User Manual, 4Q2010 Manual 4q10
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Texas Health Care Information Collection 1
Health Care Information
Base Data File
Charges File
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................... 1
BACKGROUND ........................................................................... 2
PUBLIC USE DATA FILE (PUDF) ................................... 2
DATA PROCESSING AND QUALITY ...................................... 3
PATIENT/PHYSICIAN CONFIDENTIALITY ........................... 3
RESTRICTIONS ON DATA USE ............................................... 4
DATA LIMITATIONS ................................................................. 6
Users are advised to become familiar with the data limitations.
HOSPITAL COMMENTS ............................................................ 7
Users are advised to consider hospital comments in any analysis of the data.
CITATION .................................................................................... 7
Base Data File ....................................................................... 8
Charges File.......................................................................... 40
DATA FIELDS ........................................................................... 49

Texas Health Care Information Collection
The Texas Health Care Information Council (THCIC) was created by Chapter 108 of the Texas
Health and Safety Code (THSC) and was responsible, under Sections 108.011 through 108.0135,
for collecting hospital discharge data from all state licensed hospitals except those that are
statutorily exempt from the reporting requirement. Exempt hospitals include those located in a
county with a population less than 35,000, or those located in a county with a population more than
35,000 and with fewer than 100 licensed hospital beds and not located in an area that is delineated
as an urbanized area by the United States Bureau of the Census (Section 108.0025). Exempt
hospitals also include hospitals that do not seek insurance payment or government reimbursement
(Section 108.009). THCIC became part of the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
effective September 1, 2004 and the DSHS Center for Health Statistics is now responsible for the
collection and release of hospital discharge data.
Section 108.011(a) and 108.012 of the THSC requires DSHS to provide public use data for
computer-to-computer access. It also permits DSHS to charge the data requestor a standard fee for
using the Public Use Data File (PUDF). The PUDF contains patient-level information for inpatient
hospital stays. These data are extracted from DSHS’s Hospital Discharge Database (HDD).
The 2010 PUDF is available in two fixed length format text files, the Base Data (logical record
length of 1486 bytes) and Charges (logical record length of 80 bytes) files. The files are also
available in tab-delimited format. The size of the files is as follows:
First quarter, 546 hospitals:
Base data 740,573 records Fixed field format 1123 MB Tab-delimited 471 MB
Charges 11,765,826 records Fixed field format 985 MB Tab-delimited 570 MB
Second quarter, 555 hospitals:
Base data 725,658 records Fixed field format 1055 MB Tab-delimited 443 MB
Charges 10,994,457 records Fixed field format 874 MB Tab-delimited 505 MB
Third quarter, 550 hospitals:
Base data 736,262 records Fixed field format 1072 MB Tab-delimited 449 MB
Charges 10,978,715 records Fixed field format 880 MB Tab-delimited 508 MB
Fourth quarter, 553 hospitals:
Base data 741,885 records Fixed field format 1078 MB Tab-delimited 453 MB
Charges 11,344,149 records Fixed field format 908 MB Tab-delimited 525 MB
The data must be imported into a software package. No software is included with the PUDF. The
data file has been tested with several software packages, including Microsoft Access, SAS, and
The PUDF, beginning with data collected for 2004, is formatted to accommodate additional data
elements available with the collection of data from hospitals using the THCIC 837 format. The
following data elements are available in the PUDF beginning with data for 2004 or are not
comparable to data collected in years prior to 2004:
PAT_COUNTRY Added 2004
REVENUE_CODE_23 No longer available

Texas Health Care Information Collection 3
OTH_DIAG_CODE_9 to OTH_DIAG_CODE_25 Added 2004
OTH_ICD9_CODE_6 to OTH_ICD9_CODE_25 Added 2004
OCCUR_CODE_1 to OCCUR_CODE_12 Added 2004
OCCUR_DAY_1 to OCCUR_DAY_12 Added 2004
VALUE_CODE_1 to VALUE_CODE_12 Added 2004
CMS_MDC Added 2004
INBOUND_INDICATOR Available 2004 only
MODIFIER_1 to MODIFIER_4 Added 2004
UNIT_RATE Added 2004
CHRGS_NON_COV Added 2004
Beginning with data submitted for 2004 discharges hospitals required to submit discharged inpatient
claims data, moved from the submission of data in the uniform bill (UB-92) format to the THCIC
837 format. The data are validated through a process of automated auditing and verification. Each
individual hospital is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of its data. Even so, each
record is subjected by DSHS to a series of audits that check for consistency and conformity with the
definitions stated in the data specification manual. Records failing an audit check are returned to the
hospital for correction and resubmission. Following the correction process, DSHS uses valid claims
data to build files of “encounters” where one encounter contains the final discharge and all related
interim claims information for a patient. Then, each submitting hospital has an opportunity to
review, to make additional corrections, and to certify the encounter data with or without comments.
Finally, DSHS builds a final encounter file that includes all corrections submitted by the hospitals.
DSHS staff checks and adjusts for missing values and invalid codes in this file before the PUDF is
generated. Users are advised to examine every data element to be used for missing values and
invalid codes and to read accompanying notes, comments, and other descriptive text.
The legislative intent behind the creation of the Hospital Discharge Database (HDD) was that the
data and resulting information be used for the benefit of the public. This is specified in Section
108.013 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC). The THSC also stipulates that DSHS may
not release and a person or entity may not gain access to any data that could reasonably be expected
to reveal the identity of a patient or physician. Any effort to determine the identity of any person
violates the THSC. In addition, under Section 108.013(e) and (f) of the THSC, patient and/or
Texas Health Care Information Collection
physician information in the HDD cannot be used for discovery, subpoena, or other means of legal
compulsion or in any civil, administrative, or criminal proceeding. Pursuant to the THSC, DSHS
excludes all direct personal and demographic identifiers (e.g., name, address, social security
number, patient identifiers, admission and discharge dates) that might lead to the identification of a
specific patient from the PUDF.
To protect patient identities, DSHS has suppressed these data elements in this release of the PUDF:
The last two digits of the patient's ZIP code are suppressed if there are fewer than thirty
patients included in the ZIP code.
The entire ZIP code is suppressed if a hospital has fewer than fifty discharges in a quarter.
The ZIP code is changed to '88888' for patients from states other than Texas and the adjacent
The entire ZIP code and gender code are suppressed if the ICD-9-CM code indicates alcohol
or drug use or an HIV diagnosis.
The entire ZIP code and provider name are suppressed if a hospital has fewer than five
discharges of a particular gender, including ‘unknown’. The provider ID is changed to
The country code is suppressed if a hospital has fewer than five discharges from a particular
Age is represented by 22 age group codes for the general patient population and 5 age group
codes for the HIV and alcohol and drug use patient populations.
Race is changed to ‘Other’ and ethnicity is suppressed if a hospital has fewer than ten
discharges of a race.
All facility type indicators are suppressed if a hospital has fewer than fifty discharges in a
quarter and the provider ID is changed to ‘999999’.
To protect physician identities, the THSC requires creation of a uniform identification number for
physicians in practice. Uniform physician identifiers are available except when the number of
physicians represented in a DRG for a hospital is less than the minimum cell size of five.
It may be possible in rare instances, through complex analysis and with outside information, to
ascertain from the PUDF the identity of individual patients. Considerable harm could result if this
were done. PUDF users are required to sign and comply with the DSHS Hospital Discharge Data
Use Agreement in the Application before shipment of the PUDF. The Data Use Agreement
prohibits attempts to identify individual patients.
Section 108.010(c) of the THSC prohibits DSHS from releasing provider quality reports until one
year of data is available. Users of the PUDF are cautioned about using less than a year of data to
make any hospital quality assumptions.
Sections 108.013(c)(1) and (2) and 108.013 (g) of the Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC)
prohibit the DSHS from releasing, and a person or entity from gaining access to, any data that could
reveal the identity of a patient or the identity of a physician unless specifically authorized by the
Act. Any effort to determine the identity of any person or to use the information for any purpose
other than for analysis and aggregate statistical reporting violates the THSC and the Data Use
Agreement. By virtue of the Agreement, the signer agrees that the data will not be used to identify
Texas Health Care Information Collection 5
an individual patient or physician. Because of these restrictions, under no circumstances will users
of the data contact an individual patient or physician or hospital for the purpose of verifying
information supplied in the DSHS Hospital Discharge Data sets. Any questions about the data must
be referred to DSHS only. Data analysis assistance is not provided by DSHS. The data are protected
by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
In the Data Use Agreement, the purchaser and end-user of the data are referred to as the “licensee”.
To acquire the data the licensee must give the following assurances with respect to the use of DSHS
Hospital Discharge Data sets:
The licensee will not release nor permit others to release the individual patient records or any
part of them to any person who is not a staff member of the organization that has acquired the
data, except with the written approval of DSHS;
The licensee will not attempt to link nor permit others to attempt to link the hospital stay records
of patients in this data set with personally identifiable records from any other source;
The licensee will not release nor permit others to release any information that identifies persons,
directly or indirectly;
The licensee will not attempt to use nor permit others to use the data to learn the identity of any
The licensee will not nor permit others to copy, sell, rent, license, lease, loan, or otherwise grant
access to the data covered by this Agreement to any other person or entity, unless approved in
writing by DSHS;
The licensee agrees to read the User Manual and to be cognizant of the limitations of the data;
The licensee will use the following citation in any publication of information from this file:
Texas Hospital Inpatient Discharge Public Use Data File, [quarter and year of data]. Texas Department of State
Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, Austin, Texas. [date of publication];
The licensee will indemnify, defend, and hold the DSHS, its members, employees, and the
Department’s contract vendors harmless from any and all claims and losses accruing to any
person as a result of violation of this agreement; and
The licensee will make no statement nor permit others to make statements indicating or
suggesting that interpretations drawn from these data are those of DSHS.
The licensee understands that these assurances are collected by DSHS to assure compliance with its
statutory confidentiality requirement. The signature on behalf of the licensee indicates the
licensee’s agreement to comply with the above-stated requirements with the knowledge that under
Sections 108.014 and 108.0141 of the Texas Health and Safety Code to knowingly or negligently
release data in violation of this agreement is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and an offense is
a state jail felony. By signing the Data Use Agreement, the PUDF user has been informed that the
potential for both civil and criminal penalties exists.
Users of report generating software to access the PUDF are required to purchase a license to use the

Texas Health Care Information Collection
(Users are advised to become familiar with the data limitations.)
The THSC requires that a uniform submission format be used for reporting purposes. Before
2004 data were collected in the UB-92 format. Data for 2004 were collected in both UB-92
and THCIC 837 formats. Because these are billing forms, the data collected are
administrative data and not clinical data.
Records with MDC codes of 15 (newborns and other neonates with conditions originating in
the perinatal period), 20 (alcohol/drug induced organic mental disorders), or 22 (burns) and
Patient Status codes of 62 (discharged/transferred to inpatient rehabilitation), 71
(discharged/transferred to other outpatient service), or 72 (discharged/transferred to
institution outpatient service) contain an APR-DRG of 956 (ungroupable). These Patient
Status codes were not valid when version 15 of the 3M APR-DRG Grouper was developed.
A valid Patient Status code is required for these MDC codes for APR-DRG assignment and
Risk of Mortality and Severity of Illness scoring. Patient status codes 71 and 72 are no
longer valid as of October 2003. After October 2003 records with MDC codes of 15, 20, or
22 and Patient Status code of 62 contain an APR-DRG of 956.
Hospital charges data are available third quarter 2000. Earlier data were not reported
correctly by some hospitals.
Secondary source of payment data are available third quarter 2000. Earlier data were not
reported correctly by some hospitals.
Gender is suppressed for patients with an ICD-9-CM code that indicates drug or alcohol use
or an HIV diagnosis.
The last two digits of the ZIP code are suppressed if there are fewer than thirty patients
included in the zip code. All of the ZIP code is suppressed for patients with an ICD-9-CM
code that indicates drug or alcohol use or an HIV diagnosis or if a hospital has fewer than
five discharges of a particular gender, including ‘unknown’. ZIP code is changed to '88888'
for patients from a state other than Texas and not from an adjacent state. If ZIP is '88888' the
state abbreviation is changed to 'ZZ'. ZIP code is suppressed if a hospital has fewer than five
patients of a particular gender, including ‘unknown’.
Admission Source as reported by hospitals is suppressed, as recommended by the Council,
when the Admission Type is ‘newborn’. Data users can use ICD-9-CM codes to correctly
identify the clinical status of newborns.
Uniform identification numbers for physicians are available first quarter 2000 except for
cases less than the minimum cell size of five.
Hospitals must submit data no later than 60 days after the close of a calendar quarter.
Depending on hospitals’ collection and billing cycles, not all discharges may have been
billed or reported. This can affect the accuracy of source of payment data, particularly self-
pay and charity that may later qualify for Medicaid or other payment sources.
Beginning with data for 2004 discharges, up to 25 diagnosis codes, up to 25 procedure
codes, and up to 10 E-codes can be submitted. For earlier years the number of diagnosis
codes collected per patient is limited to 9 and the number of procedure codes to 6. Because
of these limitations, sicker patients and the hospitals that treat them may not be accurately
represented in the data. This may also result in total volume and percentage calculations for
diagnoses and procedures not being complete.

Texas Health Care Information Collection 7
Race and ethnicity data are generally not collected by hospitals and may be subjectively
Inaccuracies in the data and incompleteness of the data are addressed in the hospitals'
County of residence is not collected by hospitals. County Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS) codes are assigned by DSHS based on patient ZIP code.
DSHS assigns the Risk of Mortality and Severity of Illness scores using methodology
designed by 3M. These scores may be affected by the limited number of diagnoses and
procedure codes collected by DSHS and may be understated.
Comparability of length of stay (LOS) across hospitals is affected by factors such as case-
mix and severity complexity, payer-mix, market areas and hospital ownership, affiliation or
teaching status. Any analysis of LOS at the hospital level should consider the above factors.
Length of stay is limited to 999 days prior to 2004 discharges.
Any analysis of mortality should note that the data reflect only patients who died in the
hospital and not those who died after discharge from the hospital.
Conditions present at time of admission cannot be distinguished from those occurring during
DSHS collects data from all hospitals in the state not specifically exempted by statute. This
hospital mix should be considered when drawing conclusions about the data or making
comparisons with other data.
Any conclusions drawn from the data are subject to errors caused by the inability of the
hospital to communicate complete data due to form constraints, subjectivity in the
assignment of codes, system mapping, and normal clerical error. The data are submitted by
hospitals as their best effort to meet statutory requirements.
(Users are advised to consider hospital comments in any analysis of the data.)
Included with the PUDF is a separate file containing the unedited comments submitted by hospitals
at the time of data certification. Comments relating to individual data elements should be considered
in any analysis of those data elements. These comments express the opinions of individual hospitals
and are not necessarily the views of the DSHS. Hospitals that submitted comments are identified in
‘Reporting Status of Texas Hospitals’.
Any statistical reporting or analysis based on the data shall cite the source as the following:
Texas Hospital Inpatient Discharge Public Use Data File, [quarter and year of data]. Texas Department of State
Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, Austin, Texas. [date of publication].

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Texas Hospital Inpatient Discharge
Public Use Data File
Data Dictionary
The purpose of this document is to provide the user with the necessary information to use and understand the data in the
Public Use Data File. The following information is provided:
Field Unique, abbreviated name of the data element
Description Brief explanation of the data element. Descriptions of data elements from the UB-92 are
taken from specifications manuals.
Data Source Provided by the hospital on the claim form (Claim)
Assigned by DSHS (Assigned)
Calculated by DSHS (Calculated)
Note: For those data elements that have been temporarily suppressed, the quarter of data
for which the data element will be released is noted following the Data Source.
Type Alphanumeric or numeric
Coding scheme Valid codes for a data field. Values taken from specifications manuals.
Any code provided by a hospital that has been determined to be invalid has been assigned the value ‘*’.
Any data element that is blank should be interpreted as ‘missing’, no data provided, unless otherwise noted.
Description: Discharge Quarter. Year and quarter of discharge. yyyyQn.
Beginning Position: 1 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 2: THCIC_ID
Description: Provider ID. Unique identifier assigned to the provider by DSHS.
Suppression: Hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges have been aggregated into the Provider ID '999999'.
If a hospital has fewer than 5 discharges of a particular gender, including ‘unknown’,
Provider ID is '999998'.
Beginning Position: 7 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Hospital name provided by the hospital.
Suppression: Hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals ‘999999’) are assigned the
name ‘Low Discharge Volume Hospital’. If a hospital has fewer than 5 discharges of a
particular gender, including ‘unknown’, Hospital Name is blank.
Beginning Position: 13 Data Source: Provider
Length: 55 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Teaching Facility Indicator.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Coding Scheme: A Member, Council of Teaching Hospitals
X Other teaching facility
Beginning Position: 68 Data Source: Provider

Texas Health Care Information Collection 9
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Psychiatric Facility Indicator.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Beginning Position: 69 Data Source: Provider
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Rehabilitation Facility Indicator.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Beginning Position: 70 Data Source: Provider
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Acute Care Facility Indicator.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Beginning Position: 71 Data Source: Provider
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 8: FAC_SNF_IND
Description: Skilled Nursing Facility Indicator. Hospital facility type indicator provided by the hospital.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Beginning Position: 72 Data Source: Provider
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Long Term Acute Care Facility Indicator.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Beginning Position: 73 Data Source: Provider
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Other Long Term Care Facility Indicator.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Beginning Position: 74 Data Source: Provider
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 11: FAC_PEDS_IND
Description: Pediatric Facility Indicator.
Suppression: Suppressed for hospitals with fewer than 50 discharges (Provider ID equals '999999').
Coding Scheme: C Member, National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI)
X Facilities that also treat children
Beginning Position: 75 Data Source: Provider
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 12: SPEC_UNIT
Description: Specialty Units in which most days during stay occurred based on number of days by Type of
Bill or Revenue Code. In order by number of days in the unit. SPEC_UNIT_1 through
SPEC_UNIT_5 are combined in one field in the Tab Delimited file and can be accessed
individually in the fixed length file.
C Coronary Care Unit P Pediatric Unit
D Detoxification Unit Y Psychiatric Unit
I Intensive Care Unit R Rehabilitation Unit
H Hospice Unit U Sub-acute Care Unit
N Nursery S Skilled Nursing Unit
B Obstetric Unit Blank Acute Care
Coding Scheme:
O Oncology Unit
Beginning Position: 76 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 12a: SPEC_UNIT_1 (fixed length file only)
Description: Specialty Unit in which most days during stay occurred based on number of days by Type of
Bill or Revenue Code.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 12.
Beginning Position: 76 Data Source: Calculated

