.5;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { return i.color; }

Debug Tangents shader applied to a torus knot model.
The following shader visualizes bitangents. It uses the vertex position, normal and tangent values as vertex
inputs. The bitangent (sometimes called binormal) is calculated from the normal and tangent values. It needs to
be scaled and biased into a displayable 0 to 1 range.

Shader "Debug/Bitangents" {
SubShader {
Pass {
Fog { Mode Off }
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// vertex input: position, normal, tangent
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
v2f vert (appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex );
// calculate bitangent
float3 bitangent = cross( v.normal, v.tangent.xyz ) * v.tangent.w;
o.color.xyz = bitangent * 0.5 + 0.5;
o.color.w = 1.0;

return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { return i.color; }

Debug Bitangents shader applied to a torus knot model.

Further Reading

Shader Semantics
Vertex and Fragment Program Examples
Built-in Shader Include Files

Built-in shader include les

Leave feedback

Unity contains several les that can be used by your shader programs to bring in prede ned variables and helper
functions. This is done by the standard #include directive, e.g.:

// ...
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// ...

Shader include les in Unity are with .cginc extension, and the built-in ones are:

HLSLSupport.cginc - (automatically included) Helper macros and de nitions for cross-platform
shader compilation.
UnityShaderVariables.cginc - (automatically included) Commonly used global variables.
UnityCG.cginc - commonly used helper functions.
AutoLight.cginc - lighting & shadowing functionality, e.g. surface shaders use this le internally.
Lighting.cginc - standard surface shader lighting models; automatically included when you’re
writing surface shaders.
TerrainEngine.cginc - helper functions for Terrain & Vegetation shaders.
These les are found inside Unity application ({unity install path}/Data/CGIncludes/UnityCG.cginc on
Windows, /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/CGIncludes/UnityCG.cginc on Mac), if you want to take a
look at what exactly is done in any of the helper code.

This le is automatically included when compiling CGPROGRAM shaders (but not included for HLSLPROGRAM
ones). It declares various preprocessor macros to aid in multi-platform shader development.

This le is automatically included when compiling CGPROGRAM shaders (but not included for HLSLPROGRAM
ones). It declares various built-in global variables that are commonly used in shaders.

This le is often included in Unity shaders. It declares many built-in helper functions and data structures.

Data structures in UnityCG.cginc
struct appdata_base: vertex shader input with position, normal, one texture coordinate.
struct appdata_tan: vertex shader input with position, normal, tangent, one texture coordinate.
struct appdata_full: vertex shader input with position, normal, tangent, vertex color and two
texture coordinates.

struct appdata_img: vertex shader input with position and one texture coordinate.

Prede ned Shader preprocessor macros

Leave feedback

Unity de nes several preprocessor macros when compiling Shader programs.

Target platform

Target platform:
Direct3D 11


Desktop OpenGL “core” (GL 3/4)


OpenGL ES 2.0


OpenGL ES 3.0/3.1
iOS/Mac Metal


SHADER_API_D3D11_9X Direct3D 11 “feature level 9.x” target for Universal Windows Platform

PlayStation 4. SHADER_API_PSSL is also de ned.

SHADER_API_MOBILE is de ned for all general mobile platforms (GLES, GLES3, METAL).
Additionally, SHADER_TARGET_GLSL is de ned when the target shading language is GLSL (always true for OpenGL/GLES

Shader target model
SHADER_TARGET is de ned to a numeric value that matches the Shader target compilation model (that is, matching #pragma
target directive). For example, SHADER_TARGET is 30 when compiling into Shader model 3.0. You can use it in Shader code
to do conditional checks. For example:

// less than Shader model 3.0:
// very limited Shader capabilities, do some approximation
// decent capabilities, do a better thing

Unity version
UNITY_VERSION contains the numeric value of the Unity version. For example, UNITY_VERSION is 501 for Unity 5.0.1. This
can be used for version comparisons if you need to write Shaders that use di erent built-in Shader functionality. For
example, a #if UNITY_VERSION >= 500 preprocessor check only passes on versions 5.0.0 or later.

Shader stage being compiled
SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY, SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE are de ned when compiling each Shader stage. Typically they are
useful when sharing Shader code between pixel Shaders and compute Shaders, to handle cases where some things have to
be done slightly di erently.

Platform di erence helpers
Direct use of these platform macros is discouraged, as they don’t always contribute to the future-proo ng of your code. For
example, if you’re writing a Shader that checks for D3D11, you may want to ensure that, in the future, the check is extended
to include Vulkan. Instead, Unity de nes several helper macros (in HLSLSupport.cginc ):



Add this before conditional statements to tell the compiler that
this should be compiled into an actual branch. Expands to
[branch] when on HLSL platforms.
Add this before conditional statements to tell the compiler that
this should be attened to avoid an actual branch instruction.
Expands to [flatten] when on HLSL platforms.

De ned on platforms that do not use cascaded screenspace
shadowmaps (mobile platforms).
De ned on platforms that do not support Linear color space
(mobile platforms).
De ned on platforms where RGBM compression for lightmaps
is not used (mobile platforms).
De ned on platforms that do not use DXT5nm normal-map
compression (mobile platforms).
De ned on platforms where “framebu er color fetch”
UNITY_FRAMEBUFFER_FETCH_AVAILABLE functionality can be available (generally iOS platforms - OpenGL
ES 2.0, 3.0 and Metal).
De ned on platforms where point light shadowmaps use RGBA
UNITY_USE_RGBA_FOR_POINT_SHADOWS Textures with encoded depth (other platforms use singlechannel oating point Textures).
De nes which channel of light attenuation Texture contains the
data; used in per-pixel lighting code. De ned to either ‘r’ or ‘a’.
De ned on platforms that need a half-texel o set adjustment in
mapping texels to pixels (e.g. Direct3D 9).
Always de ned with value of 1 or 0. A value of 1 is on platforms
where Texture V coordinate is 0 at the “top” of the Texture.
Direct3D-like platforms use value of 1; OpenGL-like platforms
use value of 0.
De ned if a platform might emulate shadow maps or depth
Textures by manually rendering depth into a Texture.
Given a 4-component vector, this returns a Texture coordinate
suitable for projected Texture reads. On most platforms this
returns the given value directly.
De ned to the value of near clipping plane. Direct3D-like
platforms use 0.0 while OpenGL-like platforms use –1.0.
De nes the data type required for pixel position input (VPOS):
float2 on D3D9, float4 elsewhere.

De ned when the Shader compiler “understands” the
tessellation Shader HLSL syntax (currently only D3D11).
UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(type,name) Initializes the variable name of given type to zero.


Indicates which Shader compiler is being used to compile
Shaders - respectively: Microsoft’s HLSL, HLSL to GLSL translator,
and NVIDIA’s Cg. See documentation on Shading Languages for
more details. Use this if you run into very speci c Shader syntax
handling di erences between the compilers, and want to write
di erent code for each compiler.
UNITY_REVERSED_Z - de ned on plaftorms using reverse Z bu er. Stored Z values are in the range 1..0
instead of 0..1.

Shadow mapping macros

Declaring and sampling shadow maps can be very di erent depending on the platform. Unity has several macros to help with


Declares a shadowmap Texture variable with name “tex”.
Samples shadowmap Texture “tex” at given “uv” coordinate (XY
components are Texture location, Z component is depth to
compare with). Returns single oat value with the shadow term in
0..1 range.
Similar to above, but does a projective shadowmap read. “uv” is a
UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW_PROJ(tex,uv) oat4, all other components are divided by .w for doing the
NOTE: Not all graphics cards support shadowmaps. Use SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat to check for support.

Constant bu er macros
Direct3D 11 groups all Shader variables into “constant bu ers”. Most of Unity’s built-in variables are already grouped, but for
variables in your own Shaders it might be more optimal to put them into separate constant bu ers depending on expected
frequency of updates.
Use CBUFFER_START(name) and CBUFFER_END macros for that:

float4 _SomeGlobalValue;

Texture/Sampler declaration macros
Usually you would use texture2D in Shader code to declare a Texture and Sampler pair. However on some platforms (such
as DX11), Textures and Samplers are separate GameObjects, and maximum possible Sampler count is quite limited. Unity
has some macros to declare Textures without Samplers, and to sample a Texture using a Sampler from another Texture. Use
this if you end up running into Sampler limits, and you know that several of your Textures can in fact share a Sampler
(Samplers de ne Texture ltering and wrapping modes).




Declares a Texture without a Sampler.

Declares a Texture and Sampler pair.


Declares a Texture array Sampler variable.


Sample from a Texture and Sampler pair, using given
Texture coordinate.


Sample from Texture (name), using a Sampler from
another Texture (samplername).

Sample from a Texture array with a oat3 UV; the z
component of the coordinate is array element index.
Sample from a Texture array with an explicit mipmap

For more information, see documentation on Sampler States.

Surface Shader pass indicators
When Surface Shaders are compiled, they generate a lot of code for various passes to do lighting. When compiling each pass,
one of the following macros is de ned:

UNITY_PASS_FORWARDBASE Forward rendering base pass (main directional light, lightmaps, SH).

Forward rendering additive pass (one light per pass).
Deferred shading pass (renders g bu er).

UNITY_PASS_SHADOWCASTER Shadow caster and depth Texture rendering pass.
UNITY_PASS_PREPASSBASE Legacy deferred lighting base pass (renders normals and specular exponent).
UNITY_PASS_PREPASSFINAL Legacy deferred lighting nal pass (applies lighting and Textures).

Disable Auto-Upgrade

UNITY_SHADER_NO_UPGRADE allows you to disable Unity from automatically upgrading or modifying your shader le.

See also
Built-in Shader include les
Built-in Shader variables
Vertex and Fragment program examples
• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

Built-in shader helper functions

Leave feedback

Unity has a number of built-in utility functions designed to make writing shaders simpler and easier.

Functions declared in UnityCG.cginc
See Built-in shader include les for an overview of shader include les provided with Unity.

Vertex transformation functions in UnityCG.cginc

Transforms a point from object space to the camera’s clip space in
homogeneous coordinates. This is the equivalent of
mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, oat4(pos, 1.0)), and should be used in its
Transforms a point from object space to view space. This is the
UnityObjectToViewPos(float3 equivalent of mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MV, oat4(pos, 1.0)).xyz, and
should be used in its place.
Generic helper functions in UnityCG.cginc
float3 WorldSpaceViewDir (float4

Returns world space direction (not normalized) from given
object space vertex position towards the camera.

float3 ObjSpaceViewDir (float4 v)

Returns object space direction (not normalized) from given
object space vertex position towards the camera.

float2 ParallaxOffset (half h,
half height, half3 viewDir)

calculates UV o set for parallax normal mapping.

fixed Luminance (fixed3 c)

Converts color to luminance (grayscale).

fixed3 DecodeLightmap (fixed4

Decodes color from Unity lightmap (RGBM or dLDR
depending on platform).

float4 EncodeFloatRGBA (float v)

Encodes [0..1) range oat into RGBA color, for storage in low
precision render target.

float DecodeFloatRGBA (float4

Decodes RGBA color into a oat.

float2 EncodeFloatRG (float v)

Encodes [0..1) range oat into a oat2.

float DecodeFloatRG (float2 enc)

Decodes a previously-encoded RG oat.

float2 EncodeViewNormalStereo
(float3 n)

Encodes view space normal into two numbers in 0..1 range.

float3 DecodeViewNormalStereo
Decodes view space normal from enc4.xy.
(float4 enc4)
Forward rendering helper functions in UnityCG.cginc
These functions are only useful when using forward rendering (ForwardBase or ForwardAdd pass types).

(float4 v)

Computes world space direction (not normalized) to light, given object space
vertex position.

(float4 v)

Computes object space direction (not normalized) to light, given object space
vertex position.

Computes illumination from four point lights, with light data tightly packed into
vectors. Forward rendering uses this to compute per-vertex lighting.
Screen-space helper functions in UnityCG.cginc
The following functions are helpers to compute coordinates used for sampling screen-space textures. They return
float4 where the nal coordinate to sample texture with can be computed via perspective division (for example xy/w).
The functions also take care of platform di erences in render texture coordinates.

float4 ComputeScreenPos
(float4 clipPos)

Computes texture coordinate for doing a screenspace-mapped
texture sample. Input is clip space position.

float4 ComputeGrabScreenPos Computes texture coordinate for sampling a GrabPass texure. Input
(float4 clipPos)
is clip space position.
Vertex-lit helper functions in UnityCG.cginc
These functions are only useful when using per-vertex lit shaders (“Vertex” pass type).

float3 ShadeVertexLights (float4
vertex, float3 normal)

Computes illumination from four per-vertex lights and
ambient, given object space position & normal.

Built-in shader variables

Leave feedback

Unity provides a handful of built-in global variables for your shaders: things like current object’s transformation matrices, light
parameters, current time and so on. You use them in shader programs like any other variable, the only di erence is that you don’t
have to declare them - they are all declared in UnityShaderVariables.cginc include le that is included automatically.

All these matrices are float4x4 type.

UNITY_MATRIX_MVP Current model * view * projection matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_MV Current model * view matrix.
Current view matrix.
Current projection matrix.
Current view * projection matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_T_MV Transpose of model * view matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV Inverse transpose of model * view matrix.
unity_ObjectToWorld Current model matrix.
unity_WorldToObject Inverse of current world matrix.

Camera and screen

These variables will correspond to the Camera that is rendering. For example during shadowmap rendering, they will still refer to
the Camera component values, and not the “virtual camera” that is used for the shadowmap projection.







_ZBu erParams




World space position of the camera.
x is 1.0 (or –1.0 if currently rendering with a ipped projection matrix), y
is the camera’s near plane, z is the camera’s far plane and w is
x is the width of the camera’s target texture in pixels, y is the height of
the camera’s target texture in pixels, z is 1.0 + 1.0/width and w is 1.0 +
Used to linearize Z bu er values. x is (1-far/near), y is (far/near), z is
(x/far) and w is (y/far).
x is orthographic camera’s width, y is orthographic camera’s height, z is
unused and w is 1.0 when camera is orthographic, 0.0 when perspective.


oat4x4 Camera’s projection matrix.
oat4x4 Inverse of camera’s projection matrix.
Camera frustum plane world space equations, in this order: left, right,
unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes[6] oat4
bottom, top, near, far.


Type Value
oat4 Time since level load (t/20, t, t*2, t*3), use to animate things inside the shaders.
oat4 Sine of time: (t/8, t/4, t/2, t).
oat4 Cosine of time: (t/8, t/4, t/2, t).
unity_DeltaTime oat4 Delta time: (dt, 1/dt, smoothDt, 1/smoothDt).


Light parameters are passed to shaders in di erent ways depending on which Rendering Path is used, and which LightMode Pass
Tag is used in the shader.
Forward rendering (ForwardBase and ForwardAdd pass types):

_LightColor0 (declared in Lighting.cginc)
_LightMatrix0 (declared in
unity_4LightPosX0, unity_4LightPosY0,

Light color.
Directional lights: (world space direction, 0). Other lights:
(world space position, 1).
World-to-light matrix. Used to sample cookie & attenuation
(ForwardBase pass only) world space positions of rst four nonoat4
important point lights.
(ForwardBase pass only) attenuation factors of rst four nonoat4
important point lights.
(ForwardBase pass only) colors of of rst four non-important
point lights.
World-to-shadow matrices. One matrix for spot lights, up to
four for directional light cascades.

Deferred shading and deferred lighting, used in the lighting pass shader (all declared in UnityDeferredLibrary.cginc):



Light color.
World-to-light matrix. Used to sample cookie & attenuation textures.
World-to-shadow matrices. One matrix for spot lights, up to four for directional
unity_WorldToShadow oat4x4[4]
light cascades.
Spherical harmonics coe cients (used by ambient and light probes) are set up for ForwardBase, PrePassFinal and Deferred
pass types. They contain 3rd order SH to be evaluated by world space normal (see ShadeSH9 from UnityCG.cginc). The variables
are all half4 type, unity_SHAr and similar names.
Vertex-lit rendering (Vertex pass type):
Up to 8 lights are set up for a Vertex pass type; always sorted starting from the brightest one. So if you want to render objects
a ected by two lights at once, you can just take rst two entries in the arrays. If there are less lights a ecting the object than 8, the
rest will have their color set to black.


half4[8] Light colors.
View-space light positions. (-direction,0) for directional lights; (position,1) for
unity_LightPosition oat4[8]
point/spot lights.
Light attenuation factors. x is cos(spotAngle/2) or –1 for non-spot lights; y is
half4[8] 1/cos(spotAngle/4) or 1 for non-spot lights; z is quadratic attenuation; w is squared
light range.
unity_SpotDirection oat4[8] View-space spot light positions; (0,0,1,0) for non-spot lights.

Fog and Ambient

Type Value
xed4 Sky ambient lighting color in gradient ambient lighting case.
xed4 Equator ambient lighting color in gradient ambient lighting case.
xed4 Ground ambient lighting color in gradient ambient lighting case.
UNITY_LIGHTMODEL_AMBIENT xed4 Ambient lighting color (sky color in gradient ambient case). Legacy variable.
xed4 Fog color.



Parameters for fog calculation: (density / sqrt(ln(2)), density / ln(2), –1/(endoat4 start), end/(end-start)). x is useful for Exp2 fog mode, y for Exp mode, z and
w for Linear mode.

Type Value
Level-of-detail fade when using LODGroup. x is fade (0..1), y is fade quantized to 16
levels, z and w unused.
Set automatically by Unity for UI only based on whether the texture being used is in
_TextureSampleAdd oat4
Alpha8 format (the value is set to (1,1,1,0)) or not (the value is set to (0,0,0,0)).

Making multiple shader program

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Often it is convenient to keep most of a piece of shader code xed but also allow slightly di erent shader
“variants” to be produced. This is commonly called “mega shaders” or “uber shaders”, and is achieved by
compiling the shader code multiple times with di erent preprocessor directives for each case.
In Unity this can be achieved by adding a #pragma multi_compile or #pragma shader_feature directive to a
shader snippet. This works in surface shaders too.
At runtime, the appropriate shader variant is picked up from the Material keywords (Material.EnableKeyword and
DisableKeyword) or global shader keywords (Shader.EnableKeyword and DisableKeyword).

How multi_compile works
A directive like:

#pragma multi_compile FANCY_STUFF_OFF FANCY_STUFF_ON

Will produce two shader variants, one with FANCY_STUFF_OFF de ned, and another with FANCY_STUFF_ON. At
runtime, one of them will be activated based on the Material or global shader keywords. If neither of these two
keywords are enabled then the rst one (“o ”) will be used.
There can be more than two keywords on a multi_compile line, for example this will produce four shader variants:


When any of the names are all underscores, then a shader variant will be produced, with no preprocessor macro
de ned. This is commonly used for shaders features, to avoid using up two keywords (see notes on keywork limit
below). For example, the directive below will produce two shader variants; rst one with nothing de ned, and
second one with FOO_ON de ned:

#pragma multi_compile __ FOO_ON

Di erence between shader_feature and multi_compile

#pragma shader_feature is very similar to #pragma multi_compile, the only di erence is that unused
variants of shader_feature shaders will not be included into game build. So shader_feature makes most sense for
keywords that will be set on the materials, while multi_compile for keywords that will be set from code globally.
Additionally, it has a shorthand notation with just one keyword:

#pragma shader_feature FANCY_STUFF

Which is just a shortcut for #pragma shader_feature _ FANCY_STUFF, i.e. it expands into two shader variants
( rst one without the de ne; second one with it).

Combining several multi_compile lines
Several multi_compile lines can be provided, and the resulting shader will be compiled for all possible
combinations of the lines:

#pragma multi_compile A B C
#pragma multi_compile D E

This would produce three variants for rst line, and two for the second line, or in total six shader variants (A+D,
B+D, C+D, A+E, B+E, C+E).
It’s easiest to think of each multi_compile line as controlling a single shader “feature”. Keep in mind that the total
number of shader variants grows really fast this way. For example, ten multi_compile “features” with two options
each produces 1024 shader variants in total!

Keyword limit
When using Shader variants, remember that there is a limit of 256 keywords in Unity, and around 60 of them are
used internally (therefore lowering the available limit). Also, the keywords are enabled globally throughout a
particular Unity project, so be careful not to exceed the limit when multiple keywords are de ned in several
di erent Shaders.

Built-in multi_compile shortcuts
There are several “shortcut” notations for compiling multiple shader variants; they are mostly to deal with
di erent light, shadow and lightmap types in Unity. See rendering pipeline for details.

multi_compile_fwdbase compiles all variants needed by ForwardBase (forward rendering base)
pass type. The variants deal with di erent lightmap types and main directional light having
shadows on or o .

multi_compile_fwdadd compiles variants for ForwardAdd (forward rendering additive) pass
type. This compiles variants to handle directional, spot or point light types, and their variants with
cookie textures.
multi_compile_fwdadd_fullshadows - same as above, but also includes ability for the lights to
have realtime shadows.
multi_compile_fog expands to several variants to handle di erent fog types
(o /linear/exp/exp2).
Most of the built-in shortcuts result in many shader variants. It is possible to skip compiling some of them if you
know they are not needed, by using #pragma skip_variants. For example:

#pragma multi_compile_fwdadd
// will make all variants containing
// "POINT" or "POINT_COOKIE" be skipped
#pragma skip_variants POINT POINT_COOKIE

Shader Hardware Variants
One common reason for using shader variants is to create fallbacks or simpli ed shaders that can run e ciently
on both high and low end hardware within a single target platform - such as OpenGL ES. To provide a specially
optimised set of variants for di erent levels of hardware capability, you can use shader hardware variants.
To enable the generation of shader hardware variants, add #pragma hardware_tier_variants renderer,
where renderer is one of the available renderering platforms for shader program pragmas. With this #pragma 3
shader variants will be generated for each shader, regardless of any other keywords. Each variant will have one of
the following de ned:


You can use these to write conditional fallbacks or extra features for lower or higher end. In the editor you can
test any of the tiers by using the Graphics Emulation menu, which allows you to change between each of the tiers.
To help keep the impact of these variants as small as possible, only one set of shaders is ever loaded in the
player. In addition, any shaders which end up identical - for example if you only write a specialised version for
TIER1 and all others are the same - will not take up any extra space on disk.
At load time Unity will examine the GPU that it is using and auto-detect a tier value; it will default to the highest
tier if the GPU is not auto-detected. You can override this tier value by setting
Shader.globalShaderHardwareTier, but this must be done before any shaders you want to vary are loaded.

Once the shaders are loaded they will have selected their set of variants and this value will have no e ect. A good
place to set this would be in a pre-load scene before you load your main scene.
Note that these shader hardware tiers are not related to the quality settings of the player, they are purely
detected from the relative capability of the GPU the player is running on.

Platform Shader Settings
Apart from tweaking your shader code for di erent hardware tiers, you might want to tweak unity internal
de nes (e.g. you might want to force cascaded shadowmaps on mobiles). You can nd details on this in the
UnityEditor.Rendering.PlatformShaderSettings documentation, which provides a list of currently supported
features for overriding per-tier. Use UnityEditor.Rendering.EditorGraphicsSettings.SetShaderSettingsForPlatform
to tweak Platform Shader Settings per-platform per-tier.
Please note that if PlatformShaderSettings set to di erent tiers are not identical, then tier variants will be
generated for the shader even if #pragma hardware_tier_variants is missing.

See Also
Optimizing Shader Load Time.

GLSL Shader programs

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In addition to using Cg/HSL shader programs, OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) Shaders can be written directly.
However, use of raw GLSL is only recommended for testing, or when you know you are only targeting Mac OS X,
OpenGL ES mobile devices, or Linux. In all normal cases, Unity will cross-compile Cg/HLSL into optimized GLSL
when needed.

GLSL snippets
GLSL program snippets are written between GLSLPROGRAM and ENDGLSL keywords.
In GLSL, all shader function entry points have to be called main(). When Unity loads the GLSL shader, it loads the
source once for the vertex program, with the VERTEX preprocessor de ne, and once more for the fragment
program, with the FRAGMENT preprocessor de ne. So the way to separate vertex and fragment program parts in
GLSL snippet is to surround them with #ifdef VERTEX .. #endif and #ifdef FRAGMENT .. #endif. Each
GLSL snippet must contain both a vertex program and a fragment program.
Standard include les match those provided for Cg/HLSL shaders; they just have a .glslinc extension:


Vertex shader inputs come from prede ned GLSL variables (gl_Vertex, gl_MultiTexCoord0, …) or are user
de ned attributes. Usually only the tangent vector needs a user de ned attribute:

attribute vec4 Tangent;

Data from vertex to fragment programs is passed through varying variables, for example:

varying vec3 lightDir; // vertex shader computes this, fragment shader uses this

External OES textures
Unity does some preprocessing during Shader compilation; for example, texture2D/texture2DProj functions
may be replaced to texture/textureProj, based on graphics API (GlES3, GLCore). Some extensions don’t
support new convention, most notably GL_OES_EGL_image_external .

If you want to sample external textures in GLSL shaders, use textureExternal/textureProjExternal calls
instead of texture2D/texture2DProj.

gl_FragData[0] = textureExternal(_MainTex, uv);

Shading Language used in Unity

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In Unity, shader programs are written in a variant of HLSL language (also called Cg but for most practical uses the
two are the same).
Currently, for maximum portability between di erent platforms, writing in DX9-style HLSL (e.g. use DX9 style
sampler2D and tex2D for texture sampling instead of DX10 style Texture2D, SamplerState and

Shader Compilers
Internally, di erent shader compilers are used for shader program compilation:

Windows & Microsoft platforms (DX11, DX12 and Xbox One) all use Microsoft’s HLSL compiler
(currently d3dcompiler_47).
OpenGL Core, OpenGL ES 3, OpenGL ES 2.0 and Metal use Microsoft’s HLSL followed by bytecode
translation into GLSL or Metal, using HLSLcc.
OpenGL ES 2.0 can use source level translation via hlsl2glslfork and glsl optimizer. This is enabled
by adding #pragma prefer_hlsl2glsl gles
Other console platforms use their respective compilers (e.g. PSSL on PS4).
Surface Shaders use Cg 2.2 and MojoShader for code generation analysis step.
In case you really need to identify which compiler is being used (to use HLSL syntax only supported by one
compiler, or to work around a compiler bug), prede ned shader macros can be used. For example,
UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL is set when compiling with HLSL compiler (for D3D or GLCore/GLES3/GLES platforms);
and UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL2GLSL when compiling via hlsl2glsl.

See Also
Shader Programs.
Shader Preprocessor Macros.
Platform Speci c Rendering Di erences.

Shader Compilation Target Levels

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When writing either Surface Shaders or regular Shader Programs, the HLSL source can be compiled into di erent
“shader models”. To allow the use of more modern GPI functionality, you must use higher shader compilation
Note: Using higher shader compilation targets may prevent the shader from working on older GPUs or platforms.
Indicate the compilation target by using the #pragma target name directive. For example:

#pragma target 3.5

Default compilation target
By default, Unity compiles shaders into almost the lowest supported target (“2.5”); in between DirectX shader
models 2.0 and 3.0. Some other compilation directives make the shader automatically be compiled into a higher

Using a geometry shader (#pragma geometry) sets the compilation target to 4.0.
Using tessellation shaders (#pragma hull or #pragma domain) sets the compilation target to
Any shader not explicitly setting a function entry point through #pragma for geometry, hull or domain shaders
will downgrade internal shader capability requirements. This allows non-DX11 targets with broader run-time and
feature di erences to be more compatible with the existing shader content.
For example, Unity supports tessellation shaders on Metal graphics, but Metal doesn’t support geometry shaders.
Using #pragma target 5.0 is still valid, as long as you don’t use geometry shaders.

Supported #pragma target names
Here is the list of shader models supported, with roughly increasing set of capabilities (and in some cases higher
platform/GPU requirements):

#pragma target 2.0
Works on all platforms supported by Unity. DX9 shader model 2.0.
Limited amount of arithmetic & texture instructions; 8 interpolators; no vertex texture sampling; no
derivatives in fragment shaders; no explicit LOD texture sampling.
#pragma target 2.5 (default)
Almost the same as 3.0 target (see below), except still only has 8 interpolators, and does not have
explicit LOD texture sampling.
Compiles into DX11 feature level 9.3 on Windows Phone.
#pragma target 3.0
DX9 shader model 3.0: derivative instructions, texture LOD sampling, 10 interpolators, more
math/texture instructions allowed.

Not supported on DX11 feature level 9.x GPUs (e.g. most Windows Phone devices).
Might not be fully supported by some OpenGL ES 2.0 devices, depending on driver extensions
present and features used.
#pragma target 3.5 (or es3.0)
OpenGL ES 3.0 capabilities (DX10 SM4.0 on D3D platforms, just without geometry shaders).
Not supported on DX11 9.x (WinPhone), OpenGL ES 2.0.
Supported on DX11+, OpenGL 3.2+, OpenGL ES 3+, Metal, Vulkan, PS4/XB1 consoles.
Native integer operations in shaders, texture arrays, etc.
#pragma target 4.0
DX11 shader model 4.0.
Not supported on DX11 9.x (WinPhone), OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0/3.1, Metal.
Supported on DX11+, OpenGL 3.2+, OpenGL ES 3.1+AEP, Vulkan, PS4/XB1 consoles.
Has geometry shaders and everything that es3.0 target has.
#pragma target 4.5 (or es3.1)
OpenGL ES 3.1 capabilities (DX11 SM5.0 on D3D platforms, just without tessellation shaders).
Not supported on DX11 before SM5.0, OpenGL before 4.3 (i.e. Mac), OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0.
Supported on DX11+ SM5.0, OpenGL 4.3+, OpenGL ES 3.1, Metal, Vulkan, PS4/XB1 consoles.
Has compute shaders, random access texture writes, atomics etc. No geometry or tessellation
#pragma target 4.6 (or gl4.1)
OpenGL 4.1 capabilities (DX11 SM5.0 on D3D platforms, just without compute shaders). This is
basically the highest OpenGL level supported by Macs.
Not supported on DX11 before SM5.0, OpenGL before 4.1, OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0/3.1, Metal.
Supported on DX11+ SM5.0, OpenGL 4.1+, OpenGL ES 3.1+AEP, Vulkan, Metal (without geometry),
PS4/XB1 consoles.
#pragma target 5.0
DX11 shader model 5.0.
Not supported on DX11 before SM5.0, OpenGL before 4.3 (i.e. Mac), OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0/3.1, Metal.
Supported on DX11+ SM5.0, OpenGL 4.3+, OpenGL ES 3.1+AEP, Vulkan, Metal (without geometry),
PS4/XB1 consoles.
Note that all OpenGL-like platforms (including mobile) are treated as “capable of shader model 3.0”. WP8/WinRT
platforms (DX11 feature level 9.x) are treated as only capable of shader model 2.5.

See Also
Writing Shader Programs.
Surface Shaders.
2018–03–20 Page amended with editorial review
Shader #pragma directives added in Unity 2018.1
Tessellation for Metal added in 2018.1

Shader data types and precision

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The standard Shader language in Unity is HLSL, and general HLSL data types are supported. However, Unity has some
additions to the HLSL types, particularly for better support on mobile platforms.

Basic data types
The majority of calculations in shaders are carried out on oating-point numbers (which would be float in regular
programming languages like C#). Several variants of oating point types are present: float, half and fixed (as well
as vector/matrix variants of them, such as half3 and float4x4). These types di er in precision (and, consequently,
performance or power usage):

High precision: float
Highest precision oating point value; generally 32 bits (just like float from regular programming languages).
Full float precision is generally used for world space positions, texture coordinates, or scalar computations involving
complex functions such as trigonometry or power/exponentiation.

Medium precision: half
Medium precision oating point value; generally 16 bits (range of –60000 to +60000, with about 3 decimal digits of
Half precision is useful for short vectors, directions, object space positions, high dynamic range colors.

Low precision: fixed
Lowest precision xed point value. Generally 11 bits, with a range of –2.0 to +2.0 and 1/256th precision.
Fixed precision is useful for regular colors (as typically stored in regular textures) and performing simple operations on

Integer data types
Integers (int data type) are often used as loop counters or array indices. For this purpose, they generally work ne
across various platforms.
Depending on the platform, integer types might not be supported by the GPU. For example, Direct3D 9 and OpenGL ES
2.0 GPUs only operate on oating point data, and simple-looking integer expressions (involving bit or logical operations)
might be emulated using fairly complicated oating point math instructions.
Direct3D 11, OpenGL ES 3, Metal and other modern platforms have proper support for integer data types, so using bit
shifts and bit masking works as expected.

Composite vector/matrix types
HLSL has built-in vector and matrix types that are created from the basic types. For example, float3 is a 3D vector
with .x, .y, .z components, and half4 is a medium precision 4D vector with .x, .y, .z, .w components. Alternatively,
vectors can be indexed using .r, .g, .b, .a components, which is useful when working on colors.
Matrix types are built in a similar way; for example float4x4 is a 4x4 transformation matrix. Note that some platforms
only support square matrices, most notably OpenGL ES 2.0.

Texture/Sampler types
Typically you declare textures in your HLSL code as follows:

sampler2D _MainTex;
samplerCUBE _Cubemap;

For mobile platforms, these translate into “low precision samplers”, i.e. the textures are expected to have low precision
data in them. If you know your texture contains HDR colors, you might want to use half precision sampler:

sampler2D_half _MainTex;
samplerCUBE_half _Cubemap;

Or if your texture contains full oat precision data (e.g. depth texture), use a full precision sampler:

sampler2D_float _MainTex;
samplerCUBE_float _Cubemap;

Precision, Hardware Support and Performance
One complication of float/half/fixed data type usage is that PC GPUs are always high precision. That is, for all the
PC (Windows/Mac/Linux) GPUs, it does not matter whether you write float, half or fixed data types in your
shaders. They always compute everything in full 32-bit oating point precision.
The half and fixed types only become relevant when targeting mobile GPUs, where these types primarily exist for
power (and sometimes performance) constraints. Keep in mind that you need to test your shaders on mobile to see
whether or not you are running into precision/numerical issues.
Even on mobile GPUs, the di erent precision support varies between GPU families. Here’s an overview of how each
mobile GPU family treats each oating point type (indicated by the number of bits used for it):

GPU Family
oat half
PowerVR Series 6/7
PowerVR SGX 5xx
Qualcomm Adreno 4xx/3xx 32
Qualcomm Adreno 2xx
32 vertex 24 fragment
ARM Mali T6xx/7xx
ARM Mali 400/450
32 vertex 16 fragment

GPU Family
NVIDIA Tegra 3/4





Most modern mobile GPUs actually only support either 32-bit numbers (used for float type) or 16-bit numbers (used
for both half and fixed types). Some older GPUs have di erent precisions for vertex shader and fragment shader
Using lower precision can often be faster, either due to improved GPU register allocation, or due to special “fast path”
execution units for certain lower-precision math operations. Even when there’s no raw performance advantage, using
lower precision often uses less power on the GPU, leading to better battery life.
A general rule of thumb is to start with half precision for everything except positions and texture coordinates. Only
increase precision if half precision is not enough for some parts of the computation.

Support for in nities, NaNs and other special oating point values
Support for special oating point values can be di erent depending on which (mostly mobile) GPU family you’re
All PC GPUs that support Direct3D 10 support very well-speci ed IEEE 754 oating point standard. This means that oat
numbers behave exactly like they do in regular programming languages on the CPU.
Mobile GPUs can have slightly di erent levels of support. On some, dividing zero by zero might result in a NaN (“not a
number”); on others it might result in in nity, zero or any other unspeci ed value. Make sure to test your shaders on
the target device to check they are supported.

External GPU Documentation
GPU vendors have in-depth guides about the performance and capabilities of their GPUs. See these for details:

ARM Mali Guide for Unity Developers
Qualcomm Adreno OpenGL ES Developer Guide
PowerVR Architecture Guides

See Also

Platform Speci c Rendering Di erences
Shader Performance Tips
Shading Language

Using sampler states

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Coupled textures and samplers
Most of the time when sampling textures in shaders, the texture sampling state should come form texture
settings – essentially, textures and samplers are coupled together. This is default behavior when using DX9-style
shader syntax:

sampler2D _MainTex;
// ...
half4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);

Using sampler2D, sampler3D, samplerCUBE HLSL keywords declares both texture and sampler.
Most of the time this is what you want, and is the only supported option on older graphics APIs (OpenGL ES).

Separate textures and samplers
Many graphics APIs and GPUs allow using fewer samplers than textures, and coupled texture+sampler syntax
might not allow more complex shaders to be written. For example Direct3D 11 allows using up to 128 textures in
a single shader, but only up to 16 samplers.
Unity allows declaring textures and samplers using DX11-style HLSL syntax, with a special naming convention to
match them up: samplers that have names in the form of “sampler”+TextureName will take sampling states from
that texture.
The shader snippet from section above could be rewritten in DX11-style HLSL syntax, and it would do the same

Texture2D _MainTex;
SamplerState sampler_MainTex; // "sampler" + “_MainTex”
// ...
half4 color = _MainTex.Sample(sampler_MainTex, uv);

However, this way a shader could be written to “reuse” samplers from other textures, while sampling more than
one texture. In the example below, three textures are sampled, but only one sampler is used for all of them:

Texture2D _MainTex;
Texture2D _SecondTex;
Texture2D _ThirdTex;

SamplerState sampler_MainTex; // "sampler" + “_MainTex”
// ...
half4 color = _MainTex.Sample(sampler_MainTex, uv);
color += _SecondTex.Sample(sampler_MainTex, uv);
color += _ThirdTex.Sample(sampler_MainTex, uv);

Note however that DX11-style HLSL syntax does not work on some older platforms (e.g. OpenGL ES 2.0), see
shading language for details. You might want to specify #pragma target 3.5 (see shader compilation targets to
skip older platforms from using the shader.
Unity provides several shader macros to help with declaring and sampling textures using this “separate samplers”
approach, see built-in macros. The example above could be rewritten this way, using said macros:

// ...
half4 color = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(_MainTex, uv);
color += UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(_SecondTex, _MainTex, uv);
color += UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(_ThirdTex, _MainTex, uv);

The above would compile on all platforms supported by Unity, but would fallback to using three samplers on
older platforms like DX9.

Inline sampler states
In addition to recognizing HLSL SamplerState objects named as “sampler”+TextureName, Unity also recognizes
some other patterns in sampler names. This is useful for declaring simple hardcoded sampling states directly in
the shaders. An example:

Texture2D _MainTex;
SamplerState my_point_clamp_sampler;
// ...
half4 color = _MainTex.Sample(my_point_clamp_sampler, uv);

The name “my_point_clamp_sampler” will be recognized as a sampler that should use Point (nearest) texture
ltering, and Clamp texture wrapping mode.

Sampler names recognized as “inline” sampler states (all case insensitive):
“Point”, “Linear” or “Trilinear” (required) set up texture ltering mode.
“Clamp”, “Repeat”, “Mirror” or “MirrorOnce” (required) set up texture wrap mode.

Wrap modes can be speci ed per-axis (UVW), e.g. “ClampU_RepeatV”.
“Compare” (optional) set up sampler for depth comparison; use with HLSL SamplerComparisonState type and
SampleCmp / SampleCmpLevelZero functions.
Here’s an example of sampling texture with sampler_linear_repeat and sampler_point_repeat
SamplerStates respectively, illustrating how the name controls ltering mode:

Here’s an example with SmpClampPoint, SmpRepeatPoint, SmpMirrorPoint, SmpMirrorOncePoint,
Smp_ClampU_RepeatV_Point SamplerStates respectively, illustrating how the name controls wrapping mode. In
the last example, di erent wrap modes are set for horizontal (U) and vertical (V) axes. In all cases texture
coordinates go from –2.0 to +2.0.

Just like separate texture + sampler syntax, inline sampler states are not supported on some platforms. Currently
they are implemented on Direct3D 11/12, PS4, XboxOne and Metal.
Note that “MirrorOnce” texture wrapping mode is not supported on most mobile GPUs/APIs, and will fallback to
Mirror mode when support is not present.

2017–06–01 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in 2017.1

ShaderLab Syntax

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All Shaders les in Unity are written in a declarative language called “ShaderLab”. In the le, a nested-braces syntax declares
various things that describe the shader – for example which shader properties should be shown in material inspector; what
kind of hardware fallbacks to do; what kind of blending modes to use etc.; and actual “shader code” is written in CGPROGRAM
snippets inside the same shader le (see surface shaders and vertex and fragment shaders).
This page and the child pages describes the nested-braces “ShaderLab” syntax. The CGPROGRAM snippets are written in
regular HLSL/Cg shading language, see their documentation pages.
Shader is the root command of a shader le. Each le must de ne one (and only one) Shader. It speci es how any objects
whose material uses this shader are rendered.

Shader "name" { [Properties] __Subshaders__ [Fallback] [CustomEditor] }

De nes a shader. It will appear in the material inspector listed under name. Shaders optionally can de ne a list of properties
that show up in material inspector. After this comes a list of SubShaders, and optionally a fallback and/or a custom editor

Shaders can have a list of properties. Any properties declared in a shader are shown in the material inspector inside Unity.
Typical properties are the object color, textures, or just arbitrary values to be used by the shader.

SubShaders & Fallback
Each shader is comprised of a list of sub-shaders. You must have at least one. When loading a shader, Unity will go through
the list of subshaders, and pick the rst one that is supported by the end user’s machine. If no subshaders are supported,
Unity will try to use fallback shader.
Di erent graphic cards have di erent capabilities. This raises an eternal issue for game developers; you want your game to
look great on the latest hardware, but don’t want it to be available only to those 3% of the population. This is where
subshaders come in. Create one subshader that has all the fancy graphic e ects you can dream of, then add more
subshaders for older cards. These subshaders may implement the e ect you want in a slower way, or they may choose not to
implement some details.
Shader “level of detail” (LOD) and “shader replacement” are two techniques that also build upon subshaders, see Shader LOD
and Shader Replacemement for details.

Here is one of the simplest shaders possible:

// colored vertex lighting
Shader "Simple colored lighting"

// a single color property
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,.5,.5,1)
// define one subshader
// a single pass in our subshader
// use fixed function per­vertex lighting
Diffuse [_Color]
Lighting On

This shader de nes a color property _Color (that shows up in material inspector as Main Color) with a default value of
(1,0.5,0.5,1). Then a single subshader is de ned. The subshader consists of one Pass that turns on xed-function vertex
lighting and sets up basic material for it.
See more complex examples at Surface Shader Examples or Vertex and Fragment Shader Examples.

See Also
Properties Syntax.
SubShader Syntax.
Pass Syntax.
Fallback Syntax.
CustomEditor Syntax.

ShaderLab: Properties

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Shaders can de ne a list of parameters to be set by artists in Unity’s material inspector. The Properties block in the
shader le de nes them.

Properties { Property [Property ...] }

De nes the property block. Inside braces multiple properties are de ned as follows.

Numbers and Sliders
name ("display name", Range (min, max)) = number
name ("display name", Float) = number
name ("display name", Int) = number

These all de nes a number (scalar) property with a default value. The Range form makes it be displayed as a slider
between min and max ranges.

Colors and Vectors
name ("display name", Color) = (number,number,number,number)
name ("display name", Vector) = (number,number,number,number)

De nes a color property with default value of given RGBA components, or a 4D vector property with a default value.
Color properties have a color picker shown for them, and are adjusted as needed depending on the color space (see
Properties in Shader Programs). Vector properties are displayed as four number elds.

name ("display name", 2D) = "defaulttexture" {}
name ("display name", Cube) = "defaulttexture" {}
name ("display name", 3D) = "defaulttexture" {}

De nes a 2D texture, cubemap or 3D (volume) property respectively.

Each property inside the shader is referenced by name (in Unity, it’s common to start shader property names with
underscore). The property will show up in material inspector as display name. For each property a default value is
given after equals sign:

For Range and Float properties it’s just a single number, for example “13.37”.
For Color and Vector properties it’s four numbers in parentheses, for example “(1,0.5,0.2,1)”.
For 2D Textures, the default value is either an empty string, or one of the built-in default Textures:
“white” (RGBA: 1,1,1,1), “black” (RGBA: 0,0,0,0), “gray” (RGBA: 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5), “bump” (RGBA: 0.5,0.5,1,0.5)
or “red” (RGBA: 1,0,0,0).
For non–2D Textures (Cube, 3D, 2DArray) the default value is an empty string. When a Material does not
have a Cubemap/3D/Array Texture assigned, a gray one (RGBA: 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5) is used.
Later on in the shader’s xed function parts, property values can be accessed using property name in square brackets:
[name]. For example, you could make blending mode be driven by a material property by declaring two integer
properties (say “SrcBlend“ and ”DstBlend”), and later on make Blend Command use them: Blend [_SrcBlend]
Shader parameters that are in the Properties block are serialized as Material data. Shader programs can actually
have more parameters (like matrices, vectors and oats) that are set on the material from code at runtime, but if they
are not part of the Properties block then their values will not be saved. This is mostly useful for values that are
completely script code-driven (using Material.SetFloat and similar functions).

Property attributes and drawers
In front of any property, optional attributes in square brackets can be speci ed. These are either attributes recognized
by Unity, or they can indicate your own MaterialPropertyDrawer classes to control how they should be rendered in the
material inspector. Attributes recognized by Unity:

[HideInInspector] - does not show the property value in the material inspector.
[NoScaleOffset] - material inspector will not show texture tiling/o set elds for texture properties
with this attribute.
[Normal] - indicates that a texture property expects a normal-map.
[HDR] - indicates that a texture property expects a high-dynamic range (HDR) texture.
[Gamma] - indicates that a oat/vector property is speci ed as sRGB value in the UI (just like colors are),
and possibly needs conversion according to color space used. See Properties in Shader Programs.
[PerRendererData] - indicates that a texture property will be coming from per-renderer data in the
form of a MaterialPropertyBlock. Material inspector changes the texture slot UI for these properties.


// properties for a water shader
_WaveScale ("Wave scale", Range (0.02,0.15)) = 0.07 // sliders
_ReflDistort ("Reflection distort", Range (0,1.5)) = 0.5
_RefrDistort ("Refraction distort", Range (0,1.5)) = 0.4
_RefrColor ("Refraction color", Color) = (.34, .85, .92, 1) // color
_ReflectionTex ("Environment Reflection", 2D) = "" {} // textures

_RefractionTex ("Environment Refraction", 2D) = "" {}
_Fresnel ("Fresnel (A) ", 2D) = "" {}
_BumpMap ("Bumpmap (RGB) ", 2D) = "" {}

Texture property options (removed in 5.0)
Before Unity 5, texture properties could have options inside the curly brace block, e.g. TexGen CubeReflect. These
were controlling xed function texture coordinate generation. This functionality was removed in 5.0; if you need texgen
you should write a vertex shader instead. See Implementing Fixed Function TexGen page page for examples.

See Also
Accessing Shader Properties in HLSL/Cg.
Material Property Drawers.

ShaderLab: SubShader

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Each shader in Unity consists of a list of subshaders. When Unity has to display a mesh, it will nd the shader to
use, and pick the rst subshader that runs on the user’s graphics card.

Subshader { [Tags] [CommonState] Passdef [Passdef ...] }

De nes the subshader as optional tags, common state and a list of pass de nitions.

A subshader de nes a list of rendering passes and optionally setup any state that is common to all passes.
Additionally, subshader speci c Tags can be set up.
When Unity chooses which subshader to render with, it renders an object once for each Pass de ned (and
possibly more due to light interactions). As each render of the object is an expensive operation, you want to
de ne the shader in minimum amount of passes possible. Of course, sometimes on some graphics hardware the
needed e ect can’t be done in a single pass; then you have no choice but to use multiple passes.
Each pass de nition can be a regular Pass, a Use Pass or a Grab Pass.
Any statements that are allowed in a Pass de nition can also appear in Subshader block. This will make all passes
use this “shared” state.

// ...
SubShader {
Pass {
Lighting Off
SetTexture [_MainTex] {}
// ...

This subshader de nes a single Pass that turns o any lighting and just displays a mesh with texture named

ShaderLab: Pass

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The Pass block causes the geometry of a GameObject to be rendered once.

Pass { [Name and Tags] [RenderSetup] }

The basic Pass command contains a list of render state setup commands.

Name and tags
A Pass can de ne its Name and arbitrary number of Tags. These are name/value strings that communicate the
Pass’s intent to the rendering engine.

Render state set-up
A Pass sets up various states of the graphics hardware, such as whether alpha blending should be turned on or
whether depth testing should be used.
The commands are as follows:

Cull Back | Front | Off

Set polygon culling mode.

ZTest (Less | Greater | LEqual | GEqual | Equal | NotEqual | Always)

Set depth bu er testing mode.

ZWrite On | Off

Set depth bu er writing mode.

O set
Offset OffsetFactor, OffsetUnits

Set Z bu er depth o set. See documentation on Cull and Depth page for more details.
See documentation on Cull and Depth for more details on Cull, ZTest, ZWrite and O set.

Blend sourceBlendMode destBlendMode
Blend sourceBlendMode destBlendMode, alphaSourceBlendMode alphaDestBlendMode
BlendOp colorOp
BlendOp colorOp, alphaOp
AlphaToMask On | Off

Sets alpha blending, alpha operation, and alpha-to-coverage modes. See documentation on Blending for more

ColorMask RGB | A | 0 | any combination of R, G, B, A

Set color channel writing mask. Writing ColorMask 0 turns o rendering to all color channels. Default mode is
writing to all channels (RGBA), but for some special e ects you might want to leave certain channels unmodi ed,
or disable color writes completely.
When using multiple render target (MRT) rendering, it is possible to set up di erent color masks for each render
target, by adding index (0–7) at the end. For example, ColorMask RGB 3 would make render target #3 write only
to RGB channels.

Legacy xed-function Shader commands
A number of commands are used for writing legacy “ xed-function style” Shaders. This is considered deprecated
functionality, as writing Surface Shaders or Shader programs allows much more exibility. However, for very

simple Shaders, writing them in xed-function style can sometimes be easier, so the commands are provided
here. Note that all of the following commands are are ignored if you are not using xed-function Shaders.

Fixed-function Lighting and Material
Lighting On | Off
Material { Material Block }
SeparateSpecular On | Off
Color Color­value
ColorMaterial AmbientAndDiffuse | Emission

All of these control xed-function per-vertex Lighting: they turn it on, set up Material colors, turn on specular
highlights, provide default color (if vertex Lighting is o ), and controls how the mesh vertex colors a ect Lighting.
See documentation on Materials for more details.

Fixed-function Fog
Fog { Fog Block }

Set xed-function Fog parameters. See documentation onFogging for more details.

Fixed-function AlphaTest
AlphaTest (Less | Greater | LEqual | GEqual | Equal | NotEqual | Always) CutoffV

Turns on xed-function alpha testing. See documentation on alpha testing for more details.

Fixed-function Texture combiners
After the render state setup, use SetTexture commands to specify a number of Textures and their combining

SetTexture textureProperty { combine options }


Shader passes interact with Unity’s rendering pipeline in several ways; for example, a Pass can indicate that it
should only be used for deferred shading using the Tags command. Certain passes can also be executed multiple
times on the same GameObject; for example, in forward rendering the “ForwardAdd” pass type is executed
multiple times based on how many Lights are a ecting the GameObject. See documentation on the Render
Pipeline for more details.

See also
There are several special passes available for reusing common functionality or implementing various high-end
e ects:

UsePass includes named passes from another shader.
GrabPass grabs the contents of the screen into a Texture, for use in a later pass.

ShaderLab: Culling & Depth Testing

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Culling is an optimization that does not render polygons facing away from the viewer. All polygons have a front
and a back side. Culling makes use of the fact that most objects are closed; if you have a cube, you will never see
the sides facing away from you (there is always a side facing you in front of it) so we don’t need to draw the sides
facing away. Hence the term: Backface culling.
The other feature that makes rendering looks correct is Depth testing. Depth testing makes sure that only the
closest surfaces objects are drawn in a scene.

Cull Back | Front | Off

Controls which sides of polygons should be culled (not drawn)
Back Don’t render polygons facing away from the viewer (default).
Front Don’t render polygons facing towards the viewer. Used for turning objects inside-out.

Disables culling - all faces are drawn. Used for special e ects.

ZWrite On | Off

Controls whether pixels from this object are written to the depth bu er (default is On). If you’re drawng solid
objects, leave this on. If you’re drawing semitransparent e ects, switch to ZWrite Off. For more details read


ZTest Less | Greater | LEqual | GEqual | Equal | NotEqual | Always

How should depth testing be performed. Default is LEqual (draw objects in from or at the distance as existing
objects; hide objects behind them).

O set
Offset Factor, Units

Allows you specify a depth o set with two parameters. factor and units. Factor scales the maximum Z slope, with
respect to X or Y of the polygon, and units scale the minimum resolvable depth bu er value. This allows you to
force one polygon to be drawn on top of another although they are actually in the same position. For example
Offset 0, ­1 pulls the polygon closer to the camera ignoring the polygon’s slope, whereas Offset ­1, ­1
will pull the polygon even closer when looking at a grazing angle.

This object will render only the backfaces of an object:

Shader "Show Insides" {
SubShader {
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
Lighting On
Cull Front

Try to apply it to a cube, and notice how the geometry feels all wrong when you orbit around it. This is because
you’re only seeing the inside parts of the cube.

Transparent shader with depth writes
Usually semitransparent shaders do not write into the depth bu er. However, this can create draw order
problems, especially with complex non-convex meshes. If you want to fade in & out meshes like that, then using a

shader that lls in the depth bu er before rendering transparency might be useful.

Semitransparent object; left: standard Transparent/Di use shader; right: shader that writes to
depth bu er.
Shader "Transparent/Diffuse ZWrite" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Trans (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transpare
LOD 200
// extra pass that renders to depth buffer only
Pass {
ZWrite On
ColorMask 0
// paste in forward rendering passes from Transparent/Diffuse
UsePass "Transparent/Diffuse/FORWARD"
Fallback "Transparent/VertexLit"

Debugging Normals
The next one is more interesting; rst we render the object with normal vertex lighting, then we render the
backfaces in bright pink. This has the e ects of highlighting anywhere your normals need to be ipped. If you see

physically-controlled objects getting ‘sucked in’ by any meshes, try to assign this shader to them. If any pink parts
are visible, these parts will pull in anything unfortunate enough to touch it.
Here we go:

Shader "Reveal Backfaces" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" { }
SubShader {
// Render the front­facing parts of the object.
// We use a simple white material, and apply the main texture.
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
Lighting On
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
Combine Primary * Texture
// Now we render the back­facing triangles in the most
// irritating color in the world: BRIGHT PINK!
Pass {
Color (1,0,1,1)
Cull Front

Glass Culling
Controlling Culling is useful for more than debugging backfaces. If you have transparent objects, you quite often
want to show the backfacing side of an object. If you render without any culling (Cull O ), you’ll most likely have
some rear faces overlapping some of the front faces.
Here is a simple shader that will work for convex objects (spheres, cubes, car windscreens).

Shader "Simple Glass" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0)
_SpecColor ("Spec Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)

_Emission ("Emmisive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0)
_Shininess ("Shininess", Range (0.01, 1)) = 0.7
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" { }
SubShader {
// We use the material in many passes by defining them in the subshader.
// Anything defined here becomes default values for all contained passes
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Ambient [_Color]
Shininess [_Shininess]
Specular [_SpecColor]
Emission [_Emission]
Lighting On
SeparateSpecular On
// Set up alpha blending
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
// Render the back facing parts of the object.
// If the object is convex, these will always be further away
// than the front­faces.
Pass {
Cull Front
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
Combine Primary * Texture
// Render the parts of the object facing us.
// If the object is convex, these will be closer than the
// back­faces.
Pass {
Cull Back
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
Combine Primary * Texture

ShaderLab: Blending

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Blending is used to make transparent objects.

When graphics are rendered, after all Shaders have executed and all Textures have been applied, the pixels are written to the
screen. How they are combined with what is already there is controlled by the Blend command.

Blend Off: Turn o blending (this is the default)
Blend SrcFactor DstFactor: Con gure and enable blending. The generated color is multiplied by the SrcFactor. The color
already on screen is multiplied by DstFactor and the two are added together.
Blend SrcFactor DstFactor, SrcFactorA DstFactorA: Same as above, but use di erent factors for blending the alpha
BlendOp Op: Instead of adding blended colors together, carry out a di erent operation on them.
BlendOp OpColor, OpAlpha: Same as above, but use di erent blend operation for color (RGB) and alpha (A) channels.
Additionally, you can set upper-rendertarget blending modes. When using multiple render target (MRT) rendering, the regular
syntax above sets up the same blending modes for all render targets. The following syntax can set up di erent blending modes for
individual render targets, where N is the render target index (0..7). This feature works on most modern APIs/GPUs (DX11/12,
GLCore, Metal, PS4):

Blend N
Blend N

SrcFactor DstFactor
SrcFactor DstFactor, SrcFactorA DstFactorA
N Op
N OpColor, OpAlpha

AlphaToMask On: Turns on alpha-to-coverage. When MSAA is used, alpha-to-coverage modi es multisample coverage mask
proportionally to the pixel Shader result alpha value. This is typically used for less aliased outlines than regular alpha test; useful
for vegetation and other alpha-tested Shaders.

Blend operations
The following blend operations can be used:

Add source and destination together.
Subtract destination from source.
Subtract source from destination.
Use the smaller of source and destination.
Use the larger of source and destination.
Logical operation: Clear (0) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Set (1) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Copy (s) DX11.1 only.
LogicalCopyInverted Logical operation: Copy inverted (!s) DX11.1 only.


Blend factors

Logical operation: Noop (d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Invert (!d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: And (s & d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Nand !(s & d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Or (s | d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Nor !(s | d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Xor (s ^ d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Equivalence !(s ^ d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Reverse And (s & !d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Inverted And (!s & d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Reverse Or (s | !d) DX11.1 only.
Logical operation: Inverted Or (!s | d) DX11.1 only.

All following properties are valid for both SrcFactor & DstFactor in the Blend command. Source refers to the calculated color,
Destination is the color already on the screen. The blend factors are ignored if BlendOp is using logical operations.

The value of one - use this to let either the source or the destination color come through
The value zero - use this to remove either the source or the destination values.
The value of this stage is multiplied by the source color value.
The value of this stage is multiplied by the source alpha value.
The value of this stage is multiplied by frame bu er source color value.
The value of this stage is multiplied by frame bu er source alpha value.
OneMinusSrcColor The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - source color).
OneMinusSrcAlpha The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - source alpha).
OneMinusDstColor The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - destination color).
OneMinusDstAlpha The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - destination alpha).


Below are the most common blend types:


SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha // Traditional transparency
One OneMinusSrcAlpha // Premultiplied transparency
One One // Additive
OneMinusDstColor One // Soft Additive
DstColor Zero // Multiplicative
DstColor SrcColor // 2x Multiplicative

Alpha blending, alpha testing, alpha-to-coverage
For drawing mostly fully opaque or fully transparent objects, where transparency is de ned by the Texture’s alpha channel (e.g.
leaves, grass, chain fences etc.), several approaches are commonly used:

Alpha blending

Regular alpha blending
This often means that objects have to be considered as “semitransparent”, and thus can’t use some of the rendering features (for
example: deferred shading, can’t receive shadows). Concave or overlapping alpha-blended objects often also have draw ordering
Often, alpha-blended Shaders also set transparent render queue, and turn o depth writes. So the Shader code looks like:

// inside SubShader
Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" }
// inside Pass
ZWrite Off
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

Alpha testing/cutout

clip() in pixel Shader
By using clip() HLSL instruction in the pixel Shader, a pixel can be “discarded” or not based on some criteria. This means that
object can still be considered as fully opaque, and has no draw ordering issues. However, this means that all pixels are fully opaque
or transparent, leading to aliasing (“jaggies”).
Often, alpha-tested Shaders also set cutout render queue, so the Shader code looks like this:

// inside SubShader
Tags { "Queue"="AlphaTest" "RenderType"="TransparentCutout" "IgnoreProjector"="True" }

// inside CGPROGRAM in the fragment Shader:
clip(textureColor.a ­ alphaCutoffValue);


AlphaToMask On, at 4xMSAA
When using multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA, see QualitySettings), it is possible to improve the alpha testing approach by using
alpha-to-coverage GPU functionality. This improves edge appearance, depending on the MSAA level used.
This functionality works best on texures that are mostly opaque or transparent, and have very thin “partially transparent” areas
(grass, leaves and similar).
Often, alpha-to-coverage Shaders also set cutout render queue. So the Shader code looks like:

// inside SubShader
Tags { "Queue"="AlphaTest" "RenderType"="TransparentCutout" "IgnoreProjector"="True" }
// inside Pass
AlphaToMask On

Here is a small example Shader that adds a Texture to whatever is on the screen already:

Shader "Simple Additive" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture to blend", 2D) = "black" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "Queue" = "Transparent" }
Pass {
Blend One One
SetTexture [_MainTex] { combine texture }

ShaderLab: Pass Tags

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Passes use tags to tell how and when they expect to be rendered to the rendering engine.

Tags { "TagName1" = "Value1" "TagName2" = "Value2" }

Speci es TagName1 to have Value1, TagName2 to have Value2. You can have as many tags as you like.

Tags are basically key-value pairs. Inside a Pass tags are used to control which role this pass has in the lighting pipeline
(ambient, vertex lit, pixel lit etc.) and some other options. Note that the following tags recognized by Unity must be
inside Pass section and not inside SubShader!

LightMode tag
LightMode tag de nes Pass’ role in the lighting pipeline. See render pipeline for details. These tags are rarely used
manually; most often shaders that need to interact with lighting are written as Surface Shaders and then all those
details are taken care of.
Possible values for LightMode tag are:

Always: Always rendered; no lighting is applied.
ForwardBase: Used in Forward rendering, ambient, main directional light, vertex/SH lights and
lightmaps are applied.
ForwardAdd: Used in Forward rendering; additive per-pixel lights are applied, one pass per light.
Deferred: Used in Deferred Shading; renders g-bu er.
ShadowCaster: Renders object depth into the shadowmap or a depth texture.
MotionVectors: Used to calculate per-object motion vectors.
PrepassBase: Used in legacy Deferred Lighting, renders normals and specular exponent.
PrepassFinal: Used in legacy Deferred Lighting, renders nal color by combining textures, lighting and
Vertex: Used in legacy Vertex Lit rendering when object is not lightmapped; all vertex lights are applied.
VertexLMRGBM: Used in legacy Vertex Lit rendering when object is lightmapped; on platforms where
lightmap is RGBM encoded (PC & console).
VertexLM: Used in legacy Vertex Lit rendering when object is lightmapped; on platforms where
lightmap is double-LDR encoded (mobile platforms).

PassFlags tag

A pass can indicate ags that change how rendering pipeline passes data to it. This is done by using PassFlags tag,
with a value that is space-separated ag names. Currently the ags supported are:

OnlyDirectional: When used in ForwardBase pass type, this ag makes it so that only the main
directional light and ambient/lightprobe data is passed into the shader. This means that data of non-

important lights is not passed into vertex-light or spherical harmonics shader variables. See Forward
rendering for details.

RequireOptions tag

A pass can indicate that it should only be rendered when some external conditions are met. This is done by using
RequireOptions tag, whose value is a string of space separated options. Currently the options supported by Unity are:

SoftVegetation: Render this pass only if Soft Vegetation is on in Quality Settings.

See Also

SubShaders can be given Tags as well, see SubShader Tags.

ShaderLab: Stencil

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The stencil bu er can be used as a general purpose per pixel mask for saving or discarding pixels.
The stencil bu er is usually an 8 bit integer per pixel. The value can be written to, increment or decremented.
Subsequent draw calls can test against the value, to decide if a pixel should be discarded before running the pixel

Ref referenceValue

The value to be compared against (if Comp is anything else than always) and/or the value to be written to the bu er (if
either Pass, Fail or ZFail is set to replace). 0–255 integer.

ReadMask readMask

An 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when comparing the reference value with the contents of the bu er
(referenceValue & readMask) comparisonFunction (stencilBu erValue & readMask). Default: 255.

WriteMask writeMask

An 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when writing to the bu er. Note that, like other write masks, it speci es which
bits of stencil bu er will be a ected by write (i.e. WriteMask 0 means that no bits are a ected and not that 0 will be
written). Default: 255.

Comp comparisonFunction

The function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the bu er. Default: always.

Pass stencilOperation

What to do with the contents of the bu er if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes. Default: keep.

Fail stencilOperation

What to do with the contents of the bu er if the stencil test fails. Default: keep.

ZFail stencilOperation

What to do with the contents of the bu er if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails. Default: keep.
Comp, Pass, Fail and ZFail will be applied to the front-facing geometry, unless Cull Front is speci ed, in which case it’s
back-facing geometry. You can also explicitly specify the two-sided stencil state by de ning CompFront, PassFront,
FailFront, ZFailFront (for front-facing geometry), and CompBack, PassBack, FailBack, ZFailBack (for back-facing

Comparison Function
Comparison function is one of the following:

Greater Only render pixels whose reference value is greater than the value in the bu er.
GEqual Only render pixels whose reference value is greater than or equal to the value in the bu er.
Only render pixels whose reference value is less than the value in the bu er.
LEqual Only render pixels whose reference value is less than or equal to the value in the bu er.
Only render pixels whose reference value equals the value in the bu er.
NotEqual Only render pixels whose reference value di ers from the value in the bu er.
Always Make the stencil test always pass.
Make the stencil test always fail.

Stencil Operation

Stencil operation is one of the following:


Keep the current contents of the bu er.
Write 0 into the bu er.

Replace Write the reference value into the bu er.
Increment the current value in the bu er. If the value is 255 already, it stays at 255.
DecrSat Decrement the current value in the bu er. If the value is 0 already, it stays at 0.
Negate all the bits.
IncrWrap Increment the current value in the bu er. If the value is 255 already, it becomes 0.
DecrWrap Decrement the current value in the bu er. If the value is 0 already, it becomes 255.

Deferred rendering path

Stencil functionality for objects rendered in the deferred rendering path is somewhat limited, as during the base pass
and lighting pass the stencil bu er is used for other purposes. During those two stages stencil state de ned in the
shader will be ignored and only taken into account during the nal pass. Because of that it’s not possible to mask out
these objects based on a stencil test, but they can still modify the bu er contents, to be used by objects rendered later
in the frame. Objects rendered in the forward rendering path following the deferred path (e.g. transparent objects or
objects without a surface shader) will set their stencil state normally again.
The deferred rendering path uses the three highest bits of the stencil bu er, plus up to four more highest bits depending on how many light mask layers are used in the scene. It is possible to operate within the range of the “clean”
bits using the stencil read and write masks, or you can force the camera to clean the stencil bu er after the lighting pass
using Camera.clearStencilAfterLightingPass.

The rst example shader will write the value ‘2’ wherever the depth test passes. The stencil test is set to always pass.

Shader "Red" {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry"}
Pass {
Stencil {
Ref 2
Comp always
Pass replace
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert(appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;

half4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target {
return half4(1,0,0,1);

The second shader will pass only for the pixels which the rst (red) shader passed, because it is checking for equality
with the value ‘2’. It will also decrement the value in the bu er wherever it fails the Z test.

Shader "Green" {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry+1"}
Pass {
Stencil {
Ref 2
Comp equal
Pass keep
ZFail decrWrap
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert(appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
half4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target {
return half4(0,1,0,1);

The third shader will only pass wherever the stencil value is ‘1’, so only pixels at the intersection of both red and green
spheres - that is, where the stencil is set to ‘2’ by the red shader and decremented to ‘1’ by the green shader.

Shader "Blue" {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry+2"}
Pass {
Stencil {
Ref 1
Comp equal
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert(appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
half4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target {
return half4(0,0,1,1);

The result:

Another example of a more directed e ect. The sphere is rst rendered with this shader to mark-up the proper regions
in the stencil bu er:

Shader "HolePrepare" {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry+1"}
ColorMask 0
ZWrite off
Stencil {
Ref 1
Comp always
Pass replace
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert(appdata v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
half4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target {
return half4(1,1,0,1);
Pass {
Cull Front
ZTest Less
#pragma vertex vert

#pragma fragment frag
Pass {
Cull Back
ZTest Greater
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag

And then rendered once more as a fairly standard surface shader, with the exception of front face culling, disabled
depth test and stencil test discarding previously marked pixels:

Shader "Hole" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0)
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry+2"}
ColorMask RGB
Cull Front
ZTest Always
Stencil {
Ref 1
Comp notequal
#pragma surface surf Lambert
float4 _Color;
struct Input {
float4 color : COLOR;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Albedo = _Color.rgb;
o.Normal = half3(0,0,­1);
o.Alpha = 1;


The result:

ShaderLab: Name

Leave feedback


Name "PassName"

Gives the PassName name to the current pass. Note that internally the names are turned to uppercase.

A pass can be given a name so that a UsePass command can reference it.

ShaderLab: Legacy Lighting

Leave feedback

The material and lighting parameters are used to control the built-in vertex lighting. Vertex lighting is the
standard Direct3D/OpenGL lighting model that is computed for each vertex. Lighting on turns it on. Lighting is
a ected by Material block, ColorMaterial and SeparateSpecular commands.
Note: Material/Lighting commands have no e ect when vertex programs are used; as in that case all calculations are
completely described in the shader. It is advisable to use programmable shaders these days instead of legacy vertex
lighting. For these you don’t use any of the commands described here, instead you de ne your own vertex and fragment
programs where you do all lighting, texturing and anything else yourself.
Vertex Coloring & Lighting is the rst e ect to be calculated for any rendered geometry. It operates on the vertex
level, and calculates the base color that is used before textures are applied.

The top level commands control whether to use xed function lighting or not, and some con guration options.
The main setup is in the Material Block, detailed further below.

Color color

Sets the object to a solid color. A color is either four RGBA values in parenthesis, or a color property name in
square brackets.

Material {Material Block}

The Material block is used to de ne the material properties of the object.

Lighting On | Off

For the settings de ned in the Material block to have any e ect, you must enable Lighting with the Lighting On
command. If lighting is o instead, the color is taken straight from the Color command.

SeparateSpecular On | Off

This command makes specular lighting be added to the end of the shader pass, so specular lighting is una ected
by texturing. Only has e ect when Lighting On is used.

ColorMaterial AmbientAndDiffuse | Emission

Makes per-vertex color be used instead of the colors set in the material. AmbientAndDi use replaces Ambient
and Di use values of the material; Emission replaces Emission value of the material.

Material Block
This contains settings for how the material reacts to the light. Any of these properties can be left out, in which
case they default to black (i.e. have no e ect).
Di use color: The di use color component. This is an object’s base color.
Ambient color: The ambient color component. This is the color the object has when it’s hit by the ambient light
set in the Lighting Window.
Specular color: The color of the object’s specular highlight.
Shininess number: The sharpness of the highlight, between 0 and 1. At 0 you get a huge highlight that looks a lot
like di use lighting, at 1 you get a tiny speck.
Emission color: The color of the object when it is not hit by any light.
The full color of lights hitting the object is:
Ambient * Lighting Window’s Ambient Intensity setting + (Light Color * Di use + Light Color * Specular) +
The light parts of the equation (within parenthesis) is repeated for all lights that hit the object.
Typically you want to keep the Di use and Ambient colors the same (all built-in Unity shaders do this).

Always render object in pure red:

Shader "Solid Red" {
SubShader {
Pass { Color (1,0,0,0) }

Basic Shader that colors the object white and applies vertex lighting:

Shader "VertexLit White" {
SubShader {
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
Ambient (1,1,1,1)
Lighting On

An extended version that adds material color as a property visible in Material Inspector:

Shader "VertexLit Simple" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", COLOR) = (1,1,1,1)
SubShader {
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Ambient [_Color]
Lighting On

And nally, a full edged vertex-lit shader (see also SetTexture reference page):

Shader "VertexLit" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0)
_SpecColor ("Spec Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_Emission ("Emmisive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0)
_Shininess ("Shininess", Range (0.01, 1)) = 0.7
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Ambient [_Color]
Shininess [_Shininess]
Specular [_SpecColor]
Emission [_Emission]
Lighting On
SeparateSpecular On
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
Combine texture * primary DOUBLE, texture * primary

ShaderLab: Legacy Texture Combiners

Leave feedback

After the basic vertex lighting has been calculated, textures are applied. In ShaderLab this is done using SetTexture
Note: SetTexture commands have no e ect when fragment programs are used; as in that case pixel operations are
completely described in the shader. It is advisable to use programmable shaders these days instead of SetTexture
Fixed function texturing is the place to do old-style combiner e ects. You can have multiple SetTexture commands
inside a pass - all textures are applied in sequence, like layers in a painting program. SetTexture commands must be
placed at the end of a Pass.

SetTexture [TextureName] {Texture Block}

Assigns a texture. TextureName must be de ned as a texture property. How to apply the texture is de ned inside the
The texture block controls how the texture is applied. Inside the texture block can be up to two commands: combine
and constantColor.

Texture block combine command
combine src1 * src2: Multiplies src1 and src2 together. The result will be darker than either input.
combine src1 + src2: Adds src1 and src2 together. The result will be lighter than either input.
combine src1 - src2: Subtracts src2 from src1.
combine src1 lerp (src2) src3: Interpolates between src3 and src1, using the alpha of src2. Note that the
interpolation is opposite direction: src1 is used when alpha is one, and src3 is used when alpha is zero.
combine src1 * src2 + src3: Multiplies src1 with the alpha component of src2, then adds src3.
All the src properties can be either one of previous, constant, primary or texture.

Previous is the the result of the previous SetTexture.
Primary is the color from the lighting calculation or the vertex color if it is bound.
Texture is the color of the texture speci ed by TextureName in the SetTexture (see above).
Constant is the color speci ed in ConstantColor.
Modi ers:

The formulas speci ed above can optionally be followed by the keywords Double or Quad to make
the resulting color 2x or 4x as bright.

All the src properties, except lerp argument, can optionally be preceded by one - to make the
resulting color negated.
All the src properties can be followed by alpha to take only the alpha channel.

Texture block constantColor command

ConstantColor color: De nes a constant color that can be used in the combine command.

Functionality removed in Unity 5.0
Unity versions before 5.0 did support texture coordinate transformations with a matrix command inside a texture
block. If you need this functionality now, consider rewriting your shader as a programmable shader instead, and do
the UV transformation in the vertex shader.
Similarly, 5.0 removed signed add (a+­b), multiply signed add (a*b+­c), multiply subtract (a*b­c) and dot product
(dot3, dot3rgba) texture combine modes. If you need them, do the math in the pixel shader instead.

Before fragment programs existed, older graphics cards used a layered approach to textures. The textures are
applied one after each other, modifying the color that will be written to the screen. For each texture, the texture is
typically combined with the result of the previous operation. These days it is advisable to use actual fragment

Note that each texture stage may or might not be clamped to 0..1 range, depending on the platform. This might
a ect SetTexture stages that can produce values higher than 1.0.

Separate Alpha & Color computation

By default, the combiner formula is used for calculating both the RGB and alpha component of the color. Optionally,
you can specify a separate formula for the alpha calculation. This looks like this:

SetTexture [_MainTex] { combine previous * texture, previous + texture }

Here, we multiply the RGB colors and add the alpha.

Specular highlights
By default the primary color is the sum of the di use, ambient and specular colors (as de ned in the Lighting
calculation). If you specify SeparateSpecular On in the pass options, the specular color will be added in after the
combiner calculation, rather than before. This is the default behavior of the built-in VertexLit shader.

Graphics hardware support
Modern graphics cards with fragment shader support (“shader model 2.0” on desktop, OpenGL ES 2.0 on mobile)
support all SetTexture modes and at least 4 texture stages (many of them support 8). If you’re running on really old
hardware (made before 2003 on PC, or before iPhone3GS on mobile), you might have as low as two texture stages.
The shader author should write separate SubShaders for the cards they want to support.

Alpha Blending Two Textures
This small examples takes two textures. First it sets the rst combiner to just take the _MainTex, then is uses the
alpha channel of _BlendTex to fade in the RGB colors of _BlendTex

Shader "Examples/2 Alpha Blended Textures" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_BlendTex ("Alpha Blended (RGBA) ", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Pass {
// Apply base texture
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine texture
// Blend in the alpha texture using the lerp operator
SetTexture [_BlendTex] {
combine texture lerp (texture) previous

Alpha Controlled Self-illumination
This shader uses the alpha component of the _MainTex to decide where to apply lighting. It does this by applying the
texture to two stages; In the rst stage, the alpha value of the texture is used to blend between the vertex color and
solid white. In the second stage, the RGB values of the texture are multiplied in.

Shader "Examples/Self­Illumination" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Self­Illumination (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Pass {
// Set up basic white vertex lighting
Material {
Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
Ambient (1,1,1,1)
Lighting On
// Use texture alpha to blend up to white (= full illumination)
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
constantColor (1,1,1,1)
combine constant lerp(texture) previous
// Multiply in texture
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine previous * texture

We can do something else for free here, though; instead of blending to solid white, we can add a self-illumination
color and blend to that. Note the use of ConstantColor to get a _SolidColor from the properties into the texture

Shader "Examples/Self­Illumination 2" {
Properties {
_IlluminCol ("Self­Illumination color (RGB)", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Self­Illumination (A)", 2D) = "white" {}

SubShader {
Pass {
// Set up basic white vertex lighting
Material {
Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
Ambient (1,1,1,1)
Lighting On
// Use texture alpha to blend up to white (= full illumination)
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
// Pull the color property into this blender
constantColor [_IlluminCol]
// And use the texture's alpha to blend between it and
// vertex color
combine constant lerp(texture) previous
// Multiply in texture
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine previous * texture

And nally, we take all the lighting properties of the vertexlit shader and pull that in:

Shader "Examples/Self­Illumination 3" {
Properties {
_IlluminCol ("Self­Illumination color (RGB)", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0)
_SpecColor ("Spec Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_Emission ("Emmisive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0)
_Shininess ("Shininess", Range (0.01, 1)) = 0.7
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Pass {
// Set up basic vertex lighting
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Ambient [_Color]
Shininess [_Shininess]

Specular [_SpecColor]
Emission [_Emission]
Lighting On
// Use texture alpha to blend up to white (= full illumination)
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
constantColor [_IlluminCol]
combine constant lerp(texture) previous
// Multiply in texture
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine previous * texture

ShaderLab: Legacy Alpha Testing

Leave feedback

The alpha test is a last chance to reject a pixel from being written to the screen.
Note: AlphaTest commands have no e ect when fragment programs are used; on most platforms alpha testing is done
in the shader using HLSL clip() function. It is advisable to use programmable shaders these days instead of SetTexture
After the nal output color has been calculated, the color can optionally have its alpha value compared to a xed
value. If the test fails, the pixel is not written to the display.

AlphaTest Off

Render all pixels (default) or…

AlphaTest comparison AlphaValue

Set up the alpha test to only render pixels whose alpha value is within a certain range.

Comparison is one of the following words:

Greater Only render pixels whose alpha is greater than AlphaValue.
GEqual Only render pixels whose alpha is greater than or equal to AlphaValue.
Only render pixels whose alpha value is less than AlphaValue.
LEqual Only render pixels whose alpha value is less than or equal to from AlphaValue.
Only render pixels whose alpha value equals AlphaValue.
NotEqual Only render pixels whose alpha value di ers from AlphaValue.
Always Render all pixels. This is functionally equivalent to AlphaTest O .
Don’t render any pixels.


A oating-point number between 0 and 1. This can also be a variable reference to a oat or range property, in
which case it should be written using the standard square bracket notation ([VariableName]).


The alpha test is important when rendering concave objects with transparent parts. The graphics card maintains
a record of the depth of every pixel written to the screen. If a new pixel is further away than one already
rendered, the new pixel is not written to the display. This means that even with Blending, objects will not show

In this gure, the tree on the left is rendered using AlphaTest. Note how the pixels in it are either completely
transparent or opaque. The center tree is rendered using only Alpha Blending - notice how transparent parts of
nearby branches cover the distant leaves because of the depth bu er. The tree on the right is rendered using the
last example shader - which implements a combination of blending and alpha testing to hide any artifacts.

The simplest possible example, assign a texture with an alpha channel to it. The object will only be visible where
alpha is greater than 0.5

Shader "Simple Alpha Test" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Transparency (A)", 2D) = "" {}
SubShader {
Pass {
// Only render pixels with an alpha larger than 50%
AlphaTest Greater 0.5
SetTexture [_MainTex] { combine texture }

This is not much good by itself. Let us add some lighting and make the cuto value tweakable:

Shader "Cutoff Alpha" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Transparency (A)", 2D) = "" {}
_Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range (0,1)) = 0.5
SubShader {
Pass {
// Use the Cutoff parameter defined above to determine
// what to render.
AlphaTest Greater [_Cutoff]
Material {
Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
Ambient (1,1,1,1)
Lighting On
SetTexture [_MainTex] { combine texture * primary }

When rendering plants and trees, many games have the hard edges typical of alpha testing. A way around that is
to render the object twice. In the rst pass, we use alpha testing to only render pixels that are more than 50%
opaque. In the second pass, we alpha-blend the graphic in the parts that were cut away, without recording the
depth of the pixel. We might get a bit of confusion as further away branches overwrite the nearby ones, but in
practice, that is hard to see as leaves have a lot of visual detail in them.

Shader "Vegetation" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (.5, .5, .5, .5)
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Cutoff ("Base Alpha cutoff", Range (0,.9)) = .5
SubShader {
// Set up basic lighting
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Ambient [_Color]
Lighting On

// Render both front and back facing polygons.
Cull Off
// first pass:
// render any pixels that are more than [_Cutoff] opaque
Pass {
AlphaTest Greater [_Cutoff]
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine texture * primary, texture
// Second pass:
// render in the semitransparent details.
Pass {
// Dont write to the depth buffer
ZWrite off
// Don't write pixels we have already written.
ZTest Less
// Only render pixels less or equal to the value
AlphaTest LEqual [_Cutoff]
// Set up alpha blending
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine texture * primary, texture

Note that we have some setup inside the SubShader, rather than in the individual passes. Any state set in the
SubShader is inherited as defaults in passes inside it.

ShaderLab: Legacy Fog

Leave feedback

Fog parameters are controlled with Fog command.
Fogging blends the color of the generated pixels down towards a constant color based on distance from camera. Fogging does not
modify a blended pixel’s alpha value, only its RGB components.

Fog {Fog Commands}

Specify fog commands inside curly braces.

Mode Off | Global | Linear | Exp | Exp2

De nes fog mode. Default is global, which translates to O or Exp2 depending whether fog is turned on in Render Settings.

Color ColorValue

Sets fog color.

Density FloatValue

Sets density for exponential fog.

Range FloatValue, FloatValue

Sets near & far range for linear fog.


Default fog settings are based on settings in the Lighting Window: fog mode is either Exp2 or O ; density & color taken from settings
as well.
Note that if you use fragment programs, Fog settings of the shader will still be applied. On platforms where there is no xed function
Fog functionality, Unity will patch shaders at runtime to support the requested Fog mode.

ShaderLab: Legacy BindChannels

Leave feedback

BindChannels command allows you to specify how vertex data maps to the graphics hardware.
Note: _BindChannels has no e ect when vertex programs are used, as in that case bindings are controlled by
vertex shader inputs. It is advisable to use programmable shaders these days instead of xed function vertex processing.
By default, Unity gures out the bindings for you, but in some cases you want custom ones to be used.
For example you could map the primary UV set to be used in the rst texture stage and the secondary UV set to
be used in the second texture stage; or tell the hardware that vertex colors should be taken into account.

BindChannels { Bind "source", target }

Speci es that vertex data source maps to hardware target.
Source can be one of:

Vertex: vertex position
Normal: vertex normal
Tangent: vertex tangent
Texcoord: primary UV coordinate
Texcoord1: secondary UV coordinate
Color: per-vertex color
Target can be one of:

Vertex: vertex position
Normal: vertex normal
Tangent: vertex tangent
Texcoord0, Texcoord1, …: texture coordinates for corresponding texture stage
Texcoord: texture coordinates for all texture stages
Color: vertex color


Unity places some restrictions on which sources can be mapped to which targets. Source and target must match
for Vertex, Normal, Tangent and Color. Texture coordinates from the mesh (Texcoord and Texcoord1) can be
mapped into texture coordinate targets (Texcoord for all texture stages, or TexcoordN for a speci c stage).
There are two typical use cases for BindChannels:

Shaders that take vertex colors into account.
Shaders that use two UV sets.


// Maps the first UV set to the first texture stage
// and the second UV set to the second texture stage
BindChannels {
Bind "Vertex", vertex
Bind "texcoord", texcoord0
Bind "texcoord1", texcoord1

// Maps the first UV set to all texture stages
// and uses vertex colors
BindChannels {
Bind "Vertex", vertex
Bind "texcoord", texcoord
Bind "Color", color

ShaderLab: UsePass

Leave feedback

The UsePass command uses named passes from another shader.

UsePass "Shader/Name"

Inserts all passes with a given name from a given shader. Shader/Name contains the name of the shader and the
name of the pass, separated by a slash character. Note that only rst supported subshader is taken into account.

Some of the shaders could reuse existing passes from other shaders, reducing code duplication. For example, you
might have a shader pass that draws object outline, and you’d want to reuse that pass in other shaders. The
UsePass command does just that - it includes a given pass from another shader. As an example the following
command uses the pass with the name “SHADOWCASTER” from the built-in VertexLit shader:

UsePass "VertexLit/SHADOWCASTER"

In order for UsePass to work, a name must be given to the pass one wishes to use. The Name command inside
the pass gives it a name:

Name "MyPassName"

Note that internally all pass names are uppercased, so UsePass must refer to the name in uppercase.

ShaderLab: GrabPass

Leave feedback

GrabPass is a special pass type - it grabs the contents of the screen where the object is about to be drawn into a texture.
This texture can be used in subsequent passes to do advanced image based e ects.

The GrabPass belongs inside a subshader. It can take two forms:

Just GrabPass { } grabs the current screen contents into a texture. The texture can be accessed in further
passes by _GrabTexture name. Note: this form of grab pass will do the time-consuming screen grabbing
operation for each object that uses it.
GrabPass { "TextureName" } grabs the current screen contents into a texture, but will only do that once
per frame for the rst object that uses the given texture name. The texture can be accessed in further
passes by the given texture name. This is a more performant method when you have multiple objects using
GrabPass in the scene.
Additionally, GrabPass can use Name and Tags commands.

Here is an ine cient way to invert the colors of what was rendered before:

Shader "GrabPassInvert"
// Draw ourselves after all opaque geometry
Tags { "Queue" = "Transparent" }
// Grab the screen behind the object into _BackgroundTexture
// Render the object with the texture generated above, and invert the colors
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f
float4 grabPos : TEXCOORD0;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert(appdata_base v) {

v2f o;
// use UnityObjectToClipPos from UnityCG.cginc to calculate
// the clip­space of the vertex
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
// use ComputeGrabScreenPos function from UnityCG.cginc
// to get the correct texture coordinate
o.grabPos = ComputeGrabScreenPos(o.pos);
return o;
sampler2D _BackgroundTexture;
half4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
half4 bgcolor = tex2Dproj(_BackgroundTexture, i.grabPos);
return 1 ­ bgcolor;

This shader has two passes: The rst pass grabs whatever is behind the object at the time of rendering, then applies that in
the second pass. Note that the same e ect could be achieved more e ciently using an invert blend mode.

See Also
Regular Pass command.
Platform di erences.
Built-in shader helper functions.

ShaderLab: SubShader Tags

Leave feedback

Subshaders use tags to tell how and when they expect to be rendered to the rendering engine.

Tags { "TagName1" = "Value1" "TagName2" = "Value2" }

Speci es TagName1 to have Value1, TagName2 to have Value2. You can have as many tags as you like.

Tags are basically key-value pairs. Inside a SubShader tags are used to determine rendering order and other
parameters of a subshader. Note that the following tags recognized by Unity must be inside SubShader section
and not inside Pass!
In addition to built-in tags recognized by Unity, you can use your own tags and query them using Material.GetTag

Rendering Order - Queue tag
You can determine in which order your objects are drawn using the Queue tag. A Shader decides which render
queue its objects belong to, this way any Transparent shaders make sure they are drawn after all opaque objects
and so on.
There are four pre-de ned render queues, but there can be more queues in between the prede ned ones. The
prede ned queues are:

Background - this render queue is rendered before any others. You’d typically use this for things
that really need to be in the background.
Geometry (default) - this is used for most objects. Opaque geometry uses this queue.
AlphaTest - alpha tested geometry uses this queue. It’s a separate queue from Geometry one
since it’s more e cient to render alpha-tested objects after all solid ones are drawn.
Transparent - this render queue is rendered after Geometry and AlphaTest, in back-to-front
order. Anything alpha-blended (i.e. shaders that don’t write to depth bu er) should go here (glass,
particle e ects).
Overlay - this render queue is meant for overlay e ects. Anything rendered last should go here
(e.g. lens ares).
Shader "Transparent Queue Example"
Tags { "Queue" = "Transparent" }

// rest of the shader body...

An example illustrating how to render something in the transparent queue
For special uses in-between queues can be used. Internally each queue is represented by integer index;
Background is 1000, Geometry is 2000, AlphaTest is 2450, Transparent is 3000 and Overlay is 4000. If a
shader uses a queue like this:

Tags { "Queue" = "Geometry+1" }

This will make the object be rendered after all opaque objects, but before transparent objects, as render queue
index will be 2001 (geometry plus one). This is useful in situations where you want some objects be always drawn
between other sets of objects. For example, in most cases transparent water should be drawn after opaque
objects but before transparent objects.
Queues up to 2500 (“Geometry+500”) are consided “opaque” and optimize the drawing order of the objects for
best performance. Higher rendering queues are considered for “transparent objects” and sort objects by distance,
starting rendering from the furthest ones and ending with the closest ones. Skyboxes are drawn in between all
opaque and all transparent objects.

RenderType tag
RenderType tag categorizes shaders into several prede ned groups, e.g. is is an opaque shader, or an alphatested shader etc. This is used by Shader Replacement and in some cases used to produce camera’s depth

DisableBatching tag
Some shaders (mostly ones that do object-space vertex deformations) do not work when Draw Call Batching is
used – that’s because batching transforms all geometry into world space, so “object space” is lost.
DisableBatching tag can be used to indicate that. There are three possible values: “True” (always disables
batching for this shader), “False” (does not disable batching; this is default) and “LODFading” (disable batching
when LOD fading is active; mostly used on trees).

ForceNoShadowCasting tag

If ForceNoShadowCasting tag is given and has a value of “True”, then an object that is rendered using this
subshader will never cast shadows. This is mostly useful when you are using shader replacement on transparent
objects and you do not wont to inherit a shadow pass from another subshader.

IgnoreProjector tag
If IgnoreProjector tag is given and has a value of “True”, then an object that uses this shader will not be
a ected by Projectors. This is mostly useful on semitransparent objects, because there is no good way for
Projectors to a ect them.

CanUseSpriteAtlas tag
Set CanUseSpriteAtlas tag to “False” if the shader is meant for sprites, and will not work when they are packed
into atlases (see Sprite Packer).

PreviewType tag
PreviewType indicates how the material inspector preview should display the material. By default materials are
displayed as spheres, but PreviewType can also be set to “Plane” (will display as 2D) or “Skybox” (will display as

See Also
Passes can be given Tags as well, see Pass Tags.

ShaderLab: Fallback

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After all Subshaders a Fallback can be de ned. It basically says “if none of subshaders can run on this hardware,
try using the ones from another shader”.

Fallback "name"

Fallback to shader with a given name or…

Fallback Off

Explicitly state that there is no fallback and no warning should be printed, even if no subshaders can run on this

A fallback statement has the same e ect as if all subshaders from the other shader would be inserted into its

Shader "example" {
// properties and subshaders here...
Fallback "otherexample"

ShaderLab: CustomEditor

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A CustomEditor can be de ned for your shader. When you do this Unity will look for a class that extends
ShaderGUI with this name. If one is found any material that uses this shader will use this ShaderGUI. See Custom
Shader GUI for examples.

CustomEditor "name"

Use the ShaderGUI with a given name.

A CustomEditor statement e ects all materials that use this Shader

Shader "example" {
// properties and subshaders here...
CustomEditor "MyCustomEditor"

ShaderLab: other commands

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Category is a logical grouping of any commands below it. This is mostly used to “inherit” rendering state. For example,
your shader might have multiple subshaders, and each of them requires fog to be o , blending set to additive, etc. You
can use Category for that:

Shader "example" {
Category {
Fog { Mode Off }
Blend One One
SubShader {
// ...
SubShader {
// ...
// ...

Category block only a ects shader parsing, it’s exactly the same as “pasting” any state set inside Category into all blocks
below it. It does not a ect shader execution speed at all.

Shader assets

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Shaders are assets that contain code and instructions for the graphics card to execute. Materials reference shaders, and setup
their parameters (textures, colors and so on).
Unity contains some built-in shaders that are always available in your project (for example, the Standard shader). You can also
write your own shaders and apply post-processing e ects.

Creating a new shader
To create a new Shader, use Assets > Create > Shader from the main menu or the Project View context menu. A shader is a
text le similar to a C# script, and is written in a combination of Cg/HLSL and ShaderLab languages (see writing shaders page for

Shader inspector.

Shader import settings
This inspector section allows specifying default textures for a shader. Whenever a new Material is created with this shader, these
textures are automatically assigned.

Shader Inspector
The Shader Inspector displays basic information about the shader (mostly shader tags), and allows compiling and inspecting lowlevel compiled code.
For Surface Shaders, the Show generated code button displays all the code that Unity generates to handle lighting and
shadowing. If you really want to customize the generated code, you can just copy and paste all of it back to your original shader
le and start tweaking.

Shader compilation popup menu.
The pop-up menu of the Compile and show code button allows inspecting nal compiled shader code (e.g. assembly on
Direct3D9, or low-level optimized GLSL for OpenGL ES) for selected platforms. This is mostly useful while optimizing shaders for
performance; often you do want to know how many low-level instructions here generated in the end.
The low-level generated code is useful for pasting into GPU shader performance analysis tools (like AMD GPU ShaderAnalyzer or

Shader compilation details
On shader import time, Unity does not compile the whole shader. This is because majority of shaders have a lot of variants
inside, and compiling all of them, for all possible platforms, would take a very long time. Instead, this is done:

At import time, only do minimal processing of the shader (surface shader generation etc.).
Actually compile the shader variants only when needed.
Instead of typical work of compiling 100–10000 internal shaders at import time, this usually ends up compiling
just a handful.
At player build time, all the “not yet compiled” shader variants are compiled, so that they are in the game data even if the editor
did not happen to use them.
However, this does mean that a shader might have an error in there, which is not detected at shader import time. For example,
you’re running editor using Direct3D 11, but a shader has an error if compiled for OpenGL. Or some variants of the shader does
not t into shader model 2.0 instruction limits, etc. These errors will be shown in the inspector if editor needs them; but it’s also
a good practice to manually fully compile the shader for platforms you need, to check for errors. This can be done using the
Compile and show code pop-up menu in the shader inspector.
Shader compilation is carried out using a background process named UnityShaderCompiler that is started by Unity whenever
it needs to compile shaders. Multiple compiler processes can be started (generally one per CPU core in your machine), so that at
player build time shader compilation can be done in parallel. While the editor is not compiling shaders, the compiler processes
do nothing and do not consume computer resources, so there’s no need to worry about them. They are also shut down when
Unity editor quits.
Individual shader variant compilation results are cached in the project, under Library/ShaderCache folder. This means that
100% identical shaders or their snippets will reuse previously compiled results. It also means that the shader cache folder can
become quite large, if you have a lot of shaders that are changed often. It is always safe to delete it; it will just cause shader
variants to be recompiled.

Further reading

Material assets.
Writing Shaders overview.
Shader reference.

Advanced ShaderLab topics
Read those to improve your ShaderLab-fu!

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Unity’s Rendering Pipeline

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Shaders de ne both how an object looks by itself (its material properties) and how it reacts to the light. Because lighting
calculations must be built into the shader, and there are many possible light & shadow types, writing quality shaders
that “just work” would be an involved task. To make it easier, Unity has Surface Shaders, where all the lighting,
shadowing, lightmapping, forward vs. deferred rendering things are taken care of automatically.
This document describes the pecularities of Unity’s lighting & rendering pipeline and what happens behind the scenes of
Surface Shaders.

Rendering Paths
How lighting is applied and which Passes of the shader are used depends on which Rendering Path is used. Each pass in
a shader communicates its lighting type via Pass Tags.

In Forward Rendering, ForwardBase and ForwardAdd passes are used.
In Deferred Shading, Deferred pass is used.
In legacy Deferred Lighting, PrepassBase and PrepassFinal passes are used.
In legacy Vertex Lit, Vertex, VertexLMRGBM and VertexLM passes are used.
In any of the above, to render Shadows or a depth texture, ShadowCaster pass is used.

Forward Rendering path

ForwardBase pass renders ambient, lightmaps, main directional light and not important (vertex/SH) lights at once.
ForwardAdd pass is used for any additive per-pixel lights; one invocation per object illuminated by such light is done.
See Forward Rendering for details.
If forward rendering is used, but a shader does not have forward-suitable passes (i.e. neither ForwardBase nor
ForwardAdd pass types are present), then that object is rendered just like it would in Vertex Lit path, see below.

Deferred Shading path
Deferred pass renders all information needed for lighting (in built-in shaders: di use color, specular color, smoothness,
world space normal, emission). It also adds lightmaps, re ection probes and ambient lighting into the emission channel.
See Deferred Shading for details.

Legacy Deferred Lighting path
PrepassBase pass renders normals & specular exponent; PrepassFinal pass renders nal color by combining
textures, lighting & emissive material properties. All regular in-scene lighting is done separately in screen-space. See
Deferred Lighting for details.

Legacy Vertex Lit Rendering path
Since vertex lighting is most often used on platforms that do not support programmable shaders, Unity can’t create
multiple shader variants internally to handle lightmapped vs. non-lightmapped cases. So to handle lightmapped and
non-lightmapped objects, multiple passes have to be written explicitly.

Vertex pass is used for non-lightmapped objects. All lights are rendered at once, using a xed function
OpenGL/Direct3D lighting model (Blinn-Phong)
VertexLMRGBM pass is used for lightmapped objects, when lightmaps are RGBM encoded (PC and
consoles). No realtime lighting is applied; pass is expected to combine textures with a lightmap.

VertexLMM pass is used for lightmapped objects, when lightmaps are double-LDR encoded (mobile
platforms). No realtime lighting is applied; pass is expected to combine textures with a lightmap.

See Also

Graphics Command Bu ers for how to extend Unity’s rendering pipeline.

Performance tips when writing shaders

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Only compute what you need

The more computations and processing your shader code needs to do, the more it will impact the performance of your
game. For example, supporting color per material is nice to make a shader more exible, but if you always leave that color
set to white then useless computations are performed for each vertex or pixel rendered on screen.
The frequency of computations will also impact the performance of your game. Usually there are many more pixels rendered
(and subsequently more pixel shader executions) than there are vertices (vertex shader executions), and more vertices than
objects being rendered. Where possible, move computations out of the pixel shader code into the the vertex shader code,
or move them out of shaders completely and set the values in a script.

Optimized Surface Shaders
Surface Shaders are great for writing shaders that interact with lighting. However, their default options are tuned to cover a
broad number of general cases. Tweak these for speci c situations to make shaders run faster or at least be smaller:

The approxview directive for shaders that use view direction (i.e. Specular) makes the view direction
normalized per vertex instead of per pixel. This is approximate, but often good enough.
The halfasview for Specular shader types is even faster. The half-vector (halfway between lighting direction
and view vector) is computed and normalized per vertex, and the lighting function receives the half-vector as
a parameter instead of the view vector.
noforwardadd makes a shader fully support one-directional light in Forward rendering only. The rest of the
lights can still have an e ect as per-vertex lights or spherical harmonics. This is great to make your shader
smaller and make sure it always renders in one pass, even with multiple lights present.
noambient disables ambient lighting and spherical harmonics lights on a shader. This can make
performance slightly faster.

Precision of computations

When writing shaders in Cg/HLSL, there are three basic number types: float, half and fixed (see Data Types and
For good performance, always use the lowest precision that is possible. This is especially important on mobile platforms like
iOS and Android. Good rules of thumb are:

For world space positions and texture coordinates, use float precision.
For everything else (vectors, HDR colors, etc.), start with half precision. Increase only if necessary.
For very simple operations on texture data, use fixed precision.
In practice, exactly which number type you should use for depends on the platform and the GPU. Generally speaking:

All modern desktop GPUs will always compute everything in full float precision, so float/half/fixed
end up being exactly the same underneath. This can make testing di cult, as it’s harder to see if half/ xed
precision is really enough, so always test your shaders on the target device for accurate results.
Mobile GPUs have actual half precision support. This is usually faster, and uses less power to do
Fixed precision is generally only useful for older mobile GPUs. Most modern GPUs (the ones that can run
OpenGL ES 3 or Metal) internally treat fixed and half precision exactly the same.
See Data Types and Precision for more details.

Alpha Testing

The xed-function AlphaTest - or its programmable equivalent, clip() - has di erent performance characteristics on
di erent platforms:

Generally you gain a small advantage when using it to remove totally transparent pixels on most platforms.
However, on PowerVR GPUs found in iOS and some Android devices, alpha testing is resource-intensive. Do
not try to use it for performance optimization on these platforms, as it causes the game to run slower than

Color Mask

On some platforms (mostly mobile GPUs found in iOS and Android devices), using ColorMask to leave out some channels
(e.g. ColorMask RGB) can be resource-intensive, so only use it if really necessary.

Rendering with Replaced Shaders

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Some rendering e ects require rendering a scene with a di erent set of shaders. For example, good edge
detection would need a texture with scene normals, so it could detect edges where surface orientations di er.
Other e ects might need a texture with scene depth, and so on. To achieve this, it is possible to render the scene
with replaced shaders of all objects.
Shader replacement is done from scripting using Camera.RenderWithShader or Camera.SetReplacementShader
functions. Both functions take a shader and a replacementTag.
It works like this: the camera renders the scene as it normally would. the objects still use their materials, but the
actual shader that ends up being used is changed:

If replacementTag is empty, then all objects in the scene are rendered with the given replacement
If replacementTag is not empty, then for each object that would be rendered:
The real object’s shader is queried for the tag value.
If it does not have that tag, object is not rendered.
A subshader is found in the replacement shader that has a given tag with the found value. If no
such subshader is found, object is not rendered.
Now that subshader is used to render the object.
So if all shaders would have, for example, a “RenderType” tag with values like “Opaque”, “Transparent”,
“Background”, “Overlay”, you could write a replacement shader that only renders solid objects by using one
subshader with RenderType=Solid tag. The other tag types would not be found in the replacement shader, so the
objects would be not rendered. Or you could write several subshaders for di erent “RenderType” tag values.
Incidentally, all built-in Unity shaders have a “RenderType” tag set.

Lit shader replacement
When using shader replacement the scene is rendered using the render path that is con gured on the camera.
This means that the shader used for replacement can contain shadow and lighting passes (you can use surface
shaders for shader replacement). This can be useful for doing rendering of special e ects and scene debugging.

Shader replacement tags in built-in Unity shaders
All built-in Unity shaders have a “RenderType” tag set that can be used when rendering with replaced shaders.
Tag values are the following:

Opaque: most of the shaders (Normal, Self Illuminated, Re ective, terrain shaders).
Transparent: most semitransparent shaders (Transparent, Particle, Font, terrain additive pass
TransparentCutout: masked transparency shaders (Transparent Cutout, two pass vegetation
Background: Skybox shaders.
Overlay: GUITexture, Halo, Flare shaders.
TreeOpaque: terrain engine tree bark.
TreeTransparentCutout: terrain engine tree leaves.
TreeBillboard: terrain engine billboarded trees.

Grass: terrain engine grass.
GrassBillboard: terrain engine billboarded grass.

Built-in scene depth/normals texture
A Camera has a built-in capability to render depth or depth+normals texture, if you need that in some of your
e ects. See Camera Depth Texture page. Note that in some cases (depending on the hardware), the depth and
depth+normals textures can internally be rendered using shader replacement. So it is important to have the
correct “RenderType” tag in your shaders.

Code Example
Your Start() function speci es the replacement shaders:

void Start() {
camera.SetReplacementShader (EffectShader, "RenderType");

This requests that the E ectShader will use the RenderType key. The E ectShader will have key-value tags for
each RenderType that you want. The Shader will look something like:

Shader "EffectShader" {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
Pass {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="SomethingElse" }
Pass {

SetReplacementShader will look through all the objects in the scene and, instead of using their normal shader,
use the rst subshader which has a matching value for the speci ed key. In this example, any objects whose
shader has Rendertype=“Opaque” tag will be replaced by rst subshader in E ectShader, any objects with

RenderType=“SomethingElse” shader will use second replacement subshader and so one. Any objects whose
shader does not have a matching tag value for the speci ed key in the replacement shader will not be rendered.

Custom Shader GUI

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Sometimes you have a shader with some interesting data types that can not be nicely represented using the built
in Unity material editor. Unity provides a way to override the default way shader properties are presented so that
you can de ne your own. You can use this feature to de ne custom controls and data range validation.
The rst part to writing custom editor for your shader’s gui is de ning a shader that requires a Custom Editor. The
name you use for the custom editor is the class that will be looked up by Unity for the material editor.
To de ne a custom editor you extend from the ShaderGUI class and place the script below an Editor folder in the
assets directory.

using UnityEditor;
public class CustomShaderGUI : ShaderGUI
public override void OnGUI (MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[
base.OnGUI (materialEditor, properties);

Any shader that has a custom editor de ned (CustomEditor “CustomShaderGUI”) will instantiate an instance of
the shader gui class listed above and execute the associated code.

A simple example
So we have a situation where we have a shader that can work in two modes; it renders standard di use lighting
or it renders the blue and green channels with 50%.

Shader "Custom/Redify" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 200
#pragma surface surf Lambert addshadow
#pragma shader_feature REDIFY_ON
sampler2D _MainTex;

struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;
o.Albedo.gb *= 0.5;
CustomEditor "CustomShaderGUI"

As you can see the shader has a Keyword available for setting: REDIFY_ON. This can be changed be set on a per
material basis by using the shaderKeywords property of the material. Below is an ShaderGUI instance that does

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
public class CustomShaderGUI : ShaderGUI
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[]
// render the default gui
base.OnGUI(materialEditor, properties);
Material targetMat = materialEditor.target as Material;
// see if redify is set, and show a checkbox
bool redify = Array.IndexOf(targetMat.shaderKeywords, "REDIFY_ON") != ­1
redify = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Redify material", redify);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// enable or disable the keyword based on checkbox

if (redify)

For a more comprehensive ShaderGUI example see the StandardShaderGUI.cs le together with the
Standard.shader found in the ‘Built-in shaders’ package that can be downloaded from Unity Download Archive.
Note that the simple example above could also be solved much simpler using MaterialPropertyDrawers. Add the
following line to the Properties section of the Custom/Redify shader:

[Toggle(REDIFY_ON)] _Redify("Red?", Int) = 0

and remove the:

CustomEditor "CustomShaderGUI"

Also see: MaterialPropertyDrawer
ShaderGUI should be used for more complex shader gui solutions where where e.g. material properties have
dependencies on each other or special layout is wanted. You can combine using MaterialPropertyDrawers with
ShaderGUI classes, see StandardShaderGUI.cs.

Using Depth Textures

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It is possible to create Render Textures where each pixel contains a high-precision Depth value. This is mostly
used when some e ects need the Scene’s Depth to be available (for example, soft particles, screen space ambient
occlusion and translucency would all need the Scene’s Depth). Image E ects often use Depth Textures too.
Pixel values in the Depth Texture range between 0 and 1, with a non-linear distribution. Precision is usually 32 or
16 bits, depending on con guration and platform used. When reading from the Depth Texture, a high precision
value in a range between 0 and 1 is returned. If you need to get distance from the Camera, or an otherwise linear
0–1 value, compute that manually using helper macros (see below).
Depth Textures are supported on most modern hardware and graphics APIs. Special requirements are listed

Direct3D 11+ (Windows), OpenGL 3+ (Mac/Linux), OpenGL ES 3.0+ (Android/iOS), Metal (iOS) and
consoles like PS4/Xbox One all support depth textures.
OpenGL ES 2.0 (iOS/Android) requires GL_OES_depth_texture extension to be present.
WebGL requires WEBGL_depth_texture extension.

Depth Texture Shader helper macros

Most of the time, Depth Texture are used to render Depth from the Camera. The UnityCG.cginc include le
contains some macros to deal with the above complexity in this case:

UNITY_TRANSFER_DEPTH(o): computes eye space depth of the vertex and outputs it in o (which
must be a oat2). Use it in a vertex program when rendering into a depth texture. On platforms
with native depth textures this macro does nothing at all, because Z bu er value is rendered
UNITY_OUTPUT_DEPTH(i): returns eye space depth from i (which must be a oat2). Use it in a
fragment program when rendering into a depth texture. On platforms with native depth textures
this macro always returns zero, because Z bu er value is rendered implicitly.
COMPUTE_EYEDEPTH(i): computes eye space depth of the vertex and outputs it in o. Use it in a
vertex program when not rendering into a depth texture.
DECODE_EYEDEPTH(i)/LinearEyeDepth(i): given high precision value from depth texture i, returns
corresponding eye space depth.
Linear01Depth(i): given high precision value from depth texture i, returns corresponding linear
depth in range between 0 and 1.
Note: On DX11/12, PS4, XboxOne and Metal, the Z bu er range is 1–0 and UNITY_REVERSED_Z is de ned. On
other platforms, the range is 0–1.
For example, this shader would render depth of its GameObjects:

Shader "Render Depth" {
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
Pass {

#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 depth : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (appdata_base v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;
half4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target {

See also
Camera Depth Textures
Writing Image E ects

Camera’s Depth Texture

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A Camera can generate a depth, depth+normals, or motion vector Texture. This is a minimalistic G-bu er Texture
that can be used for post-processing e ects or to implement custom lighting models (e.g. light pre-pass). It is also
possible to build similar textures yourself, using Shader Replacement feature.
The Camera’s depth Texture mode can be enabled using Camera.depthTextureMode variable from script.
There are three possible depth texture modes:

DepthTextureMode.Depth: a depth texture.
DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals: depth and view space normals packed into one texture.*
DepthTextureMode.MotionVectors: per-pixel screen space motion of each screen texel for the
current frame. Packed into a RG16 texture.
These are ags, so it is possible to specify any combination of the above textures.

DepthTextureMode.Depth texture
This builds a screen-sized depth texture.
Depth texture is rendered using the same shader passes as used for shadow caster rendering (ShadowCaster
pass type). So by extension, if a shader does not support shadow casting (i.e. there’s no shadow caster pass in the
shader or any of the fallbacks), then objects using that shader will not show up in the depth texture.

Make your shader fallback to some other shader that has a shadow casting pass, or
If you’re using surface shaders, adding an addshadow directive will make them generate a shadow
pass too.
Note that only “opaque” objects (that which have their materials and shaders setup to use render queue <= 2500)
are rendered into the depth texture.

DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals texture
This builds a screen-sized 32 bit (8 bit/channel) texture, where view space normals are encoded into R&G channels,
and depth is encoded in B&A channels. Normals are encoded using Stereographic projection, and depth is 16 bit
value packed into two 8 bit channels.
UnityCG.cginc include le has a helper function DecodeDepthNormal to decode depth and normal from the
encoded pixel value. Returned depth is in 0..1 range.
For examples on how to use the depth and normals texture, please refer to the EdgeDetection image e ect in the
Shader Replacement example project or Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Image E ect.

DepthTextureMode.MotionVectors texture
This builds a screen-sized RG16 (16-bit oat/channel) texture, where screen space pixel motion is encoded into the
R&G channels. The pixel motion is encoded in screen UV space.
When sampling from this texture motion from the encoded pixel is returned in a rance of –1..1. This will be the UV
o set from the last frame to the current frame.

Tips & Tricks
Camera inspector indicates when a camera is rendering a depth or a depth+normals texture.
The way that depth textures are requested from the Camera (Camera.depthTextureMode) might mean that after
you disable an e ect that needed them, the Camera might still continue rendering them. If there are multiple
e ects present on a Camera, where each of them needs the depth texture, there’s no good way to automatically
disable depth texture rendering if you disable the individual e ects.
When implementing complex Shaders or Image E ects, keep Rendering Di erences Between Platforms in mind. In
particular, using depth texture in an Image E ect often needs special handling on Direct3D + Anti-Aliasing.
In some cases, the depth texture might come directly from the native Z bu er. If you see artifacts in your depth
texture, make sure that the shaders that use it do not write into the Z bu er (use ZWrite O ).

Shader variables
Depth textures are available for sampling in shaders as global shader properties. By declaring a sampler called
_CameraDepthTexture you will be able to sample the main depth texture for the camera.
_CameraDepthTexture always refers to the camera’s primary depth texture. By contrast, you can use
_LastCameraDepthTexture to refer to the last depth texture rendered by any camera. This could be useful for
example if you render a half-resolution depth texture in script using a secondary camera and want to make it
available to a post-process shader.
The motion vectors texture (when enabled) is available in Shaders as a global Shader property. By declaring a
sampler called ‘_CameraMotionVectorsTexture’ you can sample the Texture for the curently rendering Camera.

Under the hood
Depth textures can come directly from the actual depth bu er, or be rendered in a separate pass, depending on
the rendering path used and the hardware. Typically when using Deferred Shading or Legacy Deferred Lighting
rendering paths, the depth textures come “for free” since they are a product of the G-bu er rendering anyway.
When the DepthNormals texture is rendered in a separate pass, this is done through Shader Replacement. Hence it
is important to have correct “RenderType” tag in your shaders.
When enabled, the MotionVectors texture always comes from a extra render pass. Unity will render moving
GameObjects into this bu er, and construct their motion from the last frame to the current frame.

See also
Writing Image E ects
Depth Textures
Shader Replacement

Platform-speci c rendering di erences

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Unity runs on various graphics library platforms: Open GL, Direct3D, Metal, and games consoles. In some cases, there are
di erences in how graphics rendering behaves between the platforms and Shader language semantics. Most of the time the
Unity Editor hides the di erences, but there are some situations where the Editor cannot do this for you. In these situations, you
need to ensure that you negate di erences between the platforms. These situations, and the actions you need to take if they
occur, are listed below.

Render Texture coordinates
Vertical Texture coordinate conventions di er between two types of platforms: Direct3D-like and OpenGL-like.

Direct3D-like: The coordinate is 0 at the top and increases downward. This applies to Direct3D, Metal and
OpenGL-like: The coordinate is 0 at the bottom and increases upward. This applies to OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
This di erence tends not to have any e ect on your project, other than when rendering into a Render Texture. When rendering
into a Texture on a Direct3D-like platform, Unity internally ips rendering upside down. This makes the conventions match
between platforms, with the OpenGL-like platform convention the standard.
Image E ects and rendering in UV space are two common cases in the Shaders where you need to take action to ensure that the
di erent coordinate conventions do not create problems in your project.

Image E ects
When you use Image E ects and anti-aliasing, the resulting source Texture for an Image E ect is not ipped to match the OpenGLlike platform convention. In this case, Unity renders to the screen to get anti-aliasing and then resolves rendering into a Render
Texture for further processing with an Image E ect.
If your Image E ect is a simple one that processes one Render Texture at a time, Graphics.Blit deals with the inconsistent
coordinates. However, if you’re processing more than one Render Texture together in your Image E ect, the Render Textures are
likely to come out at di erent vertical orientations in Direct3D-like platforms and when you use anti-aliasing. To standardise the
coordinates, you need to manually “ ip” the screen Texture upside down in your Vertex Shader so that it matches the OpenGLlike coordinate standard.
The following code sample demonstrates how to do this:

// Flip sampling of the Texture:
// The main Texture
// texel size will have negative Y).
if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0)
uv.y = 1­uv.y;

Refer to the Edge Detection Scene in Unity’s Shader Replacement sample project (see Unity’s Learn resources) for a more detailed
example of this. Edge detection in this project uses both the screen Texture and the Camera’s Depth+Normals texture.
A similar situation occurs with GrabPass. The resulting render Texture might not actually be turned upside down on Direct3D-like
(non-OpenGL-like) platforms. If your Shader code samples GrabPass Textures, use the ComputeGrabScreenPos function from the
UnityCG include le.

Rendering in UV space
When rendering in Texture coordinate (UV) space for special e ects or tools, you might need to adjust your Shaders so that
rendering is consistent between Direct3D-like and OpenGL-like systems. You also might need to adjust your rendering between
rendering into the screen and rendering into a Texture. Adjust these by ipping the Direct3D-like projection upside down so its
coordinates match the OpenGL-like projection coordinates.
The built-in variable ProjectionParams.x contains a +1 or –1 value. ­1 indicates a projection has been ipped upside down to
match OpenGL-like projection coordinates, while +1 indicates it hasn’t been ipped. You can check this value in your Shaders and
then perform di erent actions. The example below checks if a projection has been ipped and, if so, ips and then returns the UV
coordinates to match.

float4 vert(float2 uv : TEXCOORD0) : SV_POSITION
float4 pos;
pos.xy = uv;
// This example is rendering with upside­down flipped projection,
// so flip the vertical UV coordinate too
if (_ProjectionParams.x < 0)
pos.y = 1 ­ pos.y;
pos.z = 0;
pos.w = 1;
return pos;

Clip space coordinates
Similar to Texture coordinates, the clip space coordinates (also known as post-projection space coordinates) di er between
Direct3D-like and OpenGL-like platforms:
Direct3D-like: The clip space depth goes from 0.0 at the near plane to +1.0 at the far plane. This applies to Direct3D, Metal and
OpenGL-like: The clip space depth goes from –1.0 at the near plane to +1.0 at the far plane. This applies to OpenGL and OpenGL
Inside Shader code, you can use the UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE built-in macro to get the near plane value based on the platform.
Inside script code, use GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix to convert from Unity’s coordinate system (which follows OpenGL-like
conventions) to Direct3D-like coordinates if that is what the platform expects.

Precision of Shader computations
To avoid precision issues, make sure that you test your Shaders on the target platforms. The GPUs in mobile devices and PCs di er
in how they treat oating point types. PC GPUs treat all oating point types ( oat, half and xed) as the same - they do all
calculations using full 32-bit precision, while many mobile device GPUs do not do this.
See documentation on data types and precision for details.

Const declarations in Shaders
Use of const di ers between Microsoft HSL (see msdn.microsoft.com) and OpenGL’s GLSL (see Wikipedia) Shader language.

Microsoft’s HLSL const has much the same meaning as it does in C# and C++ in that the variable declared is read-only within its
scope but can be initialized in any way.
OpenGL’s GLSL const means that the variable is e ectively a compile time constant, and so it must be initialized with compile
time constraints (either literal values or calculations on other consts).
It is best to follow the OpenGL’s GLSL semantics and only declare a variable as const when it is truly invariant. Avoid initializing a
const variable with some other mutable values (for example, as a local variable in a function). This also works in Microsoft’s HLSL,
so using const in this way avoids confusing errors on some platforms.

Semantics used by Shaders
To get Shaders working on all platforms, some Shader values should use these semantics:
Vertex Shader output (clip space) position: SV_POSITION. Sometimes Shaders use POSITION semantics to get Shaders working
on all platforms. Note that this does not not work on Sony PS4 or with tessellation.
Fragment Shader output color: SV_Target. Sometimes Shaders use COLOR or COLOR0 to get Shaders working on all platforms.
Note that this does not work on Sony PS4.
When rendering Meshes as Points, output PSIZE semantics from the vertex Shader (for example, set it to 1). Some platforms, such
as OpenGL ES or Metal, treat point size as “unde ned” when it’s not written to from the Shader.
See documentation on Shader semantics for more details.

Direct3D Shader compiler syntax
Direct3D platforms use Microsoft’s HLSL Shader compiler. The HLSL compiler is stricter than other compilers about various subtle
Shader errors. For example, it doesn’t accept function output values that aren’t initialized properly.
The most common situations that you might run into using this are:

A Surface Shader vertex modi er that has an out parameter. Initialize the output like this:
void vert (inout appdata_full v, out Input o)
// ...

Partially initialized values. For example, a function returns float4 but the code only sets the .xyz values of it. Set all values or
change to float3 if you only need three values.
Using tex2D in the Vertex Shader. This is not valid, because UV derivatives don’t exist in the vertex Shader. You need to sample an
explicit mip level instead; for example, use tex2Dlod (tex, float4(uv,0,0)). You also need to add #pragma target 3.0 as
tex2Dlod is a Shader model 3.0 feature.

DirectX 11 (DX11) HLSL syntax in Shaders
Some parts of the Surface Shader compilation pipeline do not understand DirectX 11-speci c HLSL (Microsoft’s shader language)

If you’re using HLSL features like StructuredBuffers, RWTextures and other non-DirectX 9 syntax, wrap them in a DirectX X11only preprocessor macro as shown in the example below.

#ifdef SHADER_API_D3D11
// DirectX11­specific code, for example
StructuredBuffer myColors;
RWTexture2D myRandomWriteTexture;

Using Shader framebu er fetch
Some GPUs (most notably PowerVR-based ones on iOS) allow you to do a form of programmable blending by providing current
fragment color as input to the Fragment Shader (see EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch on khronos.org).
It is possible to write Shaders in Unity that use the framebu er fetch functionality. To do this, use the inout color argument when
you write a Fragment Shader in either HLSL (Microsoft’s shading language - see msdn.microsoft.com) or Cg (the shading language
by Nvidia - see nvidia.co.uk).
The example below is in Cg.

// only compile Shader for platforms that can potentially
// do it (currently gles,gles3,metal)
#pragma only_renderers framebufferfetch
void frag (v2f i, inout half4 ocol : SV_Target)
// ocol can be read (current framebuffer color)
// and written into (will change color to that one)
// ...

The Depth (Z) direction in Shaders
Depth (Z) direction di ers on di erent Shader platforms.
DirectX 11, DirectX 12, PS4, Xbox One, Metal: Reversed direction
The depth (Z) bu er is 1.0 at the near plane, decreasing to 0.0 at the far plane.
Clip space range is [near,0] (meaning the near plane distance at the near plane, decreasing to 0.0 at the far plane).
Other platforms: Traditional direction
The depth (Z) bu er value is 0.0 at the near plane and 1.0 at the far plane.

Clip space depends on the speci c platform:

On Direct3D-like platforms, the range is [0,far] (meaning 0.0 at the near plane, increasing to the far plane distance
at the far plane).
On OpenGL-like platforms, the range is [-near,far] (meaning minus the near plane distance at the near plane,
increasing to the far plane distance at the far plane).
Note that reversed direction depth (Z), combined with a oating point depth bu er, signi cantly improves depth bu er precision
against the traditional direction. The advantages of this are less con ict for Z coordinates and better shadows, especially when
using small near planes and large far planes.
So, when you use Shaders from platforms with the depth (Z) reversed:

_CameraDepth Texture texture range is 1 (near) to 0 (far).
Clip space range is within “near” (near) to 0 (far).
However, the following macros and functions automatically work out any di erences in depth (Z) directions:

Linear01Depth(float z)
LinearEyeDepth(float z)

Fetching the depth Bu er
If you are fetching the depth (Z) bu er value manually, you might want to check the bu er direction. The following is an example
of this:

float z = tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, uv);
#if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
z = 1.0f ­ z;

Using clip space
If you are using clip space (Z) depth manually, you might also want to abstract platform di erences by using the following macro:
float clipSpaceRange01 = UNITY_Z_0_FAR_FROM_CLIPSPACE(rawClipSpace);
Note: This macro does not alter clip space on OpenGL or OpenGL ES platforms, so it returns within “-near”1 (near) to far (far) on
these platforms.

Projection matrices
GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix() returns a z-reverted matrix if you are on a platform where the depth (Z) is reversed. However, if
you’re composing from projection matrices manually (for example, for custom shadows or depth rendering), you need to revert
depth (Z) direction yourself where it applies via script.
An example of this is below:

var shadowProjection = Matrix4x4.Ortho(...); //shadow camera projection matrix
var shadowViewMat = ...
//shadow camera view matrix
var shadowSpaceMatrix = ... //from clip to shadowMap texture space
//'m_shadowCamera.projectionMatrix' is implicitly reversed
//when the engine calculates device projection matrix from the camera projection
m_shadowCamera.projectionMatrix = shadowProjection;

//'shadowProjection' is manually flipped before being concatenated to 'm_shadowMatrix'
//because it is seen as any other matrix to a Shader.
shadowProjection[2, 0] = ­shadowProjection[2, 0];
shadowProjection[2, 1] = ­shadowProjection[2, 1];
shadowProjection[2, 2] = ­shadowProjection[2, 2];
shadowProjection[2, 3] = ­shadowProjection[2, 3];
m_shadowMatrix = shadowSpaceMatrix * shadowProjection * shadowViewMat;

Depth (Z) bias
Unity automatically deals with depth (Z) bias to ensure it matches Unity’s depth (Z) direction. However, if you are using a native
code rendering plugin, you need to negate (reverse) depth (Z) bias in your C or C++ code.

Tools to check for depth (Z) direction
Use SystemInfo.usesReversedZBu er to nd out if you are on a platform using reversed depth (Z).

Shader Level of Detail

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Shader Level of Detail (LOD) works by only using shaders or subshaders that have their LOD value less than a
given number.
By default, allowed LOD level is in nite, that is, all shaders that are supported by the user’s hardware can be used.
However, in some cases you might want to drop shader details, even if the hardware can support them. For
example, some cheap graphics cards might support all the features, but are too slow to use them. So you may
want to not use parallax normal mapping on them.
Shader LOD can be either set per individual shader (using Shader.maximumLOD), or globally for all shaders (using
In your custom shaders, use LOD command to set up LOD value for any subshader.
Built-in shaders in Unity have their LODs set up this way:

VertexLit kind of shaders = 100
Decal, Re ective VertexLit = 150
Di use = 200
Di use Detail, Re ective Bumped Unlit, Re ective Bumped VertexLit = 250
Bumped, Specular = 300
Bumped Specular = 400
Parallax = 500
Parallax Specular = 600

Texture arrays

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Similar to regular 2D textures (Texture2D class, sampler2D in shaders), cube maps (Cubemap class, samplerCUBE in shaders), and
3D textures (Texture3D class, sampler3D in shaders), Unity also supports 2D texture arrays.
A texture array is a collection of same size/format/ ags 2D textures that look like a single object to the GPU, and can be sampled in
the shader with a texture element index. They are useful for implementing custom terrain rendering systems or other special
e ects where you need an e cient way of accessing many textures of the same size and format. Elements of a 2D texture array are
also known as slices, or layers.

Platform Support
Texture arrays need to be supported by the underlying graphics API and the GPU. They are available on:

Direct3D 11/12 (Windows, Xbox One)
OpenGL Core (Mac OS X, Linux)
Metal (iOS, Mac OS X)
OpenGL ES 3.0 (Android, iOS, WebGL 2.0)
PlayStation 4
Other platforms do not support texture arrays (OpenGL ES 2.0 or WebGL 1.0). Use SystemInfo.supports2DArrayTextures to
determine texture array support at runtime.

Creating and manipulating texture arrays
As there is no texture import pipeline for texture arrays, they must be created from within your scripts. Use the Texture2DArray
class to create and manipulate them. Note that texture arrays can be serialized as assets, so it is possible to create and ll them
with data from editor scripts.
Normally, texture arrays are used purely within GPU memory, but you can use Graphics.CopyTexture, Texture2DArray.GetPixels and
Texture2DArray.SetPixels to transfer pixels to and from system memory.

Using texture arrays as render targets
Texture array elements may also be used as render targets. Use RenderTexture.dimension to specify in advance whether the render
target is to be a 2D texture array. The depthSlice argument to Graphics.SetRenderTarget speci es which mipmap level or cube map
face to render to. On platforms that support “layered rendering” (i.e. geometry shaders), you can set the depthSlice argument to –1
to set the whole texture array as a render target. You can also use a geometry shader to render into individual elements.

Using texture arrays in shaders
Since texture arrays do not work on all platforms, shaders need to use an appropriate compilation target or feature requirement to
access them. The minimum shader model compilation target that supports texture arrays is 3.5, and the feature name is 2darray.
Use these macros to declare and sample texture arrays:

UNITY_DECLARE_TEX2DARRAY(name) declares a texture array sampler variable inside HLSL code.
UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY(name,uv) samples a texture array with a oat3 UV; the z component of the
coordinate is an array element index.
UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY_LOD(name,uv,lod) samples a texture array with an explicit mipmap level.


The following shader example samples a texture array using object space vertex positions as coordinates:

Shader "Example/Sample2DArrayTexture"

_MyArr ("Tex", 2DArray) = "" {}
_SliceRange ("Slices", Range(0,16)) = 6
_UVScale ("UVScale", Float) = 1.0
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// texture arrays are not available everywhere,
// only compile shader on platforms where they are
#pragma require 2darray
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f
float3 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float _SliceRange;
float _UVScale;
v2f vert (float4 vertex : POSITION)
v2f o;
o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, vertex);
o.uv.xy = (vertex.xy + 0.5) * _UVScale;
o.uv.z = (vertex.z + 0.5) * _SliceRange;
return o;
half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY(_MyArr, i.uv);

See Also
Introduction To Textures in Direct3D documentation.
Array Textures in OpenGL Wiki.

2018–03–20 Page amended with editorial review
Shader #pragma directives added in Unity 2018.1

Debugging DirectX 11/12 shaders with Leave feedback
Visual Studio
Use the Graphics Debugger in Microsoft Visual Studio (2012 version or later) to capture individual frames of
applications for debugging purposes, from platforms like Unity Editor, Windows Standalone or
Universal Windows Platform.
To install the Graphics Debugger in Visual Studio:
Go to Tools > Get Tools and Features

On the Individual components tab, scroll to Games and Graphics and check the box for Graphics debugger
and GPU pro ler__ for DirectX__
Click Modify
Wait for installation, then follow the instructions to restart your computer

Capture DirectX shaders with Visual Studio
You should use a built version of your Unity application to capture frames, rather than a version running in the
Unity Editor. This is because the Editor might have multiple child windows open at once, and the Graphics
Debugger might capture a frame from an unintended window.

Steps to capture a frame from Unity Editor or Windows Standalone
To use the Graphics Debugger on either of these two platforms, you need to create a dummy Visual Studio

Launch Visual Studio 2017
Go to File > New > Project > Visual C++ > Empty Project
Go to Project > Properties > Con guration Properties > Debugging
In the Command eld, replace $(TargetPath) with the path to the Unity Editor or Windows Standalone (for
example, C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe)
If you want to force Windows Standalone or Unity Editor to run under DirectX 11, select Command Arguments
and type -force-d3d11.

Go to Debug > Graphics > Start Graphics Debugging
If everything is con gured correctly, Unity displays the following text in the top-left corner of the application:

To capture a frame, use the Print Screen key on your keyboard, or click the Capture Frame box on the left side of

the Visual Studio interface.

Debug DirectX shaders with Visual Studio
To debug a shader, you have to compile with debug symbols. To do that, you need to insert #pragma
Your shader should look something like this:

Shader "Custom/NewShader" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 200
#pragma surface surf Lambert
#pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"

Example work ow
Let’s create a basic example to show the entire process:
Create a new Unity project (see documentation on Getting Started).
In the top menu, go to Assets > Create > Shader > Standard Surface Shader. This creates a new shader le in
your Project folder.
Select the shader le, and in the Inspector window, click Open. This opens the shader le in your scripting editor.
Insert #pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols into the shader code, underneath the other #pragma lines.
Create a new Material (menu: Assets > Create > Material).
In the Material’s Inspector window, select the Shader dropdown, go to Custom, and select the shader you just

Create a 3D cube GameObject (menu: GameObject > 3D Object > Cube).
Assign your new Material to your new GameObject. To do this, drag the Material from the Project window to the
3D cube.
Build the project for Windows Standalone. Note that real projects might be so large that building them every time
you want to debug a shader becomes ine cient; in that case, debug in the Editor, but make sure your capture
has pro led the correct window.
Capture a frame, using the steps described above in the section Capture DirectX shaders with Visual Studio.
Your captured frame appears in Visual Studio. Right-click it, and select Pixel.

smallest unit in a computer image. Pixel size depends on your screen resolution. Pixel lighting is
calculated at every screen pixel. More infoSee in
Glossary of an object which has the custom shader assigned.">
Captured frame, History, and selecting a pixel of an object which has the custom shader assigned.
Click the play button next to the Vertex Shader (highlighted in the screenshot above). This opens the vertex
shader le:

There is a known issues while working with DirectX 12, in which the play buttons are not available, and the
following error appears: This draw call uses system-value semantics that interfere with pixel history computation.
If you experience this, use PIX to debug your shaders instead.

Universal Windows Platform
When you debug for Universal Windows Platform, you don’t need to create a dummy Visual Studio project,
because Unity creates it for you.
Steps to capture a frame and begin shader debugging are the same as they are for the Unity Editor or Windows

Alternative shader debugging techniques
You can also use RenderDoc to debug shaders. In RenderDoc, you capture the Scene from within the Editor, then
use the standalone tool for debugging.
PIX works in a similar way to Visual Studio’s Graphics Debugger. Use PIX instead of the Graphics Debugger to
debug DirectX 12 projects.
2018–09–14 Page published with editorial review

Debugging DirectX 12 shaders with PIX

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PIX is a performance tuning and debugging tool by Microsoft, for Windows developers. It o ers a range of modes for
analyzing an application’s performance, and includes the ability to capture frames of DirectX projects from an
application for debugging.
Use PIX to investigate issues in Windows 64-bit (x86_64) Standalone or Universal Windows Platform applications.
To install PIX, download and run the Microsoft PIX installer and follow the instructions.
For more information about PIX, see Microsoft’s PIX Introduction and PIX Documentation.

Debugging DirectX shaders with PIX
You should use a built version of your Unity application to capture frames, rather than a version running in the Unity
Editor. This is because you need to launch the target application from within PIX to capture GPU frames.
Using a development build adds additional information to PIX, which makes navigating the scene capture easier.

Create a project with a debug-enabled Shader
To debug the shader with source code in PIX, you need to insert the following pragma into the shader code: #pragma

The following walkthrough uses a basic example to demonstrate the entire process.

Create a basic project:
Create a new Unity project (see documentation on Getting Started).
In the top menu, go to Assets > Create > Shader > Standard Surface Shader. This creates a new shader le in your
Project folder.
Select the shader le, and in the Inspector window, click Open. This opens the shader le in your scripting editor. Insert
#pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols into the shader code, underneath the other #pragma lines.
Create a new Material (menu: Assets > Create > Material).
In the Material’s Inspector window, select the Shader dropdown, go to Custom, and select the shader you just created.
Create a 3D cube GameObject (menu: GameObject > 3D Object > Cube).
Assign your new Material to your new GameObject. To do this, drag the Material from the Project window to the 3D

Capture a frame from a Windows Standalone application:
Go to File > Build Settings, and under Platform, select PC, Mac & Linux Standalone. Set the Target Platform to
Windows, set the Architecture to x86_64, and click the Development Build checkbox.

Click Build.
Launch PIX.
Click on Home, then Connect
Select Computer localhost to use your PC for capturing, and click connect.
In the Select Target Process box, select the Launch Win32 tab and use the Browse button to select your application’s
executable le. Note that here, “Win32” means a non-UWP application; your application le must be a 64-bit binary le.

Enable Launch for GPU Capture, then use the Launch button to start the application.

Use your application as normal until you are ready to capture a frame. To capture a frame, press Print Screen on your
keyboard, or click the camera icon on the GPU Capture Panel. A thumbnail of the capture appears in the panel. To open
the capture, click the thumbnail.

To start analysis on the capture, click the highlighted text or the small Play icon on the menu bar.

Select the Pipeline tab and use the__ Events__ window to navigate to a draw call you are interested in.

In the lower half of the Pipeline tab, select a render target from the OM (Output Merger) list to view the output of draw
call. Select a pixel on the object you want to debug. Note that you can right-click a pixel to view the draw call history, as
a way of nding draw calls you are interested in.

Select Debug Pixel on the Pixel Details panel.

On the debug panel, use the Shader Options to select which shader stage to debug.

Use the toolbar or keyboard shortcuts to step through the code.

For more information on debugging shaders with PIX, see Microsoft’s video series PIX on Windows, particularly Part 5 Debug Tab.
For more information on GPU capture in PIX, see Microsoft’s documentation on GPU Captures.
2018–09–17 Page published with editorial review

Implementing Fixed Function TexGen
in Shaders

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Before Unity 5, texture properties could have options inside the curly brace block, e.g. TexGen CubeReflect.
These were controlling xed function texture coordinate generation. This functionality was removed in Unity 5.0;
if you need texgen you should write a vertex shader instead.
This page shows how to implement each of xed function TexGen modes from Unity 4.

Cubemap re ection (TexGen CubeRe ect)
TexGen CubeReflect is typically used for simple cubemap re ections. It re ects view direction along the normal
in view space, and uses that as the UV coordinate.

Shader "TexGen/CubeReflect" {
Properties {
_Cube ("Cubemap", Cube) = "" { /* used to be TexGen CubeReflect */ }
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float3 uv : TEXCOORD0;

v2f vert (float4 v : POSITION, float3 n : NORMAL)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v);
// TexGen CubeReflect:
// reflect view direction along the normal,
// in view space
float3 viewDir = normalize(ObjSpaceViewDir(v));
o.uv = reflect(­viewDir, n);
o.uv = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MV, float4(o.uv,0));
return o;
samplerCUBE _Cube;
half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return texCUBE(_Cube, i.uv);

Cubemap normal (TexGen CubeNormal)
TexGen CubeNormal is typically used with cubemaps too. It uses view space normal as the UV coordinate.

Shader "TexGen/CubeNormal" {
Properties {
_Cube ("Cubemap", Cube) = "" { /* used to be TexGen CubeNormal */ }
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float3 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (float4 v : POSITION, float3 n : NORMAL)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v);
// TexGen CubeNormal:
// use view space normal of the object
o.uv = mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV, n);
return o;
samplerCUBE _Cube;
half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return texCUBE(_Cube, i.uv);

Object space coordinates (TexGen ObjectLinear)
TexGen ObjectLinear used object space vertex position as UV coordinate.

Shader "TexGen/ObjectLinear" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "" { /* used to be TexGen ObjectLinear */ }
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float3 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (float4 v : POSITION)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v);
// TexGen ObjectLinear:
// use object space vertex position
o.uv = v.xyz;
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;
half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target

return tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv.xy);

View space coordinates (TexGen EyeLinear)
TexGen EyeLinear used view space vertex position as UV coordinate.

Shader "TexGen/EyeLinear" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "" { /* used to be TexGen EyeLinear */ }
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float3 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (float4 v : POSITION)

v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v);
// TexGen EyeLinear:
// use view space vertex position
o.uv = UnityObjectToViewPos(v);
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;
half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv.xy);

Spherical environment mapping (TexGen SphereMap)
TexGen SphereMap computes UV coordinates for spherical environment mapping. See OpenGL TexGen
reference for the formula.

Shader "TexGen/SphereMap" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "" { /* used to be TexGen SphereMap */ }

SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (float4 v : POSITION, float3 n : NORMAL)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v);
// TexGen SphereMap
float3 viewDir = normalize(ObjSpaceViewDir(v));
float3 r = reflect(­viewDir, n);
r = mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_MV, r);
r.z += 1;
float m = 2 * length(r);
o.uv = r.xy / m + 0.5;
return o;
sampler2D _MainTex;
half4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);

Particle Systems reference

Leave feedback

This section contains reference information for the Particle System component and each of its numerous
modules. There is also a sub-section covering the legacy particle system implementation used in earlier versions
of Unity.

Particle System

Leave feedback


A Particle System component simulates uid entities such as liquids, clouds and ames by generating and animating
large numbers of small 2D images in the scene. For a full introduction to particle systems and their uses, see further
documentation on Particle Systems.

The Particle System component has many properties, and for convenience, the Inspector organises them into collapsible
sections called “modules”. These modules are documented in separate pages. See documentation on Particle System
Modules to learn about each one.

To expand and collapse modules, click the bar that shows their name. Use the checkbox on the left to enable or disable the
functionality of the properties in that module. For example, if you don’t want to vary the sizes of particles over their
lifetime, uncheck the Size over Lifetime module.
Aside from the module bars, the Inspector contains a few other controls. The Open Editor button shows the options in a
separate editor window that also allows you to edit multiple systems at once. The Resimulate checkbox determines
whether or not property changes should be applied immediately to particles already generated by the system (the
alternative is that existing particles are left as they are and only the new particles have the changed properties). The
Selection button shows the outlines and wireframes of the Mesh objects used to show the particles in the Scene, based on
the selection mode in the Gizmos dropdown. Bounds display the bounding volume around the selected Particle Systems.
These are used to determine whether a particle System is currently on screen.

Particle System modules

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The Particle System component has a powerful set of properties that are organized into modules for ease of use.
This section of the manual covers each of the modules in detail.

Particle System Main module

Leave feedback

The Particle System module contains global properties that a ect the whole system. Most of these properties control
the initial state of newly created particles. To expand and collapse the main module, click the Particle System bar in
the Inspector window.

The name of the module appears in the inspector as the name of the GameObject that the Particle System component
is attached to.


The length of time the system runs.


If enabled, the system starts again at the end of its duration time and continues to repeat
the cycle.
If enabled, the system is initialized as though it had already completed a full cycle (only
works if Looping is also enabled).
Start Delay Delay in seconds before the system starts emitting once enabled.
The initial lifetime for particles.
The initial speed of each particle in the appropriate direction.
3D Start
Enable this if you want to control the size of each axis separately.
Start Size The initial size of each particle.
3D Start
Enable this if you want to control the rotation of each axis separately.
The initial rotation angle of each particle.
Rotation Causes some particles to spin in the opposite direction.
Start Color The initial color of each particle.
Scales the gravity value set in the physics manager. A value of zero switches gravity o .
Modi er
Controls whether particles are animated in the parent object’s local space (therefore moving
with the parent object), in the world space, or relative to a custom object (moving with a
custom object of your choosing).
Adjust the speed at which the entire system updates.
Choose between Scaled and Unscaled, where Scaled uses the Time Scale value in the
Delta Time Time Manager, and Unscaled ignores it. This is useful for Particle Systems that appear on a
Pause Menu, for example.
Choose how to use the scale from the transform. Set to Hierarchy, Local or Shape. Local
applies only the Particle System transform scale, ignoring any parents. Shape mode applies
the scale to the start positions of the particles, but does not a ect their size.
Play on
If enabled, the Particle System starts automatically when the object is created.
Choose how the Particle System calculates the velocity used by the Inherit Velocity and
Emission modules. The system can calculate the velocity using a Rigidbody component, if
one exists, or by tracking the movement of the Transform component.
The maximum number of particles in the system at once. If the limit is reached, some
Particles particles are removed.
If enabled, the Particle System looks di erent each time it is played. When set to false, the
system is exactly the same every time it is played.
When disabling the automatic random seed, this value is used to create a unique repeatable
e ect.


When all the particles belonging to the system have nished, it is possible to make the
system perform an action. A system is determined to have stopped when all its particles
have died, and its age has exceeded its Duration. For looping systems, this only happens if
the system is stopped via script.
Disable The GameObject is disabled.
Destroy The GameObject is destroyed.
Callback The OnParticleSystemStopped callback is sent to any scripts attached to the GameObject.

Property details

The system emits particles for a speci c duration, and can be set to emit continuously using the Looped property. This
allows you to set particles to be emitted intermittently or continuously; for example, an object may emit smoke in short
pu s or in a steady stream.
The Start properties (lifetime, speed, size, rotation and color) specify the state of a particle on emission. You can
specify a particle’s width, height and depth independently, using the 3D Start Size property (see Non-uniform particle
scaling, below).
All Particle Systems use the same gravity vector speci ed in the Physics settings. The Gravity Multiplier value can be
used to scale the gravity, or switch it o if set to zero.
The Simulation Space property determines whether the particles move with the Particle System parent object, a
custom object, or independently in the game world. For example, systems like clouds, hoses and amethrowers need to
be set independently of their parent GameObject, as they tend to leave trails that persist in the world space even if the
object producing them moves around. On the other hand, if particles are used to create a spark between two
electrodes, the particles should move along with the parent object. For more advanced control over how particles
follow their Transform, see documentation on the Inherit Velocity module.

Non-uniform particle scaling
The 3D Start Size property allows you to specify a particle’s width, height and depth independently. In the Particle
System Main module, check the 3D Start Size checkbox, and enter the values for the initial x (width), y (height) and z
(depth) of the particle. Note that z (depth) only applies to 3D Mesh particles. You can also set randomised values for
these properties, in a range between two constants or curves.
You can set the particle’s initial size in the Particle System Main module, and its size over the particle’s lifetime using the
Separate Axes option in the Size over Lifetime module. You can also set the particle’s size in relation to its speed
using the Separate Axes option in the Size by Speed module.

2017–05–31 Page amended with editorial review
Simulation Speed, Delta Time and Emitter Velocity added in Unity 2017.1
Stop Action particle system property added in Unity 2017.2

Emission module

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The properties in this module a ect the rate and timing of Particle System emissions.

Rate over
Rate over


The number of particles emitted per unit of time.
The number of particles emitted per unit of distance moved.
A burst is an event which spawns particles. These settings allow particles to be
emitted at speci ed times.
Set the time (in seconds, after the Particle System begins playing) at which to emit
the burst.
Set a value for the number of particles that may be emitted.
Set a value for how many times to play the burst.
Set a value for the time (in seconds) between when each cycle of the burst is

The rate of emission can be constant or can vary over the lifetime of the system according to a curve. If Rate over
Distance mode is active, a certain number of particles are released per unit of distance moved by the parent
object. This is very useful for simulating particles that are actually created by the motion of the object (for
example, dust from a car’s wheels on a dirt track).
If Rate over Time is active, then the desired number of particles are emitted each second regardless of how the
parent object moves. Additionally, you can add bursts of extra particles that appear at speci c times (for example,
a steam train chimney that produces pu s of smoke).

Particle System Shape Module

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This module de nes the the volume or surface from which particles can be emitted, and the direction of the start velocity. The
Shape property de nes the shape of the emission volume, and the rest of the module properties vary depending on the Shape you
All shapes (except Mesh) have properties that de ne their dimensions, such as the Radius property. To edit these, drag the handles
on the wireframe emitter shape in the Scene view. The choice of shape a ects the region from which particles can be launched, but
also the initial direction of the particles. For example, a Sphere emits particles outward in all directions, a Cone emits a diverging
stream of particles, and a Mesh emits particles in directions that are normal to the surface.
The section below details the properties for each Shape.

Shapes in the Shape module
Sphere, Hemisphere

The shape module when set to Sphere mode
Note: Sphere and Hemisphere have the same properties.

The shape of the emission volume.
Uniform particle emission in all directions.
Hemisphere Uniform particle emission in all directions on one side of a plane.
The radius of the circular aspect of the shape.
The proportion of the volume that emits particles. A value of 0 emits particles from the outer surface
of the shape. A value of 1 emits particles from the entire volume. Values in between will use a
proportion of the volume.
A texture to use for tinting and discarding particles.
A channel from the texture to use for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls below this
Threshold threshold.
a ects
Multiply particle colors by the texture color.
a ects
Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.




When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples for smoother changes in particle color,
regardless of the texture dimensions.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you want to simulate, for
Align to
example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If the orientation is not
satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation value in the Main module.
Randomize Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When
set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from the center of
their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction points
outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape is set to Sphere).
Randomize Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this setting has
no e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning positions of the particles.


The shape module when set to Cone mode
Property Function
The shape of the emission volume.
Emit particles from the base or body of a cone. The particles diverge in proportion to their distance
from the cone’s center line.
The angle of the cone at its point. An angle of 0 produces a cylinder while an angle of 90 gives a at
The radius of the circular aspect of the shape.
The proportion of the volume that emits particles.A value of 0 emits particles from the outer surface of
the shape. A value of 1 emits particles from the entire volume. Values in between will use a proportion
of the volume.
The angular portion of a full circle that forms the emitter’s shape.


De ne how Unity generates particles around the arc of the shape. When set to Random, Unity
generates particles randomly around the arc. If using Loop, Unity generates particles sequentially
around the arc of the shape, and loops back to the start at the end of each cycle. Ping-Pong is the
same as Loop, except each consecutive loop happens in the opposite direction to the last. Finally,
Burst Spread mode distributes particle generation evenly around the shape. This can give you an even
spread of particles, compared to the default randomized behavior, where particles may clump together
unevenly. Burst Spread is best used with burst emissions.
The discrete intervals around the arc where particles may be generated. For example, a value of 0
allows particles to spawn anywhere around the arc, and a value of 0.1 only spawns particles at 10%
intervals around the shape.
The speed the emission position moves around the arc. Using the small black drop-down menu next to
the value eld, set this to Constant for the value to always remain the same, or Curve for the value to
change over time. This option is only available if Mode is set to something other than Random
The length of the cone. This only applies when the Emit from: property is set to Volume.
Emit from: The part of the cone to emit particles from: Base or Volume.
A texture to be used for tinting and discarding particles.
A channel from the texture to be used for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls below this
Threshold threshold.
a ects
Multiply particle colors by the texture color.
a ects
Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.
When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples for smoother changes in particle color,
regardless of the texture dimensions.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotation Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you want to simulate, for
Align to
example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If the orientation is not
satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation value in the Main module.
Randomize Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When
Direction set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from the center of
their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction points
outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape is set to Sphere).
Randomize Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this setting has no
e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning positions of the particles.


The shape module when set to Box mode
Property Function
The shape of the emission volume.
Emit particles from the edge, surface, or body of a box shape. The particles move in the emitter object’s
forward (Z) direction.
Emit from: Select the part of the box to emit from: Edge, Shell, or Volume.
A texture to be used for tinting and discarding particles.
A channel from the texture to be used for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls below this
Threshold threshold.
a ects
Multiply particle colors by the texture color.
a ects
Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.
When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples for smoother changes in particle color,
regardless of the texture dimensions.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotation Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you want to simulate, for
Align to
example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If the orientation is not
satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation value in the Main module.
Randomize Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When
Direction set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from the center of
their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction points
outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape is set to Sphere).
Randomize Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this setting has no
e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning positions of the particles.

Mesh, MeshRenderer, SkinnedMeshRenderer

The shape module when set to Mesh mode
Mesh, MeshRenderer and SkinnedMeshRenderer have the same properties.


The shape of the emission volume.
Emits particles from any arbitrary Mesh shape supplied via the Inspector.


Emits particles from a reference to a GameObject’s Mesh Renderer.

SkinnedMeshRenderer Emits particles from a reference to a GameObject’s Skinned Mesh Renderer.
Where particles are emitted from. Select Vertex for the particles to emit from the vertices,
Emission drop-down Edge for the particles to emit from the edges, or Triangle for the particles to emit from the
triangles. This is set to Vertex by default.
The Mesh that provides the emitter’s shape.
Specify whether to emit particles from a particular sub-Mesh (identi ed by the material
Single Material
index number). If enabled, a numeric eld appears, which allows you to specify the
material index number.
Modulate particle color with Mesh vertex colors, or, if they don’t exist, use the shader
Use Mesh Colors
color property “Color“ or ”TintColor” from the material.
Distance away from the surface of the Mesh to emit particles (in the direction of the
Normal O set
surface normal)
A texture to be used for tinting and discarding particles.
Clip Channel
A channel from the texture to be used for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls
Clip Threshold
below this threshold.
Color A ects Particles Multiply particle colors by the texture color.
Alpha A ects Particles Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.
When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples for smoother changes in
Bilinear Filtering
particle color, regardless of the texture dimensions.
UV Channel
Choose which UV channel on the source mesh to use for sampling the texture.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you want to
simulate, for example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If
Align to Direction
the orientation is not satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation
value in the Main module.

Randomize Direction

Spherize Direction

Randomize Position
Mesh details

Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no
e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from
the center of their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the
particle direction points outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape
is set to Sphere).
Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this
setting has no e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning
positions of the particles.

You can choose to only emit particles from a particular material (sub-Mesh) by checking the Single Material property and you can
o set the emission position along the Mesh’s normals by checking the Normal O set property.
To ignore the color of the Mesh, check the Use Mesh Colors property. To read the texture colors from a mesh, assign the Texture
you wish to read to the Texture property.
Meshes must be read/write enabled to work on the particle system. If you assign them in the Editor, Unity handles this for you. But
if you want to assign di erent meshes at run time, you need to check the Read/Write Enabled setting in the Import Settings.


The shape module when set to Circle mode
Property Function
The shape of the emission volume.
Uniform particle emission from the center or edge of a circle. The particles move only in the plane of
the circle.
The radius of the circular aspect of the shape.
The proportion of the volume that emits particles. A value of 0 emits particles from the outer edge of
the circle. A value of 1 emits particles from the entire area. Values in between will use a proportion of
the area.
The angular portion of a full circle that forms the emitter’s shape.




A ects
A ects

De ne how Unity generates particles around the arc of the shape. When set to Random, Unity
generates particles randomly around the arc. If using Loop, Unity generates particles sequentially
around the arc of the shape, and loops back to the start at the end of each cycle. Ping-Pong is the
same as Loop, except each consecutive loop happens in the opposite direction to the last. Finally,
Burst Spread mode distributes particle generation evenly around the shape. This can be used to give
you an even spread of particles, compared to the default randomized behavior, where particles may
clump together unevenly. Burst Spread is best used with burst emissions.
Control the discrete intervals around the arc where particles may be generated. For example, a value of
0 will allow particles to spawn anywhere around the arc, and a value of 0.1 will only spawn particles at
10% intervals around the shape.
Set a value for the speed the emission position moves around the arc. Using the small black drop-down
next to the value eld, set this to Constant for the value to always remain the same, or Curve for the
value to change over time.
Choose a texture to be used for tinting and discarding particles.
Select a channel from the texture to be used for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls below this
Multiply particle colors by the texture color.

Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.

When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples, for smoother changes in particle color,
regardless of the texture dimensions.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Use this checkbox to orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you
Align to
want to simulate, for example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If the
Direction orientation is not satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation value in the Main
Randomize Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When
Direction set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from the center of
their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction points
outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape is set to Sphere).
Randomize Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this setting has no
e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning positions of the particles.


The shape module when set to Edge mode
Property Function
The shape of the emission volume.
Emit particles from a line segment. The particles move in the emitter object’s upward (Y) direction.
The radius property is used to de ne the length of the edge.
De ne how Unity generates particles along the radius of the shape. When set to Random, Unity
generates particles randomly along the radius. If using Loop, Unity generates particles sequentially
along the radius of the shape, and loops back to the start at the end of each cycle. Ping-Pong is the
same as Loop, except each consecutive loop happens in the opposite direction to the last. Finally,
Burst Spread mode distributes particle generation evenly along the radius. This can be used to give
you an even spread of particles, compared to the default randomized behavior, where particles may
clump together unevenly. Burst Spread is best used with burst emissions.
T the discrete intervals along the radius where particles may be generated. For example, a value of 0
will allow particles to spawn anywhere along the radius, and a value of 0.1 will only spawn particles at
10% intervals along the radius.
The speed the emission position moves along the radius. Using the small black drop-down next to the
value eld, set this to Constant for the value to always remain the same, or Curve for the value to
change over time.
A texture to be used for tinting and discarding particles.
A channel from the texture to be used for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls below this
Threshold threshold.
A ects
Multiply particle colors by the texture color.
A ects
Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.
When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples for smoother changes in particle color,
regardless of the texture dimensions.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotation Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you want to simulate, for
Align to
example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If the orientation is not
satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation value in the Main module.

Property Function
Randomize Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When
Direction set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from the center of
their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction points
outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape is set to Sphere).
Randomize Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this setting has no
e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning positions of the particles.


The shape module when set to Donut mode
Property Function
The shape of the emission volume.
Emit particles from a torus. The particles move outwards from the ring of the Torus.
The radius of the main donut ring.
The thickness of the outer donut ring.
The proportion of the volume that emits particles. A value of 0 emits particles from the outer edge of
the circle. A value of 1 emits particles from the entire area. Values in between will use a proportion of
the area.
The angular portion of a full circle that forms the emitter’s shape.
De ne how Unity generates particles around the arc of the shape. When set to Random, Unity
generates particles randomly around the arc. If using Loop, Unity generates particles sequentially
around the arc of the shape, and loops back to the start at the end of each cycle. Ping-Pong is the
same as Loop, except each consecutive loop happens in the opposite direction to the last. Finally,
Burst Spread mode distributes particle generation evenly around the shape. This can be used to give
you an even spread of particles, compared to the default randomized behavior, where particles may
clump together unevenly. Burst Spread is best used with burst emissions.
The discrete intervals around the arc where particles may be generated. For example, a value of 0 will
allow particles to spawn anywhere around the arc, and a value of 0.1 will only spawn particles at 10%
intervals around the shape.
The speed the emission position moves around the arc. Using the small black drop-down next to the
value eld, set this to Constant for the value to always remain the same, or Curve for the value to
change over time.
A texture to be used for tinting and discarding particles.

A ects
A ects

A channel from the texture to be used for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls below this
Multiply particle colors by the texture color.

Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.

When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples for smoother changes in particle color,
regardless of the texture dimensions.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you want to simulate, for
Align To
example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If the orientation is not
satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation value in the Main module.
Randomize Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When
Direction set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from the center of
their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction points
outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape is set to Sphere).
Randomize Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this setting has no
e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning positions of the particles.


The shape module when set to Rectangle mode
Property Function
The shape of the emission volume.
Rectangle Emits particles from a rectangle. The particles move up from the rectangle.
A texture to be used for tinting and discarding particles.
A channel from the texture to be used for discarding particles.
When mapping particles to positions on the texture, discard any whose pixel color falls below this
Threshold threshold.
A ects
Multiply particle colors by the texture color.

A ects

Multiply particle alphas by the texture alpha.

When reading the texture, combine 4 neighboring samples for smoother changes in particle color,
regardless of the texture dimensions.
Apply an o set to the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Rotate the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Change the size of the emitter shape used for spawning particles.
Orient particles based on their initial direction of travel. This can be useful if you want to simulate, for
Align To
example, chunks of car paint ying o a car’s bodywork during a collision. If the orientation is not
satisfactory, you can also override it by applying a Start Rotation value in the Main module.
Randomize Blend particle directions towards a random direction. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When
Direction set to 1, the particle direction is completely random.
Blend particle directions towards a spherical direction, where they travel outwards from the center of
their Transform. When set to 0, this setting has no e ect. When set to 1, the particle direction points
outwards from the center (behaving identically to when the Shape is set to Sphere).
Randomize Move particles by a random amount, up to the speci ed value. When this is set to 0, this setting has no
e ect. Any other value will apply some randomness to the spawning positions of the particles.

2018–03–28 Page amended with no editorial review
Functionality of Shape Module updated in Unity 2017.1
Texture tinting and selective discarding features (Clip Channel, Clip Threshold, Color a ects particles, Alpha a ects particles, Bilinear ltering) added to Shape Module in 2018.1
Rectangle emission shape added to Shape Module in 2018.1

Velocity over Lifetime module

Leave feedback

The Velocity over Lifetime module allows you to control the velocity of particles over their lifetime.

Linear X, Y, Z
Orbital X, Y, Z
O set X, Y, Z
Modi er


Linear velocity of particles in the X, Y and Z axes.
Speci es whether the Linear X, Y, Z axes refer to local or world space.
Orbital velocity of particles around the X, Y and Z axes.
The position of the center of orbit, for orbiting particles.
Radial velocity of particles away from/towards the center position.
Applies a multiplier to the speed of particles, along/around their current direction of

To create particles that drift in a particular direction, use the Linear X, Y and Z curves.
To create e ects with particles that spin around a center position, use the Orbital velocity values. Additionally,
you can propel particles towards or away from a center position using the Radial velocity values. You can de ne a
custom center of rotation for each particle by using the O set value.
You can also use this module to adjust the speed of the particles in the Particle System without a ecting their
direction, by leaving all the above values at zero and only modifying the Speed Modi er value.
2018–03–28 Page amended with limited editorial review
Speed Modi er property added to Velocity over Lifetime module in 2017.3
Orbital XYZ, O set XYZ and Radial properties added to Velocity over Lifetime module in 2018.1

Noise module

Leave feedback

Add turbulence to particle movement using this module.

Property Function
Control the strength and remapping independently on each axis.
A curve that de nes how strong the noise e ect is on a particle over its lifetime. Higher
values will make particles move faster and further.
Low values create soft, smooth noise, and high values create rapidly changing noise.
Frequency This controls how often the particles change their direction of travel, and how abrupt
those changes of direction are.
Move the noise eld over time to cause more unpredictable and erratic particle
When enabled, strength is proportional to frequency. Tying these values together
Damping means the noise eld can be scaled while maintaining the same behaviour, but at a
di erent size.
Specify how many layers of overlapping noise are combined to produce the nal noise
Octaves values. Using more layers gives richer, more interesting noise, but signi cantly adds to
the performance cost.
For each additional noise layer, reduce the strength by this proportion.
For each additional noise layer, adjust the frequency by this multiplier.
Lower quality settings reduce the performance cost signi cantly, but also a ect how
interesting the noise looks. Use the lowest quality that gives you the desired behavior
for maximum performance.
Remap the nal noise values into a di erent range.
The curve that describes how the nal noise values are transformed. For example, you
could use this to pick out the lower ranges of the noise eld and ignore the higher
ranges by creating a curve that starts high and ends at zero.


