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A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems By Philip Munts President, Munts AM Corp Contents Revision History.............................................................................................................2 Introduction....................................................................................................................3 Rationale...................................................................................................................................3 Copyright and Licensing...........................................................................................................3 Online Resources.....................................................................................................................4 Installation......................................................................................................................5 From the Munts Technologies Debian Package Repository....................................................5 From Source Checkout.............................................................................................................6 Coding Conventions......................................................................................................7 Naming.....................................................................................................................................7 Argument Passing....................................................................................................................8 Language Bindings...................................................................................................................8 I/O Subsystem Overviews.............................................................................................9 libadc........................................................................................................................................9 libdac........................................................................................................................................9 libevent.....................................................................................................................................9 libgpio.....................................................................................................................................10 libhidraw..................................................................................................................................10 libi2c........................................................................................................................................10 liblinux.....................................................................................................................................11 liblinx.......................................................................................................................................11 libpwm.....................................................................................................................................12 libserial....................................................................................................................................12 libspi........................................................................................................................................12 libstream.................................................................................................................................13 libipv4......................................................................................................................................13 libwatchdog.............................................................................................................................14 Man Pages.....................................................................................................................15 A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 1 Revision History Revision 1, 9 August 2017 Initial draft. Revision 2, 11 August 2017 Added revision history. Added installation instructions. Added note that libsimpleio can be used with desktop Linux. Added note that calling EVENT_wait() with zero timeout can be used for polling without blocking. Revision 3, 15 November 2017 Added libadc, which provides services for Linux Industrial I/O Subsystem ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) inputs. Upgraded from Debian Jessie to Stretch. Revision 4, 12 May 2018 Switched from the old deprecated GPIO sysfs API to the new GPIO descriptor API. Revision 5, 14 May 2018 Header files are now installed to /usr/local/include/libsimpleio. Revision 6, 4 February 2019 Added libdac, which provides services for Linux Industrial I/O Subsystem DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) outputs. Renamed the repository for MuntsOS Embedded Linux Framework from to Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Updated stale links and commands. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 2 Introduction Rationale libsimpleio is an attempt to regularize the mish-mash of API styles that Linux presents for I/O device access. The support for I/O devices in Linux has evolved over time such that there are many different and incompatible API styles. For example, an application program must use ioctl() to access SPI (Serial Peripheral Interconnect) devices, tcsetattr() and other functions defined in termios.h to access serial port devices, and Berkeley sockets library functions to access network devices. libsimpleio exports C functions with a common and highly regular calling sequence that encapsulate and hide the underlying Linux system call services. These C functions are callable from Ada, C#, Java, and Free Pascal application programs, using the native or external library binding facility each language provides. Although primarily intended for dedicated embedded Linux systems (such as MuntsOS Embedded Linux), libsimpleio is also usable on mainstream desktop Linux systems such as Debian or Ubuntu. Copyright and Licensing All original works in libsimpleio are copyrighted and licensed according the following 1clause BSD source code license: Copyright (C)2016-2019, Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 3 Online Resources The web site and git source code repository for libsimpleio is available at: The man pages specifiying the API (Application Program Interface) for libsimpleio are available for browsing at: Prebuilt libsimpleio packages for Debian Stretch and compatible Linux operating systems are available for download at: The web site and git source code repository for the MuntsOS Embedded Linux Framework is available at: A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 4 Installation From the Munts Technologies Debian Package Repository The easiest way to use libsimpleio on Debian Linux and its derivatives is to add the Munts Technologies Debian Package Repository to your system, with the following commands: wget sudo apt-key add PublicKey.txt For 64-Bit Debian Linux: wget sudo dpkg -i munts-repo.deb For 32-Bit Debian Linux: wget sudo dpkg -i munts-repo.deb For 32-Bit Raspbian (Raspberry Pi) Linux: wget sudo dpkg -i munts-repo.deb Then you can install the native libsimpleio package with these commands: apt-get update apt-get install