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 12b: SPEC_UNIT_2 (fixed length file only)
Description: Specialty Unit in which 2nd most days during stay occurred based on number of days by Type
of Bill or Revenue Code.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 12.
Beginning Position: 77 Data Source:
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 12c: SPEC_UNIT_3 (fixed length file only)
Description: Specialty Unit in which 3rd most days during stay occurred based on number of days by Type
of Bill or Revenue Code.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 12.
Beginning Position: 78 Data Source:
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 12d: SPEC_UNIT_4 (fixed length file only)
Description: Specialty Unit in which 4th most days during stay occurred based on number of days by Type
of Bill or Revenue Code.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 12.
Beginning Position: 79 Data Source:
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 12e: SPEC_UNIT_5 (fixed length file only)
Description: Specialty Unit in which 5th most days during stay occurred based on number of days by Type
of Bill or Revenue Code.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 12.
Beginning Position: 80 Data Source:
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Indicates the number of claims used to create the encounter
Beginning Position: 81 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 14: SEX_CODE
Description: Gender of the patient as recorded at date of admission or start of care.
Suppression: Code is suppressed if an ICD-9-CM code indicates drug or alcohol use or an HIV diagnosis.
If a hospital has fewer than 5 patients of a particular gender, including unknown, Provider ID
is ‘999998’ and Hospital Name and Patient ZIP Code are blank for those patients.
Coding Scheme: M Male
F Female
U Unknown
* Invalid
Beginning Position: 83 Data Source: Claim
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code indicating the type of admission
1 Emergency
2 Urgent
3 Elective
4 Newborn
5 Trauma Center
9 Information not available
Coding Scheme:
* Invalid
Beginning Position: 84 Data Source: Claim
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code indicating source of the admission.
1 Physician referral
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
4 Transfer from a hospital
Coding Scheme:
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility

Texas Health Care Information Collection 11
6 Transfer from another health care facility
7 Emergency Room
8 Court/Law Enforcement
9 Information not available
0 Transfer from psychiatric, substance abuse, rehab hospital
A Transfer from a critical access hospital
D Transfer from Hospital Inpatient in the Same Facility Resulting in a Separate Claim to the Payer, effective
* Invalid
If Type of Admission=4 (Newborn)
5 Born inside this hospital
6 Born outside this hospital
Beginning Position: 85 Data Source: Claim
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 17: PAT_STATE
Description: State of the patient’s mailing address in Texas and contiguous states. Standard 2-character
Postal Service abbreviation.
Coding Scheme: AR Arkansas
LA Louisiana
NM New Mexico
OK Oklahoma
TX Texas
ZZ All other states and American Territories
FC Foreign country
XX Foreign country
Beginning Position: 86 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 18: PAT_ZIP
Description: Patient’s five-digit ZIP code.
Suppression: Last two digits are blank if a ZIP code has fewer than 30 discharges. If state equals ‘ZZ’, ZIP
code equals ‘88888’. If state equals ‘FC’ (foreign country) ZIP code is blank. If ICD-9-CM
indicates alcohol or drug use or an HIV diagnosis the ZIP code is blank. If a hospital has
fewer than fifty discharges the ZIP code is blank. If a hospital has fewer than 5 discharges of
a particular gender, including ‘unknown’, the ZIP Code is blank.
Beginning Position: 88 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Country of patient’s residential address. List maintained by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).
Suppression: Suppressed if fewer than 5 patients from one country.
Coding scheme: See for complete list.
Beginning Position: 93 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 20: COUNTY
Description: FIPS code of patient’s county.
001 Anderson 129 Donley 257 Kaufman 385 Real
003 Andrews 131 Duval 259 Kendall 387 Red River
005 Angelina 133 Eastland 261 Kenedy 389 Reeves
007 Aransas 135 Ector 263 Kent 391 Refugio
009 Archer 137 Edwards 265 Kerr 393 Roberts
011 Armstrong 139 Ellis 267 Kimble 395 Robertson
013 Atascosa 141 El Paso 269 King 397 Rockwall
015 Austin 143 Erath 271 Kinney 399 Runnels
017 Bailey 145 Falls 273 Kleberg 401 Rusk
019 Bandera 147 Fannin 275 Knox 403 Sabine
021 Bastrop 149 Fayette 283 La Salle 405 San Augustine
023 Baylor 151 Fisher 277 Lamar 407 San Jacinto
025 Bee 153 Floyd 279 Lamb 409 San Patricio
027 Bell 155 Foard 281 Lampasas 411 San Saba
029 Bexar 157 Fort Bend 285 Lavaca 413 Schleicher
031 Blanco 159 Franklin 287 Lee 415 Scurry
033 Borden 161 Freestone 289 Leon 417 Shackelford
035 Bosque 163 Frio 291 Liberty 419 Shelby
Coding scheme:
037 Bowie 165 Gaines 293 Limestone 421 Sherman

Texas Health Care Information Collection
039 Brazoria 167 Galveston 295 Lipscomb 423 Smith
041 Brazos 169 Garza 297 Live Oak 425 Somervell
043 Brewster 171 Gillespie 299 Llano 427 Starr
045 Briscoe 173 Glasscock 301 Loving 429 Stephens
047 Brooks 175 Goliad 303 Lubbock 431 Sterling
049 Brown 177 Gonzales 305 Lynn 433 Stonewall
051 Burleson 179 Gray 307 McCulloch 435 Sutton
053 Burnet 181 Grayson 309 McLennan 437 Swisher
055 Caldwell 183 Gregg 311 McMullen 439 Tarrant
057 Calhoun 185 Grimes 313 Madison 441 Taylor
059 Callahan 187 Guadalupe 315 Marion 443 Terrell
061 Cameron 189 Hale 317 Martin 445 Terry
063 Camp 191 Hall 319 Mason 447 Throckmorton
065 Carson 193 Hamilton 321 Matagorda 449 Titus
067 Cass 195 Hansford 323 Maverick 451 Tom Green
069 Castro 197 Hardeman 325 Medina 453 Travis
071 Chambers 199 Hardin 327 Menard 455 Trinity
073 Cherokee 201 Harris 329 Midland 457 Tyler
075 Childress 203 Harrison 331 Milam 459 Upshur
077 Clay 205 Hartley 333 Mills 461 Upton
079 Cochran 207 Haskell 335 Mitchell 463 Uvalde
081 Coke 209 Hays 337 Montague 465 Val Verde
083 Coleman 211 Hemphill 339 Montgomery 467 Van Zandt
085 Collin 213 Henderson 341 Moore 469 Victoria
087 Collingsworth 215 Hidalgo 343 Morris 471 Walker
089 Colorado 217 Hill 345 Motley 473 Waller
091 Comal 219 Hockley 347 Nacogdoches 475 Ward
093 Comanche 221 Hood 349 Navarro 477 Washington
095 Concho 223 Hopkins 351 Newton 479 Webb
097 Cooke 225 Houston 353 Nolan 481 Wharton
099 Coryell 227 Howard 355 Nueces 483 Wheeler
101 Cottle 229 Hudspeth 357 Ochiltree 485 Wichita
103 Crane 231 Hunt 359 Oldham 487 Wilbarger
105 Crockett 233 Hutchinson 361 Orange 489 Willacy
107 Crosby 235 Irion 363 Palo Pinto 491 Williamson
109 Culberson 237 Jack 365 Panola 493 Wilson
111 Dallam 239 Jackson 367 Parker 495 Winkler
113 Dallas 241 Jasper 369 Parmer 497 Wise
115 Dawson 243 Jeff Davis 371 Pecos 499 Wood
117 Deaf Smith 245 Jefferson 373 Polk 501 Yoakum
119 Delta 247 Jim Hogg 375 Potter 503 Young
121 Denton 249 Jim Wells 377 Presidio 505 Zapata
123 Dewitt 251 Johnson 379 Rains 507 Zavala
125 Dickens 253 Jones 381 Randall
127 Dimmit 255 Karnes 383 Reagan * Invalid
Beginning Position: 95 Data Source: Assigned; based on patient ZIP code
Length: 3 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Public Health Region of patient’s address.
1 Armstrong, Bailey, Briscoe, Carson, Castro, Childress, Cochran, Collingsworth, Crosby, Dallam, Deaf Smith,
Dickens, Donley, Floyd, Garza, Gray, Hale, Hall, Hansford, Hartley, Hemphill, Hockley, Hutchinson, King,
Lamb, Lipscomb, Lubbock, Lynn, Moore, Motley, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts,
Sherman, Swisher, Terry, Wheeler, Yoakum counties
2 Archer, Baylor, Brown, Callahan, Clay, Coleman, Comanche, Cottle, Eastland, Fisher, Foard, Hardeman,
Haskell, Jack, Jones, Kent, Knox, Mitchell, Montague, Nolan, Runnels, Scurry, Shackleford, Stephens,
Stonewall, Taylor, Throckmorton, Wichita, Wilbarger, Young counties
3 Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Fannin, Grayson, Hood, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Navarro, Palo
Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Tarrant, Wise counties
Anderson, Bowie, Camp, Cass, Cherokee, Delta, Franklin, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Hopkins, Lamar,
Marion, Morris, Panola, Rains, Red River, Rusk, Smith, Titus, Upshur, Van Zandt, Wood counties
Angelina, Hardin, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson, Nacogdoches, Newton, Orange, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine,
San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler counties
6 Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery,
Walker, Waller, Wharton counties
7 Bastrop, Bell, Blanco, Bosque, Brazos, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Coryell, Falls, Fayette, Freestone, Grimes,
Hamilton, Hays, Hill, Lampasas, Lee, Leon, Limestone, Llano, McLennan, Madison, Milam, Mills, Robertson,
San Saba, Travis, Washington, Williamson counties
8 Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Calhoun, Comal, DeWitt, Dimmit, Edwards, Frio, Gillespie, Goliad, Gonzales,
Guadalupe, Jackson, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Kinney, La Salle, Lavaca, Maverick, Medina, Real, Uvalde, Val
Verde, Victoria, Wilson, Zavala counties

Texas Health Care Information Collection 13
9 Andrews, Borden, Coke, Concho, Crane, Crockett, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Kimble,
Loving, McCulloch, Martin, Mason, Menard, Midland, Pecos, Reagan, Reeves, Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton,
Terrell, Tom Green, Upton, Ward, Winkler counties
10 Brewster, Culberson, El Paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Presidio counties
11 Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Cameron, Duval, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak,
McMullen, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, Starr, Webb, Willacy, Zapata counties
* Invalid
Beginning Position: 98 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code indicating day of week patient is admitted
1 Monday 5 Friday
2 Tuesday 6 Saturday
3 Wednesday 7 Sunday
Coding Scheme:
4 Thursday * Invalid
Beginning Position: 100 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Length of stay in days equals Statement covers period through date minus Admission/start of
care date. The minimum length of stay is 1 day. The maximum is 9999 days.
Beginning Position: 101 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 24: PAT_AGE
Description: Code indicating age of patient in days or years on date of discharge.
00 1-28 days 10 35-39 20 85-89
01 29-365 days 11 40-44 21 90+
02 1-4 years 12 45-49 HIV and drug/alcohol use patients:
03 5-9 13 50-54 22 0-17
04 10-14 14 55-59 23 18-44
05 15-17 15 60-64 24 45-64
06 18-19 16 65-69 25 65-74
07 20-24 17 70-74 26 75+
08 25-29 18 75-79 * Invalid
Coding Scheme:
09 30-34 19 80-84
Beginning Position: 105 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 25: PAT_STATUS
Description: Code indicating patient status as of the ending date of service for the period of care reported
1 Discharged to home or self-care (routine discharge)
2 Discharged to other short term general hospital
3 Discharged to skilled nursing facility
4 Discharged to intermediate care facility
5 Discharged/transferred to a Designated Cancer Center or Children's Hospital (effective 10-1-2007)
6 Discharged to care of home health service
7 Left against medical advice
8 Discharged to care of Home IV provider
9 Admitted as inpatient to this hospital
20 Expired
30 Still patient
40 Expired at home
41 Expired in a medical facility
Coding Scheme:
42 Expired, place unknown
43 Discharged/transferred to federal health care facility
50 Discharged to hospice–home
51 Discharged to hospice–medical facility
61 Discharged/transferred within this institution to Medicare-approved swing bed
62 Discharged/transferred to inpatient rehabilitation facility
63 Discharged/transferred to Medicare-certified long term care hospital
64 Discharged/transferred to Medicaid-certified nursing facility
65 Discharged/transferred to psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part of a hospital
66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
71 Discharged/transferred to other outpatient service

Texas Health Care Information Collection
72 Discharged/transferred to institution outpatient
* Invalid
Beginning Position: 107 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 26: RACE
Description: Code indicating the patient’s race.
Suppression: If a hospital has fewer than ten patients of one race that race is changed to ‘Other’ (code equals 5).
1 American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut
2 Asian or Pacific Islander
3 Black
4 White
5 Other
Coding Scheme:
* Invalid
Beginning Position: 109 Data Source: Claim
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code indicating the Hispanic origin of the patient.
Suppression: If a hospital has fewer than ten patients of one race the ethnicity of patients of that race is
suppressed (code is blank).
1 Hispanic Origin
2 Not of Hispanic Origin
Coding Scheme:
* Invalid
Beginning Position: 110 Data Source: Claim
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code indicating the expected primary source of payment.
09 Self Pay HM Health Maintenance Organization
10 Central Certification LI Liability
11 Other Non-federal Programs LM Liability Medical
12 Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) MA Medicare Part A
13 Point of Service (POS) MB Medicare Part B
14 Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) MC Medicaid
15 Indemnity Insurance TV Title V
16 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Medicare Risk OF Other Federal Program
AM Automobile Medical VA Veteran Administration Plan
BL Blue Cross/Blue Shield WC Workers Compensation Health Claim
Coding Scheme:
CH CHAMPUS ZZ Charity, Indigent or Unknown
CI Commercial Insurance ** Codes 09 and ZZ, combined for 2004 & 2005
DS Disability Insurance * Invalid
Beginning Position: 111 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code indicating the expected secondary source of payment.
Coding Scheme: Same as field 28, FIRST_PAYMENT_SRC
Beginning Position: 113 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 30: TYPE_OF_BILL
Description: Provides specific information about the claim data submitted. First digit = type of facility.
Second digit = type of care. Third digit = sequence of the claim.
1st digit–Type of Facility 2nd digit–Type of Care 3rd digit–Sequence of claim
1 Hospital 1 Inpatient, including Medicare
Part A 0 Non-payment/Zero claim
2 Skilled nursing 2 Inpatient, Medicare Part B only 1 Admit through discharge claim
3 Home health 3 Outpatient 2 Interim–first claim
4 Religious non-medical health
care–Hospital 4 Outpatient Other, Medicare
Part B only 3 Interim–continuing claim
5 Religious non-medical health
care–Extended care 5 Intermediate Care–Level I 4 Interim–last claim
6 Intermediate care 6 Intermediate Care–Level II 5 Late charge(s) only claim
Coding Scheme:
7 Clinic 7 Sub-acute inpatient – Level III 6 Adjustment of prior claim (Not
used by Medicare)

Texas Health Care Information Collection 15
8 Special facility 8 Swing bed 7 Replacement of prior claim
8 Void/cancel of prior claim
Beginning Position: 115 Data Source: Claim
Length: 3 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Accommodation Charge, Private Room Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes 0100-0219, revenue center 11X, 14X
Beginning Position: 118 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Accommodation Charge, Semi-private Room Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes 0100-0219, revenue center 10X, 12X-
14X, 16X-19X
Beginning Position: 130 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Accommodation Charge, Ward Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of
charges associated with revenue codes 0100-0219, revenue center 15X.
Beginning Position: 142 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 34: ICU_AMOUNT
Accommodation Charge, Intensive Care Unit Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes 0100-0219, revenue center 20X.
Beginning Position: 154 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 35: CCU_AMOUNT
Accommodation Charge, Coronary Care Unit Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes 0100-0219, revenue center 21X.
Beginning Position: 166 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Other Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm. Sum
of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 002-099, 22X-
24X, 52X-53X, 55X-60X, 64X-70X, 76X-78X, 90X-95X, 99X.
Beginning Position: 178 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Pharmacy Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 26X, 63X.
Beginning Position: 190 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Medical/Surgical Supply Charge Amount. Calculated using
MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219,
revenue center 27X, 62X.
Beginning Position: 202 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 39: DME_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Durable Medical Equipment Charge Amount. Calculated using
MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219,
revenue centers 290-292, 294-299.
Beginning Position: 214 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Ancillary Service Charge, Used Durable Medical Equipment Charge Amount. Calculated
using MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-
0219, revenue center 293.
Beginning Position: 226 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 41: PT_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Physical Therapy Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
Beginning Position: 238 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 42: OT_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Occupational Therapy Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
Beginning Position: 250 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Speech Pathology Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
44X, 47X.
Beginning Position: 262 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 44: IT_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Inhalation Therapy Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
41X, 46X.
Beginning Position: 274 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of charges associated
with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 38X.
Beginning Position: 286 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of charges associated
with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 39X.
Beginning Position: 298 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 47: OR_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Operating Room Charge amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
36X, 71X-72X.
Beginning Position: 310 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Lithotripsy Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 79X.
Beginning Position: 322 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Cardiology Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 48X, 73X.
Beginning Position: 334 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection 17
Ancillary Service Charge, Anesthesia Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 37X.
Beginning Position: 346 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 51: LAB_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Laboratory Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 30X-31X,
Beginning Position: 358 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 52: RAD_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Radiology Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 28X, 32X-
35X, 40X.
Beginning Position: 370 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 53: MRI_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, MRI Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of
charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 61X.
Beginning Position: 382 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 54: OP_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Outpatient Services Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
Beginning Position: 394 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Field 55: ER_AMOUNT
Ancillary Service Charge, Emergency Room Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
Beginning Position: 406 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Ambulance Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 54X.
Beginning Position: 418 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Professional Fee Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
Beginning Position: 430 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Organ Acquisition Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR
algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center
81X, 89X.
Beginning Position: 442 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, End Stage Renal Dialysis Charge Amount. Calculated using
MEDPAR algorithm. Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219,
revenue center 80X, 82X-88X.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 454 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Ancillary Service Charge, Clinic Visit Charge Amount. Calculated using MEDPAR algorithm.
Sum of charges associated with revenue codes other than 0100-0219, revenue center 51X.
Beginning Position: 466 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Sum of accommodation charges, non-covered accommodation charges, ancillary charges, non-
covered ancillary charges. Replaces TOTAL_CHARGES_23.
Beginning Position: 478 Data Source: Claim
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Sum of non-covered accommodation charges, non-covered ancillary charges.
Beginning Position: 490 Data Source: Claim
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Sum of covered and non-covered accommodation charges.
Beginning Position: 502 Data Source: Claim
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Sum of non-covered accommodations charges.
Beginning Position: 514 Data Source: Claim
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Sum of covered and non-covered ancillary charges.
Beginning Position: 526 Data Source: Claim
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Sum of non-covered ancillary charges.
Beginning Position: 538 Data Source: Claim
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 550 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for the principal diagnosis, including the 4th and 5th digits if
applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 556 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 69: OTH_DIAG_CODE_1
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 562 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 70: OTH_DIAG_CODE_2
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 568 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 71: OTH_DIAG_CODE_3
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.