A multiplier to control how much the noise a ects particle positions.
A multiplier to control how much the noise a ects particle rotations, in degrees per
A multiplier to control how much the noise a ects particle sizes.

Adding noise to your particles is a simple and e ective way to create interesting patterns and e ects. For
example, imagine how embers from a re move around, or how smoke swirls as it moves. Strong, high frequency
noise could be used to simulate the re embers, while soft, low frequency noise would be better suited to
modeling a smoke e ect.
For maximum control over the noise, you can enable the Separate Axes option. This allows you to control the
strength and remapping on each axis independently.
The noise algorithm used is based on a technique called Curl Noise, which internally uses multiple samples of
Perlin Noise to create the nal noise eld.
The quality settings control how many unique noise samples are generated. When using Medium and Low, less
samples of Perlin Noise are used, and those samples are re-used across multiple axes but combined in a way to
try and hide the re-use. This means that the noise may look less dynamic and diverse when using lower quality
settings. However, there is a signi cant performance bene t when using lower quality settings.
2017–09–05 Page amended with editorial review
Position Amount, Rotation Amount, Size Amount added in Unity 2017.1
Strength, Frequency, noise algorithm and quality settings added in Unity 2017.2

Limit Velocity Over Lifetime module

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This module controls how the speed of particles is reduced over their lifetime.

Multiply by
Multiply by

Splits the axes up into separate X, Y and Z components.
Sets the speed limit of the particles.
Selects whether the speed limitation refers to local or world space. This option is
only available when Separate Axes is enabled.
The fraction by which a particle’s speed is reduced when it exceeds the speed limit.
Applies linear drag to the particle velocities.
When enabled, larger particles are a ected more by the drag coe cient.
When enabled, faster particles are a ected more by the drag coe cient.


This module is very useful for simulating air resistance that slows the particles, especially when a decreasing
curve is used to lower the speed limit over time. For example, an explosion or rework initially bursts at great
speed but the particles emitted from it rapidly slow down as they pass through the air.
The Drag option o ers a more physically accurate simulation of air resistance by o ering options to apply varying
amounts of resistance based on the size and speed of the particles.
2017–09–05 Page amended with editorial review
Drag, Multiple by Size, Multiply by Velocity added in Unity 2017.2

Inherit Velocity module

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This module controls how the speed of particles reacts to movement of their parent object over time.

Property Function
Speci es how the emitter velocity is applied to particles
The emitter’s current velocity will be applied to all particles on every frame. For example,
if the emitter slows down, all particles will also slow down.
The emitter’s velocity will be applied once, when each particle is born. Any changes to
the emitter’s velocity made after a particle is born will not a ect that particle.
Multiplier The proportion of the emitter’s velocity that the particle should inherit.


This e ect is very useful for emitting particles from a moving object, such as dust clouds from a car, smoke from a
rocket, steam from a steam train’s chimney, or any situation where the particles should initially be moving at a
percentage of the speed of the object they appear to come from. This module only has an e ect on the particles
when Simulation Space is set to World in the Main module.
It is also possible to use curves to in uence the e ect over time. For example, you could apply a strong attraction
to newly created particles, which reduces over time. This could be useful for steam train smoke, which would drift
o slowly over time and stop following the train it was emitted from.

Force Over Lifetime module

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Particles can be accelerated by forces (such as wind or attraction) that are speci ed in this module.

X, Y, Z

Force applied to each particle in the X, Y and Z axes.
Selects whether the force is applied in local or world space.
When using the Two Constants or Two Curves modes, this causes a new force direction
Randomize to be chosen on each frame within the de ned ranges. This causes more turbulent,
erratic movement.


Fluids are often a ected by forces as they move. For example, smoke will accelerate slightly as it rises from a re,
carried up by the hot air around it. Subtle e ects can be achieved by using curves to control the force over the
particles’ lifetimes. Using the previous example, smoke will initially accelerate upward but as the rising air
gradually cools, the force will diminish. Thick smoke from a re might initially accelerate, then slow down as it
spreads and perhaps even start to fall to earth if it persists for a long time.

Color Over Lifetime module

Leave feedback

This module speci es how a particle’s color and transparency changes over its lifetime.

Property: Function:
The color gradient of a particle over its lifetime. The very left-hand point of the gradient
bar indicates the beginning of the particle’s life, and the very right-hand side of the
gradient bar indicates the end of the particle’s life.
In the image above, the particle starts o orange, fades in opacity over time, and is
invisible by the time its life ends.


Many types of natural and fantastical particles vary in color over time, and so this property has many uses. For
example, white hot sparks will cool as they pass through the air and a magic spell might burst into a rainbow of
colors. Equally important, though, is the variation of alpha (transparency). It is very common for particles to burn
out, fade or dissipate as they reach the end of their lifetime (for example, hot sparks, reworks and smoke
particles) and a simple diminishing gradient produces this e ect.

Color By Speed module

Leave feedback

The color of a particle can be set here to change according to its speed in distance units per second.

Property Function
Color The color gradient of a particle de ned over a speed range.
Speed The low and high ends of the speed range to which the color gradient is mapped (speeds
Range outside the range will map to the end points of the gradient).


Burning or glowing particles (such as sparks) tend to burn more brightly when they move quickly through the air
(for example, when sparks are exposed to more oxygen), but then dim slightly as they slow down. To simulate
this, you might use Color By Speed with a gradient that has white at the upper end of the speed range, and red at
the lower end (in the spark example, faster particles will appear white while slower particles are red).

Size over Lifetime module

Leave feedback

Many e ects involve a particle changing size according to a curve, which can be set in this module.

Separate Axes Control the particle size independently on each axis.
A curve which de nes how the particle’s size changes over its lifetime.


Some particles will typically change in size as they move away from the point of emission, such as those that
represent gases, ames or smoke. For example, smoke will tend to disperse and occupy a larger volume over
time. You can achieve this by setting the curve for the smoke particle to an upward ramp, increasing with the
particle’s age. You can also further enhance this e ect using the Color Over Lifetime module to fade the smoke
as it spreads.
For reballs created by burning fuel, the ame particles will tend to expand after emission but then fade and
shrink as the fuel is used up and the ame dissipates. In this case, the curve would have a rising “hump” that rises
and then falls back down to a smaller size.

Non-uniform particle scaling

You can specify how a particle’s width, height and depth changes over lifetime independently. In the Size over
Lifetime module, check the Separate Axes checkbox, then change the X (width), Y (height) and Z (depth).
Remember that Z will only be used for Mesh particles.

Size by Speed module

Leave feedback

This module allows you to create particles that change size according to their speed in distance units per second.

Property Function
Control the particle size independently on each axis.
A curve de ning the particle’s size over a speed range.
The low and high ends of the speed range to which the size curve is mapped (speeds
outside the range will map to the end points of the curve).


Some situations will require particles which vary in size depending on their speed. For example, you would expect
small pieces of debris to be accelerated more by an explosion than larger pieces. You can achieve e ects like this
using Size By Speed with a simple ramp curve that proportionally increases the speed as the size of the particle
decreases. Note that this should not be used with the Limit Velocity Over Lifetime module, unless you want
particles to change their size as they slow down.
Speed Range speci es the range of values that the X (width), Y (height) and Z (depth) shapes apply to. The Speed
Range is only applied when the size is in one of the curve modes. Fast particles will scale using the values at the
right end of the curve, while slower particles will use values from the left side of the curve. For example, if you
specify a Speed Range between 10 and 100:

Speeds below 10 will set the Particle size corresponding with the left-most edge of the curve.
Speeds above 100 will set the Particle size corresponding with the right-most edge of the curve.
Speeds between 10 and 100 will set the Particle size determined by the point along the curve
corresponding to the Speed. In this example, a Speed of 55 would set the size according to the
midpoint of the curve.

Non-uniform particle scaling

You can specify how a particle’s width, height and depth size changes by speed independently. In the Size by
Speed module, check the Separate Axes checkbox, then choose how the X (width), Y (height) and Z (depth) of the
particle is a ected by the speed of the particle. Remember that Z will only be used for Mesh particles.

Rotation Over Lifetime module

Leave feedback

Here, you can con gure particles to rotate as they move.


Allow rotation to be speci ed per axis. When this is enabled, the option to set a
rotation for each of X, Y and Z is presented.
Rotation velocity in degrees per second. See below for more information.

This setting is useful when particles represent small solid objects, such as pieces of debris from an explosion.
Assigning random values of rotation will make the e ect more realistic than having the particles remain upright
as they y. The random rotations will also help to break up the regularity of similarly shaped particles (the same
texture repeated many times can be very noticeable).

Leaves rendered using particles with random 3D rotation


The angular velocity option can be changed from the default constant speed. The drop-down to the right of the
velocity can provide:

Property Function
Constant The velocity for particle rotation in degrees per second.
The angular velocity can be set to change over the lifetime of the particle. A curve editor
appears at the bottom of the Inspector which allows you to control how the velocity
changes throughout the lifetime of the particle (see Image A below). If the Separate Axes
box is ticked, each of the X, Y and Z axes can be given curved velocity values.
The angular velocity properties has two angles allowing a rotation between them.


The angular velocity can be set to change over the lifetime of the particle speci ed by a
curve. In this mode, two curves are editable, and each particle will pick a random curve
between the range of these two curves that you de ne (see Image B below).

Image A: Z-axis angular velocity

Image B: Angular velocity between two curves

Rotation By Speed module

Leave feedback

The rotation of a particle can be set here to change according to its speed in distance units per second.


Control rotation independently for each axis of rotation.
Rotation velocity in degrees per second.
The low and high ends of the speed range to which the size curve is mapped (speeds
outside the range will map to the end points of the curve).


This property can be used when the particles represent solid objects moving over the ground such as rocks from
a landslide. The rotation of the particles can be set in proportion to the speed so that they roll over the surface
The Speed Range is only applied when the velocity is in one of the curve modes. Fast particles will rotate using the
values at the right end of the curve, while slower particles will use values from the left side of the curve.

External Forces module

Leave feedback

This property modi es the e ect of wind zones on particles emitted by the system.

Property Function
Multiplier Scale value applied to wind zone forces.


A Terrain can incorporate wind zones which a ect the movement of trees on the landscape. Enabling this section
allows the wind zones to blow particles from the system. The Multiplier value lets you scale the e ect of the wind
on the particles, since they will often be blown more strongly than tree branches.

Collision module

Leave feedback

This module controls how particles collide with GameObjects in the Scene. Use the rst drop-down to de ne whether your collision
settings apply to Planes or to the World. If you choose World, use the Collision Mode drop-down to de ne whether your collision
settings apply for a 2D or 3D world.

Planes module properties

Planes popup
Scale Plane
Lifetime Loss
Min Kill Speed
Max Kill Speed
Radius Scale

Select Planes mode.
An expandable list of Transforms that de ne collision planes.
Selects whether the collision plane Gizmos will be shown in the Scene view as wireframe grids
or solid planes.
Size of planes used for visualization.
The fraction of a particle’s speed that it loses after a collision.
The fraction of a particle’s speed that rebounds from a surface after a collision.
The fraction of a particle’s total lifetime that it loses if it collides.
Particles travelling below this speed after a collision will be removed from the system.
Particles travelling above this speed after a collision will be removed from the system.
Allows you to adjust the radius of the particle collision spheres so it more closely ts the visual
edges of the particle graphic.

Send Collision
If enabled, particle collisions can be detected from scripts by the OnParticleCollision function.
Visualize Bounds Renders the collision bounds of each particle as a wireframe shape in the Scene view.

World module properties



Min Kill
Max Kill

Select World mode.
3D or 2D.
The fraction of a particle’s speed that it loses after a collision.
The fraction of a particle’s speed that rebounds from a surface after a collision.
The fraction of a particle’s total lifetime that it loses if it collides.
Particles travelling below this speed after a collision will be removed from the system.
Particles travelling above this speed after a collision will be removed from the system.
Setting for 2D or 3D.

Use the drop-down to set the quality of particle collisions. This a ects how many particles can pass
through a collider. At lower quality levels, particles can sometimes pass through colliders, but are less
resource-intensive to calculate.
When Collision Quality is set to High, collisions always use the physics system for detecting the
collision results. This is the most resource-intensive option, but also the most accurate.
When Collision Quality is set to Medium (Static Colliders), collisions use a grid of voxels to cache
previous collisions, for faster re-use in later frames. See World collisions, below, to learn more about this
The only di erence between Medium and Low is how many times per frame the Particle System
queries the physics system. Medium makes more queries per frame than Low.
Note that this setting is only suitable for static colliders that never move.
When Collision Quality is set to Low (Static Colliders), collisions use a grid of voxels to cache previous
collisions, for faster re-use in later frames. See World collisions, below, to learn more about this cache.

The only di erence between Medium and Low is how many times per frame the Particle System
Colliders) queries the physics system. Medium makes more queries per frame than Low.
Note that this setting is only suitable for static colliders that never move.

Particles will only collide with objects on the selected layers.
How many collision shapes can be considered for particle collisions. Excess shapes are ignored, and
terrains take priority.
Allows the particles to also collide with dynamic objects (otherwise only static objects are used).

Dynamic colliders are any collider not con gured as Kinematic (see documentation on colliders for
further information on collider types).
Check this option to include these collider types in the set of objects that the particles respond to in
collisions. Uncheck this option and the particles only respond to collisions against static colliders.
A voxel represents a value on a regular grid in three-dimensional space. When using Medium or Low
quality collisions, Unity caches collisions in a grid structure. This setting controls the grid size. Smaller
Voxel Size values give more accuracy, but cost more memory, and are less e cient.
Note: You can only access this property when Collision Quality is set to Medium or Low.

Property Function
Collider Apply a force to Physics Colliders after a Particle collision. This is useful for pushing colliders with
When applying forces to Colliders, scale the strength of the force based on the collision angle between
Collision the particle and the collider. Grazing angles will generate less force than a head-on collision.
When applying forces to Colliders, scale the strength of the force based on the speed of the particle.
Particle Fast-moving particles will generate more force than slower ones.
When applying forces to Colliders, scale the strength of the force based on the size of the particle.
Particle Larger particles will generate more force than smaller ones.
Collision Check this to be able to detect particle collisions from scripts by the OnParticleCollision function.
Preview the collision spheres for each particle in the Scene view.


When other objects surround a Particle System, the e ect is often more convincing when the particles interact with those objects.
For example, water or debris should be obstructed by a solid wall rather than simply passing through it. With the Collision module
enabled, particles can collide with objects in the Scene.
A Particle System can be set so its particles collide with any Collider in the scene by selecting World mode from the pop-up.
Colliders can also be disabled according to the layer they are on by using the Collides With property. The pop-up also has a Planes
mode option which allows you to add a set of planes to the Scene that don’t need to have Colliders. This option is useful for simple
oors, walls and similar objects, and has a lower processor overhead than World mode.
When Planes mode is enabled, a list of transforms (typically empty GameObjects) can be added via the Planes property. The planes
extend in nitely in the objects’ local XZ planes, with the positive Y axis indicating the planes’ normal vectors. To assist with
development, the planes will be shown as Gizmos in the Scene, regardless of whether or not the objects have any visible Mesh
themselves. The Gizmos can be shown as a wireframe grid or a solid plane, and can also be scaled. However, the scaling only
applies to the visualization - the collision planes themselves extend in nitely through the Scene.
When collisions are enabled, the size of a particle is sometimes a problem because its graphic can be clipped as it makes contact
with a surface. This can result in a particle appearing to “sink” partway into a surface before stopping or bouncing. The Radius Scale
property addresses this issue by de ning an approximate circular radius for the particles, as a percentage of its actual size. This size
information is used to prevent clipping and avoid the sinking-in e ect.
The Dampen and Bounce properties are useful for when the particles represent solid objects. For example, gravel will tend to
bounce o a hard surface when thrown but a snowball’s particles might lose speed during a collision. Lifetime Loss and Min Kill
Speed can help to reduce the e ects of residual particles following a collision. For example, a reball might last for a few seconds
while ying through the air but after colliding, the separate re particles should dissipate quickly.
You can also detect particle collisions from a script if Send Collision Messages is enabled. The script can be attached to the object
with the particle system, or the one with the Collider, or both. By detecting collisions, you can use particles as active objects in
gameplay, for example as projectiles, magic spells and power-ups. See the script reference page for
MonoBehaviour.OnParticleCollision for further details and examples.

World Collision Quality

The World Collision module has a Collision Quality property, which you can set to High, Medium or Low. When Collision Quality
is set to Medium (Static Colliders) or Low (Static Colliders), collisions use a grid of voxels (values on a 3D grid) to cache previous
collisions, for fast re-use in later frames.
This cache consists of a plane in each voxel, where the plane represents the collision surface at that location. On each frame, Unity
checks the cache for a plane at the position of the particle, and if there is one, Unity uses it for collision detection. Otherwise, it
asks the physics system. If a collision is returned, it is added to the cache for fast querying on subsequent frames.
This is an approximation, so some missed collisions might occur. You can reduce the Voxel Size value to help with this; however,
doing so uses extra memory, and is less e cient.
The only di erence between Medium and Low is how many times per frame the system is allowed to query the physics system.
Low makes fewer queries per frame than Medium. Once the per-frame budget has been exceeded, only the cache is used for any
remaining particles. This can lead to an increase in missed collisions, until the cache has been more comprehensively populated.
2017–05–30 Page amended with limited editorial review
Functionality of Collision module changed in Unity 2017.1

Triggers module

Leave feedback

Particle Systems have the ability to trigger a Callback whenever they interact with one or more Colliders in the
Scene. The Callback can be triggered when a particle enters or exits a Collider, or during the time that a particle
is inside or outside of the Collider.
You can use the Callback as a simple way to destroy a particle when it enters the Collider (for example, to prevent
raindrops from penetrating a rooftop), or it can be used to modify any or all particles’ properties.
The Triggers module also o ers the Kill option to remove particles automatically, and the Ignore option to ignore
collision events, shown below.

Particle Systems Triggers module
To use the module, rst add the Colliders you wish to create triggers for, then select which events to use.
You can elect to trigger an event whenever the particle is:

Inside a Collider’s bounds
Outside a Collider’s bounds
Entering a Collider’s bounds
Exiting a Collider’s bounds
Property: Function:
Select Callback if you want the event to trigger when the particle is inside the Collider.
Select Ignore for the event not to trigger when the particle is inside the Collider. Select
Kill to destroy particles inside the Collider.
Select Callback if you want the event to trigger when the particle is outside the Collider.
Outside Select Ignore for the event not to trigger when the particle is outside the Collider. Select
Kill to destroy particles outside the Collider.
Select Callback if you want the event to trigger when the particle enters the Collider.
Select Ignore for the event not to trigger when the particle enters the Collider. Select Kill
to destroy particles when they enter the Collider.
Select Callback if you want the event to trigger when the particle exits the Collider. Select
Ignore for the event not to trigger when the particle exits the Collider. Select Kill to
destroy particles when they exit the Collider.

Property: Function:
This parameter sets the particle’s Collider bounds, allowing an event to appear to happen
before or after the particle touches the Collider. For example, you may want a particle to
appear to penetrate a Collider object’s surface a little before bouncing o , in which case
you would set the Radius Scale to be a little less than 1. Note that this setting does not
change when the event actually triggers, but can delay or advance the visual e ect of the
- Enter 1 for the event to appear to happen as a Particle touches the Collider
- Enter a value less than 1 for the trigger to appear to happen after a Particle penetrates
the Collider
- Enter a value greater than 1 for the trigger to appear to happen after a Particle
penetrates the Collider
This allows you to display the Particle’s Collider bounds in the Editor window.
Inside the Callback, use ParticlePhysicsExtensions.GetTriggerParticles() (along with the
ParticleSystemTriggerEventType you want to specify) to determine which particles meet which criteria.
The example below causes particles to turn red as they enter the Collider, then turn green as they leave the
Collider’s bounds.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class TriggerScript : MonoBehaviour
ParticleSystem ps;
// these lists are used to contain the particles which match
// the trigger conditions each frame.
List enter = new List();
List exit = new List();
void OnEnable()
ps = GetComponent();
void OnParticleTrigger()
// get the particles which matched the trigger conditions this frame
int numEnter = ps.GetTriggerParticles(ParticleSystemTriggerEventType.Ent
int numExit = ps.GetTriggerParticles(ParticleSystemTriggerEventType.Exit

// iterate through the particles which entered the trigger and make them
for (int i = 0; i < numEnter; i++)
ParticleSystem.Particle p = enter[i];
p.startColor = new Color32(255, 0, 0, 255);
enter[i] = p;
// iterate through the particles which exited the trigger and make them
for (int i = 0; i < numExit; i++)
ParticleSystem.Particle p = exit[i];
p.startColor = new Color32(0, 255, 0, 255);
exit[i] = p;
// re­assign the modified particles back into the particle system
ps.SetTriggerParticles(ParticleSystemTriggerEventType.Enter, enter);
ps.SetTriggerParticles(ParticleSystemTriggerEventType.Exit, exit);

The result of this is demonstrated in the images below:

Editor view

Game view

Sub Emitters module

Leave feedback

This module allows you to set up sub-emitters. These are additional particle emitters that are created at a
particle’s position at certain stages of its lifetime.

Property Function
Con gure a list of sub-emitters and select their trigger condition as well as what
Emitters properties they inherit from their parent particles.


Many types of particles produce e ects at di erent stages of their lifetimes that can also be implemented using
Particle Systems. For example, a bullet might be accompanied by a pu of smoke powder as it leaves the gun
barrel, and a reball might explode on impact. You can use sub-emitters to create e ects like these.
Sub-emitters are ordinary Particle System objects created in the Scene or from Prefabs. This means that subemitters can have sub-emitters of their own (this type of arrangement can be useful for complex e ects like
reworks). However, it is very easy to generate an enormous number of particles using sub-emitters, which can
be resource intensive.
To trigger a sub-emitter, you can use these are the conditions:

Birth: When the particles are created.
Collision: When the particles collide with an object.
Death: When the particles are destroyed.
Trigger: When the particles interact with a Trigger collider.
Manual: Only triggered when requested via script. See ParticleSystem.TriggerSubEmitter.
Note that the Collision, Trigger, Death and Manual events can only use burst emission in the Emission module.
Additionally, you can transfer properties from the parent particle to each newly created particle using the Inherit
options. The transferrable properties are size, rotation, color and lifetime. To control how velocity is inherited,
con gure the Inherit Velocity module on the sub-emitter system.
2018–03–28 Page amended with limited editorial review
“Trigger” and ”Manual” conditions added to conditions list in Sub Emitters Module in 2018.1

Texture Sheet Animation module

Leave feedback

A particle’s graphic need not be a still image. This module lets you treat the Texture as a grid of separate sub-images that can
be played back as frames of animation.

Grid mode properties

Mode popup Select Grid mode.
The number of tiles the Texture is divided into in the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) directions.
The Animation mode can be set to Whole Sheet or Single Row (that is, each row of the sheet
represents a separate Animation sequence).
Chooses a row from the sheet at random to produce the animation. This option is only available
when Single Row is selected as the Animation mode.
Selects a particular row from the sheet to produce the animation This option is only available
when Single Row mode is selected and Random Row is disabled.
Frame over
A curve that speci es how the frame of animation increases as time progresses.
Allows you to specify which frame the particle animation should start on (useful for randomly
Start Frame
phasing the animation on each particle).
The number of times the animation sequence repeats over the particle’s lifetime.
Horizontally mirror the Texture on a proportion of the particles. A higher value ips more
Flip U
Flip V
Vertically mirror the Texture on a proportion of the particles. A higher value ips more particles.
Enabled UV
Allows you to specify exactly which UV streams are a ected by the Particle System.

Sprite mode properties

Mode popup
Frame over
Start Frame

Select Sprites mode.
A curve that speci es how the frame of animation increases as time progresses.
Allows you to specify which frame the particle animation should start on (useful for randomly
phasing the animation on each particle).

Flip U
Flip V
Enabled UV

The number of times the animation sequence repeats over the particle’s lifetime.
Horizontally mirror the Texture on a proportion of the particles. A higher value ips more
Vertically mirror the Texture on a proportion of the particles. A higher value ips more
Allows you to specify exactly which UV streams are a ected by the Particle System.


Particle animations are typically simpler and less detailed than character animations. In systems where the particles are visible
individually, animations can be used to convey actions or movements. For example, ames may icker and insects in a swarm
might vibrate or shudder as if apping their wings. In cases where the particles form a single, continuous entity like a cloud,
animated particles can help add to the impression of energy and movement.
You can use the Single Row mode to create separate animation sequences for particles and switch between animations from
a script. This can be useful for creating variation or switching to a di erent animation after a collision. The Random Row
option is highly e ective as a way to break up conspicuous regularity in a particle system (for example, a group of ame
objects that are all repeating the exact same ickering animation over and over again). This option can also be used with a
single frame per row as a way to generate particles with random graphics. This can be used to break up regularity in a object
like a cloud or to produce di erent types of debris or other objects from a single system. For example, a blunderbuss might
re out a cluster of nails, bolts, balls and other projectiles, or a car crash e ect may result in springs, car paint, screws and
other bits of metal being emitted.
UV ipping is a great way to add more visual variety to your e ects without needing to author additional textures.
Selecting the Sprites option from the Mode dropdown allows you to de ne a list of Sprites to be displayed for each particle,
instead of using a regular grid of frames on a texture. Using this mode allows you to take advantage of many of the features
of Sprites, such as the Sprite Packer, custom pivots and di erent sizes per Sprite frame. The Sprite Packer can help you
share materials between di erent Particle Systems, by atlasing your textures, which in turn can improve performance via
Dynamic Batching. There are some limitations to be aware of with this mode. Most importantly, all Sprites attached to a
Particle System must share the same texture. This can be achieved by using a Multiple Mode Sprite, or by using the Sprite
Packer. If using custom pivot points for each Sprite, please note that you cannot blend between their frames, because the
geometry will be di erent between each frame. Only simple Sprites are supported, not 9 slice. Also be aware that Mesh
particles do not support custom pivots or varying Sprite sizes.

2017–05–30 Page amended with limited editorial review
Functionality of Texture Sheet Animation module changed in Unity 2017.1

Lights module

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Add real-time lights to a percentage of your particles using this module.


Assign a Light Prefab describing how your particle lights should look.
A value between 0 and 1 describing the proportion of particles that will receive a light.
Choose whether lights are assigned randomly or periodically. When set to true, every
particle has a random chance of receiving a light based on the Ratio. Higher values
increase the probability of a particle having a light. When set to false, the Ratio
controls how often a newly created particle receives a light (for example, every Nth
particle will receive a light).
When set to True, the nal color of the Light will be modulated by the color of the
Use Particle
particle it is attached to. If set to False, the Light color is used without any
modi cation.
Size A ects When enabled, the Range speci ed in the Light will be multiplied by the size of the
A ects
When enabled, the Intensity of the light is multiplied by the particle alpha value.
Apply a custom multiplier to the Range of the light over the lifetime of the particle
Multiplier using this curve.
Apply a custom multiplier to the Intensity of the light over the lifetime of the particle
Multiplier using this curve.
Maximum Use this setting to avoid accidentally creating an enormous number of lights, which
could make the Editor unresponsive or make your application run very slowly.


The Lights module is a fast way to add real-time lighting to your particle e ects. It can be used to make systems
cast light onto their surroundings, for example for a re, reworks or lightning. It also allows you to have the
lights inherit a variety of properties from the particles they are attached to. This can make it more believable that
the particle e ect itself is emitting light. For example, this can be achieved by making the lights fade out with their
particles and having them share the same colors.
This module makes it easy to create a lot of real-time lights very quickly, and real-time lights have a high
performance cost, especially in Forward Rendering mode. If the lights also cast shadows, the performance cost

is even higher. To help guard against an accidental tweak to the emission rate and thus causing thousands of realtime lights to be created, the Maximum Lights property should be used. Creating more lights than your target
hardware is able to manage can cause slowdowns and unresponsiveness.

Trails module

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Add trails to a percentage of your particles using this module. This module shares a number of properties with the Trail Renderer
component, but o ers the ability to easily attach Trails to particles, and to inherit various properties from the particles. Trails can
be useful for a variety of e ects, such as bullets, smoke, and magic visuals.

The Trails module in Particles mode

The Trails module in Ribbon mode


Property: Function:
Choose how trails are generated for the Particle System.
- Particle mode creates an e ect where each particle leaves a stationary trail in its path.
- Ribbon mode create a ribbon of trails connecting each particle based on its age.
A value between 0 and 1, describing the proportion of particles that have a Trail assigned to them. Unity
assigns trails randomly, so this value represents a probability.
The lifetime of each vertex in the Trail, expressed as a multiplier of the lifetime of the particle it belongs
Lifetime to. When each new vertex is added to the Trail, it disappears after it has been in existence longer than
its total lifetime.
De ne the distance a particle must travel before its Trail receives a new vertex.
When enabled, Trail vertices do not move relative to the Particle System’s GameObject, even if using
Local Simulation Space. Instead, the Trail vertices are dropped in the world, and ignore any movement
of the Particle System.
Die With If this box is checked, Trails vanish instantly when their particles die. If this box is not checked, the
Particles remaining Trail expires naturally based on its own remaining lifetime.
Choose how many ribbons to render throughout the Particle System. A value of 1 creates a single
ribbon connecting each particle. However, a value higher than 1 creates ribbons that connect every Nth
particle. For example, when using a value of 2, there will be one ribbon connecting particles 1, 3, 5, and
another ribbon connecting particles 2, 4, 6, and so on. The ordering of the particles is decided based on
their age.

Property: Function:
Split Sub
When enabled on a system that is being used as a sub-emitter, particles that were spawned from the
same parent system particle share a ribbon.
Texture Choose whether the Texture applied to the Trail is stretched along its entire length, or if it repeats every
N units of distance. The repeat rate is controlled based on the Tiling parameters in the Material.
a ects
If enabled (the box is checked), the Trail width is multiplied by the particle size.
a ects
If enabled (the box is checked), the Trail lifetime is multiplied by the particle size.
Particle If enabled (the box is checked), the Trail color is modulated by the particle color.
A curve to control the color of the entire Trail over the lifetime of the particle it is attached to.
A curve to control the width of the Trail over its length.
over Trail
A curve to control the color of the Trail over its length.
over Trail
Generate Enable this (check the box), to build the Trail geometry with Normals and Tangents included. This allows
Lighting them to use Materials that use the scene lighting, for example via the Standard Shader, or by using a
custom shader.


Use the Renderer Module to specify the Trail Material.
Unity samples colors from the Color Gradient at each vertex, and linearly interpolates colors between each vertex,.
Add more vertices to your Line Renderer to get a closer approximation of a detailed Color Gradient.
2017–10–26 Page amended with limited editorial review
Size a ects Width, Size a ects Lifetime, Color over Lifetime, Width over Trail, Color over Trail, and Generate Lighting Data added in Unity 2017.1
Particle mode added in Unity 2017.3

Custom Data module

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The Custom Data module allows you to de ne custom data formats in the Editor to be attached to particles. You
can also set this in a script. See documentation on Particle System vertex streams for more information on how to
set custom data from a script and feed that data into your shaders.
Data can be in the form of a Vector, with up to 4 MinMaxCurve components, or a Color, which is an HDRenabled MinMaxGradient. Use this data to drive custom logic in your scripts and Shaders.
The default labels for each curve/gradient can be customized by clicking on them and typing in a contextual
name. When passing custom data to shaders, it is useful to know how that data is used inside the shader. For
example, a curve may be used for custom alpha testing, or a gradient may be used to add a secondary color to
particles. By editing the labels, it is simple to keep a record in the UI of the purpose of each custom data entry.

2017–09–04 Page amended with limited editorial review
Editable custom data labels added in Unity 2017.2

Renderer module

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The Renderer module’s settings determine how a particle’s image or Mesh is transformed, shaded and overdrawn by
other particles.

How the rendered image is produced from the graphic image (or Mesh). See Details, below,
for more information.
Billboard The particle always faces the Camera.
The particle faces the Camera but with various scaling applied (see below).
Camera Stretches particles according to Camera movement. Set this to 0 to disable Camera
movement stretching.
Velocity Stretches particles proportionally to their speed. Set this to 0 to disable stretching based on
Length Stretches particles proportionally to their current size along the direction of their velocity.
Setting this to 0 makes the particles disappear, having e ectively 0 length.
The particle plane is parallel to the XZ “ oor” plane.
The particle is upright on the world Y-axis, but turns to face the Camera.
The particle is rendered from a 3D Mesh instead of a Texture.
This can be useful when using the Trails module, if you want to only render the trails and
hide the default rendering.
Bias of lighting normals used for the particle graphics. A value of 1.0 points the normals at
the Camera, while a value of 0.0 points them towards the center of the screen (Billboard
modes only).


Material used to render the particles.


Material used to render particle trails. This option is only available when the Trails module is
The order in which particles are drawn (and therefore overlaid). The possible values are By
Sort Mode Distance (from the Camera), Oldest in Front, and Youngest in Front. Each particle within
a system will be sorted according to this setting.
Bias of particle system sort ordering. Lower values increase the relative chance that
particle systems are drawn over other transparent GameObjects, including other particle
systems. This setting only a ects where an entire system appears in the scene - it does not
perform sorting on individual particles within a system.
The smallest particle size (regardless of other settings), expressed as a fraction of viewport
size. Note that this setting is only applied when the Rendering Mode is set to Billboard.
The largest particle size (regardless of other settings), expressed as a fraction of viewport
size. Note that this setting is only applied when the Rendering Mode is set to Billboard.
Use the drop-down to choose which direction particle billboards face.
Particles face the Camera plane.
Particles are aligned with the world axes.
Particles are aligned to the Transform component of their GameObject.

Particles face the direct position of the Camera GameObject.
Control whether the Particle System will be rendered using GPU Instancing. Requires using
Enable GPU
the Mesh Render Mode, and using a compatible shader. See Particle Mesh GPU Instancing
for more details.
Modify the pivot point used as the center for rotating particles.
Preview the particle pivot points in the Scene View.
Con gure which particle properties are available in the Vertex Shader of your Material. See
Particle Vertex Streams for more details.
If enabled, the particle system creates shadows when a shadow-casting Light shines on it.
Select On to enable shadows.
Select O to disable shadows.
Select Two Sided to allow shadows to be cast from either side of the Mesh (meaning
backface culling is not taken into account).
Select Shadows Only to make it so that the shadows are visible, but the Mesh itself is not.
Dictates whether shadows can be cast onto particles. Only opaque materials can receive
Name of the Renderer’s sorting layer.
Order in
This Renderer’s order within a sorting layer.

Re ection



A Transform used to determine the interpolation position when the Light Probe or Re ection
Probe systems are used.

Probe-based lighting interpolation mode.
If enabled and re ection probes are present in the Scene, a re ection texture is picked for
this GameObject and set as a built-in Shader uniform variable.

The Render Mode lets you choose between several 2D Billboard graphic modes and Mesh mode. Using 3D Meshes gives
particles extra authenticity when they represent solid GameObjects, such as rocks, and can also improve the sense of
volume for clouds, reballs and liquids. Meshes must be read/write enabled to work on the Particle System. If you assign
them in the editor Unity handles this for you but if you want to assign di erent meshes at runtime you need to handle
this setting yourself.
When 2D billboard graphics are used, the di erent options can be used for a variety of e ects:
Billboard mode is good for particles representing volumes that look much the same from any direction (such as clouds).
Horizontal Billboard mode can be used when the particles cover the ground (such as target indicators and magic spell
e ects) or when they are at objects that y or oat parallel to the ground (for example, shurikens).
Vertical Billboard mode keeps each particle upright and perpendicular to the XZ plane, but allows it to rotate around its
y-axis. This can be helpful when you are using an orthographic Camera and want particle sizes to stay consistent.
Stretched Billboard mode accentuates the apparent speed of particles in a similar way to the “stretch and squash”
techniques used by traditional animators. Note that in Stretched Billboard mode, particles are aligned to face the Camera
and also aligned to their velocity. This alignment occurs regardless of the Velocity Scale value - even if Velocity Scale is set
to 0, particles in this mode still align to the velocity.
The Normal Direction can be used to create spherical shading on the at rectangular billboards. This can help create the
illusion of 3D particles if you are using a Material that applies lighting to your particles. This setting is only used with the
Billboard render modes.
2018–03–28 Page published with editorial review
GPU instancing added in Unity 2018.1

Particle Systems (Legacy, prior to
release 3.5)

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Particles are essentially 2D images rendered in 3D space. They are primarily used for e ects such as smoke, re,
water droplets, or leaves. A Particle System is made up of three separate Components: Particle Emitter,
Particle Animator, and a Particle Renderer. You can use a Particle Emitter and Renderer together if you want
static particles. The Particle Animator will move particles in di erent directions and change colors. You also have
access to each individual particle in a particle system via scripting, so you can create your own unique behaviors
that way if you choose.
This section describes the various components available in the legacy particle system.

Ellipsoid Particle Emitter (Legacy)

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The Ellipsoid Particle Emitter spawns particles inside a sphere. Use the Ellipsoid property below to scale &
stretch the sphere.

Min Size
Max Size
Min Energy
Max Energy
Min Emission
Max Emission
World Velocity
Local Velocity
Rnd Velocity
Emitter Velocity
Tangent Velocity
Angular Velocity
Rnd Angular
Rnd Rotation

If enabled, the emitter will emit particles.
The minimum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned.
The maximum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned.
The minimum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds.
The maximum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds.
The minimum number of particles that will be spawned every second.
The maximum number of particles that will be spawned every second.
The starting speed of particles in world space, along X, Y, and Z.
The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, measured in the object’s
A random speed along X, Y, and Z that is added to the velocity.
The amount of the emitter’s speed that the particles inherit.
The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, across the Emitter’s surface.
The angular velocity of new particles in degrees per second.
A random angular velocity modi er for new particles.
If enabled, the particles will be spawned with random rotations.

Simulate In
World Space

If enabled, the particles don’t move when the emitter moves. If false, when you
move the emitter, the particles follow it around.
If enabled, the particle numbers speci ed by min & max emission is spawned all
One Shot
at once. If disabled, the particles are generated in a long stream.
Scale of the sphere along X, Y, and Z that the particles are spawned inside.
Determines an empty area in the center of the sphere - use this to make
particles appear on the edge of the sphere.


Ellipsoid Particle Emitters (EPEs) are the basic emitter, and are included when you choose to add a
Particle System to your scene from Components->Particles->Particle System. You can de ne the boundaries
for the particles to be spawned, and give the particles an initial velocity. From here, use the Particle Animator to
manipulate how your particles will change over time to achieve interesting e ects.
Particle Emitters work in conjunction with Particle Animators and Particle Renderers to create, manipulate, and
display Particle Systems. All three Components must be present on an object before the particles will behave
correctly. When particles are being emitted, all di erent velocities are added together to create the nal velocity.

Spawning Properties
Spawning properties like Size, Energy, Emission, and Velocity will give your particle system distinct personality
when trying to achieve di erent e ects. Having a small Size could simulate re ies or stars in the sky. A large Size
could simulate dust clouds in a musky old building.
Energy and Emission will control how long your particles remain onscreen and how many particles can appear at
any one time. For example, a rocket might have high Emission to simulate density of smoke, and high Energy to
simulate the slow dispersion of smoke into the air.
Velocity will control how your particles move. You might want to change your Velocity in scripting to achieve
interesting e ects, or if you want to simulate a constant e ect like wind, set your X and Z Velocity to make your
particles blow away.

Simulate in World Space
If this is disabled, the position of each individual particle will always translate relative to the Position of the
emitter. When the emitter moves, the particles will move along with it. If you have Simulate in World Space
enabled, particles will not be a ected by the translation of the emitter. For example, if you have a reball that is
spurting ames that rise, the ames will be spawned and oat up in space as the reball gets further away. If
Simulate in World Space is disabled, those same ames will move across the screen along with the reball.

Emitter Velocity Scale
This property will only apply if Simulate in World Space is enabled.
If this property is set to 1, the particles will inherit the exact translation of the emitter at the time they are
spawned. If it is set to 2, the particles will inherit double the emitter’s translation when they are spawned. 3 is
triple the translation, etc.

One Shot
One Shot emitters will create all particles within the Emission property all at once, and cease to emit particles
over time. Here are some examples of di erent particle system uses with One Shot Enabled or Disabled:

Water splash
Magic spell

Gun barrel smoke
Wind e ect

Min Emitter Range
The Min Emitter Range determines the depth within the ellipsoid that particles can be spawned. Setting it to 0
will allow particles to spawn anywhere from the center core of the ellipsoid to the outer-most range. Setting it to 1
will restrict spawn locations to the outer-most range of the ellipsoid.

Min Emitter Range of 0

Min Emitter Range of 1


Be careful of using many large particles. This can seriously hinder performance on low-level
machines. Always try to use the minimum number of particles to attain an e ect.
The Emit property works in conjunction with the AutoDestruct property of the Particle Animator.
Through scripting, you can cease the emitter from emitting, and then AutoDestruct will
automatically destroy the Particle System and the GameObject it is attached to.

Mesh Particle Emitter (Legacy)

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The Mesh Particle Emitter emits particles around a mesh. Particles are spawned from the surface of the mesh,
which can be necessary when you want to make your particles interact in a complex way with objects.

If enabled, the emitter will emit particles.
Min Size
The minimum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned.
Max Size The maximum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned.
Min Energy The minimum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds.
The maximum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds.
The minimum number of particles that will be spawned every second.
The maximum number of particles that will be spawned every second.
The starting speed of particles in world space, along X, Y, and Z.
The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, measured in the object’s orientation.
A random speed along X, Y, and Z that is added to the velocity.

The amount of the emitter’s speed that the particles inherit.
The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, across the Emitter’s surface.
The angular velocity of new particles in degrees per second.
A random angular velocity modi er for new particles.
If enabled, the particles will be spawned with random rotations.
Simulate In
If enabled, the particles don’t move when the emitter moves. If false, when you move
the emitter, the particles follow it around.
If enabled, the particle numbers speci ed by min & max emission is spawned all at
One Shot
once. If disabled, the particles are generated in a long stream.
Interpolate If enabled, particles are spawned all over the mesh’s surface. If disabled, particles are
Triangles only spawned from the mesh’s vertrices.
If enabled, particles are spawned in the order of the vertices de ned in the mesh.
Although you seldom have direct control over vertex order in meshes, most 3D
modelling applications have a very systematic setup when using primitives. It is
important that the mesh contains no faces in order for this to work.
Minimum amount that particles are thrown away from the mesh.
Maximum amount that particles are thrown away from the mesh.


Mesh Particle Emitters (MPEs) are used when you want more precise control over the spawn position & directions
than the simpler Ellipsoid Particle Emitter gives you. They can be used for making advanced e ects.
MPEs work by emitting particles at the vertices of the attached mesh. Therefore, the areas of your mesh that are
more dense with polygons will be more dense with particle emission.
Particle Emitters work in conjunction with Particle Animators and Particle Renderers to create, manipulate, and
display Particle Systems. All three Components must be present on an object before the particles will behave
correctly. When particles are being emitted, all di erent velocities are added together to create the nal velocity.

Spawning Properties
Spawning properties like Size, Energy, Emission, and Velocity will give your particle system distinct personality
when trying to achieve di erent e ects. Having a small Size could simulate re ies or stars in the sky. A large Size

could simulate dust clouds in a musky old building.
Energy and Emission will control how long your particles remain onscreen and how many particles can appear at
any one time. For example, a rocket might have high Emission to simulate density of smoke, and high Energy to
simulate the slow dispersion of smoke into the air.
Velocity will control how your particles move. You might want to change your Velocity in scripting to achieve
interesting e ects, or if you want to simulate a constant e ect like wind, set your X and Z Velocity to make your
particles blow away.

Simulate in World Space
If this is disabled, the position of each individual particle will always translate relative to the Position of the
emitter. When the emitter moves, the particles will move along with it. If you have Simulate in World Space
enabled, particles will not be a ected by the translation of the emitter. For example, if you have a reball that is
spurting ames that rise, the ames will be spawned and oat up in space as the reball gets further away. If
Simulate in World Space is disabled, those same ames will move across the screen along with the reball.

Emitter Velocity Scale
This property will only apply if Simulate in World Space is enabled.
If this property is set to 1, the particles will inherit the exact translation of the emitter at the time they are
spawned. If it is set to 2, the particles will inherit double the emitter’s translation when they are spawned. 3 is
triple the translation, etc.

One Shot
One Shot emitters will create all particles within the Emission property all at once, and cease to emit particles
over time. Here are some examples of di erent particle system uses with One Shot Enabled or Disabled:

Water splash
Magic spell

Gun barrel smoke
Wind e ect

Interpolate Triangles
Enabling your emitter to Interpolate Triangles will allow particles to be spawned between the mesh’s vertices.
This option is o by default, so particles will only be spawned at the vertices.

A sphere with Interpolate Triangles o (the default)
Enabling this option will spawn particles on and in-between vertices, essentially all over the mesh’s surface (seen

A sphere with Interpolate Triangles on
It bears repeating that even with Interpolate Triangles enabled, particles will still be denser in areas of your
mesh that are more dense with polygons.

Enabling Systematic will cause your particles to be spawned in your mesh’s vertex order. The vertex order is set
by your 3D modeling application.

An MPE attached to a sphere with Systematic enabled

Normal Velocity

Normal Velocity controls the speed at which particles are emitted along the normal from where they are
For example, create a Mesh Particle System, use a cube mesh as the emitter, enable Interpolate Triangles, and
set Normal Velocity Min and Max to 1. You will now see the particles emit from the faces of the cube in a
straight line.

See Also
How to make a Mesh Particle Emitter


Be careful of using many large particles. This can seriously hinder performance on low-level
machines. Always try to use the minimum number of particles to attain an e ect.
The Emit property works in conjunction with the AutoDestruct property of the Particle Animator.
Through scripting, you can cease the emitter from emitting, and then AutoDestruct will
automatically destroy the Particle System and the GameObject it is attached to.
MPEs can also be used to make glow from a lot of lamps placed in a scene. Simply make a mesh
with one vertex in the center of each lamp, and build an MPE from that with a halo material. Great
for evil sci- worlds.

Particle Animator (Legacy)

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Particle Animators move your particles over time, you use them to apply wind, drag & color cycling to your
particle systems.


If enabled, particles cycle their color over their lifetime.
The 5 colors particles go through. All particles cycle over this - if some have a shorter
life span than others, they will animate faster.
An optional world-space axis the particles rotate around. Use this to make advanced
spell e ects or give caustic bubbles some life.
An optional local-space axis the particles rotate around. Use this to make advanced
spell e ects or give caustic bubbles some life.

Use this to make particles grow in size over their lifetime. As randomized forces will
Size Grow
spread your particles out, it is often nice to make them grow in size so they don’t fall
apart. Use this to make smoke rise upwards, to simulate wind, etc.
A random force added to particles every frame. Use this to make smoke become more
Rnd Force
The force being applied every frame to the particles, measure relative to the world.
How much particles are slowed every frame. A value of 1 gives no damping, while less
makes them slow down.
If enabled, the GameObject attached to the Particle Animator will be destroyed when
all particles disappear.


Particle Animators allow your particle systems to be dynamic. They allow you to change the color of your particles,
apply forces and rotation, and choose to destroy them when they are nished emitting. For more information about
Particle Systems, reference Mesh Particle Emitters, Ellipsoid Particle Emitters, and Particle Renderers.

Animating Color
If you would like your particles to change colors or fade in/out, enable them to Animate Color and specify the
colors for the cycle. Any particle system that animates color will cycle through the 5 colors you choose. The speed at
which they cycle will be determined by the Emitter’s Energy value.
If you want your particles to fade in rather than instantly appear, set your rst or last color to have a low Alpha

An Animating Color Particle System

Rotation Axes

Setting values in either the Local or World Rotation Axes will cause all spawned particles to rotate around the
indicated axis (with the Transform’s position as the center). The greater the value is entered on one of these axes,
the faster the rotation will be.
Setting values in the Local Axes will cause the rotating particles to adjust their rotation as the Transform’s rotation
changes, to match its local axes.
Setting values in the World Axes will cause the particles’ rotation to be consistent, regardless of the Transform’s

Forces & Damping
You use force to make particles accelerate in the direction speci ed by the force.
Damping can be used to decelerate or accelerate without changing their direction:

A value of 1 means no Damping is applied, the particles will not slow down or accelerate.
A value of 0 means particles will stop immediately.
A value of 2 means particles will double their speed every second.

Destroying GameObjects attached to Particles

You can destroy the Particle System and any attached GameObject by enabling the AutoDestruct property. For
example, if you have an oil drum, you can attach a Particle System that has Emit disabled and AutoDestruct
enabled. On collision, you enable the Particle Emitter. The explosion will occur and after it is over, the Particle
System and the oil drum will be destroyed and removed from the scene.
Note that automatic destruction takes e ect only after some particles have been emitted. The precise rules for
when the object is destroyed when AutoDestruct is on:

If there have been some particles emitted already, but all of them are dead now, or
If the emitter did have Emit on at some point, but now Emit is o .


Use the Color Animation to make your particles fade in & out over their lifetime - otherwise, you will
get nasty-looking pops.
Use the Rotation Axes to make whirlpool-like swirly motions.

Particle Renderer (Legacy)

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The Particle Renderer renders the Particle System on screen.

Cast Shadows

If enabled, this allows the Mesh to cast shadows.

Receive Shadows

If enabled, this allows the Mesh to receive shadows.
If enabled, the line has motion vectors rendered into the Camera motion vector
Texture. See Renderer.motionVectors in the Scripting API reference documentation
to learn more.
Reference to a list of Materials that are displayed in the position of each individual
Probe-based lighting interpolation mode.

Motion Vectors
Light Probes

If enabled and re ection probes are present in the Scene, a re ection Texture is
picked for this Particle Renderer and set as a built-in Shader uniform variable.
If de ned (using a GameObject), the Renderer uses this GameObject’s position to
Probe Anchor
nd the interpolated Light Probe.
The amount of stretching that is applied to the Particles based on Camera
Camera Velocity Scale
Stretch Particles
Determines how the particles are rendered:
The particles are rendered as if facing the Camera.
The particles are facing the direction they are moving.
The particles are sorted by depth. Use this when using a blending Material.
All particles are aligned at along the X/Z axes.
HorizontalBillboard All particles are aligned at along the X/Y axes.
If Stretch Particles is set to Stretched, this value determines how long the particles
Length Scale
are in their direction of motion.
If Stretch Particles is set to Stretched, this value determines the rate at which
Velocity Scale
particles are stretched, based on their movement speed.
Re ection Probes

UV Animation
X Tile
Y Tile


If X, Y or both are de ned, the UV coordinates of the particles are generated for use
with a tile animated texture. See Animated Textures, below.
Number of frames located across the X axis.
Number of frames located across the Y axis.
How many times to loop the animation sequence.

Particle Renderers are required for any Particle System to be displayed on the screen.

A Particle Renderer makes the Gunship’s engine exhaust appear on the screen

Choosing a Material

When setting up a Particle Renderer, it is very important to use an appropriate Material and Shader that renders both sides of
the Material. Unity recommends using Particle Shaders with the Particle Renderer.; most of the time you can simply use a
Material with one of the built-in Particle Shaders. There are some premade Materials in the Standard Assets > Particles >
Sources folder that you can use.
Creating a new Material is easy:

In the Unity menu bar, go to Assets > Create > Material.
In the Inspector window, navigate to New Material and click the Shader dropdown. Choose one of the
Shaders in the Particles group (for example: Particles > Multiply).
To assign a Texture, navigate to the grey box in the Inspector window containing the text None (Texture) and
click the Select button to launch a pop-up menu containing the Textures available.
Note that di erent Shaders use the alpha channel of the Textures slightly di erently, but most of the time a value of black in
the alpha channel makes it invisible, and a value of white displays it on screen.

Distorting particles
By default, particles are rendered billboarded (that is, as simple square sprites). This is useful for smoke, explosions, and most
other particle e ects. See Billboard Renderer for more information.
Particles can be made to stretch with the velocity. Length Scale and Velocity Scale a ects how long the stretched particle is.
This is useful for e ects like sparks, lightning or laser beams.
Sorted Billboard can be used to make all particles sort by depth. Sometimes this is necessary, mostly when using Alpha
Blended particle shaders. This can be resource-demanding and a ect performance; it should only be used if it makes a
signi cant quality di erence when rendering.

Animated textures
Particle Systems can be rendered with an animated tile Texture. To use this feature, make the Texture out of a grid of images.
As the particles go through their life cycle, they cycle through the images. This is good for adding more life to your particles, or
making small rotating debris pieces.

World Particle Collider (Legacy)

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The World Particle Collider is used to collide particles against other Colliders in the scene.

Energy Loss
Min Kill
Collides with

Particles can be accelerated or slowed down when they collide against other objects. This
factor is similar to the Particle Animator’s Damping property.
Amount of energy (in seconds) a particle should lose when colliding. If the energy goes
below 0, the particle is killed.
If a particle’s Velocity drops below Min Kill Velocity because of a collision, it will be
Which Layers the particle will collide against.
If enabled, every particle sends out a collision message that you can catch through scripting.


To create a Particle System with Particle Collider:

Create a Particle System using GameObject > Create General > Particle System
Add the Particle Collider using Component > Particles > World Particle Collider


If Send Collision Message is enabled, any particles that are in a collision will send the message OnParticleCollision() to
both the particle’s GameObject and the GameObject the particle collided with.

Send Collision Message can be used to simulate bullets and apply damage on impact.
Particle Collision Detection is slow when used with a lot of particles. Use Particle Collision Detection
Message sending introduces a large overhead and shouldn’t be used for normal Particle Systems.

A Particle System colliding with a Mesh Collider

Visual E ects Reference

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Visual e ects can be applied to cameras, GameObjects, light sources, and other elements of your game. This
section provides information on the visual e ects available in the Unity Editor.
To access the visual e ects available in the Unity Editor, select the item in the Hierarchy window that you wish to
apply the e ect to, then in the Inspector window go to Add Component > E ects.

The visual e ects available in the Unity Editor
See the rest of this section for more details on each component:

Particle System (see: Particle system in Graphics Reference Documentation)
Trail Renderer
Line Renderer
Lens Flare
Legacy Particles (see: Legacy Particles in Graphics Reference Documentation)


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Halos are light areas around light sources, used to give the impression of small dust particles in the air.


Property: Function:
Color of the Halo.
Size of the Halo.


You can add a Halo component to a Light object and then set its size and color properties to give the desired
glowing e ect. A Light component can also be set to display a halo without a separate Halo component by
enabling its Draw Halo property.

To see Halos in the scene view, check Fx button in the Scene View Toolbar.
To override the shader used for Flares, open the Graphics Settings and set Light Halo to the
shader that you would like to use as the override.

A Light with a separate Halo Component

Lens Flare

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Lens Flares simulate the e ect of lights refracting inside camera lens. They are used to represent really bright lights or, more
subtly, just to add a bit more atmosphere to your scene.

The easiest way to setup a Lens Flare is just to assign the Flare property of the Light. Unity contains a couple of pre-con gured
Flares in the Standard Assets package.
Otherwise, create an empty GameObject with GameObject->Create Empty from the menu bar and add the Lens Flare
Component to it with Component->E ects->Lens Flare. Then choose the Flare in the Inspector.
To see the e ect of Lens Flare in the Scene View, check the E ect drop-down in the Scene View toolbar and choose the
Flares option.

Enable the Fx button to view Lens Flares in the Scene View



The Flare to render. The are de nes all aspects of the lens are’s appearance.
Some ares can be colorized to better t in with your scene’s mood.
How large and bright the Lens Flare is.
How quickly or slowly the are will fade.
Select masks for layers that shouldn’t hide the are.
If set, the are will be oriented along positive Z axis of the game object. It will appear as if it was
in nitely far away, and won’t track object’s position, only the direction of Z axis.

You can directly set ares as a property of a Light Component, or set them up separately as Lens Flare component. If you
attach them to a light, they will automatically track the position and direction of the light. To get more precise control, use this
A Camera has to have a Flare Layer Component attached to make Flares visible (this is true by default, so you don’t have to do
any set-up).

Be discrete about your usage of Lens Flares.
If you use a very bright Lens Flare, make sure its direction ts with your scene’s primary light source.
To design your own Flares, you need to create some Flare Assets. Start by duplicating some of the ones we
provided in the the Lens Flares folder of the Standard Assets, then modify from that.

Lens Flares are blocked by Colliders. A Collider in-between the Flare GameObject and the Camera will hide
the Flare, even if the Collider does not have a Mesh Renderer. If the in-between Collider is marked as Trigger
it will block the are if and only if Physics.queriesHitTriggers is true.


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Flare objects are the source assets that are used by Lens Flare Components. The Flare itself is a combination of a texture le and
speci c information that determines how the Flare behaves. Then when you want to use the Flare in a Scene, you reference the
speci c Flare from inside a LensFlare Component attached to a GameObject.
There are some sample Flares in the Standard Assets package. If you want to add one of these to your scene, attach a Lens Flare
Component to a GameObject, and drag the Flare you want to use into the Flare property of the Lens Flare, just like assigning a
Material to a Mesh Renderer.

The Flare Inspector
Flares work by containing several Flare Elements on a single Texture. Within the Flare, you pick and choose which Elements you
want to include from any of the Textures.


The number of Flare images included in the Flare.
Which Flare image to use from the Flare Texture for this Element. See the Flare Textures section below
for more information.
The Element’s o set along a line running from the containing GameObject’s position through the
screen center. 0 = GameObject position, 1 = screen center.
The size of the element.
Color tint of the element.
If the Flare is attached to a Light, enabling this will tint the Flare with the Light’s color.
Light Color
If enabled, bottom of the Element will always face the center of the screen, making the Element spin as
the Lens Flare moves around on the screen.
If enabled, the Element will scale up when it becomes visible and scale down again when it isn’t.
Use Fog


If enabled, the Element will fade in to full strength when it becomes visible and fade out when it isn’t.
A texture containing images used by this Flare’s Elements. It must be arranged according to one of the
TextureLayout options.
How the individual Flare Element images are laid out inside the Flare Texture (see Texture Layouts
below for further details).
If enabled, the Flare will fade away with distance fog. This is used commonly for small Flares.

A Flare consists of multiple Elements, arranged along a line. The line is calculated by comparing the position of the GameObject
containing the Lens Flare to the center of the screen. The line extends beyond the containing GameObject and the screen center. All
Flare Elements are strung out on this line.

Flare Textures
For performance reasons, all Elements of one Flare must share the same Texture. This Texture contains a collection of the di erent
images that are available as Elements in a single Flare. The Texture Layout de nes how the Elements are laid out in the Flare

Texture Layouts
These are the options you have for di erent Flare Texture Layouts. The numbers in the images correspond to the Image Index
property for each Element.

1 Large 4 Small

Designed for large sun-style Flares where you need one of the Elements to have a higher delity than the others. This is designed to
be used with Textures that are twice as high as they are wide.

1 Large 2 Medium 8 Small

Designed for complex ares that require 1 high-de nition, 2 medium and 8 small images. This is used in the standard assets “50mm
Zoom Flare” where the two medium Elements are the rainbow-colored circles. This is designed to be used with textures that are twice
as high as they are wide.

1 Texture

A single image.

2x2 grid

A simple 2x2 grid.

3x3 grid

A simple 3x3 grid.

4x4 grid

A simple 4x4 grid.

If you use many di erent Flares, using a single Flare Texture that contains all the Elements will give you best
rendering performance.
Lens Flares are blocked by Colliders. A Collider in-between the Flare GameObject and the Camera will hide the Flare,
even if the Collider does not have a Mesh Renderer. If the in-between Collider is marked as Trigger it will block the
are if and only if Physics.queriesHitTriggers is true.
To override the shader used for Flares, open the Graphics Settings and set Lens Flares to the shader that you would
like to use as the override.

Line Renderer

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The Line Renderer component takes an array of two or more points in 3D space, and draws a straight line between each one. A
single Line Renderer component can therefore be used to draw anything from a simple straight line to a complex spiral. The line
is always continuous; if you need to draw two or more completely separate lines, you should use multiple GameObjects, each
with its own Line Renderer.
The Line Renderer does not render one-pixel-wide lines. It renders billboard lines (polygons that always face the camera) that
have a width in world units and can be textured. It uses the same algorithm for line rendering as the Trail Renderer.


Determines whether the line casts shadows, whether they should be cast from one or both sides
of the line, or whether the line should only cast shadows and not otherwise be drawn. See
Renderer.shadowCastingMode in the Scripting API reference documentation to learn more.
If enabled, the line receives shadows.


Select the Motion Vector type to use for this Line Renderer. See
Renderer.motionVectorGenerationMode in the Scripting API reference documentation to learn
These properties describe an array of Materials used for rendering the line. The line will be drawn
once for each material in the array.
Reference a Lightmap Parameters Asset here to enable the line to interact with the global
Parameters illumination system.
Positions These properties describe an array of Vector3 points to connect.
Use World If enabled, the points are considered as world space coordinates, instead of being subject to the
transform of the GameObject to which this component is attached.
Enable this to connect the rst and last positions of the line. This forms a closed loop.
De ne a width value and a curve to control the width of your line at various points between its
start and end. The curve is only sampled at each vertex, so its accuracy is limited by the number of
vertices present in your line. The overall width of the line is controlled by the width value.
De ne a gradient to control the color of the line along its length.
This property dictates how many extra vertices are used when drawing corners in a line. Increase
this value to make the line corners appear rounder.
End Cap
This property dictates how many extra vertices are used to create end caps on the line. Increase
this value to make the line caps appear rounder.
Set to View to make the line face the Camera, or Local to align it based on the orientation of its
Transform component.
Control how the Texture is applied to the line. Use Stretch to apply the Texture Map along the
entire length of the line, or use Wrap to make the Texture repeat along the length of the line. Use
the Tiling parameters in the Material to control the repeat rate.
Generate If enabled (the box is checked), the Line geometry is built with Normals and Tangents included.
This allows it to use Materials that use the scene lighting, for example via the Standard Shader, or
by using a custom shader.
Probe-based lighting interpolation mode.
Re ection If enabled and re ection probes are present in the Scene, a re ection Texture is picked for this
Line Renderer and set as a built-in Shader uniform variable.


To create a Line Renderer:

In the Unity menu bar, go to GameObject > Create Empty
In the Unity menu bar, go to Component > E ects > Line Renderer
Drag a Texture or Material onto the Line Renderer. It looks best if you use a Particle Shader in the Material.


Line Renderers are useful for e ects where you need to lay out all the vertices in one frame.
The lines might appear to rotate as you move the Camera. This is intentional when Alignment is set to View.
Set Alignment to Local to disable this.
The Line Renderer should be the only Renderer on a GameObject.
Unity samples colors from the Color Gradient at each vertex. Between each vertex, Unity applies linear
interpolation to colors. Adding more vertices to your Line Renderer might give a closer approximation of a
detailed Color Gradient.

Line Renderer example setup

2017–05–31 Page amended with editorial review
Some properties added in Unity 2017.1

Trail Renderer

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The Trail Renderer is used to make trails behind GameObjects in the Scene as they move.


Determines whether the trail casts shadows, whether they should be cast from one or both
sides of the trail, or whether the trail should only cast shadows and not otherwise be drawn.
See Renderer.shadowCastingMode in the Scripting API reference documentation to learn


If enabled, the trail receives shadows.


Select the Motion Vector type to use for this Trail Renderer. See
Renderer.motionVectorGenerationMode in the Scripting API reference documentation to
learn more.


These properties describe an array of Materials used for rendering the trail. Particle Shaders
work best for trails.
Reference a Lightmap Parameters Asset here to enable the trail to interact with the global
Parameters illumination system.
De ne the length of the trail, measured in seconds.
Min Vertex The minimum distance between anchor points of the trail (see Minimum vertex separation
AutoDestruct Enable this to destroy the GameObject once it has been idle for Time seconds.
De ne a width value and a curve to control the width of your trail at various points between
its start and end. The curve is applied from the beginning to the end of the trail, and sampled
at each vertex. The overall width of the curve is controlled by the width value.
De ne a gradient to control the color of the trail along its length.
This property dictates how many extra vertices are used when drawing corners in a trail.
Increase this value to make the trail corners appear rounder.
End Cap
This property dictates how many extra vertices are used to create end caps on the trail.
Increase this value to make the trail caps appear rounder.
Set to View to make the Trail face the camera, or Local to align it based on the orientation of
its Transform component.
Control how the Texture is applied to the Trail. Use Stretch to apply the Texture map along
the entire length of the trail, or use Wrap to repeat the Texture along the length of the Trail.
Use the Tiling parameters in the Material to control the repeat rate.
If enabled (the box is checked), the Trail geometry is built with Normals and Tangents
included. This allows it to use Materials that use the scene lighting, for example via the
Lighting Data
Standard Shader, or by using a custom shader.

Light Probes Probe-based lighting interpolation mode.
Re ection
If enabled and re ection probes are present in the Scene, a re ection Texture is picked for
this Trail Renderer and set as a built-in Shader uniform variable.


The Trail Renderer renders a trail of polygons behind a moving GameObject. This can be used to give an emphasized feeling
of motion to a moving object, or to highlight the path or position of moving objects. A trail behind a projectile adds visual
clarity to its trajectory; contrails from the tip of a plane’s wings are an example of a trail e ect that happens in real life.
A Trail Renderer should be the only renderer used on the attached GameObject. It is best to create an empty GameObject,
and attach a Trail Renderer as the only renderer. You can then parent the Trail Renderer to whatever GameObject you
would like it to follow.

A Trail Renderer component should use a Material that has a Particle Shader. The Texture used for the Material should be of
square dimensions (for example 256x256, or 512x512). The trail is rendered once for each Material present in the array.

Minimum vertex separation
The Min Vertex Distance value determines how far an object that contains a trail must travel before a segment of that trail
is solidi ed. Low values like 0.1 create trail segments more often, creating smoother trails. Higher values like 1.5 create
segments that are more jagged in appearance. There is a slight performance trade-o when using lower values/smoother
trails, so try to use the largest possible value to achieve the e ect you are trying to create. Additionally, wide trails may
exhibit visual artifacts when the vertices are very close together and the trail changes direction signi cantly over a short

Use Particle Materials with the Trail Renderer.
Trail Renderers must be laid out over a sequence of frames; they cannot appear instantaneously.
Trail Renderers rotate to display the face toward the camera, similar to other Particle Systems.
Unity samples colors from the Color Gradient at each vertex. Between each vertex, Unity applies linear
interpolation to colors. Adding more vertices to your Line Renderer might give a closer approximation of a
detailed Color Gradient.

Trail Renderer example setup

A Trail Renderer component as it appears in the Inspector window, set up to create a multicoloured trail that
gets thinner and then much wider

The resulting trail created by the above component setup

2017–05–31 Page amended with editorial review
Properties added in Unity 2017.1

Billboard Renderer

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The Billboard Renderer renders BillboardAssets, either from a premade Asset (exported from SpeedTree) or
from a custom-created le (created using a script at runtime or from a custom editor, for example). For more
information about creating Billboard Assets, see the BillboardAssets manual page and the BillboardAsset API
Billboards are a level-of-detail (LOD) method of drawing complicated 3D Meshes in a simpler manner when they
are distant in a Scene. Because the Mesh is distant, its size on screen and the low likelihood of it being a focal
point in the Camera view means there is often less requirement to draw it in full detail.


If enabled, the billboard creates shadows when a shadow-casting Light shines on it.
Enable shadows.
Disable shadows.
Allow shadows to be cast from either side of the billboard (that is, backface culling is not
taken into account).

Shadows Show shadows, but not the billboard itself.
Check the box to enable shadows to be cast on the billboard.
Check the box to enable rendering of the billboard’s motion vectors into the Camera
Motion Vector Texture. See Renderer.motionVectors in the Scripting API for more
If you have a pre-made Billboard Asset, place it here to assign it to this Billboard
If enabled, and if baked Light Probes are present in the Scene, the Billboard Renderer
uses an interpolated Light Probe for lighting.
Disable Light Probes.
The lighting applied to the billboard is interpreted from one interpolated Light Probe.
The lighting applied to the Billboard Renderer is interpreted from a 3D grid of
interpolated Light Probes.

Property: Function:
Re ection If enabled, and if Re ection Probes are present in the Scene, a re ection Texture is
picked for this GameObject and set as a built-in Shader uniform variable.
Disable Re ection Probes.
The re ections applied to the billboard are interpreted from adjacent Re ection Probes,
Blend and do not take the the skybox into account. This is generally used for GameObjects
that are “indoors” or in covered parts of the Scene (such as caves and tunnels), because
the sky is not visible and therefore wouldn’t be re ected by the billboard.
Blend This works like Blend Probes, but also allows the skybox to be used in the blending. This
Probes and is generally used for GameObjects in the open air, where the sky would always be
visible and re ected.
Re ection Probes are enabled, but no blending occurs between probes when there are
two overlapping volumes.

Billboard Asset

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A Billboard Asset is a collection of pre-rendered images of a more complicated Mesh intended for use with the
Billboard Renderer, in order to render an object at some distance from a Camera at a lower level of detail (LOD)
to save on rendering time.
The most common way to generate a Billboard Asset is to create les in SpeedTree Modeler, and then import
them into Unity. It is also possible to create your own Billboard Assets from script. See the API reference for
BillboardAsset for further details.


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A Projector allows you to project a Material onto all objects that intersect its frustum. The material must use a
special type of shader for the projection e ect to work correctly - see the projector prefabs in Unity’s
standard assets for examples of how to use the supplied Projector/Light and Projector/Multiply shaders.

Near Clip
Far Clip
Field Of
Is Ortho

Objects in front of the near clip plane will not be projected upon.
Objects beyond this distance will not be a ected.
The eld of view in degrees. This is only used if the Projector is not Ortho Graphic.
The Aspect Ratio of the Projector. This allows you to tune the height vs width of the
If enabled, the Projector will be Ortho Graphic instead of perspective.
The Ortho Graphic size of the Projection. this is only used if Is Ortho Graphic is turned
The Material that will be Projected onto Objects.
Objects that are in one of the Ignore Layers will not be a ected. By default, Ignore
Layers is none so all geometry that intersects the Projector frustum will be a ected.


With a projector you can:

Create shadows.
Make a real world projector on a tripod with another Camera that lms some other part of the
world using a Render Texture.
Create bullet marks.

Funky lighting e ects.

A Projector is used to create a Blob Shadow for this Robot
If you want to create a simple shadow e ect, simply drag the StandardAssets->Blob-Shadow->Blob shadow
projector Prefab into your scene. You can modify the Material to use a di erent Blob shadow texture.
Note: When creating a projector, always be sure to set the wrap mode of the texture’s material of the projector to
clamp. else the projector’s texture will be seen repeated and you will not achieve the desired e ect of shadow
over your character.

Projector Blob shadows can create very impressive Splinter Cell-like lighting e ects if used to
shadow the environment properly.
When no Fallo Texture is used in the projector’s Material, it can project both forward and
backward, creating “double projection”. To x this, use an alpha-only Fallo texture that has a black
leftmost pixel column.

Mesh Components

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3D Meshes are the main graphics primitive of Unity. Various components exist in Unity to render regular or
skinned meshes, trails or 3D lines.


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Meshes make up a large part of your 3D worlds. Aside from some Asset store plugins, Unity does not include modelling tools. Unity
does however have great interactivity with most 3D modelling packages. Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon
meshes. Nurbs, Nurms, Subdiv surfaces must be converted to polygons.

Unity will attempt to nd the textures used by a mesh automatically on import by following a speci c search plan. First, the
importer will look for a sub-folder called Textures within the same folder as the mesh or in any parent folder. If this fails, an
exhaustive search of all textures in the project will be carried out. Although slightly slower, the main disadvantage of the exhaustive
search is that there could be two or more textures in the project with the same name. In this case, it is not guaranteed that the right
one will be found.

Place your textures in a Textures folder at or above the asset’s level
Material tab of the Import Settings window

Material Generation and Assignment
For each imported material Unity will apply the following rules:If material generation is disabled (i.e. Import Materials is unchecked), then it will assign the Default-Di use material. If it is enabled
then it will do the following:

Unity will pick a name for the Unity material based on the Material Naming setting
Unity will try to nd an existing material with that name. The scope of the Material search is de ned by the
Material Search setting.
If Unity succeeds in nding an existing material then it will use it for the imported scene, otherwise it will generate
a new material


Unity uses two main types of colliders: Mesh Colliders and Primitive Colliders. Mesh colliders are components that use imported
mesh data and can be used for environment collision. When you enable Generate Colliders in the Import Settings, a Mesh

collider is automatically added when the mesh is added to the Scene. It will be considered solid as far as the physics system is
If you are moving the object around (a car for example), you can not use Mesh colliders. Instead, you will have to use Primitive
colliders. In this case you should disable the Generate Colliders setting.

You can import animations from a Model le. Follow the guidelines for exporting FBX les from your 3D modeling software before
importing it into Unity.

Normal mapping and characters
If you have a character with a normal map that was generated from a high-polygon version of the model, you should import the
game-quality version with a Smoothing angle of 180 degrees. This will prevent odd-looking seams in lighting due to tangent
splitting. If the seams are still present with these settings, enable Split tangents across UV seams.
If you are converting a greyscale image into a normal map, you don’t need to worry about this.

Unity has support for BlendShapes (also called morph-targets or vertex level animation). Unity can import BlendShapes from .FBX
(BlendShapes and controlling aninimation) and .dae (only BlendShapes) exported 3D les. Unity BlendShapes support vertex level
animation on vertices, normals and tangents. Mesh can be a ected by skin and BlendShapes at the same time. All meshes imported
with BlendShapes will use SkinnedMeshRenderer (no mater if it does have skin or not). BlendShape animation is imported as part of
regular animation - it simply animates BlendShape weights on SkinnedMeshRenderer.
There are two ways to import BlendShapes with normals:

Set Normals import mode to Calculate, this way same logic will be used for calculating normals on a mesh and
Export smoothing groups information to the source le. This way, Unity will calculate normals from smoothing
groups for mesh and BlendShapes.
If you want tangents on your BlendShapes then set Tangents import mode to Calculate.

Merge your meshes together as much as possible. Make them share materials and textures. This has a huge
performance bene t.
If you need to set up your objects further in Unity (adding physics, scripts or other coolness), save yourself a world
of pain and name your objects properly in your 3D application. Working with lots of pCube17 or Box42-like objects is
not fun.
Make your meshes be centered on the world origin in your 3D app. This will make them easier to place in Unity.
If a mesh does not have vertex colors, Unity will automatically add an array of all-white vertex colors to the mesh
the rst time it is rendered.

The Unity Editor shows too many vertices or triangles (compared to what my 3D app

This is correct. What you are looking at is the number of vertices/triangles actually being sent to the GPU for rendering. In addition
to the case where the material requires them to be sent twice, other things like hard-normals and non-contiguous UVs increase
vertex/triangle counts signi cantly compared to what a modeling app tells you. Triangles need to be contiguous in both 3D and UV
space to form a strip, so when you have UV seams, degenerate triangles have to be made to form strips - this bumps up the count.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review


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Materials are used in conjunction with Mesh Renderers, Particle Systems and other rendering components used in Unity.
They play an essential part in de ning how your object is displayed.

A typical Material inspector


The properties that a Material’s inspector displays are determined by the Shader that the Material uses. A shader is a
specialised kind of graphical program that determines how texture and lighting information are combined to generate the
pixels of the rendered object onscreen. See the manual section about Shaders for in-depth information about how they are
used in a Unity project.

Mesh Filter

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The Mesh Filter takes a mesh from your assets and passes it to the Mesh Renderer for rendering on the screen.

Property: Function:
Mesh Reference to a mesh that will be rendered. The Mesh is located inside your Assets Directory.


When importing mesh assets, Unity automatically creates a Skinned Mesh Renderer if the mesh is skinned, or a Mesh
Filter along with a Mesh Renderer, if it is not.
To see the Mesh in your scene, add a Mesh Renderer to the GameObject. It should be added automatically, but you
will have to manually re-add it if you remove it from your object. If the Mesh Renderer is not present, the Mesh will still
exist in your scene (and computer memory) but it will not be drawn.

Mesh Renderer

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The Mesh Renderer takes the geometry from the Mesh Filter and renders it at the position de ned by the
GameObject’s Transform component.

The Mesh Renderer GameObject Component as displayed in the Inspector window

O :
Re ection

Probe-based lighting interpolation mode.
The Renderer doesn’t use any interpolated Light Probes.
The Renderer uses one interpolated Light Probe. This is the default option.
The Renderer uses a 3D grid of interpolated Light Probes.
Speci es how the GameObject is a ected by re ections in the scene. You cannot disable
this property in deferred rendering modes.
Re ection probes are disabled, skybox will be used for re ection.
Re ection probes are enabled. Blending occurs only between probes, useful in indoor
environments. The renderer will use default re ection if there are no re ection probes
nearby, but no blending between default re ection and probe will occur.
Re ection probes are enabled. Blending occurs between probes or probes and default
re ection, useful for outdoor environments.

Re ection probes are enabled, but no blending will occur between probes when there are
two overlapping volumes.
A Transform used to determine the interpolation position when the Light Probe or
Override Re ection Probe systems are used.

Property: Function:
The Mesh will cast a shadow when a shadow-casting Light shines on it
The Mesh will not cast shadows
Two sided shadows are cast from either side of the Mesh. Two sided shadows are not
supported by Enlighten or Progressive Lightmapper.
Shadows from the Mesh will be visible, but not the Mesh itself
Enable this check box to make the Mesh display any shadows that are cast upon it. Review
Shadows Shadows is only supported when using Progressive Lightmapper
If enabled, the line has motion vectors rendered into the Camera motion vector Texture.
See Renderer.motionVectorGenerationMode in the Scripting API reference documentation
to learn more.
Enable this check box to indicate to Unity that the GameObject’s location is xed and it will
participate in Global Illumination computations. If an GameObject is not marked as
Lightmap Static then it can still be lit using Light Probes.
Materials A list of Materials to render the model with.
Dynamic Enable this check box to indicate to Unity that occlusion culling should be performed for
Occluded this GameObject even if it is not marked as static.
Tick the lightmap static checkbox to display MeshRenderer Lightmap information in the Inspector(see also the static
checkbox of the GameObject).

UV Charting Control

Property: Function:
Speci es whether the authored Mesh UVs are optimized for Realtime Global Illumination or
not. When enabled, the authored UVs are merged, scaled and packed for optimisation
Optimize purposes.
Realtime When disabled, the authored UVs will be scaled and packed, but not merged.
Note that the optimization will sometimes make misjudgements about discontinuities in the
original UV mapping. For example, an intentionally sharp edge may be misinterpreted as a
continuous surface.
Speci es the maximum worldspace distance to be used for UV chart simpli cation. If charts
Distance are within this distance they will be simpli ed.
Speci es the maximum angle in degrees between faces sharing a UV edge. If the angle
between the faces is below this value, the UV charts will be simpli ed.
Check this box to prevent the UV charts from being split during the precompute process for
normal Realtime Global Illumination lighting.
Speci es the minimum texel size used for a UV chart. If stitching is required a value of 4 will
create a chart of 4x4 texels to store lighting and directionality. If stitching is not required, a
value of 2 will reduce the texel density and provide better lighting build times and game

Lightmap settings

This value speci es the relative size of the GameObject’s UVs within a lightmap. A value of
0 will result in the GameObject not being lightmapped, but it will still contribute to lighting
other GameObjects in the scene. A value greater than 1.0 increases the number of pixels
Scale in
(ie, the lightmap resolution) used for this GameObject while a value less than 1.0
decreases it. You can use this property to optimise lightmaps so that important and
detailed areas are more accurately lit. For example: an isolated building with at, dark
walls will use a low lightmap scale (less than 1.0) while a collection of colourful
motorcycles displayed close together warrant a high scale value.
Check this box to tell Unity to always include this GameObject in lighting calculations.
Useful for GameObjects that are strongly emissive to make sure that other GameObjects
will be illuminated by this GameObject.
Allows you to choose or create a set of Lightmap Parameters for the this GameObject.


Meshes imported from 3D packages can use multiple Materials. All the Materials used by a Mesh Renderer are held in
the Materials list. Each sub-Mesh uses one Material from the Materials list. If there are more Materials assigned to
the Mesh Renderer than there are sub-Meshes in the Mesh, the rst sub-Mesh is rendered with each of the remaining
Materials, one on top of the next. This allows you to set up multi-pass rendering on that sub-Mesh - but note that this
can impact the performance at run time. Also note that fully opaque Materials, simply overwrite the previous layers,
causing a decrease in performance with no advantage.
A Mesh can receive light from the Light Probe system and re ections from the Re ection Probe system depending on
the settings of the Use Light Probes and Use Re ection Probes options. For both types of probe, a single point is
used as the Mesh’s notional position probe interpolation. By default, this is the centre of the Mesh’s bounding box, but
you can change this by dragging a Transform to the Anchor Override property (the Anchor Override a ects both
types of probe).

It may be useful to set the anchor in cases where a GameObject contains two adjoining Meshes; since each Mesh has
a separate bounding box, the two are lit discontinuously at the join by default. However, if you set both Meshes to use
the same anchor point, then they are consistently lit. By default, a probe-lit Renderer receives lighting from a single
Light Probe that is interpolated from the surrounding Light Probes in the Scene. Because of this, GameObjects have
constant ambient lighting across the surface. It has a rotational gradient because it is using spherical harmonics, but it
lacks a spatial gradient. This is more noticeable on larger GameObjects or Particle Systems. The lighting across the
GameObject matches the lighting at the anchor point, and if the GameObject straddles a lighting gradient, parts of the
GameObject look incorrect.
To alleviate this behavior, set the Light Probes property to Use Proxy Volume, with an additional
Light Probe Proxy Volume component. This generates a 3D grid of interpolated Light Probes inside a
bounding volume where the resolution of the grid can be user-speci ed. The spherical harmonics coe cients of the
interpolated Light Probes are updated into 3D Textures, which are sampled at render time to compute the
contribution to the di use ambient lighting. This adds a spatial gradient to probe-lit GameObjects.
2018–09–21 Page amended with limited editorial review
Updated supported lighting backends for Two Sided shadows and Recieve shadows.
Mesh Renderer UI updated in 5.6

Skinned Mesh Renderer

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Unity uses the Skinned Mesh Renderer component to render Bone animations, where the shape of the Mesh is deformed by
prede ned animation sequences. This technique is useful for characters and other objects whose joints bend (as opposed to a
machine where joints are more like hinges).
A Skinned Mesh Renderer is automatically added to any Mesh that needs it at import time.



If enabled, the Mesh will cast shadows when a suitable Light shines on it.
If enabled, the Mesh will show shadows that are cast upon it by other objects.
If enabled, the line has motion vectors rendered into the Camera motion vector Texture. See
Renderer.motionVectors in the Scripting API reference documentation to learn more.
The list of Materials the Mesh will be rendered with.
Probe-based lighting interpolation mode.

Re ection If enabled, and if Re ection Probes are present in the scene, a re ection Texture will be picked for this
GameObject and set as a built-in Shader uniform variable.
A Transform used to determine the interpolation position when the Light Probe or Re ection Probe
Override systems are used.
De ne the maximum number of bones used per vertex while skinning. The higher the number of
bones, the higher the quality of the Renderer. Set the Quality to Auto to use the Blend Weights value
from the Quality Settings.
Skinned If enabled, the Mesh skinning data will be double bu ered so that skinned motion can be interpolated
and placed into the motion vector Texture. This has a GPU memory overhead, but leads to more
Vectors correct motion vectors.
If enabled, the Skinned Mesh will be updated even when it can’t be seen by any Camera. If disabled,
the animations themselves will also stop running when the GameObject is o -screen.
O screen
Use this to de ne the Mesh used by this Renderer.

Property: Function:
Use this to de ne the bone that is the “root” of the animation (that is, the bone relative to which all the
others move).
The bounding volume that is used to determine when the Mesh is o screen. The bounds are preBounds
calculated on import from the Mesh and animations in the model le, and are displayed as a
wireframe around the model in the Scene View.


Bones are invisible objects inside a skinned Mesh that a ect the way the Mesh is deformed during animation. The basic idea is that
the bones are joined together to form a hierarchical “skeleton”, and the animation is de ned by rotating the joints of the skeleton
to make it move. Each bone is attached to some of the vertices of the surrounding Mesh. When the animation is played, the
vertices move with the bone or bones they are connected to, so the “skin” follows the movement of the skeleton. At a simple joint
(for example, an elbow), the Mesh vertices are a ected by both of the bones that meet there, and the Mesh will stretch and rotate
realistically as the joint bends. In more complex situations, more than two bones will a ect a particular area of the Mesh, resulting
in more subtle movements.
Although a skinned Mesh is most commonly used with prede ned animations, it is also possible to attach Rigidbody components
to each bone in a skeleton to put it under the control of the Physics engine. This is typically used to create the “ragdoll” e ect,
where a character’s limbs ail after being thrown or struck by an explosion.

Unity can skin every vertex with one, two or four bones. Using four bones gives the best results but this comes with a higher
processing overhead. Games commonly use two bone weights, which is a good compromise between visual quality and
If the Quality is set to Auto, the Blend Weights value from the Quality Settings are used. This allows end-users to choose the
quality setting themselves and get the desired balance of animation quality and framerate.

Update When O screen
By default, skinned Meshes that are not visible to any camera are not updated. The skinning is not updated until the Mesh comes
back on screen. This is done to save system resources.
The object’s visibility is determined from the Mesh’s Bounds (that is, the entire bounding volume must be outside the view of any
active Camera). However, the true bounding volume of an animated Mesh can change as the animation plays (for example, the
bounding volume will get taller if the character raises their hand in the air). Unity takes all attached animations into account when
calculating the maximum bounding volume, but there are cases when the bounds can’t be calculated to anticipate every possible
use case.
Each of the following example situations become a problem when they push bones or vertices out of the pre-calculated bounding

animations added at run-time
additive animations
procedurally changing the positions of bones from a script
using vertex shaders which can push vertices outside the pre-calculated bounds
using ragdolls
In those cases, there are two solutions:

Modify the Bounds to match the potential bounding volume of your Mesh
Enable Update When O screen to skin and render the skinned Mesh all the time
You should usually use the rst option, because it is better for performance. However, the second option is preferable if
performance is not a major concern, or if you can’t predict the size of your bounding volume (for example, when using ragdolls).

In order to make Skinned Meshes work better with ragdolls, Unity will automatically remap the Skinned Mesh Renderer to the root
bone on import. However Unity only does this if there is a single Skinned Mesh Renderer in the model le. This means that if you
can’t attach all Skinned Mesh Renderers to the root bone or a child, and you use ragdolls, you should turn o this optimization.

Importing skinned Meshes
Currently, skinned Meshes can be imported from:

Autodesk® Maya®
Autodesk® 3ds Max®
Cheetah 3D
Any tool that supports the FBX format
On mobile devices, Unity handles skinning on the CPU with hand-coded NEON/VFP assembly. A limitation here is that normals and
tangents are not normalized, so if you are writing your own Shaders, you should handle the normalization youself. However, if you
are using Surface Shaders, Unity automatically handles the normalization.
Note: Optimized Meshes sort bones di erently from non-optimized Meshes, resulting in potentially signi cant animation
problems. This is because non-optimized Meshes rely on bone order to animate, while Optimized Meshes use the bone names and
do not rely on bone order.
If you simply import the FBX le and use it, Unity will take care of the order of the transforms.
For advanced users, if you want to change SkinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh:

In ‘non-optimized’ mode, you need to make sure that the SkinnedMeshRenderer.bones matches
SkinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh in a strict way. The referenced Transforms should be there in the correct
In optimized mode, it’s much simpler; the rendering works as long as the avatar has the referenced bones. In this
case, SkinnedMeshRenderer.bones is always empty.

Text Mesh

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The Text Mesh generates 3D geometry that displays text strings.

You can create a new Text Mesh from Component > Mesh > Text Mesh.

O set Z
Line Spacing
Tab Size
Font Size
Font Style
Rich Text


The text that will be rendered
How far should the text be o set from the transform.position.z when drawing
The size of each character (This scales the whole text.)
How much space will be in-between lines of text.
Which point of the text shares the position of the Transform.
How lines of text are aligned (Left, Right, Center).
How much space will be inserted for a tab ‘\t’ character. This is a multiplum of the ‘spacebar’ character
o set.
The size of the font. This can override the size of a dynamic font.
The rendering style of the font. The font needs to be marked as dynamic.
When selected this will enable tag processing when the text is rendered.
The TrueType Font to use when rendering the text.
The global color to use when rendering the text.

Text Meshes can be used for rendering road signs, gra ti etc. The Text Mesh places text in the 3D scene. To make generic 2D text for
GUIs, use a GUI Text component instead.
Follow these steps to create a Text Mesh with a custom Font:

Import a font by dragging a TrueType Font - a .ttf le - from the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (OS X) into the
Project View.
Select the imported font in the Project View.
Choose GameObject > Create Other > 3D Text. You have now created a text mesh with your custom TrueType Font.
You can scale the text and move it around using the Scene View’s Transform controls.
Note: If you want to change the font for a Text Mesh, need to set the component’s font property and also set the texture of the font
material to the correct font texture. This texture can be located using the font asset’s foldout. If you forget to set the texture then the
text in the mesh will appear blocky and misaligned.


You can download free TrueType Fonts from 1001freefonts.com (download the Windows fonts since they contain
TrueType Fonts).
If you are scripting the Text property, you can add line breaks by inserting the escape character “\n” in your strings.
Text meshes can be styled using simple mark-up. See the Styled Text page for more details.
Fonts in Unity are rendered by rst rendering the font glyphs to a texture map. If the font size is set too small, these
font textures will appear blocky. Since TextMesh assets are rendered using quads, it’s possible that if the size of the
TextMesh and font texture di er the TextMesh will look wrong.

Text Asset

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Text Assets are a format for imported text les. When you drop a text le into your Project Folder, it will be
converted to a Text Asset. The supported text formats are:

Note that script les are also considered text assets for the purposes of using the AssetDatabase.FindAssets function, so
they will also be included in the list of results when this function is used with the “t:TextAsset” lter.

The Text Asset Inspector


Property: Function:
The full text of the asset as a single string.


The Text Asset is a very specialized use case. It is extremely useful for getting text from di erent text les into
your game while you are building it. You can write up a simple .txt le and bring the text into your game very
easily. It is not intended for text le generation at runtime. For that you will need to use traditional Input/Output
programming techniques to read and write external les.

Consider the following scenario. You are making a traditional text-heavy adventure game. For production
simplicity, you want to break up all the text in the game into the di erent rooms. In this case you would make one
text le that contains all the text that will be used in one room. From there it is easy to make a reference to the
correct Text Asset for the room you enter. Then with some customized parsing logic, you can manage a large
amount of text very easily.

Binary data
A special feature of the text asset is that it can be used to store binary data. By giving a le the extension .bytes it
can be loaded as a text asset and the data can be accessed through the bytes property.
For example put a jpeg le into the Resources folder and change the extension to .bytes, then use the following
script code to read the data at runtime:

//Load texture from disk
TextAsset bindata= Resources.Load("Texture") as TextAsset;
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1,1);

Please notice that les with the .txt and .bytes extension will be treated as text and binary les, respectively. Do
not attempt to store a binary le using the .txt extension, as this will create unexpected behaviour when
attempting to read data from it.

Text Assets are serialized like all other assets in a build. There is no physical text le included when
you publish your game.
Text Assets are not intended to be used for text le generation at runtime.


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Fonts can be created or imported for use in either the GUI Text or the Text Mesh Components.

Importing Font les
To add a font to your project you need to place the font le in your Assets folder. Unity will then automatically import it.
Supported Font formats are TrueType Fonts (.ttf les) and OpenType Fonts (.otf les).
To change the Size of the font, highlight it in the Project View and you have a number of options in the Import Settings in
the Inspector.

Import Settings for a font
Font Size
The size of the font, based on the sizes set in any word processor.
The font rendering mode, which tells Unity how to apply smoothing to the glyphs.
The character set of the font to import into the font texture
Setting this mode to Dynamic causes Unity to embed the font data itself and render font
glyphs at runtime (see below).
Import Settings speci c to dynamic fonts

Property: Function:
This setting controls the packaging of the font when used with Dynamic font property. When
selected the TTF is included in the output of the build. When not selected it is assumed that the end
user will have the font already installed on their machine. Note that fonts are subject to copyright
and you should only include fonts that you have licensed or created for yourself.
A list of fallback fonts to use when fonts or characters are not available (see below).
After you import the font, you can expand the font in Project View to see that it has auto-generated some assets. Two assets
are created during import: “font material” and “font texture”. Unlike many applications you might be familiar with, fonts in
Unity are converted into textures, and the glyphs that you display are rendered using textured quads. Adjusting the font size
e ectively changes how many pixels are used for each glyph in this generated texture. Text Mesh assets are 3d geometry
textured with these auto-generated font textures. You will want to vary the size of the font to make these assets look crisp.

Dynamic fonts
When you set the Characters drop-down in the Import Settings to Dynamic, Unity will not pre-generate a texture with all
font characters. Instead, it will use the FreeType font rendering engine to create the texture on the y. This has the
advantage that it can save in download size and texture memory, especially when you are using a font which is commonly
included in user systems, so you don’t have to include the font data, or when you need to support asian languages or large
font sizes (which would make the font textures very large using normal font textures).
When Unity tries to render text with a dynamic font, but it cannot nd the font (because Include Font Data was not selected,
and the font is not installed on the user machine), or the font does not include the requested glyph (like when trying to
render text in east Asian scripts using a latin font, or when using styled bold/italic text), then it will try each of the fonts listed
in the Font Names eld, to see if it can nd a font matching the font name in the project (with font data included) or installed
on the user machine which has the requested glyph. If none of the listed fallback fonts are present and have the requested
glyph, Unity will fall back to a hard-coded global list of fallback fonts, which contains various international fonts commonly
installed on the current runtime platform.
Note that some target platforms (WebGL, some consoles) do not have OS default fonts Unity can access for rendering text.
For those platforms, Include Font Data will be ignored, and font data will always be included. All fonts to be used as
fallbacks must be included in the project, so if you need to render international text or bold/italic versions of a font, you need
to add a font le which has the required characters to the project, and set up that font in the Font Names list of other fonts
which should use it as fallbacks. If the fonts are set up correctly, the fallback fonts will be listed in the Font Importer
inspector, as References to other fonts in project.

Default font asset
The default font asset is a dynamic font which is set up to use Arial. If Unity can’t nd the Arial font on your computer (for
example, if you don’t have it installed), it will fall back to a font bundled with Unity called Liberation Sans.
Liberation Sans looks like Arial, but it does not include bold or italic font styles, and only has a basic Latin character set - so
styled text or non-latin characters may fall back to other fonts or fail to render. It does however have a license which allows it
to be included in player builds.

Custom fonts
To create a custom font select ‘Create->custom font’ from the project window. This will add a custom font asset to your
project library.

The Ascii Start O set eld is a decimal that de nes the Ascii index you would like to begin your Character Rects index
from. For example, if your Ascii Start O set is set to 0 then the capital letter A will be at index 65 but if the Ascii Start O set is
set to 65 then the letter A will be at index 0. You can consult the Ascii Table here but you should bear in mind that custom
font uses the decimal ascii numbering system.

Tracking can be set to modify how close each character will be to the next character on the same line and Line spacing can
be set to de ne how close each line will be to the next.
To create a font material you will need to import your font as a texture then apply that texture to a material, then drag your
font material onto the Default Material section.
The Character Rects section is where each character of your font is de ned.

The Size eld is for de ning how many characters are in your font.
Within each Element there is an index eld for the ascii index of the character. This will be an integer that represents the
character in this element.
To work out the UV values you need to gure out how your characters are positioned on a scale of 0 to 1. You divide 1 by the
number of characters on a dimension. For example if you have a font and the image dimensions on it are 256x128, 4
characters across, 2 down (so 64x64), then UV width will be 0.25 and UV height will be 0.5.
For UV X and Y, it’s just a matter of deciding which character you want and multiplying the width or height value times the
column/row of the letter.
Vert size is based on the pixel size of the characters e.g. your characters are each 128x128, putting 128 and –128 into the
Vert Width and Height will give properly proportioned letters. Vert Y must be negative.
Advance will be the desired horizontal distance from the origin of this character to the origin of the next character in pixels.
It is multiplied by Tracking when calculating the actual distance.

Example of custom font inspector with values

Unicode support

Unity has full unicode support. Unicode text allows you to display German, French, Danish or Japanese characters that are
usually not supported in an ASCII character set. You can also enter a lot of di erent special purpose characters like arrow
signs or the option key sign, if your font supports it.
To use unicode characters, choose either Unicode or Dynamic from the Characters drop-down in the Import Settings. You
can now display unicode characters with this font. If you are using a GUIText or Text Mesh, you can enter unicode
characters into the Component’s Text eld in the Inspector.

You can also use unicode characters if you want to set the displayed text from scripting. The C# compiler fully supports
Unicode based scripts. You have to save your scripts with UTF–16 encoding. Now you can add unicode characters to a string
in your script and they will display as expected in UnityGUI, a GUIText, or a Text Mesh.
Note that surrogate pairs are not supported.

Changing Font Color
There are di erent ways to change the color of your displayed font, depending on how the font is used.

GUIText and Text Mesh
If you are using a GUIText or a Text Mesh, you can change its color by using a custom Material for the font. In the Project
View, click on Create > Material, and select and set up the newly created Material in the Inspector. Make sure you assign
the texture from the font asset to the material. If you use the built-in GUI/Text Shader shader for the font material, you can
choose the color in the Text Color property of the material.

If you are using UnityGUI scripting to display your font, you have much more control over the font’s color under di erent
circumstances. To change the font’s color, you create a GUISkin from Assets > Create > GUI Skin, and de ne the color for
the speci c control state, e.g. Label > Normal > Text Color. For more details, please read the GUI Skin page.

To display an imported font select the font and choose GameObject > Create Other > 3D Text.
You can reduce the generated texture size for fonts by using only lower or upper case characters.

Texture Components
This group contains all Components that have to do with Textures.

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Textures are image or movie les that lay over or wrap around your GameObjects to give them a visual e ect.
This page details the properties you need to manage for your Textures.
Unity recognises any image or movie le in a 3D project’s Assets folder as a Texture (in 2D projects, they are saved
as Sprites). As long as the image meets the size requirements speci ed below, it is imported and optimized for
game use (although any Shaders you use for your GameObjects have speci c Texture requirements). This extends
to multi-layer Photoshop or TIFF les, which are automatically attened on import so that there is no size penalty
for your game. This attening happens internally to Unity, not to the PSD le itself, and is optional, so you can
continue to save and import your PSD les with layers intact.


The Texture Inspector window
The Inspector window is split into two sections: the Texture Importer above, and the Preview below.

Texture Importer
The Texture Importer de nes how images are imported from your project’s Assets folder into the Unity Editor. To
access the Texture Importer, select the image le in the Project window. The Texture Importer opens in the
Inspector window.
Note that some of the less commonly used properties are hidden by default. Click Advanced in the Inspector
window to view these.
The rst property in the Texture Importer is the Texture Type. Use this to select the type of Texture you want to
create from the source image le. See documentation on Texture types for more information on each type.

Property: Function:
Use this to de ne what your Texture is to be used for. The other properties in the
Texture Importer change depending on which one you choose.
This is the most common setting used for all Textures. It provides access to most of the
properties for Texture importing.
Normal Select this to turn the color channels into a format suitable for real-time normal
mapping. See Importing Textures for more information on normal mapping.
Select this if you are using the Texture on any HUD or GUI controls.
Select this if you are using the Texture in a 2D game as a Sprite.
(2D and UI)
Cursor Select this if you are using the Texture as a custom cursor.
Select this to set your Texture up with the basic parameters used for the Cookies of
your Scene’s Lights.
Select this if you are using the Texture as a Lightmap. This option enables encoding
Lightmap into a speci c format (RGBM or dLDR, depending on the platform) and a postprocessing step on Texture data (a push-pull dilation pass).
Select this if you only need one channel in the Texture.
The second property in the Texture Importer is the Texture Shape. Use this to select and de ne the shape and
structure of the Texture.


Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. This is set to 2D by default.
This is the most common setting for all Textures; it de nes the image le as a 2D
Texture. These are used to map textures to 3D meshes and GUI elements, among
other project elements.
This de nes the Texture as a cubemap. You could use this for Skyboxes or
Re ection Probes, for example. Selecting Cube displays di erent mapping options.
This setting is only available when Texture Shape is set to Cube. Use Mapping to
specify how the Texture is projected onto your GameObject. This is set to Auto by
Unity tries to automatically work out the layout from the Texture information.

6 Frames
Layout (Cubic
Ball (Sphere
Re ection)
Di use
Fixup Edge

The Texture contains six images arranged in one of the standard cubemap layouts:
cross, or sequence (+x -x +y -y +z -z). The images can be orientated either
horizontally or vertically.
Maps the Texture to a 2D Latitude-Longitude representation.

Maps the Texture to a sphere-like cubemap.
Choose the type of pre-convolution (that is, ltering) that you want to use for this
texture. The result of pre-convolution is stored in mips. This is set to None by
The Texture has no pre-convolution (no ltering).
Select this to use cubemaps as Re ection Probes. The Texture mip maps are preconvoluted ( ltered) with the engine BRDF. (See Wikipedia’s page on Bidirectional
re ectance distribution function for more information.)
The Texture is convoluted ( ltered) to represent irradiance. This is useful if you use
the cubemap as a Light Probe.
This option is only available with the None or Di use convolution ( lter). Use this
on low-end platforms as a work-around for ltering limitations, such as cubemaps
incorrectly ltered between faces.

Platform-speci c overrides

The Texture Inspector window has a Platform-speci c overrides panel.

Platform-speci c overrides panel
When building for di erent platforms, you need to think about the resolution, the le size with associated
memory size requirements, the pixel dimensions, and the quality of your Textures for each target platform. Use
the Platform-speci c overrides panel to set default options (using Default), and then override them for a
speci c platform using the buttons along the top of the panel.


The maximum imported Texture dimensions in pixels. Artists often prefer to work
Max Size
with huge dimension-size Textures; use Max Size to scale the Texture down to a
suitable dimension-size.
Choose the compression type for the Texture. This parameter helps the system
choose the right compression format for a Texture. Depending on the platform and
Compression the availability of compression formats, di erent settings might end up with the
same internal format (for example, Low Quality Compression has an e ect on
mobile platforms, but not on desktop platforms).


The Texture is not compressed.
The Texture is compressed in a low-quality format. This results in a lower memory
usage compared with Normal Quality.
The Texture is compressed with a standard format.

The Texture is compressed in a high-quality format. This results in a higher memory
usage compared with Normal Quality.
This bypasses the automatic system to specify what internal representation is used
for the Texture. The list of available formats depends on the platform and Texture
type. See documentation on Texture formats for platform-speci c overrides for more
Note: Even when a platform is not overridden, this option shows the format chosen
by the automatic system. The Format property is only available when overriding for a
speci c platform, and not as a default setting.
Use crunch compression, if applicable. Crunch is a lossy compression format on top
of DXT or ETC Texture compression. Textures are decompressed to DXT or ETC on
Use crunch the CPU and then uploaded on the GPU at runtime. Crunch compression helps the
compression Texture use the lowest possible amount of space on disk and for downloads. Crunch
Textures can take a long time to compress, but decompression at runtime is very
Compressor When using Crunch Texture compression, use the slider to adjust the quality. A
higher compression quality means larger Textures and longer compression times.
2017–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Crunch compression format updated in 2017.3

Importing Textures

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This page o ers details and tips on importing Textures using the Unity Editor Texture Importer. Scroll down or select an area you
wish to learn about.

Supported le formats
HDR Textures
Texture sizes
UV mapping
Mip maps
Normal maps
Detail maps
Re ections (cubemaps)
Anisotropic ltering

Supported le formats
Unity can read the following le formats:

Note that Unity can import multi-layer PSD and TIFF les; they are attened automatically on import, but the layers are
maintained in the Assets themselves. This means that you don’t lose any of your work when using these le types natively. This
is important, because it allows you to have just one copy of your Textures which you can use in di erent applications;
Photoshop, your 3D modelling app, and in Unity.

HDR Textures
When importing from an EXR or HDR le containing HDR information, the Texture Importer automatically chooses the right HDR
format for the output Texture. This format changes automatically depending on which platform you are building for.

Texture dimension sizes
Ideally, Texture dimension sizes should be powers of two on each side (that is, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 pixels
(px), and so on). The Textures do not have to be square; that is the width can be di erent from height. Note that speci c
platforms may impose maximum Texture dimension sizes. For DirectX, the maximum Texture sizes for di erent feature levels
are as follows:

Graphics APIs / Feature levels
DX9 Shader Model 2 (PC GPUs before 2004) / OpenGL ES 2.0
DX9 Shader Model 3 (PC GPUs before 2006) / Windows Phone DX11
9.3 level / OpenGL ES 3.0
DX10 Shader Model 4 / GL3 (PC GPUs before 2007) / OpenGL ES 3.1
DX11 Shader Model 5 / GL4 (PC GPUs since 2008)

Maximum 2D and Cubemap texture
dimension size (px)


The Texture Importer only allows you to choose dimension sizes up to 8K (that is 8192 x 8192 px).
Mali-Txxx GPUs (See Wikipedia) and OpenGL ES 3.1 (www.opengl.org) only support up to 4096px Texture
dimension size for cubemaps.
It is possible to use NPOT (non-power of two) Texture sizes with Unity; however, NPOT Texture sizes generally take slightly more
memory and might be slower for the GPU to sample, so it’s better for performance to use power of two sizes whenever you can.
If the platform or GPU does not support NPOT Texture sizes, Unity scales and pads the Texture up to the next power of two size.
This process uses more memory and makes loading slower (especially on older mobile devices). In general, you should only use
NPOT sizes for GUI purposes.
You can scale up NPOT Texture Assets at import time using the Non Power of 2 option in the Advanced section of the Texture

UV mapping
When mapping a 2D Texture onto a 3D model, your 3D modelling application does a type of wrapping called UV mapping. Inside
Unity, you can scale and move the Texture using Materials. Scaling normal and detail maps is especially useful.

Mip maps
Mip maps are lists of progressively smaller versions of an image, used to optimise performance on real-time 3D engines. Objects
that are far away from the Camera use smaller Texture versions. Using mip maps uses 33% more memory, but not using them
can result in a huge performance loss. You should always use mip maps for in-game Textures; the only exceptions are Textures
that are made smaller (for example, GUI textures, Skybox, Cursors and Cookies). Mip maps are also essential for avoiding many
forms of Texture aliasing and shimmering.

Normal maps
Normal maps are used by normal map Shaders to make low-polygon models look as if they contain more detail. Unity uses
normal maps encoded as RGB images. You also have the option to generate a normal map from a grayscale height map image.

Detail maps
If you want to make a Terrain, you normally use your main Texture to show areas of terrain such as grass, rocks and sand. If
your terrain is large, it may end up very blurry. Detail Textures hide this fact by fading in small details as your main Texture gets
When drawing Detail Textures, a neutral gray is invisible, white makes the main Texture twice as bright, and black makes the
main Texture completely black.
See documentation on Secondary Maps (Detail Maps) for more information.

Re ections (cubemaps)
To use a Texture for re ection maps (for example, in Re ection Probes or a cubemapped Skybox, set the Texture Shape to
Cube. See documentation on Cubemap Textures for more information.

Anisotropic ltering
Anisotropic ltering increases Texture quality when viewed from a grazing angle. This rendering is resource-intensive on the
graphics card. Increasing the level of Anisotropy is usually a good idea for ground and oor Textures. Use Quality Settings to
force anisotropic ltering for all Textures or disable it completely.

Anisotropy used on the ground Texture {No anisotropy (left) | Maximum anisotropy (right)}

Texture Types

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You can import di erent Texture types into the Unity Editor via the Texture Importer.
Below are the properties available to con gure the various Texture types in Unity in the Texture Inspector window. Scroll down
or select from the list below to nd details of the Texture type you wish to learn about.

Normal Map
Editor GUI and Legacy
Sprite (2D and UI)
Single Channel

Texture type: Default

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Default
Default is the most common setting used for all Textures. It provides access to most of the
Texture Type
properties for Texture importing.
Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.


Check this box to specify that the Texture is stored in gamma space. This should always be
sRGB (Color checked for non-HDR color Textures (such as Albedo and Specular Color). If the Texture stores
information that has a speci c meaning, and you need the exact values in the Shader (for
example, the smoothness or the metalness), uncheck this box. This box is checked by default.
Use this to specify how the alpha channel of the Texture is generated. This is set to None by
Alpha Source
The imported Texture does not have an alpha channel, whether or not the input Texture has one.
This uses the alpha from the input Texture if a Texture is provided.
Texture Alpha
From Gray
This generates the alpha from the mean (average) of the input Texture RGB values.
Alpha is
If the alpha channel you specify is Transparency, enable Alpha is Transparency to dilate the
Transparency color and avoid ltering artifacts on the edges.
If the Texture has a non-power of two (NPOT) dimension size, this de nes a scaling behavior at
Non Power of
import time. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on non-power of
two sizes. This is set to None by default.
Texture dimension size stays the same.
The Texture is scaled to the nearest power-of-two dimension size at import time. For example, a
To nearest 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x512 px. Note that PVRTC formats require Textures to be
square (that is width equal to height), so the nal dimension size is upscaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the largest dimension size value at
To larger
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the smallest dimension size value at
To smaller
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x256 px.
Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note that a copy of the
Read/Write Texture data is made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture Assets, so only use
this property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and DXT compressed
Textures; other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This property is disabled by
Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that
Generate Mip
get used when the Texture is very small on screen. See documentation on Importing Textures for
more information on mipmaps.
Border Mip Check this box to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for light
cookies (see below). This box is unchecked by default.
Mip Map
There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality. The default option
is Box.
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down
in dimension size.
A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option
if your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes
Mip Maps
the MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Wrap Mode Select how the Texture behaves when tiled. The default option is Clamp.
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.

Filter Mode
Point (no
Aniso Level

Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations. The default
option is Point (no lter).
The Texture appears blocky up close.
The Texture appears blurry up close.
Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.
Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Textures. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on Anisotropic

Texture type: Normal Map

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Normal Map
Select Normal map to turn the color channels into a format suitable for real-time normal
Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.
Create from This creates the Normal Map from a greyscale heightmap. Check this to enable it and enabled it
and see the Bumpiness and Filtering. This option is unchecked by default.
Control the amount of bumpiness. A low bumpiness value means that even sharp contrast in the
heightmap is translated to gentle angles and bumps. A high value creates exaggerated bumps and
very high-contrast lighting responses to the bumps. This option is only visible if Create from
Greyscale is checked.
Determine how the bumpiness is calculated:
Smooth This generates Normal Maps with standard (forward di erences) algorithms.


Also known as a Sobel lter, this generates Normal Maps that are sharper than Standard.

If the Texture has a non-power of two (NPOT) dimension size, this de nes a scaling behavior at
Non Power
import time. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on non-power of two
of 2
dimension sizes. This is set to None by default.
Texture dimension size stays the same.
The Texture is scaled to the nearest power-of-two dimension size at import time. For example, a
To nearest 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x512 px. Note that PVRTC formats require Textures to be
square (width equal to height), so the nal dimension size is upscaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the largest dimension size value at
To larger
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the smallest dimension size value at
To smaller
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x256 px.
Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note that a copy of the
Read/Write Texture data is made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture Assets, so only use
this property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and DXT compressed
Textures; other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This property is disabled by
Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that
get used when the Texture is very small on screen. See documentation on Importing Textures for
Mip Maps
more information on mipmaps.
Check this box to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for light
Mip Maps
cookies (see below). This box is unchecked by default.
Mip Map There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality. The default option is
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down in
dimension size.
A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option if
your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes the
Mip Maps
MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Wrap Mode Select how the Texture behaves when tiled. The default option is Clamp.
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.
Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations. The default option
Filter Mode
is Point (no lter).
Point (no
The Texture appears blocky up close.
The Texture appears blurry up close.
Trilinear Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.
Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Aniso Level
Textures. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on Anisotropic ltering.

Texture type: Editor GUI and Legacy GUI

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Editor GUI and Legacy GUI
Texture Type Select Editor GUI and Legacy GUI if you are using the Texture on any HUD or GUI controls.
Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.
Use this to specify how the alpha channel of the Texture is generated. This is set to None by
Alpha Source
The imported Texture does not have an alpha channel, whether or not the input Texture has one.
This uses the alpha from the input Texture if a Texture is provided.
Texture Alpha
From Gray
This generates the alpha from the mean (average) of the input Texture RGB values.
Alpha is
If the alpha channel you specify is Transparency, enable Alpha is Transparency to dilate the
Transparency color and avoid ltering artifacts on the edges.
If the Texture has a non-power of two (NPOT) dimension size, this de nes a scaling behavior at
Non Power of
import time. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on non-power of
two sizes. This is set to None by default.
Texture dimension size stays the same.
The Texture is scaled to the nearest power-of-two dimension size at import time. For example, a
To nearest 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x512 px. Note that PVRTC formats require Textures to be
square (width equal to height), so the nal dimension size is upscaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the largest dimension size value at
To larger
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the smallest dimension size value at
To smaller
import time. For example, a 257x511px Texture is scaled to 256x256.


Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note that a copy of the
Read/Write Texture data is made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture Assets, so only use
this property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and DXT compressed
Textures; other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This property is disabled by
Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that
Generate Mip
get used when the Texture is very small on screen. See documentation on Importing Textures for
more information on mipmaps.
Border Mip Check this box to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for light
cookies (see below). This box is unchecked by default.
Mip Map
There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality. The default option
is Box.
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down
in dimension size.
A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option
if your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes
Mip Maps
the MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Wrap Mode Select how the Texture behaves when tiled. The default option is Clamp.
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.
Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations. The default
Filter Mode
option is Point (no lter).
Point (no
The Texture appears blocky up close.
The Texture appears blurry up close.
Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.
Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Aniso Level Textures. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on Anisotropic

Texture type: Sprite (2D and UI)

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Sprite (2D and UI)
Texture Type Select Sprite (2D and UI) if you are using the Texture in a 2D game as a Sprite.

Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.
Use this setting to specify how the the Sprite graphic is extracted from the image. The default for
Sprite mode
this option is Single.
Use the Sprite image in isolation.
Keep multiple related Sprites together in the same image (for example, animation frames or
separate Sprite elements that belong to a single game character).
Packing Tag Specify by name a Sprite atlas which you want to pack this Texture into.
Pixels Per
The number of pixels of width/height in the Sprite image that correspond to one distance unit in
world space.
Mesh Type
This de nes the Mesh type that is generated for the Sprite. The default for this option is Tight.
Full Rect

This creates a quad to map the Sprite onto it.


This generates a Mesh based on pixel alpha value. The Mesh generated generally follows the
shape of the Sprite.
Note: Any Sprite that is smaller than 32x32 uses Full Rect, even when Tight is speci ed.


Use the slider to determine how much area to leave around the Sprite in the generated Mesh.


The location in the image where the Sprite’s local coordinate system originates. Choose one of
the pre-set options, or select Custom to set your own Pivot location.
De ne the X and Y to set a custom Pivot location in the image.


Use this to specify whether or not the Texture is stored in gamma space. This should be the case
sRGB (Color for all non-HDR color Textures (such as Albedo and Specular Color). If the Texture stores
information that has a speci c meaning, and you need the exact values in the Shader (for
example, the smoothness or the metalness), uncheck this box.
Alpha Source Use this to specify how the alpha channel of the Texture is generated.
The imported Texture does not have an alpha channel, whether or not the input Texture has one.
This uses the alpha from the input Texture. This option does not appear in the menu if there is
Texture Alpha no alpha in the imported Texture.
From Gray
This generates the alpha from the mean (average) of the input Texture RGB values.
Alpha is
If the provided alpha channel is Transparency, enable Alpha is Transparency to dilate the color
Transparency and avoid ltering artifacts on the edges.
Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note however that a
Read/Write copy of the Texture data will be made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture
Asset, so only use this property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and
DXT compressed Textures; other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This
property is disabled by default.
Generate Mip Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that
get used when the Texture is very small on screen. See the Details section at the end of the page.
Border Mip Select this to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for Light Cookies
(see below).
Mip Map
There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality:
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down
in dimension size.
A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option
if your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes
Mip Maps
the MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Wrap Mode
Select how the Texture behaves when tiled:
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.
Filter Mode Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations:
The Texture appears blocky up close.
The Texture appears blurry up close.
Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.
Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Aniso Level
Textures. See the Details section at the end of the page.

Texture type: Cursor

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Cursor
Texture Type Select Cursor if you are using the Texture as a custom cursor.
Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.
Use this to specify how the alpha channel of the Texture is generated. This is set to None by
Alpha Source
The imported Texture does not have an alpha channel, whether or not the input Texture has one.
This uses the alpha from the input Texture if a Texture is provided.
Texture Alpha
From Gray
This generates the alpha from the mean (average) of the input Texture RGB values.
Alpha is
If the alpha channel you specify is Transparency, enable Alpha is Transparency to dilate the
Transparency color and avoid ltering artifacts on the edges.
If the Texture has a non-power of two (NPOT) dimension size, this de nes a scaling behavior at
Non Power of
import time. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on non-power of
two dimension sizes. This is set to None by default.
Texture dimension size stays the same.
The Texture is scaled to the nearest power-of-two dimension size at import time. For example, a
To nearest 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x512 px. Note that PVRTC formats require Textures to be
square (width equal to height), so the nal dimension size is upscaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the largest dimension size value at
To larger
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the smallest dimension size value at
To smaller
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x256.


Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note that a copy of the
Read/Write Texture data is made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture Assets, so only use
this property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and DXT compressed
Textures; other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This property is disabled by
Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that
Generate Mip
get used when the Texture is very small on screen. See documentation on Importing Textures for
more information on mipmaps.
Border Mip Check this box to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for light
cookies (see below). This box is unchecked by default.
Mip Map
There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality. The default option
is Box.
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down
in dimension size.
A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option
if your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes
Mip Maps
the MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Wrap Mode Select how the Texture behaves when tiled. The default option is Clamp.
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.
Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations. The default
Filter Mode
option is Point (no lter).
Point (no
The Texture appears blocky up close.
The Texture appears blurry up close.
Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.
Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Aniso Level Textures. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on Anisotropic

Texture type: Cookie

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Cookie
Select Cookie to set your Texture up with the basic parameters used for the Cookies of your
Texture Type
Scene’s Lights.

Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.
De ne the type of Light that the Texture is applied to. Directional and Spotlight cookies must be
2D Textures, and Point Light Cookies must be cubemaps. The system automatically enforces the
right shape depending on the Light type.
Light Type
For Directional Lights this Texture tiles, so in the Texture inspector set the Edge Mode to Repeat.
For Spotlights, keep the edges of your Cookie Texture solid black to get the proper e ect. In the
Texture Inspector, set the Edge Mode to Clamp.
Alpha is
If the alpha channel you specify is Transparency, enable Alpha is Transparency to dilate the
Transparency color and avoid ltering artifacts on the edges.
If the Texture has a non-power of two (NPOT) dimension size, this de nes a scaling behavior at
Non Power of
import time. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on non-power of
two sizes. This is set to None by default.
Texture dimension size stays the same.
The Texture is scaled to the nearest power-of-two dimension size at import time. For example, a
To nearest 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x512 px. Note that PVRTC formats require Textures to be
square (width equal to height), so the nal dimension size is upscaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the largest dimension size value at
To larger
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the smallest dimension size value at
To smaller
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x256.


Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note that a copy of the
Read/Write Texture data is made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture Assets, so only use
this property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and DXT compressed
Textures; other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This property is disabled by
Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that
Generate Mip
get used when the Texture is very small on screen. See documentation on Importing Textures for
more information on mipmaps.
Border Mip Check this box to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for light
cookies (see below). This box is unchecked by default.
Mip Map
There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality. The default option
is Box.
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down
in dimension size.
A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option
if your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes
Mip Maps
the MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Wrap Mode Select how the Texture behaves when tiled. The default option is Clamp.
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.
Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations. The default
Filter Mode
option is Point (no lter).
Point (no
The Texture appears blocky up close.
The Texture appears blurry up close.
Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.
Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Aniso Level Textures. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on Anisotropic

Texture type: Lightmap

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Lightmap
Property: Function:
Select Lightmap if you are using the Texture as a Lightmap. This option enables encoding into a
speci c format (RGBM or dLDR, depending on the platform) and a post-processing step on Texture
data (a push-pull dilation pass).
Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.
If the Texture has a non-power of two (NPOT) dimension size, this de nes a scaling behavior at
Non Power
import time. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on non-power of two
of 2
dimension sizes. This is set to None by default.
Texture size stays the same.
The Texture is scaled to the nearest power-of-two dimension size at import time. For example, a
257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x512 px. Note that PVRTC formats require Textures to be square
(width equal to height), so the nal dimension size is upscaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the largest size value at import time.
To larger
For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the smallest dimension size value at
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x256 px.
Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note that a copy of the
Texture data is made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture Assets, so only use this
property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and DXT compressed Textures;
other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This property is disabled by default.
Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that get
used when the Texture is very small on screen. See documentation on Importing Textures for more
Mip Maps
information on mipmaps.
Check this box to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for light
Mip Maps cookies (see below). This box is unchecked by default.
Mip Map There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality. The default option is
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down in
dimension size.


A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option if
Kaiser your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes the
Mip Maps
MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Select how the Texture behaves when tiled. The default option is Clamp.
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.
Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations. The default option
Filter Mode
is Point (no lter).
Point (no
The Texture appears blocky up close.
Bilinear The Texture appears blurry up close.
Trilinear Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.
Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Aniso Level
Textures. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on Anisotropic ltering.

Texture type: Single Channel

Texture Inspector window - Texture Type:Single Channel
Texture Type Select Single Channel if you only need one channel in the Texture.
Use this to de ne the shape of the Texture. See documentation on the Texture Importer for
information on all Texture shapes.
Use this to specify how the alpha channel of the Texture is generated. This is set to None by
Alpha Source
The imported Texture does not have an alpha channel, whether or not the input Texture has one.

This uses the alpha from the input Texture if a Texture is provided.
Texture Alpha
From Gray
This generates the alpha from the mean (average) of the input Texture RGB values.
Alpha is
If the alpha channel you specify is Transparency, enable Alpha is Transparency to dilate the
Transparency color and avoid ltering artifacts on the edges.
If the Texture has a non-power of two (NPOT) dimension size, this de nes a scaling behavior at
Non Power of
import time. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on non-power of
two sizes. This is set to None by default.
Texture dimension size stays the same.
The Texture is scaled to the nearest power-of-two dimension size at import time. For example, a
To nearest 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x512 px. Note that PVRTC formats require Textures to be
square (width equal to height), so the nal dimension size is upscaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the largest dimension size value at
To larger
import time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 512x512 px.
The Texture is scaled to the power-of-two dimension size of the smallest size value at import
To smaller
time. For example, a 257x511 px Texture is scaled to 256x256.
Check this box to enable access to the Texture data from script functions (such as
Texture2D.SetPixels, Texture2D.GetPixels and other Texture2D functions). Note that a copy of the
Read/Write Texture data is made, doubling the amount of memory required for Texture Assets, so only use
this property if absolutely necessary. This is only valid for uncompressed and DXT compressed
Textures; other types of compressed textures cannot be read from. This property is disabled by
Check this box to enable mipmap generation. Mipmaps are smaller versions of the Texture that
Generate Mip
get used when the Texture is very small on screen. See documentation on Importing Textures for
more information on mipmaps.
Border Mip Check this box to avoid colors bleeding out to the edge of the lower MIP levels. Used for light
cookies (see below). This box is unchecked by default.
Mip Map
There are two ways of mipmap ltering available for optimizing image quality. The default option
is Box.
This is the simplest way to fade out mipmaps. The MIP levels become smoother as they go down
in dimension size.
A sharpening algorithm runs on the mipmaps as they go down in dimension size. Try this option
if your Textures are too blurry in the distance. (The algorothm is of a Kaiser Window type - see
Wikipedia for further information.)
Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail
maps. The left-most scroll is the rst MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll de nes
Mip Maps
the MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out.
Wrap Mode Select how the Texture behaves when tiled. The default option is Clamp.
The Texture repeats itself in tiles.
The Texture’s edges are stretched.
Select how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations. The default
Filter Mode
option is Point (no lter).
Point (no
The Texture appears blocky up close.
The Texture appears blurry up close.
Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent MIP levels.

Aniso Level

Increases Texture quality when viewing the Texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and ground
Textures. See documentation on Importing Textures for more information on Anisotropic

Texture compression formats for
platform-speci c overrides

Leave feedback

While Unity supports many common image formats as source les for importing your Textures (such as JPG, PNG, PSD and
TGA), these formats are not used during realtime rendering by 3D graphics hardware such as a graphics card or mobile
device. 3D graphics hardware requires Textures to be compressed in specialized formats which are optimised for fast
Texture sampling. The various di erent platforms and devices available each have their own di erent proprietary formats.
By default, the Unity Editor automatically converts Textures to the most appropriate format to match the build target you
have selected. Only the converted Textures are included in your build; your source Asset les are left in their original
format, in your project’s Assets folder. However, on most platforms there are a number of di erent supported Texture
compression formats to choose from. Unity has certain default formats set up for each platform, but in some situations
you may want to override the default and pick a di erent compression format for some of your Textures (for example, if
you are using a Texture as a mask, with only one channel, you might choose to use the BC4 format to save space while
preserving quality).
To apply custom settings for each platform, use the Texture Importer to set default options, then use the Platformspeci c overrides panel to override those defaults for speci c platforms.

Default internal Texture representation per platform
The following table shows the default formats used for each platform.

Normal quality
Windows, Linux, macOS,
RGB Compressed
PS4, XBox One
24 bit DXT1
RGBA RGBA Compressed
32 bit DXT5
RGBA RGB Compressed
RGB Compressed
24 bit DXT1
RGBA RGBA Compressed
32 bit DXT5
Android (default
RGB Compressed
24 bit ETC
RGBA RGBA Compressed
32 bit ETC2
RGB Compressed
24 bit PVRTC 4 bits
RGBA RGBA Compressed
32 bit PVRTC 4 bits
RGB Compressed
24 bit ASTC 6x6 block

Low quality (higher
RGB(A) Compressed RGB Compressed
RGB(A) Compressed RGBA Compressed
RGB Compressed
RGB Compressed
RGB Compressed
RGB Compressed
RGBA Compressed RGBA Compressed
RGB Compressed
RGB Compressed ETC
RGBA Compressed RGBA Compressed
RGB Compressed
RGB Compressed
PVRTC 4 bits
PVRTC 2 bits
RGBA Compressed RGBA Compressed
PVRTC 4 bits
PVRTC 2 bits
RGB Compressed
RGB Compressed
ASTC 4x4 block
ASTC 8x8 block
High quality

Normal quality
RGBA RGBA Compressed
32 bit ASTC 6x6 block
RGBA 16 bit
32 bit


RGBA Compressed
ASTC 4x4 block

Low quality (higher
RGBA Compressed
ASTC 8x8 block

RGBA 16 bit

RGBA 16 bit

High quality

All supported Texture compression formats

The following table shows the Texture compression format options available on each platform, and the resulting
compressed le size (based on a 256px-square image). Choosing a Texture compression format is a balance between le
size and quality; the higher the quality, the greater the le size. In the description below, see the nal le size of a in-game
Texture of 256 by 256 pixels.
When you use a Texture compression format that is not supported on the target platform, the Textures are decompressed
to RGBA 32 and stored in memory alongside the compressed Textures. When this happens, time is lost decompressing
Textures, and memory is lost because you are storing them twice. In addition, all platforms have di erent hardware, and
are optimised to work most e ciently with speci c compression formats; choosing non-compatible formats can impact
your game’s performance. The table below shows supported platforms for each compression format.
Notes on the table below:
RGB is a color model in which red, green and blue are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of
RGBA is a version of RGB with an alpha channel, which supports blending and opacity alteration.
Crunch compression is a lossy compression format (meaning that parts of the data are lost during compression) on top
of DXT or ETC Texture compression. Textures are decompressed to DXT or ETC on the CPU, and then uploaded to the GPU
at run time. Crunch compression helps the Texture use the lowest possible amount of space on disk and for downloads.
Crunch Textures can take a long time to compress, but decompression at run time is very fast.

compression Description

Compressed unsigned
Compressed normalised integer RGB


for a

Platform Support

Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android
(Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL

32KB (4 bits
per pixel)
Note: With linear rendering on web browser that
doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are
uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.
Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android
Similar to RGB Compressed depending
(Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL
DXT1, but compressed using on the
Crunch compression. See
Note: With linear rendering on a web browser
Notes, above, for more on
of the
that doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are
crunch compression.
content in
uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.
the texture.

compression Description

Compressed unsigned
Compressed normalised integer RGBA
Texture. 8 bits per pixel.


for a

Platform Support

Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android
(Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL

64KB (8 bits
per pixel)
Note: With linear rendering on a web browser
that doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are
uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.
Windows, Linux, macOS, PS4, XBox One, Android
Similar to RGBA Compressed depending
(Nvidia Tegra and Intel Bay Trail), WebGL
DXT5, but compressed using on the
Crunch compression. See
Note: With linear rendering on a web browser
Notes, above, for more on
of the
that doesn’t support sRGB DXT, textures are
crunch compression.
content in
uncompressed at run time to RGBA32.
the texture.
Windows Direct3D 11: OpenGL 4, Linux.

Compressed unsigned
Compressed oat/High Dynamic Range
(HDR) RGB Texture.

Note: BC6H Textures are uncompressed at run
64KB (8 bits time to RGBA half on the following platform
per pixel)
con gurations:
- macOS with OpenGL
- Platforms with Direct3D 10 Shader Model 4 or
OpenGL 3 GPUs.
Windows Direct3D 11: OpenGL 4, Linux

Note: BC7 Textures are uncompressed at run
High-quality compressed
64KB (8 bits time to RGBA 32bits on the following platform
Compressed unsigned normalised integer
per pixel)
con gurations:
RGB or RGBA Texture.
- macOS with OpenGL
- Platforms with Direct3D 10 Shader Model 4
Platforms with OpenGL 3 GPUs.
Compressed RGB Texture.
This is the default texture
Android, iOS, tvOS.
32KB (4 bits
Compressed compression format for
Note: ETC1 is supported by all OpenGL ES 2.0
per pixel)
textures without an alpha
GPUs. It does not support alpha.
channel for Android projects.
Similar to RGB Compressed depending
ETC, but compressed using on the
Crunch compression. See
complexity Android, iOS, tvOS.
Notes above for more on
of the
crunch compression.
content in
the texture.

compression Description

Compressed Compressed RGB Texture.

Compressed RGBA Texture.
This is the default Texture
Compressed compression format for
textures with alpha channel
for Android projects.


for a

Platform Support

Android (OpenGL ES 3.0)
Note: On Android platforms that don’t support
32KB (4 bits
ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to
per pixel)
the format speci ed by ETC2 fallback in the Build
Android (OpenGL ES 3.0), iOS (OpenGL ES 3.0),
tvOS (OpenGL ES 3.0)

Note: On iOS and tvOS devices that don’t support
64KB (8 bits
ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to
per pixel)
RGBA32. On Android platforms that don’t support
ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to
the format speci ed by ETC2 fallback in the Build
Android (OpenGL ES 3.0), iOS (OpenGL ES 3.0),
tvOS (OpenGL ES 3.0)
Similar to RGBA Compressed depending
ETC2, but compressed using on the
Note: On iOS and tvOS devices that don’t support
Crunch compression. See
complexity ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to
Notes above for more on
of the
RGBA32. On Android platforms that don’t support
crunch compression.
content in ETC2, the texture is uncompressed at run time to
the texture. the format speci ed by ETC2 fallback in the Build

compression Description

Variable block size
compressed RGB Texture.

for a
Platform Support
12x12: 0.89
bits per pixel
(7.56KB for a
10x10: 1.28
bits per pixel
(10.56KB for
a 256x256
8x8: 2 bits
per pixel
(16KB for a
tvOS (all), iOS (A8), Android (PowerVR 6XT, Mali
6x6: 3.56
T600 series, Adreno 400 series, Tegra K1).
bits per pixel
(28.89KB for
a 256x256
5x5: 5.12
bits per pixel
(42.25KB for
a 256x256
4x4: 8 bits
per pixel
(64KB for a

compression Description

Variable block size
compressed RGBA Texture.

High-compression RGB
Texture. Low quality, but
lower size, resulting in higher
PVRTC 2 bits
High-compression RGBA
Texture. Low quality, but
lower size, resulting in higher
PVRTC 2 bits

for a
Platform Support
12x12: 0.89
bits per pixel
(7744 bytes
for a
10x10: 1.28
bits per pixel
(10816 bytes
for a
8x8: 2 bits
per pixel
(16KB for a
tvOS (all), iOS (A8), Android (PowerVR 6XT, Mali
6x6: 3.56
T600 series, Adreno 400 series, Tegra K1).
bits per pixel
(29584 bytes
for a
5x5: 5.12
bits per pixel
(43264 bytes
for a
4x4: 8 bits
per pixel
(64KB for a
16KB (2 bits
Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.
per pixel)

16KB (2 bits
Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.
per pixel)

compression Description

PVRTC 4 bits

PVRTC 4 bits

for a

Platform Support

Compressed RGB Texture.
High-quality Textures,
32KB (4 bits
particularly on color data, but
Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.
per pixel)
can take a long time to
Compressed RGB Texture.
High-quality Textures,
32KB (4 bits
particularly on color data, but
Android (PowerVR), iOS, tvOS.
per pixel)
can take a long time to

Compressed Compressed RGB Texture.
Compressed Compressed RGBA Texture.
65 thousand colors with no
alpha. Uses more memory
than the compressed
RGB 16 bit
formats, but could be more
suitable for UI or crisp
Textures without gradients.

32KB (4 bits
Android (Qualcomm - Adreno), iOS, tvOS.
per pixel)
64KB (8 bits
Android (Qualcomm - Adreno), iOS, tvOS.
per pixel)

128KB (16
bits per

192KB (24
True color, but without alpha. bits per
High-quality alpha channel, 64KB (8 bits
Alpha 8
but without any color.
per pixel)
Low-quality true color. This is
128KB (16
the default compression for
RGBA 16 bit
bits per
Textures that have an alpha
True color with alpha. This is
256KB (32
the highest quality
RGBA 32 bit
bits per
compression for Textures
that have an alpha channel.
RGB 24 bit

All platforms.

All platforms
All platforms.

All platforms.

All platforms.

You can import Textures from DDS les, but only DXT, BC compressed formats, or uncompressed pixel formats are

Notes on Android
Unless you’re targeting speci c hardware (such as Tegra), ETC2 compression is the most e cient option for Android,
o ering the best balance of quality and le size (with associated memory size requirements). If you need an alpha channel,
you could store it externally and still bene t from a lower Texture le size.

You can use ETC1 for Textures that have an alpha channel, but only if the build is for Android and the Textures are placed
on an atlas (by specifying the packing tag). To enable this, tick the Compress using ETC1 checkbox for the Texture. Unity
splits the resulting atlas into two Textures, each without an alpha channel, and then combines them in the nal parts of
the render pipeline.
To store an alpha channel in a Texture, use RGBA16 bit compression, which is supported by all hardware vendors.
2017–11–20 Page amended with limited editorial review
Linear rendering on WebGL added in 2017.2
Crunch compression format updated in 2017.3
Tizen and Samsung TV support discontinued in 2017.3

Render Texture

Leave feedback


Render Textures are special types of Textures that are created and updated at runtime. To use them, you rst
create a new Render Texture and designate one of your Cameras to render into it. Then you can use the Render
Texture in a Material just like a regular Texture. The Water prefabs in Unity Standard Assets are an example of
real-world use of Render Textures for making real-time re ections and refractions.

The Render Texture Inspector is di erent from most Inspectors, but very similar to the Texture Inspector.

The Render Texture Inspector is almost identical to the Texture Inspector
The Render Texture inspector displays the current contents of Render Texture in realtime and can be an
invaluable debugging tool for e ects that use render textures.


The size of the Render Texture in pixels. Observe that only power-of-two values sizes
can be chosen.
Anti-Aliasing The amount of anti-aliasing to be applied. None, two, four or eight samples.
Depth Bu er The type of the depth bu er. None, 16 bit or 24 bit.
Wrap Mode Selects how the Texture behaves when tiled:
Repeat The Texture repeats (tiles) itself

Clamp The Texture’s edges get stretched
Filter Mode Selects how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations:
The Texture becomes blocky up close
Bilinear The Texture becomes blurry up close
Trilinear Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent mip levels
Increases Texture quality when viewing the texture at a steep angle. Good for oor
Aniso Level
and ground textures


A very quick way to make a live arena-camera in your game:

Create a new Render Texture asset using Assets >Create >Render Texture.
Create a new Camera using GameObject > Camera.
Assign the Render Texture to the Target Texture of the new Camera.
Create a wide, tall and thin box
Drag the Render Texture onto it to create a Material that uses the render texture.
Enter Play Mode, and observe that the box’s texture is updated in real-time based on the new
Camera’s output.

Render Textures are set up as demonstrated above
2017–09–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
GameObject menu changed in Unity 4.6

Custom Render Textures

Leave feedback


Custom Render Textures are an extension to Render Textures that allows users to easily update said texture
with a shader. This is useful to implement all kind of complex simulations like caustics, ripple simulation for rain
e ects, splatting liquids against a wall, etc. It also provides a scripting and Shader framework to help with more
complicated con guration like partial or multi-pass updates, varying update frequency etc.
To use them, you need to create a new Custom Render Texture asset and assign a Material to it. This Material will
then update the content of the texture according to its various parameters. The Custom Render Texture can then
be assigned to any kind of Material just like a regular texture, even one used for another Custom Render Texture.


The inspector for Custom Render Textures will display most of the properties of the Render Texture inspector as
well as many speci c ones.

Render Texture:
Color Format
sRGB (Color Render

Dimension of the Render Texture
Render Texture will be two dimensional.
Render Texture will be a cube map
Render Texture will be three dimensional
The size of the Render Texture in pixels.
Format of the Render Texture
Does this render texture use sRGB read/write conversions (Read Only).

Enable Mip Maps
Auto generate Mip
Wrap Mode
Filter Mode
Aniso Level

Custom Texture:

Does this render texture use Mip Maps?
Enable to automatically generate Mip Maps.
Selects how the Texture behaves when tiled
The Texture repeats (tiles) itself
The Texture’s edges get stretched
Selects how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D
The Texture becomes blocky up close
The Texture becomes blurry up close
Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the di erent mip levels
Increases Texture quality when viewing the texture at a steep angle. Good
for oor and ground textures

Custom Texture parameters are separated in three main categories:
Material: De nes what shader is used to update the texture.
Initialization: Controls how the texture is initialized before any update is done by the shader
Update: Controls how the texture is updated by the shader.

Material used to update the Custom Render Texture
Shader Pass used to update the Custom Texture. The combo box will show all passes
available in your Material.
Rate at which the texture should be initialized.
The texture is initialized once upon creation.
Realtime The texture is initialized every frame.
and Color

The texture is initialized on demand from the script.
How the texture should be initialized.
The texture will be initialized by a texture multiplied by a color.

Color with which the custom texture is initialized. If an initialization texture is
Initialization provided as well, the custom texture will be initialized by the multiplication of the
color and the texture.
Texture with which the custom texture is initialized. If an initialization color is
Initialization provided as well, the custom texture will be initialized by the multiplication of the
color and the texture.
Material The texture will be initialized by a material.




Material with which the custom texture is initialized.

Bu ered

Rate at which the texture should be updated by the shader.
The texture is updated once upon creation.
The texture is updated every frame.
The texture is updated on demand from script.
(Realtime only) Period in seconds at which real-time texture is updated (0.0 will
update every frame).
The texture will be double bu ered. Each update will swap the two bu ers, allowing
user to read the result of the preceding update in the shader.
Enable to allow partial update zones to wrap around the border of the texture.
(Cubemap only) Series of toggle allowing user to enable/disable update on each of
the cubemap faces.

Update Zone
Coordinate system in which update zones are de ned.
All coordinates and sizes are between 0 and 1 with the top-left corner starting at (0,
Normalized 0)
All coordinates and sizes are expressed in pixels limited by the width and height of
the texture. Top-left corner starting at (0, 0)
Update Zone
List of update zones for the texture (see below for more details)

Exporting Custom Render Texture to a le:

Custom Render Textures can be exported to a PNG or EXR le (depending on the texture format) via the
contextual “Export” menu.

Update Zones:
By default, when the Custom Render Texture is updated, the whole texture is updated at once by the Material.
One of the important features of the Custom Texture is the ability for the user to de ne zones of partial update.
With this, users can de ne as many zones as they want and the order in which they are processed.
This can be used for several di erent purpose. For example, you could have multiple small zones to splat water
drops on the texture and then do a full pass to simulate the ripples. This can also be used as an optimization
when you know that you don’t need to update the full texture.

Update zones have their own set of properties. The Update Zone Space will be re ected in the display.
Depending on the Dimension of the texture, coordinates will be 2D (for 2D and Cube textures) or 3D (for 3D

Bu er)

Coordinate of the center of the update zone.
Size of the update zone.
Orientation of the update zone in degrees (unavailable for 3D textures).
Shader Pass to use for this update zone. If left as default, this update zone will use the
Shader Pass de ned in the main part of the inspector otherwise it will use the provided
(Only for Double Bu ered textures) If this is true, the bu ers will be swapped before this
update zone is processed.

Double Bu ered Custom Textures
Custom Render Textures can be “Double Bu ered”. Internally, there are two textures but from the user
standpoint they are the same. After each update, the two textures will be swapped. This allows the user to read
the result of the last update while writing a new result in the Custom Render Texture. This is particularly useful if
the shader needs to use the content already written in the texture but cannot mix the values with classic blend
modes. This is also needed if the shaders has to sample di erent pixels of the preceding result.
Performance Warning: Due to some technicalities, the double bu ering currently involves a copy of the texture
at each swap which can lead to a drop in performance depending on the frequency at which it is done and the
resolution of the texture.

Chaining Custom Render Textures
Custom Render Textures need a Material to be updated. This Material can have textures as input. This means that
the a Custom Texture can be used as an input to generate another one. This way, users can chain up several
Custom Textures to generate a more complex multi-step simulation. The system will correctly handle all the
dependencies so that the di erent updates happen in the right order.

Writing a shader for a Custom Render Texture

Updating a Custom Texture is like doing a 2D post process in a Render Texture. To help users write their custom
texture shaders, we provide a small framework with utility functions and built-in helper variables.
Here is a really simple example that will ll the texture with a color multiplied by a color:

Shader "CustomRenderTexture/Simple"
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_Tex("InputTex", 2D) = "white" {}
Lighting Off
Blend One Zero
#include "UnityCustomRenderTexture.cginc"
#pragma vertex CustomRenderTextureVertexShader
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 3.0



float4 frag(v2f_customrendertexture IN) : COLOR
return _Color * tex2D(_Tex, IN.localTexcoord.xy);

The only mandatory steps when writing a shader for a custom texture are:
* #include “UnityCustomRenderTexture.cginc”
Use the provided Vertex Shader CustomRenderTextureVertexShader

Use the provided input structure v2f_customrendertexture for the pixel shader
Other than that, the user is free to write the pixel shader as he wishes.
Here is another example for a shader used in an initialization material:

Shader "CustomRenderTexture/CustomTextureInit"
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_Tex("InputTex", 2D) = "white" {}
Lighting Off
Blend One Zero
#include "UnityCustomRenderTexture.cginc"
#pragma vertex InitCustomRenderTextureVertexShader
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 3.0



float4 frag(v2f_init_customrendertexture IN) : COLOR
_Color * tex2D(_Tex, IN.texcoord.xy);

Same as for the update shader, the only mandatory steps are these:
* #include “UnityCustomRenderTexture.cginc”

Use the provided Vertex Shader InitCustomRenderTextureVertexShader
Use the provided input structure v2f_init_customrendertexture for the pixel shader
In order to help the user in this process we provide a set of built-in values:
Input values from the v2f_customrendertexture structure:



Texture coordinates relative to the update zone being currently
localTexcoord float3
globalTexcoord float3 Texture coordinates relative to the Custom Render Texture itself
uint Index of the update zone being currently processed.


For Cube Custom Render Texture, direction of the current pixel inside
the cubemap.

Input values from the v2f_init_customrendertexture structure:

Type Value
texcoord oat3 Texture coordinates relative to the Custom Render Texture itself.
Global values:






Height of the Custom Texture in pixels

Width of the Custom Texture in pixels

Depth of the Custom Texture in pixels (only for
3D textures, otherwise will always be equal to
Only for Cubemaps: Index of the current
_CustomRenderTextureCubeFace float
cubemap face being processed (-X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z,
Only for 3D textures: Index of the current 3D
_CustomRenderTexture3DSlice float
slice being processed.
For double bu ered textures: Texture
Sampler2D containing the result of the last update before
the last swap.
For double bu ered textures: Texture
SamplerCUBE containing the result of the last update before
the last swap.
For double bu ered textures: Texture
Sampler3D containing the result of the last update before
the last swap.

Controlling Custom Render Texture from Script

Most of the functionalities described here can be accessed via the Scripting API. Changing material parameters,
update frequency, update zones, requesting an update etc, can all be done with the script.

One thing to keep in mind though is that any update requested for the Custom Texture will happen at a very
speci c time at the beginning of the frame with the current state of the Custom Texture. This guarantees that any
material using this texture will have the up-to-date result.
This means that this kind of pattern:

customRenderTexture.updateZones = updateZones1;
customRenderTexture.updateZones = updateZones2;

Will not yield the “expected” result of one update done with the rst array of update zones and then a second
update with the other array. This will do two updates with the second array.
The good rule of thumb is that any property modi ed will only be active in the next frame.
2017–05–18 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in Unity 2017.1

Movie Textures

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Note: MovieTexture is due to be deprecated in a future version of Unity. You should use VideoPlayer for video
download and movie playback.
Movie Textures are animated Textures that are created from a video le. By placing a video le in your project’s
Assets Folder, you can import the video to be used exactly as you would use a regular Texture.
Video les are imported via Apple QuickTime. Supported le types are what your QuickTime installation can play
(usually .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .avi, .asf). On Windows, movie importing requires Quicktime to be installed.
Download Quicktime from Apple Support Downloads.

The Movie Texture Inspector is very similar to the regular Texture Inspector.

Video les are Movie Textures in Unity
Increases Texture quality when viewing the texture at a steep angle. Good for oor and
Aniso Level
ground textures
Selects how the Texture is ltered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations



If enabled, the movie will loop when it nishes playing
Compression of the Ogg Theora video le. A higher value means higher quality, but
larger le size

When a video le is added to your Project, it will automatically be imported and converted to Ogg Theora format.
Once your Movie Texture has been imported, you can attach it to any GameObject or Material, just like a regular

Playing the Movie
Your Movie Texture will not play automatically when the game begins running. You must use a short script to tell it
when to play.

// this line of code will make the Movie Texture begin playing

Attach the following script to toggle Movie playback when the space bar is pressed:

public class PlayMovieOnSpace : MonoBehaviour {
void Update () {
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump")) {
Renderer r = GetComponent();
MovieTexture movie = (MovieTexture)r.material.mainTexture;
if (movie.isPlaying) {
else {

For more information about playing Movie Textures, see the Movie Texture Script Reference page

Movie Audio
When a Movie Texture is imported, the audio track accompanying the visuals are imported as well. This audio
appears as an AudioClip child of the Movie Texture.

The video’s audio track appears as a child of the Movie Texture in the Project View
To play this audio, the Audio Clip must be attached to a GameObject, like any other Audio Clip. Drag the Audio Clip
from the Project View onto any GameObject in the Scene or Hierarchy View. Usually, this will be the same
GameObject that is showing the Movie. Then use audio.Play() to make the the movie’s audio track play along with its

Movie Textures are not supported on iOS. Instead, full-screen streaming playback is provided using

You need to keep your videos inside the StreamingAssets folder located in the
Assets folder of your project.
Unity iOS supports any movie le types that play correctly on an iOS device, implying les with the extensions .mov,
.mp4, .mpv, and .3gp and using one of the following compression standards:

H.264 Baseline Pro le Level 3.0 video
MPEG–4 Part 2 video
For more information about supported compression standards, consult the iPhone SDK MPMoviePlayerController
Class Reference.
As soon as you call Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie the screen will fade from your current content to the designated
background color. It might take some time before the movie is ready to play but in the meantime, the player will
continue displaying the background color and may also display a progress indicator to let the user know the movie is
loading. When playback nishes, the screen will fade back to your content.

The video player does not respect switching to mute while playing videos
As written above, video les are played using Apple’s embedded player (as of SDK 3.2 and iPhone OS 3.1.2 and
earlier). This contains a bug that prevents Unity switching to mute.

The video player does not respect the device’s orientation

The Apple video player and iPhone SDK do not provide a way to adjust the orientation of the video. A common
approach is to manually create two copies of each movie in landscape and portrait orientations. Then, the
orientation of the device can be determined before playback so the right version of the movie can be chosen.

Movie Textures are not supported on Android. Instead, full-screen streaming playback is provided using

You need to keep your videos inside the StreamingAssets folder located in the
Assets folder of your project.
Unity Android supports any movie le type supported by Android, (ie, les with the extensions .mp4 and .3gp) and
using one of the following compression standards:

H.264 AVC
However, device vendors are keen on expanding this list, so some Android devices are able to play formats other
than those listed, such as HD videos.
For more information about the supported compression standards, consult the Android SDK Core Media Formats
As soon as you call Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie the screen will fade from your current content to the designated
background color. It might take some time before the movie is ready to play but in the meantime, the player will
continue displaying the background color and may also display a progress indicator to let the user know the movie is
loading. When playback nishes, the screen will fade back to your content.

3D Textures

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3D Textures can only be created from script. The following snippet creates 3D texture where each axis X, Y and Z
corresponds to the colour values red, green and blue.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
Texture3D texture;
void Start ()
texture = CreateTexture3D (256);
Texture3D CreateTexture3D (int size)
Color[] colorArray = new Color[size * size * size];
texture = new Texture3D (size, size, size, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
float r = 1.0f / (size ­ 1.0f);
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < size; z++) {
Color c = new Color (x * r, y * r, z * r, 1.0f);
colorArray[x + (y * size) + (z * size * size)] = c;
texture.SetPixels (colorArray);
texture.Apply ();
return texture;

Texture arrays

See Advanced ShaderLab topics.

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Rendering Components

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This group contains all Components that have to do with rendering in-game and user interface elements.
Lighting and special e ects are also included in this group.


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A Cubemap is a collection of six square textures that represent the re ections on an environment. The six squares form the
faces of an imaginary cube that surrounds an object; each face represents the view along the directions of the world axes
(up, down, left, right, forward and back).
Cubemaps are often used to capture re ections or “surroundings” of objects; for example skyboxes and environment
re ections often use cubemaps.

Cubemapped skybox and re ections

Creating Cubemaps from Textures
The fastest way to create cubemaps is to import them from specially laid out Textures. Select the Texture in the Project
window, to see the Import Settings in the Inspector window. In the Import Settings, set the Texture Type to Default,
Normal Map or Single Channel, and the Texture Shape to Cube. Unity then automatically sets the Texture up as a

Cubemap texture import type
Several commonly-used cubemap layouts are supported (and in most cases, Unity detects them automatically).
Vertical and horizontal cross layouts, as well as column and row of cubemap faces are supported:

Another common layout is LatLong (Latitude-Longitude, sometimes called cylindrical). Panorama images are often in this

SphereMap (spherical environment map) images can also be found:

By default Unity looks at the aspect ratio of the imported texture to determine the most appopriate layout from the above.
When imported, a cubemap is produced which can be used for skyboxes and re ections:

Selecting Glossy Reflection option is useful for cubemap textures that will be used by Re ection Probes. It processed
cubemap mip levels in a special way (specular convolution) that can be used to simulate re ections from surfaces of di erent

Cubemap used in a Re ection Probe on varying-smoothness surface

Legacy Cubemap Assets

Unity also supports creating cubemaps out of six separate textures. Select Assets > Create > Legacy > Cubemap from the
menu, and drag six textures into empty slots in the inspector.

Legacy Cubemap Inspector
Textures for the corresponding cubemap face.
Width and Height of each Cubemap face in pixels. The textures will be scaled automatically to
Face Size
t this size.
Should mipmaps be created?
Should the cubemap use linear color?
Should the cubemap allow scripts to access the pixel data?
Note that it is preferred to create cubemaps using the Cubemap texture import type (see above) - this way cubemap texture
data can be compressed; edge xups and glossy re ection convolution be performed; and HDR cubemaps are supported.

Other Techniques
Another useful technique is to generate the cubemap from the contents of a Unity scene using a script. The
Camera.RenderToCubemap function can record the six face images from any desired position in the scene; the code
example on the function’s script reference page adds a menu command to make this task easy.
2018–01–31 Page amended with limited editorial review

Occlusion Area

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To apply occlusion culling to moving objects you have to create an Occlusion Area and then modify its size to t
the space where the moving objects will be located (of course the moving objects cannot be marked as static).
You can create Occlusion Areas by adding the Occlusion Area component to an empty game object (Component
-> Rendering -> Occlusion Area in the menus).
After creating the Occlusion Area, check the Is View Volume checkbox to occlude moving objects.

Is View

De nes the size of the Occlusion Area.
Sets the center of the Occlusion Area. By default this is 0,0,0 and is located in the
center of the box.
De nes where the camera can be. Check this in order to occlude static objects that
are inside this Occlusion Area.

Occlusion Area properties for moving objects.
After you have added the Occlusion Area, you need to see how it divides the box into cells. To see how the
occlusion area will be calculated, select Edit and toggle the View button in the Occlusion Culling Preview Panel.

Testing the generated occlusion
After your occlusion is set up, you can test it by enabling the Occlusion Culling (in the Occlusion Culling Preview
Panel in Visualize mode) and moving the Main Camera around in the scene view.

The Occlusion View mode in Scene View
As you move the Main Camera around (whether or not you are in Play mode), you’ll see various objects disable
themselves. The thing you are looking for here is any error in the occlusion data. You’ll recognize an error if you
see objects suddenly popping into view as you move around. If this happens, your options for xing the error are
either to change the resolution (if you are playing with target volumes) or to move objects around to cover up the
error. To debug problems with occlusion, you can move the Main Camera to the problematic position for spotchecking.
When the processing is done, you should see some colorful cubes in the View Area. The blue cubes represent the
cell divisions for Target Volumes. The white cubes represent cell divisions for View Volumes. If the parameters
were set correctly you should see some objects not being rendered. This will be because they are either outside
of the view frustum of the camera or else occluded from view by other objects.
After occlusion is completed, if you don’t see anything being occluded in your scene then try breaking your
objects into smaller pieces so they can be completely contained inside the cells.

Occlusion Portals

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In order to create occlusion primitives which are openable and closable at runtime, Unity uses Occlusion Portals.

Property: Function:
Indicates if the portal is open (scriptable).
Sets the center of the Occlusion Area. By default this is 0,0,0 and is located in the center
of the box.
De nes the size of the Occlusion Area.


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Skyboxes are a wrapper around your entire scene that shows what the world looks like beyond your geometry.

Property: Function:
The tint color
Exposure Adjusts the brightness of the skybox.
Rotation Changes the rotation of the skybox around the positive y axis.
The textures used for each face of the cube used to store the skybox. Note that it is important to get
these textures into the correct slot.


Skyboxes are rendered around the whole scene in order to give the impression of complex scenery at the horizon. Internally
skyboxes are rendered after all opaque objects; and the mesh used to render them is either a box with six textures, or a

tessellated sphere.
To implement a Skybox create a skybox material. Then add it to the scene by using the Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings
menu item and specifying your skybox material as the Skybox on the Scene tab.
Adding the Skybox Component to a Camera is useful if you want to override the default Skybox. E.g. You might have a split
screen game using two Cameras, and want the Second camera to use a di erent Skybox. To add a Skybox Component to a
Camera, click to highlight the Camera and go to Component->Rendering->Skybox.
If you want to create a new Skybox, use this guide.

If you have a Skybox assigned to a Camera, make sure to set the Camera’s Clear mode to Skybox.
It’s a good idea to match your Fog color to the color of the skybox. Fog color can be set in the Lighting window.

Re ection Probe

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A Re ection Probe is rather like a camera that captures a spherical view of its surroundings in all directions. The captured
image is then stored as a Cubemap that can be used by objects with re ective materials. Several re ection probes can be
used in a given scene and objects can be set to use the cubemap produced by the nearest probe. The result is that the
re ections on the object can change convincingly according to its environment.

A Re ection Probe showing re ections from a nearby object



Choose whether the probe is for a Baked, Custom or Realtime setup?
(Custom type only) Forces objects not marked as Static to be baked in to the re ection.

(Custom type only) Sets a custom cubemap for the probe.
(Realtime type only) Selects if and how the probe will refresh at runtime. The On Awake option
renders the probe only once when it rst becomes active. Every Frame renders the probe every
frame update, optionally using Time Slicing (see below). The Via Scripting option refreshes the
probe from a user script command rather than an automatic update.
(Realtime type only) How should the probe distribute its updates over time? The options are All
Faces At Once (spreads update over nine frames), Individual Faces (updates over fourteen
Time Slicing
frames) and No Time Slicing (the update happens entirely within one frame). See below for
further details.
Runtime settings
The degree of “importance” of this probe compared to its neighbours. Higher values indicate
greater importance; more important probes will have priority over less important one in cases
where an object is within range of two or more probes. This setting also a ects the Blending,
explained here.
The intensity modi er that is applied to the texture of this probe in its shader.
Check this box to enable projection for re ection UV mappings.
The size of the box in which the re ection will be applied to the GameObject. The value is not
Box Size
a ected by the Transform of the GameObject. Also used by Box Projection.
The center of the box in which the re ections will be applied to the GameObject. The value is
Box O set
relative to the position of the GameObject. Also used by Box Projection.
Cubemap capture settings
Resolution The resolution of the captured re ection image.
Should High Dynamic Range rendering be enabled for the cubemap? This also determines
whether probe data is saved in OpenEXR or PNG format.
Distance at which shadows are drawn when rendering the probe.
Option to specify how empty background areas of the cubemap will be lled. The options are
Clear Flags
Skybox and Solid Color.
Background Background colour to which the re ection cubemap is cleared before rendering.
Allows objects on speci ed layers to be included or excluded in the re ection. See the section
about the Camera’s culling mask on the Layers page.
Occlusion Should occlusion culling be used when baking the probe?
Near and far clipping planes of the probe’s “camera”.


There are two buttons at the top of the Re ection Probe Inspector window that are used for editing the Size and Probe
Origin properties directly within the Scene. With the leftmost button (Size) selected, the probe’s zone of e ect is shown in the
scene as a yellow box shape with handles to adjust the box’s size.

The other button (Origin) allows you to drag the probe’s origin relative to the box. Note that the origin handle resembles the
Transform position handle but the two positions are not the same. Also, the rotation and scale operations are not available
for the probe box.

The probe’s Type property determines how the re ection data is created and updated:

Baked probes store a static re ection cubemap generated by baking in the editor.
Custom probes store a static cubemap which can either be generated by baking or set manually by the user.
Realtime probes update the cubemap at runtime and can therefore react to dynamic objects in the scene.
To make use of the re ection cubemap, an object must have the Re ection Probes option enabled on its Mesh Renderer
and also be using a shader that supports re ection probes. When the object passes within the volume set by the probe’s Size
and Probe Origin properties, the probe’s cubemap will be applied to the object.
You can also manually set which re ection probe to use for a particular object using the settings on the object’s Mesh
Renderer. To do this, select one of the options for the Mesh Renderer’s Re ection Probes property (Simple, Blend Probes
or Blend Probes and Skybox) and drag the chosen probe onto its Anchor Override property.
See the Re ection Probes section in the manual for further details about principles and usage.

LOD Group

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As your scenes get larger, performance becomes a bigger consideration. One of the ways to manage this is to have
meshes with di erent levels of detail depending on how far the camera is from the object. This is called Level of Detail
(abbreviated as LOD).
LOD Groups are used to manage level of detail (LOD) for GameObjects. Level of Detail is an optimisation technique that
uses several meshes for an object; the meshes represent the same object with decreasing detail in the geometry. The
idea is that the low-detail meshes are shown when the object is far from the camera and the di erence will not be
noticed. Since meshes with simpler geometry are less demanding on the hardware, performance can be improved by
using LOD judiciously.

