User Guide
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User’s Guide for TVAL3:
TV Minimization by Augmented Lagrangian
and Alternating Direction Algorithms
Chengbo Li, Wotao Yin, and Yin Zhang
Department of CAAM
Rice University, Houston, Texas, 77005
(Version beta2.4, 11-11-2010)
This User’s Guide describes the functionality and basic usage of the Matlab package
TVAL3 for total variation minimization. The main algorithm used in TVAL3 is briefly
introduced in the appendix.
1 Introduction 2
2 Quick Start 2
3 Model Selection 3
4 Fields of opts 4
5 Feedback 6

1 Introduction
TVAL3 is short for “Total Variation Minimization by Augmented Lagrangian and Alter-
nating Direction Algorithms”. It is a Matlab solver that at present can be applied to the
following four total variation (TV) based minimization models for reconstructing an image
ufrom its (linear, incomplete, and/or degraded) observations b:
(TV) minu∈CnPikDiukp,s.t. Au =b, (1)
(TV+) minu∈RnPikDiukp,s.t. Au =b u ≥0,(2)
(TV/L2) minu∈CnPikDiukp+µ
2kAu −bk2
(TV/L2+) minu∈RnPikDiukp+µ
2kAu −bk2
2,s.t. u≥0,(4)
where k·kpfor p= 1 or 2 is the 1-norm or 2-norm, respectively, n=n1×n2is the size
of signals or images, Diu(∈C2or R2depending on u∈Cnor Rn) is the discrete gradient
vector of uat position i,A∈Cm×n(m<n) is the measurement matrix, b∈Cmis the
observation of uvia some linear measurements, and µ > 0 is the penalty parameter for the
TV/L2 models.
The first terms in the objective functions are the TV regularization terms, which are
isotropic for p= 2, and anisotropic for p= 1. Using the isotropic ones is often preferred,
and is the default in TVAL3, since it results in fewer zig-zagging object boundaries in the
reconstructed image. The second terms in objective functions are commonly referred to as
fidelity terms.
2 Quick Start
TVAL3 can be downloaded from the URL:
It has a simple Matlab interface with 5 input arguments and either 1 or 2 output arguments:
U = TVAL3(A,b,n1,n2,opts);
or [U,out] = TVAL3(A,b,n1,n2,opts);
where the input Ais either a matrix in Cm×nor a function handle (see more information
below), b∈Cmis the observation, n1and n2represent the size of the signal/image, and

the output U∈Cn1×n2is the recovered signal/image. All these quantities can be real or
complex. The input argument opts is a structure carrying control options. The optional
output argument out contains some secondary output information.
Unzipping the package creates the directory TVAL3 xx where “xx” is a version number.
Please start by running warm up.m, which updates Matlab’s search path and calls mex to
compile a C++ file for a fast Walsh-Hadamard transform into a Matlab mex file (as such you
will need a compiler installed on your system). Besides, running the Matlab script demo.m
in the current directory would also help users set necessary path, but without compiling
the C++ file.
Upon successful setup, four more demo files in the Demos directory are ready to run.
The input argument Ashould be either an m×nmatrix or a Matlab function handle
corresponding to a given linear transform Afrom Cnto Cmand its adjoint A∗in the way
such that
A(x,1) returns Ax,
A(y,2) returns A∗y.
For an example of defining such a function handle A, see the function dfA at the bottom of
the function demo lina.m under the folder Demos.
TVAL3 accepts all kinds of measurement matrices Aor corresponding function handles.
It is preferred, but not required, for Ato have orthogonal and normalized rows. The speed
of TVAL3 is largely affected by how fast Ax and A∗ycan be computed.
TVAL3 requires opts to contain at least one field. If users choose TV/L2 or TV/L2+
model, must be set according to the value of µin the model. All the fields of opts
are described in Section 4 below.
3 Model Selection
TVAL3 can solve one of the four supported models, TV, TV+, TV/L2, and TV/L2+, while
each one can be either isotropic or anisotropic. A model is selected according to options
supplied in opts.
•The isotropic TV model
This model is solved by default. (However, please specify at least one field of opts,
which can be any one compatible with this model. For example, opts.disp = false.)
•The isotropic TV+ model
Set opts.nonneg = true.
•The isotropic TV/L2 model
Set opts.TVL2 = true.
•The isotropic TV/L2+ model
Set opts.nonneg = true and opts.TVL2 = true.
•One of the above models with anisotropic TV
To solve any of above four models with anisotropic TV corresponding to p= 1, set
opts.TVnorm = 1 in addition to setting a corresponding field in the way described
For the efficiency of TVAL3, we always suggest users to avoid TV/L2 or TV/L2+ model
unless necessary, since TV or TV+ model could be faster to obtain a certain accuracy. Even
though the noise exists in your cases, TV or TV+ model still works fairly well in practice.
4 Fields of opts
The following fields of opts can be specified by users, and their default values are given
in brackets “[ ]”. They are roughly ordered by the importance according to the authors’
experience. = [2^8] (primary penalty parameter)
opts.beta = [2^5] (secondary penalty parameter)
opts.mu0 = (initial mu for continuation)
opts.beta0 = opts.beta (initial beta for continuation)
opts.tol = [1.e-6] (outer stopping tolerance)
opts.tol_inn = [1.e-3] (inner stopping tolerance)
opts.maxit = [1025] (maximum total iterations)
opts.maxcnt = [10] (maximum outer iterations)
opts.TVnorm = [2] (isotropic or anisotropic TV)
opts.nonneg = [false] (switch for nonnegative models)
opts.TVL2 = [false] (switch for TV/L2 models)
opts.isreal = [false] (switch for real signals/images)