Texas Health Care Information Collection 19
Beginning Position: 574 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 72: OTH_DIAG_CODE_4
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 580 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 73: OTH_DIAG_CODE_5
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 586 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 74: OTH_DIAG_CODE_6
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 592 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 75: OTH_DIAG_CODE_7
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 598 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 76: OTH_DIAG_CODE_8
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 604 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 77: OTH_DIAG_CODE_9
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 610 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 78: OTH_DIAG_CODE_10
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 616 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 79: OTH_DIAG_CODE_11
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 622 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 80: OTH_DIAG_CODE_12
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 628 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 81: OTH_DIAG_CODE_13
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 634 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 82: OTH_DIAG_CODE_14
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 640 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 83: OTH_DIAG_CODE_15
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 646 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 84: OTH_DIAG_CODE_16
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 652 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 85: OTH_DIAG_CODE_17
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 658 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 86: OTH_DIAG_CODE_18
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 664 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 87: OTH_DIAG_CODE_19
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 670 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 88: OTH_DIAG_CODE_20
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 676 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 89: OTH_DIAG_CODE_21
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 682 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 90: OTH_DIAG_CODE_22
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 688 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 91: OTH_DIAG_CODE_23
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 694 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 92: OTH_DIAG_CODE_24
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied
following the third character.
Beginning Position: 700 Data Source: Claim
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for the principal surgical or other procedure performed during the period covered by the
bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.

Texas Health Care Information Collection 21
Beginning Position: 706 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Day of principal surgical or other procedure equals Principal Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 713 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
ICD-9-CM code for principal surgical or other procedure, including the 4th and 5th digits if
applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 717 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 722 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 729 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 98: OTH_ICD9_CODE_1
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 733 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 738 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 100: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_2
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 745 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 101: OTH_ICD9_CODE_2
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 749 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 754 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 103: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_3
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 761 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 104: OTH_ICD9_CODE_3
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 765 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 770 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 106: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_4
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 777 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 107: OTH_ICD9_CODE_4
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 781 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 786 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 109: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_5
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 793 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 110: OTH_ICD9_CODE_5
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 797 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 802 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 112: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_6
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 809 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 113: OTH_ICD9_CODE_6
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 813 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 818 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 115: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_7
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date

Texas Health Care Information Collection 23
Beginning Position: 825 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 116: OTH_ICD9_CODE_7
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 829 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 834 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 118: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_8
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date
Beginning Position: 841 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 119: OTH_ICD9_CODE_8
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 845 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 850 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 121: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_9
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 857 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 122: OTH_ICD9_CODE_9
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 861 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 123: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_10
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 866 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 124: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_10
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 873 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 125: OTH_ICD9_CODE_10
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 877 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 126: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_11
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 882 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 127: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_11
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 889 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 128: OTH_ICD9_CODE_11
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 893 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 129: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_12
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 898 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 130: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_12
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 905 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 131: OTH_ICD9_CODE_12
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 909 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 132: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_13
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 914 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 133: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_13
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 921 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 134: OTH_ICD9_CODE_13
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 925 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 135: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_14
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 930 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 136: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_14
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 937 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 137: OTH_ICD9_CODE_14
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.

Texas Health Care Information Collection 25
Beginning Position: 941 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 138: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_15
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 946 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 139: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_15
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 953 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 140: OTH_ICD9_CODE_15
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 957 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 141: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_16
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 962 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 142: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_16
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 969 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 143: OTH_ICD9_CODE_16
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 973 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 144: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_17
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 978 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 145: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_17
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 985 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 146: OTH_ICD9_CODE_17
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 989 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 147: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_18
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 994 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 148: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_18
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 1001 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 149: OTH_ICD9_CODE_18
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1005 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 150: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_19
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 1010 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 151: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_19
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1017 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 152: OTH_ICD9_CODE_19
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1021 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 153: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_20
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 1026 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 154: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_20
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1033 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 155: OTH_ICD9_CODE_20
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1037 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 156: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_21
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 1042 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 157: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_21
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1049 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 158: OTH_ICD9_CODE_21
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1053 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 159: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_22
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.

Texas Health Care Information Collection 27
Beginning Position: 1058 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 160: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_22
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1065 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 161: OTH_ICD9_CODE_22
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1069 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 162: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_23
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 1074 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 163: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_23
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1081 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 164: OTH_ICD9_CODE_23
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1085 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 165: OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_24
Code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure performed during the
period covered by the bill. ICD-9, HCPCS, or CPT code.
Beginning Position: 1090 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 166: OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_24
Day of other surgical or other procedure equals Other Surgical Procedure Date minus
Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1097 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 167: OTH_ICD9_CODE_24
ICD-9-CM code for surgical or other procedure other than the principal procedure, including
the 4th and 5th digits if applicable. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1101 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 168: E_CODE_1
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of the primary
external cause of injury. A decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1106 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 169: E_CODE_2
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1112 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 170: E_CODE_3
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 1118 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 171: E_CODE_4
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1124 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 172: E_CODE_5
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1130 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 173: E_CODE_6
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1136 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 174: E_CODE_7
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1142 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 175: E_CODE_8
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1148 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 176: E_CODE_9
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1154 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 177: E_CODE_10
ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, including the 4th and 5th digits if applicable, of an additional
external cause of injury. Decimal is implied following the third character.
Beginning Position: 1160 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
1 Military service related 76 Back-up in facility dialysis
2 Condition is employment related 77 Provider accepts or is obligated/required due to a
contractual arrangement or law to accept
payment by a primary payer as payment
3 Patient covered by insurance not reflected here 78 New coverage not implemented by HMO
4 Information only bill. 79 CORF services provided offsite
5 Lien has been filed 80 Home dialysis - nursing facility
6 ESRD patient in first 18 months of entitlement
covered by EGHP A0 CHAMPUS external partnership program
7 Treatment of non-terminal condition for hospice
patient A1 EPSDT/CHAP
8 Beneficiary would not provide information
concerning other insurance coverage A2 Physically handicapped children's program
9 Neither patient or spouse is employed A3 Special Federal Funding
10 Patient and/or spouse is employed but no EGHP
exists A4 Family planning
11 Disabled beneficiary but no LGHP coverage
exists A5 Disability
Coding Scheme:
17 Patient is homeless A6 Vaccines/Medicare 100% payment
18 Maiden name retained A7 Induced abortion - danger to life
Texas Health Care Information Collection 29
19 Child retains mother's name A8 Induced abortion - victim rape/incest
20 Beneficiary requested billing A9 Second opinion surgery
21 Billing for denial notice AA Abortion performed due to rape
22 Patient on multiple drug regimen AB Abortion performed due to incest
23 Home care giver available AC Abortion performed due to serious fatal genetic
defect, deformity, or abnormality
24 Home IV patient also receiving HHA services AD Abortion performed due to life endangering
physical condition caused by, arising from or
exacerbated by the pregnancy itself
25 Patient is non-US resident AE Abortion performed due to physical health of
mother that is not life endangering
26 VA eligible patient chooses to receive services in
a Medicare certified facility AF Abortion performed due to
emotional/psychological health of mother
27 Patient referred to a sole community hospital for
a diagnostic laboratory test AG Abortion performed due to social or economic
28 Patient and/or spouse's EGHP is secondary to
Medicare AH Elective abortion
29 Disabled beneficiary and/or family member's
LGHP is secondary to Medicare AI Sterilization
30 Non-research services provided to patients
enrolled in a qualified clinical trial AJ Payer responsible for co-payment
31 Patient is student (full time - day) AJ Payer responsible for co-payment
32 Patient is student (cooperative/work study
program) AK Air ambulance required
33 Patient is student (full time - night) AL Specialized treatment/bed unavailable
34 Patient is student (part-time) AM Non-emergency medically necessary stretcher
transport required
36 General care patient in a special unit AN Pre-admission screening not required
37 Ward accommodation at patient request B0 Medicare coordinated care demonstration claim
38 Semi-private room not available B1 Beneficiary is ineligible for demonstration
39 Private room medically necessary B2 Critical access hospital ambulance attestation
40 Same day transfer B3 Pregnancy indicator
41 Partial hospitalization B4 Admission unrelated to discharge on same day
42 Continuing care not related to inpatient
admission C1 Approved as billed
43 Continuing care not provided within prescribed
postdischarge window C2 Automatic approval as billed based on focused
44 Inpatient admission changed to outpatient C3 Partial approval
45 Reserved C4 Admission/services denied
46 Non-availability statement on file C5 Postpayment review applicable
47 Reserved for CHAMPUS C6 Admission Preauthorization
48 Psychiatric residential treatment centers for
children and adolescents (RTCs) C7 Extended Authorization
49 Product replacement within product lifecycle D0 Changes to Service Dates
55 SNF bed not available D1 Changes to Charges
56 Medical appropriateness D2 Changes in Revenue Codes/HCPCS/HIPPS rate
57 SNF readmission D3 Second or Subsequent Interim PPS Bill
58 Terminated Medicare+Choice organization
enrollee D4 Change in ICD-9-CM diagnosis and/or procedure
59 Non-primary ESRD facility D5 Cancel to correct HICN or Provider ID
60 Day outlier D6 Cancel Only to Repay a Duplicate or OIG
61 Cost outlier D7 Change to Make Medicare the Secondary Payer
66 Provider does not wish cost outlier payment D8 Change to Make Medicare the Primary Payer
67 Beneficiary elects not to use life time reserve
(LTR) days D9 Any Other Change
68 Beneficiary elects to use life time reserve (LTR)
days DR Katrina disaster related
69 IME/DGME/N&AH Payment Only E0 Changes in Patient Status
70 Self-administered anemia management drug G0 Distinct Medical Visit
71 Full care in unit H0 Delayed Filing, Statement of Intent Submitted
72 Self care in unit M0 All inclusive rate for outpatient services

Texas Health Care Information Collection
73 Self care training M1 Roster billed influenza virus vaccine or
pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine (PPV)
74 Home M2 HHA payment significantly exceeds total charges
75 Home - 100% reimbursement P1 Do not Resuscitate Order (DNR)
WO United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)
Demonstration Indicator
Beginning Position: 1166 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 178.
Beginning Position: 1168 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 178.
Beginning Position: 1170 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 178.
Beginning Position: 1174 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 178.
Beginning Position: 1176 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 178.
Beginning Position: 1178 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 178.
Beginning Position: 1180 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Code describing a condition relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 178.
Beginning Position: 1182 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 186: OCCUR_CODE_1
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
1 Auto accident 40 Scheduled date of admission
2 No Fault Insurance Involved - Including Auto
Accident/Other 41 Date of first test of pre-admission testing
3 Accident/ Tort Liability 42 Date of discharge (hospice only)
4 Accident/ Employment Related 43 Scheduled date of canceled surgery
5 Other accident 44 Date treatment started - OT
6 Crime Victim 45 Date treatment started - ST
9 Start of Infertility Treatment Cycle 46 Date treatment started - Cardiac rehabiliation
10 Last Menstrual Period 47 Date cost outlier status begins
11 Onset of Symptoms/ Illness A1 Birthdate - Insured A
12 Date of Onset for a Chronically Dependent
Individual A2 Effective Date - Insured A Policy
Coding Scheme:
16 Date of Last Therapy A3 Payer A benefits exhausted

Texas Health Care Information Collection 31
17 Date Outpatient OT Plan Established or Last
Reviewed A4 Split Bill Date
18 Date of Retirement - Patient/Beneficiary B1 Birthdate - Insured B
19 Date of Retirement - Spouse B2 Effective date - Insured B Policy
20 Date Guarantee of Payment Began B3 Payer B benefits exhausted
21 Date UR Notice Received C1 Birthdate - Insured C
22 Date Active Care Ended C2 Effective date - Insured C Policy
24 Date Insurance Denied C3 Payer C benefits exhausted
25 Date Benefits Terminated by Primary Payer DR Katrina disaster related
26 Date SNF Bed Became Available E1 Birthdate - Insured D
27 Date Home Health Plan Established or Last
Reviewd E2 Effective date - Insured D Policy
28 Date Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation
Plan Established or Last Reviewed E3 Payer D benefits exhausted
29 Date Outpatient PT Plan established or last
reviewed F1 Birthdate - Insured E
30 Date Outpatient ST Plan established or last
reviewed F2 Effective date - Insured E Policy
31 Date beneficiary notified of intent to bill
(accommodations) F3 Payer E benefits exhausted
32 Date beneficiary notified of intent to bill
(procedures or treatments) G1 Birthdate - Insured F
37 Date of inpatient hospital discharge for non-
covered transplant patients G2 Effective date - Insured F Policy
38 Date treatment started for home IV therapy G3 Payer F benefits exhausted
39 Date discharged on a continuous course if IV
Beginning Position: 1182 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 187: OCCUR_DAY_1
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1184 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 188: OCCUR_CODE_2
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1188 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 189: OCCUR_DAY_2
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1190 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 190: OCCUR_CODE_3
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1194 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 191: OCCUR_DAY_3
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1196 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 192: OCCUR_CODE_4
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1200 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 193: OCCUR_DAY_4
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1202 Data Source: Calculated

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 194: OCCUR_CODE_5
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1206 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 195: OCCUR_DAY_5
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1208 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 196: OCCUR_CODE_6
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1212 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 197: OCCUR_DAY_6
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1214 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 198: OCCUR_CODE_7
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1218 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 199: OCCUR_DAY_7
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1220 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 200: OCCUR_CODE_8
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1224 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 201: OCCUR_DAY_8
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1226 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 202: OCCUR_CODE_9
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1230 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 203: OCCUR_DAY_9
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1232 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 204: OCCUR_CODE_10
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1236 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 205: OCCUR_DAY_10
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1238 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection 33
Field 206: OCCUR_CODE_11
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1242 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 207: OCCUR_DAY_11
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1244 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 208: OCCUR_CODE_12
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 186.
Beginning Position: 1248 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 209: OCCUR_DAY_12
Occurrence Day equals Occurrence Date minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1250 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 210: OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_1
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim that may affect payer processing.
70 Qualifying stay dates (for SNF use only) 78 SNF prior stay dates
71 Prior stay dates 79 Payer use codes
72 First/Last Visit DR Katrina disaster related
73 Benefit eligibility period M0 PRO/UR approved stay dates
74 Noncovered level of care/Leave of absence M1 Provider liability - no utilization
75 SNF level of care M2 Inpatient respite dates
76 Patient Liability Period M3 ICF level of care
Coding Scheme:
77 Provider Liability - Utilization Charged M4 Residential level of care
Beginning Position: 1254 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 211: OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_1
Occurrence Span From equals Beginning Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1256 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 212: OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_1
Occurrence Span Thru equals Ending Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1262 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 213: OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_2
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 210.
Beginning Position: 1268 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 214: OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_2
Occurrence Span From equals Beginning Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1270 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 215: OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_2
Occurrence Span Thru equals Ending Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1276 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 216: OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_3
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 210.
Beginning Position: 1282 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 217: OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_3

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Occurrence Span From equals Beginning Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1284 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 218: OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_3
Occurrence Span Thru equals Ending Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1290 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 219: OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_4
Code describing a significant event relating to the claim that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 210.
Beginning Position: 1296 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 220: OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_4
Occurrence Span From equals Beginning Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1298 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 221: OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_4
Occurrence Span Thru equals Ending Date of Event minus Admission/Start of Care Date.
Beginning Position: 1304 Data Source: Calculated
Length: 6 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 222: VALUE_CODE_1
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
1 Most common semi-private rate 66 Medicaid spenddown amount
2 Hospital has no semi-private rooms 67 Peritoneal dialysis
4 Inpatient professional component charges which
are combined billed 68 EPO-drug
5 Professional component included in charges and
also billed separately to carrier 69 State charity care percentage
6 Medicare blood deductible 72 Flat rate surgery charge
8 Medicare life time reserve amount in the first
calendar year 73 Drug deductible
9 Medicare coinsurance amount in the first
calendar year 74 Drug coinsurance
10 Medicare lifetime reserve amount in the second
calendar year 77 New technology add-on payment
11 Medicare coinsurance amount in the second
calendar year A0 Special zip code reporting
12 Working aged beneficiary/spouse with employer
group health plan A1 Deductible payer A
Coding Scheme:
13 ESRD beneficiary in a Medicare coordination
period with an employer group health plan A2 Coinsurance payer A
14 No fault, including auto/other A3 Estimated responsibility payer A
15 Worker's compensation A4 Covered self-administrable drugs - emergency
16 Public health service (PHS) or other federal
agency A5 Covered self-administrable drugs - administrable
in form and situation furnished to patient
21 Catastrophic A6 Covered self-administrable drugs - diagnostic
study and other
22 Surplus A7 Co-payment payer A
23 Recurring monthly income A8 Patient weight
24 Medicaid Rate Code A9 Patient height
25 Offset to the patient - payment amount -
prescription drugs AA Regulatory surcharges, assessments, allowances
or health care related taxes - payer A
26 Offset to the patient - payment amount - hearing
and ear services AB Other assessments or allowances (e.g., medical
eduction) - payer A
27 Offset to the patient - payment amount - vision
and eye services B1 Deductible payer B
28 Offset to the patient - payment amount - dental
services B2 Coinsurance payer B
29 Offset to the patient - payment amount -
chiropractic services B3 Estimated responsibility payer B
30 Preadmission testing B7 Co-payment payer B
31 Patient Liability Amount BA Regulatory surcharges, assessments, allowances
or health care related taxes - payer B