LOD Group inspector


The di erent LOD levels are visible in the horizontal bar with the camera icon just above it (LOD: 0, LOD: 1, LOD: 2, etc).
The percentages in the LOD bars represent the fraction of the bounding box height relative to screen height where that
LOD level becomes active. You can change the percentage values by dragging the vertical lines that separate the bars.
You can also add and remove LOD levels from the bar by right-clicking it and selecting Insert Before or Delete from the
contextual menu. The position of the camera icon along the bar shows the current percentage. The percentages in the
LOD bars represent the thresholds at which the corresponding LOD level becomes active, measured by the ratio of the
object’s screen space height to screen height. Note that if the LOD Bias is not 1 the camera position is not necessarily the
actual position where LOD transits from one to another.
When you click on one of the LOD bars to select it, a Renderers panel will be shown beneath. The “renderers” are
actually GameObjects that hold the mesh to represent the LOD level; typically, this will be a child of the object that has
the LODGroup component. If you click on an empty box (with the word “Add”) in the Renderers panel, an object browser
will appear to let you choose the object for that LOD level. Although you can choose any object for the renderer, you will
be asked if you want to parent it to the LODGroup GameObject if it isn’t already a child.
From Unity 5, you can choose Fade Mode for each LOD level. The fading is used to “blend” two neighboring LODs to
achieve a smooth transition e ect. However Unity doesn’t provide a default built-in technique to blend LOD geometries.
You need to implement your own technique according to your game type and asset production pipeline. Unity calculates
a “blend factor” from the object’s screen size and passes it to your shader.
There are two modes for calculating the blend factor:

Percentage: As the object’s screen height goes from the current LOD height percentage to next, the blend factor goes from 1 to 0.
Only the meshes of the current LOD will be rendered. Cross-fade: You need to specify a Transition Width value to de ne a
cross-fading zone at the end of the current LOD where it will to transit to the next LOD. In the transition zone, both LOD
levels will be rendered. The blend factor goes from 1 to 0 for the current LOD and 0 to 1 for the next LOD.
The blend factor is accessed as the unity_LODFade.x uniform variable in your shader program. Either keyword
LOD_FADE_PERCENTAGE or LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE will be chosen for objects rendered with LOD fading.
For more details on naming conventions see the Level of detail page.
Look at the example of SpeedTree trees to see how LODGroup is con gured and how the SpeedTree shader utilizes the
unity_LODFade variable.
At the bottom of the inspector are two Recalculate buttons. The Bounds button will recalculate the bounding volume
of the object after a new LOD level is added. The Lightmap Scale button updates the Scale in Lightmap property in the
lightmaps based on changed LOD level boundaries.

Rendering Pipeline Details
This section explains the technical details behind various aspects of Unity’s rendering engine.

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Deferred shading rendering path

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This page details the deferred shading rendering path. See Wikipedia: deferred shading for an introductory technical

When using deferred shading, there is no limit on the number of lights that can a ect a GameObject. All lights are
evaluated per-pixel, which means that they all interact correctly with normal maps, etc. Additionally, all lights can have
cookies and shadows.
Deferred shading has the advantage that the processing overhead of lighting is proportional to the number of pixels the
light shines on. This is determined by the size of the light volume in the Scene regardless of how many GameObjects it
illuminates. Therefore, performance can be improved by keeping lights small. Deferred shading also has highly consistent
and predictable behaviour. The e ect of each light is computed per-pixel, so there are no lighting computations that break
down on large triangles.
On the downside, deferred shading has no real support for anti-aliasing and can’t handle semi-transparent GameObjects
(these are rendered using forward rendering). There is also no support for the Mesh Renderer’s Receive Shadows ag and
culling masks are only supported in a limited way. You can only use up to four culling masks. That is, your culling
layer mask must at least contain all layers minus four arbitrary layers, so 28 of the 32 layers must be set. Otherwise you
get graphical artefacts.

It requires a graphics card with Multiple Render Targets (MRT), Shader Model 3.0 (or later) and support for Depth
render textures. Most PC graphics cards made after 2006 support deferred shading, starting with GeForce 8xxx, Radeon
X2400, Intel G45.
On mobile, deferred shading is supported on all devices running at least OpenGL ES 3.0.
Note: Deferred rendering is not supported when using Orthographic projection. If the Camera’s projection mode is set to
Orthographic, the Camera falls back to Forward rendering.

Performance considerations
The rendering overhead of realtime lights in deferred shading is proportional to the number of pixels illuminated by the
light and not dependent on Scene complexity. So small point or spot lights are very cheap to render and if they are fully or
partially occluded by Scene GameObjects then they are even cheaper.
Of course, lights with shadows are much more expensive than lights without shadows. In deferred shading, shadowcasting GameObjects still need to be rendered once or more for each shadow-casting light. Furthermore, the lighting
shader that applies shadows has a higher rendering overhead than the one used when shadows are disabled.

Implementation details
Objects with Shaders that do not support deferred shading are rendered after deferred shading is complete, using the
forward rendering path.
The default layout of the render targets (RT0 - RT4) in the geometry bu er (g-bu er) is listed below. Data types are placed
in the various channels of each render target. The channels used are shown in parentheses.

RT0, ARGB32 format: Di use color (RGB), occlusion (A).

RT1, ARGB32 format: Specular color (RGB), roughness (A).
RT2, ARGB2101010 format: World space normal (RGB), unused (A).
RT3, ARGB2101010 (non-HDR) or ARGBHalf (HDR) format: Emission + lighting + lightmaps +
re ection probes bu er.
Depth+Stencil bu er.
So the default g-bu er layout is 160 bits/pixel (non-HDR) or 192 bits/pixel (HDR).
If using the Shadowmask or Distance Shadowmask modes for Mixed lighting, a fth target is used:

RT4, ARGB32 format: Light occlusion values (RGBA).
And thus the g-bu er layout is 192 bits/pixel (non-HDR) or 224 bits/pixel (HDR).
If the hardware does not support ve concurrent rendertargets then objects using shadowmasks will fallback to the
forward rendering path. Emission+lighting bu er (RT3) is logarithmically encoded to provide greater dynamic range than
is usually possible with an ARGB32 texture, when the Camera is not using HDR.
Note that when the Camera is using HDR rendering, there’s no separate rendertarget being created for Emission+lighting
bu er (RT3); instead the rendertarget that the Camera renders into (that is, the one that is passed to the image e ects) is
used as RT3.

G-Bu er pass
The g-bu er pass renders each GameObject once. Di use and specular colors, surface smoothness, world space normal,
and emission+ambient+re ections+lightmaps are rendered into g-bu er textures. The g-bu er textures are setup as
global shader properties for later access by shaders (CameraGBu erTexture0 .. CameraGBu erTexture3 names).

Lighting pass
The lighting pass computes lighting based on g-bu er and depth. Lighting is computed in screen space, so the time it
takes to process is independent of Scene complexity. Lighting is added to the emission bu er.
Point and spot lights that do not cross the Camera’s near plane are rendered as 3D shapes, with the Z bu er’s test against
the Scene enabled. This makes partially or fully occluded point and spot lights very cheap to render. Directional lights and
point/spot lights that cross the near plane are rendered as fullscreen quads.
If a light has shadows enabled then they are also rendered and applied in this pass. Note that shadows do not come for
“free”; shadow casters need to be rendered and a more complex light shader must be applied.
The only lighting model available is Standard. If a di erent model is wanted you can modify the lighting pass shader, by
placing the modi ed version of the Internal-DeferredShading.shader le from the Built-in shaders into a folder named
“Resources” in your “Assets” folder. Then go to the Edit->Project Settings->Graphics window. Changed the “Deferred”
dropdown to “Custom Shader”. Then change the Shader option which appears to the shader you are using.
2017–06–08 Page published with no editorial review
Light Modes (Shadowmask and Distance Shadowmask) added in 5.6

Forward Rendering Path Details

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This page describes details of Forward rendering path.
Forward Rendering path renders each object in one or more passes, depending on lights that a ect the object. Lights
themselves are also treated di erently by Forward Rendering, depending on their settings and intensity.

Implementation Details
In Forward Rendering, some number of brightest lights that a ect each object are rendered in fully per-pixel lit mode.
Then, up to 4 point lights are calculated per-vertex. The other lights are computed as Spherical Harmonics (SH), which is
much faster but is only an approximation. Whether a light will be a per-pixel light or not is dependent on this:

Lights that have their Render Mode set to Not Important are always per-vertex or SH.
Brightest directional light is always per-pixel.
Lights that have their Render Mode set to Important are always per-pixel.
If the above results in less lights than current Pixel Light Count Quality Setting, then more lights are
rendered per-pixel, in order of decreasing brightness.
Rendering of each object happens as follows:

Base Pass applies one per-pixel directional light and all per-vertex/SH lights.
Other per-pixel lights are rendered in additional passes, one pass for each light.
For example, if there is some object that’s a ected by a number of lights (a circle in a picture below, a ected by lights A
to H):

Let’s assume lights A to H have the same color and intensity and all of them have Auto rendering mode, so they would
be sorted in exactly this order for this object. The brightest lights will be rendered in per-pixel lit mode (A to D), then up
to 4 lights in per-vertex lit mode (D to G), and nally the rest of lights in SH (G to H):

Note that light groups overlap; for example last per-pixel light blends into per-vertex lit mode so there are less “light
popping” as objects and lights move around.

Base Pass
Base pass renders object with one per-pixel directional light and all SH/vertex lights. This pass also adds any lightmaps,
ambient and emissive lighting from the shader. Directional light rendered in this pass can have Shadows. Note that
Lightmapped objects do not get illumination from SH lights.
Note that when “OnlyDirectional” pass ag is used in the shader, then the forward base pass only renders main
directional light, ambient/lightprobe and lightmaps (SH and vertex lights are not included into pass data).

Additional Passes
Additional passes are rendered for each additional per-pixel light that a ect this object. Lights in these passes by default
do not have shadows (so in result, Forward Rendering supports one directional light with shadows), unless
multi_compile_fwdadd_fullshadows variant shortcut is used.

Performance Considerations
Spherical Harmonics lights are very fast to render. They have a tiny cost on the CPU, and are actually free for the GPU to
apply (that is, base pass always computes SH lighting; but due to the way SH lights work, the cost is exactly the same no
matter how many SH lights are there).
The downsides of SH lights are:

They are computed at object’s vertices, not pixels. This means they do not support light Cookies or
normal maps.
SH lighting is very low frequency. You can’t have sharp lighting transitions with SH lights. They are also
only a ecting the di use lighting (too low frequency for specular highlights).
SH lighting is not local; point or spot SH lights close to some surface will “look wrong”.
In summary, SH lights are often good enough for small dynamic objects.

Legacy Deferred Lighting Rendering

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This page details the Legacy Deferred Lighting (light prepass) rendering path. See this article for a technical overview
of deferred lighting.
Note: Deferred Lighting is considered a legacy feature starting with Unity 5.0, as it does not support some of the
rendering features (e.g. Standard shader, re ection probes). New projects should consider using
Deferred Shading rendering path instead.
NOTE: Deferred rendering is not supported when using Orthographic projection. If the camera’s projection mode is set
to Orthographic, the camera will always use Forward rendering.

When using Deferred Lighting, there is no limit on the number of lights that can a ect an object. All lights are
evaluated per-pixel, which means that they all interact correctly with normal maps, etc. Additionally, all lights can
have cookies and shadows.
Deferred lighting has the advantage that the processing overhead of lighting is proportional to the number of
pixels the light shines on. This is determined by the size of the light volume in the scene regardless of how many
objects it illuminates. Therefore, performance can be improved by keeping lights small. Deferred lighting also has
highly consistent and predictable behaviour. The e ect of each light is computed per-pixel, so there are no
lighting computations that break down on large triangles.
On the downside, deferred lighting has no real support for anti-aliasing and can’t handle semi-transparent objects
(these will be rendered using forward rendering). There is also no support for the Mesh Renderer’s Receive
Shadows ag and culling masks are only supported in a limited way. You can only use up to four culling masks.
That is, your culling layer mask must at least contain all layers minus four arbitrary layers, so 28 of the 32 layers
must be set. Otherwise you will get graphical artefacts.

It requires a graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 (or later), support for Depth render textures and two-sided
stencil bu ers. Most PC graphics cards made after 2004 support deferred lighting, including GeForce FX and later,
Radeon X1300 and later, Intel 965 / GMA X3100 and later. On mobile, all OpenGL ES 3.0 capable GPUs support
deferred lighting, and some of OpenGL ES 2.0 capable ones support it too (the ones that do support depth

Performance Considerations
The rendering overhead of realtime lights in deferred lighting is proportional to the number of pixels illuminated
by the light and is not dependent on scene complexity. So small point or spot lights are very cheap to render and
if they are fully or partially occluded by scene objects then they are even cheaper.
Of course, lights with shadows are much more expensive than lights without shadows. In deferred lighting,
shadow-casting objects still need to be rendered once or more for each shadow-casting light. Furthermore, the

lighting shader that applies shadows has a higher rendering overhead than the one used when shadows are

Implementation Details
When Deferred Lighting is used, the rendering process in Unity happens in three passes:

Base Pass: objects are rendered to produce screen-space bu ers with depth, normals, and specular
Lighting pass: the previously generated bu ers are used to compute lighting into another screenspace bu er.
Final pass: objects are rendered again. They fetch the computed lighting, combine it with color
textures and add any ambient/emissive lighting.
Objects with shaders that can’t handle deferred lighting are rendered after this process is complete, using the
forward rendering path.

Base Pass
The base pass renders each object once. View space normals and specular power are rendered into a single
ARGB32 Render Texture (with normals in RGB channels and specular power in A). If the platform and hardware
allow the Z bu er to be read as a texture then depth is not explicitly rendered. If the Z bu er can’t be accessed as
a texture then depth is rendered in an additional rendering pass using shader replacement.
The result of the base pass is a Z bu er lled with the scene contents and a Render Texture with normals and
specular power.

Lighting Pass
The lighting pass computes lighting based on depth, normals and specular power. Lighting is computed in screen
space, so the time it takes to process is independent of scene complexity. The lighting bu er is a single ARGB32
Render Texture, with di use lighting in the RGB channels and monochrome specular lighting in the A channel.
Lighting values are logarithmically encoded to provide greater dynamic range than is usually possible with an
ARGB32 texture. When a camera has HDR rendering enabled, then lighting bu er is of ARGBHalf format, and
logarithmic encoding is not performed.
Point and spot lights that do not cross the camera’s near plane are rendered as (front faces of) 3D shapes, with
the depth test against the scene enabled. Lights crossing the near plane are also rendered using 3D shapes, but
as back faces with inverted depth test instead. This makes partially or fully occluded lights very cheap to render. If
a light intersects both far and near camera planes at the same time, the above optimizations cannot be used, and
the light is drawn as a tight quad with no depth testing.
The above doesn’t apply to directional lights, which are always rendered as fullscreen quads.
If a light has shadows enabled then they are also rendered and applied in this pass. Note that shadows do not
come for “free”; shadow casters need to be rendered and a more complex light shader must be applied.
The only lighting model available is Blinn-Phong. If a di erent model is wanted you can modify the lighting pass
shader, by placing the modi ed version of the Internal-PrePassLighting.shader le from the Built-in shaders into a
folder named “Resources” in your “Assets” folder. Then go to the Edit->Project Settings->Graphics window.

Changed the “Legacy Deferred” dropdown to “Custom Shader”. Then change the Shader option which appears to
the lighting shader you are using.

Final Pass
The nal pass produces the nal rendered image. Here all objects are rendered again with shaders that fetch the
lighting, combine it with textures and add any emissive lighting. Lightmaps are also applied in the nal pass.
Close to the camera, realtime lighting is used, and only baked indirect lighting is added. This crossfades into fully
baked lighting further away from the camera.

Vertex Lit Rendering Path Details

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This page describes details of Vertex Lit rendering path.
Vertex Lit path generally renders each object in one pass, with lighting from all lights calculated for each vertex.
It’s the fastest rendering path and has the widest hardware support.
Since all lighting is calculated at the vertex level, this rendering path does not support most per-pixel e ects:
shadows, normal mapping, light cookies, and highly detailed specular highlights are not supported.

Hardware Requirements for Unity’s
Graphics Features

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iOS/Android Consoles
Deferred lighting
SM3.0, GPU support Yes
Forward rendering
Vertex Lit rendering
Realtime Shadows
GPU support
GPU support Yes
Image E ects
Programmable Shaders Yes
Fixed Function Shaders Yes

Realtime Shadows

Realtime Shadows work on most PC, console & mobile platforms. On Windows (Direct3D), the GPU also needs to
support shadow mapping features; most discrete GPUs support that since 2003 and most integrated GPUs
support that since 2007. Technically, on Direct3D 9 the GPU has to support D16/D24X8 or DF16/DF24
texture formats; and on OpenGL it has to support GL_ARB_depth_texture extension.
Mobile shadows (iOS/Android) require OpenGL ES 2.0 and GL_OES_depth_texture extension, or OpenGL ES 3.0.
Most notably, the extension is not present on Tegra-based Android devices, so shadows do not work there.

Post-processing E ects
Post-processing e ects require render-to-texture functionality, which is generally supported on anything made in
this millenium.

In Unity, you can write programmable or xed function shaders. Programmable shaders are supported
everywhere, and default to Shader Model 2.0 (desktop) and OpenGL ES 2.0 (mobile). It is possible to target higher
shader models if you want more functionality. Fixed function is supported everywhere except consoles.

Graphics HOWTOs

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This section contains a list of common graphics-related tasks in Unity, and how to carry them out.

How do I Import Alpha Textures?

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Unity uses straight alpha blending. Hence, you need to expand the color layers… The alpha channel in Unity will
be read from the rst alpha channel in the Photoshop le.

Setting Up
Before doing this, install these alpha utility photoshop actions: AlphaUtility.atn.zip
After installing, your Action Palette should contain a folder called AlphaUtility:

Getting Alpha Right
Let’s assume you have your alpha texture on a transparent layer inside photoshop. Something like this:

Duplicate the layer
Select the lowest layer. This will be source for the dilation of the background.
Select Layer->Matting->Defringe and apply with the default properties
Run the “Dilate Many” action a couple of times. This will expand the background into a new layer.

Select all the dilation layers and merge them with Command-E

Create a solid color layer at the bottom of your image stack. This should match the general color of your
document (in this case, greenish). Note that without this layer Unity will take alpha from merged transparency of
all layers.
Now we need to copy the transparency into the alpha layer.

Set the selection to be the contents of your main layer by Command-clicking on it in the Layer
Switch to the channels palette.
Create a new channel from the transparency.

Save your PSD le - you are now ready to go.

Note that if your image contains transparency (after merging layers), then Unity will take alpha from merged
transparency of all layers and it will ignore Alpha masks. A workaround for that is to create a layer with solid color
as described in item 6 under “Getting Alpha Right”

How do I Make a Skybox?

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A Skybox is a 6-sided cube that is drawn behind all graphics in the game. Here are the steps to create one:

Make 6 textures that correspond to each of the 6 sides of the skybox and put them into your
project’s Assets folder.
For each texture you need to change the wrap mode from Repeat to Clamp. If you don’t do this
colors on the edges will not match up:

Create a new Material by choosing Assets->Create->Material from the menu bar.
Select the shader drop-down in the top of the Inspector, choose Skybox/6 Sided.
Assign the 6 textures to each texture slot in the material. You can do this by dragging each texture
from the Project View onto the corresponding slots.

In this screen shot the textures have been taken from the 4.x StandardAssets/Skyboxes/Textures folder. Note that
these textures are already used in SkyBoxes.
To Assign the skybox to the scene you’re working on:

Choose Window > Rendering > Lighting Settomgs from the menu bar.
In the window that appears select the Scene tab.
Drag the new Skybox Material to the Skybox slot.

How do I make a Mesh Particle
Emitter? (Legacy Particle System)

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Mesh Particle Emitters are generally used when you need high control over where to emit particles.
For example, when you want to create a aming sword:

Drag a mesh into the scene.
Remove the Mesh Renderer by right-clicking on the Mesh Renderer’s Inspector title bar and
choose Remove Component.
Choose Mesh Particle Emitter from the Component->E ects->Legacy Particles menu.
Choose Particle Animator from the Component->E ects->Legacy Particles menu.
Choose Particle Renderer from the Component->E ects->Legacy Particles menu.
You should now see particles emitting from the mesh.
Play around with the values in the Mesh Particle Emitter.
Especially enable Interpolate Triangles in the Mesh Particle Emitter Inspector and set Min Normal Velocity and
Max Normal Velocity to 1.
To customize the look of the particles that are emitted:

Choose Assets->Create->Material from the menu bar.
In the Material Inspector, select Particles->Additive from the shader drop-down.
Drag & drop a texture from the Project view onto the texture slot in the Material Inspector.
Drag the Material from the Project View onto the Particle System in the Scene View.
You should now see textured particles emitting from the mesh.

See Also
Mesh Particle Emitter Component Reference page

How do I make a Spot Light Cookie?

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Unity ships with a few Light Cookies in the Standard Assets. When the Standard Assets are imported to your
project, they can be found in Standard Assets->Light Cookies. This page shows you how to create your own.
A great way to add a lot of visual detail to your scenes is to use cookies - grayscale textures you use to control the
precise look of in-game lighting. This is fantastic for making moving clouds and giving an impression of dense
foliage. The Light Component Reference page has more info on all this, but the main thing is that for textures to be
usable for cookies, the following properties need to be set:
To create a light cookie for a spot light:

Paint a cookie texture in Photoshop. The image should be greyscale. White pixels means full lighting
intensity, black pixels mean no lighting. The borders of the texture need to be completely black,
otherwise the light will appear to leak outside of the spotlight.
In the Texture Inspector change the Texture Type to Cookie
Enable Alpha From Grayscale (this way you can make a grayscale cookie and Unity converts it to an
alpha map automatically)

How do I x the rotation of an imported

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Some 3D art packages export their models so that the z-axis faces upward. Most of the standard scripts in Unity assume that
the y-axis represents up in your 3D world. It is usually easier to x the rotation in Unity than to modify the scripts to make
things t.

Your model with z-axis points upwards
If at all possible it is recommended that you x the model in your 3D modelling application to have the y-axis face upwards
before exporting.
If this is not possible, you can x it in Unity by adding an extra parent transform:

Create an empty GameObject using the GameObject->Create Empty menu
Position the new GameObject so that it is at the center of your mesh or whichever point you want your object
to rotate around.
Drag the mesh onto the empty GameObject
You have now made your mesh a Child of an empty GameObject with the correct orientation. Whenever writing scripts that
make use of the y-axis as up, attach them to the Parent empty GameObject.

The model with an extra empty transform

Water in Unity

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Unity includes several water Prefabs (including the necessary Shaders, scripts and art Assets) within the Standard Assets packages.
Separate daylight and nighttime water Prefabs are provided.
Note that the water re ections described in this document do not work in VR.

Re ective daylight water

Re ective/Refractive daylight water

Setting up water

Place one of the existing water Prefabs into your Scene. Make sure you have the Standard Assets installed:

Simple Daylight Simple Water and Nighttime Simple Water in Standard Assets > Water.
Fancier water - Daylight Water and Nighttime Water in Pro Standard Assets > Water (this needs some Assets
from Standard Assets > Water as well). Water mode (Simple, Re ective, Refractive) can be set in the Inspector.
The Prefab uses an oval-shaped Mesh for the water. If you need to use a di erent Mesh, change it in the Mesh Filter of the water

Creating water from scratch (Advanced)
Simple water requires attaching a script to a plane-like mesh and using the water shader:

Have mesh for the water. This should be a at mesh, oriented horizontally. UV coordinates are not required. The
water GameObject should use the Water Layer, which you can set in the Inspector.
Attach the WaterSimple script (from Standard Assets/Water/Sources) to the GameObject.
Use the FX/Water (simple) Shader in the Material, or tweak one of the provided water Materials (Daylight Simple
Water or Nighttime Simple Water).
Re ective/refractive water requires similar steps to set up from scratch:

Create a Mesh for the water. This should be a at Mesh, oriented horizontally. UV coordinates are not required.
The water GameObject should use the water Layer, which you can set in the Inspector.
Attach the Water script (from Pro Standard Assets/Water/Sources) to the GameObject (Water rendering mode
can be set in the Inspector: Simple, Re ective or Refractive.)
Use the FX/Water Shader in the Material, or tweak one of the provided water Materials (Daylight Water or
Nighttime Water).

Properties in water Materials

These properties are used in the Re ective and Refractive water Shaders. Most of them are used in the Simple water Shader as

Wave scale
Scaling of waves normal map. The smaller the value, the larger water waves.
Re ection/refraction
How much re ection/refraction is distorted by the waves normal map.

Refraction color
Additional tint for refraction.
Render textures for real-time re ection and refraction.
re ection/refraction
De nes the shape of the waves. The nal waves are produced by combining these two
normal maps, each scrolling at di erent direction, scale and speed. The second normal
map is half as large as the rst one.
Scrolling speed for rst normal map (1st and 2nd numbers) and the second normal map
Wave speed
(3rd and 4th numbers).
A texture with alpha channel controlling the Fresnel e ect - how much re ection vs.
refraction is visible, based on viewing angle.
The rest of the properties are not used by the Re ective and Refractive Shaders, but need to be set up in case the user’s video
card does not support it and must fallback to the simpler shader:

Re ective color/cube
and fresnel
Horizon color
Fallback texture

A texture that de nes water color (RGB) and Fresnel e ect (A) based on viewing angle.
The color of the water at horizon. `this is only used in the Simple water Shader.
De ne the fallback Texture used to represent the water on really old video cards, if none
of the better looking Shaders can run.

Art Asset best practice guide

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Unity supports textured 3D models from a variety of programs or sources. This short guide has been put together
by games artists with developers at Unity to help you create Assets that work better and more e ciently in your
Unity project.

Scale and units
Working to scale can be important for both lighting and physics simulation.

Set your system and project units to Metric for your software to work consistently with Unity.
Be aware that di erent systems use di erent units - for example, the system unit default for Max is
inches while in Maya it is centimeters.
Unity has di erent scaling for importing FBX vs. importing native 3D modeling software les. Make
sure you check the FBX import scale settings. For example, if you want to achieve Scale Factor = 1
and Object Transform Scale = 1, use one of the proprietary le formats and set the Convert Units
If in doubt, export a meter cube with your Scene to match in Unity.
Animation frame rate defaults can be di erent in di erent packages. Because of this, it is a good
idea to set this consistently across your pipeline (for example, at 30fps).

Files and objects

Name objects in your Scene sensibly and uniquely. This helps you locate and troubleshoot speci c
Meshes in your project.
Avoid special characters such as *()?"#$.
Use simple but descriptive names for both objects and les in order to allow for duplication later.
Keep your hierarchies as simple as you can.
With big projects in your 3D application, consider having a working le outside your Unity project
directory. This can often save time when running updates and importing unnecessary data.

Sensibly named objects help you nd things quickly


Build with an e cient topology. Use polygons only where you need them.
Optimise your geometry if it has too many polygons. Many character models need to be
intelligently optimized or even rebuilt by an artist, especially if sourced or built from:
3D capture data
Other high density NURBS patch models designed for render
Where you can a ord them, evenly spaced polygons in buildings, landscape and architecture will
help spread lighting and avoid awkward kinks.
Avoid really long thin triangles.

Stairway to framerate heaven
The method you use to construct objects can have a massive e ect on the number of polygons, especially when
not optimized. In this diagram, the same shape mesh has 156 triangles on the right and 726 on the left. 726 may
not sound like a great deal of polygons, but if this is used 40 times in a level, you will really start to see the
savings. A good rule of thumb is often to start simple and add detail where needed. It’s always easier to add
polygons than take them away.

If you author your textures to a power of two (for example, 512x512 or 256x1024), the textures will be more
e cient and won’t need rescaling at build time. You can use up to 4096x4096 pixels, but 2048x2048 is the highest
available on many graphics cards and platforms.
Search online for expert advice on creating good textures, but some of these guidelines can help you get the most
e cient results from your project:

Work with a high-resolution source le outside your Unity project (such as a .psd or Gimp le). You
can always downsize from the source, but not the other way round.
Use the Texture resolution output you require in your Scene (save a copy, for example a 256x256
optimised .png or a .tga le). You can make a judgement based on where the Texture will be seen
and where it is mapped.
Store your output Texture les together in your Unity project (for example, in \Assets\textures).
Make sure your 3D working le refers to the same Textures, for consistency when you save or
Make use of the available space in your Texture, but be aware of di erent Materials requiring
di erent parts of the same Texture. You can end up using or loading that Texture multiple times.
For alpha and elements that may require di erent Shaders, separate the Textures. For example,
the single Texture, below left, has been replaced by three smaller Textures, below right.

One Texture (left) versus three Textures (right)
Make use of tiling Textures which seamlessly repeat. This allows you to use better resolution
repeating over space.
Remove easily noticeable repeating elements from your bitmap, and be careful with contrast. To
add details, use decals and objects to break up the repeats.

Tiling Textures
Unity takes care of compression for the output platform, so unless your source is already a .jpg of
the correct resolution, it’s better to use a lossless format for your Textures.
When creating a Texture page from photographs, reduce the page to individual modular sections
that can repeat. For example, you don’t need 12 of the same window using up Texture space. This
means you can have more pixel detail for that one window.

Less is more when it comes to windows


Organize and name the materials in your Scene. This way you can nd and edit your materials in
Unity more easily when they’ve imported.
You can choose to create Materials in Unity from either:
 -  or
 Make sure you know which one you want.
Settings for Materials in your native package will not all be imported to Unity:
Di use Colour, Di use Texture and Names are usually supported.
Shader model, specular, normal, other secondary Textures and substance material settings are not
recognised or imported.

Import and export

Unity can use two types of les: saved 3D application les, and exported 3D formats. Which you decide to use can
be quite important. For more information, see Model le formats.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
2018–09–26 Page amended with limited editorial review

Importing models from 3D modeling

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There are two ways to import Models into Unity:

Drag the Model le from your le browser straight into the Unity Project window.
Copy the Model le into the Project’s Assets folder.
Select the le in the Project view and navigate to the Model tab in the Inspector window to con gure import
options. See the [Model Import Settings window] reference documentation for details.
Note: You must store Textures in a folder called Textures, placed inside the Assets folder (next to the exported
Mesh) within your Unity Project. This enables the Unity Editor to nd the Textures and connect them to the
generated Materials. For more information, see the Importing Textures documentation.

See also
Modeling optimized characters
Mesh import settings
Mesh components
Fixing the rotation of an imported Model
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

How to do Stereoscopic Rendering

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Stereoscopic rendering for DirectX11.1’s stereoscopic 3d support.
The minimum requirements are:

Windows 10
Graphic card that supports DirectX 11.
The graphics card driver needs to be set up with stereo support, and you need to use a dual DVI or DisplayPort
cable; a single DVI is not enough.
The Stereoscopic checkbox in the Player Settings is strictly for DirectX 11.1’s stereoscopic 3d support. It doesn’t currently use
AMD’s quad bu er extension. Make sure that this sample works on your machine. Stereo support works both in fullscreen and
windowed mode.
When you launch the game, hold shift to bring up the resolution dialog. There will be a checkbox in the resolution dialog for
Stereo3D if a capable display is detected. Regarding the API, there are a few options on Camera: stereoEnabled,
stereoSeparation, stereoConvergence. Use these to tweak the e ect. You will need only one camera in the scene, the
rendering of the two eyes is handled by those parameters.
Note that this checkbox is not for VR headsets.

Check your setup using this sample.
Check the Stereoscopic Rendering and Use Direct3D 11 checkboxes in the Player Settings.
Publish it as 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
Try it with single camera and double cameras.
Hold Shift when launching the application to see Stereo 3D checkbox in the resolution dialog. The resolution
dialog might be suppressed or always enabled depending on the project’s player settings.
Note: Currently, setting Unity to render in linear color space breaks stereoscopic rendering. This appears to be a Direct3D
limitation. It also appears that the camera.stereoconvergence param has no e ect at all if you have some realtime shadows
enabled (in forward rendering). In Deferred Lighting, you will get some shadows, but insconsistent between left & right eye.

Graphics Tutorials

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This section contains a number of graphics tutorials to help you learn Unity’s graphics systems.
For a more comprehensive set of lessons and tutorials, see the Graphics section on the Unity Learn page.

Shaders: ShaderLab and xed
function shaders

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This tutorial teaches you the rst steps of creating your own shaders, to help you control the look of your game
and optimise the performance of the graphics.
Unity is equipped with a powerful shading and material language called ShaderLab. In style it is similar to CgFX
and Direct3D E ects (.FX) languages - it describes everything needed to display a Material.
Shaders describe properties that are exposed in Unity’s Material Inspector and multiple shader implementations (
SubShaders) targeted at di erent graphics hardware capabilities, each describing complete graphics hardware
rendering state, and vertex/fragment programs to use. Shader programs are written in the high-level Cg/HLSL
programming language.
In this tutorial we’ll describe how to write very simple shaders using so-called “ xed function” notation. In the next
chapter we’ll introduce vertex and fragment shader programs. We assume that the reader has a basic
understanding of OpenGL or Direct3D render states, and has some knowledge of HLSL, Cg, GLSL or Metal shader
programming languages.

Getting started
To create a new shader, either choose Assets > Create > Shader > Unlit Shader from the main menu, or
duplicate an existing shader and work from that. The new shader can be edited by double-clicking it in the
Project View.
Unity has a way of writing very simple shaders in so-called “ xed-function” notation. We’ll start with this for
simplicity. Internally the xed function shaders are converted to regular vertex and fragment programs at shader
import time.
We’ll start with a very basic shader:

Shader "Tutorial/Basic" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,0.5,0.5,1)
SubShader {
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Lighting On

This simple shader demonstrates one of the most basic shaders possible. It de nes a color property called Main
Color and assigns it a default pink color (red=100% green=50% blue=50% alpha=100%). It then renders the object
by invoking a Pass and in that pass setting the di use material component to the property _Color and turning on
per-vertex lighting.
To test this shader, create a new material, select the shader from the drop-down menu (Tutorial->Basic) and
assign the Material to some object. Tweak the color in the Material Inspector and watch the changes. Time to
move onto more complex things!

Basic vertex lighting
If you open an existing complex shader, it can be a bit hard to get a good overview. To get you started, we will
dissect the built-in VertexLit shader that ships with Unity. This shader uses xed-function pipeline to do standard
per-vertex lighting.

Shader "VertexLit" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0.5)
_SpecColor ("Spec Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_Emission ("Emmisive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0)
_Shininess ("Shininess", Range (0.01, 1)) = 0.7
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" { }
SubShader {
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Ambient [_Color]
Shininess [_Shininess]
Specular [_SpecColor]
Emission [_Emission]

Lighting On
SeparateSpecular On
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
constantColor [_Color]
Combine texture * primary DOUBLE, texture * constant

All shaders start with the keyword Shader followed by a string that represents the name of the shader. This is the
name that is shown in the Inspector. All code for this shader must be put within the curly braces after it: { }
(called a block).

The name should be short and descriptive. It does not have to match the .shader le name.
To put shaders in submenus in Unity, use slashes - e.g. MyShaders/Test would be shown as Test in
a submenu called MyShaders, or MyShaders->Test.
The shader is composed of a Properties block followed by SubShader blocks. Each of these is described in
sections below.

At the beginning of the shader block you can de ne any properties that artists can edit in the Material Inspector.
In the VertexLit example the properties look like this:

The properties are listed on separate lines within the Properties block. Each property starts with the internal
name (Color, MainTex). After this in parentheses comes the name shown in the inspector and the type of the
property. After that, the default value for this property is listed:

The list of possible types are in the Properties Reference. The default value depends on the property type. In the
example of a color, the default value should be a four component vector.
We now have our properties de ned, and are ready to start writing the actual shader.

The shader body
Before we move on, let’s de ne the basic structure of a shader le.
Di erent graphic hardware has di erent capabilities. For example, some graphics cards support fragment
programs and others don’t; some can lay down four textures per pass while the others can do only two or one;
etc. To allow you to make full use of whatever hardware your user has, a shader can contain multiple
SubShaders. When Unity renders a shader, it will go over all subshaders and use the rst one that the hardware

Shader "Structure Example" {
Properties { /* ...shader properties... }
SubShader {
// ...subshader that requires DX11 / GLES3.1 hardware...
SubShader {
// ...subshader that might look worse but runs on anything :)

This system allows Unity to support all existing hardware and maximize the quality on each one. It does, however,
result in some long shaders.
Inside each SubShader block you set the rendering state shared by all passes; and de ne rendering passes
themselves. A complete list of available commands can be found in the SubShader Reference.

Each subshader is a collection of passes. For each pass, the object geometry is rendered, so there must be at least
one pass. Our VertexLit shader has just one pass:

// ...snip...
Pass {
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Ambient [_Color]
Shininess [_Shininess]
Specular [_SpecColor]
Emission [_Emission]
Lighting On
SeparateSpecular On
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
constantColor [_Color]
Combine texture * primary DOUBLE, texture * constant
// ...snip...

Any commands de ned in a pass con gures the graphics hardware to render the geometry in a speci c way.
In the example above we have a Material block that binds our property values to the xed function lighting
material settings. The command Lighting On turns on the standard vertex lighting, and SeparateSpecular On
enables the use of a separate color for the specular highlight.
All of these command so far map very directly to the xed function OpenGL/Direct3D hardware model. Consult
OpenGL red book for more information on this.
The next command, SetTexture , is very important. These commands de ne the textures we want to use and
how to mix, combine and apply them in our rendering. SetTexture command is followed by the property name of
the texture we would like to use (_MainTex here) This is followed by a combiner block that de nes how the
texture is applied. The commands in the combiner block are executed for each pixel that is rendered on screen.
Within this block we set a constant color value, namely the Color of the Material, _Color. We’ll use this constant
color below.
In the next command we specify how to mix the texture with the color values. We do this with the Combine
command that speci es how to blend the texture with another one or with a color. Generally it looks like this:
Combine ColorPart, AlphaPart
Here ColorPart and AlphaPart de ne blending of color (RGB) and alpha (A) components respectively. If
AlphaPart is omitted, then it uses the same blending as ColorPart.
In our VertexLit example: Combine texture * primary DOUBLE, texture * constant
Here texture is the color coming from the current texture (here _MainTex). It is multiplied (*) with the primary
vertex color. Primary color is the vertex lighting color, calculated from the Material values above. Finally, the result
is multiplied by two to increase lighting intensity (DOUBLE). The alpha value (after the comma) is texture
multiplied by constant value (set with constantColor above). Another often used combiner mode is called
previous (not used in this shader). This is the result of any previous SetTexture step, and can be used to
combine several textures and/or colors with each other.

Our VertexLit shader con gures standard vertex lighting and sets up the texture combiners so that the rendered
lighting intensity is doubled.
We could put more passes into the shader, they would get rendered one after the other. For now, though, that is
not nessesary as we have the desired e ect. We only need one SubShader as we make no use of any advanced
features - this particular shader will work on any graphics card that Unity supports.
The VertexLit shader is one of the most basic shaders that we can think of. We did not use any hardware speci c
operations, nor did we utilize any of the more special and cool commands that ShaderLab and Cg/HLSL has to
o er.
In the next chapter we’ll proceed by explaining how to write custom vertex & fragment programs using Cg/HLSL

Shaders: vertex and fragment programs

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This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to write vertex and fragment programs in Unity shaders. For a basic introduction
to ShaderLab see the Getting Started tutorial. If you want to write shaders that interact with lighting, read about
Surface Shaders instead.
Lets start with a small recap of the general structure of a shader:

Shader "MyShaderName"
// material properties here
SubShader // subshader for graphics hardware A
// pass commands ...
// more passes if needed
// more subshaders if needed
FallBack "VertexLit" // optional fallback

Here at the end we introduce a new command: FallBack “VertexLit”. The Fallback command can be used at the end of the
shader; it tells which shader should be used if no SubShaders from the current shader can run on user’s graphics hardware.
The e ect is the same as including all SubShaders from the fallback shader at the end. For example, if you were to write a
fancy normal-mapped shader, then instead of writing a very basic non-normal-mapped subshader for old graphics cards you
can just fallback to built-in VertexLit shader.
The basic building blocks of the shader are introduced in the rst shader tutorial while the full documentation of Properties,
SubShaders and Passes are also available.
A quick way of building SubShaders is to use passes de ned in other shaders. The command UsePass does just that, so you
can reuse shader code in a neat fashion. As an example the following command uses the pass with the name “FORWARD”
from the built-in Specular shader: UsePass “Specular/FORWARD”.
In order for UsePass to work, a name must be given to the pass one wishes to use. The Name command inside the pass gives
it a name: Name “MyPassName”.

Vertex and fragment programs
We described a pass that used just a single texture combine instruction in the rst tutorial. Now it is time to demonstrate how
we can use vertex and fragment programs in our pass.
When you use vertex and fragment programs (the so called “programmable pipeline”), most of the hardcoded functionality
(“ xed function pipeline”) in the graphics hardware is switched o . For example, using a vertex program turns o standard 3D

transformations, lighting and texture coordinate generation completely. Similarly, using a fragment program replaces any
texture combine modes that would be de ned in SetTexture commands; thus SetTexture commands are not needed.
Writing vertex/fragment programs requires a thorough knowledge of 3D transformations, lighting and coordinate spaces because you have to rewrite the xed functionality that is built into APIs like OpenGL yourself. On the other hand, you can do
much more than what’s built in!

Using Cg/HLSL in ShaderLab
Shaders in ShaderLab are usually written in Cg/HLSL programming language. Cg and DX9-style HLSL are for all practical
purposes one and the same language, so we’ll be using Cg and HLSL interchangeably (see this page for details).
Shader code is written by embedding “Cg/HLSL snippets” in the shader text. Snippets are compiled into low-level shader
assembly by the Unity editor, and the nal shader that is included in your game’s data les only contains this low-level
assembly or bytecode, that is platform speci c. When you select a shader in the Project View, the Inspector has a button to
show compiled shader code, which might help as a debugging aid. Unity automatically compiles Cg snippets for all relevant
platforms (Direct3D 9, OpenGL, Direct3D 11, OpenGL ES and so on). Note that because Cg/HLSL code is compiled by the
editor, you can’t create shaders from scripts at runtime.
In general, snippets are placed inside Pass blocks. They look like this:

Pass {
// ... the usual pass state setup ...
// compilation directives for this snippet, e.g.:
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// the Cg/HLSL code itself
// ... the rest of pass setup ...

The following example demonstrates a complete shader that renders object normals as colors:

Shader "Tutorial/Display Normals" {
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;

fixed3 color : COLOR0;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.color = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return fixed4 (i.color, 1);

When applied on an object it will result in an image like this:

Our “Display Normals” shader does not have any properties, contains a single SubShader with a single Pass that is empty
except for the Cg/HLSL code. Let’s dissect the code part by part:

#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// ...

The whole snippet is written between CGPROGRAM and ENDCG keywords. At the start compilation directives are given as
#pragma statements:

#pragma vertex name tells that the code contains a vertex program in the given function (vert here).
#pragma fragment name tells that the code contains a fragment program in the given function (frag here).

Following the compilation directives is just plain Cg/HLSL code. We start by including a built-in include le:

#include "UnityCG.cginc"

The UnityCG.cginc le contains commonly used declarations and functions so that the shaders can be kept smaller (see
shader include les page for details). Here we’ll use appdata_base structure from that le. We could just de ne them directly
in the shader and not include the le of course.
Next we de ne a “vertex to fragment” structure (here named v2f) - what information is passed from the vertex to the
fragment program. We pass the position and color parameters. The color will be computed in the vertex program and just
output in the fragment program.
We proceed by de ning the vertex program - vert function. Here we compute the position and output input normal as a color:
o.color = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;
Normal components are in –1..1 range, while colors are in 0..1 range, so we scale and bias the normal in the code above. Next
we de ne a fragment program - frag function that just outputs the calculated color and 1 as the alpha component:

fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return fixed4 (i.color, 1);

That’s it, our shader is nished! Even this simple shader is very useful to visualize mesh normals.
Of course, this shader does not respond to lights at all, and that’s where things get a bit more interesting; read about Surface
Shaders for details.

Using shader properties in Cg/HLSL code
When you de ne properties in the shader, you give them a name like _Color or _MainTex. To use them in Cg/HLSL you just
have to de ne a variable of a matching name and type. See properties in shader programs page for details.
Here is a complete shader that displays a texture modulated by a color. Of course, you could easily do the same in a texture
combiner call, but the point here is just to show how to use properties in Cg:

Shader "Tutorial/Textured Colored" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0.5)
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
SubShader {
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert

#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
fixed4 _Color;
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
v2f vert (appdata_base v)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX (v.texcoord, _MainTex);
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 texcol = tex2D (_MainTex, i.uv);
return texcol * _Color;

The structure of this shader is the same as in the previous example. Here we de ne two properties, namely _Color and
_MainTex. Inside Cg/HLSL code we de ne corresponding variables:

fixed4 _Color;
sampler2D _MainTex;

See Accessing Shader Properties in Cg/HLSL for more information.
The vertex and fragment programs here don’t do anything fancy; vertex program uses the TRANSFORM_TEX macro from
UnityCG.cginc to make sure texture scale and o set is applied correctly, and fragment program just samples the texture and
multiplies by the color property.

We have shown how custom shader programs can be written in a few easy steps. While the examples shown here are very
simple, there’s nothing preventing you to write arbitrarily complex shader programs! This can help you to take the full
advantage of Unity and achieve optimal rendering results.
The complete ShaderLab reference manual is here, and more examples in vertex and fragment shader examples page. We
also have a forum for shaders at forum.unity3d.com so go there to get help with your shaders! Happy programming, and
enjoy the power of Unity and ShaderLab.

Scriptable Render Pipeline

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The Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) is an alternative to the Unity built-in pipeline. With the SRP, you can control and tailor
rendering via C# scripts. This way, you can either slightly modify or completely build and customize the render pipeline to
your needs.
The SRP gives you more granularity and customization options than the built-in Unity render pipeline. And you can use one
of the pre-built SRPs to target your speci c needs.
Using an SRP is di erent from using the built-in Unity render pipeline. For example, the pre-built SRPs come with a new
Shader library, because the built-in Unity Shaders do not work with SRPs.
Note: This is a preview feature and is subject to change. Any scripts that use this feature may need updating in a future
release. Do not rely on this feature for full-scale production until it is no longer in preview.

Pre-built SRPs
Unity has built two Scriptable Render Pipelines that use the SRP framework: the High De nition Render Pipeline (HDRP)
and the Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP). Each render pipeline targets a speci c set of use-case scenarios and hardware
needs. The pre-built render pipelines are available as templates for new Projects.
Both of these render pipelines are delivered as packages, and include the Shader Graph and Post Processing packages.
Note: Projects made using HDRP are not compatible with the Lightweight Render Pipeline or the built-in Unity rendering
pipeline. Before you start development, you must decide which render pipeline to use in your Project.

High De nition Render Pipeline
The HDRP targets high-end hardware like consoles and PCs. With the HDRP, you’re able to achieve realistic graphics in
demanding scenarios. The HDRP uses Compute Shader technology and therefore requires compatible GPU hardware.
Use HDRP for AAA quality games, automotive demos, architectural applications and anything that favors high- delity
graphics over performance. HDRP uses physically-based Lighting and Materials, and supports both Forward and Deferred
The High De nition Render Pipeline is provided in a single template.
For more information on HDRP, see the HDRP overview on the SRP GitHub Wiki.

Lightweight Render Pipeline
You can use the LWRP across a wide range of hardware. The technology is scalable to mobile platforms, and you can also
use it for higher-end consoles and PCs. You’re able to achieve quick rendering at a high quality. LWRP uses simpli ed,
physically based Lighting and Materials.
The LWRP uses single-pass forward rendering. Use this pipeline to get optimized real-time performance on several
The Lightweight Render Pipeline is available via two templates: LWRP and LWRP-VR. The LWRP-VR comes with pre-enabled
settings speci cally for VR.
Note: Built-in and custom Lit Shaders do not work with the Lightweight Render Pipeline. Instead, LWRP has a new set of
standard shaders. If you upgrade a current Project to LWRP, you can upgrade built-in shaders to the new ones.
Fore more information on LWRP, see the LWRP overview on the SRP GitHub Wiki.

Setting up a Scriptable Render Pipeline
There are several di erent ways to install SRP, HDRP and LWRP: If you want to use one of the pre-built SRPs in a new or
current Project, continue reading this section. If you are an advanced user, and you want to modify the SRP scripts to
directly, see Creating a custom SRP.

Using a pre-built SRP with a new Project
If you want to use the HDRP or the LWRP in a new Project, and you don’t need to customise the render pipeline, you can
create a new Project using Templates.
To create a Project using Templates:

Open Unity. On the Home page, click New to start a new Project.
Under Template, select one of the render pipeline templates.
Click Create Project. Unity automatically creates a new Project for you, complete with all the functionalities
of the included built-in pipeline.
For more information on using Templates, see Project Templates.

Installing the latest SRP into an existing Project
You can download and install the latest version of HDRP, LWRP or SRP to your existing Project via the Package Manager
Switching to an SRP from an existing Project consumes a lot of time and resources. HDRP, LWRP and custom SRPs all use
custom shaders. They are not compatible with the built-in Unity shaders. You will have to manually change or convert
many elements. Instead, consider starting a new Project with your SRP of choice.
To install an SRP into an existing Project:

In Unity, open your Project.
In the Unity menu bar, go to Window > Package Manager to open the Package Manager window.
Select the All tab. This tab displays the list of available packages for the version of Unity that you are
currently running.
Select the render pipeline that you want to use from the list of packages. In the top right corner of the
window, click Install. This installs the render pipeline directly in to your Project.

Con guring and using a pre-built render pipeline

Before you can use either of the pre-built render pipelines, you must create a Render Pipeline Asset and add it to your
Project settings. The following sections explain how to create the SRP Asset and how to add it to a HDRP or LWRP.

Creating Scriptable Render Pipeline Assets
To properly use your chosen SRP, you must create a Scriptable Render Pipeline Asset.
The Scriptable Render Pipeline Asset controls the global rendering quality settings of your Project and creates the
rendering pipeline instance. The rendering pipeline instance contains intermediate resources and the render pipeline
You can create multiple Pipeline Assets to store settings for di erent platforms or for di erent testing environments.
To create a Render Pipeline Asset:

In the Editor, go to the Project window, and navigate to a directory outside of the Scriptable Render Pipeline

Right-click in the Project window, and select Create > Render Pipeline.
Select either High De nition or Lightweight, depending on your needs. Click Render Pipeline/Pipeline
Con guring and using HDRP
To use HDRP, you must edit your Project’s Player and Graphics settings as follows:

In the Editor, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player. In the Color Space dropdown, select Linear. HDRP
does not support Gamma lighting.
In the Project window, navigate to a directory outside of the Scriptable Render Pipeline folder.
Right-click the Project window, and select Create > Render Pipeline > High De nition > Render Pipeline.
Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Graphics.
In the Render Pipeline Settings eld, add the High De nition Render Pipeline Asset you created earlier.
Tip: Always store your High De nition Render Pipeline Asset outside of the Scriptable Render Pipeline folder. This ensures
that your HDRP settings are not lost when merging new changes from the SRP GitHub repository.

Con guring and using LWRP
To use the LWRP, you must edit your Project’s Graphics settings as follows:

In the Project window, navigate to a directory outside of the Scriptable Render Pipeline folder.
Right-click in the Project window, and select Create > Render Pipeline > Lightweight > Pipeline Asset.
Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Graphics.
In the _Render Pipeline Settings eld, add the Lightweight Render Pipeline Asset you created earlier.
Tip: Always store your new Render Pipeline Asset outside of the Scriptable Render Pipeline folder. This ensures that your
Lightweight settings are not lost when merging new changes from the SRP GitHub repository.

Creating a custom SRP
The Scriptable Render Pipelines are available in an open Project on GitHub. You can clone an SRP and make modi cations
in your local version.
To con gure local script les for a new or existing Unity Project:
Create a clone of the SRP repository. Place the clone in the root of the Project directory, next to the Assets folder. For
information on cloning repositories, see the GitHub help on Cloning a repository.
Checkout a branch that is compatible with your version of Unity. Use the command git checkout, and type the branch
Use the git submodule update ­­init command to nd and initialize all submodules related to the SRP.
In your Project manifest, update dependencies to so that they point to the SRP packages. To read more about Project
manifests, see the Package Manager documentation. Here is an example of what your script should look like:

"dependencies": {
"com.unity.postprocessing": "file:../ScriptableRenderPipeline/com.unity.postproc
"com.unity.render­pipelines.core": "file:../ScriptableRenderPipeline/com.unity.r

"com.unity.shadergraph": "file:../ScriptableRenderPipeline/com.unity.shadergraph
"com.unity.render­pipelines.lightweight": "file:../ScriptableRenderPipeline/com.

Open your Project in Unity. Your packages are now installed locally. When you open the Project solution in an integrated
development environment, you can debug and modify the script directly.
2018–07–03 Page published with editorial review
Scriptable Render Pipline added in 2018.1


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To have convincing physical behaviour, an object in a game must accelerate correctly and be a ected by
collisions, gravity and other forces. Unity’s built-in physics engines provide components that handle the
physical simulation for you. With just a few parameter settings, you can create objects that behave passively in a
realistic way (ie, they will be moved by collisions and falls but will not start moving by themselves). By controlling
the physics from scripts, you can give an object the dynamics of a vehicle, a machine, or even a piece of fabric.
This section gives an overview of the main physics components in Unity, with links for further reading.
Note: there are actually two separate physics engines in Unity: one for 3D physics, and one for 2D physics. The
main concepts are identical between the two engines (except for the extra dimension in 3D), but they are
implemented using di erent components. For example, there is Rigidbody component for 3D physics and an
analogous Rigidbody 2D for 2D physics.
Related tutorials: Physics; Physics Best Practices
See the Knowledge Base Physics section for troubleshooting, tips and tricks.

Physics Overview

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These pages brie y describe the main physics components available in Unity, and give details of their usage and
links for further reading.

Rigidbody overview

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A Rigidbody is the main component that enables physical behaviour for a GameObject. With a Rigidbody
attached, the object will immediately respond to gravity. If one or more Collider components are also added, the
GameObject is moved by incoming collisions.
Since a Rigidbody component takes over the movement of the GameObject it is attached to, you shouldn’t try to
move it from a script by changing the Transform properties such as position and rotation. Instead, you should
apply forces to push the GameObject and let the physics engine calculate the results.
There are some cases where you might want a GameObject to have a Rigidbody without having its motion
controlled by the physics engine. For example, you may want to control your character directly from script code
but still allow it to be detected by triggers (see Triggers under the Colliders topic). This kind of non-physical motion
produced from a script is known as kinematic motion. The Rigidbody component has a property called Is
Kinematic which removes it from the control of the physics engine and allow it to be moved kinematically from a
script. It is possible to change the value of Is Kinematic from a script to allow physics to be switched on and o
for an object, but this comes with a performance overhead and should be used sparingly.
See the Rigidbody and Rigidbody 2D reference pages for further details about the settings and scripting options
for these components.

When a Rigidbody is moving slower than a de ned minimum linear or rotational speed, the physics engine
assumes it has come to a halt. When this happens, the GameObject does not move again until it receives a
collision or force, and so it is set to “sleeping” mode. This optimisation means that no processor time is spent
updating the Rigidbody until the next time it is “awoken” (that is, set in motion again).
For most purposes, the sleeping and waking of a Rigidbody component happens transparently. However, a
GameObject might fail to wake up if a Static Collider (that is, one without a Rigidbody) is moved into it or away
from it by modifying the Transform position. This might result, say, in the Rigidbody GameObject hanging in the
air when the oor has been moved out from beneath it. In cases like this, the GameObject can be woken explicitly
using the WakeUp function. See the Rigidbody and Rigidbody 2D component pages for more information about


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Collider components de ne the shape of an object for the purposes of physical collisions. A collider, which is invisible, need
not be the exact same shape as the object’s mesh and in fact, a rough approximation is often more e cient and
indistinguishable in gameplay.
The simplest (and least processor-intensive) colliders are the so-called primitive collider types. In 3D, these are the
Box Collider, Sphere Collider and Capsule Collider. In 2D, you can use the Box Collider 2D and Circle Collider 2D. Any number
of these can be added to a single object to create compound colliders.
With careful positioning and sizing, compound colliders can often approximate the shape of an object quite well while
keeping a low processor overhead. Further exibility can be gained by having additional colliders on child objects (eg, boxes
can be rotated relative to the local axes of the parent object). When creating a compound collider like this, there should only
be one Rigidbody component, placed on the root object in the hierarchy.
Note, that primitive colliders will not work correctly with shear transforms - that means that if you use a combination of
rotations and non-uniform scales in the Transform hierarchy so that the resulting shape would no longer match a primitive
shape, the primitive collider will not be able to represent it correctly.
There are some cases, however, where even compound colliders are not accurate enough. In 3D, you can use Mesh Colliders
to match the shape of the object’s mesh exactly. In 2D, the Polygon Collider 2D will generally not match the shape of the
sprite graphic perfectly but you can re ne the shape to any level of detail you like. These colliders are much more processorintensive than primitive types, however, so use them sparingly to maintain good performance. Also, a mesh collider will
normally be unable to collide with another mesh collider (ie, nothing will happen when they make contact). You can get
around this in some cases by marking the mesh collider as Convex in the inspector. This will generate the collider shape as a
“convex hull” which is like the original mesh but with any undercuts lled in. The bene t of this is that a convex mesh collider
can collide with other mesh colliders so you may be able to use this feature when you have a moving character with a suitable
shape. However, a good general rule is to use mesh colliders for scene geometry and approximate the shape of moving
objects using compound primitive colliders.
Colliders can be added to an object without a Rigidbody component to create oors, walls and other motionless elements of a
scene. These are referred to as static colliders. In general, you should not reposition static colliders by changing the
Transform position since this will impact heavily on the performance of the physics engine. Colliders on an object that does
have a Rigidbody are known as dynamic colliders. Static colliders can interact with dynamic colliders but since they don’t have
a Rigidbody, they will not move in response to collisions.
The reference pages for the various collider types linked above have further information about their properties and uses.

Physics materials
When colliders interact, their surfaces need to simulate the properties of the material they are supposed to represent. For
example, a sheet of ice will be slippery while a rubber ball will o er a lot of friction and be very bouncy. Although the shape of
colliders is not deformed during collisions, their friction and bounce can be con gured using Physics Materials. Getting the
parameters just right can involve a bit of trial and error but an ice material, for example will have zero (or very low) friction
and a rubber material with have high friction and near-perfect bounciness. See the reference pages for Physic Material and
Physics Material 2D for further details on the available parameters. Note that for historical reasons, the 3D asset is actually
called Physic Material (without the S) but the 2D equivalent is called Physics Material 2D (with the S).

The scripting system can detect when collisions occur and initiate actions using the OnCollisionEnter function. However,
you can also use the physics engine simply to detect when one collider enters the space of another without creating a
collision. A collider con gured as a Trigger (using the Is Trigger property) does not behave as a solid object and will simply

allow other colliders to pass through. When a collider enters its space, a trigger will call the OnTriggerEnter function on the
trigger object’s scripts.

Script actions taken on collision
When collisions occur, the physics engine calls functions with speci c names on any scripts attached to the objects involved.
You can place any code you like in these functions to respond to the collision event. For example, you might play a crash
sound e ect when a car bumps into an obstacle.
On the rst physics update where the collision is detected, the OnCollisionEnter function is called. During updates where
contact is maintained, OnCollisionStay is called and nally, OnCollisionExit indicates that contact has been broken.
Trigger colliders call the analogous OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerExit functions. Note that for 2D
physics, there are equivalent functions with 2D appended to the name, eg, OnCollisionEnter2D. Full details of these
functions and code samples can be found on the Script Reference page for the MonoBehaviour class.
With normal, non-trigger collisions, there is an additional detail that at least one of the objects involved must have a nonkinematic Rigidbody (ie, Is Kinematic must be switched o ). If both objects are kinematic Rigidbodies then
OnCollisionEnter, etc, will not be called. With trigger collisions, this restriction doesn’t apply and so both kinematic and
non-kinematic Rigidbodies will prompt a call to OnTriggerEnter when they enter a trigger collider.

Collider interactions
Colliders interact with each other di erently depending on how their Rigidbody components are con gured. The three
important con gurations are the Static Collider (ie, no Rigidbody is attached at all), the Rigidbody Collider and the Kinematic
Rigidbody Collider.

Static Collider
This is a GameObject that has a Collider but no Rigidbody. Static colliders are used for level geometry which always stays at
the same place and never moves around. Incoming rigidbody objects will collide with the static collider but will not move it.
The physics engine assumes that static colliders never move or change and can make useful optimizations based on this
assumption. Consequently, static colliders should not be disabled/enabled, moved or scaled during gameplay. If you do
change a static collider then this will result in extra internal recomputation by the physics engine which causes a major drop
in performance. Worse still, the changes can sometimes leave the collider in an unde ned state that produces erroneous
physics calculations. For example a raycast against an altered Static Collider could fail to detect it, or detect it at a random
position in space. Furthermore, Rigidbodies that are hit by a moving static collider will not necessarily be “awoken” and the
static collider will not apply any friction. For these reasons, only colliders that are Rigidbodies should be altered. If you want a
collider object that is not a ected by incoming rigidbodies but can still be moved from a script then you should attach a
Kinematic Rigidbody component to it rather than no Rigidbody at all.

Rigidbody Collider
This is a GameObject with a Collider and a normal, non-kinematic Rigidbody attached. Rigidbody colliders are fully simulated
by the physics engine and can react to collisions and forces applied from a script. They can collide with other objects
(including static colliders) and are the most commonly used Collider con guration in games that use physics.

Kinematic Rigidbody Collider
This is a GameObject with a Collider and a kinematic Rigidbody attached (ie, the IsKinematic property of the Rigidbody is
enabled). You can move a kinematic rigidbody object from a script by modifying its Transform Component but it will not
respond to collisions and forces like a non-kinematic rigidbody. Kinematic rigidbodies should be used for colliders that can be
moved or disabled/enabled occasionally but that should otherwise behave like static colliders. An example of this is a sliding

door that should normally act as an immovable physical obstacle but can be opened when necessary. Unlike a static collider,
a moving kinematic rigidbody will apply friction to other objects and will “wake up” other rigidbodies when they make contact.
Even when immobile, kinematic rigidbody colliders have di erent behavior to static colliders. For example, if the collider is set
to as a trigger then you also need to add a rigidbody to it in order to receive trigger events in your script. If you don’t want the
trigger to fall under gravity or otherwise be a ected by physics then you can set the IsKinematic property on its rigidbody.
A Rigidbody component can be switched between normal and kinematic behavior at any time using the IsKinematic property.
A common example of this is the “ragdoll” e ect where a character normally moves under animation but is thrown physically
by an explosion or a heavy collision. The character’s limbs can each be given their own Rigidbody component with IsKinematic
enabled by default. The limbs will move normallly by animation until IsKinematic is switched o for all of them and they
immediately behave as physics objects. At this point, a collision or explosion force will send the character ying with its limbs
thrown in a convincing way.

Collision action matrix
When two objects collide, a number of di erent script events can occur depending on the con gurations of the colliding
objects’ rigidbodies. The charts below give details of which event functions are called based on the components that are
attached to the objects. Some of the combinations only cause one of the two objects to be a ected by the collision, but the
general rule is that physics will not be applied to an object that doesn’t have a Rigidbody component attached.

Collision detection occurs and messages are sent upon collision
Static Rigidbody
Collider Collider
Static Collider
Rigidbody Collider
Kinematic Rigidbody
Static Trigger Collider
Rigidbody Trigger
Kinematic Rigidbody
Trigger Collider
Trigger messages are sent upon collision
Static Rigidbody
Collider Collider
Static Collider
Rigidbody Collider
Kinematic Rigidbody
Static Trigger Collider
Rigidbody Trigger
Kinematic Rigidbody
Trigger Collider

Kinematic Rigidbody
Trigger Collider Trigger Collider

Kinematic Rigidbody
Trigger Collider Trigger Collider











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You can attach one rigidbody object to another or to a xed point in space using a Joint component. Generally, you
want a joint to allow at least some freedom of motion and so Unity provides di erent Joint components that enforce
di erent restrictions.
For example, a Hinge Joint allows rotation around a speci c point and axis while a Spring Joint keeps the objects apart
but lets the distance between them stretch slightly.
2D joint components have 2D at the end of the name, eg, Hinge Joint 2D. See Joints 2D for a summary of the 2D joints
and useful background information.
Joints also have other options that can enabled for speci c e ects. For example, you can set a joint to break when the
force applied to it exceeds a certain threshold. Some joints also allow a drive force to occur between the connected
objects to set them in motion automatically.
See each joint reference page for the Joint classes and for further information about their properties.

Character Controllers

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The character in a rst- or third-person game will often need some collision-based physics so that it doesn’t fall through the oor
or walk through walls. Usually, though, the character’s acceleration and movement will not be physically realistic, so it may be
able to accelerate, brake and change direction almost instantly without being a ected by momentum.
In 3D physics, this type of behaviour can be created using a Character Controller. This component gives the character a simple,
capsule-shaped collider that is always upright. The controller has its own special functions to set the object’s speed and
direction but unlike true colliders, a rigidbody is not needed and the momentum e ects are not realistic.
A character controller cannot walk through static colliders in a scene, and so will follow oors and be obstructed by walls. It can
push rigidbody objects aside while moving but will not be accelerated by incoming collisions. This means that you can use the
standard 3D colliders to create a scene around which the controller will walk but you are not limited by realistic physical
behaviour on the character itself.
You can nd out more about character controllers on the reference page.

Physics Debug Visualization

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Physics Debug Visualiser allows you to quickly inspect the Collider geometry in your Scene, and pro le common physics-based
scenarios. It provides a visualisation of which GameObjects should and should not collide with each other. This is particularly
useful when there are many Colliders in your Scene, or if the Render and Collision Meshes are out of sync.
For further guidance on improving physics performance in your project, see documentation on the Physics Pro ler.
To open the Physics Debug window in the Unity Editor, go to Window > Analysis > Physics Debugger.

Default Physics Debug Visualization settings and a Cube primitive
From this window, you can customize visual settings and specify the types of GameObjects you want to see or hide in the

Physics Debug window with fold-out options and overlay panel

The Physics Debug overlay panel
Hide Selected Items is the default mode. This means that every item appears in the visualizer, and you need to tick the checkbox
for each item to hide it. To change this to Show Selected Items, use the drop-down at the top of the window. This means that no
items appear in the visualizer, and you need to tick the checkbox for each item to display it.


Click this button to reset the Physics Debug window back to default settings.
Use the dropdown menu to determine whether or not to display Colliders from the selected
Hide Layers
Hide Static
Tick this checkbox to remove static Colliders (Colliders with no Rigidbody component) from the
Hide Triggers
Tick this checkbox to remove Colliders that are also Triggers from the visualization.
Hide Rigidbodies Tick this checkbox to remove Rigidbody components from the visualization.
Tick this checkbox to remove Colliders with Kinematic Rigidbody components (which are not
Hide Kinematic
controlled by the physics engine) from the visualization. See documentation on Rigidbody
components for more details.
Tick this checkbox to remove Colliders with Sleeping Rigidbody components (which are not
Hide Sleeping
currently engaging with the physics engine) from the visualization. See documentation on
Rigidbody components: Sleeping for more details.
Collider Types
Use these options to remove speci c Collider types from the physics visualization.

Tick this checkbox to remove Box Colliders from the visualization.
Tick this checkbox to remove Sphere Colliders from the visualization.
Tick this checkbox to remove Capsule Colliders from the visualization.
MeshColliders Tick this checkbox to remove convex Mesh Colliders from the visualization.
MeshColliders Tick this checkbox to remove concave Mesh Colliders from the visualization.
Tick this checkbox to remove Terrain Colliders from the visualization.
Hide None
Click Hide None to clear all ltering criteria and display all Collider types in the visualization.
Hide All
Click Hide All to enable all lters and remove all Collider types from the visualization.
Use these settings to de ne how Unity displays physics components in the visualization.
Use this color selector to de ne which color indicates static Colliders (Colliders with no
Rigidbody component) in the visualization.
Use this color selector to de ne which color indicates Colliders that are also Triggers in the
Use this color selector to de ne which color indicates Rigidbody components in the
Use this color selector to de ne which color indicates Kinematic Rigidbody components
(which are not controlled by the physics engine) from the visualization. See documentation on
Rigidbody components for more details.
Use this color selector to de ne which color indicates Sleeping Rigidbody components (which
are not currently engaging with the physics engine) from the visualization. See documentation
on Rigidbody components: Sleeping for more details.
Use the slider to set a value between 0 and 1. This de nes how much of your chose color
blends with a random color. Use this to visually separate Colliders by color, and to see the
structure of the GameObjects.
Use these settings to de ne how Unity renders and displays the physics visualization.
Use the slider to set the value between 0 and 1. This de nes the transparency of drawn
collision geometry in the visualization.
Normal render geometry can sometimes obscure Colliders (for example, a Mesh Collider plane
underneath a oor).Tick the Force Overdraw checkbox to make the visualization renderer
draw Collider geometry on top of render geometry.
Use this to set the view distance of the visualization.
Use this to set the maximum number of Terrain tiles in the visualization.
Tiles Max
The overlay panel has further options:

The Physics Debug overlay panel
Property Function


Pro ling

Tick this checkbox to enable collision geometry visualization.
Tick this checkbox to enable mouse-over highlighting and mouse selection. This can be useful if you
have large GameObjects obstructing each other in the visualizer.

You can use Physics Debug to pro le and troubleshoot physics activity in your game. You can customize which types of Colliders or
Rigidbody components you can see in the visualiser, to help you nd the source of activity. The two most helpful are:
To see active Rigidbody components only: To see only the Rigidbody components that are active and therefore using CPU/GPU
resources, tick Hide Static Colliders and Hide Sleeping Bodies.
To see non-convex Mesh Colliders only: Non-convex (triangle-based) Mesh Colliders tend to generate the most contacts when
their attached Rigidbody components are very near a collision with another Rigidbody or Collider. To visualize only the non-convex
Mesh Colliders, set the window to Show Selected Items mode, click the Select None button, then tick the Show MeshColliders
(concave) checkbox.

Scripting API Reference
See Unity Scripting API Reference for:

2017–06–01 Page amended with editorial review
Physics Debug Visualization is a new feature in Unity 5.6

3D Physics Reference

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This section gives details of the components used with 3D physics. See Physics 2D Reference for the equivalent
2D components.

Box Collider

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The Box Collider is a basic cube-shaped collision primitive.


If enabled, this Collider is used for triggering events, and is ignored by the
physics engine.
Reference to the Physics Material that determines how this Collider interacts with others.


The position of the Collider in the object’s local space.
The size of the Collider in the X, Y, Z directions.


Box colliders are obviously useful for anything roughly box-shaped, such as a crate or a chest. However, you can
use a thin box as a oor, wall or ramp. The box shape is also a useful element in a compound collider.

Capsule Collider

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The Capsule Collider is made of two half-spheres joined together by a cylinder. It is the same shape as the
Capsule primitive.

Property: Function:
If enabled, this Collider is used for triggering events, and is ignored by the
Is Trigger
physics engine.
Material Reference to the Physics Material that determines how this Collider interacts with others.
Center The position of the Collider in the object’s local space.
Radius The radius of the Collider’s local width.
Height The total height of the Collider.
Direction The axis of the capsule’s lengthwise orientation in the object’s local space.


You can adjust the Capsule Collider’s Radius and Height independently of each other. It is used in the
Character Controller and works well for poles, or can be combined with other Colliders for unusual shapes.



A standard Capsule Collider

Character Controller

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The Character Controller is mainly used for third-person or rst-person player control that does not make use of
Rigidbody physics.

O set

Limits the collider to only climb slopes that are less steep (in degrees) than the indicated value.
The character will step up a stair only if it is closer to the ground than the indicated value. This
should not be greater than the Character Controller’s height or it will generate an error.
Two colliders can penetrate each other as deep as their Skin Width. Larger Skin Widths reduce
jitter. Low Skin Width can cause the character to get stuck. A good setting is to make this value
10% of the Radius.

If the character tries to move below the indicated value, it will not move at all. This can be used
to reduce jitter. In most situations this value should be left at 0.
Center This will o set the Capsule Collider in world space, and won’t a ect how the Character pivots.
Radius Length of the Capsule Collider’s radius. This is essentially the width of the collider.
The Character’s Capsule Collider height. Changing this will scale the collider along the Y axis in
both positive and negative directions.

The Character Controller


The traditional Doom-style rst person controls are not physically realistic. The character runs 90 miles per hour, comes
to a halt immediately and turns on a dime. Because it is so unrealistic, use of Rigidbodies and physics to create this
behavior is impractical and will feel wrong. The solution is the specialized Character Controller. It is simply a capsule
shaped Collider which can be told to move in some direction from a script. The Controller will then carry out the
movement but be constrained by collisions. It will slide along walls, walk up stairs (if they are lower than the Step
O set) and walk on slopes within the Slope Limit.
The Controller does not react to forces on its own and it does not automatically push Rigidbodies away.
If you want to push Rigidbodies or objects with the Character Controller, you can apply forces to any object that it
collides with via the OnControllerColliderHit() function through scripting.
On the other hand, if you want your player character to be a ected by physics then you might be better o using a
Rigidbody instead of the Character Controller.

Fine-tuning your character
You can modify the Height and Radius to t your Character’s mesh. It is recommended to always use around 2 meters
for a human-like character. You can also modify the Center of the capsule in case your pivot point is not at the exact
center of the Character.
Step O set can a ect this too, make sure that this value is between 0.1 and 0.4 for a 2 meter sized human.
Slope Limit should not be too small. Often using a value of 90 degrees works best. The Character Controller will not be
able to climb up walls due to the capsule shape.

Don’t get stuck
The Skin Width is one of the most critical properties to get right when tuning your Character Controller. If your
character gets stuck it is most likely because your Skin Width is too small. The Skin Width will let objects slightly
penetrate the Controller but it removes jitter and prevents it from getting stuck.
It’s good practice to keep your Skin Width at least greater than 0.01 and more than 10% of the Radius.
We recommend keeping Min Move Distance at 0.
See the Character Controller script reference here
You can download an example project showing pre-setup animated and moving character controllers from the
Resources area on our website.

Try adjusting your Skin Width if you nd your character getting stuck frequently.
The Character Controller can a ect objects using physics if you write your own scripts.
The Character Controller can not be a ected by objects through physics.
Note that changing Character Controller properties in the inspector will recreate the controller in the
scene, so any existing Trigger contacts will get lost, and you will not get any OnTriggerEntered messages
until the controller is moved again.
The Character Controller’s capsule used in queries such as raycast might shrink by a small factor. Queries
therefore could miss in some corner cases, even when they appear to hit the Character Controller’s

Character Joint

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Character Joints are mainly used for Ragdoll e ects. They are an extended ball-socket joint which allows you to limit
the joint on each axis.
If you just want to set up a ragdoll read about Ragdoll Wizard.

Con gure
Swing Axis
Low Twist
High Twist

Optional reference to the Rigidbody that the joint is dependent upon. If not set, the
joint connects to the world.
The point in the GameObject’s local space where the joint rotates around.
The twist axes. Visualized with the orange gizmo cone.
If this is enabled, then the Connected Anchor position will be calculated automatically
to match the global position of the anchor property. This is the default behavior. If this
is disabled, you can con gure the position of the connected anchor manually.
Manual con guration of the connected anchor position.
The swing axis. Visualized with the green gizmo cone.
The lower limit of the joint. See below.
The higher limit of the joint. See below.

Limits the rotation around one element of the de ned Swing Axis (visualized with the
green axis on the gizmo). See below.
Swing 2 Limit Limits movement around one element of the de ned Swing Axis. See below.
Swing 1 Limit

Break Force The force that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
Break Torque The torque that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
When checked, this enables collisions between bodies connected with a joint.
Disabling preprocessing helps to stabilize impossible-to-ful l con gurations.

The Character Joint on a Ragdoll


Character joints give you a lot of possibilities for constraining motion like with a universal joint.
The twist axis (visualized with the orange access on the gizmo) gives you most control over the limits as you can
specify a lower and upper limit in degrees (the limit angle is measured relative to the starting position). A value of –30
in Low Twist Limit->Limit and 60 in High Twist Limit->Limit limits the rotation around the twist axis (orange gizmo)
between –30 and 60 degrees.
The Swing 1 Limit limits the rotation around the swing axis (visualized with the green axis on the gizmo). The limit
angle is symmetric. Thus a value of 30 will limit the rotation between –30 and 30.
The Swing 2 Limit axis isn’t visualized on the gizmo but the axis is orthogonal to the two other axes (that is the twist
axis visualised in orange on the gizmo and the Swing 1 Limit visualised in green on the gizmo). The angle is
symmetric, thus a value of 40 will limit the rotation around that axis between –40 and 40 degrees.
For each of the limits the following values can be set:


A value of 0 will not bounce. A value of 1 will bounce without any loss of energy.
The spring force used to keep the two objects together.
The damper force used to dampen the spring force.
Within the contact distance from the limit contacts will persist in order to avoid

Breaking joints

You can use the Break Force and Break Torque properties to set limits for the joint’s strength. If these are less than
in nity, and a force/torque greater than these limits are applied to the object, its Fixed Joint will be destroyed and
will no longer be con ned by its restraints.

You do not need to assign a Connected Body to your joint for it to work.
Character Joints require your object to have a Rigidbody attached.
For Character Joints made with the Ragdoll wizard, take a note that the setup is made such that the
joint’s Twist axis corresponds with the limb’s largest swing axis, the joint’s Swing 1 axis corresponds
with limb’s smaller swing axis and joint’s Swing 2 is for twisting the limb. This naming scheme is for
legacy reasons.

Con gurable Joint

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Con gurable Joints are extremely customisable since they incorporate all the functionality of the other joint types.
You can use them to create anything from adapted versions of the existing joints to highly specialised joints of your
own design.



The other Rigidbody object to which the joint is connected. You can set this to None
to indicate that the joint is attached to a xed position in space rather than another


The point where the center of the joint is de ned. All physics-based simulation will
use this point as the center in calculations
The local axis that will de ne the object’s natural rotation based on physics
Auto Con gure If this is enabled, then the Connected Anchor position will be calculated automatically
to match the global position of the anchor property. This is the default behavior. If
this is disabled, you can con gure the position of the connected anchor manually.
Manual con guration of the connected anchor position.
Together, Axis and Secondary Axis de ne the local coordinate system of the joint.
Secondary Axis
The third axis is set to be orthogonal to the other two.
Allow movement along the X, Y or Z axes to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited
X, Y, Z Motion
according to the limit properties described below.
Angular X, Y, Z Allow rotation around the X, Y or Z axes to be Free, completely Locked, or Limited
according to the limit properties described below.
Linear Limit
A spring force applied to pull the object back when it goes past the limit position.
The spring force. If this value is set to zero then the limit will be impassable; a value
other than zero will make the limit elastic.
The reduction of the spring force in proportion to the speed of the joint’s movement.
Setting a value above zero allows the joint to “dampen” oscillations which would
otherwise carry on inde nitely.
Limit on the joint’s linear movement (ie, movement over distance rather than
Linear Limit
rotation), speci ed as a distance from the joint’s origin.
The distance in world units from the origin to the limit.
Bounciness Bounce force applied to the object to push it back when it reaches the limit distance.
The minimum distance tolerance (between the joint position and the limit) at which
the limit will be enforced. A high tolerance makes the limit less likely to be violated
when the object is moving fast. However, this will also require the limit to be taken
into account by the physics simulation more often and this will tend to reduce
performance slightly.
Angular X Limit A spring torque applied to rotate the object back when it goes past the limit angle of
the joint.
The spring torque. If this value is set to zero then the limit will be impassable; a value
other than zero will make the limit elastic.
The reduction of the spring torque in proportion to the speed of the joint’s rotation.
Setting a value above zero allows the joint to “dampen” oscillations which would
otherwise carry on inde nitely.
Low Angular X Lower limit on the joint’s rotation around the X axis, speci ed as a angle from the
joint’s original rotation.
The limit angle.
Bounciness Bounce torque applied to the object when its rotation reaches the limit angle.


The minimum angular tolerance (between the joint angle and the limit) at which the
limit will be enforced. A high tolerance makes the limit less likely to be violated when
the object is moving fast. However, this will also require the limit to be taken into
account by the physics simulation more often and this will tend to reduce
performance slightly.
High Angular This is similar to the Low Angular X Limit property described above but it determines
the upper angular limit of the joint’s rotation rather than the lower limit.
Angular YZ
This is similar to the Angular X Limit Spring described above but applies to rotation
Limit Spring
around both the Y and Z axes.
Analogous to the Angular X Limit properties described above but applies to the Y axis
Angular Y Limit
and regards both the upper and lower angular limits as being the same.
Analogous to the Angular X Limit properties described above but applies to the Z axis
Angular Z Limit
and regards both the upper and lower angular limits as being the same.
Target Position The target position that the joint’s drive force should move it to.
The desired velocity with which the joint should move to the Target Position under the
Target Velocity
drive force.
The drive force that moves the joint linearly along its local X axis.
The mode determines whether the joint should move to reach a speci ed Position, a
speci ed Velocity or both.
The spring force that moves the joint towards its target position. This is only used
when the drive mode is set to Position or Position and Velocity.
The reduction of the spring force in proportion to the speed of the joint’s movement.
Setting a value above zero allows the joint to “dampen” oscillations which would
otherwise carry on inde nitely. This is only used when the drive mode is set to
Position or Position and Velocity.
Maximum The force used to accelerate the joint toward its target velocity. This is only used
when the drive mode is set to Velocity or Position and Velocity.
This is analogous to the X Drive described above but applies to the joint’s Y axis.
This is analogous to the X Drive described above but applies to the joint’s Z axis.
The orientation that the joint’s rotational drive should rotate towards, speci ed as a
The angular velocity that the joint’s rotational drive should aim to achieve. This is
Target Angular
speci ed as a vector whose length speci es the rotational speed and whose direction
de nes the axis of rotation.
The way in which the drive force will be applied to the object to rotate it to the target
Rotation Drive orientation. If the mode is set to X and YZ, the torque will be applied around these
axes as speci ed by the Angular X/YZ Drive properties described below. If Slerp mode
is used then the Slerp Drive properties will determine the drive torque.
Angular X
This speci es how the joint will be rotated by the drive torque around its local X axis.
It is used only if the Rotation Drive Mode property described above is set to X & YZ.
The mode determines whether the joint should move to reach a speci ed angular
Position, a speci ed angular Velocity or both.
The spring torque that rotates the joint towards its target position. This is only used
when the drive mode is set to Position or Position and Velocity.


The reduction of the spring torque in proportion to the speed of the joint’s
movement. Setting a value above zero allows the joint to “dampen” oscillations which
would otherwise carry on inde nitely. This is only used when the drive mode is set to
Position or Position and Velocity.
Maximum The torque used to accelerate the joint toward its target velocity. This is only used
when the drive mode is set to Velocity or Position and Velocity.
This is analogous to the Angular X Drive described above but applies to both the
joint’s Y and Z axes.
This speci es how the joint will be rotated by the drive torque around all local axes. It
Slerp Drive
is used only if the Rotation Drive Mode property described above is set to Slerp.
The mode determines whether the joint should move to reach a speci ed angular
Position, a speci ed angular Velocity or both.
The spring torque that rotates the joint towards its target position. This is only used
when the drive mode is set to Position or Position and Velocity.
The reduction of the spring torque in proportion to the speed of the joint’s
movement. Setting a value above zero allows the joint to “dampen” oscillations which
would otherwise carry on inde nitely. This is only used when the drive mode is set to
Position or Position and Velocity.
Maximum The torque used to accelerate the joint toward its target velocity. This is only used
when the drive mode is set to Velocity or Position and Velocity.
This de nes how the joint will be snapped back to its constraints when it
unexpectedly moves beyond them (due to the physics engine being unable to
reconcile the current combination of forces within the simulation). The options are
None and Position and Rotation.
The distance the joint must move beyond its constraints before the physics engine
will attempt to snap it back to an acceptable position.
The angle the joint must rotate beyond its constraints before the physics engine will
attempt to snap it back to an acceptable position.
Con gured in Should the values set by the various target and drive properties be calculated in
World Space
world space instead of the object’s local space?
If enabled, this will make the joint behave as though the component were attached
Swap Bodies
to the connected Rigidbody (ie, the other end of the joint).
If the joint is pushed beyond its constraints by a force larger than this value then the
Break Force
joint will be permanently “broken” and deleted.
If the joint is rotated beyond its constraints by a torque larger than this value then
Break Torque
the joint will be permanently “broken” and deleted.
Should the object with the joint be able to collide with the connected object (as
opposed to just passing through each other)?
If preprocessing is disabled then certain “impossible” con gurations of the joint will
Preprocessing be kept more stable rather than drifting wildly out of control.


Like the other joints, the Con gurable Joint allows you to restrict the movement of an object but also to drive it to a
target velocity or position using forces. However, there are many con guration options available and they can be

quite subtle when used in combination; you may need to experiment with di erent options to get the joint to behave
exactly the way you want.

Constraining Movement
You can constrain both translational movement and rotation on each axis independently using the X, Y, Z Motion and
X, Y, Z Rotation properties. If Con gured In World Space is enabled then movements will be constrained to the world
axes rather than the object’s local axes. Each of these properties can be set to Locked, Limited or Free:

A Locked axis will allow no movement at all. For example, an object locked in the world Y axis cannot
move up or down.
A Limited axis allows free movement between prede ned limits, as explained below. For example, a
gun turret might be given a restricted arc of re by limiting its Y rotation to a speci c angular range.
A Free axis allows any movement.
You can limit translational movement using the Linear Limit property, which de nes the maximum distance the joint
can move from its point of origin. (measured along each axis separately). For example, you could constrain the puck
for an air hockey table by locking the joint in the Y axis (in world space), leaving it free in the Z axis and setting the
limit for the X axis to t the width of the table; the puck would then be constrained to stay within the playing area.

Z axis (free)

Original joint X position

Limit distance

X axis (limited)
You can also limit rotation using the Angular Limit properties. Unlike the linear limit, these allow you to specify
di erent limit values for each axis. Additionally, you can also de ne separate upper and lower limits on the angle of
rotation for the X axis (the other two axes use the same angle either side of the original rotation). For example, you
could construct a “teeter table” using a at plane with a joint constrained to allow slight tilting in the X and Z
directions while leaving the Y rotation locked.

Bounciness and Springs
By default, a joint simply stops moving when it runs into its limit. However, an inelastic collision like this is rare in the
real world and so it is useful to add some feeling of bounce to a constrained joint. You can use the Bounciness
property of the linear and angular limits to make the constrained object bounce back after it hits its limit. Most
collisions will look more natural with a small amount of bounciness but you can also set this property higher to
simulate unusually bouncy boundaries like, say, the cushions of a pool table.

Bouncy joint does not cross the limit
The joint limits can be softened further using the spring properties: Linear Limit Spring for translation and Angular X/YZ
Limit Spring for rotation. If you set the Spring property to a value above zero, the joint will not abruptly stop moving
when it hits a limit but will be drawn back to the limit position by a spring force (the strength of the force is
determined by the Spring value). By default, the spring is perfectly elastic and will tend to catapult the joint back in
the direction opposite to the collision. However, you can use the Damper property to reduce the elasticity and return
the joint to the limit more gently. For example, you might use a spring joint to create a lever that can be pulled to
the left or right but then springs back to an upright position. If the springs are perfectly elastic then the lever will tend
to oscillate back and forth around the centre point after it is released. However, if you add enough damping then the
spring will rapidly settle down to the neutral position.

Spring joint crosses the limit but is pulled back to it

Drive forces

Not only can a joint react to the movements of the attached object, but it can also actively apply drive forces to set the
object in motion. Some joints simple need to keep the object moving at a constant speed as with, say, a rotary motor
turning a fan blade. You can set your desired velocity for such joints using the Target Velocity and Target Angluar
Velocity properties. You might also require joints that move their object towards a particular position in space (or a
particular orientation); you can set these using the Target Position and Target Rotation properties. For example, you
could implement a forklift by mounting the forks on a con gurable joint and then setting the target height to raise
them from a script.
With the target set, the X, Y, Z Drive and Angular X/YZ Drive (or alternatively Slerp Drive) properties then specify the
force used to push the joint toward it. The Drives’ Mode property selects whether the joint should seek a target
position, velocity or both. The Position Spring and Position Damper work in the same way as for the joint limits when
seeking a target position. In velocity mode, the spring force is dependent on the “distance” between the current
velocity and the target velocity; the damper helps the velocity to settle at the chosen value rather than oscillating
endlessly around it. The Maximum Force property is a nal re nement that prevents the force applied by the spring

from exceeding a limit value regardless of how far the joint is from its target. This prevents the circumstance where a
joint stretched far from its target rapidly snaps the object back in an uncontrolled way.
Note that with all the drive forces (except for Slerp Drive, described below), the force is applied separately in each
axis. So, for example, you could implement a spacecraft that has a high forward ying speed but a relatively low
speed in sideways steering motion.

Slerp Drive
While the other drive modes apply forces in separate axes, Slerp Drive uses the Quaternion’s spherical interpolation
or “slerp” functionality to reorient the joint. Rather than isolating individual axes, the slerp process essentially nds
the minimum total rotation that will take the object from the current orientation to the target and applies it on all
axes as necessary. Slerp drive is slightly easier to con gure and ne for most purposes but does not allow you to
specify di erent drive forces for the X and Y/Z axes.
To enable Slerp drive, you should change the Rotation Drive Mode property from X and YZ to Slerp. Note that the
modes are mutually exclusive; the joint will use either the Angular X/YZ Drive values or the Slerp Drive values but not
both together.

Constant Force

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Constant Force is a quick utility for adding constant forces to a Rigidbody. This works great for one shot objects
like rockets, if you don’t want it to start with a large velocity but instead accelerate.

Property: Function:
The vector of a force to be applied in world space.
The vector of a force to be applied in the object’s local space.
The vector of a torque, applied in world space. The object will begin spinning around this
vector. The longer the vector is, the faster the rotation.
Relative The vector of a torque, applied in local space. The object will begin spinning around this
Torque vector. The longer the vector is, the faster the rotation.


To make a rocket that accelerates forward set the Relative Force to be along the positive z-axis. Then use the
Rigidbody’s Drag property to make it not exceed some maximum velocity (the higher the drag the lower the
maximum velocity will be). In the Rigidbody, also make sure to turn o gravity so that the rocket will always stay
on its path.

To make an object ow upwards, add a Constant Force with the Force property having a positive Y
To make an object y forwards, add a Constant Force with the Relative Force property having a
positive Z value.

Fixed Joint

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Fixed Joints restricts an object’s movement to be dependent upon another object. This is somewhat similar to
Parenting but is implemented through physics rather than Transform hierarchy. The best scenarios for using
them are when you have objects that you want to easily break apart from each other, or connect two object’s
movement without parenting.


Optional reference to the Rigidbody that the joint is dependent upon. If not set,
the joint connects to the world.
The force that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
The torque that needs to be applied for this joint to break.

Break Force
Break Torque
When checked, this enables collisions between bodies connected with a joint.
Disabling preprocessing helps to stabilize impossible-to-ful l con gurations.


There may be scenarios in your game where you want objects to stick together permanently or temporarily. Fixed
Joints may be a good Component to use for these scenarios, since you will not have to script a change in your
object’s hierarchy to achieve the desired e ect. The trade-o is that you must use Rigidbodies for any objects that
use a Fixed Joint.
For example, if you want to use a “sticky grenade”, you can write a script that will detect collision with another
Rigidbody (like an enemy), and then create a Fixed Joint that will attach itself to that Rigidbody. Then as the enemy
moves around, the joint will keep the grenade stuck to them.

Breaking joints
You can use the Break Force and Break Torque properties to set limits for the joint’s strength. If these are less
than in nity, and a force/torque greater than these limits are applied to the object, its Fixed Joint will be destroyed
and will no longer be con ned by its restraints.

You do not need to assign a Connected Body to your joint for it to work.
Fixed Joints require a Rigidbody.

Hinge Joint

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The Hinge Joint groups together two Rigidbodies, constraining them to move like they are connected by a hinge.
It is perfect for doors, but can also be used to model chains, pendulums, etc.

Connected Body
Auto Con gure
Connected Anchor
Connected Anchor

Optional reference to the Rigidbody that the joint is dependent upon. If not
set, the joint connects to the world.
The position of the axis around which the body swings. The position is
de ned in local space.
The direction of the axis around which the body swings. The direction is
de ned in local space.
If this is enabled, then the Connected Anchor position will be calculated
automatically to match the global position of the anchor property. This is
the default behavior. If this is disabled, you can con gure the position of
the connected anchor manually.
Manual con guration of the connected anchor position.

Use Spring
Target Position
Use Motor
Target Velocity
Free Spin
Use Limits

Spring makes the Rigidbody reach for a speci c angle compared to its
connected body.
Properties of the Spring that are used if Use Spring is enabled.
The force the object asserts to move into the position.
The higher this value, the more the object will slow down.
Target angle of the spring. The spring pulls towards this angle measured in
The motor makes the object spin around.
Properties of the Motor that are used if Use Motor is enabled.
The speed the object tries to attain.
The force applied in order to attain the speed.
If enabled, the motor is never used to brake the spinning, only accelerate it.
If enabled, the angle of the hinge will be restricted within the Min & Max

Limits __ |Properties
of the Limits that are
used if Use Limits__ is
The lowest angle the rotation can go.
The highest angle the rotation can go.
How much the object bounces when it hits the minimum or maximum stop
Within the contact distance from the limit contacts will persist in order to
Contact Distance
avoid jitter.
Break Force
The force that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
Break Torque
The torque that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
When checked, this enables collisions between bodies connected with a
Enable Collision
Disabling preprocessing helps to stabilize impossible-to-ful l
Enable Preprocessing
con gurations.


A single Hinge Joint should be applied to a GameObject. The hinge will rotate at the point speci ed by the
Anchor property, moving around the speci ed Axis property. You do not need to assign a GameObject to the
joint’s Connected Body property. You should only assign a GameObject to the Connected Body property if you
want the joint’s Transform to be dependent on the attached object’s Transform.
Think about how the hinge of a door works. The Axis in this case is up, positive along the Y axis. The Anchor is
placed somewhere at the intersection between door and wall. You would not need to assign the wall to the
Connected Body, because the joint will be connected to the world by default.
Now think about a doggy door hinge. The doggy door’s Axis would be sideways, positive along the relative X axis.
The main door should be assigned as the Connected Body, so the doggy door’s hinge is dependent on the main
door’s Rigidbody.

Multiple Hinge Joints can also be strung together to create a chain. Add a joint to each link in the chain, and attach
the next link as the Connected Body.

You do not need to assign a Connected Body to your joint for it to work.
Use Break Force in order to make dynamic damage systems. You can use this to allow the player
to damage the environment (for example, break a door o its hinges by blasting it with a rocket
launcher or running into it with a car).
The Spring, Motor, and Limits properties allow you to ne-tune your joint’s behaviors.
Use of Spring, Motor are intended to be mutually exclusive. Using both at the same time leads to
unpredictable results.

Mesh Collider

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The Mesh Collider takes a Mesh Asset and builds its Collider based on that Mesh. It is far more accurate for
collision detection than using primitives for complicated Meshes. Mesh Colliders that are marked as Convex can collide with
other Mesh Colliders.


Tick the checkbox to enable Convex. If enabled, this Mesh Collider collides with other Mesh
Colliders. Convex Mesh Colliders are limited to 255 triangles.
If enabled, Unity uses this Collider for triggering events, and the physics engine ignores it.

Is Trigger
Enable or disable the Mesh cooking options that a ect how the physics engine processes Meshes.
Disable all of the Cooking Options listed below.
Everything Enable all of the Cooking Options listed below.
In ate
Allow the physics engine to increase the volume of the input Mesh, to generate a valid convex
Make the physics engine cook Meshes for faster simulation. When enabled, this runs some extra
Cook for steps to guarantee the resulting Mesh is optimal for run-time performance. This a ects the
performance of the physics queries and contacts generation. When this setting is disabled, the
Simulation physics engine uses a faster cooking time instead, and produces results as fast as possible.
Consequently, the cooked Mesh Collider might not be optimal.
Make the physics engine clean Meshes. When enabled, the cooking process tries to eliminate
degenerate triangles of the Mesh, as well as other geometrical artifacts. This results in a Mesh that
Cleaning is better suited for use in collision detection and tends to produce more accurate hit points.
Make the physics engine remove equal vertices in the Meshes. When enabled, the physics engine
Colocated combines the vertices that have the same position. This is important for the collision feedback that
happens at run time.
Material Reference to the Physics Material that determines how this Collider interacts with others.
Reference to the Mesh to use for collisions.


The Mesh Collider builds its collision representation from the Mesh attached to the GameObject, and reads the properties of
the attached Transform to set its position and scale correctly. The bene t of this is that you can make the shape of the Collider
exactly the same as the shape of the visible Mesh for the GameObject, resulting in more precise and authentic collisions.
However, this precision comes with a higher processing overhead than collisions involving primitive colliders (such as Sphere,
Box, and Capsule) and so it is best to use Mesh Colliders sparingly.
Faces in collision meshes are one-sided. This means objects can pass through them from one direction, but collide with them
from the other.

Mesh cooking

Mesh cooking changes a normal Mesh into a Mesh that you can use in the physics engine. Cooking builds the spatial search
structures for the physics queries, such as Physics.Raycast, as well as supporting structures for the contacts generation. Unity
cooks all Meshes before using them in collision detection. This can happen at import time (Import Settings > Model >
Generate Colliders) or at run time.
When generating Meshes at run time (for example, for procedural surfaces), it’s useful to set the Cooking Options to produce
results faster, and disable the additional data cleaning steps of cleaning. The downside is that you need to generate no
degenerate triangles and no co-located vertices, but the cooking works faster.
If you disable Enable Mesh Cleaning or Weld Colocated Vertices, you need to ensure you aren’t using data that those
algorithms would otherwise lter. Make sure you don’t have any co-located vertices if Weld Colocated Vertices is disabled, and
when Enable Mesh Cleaning is enabled, make sure there are no tiny triangles whose area is close to zero, no thin triangles,
and no huge triangles whose area is close to in nity.
Note: Setting Cooking Options to any other value than the default settings means the Mesh Collider must use a Mesh that has
an isReadable value of true.

There are some limitations when using the Mesh Collider:
Mesh Colliders that do not have Convex enabled are only supported on GameObjects without a Rigidbody component. To
apply a Mesh Collider to a Rigidbody component, tick the Convex checkbox.
For a Mesh Collider to work properly, the Mesh must be read/write enabled in any of these circumstances:

The Mesh Collider’s transform has negative scaling (for example, (–1, 1, 1)).
The Mesh Collider’s transform is skewed or sheared (for example, when a rotated transform has a scaled
parent transform).
The Mesh Collider’s Cooking Options ags are set to any value other than the default.
Optimization tip: If a Mesh is used only by a Mesh Collider, you can disable Normals in Import Settings, because the physics
system doesn’t need them.
2018–06–07 Page amended with editorial review
2018–08–23 Page amended with editorial review
Mesh Cooking Options added in 2017.3
Updated functionality in 2018.1
Updated limitations relating to read/write enabled setting in 2018.3


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Rigidbodies enable your GameObjects to act under the control of physics. The Rigidbody can receive forces and torque to
make your objects move in a realistic way. Any GameObject must contain a Rigidbody to be in uenced by gravity, act under
added forces via scripting, or interact with other objects through the NVIDIA PhysX physics engine.


The mass of the object (in kilograms by default).
How much air resistance a ects the object when moving from forces. 0 means no air resistance,
and in nity makes the object stop moving immediately.
How much air resistance a ects the object when rotating from torque. 0 means no air resistance.
Note that you cannot make the object stop rotating just by setting its Angular Drag to in nity.
Use Gravity If enabled, the object is a ected by gravity.
If enabled, the object will not be driven by the physics engine, and can only be manipulated by its
Transform. This is useful for moving platforms or if you want to animate a Rigidbody that has a
HingeJoint attached.
Interpolate Try one of the options only if you are seeing jerkiness in your Rigidbody’s movement.
- None
No Interpolation is applied.
Transform is smoothed based on the Transform of the previous frame.
Transform is smoothed based on the estimated Transform of the next frame.
Used to prevent fast moving objects from passing through other objects without detecting
Detection collisions.
Use Discrete collision detection against all other colliders in the scene. Other colliders will use
- Discrete Discrete collision detection when testing for collision against it. Used for normal collisions (This is
the default value).
Use Discrete collision detection against dynamic colliders (with a rigidbody) and continuous
collision detection against static MeshColliders (without a rigidbody). Rigidbodies set to
Continuous Dynamic will use continuous collision detection when testing for collision against this
Continuous rigidbody. Other rigidbodies will use Discrete Collision detection. Used for objects which the
Continuous Dynamic detection needs to collide with. (This has a big impact on physics
performance, leave it set to Discrete, if you don’t have issues with collisions of fast objects)
Use continuous collision detection against objects set to Continuous and Continuous Dynamic
Continuous Collision. It will also use continuous collision detection against static MeshColliders (without a
rigidbody). For all other colliders it uses Discrete collision detection. Used for fast moving objects.

Constraints Restrictions on the Rigidbody’s motion:- Freeze
Stops the Rigidbody moving in the world X, Y and Z axes selectively.
- Freeze
Stops the Rigidbody rotating around the local X, Y and Z axes selectively.


Rigidbodies allow your GameObjects to act under control of the physics engine. This opens the gateway to behaviors such as
realistic collisions and varied types of joints. Manipulating your GameObjects by adding forces to a Rigidbody creates a very
di erent feel and look than adjusting the Transform Component directly. Generally, you shouldn’t manipulate the Rigidbody
and the Transform of the same GameObject - only one or the other.
The biggest di erence between manipulating the Transform versus the Rigidbody is the use of forces. Rigidbodies can receive
forces and torque, but Transforms cannot. Transforms can be translated and rotated, but this is not the same as using physics.
You’ll notice the distinct di erence when you try it for yourself. Adding forces/torque to the Rigidbody will actually change the
object’s position and rotation of the Transform component. This is why you should only be using one or the other. Changing
the Transform while using physics could cause problems with collisions and other calculations.
Rigidbodies must be explicitly added to your GameObject before they will be a ected by the physics engine. You can add a
Rigidbody to your selected object from Components->Physics->Rigidbody in the menu. Now your object is physics-ready; it
will fall under gravity and can receive forces via scripting, but you may need to add a Collider or a Joint to get it to behave
exactly how you want.

When an object is under physics control, it moves semi-independently of the way its transform parents move. If you move any
parents, they will pull the Rigidbody child along with them. However, the Rigidbodies will still fall down due to gravity and react
to collision events.

To control your Rigidbodies, you will primarily use scripts to add forces or torque. You do this by calling AddForce() and
AddTorque() on the object’s Rigidbody. Remember that you shouldn’t be directly altering the object’s Transform when you are
using physics.

For some situations, mainly creating ragdoll e ects, it is neccessary to switch control of the object between animations and
physics. For this purpose Rigidbodies can be marked isKinematic . While the Rigidbody is marked isKinematic, it will not be
a ected by collisions, forces, or any other part of the physics system. This means that you will have to control the object by
manipulating the Transform component directly. Kinematic Rigidbodies will a ect other objects, but they themselves will not
be a ected by physics. For example, Joints which are attached to Kinematic objects will constrain any other Rigidbodies
attached to them and Kinematic Rigidbodies will a ect other Rigidbodies through collisions.

Colliders are another kind of component that must be added alongside the Rigidbody in order to allow collisions to occur. If
two Rigidbodies bump into each other, the physics engine will not calculate a collision unless both objects also have a Collider
attached. Collider-less Rigidbodies will simply pass through each other during physics simulation.

Colliders de ne the physical boundaries of a Rigidbody
Add a Collider with the Component->Physics menu. View the Component Reference page of any individual Collider for more
speci c information:

Box Collider - primitive shape of a cube
Sphere Collider - primitive shape of a sphere
Capsule Collider - primitive shape of a capsule
Mesh Collider - creates a collider from the object’s mesh, cannot collide with another Mesh Collider
Wheel Collider - speci cally for creating cars or other moving vehicles
Terrain Collider - handles collision with Unity’s terrain system

Compound Colliders

Compound Colliders are combinations of primitive Colliders, collectively acting as a single Collider. They come in handy when
you have a model that would be too complex or costly in terms of performance to simulate exactly, and want to simulate the
collision of the shape in an optimal way using simple approximations. To create a Compound Collider, create child objects of
your colliding object, then add a Collider component to each child object. This allows you to position, rotate, and scale each
Collider easily and independently of one another. You can build your compound collider out of a number of primitive colliders
and/or convex mesh colliders.

A real-world Compound Collider setup
In the above picture, the Gun Model GameObject has a Rigidbody attached, and multiple primitive Colliders as child
GameObjects. When the Rigidbody parent is moved around by forces, the child Colliders move along with it. The primitive

Colliders will collide with the environment’s Mesh Collider, and the parent Rigidbody will alter the way it moves based on
forces being applied to it and how its child Colliders interact with other Colliders in the Scene.
Mesh Colliders can’t normally collide with each other. If a Mesh Collider is marked as Convex, then it can collide with another
Mesh Collider. The typical solution is to use primitive Colliders for any objects that move, and Mesh Colliders for static
background objects.

Continuous Collision Detection
Continuous collision detection is a feature to prevent fast-moving colliders from passing each other. This may happen when
using normal (Discrete) collision detection, when an object is one side of a collider in one frame, and already passed the
collider in the next frame. To solve this, you can enable continuous collision detection on the rigidbody of the fast-moving
object. Set the collision detection mode to Continuous to prevent the rigidbody from passing through any static (ie, nonrigidbody) MeshColliders. Set it to Continuous Dynamic to also prevent the rigidbody from passing through any other
supported rigidbodies with collision detection mode set to Continuous or Continuous Dynamic. Continuous collision
detection is supported for Box-, Sphere- and CapsuleColliders. Note that continuous collision detection is intended as a safety
net to catch collisions in cases where objects would otherwise pass through each other, but will not deliver physically accurate
collision results, so you might still consider decreasing the xed Time step value in the TimeManager inspector to make the
simulation more precise, if you run into problems with fast moving objects.

Use the right size
The size of the your GameObject’s mesh is much more important than the mass of the Rigidbody. If you nd that your
Rigidbody is not behaving exactly how you expect - it moves slowly, oats, or doesn’t collide correctly - consider adjusting the
scale of your mesh asset. Unity’s default unit scale is 1 unit = 1 meter, so the scale of your imported mesh is maintained, and
applied to physics calculations. For example, a crumbling skyscraper is going to fall apart very di erently than a tower made of
toy blocks, so objects of di erent sizes should be modeled to accurate scale.
If you are modeling a human make sure the model is around 2 meters tall in Unity. To check if your object has the right size
compare it to the default cube. You can create a cube using GameObject > 3D Object > Cube. The cube’s height will be exactly
1 meter, so your human should be twice as tall.
If you aren’t able to adjust the mesh itself, you can change the uniform scale of a particular mesh asset by selecting it in
Project View and choosing Assets->Import Settings… from the menu. Here, you can change the scale and re-import your
If your game requires that your GameObject needs to be instantiated at di erent scales, it is okay to adjust the values of your
Transform’s scale axes. The downside is that the physics simulation must do more work at the time the object is instantiated,
and could cause a performance drop in your game. This isn’t a terrible loss, but it is not as e cient as nalizing your scale with
the other two options. Also keep in mind that non-uniform scales can create undesirable behaviors when Parenting is used.
For these reasons it is always optimal to create your object at the correct scale in your modeling application.

The relative Mass of two Rigidbodies determines how they react when they collide with each other.
Making one Rigidbody have greater Mass than another does not make it fall faster in free fall. Use Drag for
A low Drag value makes an object seem heavy. A high one makes it seem light. Typical values for Drag are
between .001 (solid block of metal) and 10 (feather).
If you are directly manipulating the Transform component of your object but still want physics, attach a
Rigidbody and make it Kinematic.
If you are moving a GameObject through its Transform component but you want to receive Collision/Trigger
messages, you must attach a Rigidbody to the object that is moving.
You cannot make an object stop rotating just by setting its Angular Drag to in nity.

Sphere Collider

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The Sphere Collider is a basic sphere-shaped collision primitive.

Property: Function:
Is Trigger If enabled, this Collider is used for triggering events, and is ignored by the physics engine.
Material Reference to the Physics Material that determines how this Collider interacts with others.
Center The position of the Collider in the object’s local space.
Radius The size of the Collider.


The collider can be resized via the Radius property but cannot be scaled along the three axes independently (ie, you can’t atten the
sphere into an ellipse). As well as the obvious use for spherical objects like tennis balls, etc, the sphere also works well for falling
boulders and other objects that need to roll and tumble.

Spring Joint

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The Spring Joint joins two Rigidbodies together but allows the distance between them to change as though they
were connected by a spring.


The Rigidbody object that the object with the spring joint is connected to. If no
Connected Body
object is assigned then the spring will be connected to a xed point in space.
The point in the object’s local space at which the joint is attached.
Auto Con gure
Should Unity calculate the position of the connected anchor point automatically?
The point in the connected object’s local space at which the joint is attached.
Strength of the spring.
Amount that the spring is reduced when active.
Min Distance
Lower limit of the distance range over which the spring will not apply any force.
Max Distance
Upper limit of the distance range over which the spring will not apply any force.
Changes error tolerance. Allows the spring to have a di erent rest length.
Break Force
The force that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
Break Torque
The torque that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
Enable Collision Should the two connected objects register collisions with each other?
Disabling preprocessing helps to stabilize impossible-to-ful l con gurations.


The spring acts like a piece of elastic that tries to pull the two anchor points together to the exact same position.
The strength of the pull is proportional to the current distance between the points with the force per unit of
distance set by the Spring property. To prevent the spring from oscillating endlessly you can set a Damper value
that reduces the spring force in proportion to the relative speed between the two objects. The higher the value,
the more quickly the oscillation will die down.
You can set the anchor points manually but if you enable Auto Con gure Connected Anchor, Unity will set the
connected anchor so as to maintain the initial distance between them (ie, the distance you set in the scene view
while positioning the objects).
The Min Distance and Max Distance values allow you to set a distance range over which the spring will not apply
any force. You could use this, for example, to allow the objects a small amount of independent movement but
then pull them together when the distance between them gets too great.


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The Cloth component works with the Skinned Mesh Renderer to provide a physics-based solution for simulating
fabrics. It is speci cally designed for character clothing, and only works with skinned meshes. If you add a Cloth
component to a non-skinned Mesh, Unity removes the non-skinned Mesh and adds a skinned Mesh.
To attach a Cloth component to a skinned Mesh, select the GameObject in the Editor, click the Add Component
button in the Inspector window, and select Physics > Cloth. The component appears in the Inspector.

Sti ness
Sti ness
Use Tethers

Stretching sti ness of the cloth.
Bending sti ness of the cloth.
Apply constraints that help to prevent the moving cloth particles from going too far
away from the xed ones. This helps to reduce excess stretchiness.
Should gravitational acceleration be applied to the cloth?
Motion damping coe cient.

Use Gravity
A constant, external acceleration applied to the cloth.
A random, external acceleration applied to the cloth.
How much world-space movement of the character will a ect cloth vertices.
Velocity Scale

Mass Scale
Use Virtual

How much world-space acceleration of the character will a ect cloth vertices.
The friction of the cloth when colliding with the character.
How much to increase mass of colliding particles.
Enable continuous collision to improve collision stability.
Add one virtual particle per triangle to improve collision stability.
Number of solver iterations per second.
Cloth’s sleep threshold.
An array of CapsuleColliders which this Cloth instance should collide with.
An array of ClothSphereColliderPairs which this Cloth instance should collide with.

Cloth does not react to all colliders in a scene, nor does it apply forces back to the world. When it has been
added the Cloth component will not react to or in uence any other bodies at all. Thus Cloth and the world do not
recognise or see each other until you manually add colliders from the world to the Cloth component. Even after
that, the simulation is still one-way: cloth reacts to those bodies but doesn’t apply forces back.
Additionally, you can only use three types of colliders with cloth: a sphere, a capsule, and conical capsule colliders,
constructed using two sphere colliders. These restrictions all exist to help boost performance.

Edit Constraints Tool
Select Edit > Constraints to edit the constraints applied to each of the vertices in the cloth mesh. All vertices have
a color based on the current visualization mode, to display the di erence between their respective values. You
can author Cloth constraints by painting them onto the cloth with a brush.


Changes the visual appearance of the tool in the Scene view between Max Distance
and Surface Penetration Values. A toggle for Manipulate Backfaces is also available.
The maximum distance a cloth particle can travel from its vertex position.
How deep the cloth particle can penetrate the mesh.
Sets the radius of a brush that enables you to paint constraints onto a cloth.

The Cloth Constraints Tool being used on a Skinned Mesh Renderer.
There are two modes for changing the values for each vertex:
Use Select mode to select a group of vertices. To do this, use the mouse cursor to draw a selection box or click on
vertices one at a time. You can can then enable Max Distance, Surface Penetration, or both, and set a value.
Use Paint mode to directly adjust each individual vertex. To do this, click the vertex you want to adjust. You can
can then enable Max Distance, Surface Penetration, or both, and set a value.
In both modes, the visual representation in the Scene view automatically updates when you assign values to Max
Distance and Surface Penetration.

The Cloth Constraints Tool in Paint mode

Self collision and intercollision

Cloth collision makes character clothing and other fabrics in your game move more realistically. In Unity, a cloth
has several cloth particles that handle collision. You can set up cloth particles for:

Self-collision, which prevents cloth from penetrating itself.
Intercollision, which allows cloth particles to collide with each other.
To set up the collision particles for a cloth, select the Self Collision and Intercollision button in the Cloth

The Self Collision and Intercollision button in the Cloth Inspector
The Cloth Self Collision And Intercollision window appears in the Scene view:

The Cloth Self Collision And Intercollision window
Cloth particles appear automatically for skinned Meshes with a Cloth component. Initially, none of the cloth
particles are set to use collision. These unused particles appear black:

Unused cloth particles
To apply self-collision or intercollision, you need to select a single set of particles to apply collision to. To select a
set of particles for collision, click the Select button:

Select cloth particles button
Now left-click and drag to select the particles you want to apply collision to:

Selecting cloth particles using click and drag
The selected particles appear in blue:

Selected cloth particles are blue
Tick the Self Collision and Intercollision checkbox to apply collision to the selected particles:

Self Collision and Intercollision tick box
The particles you specify for use in collision appear in green:

Selected particles are green
To enable the self collision behavior for a cloth, to go the Self Collision section of the Cloth Inspector window and
set Distance and Sti ness to non-zero values:

Self Collision parameters
Property: Function:
The diameter of a sphere around each particle. Unity ensures that these spheres do not
overlap during simulations. Distance should be smaller than the smallest distance
between two particles in the con guration. If the distance is larger, self collision may
violate some distance constraints and result in jittering.
How strong the separating impulse between particles should be. The cloth solver
Sti ness
calculates this and it should be enough to keep the particles separated.
Self collision and intercollision can take a signi cant amount of the overall simulation time. Consider keeping the
collision distance small and using self collision indices to reduce the number of particles that collide with each

Self collision uses vertices, not triangles, so don’t expect self collision to work perfectly for Meshes with triangles
much larger than the cloth thickness.
Paint and Erase modes allow you to add or remove particles for use in collision by holding the left mouse button
down and dragging individual cloth particles:

Self Collision parameters
When in Paint or Erase mode, particles speci ed for collision are green, unspeci ed particles are black, and
particles underneath the brush are blue:

Particles being painted are blue
Cloth intercollision
You specify particles for intercollision in the same way as you specify particles for self collision, as described
above. As with self collision, you specify one set of particles for intercollision.

To enable intercollision behavior, open the PhysicsManager inspector (Edit > Project Settings > Physics) and set
Distance and Sti ness to non-zero values in the Cloth InterCollision section:

Particles being painted are blue
Cloth intercollision Distance and Sti ness properties have the same function as self collision Distance and
Sti ness properties, which are described above.

Collider collision
Cloth is unable to simply collide with arbitrary world geometry, and now will only interact with the colliders
speci ed in either the Capsule Colliders or Sphere Colliders arrays.
The sphere colliders array can contain either a single valid SphereCollider instance (with the second one being
null), or a pair. In the former cases the ClothSphereColliderPair just represents a single sphere collider for the

cloth to collide against. In the latter case, it represents a conic capsule shape de ned by the two spheres, and the
cone connecting the two. Conic capsule shapes are useful for modelling limbs of a character.
2017–12–05 Page amended with limited editorial review
Cloth self collision and intercollision added in 2017.3

Wheel Collider

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The Wheel Collider is a special collider for grounded vehicles. It has built-in collision detection, wheel physics, and a slip-based
tire friction model. It can be used for objects other than wheels, but it is speci cally designed for vehicles with wheels.

For guidance on using the Wheel Collider, see the Unity Wheel Collider tutorial.

Wheel Damping

The Mass of the wheel.
Radius of the wheel.
This is a value of damping applied to a wheel.

Maximum extension distance of wheel suspension, measured in local space. Suspension
always extends downwards through the local Y-axis.
This parameter de nes the point where the wheel forces will applied. This is expected to be in
Force App Point metres from the base of the wheel at rest position along the suspension travel direction. When
forceAppPointDistance = 0 the forces will be applied at the wheel base at rest. A better
vehicle would have forces applied slightly below the vehicle centre of mass.
Center of the wheel in object local space.
Suspension Spring The suspension attempts to reach a Target Position by adding spring and damping forces.
Spring force attempts to reach the Target Position. A larger value makes the suspension reach
the Target Position faster.
Dampens the suspension velocity. A larger value makes the Suspension Spring move slower.
The suspension’s rest distance along Suspension Distance. 1 maps to fully extended
suspension, and 0 maps to fully compressed suspension. Default value is 0.5, which matches
the behavior of a regular car’s suspension.
Forward/Sideways Properties of tire friction when the wheel is rolling forward and sideways. See the Wheel Friction
Curves section below.

The Wheel Collider Component. Car model courtesy of ATI Technologies Inc.


The wheel’s collision detection is performed by casting a ray from Center downwards through the local Y-axis. The wheel has a
Radius and can extend downwards according to the Suspension Distance. The vehicle is controlled from scripting using di erent
properties: motorTorque, brakeTorque and steerAngle. See the Wheel Collider scripting reference for more information.
The Wheel Collider computes friction separately from the rest of physics engine, using a slip-based friction model. This allows for
more realistic behaviour but also causes Wheel Colliders to ignore standard Physic Material settings.

Wheel collider setup
You do not turn or roll WheelCollider objects to control the car - the objects that have the WheelCollider attached should always be
xed relative to the car itself. However, you might want to turn and roll the graphical wheel representations. The best way to do this
is to setup separate objects for Wheel Colliders and visible wheels:

Wheel Colliders are separate from visible Wheel Models
Note that the gizmo graphic for the WheelCollider’s position is not updated in playmode:

Position of WheelCollider Gizmo in runtime using a suspension distance of 0.15

Collision geometry

Because cars can achieve large velocities, getting race track collision geometry right is very important. Speci cally, the collision mesh
should not have small bumps or dents that make up the visible models (e.g. fence poles). Usually a collision mesh for the race track
is made separately from the visible mesh, making the collision mesh as smooth as possible. It also should not have thin objects - if
you have a thin track border, make it wider in a collision mesh (or completely remove the other side if the car can never go there).

Visible geometry (left) is much more complex than collision geometry (right)

Wheel Friction Curves

Tire friction can be described by the Wheel Friction Curve shown below. There are separate curves for the wheel’s forward (rolling)
direction and sideways direction. In both directions it is rst determined how much the tire is slipping (based on the speed
di erence between the tire’s rubber and the road). Then this slip value is used to nd out tire force exerted on the contact point.
The curve takes a measure of tire slip as an input and gives a force as output. The curve is approximated by a two-piece spline. The
rst section goes from (0 , 0) to (ExtremumSlip
ExtremumSlip , ExtremumValue
ExtremumValue), at which point the curve’s tangent is zero. The second section goes
from (ExtremumSlip
ExtremumSlip , ExtremumValue
ExtremumValue) to (AsymptoteSlip
AsymptoteSlip , AsymptoteValue
AsymptoteValue), where curve’s tangent is again zero:

Typical shape of a wheel friction curve

The property of real tires is that for low slip they can exert high forces, since the rubber compensates for the slip by stretching. Later
when the slip gets really high, the forces are reduced as the tire starts to slide or spin. Thus, tire friction curves have a shape like in
the image above.

Curve’s extremum point.
Curve’s asymptote point.
Multiplier for the Extremum Value and Asymptote Value (default is 1). Changes the sti ness of the
Sti ness friction. Setting this to zero will completely disable all friction from the wheel. Usually you modify
sti ness at runtime to simulate various ground materials from scripting.


You might want to decrease physics timestep length in Time Manager to get more stable car physics, especially if
it’s a racing car that can achieve high velocities.
To keep a car from ipping over too easily you can lower its Rigidbody center of mass a bit from script, and apply
“down pressure” force that depends on car velocity.

Terrain Collider

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The Terrain Collider implements a collision surface with the same shape as the Terrain object it is attached to.

Terrain Data
Enable Tree

Reference to the Physics Material that determines how this Collider interacts with
The terrain data.
When selected Tree Colliders will be enabled.


You should note that versions of Unity before 5.0 had a Smooth Sphere Collisions property for the Terrain Collider in
order to improve interactions between terrains and spheres. This property is now obsolete since the smooth interaction
is standard behaviour for the physics engine and there is no particular advantage in switching it o .

Physic Material

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The Physic Material is used to adjust friction and bouncing e ects of colliding objects.
To create a Physic Material select Assets > Create > Physic Material from the menu bar. Then drag the Physic
Material from the Project View onto a Collider in the scene.



The friction used when already moving. Usually a value from 0 to 1. A value of zero
feels like ice, a value of 1 will make it come to rest very quickly unless a lot of force or
gravity pushes the object.
The friction used when an object is laying still on a surface. Usually a value from 0 to 1.
A value of zero feels like ice, a value of 1 will make it very hard to get the object
How bouncy is the surface? A value of 0 will not bounce. A value of 1 will bounce
Bounciness without any loss of energy, certain approximations are to be expected though that
might add small amounts of energy to the simulation.
How the friction of two colliding objects is combined.
- Average The two friction values are averaged.
- Minimum The smallest of the two values is used.
- Maximum The largest of the two values is used.
- Multiply The friction values are multiplied with each other.
How the bounciness of two colliding objects is combined. It has the same modes as
Combine Friction Combine Mode


Friction is the quantity which prevents surfaces from sliding o each other. This value is critical when trying to
stack objects. Friction comes in two forms, dynamic and static. Static friction is used when the object is lying still.
It will prevent the object from starting to move. If a large enough force is applied to the object it will start moving.
At this point Dynamic Friction will come into play. Dynamic Friction will now attempt to slow down the object
while in contact with another.
When two bodies are in contact, the same bounciness and friction e ect is applied to both of them according to
the chosen mode. There is a special case when the two colliders in contact have di erent combine modes set. In

this particular case, the function that has the highest priority is used. The priority order is as follows: Average <
Minimum < Multiply < Maximum. For example, if one material has Average set but the other one has
Maximum, then the combine function to be used is Maximum, since it has higher priority.
Please note that the friction model used by the Nvidia PhysX engine is tuned for performance and stability of
simulation, and does not necessarily present a close approximation of real-world physics. In particular, contact
surfaces which are larger than a single point (such as two boxes resting on each other) will be calculated as having
two contact points, and will have friction forces twice as big as they would in real world physics. You may want to
multiply your friction coe cients by 0.5 to get more realistic results in such a case.
The same logic applies to the bounciness model. Nvidia PhysX doesn’t guarantee perfect energy conservation due
to various simulation details such as position correction. So for example when the bounciness value of an object
a ected by gravity is 1 and is colliding with ground that has bounciness 1 expect the object to reach at higher
positions than then initial one.
2017–07–17 Page amended with no editorial review
Updated functionality in 5.5

Physics HOWTOs

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This section contains a list of common physics-related tasks in Unity, and how to carry them out.

Ragdoll Wizard

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Unity has a simple wizard that lets you quickly create your own ragdoll. You simply have to drag the di erent
limbs on the respective properties in the wizard. Then select create and Unity will automatically generate all
Colliders, Rigidbodies and Joints that make up the Ragdoll for you.

Creating the Character
Ragdolls make use of Skinned Meshes, that is a character mesh rigged up with bones in the 3D modeling
application. For this reason, you must build ragdoll characters in a 3D package like Autodesk® Maya® or
When you’ve created your character and rigged it, save the asset normally in your Project Folder. When you
switch to Unity, you’ll see the character asset le. Select that le and the Import Settings dialog will appear
inside the inspector. Make sure that Mesh Colliders is not enabled.

Using the Wizard
It’s not possible to make the actual source asset into a ragdoll. This would require modifying the source asset le,
and is therefore impossible. You will make an instance of the character asset into a ragdoll, which can then be
saved as a Prefab for re-use.
Create an instance of the character by dragging it from the Project View to the Hierarchy View. Expand its
Transform Hierarchy by clicking the small arrow to the left of the instance’s name in the Hierarchy. Now you are
ready to start assigning your ragdoll parts.
Open the Ragdoll Wizard by choosing GameObject > 3D Object > Ragdoll… from the menu bar. You will now see
the Wizard itself.

The Ragdoll Wizard
Assigning parts to the wizard should be self-explanatory. Drag the di erent Transforms of your character instance
to the appropriate property on the wizard. This should be especially easy if you created the character asset
When you are done, click the Create Button. Now when you enter Play Mode, you will see your character go
limp as a ragdoll.
The nal step is to save the setup ragdoll as a Prefab. Choose Assets -> Create -> Prefab from the menu bar. You
will see a New Prefab appear in the Project View. Rename it to “Ragdoll Prefab”. Drag the ragdoll character
instance from the Hierarchy on top of the “Ragdoll Prefab”. You now have a completely set-up, re-usable ragdoll
character to use as much as you like in your game.

For Character Joints made with the Ragdoll wizard, take a note that the setup is made such that the joint’s Twist
axis corresponds with the limb’s largest swing axis, the joint’s Swing 1 axis corresponds with limb’s smaller swing
axis and joint’s Swing 2 is for twisting the limb. This naming scheme is for legacy reasons.

Joint and Ragdoll stability

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This page provides tips for improving Joint and Ragdoll stability.

Avoid small Joint angles of Angular Y Limit and Angular Z Limit. Depending on your setup, the
minimum angles should be around 5 to 15 degrees in order to be stable. Instead of using a small
angle, try setting the angle to zero. This locks the axis and provide a stable simulation.
Uncheck the Joint’s Enable Preprocessing property. Disabling preprocessing can help prevent Joints
from separating or moving erratically if they are forced into situations where there is no possible
way to satisfy the Joint constraints. This can occur if Rigidbody components connected by Joints are
pulled apart by static collision geometry (for example, spawning a Ragdoll partially inside a wall).
Under extreme circumstances (such as spawning partially inside a wall or pushed with a large force),
the joint solver is unable to keep the Rigidbody components of a Ragdoll together. This can result in
stretching. To handle this, enable projection on the Joints using either
Con gurableJoint.projectionMode or CharacterJoint.enableProjection.
If Rigidbody components connected with Joints are jittering, open the Physics Manager (Edit >
Project Settings > Physics) and try increasing the Default Solver Iterations value to between 10
and 20.
If Rigidbody components connected with Joints are not accurately responding to bounces, open the
Physics Manager (Edit > Project Settings > Physics) and try increasing the Default Solver Velocity
Iterations value to between 10 and 20.
Never use direct Transform access with Kinematic Rigidbody components connected by Joints to
other Rigidbody components. Doing so skips the step where PhysX computes internal velocities of
corresponding Rigidbody components, making the solver provide unwanted results. A common
example of bad practice is using direct Transform access in 2D projects to ip characters, by altering
Transform.TransformDirection on the root boon of the rig. This behaves much better if you use
Rigidbody2D.MovePosition and Rigidbody2D.MoveRotation instead.
Avoid large di erences in the masses between Rigidbody components connected by Joints. It’s okay
to have one Rigidbody with twice as much mass as another, but when one mass is ten times larger
than the other, the simulation can become jittery.
Try to avoid scaling di erent from 1 in the Transform containing Rigidbody or the Joint. The scaling
might not be robust in all cases.
If Rigidbody components are overlapping when inserted into the world, and you cannot avoid the
overlap, try lowering the Rigidbody.maxDepenetrationVelocity to make the Rigidbody components
exit each other more smoothly.

Wheel Collider Tutorial

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The Wheel Collider component is powered by the PhysX 3 Vehicles SDK.
This tutorial takes you through the process of creating a basic functioning car.
To start, select GameObject > 3D Object > Plane. This is the ground the car is going to drive on. To keep it simple, make sure
the ground has a Transform of 0 (on the Transform component in the Inspector Window, click the Settings cog and click
Reset). Increase the Transform’s Scale elds to 100 to make the Plane bigger.

Create a basic car skeleton
First, add a GameObject to act as the car root GameObject. To do this, go to GameObject > Create Empty.
Change the GameObject’s name to car_root.
Add a Physics 3D Rigidbody component to car_root. The default mass of 1kg is too light for the default
suspension settings; change it to 1500kg to make it much heavier.
Next, create the car body Collider. Go to GameObject > 3D Object > Cube. Make this cube a child
GameObject under car_root. Reset the Transform to 0 to make it perfectly aligned in local space. The car is
oriented along the Z axis, so set the Transform’s Z Scale to 3.
Add the wheels root. Select car_root and GameObject > Create Empty Child. Change the name to wheels.
Reset the Transform on it. This GameObject is not mandatory, but it is useful for tuning and debugging later.
To create the rst wheel, select the wheels GameObject, go to GameObject > Create Empty Child, and
name it frontLeft. Reset the Transform, then set the Transform Position X to –1, Y to 0, and Z to 1. To add a
Collider to the wheel, go to Add component > Physics > Wheel Collider.
Duplicate the frontLeft GameObject. Change the Transform’s X position to 1. Change the name to
Select both the frontLeft and frontRight GameObjects. Duplicate them. Change the Transform’s Z
position of both GameObjects to –1. Change the names to rearLeft and rearRight respectively.
Finally, select the car_root GameObject and use the Move Tool to raise it slightly above the ground.
Now you should be able to see something like this:

To make this car actually drivable, you need to write a controller for it. The following code sample works as a controller:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class SimpleCarController : MonoBehaviour {
public List axleInfos; // the information about each individual axle
public float maxMotorTorque; // maximum torque the motor can apply to wheel
public float maxSteeringAngle; // maximum steer angle the wheel can have
public void FixedUpdate()
float motor = maxMotorTorque * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
float steering = maxSteeringAngle * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
foreach (AxleInfo axleInfo in axleInfos) {
if (axleInfo.steering) {
axleInfo.leftWheel.steerAngle = steering;
axleInfo.rightWheel.steerAngle = steering;
if (axleInfo.motor) {
axleInfo.leftWheel.motorTorque = motor;
axleInfo.rightWheel.motorTorque = motor;
public class AxleInfo {
public WheelCollider leftWheel;
public WheelCollider rightWheel;
public bool motor; // is this wheel attached to motor?
public bool steering; // does this wheel apply steer angle?

Create a new C# script (Add Component > New Script), on the car_root GameObject, copy this sample into the script le
and save it. You can tune the script parameters as shown below; experiment with the settings and enter Play Mode to test the
The following settings are very e ective as a car controller:

You can have up to 20 wheels on a single vehicle instance, with each of them applying steering, motor or braking torque.
Next, move on to visual wheels. As you can see, a Wheel Collider doesn’t apply the simulated wheel position and rotation back
to the Wheel Collider’s Transform, so adding visual wheel requires some tricks.
You need some wheel geometry here. You can make a simple wheel shape out of a cylinder. There could be several
approaches to adding visual wheels: making it so that you have to assign visual wheels manually in script properties, or
writing some logic to nd the corresponding visual wheel automatically. This tutorial follows the second approach. Attach the
visual wheels to the Wheel Collider GameObjects.
Next, change the controller script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class AxleInfo {
public WheelCollider leftWheel;
public WheelCollider rightWheel;
public bool motor;
public bool steering;

public class SimpleCarController : MonoBehaviour {
public List axleInfos;
public float maxMotorTorque;
public float maxSteeringAngle;
// finds the corresponding visual wheel
// correctly applies the transform
public void ApplyLocalPositionToVisuals(WheelCollider collider)
if (collider.transform.childCount == 0) {
Transform visualWheel = collider.transform.GetChild(0);
Vector3 position;
Quaternion rotation;
collider.GetWorldPose(out position, out rotation);
visualWheel.transform.position = position;
visualWheel.transform.rotation = rotation;
public void FixedUpdate()
float motor = maxMotorTorque * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
float steering = maxSteeringAngle * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
foreach (AxleInfo axleInfo in axleInfos) {
if (axleInfo.steering) {
axleInfo.leftWheel.steerAngle = steering;
axleInfo.rightWheel.steerAngle = steering;
if (axleInfo.motor) {
axleInfo.leftWheel.motorTorque = motor;
axleInfo.rightWheel.motorTorque = motor;

One important parameter of the Wheel Collider component is Force App Point Distance. This is the distance from the base
of the resting wheel to the point where the wheel forces are applied. The default value is 0, which means to apply the forces
at the base of the resting wheel, but actually, it is wise to have this point located somewhere slightly below the car’s centre of

Note: To see the Wheel Collider in action, download the Vehicle Tools package, which includes tools to rig wheeled vehicles
and create suspension for wheel colliders.
2017–11–24 Page amended with limited editorial review


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Scripting is an essential ingredient in all games. Even the simplest game needs scripts, to respond to input from
the player and arrange for events in the gameplay to happen when they should. Beyond that, scripts can be used
to create graphical e ects, control the physical behaviour of objects or even implement a custom AI system for
characters in the game.
Scripting is a skill that takes some time and e ort to learn. The intention of this section is not to teach you how to
write script code from scratch, but rather to explain the main concepts that apply to scripting in Unity.
Related tutorials: Scripting
See the Knowledge Base Editor section for troubleshooting, tips and tricks.

Scripting Overview

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Although Unity uses an implementation of the standard Mono runtime for scripting, it still has its own practices
and techniques for accessing the engine from scripts. This section explains how objects created in the Unity
editor are controlled from scripts, and details the relationship between Unity’s gameplay features and the Mono

Creating and Using Scripts

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The behavior of GameObjects is controlled by the Components that are attached to them. Although Unity’s built-in
Components can be very versatile, you will soon nd you need to go beyond what they can provide to implement your own
gameplay features. Unity allows you to create your own Components using scripts. These allow you to trigger game events,
modify Component properties over time and respond to user input in any way you like.
Unity supports the C# programming language natively. C# (pronounced C-sharp) is an industry-standard language similar to Java
or C++.
In addition to this, many other .NET languages can be used with Unity if they can compile a compatible DLL - see here for further
Learning the art of programming and the use of these particular languages is beyond the scope of this introduction. However,
there are many books, tutorials and other resources for learning how to program with Unity. See the Learning section of our
website for further details.

Creating Scripts
Unlike most other assets, scripts are usually created within Unity directly. You can create a new script from the Create menu at
the top left of the Project panel or by selecting Assets > Create > C# Script from the main menu.
The new script will be created in whichever folder you have selected in the Project panel. The new script le’s name will be
selected, prompting you to enter a new name.

It is a good idea to enter the name of the new script at this point rather than editing it later. The name that you enter will be
used to create the initial text inside the le, as described below.

Anatomy of a Script le
When you double-click a script Asset in Unity, it will be opened in a text editor. By default, Unity will use Visual Studio, but you
can select any editor you like from the External Tools panel in Unity’s preferences (go to Unity > Preferences).
The initial contents of the le will look something like this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MainPlayer : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


A script makes its connection with the internal workings of Unity by implementing a class which derives from the built-in class
called MonoBehaviour. You can think of a class as a kind of blueprint for creating a new Component type that can be attached
to GameObjects. Each time you attach a script component to a GameObject, it creates a new instance of the object de ned by
the blueprint. The name of the class is taken from the name you supplied when the le was created. The class name and le
name must be the same to enable the script component to be attached to a GameObject.
The main things to note, however, are the two functions de ned inside the class. The Update function is the place to put code
that will handle the frame update for the GameObject. This might include movement, triggering actions and responding to user
input, basically anything that needs to be handled over time during gameplay. To enable the Update function to do its work, it is
often useful to be able to set up variables, read preferences and make connections with other GameObjects before any game
action takes place. The Start function will be called by Unity before gameplay begins (ie, before the Update function is called for
the rst time) and is an ideal place to do any initialization.
Note to experienced programmers: you may be surprised that initialization of an object is not done using a constructor function.
This is because the construction of objects is handled by the editor and does not take place at the start of gameplay as you
might expect. If you attempt to de ne a constructor for a script component, it will interfere with the normal operation of Unity
and can cause major problems with the project.

Controlling a GameObject
As noted above, a script only de nes a blueprint for a Component and so none of its code will be activated until an instance of
the script is attached to a GameObject. You can attach a script by dragging the script asset to a GameObject in the hierarchy
panel or to the inspector of the GameObject that is currently selected. There is also a Scripts submenu on the Component
menu which will contain all the scripts available in the project, including those you have created yourself. The script instance
looks much like any other Component in the Inspector:

Once attached, the script will start working when you press Play and run the game. You can check this by adding the following
code in the Start function:-

// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
Debug.Log("I am alive!");

Debug.Log is a simple command that just prints a message to Unity’s console output. If you press Play now, you should see the
message at the bottom of the main Unity editor window and in the Console window (menu: Window > General > Console).
2018–03–19 Page amended with limited editorial review

MonoDevelop replaced by Visual Studio from 2018.1

Variables and the Inspector

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When creating a script, you are essentially creating your own new type of component that can be attached to
Game Objects just like any other component.
Just like other Components often have properties that are editable in the inspector, you can allow values in your
script to be edited from the Inspector too.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MainPlayer : MonoBehaviour
public string myName;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
Debug.Log("I am alive and my name is " + myName);

This code creates an editable eld in the Inspector labelled “My Name”.

Unity creates the Inspector label by introducing a space wherever a capital letter occurs in the variable name.
However, this is purely for display purposes and you should always use the variable name within your code. If you
edit the name and then press Play, you will see that the message includes the text you entered.

In C#, you must declare a variable as public to see it in the Inspector.
Unity will actually let you change the value of a script’s variables while the game is running. This is very useful for
seeing the e ects of changes directly without having to stop and restart. When gameplay ends, the values of the
variables will be reset to whatever they were before you pressed Play. This ensures that you are free to tweak
your object’s settings without fear of doing any permanent damage.

Controlling GameObjects using

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In the Unity Editor, you make changes to Component properties using the Inspector. So, for example, changes to
the position values of the Transform Component will result in a change to the GameObject’s position. Similarly,
you can change the color of a Renderer’s material or the mass of a Rigidbody with a corresponding e ect on the
appearance or behavior of the GameObject. For the most part, scripting is also about modifying Component
properties to manipulate GameObjects. The di erence, though, is that a script can vary a property’s value
gradually over time or in response to input from the user. By changing, creating and destroying objects at the
right time, any kind of gameplay can be implemented.

Accessing components
The simplest and most common case is where a script needs access to other Components attached to the same
GameObject. As mentioned in the Introduction section, a Component is actually an instance of a class so the rst
step is to get a reference to the Component instance you want to work with. This is done with the GetComponent
function. Typically, you want to assign the Component object to a variable, which is done in C# using the following

void Start ()
Rigidbody rb = GetComponent();

Once you have a reference to a Component instance, you can set the values of its properties much as you would
in the Inspector:

void Start ()
Rigidbody rb = GetComponent();
// Change the mass of the object's Rigidbody.
rb.mass = 10f;

An extra feature that is not available in the Inspector is the possibility of calling functions on Component

void Start ()
Rigidbody rb = GetComponent();
// Add a force to the Rigidbody.
rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * 10f);

Note also that there is no reason why you can’t have more than one custom script attached to the same object. If
you need to access one script from another, you can use GetComponent as usual and just use the name of the
script class (or the lename) to specify the Component type you want.
If you attempt to retrieve a Component that hasn’t actually been added to the GameObject then GetComponent
will return null; you will get a null reference error at runtime if you try to change any values on a null object.

Accessing other objects
Although they sometimes operate in isolation, it is common for scripts to keep track of other objects. For
example, a pursuing enemy might need to know the position of the player. Unity provides a number of di erent
ways to retrieve other objects, each appropriate to certain situations.

Linking GameObjects with variables
The most straightforward way to nd a related GameObject is to add a public GameObject variable to the script:

public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;
// Other variables and functions...

This variable will be visible in the Inspector like any other:

You can now drag an object from the scene or Hierarchy panel onto this variable to assign it. The GetComponent
function and Component access variables are available for this object as with any other, so you can use code like
the following:

public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject player;
void Start() {
// Start the enemy ten units behind the player character.
transform.position = player.transform.position ­ Vector3.forward * 10f;

Additionally, if declare a public variable of a Component type in your script, you can drag any GameObject that
has that Component attached onto it. This will access the Component directly rather than the GameObject itself.

public Transform playerTransform;

Linking objects together with variables is most useful when you are dealing with individual objects that have
permanent connections. You can use an array variable to link several objects of the same type, but the
connections must still be made in the Unity editor rather than at runtime. It is often convenient to locate objects
at runtime and Unity provides two basic ways to do this, as described below.

Finding child GameObjects
Sometimes, a game Scene makes use of a number of GameObjects of the same type, such as enemies, waypoints
and obstacles. These may need to be tracked by a particular script that supervises or reacts to them (for example,
all waypoints might need to be available to a path nding script). Using variables to link these GameObjects is a
possibility but it makes the design process tedious if each new waypoint has to be dragged to a variable on a
script. Likewise, if a waypoint is deleted, then it is a nuisance to have to remove the variable reference to the
missing GameObject. In cases like this, it is often better to manage a set of GameObjects by making them all
children of one parent GameObject. The child GameObjects can be retrieved using the parent’s
Transform component (because all GameObjects implicitly have a Transform):

using UnityEngine;
public class WaypointManager : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform[] waypoints;
void Start()
waypoints = new Transform[transform.childCount];
int i = 0;

foreach (Transform t in transform)
waypoints[i++] = t;

You can also locate a speci c child object by name using the Transform.Find function:
This can be useful when an object has a child that can be added and removed during gameplay. A weapon that
can be picked up and put down is a good example of this.

Finding GameObjects by Name or Tag
It is always possible to locate GameObjects anywhere in the Scene hierarchy as long as you have some
information to identify them. Individual objects can be retrieved by name using the GameObject.Find function:

GameObject player;
void Start()
player = GameObject.Find("MainHeroCharacter");

An object or a collection of objects can also be located by their tag using the GameObject.FindWithTag and
GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag functions:-

GameObject player;
GameObject[] enemies;
void Start()
player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
enemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");

Event Functions

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A script in Unity is not like the traditional idea of a program where the code runs continuously in a loop until it
completes its task. Instead, Unity passes control to a script intermittently by calling certain functions that are
declared within it. Once a function has nished executing, control is passed back to Unity. These functions are
known as event functions since they are activated by Unity in response to events that occur during gameplay. Unity
uses a naming scheme to identify which function to call for a particular event. For example, you will already have
seen the Update function (called before a frame update occurs) and the Start function (called just before the
object’s rst frame update). Many more event functions are available in Unity; the full list can be found in the script
reference page for the MonoBehaviour class along with details of their usage. The following are some of the most
common and important events.

Regular Update Events
A game is rather like an animation where the animation frames are generated on the y. A key concept in games
programming is that of making changes to position, state and behavior of objects in the game just before each
frame is rendered. The Update function is the main place for this kind of code in Unity. Update is called before the
frame is rendered and also before animations are calculated.

void Update() {
float distance = speed * Time.deltaTime * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
transform.Translate(Vector3.right * distance);

The physics engine also updates in discrete time steps in a similar way to the frame rendering. A separate event
function called FixedUpdate is called just before each physics update. Since the physics updates and frame updates
do not occur with the same frequency, you will get more accurate results from physics code if you place it in the
FixedUpdate function rather than Update.

void FixedUpdate() {
Vector3 force = transform.forward * driveForce * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

It is also useful sometimes to be able to make additional changes at a point after the Update and FixedUpdate
functions have been called for all objects in the scene and after all animations have been calculated. An example is
where a camera should remain trained on a target object; the adjustment to the camera’s orientation must be
made after the target object has moved. Another example is where the script code should override the e ect of an

animation (say, to make the character’s head look towards a target object in the scene). The LateUpdate function
can be used for these kinds of situations.

void LateUpdate() {

Initialization Events
It is often useful to be able to call initialization code in advance of any updates that occur during gameplay. The
Start function is called before the rst frame or physics update on an object. The Awake function is called for each
object in the scene at the time when the scene loads. Note that although the various objects’ Start and Awake
functions are called in arbitrary order, all the Awakes will have nished before the rst Start is called. This means
that code in a Start function can make use of other initializations previously carried out in the Awake phase.

GUI events
Unity has a system for rendering GUI controls over the main action in the scene and responding to clicks on these
controls. This code is handled somewhat di erently from the normal frame update and so it should be placed in the
OnGUI function, which will be called periodically.

void OnGUI() {
GUI.Label(labelRect, "Game Over");

You can also detect mouse events that occur over a GameObject as it appears in the scene. This can be used for
targeting weapons or displaying information about the character currently under the mouse pointer. A set of
OnMouseXXX event functions (eg, OnMouseOver, OnMouseDown) is available to allow a script to react to user
actions with the mouse. For example, if the mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over a particular object
then an OnMouseDown function in that object’s script will be called if it exists.

Physics events
The physics engine will report collisions against an object by calling event functions on that object’s script. The
OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionStay and OnCollisionExit functions will be called as contact is made, held and broken.
The corresponding OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerExit functions will be called when the object’s
collider is con gured as a Trigger (ie, a collider that simply detects when something enters it rather than reacting
physically). These functions may be called several times in succession if more than one contact is detected during
the physics update and so a parameter is passed to the function giving details of the collision (position, identity of
the incoming object, etc).

void OnCollisionEnter(otherObj: Collision) {
if (otherObj.tag == "Arrow") {

Time and Framerate Management

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The Update function allows you to monitor inputs and other events regularly from a script and take appropriate
action. For example, you might move a character when the “forward” key is pressed. An important thing to
remember when handling time-based actions like this is that the game’s framerate is not constant and neither is
the length of time between Update function calls.
As an example of this, consider the task of moving an object forward gradually, one frame at a time. It might seem
at rst that you could just shift the object by a xed distance each frame:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public float distancePerFrame;
void Update() {
transform.Translate(0, 0, distancePerFrame);

//JS script example
var distancePerFrame: float;
function Update() {
transform.Translate(0, 0, distancePerFrame);

However, given that the frame time is not constant, the object will appear to move at an irregular speed. If the
frame time is 10 milliseconds then the object will step forward by distancePerFrame one hundred times per
second. But if the frame time increases to 25 milliseconds (due to CPU load, say) then it will only step forward
forty times a second and therefore cover less distance. The solution is to scale the size of the movement by the
frame time which you can read from the Time.deltaTime property:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public float distancePerSecond;

void Update() {
transform.Translate(0, 0, distancePerSecond * Time.deltaTime);

//JS script example
var distancePerSecond: float;
function Update() {
transform.Translate(0, 0, distancePerSecond * Time.deltaTime);

Note that the movement is now given as distancePerSecond rather than distancePerFrame. As the framerate
changes, the size of the movement step will change accordingly and so the object’s speed will be constant.

Fixed Timestep
Unlike the main frame update, Unity’s physics system does work to a xed timestep, which is important for the
accuracy and consistency of the simulation. At the start of the physics update, Unity sets an “alarm” by adding the
xed timestep value onto the time when the last physics update ended. The physics system will then perform
calculations until the alarm goes o .
You can change the size of the xed timestep from the Time Manager and you can read it from a script using the
Time. xedDeltaTime property. Note that a lower value for the timestep will result in more frequent physics
updates and more precise simulation but at the cost of greater CPU load. You probably won’t need to change the
default xed timestep unless you are placing high demands on the physics engine.

Maximum Allowed Timestep
The xed timestep keeps the physical simulation accurate in real time but it can cause problems in cases where
the game makes heavy use of physics and the gameplay framerate has also become low (due to a large number
of objects in play, say). The main frame update processing has to be “squeezed” in between the regular physics
updates and if there is a lot of processing to do then several physics updates can take place during a single frame.
Since the frame time, positions of objects and other properties are frozen at the start of the frame, the graphics
can get out of sync with the more frequently updated physics.
Naturally, there is only so much CPU power available but Unity has an option to let you e ectively slow down
physics time to let the frame processing catch up. The Maximum Allowed Timestep setting (in the Time Manager)
puts a limit on the amount of time Unity will spend processing physics and FixedUpdate calls during a given frame
update. If a frame update takes longer than Maximum Allowed Timestep to process, the physics engine will “stop
time” and let the frame processing catch up. Once the frame update has nished, the physics will resume as
though no time has passed since it was stopped. The result of this is that rigidbodies will not move perfectly in
real time as they usually do but will be slowed slightly. However, the physics “clock” will still track them as though

they were moving normally. The slowing of physics time is usually not noticeable and is an acceptable trade-o
against gameplay performance.

Time Scale
For special e ects, such as “bullet-time”, it is sometimes useful to slow the passage of game time so that
animations and script responses happen at a reduced rate. Furthermore, you may sometimes want to freeze
game time completely, as when the game is paused. Unity has a Time Scale property that controls how fast game
time proceeds relative to real time. If the scale is set to 1.0 then game time matches real time. A value of 2.0
makes time pass twice as quickly in Unity (ie, the action will be speeded-up) while a value of 0.5 will slow
gameplay down to half speed. A value of zero will make time “stop” completely. Note that the time scale doesn’t
actually slow execution but simply changes the time step reported to the Update and FixedUpdate functions via
Time.deltaTime and Time. xedDeltaTime. The Update function is likely to be called more often than usual when
game time is slowed down but the deltaTime step reported each frame will simply be reduced. Other script
functions are not a ected by the time scale so you can, for example, display a GUI with normal interaction when
the game is paused.
The Time Manager has a property to let you set the time scale globally but it is generally more useful to set the
value from a script using the Time.timeScale property:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
void Pause() {
Time.timeScale = 0;
void Resume() {
Time.timeScale = 1;
//JS script example
function Pause() {
Time.timeScale = 0;
function Resume() {
Time.timeScale = 1;

Capture Framerate


A very special case of time management is where you want to record gameplay as a video. Since the task of saving
screen images takes considerable time, the usual framerate of the game will be drastically reduced if you attempt
to do this during normal gameplay. This will result in a video that doesn’t re ect the true performance of the
Fortunately, Unity provides a Capture Framerate property that lets you get around this problem. When the
property’s value is set to anything other than zero, game time will be slowed and the frame updates will be issued
at precise regular intervals. The interval between frames is equal to 1 / Time.captureFramerate, so if the value is
set to 5.0 then updates occur every fth of a second. With the demands on framerate e ectively reduced, you
have time in the Update function to save screenshots or take other actions:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
// Capture frames as a screenshot sequence. Images are
// stored as PNG files in a folder ­ these can be combined into
// a movie using image utility software (eg, QuickTime Pro).
// The folder to contain our screenshots.
// If the folder exists we will append numbers to create an empty folder.
string folder = "ScreenshotFolder";
int frameRate = 25;
void Start () {
// Set the playback framerate (real time will not relate to game time af
Time.captureFramerate = frameRate;
// Create the folder
void Update () {
// Append filename to folder name (format is '0005 shot.png"')
string name = string.Format("{0}/{1:D04} shot.png", folder, Time.frameCo
// Capture the screenshot to the specified file.
//JS script example
// Capture frames as a screenshot sequence. Images are
// stored as PNG files in a folder ­ these can be combined into
// a movie using image utility software (eg, QuickTime Pro).

// The folder to contain our screenshots.
// If the folder exists we will append numbers to create an empty folder.
var folder = "ScreenshotFolder";
var frameRate = 25;

function Start () {
// Set the playback framerate (real time will not relate to game time after
Time.captureFramerate = frameRate;
// Create the folder
function Update () {
// Append filename to folder name (format is '0005 shot.png"')
var name = String.Format("{0}/{1:D04} shot.png", folder, Time.frameCount );
// Capture the screenshot to the specified file.

Although the video recorded using this technique typically looks very good, the game can be hard to play when
slowed-down drastically. You may need to experiment with the value of Time.captureFramerate to allow ample
recording time without unduly complicating the task of the test player.

Creating and Destroying GameObjects Leave feedback
Some games keep a constant number of objects in the scene, but it is very common for characters, treasures and
other object to be created and removed during gameplay. In Unity, a GameObject can be created using the
Instantiate function which makes a new copy of an existing object:

public GameObject enemy;
void Start() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

Note that the object from which the copy is made doesn’t have to be present in the scene. It is more common to
use a prefab dragged to a public variable from the Project panel in the editor. Also, instantiating a GameObject
will copy all the Components present on the original.
There is also a Destroy function that will destroy an object after the frame update has nished or optionally after
a short time delay:

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision otherObj) {
if (otherObj.gameObject.tag == "Missile") {

Note that the Destroy function can destroy individual components without a ecting the GameObject itself. A
common mistake is to write something like:


…which will actually just destroy the script component that calls it rather than destroying the GameObject the
script is attached to.


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When you call a function, it runs to completion before returning. This e ectively means that any action taking
place in a function must happen within a single frame update; a function call can’t be used to contain a
procedural animation or a sequence of events over time. As an example, consider the task of gradually reducing
an object’s alpha (opacity) value until it becomes completely invisible.

void Fade()
for (float f = 1f; f >= 0; f ­= 0.1f)
Color c = renderer.material.color;
c.a = f;
renderer.material.color = c;

As it stands, the Fade function will not have the e ect you might expect. In order for the fading to be visible, the
alpha must be reduced over a sequence of frames to show the intermediate values being rendered. However, the
function will execute in its entirety within a single frame update. The intermediate values will never be seen and
the object will disappear instantly.
It is possible to handle situations like this by adding code to the Update function that executes the fade on a
frame-by-frame basis. However, it is often more convenient to use a coroutine for this kind of task.
A coroutine is like a function that has the ability to pause execution and return control to Unity but then to
continue where it left o on the following frame. In C#, a coroutine is declared like this:

IEnumerator Fade()
for (float f = 1f; f >= 0; f ­= 0.1f)
Color c = renderer.material.color;
c.a = f;
renderer.material.color = c;
yield return null;

It is essentially a function declared with a return type of IEnumerator and with the yield return statement included
somewhere in the body. The yield return line is the point at which execution will pause and be resumed the
following frame. To set a coroutine running, you need to use the StartCoroutine function:

void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown("f"))

You will notice that the loop counter in the Fade function maintains its correct value over the lifetime of the
coroutine. In fact any variable or parameter will be correctly preserved between yields.
By default, a coroutine is resumed on the frame after it yields but it is also possible to introduce a time delay
using WaitForSeconds:

IEnumerator Fade()
for (float f = 1f; f >= 0; f ­= 0.1f)
Color c = renderer.material.color;
c.a = f;
renderer.material.color = c;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);

This can be used as a way to spread an e ect over a period of time, but it is also a useful optimization. Many tasks
in a game need to be carried out periodically and the most obvious way to do this is to include them in the
Update function. However, this function will typically be called many times per second. When a task doesn’t need
to be repeated quite so frequently, you can put it in a coroutine to get an update regularly but not every single
frame. An example of this might be an alarm that warns the player if an enemy is nearby. The code might look
something like this:

function ProximityCheck()
for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++)

if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, enemies[i].transform.position)
return true;
return false;

If there are a lot of enemies then calling this function every frame might introduce a signi cant overhead.
However, you could use a coroutine to call it every tenth of a second:

IEnumerator DoCheck()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);

This would greatly reduce the number of checks carried out without any noticeable e ect on gameplay.
Note: Coroutines are not stopped when a MonoBehaviour is disabled, but only when it is de nitely destroyed.
You can stop a Coroutine using MonoBehaviour.StopCoroutine and MonoBehaviour.StopAllCoroutines.
Coroutines are also stopped when the MonoBehaviour is destroyed.


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As projects become larger and the number of scripts increases, the likelihood of having clashes between script
class names grows ever greater. This is especially true when several programmers are working on di erent
aspects of the game separately and will eventually combine their e orts in one project. For example, one
programmer may be writing the code to control the main player character while another writes the equivalent
code for the enemy. Both programmers may choose to call their main script class Controller, but this will cause a
clash when their projects are combined.
To some extent, this problem can be avoided by adopting a naming convention or by renaming classes whenever
a clash is discovered (eg, the classes above could be given names like PlayerController and EnemyController).
However, this is troublesome when there are several classes with clashing names or when variables are declared
using those names - each mention of the old class name must be replaced for the code to compile.
The C# language o ers a feature called namespaces that solves this problem in a robust way. A namespace is
simply a collection of classes that are referred to using a chosen pre x on the class name. In the example below,
the classes Controller1 and Controller2 are members of a namespace called Enemy:

namespace Enemy {
public class Controller1 : MonoBehaviour {
public class Controller2 : MonoBehaviour {

In code, these classes are referred to as Enemy.Controller1 and Enemy.Controller2, respectively. This is
better than renaming the classes insofar as the namespace declaration can be bracketed around existing class
declarations (ie, it is not necessary to change the names of all the classes individually). Furthermore, you can use
multiple bracketed namespace sections around classes wherever they occur, even if those classes are in di erent
source les.
You can avoid having to type the namespace pre x repeatedly by adding a using directive at the top of the le.

using Enemy;

This line indicates that where the class names Controller1 and Controller2 are found, they should be taken to mean
Enemy.Controller1 and Enemy.Controller2, respectively. If the script also needs to refer to classes with the same

name from a di erent namespace (one called Player, say), then the pre x can still be used. If two namespaces
that contain clashing class names are imported with using directives at the same time, the compiler will report an


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Attributes are markers that can be placed above a class, property or function in a script to indicate special
behaviour. For example, you can add the HideInInspector attribute above a property declaration to prevent
the Inspector from showing the property, even if it is public. C# contains attribute names within square brackets,
like so:

public float strength;

Unity provides a number of attributes which are listed in the API Reference documentation:

For UnityEngine attributes, see AddComponentMenu and sibling pages
For UnityEditor attributes, see CallbackOrderAttribute and sibling pages
There are also attributes de ned in the .NET libraries which might sometimes be useful in Unity code. See
Microsoft’s documentation on Attributes for more information.
Note: Do not use the ThreadStatic attribute de ned in the .NET library; it causes a crash if you add it to a Unity

Execution Order of Event Functions

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In Unity scripting, there are a number of event functions that get executed in a predetermined order as a script executes. This
execution order is described below:

First Scene Load
These functions get called when a scene starts (once for each object in the scene).

Awake: This function is always called before any Start functions and also just after a prefab is instantiated. (If
a GameObject is inactive during start up Awake is not called until it is made active.)
OnEnable: (only called if the Object is active): This function is called just after the object is enabled. This
happens when a MonoBehaviour instance is created, such as when a level is loaded or a GameObject with the
script component is instantiated.
OnLevelWasLoaded: This function is executed to inform the game that a new level has been loaded.
Note that for objects added to the scene, the Awake and OnEnable functions for all scripts will be called before Start, Update,
etc are called for any of them. Naturally, this cannot be enforced when an object is instantiated during gameplay.

Reset: Reset is called to initialize the script’s properties when it is rst attached to the object and also when the
Reset command is used.

Before the rst frame update

Start: Start is called before the rst frame update only if the script instance is enabled.
For objects added to the scene, the Start function will be called on all scripts before Update, etc are called for any of them.
Naturally, this cannot be enforced when an object is instantiated during gameplay.

In between frames
OnApplicationPause: This is called at the end of the frame where the pause is detected, e ectively between
the normal frame updates. One extra frame will be issued after OnApplicationPause is called to allow the
game to show graphics that indicate the paused state.

Update Order

When you’re keeping track of game logic and interactions, animations, camera positions, etc., there are a few di erent events
you can use. The common pattern is to perform most tasks inside the Update function, but there are also other functions you
can use.
FixedUpdate: FixedUpdate is often called more frequently than Update. It can be called multiple times per frame, if the
frame rate is low and it may not be called between frames at all if the frame rate is high. All physics calculations and updates
occur immediately after FixedUpdate. When applying movement calculations inside FixedUpdate, you do not need to
multiply your values by Time.deltaTime. This is because FixedUpdate is called on a reliable timer, independent of the frame
Update: Update is called once per frame. It is the main workhorse function for frame updates.
LateUpdate: LateUpdate is called once per frame, after Update has nished. Any calculations that are performed in Update
will have completed when LateUpdate begins. A common use for LateUpdate would be a following third-person camera. If
you make your character move and turn inside Update, you can perform all camera movement and rotation calculations in
LateUpdate. This will ensure that the character has moved completely before the camera tracks its position.