munts-libsimpleio The package installs files into several directories under the /usr/local directory tree: /usr/local/include/libsimpleio /usr/local/lib /usr/local/libexec /usr/local/share/libsimpleio /usr/local/share/man There are also cross-compiled packages for MuntsOS Embedded Linux available in the repository. You can install them with the following commands: apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-muntsos-BeagleBone-linaro-libsimpleio apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-muntsos-RaspberryPi-linaro-libsimpleio apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-muntsos-RaspberryPi2-linaro-libsimpleio A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 5 From Source Checkout Alternatively, or for non-Debian Linux distributions, libsimpleio can be built and installed from a source checkout, with the following commands: git clone cd libsimpleio make sudo make install A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 6 Coding Conventions Naming Each C function exported by libsimpleio is named according to the following convention:_ () where the prefix indicates a particular I/O subsystem (I2C, SPI, watchdog timer, etc.) and the suffix indicates a particular I/O operation (open, close, etc.). The subsystem prefix is always spelled in all capital letters and the operation suffix is always spelled in all lower case letters. Examples: ● GPIO_configure() ● I2C_transaction() ● WATCHDOG_open() All C function declarations are bracketed between _BEGIN_STD_C and _END_STD_C macros (defined in cplusplus.h) to prevent name mangling when a header file is included by a C++ source file. Constants exported by libsimpleio, whether defined with #define or with typedef enum, are always spelled with all capital letters. Examples: ● GPIO_DIRECTION_INPUT ● CMD_SPI_OPEN Note: The language bindings do not necessarily adhere to the above naming conventions. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 7 Argument Passing All C functions exported by libsimpleio shall be proper procedures without any return value. All numeric and enumeration type arguments shall be defined as 32-bit signed integers (int32_t), unless there is compelling reason otherwise. Each numeric argument shall be passed by value (int32_t x). If a value is to be returned, a numeric or enumeration type argument shall be passed by reference (int32_t *x). Example: void GPIO_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); All string arguments shall be NUL terminated C strings. Each string parameter shall be defined with: const char *, or, if a value is to be returned: char *. Example: LINUX_drop_privileges(const char *username, int32_t *error); Language Bindings Each language binding (available for Ada, C#, Java, and Pascal) shall consist only of type, constant and function declarations that map each C type, constant or function declaration into the target programming language. For a particular I/O subsystem, all of the language bindings (e.g. libgpio.h,, libgpio.cs,, and libgpio.pas) shall be functionally identical. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 8 I/O Subsystem Overviews Please refer to the man pages (online at the links below, from the man command, or in the appendix to this document) for the exact API specification for each subsystem. libadc This library provides wrapper functions to read from Linux Industrial I/O Subsystem ADC (Analog to Digital) Converters. Use ADC_open() to open an analog input device. Use ADC_read() to sample an analog input. Note: ADC_read() returns an analog sample as a right justified 32-bit integer. The meaning of this integer (i.e. the ADC resolution) is system dependent. libdac This library provides wrapper functions to write to Linux Industrial I/O Subsystem DAC (Digital to Analog) Converters. Use DAC_open() to open an analog input device. Use DAC_write() to write to an analog output. Note: DAC_write() accepts an analog sample as a right justified 32-bit integer. The meaning of this integer (i.e. the DAC resolution) is system dependent. libevent This library provides wrapper functions for the Linux epoll I/O event notification system call functions. Use EVENT_open() to create an event handler. Use EVENT_register() to register a file descriptor for events. Use EVENT_wait() to suspend the process until an event occurs. Note: EVENT_wait() suspends the entire calling process (all threads). Note: Passing a timeoutms value of zero to EVENT_wait() causes it to return immediately, and can be used to poll the availablity of data without blocking at all. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 9 libgpio This library provides wrapper functions for the Linux GPIO pin services, using the new GPIO descriptor API. Each GPIO pin is identified by a hardware dependent pair of chip (subsystem) and line (pin) numbers. Use GPIO_line_open() to initialize and open a GPIO pin, GPIO_line_read() to read from a GPIO pin, and GPIO_line_write() to write to a GPIO pin. Use GPIO_line_event() to wait for input edge events on a GPIO pin that has been configured as an interrupt input. libhidraw This library provides wrapper functions for the Linux raw HID device ioctl() services. The Linux kernel raw HID subsystem creates a device node of the form /dev/hidrawN for each raw HID device detected. Use HIDRAW_open() to open a raw HID device node by name. Use HIDRAW_open_id() to open the first raw HID device to match the given vendor and product identifiers. Use HIDRAW_send() to send a 64-byte message (aka HID report) to the raw HID device. Use HIDRAW_receive() to obtain a 64-byte message (aka HID report) from the raw HID device. Note: The message size parameter passed to HIDRAW_send() and HIDRAW_receive() will typically be 64 bytes, or 65 bytes if the raw HID device uses the first byte of the message for the report number. Note: HIDRAW_send() and HIDRAW_receive() are blocking functions. If you need to wait for the raw HID device without blocking, you can register its file descriptor with EVENT_register() and wait for something to happen with EVENT_wait(). libi2c This library provides wrapper functions for the Linux I2C device ioctl() services. The Linux kernel I2C subsystem creates a device node of the form /dev/i2c-N for each I2C bus controller detected. Each I2C bus may have one or more slave devices attached to it. Use I2C_open() to open an I2C bus controller device node by name. Use I2C_transaction() to transmit a command and/or receive a response from a single I 2C device. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 10 liblinux This library provides wrapper functions for certain Linux system calls. Use LINUX_detach() to switch a running program from foreground to background execution. Use LINUX_drop_privileges() change a running program's user (e.g. from root to nobody). Use LINUX_openlog() to initialize a connection to the syslog facility. Use LINUX_syslog() to post a message to the syslog facility. Use LINUX_strerror() to retrieve the error message associated with an errno error number. For the C or C++ programming languages, these wrapper functions offer no particular benefit over the regular system call functions provided by glibc. liblinx This library provides functions for sending and receiving messages between a client program and a Labview LINX remote I/O device. To develop a LINX client program, use LINX_transmit_command() and LINX_receive_response(). To develop a LINX server program, use LINX_receive_command() and LINX_transmit_response(). All four of these functions require an open byte stream file descriptor (e.g. from SERIAL_open() or TCP4_connect()) as the first parameter. Each of the receive functions returns after accepting one byte from the byte stream. A value of zero in the error parameter indicates that the received byte has completed a frame and EAGAIN indicates otherwise. Each of the receive functions must be called successively with the same arguments until the frame has been completed. Note: The receive functions block until a byte is available from the underlying byte stream. If you need to wait without blocking, you can register the byte stream file descriptor with EVENT_register() and wait for something to happen with EVENT_wait(). A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 11 libpwm This library provides functions for configuring and writing to PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) output devices. The Linux kernel PWM subsystem populates sysfs entries for each PWM output configured. PWM outputs are identified by chip and channel numbers. Use PWM_configure() to configure a single PWM output. Use PWM_open() to open a single PWM device node. Use PWM_write() to set the PWM output duty cycle. Note: Many PWM controllers require the same PWM pulse frequency for all channels. Therefore, configuring different pulse period values for different channels within the same PWM controller may result in incorrect operation. libserial This library provides wrapper functions for the Linux serial port termios services. The Linux kernel serial port subsystem creates a device node of the form /dev/ttyXXXX for each serial port device detected. Use SERIAL_open() to configure and open a serial port device by name. Use SERIAL_send() to send data to a serial port device. Use SERIAL_receive() to receive data from a serial port device. Note: The file descriptor returned by SERIAL_open() may be passed to STREAM_send() and STREAM_receive() as described below. Note: SERIAL_send() and SERIAL_receive() are blocking functions. If you need to wait for the serial port device without blocking, you can register its file descriptor with EVENT_register() and wait for something to happen with EVENT_wait(). libspi This library provides wrapper functions for the Linux SPI device ioctl() services. The Linux kernel SPI subsystem creates a device node of the form /dev/spidev-X.Y for each SPI slave device detected. Use SPI_open() to open an SPI slave device node by name. Use SPI_transaction() to transmit a command and/or receive a response from a single SPI slave device. Note: Some hardware platforms may not implement hardware controlled slave select output signals. A GPIO pin file descriptor obtained with GPIO_open() may be passed to SPI_transaction() to request software controlled slave select. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 12 libstream This library provides functions for encoding and decoding byte stream data into frames as specified in the Stream Framing Protocol. A common use case for this protocol is to communicate with a microcontroller via a serial port. Use STREAM_encode_frame() to encode a frame for transmission. Use STREAM_decode_frame() to decoded a received frame. Use STREAM_send_frame() to transmit a frame via a byte stream indicated by a Linux file descriptor. Use STREAM_receive_frame() to receive a frame via a byte stream indicated by a Linux file descriptor. STREAM_receive_frame() returns after accepting one byte from the byte stream. It will return zero in the error parameter if that byte completes a frame and EAGAIN otherwise. STREAM_receive_frame() must be called successively with the same arguments until the frame has been completed. Note: STREAM_receive_frame() blocks until a byte is available from the underlying byte stream. If you need to wait without blocking, you can register the byte stream file descriptor with EVENT_register() and wait for something to happen with EVENT_wait(). libipv4 This library provides wrapper functions for the Linux IPv4 socket services. Use IPV4_resolve() to resolve a host name to a 32-bit integer IPv4 address. Use IPV4_ntoa() to convert a 32-bit integer IPv4 address to a string, in dotted octet notation (e.g. Use TCP4_connect() to connect to a TCP server. Use TCP4_accept() or TCP4_server() to implement a TCP server. Use TCP4_send() to send data and TCP4_receive() to receive data. Note: The file descriptor returned by TCP4_connect(), TCP4_accept(), or TCP4_server() may be passed to STREAM_send() and STREAM_receive() as described above. Note: TCP4_send() and TCP4_receive() are blocking functions. If you need to wait without blocking, you can register the file descriptor with EVENT_register() and wait for something to happen with EVENT_wait(). A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 13 libwatchdog This library provides functions for configuring and resetting watch dog timer devices. The Linux kernel watchdog timer subsystem creates a device node of the form /dev/watchdogN for each watchdog timer. The default watchdog timer is /dev/watchdog. Use WATCHDOG_open() to open a watchdog timer device node by name. Use WATCHDOG_get_timeout() to query the current period in seconds, and WATCHDOG_set_timeout() to change the period. Use WATCHDOG_kick() to reset the watchdog timer. A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 14 Man Pages A Simple I/O Library for Embedded Linux Systems – Revision 7, 7 February 2019 Page 15 libsimpleio(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libsimpleio(2) NAME libsimpleio −− Linux Simple I/O Library DESCRIPTION libsimpleio is an attempt to encapsulate (as much as possible) the ugliness of Linux I/O device access. It provides services for reading and/or writing the following types of Linux I/O devices: * Industrial I/O Subsystem A/D (Analog to Digital Converter) Devices * Industrial I/O Subsystem D/A (Digital to Analog Converter) Devices * GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) Pins * Raw HID (Human Interface Device) Devices * I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Bus Devices * LabView LINX Remote I/O Devices * PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) Output Devices * Serial Ports * SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Bus Devices * Stream Framing Protocol Devices * TCP and UDP over IPv4 Network Devices * Watchdog Timer Devices Although libsimpleio was originally intended for Linux microcomputers such as the Raspberry Pi, it can also be useful on larger desktop Linux systems. SEE ALSO libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 16 libadc(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libadc(2) NAME libadc −− Linux Simple I/O Library: A/D Input Module SYNOPSIS #include void ADC_get_name(int32_t chip, char *name, int32_t namesize, int32_t *error); void ADC_open(int32_t chip, int32_t channel, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void ADC_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void ADC_read(int32_t fd, int32_t *sample, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. ADC_get_name() fetches an information string for an A/D device. The chip number must be passed in chip. The destination buffer address must be passed in *name and the destination buffer size must be passed in namesize. The minimum size for the destination buffer is 16 bytes. ADC_open() opens an A/D input channel device. The A/D chip number must be passed in the chip parameter and the A/D input channel number must be passed in the channel parameter. Upon success, a file descriptor for the A/D input channel device is returned in *fd. ADC_close() closes a previously opened A/D input channel device. ADC_read() reads a sample from an A/D input channel device. The file descriptor for an open A/D input channel device must be passed in the fd parameter. The analog sample data will be returned in the *sample parameter. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 17 libdac(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libdac(2) NAME libdac −− Linux Simple I/O Library: D/A Input Module SYNOPSIS #include void DAC_get_name(int32_t chip, char *name, int32_t namesize, int32_t *error); void DAC_open(int32_t chip, int32_t channel, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void DAC_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void DAC_write(int32_t fd, int32_t sample, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. DAC_get_name() fetches an information string for a D/A device. The chip number must be passed in chip. The destination buffer address must be passed in *name and the destination buffer size must be passed in namesize. The minimum size for the destination buffer is 16 bytes. DAC_open() opens a D/A output channel device. The D/A chip number must be passed in the chip parameter and the D/A output channel number must be passed in the channel parameter. Upon success, a file descriptor for the D/A output channel device is returned in *fd. DAC_close() closes a previously opened D/A output channel device. DAC_write() writes a sample to a D/A output channel device. The file descriptor for an open D/A output channel device must be passed in the fd parameter. The analog sample data must be passed in the sample parameter. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 4 February 2019 18 libevent(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libevent(2) NAME libevent −− Linux Simple I/O Library: Event Notification Module SYNOPSIS #include void EVENT_open(int32_t *epfd, int32_t *error); void EVENT_close(int32_t epfd, int32_t *error); void EVENT_register_fd(int32_t epfd, int32_t fd, int32_t events, int32_t handle, int32_t *error); void EVENT_modify_fd(int32_t epfd, int32_t fd, int32_t events, int32_t handle, int32_t *error); void EVENT_unregister_fd(int32_t epfd, int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void EVENT_wait(int32_t epfd, int32_t * fd, int32_t *event, int32_t *handle, int32_t timeoutms, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. EVENT_open() must be called before any of the other functions, to open a connection to the epoll event notification subsystem. EVENT_close() must be called to close the connection to the epoll subsystem. EVENT_register_fd() registers the file descriptor fd for the event notifications selected by the events parameter. Event notification codes, such as EPOLLIN (input ready), are defined in /usr/include/sys/epoll.h, and may be OR’d together to register for more than one type of event notification. The handle parameter is passed in to the Linux kernel and will be passed back to EVENT_wait() when an event notification occurs. EVENT_modify_fd() modifies the event notifications enabled on a previously registered file descriptor. The most common use case is to rearm a file descriptor registered with EPOLLONESHOT for further event notifications. After such a file descriptor has delivered an event, it will be disabled from delivering any further event notifications until it is rearmed. The handle parameter is passed in to the Linux kernel and will be passed back to EVENT_wait() when an event notification occurs. EVENT_unregister_fd() unregisters event notifications for the file descriptor fd. EVENT_wait() waits until an event notification occurs for any of the previously registered file descriptors. The timeoutms parameter indicates the time in milliseconds to wait for an event notification. A value of zero indicates EVENT_wait() should return immediately whether or not an event notification is available. If an event notification occurs before the timeout expires, *error will be set to 0, *fd and *event will be set to the next available file descriptor and event notification code, and *handle will be set to whatever value was supplied to EVENT_register_fd() or EVENT_modify_fd(). If no event notification occurs before the timeout expires, *error will be set to EAGAIN and *fd, *event, and *handle will all be set to zero. If some other error occurs, *error will be set to an errno value and *fd, *event, and *handle will all be set to zero. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) version 1 21 December 2018 19 libevent(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libevent(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 20 libgpio(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libgpio(2) NAME libgpio −− Linux Simple I/O Library: GPIO Module SYNOPSIS #include void GPIO_chip_info(int32_t chip, char *name, int32_t namesize, char *label, int32_t labelsize, int32_t *lines, int32_t *error); void GPIO_line_info(int32_t chip, int32_t line, int32_t * flags, char *name, int32_t namesize, char *label, int32_t labelsize, int32_t error); void GPIO_line_open(int32_t chip, int32_t line, int32_t flags, int32_t events, int32_t state, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void GPIO_line_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void GPIO_line_read(int32_t fd, int32_t *state, int32_t *error); void GPIO_line_write(int32_t fd, int32_t state, int32_t *error); void GPIO_line_event(int32_t fd, int32_t *state, int32_t *error); Deprecated sysfs API: typedef enum { GPIO_DIRECTION_INPUT, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT, } GPIO_DIRECTION_t; typedef enum { GPIO_EDGE_NONE, GPIO_EDGE_RISING, GPIO_EDGE_FALLING, GPIO_EDGE_BOTH } GPIO_EDGE_t; typedef enum { GPIO_POLARITY_ACTIVELOW, GPIO_POLARITY_ACTIVEHIGH, } GPIO_POLARITY_t; void GPIO_configure(int32_t pin, int32_t direction, int32_t state, int32_t edge, int32_t polarity, int32_t *error); void GPIO_open(int32_t pin, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void GPIO_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void GPIO_read(int32_t fd, int32_t *state, int32_t *error); version 1 21 December 2018 21 libgpio(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libgpio(2) void GPIO_write(int32_t fd, int32_t state, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. GPIO_chip_info() retrieves information about a particular GPIO chip (subsystem). The chip parameter selects the particular GPIO chip. Information strings are returned in name and label (with maximum sizes indicated by namesize and labelsize) and the number of GPIO lines (pins) available from this chip is returned in lines. GPIO_line_info() retrieves information about a particular GPIO pin. The chip and line parmeters select the particular GPIO pin. Current configuration flags for the GPIO pin are returned in flags. Information strings are returned in name and label (with maximum sizes indicated by namesize and labelsize). GPIO_line_open() configures and opens a single GPIO pin. The chip and line parmeters select the particular