Texas Health Care Information Collection 35
32 Multiple patient ambulance transport BB Other assessments or allowances (e.g., medical
eduction) - payer B
33 Offset to the patient - payment amount - podiatric
services C1 Deductible payer C
34 Offset to the patient - payment amount - other
medical services C2 Coinsurance payer C
35 Offset to the patient - payment amount - health
insurance premiums C3 Estimated responsibility payer C
37 Pints of blood furnished C7 Co-payment payer C
38 Blood deductible pints CA Regulatory surcharges, assessments, allowances
or health care related taxes - payer C
39 Pints of blood replaced CB Other assessments or allowances (e.g., medical
eduction) - payer C
40 New coverage not implemented by HMO D3 Patient estimated responsibility
41 Black lung DR Katrina disaster related
42 VA E1 Deductible Payer D
43 Disabled beneficiary under age 65 with LGHP E2 Coinsurance Payer D
44 Amount provider agreed to accept from primary
payer when this amount is less than charges but
higher than payment received
E3 Coinsurance Payer D
45 Accident hour E7 Co-payment payer D
46 Number of grace days EA Regulatory surcharges, assessments, allowances
or health care related taxes - payer D
47 Any liability insurance EB Other assessments or allowances (e.g. medical
education) - payer D
48 Hemoglobin reading F1 Deductible Payer E
49 Hematocrit reading F2 Coinsurance Payer E
50 PT visits F3 Coinsurance Payer E
51 OT visits F7 Co-payment payer E
52 ST visits FA Regulatory surcharges, assessments, allowances
or health care related taxes - payer E
53 Cardiac rehab visits FB Other assessments or allowances (e.g. medical
education) - payer E
54 Newborn birth weight in grams G1 Deductible Payer F
55 Eligibility threshold for charity care G1 Deductible Payer F
56 Skilled nurse - home visit hours G2 Coinsurance Payer F
57 Home health aide - home visit hours G3 Coinsurance Payer F
58 Arterial blood gas G7 Co-payment payer F
59 Oxygen saturation GA Regulatory surcharges, assessments, allowances
or health care related taxes - payer F
60 HHA branch MSA GB Other assessments or allowances (e.g. medical
education) - payer F
61 Location where service is furnished (HHA and
hospice) P1 Do not resuscitate order (DNR)
Y1 Part A Demonstration Payment
Y2 Part B Demonstration Payment
Y3 Part B Coinsurance
Y4 Conventional Provider Payment Amount for
Non-Demonstration Claims
Beginning Position: 1310 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 223: VALUE_AMOUNT_1
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1312 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 224: VALUE_CODE_2
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1321 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 225: VALUE_AMOUNT_2
Dollar amount that may be affected.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 1323 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 226: VALUE_CODE_3
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1332 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 227: VALUE_AMOUNT_3
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1334 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 228: VALUE_CODE_4
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1343 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 229: VALUE_AMOUNT_4
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1345 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 230: VALUE_CODE_5
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1354 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 231 VALUE_AMOUNT_5
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1356 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 232: VALUE_CODE_6
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1365 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 233: VALUE_AMOUNT_6
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1367 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 234: VALUE_CODE_7
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1376 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 235: VALUE_AMOUNT_7
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1378 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 236: VALUE_CODE_8
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1387 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 237: VALUE_AMOUNT_8
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1389 Data Source: Claim

Texas Health Care Information Collection 37
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 238: VALUE_CODE_9
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1398 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 239: VALUE_AMOUNT_9
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1400 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 240: VALUE_CODE_10
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1409 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 241: VALUE_AMOUNT_10
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1411 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 242: VALUE_CODE_11
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1420 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 243: VALUE_AMOUNT_11
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1422 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 244: VALUE_CODE_12
Code describing information that may affect payer processing.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 222.
Beginning Position: 1431 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 245: VALUE_AMOUNT_12
Dollar amount that may be affected.
Beginning Position: 1433 Data Source: Claim
Length: 9 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 246: CMS-MDC
Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) as assigned by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) (formerly Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)) for hospital payment for
Medicare beneficiaries. First available 2004.
Beginning Position: 1442 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 247: APR-MDC
Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) as assigned by 3M APR-DRG Grouper, version 26.
Beginning Position: 1444 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 248: CMS-DRG
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Diagnosis Related Group (DRG), version
26, as assigned for hospital payment for Medicare beneficiaries.
Beginning Position: 1446 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 3 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 249: APR-DRG
All Patient Refined (APR) Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) as assigned by 3M APR-DRG
Grouper, version 26.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Beginning Position: 1449 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 3 Type: Alphanumeric
Assignment of a risk of mortality score from the All Patient Refined (APR) Diagnosis Related
Group (DRG) from the 3M APR-DRG Grouper, version 26. Indicates the likelihood of dying.
1 Minor
2 Moderate
3 Major
Coding Scheme:
4 Extreme
Beginning Position: 1452 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Assignment of a severity of illness score from the All Patient Refined (APR) Diagnosis Related
Group (DRG) from the 3M APR-DRG Grouper, version 26. Indicates the extent of physiologic
1 Minor
2 Moderate
3 Major
Coding Scheme:
4 Extreme
Beginning Position: 1453 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric
Attending Physician Uniform Identifier. Unique identifier assigned to the licensed physician
expected to certify medical necessity of services rendered, with primary responsibility for the
patient’s medical care and treatment. Physician is an individual licensed to practice medicine
under the Medical Practice Act. Can include an individual other than a physician who admits
patients to hospitals or who provides diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to inpatients,
including psychologists, chiropractors, dentists, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and
podiatrists authorized by the hospital to admit or treat patients.
Suppression: Suppressed when the number of physicians represented in a DRG for a hospital is less than the
minimum cell size of five.
Beginning Position: 1454 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 10 Type: Alphanumeric
Operating or other Physician Uniform Identifier (if applicable). Unique identifier assigned to
the operating physician or physician other than the attending physician. Physician is an
individual licensed to practice medicine under the Medical Practice Act. Can include an
individual other than a physician who admits patients to hospitals or who provides diagnostic or
therapeutic procedures to inpatients, including psychologists, chiropractors, dentists, nurse
practitioners, nurse midwives, and podiatrists authorized by the hospital to admit or treat
Suppression: Suppressed when the number of physicians represented in a DRG for a hospital is less than the
minimum cell size of five.
Coding Scheme: 9999999998 Cell size less than 5
9999999999 Temporary license or license number could not be matched
Beginning Position: 1464 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 10 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 254: CERT_STATUS
Assignment of a code to indicate the certification of data and submission of comments by the
hospital. First available 3rd quarter 1999.
1 Certified, without comment
2 Certified, with comment
3 Certified, with comment, comment not received by deadline
4 Hospital elected not to certify
Coding Scheme:
5 Hospital closed, data not certified
6 Hospital out of compliance, did not certify data
Beginning Position: 1474 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 1 Type: Alphanumeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection 39
Field 255: RECORD_ID
Description: Record Identification Number. Unique number assigned to identify the record. First available
1st quarter 2002.
Beginning Position: 1475 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 12 Type: Alphanumeric
There are currently three major versions of the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) in use. The basic DRGs are used by
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (formerly known as the Health Care Financing Administration
(HCFA)) for hospital payment for Medicare beneficiaries. The All Patient DRGs (AP-DRGs) are an expansion of the
basic DRGs to be more representative of non-Medicare populations such as pediatric patients. The All Patient Refined
DRGs (APR-DRGs) incorporate severity of illness and risk or mortality subclasses into the AP-DRGs. The CMS DRGs
and the APR-DRGs are included in this data.

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Field 1: RECORD_ID
Description: Record Identification Number. Unique number assigned to identify the record. First available
1st quarter 2002.
Beginning Position: 1 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 12 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code corresponding to each specific accommodation, ancillary service or billing calculation
related to the services being billed.
100 All-inclusive room charges plus ancillary 516 Clinic - urgent care
101 All-inclusive room charges 517 Clinic - family practice
110 Room charges for private rooms - general 519 Clinic - other
111 Room charges for private rooms -
medical/surgical/GYN 520 Freestanding Clinic - general
112 Room charges for private rooms - obstetrics 521 Freestanding Clinic - Clinic Visit by Member to
113 Room charges for private rooms - pediatric 522 Freestanding Clinic - Home Visit by
RHC/FQHC Practitioner
114 Room charges for private rooms - psychiatric 523 Freestanding Clinic - family practice
115 Room charges for private rooms - hospice 524 Freestanding Clinic - Visit by RHC/FQHC
Practitioner to a Member in a Covered Part A
Stay at SNF
116 Room charges for private rooms - detoxification 525 Freestanding Clinic - Visit by RHC/FQHC
Practitioner to a Member in a SNF (not Covered
Part A Stay) or NF or ICF MR or Other
Residential Facility
117 Room charges for private rooms - oncology 526 Freestanding Clinic - urgent care
118 Room charges for private rooms - rehabilitation 527 Freestanding Clinic - Visiting Nurse Services(s)
to a Member's Home when in a Home Health
Shortage Area
119 Room charges for private rooms - other 528 Freestanding Clinic – Visit by RHC/FQHC
Practitioner to Other non RHC/FQHC Site (e.g.
Scene of Accident)
120 Room charges for semi-private rooms - general 529 Freestanding Clinic - other
121 Room charges for semi-private rooms -
medical/surgical/GYN 530 Osteopathic service - general
Coding Scheme:
122 Room charges for semi-private rooms -
obstetrics 531 Osteopathic service - therapy
123 Room charges for semi-private rooms -
pediatric 539 Osteopathic service - other
124 Room charges for semi-private rooms -
psychiatric 540 Ambulance service - general
125 Room charges for semi-private rooms - hospice 541 Ambulance service - supplies
126 Room charges for semi-private rooms -
detoxification 542 Ambulance service - medical transport
127 Room charges for semi-private rooms -
oncology 543 Ambulance service - heart mobile
128 Room charges for semi-private rooms -
rehabilitation 544 Ambulance service - oxygen
129 Room charges for semi-private rooms - other 545 Ambulance service - air ambulance
130 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - general 546 Ambulance service - neonatal
131 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - medical/surgical/GYN 547 Ambulance service - pharmacy
132 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - obstetrics 548 Ambulance service - telephone transmission
133 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - pediatric 549 Ambulance service - other
134 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - psychiatric 550 Skilled nursing - general
135 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - hospice 551 Skilled nursing - visit charge
136 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - detoxification 552 Skilled nursing - hourly charge
137 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - oncology 559 Skilled nursing - other

Texas Health Care Information Collection 41
138 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - rehabilitation 560 Medical social services - general
139 Room charges for semi-private - 3/4 beds -
rooms - other 561 Medical social services - visit charge
140 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
general 562 Medical social services - hourly charge
141 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
medical/surgical/GYN 569 Medical social services - other
142 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
obstetrics 570 Home health aide - general
143 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
pediatric 571 Home health aide - visit charge
144 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
psychiatric 572 Home health aide - hourly charge
145 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
hospice 579 Home health aide - other
146 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
detoxification 580 Other visits (home health) - general
147 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
oncology 581 Other visits (home health) - visit charge
148 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
rehabilitation 582 Other visits (home health) - hourly charge
149 Room charges for private (deluxe) rooms -
other 583 Other visits (home health) - assessment
150 Room charges for ward rooms - general 589 Other visits (home health) - other
151 Room charges for ward rooms -
medical/surgical/GYN 590 Units of service (home health) - general
152 Room charges for ward rooms - obstetrics 599 Units of service (home health) - other
153 Room charges for ward rooms - pediatric 600 Oxygen (home health) - general
154 Room charges for ward rooms - psychiatric 601 Oxygen (home health) - stat/equip/supply or
155 Room charges for ward rooms - hospice 602 Oxygen (home health) - stat/equip/supply under
1 liter per minute
156 Room charges for ward rooms - detoxification 603 Oxygen (home health) - stat/equip/supply over 4
liters per minute
157 Room charges for ward rooms - oncology 604 Oxygen (home health) - portable add-in
158 Room charges for ward rooms - rehabilitation 610 MRI - general
159 Room charges for ward rooms - other 611 MRI - brain (including brain stem)
160 Room charges for other rooms - general 612 MRI - spinal cord (including spine)
161 Room charges for other rooms -
medical/surgical/GYN 619 MRI - other
162 Room charges for other rooms - obstetrics 621 Medical/surgical supplies - incident to radiology
163 Room charges for other rooms - pediatric 622 Medical/surgical supplies - incident to other
diagnostic services
164 Room charges for other rooms - psychiatric 623 Medical/surgical supplies - surgical dressings
165 Room charges for other rooms - hospice 624 Medical/surgical supplies - FDA investigational
166 Room charges for other rooms - detoxification 630 Drugs requiring specific identification - general
167 Room charges for other rooms - oncology 631 Drugs requiring specific identification - single
168 Room charges for other rooms - rehabilitation 632 Drugs requiring specific identification - multiple
169 Room charges for other rooms - other 633 Drugs requiring specific identification -
restrictive prescription
170 Room charges for nursery - general 634 Drugs requiring specific identification - EPO,
less than 10,000 units
171 Room charges for nursery - newborn level I 635 Drugs requiring specific identification - EPO,
10,000 or more units
172 Room charges for nursery - newborn level II 636 Drugs requiring specific identification -
requiring detailed coding
173 Room charges for nursery - newborn level III 637 Drugs requiring specific identification - self-
adminstrable nto requiring detailed coding
174 Room charges for nursery - newborn level IV 640 Home IV therapy services - general
179 Room charges for nursery - other 641 Home IV therapy services - nonroutine nursing,
central line
180 Room charges for LOA - general 642 Home IV therapy services - IV site care, central

Texas Health Care Information Collection
182 Room charges for LOA - patient convenice-
charges billable 643 Home IV therapy services - IV start/change,
peripheral line
183 Room charges for LOA - therapeutic leave 644 Home IV therapy services - nonroutine nursing,
peripheral line
184 Room charges for LOA - ICF mentally retarded
- any reason 645 Home IV therapy services - training
patient/caregiver, central line
185 Room charges for LOA - hospitalization 646 Home IV therapy services - traning, disabled
patient, central line
189 Room charges for LOA - other 647 Home IV therapy services - training,
patient/caregiver, peripheral
190 Room charges for subacute care - general 648 Home IV therapy services - training, disabled
patient, peripheral
191 Room charges for subacute care - Level I
(skilled care) 649 Home IV therapy services - other
192 Room charges for subacute care - Level II
(comprehensive care) 650 Hospice services - general
193 Room charges for subacute care - Level III
(complex care) 651 Hospice services - routine home care
194 Room charges for subacute care - Level IV
(intensive care) 652 Hospice services - continuous home care
199 Room charges for subacute care - other 655 Hospice services - inpatient respite care
200 Room charges for intensive care - general 656 Hospice services - general inpatient care
201 Room charges for intensive care - surgical 657 Hospice services - physician services
202 Room charges for intensive care - medical 658 Hospice services - room and board - nursing
203 Room charges for intensive care - pediatric 659 Hospice services - other
204 Room charges for intensive care - psychiatric 660 Respite care - general
206 Room charges for intensive care - intermediate
intensive care unit (ICU) 661 Respite care - hourly charge/skilled nursing
207 Room charges for intensive care - burn care 662 Respite care - hourly
208 Room charges for intensive care - trauma 663 Respite care - daily charge
209 Room charges for intensive care - other 669 Respite care - other
210 Room charges for coronary care - general 670 Outpatient special residence - general
211 Room charges for coronary care - myocardial
infarction 671 Outpatient special residence - hospital based
212 Room charges for coronary care - pulmonary
care 672 Outpatient special residence - contracted
213 Room charges for coronary care - heart
transplant 679 Outpatient special residence - other
214 Room charges for coronary care - intermediate
coronary care unit (CCU) 681 Trauma response - level I
219 Room charges for coronary care - other 682 Trauma response - level II
220 Special charges - general 683 Trauma response - level III
221 Special charges - admission charge 684 Trauma response - level IV
222 Special charges - technical support charge 689 Trauma response - other
223 Special charges - UR service charge 700 Cast Room services - general
224 Special charges - late discharge, medically
necessary 709 Cast Room services - other
229 Special charges - other 710 Recovery Room services - general
230 Incremental nursing care - general 719 Recovery Room services - other
231 Incremental nursing care - nursery 720 Labor/Delivery Room services - general
232 Incremental nursing care - OB 721 Labor/Delivery Room services - labor
233 Incremental nursing care - ICU (includes
transitional care) 722 Labor/Delivery Room services - delivery
234 Incremental nursing care - CCU (includes
transitional care) 723 Labor/Delivery Room services - circumcision
235 Incremental nursing care - hospice 724 Labor/Delivery Room services - birthing center
239 Incremental nursing care - other 729 Labor/Delivery Room services - other
240 All-inclusive ancillary - general 730 EKG/ECG services - general
249 All-inclusive ancillary - other 731 EKG/ECG services - holter monitor
250 Pharmacy - general 732 EKG/ECG services - telemetry
251 Pharmacy - generic drugs 739 EKG/ECG services - other