OnPreCull: Called before the camera culls the scene. Culling determines which objects are visible to the
camera. OnPreCull is called just before culling takes place.
OnBecameVisible/OnBecameInvisible: Called when an object becomes visible/invisible to any camera.
OnWillRenderObject: Called once for each camera if the object is visible.
OnPreRender: Called before the camera starts rendering the scene.
OnRenderObject: Called after all regular scene rendering is done. You can use GL class or
Graphics.DrawMeshNow to draw custom geometry at this point.
OnPostRender: Called after a camera nishes rendering the scene.
OnRenderImage: Called after scene rendering is complete to allow post-processing of the image, see Postprocessing E ects.
OnGUI: Called multiple times per frame in response to GUI events. The Layout and Repaint events are
processed rst, followed by a Layout and keyboard/mouse event for each input event.
OnDrawGizmos Used for drawing Gizmos in the scene view for visualisation purposes.


Normal coroutine updates are run after the Update function returns. A coroutine is a function that can suspend its execution
(yield) until the given YieldInstruction nishes. Di erent uses of Coroutines:

yield The coroutine will continue after all Update functions have been called on the next frame.
yield WaitForSeconds Continue after a speci ed time delay, after all Update functions have been called for
the frame
yield WaitForFixedUpdate Continue after all FixedUpdate has been called on all scripts
yield WWW Continue after a WWW download has completed.
yield StartCoroutine Chains the coroutine, and will wait for the MyFunc coroutine to complete rst.

When the Object is Destroyed

OnDestroy: This function is called after all frame updates for the last frame of the object’s existence (the
object might be destroyed in response to Object.Destroy or at the closure of a scene).

When Quitting

These functions get called on all the active objects in your scene:

OnApplicationQuit: This function is called on all game objects before the application is quit. In the editor it is
called when the user stops playmode.
OnDisable: This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled or inactive.

Script Lifecycle Flowchart

The following diagram summarises the ordering and repetition of event functions during a script’s lifetime.


Reset is called when the script is attached and not in playmode.


Start is only ever called once for a given script.


The physics cycle may happen more than once per frame if
the fixed time step is less than the actual frame update time.



Internal physics update




yield WaitForFixedUpdate


Input events

yield null
If a coroutine has yielded previously but is now due to
resume then execution takes place during this part of the

yield WaitForSeconds
yield WWW
yield StartCoroutine

Game logic

Internal animation update


Scene rendering


OnDrawGizmos is only called while working in the editor.

OnGUI is called multiple time per frame update.



yield WaitForEndOfFrame

OnApplicationPause is called after the frame where the
pause occurs but issues another frame before actually pausing.


OnDisable is called only when the script was disabled during
the frame. OnEnable will be called if it is enabled again.


Gizmo rendering
GUI rendering
End of frame


Note: Some browsers do not support SVG image les. If the image above does not display properly (for example, if you cannot
see any text), please try another browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Understanding Automatic Memory

Leave feedback

When an object, string or array is created, the memory required to store it is allocated from a central pool called
the heap. When the item is no longer in use, the memory it once occupied can be reclaimed and used for
something else. In the past, it was typically up to the programmer to allocate and release these blocks of heap
memory explicitly with the appropriate function calls. Nowadays, runtime systems like Unity’s Mono engine
manage memory for you automatically. Automatic memory management requires less coding e ort than explicit
allocation/release and greatly reduces the potential for memory leakage (the situation where memory is allocated
but never subsequently released).

Value and Reference Types
When a function is called, the values of its parameters are copied to an area of memory reserved for that speci c
call. Data types that occupy only a few bytes can be copied very quickly and easily. However, it is common for
objects, strings and arrays to be much larger and it would be very ine cient if these types of data were copied on
a regular basis. Fortunately, this is not necessary; the actual storage space for a large item is allocated from the
heap and a small “pointer” value is used to remember its location. From then on, only the pointer need be copied
during parameter passing. As long as the runtime system can locate the item identi ed by the pointer, a single
copy of the data can be used as often as necessary.
Types that are stored directly and copied during parameter passing are called value types. These include integers,
oats, booleans and Unity’s struct types (eg, Color and Vector3). Types that are allocated on the heap and then
accessed via a pointer are called reference types, since the value stored in the variable merely “refers” to the real
data. Examples of reference types include objects, strings and arrays.

Allocation and Garbage Collection
The memory manager keeps track of areas in the heap that it knows to be unused. When a new block of memory
is requested (say when an object is instantiated), the manager chooses an unused area from which to allocate the
block and then removes the allocated memory from the known unused space. Subsequent requests are handled
the same way until there is no free area large enough to allocate the required block size. It is highly unlikely at this
point that all the memory allocated from the heap is still in use. A reference item on the heap can only be
accessed as long as there are still reference variables that can locate it. If all references to a memory block are
gone (ie, the reference variables have been reassigned or they are local variables that are now out of scope) then
the memory it occupies can safely be reallocated.
To determine which heap blocks are no longer in use, the memory manager searches through all currently active
reference variables and marks the blocks they refer to as “live”. At the end of the search, any space between the
live blocks is considered empty by the memory manager and can be used for subsequent allocations. For obvious
reasons, the process of locating and freeing up unused memory is known as garbage collection (or GC for short).

Garbage collection is automatic and invisible to the programmer but the collection process actually requires
signi cant CPU time behind the scenes. When used correctly, automatic memory management will generally
equal or beat manual allocation for overall performance. However, it is important for the programmer to avoid
mistakes that will trigger the collector more often than necessary and introduce pauses in execution.

There are some infamous algorithms that can be GC nightmares even though they seem innocent at rst sight.
Repeated string concatenation is a classic example:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
void ConcatExample(int[] intArray) {
string line = intArray[0].ToString();
for (i = 1; i < intArray.Length; i++) {
line += ", " + intArray[i].ToString();
return line;

//JS script example
function ConcatExample(intArray: int[]) {
var line = intArray[0].ToString();
for (i = 1; i < intArray.Length; i++) {
line += ", " + intArray[i].ToString();
return line;

The key detail here is that the new pieces don’t get added to the string in place, one by one. What actually
happens is that each time around the loop, the previous contents of the line variable become dead - a whole new
string is allocated to contain the original piece plus the new part at the end. Since the string gets longer with
increasing values of i, the amount of heap space being consumed also increases and so it is easy to use up
hundreds of bytes of free heap space each time this function is called. If you need to concatenate many strings
together then a much better option is the Mono library’s System.Text.StringBuilder class.
However, even repeated concatenation won’t cause too much trouble unless it is called frequently, and in Unity
that usually implies the frame update. Something like:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public GUIText scoreBoard;
public int score;
void Update() {
string scoreText = "Score: " + score.ToString();
scoreBoard.text = scoreText;

//JS script example
var scoreBoard: GUIText;
var score: int;
function Update() {
var scoreText: String = "Score: " + score.ToString();
scoreBoard.text = scoreText;

…will allocate new strings each time Update is called and generate a constant trickle of new garbage. Most of that
can be saved by updating the text only when the score changes:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
public GUIText scoreBoard;
public string scoreText;
public int score;
public int oldScore;
void Update() {
if (score != oldScore) {
scoreText = "Score: " + score.ToString();
scoreBoard.text = scoreText;
oldScore = score;

//JS script example
var scoreBoard: GUIText;
var scoreText: String;
var score: int;
var oldScore: int;
function Update() {
if (score != oldScore) {
scoreText = "Score: " + score.ToString();
scoreBoard.text = scoreText;
oldScore = score;

Another potential problem occurs when a function returns an array value:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
float[] RandomList(int numElements) {
var result = new float[numElements];
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
result[i] = Random.value;
return result;

//JS script example
function RandomList(numElements: int) {
var result = new float[numElements];
for (i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
result[i] = Random.value;

return result;

This type of function is very elegant and convenient when creating a new array lled with values. However, if it is
called repeatedly then fresh memory will be allocated each time. Since arrays can be very large, the free heap
space could get used up rapidly, resulting in frequent garbage collections. One way to avoid this problem is to
make use of the fact that an array is a reference type. An array passed into a function as a parameter can be
modi ed within that function and the results will remain after the function returns. A function like the one above
can often be replaced with something like:

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
void RandomList(float[] arrayToFill) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrayToFill.Length; i++) {
arrayToFill[i] = Random.value;

//JS script example
function RandomList(arrayToFill: float[]) {
for (i = 0; i < arrayToFill.Length; i++) {
arrayToFill[i] = Random.value;

This simply replaces the existing contents of the array with new values. Although this requires the initial allocation
of the array to be done in the calling code (which looks slightly inelegant), the function will not generate any new
garbage when it is called.

Disabling garbage collection
If you are using the Mono or IL2CPP scripting backend, you can avoid CPU spikes during garbage collection by
disabling garbage collection at run time. When you disable garbage collection, memory usage never decreases
because the garbage collector does not collect objects that no longer have any references. In fact, memory usage
can only ever increase when you disable garbage collection. To avoid increased memory usage over time, take

care when managing memory. Ideally, allocate all memory before you disable the garbage collector and avoid
additional allocations while it is disabled.
For more details on how to enable and disable garbage collection at run time, see the GarbageCollector Scripting
API page.

Requesting a Collection
As mentioned above, it is best to avoid allocations as far as possible. However, given that they can’t be completely
eliminated, there are two main strategies you can use to minimise their intrusion into gameplay:-

Small heap with fast and frequent garbage collection
This strategy is often best for games that have long periods of gameplay where a smooth framerate is the main
concern. A game like this will typically allocate small blocks frequently but these blocks will be in use only brie y.
The typical heap size when using this strategy on iOS is about 200KB and garbage collection will take about 5ms
on an iPhone 3G. If the heap increases to 1MB, the collection will take about 7ms. It can therefore be
advantageous sometimes to request a garbage collection at a regular frame interval. This will generally make
collections happen more often than strictly necessary but they will be processed quickly and with minimal e ect
on gameplay:

if (Time.frameCount % 30 == 0)

However, you should use this technique with caution and check the pro ler statistics to make sure that it is really
reducing collection time for your game.

Large heap with slow but infrequent garbage collection
This strategy works best for games where allocations (and therefore collections) are relatively infrequent and can
be handled during pauses in gameplay. It is useful for the heap to be as large as possible without being so large
as to get your app killed by the OS due to low system memory. However, the Mono runtime avoids expanding the
heap automatically if at all possible. You can expand the heap manually by preallocating some placeholder space
during startup (ie, you instantiate a “useless” object that is allocated purely for its e ect on the memory manager):

//C# script example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
var tmp = new System.Object[1024];

// make allocations in smaller blocks to avoid them to be treated in a s
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
tmp[i] = new byte[1024];
// release reference
tmp = null;

//JS script example
function Start() {
var tmp = new System.Object[1024];
// make allocations in smaller blocks to avoid them to be treated in a speci
for (var i : int = 0; i < 1024; i++)
tmp[i] = new byte[1024];
// release reference
tmp = null;

A su ciently large heap should not get completely lled up between those pauses in gameplay that would
accommodate a collection. When such a pause occurs, you can request a collection explicitly:


Again, you should take care when using this strategy and pay attention to the pro ler statistics rather than just
assuming it is having the desired e ect.

Reusable Object Pools
There are many cases where you can avoid generating garbage simply by reducing the number of objects that get
created and destroyed. There are certain types of objects in games, such as projectiles, which may be
encountered over and over again even though only a small number will ever be in play at once. In cases like this,
it is often possible to reuse objects rather than destroy old ones and replace them with new ones.

Further Information

Memory management is a subtle and complex subject to which a great deal of academic e ort has been devoted.
If you are interested in learning more about it then memorymanagement.org is an excellent resource, listing
many publications and online articles. Further information about object pooling can be found on the Wikipedia
page and also at Sourcemaking.com.
2018–09–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
Ability to disable garbage collection on Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends added in Unity 2018.3

Platform dependent compilation

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Unity includes a feature called Platform Dependent Compilation. This consists of some preprocessor directives
that let you partition your scripts to compile and execute a section of code exclusively for one of the supported
You can run this code within the Unity Editor, so you can compile the code speci cally for your target platform
and test it in the Editor!

Platform #de ne directives
The platform #de ne directives that Unity supports for your scripts are as follows:


#de ne directive for calling Unity Editor scripts from your game
#de ne directive for Editor code on Windows.
#de ne directive for Editor code on Mac OS X.
#de ne directive for compiling/executing code speci cally for Mac
OS X (including Universal, PPC and Intel architectures).
#de ne directive for compiling/executing code speci cally for
Windows standalone applications.
#de ne directive for compiling/executing code speci cally for Linux
standalone applications.
#de ne directive for compiling/executing code for any standalone
platform (Mac OS X, Windows or Linux).
#de ne directive for compiling/executing code for the Wii console.
#de ne directive for compiling/executing code for the iOS platform.
Deprecated. Use UNITY_IOS instead.
#de ne directive for the Android platform.
#de ne directive for running PlayStation 4 code.
#de ne directive for executing Xbox One code.
#de ne directive for the Tizen platform.
#de ne directive for the Apple TV platform.
#de ne directive for Universal Windows Platform. Additionally,
NETFX_CORE is de ned when compiling C# les against .NET Core
and using .NET scripting backend.
#de ne directive for Universal Windows Platform. Additionally
WINDOWS_UWP is de ned when compiling C# les against .NET
Same as UNITY_WSA.
Equivalent to UNITY_WSA_10_0
#de ne directive for WebGL.
#de ne directive for the Facebook platform (WebGL or Windows


#de ne directive for calling Unity Ads methods from your game
code. Version 5.2 and above.
#de ne directive for calling Unity Analytics methods from your
game code. Version 5.2 and above.
#de ne directive for assertions control process.

From Unity 2.6.0 onwards, you can compile code selectively. The options available depend on the version of the
Editor that you are working on. Given a version number X.Y.Z (for example, 2.6.0), Unity exposes three global
#de ne directives in the following formats: UNITY_X, UNITY_X_Y and UNITY_X_Y_Z.
Here is an example of #de ne directives exposed in Unity 5.0.1:

#de ne directive for the release version of Unity 5, exposed in every 5.X.Y release.
UNITY_5_0 #de ne directive for the major version of Unity 5.0, exposed in every 5.0.Z release.
UNITY_5_0_1 #de ne directive for the minor version of Unity 5.0.1.
Starting from Unity 5.3.4, you can compile code selectively based on the earliest version of Unity required to
compile or execute a given portion of code. Given the same version format as above (X.Y.Z), Unity exposes one
global #de ne in the format UNITY_X_Y_OR_NEWER, that can be used for this purpose.
The supported #de ne directives are:


Scripting backend #de ne for Mono.
Scripting backend #de ne for IL2CPP.
Scripting backend #de ne for .NET.
De ned when building scripts against .NET Core class libraries on .NET.
De ned when building scripts against .NET 2.0 API compatibility level
on Mono and IL2CPP.
De ned when building scripts against .NET 2.0 Subset API compatibility
level on Mono and IL2CPP.
De ned when building scripts against .NET 4.x API compatibility level
on Mono and IL2CPP.
De ned when building scripts against .NET Standard 2.0 API
compatibility level on Mono and IL2CPP.
De ned when Windows Runtime support is enabled on IL2CPP and
.NET. See Windows Runtime Support for more details.
You use the DEVELOPMENT_BUILD #de ne to identify whether your script is running in a player which was built
with the “Development Build” option enabled.
You can also compile code selectively depending on the scripting back-end.

Testing precompiled code
Below is an example of how to use the precompiled code. It prints a message that depends on the platform you
have selected for your target build.
First of all, select the platform you want to test your code against by going to File > Build Settings. This displays
the Build Settings window; select your target platform from here.

Build Settings window with PC, Mac & Linux selected as the target platforms
Select the platform you want to test your precompiled code against and click Switch Platform to tell Unity which
platform you are targeting.
Create a script and copy/paste the following code:

// JS
function Awake() {
Debug.Log("Unity Editor");

Debug.Log("Stand Alone OSX");
Debug.Log("Stand Alone Windows");

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PlatformDefines : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
Debug.Log("Unity Editor");
Debug.Log("Stand Alone OSX");
Debug.Log("Stand Alone Windows");

To test the code, click Play Mode. Con rm that the code works by checking for the relevant message in the Unity
console, depending on which platform you selected - for example, if you choose iOS, the message “Iphone” is set
to appear in the console.
In C# you can use a CONDITIONAL attribute which is a more clean, less error-prone way of stripping out
functions. See ConditionalAttribute Class for more information. Note that common Unity callbacks (ex. Start(),
Update(), LateUpdate(), FixedUpdate(), Awake()) are not a ected by this attribute because they are called directly
from the engine and, for performance reasons, it does not take them into account.
In addition to the basic #if compiler directive, you can also use a multiway test in C#:

Debug.Log("Unity Editor");
Debug.Log("Unity iPhone");
Debug.Log("Any other platform");

Platform custom #de nes
It is also possible to add to the built-in selection of #de ne directives by supplying your own. Open the Other
Settings panel of the Player Settings and navigate to the Scripting De ne Symbols text box.

Enter the names of the symbols you want to de ne for that particular platform, separated by semicolons. These
symbols can then be used as the conditions for #if directives, just like the built-in ones.

Global custom #de nes
You can de ne your own preprocessor directives to control which code gets included when compiling. To do this
you must add a text le with the extra directives to the Assets folder. The name of the le depends on the
language you are using. The extension is .rsp:

C# (player and editor scripts) /Assets/mcs.rsp
As an example, if you include the single line ­define:UNITY_DEBUG in your mcs.rsp le, the #de ne directive
UNITY_DEBUG exists as a global #de ne for C# scripts, except for Editor scripts.
Every time you make changes to .rsp les, you need to recompile in order for them to be e ective. You can do
this by updating or reimporting a single script (.js or .cs) le.
If you want to modify only global #de ne directives, use Scripting De ne Symbols in Player Settings, as this
covers all the compilers. If you choose the .rsp les instead, you need to provide one le for every compiler Unity
uses, and you don’t know when one or another compiler is used.
The use of .rsp les is described in the ‘Help’ section of the mcs application which is included in the Editor
installation folder. You can get more information by running mcs ­help.
Note that the .rsp le needs to match the compiler being invoked. For example:

when targeting any players or the editor, mcs is used with mcs.rsp, and
when targeting MS compiler, csc is used with csc.rsp, etc.
2018–03–16 Page amended with no editorial review
Removed Samsung TV support.

Special folders and script compilation order

Leave feedback

Unity reserves some project folder names to indicate that the contents have a special purpose. Some of these folders have an
e ect on the order of script compilation. These folder names are:

Editor default resources
Standard Assets
See Special folder names for information on what these folders are used for.
There are four separate phases of script compilation. The phase where a script is compiled is determined by its parent folder.
This is signi cant in cases where a script must refer to classes de ned in other scripts. The basic rule is that anything that is
compiled in a phase after the current one cannot be referenced. Anything that is compiled in the current phase or an earlier
phase is fully available.
The phases of compilation are as follows:

Phase 1: Runtime scripts in folders called Standard Assets, Pro Standard Assets and Plugins.
Phase 2: Editor scripts in folders called Editor that are anywhere inside top-level folders called Standard Assets,
Pro Standard Assets and Plugins.
Phase 3: All other scripts that are not inside a folder called Editor.
Phase 4: All remaining scripts (those that are inside a folder called Editor).
Note: Standard Assets work only in the Assets root folder.

Script compilation and assembly
de nition les

Leave feedback


Unity automatically de nes how scripts compile to managed assemblies. Typically, compilation times in the Unity
Editor for iterative script changes increase as you add more scripts to the Project.
Use an assembly de nition le to de ne your own managed assemblies based upon scripts inside a folder. To do
this, separate Project scripts into multiple assemblies with well-de ned dependencies in order to ensure that only
required assemblies are rebuilt when making changes in a script. This reduces compilation time. Think of each
managed assembly as a single library within the Unity Project.

Figure 1 - Script compilation
Figure 1 above illustrates how to split the Project scripts into several assemblies. Changing only scripts in Main.dll
causes none of the other assemblies to recompile. Since Main.dll contains fewer scripts, it also compiles faster
than Assembly-CSharp.dll. Similarly, script changes in only Stu .dll causes Main.dll and Stu .dll to recompile.

How to use assembly de nition les
Assembly de nition les are Asset les that you create by going to Assets > Create > Assembly De nition. They
have the extension .asmdef.
Add an assembly de nition le to a folder in a Unity Project to compile all the scripts in the folder into an
assembly. Set the name of the assembly in the Inspector.
Note: The name of the folder in which the assembly de nition le resides and the lename of the assembly
de nition le have no e ect on the name of the assembly.

Figure 2 - Example Import Settings
Add references to other assembly de nition les in the Project using the Inspector too. To view the Inspector, click
your Assembly De nition le and it should appear. To add a reference, click the + icon under the References
section and choose your le.
Unity uses the references to compile the assemblies and also de nes the dependencies between the assemblies.
To mark the assembly for testing, enable Test Assemblies in the Inspector. This adds references to
unit.framework.dll and UnityEngine.TestRunner.dll in the Assembly De nition le.
When you mark an assembly for testing, makes sure that:

Prede ned assemblies (Assembly-CSharp.dll etc.) do not automatically reference Assembly De nition Files agged
for testing.
The assembly is not included in a normal build. To include the assemblies in a player build, use
BuildOptions.IncludeTestAssemblies in your building script. Note that this only includes the assemblies in your
build and does not execute any tests.
Note: If you use the unsafe keyword in a script inside an assembly, you must enable the Allow ‘unsafe’ Code
option in the Inspector. This will pass the /unsafe option to the C# compiler when compiling the assembly.
You set the platform compatibility for the assembly de nition les in the Inspector. You have the option to
exclude or include speci c platforms.

Multiple assembly de nition les inside a folder hierarchy
Having multiple assembly de nition les (extension: .asmdef) inside a folder hierarchy causes each script to be
added to the assembly de nition le with the shortest path distance.
If you have an Assets/ExampleFolder/MyLibrary.asmdef le and an
Assets/ExampleFolder/ExampleFolder2/Utility.asmdef le, then:
Any scripts inside the Assets > ExampleFolder > ExampleFolder2 folder will be compiled into the
Assets/ExampleFolder/ExampleFolder2/Utility.asmdef de ned assembly.
Any les in the Assets > ExampleFolder folder that are not inside the Assets > ExampleFolder >
ExampleFolder2 folder will be compiled into the Assets/ExampleFolder/MyLibrary.asmdef de ned assembly.

Assembly de nition les are not build system les
Note: The assembly de nition les are not assembly build les. They do not support conditional build rules
typically found in build systems.
This is also the reason why the assembly de nition les do not support setting of preprocessor directives
(de nes), as those are static at all times.

Backwards compatibility and implicit dependencies
Assembly de nition les are backwards compatible with the existing Prede ned Compilation System in Unity. This
means that the prede ned assemblies always depend on every assembly de nition le’s assemblies. This is
similar to how all scripts are dependent on all precompiled assemblies (plugins / .dlls) compatible with the active
build target in Unity.

Figure 3 - Assembly dependencies
The diagram in Figure 3 illustrates the dependencies between prede ned assemblies, assembly de nition les
assemblies and precompiled assemblies.
Unity gives priority to the assembly de nition les over the Prede ned Compilation System. This means that
having any of the special folder names from the prede ned compilation inside a assembly de nition le folder
does not have any e ect on the compilation. Unity treats these as regular folders without any special meaning.
It is highly recommended that you use assembly de nition les for all the scripts in the Project, or not at all.
Otherwise, the scripts that are not using assembly de nition les always recompile every time an assembly
de nition le recompiles. This reduces the bene t of using assembly de nition les.

In the UnityEditor.Compilation namespace there is a static CompilationPipeline class that you use to retrieve
information about assembly de nition les and all assemblies built by Unity.

File format
Assembly de nition les are JSON les. They have the following elds:

string array
includePlatforms (optional) string array
excludePlatforms (optional) string array
Do not use the includePlatforms and excludePlatforms elds in the same assembly de nition le.

Retrieve the platform names by using CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblyDefinitionPlatforms.


"name": "MyLibrary",
"references": [ "Utility" ],
"includePlatforms": ["Android", "iOS"]


"name": "MyLibrary2",
"references": [ "Utility" ],
"excludePlatforms": ["WebGL"]

2018–03–07 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 2017.3
Custom Script Assemblies updated in 2018.1

.NET pro le support

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Unity supports a number of .NET pro les. Each pro le provides a di erent API surface for C# code which interacts with the .NET
class libraries. You can change the .NET Pro le in the Player Settings (go to Edit > Project Settings > Player) using the Api
Compatibility Level option in the Other Settings section.

Legacy scripting runtime
The legacy scripting runtime supports two di erent pro les: .NET 2.0 Subset and .NET 2.0. Both of these are closely aligned with
the .NET 2.0 pro le from Microsoft. The .NET 2.0 Subset pro le is smaller than the .NET 4.x pro le, and it allows access to the
class library APIs that most Unity projects use. It is the ideal choice for size-constrained platforms, such as mobile, and it provides
a set of portable APIs for multiplatform support. By default, most Unity projects should use the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le.

Stable scripting runtime
The stable scripting runtime supports two di erent pro les: .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 4.x. The name of the .NET Standard 2.0
pro le can be a bit misleading because it is not related to the .NET 2.0 and .NET 2.0 Subset pro le from the legacy scripting
runtime. Instead, Unity’s support for the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le matches the pro le of the same name published by the .NET
Foundation. The .NET 4.x pro le in Unity matches the .NET 4 series (.NET 4.5, .NET 4.6, .NET 4.7, and so on) of pro les from the
.NET Framework.
Only use the .NET 4.x pro le for compatibility with external libraries, or when you require functionality that is not available in
.NET Standard 2.0.

Cross-platform compatibility
Unity aims to support the vast majority of the APIs in the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le on all platforms. While not all platforms fully
support the .NET Standard, libraries which aim for cross-platform compatibility should target the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le. The
.NET 4.x pro le includes a much larger API surface, including parts which may work on few or no platforms.

Managed plugins
Managed code plugins compiled outside of Unity can work with either the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le or the .NET 4.x pro le in
Unity. The following table describes con gurations Unity supports:

API Compatibility Level:
.NET Standard 2.0 .NET 4.x
Managed plugin compiled against:
.NET Standard
.NET Framework
.NET Core
Not Supported

Not Supported


Managed plugins compiled against any version of the .NET Standard work with Unity.
Limited support indicates that Unity supports the con guration if all APIs used from the .NET Framework are
present in the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le. However, the .NET Framework API is a superset of the .NET Standard 2.0
pro le, so some APIs are not available.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2

From 2018.2, Unity provides full TLS 1.2 support on all platforms except WebGL. It does this via the UnityWebRequest API and all
.NET 4.x APIs.
Certi cate veri cation is done automatically via the platform speci c certi cate store if available. Where access to the certi cate
store is not possible, Unity uses an embedded root certi cate store.

TLS support for .NET 3.5 and below varies per platform and there are no guarantees on which features are supported.
2018–03–15 Page amended with editorial review
.NET pro le support added in 2018.1

Referencing additional class library

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If a Unity Project needs access to a part of the .NET class library API that is not compiled by default, the Project can inform the C#
compiler in Unity. The behavior depends which .NET pro le the Project uses.

.NET Standard 2.0 pro le
If your Projects use the .NET Standard 2.0 Api Compatibility Level, you shouldn’t need to take any additional steps to use part of the
.NET class library API. If part of the API seems to be missing, it might not be included with .NET Standard 2.0. The Project may need to
use the .NET 4.x Api Compatibility Level instead.

.NET 4.x pro le
By default, Unity references the following assemblies when using the .NET 4.x Api Compatibility Level:

You should reference any other class library assemblies using an mcs.rsp le. You can add this le to the Assets directory of a Unity
Project, and use it to pass additional command line arguments to the C# compiler. For example, if a Project uses the HttpClient
class, which is de ned in the System.Net.Http.dll assembly, the C# compiler might produce this initial error message:

The type `HttpClient` is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a referenc

You can resolve this error by adding the following mcs.rsp le to the Project:


You should reference class library assemblies as described in the example above. Don’t copy them into the Project directory.

Switching between pro les
Exercise caution when using an mcs.rsp le to reference class library assemblies. If you change the Api Compatibility Level from
.NET 4.x to .NET Standard 2.0, and an mcs.rsp like the one in the example above exists in the Project, then C# compilation fails. The
System.Net.Http.dll assembly does not exist in the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le, so the C# compiler is unable to locate it.
The mcs.rsp le can have parts that are speci c to the current .NET pro le. If you make changes to the pro le, you need to modify the
mcs.rsp le.
2018–03–15 Page amended with editorial review

Stable scripting runtime: known

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Unity supports a modern .NET runtime. You may encounter the following issues when using the .NET runtime:

Code size
The stable scripting runtime comes with a larger .NET class library API than the legacy scripting runtime. This means the
code size is frequently larger. This size increase may be signi cant, especially on size-constrained and Ahead-of-Time
(AOT) platforms.
To mitigate code size increases:

Choose the smallest .NET pro le possible (see .NET pro le support). The .NET Standard 2.0 pro le is
about half the size of the .NET 4.x pro le, so use the .NET Standard 2.0 pro le where possible.
Enable Strip Engine Code in the Unity Editor Player Settings (go to Edit > Project Settings > Player).
This option statically analyzes the managed code in the Project, and removes any unused code. Note:
This option is only available with the IL2CPP scripting backend.
2018–03–15 Page amended with editorial review

Generic Functions

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The Unity Scripting API Reference documentation lists some functions (for example, the various GetComponent
functions) with a variant that has a letter T or a type name in angle brackets after the function name:

void FuncName();

These are generic functions. You can use them to specify the types of parameters and/or the return type when
you call the function.

// The type is correctly inferred because it is defined in the function call
var obj = GetComponent();

In C#, it can save a lot of keystrokes and cast; for example:

Rigidbody rb= (Rigidbody) go.GetComponent(typeof(Rigidbody));

Compared to:

Rigidbody rb = go.GetComponent();

Any function that has a generic variant listed on its Scripting API Reference documentation page allows this
special calling syntax.

Scripting restrictions

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We strive to provide a common scripting API and experience across all platforms Unity supports. However, some
platforms have inherent restrictions. To help you understand these restrictions and support cross-platform code,
the following table describes which restrictions apply to each platform and scripting backend:

.NET 4.x equivalent scripting runtime
Platform (scripting backend)



.NET Core class libraries

Android (IL2CPP)
Android (Mono)
PlayStation 4 (IL2CPP)
PlayStation Vita (IL2CPP)
Standalone (IL2CPP)
Standalone (Mono)
Switch (IL2CPP)
Universal Windows Platform
Universal Windows Platform (.NET)
WiiU (Mono)
XBox One (IL2CPP)

.NET 3.5 equivalent scripting runtime
Warning: This functionality is deprecated, and should no longer be used. Please use .NET 4.

Platform (scripting backend)
Ahead-of-time compile No threads .NET Core class libraries subset
Android (IL2CPP)
Android (Mono)
PlayStation 4 (IL2CPP)
PlayStation 4 (Mono)
PlayStation Vita (IL2CPP)
PlayStation Vita (Mono)
Standalone (IL2CPP)
Standalone (Mono)
Switch (IL2CPP)
Universal Windows Platform (IL2CPP)
Universal Windows Platform (.NET)
WiiU (Mono)
XBox One (IL2CPP)

Platform (scripting backend)
XBox One (Mono)

Ahead-of-time compile No threads .NET Core class libraries subset

Ahead-of-time compile
Some platforms do not allow runtime code generation. Therefore, any managed code which depends upon justin-time (JIT) compilation on the target device will fail. Instead, we need to compile all of the managed code aheadof-time (AOT). Often, this distinction doesn’t matter, but in a few speci c cases, AOT platforms require additional

System.Re ection.Emit
An AOT platform cannot implement any of the methods in the System.Re ection.Emit namespace. Note that the
rest of System.Re ection is acceptable, as long as the compiler can infer that the code used via re ection needs
to exist at runtime.

AOT platforms may encounter issues with serialization and deserlization due to the use of re ection. If a type or
method is only used via re ection as part of serialization or deserialization, the AOT compiler cannot detect that
code needs to be generated for the type or method.

Generic virtual methods
Generic methods require the compiler to do some additional work to expand the code written by the developer
to the code actually executed on the device. For example, we need di erent code for List with an int or a double.
In the presence of virtual methods, where behavior is determined at runtime rather than compile time, the
compiler can easily require runtime code generation in places where it is not entirely obvious from the source
Suppose we have the following code, which works exactly as expected on a JIT platform (it prints “Message value:
Zero” to the console once):

using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class AOTProblemExample : MonoBehaviour, IReceiver
public enum AnyEnum
void Start()
// Subtle trigger: The type of manager *must* be
// IManager, not Manager, to trigger the AOT problem.

IManager manager = new Manager();
manager.SendMessage(this, AnyEnum.Zero);
public void OnMessage(T value)
Debug.LogFormat("Message value: {0}", value);
public class Manager : IManager
public void SendMessage(IReceiver target, T value) {
public interface IReceiver
void OnMessage(T value);
public interface IManager
void SendMessage(IReceiver target, T value);

When this code is executed on an AOT platform with the IL2CPP scripting backend, this exception occurs:

ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to call method 'AOTProblemExample::OnMessag
at Manager.SendMessage[T] (IReceiver target, .T value) [0x00000] in :0

Likewise, the Mono scripting backend provides this similar exception:

ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method 'Manager:SendMessag
at AOTProblemExample.Start () [0x00000] in :0

The AOT compiler does not realize that it should generate code for the generic method OnMessage with a T of
AnyEnum, so it blissfully continues, skipping this method. When that method is called, and the runtime can’t nd
the proper code to execute, it gives up with this error message.
To work around an AOT issue like this, we can often force the compiler to generate the proper code for us. If we
add a method like this to the AOTProblemExample class:

public void UsedOnlyForAOTCodeGeneration()
// IL2CPP needs only this line.
// Mono also needs this line. Note that we are
// calling directly on the Manager, not the IManager interface.
new Manager().SendMessage(null, AnyEnum.Zero);
// Include an exception so we can be sure to know if this method is ever cal
throw new InvalidOperationException("This method is used for AOT code genera

When the compiler encounters the explicit call to OnMessage with a T of AnyEnum, it generates the proper code
for the runtime to execute. The method UsedOnlyForAOTCodeGeneration does not ever need to be called; it
just needs to exist for the compiler to see it.

No threads
Some platforms do not support the use of threads, so any managed code that uses the System.Threading
namespace will fail at runtime. Also, some parts of the .NET class libraries implicitly depend upon threads. An
often-used example is the System.Timers.Timer class, which depends on support for threads.
2018–08–16 Page amended with no editorial review
Removed Samsung TV support.
.Net 3.5 scripting runtime deprecated in Unity 2018.3

Script Serialization

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Serialization is the automatic process of transforming data structures or object states into a format that Unity can store
and reconstruct later. Some of Unity’s built-in features use serialization; features such as saving and loading, the
Inspector window, instantiation, and Prefabs. See documentation on Built-in serialization use for background details on
all of these.
How you organise data in your Unity project a ects how Unity serializes that data and can have a signi cant impact on
the performance of your project. Below is some guidance on serialization in Unity and how to optimize your project for it.
See also documentation on: Serialization Errors, Custom Serlialization, and Built-in Serialization.

Understanding hot reloading
Hot reloading
Hot reloading is the process of creating or editing scripts while the Editor is open and applying the script behaviors
immediately. You do not have to restart the game or Editor for changes to take e ect.
When you change and save a script, Unity hot reloads all the currently loaded script data. It rst stores all serializable
variables in all loaded scripts and, after loading the scripts, it restores them. All data that is not serializable is lost after a
hot reload.

Saving and loading
Unity uses serialization to load and save Scenes, Assets, and AssetBundles to and from your computer’s hard drive. This
includes data saved in your own scripting API objects such as MonoBehaviour components and ScriptableObjects.
Many of the features in the Unity Editor build on top of the core serialization system. Two things to be particularly aware
of with serialization are the Inspector window, and hot reloading.

The Inspector window
When you view or change the value of a GameObject’s component eld in the Inspector window, Unity serializes this
data and then displays it in the Inspector window. The Inspector window does not communicate with the Unity Scripting
API when it displays the values of a eld.
If you use properties in your script, any of the property getters and setters are never called when you view or change
values in the Inspector windows as Unity serializes the Inspector window elds directly. This means that: While the values
of a eld in the Inspector window represent script properties, changes to values in the Inspector window do not call any
property getters and setters in your script

Serialization rules
Serializers in Unity run in a real-time game environment. This has a signi cant impact on performance. As such,
serialization in Unity behaves di erently to serialization in other programming environments. Outlined below are a
number of tips on how to use serialization in Unity.

How to ensure a eld in a script is serialized
Ensure it:
Is public, or has a SerializeField attribute
Is not static

Is not const
Is not readonly
Has a fieldtype that can be serialized
(See Simple eld types that can be serialized, below.)

Simple eld types that can be serialized
Custom non-abstract, non-generic classes with the Serializable attribute
(See How to ensure a custom class can be serialized, below.)
Custom structs with the Serializable attribute
References to objects that derive from UnityEngine.Object
Primitive data types (int, float, double, bool, string, etc.)
Enum types
Certain Unity built-in types: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Rect, Quaternion, Matrix4x4, Color, Color32,
LayerMask, AnimationCurve, Gradient, RectOffset, GUIStyle

Container eld types that can be serialized
An array of a simple eld type that can be serialized
A List of a simple eld type that can be serialized
Note: Unity does not support serialization of multilevel types (multidimensional arrays, jagged arrays, and nested
container types).
If you want to serialize these, you have two options: wrap the nested type in a class or struct, or use serialization callbacks
ISerializationCallbackReceiver to perform custom serialization. For more information, see documentation on Custom

How to ensure a custom class can be serialized
Ensure it:
Has the Serializable attribute
Is not abstract
Is not static
Is not generic, though it may inherit from a generic class
To ensure the elds of a custom class or struct are serialized, see How to ensure a eld in a script is serialized, above.

When might the serializer behave unexpectedly?
Custom classes behave like structs
With custom classes that are not derived from UnityEngine.Object Unity serializes them inline by value, similar to the way
it serializes structs. If you store a reference to an instance of a custom class in several di erent elds, they become

separate objects when serialized. Then, when Unity deserializes the elds, they contain di erent distinct objects with
identical data.
When you need to serialize a complex object graph with references, do not let Unity automatically serialize the objects.
Instead, use ISerializationCallbackReceiver to serialize them manually. This prevents Unity from creating
multiple objects from object references. For more information, see documentation on ISerializationCallbackReceiver.
This is only true for custom classes. Unity serializes custom classes “inline” because their data becomes part of the
complete serialization data for the MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject they are used in. When elds reference
something that is a UnityEngine.Object-derived class, such as public Camera myCamera, Unity serializes an actual
reference to the camera UnityEngine.Object. The same occurs in instances of scripts if they are derived from
MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject, which are both derived from UnityEngine.Object.

No support for null for custom classes
Consider how many allocations are made when deserializing a MonoBehaviour that uses the following script.

class Test : MonoBehaviour
public Trouble t;
class Trouble
public Trouble t1;
public Trouble t2;
public Trouble t3;

It wouldn’t be strange to expect one allocation: That of the Test object. It also wouldn’t be strange to expect two
allocations: One for the Test object and one for a Trouble object.
However, Unity actually makes more than a thousand allocations. The serializer does not support null. If it serializes an
object, and a eld is null, Unity instantiates a new object of that type, and serializes that. Obviously this could lead to
in nite cycles, so there is a depth limit of seven levels. At that point Unity stops serializing elds that have types of custom
classes, structs, lists, or arrays.
Since so many of Unity’s subsystems build on top of the serialization system, this unexpectedly large serialization stream
for the Test MonoBehaviour causes all these subsystems to perform more slowly than necessary.

No support for polymorphism
If you have a public Animal[] animals and you put in an instance of a Dog, a Cat and a Giraffe, after serialization,
you have three instances of Animal.
One way to deal with this limitation is to realize that it only applies to custom classes, which get serialized inline.
References to other UnityEngine.Objects get serialized as actual references, and for those, polymorphism does
actually work. You would make a ScriptableObject derived class or another MonoBehaviour derived class, and

reference that. The downside of this is that you need to store that Monobehaviour or scriptable object somewhere, and
that you cannot serialize it inline e ciently.
The reason for these limitations is that one of the core foundations of the serialization system is that the layout of the
datastream for an object is known ahead of time; it depends on the types of the elds of the class, rather than what
happens to be stored inside the elds.

Optimal use of serialization
You can organise your data to ensure you get optimal use from Unity’s serialization.
Organise your data with the aim to have Unity serialize the smallest possible set of data. The primary purpose of this is
not to save space on your computer’s hard drive, but to make sure that you can maintain backwards compatibility with
previous versions of the project. Backwards compatibility can become more di cult later on in development if you work
with large sets of serialized data.
Organise your data to never have Unity serialize duplicate data or cached data. This causes signi cant problems for
backwards compatibility: It carries a high risk of error because it is too easy for data to get out of sync.
Avoid nested, recursive structures where you reference other classes.The layout of a serialized structure always needs to
be the same; independent of the data and only dependent on what is exposed in the script. The only way to reference
other objects is through classes derived from UnityEngine.Object. These classes are completely separate; they only
reference each other and they don’t embed the contents.

Making Editor code hot reloadable
When reloading scripts, Unity serializes and stores all variables in all loaded scripts. After reloading the scripts, Unity then
restores them to their original, pre-serialization values.
When reloading scripts, Unity restores all variables - including private variables - that ful ll the requirements for
serialization, even if a variable has no SerializeField attribute. In some cases, you speci cally need to prevent private
variables from being restored: For example, if you want a reference to be null after reloading from scripts. In this case,
use the NonSerialized attribute.
Unity never restores static variables, so do not use static variables for states that you need to keep after reloading a

• 2017–05–15 Page amended with editorial review

Built-in serialization

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Some of the built-in features of Unity automatically use serialization. These are outlined below.
See the documentation on Script Serialization for further information.

Saving and loading
Unity uses serialization to load and save Scenes, Assets, and AssetBundles to and from your computer’s hard drive. This
includes data saved in your own scripting API objects such as MonoBehaviour components and ScriptableObjects.
This happens in the Editor’s Play Mode and Edit Mode.

Inspector window
When you view or change the value of a GameObject’s component eld in the Inspector window, Unity serializes this data and
then displays it in the Inspector window. The Inspector window does not communicate with the Unity Scripting API when it
displays the values of a eld. If you use properties in your script, any of the property getters and setters are never called when
you view or change values in the Inspector windows as Unity serializes the Inspector window elds directly.

Reloading scripts in the Unity Editor
When you change and save a script, Unity reloads all the currently loaded script data. It rst stores all serializable variables in
all loaded scripts, and after loading the scripts restores them. All data that is not serializable is lost after the script is
This a ects all Editor windows, as well as all MonoBehaviours in the project. Unlike other cases of serialization in Unity, private
elds are serialized by default when reloading, even if they don’t have the ‘SerializeField’ attribute.

In the context of serialization, a Prefab is the serialized data of one or more GameObjects and components. A Prefab instance
contains a reference to both the Prefab source and a list of modi cations to it. The modi cations are what Unity needs to do
to the Prefab source to create that particular Prefab instance.
The Prefab instance only exists while you edit your project in the Unity Editor. During the project build, the Unity Editor
instantiates a GameObject from its two sets of serialization data: the Prefab source and the Prefab instance’s modi cations.

When you call Instantiate on anything that exists in a Scene, such as a Prefab or a GameObjects, Unity serializes it. This
happens both at runtime and in the Editor. Everything that derives from UnityEngine.Object can be serialized.
Unity then creates a new GameObject and deserializes the data onto the new GameObject. Next, Unity runs the same
serialization code in a di erent variant to report which other UnityEngine.Objects are being referenced. It checks all
referenced UnityEngine.Objects to see if they are part of the data being instantiated. If the reference points to something
“external”, such as a Texture, Unity keeps that reference as it is. If the reference points to something “internal”, such as a child
GameObject, Unity patches the reference to the corresponding copy.

Unloading unused assets
Resource.GarbageCollectSharedAssets() is the native Unity garbage collector and performs a di erent function to the
standard C# garbage collector. It runs after you load a Scene and checks for objects (like textures) that are no longer
referenced and unloads them safely. The native Unity garbage collector runs the serializer in a variation in which objects
report all references to external UnityEngine.Objects. This is how Textures that were used by one scene are unloaded in
the next.

• 2017–05–15 Page published with editorial review

Custom serialization

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Serialization is the automatic process of transforming data structures or object states into a format that Unity can
store and reconstruct later. (See the documentation on Script Serialization for further information on Unity’s
Sometimes you might want to serialize something that Unity’s serializer doesn’t support. In many cases the best
approach is to use serialization callbacks. (See Unity’s Scripting API Reference: ISerializationCallbackReceiver for
further information on custom serialization using serlialization callbacks.)
Serialization callbacks allow you to be noti ed before the serializer reads data from your elds and after it has
nished writing to them. You can use serialization callbacks to give your hard-to-serialize data a di erent
representation at runtime to its representation when you actually serialize.
To do this, transform your data into something Unity understands right before Unity wants to serialize it. Then,
right after Unity has written the data to your elds, you can transform the serialized form back into the form you
want to have your data in at runtime
For example: You want to have a tree data structure. If you let Unity directly serialize the data structure, the “no
support for null” limitation would cause your data stream to become very big, leading to performance
degradations in many systems. This is shown in Example 1, below.
Example 1: Unity’s direct serlialization, leading to performance issues

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public class VerySlowBehaviourDoNotDoThis : MonoBehaviour {
public class Node {
public string interestingValue = "value";
//The field below is what makes the serialization data become huge becau
//it introduces a 'class cycle'.
public List children = new List();
//this gets serialized
public Node root = new Node();
void OnGUI() {
Display (root);
void Display(Node node) {
GUILayout.Label ("Value: ");
node.interestingValue = GUILayout.TextField(node.interestingValue, GUILa
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
GUILayout.Space (20);

GUILayout.BeginVertical ();
foreach (var child in node.children)
Display (child);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Add child"))
node.children.Add (new Node ());
GUILayout.EndVertical ();
GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();

Instead, you tell Unity not to serialize the tree directly, and you make a separate eld to store the tree in a
serialized format, suited to Unity’s serializer. This is shown in Example 2, below.
Example 2: Avoiding Unity’s direct serlialization and avoiding performance issues

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public class BehaviourWithTree : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver {
// Node class that is used at runtime.
// This is internal to the BehaviourWithTree class and is not serialized.
public class Node {
public string interestingValue = "value";
public List children = new List();
// Node class that we will use for serialization.
public struct SerializableNode {
public string interestingValue;
public int childCount;
public int indexOfFirstChild;
// The root node used for runtime tree representation. Not serialized.
Node root = new Node();
// This is the field we give Unity to serialize.
public List serializedNodes;
public void OnBeforeSerialize() {
// Unity is about to read the serializedNodes field's contents.
// The correct data must now be written into that field "just in time".
if (serializedNodes == null) serializedNodes = new List 0) {
ReadNodeFromSerializedNodes (0, out root);
} else
root = new Node ();
int ReadNodeFromSerializedNodes(int index, out Node node) {
var serializedNode = serializedNodes [index];
// Transfer the deserialized data into the internal Node class
Node newNode = new Node() {
interestingValue = serializedNode.interestingValue,
children = new List ()
// The tree needs to be read in depth­first, since that's how we wrote i
for (int i = 0; i != serializedNode.childCount; i++) {
Node childNode;
index = ReadNodeFromSerializedNodes (++index, out childNode);
newNode.children.Add (childNode);
node = newNode;
return index;
// This OnGUI draws out the node tree in the Game View, with buttons to add
void OnGUI() {
if (root != null)
Display (root);
void Display(Node node) {

GUILayout.Label ("Value: ");
// Allow modification of the node's "interesting value".
node.interestingValue = GUILayout.TextField(node.interestingValue, GUILa
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
GUILayout.Space (20);
GUILayout.BeginVertical ();
foreach (var child in node.children)
Display (child);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Add child"))
node.children.Add (new Node ());
GUILayout.EndVertical ();
GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();

• 2017–05–15 Page published with editorial review

Script serialization errors

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Serialization is the automatic process of transforming data structures or object states into a format that Unity can
store and reconstruct later. (See the documentation on Script Serialization for further information.)
In certain circumstances, Script serialization can cause errors. Fixes to some of these are listed below.

Calling Unity Scripting API from constructor or eld initializers
Calling Scripting API such as GameObject.Find inside a MonoBehaviour constructor or eld initializer triggers the
error: “Find is not allowed to be called from a MonoBehaviour constructor (or instance eld initializer), call in in
Awake or Start instead.”
Fix this by making the call to the Scripting API in MonoBehaviour.Start instead of in the constructor.

Calling Unity Scripting API during deserialization
Calling Scripting API such as GameObject.Find from within the constructor of a class marked with
System.Serializable triggers the error: “Find is not allowed to be called during serialization, call it from Awake
or Start instead.”
To x this, edit your code so that it makes no Scripting API calls in any constructors for any serialized objects.

Thread-safe Unity Scripting API
The majority of the Scripting API is a ected by the restrictions listed above. Only select parts of the Unity scripting
API are exempt and may be called from anywhere. These are:
Mathf functions
Simple self-contained structs; for example math structs like Vector3 and Quaternion
To reduce the risk of errors during serialization, only call API methods that are self-contained and do not need to
get or set data in Unity itself. Only call these if there is no alternative.

• 2017–05–15 Page published with editorial review


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UnityEvents are a way of allowing user driven callback to be persisted from edit time to run time without the need for
additional programming and script con guration.
UnityEvents are useful for a number of things:
Content driven callbacks
Decoupling systems
Persistent callbacks
Precon gured call events
UnityEvents can be added to any MonoBehaviour and are executed from code like a standard .net delegate. When a
UnityEvent is added to a MonoBehaviour it appears in the Inspector and persistent callbacks can be added.
UnityEvents have similar limitations to standard delegates. That is, they hold references to the element that is the target
and this stops the target being garbage collected. If you have a UnityEngine.Object as the target and the native representation
disappears the callback will not be invoked.

Using UnityEvents
To con gure a callback in the editor there are a few steps to take:
Make sure your script imports/uses UnityEngine.Events.
Select the + icon to add a slot for a callback
Select the UnityEngine.Object you wish to receive the callback (You can use the object selector for this)
Select the function you wish to be called
You can add more then one callback for the event
When con guring a UnityEvent in the Inspector there are two types of function calls that are supported:

Static. Static calls are precon gured calls, with precon gured values that are set in the UI. This means that
when the callback is invoked, the target function is invoked with the argument that has been entered into the
Dynamic. Dynamic calls are invoked using an argument that is sent from code, and this is bound to the type of
UnityEvent that is being invoked. The UI lters the callbacks and only shows the dynamic calls that are valid
for the UnityEvent.

Generic UnityEvents

By default a UnityEvent in a Monobehaviour binds dynamically to a void function. This does not have to be the case as
dynamic invocation of UnityEvents supports binding to functions with up to 4 arguments. To do this you need to de ne a
custom UnityEvent class that supports multiple arguments. This is quite easy to do:

public class StringEvent : UnityEvent  {}

By adding an instance of this to your class instead of the base UnityEvent it will allow the callback to bind dynamically to
string functions.
This can then be invoked by calling the Invoke() function with a string as argument.
UnityEvents can be de ned with up to 4 arguments in their generic de nition.

What is a Null Reference Exception?

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A NullReferenceException happens when you try to access a reference variable that isn’t referencing any object. If a
reference variable isn’t referencing an object, then it’ll be treated as null. The run-time will tell you that you are trying to access
an object, when the variable is null by issuing a NullReferenceException.
Reference variables in c# and JavaScript are similar in concept to pointers in C and C++. Reference types default to null to
indicate that they are not referencing any object. Hence, if you try and access the object that is being referenced and there isn’t
one, you will get a NullReferenceException.
When you get a NullReferenceException in your code it means that you have forgotten to set a variable before using it. The
error message will look something like:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Example.Start () [0x0000b] in /Unity/projects/nre/__Assets__/Example.cs:10

This error message says that a NullReferenceException happened on line 10 of the script le Example.cs. Also, the
message says that the exception happened inside the Start() function. This makes the Null Reference Exception easy to nd
and x. In this example, the code is:

//c# example
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
__GameObject__ go = __GameObject__.Find("wibble");

The code simply looks for a game object called “wibble”. In this example there is no game object with that name, so the Find()
function returns null. On the next line (line 9) we use the go variable and try and print out the name of the game object it
references. Because we are accessing a game object that doesn’t exist the run-time gives us a NullReferenceException

Null Checks
Although it can be frustrating when this happens it just means the script needs to be more careful. The solution in this simple
example is to change the code like this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
GameObject go = GameObject.Find("wibble");
if (go) {
} else {
Debug.Log("No game object called wibble found");

Now, before we try and do anything with the go variable, we check to see that it is not null. If it it null, then we display a

Try/Catch Blocks
Another cause for NullReferenceException is to use a variable that should be initialised in the Inspector. If you forget to do
this, then the variable will be null. A di erent way to deal with NullReferenceException is to use try/catch block. For
example, this code:

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class Example2 : MonoBehaviour {
public Light myLight; // set in the inspector
void Start () {
try {
myLight.color = Color.yellow;
catch (NullReferenceException ex) {
Debug.Log("myLight was not set in the inspector");

In this code example, the variable called myLight is a Light which should be set in the Inspector window. If this variable is not
set, then it will default to null. Attempting to change the color of the light in the try block causes a NullReferenceException
which is picked up by the catch block. The catch block displays a message which might be more helpful to artists and game
designers, and reminds them to set the light in the inspector.

NullReferenceException happens when your script code tries to use a variable which isn’t set (referencing)
and object.
The error message that appears tells you a great deal about where in the code the problem happens.
NullReferenceException can be avoided by writing code that checks for null before accessing an object, or
uses try/catch blocks.

Important Classes

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These are some of the most important classes you’ll be using when scripting with Unity. They cover some of the
core areas of Unity’s scriptable systems and provide a good starting point for looking up which functions and
events are available.


The base class for all new Unity scripts, the MonoBehaviour reference provides
you with a list of all the functions and events that are available to standard scripts
attached to Game Objects. Start here if you’re looking for any kind of interaction or
control over individual objects in your game.
Every Game Object has a position, rotation and scale in space (whether 3D or 2D),
and this is represented by the Transform component. As well as providing this
information, the transform component has many helpful functions which can be
used to move, scale, rotate, reparent and manipulate objects, as well as converting
coordinates from one space to another.
For most gameplay elements, the physics engine provides the easiest set of tools
for moving objects around, detecting triggers and collisions, and applying forces.
Rigidbody /
The Rigidbody class (or its 2D equivalent, Rigidbody2D) provides all the properties
and functions you’ll need to play with velocity, mass, drag, force, torque, collision
and more.

Vector Cookbook

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Although vector operations are easy to describe, they are surprisingly subtle and powerful and have many uses in
games programming. The following pages o er some suggestions about using vectors e ectively in your code.

Understanding Vector Arithmetic

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Vector arithmetic is fundamental to 3D graphics, physics and animation and it is useful to understand it in depth to get the most
out of Unity. Below are descriptions of the main operations and some suggestions about the many things they can be used for.

When two vectors are added together, the result is equivalent to taking the original vectors as “steps”, one after the other. Note
that the order of the two parameters doesn’t matter, since the result is the same either way.

If the rst vector is taken as a point in space then the second can be interpreted as an o set or “jump” from that position. For
example, to nd a point 5 units above a location on the ground, you could use the following calculation:-

var pointInAir = pointOnGround + new Vector3(0, 5, 0);

If the vectors represent forces then it is more intuitive to think of them in terms of their direction and magnitude (the magnitude
indicates the size of the force). Adding two force vectors results in a new vector equivalent to the combination of the forces. This
concept is often useful when applying forces with several separate components acting at once (eg, a rocket being propelled
forward may also be a ected by a crosswind).

Vector subtraction is most often used to get the direction and distance from one object to another. Note that the order of the two
parameters does matter with subtraction:-

// The vector d has the same magnitude as c but points in the opposite direction.
var c = b ­ a;
var d = a ­ b;

As with numbers, adding the negative of a vector is the same as subtracting the positive.

// These both give the same result.
var c = a ­ b;
var c = a + ­b;

The negative of a vector has the same magnitude as the original and points along the same line but in the exact opposite direction.

Scalar Multiplication and Division
When discussing vectors, it is common to refer to an ordinary number (eg, a oat value) as a scalar. The meaning of this is that a
scalar only has “scale” or magnitude whereas a vector has both magnitude and direction.
Multiplying a vector by a scalar results in a vector that points in the same direction as the original. However, the new vector’s
magnitude is equal to the original magnitude multiplied by the scalar value.
Likewise, scalar division divides the original vector’s magnitude by the scalar.
These operations are useful when the vector represents a movement o set or a force. They allow you to change the magnitude of
the vector without a ecting its direction.
When any vector is divided by its own magnitude, the result is a vector with a magnitude of 1, which is known as a normalized
vector. If a normalized vector is multiplied by a scalar then the magnitude of the result will be equal to that scalar value. This is
useful when the direction of a force is constant but the strength is controllable (eg, the force from a car’s wheel always pushes
forwards but the power is controlled by the driver).

Dot Product
The dot product takes two vectors and returns a scalar. This scalar is equal to the magnitudes of the two vectors multiplied
together and the result multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the vectors. When both vectors are normalized, the cosine
essentially states how far the rst vector extends in the second’s direction (or vice-versa - the order of the parameters doesn’t

It is easy enough to think in terms of angles and then nd the corresponding cosines using a calculator. However, it is useful to get
an intuitive understanding of some of the main cosine values as shown in the diagram below:-

The dot product is a very simple operation that can be used in place of the Mathf.Cos function or the vector magnitude operation
in some circumstances (it doesn’t do exactly the same thing but sometimes the e ect is equivalent). However, calculating the dot
product function takes much less CPU time and so it can be a valuable optimization.

Cross Product
The other operations are de ned for 2D and 3D vectors and indeed vectors with any number of dimensions. The cross product, by
contrast, is only meaningful for 3D vectors. It takes two vectors as input and returns another vector as its result.
The result vector is perpendicular to the two input vectors. The “left hand rule” can be used to remember the direction of the
output vector from the ordering of the input vectors. If the rst parameter is matched up to the thumb of the hand and the second
parameter to the fore nger, then the result will point in the direction of the middle nger. If the order of the parameters is
reversed then the resulting vector will point in the exact opposite direction but will have the same magnitude.

The magnitude of the result is equal to the magnitudes of the input vectors multiplied together and then that value multiplied by
the sine of the angle between them. Some useful values of the sine function are shown below:-

The cross product can seem complicated since it combines several useful pieces of information in its return value. However, like
the dot product, it is very e cient mathematically and can be used to optimize code that would otherwise depend on slow
transcendental functions.

Direction and Distance from One
Object to Another

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If one point in space is subtracted from another, then the result is a vector that “points” from one object to the

// Gets a vector that points from the player's position to the target's.
var heading = target.position ­ player.position;

As well as pointing in the direction of the target object, this vector’s magnitude is equal to the distance between
the two positions. It is common to need a normalized vector giving the direction to the target and also the
distance to the target (say for directing a projectile). The distance between the objects is equal to the magnitude
of the heading vector and this vector can be normalized by dividing it by its magnitude:-

var distance = heading.magnitude;
var direction = heading / distance; // This is now the normalized direction.

This approach is preferable to using both the magnitude and normalized properties separately, since they are
both quite CPU-hungry (they both involve calculating a square root).
If you only need to use the distance for comparison (for a proximity check, say) then you can avoid the magnitude
calculation altogether. The sqrMagnitude property gives the square of the magnitude value, and is calculated like
the magnitude but without the time-consuming square root operation. Rather than compare the magnitude
against a known distance, you can compare the squared magnitude against the squared distance:-

if (heading.sqrMagnitude < maxRange * maxRange) {
// Target is within range.

This is much more e cient than using the true magnitude in the comparison.
Sometimes, the overground heading to a target is required. For example, imagine a player standing on the
ground who needs to approach a target oating in the air. If you subtract the player’s position from the target’s
then the resulting vector will point upwards towards the target. This is not suitable for orienting the player’s

transform since they will also point upwards; what is really needed is a vector from the player’s position to the
position on the ground directly below the target. This is easily obtained by taking the result of the subtraction and
setting the Y coordinate to zero:-

var heading = target.position ­ player.position;
heading.y = 0; // This is the overground heading.

Computing a Normal/Perpendicular

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A normal vector (ie, a vector perpendicular to a plane) is required frequently during mesh generation and may
also be useful in path following and other situations. Given three points in the plane, say the corner points of a
mesh triangle, it is easy to nd the normal. Pick any of the three points and then subtract it from each of the two
other points separately to give two vectors:-

var a: Vector3;
var b: Vector3;
var c: Vector3;
var side1: Vector3 = b ­ a;
var side2: Vector3 = c ­ a;

The cross product of these two vectors will give a third vector which is perpendicular to the surface. The “left hand
rule” can be used to decide the order in which the two vectors should be passed to the cross product function. As
you look down at the top side of the surface (from which the normal will point outwards) the rst vector should
sweep around clockwise to the second:-

var perp: Vector3 = Vector3.Cross(side1, side2);

The result will point in exactly the opposite direction if the order of the input vectors is reversed.
For meshes, the normal vector must also be normalized. This can be done with the normalized property, but
there is another trick which is occasionally useful. You can also normalize the perpendicular vector by dividing it
by its magnitude:-

var perpLength = perp.magnitude;
perp /= perpLength;

It turns out that the area of the triangle is equal to perpLength / 2. This is useful if you need to nd the surface
area of the whole mesh or want to choose triangles randomly with probability based on their relative areas.

Leave feedback
The Amount of One Vector’s
Magnitude that Lies in Another Vector’s
A car’s speedometer typically works by measuring the rotational speed of the wheels. The car may not be moving
directly forward (it may be skidding sideways, for example) in which case part of the motion will not be in the
direction the speedometer can measure. The magnitude of an object’s rigidbody.velocity vector will give the
speed in its direction of overall motion but to isolate the speed in the forward direction, you should use the dot

var fwdSpeed = Vector3.Dot(rigidbody.velocity, transform.forward);

Naturally, the direction can be anything you like but the direction vector must always be normalized for this
calculation. Not only is the result more correct than the magnitude of the velocity, it also avoids the slow square
root operation involved in nding the magnitude.

Scripting Tools

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This section covers the tools within the Unity Editor, and tools supplied with Unity that assist you in developing
your scripts.

Console Window

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The Console Window (menu: Window > General > Console) shows errors, warnings and other messages
generated by Unity. To aid with debugging, you can also show your own messages in the Console using the
Debug.Log, Debug.LogWarning and Debug.LogError functions.

The toolbar of the console window has a number of options that a ect how messages are displayed.
The Clear button removes any messages generated from your code but retains compiler errors. You can arrange
for the console to be cleared automatically whenever you run the game by enabling the Clear On Play option.
You can also change the way messages are shown and updated in the console. The Collapse option shows only the
rst instance of an error message that keeps recurring. This is very useful for runtime errors, such as null
references, that are sometimes generated identically on each frame update. The Error Pause option will cause
playback to be paused whenever Debug.LogError is called from a script (but note that Debug.Log will not pause in
this way). This can be handy when you want to freeze playback at a speci c point in execution and inspect the
Finally, there are two options for viewing additional information about errors. The Open Player Log and Open Editor
Log items on the console tab menu access Unity’s log les which record details that may not be shown in the
console. See the page about Log Files for further information.

Obsolete API Warnings and Automatic Updates
Among other messages, Unity shows warnings about the usage of obsolete API calls in your code. For example,
Unity once had “shortcuts” in MonoBehaviour and other classes to access common component types. So, for
example, you could access a Rigidbody on the object using code like:

// The "rigidbody" variable is part of the class and not declared in the user
Vector3 v = rigidbody.velocity;

These shortcuts have been deprecated, so you should now use code like:

// Use GetComponent to access the component.
Rigidbody rb = GetComponent();
Vector3 v = rb.velocity;

When obsolete API calls are detected, Unity will show a warning message about them. When you double-click this
message, Unity will attempt to upgrade the deprecated usage to the recommended equivalent automatically.

Adjusting the line count
To adjust the number of lines that a log entry displays in the list, click the exclamation button, go to Log Entry, and
choose the number of lines.

This allows you to set the granularity you want for the window in terms of the amount of context versus how many
entries t in the window.

Stack trace logging
You can specify how accurate stack trace should be captured when log message is printed to the console or log le.

Log entry line count
This is especially helpful when the error message is not very clear, by looking at the stack trace, you can deduct
from what engine area the error appears. There are three options for logging stack trace:

None - stack trace won’t be printed
ScriptOnly - only managed stack trace will be printed
Full - both native and managed stack trace will be printed, note - resolving full stack trace is an
expensive operation and should be only used for debugging purposes
You can also control stack trace logging via scripting API. See API reference documentation on
Application.stackTraceLogType for more details.
2017–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review
Log entry line count added in 2017.3

Log Files

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There might be times during development when you need to obtain information from the logs of the standalone player
you’ve built, the target device, or the Editor. Usually you need to see these les when you have experienced a problem, to
nd out exactly where the problem occurred.
On macOS, the player and Editor logs can be accessed uniformly through the standard Console.app utility.
On Windows, the Editor logs are placed in folders which are not shown in the Windows Explorer by default. See below.

To view the Editor log, select Open Editor Log in Unity’s Console window.


Log les

Windows C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
On macOS, all the logs can be accessed uniformly through the standard Console.app utility.
On Windows, the Editor log le is stored in the local application data folder \Unity\Editor\Editor.log,
where  is de ned by CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.


Log les

Windows C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\CompanyName\ProductName\output_log.txt
Note that on Windows and Linux standalones, the location of the log le can be changed (or logging suppressed). See
documenttion on Command line arguments for further details.

Access the device log in XCode via the GDB console or the Organizer Console. The latter is useful for getting crashlogs
when your application was not running through the XCode debugger.
The Troubleshooting and Reporting crash bugs guides may be useful for you.

Access the device log using the logcat console. Use the adb application found in Android SDK/platform-tools directory
with a trailing logcat parameter:
$ adb logcat
Another way to inspect the LogCat is to use the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS). DDMS can be started either from
Eclipse or from inside the Android SDK/tools. DDMS also provides a number of other debug related tools.

Universal Windows Platform
Log les
Desktop %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\TempState\UnityPlayer.log

Log les
Windows Can be retrieved with Windows Phone Power Tools. The Windows Phone IsoStoreSpy can also be


On WebGL, log output is written to the browser’s JavaScript console.

Accessing log les on Windows
On Windows, the log les are stored in locations that are hidden by default.
On Windows Vista/7, make the AppData folder visible in Windows Explorer using Tools > Folder Options… > View (tab).
The Tools menu is hidden by default; press the Alt key once to display it.
• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review
Tizen support discontinued in 2017.3

Unity Test Runner

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The Unity Test Runner is a tool that tests your code in both Edit mode and Play mode, and also on target
platforms such as Standalone, Android, or iOS.
To access the Unity Test Runner, go to Window > General > Test Runner.

The Unity Test Runner uses a Unity integration of the NUnit library, which is an open-source unit testing library for
.Net languages. For more information about NUnit, see the o cial NUnit website and the NUnit documentation
on GitHub.
UnityTestAttribute is the main addition to the standard NUnit library for the Unity Test Runner. This is a type of
unit test that allows you to skip a frame from within a test (which allows background tasks to nish). To use
In Play mode: Execute UnityTestAttribute as a coroutine.
In Edit mode: Execute UnityTestAttribute in the EditorApplication.update callback loop.

Known issues and limitations
There are some known issues and limitations of the Unity Test Runner:
The WebGL and WSA platforms do not support UnityTestAttribute.
UnityTest does not support Parameterized tests (except for ValueSource).

How to use Unity Test Runner
This page assumes you already have an understanding of unit testing and NUnit. If you are new to NUnit or would
like more information, see to the NUnit documentation on GitHub.
To open the Unity Test Runner, open Unity and go to Window > General > Test Runner. If there are no tests in
your Project, click the Create Test Script in current folder button to create a basic test script. This button is
greyed out if adding a test script would result in a compilation error. The conditions for adding a test script are in

the Editor folder, or any folders using Assembly De nition les that reference test assemblies (NUnit, Unity Test
Runner, and user script assemblies).

You can also create test scripts by navigating to Assets > Create > C# Test Script. This option is disabled if adding
a test script would result in a compilation error.
Note: Unity does not include test assemblies (NUnit, Unity TestRunner, and user script assemblies) when using
the normal build pipeline, but does include them when using “Run on ” in the Test Runner Window.

Testing in Edit mode
In Edit mode, Unity runs tests from the Test Runner window.
Edit mode test scripts are de ned by the le location you place them in. Valid locations:
Project Editor folder
Assembly De nition le that references test assemblies that are Editor-only
Precompiled assemblies that are in the Project’s Editor folder
Click the EditMode button, then click Create Test Script in current folder to create a basic test script. Open and
edit this in your preferred script editing software as required.
Note: When running in Edit mode, execute UnityTestAttribute in the EditorApplication.update callback loop.

Testing in Play mode
You need to place Play mode test scripts in a folder that an Assembly De nition le includes. The Assembly
De nition le needs to reference test assemblies (Nunit and Unity TestRunner). Pre-de ned Unity assemblies
(such as Assembly-CSharp.dll) do not reference the de ned assembly. This Assembly De nition le also needs to
reference the assembly you want to test. This means that it’s only possible to test code de ned by other Assembly
De nition les.
Unity does not include test assemblies in normal player builds; only when running through the Test Runner. If you
need to test code in pre-de ned assemblies, you can reference test assemblies from all the assemblies. However,
you must manually remove these tests afterwards, so that Unity does not add them to the nal player build.
To do this:
Save your project.
Go to Window > General > Test Runner.
Click the small drop-down menu in the top-right of the window.
Click Enable playmode tests for all assemblies.
In the dialog box appears, click OK to manually restart the Editor.

Note: Enabling PlayMode tests for all assemblies includes additional assemblies in your Project’s build, which can
increase your Project’s size as well as build time.
To create PlayMode test scripts, select PlayMode in the Test Runner window and click Create Test Script in
current folder. This button is greyed out if adding the script would result in a compilation error.
Note: Execute UnityTestAttribute as a coroutine when running in Play mode.
2018–03–21 Page amended with editorial review

Writing and executing tests in Unity
Test Runner

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The Unity Test Runner tests your code in Edit mode and Play mode, as well as on target platforms such as
Standalone, Android, or iOS.
The documentation on this page discusses writing and executing tests in the the Unity Test Runner, and assumes
you understand both scripting and the Unity Test Runner.
Unity delivers test results in an XML format. For more information, see the NUnit documentation on XML format
test results.

UnityTestAttribute requires you to return IEnumerator. In Play mode, execute the test as a coroutine. In Edit
mode, you can yield null from the test, which skips the current frame.
Note: The WebGL and WSA platforms do not support UnityTestAttribute.

Regular NUnit test (works in Edit mode and Play mode)
public void GameObject_CreatedWithGiven_WillHaveTheName()
var go = new GameObject("MyGameObject");
Assert.AreEqual("MyGameObject", go.name);

Example in Play mode
public IEnumerator GameObject_WithRigidBody_WillBeAffectedByPhysics()
var go = new GameObject();
var originalPosition = go.transform.position.y;
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
Assert.AreNotEqual(originalPosition, go.transform.position.y);

Example in Edit mode:
public IEnumerator EditorUtility_WhenExecuted_ReturnsSuccess()
var utility = RunEditorUtilityInTheBackgroud();
while (utility.isRunning)
yield return null;

Use UnityPlatformAttribute to lter tests based on the the executing platform. It behaves like the NUnit

[UnityPlatform (RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)]
public void TestMethod1()
Assert.AreEqual(Application.platform, RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer);
[UnityPlatform(exclude = new[] {RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor })]
public void TestMethod2()
Assert.AreNotEqual(Application.platform, RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor);

To only execute Editor tests on a given platform, you can also use UnityPlatform .

Use PrebuildSetupAttribute if you need to perform any extra set-up before the test starts. To do this, specify the
class type that implements the IPrebuildSetup interface. If you need to run the set-up code for the whole class

(for example, if you want to execute some code before the test starts, such as Asset preparation or set-up
required for a speci c test), implement the IPrebuildSetup interface in the class for tests.

public class TestsWithPrebuildStep : IPrebuildSetup
public void Setup()
// Run this code before the tests are executed
//PrebuildSetupAttribute can be skipped because it's implemented in the same
public void Test()

Execute the IPrebuildSetup code before entering Play mode or building a player. Setup can use UnityEditor
namespace and its function, but to avoid compilation errors, you must place it either in the Editor folder, or guard
it with the #if UNITY_EDITOR directive.

A test fails if Unity logs a message other than a regular log or warning message. Use the LogAssert class to make a
message expected in the log, so that the test does not fail when Unity logs that message.
A test also reports as failed if an expected message does not appear, or if Unity does not log any regular log or
warning messages.

public void LogAssertExample()
//Expect a regular log message
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Log, "Log message");
//A log message is expected so without the following line
//the test would fail
Debug.Log("Log message");
//An error log is printed
Debug.LogError("Error message");

//Without expecting an error log, the test would fail
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, "Error message");

MonoBehaviourTest is a coroutine, and a helper for writing MonoBehaviour tests. Yield MonoBehaviourTest
from the UnityTest attribute to instantiate the speci ed MonoBehaviour and wait for it to nish executing.
Implement the IMonoBehaviourTest interface to indicate when the test is done.

public IEnumerator MonoBehaviourTest_Works()
yield return new MonoBehaviourTest();
public class MyMonoBehaviourTest : MonoBehaviour, IMonoBehaviourTest
private int frameCount;
public bool IsTestFinished
get { return frameCount > 10; }
void Update()

Running tests on platforms
In Play mode, you can run tests on speci c platforms. The target platform is always the current Platform selected
in Build Settings (menu: File > Build Settings). Click Run all in the player to build and run your tests on the
currently active target platform.
Note that your current platform displays in brackets on the button. For example, in the screenshot below, the
button reads Run all in player (StandaloneWindows), because the current platform is Windows.

The test results display in the build once the test is complete.

To get the test results from the platform to the Editor running the test, both need to be on same network. The
application running on the platform reports back the test results, displays the tests executed, and shuts down.
Note that some platforms do not support shutting down the application with Application.Quit. These continue
running after reporting test results.
If Unity cannot instantiate the connection, you can visually see the tests succeed in the running application. Note
that running tests on platforms with arguments, in this state, does not provide XML test results.

Running from the command line
To do this, run Unity with the following command line arguments:
runTests - Executes tests in the Project.
testPlatform - The platform you want to run tests on.
Available platforms:
playmode and editmode. Note that If unspeci ed, tests run in editmode by default.

Platform/Type convention is from the BuildTarget enum. The tested and o cial supported platforms:
testResults - The path indicating where Unity should save the result le. By default, Unity saves it in the
Project’s root folder.

The following example shows a command line argument on Windows. The speci c line may di er depending on
your operating system.

>Unity.exe ­runTests ­projectPath PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT ­testResults C:\temp\resu

Tip: On Windows, in order to read the result code of the executed command, run the following:
start /WAIT Unity.exe ARGUMENT_LIST.

Comparison utilities
The UnityEngine.TestTools.Utils namespace contains utility classes to compare Vector2, Vector3, Vector4,
Quaternion, Color and float types using NUnit constraints.
2018–03–21 Page amended with editorial review


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IL2CPP (Intermediate Language To C++) is a Unity-developed scripting backend which you can use as an
alternative to Mono when building projects for various platforms. When building a project using IL2CPP, Unity
converts IL code from scripts and assemblies to C++, before creating a native binary le (.exe, apk, .xap, for
example) for your chosen platform. Some of the uses for IL2CPP include increasing the performance, security,
and platform compatibility of your Unity projects.
For more information about using IL2CPP, refer to the The Unity IL2CPP blog series and the following Unity
Manual pages.

Building a project using IL2CPP
How IL2CPP works
Optimising IL2CPP build times
See the Scripting Restrictions page for details about which platforms support IL2CPP.
IL2CPP supports debugging of managed code in the same way as the Mono scripting backend.
• 2018–05–15 Page amended with limited editorial review

Building a project using IL2CPP

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To build your project using IL2CPP, open the Build Settings window (File > Build Settings). Select the platform you are
building for, then click Player Settings… to open the PlayerSettings window in the Inspector.

The Build Settings window
In the PlayerSettings window for your target platform, scroll down to the Con guration section. For Scripting Backend,
select IL2CPP.

The Con guration section of the PlayerSettings window
With IL2CPP selected as the Scripting back end, click Build in the Build Settings window. Unity begins the process of
converting your C# code and assemblies into C++ before producing a binary le for your target platform.

Compiler options

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When using the IL2CPP scripting backend, it is possible to control how il2cpp.exe generates C++ code. Speci cally, C# attributes can be
used to enable or disable the following runtime checks listed below.

Option Description
If this option is enabled, C++ code generated by IL2CPP will contain null checks and throw managed
NullReferenceException exceptions as necessary. If this option is disabled, the null checks are not be
emitted into the generated C++ code. For some projects, disabling this option may improve runtime
However, any access to null values in the generated code will not be protected, and may lead to
incorrect behavior. Usually the game will crash soon after the null value is dereferenced, but we cannot
guarantee this. Disable this option with caution.
If this option is enabled, C++ code generated by IL2CPP will contain array bounds checks and throw
managed IndexOutOfRangeException exceptions as necessary. If this option is disabled, the array
bounds checks will not be emitted into the generated C++ code.
For some projects, disabling this option may improve runtime performance. However, any access to an
array with invalid indices in the generated code will not be protected, and may lead to incorrect
behavior, including reading from or writing to arbitrary memory locations. In most cases, these
memory accesses will occur without any immediate side e ects, and may silently corrupt the state of
the game. Disable this option with extreme caution.
If this option is enabled, C++ code generated by IL2CPP will contain divide by zero checks for integer
Divide division and throw managed DivideByZeroException exceptions as necessary. If this option is disabled,
by zero the divide by zero checks on integer division will not be emitted into the generated C++ code. For most Disable
checks projects this option should be disabled. Enable it only if divide by zero checks are required, as these
checks have a runtime cost.
The runtime checks can be enabled or disabled in C# code using the Il2CppSetOptions attribute. To use this attribute, nd the
Il2CppSetOptionsAttribute.cs source le in the IL2CPP directory in the Unity Editor installation on your computer. (Data\il2cpp on Windows,
Contents/Frameworks/il2cpp on OS X). Copy this source le into the Assets folder in your project.
Now use the attribute as in the example below.

[Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
public static string MethodWithNullChecksDisabled()
var tmp = new object();
return tmp.ToString();

You can apply Il2CppSetOptions attribute to types, methods, and properties. Unity uses the attribute from the most local scope.

[Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
public class TypeWithNullChecksDisabled
public static string AnyMethod()
// Null checks will be disabled in this method.
var tmp = new object();
return tmp.ToString();
[Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, true)]

public static string MethodWithNullChecksEnabled()
// Null checks will be enabled in this method.
var tmp = new object();
return tmp.ToString();

public class SomeType
[Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
public string PropertyWithNullChecksDisabled
// Null checks will be disabled here.
var tmp = new object();
return tmp.ToString();
// Null checks will be disabled here.
public string PropertyWithNullChecksDisabledOnGetterOnly
[Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
// Null checks will be disabled here.
var tmp = new object();
return tmp.ToString();
// Null checks will be enabled here.

Windows Runtime support

Leave feedback

Unity includes Windows Runtime support for IL2CPP on Universal Windows Platform and Xbox One platforms. Use
Windows Runtime support to call into both native system Windows Runtime APIs as well as custom .winmd les directly
from managed code (scripts and DLLs).
To automatically enable Windows Runtime support in IL2CPP, go to PlayerSettings (Edit > Project Settings > Player),
navigate to the Con guration section, and set the Api Compatibility Level to .NET 4.6.

The Con guration section of the PlayerSettings window. The options shown above change depending on
your chosen build platform.
Unity automatically references Windows Runtime APIs (such as Windows.winmd on Universal Windows Platform) when it has
Windows Runtime support enabled. To use custom .winmd les, import them (together with any accompanying DLLs) into
your Unity project folder. Then use the Plugin Inspector to con gure the les for your target platform.

Use the Plugin Inspector to con gure custom .winmd les for speci c platforms
In your Unity project’s scripts you can use the ENABLE_WINMD_SUPPORT #de ne directive to check that your project has
Windows Runtime support enabled. Use this before a call to .winmd Windows APIs or custom .winmd scripts to ensure they
can run and to ensure any scripts not relevant to Windows ignore them. Note, this is only supported in C# scripts. See the
examples below.

void Start() {
Debug.Log("Windows Runtime Support enabled");
// Put calls to your custom .winmd API here

In addition to being de ned when Windows Runtime support is enabled in IL2CPP, it is also de ned in .NET when you set
Compilation Overrides to Use Net Core.

The Publishing Settings section of the PlayerSettings Inspector window, with Compilation Overrides
highlighted in red
• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

How IL2CPP works

Leave feedback

Upon starting a build using IL2CPP, Unity automatically performs the following steps:
Unity Scripting API code is compiled to regular .NET DLLs (managed assemblies).
All managed assemblies that aren’t part of scripts (such as plugins and base class libraries) are processed by a
Unity tool called Unused Bytecode Stripper, which nds all unused classes and methods and removes them from
these DLLs (Dynamic Link Library). This step signi cantly reduces the size of a built game.
All managed assemblies are then converted to standard C++ code.
The generated C++ code and the runtime part of IL2CPP is compiled using a native platform compiler.
Finally, the code is linked into either an executable le or a DLL, depending on the platform you are targeting.

A diagram of the automatic steps taken when building a project using IL2CPP
IL2CPP provides a few useful options which you can control by attributes in your scripts. See documentation on
Platform-dependent compilation for further information.

Optimizing IL2CPP build times

Leave feedback

Project build times can be much longer when building a project with IL2CPP. However, there are several ways to
reduce the build time signi cantly:
Use incremental building
When using incremental building, the C++ compiler only recompiles les that have changed since the last build.
To use incremental building, build your project to a previous build location (without deleting the target directory).
Exclude project and target build folders from anti-malware software scans
You can improve build times by disabling anti-malware software before building your project. (Testing by Unity
Technologies found that build times decreased by 50 – 66% after disabling Windows Defender on a fresh
Windows 10 installation.)
Store your project and target build folder on a Solid State Drive (SSD)
Solid State Drives (SSDs) have faster read/write speed, when compared to traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDD).
Converting IL code to C++ and compiling it involves a large number of read/write operations. A faster storage
device speeds up this process.

Managed bytecode stripping with

Leave feedback

Managed bytecode stripping removes unused code from managed assemblies (DLLs). The process works by
de ning root assemblies, then using static code analysis to determine what other managed code those root
assemblies use. Any code that is not reachable is removed. Bytecode stripping will not obfuscate code, nor will it
modify code that is used in any way.
For a given Unity player build, the root assemblies are those compiled by the Unity Editor from script code (for
example, Assembly-CSharp.dll). Any assemblies compiled from script code will not be stripped, but other
assemblies will. This includes:

Assemblies you add to a project
Unity Engine assemblies
.NET class library assemblies (e.g mscorlib.dll, System.dll)
Managed bytecode stripping is always enabled when the IL2CPP scripting backend is used. In this case, the
Stripping Level option is replaced with a Boolean option named Strip Engine Code. If this option is enabled,
unused modules and classes in the native Unity Engine code will be also removed. If it is disabled, all of the
modules and classes in the native Unity Engine code will be preserved.
The link.xml le (described below) can be used to e ectively disable bytecode stripping by preserving both types
and full assemblies. For example, to prevent the System assembly from being stripped, the following link.xml le
can be used:

How to deal with stripping when using re ection
Stripping depends highly on static code analysis and sometimes this can’t be done e ectively, especially when
dynamic features like re ection are used. In such cases, it is necessary to give some hints as to which classes
shouldn’t be touched. Unity supports a per-project custom stripping blacklist. Using the blacklist is a simple
matter of creating a link.xml le and placing it into the Assets folder (or any subdirectory of Assets). An example
of the contents of the link.xml le follows. Classes marked for preservation will not be a ected by stripping:


A project can include multiple link.xml les. Each link.xml le can specify a number of di erent options. The
assembly element indicates the managed assembly where the nested directives should apply.
The type element is used to indicate how a speci c type should be handled. It must be a child of the assembly
element. The fullname attribute can accept the ‘*’ wild card to match one or more characters.
The preserve attribute can take on one of three values:

all: Keep everything from the given type (or assembly, for IL2CPP only).
elds: Keep only the elds of the given type.
nothing: Keep only the given type, but none of its contents.
The method element is used to indicate that a speci c method should be preserved. It must be a child of the type
element. The method can be speci ed by name or by signature.
In addition to the link.xml le, the C# [Preserve] attribute can be used in source code to prevent the linker from
stripping that code. This attribute behaves slightly di erently than corresponding entries in a link.xml le:

Assembly: preserves all types in the assembly (as if a [Preserve] attribute were on each type)
Type: preserves the type and its default constructor
Method: preserves the method’s declaring type, return type, and the types of all of its arguments
Property, Field, Event: preserves the declaring type and return type of the property, eld, or event
The stripped assemblies are output to a directory below the Temp directory in the project (the exact location
varies depending on the target platform). The original, unstripped assemblies are available in the not-stripped
directory in the same location as the stripped assemblies. A tool like ILSpy can be used to inspect the stripped and
unstripped assemblies to determine what parts of the code were removed.
2017–09–01 Page amended with limited editorial review

2017–05–26 - Documentation-only update in Unity User Manual for Unity 5.6
2017–09–01 - Added advice on using C# [Preserve] attribute for Unity 2017.1

Integrated development environment Leave feedback
(IDE) support
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a piece of computer software that provides tools and facilities to
make it easier to develop other pieces of software. Unity supports the following IDEs:

Visual Studio (default IDE on Windows and macOS)
Unity installs Visual Studio by default when you install Unity on Windows and macOS. On Windows, you can
choose to exclude it when you select which components to download and install. Visual Studio is set as the
External Script Editor in the Preferences (menu: Unity > Preferences > External Tools > External Script
Editor). With this option enabled, Unity launches Visual Studio and uses it as the default editor for all script les.
On macOS, Unity includes Visual Studio for Mac as the C# IDE. Visual Studio Tools for Unity (VSTU) provides Unity
integration for Visual Studio for Mac (VS4M). For information on setting up and using Visual Studio for Mac, see
the following Microsoft documentation pages:

Visual Studio Tools for Unity
Setup Visual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity
Using Visual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity
On Windows, Unity also includes Visual Studio 2017 Community.

Visual Studio Code (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Unity supports opening scripts in Visual Studio Code (VS Code). To open scripts in VS Code, select it as the
External Script Editor in the Editor Preferences (menu: Unity > Preferences > External Tools > External Script
Editor). For information on using VS Code with Unity, see Visual Studio’s documentation on Unity Development
with VS Code.

To use Visual Studio Code for C# code editing and Unity C# debugging support, you need to install:

Mono (only required on macOS and Linux)
Visual Studio C# Extension
Visual Studio Unity Debugger Extension (does not support debugging on .NET Framework 4.6)

JetBrains Rider (Windows, macOS, Linux)

Unity supports opening scripts in JetBrains Rider. To open scripts in Rider, select it as the External Script Editor
in the Editor Preferences (menu: Unity > Preferences > External Tools > External Script Editor).
Rider is built on top of ReSharper and includes most of its features. It supports all of C# 6.0’s features as well as
C# debugging on the .NET 4.6 scripting runtime in Unity. For more information, see JetBrains documentation on
Rider for Unity.
2018–07–03 Page published with editorial review

Debugging C# code in Unity

Leave feedback

Using a debugger allows you to inspect your source code while your application or game is running. Unity supports debugging of C#
code using the following code editors:
Visual Studio (with the Visual Studio Tools for Unity plug-in)
Visual Studio for Mac
Jetbrains Rider
Visual Studio Code
Although these code editors vary slightly in the debugger features they support, all provide basic functionality like break points, single
stepping, and variable inspection.
Managed code debugging in Unity works on all platforms except WebGL. It works with both the Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends.

Con guring the code editor
Visual Studio (Windows)
The Unity Editor installer includes an option to install Visual Studio with the Visual Studio Tools for Unity plug-in. This is the
recommended way to set up Visual Studio for debugging with Unity.
If Visual Studio is already installed on your computer, use its Tools > Extensions and Updates menu to locate and install the Visual
Studio Tools for Unity plug-in.

Visual Studio for Mac
The Unity Editor installer includes an option to install Visual Studio for Mac. This is the recommended way to set up Visual Studio for
Mac for debugging with Unity.
If Visual Studio for Mac is already installed on your computer, use its Extension Manager to locate and install the Visual Studio Tools for
Unity plug-in.

JetBrains Rider
The default installation of JetBrains Rider can debug code in Unity on Windows or Mac. Please visit the JetBrains website to install it.

VS Code
VS Code requires you to install an extension to debug code in Unity. Please follow the instructions speci c to this extension to install it.

Unity Preferences
When the code editor is installed, go to Unity > Preferences > External Tools and set the External Script Editor to your chosen code


Debugging in the Editor
You can debug script code running in the Unity Editor when the Unity Editor is in Play Mode. Before attempting to debug, ensure the
Editor Attaching option is enabled in the Unity Preferences. This option causes the Editor to use Just In Time (JIT) compilation to
execute managed code with debugging information.

First, set a breakpoint in the code editor on a line of script code where the debugger should stop. In Visual Studio for example, click on
the column to the left of your code, on the line you want to stop the debugger (as shown below). A red circle appears next to the line
number and the line is highlighted.

Next, attach the code editor to the Unity Editor. This option varies depending on the code editor, and is often a di erent option from the
code editor’s normal debugging process. In Visual Studio, the option looks like this:

Some code editors may allow you to select an instance of Unity to debug. For example, in Visual Studio, the Debug > Attach Unity
Debugger option exposes this capability.

When you have attached the code editor to the Unity Editor, return to the Unity Editor and enter Play Mode. When the code at the
breakpoint is executed, the debugger will stop, for example:

While the code editor is at a breakpoint, you can view the contents of variables step by step. The Unity Editor will be unresponsive until
you choose the continue option in the debugger, or stop debugging mode.

Debugging in the Player
To debug script code running in a Unity Player, ensure that you enable the “Development Build” and ”Script Debugging” options before
you build the Player (these options are located in File > Build Settings). Enable the “Wait For Managed Debugger” option to make the
Player wait for a debugger to be attached before it executes any script code.

To attach the code editor to the Unity Player, select the IP address (or machine name) and port of your Player. In Visual Studio, the dropdown menu on the “Attach To Unity” option looks like this:

The Debug > Attach Unity Debugger option looks like this:

Make sure you attach the debugger to the Player, and not to the Unity Editor (if both are running). When you have attached the
debugger, you can proceed with debugging normally.

Debugging on Android and iOS devices

When debugging a Player running on an Android device, connect to the device via USB or TCP. For example, to connect to an Android
device in Visual Studio (Windows), select Debug > Attach Unity Debugger option. A list of devices running a Player instance will appear:

In this case, the phone is connected via USB and Wi-Fi on the same network as the workstation running the Unity Editor and Visual

When debugging a Player running on an iOS device, connect to the device via TCP. For example, to connect to an Android device in
Visual Studio (Mac), select Debug > Attach Unity Debugger option. A list of devices running a Player instance will appear:

Ensure that the device only has one active network interface (for example, Wi-Fi or cellular data) and that there is no rewall between
the IDE and the device blocking the TCP port (port number 56000 in the above screenshot).

Troubleshooting the debugger
Most problems with the debugger occur because the code editor is unable to locate the Unity Editor or the Player. This means that it
can’t attach the debugger properly. Because the debugger uses a TCP connection to the Editor or Player, connection issues are often

caused by the network. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot basic connection issues.

Ensure you attach the debugger to the correct Unity instance
You can attach code editor to any Unity Editor or Unity Player on the local network that has debugging enabled. When attaching the
debugger to ensure that you are attaching to the correct instance. If you know the IP address or machine name of the device on which
you are running the Unity Player, this helps to locate the correct instance.

Verify the network connection to the Unity instance
The code editor uses the same mechanism to locate a Unity instance to debug as the Unity Pro ler uses. If the code editor cannot nd
the Unity instance you expect it to nd, try to attach the Unity Pro ler to that instance. If the Unity Pro ler cannot nd it either, a
rewall might exist on the machine which you are running the code editor on or the machine which you are running the Unity instance
on (or possibly both). If a rewall is in place, see the information about rewall settings below.

Ensure the device has only one active network interface
Many devices have multiple network interfaces. For example, a mobile phone may have both an active cellular connection and an active
Wi-Fi connection. To properly connect the debugger for TCP, the IDE needs to make a network connection to the correct interface on the
device. If you plan to debug via Wi-Fi, for example, make sure you put the device in airplane mode to disable all other interfaces, then
enable Wi-Fi.
You can determine which IP address the Unity Player is telling the IDE to use by looking in the Player Log. Look for a part of the log like

Multi­casting "[IP] [Port] 55000 [Flags] 3 [Guid] 2575380029 [EditorId] 4264788666 [Ve

This message indicates the IDE will try to use the IP address and port 56000 to connect to the device. This IP address and port
must be reachable from the computer running the IDE.

Check the rewall settings
The Unity instance communicates with the code editor via a TCP connection. On most Unity platforms, this TCP connection occurs on an
arbitrarily chosen port. Normally, you should not need to know this port, as the code editor should detect it automatically. If that does
not work, try to use a network analysis tool to determine which ports might be blocked either on the machine where you are running
the code editor, or the machine or device where you are running the Unity instance. When you nd the ports, make sure that your
rewall allows access to both the port on the machine running the code editor, and the machine running the Unity instance.

Verify the managed debugging information is available
If the debugger does attach, but breakpoints don’t load, the debugger may not be able to locate the managed debugging information for
the code. Managed code debugging information is stored in les named .dll.mdb or .pdb, next to the managed assembly (.dll le) on
When the correct preferences and build options are enabled (see above, Unity will generate this debugging information automatically.
However, Unity cannot generate this debugging information for managed plugins in the Project. It is possible to debug code from
managed plugins if the associated .dll.mdb or .pdb les are next to the managed plugins in the Unity project on disk.
2018–09–06 Page published with editorial review
Managed Code Debugging added in 2018.2

Event System

Leave feedback

The Event System is a way of sending events to objects in the application based on input, be it keyboard, mouse, touch, or custom
input. The Event System consists of a few components that work together to send events.

When you add an Event System component to a GameObject you will notice that it does not have much functionality exposed, this is
because the Event System itself is designed as a manager and facilitator of communication between Event System modules.
The primary roles of the Event System are as follows:

Manage which GameObject is considered selected
Manage which Input Module is in use
Manage Raycasting (if required)
Updating all Input Modules as required

Input Modules

An input module is where the main logic of how you want the Event System to behave lives, they are used for

Handling Input
Managing event state
Sending events to scene objects.
Only one Input Module can be active in the Event System at a time, and they must be components on the same GameObject as the
Event System component.
If you wish to write a custom input module it is recommended that you send events supported by existing UI components in Unity,
but you are also able to extend and write your own events as detailed in the Messaging System documentation.

Raycasters are used for guring out what the pointer is over. It is common for Input Modules to use the Raycasters con gured in the
scene to calculate what the pointing device is over.
There are 3 provided Raycasters that exist by default:

Graphic Raycaster - Used for UI elements
Physics 2D Raycaster - Used for 2D physics elements
Physics Raycaster - Used for 3D physics elements
If you have a 2d / 3d Raycaster con gured in your scene it is easily possible to have non UI elements receive messages from the Input
Module. Simply attach a script that implements one of the event interfaces.

Messaging System

Leave feedback

The new UI system uses a messaging system designed to replace SendMessage. The system is pure C# and aims
to address some of the issues present with SendMessage. The system works using custom interfaces that can be
implemented on a MonoBehaviour to indicate that the component is capable of receiving a callback from the
messaging system. When the call is made a target GameObject is speci ed; the call will be issued on all
components of the GameObject that implement the speci ed interface that the call is to be issued against. The
messaging system allows for custom user data to be passed, as well as how far through the GameObject
hierarchy the event should propagate; that is should it just execute for the speci ed GameObject, or should it also
execute on children and parents. In addition to this the messaging framework provides helper functions to search
for and nd GameObjects that implement a given messaging interface.
The messaging system is generic and designed for use not just by the UI system but also by general game code. It
is relatively trivial to add custom messaging events and they will work using the same framework that the UI
system uses for all event handling.

How Do I De ne A Custom Message?
If you wish to de ne a custom message it is relatively simple. In the UnityEngine.EventSystems namespace there
is a base interface called ‘IEventSystemHandler’. Anything that extends from this can be considered as a target for
receiving events via the messaging system.

public interface ICustomMessageTarget : IEventSystemHandler
// functions that can be called via the messaging system
void Message1();
void Message2();

Once this interface is de ned then it can be implemented by a MonoBehaviour. When implemented it de nes the
functions that will be executed if the given message is issued against this MonoBehaviours GameObject.

public class CustomMessageTarget : MonoBehaviour, ICustomMessageTarget
public void Message1()
Debug.Log ("Message 1 received");
public void Message2()
Debug.Log ("Message 2 received");


Now that a script exists that can receive the message we need to issue the message. Normally this would be in
response to some loosely coupled event that occurs. For example, in the UI system we issue events for such
things as PointerEnter and PointerExit, as well as a variety of other things that can happen in response to user
input into the application.
To send a message a static helper class exists to do this. As arguments it requires a target object for the message,
some user speci c data, and a functor that maps to the speci c function in the message interface you wish to

ExecuteEvents.Execute(target, null, (x,y)=>x.Message1());

This code will execute the function Message1 on any components on the GameObject target that implement the
ICustomMessageTarget interface. The scripting documentation for the ExecuteEvents class covers other forms of
the Execute functions, such as Executing in children or in parents.

Input Modules

Leave feedback

An Input Module is where the main logic of an event system can be con gured and customised. Out of the box
there are two provided Input Modules, one designed for Standalone, and one designed for Touch input. Each
module receives and dispatches events as you would expect on the given con guration.
Input modules are where the ‘business logic’ of the Event System take place. When the Event System is enabled it
looks at what Input Modules are attached and passes update handling to the speci c module.
Input modules are designed to be extended or modi ed based on the input systems that you wish to support.
Their purpose is to map hardware speci c input (such as touch, joystick, mouse, motion controller) into events
that are sent via the messaging system.
The built in Input Modules are designed to support common game con gurations such as touch input, controller
input, keyboard input, and mouse input. They send a variety of events to controls in the application, if you
implement the speci c interfaces on your MonoBehaviours. All of the UI components implement the interfaces
that make sense for the given component.

Supported Events

Leave feedback

The Event System supports a number of events, and they can be customised further in user custom user written
Input Modules.
The events that are supported by the Standalone Input Module and Touch Input Module are provided by interface
and can be implemented on a MonoBehaviour by implementing the interface. If you have a valid Event System
con gured the events will be called at the correct time.

IPointerEnterHandler - OnPointerEnter - Called when a pointer enters the object
IPointerExitHandler - OnPointerExit - Called when a pointer exits the object
IPointerDownHandler - OnPointerDown - Called when a pointer is pressed on the object
IPointerUpHandler - OnPointerUp - Called when a pointer is released (called on the GameObject
that the pointer is clicking)
IPointerClickHandler - OnPointerClick - Called when a pointer is pressed and released on the same
IInitializePotentialDragHandler - OnInitializePotentialDrag - Called when a drag target is found, can
be used to initialise values
IBeginDragHandler - OnBeginDrag - Called on the drag object when dragging is about to begin
IDragHandler - OnDrag - Called on the drag object when a drag is happening
IEndDragHandler - OnEndDrag - Called on the drag object when a drag nishes
IDropHandler - OnDrop - Called on the object where a drag nishes
IScrollHandler - OnScroll - Called when a mouse wheel scrolls
IUpdateSelectedHandler - OnUpdateSelected - Called on the selected object each tick
ISelectHandler - OnSelect - Called when the object becomes the selected object
IDeselectHandler - OnDeselect - Called on the selected object becomes deselected
IMoveHandler - OnMove - Called when a move event occurs (left, right, up, down, ect)
ISubmitHandler - OnSubmit - Called when the submit button is pressed
ICancelHandler - OnCancel - Called when the cancel button is pressed


Leave feedback

The Event System needs a method for detecting where current input events need to be sent to, and this is
provided by the Raycasters. Given a screen space position they will collect all potential targets, gure out if they
are under the given position, and then return the object that is closest to the screen. There are a few types of
Raycasters that are provided:

Graphic Raycaster - Used for UI elements, lives on a Canvas and searches within the canvas
Physics 2D Raycaster - Used for 2D physics elements
Physics Raycaster - Used for 3D physics elements
When a Raycaster is present and enabled in the scene it will be used by the Event System whenever a query is
issued from an Input Module.
If multiple Raycasters are used then they will all have casting happen against them and the results will be sorted
based on distance to the elements.

Event System Manager

Leave feedback

This subsystem is responsible for controlling all the other elements that make up eventing. It coordinates which
Input Module is currently active, which GameObject is currently considered ‘selected’, and a host of other high
level Event System concepts.
Each ‘Update’ the Event System receives the call, looks through its Input Modules and gures out which is the
Input Module that should be used for this tick. It then delegates the processing to the modules.

First Selected
The GameObject that was selected rst.
Send Navigation Events Should the EventSystem allow navigation events (move / submit / cancel).
Drag Threshold
The soft area for dragging in pixels.
Beneath the Properies table is the “Add Default Input Modules” button.

Graphic Raycaster

Leave feedback

The Graphic Raycaster is used to raycast against a Canvas. The Raycaster looks at all Graphics on the canvas and determines if any of
them have been hit.
The Graphic Raycaster can be con gured to ignore backfacing Graphics as well as be blocked by 2D or 3D objects that exist in front of
it. A manual priority can also be applied if you want processing of this element to be forced to the front or back of the Raycasting.

Ignore Reversed Graphics Should graphics facing away from the raycaster be considered?
Blocked Objects
Type of objects that will block graphic raycasts.
Blocking Mask
Type of objects that will block graphic raycasts.

Physics Raycaster

Leave feedback

The Raycaster raycasts against 3D objects in the scene. This allows messages to be sent to 3D physics objects
that implement event interfaces.

Get the depth of the con gured camera.
Event Camera
Get the camera that is used for this module.
Event Mask
Logical and of Camera mask and eventMask.
Final Event Mask Logical and of Camera mask and eventMask.

Physics 2D Raycaster

Leave feedback

The 2D Raycaster raycasts against 2D objects in the scene. This allows messages to be sent to 2D physics objects
that implement event interfaces. The Camera GameObject needs to be used and will be added to the
GameObject if the Physics 3D Raycaster is not added to the Camera GameObject.
For more Raycaster information see Raycasters.

Event Camera
The camera that will generate rays for this raycaster.
Priority of the caster relative to other casters.
Sort Order Priority
Priority of the raycaster based upon sort order.
Render Order Priority Priority of the raycaster based upon render order.

Standalone Input Module

Leave feedback

The module is designed to work as you would expect a controller / mouse input to work. Events for button presses, dragging, and
similar are sent in response to input.
The module sends pointer events to components as a mouse / input device is moved around, and uses the Graphics Raycaster
and Physics Raycaster to calculate which element is currently pointed at by a given pointer device. You can con gure these
raycasters to detect or ignore parts of your Scene, to suit your requirements.
The module sends move events and submit / cancel events in response to Input tracked via the Input manager. This works for
both keyboard and controller input. The tracked axis and keys can be con gured in the module’s inspector.

Horizontal Axis
Type the desired manager name for the horizontal axis button.
Vertical Axis
Type the desired manager name for the vertical axis.
Submit Button
Type the desired manager name for the Submit button.
Cancel Button
Type the desired manager name for the Cancel button.
Input Actions Per Second Number of keyboard/controller inputs allowed per second.
Repeat Delay
Delay in seconds before the input actions per second repeat rate takes e ect.
Force Module Active
Tick this checkbox to force this Standalone Input Module to be active.


The module uses:

Vertical / Horizontal axis for keyboard and controller navigation
Submit / Cancel button for sending submit and cancel events
Has a timeout between events to only allow a maximum number of events a second.
The ow for the module is as follows

Send a Move event to the selected object if a valid axis from the input manager is entered
Send a submit or cancel event to the selected object if a submit or cancel button is pressed
Process Mouse input
If it is a new press
Send PointerEnter event (sent to every object up the hierarchy that can handle it)
Send PointerPress event
Cache the drag handler ( rst element in the hierarchy that can handle it)
Send BeginDrag event to the drag handler
Set the ‘Pressed’ object as Selected in the event system
If this is a continuing press
Process movment
Send DragEvent to the cached drag handler
Handle PointerEnter and PointerExit events if touch moves between objects
If this is a release
Send PointerUp event to the object that received the PointerPress
If the current hover object is the same as the PointerPress object send a PointerClick event
Send a Drop event if there was a drag handler cached
Send a EndDrag event to the cached drag handler
Process scroll wheel events

Touch Input Module

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Note: TouchInputModule is obsolete. Touch input is now handled in StandaloneInputModule.
This module is designed to work with touch devices. It sends pointer events for touching and dragging in
response to user input. The module supports multitouch.
The module uses the scene con gured Raycasters to calculate what element is currently being touched over. A
raycast is issued for each current touch.

Force Module Active Forces this module to be active.


The ow for the module is as follows:

For each touch event
If it is a new press
Send PointerEnter event (sent to every object up the hierarchy that can handle it)
Send PointerPress event
Cache the drag handler ( rst element in the hierarchy that can handle it)
Send BeginDrag event to the drag handler
Set the ‘Pressed’ object as Selected in the event system
If this is a continuing press
Process movment
Send DragEvent to the cached drag handler
Handle PointerEnter and PointerExit events if touch moves between objects
If this is a release
Send PointerUp event to the object that received the PointerPress
If the current hover object is the same as the PointerPress object send a PointerClick event
Send a Drop event if there was a drag handler cached
Send a EndDrag event to the cached drag handler

Event Trigger

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The Event Trigger receives events from the Event System and calls registered functions for each event.
The Event Trigger can be used to specify functions you wish to be called for each Event System event. You can
assign multiple functions to a single event and whenever the Event Trigger receives that event it will call those
Note that attaching an Event Trigger component to a GameObject will make that object intercept all events, and
no event bubbling will occur from this object!

Each of the Supported Events can optionally be included in the Event Trigger by clicking the Add New Event Type

C# Job System

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The Unity C# Job System lets you write simple and safe multithreaded code that interacts with the Unity Engine
for enhanced game performance.
You can use the C# Job System with the Unity Entity Component System (ECS), which is an architecture that makes
it simple to create e cient machine code for all platforms.

C# Job System Overview
What is multithreading?
What is a job system?
The safety system in the C# Job System
Creating jobs
Scheduling jobs
JobHandle and dependencies
ParallelFor jobs
ParallelForTransform jobs
C# Job System tips and troubleshooting
2018–03–27 Page published with editorial review
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C# Job System Overview

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How the C# Job System works

The Unity C# Job System allows users to write multithreaded code that interacts well with the rest of Unity and
makes it easier to write correct code.
Writing multithreaded code can provide high-performance bene ts. These include signi cant gains in frame rate
and improved battery life for mobile devices.
An essential aspect of the C# Job System is that it integrates with what Unity uses internally (Unity’s native job
system). User-written code and Unity share worker threads. This cooperation avoids creating more threads than
CPU cores, which would cause contention for CPU resources.
For more information, watch the talk Unity at GDC - Job System & Entity Component System.
2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
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What is multithreading?

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In a single-threaded computing system, one instruction goes in at a time, and one result comes out at a time. The
time to load and complete programs depends on the amount of work you need the CPU to do.
Multithreading is a type of programming that takes advantage of a CPU’s capability to process many threads at
the same time across multiple cores. Instead of tasks or instructions executing one after another, they run
One thread runs at the start of a program by default. This is the “main thread”. The main thread creates new
threads to handle tasks. These new threads run in parallel to one another, and usually synchronize their results
with the main thread once completed.
This approach to multithreading works well if you have a few tasks that run for a long time. However, game
development code usually contains many small instructions to execute at once. If you create a thread for each
one, you can end up with many threads, each with a short lifetime. That can push the limits of the processing
capacity of your CPU and operating system.
It is possible to mitigate the issue of thread lifetime by having a pool of threads. However, even if you use a
thread pool, you are likely to have a large number of threads active at the same time. Having more threads than
CPU cores leads to the threads contending with each other for CPU resources, which causes frequent context
switching as a result. Context switching is the process of saving the state of a thread part way through execution,
then working on another thread, and then reconstructing the rst thread, later on, to continue processing it.
Context switching is resource-intensive, so you should avoid the need for it wherever possible.
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What is a job system?

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A job system manages multithreaded code by creating jobs instead of threads.
A job system manages a group of worker threads across multiple cores. It usually has one worker thread per
logical CPU core, to avoid context switching (although it may reserve some cores for the operating system or
other dedicated applications).
A job system puts jobs into a job queue to execute. Worker threads in a job system take items from the job queue
and execute them. A job system manages dependencies and ensures that jobs execute in the appropriate order.

What is a job?
A job is a small unit of work that does one speci c task. A job receives parameters and operates on data, similar
to how a method call behaves. Jobs can be self-contained, or they can depend on other jobs to complete before
they can run.

What are job dependencies?
In complex systems, like those required for game development, it is unlikely that each job is self-contained. One
job is usually preparing the data for the next job. Jobs are aware of and support dependencies to make this work.
If jobA has a dependency on jobB, the job system ensures that jobA does not start executing until jobB is
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The safety system in the C# Job

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Race conditions

When writing multithreaded code, there is always a risk for race conditions. A race condition occurs when the
output of one operation depends on the timing of another process outside of its control.
A race condition is not always a bug, but it is a source of indeterministic behavior. When a race condition does
cause a bug, it can be hard to nd the source of the problem because it depends on timing, so you can only
recreate the issue on rare occasions. Debugging it can cause the problem to disappear, because breakpoints and
logging can change the timing of individual threads. Race conditions produce the most signi cant challenge in
writing multithreaded code.

Safety system
To make it easier to write multithreaded code, the Unity C# Job System detects all potential race conditions and
protects you from the bugs they can cause.
For example: if the C# Job System sends a reference to data from your code in the main thread to a job, it cannot
verify whether the main thread is reading the data at the same time the job is writing to it. This scenario creates a
race condition.
The C# Job System solves this by sending each job a copy of the data it needs to operate on, rather than a
reference to the data in the main thread. This copy isolates the data, which eliminates the race condition.
The way the C# Job System copies data means that a job can only access blittable data types. These types do not
need conversion when passed between managed and native code.
The C# Job System can copy blittable types with memcpy and transfer the data between the managed and native
parts of Unity. It uses memcpy to put data into native memory when scheduling jobs and gives the managed side
access to that copy when executing jobs. For more information, see Scheduling jobs.
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The drawback to the safety system’s process of copying data is that it also isolates the results of a job within each
copy. To overcome this limitation you need to store the results in a type of shared memory called

What is a NativeContainer?
A NativeContainer is a managed value type that provides a relatively safe C# wrapper for native memory. It
contains a pointer to an unmanaged allocation. When used with the Unity C# Job System, a NativeContainer
allows a job to access data shared with the main thread rather than working with a copy.

What types of NativeContainer are available?
Unity ships with a NativeContainer called NativeArray. You can also manipulate a NativeArray with
NativeSlice to get a subset of the NativeArray from a particular position to a certain length.
Note: The Entity Component System (ECS) package extends the Unity.Collections namespace to include
other types of NativeContainer:

NativeList - a resizable NativeArray.
NativeHashMap - key and value pairs.
NativeMultiHashMap - multiple values per key.
NativeQueue - a rst in, rst out (FIFO) queue.

NativeContainer and the safety system
The safety system is built into all NativeContainer types. It tracks what is reading and writing to any
Note: All safety checks on NativeContainer types (such as out of bounds checks, deallocation checks, and race
condition checks) are only available in the Unity Editor and Play Mode.
Part of this safety system is the DisposeSentinel and AtomicSafetyHandle. The DisposeSentinel detects
memory leaks and gives you an error if you have not correctly freed your memory. Triggering the memory leak
error happens long after the leak occurred.
Use the AtomicSafetyHandle to transfer ownership of a NativeContainer in code. For example, if two
scheduled jobs are writing to the same NativeArray, the safety system throws an exception with a clear error
message that explains why and how to solve the problem. The safety system throws this exception when you
schedule the o ending job.
In this case, you can schedule a job with a dependency. The rst job can write to the NativeContainer, and
once it has nished executing, the next job can then safely read and write to that same NativeContainer. The
read and write restrictions also apply when accessing data from the main thread. The safety system does allow
multiple jobs to read from the same data in parallel.

By default, when a job has access to a NativeContainer, it has both read and write access. This con guration
can slow performance. The C# Job System does not allow you to schedule a job that has write access to a
NativeContainer at the same time as another job that is writing to it.
If a job does not need to write to a NativeContainer, mark the NativeContainer with the [ReadOnly]
attribute, like so:

public NativeArray input;

In the above example, you can execute the job at the same time as other jobs that also have read-only access to
the rst NativeArray.
Note: There is no protection against accessing static data from within a job. Accessing static data circumvents all
safety systems and can crash Unity. For more information, see C# Job System tips and troubleshooting.

NativeContainer Allocator
When creating a NativeContainer, you must specify the type of memory allocation you need. The allocation
type depends on the length of time the job runs. This way you can tailor the allocation to get the best
performance possible in each situation.
There are three Allocator types for NativeContainer memory allocation and release. You need to specify the
appropriate one when instantiating your NativeContainer.

Allocator.Temp has the fastest allocation. It is for allocations with a lifespan of one frame or fewer.
You should not pass NativeContainer allocations using Temp to jobs. You also need to call the
Dispose method before you return from the method call (such as MonoBehaviour.Update, or any
other callback from native to managed code).
Allocator.TempJob is a slower allocation than Temp but is faster than Persistent. It is for
allocations within a lifespan of four frames and is thread-safe. If you don’t Dispose of it within four
frames, the console prints a warning, generated from the native code. Most small jobs use this
NativeContainer allocation type.
Allocator.Persistent is the slowest allocation but can last as long as you need it to, and if
necessary, throughout the application’s lifetime. It is a wrapper for a direct call to malloc. Longer
jobs can use this NativeContainer allocation type. You should not use Persistent where
performance is essential.
For example:

NativeArray result = new NativeArray(1, Allocator.TempJob);

Note: The number 1 in the example above indicates the size of the NativeArray. In this case, it has only one
array element (as it only stores one piece of data in result).
2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
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Creating jobs

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To create a job in Unity you need to implement the IJob interface. IJob allows you to schedule a single job that
runs in parallel to any other jobs that are running.
Note: A “job” is a collective term in Unity for any struct that implements the IJob interface.
To create a job, you need to:

Create a struct that implements IJob.
Add the member variables that the job uses (either blittable types or NativeContainer types).
Create a method in your struct called Execute with the implementation of the job inside it.
When executing the job, the Execute method runs once on a single core.
Note: When designing your job, remember that they operate on copies of data, except in the case of
NativeContainer. So, the only way to access data from a job in the main thread is by writing to a

An example of a simple job de nition
// Job adding two floating point values together
public struct MyJob : IJob
public float a;
public float b;
public NativeArray result;
public void Execute()
result[0] = a + b;

2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
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Scheduling jobs

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To schedule a job in the main thread, you must:

Instantiate the job.
Populate the job’s data.
Call the Schedule method.
Calling Schedule puts the job into the job queue for execution at the appropriate time. Once scheduled, you
cannot interrupt a job.
Note: You can only call Schedule from the main thread.

An example of scheduling a job
// Create a native array of a single float to store the result. This example wai
NativeArray result = new NativeArray(1, Allocator.TempJob);
// Set up the job data
MyJob jobData = new MyJob();
jobData.a = 10;
jobData.b = 10;
jobData.result = result;
// Schedule the job
JobHandle handle = jobData.Schedule();
// Wait for the job to complete
// All copies of the NativeArray point to the same memory, you can access the re
float aPlusB = result[0];
// Free the memory allocated by the result array

2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
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JobHandle and dependencies

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When you call the Schedule method of a job it returns a JobHandle. You can use a JobHandle in your code as a
dependency for other jobs. If a job depends on the results of another job, you can pass the rst job’s JobHandle
as a parameter to the second job’s Schedule method, like so:

JobHandle firstJobHandle = firstJob.Schedule();

Combining dependencies
If a job has many dependencies, you can use the method JobHandle.CombineDependencies to merge them.
CombineDependencies allows you to pass them onto the Schedule method.

NativeArray handles = new NativeArray(numJobs, Allocator.T
// Populate `handles` with `JobHandles` from multiple scheduled jobs...
JobHandle jh = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(handles);

Waiting for jobs in the main thread
Use JobHandle to force your code to wait in the main thread for your job to nish executing. To do this, call the
method Complete on the JobHandle. At this point, you know the main thread can safely access the
NativeContainer that the job was using.
Note: Jobs do not start executing when you schedule them. If you are waiting for the job in the main thread, and
you need access to the NativeContainer data that the job is using, you can call the method
JobHandle.Complete. This method ushes the jobs from the memory cache and starts the process of
execution. Calling Complete on a JobHandle returns ownership of that job’s NativeContainer types to the
main thread. You need to call Complete on a JobHandle to safely access those NativeContainer types from
the main thread again. It is also possible to return ownership to the main thread by calling Complete on a
JobHandle that is from a job dependency. For example, you can call Complete on jobA, or you can call
Complete on jobB which depends on jobA. Both result in the NativeContainer types that are used by jobA
being safe to access on the main thread after the call to Complete.
Otherwise, if you don’t need access to the data, you need to explicity ush the batch. To do this, call the static
method JobHandle.ScheduleBatchedJobs. Note that calling this method can negatively impact performance.

An example of multiple jobs and dependencies

Job code:





// Job adding two floating point values together
public struct MyJob : IJob
public float a;
public float b;
public NativeArray result;
public void Execute()
result[0] = a + b;
// Job adding one to a value
public struct AddOneJob : IJob
public NativeArray result;
public void Execute()
result[0] = result[0] + 1;

Main thread code:

// Create a native array of a single float to store the result in. This example
NativeArray result = new NativeArray(1, Allocator.TempJob);
// Setup the data for job #1
MyJob jobData = new MyJob();
jobData.a = 10;
jobData.b = 10;
jobData.result = result;
// Schedule job #1
JobHandle firstHandle = jobData.Schedule();
// Setup the data for job #2
AddOneJob incJobData = new AddOneJob();

incJobData.result = result;
// Schedule job #2
JobHandle secondHandle = incJobData.Schedule(firstHandle);
// Wait for job #2 to complete
// All copies of the NativeArray point to the same memory, you can access the re
float aPlusB = result[0];
// Free the memory allocated by the result array

2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
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ParallelFor jobs

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When scheduling jobs, there can only be one job doing one task. In a game, it is common to want to perform the
same operation on a large number of objects. There is a separate job type called IJobParallelFor to handle this.
Note: A “ParallelFor” job is a collective term in Unity for any struct that implements the IJobParallelFor
A ParallelFor job uses a NativeArray of data to act on as its data source. ParallelFor jobs run across multiple cores.
There is one job per core, each handling a subset of the workload. IJobParallelFor behaves like IJob, but
instead of a single Execute method, it invokes the Execute method once per item in the data source. There is an
integer parameter in the Execute method. This index is to access and operate on a single element of the data
source within the job implementation.

An example of a ParallelFor job de nition:
struct IncrementByDeltaTimeJob: IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray values;
public float deltaTime;
public void Execute (int index)
float temp = values[index];
temp += deltaTime;
values[index] = temp;

Scheduling ParallelFor jobs
When scheduling ParallelFor jobs, you must specify the length of the NativeArray data source that you are
splitting. The Unity C# Job System cannot know which NativeArray you want to use as the data source if there
are several in the struct. The length also tells the C# Job System how many Execute methods to expect.
Behind the scenes, the scheduling of ParallelFor jobs is more complicated. When scheduling ParallelFor jobs, the
C# Job System divides the work into batches to distribute between cores. Each batch contains a subset of
Execute methods. The C# Job System then schedules up to one job in Unity’s native job system per CPU core and
passes that native job some batches to complete.



1. Create ParallelFor job

4. Divide ParallelFor job
datasource into batches



6. Pull native job from job
queue and execute batches

Native job
C# ParallelFor job







Worker thread #1


2. Set data and data source
for ParallelFor job

Core #1





7. Store results in native

C# ParallelFor job




Data source:

5. Put batches into job
queue and create native jobs
to process them


Native job

6. Pull native job from job
queue and execute batches


Worker thread #2


Core #2


3. Call ParallelFor job
Schedule method

7. Store results in native

A ParallelFor job dividing batches across cores
When a native job completes its batches before others, it steals remaining batches from the other native jobs. It
only steals half of a native job’s remaining batches at a time, to ensure cache locality.
To optimize the process, you need to specify a batch count. The batch count controls how many jobs you get, and
how ne-grained the redistribution of work between threads is. Having a low batch count, such as 1, gives you a
more even distribution of work between threads. It does come with some overhead, so sometimes it is better to

increase the batch count. Starting at 1 and increasing the batch count until there are negligible performance gains
is a valid strategy.

An example of scheduling a ParallelFor job
Job code:

// Job adding two floating point values together
public struct MyParallelJob : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray a;
public NativeArray b;
public NativeArray result;
public void Execute(int i)
result[i] = a[i] + b[i];

Main thread code:

NativeArray a = new NativeArray(2, Allocator.TempJob);
NativeArray b = new NativeArray(2, Allocator.TempJob);
NativeArray result = new NativeArray(2, Allocator.TempJob);



MyParallelJob jobData = new MyParallelJob();
jobData.a = a;
jobData.b = b;
jobData.result = result;
// Schedule the job with one Execute per index in the results array and only 1 i
JobHandle handle = jobData.Schedule(result.Length, 1);

// Wait for the job to complete
// Free the memory allocated by the arrays

2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
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ParallelForTransform jobs

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A ParallelForTransform job is another type of ParallelFor job; designed speci cally for operating on Transforms.
Note: A ParallelForTransform job is a collective term in Unity for any job that implements the
IJobParallelForTransform interface.
2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
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C# Job System tips and

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When using the Unity C# Job System, make sure you adhere to the following:

Do not access static data from a job
Accessing static data from a job circumvents all safety systems. If you access the wrong data, you might crash
Unity, often in unexpected ways. For example, accessing MonoBehaviour can cause crashes on domain reloads.
Note: Because of this risk, future versions of Unity will prevent global variable access from jobs using static
analysis. If you do access static data inside a job, you should expect your code to break in future versions of Unity.

Flush scheduled batches
When you want your jobs to start executing, then you can ush the scheduled batch with
JobHandle.ScheduleBatchedJobs. Note that calling this method can negatively impact performance. Not ushing
the batch delays the scheduling until the main thread waits for the result. In all other cases use
JobHandle.Complete to start the execution process.
Note: In the Entity Component System (ECS) the batch is implicitly ushed for you, so calling
JobHandle.ScheduleBatchedJobs is not necessary.

Don’t try to update NativeContainer contents
Due to the lack of ref returns, it is not possible to directly change the content of a NativeContainer. For example,
nativeArray[0]++; is the same as writing var temp = nativeArray[0]; temp++; which does not update
the value in nativeArray.
Instead, you must copy the data from the index into a local temporary copy, modify that copy, and save it back,
like so:

MyStruct temp = myNativeArray[i];
temp.memberVariable = 0;
myNativeArray[i] = temp;

Call JobHandle.Complete to regain ownership
Tracing data ownership requires dependencies to complete before the main thread can use them again. It is not
enough to check JobHandle.IsCompleted. You must call the method JobHandle.Complete to regain ownership
of the NativeContainer types to the main thread. Calling Complete also cleans up the state in the safety
system. Not doing so introduces a memory leak. This process also applies if you schedule new jobs every frame
that has a dependency on the previous frame’s job.

Use Schedule and Complete in the main thread
You can only call Schedule and Complete from the main thread. If one job depends on another, use JobHandle
to manage dependencies rather than trying to schedule jobs within jobs.

Use Schedule and Complete at the right time
Call Schedule on a job as soon as you have the data it needs, and don’t call Complete on it until you need the
results. It is good practice to schedule a job that you do not need to wait for when it is not competing with any
other jobs that are running. For example, if you have a period between the end of one frame and the beginning of
the next frame where no jobs are running, and a one frame latency is acceptable, you can schedule the job
towards the end of a frame and use its results in the following frame. Alternatively, if your game is saturating that
changeover period with other jobs, and there is a big under-utilized period somewhere else in the frame, it is
more e cient to schedule your job there instead.

Mark NativeContainer types as read-only
Remember that jobs have read and write access to NativeContainer types by default. Use the [ReadOnly]
attribute when appropriate to improve performance.

Check for data dependencies
In the Unity Pro ler window, the marker “WaitForJobGroup” on the main thread indicates that Unity is waiting for
a job on a worker thread to complete. This marker could mean that you have introduced a data dependency
somewhere that you should resolve. Look for JobHandle.Complete to track down where you have data
dependencies that are forcing the main thread to wait.

Debugging jobs
Jobs have a Run function that you can use in place of Schedule to immediately execute the job on the main
thread. You can use this for debugging purposes.

Do not allocate managed memory in jobs
Allocating managed memory in jobs is incredibly slow, and the job is not able to make use of the Unity Burst
compiler to improve performance. Burst is a new LLVM based backend compiler technology that makes things
easier for you. It takes C# jobs and produces highly-optimized machine code taking advantage of the particular
capabilities of your platform.

Further Information
Watch the Unity GDC 2018: C# Job System playlist of clips.
For more advanced information on how the C# Job System relates to ECS, see the ECS package
documentation on GitHub.
2018–06–15 Page published with editorial review
C# Job System exposed in 2018.1

Multiplayer and Networking

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This section has an overview and detailed reference pages on making your project multiplayer.
Related tutorials: Multiplayer Networking

Multiplayer Overview

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Related tutorials: Multiplayer Networking
There are two kinds of users for the Networking feature:

Users making a Multiplayer game with Unity. These users should start with the NetworkManager or the
High Level API.
Users building network infrastructure or advanced multiplayer games. These users should start with the
NetworkTransport API.

High level scripting API

Unity’s networking has a “high-level” scripting API (which we’ll refer to as the HLAPI). Using this means you get access to
commands which cover most of the common requirements for multiuser games without needing to worry about the
“lower level” implementation details. The HLAPI allows you to:

Control the networked state of the game using a “Network Manager”.
Operate “client hosted” games, where the host is also a player client.
Serialize data using a general-purpose serializer.
Send and receive network messages.
Send networked commands from clients to servers.
Make remote procedure calls (RPCs) from servers to clients.
Send networked events from servers to clients.

Engine and Editor integration

Unity’s networking is integrated into the engine and the editor, allowing you to work with components and visual aids to
build your multiplayer game. It provides:

A NetworkIdentity component for networked objects.
A NetworkBehaviour for networked scripts.
Con gurable automatic synchronization of object transforms.
Automatic synchronization of script variables.
Support for placing networked objects in Unity scenes.
Network components

Internet Services

Unity o ers Internet Services to support your game throughout production and release, which includes:

Matchmaking service
Create matches and advertise matches.
List available matches and join matches.
Relay server
Game-play over internet with no dedicated server.
Routing of messages for participants of matches.

NetworkTransport real-time transport layer
We include a Real-Time Transport Layer that o ers:

Optimized UDP based protocol.
Multi-channel design to avoid head-of-line blocking issues
Support for a variety of levels of Quality of Service (QoS) per channel.
Flexible network topology that supports peer-to-peer or client-server architectures.

Sample Projects
You can also dig into our multiplayer sample projects to see how these features are used together. The following sample
projects can be found within this Unity Forum post:

Multiplayer 2D Tanks example game
Multiplayer Invaders game with Matchmaking
Multiplayer 2D space shooter with Matchmaking
Minimal Multiplayer project

Setting up a multiplayer project

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This page contains an overview of the most basic and common things you need when setting up a multiplayer
project. In terms of what you require in your project, these are:
A Network Manager
A user interface (for players to nd and join games)
Networked Player Prefabs (for players to control)
Scripts and GameObjects which are multiplayer-aware
There are variations on this list; for example, in a multiplayer chess game, or a real-time strategy (RTS) game, you
don’t need a visible GameObject to represent the player. However, you might still want an invisible empty
GameObject to represent the player, and attach scripts to it which relate to what the player is able to do.
This introductory page contains a brief description of each of the items listed above. However, each section links
to more detailed documentation, which you need to continue reading to fully understand them.
There are also some important concepts that you need to understand and make choices about when building
your game. These concepts can broadly be summarised as:
The relationship between a client, a server, and a host
The idea of authority over GameObjects and actions
To learn about these concepts, see documentation on Network System Concepts.

The Network Manager
The Network Manager is responsible for managing the networking aspects of your multiplayer game. You should
have one (and only one) Network Manager active in your Scene at a time.

The Network Manager Component
Unity’s built-in Network Manager component wraps up all of the features for managing your multiplayer game
into one single component. If you have custom requirements which aren’t covered by this component, you can
write your own network manager in script instead of using this component. If you’re just starting out with
multiplayer games, you should use this component.

To learn more, see documentation on the Network Manager.

A user interface for players to nd and join games
Almost every multiplayer game provides players with a way to discover, create, and join individual game
“instances” (also known as “matches”). This part of the game is commonly known as the “lobby”, and sometimes
has extra features like chat.

A typical multiplayer game lobby, allowing players to nd, create and join games, as seen in the
TANKS networking demo, available on the Asset Store.
Unity has an extremely basic built-in version of such an interface, called the NetworkManagerHUD. It can be
extremely useful in the early stages of creating your game, because it allows you to easily create matches and test
your game without needing to implement your own UI. However, it is very basic in both functionality and visual
design, so you should replace this with your own UI before you nish your project.

Unity’s built-in Network Manager HUD, shown in MatchMaker mode.
To learn more, see documentation on the Network Manager HUD.

Networked player GameObjects

Most multiplayer games feature some kind of object that a player can control, like a character, a car, or something
else. Some multiplayer games don’t feature a single visible “player object” but instead allow a player to control
many units or items, like in chess or real-time strategy games. Others don’t even feature speci c objects at all, like
a shared-canvas painting game. In all of these situations, however, you usually need to create a GameObject that
conceptually represents the player in your game. Make this GameObject a Prefab, and attach all the scripts to it
which control what the player can do in your game.
If you are using Unity’s Network Manager component (see The Network Manager, above), assign the Prefab to the
Player Prefab eld.

The network manager with a “Player Car” prefab assigned to the Player Prefab eld.
When the game is running, the Network Manager creates a copy (an “instance”) of your player Prefab for each
player that connects to the match.
However - and this is where it can get confusing for people new to multiplayer programming - you need to make
sure the scripts on your player Prefab instance are “aware” of whether the player controlling the instance is using
the host computer (the computer that is managing the game) or a client computer (a di erent computer to the
one that is managing the game).
This is because both situations will be occurring at the same time.

Multiplayer-aware Scripts
Writing scripts for a multiplayer game is di erent to writing scripts for a single-player game. This is because when
you write a script for a multiplayer game, you need to think about the di erent contexts that the scripts run in. To
learn about the networking concepts discussed here, see documentation on Network System Concepts.
For example, the scripts you place on your player Prefab should allow the “owner” of that player instance to
control it, but it should not allow other people to control it.
You need to think about whether the server or the client has authority over what the script does. Sometimes, you
want the script to run on both the server and the clients. Other times, you only want the script to run on the
server, and you only want the clients to replicate how the GameObjects are moving (for example, in a game in
which players pick up collectible GameObjects, the script should only run on the server so that the server can be
the authority on the number of GameObjects collected).

Depending on what your script does, you need to decide which parts of your script should be active in which
For player GameObjects, each person usually has active control over their own player instance. This means each
client has local authority over its own player, and the server accepts what the client tells it about what the player
is doing.
For non-player GameObjects, the server usually has authority over what happens (such as whether an item has
been collected), and all clients accept what the server tells them about what has happened to that GameObject.

Using the Network Manager

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The Network Manager is a component for managing the networking aspects of a multiplayer game.
The Network Manager features include:
Game state management
Spawn management
Scene management
Debugging information

Getting Started with the Network Manager
The Network Manager is the core controlling component of a multiplayer game. To get started, create an empty
GameObject in your starting Scene, and add the NetworkManager component. The newly added Network
Manager component looks like this:

The Network Manager as seen in the inspector window
The Inspector for the Network Manager in the Editor allows you to con gure and control many things related to
Note: You should only ever have one active Network Manager in each Scene. Do not place the Network Manager
component on a networked GameObject (one which has a Network Identity component), because Unity disables
these when the Scene loads.
If you are already familiar with multiplayer game development, you might nd it useful to know that the Network
Manager component is implemented entirely using the High-level API (HLAPI), so everything it does is also
available to you through scripting. For advanced users, if you nd that you need to expand on the Network
Manager component’s features, you can use scripting to derive your own class from NetworkManager and
customize its behaviour by overriding any of the virtual function hooks that it provides. However, the Network
Manager component wraps up a lot of useful functionality into a single place, and makes creating, running and
debugging multiplayer games as simple as possible.

Game state management
A Networking multiplayer game can run in three modes - as a client, as a dedicated server, or as a “Host” which is
both a client and a server at the same time.
If you’re using the Network Manager HUD, it automatically tells the Network Manager which mode to start in,
based on which options the player selects. If you’re writing your own UI that allows the player to start the game,
you’ll need to call these from your own code. These methods are:

The network address and port settings in the Network Manager component
Whichever mode the game starts in (client, server, or host), the Network Address and Network Port properties
are used. In client mode, the game attempts to connect to the address and port speci ed. In server or host mode,
the game listens for incoming connections on the port speci ed.
During development of your game, it can be useful to put a xed address and port setting into these properties.
However, eventually you might want your players to be able to choose the host they to connect to. When you get
to that stage, the Network Discovery component (see Local Discovery) can be used for broadcasting and nding
addresses and ports on a local area network (LAN), and the Matchmaker service can be used for players to nd
internet matches to connect to (see Multiplayer Service).

Spawn management
Use the Network Manager to manage the spawning (networked instantiation) of networked GameObjects from

The “Spawn Info” section of the Network Manager component
Most games have a Prefab which represents the player, so the Network Manager has a Player Prefab slot. You
should assign this slot with your player Prefab. When you have a player Prefab set, a player GameObject is
automatically spawned from that Prefab for each user in the game. This applies to the local player on a hosted
server, and remote players on remote clients. You must attach a Network Identity component to the Player
Once you have assigned a player Prefab, you can start the game as a host and see the player GameObject spawn.
Stopping the game destroys the player GameObject. If you build and run another copy of the game and connect it
as a client to localhost, the Network Manager makes another player GameObject appear. When you stop that
client, it destroys that player’s GameObject.
In addition to the player Prefab, you must also register other Prefabs that you want to dynamically spawn during
gameplay with the Network Manager.
You can add Prefabs to the list shown in the inspector labelled Registered Spawnable Prefabs. You can also can
register prefabs via code, with the ClientScene.RegisterPrefab() method.
If you have only one Network Manager, you need to register to it all prefabs which might be spawned in any
Scene. If you have a separate Network Manager in each Scene, you only need to register the prefabs relevant for
that Scene.

Customizing Player Instantiation
The Network Manager spawns player GameObjects using its implementation of
NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer(). If you want to customize the way player GameObjects are created, you
can override that virtual function. This code shows an example of the default implementation:

public virtual void OnServerAddPlayer(NetworkConnection conn, short playerContro
var player = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(playerPrefab, playerSpawnPos
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player, playerControllerId);

Note: If you are implementing a custom version of OnServerAddPlayer, the method
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection() must be called for the newly created player GameObject, so that it is
spawned and associated with the client’s connection. AddPlayerForConnection spawns the GameObject, so you
do not need to use NetworkServer.Spawn().

Start positions
To control where players are spawned, you can use the Network Start Position component. To use these, attach a
Network Start Position component to a GameObject in the Scene, and position the GameObject where you would
like one of the players to start. You can add as many start positions to your Scene as you like. The Network

Manager detects all start positions in your Scene, and when it spawns each player instance, it uses the position
and orientation of one of them.
The Network Manager has a Player Spawn Method property, which allows you to con gure how start positions
are chosen.
Choose Random to spawn players at randomly chosen startPosition options.
Choose Round Robin to cycle through startPosition options in a set list.
If the Random or Round Robin modes don’t suit your game, you can customize how the start positions are
selected by using code. You can access the available Network Start Position components by the list
NetworkManager.startPositions, and you can use the helper method GetStartPosition() on the Network Manager
that can be used in implementation of OnServerAddPlayer to nd a start position.

Scene management
Most games have more than one Scene. At the very least, there is usually a title screen or starting menu Scene in
addition to the Scene where the game is actually played. The Network Manager is designed to automatically
manage Scene state and Scene transitions in a way that works for a multiplayer game.
There are two slots on the NetworkManager Inspector for scenes: the O ine Scene and the Online Scene.
Dragging Scene assets into these slots activates networked Scene management.
When a server or host is started, the Online Scene is loaded. This then becomes the current network Scene. Any
clients that connect to that server are instructed to also load that Scene. The name of this Scene is stored in the
networkSceneName property.
When the network is stopped, by stopping the server or host or by a client disconnecting, the o ine Scene is
loaded. This allows the game to automatically return to a menu Scene when disconnected from a multiplayer
You can also change Scenes while the game is active by calling NetworkManager.ServerChangeScene(). This
makes all the currently connected clients change Scene too, and updates networkSceneName so that new clients
also load the new Scene.
While networked Scene management is active, any calls to game state management functions such
NetworkManager.StartHost() or NetworkManager.StopClient() can cause Scene changes. This applies to the
runtime control UI. By setting up Scenes and calling these methods, you can control the ow of your multiplayer
Note that Scene changes cause all the GameObjects in the previous Scene to be destroyed.
You should normally make sure the Network Manager persists between Scenes, otherwise the network
connection is broken upon a Scene change. To do this, ensure the Don’t Destroy On Load box is checked in the
Inspector. However it is also possible to have a separate Network Manager in each Scene with di erent settings,
which may be helpful if you wish to control incremental Prefab loading, or di erent Scene transitions.


There are virtual functions on the NetworkManager class that you can customize by creating your own derived
class that inherits from NetworkManager. When implementing these functions, be sure to take care of the
functionality that the default implementations provide. For example, in OnServerAddPlayer(), the function
NetworkServer.AddPlayer must be called to activate the player GameObject for the connection.
These are all the callbacks that can happen for host/server and clients, in some cases it’s important to invoke the
base class function to maintain default behaviour. To see the implementation itself you can view it in the
networking bitbucket repository.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.Networking.Match;
public class CustomManager : NetworkManager {
// Server callbacks
public override void OnServerConnect(NetworkConnection conn) {
Debug.Log("A client connected to the server: " + conn);
public override void OnServerDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) {
if (conn.lastError != NetworkError.Ok) {
if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("ServerDisconnected due to
Debug.Log("A client disconnected from the server: " + conn);
public override void OnServerReady(NetworkConnection conn) {
Debug.Log("Client is set to the ready state (ready to receive state upda

public override void OnServerAddPlayer(NetworkConnection conn, short playerC
var player = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(playerPrefab, Vector3.ze
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player, playerControllerId);
Debug.Log("Client has requested to get his player added to the game");
public override void OnServerRemovePlayer(NetworkConnection conn, PlayerCont
if (player.gameObject != null)
public override void OnServerError(NetworkConnection conn, int errorCode) {
Debug.Log("Server network error occurred: " + (NetworkError)errorCode);
public override void OnStartHost() {
Debug.Log("Host has started");
public override void OnStartServer() {
Debug.Log("Server has started");
public override void OnStopServer() {
Debug.Log("Server has stopped");
public override void OnStopHost() {

Debug.Log("Host has stopped");
// Client callbacks
public override void OnClientConnect(NetworkConnection conn)
Debug.Log("Connected successfully to server, now to set up other stuff f
public override void OnClientDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) {
if (conn.lastError != NetworkError.Ok)
if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("ClientDisconnected due to
Debug.Log("Client disconnected from server: " + conn);
public override void OnClientError(NetworkConnection conn, int errorCode) {
Debug.Log("Client network error occurred: " + (NetworkError)errorCode);
public override void OnClientNotReady(NetworkConnection conn) {
Debug.Log("Server has set client to be not­ready (stop getting state upd
public override void OnStartClient(NetworkClient client) {

Debug.Log("Client has started");
public override void OnStopClient() {
Debug.Log("Client has stopped");
public override void OnClientSceneChanged(NetworkConnection conn) {
Debug.Log("Server triggered scene change and we've done the same, do any

The inspector for the NetworkManager provides the ability to change some connection parameters and timeouts.
Some parameters have not been exposed here but can be changed through code.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class CustomManager : NetworkManager {
// Set custom connection parameters early, so they are not too late to be en
void Start()
customConfig = true;
connectionConfig.MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount = 40;
connectionConfig.MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize = 800;

connectionConfig.MaxSentMessageQueueSize = 2048;
connectionConfig.IsAcksLong = true;
globalConfig.ThreadAwakeTimeout = 1;

Using the Network Manager HUD

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Note: This documentation assumes that you understand fundamental networking concepts such as the
relationship between a host, server and client. To learn more about these concepts, see documentation on
Network System Concepts.

The Network Manager HUD component, as viewed in the inspector
Tick this checkbox to show the Network Manager HUD GUI at run time. This allows
Runtime GUI you to reveal or hide it for quick debugging.
Set the horizontal pixel o set of the HUD, measured from the left edge of the
O set
GUI Vertical
Set the vertical pixel o set of the HUD, measured from the top edge of the screen.
O set
The Network Manager HUD (“heads-up display”) provides the basic functions so that people playing your game
can start hosting a networked game, or nd and join an existing networked game. Unity displays the Network
Manager HUD as a collection of simple UI buttons in the Game view.

The Network Manager HUD UI, as viewed in the Game view
The Network Manager HUD is a quick-start tool to help you start building your multiplayer game straight away,
without rst having to build a user interface for game creation/connection/joining. It allows you to jump straight
into your gameplay programming, and means you can build your own version of these controls later in your
development schedule.
It is not, however, intended to be included in nished games. The idea is that these controls are useful to get you
started, but you should create your own UI later on, to allow your players to nd and join games in a way that
suits your game. For example, you might want to stylize the design of the screens, buttons and list of available
games to match the overall style of your game.
To start using the Network Manager HUD, create an empty GameObject in your Scene (menu: GameObject >
Create Empty) and add the Network Manager HUD component to the new GameObject.
For a description of the properties shown in the inspector for the Network Manager HUD, see the Network
Manager HUD reference page.

Using the HUD
The Network Manager HUD has two basic modes: LAN (Local Area Network) mode and Matchmaker mode.
These modes match the two common types of multiplayer games. LAN mode is for creating or joining games
hosted on a local area network (that is, multiple computers connected to the same network), and Matchmaker
mode is for creating, nding and joining games across the internet (multiple computers connected to separate
The Network Manager HUD starts in LAN mode, and displays buttons relating to hosting and joining a LAN-based
multiplayer game. To switch the HUD to Matchmaker mode, click the Enable Match Maker (M) button.
Note: Remember that the Network Manager HUD feature is a temporary aid to development. It allows you to get
your multiplayer game running quickly, but you should replace it with your own UI controls when you are ready.

The Network Manager HUD in LAN

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The Network Manager HUD in LAN mode (the default mode) as seen in the Game view.

LAN Host

Click the LAN Host button to start a game as a host on the local network. This client is both the host and one of the
players in the game. It uses the information from the Network Info section in the inspector to host the game.
When you click this button, the HUD switches to a simple display of network details, and a Stop (X) button which
allows you to stop hosting the game and return to the main LAN menu.

The Network Manager HUD when hosting a LAN game.
When you have started a game as a host, other players of the game can then connect to the host to join the game.
Click the Stop (X) button to disconnect any players that are connected to the host player. Clicking Stop (X) also
returns the HUD to the LAN menu.

LAN Client
To connect to a host on the local network, use the text eld to the right of the LAN Client button to specify the
address of the host. The default host address is “localhost”, which means the client looks on its own computer for the
game host. Click LAN Client (C) to attempt to connect to the host address you have speci ed.
Use the default “localhost” in this eld if you are running multiple instances of your game on one computer, to test
multiplayer interactivity. To do this, you can create a standalone build of your game, and then launch it multiple
times on your computer. This is a common way to quickly test that your networked game interactions are functioning
as you expect, without you needing to deploy your game to multiple computers or devices.

An example of three instances of a networked game running on the same desktop PC. This is useful
for quick tests to ensure networked interactions are behaving as you intended. One is running as LAN
Host, and two are running as LAN Client.
When you want to test your game on multiple machines within the same network (that is, on a LAN), you need to put
the address of the person acting as host into the "localhost" text eld.
The person acting as the host needs to tell their IP address to everyone running LAN clients, so that you can type this
into the box.
Enter the IP address (or leave it as “localhost” if you are testing it on your own machine), then click LAN Client to
attempt to connect to the host.
When the client is attempting to connect, the HUD displays a Cancel Connection Attempt button. Click this if you

want to stop trying to connect to the host.
If the connection is successful, the HUD displays the Stop (X) button. Click this if you want to stop the game on the
client and disconnect from the host:

The HUD after a successful connection

Unity has a built-in Network Discovery system, which allows clients to automatically nd hosts on the same local
network. However, this is not built into the Network Manager HUD, so you need to enter the address manually. You
can integrate the Network Discovery system into your game when you replace the Network Manager HUD with your
own UI. See documentation on Network Discovery to learn more.

LAN Server Only
Click LAN Server Only to start a game which acts as a server that other clients can connect to, but which does not act
as a client to the game itself. This type of game is often called a “dedicated server”. A user cannot play the game on
this particular instance of your game. All players must connect as clients, and nobody plays on the instance that is
running as the server.
A dedicated server on a LAN results in better performance for all connected players, because the server doesn’t need
to process a local player’s gameplay in addition to acting as server.
You might also choose this option if you want to host a game that can be played over the internet (rather than just
within a local network), but want to maintain control of the server yourself - for example, to prevent cheating by one
of the clients, because only the server has authority over the game. To do this, you would need to run the game in
Server Only mode on a computer with a public IP address.

Enable Match Maker
Click Enable Match Maker (M) to change the HUD to Matchmaker mode. You need to use Matchmaker mode if you
want to create or connect to games hosted on the internet using Unity’s Matchmaker multiplayer service. Click
Enable Match Maker (M) to display the Matchmaker controls in the Network Manager HUD.
Note: Remember that the Network Manager HUD feature is a temporary aid to development. It allows you to get
your multiplayer game running quickly, but you should replace it with your own UI controls when you are ready.

The Network Manager HUD in
Matchmaker mode

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The Network Manager HUD in Matchmaker mode
Matchmaker mode provides a simple interface that allows players to create, nd and join matches hosted on
Unity’s Multiplayer Service.
A “match” (also sometimes referred to as a game session, or a game instance), is a unique instance of your game
hosted by Unity’s Multiplayer Service. With Unity’s Multiplayer Service, a certain limited number of players can join
and play together. If lots of people are playing your game, you may have multiple matches, each with multiple
players playing together.
In order to use Matchmaker mode, you must rst enable Unity Multiplayer Service for your project. Once you have
enabled Unity Multiplayer Service for your project, you can use the HUD in Matchmaker mode to create or connect
to instances of your game (also sometimes referred to as “matches” or “sessions”) hosted on the internet.

Create Internet Match
Click Create Internet Match to start a new match. Unity’s Multiplayer Service creates a new instance of the game
(a “match”), which other players can then nd and join.

Find Internet Match
Click Find Internet Match to send a request to the Unity Multiplayer Service. The Unity Multiplayer Service returns
a list of all matches that currently exist for this game.
For example, if two separate players connect, and create a match each named “Match A” and “Match B”
respectively, when a third player connects and presses the Find Internet Match button, Match A and Match B
are listed as available matches to join.
In the Network manager HUD, the available matches appear as a series of buttons, with the text “Join Match:
match name” (where match name is the name chosen by the player who created the match).

An example of results after clicking Find Internet Match. In this example, there are no existing
matches. If there were, they would appear here and be available for you to join.

To join one of the available matches, click on the “Join Match: match name” button for that match. Alternatively,
click Back to Match Menu to go back to the Matchmaker menu.
When you replace the HUD with your own UI, there are better ways to list the available matches. Many multiplayer
games display available matches in a scrollable list. You might want to make each entry on the list show the match
name, the current and maximum number of players, and other information such as the match mode type, if your
decide to make your game have di erent match modes (such as “capture the ag”, “1 vs 1”, or “cooperative”).
Note: There are some special characters which, if used in a match name, appear modi ed in the list of available
matches in the Network manager HUD. These characters are:
Open square brace: [
percent symbol: %
Underscore: _
If a match name contains these characters, they are surrounded by square braces in the list of available matches.
So a match named “my_game” is listed as “my[_]game”.

Change MM Server
This button is designed for internal use by Unity engineers (for testing the Multiplayer service). It reveals buttons
which assign one of three pre-de ned URLs to the MatchMaker Host URI eld in the Network Manager - “local”,
“staging” and “internet”. However, the “local” and “staging”** *options are only intended for internal use by Unity
engineers, and not intended for general use*.
If you select the “local” or “staging” options, your game cannot connect to Unity’s Multiuser Service. Therefore you
should always make sure this option is set to “internet” (which is the default).

MM Uri Display
This displays the current Matchmaker URI (Uniform Resource Identi er, a string of characters used for
identi cation). To view the URI in the Inspector, navigate to the Network Manager component and see the
MatchMaker Host URI eld. By default this points to the global Unity Multiplayer Service, and for normal
multiplayer games using the Unity Multiplayer Service. You should not need to change this. The Unity Multiplayer
Service automatically groups the players of your game into regional servers around the world. This grouping
ensures fast multiplayer response times between players in the same region, and means that players from
Europe, the US, and Asia generally end up playing with other players from their same global region.
If you want to explicitly control which regional server your game connects to, override this value via scripting. For
more information and for regional server URIs, see API reference documentation on NetworkMatch.baseUri.
For example, you might want to override the URI if you want to give your players the option of joining a server
outside of their global region. If “Player A” in the US wants to connect to a match created via Matchmaker by
“Player B” in Europe, they would need to be able to set their desired global region in your game. Therefore you
would need to write a UI feature which allows them to select this.
Note: Remember that the Network Manager HUD feature is a temporary aid to development. It allows you to get
your multiplayer game running quickly, but you should replace it with your own UI controls when you are ready.

Converting a single-player game to Unity

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This document describes steps to converting a single player game to a multiplayer game, using the new Unity Multiplayer
networking system. The process described here is a simpli ed, higher level version of the actual process for a real game; it
doesn’t always work exactly like this, but it provides a basic recipe for the process.

NetworkManager set-up
Add a new GameObject to the Scene and rename it “NetworkManager”.
Add the NetworkManager component to the “NetworkManager” GameObject.
Add the NetworkManagerHUD component to the GameObject. This provides the default UI for managing the
network game state.
See Using the NetworkManager.

Player Prefab set-up
Find the Prefab for the player GameObject in the game, or create a Prefab from the player GameObject
Add the NetworkIdentity component to the player Prefab
Check the LocalPlayerAuthority box on the NetworkIdentity
Set the playerPrefab in the NetworkManager’s Spawn Info section to the player Prefab
Remove the player GameObject instance from the Scene if it exists in the Scene
See Player Objects for more information.

Player movement
Add a NetworkTransform component to the player Prefab
Update input and control scripts to respect isLocalPlayer
Fix Camera to use spawned player and isLocalPlayer
For example, this script only processes input for the local player:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class Controls : NetworkBehaviour
void Update()
if (!isLocalPlayer)
// exit from update if this is not the local player
// handle player input for movement

Basic player game state

Make scripts that contain important data into NetworkBehaviours instead of MonoBehaviours
Make important member variables into SyncVars
See State Synchronization.

Networked actions
Make scripts that perform important actions into NetworkBehaviours instead of MonoBehaviours
Update functions that perform important player actions to be commands
See Networked Actions.

Non-player GameObjects
Fix non-player prefabs such as enemies:

Add the NetworkIdentify component
Add the NetworkTransform component
Register spawnable Prefabs with the NetworkManager
Update scripts with game state and actions


Potentially change spawner scripts to be NetworkBehaviours
Modify spawners to only run on the server (use isServer property or the OnStartServer() function)
Call NetworkServer.Spawn() for created GameObjects

Spawn positions for players

Add a new GameObject and place it at player’s start location
Add the NetworkStartPosition component to the new GameObject


Create Lobby Scene
Add a new GameObject to the Scene and rename it to “NetworkLobbyManager”.
Add the NetworkLobbyManager component to the new GameObject.
Con gure the Manager:

Debugging Information

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Unity provides tools to get information about your game at run time. This information is useful for testing your
multiplayer game.
When your game is running in the Editor in Play mode, the Network Manager HUD Inspector shows additional
information about the state of the network at runtime. This includes:
Network connections
Active GameObjects on the server which have a Network Identity component
Active GameObjects on the client which have a Network Identity component
Client peers

In Play Mode, the Network Manager HUD component displays additional information about the state
of the game and the GameObjects that have spawned.
Additionally, the Network Manager preview pane (at the bottom of the Inspector window) lists the registered
message callback handlers.

The Network Manager HUD component preview pane, showing registered callback handlers.

The Multiplayer High Level API

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Unity’s multiplayer High Level API (HLAPI) is a system for building multiplayer capabilities for Unity games. It is
built on top of the lower level transport real-time communication layer, and handles many of the common tasks
that are required for multiplayer games. While the transport layer supports any kind of network topology, the
HLAPI is a server authoritative system; although it allows one of the participants to be a client and the server at
the same time, so no dedicated server process is required. Working in conjunction with the internet services, this
allows multiplayer games to be played over the internet with little work from developers.
The HLAPI is a new set of networking commands built into Unity, within a new namespace: UnityEngine.
Networking . It is focused on ease of use and iterative development and provides services useful for multiplayer
games, such as:

Message handlers
General purpose high performance serialization
Distributed object management
State synchronization
Network classes: Server, Client, Connection, etc
The HLAPI is built from a series of layers that add functionality:

This section of the manual explains how to use the multiplayer HLAPI.

Networking HLAPI System Concepts

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Server and Host

In Unity’s High Level API (HLAPI) system, multiplayer games include:
A server: A server is an instance of the game which all other players connect to when they want to play together.
A server often manages various aspects of the game, such as keeping score, and transmit that data back to the
Clients: Clients are instances of the game that usually connect from di erent computers to the server. Clients can
connect over a local network, or online.
A client is an instance of the game that connects to the server, so that the person playing it can play the game
with other people, who connect on their own clients.
The server might be either a “dedicated server”, or a “host server”.
Dedicated server: This is an instance of the game that only runs to act as a server.
Host server: When there is no dedicated server, one of the clients also plays the role of the server. This client is
the “host server”. The host server creates a single instance of the game (called the host), which acts as both server
and client.
The diagram below represents three players in a multiplayer game. In this game, one client is also acting as host,
which means the client itself is the “local client”. The local client connects to the host server, and both run on the
same computer. The other two players are remote clients - that is, they are on di erent computers, connected to
the host server.

This diagram shows two remote clients connected to a host.
The host is a single instance of your game, acting as both server and client at the same time. The host uses a
special kind of internal client for local client communication, while other clients are remote clients. The local client
communicates with the server through direct function calls and message queues, because it is in the same

process. It actually shares the Scene with the server. Remote clients communicate with the server over a regular
network connection. When you use Unity’s HLAPI, this is all handled automatically for you.
One of the aims of the multiplayer system is for the code for local clients and remote clients to be the same, so
that you only have to think about one type of client most of the time when developing your game. In most cases,
Unity handles this di erence automatically, so you should rarely need to think about the di erence between your
code running on a local client or a remote client.

Instantiate and Spawn
When you make a single player game In Unity, you usually use the GameObject.Instantiate method to create
new GameObjects at runtime. However, with a multiplayer system, the server itself must “spawn” GameObjects
in order for them to be active within the networked game. When the server spawns GameObjects, it triggers the
creation of GameObjects on connected clients. The spawning system manages the lifecycle of the GameObject,
and synchronizes the state of the GameObject based on how you set the GameObject up.
For more details about networked instantiating and spawning, see documentation on Spawning GameObjects.

Players and Local Players
Unity’s multiplayer HLAPI system handles player GameObjects di erently to non-player GameObjects. When a
new player joins the game (when a new client connects to the server), that player’s GameObject becomes a “local
player” GameObject on the client of that player, and Unity associates the player’s connection with the player’s
GameObject. Unity associates one player GameObject for each person playing the game, and routes networking
commands to that individual GameObject. A player cannot invoke a command on another player’s GameObject,
only their own.
For more details, see documentation on Player GameObjects.

Servers and clients can both manage a GameObject’s behavior. The concept of “authority” refers to how and
where a GameObject is managed. Unity’s HLAPI is based around “server luthority” as the default state, where the
Server (the host) has authority over all GameObjects which do not represent players. Player GameObjects are a
special case and treated as having “local authority”. You may want to build your game using a di erent system of
authority - for more details, see Network Authority.

Networked GameObjects

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Networked GameObjects are GameObjects which are controlled and synchronized by Unity’s networking system. Using
synchronized networked GameObjects, you can create a shared experience for all the players who are playing an instance of
your game. They see and hear the same events and actions - even though that may be from their own unique viewpoints
within your game.
Multiplayer games in Unity are typically built using Scenes that contain a mix of networked GameObjects and regular (nonnetworked) GameObjects. The networked GameObjects are those which move or change during gameplay in a way that needs
to be synchronized across all users who are playing the game together. Non-networked GameObjects are those which either
don’t move or change at all during gameplay (for example, static obstacles like rocks or fences), or GameObjects which have
movement or changes that don’t need to be synchronized across players (for example, a gently swaying tree or clouds passing
by in the background of your game).
A networked GameObject is one which has a Network Identity component attached. However, a Network Identity component
alone is not enough for your GameObject to be functional and active in your multiplayer game. The Network Identity
component is the starting point for synchronization, and it allows the Network Manager to synchronize the creation and
destruction of the GameObject, but other than that, it does not specify which properties of your GameObject should be
What exactly should be synchronized on each networked GameObject depends on the type of game you are making, and what
each GameObject’s purpose is. Some examples of what you might want to synchronize are:
The position and rotation of moving GameObjects such as the players and non-player characters.
The animation state of an animated GameObject
The value of a variable, for example how much time is left in the current round of a game, or how much energy a player has.
Some of these things can be automatically synchronized by Unity. The synchronized creation and destruction of networked
GameObjects is managed by the NetworkManager, and is known as Spawning. You can use the Network Transform
component to synchronize the position and rotation of a GameObject, and you can use the Network Animator component to
synchronize the animation of a GameObject.
To synchronize other properties of a networked GameObject, you need to use scripting. See State Synchronization for more
information about this.

Player GameObjects

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Unity’s multiplayer HLAPI system handles player GameObjects di erently to non-player GameObjects. When a new player joins
the game (when a new client connects to the server), that player’s GameObject becomes a “local player” GameObject on the client
of that player, and Unity associates the player’s connection with the player’s GameObject. Unity associates one player
GameObject for each person playing the game, and routes networking commands to that individual GameObject. A player
cannot invoke a command on another player’s GameObject, only their own.
The NetworkBehaviour class (which you derive from to create your network scripts) has a property called isLocalPlayer. On each
client’s player GameObject, Unity sets that property to true on the NetworkBehaviour script, and invokes the OnStartLocalPlayer()
callback. This means each client has a di erent GameObject set up like this, because on each client a di erent GameObject is the
one that represents the local player. The diagram below shows two clients and their local players.

