SF LLD User Guide Release 21x
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Single Family Loan-Level Dataset General User Guide October 2018 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 Loan Selection Criteria & Data Overview ............................................................................. 4 Dataset Overview .................................................................................................................... 6 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset ..................................................................................................... 6 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset Sample ........................................................................................ 6 Single Family HARP Loan-Level Dataset........................................................................................... 6 File Layout & Data Dictionary ................................................................................................ 7 Origination Data File .......................................................................................................................... 7 Monthly Performance Data File ....................................................................................................... 12 Interpreting the Data............................................................................................................. 16 Zero Balance Codes ........................................................................................................................ 17 Valid Values .................................................................................................................................... 17 Monthly Reporting Period ................................................................................................................ 18 Repurchases ................................................................................................................................... 21 Modifications ................................................................................................................................... 22 Actual Loss ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Interpreting HARP Data ................................................................................................................... 25 Loan level disclosure: Data Masking................................................................................................ 27 Additional Information ......................................................................................................... 28 A. Dataset for SAS Users ............................................................................................................... 29 B. Dataset for STATA Users ........................................................................................................... 30 C. Dataset for R code users............................................................................................................ 30 D. HARP Dataset for SAS Users .................................................................................................... 31 E. HARP Dataset for R Users ......................................................................................................... 32 October 2018 Page 2 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Introduction The information provided in this document serves as a reference for understanding the Single Family Loan-Level Dataset (the “Dataset”). The Dataset includes: • Loan-level origination, monthly loan performance, and actual loss data on a portion of the fully amortizing 30-year fixed-rate1 Single Family mortgages2 that Freddie Mac acquired with origination dates from 1999 to the Origination Cutoff Date (see Release Notes for details). • Loan-level origination, monthly loan performance, and actual loss data on a portion of the fully amortizing 15- and 20-year fixed-rate Single Family mortgages that Freddie Mac acquired with origination dates from January 1, 2005, to the Origination Cutoff Date (see Release Notes for details). Freddie Mac is making this Dataset available at the direction of its regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) as part of a larger effort to increase transparency and help investors build more accurate credit performance models in support of ongoing and future credit risk-sharing transactions highlighted in FHFA’s 2017 Conservatorship Scorecard.3 This action builds on earlier efforts to improve data transparency, including Freddie Mac’s decision in June 2011 to make its multifamily loan-level data available and its implementation of the Uniform Mortgage Data Program launched in 2010 with Fannie Mae and FHFA. The Dataset is a “living” dataset, and as such may periodically be corrected or updated over time. Freddie Mac cannot guarantee the Dataset is complete or error-free, and use of the Dataset is entirely at your own risk. Freddie Mac will have no liability to you or any third-party for or arising out of your use of the Dataset. The Dataset is provided on an “as is”, as available basis, and Freddie Mac expressly disclaims all warranties with respect thereto, including, without limitation, warranties of noninfringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Freddie Mac does not warrant that the data will be error-free, corrected or provided free of interruption. No oral or written information, advice or representations provided by Freddie Mac or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, or subcontractors will create a warranty. 1 For loans originated prior to 1/1/2005 the population of 30-year fixed-rate mortgages includes loans with original loan terms between 300 months (25-year) and 420 months (35-year). For loans originated on/after 1/1/2005, the dataset includes all fixed loans regardless of term. 2 The terms “mortgage(s)” and “loan(s)” are used interchangeably throughout the document. 