Texas Health Care Information Collection 43
252 Pharmacy - nongeneric drugs 740 EEG services - general
253 Pharmacy - take-home drugs 749 EEG services - other
254 Pharmacy - drugs incident to other diagnostic
services 750 Gastrointestinal services - general
255 Pharmacy - drugs incident to radiology 759 Gastrointestinal services - other
256 Pharmacy - experimental drugs 760 Treatment or observation room services -
257 Pharmacy - nonprescription 761 Specialty Room - Treatment/ Observation Room
- Treatment Room
258 Pharmacy - IV solutions 762 Specialty Room - Treatment/ Observation Room
- Observation Room
259 Pharmacy - other
260 IV Therapy - general 769 Treatment or observation room services - other
261 IV Therapy - infusion pump 770 Preventive care services - general
262 IV Therapy - pharmacy services 771 Preventive care services - vaccine
263 IV Therapy - durg/supply delivery 779 Preventive care services - other
264 IV Therapy - supplies 780 Telemedicine services - general
269 IV Therapy - other 789 Telemedicine services - other
270 Medical surgical supplies and devices - general 790 Extra-corporeal shockwave therapy - general
271 Medical surgical supplies and devices -
nonsterile 799 Extra-corporeal shockwave therapy - other
272 Medical surgical supplies and devices - sterile
273 Medical surgical supplies and devices - take-
274 Medical surgical supplies and devices -
prosthetic/orthotic 800 Inpatient renal dialysis services - general
275 Medical surgical supplies and devices -
pacemaker 801 Inpatient renal dialysis services - hemodialysis
276 Medical surgical supplies and devices -
intraocular lens (IOL) 802 Inpatient renal dialysis services - peritoneal
277 Medical surgical supplies and devices - oxygen
- take-home 803 Inpatient renal dialysis services - continuous
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
278 Medical surgical supplies and devices - other
implants 804 Inpatient renal dialysis services - continuous
cycling peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
279 Medical surgical supplies and devices - other 809 Inpatient renal dialysis services - other
280 Oncology - general 810 Organ acquisition - general
289 Oncology - other 811 Organ acquisition - living donor
290 DME - general 812 Organ acquisition - cadaver donor
291 DME - rental 813 Organ acquisition - unknown donor
292 DME - purchase of new 814 Organ acquisition - unsuccessful organ search-
donor bank charges
293 DME - purchase of used 819 Organ acquisition - other donor
294 DME - supplies/drugs for DME effectiveness 820 Hemodialysis - outpatient or home - general
299 DME - other equipment 821 Hemodialysis - outpatient or home - composite
or other rate
300 Laboratory - general 825 Hemodialysis - outpatient or home - support
301 Laboratory - chemistry 829 Hemodialysis - outpatient or home - other
302 Laboratory - immunology 830 Peritoneal dialysis - outpatient or home -
303 Laboratory - renal patient (home) 831 Peritoneal dialysis - outpatient or home -
composite or other rate
304 Laboratory - nonroutine dialysis 835 Peritoneal dialysis - outpatient or home -
support services
305 Laboratory - hemotology 839 Peritoneal dialysis - outpatient or home - other
306 Laboratory - bacteriology and microbiology 840 CAPD - outpatient or home - general
307 Laboratory - urology 841 CAPD - outpatient or home - composite or other
309 Laboratory - other 845 CAPD - outpatient or home - support services
310 Laboratory pathological - general 849 CAPD - outpatient or home - other
311 Laboratory pathological - cytology 850 CCPD - outpatient or home - general
312 Laboratory pathological - histology 851 CCPD - outpatient or home - composite or other

Texas Health Care Information Collection
313 Laboratory pathological - biopsy 855 CCPD - outpatient or home - support services
319 Laboratory pathological - other 859 CCPD - outpatient or home - other
320 Radiology - diagnostic - general 880 Miscellaneous dialysis - general
321 Radiology - diagnostic - angiocardiography 881 Miscellaneous dialysis - ultrafiltration
322 Radiology - diagnostic - arthrography 882 Miscellaneous dialysis - home aide visit
323 Radiology - diagnostic - arteriography 889 Miscellaneous dialysis - other
324 Radiology - diagnostic - chest x-ray 900 Behavior health reatments/services - general
329 Radiology - diagnostic - other 901 Behavior health treatments/services -
330 Radiology - therapeutic and/or chemotherapy
adminstration - general 902 Behavior health treatments/services - milieu
331 Radiology - therapeutic and/or chemotherapy
adminstration - chemotherapy - injected 903 Behavioral health treatments/services - play
332 Radiology - therapeutic and/or chemotherapy
adminstration - chemotherapy - oral 904 Behavior health treatments/services - activity
333 Radiology - therapeutic and/or chemotherapy
adminstration - radiation therapy 905 Behavior health treatments/services - intensive
outpatient services - psychiatric
335 Radiology - therapeutic and/or chemotherapy
adminstration - chemotherapy - IV 906 Behavior health treatments/services - intensive
outpatient services - chemical dependency
339 Radiology - therapeutic and/or chemotherapy
adminstration - other 907 Behavior health treatments/services -
community behavioral health program
340 Nuclear medicine - general 909 Behavior health treatments - other
341 Nuclear medicine - diagnostic procedures 910 Reserved
342 Nuclear medicine - therapeutic procedures 911 Behavior health treatment/services -
343 Nuclear medicine - diagnostic
radiopharmaceuticals 912 Behavior health treatment/services - partial
hospitalization - less intensive
344 Nuclear medicine - therapeutic
radiopharmaceuticals 913 Behavior health treatment/services - partial
hospitalization - intensive
349 Nuclear medicine - other 914 Behavior health treatment/services - individual
350 CT scan - general 915 Behavior health treatment/services - group
351 CT scan - head 916 Behavior health treatment/services - family
352 CT scan - body 917 Behavior health treatment/services -
359 CT scan - other 918 Behavior health treatment/services - testing
360 Operating room services - general 919 Behavior health treatment/services - other
361 Operating room services - minor surgery 920 Other diagnostic services - general
362 Operating room services - organ transplant
other than kidney 921 Other diagnostic services - peripheral vascular
367 Operating room services - kidney transplant 922 Other diagnostic services - electromyelogram
369 Operating room services - other 923 Other diagnostic services - pap smear
370 Anesthesia - general 924 Other diagnostic services - allergy test
371 Anesthesia - incident to radiology 925 Other diagnostic services - pregnancy test
372 Anesthesia - incident to other diagnostic
services 929 Other diagnostic services - other
374 Anesthesia - acupuncture 931 Medical rehabilitation day program - half day
379 Anesthesia - other 932 Medical rehabilitation day program - full day
380 Blood - general 940 Other therapeutic services - general
381 Blood - packed red cells 941 Other therapeutic services - recreational therapy
382 Blood - whole blood 942 Other therapeutic services - education/training
383 Blood - plasma 943 Other therapeutic services - cardiac
384 Blood - platelets 944 Other therapeutic services - drug rehabilitation
385 Blood - leukocytes 945 Other therapeutic services - alcohol
386 Blood - other components 946 Other therapeutic services - complex medical
equipment - routine
387 Blood - other derivatives (cryoprecipitates) 947 Other therapeutic services - complex medical
equipment - ancillary
389 Blood - other 949 Other therapeutic services - other

Texas Health Care Information Collection 45
390 Blood amd blood component administration,
storage and processing - general 960 Professional fees - general
391 Blood and blood component administration,
storage and processing - administration 961 Professional fees - psychiatric
399 Blood and blood component administration,
storage and processing - other 962 Professional fees - ophthalmology
400 Other imaging services - general 963 Professional fees - anesthesiologist (MD)
401 Other imaging services - diagnostic
mammography 964 Professional fees - anesthetist (CRNA)
402 Other imaging services - ultrasound 969 Professional fees - other
403 Other imaging services - screening
mammography 970 Professional fees - general
404 Other imaging services - PET 971 Professional fees - laboratory
409 Other imaging services - other 972 Professional fees - radiology - diagnostic
410 Respiratory services - general 973 Professional fees - radiology - therapeutic
412 Respiratory services - inhalation 974 Professional fees - readiology - nuclear
413 Respiratory services - hyperbaric oxygen
therapy 975 Professional fees - operating room
419 Respiratory services - other 976 Professional fees - respiratory therapy
420 Physical therapy - general 977 Professional fees - physical therapy
421 Physical therapy - visit charge 978 Professional fees - occupational therapy
422 Physical therapy - hourly charge 979 Professional fees - speech therapy
423 Physical therapy - group rate 980 Professional fees - general
424 Physical therapy - evaluation or reevaluation 981 Professional fees - emergency room
429 Physical therapy - other 982 Professional fees - outpatient services
430 Occupational therapy - general 983 Professional fees - clinic
431 Occupational therapy - visit charge 984 Professional fees - medical social services
432 Occupational therapy - hourly charge 985 Professional fees - EKG
433 Occupational therapy - group rate 986 Professional fees - EEG
434 Occupational therapy - evaluation or
reevaluation 987 Professional fees - hospital visit
439 Occupational therapy - other 988 Professional fees - consultation
440 Speech-language pathology - general 989 Professional fees - private duty nurse
441 Speech-language pathology - visit charge 990 Patient convenience items - general
442 Speech-language pathology - hourly charge 991 Patient convenience items - cafeteria/guest tray
443 Speech-language pathology - group rate 992 Patient convenience items - private linen service
444 Speech-language pathology - evaluation or
reevaluation 993 Patient convenience items - telephone/telegraph
449 Speech-language pathology - other 994 Patient convenience items - TV/radio
450 Emergency room - general 995 Patient convenience items - nonpatient room
451 Emergency room - EMTALA emergency
medical screening services 996 Patient convenience items - late discharge
452 Emergency room - beyond EMTALA screening 997 Patient convenience items - admission kits
456 Emergency room - urgent care 998 Patient convenience items - beauty shop/barber
459 Emergency room - other 999 Patient convenience items - other
460 Pulmonary function - general 1000 Behavior health accommodations - general
469 Pulmonary function - other 1001 Behavior health accommodations - residential
treatment - psychiatric
470 Audiology - general 1002 Behavior health accommodations - residential
treatment - chemical dependency
471 Audiology - diagnostic 1003 Behavior health accommodations - supervised
472 Audiology - treatment 1004 Behavior health accommodations - halfway
479 Audiology - other 1005 Behavior health accommodations - group home
480 Cardiology - general 2100 Alternative therapy services - general
481 Cardiology - cardiac cath lab 2101 Alternative therapy services - acupuncture
482 Cardiology - stress test 2102 Alternative therapy services - acupressure
483 Cardiology - echocardiology 2103 Alternative therapy services - massage
489 Cardiology - other 2104 Alternative therapy services - reflexology

Texas Health Care Information Collection
490 Ambulatory surgical care - general 2105 Alternative therapy services - biofeedback
499 Ambulatory surgical care - other 2106 Alternative therapy services - hypnosis
500 Outpatient services - general 2109 Alternative therapy services - other
509 Outpatient services - other 3101 Adult day care, medical and social - hourly
510 Clinic - general 3102 Adult day care, social - hourly
511 Clinic - chronic pain 3103 Adult day care, medical and social - daily
512 Clinic - dental 3104 Adult day care, social - daily
513 Clinic - psychiatric 3105 Adult foster care - daily
514 Clinic - OB/GYN 3109 Adult foster care - other
515 Clinic - pediatric
Beginning Position: 13 Data Source: Claim
Length: 4 Type: Alphanumeric
Beginning Position: 17 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code applicable to ancillary services or
Coding Scheme: See for complete list.
Beginning Position: 19 Data Source: Claim
Length: 5 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 5: MODIFIER_1
Description: Identifies special circumstances related to the performance of the service
0 No assessment completed F2 Left hand, third digit
1 Medicare 5 day assessment (full) F3 Left hand, fourth digit
2 Medicare 30 day assessment (full) F4 Left hand, fifth digit
3 Medicare 60 day assessment (full) F5 Right hand, thumb
4 Medicare 90 day assessment (full) F6 Right hand, second digit
7 Medicare 14 day assessment (comprehensive or
full) F7 Right hand, third digit
8 Other Medicare required assessment (OMRA) F8 Right hand, fourth digit
11 Admission assessment - Medicare 5 day
assessment (comprehensive) F9 Right hand, fifth digit
25 Significant, separately identifiable evaluation and
management service by the same physician on
the same day of the procedure o
FA Left hand, thumb
31 SCSA or OMRA/Medicare 5 day assessment
(replacement) G1 Most recent URR of less than 60%
Coding Scheme:
32 SCSA or OMRA/Medicare 30 day assessment
(replacement) G2 Most recent URR of 60% to 64%
33 SCSA or OMRA/Medicare 60 day assessment
(replacement) G3 Most recent URR of 65% to 69.9%
34 SCSA or OMRA/Medicare 90 day assessment
(replacement) G4 Most recent URR of 70% to 74.9%
37 SCSA or OMRA/Medicare 14 day assessment
(replacement) G5 Most recent URR of 75% or greater
38 Significant change in status assessment (SCSA) GN Service delivered personally by a speech-
language pathologist or under an outpatient
speech-language pathology plan of care.
41 Significant correction of prior full
assessment/Medicare 5 day assessment GO Service delivered personally by an occupational
therapist or under an outpatient occupational
therapy plan of care.
42 Significant correction of prior full
assessment/Medicare 30 day assessment GP Service delivered personally by an physical
therapist or under an outpatient physical therapy
plan of care.
43 Significant correction of prior full
assessment/Medicare 60 day assessment LC Left circulflex coronary artery
44 Significant correction of prior full
assessment/Medicare 90 day assessment LD Left anterior descending coronary artery
47 Significant correction of prior full
assessment/Medicare 14 day assessment LT Left side of the body procedure
48 Significant correction of prior full
assessment/OMRA or SCSA QM Ambulance service provided under arrangement
by a provider of services

Texas Health Care Information Collection 47
50 Bilateral procedure QN Ambulance service furnished directly by a
provider of services
52 Reduced services QP Documentation exists showing that the
laboratory test(s) was ordered individually, or as
CPT-recognized panel other than profil
53 Discontinued procedure RC Right coronary artery
54 Quarterly review assessment - Medicare 90
assessment (full) RT Right side of the body procedure
58 Staged or related procedure or service by the
same physician during the postoperative period T1 Left foot, second digit
59 Distinct procedural service T2 Left foot, third digit
76 Repeat procedure by same physician T3 Left foot, fourth digit
77 Repeat procedure by another physician T4 Left foot, fifth digit
78 Return to the operating room for a related
procedure during the postoperative period T5 Right foot, great toe
79 Unrelated procedure of service by the same
physician during the postoperative period T6 Right foot, second digit
E1 Upper left eyelid T7 Right foot, third digit
E2 Lower left eyelid T8 Right foot, fourth digit
E3 Upper right eyelid T9 Right foot, fifth digit
E4 Lower right eyelid TA Left foot, great toe
F1 Left hand, second digit
Beginning Position: 24 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 6: MODIFIER_2
Description: Identifies special circumstances related to the performance of the service.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 5
Beginning Position: 26 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 7: MODIFIER_3
Description: Identifies special circumstances related to the performance of the service.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 5
Beginning Position: 28 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Field 8: MODIFIER_4
Description: Identifies special circumstances related to the performance of the service.
Coding Scheme: Same as Field 5
Beginning Position: 30 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed.
DA Days
F2 International unit
Coding Scheme:
UN Unit
Beginning Position: 32 Data Source: Claim
Length: 2 Type: Alphanumeric
Description: Numeric value of quantity
Beginning Position: 34 Data Source: Claim
Length: 7 Type: Numeric
Field 11: UNIT_RATE
Description: Rate per unit
Beginning Position: 41 Data Source: Claim
Length: 12 Type: Numeric
Description: Total amount of the charge
Beginning Position: 53 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 14 Type: Numeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection
Description: Total non-covered amount of the charge
Beginning Position: 67 Data Source: Assigned
Length: 14 Type: Numeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection 49
Fields that are shaded are not available in this release of data.
Base Data File
1 DISCHARGE 1 6 Alphanumeric
2 THCIC_ID 7 6 Alphanumeric
3 PROVIDER_NAME 13 55 Alphanumeric
4 FAC_TEACHING_IND 68 1 Alphanumeric
5 FAC_PSYCH_IND 69 1 Alphanumeric
6 FAC_REHAB_IND 70 1 Alphanumeric
7 FAC_ACUTE_CARE_IND 71 1 Alphanumeric
8 FAC_SNF_IND 72 1 Alphanumeric
9 FAC_LONG_TERM_AC_IND 73 1 Alphanumeric
10 FAC_OTHER_LTC_IND 74 1 Alphanumeric
11 FAC_PEDS_IND 75 1 Alphanumeric
12 SPEC_UNIT 76 5 Alphanumeric
12a SPEC_UNIT_1 (fixed length format only) 76 1 Alphanumeric
12b SPEC_UNIT_2 (fixed length format only) 77 1 Alphanumeric
12c SPEC_UNIT_3 (fixed length format only) 78 1 Alphanumeric
12d SPEC_UNIT_4 (fixed length format only) 79 1 Alphanumeric
12e SPEC_UNIT_5 (fixed length format only) 80 1 Alphanumeric
13 ENCOUNTER_INDICATOR 81 2 Alphanumeric
14 SEX_CODE 83 1 Alphanumeric
15 TYPE_OF_ADMISSION 84 1 Alphanumeric
16 SOURCE_OF_ADMISSION 85 1 Alphanumeric
17 PAT_STATE 86 2 Alphanumeric
18 PAT_ZIP 88 5 Alphanumeric
19 PAT_COUNTRY 93 2 Alphanumeric
20 COUNTY 95 3 Alphanumeric
21 PUBLIC_HEALTH_REGION 98 2 Alphanumeric
22 ADMIT_WEEKDAY 100 1 Alphanumeric
23 LENGTH_OF_STAY 101 4 Numeric
24 PAT_AGE 105 2 Alphanumeric
25 PAT_STATUS 107 2 Alphanumeric
26 RACE 109 1 Alphanumeric
27 ETHNICITY 110 1 Alphanumeric
28 FIRST_PAYMENT_SRC 111 2 Alphanumeric
29 SECONDARY_PAYMENT_SRC 113 2 Alphanumeric
30 TYPE_OF_BILL 115 3 Alphanumeric
31 PRIVATE_AMOUNT 118 12 Numeric
32 SEMI_PRIVATE_AMOUNT 130 12 Numeric
Texas Hospital Inpatient Discharge
Public Use Data File
Base Data File
Charges Data File
Data Fields