In this diagram, the circles represent the player GameObjects marked as the local player on each client
Only the player GameObject that is “yours” (from your point of view as the player) has the isLocalPlayer** ** ag set. Usually
you should set this ag in script to determine whether to process input, whether to make the camera track the GameObject, or
do any other client-side things that should only occur for the player belonging to that client.
Player GameObjects represent the player (that is, the person playing the game) on the server, and have the ability to run
commands from the player’s client. These commands are secure client-to-server remote procedure calls. In this serverauthoritative system, other non-player server-side GameObjects cannot receive commands directly from client-side
GameObjects. This is both for security, and to reduce the complexity of building your game. By routing all incoming commands
from users through the player GameObject, you can ensure that these messages come from the right place, the right client, and
can be handled in a central location.
The Network Manager adds a player every time a client connects to the server. In some situations though, you might want it not
to add players until an input event happens - such as a user pressing a “start” button on the controller. To disable automatic
player creation, navigate to the Network Manager component’s Inspector and untick the Auto Create Player checkbox.

Custom Player Spawning

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The Network Manager o ers a built-in simple player spawning feature, however you may want to customize the player
spawning process - for example to assign a colour to each new player spawned.
To do this you need to override the default behaviour of the Network Manager with your own script.
When the Network Manager adds a player, it also instantiates a GameObject from the Player Prefab and associates it with
the connection. To do this, the Network Manager calls NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection. You can modify this
behaviour by overriding NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer. The default implementation of OnServerAddPlayer
instantiates a new player instance from the player Prefab and calls NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection to spawn the
new player instance. Your custom implementation of OnServerAddPlayer must also call
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection, but your are free to perform any other initialization you require in that
method too.
The example below customizes the color of a player. First, add the color script to the player prefab:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
class Player : NetworkBehaviour
public Color color;

Next, create a NetworkManager to handle spawning.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class MyNetworkManager : NetworkManager
public override void OnServerAddPlayer(NetworkConnection conn, short playerControll
GameObject player = (GameObject)Instantiate(playerPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quatern
player.GetComponent().color = Color.red;
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player, playerControllerId);

The function NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection does not have to be called from within OnServerAddPlayer.
As long as the correct connection object and playerControllerId are passed in, it can be called after
OnServerAddPlayer has returned. This allows asynchronous steps to happen in between, such as loading player data
from a remote data source.

Although in most multiplayer games, you typically want one player for each client, the HLAPI treats players and clients as
separate concepts.This is because, in some situations (for example, if you have multiple controllers connected to a console
system), you might need multiple player GameObjects for a single connection. When there are multiple players on one
connection, you should use the playerControllerId property to tell them apart. This identi er is scoped to the
connection, so that it maps to the ID of the controller associated with the player on that client.
The system automatically spawns the player GameObject passed to NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection on the
server, so you don’t need to call NetworkServer.Spawn for the player. Once a player is ready, the active networked
GameObjects (that is, GameObjects with an associated NetworkIdentity) in the Scene spawn on the player’s client. All
networked GameObjects in the game are created on that client with their latest state, so they are in sync with the other
participants of the game.
You don’t need to use playerPrefab on the NetworkManager to create player GameObjects. You could use di erent
methods of creating di erent players.

Ready state
In addition to players, client connections also have a “ready” state. The host sends clients that are ready information about
spawned GameObjects and state synchronization updates; clients which are not ready are not sent these updates. When a
client initially connects to a server, it is not ready. While in this non-ready state, the client can do things that don’t require
real-time interactions with the game state on the server, such as loading Scenes, allowing the player to choose an avatar,
or ll in log-in boxes. Once a client has completed all its pre-game work, and all its Assets are loaded, it can call
ClientScene.Ready to enter the “ready” state. The simple example above demonstrates implementation of ready states;
because adding a player with NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection also puts the client into the ready state if it is
not already in that state.
Clients can send and receive network messages without being ready, which also means they can do so without having an
active player GameObject. So a client at a menu or selection screen can connect to the game and interact with it, even
though they have no player GameObject. See documentation on Network messages for more details about sending
messages without using commands and RPC calls.

Switching players
To replace the player GameObject for a connection, use NetworkServer.ReplacePlayerForConnection. This is useful for
restricting the commands that players can issue at certain times, such as in a pre-game lobby screen. This function takes
the same arguments as AddPlayerForConnection, but allows there to already be a player for that connection. The old
player GameObject does not have to be destroyed. The NetworkLobbyManager uses this technique to switch from the
NetworkLobbyPlayer GameObject to a gameplay player GameObject when all the players in the lobby are ready.
You can also use ReplacePlayerForConnection to respawn a player after their GameObject is destroyed. In some cases
it is better to just disable a GameObject and reset its game attributes on respawn. The following code sample
demonstrates how to actually replace the destroyed GameObject with a new GameObject:

class GameManager
public void PlayerWasKilled(Player player)
var conn = player.connectionToClient;
var newPlayer = Instantiate(playerPrefab);
NetworkServer.ReplacePlayerForConnection(conn, newPlayer, 0);


If the player GameObject for a connection is destroyed, then that client cannot execute Commands. They can, however, still
send network messages.
To use ReplacePlayerForConnection you must have the NetworkConnection GameObject for the player’s client to
establish the relationship between the GameObject and the client. This is usually the property connectionToClient on the
NetworkBehaviour class, but if the old player has already been destroyed, then that might not be readily available.
To nd the connection, there are some lists available. If using the NetworkLobbyManager, then the lobby players are
available in lobbySlots. The NetworkServer also has lists of connections and localConnections.

Spawning GameObjects

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In Unity, you usually “spawn” (that is, create) new GameObjects with Instantiate(). However, in the multiplayer High
Level API, the word “spawn” means something more speci c. In the server-authoritative model of the HLAPI, to “spawn” a
GameObject on the server means that the GameObject is created on clients connected to the server, and is managed by
the spawning system.
Once the GameObject is spawned using this system, state updates are sent to clients whenever the GameObject changes
on the server. When Unity destroys the GameObject on the server, it also destroys it on the clients. The server manages
spawned GameObjects alongside all other networked GameObjects, so that if another client joins the game later, the
server can spawn the GameObjects on that client. These spawned GameObjects have a unique network instance ID called “
netId” that is the same on the server and clients for each GameObject. The unique network instance ID is used to route
messages set across the network to GameObjects, and to identify GameObjects.
When the server spawns a GameObject with a Network Identity** **component, the GameObject spawned on the client
has the same “state”. This means it is identical to the GameObject on the server; it has the same Transform, movement
state, and (if NetworkTransform and SyncVars are used) synchronized variables. Therefore, client GameObjects are always
up-to-date when Unity creates them. This avoids issues such as GameObjects spawning at the wrong initial location, then
reappearing at their correct position when a state update arrives.
The Network Manager can only spawn and synchronize GameObjects from registered Prefabs, so you must register the
speci c GameObject Prefabs with the Network Manager that you want to be able to spawn during your game. The
Network Manager will only accept GameObject Prefabs which have a Network Identity component attached, so you must
make sure you add a Network Identity component to your Prefab before trying to register it with the Network Manager.
To register a Prefab with the Network Manager in the Editor, select the Network Manager GameObject, and in the
Inspector, navigate to the Network Manager component. Click the triangle next to Spawn Info to open the settings, then
under Registered Spawnable Prefabs, click the plus (+) button. Drag and drop Prefabs into the empty eld to assign them
to the list.

The Network Manager Inspector with the Spawn Info* foldout expanded, displaying three assigned Prefabs
under Registered Spawnable Prefabs

Spawning without the Network Manager

For more advanced users, you may nd that you want to register Prefabs and spawn GameObjects without using the
NetworkManager component.
To spawn GameObjects without using the Network Manager, you can handle the Prefab registration yourself via script. Use
the ClientScene.RegisterPrefab method to register Prefabs to the Network Manager.

Example: MyNetworkManager

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class MyNetworkManager : MonoBehaviour

public GameObject treePrefab;
NetworkClient myClient;
// Create a client and connect to the server port
public void ClientConnect() {
myClient = new NetworkClient();
myClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnClientConnect);
myClient.Connect("", 4444);
void OnClientConnect(NetworkMessage msg) {
Debug.Log("Connected to server: " + msg.conn);

In this example, you create an empty GameObject to act as the Network Manager, then create and attach the
MyNetworkManager script (above) to that GameObject. Create a Prefab that has a Network Identity component attached
to it, and drag that onto the treePrefab slot on the MyNetworkManager component in the Inspector. This ensures that
when the server spawns the tree GameObject, it also creates the same kind of GameObject on the clients.
Registering Prefabs ensures that the Asset is loaded with the Scene, so that there is no stalling or loading time for creating
the Asset.
However, for the script to work, you also need to add code for the server. Add this to the MyNetworkManager script:

public void ServerListen() {
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnServerConnect);
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Ready, OnClientReady);
if (NetworkServer.Listen(4444))
Debug.Log("Server started listening on port 4444");
// When client is ready spawn a few trees
void OnClientReady(NetworkMessage msg) {
Debug.Log("Client is ready to start: " + msg.conn);
void SpawnTrees() {
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
var treeGo = Instantiate(treePrefab, new Vector3(x++, 0, 0), Quaternion.identit

void OnServerConnect(NetworkMessage msg) {
Debug.Log("New client connected: " + msg.conn);

The server does not need to register anything, as it knows what GameObject is being spawned (and the asset ID is sent in
the spawn message). The client needs to be able to look up the GameObject, so it must be registered on the client.
When writing your own network manager, it’s important to make the client ready to receive state updates before calling
the spawn command on the server, otherwise they won’t be sent. If you’re using Unity’s built-in Network Manager
component, this happens automatically.
For more advanced uses, such as object pools or dynamically created Assets, you can use the
ClientScene.RegisterSpawnHandler method, which allows callback functions to be registered for client-side spawning. See
documentation on Custom Spawn Functions for an example of this.
If the GameObject has a network state like synchronized variables, then that state is synchronized with the spawn
message. In the following example, this script is attached to the tree Prefab:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
class Tree : NetworkBehaviour {
public int numLeaves;
public override void OnStartClient() {
Debug.Log("Tree spawned with leaf count " + numLeaves);

With this script attached, you can change the numLeaves variable and modify the SpawnTrees function to see it
accurately re ected on the client:

void SpawnTrees() {
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
var treeGo = Instantiate(treePrefab, new Vector3(x++, 0, 0), Quaternion.identit
var tree = treeGo.GetComponent();
tree.numLeaves = Random.Range(10,200);
Debug.Log("Spawning leaf with leaf count " + tree.numLeaves);

Attach the Tree script to the treePrefab script created earlier to see this in action.

A NetworkIdentity must be on the root GameObject of a spawnable Prefab. Without this, the Network Manager can’t
register the Prefab.
NetworkBehaviour scripts must be on the same GameObject as the NetworkIdentity, not on child GameObjects

GameObject creation ow
The actual ow of internal operations that takes place for spawning GameObjects is:
Prefab with Network Identity component is registered as spawnable.
GameObject is instantiated from the Prefab on the server.
Game code sets initial values on the instance (note that 3D physics forces applied here do not take e ect immediately).
NetworkServer.Spawn() is called with the instance.
The state of the SyncVars on the instance on the server are collected by calling OnSerialize() on Network Behaviour
A network message of type MsgType.ObjectSpawn is sent to connected clients that includes the SyncVar data.
OnStartServer() is called on the instance on the server, and isServer is set to true
Clients receive the ObjectSpawn message and create a new instance from the registered Prefab.
The SyncVar data is applied to the new instance on the client by calling OnDeserialize() on Network Behaviour components.
OnStartClient() is called on the instance on each client, and isClient is set to true
As gameplay progresses, changes to SyncVar values are automatically synchronized to clients. This continues until game
NetworkServer.Destroy() is called on the instance on the server.
A network message of type MsgType.ObjectDestroy is sent to clients.
OnNetworkDestroy() is called on the instance on clients, then the instance is destroyed.

Player GameObjects
Player GameObjects in the HLAPI work slightly di erently to non-player GameObjects. The ow for spawning player
GameObjects with the Network Manager is:
Prefab with NetworkIdentity is registered as the PlayerPrefab
Client connects to the server

Client calls AddPlayer(), network message of type MsgType.AddPlayer is sent to the server
Server receives message and calls NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer()
GameObject is instantiated from the PlayerPrefab on the server
NetworkManager.AddPlayerForConnection() is called with the new player instance on the server
The player instance is spawned - you do not have to call NetworkServer.Spawn() for the player instance. The spawn
message is sent to all clients like on a normal spawn.
A network message of type MsgType.Owner is sent to the client that added the player (only that client!)
The original client receives the network message
OnStartLocalPlayer() is called on the player instance on the original client, and isLocalPlayer is set to true
Note that OnStartLocalPlayer() is called after OnStartClient(), because it only happens when the ownership
message arrives from the server after the player GameObject is spawned, so isLocalPlayer is not set in
Because OnStartLocalPlayer is only called for the client’s local player GameObject, it is a good place to perform
initialization that should only be done for the local player. This could include enabling input processing, and enabling
camera tracking for the player GameObject.

Spawning GameObjects with client authority
To spawn GameObjects and assign authority of those GameObjects to a particular client, use
NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority, which takes as an argument the NetworkConnection of the client that is to be
made the authority.
For these GameObjects, the property hasAuthority is true on the client with authority, and OnStartAuthority() is
called on the client with authority. That client can issue commands for that GameObject. On other clients (and on the host),
hasAuthority is false.
Objects spawned with client authority must have LocalPlayerAuthority set in their NetworkIdentity.
For example, the tree spawn example above can be modi ed to allow the tree to have client authority like this (note that
we now need to pass in a NetworkConnection GameObject for the owning client’s connection):

void SpawnTrees(NetworkConnection conn) {
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
var treeGo = Instantiate(treePrefab, new Vector3(x++, 0, 0), Quaternion.identit
var tree = treeGo.GetComponent();
tree.numLeaves = Random.Range(10,200);
Debug.Log("Spawning leaf with leaf count " + tree.numLeaves);
NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority(treeGo, conn);

The Tree script can now be modi ed to send a command to the server:

public override void OnStartAuthority() {
CmdMessageFromTree("Tree with " + numLeaves + " reporting in");
void CmdMessageFromTree(string msg) {
Debug.Log("Client sent a tree message: " + msg);

Note that you can’t just add the CmdMessageFromTree call into OnStartClient, because at that point the authority has
not been set yet, so the call would fail.

Custom Spawn Functions

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You can use spawn handler functions to customize the default behaviour when creating spawned GameObjects from prefabs on
the client. Spawn handler functions ensure you have full control of how you spawn the GameObject, as well as how you destroy it.
Use ClientScene.RegisterSpawnHandler to register functions to spawn and destroy client GameObjects. The server creates
GameObjects directly, and then spawns them on the clients through this functionality. This function takes the asset ID of the
GameObject and two function delegates: one to handle creating GameObjects on the client, and one to handle destroying
GameObjects on the client. The asset ID can be a dynamic one, or just the asset ID found on the prefab GameObject you want to
spawn (if you have one).
The spawn / un-spawner need to have this GameObject signature. This is de ned in the high level API.

// Handles requests to spawn GameObjects on the client
public delegate GameObject SpawnDelegate(Vector3 position, NetworkHash128 assetId);
// Handles requests to unspawn GameObjects on the client
public delegate void UnSpawnDelegate(GameObject spawned);

The asset ID passed to the spawn function can be found on NetworkIdentity.assetId for prefabs, where it is populated
automatically. The registration for a dynamic asset ID is handled like this:

// generate a new unique assetId
NetworkHash128 creatureAssetId = NetworkHash128.Parse("e2656f");
// register handlers for the new assetId
ClientScene.RegisterSpawnHandler(creatureAssetId, SpawnCreature, UnSpawnCreature);
// get assetId on an existing prefab
NetworkHash128 coinAssetId = coinPrefab.GetComponent().assetId;
// register handlers for an existing prefab you'd like to custom spawn
ClientScene.RegisterSpawnHandler(coinAssetId, SpawnCoin, UnSpawnCoin);
// spawn a coin ­ SpawnCoin is called on client
NetworkServer.Spawn(gameObject, coinAssetId);

The spawn functions themselves are implemented with the delegate signature. Here is the coin spawner. The SpawnCreature
would look the same, but have di erent spawn logic:

public GameObject SpawnCoin(Vector3 position, NetworkHash128 assetId)
return (GameObject)Instantiate(m_CoinPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity);

public void UnSpawnCoin(GameObject spawned)

When using custom spawn functions, it is sometimes useful to be able to unspawn GameObjects without destroying them. This can
be done by calling NetworkServer.UnSpawn. This causes a message to be sent to clients to un-spawn the GameObject, so that the
custom un-spawn function will be called on the clients. The GameObject is not destroyed when this function is called.
Note that on the host, GameObjects are not spawned for the local client, because they already exist on the server. This also means
that no spawn handler functions are called.

Setting up a GameObject pool with custom spawn handlers
Here is an example of how you might set up a very simple GameObject pooling system with custom spawn handlers. Spawning and
unspawning then puts GameObjects in or out of the pool.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class SpawnManager : MonoBehaviour
public int m_ObjectPoolSize = 5;
public GameObject m_Prefab;
public GameObject[] m_Pool;
public NetworkHash128 assetId { get; set; }
public delegate GameObject SpawnDelegate(Vector3 position, NetworkHash128 assetId);
public delegate void UnSpawnDelegate(GameObject spawned);
void Start()
assetId = m_Prefab.GetComponent ().assetId;
m_Pool = new GameObject[m_ObjectPoolSize];
for (int i = 0; i < m_ObjectPoolSize; ++i)
m_Pool[i] = (GameObject)Instantiate(m_Prefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
m_Pool[i].name = "PoolObject" + i;
ClientScene.RegisterSpawnHandler(assetId, SpawnObject, UnSpawnObject);
public GameObject GetFromPool(Vector3 position)
foreach (var obj in m_Pool)

if (!obj.activeInHierarchy)
Debug.Log("Activating GameObject " + obj.name + " at " + position);
obj.transform.position = position;
obj.SetActive (true);
return obj;
Debug.LogError ("Could not grab GameObject from pool, nothing available");
return null;
public GameObject SpawnObject(Vector3 position, NetworkHash128 assetId)
return GetFromPool(position);
public void UnSpawnObject(GameObject spawned)
Debug.Log ("Re­pooling GameObject " + spawned.name);
spawned.SetActive (false);

To use this manager, create a new empty GameObject and name it “SpawnManager”. Create a new script called SpawnManager,
copy in the code sample above, and attach it to the* *new SpawnManager GameObject. Next, drag a prefab you want to spawn
multiple times to the P refab eld, and set the Object Pool Size (default is 5).
Finally, set up a reference to the SpawnManager in the script you are using for player movement:

SpawnManager spawnManager;
void Start()
spawnManager = GameObject.Find("SpawnManager").GetComponent ();

Your player logic might contain something like this, which moves and res coins:

void Update()
if (!isLocalPlayer)

var x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*0.1f;
var z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*0.1f;
transform.Translate(x, 0, z);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
// Command function is called on the client, but invoked on the server

In the re logic on the player, make it use the GameObject pool:

void CmdFire()
// Set up coin on server
var coin = spawnManager.GetFromPool(transform.position + transform.forward);
coin.GetComponent().velocity = transform.forward*4;
// spawn coin on client, custom spawn handler is called
NetworkServer.Spawn(coin, spawnManager.assetId);
// when the coin is destroyed on the server, it is automatically destroyed on clients
StartCoroutine (Destroy (coin, 2.0f));
public IEnumerator Destroy(GameObject go, float timer)
yield return new WaitForSeconds (timer);

The automatic destruction shows how the GameObjects are returned to the pool and re-used when you re again.

Network Authority

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Servers and clients can both manage a GameObject’s behavior. The concept of “authority” refers to how and
where a GameObject is managed.

Server Authority
The default state of authority in Unity networked games using the HLAPI is that the Server has authority over all
GameObjects which do not represent players. This means - for example - the server would manage control of all
collectable items, moving platforms, NPCs - and any other parts of your game that players can interac and player
GameObjects have authority on their owner’s client (meaning the client manages their behavior).

Local authority
Local authority (sometimes referred to as client authority) means the local client has authoritative control over a
particular networked GameObject. This is in contrast to the default state which is that the server has authoritative
control over networked GameObjects.
In addition to isLocalPlayer****, you can choose to make the player GameObjects have “local authority”. This
means that the player GameObject on its owner’s client is responsible for (or has authority over) itself. This is
particularly useful for controlling movement; it means that each client has authority over how their own player
GameObject is being controlled.
To enable local player authority on a GameObject, tick the Network Identity component’s Local Player Authority
checkbox. The Network Transform component uses this “authority” setting, and sends movement information
from the client to the other clients if this is set.
See Scripting API Reference documentation on NetworkIdentity and localPlayerAuthority for information on
implementing local player authority via script.

This image shows the Enemy object under server authority. The enemy appears on Client 1 and
Client 2, but the server is in charge of its position, movement, and behavior
Use the NetworkIdentity.hasAuthority property to nd out whether a GameObject has local authority (also
accessible on NetworkBehaviour for convenience). Non-player GameObjects have authority on the server, and
player GameObjects with localPlayerAuthority set have authority on their owner’s client.

Local (Client) Authority for Non-Player GameObjects
It is possible to have client authority over non-player GameObjects. There are two ways to do this. One is to
spawn the GameObject using NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority, and pass the network connection of the
client to take ownership. The other is to use NetworkIdentity.AssignClientAuthority with the network connection
of the client to take ownership.
Assigning authority to a client causes Unity to call OnStartAuthority() on each NetworkBehaviour on the
GameObject, and sets the hasAuthority** property to true. On other clients, the hasAuthority **property
remains false. Non-player GameObjects with client authority can send commands, just like players can. These
commands are run on the server instance of the GameObject, not on the player associated with the connection.
If you want non-player GameObjects to have client authority, you must enable localPlayerAuthority on their
Network Identity component. The example below spawns a GameObject and assigns authority to the client of the
player that spawned it.

void CmdSpawn()
var go = (GameObject)Instantiate(otherPrefab, transform.position + new Vecto
NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority(go, connectionToClient);

Network Context Properties
The NetworkBehaviour class contains properties that allow scripts to know what the context of a networked
GameObject is at any time.
isServer - true if the GameObject is on a server (or host) and has been spawned.
isClient - true if the GameObject is on a client, and was created by the server.
isLocalPlayer - true if the GameObject is a player GameObject for this client.
hasAuthority - true if the GameObject is owned by the local process
To see these properties, select the GameObject you want to inspect, and in the Inspector window, view the
preview window for the NetworkBehaviour scripting components. You can use the value of these properties to
execute code based on the context in which the script is running.

State synchronization

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State synchronization refers to the synchronization of values such as integers, oating point numbers, strings and
boolean values belonging to scripts on your networked GameObjects.
State synchronization is done from the Server to remote clients. The local client does not have data serialized to it.
It does not need it, because it shares the Scene with the server. However, SyncVar hooks are called on local
Data is not synchronized in the opposite direction - from remote clients to the server. To do this, you need to use

SyncVars are variables of scripts that inherit from NetworkBehaviour, which are synchronized from the server to
clients. When a GameObject is spawned, or a new player joins a game in progress, they are sent the latest state of
all SyncVars on networked objects that are visible to them. Use the [SyncVar] custom attribute to specify which
variables in your script you want to synchronize, like this:
class Player : NetworkBehaviour {

int health;
public void TakeDamage(int amount)
if (!isServer)
health ­= amount;

The state of SyncVars is applied to GameObjects on clients before OnStartClient() is called, so the state of the
object is always up-to-date inside OnStartClient().
SyncVars can be basic types such as integers, strings and oats. They can also be Unity types such as Vector3 and
user-de ned structs, but updates for struct SyncVars are sent as monolithic updates, not incremental changes if
elds within a struct change. You can have up to 32 SyncVars on a single NetworkBehaviour script, including
SyncLists (see next section, below).
The server automatically sends SyncVar updates when the value of a SyncVar changes, so you do not need to
track when they change or send information about the changes yourself.

While SyncVars contain values, SyncLists contain lists of values. SyncList contents are included in initial state
updates along with SyncVar states. Since SyncList is a class which synchronises its own contents, SyncLists do not
require the SyncVar attribute. The following types of SyncList are available for basic types:
There is also SyncListStruct, which you can use to synchronize lists of your own struct types. When using
SyncListStruct, the struct type that you choose to use can contain members of basic types, arrays, and common
Unity types. They cannot contain complex classes or generic containers, and only public variables in these structs
are serialized.
SyncLists have a SyncListChanged delegate named Callback that allows clients to be noti ed when the contents of
the list change. This delegate is called with the type of operation that occurred, and the index of the item that the
operation was for.

public class MyScript : NetworkBehaviour
public struct Buf
public int id;
public string name;
public float timer;
public class TestBufs : SyncListStruct {}
TestBufs m_bufs = new TestBufs();
void BufChanged(Operation op, int itemIndex)
Debug.Log("buf changed:" + op);
void Start()
m_bufs.Callback = BufChanged;

Advanced State Synchronization

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In most cases, the use of SyncVars is enough for your game scripts to serialize their state to clients. However in
some cases you might require more complex serialization code. This page is only relevant for advanced
developers who need customized synchronization solutions that go beyond Unity’s normal SyncVar feature.

Custom Serialization Functions
To perform your own custom serialization, you can implement virtual functions on NetworkBehaviour to be used
for SyncVar serialization. These functions are:

public virtual bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool initialState);

public virtual void OnDeSerialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState);

Use the initialState ag to di erentiate between the rst time a GameObject is serialized and when
incremental updates can be sent. The rst time a GameObject is sent to a client, it must include a full state
snapshot, but subsequent updates can save on bandwidth by including only incremental changes. Note that
SyncVar hook functions are not called when initialState is true; they are only called for incremental updates.
If a class has SyncVars, then implementations of these functions are added automatically to the class, meaning
that a class that has SyncVars cannot also have custom serialization functions.
The OnSerialize function should return true to indicate that an update should be sent. If it returns true, the
dirty bits for that script are set to zero. If it returns false, the dirty bits are not changed. This allows multiple
changes to a script to be accumulated over time and sent when the system is ready, instead of every frame.

Serialization Flow
GameObjects with the Network Identity component attached can have multiple scripts derived from
NetworkBehaviour. The ow for serializing these GameObjects is:
On the server:
Each NetworkBehaviour has a dirty mask. This mask is available inside OnSerialize as syncVarDirtyBits
Each SyncVar in a NetworkBehaviour script is assigned a bit in the dirty mask.
Changing the value of SyncVars causes the bit for that SyncVar to be set in the dirty mask

Alternatively, calling SetDirtyBit() writes directly to the dirty mask
NetworkIdentity GameObjects are checked on the server as part of it’s update loop
If any NetworkBehaviours on a NetworkIdentity are dirty, then an UpdateVars packet is created for that
The UpdateVars packet is populated by calling OnSerialize on each NetworkBehaviour on the GameObject
NetworkBehaviours that are not dirty write a zero to the packet for their dirty bits
NetworkBehaviours that are dirty write their dirty mask, then the values for the SyncVars that have changed
If OnSerialize returns true for a NetworkBehaviour, the dirty mask is reset for that NetworkBehaviour, so it
does not send again until its value changes.
The UpdateVars packet is sent to ready clients that are observing the GameObject
On the client:
an UpdateVars packet is received for a GameObject
The OnDeserialize function is called for each NetworkBehaviour script on the GameObject
Each NetworkBehaviour script on the GameObject reads a dirty mask.
If the dirty mask for a NetworkBehaviour is zero, the OnDeserialize function returns without reading any
If the dirty mask is non-zero value, then the OnDeserialize function reads the values for the SyncVars that
correspond to the dirty bits that are set
If there are SyncVar hook functions, those are invoked with the value read from the stream.
So for this script:

public class data : NetworkBehaviour
public int int1 = 66;
public int int2 = 23487;
public string MyString = "Example string";


The following code sample demonstrates the generated OnSerialize function:

public override bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool forceAll)
if (forceAll)
// The first time a GameObject is sent to a client, send all the data (a
return true;
bool wroteSyncVar = false;
if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 1u) != 0u)
if (!wroteSyncVar)
// Write dirty bits if this is the first SyncVar written
wroteSyncVar = true;
if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 2u) != 0u)
if (!wroteSyncVar)
// Write dirty bits if this is the first SyncVar written
wroteSyncVar = true;
if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 4u) != 0u)
if (!wroteSyncVar)
// Write dirty bits if this is the first SyncVar written

wroteSyncVar = true;
if (!wroteSyncVar)
// Write zero dirty bits if no SyncVars were written
return wroteSyncVar;

The following code sample demonstrates the OnDeserialize function:

public override void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
if (initialState)
this.int1 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
this.int2 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
this.MyString = reader.ReadString();
int num = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
if ((num & 1) != 0)
this.int1 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
if ((num & 2) != 0)
this.int2 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
if ((num & 4) != 0)
this.MyString = reader.ReadString();

If a NetworkBehaviour has a base class that also has serialization functions, the base class functions should also
be called.
Note that the UpdateVar packets created for GameObject state updates may be aggregated in bu ers before
being sent to the client, so a single transport layer packet may contain updates for multiple GameObjects.

Network visibility

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Multiplayer games use the concept of network visibility to determine which players can see which
GameObjects at any given time during gameplay. In a game that has a moving viewpoint and moving
GameObjects, it’s common that players cannot see everything that is happening in the game at once.
If a particular player, at a certain point in time during gameplay, cannot see most of the other players, non-player
characters, or other moving or interactive things in your game, there is usually no need for the host to send
information about those things to the player’s client.
This can bene t your game in two ways:
It reduces the amount of data sent across the network between players. This can help improve the
responsiveness of your game, and reduce bandwidth use. The bigger and more complex your multiplayer game,
the more important this issue is.
It also helps** prevent hacking**. Since a player client does not have information about things that can’t be seen,
a hack on that player’s computer cannot reveal the information.
The idea of “visibility” in the context of networking doesn’t necessarily relate to whether GameObjects are
directly visible on-screen. Instead, it relates to whether data should or shouldn’t be sent about the GameObject in
question to a particular client. Put simply, if a client can’t ‘see’ an GameObject, it does not need to be sent
information about that GameObject across the network. Ideally you want to limit the amount of data you are
sending across the network to only what is necessary, because sending large amounts of unnecessary data across
the network can cause network performance problems.
However, it can be also be resource intensive or complex to determine accurately whether a GameObject truly
visible to a given player, so it’s often a good idea to use a more simple calculation for the purposes of determining
whether a player should be sent networked data about it - i.e. whether it is ‘Network Visible’. The balance you
want to achieve when considering this is between the cost of the complexity of the calculation for determining the
visibility, and the cost of sending more information than necessary over the network. A very simple way to
calculate this is a distance (proximity) check, and Unity provides a built-in component for this purpose.

Network Proximity Checker component
Unity’s Network Proximity Checker component is simplest way to implement network visibility for players. It
works in conjunction with the physics system to determine whether GameObjects are close enough (that is,
“visible” for the purposes of sending network messages in your multiplayer game).

The Network Proximity Checker component
To use this component, add it to the Prefab of the networked GameObject for which you want to limit network

The Network Proximity Checker has two con gurable visibility parameters:
Vis Range controls the distance threshold within which the network should consider a GameObject visible to a
Vis Update Interval controls how often the distance test is performed. The value is the delay in seconds between
checks. This allows you to optimise the check to perform as few tests as possible. The lower the number, the
more frequently the updates occur. For slow-moving GameObjects you can set this interval to higher values. For
fast-moving GameObjects, you should set it to lower values.
You must attach a Collider component to any GameObjects you want to use with the Network Proximity Checker.

Network visibility on remote clients
When a player on a remote client joins a networked game, only GameObjects that are network-visible to the
player will be spawned on that remote client. This means that even if the player enters a large world with many
networked GameObjects, the game can start quickly because it does not need to spawn every GameObject that
exists in the world. Note that this applies to networked GameObjects in your Scene, but does not a ect the
loading of Assets. Unity still takes time to load the Assets for registered Prefabs and Scene GameObjects.
When a player moves within the world, the set of network-visible GameObjects changes. The player’s client is told
about these changes as they happen. The ObjectHide** **message is sent to clients when a GameObject
becomes no longer network-visible. By default, Unity destroys the GameObject when it receives this message.
When a GameObject becomes visible, the client receives an ObjectSpawn message, as if Unity has spawned the
GameObject for the rst time. By default, the GameObject is instantiated like any other spawned GameObject.

Network visibility on the host
The host shares the same Scene as the server, because it acts as both the server and the client to the player
hosting the game. For this reason, it cannot destroy GameObjects that are not visible to the local player.
Instead, there is the virtual methodOnSetLocalVisibility** **on the NetworkBehaviour class that is invoked. This
method is invoked on all NetworkBehaviour scripts on GameObjects that change visibility state on the host.
The default implementation of OnSetLocalVisibility disables or enables all Renderer components on the
GameObject. If you want to customize this implementation, you can override the method in your script, and
provide a new behaviour for how the host (and therefore the local client) should respond when a GameObject
becomes network-visible or invisible (such as disabling HUD elements or renderers).

Customizing network visibility

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The built-in Network Proximity Checker component is the built-in default component for determining a GameObject’s
network visibility. However, this only provides you with a distance-based check. Sometimes you might want to use other
kinds of visibility check, such as grid-based rules, line-of-sight tests, navigation path tests, or any other type of test that
suits your game.
To do this, you can implement your own custom equivalent of the Network Proximity Checker. To do that, you need to
understand how the Network Proximity Checker works. See documentation on the in-editor Network Proximity Checker
component, and the NetworkProximityChecker API.
The Network Proximity Checker is implemented using the public visibility interface of Unity’s Multiplayer HLAPI. Using
this same interface, you can implement any kind of visibility rules you desire. Each NetworkIdentity keeps track of the set
of players that it is visible to. The players that a NetworkIdentity GameObject is visible to are called the “observers” of the
The Network Proximity Checker calls the RebuildObservers** **method on the Network Identity component at a xed
interval (set using the “Vis Update Interval” value in the inspector), so that the set of network-visible GameObjects for
each player is updated as they move around.
On the NetworkBehaviour** **class (which your networked scripts inherit from), there are some virtual functions for
determining visibility. These are:
OnCheckObserver - This method is called on the server, on each networked GameObject when a new player enters the
game. If it returns true, that player is added to the object’s observers. The NetworkProximityChecker method does a
simple distance check in its implementation of this function, and uses Physics.OverlapSphere() to nd the players
that are within the visibility distance for this object.
OnRebuildObservers - This method is called on the server when RebuildObservers is invoked. This method expects the
set of observers to be populated with the players that can see the object. The NetworkServer then handles sending
ObjectHide and ObjectSpawn messages based on the di erences between the old and new visibility sets.
You can check whether any given networked GameObject is a player by checking if its NetworkIdentity has a valid
connectionToClient. For example:

var hits = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, visRange);
foreach (var hit in hits)
// (if a GameObject has a connectionToClient, it is a player)
var uv = hit.GetComponent();
if (uv != null && uv.connectionToClient != null)

Scene GameObjects

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There are two types of networked GameObjects in Unity’s multiplayer system:
Those that are created dynamically at runtime
Those that are saved as part of a Scene
GameObjects that are created dynamically at runtime use the multiplayer Spawning system, and the prefabs they are instantiated
from must be registered in the Network Manager’s list of networked GameObject prefabs.
However, networked GameObjects that you save as part of a Scene (and therefore already exist in the Scene when it is loaded) are
handled di erently. These GameObjects are loaded as part of the Scene on both the client and server, and exist at runtime before
any spawn messages are sent by the multiplayer system.
When the Scene is loaded, all networked GameObjects in the Scene are disabled** **on both the client and the server. Then, when
the Scene is fully loaded, the Network Manager automatically processes the Scene’s networked GameObjects, registering them all
(and therefore causing them to be synchronized across clients), and enabling them, as if they were spawned at runtime.
Saving networked GameObjects in your Scene (rather than dynamically spawning them after the scene has loaded) has some
bene ts:

They are loaded with the level, so there will be no pause at runtime.
They can have speci c modi cations that di er from prefabs
Other GameObject instances in the Scene can reference them, which can avoid you having to use code to nding
the GameObjects and make references to them up at runtime.
When the Network Manager spawns the networked Scene GameObjects, those GameObjects behave like dynamically spawned
GameObjects. Unity sends them updates and ClientRPC calls.
If a Scene GameObject is destroyed on the server before a client joins the game, then it is never enabled on new clients that join.
When a client connects, the client is sent an ObjectSpawnScene spawn message for each of the Scene GameObjects that exist on
the server, that are visible to that client. This message causes the GameObject on the client to be enabled, and has the latest state
of that GameObject from the server in it. This means that only GameObjects that are visible to the client, and not destroyed on the
server, are activated on the client. Like regular non-Scene GameObjects, these Scene GameObjects are started with the latest state
when the client joins the game.

Actions and communication

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When you are making a multiplayer game, In addition to synchronizing the properties of networked GameObjects, you
are likely to need to send, receive, and react to other pieces of information - such as when the match starts, when a
player joins or leaves the match, or other information speci c to your type of game, for example a noti cation to all
players that a ag has been captured in a “capture-the- ag” style game.
Within the Unity networking High-Level API there are three main ways to communicate this type of information.

Remote actions
Remote actions allow you to call a method in your script across the network. You can make the server call methods on all
clients or individual clients speci cally. You can also make clients call methods on the server. Using remote actions, you
can pass data as parameters to your methods in a very similar way to how you call methods in local (non-multiplayer)

Networking callbacks
Networking callbacks allow you to hook into built-in Unity events which occur during the course of the game, such as
when players join or leave, when GameObjects are created or destroyed, or when a new Scene is loaded. There are two
types of networking callbacks that you can implement:
Network manager callbacks, for callbacks relating to the network manager itself (such as when clients connect or
Network behaviour callbacks, for callbacks relating to individual networked GameObjects (such as when its Start function
is called, or what this particular GameObject should do if a new player joins the game)

Network messages
Network messages are a “lower level” approach to sending messages (although they are still classed as part of the
networking “High level API”). They allow you to send data directly between clients and the server using scripting. You can
send basic types of data (int, string, etc) as well as most common Unity types (such as Vector3). Since you implement this
yourself, these messages are not associated directly with any particular GameObjects or Unity events - it is up to you do
decide their purpose and implement them!

Remote Actions

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The network system has ways to perform actions across the network. These type of actions are sometimes called
Remote Procedure Calls. There are two types of RPCs in the network system, Commands - which are called from
the client and run on the server; and ClientRpc calls - which are called on the server and run on clients.
The diagram below shows the directions that remote actions take:

Commands are sent from player objects on the client to player objects on the server. For security, Commands can
only be sent from YOUR player object, so you cannot control the objects of other players. To make a function
into a command, add the [Command] custom attribute to it, and add the “Cmd” pre x. This function will now be
run on the server when it is called on the client. Any arguments will automatically be passed to the server with the
Commands functions must have the pre x “Cmd”. This is a hint when reading code that calls the command - this
function is special and is not invoked locally like a normal function.

class Player : NetworkBehaviour

public GameObject bulletPrefab;
void CmdDoFire(float lifeTime)
GameObject bullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(
transform.position + transform.right,
var bullet2D = bullet.GetComponent();
bullet2D.velocity = transform.right * bulletSpeed;
Destroy(bullet, lifeTime);
void Update()
if (!isLocalPlayer)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))

Be careful of sending commands from the client every frame! This can cause a lot of network tra c.
By default, Commands are sent on channel zero - the default reliable channel. So by default all commands are
reliably sent to the server. This can be customized with the “Channel” parameter of the [Command] custom
attribute. This parameter should be an integer, representing the channel number.
Channel 1 is also set up by default to be an unreliable channel, so to use this, use the value 1 for the parameter in
the Command attribute, like this:


Starting with Unity release 5.2 it is possible to send commands from non-player objects that have client authority.
These objects must have been spawned with NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority or have authority set with
NetworkIdentity.AssignClientAuthority. Commands sent from these object are run on the server instance of the
object, not on the associated player object for the client.

ClientRpc Calls
ClientRpc calls are sent from objects on the server to objects on clients. They can be sent from any server object
with a NetworkIdentity that has been spawned. Since the server has authority, then there no security issues
with server objects being able to send these calls. To make a function into a ClientRpc call, add the [ClientRpc]
custom attribute to it, and add the “Rpc” pre x. This function will now be run on clients when it is called on the
server. Any arguments will automatically be passed to the clients with the ClientRpc call..
ClientRpc functions must have the pre x “Rpc”. This is a hint when reading code that calls the method - this
function is special and is not invoked locally like a normal function.

class Player : NetworkBehaviour
int health;
void RpcDamage(int amount)
Debug.Log("Took damage:" + amount);
public void TakeDamage(int amount)
if (!isServer)
health ­= amount;

When running a game as a host with a LocalClient, ClientRpc calls will be invoked on the LocalClient - even though
it is in the same process as the server. So the behaviour of LocalClients and RemoteClients is the same for
ClientRpc calls.

Arguments to Remote Actions

The arguments passed to commands and ClientRpc calls are serialized and sent over the network. These
arguments can be:

basic types (byte, int, oat, string, UInt64, etc)
arrays of basic types
structs containing allowable types
built-in unity math types (Vector3, Quaternion, etc)
GameObject with a NetworkIdentity component attached
Arguments to remote actions cannot be subcomponents of GameObjects, such as script instances or Transforms.
They cannot be other types that cannot be serialized across the network.

Network Manager callbacks

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There are a number of events that can occur over the course of the normal operation of a multiplayer game, such
as the host starting up, a player joining, or a player leaving. Each of these possible events has an associated
callback that you can implement in your own code to take action when the event occurs.
To do this for the Network Manager, you need to create your own script which inherits from NetworkManager.
You can then override the virtual methods on NetworkManager with your own implementation of what should
happen when the given event occurs.
This page lists all the virtual methods (the callbacks) that you can implement on the Network Manager, and when
they occur. The callbacks that occur, and the order they occur, vary slightly depending on whether your game is
running in LAN mode or Internet (matchmaker) mode, so each mode’s callbacks are listed separately below.

LAN Callbacks
These are the callbacks that occur when the game is running on a Local Area Connection (LAN). A game can be
running in one of three modes, host, client, or server-only. The callbacks for each mode are listed below:

LAN callbacks in host mode:
When the host is started:
Start() function is called
When a client connects:

When a client disconnects:

When the host is stopped:

LAN callbacks in client mode
When the client starts:
Start() function is called
When the client stops:

LAN callbacks in server mode
When the server starts:
Start() function is called
When a client connects:
When a client disconnects:

When the server stops:


MatchMaker connection callbacks
These are the callbacks which occur when the game is running in Internet mode (i.e. when you are using the
MatchMaker service to nd and connect to other players. In this mode, a game can be running in one of two
modes, host, or client. The callbacks for each mode are listed below:

MatchMaker callbacks in host mode
When the host starts:
Start() function is called
When a client connects:
When a client disconnects:


MatchMaker callbacks in client mode
When receiving a list of online game instances:
Start() function is called

When joining a match:
When the host stops:

NetworkBehaviour callbacks

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Like the Network Manager callbacks, there are a number of events relating to network behaviours that can occur
over the course of a normal multiplayer game. These include events such as the host starting up, a player joining,
or a player leaving. Each of these possible events has an associated callback that you can implement in your own
code to take action when the event occurs.
When you create a script which inherits from NetworkBehaviour, you can write your own implementation of
what should happen when these events occur. To do this, you override the virtual methods on the
NetworkBehaviour class with your own implementation of what should happen when the given event occurs.
This page lists all the virtual methods (the callbacks) that you can implement on Network Behaviour, and when
they occur. A game can run in one of three modes, host, client, or server-only. The callbacks for each mode are
listed below:

Callbacks in server mode
When a client connects:
Start() function is called

Callbacks in client mode
When a client connects:
Start() function is called

Callbacks in host mode
These are only called on the Player GameObjects when a client connects:

Start() function is called
On any remaining clients, when a client disconnects:


Network Messages

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In addition to “high-level” Commands and RPC calls, you can also send raw network messages.
There is a class called MessageBase that you can extend to make serializable network message classes. This class has Serialize and
Deserialize functions that take writer and reader objects. You can implement these functions yourself, or you can rely on codegenerated implementations that are automatically created by the networking system. The base class looks like this:

public abstract class MessageBase
// De­serialize the contents of the reader into this message
public virtual void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader) {}
// Serialize the contents of this message into the writer
public virtual void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer) {}

Message classes can contain members that are basic types, structs, and arrays, including most of the common Unity Engine types
(such as Vector3). They cannot contain members that are complex classes or generic containers. Remember that if you want to rely
on the code-generated implementations, you must make sure your types are publicly visible.
There are built-in message classes for common types of network messages:
To send a message, use the Send() method on the NetworkClient, NetworkServer, and NetworkConnection classes which work
the same way. It takes a message ID, and a message object that is derived from MessageBase. The code below demonstrates how
to send and handle a message using one of the built-in message classes:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkSystem;
public class Begin : NetworkBehaviour
const short MyBeginMsg = 1002;
NetworkClient m_client;
public void SendReadyToBeginMessage(int myId)
var msg = new IntegerMessage(myId);
m_client.Send(MyBeginMsg, msg);
public void Init(NetworkClient client)

m_client = client;
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MyBeginMsg, OnServerReadyToBeginMessage);
void OnServerReadyToBeginMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
var beginMessage = netMsg.ReadMessage();
Debug.Log("received OnServerReadyToBeginMessage " + beginMessage.value);

To declare a custom network message class and use it:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class Scores : MonoBehaviour
NetworkClient myClient;
public class MyMsgType {
public static short Score = MsgType.Highest + 1;
public class ScoreMessage : MessageBase
public int score;
public Vector3 scorePos;
public int lives;
public void SendScore(int score, Vector3 scorePos, int lives)
ScoreMessage msg = new ScoreMessage();
msg.score = score;
msg.scorePos = scorePos;
msg.lives = lives;
NetworkServer.SendToAll(MyMsgType.Score, msg);
// Create a client and connect to the server port
public void SetupClient()
myClient = new NetworkClient();
myClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
myClient.RegisterHandler(MyMsgType.Score, OnScore);
myClient.Connect("", 4444);

public void OnScore(NetworkMessage netMsg)
ScoreMessage msg = netMsg.ReadMessage();
Debug.Log("OnScoreMessage " + msg.score);
public void OnConnected(NetworkMessage netMsg)
Debug.Log("Connected to server");

Note that there is no serialization code for the ScoreMessage class in this source code example. The body of the serialization
functions is automatically generated for this class by Unity.

ErrorMessage class
There is also an ErrorMessage class that is derived from MessageBase. This class is passed to error callbacks on clients and
The errorCode in the ErrorMessage class corresponds to the Networking.NetworkError enumeration.

class MyClient
NetworkClient client;
void Start()
client = new NetworkClient();
client.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Error, OnError);
void OnError(NetworkMessage netMsg)
var errorMsg = netMsg.ReadMessage();
Debug.Log("Error:" + errorMsg.errorCode);

Dealing with clients and servers

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When you are making your multipayer game, you will need to implement a way for players to nd each other, join
existing matches or create new ones. You will also need to decide how to deal with common network problems,
such as what happens if the person hosting the game quits.
This section provides information on how to build these important parts of your game, including:
Host migration, for when the player hosting a peer-hosted game quits.
Network discovery, to help your players connect to each other on a LAN
Multiplayer lobby, to help your players create or join matches across the internet
Custom network client and server code - when you have custom requirements and want to write your own
connection code rather than using Unity’s Network Manager.

Network clients and servers

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Many multiplayer games can use the Network Manager to manage connections, but you can also use the lowerlevel NetworkServer and NetworkClient classes directly.
When using the High-Level API, every game must have a host server to connect to. Each participant in a
multiplayer game can be a client, a dedicated server, or a combination of server and client at the same time. This
combination role is the common case of a multiplayer game with no dedicated server.
For multiplayer games with no dedicated server, one of the players running the game acts as the server for that
game. That player’s instance of the game runs a “local client” instead of a normal remote client. The local client
uses the same Unity Scenes and GameObjects as the server, and communicates internally using message
queues instead of sending messages across the network. To HLAPI code and systems, the local client is just
another client, so almost all user code is the same, whether a client is local or remote. This makes it easy to make
a game that works in both multiplayer and standalone mode with the same code.
A common pattern for multiplayer games is to have a GameObject that manages the network state of the game.
Below is the start of a NetworkManager script. This script would be attached to a GameObject that is in the startup Scene of the game. It has a simple UI and keyboard handling functions that allow the game to be started in
di erent network modes. Before you release your game you should create a more visually appealing menu, with
options such as “Start single player game” and “Start multiplayer game”.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class MyNetworkManager : MonoBehaviour {
public bool isAtStartup = true;
NetworkClient myClient;
void Update ()
if (isAtStartup)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B))

void OnGUI()
if (isAtStartup)
GUI.Label(new Rect(2, 10, 150, 100), "Press S for server");
GUI.Label(new Rect(2, 30, 150, 100), "Press B for both");
GUI.Label(new Rect(2, 50, 150, 100), "Press C for client");

This basic code calls setup functions to get things going. Below are the simple setup functions for each of the
scenarios. These functions create a server, or the right kind of client for each scenario. Note that the remote client
assumes the server is on the same machine ( For a nished game this would be an internet address, or
something supplied by the Matchmaking system.

// Create a server and listen on a port
public void SetupServer()
isAtStartup = false;
// Create a client and connect to the server port
public void SetupClient()
myClient = new NetworkClient();
myClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
myClient.Connect("", 4444);
isAtStartup = false;
// Create a local client and connect to the local server
public void SetupLocalClient()
myClient = ClientScene.ConnectLocalServer();
myClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
isAtStartup = false;

The clients in this code register a callback function for the connection event MsgType.Connect. This is a built-in
message of the HLAPI that the script invokes when a client connects to a server. In this case, the code for the
handler on the client is:

// client function
public void OnConnected(NetworkMessage netMsg)
Debug.Log("Connected to server");

This is enough to get a multiplayer application up and running. With this script you can then send network
messages using NetworkClient.Send and NetworkServer.SendToAll. Note that sending messages is a low level way
of interacting with the system.

Host Migration

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In a multiplayer network game without a dedicated server, one of the game instances acts as the host - the center of authority
for the game. This is a player whose game is acting as a server and a “local client”, while the other players each run a “remote
client”. See documentation on network system concepts for more information.
If the host disconnects from the game, gameplay cannot continue. Common reasons for a host to disconnect include the host
player leaving, the host process crashing, the host’s machine shutting down, or the host losing network connection.
The host migration feature allows one of the remote clients to become the new host, so that the multiplayer game can

How it works
During a multiplayer game with host migration enabled,Unity distributes the addresses of all peers (players, including the host
and all clients) to all other peers in the game. When the host disconnects, one peer becomes the new host. The other peers
then connect to the new host, and the game continues.
The Network Migration Manager component uses the Unity Networking HLAPI. It allows the game to continue with a new
host after the original host disconnects. The screenshot below shows the migration state displayed in the Network Migration
Manager, in the Inspector window.

The Network Migration Manager component
The Network Migration Manager provides a basic user interface, similar to the Network Manager HUD. This user interface is for
testing and prototyping during game development; before you release your game you should implement a custom user
interface for host migration, and custom logic for actions like choosing the new host automatically without requiring input from
the user.

The Network Migration Manager prototyping HUD

Even though the migration may have occurred because the old host lost connection or quit the game, it is possible for the old
host of the game to rejoin the game as a client on the new host.
During a host migration, Unity maintains the state of SyncVars and SyncLists on all networked GameObjects in the Scene. This
also applies to custom serialized data for GameObjects.
Unity disables all of the player GameObjects in the game when the host disconnects. Then, when the other clients rejoin the
new game on the new host, the corresponding players Unit re-enables those clients on the new host, and respawns them on
the other clients. This ensures that Unity does not lose player state data during a host migration.
NOTE: During a host migration, Unity only preserves data that is available to clients. If data is only on the server, then it is not
available to the client that becomes the new host. Data on the host is only available after a host migration if it is in SyncVars or
When the client becomes a new host, Unity invokes the callback function OnStartServer for all networked GameObjects. On the
new host, the Network Migration Manager uses the function BecomeNewHost to construct a networked server Scene from the
state in the current ClientScene.
In a game with host migration enabled, peers are identi ed by their connectionId on the server. When a client reconnects to
the new host of a game, Unity passes this connectionId to the new host so that it can match this client with the client that was
connected to the old host. This Id is on the ClientScene as the reconnectId.

Non-Player GameObjects
Non-player GameObjects with client authority are also handled by host migration. Unity disables and re-enables client-owned
non-player GameObjects in the same way it disables and re-enables player GameObjects.

Identifying Peers
Before the host disconnects, all the peers are connected to the host. They each have a unique connectionId on the host - this is
called the oldConnectionId in the context of host migration.
When the Network Migration Manager chooses a new host, and the peers reconnect to it, they supply their oldConnectionId
to identify which peer they are. This allows the new host to match this reconnecting client to the corresponding player
The old host uses a special oldConnectionId of zero to reconnect - because it did not have a connection to the old host, it
WAS the old host. There is a constant ClientScene.ReconnectIdHost for this.
When you use the Network Migration Manager’s built-in user interface, the Network Migration Manager sets the
oldConnectionId automatically. To set it manually, use NetworkMigrationManager.Reset or ClientScene.SetReconnectId.

Host Migration Flow
MachineA hosts Game1, a game with host migration enabled
MachineB starts a client and joins Game1

MachineB is told about peers (MachineA–0, and self (MachineB)–1)
MachineC starts a client and joins Game1

MachineC is told about peers (MachineA–0, MachineB–1, and self (MachineC)–2)
MachineA drops the connection on Game 1, so the host disconnects
MachineB disconnects from host

MachineB callback function is invoked on MigrationManager on client
MachineB player GameObjects for all players are disabled
MachineB stays in online Scene
MachineB uses utility function to pick the new host, picks self
MachineB calls BecomeNewHost()
MachineB start listening
MachineB player GameObject for self is reactivated
MachineB The player for MachineB is now back in the game with all its old state
MachineC gets disconnect from host
MachineC callback function is invoked on MigrationManager on client
MachineC player GameObjects for all players are disabled
MachineC stay in online Scene
MachineC uses utility function to pick new host, picks MachineB

MachineC reconnects to new host
MachineB receives connection from MachineC
MachineC send reconnect message with oldConnectionId (instead of AddPlayer message)
callback function is invoked on MigrationManager on server
MachineB uses oldConnectionId to nd the disabled player GameObject for that player and re-adds it with
player GameObject is re-spawned for MachineC
The player for MachineC is now back in the game with all its old state
MachineA recovers (the old host)
MachineA uses utility function to pick the new host, picks MachineB
MachineA “reconnects” to MachineB
MachineB receives connection from MachineA
MachineA send reconnect message with oldConnectionId of zero
callback function is invoked on MigrationManager on server (MachineB)
MachineB uses oldConnectionId to nd the disabled player GameObject for that player and re-adds it with
player GameObject is re-spawned for MachineA
The player for MachineA is now back in the game with all its old state

Callback Functions

Callback functions on the NetworkHostMigrationManager:

// called on client after the connection to host is lost. controls whether to switch Scene
protected virtual void OnClientDisconnectedFromHost(
NetworkConnection conn,
out SceneChangeOption sceneChange)
// called on host after the host is lost. host MUST change Scenes
protected virtual void OnServerHostShutdown()
// called on new host (server) when a client from the old host re­connects a player
protected virtual void OnServerReconnectPlayer(
NetworkConnection newConnection,
GameObject oldPlayer,
int oldConnectionId,
short playerControllerId)
// called on new host (server) when a client from the old host re­connects a player
protected virtual void OnServerReconnectPlayer(
NetworkConnection newConnection,
GameObject oldPlayer,
int oldConnectionId,
short playerControllerId,
NetworkReader extraMessageReader)
// called on new host (server) when a client from the old host re­connects a non­player Ga
protected virtual void OnServerReconnectObject(
NetworkConnection newConnection,
GameObject oldObject,
int oldConnectionId)
// called on both host and client when the set of peers is updated
protected virtual void OnPeersUpdated(
PeerListMessage peers)
// utility function called by the default UI on client after connection to host was lost,
public virtual bool FindNewHost(
out NetworkSystem.PeerInfoMessage newHostInfo,
out bool youAreNewHost)
// called when the authority of a non­player GameObject changes
protected virtual void OnAuthorityUpdated(
GameObject go,
int connectionId,
bool authorityState)


For host migration to work properly, you need to go to the GameObject’s Network Manager component and enable Auto
Create Player. Data that is only present on the server (the host) is lost when the host disconnects. For games to be able to
perform host migration correctly, important data must be distributed to the clients, not held secretly on the server.
This works for direct connection games. Additional work is required for this to function with the matchmaker and relay server.

Network Discovery

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The Network Discovery component allows Unity multiplayer games to nd each other on a local area network (a
LAN). This means your players don’t have to nd out the IP address of the host to connect to a game on a LAN.
Network Discovery doesn’t work over the internet, only on local networks. For internet-based games, see the
MatchMaker service.
The Network Discovery component can broadcast its presence, listen for broadcasts from other Network
Discovery components, and optionally join matching games using the Network Manager. The Network Discovery
component uses the UDP broadcast feature of the network transport layer.
To use local network discovery, create an empty GameObject in the Scene, and add the Network Discovery
component to it.

NetworkDiscovery Component
Like the Network Manager HUD, this component has a default GUI that shows in the Game view for controlling it,
intended for temporary developmental work, with the assumption that you will create your own replacement for
it before nishing your game. Note that you also need a Network Manager component in the Scene to be able to
join a game through the Network Discovery GUI. When the game starts, click the Initialize Broadcast button in
the Network Discovery GUI (in the Game view) to send a broadcast and begin discovery of other games on the
local network.
The Network Discovery component can run in server mode (activated by clicking the “Start Broadcasting” button
in the GUI), or client mode (activated by clicking the ‘Listen for Broadcast’ button in the GUI).
When in server mode, the Network Discovery component sends broadcast messages over the network on the
port speci ed in the inspector. These messages contain the Broadcast Key and Broadcast Version of the game.
You can set these to any value you like, their purpose is to identify this particular version and release of your
game to avoid con icts - such as your game trying to join a game of a di erent type. You should change the
Broadcast Key value when releasing a new build of your game that should not be able to connect to older
versions of your game. The component should be run in server mode if a game is being hosted on that machine.
Without the default GUI, you need to call the StartAsServer() function to make the component run in server mode.
When in client mode, the component listens for broadcast messages on the speci ed port. When a message is
received, and the Broadcast Key in the message matches the Broadcast Key in the Network Discovery
component, this means that a game is available to join on the local network. Without the default GUI, you need to
call the StartAsClient() function to make the component run in client mode.

When using the default GUI and listening for broadcasts in client mode, if a game is discovered on the local
network, a button appears which allows the user of that client to join the game. The button is labeled “Game at:”
followed by the host’s IP address.
There is a virtual function on the Network Discovery component that can be implemented to be noti ed when
broadcast messages are received.

public class MyNetworkDiscovery: NetworkDiscovery {
public override void OnReceivedBroadcast(string fromAddress, string data)
Debug.Log("Received broadcast from: " + fromAddress+ " with the data: "

For more information, see the Scripting API Reference documentation on NetworkDiscovery. Note that you
cannot have a Network Discovery server and client running in the same process at the same time.

Multiplayer Lobby

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Most multiplayer games have a “lobby”; a Scene in the game for players to join before playing the actual game. In
the lobby, players can pick options and set themselves as ready for the game to start.
Unity provides the Network Lobby Manager component as a way for you to implement a Lobby for your game
The Network Lobby Manager component provides a lobby for Unity Multiplayer games. It includes the following

A simple built-in user interface for interacting with the lobby
Limits the number of players that can join
Supports multiple players per client, with a limit on number of players per client
Prevents players from joining games that are in-progress
Supports a “ready” state for clients, so a game starts when all players are ready
Con guration data for each player
Players re-join the lobby when the game nishes
Virtual functions that allow custom logic for lobby events
Below are the Network Lobby Manager virtual methods. See API Reference documentation on the
NetworkLobbyManager class for more details. There is a separate list for methods that are called on the client
and on the server. You can write your own implementations for these methods to take action when any of these
events occur.
NetworkLobbyManager virtual methods called on the server:

NetworkLobbyManager virtual methods called on the client:


All of the above server and client methods have empty default implementations, except for
OnLobbyServerPlayersReady****, which calls ServerChangeScene with the PlayScene (the scene assigned to
the Play Scene eld in the Lobby Manager inspector.

Lobby Player GameObjects
There are two kinds of player Prefabs for the Lobby Manager: the Lobby Player Prefab and the** Game Player
Prefab**. There is a eld for each in the Network Lobby Manager component.

The Network Lobby Manager component

Lobby Player Prefab
The Prefab that you assign to the Lobby Player Prefab slot must have a Network Lobby Player component
attached. Each client that joins the Lobby gets a new Lobby player GameObject, created from the Lobby Player
Prefab. Unity creates the Lobby player GameObject when a client connects (that is, when a player joins the
game), and it exists until the client disconnects.

The Network Lobby Player component holds the “ready” state for each player, and handles commands while in
the lobby. You can add user scripts to the prefab to hold game-speci c player data.
The Network Lobby Player component supplies some virtual method callbacks that can be used for custom lobby
behaviour. These are:

public virtual void OnClientEnterLobby();
public virtual void OnClientExitLobby();
public virtual void OnClientReady(bool readyState);

Unity calls the method OnClientEnterLobby on the client when the game enters the lobby. This happens when the
lobby Scene starts for the rst time, and also when returning to the lobby from the gameplay Scene.
Unity calls the method OnClientExitLobby on the client when the game exits the lobby. This happens when
switching to the gameplay Scene.
Unity calls the method OnClientReady on the client when the ready state of that player changes.

Game Player Prefab
A game starts when all players have indicated they are ready. When the game starts, Unity creates a GameObject
for each player, based on the the Game Player Prefab. Unity destroys these GameObjects at the end of the
game, when players when re-enter the lobby. The Game Player Prefab handles commands while in the game.
This prefab is a standard networked GameObject, and must have a Network Identity component attached.

Minimum Players
On the Network Lobby Manager component, the Minimum Players eld represents the minimum number of
players that need to indicate that they are ready before the game starts. If the number of connected clients
reaches the Minimum Players value, then waiting for all connected clients to become “Ready” starts the Match.
For example if “Minimum Players” is set to 2:

Start one instance of the game, and begin the game in host mode. Then in your game’s lobby
interface, press “Start” for your player. You are still in the lobby, because the minimum number of
ready players to start a game is 2.
Start two more instances of the game, and begin those games in client mode in those instances.
Wait for all connected players (in this example, three) to become ready. Press “Start” in the Lobby
UI for one player. Now, two players are ready, but still in the lobby. Press “Start” in the Lobby UI for
the last player. All players move to the main game Scene.

Adding the Lobby to a game

These steps outline the basic process for adding a Network Lobby to a multiplayer game using Unity’s built-in
networking features:

Create a new Scene for the lobby

Add the Scene to the Build Settings (File > Build Settings… > Add Open Scenes), as the rst Scene
Create a new GameObject in the new Scene and rename it LobbyManager
Add the Network Lobby Manager component to the LobbyManager GameObject
Add the Network Manager HUD component to the LobbyManager GameObject
Open the Inspector for the Network Lobby Manager component
In the Network Lobby Manager, set the Lobby Scene to the Scene that contains the LobbyManager
In the Network Lobby Manager, set the Play Scene to the main gameplay Scene for the game
Create a new GameObject and rename it LobbyPlayer
Add the Network Lobby Player component to the LobbyPlayer
Create a prefab for the LobbyPlayer GameObject, and delete the instance from the Scene
Set the LobbyPlayerPrefab eld (in the Network Lobby Manager inspector) to the LobbyPlayer
Set the GamePlayerPrefab eld (in the Network Lobby Manager inspector) to the prefab for the
player in the main game
Save the Scene
Run the game
This version of the Network Lobby Manager is a very simple implementation, and uses a placeholder user
interface, much like like the Network Manager HUD. Before you release your game, you should replace this with
your own own user interface that matches your game’s visual design and feature requirements.
For an example of a better user interface, see the [multiplayer-lobby asset package]
((https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/41836) available on the Asset Store.
The NetworkLobbyManager class has many virtual function callbacks for custom lobby behaviour. The most
important function is OnLobbyServerSceneLoadedForPlayer, which is called on the server for each player when
they transition from the lobby to the main game. This is the ideal place to apply settings from the lobby
GameObject to the player GameObject.

// for users to apply settings from their lobby player GameObject to their i
public override bool OnLobbyServerSceneLoadedForPlayer(GameObject lobbyPlaye
var cc = lobbyPlayer.GetComponent();
var player = gamePlayer.GetComponent();
player.myColor = cc.myColor;
return true;

Sample Project
There is a sample project on the** Unity Asset Store** that uses the Network Lobby Manager and provides a GUI
for the lobby. You can use this as a starting point for making your own Lobby for your multiplayer game. See
Asset Store: Lobby Sample Project.

Using the Transport Layer API

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In addition to the high-level networking API (HLAPI), Unity also provides access to a lower-level networking API called the
Transport Layer. The Transport Layer allows you to build your own networking systems with more speci c or advanced
requirements for your game’s networking.
The Transport Layer is a thin layer working on top of the operating system’s sockets-based networking. It can send and receive
messages represented as arrays of bytes, and o ers a number of di erent “quality of service” options to suit di erent scenarios.
It is focused on exibility and performance, and exposes an API within the NetworkTransport class.
The Transport Layer supports base services for network communication. These base services include:
Establishing connections
Communicating using a variety of “quality of services”
Flow control
Base statistics
Additional services, such as communication via relay server or local discovery
The Transport Layer can use two protocols: UDP for generic communications, and WebSockets for WebGL. To use the Transport
Layer directly, the typical work ow is as follows:
Initialize the Network Transport Layer
Con gure network topology
Create a host
Start communication (handling connections and sending/receiving messages)
Shutdown library after use
See the corresponding sections below to learn about the technical details of each section. Each section provides a code snippet
to include in your networking script.

Step 1: Initialize the Network Transport Layer
When initializing the Network Transport Layer, you can choose between the default initialization demonstrated in the code
sample below (with no arguments), or you can provide additional parameters which control the overall behaviour of the
network layer, such as the maximum packet size and the thread timeout limit.
To initialize the transport layer with default settings, call Init():

// Initializing the Transport Layer with no arguments (default settings)
To initialize the transport layer with your own configuration just add your configuration a
// An example of initializing the Transport Layer with custom settings
GlobalConfig gConfig = new GlobalConfig();
gConfig.MaxPacketSize = 500;

You should only use custom Init values if you have an unusual networking environment and are familiar with the speci c
settings you need. As a rule of thumb, if you are developing a typical multiplayer game to be played across the internet, the
default Init settings are enough.

Step 2: Con gure the network topology
The next step is to con gure connections between peers. Network topology de nes how many connections allowed and what
connection con guration will used. If your game needs to send network messages which vary in importance (eg low importance
such as incidental sound e ects, vs high importance such as whether a player scored a point), you might want to de ne several
communication channels, each with a di erent quality of service level speci ed to suit the speci c types of messages that you
want to send, and their relative importance within your game.

ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig();
int myReliableChannelId = config.AddChannel(QosType.Reliable);
int myUnreliableChannelId = config.AddChannel(QosType.Unreliable);

The example above de nes two communication channels with di erent quality of service values. QosType.Reliable delivers a
message and ensures that the message is delivered, while QosType.Unreliable sends a message faster, but without any checks
to ensure it was delivered.
You can also adjust properties on ConnectionCon g to specify con guration settings for each connection. However, when
making a connection from one client to another, the settings should be the same for both connected peers, or the connection
fails with a CRCMismatch error.
The nal step of network con guration is topology de nition.

HostTopology topology = new HostTopology(config, 10);

This example de nes host topology as being able to allow up to 10 connections. These connections are the ones you con gured
in Step 1.

Step 3: Create a host
Now that you have performed the rst two preliminary set-up steps, you need to create a host (open socket):

int hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(topology, 8888);

This code example adds a new host on port 8888 and any IP addresses. The host supports up to 10 connections (you con gured
this in Step 2). These connections are the ones you con gured in the Step 1.

Step 4: Start communicating
In order to start communicating, you need to set up a connection to another host. To do this, call Connect(). This sets up a
connection between you and the remote host. An event is received to indicate whether the connection is successful.
First, connect to the remote host at with port 8888. The assigned connectionId is returned.

connectionId = NetworkTransport.Connect(hostId, "", 8888, 0, out error);

When the connection is done, a ConnectEvent is received. Now you can start sending data.

NetworkTransport.Send(hostId, connectionId, myReliableChannelId, buffer, bufferLength,


When you are done with a connection, call Disconnect() to disconnect the host.

NetworkTransport.Disconnect(hostId, connectionId, out error);

To check if your function calls were successful, you can cast the out error to a NetworkError. NetworkEror.Ok indicates that
no errors have been encountered.
To check host status, you can use two functions:
For polling events o the internal event queue you can call either
NetworkTransport.Receive(out recHostId, out connectionId, out channelId, recBu er, bu erSize, out dataSize, out error);
Or NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost(recHostId, out connectionId, out channelId, recBu er, bu erSize, out dataSize, out
Both of these functions return events from the queue; the rst function will return events from any host, and the recHostId
variable will be assigned with the host id that the message comes from, whereas the second function returns events only from
the host speci ed by the recHostId that you provide.
One way to poll data from Receive is to call it in your Update function;

void Update()

int recHostId;
int connectionId;
int channelId;
byte[] recBuffer = new byte[1024];
int bufferSize = 1024;
int dataSize;
byte error;
NetworkEventType recData = NetworkTransport.Receive(out recHostId, out connectionId, ou
switch (recData)
case NetworkEventType.Nothing:
case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent:
case NetworkEventType.DataEvent:
case NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent:
case NetworkEventType.BroadcastEvent:

There are 5 type of events that you can receive.
NetworkEventType.Nothing: The event queue has nothing to report.
NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent : You have received a connect event. This can be either a successful connect request, or a
connection response.

case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent:
if(myConnectionId == connectionId)
//my connect request was approved
//somebody else sent a connect request to me

NetworkEventType.DataEvent: You have received a data event. You receive a data event when there is some data ready to be
recieved. If the recBuffer is big enough to contain data, data is copied into the bu er. If not, the event contains a
MessageToLong network error. If this happens, you need to reallocate the bu er to a larger size and call the DataEvent
function again.
NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent: Your established connection has disconnected, or your connect request has failed. Check
the error code to nd out why this has happened.

case NetworkEventType. DisconnectEvent:
if(myConnectionId == connectionId)
//cannot connect for some reason, see error
//one of the established connections has disconnected

NetworkEventType.BroadcastEvent: Indicates that you have received a broadcast event, and you can now call
GetBroadcastConnectionInfo and GetBroadcastConnectionMessage to retrieve more information.

WebGL support

You can use WebSockets on WebGL, however web clients can only connect to hosts, they cannot be a host themselves. This
means the host must be a standalone player (Win, Mac or Linux only). For client-side con guration, all steps described above
(including topology and con guration) are the same. On the server, call the following:

NetworkTransport.AddWebsocketHost(topology, port, ip);

The IP address above should be the speci c address you want to listen on, or you can pass null as the IP address if you want the
host to listen all network interfaces.
A server can only support only one WebSocket host at a time, but it can handle other generic hosts at the same time:

NetworkTransport.AddWebsocketHost(topology, 8887, null);
NetworkTransport.AddHost(topology, 8888);

NetworkReader and NetworkWriter

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Use the NetworkReader and NetworkWriter classes to write data to byte streams.
The Multiplayer High Level API is built using these classes, and uses them extensively. However, you can use them
directly if you want to implement your own custom transport functionality. They have speci c serialization
functions for many Unity types (See NetworkWriter.Write for the full list of types).
To use the classes, create a writer instance, and write individual variables into it. These are serialized internally
into a byte array, and this can be sent over the network. On the receiving side it’s important that the reader
instance for the byte array reads back the variables in exactly the same order they were written in.
This can be used with the MessageBase class to make byte arrays that contain serialized network messages.

void SendMessage(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId)
// write the message to a local buffer
NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter();
myClient.SendWriter(writer, channelId);

This message is correctly formatted so that a message handler function can be invoked for it.

Using the NetworkReader and NetworkWriter classes with
the NetworkServerSimple and NetworkClient classes
The following code sample is a rather low level demonstration, using the lowest level classes from the high-level
API for setting up connectivity.
This is the code for connecting the client and server together:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class Serializer : MonoBehaviour {
NetworkServerSimple m_Server;
NetworkClient m_Client;
const short k_MyMessage = 100;

// When using a server instance like this it must be pumped manually
void Update() {
if (m_Server != null)
void StartServer() {
m_Server = new NetworkServerSimple();
m_Server.RegisterHandler(k_MyMessage, OnMyMessage);
if (m_Server.Listen(5555))
Debug.Log("Started listening on 5555");
void StartClient() {
m_Client = new NetworkClient();
m_Client.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnClientConnected);
m_Client.Connect("", 5555);
void OnClientConnected(NetworkMessage netmsg) {
Debug.Log("Client connected to server");

The next piece of code sends a message using the network reader and network writer, but uses the message
handlers built into these classes:
void SendMessage() { NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter(); writer.StartMessage(k_MyMessage);
writer.Write(42); writer.Write(“What is the answer”); writer.FinishMessage(); m_Client.SendWriter(writer, 0); }
void OnMyMessage(NetworkMessage netmsg) { Debug.Log(“Got message, size=” + netmsg.reader.Length); var
someValue = netmsg.reader.ReadInt32(); var someString = netmsg.reader.ReadString(); Debug.Log(“Message
value=” + someValue + “ Message string=‘“ + someString + ”’”); }
When setting up messages for the message handlers, you should always use NetworkWriter.StartMessage()
(with the message type ID) and NetworkWriter.FinishMessage() calls. When not using the byte arrays, you can skip
that step.

Setting up Unity Multiplayer

Leave feedback

To start using Unity Multiplayer, your project must be set up to use Unity Services. Once you have done this, you
can enable the Multiplayer Service.
To do this, open the Services window by selecting Window > General > Services in the menu bar. In the Services
window, select Multiplayer.

This opens the Multiplayer Services window.

The Go To Dashboard button takes you to the web-based Services Dashboard, where you can set up the
Multiplayer con guration for your project.
If you haven’t set up your project with the Multiplayer service yet, you are prompted to set up a New Multiplayer
Con guration. To do this, enter the number of players you want per room and click Save.

Once you have clicked Save, the Multiplayer Services Dashboard re ects your current project.

You are now ready to integrate your project with Unity Multiplayer!

Integrating the Multiplayer Service

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There are three di erent methods you can use to start working with the Multiplayer Service in your project. These
three methods give you a di erent level of control depending on your needs.

using NetworkManagerHUD. (simplest, requires no scripting)
using NetworkServer and NetworkClient. (high-level, simpler scripting)
using NetworkTransport directly. (low-Level, more complex scripting)
The rst method, using NetworkManagerHUD o ers the highest level of abstraction, meaning that the Service
does most of the work for you. This is therefore the simplest method to use, and most suitable for those new to
creating multiplayer games. It provides a simple graphical interface which you can use to perform the basic
multiplayer tasks of creating, listing, joining and starting games (referred to as ‘matches’).
The second method, using NetworkServer and NetworkClient, uses our Networking High-Level API to do these
same tasks. This method is more exible; you can use the examples provided to integrate the basic multiplayer
tasks into your games own UI.
The third method, using NetworkTransport directly, gives you maximum control, but is only usually necessary if
you have unusual requirements which are not met by using our Networking High-Level API.

Integration using the HUD

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To integrate Unity Multiplayer Services using the NetworkManagerHUD, follow these steps:
Create an empty GameObject in your Scene.
Add the components NetworkManager and NetworkManagerHUD to the empty GameObject. Rename this object
to “Network Manager” so that you know what it is.

Create a prefab to represent your player. Players connected to your game will each control an instance of this
Add the NetworkIdentity and NetworkTransform component to your player prefab. The NetworkTransform
component synchronizes the player GameObject’s movement. If you’re making a game where players don’t move,
you don’t need this.

Add your player prefab to the the Network Manager’s Player Prefab property in the inspector.

Build and run your project. The Network Manager HUD shows an in-game menu. Click Enable Match Maker.

Choose a room name and click Create Internet Match on the hosting application.

Run more instances of your project, and click Find Internet Match on these clients. Your room name should now

Click Join Match. Your players should now be connected to the same match.

Integration using Unity’s High-Level

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To integrate Unity Multiplayer Services using the Networking High-Level API, you must use the NetworkMatch
class directly in your scripts. To use it, you have to call the functions in NetworkMatch manually and handle the
callbacks yourself.
Below is an example of how you can create a match, list matches, and join a match using only the NetworkMatch,
NetworkServer and NetworkClient classes.
This script sets up the matchmaker to point to the public Unity matchmaker server. It calls the NetworkMatch
functions for creating, listing, and joining matches:

CreateMatch to create a match
JoinMatch to join a match
ListMatches for listing matches registered on the matchmaker server
Internally, NetworkMatch uses web services to establish a match, and the given callback function is invoked
when the process is complete, such as OnMatchCreate for match creation.



public class HostGame : MonoBehaviour
List matchList = new List();
bool matchCreated;
NetworkMatch networkMatch;
void Awake()
networkMatch = gameObject.AddComponent();
void OnGUI()
// You would normally not join a match you created yourself but this is
if (GUILayout.Button("Create Room"))
string matchName = "room";
uint matchSize = 4;
bool matchAdvertise = true;
string matchPassword = "";

networkMatch.CreateMatch(matchName, matchSize, matchAdvertise, match
if (GUILayout.Button("List rooms"))
networkMatch.ListMatches(0, 20, "", true, 0, 0, OnMatchList);
if (matchList.Count > 0)
GUILayout.Label("Current rooms");
foreach (var match in matchList)
if (GUILayout.Button(match.name))
networkMatch.JoinMatch(match.networkId, "", "", "", 0, 0, OnMatc
public void OnMatchCreate(bool success, string extendedInfo, MatchInfo match
if (success)
Debug.Log("Create match succeeded");
matchCreated = true;
NetworkServer.Listen(matchInfo, 9000);
Utility.SetAccessTokenForNetwork(matchInfo.networkId, matchInfo.acce
Debug.LogError("Create match failed: " + extendedInfo);
public void OnMatchList(bool success, string extendedInfo, List 0)
networkMatch.JoinMatch(matches[0].networkId, "", "", "", 0, 0, OnMat
else if (!success)
Debug.LogError("List match failed: " + extendedInfo);

public void OnMatchJoined(bool success, string extendedInfo, MatchInfo match
if (success)
Debug.Log("Join match succeeded");
if (matchCreated)
Debug.LogWarning("Match already set up, aborting...");
Utility.SetAccessTokenForNetwork(matchInfo.networkId, matchInfo.acce
NetworkClient myClient = new NetworkClient();
myClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
Debug.LogError("Join match failed " + extendedInfo);
public void OnConnected(NetworkMessage msg)

Integration using NetworkTransport

Leave feedback

If you need the maximum amount of exibilty when integrating Unity Multiplayer Services, you can use the
NetworkTransport class directly. This method requires more code, but allows you to control every detail of how
your game integrates with the Multiplayer Services.
This is an example of how you can connect directly using the NetworkTransport class:



public class DirectSetup : MonoBehaviour
// Matchmaker related
List m_MatchList = new List();
bool m_MatchCreated;
bool m_MatchJoined;
MatchInfo m_MatchInfo;
string m_MatchName = "NewRoom";
NetworkMatch m_NetworkMatch;
// Connection/communication related
int m_HostId = ­1;
// On the server there will be multiple connections, on the client this will
List m_ConnectionIds = new List();
byte[] m_ReceiveBuffer;
string m_NetworkMessage = "Hello world";
string m_LastReceivedMessage = "";
NetworkWriter m_Writer;
NetworkReader m_Reader;
bool m_ConnectionEstablished;
const int k_ServerPort = 25000;
const int k_MaxMessageSize = 65535;
void Awake()
m_NetworkMatch = gameObject.AddComponent();
void Start()
m_ReceiveBuffer = new byte[k_MaxMessageSize];

m_Writer = new NetworkWriter();
// While testing with multiple standalone players on one machine this wi
Application.runInBackground = true;
void OnApplicationQuit()
void OnGUI()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Application.cloudProjectId))
GUILayout.Label("You must set up the project first. See the Multipla
GUILayout.Label("Cloud Project ID: " + Application.cloudProjectId);
if (m_MatchJoined)
GUILayout.Label("Match joined '" + m_MatchName + "' on Matchmaker se
else if (m_MatchCreated)
GUILayout.Label("Match '" + m_MatchName + "' created on Matchmaker s
GUILayout.Label("Connection Established: " + m_ConnectionEstablished);
if (m_MatchCreated || m_MatchJoined)
GUILayout.Label("Relay Server: " + m_MatchInfo.address + ":" + m_Mat
GUILayout.Label("NetworkID: " + m_MatchInfo.networkId + " NodeID: "
GUILayout.Label("Outgoing message:");
m_NetworkMessage = GUILayout.TextField(m_NetworkMessage);
GUILayout.Label("Last incoming message: " + m_LastReceivedMessage);
if (m_ConnectionEstablished && GUILayout.Button("Send message"))
byte error;
for (int i = 0; i < m_ConnectionIds.Count; ++i)
m_ConnectionIds[i], 0, m_Writer.AsArray(), m_Writer.Posi
if ((NetworkError)error != NetworkError.Ok)
Debug.LogError("Failed to send message: " + (NetworkErro

if (GUILayout.Button("Shutdown"))
m_MatchInfo.nodeId, 0, OnConnectionDropped);
if (GUILayout.Button("Create Room"))
m_NetworkMatch.CreateMatch(m_MatchName, 4, true, "", "", "", 0,
if (GUILayout.Button("Join first found match"))
m_NetworkMatch.ListMatches(0, 1, "", true, 0, 0, (success, info,
if (success && matches.Count > 0)
m_NetworkMatch.JoinMatch(matches[0].networkId, "", "", "
if (GUILayout.Button("List rooms"))
m_NetworkMatch.ListMatches(0, 20, "", true, 0, 0, OnMatchList);
if (m_MatchList.Count > 0)
GUILayout.Label("Current rooms:");
foreach (var match in m_MatchList)
if (GUILayout.Button(match.name))
m_NetworkMatch.JoinMatch(match.networkId, "", "", "", 0, 0,
public void OnConnectionDropped(bool success, string extendedInfo)
Debug.Log("Connection has been dropped on matchmaker server");

m_HostId = ­1;
m_MatchInfo = null;
m_MatchCreated = false;
m_MatchJoined = false;
m_ConnectionEstablished = false;
public virtual void OnMatchCreate(bool success, string extendedInfo, MatchIn
if (success)
Debug.Log("Create match succeeded");
Utility.SetAccessTokenForNetwork(matchInfo.networkId, matchInfo.acce
m_MatchCreated = true;
m_MatchInfo = matchInfo;
StartServer(matchInfo.address, matchInfo.port, matchInfo.networkId,
Debug.LogError("Create match failed: " + extendedInfo);
public void OnMatchList(bool success, string extendedInfo, List Project
Settings > Player Settings > Resolution & Presentation.
Use this property to control the amount of information Unity outputs to the console window. A low level
results in more information; a high level results in less information. Each level includes message from all the
levels higher than itself (for example, if you select “Warn”, the console also prints outputs all “Error” and
Log Level
“Fatal” log messages). The drop-down lists the levels from low to high. This property is set to Info by default.
You can set Log Level to Set in Scripting to prevent the Network Manager from setting the log level at all.
This means you can control the level from your own scripts instead.
If you assign a Scene to this eld, the Network Manager automatically switches to the speci ed Scene when
O ine Scene
a network session stops - for example, when the client disconnects, or when the server shuts down.


If you assign a Scene to this eld, the Network Manager automatically switches to the speci ed Scene when
Online Scene a network session starts - for example, when the client connects to a server, or when the server starts
listening for connections.
Network Info You can expand this section of the inspector to access network-related settings, listed below
When running as a host, enable this setting to make the host listen for WebSocket connections instead of
normal transport layer connections, so that WebGL clients can connect to it (if you build your game for the
Use Web
WebGL platform). These WebGL instances of your game cannot act as a host (in either peer-hosted or
server-only mode). Therefore, for WebGL instances of your multiplayer game to be able to nd each other
and play together, you must host a server-only instance of your game running in LAN mode, with a publicly
reachable IP address, and it must have this option enabled. This checkbox is unticked by default.
The network address currently in use. For clients, this is the address of the server that is connected to. For
servers, this is the local address. This is set to ‘localhost’ by default.
The network port currently in use. For clients, this is the port of the server connected to. For servers, this is
Network Port
the listen port. This is set to 7777 by default.
Allows you to tell the server whether to bind to a speci c IP address. If this checkbox is not ticked, then
Server Bind To there is no speci c IP address bound to (IP_ANY). This checkbox is unticked by default. Use this if your server
has multiple network addresses (eg, internal LAN, external internet, VPN) and you want to speci c the IP
address to serve your game on.
Server Bind
This eld is only visible when the Server Bind To IP checkbox is ticked. Use this to enter the speci c IP
address that the server should bind to.
When this is enabled, Unity checks that the clients and the server are using matching scripts. This is useful
to make sure outdated versions of your client are not connecting to the latest (updated) version of your
server. This checkbox is ticked by default. It does this by performing a (CRC check)
Script CRC
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check] between the server and client that ensures the
NetworkBehaviour scripts match. This may not be appropriate in some cases, such as when you are
intentionally using di erent Unity projects for the client and server. In most other cases however, you
should leave it enabled.
The maximum time in seconds to delay bu ered messages. The default of 0.01 seconds means packets are
Max Delay
delayed at most by 10 milliseconds. Setting this to zero disables HLAPI connection bu ering. This is set to
0.01 by default.
Max Bu ered The maximum number of packets that a NetworkConnection can bu er for each channel. This corresponds
to the ChannelOption.MaxPendingBu ers channel option. This is set to 16 by default.
This allows the NetworkConnection instances to fragment packets that are larger than maxPacketSize,
Fragmentation to up a maximum of 64K. This can cause delays in sending large packets. This checkbox is ticked by default.
The host address for the MatchMaker server. By default this points to the global Unity Multiplayer Service at
mm.unet.unity3d.com, and usually you should not need to change this. Unity automatically groups players
of your game into regional servers around the world, which ensures fast multiplayer response times
between players in the same region. This means, for example, that players from Europe, the US, and Asia
generally end up playing with other players from their same global region. You can override this value to
explicitly control which regional server your game connects to. You might want to do this via scripting if you
Host URI
want to give your players the option of joining a server outside of their global region. For example, if “Player
A” (in the US) wanted to connect to a match created via matchmaker by “Player B” (in Europe), they would
need to be able to set their desired global region in your game. Therefore you would need to write a UI
feature which allows them to select this. See API reference documentation on NetworkMatch.baseUri for
more information, and for the regional server URIs.
MatchMaker The host port for the Matchmaker server. By default this points to port 443, and usually you should not
need to change this.
Match Name De ne the name of the current match. This is set to “default” by default.
De ne the maximum number of players in the current match. This is set to 4 by default.
Match Size
You can expand this section of the inspector to access spawn-related settings, listed below
De ne the default prefab Unity should use to create player GameObjects on the server. Unity creates Player
GameObjects in the default handler for AddPlayer on the server. Implement (OnServerAddPlayer)
Player Prefab
[https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Networking.NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer.html] to
override this behaviour.

Auto Create
Player Spawn
Round Robin
Con guration

Tick this checkbox if you want Unity to automatically create player GameObjects on connect, and when the
Scene changes. This checkbox is ticked by default. Note that if you are using the MigrationManager and you
do not enable Auto Create Player, you need to call ClientScene.SendReconnectMessage when your client
De ne how Unity should decide where to spawn new player GameObjects. This is set to Random by default.
Choose Random to spawn players at randomly chosen startPositions.
Choose Round Robin to cycle through startPositions in a set list.
Use this list to add prefabs that you want the Network Manager to be aware of, so that it can spawn them.
You can also add and remove them via scripting.
Tick this checkbox to reveal advanced con guration options in the Network Manager Inspector window.
De ne the maximum number of concurrent network connections to support. This is set to 4 by default.

A list containing the di erent communication channels the current Network Manager has, and the Quality
Of Service (QoS) setting for each channel. Use this list to add or remove channels, and adjust their QoS
Qos Channels
setting. You can also con gure the channels via scripting. For the descriptions of each QoS option, see
Set the minimum time (in milliseconds) the network thread waits between sending network messages. The
network thread doesn’t send multiplayer network messages immediately. Instead, it check each connection
periodically at a xed rate to see if it has something to send. This is set to 10ms by default. See API
reference documentation on MinUpdateTimeout for more information.
De ne the amount of time (in milliseconds) Unity should wait while trying to connect before attempting the
connection again. This is set to 2000ms by default. See API reference documentation on ConnectTimeout for
more information.
Disconnect The amount of time (in milliseconds) before Unity considers a connection to be disconnected. This is set to
2000ms by default. See API reference documentation on DisconnectTimeout for more information.
The amount of time (in milliseconds) between sending pings (also known as “keep-alive” packets). The ping
timeout duration should be approximately one-third to one-quarter of the Disconnect Timeout duration, so
that Unity doesn’t assume that clients are disconnected until the server has failed to receive at least three
pings from the client. This is set to 500ms by default. See API reference documentation on
ConnectionCon g.PingTimeout for more information.
These settings relate to the Reactor. The Reactor is the part of the multiplayer system which receives
Global Con g network packets from the underlying operating system, and passes them into the multiplayer system for
The timeout duration in milliseconds, used by the Reactor. How the Reactor uses this value depends on
Awake Timeout which Reactor Model you select (see below). This is set to 1ms by default.
Choose which type of reactor to use. The reactor model de nes how Unity reads incoming packets. For
most games and applications, the default Select reactor is appropriate. If you want to trade a small delay in
the processing of network messages for lower CPU usage and improved battery life, use the Fix Rate
This model uses the select() API which means that the network thread “awakens” (becomes active) as
soon as a packet is available. Using this method means your game gets the data as fast as possible. This is
the default Reactor Model setting.
Fix Rate
This model lets the network thread sleep manually for a given amount of time (de ned by the value in
Thread Awake Timeout) before checking whether there are incoming packets waiting to be processed.
Max Recv
Set the maximum number of messages stored in the receive queue. This is set to 1024 messages by default.
Max Sent
Set the maximum number of messages stored in the send queue. This is set to 1024 messages by default.

Use Network
Packet Loss

Tick this checkbox to enable the usage of the network simulator. The network simulator introduces
simulated latency and packet loss based on the following settings:
The amount of delay in milliseconds to simulate.
The amount of packet loss to simulate in percent.

Network Proximity Checker

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The Network Proximity Checker component controls the visibility of GameObjects for network clients, based on
proximity to players.

The Network Proximity Checker component
Vis Range
De ne the range that the GameObject should be visible in.
Vis Update
De ne how often (in seconds) the GameObject should check for players entering its
visible range.
Check Method
De ne which type of physics (2D or 3D) to use for proximity checking.
Force Hidden
Tick this checkbox to hide this object from all players.
With the Network Proximity Checker, a game running on a client doesn’t have information about GameObjects that are
not visible. This has two main bene ts: it reduces the amount of data sent across the network, and it makes your game
more secure against hacking.
This component relies on physics to calculate visibility, so the GameObject must also have a collider component on it.
A GameObject with a Network Proximity Checker component must also have a Network Identity component. When you
create a Network Proximity Checker component on a GameObject, Unity also creates a Network Identity component on
that GameObject if it does not already have one.


Leave feedback

NetworkStartPosition is used by the NetworkManager when creating player objects. The position and rotation of
the NetworkStartPosition are used to place the newly created player object.

Network Transform

Leave feedback

The Network Transform component synchronizes the movement and rotation of GameObjects across the network. Note that
the network Transform component only synchronizes spawned networked GameObjects.

The Network Transform component
Set the number of network updates per second. You can set this slider to 0 for GameObjects that
Send Rate
do not need to update after being created, like non-interactive e ects generated by a player (for
example, a dust cloud left behind that the player cannot interact with).
Select what type of synchronization should occur on this GameObject.
Sync Mode
Sync None Don’t synchronize.
Use the GameObject’s Transform for synchronization. Use this if the physics system does not
control this GameObject (that is, if you are moving it via scripting or animation). This is the default
Use the Rigidbody2D component for synchronization. Use this if the 2D physics system controls
Rigidbody 2D this GameObject.
Use the Rigidbody component for synchronization. Use this if the 3D physics system controls this
Rigidbody 3D GameObject.
Use the Character Controller component for synchronization. Only select this if you’re using a
Character Controller.
Movement Set the distance that a GameObject can move without sending a movement synchronization
Set the threshold at which, if a movement update puts a GameObject further from its current
position than this, the GameObject snaps to the position instead of moving smoothly.
Interpolate Use this to enable and control interpolation of the synchronized movement. The larger this
Movement number is, the faster the GameObject interpolates to the target position. If this is set to 0, the
GameObject snaps to the new position.
De ne which rotation axis or axes should synchronize. This is set to XYZ (full 3D) by default.
Interpolate Use this to enable and control interpolation of the synchronized rotation. The larger this number
is, the faster the GameObject interpolates to the target rotation. If this is set to 0, the GameObject
snaps to the new rotation.
Compress If you compress rotation data, the amount of data sent is lower, and the accuracy of the rotation
synchronization is lower.
Choose this to apply no compression to the rotation synchronization. This is the default option.


Choose this to apply a low amount of compression to the rotation synchronization. This option
lessens the amount of information sent for rotation data.
Choose this to apply a high amount of compression to the rotation synchronization. This option
sends the least amount of information possible for rotation data.
Tick this checkbox to synchronize the angular velocity of the attached Rigidbody component.

This component takes authority into account, so local player GameObjects (which have local authority) synchronize their position
from the client to server, then out to other clients. Other GameObjects (with server authority) synchronize their position from the
server to clients.
A GameObject with a Network Transform component must also have a Network Identity component. When you create a
Network Transform component on a GameObject, Unity also creates a Network Identity component on that GameObject if it does
not already have one.
Note that the Network Transform Visualizer component is a useful tool for debugging the Network Transform component.

Network Transform Child

Leave feedback

The Network Transform Child component synchronizes the position and rotation of the child GameObject of a GameObject
with a Network Transform component. You should use this component in situations where you need to synchronize an
independently-moving child object of a Networked GameObject.
To use the Network Transform Child component, attach it to the same parent GameObject as the Network Transform, and use
the Target eld to de ne which child GameObject to apply the component settings to. You can have multiple Network
Transform Child components on one parent GameObject.

The Network Transform Child component
Property Function
|Set the number of network updates per second.
You can set this slider to 0 for GameObjects that do
not need to update after being created, like nonSend Rate
interactive e ects generated by a player (for
example, a dust cloud left behind that the player
cannot interact with).| |Target|
|Set the distance that a GameObject can move
without sending a movement synchronization
update.| |Interpolate Movement Factor|
|Use this to enable and control interpolation of the
Interpolate synchronized rotation. The larger this number is,
Rotation the faster the GameObject interpolates to the
target rotation. If this is set to 0, the GameObject
snaps to the new rotation.| |Rotation Axis|
|If you compress rotation data, the amount of data
sent is lower, and the accuracy of the rotation
synchronization is lower.| | None|


Child transform to be synchronized.
(Remember, this component goes on the
parent, not the child - so you specify the
child object using this eld).
Use this to enable and control
interpolation of the synchronized
movement. The larger this number is, the
faster the GameObject interpolates to the
target position. If this is set to 0, the
GameObject snaps to the new position.
De ne which rotation axis or axes should
synchronize. This is set to XYZ (full 3D) by

Choose this to apply no compression to
the rotation synchronization. This is the
default option.
Choose this to apply a high amount of
|Choose this to apply a low amount of compression
compression to the rotation
to the rotation synchronization. This option lessens
synchronization. This option sends the
the amount of information sent for rotation data.|
least amount of information possible for
| High|
rotation data.

This component does not use physics; it synchronizes the position and rotation of the child GameObject, and interpolates
towards updated values. Use Interpolate Movement Factor and Interpolate Rotation Factor to customize the rate of
A GameObject with a Network Transform Child component must also have a Network Identity component. When you create a
Network Transform Child component on a GameObject, Unity also creates a Network Identity component on that GameObject
if it does not already have one.

Network Transform Visualizer

Leave feedback

The Network Transform Visualizer is a utility component that allows you to visualize the interpolation of GameObjects that
use the Network Transform component. To use it, add it to a GameObject that already has a Network Transform component,
and assign a Prefab in the Inspector. The Prefab can be anything you choose, it will be used as a visual representation of the
incoming transform data for GameObject.
GameObjects with local authority (such as the local player) are not interpolated, and therefore won’t show a visualizer
GameObject. The visualizer will only show other Networked GameObjects controlled by other computers on the network (such
as other players).

The Network Transform Visualizer component
The Network Transform Visualizer component in the Inspector window

Visualizer Prefab De ne the Prefab used to visualize the target position of the network transform.
When the game is playing, the Prefab is instantiated as the “visualizer” GameObject. When the Network Transform GameObject
moves, the visualizer GameObject is displayed at the target position of the Network Transform.
You can choose whatever you like to be the visualizer prefab. In the example below, a semi-transparent magenta cube is used.

In this image the Network Transform Visualizer is showing the incoming transform data for a remote player in
the game, represented by the magenta cube.
It usually appears to be moving a little ahead of - but less smoothly than - the Network Transform GameObject. This is because
it is showing you the raw positional data coming in directly from the network, rather than using interpolation to smoothly reach
each new target position.

This animation shows that the incoming network tranform data is slightly ahead but less smooth than the
interpolated position of the networked GameObject
A GameObject with a Network Transform Visualizer component must also have a Network Identity component. When you
create a Network Transform Visualizer component on a GameObject, Unity also creates a Network Transform component and a
Network Identity component on that GameObject if it does not already have one.
Note: Make sure the prefab you choose to use as your visualization GameObject does not have a collider attached, or anything
else that could a ect the gameplay of your game!

Multiplayer Classes Reference

Leave feedback

You can create scripts which inherit from these classes to customise the way Unity’s networking works.

The NetworkBehaviour class works with GameObjects that have a Network Identity component. These scripts
can perform high-level API functions such as Commands, ClientRPCs, SyncEvents and SyncVars.
The NetworkClient class manages a network connection from a client to a server, and can send and receive
messages between the client and the server.
The NetworkConnection encapsulates a network connection. (NetworkClient)[class-NetworkClient] objects have a
NetworkConnection, and NetworkServers have multiple connections - one from each client.
NetworkConnections have the ability to send byte arrays, or serialized objects as network messages.
The NetworkServer manages connections from multiple clients, and provides game-related functionality such as
spawning, local clients, and player manager.
The NetworkServerSimple is a basic server class with no game-related functionality. While the NetworkServer
class handles game-like things such as spawning, local clients, and player manager, and has a static interface, the
NetworkServerSimple class is a pure network server with no game related functionality. It also has no static
interface or singleton, so more than one instance can exist in a process at a time.


Leave feedback

NetworkBehaviour scripts work with GameObjects that have a Network Identity component. These scripts can
perform high-level API functions such as Commands, ClientRPCs, SyncEvents and SyncVars.
With the server-authoritative system of the Unity Network System, the server must use the NetworkServer.Spawn
function to spawn GameObjects with Network Identity components. Spawning them this way assigns them a
NetworkInstanceId and creates them on clients connected to the server.
Note: This is not a component that you can add to a GameObject directly. Instead, you must create a script which
inherits from NetworkBehaviour (instead of the default MonoBehaviour), then you can add your script as a
component to a GameObject.


Returns true if this GameObject is the one that represents the player on
the local client.
Returns true if this GameObject is running on the server, and has been
Returns true if this GameObject is on the client and has been spawned
by the server.
Returns true if this GameObject is the authoritative version of the
GameObject, meaning it is the source for changes to be synchronized.
For most GameObjects, this returns true on the server. However, if the
localPlayerAuthority value on the NetworkIdentity is true, the authority
rests with that player’s client, and this value is true on that client instead
of on the server.
The unique network ID of this GameObject. The server assigns this at
runtime. It is unique for all GameObjects in that network session.
The ID of the player associated with this NetworkBehaviour script. This is
only valid if the object is a local player.
The NetworkConnection associated with the Network Identity
connectionToServer component attached to this GameObject. This is only valid for
player objects on the client.
The NetworkConnection associated with the Network Identity
connectionToClient component attached to this GameObject. This is only valid for player
GameObjects on the server.
This value is set on the Network Identity component and is accessible
from the NetworkBehaviour script for convenient access in scripts.
NetworkBehaviour scripts have the following features:
Synchronized variables
Network callbacks
Server and client functions

Sending commands
Client RPC calls
Networked events

Synchronized variables
You can synchronize member variables of NetworkBehaviour scripts from the server to clients. The server is
authoritative in this system, so synchronization only takes place in the direction of server to client.
Use the SyncVar attribute to tag member variables as synchronized. Synchronized variables can be any basic type
(bool, byte, sbyte, char, decimal, double, oat, int, uint, long, ulong, short, ushort, string), but not classes, lists, or
other collections.

public class SpaceShip : NetworkBehaviour
public int health;

public string playerName;

When the value of a SyncVar changes on the server, the server automatically sends the new value to all ready
clients in the game, and updates the corresponding SyncVar values on those clients. When GameObjects spawn,
they are created on the client with the latest state of all SyncVar attributes from the server.
Note: To make a request from a client to the server, you need to use commands, not synchronized variables. See
documentation on Sending commands for more information.

Network callbacks
There are built-in callback functions which are invoked on NetworkBehaviour scripts for various network events.
These are virtual functions on the base class, so you can override them in your own code like this:

public class SpaceShip : NetworkBehaviour
public override void OnStartServer()
// disable client stuff
public override void OnStartClient()
// register client events, enable effects

The built-in callbacks are:
OnStartServer - called when a GameObject spawns on the server, or when the server is started for GameObjects
in the Scene
OnStartClient - called when the GameObject spawns on the client, or when the client connects to a server for
GameObjects in the Scene
OnSerialize - called to gather state to send from the server to clients
OnDeSerialize - called to apply state to GameObjects on clients
OnNetworkDestroy - called on clients when the server destroys the GameObject
OnStartLocalPlayer - called on clients for player GameObjects on the local client (only)

OnRebuildObservers - called on the server when the set of observers for a GameObjects is rebuilt
OnSetLocalVisibility - called on the client and/or server when the visibility of a GameObject changes for the local
OnCheckObserver - called on the server to check visibility state for a new client
Note that in a peer-hosted setup, when one of the clients is acting as both host and client, both OnStartServer
and OnStartClient are called on the same GameObject. Both these functions are useful for actions that are
speci c to either the client or server, such as suppressing e ects on a server, or setting up client-side events.

Server and Client functions
You can tag member functions in NetworkBehaviour scripts with custom attributes to designate them as serveronly or client-only functions. For example:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class SimpleSpaceShip : NetworkBehaviour
int health;
public void TakeDamage( int amount)
// will only work on server
health ­= amount;
void Update()
// engine invoked callback ­ will only run on server

void ShowExplosion()
// will only run on client
void Update()
// engine invoked callback ­ will only run on client


[Server] and [ServerCallback] return immediately if the client is not active. Likewise, [Client] and
[ClientCallback] return immediately if the server is not active.
The [Server] and [Client] attributes are for your own custom callback functions. They do not generate
compile time errors, but they do emit a warning log message if called in the wrong scope.
The [ServerCallback] and [ClientCallback] attributes are for built-in callback functions that are called
automatically by Unity. These attributes do not cause a warning to be generated.
For more information, see API reference documentation on the attributes discussed:

Sending commands
To execute code on the server, you must use commands. The high-level API is a server-authoritative system, so
commands are the only way for a client to trigger some code on the server.
Only player GameObjects can send commands.
When client player GameObject sends a command, that command runs on the corresponding player GameObject
on the server. This routing happens automatically, so it is impossible for a client to send a command for a
di erent player.
To de ne a command in your code, you must write a function which has:
A name that begins with Cmd
The [Command] attribute
For example:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.__Networking__;
public class SpaceShip : NetworkBehaviour
bool alive;

float thrusting;
int spin;
void Update()
// This code executes on the client, gathering input
int spin = 0;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
spin += 1;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
spin ­= 1;

// This line triggers the code to run on the server
CmdThrust(Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), spin);
public void CmdThrust(float thrusting, int spin)
// This code executes on the server after Update() is
// called from below.
if (!alive)
this.thrusting = 0;
this.spin = 0;
this.thrusting = thrusting;
this.spin = spin;

Commands are called just by invoking the function normally on the client. Instead of the command function
running on the client, it is automatically invoked on the corresponding player GameObject on the server.
Commands are type-safe, have built-in security and routing to the player, and use an e cient serialization
mechanism for the arguments to make calling them fast.

Client RPC calls
Client RPC calls are a way for server GameObjects to make things happen on client GameObjects.
Client RPC calls are not restricted to player GameObjects, and may be called on any GameObject with a Network
Identity component.
To de ne a client RPC call in your code, you must write a function which:
Has a name that begins with Rpc
Has the [ClientRPC] attribute
For example:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class SpaceShipRpc : NetworkBehaviour
void Update()
// This is code run on the server
int value = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,100);
if (value < 10)
// This invoke the RpcDoOnClient function on all clients
public void RpcDoOnClient(int foo)
// This code will run on all clients
Debug.Log("OnClient " + foo);

Networked events
Networked events are like Client RPC calls, but instead of calling a function on the GameObject, they trigger
Events instead.
This allows you to write scripts which can register for a callback when an event is triggered.
To de ne a Networked event in your code, you must write a function which both:
Has a name that begins with Event
Has the [SyncEvent] attribute
You can use events to build powerful networked game systems that can be extended by other scripts. This
example shows how an e ect script on the client can respond to events generated by a combat script on the
SyncEvent is the base class that Commands and ClientRPC calls are derived from. You can use the SyncEvent
attribute on your own functions to make your own event-driven networked gameplay code. Using SyncEvent, you
can extend Unity’s Multiplayer features to better t your own programming patterns. For example:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
// Server script
public class MyCombat : NetworkBehaviour
public delegate void TakeDamageDelegate(int amount);
public delegate void DieDelegate();
public delegate void RespawnDelegate();
float deathTimer;
bool alive;
int health;
public event TakeDamageDelegate EventTakeDamage;
public event DieDelegate EventDie;
public event RespawnDelegate EventRespawn;

void Update()
// Check if it is time to Respawn
if (!alive)
if (Time.time > deathTimer)
void Respawn()
alive = true;

// send respawn event to all clients from the Server

void EventTakeDamage(int amount)
if (!alive)
if (health > amount) {
health ­= amount;
health = 0;
alive = false;

// send die event to all clients
deathTimer = Time.time + 5.0f;



Leave feedback

NetworkClient is a high-level API class that manages a network connection from a client to a server, and can
send and receive messages between the client and the server. The NetworkClient class also helps to manage
spawned network GameObjects, and routing of RPC message and network events.
See the NetworkClient script reference for more information.

The IP address of the server that this client is connected to.
The port of the server that this client is connected to.
connection The NetworkConnection GameObject this NetworkClient instance is using.
The set of registered message handler functions.
numChannels The number of con gured NetworkTransport QoS channels.
isConnected True if the client is connected to a server.
List of active NetworkClients (static).
True if any NetworkClients are active (static).


Leave feedback

NetworkConnection is a high-level API class that encapsulates a network connection. (NetworkClient)[classNetworkClient] objects have a NetworkConnection, and NetworkServers have multiple connections - one from
each client. NetworkConnections have the ability to send byte arrays, or serialized objects as network messages.

The NetworkTransport hostId for this connection.
The NetworkTransport connectionId for this connection.
Flag to control whether state updates are sent to this connection
The last time that a message was received on this connection.
The IP address of the end-point that this connection is connected to.
The set of players that have been added with AddPlayer().
clientOwnedObjects The set of objects that this connection has authority over.
The NetworkConnection class has virtual functions that are called when data is sent to the transport layer or
recieved from the transport layer. These functions allow specialized versions of NetworkConnection to inspect or
modify this data, or even route it to di erent sources. These function are show below, including the default

public virtual void TransportRecieve(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId)
HandleBytes(bytes, numBytes, channelId);
public virtual bool TransportSend(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId, out
return NetworkTransport.Send(hostId, connectionId, channelId, bytes, numByte

An example use of these function is to log the contents of incoming and outgoing packets. Below is an example of
a DebugConnection class that is derived from NetworkConnection that logs the rst 50 bytes of packets to the
console. To use a class like this call the SetNetworkConnectionClass() function on a NetworkClient or

class DebugConnection : NetworkConnection
public override void TransportRecieve(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channe
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)

var s = String.Format("{0:X2}", bytes[i]);
if (i > 50) break;
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("TransportRecieve h:" + hostId + " con:" + connect
HandleBytes(bytes, numBytes, channelId);
public override bool TransportSend(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
var s = String.Format("{0:X2}", bytes[i]);
if (i > 50) break;
h:" + hostId + " con:" + connect
return NetworkTransport.Send(hostId, connectionId, channelId, bytes, num


Leave feedback

NetworkServer is a High-Level-API class that manages connections from multiple clients.


Checks if the server has been started.
A list of all the current connections from clients.
If you enable this, the server will not listen for incoming connections on
the regular network port.
Dictionary of the message handlers registered with the server.
The host topology that the server is using.
The port that the server is listening on.
True if a local client is currently active on the server.
A list of local connections on the server.
The maximum delay before sending packets on connections.
networkConnectionClass The class to be used when creating new network connections.
The number of channels the network is con gure with.
This is a dictionary of networked objects that have been spawned on the
The transport layer hostId used by this server.
This makes the server listen for WebSockets connections instead of
normal transport layer connections.


Leave feedback

NetworkServerSimple is a High Level API (HLAPI) class that manages connections from multiple clients. While the
NetworkServer class handles game-like things such as spawning, local clients, and player manager, and has a
static interface, the NetworkServerSimple class is a pure network server with no game related functionality. It also
has no static interface or singleton, so more than one instance can exist in a process at a time.
The NetworkServer class uses an instance of NetworkServerSimple internally to do connection management.


The set of active connections to remote clients. This is a sparse array
where NetworkConnect objects reside at the index of their
connectionId. There may be nulls in this array for recently closed
connections. The connection at index zero may be the connection from
the local client.
The set of registered message handler function.
networkConnectionClass The type of NetworkConnection object to create for new connections.
The host topology object that this server used to con gure the transport
The network port that the server is listening on.
The transport layer hostId associated with this server instance.


Leave feedback

UnityWebRequest provides a modular system for composing HTTP requests and handling HTTP responses. The
primary goal of the UnityWebRequest system is to allow Unity games to interact with web browser back-ends. It
also supports high-demand features such as chunked HTTP requests, streaming POST/PUT operations, and full
control over HTTP headers and verbs.
The system consists of two layers:

A High-Level API (HLAPI) wraps the Low-Level API and provides a convenient interface for
performing common operations
A Low-Level API (LLAPI) provides maximum exibility for more advanced users

Supported platforms

The UnityWebRequest system supports most Unity platforms:

All versions of the Editor and Standalone players
Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
Universal Windows Platform
PS4 and PSVita
Nintendo Switch


The UnityWebRequest ecosystem breaks down an HTTP transaction into three distinct operations:

Supplying data to the server
Receiving data from the server
HTTP ow control (for example, redirects and error handling)
To provide a better interface for advanced users, these operations are each governed by their own objects:

An UploadHandler object handles transmission of data to the server
A DownloadHandler object handles receipt, bu ering and postprocessing of data received from
the server
A UnityWebRequest object manages the other two objects, and also handles HTTP ow control.
This object is where custom headers and URLs are de ned, and where error and redirect
information is stored.

For any HTTP transaction, the normal code ow is:

Create a Web Request object
Con gure the Web Request object
Set custom headers
Set HTTP verb (such as GET, POST, HEAD - custom verbs are permitted on all platforms except for
(Optional) Create an Upload Handler and attach it to the Web Request
Provide data to be uploaded
Provide HTTP form to be uploaded
(Optional) Create a Download Handler and attach it to the Web Request
Send the Web Request
If inside a coroutine, you may Yield the result of the Send() call to wait for the request to complete
(Optional) Read received data from the Download Handler
(Optional) Read error information, HTTP status code and response headers from the
UnityWebRequest object

• 2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

Common operations: using the HLAPI

Leave feedback

This section details the options available in the High-Level API and the scenarios they are intended to address.

Retrieving text or binary data from an HTTP server (GET)
Retrieving a Texture from an HTTP server (GET)
Downloading an AssetBundle from an HTTP server (GET)
Sending a form to an HTTP server (POST)
Uploading raw data to an HTTP server (PUT)

Retrieving text or binary data from an
HTTP Server (GET)

Leave feedback

To retrieve simple data such as textual data or binary data from a standard HTTP or HTTPS web server, use the
UnityWebRequest.GET call. This function takes a single string as an argument, with the string specifying the URL from which
data is retrieved.
This function is analogous to the standard WWW constructor:

WWW myWww = new WWW("http://www.myserver.com/foo.txt");
// ... is analogous to ...
UnityWebRequest myWr = UnityWebRequest.Get("http://www.myserver.com/foo.txt");

This function creates a UnityWebRequest and sets the target URL to the string argument. It sets no other
custom ags or headers.
By default, this function attaches a standard DownloadHandlerBuffer to the UnityWebRequest. This
handler bu ers the data received from the server and make it available to your scripts when the request is
By default, this function attaches no UploadHandler to the UnityWebRequest. You can attach one manually
if you wish.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator GetText() {
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("http://www.my­server.com");
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
else {
// Show results as text
// Or retrieve results as binary data
byte[] results = www.downloadHandler.data;


Retrieving a Texture from an HTTP
Server (GET)

Leave feedback

To retrieve a Texture le from a remote server, you can use UnityWebRequest.Texture. This function is very
similar to UnityWebRequest.GET but is optimized for downloading and storing textures e ciently.
This function takes a single string as an argument. The string speci es the URL from which you wish to download
an image le for use as a Texture.

This function creates a UnityWebRequest and sets the target URL to the string argument. This
function sets no other ags or custom headers.
This function attaches a DownloadHandlerTexture object to the UnityWebRequest.
DownloadHandlerTexture is a specialized Download Handler which is optimized for storing images
which are to be used as Textures in the Unity Engine. Using this class signi cantly reduces memory
reallocation compared with downloading raw bytes and creating a Texture manually in script.
By default, this function does not attach an Upload Handler. You can add one manually if you wish.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator GetTexture() {
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture("http://www.my­s
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
else {
Texture myTexture = ((DownloadHandlerTexture)www.downloadHandler).te

Alternatively, you can implement GetTexture using a helper getter:

IEnumerator GetTexture() {
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture("http://www.my­s
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
Texture myTexture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(www);

Downloading an AssetBundle from an Leave feedback
HTTP server (GET)
To download an AssetBundle from a remote server, you can use UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle. This
function streams data into an internal bu er, which decodes and decompresses the AssetBundle’s data on a
worker thread.
The function’s arguments take several forms. In its simplest form, it takes only the URL from which the
AssetBundle should be downloaded. You may optionally provide a checksum to verify the integrity of the
downloaded data.
Alternately, if you wish to use the AssetBundle caching system, you may provide either a version number or a
Hash128 data structure. These are identical to the version numbers or Hash128 objects provided to the old
system via WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.

This function creates a UnityWebRequest and sets the target URL to the supplied URL argument. It
also sets the HTTP verb to GET, but sets no other ags or custom headers.
This function attaches a DownloadHandlerAssetBundle to the UnityWebRequest. This
download handler has a special assetBundle property, which can be used to extract the
AssetBundle once enough data has been downloaded and decoded to permit access to the
resources inside the AssetBundle.
If you supply a version number or Hash128 object as arguments, it also passes those arguments to
the DownloadHandlerAssetBundle. The download handler then employs the caching system.


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator GetAssetBundle() {
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle("http://www.my­serv
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
else {
AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(www);


Sending a form to an HTTP server

Leave feedback

There are two primary functions for sending data to a server formatted as a HTML form. If you are migrating over
from the WWW system, see Using WWWForm, below.

Using IMultipartFormSection
To provide greater control over how you specify your form data, the UnityWebRequest system contains a userimplementable IMultipartFormSection interface. For standard applications, Unity also provides default
implementations for data and le sections: MultipartFormDataSection and MultipartFormFileSection.
An overload of UnityWebRequest.POST accepts, as a second parameter, a List argument, whose members must
all be IMultipartFormSections. The function signature is:

WebRequest.Post(string url, List formSections);

This function creates a UnityWebRequest and sets the target URL to the rst string parameter. It
also sets the Content-Type header of the UnityWebRequest appropriately for the form data
speci ed in the list of IMultipartFormSection objects.
This function, by default, attaches a DownloadHandlerBuffer to the UnityWebRequest. This is
for convenience - you can use this to check your server’s replies.
Similar to the WWWForm POST function, this HLAPI function calls each supplied
IMultipartFormSection in turn and formats them into a standard multipart form as speci ed in
RFC 2616.
The preformatted form data is stored in a standard UploadHandlerRaw object, which is then
attached to the UnityWebRequest. As a result, changes to the IMultipartFormSection objects
performed after the UnityWebRequest.POST call are not re ected in the data sent to the server.


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class MyBehavior : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator Upload() {

List formData = new List()
formData.Add( new MultipartFormDataSection("field1=foo&field2=bar") );
formData.Add( new MultipartFormFileSection("my file data", "myfile.txt")
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post("http://www.my­server.com/myf
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
else {
Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");

Using WWWForm (Legacy function)
To help migrate from the WWW system, the UnityWebRequest system permits you to use the old WWWForm
object to provide form data.
In this case, the function signature is:

WebRequest.Post(string url, WWWForm formData);

This function creates a new UnityWebRequest and sets the target URL to the rst string
argument’s value. It also reads any custom headers generated by the WWWForm argument (such as
Content-Type) and copies them into the UnityWebRequest.
This function, by default, attaches a DownloadHandlerBuffer to the UnityWebRequest. This is
for convenience - you can use this to check your server’s replies.
This function reads the raw data generated by the WWWForm object and bu ers it in an
UploadHandlerRaw object, which is attached to the UnityWebRequest. Therefore, changes to the
WWWForm object after calling UnityWebRequest.POST do not alter the contents of the


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MyBehavior : public MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator Upload() {
WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
form.AddField("myField", "myData");
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post("http://www.my­server.com/myf
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
else {
Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");

Uploading raw data to an HTTP server Leave feedback
Some modern web applications prefer that les be uploaded via the HTTP PUT verb. For this scenario, Unity
provides the UnityWebRequest.PUT function.
This function takes two arguments. The rst argument is a string and speci es the target URL for the request. The
second argument may be either a string or a byte array, and speci es the payload data to be sent to the server.
Function signatures:

WebRequest.Put(string url, string data);
WebRequest.Put(string url, byte[] data);

This function creates a UnityWebRequest and sets the content type to application/octet­
This function attaches a standard DownloadHandlerBuffer to the UnityWebRequest. As with
the POST functions, you can use this to return result data from your applications.
This function stores the input upload data in a standard UploadHandlerRaw object and attaches it
to the UnityWebRequest. As a result, if using the byte[] function, changes made to the byte
array performed after the UnityWebRequest.PUT call are not re ected in the data uploaded to
the server.


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class MyBehavior : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator Upload() {
byte[] myData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is some test da
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Put("http://www.my­server.com/uplo
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {

else {
Debug.Log("Upload complete!");

Advanced operations: Using the LLAPI Leave feedback
While the HLAPI is designed to minimize boilerplate code, the Low-Level API (LLAPI) is designed to permit
maximum exibility. In general, using the LLAPI involves creating UnityWebRequests then creating appropriate
DownloadHandlers or UploadHandlersand attaching them to your UnityWebRequests.
This section details the options available in the Low-Level API and the scenarios they are intended to address:

Creating UnityWebRequests
Creating UploadHandlers
Creating DownloadHandlers
Note that the HLAPI and LLAPI are not mutually exclusive. You can always customize UnityWebRequest objects
created via the HLAPI if you need to tweak a common scenario.
For full details on each of the objects described in this section, please refer to the Unity Scripting API.

Creating UnityWebRequests

Leave feedback

WebRequests can be instantiated like any other object. Two constructors are available:

The standard, parameter-less constructor creates a new UnityWebRequest with all settings blank or
default. The target URL is not set, no custom headers are set, and the redirect limit is set to 32.
The second constructor takes a string argument. It assigns the UnityWebRequest’s target URL to the
value of the string argument, and is otherwise identical to the parameter-less constructor.
Multiple other properties are available for setting up, tracking status and checking result or UnityWebRequest.

UnityWebRequest wr = new UnityWebRequest(); // Completely blank
UnityWebRequest wr2 = new UnityWebRequest("http://www.mysite.com"); // Target UR
// the following two are required to web requests to work
wr.url = "http://www.mysite.com";
wr.method = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET;
// can be set to any custom method,
wr.useHttpContinue = false;
wr.chunkedTransfer = false;
wr.redirectLimit = 0; // disable redirects
wr.timeout = 60;
// don't make this small, web requests do take some time

Creating UploadHandlers

Leave feedback

Currently, only one type of upload handler is available: UploadHandlerRaw. This class accepts a data bu er at
construction time. This bu er is copied internally into native code memory and then used by the
UnityWebRequest system when the remote server is ready to accept body data.
Upload Handlers also accept a Content Type string. This string is used for the value of the UnityWebRequest’s
Content­Type header if you set no Content­Type header on the UnityWebRequest itself. If you manually set a
Content­Type header on the UnityWebRequest object, the Content­Type on the Upload Handler object is
If you do not set a Content­Type on either the UnityWebRequest or the UploadHandler, the system defaults to
setting a Content­Type of application/octet­stream.
UnityWebRequest has a property disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose, which defaults to true. If this property is
true, when UnityWebRequest object is disposed, Dispose() will also be called on attached upload handler
rendering it useless. If you keep a reference to upload handler longer than the reference to UnityWebRequest,
you should set disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose to false.

byte[] payload = new byte[1024];
// ... fill payload with data ...
UnityWebRequest wr = new UnityWebRequest("http://www.mysite.com/data­upload");
UploadHandler uploader = new UploadHandlerRaw(payload);
// Sends header: "Content­Type: custom/content­type";
uploader.contentType = "custom/content­type";
wr.uploadHandler = uploader;

Creating DownloadHandlers

Leave feedback

There are several types of DownloadHandlers:

DownloadHandlerBuffer is used for simple data storage.
DownloadHandlerFile is used for downloading and saving le to disk with low memory footprint.
DownloadHandlerTexture is used for downloading images.
DownloadHandlerAssetBundle is used for fetching AssetBundles.
DownloadHandlerAudioClip is used for downloading audio les.
DownloadHandlerMovieTexture is used for downloading video les. It is recommended that you
use VideoPlayer for video download and movie playback since MovieTexture is soon to be
DownloadHandlerScript is a special class. On its own, it does nothing. However, this class can be
inherited by a user-de ned class. This class receives callbacks from the UnityWebRequest system,
which can then be used to perform completely custom handling of data as it arrives from the
The APIs are similar to DownloadHandlerTexture’s interface.
UnityWebRequest has a property disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose, which defaults to true. If this
property is true, when UnityWebRequest object is disposed, Dispose() will also be called on attached download
handler rendering it useless. If you keep a reference to download handler longer than the reference to
UnityWebRequest, you should set disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose to false.

DownloadHandlerBu er
This Download Handler is the simplest, and handles the majority of use cases. It stores received data in a native
code bu er. When the download is complete, you can access the bu ered data either as an array of bytes or as a
text string.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.__Networking__;
using System.Collections;

public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator GetText() {
UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest("http://www.my­server.com");
www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();
yield return www.SendWebRequest();

if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
else {
// Show results as text
// Or retrieve results as binary data
byte[] results = www.downloadHandler.data;

This is a special download handler for large les. It writes downloaded bytes directly to le, so the memory usage
is low regardless of the size of the le being downloaded. The distinction from other download handlers is that
you cannot get data out of this one, all data is saved to a le.



public class FileDownloader : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
IEnumerator DownloadFile() {
var uwr = new UnityWebRequest("https://unity3d.com/", UnityWebRequest.kH
string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "unity3d.html
uwr.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(path);
yield return uwr.SendWebRequest();
if (uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError)
Debug.Log("File successfully downloaded and saved to " + path);

Instead of using a DownloadHandlerBuffer to download an image le and then creating a texture from the raw
bytes using Texture.LoadImage, it’s more e cient to use DownloadHandlerTexture.
This Download Handler stores received data in a UnityEngine.Texture. On download completion, it decodes
JPEGs and PNGs into valid UnityEngine.Texture objects. Only one copy of the UnityEngine.Texture is
created per DownloadHandlerTexture object. This reduces performance hits from garbage collection. The
handler performs bu ering, decompression and texture creation in native code. Additionally, decompression and
texture creation are performed on a worker thread instead of the main thread, which can improve frame time
when loading large textures.
Finally, DownloadHandlerTexture only allocates managed memory when nally creating the Texture itself,
which eliminates the garbage collection overhead associated with performing the byte-to-texture conversion in

The following example downloads a PNG le from the internet, converts it to a Sprite, and assigns it to an image:



public class ImageDownloader : MonoBehaviour {
UnityEngine.UI.Image _img;
void Start () {
_img = GetComponent();
public void Download(string url) {
IEnumerator LoadFromWeb(string url)
UnityWebRequest wr = new UnityWebRequest(url);
DownloadHandlerTexture texDl = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true);
wr.downloadHandler = texDl;

yield return wr.SendWebRequest();
if(!(wr.isNetworkError || wr.isHttpError)) {
Texture2D t = texDl.texture;
__Sprite__ s = __Sprite__.Create(t, new Rect(0, 0, t.width, t.height
Vector2.zero, 1f);
_img.sprite = s;

The advantage to this specialized Download Handler is that it is capable of streaming data to Unity’s AssetBundle
system. Once the AssetBundle system has received enough data, the AssetBundle is available as a
UnityEngine.AssetBundle object. Only one copy of the UnityEngine.AssetBundle object is created. This
considerably reduces run-time memory allocation as well as the memory impact of loading your AssetBundle. It
also allows AssetBundles to be partially used while not fully downloaded, so you can stream Assets.
All downloading and decompression occurs on worker threads.
AssetBundles are downloaded via a DownloadHandlerAssetBundle object, which has a special assetBundle
property to retrieve the AssetBundle.
Due to the way the AssetBundle system works, all AssetBundle must have an address associated with them.
Generally, this is the nominal URL at which they’re located (meaning the URL before any redirects). In almost all
cases, you should pass in the same URL as you passed to the UnityWebRequest. When using the High Level API
(HLAPI), this is done for you.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
IEnumerator GetAssetBundle() {
UnityWebRequest www = new UnityWebRequest("http://www.my­server.com");
DownloadHandlerAssetBundle handler = new DownloadHandlerAssetBundle(www.
www.downloadHandler = handler;
yield return www.SendWebRequest();

if(www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
else {
// Extracts AssetBundle
AssetBundle bundle = handler.assetBundle;

This download handler is optimized to for downloading audio les. Instead of downloading raw bytes using
DownloadHandlerBuffer and then creating AudioClip out of them, you can use this download handler to do it
in a more convenient way.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class AudioDownloader : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
IEnumerator GetAudioClip() {
using (var uwr = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip("http://myserver
yield return uwr.SendWebRequest();
if (uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError) {
yield break;
AudioClip clip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(uwr);
// use audio clip

Note: MovieTexture will be deprecated. You should use VideoPlayer for video download and movie playback.
This download handler is optimized to for downloading video les. Instead of downloading raw bytes using
DownloadHandlerBuffer and then creating MovieTexture out of them, you can use this download handler to
do it in a more convenient way.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class MovieDownloader : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
IEnumerator GetAudioClip() {
using (var uwr = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetMovieTexture("http://myser
yield return uwr.SendWebRequest();
if (uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError) {
yield break;
MovieTexture movie = DownloadHandlerMovieTexture.GetContent(uwr);
// use movie texture

For users who require full control over the processing of downloaded data, Unity provides the
DownloadHandlerScript class.
By default, instances of this class do nothing. However, if you derive your own classes from
DownloadHandlerScript, you may override certain functions and use them to receive callbacks as data arrives
from the network.

Note: The actual downloads occur on a worker thread, but all DownloadHandlerScript callbacks operate on
the main thread. Avoid performing computationally heavy operations during these callbacks.

Functions to override
protected void ReceiveContentLength(long contentLength);

This function is called when the Content-Length header is received. Note that this callback may occur multiple
times if your server sends one or more redirect responses over the course of processing your UnityWebRequest.

protected void OnContentComplete();

This function is called when the UnityWebRequest has fully downloaded all data from the server, and has
forwarded all received data to the ReceiveData callback.

protected bool ReceiveData(byte[] data, long dataLength);

This function is called after data has arrived from the remote server, and is called once per frame. The data
argument contains the raw bytes received from the remote server, and dataLength indicates the length of new
data in the data array.
When not using pre-allocated data bu ers, the system creates a new byte array each time it calls this callback,
and dataLength is always equal to data.Length. When using pre-allocated data bu ers, the data bu er is
reused, and dataLength must be used to nd the number of updated bytes.
This function requires a return value of either true or false. If you return false, the system immediately aborts
the UnityWebRequest. If you return true, processing continues normally.

Avoiding garbage collection overhead
Many of Unity’s more advanced users are concerned with reducing CPU spikes due to garbage collection. For
these users, the UnityWebRequest system permits the pre-allocation of a managed-code byte array, which is used
to deliver downloaded data to DownloadHandlerScript’s ReceiveData callback.

Using this function completely eliminates managed-code memory allocation when using DownloadHandlerScriptderived classes to capture downloaded data.
To make a DownloadHandlerScript operate with a pre-allocated managed bu er, supply a byte array to the
constructor of DownloadHandlerScript.
Note: The size of the byte array limits the amount of data delivered to the ReceiveData callback each frame. If
your data arrives slowly, over many frames, you may have provided too small of a byte array.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class LoggingDownloadHandler : DownloadHandlerScript {
// Standard scripted download handler ­ allocates memory on each ReceiveData
public LoggingDownloadHandler(): base() {
// Pre­allocated scripted download handler
// reuses the supplied byte array to deliver data.
// Eliminates memory allocation.
public LoggingDownloadHandler(byte[] buffer): base(buffer) {
// Required by DownloadHandler base class. Called when you address the 'byte
protected override byte[] GetData() { return null; }
// Called once per frame when data has been received from the network.
protected override bool ReceiveData(byte[] data, int dataLength) {
if(data == null || data.Length < 1) {
Debug.Log("LoggingDownloadHandler :: ReceiveData ­ received a null/e
return false;
Debug.Log(string.Format("LoggingDownloadHandler :: ReceiveData ­ receive
return true;
// Called when all data has been received from the server and delivered via

protected override void CompleteContent() {
Debug.Log("LoggingDownloadHandler :: CompleteContent ­ DOWNLOAD COMPLETE
// Called when a Content­Length header is received from the server.
protected override void ReceiveContentLength(int contentLength) {
Debug.Log(string.Format("LoggingDownloadHandler :: ReceiveContentLength


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Unity’s Audio features include full 3D spatial sound, real-time mixing and mastering, hierarchies of mixers,
snapshots, prede ned e ects and much more.
Read this section to learn about audio in Unity, including clips, sources, listeners, importing and sound settings.
Related tutorials: Audio
See the Knowledge Base Audio section for tips, tricks and troubleshooting.

Audio Overview

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A game would be incomplete without some kind of audio, be it background music or sound e ects. Unity’s audio system is
exible and powerful. It can import most standard audio le formats and has sophisticated features for playing sounds in 3D
space, optionally with e ects like echo and ltering applied. Unity can also record audio from any available microphone on a
user’s machine for use during gameplay or for storage and transmission.

Basic Theory
In real life, sounds are emitted by objects and heard by listeners. The way a sound is perceived depends on a number of factors.
A listener can tell roughly which direction a sound is coming from and may also get some sense of its distance from its loudness
and quality. A fast-moving sound source (like a falling bomb or a passing police car) will change in pitch as it moves as a result of
the Doppler E ect. Also, the surroundings will a ect the way sound is re ected, so a voice inside a cave will have an echo but
the same voice in the open air will not.

Audio Sources and Listener
To simulate the e ects of position, Unity requires sounds to originate from Audio Sources attached to objects. The sounds
emitted are then picked up by an Audio Listener attached to another object, most often the main camera. Unity can then
simulate the e ects of a source’s distance and position from the listener object and play them to the user accordingly. The
relative speed of the source and listener objects can also be used to simulate the Doppler E ect for added realism.
Unity can’t calculate echoes purely from scene geometry but you can simulate them by adding Audio Filters to objects. For
example, you could apply the Echo lter to a sound that is supposed to be coming from inside a cave. In situations where
objects can move in and out of a place with a strong echo, you can add a Reverb Zone to the scene. For example, your game
might involve cars driving through a tunnel. If you place a reverb zone inside the tunnel then the cars’ engine sounds will start
to echo as they enter and the echo will die down as they emerge from the other side.
The Unity Audio Mixer allows you to mix various audio sources, apply e ects to them, and perform mastering.
The manual pages for Audio Source, Audio Listener, Audio Mixer, the audio e ects and Reverb Zones give more information
about the many options and parameters available for getting e ects just right.

Working with Audio Assets
Unity can import audio les in AIFF, WAV, MP3 and Ogg formats in the same way as other assets, simply by dragging the les
into the Project panel. Importing an audio le creates an Audio Clip which can then be dragged to an Audio Source or used
from a script. The Audio Clip reference page has more details about the import options available for audio les.
For music, Unity also supports tracker modules, which use short audio samples as “instruments” that are then arranged to play
tunes. Tracker modules can be imported from .xm, .mod, .it, and .s3m les but are otherwise used in much the same way as
ordinary audio clips.

Audio Recording
Unity can access the computer’s microphones from a script and create Audio Clips by direct recording. The Microphone class
provides a straightforward API to nd available microphones, query their capabilities and start and end a recording session. The
script reference page for Microphone has further information and code samples for audio recording.

Audio les

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As with Meshes or Textures, the work ow for Audio File assets is designed to be smooth and trouble free. Unity
can import almost every common le format but there are a few details that are useful to be aware of when
working with Audio Files.
Since Unity 5.0 audio data is separated from the actual AudioClips. The AudioClips merely refer to the les
containing the audio data and there are various combinations of options in the AudioClip importer that
determine how the clips are loaded at runtime. This means that you have great exibility for deciding which audio
assets should be kept in memory at all times (because you may not be able to predict how often or how fast they
will be playing, i.e. footsteps, weapons and impacts), while other assets may be loaded on demand or gradually as
the player progresses through the level (speech, background music, ambience loops etc).
When audio is encoded in Unity the main options for how it is stored on disk is either PCM, ADPCM or Compressed.
Additionally there are a few platform-speci c formats, but they work in similar ways. Unity supports most
common formats for importing audio (see the list below) and will import an audio le when it is added to the
project. The default mode is Compressed, where the audio data is compressed with either Vorbis/MP3 for
standalone and mobile platforms, or HEVAG/XMA for PS Vita and Xbox One.
See the AudioClip documentation for an extensive description of the compression formats and other options
available for encoding audio data.
Any Audio File imported into Unity is available from scripts as an Audio Clip instance, which provides a way for
the game runtime of the audio system to access the encoded audio data. The game may access meta-information
about the audio data via the AudioClip even before the actual audio data has been loaded. This is possible
because the import process has extracted various bits of information such as length, channel count and sample
rate from the encoded audio data and stored it in the AudioClip. This can for instance be useful when creating
automatic dialogue or music sequencing systems, because the music engine can use the information about the
length to schedule music playback before actually loading the data. It also helps reducing memory usage by only
keeping the audio clips in memory that are needed at a time.

Supported formats
MPEG layer 3
Ogg Vorbis
Microsoft Wave
Audio Interchange File Format .ai / .aif
Ultimate Soundtracker module .mod
Impulse Tracker module
Scream Tracker module
FastTracker 2 module
See the Audio Overview for more information on using sound in Unity.

Tracker Modules

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Tracker Modules are essentially just packages of audio samples that have been modeled, arranged and
sequenced programatically. The concept was introduced in the 1980’s (mainly in conjunction with the Amiga
computer) and has been popular since the early days of game development and demo culture.
Tracker Module les are similar to MIDI les in many ways. The tracks are scores that contain information about
when to play the instruments, and at what pitch and volume and from this, the melody and rhythm of the original
tune can be recreated. However, MIDI has a disadvantage in that the sounds are dependent on the sound bank
available in the audio hardware, so MIDI music can sound di erent on di erent computers. In contrast, tracker
modules include high quality PCM samples that ensure a similar experience regardless of the audio hardware in

Supported formats
Unity supports the four most common module le formats, namely Impulse Tracker (.it), Scream Tracker (.s3m),
Extended Module File Format (.xm), and the original Module File Format (.mod).

Bene ts of Using Tracker Modules
Tracker module les di er from mainstream PCM formats (.aif, .wav, .mp3, and .ogg) in that they can be very
small without a corresponding loss of sound quality. A single sound sample can be modi ed in pitch and volume
(and can have other e ects applied), so it essentially acts as an “instrument” which can play a tune without the
overhead of recording the whole tune as a sample. As a result, tracker modules lend themselves to games, where
music is required but where a large le download would be a problem.

Third Party Tools and Further References
Currently, the most popular tools to create and edit Tracker Modules are MilkyTracker for OSX and OpenMPT for
Windows. For more information and discussion, please see the blog post .mod in Unity from June 2010.

Audio Mixer

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The Unity Audio Mixer allows you to mix various audio sources, apply e ects to them, and perform mastering.

Audio Mixer Window
The window displays the Audio Mixer which is basically a tree of Audio Mixer Groups. An Audio Mixer group is essentially a
mix of audio, a signal chain which allows you to apply volume attenuation and pitch correction; it allows you to insert e ects
that process the audio signal and change the parameters of the e ects. There is also a send and return mechanism to pass
the results from one bus to another.

The Audio Mixer
An Audio Mixer is an asset. You can create one or more Audio Mixer and have more than one active at any time. An Audio
Mixer always contains a master group. Other groups can then be added to de ne the structure of the mixer.

How it works
You route the output of an Audio Source to a group within an Audio Mixer. The e ects will then be applied to that signal.
The output of an Audio Mixer can be routed into any other group in any other Audio Mixer in a scene enabling you to chain
up a number of Audio Mixers in a scene to produce complex routing, e ect processing and snapshot applying.

You can capture the settings of all the parameters in a group as a snapshot. If you create a list of snapshots you can then
transition between them in gameplay to create di erent moods or themes.

Ducking allows you to alter the e ect of one group based on what is happening in another group. An example might be to
reduce the background ambient noise while something else is happening.

Di erent views can be set up. You can disable the visibility of certain groups within a mixer and set this as a view. You can
then transition between views as required.

An overview of the concepts and

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The AudioMixer is an Asset that can be referenced by AudioSources to provide more complex routing and mixing of the
audio signal generated from AudioSources. It does this category based mixing via the AudioGroup hierarchy that is
constructed by the user inside the Asset.
DSP e ects and other audio mastering concepts can be applied to the audio signal as it is routed from the AudioSource to
the AudioListener.

AudioMixer View

The Asset - Containing all AudioGroups and AudioSnapshots as sub-assets.
The Hierarchy view - This contains the entire mixing hierarchy of AudioGroups within the AudioMixer.
The Mixer Views - This is a list of cached visibility settings of the mixer. Each view only shows a sub-set of
the entire hierarchy in the main mixer window.
Snapshots - This is a list of all the AudioSnapshots within the AudioMixer Asset. Snapshots capture the
state of all the parameter settings within an AudioMixer, and can be transitioned between at runtime.
The Output AudioMixer - AudioMixers can be routed into AudioGroups of other AudioMixers. This
property eld allows one to de ne the output AudioGroup to route this AudioMixer signal into.
AudioGroup Strip View - This shows an overview of an AudioGroup, including the current VU levels,
attenuation (volume) settings, Mute, Solo and E ect Bypass settings and the list of DSP e ects within the
Edit In Play Mode - This is a toggle that allows you to edit the AudioMixer during play mode, or prevent
edits and allow the game runtime to control the state of the AudioMixer.
Exposed Parameters - This shows a list of Exposed Parameters (any parameter within an AudioMixer can
be exposed to script via a string name) and corresponding string names.

AudioMixer Inspector

The Pitch and Ducking settings are present at the top of all AudioGroups.
An example Send E ect, positioned before where the attenuation is applied.
The Attenuation (volume setting) is done here for an AudioGroup. The Attenuation can be applied
anywhere in the e ect stack. The VU meter here shows the volume levels at that point in the e ect stack
(di erent from the VU meters shown in the AudioMixer view which show the levels of the signal as it
leaves the AudioGroup.
An example e ect with parameters, in this case a Reverb. Parameters can be exposed by right clicking on
them and choosing to expose them.


Routing and Mixing
Audio routing is the process of taking a number of input audio signals and outputting 1 or more output signals. The term
signal here refers to a continuous stream of digital audio data, which can be broken down into digital audio channels
(such as stereo or 5.1 (6 channels)).
Internally there is usually some work on these signals being done, such as mixing, applying e ects, attenuation etc. For
various reasons that will be covered, this is an important aspect of audio processing and this is what the AudioMixer is
designed to allow you to do.
With the exception of Sends and Returns (which will be covered later), the AudioMixer contains AudioGroups that allow
any number of input signals, mix those signals and have exactly 1 output.

In the land of audio processing, this routing and mixing is usually done ORTHOGONAL to the scene graph hierarchy, as
audio behaves and designers interact with audio very di erently to objects and concepts shown in the scene.
In previous versions of Unity, the concept of routing and mixing was not available. Users were able to place AudioSources
within the scene, and the audio signal that they produced (via AudioClips for example) was routed directly to the
AudioListener, where all the audio signals were mixed together at one point. Remember here that this is happening
orthogonal to the scene graph and no matter where your AudioSources are in the scene,
AudioMixers now sit between the AudioSource and the AudioListener in the audio signal processing space and allow you
to take the output signal from the AudioSource perform whatever routing and mixing operations they wish until nally all
audio is output to the AudioListener and is heard from the speakers.

Why do any of this stu ?
Mixing and routing allows you to categorise the audio within their game into whatever concepts they desire. Once sound
is mixed together into these categories, e ects and other operations can be applied to these categories as a whole. This is
powerful not only applying game logic changes to the various sound categories, but also for allowing designers to tweak
the various aspects of the mix to perform whats knows as “Mastering” of the entire soundscape dynamically at runtime.

Relation to 3D spatial attenuation
Some sound concepts are related to the scene graph and the 3D world. The most obvious of those is the application of
attenuation based on 3D distance, relative speed to the AudioListener and environmental Reverb e ects.
As these operations are related to the scene and not to the categories of sounds in an AudioMixer, the e ects are applied
at the AudioSource, before the signal enters an AudioMixer. For example, the attenuation applied to an AudioSource
based on its distance from the AudioListener is applied to the signal before it leaves the AudioSource and is routed into
an AudioMixer.

Sound Categories
As stated above, AudioMixers allow you to e ectively categorise types of sounds and do stu to these categories. This is
an important concept, because without such categorisations, the entire soundscape quickly becomes a mess of
indistinguishable noise as every sound is played back equally and without any mixing applied to them. With concepts such
as ducking, categories of sounds can also in uence each other, adding additional richness to the mix.

Examples of operations that designers might want to do on a category are;

Apply attenuation to a group of ambiences.
Trigger a lowpass lter on all the foley sounds in a game, simulating being underwater.
Attenuate all sounds in the game except the Menu music and interaction sounds.
Reduce the volume of all the gun and explosion sounds in a game to ensure that an NPC talking to you can
be heard.
These categories are really quite game speci c and vary between di erent projects, but an example of such categorisation
might be described as follows;

All sounds are routed into the “Master” AudioGroup
Into the Master group, there is a category for Music, Menu sounds and all game sounds
The game sounds group is broken down into dialog from NPCs, environmental sounds from ambiences
and other foley sounds like gunshots and footsteps
These categories are broken further down as required
The category hierarchy of this layout would look something like this:

Note that the scene graph layout would look nothing like the layout for sound categories.

Moods and Themes of the Mix
Mixing and routing of the games sounds can also be used to create the immersion the designer is looking for. For
example, reverb can be applied to all of the game sounds and the music attenuated to create the feeling of being in a
The AudioMixer can be used e ectively to create moods within the game. Using concepts such as snapshots (explained
later) and other di erent mixers within a game, the game can transition its mood easily and emote the player into feeling
what the designer wishes, which is super powerful in the immersion of the game.

The Global Mix
The AudioMixer is used to control the overall mix of all the sounds within a game. These AudioMixers control the global
mix and can be seen as the static singleton mix that sound instances are routed through.

In other worlds, the AudioMixers are always present through the lifetime of a scene, and sound instances are created and
destroyed as the game progresses and play through these global AudioMixers.

Snapshots allow you to capture the state of an AudioMixer, and transition between these di erent states as the game
progresses. This is a great way to de ne moods or themes of the mix and have those moods change as the player
progresses through the game.
Snapshots capture the values of all of the parameters within the AudioMixer;

Send Level
Wet Mix Level
E ect Parameters
Combining Snapshots with game logic is a great way to change many aspects of the soundscape.

Speci cs on the AudioMixer window

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Mixers Panel

The Mixers Panel shows a complete list of all AudioMixers within the project. AudioMixers can be quickly switched
between by selecting them within this panel. Routing one AudioMixer into the AudioGroup of another AudioMixer
is also performed within this panel.
You can also create new AudioMixers in the project my clicking the ‘+’ icon in the top right of the panel.

Routing AudioMixers into other AudioMixers
Unity supports having multiple AudioMixers used within a scene at once. By default, each AudioMixer outputs the
audio signal directly to the AudioListener.
Developers can also choose to route the audio output of an AudioMixer into an AudioGroup of another
AudioMixer. This allows for exible and dynamic routing hierarchies at game runtime.
Routing an AudioMixer into another AudioGroup can be achieved two ways, rstly in the editor within the Mixers
Panel, and the other dynamically at runtime using the AudioMixer API.

To change the output of an AudioMixer within the editor, simply click on an AudioMixer within the
Mixers Panel and drag it over the top of another AudioMixer.
You will be presented with a dialog allowing you to select the AudioGroup of the target AudioMixer
you would like to route into.
Once you select an output AudioGroup, the panel will show the parenting relationship of the
AudioMixers. It will also show the target AudioGroup next to the AudioMixers name.

Hierarchy Panel


The hierarchy view is where you de ne the sound categories of an AudioMixer and the mixing structure. As
described above, it allows you to de ne your own custom categories that AudioSources can connect to and play

Adding and Con guring AudioGroups within the Hierarchy
Adding and modifying the topology of an AudioMixer is done within the AudioGroup Hierarchy Panel.

Adding a new AudioGroup to the hierarchy can be done in 2 ways;
Right clicking on an existing AudioGroup (there must be at least one in an AudioMixer) and
selecting ‘Add child group’ or ‘Add sibling group’.
Selecting an AudioGroup that you would like to add a child to and clicking the ‘+’ icon in the top
right of the panel. This will add a new group to the AudioMixer under the selected one.
Changing the topology of an AudioMixer can be done by clicking an AudioGroup within the panel
and dragging it over the top of another AudioGroup, this will parent the target AudioGroup above
the one selected.
Deleting an AudioGroup (including its children) is achieved 2 ways;
By selecting the group you would like to delete and pressing the Delete key.
By right clicking the group you would like to delete and selecting the “Remove Group (and children)”
To duplicate an AudioGroup (and make it a sibling), right click the AudioGroup you wish to duplicate
and select “Duplicate Group (and children)”. This will duplicate the group and child groups exactly,
including e ects contained within the groups.
To rename an AudioGroup, right click on the group and select “Rename”.

AudioGroup View

The AudioGroup View shows a at arrangement of the AudioGroups in the AudioMixer. This arrangement is
organised horizontally within the view. The groups shown within the AudioGroup View are dictated by the current
View selection (covered later).
Each AudioGroup within the view is represented as a vertical “strip”. The layout and look and feel of the strip is
common to Digital Audio Workstations and other audio editing packages. This layout is chosen to facilitate the
transition of Audio Engineers from a music and video background, as well as serve as a parallel for audio
hardware integration.
The strip is made up of title bar, followed by a vertical VU meter which represents the current audio levels
through that AudioGroup. Beside the VU meter is a volume selector which allows you to input the AudioGroups
attenuation along the same scale as the VU meter, which is represented in dB levels.
Below the VU meter are 3 buttons with the following functionality:

Solo - This toggle will enable you to switch between hearing the entire mix or only the
AudioSources that are playing into children of the AudioGroup being Soloed.
Mute - This toggle allows you to switch between including the current AudioGroup in the audible
mix or excluding it from being heard in the global mix.
Bypass - This toggle allows you to bypass or enable all the e ects present within the AudioGroup.
The AudioGroup also contains a list of DSP E ect Units and the Attenuation Units within the AudioGroup. The
attenuation can be applied anywhere within the E ect Unit chain within an AudioGroup and allows you to decide
exactly where you would like the volume adjustment to be applied. This is useful for non-linear e ects and Send
and Receive Units (covered later).
Each E ect Unit slot has the following functionality:

It shows the name of the E ect Unit that is being applied
It shows a circle on the left hand side of the e ect that can be toggled to enable or bypass that
individual e ect.
If you right click the e ect and select “Allow Wet Mixing”, the coloured bar on the bottom of the
e ect slow becomes active, and denotes the amount of wet signal that is being passed through the
e ect.
E ects can be dragged up and down the AudioGroup to re ne their order and also across
AudioGroups to move the e ect to another AudioGroup.
You can also add new E ect Units by right clicking on an existing e ect to add before or after it, or by clicking the
“Add..” button at the bottom of the strip.

Snapshot Panel
The Snapshot Panel allows you to create, switch between and tweak di erent Snapshots within the AudioMixer.
There is always at least one snapshot active, and selection of a snapshot within the Snapshot Panel indicates that
further edits of the AudioMixer are edits to that snapshot.
Snapshots de ned in the Snapshot Panel also show up as sub-assets of the AudioMixer. This allows you to access
the snapshots elsewhere in the editor and within scripts.

You also de ne a ‘Start Snapshot’ (indicated by the star icon on the right hand side of the snapshot list). The Start
Snapshot is the snapshot that the AudioMixer will be initialised to when loaded (for example, when the scene

To create a new Snapshot, click the small ‘+’ icon at the top right of the panel. Enter in a name for
the new snapshot.
To de ne a di erent Start Snapshot, right click on the desired Snapshot and choose “Set as Start

Views Panel

Views allow you to create groups of visible AudioGroups in the AudioMixer. With views, you can create
perspectives of interest into the AudioMixer, instead of always being presented with the full hierarchy at all times.
Views are purely for work ow optimisation purposes are do not a ect runtime setup or performance.
Like the Snapshot Panel, there is always one view selected and currently shown in the AudioGroup View. By
default, all AudioGroups are visible in the default view. What is contained within a view is controlled by the Eye
Icons in the Hierarchy Panel (see above).

To add a new view to the list of views, click the small ‘+’ icon at the top right of the Views Panel.
Enter a name for the new view.
Change the current view by selecting between the list of views in the View Panel.
To remove a view, right click on the view and select ‘Delete’
To Duplicate a view (with all of the current view settings, right click on the view and select ‘Duplicate’

The ‘Eye’ Icon of an AudioGroup
Each AudioGroup within the hierarchy panel has a small eye icon to the left of the group. This icon serves 2

Clicking on the eye icon toggles this AudioGroup’s visibility in the currently selected View.
Right clicking on the eye icon allows you to select from a range of colours to tag this AudioGroup
with. Selecting a colour other than “No Colour” will give a small colour tag to the left of the eye icon
as well as a colour tag under the AudioGroup’s name in the AudioGroup view. These colour
indicators are a great way to visually group di erent concepts and collections of AudioGroups
within the AudioMixer.

AudioGroup Inspector

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Selecting an AudioGroup in the AudioGroup Hierarchy, the AudioGroup View or the Project window (as a sub-asset) will
show the inspector for that AudioGroup.
The inspector for the AudioGroup consists of a number of elements:

Inspector Header
At the top of the AudioGroup Inspector there is the name of the AudioGroup, along with with the gear dropdown
menu common to all Object Inspectors.

The gear menu contains the following functionality:

‘Copy all e ect settings to all snapshots’ - This lets you to copy all of the e ect parameter, volume and
pitch settings of this AudioGroup to all of the other snapshots present within the AudioMixer. This lets
you to quickly make all snapshots ‘like this one’ for this AudioGroup.
‘Toggle CPU usage display’ - This toggles CPU performance information for all of the e ects present in
the AudioGroup inspector. This is used to get an idea of which e ects within your DSP setup are
consuming the most resources.

Edit in Playmode

When in Playmode within Unity, the Inspector for an AudioGroup includes a button at the top called “Edit in
Playmode”. By default, the parameter values of an AudioMixer are not editable in Playmode and are fully controlled by
the current snapshot within the game.
Edit in Playmode allows you to override the snapshot system and start making edits to the current snapshot directly
during playmode. This is a great way to mix and master a game while playing it in realtime.

Pitch Slider
At the top of all AudioGroup Inspectors, there is a slider that de nes the pitch of playback through that AudioGroup.
To change the pitch, either use the slider or enter the pitch manually into the text eld to the right.

Attenuation Unit
Every AudioGroup within an AudioMixer has exactly 1 Attenuation Unit.
The Attenuation Unit is where you can apply attenuation / gain to the audio signal passing through the AudioGroup.
The attenuation is computed and applied to the signal ‘at the unit’ (not combined with other attenuation settings and
applied at the voice source). This allows very complex and interesting setups to be created when combined with Sends
/ Receives and non linear DSP e ects. Attenuation can be applied to –80dB (silence) and gain can be applied to +20dB.

Every Attenuation Unit has a VU meter in the inspector. This meter shows the audio signal levels at that point in the
signal chain (just after attenuation is applied). This means that if you have DSP e ects or Receives after the Attenuation
Unit, the metering information seen in the AudioGroup strip for that AudioGroup will be di erent to the metering
information at the Attenuation Unit. This is a great way to debug the signal chain of an AudioGroup by dragging the
Attenuation Unit up and down the processing chain to see the metering at di erent points.
The VU meter shows both RMS and peak hold values.

To move the Attenuation Unit (or any e ect) up or down the signal chain, click on the Unit’s header and
drag up or down the inspector to reposition it.
To change the attenuation setting, move the slider above the metering or enter in a value in the text

E ect Units

E ect Units are general DSP e ects that modify the audio signal being played through the AudioGroup, for example
Highpass or Reverb. E ect Units can also process side-chain signal information that is sent to it from a Send Unit. The
interface for each E ect Unit is di erent, but for the most part expose a collection of parameters that you can modify
to change how the e ect is applied to the signal. For example, a Parameter EQ e ect has 3 parameters that modify
how the signal is processed:

Unity comes with a collection of in-built e ects that you can use within an AudioGroup. There is also the ability to
create custom DSP e ect plugins that can be used within an AudioMixer.

To add an e ect to the AudioGroup, click the ‘Add E ect’ button at the bottom of the AudioGroup

To change the ordering of the e ect within the AudioGroup, left click the e ect header and drag up or down to place it
in a di erent position.
To remove the e ect from the AudioGroup, right click on the e ect header and select ‘Remove this e ect’.

Send Units
Sends allow you to diverge the audio signal ow and send a potentially attenuated copy of the signal to be used as a
side-chain within another E ect Unit, for example, a side-chain compressor. You can insert Sends anywhere in the
signal chain, allowing divergence of signal at any point.

Initially, when Sends are added to an AudioGroup, they do not send to anything, and the Send Level is set to 80dB. To
send to another E ect Unit, you must already have an E ect Unit that can accept side-chain signals in the AudioMixer
somewhere. Once the destination E ect Unit has been selected, the user needs to increase the Send Level to send
signal to the destination.

To add a Send to an AudioGroup, click the ‘Add E ect’ button at the bottom of the AudioGroup
Inspector and choose ‘Send’.
To connect a Send to another E ect Unit (capable of receiving signal), choose the destination from the
drop down menu in the Send Unit Inspector.
Set the level of signal sent to the destination with “Send Level”

Receive Units

Receives are the signal sinks of Sends, they simply take the audio signal that is sent to them from Sends and mix it with
the current signal passing through their AudioGroup. There are no parameters to a Receive.

Note that if you Solo a Receive unit, this will make the sound stop playing. This is by design.

Duck Volume Units
Duck Volume Units allow you to create side-chain compression from signal sent from Sends. Duck Volume is a great
way to control the attenuation of a signal based on audio being played somewhere else in the AudioMixer.

Duck Volume Units can be added like any other E ect Unit and must have signal sent to them from at least one Send
to be useful.

Common Options
Each unit within the AudioGroup Inspector has a number of common features.

Gear Options
Allow Wet Mixing - Toggling this option creates a dry channel around the e ect. The slider that
appears when this is enabled dictates what percentage of the signal is passed into the wet/dry
components. Enabling this increases memory usage and CPU overhead. This is only available on
certain units.
Bypass - Toggling this will bypass the E ect Unit completely, e ectively disabling it in the signal chain.
Copy E ect Settings to all Snapshots - Selecting this will copy all the parameter values within this
E ect Unit to all the other Snapshots in the AudioMixer. This is useful when adding a new E ect Unit,
making changes to that E ect Unit and wanting those settings to be the same across all Snapshots.
Add E ect Before - Allows the insertion of an E ect Unit before the current E ect Unit in the
AudioGroup. Select the desired e ect from the menu shown.
Add E ect After - Allows the insertion of an E ect Unit after the current E ect Unit in the AudioGroup.
Select the desired e ect from the menu shown.
Remove This E ect - Remove this E ect Unit completely from the AudioMixer. Attenuation Units
cannot be removed from AudioGroups.

Wet Mixing

Allowing Wet Mixing on a DSP e ect allows you to decide how much of the audio signal that is to enter the e ect
actually is processed by the e ect. Enabling Wet Mixing e ectively creates a dry channel around the e ect. You can
then click on the e ect slot and drag left and right to increase or decrease the percentage of audio signal that is
passed through the DSP e ect unit. The rest of the signal is passed through the dry channel. The following diagram
illustrates this concept:
Wet mixing is good for when a user wants to control the in uence an e ect has on the mix and preserve a percentage
of the original signal.

Exposed Parameters
Exposed Parameters allow you to bypass the Snapshot system of an AudioMixer and set the value of any parameter
within an AudioMixer from script. When an Exposed Parameter is set via script, that parameter is locked to that value
and will not change as the the game transitions Snapshots.
Exposing a parameter with an AudioMixer is done in the AudioGroup Inspector. For any parameter shown in the
Inspector (including Pitch, Volume, Send Level and Wet Level), you can right click on the name of the Parameter and
choose ‘Expose X to script’.

Once a parameter is exposed it will show up in the Exposed Parameter drop down in the top right corner of the
AudioMixer Window. Clicking on this drop down will reveal all the Exposed Parameters in the AudioMixer.

To rename an Exposed Parameter, right click on the name of the Exposed Parameter and click ‘Rename’.
This name will be how you reference the parameter from the AudioMixer API. *To delete an Exposed
Parameter, right click on the name of the Exposed Parameter and click ‘Delete’.

Transition Overrides

When transitioning between Snapshots, by default all transitions are done with linear interpolation from the
beginning to target values. In some cases this transition behaviour is not desired however, for example when it it
preferable to brick-wall the change at the start or end of the transition.
All of the parameters available within the AudioMixer can have their transition behaviour changed. Transition
behaviours are de ned per-Snapshot, with the target Snapshot de ning the transition behaviour.
To set the transition override for a particular parameter for the current Snapshot, right click on the parameter name
and select the required transition type.

AudioMixer Inspector
The audio mixer asset itself has an inspector that allows specifying the overall activation/suspense behavior of the
mixer. Being assets, audio mixers are basically activated when any audio source plays into the mixer and will stay
active as long as there is such a driver supplying audio data to the mixer. Since mixers can also be activated by the
audio preview button in the scene view, the activation behavior is di erent from that of scene-objects such as
MonoBehaviors. Thus, a mixer may be active (and therefore consuming CPU) even in stop mode.