3 The 2018 Conservatorship Scorecard can be found at: https://www.fhfa.gov/AboutUs/Reports/ReportDocuments/2018Scorecard-12212017.pdf October 2018 Page 3 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Loan Selection Criteria & Data Overview Freddie Mac’s Single Family Loan-Level Dataset contains loans meeting the following criteria: • • • Mortgages originated from January 1, 1999, through the “Origination Cutoff Date”, with monthly loan performance data through the “Performance Cutoff Date,” that were sold to Freddie Mac or that back Freddie Mac Participation Certificates (PCs). See Release Notes for Origination and Performance Cutoff Dates4. Fully amortizing 15-, 20-, and 30-year fixed-rate mortgages1. Mortgages categorized as having verified or waived documentation (i.e. “full documentation”)5. The following types of mortgages were excluded from the Dataset: • • • • • • • Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), Initial Interest, balloons, and any mortgages with step rates Government-insured mortgages, including Federal Housing Administration/Veterans Affairs (FHA/VA), Guaranteed Rural Housing (GRH), and HUD-Guaranteed Section 184 Native American mortgages Home Possible®/Home Possible Neighborhood Solution® Mortgages and other affordable mortgages (including lender branded affordable loan products) Mortgages delivered to Freddie Mac under alternate agreements Mortgages for which the documentation is not verified or not waived Mortgages associated with Mortgage Revenue Bonds purchased by Freddie Mac Mortgages delivered to Freddie Mac with credit enhancements other than primary mortgage insurance, with the exception of certain lender-negotiated credit enhancements Loan performance information in the Dataset includes the monthly loan balance, delinquency status and certain information up to and including the earliest of the following termination events: • • • • Prepaid or Matured (Voluntary Payoff) Third Party Sale Short Sale or Charge Off Repurchase prior to Property Disposition 4 The Dataset includes loans which may have been seasoned prior to purchase by Freddie Mac, as well as certain types of mortgages, such as construction-to-perm loans (also known as “converted mortgages”) and seller-owned modified mortgages, which are reported to Freddie Mac with the original note date of the mortgage and the converted or modified First Payment Date. 5 Generally, Freddie Mac requires that Sellers of mortgage loans document or verify loan application information about the Borrower’s income, assets and employment. Sellers’ documentation or verification can take several forms; for example, Sellers may require that a Borrower provide pay stubs or W-2 or 1099 forms to verify employment and income and depository and brokerage statements to verify assets. In some cases, because of the measured creditworthiness of the Borrower (for example, credit score) and loan attributes (for example, a refinance loan or low loan-to-value ratio), a Seller may require a reduced level of documentation or verification or may waive its general documentation or verification requirements. In other cases, pursuant to programs offered by lenders, Borrowers may elect to provide a reduced level of documentation or verification or may elect to provide no documentation or verification of some or all of this information in a loan application. Standards to qualify for reduced levels of documentation and for waivers of documentation based on creditworthiness, and what constitutes a material reduced level of documentation, may vary among Sellers. If Freddie Mac agrees with a Seller’s decision to underwrite the Borrower using reduced documentation or no documentation, Freddie Mac will generally require that Sellers deliver a special code in connection with the delivery of such mortgage loans. Freddie Mac monitors the performance of such loans to determine whether they continue to perform at least as well as traditional full documentation loans. October 2018 Page 4 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide • • REO Disposition Note Sale Actual loss data components of net sale proceeds, expenses, MI recoveries, non-MI recoveries, and due date of last paid installment (DDLPI) will be disclosed at property disposition. Current Deferred UPB, which is also a component of actual loss, will be disclosed for the months it is legally effective. Mortgages which were repurchased after a termination event but prior to the Performance Cutoff Date are identified in the Dataset. Mortgages that were modified from the original loan terms are also identified in the Dataset. Only approved and closed workouts (e.g., short sales, modifications, and deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure) prior to the Performance Cutoff Date are included in the Dataset. The rules for how these loans are identified and tracked in the Dataset are explained in more detail in the “How to Interpret the Data” section of this document. Freddie Mac is the Master Servicer for all loans in the Dataset. October 2018 Page 5 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Dataset Overview Single Family Loan-Level Dataset For each calendar quarter, there is one file containing loan origination data and one file containing monthly performance data for each loan in the origination data file. There are cases when the loan is in the origination file but not in the performance file. This would happen when the loan gets paid off in the month of origination or before first cycle begins. Refer to the File Layout and Data Dictionary section of this document for more information on what data is contained in each file. Single Family Loan-Level Dataset Sample Freddie Mac has created a smaller dataset for those who may not require, or have the capability, to download the full Dataset. The sample dataset is a simple random sample6 of 50,000 loans selected from each full vintage year and a proportionate number of loans from each partial vintage year of the full Single Family Loan-Level Dataset. Each vintage year has one origination data file and one corresponding monthly performance data file, containing the same loan-level data fields as those included in the full Dataset. Due to the size of the dataset, the data has been broken up and compressed as detailed below. The files are organized chronologically by year and quarter. Single Family HARP Loan-Level Dataset Freddie Mac’s HARP loan level disclosures are an extension to the Single Family Loan-Level Dataset. The population includes loans that were in Freddie Mac Single Family Loan Level dataset and went through the Relief Refinance program between 2009 and 2016, with an LTV at the time of re-finance above 80. Only loans that remained as Fixed Products following this refinance were included in this disclosure. HARP files are consolidated into one origination and one performance file and not separated by year and quarter. The files follow the same file format as the Single Family Loan-Level Dataset except where noted. Dataset File Name Format Full historical_data1_QnYYYY.zip Contents historical_data1_QnYYYY.txt File Type Origination Data Delimiter Pipe (“|”) historical_data1_time_QnYYYY.txt Monthly Performance Data Sample sample_YYYY.zip HARP harp_historical_data1.zip sample_orig_YYYY.txt Origination Data Sample_svcg_YYYY.txt Monthly Performance Data harp_historical_data1.txt Origination Data harp_historical_data1_time.txt Monthly Performance Data Pipe (“|”) Pipe (“|”) A comparison of the full and sample datasets across key loan attributes and performance metrics by vintage year is available to assist with data validation at the following website: 6 A sampling method by which a subset of a population is chosen, where each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen once from the larger population. A simple random sample is meant to be an unbiased representation of the larger population. October 2018 Page 6 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide http://www.freddiemac.com/research/pdf/summary_statistics.pdf File Layout & Data Dictionary This section provides information regarding the layout of each origination and monthly performance data file, in addition to information about each of the data elements contained within each file type. Instructions for reading the data using two popular statistical packages are included in this User Guide, and can be found in the Appendix (A and B). The information is structured as follows: Field Description Column Position Position of the Column in a Microsoft Excel Worksheet. Formal Name and Definition Name and definition of the loan-level data element. Valid Values/Calculations Allowable values for the specific data field and the calculations used (if applicable). Type (Data Type) The type of data found in each column: • Alpha – contains only letters • Alpha-numeric – contains letters and numbers • Numeric – contains only numbers • Date – represents a specific date (Y = Year, M = Month) Example: YYYYMM (201207) = July 2012 Length Represents the maximum number of characters allowed for the data field. Origination Data File ORIGINATION DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION7 1 VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION CREDIT SCORE - A number, prepared by third parties, summarizing the borrower’s creditworthiness, which may be indicative of the likelihood that the borrower will timely repay future obligations. Generally, the credit score disclosed is the score known at the time of acquisition and is the score used to originate the mortgage. • • 301 - 850 9999 = Not Available, if Credit Score is < 301 or > 850. TYPE Numeric LENGTH 4 7 The header record row has been removed from all files in the Dataset and sample dataset; the position of columns in each file remains unchanged. October 2018 Page 7 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide ORIGINATION DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION7 VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION 2 FIRST PAYMENT DATE - The date of the first scheduled mortgage payment due under the terms of the mortgage note. 3 FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER FLAG - Indicates whether the Borrower, • or one of a group of Borrowers, is an individual who (1) is purchasing • the mortgaged property, (2) will reside in the mortgaged property as a • primary residence and (3) had no ownership interest (sole or joint) in a residential property during the three-year period preceding the date of the purchase of the mortgaged property. With certain limited exceptions, a displaced homemaker or single parent may also be considered a First-Time Homebuyer if the individual had no ownership interest in a residential property during the preceding three-year period other than an ownership interest in the marital residence with a spouse. • TYPE LENGTH YYYYMM Date 6 Y = Yes N = No 9 = Not Available or Not Applicable Alpha 1 Investment Properties, Second Homes and Refinance transactions are not eligible to be considered First-Time Homebuyer transactions. Therefore First Time Homebuyer does not apply and will be disclosed as “Not Applicable”, which will be indicated by a blank space. 4 MATURITY DATE - The month in which the final monthly payment on the mortgage is scheduled to be made as stated on the original mortgage note. • YYYYMM Date 6 5 METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREA (MSA) OR METROPOLITAN DIVISION - This disclosure will be based on the designation of the Metropolitan Statistical Area or Metropolitan Division based on 2010 census (for Mar 2013 and May 2013 releases) and 2013 census (for Aug 2013 and Dec 2013 releases) data. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) are defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and have at least one urbanized area with a population of 50,000 or more inhabitants. OMB refers to an MSA containing a single core with a population of 2.5 million or more, which may be comprised of groupings of counties, as a Metropolitan Division. • Metropolitan Division or MSA Code. Space (5) = Indicates that the area in which the mortgaged property is located is a) neither an MSA nor a Metropolitan Division, or b) unknown. Numeric 5 • • • 1% - 55% 000 = No MI 999 = Not Available Numeric 3 • If an MSA applies to a mortgaged property, the applicable five-digit value is disclosed; however, if the mortgaged property also falls within a Metropolitan Division classification, the applicable five-digit value for the Metropolitan Division takes precedence and is disclosed instead. Changes and/or updates in designations of MSAs or Metropolitan Division will not be reflected in the Single Family Historical Dataset. 6 MORTGAGE INSURANCE PERCENTAGE (MI %) - The percentage of loss coverage on the loan, at the time of Freddie Mac’s purchase of the mortgage loan that a mortgage insurer is providing to cover losses incurred as a result of a default on the loan. Only primary mortgage insurance that is purchased by the Borrower, lender or Freddie Mac is disclosed. Mortgage insurance that constitutes “credit enhancement” that is not required by Freddie Mac’s Charter is not disclosed. Amounts of mortgage insurance reported by Sellers that are less than 1% or greater than 55% will be disclosed as “Not Available,” which will be indicated 999. No MI will be indicated by three zeros. 