Texas Health Care Information Collection
33 WARD_AMOUNT 142 12 Numeric
34 ICU_AMOUNT 154 12 Numeric
35 CCU_AMOUNT 166 12 Numeric
36 OTHER_AMOUNT 178 12 Numeric
37 PHARM_AMOUNT 190 12 Numeric
38 MEDSURG_AMOUNT 202 12 Numeric
39 DME_AMOUNT 214 12 Numeric
40 USED_DME_AMOUNT 226 12 Numeric
41 PT_AMOUNT 238 12 Numeric
42 OT_AMOUNT 250 12 Numeric
43 SPEECH_AMOUNT 262 12 Numeric
44 IT_AMOUNT 274 12 Numeric
45 BLOOD_AMOUNT 286 12 Numeric
46 BLOOD_ADM_AMOUNT 298 12 Numeric
47 OR_AMOUNT 310 12 Numeric
48 LITH_AMOUNT 322 12 Numeric
49 CARD_AMOUNT 334 12 Numeric
50 ANES_AMOUNT 346 12 Numeric
51 LAB_AMOUNT 358 12 Numeric
52 RAD_AMOUNT 370 12 Numeric
53 MRI_AMOUNT 382 12 Numeric
54 OP_AMOUNT 394 12 Numeric
55 ER_AMOUNT 406 12 Numeric
56 AMBULANCE_AMOUNT 418 12 Numeric
57 PRO_FEE_AMOUNT 430 12 Numeric
58 ORGAN_AMOUNT 442 12 Numeric
59 ESRD_AMOUNT 454 12 Numeric
60 CLINIC_AMOUNT 466 12 Numeric
61 TOTAL_CHARGES 478 12 Numeric
62 TOTAL_NON_COV_CHARGES 490 12 Numeric
63 TOTAL_CHARGES_ACCOMM 502 12 Numeric
65 TOTAL_CHARGES_ANCIL 526 12 Numeric
67 ADMITTING_DIAGNOSIS 550 6 Alphanumeric
68 PRINC_DIAG_CODE 556 6 Alphanumeric
69 OTH_DIAG_CODE_1 562 6 Alphanumeric
70 OTH_DIAG_CODE_2 568 6 Alphanumeric
71 OTH_DIAG_CODE_3 574 6 Alphanumeric
72 OTH_DIAG_CODE_4 580 6 Alphanumeric
73 OTH_DIAG_CODE_5 586 6 Alphanumeric
74 OTH_DIAG_CODE_6 592 6 Alphanumeric
75 OTH_DIAG_CODE_7 598 6 Alphanumeric
76 OTH_DIAG_CODE_8 604 6 Alphanumeric
77 OTH_DIAG_CODE_9 610 6 Alphanumeric
78 OTH_DIAG_CODE_10 616 6 Alphanumeric
79 OTH_DIAG_CODE_11 622 6 Alphanumeric
80 OTH_DIAG_CODE_12 628 6 Alphanumeric
81 OTH_DIAG_CODE_13 634 6 Alphanumeric
82 OTH_DIAG_CODE_14 640 6 Alphanumeric
83 OTH_DIAG_CODE_15 646 6 Alphanumeric
84 OTH_DIAG_CODE_16 652 6 Alphanumeric
85 OTH_DIAG_CODE_17 658 6 Alphanumeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection 51
86 OTH_DIAG_CODE_18 664 6 Alphanumeric
87 OTH_DIAG_CODE_19 670 6 Alphanumeric
88 OTH_DIAG_CODE_20 676 6 Alphanumeric
89 OTH_DIAG_CODE_21 682 6 Alphanumeric
90 OTH_DIAG_CODE_22 688 6 Alphanumeric
91 OTH_DIAG_CODE_23 694 6 Alphanumeric
92 OTH_DIAG_CODE_24 700 6 Alphanumeric
93 PRINC_SURG_PROC_CODE 706 7 Alphanumeric
94 PRINC_SURG_PROC_DAY 713 4 Alphanumeric
95 PRINC_ICD9_CODE 717 5 Alphanumeric
96 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_1 722 7 Alphanumeric
97 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_1 729 4 Alphanumeric
98 OTH_ICD9_CODE_1 733 5 Alphanumeric
99 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_2 738 7 Alphanumeric
100 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_2 745 4 Alphanumeric
101 OTH_ICD9_CODE_2 749 5 Alphanumeric
102 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_3 754 7 Alphanumeric
103 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_3 761 4 Alphanumeric
104 OTH_ICD9_CODE_3 765 5 Alphanumeric
105 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_4 770 7 Alphanumeric
106 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_4 777 4 Alphanumeric
107 OTH_ICD9_CODE_4 781 5 Alphanumeric
108 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_5 786 7 Alphanumeric
109 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_5 793 4 Alphanumeric
110 OTH_ICD9_CODE_5 797 5 Alphanumeric
111 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_6 802 7 Alphanumeric
112 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_6 809 4 Alphanumeric
113 OTH_ICD9_CODE_6 813 5 Alphanumeric
114 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_7 818 7 Alphanumeric
115 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_7 825 4 Alphanumeric
116 OTH_ICD9_CODE_7 829 5 Alphanumeric
117 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_8 834 7 Alphanumeric
118 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_8 841 4 Alphanumeric
119 OTH_ICD9_CODE_8 845 5 Alphanumeric
120 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_9 850 7 Alphanumeric
121 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_9 857 4 Alphanumeric
122 OTH_ICD9_CODE_9 861 5 Alphanumeric
123 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_10 866 7 Alphanumeric
124 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_10 873 4 Alphanumeric
125 OTH_ICD9_CODE_10 877 5 Alphanumeric
126 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_11 882 7 Alphanumeric
127 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_11 889 4 Alphanumeric
128 OTH_ICD9_CODE_11 893 5 Alphanumeric
129 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_12 898 7 Alphanumeric
130 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_12 905 4 Alphanumeric
131 OTH_ICD9_CODE_12 909 5 Alphanumeric
132 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_13 914 7 Alphanumeric
133 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_13 921 4 Alphanumeric
134 OTH_ICD9_CODE_13 925 5 Alphanumeric
135 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_14 930 7 Alphanumeric
136 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_14 937 4 Alphanumeric
137 OTH_ICD9_CODE_14 941 5 Alphanumeric
138 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_15 946 7 Alphanumeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection
139 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_15 953 4 Alphanumeric
140 OTH_ICD9_CODE_15 957 5 Alphanumeric
141 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_16 962 7 Alphanumeric
142 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_16 969 4 Alphanumeric
143 OTH_ICD9_CODE_16 973 5 Alphanumeric
144 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_17 978 7 Alphanumeric
145 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_17 985 4 Alphanumeric
146 OTH_ICD9_CODE_17 989 5 Alphanumeric
147 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_18 994 7 Alphanumeric
148 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_18 1001 4 Alphanumeric
149 OTH_ICD9_CODE_18 1005 5 Alphanumeric
150 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_19 1010 7 Alphanumeric
151 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_19 1017 4 Alphanumeric
152 OTH_ICD9_CODE_19 1021 5 Alphanumeric
153 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_20 1026 7 Alphanumeric
154 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_20 1033 4 Alphanumeric
155 OTH_ICD9_CODE_20 1037 5 Alphanumeric
156 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_21 1042 7 Alphanumeric
157 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_21 1049 4 Alphanumeric
158 OTH_ICD9_CODE_21 1053 5 Alphanumeric
159 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_22 1058 7 Alphanumeric
160 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_22 1065 4 Alphanumeric
161 OTH_ICD9_CODE_22 1069 5 Alphanumeric
162 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_23 1074 7 Alphanumeric
163 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_23 1081 4 Alphanumeric
164 OTH_ICD9_CODE_23 1085 5 Alphanumeric
165 OTH_SURG_PROC_CODE_24 1090 7 Alphanumeric
166 OTH_SURG_PROC_DAY_24 1097 4 Alphanumeric
167 OTH_ICD9_CODE_24 1101 5 Alphanumeric
168 E_CODE_1 1106 6 Alphanumeric
169 E_CODE_2 1112 6 Alphanumeric
170 E_CODE_3 1118 6 Alphanumeric
171 E_CODE_4 1124 6 Alphanumeric
172 E_CODE_5 1130 6 Alphanumeric
173 E_CODE_6 1136 6 Alphanumeric
174 E_CODE_7 1142 6 Alphanumeric
175 E_CODE_8 1148 6 Alphanumeric
176 E_CODE_9 1154 6 Alphanumeric
177 E_CODE_10 1160 6 Alphanumeric
178 CONDITION_CODE_1 1166 2 Alphanumeric
179 CONDITION_CODE_2 1168 2 Alphanumeric
180 CONDITION_CODE_3 1170 2 Alphanumeric
181 CONDITION_CODE_4 1172 2 Alphanumeric
182 CONDITION_CODE_5 1174 2 Alphanumeric
183 CONDITION_CODE_6 1176 2 Alphanumeric
184 CONDITION_CODE_7 1178 2 Alphanumeric
185 CONDITION_CODE_8 1180 2 Alphanumeric
186 OCCUR_CODE_1 1182 2 Alphanumeric
187 OCCUR_DAY_1 1184 4 Alphanumeric
188 OCCUR_CODE_2 1188 2 Alphanumeric
189 OCCUR_DAY_2 1190 4 Alphanumeric
190 OCCUR_CODE_3 1194 2 Alphanumeric
191 OCCUR_DAY_3 1196 4 Alphanumeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection 53
192 OCCUR_CODE_4 1200 2 Alphanumeric
193 OCCUR_DAY_4 1202 4 Alphanumeric
194 OCCUR_CODE_5 1206 2 Alphanumeric
195 OCCUR_DAY_5 1208 4 Alphanumeric
196 OCCUR_CODE_6 1212 2 Alphanumeric
197 OCCUR_DAY_6 1214 4 Alphanumeric
198 OCCUR_CODE_7 1218 2 Alphanumeric
199 OCCUR_DAY_7 1220 4 Alphanumeric
200 OCCUR_CODE_8 1224 2 Alphanumeric
201 OCCUR_DAY_8 1226 4 Alphanumeric
202 OCCUR_CODE_9 1230 2 Alphanumeric
203 OCCUR_DAY_9 1232 4 Alphanumeric
204 OCCUR_CODE_10 1236 2 Alphanumeric
205 OCCUR_DAY_10 1238 4 Alphanumeric
206 OCCUR_CODE_11 1242 2 Alphanumeric
207 OCCUR_DAY_11 1244 4 Alphanumeric
208 OCCUR_CODE_12 1248 2 Alphanumeric
209 OCCUR_DAY_12 1250 4 Alphanumeric
210 OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_1 1254 2 Alphanumeric
211 OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_1 1256 6 Alphanumeric
212 OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_1 1262 6 Alphanumeric
213 OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_2 1268 2 Alphanumeric
214 OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_2 1270 6 Alphanumeric
215 OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_2 1276 6 Alphanumeric
216 OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_3 1282 2 Alphanumeric
217 OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_3 1284 6 Alphanumeric
218 OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_3 1290 6 Alphanumeric
219 OCCUR_SPAN_CODE_4 1296 2 Alphanumeric
220 OCCUR_SPAN_FROM_4 1298 6 Alphanumeric
221 OCCUR_SPAN_THRU_4 1304 6 Alphanumeric
222 VALUE_CODE_1 1310 2 Alphanumeric
223 VALUE_AMOUNT_1 1312 9 Alphanumeric
224 VALUE_CODE_2 1321 2 Alphanumeric
225 VALUE_AMOUNT_2 1323 9 Alphanumeric
226 VALUE_CODE_3 1332 2 Alphanumeric
227 VALUE_AMOUNT_3 1334 9 Alphanumeric
228 VALUE_CODE_4 1343 2 Alphanumeric
229 VALUE_AMOUNT_4 1345 9 Alphanumeric
230 VALUE_CODE_5 1354 2 Alphanumeric
231 VALUE_AMOUNT_5 1356 9 Alphanumeric
232 VALUE_CODE_6 1365 2 Alphanumeric
233 VALUE_AMOUNT_6 1367 9 Alphanumeric
234 VALUE_CODE_7 1376 2 Alphanumeric
235 VALUE_AMOUNT_7 1378 9 Alphanumeric
236 VALUE_CODE_8 1387 2 Alphanumeric
237 VALUE_AMOUNT_8 1389 9 Alphanumeric
238 VALUE_CODE_9 1398 2 Alphanumeric
239 VALUE_AMOUNT_9 1400 9 Alphanumeric
240 VALUE_CODE_10 1409 2 Alphanumeric
241 VALUE_AMOUNT_10 1411 9 Alphanumeric
242 VALUE_CODE_11 1420 2 Alphanumeric
243 VALUE_AMOUNT_11 1422 9 Alphanumeric
244 VALUE_CODE_12 1431 2 Alphanumeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection
245 VALUE_AMOUNT_12 1433 9 Alphanumeric
246 CMS_MDC 1442 2 Alphanumeric
247 APR_MDC 1444 2 Alphanumeric
248 CMS_DRG 1446 3 Alphanumeric
249 APR_DRG 1449 3 Alphanumeric
250 RISK_MORTALITY 1452 1 Alphanumeric
251 ILLNESS_SEVERITY 1453 1 Alphanumeric
252 ATTENDING_PHYSICIAN_UNIF_ID 1454 10 Alphanumeric
253 OPERATING_PHYSICIAN_UNIF_ID 1464 10 Alphanumeric
254 CERT_STATUS 1474 1 Alphanumeric
255 RECORD_ID 1475 12 Alphanumeric
Charges Data File
1 RECORD_ID 1 12 Alphanumeric
2 REVENUE_CODE 13 4 Alphanumeric
3 HCPCS_QUALIFIER 17 2 Alphanumeric
4 HCPCS_PROCEDURE_CODE 19 5 Alphanumeric
5 MODIFIER_1 24 2 Alphanumeric
6 MODIFIER_2 26 2 Alphanumeric
7 MODIFIER_3 28 2 Alphanumeric
8 MODIFIER_4 30 2 Alphanumeric
9 UNIT_MEASUREMENT_CODE 32 2 Alphanumeric
10 UNITS_OF_SERVICE 34 7 Numeric
11 UNIT_RATE 41 12 Numeric
12 CHRGS_LINE_ITEM 53 14 Numeric
13 CHRGS_NON_COV 67 14 Numeric