GPIO pin. Requested configuration flags are passed in flags, requested event (interrupt edge) flags are passed in events, and the initial state (0 or 1) for output pins is passed in state. Upon success, a file descriptor for the GPIO pin will be returned in *fd. GPIO_line_close() closes a previously opened GPIO pin. GPIO_line_read() gets the current state of a GPIO pin. The state (0 or 1) of the GPIO pin will be returned in *state. GPIO_line_write() sets a GPIO pin output state. The new state (0 or 1) is passed in the state parameter. GPIO_line_event() waits (blocking the calling process) for an interrupt on an GPIO interrupt input pin (configured with GPIOHANDLE_REQUEST_INPUT in the flags parameter and GPIOEVENT_REQUEST_RISING_EDGE, GPIOEVENT_REQUEST_FALLING_EDGE, or GPIOEVENT_REQUEST_BOTH_EDGES in the events parameter to GPIO_line_open()). The state (0 or 1) of the GPIO pin after the interrupt will be returned in *state. Deprecated sysfs API: GPIO_configure() configures a single GPIO pin. The pin parameter selects the GPIO pin (as numbered by the Linux kernel) to be configured. The direction parameter may be GPIO_DIRECTION_INPUT or GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT. For input pins, the state parameter must be 0. For output pins, the state parameter may be 0 or 1 to set the initial state. For input pins, the edge parameter may be GPIO_EDGE_NONE, GPIO_EDGE_RISING, GPIO_EDGE_FALLING, or GPIO_EDGE_BOTH. For output pins, the edge parameter must be GPIO_EDGE_NONE. The polarity parameter may be GPIO_POLARITY_ACTIVELOW or GPIO_POLARITY_ACTIVEHIGH. The udev rules included in the libsimpleio package will create a symbolic link from /dev/gpioxx to /sys/class/gpio/gpioxx/value when a GPIO pin is configured. GPIO_open() opens a GPIO pin device. The GPIO pin number is passed in the pin parameter. Upon success, a file descriptor for the GPIO pin device is returned in *fd. GPIO_close() closes a previously opened GPIO pin device. GPIO_read() gets the current state of a GPIO pin. Upon success, the current state (0 or 1) of the GPIO pin will be returned in *state. GPIO_write() sets a GPIO pin output state. The new state (0 or 1) is passed in the state parameter. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) version 1 21 December 2018 22 libgpio(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libgpio(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 23 libhidraw(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libhidraw(2) NAME libhidraw −− Linux Simple I/O Library: Raw HID Module SYNOPSIS #include void HIDRAW_open(const char *name, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void HIDRAW_open_id(int32_t VID, int32_t PID, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void HIDRAW_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void HIDRAW_get_name(int32_t fd, char *name, int32_t namesize, int32_t *error); void HIDRAW_get_info(int32_t fd, int32_t *bustype, int32_t *vendor, int32_t * product, int32_t *error); void HIDRAW_send(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); void HIDRAW_receive(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. HIDRAW_open() opens a raw HID device by name. The device node name (/dev/hidrawN) must be passed in name. Upon success, a file descriptor for the raw HID device is returned in *fd. HIDRAW_open_id() opens the first raw HID device that matches the specified vendor and product ID numbers passed in VID and PID. Upon success, a file descriptor for the raw hid device is returned in *fd. HIDRAW_close() closes a previously opened raw HID device. The HID device file descriptor must be passed in fd. HIDRAW_get_name() fetches an information string from the raw HID device. The HID device file descriptor must be passed in fd. The destination buffer address must be passed in *name and the destination buffer size must be passed in namesize. The minimum size for the destination buffer is 16 bytes. HIDRAW_get_info() fetches the bus type, vendor ID and product ID from the raw HID device. The HID device file descriptor must be passed in fd. The bus type is returned in *bustype, and may be BUS_USB, BUS_HIL, BUS_BLUETOOTH or BUS_VIRTUAL. These values are defined in /usr/include/linux/input.h. The vendor and product ID’s are returned in *vendor and *product respectively. HIDRAW_send() sends a message (also known as a HID report) to the raw HID device. The HID device file descriptor must be passed in fd. The address of the message buffer must be passed in buf and the size of the message buffer must be passed in bufsize. The message size will typically be either 64 or 65 bytes, depending on whether the particular raw HID device uses the first byte for the report number. Upon success, the number of bytes actually sent will be returned in *count. HIDRAW_receive() receives a message (i.e. a HID report) from the raw HID device. The HID device file descriptor must be passed in fd. The address of the message buffer must be passed in buf and the size of the message buffer must be passed in bufsize. The message size will typically be either 64 or 65 bytes, depending on whether the particular raw HID device uses the first byte for the report number. Upon version 1 21 December 2018 24 libhidraw(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libhidraw(2) success, the number of bytes actually received will be returned in *count. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 25 libi2c(2) NAME Linux Simple I/O Library libi2c(2) libi2c −− Linux Simple I/O Library: I2C Module SYNOPSIS #include void I2C_open(const char *name, int32_t * fd, int32_t * error); void I2C_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void I2C_transaction(int32_t fd, int32_t slaveaddr, void *cmd, int32_t cmdlen, void *resp, int32_t resplen, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. I2C_open() opens an I2C bus controller device. The device name, /dev/i2c-x, must be passed in the name parameter. Upon success, a file descriptor for the I2C bus controller device is returned in *fd. I2C_close() closes a previously opened I2C bus controller device. I2C_transaction() performs a single I2C bus transaction, with optional transmit and receive phases. The I2C slave device address must be passed in the slaveaddr parameter. Either the address of a command message and its length must be passed in the cmd and cmdlen parameters, or NULL and 0 for a receive only transaction. Either the address of a receive buffer and its size must be passed in the resp and resplen parameters, or NULL and 0 for a transmit only transaction. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 26 libipv4(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libipv4(2) NAME libipv4 −− Linux Simple I/O Library: IPv4 TCP Module SYNOPSIS #include void IPV4_resolve(char *name, int32_t *addr, int32_t *error); void IPV4_ntoa(int32_t addr, char *dst, int32_t dstsize, int32_t *error); void TCP4_connect(int32_t addr, int32_t port, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void TCP4_accept(int32_t addr, int32_t port, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void TCP4_server(int32_t addr, int32_t port, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void TCP4_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void TCP4_send(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); void TCP4_receive(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); void UDP4_open(int32_t addr, int32_t port, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void UDP4_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void UDP4_send(int32_t fd, int32_t addr, int32_t port, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t flags, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); void UDP4_receive(int32_t fd, int32_t *addr, int32_t * port, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t flags, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. IPV4_resolve() attempts to resolve an IPv4 address string passed in *name (containing a domain name, a local host name like localhost or a dotted decimal address like Upon success, the 32-bit IPv4 address will be returned in *addr. IPV4_ntoa() converts an IPv4 address to a dotted decimal address string. The address of the destination buffer is passed in *dst and its size, which must be at least 16 bytes, is passed in dstsize. Upon success, the dotted decimal address string will be returned in *dst. TCP4_connect() attempts to connect to a IPv4 TCP server. The 32-bit IPv4 address is passed in addr and the 16-bit TCP port number is passed in port. Upon successful connection, a stream file descriptor will be returned in *fd. TCP4_accept() waits for an incoming connection request from a IPv4 TCP client. Either INADDR_ANY may be passed in addr to bind to (i.e. listen on) all network interfaces, or the 32-bit IPV4 address of a particular network interface may be passed to bind to only that interface. The 16-bit TCP port number is passed in port. Upon successful connection, a stream file descriptor will be returned in *fd. TCP4_server() operates like TCP4_accept() except that upon successful connection, the original server process forks to create a new and separate connection handler process. The server process continues to listen for more connection requests, without returning from TCP4_server(), while in the new connection handler process, TCP4_server() does return, with a stream file descriptor for the new connection returned version 1 21 December 2018 27 libipv4(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libipv4(2) in *fd. TCP4_close() closes a previously opened IPv4 TCP stream. The stream file descriptor is passed in fd. TCP4_send() sends data to a IPv4 TCP stream. The stream file descriptor is passed in fd. The transmit buffer address is passed in buf and its size is passed in bufsize. Upon success, the number of bytes actually sent will be returned in *count. TCP4_receive() receives data from a IPv4 TCP stream. The stream file descriptor is passed in fd. The receive buffer address is passed in buf and its size is passed in bufsize. Upon success, the number of bytes actually received will be returned in *count. UDP4_open() opens a UDP datagram socket. The IP address of the network interface to bind the socket to is passed in the addr parameter. A value of zero or INADDR_ANY indicates the socket should bind to all network interfaces. The UDP port number is passed in the port parameter. A value of zero indicates the kernel should automatically select a port number. Upon successful completion, a UDP socket file descriptor will be returned in *fd. UDP4_close() closes a previously opened UDP socket. The UDP socket file descriptor is passed in fd. UDP4_send() sends a UDP datagram. The UDP socket file descriptor is passed in fd. The IPv4 address of the destination network node is passed in addr. The UDP port number of the destination network node is passed in port. The UDP datagram is passed in *buf and its size in bytes is passed in bufsize. Flags for the sendto() Linux system call are passed in flags. The number of bytes sent will be returned in *count. UDP4_receive() receives a UDP datagram. The UDP socket file descriptor is passed in fd. The IPv4 address of the source network node will be returned in *addr. The UDP port number of the source network node will be returned in *port. The UDP datagram will be returned in *buf . The size of the datagram buffer will be passed in bufsize. Flags for the recvfrom() Linux system call are passed in flags. The number of bytes received will be returned in *count. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 28 liblinux(2) Linux Simple I/O Library liblinux(2) NAME liblinux −− Linux Simple I/O Library: Linux System Call Wrapper Module SYNOPSIS #include void LINUX_detach(int32_t *error); void LINUX_drop_privileges(const char *username, int32_t *error); void LINUX_openlog(const char *id, int32_t options, int32_t facility, int32_t *error); void LINUX_syslog(int32_t priority, const char *msg, int32_t *error); void LINUX_strerror(int32_t error, char *buf , int32_t bufsize); void LINUX_poll(int32_t numfiles, int32_t * files, int32_t *events, int32_t *results, int32_t timeout, int32_t *error); void LINUX_usleep(int32_t microseconds, int32_t *error); void LINUX_command(const char *cmd, int32_t *status, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION These functions wrap certain useful Linux system calls for use by other programming languages such as Ada, C#, Java, and Pascal. They are provided for the convenience of devlopers using libsimpleio with those langauges. For the C programming language, they offer no particular benefit over the regular system call wrappers. All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. LINUX_detach() detaches the calling process from its controlling terminal and continues execution in the background. LINUX_drop_privileges() allows a process started by the superuser to drop its privileges to those of the user specified by the username parameter. LINUX_openlog() opens a connection to the syslog message logger. The options and facility parameters accept the same values as the openlog() system library function. LINUX_syslog() transmits a text message supplied in the msg parameter to the syslog message logger. The priority parameter accepts the same values as the syslog() system library function. LINUX_strerror() retrieves the error message for the errno value passed in the error parameter. A destination buffer address and size must be passed in the buf and bufsize parameters. LINUX_poll() waits for events on an set of file descriptors. The number of file descriptors is passed in the numfiles parameter. An array of file descriptors is passed in the files parameter. An array of requested events, using the same values as the poll() system library function, is passed in the events parameter. The results for each file descriptor, also using the same values as the poll() system library function, will be returned in the results parameter. A timeout in milliseconds may be passed in the timeout parameter. A timeout of zero indicates an immediate return without waiting at all. A timeout of -1 indicates waiting forever. If the timeout expires without any event on any file descriptor occurring, then error will be set to EAGAIN. LINUX_usleep() causes the calling program to sleep for the period indicated by microseconds, by calling the usleep() system library function. version 1 21 December 2018 29 liblinux(2) Linux Simple I/O Library liblinux(2) LINUX_command() passes the shell command string specified by the cmd parameter to the system() system library function for execution. The return value from the shell command will be returned in status. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 30 liblinx(2) Linux Simple I/O Library liblinx(2) NAME liblinx −− Linux Simple I/O Library: LabView LINX Remote I/O Module SYNOPSIS #include Structures: typedef struct { uint8_t SoF; uint8_t PacketSize; uint16_t PacketNum; uint16_t Command; uint8_t Args[54]; } LINX_command_t; typedef struct { uint8_t SoF; uint8_t PacketSize; uint16_t PacketNum; uint8_t Status; uint8_t Data[55]; } LINX_response_t; Server Routines: void LINX_receive_command(int32_t fd, LINX_command_t *cmd, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); void LINX_transmit_response(int32_t fd, LINX_response_t *resp, int32_t *error); Client Routines: void LINX_transmit_command(int32_t fd, LINX_command_t *cmd, int32_t *error); void LINX_receive_response(int32_t fd, LINX_response_t *resp, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); Byte Packing Routines: uint16_t LINX_makeu16(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1); uint32_t LINX_makeu32(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3); Byte Unpacking Routines: uint8_t LINX_splitu16(uint16_t u16, int32_t bn); uint8_t LINX_splitu32(uint32_t u32, int32_t bn); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION These routines perform framing and encoding or decoding of LabView LINX remote I/O commands (from client to server) and responses (from server to client) to and from a bidirectional byte stream, which will typically be either a serial port or a network socket. version 1 21 December 2018 31 liblinx(2) Linux Simple I/O Library liblinx(2) The transmit routines encode a frame from a command or response structure and write it to the stream indicated by the stream file descriptor fd. If the frame was written to the stream successfully, *error will be set to zero, otherwise it will be set to an errno value. The receive routines read exactly one byte from the stream indicated by the stream file descriptor fd. If the byte was read successfully and completes a frame, *error will be set to zero. If a byte was read successfully, but did not complete a frame, *error will be set to EAGAIN. If the read failed, *error will be set to an errno value and the previous data discarded. Successive calls to each receive routine must pass the same command or response structure. The *count parameter preserves a byte counter between successive function calls. A LINX server running on some hardware device will typically have a message loop that calls LINX_receive_command() to get each command from the LINX client, do some work, and then call LINX_transmit_response() to return results to the client. A LINX client will typically call LINX_transmit_command() to send each command to the server and immediately thereafter call LINX_receive_response() to receive the results from the server. The byte packing routines LINX_makeu16() and LINX_makeu32() pack two or four unsigned bytes into a 16-bit or 32-bit unsigned integer. b0 is the most significant byte and b1 or b3 is the least significant byte. The byte unpacking routines LINX_splitu16() and LINX_splitu32() return a signle unsigned byte of a 16-bit or 32-bit unsigned integer, selected by the bn byte index parameter. A byte index of 0 selects the most significant byte and a byte index of 1 or 3 selects the least significant byte. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 32 libpwm(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libpwm(2) NAME libpwm −− Linux Simple I/O Library: PWM Output Module SYNOPSIS #include typedef enum { PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVELOW, PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVEHIGH, } PWM_POLARITY_t; void PWM_configure(int32_t chip, int32_t channel, int32_t period, int32_t ontime, int32_t polarity, int32_t *error); void PWM_open(int32_t chip, int32_t channel, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void PWM_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void PWM_write(int32_t fd, int32_t ontime, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. PWM_configure() configures a single PWM output. The chip parameter selects the PWM controller chip (as numbered by the Linux kernel) and the channel parameter selects the PWM output (also as numbered by the Linux kernel) to be configured. The period parameter sets the PWM output pulse period in nanoseconds. Note that many PWM controllers require the same PWM pulse frequency for all channels. Therefore, configuring different pulse period values for different channels within the same PWM controller may result in incorrect operation. The ontime parameter sets the initial PWM output pulse width in nanoseconds. The polarity parameter sets the PWM output polarity and may be PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVELOW or PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVEHIGH. Note that some PWM controllers will not allow the PWM_POLARITY_ACTIVELOW setting. PWM_open() opens a (previously) configured PWM output device. The PWM controller chip number must be passed in the chip parameter and the PWM output number must be passed in the channel parameter. Upon success, a file descriptor for the PWM output device is returned in *fd. PWM_close() closes a previously opened PWM output device. PWM_write() changes the PWM output pulse width. The file descriptor for an open PWM output device must be passed in the fd parameter. The new PWM output pulse width in nanoseconds must be passed in the ontime parameter. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 33 libserial(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libserial(2) NAME libserial −− Linux Simple I/O Library: Asynchronous Serial Port Module SYNOPSIS #include typedef enum { SERIAL_PARITY_NONE, SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN, SERIAL_PARITY_ODD, } SERIAL_PARITY_t; void SERIAL_open(const char *name, int32_t baudrate, int32_t parity, int32_t databits, int32_t stopbits, int32_t * fd, int32_t *error); void SERIAL_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void SERIAL_send(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); void SERIAL_receive(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. SERIAL_open() opens and configures a serial port device. The device name must be passed in the name parameter. The baudrate parameter sets the serial port bit rate. Allowed values are 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and 230400. The parity parameter sets the parity mode. Allowed values are SERIAL_PARITY_NONE, SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN, and SERIAL_PARITY_ODD. The databits parameter sets the number of bits per character, and may be from 5 to 8. The stopbits parameter sets the number of stop bits per character, and may be 1 or 2. Upon success, a file descriptor for the serial port device is returned in *fd. SERIAL_close() closes a previously opened serial port device. The serial port device file descriptor is passed in fd. SERIAL_send() sends data to the serial port device. The serial port device file descriptor is passed in fd. The transmit buffer address is passed in buf and its size is passed in bufsize. Upon success, the number of bytes actually sent will be returned in *count. SERIAL_receive() receives data from the serial port device. The serial port device file descriptor is passed in fd. The receive buffer address is passed in buf and its size is passed in bufsize. Upon success, the number of bytes actually received will be returned in *count. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libspi(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 34 libspi(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libspi(2) NAME libspi −− Linux Simple I/O Library: SPI Module SYNOPSIS #include void SPI_open(const char *name, int32_t mode, int32_t wordsize, int32_t speed, int32_t * fd, int32_t * error); void SPI_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void SPI_transaction(int32_t spifd, int32_t csfd, void *cmd, int32_t cmdlen, int32_t delayus, void *resp, int32_t resplen, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. SPI_open() opens an SPI slave device. The device name, /dev/spidevx.x, must be passed in the name parameter. The mode parameter specifies the SPI bus transfer mode, 0 to 3. The wordsize parameter specifies the SPI bus transfer unit size, usually 8, 16, or 32 bits. Some SPI controllers only allow 8-bit transfers. The speed parameter specifies the SPI bus transfer speed in bits per second. Upon success, a file descriptor for the SPI slave device is returned in *fd. SPI_close() closes a previously opened SPI slave device. SPI_transaction() performs a single SPI bus transaction, with optional transmit and receive phases. Either the address of a command message and its length must be passed in the cmd and cmdlen parameters, or NULL and 0 for a receive only transaction. The delayus parameter indicates the time in microseconds between the transmit and receive phases. It should be set long enough for the SPI slave device to execute the command and generate its response. Either the address of a receive buffer and its size must be passed in the resp and resplen parameters, or NULL and 0 for a transmit only transaction. The csfd parameter should be set to SPI_CS_AUTO to use the hardware controlled slave chip select signal or set to the open file descriptor for a GPIO pin to use for the software controlled slave chip select signal. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libstream(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 35 libstream(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libstream(2) NAME libstream −− Linux Simple I/O Library: Stream Framing Protocol Module SYNOPSIS #include typedef ssize_t (*STREAM_readfn_t)(int fd, void *buf , size_t count); typedef ssize_t (*STREAM_writefn_t)(int fd, const void *buf , size_t count); void STREAM_change_readfn(STREAM_readfn_t newread, int32_t *error); void STREAM_change_writefn(STREAM_writefn_t newwrite, int32_t *error); void STREAM_encode_frame(void *src, int32_t srclen, void *dst, int32_t dstsize, int32_t *dstlen, int32_t *error); void STREAM_decode_frame(void *src, int32_t srclen, void *dst, int32_t dstsize, int32_t *dstlen, int32_t *error); void STREAM_send_frame(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t *count, int32_t *error); void STREAM_receive_frame(int32_t fd, void *buf , int32_t bufsize, int32_t * framesize, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION These functions encode, decode, send, and receive frames to and from a bidirectional byte stream, which will typically be either a serial port or a network socket. The frames are encoded according the the Stream Framing Procotol. See below for a link to the protocol specification. All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. STREAM_change_readfn() changes the function used to read from the underlying stream from the default read() to some other compatible function. STREAM_change_writefn() changes the function used to write to the underlying stream from the default write() to some other compatible function. STREAM_encode_frame() encodes the message passed in *src, with its length passed in srclen. Empty messages (srclen==0) are allowed. The encoded frame will be returned in *dst, whose maximum size must be passed in dstsize. The size of the destination buffer must be at least 2 * srclen + 8 bytes. The actual size of the encoded frame will be returned in *dstlen. STREAM_decode_frame() decodes the frame passed in *src, with its length passed in srclen. The decoded message will be returned in *dst, whose maximum size must be passed in dstsize. The actual size of the decoded message will be returned in *dstlen. STREAM_send_frame() writes an encoded frame to the bidirectional byte stream indicated by the file descriptor fd. The encoded frame is passed in buf and its size is passed in bufsize. Upon success, the number of bytes actually sent will be returned in *count. STREAM_receive_frame() reads one byte from the bidirectional byte stream indicated by the file descriptor fd and attempts to assemble a frame. It should be called repeatedly with the same *buf , bufsize, and *framesize parameters. The *framesize parameter is incremented for each byte received, and zeroed if an error occurs. The *error parameter will be set to EAGAIN while a frame is being assembled. Upon successful assembly of a complete frame, its size will be returned in *framesize and zero returned in *error. version 1 21 December 2018 36 libstream(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libstream(2) SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libwatchdog(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 37 libwatchdog(2) Linux Simple I/O Library libwatchdog(2) NAME libwatchdog −− Linux Simple I/O Library: Watchdog Timer Module SYNOPSIS #include void WATCHDOG_open(const char *name, int32_t * fd, int32_t * error); void WATCHDOG_close(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); void WATCHDOG_get_timeout(int32_t fd, int32_t *timeout, int32_t *error); void WATCHDOG_set_timeout(int32_t fd, int32_t newtimeout, int32_t *timeout, int32_t *error); void WATCHDOG_kick(int32_t fd, int32_t *error); Link with -lsimpleio. DESCRIPTION All functions return either 0 (upon success) or an errno value (upon failure) in *error. WATCHDOG_open() opens a watchdog timer device. The device node name, usually /dev/watchdog, must be passed in the name parameter. Upon success, a file descriptor for the watchdog timer device is returned in *fd. WATCHDOG_close() closes a previously opened watchdog timer device. Note that this may result in watchdog timer expiration and subsequent system reset. WATCHDOG_get_timeout() may be used to discover the current watchdog timeout period. Upon success, the watchdog period in seconds will be returned in *timeout. WATCHDOG_set_timeout() may be used to change the watchdog timeout period. The requested new timeout period in seconds must be passed in newtimeout. Upon success, the actual new watchdog period in seconds will be returned in *timeout. Note that the new watchdog period may be different from that requested. For example, if the watchdog timer device has a granularity of one minute, requesting a timeout of 45 seconds will result in an actual timeout of 60 seconds. Also note that the particular watchdog timer device may not allow increasing the timeout or may not allow changing it at all. WATCHDOG_kick() may be used to reset the watchdog timer. SEE ALSO libsimpleio(2), libadc(2), libdac(2), libevent(2), libgpio(2), libhidraw(2), libi2c(2), libipv4(2), liblinux(2), liblinx(2), libpwm(2), libserial(2), libspi(2), libstream(2) AUTHOR Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp dba Munts Technologies version 1 21 December 2018 38
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