7 NUMBER OF UNITS - Denotes whether the mortgage is a one-, two-, three-, or four-unit property. • • • • • 1 = one-unit 2 = two-unit 3 = three-unit 4 = four-unit 99 = Not Available Numeric 2 8 OCCUPANCY STATUS - Denotes whether the mortgage type is owner occupied, second home, or investment property. • P = Primary Residence Alpha 1 October 2018 Page 8 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide ORIGINATION DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION7 VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION ORIGINAL COMBINED LOAN-TO-VALUE (CLTV) – In the case of a purchase mortgage loan, the ratio is obtained by dividing the original mortgage loan amount on the note date plus any secondary mortgage loan amount disclosed by the Seller by the lesser of the mortgaged property’s appraised value on the note date or its purchase price. In the case of a refinance mortgage loan, the ratio is obtained by dividing the original mortgage loan amount on the note date plus any secondary mortgage loan amount disclosed by the Seller by the mortgaged property’s appraised value on the note date. If the secondary financing amount disclosed by the Seller includes a home equity line of credit, then the CLTV calculation reflects the disbursed amount at closing of the first lien mortgage loan, not the maximum loan amount available under the home equity line of credit. In the case of a seasoned mortgage loan, if the Seller cannot warrant that the value of the mortgaged property has not declined since the note date, Freddie Mac requires that the Seller must provide a new appraisal value, which is used in the CLTV calculation. In certain cases, where the Seller delivered a loan to Freddie Mac with a special code indicating additional secondary mortgage loan amounts, those amounts may have been included in the CLTV calculation. LENGTH • • I = Investment Property S = Second Home 9 = Not Available • • 0% - 200% 999 = Not Available Full Dataset: Numeric Literal Decimal; Sample Dataset: Numeric Full Dataset: 7; Sample Dataset: 3 • • 0%200 or Not Available, set the CLTV to ‘Not Available.’ If the CLTV is < LTV, set the CLTV to ‘Not Available.’ This disclosure is subject to the widely varying standards originators use to verify Borrowers’ secondary mortgage loan amounts and will not be updated. 10 ORIGINAL DEBT-TO-INCOME (DTI) RATIO - Disclosure of the debt to income ratio is based on (1) the sum of the borrower's monthly debt payments, including monthly housing expenses that incorporate the mortgage payment the borrower is making at the time of the delivery of the mortgage loan to Freddie Mac, divided by (2) the total monthly income used to underwrite the loan as of the date of the origination of the such loan. HARP ranges: • 999 = Not Available Ratios greater than 65% are indicated that data is Not Available. All loans in the HARP dataset will be disclosed as Not Available. This disclosure is subject to the widely varying standards originators use to verify Borrowers’ assets and liabilities and will not be updated. 11 ORIGINAL UPB - The UPB of the mortgage on the note date. • Amount will be rounded to the nearest $1,000. Numeric 12 12 ORIGINAL LOAN-TO-VALUE (LTV) - In the case of a purchase mortgage loan, the ratio obtained by dividing the original mortgage loan amount on the note date by the lesser of the mortgaged property’s appraised value on the note date or its purchase price. • • 6% - 105% 999 = Not Available Numeric 3 HARP ranges: • 81% - 999% In the case of a refinance mortgage loan, the ratio obtained by dividing • 999 = Not Available the original mortgage loan amount on the note date and the mortgaged property’s appraised value on the note date. In the case of a seasoned mortgage loan, if the Seller cannot warrant that the value of the mortgaged property has not declined since the note date, Freddie Mac requires that the Seller must provide a new appraisal value, which is used in the LTV calculation. October 2018 Page 9 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide ORIGINATION DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION7 VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION TYPE LENGTH Ratios below 6% or greater than 105% will be disclosed as “Not Available,” indicated by 999. For loans in the HARP dataset, LTV ratios less than or equal to 80% and greater than 999% will be disclosed as Not Available. 13 ORIGINAL INTEREST RATE - The original note rate as indicated on the mortgage note. 14 CHANNEL - Disclosure indicates whether a Broker or Correspondent, as those terms are defined below, originated or was involved in the origination of the mortgage loan. If a Third Party Origination is applicable, but the Seller does not specify Broker or Correspondent, the disclosure will indicate “TPO Not Specified”. Similarly, if neither Third Party Origination nor Retail designations are available, the disclosure will indicate “TPO Not Specified.” If a Broker, Correspondent or Third Party Origination disclosure is not applicable, the mortgage loan will be designated as Retail, as defined below. Numeric Literal decimal 6 • • • • • R = Retail B = Broker C = Correspondent T = TPO Not Specified 9 = Not Available Alpha 1 • • Y = PPM N = Not PPM Alpha 1 Broker is a person or entity that specializes in loan originations, receiving a commission (from a Correspondent or other lender) to match Borrowers and lenders. The Broker performs some or most of the loan processing functions, such as taking loan applications, or ordering credit reports, appraisals and title reports. Typically, the Broker does not underwrite or service the mortgage loan and generally does not use its own funds for closing; however, if the Broker funded a mortgage loan on a lender’s behalf, such a mortgage loan is considered a “Broker” third party origination mortgage loan. The mortgage loan is generally closed in the name of the lender who commissioned the Broker's services. Correspondent is an entity that typically sells the Mortgages it originates to other lenders, which are not Affiliates of that entity, under a specific commitment or as part of an ongoing relationship. The Correspondent performs some, or all, of the loan processing functions, such as: taking the loan application; ordering credit reports, appraisals, and title reports; and verifying the Borrower's income and employment. The Correspondent may or may not have delegated underwriting and typically funds the mortgage loans at settlement. The mortgage loan is closed in the Correspondent's name and the Correspondent may or may not service the mortgage loan. The Correspondent may use a Broker to perform some of the processing functions or even to fund the loan on its behalf; under such circumstances, the mortgage loan is considered a “Broker” third party origination mortgage loan, rather than a “Correspondent” third party origination mortgage loan. Retail Mortgage is a mortgage loan that is originated, underwritten and funded by a lender or its Affiliates. The mortgage loan is closed in the name of the lender or its Affiliate and if it is sold to Freddie Mac, it is sold by the lender or its Affiliate that originated it. A mortgage loan that a Broker or Correspondent completely or partially originated, processed, underwrote, packaged, funded or closed is not considered a Retail mortgage loan. For purposes of the definitions of Correspondent and Retail, “Affiliate" means any entity that is related to another party as a consequence of the entity, directly or indirectly, controlling the other party, being controlled by the other party, or being under common control with the other party. 