To avoid running out of CPU resources in a project that contains a large number of mixers that are not supposed to be
running all at the same time (say, because speci c levels use certain specialized mixers), the audio mixers have
functionality built-in to put themselves into suspended mode in which all processing stops. To do this in a natural way
that doesn’t lead to audible artefacts such as clicks or missing rever/echo tails each mixer uses the following strategy:
As long as any audio source is playing into this mixer or the mixer is receiving audio data from other sub-mixers the
mixer will keep itself active. After the last sound source has nished playing, the mixer will wait for a second and then
continually use loudness-measurement at its own output do decide if it should suspend itself. This is needed because
reverb and echo tails can potentially decay very slowly. The loudness threshold at which the mixer suspends itself is
determined by enabling Auto Mixer Suspend and setting the Threshold Volume parameter on the mixer asset’s
inspector which is shown then the mixer asset is selected in the project browser (not when selecting a sub-asset like a
mixer group or snapshot). The value of –80 dB is chosen as the default and matches the lowest value of the faders in
the mixer. In practice it is often possible to set it to a signi cantly larger value to get quicker deactivation and avoid
intermediate CPU spikes that could cause stutter.

Suspend settings on audio mixer asset

Overview of Usage and API

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The AudioMixer is a very self-contained asset with a streamlined API.

Using the Snapshot and AudioGroup objects
Transitioning Snapshots
Blending Snapshot states
Finding Groups
Re-routing at Runtime

Example Usages

A couple of music-related demos can be found in the audio demos repository.
Also the native audio plugin repository provides the o cial SDK for developing custom extensions as well as
many examples of such involving complex routing and custom processing/generation of audio in the mixer.

Native Audio Plugin SDK

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This document describes the built-in native audio plugin interface of Unity 5.0. We will do this by looking at some speci c example
plugins that grow in complexity as we move along. This way, we start out with very basic concepts and introduce more complex usecases near the end of the document.

First thing you need to do is to download the newest audio plugin SDK from here.

The native audio plugin system consists of two parts:
The native DSP (Digital Signal Processing) plugin which has to be implemented as a .dll (Windows) or .dylib (OSX) in C or C++. Unlike
scripts and because of the high demands on performance this has to be compiled for any platform that you want to support, possibly
with platform-speci c optimizations.
The GUI which is developed in C#. Note that the GUI is optional, so you always start out plugin development by creating the basic
native DSP plugin, and let Unity show a default slider-based UI for the parameter descriptions that the native plugin exposes. We
recommend this approach to bootstrap any project.
Note that you can initially prototype the C# GUI as a .cs le that you just drop into the Assets/Editor folder (just like any other editor
script). Later on you can move this into a proper Visual Studio project as your code starts to grow and need better modularization and
better IDE support. This enables you to compile it into a .dll, making it easier for the user to drop into the project and also in order to
protect your code.
Also note that both the native DSP and GUI DLLs can contain multiple plugins and that the binding happens only through the names
of the e ects in the plugins regardless of what the DLL le is called.

What are all these les?
The native side of the plugin SDK actually only consists of one le (AudioPluginInterface.h), but to make it easy to have multiple plugin
e ects within the same DLL we have added supporting code to handle the e ect de nition and parameter registration in a simple
uni ed way (AudioPluginUtil.h and AudioPluginUtil.cpp). Note that the NativePluginDemo project contains a number of example
plugins to get you started and show a variety of di erent plugin types that are useful in a game context. We place this code in the
public domain, so feel free to use this code as a starting point for your own creations.
Development of a plugin starts with de ning which parameters your plugin should have. You don’t need to have a detailed master
plan of all the parameters that the plugin will have laid out before you start, but it helps to roughly have an idea of how you want the
user experience to be and what components you will need.
The example plugins that we provide have a bunch of utility functions that make it easy Let’s take a look at the “Ring Modulator”
example plugin. This simple plugin multiplies the incoming signal by a sine wave, which gives a nice radio-noise / broken reception like
e ect, especially if multiple ring modulation e ects with di erent frequencies are chained.
The basic scheme for dealing with parameters in the example plugins is to de ne them as enum-values that we use as indices into an
array of oats for both convenience and brevity.

enum Param
int InternalRegisterEffectDefinition(UnityAudioEffectDefinition& definition)

int numparams = P_NUM;
definition.paramdefs = new UnityAudioParameterDefinition [numparams];
RegisterParameter(definition, "Frequency", "Hz",
0.0f, kMaxSampleRate, 1000.0f,
1.0f, 3.0f,
RegisterParameter(definition, "Mix amount", "%",
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f,
100.0f, 1.0f,
return numparams;

The numbers in the RegisterParameter calls are the minimum, maximum and default values followed by a scaling factor used for
display only, i.e. in the case of a percentage-value the actual value goes from 0 to 1 and is scaled by 100 when displayed. There is no
custom GUI code for this, but as mentioned earlier, Unity will generate a default GUI from these basic parameter de nitions. Note that
no checks are performed for unde ned parameters, so the AudioPluginUtil system expects that all declared enum values (except
P_NUM) are matched up with a corresponding parameter de nition.
Behind the scenes the RegisterParameter function lls out an entry in the UnityAudioParameterDe nition array of the
UnityAudioE ectDe nition structure that is associated with that plugin (see “AudioE ectPluginInterface.h”). The rest that needs to be
set up in UnityAudioE ectDe nition is the callbacks to the functions that handle instantiating the plugin (CreateCallback),
setting/getting parameters (SetFloatParameterCallback/UnityAudioEffect_GetFloatParameterCallback), doing the actual
processing (UnityAudioEffect_ProcessCallback) and eventually destroying the plugin instance when done
To make it easy to have multiple plugins in the same DLL, each plugin is residing in its own namespace, and a speci c naming
convention for the callback functions is used such that the DEFINE_EFFECT and DECLARE_EFFECT macros can ll out the
UnityAudioE ectDe nition structure. Underneath the hood all the e ects de nitions are stored in an array to which a pointer is
returned by the only entry point of the library UnityGetAudioE ectDe nitions.
This is useful to know in case you want to develop bridge plugins that map from other plugin formats such as VST or AudioUnits to or
from the Unity audio plugin interface, in which case you need to develop a more dynamic way to set up the parameter descriptions at
load time.

Instantiating the plugin
The next thing is the data for the instance of the plugin. In the example plugins, we put all this into the E ectData structure. The
allocation of this must happen in the corresponding CreateCallback which is called for each instance of the plugin in the mixer. In this
simple example there’s only one sine-wave that is multiplied to all channels, other more advanced plugins need allocate additional
data per input channel.

struct EffectData
struct Data
float p[P_NUM]; // Parameters
float s;
// Sine output of oscillator
float c;
// Cosine output of oscillator

Data data;
unsigned char pad[(sizeof(Data) + 15) & ~15];

UnityAudioEffectState* state)
EffectData* effectdata = new EffectData;
memset(effectdata, 0, sizeof(EffectData));
effectdata­>data.c = 1.0f;
state­>effectdata = effectdata;
InternalRegisterEffectDefinition, effectdata­>data.p);

The UnityAudioE ectState contains various data from the host such as the sampling rate, the total number of samples processed (for
timing), or whether the plugin is bypassed, and is passed to all callback functions.
And obviously to free the plugin instance there is a corresponding function too:

UnityAudioEffectState* state)
EffectData::Data* data = &state­>GetEffectData()­>data;
delete data;

The main processing of audio happens in the ProcessCallback:

UnityAudioEffectState* state,
float* inbuffer, float* outbuffer,
unsigned int length,
int inchannels, int outchannels)
EffectData::Data* data = &state­>GetEffectData()­>data;
float w = 2.0f * sinf(kPI * data­>p[P_FREQ] / state­>samplerate);
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < length; n++)
for(int i = 0; i < outchannels; i++)

outbuffer[n * outchannels + i] =
inbuffer[n * outchannels + i] *
(1.0f ­ data­>p[P_MIX] + data­>p[P_MIX] * data­>s);
data­>s += data­>c * w; // cheap way to calculate a sine­wave
data­>c ­= data­>s * w;

The GetE ectData function at the top is just a helper function casting the e ectdata eld of the state variable to the E ectData::Data
in the structure we declared above.
Other simple plugins included are the NoiseBox plugin, which adds and multiplies the input signal by white noise at variable
frequencies, or the Lo nator plugin, which does simple downsampling and quantization of the signal. All of these may be used in
combination and with game-driven animated parameters to simulate anything from mobile phones to bad radio reception on walkies,
broken loudspeakers etc.
The StereoWidener, which decomposes a stereo input signal into mono and side components with variable delay and then
recombines these to increase the perceived stereo e ect.

A bunch of simple plugins without custom GUIs to get started with.

Which plugin to load on which platform?

Native audio plugins use the same scheme as other native or managed plugins in that they must be associated with their respective
platforms via the plugin importer inspector. You can read more about the subfolders in which to place plugins here. The platform
association is necessary so that the system knows which plugins to include on a each build target in the standalone builds, and with

the introduction of 64-bit support this even has to be speci ed within a platform. OSX plugins are special in this regard since the
Universal Binary format allows them to contain both 32 and 64 bit variants in the same bundle.
Native plugins in Unity that are called from managed code get loaded via the [DllImport] attribute referencing the function to be
imported from the native DLL. However, in the case of native audio plugins things are di erent. The special problem that arises here
is that the audio plugins need to be loaded before Unity starts creating any mixer assets that may need e ects from the plugins. In the
editor this is no problem, because we can just reload and rebuild the mixers that depend on plugins, but in standalone builds the
plugins must be loaded before we create the mixer assets. To solve this, the current convention is to pre x the DLL of the plugin
“audioplugin” (case insensitive) so that the system can detect this and add it to a list of plugins that will automatically be loaded at
start. Remember that it’s only the de nitions inside the plugin that de ne the names of the e ects that show up inside Unity’s mixer,
so the DLL can be called anything, but it needs to start with the string “audioplugin” to be detected as such.
For platforms such as IOS the plugin code needs to be statically linked into the Unity binary produced by the generated XCode project
and there - just like plugin rendering devices - the plugin registration has to be added explicitly to the startup code of the app.

On OSX one bundle can contain both the 32- and 64 bit version of the plugin. You can also split them to save size.

Plugins with custom GUIs
Now let’s look at something a little more advanced: E ects for equalization and multiband compression. Such plugins have a much
higher number of parameters than the simple plugins presented in the previous section and also there is some physical coupling
between parameters that require a better way to visualize the parameters than just a bunch of simple sliders. Consider an equalizer
for instance: Each band has 3 di erent lters that collectively contribute to the nal equalization curve and each of these lters has
the 3 parameters frequency, Q-factor and gain which are physically linked and de ne the shape of each lter. So it helps the user a lot,
if an equalizer plugin has a nice big display showing the resulting curve, the individual lter contributions and can be operated in such
a way that multiple parameters can be set simultaneously by simple dragging operations on the control instead of changing sliders
one at a time.

Custom GUI of the Equalizer plugin. Drag the three bands to change the gains and frequencies of the lter curve. Hold shift down
while dragging to change the shape of each band.
So once again, the de nition, initialization, deinitialization and parameter handling follows the exact same enum-based method that
the simple plugins use, and even the ProcessCallback code is rather short. Well, time to stop looking at the native code and open the
AudioPluginDemoGUI.sln project in Visual Studio. Here you will nd the associated C# classes for the GUI code. The way it works is
simple: Once Unity has loaded the native plugin DLLs and registered the contained audio plugins, it will start looking for
corresponding GUIs that match the names of the registered plugins. This happens through the Name property of the
EqualizerCustomGUI class which, like all custom plugin GUIs, must inherit from IAudioE ectPluginGUI. There’s only one important
function inside this class which is the bool OnGUI(IAudioE ectPlugin plugin) function. Via the IAudioE ectPlugin plugin argument this
function gets a handle to the native plugin that it can use to read and write the parameters that the native plugin has de ned. So to
read a parameter it calls:

plugin.GetFloatParameter("MasterGain", out masterGain);

which returns true if the parameter was found, and to set it, it calls:

plugin.SetFloatParameter("MasterGain", masterGain);

which also returns true if the parameter exists. And that’s basically the most important binding between GUI and native code. You can
also use the function

plugin.GetFloatParameterInfo("NAME", out minVal, out maxVal, out defVal);

to query parameter “NAME” for it’s minimum, maximum and default values to avoid duplicate de nitions of these in the native and UI
code. Note that if your OnGUI function return true, the Inspector will show the default UI sliders below the custom GUI. This is again
useful to bootstrap your GUI development as you have all the parameters available while developing your custom GUI and have an
easy way to check that the right actions performed on it result in the expected parameter changes.

We won’t discuss the details about the DSP processing that is going on in the Equalizer and Multiband plugins here, for those
interested, the lters are taken from Robert Bristow Johnson’s excellent Audio EQ Cookbook and to plot the curves Unity provides
some internal API functions to draw antialiased curves for the frequency response.
One more thing to mention though is that both the Equalizer and Multiband plugins do also provide code to overlay the input and
output spectra to visualize the e ect of the plugins, which brings up an interesting point: The GUI code runs at much lower update
rate (the frame rate) than the audio processing and doesn’t have access to the audio streams, so how do we read this data? For this,
there is a special function for this in the native code:

UnityAudioEffectState* state,
int index,
float* value,
char *valuestr)
EffectData::Data* data = &state­>GetEffectData()­>data;
if(index >= P_NUM)
if(value != NULL)
*value = data­>p[index];
if(valuestr != NULL)
valuestr[0] = 0;

It simply enables reading an array of oating-point data from the native plugin. Whatever that data is, the plugin system doesn’t care
about, as long as the request doesn’t massively slow down the UI or the native code. For the Equalizer and Multiband code there is a
utility class called FFTAnalyzer which makes it easy to feed in input and output data from the plugin and get a spectrum back. This
spectrum data is then resampled by GetFloatBu erCallback and handed to the C# UI code. The reason that the data needs to be
resampled is that the FFTAnalyzer runs the analysis at a xed frequency resolution while GetFloatBu erCallback just returns the
number of samples requested, which is determined by the width of the view that is displaying the data. For a very simple plugin that
has a minimal amount of DSP code you might also take a look at the CorrelationMeter plugin, which simply plots the amplitude of the
left channel against the amplitude of the right channel in order to show “how stereo” the signal is.

Left: Custom GUI of the CorrelationMeter plugin.
Right: Equalizer GUI with overlaid spectrum analysis (green curve is source, red is processed).
At this point we would also like to point out that both the Equalizer and Multiband e ects are kept intentionally simple and
unoptimized, but we think they serve as good examples of more complex UIs that are supported by the plugin system. There’s
obviously a lot of work still in doing the relevant platform-speci c optimizations, tons of parameter tweaking to make it fell really right
and respond in the most musical way etc. etc… We might also implement some of these e ects as built-in plugins in Unity at some
point simply for the convenience of increasing Unity’s standard repertoire of plugins, but we sincerely hope that the reader will also
take up the challenge to make some really awesome plugins – and who knows, they might at some point end up as built-in plugins. ;-)

Convolution reverb example plugin. The impulse response is decaying random noise, de ned by the parameters. This is only for
demonstration purposes, as a production plugin should allow the user to load arbitrary recorded impulses, the underlying
convolution algorithm remains the same nevertheless.

Example of a loudness monitoring tool measuring levels at 3 di erent time scales. Also just for demonstration purposes, but a good
place to start building a monitor tool that conforms to modern loudness standardizations. The curve rendering code is built into Unity.

Synchronizing to the DSP clock
Time for some fun exercises. Why not use the plugin system to generate sound instead of just processing it? Let’s try to do some
simple bassline and drum synthesizers that should be familiar to people who listen to acid trance – some simple clones of some of the
main synths that de ned this genre. Take a look at Plugin_TeeBee.cpp and Plugin_TeeDee.cpp. These simple synths just generate
patterns with random notes and have some parameters for tweaking the lters, envelopes and so forth in the synthesis engine. Again,
we won’t discuss those details here, but just point out that the state->dsptick parameter is read in the ProcessCallback in order to
determine the position in the “song”. This counter is a global sample position, so we just divide it by the length of each note speci ed
in samples and re a note event to the synthesis engine whenever this division has a zero remainder. This way, all plugin e ects stay
in sync to the same sample-based clock, and if you would for instance play a prerecorded piece of music with a known tempo through
such an e ect, you could use the timing info to apply tempo-synchronized lter e ects or delays on the music.

Simple bassline and drum synthesizers to demonstrate tempo-synchronized e ects.


The native audio plugin SDK is the foundation of the Spatialization SDK which allows developing custom spatialization e ects that are
instantiazed per audio source. More information about this can be found here.

This is just the start of an e ort to open up parts of the sound system to high performance native code. We have plans to integrate
this in other parts of Unity as well to make the e ects usable outside of the mixer as well as extending the SDK to support other
parameter types than oats with support for better default GUIs as well as storage of binary data.
Have a lot of fun creating your own plugins. Hope to see them on the asset store. ;-)

While there are many similarities in the design, Unity’s native audio SDK is not built on top of other plugin SDKs like Steinberg VST or
Apple AudioUnits. It should be mentioned that it would be easy for the interested reader to implement basic wrappers for these using
this SDK that allow using such plugins to be used in Unity. It is not something the dev-team of Unity is planning to do. Proper hosting
of any plugin quickly gets very complex, and dealing with all the intricacies of expected invocation orders and handling custom GUI
windows that are based on native code quickly grows by leaps and bounds which makes it less useful as example code.

While we do understand that it could potentially be quite useful to load your VST or AU plugin or even e ects for just mocking up /
testing sound design, bear in mind that using VST/AU also limits you to a few speci c platforms. The potential of writing audio plugins
based on the Unity SDK is that it extends to all platforms that support software-mixing and dynamically loaded native code. That said,
there are valid use cases for mocking up early sound design with your favourite tools before deciding to devote time to develop
custom plugins (or simply to be able to use metering plugins in the editor that don’t alter the sound in any way), so if anyone wants to
make a nice solution for that, please do.
2018–03–19 Page amended with limited editorial review
MonoDevelop replaced by Visual Studio from 2018.1

Audio Spatializer SDK

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The audio spatializer SDK is an extension of the native audio plugin SDK that allows changing the way audio is transmitted from an
audio source into the surrounding space. The built-in panning of audio sources may be regarded as a simple form of spatialization
in that it takes the source and regulates the gains of the left and right ear contributions based on the distance and angle between
the AudioListener and the AudioSource. This provides simple directional cues for the player on the horizontal plane.

With the advent of virtual and augmented reality systems the spatialization method more and more becomes a key component of
the player’s immersion. Our ears and brains are highly aware of microscopic delays between the sound received from a source at
the left and right ears respectively. Furthermore we are capable of unconsciously interpreting a change in the balance of high
frequencies to tell if an object is in front of, behind or even above or below us. We may also be able to tell if an object is partially
occluded based on the di erence in the sound at each ear or infer something about the shape of the room that we are in based on
the re ections of the sound. In other words: Sound is extremely important in our daily navigation, we just maybe don’t notice it that
Sound occlusion is a very hard problem to solve in terms of computation power. Whereas in global illumination you may consider
the movement of light as e ectively instantaneous, sound is moving very slowly. Therefore calculating the way sound actually moves
around (as waves) in a room is not feasible computationally. For the same reason there are many approaches towards spatialisation
tackling di erent problems to various extents.
Some solutions are only solving the HRTF problem. HRTF stands for Head-Related Transfer Function, and a rough analogy to this
from the graphics world would be spherical harmonics: i.e. a directionally in uenced ltering of the sound that we apply on both
ears which contains the micro-delay between the ears as well as the directional ltering that ear- aps, the head itself and the
shoulders contribute to. Adding HRTF ltering already immensely improves the sensation of direction over a conventional panning
solution (a typical and famous example of this is the binaural recording of the virtual barber shop). Direct HRTF is somewhat limited
though as it only is concerned with the direct path of audio and not how it is transmitted in space.
Occlusion is the next step up from this in that it can indirectly re ect the sound o walls. To take a rough equivalent from the
graphics world again, this could be compared to specular re ection in the sense that both source and listener locations determine
the outcome, and of course each re ected directional wave of sound hits each ear with a di erent HRTF and has a di erent delay
based on the length of the path that the wave has travelled.
Finally there is room re ections which in many ways corresponds to the di use part of a global illumination solution in that sound
gets emitted into the room and is re ected on multiple walls before hitting the ears as a eld of overlapping waves, each with a
di erent direction and accumulated delay relative to the audio source.

SDK and Example Implementation
With so many hard problems to solve there exist a variety of di erent audio spatialization solutions. We found that the best way to
support these in Unity was to create an open interface, the Audio Spatializer SDK, which is an extension on top of the Native Audio
Plugin SDK that allows replacing the standard panner in Unity by a more advanced one and gives access to important meta-data
about the source and listener needed for the computation.
An example implementation of a spatializer is provided here. It is intentionally simple in that it only supports direct HRTF and needs
to be optimized for production use. Accompanying the plugin is a simple reverb, just to show how audio data can be routed from the
spatializer plugin to the reverb plugin. The HRTF ltering is based on the KEMAR data set, which is a set of per-ear impulse response
recordings performed on a dummy head by Bill Gardner at MIT Media Lab. These impulse responses are convolved with the input
signal using fast convolution via the Fast Fourier Transform. The positional meta-data is only used for picking the right impulse
response sets, as the data set consists of circularly arranged impulse responses for elevation angles ranging from –40 below to 90
degrees above the head.


The main di erence between a spatialization e ect and mixer e ects in Unity is that the spatializer is placed right after the audio
source decoder that produces a stream of audio data so that each source has its own e ect instance processing only the audio
produced by the source. This is di erent from audio mixer plugins that process a mixture of audio from various audio sources
connected to a mixer group. To enable the plugin to operate like this it is necessary to set a ag in the description bit- eld of the
e ect:

definition.flags |= UnityAudioEffectDefinitionFlags_IsSpatializer;

Setting this ag upon initialization noti es Unity during the plugin scanning phase that this is a spatializer and so, when an instance
of this plugin is created, will allocate the UnityAudioSpatializerData structure for the spatializerdata member of the
UnityAudioE ectState structure.
Before being able to use the spatializer in the project, it needs to be selected in the Audio Project settings:

Spatializer plugin selector
On the AudioSource, the checkbox Spatialize enables the spatializer to be used. This may also be controlled from script via the
AudioSource.spatialize property. In a game with a lot of sounds it may make sense to only enable the spatializer on the nearby
sounds and use traditional panning on the distant ones.

Spatializer checkbox on AudioSource

Spatializer e ect meta-data
Unlike other e ects that are run in the mixer on a mixture of sounds, spatializers are applied directly after the AudioSource has
decoded audio data. Therefore each instance of the spatializer e ect has an own instance of UnityAudioSpatializerData associated
with mainly data about the AudioSource.

struct UnityAudioSpatializerData
float listenermatrix[16]; //
float sourcematrix[16];
float spatialblend;
float reverbzonemix;
float spread;

Matrix that transforms sourcepos into the local space of the
Transform matrix of audio source
Distance­controlled spatial blend
Reverb zone mix level parameter (and curve) on audio source
Spread parameter of the audio source (0..360 degrees)

float stereopan;

// Stereo panning parameter of the audio source (­1: fully left,
// The spatializer plugin may override the distance attenuation
// influence the voice prioritization (leave this callback as NU
// built­in audio source attenuation curve)
UnityAudioEffect_DistanceAttenuationCallback distanceattenuationcallback;

The structure contains the full 4x4 transform matrices for the listener and source. The listener matrix has already been inverted so
that the two matrices can be easily multiplied to get a relative direction-vector. The listener matrix is always orthonormal, so the
inverse is cheap to calculate. Furthermore the structure contains elds corresponding to the properties of the audio source: Spatial
Blend, Reverb Zone Mix, Spread and Stereo Pan. It is the responsibility of the spatializer to implement these correctly, as when it’s
active, Unity’s audio system will only provide the raw source sound as a stereo signal (even when the source is mono or multichannel in which case up- or down-mixing is used).

Matrix conventions
The sourcematrix eld contains a plain copy of the transformation matrix associated with the AudioSource . For a plain AudioSource
on a game object that is not rotated that will just be a translation matrix where the position is encoded in elements 12, 13 and 14.
The listenermatrix eld contains the inverse of the transform matrix associated with the AudioListener. This makes it very
convenient to determine the direction vector from the listener to the source like this:

float dir_x = L[0] * S[12] + L[4] * S[13] + L[ 8] * S[14] + L[12];
float dir_y = L[1] * S[12] + L[5] * S[13] + L[ 9] * S[14] + L[13];
float dir_z = L[2] * S[12] + L[6] * S[13] + L[10] * S[14] + L[14];

where L is listenermatrix and S is sourcematrix. If you have a listenermatrix that is not rotated and has uniform scaling of 1 (camera
matrices should never be scaled), notice that the position in (L[12], L[13], L[14]) is actually the negative value of what you see in
Unity’s inspector. This is because listenermatrix is the inverse of the camera’s transformation matrix. If the camera had also been
rotated we would not be able to read the positions directly from the matrix simply by negating, but would have to undo the e ect of
the rotation rst. Luckily it is easy to invert such Transformation-Rotation-Scaling matrices as described here, so what we need to do
is transpose the top-left 3x3 rotation matrix of L and calculate the positions like this:

float listenerpos_x = ­(L[0] * L[12] + L[ 1] * L[13] + L[ 2] * L[14]);
float listenerpos_y = ­(L[4] * L[12] + L[ 5] * L[13] + L[ 6] * L[14]);
float listenerpos_z = ­(L[8] * L[12] + L[ 9] * L[13] + L[10] * L[14]);

Attenuation curves and audibility
The only thing that is still handled by the Unity audio system is the distance attenuation, which is applied to the sound before it
enters the spatialization stage, and this is necessary so that the audio system knows the approximate audibility of the source, which
can be used for dynamic virtualization of sounds based on importance in order to match the user-de ned Max Real Voices limit.
Since this is a chicken-and-egg problem this information is not retrieved from actual signal level measurements but corresponds to
the combination of the values that we read from the distance-controlled attenuation curve, the Volume property and attenuations
applied by the mixer. It is however possible to override the attenuation-curve by your own or use the value calculated by the
AudioSource’s curve as a base for modi cation. To do this there is a callback in the UnityAudioSpatializerData structure that may be

typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK* UnityAudioEffect_DistanceAttenuationCa
UnityAudioEffectState* state,
float distanceIn,
float attenuationIn,
float* attenuationOut);

A simple custom logarithmic curve may just be implemented like this:

UnityAudioEffectState* state,
float distanceIn,
float attenuationIn,
float* attenuationOut)
const float rollOffScale = 1.0f; // Similar to the one in the Audio Project Settings
*attenuationOut = 1.0f / max(1.0f, rollOffScale * distanceIn);

Script API
Complementing the native side there are also two new methods on the AudioSource that allow setting and getting parameters from
the spatializer e ect. These are named SetSpatializerFloat/GetSpatializerFloat and work similarly to the
SetFloatParameter/GetFloatParameter used in the generic native audio plugin interface. The main di erence is that
SetSpatializerFloat/GetSpatializerFloat take and index to the parameter to be set/read whereas
SetSpatializerFloat/GetSpatializerFloat refer to the parameters by name.
Additionally the boolean property AudioSource.spatializer is linked to the checkbox in the AudioSource inspector and controls the
instantiation and deallocation of the spatializer e ect based on the selection in the Audio Project Settings. If instantiation of your
spatializer e ect is a very costly thing (in terms of memory allocations, precalculations etc) you may consider keeping the Unity
plugin interface bindings very light-weight and dynamically allocate your e ects from a pool so that the activation/deactivation does
not lead to frame drops.

Known limitations of the example plugin
Due to the fast convolution algorithm used, moving fast causes some zipper artefacts which can be removed though the use of
overlap-save convolution or cross-fading bu ers. Also the code does not support tilting the head to the side, this should be easy to
x though. The KEMAR data set is the only data set used in this demo. IRCAM has a few data sets available that were obtained from
human subjects.

Audio Pro ler

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The pro ler window contains an audio pane that can reveal detailed information about performance metrics and
a log for any audio activity for the past rendered frames. See Audio Area for more information.

Ambisonic Audio

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This page explains how to play back ambisonics and the changes to our audio plugin interface to support ambisonic
audio decoders.
Ambisonics are stored in a multi-channel format. Instead of each channel being mapped to a speci c speaker,
ambisonics instead represent the sound eld in a more general way. The sound eld can then be rotated based on
the listener’s orientation (i.e. the user’s head rotation in XR). The sound eld can also be decoded into a format that
matches the speaker setup. Ambisonics are commonly paired with 360-degree videos and can also be used as an
audio skybox, for distant ambient sounds.

Selecting an ambisonic audio decoder
Navigate to the project’s Audio Manager inspector window via Edit > Project Settings > Audio. Select an ambisonic
decoder from the list of available decoders in the project. There are no built-in decoders that ship with Unity 2017.1,
but Google and Oculus will each provide one in their audio SDKs for Unity.

Ambisonic options in the Audio Settings

Import an ambisonic audio clip
Import a multi-channel WAV le just like normal. In the audio clip’s inspector window, select the new ambisonic
check-box. The WAV le should be B-format, with ACN component ordering, and SN3D normalization.

The Ambisonic checkbox in the audio clip inspector

Play the ambisonic audio clip through an audio source
Play the ambisonic audio clip through an audio source just like you would any other audio clip. When an ambisonic
clip is played, it will rst be de-compressed if necessary, then sent through an ambisonic decoder to convert it to the
project’s selected speaker mode, then sent through the __audio source__’s e ects.
There are a couple of things to note related to audio source properties:
Set spatialize to false. When an ambisonic audio clip is played, it is automatically sent through the project’s selected
ambisonic audio decoder. The decoder converts the clip from ambisonic format to the project’s selected speaker
format. It also already handles spatialization as a part of this decoding operation, based on the orientation of the
audio source and audio listener.
Reverb zones are disabled for ambisonic audio clips, just like they are for spatialized audio sources.

Audio plugin interface changes
For plugin authors, please start by reading about the native audio plugin SDK and audio spatializer SDKs in the
Unity manual and downloading the audio plugin SDK:
There are two changes to AudioPluginInterface.h for ambisonic audio decoders. First, there is a new e ect de nition
ag: UnityAudioE ectDe nitionFlags_IsAmbisonicDecoder. Ambisonic decoders should set this ag in the de nition
bit- eld of the e ect. During the plugin scanning phase, this ag noti es Unity that this e ect is an ambisonic
decoder and it will then show up as an option in the Audio Manager’s list of ambisonic decoders.
Second, there is a new UnityAudioAmbisonicData struct that is passed into ambisonic decoders, which is very similar
to the UnityAudioSpatializerData struct that is passed into spatializers, but there is a new ambisonicOutChannels
integer that has been added. This eld will be set to the DefaultSpeakerMode’s channel count. Ambisonic decoders
are placed very early in the audio pipeline, where we are running at the clip’s channel count, so
ambisonicOutChannels tells the plugin how many of the output channels will actually be used.
If we are playing back a rst order ambisonic audio clip (4 channels) and our speaker mode is stereo (2 channels), an
ambisonic decoder’s process callback will be passed in 4 for the in and out channel count. The
ambisonicOutChannels eld will be set to 2. In this common scenario, the plugin should output its spatialized data to
the rst 2 channels and zero out the other 2 channels.
The Unity ambisonic sources framework in 2017.1 can support rst and second order ambisonics. The plugin
interface includes the information to support binaural stereo, quad, 5.1, and 7.1 output, but the level of support is
really determined by the plugin. Initially, it is only expected that ambisonic decoder plugins will support 1st order
ambisonic sources and binaural stereo output.
There is nothing in the current framework that is speci c to any of the di erent ambisonic formats available. If the
clip’s format matches the ambisonic decoder plugin’s expected format, then everything should just work. Our
current plan, though, is that Unity’s preferred ambisonic format will be B-format, with ACN component ordering, and
SN3D normalization.

2017–08–10 Page published with no editorial review
New feature in Unity 2017.1

Audio Clip

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Audio Clips contain the audio data used by Audio Sources. Unity supports mono, stereo and multichannel audio
assets (up to eight channels). The audio le formats that Unity can import are .aif, .wav, .mp3, and .ogg. Unity
can also import tracker modules in the .xm, .mod, .it, and .s3m formats. The tracker module assets behave the
same way as any other audio assets in Unity although no waveform preview is available in the asset import

The Audio Clip inspector


Force To Mono
When this option is enabled, multi-channel audio will be mixed down to a mono track before packing.

When this option is enabled, audio will be normalized during the “Force To Mono” mixing down process.
Load In Background
When this option is enabled, the loading of the clip will happen at a delayed time on a separate thread, without
blocking the main thread.
Ambisonic audio sources store audio in a format which represents a sound eld that can be rotated based on the
listener’s orientation. It is useful for 360-degree videos and XR applications. Enable this option if your audio le
contains Ambisonic-encoded audio.

Load Type

The method Unity uses to load audio assets at runtime.
Audio les will be decompressed as soon as they are loaded. Use this
option for smaller compressed sounds to avoid the performance
overhead of decompressing on the y. Be aware that decompressing
Decompress On Load
Vorbis-encoded sounds on load will use about ten times more memory
than keeping them compressed (for ADPCM encoding it’s about 3.5
times), so don’t use this option for large les.
Keep sounds compressed in memory and decompress while playing. This
option has a slight performance overhead (especially for Ogg/Vorbis
compressed les) so only use it for bigger les where decompression on
Compressed In Memory
load would use a prohibitive amount of memory. The decompression is
happening on the mixer thread and can be monitored in the “DSP CPU”
section in the audio pane of the pro ler window.
Decode sounds on the y. This method uses a minimal amount of
memory to bu er compressed data that is incrementally read from the
disk and decoded on the y. Note that decompression happens on the
separate streaming thread whose CPU usage can be monitored in the
“Streaming CPU” section in the audio pane of the pro ler window. Note:
Streaming clips has an overload of approximately 200KB, even if none of
the audio data is loaded.
The speci c format that will be used for the sound at runtime. Note that
Compression Format
the options available depend on the currently selected build target.
This option o ers higher quality at the expense of larger le size and is
best for very short sound e ects.
This format is useful for sounds that contain a fair bit of noise and need
to be played in large quantities, such as footsteps, impacts, weapons. The
compression ratio is 3.5 times smaller than PCM, but CPU usage is much
lower than the MP3/Vorbis formats which makes it the preferrable choice
for the aforementioned categories of sounds.


The compression results in smaller les but with somewhat lower quality
compared to PCM audio. The amount of compression is con gurable via
the Quality slider. This format is best for medium length sound e ects
and music.
PCM and ADPCM compression formats allow automatically optimized or
Sample Rate Setting
manual sample rate reduction.
Preserve Sample Rate This setting keeps the sample rate unmodi ed (default).
This setting automatically optimizes the sample rate according to the
Optimize Sample Rate
highest frequency content analyzed.
This setting allows manual overriding of the sample rate, so e ectively
Override Sample Rate
this may be used to discard frequency content.
If enabled, the audio clip will be down-mixed to a single channel sound.
After the down-mixing the signal is peak-normalized, because the downForce To Mono
mixing process typically results in signals that are more quiet than the
original, hence the peak-normalized signal gives better headroom for
later adjustments via the volume property of AudioSource
If enabled, the audio clip will be loading in the background without
causing stalls on the main thread. This is o by default in order to ensure
the standard Unity behavior where all AudioClips have nished loading
Load In Background
when the scene starts playing. Note that play requests on AudioClips
that are still loading in the background will be deferred until the clip is
done loading. The load state can be queried via the AudioClip.loadState
If enabled, the audio clip will be pre-loaded when the scene is loaded.
This is on by default to re ect standard Unity behavior where all
AudioClips have nished loading when the scene starts playing. If this
Preload Audio Data
ag is not set, the audio data will either be loaded on the rst
AudioSource.Play()/AudioSource.PlayOneShot(), or it can be loaded via
AudioSource.LoadAudioData() and unloaded again via
Determines the amount of Compression to be applied to a Compressed
clip. Does not apply to PCM/ADPCM/HEVAG formats. Statistics about the
le size can be seen in the inspector. A good approach to tuning this
value is to drag the slider to a place that leaves the playback “good
enough” while keeping the le small enough for your distribution
requirements. Note that the original size relates to the original le, so if
this was an MP3 le and Compression Format is set to PCM (i.e.
uncompressed), the resulting Ratio will be bigger than 100% because the
le is now stored uncompressed and taking up more space than the
source MP3 that it came from.

Preview Window

The Preview window contains three icons.
When Auto Play is on the clips will play as soon as they are selected.

When Loop is on the clips will play in a continual loop.
This will play the clip.

Importing Audio Assets
Unity is able to read a wide range of source le formats. Whenever a le is imported, it will be transcoded to a
format suitable for the build target and the type of sound. This is selectable via the Compression Format setting in
the inspector.
In general, the PCM and Vorbis/MP3 formats are preferrable for keeping the sound as close to the original as
possible. PCM is very lightweight on the CPU requirements, since the sound is uncompressed and can just be
read from memory. Vorbis/MP3 allows adaptively discarding less audible information via the Quality slider.
ADPCM is a compromise between memory and CPU usage in that it uses only slightly more CPU than the
uncompressed PCM option, but yields a constant 3.5 compression factor, which is in general about 3 times worse
than the compression that can be achieved with Vorbis or MP3 compression. Furthermore ADPCM (like PCM)
allows automatically optimized or manually set sample rates to be used, which – depending on the frequency
content of the sound and the acceptable loss of quality – can further shrink the size of the packed sound assets.
Module les (.mod,.it,.s3m..xm) can deliver very high quality with an extremely low footprint. When using module
les, unless you speci cally want this, make sure that the Load Type is set to Compressed In Memory, because if it’s
set to Decompress On Load the whole song will be decompressed. This is a new behavior in Unity 5.0 that allows
GetData/SetData to be used on these types of clips too, but the general and default use case for tracker modules
is to have them compressed in memory.
As a general rule of thumb, Compressed audio (or modules) are best for long les like background music or dialog,
while PCM and ADPCM is better for short sound e ects that contain some noise, as the artefacts of ADPCM are too
apparent on smooth signals. You should tweak the amount of Compression using the compression slider. Start
with high compression and gradually reduce the setting to the point where the loss of sound quality is
perceptible. Then, increase it again slightly until the perceived loss of quality disappears.

Platform speci c details
Unity supports importing a variety of source format sound les. However when importing these les (with the
exception of tracker les), they are always re-encoded to the build target format. By default, this format is Vorbis,
though this can be overridden per platform to other formats (ADPCM, MP3 etc) if required.
2017–08–09 Page published with no editorial review
Ambisonic support checkbox added in Unity 2017.1

Audio Listener

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The Audio Listener acts as a microphone-like device. It receives input from any given Audio Source in the scene and plays sounds
through the computer speakers. For most applications it makes the most sense to attach the listener to the Main Camera. If an audio
listener is within the boundaries of a Reverb Zone reverberation is applied to all audible sounds in the scene. Furthermore,
Audio E ects can be applied to the listener and it will be applied to all audible sounds in the scene.

The Audio Listener has no properties. It simply must be added to work. It is always added to the Main Camera by default.

The Audio Listener works in conjunction with Audio Sources, allowing you to create the aural experience for your games. When the
Audio Listener is attached to a GameObject in your scene, any Sources that are close enough to the Listener will be picked up and
output to the computer’s speakers. Each scene can only have 1 Audio Listener to work properly.
If the Sources are 3D (see import settings in Audio Clip), the Listener will emulate position, velocity and orientation of the sound in the
3D world (You can tweak attenuation and 3D/2D behavior in great detail in Audio Source) . 2D will ignore any 3D processing. For
example, if your character walks o a street into a night club, the night club’s music should probably be 2D, while the individual voices
of characters in the club should be mono with their realistic positioning being handled by Unity.
You should attach the Audio Listener to either the Main Camera or to the GameObject that represents the player. Try both to nd what
suits your game best.

Each scene can only have one Audio Listener.
You access the project-wide audio settings using the Audio Manager, found in the Edit->Project Settings->Audio
View the Audio Clip Component page for more information about Mono vs Stereo sounds.

Audio Source

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The Audio Source plays back an Audio Clip in the scene. The clip can be played to an audio listener or through an
audio mixer. The audio source can play any type of Audio Clip and can be con gured to play these as 2D, 3D, or as a
mixture (SpatialBlend). The audio can be spread out between speakers (stereo to 7.1) (Spread) and morphed between
3D and 2D (SpatialBlend). This can be controlled over distance with fallo curves. Also, if the listener is within one or
multiple Reverb Zones, reverberation is applied to the source. Individual lters can be applied to each audio source for
an even richer audio experience. See Audio E ects for more details.


Audio Clip
E ects
E ects
Play On

Reference to the sound clip le that will be played.
The sound can be output through an audio listener or an audio mixer.
If enabled the sound will be playing but muted.
This is to quickly “by-pass” lter e ects applied to the audio source. An easy way to turn all
e ects on/o .
This is to quickly turn all Listener e ects on/o .

This is to quickly turn all Reverb Zones on/o .

If enabled, the sound will start playing the moment the scene launches. If disabled, you
need to start it using the Play() command from scripting.
Enable this to make the Audio Clip loop when it reaches the end.
Determines the priority of this audio source among all the ones that coexist in the scene.
(Priority: 0 = most important. 256 = least important. Default = 128.). Use 0 for music tracks
to avoid it getting occasionally swapped out.
How loud the sound is at a distance of one world unit (one meter) from the
Audio Listener.
Amount of change in pitch due to slowdown/speed up of the Audio Clip. Value 1 is
normal playback speed.
Stereo Pan Sets the position in the stereo eld of 2D sounds.
Sets how much the 3D engine has an e ect on the audio source.
Sets the amount of the output signal that gets routed to the reverb zones. The amount is
linear in the (0 - 1) range, but allows for a 10 dB ampli cation in the (1 - 1.1) range which
Zone Mix
can be useful to achieve the e ect of near- eld and distant sounds.
3D Sound
Settings that are applied proportionally to the Spatial Blend parameter.
Determines how much doppler e ect will be applied to this audio source (if is set to 0,
then no e ect is applied).
Sets the spread angle to 3D stereo or multichannel sound in speaker space.
Within the MinDistance, the sound will stay at loudest possible. Outside MinDistance it will
begin to attenuate. Increase the MinDistance of a sound to make it ‘louder’ in a 3d world,
and decrease it to make it ‘quieter’ in a 3d world.
The distance where the sound stops attenuating at. Beyond this point it will stay at the
volume it would be at MaxDistance units from the listener and will not attenuate any
How fast the sound fades. The higher the value, the closer the Listener has to be before
hearing the sound. (This is determined by a Graph).
The sound is loud when you are close to the audio source, but when you get away from
the object it decreases signi cantly fast.
- Linear
The further away from the audio source you go, the less you can hear it.

- Custom

The sound from the audio source behaves accordingly to how you set the graph of roll
o s.

Types of Rollo

There are three Rollo modes: Logarithmic, Linear and Custom Rollo . The Custom Rollo can be modi ed by
modifying the volume distance curve as described below. If you try to modify the volume distance function when it is
set to Logarithmic or Linear, the type will automatically change to Custom Rollo .

Rollo Modes that an audio source can have.

Distance Functions

There are several properties of the audio that can be modi ed as a function of the distance between the audio source
and the audio listener.
Volume: Amplitude(0.0 - 1.0) over distance.
Spatial Blend: 2D (original channel mapping) to 3D (all channels downmixed to mono and attenuated according to
distance and direction).
Spread: Angle (degrees 0.0 - 360.0) over distance.
Low-Pass (only if LowPassFilter is attached to the AudioSource): Cuto Frequency (22000.0–10.0) over distance.
Reverb Zone: Amount of signal routed to the reverb zones. Note that the volume property and distance and
directional attenuation are applied to the signal rst and therefore a ect both the direct and reverberated signals.

Distance functions for Volume, Spatial Blend, Spread, Low-Pass audio lter, and Reverb Zone Mix. The
current distance to the Audio Listener is marked in the graph by the red vertical line.
To modify the distance functions, you can edit the curves directly. For more information, see the guide to Editing

Creating Audio Sources
Audio Sources don’t do anything without an assigned Audio Clip. The Clip is the actual sound le that will be played
back. The Source is like a controller for starting and stopping playback of that clip, and modifying other audio
To create a new Audio Source:

Import your audio les into your Unity Project. These are now Audio Clips.
Go to GameObject->Create Empty from the menubar.
With the new GameObject selected, select Component->Audio->Audio Source.
Assign the Audio Clip property of the Audio Source Component in the Inspector.
Note: If you want to create an Audio Source just for one Audio Clip that you have in the Assets folder then you can
just drag that clip to the scene view - a GameObject with an Audio Source component will be created automatically
for it. Dragging a clip onto on existing GameObject will attach the clip along with a new Audio Source if there isn’t one
already there. If the object does already have an Audio Source then the newly dragged clip will replace the one that
the source currently uses.

Audio Mixer

Property: Function:
S Button Soloing the group.
M Button Muting the group.
B Button Bypassing all the e ects in the group.
When you select Add you can select from a list of e ects that can be applied to the group.

Leave feedback

Audio Filters

Leave feedback

You can modify the output of Audio Source and Audio Listener components by applying Audio E ects. These can lter the
frequency ranges of the sound or apply reverb and other e ects.
The e ects are applied by adding e ect components to the object with the Audio Source or Audio Listener. The ordering of the
components is important, since it re ects the order in which the e ects will be applied to the source audio. For example, in the
image below, an Audio Listener is modi ed rst by an Audio Low Pass Filter and then an Audio Chorus Filter.

To change the ordering of these and any other components, open a context menu in the inspector and select the Move Up or
Move Down commands. Enabling or disabling an e ect component determines whether it will be applied or not.
Though highly optimized, some lters are still CPU intensive. Audio CPU usage can monitored in the pro ler under the Audio Tab.
See the other pages in this section for further information about the speci c lter types available.

Audio Low Pass Filter

Leave feedback


The Audio Low Pass Filter passes low frequencies of an AudioSource or all sound reaching an AudioListener
while removing frequencies higher than the Cuto Frequency.


Cuto Frequency
Lowpass cuto frequency in Hertz (range 0.0 to 22000.0, default = 5000.0).
Lowpass Resonance Q Lowpass resonance quality value (range 1.0 to 10.0, default = 1.0).


The Lowpass Resonance Q (short for Lowpass Resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the lter’s selfresonance is dampened. Higher lowpass resonance quality indicates a lower rate of energy loss, that is the
oscillations die out more slowly.
The Audio Low Pass Filter has a Rollo curve associated with it, making it possible to set Cuto

Frequency over

distance between the AudioSource and the AudioListener.
Sounds propagates very di erently given the environment. For example, to compliment a visual fog e ect add a
subtle low-pass to the Audio Listener. The high frequencies of a sound being emitted from behind a door will be
ltered out by the door and so won’t reach the listener. To simulate this, simply change the Cuto Frequency
when opening the door.

Audio High Pass Filter

Leave feedback


The Audio High Pass Filter passes high frequencies of an AudioSource and cuts o signals with frequencies
lower than the Cuto Frequency.




Highpass Resonance

Highpass cuto frequency in Hertz (range 10.0 to 22000.0, default =
Highpass resonance quality value (range 1.0 to 10.0, default = 1.0).


The Highpass resonance Q (short for Highpass Resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the lter’s selfresonance is dampened. Higher highpass resonance quality indicates a lower rate of energy loss, that is the
oscillations die out more slowly.

Audio Echo Filter

Leave feedback


The Audio Echo Filter repeats a sound after a given Delay, attenuating the repetitions based on the Decay


Wet Mix
Dry Mix


Echo delay in ms. 10 to 5000. Default = 500.
Echo decay per delay. 0 to 1. 1.0 = No decay, 0.0 = total decay (ie simple 1 line delay).
Default = 0.5.L
Volume of echo signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 1.0.
Volume of original signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 1.0.

The Wet Mix value determines the amplitude of the ltered signal, where the Dry Mix determines the amplitude
of the un ltered sound output.
Hard surfaces re ects the propagation of sound. For example a large canyon can be made more convincing with
the Audio Echo Filter.
Sound propagates slower than light - we all know that from lightning and thunder. To simulate this, add an Audio
Echo Filter to an event sound, set the Wet Mix to 0.0 and modulate the Delay to the distance between
AudioSource and AudioListener.

Audio Distortion Filter

Leave feedback


The Audio Distortion Filter distorts the sound from an AudioSource or sounds reaching the AudioListener.

Property: Function:
Distortion Distortion value. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.5.


Apply the Audio Distortion Filter to simulate the sound of a low quality radio transmission.

Audio Reverb Filter

Leave feedback


The Audio Reverb Filter takes an Audio Clip and distorts it to create a custom reverb e ect.


Dry Level
Room HF
Room LF
Decay Time
Re ections
Re ections
Reverb Level
Reverb Delay

Custom reverb presets, select user to create your own customized reverbs.
Mix level of dry signal in output in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0.
Room e ect level at low frequencies in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is
Room e ect high-frequency level in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0.0.
Room e ect low-frequency level in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0.0.
Reverberation decay time at low-frequencies in seconds. Ranges from 0.1 to 20.0.
Default is 1.0.
Decay HF Ratio : High-frequency to low-frequency decay time ratio. Ranges from 0.1
to 2.0. Default is 0.5.
Early re ections level relative to room e ect in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 1000.0.
Default is –10000.0.
Early re ections delay time relative to room e ect in mB. Ranges from 0 to 0.3.
Default is 0.0.
Late reverberation level relative to room e ect in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to
2000.0. Default is 0.0.
Late reverberation delay time relative to rst re ection in seconds. Ranges from 0.0
to 0.1. Default is 0.04.
Reference high frequency in Hz. Ranges from 1000.0 to 20000.0. Default is 5000.0.
Reference low-frequency in Hz. Ranges from 20.0 to 1000.0. Default is 250.0.

Di usion

Reverberation di usion (echo density) in percent. Ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. Default
is 100.0.
Reverberation density (modal density) in percent. Ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. Default
is 100.0.

Note: These values can only be modi ed if your Reverb Preset is set to User, else these values will be grayed out
and they will have default values for each preset.

Audio Chorus Filter

Leave feedback


The Audio Chorus Filter takes an Audio Clip and processes it creating a chorus e ect.


Property: Function:
Dry Mix Volume of original signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.5.
Volume of 1st chorus tap. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.5.
Mix 1
Volume of 2nd chorus tap. This tap is 90 degrees out of phase of the rst tap. 0.0 to 1.0.
Mix 2
Default = 0.5.
Volume of 3rd chorus tap. This tap is 90 degrees out of phase of the second tap. 0.0 to 1.0.
Mix 3
Default = 0.5.
Delay The LFO’s delay in ms. 0.1 to 100.0. Default = 40.0 ms
The LFO’s modulation rate in Hz. 0.0 to 20.0. Default = 0.8 Hz.
Depth Chorus modulation depth. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.03.
Chorus feedback. Controls how much of the wet signal gets fed back into the lter’s
bu er. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.0.


The chorus e ect modulates the original sound by a sinusoid low frequency oscillator (LFO). The output sounds
like there are multiple sources emitting the same sound with slight variations - resembling a choir.
You can tweak the chorus lter to create a anger e ect by lowering the feedback and decreasing the delay, as
the anger is a variant of the chorus.
Creating a simple, dry echo is done by setting Rate and Depth to 0 and tweaking the mixes and Delay

Audio E ects

Leave feedback

You can modify the output of Audio Mixer components by applying Audio E ects. These can lter the frequency ranges of the
sound or apply reverb and other e ects.
The e ects are applied by adding e ect components to the relevant section of the Audio Mixer. The ordering of the components
is important, since it re ects the order in which the e ects will be applied to the source audio. For example, in the image below,
the Music section of an Audio Mixer is modi ed rst by a Lowpass e ect and then a compressor E ect, Flange E ect and so on.

To change the ordering of these and any other components, open a context menu in the inspector and select the Move Up or
Move Down commands. Enabling or disabling an e ect component determines whether it will be applied or not.
Though highly optimized, some lters are still CPU intensive. Audio CPU usage can monitored in the pro ler under the Audio Tab.
See the other pages in this section for further information about the speci c e ect types available.

Audio Low Pass E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Low Pass E ect passes low frequencies of an AudioMixer group while removing frequencies higher
than the Cuto Frequency.


Cuto freq Lowpass cuto frequency in Hertz (range 10.0 to 22000.0, default = 5000.0).
Resonance Lowpass resonance quality value (range 1.0 to 10.0, default = 1.0).


The Resonance (short for Lowpass Resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the lter’s self-resonance is
dampened. Higher lowpass resonance quality indicates a lower rate of energy loss, that is the oscillations die out
more slowly.

Audio High Pass E ect

Leave feedback

The Highpass E ect passes high frequencies of an AudioMixer group and cuts o signals with frequencies lower
than the Cuto Frequency.


Cuto freq Highpass cuto frequency in Hertz (range 10.0 to 22000.0, default = 5000.0).
Resonance Highpass resonance quality value (range 1.0 to 10.0, default = 1.0).


The Resonance (short for Highpass Resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the lter’s self-resonance is
dampened. Higher highpass resonance quality indicates a lower rate of energy loss, that is the oscillations die out
more slowly.

Audio Echo E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Echo E ect repeats a sound after a given Delay, attenuating the repetitions based on the Decay


Property: Function:
Delay Echo delay in ms. 10 to 5000. Default = 500.
Echo decay per delay. 0 to 100%. 100% = No decay, 0% = total decay (ie simple 1 line
delay). Default = 50%.
Max channels
Drymix Volume of original signal to pass to output. 0 to 100%. Default = 100%.
Wetmix Volume of echo signal to pass to output. 0 to 100%. Default = 100%.


The Wetmix value determines the amplitude of the ltered signal, where the Drymix determines the amplitude
of the un ltered sound output.
Hard surfaces re ects the propagation of sound. For example a large canyon can be made more convincing with
the Audio Echo Filter.

Audio Flange E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Flange E ect is used to create the audio e ect produced by mixing two identical signals together,
one signal delayed by a small and gradually changing period, usually smaller than 20 milliseconds.


Property: Function:
Drymix Percentage of original signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 100.0%. Default = 45%.
Wetmix Percentage of ange signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 100.0%. Default = 55%.
Depth 0.01 to 1.0. Default = 1.0.
0.1 to 20 Hz. Default = 10 Hz.

Audio Distortion E ect
The Distortion E ect distorts the sound from an AudioMixer group.


Property: Function:
Distortion Distortion value. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.5.


Apply the Distortion E ect to simulate the sound of a low quality radio transmission.

Leave feedback

Audio Normalize E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Normalize E ect applies a constant amount of gain to an audio stream to bring the average or peak
amplitude to a target level.



Fade in time of the e ect in milliseconds (range 0 to 20000.0, default = 5000.0
Fade in time
(range 0.0 to 1.0, default = 0.10).
Maximum ampli cation (range 0.0 to 100000.0, default = 20 x).

Audio Parametric Equalizer E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Param EQ E ect is used to alter the frequency response of an audio system using linear lters.


Property: Function:
The frequency in Hertz where the gain is applied (range 20.0 to 22000.0, default =
8000.0 Hz).
The number of Octaves over which the gain is applied (Centered on the Center
Frequency) (range 0.20 to 5.00, default = 1.0 octave).
The gain applied (range 0.05 to 3.00, default = 1.00 - no gain applied).


The graph shows the e ect of the gain to be applied over the frequency range of the audio output.

Audio Pitch Shifter E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Pitch Shifter E ect is used to shift a signal up or down in pitch.


The pitch multiplier (range 0.5 x to 2.0 x, default 1.0 x).
FFT Size
(range 256.0 to 4096.0, default = 1024.0).
(range 1 to 32, default = 4).
Max channels The maximum number of channels (range 0 to 16, default = 0 channels).

Audio Chorus E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Chorus E ect takes an Audio Mixer group output and processes it creating a chorus e ect.


Dry mix
Wet mix
tap 1
Wet mix
tap 2
Wet mix
tap 3

Volume of original signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.5.
Volume of 1st chorus tap. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.5.

Volume of 2nd chorus tap. This tap is 90 degrees out of phase of the rst tap. 0.0 to 1.0.
Default = 0.5.
Volume of 3rd chorus tap. This tap is 90 degrees out of phase of the second tap. 0.0 to
1.0. Default = 0.5.
The LFO’s delay in ms. 0.1 to 100.0. Default = 40.0 ms
The LFO’s modulation rate in Hz. 0.0 to 20.0. Default = 0.8 Hz.
Chorus modulation depth. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.03.
Chorus feedback. Controls how much of the wet signal gets fed back into the lter’s
bu er. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.0.


The chorus e ect modulates the original sound by a sinusoid low frequency oscillator (LFO). The output sounds
like there are multiple sources emitting the same sound with slight variations - resembling a choir.
You can tweak the chorus lter to create a anger e ect by lowering the feedback and decreasing the delay, as
the anger is a variant of the chorus.
Creating a simple, dry echo is done by setting Rate and Depth to 0 and tweaking the mixes and Delay

Audio Compressor E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Compressor E ect reduces the volume of loud sounds or ampli es quiet sounds by narrowing or
“compressing” an audio signal’s dynamic range.


Threshold level in dB (range 0 to –60dB, default = 0dB).
The rate the e ect is applied in ms. (range 10.0 to 200.0 ms, default = 50.0 ms).
The rate the e ect is released in ms. (range 20.0 to 1000.0 ms, default = 50.0 ms).
Make up gain Make up gain level in dB (range 0 to 30dB, default = 0dB).

Audio SFX Reverb E ect

Leave feedback

The SFX Reverb E ect takes the output of an Audio Mixer group and distorts it to create a custom reverb e ect.


Dry Level

Mix level of dry signal in output in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0 mB.
Room e ect level at low frequencies in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is –
10000.0 mB.
Room e ect high-frequency level in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0.0
Room HF
Reverberation decay time at low-frequencies in seconds. Ranges from 0.1 to 20.0.
Decay Time
Default is 1.0.
Decay HF
Decay HF Ratio : High-frequency to low-frequency decay time ratio. Ranges from 0.1
to 2.0. Default is 0.5.
Early re ections level relative to room e ect in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 1000.0.
Re ections
Default is –10000.0 mB.
Re ect
Early re ections delay time relative to room e ect in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to
2000.0. Default is 0.02.
Late reverberation level relative to room e ect in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to
2000.0. Default is 0.0 mB.
Late reverberation delay time relative to rst re ection in seconds. Ranges from 0.0
to 0.1. Default is 0.04 s.
Reverberation di usion (echo density) in percent. Ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. Default is
Di usion
Reverberation density (modal density) in percent. Ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. Default is
HFReference Reference high frequency in Hz. Ranges from 20.0 to 20000.0. Default is 5000.0 Hz.
Room e ect low-frequency level in mB. Ranges from –10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0.0
Room LF

LFReference Reference low-frequency in Hz. Ranges from 20.0 to 1000.0. Default is 250.0 Hz.

Audio Low Pass Simple E ect

Leave feedback

The Audio Low Pass Simple E ect passes low frequencies of an AudioMixer group while removing frequencies
higher than the Cuto Frequency.


Cuto freq Lowpass cuto frequency in Hertz (range 10.0 to 22000.0, default = 5000.0).


The Resonance (short for Lowpass Resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the lter’s self-resonance is
dampened. Higher lowpass resonance quality indicates a lower rate of energy loss, that is the oscillations die out
more slowly.
For additional control over the resonance value of the low pass lter use the Audio Low Pass e ect.

Audio High Pass Simple E ect

Leave feedback

The Highpass Simple E ect passes high frequencies of an AudioMixer group and cuts o signals with
frequencies lower than the Cuto Frequency.


Cuto freq Highpass cuto frequency in Hertz (range 10.0 to 22000.0, default = 5000.0).


The Resonance (short for Highpass Resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the lter’s self-resonance is
dampened. Higher highpass resonance quality indicates a lower rate of energy loss, that is the oscillations die out
more slowly.
For additional control over the resonance value of the high pass lter use the Audio High Pass e ect.

Reverb Zones

Leave feedback


Reverb Zones take an Audio Clip and distorts it depending where the audio listener is located inside the reverb
zone. They are used when you want to gradually change from a point where there is no ambient e ect to a place
where there is one, for example when you are entering a cavern.


Property: Function:
Represents the radius of the inner circle in the gizmo, this determines the zone where
Distance there is a gradually reverb e ect and a full reverb zone.
Represents the radius of the outer circle in the gizmo, this determines the zone where
Distance there is no e ect and where the reverb starts to get applied gradually.
Determines the reverb e ect that will be used by the reverb zone.
This diagram illustrates the properties of the reverb zone.

How the sound works in a reverb zone


You can mix reverb zones to create combined e ects.


Leave feedback


The Microphone class is useful for capturing input from a built-in (physical) microphone on your PC or mobile
With this class, you can start and end a recording from a built-in microphone, get a listing of available audio input
devices (microphones), and nd out the status of each such input device.
There is no component for the Microphone class but you can access it from a script. See the Microphone page in
the Scripting Reference for further information.

Audio Settings

Leave feedback


The AudioSettings class contains various bits of global information relating to the sound system, but most
importantly it contains API that allows resetting the audio system at runtime in order to change settings such as
speaker mode, sample rate (if supported by the platform), DSP bu er size and real/virtual voice counts.
Many of these settings can also be con gured in the Audio section of the project settings. When changed these
settings will apply both to the editor and de ne the initial state of the game while changes performed using the
AudioSettings API only apply to the runtime of the game and are reset back to the state de ned in the project
settings when stopping the game in the editor.
The game may provide a sound options menu in which the user can change the sound settings or changes may
come from outside in response to a device change such as plugging in an external audio input/output device or
even an HDMI monitor which may also act as an audio device. The AudioCon guration
AudioSettings.GetCon guration() / bool AudioSettings.Reset(AudioCon guration con g) API can read and apply
global changes to the current sound system con guration and essentially replaces the
AudioSettings.SetDSPBu erSize(…) function and the AudioSettings.outputSampleRate, AudioSettings.speakerMode
which had the side e ect of reinitializing the whole audio system when the properties were modi ed.
The API de nes the AudioSettings.OnAudioCon gurationChanged(bool device) to set up a callback through which
scripts can be noti ed about audio con guration changes. These can either be caused by actual device changes or
by a con guration initiated by script.
It is important to note that whenever runtime modi cations of the global audio system con guration are
performed all audio objects have to be reloaded. This works for disk-based AudioClip assets and audio mixers, but
any AudioClips generated or modi ed by scripts are lost and have to be recreated. Likewise any play state is lost
too, so these need to be regenerated in the AudioSettings.OnAudioCon gurationChanged(…) callback.
For details and examples see the scripting API reference.


Leave feedback

Animation in Unity
Unity’s Animation features include retargetable animations, full control of animation weights at runtime, event
calling from within the animation playback, sophisticated state machine hierarchies and transitions, blend
shapes for facial animations, and much more.
Read this section to nd out how to import and work with imported animation, and how to animate objects,
colours, and any other parameters within Unity itself.
Related tutorials: Animation
See the Knowledge Base Animation section for tips, tricks and troubleshooting.

Animation System Overview

Leave feedback

Unity has a rich and sophisticated animation system (sometimes referred to as ‘Mecanim’). It provides:

Easy work ow and setup of animations for all elements of Unity including objects, characters, and properties.
Support for imported animation clips and animation created within Unity
Humanoid animation retargeting - the ability to apply animations from one character model onto another.
Simpli ed work ow for aligning animation clips.
Convenient preview of animation clips, transitions and interactions between them. This allows animators to work
more independently of programmers, prototype and preview their animations before gameplay code is hooked
Management of complex interactions between animations with a visual programming tool.
Animating di erent body parts with di erent logic.
Layering and masking features

Typical view of an Animation State Machine in the Animator window

Animation work ow

Unity’s animation system is based on the concept of Animation Clips, which contain information about how certain objects should
change their position, rotation, or other properties over time. Each clip can be thought of as a single linear recording. Animation
clips from external sources are created by artists or animators with 3rd party tools such as Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Autodesk®
Maya®, or come from motion capture studios or other sources.
Animation Clips are then organised into a structured owchart-like system called an Animator Controller. The Animator Controller
acts as a “State Machine” which keeps track of which clip should currently be playing, and when the animations should change or
blend together.
A very simple Animator Controller might only contain one or two clips, for example to control a powerup spinning and bouncing,
or to animate a door opening and closing at the correct time. A more advanced Animator Controller might contain dozens of

humanoid animations for all the main character’s actions, and might blend between multiple clips at the same time to provide a
uid motion as the player moves around the scene.
Unity’s Animation system also has numerous special features for handling humanoid characters which give you the ability to
retarget humanoid animation from any source (for example: motion capture; the Asset Store; or some other third-party
animation library) to your own character model, as well as adjusting muscle de nitions. These special features are enabled by
Unity’s Avatar system, where humanoid characters are mapped to a common internal format.
Each of these pieces - the Animation Clips, the Animator Controller, and the Avatar, are brought together on a GameObject via
the Animator Component. This component has a reference to an Animator Controller, and (if required) the Avatar for this model.
The Animator Controller, in turn, contains the references to the Animation Clips it uses.

How the various parts of the animation system connect together
The above diagram shows the following:

Animation clips are imported from an external source or created within Unity. In this example, they are imported
motion captured humanoid animations.
The animation clips are placed and arranged in an Animator Controller. This shows a view of an Animator
Controller in the Animator window. The States (which may represent animations or nested sub-state machines)
appear as nodes connected by lines. This Animator Controller exists as an asset in the Project window.
The rigged character model (in this case, the astronaut “Astrella”) has a speci c con guration of bones which are
mapped to Unity’s common Avatar format. This mapping is stored as an Avatar asset as part of the imported
character model, and also appears in the Project window as shown.
When animating the character model, it has an Animator component attached. In the Inspector view shown
above, you can see the Animator Component which has both the Animator Controller and the Avatar assigned.
The animator uses these together to animate the model. The Avatar reference is only necessary when animating
a humanoid character. For other types of animation, only an Animator Controller is required.
Unity’s animation system comes with a lot of concepts and terminology. If at any point, you need to nd out what something
means, go to our Animation Glossary.

Legacy animation system
While Mecanim is recommended for use in most situations, Unity has retained its legacy animation system which existed before
Unity 4. You may need to use when working with older content created before Unity 4. For information on the Legacy animation

system, see this section
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Animation Clips

Leave feedback

Animation Clips are one of the core elements to Unity’s animation system. Unity supports importing animation
from external sources, and o ers the ability to create animation clips from scratch within the editor using the
Animation window.

Animation from External Sources
Animation clips imported from external sources could include:

Humanoid animations captured at a motion capture studio
Animations created from scratch by an artist in an external 3D application (such as Autodesk® 3ds
Max® or Autodesk® Maya®)
Animation sets from 3rd-party libraries (eg, from Unity’s asset store)
Multiple clips cut and sliced from a single imported timeline.

An example of an imported animation clip, viewed in Unity’s Inspector window

Animation Created and Edited Within Unity

Unity’s Animation Window also allows you to create and edit animation clips. These clips can animate:

The position, rotation and scale of GameObjects
Component properties such as material colour, the intensity of a light, the volume of a sound
Properties within your own scripts including oat, integer, enum, vector and Boolean variables
The timing of calling functions within your own scripts

An example of Unity’s Animation window being used to animate parameters of a component - in
this case, the intensity and range of a point light
2017–10–02 Page amended with limited editorial review
Integer properties within scripts can be animated in 2017.31
2D Button added to animation previewer 2017.3

Animation from external sources

Leave feedback

Animation from external sources is imported into Unity in the same way as regular 3D les. These les, whether
they’re generic FBX les or native formats from 3D software such as Autodesk® Maya®, Cinema 4D, Autodesk®
3ds Max®, can contain animation data in the form of a linear recording of the movements of objects within the

An imported FBX 3D Asset containing an animation titled ‘Run’
In some situations the object to be animated (eg, a character) and the animations to go with it can be present in
the same le. In other cases, the animations may exist in a separate le to the model to be animated.
It may be that animations are speci c to a particular model, and cannot be re-used on other models. For example,
a giant octopus end-boss in your game might have a unique arrangement of limbs and bones, and its own set of
In other situations, it may be that you have a library of animations which are to be used on various di erent
models in your scene. For example, a number of di erent humanoid characters might all use the same walk and
run animations. In these situations, it’s common to have a simple placeholder model in your animation les for
the purposes of previewing them. Alternatively, it is possible to use animation les even if they have no geometry
at all, just the animation data.
When importing multiple animations, the animations can each exist as separate les within your project folder, or
you can extract multiple animation clips from a single FBX le if exported as takes from Motion builder or with a
plugin / script for Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® 3ds Max® or other 3D packages. You might want to do this if
your le contains multiple separate animations arranged on a single timeline. For example, a long motion
captured timeline might contain the animation for a few di erent jump motions, and you may want to cut out
certain sections of this to use as individual clips and discard the rest. Unity provides animation cutting tools to
achieve this when you import all animations in one timeline by allowing you to select the frame range for each

Importing animation les
Before any animation can be used in Unity, it must rst be imported into your project. Unity can import native
Autodesk® Maya® (.mb or .ma), Autodesk® 3ds Max® (.max) and Cinema 4D (.c4d) les, and also generic FBX
les which can be exported from most animation packages.
For more information, see Importing.

Viewing and copying data from imported animation les
You can view the keyframes and curves of imported animation clips in the Animation window. Sometimes, if
these imported clips have lots of bones with lots of keyframes, the amount of information can look
overwhelmingly complex. For example, the image below is what a humanoid running animation looks like in the
Animation window:

To simplify the view, select the speci c bones you are interested in examining. The Animation window then
displays only the keyframes or curves for those bones.

Limiting the view to just the selected bones
When viewing imported Animation keyframes, the Animation window provides a read-only view of the Animation
data. To edit this data, create a new empty Animation Clip in Unity (see Creating a new Animation Clip), then
select, copy and paste the Animation data from the imported Animation Clip into your new, writable Animation

Selecting keyframes from an imported clip.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Humanoid Avatars

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Unity’s Animation System has special features for working with humanoid characters. Because humanoid
characters are so common in games, Unity provides a specialized work ow, and an extended tool set for
humanoid animations.
The Avatar system is how Unity identi es that a particular animated model is humanoid in layout, and which parts
of the model correspond to the legs, arms, head and body.
Because of the similarity in bone structure between di erent humanoid characters, it is possible to map
animations from one humanoid character to another, allowing retargeting and inverse kinematics__ (IK)__.

Unity’s Avatar structure
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Animation Window Guide

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The Animation Window in Unity allows you to create and modify Animation Clips directly inside Unity. It is designed to act as a
powerful and straightforward alternative to external 3D animation programs. In addition to animating movement, the editor also
allows you to animate variables of materials and components and augment your Animation Clips with Animation Events,
functions that are called at speci ed points along the timeline.
See the pages about Animation import and Animation Scripting for further information about these subjects.

What’s the di erence between the Animation window and the
Timeline window?
The Timeline window
The Timeline window allows you to create cinematic content, game-play sequences, audio sequences and complex particle e ects.
You can animate many di erent GameObjects within the same sequence, such as a cut scene or scripted sequence where a
character interacts with scenery. In the timeline window you can have multiple types of track, and each track can contain multiple
clips that can be moved, trimmed, and blended between. It is useful for creating more complex animated sequences that require
many di erent GameObjects to be choreographed together.
The Timeline window is newer than the Animation window. It was added to Unity in version 2017.1, and supercedes some of the
functionality of the Animation window. To start learning about Timeline in Unity, visit the Timeline section of the user manual.

The Timeline window, showing many di erent types of clips arranged in the same sequence

The Animation window

The Animation window allows you to create individual animation clips as well as viewing imported animation clips. Animation clips
store animation for a single GameObject or a single hierarchy of GameObjects. The Animation window is useful for animating
discrete items in your game such as a swinging pendulum, a sliding door, or a spinning coin. The animation window can only show
one animation clip at a time.
The Animation window was added to Unity in version 4.0. The Animation window is an older feature than the Timeline window. It
provides a simple way to create animation clips and animate individual GameObjects, and the clips you create in the Animation
window can be combined and blended between using anim Animator controller. However, to create more complex sequences
involving many disparate GameObjects you should use the Timeline window (see above).
The animation window has a “timeline” as part of its user interface (the horiontal bar with time delineations marked out), however
this is separate to the Timeline window.
To start learning about animation in Unity, visit the Animation section of the user manual.

The Animation window, shown in dopesheet mode, showing a hierarchy of objects (in this case, a robot arm with
numerous moving parts) animated together in a single animation clip

Using the Animation view

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The Animation view is used to preview and edit Animation Clips for animated GameObjects in Unity. To open
the Animation view in Unity, go to Window > Animation.

Viewing Animations on a GameObject
The Animation window is linked with with the Hierarchy window, the Project window, the Scene view, and the
Inspector window. Like the Inspector, the Animation window shows the timeline and keyframes of the
Animation for the currently selected GameObject or Animation Clip Asset. You can select a GameObject using the
Hierarchy window or the Scene View, or select an Animation Clip Asset using the Project Window.
Note: The Animation view is separate from, but looks similar to the Timeline window.

The Animated Properties list
In the image below, the Animation view (left) shows the Animation used by the currently selected GameObject,
and its child GameObjects if they are also controlled by this Animation. The Scene view and Hierarchy view are on
the right, demonstrating that the Animation view shows the Animations attached to the currently selected

In the left side of the Animation view is a list of the animated properties. In a newly created clip where no
animation has yet been recorded, this list is empty.

The Animation view displaying an empty clip. No properties are shown on the left yet.
When you begin to animate various properties within this clip, the animated properties will appear here. If the
animation controls multiple child objects, the list will also include hierarchical sub-lists of each child object’s

animated properties. In the example above, various parts of the Robot Arm’s GameObject hierarchy are all
animated within the same animation clip.
When animating a hierarchy of GameObjects within a single clip like this, make sure you create the Animation on
the root GameObject in the hierarchy.
Each property can be folded and unfolded to reveal the exact values recorded at each keyframe. The value elds
show the interpolated value if the playback head (the white line) is between keyframes. You can edit these elds
directly. If changes are made when the playback head is over a keyframe, the keyframe’s values are modi ed. If
changes are made when the playback head is between keyframes (and therefore the value shown is an
interpolated value), a new keyframe is created at that point with the new value that you entered.

An unfolded property in the Animation View, allowing the keyframe value to be typed in directly. In
this image, an interpolated value is shown because the playback head (the white line) is between
keyframes. Entering a new value at this point would create a new keyframe.

The Animation Timeline

On the right side of the Animation View is the timeline for the current clip. The keyframes for each animated
property appear in this timeline. The timeline view has two modes, Dopesheet and Curves. To toggle between
these modes, click Dopesheet or Curve at the bottom of the animated property list area:

These o er two alternate views of the Animation timeline and keyframe data.

Dopesheet timeline mode
Dopesheet mode o ers a more compact view, allowing you to view each property’s keyframe sequence in an
individual horizontal track. This allows you to view a simple overview of the keyframe timing for multiple
properties or GameObjects.

Here the Animation Window is in Dope Sheet mode, showing the keyframe positions of all
animated properties within the Animation clip
See documentation on Key manipulation in Dopesheet mode for more information.

Curves timeline mode
Curves mode displays a resizable graph containing a view of how the values for each animated property changes
over time. All selected properties appear overlaid within the same graph view. This mode allows you to have great
control over viewing and editing the values, and how they are interpolated between.

Here, the Animation Window shows the curves for the rotation data of four selected GameObjects
within this Animation clip

Fitting your selection to the window

When using Curves mode to view your Animation, it’s important to understand that sometimes the various
ranges for each property can di er greatly. For example, consider a simple Animation clip for a spinning bouncing
cube. The bouncing Y position value may vary between the range 0 to 2 (meaning the cube bounces 2 units high
during the animation); however, the rotation value goes from 0 to 360 (representing its degrees of rotation).
When viewing these two curves at the same time, the animation curves for the position values will be very

di cult to make out because the view will be zoomed out to t the 0–360 range of the rotation values within the

The position and rotation curves of a bouncing spinning cube are both selected, but because the
view is zoomed out to t the 0–360 range of the rotation curve, the bouncing Y position curve is not
easily discernible
Press F on the keyboard to zoom the view to the currently selected keyframes. This is useful as a quick way to
focus and re-scale the window on a portion of your Animation timeline for easier editing.

Click on individual properties in the list and press F on the keyboard to automatically re-scale the view to t the
range for that value. You can also manually adjust the zoom of the Curves window by using the drag handles at
each end of the view’s scrollbar sliders. In the image below, the Animation Window is zoomed in to view the
bouncing Y position Animation. The start of the yellow rotation curve is still visible, but now extends way o the
top of the view:

Press A on the keyboard to t and re-scale the window to show all the keyframes in the clip, regardless of which
ones are selected. This is useful if you want to view the whole timeline while preserving your current selection:

Playback and frame navigation controls
To control playback of the Animation Clip, use the Playback Controls at the top left of Animation view.

Frame navigation
From left-to-right, these controls are:

Preview mode (toggle on/o )
Record mode (toggle on/o ) Note: Preview mode is always on if record mode is on
Move playback head to the beginning of the clip
Move playback head to the previous keyframe
Play Animation
Move playback head to the next keyframe
Move playback head to the end of the clip
You can also control the playback head using the following keyboard shortcuts:

Press Comma (,) to go to the previous frame.
Press Period (.) to go to the next frame.

Hold Alt and press Comma (,) to go to the previous keyframe.
Hold Alt and press Period (.) to go to the next keyframe.

Locking the window

You can lock the Animation editor window so that it does not automatically switch to re ect the currently selected
GameObject in the Hierarchy or Scene. Locking the window is useful if you want to focus on the Animation for
one particular GameObject, and still be able to select and manipulate other GameObjects in the Scene.

The Lock button
To learn more about navigating the Curve view, see documentation on Using Animation Curves.
2017–09–05 Page amended with limited editorial review

Creating a New Animation Clip

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To animate GameObjects in Unity, the object or objects need an Animator Component attached. This Animator
Component must reference an Animator Controller, which in turn contains references to one or more
Animation Clips.
When using the Animation View to begin animating a GameObject in Unity, all these items will be automatically
created, attached and set-up for you.
To create a new Animation Clip for the selected GameObject, and make sure the Animation Window is visible.
If the GameObject does not yet have any Animation Clips assigned, you will see the “Create” button in the centre
of the Animation Window timeline area. Click the Create button. You will then be prompted to save your new
empty Animation Clip somewhere in your Assets folder.

Create a new Animation Clip
Once you have saved this new empty Animation Clip, a number of things happen automatically:

A new Animator Controller asset will be created
The new clip being created will be added into the Animator Controller as the default state
An Animator Component will be added to the GameObject being animated
The Animator Component will have the new Animator Controller assigned to it
The result of this automatic sequence is that all the required elements of the animation system are set up for you,
and you can now begin animating the objects.

Adding another Animation Clip
If the Game Object already has one or more Animation Clips assigned, the “Create” button will not be visible.
Instead, one of the clips will be visible in the animation window. You can switch between which Animation Clip is
visible in the window by using the menu in the top-left of the Animation window, just under the playback controls.
If you want to create a new Animation Clip on an object that already has animations, you must select “Create New
Clip” from this menu. Again, you will be prompted to save your new empty Animation Clip before being able to
work with it.

Adding an additional new Animation Clip to an object which already has some clips assigned

How it ts together

While the above steps automatically set up the relevant components and references, it can useful to understand
which pieces must be connected together.

A GameObject must have an Animator component
The Animator component must have an Animator Controller asset assigned
The Animator Controller asset must have one or more Animation Clips assigned
The diagram below shows how these pieces are assigned, starting from the new animation clip created in the
Animation Window:

A new clip is created, and saved as an asset. The clip is automatically added as the default state to a
new Animator Controller which is also saved as an asset. The Animator Controller is assigned to an
Animator Component which is added to the GameObject.
In the image below, you can see a GameObject selected (“Cube”) that is not yet animated. We have just a simple
cube, with no Animator component. The Animation, Hierarchy, Project and Inspector windows are arranged sideby-side for clarity.

Before: An un-animated gameobject (“Cube”) is selected. It does not yet have an Animator
Component, and no Animator Controller exists.
By pressing the create button in the Animation view, a new animation clip is created. Unity will ask to pick the
name & location to save this new Animation Clip. Unity also creates an Animator Controller asset with the same
name as the selected GameObject, adds an Animator component to the GameObject, and connects the assets up

After: After creating a new clip, you can see the new assets created in the project window, and the
Animator Component assigned in the Inspector window (far right). You can also see the new clip
assigned as the default state in the Animator Window
In the new view above, you can see:

The Animation Window (top left) now shows a timeline with a white playback head line, ready to
record new keyframes. The clip’s name is visible in the clip menu, just below the playback controls.
The Inspector (center) shows that the Cube GameObject now has an Animator Component added,
and the “Controller” eld of the component shows that an Animator Controller asset called “Cube”
is assigned
The Project Window (bottom right) shows that two new assets have been created - An Animator
Controller asset called “Cube” and an Animation Clip asset called “Cube Animation Clip”
The Animator Window (bottom left) shows the contents of the Animator Controller - you can see
that the Cube Animation Clip has been added to the controller, and that it is the “default state” as

indicated by the orange color. Subsequent clips added to the controller would have a grey color,
indicating they are not the default state.
2017–09–05 Page amended with limited editorial review

Animating a GameObject

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Once you have saved the new Animation clip Asset, you are ready to begin adding keyframes to the clip.
There are two distinct methods you can use to animate GameObjects in the Animation window: Record Mode and
Preview Mode.
Record Mode. (Also referred to as auto-key mode)

The Animation Window in Record mode
In record mode, Unity automatically creates keyframes at the playback head when you move, rotate, or otherwise modify
any animatable property on your animated GameObject. Press the button with the red circle to enable record mode.
The Animation window time line is tinted red when in record mode.
Preview Mode:

The Animation Window in Preview mode
In preview mode, modifying your animated GameObject does not automatically create keyframes. You must manually
create keyframes (see below) each time you modify your GameObject to a desired new state (for example, moving or
rotating it). Press the Preview button to enable preview mode. The Animation window time line is tinted blue when in
preview mode.
Note: In record mode, the Preview button is also active, because you are previewing the existing animation and recording new
keyframes at the same time.

Recording keyframes
To begin recording keyframes for the selected GameObject, click on the Animation Record button. This enters
Animation Record Mode, where changes to the GameObject are recorded into the Animation Clip.

Record button
Once in Record mode you can create keyframes by setting the white Playback head to the desired time in the Animation
time line, and then modify your GameObject to the state you want it to be at that point in time.
The changes you make to the GameObject are recorded as keyframes at the current time shown by the white line (the
playback head) in the Animation Window.
Any change to an animatable property (such as its position or rotation) will cause a keyframe for that property to appear
in the Animation window.
Clicking or dragging in the time line bar moves the playback head and shows the state of the animation at the playback
head’s current time.
In the screenshot below you can see the Animation window in record mode. The time line bar is tinted red, indicating
record mode, and the animated properties show up with a red background in the inspector.

Current frame
You can stop the Record Mode at any time by clicking the Record button again. When you stop Record mode, the
Animation window switches to Preview mode, so that you can still see the GameObject in its current position according
to the animation time line.
You can animate any property of the GameObject by manipulating it while in Animation Record Mode. Moving, Rotating
or Scaling the GameObject adds corresponding keyframes for those properties in the animation clip. Adjusting values
directly in the GameObject’s inspector also adds keyframes while in Record mode. This applies to any animatable
property in the inspector, including numeric values, checkboxes, colours, and most other values.
Any properties of the GameObject that are currently animated are shown listed in the left-hand side of the Animation
Window. Properties which are not animated are not shown in this window. Any new properties that you animate,
including properties on child objects, are added to the property list area as soon as you start animating them.
Transform properties are special in that the .x, .y, and .z properties are linked, so curves for all three are added at the
same time.
You can also add animatable properties to the current GameObject (and its children) by clicking the Add Property button.
Clicking this button shows a pop up list of the GameObject’s animatable properties. These correspond with the properties
you can see listed in the inspector.

The animatable properties of a GameObject are revealed when you click the Add Property button
When in Preview mode or Record mode, the white vertical line shows which frame of the Animation Clip is currently
previewed. The Inspector and Scene View shows the GameObject at that frame of the Animation Clip. The values of the
animated properties at that frame are also shown in a column to the right of the property names.
In Animation Mode a white vertical line shows the currently previewed frame.

Time line
You can click anywhere on the Animation window time line to move the playback head to that frame, and preview or
modify that frame in the Animation Clip. The numbers in the time line are shown as seconds and frames, so 1:30 means
1 second and 30 frames.
Note, this time line bar in the Animation window shares the same name, but is separate from the Timeline window

Time Line
Note: The time line appears tinted blue when in Preview mode, or tinted red when in Record mode.

Creating keyframes in preview mode
As well as using Record mode to automatially create keyframes when you modify an GameObject, you can create
keyframes in Preview mode by modifying a property on the GameObject, then explicitly choosing to create a keyframe
for that property.
In preview mode, animated properties are tinted blue in the Inspector window. When you see this blue tint, it means
these values are being driven by the keyframes of the animation clip currently being previewed in the animation window.

In preview mode, animated elds are tinted blue in the inspector
If you modify any of these blue-tinted properties while previewing (such as rotating a GameObject that has its rotation
property animated, as in the above screenshot) the GameObject is now in a modi ed animation state. This is indicated by
a change of color in the tint of the inspector eld to a pink color. Because you are not in record mode, your modi cation is
not yet saved as a keyframe.
For example, in the screenshot below, the rotation property has been modi ed to have a Y value of –90. This modi cation
has not yet been saved as a keyframe in the animation clip.

A modi ed animated property in preview mode. This change has not yet been saved as a keyframe
In this modi ed state, you must manually create a keyframe to “save” this modi cation. If you move the playback head, or
switch your selection away from the animated GameObject, you will lose the modi cation.

Manually creating keyframes
There are three di erent ways to manually create a keyframe when you have modi ed a GameObject in preview mode.
You can add a keyframe by right-clicking the property label of the property you have modi ed, which allows you to either
add a keyframe for just that property, or for all animated properties:

The proprty label context menu
When you have added a keyframe, the new keyframe will be visible in the animator window as a diamond symbol (called
out in red in the screenshot below), and the property eld will return to a blue tint, indicating that your modi cation is
saved as a keyframe, and that you are now previewing a value that is driven by the animation keyframes.

With the new keyframe added (marked in red), the values in the inspector return to a blue tint.
You can also add a keyframe by clicking the Add Keyframe button in the Animation window:

Or, you can add a keyframe (or keyframes) by using the hotkeys K or Shift-K as described below:

K - Key all animated. Adds an keyframe for all animated properties at the current position of the playback
head in the animation window.
Shift-K - Key all modi ed. Adds an keyframe for only those animated properties which have been modi ed
at the current position of the playback head in the animation window.
2017–09–05 Page amended with limited editorial review
Preview mode added in Unity 2017.1

Using Animation Curves

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The Property List

In an Animation Clip, any animatable property can have an Animation Curve, which means that the Animation
Clip controls how that property changes over time. In the property list area of the Animation View (on the left),
all the currently animated properties are listed. With the Animation View in Dope Sheet mode, the animated
values for each property appear only as linear tracks, however in Curves mode you are able to see the the
changing values of properties visualised as lines on graph. Whichever mode you use to view, the curves still exist the Dope Sheet mode just gives you a simpli ed view of the data showing only when the keyframes occur.
In Curves mode, the Animation Curves have colored curve indicators, each colour representing the values for
one of the currently selected properties in the property list. For information on how to add curves to an
animation property, see the section on Using the Animation View.

Animation Curves with the color indicators visible. In this example, the green indicator matches the
Y position curve of a bouncing cube animation

Understanding Curves, Keys and Keyframes

An Animation Curve has multiple keys which are control points that the curve passes through. These are
visualized in the Curve Editor as small diamond shapes on the curves. A frame in which one or more of the
shown curves have a key is called a keyframe.
If a property has a key in the currently previewed frame, the curve indicator will have a diamond shape, and the
property list will also have diamond shapes next to the value.

The Rotation.y property has a key at the currently previewed frame.

The Curve Editor will only show curves for the properties that are selected. If multiple properties are selected in
the property list, the curves will be shown overlaid together.

When multiple properties are selected, their curves are shown overlaid together in the Curves

Adding and Moving Keyframes

You can add a keyframe at the currently previewed frame by clicking the Keyframe button.
A keyframe can be added at the currently previewed frame by clicking the Keyframe button. This will add a
keyframe to all currently selected curves. Alternatively you can add a keyframe to a single curve at any given
frame by double-clicking the curve where the new keyframe should be. It is also possible to add a keyframe by
right-clicking the Keyframe Line and select Add Keyframe from the context menu. Once placed, keyframes can
be dragged around with the mouse. It is also possible to select multiple keyframes to drag at once. Keyframes
can be deleted by selecting them and pressing Delete, or by right-clicking on them and selecting Delete
Keyframe from the context menu.

Supported Animatable Properties
The Animation View can be used to animate much more than just the position, rotation, and scale of a Game
Object. The properties of any Component and Material can be animated - even the public variables of your own
scripts components. Making animations with complex visual e ects and behaviors is only a matter of adding
Animation Curves for the relevant properties.
The following types of properties are supported in the animation system:


Arrays are not supported and neither are structs or objects other than the ones listed above.
For boolean properties, a value of 0 equals False while any other value equals True.
Here are a few examples of the many things the Animation View can be used for:

Animate the Color and Intensity of a Light to make it blink, icker, or pulsate.
Animate the Pitch and Volume of a looping Audio Source to bring life to blowing wind, running
engines, or owing water while keeping the sizes of the sound assets to a minimum.
Animate the Texture O set of a Material to simulate moving belts or tracks, owing water, or
special e ects.
Animate the Emit state and Velocities of multiple Ellipsoid Particle Emitters to create spectacular
reworks or fountain displays.
Animate variables of your own script components to make things behave di erently over time.
When using Animation Curves to control game logic, please be aware of the way animations are played back and
sampled in Unity.

Rotation Interpolation Types
In Unity rotations are internally represented as Quaternions. Quaternions consist of .x, .y, .z, and .w values that
should generally not be modi ed manually except by people who know exactly what they’re doing. Instead,
rotations are typically manipulated using Euler Angles which have .x, .y, and .z values representing the rotations
around those three respective axes.
When interpolating between two rotations, the interpolation can either be performed on the Quaternion values
or on the Euler Angles values. The Animation View lets you choose which form of interpolation to use when
animating Transform rotations. However, the rotations are always shown in the form of Euler Angles values no
matter which interpolation form is used.

Transform rotations can use Euler Angles interpolation or Quaternion interpolation.

Quaternion Interpolation

Quaternion interpolation always generates smooth changes in rotation along the shortest path between two
rotations. This avoids rotation interpolation artifacts such as Gimbal Lock. However, Quaternion interpolation
cannot represent rotations larger than 180 degrees, due to its behaviour of always nding the shortest path. (You

can picture this by picking two points on the surface of a sphere - the shortest line between them will never be
more than half-way around the sphere).
If you use Quaternion interpolation and set the numerical rotation values further than 180 degrees apart, the
curve drawn in the animation window will still appear to cover more than a 180 degree range, however the actual
rotation of the object will take the shortest path.

Placing two keys 270 degrees apart when using Quaternion interpolation will cause the interpolated
value to go the other way around, which is only 90 degrees. The magenta curve is what is actually
shown in the animation window. The true interpolation of the object is represented by the yellow
dotted line in this screenshot, but does not actually appear in the editor.
When using Quaternion interpolation for rotation, changing the keys or tangents of either the x, y or z curve may
also change the values of the other two curves, since all three curves are created from the internal Quaternion
representation. When using Quaternion interpolation, keys are always linked, so that creating a key at a speci c
time for one of the three curves (x, y or z) will also create a key at that time for the other two curves.

Euler Angles Interpolation
Euler Angles interpolation is what most people are used to working with. Euler Angles can represent arbitrary
large rotations and the .x, .y, and .z curves are independent from each other. Euler Angles interpolation can be
subject to artifacts such as Gimbal Lock when rotating around multiple axes at the same time, but are intuitive to
work with for simple rotations around one axis at a time. When Euler Angles interpolation is used, Unity internally
bakes the curves into the Quaternion representation used internally. This is similar to what happens when
importing animation into Unity from external programs. Note that this curve baking may add extra keys in the
process and that tangents with the Constant tangent type may not be completely precise at a sub-frame level.

Editing Curves

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There are several di erent features and windows in the Unity Editor which use Curves to display and edit data. The methods
you can use to view and manipulate curves is largely the same across all these areas, although there are some exceptions.

The Animation Window uses curves to display and edit the values of animated properties over time in an
Animation Clip.

The Animation Window.
Script components can have member variables of type Animation Curve that can be used for all kinds of things.
Clicking on those in the Inspector will open up the Curve Editor.

The Curve Editor.
The Audio Source component uses curves to control roll-o and other properties as a function of distance to
the Audio Source.

Distance function curves in the AudioSource component in the Inspector.
While these controls have subtle di erences, the curves can be edited in exactly the same way in all of them. This page explains
how to navigate and edit curves in those controls.

Adding and Moving Keys on a Curve
A key can be added to a curve by double-clicking on the curve at the point where the key should be placed. It is also possible to
add a key by right-clicking on a curve and select Add Key from the context menu.
Once placed, keys can be dragged around with the mouse:

Click on a key to select it. Drag the selected key with the mouse.
To snap the key to the grid while dragging it around, hold down Command on Mac / Control on Windows while
It is also possible to select multiple keys at once:

To select multiple keys at once, hold down Shift while clicking the keys.
To deselect a selected key, click on it again while holding down Shift.
To select all keys within a rectangular area, click on an empty spot and drag to form the rectangle selection.
The rectangle selection can also be added to existing selected keys by holding down Shift.
Keys can be deleted by selecting them and pressing Delete, or by right-clicking on them and selecting Delete Key from the
context menu.

Editing Keys
Direct editing of key values in curve editors is a new feature in Unity 5.1. Use Enter/Return or context menu to start editing
selected keys, Tab to switch between elds, Enter/Return to commit, and Escape to cancel editing.

Navigating the Curve View
When working with the Animation View you can easily zoom in on details of the curves you want to work with or zoom out to
get the full picture.
You can always press F to frame-select the shown curves or selected keys in their entirely.

You can zoom the Curve View using the scroll-wheel of your mouse, the zoom functionality of your trackpad, or by holding Alt
while right-dragging with your mouse.
You can zoom on only the horizontal or vertical axis:

zoom while holding down Command on Mac / Control on Windows to zoom horizontally.
zoom while holding down Shift to zoom vertically.
Furthermore, you can drag the end caps of the scrollbars to shrink or expand the area shown in the Curve View.

You can pan the Curve View by middle-dragging with your mouse or by holding Alt while left-dragging with your mouse.

Editing Tangents
A key has two tangents - one on the left for the incoming slope and one on the right for the outgoing slope. The tangents
control the shape of the curve between the keys. You can select from a number of di erent tangent types to control how your
curve leaves one key and arrives at the next key. Right-click a key to select the tangent type for that key.

For animated values to change smoothly when passing a key, the left and right tangent must be co-linear. The following tangent
types ensure smoothness:

Clamped Auto: This is the default tangent mode. The tangents are automatically set to make the curve pass
smoothly through the key. When editing the key’s position or time, the tangent adjusts to prevent the curve
from “overshooting” the target value. If you manually adjust the tangents of a key in Clamped Auto mode, it is
switched to Free Smooth mode. In the example below, the tangent automatically goes into a slope and levels
out while the key is being moved:

Auto: This is a Legacy tangent mode, and remains an option to be backward compatible with older projects.
Unless you have a speci c reason to use this mode, use the default Clamped Auto. When a key is set to this
mode, the tangents are automatically set to make the curve pass smoothly through the key. However, there are
two di erences compared with Clamped Auto mode:
The tangents do not adjust automatically when the key’s position or time is edited; they only adjust when
initially setting the key to this mode.

When Unity calculates the tangent, it does not take into account avoiding “overshoot” of the target value of the

Free Smooth: Drag the tangent handles to freely set the tangents. They are locked to be co-linear to ensure

Flat: The tangents are set to be horizontal (this is a special case of Free Smooth).

Sometimes you might not want the curve to be smooth when passing through a key. To create sharp changes in the curve,
choose one of the Broken tangent modes.

When using broken tangents, the left and right tangent can be set individually. Each of the left and right tangents can be set to
one of the following types:

Broken - Free: Drag the tangent handle to freely set the tangents.

Broken - Linear: The tangent points towards the neighboring key. To make a linear curve segment, set the
tangents at both ends to be Linear. In the example below, all three keys have been set to Broken - Linear, to
achieve straight lines from key to key.

Broken - Constant: The curve retains a constant value between two keys. The value of the left key determines
the value of the curve segment.

Key manipulation in Dopesheet mode

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Box Selection is used to select multiple keys while viewing the Animation window in Dopesheet mode. This allows
you to select and manipulate several keys at once.
The following actions allow you to select multiple keys:

Hold Shift+click to add individual keys to your selection
Drag a rectangle with the mouse to select a group of keys
Hold Shift and drag a rectangle to add or remove group of keys to the current selection

A rectangle dragged across to select multiple keys in Dopesheet mode
As you add keys to the selection, Box Selection handles appear on either side of the selected keys. If you add or
remove more keys to the selection, the handles automatically adapt their position and size to enclose all the
currently selected keys.

Box Selection handles, displayed to the left and right of the selected keys
Use the Box Selection handles to move, scale and ripple-edit the selected keys (see Ripple editing, below).

Moving selected keys
Click anywhere within the Box Selection handles to drag the selected keys and move them. You do not need to
click directly on a key to do this; you can drag by clicking the empty space within the Box Selection handles.
While you drag, the time of rst and last key is displayed under the timeline bar to help you place your keys at
the desired position. While dragging a selection of keys to the left, any keys that end up at a negative time (that is,
to the left of the 0 marker on the timeline) are deleted when you release the mouse button.

Dragging a selection of keys. Note the start and end times of the selection displayed under the top
timeline bar.

Scaling selected keys

When you have multiple keys selected, you can Scale the selected keys, either pulling them apart over a longer
period of time (making the selected animation slower), or pushing them closer together to occupy a shorter
period of time (making the selected animation faster). To scale the selected keys, click and hold either of the blue
Box Selection handles at the left and right side of the selected keys, and drag horizontally.
While you scale, the time of rst and last key is displayed under the timeline bar to help you scale your keys to the
desired position. When scaling a selection of keys down to a smaller amount of time, some keys might end up on
the same frame as each other. If this happens, the extra keys that occupy the same frame are discarded when
you release the mouse button, and only the last key is kept.

Scaling a selection of keys. Note the start and end times of the selection displayed under the top
timeline bar.

Ripple editing

Ripple editing is a method of moving and scaling selected keys. This method also a ects non-selected keys on the
same timeline as the keys that you are manipulating. The name refers to having the rest of your content
automatically move along the timeline to accommodate content you have added, expanded or shrunk. The e ects
of your edit have a “ripple e ect” along the whole timeline.

Press and hold the R key while dragging inside the Box Selection to perform a Ripple Move. This has the e ect of
“pushing” any unselected keys, plus the original amount of space between your selection and those keys, to the
left or right of your selection when you drag the selected keys along the timeline.
Press and hold the R key while dragging a Box Selection handle to perform a Ripple Scale. The e ect on the rest
of the unselected keys in the timeline is exactly the same as with a Ripple Move - they are pushed to the left or
right as you scale to the left or right side of your Box Selection.

Key manipulation in Curves mode

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Box Selection is used to select multiple keys while viewing the Animation window in Curves mode. This allows you
to select and manipulate several keys at once.
The following actions allow you to select multiple keys:

Hold Shift+click to add individual keys to your selection
Drag a rectangle with the mouse to select a group of keys
Hold Shift and drag a rectangle to add or remove group of keys to the current selection

A rectangle dragged across to select multiple keys in Curves mode
As you add keys to the selection, Box Selection handles appear on either side of the selected keys, and at the top
and bottom. If you add or remove more keys to the selection, the handles automatically adapt their position and
size to enclose all the currently selected keys.

Box Selection handles, displayed on all sides of the selected keys

Moving selected keys

Click anywhere within the Box Selection handles to drag the selected keys and move them. You do not need to
click directly on a key to do this; you can drag by clicking the empty space within the Box Selection handles.
While you drag, the time of rst and last key is displayed under the timeline bar to help you place your keys at
the desired position. While dragging a selection of keys to the left, any keys that end up at a negative time (that is,
to the left of the 0 marker on the timeline) are deleted when you release the mouse button.

Dragging a selection of keys. Note the start and end times of the selection displayed under the top
timeline bar.

Scaling selected keys

When you have multiple keys selected, you can Scale the selected keys. In Curve mode, you can scale horizontally
to change the time placement of the keys, or vertically to change the value of the keys.

Horizontally scaling selected keys
Use the Box Selection handles to the left and right of the selected keys to scale the selection horizontally. This
changes the time placement of the keys without modifying their values. Pull the handles apart to stretch the keys
over a longer period of time (making the selected animation slower), or push them closer together to place the
keys over a shorter period of time (making the selected animation faster).
While you scale the selection horizontally, the minimum and maximum time of the keys are shown at the top of
the view, to help you set your selection to the desired time.

Scaling a selection of keys horizontally. Note the minimum and maximum times of the scaled keys
shown at the top of the view.

Vertically scaling selected keys

Use the Box Selection handles to the top and bottom of the selected keys to scale the selection vertically. This
changes the value of the keys without modifying their time placement.
While you scale the selection vertically, the minimum and maximum time of the keys are shown to the left of the
view, to help you set your selection to the desired values.

Scaling a selection of keys vertically, modifying their values while preserving their time. Note the
new minimum and maximum values of the scaled keys shown to the left if the view.

Manipulation bars

In addition to the Box Selection handles that appear around your selected keys, there are also grey manipulation
bars to the top and left of the Curves window, which provide additional ways to manipulate the current selection.

The manipulation bars, highlighted in red
The manipulation bar at the top allows you to modify the time placement of the selected keys, while preserving
their values. The bar at the side allows you to modify the values of the keys while preserving their time placement.
When you have multiple keys selected, the bars at the top and right display a square at each end. Drag the centre
of the bar to move the selected keys (either horizontally or vertically), or drag the squares at the end of each bar
to scale the selected keys.

Just like the Box Selection handles, when moving or scaling the selected keys using grey bars, the minimum and
maximum values or keyframe times are shown. For the time manipulation bar (at the top of the window), the
times of the rst and last keyframes are displayed. For the value manipulation bar (at the left of the window), the
lowest and highest values of the keys are displayed.
Note: the scale boxes at the end of the bars are only visible if you have multiple keys selected, and the view is
su ciently zoomed in so that the bar is long enough to show the scale boxes at each end.

Ripple editing
Ripple editing is a method of moving and scaling selected keys. This method also a ects non-selected keys on the
same timeline as the keys that you are manipulating. The name refers to having the rest of your content
automatically move along the timeline to accommodate content you have added, expanded or shrunk. The e ects
of your edit have a “ripple e ect” along the whole timeline.
Press and hold the R key while dragging inside the Box Selection to perform a Ripple Move. This has the e ect of
“pushing” any unselected keys, plus the original amount of space between your selection and those keys, to the
left or right of your selection when you drag the selected keys along the timeline.
Press and hold the R key while dragging a Box Selection handle to perform a Ripple Scale. The e ect on the rest
of the unselected keys in the timeline is exactly the same as with a Ripple Move - they are pushed to the left or
right as you scale to the left or right side of your Box Selection.

Objects with Multiple Moving Parts

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You may want to animate Game Objects that have multiple moving parts, such as a gun turret with a moving barrel, or a
character with many body parts. All the parts can be animated by a single Animation component on the parent, although it is
useful to have additional Animation components on the children in some cases.

Animating Child Game Objects
The Game Object hierarchy is shown in the panel to the left of the Animation View.
You can access the children of a Game Object by using the foldout triangle next to the object’s name. The properties of child
objects can be animated just like those of the parent.

Child Game Objects appear in the list of animatable properties when pressing the Add Curve button. They can
be expanded to view the animatable properties on those child Game Objects__Animation View__.
Alternatively you can select just the child Game Object you want to animate from the Hierarchy panel or the scene view, and
maniuplate the object or change its properties in the inspector, while in animation recording mode.

Using Animation Events

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You can increase the usefulness of Animation clips by using Animation Events, which allow you to call functions
in the object’s script at speci ed points in the timeline.
The function called by an Animation Event also has the option to take one parameter. The parameter can be a
float, string, int, or object reference, or an AnimationEvent object. The AnimationEvent object has member
variables that allow a oat, string, integer and object reference to be passed into the function all at once, along
with other information about the Event that triggered the function call.

// This C# function can be called by an Animation Event
public void PrintFloat (float theValue) {
Debug.Log ("PrintFloat is called with a value of " + theValue);

To add an Animation Event to a clip at the current playhead position, click the Event button. To add an Animation
event to any point in the Animation. double-click the Event line at the point where you want the Event to be
triggered. Once added, you can drag the mouse to reposition the Event. To delete an Event, select it and press the
Delete key, or right-click on it and select Delete Event.

Animation Events are shown in the Event Line. Add a new Animation Event by double-clicking
the Event Line or by using the Event button.
When you add an Event, the Inspector Window displays several elds. These elds allow you to specify the name
of the function you want to call, and the value of the parameter you want to pass to it.

The Animation Event Inspector Window
The Events added to a clip are shown as markers in the Event line. Hold the mouse over a marker to show a
tooltip with the function name and parameter value.

You can select and manipulate multiple Events in the timeline.
To select multiple Events in the timeline, hold the Shift key and select Event markers one by one to add them to
your selection. You can also drag a selection box across them; click and drag within the Event marker area, like

This example demonstrates how to add Animation Events to a simple GameObject. When all the steps are
followed, the Cube animates forwards and backwards along the x-axis during Play mode, and the Event message

is displayed in the console every 1 second at the 0.8 second time.
The example requires a small script with the function PrintEvent(). This function prints a debug message
which includes a string (“called at:”) and the time:

// This C# function can be called by an Animation Event
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void PrintEvent(string s)
Debug.Log("PrintEvent: " + s + " called at: " + Time.time);

Create a script le with this example code and place it in your Project folder (right-click inside the Project window
in Unity and select Create > C# Script, then copy and paste the above code example into the le and save it).
In Unity, create a Cube GameObject (menu: GameObject > 3D Object > Cube). To add your new script le to it,
drag and drop it from the Project window into the Inspector window.
Select the Cube and then open the Animation window (menu: Window > Animation > Animation or use ctrl+6).
Set a Position curve for the x coordinate.

Animation window
Next, set the animation for the x coordinate to increase to around 0.4 and then back to zero over 1 second, then
create an Animation Event at approximately 0.8 seconds. Press Play to run the animation.

2018–08–24 Page amended with limited editorial review

Animator Controllers

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An Animator Controller allows you to arrange and maintain a set of animations for a character or other
animated Game Object.
The controller has references to the animation clips used within it, and manages the various animation states
and the transitions between them using a so-called State Machine, which could be thought of as a kind of owchart, or a simple program written in a visual programming language within Unity.
The following sections cover the main features that Mecanim provides for controlling and sequencing your

The Animator Controller Asset

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When you have an animation clips ready to use, you need to use an Animator Controller to bring them
together. An Animator Controller asset is created within Unity and allows you to maintain a set of animations for
a character or object.

An Animator Controller Asset in the Project Folder
Animator Controller assets are created from the Assets menu, or from the Create menu in the Project window.
In most situations, it is normal to have multiple animations and switch between them when certain game
conditions occur. For example, you could switch from a walk animation to a jump whenever the spacebar is
pressed. However even if you just have a single animation clip you still need to place it into an animator controller
to use it on a Game Object.
The controller manages the various animation states and the transitions between them using a so-called
State Machine, which could be thought of as a kind of ow-chart, or a simple program written in a visual
programming language within Unity. More information about state machines can be found here. The structure of
the Animator Controller can be created, viewed and modi ed in the Animator Window.

A simple Animator Controller
The animator controller is nally applied to an object by attaching an Animator component that references
them. See the reference manual pages about the Animator component and Animator Controller for further
details about their use.

The Animator Window

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The Animator Window allows you to create, view and modify Animator Controller assets.

The Animator Window showing a new empty Animator Controller asset
The Animator window has two main sections: the main gridded layout area, and the left-hand Layers & Parameters pane.

The layout area of the Animator window
The main section with the dark grey grid is the layout area. You can use this area to create, arrange and connect states in your
Animator Controller.
You can right-click on the grid to create a new state nodes. Use the middle mouse button or Alt/Option drag to pan the view around.
Click to select state nodes to edit them, and click & drag state nodes to rearrange the layout of your state machine.

The Parameters view, with two example parameters created.
The left-hand pane can be switched betwen Parameters view and Layers view. The parameters view allows you to create, view and edit
the Animator Controller Parameters. These are variables you de ne that act as inputs into the state machine. To add a parameter, click
the Plus icon and select the parameter type from the pop up menu. To delete a parameter, select the parameter in the lists and press
the delete key (on macOS use fn-Delete to delete the selected parameter).

The Layers view
When the left-hand pane is switched to Layers view, you can create, view and edit layers within your Animator Controller. This allows
you to have multiple layers of animation within a single animation controller working at the same time, each controlled by a separate
state machine. A common use of this is to have a separate layer playing upper-body animations over a base layer that controls the
general movement animations for a character.
To add a layer, click the plus icon. To delete a layer, select the layer and press the delete key.

The Layers & Parameters hide icon
Clicking the “eye” icon on or o will show or hide the Parameters & Layers side-pane, allowing you more room to see and edit your state

The hierarchical breadcrumb location
The “breadcrumb” hierarchical location within the current state machine. States can contain sub-states and trees and these structures
can be nested repeatedly. When drilling down into sub states, the hierarchy of parent states and the current state being viewed is listed
here. Clicking on the parent states allows you to jump back up to parent states or go straight back to the base layer of the state

The lock icon
Enabling the lock icon will keep the Animator Window focused on the current state machine. When the lock icon is o , clicking a new
animator asset or a Game Object with an animator component will switch the Animator Window to show that item’s state machine.
Locking the window allows you to keep the Animator window showing the same state machine, regardless of which other assets or
Game Objects are selected.

Animation State Machines

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It is common for a character or other animated Game Object to have several di erent animations that correspond to di erent
actions it can perform in the game. For example, a character may breathe or sway slightly while idle, walk when commanded to
and raise its arms in panic as it falls from a platform. A door may have animations for opening, closing, getting jammed, and being
broken open. Mecanim uses a visual layout system similar to a ow-chart, to represent a state machine to enable you to control
and sequence the animation clips that you want to use on your character or object. This section gives further details about
Mecanim’s state machines and explains how to use them.

State Machine Basics

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The basic idea is that a character is engaged in some particular kind of action at any given time. The actions available will
depend on the type of gameplay but typical actions include things like idling, walking, running, jumping, etc. These
actions are referred to as states, in the sense that the character is in a “state” where it is walking, idling or whatever. In
general, the character will have restrictions on the next state it can go to rather than being able to switch immediately
from any state to any other. For example, a running jump can only be taken when the character is already running and
not when it is at a standstill, so it should never switch straight from the idle state to the running jump state. The options
for the next state that a character can enter from its current state are referred to as state transitions . Taken together,
the set of states, the set of transitions and the variable to remember the current state form a state machine.
The states and transitions of a state machine can be represented using a graph diagram, where the nodes represent the
states and the arcs (arrows between nodes) represent the transitions. You can think of the current state as being a
marker or highlight that is placed on one of the nodes and can then only jump to another node along one of the arrows.

The importance of state machines for animation is that they can be designed and updated quite easily with relatively
little coding. Each state has a Motion associated with it that will play whenever the machine is in that state. This enables
an animator or designer to de ne the possible sequences of character actions and animations without being concerned
about how the code will work.

State Machines
Unity’s Animation State Machines provide a way to overview all of the animation clips related to a particular
character and allow various events in the game (for example user input) to trigger di erent animations.
Animation State Machines can be set up from the Animator Controller Window, and they look something like this:

State Machines consist of States, Transitions and Events and smaller Sub-State Machines can be used as components
in larger machines. See the reference pages for Animation States and Animation Transitions for further information.

Animation Parameters

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Animation Parameters are variables that are de ned within an Animator Controller that can be accessed and
assigned values from scripts. This is how a script can control or a ect the ow of the state machine.
For example, the value of a parameter can be updated by an animation curve and then accessed from a script so that,
say, the pitch of a sound e ect can be varied as if it were a piece of animation. Likewise, a script can set parameter
values to be picked up by Mecanim. For example, a script can set a parameter to control a Blend Tree.
Default parameter values can be set up using the Parameters section of the Animator window, selectable in the top
right corner of the Animator window. They can be of four basic types:

Int - an integer (whole number)
Float - a number with a fractional part
Bool - true or false value (represented by a checkbox)
Trigger - a boolean parameter that is reset by the controller when consumed by a transition
(represented by a circle button)
Parameters can be assigned values from a script using functions in the Animator class: SetFloat, SetInt, SetBool,
SetTrigger and ResetTrigger.
Here’s an example of a script that modi es parameters based on user input and collision detection.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SimplePlayer : MonoBehaviour {
Animator animator;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
animator = GetComponent();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
bool fire = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1");

animator.SetBool("Fire", fire);
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) {
if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy"))

State Machine Transitions

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State Machine Transitions exist to help you simplify large or complex State Machines. They allow you to have a
higher level of abstraction over the state machine logic.
Each view in the animator window has an Entry and Exit node. These are used during State Machine Transitions.
The Entry node is used when transitioning into a state machine. The entry node will be evaluated and will branch
to the destination state according to the conditions set. In this way the entry node can control which state the
state machine begins in, by evaluating the state of your parameters when when the state machine begins.
Because state machines always have a default state, there will always be a default transition branching from the
entry node to the default state.

An entry node with a single default entry transition
You can then add additional transitions from the Entry node to other states, to control whether the state machine
should begin in a di erent state.

An entry node with a multiple entry transitions
The Exit node is used to indicate that a state machine should exit.
Each sub-state within a state machine is considered a separate and complete state machine, so by using these
entry and exit nodes, you can control the ow from a top-level state machine into its sub-state machines more
It is possible to mix state machine transitions with regular state transtitions, so it is possible to transition from
state to state, from a state to a statemachine, and from one statemachine directly to another statemachine.

State Machine Behaviours

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A State Machine Behaviour is a special class of script. In a similar way to attaching regular Unity scripts (MonoBehaviours) to
individual GameObjects, you can attach a StateMachineBehaviour script to an individual state within a state machine. This
allows you to write code that will execute when the state machine enters, exits or remains within a particular state. This
means you do not have to write your own logic to test for and detect changes in state.
A few examples for the use of this feature might be to:

Play sounds as states are entered or exited
Perform certain tests (eg, ground detection) only when in appropriate states
Activate and control special e ects associated with speci c states
State Machine Behaviours can be created and added to states in a very similar way to the way you would create and add
scripts to GameObjects. Select a state in your state machine, and then in the inspector use the “Add Behaviour” button to
select an existing StateMachineBehaviour or create a new one.

A state machine with a behaviour attached to the “Grounded” state
State Machine Behaviour scripts have access to a number of events that are called when the Animator enters, updates and
exits di erent states (or sub-state machines). There are also events which allow you to handle the Root motion and Inverse
Kinematics calls.
For more information see the State Machine Behaviour script reference.

Sub-State Machines

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It is common for a character to have complex actions that consist of a number of stages. Rather than handle the entire
action with a single state, it makes sense to identify the separate stages and use a separate state for each. For
example, a character may have an action called “Trickshot” where it crouches to take a steady aim, shoots and then
stands up again.

The sequence of states in a “Trickshot” action
Although this is useful for control purposes, the downside is that the state machine will become large and unwieldy as
more of these complex actions are added. You can simplify things somewhat just by separating the groups of states
visually with empty space in the editor. However, Mecanim goes a step further than this by allowing you to collapse a
group of states into a single named item in the state machine diagram. These collapsed groups of states are called
Sub-state machines.
You can create a sub-state machine by right clicking on an empty space within the Animator Controller window and
selecting Create Sub-State Machine from the context menu. A sub-state machine is represented in the editor by an
elongated hexagon to distinguish it from normal states.

A sub-state machine
When you double-click the hexagon, the editor is cleared to let you edit the sub-state machine as though it were a
completely separate state machine in its own right. The bar at the top of the window shows a “breadcrumb trail” to
show which sub-state machine is currently being edited (and note that you can create sub-state machines within other
sub-state machines, and so on). Clicking an item in the trail will focus the editor on that particular sub-state machine.

The “breadcrumb trail”

External transitions
As noted above, a sub-state machine is just a way of visually collapsing a group of states in the editor, so when you
make a transition to a sub-state machine, you have to choose which of its states you want to connect to.

Choosing a target state within the “Trickshot” sub-state machine
You will notice an extra state in the sub-state machine whose name begins with Up.

The “Up” state
The Up state represents the “outside world”, the state machine that encloses the sub-state machine in the view. If you
add a transition from a state in sub-state machine to the Up state, you will be prompted to choose one of the states of
the enclosing machine to connect to.

Connecting to a state in the enclosing machine

Animation Layers

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Unity uses Animation Layers for managing complex state machines for di erent body parts. An example of this is if you
have a lower-body layer for walking-jumping, and an upper-body layer for throwing objects / shooting.
You can manage animation layers from the Layers Widget in the top-left corner of the Animator Controller.

Clicking the gear wheel on the right of the window shows you the settings for this layer.

On each layer, you can specify the mask (the part of the animated model on which the animation would be applied), and the
Blending type. Override means information from other layers will be ignored, while Additive means that the animation will
be added on top of previous layers.
You can add a new layer by pressing the + above the widget.
The Mask property is there to specify the mask used on this layer. For example if you wanted to play a throwing animation
on just the upper body of your model, while having your character also able to walk, run or stand still at the same time, you
would use a mask on the layer which plays the throwing animation where the upper body sections are de ned, like this:

An ‘M’ symbol is visible in the Layers sidebar to indicate the layer has a mask applied.

Animation Layer syncing
Sometimes it is useful to be able to re-use the same state machine in di erent layers. For example if you want to simulate
“wounded” behavior, and have “wounded” animations for walk / run / jump instead of the “healthy” ones. You can click the
Sync checkbox on one of your layers, and then select the layer you want to sync with. The state machine structure will then
be the same, but the actual animation clips used by the states will be distinct.
This means the Synced layer does not have its own state machine de nition at all - instead, it is an instance of the source of
the synced layer. Any changes you make to the layout or structure of the state machine in the synced layer view (eg,

adding/deleting states or transitions) is done to the source of the synced layer. The only changes that are unique to the
synced layer are the selected animations used within each state.
The Timing checkbox allows the animator to adjust how long each animation in synced layers takes, determined by the
weight. If Timing is unselected then animations on the synced layer will be adjusted. The adjustment will be stretched to the
length of the animation on the original layer. If the option is selected the animation length will be a balance for both
animations, based on weight. In both cases (chosen and not chosen) the animator adjusts the length of the animations. If
not chosen then the original layer is the sole master. If chosen, it is then a compromise.

In this view, the “Fatigued” layer is synced with the base layer. The state machine structure is the same as
the base layer, and the individual animations used within each state are swapped for di erent but
appropriate equivalent animations.
An ‘S’ is symbol is visible in the Layers sidebar to indicate the layer is a synced layer.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Solo and Mute functionality

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In complex state machines, it is useful to preview the operation of some parts of the machine separately. For
this, you can use the Mute / Solo functionality. Muting means a transition will be disabled. Soloed transtions are
enabled and with respect to other transitions originating from the same state. You can set up mute and solo
states either from the Transition Inspector, or the State Inspector (recommended), where you’ll have an
overview of all the transitions from that state.

Soloed transitions will be shown in green, while muted transitions in red, like this:

In the example above, if you are in State 0, only transitions to State A and State B will be available.

The basic rule of thumb is that if one Solo is ticked, the rest of the transitions from that state will be
If both Solo and Mute are ticked, then Mute takes precedence.
Known issues:

The controller graph currently doesn’t always re ect the internal mute states of the engine.

Target Matching

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Often in games, a situation arises where a character must move in such a way that a hand or foot lands at a certain place at a
certain time. For example, the character may need to jump across stepping stones or jump and grab an overhead beam.
You can use the Animator.MatchTarget function to handle this kind of situation. Imagine, for example, you want to arrange an
situation where the character jumps onto a platform and you already have an animation clip for it called Jump Up. Firstly, you
need to nd the place in the animation clip at which the character is beginning to get o the ground, note in this case it is
14.1% or 0.141 into the animation clip in normalized time:-

You also need to nd the place in the animation clip where the character is about to land on its feet, which in this case is at
78.0% or 0.78.

With this information, you can create a script that calls MatchTarget which you can attach to the model:-

using UnityEngine;
using System;

public class TargetCtrl : MonoBehaviour {
protected Animator animator;
//the platform object in the scene
public Transform jumpTarget = null;
void Start () {
animator = GetComponent();
void Update () {
if(animator) {
animator.MatchTarget(jumpTarget.position, jumpTarget.rotation, AvatarTarg
new MatchTargetWeightMask(Vector3.

The script will move the character so that it jumps from its current position and lands with its left foot at the target. Bear in
mind that the result of using MatchTarget will generally only make sense if it is called at the right point in gameplay.

Inverse Kinematics

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Most animation is produced by rotating the angles of joints in a skeleton to predetermined values. The position
of a child joint changes according to the rotation of its parent and so the end point of a chain of joints can be
determined from the angles and relative positions of the individual joints it contains. This method of posing a
skeleton is known as forward kinematics .
However, it is often useful to look at the task of posing joints from the opposite point of view - given a chosen
position in space, work backwards and nd a valid way of orienting the joints so that the end point lands at that
position. This can be useful when you want a character to touch an object at a point selected by the user or plant
its feet convincingly on an uneven surface. This approach is known as Inverse Kinematics (IK) and is supported
in Mecanim for any humanoid character with a correctly con gured Avatar.

To set up IK for a character, you typically have objects around the scene that a character interacts with, and then
set up the IK through script, in particular, Animator functions like SetIKPositionWeight, SetIKRotationWeight,
SetIKPosition, SetIKRotation, SetLookAtPosition, bodyPosition, bodyRotation
In the illustration above, we show a character grabbing a cylindrical object. How do we make this happen?
We start out with a character that has a valid Avatar.
Next create an Animator Controller with containing at least one animation for the character. Then in the Layers
pane of the Animator window, click the cog settings icon of the Layer and and check the IK Pass checkbox in the
menu which pops up.

Setting the IK Pass checkbox for the Default Layer
Make sure the Animator Controller is assigned to the character’s Animator Component:

Next, attach to it a script that actually takes care of the IK, let’s call it IKControl. This script sets the IK target for
the character’s right hand, and its look position to make it look at the object it is holding:

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class IKControl : MonoBehaviour {
protected Animator animator;
public bool ikActive = false;
public Transform rightHandObj = null;
public Transform lookObj = null;
void Start ()
animator = GetComponent();

//a callback for calculating IK
void OnAnimatorIK()
if(animator) {
//if the IK is active, set the position and rotation directly to the
if(ikActive) {
// Set the look target position, if one has been assigned
if(lookObj != null) {
// Set the right hand target position and rotation, if one has b
if(rightHandObj != null) {
//if the IK is not active, set the position and rotation of the hand
else {

As we do not intend for the character’s hand to reach inside the object to its centre (the cylinder’s pivot point), we
position an empty child object (in this case, named “Cylinder Grab Handle”) where the hand should be on the
cylinder, and rotate it accordingly. The hand then targets this child object.

An empty Game Object acts as the IK target, so the hand will sit correctly on the visible Cylinder
This “grab handle” Game Object should then be assigned as the “Right Hand Obj” property of the IKControl script
In this example, we have the look target set to the cylinder itself, so the character looks directly towards the
centre of the object even though the handle is near the bottom.

Enter play mode, and you should see the IK come to life. Observe the character grabbing and ungrabbing the
object as you click the IKActive checkbox, and try moving the cylinder around in playmode to see the arm and
hand follow the object.

Root Motion - how it works

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Body Transform

The Body Transform is the mass center of the character. It is used in Mecanim’s retargeting engine and provides
the most stable displacement model. The Body Orientation is an average of the lower and upper body orientation
relative to the Avatar T-Pose.
The Body Transform and Orientation are stored in the Animation Clip (using the Muscle de nitions set up in the
Avatar). They are the only world-space curves stored in the Animation Clip. Everything else: muscle curves and IK
goals (Hands and Feet) are stored relative to the body transform.

Root Transform
The Root Transform is a projection on the Y plane of the Body Transform and is computed at runtime. At every
frame, a change in the Root Transform is computed. This change in transform is then applied to the Game Object
to make it move.

The circle below the character represents the root transform

Animation Clip Inspector

The Animation Clip Editor settings - Root Transform Rotation, Root Transform Position (Y) and Root Transform
Position (XZ) - let you control the Root Transform projection from the Body Transform. Depending on these settings
some parts of the Body Transform may be transferred to Root Transform. For example you can decide if you want
the motion Y position to be part of the Root Motion (trajectory) or part of the pose (body transform), which is
known as Baked into Pose.

Root Transform Rotation
Bake into Pose: The orientation will stay on the body transform (or Pose). The Root Orientation will be constant and
delta Orientation will be identity. This means that the Game Object will not be rotated at all by that AnimationClip.
Only AnimationClips that have similar start and stop Root Orientation should use this option. You will have a Green
Light in the UI telling you that an AnimationClip is a good candidate. A suitable candidate would be a straight walk
or a run.
Based Upon: This lets you set the orientation of the clip. Using Body Orientation, the clip will be oriented to follow
the forward vector of body. This default setting works well for most Motion Capture (Mocap) data like walks, runs,
and jumps, but it will fail with motion like stra ng where the motion is perpendicular to the body’s forward vector. In
those cases you can manually adjust the orientation using the O set setting. Finally you have Original that will
automatically add the authored o set found in the imported clip. It is usually used with Keyframed data to respect
orientation that was set by the artist.
O set: used to enter the o set when that option is chosen for Based Upon.

Root Transform Position (Y)
This uses the same concepts described in Root Transform Rotation.
Bake Into Pose: The Y component of the motion will stay on the Body Transform (Pose). The Y component of the
Root Transform will be constant and Delta Root Position Y will be 0. This means that this clip won’t change the Game
Object Height. Again you have a Green Light telling you that a clip is a good candidate for baking Y motion into pose.

Most of the AnimationClips will enable this setting. Only clips that will change the GameObject height should have
this turned o , like jump up or down.
Note: the Animator.gravityWeight is driven by Bake Into Pose position Y. When enabled, gravityWeight = 1,
when disabled = 0. gravityWeight is blended for clips when transitioning between states.
Based Upon: In a similar way to Root Transform Rotation you can choose from Original or Mass Center (Body).
There is also a Feet option that is very convenient for AnimationClips that change height (Bake Into Pose
disabled). When using Feet the Root Transform Position Y will match the lowest foot Y for all frames. Thus the
blending point always remains around the feet which prevents oating problem when blending or transitioning.
O set: In a similar way to Root Transform Rotation, you can manually adjust the AnimationClip height using the
O set setting.

Root Transform Position (XZ)
Again, this uses same concepts described in Root Transform Rotation and Root Motion Position (Y).
Bake Into Pose will usually be used for “Idles” where you want to force the delta Position (XZ) to be 0. It will stop the
accumulation of small deltas drifting after many evaluations. It can also be used for a Keyframed clip with Based
Upon Original to force an authored position that was set by the artist.

Loop Pose
Loop Pose (like Pose Blending in Blend Trees or Transitions) happens in the referential of Root Transform. Once the
Root Transform is computed, the Pose becomes relative to it. The relative Pose di erence between Start and Stop
frame is computed and distributed over the range of the clip from 0–100%.

Generic Root Motion and Loop Pose
This works in essentially the same as Humanoid Root Motion, but instead of using the Body Transform to
compute/project a Root Transform, the transform set in Root Node is used. The Pose (all the bones which transform
below the Root Motion bone) is made relative to the Root Transform.

Tutorial: Scripting Root Motion for “in-place”
humanoid animations

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Sometimes your animation comes as “in-place”, which means if you put it in a scene, it will not move the character that it’s on. In
other words, the animation does not contain “root motion”. For this, we can modify root motion from script. To put everything
together follow the steps below (note there are many variations of achieving the same result, this is just one recipe).

Open the inspector for the FBX le that contains the in-place animation, and go to the Animation tab
Make sure the Muscle De nition is set to the Avatar you intend to control (let’s say this avatar is called Dude, and
it has already been added to the Hierarchy View).
Select the animation clip from the available clips
Make sure Loop Pose is properly aligned (the light next to it is green), and that the checkbox for Loop Pose is

Preview the animation in the animation viewer to make sure the beginning and the end of the animation align
smoothly, and that the character is moving “in-place”
On the animation clip create a curve that will control the speed of the character (you can add a curve from the
Animation Import inspector Curves-> +)
Name that curve something meaningful, like “Runspeed”

Create a new Animator Controller, (let’s call it RootMotionController)
Drop the desired animation clip into it, this should create a state with the name of the animation (say Run)
Add a parameter to the Controller with the same name as the curve (in this case, “Runspeed”)

Select the character Dude in the Hierarchy, whose inspector should already have an Animator component.
Drag RootMotionController onto the Controller property of the Animator
If you press play now, you should see the “Dude” running in place
Finally, to control the motion, we will need to create a script (RootMotionScript.cs), that implements the OnAnimatorMove callback:-

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class RootMotionScript : MonoBehaviour {
void OnAnimatorMove()
Animator animator = GetComponent();
if (animator)
Vector3 newPosition = transform.position;
newPosition.z += animator.GetFloat("Runspeed") * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = newPosition;

You should attach RootMotionScript.cs to the “Dude” object. When you do this, the Animator component will detect that the script
has an OnAnimatorMove function and show the Apply Root Motion property as Handled by Script

Blend Trees

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A common task in game animation is to blend between two or more similar motions. Perhaps the best known
example is the blending of walking and running animations according to the character’s speed. Another example is
a character leaning to the left or right as it turns during a run.
It is important to distinguish between Transitions and Blend Trees. While both are used for creating smooth
animation, they are used for di erent kinds of situations.
Transitions are used for transitioning smoothly from one Animation State to another over a given amount of time.
Transitions are speci ed as part of an Animation State Machine. A transition from one motion to a completely
di erent motion is usually ne if the transition is quick.
Blend Trees are used for allowing multiple animations to be blended smoothly by incorporating parts of them all
to varying degrees. The amount that each of the motions contributes to the nal e ect is controlled using a
blending parameter, which is just one of the numeric animation parameters associated with the
Animator Controller. In order for the blended motion to make sense, the motions that are blended must be of
similar nature and timing. Blend Trees are a special type of state in an Animation State Machine.
Examples of similar motions could be various walk and run animations. In order for the blend to work well, the
movements in the clips must take place at the same points in normalized time. For example, walking and running
animations can be aligned so that the moments of contact of foot to the oor take place at the same points in
normalized time (e.g. the left foot hits at 0.0 and the right foot at 0.5). Since normalized time is used, it doesn’t
matter if the clips are of di erent length.

Using Blend Trees
To start working with a new Blend Tree, you need to:

Right-click on empty space on the Animator Controller Window.
Select Create State > From New Blend Tree from the context menu that appears.
Double-click on the Blend Tree to enter the Blend Tree Graph.
The Animator Window now shows a graph of the entire Blend Tree while the Inspector shows the currently
selected node and its immediate children.

The Animator Window shows a graph of the entire Blend Tree. To the left is a Blend Tree with only
the root Blend Node (no child nodes have been added yet). To the right is a Blend Tree with a root
Blend Node and three Animation Clips as child nodes.

To add animation clips to the blend tree you can select the blend tree, then click the plus icon in the motion eld
in the inspector.

A Blend Node shown in the inspector before any motions have been added. The plus icon is used to
add animation clips or child blend trees.
Alternatively, you can add animation clips or child blend nodes by right-clicking on the blend tree and selecting
from the context menu:

The context menu when right-clicking on a blend tree node.
When the blendtree is set up with Animation clips and input parameters, the inspector window gives a graphical
visualization of how the animations are combined as the parameter value changes (as you drag the slider, the
arrows from the tree root change their shading to show the dominant animation clip).

A 2D Blendtree set up with ve animation clips, being previewed in the inspector
You can select any of the nodes in the Blend Tree graph to inspect it in the Inspector. If the selected node is an
Animation Clip the Inspector for that Animation Clip will be shown. The settings will be read-only if the animation is
imported from a model. If the node is a Blend Node, the Inspector for Blend Nodes will be shown.
You can choose either 1D or 2D blending from the Blend Type menu; the di erences between the two types are
described on their own pages in this section.

Blend Trees and Root Motion

The blending between animations is handled using linear interpolation (ie, the amount of each animation is an
average of the separate animations weighted by the blending parameter). However, you should note that root
motion is not interpolated in the same way. See the page about root motion for further details about how this
might a ect your characters.

1D Blending

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The rst option in the Inspector of a Blend Node is the Blend Type. This drop-down is used to select one of the
di erent blend types that can blend according to one or two parameters. 1D Blending blends the child motions
according to a single parameter.
After setting the Blend Type, the rst thing you need is to select the Animation Parameter that will control this
Blend Tree. In this example, the parameter is direction which varies between –1.0 (left) and +1.0 (right), with 0.0
denoting a straight run without leaning.
Then you can add individual animations by clicking the small “+” button and selecting Add Motion Field from the
popup menu. When you’re done, it should look something like this:

A 1D Blend Tree with three Animation Clips.
The diagram at the top of the Inspector shows the in uence of each of the child motions as the parameter varies
between its minimum and maximum values. Each motion is shown as a little blue pyramid (the rst and last are
only shown in half), and if you click and hold down the left mouse button on one them, the corresponding motion
is highlighted in the motion list below. The peak of each pyramid de nes the parameter value where the motion
has full in uence, meaning that its animation weight is 1 and the other animations have a weight of 0. This is also
called the threshold of the motion.

The diagram at the top of the Blend Tree Inspector visualizes the weights of the child motions over
the range of the parameter values.
The red vertical bar indicates the value of the Parameter. If you press Play in the Preview at the bottom of the
Inspector and drag the red bar in the diagram left and right, you can see how the value of the parameter is

controlling the blending of the di erent motions.

Parameter Range
The range of the parameter used by the Blend Tree is shown below the diagram as two numbers to the left and
right. Either one of them can be changed by clicking on the number and dragging left or right with the mouse.
Note that the values correspond to the threshold of the rst and last motion in the motion list.

You can change the threshold value of a motion by clicking on its corresponding blue pyramid in the diagram and
dragging it left or right. If the “Automate Thresholds” toggle is not enabled, you can also edit the threshold value
of a motion in the motion list by typing in a number in the number eld in the Threshold column.
Below the motion list is the checkbox Automate Thresholds. Enabling it will distribute the thresholds of the motions
evenly across the parameter range. For example, if there are ve clips and the parameter ranges from –90 to +90,
the thresholds will be set to –90, –45, 0, +45 and +90 in order.
The Compute Thresholds drop-down will set the thresholds from data of your choice obtained from the
root motions in the Animation Clips. The data that is available to choose from is speed, velocity x, y, or z, and
angular speed in degrees or radians. If your parameter corresponds to one of these properties, you can compute
the thresholds using the Compute Thresholds drop-down.

Velocity X
Velocity Y
Velocity Z
Angular Speed
Angular Speed

Sets the threshold of each motion according to its speed (the magnitude of the
Sets the threshold of each motion according to its velocity.x.
Sets the threshold of each motion according to its velocity.y.
Sets the threshold of each motion according to its velocity.z.
Sets the threshold of each motion according to its angular speed in radians per
Sets the threshold of each motion according to its angular speed in degrees per

Say, for example, you had a walk animation that covered 1.5 units per second, a jog at 2.3 units per second, and a
run at 4 units per second, choosing the Speed option from the drop-down would set the parameter range and
thresholds for the three animations based on these values. So, if you set the speed parameter to 3.0, it would
blend the jog and run with a slight bias toward the jog.

2D Blending

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The rst option in the Inspector of a Blend Node is the Blend Type. This drop-down is used to select one of the
di erent blend types that can blend according to one or two parameters. The 2D blending types blends the child
motions according to two parameters.
The di erent 2D Blend Types have di erent uses that they are suitable for. They di er in how the in uence of
each motion is calculated.
2D Simple Directional: Best used when your motions represent di erent directions, such as “walk forward”,
“walk backward”, “walk left”, and “walk right”, or “aim up”, “aim down”, “aim left”, and “aim right”. Optionally a
single motion at position (0, 0) can be included, such as “idle” or “aim straight”. In the Simple Directional type
there should not be multiple motions in the same direction, such as “walk forward” and “run forward”.
2D Freeform Directional: This blend type is also used when your motions represent di erent directions,
however you can have multiple motions in the same direction, for example “walk forward” and “run forward”. In
the Freeform Directional type the set of motions should always include a single motion at position (0, 0), such as
2D Freeform Cartesian: Best used when your motions do not represent di erent directions. With Freeform
Cartesian your X parameter and Y parameter can represent di erent concepts, such as angular speed and linear
speed. An example would be motions such as “walk forward no turn”, “run forward no turn”, “walk forward turn
right”, “run forward turn right” etc.
Direct: This type of blend tree lets user control the weight of each node directly. Useful for facial shapes or
random idle blending.
After setting the Blend Type, the rst thing you need is to select the two Animation Parameters that will control
this Blend Tree. In this example, the parameters are velocityX (stra ng) and velocityZ (forward speed).
Then you can add individual animations by clicking + -> Add Motion Field to add an Animation Clip to the blend
tree. When you’re done, it should look something like this:

A 2D Blend Node with ve Animation Clips.
The positions in 2D blending are like the thresholds in 1D blending, except that there are two values instead of
one, corresponding to each of the two parameters. Their positions along the horizontal X axis correspond to the
rst parameter, and their positions along the vertical Y axis correspond to the second parameter. A walking
forward animation might have a velocityX of 0 and a velocityZ of 1.5, so those values should be typed into the Pos
X and Pos Y number elds for the motion.

The 2D Blending Diagram
The diagram at the top of the Inspector shows the positions of the child motions in the 2D blend space. The
motions are shown as blue dots. Motions with no Animation Clip or Blend Tree assigned have no in uence on
the blend and are shown as gray dots. You can select a motion by clicking on its dot in the diagram. Once
selected, the in uence of that motion for each point in the blending space is visualized as a blue eld. The eld is
strongest right under the position of the motion, where the motion has full in uence, meaning that its animation
weight is 1 and the other animations have a weight of 0. Further away the in uence decreases as the in uence of
other motions take over.

The diagram at the top of the Blend Node Inspector visualizes the weights of the child motions over
the extends of the parameter values.
The red dot indicates the values of the two Parameters. If you press Play in the Preview at the bottom of the
Inspector and drag the red dot in the diagram around, you can see how the values of the parameters are
controlling the blending of the di erent motions. In the diagram you can also see the in uence of each motion
represented as circles around each motion. You will see that if you move the red dot on top of one of the blue
dots representing a motion, the circle for that motion gains its maximum radius and the circles for all other
motions shrink down to nothing. At positions that are in between several motions, multiple of the nearby motions
will have an in uence on the blend. If you select one of the motions in order to see the blue in uence eld of that
motion, you can see that as you move the red dot around, the circle size of the motion corresponds exactly with
how strong the in uence eld is at various positions.
When no motion is selected, the diagram shows a mix of all the in uence elds that is more blue where a single
motion dominates and less blue where many motions contribute to the blend.

You can change the positions of a motion by clicking on its corresponding blue dot in the diagram and dragging it
around. You can also edit position coordinates of a motion in the motion list by typing in numbers in the number
elds in the Pos X and Pos Y columns.
The Compute Positions drop-down will set the positions from data of your choice obtained from the
root motions in the Animation Clips. The data that is available to choose from is speed, velocity x, y, or z, and
angular speed in degrees or radians. If one or both of your parameters correspond to one of these properties,
you can compute the Pos X and/or Pos Y using the Compute Positions drop-down.

Velocity XZ
Speed And
Angular Speed

Sets the Pos X of each motion according to its velocity.x and the Pos Y according
to its velocity.z.
Sets the Pos X of each motion according to its angular speed (in radians per
second) and the Pos Y according to its speed.

Furthermore you can mix and match by choosing Compute Position -> X Position From and/or Compute
Position -> Y Position From to only auto-compute one of them at a time, leaving the other unchanged.

Velocity X
Velocity Y
Velocity Z
Angular Speed
Angular Speed

Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its speed (the magnitude of
the velocity).
Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its velocity.x.
Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its velocity.y.
Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its velocity.z.
Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its angular speed in radians
per second.
Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its angular speed in degrees
per second.

Say, for example, that your parameters correspond to sideways velocity and forward velocity, and that you have
an idle animation with an average velocity (0, 0, 0), a walk animation with (0, 0, 1.5), and two strafe animations
with velocities of (–1.5, 0, 0) and (1.5, 0, 0) respectively. Choosing the Velocity XZ option from the drop-down would
set the positions of the motions according to the X and Z coordinates of those velocities.

Direct Blending

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Using a Direct Blend Tree allows you to map animator parameters directly to the weight of a BlendTree child.
This can be useful if you want to have exact control over the various animations that are being blended rather
than blend them indirectly using one or two parameters (in the case of 1D and 2D blend trees).

A Direct Blend Tree with ve animation clips assigned.
When setting up a direct blend tree, the inspector allows you to add motions to the motion list. Each motion
should then be assigned a corresponding parameter to directly control its blend weight in the tree. Read more
about creating Animator Parameters here.
In e ect, this Direct mode simply bypasses the crossfading, or the various 2D blending algorithms (Freeform
Directional, Freeform Cartesian, etc) and allows you to implement whatever code you like to control the mix of
blended animations.
This can be particularly useful when mixing blendshape animations for facial expressions, or when blending
together additive animations.

The blend weights for each clip can be blended arbitrarily.

Additional Blend Tree Options

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The options below are common to both 1D and 2D blending.

Time Scale
You can alter the “natural” speed of the animation clips using the animation speed number elds (the columns with a
clock icon at the top), so you could make the walk twice as fast by using a value of 2.0 as its speed. The Adjust Time
Scale > Homogeneous Speed button rescales the speeds of the clips so that they correspond with the chosen
minimum and maximum values of the parameter but keep the same relative speeds they initially had.
Note that the Adjust Time Scale drop-down is only available if all the motions are Animation Clips and not child
Blend Trees.

You can mirror any humanoid Animation Clip in the motions list by enabling the mirror toggle at the far right. This
feature enables you to use the same animation in its original form and in a mirrored version without needing twice
the memory and space.

Animation Blend Shapes

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Preparing the Artwork

Once you have your Blend Shapes set up in Autodesk® Maya®:
Export your selection to fbx ensuring the animation box is checked and blend Shapes under deformed models is checked.
Import your FBX le into Unity (from the main Unity menu: Assets > Import New Asset and then choose your le).
Drag the Asset into the hierarchy window. If you select your object in the hierarchy and look in the inspector, you will see your
Blend Shapes are listed under the SkinnedMeshRenderer component. Here you can adjust the in uence of the blend shape to
the default shape, 0 means the blend shape has no in uence and 100 means the blend shape has full in uence.

Create Animations In Unity
It is also possible to use the Animation window in Unity to create a blend animation, here are the steps:
Open the Animation window under Window > Animation > Animation.
On the left of the window click ‘Add Curve’ and add a Blend Shape which will be under Skinned Mesh Renderer.
From here you can manipulate the keyframes and Blend Weights to create the required animation.
Once you are nished editing your animation you can click play in the editor window or the animation window to preview your

Scripting Access
It’s also possible to set the blend weights through code using functions like GetBlendShapeWeight and SetBlendShapeWeight.
You can also check how many blend shapes a Mesh has on it by accessing the blendShapeCount variable along with other useful
Here is an example of code which blends a default shape into two other Blend Shapes over time when attached to a gameobject
that has 3 or more blend shapes:

//Using C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class BlendShapeExample : MonoBehaviour
int blendShapeCount;
SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer;
Mesh skinnedMesh;
float blendOne = 0f;
float blendTwo = 0f;
float blendSpeed = 1f;
bool blendOneFinished = false;
void Awake ()

skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponent ();
skinnedMesh = GetComponent ().sharedMesh;
void Start ()
blendShapeCount = skinnedMesh.blendShapeCount;
void Update ()
if (blendShapeCount > 2) {
if (blendOne < 100f) {
skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (0, blendOne);
blendOne += blendSpeed;
} else {
blendOneFinished = true;
if (blendOneFinished == true && blendTwo < 100f) {
skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (1, blendTwo);
blendTwo += blendSpeed;

Animator Override Controllers

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The Animator Override Controller is a type of asset which allows you to extend an existing Animator Controller,
replacing the speci c animations used but otherwise retaining the original’s structure, parameters and logic.
This allows you to create multiple variants of the same basic state machine, but with each using di erent sets of
animations. For example, your game may have a variety of NPC types living in the world, but each type (goblin, ogre,
elf, etc) has their own unique animations for walking, idling, sitting, etc.
By creating one “base” Animator Controller containing the logic for all NPC types, you could then create an override
for each type and drop in their respective animation les.
To demonstrate, here’s a typical Animator Controller asset:

This represents an Animator Controller containing a simple state machine with a blend tree controlling animations
in four directions, plus an idle animation, looking like this:

To extend this general NPC state machine to use unique animations which just apply to - say - an ogre-type
character, you can create an Animator Override Controller and drop in the Ogre’s animation clips as replacements
to the original animation clips. The Ogre may have a di erent way of idling and moving around, perhaps with
slower, heavier and more muscular motion. However, using an Animator Override Controller, the basic logic for
how to transistion and blend between movement states can be shared between di erent characters with di erent
sets of animation, reducing the work required building and modifying state machines themselves.
To create a new Animator Override Controller, use the Assets -> Create menu, or the Create button in the Project
view, and select Animator Override Controller.

The Animator Override Controller has a very similar icon to the Animator Controller, except that it has a “plus” sign
rather than a “play” sign in the corner of the icon:

Comparing icons: The Animator Controller and the Animator Override Controller assets side-by-side
When you select the new Animator Override Controller in the inspector, it will initially be unassigned, and will look
like this:

An Animator Override Controller with no Animator Controller assigned
To begin using the Override Controller, you need to assign the original controller asset to the new Override
Controller in the inspector. Once this is done, all the animations used in the original controller will show up as a list
in the inspector of the override controller:

Dragging an existing controller into the Animator Override Controller’s inspector
You can then assign new animation clips to override the original’s clips. In this example, all the clips have been
overridden with the “Ogre” versions of the animation.

The Override Controller with new clips assigned
This Override Controller can now be used in an animator component on the Ogre character’s Game Object just as
if it was an Animator Controller. It will use the same logic as the original Animator Controller, but play the new
animations assigned instead of the originals.

The Override Controller in use on a Game Object, in the Animator Component

Retargeting of Humanoid animations

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One of the most powerful features of Mecanim is retargeting of humanoid animations. This means that with
relative ease, you can apply the same set of animations to various character models. Retargeting is only possible
for humanoid models, where an Avatar has been con gured, because this gives us a correspondence between
the models’ bone structure.

Recommended Hierarchy structure
When working with Mecanim animations, you can expect your scene to contain the following elements:-

The Imported character model, which has an Avatar on it.
The Animator Component, referencing an Animator Controller asset.
A set of animation clips, referenced from the Animator Controller.
Scripts for the character.
Character-related components, such as the Character Controller.
Your project should also contain another character model with a valid Avatar.
If in doubt about the terminology, consult the Animation Glossary
The recommended setup is to:

Create a GameObject in the Hierarchy that contains Character-related components

Put the model as a child of the GameObject, together with the Animator component

Make sure scripts referencing the Animator are looking for the animator in the children instead of
the root; use GetComponentInChildren() instead of GetComponent().

Then in order to reuse the same animations on another model, you need to:

Disable the original model
Drop in the desired model as another child of GameObject

Make sure the Animator Controller property for the new model is referencing the same controller

Tweak the character controller, the transform, and other properties on the top-level GameObject,
to make sure that the animations work smoothly with the new model.
You’re done!

Performance and optimization

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This page contains some tips to help you obtain the best performance from Unity’s animation system, covering character setup,
the animation system and run-time optimizations.

Character setup
Number of bones
In some cases you need to create characters with a large number of bones: for example, when you want a lot of customizable
attachments. These extra bones increase the size of the build, and may have a relative processing cost for each additional bone.
For example, 15 additional bones on a rig that already has 30 bones takes 50% longer to solve in Generic mode. Note that you can
have additional bones for Generic and Humanoid types. When you have no animations playing using the additional bones, the
processing cost should be negligible. This cost is even lower if their attachments are non-existent or hidden.

Multiple skinned Meshes
Combine skinned meshes whenever possible. Splitting a character into two Skinned Mesh Renderers reduces performance. It’s
better if your character has just one Material, but there are some cases when you might require more than one.

Animation system
The Animator doesn’t spend time processing when a Controller is not set to it.

Simple animation
Playing a single Animation Clip with no blending can make Unity slower than the legacy animation system. The old system is very
direct, sampling the curve and directly writing into the transform. Unity’s current animation system has temporary bu ers it uses
for blending, and there is additional copying of the sampled curve and other data. The current system layout is optimized for
animation blending and more complex setups.

Scale curves
Animating scale curves is more expensive than animating translation and rotation curves. To improve performance, avoid scale
Note: This does not apply to constant curves (curves that have the same value for the length of the animation clip). Constant
curves are optimized, and are less expensive that normal curves. Constant curves that have the same values as the default scene
values do not write to the scene every frame.

Most of the time Unity is evaluating animations, and keeps the overhead for animation layers and Animation State Machines to the
minimum. The cost of adding another layer to the animator, synchronized or not, depends on what animations and blend trees are
played by the layer. When the weight of the layer is zero, Unity skips the layer update.

Humanoid vs. Generic animation types
These are tips to help you decide between these types:

When importing Humanoid animation use an Avatar Mask (class-AvatarMask) to remove IK Goals or nger
animation if you don’t need them.
When you use Generic, using root motion is more expensive than not using it. If your animations don’t use root
motion, make sure that you have not speci ed a root bone.

Scene-level optimization

There are many optimizations that can be made, some useful tips include:

Use hashes instead of strings to query the Animator.
Implement a small AI Layer to control the Animator. You can make it provide simple callbacks for OnStateChange,
OnTransitionBegin, and other events.
Use State Tags to easily match your AI state machine to the Unity state machine.
Use additional curves to simulate events.
Use additional curves to mark up your animations; for example, in conjunction with target matching.

Runtime Optimizations
Visibility and updates

Always optimize animations by setting the animators’s Culling Mode to Based on Renderers, and disable the skinned mesh
renderer’s Update When O screen property. This saves Unity from updating animations when the character is not visible.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review
2017–05–16 Page amended with no editorial review

Animation Reference

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For a detailed explanation of the Unity Animation System, please see the Animation System Overview
For information about importing Animation from your Model, see Model import work ows or the Animation tab
reference page.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Animator Component

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The Animator component is used to assign animation to a GameObject in your scene. The Animator component
requires a reference to an Animator Controller which de nes which animation clips to use, and controls when and how
to blend and transition between them.
If the GameObject is a humanoid character with an Avatar de nition, the Avatar should also be assigned in this
component, as seen here:

The Animator component with a controller and avatar assigned.
This diagram shows how the various assets (Animation Clips, an Animator Controller, and an Avatar) are all brought
together in an Animator Component on a Game Object:

Diagram showing how the various parts of the animation system connect together
See Also State Machines, Blend Trees, Avatar, Animator Controller

Controller The animator controller attached to this character.



The Avatar for this character. (If the Animator is being used to animate a humanoid
Apply Root Should we control the character’s position and rotation from the animation itself or from
This allows you to select when the Animator updates, and which timescale it should use.
The animator is updated in-sync with the Update call, and the animator’s speed matches the
current timescale. If the timescale is slowed, animations will slow down to match.
The animator is updated in-sync with the FixedUpdate call (i.e. in lock-step with the physics
system). You should use this mode if you are animating the motion of objects with physics
interactions, such as characters which can push rigidbody objects around.


The animator is updated in-sync with the Update call, but the animator’s speed ignores the
current timescale and animates at 100% speed regardless. This is useful for animating a GUI
system at normal speed while using modi ed timescales for special e ects or to pause

Culling mode you can choose for animations.
Always animate, don’t do culling even when o screen.
Retarget, IK and write of Transforms are disabled when renderers are not visible.
Animation is completely disabled when renderers are not visible.

Animation curve information

The information box at the bottom of the Animator component provides you with a breakdown of the data being used in
all the clips used by the Animator Controller.
An animation clip contains data in the form of “curves”, which represent how a value changes over time. These curves
may describe the position or rotation of an object, the ex of a muscle in the humanoid animation system, or other
animated values within the clip such as a changing material colour.
This table explains what each item of data represents:


The total number of animation clips used by the animator controller assigned to this Animator.

The total number of curves used to animate the position, rotation or scale of objects. These are
for animated objects that are not part of a standard humanoid rig. When animating a
humanoid avatar, these curves would show up a count for extra non-muscle bones such as a
(Pos, Rot
tail, owing cloth or a dangling pendant. If you have a humanoid animation and you notice
& Scale)
unexpected non-muscle animation curves, you mave have unnecessary animation curves in
your animation les.
The number of muscle animation curves used for humanoid animation by this Animator. These
are the curves used to animate the standard humanoid avatar muscles. As well as the standard
muscle movements for all the humanoid bones in Unity’s standard avatar, this also includes two
“muscle curves” which store the root motion position and rotation animation.


The number of numeric ( oat) curves used by the animator to animate other properties such as
material colour.
The total count of sprite animation curves (used by Unity’s 2d system)


The total combined number of animation curves
The number of animation curves that are optimised as constant (unchanging) values. Unity
selects this automatically if your animation les contain curves with unchanging values.
The number of animation curves that are optimised using the “dense” method of storing data
(discrete values which are interpolated between linearly). This method uses less signi cantly
less memory than the “stream” method.
The number of animation curves using the “stream” method of storing data (values with time
and tangent data for curved interpolation). This data occupies signi cantly more memory than
the “dense” method.

If your animation clips are imported with “Anim Compression” set to “Optimal” in the Animation import reference, Unity
will use a heuristic algorithm to determine whether it is best to use the dense or stream method to store the data for
each curve.
2018–04–25 Page amended with limited editorial review

Animator Controller

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An Animator Controller allows you to arrange and maintain a set of Animation Clips and associated
Animation Transitions for a character or object. In most cases it is normal to have multiple animations and switch
between them when certain game conditions occur. For example, you could switch from a walk Animation Clip to a jump
Animation Clip whenever the spacebar is pressed. However even if you only have a single Animation Clip you still need
to place it into an Animator Controller to use it on a GameObject.
The Animator Controller has references to the Animation clips used within it, and manages the various Animation Clips and
the Transitions between them using a State Machine, which could be thought of as a ow-chart of Animation Clips and
Transitions, or a simple program written in a visual programming language within Unity. More information about state
machines can be found here.

A simple Animator Controller
Unity automatically creates an Animator Controller when you begin animating a GameObject using the Animation Window,
or when you attach an Animation Clip to a GameObject.
To manually create an Animator Controller, right click the Project window and click Create > Animator Controller.

Use the scroll wheel on your mouse, or equivalent, to zoom in and out of the Animator Controller window.
To focus on an item in the Animator Controller window, select one or multiple states (click or drag a selection box around
the states you wish to select), then press the F key to zoom in on the selection.

Focus on selected states
Press the A key to t all of the animation states into the Animator Controller view.
Unity preserves your selection. Press the A and F keys to switch between your selected animation states and the entire
Animator Controller.

Unity automatically ts all states in the Animator Controller view when the A key is pressed
During Play Mode, the Animator pans the view so that the current state being played is always visible. The Animator
Controller respects the independent zoom factors of the Base Layer and Sub-State Machine, and the window pans
automatically to ensure visibility of the active state or states.
To modify the zoom during Play Mode, follow these steps:

Enable Auto Live Link in the Animator Controller window
Click the Play button to enter Play Mode
Click Pause
In the Animator Controller, select the state or states you want to zoom into
Press the F key to zoom into the selection
Click the Play button again to resume Play Mode
Note that the Animator Controller pans to each state when it activates.

The Animator pans to the active state
2017–11–21 Page published with limited editorial review
Animator zoom added in 2017.3

Creating an AnimatorController

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Animator Controller
You can view and set up character behavior from the Animator Controller view (Menu: Window > Animation > Animator).
The various ways an Animator Controller can be created:
From the Project View by selecting ‘Create > Animator Controller’.
By right-clicking in the Project View and selecting ‘Create > Animator Controller’.
From the Assets menu by selecting ‘Assets > Create > Animator Controller’.
This creates a .controller asset on disk. In the Project Browser window the icon will look like:

Animator Controller asset on disk

Animator Window

After the state machine setup has been made, you can drop the controller onto the Animator component of any character with
an Avatar in the Hierarchy View.
The Animator Controller window contains:

The Animation Layer Widget (top-left corner, see Animation Layers)
The Event Parameters Widget (top-left, see Animation Parameters)
The visualization of the State Machine itself.

The Animator Controller Window
Note that the Animator Controller Window will always display the state machine from the most recently selected .controller
asset, regardless of what scene is currently loaded.

Animation States

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Animation States are the basic building blocks of an Animation State Machine. Each state contains an individual animation
sequence (or blend tree) which will play while the character is in that state. When an event in the game triggers a state transition,
the character will be left in a new state whose animation sequence will then take over.
When you select a state in the Animator Controller, you will see the properties for that state in the inspector:-


The default speed of the animation
The animation clip assigned to this state

Foot IK

Should Foot IK be respected for this state. Applicable to humanoid animations.
Whether or not the AnimatorStates writes back the default values for properties that are not
animated by its Motion.
Should the state be mirrored. This is only applicable to humanoid animations.
The list of transitions originating from this state

The default state, displayed in brown, is the state that the machine will be in when it is rst activated. You can change the default
state, if necessary, by right-clicking on another state and selecting Set As Default from the context menu. The solo and mute
checkboxes on each transition are used to control the behaviour of animation previews - see this page for further details.
A new state can be added by right-clicking on an empty space in the Animator Controller Window and selecting Create State>Empty from the context menu. Alternatively, you can drag an animation into the Animator Controller Window to create a state
containing that animation. (Note that you can only drag Mecanim animations into the Controller - non-Mecanim animations will be
rejected.) States can also contain Blend Trees.

Any State
Any State is a special state which is always present. It exists for the situation where you want to go to a speci c state regardless of
which state you are currently in. This is a shorthand way of adding the same outward transition to all states in your machine. Note
that the special meaning of Any State implies that it cannot be the end point of a transition (ie, jumping to “any state” cannot be
used as a way to pick a random state to enter next).

Animation transitions

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Animation transitions allow the state machine to switch or blend from one animation state to another. Transitions de ne not
only how long the blend between states should take, but also under what conditions they should activate. You can set up a
transition to occur only when certain conditions are true. To set up these conditions, specify values of parameters in the
Animator Controller.
For example, your character might have a “patrolling” state and a “sleeping” state. You could set the transition between
patrolling and sleeping to occur only when an “alertness” parameter value drops below a certain level.

An example of a transition as viewed in the inspector.
To give transitions a name, type it into the eld as shown below:

The Inspector window of a state shows the transitions the state uses as shown below:

There can be only one transition active at any given time. However, the currently active transition can be interrupted by
another transition if you have con gured the settings to allow it (see Transition Interruption below).

Transition properties
To view properties for a transition, click on the transition line connecting two states in the Animator window. The properties
appear in the Inspector window.

Use the following properties to adjust the transition and how it blends between the current and next state.

Has Exit

Exit Time is a special transition that doesn’t rely on a parameter. Instead, it relies on the
normalized time of the state. Check to make the transition happen at the speci c time speci ed
in Exit Time.
Fold-out menu containing detailed transition settings as below.


If Has Exit Time is checked, this value represents the exact time at which the transition can
take e ect. This is represented in normalized time (for example, an exit time of 0.75 means that
on the rst frame where 75% of the animation has played, the Exit Time condition is true). On
the next frame, the condition is false.

Exit Time

For looped animations, transitions with exit times smaller than 1 are evaluated every loop, so
you can use this to time your transition with the proper timing in the animation every loop.