Texas Health Care Information Collection 55
Texas Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data
Public Use Data File
Reporting Status of Texas Hospitals, 2010
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
091001 Abilene Regional Medical Center x x x x
500000 Hendrick Medical Center x x x x
688000 Hendrick Center–Extended Care xLV x
LV x
LV x
846000 Acadia Abilene x xOC x x
920000 Reliant Rehab Hospital Abilene x x x x
689400 CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Alice–Laviana
Reports 4st quarter 2010 with 689401 xLV x
LV x
689401 CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Alice x x x x
724200 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Allen x x x x x x x x
854000 Twin Creeks Hospital x x x x
711900 Big Bend Regional Medical Center x x x x
212001 Clear Lake Regional Medical Center Alvin
Emergency Center 212000
001000 Baptist St Anthonys Health System–Baptist
Campus x x x x
318000 Northwest Texas Hospital x x x x
318001 Pavilion 318000
714000 Northwest Texas Surgery Center xLV x
LV x
LV x
796000 Plum Creek Specialty Hospital x x x x
818000 Triumph Hospital Amarillo x x x x
841400 Northwest Texas Rehab Hospital x x x x
852900 Physicians Surgical Hospital–Quail Creek x x x x
852901 Physicians Surgical Hospital–Panhandle
Campus x x x x
442000 Bayside Community Hospital * * * *
187000 Permian Regional Medical Center * * * *
126000 Angleton Danbury Medical Center x x x x x
016000 Anson General Hospital * * * *
Aransas Pass
239001 North Bay Hospital x x x x x
409001 Diagnostic & Surgery Center–Arlington xLV *** xLV ***
422000 Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital x x x x x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
502000 Medical Center–Arlington x x x x
660000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital–
Arlington x x x x
690000 Kindred Hospital–Tarrant County x x x x x x x x
765001 Millwood Hospital x x x xOC
799001 USMD Hospital–Arlington x x x x
831800 RehabCare Physical Rehab x x x x
936000 Baylor Orthopedic and Spine Hospital–
First reports 2nd quarter 2010
x x x
666000 Stonewall Memorial Hospital * * * *
374000 East Texas Medical Center–Athens x x x x
131000 Atlanta Memorial Hospital * * * *
873200 Emerus Hospital xLV x
LV x
LV x
000100 Austin State Hospital x x x x x x x x
000119 UTMB Austin Womens Hospital x x x x
035000 St Davids Hospital x x x x
335000 University Medical Center–Brackenridge x x x x x x x x
497000 Seton Medical Center x x x x x x x x
602000 South Austin Hospital x x x x
622001 Texas NeuroRehab Center x x x x
649000 St Davids Rehab Center x x x x
663000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital–Austin xOC x x x
700000 Cornerstone Hospital–Austin x x x x
739001 Texas NeuroRehab Center x x x x
770000 Seton Shoal Creek Hospital x x x x
794000 Northwest Hills Surgical Hospital x x x x
797500 Seton Southwest Hospital x x x x x x x x
797600 Seton Northwest Hospital x x x x x x x x
798500 Austin Surgical Hospital x x x x
822800 Westlake Medical Center x x x x
829000 Heart Hospital–Austin x x x x x
829900 North Austin Medical Center x x x x
852000 Dell Childrens Medical Center x x x x x x x x
854400 Central Texas Rehab Hospital x x x x
855200 Austin Lakes Hospital x x x x
469000 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Azle x x x x x x x x
234000 Ballinger Memorial Hospital District *x *x *xLV x
831400 Lakeside Hospital Bastrop
Last reports 2nd quarter 2010 xOC x
Bay City
006000 Matagorda Regional Medical Center x x x x x x x x
006001 Matagorda Regional Medical Center xLV x xLV x xLV x xLV x
405000 San Jacinto Methodist Hospital
x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 57
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
405002 San Jacinto Methodist Hospital–Alexander
Campus 405000
720401 Triumph Hospital Baytown x x x x
389000 Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas x x x x
389002 Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas Fannin
Behavioral Ctr 389000
444001 CHRISTUS Hospital x x x x
671000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital–Beaumont x x x x
708000 CHRISTUS Dubuis Hospital–Beaumont x x x x x x x x
826500 Beaumont Bone & Joint Institute *** xLV *** ***
861900 Kate Dishman Rehab Hospital x x x x x x
182000 Texas Health Harris Methodist HEB x x x x x x x x
182001 Texas Health Harris Methodist HEB 182000
778000 Texas Health Springwood Hospital x x x x x x x x
429001 CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital–Beeville x x x x
831900 Foundation Surgical Hospital x x x x
840100 First Street Hospital x x x x
552000 Bellville General Hospital * * * *
806002 Cedar Crest Hospital x x x x
Big Lake
343000 Reagan Memorial Hospital * * * *
Big Spring
000101 Big Spring State Hospital x x x x x x x x
221000 Scenic Mountain Medical Center x x x x
106001 Red River Regional Hospital x x x x
654000 Golden Plains Community Hospital x x x x
440000 Bowie Memorial Hospital * * * *
362000 Heart of Texas Memorial Hospital * * * *
430000 Stephens Memorial Hospital * * * *
066000 Scott & White Hospital–Brenham * * * *
868700 North Texas Community Hospital x x x x
078000 Brownfield Regional Medical Center * * * *
019000 Valley Regional Medical Center x x x x
314001 Valley Baptist Medical Center–Brownsville xOC x x x
314002 Valley Baptist Medical Center–Brownsville
Psych Unit 314001
724900 Brownsville Doctors Hospital x x xOC x
821100 South Texas Rehab Hospital x x x x
847500 Solara Hospital–Brownsville Campus x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
058000 Brownwood Regional Medical Center xOC x xOC x
002001 St Joseph Regional Health Center x x x x x x x x
002002 St Joseph Regional Rehab Center 002001
717500 Physicians Centre x x x x
864800 CHRISTUS Dubuis Hospital–Bryan xLV x x x x x x x
559000 Seton Highland Lakes xOC x x x x x x
679000 Burleson St Joseph Health Center–Caldwell x x x x x x x x
665000 Central Texas Hospital x x xOC x
457000 Hemphill County Hospital * * * *
Carrizo Springs
156000 Dimmit County Memorial Hospital * * * *
042000 Baylor Medical Center at Carrollton x x x x x x x x
835100 Regency Hospital North Dallas
Last reports 2nd quarter 2010 xOC C
484000 East Texas Medical Center–Carthage x x x x
Cedar Park
858300 Cedar Park Regional Medical Center x x x xOC
860500 Shelby Regional Medical Center x x xOC x
720400 Triumph Hospital–East Houston x x x x
026000 Childress Regional Medical Center x x x x
523000 Chillicothe Hospital * * * *
292000 East Texas Medical Center–Clarksville x x x x
323000 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital
Cleburne x x x x x x x x
108000 Cleveland Regional Medical Center x x x x
840400 Doctors Diagnostic Hospital xOC x
070000 Goodall–Witcher Healthcare Foundation * * * *
049000 Coleman County Medical Center * * * *
College Station
071000 College Station Medical Center x x x x
Colorado City
075000 Mitchell County Hospital x x x x
014000 Columbus Community Hospital * * * *
495001 Comanche County Medical Center
xOC x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 59
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
087000 Hunt Regional Community Hospital x x x x
508001 Conroe Regional Medical Center x x x x
695000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital–North
Houston x x x x
854100 Solara Hospital Conroe x x x x
915000 Aspire Behavioral Health–Conroe xLV x
LV x x
Corpus Christi
398000 CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi x x xOC x
398001 CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi–
Shoreline x x x x
398002 CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi–
South x x x x
488000 Driscoll Childrens Hospital x x x x
699000 Corpus Christi Specialty Hospital x x x x
703000 Corpus Christi Medical Center–Bay Area x x x x x x x x
703002 Corpus Christi Medical Center–Doctors
Regional x x x x x x x x
703003 Corpus Christi Medical Center–Heart
Hospital x x x x x x x x
704004 Corpus Christi Medical Center–Northwest
Reports 1st quarter 2010 with 703000 x x x x x x
716500 Padre Behavioral Hospital x x x x x
797001 Dubuis Hospital–Corpus Christi x x x x xLV x x x
804100 Kindred Hospital–Corpus Christi x x x x x
931000 South Texas Surgical Hospital xLV x x x
141000 Navarro Regional Hospital x x x x
467000 Crane Memorial Hospital * * * *
185000 East Texas Medical Center–Crockett x x x x
176000 Crosbyton Clinic Hospital * * * *
074000 Cuero Community Hospital * * * *
843200 North Cypress Medical Center x x x x
262000 Coon Memorial Hospital & Home * * * *
008001 Baylor Medical Center at Uptown xLV x
LV x x
028000 Kindred Hospital–Dallas x x x x x x x x
054000 Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children * * * *
142000 Methodist Charlton Medical Center x x x x
143000 Childrens Medical Center–Dallas x x x x
255000 Methodist Dallas Medical Center x x x x
331000 Baylor University Medical Center x x x x x x x x
340000 Medical City Dallas Hospital xOC x x x
431000 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas x x x x x x x x
448001 UT Southwestern University Hospital–St Paul x x x x
449000 RHD Memorial Medical Center x x x x
474000 Parkland Memorial Hospital x x x x x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
511000 Doctors Hospital–White Rock Lake x x x x
586000 Baylor Specialty Hospital x x x x x x x
642000 Baylor Institute for Rehab–Gaston Episcopal
Hospital x x x x x x
653001 UT Southwestern University Hospital–Zale
Lipshy x x x x
661001 Texas Specialty Hospital–Dallas x x x xOC
672000 Select Specialty Hospital–Dallas x x x x
680001 Reliant Rehab Hospital Dallas
First reports 4th quarter 2010 x
710000 Our Childrens House Baylor x x x x x x
717000 LifeCare Hospital–Dallas x x x x
719400 Kindred Hospital–White Rock x x x x x x x x
752000 Timberlawn Mental Health System x x x x
766000 Green Oaks Hospital x x x x
784400 Baylor Heart & Vascular Center x x x x x
813100 Texas Institute for Surgery–Texas Health
Presbyterian–D xLV x
LV x
LV x
818200 Pine Creek Medical Center x x x x
839100 Vibra Specialty Hospital xOC x
OC x
OC x
860600 North Central Surgical Center x x x x x x
862000 Methodist Rehab Hospital x x x x
872100 Global Rehab x x x x
900000 Forest Park Medical Center x x x x
908000 South Hampton Community Hospital x x x x
914000 Dallas LTAC x x x x x
De Soto
785900 Select Specialty Hospital–South Dallas x x x x
837800 Hickory Trail Hospital x xOC x x x
254000 Wise Regional Health System xOC x
OC x
OC x
254001 Wise Regional Health System xOC x
OC x
OC x
Del Rio
462000 Val Verde Regional Medical Center x x x x x
847000 Texoma Medical Center x x x x x x x
847001 Reba McEntire Center–Rehab 847000
847002 Texoma Medical Center Behavioral Health
Center 847000
864600 Carrus Specialty Hospital xLV x x xOC
336001 Denton Regional Medical Center x x x x
816500 North Texas Hospital xOC x
OC x
OC x
820800 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital–Denton x x x x x x x x
826800 University Behavioral Health–Denton x x x x
831700 Mayhill Hospital x x x x
844200 Integrity Transitional Hospital x x x x
847200 Atrium Medical Center–Corinth x x x x
871500 Select Rehab Hospital–Denton x x x x x
Denver City
485000 Yoakum County Hospital * * * *
803000 Community General Hospital Dilley Texas
xOC x
OC x
OC x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 61
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
260000 Plains Memorial Hospital * * * *
199000 Memorial Hospital *x *x *x x
Eagle Lake
560000 Rice Medical Center x x x xLV
Eagle Pass
547001 Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center x x x x
222000 Eastland Memorial Hospital * * * *
202000 Concho County Hospital * * * *
140002 Edinburg Regional Medical Center x x x x
797100 Doctors Hospital–Renaissance x x x x
797101 Womens Hospital–Renaissance 797100
797102 Behavioral Medicine–Renaissance 797100
797103 Rehab Center at Renaissance 797100
802004 South Texas Behavioral Health Center 802001
830000 Cornerstone Regional Hospital x x x x
816301 Solara Hospital x x x x
017000 Jackson Healthcare Center * * * *
El Campo
426000 El Campo Memorial Hospital x x x x
El Paso
000118 El Paso Psychiatric Center x x x x x x x x
130000 Providence Memorial Hospital x x x x
180000 Las Palmas Medical Center x xOC x x
180001 Las Palmas Rehab Hospital 180000
263000 The University Medical Center of El Paso x x x x x x x x
266000 Sierra Medical Center x x x x
319000 Del Sol Medical Center x x x x
701000 Mesa Hills Specialty Hospital x x OC x
718002 Highlands Regional Rehab Hospital x x x x
727100 Triumph Hospital El Paso x x x x
728200 El Paso Specialty Hospital x x x x
801300 East El Paso Physicians Medical Center x x x x
841300 El Paso LTAC Hospital x x xLV x x
858600 University Behavioral Health–El Paso x x x x
865000 Sierra Providence East Medical Center x x x x
136000 Schleicher County Medical Center xLV x
LV x
LV x
490000 Electra Memorial Hospital x xLV x
LV x
714500 Ennis Regional Medical Center x x x x x x
401000 East Texas Medical Center–Fairfield x x x x
433000 Connally Memorial Medical Center
x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
Flower Mound
943000 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower
First reports 2nd quarter 2010
x x x
Fort Stockton
356000 Pecos County Memorial Hospital * * * *
Fort Worth
047000 Huguley Memorial Medical Center x x x x x x x x
235000 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital–Fort
Worth x x x x x x x x
332000 Cook Childrens Medical Center x x x x x x x x
363000 Baylor All Saints Medical Center–Fort Worth x x x x x x x x
363001 Baylor Medical Center–Southwest Fort Worth x x x x x x x x
409000 John Peter Smith Hospital x x x x x x x x
477000 Plaza Medical Center–Fort Worth x x x x
627000 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital–
Southwest x x x x x x x x
652000 Texas Health Specialty Hospital–Fort Worth xLV x xLV x xLV x xLV x
659000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital x x x x
662000 HEALTHSOUTH City View Rehab Hospital x x x x
690600 LifeCare Hospital–Fort Worth x x x x
800000 Kindred Hospital–Tarrant County x x x x x x x x
800700 Kindred Hospital–Fort Worth x x x x x x x x
804500 Baylor Surgical Hospital–Fort Worth x x x x
839200 Regency Hospital–Fort Worth x x x x
861400 USMD Hospital Fort Worth x x x x
873800 Global Rehab–Fort Worth x x x x
219000 Hill Country Memorial Hospital xOC x
OC x
OC x
200000 Parmer Medical Center * * * *
787400 Baylor Medical Center–Frisco x xOC x
OC x
806300 Centennial Medical Center x x x x
942000 Kessler Rehabilitation Hospital
First reports 3rd quarter 2010 *** xLV
298000 North Texas Medical Center xN x
N x x xOC
000102 UT Medical Branch Hospital x x x x
247000 Shriners Burns Hospital–Galveston * * * *
027000 Baylor Medical Center–Garland x x x x x x x x
359002 Vista Hospital–Dallas xOC x xLV x
346000 Coryell Memorial Hospital x x x x
835700 St Davids Georgetown Hospital x x x x
806800 East Texas Medical Center–Gilmer x x x x
Glen Rose
059000 Glen Rose Medical Center * * * *
103000 Memorial Hospital * * * *

Texas Health Care Information Collection 63
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
094000 Graham Regional Medical Center * * * *
424000 Lake Granbury Medical Center x x x x
Grand Saline
138000 Cozby–Germany Hospital x xOC x
OC x
513000 Baylor Regional Medical Center–Grapevine x x x x x
858200 Ethicus Hospital DFW x x x x
085000 Hunt Regional Medical Center Greenville x x x x x
754000 Glen Oaks Hospital x x x x
052000 Limestone Medical Center * * * *
907000 Renaissance Hospital–Groves x xOC x
OC x
527000 Lavaca Medical Center * * * *
640000 Hamilton General Hospital * * * *
305000 Hamlin Memorial Hospital * * * *
000104 Rio Grande State Center x x x x x x x x
400000 Valley Baptist Medical Center x x x x x xOC
788002 Harlingen Medical Center x x x x
840700 Solara Hospital Harlingen x x x x
572000 Haskell Memorial Hospital * * * *
522000 Sabine County Hospital x x x x
248000 East Texas Medical Center Henderson xOC x
OC x
OC x
193000 Clay County Memorial Hospital * * * *
420000 Hereford Regional Medical Center * * * *
383000 Hill Regional Hospital x x x x
427000 Medina Regional Hospital * * * *
000105 UT MD Anderson Cancer Center x x x x x
000115 Harris County Psychiatric Center x x x x
007000 Womans Hospital–Texas x x x xOC
030000 Doctors Hospital–Tidwell x x x x
117000 Texas Childrens Hospital x x x x
118000 St Lukes Episcopal Hospital x x x x x x x x
119000 Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital x x x x
124000 Methodist Hospital x x x x
124001 West Pavillion 124000
164000 TIRR Memorial Hermann x x x x
172000 Memorial Hermann Northwest Hospital x x x x
206003 Select Specialty Hospital–Houston Heights x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
206004 Select Specialty Hospital–Houston West x x x x
206005 Select Specialty Hospital–Houston Medical
Center x x x x
229000 Houston Northwest Medical Center x x x x x x
302000 Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical
Center x x x x x
337001 West Houston Medical Center x x x x x x x
347000 Memorial Hermann Hospital x x x x
384000 Lyndon B Johnson General Hospital x x x x
390000 Park Plaza Hospital x x x x
407000 Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital x x x x
421000 Spring Branch Medical Center x x *** ***
458001 East Houston Regional Medical Center x x x xOC
459000 Ben Taub General Hospital x x x x
459001 Quentin Mease Community Hospital x x x x
460000 Riverside General Hospital x x x x
526000 Shriners Hospitals For Children * * * *
606000 Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center x x x x
646000 HEALTHSOUTH Hospital–Houston x x x x
674000 TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital x x x x
676000 Kindred Hospital–Houston x x xOC x x x x
678000 Triumph Hospital–Central Houston x x x xLV x
698005 Cornerstone Hospital Houston–Bellaire x x x x
706000 Kindred Hospital Houston NW x x x xOC
712500 HealthBridge Childrens Hospital–Houston x x xOC x
713400 Triumph Hospital–North Houston x x x x
715001 Texas Specialty Hospital–Houston x x xLV x
724700 Methodist Willowbrook Hospital x x x x x
740000 St Lukes Hospital at the Vintage
First reports 4th quarter 2010 x x
744001 Cypress Creek Hospital x x x x
755001 West Oaks Hospital x x x x
758000 Houston Hospital for Specialized Surgery xLV x
LV x
LV x
762001 IntraCare Medical Center Hospital x x x x
763000 Plaza Specialty Hospital x x x x
782001 Intracare North Hospital x x x x
792000 Texas Orthopedic Hospital x x x x x
792600 Triumph Hospital–Northwest x x x x
792702 Triumph Hospital Town & Country x x x x x
794200 Menninger Clinic x x x x
807000 CHRISTUS Dubuis Hospital–Houston xLV x xLV x xLV x xLV x
838400 Memorial Hermann Rehab Hospital x x x x x
838600 St Joseph Medical Center x x x x x x x x
840200 University General Hospital OC x x x x x x
844900 Behavioral Hospital–Bellaire
Last reports 3rd quarter 2010 x xOC x
OC x
856300 Acuity Hospital–Houston xLV x
LV x xLV
909000 St Anthonys Hospital x x x x
941000 Triumph Hospital–The Heights
First reports 2nd quarter 2010 x x x
956000 Westbury Community Hospital
First reports 3rd quarter 2010 *** x x
969200 Behavioral Hospital–Bellaire
First reports 3rd quarter 2010
OC x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 65
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
616000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital x x x x
847100 Memorial Hermann Northeast x x x x x
865900 Icon Hospital x x x xLV
901100 Humble Surgical Hospital
First reports 4th quarter 2010
325000 La Hacienda Treatment Center
Last reports 2nd quarter 2010
x CN
061000 Huntsville Memorial Hospital x x x x
812300 Southwest Surgical Hospital xLV x x x
850200 Cook Childrens Northeast Hospital xOC x
OC x
OC x
258000 Iraan General Hospital * * * *
300000 Baylor Medical Center–Irving x x x x x x x x
799500 Irving Coppell Surgical Hospital x x x x
814000 Las Colinas Medical Center x x x x
046000 Faith Community Hospital * * * *
416000 East Texas Medical Center–Jacksonville x x x x
725400 Mother Frances Hospital–Jacksonville x x x x
038001 CHRISTUS Jasper Memorial Hospital x x x x
334002 South Texas Regional Medical Center x x x x
205000 Kimble Hospital xLV x
LV x xLV
534001 Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital x x x x
715901 CHRISTUS St Catherine Hospital x x x x
848000 Kingsland Hospital of Katy
Last reports 3rd quarter 2010 x CNLV x
303000 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital–Kaufman x x x x x x x x
357000 Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital * * * *
062000 Winkler County Memorial Hospital xLV x
LV x
LV x
000106 Kerrville State Hospital xLV x xLV x xLV x xLV x
406000 Peterson Regional Medical Center x x x x x
031001 Allegiance Specialty Hospital–Kilgore x x x x
397001 Metroplex Hospital x x x x
397002 Metroplex Pavilion 397001
216001 CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital–Kleberg x x x x
675000 Kingwood Medical Center x x x xOC