15 October 2018 PREPAYMENT PENALTY MORTGAGE (PPM) FLAG - Denotes whether the mortgage is a PPM. A PPM is a mortgage with respect to which the borrower is, or at any time has been, obligated to pay a penalty in the event of certain repayments of principal. Page 10 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide ORIGINATION DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION7 VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION TYPE LENGTH 16 PRODUCT TYPE - Denotes that the product is a fixed-rate mortgage. • FRM – Fixed Rate Mortgage Alpha 5 17 PROPERTY STATE - A two-letter abbreviation indicating the state or territory within which the property securing the mortgage is located. • AL, TX, VA, etc. Alpha 2 18 PROPERTY TYPE - Denotes whether the property type secured by the mortgage is a condominium, leasehold, planned unit development (PUD), cooperative share, manufactured home, or Single Family home. • • • CO = Condo PU = PUD MH = Manufactured Housing SF = 1-4 Fee Simple CP = Co-op 99 = Not Available Alpha 2 ###00, where “###” represents the first three digits of the 5digit postal code Space(5)= Unknown Numeric 5 Alphanumeric 12 Alpha 1 If the Property Type is Not Available, this will be indicated by 99. 19 POSTAL CODE – The postal code for the location of the mortgaged property • • • • • 20 LOAN SEQUENCE NUMBER - Unique identifier assigned to each loan. F1YYQnXXXXXX • • • 21 LOAN PURPOSE - Indicates whether the mortgage loan is a Cashout Refinance mortgage, No Cash-out Refinance mortgage, or a Purchase mortgage. • • • Generally, a Cash-out Refinance mortgage loan is a mortgage loan in which the use of the loan amount is not limited to specific purposes. A • mortgage loan placed on a property previously owned free and clear by the Borrower is always considered a Cash-out Refinance mortgage loan. Generally, a No Cash-out Refinance mortgage loan is a mortgage loan in which the loan amount is limited to the following uses: Pay off the first mortgage, regardless of its age Pay off any junior liens secured by the mortgaged property, that were used in their entirety to acquire the subject property Pay related closing costs, financing costs and prepaid items, and Disburse cash out to the Borrower (or any other payee) not to exceed 2% of the new refinance mortgage loan or $2,000, whichever is less. F1 = product (Fixed Rate Mortgage); YYQn = origination year and quarter; and, XXXXXX = randomly assigned digits P = Purchase C = Cash-out Refinance N = No Cash-out Refinance 9 =Not Available As an exception to the above, for construction conversion mortgage loans and renovation mortgage loans, the amount of the interim construction financing secured by the mortgaged property is considered an amount used to pay off the first mortgage. Paying off unsecured liens or construction costs paid by the Borrower outside of the secured interim construction financing is considered cash out to the Borrower, if greater than $2000 or 2% of loan amount. This disclosure is subject to various special exceptions used by Sellers to determine whether a mortgage loan is a No Cash-out Refinance mortgage loan. 22 October 2018 ORIGINAL LOAN TERM - A calculation of the number of scheduled monthly payments of the mortgage based on the First Payment Date and Maturity Date. • Numeric Calculation: (Loan Maturity Date (MM/YY) – Loan First Payment Date (MM/YY) + 1) 3 Page 11 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide ORIGINATION DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION7 VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION TYPE LENGTH Loans with original term of 420 or more, or 300 or less, are excluded from the Dataset if originated prior to 1/1/2005. If loan was originated on/after 1/1/2005, this exclusion does not apply. 23 NUMBER OF BORROWERS - The number of Borrower(s) who are obligated to repay the mortgage note secured by the mortgaged property. Disclosure denotes only whether there is one borrower or more than one borrower associated with the mortgage note. This disclosure will not be updated to reflect any subsequent assumption of the mortgage note. • • • Numeric 2 24 SELLER NAME - The entity acting in its capacity as a seller of mortgages to Freddie Mac at the time of acquisition. Name of the seller, or “Other Sellers” Alphanumeric 20 Name of the servicer, or “Other Servicers” Alphanumeric 20 Alpha 1 Alphanumeric 12 01 = 1 borrower 02 = > 1 borrowers 99 = Not Available Seller Name will be disclosed for sellers with a total Original UPB representing 1% or more of the total Original UPB of all loans in the Dataset for a given calendar quarter. Otherwise, the Seller Name will be set to “Other Sellers”. SERVICER NAME - The entity acting in its capacity as the servicer of mortgages to Freddie Mac as of the last period for which loan activity is reported in the Dataset. 25 Servicer Name will be disclosed for servicers with a total Original UPB representing 1% or more of the total Original UPB of all loans in the Dataset for a given calendar quarter. Otherwise, the Servicer Name will be set to “Other Servicers”. 