User Guide

User Manual:

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User’s Guide
Addition Features:
Registration requires a real email
User cannot register twice with the same username
o Error message appears
Registration requires password check
o Error message appears if password is not re-entered correctly
Ability to backout of registration and return to homepage
Login in requires a registered username and password
o Error message appears if username is invalid
Cannot log in with incorrect username and password
o Error message appears if password is incorrect
Ability to backout of login and return to homepage
Buyers can view detailed listing pages of each item
o This includes high level description of item being sold, the price, and if it’s in
o Item can only be bought if it is in stock
Ability to leave listing page without purchasing anything
Ability to log out
Sellers can pick between nine items to sell
Sellers can sell multiple of each item
Sellers cannot sell items if they are out of stock
Ability to cancel adding an item to sell
Program has ability to send emails to users following registration
Sellers can view sales (includes all sales that have been made by them)
How to use the program:
When this program is run a homepage is displayed that contains the nine possible items
to be bought or sold, but the price or description of these items is not accessible on the
homepage. There are two hyperlinks in the upper right corner, one for registering and one for
logging in. When the register hyperlink is clicked the user is taken to a new page that prompts
the user for their name, email, username, and password to create an account. There is a
checkbox that when checked indicates that the user creating an account would like to be able
to sell items. The register button adds this users information to the SQL database and returns
them to the homepage. There is a cancel button on the register page that allows a user to
backout of creating an account. When the login hyperlink is clicked, the user is taken to a new
page that prompts the user for just their username and password. Login only works if the
username and password have been registered. The log in button takes the user to one of two
pages depending on if they registered as just a buyer or a buyer and seller. There is a cancel
button on the log in page that allows the user to backout of logging in.
If the user is a buyer, after logging in they are taken to a page that contains all nine
items that can be bought with a buy button next to them. If a buy button is selected the user is
taken to a listings page specific to the item they clicked buy next to. The listings page includes a
picture of the item, the price, a high level description, and whether or not the item is in stock.
There is another buy button here that actually purchases the item when clicked. Purchasing the
item updates the SQL database and displays to the user “Thank you for making a purchase”.
The listings page also includes an x button in the upper right corner that allows the user to back
out of purchasing an item.
If the user is buyer and seller, after logging in they are taken to a page that looks and
functions exactly as just a buyers page, except that it contains a button to add items to sell.
When clicked this button takes the user to a new page with a selectable list of the nine possible
items to be sold. If items are out of stock they will not appear on this list to be selected. The
user can specify the quantity of items to sell and the add item button at the bottom updates
the SQL database and returns the user to their buyer and seller page. The add items page also
has a cancel button that allows the user to back out of adding an item to sell. The seller page
also has hyperlink in the upper right corner called view sales that when clicked displays all the
current outstanding sales the user has. Both the buyers page and buyer and sellers page
includes a log out hyperlink that takes the user back to the homepage.

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