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
813800 Memorial Hermann Specialty Hospital
Kingwood xLV x
LV x
LV x
818600 Kingwood Pines Hospital x x x x
Knox City
568000 Knox County Hospital * * * *
921000 Seton Medical Center Hays x x x x x x x x
La Grange
823400 St Marks Medical Center x x x x
Lake Jackson
436000 Brazosport Regional Health System x x x x
341000 Medical Arts Hospital * * * *
397000 Rollins–Brooks Community Hospital x x x x
207001 Laredo Medical Center x x x x x
301000 Doctors Hospital–Laredo x x x x
836300 Laredo Specialty Hospital x x x x x
League City
718000 Devereux Texas Treatment Network x x x x
307000 Covenant Hospital–Levelland x x x x
394000 Medical Center–Lewisville x x x x x
089001 Liberty–Dayton Regional Medical Center x x x x
822100 Good Shepherd Medical Center–Linden xOC x x xOC
217000 Lamb Healthcare Center * * * *
466000 Memorial Medical Center–Livingston x x x x
476000 Llano Memorial Hospital * * * x
010000 WJ Mangold Memorial Hospial * * * *
029000 Good Shepherd Medical Center x x x x
525000 Longview Regional Medical Center x x x x
794600 Select Specialty Hospital–Longview x x x x
862100 Behavioral Hospital Longview
Last reports 2nd quarter 2010 xLV x
944000 Behavioral Hospital Longview
First reports 2nd quarter 2010 x x x
013001 Grace Medical Center x x x x
109000 Covenant Medical Center–Lakeside x x x x x x x x
145000 University Medical Center x x x x x x x x
465000 Covenant Medical Center x x x x x x x
686000 Covenant Childrens Hospital x x x x x x x
786001 Southwest Regional Specialty Hospital x x x x
801500 Lubbock Heart Hospital xN x
N x
N x
804000 Sunrise Canyon x x xOC x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 67
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
846200 Covenant Specialty Hospital x x x x
865800 Trustpoint Hospital xN x
N x
N x
940000 Texas Specialty Hospital Lubbock
First reports 2nd quarter 2010 x
LV x
LV x
129000 Memorial Medical Center East Texas x x x x
481000 Woodland Heights Medical Center x x x x
691000 Memorial Specialty Hospital xLV x x x
597000 Seton Edgar B Davis Hospital xOC x x x x x x
848200 Warm Springs Specialty Hospital–Luling x x x x
041000 Madison St Joseph Health Center x x x x x x x x
657000 Kindred Hospital–Mansfield x x x x x x x x
842800 Methodist Mansfield Medical Center x x x x
517000 Falls Community Hospital & Clinic * * * *
020000 Good Shepherd Medical Center–Marshall x x x x x x x x
601000 Rio Grande Regional Hospital x x x x
802001 McAllen Medical Center x x x x
802003 McAllen Heart Hospital 802001
816300 Solara Hospital x x x x
821001 LifeCare Hospital–South Texas–South x x x x
821002 LifeCare Hospitals–South Texas–North x x x x
240000 McCamey Hospital * * * *
246000 Columbia Medical Center–McKinney x x x x
246001 Medical Center McKinney–Wysong Campus 246000
922000 The Hospital at Craig Ranch x x x x
937000 Methodist McKinney Hospital
First reports 2nd quarter 2010 x
LV x x
315003 Dallas Regional Medical Center xOC x
OC x
OC x
840000 Mesquite Specialty Hospital x x x x x
505000 Parkview Regional Hospital x x x x
452000 Midland Memorial Hospital x x x x
452002 Midland Memorial Hospital–West Campus 452000
693000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital–
Midland/Odessa x x x x
789900 Select Specialty Hospital–Midland x x x x
874500 BCA Permian Basin x x x x
924000 Allegiance Health Center Permian Basin xLV x x x
Mineral Wells
034000 Palo Pinto General Hospital x x x x
370000 Mission Regional Medical Center x x xOC x
Missouri City
609001 Memorial Hermann Sugar Land x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
468000 Ward Memorial Hospital * * * *
159000 Cochran Memorial Hospital * * * *
Mount Pleasant
137000 Titus Regional Medical Center * * * *
Mount Vernon
282000 East Texas Medical Center–Mount Vernon x x x x
365000 Muenster Memorial Hospital * * * *
631000 Muleshoe Area Medical Center * * * *
392000 Nacogdoches Medical Center x x x x
478000 Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital x x x xOC
478001 Cecil R Bomar Rehab Center 478000
Nassau Bay
600001 CHRISTUS St John Hospital x x x x
002000 St Joseph Regional Health Center Behavioral
Health 002001
728800 Grimes St Joseph Health Center x x x x x x x x
New Braunfels
851800 Gulf States LTAC–New Braunfels xN x x x x
863300 CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital New
Braunfels x x x x
348000 Nocona General Hospital * * * *
181000 Medical Center–Hospital x x x x
425000 Odessa Regional Medical Center–6th Street x x x x
791001 Regency Hospital–Odessa x x xLV x
938000 Basin Healthcare Center
First reports 2nd quarter 2010 x x x
294000 Hamilton Hospital * * * *
121000 Memorial Hermann Baptist Orange Hospital x x x x
851400 Harbor Hospital–Southeast Texas x x x x
574001 Palacios Community Medical Center x x xOC x xOC
377001 Palestine Regional Rehab Hospital xLV x
LV x
LV x
629001 Palestine Regional Medical Center x x x x
629002 Palestine Regional Medical Center Psych
Services 629001
832900 Pampa Regional Medical Center x x x x
095002 Paris Regional Medical Center South Campus x x x x x x
095003 Paris Regional Medical Center North Campus 095002
787500 Dubuis Hospital–Paris xLV x xLV x xLV x xLV x
349001 Bayshore Medical Center x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 69
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
694100 Surgery Specialty Hospitals of America–
Southeast Houston x x x xLV
801000 Kindred Hospital x x xOC x x x x
846100 Patients Medical Center x x x x
441000 Frio Regional Hospital * * * *
367000 Reeves County Hospital * * * *
098000 Ochiltree General Hospital * * * *
438000 East Texas Medical Center–Pittsburg x x x x
146000 Covenant Hospital–Plainview x x x xOC x
816001 Allegiance Behavioral Health Center–
Plainview x x x x
143001 Childrens Medical Center Legacy x x x x
214000 Medical Center–Plano x x x x
664000 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital–Plano x x x x x x x x
670000 HEALTHSOUTH Plano Rehab Hospital x x x x x x x x
720000 Texas Health Seay Behavioral Health Center x x x x x x x x
789800 LifeCare Hospital–Plano x x x x x x x x
805000 Plano Specialty Hospital x x x x
814001 Baylor Regional Medical Center–Plano x x x x x x x x
815300 Texas Health Center–Diagnostics & Surgery
Plano x x x x
844000 Heart Hospital Baylor Plano x x x x x x
913000 Integra Hospital Plano x x x xOC
Port Arthur
299001 CHRISTUS Hospital–St Mary x x x x
464002 Medical Center–Southeast Texas x xOC x
OC x
708001 CHRISTUS Dubuis Hospital–Port Arthur xLV x xLV x xLV x xLV x
792100 Promise Specialty Hospital–Southeast Texas x x xOC x
Port Lavaca
487000 Memorial Medical Center * * * *
102000 Hardeman County Memorial Hospital * * * *
411000 East Texas Medical Center–Quitman x x x x
290000 Rankin County Hospital District * * * *
368000 Refugio County Memorial Hospital District * * * *
549000 Methodist Richardson Medical Center x x x x x x x x
549001 Bush Renner *** *** *** ***
861300 Reliant Rehab Hospital North Texas x x x xOC
Richland Hills
437000 North Hills Hospital x x x x
230000 Oakbend Medical Center x x x x
230001 Oakbend Medical Center
x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
Rio Grande City
393000 Starr County Memorial Hospital x x x x
369000 Richards Memorial Hospital x x x x
859900 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital–Rockwall x x x x
355000 Fisher County Hospital District * * * *
Round Rock
608000 Round Rock Medical Center x x x x x x x x
852600 Scott & White Hospital–University Medical
Campus x x x x
861700 Seton Medical Center Williamson x x x x x x x x
866100 Reliant Rehab Hospital Central Texas x x x x
625000 Lake Pointe Medical Center x x x x
000107 Rusk State Hospital x x x x x x x x
San Angelo
056000 San Angelo Community Medical Center x x x x
168000 Shannon West Texas Memorial Hospital x x xOC x
445000 Shannon Medical Center–St Johns Campus 168000
747000 River Crest Hospital x x x x
San Antonio
000108 Texas Center for Infectious Disease OC xLV x
LV x
LV x
000110 San Antonio State Hospital x x x x x x x x
081001 Southeast Baptist Hospital x x x x
114001 Baptist Medical Center x x x x
134001 Northeast Baptist Hospital x x x x
154000 Methodist Hospital x x x x
154001 Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital xOC x x x
154002 Northeast Methodist Hospital x x x x
158000 University Hospital x x x x
228001 Southwest General Hospital x x x x
283000 Metropolitan Methodist Hospital xOC x
OC x x
339000 CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital x x x x
339001 CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Medical Center x x x x
339002 CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital–Westover
Hills x x x x
396001 Nix Specialty Health Center 396002
396002 Nix Health Care System x x x x
503001 St Lukes Baptist Hospital x x x x
634000 CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Childrens Hospital x x x x
636000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Institute–San Antonio x x x x
645000 Kindred Hospital–San Antonio x x x x
677001 North Central Baptist Hospital x x x x
681001 Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Hospital–
Northwest x x x x
702001 Acuity Hospital South Texas xLV x
LV x xLV
711000 COMPASS Hospital San Antonio
Last reports 1st quarter 2010 x
719300 Select Specialty Hospital–San Antonio x x x x
723001 Laurel Ridge Treatment Center x x x x
737000 Southwest Mental Health Center x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 71
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
786800 South Texas Spine & Surgical Hospital x x x x x
799200 Promise Specialty Hospital–San Antonio x x xLV x
800600 Texsan Heart Hospital x x x x
815000 LifeCare Hospital–San Antonio x x x x
820600 Innova Hospital–San Antonio x x x x
844600 Warm Springs Rehab Hospital–San Antonio x x x x
852100 Foundation Bariatric Hospital–San Antonio x xLV x x
874100 Methodist Stone Oak Hospital xOC x
OC x x
939000 GlobalRehab Hospital–San Antonio
First reports 2nd quarter 2010
x x x
San Augustine
072000 Memorial Medical Center–San Augustine x x x x
San Marcos
556000 Central Texas Medical Center x x x x
155000 Guadalupe Regional Medical Center x x x x
113000 Memorial Hospital * * * *
546000 Seymour Hospital * * * *
571000 Shamrock General Hospital * * * *
795000 Nexus Specialty Hospital Shenandoah Campus x x x xOC OC
873700 Reliant Rehab Hospital North Houston xOC x
OC x
OC x
297000 Wilson N Jones Medical Center x x x x
875300 Lifelong Independence and Fitness
Enrichment Center x x x x
957000 Carrus Rehab Hospital
First reports 3rd quarter 2010 x
LV x
385000 Smithville Regional Hospital x x x x
439000 Cogdell Memorial Hospital * * * *
147000 Lillian M Hudspeth Memorial Hospital *x *x *xLV x
812800 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital
Southlake x x x x
395000 Hansford County Hospital * * * *
874000 Atrium Medical Center x x x x
043000 Stamford Memorial Hospital * * * *
388000 Martin County Hospital District * * * *
256000 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital–
Stephenville x x x x x x x x
Sugar Land
790500 Sugar Land Surgical Hospital x x x x
792700 Triumph Hospital–Southwest x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
823000 Methodist Sugar Land Hospital x x x x
844500 Sugar Land Rehab Hospital
Last reports 2nd quarter 2010 xOC C
869700 St Lukes Sugar Land Hospital x x x x x x x x
916000 Sugar Land 24 Hour Hospital *** xLV x
LV x
969000 HEALTHSOUTH Sugar Land Rehab
First reports 4th quarter 2010
Sulphur Springs
280000 Hopkins County Memorial Hospital * * * *
919000 Texas Regional Medical Center x x x xOC
178000 Sweeny Community Hospital x x x x x
471000 Rolling Plains Memorial Hospital * * * *
192000 Lynn County Hospital District * * * *
044000 Johns Community Hospital x x x xOC
186000 Kings Daughters Hospital xOC x x ***
537000 Scott & White Memorial Hospital x x x x
537001 Scott & White Santa Fe Center 537000
537002 Scott & White Pavilion 537000
537003 Scott & White Memorial Hospital–SNF x x x x
537004 Scott & White Memorial Hospital–Rehab
Last reports 3rd quarter 2010 x x x
537005 Scott & White Memorial Hospital–Psych x x x x
850300 Scott & White Continuing Care x x x x
000111 Terrell State Hospital x x x x x x x x
848600 Renaissance Hospital Terrell x x xOC x
144000 Wadley Regional Medical Center x x x xOC
684000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital–Texarkana x x x x
713001 CHRISTUS St Michael Rehab Hospital x x x x
788001 CHRISTUS St Michael Health System x x x x x x x
822000 Dubuis Hospital–Texarkana x x x x x x x x
847600 Dubuis Hospital–Texarkana–Wadley x x xLV x x x x x
Texas City
793000 Mainland Medical Center xOC x
OC x
OC x
The Woodlands
615000 Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital x x x x
793100 St Lukes Community Medical Center–The
Woodlands x x x x x x x x
795001 Nexus Specialty Hospital xLV x
LV x
OC x
923000 St Lukes Lakeside Hospital x x x x x x x x
428000 Throckmorton County Memorial Hospital * * * *
076000 Tomball Regional Hospital xOC x
OC x
OC x
792601 Triumph Hospital Tomball
x x x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection 73
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
287000 East Texas Medical Center–Trinity x x x x
Trophy Club
805100 Baylor Medical Center Trophy Club x x x x
273000 Swisher Memorial Hospital * * * *
000112 UT Health Center–Tyler x x x x
286000 Mother Frances Hospital x x x x
410000 East Texas Medical Center x x x x
410001 East Texas Medical Center Behavioral Health
Center 410000
692000 Trinity Mother Frances Rehab Hospital x x x x x
777000 East Texas Medical Center Specialty Hospital x x x x
790200 Texas Spine & Joint Hospital x x x x
799000 East Texas Medical Center Rehab Hospital x x x x
806500 Tyler Continue Care Hospital–Mother
Frances x x x x
063000 Uvalde Memorial Hospital x x x x
Van Horn
139000 Culberson Hospital xLV x
LV x
LV x
000113 North Texas State Hospital–Vernon 000114
084000 Wilbarger General Hospital * * * *
064000 Citizens Medical Center x x x x
453000 DeTar Hospital–Navarro x x x x x x x x
453001 DeTar Hospital–North 453000
812000 Triumph Hospital Victoria x x x x
848100 Warm Springs Specialty Hospital–Victoria x x x x
000117 Waco Center for Youth xLV x xLV x xLV x xLV x
040000 Providence Health Center x x x x
506000 Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center x x xOC x
506001 Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center 506000
736000 DePaul Center–Div of Providence Health Center x xOC x x
285000 Baylor Medical Center–Waxahachie x x x x x x x x
844800 Weatherford Regional Medical Center x x x x
212000 Clear Lake Regional Medical Center x x x x
680000 Clear Lake Rehab Hospital x x x x
698004 Cornerstone Hospital Houston–Clear Lake x x x x
720402 Triumph Hospital–Clearlake x x x x
822001 Houston Physicians Hospital x x x x
005000 Colorado–Fayette Medical Center * * * *
195000 Collingsworth General Hospital
x xLV x x

Texas Health Care Information Collection
With 1Q10 With
Comment 2Q10 With
Comment 3Q10 With
Comment 4Q10 With
480000 Knapp Medical Center x x x x
808500 Weslaco Rehab Hospital x x x x
833000 Gulf Coast Medical Center x x x x
116000 Parkview Hospital * * * *
161000 Lake Whitney Medical Center x x x x
Wichita Falls
000114 North Texas State Hospital x x x x x x x x
417000 United Regional Health Care System x x x x
681400 Kell West Regional Hospital x x x x
685000 HEALTHSOUTH Rehab Hospital–Wichita
Falls x x x x
709001 Red River Hospital x x x x x
820002 Texas Specialty Hospital–Wichita Falls x x xOC x
781400 Winnie Community Hospital x x x x
446000 Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital–
Last reports 1st quarter 2010
x x
446001 Mother Frances Hospital Winnsboro x x x x
151000 North Runnels Hospital * * * *
569000 Tyler County Hospital * * * *
023000 Yoakum Community Hospital xOC x
OC x
OC x
Total exempt hospitals 88 88 88 84
Total exempt hospitals voluntarily reporting 3 3 3 0
Total hospitals not in compliance. No data submitted 2 0 2 1
Total hospitals with discharges reported by another
hospital 32 31 30 31
Total reporting 546 555 550 553
Note: Hospitals that report discharge data with another hospital are so indicated in the ‘Reports With’ column.
C Closed, no data submitted.
CN Closed, data not certified.
NC Certification comments not submitted to DSHS.
OC Not in compliance for this quarter. No data submitted.
x Hospital submitted and certified data, submitted comments.
lv Hospital with fewer than fifty discharges in the quarter. The hospital IDs for these hospitals have been changed to
'999999' in the Public Use Data File, but their comments are listed under their actual THCIC ID. Other changes to
the patient records for these hospitals are indicated in the 'Data Dictionary'.
N Hospital elected not to certify data.
x OC Hospital did not certify data. Not in compliance for this quarter.
Texas Health Care Information Collection 75
Exempt hospital. Includes those located in a county with a population less than 35,000, or those located in a county
with a population more than 35,000 and with fewer than 100 licensed hospital beds and not located in an area that is
delineated as an urbanized area by the United States Bureau of the Census (Section 108.0025). Also includes
hospitals that do not seek insurance payment or government reimbursement (Section 108.009).
No discharges for this quarter.