26 SUPER CONFORMING FLAG – For mortgages that exceed conforming loan limits with origination dates on or after 10/1/2008 and settlements on or after 1/1/2009 • • 27 Pre-HARP LOAN SEQUENCE NUMBER – The Loan Sequence Number link that associates this HARP loan to the Pre-HARP Loan Sequence Number in the Single Family loan level dataset already being published on a quarterly basis. F1YYQnXXXXXX • F1 = product (Fixed Rate Mortgage); • YYQn = origination year and quarter; and, • XXXXXX = randomly assigned digits Y = Yes Space (1) = Not Super Conforming Monthly Performance Data File MONTHLY PERFORMANCE DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS TYPE LENGTH 1 LOAN SEQUENCE NUMBER - Unique identifier assigned to each loan. F1YYQnXXXXXX • F1 = product (Fixed Rate Mortgage); • YYQn = origination year and quarter; and, • XXXXXX = randomly assigned digits Alphanumeric 12 2 MONTHLY REPORTING PERIOD – The as-of month for loan information contained in the loan record. YYYYMM Date 6 October 2018 Page 12 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide MONTHLY PERFORMANCE DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION LENGTH Calculation: (interest bearing UPB) + (noninterest bearing UPB) Numeric Literal decimal 12 • XX = Unknown • 0 = Current, or less than 30 days past due • 1 = 30-59 days delinquent • 2 = 60 – 89 days delinquent • 3 = 90 – 119 days delinquent • And so on… • R = REO Acquisition • Space (3) = Unavailable Alphanumeric 3 5 LOAN AGE - The number of months since the note origination month Calculation: ((Monthly of the mortgage. Reporting Period) – Loan Origination Date (MM/YY)) To ensure the age measurement commences with the first full month – 1 month after the note origination month, subtract 1. Numeric 3 6 REMAINING MONTHS TO LEGAL MATURITY - The remaining number of months to the mortgage maturity date. Numeric 3 3 CURRENT ACTUAL UPB - The Current Actual UPB reflects the mortgage ending balance as reported by the servicer for the corresponding monthly reporting period. For fixed rate mortgages, this UPB is derived from the mortgage balance as reported by the servicer and includes any scheduled and unscheduled principal reductions applied to the mortgage. TYPE For mortgages with loan modifications, as indicated by “Y” in the Modification Flag field, the current actual unpaid principal balance may or may not include partial principal forbearance. If applicable, for loans with partial principal forbearance, the current actual unpaid principal balance equals the sum of interest bearing UPB (the amortizing principal balance of the mortgage) and the deferred UPB (the principal forbearance balance). Current UPB will be rounded to the nearest $1,000 for the first 6 months after origination date. This was previously reported as zero for the first 6 months after the origination date. 4 CURRENT LOAN DELINQUENCY STATUS – A value corresponding to the number of days the borrower is delinquent, based on the due date of last paid installment (“DDLPI”) reported by servicers to Freddie Mac, and is calculated under the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) method. If a loan has been acquired by REO, then the Current Loan Delinquency Status will reflect the value corresponding to that status (instead of the value corresponding to the number of days the borrower is delinquent). Calculation: (Maturity Date (MM/YY) – Monthly Reporting Period (MM/YY) For mortgages with loan modifications, as indicated by “Y” in the Modification Flag field, the calculation uses the modified maturity date. 7 REPURCHASE FLAG - Indicates loans that have been repurchased or made whole (not inclusive of pool-level repurchase settlements). This field is only populated only at loan termination month. 8 October 2018 MODIFICATION FLAG – For mortgages with loan modifications, indicates that the loan has been modified. • • • N = Not Repurchased Y = Repurchased Space (1) = Not Applicable Alpha 1 • • Y = Yes Space (1) = Not Modified Alpha 1 Page 13 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide MONTHLY PERFORMANCE DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION TYPE LENGTH 9 ZERO BALANCE CODE - A code indicating the reason the loan's balance was reduced to zero. • 01 = Prepaid or Matured (Voluntary Payoff) • 02 = Third Party Sale • 03 = Short Sale or Charge Off • 06 = Repurchase prior to Property Disposition • 09 = REO Disposition • 15 = Note sale/Reperforming sale Numeric 2 10 ZERO BALANCE EFFECTIVE DATE - The date on which the event triggering the Zero Balance Code took place. • • Date 6 11 CURRENT INTEREST RATE - Reflects the current interest rate on the mortgage note, taking into account any loan modifications. Numeric Literal Decimal 8 12 CURRENT DEFERRED UPB: The current non-interest bearing UPB of the modified mortgage. $ Amount. Non-Interest Bearing UPB. Numeric 12 13 DUE DATE OF LAST PAID INSTALLMENT (DDLPI): The due date that the loan’s scheduled principal and interest is paid through, regardless of when the installment payment was actually made. YYYYMM Date 6 14 MI RECOVERIES - Mortgage Insurance Recoveries are proceeds $ Amount. MI Recoveries. Numeric received by Freddie Mac in the event of credit losses. These Literal proceeds are based on claims under a mortgage insurance Decimal policy. 12 15 NET SALES PROCEEDS - The amount remitted to Freddie Mac resulting from a property disposition or loan sale (which in the case of bulk sales, may be an allocated amount) once allowable selling expenses have been deducted from the gross sales proceeds. Alphanumeric Literal Decimal 14 Numeric Literal Decimal 12 Numeric Literal Decimal 12 YYYYMM Space(6) = Not Applicable $ Amount. Gross Sale Proceeds – Allowable Selling Expenses. C = Covered U = Unknown A value of “C” in Net Sales Proceeds stands for Covered, which means that as part of the property disposition process, Freddie Mac was “Covered” for its total indebtedness (defined as UPB at disposition plus delinquent accrued interest) and net sale proceeds covered default expenses incurred by Servicer during the disposal of the loan. A value of “U” indicates that the amount is unknown. 16 NON MI RECOVERIES: Non-MI Recoveries are proceeds received by Freddie Mac based on repurchase/make whole proceeds, non-sale income such as refunds (tax or insurance), hazard insurance proceeds, rental receipts, positive escrow and/or other miscellaneous credits. 