opts.scale_A = [true] (switch for scaling A)
opts.scale_b = [true] (switch for scaling b)
opts.disp = [false] (switch for iteration info printout)
opts.init = [1] (initial guess)
Among fields, appears to be the most important one. To get the best perfor-
mance, the value of should be set in accordance with both the noise level in the
observation band the sparsity level of the underlying signal/image u. For example, the
higher the noise level is, the smaller should be (of course it is difficult to estimate
the noise level without knowing the true solution). Based on our experience, the simplest
way to choose mu is to try different values from 24up to 213 and compare the recovered
signals/images. The value of opts.beta also affects the performance of TVAL3, but it is
much less important than Users can also decide opts.beta by trying with values
from 24up to 213 if necessary. Options opts.mu0 and opts.beta0 suggest if the continua-
tion scheme is applied. The default values mean no need for continuation. users can trigger
it by setting both opts.mu0 and opts.beta0 much smaller than and opts.beta,
respectively (see Demos). In some scenarios, continuation scheme could accelerate the con-
vergence and reduce the elapsed time. Both opts.tol and opts.tol inn determine the
solution accuracy. Their smaller values result in a longer elapsed time and usually a bet-
ter solution quality. If the observation is noisy or the problem is large-scale, opts.tol =
1.e-2 or 1.e-3 might be sufficient. The options opts.maxit and opts.maxcnt set limits
for the numbers of total and outer iterations, respectively. opts.TVnorm,opts.nonneg, and
opts.TVL2 determines which one of the four models is solved. If the true solution is real
(as opposed to complex), opts.isreal should be set as true. The options opts.scale A
and opts.scale b determine whether Aand bshould be scaled, respectively. In general,
decisions are made automatically so assigning non-default values to these two options is
not recommended. The field opts.disp controls whether iteration information is displayed
or not. Furthermore, the initial solution is assigned according to opts.init.opts.init
= 1 assigns A∗b,opts.init = 0 assigns the zero matrix, and opts.init = U0 assigns a
user-provided matrix U0.
Getting the best solution quality often requires tuning certain options. Among the most
important ones are,opts.tol,opts.beta, and opts.maxcnt. It is advisable to
try the default values first before any tuning.
5 Feedback
Your feedback is welcome and appreciated! You can send your questions, bug reports, and
suggestions to
The authors are grateful to a group of users, colleagues, and students from Rice University,
especially those in the ECE department, who helped test previous beta versions of the code
and provided useful feedback. The first author would like to thank Dr. Junfeng Yang of
Nanjing University for his tremendous help at the beginning of the project and Ting Sun
of Rice University for providing test data. The work of C. Li has been supported in part
by NSF Grant DMS-0811188, ONR Grant N00014-08-1-1101, and AFOSR Grant FA9550-
09-C-0121. The work of W. Yin has been supported in part by NSF CAREER Award
DMS-0748839, ONR Grant N00014-08-1-1101, AFOSR Grant FA9550-09-C-0121, and an
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. The work of Y. Zhang has been supported in part by
NSF Grant DMS-0811188 and ONR Grant N00014-08-1-1101.
Appendix: Algorithm
Our algorithmic framework is a Lagrangian multiplier method applied to a particular aug-
mented Lagrangian function; that is,
Algorithm 1 Input A,b,n1,n2, and opts.
While “not converge” Do
— Approximately minimize the augmented Lagrangian function
by an alternating direction scheme.
— Update multipliers.
End Do
The convergence properties of algorithms in this framework have been well analyzed in
the optimization literature (see [1], for example).
To briefly describe our algorithm, we take the real isotropic TV model
kDiuk,s.t. Au =b,

(where we use k.kfor k.k2for simplicity) for example. This TV model is clearly equivalent
kwik,s.t. Au =band Diu=wifor all i.
Its corresponding augmented Lagrangian problem is
wi,u X
(kwik − νT
i(Diu−wi) + β
2kDiu−wik2)−λT(Au −b) + µ
2kAu −bk2.(A-1)
An alternating minimization scheme is applied to solving (A-1). For a fixed u, the mini-
mizers wifor all ican be obtained via the formula
wi= max
On the other hand, for fixed wi, we approximately minimize the quadratic with respect
to uby taking one steepest descent step with the steplength computed by a back-tracking
non-monotone line search scheme [2] starting from a Barzilai-Borwein (BB) step length
[3]. After each steepest descent step, we update wiand repeat the process until (A-1) is
approximately solved within a prescribed tolerance.
Let ˆuand {ˆwi}represent an approximate solution to (A-1). The multipliers are then
updated through the well-known formulas: for all i
Combining the framework Algorithm 1 with the inner iterations described above leads
to the core algorithm of the solver TVAL3 in version beta2.0.
For anisotropic models, all formulas remain the same except a slight change in the
formula (A-2) for updating wi. For models with nonnegativity constraints, a projected
gradient method instead of the steepest descent method was used for updating u.
For more details, an elaborate description of TVAL3 including theoretical and numerical
results will be fully stated in a forthcoming paper.
[1] Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright. Numerical Optimization. Springer-Verlag, New
York, U.S.A., (2006).
[2] H. Zhang and W. W. Hager. A nonmonotone line search technique and its application
to unconstrained optimization. SIAM J. Optim., 14 (2004), pp. 1043–1056.
[3] J. Barzilai and J. M. Borwein. Two-point step size gradient methods. IMA J. Numer.
Anal., 8 (1988), pp. 141C148.