Transitions with an Exit Time greater than 1 are evaluated only once, so they can be used to
exit at a speci c time after a xed number of loops. For example, a transition with an exit time
of 3.5 are evaluated once, after three and a half loops.
If the Fixed Duration box is checked, the transition time is interpreted in seconds. If the Fixed
Duration box is not checked, the transition time is interpreted as a fraction of the normalized
time of the source state.
The duration of the transition, in normalized time or seconds depending on the Fixed Duration
mode, relative to the current state’s duration. This is visualized in the transition graph as the
portion between the two blue markers.
The o set of the time to begin playing in the destination state which is transitioned to. For
example, a value of 0.5 means the target state begins playing at 50% of the way through its own
O set
Interruption Use this to control the circumstances under which this transition may be interrupted (see
Transition interruption below).
Determines whether the current transition can be interrupted by other transitions
Interruption independently of their order (see Transition interruption below).
A transition can have a single condition, multiple conditions, or no conditions at all. If your
transition has no conditions, the Unity Editor only considers the Exit Time, and the transition
occurs when the exit time is reached. If your transition has one or more conditions, the
conditions must all be met before the transition is triggered.
A condition consists of:

- An event parameter (the value considered in the condition).
- A conditional predicate (if needed,for example, ‘less than’ or ‘greater than’ for oats).
- A parameter value (if needed).
If you have Has Exit Time selected for the transition and have one or more conditions, note
that the Unity Editor considers whether the conditions are true after the Exit Time. This allows
you to ensure that your transition occurs during a certain portion of the animation.

Transition interruption
Use the Interruption Source and Ordered Interruption properties to control how your transition can be interrupted.
The interruption order works, conceptually, as if transitions are queued and then parsed for a valid transition from the rst
transition inserted to the last.

Interruption Source property
The transitions in AnyState are always added rst in the queue, then other transitions are queued depending on the value of
Interruption Source:

Current State
Next State
Current State then Next
Next State then Current

Don’t add any more transitions.
Queue the transitions from the current state.
Queue the transitions from the next state.
Queue the transitions from the current state, then queue the ones from the
next state.
Queue the transitions from the next state, then queue the ones from the
current state.

Note: This means that even with the Interruption Source set to None, transitions can be interrupted by one of the AnyState

Ordered Interruption property
The property Ordered Interruption changes how the queue is parsed.
Depending on its value, parsing the queue ends at a di erent moment as listed below.

Ends when
Checked A valid transition or the current transition has been found.
Unchecked A valid transition has been found.
Only an AnyState transition can be interrupted by itself.
To learn more about transition interruptions, see the Unity blog post State Machine Transition Interruptions.

Transition graph
To manually adjust the settings listed above, you can either enter numbers directly into the elds or use the transition graph.
The transition graph modi es the values above when the visual elements are manipulated.

Preview playback current time

Duration "in"
Transition Duration
Duration "out"

Current State

Transition Offset

Target State

The Transition settings and graph as shown in the Inspector
Change the transition properties in the graph view using the following directions::

Drag the Duration “out” marker to change the Duration of the transition.
Drag the Duration “in” marker to change the duration of the transition and the Exit Time.
Drag the target state to adjust the Transition O set.
Drag the preview playback marker to scrub through the animation blend in the preview window at the
bottom of the Inspector.

Transitions between Blend Tree states

If either the current or next state belonging to this transition is a Blend Tree state, the Blend Tree parameters appear in the
Inspector. Adjust these values to preview how your transition would look with the Blend Tree values set to di erent
con gurations. If your Blend Tree contains clips of di ering lengths, you should test what your transition looks like when
showing both the short clip and the long clip. Adjusting these values does not a ect how the transition behaves at runtime;
they are solely for helping you preview how the transition could look in di erent situations.

The Blend Tree parameter preview controls, visible when either your current or next state is a Blend Tree

A transition can have a single condition, multiple conditions, or no conditions at all. If your transition has no conditions, the
Unity Editor only considers the Exit Time, and the transition occurs when the exit time is reached. If your transition has one
or more conditions, the conditions must all be met before the transition is triggered.
A condition consists of:

An event parameter, the value of which is considered in the condition.
A conditional predicate, if needed (for example, less or greater for oats).
A parameter value, if needed.
If Has Exit Time is enabled for the transition and has one or more conditions, these conditions are only checked after the exit
time of the state. This allows you to ensure that your transition only occurs during a certain portion of the animation.

Animation FAQ

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General questions
What’s “Mecanim”?

Mecanim was the name of the animation software that we integrated into Unity. Early in the 4.x series of Unity, its
abilities were tied speci cally to humanoid character animation and it had many features which were uniquely
suited for that purpose, and it was separate to our old (now legacy) integrated animation system.
Mecanim integrated humanoid animation retargeting, muscle control, and the state machine system. The
name “Mecanim” comes from the French word “Mec” meaning “Guy”. Since Mecanim operated only with humanoid
characters, our legacy animation system was still required for animating non-humanoid characters and other
keyframe-based animation of gameobjects within Unity.
Since then however, we’ve developed and expanded Mecanim and integrated it with the rest of our animation
system so that it can be used for all aspects of animation within your project - so there is a less clear de nition
where “Mecanim” ends and the rest of the animation system begins. For this reason, you’ll still see references in
our documentation and throughout our community to “Mecanim” which has now simply come to mean our main
animation system.
What’s the di erence between the Animation component and the Animator component?
The Animation component is an old component used for animation in our legacy animation system. It remains in
Unity for backwards compatibility but you should not use it for new projects. Use the up-to-date
Animator component instead.

LEFT: Old Legacy “Animation” component. RIGHT: Modern “Animator” Component
What’s the di erence between the Animation window and the Animator window?
The Animation Window allows you to create and edit animation clips within Unity. You can use it to animate
almost every property that you can edit in the inspector, from a Game Object’s position, a material colour, a light’s
brightness, a sound’s volume, and even arbitrary values in your own scripts.
The Animator Window allows you to organise your existing animation clip assets into a owchart-like system
called a state machine.
Both of these windows are part of our current animation system, and not the legacy system.
So the Animation Component is legacy, but the Animation Window is current?

That’s correct.
We are using the legacy animation system for character animations. Should we be using the current
animation system (Mecanim) instead?
Generally, yes you should. Our legacy animation system is only included for backward compatibility with old
projects, and it has a very limited feature set compared with our current animation system. The only reason you
should use it is for legacy projects built using the old system.

Why does my imported mesh have an animator component attached to it?
When Unity detectes that an imported le has animation in its timeline, it will add an animation component on
import. You can modify this in the asset’s import settings by setting the “Animation Type” to None in the import
settings under the Rig tab. If necessary you can do this with several les at once.

Does the ordering of the layers matter?
Yes. Layers are evaluated from top to bottom in order. Layers set to override will always override the previous
layers (based on their mask, if they have a mask).
Should the weight value of the base layer always be set to one or should the weight be zero when using
another layer?
The base layer weight is always 1 and override layers will completely override the base layer.
Is there any way to get a variable value from the controller without using the name string?
You can use integers to identify the states and parameters. Use the Animator.StringToHash function to get the
integer identi er values. For example:

runState = Animator.StringToHash("Base Layer.Run");
animator.SetBool(runState, false);

What happens if a state on a Sync layer has a di erent length compared to the corresponding state in the
base layer?
If layers have di erent lengths then they will become unsynchronized. Enable the Timing option to force the timing
of the states on the current layer, on the source layer.

Avatar Masks
Is there a way to create AvatarIKGoals other than LeftFoot, RightFoot, LeftHand, RightHand?

Yes, knee and elbow IK is supported.
Is there a way to de ne what transforms are part of the Avatar Mask?
Yes, for Generic clips you can de ne which transform animation is imported or not. For Humanoid clips, all human
transforms are always imported and extra transforms can de de ned.

Animations curves
How do animations that have Curves blend with those that don’t?
When you have an animation with a curve and another animation without a curve, Unity will use the default value
of the parameter connected to the curve to do blending. You can set default values for your parameters, so when
blending takes place between a State that has a Curve Parameter and one that does not have one, it will blend
between the curve value and the default parameter value. To set a default value for a Parameter, simply set its
value in the Animator Tool window while not in LiveLink.

Playables API

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The Playables API provides a way to create tools, e ects or other gameplay mechanisms by organizing and evaluating
data sources in a tree-like structure known as the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph allows you to mix, blend, and
modify multiple data sources, and play them through a single output.
The Playables API supports animation, audio and scripts. The Playables API also provides the capacity to interact with
the animation system and audio system through scripting.
Although the Playables API is currently limited to animation, audio, and scripts, it is a generic API that will eventually
be used by video and other systems.

Playable vs Animation
The animation system already has a graph editing tool, it’s a state machine system that is restricted to playing
animation. The Playables API is designed to be more exible and to support other systems. The Playables API also
allows for the creation of graphs not possible with the state machine. These graphs represent a ow of data,
indicating what each node produces and consumes. In addition, a single graph is not limited to a single system. A
single graph may contain nodes for animation, audio, and scripts.

Advantages of using the Playables API
The Playables API allows for dynamic animation blending. This means that objects in the scenes could provide their
own animations. For example, animations for weapons, chests, and traps could be dynamically added to the
PlayableGraph and used for a certain duration.
The Playables API allows you to easily play a single animation without the overhead involved in creating and managing
an AnimatorController asset.
The Playables API allows users to dynamically create blending graphs and control the blending weights directly frame
by frame.
A PlayableGraph can be created at runtime, adding playable node as needed, based on conditions. Instead of having a
huge “one-size- t-all” graph where nodes are enabled and disabled, the PlayableGraph can be tailored to t the
requirements of the current situation.
2017–07–04 Page published with limited editorial review
2017–07–04 New in Unity 2017.1

The PlayableGraph

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The PlayableGraph de nes a set of playable outputs that are bound to a GameObject or component. The PlayableGraph
also de nes a set of playables and their relationships. Figure 1 provides an example.
The PlayableGraph is responsible for the life cycle of its playables and their outputs. Use the PlayableGraph to create,
connect, and destroy playables.

Figure 1: A sample PlayableGraph
In Figure 1, when displaying a PlayableGraph, the term “Playable” is removed from the names of graph nodes to make it
more compact. For example, the node named “AnimationClipPlayable” is shown as “AnimationClip.”

A playable is a C# struct that implements the IPlayable interface. It is used to de ne its relationship with other playables.
Likewise, a playable output is a C# struct that implements IPlayableOutput and is used to de ne the output of a
Figure 2 shows the most common core playable types. Figure 3 shows the core playable output types.

Figure 2: Core playable types

Figure 3: Core playable output types
The playable core types and playable output types are implemented as C# structs to avoid allocating memory for
garbage collection.
‘Playable’ is the base type for all playables, meaning that you can always implicitly cast a playable to it. The opposite is
not true, and an exception will be thrown if a ‘Playable’ is explicitly casted into an incompatible type. It also de nes all the
basic methods that can be executed on a playable. To access type-speci c methods, you need to cast our playable to the
appropriate type.
The same thing is true for ‘PlayableOutput’, it is the base type for all playable outputs and it de nes the basic methods.
Note: Playable and PlayableOutput do not expose a lot of methods. Instead, the ‘PlayableExtensions’ and
‘PlayableOutputExtensions’ static classes provide extension methods.
All non-abstract playables have a public static method Create() that creates a playable of the corresponding type. The
‘Create()’ method always takes a PlayableGraph as its rst parameter, and that graph owns the newly created playable.
Additional parameters may be required for some type of playables. Non-abstract playable outputs also expose a
Create() method.

A valid playable output should be linked to a playable. If a playable output is not linked to a playable, the playable output
does nothing. To link a playable output to a playable, use the PlayableOutput.SetSourcePlayable() method. The
linked playable acts as the root of the playable tree, for that speci c playable output.
To connect two playables together, use the PlayableGraph.Connect() method. Note that some playables cannot
have inputs.
Use the PlayableGraph.Create() static method to create a PlayableGraph.
Play a PlayableGraph with the PlayableGraph.Play() method.
Stop a playing PlayableGraph with thePlayableGraph.Stop() method.
Evaluate the state of a PlayableGraph, at a speci c time, with the PlayableGraph.Evaluate() method.
Destroy a PlayableGraph manually with the PlayableGraph.Destroy() method. This method automatically destroys
all playables and playable outputs that were created by the PlayableGraph. You must manually call this destroy method
to destroy a PlayableGraph, otherwise Unity issues an error message.
2017–07–04 Page published with limited editorial review
New in Unity 2017.1

ScriptPlayable and PlayableBehaviour Leave feedback
To create your own custom playable, it must be inherited from the PlayableBehaviour base class. public class
MyCustomPlayableBehaviour : PlayableBehaviour { // Implementation of the custom playable
behaviour // Override PlayableBehaviour methods as needed }
To use a PlayableBehaviour as a custom playable, it also must be encapsulated within a ScriptPlayable<> object. If
you don’t have an instance of your custom playable, you can create a ScriptPlayable<> for your object by calling:


If you already have an instance of your custom playable, you can wrap it with a ScriptPlayable<> by calling:

MyCustomPlayableBehaviour myPlayable = new MyCustomPlayableBehaviour();
ScriptPlayable.Create(playableGraph, myPlayable);

In this case, the instance is cloned before it is assigned to the ScriptPlayable<>. As it is, this code does exactly the
same as the previous code; the di erence is that myPlayable can be a public property that would be con gured
in the inspector, and you can then set up your behaviour for each instance of your script.
You can get the PlayableBehaviour object from the ScriptPlayable<> by using the ScriptPlayable
.GetBehaviour() method.
2017–07–04 Page published with limited editorial review
New in Unity 2017.1

Playables Examples

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PlayableGraph Visualizer

All of the examples in this document use the PlayableGraph Visualizer (Pictured below) to illustrate the trees and
nodes created by the Playables API. The Playable graph Visualizer is a tool available through GitHub.
To use the PlayableGraph Visualizer:
Download the PlayableGraph Visualizer that corresponds with your version of Unity from the GitHub repository
Open the tool by selecting Window > PlayableGraph Visualizer
Register your graph using GraphVisualizerClient.Show(PlayableGraph graph, string name).

The GraphVisualizer window
Playables in the graph are represented by colored nodes. Wire color intensity indicates the weight of the
blending. See GitHub for more information on this tool.

Playing a single animation clip on a GameObject
This example demonstrates a simple PlayableGraph with a single playable output that is linked to a single
playable node. The playable node plays a single animation clip (clip). An AnimationClipPlayable must wrap
the animation clip to make it compatible with the Playables API.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;

using UnityEngine.Animations;
public class PlayAnimationSample : MonoBehaviour
public AnimationClip clip;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;
void Start()
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create();
var playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Anim
// Wrap the clip in a playable
var clipPlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, clip);
// Connect the Playable to an output
// Plays the Graph.
void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and PlayableOutputs created by the graph.


The PlayableGraph generated by PlayAnimationSample
Use AnimationPlayableUtilities to simplify the creation and playback of animation playables, as shown in
the following example:__ __

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
public class PlayAnimationUtilitiesSample : MonoBehaviour
public AnimationClip clip;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;

void Start()
AnimationPlayableUtilities.PlayClip(GetComponent(), clip, out
void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and Outputs created by the graph.

Creating an animation blend tree
This example demonstrates how to use the AnimationMixerPlayable to blend two animation clips. Before
blending the animation clips, they must be wrapped by playables. To do this, an AnimationClipPlayable
(clipPlayable0 and clipPlayable1) wraps each AnimationClip (clip0 and clip1). The SetInputWeight() method
dynamically adjusts the blend weight of each playable.
Although not shown in this example, you can also use AnimationMixerPlayable to blend playable mixers and
other playables.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
public class MixAnimationSample : MonoBehaviour

public AnimationClip clip0;
public AnimationClip clip1;
public float weight;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;
AnimationMixerPlayable mixerPlayable;
void Start()
// Creates the graph, the mixer and binds them to the Animator.
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create();
var playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Anim
mixerPlayable = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(playableGraph, 2);
// Creates AnimationClipPlayable and connects them to the mixer.
var clipPlayable0 = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, clip0);
var clipPlayable1 = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, clip1);
playableGraph.Connect(clipPlayable0, 0, mixerPlayable, 0);
playableGraph.Connect(clipPlayable1, 0, mixerPlayable, 1);

// Plays the Graph.
void Update()

weight = Mathf.Clamp01(weight);
mixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(0, 1.0f­weight);
mixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(1, weight);
void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and Outputs created by the graph.

The PlayableGraph generated by `MixAnimationSample

Blending an AnimationClip and AnimatorController

This example demonstrates how to use an AnimationMixerPlayable to blend an AnimationClip with an
Before blending the AnimationClip and AnimatorController, they must be wrapped by playables. To do this,
an AnimationClipPlayable (clipPlayable) wraps the AnimationClip (clip) and an
AnimatorControllerPlayable (ctrlPlayable) wraps the RuntimeAnimatorController (controller). The
SetInputWeight() method dynamically adjusts the blend weight of each playable.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
public class RuntimeControllerSample : MonoBehaviour
public AnimationClip clip;
public RuntimeAnimatorController controller;
public float weight;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;
AnimationMixerPlayable mixerPlayable;
void Start()
// Creates the graph, the mixer and binds them to the Animator.
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create();
var playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Anim
mixerPlayable = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(playableGraph, 2);

// Creates AnimationClipPlayable and connects them to the mixer.
var clipPlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, clip);
var ctrlPlayable = AnimatorControllerPlayable.Create(playableGraph, cont
playableGraph.Connect(clipPlayable, 0, mixerPlayable, 0);
playableGraph.Connect(ctrlPlayable, 0, mixerPlayable, 1);

// Plays the Graph.
void Update()
weight = Mathf.Clamp01(weight);
mixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(0, 1.0f­weight);
mixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(1, weight);
void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and Outputs created by the graph.

Creating a PlayableGraph with several outputs

This example demonstrates how to create a PlayableGraph with two di erent playable output types: an
AudioPlayableOutput and an AnimationPlayableOutput. A PlayableGraph can have many playable
outputs of di erent types.
This example also demonstrates how to play an AudioClip through an AudioClipPlayable that is connected
to an AudioPlayableOutput.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
public class MultiOutputSample : MonoBehaviour
public AnimationClip animationClip;
public AudioClip audioClip;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;
void Start()
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create();
// Create the outputs.
var animationOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Ani
var audioOutput = AudioPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Audio", Get

// Create the playables.

var animationClipPlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph,
var audioClipPlayable = AudioClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, audioCli
// Connect the playables to an output
// Plays the Graph.
void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and Outputs created by the graph.

The PlayableGraph generated by `MultiOutputSample

Controlling the play state of the tree
This example demonstrates how to use the Playable.SetPlayState() method to control the play state of
node on the PlayableGraph tree. The SetPlayState method controls the play state of the entire tree, one of
its branches, or a single node.
When setting the play state of a node, the state propagates to all its children, regardless of their play states. For
example, if a child node is explicitly paused, setting a parent node to “playing” also sets all its child nodes to
In this example, the PlayableGraph contains a mixer that blends two animation clips. An
AnimationClipPlayable wraps each animation clip and the SetPlayState() method explicitly pauses the
second playable. The second AnimationClipPlayable is explicitly paused, so its internal time does not advance
and outputs the same value. The exact value depends on the speci c time when the AnimationClipPlayable
was paused.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
public class PauseSubGraphAnimationSample : MonoBehaviour

public AnimationClip clip0;
public AnimationClip clip1;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;
AnimationMixerPlayable mixerPlayable;
void Start()
// Creates the graph, the mixer and binds them to the Animator.
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create();
var playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Anim
mixerPlayable = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(playableGraph, 2);
// Creates AnimationClipPlayable and connects them to the mixer.
var clipPlayable0 = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, clip0);
var clipPlayable1 = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, clip1);
playableGraph.Connect(clipPlayable0, 0, mixerPlayable, 0);
playableGraph.Connect(clipPlayable1, 0, mixerPlayable, 1);
mixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(0, 1.0f);
mixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(1, 1.0f);
// Plays the Graph.

void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and Outputs created by the graph.

The PlayableGraph generated by PauseSubGraphAnimationSample. Notice that the second clip is
paused (red edge).

Controlling the timing of the tree

This example demonstrates how to use the Play() method to play a PlayableGraph, how to use the SetPlayState()
method to pause a playable, and how to use the SetTime() method to manually set the local time of a playable
with a variable.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;

using UnityEngine.Animations;
public class PlayWithTimeControlSample : MonoBehaviour
public AnimationClip clip;
public float time;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;
AnimationClipPlayable playableClip;
void Start()
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create();
var playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Anim
// Wrap the clip in a playable
playableClip = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, clip);
// Connect the Playable to an output
// Plays the Graph.
// Stops time from progressing automatically.
void Update ()

// Control the time manually

void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and Outputs created by the graph.

Creating PlayableBehaviour
This example demonstrates how to create custom playables with the PlayableBehaviour public class. This
example also demonstrate how to override the PrepareFrame() virtual method to control nodes on the
PlayableGraph. Custom playables can override any of the other virtual methods of the PlayableBehaviour
In this example, the nodes being controlled are a series of animation clips (clipsToPlay). The SetInputMethod()
modi es the blend weight of each animation clip, ensuring that only one clip plays at a time, and the SetTime()
method adjusts the local time so playback starts at the moment the animation clip is activated.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
public class PlayQueuePlayable : PlayableBehaviour

private int m_CurrentClipIndex = ­1;
private float m_TimeToNextClip;
private Playable mixer;
public void Initialize(AnimationClip[] clipsToPlay, Playable owner, Playable
mixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph, clipsToPlay.Length);
graph.Connect(mixer, 0, owner, 0);
owner.SetInputWeight(0, 1);
for (int clipIndex = 0 ; clipIndex < mixer.GetInputCount() ; ++clipIndex
graph.Connect(AnimationClipPlayable.Create(graph, clipsToPlay[clipIn
mixer.SetInputWeight(clipIndex, 1.0f);
override public void PrepareFrame(Playable owner, FrameData info)
if (mixer.GetInputCount() == 0)
// Advance to next clip if necessary
m_TimeToNextClip ­= (float)info.deltaTime;
if (m_TimeToNextClip <= 0.0f)

if (m_CurrentClipIndex >= mixer.GetInputCount())
m_CurrentClipIndex = 0;
var currentClip = (AnimationClipPlayable)mixer.GetInput(m_CurrentCli
// Reset the time so that the next clip starts at the correct positi
m_TimeToNextClip = currentClip.GetAnimationClip().length;
// Adjust the weight of the inputs
for (int clipIndex = 0 ; clipIndex < mixer.GetInputCount(); ++clipIndex)
if (clipIndex == m_CurrentClipIndex)
mixer.SetInputWeight(clipIndex, 1.0f);
mixer.SetInputWeight(clipIndex, 0.0f);
[RequireComponent(typeof (Animator))]
public class PlayQueueSample : MonoBehaviour
public AnimationClip[] clipsToPlay;
PlayableGraph playableGraph;

void Start()
playableGraph = PlayableGraph.Create();
var playQueuePlayable = ScriptPlayable.Create(playabl
var playQueue = playQueuePlayable.GetBehaviour();
playQueue.Initialize(clipsToPlay, playQueuePlayable, playableGraph);
var playableOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(playableGraph, "Anim
void OnDisable()
// Destroys all Playables and Outputs created by the graph.

The PlayableGraph generated by PlayQueueSample
2017–07–04 Page published with limited editorial review
New in Unity 2017.1

A Glossary of animation terms

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Animation Clip terms

De nition:
Animation Animation data that can be used for animated characters or simple animations. It is a simple
“unit” piece of motion, such as (one speci c instance of) “Idle”, “Walk” or “Run”.
Animation Curves can be attached to animation clips and controlled by various parameters from the
A speci cation for which body parts to include or exclude for a skeleton. Used in Animation
Layers and in the importer.

Avatar terms

De nition:
An interface for retargeting one skeleton to another.
Retargeting Applying animations created for one model to another.
de nition

The process of building a skeleton hierarchy of bone joints for your mesh. Performed with
an external tool, such as Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Autodesk® Maya®.
The process of binding bone joints to the character’s mesh or ‘skin’. Performed with an
external tool, such as Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Autodesk® Maya®.
This allows you to have more intuitive control over the character’s skeleton. When an Avatar
is in place, the Animation system works in muscle space, which is more intuitive than bone
The pose in which the character has their arms straight out to the sides, forming a “T”. The
required pose for the character to be in, in order to make an Avatar.
The pose at which the character was modelled.
A pre-de ned bone-mapping. Used for matching bones from FBX les to the Avatar.
The three degrees-of-freedom associated with translation (movement in X,Y & Z) as opposed
to rotation.

Animator and Animator Controller terms

De nition:
Animator Component on a model that animates that model using the Animation system. The
Component component has a reference to an Animator Controller asset that controls the animation.
Motion of character’s root, whether it’s controlled by the animation itself or externally.
The Animator Controller controls animation through Animation Layers with Animation
State Machines and Animation Blend Trees, controlled by Animation Parameters. The same
Animator Controller can be referenced by multiple models with Animator components.
The window where the Animator Controller is visualized and edited.
An Animation Layer contains an Animation State Machine that controls animations of a
Animation model or part of it. An example of this is if you have a full-body layer for walking or jumping
and a higher layer for upper-body motions such as throwing an object or shooting. The
higher layers take precedence for the body parts they control.

De nition:
A graph controlling the interaction of Animation States. Each state references an Animation
Blend Tree or a single Animation Clip.
Animation Used for continuous blending between similar Animation Clips based on oat Animation
Blend Tree Parameters.
Used to communicate between scripting and the Animator Controller. Some parameters can
be set in scripting and used by the controller, while other parameters are based on Custom
Curves in Animation Clips and can be sampled using the scripting API.
Kinematics__ The ability to control the character’s body parts based on various objects in the world.


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Unity’s Timeline
Use Unity’s Timeline to create cinematic content, game-play sequences, audio sequences, and complex particle e ects.
Each cut-scene, cinematic, or game-play sequence that you create with Unity’s Timeline consists of a Timeline Asset and a
Timeline instance. The Timeline Editor window creates and modi es Timeline Assets and Timeline instances simultaneously.
The Timeline Overview section includes details on the relationship between the Timeline Editor window, Timeline Assets, and
Timeline instances.
The Timeline Work ows section shows how to create Timeline Assets and Timeline instances, how to record basic animation, and
how to create cinematics.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in Unity 2017.1

Timeline overview

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Use the Timeline Editor window to create cut-scenes, cinematics, and game-play sequences by visually arranging tracks and
clips linked to GameObjects in your scene.

A cinematic in the Timeline Editor window. The tracks and clips are saved to the project. The references to
GameObjects are saved to the scene.
For each cut-scene, cinematic, or game-play sequence, the Timeline Editor window saves the following:
Timeline Asset: stores the tracks, clips, and recorded animations without links to the speci c GameObjects being animated. The
Timeline Asset is saved to the project.
Timeline instance: stores links to the speci c GameObjects being animated by the Timeline Asset. These links, referred to as
bindings, are saved to the scene.

Timeline Asset
The Timeline Editor window saves track and clip de nitions as a Timeline Asset. If you record key animations while creating your
cinematic, cut-scene, or game-play sequence, the Timeline Editor window saves the recorded animation as children of the
Timeline Asset.

The Timeline Asset saves tracks and clips (red). If your record key animation, the recorded clips are saved as
children of the Timeline Asset (blue).

Timeline instance

Although a Timeline Asset de nes the tracks and clips for a cut-scene, cinematic, or game-play sequence, you cannot add a
Timeline Asset directly to a scene. To animate GameObjects in your scene with a Timeline Asset, you must create a Timeline
The Timeline Editor window provides an automated method of creating a Timeline instance while creating a Timeline Asset.
If you select a GameObject in the scene that has a Playable Director component associated with a Timeline Asset, the bindings
appear in the Timeline Editor window and in the Playable Director component (Inspector window).

The Playable Director component shows the Timeline Asset (blue) with its bound GameObjects (red). The
Timeline Editor window shows the same bindings (red) in the Track list.

Reusing Timeline Assets

Since Timeline Assets and Timeline instances are separate, it is possible to reuse the same Timeline Asset with many Timeline
For example, you can create a Timeline Asset named VictoryTimeline with the animation, music, and particle e ects that play
when the main game character (Player) is victorious. To reuse the VictoryTimeline Timeline Asset to animate another game
character (Enemy) in the same scene, you can create another Timeline instance for the secondary game character.

The Player GameObject (red) is attached to the VictoryTimeline Timeline Asset

The Enemy GameObject (blue) is also attached to the VictoryTimeline Timeline Asset
Since the Timeline Asset is being reused, any modi cation to the Timeline Asset in the Timeline Editor window results in changes
to all Timeline instances.
For example, in the previous example, if you delete the Fireworks Control track in the Timeline Editor window while modifying the
Player Timeline instance, the track is removed from the VictoryTimeline Timeline Asset. This also removes the Fireworks control
track from all instances of the VictoryTimeline Timeline Asset, including the Enemy Timeline instance.

What’s the di erence between the Animation window and the
Timeline window?
The Timeline window
The Timeline window allows you to create cinematic content, game-play sequences, audio sequences and complex particle
e ects. You can animate many di erent GameObjects within the same sequence, such as a cut scene or scripted sequence
where a character interacts with scenery. In the timeline window you can have multiple types of track, and each track can contain
multiple clips that can be moved, trimmed, and blended between. It is useful for creating more complex animated sequences
that require many di erent GameObjects to be choreographed together.
The Timeline window is newer than the Animation window. It was added to Unity in version 2017.1, and supercedes some of the
functionality of the Animation window. To start learning about Timeline in Unity, visit the Timeline section of the user manual.

The Timeline window, showing many di erent types of clips arranged in the same sequence

The Animation window

The Animation window allows you to create individual animation clips as well as viewing imported animation clips. Animation
clips store animation for a single GameObject or a single hierarchy of GameObjects. The Animation window is useful for
animating discrete items in your game such as a swinging pendulum, a sliding door, or a spinning coin. The animation window
can only show one animation clip at a time.
The Animation window was added to Unity in version 4.0. The Animation window is an older feature than the Timeline window. It
provides a simple way to create animation clips and animate individual GameObjects, and the clips you create in the Animation
window can be combined and blended between using anim Animator controller. However, to create more complex sequences
involving many disparate GameObjects you should use the Timeline window (see above).
The animation window has a “timeline” as part of its user interface (the horiontal bar with time delineations marked out),
however this is separate to the Timeline window.
To start learning about animation in Unity, visit the Animation section of the user manual.

The Animation window, shown in dopesheet mode, showing a hierarchy of objects (in this case, a robot arm with
numerous moving parts) animated together in a single animation clip
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Timeline work ows

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The Timeline Editor window provides many di erent work ows for creating Timeline Assets and instances,
recording animation, scheduling animation, and creating cinematic content. This section documents the following
work ows:
Creating a Timeline Asset and Timeline Instance
Recording basic animation with an In nite clip
Converting an In nite clip to an Animation clip
Creating humanoid animation
Using Animation Override Tracks and Avatar Masking
2017–12–07 Page amended with limited editorial review

Creating a Timeline Asset and Timeline instance

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To use a Timeline Asset in your scene, associate the Timeline Asset to a GameObject using a Playable Director
component. Associating a Timeline Asset with a Playable Director component creates a Timeline instance and allows you
to specify which objects in the scene are animated by the Timeline Asset. The GameObject must also have an Animator
The Timeline Editor window provides an automated method of creating a Timeline instance while creating a new Timeline
Asset. The Timeline Editor window also creates all the necessary components.
To create a new Timeline Asset and Timeline instance, follow these steps:
In your scene, select the GameObject that you want to use as the focus of your cinematic or other gameplay-based sequence.
Open the Timeline Editor window (menu: Window > Sequencing > Timeline). If the GameObject does not yet have a
Playable Director component attached to a Timeline Asset, a message in the Timeline Editor window prompts you to click the
Create button.

Timeline Editor window when selecting a GameObject not already attached to a Timeline Asset
Click Create. A dialog box prompts you for the name and location of the Timeline Asset being created. You can also specify
tags to identify the Timeline Asset.
Click Save.
Unity does the following:
Saves a new Timeline Asset to the Project. If you did not change the name and location of the Timeline Asset being created,
the name of the Timeline Asset is based on the selected GameObject with the “Timeline” su x. For example, selecting the
GameObject named “Enemy”, by default, names the asset “EnemyTimeline” and saves it to the Assets directory in your
Adds an empty Animation track to the Timeline Asset.
Adds a Playable Director component to the selected GameObject and sets the Playable property to the Timeline Asset. This
creates a Timeline instance.
In the Playable Director component, the binding for the Animation track is set to the selected GameObject. The Animation
track does not have any clips, so the selected GameObject is not animated.
Adds an Animator component to the selected GameObject. The Animator component animates the GameObject through
the Timeline instance. The GameObject cannot be animated without an Animator component.

2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Recording basic animation with an In nite clip

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You can record animation directly to an Animation track. When you record directly to an empty Animation track, you create an
In nite clip.
An In nite clip is de ned as a clip that contains basic key animation recorded through the Timeline Editor window. An In nite clip
cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split because it does not have a de ned size: it spans the entirety of an Animation track.
Before creating an In nite clip, you must add an empty Animation track for the GameObject that you want to animate.
In the Track list, click the Record button for the empty Animation track to enable Record mode. The Record button is available for
Animation tracks bound to simple GameObjects such as cubes, spheres, lights, and so on. The Record button is disabled for
Animation tracks bound to humanoid GameObjects.

Click the Record button on an empty track to enable Record mode
When a track is in Record mode, the clip area of the track is drawn in red with the “Recording…” message. The Record button blinks.

Timeline Editor window in Record mode
When in Record mode, any modi cation to an animatable property of the GameObject sets a key at the location of the
Timeline Playhead. Animatable properties include transforms and the animatable properties for all components added to the
To start creating an animation, move the Timeline Playhead to the location of the rst key, and do one of the following:
In the Inspector window, Right-click the name of the property and choose Add Key. This adds an animation key for the property
without changing its value. A white diamond appears in the in nite clip to show the position of the key.
In the Inspector window, change the value of the animatable property of the GameObject. This adds an animation key for the
property with its changed value. A white diamond appears in the in nite clip.
In the Scene view, move, rotate, or scale the GameObject to add a key. This automatically adds a key for the properties you
change. A white diamond appears in the in nite clip.

Red background indicates that an animation curve for the property has been added to the clip

Setting a key adds a white diamond to the in nite clip
Move the playhead to a di erent position on the timeline and change the animatable properties of the GameObject. At each
position, the Timeline Editor window adds a white diamond to the In nite clip for any changed properties and adds a key to its
associated animation curves.
While in Record mode, you can Right-click the name of an animatable property name to perform keying operations such as setting
a key without changing its value, jumping to the next or previous keys, removing keys, and so on. For example, to set a key for the
position of a GameObject without changing its value, Right-click Position and select Add Key from the context menu.

Right-click the name of an animatable property to perform keying operations
When you nish the animation, click the blinking Record button to disable Record mode.
An In nite clip appears as a dopesheet in the Timeline Editor window, but you cannot edit the keys in this view. Use the Curves
view to edit keys. You can also Double-click the In nite clip and edit the keys with the Animation window.

An In nite clip appear as a dopesheet
Save the scene or project to save the Timeline Asset and the In nite clip. The Timeline Editor window saves the key animation
from the In nite clip as a source asset. The source asset is named “Recorded” and saved as a child of the Timeline Asset in the

Recorded clips are saved under the Timeline Asset in the project
For every additional recorded In nite clip, each clip is sequentially numbered starting at “(1)”. For example, a Timeline Asset with
three recorded In nite clips are named “Recorded”, “Recorded (1)”, and “Recorded (2)”. If you delete a Timeline Asset, its child clips
are also removed.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Converting an In nite clip to an Animation clip

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An In nite clip appears as a dopesheet. An In nite clip cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split because it does
not have a de ned size. To position, trim, split, or perform other clip manipulations on an In nite clip, it must
rst be converted to an Animation clip.

An in nite clip cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split. Click the Track menu (circled) to convert an
In nite clip.
To convert an In nite clip to an Animation clip, click the Track menu icon and select Convert to Clip Track. You
can also Right-click the track and select Convert to Clip Track from the context menu. The Track menu and
context menu are the same.

An in nite clip after it has been converted to an Animation clip
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Creating humanoid animation

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This work ow demonstrates how to use a Timeline Instance to animate a humanoid character with external motion
clips. This work ow also demonstrates how to match clip o sets, manually adjust clip o sets, and create blends
between clips to minimize jumping and sliding. Although this work ow uses a humanoid character, you can use this
animation method for any GameObject.
This work ow assumes that you have already created a Timeline instance with an empty Animation track bound to a

For example, the Guard humanoid is bound to an empty Animation track
From your project, drag a motion clip into the Animation track to create a new Animation clip. For example, drag an
idle pose as the rst clip to start the humanoid from an idle position. Position and resize the idle clip as appropriate.

Animation track, bound to the Guard humanoid, with an idle pose (Idle) as its Animation clip
Add a second motion clip. In this example, a run and turn left clip (named Run_Left) is dragged onto the Animation
track. Resize the Run_Left clip as appropriate. In this example, the Run_Left clip is resized to include one loop so that
the Guard runs and turns 180 degrees.

Animation track with an Idle clip and a Run_Left clip
Play the Timeline instance. Notice that the humanoid, Guard character, jumps between each Animation clip. This
happens because the position of the humanoid character at the end of the rst Animation clip (Idle) does not match
the position at the start of the next Animation clip (Run_Left).

The humanoid jumps between the rst Animation clip, that ends at frame 29 (red arrow and box), and
the second Animation clip, that starts at frame 30 (ghost with green arrow and box)

To x the jump between clips, match the o set of each Animation clip. The Timeline Editor window provides a few
di erent methods for matching o sets. In this example, the second Animation clip is matched with the previous clip.
To do this, select the Run_Left clip, Right-click and select Match O sets to Previous Clip.

Right-click and select Match O sets to Previous Clip to match the o sets of the selected Animation clip
with the preceding Animation clip

After matching o sets, the humanoid at the end of the rst Animation clip (frame 29, red arrow)
matches the position and rotation of the humanoid at the start of the second Animation clip (frame 30,
ghost with green arrow)
Play the Timeline instance again. Although the position and rotation of the humanoid matches, there is still a jump
between the two Animation clips because the humanoid is in di erent poses. At the end of the rst Animation clip, the
humanoid is standing upright with its feet together. At the start of the second Animation clip, the humanoid is bent
forward with its feet apart.
Create a blend to remove the jump and transition between the two poses. Adjust the size of the clips, the Blend Area,
the Clip In, and the shape of each Blend Curve to create a transition between the two poses. For example, in the
transition between the Idle clip and the Run_Left clip, the Idle clip is changed to a duration of 36 and the Run_Left clip is
repositioned to start at frame 25. The rest of the properties are left as their default values.

Create a blend between the rst two clips to create a smooth transition between the two animations
As the Idle clip transitions to the Run_Left clip, the blend removes the obvious jump between poses and transitions
between most body parts naturally. However, blending between the di erent positions of the foot results in an
unnatural foot slide.
To x foot sliding, you can manually adjust the root o set of an Animation clip so that the position of the foot changes
less drastically, reducing the foot slide. To manually adjust the root o set, select the Animation clip in the Timeline
Editor window. In the Inspector window, expand Animation Playable Asset and expand Clip Root Motion O sets.

Select an Animation clip. In the Inspector window, expand Animation Playable Asset (advanced
properties) and expand Clip Root Motion O sets.
The Clip Root Motion O sets, both position and rotation, are not zero because performing Match O sets to Previous
Clip already set these values to match the root (hips) of the previous humanoid at the end of the previous Animation
Under Clip Root Motion O sets, enable the Move tool. The Move Gizmo appears in the Scene view, at the root of the
Animation clip. Use one of the following methods to manual adjust the root o set position of the Animation clip:

In the scene view, drag the Move Gizmo.
In the Inspector window, change the value of the appropriate Position property.

Enable the Move tool (Inspector window, blue arrow) to show the Move Gizmo (red arrow) in the Scene
view. Use the Move Gizmo to manually position the root motion o set of the selected Animation clip.
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Using Animation Override Tracks and
Avatar Masking

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This work ow demonstrates how to use an Animation Override track and an Avatar Mask to replace the upperbody animation of an Animation track. Use this technique to animate a humanoid character to, for example, run
and carry an object.
This work ow does not show how to create an Avatar mask. This work ow only demonstrates how to use an
Avatar Mask when creating a Timeline instance. This work ow also assumes that you have already created a
Timeline instance with a simple Animation clip, such as a walk or run cycle, on an Animation track bound to a

The Guard humanoid is bound to an Animation track with a run cycle (Run_Forward) that loops
Right-click the Animation track and select Add Override Track from the context menu. An Animation Override
track, named Override 0, is linked to the selected Animation track. Notice that the Animation Override track is not
bound to a GameObject. Since the Override track is linked to the Animation track above, the Override track is
bound to the same GameObject: the Guard humanoid.

Add an Override track. Right-click the Animation track and select Add Override Track from the
context menu.
From your project, drag an animation clip with upper-body animation into the Override track. For example, drag
an animation of a humanoid standing still and waving their arms. Position and resize the Waving_Arms clip as

The Animation Override track contains an Animation clip of a humanoid standing still, waving their
arms. The clip is resized to match the Animation clip (Run_Forward) of the parent Animation track.
Play the Timeline instance. The Waving_Arms clip completely overrides the Run_Forward clip. To combine the
lower-body animation from the Run_Forward clip with the upper-body animation from the Waving_Arms clip,
specify an Avatar Mask for the Animation Override track.

To specify an Avatar Mask, select the Override track to view its properties in the Inspector window
From the project, drag an Avatar Mask into the Avatar Mask property in the Inspector window. Activate the Apply
Avatar Mask checkbox. An Avatar Mask icon appears beside the track name.

An Avatar Mask, that masks the upper-body animation, is speci ed for the Animation Overview clip
in the Inspector window.

The Avatar Mask icon (red circle) indicates that the Animation track uses an Avatar Mask. Select and
activate the Avatar Mask in the Inspector window.
Play the Timeline instance. On the Guard humanoid, the upper-body animation is taken from the Waving_Arms
clip and the lower-body animation is from the Run_Forward clip. To temporarily disable the Avatar Mask, click the
Avatar Mask icon.

The Avatar Mask icon (red circle) disappears when disabled. The Waving_Arms animation
completely overrides the Run_Forward animation.
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Timeline Editor window

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To access the Timeline Editor window, select Timeline Editor from the Window menu. What the Timeline Editor window shows
depends on what you select in either the Project window or the Scene view.
For example, If you select a GameObject that is associated with a Timeline Asset, the Timeline Editor window shows the
tracks and clips from the Timeline Asset and the GameObject bindings from the Timeline instance.

Selecting a GameObject associated with a Timeline Asset displays its tracks, its clips, and the bindings from the
TImeline instance
If you haven’t selected a GameObject, the Timeline Editor window informs you that the rst step for creating a Timeline Asset
and a Timeline instance is to select a GameObject.

With no GameObject selected, the Timeline Editor window provides instructions
If a GameObject is selected and it is not associated with a Timeline Asset, the Timeline Editor window provides the option for
creating a new Timeline Asset, adding the necessary components to the selected GameObject, and creating a Timeline instance.

Select a GameObject that is not associated with a Timeline Asset to create a new Timeline Asset, add
components, and create a Timeline instance.
To use the Timeline Editor window to view a previously created Timeline Asset, select the Timeline Asset in the Project window
and open the Timeline Editor window. The Timeline Editor window shows the tracks and clips associated with the Timeline
Asset, but without the track bindings to GameObjects in the scene. In addition, the Timeline Playback Controls are disabled
and there is no Timeline Playhead.

Timeline Asset selected in the Project window shows its tracks and clips but with no track bindings, Timeline
Playback Controls, or Timeline Playhead
The track bindings to GameObjects in the scene are not saved with the Timeline Asset. The track bindings are saved with the
Timeline instance. For details on the relationship between the project, the scene, Timeline Assets, and Timeline instances, see
Timeline overview.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Timeline Preview and Timeline Selector

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Use the Timeline Selector to select the Timeline instance to view, modify, or preview in the Timeline Editor
window. The Timeline Preview button enables or disables previewing the e ect the selected Timeline instance
has on your scene.

Timeline Preview button with Timeline Selector and menu. Selecting a Timeline instance
automatically enables the Timeline Preview button.
To select a Timeline instance, click the Timeline Selector to show the list of Timeline instances in the current
Each menu item displays the name of the Timeline Asset and its associated GameObject in the current scene.
For example, the Timeline Asset named GroundTimeline that is associated with the Ground GameObject,
displays as “GroundTimeline (Ground).”
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Timeline Playback Controls

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Use the buttons and elds in the Timeline Playback Controls to play the Timeline instance and to control the location of the
Timeline Playhead.

Timeline Playback Controls

Timeline Start button
Click the Timeline Start button, or hold Shift and press Comma (,), to move the Timeline Playhead to the start of the Timeline

Previous Frame button
Click the Previous Frame button, or press Comma (,), to move the Timeline Playhead to the previous frame.

Timeline Play button
Click the Timeline Play button, or press the Spacebar, to preview the Timeline instance in Timeline Playback mode. Timeline
Playback mode does the following:
Begins playback at the current location of the Timeline Playhead and continues to the end of the Timeline instance. If the Play
Range button is enabled, playback is restricted to a speci ed time range.
The Timeline Playhead position moves along the Timeline instance. The Playhead Location eld shows the position of the
Timeline Playhead in either frames or seconds, depending on the Timeline settings.
To pause playback, click the Timeline Play button again, or press the Spacebar.
When playback reaches the end of the Timeline instance, the Wrap Mode determines whether playback should hold, repeat, or
do nothing. The Wrap Mode setting is a property of the the Playable Director component.
Timeline Playback mode provides a preview of the Timeline instance while in the Timeline Editor window. Timeline Playback
mode is only a simulation of Game Mode that does not support audio playback. To preview a Timeline instance with audio, you
can enable the Play on Awake option in the Playback Director component and preview game play by using the Play mode.

Next Frame button
Click the Next Frame button, or press Period (.), to move the Timeline Playhead to the next frame.

Timeline End button
Click the Timeline End button, or hold Shift and press Period (,), to move the Timeline Playhead to the end of the timeline.

Play Range button
Enable the Play Range button to restrict playback to a speci c range of seconds or frames. The timeline highlights the play range
and indicates its start and end with white markers. To modify the play range, drag either marker.

Play Range enabled with while markers de ning range
The Wrap Mode property of the Playable Director component determines what happens when playback reaches the end
You can only set a play range when previewing a Timeline instance within the Timeline Editor window. Unity ignores the play
range in Play mode.

The Playhead Location eld and Timeline Playhead
The Timeline Playhead indicates the exact point in time being previewed in the Timeline Editor window. The Playhead Location
eld expresses the location of the Timeline Playhead in either frames or seconds.

Playhead Location eld and Timeline Playhead
To jump the Timeline Playhead to a speci c time, click the timeline. You can also enter the time value in the Playhead Location
eld and press Enter. When typing a value, frames are converted to seconds or seconds are converted to frames, based on the
Timeline settings. For example, if the timeline is expressed as seconds with a frame rate of 30 frames per second, entering 180
in the Playhead Location eld converts 180 frames to seconds and moves the Timeline Playhead to 6:00.
To set the time format used by the Timeline Editor window, use the Timeline Settings.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Track List

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Use the Track List to add, select, duplicate, delete, lock, mute, and reorder the tracks that comprise a Timeline Asset. You can also
organize tracks into Track groups.

Track list
A colored accent line identi es each type of track. By default, Activation tracks are green, Animation tracks are blue, Audio tracks
are orange, Control tracks are turquoise, and Playable tracks are white.
The bindings on each track are saved to the Timeline instance. Playable Director component associated with the GameObject
linked to the Timeline Asset. This association is referred to as a Timeline instance. See Timeline overview for details.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Adding tracks

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The Timeline Editor window supports many di erent methods of adding tracks to the Track list. The method you
choose impacts GameObjects, Track binding, and components.
The simplest method of adding a track is to click the Add button and select the type of track from the Add Track
menu. You can also Right-click in an empty area of the Track list and select the type of track from the Add Track

Add Track menu
The Timeline Editor window also supports dragging a GameObject into the Track list. Drag a GameObject into an
empty area in the Track list and select the type of track to add from the context menu. Depending on the type of
track selected, the Timeline Editor window performs di erent actions:
Select Animation Track and the Timeline Editor binds the GameObject to the Animation track. If the GameObject
doesn’t already have an Animator component, the Timeline Editor creates an Animator component for the
Select Activation Track and the Timeline Editor binds the GameObject to the Activation track. There are some
limitations when creating an Activation track when dragging a GameObject. For example, the main GameObject with
the Playable Directory component should not be bound to an Activation track. Since this is the same GameObject
that links the Timeline Asset to the scene, activating and disabling the GameObject a ects the length of
Timeline instance.
Select Audio Track and the Timeline Editor adds an Audio Source component to the GameObject and binds this
Audio Source component to the Audio Track.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Selecting tracks

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Click to select a single track. Selecting a track deselects all other tracks or clips. Selecting a track shows its
properties in the Inspector window. The properties available change depending on the type of track selected.
To select contiguous tracks, select the rst track and then hold Shift and click the last track in the series. For
example, to select three contiguous tracks, click the rst track, then hold Shift and click the third track. All three
tracks are selected.

Click to select the rst track

Hold Shift and click to select contiguous tracks
Hold Command/Control and click to select discontiguous tracks. Hold Command/Control and click to deselect a
selected track.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Duplicating tracks

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The Timeline Editor window supports the following di erent methods of duplicating tracks:
Select a track. Right-click in an empty area in the Track list and select Duplicate from the context menu.
Select a track. Hold Command/Control and press D.
Select a track. Hold Command/Control and press C. for copy, and press V for paste.
Right-click a track and either select Duplicate from the context menu or hold Command/Control and press D.
Duplicating a track copies its clips, blends, and Inspector properties. If the duplicated track is bound to a
GameObject, the binding is reset to None.

Track binding for the duplicated track is reset to None
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Deleting tracks

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Delete a track to remove the track, its clips, blends, and properties from the Timeline Editor window. This is a
destructive action that modi es a Timeline Asset and a ects all Timeline instances based on the Timeline
Asset. To delete a track, Right-click the track and select Delete from the context menu.
Deleting an Animation track also deletes the recorded In nite clips for Animation clips that were converted
from In nite clips.
The Project window may still show In nite clips as children of a Timeline Asset since it is not updated until after
the scene or project is saved.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Locking tracks

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Lock a track to lock editing of the track and any of the clips used by the track.
Use lock when the animation on a track is completed and you want to avoid inadvertently modifying the track. A
locked track cannot be edited and its clips cannot be selected. The Lock icon identi es a locked track.

Selected and locked track
To lock a track, Right-click on the track and select Lock from the context menu. You can also select a track and
press L. You can select and lock multiple tracks at a time.
Note: Locked tracks can still be deleted.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Muting tracks

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Mute a track to disable its clips and hide them from the scene.
You can also use mute when your Timeline instance includes many tracks with animations and you want to
focus on the animation of one or a few tracks. The Mute icon identi es a muted track.

Selected and muted track
To mute a track, Right-click on the track and select Mute from the context menu. You can also select a track and
press M. You can select and mute multiple tracks at a time. To unmute a track, click the Mute icon.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Reordering tracks and rendering priority

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The rendering and animation priority of tracks is from top to bottom. Reorder tracks to change their rendering or
animation priority.
For example, if a Track list contains two Animation tracks that animate the position of a GameObject, the second track
overrides the animation on the rst track. The animation priority is the reason why Animation Override tracks are added
as child tracks under Animation tracks.
To reorder tracks, select one or more tracks and drag until a white insert line appears between tracks in the Track list.
The white insert line indicates the destination of the tracks being dragged. Release the mouse button to reorder tracks.
An Animation Override track is bound to the same GameObject as its parent Animation track. Reordering an Animation
Override track converts it to an Animation track and resets its binding to none.
2017–12–07 Page amended with limited editorial review

Organizing tracks into Track groups

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Use Track groups to organize tracks when you are working with many tracks. For example, a Timeline Asset contains an Animation
track and an Audio track that interact with the same GameObject. To organize these tracks, you can move these tracks into their
own Track group.
To add a Track group, click the Add button and select Track Group from the Add menu. You can also Right-click an empty area of
the Track list and select Track Group from the context menu. A new Track group is added at the bottom of the Track list.

Timeline Editor window with Track group added
To rename a Track group, click the name and an I-beam cursor appears. Type the new name for the Track group and press Return.
To move tracks into a Track group, select one or more tracks and drag over the Track group. The Track group is highlighted. When
dragging a selection of tracks, the last selected track type displays beside the cursor. To drop the tracks before a speci c track in
the Track group, drag until a white insert line indicates the destination.

Release the mouse button when the white insert line appears within the Track group

Selected tracks are moved to the location of the insert line
A Track group can also have any number of Track sub-groups. To add a Track sub-group, either select a Track group and click the
Add button in the Track list, or click the Plus icon beside the Track group name, and select Track Sub-Group. You can also use this
menu to add tracks directly to a Track group or a Track sub-group.

Click the Plus icon to add tracks and sub-groups to Track groups
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Hiding and showing Track groups

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To hide the tracks in a Track group, click the Triangle icon beside the name of the Track group. The tracks are
not muted; the tracks are hidden from view in the Timeline Editor window. To show the tracks in a Track group,
click the Triangle icon again.

Triangle icon hides the tracks in the Game Board Track group. A ghost track visually represents the
hidden tracks.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Clips view

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The Clips view is where you add, position, and manipulate clips for each track in the Track list. A clip cannot exist
in the Timeline Editor window without a track.

Clips view shows the clips for each track
Each clip has a colored accent line to identify the type of track and clip. By default, Activation clips are green,
Animation clips are blue, Audio clips are orange, Control clips are turquoise, and Playable clips are white.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Navigating the Clips view
Use one of the following methods to pan, zoom, or frame clips in the Clips view:
To pan, Middle-drag, or hold Alt and drag.
To zoom vertically, move the scroll-wheel, or hold Alt and right-drag.
To zoom horizontally, hold Command/Control and zoom vertically.
To frame all selected clips, select one or multiple clips and press F.
To frame all clips vertically, press A.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

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Adding clips

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The Timeline Editor window supports di erent methods of adding clips to tracks depending on the type of track.
The quickest method is to Right-click on an empty area within a track and select the appropriate Add option from
the context menu. Depending on the track, the options for adding clips change. The clip is added after the last clip
on the track.

Context menu for adding Activation clips
You can also drag an Animation clip to an empty area in the Timeline Editor window to automatically create a
track and add the Animation clip to the track.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Selecting clips

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Click to select a single clip. Selecting a clip deselects all other tracks or clips. The Clip area displays the selected clip with a
white border.
Selecting a clip shows its properties in the Inspector window, allowing you to change the start of the clip, its duration, and
other clip properties. The properties available change depending on the type of clip selected. See Timeline Inspector for
Hold Shift and click to select contiguous clips. For example, to select three contiguous clips, click the rst clip, then hold Shift
and click the third clip. All three clips are selected.

Click to select the rst clip

Shift-click the third clip to select contiguous clips
Hold Command/Control and click to select discontiguous clips. Hold Command/Control and click a selected clip to deselect it.
Click and drag on an empty area in the Clips view to draw a selection rectangle. This selects all clips that intersect the
rectangle. Hold down Shift while drawing the selection rectangle to add clips to the current selection.
You can also select clips with the Timeline Playhead. Right-click the Timeline Playhead on the timeline above the Clips view
and choose a selection option. This selects clips that either start after, start before, end after, end before, or intersect the
Timeline Playhead. Clips are selected on all tracks.

Right-click the Timeline Playhead for more clip selection options

2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Positioning clips

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To position clips on a track, select one or more clips and drag. While dragging, black guides indicate the range of
clips being positioned. The timeline shows the start time and end time of the clips being positioned.

Drag to position one or more selected clips
You can also position a clip by selecting the clip and changing its start time in the Inspector window. This method
only works when selecting a single clip. The Inspector window does not show properties for multiple clips.
You can move a clip to another track of the same type. Drag the selection vertically and a ghost of the selected
clips helps visualize the result of moving the clip.
While positioning clips, if a clip overlaps another clip on the same track, either a blend or an override occurs,
depending on the type of track:
Activation track, Control track, or Playable track. When two clips overlap each other on these tracks, the second
clip overrides the rst clip. It is possible to position a clip in such a way that it hides another clip.
Animation tracks, Animation Override tracks, and Audio tracks: When two clips overlap each other on these
tracks, the rst clip blends into the second clip. This is useful, for example, to create a seamless transition
between two Animation clips.
You can also position clips by inserting frames at the position of the Timeline Playhead. Right-click the Timeline
Playhead, on the timeline above the Clips view, and choose Insert > Frame and a number of frames. This inserts
frames in the Timeline asset at the position of the Timeline Playhead. Inserting frames only repositions the clips
that start after the position of the Timeline Playhead.

Move the Timeline Playhead to where you want to insert frames

Right-click the Timeline Playhead and select Insert > Frame to move clips an exact number of frames

Only the clips that start after the Timeline Playhead are moved. In this example, inserting 100
frames at frame 45 a ects the End Move, sweep2, and run_away clips.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Tiling clips

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Tile clips to remove gaps, blends, and overlaps between clips on the same track. Tiling clips is useful if you want
each clip to begin exactly where the previous clip ends. When tilling clips, at least two clips must be selected on
the same track.

Three clips with blends and gaps are selected

Tiling removes blends and gaps between the selected clips
The selected clips are positioned based on the rst selected clip. The rst selected clip does not move. If you
select multiple clips on multiple tracks, at least two clips must be selected on the same track for tile to have an
a ect.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Duplicating clips

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The Timeline Editor window supports the following di erent methods of duplicating clips:
Select a clip or multiple clips. Right-click in the Clips view and select Duplicate from the context menu.
Select a clip or multiple clips. Hold Command/Control and press D.
Select a clip or multiple clips. Hold Command/Control and press C for copy, and press V for paste.
Right-click a clip, without selecting, and choose Duplicate from the context menu.
Duplicating clips copies each selected clip and places the duplicate after the last clip on its track. If you duplicate the clips used in a
blend, the duplicated clips are tiled and the blend is removed.
If you duplicate an Animation clip that uses a recorded clip as its source asset, a copy of the recorded clip is created and added to
the Timeline Asset. The copy of the recorded clip only appears after you save the scene or project. The name of the copied recorded
clip is based on the original recorded clip. The duplicated Animation clip is given the same name as the copied recorded clip.

For example, an Animation clip named “Scale Anim” uses the recorded clip named “Recorded (1)”.

Duplicating the “Scale Anim” clip places a copy of the “Recorded (1)” recorded clip at the end of the same track. The
copy of the recorded clip is named “Recorded (4)” based on the number of recorded clips already associated with the
Timeline Asset.

The new “Recorded (4)” recorded clip only appears in the Project window after you save the scene or project
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Trimming clips

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Drag the start or end of a clip to trim its duration. Dragging the start or end of a clip automatically selects the clip,
showing its properties in the Inspector window. Use the Clip Timing properties in the Inspector window to set the
start, end, duration, and o set (Clip In) of a clip to exact values.

Position and trim a clip by adjusting its Start, End, Duration, and Clip In properties in the Inspector
Trimming the start of a clip
When trimming the start of an Animation clip or Audio clip in the Clips view, the start cannot be dragged
before the start of the source asset that the clip is based on. Trimming an Animation clip or Audio clip after the
start of the source asset selects the section of the source asset used by the clip.

Trimming the start of an Animation clip selects the section of key animation used by the clip
Trimming a clip is non-destructive. Trim the clip again to modify its start to include the animation, or the audio
waveform, cut o during a previous trim. You can also reset a clip to undo trims or other edits.
To trim the start of a clip to a precise time or frame, use the Clip In property in the Inspector window. Changing
the Clip In property has the same e ect as trimming the start of a clip after the start of its source asset.

Trimming the end of a clip
As with the start of the clip, trimming an Animation clip or Audio clip before the end of the source asset, trims the
part of the source asset used by the clip.

Trimming the end of an Animation clip trims its key animation
If you trim the end of an Animation clip or Audio clip past the end of the source asset the clip is based on, the
extra clip area either holds or loops, depending on the settings of the source asset.
For example, an Animation clip named “End Move” uses the motion le “Recorded(2)” as its source asset. The
motion le “Recorded(2)” is set to loop. Trimming the end of the Animation clip past the end of the “Recorded(2)”
source asset lls the extra clip area by looping “Recorded(2)”. A white animation curve shows the hold or loop.

A white animation curve indicates whether the extra clip area holds or loops data, depending on
the source asset
To choose whether the extra clip area holds or loops, select the source asset to change its settings in the
Inspector window. Depending on the type of source asset, di erent properties control whether the source asset
holds or loops.
If you are unsure which source asset is used by a clip, select the clip in the Clips view, Right-click and select Find
Source Asset from the context menu. This highlights the source asset in the Project window.

Trimming the end of looping clips
The Timeline Editor window provides special trimming options for Animation clips or Audio clips with loops.
These special trim options either remove the last partial loop or complete the last partial loop.
For example, the Animation clip named run_away is over three times longer than the source asset on which it is
based. Since the source asset is set to loop, the Animation clip loops the source asset until the Animation clip
ends which results in a partial loop.

L1, L2, and L3 signify complete loops. The clip ends partially through the fourth loop, L4.
To extend the end of the clip and complete a partial loop, select the clip, Right-click and select Editing > Complete
Last Loop. To trim the clip at the last complete loop, select the clip, Right-clip and select Editing > Trim Last

The result of select Editing > Complete Last Loop

The result of select Editing > Trim Last Loop
Trimming with the Timeline Playhead
You can also trim a clip based on the location of the playhead. To trim using the playhead, position the playhead
within the clip to be trimmed. Right-click the clip and select either Editing > Trim Start or Editing > Trim End.
Trim Start trims the start of the clip to the playhead. Trim End trims the end of the clip to the playhead.

Move the Timeline Playhead within the clip

Right-click and select Editing > Trim Start to trim the start of the clip to the playhead
If you select clips on multiple tracks, only the selected clips that intersect the playhead are trimmed.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Splitting clips

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You can split a clip into two identical clips with di erent starts, ends, and durations. Splitting clips is nondestructive. The start or end of the clip can be extended to include the split animation or audio. You can also reset
a clip to undo a split or other edits.
To split a clip, position the playhead within the clip to be split and either Right-click the clip and select Editing >
Split, or press S. The clip is split into two separate clips that can be positioned, trimmed, and edited
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Resetting clips

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You can reset a clip to its original duration. To reset a clip, Right-click the clip and select Editing > Reset Editing
from the context menu. Resetting a clip does not reset the following properties and settings:
Ease In Duration and Ease Out Duration
Clip In value
Clip speed
Animation Extrapolation settings
Blend Curves
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Changing clip play speed

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Change the play speed of clip speed to accelerate or decelerate its audio, motion, animation, or particle e ect.
Changing the clip play speed a ects the duration of the clip. You can only change the play speed for
Animation clips, Audio clips, and Control clips. For all other clip types, the Speed options are disabled.

Speed Multiplier in the Inspector window
In the Inspector window, the Speed Multiplier property shows the play speed as a multiplier of the original clip
speed. For example, changing the play speed of an 80 frame Animation clip to double speed changes the clip
duration to 40 frames and sets the Speed Multiplier to 2.
To change the clip play speed, Right-click a clip and select one of the following options:
Speed > Double Speed to halve the clip duration. The clip plays at twice its current speed. A short-dashed line
and a multiplication factor indicates an accelerated clip. Doubling the clip speed sets the Speed Multiplier
property to double its current value.
Speed > Half Speed to double the clip duration. The clip plays at half its current speed. A long-dashed line and
multiplication factor indicates a decelerated clip. Halving the clip speed sets the Speed Multiplier property to half
its current value.
Speed > Reset Speed to reset the clip to its original duration. The clip plays at its original speed. Resetting the clip
speed sets the Speed Multiplier property to 1.

A short-dashed line and multiplication factor of 2.00x indicates a clip playing at double its original
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Setting gap extrapolation

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Gap extrapolation refers to how an Animation track approximates animation data in the gaps before and after
an Animation clip.
The main purpose for extrapolating animation data in the gaps between Animation clips is to avoid animation
anomalies. Depending on the GameObject bound to the Animation track, these anomalies could be a
GameObject jumping between two transformations, or a humanoid character jumping between di erent poses.
Each Animation clip has two gap extrapolation settings: pre-extrapolate, which controls how animation data is
approximated in the gap before an Animation clip, and post-extrapolate, which controls how animation data
extends in the gap after an Animation clip.
By default, both the pre-extrapolate and post-extrapolate settings are set to Hold. This sets the gap before the
Animation clip to hold at the animation on the rst frame, and the gap after the Animation clip to hold on the
animation on the last frame. Icons before and after an Animation clip indicate the selected extrapolation modes.

Icons indicate the pre-extrapolate and post-extrapolate modes
To change the pre-extrapolate and post-extrapolate modes, select the Animation clip and use the Animation
Extrapolation properties in the Inspector window.

Use Pre-Extrapolate and Post-Extrapolate to set the extrapolation modes for the selected
Animation clip
If the selected Animation clip is the only clip on the Animation track, you can set the Pre-Extrapolate mode to one
of the following options:
None: Turns o pre-extrapolation. In the gap before the selected Animation clip, the GameObject uses its
transform, pose, or state from the scene. Selecting None is useful if, for example, you want to create an ease-in
between the motion of a GameObject in the scene and an Animation clip. See Easing-in and Easing-out Clips for
Hold (default): In the gap before the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track uses
the values assigned at the start of the Animation clip.
Loop: In the gap before the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track repeats the
entire animation as a forward loop: from start to end. Use the Clip In property to o set the start of the loop.
Ping Pong: In the gap before the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track repeats
the entire animation forwards, then backwards. Use the Clip In property to o set the start of the loop. Changing
the Clip In property a ects the start of the loop, when looping forward, and the end of the loop, when looping
Continue: In the gap before the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track either
holds or loops the animation based on the settings of the source asset. For example, if the selected Animation
clip uses the motion le “Recorded(2)” as its source asset and “Recorded(2)” is set to loop, then selecting Continue
loops the animation according to the “Recorded(2)” Loop Time settings.
If the selected Animation clip is the only clip on the Animation track, you can set the Post-Extrapolate mode to one
of the following options:

None: Turns o post-extrapolation. In the gap after the selected Animation clip, the GameObject uses its
transform, pose, or state from the scene. Selecting None is useful if, for example, you want to create an ease-out
between an Animation clip and the motion of a GameObject in the scene. See Easing-in and Easing-out Clips for
Hold (default): In the gap after the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track uses
the values assigned at the end of the Animation clip.
Loop: In the gap after the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track repeats the
entire animation as a forward loop: from start to end. Use the Clip In property to o set the start of the loop.
Ping Pong: In the gap after the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track repeats
the entire animation forwards, then backwards. Use the Clip In property to o set the start of the loop. Changing
the Clip In property a ects the start of the loop, when looping forward, and the end of the loop, when looping
Continue: In the gap after the selected Animation clip, the GameObject bound to the Animation track either holds
or loops the animation based on the settings of the source asset. For example, if the selected Animation clip uses
the motion le “Recorded(2)” as its source asset and “Recorded(2)” is set to loop, then selecting Continue loops
the animation according to the “Recorded(2)” Loop Time settings.
When an Animation track contains a gap between two Animation clips, the Post-Extrapolate setting of the left
clip sets the gap extrapolation. If the Post-Extrapolate setting of the clip to the left of a gap is set to None, the
Pre-Extrapolate setting of the right clip sets the gap extrapolation. Icons before and after Animation clips
indicate whether the extrapolation for a gap is taken from the Post-Extrapolate setting of the clip to the left or
from the Pre-Extrapolate setting of the clip to the right.

First track (red): gap extrapolation from Post-Extrapolate of the left clip. Third track (blue): gap
extrapolation from Pre-Extrapolate of the right clip.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Easing-in and Easing-out clips

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Ease-in and ease-out a clip to create a smooth transition between a clip and its surrounding gaps. To create an
ease-in or ease-out transition, use one of the following methods:
Hold Control/Command and drag the start of a clip to the right to add an ease-in.
Hold Control/Command and drag the end of a clip to the left to add an ease-out.
Select the clip and, in the Inspector window, set either the Ease In Duration or the Ease Out Duration.

Ease-in and ease-out an Animation clip to transition between its animation and its gaps. All ease-in
and ease-out transitions are represented by a linear curve.
What an ease-in or ease-out transition e ects di ers depending on the track:
On an Animation track or an Animation Override track, ease-in an Animation clip to create a smooth transition
between the animation in the gap before the clip and the Animation clip. Ease-out an Animation clip to create a
smooth transition between the Animation clip and the animation in the gap after the clip. There are many
factors that determine what animation occurs in the gap before and after an Animation clip. See Setting gap
extrapolation for details.
On an Audio track, ease-in an Audio clip to fade in the volume of the audio waveform. Ease-out an Audio clip to
fade out the volume of the audio waveform speci ed by the Audio clip.
On a Playable track, ease-In a Playable clip to fade in the e ect or script in the Playable clip. Ease-Out a Playable
clip to fade out the e ect or script in the Playable clip.
Although the Clips view represents an ease-in or ease-out as a single linear curve, every ease-in or ease-out
transition is actually set to a gradually easing-in or easing-out curve by default. To change the shape of either the
ease-in curve (labelled In) or the ease-out (labelled Out) curve, use the Blend Curves in the Inspector window.

Use the Blend Curves to customize ease-in or ease-out transitions
Note that the Blend Curves might a ect the blend area used for blending between two clips. The Ease In
Duration and Ease Out Duration properties indicate whether the Blend Curves a ect an ease-in, an ease-out,
or a blend. For example, If the Ease Out Duration is editable, then the Blend Out curve (labelled Out) a ects the
curve used by an ease-out transition. If the Ease Out Duration cannot be edited, then the Blend Out curve
(labelled Out) a ects the out-going clip in a blend between two clips.

Ease Out Duration cannot be edited, therefore the Out curve a ects the blend area between two
To customize either the ease-in or ease-out transition, use the drop-down menu to switch from Auto to Manual.
With Manual selected, the Inspector window shows a preview of the blend curve. Click the preview to open the
Curve Editor below the Inspector window.

Select Manual and click the preview to open the Curve Editor
The Curve Editor is the same editor that is used to customize the shape of the blend curves when blending
between clips.
When creating an ease-in or an ease-out with Animation clips, the Animation clip blends between its gaps and the
Animation clip. The following factors a ect the values of animated properties in the gaps surrounding an
Animation clip:
The pre-extrapolate and post-extrapolate settings for the Animation clip and for other Animation clips on the
same track.
Animation clips on other Animation tracks that are bound to the same GameObject.
The position or animation of the GameObject in the scene, outside the Timeline Asset.

Gap extrapolation and easing clips
To successfully ease-in or ease-out an Animation clip, the gap extrapolation must not be set based on the
Animation clip being eased-in or eased-out. The gap extrapolation must either be set to None or it must be set
by other Animation clip.
For example, the following ease-in has no e ect because the Pre-Extrapolate for the Victory_Dance clip is set to
Hold. This means that the ease-in creates a transition between the rst frame of the Animation clip and the rest
of the Animation clip.

The gap is set to Hold from the Animation clip (circled). The ease-in has no e ect.

To ease-in from the Idle clip, set pre-extrapolate for the Victory_Dance clip to None. The ease-in gap
uses the post-extrapolate mode from the Idle clip (circled).
Overriding Animation tracks with ease-in and ease-out
If the gap extrapolation is set to None, and there is a previous track bound to the same GameObject, the
animation in the gap is taken from the previous track. This is useful for creating a smooth transition between two
Animation clips on di erent tracks.
For example, if two Animation tracks are bound to the same GameObject and a clip on the second track contains
an ease-in, the ease-in creates a smooth transition between the animation on the previous track and the
animation on the second track. To successfully override animation on a previous track, the gap extrapolation for
the second track must be set to None.

The Animation clip on the rst track is a repeated idle cycle where the humanoid GameObject
stands still. The Animation clip in the second track eases-in the Victory_Dance motion and ease-out
to return back to the idle cycle.
Overriding the scene with ease-in and ease-out
In the scene, if a GameObject is controlled with an Animator Controller, you can use an ease-in or ease-out
transition between the Animation clip and the Animator Controller.

For example, if a Timeline Asset contains a single track with a single Animation clip and all its gap extrapolation
settings are set to None, the gap uses the position or animation of the GameObject from the scene.
This position or animation is the GameObject as set in the scene. If the GameObject uses an Animator Controller
to control its animation state, the gap is set to the current animation state. For example, if the GameObject is a
character walking in the scene, a Timeline Asset could be setup to ease-in animation to override the walking
animation state. The ease-out returns the GameObject to the animation state according to the Animator

A single Animation clip with all gap extrapolation set to None eases-in and ease-out the
GameObject between its position or animation in the scene and the Animation clip
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Blending clips

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Blend two clips on the same track to create a smooth transition between two Animation clips, two Audio clips, or two Playable
clips. To blend two clips, position or trim one clip until it overlaps the other clip.
In a blend, the rst clip is referred to as the out-going clip and the second clip is referred to as the incoming clip. The area where
the out-going clip transitions to the incoming clip is referred to as the blend area. The blend area sets the duration of the

The blend area shows the transition between the out-going clip and incoming clip
Although the Clips view represents a blend area as a single linear curve, the transition between clips is actually comprised of two
blend curves. The blend curve for the out-going clip is referred to as the Blend Out curve. The blend curve for the incoming clip is
referred to as the Blend In curve. By default, each blend curve is automatically set to an ease-in and ease-out curve.

Use Blend Curves to customize the blend area
Use the Blend Curves in the Inspector window to change the shape for either the Blend In or Blend Out curve of the selected
clip. However, the Inspector window only allows for editing the properties of one clip at a time. It is not possible to simultaneously
customize both blend curves from the same blend area.
To customize the Blend Curves for the transition between two clips, do the following:
Select the out-going clip to customize its Blend Out curve (labelled Out).
Select the in-coming clip to customize its Blend In curve (labelled In).
To customize either the Blend Out curve or Blend In curve, use the drop-down menu to switch from Auto to Manual. With Manual
selected, the Inspector window shows a preview of the blend curve. Click the preview to open the Curve Editor below the Inspector

Select Manual and click the preview to open the Curve Editor
Use the Curve Editor to customize the shape of the blend curve. By default, the blend curve includes a key at the beginning of the
curve and a key at the end of the curve. The Curve Editor provides the following di erent methods of modifying the blend curve:
Select the key at the start of the blend curve and use the tangent handles to adjust the interpolation between keys.
Select the key at the end of the blend curve and use the tangent handles to adjust the interpolation between keys.
Add additional keys to change the shape of the blend curve by adding more interpolation points. Adding keys in the Curve Editor is
the same as adding keys in the Curves view.
Right-click a key to delete or edit the key. Editing keys in the Curve Editor is the same as editing keys in the Curves view. Note that
the rst and last keys cannot be deleted.
Select a shape template from the bottom of the Curve Editor.
The Curve Editor also includes shape templates based on whether you are modifying the Blend In curve or the Blend Out curve.
Select a shape template to change the blend curve to the selected shape template.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Matching clip o sets

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Every Animation clip contains key animation, or motion, that animates the GameObject, or humanoid, bound to the Animation
track. When you add an Animation clip to an Animation track, its key animation or motion does not automatically match the
previous clip or the next clip on the Animation track. By default, each Animation clip begins at the position and rotation of the
GameObject, or humanoid, at the beginning of the Timeline instance.

For example, three Animation clips create an animation sequence that starts with a clip of a humanoid standing
and running, continues with a clip of the humanoid running while turning left, and ends with the humanoid
running and standing still

Each Animation clip begins at the position and rotation of the humanoid at the start of the Timeline instance (red
arrow). The three Animation clips, Stand2Run, RunLeft, and Run2Stand, all begin at the red arrow but end at the
green, blue, and yellow arrows, respectively.
For an animation sequence to ow seamlessly between adjacent Animation clips, you must match each Animation clip with its
previous or next clip. Matching clips adds a position and rotation o set for each Animation clip, referred to as the Clip
Root Motion O set. The following sections describe how to match two Animation clips or many Animation clips.

Matching two clips
To match the root motion between two clips, RIght-click the Animation clip that you want to match. From the context menu,
select either Match O sets to Previous Clip or Match O sets to Next Clip.

For example, Right-click the middle Animation clip, named “RunLeft”, to match its o sets to either the previous
clip or the next clip
The context menu only displays the Match O set options available for the clicked Animation clip. For example, if there is a gap
before the clicked Animation clip, only the Match O sets to Next Clip menu item is available.
When you are matching o sets for a single Animation clip, it is not necessary to select the Animation clip rst, but you must
Right-click the Animation clip that you want to match. For example, if you Right-click on an Animation clip that is not selected, the
clicked clip is matched and any selected Animation clips are ignored.

Matching many clips
To match the root motion of many clips, select the Animation clips that you want to match and RIght-click on one of the selected
clips. From the context menu, select either Match O sets to Previous Clip or Match O sets to Next Clip.

For example, select the “RunLeft” and “Run2Stand” clips. Right-click one of the selected clips, and select Match
O sets to Previous Clips, to match the RunLeft clip with the previous clip Stand2Run, and to match Run2Stand
with the previous clip RunLeft.

2017–12–07 Page published with no editorial review

Curves view

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The Curves view shows the animation curves for In nite clips or for Animation clips that have been
converted from In nite clips. Use the Curves view for basic animation editing such as modifying existing keys,
adding new keys, adjusting tangents, and changing the interpolation between keys.
To view animation curves for an In nite clip, click the Curves icon next to the Track name. To view animation
curves for an Animation clip, select the Animation clip and click the Curves icon. The Curves view is similar to
Curves mode in the Animation window.

The Curves icon (circled) shows and hides the Curves view
The Curves icon does not appear for Animation tracks with humanoid animation or imported animation. To view
and edit key animation for humanoid or imported Animation clips, Right-click an Animation clip and select Edit in
Animation Window from the context menu. You can also Double-click the Animation clip. The Animation window
appears, linked to the Timeline Editor window.
When in linked mode, the Animation window shows a Linked icon and the name of the Animation clip being
edited. Click the Linked icon to stop editing the Animation clip and to release the Animation window from linked

Animation window linked to the Timeline Editor window, indicated by the Linked icon and
Animation clip name

2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Hiding and showing curves

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For the selected Animation clip, the Curves view includes a hierarchical list of the properties with
animation curves. Expand, select, and deselect the properties in this list to lter which animation curves are
shown in the Curves view.
For example, to show only the animation curves for position along the X-axis, expand Position and select the
Position.x property. Press F to frame the animation curve for the Position.x property.

Curves view showing the animation curve for the Position.x property
The Curves view supports the following methods of selecting and deselecting animation curves:
Click the Triangle icon of a parent property to expand and collapse its list of child properties.
Hold Shift and click to select contiguous properties.
Hold Command/Control and click to select discontiguous properties. Hold Command/Control and click a selected
property to deselect it.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Navigating the Curves view

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Use one of the following methods to pan, zoom, resize, or frame the animation curves and keys in the Curves view:
To pan, Middle-drag, or hold Alt and drag.
To zoom vertically, move the scroll-wheel, or hold Alt and Right-drag.
To zoom horizontally, hold Command/Control and zoom vertically.
To resize the Curves view, drag the double line separating the Curves view from the next track in the Track list.
To frame only selected animation curves or selected keys, press F.
To frame all animation curves or keys, press A.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Selecting keys

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Click to select a single key. Selecting a key deselects all other selected keys. The Curves view displays the selected
key with its tangents.

Click to select a single key. A selected key shows its tangents.
The Curves view provides the following methods for selecting keys:

Hold Shift and click to select contiguous keys. For example, to select contiguous keys along the
same animation curve, click the rst key, then hold Shift and click the last key.

Hold Shift and click a key to select contiguous keys
Hold Command/Control and click to select discontiguous keys. Hold Command/Control and click a selected key to
deselect it.
Click and drag on an empty spot in the Curves view to draw a selection rectangle. This selects all keys within the
rectangle. Hold down Shift while drawing the selection rectangle to add keys to the current selection.
Double-click a selected key to select all keys on the same animation curve.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Adding keys

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The Curves view provides the following methods for adding keys:
Right-click on an animation curve and select Add Key. This method adds a key at the location of the Right-click.
Double-click on an animation curve. This method adds a key at the location of the Double-click.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Editing keys

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Edit a key to change its time, value, or both. The Curves view provides the following di erent methods for editing
a key:
Right-click a key and select Edit from the context menu to enter speci c values for time and value.
Select a key and press Enter to enter speci c values.
Select and drag a key to change it time and value.
Drag a key vertically, then press Shift to snap the key on the vertical axis. This changes the value of the key, but
not its time.
Drag a key horizontally, then press Shift to snap the key on the horizontal axis. This changes the time of the key,
but not its value.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Changing interpolation and shape

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Every key has one or two tangents that control the interpolation of the animation curve. The term interpolation
refers to the estimation of values that determine the shape of the animation curve between two keys.
Whether a key has one of two tangents depends on the location of the key on the animation curve. The rst key
has only a right tangent that controls the interpolation of the animation curve after the key. The last key has only
a left tangent that controls the interpolation of the animation curve before the last key.

The rst key (red) has only a right tangent, and the last key (blue) has only a left tangent
All other keys have two tangents where the left tangent controls the interpolation before the key, and the right
tangent controls the interpolation after the key. By default, tangents are joined. Dragging one tangent a ects the
position of both tangents, and the interpolation of the animation curve both before and after the key.

Keys that are neither the rst key nor last key have joined tangents by default. Dragging either
tangent changes the interpolation of the animation curve both before and after the key.
Dragging a tangent may also change the interpolation mode of the animation curve. For example, most keys are
set to the Clamped Auto interpolation mode which automatically smooths animation curve as it passes through
the key. If you drag a tangent of a key set to Clamped Auto, the interpolation mode changes to Free Smooth.
The term interpolation mode refers to the interpolation algorithm that determines which shape to use when
drawing the animation curve.

To view the interpolation mode for a key, select the key and Right-click. The context menu shows the interpolation
mode. To change the interpolation mode for a key, select the key, Right-click and select another interpolation

The context menu shows the interpolation mode for the selected key. Use the context menu to
change the interpolation mode.
Some interpolation modes break the left and right tangents so that they can be positioned separately. When
tangents are broken, you can set a separate interpolation mode for the animation curve before the key and the
animation curve after the key. For more details on the di erent interpolation modes, see Editing Curves. In the
Animation window documentation, the interpolation mode is referred to as tangent type.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Deleting keys

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The Curves view provides the following methods for deleting keys:
Right-click on a key and select Delete Key from the context menu. This method does not a ect selected keys.
Select a key and either press Delete or Right-click and select Delete Key from the context menu.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Timeline Settings

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Use the Timeline Settings to set the unit of measurement for the Timeline Asset, to set the duration mode of the Timeline
Asset, and to set the Timeline Editor window snap settings.

Click the Cog icon in the Timeline Editor window to view the Timeline Settings menu

Seconds or Frames

Select either Seconds or Frames to set the Timeline Editor window to display time in either seconds or frames.

Duration Mode
Use the Duration Mode to set whether the duration of the Timeline Asset extends to the end of the last clip (Based On Clips),
or extends to a speci c time or frame (Fixed Length). When the Duration Mode is set to Fixed Length, use one of the following
methods to change the length of the Timeline Asset:
Select the Timeline Asset in the Project window and use the Inspector window to set the Duration in seconds or frames.
In the Timeline Editor window, drag the blue marker on the timeline. The blue marker indicates the end of the Timeline Asset.
A blue line indicates the duration of the Timeline Asset.

Timeline Asset duration (red rectangle) and end marker (green circle)

Frame Rate

Select one of the options under frame rate to set the play speed of the Timeline Asset. The overall speed of the Timeline Asset
accelerates or decelerates based on the number of frames per second. The higher the number of frames per second, the
faster the entire timeline plays. The following frame rates are supported: Film (24 fps), PAL (25 fps), NTSC (29.97 fps), 30, 50, or

Show Audio Waveforms
Enable Show Audio Waveforms to draw the waveforms for all audio clips on all audio tracks. For example, use an audio
waveform as a guide when manually positioning an Audio clip of footsteps with the Animation clip of a humanoid walking.
Disable Show Audio Waveform to hide audio waveforms. Show Audio Waveforms is enabled by default.

Snap to Frame
Enable Snap to Frame to manipulate clips, preview Timeline instances, drag the playhead, and position the playhead using
frames. Disable Snap to Frame to use subframes. Snap to Frame is enabled by default.
For example, when Snap to Frame is disabled and you drag the Timeline Playhead, it moves the playhead between frames,
the format of Playhead Location displays di erently depending on whether the timeline is set to Seconds or Frames:
When the timeline is set to Frames, the Playhead Location eld shows frames and subframes. For example, 8 frames and 34
subframes displays as 8.34.
When the timeline is set to Seconds, the Playhead Location eld shows seconds, frames, and subframes. For example, 6
seconds, 17 frames, and 59 subframes displays as 6:17 [.59].

Disable Snap to Frame to position clips and drag the playhead between frames
Manipulating clips, previewing Timeline instances, and positioning the playhead at the subframes level is useful when
attempting to synchronize animation and e ects with audio. Many high-end audio processing software products create audio
waveforms with subframe accuracy.

Edge Snap
Enable the Edge Snap option to snap clips during positioning, trimming, and creating blends. When enabled, clips are snapped
when the start or end of a clip is dragged within 10 pixels of the start or end of a clip on another track, the start or end of a
clip on the same track, the start or end of the entire timeline, or the playhead. Disable Edge Snap to create accurate blends,
ease-ins, or ease-outs. Edge Snap is enabled by default.
2017–12–07 Page amended with limited editorial review

Timeline and the Inspector Window

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The Inspector window displays information about the selected GameObject including all attached components and their
properties. This section documents the properties in the Inspector window that appear when you select one or many Timeline
objects: a Timeline Asset, a track, or a clip.
If you select a single Timeline object, the Inspector window displays the properties for the selected object. For example, if you select
an Animation clip, the Inspector window shows the common properties and playable asset properties for the selected Animation

Inspector window when selecting an Animation clip in the Timeline Editor window
If you select multiple Timeline objects, and the selection includes Timeline objects with common properties, the Inspector window
shows two sections: a section with properties that apply to the entire selection, and a section of common properties that apply to
each selected object individually.
For example, if you select an Audio clip on one track and two Animation clips on another track, the Inspector window includes
Multiple Clip Timing properties and Clip Timing properties:
Use the Multiple Clip Timing properties to change the Start or End of the selection as a group. For example, if you change the Start
to frame 30, the selection of clips start at frame 30. This moves the start of the rst clip to frame 30 and the remaining selected clips
are placed relative to the rst clip, respecting gaps between selected clips.
Use the Clip Timing properties to change the common properties for each selected clip individually. For example, if you change the
Ease In Duration to 10 frames, the Ease In Duration of each selected clip changes to 10 frames.

Inspector window when selecting multiple clips, on multiple tracks, in the Timeline Editor window. If the selected
clips have di erent values for a property, the value is represented with a dash (“-”)
If your selection includes Timeline objects that do not have common properties, the Inspector window prompts you to narrow the
selection. For example, if you select an Animation track and an Audio clip in the Timeline Editor, you are prompted to narrow the

If you select objects of di erent types, the Inspector window prompts you to narrow the selection to similar objects
2017–12–07 Page amended with limited editorial review

Setting Timeline properties

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Use the Inspector window to set the Frame Rate, the duration mode, and a xed length for the selected Timeline Asset. From the
Project window, select a Timeline Asset to view its properties.

Inspector window when selecting a Timeline Asset in the Project.
The Timeline properties are also found in the Timeline Settings in the Timeline Editor window.

Property: Function:
Use Frame Rate to set the play speed of the Timeline Asset. The overall speed of the Timeline Asset
accelerates or decelerates based on the number of frames per second. The higher the number of frames
per second, the faster the entire timeline plays.
Duration Use Duration Mode to set whether the duration of the Timeline Asset is based on the clips in the timeline or
a xed length.
Select Based On Clips to set the length of the Timeline Asset based on the end of the last clip. The Duration
On Clips property shows the length of the Timeline Asset in seconds and frames.
Select Fixed Length to use the Duration property to set the length of the Timeline Asset to a speci c
Length number of seconds or frames.
The Duration property displays the length of the Timeline Asset in seconds and frames. The Duration
property is editable when the Duration Mode is set to Fixed Length.
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Setting Track properties

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Use the Inspector window to change the name of a track and its properties. The available properties depend on the type
of track selected. For example, select an Animation Track to apply an avatar mask, apply track o sets, and to specify
which transforms are modi ed when performing match o sets between Animation clips.

Inspector window when selecting an Animation track in the Timeline Editor window
Not all tracks have properties. See the following dedicated sections for tracks with properties:
Activation Track properties
Animation Track properties
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Activation Track properties

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Use the Inspector window to change the name of an Activation track and to set the state of its bound GameObject
when the Timeline Asset nishes playing.

Inspector window when selecting an Activation track in the Timeline Editor window
Property: Function:
The name of the Activation track shown in the Timeline Editor window and in the Playable
Display Director component. The Display Name applies to the Timeline Asset and all of its Timeline
instances. You can only modify the Display Name by selecting the Activation track while
editing a Timeline instance.

As Is

Use the Post-playback state to set the activation state for the bound GameObject when the
Timeline Asset stops playing. The Post-playback state applies to the Timeline Asset and all of
its Timeline instances.
Select to activate the bound GameObject when the Timeline Asset nishes playing.
Select to deactivate the bound GameObject when the Timeline Asset nishes playing.
Select to revert the bound GameObject to its activation state before the Timeline Asset began
playing. For example, if the Timeline Asset ends with the GameObject set to inactive, and the
GameObject was active before the Timeline Asset began playing, then the GameObject reverts
to active.
Select to set the activation state of the bound GameObject to same state at the end of the
Timeline Asset. For example, if the Timeline Asset ends with the GameObject set to inactive,
the GameObject remains inactive.

2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Animation Track properties

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Use the Inspector window to change the name of an Animation track, apply an avatar mask, apply track o sets, and to specify the
transforms that are matched when matching clip o sets between Animation clips.

Inspector window when selecting an Animation track in the Timeline Editor window
The name of the Animation track shown in the Timeline Editor window and in the Playable
Director component. The Display Name applies to the Timeline Asset and all of its Timeline
Display Name
instances. You can only modify the Display Name by selecting the Animation track when editing
a Timeline instance.
Apply Avatar__An
interface for
animation from
Use this property to enable Avatar masking. When enabled, the animation for all Animation
one rig to
clips on the track are applied based on the selected Avatar Mask.
another. More
See in Glossary
Use this property to select the Avatar Mask applied to all Animation clips on the Animation track.
An Avatar Mask de nes which humanoid body parts are animated by Animation clips on the
selected Animation track. The body parts that are masked are animated by other Animation
Avatar Mask
tracks in the Timeline Asset. For example, you can use an Avatar Mask to combine the lowerbody animation on an Animation track with the upper body animation on an Override Animation

Apply Track
O sets
Move tool
Rotate tool
Clip O set
Match Fields

Enable Apply Track O sets to apply the same position and rotation o sets to all Animation clips,
on the selected Animation track. There are two methods for applying a track o set: set the
position and rotation o sets with gizmos in the Scene view, or specify the exact position and
rotation track o set.
Enable the Move tool to show the Move Gizmo in the Scene view. Use the Move Gizmo to
visually position the track o set. Positioning the Move Gizmo changes the Position properties.
Enable the Rotate tool to show the Rotate Gizmo in the Scene view. Use the Rotate Gizmo to
visually rotate the track o set. Rotating the Rotate Gizmo changes the Rotation properties.
Use the Position properties to set the track o set in X, Y, and Z coordinates.
Use the Rotation properties to set the track rotation o set around the X, Y, and Z axes.
Expand Clip O set Match Fields to display a series of checkboxes that choose which transforms
are matched when matching clip o sets between Animation clips. The Clip O set Match Fields
set the default matching options for all Animation clips on the same track. Use the Animation
Clip playable asset properties to override these defaults for each Animation clip.

2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Setting Clip properties

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Use the Inspector window to change the name of a clip, its timing, its blend properties, and other clip properties.
The available properties depend on the type of clip selected. For example, select an Activation clip to change its
name and set its Clip Timing.

Inspector window when selecting an Activation clip in the Timeline Editor window
Not all clips have properties. See the following dedicated sections for clips with properties:

Activation Clip properties
Animation Clip common properties
Animation Clip playable asset properties
Audio Clip properties
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Activation Clip properties

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Use the Inspector window to change the name of an Activation clip and its Clip Timing.

Inspector window when selecting an Activation clip in the Timeline Editor window

Display Name

The name of the Activation clip shown in the Timeline Editor window. By default, each Activation clip is named

Clip Timing properties
Use the Clip Timing properties to trim and change the duration of the Activation clip. Most of the timing
properties are expressed in both seconds (s) and frames (f). When specifying seconds to modify a Clip Timing
property, all decimal values are accepted. When specifying frames, only integer values are accepted. For example,
if you attempt to enter 12.5 in a frames (f) eld, it is set to 12 frames.

Property: Function:
The frame or time (in seconds) when the clip starts. Changing the Start property changes
the position of the clip on its track in the Timeline Asset. Changing the Start may also
a ect the Duration. All clips use the Start property.
The frame or time (in seconds) when the clip ends. Changing the End property a ects the
Duration. All clips use the End property.
The duration of the clip in frames or seconds. Changing the Duration property also
a ects the End property. All clips use the Duration property.
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Animation Clip common properties

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Use the Inspector window to change the common properties of an Animation clip. The common properties of an
Animation Clip include its name, its timing, play speed, its blend properties, and its extrapolation settings.

Inspector window when selecting an Animation clip in the Timeline Editor window

Display Name

The name of the Animation clip shown in the Timeline Editor window.

Clip Timing properties
Use the Clip Timing properties to trim, change the duration, change the ease-in and ease-out duration or extrapolation,
and to adjust the play speed of the Animation clip.
Most of the following timing properties are expressed in both seconds (s) and frames (f). When specifying seconds to
modify a Clip Timing property, all decimal values are accepted. When specifying frames, only integer values are
accepted. For example, if you attempt to enter 12.5 in a frames (f) eld, it is set to 12 frames.

Property: Function:
The frame or time (in seconds) when the clip starts. Changing the Start property changes the
position of the clip on its track in the Timeline Asset. Changing the Start may also a ect the
The frame or time (in seconds) when the clip ends. Changing the End property a ects the
Duration. All clips use the End property.
The duration of the clip in frames or seconds. Changing the Duration property also a ects the
End property.
Sets the number of seconds or frames that it takes for the clip to ease in. If the beginning of
Ease In
the clip overlaps and blends with another clip, the Ease In Duration cannot be edited and
instead shows the duration of the blend between clips. See Blending clips.

Property: Function:
Sets the number of seconds or frames that it takes for the clip to ease out. If the end of the
Ease Out clip overlaps and blends with another clip, the Ease Out Duration cannot be edited and
Duration instead shows the duration of the blend between clips. In this case, trim or position the clip to
change the duration of the blend between clips. See Blending clips.
Sets the o set of when the source clip should start playing. For example, to play the last 10
Clip In
seconds of a 30 second audio clip, set Clip In to 20 seconds.
A multiplier on the playback speed of the clip. This value must be greater than 0. Changing this
Multiplier value of the clip will change the duration of the clip to play the same content.

Animation Extrapolation

Use the Animation Extrapolation properties to set the gap extrapolation before and after an Animation clip. The term
gap extrapolation refers to how an Animation track approximates or extends animation data in the gaps before,
between, and after the Animation clips on a track.
Only Animation clips use the Animation Extrapolation properties. There are two properties for setting the gap
extrapolation between Animation clips.

Property: Function:
PreControls how animation data is approximated in the gap before an Animation clip. The PreExtrapolate Extrapolate property a ects easing-in an Animation clip.
PostControls how animation data extends in the gap after an Animation clip. The PostExtrapolate Extrapolate property a ects easing-out an Animation clip.

Blend Curves

Use the Blend Curves to customize the transition between the out-going clip and the incoming clip when blending
between two Animation clips. See Blending clips for details on how to blend clips and how to customize blend curves.
When easing-in or easing-out clips, the Blend Curves allow you to customize the curve that eases-in a clip and the curve
that eases-out a clip.
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Animation Clip playable asset

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Use the Inspector window to change the playable asset properties of an Animation clip. The playable asset
properties include controls for manually transforming the root motion o set of the Animation clip and options
for overriding default clip matching.
To view the playable asset Animation Clip properties, select an Animation clip in the Timeline Editor window and
expand Animation Playable Asset in the Inspector window.

Inspector window showing the playable asset properties of the selected Animation clip

Clip Root Motion O sets

Use the Clip Root Motion O sets to apply position and rotation o sets to the root motion of the selected
Animation clip. There are two methods of applying clip root o sets:
Match the clip o sets to set the root motion o sets based on the end of the previous Animation clip, or the start
of the next Animation clip. What gets matched depends on the Clip O set Match Fields.
Use the tools and properties under Clip Root Motion O sets to manually set the position and rotation of the root
motion o sets.

Property: Function:
Enable the Move tool to show a Move Gizmo in the Scene view. Use the Move Gizmo to
manually position the root motion o set for the selected Animation clip. Using the Move
Gizmo changes the Position properties.

Property: Function:
Enable the Rotate tool to show a Rotate Gizmo in the Scene view. Use the Rotate Gizmo
to manually rotate the root motion o set for the selected Animation clip. Using the
Rotate Gizmo changes the Rotation properties.
Use the Position properties to manually set the clip o set in X, Y, and Z coordinates. By
default, the Position coordinates are set to zero and are relative to the track o sets.
Use the Rotation properties to manually set the clip rotation o set around the X, Y, and Z
Rotation axes. By default, the Rotation coordinates are set to zero and are relative to the track
o sets.

Clip O set Match Fields

Use the Clip O set Match Fields to choose which transforms are matched when matching clip o sets. By default,
Override Track Match Fields is disabled and the Clip O set Match Fields show and use the matching options
set at the Animation track level.
Enable Override Track Match Fields to override the track match options and set which transformations are
matched for the selected Animation clip.
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Audio Clip properties

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Use the Inspector window to change the properties of an Audio clip. These properties include the name of the clip, its
timing, play speed, its blend properties, the audio le used by the Audio clip, and whether Audio clip loops or plays

Inspector window when selecting an Audio clip in the Timeline Editor window

Display Name

The name of the Audio clip shown in the Timeline Editor window. This is not the name of the audio le that is used for
the waveform. The name of the audio le is part of the Audio Playable Asset properties.

Clip Timing properties
Use the Clip Timing properties to trim and change the duration of the Audio clip. Most of the timing properties are
expressed in both seconds (s) and frames (f). When specifying seconds to modify a Clip Timing property, all decimal
values are accepted. When specifying frames, only integer values are accepted. For example, if you attempt to enter
12.5 in a frames (f) eld, it is set to 12 frames.

Property: Function:
The frame or time (in seconds) when the clip starts. Changing the Start property changes the
position of the clip on its track in the Timeline Asset. Changing the Start may also a ect the
Duration. All clips use the Start property.
The frame or time (in seconds) when the clip ends. Changing the End property a ects the
Duration. All clips use the End property.
The duration of the clip in frames or seconds. Changing the Duration property also a ects the
End property. All clips use the Duration property.

Blend Curves

Use the Blend Curves to customize the transition between the out-going clip and the incoming clip when blending
between two Audio clips. See Blending clips for details on how to blend clips and how to customize blend curves.
When easing-in or easing-out clips, the Blend Curves allow you to customize the curve that eases-in an Audio clip and
the curve that eases-out an Audio clip. See Easing-in and Easing-out clips for details.

Audio Playable Asset properties
Use the Audio Playable Asset properties to select the Audio le used by the Audio clip and to set whether the selected
Audio clip loops (Loop enabled) or plays once (Loop disabled).
2017–12–07 Page published with limited editorial review

Playable Director component

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The Playable Director component stores the link between a Timeline instance and a Timeline Asset. The Playable Director
component controls when the Timeline instance plays, how the Timeline instance updates its clock, and what happens
when the Timeline instance nishes playing.

Playable Director component added to the GameObject named PickupObject. The GameObject is associated
with the PickupTimeline Timeline Asset.
The Playable Director component also shows the list of tracks, from the associated Timeline Asset (Playable property), that
animate GameObjects in the scene. The link between Timeline Asset tracks and GameObjects in the scene is referred to as
binding or Track binding. See Timeline Overview section for details on binding and the relationship between Timeline
Assets and Timeline instances.

Use the Playable property to manually associate a Timeline Asset with a GameObject in the scene. When you make this
association, you create a Timeline instance for the selected Timeline Asset. After you create a Timeline instance, you can use
the other properties in the Playable Director component to control the instance and to choose which GameObjects in the
scene are animated by the Timeline Asset.

Update Method
Use the Update Method to set the clock source that the Timeline instance uses to update its timing. The Update Method
supports the following clock sources:
DSP: Select for sample accurate audio scheduling. When selected, the Timeline instance uses the same clock source that
processes audio. DSP stands for digital signal processing.
Game Time: Select to use the same clock source as the game clock. This clock source is a ected by time scaling.
Unscaled Game Time: Select to use the same clock source as the game clock, but without being a ected by time scaling.
Manual: Select to not use a clock source and to manually set the clock time through scripting.

Play on Awake
Whether the Timeline instance is played when game play is initiated. By default, a Timeline instance is set to begin as soon as
the scene begins playback. To disable the default behaviour, disable the Play on Awake option in the Playable Director

Wrap Mode

The behaviour when the Timeline instance ends playback. The Wrap mode also de nes the behaviour when the
Timeline Editor window is in Play Range mode. The following Wrap modes are supported:
Hold: Plays the Timeline instance once and holds on the last frame until playback is interrupted.
Loop: Plays the sequence repeatedly until playback is interrupted.
None: Plays the sequence once and then resets all animated properties to the values they held before playback.

Initial Time
The time (in seconds) at which the Timeline instance begins playing. The Initial Time adds a delay in seconds from when the
Timeline instance is triggered to when playback actually begins. For example, if Play On Awake is enabled and Initial Time is
set to ve seconds, clicking the Play button in the Unity Toolbar starts Play mode and the Timeline instance begins at ve
This is useful when you are working on a long cinematic and you want to preview the last few seconds of your Timeline

Current Time
Use the Current Time eld to view the progression of time according to the Timeline instance in the Timeline Editor window.
The Current Time eld matches the Playhead Location eld. The Current Time eld is useful when the Timeline Editor
window is hidden. The Current Time eld appears in the Playable Director Component when in Timeline Playback mode or
when Unity is in Game Mode.

Use the Bindings area to link GameObjects in the scene with tracks from the associated Timeline Asset (Playable property).
When you link a GameObject to a track, the track animates the GameObject in the scene. The link between a GameObject
and a track is referred to as binding or Track binding.
The Bindings area is split into two columns:
The rst column lists the tracks from the Timeline Asset. Each track is identi ed by an icon and its track type.
The second column lists the GameObject linked (or bound) to each track.
The Bindings area does not list Track groups, Track sub-groups, or tracks that do not animate GameObjects. The Timeline
Editor window shows the same bindings in the Track list.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review

Timeline glossary

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This section provides an alphabetical list of the terminology used throughout the Timeline documentation.
animatable property: A property belonging to a GameObject, or belonging to a component added to a GameObject, that can have
di erent values over time.
animation: The result of adding two di erent keys, at two di erent times, for the same animatable property.
animation curve: The curve drawn between keys set for the same animatable property, at di erent frames or seconds. The position
of the tangents and the selected interpolation mode for each key determines the shape of the animation curve.
binding or Track binding: Refers to the link between Timeline Asset tracks and the GameObjects in the scene. When you link a
GameObject to a track, the track animates the GameObject. Bindings are stored as part of the Timeline instance.
blend and blend area: The area where two Animation clips, Audio clips, or Control clips overlap. The overlap creates a transition
that is referred to as a blend. The duration of the overlap is referred to as the blend area. The blend area sets the duration of the
Blend In curve: In a blend between two Animation clips, Audio clips, or Control clips, there are two blend curves. The blend curve for
the incoming clip is referred to as the Blend In curve.
Blend Out curve: In a blend between two Animation clips, Audio clips, or Control clips, there are two blend curves. The blend curve
for the out-going clip is referred to as the Blend Out curve.
clip: A generic term that refers to any clip within the Clips view of the Timeline Editor window.
Clips view: The area in the Timeline Editor window where you add, position, and manipulate clips.
Control/Command: This term is used when instructing the user to press or hold down the Control key on Windows, or the
Command key on Mac.
Curves view: The area in the Timeline Editor window that shows the animation curves for In nite clips or for Animation clips that
have been converted from In nite clips. The Curves view is similar to Curves mode in the Animation window.
Gap extrapolation: How an Animation track approximates animation data in the gaps before and after an Animation clip.
eld: A generic term that describes an editable box that the user clicks and types-in a value. A eld is also referred to as a property.
incoming clip: The second clip in a blend between two clips. The rst clip, the out-going clip, transitions to the second clip, the
incoming clip.
in nite clip: A special animation clip that contains basic key animation recorded directly to an Animation track within the Timeline
Editor window. An In nite clip cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split because it does not have a de ned duration: it spans the
entirety of an Animation track.
interpolation: The estimation of values that determine the shape of an animation curve between two keys.
interpolation mode: The interpolation algorithm that draws the animation curve between two keys. The interpolation mode also
joins or breaks left and right tangents.
key: The value of an animatable property, set at a speci c point in time. Setting at least two keys for the same property creates an
out-going clip: The rst clip in a blend between two clips. The rst clip, the out-going clip, transitions to the second clip, the
incoming clip.
Playhead Location eld: The eld that expresses the location of the Timeline Playhead in either frames or seconds, depending on
the Timeline Settings.

property: A generic term for the editable elds, buttons, checkboxes, or menus that comprise a component. An editable eld is also
referred to as a eld.
tangent: One of two handles that controls the shape of the animation curve before and after a key. Tangents appear when a key is
selected in the Curves view, or when a key is selected in the Curve Editor.
tangent mode: The selected interpolation mode used by the left tangent, right tangent, or both tangents.
Timeline or Unity’s Timeline: Generic terms that refer to all features, windows, editors, and components related to creating,
modifying, or reusing cut-scenes, cinematics, and game-play sequences.
Timeline Asset: Refers to the tracks, clips, and recorded animation that comprise a cinematic, cut-scene, game-play sequence, or
other e ect created with the Timeline Editor window. A Timeline Asset does not include bindings to the GameObjects animated by
the Timeline Asset. The bindings to scene GameObjects are stored in the Timeline instance. The Timeline Asset is project-based.
Timeline Editor window: The o cial name of the window where you create, modify, and preview a Timeline instance. Modi cations
to a Timeline instance also a ects the Timeline Asset.
Timeline instance: Refers to the link between a Timeline Asset and the GameObjects that the Timeline Asset animates in the scene.
You create a Timeline instance by associating a Timeline Asset to a GameObject through a Playable Director component. The Timeline
instance is scene-based.
Timeline Playback Controls: The row of buttons and elds in the Timeline Editor window that controls playback of the Timeline
instance. The Timeline Playback Controls a ect the location of the Timeline Playhead.
Timeline Playback mode: The mode that previews the Timeline instance in the Timeline Editor window. Timeline Playback mode is a
simulation of Play mode. Timeline Playback mode does not support audio playback.
Timeline Playhead: The white marker and line that indicates the exact point in time being previewed in the Timeline Editor window.
Timeline Selector: The name of the menu in the Timeline Editor window that selects the Timeline instance to be previewed or
modi ed.
track: A generic term that refers to any track within the Track list of the Timeline Editor window.
Track groups: The term for a series of tracks organized in an expandable and collapse collection of tracks.
Track list: The area in the Timeline Editor window where you add, group, and modify tracks.
2017–08–10 Page published with limited editorial review


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The UI system allows you to create user interfaces fast and intuitively. This is an introduction to the major
features of Unity’s UI system.
Related tutorials: User Interface (UI)
Search the Unity Knowledge Base for tips, tricks and troubleshooting.


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The Canvas is the area that all UI elements should be inside. The Canvas is a Game Object with a Canvas
component on it, and all UI elements must be children of such a Canvas.
Creating a new UI element, such as an Image using the menu GameObject > UI > Image, automatically creates a
Canvas, if there isn’t already a Canvas in the scene. The UI element is created as a child to this Canvas.
The Canvas area is shown as a rectangle in the Scene View. This makes it easy to position UI elements without
needing to have the Game View visible at all times.
Canvas uses the EventSystem object to help the Messaging System.

Draw order of elements
UI elements in the Canvas are drawn in the same order they appear in the Hierarchy. The rst child is drawn rst,
the second child next, and so on. If two UI elements overlap, the later one will appear on top of the earlier one.
To change which element appear on top of other elements, simply reorder the elements in the Hierarchy by
dragging them. The order can also be controlled from scripting by using these methods on the
Transform component: SetAsFirstSibling, SetAsLastSibling, and SetSiblingIndex.

Render Modes
The Canvas has a Render Mode setting which can be used to make it render in screen space or world space.

Screen Space - Overlay
This render mode places UI elements on the screen rendered on top of the scene. If the screen is resized or
changes resolution, the Canvas will automatically change size to match this.

UI in screen space overlay canvas

Screen Space - Camera

This is similar to Screen Space - Overlay, but in this render mode the Canvas is placed a given distance in front of
a speci ed Camera. The UI elements are rendered by this camera, which means that the Camera settings a ect
the appearance of the UI. If the Camera is set to Perspective, the UI elements will be rendered with perspective,
and the amount of perspective distortion can be controlled by the Camera Field of View. If the screen is resized,
changes resolution, or the camera frustum changes, the Canvas will automatically change size to match as well.

UI in screen space camera canvas

World Space

In this render mode, the Canvas will behave as any other object in the scene. The size of the Canvas can be set
manually using its Rect Transform, and UI elements will render in front of or behind other objects in the scene
based on 3D placement. This is useful for UIs that are meant to be a part of the world. This is also known as a
“diegetic interface”.

UI in world space canvas

Basic Layout

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In this section we’ll look at how you can position UI elements relative to the Canvas and each other. If you want to
test yourself while reading, you can create an Image using the menu GameObject -> UI -> Image.

The Rect Tool
Every UI element is represented as a rectangle for layout purposes. This rectangle can be manipulated in the
Scene View using the Rect Tool in the toolbar. The Rect Tool is used both for Unity’s 2D features and for UI, and
in fact can be used even for 3D objects as well.

Toolbar buttons with Rect Tool selected
The Rect Tool can be used to move, resize and rotate UI elements. Once you have selected a UI element, you can
move it by clicking anywhere inside the rectangle and dragging. You can resize it by clicking on the edges or
corners and dragging. The element can be rotated by hovering the cursor slightly away from the corners until the
mouse cursor looks like a rotation symbol. You can then click and drag in either direction to rotate.
Just like the other tools, the Rect Tool uses the current pivot mode and space, set in the toolbar. When working
with UI it’s usually a good idea to keep those set to Pivot and Local.

Toolbar buttons set to Pivot and Local

Rect Transform

The Rect Transform is a new transform component that is used for all UI elements instead of the regular
Transform component.

Rect Transforms have position, rotation, and scale just like regular Transforms, but it also has a width and height,
used to specify the dimensions of the rectangle.

Resizing Versus Scaling
When the Rect Tool is used to change the size of an object, normally for Sprites in the 2D system and for 3D
objects it will change the local scale of the object. However, when it’s used on an object with a Rect Transform on
it, it will instead change the width and the height, keeping the local scale unchanged. This resizing will not a ect
font sizes, border on sliced images, and so on.

Rotations, size, and scale modi cations occur around the pivot so the position of the pivot a ects the outcome of
a rotation, resizing, or scaling. When the toolbar Pivot button is set to Pivot mode, the pivot of a Rect Transform
can be moved in the Scene View.

Rect Transforms include a layout concept called anchors. Anchors are shown as four small triangular handles in
the Scene View and anchor information is also shown in the Inspector.
If the parent of a Rect Transform is also a Rect Transform, the child Rect Transform can be anchored to the parent
Rect Transform in various ways. For example, the child can be anchored to the center of the parent, or to one of
the corners.

UI element anchored to the center of the parent. The element maintains a xed o set to the

UI element anchored to the lower right corner of the parent. The element maintains a xed o set
to the lower right corner.
The anchoring also allows the child to stretch together with the width or height of the parent. Each corner of the
rectangle has a xed o set to its corresponding anchor, i.e. the top left corner of the rectangle has a xed o set
to the top left anchor, etc. This way the di erent corners of the rectangle can be anchored to di erent points in
the parent rectangle.

UI element with left corners anchored to lower left corner of the parent and right corners anchored
to lower right. The corners of the element maintains xed o sets to their respective anchors.
The positions of the anchors are de ned in fractions (or percentages) of the parent rectangle width and height.
0.0 (0%) corresponds to the left or bottom side, 0.5 (50%) to the middle, and 1.0 (100%) to the right or top side.
But anchors are not limited to the sides and middle; they can be anchored to any point within the parent

UI element with left corners anchored to a point a certain percentage from the left side of the
parent and right corners anchored to a point a certain percentage from the right side of the parent
You can drag each of the anchors individually, or if they are together, you can drag them together by clicking in
the middle in between them and dragging. If you hold down Shift key while dragging an anchor, the
corresponding corner of the rectangle will move together with the anchor.
A useful feature of the anchor handles is that they automatically snap to the anchors of sibling rectangles to allow
for precise positioning.

Anchor presets
In the Inspector, the Anchor Preset button can be found in the upper left corner of the Rect
Transform component. Clicking the button brings up the Anchor Presets dropdown. From here you can quickly
select from some of the most common anchoring options. You can anchor the UI element to the sides or middle
of the parent, or stretch together with the parent size. The horizontal and vertical anchoring is independent.

The Anchor Presets buttons displays the currently selected preset option if there is one. If the anchors on either
the horizontal or vertical axis are set to di erent positions than any of the presets, the custom options is shown.

Anchor and position elds in the Inspector
You can click the Anchors expansion arrow to reveal the anchor number elds if they are not already visible.
Anchor Min corresponds to the lower left anchor handle in the Scene View, and Anchor Max corresponds to the
upper right handle.
The position elds of rectangle are shown di erently depending on whether the anchors are together (which
produces a xed width and height) or separated (which causes the rectangle to stretch together with the parent

When all the anchor handles are together the elds displayed are Pos X, Pos Y, Width and Height. The Pos X and
Pos Y values indicate the position of the pivot relative to the anchors.
When the anchors are separated the elds can change partially or completely to Left, Right, Top and Bottom.
These elds de ne the padding inside the rectangle de ned by the anchors. The Left and Right elds are used if
the anchors are separated horizontally and the Top and Bottom elds are used if they are separated vertically.
Note that changing the values in the anchor or pivot elds will normally counter-adjust the positioning values in
order to make the rectangle stay in place. In cases where this is not desired, enable Raw edit mode by clicking
the R button in the Inspector. This causes the anchor and pivot value to be able to be changed without any other

values changing as a result. This will likely cause the rectangle to be visually moved or resized, since its position
and size is dependent on the anchor and pivot values.

Visual Components

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With the introduction of the UI system, new Components have been added that will help you create GUI speci c
functionality. This section will cover the basics of the new Components that can be created.


The Text component, which is also known as a Label, has a Text area for entering the text that will be displayed. It
is possible to set the font, font style, font size and whether or not the text has rich text capability.
There are options to set the alignment of the text, settings for horizontal and vertical over ow which control what
happens if the text is larger than the width or height of the rectangle, and a Best Fit option that makes the text
resize to t the available space.


An Image has a Rect Transform component and an Image component. A sprite can be applied to the Image
component under the Target Graphic eld, and its colour can be set in the Color eld. A material can also be
applied to the Image component. The Image Type eld de nes how the applied sprite will appear, the options
Simple - Scales the whole sprite equally.
Sliced - Utilises the 3x3 sprite division so that resizing does not distort corners and only the center part is

Tiled - Similar to Sliced, but tiles (repeats) the center part rather than stretching it. For sprites with no borders at
all, the entire sprite is tiled.
Filled - Shows the sprite in the same way as Simple does except that it lls in the sprite from an origin in a de ned
direction, method and amount.
The option to Set Native Size, which is shown when Simple or Filled is selected, resets the image to the original
sprite size.
Images can be imported as UI sprites by selecting Sprite( 2D / UI) from the ‘Texture Type’ settings. Sprites have
extra import settings compared to the old GUI sprites, the biggest di erence is the addition of the sprite editor.
The sprite editor provides the option of 9-slicing the image, this splits the image into 9 areas so that if the sprite
is resized the corners are not stretched or distorted.

Raw Image
The Image component takes a sprite but Raw Image takes a texture (no borders etc). Raw Image should only be
used if necessary otherwise Image will be suitable in the majority of cases.

A Mask is not a visible UI control but rather a way to modify the appearance of a control’s child elements. The
mask restricts (ie, “masks”) the child elements to the shape of the parent. So, if the child is larger than the parent

then only the part of the child that ts within the parent will be visible.

E ects
Visual components can also have various simple e ects applied, such as a simple drop shadow or outline. See the
UI E ects reference page for more information.

Interaction Components

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This section covers components in the UI system that handles interaction, such as mouse or touch events and
interaction using a keyboard or controller.
The interaction components are not visible on their own, and must be combined with one or more visual
elements in order to work correctly.

Common Functionality
Most of the interaction components have some things in common. They are selectables, which means they have
shared built-in functionality for visualising transitions between states (normal, highlighted, pressed, disabled), and
for navigation to other selectables using keyboard or controller. This shared functionality is described on the
Selectable page.
The interaction components have at least one UnityEvent that is invoked when user interacts with the component
in speci c way. The UI system catches and logs any exceptions that propagate out of code attached to UnityEvent.

A Button has an OnClick UnityEvent to de ne what it will do when clicked.

See the Button page for details on using the Button component.

A Toggle has an Is On checkbox that determines whether the Toggle is currently on or o . This value is ipped
when the user clicks the Toggle, and a visual checkmark can be turned on or o accordingly. It also has an
OnValueCHanged UnityEvent to de ne what it will do when the value is changed.

See the Toggle page for details on using the Toggle component.

Toggle Group
A Toggle Group can be used to group a set of Toggles that are mutually exclusive. Toggles that belong to the same
group are constrained so that only one of them can be selected at a time - selecting one of them automatically
deselects all the others.

See the Toggle Group page for details on using the Toggle Group component.

A Slider has a decimal number Value that the user can drag between a minimum and maximum value. It can be
either horizontal or vertical. It also has a OnValueChanged UnityEvent to de ne what it will do when the value is

See the Slider page for details on using the Slider component.

A Scrollbar has a decimal number Value between 0 and 1. When the user drags the scrollbar, the value changes
Scrollbars are often used together with a Scroll Rect and a Mask to create a scroll view. The Scrollbar has a Size
value between 0 and 1 that determines how big the handle is as a fraction of the entire scrollbar length. This is
often controlled from another component to indicate how big a proportion of the content in a scroll view is
visible. The Scroll Rect component can automatically do this.
The Scrollbar can be either horizontal or vertical. It also has a OnValueChanged UnityEvent to de ne what it will
do when the value is changed.

See the Scrollbar page for details on using the Scrollbar component.

A Dropdown has a list of options to choose from. A text string and optionally an image can be speci ed for each
option, and can be set either in the Inspector or dynamically from code. It has a OnValueChanged UnityEvent to
de ne what it will do when the currently chosen option is changed.

See the Dropdown page for details on using the Dropdown component.

Input Field
An Input Field is used to make the text of a Text Element editable by the user. It has a UnityEvent to de ne what it
will do when the text content is changed, and an another to de ne what it will do when the user has nished
editing it.

See the Input Field page for details on using the Input Field component.

Scroll Rect (Scroll View)
A Scroll Rect can be used when content that takes up a lot of space needs to be displayed in a small area. The
Scroll Rect provides functionality to scroll over this content.
Usually a Scroll Rect is combined with a Mask in order to create a scroll view, where only the scrollable content
inside the Scroll Rect is visible. It can also additionally be combined with one or two Scrollbars that can be
dragged to scroll horizontally or vertically.

See the Scroll Rect page for details on using the Scroll Rect component.

Animation Integration

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Animation allows for each transition between control states to be fully animated using Unity’s animation system.
This is the most powerful of the transition modes due to the number of properties that can be animated

To use the Animation transition mode, an Animator Component needs to be attached to the controller
element. This can be done automatically by clicking “Auto Generate Animation”. This also generates an
Animator Controller with states already set up, which will need to be saved.
The new Animator controller is ready to use straight away. Unlike most Animator Controllers, this controller also
stores the animations for the controller’s transitions and these can be customised, if desired.

For example, if a Button element with an Animator controller attached is selected, the animations for each of the
button’s states can be edited by opening the Animation window (Window>Animation).
There is an Animation Clip pop-up menu to select the desired clip. Choose from “Normal”, “Highlighted”,
“Pressed” and “Disabled”.

The Normal State is set by the values on button element itself and can be left empty. On all other states, the most
common con guration is a single keyframe at the start of the timeline. The transition animation between states
will be handled by the Animator.
As an example, the width of the button in the Highlighted State could be changed by selecting the Highlighted
state from the Animation Clip pop up menu and with the playhead at the start of the time line:

Select the record Button
Change the width of the Button in the inspector
Exit the record mode.
Change to play mode to see how the button grows when highlighted.
Any number of properties can have their parameters set in this one keyframe.
Several buttons can share the same behaviour by sharing Animator Controllers.
The UI Animation transition mode is not compatible with Unity’s legacy animation system. You should only
use the Animator Component.

Auto Layout

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The Rect Transform layout system is exible enough to handle a lot of di erent types of layouts and it also allows placing elements in a
complete freeform fashion. However, sometimes something a bit more structured can be needed.
The auto layout system provides ways to place elements in nested layout groups such as horizontal groups, vertical groups, or grids. It
also allows elements to automatically be sized according to the contained content. For example a button can be dynamically resized to
exactly t its text content plus some padding.
The auto layout system is a system built on top of the basic Rect Transform layout system. It can optionally be used on some or all

Understanding Layout Elements
The auto layout system is based on a concept of layout elements and layout controllers. A layout element is an Game Object with a
Rect Transform and optionally other components as well. The layout element has certain knowledge about which size it should have.
Layout elements don’t directly set their own size, but other components that function as layout controllers can use the information they
provide in order to calculate a size to use for them.
A layout element has properties that de nes its own:

Minimum width
Minimum height
Preferred width
Preferred height
Flexible width
Flexible height
Examples of layout controller components that use the information provided by layout elements are Content Size Fitter and the various
Layout Group components. The basic principles for how layout elements in a layout group are sized is as follows:

First minimum sizes are allocated.
If there is su cient available space, preferred sizes are allocated.
If there is additional available space, exible size is allocated.
Any Game Object with a Rect Transform on it can function as a layout element. They will by default have minimum, preferred, and exible
sizes of 0. Certain components will change these layout properties when added to the Game Object.
The Image and Text components are two examples of components that provide layout element properties. They change the preferred
width and height to match the sprite or text content.

Layout Element Component
If you want to override the minimum, preferred, or exible size, you can do that by adding a Layout Element component to the Game

The Layout Element component lets you override the values for one or more of the layout properties. Enable the checkbox for a property
you want to override and then specify the value you want to override with.
See the reference page for Layout Element for more information.

Understanding Layout Controllers
Layout controllers are components that control the sizes and possibly positions of one or more layout elements, meaning Game Objects
with Rect Transforms on. A layout controller may control its own layout element (the same Game Object it is on itself) or it may control
child layout elements.

A component that functions as a layout controller may also itself function as a layout element at the same time.

Content Size Fitter
The Content Size Fitter functions as a layout controller that controls the size of its own layout element. The simplest way to see the auto
layout system in action is to add a Content Size Fitter component to a Game Object with a Text component.

If you set either the Horizontal Fit or Vertical Fit to Preferred, the Rect Transform will adjust its width and/or height to t the Text content.
See the reference page for Content Size Fitter for more information.

Aspect Ratio Fitter
The Aspect Ratio Fitter functions as a layout controller that controls the size of its own layout element.

It can adjust the height to t the width or vice versa, or it can make the element t inside its parent or envelope its parent. The Aspect
Ratio Fitter does not take layout information into account such as minimum size and preferred size.
See the reference page for Aspect Ratio Fitter for more information.

Layout Groups
A layout group functions as a layout controller that controls the sizes and positions of its child layout elements. For example, a Horizontal
Layout Group places its children next to each other, and a Grid Layout Group places its children in a grid.
A layout group doesn’t control its own size. Instead it functions as a layout element itself which may be controlled by other layout
controllers or be set manually.
Whatever size a layout group is allocated, it will in most cases try to allocate an appropriate amount of space for each of its child layout
elements based on the minimum, preferred, and exible sizes they reported. Layout groups can also be nested arbitrarily this way.
See the reference pages for Horizontal Layout Group, Vertical Layout Group and Grid Layout Group for more information.

Driven Rect Transform properties
Since a layout controller in the auto layout system can automatically control the sizes and placement of certain UI elements, those sizes
and positions should not be manually edited at the same time through the Inspector or Scene View. Such changed values would just get
reset by the layout controller on the next layout calculation anyway.
The Rect Transform has a concept of driven properties to address this. For example, a Content Size Fitter which has the Horizontal Fit
property set to Minimum or Preferred will drive the width of the Rect Transform on the same Game Object. The width will appear as readonly and a small info box at the top of the Rect Transform will inform that one or more properties are driven by Conten Size Fitter.
The driven Rect Transforms properties have other reasons beside preventing manual editing. A layout can be changed just by changing
the resolution or size of the Game View. This in turn can change the size or placement of layout elements, which changes the values of
driven properties. But it wouldn’t be desirable that the Scene is marked as having unsaved changes just because the Game View was
resized. To prevent this, the values of driven properties are not saved as part of the Scene and changes to them do not mark the scene as

Technical Details
The auto layout system comes with certain components built-in, but it is also possible to create new components that controls layouts in
custom ways. This is done by having a component implement speci c interfaces which are recognized by the auto layout system.

Layout Interfaces

A component is treated as a layout element by the auto layout system if it implements the interface ILayoutElement.
A component is expected to drive the Rect Transforms of its children if it implements the interface ILayoutGroup.
A component is expected to drive its own RectTransform if it implements the interface ILayoutSelfController.

Layout Calculations
The auto layout system evaluates and executes layouts in the following order:

The minimum, preferred, and exible widths of layout elements are calculated by calling CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal
on ILayoutElement components. This is performed in bottom-up order, where children are calculated before their
parents, such that the parents may take the information in their children into account in their own calculations.
The e ective widths of layout elements are calculated and set by calling SetLayoutHorizontal on ILayoutController
components. This is performed in top-down order, where children are calculated after their parents, since allocation of
child widths needs to be based on the full width available in the parent. After this step the Rect Transforms of the layout
elements have their new widths.
The minimum, preferred, and exible heights of layout elements are calculated by calling CalculateLayoutInputVertical
on ILayoutElement components. This is performed in bottom-up order, where children are calculated before their
parents, such that the parents may take the information in their children into account in their own calculations.
The e ective heights of layout elements are calculated and set by calling SetLayoutVertical on ILayoutController
components. This is performed in top-down order, where children are calculated after their parents, since allocation of
child heights needs to be based on the full height available in the parent. After this step the Rect Transforms of the
layout elements have their new heights.
As can be seen from the above, the auto layout system evaluates widths rst and then evaluates heights afterwards. Thus, calculated
heights may depend on widths, but calculated widths can never depend on heights.

Triggering Layout Rebuild
When a property on a component changes which can cause the current layout to no longer be valid, a layout recalculation is needed. This
can be triggered using the call:
LayoutRebuilder.MarkLayoutForRebuild (transform as RectTransform);
The rebuild will not happen immediately, but at the end of the current frame, just before rendering happens. The reason it is not
immediate is that this would cause layouts to be potentially rebuild many times during the same frame, which would be bad for
Guidelines for when a rebuild should be triggered:

In setters for properties that can change the layout.
In these callbacks:
OnValidate (only needed in the editor, not at runtime)

Rich Text

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The text for UI elements and text meshes can incorporate multiple font styles and sizes. Rich text is supported
both for the UI System and the legacy GUI system. The Text, GUIStyle, GUIText and TextMesh classes have a Rich
Text setting which instructs Unity to look for markup tags within the text. The Debug.Log function can also use
these markup tags to enhance error reports from code. The tags are not displayed but indicate style changes to
be applied to the text.

Markup format
The markup system is inspired by HTML but isn’t intended to be strictly compatible with standard HTML. The
basic idea is that a section of text can be enclosed inside a pair of matching tags:We are not amused
As the example shows, the tags are just pieces of text inside the “angle bracket” characters, < and >. The text
inside the tag denotes its name (which in this case is just b). Note that the tag at the end of the section has the
same name as the one at the start but with the slash / character added. The tags are not displayed to the user
directly but are interpreted as instructions for styling the text they enclose. The b tag used in the example above
applies boldface to the word “not”, so the text will appear onscreen as:We are not amused
A marked up section of text (including the tags that enclose it) is referred to as an element.

Nested elements
It is possible to apply more than one style to a section of text by “nesting” one element inside another
We are de nitely not amused
The i tag applies italic style, so this would be presented onscreen as
We are de nitely not amused
Note the ordering of the ending tags, which is in reverse to that of the starting tags. The reason for this is perhaps
clearer when you consider that the inner tags need not span the whole text of the outermost element
We are absolutely de nitely not amused
which gives
We are absolutely de nitely not amused

Tag parameters
Some tags have a simple all-or-nothing e ect on the text but others might allow for variations. For example, the
color tag needs to know which color to apply. Information like this is added to tags by the use of parameters:We are green with envy

Note that the ending tag doesn’t include the parameter value. Optionally, the value can be surrounded by
quotation marks but this isn’t required.

Supported tags
The following list describes all the styling tags supported by Unity.



We are not
Renders the text in boldface.
We are usually
Renders the text in italics.
not amused.
Although this tag
is available for
Debug.Log, you
We are
will nd that the
Sets the size of the text according to the
largely line spacing in the
parameter value, given in pixels.
una ected.
window bar and
Console looks
strange if the size
is set too large.
Another option is
to use the name
of the color. This is
easier to
Sets the color of the text according to the
understand but
parameter value. The color can be speci ed in the
naturally, the
traditional HTML format. #rrggbbaa …where the
range of colors is
color letters correspond to pairs of hexadecimal digits
limited and full
denoting the red, green, blue and alpha
opacity is always
(transparency) values for the color. For example,
cyan at full opacity would be speci ed by
The available color
names are given
in the table below.
Color name
Hex value Swatch
aqua (same as cyan)








cyan (same as aqua)


Color name

Hex value




fuchsia (same as magenta) #ff00ffff








magenta (same as fuchsia) #ff00ffff




















This is only useful for text meshes and renders a section of text with a material speci ed by the parameter. The
value is an index into the text mesh’s array of materials as shown by the inspector.
We are texturally amused
This is only useful for text meshes and renders an image inline with the text. It takes parameters that specify the
material to use for the image, the image height in pixels, and a further four that denote a rectangular area of the
image to display. Unlike the other tags, quad does not surround a piece of text and so there is no ending tag - the
slash character is placed at the end of the initial tag to indicate that it is “self-closing”.

This selects the material at position in the renderer’s material array and sets the height of the image to 20 pixels.
The rectangular area of image starts at given by the x, y, width and height values, which are all given as a fraction
of the unscaled width and height of the texture.

Editor GUI
Rich text is disabled by default in the editor GUI system but it can be enabled explicitly using a custom GUIStyle.
The richText property should be set to true and the style passed to the GUI function in question:-

GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle ();
style.richText = true;
GUILayout.Label("Some RICH text",style);

UI Reference
This section goes into more depth about Unity’s UI features.

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Rect Transform

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The Rect Transform component is the 2D layout counterpart of the Transform component. Where Transform
represents a single point, Rect Transform represent a rectangle that a UI element can be placed inside. If the
parent of a Rect Transform is also a Rect Transform, the child Rect Transform can also specify how it should be
positioned and sized relative to the parent rectangle.

Pos (X, Y, Z) Position of the rectangle’s pivot point relative to the anchors.
Width/Height Width and height of the rectangle.
Left, Top,
Positions of the rectangle’s edges relative to their anchors. This can be thought of as
padding inside the rectangle de ned by the anchors. Shown in place of Pos and
Width/Height when the anchors are separated (see below).
The anchor points for the lower left corner and the upper right corner of the
The anchor point for the lower left corner of the rectangle de ned as a fraction of
the size of the parent rectangle. 0,0 corresponds to anchoring to the lower left
corner of the parent, while 1,1 corresponds to anchoring to the upper right corner of
the parent.
The anchor point for the upper right corner of the rectangle de ned as a fraction of
the size of the parent rectangle. 0,0 corresponds to anchoring to the lower left
corner of the parent, while 1,1 corresponds to anchoring to the upper right corner of
the parent.
Location of the pivot point around which the rectangle rotates, de ned as a fraction
of the size of the rectangle itself. 0,0 corresponds to the lower left corner while 1,1
corresponds to the upper right corner.
Angle of rotation (in degrees) of the object around its pivot point along the X, Y and Z
Scale factor applied to the object in the X, Y and Z dimensions.


Note that some RectTransform calculations are performed at the end of a frame, just before calculating UI
vertices, in order to ensure that they are up to date with all the latest changes performed throughout the frame.
This means that they haven’t yet been calculated for the rst time in the Start callback and rst Update callback.
You can work around this by creating a Start() callback and adding Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases()
method to it. This will force Canvas to be updated not at the end of the frame, but when that method is called.
See the Basic Layout page for a full introduction and overview of how to use the Rect Transform.

Canvas Components
All UI Components are placed within a Canvas.

Canvas Scaler
Canvas Group
Canvas Renderer

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The Canvas component represents the abstract space in which the UI is laid out and rendered. All UI elements must be children
of a GameObject that has a Canvas component attached. When you create a UI element object from the menu (GameObject >
Create UI), a Canvas object will be created automatically if there isn’t one in the scene already.

Screen Space - Overlay Set

Screen Space - Camera Set

World Space Set

Render Mode
Pixel Perfect (Screen
Screen Space
modes only)
Render Camera__ (Screen
Space - Camera mode
Plane Distance (Screen
Space - Camera mode only)
Event Camera (World
World Space
mode only)
Receives Events


The way the UI is rendered to the screen or as an object in 3D space (see below).
The options are Screen Space - Overlay, Screen Space - Camera and World Space.
Should the UI be rendered without antialiasing for precision?
The camera to which the UI should be rendered (see below).
The distance at which the UI plane should be placed in front of the camera.
The camera that will be used to process UI events.
Are UI events processed by this Canvas?

A single Canvas for all UI elements is su cient but multiple Canvases in the scene is possible. It is also possible use nested
Canvases, where one Canvas is placed as a child of another for optimization purposes. A nested Canvas uses the same Render
Mode as its parent.
Traditionally, UIs are rendered as if they were simple graphic designs drawn directly on the screen. That is to say, they have no
concept of a 3D space being viewed by a camera. Unity supports this kind of screen space rendering but also allows UIs to
rendered as objects in the scene, depending on the value of the Render Mode property. The modes available are Screen Space Overlay, Screen Space - Camera and World Space.

Screen Space - Overlay
In this mode, the Canvas is scaled to t the screen and then rendered directly without reference to the scene or a camera (the UI
will be rendered even if there is no camera in the scene at all). If the screen’s size or resolution are changed then the UI will
automatically rescale to t. The UI will be drawn over any other graphics such as the camera view.

Overlay UI rendered over scene objects
Note: The Screen Space - Overlay canvas needs to be stored at the top level of the hierarchy. If this is not used then the UI may
disappear from the view. This is a built-in limitation. Keep the Screen Space - Overlay canvas at the top level of the hierarchy to
get expected results.

Screen Space - Camera
In this mode, the Canvas is rendered as if it were drawn on a plane object some distance in front of a given camera. The
onscreen size of the UI does not vary with the distance since it is always rescaled to t exactly within the camera frustum. If the
screen’s size or resolution or the camera frustum are changed then the UI will automatically rescale to t. Any 3D objects in the
scene that are closer to the camera than the UI plane will be rendered in front of the UI, while objects behind the plane will be

Camera mode UI with scene objects in front

World Space

This mode renders the UI as if it were a plane object in the scene. Unlike Screen Space - Camera mode, however, the plane need
not face the camera and can be oriented however you like. The size of the Canvas can be set using its Rect Transform but its
onscreen size will depend on the viewing angle and distance of the camera. Other scene objects can pass behind, through or in
front of the Canvas.

World space UI intersecting scene objects


Read more about setting up a World Space Canvas on the Creating a World Space UI page.
For information about making your Canvas and UI scale to di erent resolutions or aspect ratios, see the
Designing UI for Multiple Resolutions page as well as the Canvas Scaler page.

Canvas Scaler

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The Canvas Scaler component is used for controlling the overall scale and pixel density of UI elements in the Canvas.
This scaling a ects everything under the Canvas, including font sizes and image borders.

UI Scale Mode
Determines how UI elements in the Canvas are scaled.
Constant Pixel Size Makes UI elements retain the same size in pixels regardless of screen size.
Scale With Screen
Makes UI elements bigger the bigger the screen is.
Constant Physical Makes UI elements retain the same physical size regardless of screen size and
Settings for Constant Pixel Size:

Scale Factor
Reference Pixels Per

Scales all UI elements in the Canvas by this factor.
If a sprite has this ‘Pixels Per Unit’ setting, then one pixel in the sprite will cover
one unit in the UI.

Settings for Scale With Screen Size:

The resolution the UI layout is designed for. If the screen resolution is larger, the UI
will be scaled up, and if it’s smaller, the UI will be scaled down.
Screen Match A mode used to scale the canvas area if the aspect ratio of the current resolution
doesn’t t the reference resolution.
Scale the canvas area with the width as reference, the height as reference, or
Width or Height something in between.
Expand the canvas area either horizontally or vertically, so the size of the canvas will
never be smaller than the reference.
Crop the canvas area either horizontally or vertically, so the size of the canvas will
never be larger than the reference.
Determines if the scaling is using the width or height as reference, or a mix in
If a sprite has this ‘Pixels Per Unit’ setting, then one pixel in the sprite will cover one
Pixels Per Unit unit in the UI.
Settings for Constant Physical Size:

Physical Unit
The physical unit to specify positions and sizes in.
Fallback Screen
The DPI to assume if the screen DPI is not known.

Default Sprite
Reference Pixels
Per Unit

The pixels per inch to use for sprites that have a ‘Pixels Per Unit’ setting that matches
the ‘Reference Pixels Per Unit’ setting.
If a sprite has this ‘Pixels Per Unit’ setting, then its DPI will match the ‘Default Sprite
DPI’ setting.

Settings for World Space Canvas (shown when Canvas component is set to World Space):

Pixels Per
Pixels Per


The amount of pixels per unit to use for dynamically created bitmaps in the UI, such as
If a sprite has this ‘Pixels Per Unit’ setting, then one pixel in the sprite will cover one unit in
the world. If the ‘Reference Pixels Per Unit’ is set to 1, then the ‘Pixels Per Unit’ setting in the
sprite will be used as-is.

For a Canvas set to ‘Screen Space - Overlay’ or ‘Screen Space - Camera’, the Canvas Scaler UI Scale Mode can be set to
Constant Pixel Size, Scale With Screen Size, or Constant Physical Size.

Constant Pixel Size
Using the Constant Pixel Size mode, positions and sizes of UI elements are speci ed in pixels on the screen. This is also
the default functionality of the Canvas when no Canvas Scaler is attached. However, With the Scale Factor setting in the
Canvas Scaler, a constant scaling can be applied to all UI elements in the Canvas.

Scale With Screen Size
Using the Scale With Screen Size mode, positions and sizes can be speci ed according to the pixels of a speci ed
reference resolution. If the current screen resolution is larger than the reference resolution, the Canvas will keep
having only the resolution of the reference resolution, but will scale up in order to t the screen. If the current screen
resolution is smaller than the reference resolution, the Canvas will similarly be scaled down to t.
If the current screen resolution has a di erent aspect ratio than the reference resolution, scaling each axis individually
to t the screen would result in non-uniform scaling, which is generally undesirable. Instead of this, the
ReferenceResolution component will make the Canvas resolution deviate from the reference resolution in order to
respect the aspect ratio of the screen. It is possible to control how this deviation should behave using the Screen Match
Mode setting.

Constant Physical Size
Using the Constant Physical Size mode, positions and sizes of UI elements are speci ed in physical units, such as
millimeters, points, or picas. This mode relies on the device reporting its screen DPI correctly. You can specify a fallback
DPI to use for devices that do not report a DPI.

World Space
For a Canvas set to ‘World Space’ the Canvas Scaler can be used to control the pixel density of UI elements in the


See the page Designing UI for Multiple Resolutions for a step by step explanation of how Rect Transform
anchoring and Canvas Scaler can be used in conjunction to make UI layouts that adapt to di erent
resolutions and aspect ratios.

Canvas Group

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The Canvas Group can be used to control certain aspects of a whole group of UI elements from one place without needing to
handle them each individually. The properties of the Canvas Group a ect the GameObject it is on as well as all children.


The opacity of the UI elements in this group. The value is between 0 and 1 where 0 is fully
transparent and 1 is fully opaque. Note that elements retain their own transparency as well, so the
Canvas Group alpha and the alpha values of the individual UI elements are multiplied with each
Interactable Determines if this component will accept input. When it is set to false interaction is disabled.

Will this component act as a collider for Raycasts? You will need to call the RayCast function on the
graphic raycaster attached to the Canvas. This does not apply to Physics.Raycast.
Will this group also be a ected by the settings in Canvas Group components further up in the Game
Object hierarchy, or will it ignore those and hence override them?

Typical uses of Canvas Group are:

Fading in or out a whole window by adding a Canvas Group on the GameObject of the Window and control its
Alpha property.
Making a whole set of controls non-interactable (“grayed out”) by adding a Canvas Group to a parent GameObject
and setting its Interactable property to false.
Making one or more UI elements not block mouse events by placing a Canvas Group component on the element
or one of its parents and setting its Block Raycasts property to false.

Canvas Renderer

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The Canvas Renderer component renders a graphical UI object contained within a Canvas.

The Canvas Renderer has no properties exposed in the inspector.

The standard UI objects available from the menu (GameObject > Create UI) all have Canvas Renderers attached
wherever they are required but you may need to add this component manually for custom UI objects. Although
there are no properties exposed in the inspector, a few properties and function can be accessed from scripts - see
the CanvasRenderer page in the Script Reference for full details.

Visual Components
The visual components allow for ease of creation and GUI speci c functionality.

Raw Image

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The Text control displays a non-interactive piece of text to the user. This can be used to provide captions or labels
for other GUI controls or to display instructions or other text.


Font Style
Font Size
Line Spacing
Rich Text
Align by
Over ow
Over ow
Best Fit

The text displayed by the control.
The Font used to display the text.
The style applied to the text. The options are Normal, Bold, Italic and Bold And Italic.
The size of the displayed text.
The vertical separation between lines of text.
Should markup elements in the text be interpreted as Rich Text styling?
The horizontal and vertical alignment of the text.
Use the extents of glyph geometry to perform horizontal alignment rather than glyph
The method used to handle the situation where the text is too wide to t in the
rectangle. The options are Wrap and Over ow.
The method used to handle the situation where wrapped text is too tall to t in the
rectangle. The options are Truncate and Over ow.
Should Unity ignore the size properties and simply try to t the text to the control’s
The color used to render the text.
The Material used to render the text.

A default text element looks like this:

A Text element.


Some controls (such as Buttons and Toggles) have textual descriptions built-in. For controls that have no implicit
text (such as Sliders), you can indicate the purpose using a label created with a Text control. Text is also useful for
lists of instructions, story text, conversations and legal disclaimers.
The Text control o ers the usual parameters for font size, style, etc, and text alignment. When the Rich Text
option is enabled, markup elements within the text will be treated as styling information, so you can have just a
single word or short section in boldface or in a di erent color, say (see the page about Rich Text for details of the
markup scheme).

See the E ects page for how to apply a simple shadow or outline e ect to the text.


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The Image control displays a non-interactive image to the user. This can be used for decoration, icons, etc, and the image can also
be changed from a script to re ect changes in other controls. The control is similar to the Raw Image control but o ers more
options for animating the image and accurately ling the control rectangle. However, the Image control requires its texture to be a
Sprite, while the Raw Image can accept any texture.

An Image control


Source Image

The texture that represents the image to display (which must be imported as a Sprite).
The color to apply to the image.
The Material to use for rendering the image.

Raycast Target Should this be considered a target for raycasting?
Preserve Aspect Ensure image remains existing dimension.
Set Native Size Button to set the dimensions of the image box to the original pixel size of the texture.


The image to display must be imported as a Sprite to work with the Image control.

Raw Image

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The Raw Image control displays a non-interactive image to the user. This can be used for decoration, icons, etc, and the image can also
be changed from a script to re ect changes in other controls. The control is similar to the Image control but does not have the same set
of options for animating the image and accurately ling the control rectangle. However, the Raw Image can display any texture whilst
the Image can only show a Sprite texture.

A Raw Image control


Property: Function:
Texture The texture that represents the image to display.
The color to apply to the image.
Material The Material to use for rendering the image.
The image’s o set and size within the control rectangle, given in normalized coordinates (range 0.0 to 1.0).
Rectangle The edges of the image are stretched to ll the space around the UV rectangle.


Since the Raw Image does not require a sprite texture, you can use it to display any texture available to the Unity player. For example,
you might show an image downloaded from a URL using the WWW class or a texture from an object in a game.
The UV Rectangle properties allow you to display a small section of a larger image. The X and Y coordinates specify which part of the
image is aligned with the bottom left corner of the control. For example, an X coordinate of 0.25 will cut o the leftmost quarter of the
image. The W and H (ie, width and height) properties indicate the width and height of the section of image that will be scaled to t the
control rectangle. For example, a width and height of 0.5 will scale a quarter of the image area up to the control rectangle. By changing
these properties, you can zoom and scale the image as desired (see also the Scrollbar control).


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A Mask is not a visible UI control but rather a way to modify the appearance of a control’s child elements. The mask
restricts (ie, “masks”) the child elements to the shape of the parent. So, if the child is larger than the parent then only the
part of the child that ts within the parent will be visible.

Section of a large Image masked by a Panel (Scrollbars are separate controls)


Show Graphic Should the graphic of the masking (parent) object be drawn with alpha over the child object?


A common use of a Mask is to show a small section of a large Image, using say a Panel object (menu: GameObject >
Create UI > Panel) as a “frame”. You can achieve this by rstly making the Image a child of the Panel object. You should
position the Image so that the area that should be visible is directly behind the Panel area.

Panel area shown in red with child Image behind
Then, add a Mask component to the Panel. The areas of the child Image outside the panel will become invisible since they
are masked by the shape of the Panel.

Masked areas shown faint, but would really be invisible
If the image is then moved around then only the part revealed by the Panel will be visible. The movement could be
controlled by Scrollbars to create a scrollable viewer for a map, say.

Masking is implemented using the stencil bu er of the GPU.
The rst Mask element writes a 1 to the stencil bu er All elements below the mask check when rendering, and only render to
areas where there is a 1 in the stencil bu er *Nested Masks will write incremental bit masks into the bu er, this means
that renderable children need to have the logical & of the stencil values to be rendered.


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A RectMask2D is a masking control similar to the Mask control. The mask restricts the child elements to the
rectangle of the parent element. Unlike the standard Mask control it has some limitations, but it also has a
number of performance bene ts.

A common use of a RectMask2D is to show small sections of a larger area. Using the RectMask2D to frame this
The limitations of RectMask2D control are:

It only works in 2D space
It will not properly mask elements that are not coplanar
The advantages of RectMask2D are:

It does not use the stencil bu er
No extra draw calls
No material changes
Fast performance

UI E ect Components

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The e ects components allow adding simple e ects to Text and Image graphics, such as shadow and outline.

Position as UV1


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The Shadow component adds a simple outline e ect to graphic components such as Text or Image. It must be on
the same GameObject as the graphic component.

E ect Color
The color of the shadow.
E ect Distance
The o set of the shadow expressed as a vector.
Use Graphic Alpha Multiplies the color of the graphic onto the color of the e ect.


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The Outline component adds a simple outline e ect to graphic components such as Text or Image. It must be on
the same GameObject as the graphic component.

E ect Color
The color of the outline.
E ect Distance
The distance of the outline e ect horizontally and vertically.
Use Graphic Alpha Multiplies the color of the graphic onto the color of the e ect.

Position as UV1
This adds a simple Position as UV1 e ect to text and image graphics.

Property: Function:

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Interaction Components

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The interaction components in the UI system handle interaction, such as mouse or touch events and interaction
using a keyboard or controller.

Selectable Base Class
Toggle Group
Scroll Rect

Selectable Base Class

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The Selectable Class is the base class for all the interaction components and it handles the items that are in


This determines if this component will accept input. When it is set to false interaction
is disabled and the transition state will be set to the disabled state.
Within a selectable component there are several Transition Options depending on
Transition what state the selectable is currently in. The di erent states are: normal, highlighted,
pressed and disabled.
There are also a number of Navigation Options to control how keyboard navigation of
the controls is implemented.

Transition Options

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Within a selectable component there are several transition options depending on what state the selectable is
currently in. The di erent states are: normal, highlighted, pressed and disabled.



This option is for the button to have no state e ects at all.
Changes the colour of the button depending on what state it is in. It is possible to select
the colour for each individual state. It is also possible to set the Fade Duration between
Color Tint
the di erent states. The higher the number is, the slower the fade between colors will
Allows di erent sprites to display depending on what state the button is currently in,
the sprites can be customised.
Allows animations to occur depending on the state of the button, an
animator component must exist in order to use animation transition. It’s important
Animation to make sure root motion is disabled. To create an animation controller click on
generate animation (or create your own) and make sure that an animation controller
has been added to the animator component of the button.
Each Transition option (except None) provides additional options for controlling the transitions. We’ll go into
details with those in each of the sections below.

Color Tint


The graphic used for the interaction component.
The normal color of the control

The color of the control when it is highlighted
The color of the control when it is pressed
The color of the control when it is disabled
This multiplies the tint color for each transition by its value. With this you can create
colors greater than 1 to brighten the colors (or alpha channel) on graphic elements
whose base color is less than white (or less then full alpha).
The time taken, in seconds, to fade from one state to another

Sprite Swap

Target Graphic
The normal sprite to use
Highlighted Sprite Sprite to use when the control is highlighted
Pressed Sprite
Sprite to use when the control is pressed
Disabled Sprite
Sprite to use when the control is disabled


Normal Trigger
The normal animation trigger to use
Highlighted Trigger Trigger to use when the control is highlighted
Pressed Trigger
Trigger to use when the control is pressed

Disabled Trigger

Trigger to use when the control is disabled

Navigation Options


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The Navigation options refers to how the navigation of UI elements in play mode will
be controlled.
No keyboard navigation. Also ensures that it does not receive focus from
clicking/tapping on it.
Horizontal Navigates Horizontally.
Navigates Vertically.
Automatic Automatic Navigation.
In this mode you can explicitly specify where the control navigates to for di erent
arrow keys.
Selecting Visualize gives you a visual representation of the navigation you have set up
in the scene window. See below.

Scene window showing the visualized navigation connections
In the above visualization mode, the arrows indicate how the change of focus is set up for the collection of
controls as a group. That means - for each individual UI control - you can see which UI control will get focus next,
if the user presses an arrow key when the given control has focus. So in the example shown above, If the “button”
has focus and the user presses the right arrow key, the rst (left-hand) vertical slider will then become focused.
Note that the vertical sliders can’t be focused-away-from using up or down keys, because they control the value of
the slider. The same is true of the horizontal sliders and the left/right arrow keys.


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The Button control responds to a click from the user and is used to initiate or con rm an action. Familiar
examples include the Submit and Cancel buttons used on web forms.

A Button.

Interactable Will this component will accept input? See Interactable.
Properties that determine the way the control responds visually to user actions. See
Transition Options.
Navigation Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options.


Property: Function:
On Click A UnityEvent that is invoked when when a user clicks the button and releases it.


The button is designed to initiate an action when the user clicks and releases it. If the mouse is moved o the
button control before the click is released, the action does not take place.
The button has a single event called On Click that responds when the user completes a click. Typical use cases

Con rming a decision (eg, starting gameplay or saving a game)
Moving to a sub-menu in a GUI
Cancelling an action in progress (eg, downloading a new scene)


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The Toggle control is a checkbox that allows the user to switch an option on or o .

A Toggle.

Interactable Will this component will accept input? See Interactable.
Properties that determine the way the control responds visually to user actions. See
Transition Options.
Navigation Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options.
Is On
Is the toggle switched on from the beginning?
The way the toggle reacts graphically when its value is changed. The options are None
(ie, the checkmark simply appears or disappears) and Fade (ie, the checkmark fades in
or out).
The image used for the checkmark.
The Toggle Group (if any) that this Toggle belongs to.



On Value


A UnityEvent that is invoked when the Toggle is clicked. The event can send the
current state as a bool type dynamic argument.

The Toggle control allows the user to switch an option on or o . You can also combine several toggles into a
Toggle Group in cases where only one of a set of options should be on at once.
The Toggle has a single event called On Value Changed that responds when the user changes the current value.
The new value is passed to the event function as a boolean parameter. Typical use cases for Toggles include:

Switching an option on or o (eg, playing music during a game).
Letting the user con rm they have read a legal disclaimer.
Choosing one of a set of options (eg, a day of the week) when used in a Toggle Group.
Note that the Toggle is a parent that provides a clickable area to children. If the Toggle has no children (or they
are disabled) then it is not clickable.

Toggle Group

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A Toggle Group is not a visible UI control but rather a way to modify the behavior of a set of Toggles. Toggles that belong to the
same group are constrained so that only one of them can switched on at a time - pressing one of them to switch it on
automatically switches the others o .

A Toggle Group

Property: Function:
Allow Is it allowed that no toggle is switched on? If this setting is enabled, pressing the toggle that is currently
Switch switched on will switch it o , so that no toggle is switched on. If this setting is disabled, pressing the
toggle that is currently switched on will not change its state.


The Toggle Group is setup by dragging the Toggle Group object to the Group property of each of the Toggles in the group.
Toggle Groups are useful anywhere the user must make a choice from a mutually exclusive set of options. Common examples
include selecting player character types, speed settings (slow, medium, fast, etc), preset colors and days of the week. You can have
more than one Toggle Group object in the scene at a time, so you can create several separate groups if necessary.
Unlike other UI elements, an object with a Toggle Group component does not need to be a child of a Canvas object, although the
Toggles themselves still do.
Note that the Toggle Group will not enforce its constraint right away if multiple toggles in the group are switched on when the
scene is loaded or when the group is instantiated. Only when a new toggle is swicthed on are the others switched o . This means
it’s up to you to ensure that only one toggle is switched on from the beginning.


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The Slider control allows the user to select a numeric value from a predetermined range by dragging the mouse.
Note that the similar ScrollBar control is used for scrolling rather than selecting numeric values. Familiar examples
include di culty settings in games and brightness settings in image editors.

A Slider.

Interactable Will this component accept input? See Interactable.
Properties that determine the way the control responds visually to user actions. See
Transition Options.
Navigation Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options.
Fill Rect
The graphic used for the ll area of the control.
Handle Rect The graphic used for the sliding “handle” part of the control
The direction in which the slider’s value will increase when the handle is dragged. The
options are Left To Right, Right To Left, Bottom To Top and Top To Bottom.
The value of the slider when the handle is at its extreme lower end (determined by the
Min Value
Direction property).

Max Value

The value of the slider when the handle is at its extreme upper end (determined by the
Direction property).


Should the slider be constrained to integer values?


Current numeric value of the slider. If the value is set in the inspector it will be used as
the initial value, but this will change at runtime when the value changes.


Property: Function:
A UnityEvent that is invoked when the current value of the Slider has changed. The event
can send the current value as a float type dynamic argument. The value is passed as a
Changed oat type regardless of whether the Whole Numbers property is enabled.


The value of a Slider is determined by the position of the handle along its length. The value increases from the Min
Value up to the Max Value in proportion to the distance the handle is dragged. The default behaviour is for the slider
to increase from left to right but it is also possible to reverse this behavior using the Direction property. You can also
set the slider to increase vertically by selecting Bottom To Top or Top To Bottom for the Direction property.
The slider has a single event called On Value Changed that responds as the user drags the handle. The current
numeric value of the slider is passed to the function as a float parameter. Typical use cases include:

Choosing a level of di culty in a game, brightness of a light, etc.
Setting a distance, size, time or angle.


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The Scrollbar control allows the user to scroll an image or other view that is too large to see completely. Note
that the similar Slider control is used for selecting numeric values rather than scrolling. Familiar examples include
the vertical Scrollbar at the side of a text editor and the vertical and horizontal pair of bars for viewing a section of
a large image or map.

A Scrollbar.

Interactable Will this component accept input? See Interactable.
Properties that determine the way the control responds visually to user actions. See
Transition Options.
Navigation Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options.
Fill Rect
The graphic used for the background area of the control.
Handle Rect The graphic used for the sliding “handle” part of the control
The direction in which the Scrollbar’s value will increase when the handle is dragged.
The options are Left To Right, Right To Left, Bottom To Top and Top To Bottom.
Initial position value of the Scrollbar, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
Fractional size of the handle within the Scrollbar, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

Number Of
The number of distinct scroll positions allowed by the Scrollbar.

On Value


A UnityEvent that is invoked when the current value of the Scrollbar changes. The event
can send the value as a float type dynamic argument.

The value of a Scrollbar is determined by the position of the handle along its length with the value being reported
as a fraction between the extreme ends. For example, the default left-to-right bar has a value of 0.0 at the left
end, 1.0 at the right end and 0.5 indicates the halfway point. A scrollbar can be oriented vertically by choosing Top
To Bottom or Bottom To Top for the Direction property.
A signi cant di erence between the Scrollbar and the similar Slider control is that the Scrollbar’s handle can
change in size to represent the distance of scrolling available; when the view can scroll only a short way, the
handle will ll up most of the bar and only allow a slight shift either direction.
The Scrollbar has a single event called On Value Changed that responds as the user drags the handle. The current
value is passed to the even function as a float parameter. Typical use cases for a scrollbar include:

Scrolling a piece of text vertically.
Scrolling a timeline horizontally.
Used as a pair, scrolling a large image both horizontally and vertically to view a zoomed section. The
size of the handle changes to indicate the degree of zooming and therefore the available distance
for scrolling.


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The Dropdown can be used to let the user choose a single option from a list of options.
The control shows the currently chosen option. Once clicked, it opens up the list of options so a new option can
be chosen. Upon choosing a new option, the list of closed again, and the control shows the new selected option.
The list is also closed if the user clicks on the control itself, or anywhere else inside the Canvas.

A Dropdown.

A Dropdown with its list of options open.

Interactable Will this component will accept input? See Interactable.
Properties that determine the way the control responds visually to user actions. See
Transition Options.
Navigation Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options.
The Rect Transform of the template for the dropdown list. See instructions below.
The Text component to hold the text of the currently selected option. (Optional)
The Image component to hold the image of the currently selected option. (Optional)
Item Text
The Text component to hold the text of the item. (Optional)
Item Image The Image component to hold the image of the item. (Optional)
The index of the currently selected option. 0 is the rst option, 1 is the second, and so


On Value


The list of possible options. A text string and an image can be speci ed for each

A UnityEvent that is invoked when a user has clicked one of the options in the
dropdown list.

The list of options is speci ed in the Inspector or can be assigned from code. For each option a text string can be
speci ed, and optionally an image as well, if the Dropdown is setup to support it.
The button has a single event called On Value Changed that responds when the user completes a click on one of
the options in the list. It supports sending an integer number value that is the index of the selected option. 0 is
the rst option, 1 is the second, and so on.

The template system
The Dropdown control is designed to have a child GameObject which serves as a template for the dropdown list
that is shown when clicking the dropdown control. The template GameObject is inactive by default, but can be
made active while editing the template to better see what’s going on. A reference to the template object must be
speci ed in the Template property of the Dropdown component.
The template must have a single item in it with a Toggle component on. When the actual dropdown list is created
upon clicking the dropdown control, this item is duplicated multiple times, with one copy used for each option in
the list. The parent of the item is automatically resized so it can t all the items inside.

A simple dropdown setup where the item is an immediate child of the template.

A more advanced dropdown setup that includes a scrollview that enables scrolling when there are
many options in the list.