17 EXPENSES - Expenses will include allowable expenses that $ Amount. Allowable Freddie Mac bears in the process of acquiring, maintaining and/ Expenses. or disposing a property (excluding selling expenses, which are subtracted from gross sales proceeds to derive net sales proceeds). This is an aggregation of Legal Costs, Maintenance and Preservation Costs, Taxes and Insurance, and Miscellaneous Expenses October 2018 $ Amount. Non MI Recoveries. Page 14 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide MONTHLY PERFORMANCE DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS TYPE LENGTH 18 LEGAL COSTS - The amount of legal costs associated with the $ Amount sale of a property (but not included in Net Sale Proceeds). Prior to population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be populated as “Not Applicable,” Following population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be updated (as applicable) to reflect the cumulative total. Space(12) – Not applicable Numeric Literal Decimal 12 19 MAINTENANCE AND PRESERVATION COSTS –The amount of $ Amount maintenance, preservation, and repair costs, including but not limited to property inspection, homeowner’s association, utilities, and REO management, that is associated with the sale of a property (but not included in Net Sale Proceeds). Prior to population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be populated as “Not Applicable,” Following population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be updated (as applicable) to reflect the cumulative total. Space(12) – Not applicable Numeric Literal Decimal 12 20 TAXES AND INSURANCE – The amount of taxes and insurance owed that are associated with the sale of a property (but not included in Net Sale Proceeds). Prior to population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be populated as “Not Applicable,”. Following population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be updated (as applicable) to reflect the cumulative total. Space(12) – Not applicable $ Amount Numeric Literal Decimal 12 21 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES - Miscellaneous expenses associated with the sale of a property (but not included in Net Sale Proceeds). Prior to population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be populated as “Not Applicable,”. Following population of a Zero Balance Code equal to 03 or 09, this field will be updated (as applicable) to reflect the cumulative total. Space(12) – Not applicable $ Amount Numeric Literal Decimal 12 22 ACTUAL LOSS CALCULATION $ Amount Numeric Literal Decimal 12 Actual Loss was calculated using the below approach: Actual Loss = (Default UPB – Net Sale_Proceeds) + Delinquent Accrued Interest - Expenses – MI Recoveries – Non MI Recoveries. Delinquent Accrued Interest = (Default_Upb – Non Interest bearing UPB)* (Current Interest rate – 0.35) * ( Months between Last Principal & Interest paid to date and zero balance date ) * 30/360/100. Please note that the following business rules are applied to this calculation: a. For all loans, 35 bps is used as a proxy for servicing fee . b. c. d. October 2018 The Actual Loss Calculation will be set to zero for loans with Repurchase Flag =’Y’ The Actual Loss Calculation will be set to zero for loans with Net Sale Proceeds=’C (i.e, Covered)’. The Actual Loss Calculation will be set to zero for loans with Net Sales Proceeds = ‘U” (Net Sales Proceeds are missing or expenses are not available. Page 15 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide MONTHLY PERFORMANCE DATA FILE COLUMN POSITION VALID VALUES/ CALCULATIONS FORMAL NAME AND DEFINITION e. f. TYPE LENGTH The Actual Loss Calculation will be set to missing for loans disposed within three months prior to the performance cutoff date. Modification Costs are currently not included in the calculation of The Actual Loss Calculation field. 23 MODIFICATION COST – The cumulative modification cost amount calculated when Freddie Mac determines such mortgage loan has experienced a rate modification event. Modification Cost is applicable for loans with rate changes only. This amount will be calculated on a monthly basis beginning with the first reporting period a modification event is reported, and disclosed in the last performance record. For example: (Original Interest Rate/1200 * Current Actual UPB) – (Current Interest Rate/1200 * (sum(Current Actual UPB, -Current Deferred UPB)) and aggregate each month since modification through the Performance Cutoff Date into a cumulative amount $ Amount Numeric Literal Decimal 12 24 STEP MODIFICATION FLAG – A Y/N flag will be disclosed for every modified loan, to denote if the terms of modification agreement call for note rate to increase over time. • • • Y = Yes N = No Space (1) = Not Step Mod Alpha 1 25 DEFERRED PAYMENT MODIFICATION – A Y/N flag will be disclosed to indicate Deferred Payment Modification for the loan. • • Y = Yes N = No Alpha 1 26 ESTIMATED LOAN TO VALUE (ELTV) – A ratio indicating current LTV based on the estimated current value of the property obtained through Freddie Mac’s Automated Valuation Model (AVM). For more information on our proprietary AVM please visit http://www.freddiemac.com/hve/hve.html. • Blank = Not Available Numeric Literal Decimal 4 Interpreting the Data The Single Family Loan-Level Dataset is split in calendar quarters, beginning with the first quarter of 1999 and ending with the quarter as of the Origination Cutoff Date. For each calendar quarter, there is • • One “origination data” file containing loan-level origination information for all the loans originated during the quarter. One “monthly performance data” file for all of the respective loans originated during the quarter. The monthly performance data file contains monthly loan-level credit performance and actual loss data for each loan, starting from the time of loan acquisition by Freddie Mac until the earlier of a termination event or the Performance Cutoff Date, which is the last period of performance data available for any loan in the Dataset. Termination events are described in more detail in the section below entitled “Zero Balance Codes”. Note that the monthly performance data file does not contain monthly performance information for the timeframe between loan origination and loan acquisition by Freddie Mac. October 2018 Page 16 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Each loan in the origination data file is assigned a unique Loan Sequence Number. The monthly performance data file corresponding to the origination data file may contain multiple records with the same Loan Sequence Number, identifying the monthly performance records associated to a given loan. Note that Loan Sequence Numbers in the Dataset do not correspond to Loan Sequence Numbers found in existing Freddie Mac participation certificate (PC) disclosures. Zero Balance Codes Loans may become inactive in the Dataset for a variety of reasons, including voluntary payoffs or credit events, known as “termination events”. Loans that become inactive in the Dataset due to a termination event on or before the Performance Cutoff Date will not be updated for activity in subsequent periods. Loans that were repurchased from Freddie Mac after a termination event are the exception to this practice, as discussed in the section below entitled “Repurchases”. The reason for loan inactivity will be indicated by the value in the Zero Balance Code field, which is set during the Monthly Reporting Period corresponding to the Zero Balance Effective