Mobile Phone Store APP User Manual

User Manual:

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Page Count: 12

User Manual
PREFACE .......................................................................................................................................... 2
STARTING UP ................................................................................................................................... 2
I. Application Interface............................................................................................................ 2
II. Login ..................................................................................................................................... 3
a. Registering an account ..................................................................................................... 3
b. Logging in and out an account ......................................................................................... 3
III. Adding address and other account details ...................................................................... 4
BUYER GUIDE .................................................................................................................................. 5
I. Navigating through the main page ...................................................................................... 5
II. Adding items to cart ............................................................................................................. 5
III. Buying the items ............................................................................................................... 6
SELLER GUIDE .................................................................................................................................. 8
I. Setting-up the store. ............................................................................................................ 8
a. Create Store ..................................................................................................................... 8
b. Adding Items .................................................................................................................... 9
c. Updating and Deleting Items ........................................................................................... 9
II. Manage your item sales ..................................................................................................... 10
FURTHER HELP .............................................................................................................................. 11
This app is created as a solution for people selling and buying mobile devices easily in few steps.
In this manual, we will provide all of steps in using this application. We hope that this
application will be beneficial for people that are using it.
I. Application Interface
On the main page, there are search bar, log in button and the items that are on sale along with
the prices. There’s also a button for next page to see other items on sale. To register an account
or login, click on button. (Skip to Step IIB, to login into the account.)
II. Login
a. Registering an account
On the login form, click on the Register button.
At the register form, fill out the form and submit it.
Note: You must fill in the password with eight (8) or more
characters and email must use “@” and “.”.
b. Logging in and out an account
To log in, you must enter your username and password that
you’ve registered earlier. Then, click Login.
If the login successful, it should take you back to the main page and on the top-right corner
should look like this:
And to log out, just click that log-out button and you’re logged out!
III. Adding address and other account details
Before you can buy and sell items, you need to add an address.
Click on the top-right where it shows something like this
Click Add New Address and fill out the form:
Click Submit, and you’re done! To add another address,
just repeat the steps.
To edit or delete an address, just click the address from
the list box and change the text and click Update to
update an address or Delete to delete the address.
I. Navigating through the main page
We’ll give some brief description about the main page:
1. Search Bar: Type in what mobile device you want to search, and it will filter out by what you
2. Shopping Cart: See what item you’ve added to cart to buy it.
3. Store: To create and manage store. (See section SELLER GUIDE below for more information
about managing store.)
4. Items on Sale: All the mobile phones that are on sale by sellers are shown here. (See next
section on how to buy the device.)
5. Sort and Order: It’ll sort based order by name or price and sorting in ascending order or
6. Search by Brand or OS: You can search the phone by Brand or OS.
7. Clear button: Clear all sort and searching
8. Navigation button: To navigate to the next or previous page.
II. Adding items to cart
To buy mobile devices, first you need to add that mobile device to shopping cart. You can
search the phone or navigate to see items that were on sale by sellers. Just click mobile devices
that you want to buy, and you’ll see the item details for it:
You can see the title, device info, item pics, price, description and the shop information.
Type in how much you want to buy this device in the buy box and press enter.
You should see the subtotal price for that. In this picture it showed Rp 11.600.001,78
You can click add to cart afterwards, to add it to shopping cart. The form will close and
go back to main page.
Repeat steps if you want to add another device to shopping cart.
III. Buying the items
Now click the cart button to pay for the devices that you’ve added to the shopping cart.
Your screen should look like this:
You can review what you’re going to
If you’re going to remove some items,
just click the left most column (white
blank box) in the row you want to
delete. In this case, I want to remove
iPhone X from my cart just click there
and press Delete on your keyboard.
Click Buy Now to buy the items.
Fill in quantity you want to buy
Select your receiving address and click Submit. There should
be a pop-up like this.
And your item will be processed by the seller.
You could see your past purchases history by clicking Purchased History and see the status of
your item.
FULFILLED means order has been fulfilled.
On Process means order hasn’t been processed yet by the seller.
REJECTED means order can’t be processed by the seller.
I. Setting-up the store.
a. Create Store
To create a store, it’s easy as 1-2-3!
Just click the Store button at the main page. You should see something like this:
Type in your store name and select an address as the Store Address.
If you haven’t added it yet, please add it first!
After that click Create. You should see something like this:
b. Adding Items
To add items, simply click Add Item and fill out the forms.
For the Brand and OS form, you can pick out the
brand or OS that have been available there or just
type it if there isn’t one.
To add a picture, click on the gray blank space
there and you must input the link of the image
URL. Please upload it at image hosting service and
get the image URL. After inputting links, click the
close button or press Enter.
Afterwards, there should be the image of the item
that you want to sell. Then click Add Item again to
add it or Cancel if you don’t want to add new one.
Your item will be published in the main page of the app. Just wait for people to buy it!
c. Updating and Deleting Items
To delete, simply click the item name and click
To update, click item and click Update. Then, just
edit the item the way like you add an item.
Afterwards, click Update to update the item or
Cancel if you don’t want to update it.
II. Manage your item sales
To manage your sales, click Store in the main page. Then, click All Sales button on the most top-
right. You should see something like this:
To accept or fulfill the order, edit Status column with Sent: receipt number’’ and click the left
most blank space of the row order you want to accept and click Fulfillment.
To reject, just click the left most blank space then click Rejected/Refund.
You can see your sales history by clicking Past Sales.
FULFILLED means you’ve sent your item and REJECTED means you’ve refund their money
because you reject their order.
Please contact devs for more info or post issue at GitHub for bugs:
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