User Manual


User Manual:

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User Manual
Hostel Room Allocation System
Ghoradkar Prajwal Pandurang
Rakesh Chowdary Yarlagadda
T. Bharat Bhushan Reddy
1.Login Page
Users who have previously registered for the Hostel Room Allocation System Web
Application must login by:
1. Entering their Username/Roll No.
2. Entering their Password.
Selecting Login to advance to the next screen and begin using the application.
2. Sign Up Page
Students who have not previously registered for the Hostel Room Allocation System Web
Application must select “Register to use the site” to access the “New User Registration” page.
There they can enter all the required details and register themselves in the portal.
3. Home Page
There are 3 different home pages
1. User Homepage
2. Hostel Manager Homepage
3. Admin Homepage
The homepage basically cointains a navigation bar which takes the user to different pages to
perform different activities.
4. Hostel Page
Hostel Page is accessible only to students and they can request for room in any hostel by just
clicking on the corresponding hostel link and confirming by entering their password.
5. User Profile
This is again of 3 types
1. Student user profile
2. Hostel manager user profile
3. Admin user profile
For a student his user profile will also contain the hostel details and hostel manager info if he is
allocated a room.
6. Applications Received
This tab can only be accessed by hostel manager. He can view all the applications his hostel
received and allocate rooms accordingly.
7. Allocated and Empty Rooms
Each hostel manager can look at the list of allocated rooms and empty rooms in his/her hostel
by going to this tab.
8. Vacate Rooms
Hostel Manager can vacate an allocated room by filling the student and room details in this form
and clicking on “click to vacate” button.
9. Appoint/Remove Hostel Manager
This page can only be accessed by hostel admin. He can allocate a new hostel admin or
remove an existing hostel manager.
10. Students Page
In this page the admin can see list of all the students, their details and the hostel allocated to
them along with the room.
11. Contact Form
Students can send messages to hostel manager using this form and vice versa.
12. Messages Received Page
This page cointains messages received by the respective user(either host).

Navigation menu