Date. If applicable, the Zero Balance Code may be set at most once for a given loan in the Dataset. If more than one termination event occurs in the same reporting period for a given loan (e.g., a loan is repurchased and REO disposed), the higher-ranking termination event is reported in the Dataset. The table below describes each of the termination events reported in the Dataset, the associated Zero Balance Code, and the applicable priority (5 being the lowest and 1 being the highest). Reason for Loan Termination Zero Balance Code Priority Prepaid or Matured (Voluntary Payoff) 01 6 Third Party Sale 02 Short Sale or Charge Off 03 4 5 Repurchase prior to Property Disposition 06 2 REO Disposition 09 3 NPL/RPL Loan Sale 15 1 Valid Values Certain data elements for some loans in the Single Family Loan-Level Dataset will not be disclosed if the value is above or below reasonable thresholds, as determined by Freddie Mac and detailed in the table below: Data Element File Type Valid Values If Not Valid Credit Score (FICO) Origination 301 - 850 Space (3) Mortgage Insurance Percentage (MI %) Origination 1% - 55% or 0 (000) Space (3) Original Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI) Origination 0% , delimiter(“|”) 3 Save Data into STATA format (*.dta): Save 4 If you have the need to pull the Origination and Performance data files into a single view: use joinby id_loan using Note: The above-mentioned steps have been tested and suggested only for STATA Ver. 12. For a different version, please refer to STATA Release Notes at http://www.stata.com/features/. C. Dataset for R code users Step Instructions 1 Copy all files to a specific directory 2 setwd("directory path") origclass <- c('integer','integer','character', 'integer', 'character', 'real', 'integer', 'character','real','integer','integer','integer',’real’,'character','character','character','character', 'character','character','character','character', 'integer', 'integer','character','character' ,’character’ ) origfile_Qnyyyy <- read.table("historical_data1_Qnyyyy.txt", sep="|", header=FALSE, colClasses=origclass ) names(origfile_Qnyyyy)=c('fico','dt_first_pi','flag_fthb','dt_matr','cd_msa',"mi_pct",'cnt_units','occpy_sts','cltv' ,'dti','orig_upb','ltv','int_rt','channel','ppmt_pnlty','prod_type','st', 'prop_type','zipcode','id_loan','loan_purpose', 'orig_loan_term','cnt_borr','seller_name','servicer_name', ‘flag_sc’) October 2018 Page 30 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Step Instructions svcgclass <- c('character','integer','real','character', 'integer','integer','character','character', 'character','integer','real','real','integer', 'integer', 'character','integer','integer', 'integer','integer','integer','integer','real',’real’, ’character’) svcgfile_Qnyyyy <- read.table("historical_data1_time_Qnyyyy.txt", sep="|", header=FALSE, colClasses=svcgclass) names(svcgfile_Qnyyyy)=c('id_loan','svcg_cycle','current_upb','delq_sts','loan_age','mths_remng', 'repch_flag','flag_mod', 'cd_zero_bal', 'dt_zero_bal','current_int_rt','non_int_brng_upb','dt_lst_pi','mi_recoveries', 'net_sale_proceeds','non_mi_recoveries','expenses', 'legal_costs', 'maint_pres_costs','taxes_ins_costs','misc_costs','actual_loss', ‘modcost’, ’stepmod_ind’, ‘dpm_ind’)) D. HARP Dataset for SAS Users Follow the steps below to import a given HARP Dataset file into the SAS application: Step Instructions 1 Copy all files to a specific directory 2 Assign a SAS macro variable out_dir pointing to the file location 3 Run the following code on each file, adjusting the file name (QnYYYY) accordingly: data origfile; infile "&indir./ harp_historical_data.txt" dlm= '|' MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=1 ; input fico : 8. dt_first_pi : 8. flag_fthb : $1. dt_matr : 8. cd_msa : 8. mi_pct : 8. cnt_units : 8. occpy_sts : $1. cltv : 8. dti : 8. orig_upb : 8. ltv : 8. int_rt : 8. channel : $1. ppmt_pnlty : $1. prod_type : $5. st : $2. prop_type : $2. zipcode : $5. id_loan : $16. loan_purpose : $5. orig_loan_term : 8. cnt_borr : $2. seller_name : $20. servicer_name : $20. October 2018 Page 31 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Step Instructions flag_sc : $1. preharp_id_loan : $12. run; data svcgfile; infile "&indir./ harp_historical_data_time..txt" dlm= '|' MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=1 ; input ID_loan : $12. Period : 8. Act_endg_upb : 8. delq_sts : $8. loan_age : 8. mths_remng : 8. repch_flag : $1. flag_mod : $1. CD_Zero_BAL : $3. Dt_zero_BAL : 8. New_Int_rt : 8. Amt_Non_Int_Brng_Upb : 12. Dt_Lst_Pi : 6. MI_Recoveries : 12. Net_Sale_Proceeds : $14. Non_MI_Recoveries : 12. Expenses : 12. legal_costs : 12. maint_preserv_costs : 12. Taxes_ins_costs : 12. misc_costs : 12. actual_loss : 12. Modcost : 12. Stepmod_ind : $1. dpm_ind : $1. eltv : 12.1 ; run; E. HARP Dataset for R Users Step Instructions 1 Copy all files to a specific directory o setwd("directory path") origclass <- c('integer','integer','character', 'integer', 'character', 'real', 'integer', 'character','real','integer','integer','integer',’real’,'character','character','character','character', 'character','character','character','character', 'integer', 'integer','character','character' ,’character’ ) harp_origfile <- read.table("harp_historical_data.txt", sep="|", header=FALSE, colClasses=origclass ) names(harp_origfile)=c('fico','dt_first_pi','flag_fthb','dt_matr','cd_msa',"mi_pct",'cnt_units','occpy_sts','cltv','dt i','orig_upb','ltv','int_rt','channel','ppmt_pnlty','prod_type','st', 'prop_type','zipcode','id_loan','loan_purpose', 'orig_loan_term','cnt_borr','seller_name','servicer_name', ‘flag_sc’, ‘preharp_id_loan’) svcgclass <- c('character','integer','real','character', 'integer','integer','character','character', 'character','integer','real','real','integer', 'integer', 'character','integer','integer', 'integer','integer','integer','integer','real',’real’,‘character’,’character’) l October 2018 Page 32 of 33 Single Family Loan-Level Dataset: General User Guide Step Instructions svcgfile_Qnyyyy <- read.table("harp_historical_data_time.txt", sep="|", header=FALSE, colClasses=svcgclass) names(harp_svcgfile)=c('id_loan','svcg_cycle','current_upb','delq_sts','loan_age','mths_remng', 'repch_flag','flag_mod', 'cd_zero_bal', 'dt_zero_bal','current_int_rt','non_int_brng_upb','dt_lst_pi','mi_recoveries', 'net_sale_proceeds','non_mi_recoveries','expenses', 'legal_costs', 'maint_pres_costs','taxes_ins_costs','misc_costs','actual_loss', ‘modcost’, ‘stepmod_ind’, dpm_ind ) October 2018 Page 33 of 33
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