The template can be setup in many di erent ways. The setup used by the GameObject > UI > Dropdown menu
item includes a scroll view, such that if there are too many options to show at once, a scrollbar will appear and the
user can scroll through the options. This is however not a mandatory part of the template setup.
(See the ScrollRect page for more information about setup of Scroll Views.)

Setup of text and image support
The dropdown supports one text content and one image content for each option. Both text and image is optional.
They can only be used if the Dropdown is setup to support it.
The dropdown supports text for each option when the Caption Text and Item Text properties are both setup.
These are setup by default when using the GameObject > UI > Dropdown menu item.

The Caption Text is the Text component to hold the text for the currently selected option. It is
typically a child to the Dropdown GameObject.
The Item Text is the Text component to hold the text for each option. It is typically a child to the
Item GameObject.
The dropdown supports an image for each option when the Caption Image and Item Image properties are both
setup. These are not setup by default.

The Caption Image is the Image component to hold the image for the currently selected option. It is
typically a child to the Dropdown GameObject.
The Item Image is the Image component to hold the image for each option. It is typically a child to
the Item GameObject.
The actual text and images used for the dropdowns are speci ed in the Options property of the Dropdown
component, or can be set from code.

Placement of the dropdown list
The placement of the dropdown list in relation to the dropdown control is determined by the anchoring and pivot
of the Rect Transform of the Template.
By default, the list will appear below the control. This is achieved by anchoring the template to the bottom of the
control. The pivot of the template also needs to be at the top, so that as the template is expanded to
accommodate a variable number of option items, it only expands downwards.
The Dropdown control has simple logic to prevent that the dropdown is displayed outside the bounds of the
Canvas, since this would make it impossible to select certain options. If the dropdown at its default position is not
fully within the Canvas rectangle, its position in relation to the control is reversed. For example, a list that is
shown below the control by default will be shown above it instead.
This logic is quite simple and has certain limitations. The dropdown template needs to be no larger than half the
Canvas size minus the size of the dropdown control, otherwise there may not be room for the list at either
position if the dropdown control is placed in the middle of the Canvas.

Input Field

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An Input Field is a way to make the text of a Text Control editable. Like the other interaction controls, it’s not a visible UI
element in itself and must be combined with one or more visual UI elements in order to be visible.

An empty Input Field.

Text entered into the Input Field.


A boolean that determines if the Input Field can be interacted with or not.


Transitions are used to set how the input eld transitions when Normal , Highlighted ,
Pressed or Disabled .
Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options.
TextComponent A reference to the Text element used as the contents of the Input Field
Starting Value. The initial text placed in the eld before editing begins.
The value of the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the input
Character Limit
Content Type
De ne the type(s) of characters that your input eld accepts
Any charcter can be entered.
The autocorrection determines whether the input tracks unknown words and suggests
Autocorrected a more suitable replacement candidate to the user, replacing the typed text
automatically unless the user explicitly overrides the action.
Allow only whole numbers to be entered.
Allow only numbers and a single decimal point to be entered.
Alphanumeric Allow both letters and numbers. Symbols cannot be entered.
Automatically capitalizes the rst letter of each word. Note that the user can circumvent
the capitalization rules using the Delete key.
Allows you to enter an Alphanumeric string consisting of a maximum of one @ sign.
Email Address
periods/baseline dots cannot be entered next to each other.
Conceals the characters inputed with an asterisk. Allows symbols.
Conceals the characters inputed with an asterisk. Only allows only whole numbers to
be entered.
Allows you to customise the Line Type, Input Type, Keyboard Type and Character
Line Type
De nes how test is formatted inside the text eld.
Single Line
Only allows text to be on a single line.
Multi Line
Allows text to use multiple lines. Only uses a new line when needed.
Multi Line
Allows text to use multiple lines. User can use a newline by pressing the return key.
This is an optional ‘empty’ Graphic to show that the Input Field is empty of text. Note
that this ‘empty’ graphic still displays even when the Input Field is selected (that is; when
there is focus on it). eg; “Enter text…”.
Caret Blink
De nes the blink rate for the mark placed on the line to indicate a proposed insertion
of text.
Selection Color The background color of the selected portion of text.
Hide Mobile
Hides the native input eld attached to the onscreen keyboard on mobile devices. Note
Input (iOS only) that this only works on iOS devices.


Property: Function:

Property: Function:
A UnityEvent that is invoked when the text content of the Input Field changes. The event can
send the current text content as a string type dynamic argument.
A UnityEvent that is invoked when the user nishes editing the text content either by submitting
End Edit or by clicking somewhere that removes the focus from the Input Field. The event can send the
current text content as a string type dynamic argument.


The Input Field script can be added to any existing Text control object from the menu (Component > UI > Input Field).
Having done this, you should also drag the object to the Input Field’s Text property to enable editing.
The Text property of the Text control itself will change as the user types and the value can be retrieved from a script after
editing. Note that Rich Text is intentionally not supported for editable Text controls; the eld will apply any Rich Text
markup instantly when typed but the markup essentially “disappears” and there is no subsequent way to change or
remove the styling.

To obtains the text of the Input Field, use the text property on the InputField component itself, not the
text property of the Text component that displays the text. The text property of the Text component
may be cropped or may consist of asterisks for passwords.

Scroll Rect

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A Scroll Rect can be used when content that takes up a lot of space needs to be displayed in a small area. The
Scroll Rect provides functionality to scroll over this content.
Usually a Scroll Rect is combined with a Mask in order to create a scroll view, where only the scrollable content
inside the Scroll Rect is visible. It can also additionally be combined with one or two Scrollbars that can be
dragged to scroll horizontally or vertically.

A Scroll Rect.


This is a reference to the Rect Transform of the UI element to be scrolled, for
example a large image.


Enables horizontal scrolling
Enables vertical scrolling
Unrestricted, Elastic or Clamped. Use Elastic or Clamped to force the content to
Movement Type remain within the bounds of the Scroll Rect. Elastic mode bounces the content
when it reaches the edge of the Scroll Rect
This is the amount of bounce used in the elasticity mode.
When Inertia is set the content will continue to move when the pointer is
released after a drag. When Inertia is not set the content will only move when
When Inertia is set the deceleration rate determines how quickly the contents
stop moving. A rate of 0 will stop the movement immediately. A value of 1
means the movement will never slow down.
Scroll Sensitivity The sensitivity to scroll wheel and track pad scroll events.
Reference to the viewport Rect Transform that is the parent of the content Rect
Optional reference to a horizontal scrollbar element.
Whether the scrollbar should automatically be hidden when it isn’t needed, and
optionally expand the viewport as well.
The space between the scrollbar and the viewport.
Optional reference to a vertical scrollbar element.
Whether the scrollbar should automatically be hidden when it isn’t needed, and
optionally expand the viewport as well.
The space between the scrollbar and the viewport.


Property: Function:
On Value A UnityEvent that is invoked when the scroll position of the Scroll Rect changes. The
Changed event can send the current scroll position as a Vector2 type dynamic argument.


The important elements in a scroll view are the viewport, the scrolling content, and optionally one or two

The root GameObject has the Scroll Rect component.
The viewport has a Mask component. The viewport can either be the root GameObject, or a
separate GameObject that’s a child to the root. If auto-hiding scrollbars are used, it must be a child.
The viewport Rect Transform needs to be referenced in the Viewport property of the Scroll Rect.
All the scrolling content must be children of a single content GameObject that is a child to the
viewport. The content Rect Transform needs to be referenced in the Content property of the Scroll
The scrollbars - if used - are children to the root GameObject. See the Scrollbar page for more
details on the setup of a scrollbar and see the section Scrollbar setup below for information about

setup of scrollbars with a scroll view.
This image shows a setup where the viewport is a child to the scroll view root. This is the default used when using
the GameObject > UI > Scroll View menu option.

To scroll content, the input must be received from inside the bounds of the ScrollRect, not on the content itself.
Take care when using Unrestricted scrolling movement as it is possible to lose control of the content in an
irretrievable way. When using Elastic or Constrained movement it is best to position the content so that it starts
within the bounds of the ScrollRect, or undesirable behaviour may occur as the RectTransform tries to bring the
content back within its bounds.

Scrollbar setup
Optionally, the Scroll Rect can be linked to a horizontal and/or a vertical Scrollbar. These are typically placed in
the hierarchy as siblings to the viewport, and when present, should be dragged into the Horizontal Scrollbar and
Vertical Scrollbar properties of the Scroll Rect, respectively. Note that the Direction property on such a
horizontal Scrollbar should be set to Left To Right, and on the vertical Scrollbar to Bottom To Top.
The scrollbars can optionally have auto-hiding behaviour that hides the scrollbars if the content doesn’t need to
scroll because it isn’t larger than the viewport. Note that the auto-hiding only ever happens in Play Mode. In Edit
Mode the scrollbars are always shown. This prevents marking the scene as dirty when it shouldn’t be, and also
help authoring content with proportions that there’s room for even when the scrollbars are shown.
If one or both scrollbars have their visibility behaviour set to Auto Hide And Expand View, the viewport is
automatically expanded when the scrollbars are hidden in order to take up the extra room where the scrollbars
would otherwise have been. With this setup, the position and size of the view is driven by the Scroll Rect, and the
width of the horizontal scrollbar as well as the height of the vertical scrollbar is driven as well. With this setup
the viewport as well as the scrollbars must be children to the Scroll Rect root GameObject.

The pivot and anchors of the content RectTransform can be used to determine how the content is
aligned inside the scroll view if the content grows or shrinks. If the content should stay aligned with
the top, set the anchors to the top of the parent, and set the pivot to the top position.
See the page Making UI elements t the size of their content for information about how to make
the content Rect Transform automatically resize to t the content.

Auto Layout

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The auto layout system provides ways to place elements in nested layout groups such as horizontal groups,
vertical groups, or grids. It also allows elements to automatically be sized according to the contained content.

Content Size Fitter
Layout Element
Horizontal Layout Group
Vertical Layout Group
Grid Layout Group

Layout Element

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Min Width
Min Height

The minimum width this layout element should have.
The minimum height this layout element should have.
The preferred width this layout element should have before additional available
width is allocated.
The preferred height this layout element should have before additional available
height is allocated.
The relative amount of additional available width this layout element should ll out
relative to its siblings.
The relative amount of additional available height this layout element should ll out
relative to its siblings.


If you want to override the minimum, preferred, or exible size of a layout element, you can do that by adding a
Layout Element component to the Game Object.
The properties are used in the following manner when a layout controller allocates width or height to a layout

First minimum sizes are allocated.
If there is su cient available space, preferred sizes are allocated.
If there is additional available space, exible size is allocated.
The Layout Element component lets you override the values for one or more of the layout properties. Enable the
checkbox for a property you want to override and then specify the value you want to override with.
Minimum and preferred sizes are de ned in regular units, while the exible sizes are de ned in relative units. If
any layout element has exible size greater than zero, it means that all the available space will be lled out. The
relative exible size values of the siblings determines how big a proportion of the available space each sibling lls
out. Most commonly, exible width and height is set to just 0 or 1.
Specifying both a preferred size and a exible size can make sense in certain cases. Flexible sizes are only
allocated after all preferred sizes have been fully allocated. Thus, a layout element which has a exible size
speci ed but no preferred size will keep its minimum size until other layout elements have grown to their full
preferred size, and only then begin to grow based on additional available space. By also specifying a exible size,
this can be avoided and the element can grow to its preferred size in tandem with the other layout elements that
have preferred sizes, and then grow further once all exible sizes have been allocated.

Content Size Fitter

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Horizontal Fit How the width is controlled.
Unconstrained Do not drive the width based on the layout element.
Min Size
Drive the width based on the minimum width of the layout element.
Preferred Size Drive the width based on the preferred width of the layout element.
Vertical Fit
How the height is controlled.
Unconstrained Do not drive the height based on the layout element.
Min Size
Drive the height based on the minimum height of the layout element.
Preferred Size Drive the height based on the preferred height of the layout element.


The Content Size Fitter functions as a layout controller that controls the size of its own layout element. The size is
determined by the minimum or preferred sizes provided by layout element components on the Game Object. Such layout
elements can be Image or Text components, layout groups, or a Layout Element component.
It’s worth keeping in mind that when a Rect Transform is resized - whether by a Content Size Fitter or something else - the
resizing is around the pivot. This means that the direction of the resizing can be controlled using the pivot.
For example, when the pivot is in the center, the Content Size Fitter will expand the Rect Transform out equally in all
directions. And when the pivot is in the upper left corner, the Content Size Fitter will expand the Rect Transform down and to
the right.

Aspect Ratio Fitter

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Aspect Mode

How the rectangle is resized to enforce the aspect ratio.
Do not make the rect t the aspect ratio.
The height is automatically adjusted based on the width.

The width is automatically adjusted based on the height.

The width, height, position, and anchors are automatically adjusted to make the rect
t inside the rect of the parent while keeping the aspect ratio. The may be some
space inside the parent rect which is not covered by this rect.
The width, height, position, and anchors are automatically adjusted to make the rect
cover the entire area of the parent while keeping the aspect ratio. This rect may
extend further out than the parent rect.
Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio to enforce. This is the width divided by the height.
Fit In


The Aspect Ratio Fitter functions as a layout controller that controls the size of its own layout element. It can
adjust the height to t the width or vice versa, or it can make the element t inside its parent or envelope its
parent. The Aspect Ratio Fitter does not take layout information into account such as minimum size and preferred
It’s worth keeping in mind that when a Rect Transform is resized - whether by an Aspect Ratio Fitter or something
else - the resizing is around the pivot. This means that the pivot can be used to control the alignment of the
rectangle. For example, a pivot placed at the top center will make the rectangle grow evenly to both sides, and
only grow downwards while the top edge remain at its position.

Horizontal Layout Group

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The padding inside the edges of the layout group.
The spacing between the layout elements.
The alignment to use for the child layout elements if they don’t ll out all the
Child Alignment
available space.
Child Controls
Whether the Layout Group controls the width and height of its children.
Child Force
Whether to force the children to expand to ll additional available space.


The Horizontal Layout Group component places its child layout elements next to each other, side by side. Their
widths are determined by their respective minimum, preferred, and exible widths according to the following

The minimum widths of all the child layout elements are added together and the spacing between
them is added as well. The result is the mimimum width of the Horizontal Layout Group.
The preferred widths of all the child layout elements are added together and the spacing between
them is added as well. The result is the preferred width of the Horizontal Layout Group.
If the Horizontal Layout Group is at its minimum width or smaller, all the child layout elements will
also have their minimum width.
The closer the Horizontal Layout group is to its preferred width, the closer each child layout
element will also get to their preferred width.
If the Horizontal Layout Group is wider than its preferred width, it will distribute the extra available
space proportionally to the child layout elements according to their respective exible widths.

Vertical Layout Group

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The padding inside the edges of the layout group.
The spacing between the layout elements.
The alignment to use for the child layout elements if they don’t ll out all the
Child Alignment
available space.
Child Controls
Whether the Layout Group controls the width and height of its children.
Child Force
Whether to force the children to expand to ll additional available space.


The Vertical Layout Group component places its child layout elements on top of each other. Their heights are
determined by their respective minimum, preferred, and exible heights according to the following model:

The minimum heights of all the child layout elements are added together and the spacing between
them is added as well. The result is the mimimum height of the Vertical Layout Group.
The preferred heights of all the child layout elements are added together and the spacing between
them is added as well. The result is the preferred height of the Vertical Layout Group.
If the Vertical Layout Group is at its minimum height or smaller, all the child layout elements will
also have their minimum height.
The closer the Vertical Layout group is to its preferred height, the closer each child layout element
will also get to their preferred height.
If the Vertical Layout Group is taller than its preferred height, it will distribute the extra available
space proportionally to the child layout elements according to their respective exible heights.

Grid Layout Group

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The Grid Layout Group component places its child layout elements in a grid.

Cell Size
Start Axis

The padding inside the edges of the layout group.
The size to use for each layout element in the group.
The spacing between the layout elements.
The corner where the rst element is located.
Which primary axis to place elements along. Horizontal will ll an entire row before a
new row is started. Vertical will ll an entire column before a new column is started.

The alignment to use for the layout elements if they don’t ll out all the available space.
Constraint Constraint the grid to a xed number of rows or columns to aid the auto layout system.


Unlike other layout groups, the Grid Layout Group ignores the minimum, preferred, and exible size properties of
its contained layout elements and instead assigns a xed size to all of them which is de ned with the Cell Size
property of the Grid Layout Group itself.

Grid Layout Group and auto layout
There are special considerations to be aware of when using the Grid Layout Group as part of an auto layout
setup, such as using it with a Content Size Fitter.
The auto layout system calculates the horizontal and vertical sizes independently. This can be at odds with the
Grid Layout Group, where the number of rows depends on the number of columns and vice versa.
For any given number of cells, there are di erent combinations of row count and column count that can make the
grid t its content. In order to aid the layout system, you can specify that you intent the table to have a xed
number of columns or rows by using the Constraint property.
Here are suggested ways of using the Layout System with a Content Size Fitter:

Flexible width and xed height
To setup a grid with a exible width and xed height, where the grid expands horizontally as more elements are
added, you can set these properties as follows:

Grid Layout Group Constraint: Fixed Row Count
Content Size Fitter Horizontal Fit: Preferred Size
Content Size Fitter Vertical Fit: Preferred Size or Unconstrained
If unconstrained Vertical Fit is used, it’s up to you to give the grid a height that is big enough to t the speci ed
row count of cells.

Fixed width and exible height
To setup a grid with a xed width and exible height, where the grid expands vertically as more elements are
added, you can set these properties as follows:

Grid Layout Group Constraint: Fixed Column Count
Content Size Fitter Horizontal Fit: Preferred Size or Unconstrained
Content Size Fitter Vertical Fit: Preferred Size
If unconstrained Horizontal Fit is used, it’s up to you to give the grid a width that is big enough to t the speci ed
column count of cells.

Both exible width and height
If you want a grid with both a exible width and height you can do that, but you will have no control over the
speci c number of rows and columns. The grid will attempt to make the row and column count approximately the
same. You can set these properties as follows:

Grid Layout Group Constraint: Flexible
Content Size Fitter Horizontal Fit: Preferred Size
Content Size Fitter Vertical Fit: Preferred Size

UI How Tos
In this section you can learn about solutions to common UI tasks.

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Designing UI for Multiple Resolutions

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Modern games and applications often need to support a wide variety of di erent screen resolutions and particularly UI
layouts need to be able to adapt to that. The UI System in Unity includes a variety of tools for this purpose that can be
combined in various ways.
In this how-to we’re going to use a simple case study and look at and compare the di erent tools in the context of that. In our
case study we have three buttons in the corners of the screen as shown below, and the goal is to adapt this layout to various

For this how-to we’re going to consider four screen resolutions: Phone HD in portrait (640 x 960) and landscape (960 x 640)
and Phone SD in portrait (320 x 480) and landscape (480 x 320). The layout is initially setup in the Phone HD Portrait

Using anchors to adapt to di erent aspect ratios
UI elements are by default anchored to the center of the parent rectangle. This means that they keep a constant o set from
the center.
If the resolution is changed to a landscape aspect ratio with this setup, the buttons may not even be inside the rectangle of
the screen anymore.

One way to keep the buttons inside the screen is to change the layout such that the locations of the buttons are tied to their
respective corners of the screen. The anchors of the top left button can be set to the upper left corner using the Anchors
Preset drop down in the Inspector, or by dragging the triangular anchor handles in the Scene View. It’s best to do this while
the current screen resolution set in the Game View is the one the layout is initially designed for, where the button placement
looks correct. (See the UI Basic Layout page for more information on anchors.) Similarly, the anchors for the lower left and
lower right buttons can be set to the lower left corner and lower right corner, respectively.
Once the buttons have been anchored to their respective corners, they stick to them when changing the resolution to a
di erent aspect ratio.

When the screen size is changed to a larger or smaller resolution, the buttons will also remain anchored to their respective
corners. However, since they keep their original size as speci ed in pixels, they may take up a larger or smaller proportion of

the screen. This may or may not be desirable, depending on how you would like your layout to behave on screens of di erent

In this how-to, we know that the smaller resolutions of Phone SD Portrait and Landscape don’t correspond to screens that are
physically smaller, but rather just screens with a lower pixel density. On these lower-density screens the buttons shouldn’t
appear larger than on the high-density screens - they should instead appear with the same size.
This means that the buttons should become smaller by the same percentage as the screen is smaller. In other words, the
scale of the buttons should follow the screen size. This is where the Canvas Scaler component can help.

Scaling with Screen Size
The Canvas Scaler component can be added to a root Canvas - a Game Object with a Canvas component on it, which all the
UI elements are children of. It is also added by default when creating a new Canvas through the GameObject menu.
In the Canvas Scaler component, you can set its UI Scale Mode to Scale With Screen Size. With this scale mode you can
specify a resolution to use as reference. If the current screen resolution is smaller or larger than this reference resolution, the
scale factor of the Canvas is set accordingly, so all the UI elements are scaled up or down together with the screen resolution.
In our case, we set the Canvas Scaler to be the Phone HD portrait resolution of 640 x 960. Now, when setting the screen
resolution to the Phone SD portrait resolution of 320 x 480, the entire layout is scaled down so it appears proportionally the
same as in full resolution. Everything is scaled down: The button sizes, their distances to the edges of the screen, the button
graphics, and the text elements. This means that the layout will appear the same in the Phone SD portrait resolution as in
Phone HD portrait; only with a lower pixel density.

One thing to be aware of: After adding a Canvas Scaler component, it’s important to also check how the layout looks at other
aspect ratios. By setting the resolution back to Phone HD landscape, we can see that the buttons now appear bigger than they
should (and used to).

The reason for the larger buttons in landscape aspect ratio comes down to how the Canvas Scaler setting works. By default it
compares the width or the current resolution with the width of the Canvas Scaler and the result is used as the scale factor to
scale everything with. Since the current landscape resolution of 960 x 640 has a 1.5 times larger width than the portrait
Canvas Scaler of 640 x 960, the layout is scaled up by 1.5.
The component has a property called Match which can be 0 (Width), 1 (Height) or a value in between. By default it’s set to 0,
which compares the current screen width with the Canvas Scaler width as described.

If the Match property is set to 0.5 instead, it will compare both the current width to the reference width and the current
height to the reference height, and choose a scale factor that’s in between the two. Since in this case the landscape resolution
is 1.5 times wider but also 1.5 times shorter, those two factor even out and produce a nal scale factor of 1, which means the
buttons keep their original size.
At this point the layout supports all the four screen resolutions using a combination of appropriate anchoring and the Canvas
Scaler component on the Canvas.

See the Canvas Scaler reference page for more information on di erent ways to scale UI elements in relation to di erent
screen sizes.

Making UI elements t the size of
their content

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Normally when positioning a UI element with its Rect Transform, its position and size is speci ed manually
(optionally including behavior to stretch with the parent Rect Transform).
However, sometimes you may want the rectangle to be automatically sized to t the content of the UI element.
This can be done by adding a component called Content Size Fitter.

Fit to size of Text
In order to make a Rect Transform with a Text component on it t the text content, add a Content Size Fitter
component to the same Game Object which has the Text component. Then set both the Horizontal Fit and
Vertical Fit dropdowns to the Preferred setting.

How does it work?
What happens here is that the Text component functions as a Layout Element that can provide information about
how big its minimum and preferred size is. In a manual layout this information is not used. A Content Size Fitter is
a type of Layout Controller, which listens to layout information provided by Layout Elements and control the size
of the Rect Transform according to this.

Remember the pivot
When UI elements are automatically resized to t their content, you should pay extra attention to the pivot of the
Rect Transform. The pivot will stay in place when the element is resized, so by setting the pivot position you can
control in which direction the element will expand or shrink. For example, if the pivot is in the center, then the
element will expand equally in all directions, and if the pivot is in the upper left corner, then the element will
expand to the right and down.

Fit to size of UI element with child Text
If you have a UI element, such as a Button, that has a background image and a child Game Object with a Text
component on it, you probably want the whole UI element to t the size of the text - maybe with some padding.
In order to do this, rst add a Horizontal Layout Group to the UI element, then add a Content Size Fitter too. Set
the Horizontal Fit, the Vertical Fit, or both to the Preferred setting. You can add and tweak padding using the
padding property in the Horizontal Layout Group.
Why use a Horizontal Layout Group? Well, it could have been a Vertical Layout Group as well - as long as there is
only a single child, they produce the same result.

How does it work?
The Horizontal (or Vertical) Layout Group functions both as a Layout Controller and as a Layout Element. First it
listens to the layout information provided by the children in the group - in this case the child Text. Then it
determines how large the group must be (at minimum, and preferably) in order to be able to contain all the
children, and it functions as a Layout Element that provides this information about its minimum and preferred

The Content Size Fitter listens to layout information provided by any Layout Element on the same Game Object in this case provided by the Horizontal (or Vertical) Layout Group. Depending on its settings, it then controls the
size of the Rect Transform based on this information.
Once the size of the Rect Transform has been set, the Horizontal (or Vertical) Layout Group makes sure to
position and size its children according to the available space. See the page about the Horizontal Layout Group
for more information about how it controls the positions and sizes of its children.

Make children of a Layout Group t their respective sizes
If you have a Layout Group (horizontal or vertical) and want each of the UI elements in the group to t their
respective content, what do you do?
You can’t put a Content Size Fitter on each child. The reason is that the Content Size Fitter wants control over its
own Rect Transform, but the parent Layout Group also wants control over the child Rect Transform. This creates a
con ict and the result is unde ned behavior.
However, it isn’t necessary either. The parent Layout Group can already make each child t the size of the
content. What you need to do is to disable the Child Force Expand toggles on the Layout Group. If the children are
themselves Layout Groups too, you may need to disable the Child Force Expand toggles on those too.
Once the children no longer expand with exible width, their alignment can be speci ed in the Layout Group
using the Child Alignment setting.
What if you want some of the children to expand to ll additional available space, but not the other children? You
can easily control this by adding a Layout Element component to the children you want to expand and enabling
the Flexible Width or Flexible Height properties on those Layout Elements. The parent Layout Group should still
have the Child Force Expand toggles disabled, otherwise all the children will expand exibly.

How does it work?
A Game Object can have multiple components that each provide layout information about minimum, preferred
and exible sizes. A priority system determines which values take e ect over others. The Layout Element
component has a higher priority than the Text, Image, and Layout Group components, so it can be used to
override any layout information values they provide.
When the Layout Group listens to the layout information provided by the children, it will take the overridden
exible sizes into account. Then, when controlling the sizes of the children, it will not make them any bigger than
their preferred sizes. However, if the Layout Group has the Child Force Expand option enabled, it will always make
the exible sizes of all the children be at least 1.

More information
This page has explained solutions to a few common use cases. For a more in depth explanation of the auto layout
system, see the UI Auto Layout page.

Creating a World Space UI

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The UI system makes it easy to create UI that is positioned in the world among other 2D or 3D objects in the Scene.
Start by creating a UI element (such as an Image) if you don’t already have one in your scene by using GameObject > UI > Image. This
will also create a Canvas for you.

Set the Canvas to World Space
Select your Canvas and change the Render Mode to World Space.
Now your Canvas is already positioned in the World and can be seen by all cameras if they are pointed at it, but it is probably huge
compared to other objects in your Scene. We’ll get back to that.

Decide on a resolution
First you need to decide what the resolution of the Canvas should be. If it was an image, what should the pixel resolution of the
image be? Something like 800x600 might be a good starting point. You enter the resolution in the Width and Height values of the Rect
Transform of the Canvas. It’s probably a good idea to set the position to 0,0 at the same time.

Specify the size of the Canvas in the world
Now you should consider how big the Canvas should be in the world. You can use the Scale tool to simply scale it down until it has a
size that looks good, or you can decide how big it should be in meters.
If you want it to have a speci c width in meters, you can can calculate the needed scale by using meter_size / canvas_width. For
example, if you want it to be 2 meters wide and the Canvas width is 800, you would have 2 / 800 = 0.0025. You then set the Scale
property of the Rect Transform on the Canvas to 0.0025 for both X, Y, and Z in order to ensure that it’s uniformly scaled.
Another way to think of it is that you are controlling the size of one pixel in the Canvas. If the Canvas is scaled by 0.0025, then that is
also the size in the world of each pixel in the Canvas.

Position the Canvas
Unlike a Canvas set to Screen Space, a World Space Canvas can be freely positioned and rotated in the Scene. You can put a Canvas
on any wall, oor, ceiling, or slanted surface (or hanging freely in the air of course). Just use the normal Translate and Rotate tools in
the toolbar.

Create the UI
Now you can begin setting up your UI elements and layouts the same way you would with a Screen Space Canvas.

Creating UI elements from scripting

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If you are creating a dynamic UI where UI elements appear, disappear, or change based on user actions or other actions in the game,
you may need to make a script that instantiates new UI elements based on custom logic.

Creating a prefab of the UI element
In order to be able to easily instantiate UI elements dynamically, the rst step is to create a prefab for the type of UI element that you
want to be able to instantiate. Set up the UI element the way you want it to look in the Scene, and then drag the element into the
Project View to make it into a prefab.
For example, a prefab for a button could be a Game Object with a Image component and a Button component, and a child Game
Object with a Text component. Your setup might be di erent depending on your needs.
You might wonder why we don’t have a API methods to create the various types of controls, including visuals and everything. The
reason is that there are an in nite number of way e.g. a button could be setup. Does it use an image, text, or both? Maybe even
multiple images? What is the text font, color, font size, and alignment? What sprite or sprites should the image use? By letting you make
a prefab and instantiate that, you can set it up exactly the way you want. And if you later want to change the look and feel of your UI
you can just change the prefab and then it will be re ected in your UI, including the dynamically created UI.

Instantiating the UI element
Prefabs of UI elements are instantiated as normal using the Instantiate method. When setting the parent of the instantiated UI element,
it’s recommended to do it using the Transform.SetParent method with the worldPositionStays parameter set to false.

Positioning the UI element
A UI Element is normally positioned using its Rect Transform. If the UI Element is a child of a Layout Group it will be automatically
positioned and the positioning step can be skipped.
When positioning a Rect Transform it’s useful to rst determine it has or should have any stretching behavior or not. Stretching
behavior happens when the anchorMin and anchorMax properties are not identical.
For a non-stretching Rect Transform, the position is set most easily by setting the anchoredPosition and the sizeDelta properties. The
anchoredPosition speci es the position of the pivot relative to the anchors. The sizeDelta is just the same as the size when there’s no
For a stretching Rect Transform, it can be simpler to set the position using the o setMin and o setMax properties. The o setMin
property speci es the corner of the lower left corner of the rect relative to the lower left anchor. The o setMax property speci es the
corner of the upper right corner of the rect relative to the upper right anchor.

Customizing the UI Element
If you are instantiating multiple UI elements dynamically, it’s unlikely that you’ll want them all to look the same and do the same.
Whether it’s buttons in a menu, items in an inventory, or something else, you’ll likely want the individual items to have di erent text or
images and to do di erent things when interacted with.
This is done by getting the various components and changing their properties. See the scripting reference for the Image and Text
components, and for how to work with UnityEvents from scripting.

Creating Screen Transitions

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The need to transition between multiple UI screens is fairly common. In this page we will explore a simple way to
create and manage those transitions using animation and State Machines to drive and control each screen.

The high-level idea is that each of our screens will have an Animator Controller with two states (Open and Closed)
and a boolean Parameter (Open). To transition between screens you will only need to close the currently open
Screen and open the desired one. To make this process easier we will create a small Class ScreenManager that
will keep track and take care of closing any already open Screen for us. The button that triggers the transition will
only have to ask the ScreenManager to open the desired screen.

Thinking about Navigation
If you plan to support controller/keyboard navigation of UI elements, then it’s important to have a few things in
mind. It’s important to avoid having Selectable elements outside the screen since that would enable players to
select o screen elements, we can do that by deactivating any o -screen hierarchy. We also need to make sure
when a new screen is shown we set a element from it as selected, otherwise the player would not be able to
navigate to the new screen. We will take care of all that in the ScreenManager class below.

Setting up the Animator Controller
Let’s take a look at the most common and minimal setup for the Animation Controller to do a Screen transition.
The controller will need a boolean parameter (Open) and two states (Open and Closed), each state should have an
animation with only one keyframe, this way we let the State Machine do the transition blending for us.

The Open state and animation

The Closed state and animation
Now we need to create the transition between both states, let’s start with the transition from Open to Closed and
let’s set the condition properly, we want to go from Open to Closed when the parameter Open is set to false. Now
we create the transition from Closed to Open and set the condition to go from Closed to Open when the
parameter Open is true.

The Transition from Closed to Open

The Transition from Open to Closed

Managing the screens

With all the above set up, the only thing missing is for us to set the parameter Open to true on the screens
Animator we want to transition to and Open to false on the currently open screens Animator. To do that, we will
create a small script:



public class ScreenManager : MonoBehaviour {
//Screen to open automatically at the start of the Scene
public Animator initiallyOpen;
//Currently Open Screen
private Animator m_Open;

//Hash of the parameter we use to control the transitions.
private int m_OpenParameterId;
//The GameObject Selected before we opened the current Screen.
//Used when closing a Screen, so we can go back to the button that opened it
private GameObject m_PreviouslySelected;
//Animator State and Transition names we need to check against.
const string k_OpenTransitionName = "Open";
const string k_ClosedStateName = "Closed";
public void OnEnable()
//We cache the Hash to the "Open" Parameter, so we can feed to Animator.
m_OpenParameterId = Animator.StringToHash (k_OpenTransitionName);
//If set, open the initial Screen now.
if (initiallyOpen == null)
//Closes the currently open panel and opens the provided one.
//It also takes care of handling the navigation, setting the new Selected el
public void OpenPanel (Animator anim)
if (m_Open == anim)
//Activate the new Screen hierarchy so we can animate it.
//Save the currently selected button that was used to open this Screen.
var newPreviouslySelected = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObjec
//Move the Screen to front.
m_PreviouslySelected = newPreviouslySelected;
//Set the new Screen as then open one.
m_Open = anim;
//Start the open animation
m_Open.SetBool(m_OpenParameterId, true);
//Set an element in the new screen as the new Selected one.

GameObject go = FindFirstEnabledSelectable(anim.gameObject);
//Finds the first Selectable element in the providade hierarchy.
static GameObject FindFirstEnabledSelectable (GameObject gameObject)
GameObject go = null;
var selectables = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren (true);
foreach (var selectable in selectables) {
if (selectable.IsActive () && selectable.IsInteractable ()) {
go = selectable.gameObject;
return go;
//Closes the currently open Screen
//It also takes care of navigation.
//Reverting selection to the Selectable used before opening the current scre
public void CloseCurrent()
if (m_Open == null)
//Start the close animation.
m_Open.SetBool(m_OpenParameterId, false);
//Reverting selection to the Selectable used before opening the current
//Start Coroutine to disable the hierarchy when closing animation finish
//No screen open.
m_Open = null;
//Coroutine that will detect when the Closing animation is finished and it w
IEnumerator DisablePanelDeleyed(Animator anim)
bool closedStateReached = false;
bool wantToClose = true;
while (!closedStateReached && wantToClose)
if (!anim.IsInTransition(0))

closedStateReached = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName(
wantToClose = !anim.GetBool(m_OpenParameterId);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
if (wantToClose)
//Make the provided GameObject selected
//When using the mouse/touch we actually want to set it as the previously se
//set nothing as selected for now.
private void SetSelected(GameObject go)
//Select the GameObject.
//If we are using the keyboard right now, that's all we need to do.
var standaloneInputModule = EventSystem.current.currentInputModule as St
if (standaloneInputModule != null)
//Since we are using a pointer device, we don't want anything selected.
//But if the user switches to the keyboard, we want to start the navigat
//So here we set the current Selected to null, so the provided gameObjec

Let’s hook up this script, we do this by creating a new GameObject, we can rename it “ScreenManager” for
instance, and add the component above to it. You can assign an initial screen to it, this screen will be open at the
start of your scene.
Now for the nal part, let’s make the UI buttons work. Select the button that should trigger the screen transition
and add a new action under the On Click () list in the Inspector. Drag the ScreenManager GameObject we just
created to the ObjectField, on the dropdown select ScreenManager->OpenPanel (Animator) and drag and drop
the panel you want to open when the user clicks the button to the las ObjectField.

Button Inspector


This technique only requires each screen to have an AnimatorController with an Open parameter and a Closed
state to work - it doesn’t matter how your screen or State Machine are constructed. This technique also works well
with nested screens, meaning you only need one ScreenManager for each nested level.
The State Machine we set up above has the default state of Closed, so all of the screens that use this controller
start as closed. The ScreenManager provides an initiallyOpen property so you can specify which screen is shown

Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI)

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The “Immediate Mode” GUI system (also known as IMGUI) is an entirely separate feature to Unity’s main
GameObject-based UI System. IMGUI is a code-driven GUI system, and is mainly intended as a tool for
programmers. It is driven by calls to the OnGUI function on any script which implements it. For example, this

void OnGUI() {
if (GUILayout.Button("Press Me"))

Would result in a button displayed like so:

The result of the above code example
The Immediate Mode GUI system is commonly used for:

Creating in-game debugging displays and tools.
Creating custom inspectors for script components.
Creating new editor windows and tools to extend Unity itself.
The IMGUI system is not generally intended to be used for normal in-game user interfaces that players might use
and interact with. For that you should use Unity’s main GameObject-based UI system, which o ers a GameObjectbased approach for editing and positioning UI elements, and has far better tools to work with the visual design
and layout of the UI.
“Immediate Mode” refers to the way the IMGUI is created and drawn. To create IMGUI elements, you must write
code that goes into a special function named OnGUI. The code to display the interface is executed every frame,
and drawn to the screen. There are no persistent gameobjects other than the object to which your OnGUI code is
attached, or other types of objects in the hierarchy related to the visual elements that are drawn.
IMGUI allows you to create a wide variety of functional GUIs using code. Rather than creating GameObjects,
manually positioning them, and then writing a script that handles its functionality, you can do everything at once
with just a few lines of code. The code produces GUI controls that are drawn and handled with a single function
This section explains how to use IMGUI both in your game and in extensions to the Unity editor.

IMGUI Basics

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This section will explain the bare necessities for scripting Controls with Unity’s Immediate Mode GUI system (IMGUI).

Making Controls with IMGUI
Unity’s IMGUI controls make use of a special function called OnGUI(). The OnGUI() function gets called every frame as long as
the containing script is enabled - just like the Update() function.
IMGUI controls themselves are very simple in structure. This structure is evident in the following example.

/* Example level loader */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
void OnGUI ()
// Make a background box
GUI.Box(new Rect(10,10,100,90), "Loader Menu");
// Make the first button. If it is pressed, Application.Loadlevel (1) will be exec
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,40,80,20), "Level 1"))
// Make the second button.
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,70,80,20), "Level 2"))

This example is a complete, functional level loader. If you copy/paste this script and attach it a GameObject, you’ll see the
following menu appear in when you enter Play Mode:

The Loader Menu created by the example code
Let’s take a look at the details of the example code:
The rst GUI line, GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,100,90), “Loader Menu”); displays a Box Control with the header text “Loader Menu”.
It follows the typical GUI Control declaration scheme which we’ll explore momentarily.
The next GUI line is a Button Control declaration. Notice that it is slightly di erent from the Box Control declaration.
Speci cally, the entire Button declaration is placed inside an if statement. When the game is running and the Button is clicked,
this if statement returns true and any code inside the if block is executed.
Since the OnGUI() code gets called every frame, you don’t need to explicitly create or destroy GUI controls. The line that
declares the Control is the same one that creates it. If you need to display Controls at speci c times, you can use any kind of
scripting logic to do so.

/* Flashing button example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI ()
if (Time.time % 2 < 1)
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10,10,200,20), "Meet the flashing button"))

print ("You clicked me!");

Here, GUI.Button() only gets called every other second, so the button will appear and disappear. Naturally, the user can only
click it when the button is visible.
As you can see, you can use any desired logic to control when GUI Controls are displayed and functional. Now we will explore
the details of each Control’s declaration.

Anatomy of a Control
There are three key pieces of information required when declaring a GUI Control:
Type (Position, Content)
Observe that this structure is a function with two arguments. We’ll explore the details of this structure now.

Type is the Control Type, and is declared by calling a function in Unity’s GUI class or the GUILayout class, which is discussed at
length in the Layout Modes section of the Guide. For example, GUI.Label() will create a non-interactive label. All the di erent
control types are explained later, in the Controls section of the Guide.

The Position is the rst argument in any GUI Control function. The argument itself is provided with a Rect() function. Rect()
de nes four properties: left-most position, top-most position, total width, total height. All of these values are provided in
integers, which correspond to pixel values. All UnityGUI controls work in Screen Space, which is the resolution of the
published player in pixels.
The coordinate system is top-left based. Rect(10, 20, 300, 100) de nes a Rectangle that starts at coordinates: 10,20 and ends
at coordinates 310,120. It is worth repeating that the second pair of values in Rect() are total width and height, not the
coordinates where the controls end. This is why the example mentioned above ends at 310,120 and not 300,100.
You can use the Screen.width and Screen.height properties to get the total dimensions of the screen space available in the
player. The following example may help clarify how this is done:

/* Screen.width & Screen.height example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI()
GUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,100,50), "Top­left");
GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width ­ 100,0,100,50), "Top­right");

GUI.Box (new Rect (0,Screen.height ­ 50,100,50), "Bottom­left");
GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width ­ 100,Screen.height ­ 50,100,50), "Bottom­right");

The Boxes positioned by the above example


The second argument for a GUI Control is the actual content to be displayed with the Control. Most often you will want to
display some text or an image on your Control. To display text, pass a string as the Content argument like this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Label (new Rect (0,0,100,50), "This is the text string for a Label Control");

To display an image, declare a Texture2D public variable, and pass the variable name as the content argument like this:

/* Texture2D Content example */
public Texture2D controlTexture;
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Label (new Rect (0,0,100,50), controlTexture);

Here is an example closer to a real-world scenario:

/* Button Content examples */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D icon;
void OnGUI ()
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10,10, 100, 50), icon))
print ("you clicked the icon");
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10,70, 100, 20), "This is text"))
print ("you clicked the text button");

The Buttons created by the above example
There is a third option which allows you to display images and text together in a GUI Control. You can provide a GUIContent
object as the Content argument, and de ne the string and image to be displayed within the GUIContent.

/* Using GUIContent to display an image and a string */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D icon;
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Box (new Rect (10,10,100,50), new GUIContent("This is text", icon));

You can also de ne a Tooltip in the GUIContent, and display it elsewhere in the GUI when the mouse hovers over it.

/* Using GUIContent to display a tooltip */
using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI ()
// This line feeds "This is the tooltip" into GUI.tooltip
GUI.Button (new Rect (10,10,100,20), new GUIContent ("Click me", "This is the tool
// This line reads and displays the contents of GUI.tooltip
GUI.Label (new Rect (10,40,100,20), GUI.tooltip);

You can also use GUIContent to display a string, an icon, and a tooltip.

/* Using GUIContent to display an image, a string, and a tooltip */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D icon;
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Button (new Rect (10,10,100,20), new GUIContent ("Click me", icon, "This is th
GUI.Label (new Rect (10,40,100,20), GUI.tooltip);

The script reference page for the GUIContent constructor has some examples of its use.


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IMGUI Control Types
There are a number of di erent IMGUI Controls that you can create. This section lists all of the available display
and interactive Controls. There are other IMGUI functions that a ect layout of Controls, which are described in
the Layout section of the Guide.

The Label is non-interactive. It is for display only. It cannot be clicked or otherwise moved. It is best for displaying
information only.

/* GUI.Label example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Label (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), "Label");

The Label created by the example code


The Button is a typical interactive button. It will respond a single time when clicked, no matter how long the
mouse remains depressed. The response occurs as soon as the mouse button is released.

Basic Usage
In UnityGUI, Buttons will return true when they are clicked. To execute some code when a Button is clicked, you
wrap the the GUI.Button function in an if statement. Inside the if statement is the code that will be executed
when the Button is clicked.

/* GUI.Button example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI ()

if (GUI.Button (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), "Button"))
// This code is executed when the Button is clicked

The Button created by the example code


RepeatButton is a variation of the regular Button. The di erence is, RepeatButton will respond every frame
that the mouse button remains depressed. This allows you to create click-and-hold functionality.

Basic Usage
In UnityGUI, RepeatButtons will return true for every frame that they are clicked. To execute some code while the
Button is being clicked, you wrap the the GUI.RepeatButton function in an if statement. Inside the if statement is
the code that will be executed while the RepeatButton remains clicked.

/* GUI.RepeatButton example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI ()
if (GUI.RepeatButton (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), "RepeatButton"))
// This code is executed every frame that the RepeatButton remains c

The Repeat Button created by the example code


The TextField Control is an interactive, editable single-line eld containing a text string.

Basic Usage
The TextField will always display a string. You must provide the string to be displayed in the TextField. When edits
are made to the string, the TextField function will return the edited string.

/* GUI.TextField example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private string textFieldString = "text field";
void OnGUI ()

textFieldString = GUI.TextField (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), textFieldSt

The TextField created by the example code


The TextArea Control is an interactive, editable multi-line area containing a text string.

Basic Usage
The TextArea will always display a string. You must provide the string to be displayed in the TextArea. When edits
are made to the string, the TextArea function will return the edited string.

/* GUI.TextArea example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private string textAreaString = "text area";
void OnGUI ()
textAreaString = GUI.TextArea (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), textAreaStrin

The TextArea created by the example code


The Toggle Control creates a checkbox with a persistent on/o state. The user can change the state by clicking on

Basic Usage
The Toggle on/o state is represented by a true/false boolean. You must provide the boolean as a parameter to
make the Toggle represent the actual state. The Toggle function will return a new boolean value if it is clicked. In
order to capture this interactivity, you must assign the boolean to accept the return value of the Toggle function.

/* GUI.Toggle example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private bool toggleBool = true;

void OnGUI ()
toggleBool = GUI.Toggle (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), toggleBool, "Toggle

The Toggle created by the example code


The Toolbar Control is essentially a row of Buttons. Only one of the Buttons on the Toolbar can be active at a
time, and it will remain active until a di erent Button is clicked. This behavior emulates the behavior of a typical
Toolbar. You can de ne an arbitrary number of Buttons on the Toolbar.

Basic Usage
The active Button in the Toolbar is tracked through an integer. You must provide the integer as an argument in
the function. To make the Toolbar interactive, you must assign the integer to the return value of the function. The

number of elements in the content array that you provide will determine the number of Buttons that are shown
in the Toolbar.

/* GUI.Toolbar example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private int toolbarInt = 0;
private string[] toolbarStrings = {"Toolbar1", "Toolbar2", "Toolbar3"};
void OnGUI ()
toolbarInt = GUI.Toolbar (new Rect (25, 25, 250, 30), toolbarInt, toolba

The Toolbar created by the example code


The SelectionGrid Control is a multi-row Toolbar. You can determine the number of columns and rows in the
grid. Only one Button can be active at time.

Basic Usage
The active Button in the SelectionGrid is tracked through an integer. You must provide the integer as an argument
in the function. To make the SelectionGrid interactive, you must assign the integer to the return value of the
function. The number of elements in the content array that you provide will determine the number of Buttons
that are shown in the SelectionGrid. You also can dictate the number of columns through the function arguments.

/* GUI.SelectionGrid example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour

private int selectionGridInt = 0;
private string[] selectionStrings = {"Grid 1", "Grid 2", "Grid 3", "Grid 4"}
void OnGUI ()
selectionGridInt = GUI.SelectionGrid (new Rect (25, 25, 300, 60), select

The SelectionGrid created by the example code


The HorizontalSlider Control is a typical horizontal sliding knob that can be dragged to change a value between
predetermined min and max values.

Basic Usage
The position of the Slider knob is stored as a oat. To display the position of the knob, you provide that oat as
one of the arguments in the function. There are two additional values that determine the minimum and
maximum values. If you want the slider knob to be adjustable, assign the slider value oat to be the return value
of the Slider function.

/* Horizontal Slider example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private float hSliderValue = 0.0f;
void OnGUI ()
hSliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), hSlider

The Horizontal Slider created by the example code


The VerticalSlider Control is a typical vertical sliding knob that can be dragged to change a value between
predetermined min and max values.

Basic Usage
The position of the Slider knob is stored as a oat. To display the position of the knob, you provide that oat as
one of the arguments in the function. There are two additional values that determine the minimum and
maximum values. If you want the slider knob to be adjustable, assign the slider value oat to be the return value
of the Slider function.

/* Vertical Slider example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour

private float vSliderValue = 0.0f;
void OnGUI ()
vSliderValue = GUI.VerticalSlider (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), vSliderVa

The Vertical Slider created by the example code


The HorizontalScrollbar Control is similar to a Slider Control, but visually similar to Scrolling elements for web
browsers or word processors. This control is used to navigate the ScrollView Control.

Basic Usage

Horizontal Scrollbars are implemented identically to Horizontal Sliders with one exception: There is an additional
argument which controls the width of the Scrollbar knob itself.

/* Horizontal Scrollbar example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private float hScrollbarValue;
void OnGUI ()
hScrollbarValue = GUI.HorizontalScrollbar (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), h

The Horizontal Scrollbar created by the example code


The VerticalScrollbar Control is similar to a Slider Control, but visually similar to Scrolling elements for web
browsers or word processors. This control is used to navigate the ScrollView Control.

Basic Usage
Vertical Scrollbars are implemented identically to Vertical Sliders with one exception: There is an additional
argument which controls the height of the Scrollbar knob itself.

/* Vertical Scrollbar example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private float vScrollbarValue;

void OnGUI ()
vScrollbarValue = GUI. VerticalScrollbar (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), vS

The Vertical Scrollbar created by the example code


ScrollViews are Controls that display a viewable area of a much larger set of Controls.

Basic Usage
ScrollViews require two Rects as arguments. The rst Rect de nes the location and size of the viewable
ScrollView area on the screen. The second Rect de nes the size of the space contained inside the viewable area. If
the space inside the viewable area is larger than the viewable area, Scrollbars will appear as appropriate. You
must also assign and provide a 2D Vector which stores the position of the viewable area that is displayed.

/* ScrollView example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private Vector2 scrollViewVector = Vector2.zero;
private string innerText = "I am inside the ScrollView";
void OnGUI ()
// Begin the ScrollView
scrollViewVector = GUI.BeginScrollView (new Rect (25, 25, 100, 100), scr
// Put something inside the ScrollView
innerText = GUI.TextArea (new Rect (0, 0, 400, 400), innerText);
// End the ScrollView

The ScrollView created by the example code


Windows are drag-able containers of Controls. They can receive and lose focus when clicked. Because of this,
they are implemented slightly di erently from the other Controls. Each Window has an id number, and its
contents are declared inside a separate function that is called when the Window has focus.

Basic Usage
Windows are the only Control that require an additional function to work properly. You must provide an id
number and a function name to be executed for the Window. Inside the Window function, you create your actual
behaviors or contained Controls.

/* Window example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private Rect windowRect = new Rect (20, 20, 120, 50);
void OnGUI ()
windowRect = GUI.Window (0, windowRect, WindowFunction, "My Window");

void WindowFunction (int windowID)
// Draw any Controls inside the window here

The Window created by the example code


To detect if the user did any action in the GUI (clicked a button, dragged a slider, etc), read the GUI.changed value
from your script. This gets set to true when the user has done something, making it easy to validate the user
A common scenario would be for a Toolbar, where you want to change a speci c value based on which Button in
the Toolbar was clicked. You don’t want to assign the value in every call to OnGUI(), only when one of the Buttons
has been clicked.

/* GUI.changed example */
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
private int selectedToolbar = 0;
private string[] toolbarStrings = {"One", "Two"};
void OnGUI ()
// Determine which button is active, whether it was clicked this frame o
selectedToolbar = GUI.Toolbar (new Rect (50, 10, Screen.width ­ 100, 30)
// If the user clicked a new Toolbar button this frame, we'll process th
if (GUI.changed)
Debug.Log("The toolbar was clicked");
if (0 == selectedToolbar)
Debug.Log("First button was clicked");
Debug.Log("Second button was clicked");

GUI.changed will return true if any GUI Control placed before it was manipulated by the user.


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Customizing your IMGUI Controls
Although Unity’s IMGUI system is mainly intended for creating developer tools and debugging interfaces, you can still
customize and style them in many ways. In Unity’s IMGUI system, you can ne-tune the appearance of your Controls
with many details. Control appearances are dictated with GUIStyles. By default, when you create a Control without
de ning a GUIStyle, Unity’s default GUIStyle is applied. This style is internal in Unity and can be used in published games
for quick prototyping, or if you choose not to stylize your Controls.
When you have a large number of di erent GUIStyles to work with, you can de ne them all within a single GUISkin. A
GUISkin is no more than a collection of GUIStyles.

How Styles change the look of your GUI Controls
GUIStyles are designed to mimic Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for web browsers. Many di erent CSS methodologies
have been adapted, including di erentiation of individual state properties for styling, and separation between the
content and the appearance.
Where the Control de nes the content, the Style de nes the appearance. This allows you to create combinations like a
functional Toggle which looks like a normal Button.

Two Toggle Controls styled di erently

The di erence between Skins and Styles

As stated earlier, GUISkins are a collection of GUIStyles. Styles de ne the appearance of a GUI Control. You do not have
to use a Skin if you want to use a Style.

A single GUIStyle shown in the Inspector

A single GUISkin shown in the Inspector - observe that it contains multiple

Working with Styles
All GUI Control functions have an optional last parameter: the GUIStyle to use for displaying the Control. If this is
omitted, Unity’s default GUIStyle will be used. This works internally by applying the name of the control type as a string,
so GUI.Button() uses the “button” style, GUI.Toggle() uses the “toggle” style, etc. You can override the default GUIStyle
for a control by specifying it as the last parameter.

/* Override the default Control Style with a different style in the UnityGUI default

// JavaScript
function OnGUI () {
// Make a label that uses the "box" GUIStyle.
GUI.Label (Rect (0,0,200,100), "Hi ­ I'm a label looking like a box", "box");
// Make a button that uses the "toggle" GUIStyle
GUI.Button (Rect (10,140,180,20), "This is a button", "toggle");

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {

void OnGUI () {
// Make a label that uses the "box" GUIStyle.
GUI.Label (new Rect (0,0,200,100), "Hi ­ I'm a label looking like a box", "bo
// Make a button that uses the "toggle" GUIStyle
GUI.Button (new Rect (10,140,180,20), "This is a button", "toggle");

The controls created by the code example above

Making a public variable GUIStyle

When you declare a public GUIStyle variable, all elements of the Style will show up in the Inspector. You can edit all of
the di erent values there.

/* Overriding the default Control Style with one you've defined yourself */

// JavaScript
var customButton : GUIStyle;
function OnGUI () {
// Make a button. We pass in the GUIStyle defined above as the style to use
GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,150,20), "I am a Custom Button", customButton);

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
public GUIStyle customButton;
void OnGUI () {
// Make a button. We pass in the GUIStyle defined above as the style to use
GUI.Button (new Rect (10,10,150,20), "I am a Custom Button", customButton);

Changing the di erent style elements
When you have declared a GUIStyle, you can modify that style in the Inspector. There are a great number of States you
can de ne, and apply to any type of Control.

Styles are modi ed on a per-script, per-GameObject basis
Any Control State must be assigned a Background Color before the speci ed Text Color will be applied.
For more information about individual GUIStyles, please read the GUIStyle Component Reference page.

Working with Skins
For more complicated GUI systems, it makes sense to keep a collection of styles in one place. This is what a GUISkin
does. A GUISkin contains multiple di erent Styles, essentially providing a complete face-lift to all GUI Controls.

Creating a new GUISkin
To create a GUISkin, select Assets->Create->GUI Skin from the menu bar. This will create a GUI Skin in your Project
Folder. Select it to see all GUIStyles de ned by the Skin in the Inspector.

Applying the skin to a GUI
To use a skin you’ve created, assign it to GUI.skin in your OnGUI() function.

/* Make a property containing a reference to the skin you want to use */

// JavaScript

var mySkin : GUISkin;
function OnGUI () {
// Assign the skin to be the one currently used.
GUI.skin = mySkin;
// Make a button. This will get the default "button" style from the skin assigned
GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,150,20), "Skinned Button");

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
public GUISkin mySkin;
void OnGUI () {
// Assign the skin to be the one currently used.
GUI.skin = mySkin;
// Make a button. This will get the default "button" style from the skin assi
GUI.Button (new Rect (10,10,150,20), "Skinned Button");

You can switch skins as much as you like throughout a single OnGUI() call.

/* Example of switching skins in the same OnGUI() call */

// JavaScript
var mySkin : GUISkin;
var toggle = true;
function OnGUI () {
// Assign the skin to be the one currently used.
GUI.skin = mySkin;
// Make a toggle. This will get the "button" style from the skin assigned to mySk

toggle = GUI.Toggle (Rect (10,10,150,20), toggle, "Skinned Button", "button");
// Assign the currently skin to be Unity's default.
GUI.skin = null;
// Make a button. This will get the default "button" style from the built­in skin
GUI.Button (Rect (10,35,150,20), "Built­in Button");

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
public GUISkin mySkin;
private bool toggle = true;
void OnGUI () {
// Assign the skin to be the one currently used.
GUI.skin = mySkin;
// Make a toggle. This will get the "button" style from the skin assigned to
toggle = GUI.Toggle (new Rect (10,10,150,20), toggle, "Skinned Button", "butt
// Assign the currently skin to be Unity's default.
GUI.skin = null;
// Make a button. This will get the default "button" style from the built­in
GUI.Button (new Rect (10,35,150,20), "Built­in Button");

Changing GUI Font Size
This example will show you how to dynamically change the font size through code.
First create a new project in Unity. Then make a C# script called Fontsize.cs and paste the following code in:

// C# example
using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;
public class Fontsize : MonoBehaviour
void OnGUI ()
//Set the GUIStyle style to be label
GUIStyle style = GUI.skin.GetStyle ("label");
//Set the style font size to increase and decrease over time
style.fontSize = (int)(20.0f + 10.0f * Mathf.Sin (Time.time));
//Create a label and display with the current settings
GUI.Label (new Rect (10, 10, 200, 80), "Hello World!");

Save the script and attach it to an empty GameObject, click play to see the font loop through increasing and decreasing
in size over time. You may notice that the font does not smoothly change size, this is becauses there is not an in nite
number of font sizes.
This speci c example requires that the default font (Arial) is loaded and marked as dynamic. You cannot change the size
of any font that is not marked as dynamic.

IMGUI Layout Modes

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Fixed Layout vs Automatic Layout
There are two di erent modes you can use to arrange and organize your UI when using the IMGUI system: Fixed
and Automatic. Up until now, every IMGUI example provided in this guide has used Fixed Layout. To use
Automatic Layout, write GUILayout instead of GUI when calling control functions. You do not have to use one
Layout mode over the other, and you can use both modes at once in the same OnGUI() function.
Fixed Layout makes sense to use when you have a pre-designed interface to work from. Automatic Layout makes
sense to use when you don’t know how many elements you need up front, or don’t want to worry about handpositioning each Control. For example, if you are creating a number of di erent buttons based on Save Game
les, you don’t know exactly how many buttons will be drawn. In this case Automatic Layout might make more
sense. It is really dependent on the design of your game and how you want to present your interface.
There are two key di erences when using Automatic Layout:

GUILayout is used instead of GUI
No Rect() function is required for Automatic Layout Controls
/* Two key differences when using Automatic Layout */

// JavaScript
function OnGUI () {
// Fixed Layout
GUI.Button (Rect (25,25,100,30), "I am a Fixed Layout Button");
// Automatic Layout
GUILayout.Button ("I am an Automatic Layout Button");

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
void OnGUI () {
// Fixed Layout
GUI.Button (new Rect (25,25,100,30), "I am a Fixed Layout Button");
// Automatic Layout
GUILayout.Button ("I am an Automatic Layout Button");


Arranging Controls
Depending on which Layout Mode you’re using, there are di erent hooks for controlling where your Controls are
positioned and how they are grouped together. In Fixed Layout, you can put di erent Controls into Groups. In
Automatic Layout, you can put di erent Controls into Areas, Horizontal Groups, and Vertical Groups

Fixed Layout - Groups
Groups are a convention available in Fixed Layout Mode. They allow you to de ne areas of the screen that contain
multiple Controls. You de ne which Controls are inside a Group by using the GUI.BeginGroup() and
GUI.EndGroup() functions. All Controls inside a Group will be positioned based on the Group’s top-left corner
instead of the screen’s top-left corner. This way, if you reposition the group at runtime, the relative positions of all
Controls in the group will be maintained.
As an example, it’s very easy to center multiple Controls on-screen.

/* Center multiple Controls on the screen using Groups */

// JavaScript
function OnGUI () {
// Make a group on the center of the screen
GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (Screen.width / 2 ­ 50, Screen.height / 2 ­ 50, 100, 10
// All rectangles are now adjusted to the group. (0,0) is the topleft corner
// We'll make a box so you can see where the group is on­screen.
GUI.Box (Rect (0,0,100,100), "Group is here");
GUI.Button (Rect (10,40,80,30), "Click me");
// End the group we started above. This is very important to remember!
GUI.EndGroup ();

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {

void OnGUI () {
// Make a group on the center of the screen
GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (Screen.width / 2 ­ 50, Screen.height / 2 ­ 50,
// All rectangles are now adjusted to the group. (0,0) is the topleft co
// We'll make a box so you can see where the group is on­screen.
GUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,100,100), "Group is here");
GUI.Button (new Rect (10,40,80,30), "Click me");
// End the group we started above. This is very important to remember!
GUI.EndGroup ();

The above example centers controls regardless of the screen resolution

You can also nest multiple Groups inside each other. When you do this, each group has its contents clipped to its
parent’s space.

/* Using multiple Groups to clip the displayed Contents */

// JavaScript
var bgImage : Texture2D; // background image that is 256 x 32
var fgImage : Texture2D; // foreground image that is 256 x 32
var playerEnergy = 1.0; // a float between 0.0 and 1.0
function OnGUI () {
// Create one Group to contain both images
// Adjust the first 2 coordinates to place it somewhere else on­screen
GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (0,0,256,32));
// Draw the background image
GUI.Box (Rect (0,0,256,32), bgImage);
// Create a second Group which will be clipped
// We want to clip the image and not scale it, which is why we need the seco
GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (0,0,playerEnergy * 256, 32));
// Draw the foreground image
GUI.Box (Rect (0,0,256,32), fgImage);
// End both Groups
GUI.EndGroup ();
GUI.EndGroup ();

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
// background image that is 256 x 32
public Texture2D bgImage;
// foreground image that is 256 x 32
public Texture2D fgImage;
// a float between 0.0 and 1.0

public float playerEnergy = 1.0f;
void OnGUI () {
// Create one Group to contain both images
// Adjust the first 2 coordinates to place it somewhere else on­screen
GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (0,0,256,32));
// Draw the background image
GUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,256,32), bgImage);
// Create a second Group which will be clipped
// We want to clip the image and not scale it, which is why we need
GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (0,0,playerEnergy * 256, 32));
// Draw the foreground image
GUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,256,32), fgImage);
// End both Groups
GUI.EndGroup ();
GUI.EndGroup ();

You can nest Groups together to create clipping behaviors

Automatic Layout - Areas

Areas are used in Automatic Layout mode only. They are similar to Fixed Layout Groups in functionality, as they
de ne a nite portion of the screen to contain GUILayout Controls. Because of the nature of Automatic Layout,
you will nearly always use Areas.
In Automatic Layout mode, you do not de ne the area of the screen where the Control will be drawn at the
Control level. The Control will automatically be placed at the upper-leftmost point of its containing area. This
might be the screen. You can also create manually-positioned Areas. GUILayout Controls inside an area will be
placed at the upper-leftmost point of that area.

/* A button placed in no area, and a button placed in an area halfway across the

// JavaScript
function OnGUI () {
GUILayout.Button ("I am not inside an Area");
GUILayout.BeginArea (Rect (Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2, 300, 300));
GUILayout.Button ("I am completely inside an Area");
GUILayout.EndArea ();


// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
void OnGUI () {
GUILayout.Button ("I am not inside an Area");
GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2, 300, 300
GUILayout.Button ("I am completely inside an Area");
GUILayout.EndArea ();

Notice that inside an Area, Controls with visible elements like Buttons and Boxes will stretch their width to the full
length of the Area.

Automatic Layout - Horizontal and Vertical Groups
When using Automatic Layout, Controls will by default appear one after another from top to bottom. There are
plenty of occasions you will want ner level of control over where your Controls are placed and how they are
arranged. If you are using the Automatic Layout mode, you have the option of Horizontal and Vertical Groups.
Like the other layout Controls, you call separate functions to start or end these groups. The speci c functions are
GUILayout.BeginHoriztontal(), GUILayout.EndHorizontal(), GUILayout.BeginVertical(), and
Any Controls inside a Horizontal Group will always be laid out horizontally. Any Controls inside a Vertical Group
will always be laid out vertically. This sounds plain until you start nesting groups inside each other. This allows you
to arrange any number of controls in any imaginable con guration.

/* Using nested Horizontal and Vertical Groups */

// JavaScript
var sliderValue = 1.0;
var maxSliderValue = 10.0;

function OnGUI()
// Wrap everything in the designated GUI Area
GUILayout.BeginArea (Rect (0,0,200,60));
// Begin the singular Horizontal Group
// Place a Button normally
if (GUILayout.RepeatButton ("Increase max\nSlider Value"))
maxSliderValue += 3.0 * Time.deltaTime;
// Arrange two more Controls vertically beside the Button
GUILayout.Box("Slider Value: " + Mathf.Round(sliderValue));
sliderValue = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (sliderValue, 0.0, maxSliderValue);
// End the Groups and Area

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
private float sliderValue = 1.0f;
private float maxSliderValue = 10.0f;
void OnGUI()
// Wrap everything in the designated GUI Area
GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (0,0,200,60));
// Begin the singular Horizontal Group
// Place a Button normally
if (GUILayout.RepeatButton ("Increase max\nSlider Value"))

maxSliderValue += 3.0f * Time.deltaTime;
// Arrange two more Controls vertically beside the Button
GUILayout.Box("Slider Value: " + Mathf.Round(sliderValue));
sliderValue = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (sliderValue, 0.0f, maxSliderVa
// End the Groups and Area

Three Controls arranged with Horizontal & Vertical Groups

Using GUILayoutOptions to de ne some controls
You can use GUILayoutOptions to override some of the Automatic Layout parameters. You do this by providing
the options as the nal parameters of the GUILayout Control.
Remember in the Areas example above, where the button stretches its width to 100% of the Area width? We can
override that if we want to.

/* Using GUILayoutOptions to override Automatic Layout Control properties */

function OnGUI () {
GUILayout.BeginArea (Rect (100, 50, Screen.width­200, Screen.height­100));
GUILayout.Button ("I am a regular Automatic Layout Button");
GUILayout.Button ("My width has been overridden", GUILayout.Width (95));
GUILayout.EndArea ();

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
void OnGUI () {
GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (100, 50, Screen.width­200, Screen.height­
GUILayout.Button ("I am a regular Automatic Layout Button");
GUILayout.Button ("My width has been overridden", GUILayout.Width (95));
GUILayout.EndArea ();

For a full list of possible GUILayoutOptions, please read the GUILayoutOption Scripting Reference page.

Extending IMGUI

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There are a number of ways to leverage and extend the IMGUI system to meet your needs. Controls can be mixed
and created, and you have a lot of leverage in dictating how user input into the GUI is processed.

Compound Controls
There might be situations in your GUI where two types of Controls always appear together. For example, maybe
you are creating a Character Creation screen, with several Horizontal Sliders. All of those Sliders need a Label to
identify them, so the player knows what they are adjusting. In this case, you could partner every call to
GUI.Label() with a call to GUI.HorizontalSlider(), or you could create a Compound Control which includes both
a Label and a Slider together.

/* Label and Slider Compound Control */

// JavaScript
var mySlider : float = 1.0;
function OnGUI () {
mySlider = LabelSlider (Rect (10, 100, 100, 20), mySlider, 5.0, "Label text
function LabelSlider (screenRect : Rect, sliderValue : float, sliderMaxValue : f
GUI.Label (screenRect, labelText);
screenRect.x += screenRect.width; // <­ Push the Slider to the end of the La
sliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, sliderValue, 0.0, sliderMaxV
return sliderValue;

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
private float mySlider = 1.0f;
void OnGUI () {
mySlider = LabelSlider (new Rect (10, 100, 100, 20), mySlider, 5.0f, "La
float LabelSlider (Rect screenRect, float sliderValue, float sliderMaxValue,
GUI.Label (screenRect, labelText);

// <­ Push the Slider to the end of the Label
screenRect.x += screenRect.width;
sliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, sliderValue, 0.0f, slide
return sliderValue;

In this example, calling LabelSlider() and passing the correct arguments will provide a Label paired with a
Horizontal Slider. When writing Compound Controls, you have to remember to return the correct value at the end
of the function to make it interactive.

The above Compound Control always creates this pair of Controls

Static Compound Controls

By using Static functions, you can create an entire collection of your own Compound Controls that are selfcontained. This way, you do not have to declare your function in the same script you want to use it.

/* This script is called CompoundControls */

// JavaScript
static function LabelSlider (screenRect : Rect, sliderValue : float, sliderMaxVa
GUI.Label (screenRect, labelText);
screenRect.x += screenRect.width; // <­ Push the Slider to the end of the La
sliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, sliderValue, 0.0, sliderMaxV
return sliderValue;

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CompoundControls : MonoBehaviour {
public static float LabelSlider (Rect screenRect, float sliderValue, float s
GUI.Label (screenRect, labelText);
// <­ Push the Slider to the end of the Label
screenRect.x += screenRect.width;
sliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, sliderValue, 0.0f, slide
return sliderValue;

By saving the above example in a script called CompoundControls, you can call the LabelSlider() function from
any other script by simply typing CompoundControls.LabelSlider() and providing your arguments.

Elaborate Compound Controls
You can get very creative with Compound Controls. They can be arranged and grouped in any way you like. The
following example creates a re-usable RGB Slider.

/* RGB Slider Compound Control */

// JavaScript
var myColor : Color;
function OnGUI () {
myColor = RGBSlider (Rect (10,10,200,10), myColor);
function RGBSlider (screenRect : Rect, rgb : Color) : Color {
rgb.r = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.r, 0.0, 1.0);
screenRect.y += 20; // <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapp
rgb.g = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.g, 0.0, 1.0);
screenRect.y += 20; // <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapp
rgb.b = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.b, 0.0, 1.0);
return rgb;

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
public Color myColor;
void OnGUI () {
myColor = RGBSlider (new Rect (10,10,200,10), myColor);
Color RGBSlider (Rect screenRect, Color rgb) {
rgb.r = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.r, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapping
screenRect.y += 20;
rgb.g = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.g, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapping
screenRect.y += 20;
rgb.b = GUI.HorizontalSlider (screenRect, rgb.b, 0.0f, 1.0f);
return rgb;


The RGB Slider created by the example above
Now let’s build Compound Controls on top of each other, in order to demonstrate how Compound Controls can
be used within other Compound Controls. To do this, we will create a new RGB Slider like the one above, but we
will use the LabelSlider to do so. This way we’ll always have a Label telling us which slider corresponds to which

/* RGB Label Slider Compound Control */

// JavaScript
var myColor : Color;
function OnGUI () {
myColor = RGBLabelSlider (Rect (10,10,200,20), myColor);

function RGBLabelSlider (screenRect : Rect, rgb : Color) : Color {
rgb.r = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.r, 1.0, "Red");
screenRect.y += 20; // <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapp
rgb.g = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.g, 1.0, "Green");
screenRect.y += 20; // <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapp
rgb.b = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.b, 1.0, "Blue");
return rgb;

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
public Color myColor;
void OnGUI () {
myColor = RGBSlider (new Rect (10,10,200,30), myColor);
Color RGBSlider (Rect screenRect, Color rgb) {
rgb.r = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.r, 1.0f, "Red");
// <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapping
screenRect.y += 20;
rgb.g = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.g, 1.0f, "Green");
// <­ Move the next control down a bit to avoid overlapping
screenRect.y += 20;
rgb.b = CompoundControls.LabelSlider (screenRect, rgb.b, 1.0f, "Blue");
return rgb;

The Compound RGB Label Slider created by the above code

GUI Skin (IMGUI System)

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GUISkins are a collection of GUIStyles that can be applied to your GUI. Each Control type has its own Style
de nition. Skins are intended to allow you to apply style to an entire UI, instead of a single Control by itself.

A GUI Skin as seen in the Inspector
To create a GUISkin, select Assets->Create->GUI Skin from the menubar.
Please Note: This page refers to part of the IMGUI system, which is a scripting-only UI system. Unity has a full
GameObject-based UI system which you may prefer to use. It allows you to design and edit user interface
elements as visible objects in the scene view. See the UI System Manual for more information.

All of the properties within a GUI Skin are an individual GUIStyle. Please read the GUIStyle page for more
information about how to use Styles.

Text Field

The global Font to use for every Control in the GUI
The Style to use for all Boxes
The Style to use for all Buttons
The Style to use for all Toggles
The Style to use for all Labels
The Style to use for all Text Fields

Text Area
Horizontal Slider
Horizontal Slider Thumb
Vertical Slider
Vertical Slider Thumb
Horizontal Scrollbar
Horizontal Scrollbar Thumb
Horizontal Scrollbar Left
Horizontal Scrollbar Right
Vertical Scrollbar
Vertical Scrollbar Thumb
Vertical Scrollbar Up Button
Vertical Scrollbar Down
Custom 1–20
Custom Styles
Double Click Selects
Triple Click Selects Line
Cursor Color
Cursor Flash Speed
Selection Color


The Style to use for all Text Areas
The Style to use for all Windows
The Style to use for all Horizontal Slider bars
The Style to use for all Horizontal Slider Thumb Buttons
The Style to use for all Vertical Slider bars
The Style to use for all Vertical Slider Thumb Buttons
The Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbars
The Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbar Thumb Buttons
The Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbar scroll Left Buttons
The Style to use for all Horizontal Scrollbar scroll Right Buttons
The Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbars
The Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbar Thumb Buttons
The Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbar scroll Up Buttons
The Style to use for all Vertical Scrollbar scroll Down Buttons
Additional custom Styles that can be applied to any Control
An array of additional custom Styles that can be applied to any
Additional Settings for the entire GUI
If enabled, double-clicking a word will select it
If enabled, triple-clicking a word will select the entire line
Color of the keyboard cursor
The speed at which the text cursor will ash when editing any Text
Color of the selected area of Text

When you are creating an entire GUI for your game, you will likely need to do a lot of customization for every
di erent Control type. In many di erent game genres, like real-time strategy or role-playing, there is a need for
practically every single Control type.
Because each individual Control uses a particular Style, it does not make sense to create a dozen-plus individual
Styles and assign them all manually. GUI Skins take care of this problem for you. By creating a GUI Skin, you have
a pre-de ned collection of Styles for every individual Control. You then apply the Skin with a single line of code,
which eliminates the need to manually specify the Style of each individual Control.

Creating GUISkins
GUISkins are asset les. To create a GUI Skin, select Assets->Create->GUI Skin from the menubar. This will put a
new GUISkin in your Project View.

A new GUISkin le in the Project View

Editing GUISkins

After you have created a GUISkin, you can edit all of the Styles it contains in the Inspector. For example, the Text
Field Style will be applied to all Text Field Controls.

Editing the Text Field Style in a GUISkin
No matter how many Text Fields you create in your script, they will all use this Style. Of course, you have control
over changing the styles of one Text Field over the other if you wish. We’ll discuss how that is done next.

Applying GUISkins
To apply a GUISkin to your GUI, you must use a simple script to read and apply the Skin to your Controls.

// Create a public variable where we can assign the GUISkin
var customSkin : GUISkin;
// Apply the Skin in our OnGUI() function
function OnGUI () {
GUI.skin = customSkin;
// Now create any Controls you like, and they will be displayed with the
GUILayout.Button ("I am a re­Skinned Button");
// You can change or remove the skin for some Controls but not others
GUI.skin = null;
// Any Controls created here will use the default Skin and not the custo
GUILayout.Button ("This Button uses the default UnityGUI Skin");

In some cases you want to have two of the same Control with di erent Styles. For this, it does not make sense to
create a new Skin and re-assign it. Instead, you use one of the Custom Styles in the skin. Provide a Name for the
custom Style, and you can use that name as the last argument of the individual Control.

// One of the custom Styles in this Skin has the name "MyCustomControl"
var customSkin : GUISkin;
function OnGUI () {
GUI.skin = customSkin;
// We provide the name of the Style we want to use as the last argument
GUILayout.Button ("I am a custom styled Button", "MyCustomControl");
// We can also ignore the Custom Style, and use the Skin's default Butto
GUILayout.Button ("I am the Skin's Button Style");

For more information about working with GUIStyles, please read the GUIStyle page. For more information about
using UnityGUI, please read the GUI Scripting Guide.

GUI Style (IMGUI System)

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GUI Styles are a collection of custom attributes for use with UnityGUI. A single GUI Style de nes the appearance of a single
UnityGUI Control.

A GUI Style in the Inspector
If you want to add style to more than one control, use a GUI Skin instead of a GUI Style. For more information about UnityGUI, please
read the GUI Scripting Guide.
Please Note: This page refers to part of the IMGUI system, which is a scripting-only UI system. Unity has a full GameObject-based UI
system which you may prefer to use. It allows you to design and edit user interface elements as visible objects in the scene view.
See the UI System Manual for more information.

On Normal
On Hover
On Active
On Focused

The text string that can be used to refer to this speci c Style
Background image & Text Color of the Control in default state
Background image & Text Color when the mouse is positioned over the Control
Background image & Text Color when the mouse is actively clicking the Control
Background image & Text Color when the Control has keyboard focus
Background image & Text Color of the Control in enabled state
Background image & Text Color when the mouse is positioned over the enabled Control
Properties when the mouse is actively clicking the enabled Control
Background image & Text Color when the enabled Control has keyboard focus


Number of pixels on each side of the Background image that are not a ected by the scale of the
Control’ shape
Space in pixels from each edge of the Control to the start of its contents.
The margins between elements rendered in this style and any other GUI Controls.
Extra space to be added to the background image.
The Font used for all text in this style

Over ow
The way the background image and text are combined.
Standard text alignment options.
Word Wrap If enabled, text that reaches the boundaries of the Control will wrap around to the next line
Text Clipping If Word Wrap is enabled, choose how to handle text that exceeds the boundaries of the Control
Over ow Any text that exceeds the Control boundaries will continue beyond the boundaries
Any text that exceeds the Control boundaries will be hidden
Number of pixels along X and Y axes that the Content will be displaced in addition to all other
O set
Left/Right O set
Up/Down O set
Fixed Width Number of pixels for the width of the Control, which will override any provided Rect() value
Fixed Height Number of pixels for the height of the Control, which will override any provided Rect() value
If enabled, Controls using this style can be stretched horizontally for a better layout.
If enabled, Controls using this style can be stretched vertically for a better layout.


GUIStyles are declared from scripts and modi ed on a per-instance basis. If you want to use a single or few Controls with a custom
Style, you can declare this custom Style in the script and provide the Style as an argument of the Control function. This will make
these Controls appear with the Style that you de ne.
First, you must declare a GUI Style from within a script.

/* Declare a GUI Style */
var customGuiStyle : GUIStyle;

When you attach this script to a GameObject, you will see the custom Style available to modify in the Inspector.

A Style declared in a script can be modi ed in each instance of the script
Now, when you want to tell a particular Control to use this Style, you provide the name of the Style as the last argument in the
Control function.

function OnGUI () {
// Provide the name of the Style as the final argument to use it
GUILayout.Button ("I am a custom­styled Button", customGuiStyle);
// If you do not want to apply the Style, do not provide the name
GUILayout.Button ("I am a normal UnityGUI Button without custom style");

Two Buttons, one with Style, as created by the code example
For more information about using UnityGUI, please read the GUI Scripting Guide.

Navigation and Path nding

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The navigation system allows you to create characters that can intelligently move around the game world, using
navigation meshes that are created automatically from your Scene geometry. Dynamic obstacles allow you to
alter the navigation of the characters at runtime, while o -mesh links let you build speci c actions like opening
doors or jumping down from a ledge. This section describes Unity’s navigation and path nding systems in detail.
Related tutorials: Navigation
Search the Unity Knowledge Base for tips, tricks and troubleshooting.

Navigation Overview

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This section will dive into the details on building NavMeshes for your scene, creating NavMesh Agents, NavMesh
Obstacles and O -Mesh Links.

Navigation System in Unity

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The Navigation System allows you to create characters which can navigate the game world. It gives your
characters the ability to understand that they need to take stairs to reach second oor, or to jump to get over a
ditch. The Unity NavMesh system consists of the following pieces:

NavMesh (short for Navigation Mesh) is a data structure which describes the walkable surfaces of
the game world and allows to nd path from one walkable location to another in the game world.
The data structure is built, or baked, automatically from your level geometry.
NavMesh Agent component help you to create characters which avoid each other while moving
towards their goal. Agents reason about the game world using the NavMesh and they know how to
avoid each other as well as moving obstacles.
O -Mesh Link component allows you to incorporate navigation shortcuts which cannot be
represented using a walkable surface. For example, jumping over a ditch or a fence, or opening a
door before walking through it, can be all described as O -mesh links.
NavMesh Obstacle component allows you to describe moving obstacles the agents should avoid
while navigating the world. A barrel or a crate controlled by the physics system is a good example
of an obstacle. While the obstacle is moving the agents do their best to avoid it, but once the
obstacle becomes stationary it will carve a hole in the navmesh so that the agents can change their
paths to steer around it, or if the stationary obstacle is blocking the path way, the agents can nd a
di erent route.

Inner Workings of the Navigation

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When you want to intelligently move characters in your game (or agents as they are called in AI circles), you have
to solve two problems: how to reason about the level to nd the destination, then how to move there. These two
problems are tightly coupled, but quite di erent in nature. The problem of reasoning about the level is more
global and static, in that it takes into account the whole scene. Moving to the destination is more local and
dynamic, it only considers the direction to move and how to prevent collisions with other moving agents.

Walkable Areas





The navigation system needs its own data to represent the walkable areas in a game scene. The walkable areas
de ne the places in the scene where the agent can stand and move. In Unity the agents are described as
cylinders. The walkable area is built automatically from the geometry in the scene by testing the locations where
the agent can stand. Then the locations are connected to a surface laying on top of the scene geometry. This
surface is called the navigation mesh (NavMesh for short).
The NavMesh stores this surface as convex polygons. Convex polygons are a useful representation, since we
know that there are no obstructions between any two points inside a polygon. In addition to the polygon
boundaries, we store information about which polygons are neighbours to each other. This allows us to reason
about the whole walkable area.

Finding Paths






To nd path between two locations in the scene, we rst need to map the start and destination locations to their
nearest polygons. Then we start searching from the start location, visiting all the neighbours until we reach the
destination polygon. Tracing the visited polygons allows us to nd the sequence of polygons which will lead from
the start to the destination. A common algorithm to nd the path is A* (pronounced “A star”), which is what Unity

Following the Path









The sequence of polygons which describe the path from the start to the destination polygon is called a corridor.
The agent will reach the destination by always steering towards the next visible corner of the corridor. If you have
a simple game where only one agent moves in the scene, it is ne to nd all the corners of the corridor in one
swoop and animate the character to move along the line segments connecting the corners.
When dealing with multiple agents moving at the same time, they will need to deviate from the original path
when avoiding each other. Trying to correct such deviations using a path consisting of line segments soon
becomes very di cult and error prone.






Since the agent movement in each frame is quite small, we can use the connectivity of the polygons to x up the
corridor in case we need to take a little detour. Then we quickly nd the next visible corner to steer towards.

Avoiding Obstacles

The steering logic takes the position of the next corner and based on that gures out a desired direction and
speed (or velocity) needed to reach the destination. Using the desired velocity to move the agent can lead to
collision with other agents.
Obstacle avoidance chooses a new velocity which balances between moving in the desired direction and
preventing future collisions with other agents and edges of the navigation mesh. Unity is using reciprocal velocity
obstacles (RVO) to predict and prevent collisions.

Moving the Agent
Finally after steering and obstacle avoidance the nal velocity is calculated. In Unity the agents are simulated
using a simple dynamic model, which also takes into account acceleration to allow more natural and smooth
At this stage you can feed the velocity from the simulated agent to the animation system to move the character
using root motion, or let the navigation system take care of that.
Once the agent has been moved using either method, the simulated agent location is moved and constrained to
NavMesh. This last small step is important for robust navigation.

Global and Local
Map Locations
Find Path







One of the most important things to understand about navigation is the di erence between global and local
Global navigation is used to nd the corridor across the world. Finding a path across the world is a costly
operation requiring quite a lot of processing power and memory.
The linear list of polygons describing the path is a exible data structure for steering, and it can be locally
adjusted as the agent’s position moves. Local navigation tries to gure out how to e ciently move towards the
next corner without colliding with other agents or moving objects.

Two Cases for Obstacles

Many applications of navigation require other types of obstacles rather than just other agents. These could be the
usual crates and barrels in a shooter game, or vehicles. The obstacles can be handled using local obstacle
avoidance or global path nding.
When an obstacle is moving, it is best handled using local obstacles avoidance. This way the agent can predictively
avoid the obstacle. When the obstacle becomes stationary, and can be considered to block the path of all agents,
the obstacles should a ect the global navigation, that is, the navigation mesh.
Changing the NavMesh is called carving. The process detects which parts of the obstacle touches the NavMesh
and carves holes into the NavMesh. This is computationally expensive operation, which is yet another compelling
reason, why moving obstacles should be handled using collision avoidance.

Local collision avoidance can be often used to steer around sparsely scattered obstacles too. Since the algorithm
is local, it will only consider the next immediate collisions, and cannot steer around traps or handle cases where
the an obstacle blocks a path. These cases can be solved using carving.

Describing O -mesh Links

Off-Mesh Link





The connections between the NavMesh polygons are described using links inside the path nding system.
Sometimes it is necessary to let the agent to navigate across places which are not walkable, for example, jumping
over a fence, or traversing through a closed door. These cases need to know the location of the action.
These actions can be annotated using O -Mesh Links which tell the path nder that a route exists through the
speci ed link. This link can be later accessed when following the path, and the special action can be executed.

Building a NavMesh

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The process of creating a NavMesh from the level geometry is called NavMesh Baking. The process collects the
Render Meshes and Terrains of all Game Objects which are marked as Navigation Static, and then processes
them to create a navigation mesh that approximates the walkable surfaces of the level.
In Unity, NavMesh generation is handled from the Navigation window (menu: Window > AI > Navigation).
Building a NavMesh for your scene can be done in 4 quick steps:

Select scene geometry that should a ect the navigation – walkable surfaces and obstacles.
Check Navigation Static on to include selected objects in the NavMesh baking process.
Adjust the bake settings to match your agent size.
Agent Radius de nes how close the agent center can get to a wall or a ledge.
Agent Height de nes how low the spaces are that the agent can reach.
Max Slope de nes how steep the ramps are that the agent walk up.
Step Height de nes how high obstructions are that the agent can step on.
Click bake to build the NavMesh.
The resulting NavMesh will be shown in the scene as a blue overlay on the underlying level geometry whenever
the Navigation Window is open and visible.
As you may have noticed in the above pictures, the walkable area in the generated NavMesh appears shrunk. The
NavMesh represents the area where the center of the agent can move. Conceptually, it doesn’t matter whether
you regard the agent as a point on a shrunken NavMesh or a circle on a full-size NavMesh since the two are
equivalent. However, the point interpretation allows for better runtime e ciency and also allows the designer to
see immediately whether an agent can squeeze through gaps without worrying about its radius.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the NavMesh is an approximation of the walkable surface. This can be seen
for example in the stairs which are represented as a at surface, while the source surface has steps. This is done
in order to keep the NavMesh data size small. The side e ect of the approximation is that sometimes you will
need to have a little extra space in your level geometry to allows the agent to pass through a tight spot.

When baking is complete, you will nd a NavMesh asset le inside a folder with the same name as the scene the
NavMesh belongs to. For example, if you have a scene called First Level in the Assets folder, the NavMesh will be at
Assets > First Level > NavMesh.asset.

Additional Work ows for Marking Objects for Baking

In addition to marking objects as Navigation Static in the Navigation Window‚ as explained above, you can use the
Static menu at the top of the inspector. This can be convenient if you don’t happen to have the Navigation
Window open.

Further Reading
Creating a NavMeshAgent – learn how to allow your characters to move.
Bake Settings – full description of the NavMesh bake settings.
Areas and Costs – learn how to use di erent Area types.

NavMesh building components

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NavMesh building components provide you with additional controls for building (also known as baking) and using
NavMeshes at run time and in the Unity Editor.
The high-level NavMesh building components listed below are not supplied with the standard Unity Editor
installer which you download from the Unity store. Instead, download them from the Unity Technologies GitHub
and install them separately.
There are four high-level components to use with NavMesh:
NavMesh Surface - Use for building and enabling a NavMesh surface for one type of Agent.
NavMesh Modi er - Use for a ecting the NavMesh generation of NavMesh area types based on the transform
NavMeshModi erVolume - Use for a ecting the NavMesh generation of NavMesh area types based on volume.
NavMeshLink - Use for connecting the same or di erent NavMesh surfaces for one type of Agent.
See also documentation on Mesh-BuildingComponents-API.
For more information on Agent types, refer to documentation on creating NavMesh Agents.
For more details about NavMesh area types, see documentation on NavMesh areas.

Creating high-level NavMesh building components
To install the high-level NavMesh building components:
Download and install Unity 5.6 or later.
Clone or download the repository from the NavMesh Components page on the Unity Technologies GitHub by
clicking on the green Clone or download button.
Open the NavMesh Components Project using Unity, or alternatively copy the contents of the A
ssets/NavMeshComponents folder to an existing Project.
Find additional examples in the Assets/Examples folder.
Note: Make sure to back up your Project before installing high-level NavMesh building components.

2017–05–26 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6

NavMesh Surface

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The NavMesh Surface component represents the walkable area for a speci c NavMesh Agent type, and de nes a
part of the Scene where a NavMesh should be built.
The NavMesh Surface component is not in the standard Unity install; see documentation on high-level NavMesh
building components for information on how to access it.
To use the NavMesh Surface component, navigate to GameObject > AI > NavMesh Surface. This creates an
empty GameObject with a NavMesh Surface component attached to it. A Scene can contain multiple NavMesh
You can add the NavMesh Surface component to any GameObject. This is useful for when you want to use the
GameObject parenting Hierarchy to de ne which GameObjects contribute to the NavMesh.

A NavMesh Surface component open in the Inspector window
Property Function
The NavMesh Agent type using the NavMesh Surface. Use for bake settings and
matching the NavMesh Agent to proper surfaces during path nding.
- Humanoid
- Ogre

Property Function
De nes which GameObjects to use for baking.
- All – Use all active GameObjects (this is the default option).
- Volume – Use all active GameObjects overlapping the bounding volume.
- Children – Use all active GameObjects which are children of the NavMesh Surface
De ne the layers on which GameObjects are included in the bake. In addition to Collect
Objects, this allows for further exclusion of speci c GameObjects from the bake (for
example, e ects or animated characters).
This is set to Everything by default, but you can toggle following options on (denoted by
a tick) or o individually:
Include - Nothing (automatically unticks all other options, turning them o )
- Everything (automatically ticks all other options, turning them on)
- Default
- TransparentFX
- Ignore Raycast
- Water
- UI
Select which geometry to use for baking.
- Render Meshes – Use geometry from Render Meshes and Terrains.
- Physics Colliders – Use geometry from Colliders and Terrains. Agents can move closer
to the edge of the physical bounds of the environment with this option than they can
with the Render Meshes option.
Use the main settings for the NavMesh Surface component to lter the input geometry on a broad scale. Fine
tune how Unity treats input geometry on a per-GameObject basis, using the NavMesh Modi er component.
The baking process automatically excludes GameObjects that have a NavMesh Agent or NavMesh Obstacle. They
are dynamic users of the NavMesh, and so do not contribute to NavMesh building.

Advanced settings

The NavMesh Surface Advanced settings panel
The Advanced settings section allows you to customize the following additional parameters:

Property Function
De nes the area type generated when building the NavMesh.
- Walkable (this is the default option)
- Not Walkable
- Jump
Use the NavMesh Modi er component to modify the area type in more detail.
Controls how accurately Unity processes the input geometry for NavMesh baking (this is
a tradeo inbetween speed and accuracy). Check the tickbox to enable. The default is
unchecked (disabled).
3 voxels per Agent radius (6 per diameter) allows the capture of narrow passages, such as
doors, while maintaining a quick baking time. For big open areas, using 1 or 2 voxels per
radius speeds up baking. Tight indoor spots are better suited to smaller voxels, for
example 4 to 6 voxels per radius. More than 8 voxels per radius does not usually provide
much additional bene t.

Property Function
In order to make the bake process parallel and memory e cient, the Scene is divided
into tiles for baking. The white lines visible on the NavMesh are tile boundaries.
The default tile size is 256 voxels, which provides a good tradeo between memory usage
and NavMesh fragmentation.
To change this default tile size, check this tickbox and, in the Tile Size eld, enter the
number of voxels you want the Tile Size to be.
Tile Size
The smaller the tiles, the more fragmented the NavMesh is. This can sometimes cause
non-optimal paths. NavMesh carving also operates on tiles. If you have a lot of obstacles,
you can often speed up carving by making the tile size smaller (for example around 64 to
128 voxels). If you plan to bake the NavMesh at runtime, using a smaller tile size to keep
the maximum memory usage low.
Height Not supported.

Advanced Debug Visualization

Input Geometry, Regions, Polygonal Mesh Detail and Raw Contours shown after building the
NavMesh with debug options

Nav Mesh Surface Inspector with Debug Visualization options
Use the settings in the Debug Visualization section to diagnose any problems encountered during the NavMesh
building process. The di erent tickboxes show each step of the NavMesh building process, including input scene
voxelization (Input Geometry), region splitting (Regions), contour generation (Contours) and the NavMesh
polygons (Polygon Meshes).
2017–09–14 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6
New Advanced Debug Visualization added in 2017.2

NavMesh Modi er

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NavMesh Modi ers adjust how a speci c GameObject behaves during NavMesh baking at runtime. NavMesh Modi ers are
not in the Unity standard install; see documentation on high-level NavMesh building components for information on how to
access them.
To use the NavMesh Modi er component, navigate to GameObject > AI > NavMesh Modi er.
In the image below, the platform in the bottom right has a modi er attached to it that sets its Area Type to Lava.

A NavMesh Modi er component open in the Inspector window
The NavMesh Modi er a ects GameObjects hierarchically, meaning the GameObject that the component is attached to as
well as all its children are a ected. Additionally, if another NavMesh Modi er is found further down the transform hierarchy,
the new NavMesh Modi er overrides the one further up the hierarchy.
The NavMesh Modi er also a ects the NavMesh generation process, meaning the NavMesh has to be updated to re ect any
changes to NavMesh Modi ers.

Ignore From
Override Area
Area Type
A ected

Check this tickbox to exclude the GameObject and all if its children from the build process.
Check this tickbox to change the area type for the GameObject containing the Modi er and
all of its children.
Select the new area type to apply from the drop-down menu.
A selection of Agents the Modi er a ects. For example, you may choose to exclude certain
obstacles from speci c Agents.

2017–05–26 Page published with limited editorial review

New feature in 5.6

NavMesh Modi er Volume

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The NavMesh Modi er Volume component is not in the Unity standard install; see documentation on high-level
NavMesh building components for information on how to access it.
NavMesh Modi er Volume marks a de ned area as a certain type (for example, Lava or Door). Whereas NavMesh
Modi er marks certain GameObjects with an area type. NavMesh Modi er Volume allows you to change an area
type locally based on a speci c volume.
To use the NavMesh Modi er Volume component, navigate to GameObject > AI > NavMesh Modi er Volume.
NavMesh Modi er Volume is useful for marking certain areas of walkable surfaces that might not be represented
as separate geometry, for example danger areas. You can also use It to make certain areas non-walkable.
The NavMesh Modi er Volume also a ects the NavMesh generation process, meaning the NavMesh has to be
updated to re ect any changes to NavMesh Modi er Volumes.

A NavMesh Modi er Volume component open in the Inspector window
Property Function
Dimensions of the NavMesh Modi er Volume, de ned by XYZ measurements.
The center of the NavMesh Modi er Volume relative to the GameObject center, de ned
by XYZ measurements.
Describes the area type to which the NavMesh Modi er Volume applies.
- Walkable (this is the default option)
- Not Walkable
- Jump

Property Function
A selection of Agents the NavMesh Modi er Volume a ects. For example, you may
choose to make the selected NavMesh Modi er Volume a danger zone for speci c Agent
types only.
A ected
- None
- All (this is the default option)
- Humanoid
- Ogre

2017–05–26 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6

NavMesh Link

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The NavMesh Link component is not in the Unity standard install; see documentation on high-level NavMesh
building components for information on how to access it.
NavMesh Link creates a navigable link between two locations that use NavMeshes.
This link can be from point to point or it can span a gap, in which case the Agent uses the nearest location along
the entry edge to cross the link.
You must use a NavMesh Link to connect di erent NavMesh Surfaces.
To use the NavMesh Link component, navigate to GameObject > AI > NavMesh Link.

A NavMesh Link component open in the Inspector window
The Agent type that can use the link.
Agent Type - Humanoid
- Ogre
The start point of the link, relative to the GameObject. De ned by XYZ
Start Point
End Point
The end point of the link, relative to the GameObject. De ned by XYZ measurements.
Clicking this button moves the GameObject at the link’s center point and aligns the
transform’s forward axis with the end point.
To Points


With this tickbox checked, NavMesh Agents traverse the NavMesh Link both ways
(from the start point to the end point, and from the end point back to the start
Bidirectional point).
When this tickbox is unchecked, the NavMesh Link only functions one-way (from the
start point to the end point only).
The area type of the NavMesh Link (this a ects path nding costs).
- Walkable (this is the default option)
Area Type
- Not Walkable
- Jump

Connecting multiple NavMesh Surfaces together

In this image, the blue and red NavMeshes are de ned in two di erent NavMesh Surfaces and
connected by a NavMesh Link
If you want an Agent to move between multiple NavMesh Surfaces in a Scene, they must be connected using a
NavMesh Link.
In the example Scene above, the blue and red NavMeshes are de ned in di erent NavMesh Surfaces, with a
NavMesh link connecting them.
Note that when connecting NavMesh Surfaces:
You can connect NavMesh Surfaces using multiple NavMesh Links.
Both the NavMesh Surfaces and the NavMesh Link must have same Agent type.

The NavMesh Link’s start and end point must only be on one NavMesh Surface - be careful if you have multiple
NavMeshes at the same location.
If you are loading a second NavMesh Surface and you have unconnected NavMesh Links in the rst Scene, check
that they do not connect to any unwanted NavMesh Surfaces.

2017–05–26 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6

NavMesh building components API

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NavMesh building components provide you with additional controls for building (also known as baking) and using
NavMeshes at run time and in the Unity Editor.
NavMesh Modi ers are not in the Unity standard install; see documentation on high-level NavMesh building
components for information on how to access them.

agentTypeID – ID describing the Agent type the NavMesh should be built for.
collectObjects – De nes how input geometry is collected from the Scene, one of
All – Use all objects in the scene.
Volume – Use all GameObjects in the Scene that touch the bounding volume (see size and
Children – use all objects which are children to the Game Object where the NavMesh Surface is
attached to.
size – Dimensions of the build volume. The size is not a ected by scaling.
center – Center of the build volume relative to the transform center.
layerMask – Bitmask de ning the layers on which the GameObjects must be to be included in the
useGeometry – De nes which geometry is used for baking, one of
RenderMeshes – Use geometry from render meshes and terrains
PhysicsColliders – Use geometry from colliders and terrains.
defaultArea – Default area type for all input geometries, unless otherwise speci ed.
ignoreNavMeshAgent – True if GameObjects with a Nav Mesh Agent component should be
ignored as input.
ignoreNavMeshObstacle – True if GameObjects with a Nav Mesh Obstacle component should be
ignored as input.
overrideTileSize – True if tile size is set.
tileSize – Tile size in voxels (the component description includes information on how to choose
tile size).
overrideVoxelSize – True if the voxel size is set.
voxelSize – Size of the voxel in world units (the component description includes information on
how to choose tile size).
buildHeightMesh – Not implemented.
bakedNavMeshData – Reference to the NavMeshData the surface uses, or null if not set.
activeSurfaces – List of all active NavMeshSurfaces.
Note: The above values a ect how the bake results, and so you must call Bake() to include them.

Public Functions

void Bake ()
Bakes a new NavMeshData based on the parameters set on NavMesh Surface. The data can be accessed via

NavMesh Modi er
overrideArea – True if the modi er overrides area type.
area – New area type to apply.
ignoreFromBuild – True if the GameObject which contains the modi er and its children should
be not be used to NavMesh baking.
activeModifiers – List of all active NavMeshModi ers.
Public Functions
bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)
Returns true if the modi er applies to the speci ed Agent type, otherwise false.

NavMesh Modi er Volume
size – Size of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform a ects the size.
center – Center of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform a ects the center.
area – Area type to apply for the NavMesh areas that are inside the bounding volume.
Public Functions
bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)
Returns true of the the modi er applies for the speci ed Agent type.

NavMesh Link
agentTypeID – The type of Agent that can use the link.
startPoint – Start point of the link in local space units. Transform a ects the location.
endPoint – End point of the link in local space units. Transform a ects the location.
width – Width of the link in world length units.
bidirectional – If true, the link can be traversed both ways. If false, the link can be traversed
only from start to end.
autoUpdate – If true, the link updates the end points to follow the transform of the GameObject
every frame.
area – Area type of the link (used for path nding cost).
Public Functions
void UpdateLink()
Updates the link to match the associated transform. This is useful for updating a link, for example after changing
the transform position, but is not necessary if the autoUpdate property is enabled. However calling UpdateLink
can have a much smaller performance impact if you rarely change the link transform.

2017–05–26 Page published with limited editorial review
New feature in 5.6

Advanced NavMesh Bake Settings

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Min Region Area

Some regions that straddle
at a build tile boundary may
not get culled.

Min Region Area culls away
small walkable areas during
bake process.

The Min Region Area advanced build settings allows you to cull away small non-connected NavMesh regions. NavMesh
regions whose surface area is smaller than the speci ed value, will be removed.
Please note that some areas may not get removed despite the Min Region Area setting. The NavMesh is built in parallel
as a grid of tiles. If an area straddles a tile boundary, the area is not removed. The reason for this is that the area
pruning happens at a stage in the build process where surrounding tiles are not accessible.

Voxel Size
Manual voxel size allows you to change the accuracy at which the bake process operates.
The NavMesh bake process uses voxelization to build the NavMesh from arbitrary level geometry. In the rst pass of the
algorithm, the scene is rasterized into voxels, then the walkable surfaces are extracted, and nally the walkable surfaces
are turned into a navigation mesh. The voxel size describes how accurately the resulting NavMesh represents the scene
The default accuracy is set so that there are 3 voxels per agent radius, that is, the whole agent width is 6 voxels. This is a
good trade o between accuracy and bake speed. Halving the voxel size will increase the memory usage by 4x and it will
take 4x longer to build the scene.

Generally you should not need to adjust the voxel size, there are two scenarios where this might be necessary: building
a smaller agent radius, or more accurate NavMesh.

Smaller Agent Radius
When you bake for an arti cially smaller agent radius, the NavMesh bake system will also reduce the voxel size. If your
other agent dimensions stays the same, it may not be necessary to increase the NavMesh build resolution.

The easiest way to do that is as follows:

Set the Agent Radius to the real agent radius.
Turn on the Manual Voxel Size, this will take the current voxel size and “freeze it”.
Set the arti cially smaller Agent Radius, since you have checked on the Manual Voxel Size the voxel size will
not change.

More Accurate NavMesh

If your level has a lot of tight spots, you may want to increase the accuracy by making the voxel smaller. The label under
the Voxel Size shows the relation between the voxel size and Agent Radius. A good range is something between 2–8,
going further than that generally results really long build times.
When you intentionally build tight corridors in your game, please note that you should leave at least 4 * voxelSize
clearance in addition to the agent radius, especially if the corridors are at angles.
If you need smaller corridors than the NavMesh baking can support, please consider using O -Mesh Links. These have
the additional bene t that you can detect when they are being used and can, for example, play a speci c animation.

Further reading
Building a NavMesh – work ow for NavMesh baking.
Building O -Mesh Links Automatically - further details on automatic O -Mesh Link generation.
Building Height Mesh for Accurate Charater Placement – work ow for Height Mesh baking.

Creating a NavMesh Agent

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Once you have a NavMesh baked for your level it is time to create a character which can navigate the scene. We’re going to build
our prototype agent from a cylinder and set it in motion. This is done using a NavMesh Agent component and a simple script.

First let’s create the character:

Create a cylinder: GameObject > 3D Object > Cylinder.
The default cylinder dimensions (height 2 and radius 0.5) are good for a humanoid shaped agent, so we will leave
them as they are.
Add a NavMesh Agent component: Component > Navigation > NavMesh Agent.
Now you have simple NavMesh Agent set up ready to receive commands!
When you start to experiment with a NavMesh Agent, you most likely are going to adjust its dimensions for your character size and
The NavMesh Agent component handles both the path nding and the movement control of a character. In your scripts,
navigation can be as simple as setting the desired destination point - the NavMesh Agent can handle everything from there on.

// MoveTo.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MoveTo : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform goal;

void Start () {
NavMeshAgent agent = GetComponent();
agent.destination = goal.position;

Next we need to build a simple script which allows you to send your character to the destination speci ed by another Game
Object, and a Sphere which will be the destination to move to:

Create a new C# script (MoveTo.cs) and replace its contents with the above script.
Assign the MoveTo script to the character you’ve just created.
Create a sphere, this will be the destination the agent will move to.
Move the sphere away from the character to a location that is close to the NavMesh surface.
Select the character, locate the MoveTo script, and assign the Sphere to the Goal property.
Press Play; you should see the agent navigating to the location of the sphere.
To sum it up, in your script, you will need to get a reference to the NavMesh Agent component and then to set the agent in motion,
you just need to assign a position to its destination property. The Navigation How Tos will give you further examples on how to
solve common gameplay scenarios with the NavMesh Agent.

Further Reading
Navigation HowTos - common use cases for NavMesh Agent, with source code.
Inner Workings of the Navigation System - learn more about path following.
NavMesh Agent component reference – full description of all the NavMeshAgent properties.
NavMesh Agent scripting reference - full description of the NavMeshAgent scripting API.

Creating a NavMesh Obstacle

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NavMesh Obstacle components can be used to describe obstacles the agents should avoid while navigating. For
example the agents should avoid physics controlled objects, such as crates and barrels while moving.
We’re going to add a crate to block the pathway at the top of the level.

Carve hullshows the
shape that will carve the
in the NavMesh when
carving is enabled.

Obstacle is defined
pretty much the same
way as physics colliders.

First create a cube to depict the crate: Game Object > 3D Object > Cube.
Move the cube to the platform at the top, the default size of the cube is good for a crate so leave it
as it is.
Add a NavMesh Obstacle component to the cube. Choose Add Component from the inspector
and choose Navigation > NavMesh Obstacle.
Set the shape of the obstacle to box, changing the shape will automatically t the center and size to
the render mesh.
Add a Rigid body to the obstacle. Choose Add Component from the inspector and choose Physics
> Rigid Body.
Finally turn on the Carve setting from the NavMesh Obstacle inspector so that the agent knows to
nd a path around the obstacle.
Now we have a working crate that is physics controlled, and which the AI knows how to avoid while navigating.

Further Reading
Inner Workings of the Navigation System - learn more about how obstacles are used as part of
NavMesh Obstacle component reference – full description of all the NavMesh Obstacle properties.
NavMesh Obstacle scripting reference - full description of the NavMesh Obstacle scripting API.

Creating an O -mesh Link

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O -Mesh Links are used to create paths crossing outside the walkable navigation mesh surface. For example, jumping over a ditch
or a fence, or opening a door before walking through it, can be all described as O -mesh links.
We’re going to add an O -Mesh Link component to describe a jump from the upper platform to the ground.

First create two cylinders: Game Object > 3D Object > cylinder.
You can scale the cylinders to (0.1, 0.5, 0.1) to make it easier to work with them.
Move the rst cylinder at the edge of the top platform, close to the NavMesh surface.
Place the second cylinder on the ground, close to the NavMesh, at the location where the link should land.
Select the cylinder on the left and add an O -Mesh Link component to it. Choose Add Component from the
inspector and choose Navigation > O Mesh Link.
Assign the leftmost cylinder in the Start eld and rightmost cylinder in the End eld.
Now you have functioning O -Mesh Link set up! If the path via the o -mesh link is shorter than via walking along the Navmesh,
the o -mesh link will be used.
You can use any game object in the scene to hold the O -Mesh link component, for example a fence prefab could contain the o mesh link component. Similarly you can use any game object with a Transform as the start and end marker.
The NavMesh bake process can detect and create common jump-across and drop-down links automatically. Take a look at the
Building O -Mesh Links Automatically for more details.

Further Reading
Building O -Mesh Links Automatically - learn how to automatically build O -Mesh Links.
Navigation HowTos - common use cases for NavMesh Agent, with source code.
O -Mesh Link component reference – full description of all the O -Mesh Link properties.
O -Mesh Link scripting reference - full description of the O -Mesh Link scripting API.

Building O -Mesh Links Automatically

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Some use cases for O -Mesh Links can be detected automatically. The two most common ones are: Drop-Down and JumpAcross.

Drop-Down links are created to drop down from a platform.
Jump-Across links are created to jump across a crevice.
In order to nd the jump locations automatically, the build process walks along the edges of the NavMesh and checks if the
landing location of the jump is on NavMesh. If the jump trajectory is unobstructed an O -Mesh link is created.
Let’s set up automatic O -Mesh Link generation. If you’re not familiar with NavMesh baking, take a look at Building a NavMesh.

First, the objects in the Scene where the jump can start from needs to be marked. This is done my checking Generate O Mesh Links option in the Navigation Window under Objects tab.

Agent radius controls how far a
drop down link can reach, and
Drop Heightcontrols how long
drops are connection.



Jump Distancecontrols how
jump-across links are calculated.
Note that the destination has to be
at the same level as start.

The second step is to setup the drop-down and jump-across trajectories:

Drop-Down link generation is controlled by the Drop Height parameter. The parameter controls what is the
highest drop that will be connected, setting the value to 0 will disable the generation.
The trajectory of the drop-down link is de ned so that the horizontal travel (A) is: 2*agentRadius + 4*voxelSize.
That is, the drop will land just beyond the edge of the platform. In addition the vertical travel (B) needs to be
more than bake settings’ Step Height (otherwise we could just step down) and less than Drop Height. The
adjustment by voxel size is done so that any round o errors during voxelization does not prevent the links

being generated. You should set the Drop Height to a bit larger value than what you measure in your level, so
that the links will connect properly.
Jump-Across link generation is controlled by the Jump Distance parameter. The parameter controls what is the
furthest distance that will be connected. Setting the value to 0 will disable the generation.
The trajectory of the jump-across link is de ned so that the horizontal travel (C) is more than 2*agentRadius
and less than Jump Distance. In addition the landing location (D) must not be further than voxelSize from the
level of the start location.
Now that objects are marked, and settings adjusted, it’s time to press Bake and you have will have automatically generated o mesh links! When ever you change the scene and bake, the old links will be discarded and new links will be created based on
the new scene.

Trouble Shooting
Things to keep in mind if O -Mesh links are not generated at locations where you expect them to be:

Drop Height should a bit bigger than the actual distance measured in your level. This ensures that small
deviations that happen during the NavMesh baking process will not prevent the link to be connected.
Jump Distance should be a bit longer than the actual distance measured in your level. The Jump Distance is
measured from one location on a NavMesh to another location on the NavMesh, which means that you should
add 2*agentRadius (plus a little) to make sure the crevices are crossed.

Further Reading

Creating O -Mesh Links - learn how to manually create O -Mesh Links.
Building a NavMesh – work ow for NavMesh baking.
Bake Settings – full description of the NavMesh bake settings.
O -Mesh Link component reference – full description of all the O -Mesh Link properties.
O -Mesh Link scripting reference - full description of the O -Mesh Link scripting API.

Building Height Mesh for Accurate
Character Placement

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Height mesh allows you to place your character more accurately on the walkable surfaces.

Height Mesh allows more
accurate character
placement. Without it, the
characters are moved
along the approximate
NavMesh surface.

While navigating, the NavMesh Agent is constrained on the surface of the NavMesh. Since the NavMesh is an
approximation of the walkable space, some features are evened out when the NavMesh is being built. For
example, stairs may appear as a slope in the NavMesh. If your game requires accurate placement of the agent,
you should enable Height Mesh building when you bake the NavMesh. The setting can be found under the
Advanced settings in Navigation window. Note that building Height Mesh will take up memory and processing at
runtime, and it will take a little longer to bake the NavMesh.

Further reading
Building a NavMesh – work ow for NavMesh baking.

Navigation Areas and Costs

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The Navigation Areas de ne how di cult it is to walk across a speci c area, the lower cost areas will be preferred
during path nding. In addition each NavMesh Agent has an Area Mask which can be used to specify on which
areas the agent can move.

The door can be traversed only by
agents which have Doorin their
area mask.

The Waterarea is made more
expensive to walk across by
assigning it a higher cost.

In the above example the area types are used for two common use cases:

Water area is made more costly to walk by assigning it a higher cost, to deal with a scenario where
walking on shallow water is slower.
Door area is made accessible by speci c characters, to create a scenario where humans can walk
through doors, but zombies cannot.
The area type can be assigned to every object that is included in the NavMesh baking, in addition, each O -Mesh
Link has a property to specify the area type.

Path nding Cost
In a nutshell, the cost allows you to control which areas the path nder favors when nding a path. For example, if
you set the cost of an area to 3.0, traveling across that area is considered to be three times longer than
alternative routes.
To fully understand how the cost works, let’s take a look at how the path nder works.

Door area is not
accessible for
the agent.

A* graph node

Shortest routetrough
the A* graph.

Cost to traverse this link
is the distancebetween
the nodes times the area
costof the underlying
navmesh polygon.

Nodes and links visited during path nding.
Unity uses A* to calculate the shortest path on the NavMesh. A* works on a graph of connected nodes. The
algorithm starts from the nearest node to the path start and visits the connect nodes until the destination is
Since the Unity navigation representation is a mesh of polygons, the rst thing the path nder needs to do is to
place a point on each polygon, which is the location of the node. The shortest path is then calculated between
these nodes.
The yellow dots and lines in the above picture shows how the nodes and links are placed on the NavMesh, and in
which order they are traversed during the A*.
The cost to move between two nodes depends on the distance to travel and the cost associated with the area
type of the polygon under the link, that is, distance * cost. In practice this means, that if the cost of an area is 2.0,
the distance across such polygon will appear to be twice as long. The A* algorithm requires that all costs must be
larger than 1.0.
The e ect of the costs on the resulting path can be hard to tune, especially for longer paths. The best way to
approach costs is to treat them as hints. For example, if you want the agents to not to use O -Mesh Links too
often, you could increase their cost. But it can be challenging to tune a behavior where the agents to prefer to
walk on sidewalks.

Another thing you may notice on some levels is that the path nder does not always choose the very shortest
path. The reason for this is the node placement. The e ect can be noticeable in scenarios where big open areas
are next to tiny obstacles, which results navigation mesh with very big and small polygons. In such cases the
nodes on the big polygons may get placed anywhere in the big polygon and from the path nder’s point of view it
looks like a detour.
The cost per area type can be set globally in the Areas tab, or you can override them per agent using a script.

Area Types

The area types are speci ed in the Navigation Window’s Areas tab. There are 29 custom types, and 3 built-in types:
Walkable, Not Walkable, and Jump.

Walkable is a generic area type which speci es that the area can be walked on.
Not Walkable is a generic area type which prevents navigation. It is useful for cases where you
want to mark certain object to be an obstacle, but without getting NavMesh on top of it.
Jump is an area type that is assigned to all auto-generated O -Mesh Links.
If several objects of di erent area types are overlapping, the resulting navmesh area type will generally be the
one with the highest index. There is one exception however: Not Walkable always takes precedence. Which can be
helpful if you need to block out an area.

Area Mask

Each agent has an Area Mask which describes which areas it can use when navigating. The area mask can be set in
the agent properties, or the bitmask can be manipulated using a script at runtime.
The area mask is useful when you want only certain types characters to be able to walk through an area. For
example, in a zombie evasion game, you could mark the area under each door with a Door area type, and
uncheck the Door area from the zombie character’s Area Mask.

Further Reading
Building a NavMesh – work ow for NavMesh baking.
NavMeshAgent.areaMask - Script API to set areaMask for an agent.
NavMeshAgent.SetAreaCost() - Script API to set area cost for an agent.

Loading Multiple NavMeshes using
Additive Loading

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The NavMeshes in di erent Scenes are not connect by default. When you load another level using
Application.LoadLevelAdditive() you will need to connect the NavMeshes in di erent Scenes using an O -Mesh link.

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 1

Scene 2

In this example we have Scene 1 and Scene 2. The Scene 1 has an O -Mesh Link starting over a walkable area and
landing over a walkable area in Scene 2. There can be as many O -Mesh Links connecting the Scenes as
When authored the other end point of the scene connecting O -Mesh links are not connected. After a new Scene
is loaded, the O -Mesh Links will be reconnected.

Scene 2
Scene 1

Scene 2
Scene 1

If the multiple scenes have NavMesh overlapping at the same area, the position picking may be arbitrary
NavMesh at that location. This applies to agents, O -Mesh Links and position picking using the NavMesh API.
You should create the scene crossing O -Mesh links so that they start and end clearly on over one NavMesh
only. Overlapping NavMesh areas are not automatically connected.

Further Reading
Building a NavMesh – work ow for NavMesh baking.
Creating O -Mesh Links - learn how to manually create O -Mesh Links.

Using NavMesh Agent with Other

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You can use NavMesh Agent, NavMesh Obstacle, and O Mesh Link components with other Unity components
too. Here’s a list of dos and don’ts when mixing di erent components together.

NavMesh Agent and Physics
You don’t need to add physics colliders to NavMesh Agents for them to avoid each other
That is, the navigation system simulates agents and their reaction to obstacles and the static world.
Here the static world is the baked NavMesh.
If you want a NavMesh Agent to push around physics objects or use physics triggers:
Add a Collider component (if not present)
Add Rigidbody component
Turn on kinematic (Is Kinematic) - this is important!
Kinematic means that the rigid body is controlled by something else than the physics simulation
If both NavMesh Agent and Rigidbody (non-kinematic) are active at the same time, you have race
Both components may try to move the agent at the same which leads to unde ned behavior
You can use a NavMesh Agent to move e.g. a player character, without physics
Set players agent’s avoidance priority to a small number (high priority), to allow the player to brush
through crowds
Move the player agent using NavMeshAgent.velocity, so that other agents can predict the player
movement to avoid the player.

NavMesh Agent and Animator

NavMesh Agent and Animator with Root Motion can cause race condition
Both components try to move the transform each frame
Two possible solutions
Information should always ow in one direction
Either agent moves the character and animations follows
Or animation moves the character based on simulated result
Otherwise you’ll end up having a hard to debug feedback loop
Animation follows agent
Use the NavMeshAgent.velocity as input to the Animator to roughly match the agent’s movement to
the animations
Robust and simple to implement, will result in foot sliding where animations cannot match the
Agent follows animation
Disable NavMeshAgent.updatePosition and NavMeshAgent.updateRotation to detach the
simulation from the game objects locations
Use the di erence between the simulated agent’s position (NavMeshAgent.nextPosition) and
animation root (Animator.rootPosition) to calculate controls for the animations
See Coupling Animation and Navigation for more details

NavMesh Agent and NavMesh Obstacle

Do not mix well!
Enabling both will make the agent trying to avoid itself
If carving is enabled in addition, the agent tries to constantly remap to the edge of the carved hole,
even more erroneous behavior ensues
Make sure only one of them are active at any given time
Deceased state, you may turn o the agent and turn on the obstacle to force other agents to avoid
Alternatively you can use priorities to make certain agents to be avoided more

NavMesh Obstacle and Physics

If you want physics controlled object to a ect NavMesh Agent’s behavior
Add NavMesh Obstacle component to the object which agent should be aware of, this allows the
avoidance system to reason about the obstacle
If a game object has a Rigidbody and a NavMesh Obstacle attached, the obstacle’s velocity is
obtained from the Rigidbody automatically
This allows NavMesh Agents to predict and avoid the moving obstacle

NavMesh Agent

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NavMeshAgent components help you to create characters which avoid each other while moving towards their goal. Agents reason
about the game world using the NavMesh and they know how to avoid each other as well as other moving obstacles. Path nding
and spatial reasoning are handled using the scripting API of the NavMesh Agent.

Agent Size
Radius of the agent, used to calculate collisions between obstacles and other agents.
The height clearance the agent needs to pass below an obstacle overhead.
Base o set O set of the collision cylinder in relation to the transform pivot point.
Maximum movement speed (in world units per second).
Maximum speed of rotation (degrees per second).
Acceleration Maximum acceleration (in world units per second squared).
The agent will stop when this close to the goal location.
When enabled, the agent will slow down when reaching the destination. You should disable this for
behaviors such patrolling, where the agent should move smoothly between multiple points
Obstacle Avoidance
Obstacle avoidance quality. If you have high number of agents you can save CPU time by reducing
the obstacle avoidance quality. Setting avoidance to none, will only resolve collision, but will not try
to actively avoid other agents and obstacles.
Agents of lower priority will be ignored by this agent when performing avoidance. The value should
be in the range 0–99 where lower numbers indicate higher priority.
Path Finding
Set to true to automatically traverse o -mesh links. You should turn this o when you you want to
O Mesh
use animation or some speci c way to traverse o -mesh links.


When enabled the agent will try to nd path again when it reaches the end of a partial path. When
Auto Repath there is no path to the destination, a partial path is generated to the closest reachable location to the
Area mask describes which area types the agent will consider when nding a path. When you
Area Mask prepare meshes for NavMesh baking, you can set each meshes area type. For example you can mark
stairs with special area type, and forbid some character types from using the stairs.


The agent is de ned by an upright cylinder whose size is speci ed by the Radius and Height properties. The cylinder moves with the
object but always remains upright even if the object itself rotates. The shape of the cylinder is used to detect and respond to
collisions between other agents and obstacles. When the GameObject’s anchor point is not at the base of the cylinder, you can use
the Base O set property to take up the height di erence.





The height and radius of the cylinder are actually speci ed in two di erent places: the NavMesh bake settings and the properties of
the individual agents.

NavMesh bake settings describe how all the NavMesh Agents are colliding or avoiding the static world geometry. In
order to keep memory on budget and CPU load in check, only one size can be speci ed in the bake settings.
NavMesh Agent properties values describe how the agent collides with moving obstacles and other agents.
Most often you set the size of the agent the same in both places. But, for example, a heavy soldier may have larger radius, so that
other agents will leave more space around him, but otherwise he’ll avoid the environment just the same.

Further Reading
Creating a NavMesh Agent – work ow on how to create a NavMesh Agent.
Inner Workings of the Navigation System - learn more about how obstacles are used as part of navigation.
NavMesh Agent scripting reference - full description of the NavMeshAgent scripting API.

Nav Mesh Obstacle

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The Nav Mesh__ Obstacle__ component allows you to describe moving obstacles that Nav Mesh Agents should avoid while
navigating the world (for example, barrels or crates controlled by the physics system). While the obstacle is moving, the Nav
Mesh Agents do their best to avoid it. When the obstacle is stationary, it carves a hole in the NavMesh. Nav Mesh Agents then
change their paths to steer around it, or nd a di erent route if the obstacle causes the pathway to be completely blocked.


The shape of the obstacle geometry. Choose whichever one best ts the shape of the object.
Center of the box relative to the transform position.
Size of the box.

Center of the capsule relative to the transform position.
Radius of the capsule.
Height of the capsule.
When the Carve checkbox is ticked, the Nav Mesh Obstacle creates a hole in the NavMesh.
Unity treats the Nav Mesh Obstacle as moving when it has moved more than the distance set by
the Move Threshold. Use this property to set the threshold distance for updating a moving carved
Time To
The time (in seconds) to wait until the obstacle is treated as stationary.
When enabled, the obstacle is carved only when it is stationary. See Logic for moving Nav Mesh
Obstacles, below, to learn more.


When carvingis not
turned on, the agent
just tries to steer to
prevent collision with
the obstacle. This is
good behavior for
moving obstacles.

When a moving obstacle
becomes stationary, carving
should be turned on so that the
agent can plan route around the
location blocked by the obstacle.

Nav Mesh Obstacles can a ect the Nav Mesh Agent’s navigation during the game in two ways:

When Carve is not enabled, the default behavior of the Nav Mesh Obstacle is similar to that of a Collider. Nav Mesh Agents try
to avoid collisions with the Nav Mesh Obstacle, and when close, they collide with the Nav Mesh Obstacle. Obstacle avoidance
behaviour is very basic, and has a short radius. As such, the Nav Mesh Agent might not be able to nd its way around in an
environment cluttered with Nav Mesh Obstacles. This mode is best used in cases where the obstacle is constantly moving (for
example, a vehicle or player character).

When Carve is enabled, the obstacle carves a hole in the NavMesh when stationary. When moving, the obstacle is an
obstruction. When a hole is carved into the NavMesh, the path nder is able to navigate the Nav Mesh Agent around locations
cluttered with obstacles, or nd another route if the current path gets blocked by an obstacle. It’s good practice to turn on
carving for Nav Mesh Obstacles that generally block navigation but can be moved by the player or other game events like
explosions (for example, crates or barrels).

When a moving obstacle
becomes stationary,
carvingshould be turned
on so that the agent can
plan route around the
location blocked by the

If carving is not enabled,
the agent can get stuck
in cluttered environments.

Logic for moving Nav Mesh Obstacles
Unity treats the Nav Mesh Obstacle as moving when it has moved more than the distance set by the Carve > Move Threshold.
When the Nav Mesh Obstacle moves, the carved hole also moves. However, to reduce CPU overhead, the hole is only
recalculated when necessary. The result of this calculation is available in the next frame update. The recalculation logic has
two options:
Only carve when the Nav Mesh Obstacle is stationary
Carve when the Nav Mesh Obstacle has moved

Only carve when the Nav Mesh Obstacle is stationary
This is the default behavior. To enable it, tick the Nav Mesh Obstacle component’s Carve Only Stationary checkbox. In this
mode, when the Nav Mesh Obstacle moves, the carved hole is removed. When the Nav Mesh Obstacle has stopped moving
and has been stationary for more than the time set by Carving Time To Stationary, it is treated as stationary and the carved
hole is updated again. While the Nav Mesh Obstacle is moving, the Nav Mesh Agents avoid it using collision avoidance, but
don’t plan paths around it.

Carve Only Stationery is generally the best choice in terms of performance, and is a good match when the GameObject
associated with the Nav Mesh Obstacle is controlled by physics.

Carve when the Nav Mesh Obstacle has moved
To enable this mode, untick the Nav Mesh Obstacle component’s Carve Only Stationary checkbox. When this is unticked, the
carved hole is updated when the obstacle has moved more than the distance set by Carving Move Threshold. This mode is
useful for large, slowly moving obstacles (for example, a tank that is being avoided by infantry).
Note: When using NavMesh query methods, you should take into account that there is a one-frame delay between changing a
Nav Mesh Obstacle and the e ect that change has on the NavMesh.

See also
Creating a Nav Mesh Obstacle - Guidance on creating Nav Mesh Obstacles.
Inner Workings of the Navigation System - Learn more about how Nav Mesh Obstacles are used as part of navigation.
Nav Mesh Obstacle scripting reference - Full description of the Nav Mesh Obstacle scripting API.

O -Mesh Link

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O MeshLink component allows you to incorporate navigation shortcuts which cannot be represented using a walkable surface. For
example, jumping over a ditch or a fence, or opening a door before walking through it, can all be described as O -mesh links.



Object describing the start location of the O -Mesh Link.
Object describing the start location of the O -Mesh Link.
If value is positive, use it when calculating path cost on processing a path request. Otherwise, the
default cost is used (the cost of the area to which this game object belongs). If the Cost Override is set
to the value 3.0, moving over the o -mesh link will be three times more expensive than moving the
same distance on a default NavMesh area. The cost override becomes useful when you want to make
the agents generally favor walking, but use the o -mesh link when the walk distance is clearly longer.
BiIf enabled, the link can be traversed in either direction. Otherwise, it can only be traversed from Start to
Directional End.
Activated Speci es if this link will used by the path nder (it will just be ignored if this is set to false).
When enabled, the O -Mesh link will be reconnected to the NavMesh when the end points move. If
disabled the link will stay at its start location even if the end points are moved.
Describes the navigation area type of the link. The area type allows you to apply a common traversal
cost to similar area types and prevent certain characters from accessing the O -Mesh Link based on the
agent’s Area Mask.


Connected correctly!

Not connected, the
ring is missing and the
link appears faded.
Moving the end point
closer to the surface will
fix the link.

If the agent does not traverse an O -Mesh link make sure that both end points are connected correctly. A properly connected end
point should show a circle around the access point.
Another common cause is that the Navmesh Agent’s Area Mask does not have the O -Mesh Link’s area included.

Further Reading

Creating an O -Mesh Link – work ow for setting up and o -mesh link.
Building O -Mesh Links Automatically - how to automatically create.
O -Mesh Link scripting reference - full description of the O -Mesh Link scripting API.

Navigation How-Tos

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This section provides a set of techniques and code samples to implement common tasks in navigation. As with all
code in our documentation, you are free to use it for any purpose without crediting Unity.

Telling a NavMeshAgent to Move to a

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You can tell an agent to start calculating a path simply by setting the NavMeshAgent.destination property with the
point you want the agent to move to. As soon as the calculation is nished, the agent will automatically move along
the path until it reaches its destination. The following code implements a simple class that uses a GameObject to
mark the target point which gets assigned to the destination property in the Start function. Note that the script
assumes you have already added and con gured the NavMeshAgent component from the editor.

// MoveDestination.cs
using UnityEngine;
public class MoveDestination : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform goal;
void Start () {
NavMeshAgent agent = GetComponent();
agent.destination = goal.position;

// MoveDestination.js
var goal: Transform;
function Start() {
var agent: NavMeshAgent = GetComponent.();
agent.destination = goal.position;

Moving an Agent to a Position Clicked
by the Mouse

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This script lets you choose the destination point on the NavMesh by clicking the mouse on the object’s surface.
The position of the click is determined by a raycast, rather like pointing a laser beam at the object to see where it
hits (see the page Rays from the Camera for a full description of this technique). Since the GetComponent
function is fairly slow to execute, the script stores its result in a variable during the Start function rather than call it
repeatedly in Update.

// MoveToClickPoint.cs
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
public class MoveToClickPoint : MonoBehaviour {
NavMeshAgent agent;
void Start() {
agent = GetComponent();
void Update() {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosi
agent.destination = hit.point;

var agent: NavMeshAgent;
function Start() {
agent = GetComponent.();
function Update() {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
var hit: RaycastHit;

if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition
agent.destination = hit.point;

Making an Agent Patrol Between a SetLeave feedback
of Points
Many games feature NPCs that patrol automatically around the playing area. The navigation system can be used
to implement this behaviour but it is slightly more involved than standard path nding - merely using the shortest
path between two points makes for a limited and predictable patrol route. You can get a more convincing patrol
pattern by keeping a set of key points that are “useful” for the NPC to pass through and visiting them in some kind
of sequence. For example, in a maze, you might place the key patrol points at junctions and corners to ensure the
agent checks every corridor. For an o ce building, the key points might be the individual o ces and other rooms.

A maze with key patrol points marked
The ideal sequence of patrol points will depend on the way you want the NPCs to behave. For example, a robot
would probably just visit the points in a methodical order while a human guard might try to catch the player out
by using a more random pattern. The simple behaviour of the robot can be implemented using the code shown
The patrol points are supplied to the script using a public array of Transforms. This array can be assigned from
the inspector using GameObjects to mark the points’ positions. The GotoNextPoint function sets the destination
point for the agent (which also starts it moving) and then selects the new destination that will be used on the next
call. As it stands, the code cycles through the points in the sequence they occur in the array but you can easily
modify this, say by using Random.Range to choose an array index at random.
In the Update function, the script checks how close the agent is to the destination using the remainingDistance
property. When this distance is very small, a call to GotoNextPoint is made to start the next leg of the patrol.

// Patrol.cs
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using System.Collections;

public class Patrol : MonoBehaviour {

public Transform[] points;
private int destPoint = 0;
private NavMeshAgent agent;

void Start () {
agent = GetComponent();
// Disabling auto­braking allows for continuous movement
// between points (ie, the agent doesn't slow down as it
// approaches a destination point).
agent.autoBraking = false;

void GotoNextPoint() {
// Returns if no points have been set up
if (points.Length == 0)
// Set the agent to go to the currently selected destination.
agent.destination = points[destPoint].position;
// Choose the next point in the array as the destination,
// cycling to the start if necessary.
destPoint = (destPoint + 1) % points.Length;

void Update () {
// Choose the next destination point when the agent gets
// close to the current one.
if (!agent.pathPending && agent.remainingDistance < 0.5f)

// Patrol.js
var points: Transform[];
var destPoint: int = 0;
var agent: NavMeshAgent;

function Start() {
agent = GetComponent.();
// Disabling auto­braking allows for continuous movement
// between points (ie, the agent doesn't slow down as it
// approaches a destination point).
agent.autoBraking = false;

function GotoNextPoint() {
// Returns if no points have been set up
if (points.Length == 0)
// Set the agent to go to the currently selected destination.
agent.destination = points[destPoint].position;
// Choose the next point in the array as the destination,
// cycling to the start if necessary.
destPoint = (destPoint + 1) % points.Length;

function Update() {
// Choose the next destination point when the agent gets
// close to the current one.
if (!agent.pathPending && agent.remainingDistance < 0.5f)

Coupling Animation and Navigation

Leave feedback

The goal of this document is to guide you to setup navigating humanoid characters to move using the navigation
We’ll be using Unity’s built-in systems for animation and navigation along with custom scripting to achieve this.
It’s assumed you’re familiar with the basics of Unity and the Mecanim animation system.
An example project is available — so you don’t have add scripts or set up animations and animation controller
from scratch:

NavigationAnimation_53.zip Works with Unity 5.3+

Creating the Animation Controller
To get a responsive and versatile animation controller — covering a wide range of movements — we need a set of
animations moving in di erent directions. This is sometimes referred to as a strafe-set.
In addition to the move animations we need an animation for the standing character.
We proceed by arranging the strafe-set in a 2D blend tree — choose blend type: 2D Simple Directional and place
animations using Compute Positions > Velocity XZ
For blending control we add two oat parameters velx and vely, and assign them to the blend tree.
Here we’ll be placing 7 run animations — each with a di erent velocity. In addition to the forwards (+ left/right)
and backwards (+ left/right) we also use an animation clip for running on the spot. The latter is highlighted in the
center of the 2D blend map below. The reason for having an animation running on the spot is two-fold, rstly it
preserves the style of running when blended with the other animations. Secondly the animation prevents footsliding when blending.

Then we add the idle animation clip in it’s own node (Idle). We now have two discrete animation states that we
couple with 2 transitions.

To control the switch between the moving and idle states we add a boolean control parameter move. Then
disable the Has Exit Time property on the transitions. This allows the transition to trigger at any time during the
animation. Transition time should be set to around 0.10 second to get a responsive transition.

Now place the new created animation controller on the character you want to move.
Press play and select the character in the Hierarchy window. You can now manually control the animation values
in the Animator window and change the move state and velocity.
The next step is to create other means of controlling the animation parameters.

Navigation Control
Place a NavMeshAgent component on the character and adjust the radius, height and to match the character additionally change the speed property to match the maximum speed in the animation blend tree.
Create a navmesh for the scene you’ve placed the character in.
Next we need to tell the character where to navigate to. This typically is very speci c to the application. Here we
choose a click to move behavior — the character moved to the point in the world where the user has clicked on
the screen.

// ClickToMove.cs
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
[RequireComponent (typeof (NavMeshAgent))]
public class ClickToMove : MonoBehaviour {
RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit();
NavMeshAgent agent;

void Start () {
agent = GetComponent ();
void Update () {
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out hitInfo))
agent.destination = hitInfo.point;

Pressing play now — and clicking around in the scene — you’ll see the character move around in the scene.
However — the animations don’t match the movement at all. We need to communicate the state and velocity of
the agent to the animation controller.
To transfer the velocity and state info from the agent to the animation controller we will add another script.

// LocomotionSimpleAgent.cs
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
[RequireComponent (typeof (NavMeshAgent))]
[RequireComponent (typeof (Animator))]
public class LocomotionSimpleAgent : MonoBehaviour {
Animator anim;
NavMeshAgent agent;
Vector2 smoothDeltaPosition = Vector2.zero;
Vector2 velocity = Vector2.zero;
void Start ()
anim = GetComponent ();
agent = GetComponent ();
// Don’t update position automatically
agent.updatePosition = false;
void Update ()
Vector3 worldDeltaPosition = agent.nextPosition ­ transform.position;
// Map 'worldDeltaPosition' to local space

float dx = Vector3.Dot (transform.right, worldDeltaPosition);
float dy = Vector3.Dot (transform.forward, worldDeltaPosition);
Vector2 deltaPosition = new Vector2 (dx, dy);
// Low­pass filter the deltaMove
float smooth = Mathf.Min(1.0f, Time.deltaTime/0.15f);
smoothDeltaPosition = Vector2.Lerp (smoothDeltaPosition, deltaPosition, s
// Update velocity if time advances
if (Time.deltaTime > 1e­5f)
velocity = smoothDeltaPosition / Time.deltaTime;
bool shouldMove = velocity.magnitude > 0.5f && agent.remainingDistance >
// Update animation parameters
anim.SetBool("move", shouldMove);
anim.SetFloat ("velx", velocity.x);
anim.SetFloat ("vely", velocity.y);
GetComponent().lookAtTargetPosition = agent.steeringTarget + tran
void OnAnimatorMove ()
// Update position to agent position
transform.position = agent.nextPosition;

This script deserves a little explanation. It’s placed on the character — which has an Animator and a
NavMeshAgent component attached — as well as the click to move script above.
First the script tells the agent not to update the character position automatically. We handle the position update
that last in the script. The orientation is updated by the agent.
The animation blend is controlled by reading the agent velocity. It is transformed into a relative velocity (based on
character orientation) — and then smoothed. The transformed horizontal velocity components are then passed to
the Animator and additionally the state switching between idle and moving is controlled by the speed (i.e. velocity
In the OnAnimatorMove() callback we update the position of the character to match the NavMeshAgent.
Playing the scene again gives show that animation matches the movement to as close as possible.

Improving the Quality of the Navigating Character

To improve the quality of the animated and navigating character we will explore a couple of options.

Having the character to look and turn towards points of interest is important to convey attention and anticipation.
We’ll use the animation systems lookat API. This calls for another script.

// LookAt.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
[RequireComponent (typeof (Animator))]
public class LookAt : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform head = null;
public Vector3 lookAtTargetPosition;
public float lookAtCoolTime = 0.2f;
public float lookAtHeatTime = 0.2f;
public bool looking = true;
private Vector3 lookAtPosition;
private Animator animator;
private float lookAtWeight = 0.0f;
void Start ()
if (!head)
Debug.LogError("No head transform ­ LookAt disabled");
enabled = false;
animator = GetComponent ();
lookAtTargetPosition = head.position + transform.forward;
lookAtPosition = lookAtTargetPosition;
void OnAnimatorIK ()
lookAtTargetPosition.y = head.position.y;
float lookAtTargetWeight = looking ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
Vector3 curDir = lookAtPosition ­ head.position;
Vector3 futDir = lookAtTargetPosition ­ head.position;
curDir = Vector3.RotateTowards(curDir, futDir, 6.28f*Time.deltaTime, floa
lookAtPosition = head.position + curDir;

float blendTime = lookAtTargetWeight > lookAtWeight ? lookAtHeatTime : lo
lookAtWeight = Mathf.MoveTowards (lookAtWeight, lookAtTargetWeight, Time
animator.SetLookAtWeight (lookAtWeight, 0.2f, 0.5f, 0.7f, 0.5f);
animator.SetLookAtPosition (lookAtPosition);

Add the script to the character and assign the head property to the head transform in your characters transform
hierarchy. The LookAt script has no notion of navigation control — so to control where to look we go back to the
LocomotionSimpleAgent.cs script and add a couple of lines to control the looking. Add the end of Update()

LookAt lookAt = GetComponent ();
if (lookAt)
lookAt.lookAtTargetPosition = agent.steeringTarget + transform.forwar

This will tell the LookAt script to set the point of interest to approximately the next corner along the path or — if
no corners — to the end of the path.
Try it out.

Animation Driven Character using Navigation
The character has so far been controlled completely by the position dictated by the agent. This ensures that the
avoidance of other characters and obstacles translates directly to the character position. However it may lead to
foot-sliding if the animation doesn’t cover the proposed velocity. Here we’ll relax the constraint of the character a
bit. Basically we’ll be trading the avoidance quality for animation quality.
Replace the OnAnimatorMove() callback on the LocomotionSimpleAgent.cs script replace the line with the

void OnAnimatorMove ()
// Update position based on animation movement using navigation surface h
Vector3 position = anim.rootPosition;
position.y = agent.nextPosition.y;
transform.position = position;

When trying this out you may notice the that character can now drift away from the agent position (green
wireframe cylinder) . You may need to limit that character animation drift. This can be done either by pulling the
agent towards the character — or pull the character towards the agent position. Add the following at the end of
the Update() method on the script LocomotionSimpleAgent.cs.

// Pull character towards agent
if (worldDeltaPosition.magnitude > agent.radius)
transform.position = agent.nextPosition ­ 0.9f*worldDeltaPosition;

Or — if you want the agent to follow the character.

// Pull agent towards character
if (worldDeltaPosition.magnitude > agent.radius)
agent.nextPosition = transform.position + 0.9f*worldDeltaPosition;

What works best very much depends on the speci c use-case.

We have set up a character that moves using the navigation system and animates accordingly. Tweaking the
numbers of blend time, look-at weights etc. can improve the looks — and is a good way to further explore this

Unity Services

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Unity is more than an engine. It also brings a growing range of integrated services to engage, retain and monetize
audiences. Unity provides a growing range of complimentary services to help developers make games and
engage, retain and monetize audiences.
Our Unity Ads, Unity Analytics, Unity Cloud Build and Unity Multiplayer are fully integrated with the Unity Editor
to make creating and managing games as smooth, simple and rewarding an experience as possible.
See the Knowledge Base Services section for tips, tricks and troubleshooting.

Setting up your project for Unity

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To get started with Unity’s family of services, you must rst link your project to a Unity Services Project ID. A
Unity Services Project ID is an online identi er which is used across all Unity Services. These can be created within
the Services window itself, or online on the Unity Services website. The simplest way is to use the Services window
within Unity, as follows:
To open the Services Window, go to Window > General > Services, or click the cloud button in the toolbar.


If you have not yet linked your project with a Services ID, the following appears:

The Services window
This allows you to create a new Project ID or select an existing one.
To create a Project ID, you must specify an Organization and a Project Name.
If this is the rst time you are using any of the Unity Services, you will need to select both an Organization and a
Project name. The Select organization eld is typically your company name.
When you rst open a Unity Account (usually when you rst download and install Unity), a default “Organization”
is created under your account. This default Organization has the same name as your account username. If this is
the Organization you want your Project to be associated with, select this organization from the list.
Sometimes people need to be able to work in more than one organization - for example, if you are working with
di erent teams on di erent projects. If you need to work with multiple organizations, you can add and manage
your organizations on the organization ID web page. If you belong to multiple organizations, they will appear in
the list.
Select your organization and click Create.

Creating a new Unity Services Project ID
The Project name for your new Unity Services Project ID is automatically lled in with the name you picked for
your Project when you rst created it. You can change the Project name later in the Settings section of the
Services window.
Sometimes you might need to re-link your project with the Unity Services Project ID. In this case, select the Project
from the list of your existing Projects that are registed with Unity Services.

Selecting an existing project

Unity Organizations

Leave feedback

Unity Organizations are the containers for your Projects and subscriptions. If you are an individual game
developer, you might not need to work with the features provided by an Organization. However, to work with
other team members, you must understand how to use accounts, Organizations, subscriptions, and seats.
Organizations are one way in which a collection of users can collaborate on Unity projects. An Organization can
consist of a single user, and expand to include multiple users at a later time. You can associate multiple
Organizations with your account.
A subscription de nes the software license level available to an Organization. There are three subscription tiers:
Personal, Plus, or Pro. For more information on requirements for each of the Unity subscription tiers, see the Tier
Eligibility section of Unity Pro, Unity Plus and Unity Personal Software Additional Terms.
A seat represents an individual license to use Unity. When purchasing a Pro or Plus subscription, select the
number of seats to purchase in that tier and then assign the seats to users in your Organization. You can also
assign seats at a Project level to users who are not members of your Organization.
2018–04–25 Page published with editorial review

Subscriptions and seats

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To use the Unity Editor and Services, you must create a Unity Developer Network (UDN) account.
When you create an account, you get:

A default Organization
A Unity Personal Tier subscription (license) in the Organization
An Editor seat for the license in the subscription
If you are not eligible to use a Unity Personal tier subscription, you must upgrade to either the Unity Plus or Pro
tier. When you subscribe to Plus or Pro, you get:

A subscription (license) attached to an Organization of your choice to your account.
An Editor seat for the license in the subscription
When you purchase additional Subscriptions, you do so through an Organization. You can purchase additional
subscriptions on the Unity ID dashboard (see Members and groups). If you are part of a company, this allows you
to organize your licenses under a company Organization while keeping your other activities in Unity separate. For
more information, see Managing your Organization.

Subscription seats
A subscription seat represents a single user license, and allows users to work together on Projects in the Editor. If
your Organization uses a Pro or Plus subscription, all users working on your Organization’s Projects must have an
Editor seat at the same tier or higher. If a user has a lower tier subscription, you must assign them a seat from
your license.
Note: You must be an Owner or Manager in the Organization to assign seats, see Organization roles.
To assign seats:

Sign in to the Unity ID dashboard.
In the left navigation bar, click Organizations.
Select the Organization.
In the left navigation pane, click Subscriptions & Services.
Select the subscription from which you are assigning the seat.
Click the Manage seats button, then select the Organization member that you want to assign a
seat to.
Click the Assign Seat(s) button.
The selected member receives an email with information on how to activate Unity.
Assigning a seat gives the user access to Editor features at the Organization’s subscription level. This means the
user can have a Personal tier license but use an assigned seat to access a higher tier subscription license.
You can purchase additional seats for your subscription at any time on Unity’s website. For information on
activating Unity, see Online Activation.

Working with individuals outside of your Organization

If you want to collaborate with individuals outside your Organization without giving them access to your
Organization’s sensitive information, add the user directly to a speci c Project. If the contributor has their own
Plus or Pro Editor Seat that matches the Organization’s subscription tier, you do not need to assign them one of
To add a user to a speci c Project:

Sign in to the Unity Services Dashboard.
Select the Project that you want to add a user to.
In the left navigation column, click Settings, then click Users.
In the Add a person or group eld, enter the user’s email address.
To allow users to access the Collaborate and Cloud Build features on your Project, you must assign them a Unity
Teams seat, which is separate from the Editor seats associated with subscriptions. If the speci ed user does not
have a Unity Teams seat, one is assigned by default. If you do not want the user to collaborate with Unity Teams,
uncheck the Also assign a Unity Teams Seat to this user checkbox.
For more information on Unity Teams, see Working with Unity Teams.
2018–04–25 Page published with editorial review

Managing your Organization

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To create or manage Organizations, sign in to the Unity ID dashboard and select Organizations from the left
navigation bar.

Creating Organizations
You can use Organizations to segregate your Projects by the entity for which they are being developed. You can
create as many Organizations as you like. To keep your activities for di erent companies or personal use
separate, use a seperate Organization for each entity.
Separating your activities through Organizations also facilitates seamless personnel changes. For example, if an
employee leaves the company, you can reallocate their seat because the subscription is tied to the Organization
instead of the user.
To create a new Organization:

Sign in to the Unity ID dashboard.
In the left navigation bar, click Organizations.
In the Organizations pane, click the Add new button.
In the Organization Name text eld, enter the name of your Organization, and then click the
Create button.
The following sections describe the information and tasks available for your Organizations from the Unity ID

Members & Groups
With an Organization selected, click Members & Groups from the left navigation bar to view or add members and
groups within that Organization, or assign user roles.

Adding users
To work with other users, you must give them access to your Project(s). To do this, either:

Add the user to your Organization. This allows the user to view all of the Projects within the
Organization. If the user needs to modify information about your subscription, you can assign them
an Owner or Manager role.

Add the user directly to an individual Project. This gives the user access to one Project, with no
access to Organization and subscription information.
Adding a user to an Organization or a Project allows them to view information about a Project. For example, they
can view Project Analytics and the results of Performance Reporting.
For the user to work on Projects, as opposed to just viewing information, they must have a seat tier that matches
the Organization’s subscription tier. If they do not have one of their own, you must assign them one. For more
information, see Subscription Seats.

Organization roles

You can assign di erent administrative roles to members of your Organization. Each role grants access to certain
functions within the Organization.
To assign a team member to a role:

Sign in to the Unity ID dashboard.
Click Organizations on the left navigation bar.The Organizations page contains a list of the
Organization names associated to your account.
Click the cog icon next to the name of the Organization.
Click Members & Groups in the left navigation bar. This page contains all members associated with
the Organization.
Find the name of the member whose role you want to change, and then click the pencil icon.
Choose the member’s role from the drop-down menu titled Organization Role. Once you’ve
selected the new role, click Save.
Note: Organization Managers can also assign member roles. However, they can only assign the role of User or

Owners can access all settings in any of their Organizations’ subscriptions, across all Projects.
Owners are the only users with access to payment instruments, invoices and billing data for the
Managers can access most settings in any of their Organizations’ subscriptions, across all Projects.
Managers can add users, access monetization data, and do almost everything an Owner can do.
However, they cannot see billing and credit card information for the Organization.
Users can read and view all Organization and Services data, except Monetization data. They cannot
edit Organization and Services data.
Guests are members of your Organization that have no permissions to view data within the
Organization. The Guest role allows you to assign vendors and contractors a Teams Advanced seat
in the Organization that allows them to use the Collaboration service. Guests only have permission
to access the speci c project to which they are assigned.
All Organization members can access all of the Organization’s Projects.
To assign a member a di erent role for a speci c Project:

Sign in to the Unity Services Dashboard.
Select the relevant Project.
In the left navigation column, click Settings, then click Users.
Click the Add a person or group eld.
Select a Organization user from the displayed list or enter the email address of a user who has not
been added to the Organisation.
If the speci ed user does not have a Unity Teams seat, Unity assigns them a seat automatically. If you do not want
the user to collaborate on the Project using Unity Teams, uncheck the Also assign a Unity Teams Seat to this
user checkbox. For more information on Unity Teams, see Working with Unity Teams.
Note: Because Services are enabled on a per Project basis, and each Project is tied to an Organization, only that
Organization’s Owner can enable and disable Services for its associated Projects. Regardless of your subscription
tier or seat, you need certain roles or permissions within an Organization to use Services features or view related
data on the Unity Services Dashboard.

Subscriptions & Services
With an Organization selected, click Subscriptions & Services from the left navigation bar to manage your Editor
and Unity Teams subscriptions.
To view the status of a subscription, select the subscription you wish to view from the list. The subscription details
page allows you to add and assign seats for that Subscription. It also allows you to extend or upgrade your

Service Usage
With an Organization selected, click Service Usage from the left navigation bar to view your Unity Teams cloud
storage allocation and usage.
Unity Teams includes some cloud storage, which you can adjust on a month-to-month basis. Click Manage
storage to add or subtract space. For more information on managing storage, see How Do I Get More Cloud
Storage In the knowledge base.

Edit Organization
With an Organization selected, click Edit Organization from the left navigation bar to change the Organization’s
name and contact information. Only the Owner can change these settings.

Payment Methods
With an Organization selected, click Payment Methods from the left navigation bar to manage the credit cards
that Unity stores for the Organization. Valid payment methods are required to purchase subscriptions or cloud

Transaction History and Payouts
With an Organization selected, click Transaction History from the left navigation bar to view records of your
purchases and payouts. Select a date range to query, then click Apply to view records for that period.
The Purchases tab reports purchases you’ve made during the speci ed period. The Payouts tab reports
payments you received from Unity for ads revenue. To receive payouts, you must set up a payment pro le by
clicking Payment Pro le in the left navigation bar. For more information on Unity Ads revenue, see Revenue and
2018–04–25 Page published with editorial review

Managing your Organization’s

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When you create a new Project, it is assigned to an Organization. If you have not created any additional
Organizations, it is automatically assigned to your default Organization. If multiple Organizations are available to
your account, you can choose which one to use. As such, Projects inherit their Organization’s role settings.
However, if users need access to certain tools or information, you can give them di erent roles that are unique to
each Project, without granting visibility across the entire Organization’s portfolio of Projects. For more
information, see Members & Groups in Managing your Organization.
As the Organization Owner, you also have the following tools to manage your Projects:

Archiving and restoring Projects
Changing Project names
Transferring Projects to a new Organization

Archiving and restoring Projects
Projects cannot be deleted which can lead to clutter on your dashboard. To reduce clutter, you can archive
Projects you no longer use. Archiving a Project prevents it from displaying in your Projects list.
To archive a Project:
Sign in to the Unity Dashboard.
Select the Project to archive.
In the left navigation pane, click Settings > General.
In the Project pane, click the Archive my project for ALL Unity services button.

Archive Project window
In the Project archive pop-up window, enter the name of the Project to con rm that you want to archive the
Project, then click the Yes, archive it button.

Archive Project con rmation window
To view your archived Projects and reactivate them:
Sign in to the Unity Services Dashboard.
Click View Archived Projects on top right of the page.

View archived Projects window
Locate the Project to reactivate and the click the Unarchive button.

Unarchive Projects window

Changing the name of a Project
To change the name of a Project:

Sign in to the Unity Services Dashboard.
Select the Project to rename.
In the left navigation pane, click Settings > General.
In the Rename this project textbox, enter a new name for the Project, then click the Rename
2018–04–25 Page published with editorial review

Transfer a Project to a new

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To transfer a Unity Project from one organization to another, you must be an owner or manager of both
organizations. You perform this operation through the Unity Developer Dashboard.
Note: You do not need to disable Unity Services for this process.
From the Developer Dashboard Projects list, locate the Project you want to transfer, and select View.

Selecting a Project on the Developer Dashboard
Select Settings on the left navigation bar, then select General from the drop-down options.

Selecting the General Settings for your Project
Select the Transfer this project to another organization drop-down, then select the destination organization
from the list and click Transfer.

Transferring a Project to another organisation
A message appears indicating whether the transfer was successful. If you receive an error message, contact Unity
2017–10–18 Page published with no editorial review
2017–10–18 - Project transfer service compatible with Unity 2017.1 onwards at this date; version compatibility may be subject to change.

Working with Unity Teams

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Unity Teams enables creative teams to work more e ciently together with features that enable collaboration and simplify
work ows.
Unity Teams consists of the following services:

Unity Collaborate: Save, share, and sync your projects and use simple version control and cloud storage, all
seamlessly integrated with Unity. For more information, see Unity Collaborate.
Unity Cloud Build: Automatically share builds with team members. If you subscribe to Teams Advanced you
can build your Project in the cloud. For more information, see Unity Cloud Build.
Every Unity Project is associated with an Organization. Organizations are the container for your Unity subscription services.
When you need to purchase additional Editor seats, you create a subscription under an Organization and add seat licenses
under it. When you assign an Editor seat to a Project user, it is assigned from one of your subscriptions.
Team seats are attached directly to an Organization. When you create your rst Project, you get a Teams Basic subscription
that has three Team seats. If you subscribe to Teams Advanced, the seats you buy are added to the Organization.
For Project team member to use Unity Teams, you must assign them a Team seat in your organization. You might also need
to assign them an Editor seat if their license level does not match the license level of your Subscription.
When working with Unity Teams seats, remember that:

Unity Teams seats are separate from Editor seats.
Your Unity Teams seats are attached to your Organization, not a subscription under the Organization.
Subscribe to Unity Teams Advanced if you need to:

Collaborate with more than two other people
Use the full features of Cloud Build
Use more cloud storage
Get an extensive version history for Projects on which you collaborate
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2018–04–25 Page published with editorial review

Unity Ads

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Unity Ads is a mobile advertising network for iOS & Android that delivers market leading revenue from your user
base, while increasing engagement and retention.
We are currently working on consolidating the documentation for Unity Ads into this user manual. In the
meantime, the best place to get started and learn about using Unity Ads is the Unity Ads Knowledge Base.

Useful links
Integration Guide for Unity - A guide covering both methods for integrating Unity Ads in the Unity engine.
Unity Ads Admin panel - Here you can see reports, con gure advanced monetization settings for your games, and
perform other ads-related management tasks.
Unity Ads forums - get help and nd answers to commonly asked questions.

Blog posts:
Showing ads in your game to make money
A Designer’s Guide To Using Video Ads
2017–07–27 Page amended with editorial review

Unity Editor integration

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This guide covers both methods for integrating Unity Ads in the Unity engine:

Services Window integration
Asset Package integration

Setting build targets
Con gure your project for a supported platform using the Build Settings window.
Set the platform to iOS or Android, then click Switch Platform.

The Build Settings window

Enabling the Ads Service
This process varies slightly depending on your integration preference; the Services Window method or the
Asset Package method.

Services Window method
To enable Ads, you need to con gure your project for Unity Services. This requires setting an Organization and
Project Name. See documentation on setting up Services.
With Services set up, you can enable Unity Ads:

In the Unity Editor, select Window > General > Services to open the Services window.
Select Ads from the Services window menu.
Click the toggle to the right to enable the Ads Service (see image below).

Specify whether your product targets children under 13, by clicking in the checkbox then click

Services window in the Unity Editor (left) and the Ads section of the Services window with the enable
toggle (middle, right)

Asset Package method

Before integrating Ads the Asset Package, you need to create a Unity Ads Game ID, as described below.
Create a Unity Ads Game ID
In your web browser, navigate to the Unity Ads Dashboard, using your Unity Developer Network UDN Account, and
select Add new project.

Select applicable platforms (iOS, Android, or both).

Locate the platform-speci c Game ID and copy it for later.

Integrate Ads to the Asset Package
Declare the Unity Ads namespace, UnityEngine.Advertisements in the header of your script (see
UnityEngine.Advertisements documentation):

using UnityEngine.Advertisements;

Inititalize Unity Ads early in the game’s runtime lifecycle, preferably at launch, using the copied Game ID string,

Advertisement.Initialize(string gameId)

Showing ads
With the Service enabled, you can implement the code in any script to display ads.
Declare the Unity Ads namespace, UnityEngine.Advertisement in the header of your script (see
UnityEngine.Advertisements documentation):

using UnityEngine.Advertisements;

Call the Show() function to display an ad:


Rewarding players for watching ads
Rewarding players for watching ads increases user engagement, resulting in higher revenue. For example, games may
reward players with in-game currency, consumables, additional lives, or experience-multipliers.
To reward players for completing a video ad, use the HandleShowResult callback method in the example below. Be
sure to check that the result is equal to ShowResult.Finished, to verify that the user hasn’t skipped the ad.

In your script, add a callback method.
Pass the method as a parameter when when calling Show().
Call Show() with the "rewardedVideo" placement to make the video unskippable.
Note: See Unity Ads documentation for more detailed information on placements.

void ShowRewardedVideo ()
var options = new ShowOptions();
options.resultCallback = HandleShowResult;
Advertisement.Show("rewardedVideo", options);
void HandleShowResult (ShowResult result)
if(result == ShowResult.Finished) {
Debug.Log("Video completed ­ Offer a reward to the player");
// Reward your player here.
}else if(result == ShowResult.Skipped) {
Debug.LogWarning("Video was skipped ­ Do NOT reward the player");
}else if(result == ShowResult.Failed) {
Debug.LogError("Video failed to show");

Example rewarded ads button code
Use the code below to create a rewarded ads button. The ads button displays an ad when pressed as long as ads are

Select Game Object > UI > Button to add a button to your Scene.
Select the button you added to your Scene, then add a script component to it using the Inspector. (In the Inspector,
select Add Component > New Script .)
Open the script and add the following code:
Note: The two sections of code that are speci c to Asset Package integration are called out in comments.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Advertisements;
private string gameId = "1486551";
private string gameId = "1486550";
ColorBlock newColorBlock = new ColorBlock();
public Color green = new Color(0.1F, 0.8F, 0.1F, 1.0F);
public class UnityAdsButton : MonoBehaviour
Button m_Button;
public string placementId = "rewardedVideo";
void Start ()
m_Button = GetComponent

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